80 y Bieigewsn, sre = A HARVARD UNIVERSITY e Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology ale, vis, COMP, z L LIBRARY “TSSN 0250-4162 6Te? JUL 2 fr - ARV Am UNIVERSITY SCOPUS A quarterly ornithological publication of the East Africa Natural History Society Volume 5 (1) March 1981 20 shillings SCOPUS Scopus is published five times a year by the East Africa Natural History Society's Ornithological Sub-Committee. Subscriptions are payable to the Hon. Treasurer (and Secretary), D.A. Turner, Scopus a/c, Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya, at the following rates: East African residents: KShs 75.00 : Overseas, Surface mail: Sterling £6.00 or US$12.00 Overseas, air mail: Sterling £7.50 or US$15.00 Overseas rates apply to all countries other than Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Those wishing to remit by bank transfer should do so to D.A. Turner, Scopus a/c, No. 2852601, Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited, Market Branch, Box 30018, Nairobi. All material for Scopus, including papers and short communications, should be sent to the Chairman of the Ornithological Sub-Committee, Dr D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi. 'Notes for Contributors' are given below. Other Sub-Committee members are: G.C. Backhurst (Editor of Scopus and Ringing Organizer - Nairobi), Mrs Hazel A. Britton (Nest Record Scheme Organizer - Mombasa), P.L. Britton (Mombasa), Dr Margaret Carswell (Kampala), Dr J.D. Gerhart (Cairo), Dr K.M. Howell (Dar es Salaam), Dr A.D. Lewis (Nairobi), C.F. Mann (UK), B.S. Meadows (Nairobi), Prof. D.E. Pomeroy (Nairobi), J.F. Reynolds (UK), D.K. Richards (Nairobi) and P.B. Taylor (Mombasa). NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scopus welcomes original contributions in English on all aspects of the ornith- ology of eastern Africa pertinent to Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Contributions will be assessed by the Sub-Committee and by independent referees. The material published in Scopus will be divided into 'papers' and 'short communications', the latter will usually be less than two Scopus-pages in length. Contributions should be typed in double spacing on one side of the paper only, with wide margins all round, and they should be submitted in duplicate. Exceptionally, clear hand-written MSS will be considered but these too should be sent in duplicate. Both English and scientific names of birds should be given when the species is first mentioned, thereafter only one should be used. Normally, authorities for taxa should not be given. English and scientific names should be those used in Birds of East Africa unless the species does not occur in that work. Tables, which should be numbered, should appear in the typescript, not grouped on separate sheets at the end. Metric units should be used. If non-metric units were used in the original observation or experiment, the approximate metric equivalent should be given in brackets. Illustrations should be on bristol board, good quality white paper or tracing paper, in line - i.e. black on white, and should not be larger than 19 X 23cm. Lettering (in black) will be the responsibility of the author and should be done neatly in Letraset, no larger than 14 point (3.9mm). Each illustration should be numbered (Fig. 1, etc.) and provided with a legend typed on a separate sheet of paper. Photographs will be considered if they are absolutely necessary. Any references cited should be listed at the end of the contribution following the form used in this issue. Names of periodicals must be given in full and, in the case of books, the town of publication and the publisher should be given. .A number of works, which are cited frequently, should not be listed under Continued inside back cover Scopus 5 (1) March 1981 SCOPUS AN EXPLANATION FOR THE DISJUNCT DISTRIBUTIONS OF MODULATRIX OROSTRUTHUS AND APALIS (OR ORTHOTOMUS) MOREAUI Simon NWN. Stuart Of the rare species of forest bird occurring in the Usambara Mountains, Tan- zania, documented by Stuart & van der Willigen (1978), two are remarkable for their disjunct distributions. These are the Dappled Mountain Robin Modulatrix orostruthus and the Long-billed Apalis Apalis moreaui. An explanation for their extraordinary distributions is offered below. MODULATRIX OROSTRUTHUS This species is known from Namuli Mountain in northern Mozambique (Vincent 1933), and the East Usambara Mountains in northeastern Tanzania (Sclater & Moreau 1935). These two localities represent the northern and southern ends of a chain of isolated mountain blocks known for their similar avifaunas (termed the Tanganyika-Nyasa montane forest group by Moreau (1966)). It is reasonable to assume that M.orostruthus is a relic that once occurred in most of the intervening mountain forests. The species was initially considered to be a greenbul (Phyllastrephus orostruthus), and perhaps for this reason Hall & Moreau (1970) suggested that it had been overrun, and largely replaced, by the Olive Mountain Greenbul Phyllastrephus placidus. Virtually nothing is known of the habits of M. orostruthus, there being very few sightings of it in the field. Stomach samples show its food to be insects. It seems likely that it feeds on the ground, and this is supported by its relatively long tarsus (mean 27.2mm+ 0.6mm, standard error from a sample (n) of 7 birds). Stronger evidence comes from the very dirty rings found on retrapped birds (pers. obs.) which indicate ground-feeding. Also, M.orostruthus tends to be caught low down in mist nets, very rarely as high as 1m off the ground. Phyllastrephus Placidus, on the other hand, though living in the ground stratum, forages almost entirely in vegetation where it feeds on insects. It almost never alights on the ground, and it is doubted, therefore, that it competes in any way with M. orostruthus. Benson & Irwin (1975) re-classified the bird as a robin in the genus Mod- ulatrix. The only other member of this genus, the Spot-throat M. stictigula, would appear to be a more likely candidate for competition with M. orostruthus. This species is endemic to the Tanganyika-Nyasa montane forest group, occurring in virtually all the mountain forests from the Usambaras south to the Nyika Plateau in northern Malawi. It is, however, absent from Namuli Mountain, where M.orostruthus occurs. It is also very rare in the East Usambaras (the only other recorded locality for M.orostruthus). Modulatrix stictigula is abund- ant in most parts of its range, being confined to montane forest. However, the forests of the East Usambaras at only 900m are not truly montane; indeed, they Scopus 5: 1-4, March i981 ‘ 2 Two disjunct distributions were termed ‘Intermediate Evergreen Forests' by Moreau (1935). It would appear that these forests are not very suitable for M. stictigula. Modulatrix oro- struthus survives, therefore, in two localities: one where M. stictigula is absent and one where it is very rare. This suggests that M. orostruthus was once widespread in the forests of the Tanganyika-Nyasa highlands, but was later displaced by M. stictigula. If this is the case, M.orostruthus could be present in other parts of the Tanganyika-Nyasa highlands where M. stictigula is rare or absent. Such localities are probably very few, but the Intermediate Evergreen Forests on the eastern slopes of the Uluguru and Nguru Mountains in eastern Tanzania may be suitable (although Th. Andersen collected many birds at 1000m in the Ulugurus, he did not take this species (P.L. Britton pers. comm.)). The close interlocking of the ranges of the two members of Modulatrix lends strong support to the reclassification of Benson & Irwin (1975). There are also ecological reasons for suspecting M. orostruthus and M. sticti- gula to be in competition. Modulatrix stictigula is also insectivorous, forag- ing almost entirely on the ground. Both species are of similar size, weights being as follows: M. orostruthus 3a 200 SE M. stictigula 30.3.9. SE a Reo Pain «eee / a t 2 40Gy) = 833 It may be objected that if M. orostruthus has been displaced by its congener, then there should be nothing to prevent it from occurring in some of the low- land forests of eastern East Africa, where M. stictigula is absent. In partic- ular, why is it absent from the foothill forests of the East Usambaras, which are contiguous with the Amani forests? There is another possible competitor in these low altitude forests, the Pale-breasted Illadopsis Trichastoma rufipennis. This is common in the East Usambara foothill forests, but occurs in smaller numbers, where it is sympatric with either species of Modulatrix from 900m at Amani up to at least 1200m in the West Usambaras. It is only slightly smaller than the other two species’ (27-3g + 2-9'g, nm ="23), as "inseetiverous, and feeds at least partially, if not mainly, on the ground. It may be that the presence of the genus Modulatrix in the Tanganyika-Nyasa highlands accounts, at least in part, for the very poor representation of the genus Trichastoma in this region. The Orange Ground Thrush Turdus gurneyi is sometimes mentioned as a com- petitor with M. stictigula. It is considered most unlikely that it competes with either species of Modulatrix since it is about twice the size and feeds to a large extent on berries. In conclusion, it appears possible that the disjunct distribution of M. oro- struthus has arisen as a result of competition with M. stictigula, and, toa lesser extent, Trichastoma rufipennis. It seems unlikely that other species such as Phyllastrephus placidus and Turdus gurneyi could be competitors. APALIS (or ORTHOTOMUS) MOREAUIL This species is known from the Njesi Plateau in northern Mozambique (Benson 1945), and from the East Usambara Mountains (Sclater 1931). As with the pre- vious species, it seems likely that it once occurred in most of the forests of the Tanganyika-Nyasa highlands, but has now been largely displaced. Apalis moreaui, with its dull plumage and skulking habits, shows few characteristics of the genus Apalis. It therefore seems unlikely that it should have been overrun by another member of this genus. Even the Bar-throated Apalis A. thor- acica usually occurs markedly higher above the ground. Hall & Moreau (1962) suggested that A. moreaui should be placed in the genus Orthotomus. There is a strong morphological and behavioural similarity between this species and the Red-capped Forest Warbler Orthotomus metopias. This latter species is endemic to the Tanganyika-Nyasa highlands, occurring on most of its mountain blocks, Two disjunct distributions 3 though absent from Mt Rungwe and all of Malawi. It has not been recorded from the East Usambaras for over 40 years, its rarity here probably being due to the presence of A. moreaui. The two species are sympatric on the Njesi Plateau, and if the number of specimens that have been collected of each species (see Benson 1946) can be related to the birds' abundance, then perhaps they occur here in similar numbers. This indication could be pure chance, and one or the other might be declining to eventual local extinction (as seems to apply to O.metopias in the East Usambaras). Interestingly, Benson's collector reported that on the Njesi Plateau A. moreaui occurred in the canopy (Benson 1946). This seems surprising in view of the species' observed habits in the Usambaras, and as a result Benson wonders if a mistake was made (see Hall & Moreau 1970). However, it is possible that A. moreaui has avoided competition with O. metopias on the Njesi Plateau by becoming a canopy species, allowing both to occur in similar numbers. The weights of the two species appear to be similar, as shown below: A. moreaui 8.8g, n=1 O. metopias 8.4g, + 0.9g, n = 27 Both species are insectivorous, taking their food in patches of thick veget- ation, nearly always within 10m of the ground. It therefore seems possible that O. metopias has iargely displaced A. moreaui from most of its former range. Fry (1976), in his review of the systematics of African and Asian tailor- birds, considered A. moreaui a strong candidate for inclusion in Orthotomus, on the basis of physical characteristics and song. On the same grounds, he sank Camaroptera into Orthotomus. In view of this it is interesting to note that A. moreaui in the Usambaras is restricted to a very narrow altitudinal range around 900 to 1000m. Below this altitude it is completely replaced by -the Grey-backed Camaroptera Camaroptera brachyura (while at higher altitudes it is replaced by O. metopias). All three species are familiar to the author in the Usambaras and it is confirmed that they occupy very similar niches, favouring very dense undergrowth, especially in forest clearings, and along the forest edge. It seems, from field observations, (and regardless of whether or not all three species should be considered congeners), very likely that both C. brachyura and O.metopias are competing with A. moreaui and restricting its range. Camaroptera brachyura is not listed for the Njesi Plateau and if it does occur it would be at its maximum altitude (Benson & Benson 1977). It is possible, therefore, that this species has also played a part in fragmenting the range of A. moreaui. It is only slightly larger, weighing around 10g. CONCLUSION Modulatrix orostruthus and Apalis moreaui are among the rarest birds in Africa. This paper shows that they are probably rare for natural reasons. However, their future is now in the balance owing to forest destruction, at least in the Usambaras, and probably in northern Mozambique as well. As they are not ende iic to East Africa they were not considered by Turner (1977); nevertheless, their world populations are likely to be far lower than those of several East African Endemics treated by Turner. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Mr C.W. Benson, Mr A.D. Forbes-Watson, Dr K.M. Howell, Tessa van der Willigen and Janet Simkin for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. 4 Two disjunct distributions REFERENCES BENSON, C.W. 1945. A new race of the Long-billed Forest Warbler from West Portuguese East Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 66: 19. 1946. A collection from near Unangu, Portuguese East Africa. Ibis 88: 240-241. & BENSON, F.M. 1977. The birds of Malawi. Limbe: Mountfort Press. & IRWIN, M.P.S. 1975. The systematic position of Phyllastrephus orostruthus and Phyllastrephus xanthophrys, two species incorrectly placed in the family Pycnonotidae (Aves). Arnoldia (Rhodesia) 7 (17): 1-10. FRY, C.H. 1976. On the systematics of African and Asian Tailor-birds (Syl- viinae). ibidem 8 (6); 1-15. HALL, B.P. & MOREAU, R.E. 1962. A study of the rare birds of Africa. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology 8 (7): 316-378. MOREAU, R.E. 1935. A synecological study of Usambara, Tanganyika Territory, with particular reference to birds. Journal of Ecology 23: 1-43. SCLATER, W.L. 1931. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 51: 109. & MOREAU, R.E. 1935. Phyllastrephus orostruthus amani subsp. nov. Scl. & Moreau. ibidem 56: 16-17. STUART, S.N. & van der WILLIGEN, T.A. 1978. Report of the Cambridge Ecological Expedition to Tanzania 1978. Cambridge, cyclostyled. TURNER, D.A. 1977. Status and distribution of East African endemic species. Scopus 1: 2-11. VINCENT, J. 1933. Phyllastrephus orostruthus sp. nov. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 53: 133. Simon N. Stuart, Box 44, Soni, Tanzania (Received 19 March 1980, revised 20 October 1980) Stierling's Woodpecker 5 VOCAL AND OTHER BEHAVIOUR OF STIERLING'S WOODPECKER DENDROPICOS STIERLINGI Lester L. Short & Jennifer F.M. Horne Stierling's Wocdpecker Dendropicos stierlingi is one of the least known African woodpeckers, inhabiting parts of southern Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique (White 1965, Snow 1978). During and after the Fifth Pan-African Ornithological Congress in Lilongwe, Malawi, in late August 1980 three days were spent study- ing, and especially recording vocalizations, of Stierling's Woodpeckers in the Dzalanyama Mountains, southwest of Lilongwe. This report, the first to treat this species in any detail, presents the results of these observations and an analysis of vocal data. Equipment used in the study included binoculars up to x12 and a Stellavox SP-7 tape-recorder and Schoeps CMT-42 condenser microphone with a 30-inch (approximately 76cm) parabolic reflector. Horne performed all the sound recording in addition to observing, while Short observed and played back using a Sony cassette tape-recorder. Audiospectrographic analysis was done using the wide band pass fliter of a Kay Elemetrics Sonagraph 6061-B at the American Museum of Natural History. The studies took place on 26, 30 and 31 August 1980 in hilly Brachystegia (miombo) woodland at 1200m in the Dzalany- ama Forest Reserve 47km south-southwest of Lilongwe. The population along 6km of road through the woodland was estimated as at least five, and probably seven pairs. Altogether at least nine individuals were observed, and recordings were obtained of the voices of three males and two females. For vocal compar- isons (Figs. 1,2,3 and Discussion) sonagrams of two other woodpeckers are included: Bearded Woodpeckers Dendropicos namaquus from the southern Ewaso ' Ngiro River area and the Laikipia region of Kenya, obtained in July and August 1977 and 1978, and of the Cardinal Woodpecker D. fuscescens obtained at Karen, Nairobi, in September 1977 and at the Olorgesailie Prehistoric Site south of Nairobi during July 1977. Nomenclature is that of Morony, Bock & Farrand (1975), Snow (1978) and Short (in press A). Vocalizations are described and interpreted according to the terminology and discussion of Winkler & Short (1978). CHARACTERISTICS AND ECOLOGY Benson & Benson (1977) reported a breeding record for August in Malawi, and according to N. Hunter (pers. comm.) breeding takes place in September-October in the Dzalanyama region. This woodpecker was found to be at least as common during the present study, indeed, once its voice was learned, more common than the Cardinal Woodpecker (four seen). Other picids in the vicinity were Bennett's Woodpecker Campethera bennettii (one heard), the Golden-tailed Woodpecker C.abingoni (one glimpsed) and the Bearded Woodpecker (none seen, but reported by N. Hunter, pers. comm.). In late August 1980 Stierling's Woodpeckers were active vocally and in Drumn- ing (see below), and were common, although individuals and pairs were well spaced apart (two pairs observed, the individuals of which were loosely associated, plus at least five apparently single birds). The quavering Rattle Call, rather loud Drumming, and darting flight drew attention to the birds, which can be distinguished immediately from the slightly smaller Cardinal Woodpecker by the plain brown back, white-spotted dark underparts, blackish hind-crown and strong black moustachial mark which continues on to the lower neck. It appears much more manceuverable and agile than the Cardinal Wood- Scopus 5: 5-13, March 1981 6 Stierling's Woodpecker pecker in its fast flight through dense tree cover, bursting through or dart- ing around foliage and disappearing rapidly. Compared with the Cardinal Wood- pecker it appears 'dumpy', heavier-bodied, longer-winged, and faster flying; perched, it more resembles a small Bearded than a Cardinal Woodpecker. Stierling's Woodpeckers were not breeding at the time of these studies, although C.J. Vernon (pers. comm.) had reported one about a cavity in a stub 7m up a live tree in the study area prior to the authors' arrival, but no roosting or other activity at the hole was found. A female was active briefly about a cavity 6m up the trunk of a live tree on 30 August, and the hole appeared to be freshly worked. The Drumming and vocalizations reported below do indicate territorial activity, and the loose association and maintenance of contact between members of two pairs suggest that breeding was about to begin. The single series of Weep Calls reported below is also suggestive of the onset of breeding. Foraging Stierling's Woodpeckers usually move somewhat rapidly over the trunk and branches of trees, almost continuously delivering loud taps (much more frequent than in foraging D. fuscescens). The birds can be followed about by the noise of their foraging taps and sounds of their occasional excavating deep into the bark. They forage on the trunk, and major branches of diverse trees, but especially on branches 4-12 cm in diameter. Only occasionally do they feed at the tips of branchlets and bases of twigs (they were never seen hanging upside down from the tip of a twig, as is frequently seen in the Cardinal Woodpecker). They also utilize small trees, foraging up the trunk and branches to the top. Usually they forage at mid and upper levels in the canopy. Although this woodpecker moves frequently, pausing to tap here and there and probe under the bark, it also settles in place to work for up to ten minutes or more at rough places in the bark or broken tips of branches, from which they were seen to extricate insect larvae and an apparent centi- pede. The few Cardinal Woodpeckers seen in the vicinity foraged more frequent- ly at lower levels in the trees, they worked over smaller trees and shrubs, they fed frequently in twigs and small branchlets, they tapped less often and more weakly, and they excavated into the bark less frequently. Participation in mixed-species foraging flocks was noted, but Stierling's Woodpeckers seem to associate only loosely with the foraging groups, moving a short distance (perhaps through a part of their territory), then remaining behind or diverging from the flocks. These foraging flocks included the Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis, the Spotted Creeper Salpornis spilonota, the White- breasted Cuckoo Shrike Coracina pectoralis, and various flycatchers, warblers and other species. When reacting to playback, Stierling's Woodpeckers move frequently, often perching crosswise on branches as they search for the source of the sound, and issuing a challenge in the form of Rattle Calls or Drumming (see below). Visual displays include Crest Raising (in both sexes), especially in Rattle- Calling individuals; the crest is erected and the feathers variably are thrust forward. The only other visual display observed was Wing Flicking, repeated fast spreading of the wings, especially in agitated, playback-responding birds. Few interactions were noted with other species. A Lesser Honeyguide Indicator minor perched near a male Stierling's Woodpecker at one point, then followed it to another perch, but the woodpecker seemed unconcerned and the honeyguide flew off. One actively calling and Drumming male was silenced by the sudden appearance in the same tree of a Golden-tailed Woodpecker; both birds then flew off. Because vocalizations of Stierling's Woodpecker were played back, reactions of Cardinal Woodpeckers to the Stierling's Woodpecker playback were observed: on three occasions involving different Cardinal Woodpeckers, repetitive playback of Stierling's Woodpecker's calls Stierling's Woodpecker 7 and Drumming elicited approach by the Cardinal Woodpecker, in a wary, alert manner. These approached to within 10m, and one male very weakly drummed three times as playback continued, suggesting that these two species may interact. In two areas a Cardinal Woodpecker was found in the wicinity of Stierling's Woodpeckers, but the other Cardinal Woodpeckers tended to be in open, woodland- edge situations and secondary growth, whereas Stierling's Woodpeckers con- sistently were found within tall woodland. Reactions of the Stierling's Woodpeckers to playback may have elicited some intraspecific interactions; indeed, the strong reactions of males seemed several times to result in withdrawal or moving away of a female. When both sexes were present in proximity to one another it was difficult to distinguish their interactions from their more or less simultaneous reactions (vocaliz- ations) to the playback. ACOUSTICAL SIGNALS FLIGHT RUSTLE: like many woodpeckers (see, for example, Short 1971, 1972; Winkler & Short 1978) Stierling's Woodpecker is able to flutter or Rustle its wings when it chooses to do so, as when startled or when interacting with (chasing, supplanting, fleeing from) other conspecific birds. The Rustling sounds were evident particularly during playback-stimulated interactions between a male and a female. Tape-recorded examples are few and sonagrams show too much background noise for illustration here. The Rustling sounds occur at a tempo of 20-22/s. SIGNAL TAPPING and DRUMMING: this is the only African woodpecker known to employ Signal Tapping - single, loud taps on the surface of a tree, usually interspersed with regular Drumming. The latter is a signal given at intervals, and often in response to playback of Rattle Calls or of its Drumming. Over 200 bursts of Drumming by both sexes were heard in three days, most of them stimulated by playback of Rattle Calls and Drumming. Analyses showed there to be two types of Drumming, Slow Drumming (Fig. 1a) at 20-24 beats/s (three examples), and Fast Drumming at an average of 28.5 beats/s (range 25.8 - 30.5). Both types are delivered by the same bird, even in the same sequence of Drumming bursts. Fast Drumming (Fig. ib) is the commoner form; in 21 examples the dur- ation was 0.43 - 1.19s (mean 0.727s) and they contained 11-36 (mean 19.22) beats per burst. Almost all have the first beat well separated from the others, two-thirds are louder near the start than at the end, and some show breaks or weakening at one or several points in a burst. Drums in a series may alternate or vary irregularly in loudness at a single Drumming site. Compared with the Fast Drumming (Fig. 2a,b) of the Cardinal Woodpecker the Fast Drumming of Stierling's Woodpeckers is similar but louder, usually faster, and the bursts are fewer per unit time, i.e. at 5/min in three cases, than in at least some regularly Drumming individuals of the Cardinal Woodpecker (8-9/min). The Cardinal Woodpecker Drums much less frequently than does Stierling's Wood- pecker, and its Drums are rarely noted by observers. The Bearded Woodpecker Drums (Fig. 3a) more loudly, its bursts are delivered much more slowly (at 9-14 beats/s), and there is a detectable slow-down as each burst progresses. When Drumming, the actual taps with the beak seem to hit over a wide area; there is movement of the head such that the bill covers a wide area of bark surface. In response to playback the bird moves upwards in a tree, Drumming at intervals on a branch to its tip, where it may Drum several times. It also often backs down to an apparently better Drumming site, if a higher one proves less suitable. It keeps moving upwards in the tree until near the top on a good resonating branch (e.g. a dead branch), where it may Drum for a period of 3-45min before departing, to Drum in another tree nearby. Thus, the Drumming varies considerably in loudness and quality, depending upon the 8 Stierling's Woodpecker Fig. 1 Acoustical 8 signals (audiospectro- grams) of Stierling's 6 4 2 {4 ‘ey Woodpecker Denropicos stierlingi. Wide-band sonagrams of sounds tape-recorded in south- western Malawi. a) Slow Drum b) Drum c) Weep d) Fast Rattle e) Pits f) Short Rattle g, h) Rattle FREQUENCY, KHz resonance of the particular Drumming site, as well as upon the type of Drumming and the force that may be used in this action. It was clear that a Stierling's Woodpecker Drums more frequently in response to playback (of voice or Drums) if in a dead tree or tree with dead limbs, but responds vocally (see below) if it is in a live tree. Drumming, as in other picids, seems to indicate the presence of a territorial woodpecker, and its location, perhaps particularly to its mate. Generally the context is aggressive. PIK NOTES: single soft pik notes, or a series of them, were heard several times, but tape-recorded only once, too weakly to be analyzed fully. The notes are fast, mechanically sounding, sonagraphically inverted V-shaped, and have a frequency of 2.1kHz, with a strong harmonic tone. The function, motivation and meaning of these notes, in the sense of Winkler & Short (1978), remain to be established. Stierling's Woodpecker 9 alll th a Fig. 2 Acoustical signals (audiospectrograms) of An the Cardinal Woodpecker lt shy | | Denropicos fuscescens. ni ih ’ Wide-band sonagrams of si ii I | l " | sounds tape-recorded in Wa Kenya. a, b) Drums Rattle-begging of a juvenile male intermediate juvenile call Short Rattle FREQUENCY, kHz Oo Le oO 1. Oo Bo Om” oO { TIME, s Fig. 3 Acoustical signals (audiospectrograms) of the Bearded Woodpecker Dendropicos namaquus. Wide-band sonagrams of sounds tape-recorded in Kenya. a) Wikka and Drum b, c) Wik Rattles FREQUENCY, kHz So. -f-O.) P10 i) ce @- © WEEP CALL: also heard rarely and tape-recorded but once is a weep-sounding note (Fig. ic), uttered in an irregular series over 7s. Each note is 0.05 - 0.06s in duration, and rises from 1.5 - 2.5kHz, then ends sharply in a rise to 3.0kHz; there is a weak overtone at 2.5 - 4.5kHz. This vocalization closely resembles Kweek Calls of such species of Picoides as P. nuttallii and P. scalaris of North America (see Winkler & Short 1978, Fig. 22). In Picoides, Kweek Calls particularly are prevalent prior to breeding, and mark interactions between the sexes, but the present data are too sparse to 10 Stierling's Woodpecker allow postulation on the function of the Stierling's Woodpecker's Weep Call. FAST RATTLE CALL: soft series of repetitive notes composed of Pik-like elements were delivered by a male on 31 August, as part of its reaction to playback of its Rattle Calls (see below). The notes consist of from one to five peaked, connected elements (Fig. id) and sound like bdddt when close enough to the bird to hear them. The frequency of the peak is at 2.0kHz, with a strong first harmonic tone in the three series (total of 24 notes) available for analysis. Single notes may be as short as 0.02s, and compound notes with five elements are 0.1s in duration. Their context suggests an aggressive motivation (sensu Winkler & Short 1978: 92), as the calling male was singularly ‘tame' and strongly reacted to playback as if seeking the 'calling' (playback) bird. This is one of the two calls of this woodpecker which shows any similarity to the main call (Short Rattle Call) of the Cardinal Woodpecker (Fig. 2e; and see Discussion). PIT RATTLE NOTES: commonly heard from both sexes in reaction to playback were sharp pit calls, usually in loose series, and identical to notes of Short Rattle Calls (see below). These are 0.02 - 0.04s in duration and sonagraph- ically (Fig. le) appear peaked in structure with strong overtones and initial and terminal vertical elements which connect the various tones. The fundamental tone is at about 1.5kHz but the first harmonic tone at 3.0kHz usually is dominant (in i5 of 19 analyzed) or else is codominant with the fundamental tone. As many as five overtones can be distinguished, and the elements connect- ing these provide sound at all frequencies at least up to 8kHz. Functionally these notes are of the 'I am here', 'go away' type; motivationally they show arousal and aggression; and their likely meaning is to indicate the location and motivation (aroused, aggressive woodpecker) of the calling bird (see Winkler & Short 1978: 85-86, 92, 94). SHORT RATTLE CALL: another quite frequent vocalization is this call, a series of four to seven Pit Notes lasting 0.23 - 0.47s. All eight calls analyzed show a gap between the first and second notes, thus a lead note is followed by a rapid series of three to six notes (Fig. if). As can be seen in that figure, the individual notes are structurally identical to Pit Calls described above. In fact, the Short Rattle Calls occur mainly in series of calls inter- spersed with Pit Calls, suggesting similarities in function, motivation and meaning of these calls. Basically, Short Rattle Calls were associated with apparent searching behaviour, the bird appearing to seek the calling (playback) intruder, and they seem to reflect greater aggression than do the associated Pit Calls. The Short Rattle Call differs strikingly from that of the Cardinal Woodpecker (Fig. 2e; see Discussion). RATTLE CALL: the commonest vocalization appears to be the Rattle Call, which is the loudest, most far-carrying of the Stierling's Woodpecker's array of calls, and that most likely to call the attention of the human observer to it. Rattle Calls are uttered in flight (often when flying towards the playback sound) or while the bird is perched. Analysis of nine complete and two in- complete Rattle Calls (Fig. ig, h) shows this vocalization to consist of a series of usually asymmetrically peaked notes with strong overtones delivered in 0.4 - 2.53s. Its duration is difficult to determine at times because of the major feature of this Rattle Call; the call starts with a short, low- pitched, soft pik-like note associated closely with a following, longer, louder and higher-pitched note, and there is a strong tendency for the calls to split into parts by interspersion of such shorter notes and an associated note in each case. Overall the calls have a wavering quality and sound as if there were double or triple notes within the Rattle Call. Since the calls are Stierling's Woodpecker ii often uttered in sequence it sometimes is difficult to separate one Rattle Call from another. Very long calls have these numbers of notes: a) one of 2.52s has five short notes and 22 long notes (thus five subsections); b) another of 1.87s has two short and 18 long notes; c) a third, of 1.83s (Fig. ih) has four short and 14 long notes. The peaked short notes of the Rattle Call are 0.015 - 0.03s in duration, and are separated by 0.01 - 0.02s from the following associated long note (long notes are 0.04 - 0.07s or more apart in series). The fundamental tone of short notes is 1.3 - 1.4kHz for lead notes of a Rattle Call, but short notes of subsections are pitched higher, at 1.4 - 1.55kHz. As in the long notes, the first harmonic (3.0kHz) is dominant. Because the note is softer, fewer overtones are usually evident (up to 5 or 6) than in long notes. The latter notes vary, especially when paired, in which case the first note of a pair is lower pitched and shorter, tending thus towards the short notes just described. The fundamental tone of long notes varies between 1.5 and 2.0kHz, but is often weak; at best it is codominant with the first harmonic tone at 3.0 - 3.8kHz, but often higher overtones are louder than the fundamental tone. At least five overtones occur up to 8kHz (and continuing above that), contributing to the ringing quality of the call. The long notes are 0.05 - 0.07s in duration. Essentially unpaired long notes (several 0.5 - 0.6s sequences) have a tempo of 11 notes/s; the dual nature of the notes of Rattle Calls and their subsectioning tendency makes it difficult to estimate an average tempo for all notes of the call, but 11/s is approximately that for most longer calls. All long notes show asymmetry, as mentioned, tending usually to rise Slowly and drop off more sharply, the peak being skewed towards the end of the note. Sometimes there is a break in the rising section, tending to form a sub-peak. The short notes are more symmetrical than are long notes and they and initial long notes of couplets may even peak in the first half of the note (Fig. ih), the reverse of the usual condition in long notes. The Rattle Call is uttered sporadically as a foraging Stierling's Woodpecker moves about its presumed territory. Playback may initially cause it to approach silently, then perhaps to Drum, but repeated playback, and sometimes initial playback, brings in the woodpecker giving Rattle Calls in flight, as if in challenge. It was noted that males more often give Rattle Calls, where- as females more frequently utter Fast Rattle, Pit, and Short Rattle calls in response to playback. It is suggested that the Rattle Call of this species is its chief long-distance call, indicating location and presence of an aroused, aggressive territorial Stierling's Woodpecker. Its function, meaning and motivation (Winkler & Short 1978) are more nearly similar to the commonly heard Rattle Call (Fig. 3b, c) and to the Wikka Call (Fig. 3a) of the Bearded Woodpecker than to the Short Rattle Call, the chief distance vocal- ization of the Cardinal Woodpecker (see Discussion). DISCUSSION The abundance of Stierling's Woodpecker over its range is unknown; that is, the paucity of specimens, observations and localities of occurrence of this species suggest that it may be patchily distributed and perhaps rare in much of its range. Its range in southernmost Tanzania and in northern Mozambique remains relatively little known, and it could prove to be locally common other than in the Dzalanyama Mountains, although it is surprising that there have been so few records of it (Benson & Benson 1977) from ornithologically well known Malawi. Factors affecting its distribution remain to be determined, and could prove essential for the preservation of the species if it is indeed rare in most of its range. Benson & Benson (1977: 116) suggested that compet- ition by the Cardinal Woodpecker could be adversely affecting Stierling's 12 Stierling's Woodpecker Woodpecker. There is evidence that these two species interact, and it may be that the Cardinal Woodpecker restricts the distribution or numbers of Stier- ling's Woodpeckers in some areas. However, in the area of the present studies Stierling's Woodpeckers appear at least to hold their own in mature hilly Brachystegia woodland. Undoubtedly the Cardinal Woodpecker is favoured, and indeed the Stierling's Woodpecker may be eliminated by human activities which open these woodlands or reduce them to secondary vegetation. Stierling's Woodpecker appears relatively distinctive behaviourally, yet the vocal and other data presented here support the view (Short in Snow 1978, Short in press A, B) that this species taxonomically connects the Cardinal Woodpecker subgroup (Dendropicos sensu stricto) with the Bearded Woodpecker subgroup ('Thripias'’, 'Mesopicos' in part, i.e. Dendropicos namaquus, D. xantholophus and D. pyrrhogaster) of Dendropicos. The Drumming of Stierling's Woodpecker closely resembles that of the Cardinal Woodpecker (compare Fig. ib and 2a, b), even to having several forms of this signal (Slow Drumming and Drumming, tempi similar in both species). The Drumming of Stierling's Wood- pecker is generally louder, it is rendered more frequently and probably in a different context, and it therefore may have a different meaning, motivation or function (sensu Winkler & Short 1978) from that of the Cardinal Woodpecker. However, the similarity of their Drumming affords a possibility of their Drumming serving as interspecific communication, perhaps in territorial ex- clusion, although that requires demonstration. The common vocalizations of Stierling's Woodpecker are the Fast Rattle Call (Fig. 1d), the Short Rattle Call (Fig. 1f) and the Rattle Call (Fig. 1g, h). These differ markedly from the Short Rattle Call (Fig. 2e) of the Cardinal Woodpecker and more closely resemble the Wik Rattle Call (Fig. 3c) of the Bearded Woodpecker. In Fig. 2, however, there is depicted a rattle-begging call (Fig. 2c) of a juvenile male Cardinal Woodpecker, attended by an adult female at Karen, Nairobi, and a call (Fig. 2d) of the same juvenile which is intermediate between the juvenile rattle-begging call and the adult Short Rattle Call series (Fig. 2e). The close resemblance of the Cardinal Woodpecker's juvenile rattle-begging call to the Short Rattle Call of Stierling's Wood- pecker (Fig. 1f) is remarkable, and the ontogenetic connexion of that form of call to the apparently (and in its sound to the human ear, actually) very different adult Cardinal Woodpecker Short Rattle Call provided by the inter- mediate Call (Fig. 2d) indicates that the adult Short Rattle Calls of the two species basically share a similar derivation, despite their structural differences. The Rattle Call of Stierling's Woodpecker (Fig. ig, h), compared with the Wik Rattle Call of the Bearded Woodpecker (Fig. 3c, and variant such call, Fig. 3b), both from the southern Ewaso Ngiro River area, Kenya, show great structural similarity, although the latter species lacks the effect of group- ing or pairing of notes and shorter initial notes which characterize the Rattle Call of Stierling's Woodpecker. A Wikka Call of the Bearded Woodpecker (Fig. 3a, from the Laikipia area of central Kenya) given during an inter- action between an adult male and adult female (the Drumming in Fig. 3a follows immediately after the Wikka Call, as shown), also resembles the Rattle Call of Stierling's Woodpecker, but less closely than does the Bearded's Wik Rattle Care Other intraspecific calls of the Bearded Woodpecker and of the Cardinal Woodpecker also bear similarities to various calls of Stierling's Woodpecker (e.g. Kweek Calls, Mutter Calls, Short & Horne in prep.; see also Winkler & Short 1978), but the examples just discussed suffice to demonstrate the general similarities as well as some differences among the three species. In appearance, posture and demeanour Stierling's Woodpecker is more like a small Stierling's Woodpecker 13 version of the Bearded Woodpecker than like the Cardinal. Although it is not the purpose of this report to treat the relationships of these woodpeckers in detail, it should be emphasized that behaviourally Stierling's Woodpecker shows approaches to both the Cardinal Woodpecker and Bearded Woodpecker groups, and that these taxa appear from behavioural evidence to be phylogenetically closely related congeners. On a broader level, too little is known of the vocalizations of African woodpeckers to place the vocal repertoire of Stierling's Woodpecker fully in perspective, but comparison with the acoustical signals of the widely dist- ributed large genus Picoides (one African species, P.obsoletus, placed along with Stierling's Woodpecker in ‘Ipophilus' by Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1957) shows its repertoire to be generally similar, including Tapping, Drumming, wing-movement signals, and both Short Rattles and Rattle Calls (Winkler & Short 1978). Short (1971, in press B) considers Picoides to have been derived from Dendropicos, and a detailed comparison of the acoustical repertoires of both genera would be very rewarding from a behavioural as well as from an evolutionary point of view, as shown above by the vocal comparison of juvenile and adult Cardinal Woodpecker and Stierling's Woodpecker Short Rattle Calls. However, the analysis of vocal data on Dendropicos has barely begun, and does not permit more than speculative comments. It is hoped that this report will stimulate the generation of further such data on other East African picids, additional to the authors' continuing studies ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to many people who helped us to organize and conduct these studies, and especially to N.D. Hunter, F. Dowsett-Lemaire, R.J. Dowsett, A. and I. Wilson, D.B. Hanmer and D.A. Turner. The L.C. Sanford Fund of the American Museum of Natural History supported travel and field expenses of the senior author. REFERENCES BENSON, C.W. & BENSON, F.M. 1977. The birds of Malawi. Limbe: Montfort Press. MORONY, J.J.,Jr., BOCK, W.J. & FARRAND, J., Jr. 1975. Reference list of birds of the world. New York: American Museum of Natural History. SHORT, L.L. 1971. Systematics and behavior of some North American woodpeckers, genus Picoides. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 145: 1-118. 1972. Systematics and behavior of South American flickers (Aves, Colaptes). ibidem 149: 1-110. in press A. Woodpeckers of the world. Greenville: Delaware Museum of Natural History. in press B. Speciation in African woodpeckers. Ostrich. WHITE, C.M.N. 1965. A revised check list of African Non-Passerine birds. Lusaka: Government Printer. WINKLER, H. & SHORT, L.L. 1978. A comparative analysis of acoustical signals in pied woodpeckers (Aves, Picoides). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 160: 1-109. L.L. Short, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024, USA and J.F.M. Horne, Box 24622, Nairobi (Received 12 February 1981) 14 The Andersen collection from Tanzania NOTES ON THE ANDERSEN COLLECTION AND OTHER SPECIMENS FROM TANZANIA HOUSED IN SOME WEST GERMAN MUSEUMS Poh ABrieton The thousands of specimens from Tanzania amassed by Thorkild Andersen between 1947 and 1967 represent one of the most comprehensive collections of birds from East Africa. The 8532 skins traced by Britton (1978) included 971 from Stuttgart and 1578 from Bonn. No details were available then for these specimens in Bonn, and none of the specimens in Stuttgart had been personally examined by the author at that time. During December 1979 a visit was made to West Germany, where Andersen's specimens in Bonn, Stuttgart and Munich were examined, and other specimens from Tanzania in these collections were noted. In total, 11400 Andersen specimens of 690 species have been examined by the author, while details are available for a further 285 specimens in Basel and New York. The stay in West Germany was of necessity very short, in particular the single week in Munich, where the Andersen collection (of over 3200 skins) was far more comprehensive than had been expected. Thus, there was insufficient time for the critical examination of certain species and it is hoped that a return to Munich to complete this work can be made later in 1981. SYSTEMATIC LIST With the exception of Malaconotus alius the Uluguru Bush Shrike, detailed by Britton, Stuart & Turner (in press), no specimen data included here were incorporated in the distribution accounts given in Britton (1980). Most of the selected data presented below add significantly to those accounts, which are referred to frequently (by using the symbol '+') in an effort to render records meaningful to the reader. Others, in particular dated records for some Palaearctic and intra-African migrants, are worth giving for completeness. In addition to providing full details for various species, including three species previously unrecorded in Tanzania, Britton (1978) listed several other species and subspecies new to the avifauna of Tanzania, mainly from Minziro in West Lake. Circumstances did not allow fuller details to be included then, but several of these species (in the large collection of Andersen specimens in Copenhagen) are also represented in West Germany (mainly in Munich), so that fuller details can now be given (marked '*'). Oriolus brachyrhynchus the Western Black-headed Oriole is the only further addition to the avifauna included in this paper (marked '**'). Britton (1978) gave details of altitude, administrative Region and coordinates for most of the localities mentioned here, while coordinates for many of these may be found in the gazetteer in Britton (1980). The following were not included in either work: Kibwesa, 900m, Kigoma Region, 6°30'S, 29°57'E. Kisangara, 800m, Kilimanjaro, 3°45'S, 37°36'E. Kurasini, near sea-level, Coast, 6°51'S, 39°17'E. Mlalo, altitude not known, Tanga, c. 4935'S, 38°20'E. Usa River, i1200m, Arusha,c. 3°25"S, 36°50"E- Vikindu, 90m, Coast, 6°59"S, 39°17 ‘E- IXOBRYCHUS MINUTUS Little Bittern + Male of the Palaearctic nominate race at Kidugallo, 19 May 1953; few East African records. IXOBRYCHUS STURMII Dwarf Bittern + Males at Mikindani, 16 Feb and 8 Mar 1964; Lembeni, 5 May 1959. Dates accord Scopus 5: 14-21, March 1981 The Andersen collection from Tanzania 15 with its likely migratory status. ARDEOLA RUFIVENTRIS Rufous-bellied Heron One at Soga. Harvey & Howell (in press) give only one record for the Dar es Salaam area. CIRCUS RANIVORUS African Marsh Harrier + Male at Soga, 20 Nov 1960; first coast record. ACCIPITER OVAMPENSIS Ovampo Sparrowhawk + Female at Lembeni, 25 Aug 1959; few East African records. ACCIPITER RUFIVENTRIS Rufous Sparrowhawk + Male in bamboo forest at 1600m in the Ngurus, 10 Jan 1949. In Tanzania it is known from only Arusha in the northeast and Songea in the southeast. MELIERAX METABATES Dark Chanting Goshawk + One from east of the Ulugurus at 500m and two from Kidugallo extend its range in Morogoro Region north from Mikumi National Park. AVICEDA CUCULOIDES Cuckoo Hawk + Mikindani, 11 Aug; Soga, 1 Aug and 4 Nov; Kidugallo, 31 Jly; further evidence for the conclusion that it is a migrant to eastern Tanzania, Apr-Nov. FALCO AMURENSIS Eastern Red-footed Falcon + Females at Mikindani, 8 Mar and 14 Feb 1964; an uncommon Palaearctic migrant for which there are few coastal records. FALCO FASCIINUCHA Taita Falcon Male in open miombo woodland at Namabengo, 29 May 1964. The bird from Nama- bengo mentioned in Britton (1980) was a female collected there on 16 Nov 1964. FALCO PEREGRINUS Peregrine Falcon + Birds of the Palaearctic race calidus: male at Mikindani, in a Baobab on the beach, 1 Nov 1962, wing 325mm; female at Lake Manyara, 27 Nov 1958, wing 355mm, weight 800g, collected by A. von Nagy. There is one previous East African specimen of this race, which is, however, probably regular in small numbers in the east. CREX EGREGIA African Crake Males at Soga on 9 May 1961 and 19 Jan 1962; males at Mikindani on 23 Feb and 22 Mar 1963. Harvey & Howell (in press) give no record for the Dar es Salaam area. GALLINULA ANGULATA Lesser Moorhen Male on a small rain pool in bushland at Lembeni, 28 Apr 1959. PLUVIALIS DOMINICA Lesser Golden Plover + Male on fallow land in sisal at Soga, 14 Nov 1961; female on sandy patch in Sisal at Soga, 29 Nov 1961. Of seventeen previous East African records, four were from Soga and one was from nearby Dar es Salaam. It is noteworthy that all six Soga birds were collected in the same Palaearctic winter (14 Nov - 5 Jan), though Andersen's usually complete labels do not mention any party or flock of birds. GALLINAGO MEDIA Great Snipe Males at Kidugallo, 10 and 12 May 1953. BURHINUS CAPENSIS Spotted Thicknee Female at Soga, 12 Feb 1962; not listed by Harvey & Howell (in press). RHINOPTILUS CHALCOPTERUS Violet-tipped Courser + Females at Kidugallo, 31 May, 17 Jun 1954; female at Soga, 14 Dec 1961. The 16 The Andersen collection from Tanzania migratory status of this species is uncertain. Two collected in June were the only records available to Harvey & Howell (in press). RHYNCHOPS FLAVIROSTRIS African Skimmer Male on a small lake at Kidugallo, 6 Jly 1953; pair from large numbers on the Kilombero River in Ulanga, 8 Nov 1961. The Kidugallo bird, with testes enlarged, was presumably a southern breeder (for full discussion see Britton & Brown 1974). CERCOCOCCYX MONTANUS Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo Two at Soga on 6 Dec 1961; see discussion in Britton (1980a). CHRYSOCOCCYX CUPREUS Emerald Cuckoo + Male at Lembeni, 18 Apr 1960; male at Kisangara, 25 Mar 1959. There are few recorded localities in northeastern Tanzania. CLAMATOR LEVAILLANTII lLevaillant's Cuckoo + Seven at Mikindani, 5 Dec - 10 Jan; North Pare Mts, 12 Jan and 15 Feb. Move- ments of this intra-African migrant are not well understood except in the extreme southeast, Nov - Apr. CUCULUS CANORUS Eurasian Cuckoo + Nine at Mikindani, 12 Jan - 14 Feb; female collected at Lake Manyara by A. von Nagy, 2 Mar 1959. It is hardly recorded in East Africa during January to mid March. CUCULUS GULARIS African Cuckoo Male at Soga, 18 Jan 1962; not listed by Harvey & Howell (in press). CUCULUS POLIOCEPHALUS Lesser Cuckoo + Mikindani, 3 Dec 1965; Soga, 4 Apr and 5 Apr 1961; Ulugurus at 1700m, 23 Feb (2) and 27 Feb 1960. All are nominate males or hepatic females (assumed to be nominate). It is not listed by Harvey & Howell (in press); there are few East African records of this Palaearctic migrant outside the period March - April. CUCULUS SOLITARIUS Red-chested Cuckoo Six at Mikindani, 7 Nov - 29 Jan; see discussion in Britton (1980a). PACHYCOCCYX AUDEBERTI Thick-billed Cuckoo + Five at Soga, 5 Oct - 13 Dec 1961; one at Mikindani, 30 Jly 1963. This uncommon species is not listed by Harvey & Howell (in press); there is no previous record from the coast south of Bagamoyo and Soga. GLAUCIDIUM CAPENSE Barred Owlet Twelve schlefferi at Soga; two nominate birds west of Kitangari. This species is not given for the Dar es Salaam area by Harvey & Howell (in press) or Britton (1980); previous records of the nominate race from the southeast are east to Tunduru and Nachingwea. CAPRIMULGUS EUROPAEUS Eurasian Nightjar Male unwini west of Kitangari, 28 Jan 1966; male unwini Dodoma, 10 Jan 1962; female, not raced, west of Kitangari, 18 Jan 1966. January (i.e. presumed overwintering) records are noteworthy. APUS APUS Eurasian Swift + Nominate male from large numbers at 800m in the North Pare Mts, 23 Jan 1960. January (i.e. presumed overwintering) flocks are unusual so far north. APALODERMA NARINA Narina's Trogon Six at 1800 - 2000m in the North Pare Mts; two east of the Ulugurus at 400m. APALODERMA VITTATUM Bar-tailed Trogon + One at 1700m in the North Pare Mts; one east of the Ulugurus at 400m. The Andersen collection from Tanzania 17 Typically, this species is segregated at higher altitudes in areas of apparent sympatry with narina. ISPIDINA PICTA Pygmy Kingfisher Seven nominate birds at 900 - 1400m in the North Pare Mts; single examples of natalensis at Mikindani in Jly and Aug, Kidugallo in Apr, and Soga in Jun. MEROPS BULLOCKOIDES White-fronted Bee-eater + Female from pair in forest by a watercourse in the foothills of the Ngurus at 700m, 25 Aug 1949; not given for the Ngurus by Stuart & van der Willigen (1978), but known from nearby Kilosa. MEROPS NUBICUS Carmine Bee-eater + Bushland by swamp at Mikindani: nominate male and female on 8 Jan 1963 and nominate male on 12 Jan 1963; previously recorded south to Rufigi and Pande. CORACIAS NAEVIA Rufous-crowned Roller Mbuyuni, on the Great Ruaha River, 14 Jly 1952. POGONIULUS SIMPLEX Green Tinkerbird + Two males in secondary miombo woodland west of Kitangari, 12 Jan 1966; not previously recorded in Tanzania south of Dar es Salaam. INDICATOR [?MELIPHILUS] Pallid Honeyguide A female in forest at 900m in the Ulugurus on 4 Jly 1955, and a female coll- ected by J. Popp at 1200m on the Usa River on 23 Feb 1960 probably belong here. This tentative identification, made in the absence of comparative material, will be clarified later. PRODOTISCUS REGULUS Wahlberg's Honeybird + Male on the west side of the North Pare Mts at 1500m, 26 Jun 1961; not known in eastern Tanzania north of Soga and Kidugallo. JYNX RUFICOLLIS Red-throated Wryneck + Male at Nandembo, i2 Sep 1963; east of other recorded localities. CAMPETHERA NIVOSA Buff-spotted Woodpecker * Female at Minziro, 23 Jly 1953. DENDROPICOS STIERLINGI Stierling's Woodpecker + Female at Nandembo, 14 Sep 1963; this rare and restricted species is known from very few localities in Tanzania. PITTA ANGOLENSIS African Pitta Eleven at Mikindani, 10 Dec - 26 Mar; male in bushland thicket at Nambengo, 26 Nov 1964. MIRAFRA ALBICAUDA Northern White-tailed Bush Lark + Male collected by A. von Nagy at Lake Manyara, 26 Dec 1958; sparingly distrib- uted in Tanzania. ORIOLUS BRACHYRHYNCHUS Western Black-headed Oriole ** Female lJaetior in cultivation with scattered trees at Minziro, 11 Mar 1954; an addition to the avifauna of Tanzania, known from the nearby Malabigambo Forest © in Uganda (Friedmann & Williams 1969). A female Black-headed Oriole O. larvatus was collected in banana groves at Minziro on 2 Jun 1950. TRICHASTOMA FULVESCENS Brown Illadopsis + Male at Minziro, 27 Dec 1953. The only recorded locality in Tanzania is Kabogo Forest, on the shore of Lake Tanganyika, but it is known from Malabigambo Forest in Uganda. i8 The Andersen collection from Tanzania TRICHASTOMA RUFIPENNIS Pale-breasted Illadopsis * Female of the nominate race at Minziro, 26 Dec 1953. BLEDA SYNDACTYLA Bristlebill * Female at Minziro, 29 Dec 1953. NICATOR CHLORIS Nicator Three at 1700m in the North Pare Mts. PHYLLASTREPHUS SCANDENS Leaflove Male from a pair in open bush country at Kibwesa, 29 Sep 1949. Kibwesa is on the south shore of the Kungwe Peninsular, immediately south of Mahari Mt; previous records from Mahari Mt are from gallery forest at 1100m (Ulfstrand & Lamprey 1960). ALETHE FUELLEBORNI White-chested Alethe + Nominate female at 2000m at Uwembe, 26 Sep 1950; male usambarae at 2000m in the South Pare Mts, 5 Feb 1960; recorded from the Livingstone Mts and the Usambaras respectively. COSSYPHA CAFFRA Robin Chat + Female from a pair in bushland thicket at 500m, north of the Ulugurus, 28 Sep 1948; in East Africa previously recorded as low as 1100m. DRYOCICHLOIDES LOWEI Iringa Ground Robin Male at 2000m at Uwemba, 26 Sep 1950; endemic to Iringa Region where it is known from very few localities (Britton et al. in press). MODULATRIX STICTIGULA Spot-throat + Male in bushland at 600m, north of the Ulugurus, 6 Dec 1950; previously recorded above 900m, and typically in forest. SHEPPARDIA SHARPEI Sharpe's Akalat + Nominate female at 2000m at Uwemba, 29 Sep 1950; otherwise known in Njombe District from the Poroto Mts. STIZORHINA FRASERI Rufous Thrush * Male at Minziro, 17 Mar 1954. ACROCEPHALUS GRISELDIS Basra Reed Warbler Females at Mikindani, 29 Mar 1964 and 13 Jan 1965; west of Kitangari, female on 25 Dec 1965, male on 7 Jan 1966; female at Kidugallo, 20 Dec 1952; female at the Ngerengere River, 25 Jan 1949. See Pearson, Britton & Britton (1978) for a review of the status of this Palaearctic migrant in East Africa. APALIS BINOTATA Masked Apalis * Nominate male in forest canopy at Minziro, 9 Mar 1954. BRADYPTERUS BARRATTI Evergreen Forest Warbler + Female from a pair at 2000m in the South Pare Mts, 5 Feb 1960; known from mountain ranges to the north and south. CHLOROPETA NATALENSIS Yellow Warbler + North of the Ulugurus and at the Ngerengere River, both at 500m; in East Africa previous records are from above 800m, including several localities in Morogoro Region. CISTICOLA NANA Tiny Cisticola + Male collected by A. von Nagy at Naberera, 29 Sep 1958; known from few localities in Tanzania, all in the northeast. SCHOENICOLA PLATYURA Fan-tailed Warbler + Female at Minziro, 16 Mar 1954; no previous records from the Lake Victoria The Andersen collection from Tanzania 19 basin in Tanzania. TROCHOCERCUS NIGROMITRATUS Dusky Crested Flycatcher * Male at Minziro, 18 Dec 1953. MALACONOTUS ALIUS Uluguru Bush Shrike Males at Bagilo, 22 Sep 1952, 30 May 1962, 8 Jun 1962; immature female in the Ulugurus at 1800m (very likely Bagilo), 22 May 1952; endemic to the Ulugurus, and known from only thirteen records, all of specimens (Britton et al. in press). MALACONOTUS QUADRICOLOR Four-coloured Bush Shrike + One at 2000m in the North Pare Mts; all previous East African records are from below 1200 m. CORVINELLA MELANOLEUCA Magpie Shrike Male collected by A Fischer at Kurasini, Dar es Salaam, 15 Dec 1910. This is well east of recorded localities in Ruaha National Park and the southern part of Arusha Region. Along with various other species of the semi-arid interior recorded by Harvey & Howell (in press), it is best regarded as a wanderer. POEOPTERA STUHLMANNI Stuhlimann's Starling At 1500m on Mahari Mt, male from seven on 19 Oct 1949 and female from four on 20 Oct 1949; a party of six at Mahari Mt on 18 Oct 1949, detailed by Britton (1978), is the only previous record from Tanzania. ONYCHOGNATHUS WALLERI Waller's Chestnut-winged Starling + One at 1600m in the North Pare Mts; female at 1500m on Mahari Mt, 19 Oct 1949, wing 119mm; one collected by H. Kalchreuter at 2000m on Mahari Mt, 30 Jly 1958, wing 126mm. On size, Mahari Mt birds have been regarded as intermediate between the nominate race and the western elgonensis, while the North Pare Mts represent a new locality. SPECULIPASTOR BICOLOR Magpie Starling Female from a party of eight, west of the North Pare Mts at 900m, 7 Jan 1957. This party is one of the two Tanzanian records given in Britton (1980); the other is a party reported by Keith (1968). No date has been published for either record. ANTHREPTES LONGUEMAREI Violet-backed Sunbird Male from a party of 4-6 in open bushland at Kidugallo, 4 Sep 1952. Britton (1978) argued that a reference to the occurrence of this species in eastern Tanzania as far north as Dar es Salaam was probably erroneous. More recently, P.R. Colston (in litt.) has confirmed that a bird collected by N.R. Fuggles- Couchman at Niberichi Vikundu (Dar es Salaam) on 22 May 1936 is a male long- uemarei. The Vikindu Forest Reserve is part of a small plateau (rising to 160m) on the main south road from Dar es Salaam. This plateau, unique in the area, has quite large remnants of well-grown miombo woodland, with many bird species typical of that habitat (W.G. Harvey in litt.). Kidugallo and Dar es Salaam are 120km apart on virtually the same latitude, some 4° north of other recorded localities (all with miombo woodland) in the southeast. Evidently, interdigitating habitats allow both longuemarei and the very similar A. neglectus to occur sparingly in the Dar es Salaam area and around Kidugallo. Typically, neglectus is a bird of forest or forest edge, while longuemarei (races nyassae and angolensis) is found in woodland and wooded grassland. Both have been collected in open bushland at Kidugallo, and there is a specimen of neglectus from Kurasini, south of Dar es Salaam and only about 15km from Vikindu (see next species for details). The only recent records of either species for the Dar es Salaam area are from the Pugu Hills (Harvey & Howell in press). 20 The Andersen collection from Tanzania ANTHREPTES NEGLECTUS Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird Twenty specimens are from varied habitats: bushland (often with tall trees) at Soga, the Ngerengere River, Kidugallo and Mikindani; forest or forest edge in the Ngurus (as low as 900m) and Ulugurus. The specimen from Kidugallo, and a male collected by A Fischer at Kurasini, Dar es Salaam in 1909, are of par- ticular interest (see discussion under A. longuemarei). ANTHREPTES RUBRITORQUES Banded Green Sunbird + Three males from the Ulugurus (including Bagilo at 1800m); male from the eastern slopes of the Ngurus at 1400m, 27 Sep 1954; few records from either of these mountain ranges are known. NECTARINIA MANOENSIS Miombo Double-collared Sunbird + Male of the race pintoi collected by A. Fischer at Mlalo in 1905. Mlalo, given by the collector as 'M?talo, Wilhelmstal, Usambara', is some 300km northeast of other known sites, mainly in miombo woodland. NECTARINIA VENUSTA Variable Sunbird Two males from Mahari Mt at 1500m are referable to falkensteini, as is the single specimen from Mahari Mt mentioned in Britton (1980). NECTARINIA VEROXII Mouse-coloured Sunbird Bushland at Kidugallo: males on 3 Jly and 27 Jly 1952, females on 24 Jly and 7 Sep 1952. A specimen from Kidugallo was one of only two inland records from East Africa given in Britton (1980). PLOCEUS WEYNSI Weyns' Weaver Male from a pair in undergrowth of tall forest at Minziro, 26 Feb 1954. Britton (1980) omitted to include Bukoba District for this species, though it was stated to occur in Tanzania. White (1963) and others have noted that this western species reaches extreme northwestern Tanzania in Bukoba. QUELEA QUELEA Red-billed Quelea Mikindani, male and female from a small party on 9 Jan 1963, male from a small party on 16 Jan 1963; its southern limits are given in Britton (1980) as Rukwa and the Rufiji River. LAGONOSTICTA RHODOPAREIA Jameson's Firefinch Male from a pair in a patch of open woodland at Namabengo, 31 Oct 1963; female from several feeding in cultivation in woodland at Namabengo, 26 Jun 1964. Britton (1980) records it south to Dodoma and northern Iringa, and states that this species and the African Firefinch L. rubricata do not occur on the same ground in East Africa. There are two specimens of rubricata from open woodland at Nambengo, where these two species might be sympatric. MANDINGOA NITIDULA Green-backed Twinspot Male on the eastern slopes of the Ngurus at 1500m, 23 Sep 1954; not given for the Ngurus by Stuart & van der Willigen (1978). PYRENESTES MINOR Lesser Seed-cracker Seven specimens from the Ulugurus at 400-900m; female collected by A. Fischer at Kurasini, Dar es Salaam in Jly 1911. The only other records from the Dar es Salaam area are old specimens from the Pugu Hills (Stuart & van der Willigen 1978). LONCHURA FRINGILLOIDES Magpie Mannikin Several specimens from the Ulugurus as high as 1400m. EMBERIZA CABANISI Cabanis' Bunting Nandembo and west of Kitangari: Britton (1980) and Hall & Moreau (1970) gave no localities in extreme southeastern Tanzania. The Andersen collection from Tanzania 21 SERINUS CITRINELLOIDES African Citril + Female at 400m on the slopes of the Ulugurus, 3 Mar 1960; in East Africa it has not been recorded below 1100m. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Financial support from the Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund for transport and accomodation made my visit to West Germany possible. I am also grateful to the following for allowing me to work on specimens in their charge and for dealing with my various queries and needs: Dr Claus Kénig at the Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart, Dr Josef Reichholf and his colleagues at the Zoolog- ische Staatssammlung in Munich, and Dr H.E. Wolters and his colleagues at the Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn. REFERENCES BRITTON, P.L. 1978. The Andersen collection from Tanzania. Scopus 2: 77-85. 1980a. A clarification of the status of the Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius in lowland areas of East Africa. Scopus 4: 71. & BROWN, L.H. 1974. The status and breeding behaviour of East African Lari. Ostrich 45: 63-82. , STUART, S.N. & TURNER, D.A. in press. East African endangered species. Proceedings of the 5th P.A.O.C., Lilongwe, Malawi. Ostrich suppl. FRIEDMANN, H. & WILLIAMS, J.G. 1969. The birds of the Sango Bay forests, Buddu County, Masaka District, Uganda. Contributions in Science, Los Angeles 162: 1-48. HARVEY, W.G. & HOWELL, K.M. in press. Annotated check list of birds of the Dar es Salaam area. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum. KEITH, S. 1968. Notes on the birds of East Africa, including additions to the avifauna. American Museum Novitates 2321: 1-15. PEARSON, D.J., BRITTON, H.A. & BRITTON, P.L. 1978. Substantial wintering populations of the Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus griseldis in eastern Kenya. Scopus 2: 33-35. STUART, S.N. & van der WILLIGEN, T.A. 1978. Report of the Cambridge ecological expedition to Tanzania 1978. Cambridge, cyclostyled. ULFSTRAND, S. & LAMPREY, H. 1960. On the birds of the Kungwe-Mahari area in western Tanganyika Territory. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 23: 223-232. WHITE, C.M.N. 1963. A revised check list of African flycatchers...etc. Lusaka: Government Printer. P.L. Britton, Box 90163, Mombasa, Kenya (Received 17 February 1981) 22 Terns breeding in southern Somalia ROSEATE AND SOOTY TERNS STERNA DOUGALLII AND FUSCATA BREEDING ON ISLETS IN SOUTHERN SOMALIA J.S. Ash G@ Aca. Karani Roseate Terns Sterna dougallii attempted to breed on two islets just offshore a few kilometres south of Mogadishu, southern Somalia, in 1979. Their failure was due to repeated egg-removal by the local people. Because hundreds of several other species of terns, including Noddy Anous stolidus, Lesser Noddy A. tenuirostris, Lesser Crested Tern S. bengalensis, Crested Tern S. bergii, Bridled Tern S.anaethetus and Sooty Tern S. fuscata, joined the colony, plans were made by the Wild Life Department to protect the islands if the birds returned in 1980, particularly to see if any of these other species would also breed. Immense numbers of terns occur in coastal areas near Mogadishu, and large numbers in other parts of the country, but there are surprisingly few breeding records from anywhere in Somalia. Of the 17 Sterna and Anous species recorded in Somalia, eight are known to have bred: Archer & Godman (1937) refer to White-cheeked Terns S. repressa and Bridled Terns breeding on Aibat Is. (11° 31'N, 43°27'E) and Saad al Din Is. (11°27'N, 43°28'E) off Zeila in the Gulf of Aden, Lesser Crested Terns on Aibat and Crested Terns on Aibat and Komaleh Is. (11°28'N, 43°22'E); Heuglin (1869-74) and North (1946) discuss Sooty Terns and Noddies breeding on Mait Is. (11°16'N, 47°15'E), also in the Gulf of Aden; North (1944) records Little Terns S.albifrons breeding near Brava (1°06'N, 44°03'E) and also Roseate Terns attempting to breed on an islet only 60 yards (55m) in diameter, named Chilani, at the same place. One of us (JSA) has found Little Terns breeding in 1978-1980 all along the coast from 105km north- east of Mogadishu to 37km southwest, and also at Brava. He also saw c. 100 pairs of White-cheeked Terns with eggs on 22 September 1979 on a small islet at 37km north of Ras Kiamboni (1°39'S, 41°37'E), where there were also 20 Roseate Terns present; on the following day there were many White-cheeked Terns, probably breeding, on one islet at 20km northeast of Ras Kiamboni, and c. 50 Roseate Terns on another islet at 5km northeast. On the first of these islets there were also many small dark feathers suggesting that Sooty Terns or Noddies may also breed in the Baijun archipelago. There were also many Sooty Terns over Chimoni Is. (0°21'S, 42°31'E) off Kismayu on 6 October 1978, and over an island off Ras Kiamboni on 19 September 1979, but these could only be viewed from the mainland. It is very probable that terns breed or attempt to breed on many islands off the Somalia coast, particularly in the Baijun, but these still await investigation. THE MOGADISHU ISLETS There are four smalI islets south of Mogadishu, all of which can be reached by wading at low tide. At their highest points they are only 4.5 - 7.0m above low water mark. a) ‘list Mosque Is." at Gezira (1°56'N, 45°11'E), 23km southwest of Mogadishu. This island has a small mosque, and is not used by terns. b) ‘North Is.' (1°55'N, 45°05'E), 32km southwest of Mogadishu, 78m xX 23m, and 170m offshore. About half the island is bare sea-eroded coral rock, the other half having a sparse covering of coarse grass Sporobolus virginicus. c) '2nd Mosque Is.' lies only 13m south of North Is., 17im xX 41m, and has a small mosque at its highest point. Much of this island is covered with a low Suaeda, mostly less than 1.4m high, but there are also areas of coarse grass Scopus 5: 22-27, March 1981 Terns breeding in southern Somalia 23 and bare rock. da) Buntapsi Is. (1°58'N, 45°04'E), 35km southwest of Mogadishu, 55m x 25m, and 180m offshore, and is mainly (95 per cent) covered with Sporobolus. HISTORY OF ATTEMPTED BREEDING IN 1979 22 June: Buntapsi Is.: many Roseate Terns seen from mainland, and thought to be breeding. 26 June: Buntapsi Is.: hundreds of eggs said to have been taken by local people today. 29 June: Buntapsi Is.: c. 600 Roseate Terns present; three local boys removed 100 eggs. 30 June: 2nd Mosque Is.: local people reported hundreds of terns breeding. 13 July: 2nd Mosque Is.: c. 600 Roseate Terns, apparently breeding, seen from mainland. No terns present at Buntapsi Is. 25 August: Buntapsi Is.: 300+ Roseate Terns present, probably breeding. During these observations the other species of terns present included a few Lesser Crested and Crested Terns on Buntapsi, where there were four Sooty Terns on 26 June. There were usually up to five Bridled Terns on Buntapsi in June and August, and on 2nd Mosque Is., in July. There were over 100 Lesser Noddies on Buntapsi Is. on the first visit on 22 June, increasing to 400 on 29 June, and 400 again on 2nd Mosque Is. on 10 July, when the Roseate Terns returned to breed there; they then returned to Buntapsi Is. with the Roseate Terns, for there were 120 there on 25 August (Ash 1980). Noddies arrived on the scene later, when there were over 300 on Buntapsi Is. on 24 August. HISTORY OF BREEDING IN 1980 Roseate Terns began to return to the Mogadishu area in numbers in mid April. 30 May: at Buntapsi Is. there were over 200 adults displaying on the mainland beach opposite the island, and 400-500 roosted on North Is. that evening. 6 June: no terns on Buntapsi Is. but c. 1000 Roseate Terns on North Is., of which some probably had nests. 7 June: 1642 Roseate Terns were counted flying south past a headland near ist Mosque Is. 8 June: c. 1000 Roseate Terns on North Is. A camp for two guards was estab- lished on the mainland opposite the island. 13 June: c. 1000 Roseate Terns had now moved on to 2nd Mosque Is., where they had just begun to lay. A Brown-necked Raven Corvus ruficollis made three crossings to the island and removed an egg each time, but only after considerable time spent in searching. 16 June: all the birds left 2nd Mosque Is. at 07:00 and moved to Buntapsi Is., where there were also four Sooty Terns. 27 June: Buntapsi Is.: many nests with 1 egg only. Local people claimed to be removing eggs (guards still at 2nd Mosque Is.); nine Sooty Terns present, confined to small area in centre of colony. 4 July: Buntapsi Is.: c. 800 Roseate Terns - many on nests all over island. Seven Sooty Terns present, of which one appeared to be incubating. 1i July: Buntapsi Is.: c. 2000 Roseate Terns, and at least 500 nests, all with C/1 or C/2, except one with C/3. Fourteen Sooty Tern nests each with C/1. 17 July: Buntapsi Is.: the northern half of the island completely deserted. Eleven Sooty Terns counted. 25 July: Buntapsi Is.: Roseate Terns just hatching, but most still with eggs. Eggs present in the deserted part of the colony. Seventeen Sooty Terns there. 1 August: Buntapsi Is.: probably over half the Roseate Terns had hatched, but 24 Terns breeding in southern Somalia there were more dead than live chicks in all stcges from newly hatched to well feathered (so some presumably hatched before 25 July). At least 12 Sooty Terns present, with one hatched egg and others with C/1. 10 August: North Is.: the guards reported that large numbers of Roseate Terns with some Sooty Terns returned to this island today. 12 August: Buntapsi Is.: the young Roseate Terns were now at the flapping stage (one had reached the mainland beach where it was very agile); only 20 young could be seen on the island through a telescope, and it was considered that not more than 50 had survived. The, whole island was littered with dead young in all stages of development, and the hundreds of nests in the deserted half of the colony mainly contained C/2. There were 11 adult Sooty Terns on the island and the single pullus was ringed, but 19 other single egg clutches were deserted and contained dead embryos at various stages from mid incubation to chipping. At this date it was considered that heavy sea-spray at night was a possible cause for the desertion of eggs by both species, and possibly also for the dead young. 12 August: North Is.: c. 1500 Roseate Terns and at least 20 Sooty Terns. 14 August: North Is.: terns present but not incubating. 19 August: Buntapsi Is.: c. 100 Roseate Terns present, but not breeding. Recommended that guards return to North Is. site. 9 September: North Is.: several hundred Roseate Terns and about ten Sooty Terns, but only a few of the former attending nests. Most of the birds had now transferred to 2nd Mosque Is., where they were apparently not breeding. 10 September: Gezira: two juvenile Roseate Terns seen, presumably of local origin. 12 September: North Is.: c. 20 Roseate Terns' nests, only one with C/3, but most chipping or with small chicks near nests. According to local people they had been removing eggs daily from this island in spite of the presence of guards. No Sooty Terns here or on 2nd Mosque Is. 12 September: Buntapsi Is.: over 1000 adult Roseate Terns and at least three juveniles (presumably locally bred). Nine adult Sooty Terns and the ringed juvenile almost flying. 28 November: no terns on any islands. During the 1980 breeding season small numbers of both Lesser Crested and Crested Terns visited the colonies, of particular interest in June being several, up to ten in a day, S. bergii thalassina, the southern race of the Crested Tern, not previously recorded in Somalia. A few Bridled Terns usually present but never more than six, at all the colonies. This year noddies were present throughout the breeding season, reaching a peak of about 50 on 13 June, but the Lesser Noddy, although present throughout the period, was in much smaller numbers than in 1979, reaching a peak of 100 + 5 on 4 July.. BILL COLOURATION OF ROSEATE TERNS North (1944) noted that in June the bills of Roseate Terns at Brava were all- black, but in August they were red with dark tips (apical 1.5mm brown, remainder bright red, in one bird collected on 12 August). Warman (1979) described the change in bill colour of adult Roseate Terns S. dougallii aride- ensis through the breeding season on Aride Is., Seychelles. This race demon- strates a change in colour from an all-black bill prior to breeding to an all- red bill at the end of the cycle, the red colouration first appearing at the base. The Somalia birds show similar stages of development, although the apical one-third always remains black in this, the nominate race. In May and June practically all the adult Roseate Terns had all-black bills, although from about the middle of June an increasing number were showing traces of red at the base of the bills. On 4 July about half of c. 800 Roseate Terns checked Terns breeding in southern Somalia 25 at the colony had bills which were about half and half red and black, and by 29 July practically all had red bills with only the tip black. No Roseate Terns were seen with all-red bills. An anomalous bird on 24 April had a black- tipped red bill like the July birds, but this is an exceptional condition at this time of the year in this area. BREEDING SEASONS IN INDIAN OCEAN The breeding season on Aride Is. is given as 22 April - 18 August by Warman (1979) for the race arideensis of the Roseate Tern. In Kenya nominate birds breed late July to early September (Britton 1980), whereas the same race in Somalia starts to breed between these periods, from 30 May - early October (although the picture is distorted here owing to disturbance at the colonies). However, the timing of events in the Somalia colonies follows closely that on Aride, but c. 30 days later, as can be seen in Table 1. TABLE 1 Breeding and bill colour stages in Roseate Terns Sterna dougallii in Somalia and Seychelles eS 2 re SS EE SS ae ST esos Stage of breeding Aride Difference and bill colour (Seychelles) Somalia (in days) Colonies occupied 7 May 6 June 30 First few eggs 12 May 13 June 32 Trace of red at bill base 12 May 13 June 32 Most with proximal 4 of bills red 6 June 4 July 28 First eggs hatched c. 17 June c. 18 July 31 First flying young 14 July 12 August 2a BREEDING FAILURES Dr W.R.P. Bourne (in litt., 26 July 1980) has pointed out that Atlantic populations of Roseate Terns have been suffering from inexplicable breeding failures, so that their numbers are now at a very low level. It is tempting to suggest that breeding failures in Somalia may be attributable to the same cause or causes, whatever they may be, but in both 1979 and 1980 failures were almost certainly caused by two factors: egg removal by man, and drenching by spray from high seas. In 1979, desertion in June and August at Buntapsi Is., and in July at 2nd Mosque Is. could be attributed to egg-removal, which was known to be occurring. In 1980, the Roseate Terns moved in June from North Is., where they were probably breeding, to the adjoining 2nd Mosque Is., where they certainly laid eggs. They then moved again after a few days, to lay again on Buntapsi Is. at the end of June, where they suffered from egg-removal by man. Later they received protection here from egg-removal, but apparently suffered heavy loss of eggs and young from drenching spray (possibly at night). It may have been these unsuccessful birds which then returned to North Is. in August, where they again lost eggs, apparently to man, and most moved to 2nd Mosque Is., but apparently did not breed. Owing to lack of observers we have no records after 12 September. Warman (1979) referred to two species of Mabuya skinks being egg-predators on Aride, and mentioned the possible effects of the ticks Amblyomma loculosum and their associated arbovirus on young birds. At the Somalia colonies, a skink lives commonly just above the waterline on all the colony islets, but is too small to break a tern's egg and there was no suspicion that they might 26 Terns breeding in southern Somalia be doing so. All the colonies were searched in the usual sites for resting ticks but none was found. Brown-necked Ravens are very common on the mainland opposite the colonies, but on only one day was a single bird seen, which removed an egg each time on three sorties to the island and flew back to the mainland each time to eat them. Often ravens flew along the shore close to Buntapsi Is., but made no attempt to cross the narrow strip of water. The restless behaviour of these terns may have been due to disturbance by sea and man, or possibly it may be a characteristic of new colonizers. CONSERVATION Unfortunately there is no clear evidence as to the exact cause of the relatively poor breeding success, although egg-removal by local people was clearly an important contributory cause, which could be controlled. If egg desertion and chick mortality are caused by breaking waves, then it is point- less to attempt to conserve these colonies, but another season with close observation by a trained observer is required to prove this point. Roseate Terns are vulnerable birds, and their decrease in the Atlantic gives cause for concern. In the Indian Ocean, the situation is clearly much better, and with improved conservation, such as on Aride, the position may be better now than it has been for a long time. Nevertheless, a conservation effort is worthwhile in Somalia, where it is a relatively simple operation, for a large colony of sea-birds close to the capital city is of educational, touristic and scientific interest. The following recommendations are made if it is decided to give full protection to the birds if they return in 1981: 1. Guards should be placed near the colonies as soon as the birds arrive. They require reasonable living accomodation and protection from the heat and strong winds, and adequate food and water. 2. One person with biological training should visit the site(s) at least one day per week and preferably be present all the time. 3. The guards need to be educated in the reasons for protecting the birds. 4. The local people need to be instructed in the purpose of conservation, and consideration might be given to them being permitted to harvest the first crop of eggs. 5. The co-operation of local sheikhs might be sought to provide a religious reason for protecting the birds. 6. Nobody except the biologist should ever visit an islet after it has been colonized. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We extend our best thanks to: Yusef Mohamed Ahemed, Director of the Wild Life Department, who organized the placing and welfare of the guards; Mohamed Ibrahim and Husein Elmi, also of the Wild Life Department, who provided valuable assistance; and Mrs J.W. Ash for identifying plant material. REFERENCES ARCHER, G. & GODMAN, E.M. 1937. The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. London & Edinburgh: Gurney & Jackson. ASH, J.S. 1980. Common and Lesser Noddy Anous stolidus and A. tenuirostris in Somalia. Scopus 4: 6-9. HEUGLIN, Th. von. 1869-1874. Ornithologie Nordost-Afrikas, der Nilquellen- und Kusten-Gebiete des Rothen Meeres und des nordlichen Somal-Landes. Cassel: Fischer. Terns breeding in southern Somalia 9) NORTH, M.E.W. 1944. Notes on the sea-birds of Brava. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 18: 32-40. 1946. Mait Island - a bird rock in the Gulf of Aden. Ibis 88: 478-501. WARMAN, S.R. 1979. The Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii arideensis on Aride Island, Seychelles. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 99: 124- 128. J.S. Ash, Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. and A.A. Karani, National Range Agency, Box 639, Mogadishu, Somalia (Received 20 February 1981) THE LESLIE BROWN TRUST FUND At the close of the 5th Pan African Ornithological Congress held at Lilongwe it was unanimously decided to set up a Leslie Brown Trust Fund for ornithological research in Africa. But for his untimely death, Leslie would have been one of the Vice-Chairmen at Lilongwe, and, as such, it is hoped that a fund of this nature will stim- ulate and encourage others to emulate Leslie's ideals and aspirations in the field of ornithological research. A sizeable amount has already been raised, but before such a fund can become Operational, many more contributions are needed. All contributions, no matter how small, or in what currency, are welcomed and will, of course, be acknowl- edged. Please send your contribution to: The Leslie Brown Trust Fund, c/o Box 24916, Nairobi, Kenya. All cheques, bank drafts and transfers should be made payable to The Leslie Brown Trust Fund. 28 Ngulia 1980/81 RINGING AND MIGRATION AT NGULIA, TSAVO, NOVEMBER 1980 - JANUARY 1981 G.C. Backhurst & D.J. Pearson During 1980/81, Ngulia Lodge was manned on 40 nights over the main period of southward migration of Palaearctic passerines. On 20 of these nights, moonless conditions combined with mist resulted in large concentrations of birds around the lights. Coverage, and incidence of misty weather, were thus much as in 1979 but the Palaearctic ringing total was only slightly over half that of the previous season (Backhurst & Pearson 1980). This was due to two factors: firstly a full moon late in November coincided with the migration peak, and secondly, a limited number of experienced operators was present on most of those occasions when large falls did occur early in December. No new Palaearctic species was caught during the season, although three migrants new to Ngulia at this time of year - Sooty Falcon Falco concolor, Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor and White Wagtail Motacilla alba - were seen. This year was notable for the number and variety of nightjars caught, for the totals of Spotted Flycatcher, Nightingale and Basra Reed Warbler ringed, and for the number of Little Bitterns recorded. Totals of Palaearctic birds ringed at Ngulia during October - February are shown in Table 1 for 1980/81 and for the whole period of operations at the Lodge, 1969/81; scientific names are given in the table. Coverage in November 1980 was complete from 2nd until i7th, when a growing moon intervened. Unfortunately, up to 12th, productive weather conditions occurred on only two nights. Mist with light showers on 7th, and then con- tinuous mist from midnight to dawn on 8th, resulted in catches of 274 and’ 400 migrants respectively, in which Whitethroat was the main species although Spotted Flycatchers, Nightingales, Rufous Bush Chats, Eurasian Nightjars and Olive-tree Warblers featured prominently. The nights of 13-17 November were all productive to some extent, but with changeable weather conditions catches differed greatly from night to night. Thus, 733 birds on 14th after a dry night with continuous low mist, were followed by a mere 112 on 15th after the heaviest rain (c. 80mm in 24h, mostly at night) recorded at the Lodge for Many years, and then 245 on 16th almost all arriving in mist and drizzle between 04:15 and 05:00hrs. This mid November period produced a record daily catch of Nightingales (26 on 14th), good numbers of Eurasian Nightjars, including examples of the central Asian race plumipes, the first River Warblers of the season and a variety of shrikes, including an adult male Red-tailed with the characters of the central Asian race speculigerus (see Pearson 1979). The generally heavy rain was presumably responsible for unusual numbers of Eurasian Rollers and birds of prey in the Ngulia area during mid November. Over 1000 Rollers were counted passing south to the west of the ridge during less than 20min on the afternoon of 14th. Two Eleonora's Falcons, three Sooty Falcons, 21 Eastern Red-footed Falcons Falco amurensis and a few Hobbies F. subbuteo were identified; in addition, some 20 more 'probable' Sooties were seen, and a group of 40 small falcons flying high up the valley in the mist on 16th were probably Eastern Red-footed. Lesser Spotted Eagles Aquila pomerina and Steppe Eagles A. nipalensis were both common, feeding on termites along the Park roads. Over the period 30 November - 15 December mist, with or without rain, brought birds to the lights on all but three nights. The species composition of the early December catch, which totalled over 5000 Palaearctic birds, was typical of that normally found at this stage of the season, with less variety than in Scopus 5: 28-30, March 1981 Ngulia 1980/81 29 TABLE 1 Numbers of Palaearctic night migrants ringed at Ngulia Safari Lodge between October and February in the years 1969-1981 Species 1980/81 %* 1969/81 Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 1 - 3 Eurasian Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus 41 202 203 Eurasian Roller Coracias garrulus 3 120 25 Eurasian Swallow Hirundo rustica (at night) 33 334 4142 Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus 2 200 11 Rufous Bush Chat Cercotrichas galactotes 126 191 667 Irania Irania gutturalis 106 90 1056 Sprosser Luscinia luscinia 1484 141 10 008 Nightingale L. megarhynchos v2 AGT, 393 Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis 15 174 85 Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina 10 LST 61 Northern Wheatear O. oenanthe 11 157 67 Pied Wheatear O. pleschanka 5 148 32 Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus 4 152 25 Basra Reed Warbler A. griseldis 93 224 427 Marsh Warbler A. palustris 2178 118 L7..057 Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus 8 156 59 Reed Warbler A. scirpaceus 4 63 56 Upcher's Warbler Hippolais languida 9 37 207 Olive-tree Warbler H. olivetorum 46 182 dee S Olivaceous Warbler H. pallida 44 144 291 River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis 2t5 106 1859 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 123 So 882 Garden Warbler Sylvia borin ay, 38 383 Whitethroat S. communis 2246 138 15 411 Barred Warbler S.nisoria 25 51 421 Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 190 287 550 Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis 1 = 17 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio 85 114 685 Red-tailed Shrike L. isabellinus 52 84 554 Hybrid collurio x isabellinus 3 = 7 Total ringed f254 51 937 *The 1980/81 total expressed as a percentage of the 1972/80 mean for each species Totals of species ringed in previous seasons but not in 1980/81 are as follows: Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae 1, Corncrake Crex crex 6, Spotted Crake Porzana porzana 1, Eurasian Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 2, Lesser Cuckoo C. polio- cephalus 1, Scops Owl Otus scops 1, Sand Martin Riparia riparia 5, Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus 1, Whinchat Saxicola rubetra 2, Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina 1, Savi's Warbler Locustella luscinioides 1, Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix 1, Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla 45 and Yellow Wag- tail Motacilla flava 3. mid November, and only very small numbers of Nightingales, Rufous Bush Chats and Eurasian Nightjars, for example. Basra Reed Warblers were prominent in the catch on most days. Little Bitterns were regularly heard at night, and on 7th, when several groups (including one of eight) had passed in the mist, a Single bird of the nominate race was caught, whilst two others bounced from 30 Ngulia 1980/81 nets. Aquila passage was much reduced during December, and falcons were hardly seen. During the period 28 December - 3 January there was a marked absence of mist at night and consequently, few birds were attracted to the lights. However, the bush south of the Lodge was lush and provided a rich habitat for a number of warblers, some of which had been in the area for up to three weeks previously. Two Reed Warblers caught on the afternoon of 28th were both in active wing moult as were some of the retrapped Whitethroats. The small total of 146 migrants caught during the period comprised mostly Whitethroats and Marsh Warblers; the two late migrants, the Garden Warbler and Upcher's Warbler, were poorly represented while the Blackcap was not recorded at all. Afrotropical region migrants occur at Ngulia in small numbers during the southward Palaearctic movement (Backhurst & Pearson 1977): Black and White Cuckoos Clamator jacobinus, Harlequin Quails Coturnix delegorguei and five species of nightjar formed the majority of the Afrotropical birds. Other species of interest were: a Green-backed Heron Butorides striatus at the end of Decem- ber, a Dwarf Bittern Ixobrychus sturmii early in the month, several Button Quails Turnix sylvatica (December and January), a Black Cuckoo Shrike Campeph- aga flava in mid November, a juvenile Gambaga Flycatcher Muscicapa gambagae in early November, an African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus at the end of December and occasional Golden Pipits Tmetothylacus tenellus throughout. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Mr Bill Woodley, the Warden of Tsavo National Park (West), for allowing us te ring in the Park. The Lodge Manager, Mr Roger Chambers and his wife Jan gave us every assistance - we cannot thank them enough for all they did. We should also like to thank especially Mrs A.M. Forbes-Watson, Mrs D.E.G. Backhurst, Mrs J. Dirks and L. Bennon. Thanks are also due to J. Halliday, A.D. Lewis, P.L. & Mrs H.A. Britton, M.A.C. Coverdale, T. & Mrs D. Mathews, A.E. Butterworth, Mrs B. Couldrey, Mrs M. Gross and members of the EANHS who helped with operations on 6 and 7 December. REFERENCES BACKHURST, G.C. & PEARSON, D.J. 1977. Ethiopian region birds attracted to the lights of Ngulia Safari Lodge, Kenya. Scopus 1: 98-103. 1980. Southward migration at Ngulia, Tsavo, Kenya 1979/80. Scopus 4: 14-20. PEARSON, D.J. 1979. The races of the Red-tailed Shrike Lanius isabellinus occurring in East Africa. Scopus 3: 74-78. G.C. Backhurst, Box 24702, Nairobi and D.J. Pearson, Box 30197, Nairobi. (Received 15 January 1981) oe THE AFROTROPICAL REGION The Ornithological Sub-Committee would like to mention that it has been swayed by the arguments of Benson et al. (1979) in Ibis 121: 518, and intends to use the term Afrotropical Region in place of Ethiopian Region. Ed. Short communications 4 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS WILSON'S STORM PETREL OCEANITES OCEANICUS IN KENYA On 6 April 1980, some 3km off Malindi, I watched a Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanicus through x10 binoculars for at least 2min. When disturbed by the boat at about 20m range, it was immediately recognizable as one of the small, dark-bodied, white-rumped storm petrels. The tail was virtually square (appearing very slightly cleft in the centre), the wings were all-dark below and only slightly angled at the carpal joint, and the legs were long, projecting beyond the tail. Most texts stress that the webs of the feet of this species are yellow. The webs of this bird were apparently dark, as was the case with several individuals I observed in the South Atlantic in January 1968. In fact, the photographs and text of Boswall (1979) show that web colour is séldom a useful field character. Long legs, projecting beyond the tail, combined with other features such as tail shape and wing shape, allow Wilson's Storm Petrel to be identified with certainty if a reasonable view is obtained. In contrast, a bird which I saw off Watamu on 23 April 1978, most probably Leach's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa (E.A. Bird Report 1978), had a slightly forked tail, markedly angled wings, and legs short (apparently concealed beneath the tail). Britton (1980) refrained from admitting Wilson's Storm Petrel to the East African avifauna, despite the liklihood that most of the small storm petrels seen annually in our waters are this species (rather than Leach's Storm Petrel, for which there is, however, one specimen record from Kenya). These earlier sightings, often involving several individuals on several dates, were made by fishing enthusiasts without the benefit of binoculars or a knowledge of critical field characters. Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1957), Penny (1974) and others have considered it likely that the Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus occurs off the coasts of eastern Africa. White (1965), on the other hand, noted that, although the species is common off the Cape Province of South Africa during November to May, there is no proper record of the Storm Petrel from the Indian Ocean or the Red Sea. In response to Penny's comments, Feare & Bourne (1978) have established that there is no specimen of the Storm Petrel north of its accepted winter quarters off South Africa, whereas a large series of the superficially similar Wilson's Storm Petrel has now been collected all round the Indian Ocean. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Major R. and Mrs L. Didham for inviting me as a passenger on the Lallie Lee on 6 April 1980. REFERENCES BOSWALL, J. 1979. Flight characters of Wilson's Petrel. British Birds 72:330-4. E.A. BIRD REPORT 1978. Scopus 2: 105-144. FEARE, C.J. & BOURNE, W.R.P. 1978. The occurrence of 'portlandica' Little Terns and absence of Damara Terns and British Storm Petrels in the Indian Ocean. Ostrich 49: 64-66. PENNY, M. 1974. The birds of Seychelles and the outlying islands. London: Collins. WHITE, C.M.N. 1965. A revised check list of African Non-Passerine birds. Lusaka: Government Printer. P.L. Britton, Box 90163, Mombasa Received 17 February 1981 Scopus 5: 31, March 1981 32 Short communications THE DUNLIN CALIDRIS ALPINA IN ETHIOPIA AND SOMALIA The confusing situation regarding occurrences of Dunlins Calidris alpina in East Africa, clarified by Backhurst et al. (1973), prompted us to review records of the species in Ethi- opia and Somalia. It now appears that there are three acceptable records, all inland, from Uganda and Kenya (Britton 1980), none from Tanzania, and that it is therefore a rare vagrant to East Africa. It is reported from as far south as South Africa (McLachlan & Liversidge 1980), but Dowsett (1980) is sceptical of all records south of the equator. However, those from Rwenzori and Nakuru, accepted in Britton (1980), are actually just south of the equator. On the Red Sea coast of Eritrea Dunlins are stated to be regular in small numbers on coastal mudflats in winter (Smith 1957). This is confirmed by Ash from mid winter visits to the Massawa (15°37'N, 39°28'E) and Assab (13°0i'N, 42°43'E) areas where the following birds were seen: Assab area: 25 December 1970 - 1 January 1971. Not very common; maximum 30 in one locality, and small numbers elsewhere. On 24-30 December 1973 there were a scattered few. Massawa area: 26-28 December 1972. Up to 15 in a day. However, elsewhere the species is obviously of only very rare occurrence at a few inland sites. In the years 1969-1977, Ash saw Dunlins only four times inland: Akaki (8°52'N, 38°08'E), 3 on 18 November 1969. Koka (8°27'N, 39°06'E), 1 on 16-17 December and 2 on 18-21 December 1970; 1 on 3 and 6 March 1973. Langano (7°35'N, 38°45'E), 1 adult in partial breeding plumage on 24-25 August 1974. There are six other inland records listed in the collection of data being used in preparing distribution maps for Ethiopia. Three of these are from Eritrea (E. Johnson and K.D. Smith, pers. comm., but no details), one from Lake Basaaka (8°53'N, 39°53'E) in May 1969, one at Lake Langano (A. Vittery, pers. comm.), and one from Lake Tana (Moltoni & Ruscone 1944). In addition, Mann (1971) saw three at sea among the Dahlac Islands on 3 September 1962. We believe that all these are acceptable records. Dunlins have only been recorded in 14 of the % x 4k-degree squares used in the Ethiopian distribution maps (Ash & McConnel 1975) as follows: 7A, 11AD, 12ACD, 26CD, 34B, 35A, 69B, 7OBC and 83B. There are at least five records of 1-2 birds from Somalia, as follows: Berbera (10°26'N, 45°02'E), 1 male collected, no date (Elliott 1897), a record overlooked by Archer & Godman (1937). Berbera, 1 male collected 27 November, year not given (Archer & Godman 1937). Shonde (1°10'N, 42°33'E), one with a few black feathers on belly, 27 February 1980 (authors' pers. obs.). Inland locality. Gezira lagoon (1°57'N, 45°11'E), one in full breeding plumage, 1 April 1980 (authors' pers. obs.); 1 in winter plumage 10 December 1980 and 2 between 13 December 1980 and 10 January 1981 (Ash pers. obs.). These records are placed in three of the 4 x 4-degree squares of the Somalia distribution maps: 11C, 66D and.69A (Ash & Miskell in prep.). In conclusion, in Ethiopia Dunlins are fairly common on the coast south to Assab, but are rare inland. They are apparently unknown in Djibouti, where Short communications 33 Ash saw none in a detailed survey on 24-27 December 1975. Further south, in Somalia, there are only five records of 1-2 birds, two on the coast in the north and two on the coast and one inland in the south. It appears that the regular wintering area in northeastern Africa does not extend south of a line through Aden and Assab. South of this line the bird occurs irregularly as a vagrant. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Peter Hay, Brother Edmond Johnson, C.F. Mann, the late K.D. Smith and Alan Vittery for providing information on Dunlins in Ethiopia. REFERENCES ARCHER, G.F. & GODMAN, E.M. 1937. The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. Vol. 2. London & Edinburgh: Gurney & Jackson. ASH, J.S. & MISKELL, J.E. (in prep.). An atlas of bird distribution in Somalia. & McCONNEL, E. 1975. A biological distribution map for Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal 13: 37-39. DOWSETT, R.J. 1980. The migration of coastal waders from the Palaearctic across Africa. Le Gerfaut 70: 3-35. ELLIOTT, D.G. 1897. Catalogue of a collection of birds obtained by the recent expedition into Somali-land, authorised and equipped by the Field Columbian Museum, with descriptions of new species. Field Columbian Museum, Publication 17, Ornithological Series 1(2): 29-67. MANN, C.F. 1971. Migration in the Dahlac Archipelago and the neighbouring mainland of Ethiopia, autumn 1962. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 91: 41-46. McLACHLAN, G.R. & LIVERSIDGE, R. 1980. Roberts birds of South Africa. Cape Town: Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund. MOLTONI, E. & RUSCONE, G.G. 1944. Gli uccelli dell'Africa Orientale Italiana. Vol. 3. Milano. SMITH, K.D. 1957. An annotated check list of the birds of Eritrea. Ibis 99: 1-26, 307-337. J.S. Ash, Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. and J.E. Miskell, c/o UNDP, Box 24, Mogadishu, Somalia. Received 20 February 1981. Scopus 5: 32-33, March 1981 NOTES FROM THE RWENZORI MOUNTAINS, INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF THE NEST AND EGGS OF ARCHER'S GROUND ROBIN DRYOCICHLOIDES ARCHERI During early January 1959, I visited the Rwenzoris in western Uganda as one of a party from Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) . Recollections are a little hazy, but my few observations and speci- mens include some items of interest. All species noted above about 4000m are mentioned, even if no proper identification was made. Most were in the vicinity of Bujuku Lake and Kitandara, but we reached the Stanley glacier and the summit of Mount Speke. Buteo tachardus Mountain Buzzard A pair of dull brown buzzards with a nest on the southern side of the eastern approaches to the Stuhlmann Pass, about two-thirds of the way up from the Bujuku huts, was evidently this species. In East Africa as a whole, Britton (1980) records it as high as 3800m. 34 Short communications [Sarothrura affinis Chestnut-tailed Pygmy Crake I have no proper notes on 'some crake-like birds flushed by a porter near Bujuku Lake'. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile noting the possibility that they were this species, which has a discountinuous and relict distribution (essent- ially montane) in eastern and southern Africa. Keith, Benson & Irwin (1970) state that it 'doubtless remains to be discovered in many further localities, especially in Tanzania’. Schoutedenapus myoptilus Scarce Swift A dead bird picked up in the snows of the glacier atop Mount Speke. A number of unidentified swifts were noted elsewhere. [Corvus albicollis White-necked Raven A ‘couple of ravens' weze noted. Dryocichloides archeri Archer's Ground Robin On 17 January one parent and two well set eggs were collected from a grove of 5-m tall senecios about 100m upstream from the top lake at Kitandara. Accord- to Brown & Britton (1980) the nest and eggs are still undescribed. The nest was a neat cup of rootlets and tendrils let into a depression about 1.2m up on the side of a great mass of moss that clung to the trunck of one of the senecios. There was no outer bulk to the nest as the moss itself provided the support for the cup. When taken, the eggs were a pale blue, freckled with a few small insipid brown spots, mostly about the middle and towards the top, but not forming any distinct ring of markings. They measured 24.4 x 15.7 and 23.5. 16. Oaum:. Bradypterus cinnamomeus Cinnamon Bracken Warbler This was the most numerous species. To my ear, its simple, slightly protracted seee call was significantly different from those of the three Bradypterus spp. (baboecala, barratti, sylvaticus) familiar to me in southern Africa. A nest near Nyamleju on 9 January had two slightly incubated eggs, but each of the several other nests found was empty. All were bulky structures of straw, leaves and fern fronds, in tangles against the truncks of senecios, with a neat cup lined with fine dry grasses. [Phylloscopus umbrovirens Brown Woodland Warbler A small warbler seen was probably this species. [Onychognathus tenuirostris Slender-billed Chestnut-winged Starling Some red-winged starlings seen were presumably this species. Nectarinia johnstoni Scarlet-tufted Malachite Sunbird We paid particular attention to this common species and found a dozen or more nests. Apart from a single egg on the point of hatching, all nests were empty. Some nests were tucked into the dead growth under the green leaves at the top of big senecios, while others hung in more typically sunbird fashion from the trailing end of creepers or branches. The occupied nest was built into the leaves and twigs of an upright sprig of tree heath where it was well supported by the surrounding growth. One nest was almost snow white, having apparently been built very largely of the downy material from the underside of the petioles of the senecios. This material was usually used for lining alone. Serinus striolatus Streaky Seed-eater This was another common species, though only one nest was found (C/2). REFERENCE KEITH, S., BENSON, C.W. & IRWIN, M.P.S. 1970. The genus Sarothrura (Aves, Rallidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 143: 1-84. A.N.B. Masterson, Box 2093, Salisbury, Zimbabwe Received 16 November 1980 Scopus 5: 33-34, March 1981 ‘Short communications 35 DESERT WHEATEARS OENANTHE DESERTI IN ETHIOPIA AND SOMALIA Desert Wheatears Oenanthe deserti overwinter in parts of Ethiopia and Somalia, but the limits of their distribution are not well known. They are said to be common in NE Ethiopia (Urban & Brown 1971) and in (ex-British) Somaliland, "but it does not penetrate as far south as the Equator" (Archer & Godman 1961). White (1962) states that it winters in both countries (two races), but according to Moreau (1972) only one race is involved. There are no certain records further south in Kenya and Uganda (Britton 1980). DISTRIBUTION IN ETHIOPIA The species occurs mainly in the sandy coastal plains of Eritrea, where it is also found in the west of the country up to 1300m in open acacia country (Moreau 1972). Further south I found it to be regular in small numbers in the Awash valley in the Danakil north of 10°30'N and in the area round the Djibouti and Somali borders to 10°N. There are a few scattered records outside this area: a male collected and identified by Patrizi (?1941) at Addis Ababa (and thus at about 2300m); it is included in Hay's (1969) list of the birds of the Awash National Park as a winter visitor; and another from an area just north of the Park from a plot on my unpublished distribution maps, but I do not have a note of the original reference. DISTRIBUTION IN SOMALIA In northern (ex-British) Somalia, where it occurs in great numbers, the maj- ority are on the coastal plain, but they also occur on the central plateau up to 240km from the sea (Archer & Godman 1961). However, further east and south I have not been able to trace any records at all in ex-Italian Somaliland, although presumably it should be as common in the north as it is further to the west, for it also occurs on Socotra. In the past two winters I have found several birds in the Mogadishu area, which opens up the possibility that probably they occur further north throughout coastal Somalia. As these birds, all males, extend the known wintering range by some 1000km southwards, they are recorded below in detail: Hal Hambo (1°54'N, 45°05'E), 32km southwest of Mogadishu, 1 on 14 and 21 December 1979. Mallable (2°12'N, 45°37'E), 35km northeast of Mogadishu, 1 on 11 January 1980. Buntapsi (1°53'N, 45°04'E), 34km southwest of Mogadishu, 1 on 8 February 1980. near Gezira (1°57'N, 45°11'E), 21km southwest of Mogadishu, 1 on 15 February 1980. 12km northeast of Mogadishu (2°05'N, 45°26'E), 1 on 16 February 1980. Gezira, 2 on 10 January 1981. SUBSPECIES Desert Wheatears have been separated into four races, nominate, atrogularis, oreophilus and homochroa. According to Moreau (1972) deserti and homochroa are mainly sedentary in the northern part of the desert belt, oreophilus winters in Iran and Arabia and atrogularis winters from India westwards to Lake Chad. Birds in Ethiopia and Somalia therefore should be atrogularis. However, White (1962) lists deserti only for Ethiopia and British Somaliland, atrogularis for Somaliland [sic] and oreophila [sic] for southern Arabia and Socotra. Urban & Brown (1971) follow White in listing only deserti for Ethio- pia, and Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1960) and Archer & Godman (1961) also agree 36 Short communications in listing only deserti. It would thus be of interest to know the basis for White's inclusion of atrogularis in Somalia. I was impressed by the brownish- buff colouration of the upperparts of the birds I saw in southern Somalia, appearing appreciably darker than the birds (deserti) that I know well in Ethiopia and North Africa. Presumably they are either oreophilus or atrogularis, the former being more likely, but a specimen is needed to settle the question. DATES Smith (1957) states that birds are present in Eritrea from the last week of September to the end of March; Archer & Godman's extreme dates are 20 Sept- ember - 17 March. My own for these countries fall within these periods. REFERENCES ARCHER, G. & GODMAN, E.M. 1961. The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. Vol. 4. Edinburgh & London: Oliver & Boyd. HAY, P.W. 1969. Check list of the birds of Awash Park and Basaaka area. Special Mimeo. Report. Imperial Ethiopian Government Wild Life Conservation Depart- ment, pp. 1-16. PATRIZI, S. (?1941). Governo Generale dell'A.O.I. Divezione Superiore CC. LL. Ispettorato della Caccia. Registro Inventario della Raccolta Zoologica. 1938-1941. (Unpublished MS). SMITH, K.D. 1957. An annotated check list of the birds of Eritrea. Ibis 99: 1-26. URBAN, E.K. & BROWN, L.H. 1971. A checklist of the birds of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I University Press. WHITE, C.M.N. 1962. A revised check list of African shrikes...... etc. Lusaka: Government Printer. J.S. Ash, Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. Received 20 February 1981 Scopus 5: 35-36, March 1981 MAPPING SCHEMES IN THE AFROTROPICAL REGION One of the notable developments in Afrotropical ornithology in the past decade has been the initiation of schemes to map the distribution of birds. As a result of this interest, an informal meeting was held at the 5th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, Malawi, 1980, to discuss the topic. The main objectives of these schemes have been to estab- lish a baseline upon which to measure future trends, but valuable data have also been accumulated to indicate changes in distribution during the past century, and longer. Fortunately, most schemes have followed the Ethiopian model (Ash 1972), which was begun in 1969. Consequently they are compatible, and can be used in the future for an Atlas of the Afrotropical region. The Hall & Moreau (1970) Atlas did much to stimulate interest in mapping, to which the Snow (1978) Atlas has provided added impetus. Already further countr- ies have plans for an Atlas, and clearly, others will follow. Obviously it is desirable for all Atlases to adopt the same basic format, and for this reason we present here a list of schemes known to us, together with information on the year started, status, progress and people/organizations involved. PROPOSED FORMAT We believe that the following suggestions should apply to all future projects. They are divided into two groups: the essential minimum, and what we have termed ‘optional data'. The latter category embraces various additional Short communications 37 records which might be considered by countries with above-average numbers of observers. Essential data 1. Mapping units should be 4 x 4-degree squares, or smaller compatible units (e.g. 4 X 4-degree). For international co-ordination, squares should be referred to by the co-ordinates of their southwest corners (e.g. 04S 32E) although other numbering schemes may be preferred for internal use. 2. Records should generally refer to the period 1970 to i990. 3. Records of each species in each square should be allocated to one of the following categories: a. Present but no evidence of breeding. b. Present and possibly breeding. c. Present, breeding confirmed. 4. It is assumed that the organizer(s) of each scheme will accept responsib- ility for the accuracy of records published. Optional data Depending upon conditions, the collection of additional relevant data may be considered. 5. Pre-1970 records for each species in each square. 6. More detailed categories of breeding records (as per the European Atlas Scheme) . - Monthly records (as per the Natal Atlas Scheme). A five-point abundance rating for each species in each square, namely: - believed to be absent - present but only a few pairs/birds uncommon and/or local - common and/or widespread 4 - Abundant throughout 9. Basic habitat data for the parts of the square visited. This needs further consideration if a degree of conformity is to be achieved. oO ~ . WNke © ! LIST OF AFROTROPICAL ATLAS SCHEMES sh aed Poa Status Co-ordinator/Address Natal 1976 Published Cyrus & Robson, Publication of the Univers- ity of Natal Press, 1980. Transvaal 1975 in press Mrs M. Kemp, Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. South Sudan i978 advanced G. Nikolaus, c/o Box 47051, Nairobi, Kenya. Ethiopia 1969 advanced J.S. Ash, UNDP, Box 24 Mogadishu, Somalia. Somalia 1978 advanced J.S. Ash, as above. Zambia 1976 advanced R.J. Dowsett, Private Bag, Chilinda, Malawi 1979 started P.O. Rumphi, Malawi. Madagascar 1979 started D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya. Kenya, Tan- zania, Uganda 1980 started D.A. Turner, as above. (% x 4-degree Ls) Kenya 1980 started G.R. Cunningham-van Someren, Section of Ornithology, Division of Natural Sciences, National Museums of Kenya, Box 40658, Nairobi. (10-kmL)s) Namibia 1978 started C. Clinning, P.Bag 13186, Windhoek, SWA. Mauritania = planned = Zimbabwe = planned Ornithological Society of Zimbabwe, Box 4382, Causeway, Salisbury. Cameroun = eae amy Louette, Africa Museum, B-1980, Tervuren, Zaire = planned Belgiun. 38 Short communications The following were also reported, but are not presently planne4 as Atlases: Mali: detailed list exists G. Morel, Senegal: detailed data on BaP ./20) distribution exist Richard-Toll, Senegal. In addition, the check-list of The Gambia (Jensen & Kirkeby 1980), pub- lished in book form, contains distribution maps in a non-grid format. Enquiries about individual schemes should be addressed to their respective co-ordinators. REFERENCES ASH, J.S. 1972. Distribution map scheme for Ethiopia. Ibis 114: 109. JENSEN, J.V. & KIRKEBY, J. 1980. The birds of The Gambia. Arhus: Aros Nature Guides. J.S. Ash, UNDP, Box 24, Mogadishu, Somalia and D.E. Pomeroy, Box 43844, Nairobi Scopus 5: 36-38, March 1981 Received 12 February 1981 THE EAST AFRICAN DISTRIBUTIONAL MAPPING SCHEME - A PROGRESS REPORT This scheme was formally launched in 1980, and areas covered by observers in Kenya and Tanzania are shown in Fig. 1. While showing reasonably good coverage over much of Kenya and Tanzania, there is still much ground to be covered and it is hoped that many of the gaps will be filled during the coming years. For the benefit of new readers, and anyone contemplating assisting in the mapping scheme, the basic principles to be noted are as follows: 1. The three East African countries are divided into 1 x 1i-degree squares which are numbered 1-178 (see Fig. 1). These squares are further divided into four i x 4-degree squares, labelled a, b, c and d as shown in the inset. The basic squares follow the lines of latitude and longitude. These lines are shown on the Shell Road Maps for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and these maps will be found most useful for participants. 2. All that is required from contributors is simply a list of the species recorded in each x 4-degree square they have records from, between 1965 and the present. Species may be given two symbols: a tick (Wf) for 'present' or a cross for ‘breeding confirmed'. The lists themselves may be submitted on a monthly basis (preferred) or annually. The data sheets will be provided by the writer, from the address below. Contributors may send in data sheets for either their home area, areas they visit regularly, as well as for areas which might be visited only on a casual basis. All records are welcomed, but please remember to show clearly which % x 4-degree square is covered as well as the month (or year) your data were collected. Coverage during 1980, and in some cases during the previous two years, has been extremely encouraging, and will, I hope, encourage others to participate in the scheme. Our ultimate aim is to produce a Distributional Atlas of East African Birds and, as such, the scheme is styled on similar mapping exercises currently being undertaken elsewhere in Africa (Ash & Pomeroy, Scopus 5: 36- 38, above). This initial progress report would not be complete without due acknowledge- ment to all those who have contributed so far, and in particular to the following who have submitted considerable quantities of data on a monthly basis, often covering vast areas of their respective countries: Kenya: F.N. Bruce-Miller (Western), M.A.C. Coverdale (south coast), N. Hartley (Western and central), J. Miskell (northeastern), D.J. Pearson [Continued on page 40 ' Short communications 39 ~ a 6 i he ae Te lle =p RSet ome 59 162| 163 | 164 ae 2 Fig. 1. Map showing the 178 1 x 1-degree squares in East Africa. Shading indicates that records have been received for the 4, x 4-degree squares concerned. Inset: showing method of labelling the % x %-degree squares 40 Short communications, Notices (eastern and northern), T. Stevenson (Lake Baringo). Tanzania: J.S.S. Beesley (northern and central), K. M. Howell (Dar es Salaam area), D. Moyer (southwestern), Father E. Sion (Mbeya District, southern Tan- zania), S.J. Tyler (southwestern and southern), R.K. Walton (Tabora Region). Anyone requiring further information, data sheets, etc. please contact me at the address below or by telephone (Nairobi 48772). D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi Scopus 5: 38-40, March 1981 NOTICES CHECK-LIST OF THE BIRDS OF KENYA This 40 page list, Scopus-size (i.e. A5), has been produced by the OS-C and is likely to prove very useful. It consists of a list of all the birds recorded for Kenya in Birds of East Africa. The nomenclature and order of the book are followed and each species is provided with four "boxes' - useful for ticking for different localities, months, etc. The Check-list may be bought by personal callers from the EANHS office in the National Museum, Nairobi for Shs.10/- per copy - this price applies to EANHS members and Scopus subscribers only. Postal orders (to D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi, cheques or drafts made payable to ‘Birds of East Africa') are at the following rates, per copy. 1. By surface to anywhere in East Africa: Shs. 12/- 2. By airmail to East African addresses: Shs. 15/- 3. By surface to anywhere in the world: Shs. 12/- or £0.70 or $1.50 4. By airmail to anywhere in the world: Shs. 18/- or £1.00 or $2.20 THE EAST AFRICAN BIRD REPORT 1980 Please send all records as soon as possible, preferably before the end of April, to D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi (all non-Palaearctic species) or to Dr D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, Box 30197, Nairobi (Palaearctics). THE BIRDS OF THE WESTERN PALEARCTIC The compilers of this fine handbook are anxious to hear from ornithologists who have information on species which are not well known in the Western Palaearctic itself. Anyone who may be able to help is asked to write to Stanley Cramp, the Chief Editor, 32 Queen Court, London WCiN 3BB. BIRDS OF EAST AFRICA Copies of this 270 page book are still available, but for how long, we don't know. It seems likely that our printers will not be able to fulfil the original order. Copies may be obtained by post from D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi; cheques or drafts should be made out to ‘Birds of East Africa’. Post-free prices (surface mail) are as follows: to East Africa Shs. 130/-, to the rest of the world, £8.00 or $17.00. East African residents wishing to send copies to friends abroad may do so for Shs. 130/- per copy. Continued from inside front cover "References'; the name(s) of the author(s) and date(s) of publication should be given in the text in the normal way. A list of the works concerned is given below. All contributions should be sent to Dr D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya. WORKS WHICH SHOULD NOT BE LISTED UNDER 'REFERENCES' BACKHURST, G.C., BRITTON, P.L. & MANN, C.F. 1973. The less common Palaearctic migrant birds of Kenya and Tanzania. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum 140: 1-38. = Backhurst et al. 1973. BENSON, C.W., BROOKE, R.K., DOWSETT, R.J. & IRWIN, M.P.S. 1971. The birds of Zambia. London: Collins. = Benson et al. 1971. BRITTON, P.L. (ed.) 1980. Birds of Fast Africa. Nairobi: EANHS. = Britton i980. BROWN, L.H. & BRITTON, P.L. 1980. The breeding seasons of East African birds. Nairobi: EANHS. = Brown & Britton 1980. HALL, B.P. & MOREAU, R.E. 1970.‘An atlas of speciation in African Passerine birds. London: British Museum (Nat. Hist.). = Hall & Moreau 1970. JACKSON, F.J. 1938. The birds of Kenya Colony and the Uganda Protectorate. 3 vols. London: Gurney & Jackson. = Jackson 1938. MACKWORTH-PRAED, C.W. & GRANT, C.H.B. 1957 & 1960. African handbook of birds. Series I, vols 1 & 2. Birds of eastern and north eastern Africa. 2nd Edition. London: Longmans Green & Co. = Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1957 and/or 1960. MOREAU, R.E. 1966. The bird faunas of Africa and its islands. London: Academic Press. = Moreau 1966. 1972. The Palaearctic-African bird migration systems. London: Academic Press. = Moreau 1972. SNOW, D.W. (ed.) 1978. An atlas of speciation in African Non-Passerine birds. London: British Museum (Nat. Hist.). = Snow 1978. EAST AFRICAN BIRD REPORT This forms the fifth issue of Scopus and each report covers one calendar year. Records of Afrotropical Region (i.e Ethiopian Region and Malagasy Sub-Region) birds should be sent to D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi; records of Palaearctic Region birds to Dr D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, Box 30197, Nairobi. CONTENTS SIMON N. STUART. An explanation for the disjunct distributions of Modulatrix orostruthus and Apalis (or Orthotomus) moreaui . . LESTER L. SHORT and JENNIFER F.M. HORNE. Vocal and other behaviour of Stierling"s Woodpecker Dendropicos stieriang? =) ie) cei P.L. BRITTON. Notes on the Andersen collection and other specimens from Tanzania housed in some West German museums ....... J.S. ASH and A.A. KARANI. Roseate and Sooty Terns Sterna dougallii and fuscata breeding on islets in southern Somalia ....... . G.C. BACKHURST and D.J. PEARSON. Ringing and migration at Ngulia, duSfehi{o) 5 INenieyoyene IC)s{0) S wyeibenay ICSI 6 5 56 6 6 656 6 0 0 co oo Short communications P.L. BRITTON. Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus dn Kenya 5.5 ve 6 Se fe te, ion ee ss) eee ee ee eee Cg J.S. ASH and J.E. MISKELL. The Dunlin Calidris alpina in Behaoepia and) Somadiital j .0 “-s cer fen komen ence en nr A.N.B. MASTERSON. Notes from the Rwenzori Mountains, including a description of the nest and eggs of Archer's Ground Robin Dryocichloides areheri. in = 6 & us %) sce eee ec J.S. ASH. Desert Wheatears Oenanthe deserti in Ethiopia hays lacie) inten eal RMT MEE LO MeO MEGHNG G8 .de ob 6 o 4 G 6 6 Jo 0 0 © 9 J.-S. ASH and D.E. POMEROY. Mapping schemes in the Afrotropical ra(=\o Ko) 7 a kc ee Oe MOMS ET OUT “colo: ‘oualo’ GG: CO “cd 0 oO Oo o D.A. TURNER. The East African Distributional Mapping Scheme - Gl OIGOIIGeSS MENON 5 6 6 9 0 60 6 8 8 oo ool OlolllO O - Notices The Leslee: Brown) eusit biamGl vy ey snes ey a volte sits cHCs TCs oom The Afvotroprcalregwon) -)s<) 2 a) ciisnsn aon tan nnn ote (CyeeleIiee Gig isle lomiinols Oi ISM) 5 6 56 o o 50 0 6 6 oO oa The Hast Afrvean Bird eReport el9GO\ even cueneeone uae ro The birds of ‘che western Palearctic! 2 cise ae ee Birds of East Africa ; ee te ee EE POP SG CO tO Printed in Kenya by General Printers Ltd, Box 18001, Nairobi 14 22 28 Sil 32 38 315) 36 38 27 30 40 40 40 40 ec O ISSN 0250-4162 b FEO MUS. COMP. ZOOL. NOV 41 @1981 . o/s & Rio yg Se RES PSN ee oS Se J , LY) nae Ye A quarterly publication of the Ornithological Sub-Committee East Africa Natural History Society Edited by GRAEME BACKHURST Volume 5(2) June 1981 K.Shs 20 SCOPUS Scopus is published five times a year by the East Africa Natural History Society's Ornithological Sub-Committee. Subscriptions are payable to the OS-C Hon. Treasurer (and Secretary), D.A. Turner [tel. 48772], Scopus a/c, Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya, at the following rates: East African residents: KShs 75.00 Overseas, surface mail: Sterling £6.00 or US$12.00 Overseas, air mail: Sterling £7.50 or US$15.00 Overseas rates apply to all countries other than Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Those wishing to remit by bank transfer should do so to D.A. Turner, Scopus a/c, No. 2852601, Barclay's Bank of Kenya Limited, Market Branch, Box 30018, Nairobi. All material for Scopus, including papers and short communications, should be sent in the first instance to the Chairman of the Ornithological Sub-Committee, Dr D.J. Pearson [tel. 47041], Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi. Notes for contributors are given below. Other Sub-Committee members are as follows: G.C. Backhurst [tel. 891419], Editor of Scopus and Ringing Organizer, Box 24702, Nairobi; J.S.S. Beesley, Box 634, Arusha, Tanzania; Mrs Hazel A. Britton, Nest Record Scheme Organizer, Box 90163, Mombasa; P.L. Britton, Box 90163, Mombasa; Dr Margaret Carswell, Box 7051, Kampala; Dr K.M. Howell, Box 35064, Dar es Salaam; Dr A.D. Lewis, Box 30197, Nairobi; B.S. Meadows [tel. 40539], Box 30522, Nairobi; Prof. D.E. Pomeroy [tel. Kahawa 439], Box 43844, Nairobi; J.F. Reynolds (U.K.); D.K. Richards [tel. 891178], Box 30750, Nairobi; P.B. Taylor [tel. 24065], Box 87336, Mombasa. NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scopus welcomes original contributions in English on all aspects of the ornith- Ology of eastern Africa pertinent to Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Contributions will be assessed by the Sub-Committee and by independent referees. The material published in Scopus will be divided into 'papers' and 'short communications', the latter will usually be less than two Scopus-pages in length. Contributions which are submitted as 'papers' should be written in the third person (except in the 'Acknowledgements' section); 'short communications' may be written in the first or third person. Authors of papers are entitled to five copies of their contribution, free of charge, but they should be requested when the MS is submitted. Extra copies, which will be supplied at cost, must be ordered when the MS is submitted. Contributions should be typed in double spacing on one side of the paper only, with wide margins all round, and they should be submitted in duplicate. Exceptionally, clear hand-written MSS will be considered but these too should be sent in duplicate. Both English and scientific names of birds should be given when the species is first mentioned, thereafter only one should be used. Normally, authorities for taxa should not be given. English and scientific names should be those used in Birds of East Africa unless the species does not occur in that work. Tables, which should be numbered, should appear in the typescript, not grouped on separate sheets at the end. Metric units should be used. If non-metric units were used in the original observation or experiment, the approximate metric equivalent should be given in brackets. Illustrations should be on bristol board, good quality white paper or tracing paper, in line - i.e. black on white, and should not be larger than 19 xX 23 cm. Lettering (in black) will be the responsibility of the author and should be done neatly in Letraset, no larger than 14 point (3.9mm). Each illustration should be numbered (Fig. i, etc.) and provided with a legend typed on a separate sheet of paper. Photographs will be considered if they are absolutely necessary. Continued inside back cover a “Scopus 5 (2) June 1981 SCOPUS THE RESIDENTIAL STATUS OF THE MADAGASCAR BEE-EATER MEROPS SUPERCILIOSUS IN AFRICA C.H. Fry One of the more interesting species of its genus is the Madagascar Bee-eater Merops superciliosus. With its allospecies M.persicus and M. (s.) philippinus it is strongly suspected to fish (Fry 1981). Its breeding distribution is unusual amongst Afrotropical birds and its migrations are mysterious. Its status in East Africa has been clarified in Britton (1980), which states that it is widespread from May to September as a migrant from southeast Africa and perhaps Madagascar. Similar caution as to the provenance of these migrants, especially the notion that they are from Madagascar, has been expressed by Rand (1936), Benson (1960), Moreau (1966) and Clancey (1971); yet many people still regard the species as a straightforward migrant between Africa and Madagascar. The purpose of this paper is to integrate more recent information with the full discussion of the problem by Clancey (1971). The conclusion may be anticipated by adding to Moreau's remark (1966, p. 252) that “large-scale Migration of Merops superciliosus from Madagascar remains to be proved", that, in the author's view, there may be no such migration at all. BREEDING DISTRIBUTION On present evidence there are five reproductive foci of M.superciliosus in the Afrotropical Region, as shown in Fig. 1. Populations (i) and (ii) are quite discrete and (v) may be so; but there is probably movement and gene flow between (iii) and (iv) which should hence not be treated as similarly distinct from each other. (i) In southwestern Africa M.s.alternans Clancey is abundant along the lower Cunene River, breeding there and probably in the desert coastal strip north of its mouth (Lucira) and north to the lower Cuanza River. The race Fanges in the south to Ondagua, Ovamboland, in the east to the valley of the Okavango River and in the north to about Luanda. (ii) In the Guban area of northwest Somalia there resides a population morphologically indistinguishable from the nominate race but breeding much earlier in the year than it. The species is common and widespread there, nesting being known at Saad-ed-Din Island, Bulhar and Saba Wanak on the coast and at Sheikh, Burao and Oadweina in the hinterland (Archer & Godman 1961, whose records were inadvertently omitted from Map 310 of Snow 1978). Two more recent breeding records - a colony of 20 nests, and three pairs feeding fledglings, which may be ascribed to this population, are from the Awash valley, Ethiopia (J.S. Ash in litt.). Scopus 5: 41-45, June 1981 42 The Madagascar Bee-eater Fig. 1. The Afrotropical range of Merops superciliosus. Hatched areas (i) to (v) are the main breeding foci (see text); filled circles, known nesting, open circles, probable nesting. Dotted lines, approximate non-breeding ranges. Arrows, pre-breeding migrations. (iii) Breeding of M. s. superciliosus on the East African coast has been reported to occur with any regularity only on Pemba Island (Pakenham 1979). It is likely to nest regularly also in the Lamu archipelago and adjacent Kenya coast (although nesting has only once been found there), and around Mogadishu. Breeding colonies or indications of breeding have been reported once each on or near the coast at Malindi, on the Galana River, near Dar es Salaam and on Mafia Island, and inland near Kisumu, on the upper Tana River, and perhaps on the Athi River; also near the Omo River north of Lake Turkana and at three localities near Mogadishu on the Somali coast (J.S. Ash in litt.). The last records, geographically isolated, could almost as easily refer to population (i) as te, 2s 3) . ‘The Madagascar Bee-eater 43 (iv) On the African coast of the Mocambique Channel the nominate race has nested at Masambeti near Beira, and it probably breeds regularly and numer- ously from that area south to Bazaruto and Santa Carolina Islands (22° and 23°S). Inland, a colony has been found ©M the Zambezi at Mana Pools (Zim- babwe) and an evident fledgling near Furancungo (Mo¢ambique) (Brooke & Hou- gaard 1971). There are Zimbabwe nest record cards, marked ‘European Bee-eater' (M. apiaster), and dated 1921, 1928 and 1953 at Wedza (100km southeast of Salisbury) and 1956 at Fort Victoria. The author of the 1953 and 1956 records now feels that his identification must have been erroneous (in litt. per B. Donnelly) and the first two records are also unacceptable as M. apiaster (M.P.S. Irwin, in litt.). In point of fact, all four very probably mean M. superciliosus. In addition, there is an unconfirmed report of a 1980 nest- ing colony of M. superciliosus near Bulawayo. In areas (iii) and (iv) breeding inland appears to be sporadic, and the species has been described as abundant in the breeding season only within the hatched coastal zones shown in Fig. 1, namely at Lamu, Pemba, Masambeti and Sta. Carolina. (v) The nominate race is widespread and common as a breeding bird in the Malagasy Subregion, on Madagascar and Mayotte Island (Comoro archipelago). BREEDING SEASONS AND MIGRATIONS (i) M. s. alternans lays in November-December; whether and to what extent it is migratory within its rather circumscribed range is not known. (ii) M. s. superciliosus lays in April on the north Somali coast and in May inland at 1400m altitude (Archer & Godman 1961). The birds were seen in all seasons and were thought to be entirely sedentary in the Guban area. Nonethe- less, it is possible that this population contributes to the East African presence (see below). On the Awash River laying is from mid April to late May. (iii) Inferred egg-laying times, by climatic regions (see Brown & Britton 1980, Map 1), are: Region B, Kano Plains near Kisumu, April-May; Region C, Momela Crater Lake, early September (Britton 1979); Region D, upper Tana River, early August (Bullock & Bullock 1976 - not January-February as given by Pakenham 1979), Galana River at Sala, early May (Lack, Leuthold & Smeenk 1980), Dar es Salaam, March, Mafia Island, September, Pemba Island, late June to early August, Omo Valley, April-May, and near Mogadishu, April-May; Region E, Malindi, late November - early December, Lamu, late November. It occurs all year in southern Somalia but is not necessarily sedentary there (J.S. Ash in litt.). On the Kenya coast the species occurs erratically throughout the year and at Lamu abundantly in August - September (Britton 1980). Pakenham (1979) found it on Pemba in at least nine months (not April or May), and commonly in mangrove roosts for four or five months after the breeding season; but on nearby Zanzibar Island, where nesting has not yet been found, it occurs only from May to November. Also close by, it visits Dar es Salaam in March - August, and further south near the coast at Mikin- dani occurs only in July - August (Britton 1980), presumably on passage. In Tsavo East and Tsavo West and in the region to the north, flocks occur in February and March, and further inland the bird is a visitor from May to September, west to the Albertine Rift and north to Kidepo Valley. P.C. Lack and D.J. Pearson have noted (in litt.) that the Tsavo and east Kenyan bush- land birds in February - March are in fresh plumage, leading them to suggest that the birds might be pre-breeding migrants bound for Somalia. The idea receives some support from Pearson's additional observation that these east Kenyan bee-eaters seem to prefer drier habitats, like the Somali ones (Archer 44 The Madagascar Bee-eater & Godman 1961), than do the birds found later in the year around Lake Vittoria; perhaps the latter are from the wetter area (iv). (iv) Egg-laying at Masambeti was in October, at Mana Pools in September, at Wedza in late October - early November, and at Fort Victoria in early December. Madagascar Bee-eaters are regular non-breeding visitors to the eastern Congo savannas from late April to August, and are passage migrants in Zambia and Malawi from late August to early October, mainly in September, and (less commonly) in April and May. (v) On Mayotte egg-laying is in early November and in Madagascar in early September (once) and in October (often). The species has been seen on Mayotte in February (common), May, and August - November (common). On Madagascar it is present in all months and remains common in May - September (M. Nicholl, pers. comm.) when, it was formerly supposed, part of the population is wintering in Africa (data from Benson 1960 and Benson, Colebrook-Robjent & Williams 1976). DISCUSSION It is still impossible to draw firm conclusions about the status and migrations of Merops superciliosus in Africa. However, the above data for areas (iii) and (iv) are broadly consonant with some post-breeding dispersal west, and perhaps north, from area (iii) and west and north from area (iv), and with temporally and spatially more concentrated pre-nuptial migrations back again (unbroken arrows in Fig. 1) to essentially coastal breeding stations. All populations of the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater M. persicus and the Oriental Blue-tailed Bee-eater M. (s.) philippinus, both very close relatives of Merops superciliosus, are highly migratory; in fact they are probably the most migratory of all bee-eaters except M. apiaster. It makes it likely that M.s. superciliosus in area (ii) is not quite as sedentary as was argued by Archer & Godman (1961). It also means that Malagasy birds may move in part to Africa for their non-breeding season as conventionally supposed; elsewhere, in the Red Sea for example, the superspecies readily crosses water. But there is no need to invoke migration from the Malagasy Subregion to explain adequately the picture of intra-African migrations, and since some evidence suggests that Madagascan Bee-eaters are sedentary in Madagascar it seems safer to put the idea of their crossing to Africa in obeyance until better evidence for it should arise. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to P.L. Britton, B. Donnelly, M.P.S. Irwin and M. Nicholl and especially so to J.S. Ash for the provision of information, and to D.J. Pearson for reading and materially adding to a draft. SUMMARY Fig. 1 summarizes the distributional data assembled, and shows inferred pre- nuptial migrations of Merops superciliosus. Migration between Africa and Madagascar need not be invoked. REFERENCES ARCHER, G. & GODMAN, E.M. 1961. The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. London: Oliver & Boyd. BENSON, C.W. 1960. The birds of the Comoro Islands: results of the British Ornithologists' Union Centenary Expedition 1958. Ibis 103b: 5-106. The Madagascar Bee-eater 45 BENSON, C.W., COLEBROOK-ROBJENT, J.F.R. & WILLIAMS, A. 1976. Contribution a l'ornithologie de Madagascar. L'Oiseau et la Revue frangaise d'Ornithologie 46: 209-242. BRITTON, H.A. 1979. E.A.N.H.S. nest record scheme. Scopus 2: 126-132. BROOKE, R.K. & HOUGAARD, P. 1971. The Madagascar Bee-eater breeding in Rhodesia. Ostrich 42: 230. BULLOCK, D.A. & BULLOCK, K. 1976. Madagascar Bee-eater Merops superciliosus nesting on Tana River. EANHS Bulletin 1976: 4. CLANCEY, P.A. 1971. Miscellaneous taxonomic notes on African birds XXXII. Durban Museum Novitates 9 (5): 39-44. PRY, C.H. 1981. The diet of large green bee-eaters Merops superciliosus supersp. and the question of bee-eaters fishing. Malimbus 3: 31-39. LACK, P.C., LEUTHOLD, W. & SMEENK, C. 1980. Check-list of the birds of Tsavo East National Park, Kenya. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum i170: 1-25. PAKENHAM, R.H.W. 1979. The birds of Zanzibar and Pemba. London: British Orni- thologists' Union. RAND, A.L. 1936. The distribution and habits of Madagascar birds. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 72: 143-499. C.H. Fry, Aberdeen University, Zoology Department, Tillydrone Avenue, Aberdeen AB9 2TN, Scotland (Received 5 May 1981) 46 Uzungwa Mountain birds SOME ADDITIONS TO THE FOREST AVIFAUNA OF THE UZUNGWA MOUNTAINS, TANZANIA S.N. Stuart, K.M. Howell, T.A. van der Willigen and A.A. Geertsema The Uzungwa Mountains are one of the most extensive highland regions in Tan- zania, encompassing an area of some 23000 km*; the highest peaks are around 2500 m. In Britton (1980) they are referred to either as 'Uzungwe', or the Iringa Highlands, while the Dabaga Highlands are part of the same area. Compared with other mountains of eastern and southern Tanzania, the Uzungwa Mountains have been very poorly studied from a biological point of view. This fact is particularly emphasized by the discovery of a new and very isolated subspecies of the Crested Mangabey Cercocebus galeritus in late 1979 in the Mwanihana Forest, near Sanje (Homewood & Rodgers, in press). Ornithological work has been very limited, perhaps the most significant contribution being that of Bangs & Loveridge (1933). More recently, Ripley & Heinrich (1966, 1969) mention some interesting records from the Dabaga area which include the first records of the Iringa Ground Robin Dryocichloides lowei from the Uzungwa Mountains. However, no detailed account of the avifauna exists. Fig. 1 shows the Uzungwa Mountains with the main settlements and forests. Like other mountain ranges in eastern Tanzania the Uzungwa Mountains have wet eastern and southern sides facing the Indian Ocean, and a drier area to the north and west. In the Uzungwa Mountains the very high rainfall area is restricted to the southeast scarp slope running approximately from Kidatu, south to Mlimba. The natural vegetation of this area is rain forest, covering a wide range of altitudes from 300m to over 2000m. The canopy of this forest rises to more than 40m in places, as high as the forests of the Usambaras, Ngurus and Ulugurus. The plateau country, which encompasses most of the mountains, is considerably drier, especially to the north and north- west. Where forest does occur it is of a dry and scrubby type, often with a canopy below 20m. It appears that most past ornithological work has been concentrated in these drier forests. Certainly Heinrich's work at Dabaga comes under this category. The scarp rain forests have, until very recently, ‘remained virtually unstudied. In order to at least partially fill the gap in our knowledge of the forest avifauna of these mountains, visits have been made to two previously unstudied forests in the last two years. In late August and early September 1979 SNS and TAvdW worked in Mufindi Forest, at 1800m on the Brooke Bond-Liebig tea estate. This is an example of the dry plateau forests. In June 1980 AAG visited Mwanihana Forest Reserve on the steep scarp slope above Sanje village. This is an example of the scarp rain forests. In early January 1981 SNS and KMH also paid a visit to this locality. So far it has not been possible for any visits to be made to the higher part of the Mwanihana forest scarp, above Fig. i (right). Map of the Uzungwa Mountains. Contours: SS 4 enemenss FED Sig eerie 1000 m, ie hes 1500 m, ————_—— 2000 a: =: wet scarp forests; dry plateau forests. Scopus 5: 46-50, June 1981 — 47 Uzungwa Mountain birds 7 Pex} | @ ee $SeQ404 - euey | ueMy ors's nyep iy ¢ ee: Lh © Oh codes ee ks ees mh 9 be rm. wee \ f\ oye que yew —_- 48 Uzungwa Mountain birds 1800 m. Most of the observations were made below 1500m. As a result of these visits a few tentative suggestions as to the affinities of the forest avifauna can be made. The scarp rain forest avifauna shows a strong similarity to the other rain forests in eastern Tanzania, especially those of the Ngurus and Ulugurus, and also of Mt Rungwe in Mbeya Region. The plateau forests show more similarities with the other dry montane forests, notably the Ukagurus and Mdando Forest in the Southern Highlands. It is still too early to make a comprehensive list of the forest birds of the Uzungwa Mountains. The records given below refer to range extensions, of which the most important must be the White-winged Apalis Apalis chariessa. It is worth mentioning that the Mountain Buzzard Buteo tachardus was found to be common both at Mufindi and Mwanihana Forests. Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire (1979) confirm that a specimen from the Uzungwa Mountains (Bangs & Loveridge 1933) is correctly identified. This species has obviously been very under- recorded, not only in the Uzungwa Mountains, but also in many other mountain forests in Tanzania (see Turner 1980). SPECIES LIST Guttera pucherani Kenya Crested Guineafowl This is fairly common in Mwanihana Forest up to at least 1500m, a range extension to the southwest from the Ulugurus. Columba delegorguei Bronze-naped Pigeon Fairly common in forest both at Mufindi and Mwanihana, a considerable range extension to the southwest. Apaloderma vittatum Bar-tailed Trogon Recorded twice in Mwanihana Forest, partially filling a gap in the distribution between the Ulugurus and the Southern Highlands. The species has probably been overlooked in the Uzungwas. Buccanodon leucotis White-eared Barbet Recorded once in Mwanihana Forest. It is not mentioned in Britton (1980) from the Uzungwas, though a plot which may refer to Mwanihana Forest is marked in Snow (1978). However, it is possible that this plot refers to one of the nearby lowland forest patches, such as Magombera Forest. The Uzungwa birds are presumably referable to the race leucogrammicum, previously known from the Ulugurus and Mahenge. Buccanodon olivaceum Green Barbet Common in Mwanihana Forest up to at least 1800m. The subspecific identity of these birds is unclear, rungweensis, uluguruensis and nominate all being possibilities. Pogoniulus bilineatus Golden-rumped Tinkerbird Common in Mwanihana Forest up to at least 1800m, in the absence of the two green tinkerbirds, P. leucomystax and P. simplex. Pogoniulus leucomystax is recorded from the drier forests further west in the Uzungwas, including Mufindi, where P. bilineatus apparently does not occur, suggesting allopatry between these two species in these mountains. Smithornis capensis African Broadbill' Common in Mwanihana Forest up to at least 1500m. This appears to be the first record for the Uzungwa Mountains. Oriolus chlorocephalus Green-headed Oriole Very common in Mwanihana Forest up to at least 1800m, a range extension southwest from the Ulugurus. Uzungwa Mountain birds 49 Andropadus virens Little Greenbul Locally common in forest at Mufindi, and common in Mwanihana Forest. These records effectively fill an apparent gap in the distribution between the Ulugurus and Tukuyu (Southern Highlands). Phyllastrephus flavostriatus Yellow-streaked Greenbul Common in Mwanihana Forest to over 1500m. Britton (1980) does not record this species from the Uzungwas, though there is a plot that may correspond to Mwanihana Forest in Hall & Moreau (1970). It is possible that this plot refers to a nearby lowland forest patch. Turdus gurneyi Orange Ground Thrush Records from Mufindi and Mwanihana Forest effectively fill the apparent gap in the distribution of this species between the Ulugurus and the Southern High- lands. Apalis chariessa White-winged Apalis A few, maximum four, of this very rare bird were seen clearly in a mixed species flock at 1100m in Mwanihana Forest on 3 January 1981. They were in the top of the canopy, at least 30m above the ground, moving very actively through the foliage, and seemed to be associating with a much larger number of the Black-headed Apalis A. melanocephala. Also in the flock were Green Barbet, Green-headed Oriole, Grey Cuckoo Shrike Coracina caesia, Square-tailed Drongo Dicrurus ludwigii, Yellow-streaked Greenbul and Dark-backed Weaver Ploceus bicolor. Later on the same day what was almost certainly this species was seen in a similar mixed species flock at 1500m. These records represent a range extension from the Uluguru Mountains, and Mwanihana Forest becomes the third locality from which this species is known in East Africa. It has, how- ever, not been recorded in Tanzania since 1938 (Moreau 1940), nor in East Africa as a whole since 1961 (Britton 1980). The Mwanihana Forest birds are presumably referable to the race macphersoni. Apalis melanocephala Black-headed Apalis Common in Mwanihana Forest to over 1500m. These birds could be either the race moschi or muhuluensis. At higher altitudes in Mwanihana it may be replaced by the Chestnut-throated Apalis A. porphyrolaema, as is the case in the Uluguru and Nguru Mountains. Further west in the Uzungwas, including Mufindi, it is certainly absent with both A. porphyrolaema, and the Brown-headed Apalis A. alticola occurring instead. ’ Camaroptera brachyura Grey-backed Camaroptera Pairly common in Mwanihana Forest up to at least 1500m, especially in natural clearings. One bird caught in a mist net was found to be of a green-backed race, presumably fugglescouchmani previously known only from the Ulugurus and Mahenge. No previous records of this species have been traced from the Uzungwas, but if there are any they are probably of the grey-backed race intercalata which has been recorded from Iringa Region (Britton 1980) and may occur on the plateau. Macrosphenus kretschmeri Kretschmer's Longbill Present in small numbers in Mwanihana Forest, probably up to 1500m, being especially partial to natural clearings. This represents an extension of the range of the nominate race southwest from the Ulugurus. Phylloscopus ruficapilla Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler A few were noted in Mwanihana Forest, an extension of the range (presumably of the race minulla) southwest from the Ulugurus. Batis soror East Coast Batis A few in Mwanihana around 600m, extending the range inland. 50 Uzungwa Mountain birds ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS SNS and TAvdW would like to thank the staff of Brooke Bond-Liebig Ltd., especially Mr J. Niblett, for helping us during our stay at Mufindi. SNS, KMH ‘and AAG would like to thank Dr W.A. Rodgers for making our visits to Mwanihana ' Forest possible. We would also like to thank Dr Rodgers for his helpful comments on a draft of this paper. REFERENCES BANGS, O. & LOVERIDGE, A. 1933. Reports on the scientific results of an exped- ition to the southwestern highlands of Tanganyika Territory: 3 Birds. Bylletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard) 75: 143-221. ; DOWSETT, R.J. & DOWSETT-LEMAIRE, F. 1979. The Mountain Buzzard Buteo tachardus in Central Africa. Scopus 3: 14-18. HOMEWOOD, K.M. & RODGERS, W.A. (in press). A new Mangabey from Southern Tan- zania. International Journal of Primatology. ' MOREAU, R.E. 1940. Distributional notes on East African birds. Ibis 14th ser. 4: 454-463. RIPLEY, S.D. & HEINRICH, G.H. 1966. Comments on the avifauna of Tanzania. I. Postilla 96: 1-45. 1969. Comments on the avifauna of Tanzania. II. Postilla 134: 1-21. TURNER, D.A. 1980. The Mountain Buzzard Buteo tachardus in Tanzania. Scopus 4: "92-93: S.N. Stuart, Box 44, Soni, Tanzania, K.M. Howell, Box 35064, Dar es Salaam, Tessa A. van der Willigen, Box 9543, Dar es Salaam and Aadje A. Geertsema, Box 1501, Karatu, Tanzania. (Received 1 April 1981) CORRECTION In the paper by Short and Horne, Vocal and other behaviour of Stierling's Woodpecker Dendropicos stierlingi (Scopus 5: 5-13) we regret that the names of C. Chappuis, R. Stjernstedt and C.J. Vernon were omitted from the Acknow- ledgements section on p. 13. Ed. a ale ; : : : ; ; Short communications 51 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS STORK AND RAPTOR MIGRATION IN SOUTH NYANZA, KENYA During the morning of 17 March 1981, just to the south of Homa Bay, South Nyanza, Kenya (0°28'S, 34°27' E), we watched a large scale migration of storks and raptors. . At 10:i5hrs, a lucky glance at the sky overhead revealed four dense flocks making use of thermal currents, totalling at least 2500 birds. One huge circling mass alone contained an estimated 1000 individuals. “The birds were predominantly White Storks. Ciconia ciconia, accompanied by very subordinate numbers of other species. Afrotropical storks were represented by a separate flock of 90 Abdim's Ciconia abdimii, and a straggling group of four Open-billed Storks Anastomus lamelligerus. Raptors were seen at first moving singly or in loose groups, and included one Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax, two Lesser Spotted Eagles A. pomarina, one Steppe Eagle A. nipalensis, and a total of 20 Steppe Buzzards Buteo buteo vulpinus. In addition to these ungrouped birds, a flock in a thermal over us at 10:35hrs contained singles of Lesser Spotted Eagle, Wahlberg's Eagle A. wahlbergi, Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus, Steppe Buzzard and Honey Buzzard Pernis api- vorus. It is quite possible that we missed other raptors within or associated with the large soaring masses of storks, and our counts in general must be considered minima. We may have missed the start of the passage, for on the following morning, which was similarly hot and sunny, we noted at nearby Rongo that Black Kites Milvus migrans started using the thermals at 09:30hrs, so that we could have missed the initial 30-45min of the previous day's movement. The birds had moved on out of sight by 10:40hrs, although occasional Wahlberg's Eagles and Steppe Buzzards were still in the vicinity around 11:00 hrs. Three other parties of birds seen later on the same day were probably also associated with this northwards movement. Later in the morning, about 16km south of the above sightings, two Hobbies Falco subbuteo were moving north together. In the afternoon, about 15km west of Migori (1°04'S, 34°28' E), separate groups of 70 and 700 Abdim's Storks were soaring in thermals. These migrants may well have been grounded while on passage the previous day by heavy rain in and to the south of the Homa Bay area. With the except- ion of the two afternoon flocks of Abdim's Storks, they were all drifting steadiliy to the north-northeast, presumably about to pass over the narrow Winam Gulf. The path that they were taking was thus parallel to, and just to the west of, the Tarime-Wire Hill-Ng'iya line, which Britton (1980) notes as an established migration route for Steppe Buzzards. Britton & Britton (1976) and Britton (1980) record northwards migration of White and Abdim's Storks around the eastern edge of Lake Victoria in spring, but in maximum flocks of only 700 and 250 individuals respectively; P.L. Britton (pers. comm.) considers the numbers reported here to be except- ional. There appear to be no previous definitive Nyanza records of Lesser Spotted Eagle or Honey Buzzard; Booted Eagle and Steppe Eagle occur on passage in Wyanza only rarely (Backhurst et al. 1973, Britton & Britton 1976, Britton 1980). REFERENCE BRITTON, H.A. & BRITTON, P.L. 1976. Records section (Birds). EANHS Bulletin 1976: 52-61. Adrian D. Lewis, Department of Geology and D.J. Pearson, Department of Bio- chemistry, Box 30197, Nairobi Scopus 5: 51, June i981 Received 15 May 1981 52 Short communications BREEDING OF THE SPUR-WINGED GOOSE PLECTOPTERUS GAMBENSIS IN ETHIOPIA The Spur-winged Goose, although locally abundant in Ethiopia, is not nearly so widespread as indicated by Urban & Brown's Checklist (1971), and there are now four breeding records for the country. The distribution of this goose is con- fined to two areas, one in central Ethiopia extending from Lake Tana (12°00'N, 37°20'E) in the north to the Rift Valley as far south as Awasa (7°03'N, 38°27'E), and eastwards to Awash Park (9°N, 40°E); the other is along the Baro River from Gambela (8°15'N, 34°38'E) westwards to the Sudan border at Jokau (8°22'N, 33° 47°E). : The species is present in every month of the year, often in flocks of up to 200-300 birds (although there are no reports of flocks in excess of 50 birds in May, June, November and December). Since the publication of the Checklist (op. cit.), at which time breeding was unknown, there have been four records: 1. Lake Abiata (7°41'N, 38°37'E), Rift Valley, 9 goslings c. 2 weeks old on 9 October 1971 (pers. obs.). 2. Bahar Dar (11°35'N, 37°25'E), Lake Tana, 5 goslings about two-thirds grown on 27 December 1971 (pers. obs.). 3. Lake Zwai (8°05'N, 38°50'E), a young bird hand-reared from one of i1 chipping eggs found on the north shore in mid October 1976 (Alamargot i980). 4. Awash Park area. (I do not have the original reference for this record shown on the Ethiopian Distribution Scheme map.) The first two and the last of these breeding areas, together with other sightings of non-breeding birds are shown on Snow's (1978) map. The paucity of breeding records indicates that this species is merely an irregular breeder in Ethiopia. It has a wide range within the Afrotropical Region, and breeds in many areas within this range to as far north as 17° on the Niger and in Senegal in West Africa, south to the Cape. In Ethiopia, eggs are laid in August - September towards the end of the big rains when the country is at its wettest. Although unknown in Ethiopia east of the Rift Valley, it occurs in Kenya, where it is widespread, as a locally numerous resident breeder and wanderer from 3000m down to the coast (Britton 1980, Snow 1978). It is unknown in Somalia, but may be expected to occur in the southern wetlands. REFERENCES ALAMARGOT, J. 1980. Nesting data - probably the first - on the Spur-winged Goose in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Wildlife & Natural History Society Newsletter 154-27 URBAN, E.K. & BROWN, L.H. 1971. A checklist. of the birds of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I University Press. J.S. Ash, Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. Scopus 5: 52, June 1981 Received 2 March 1981 A BREEDING RECORD FOR CASSIN'S HAWK EAGLE HIERAAETUS AFRICANUS Cassin's Hawk Eagle is perhaps one of the least known of Africa's large raptors, being restricted to tropical forests where observation of the species is difficult. Though its distribution ranges from West Africa, across the equatorial forest belt, and into the forests of western Uganda (Bannerman 1953, Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1957, Williams 1967) it appears that there are no breeding records ‘ Oe Short communications 53 for this species (Brown 1970, Brown & Britton 1980, G.R. Cunningham-van Som- eren, pers. comm.). While conducting field studies on primate ecology in the Kibale Forest of western Uganda (0°13' to 0°41'N and 30°19' to 30°32'E) I recently had an opportunity to observe a pair of Cassin's Hawk Eagles at the nest, the details of which are given below. Nest construction was initiated on or about 3 October 1980 when I first saw an adult bird wildly flapping its wings while hanging upside-down from the terminal branchlets of a Parinari excelsa, eventually causing the branchlet to break, which the bird subsequently departed with. Both adult birds continued to return to this tree and a neighbouring Aningeria altissima, breaking off and carrying away branchlets for the better part of the day. The nest platform itself was located at a height above the ground of approximately 27m (visual estimate) in a mature A.altissima. By 19 October the nest structure was still transparent from below, appearing to be about a third complete. Nest construct- ion was completed sometime in the interval 4 - 18 November. When fully complete, the dimensions of the nest structure were approximately 1.0m in diameter and 0.25m in vertical section (visual estimate, using the known length of Anin- geria leaves for scale). The nest was roughly circular and in general resembled a typical raptor 'stick' nest. Incubation was first detected on 4 December and continued until 8 January 1981 when this nesting attempt failed, apparently due to the disappearance of one of the adult birds. The nest tree was located in a section of Kibale Forest which had been ex- tensively felled for timber between September 1968 and April 1969. Accordingly, extensive and numerous breaks in the forest canopy exist, and whether the degraded nature of this habitat had any influence on the timing or end result of this nesting attempt is unknown. It should be noted though that a pair of Crowned Eagles Stephanoaetus coronatus were nesting simultaneously in a tree only 200m from the Cassin's Hawk Eagle nest and they fledged an eaglet successfully. During the course of these observations, the Cassin's Hawk Eagles were heard to give two distinctive types of vocalization. One is a gull-like two-noted call which may be rendered as kee-wee. It was noted under various circumstances (soaring over the forest, perched, etc.) and was the call most frequently heard. A second vocalization was heard only in the vicinity of the nest, and only in those instances in which a food exchange was taking place between the male and the incubating female. I have rendered this call as wee-wee-wee...... ree-ree, repeated rhythmically, though rarely the first part of the call would be abbreviated to only one or two notes. The call appeared to be given only by the male and in response the female invariably left the nest, returning shortly with a food item. This contrasted sharply with the neighbouring Crowned Eagles, in which the female would vocalize vigourously upon sighting the male in the vicinity of the nest, and the male invariably brought food items directly to the nest. It is hoped that the description of the second call of Cassin's Hawk Eagle will facilitate the location of other nests in the future. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have benefited greatly from the correspondence of G.R. Cunningham-van Som- eren (National Museums of Kenya). My field studies in the Kibale Forest are Supported by the New York Zoological Society and the World Wildlife Fund. I also wish to thank the President's Office of Uganda, Uganda National Research Council and Uganda Forest Department for permission to conduct field work in the Kibale Forest. REFERENCES BANNERMAN, D.A. 1953. The birds of West and Equatorial Africa. Vol. I. Edinburgh & London: Oliver & Boyd. 54 Short communications BROWN, L. 1970. African birds of prey. London: Collins. WILLIAMS, J.G. 1967. A field guide to the national parks of East Africa. London: Collins. Joseph P. Skorupa, Ecology Graduate Group, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A. Present address: Box 409, Fort Portal, Uganda. Scopus 5: 52-54, June 1981 Received i April i981 AYRES' HAWK EAGLE HIERAAETUS DUBIUS IN ETHIOPIA AND SOMALIA Throughout its range in Africa Ayres' Hawk Eagle is regarded generally as a rare bird. Undoubtedly its scarcity, or apparent scarcity, is partly due to difficulties in field identification. Hieraaetus dubius is one of a group of small eagles, which in some species are mainly brownish in some stage of their plumage sequence, and requiring, in our present state of knowledge, great care and experience in their identification in the field. Recently, as notable advances have been made in establishing diagnostic recognition characteristics, some of these species are being identified much more frequently, resulting in a better understanding of their distribution and abundance. However, much remains to be discovered, particularly with regard to birds in intermediate, and often indeterminate, plumages, and for most observers (including myself) there will still be a rather large proportion of unidentified birds. The situation is complicated further because some species are dimorphic in having both dark and light forms, and others show much variability within any one plumage phase. Species from which H. dubius has to be distinguished in Ethiopia and Somalia, assuming that the observer has narrowed down the identification to this ‘group of four', are immature and dark phase Booted Eagles H. pennatus, sub-adult African Hawk Eagles H. spilogaster, and Wahlberg's Eagles Aquila wahlbergi. I have critically reviewed my own notes resulting from observations on smaller eagles throughout Ethiopia in the years 1969-1977, and exchanged a valuable correspondence on the subject of their identification with the late Dr Leslie Brown. As a result, a record of H. dubius has been discarded, and as this affects the distribution map in Snow (1978) it is listed here, together with all other records which are definitely assigned to H. dubius, in both Ethiopia and Somalia. One plumage character given for H. dubius by Brown & Amadon (1968) led to both my misidentification of one H. pennatus as the aforementioned H. dubius, and also to my inability to identify other birds which are now recognizable as H. pennatus. From these authors' description of the field characters of H.dubius I assumed earlier that any eagle of the ‘group of four' with white shoulder patches had to be this species. Later I came to realize in Somalia, where H. pennatus is common, that quite a large proportion of this species also possessed white shoulders. On acquiring a copy of Porter et al. (1978) this point was confirmed, so that white shoulder patches on a bird within the ‘group of four' could no longer be regarded as a monospecific diagnostic character. Nevertheless, its presence was still of value in eliminating A. wahlbergi and immature H. spilogaster from consideration. The white shoulder patches, although small, are visible from above or head-on for a considerable distance in bright light. ETHIOPIA Urban & Brown (1971) summarize the situation of H.dubius in Ethiopia, as being uncommon to rare in the South-East Highlands, West Ethiopia and South Ethiopia, and possibly in the Rift Valley, but its range is uncertain; it is Short communications 55 said to occur at 300-3200m in a variety of woodland, including lowland river- ine Ficus/Acacia, lowland subtropical humid forest, Olive/Podocarpus/Juniper forest, Juniper/Podocarpus woodland, and probably combretaceous woodland. I have traced two published records from Ethiopia, and have five subsequent records of my own: 1. Burca (9°16'N, 41°17'E), in the South-East Highlands (Moltoni & Ruscone 1942). 2. Godare (7°18'N, 34°58'E), in West Ethiopia, one on 10 February 1969 (Brown & Urban 1970). 3. 7km east of Jimma (7°40'N, 36°50'E), in the West Highlands, one on 11 January 1972. A dark bird with conspicuous white shoulder patches, pale throat, darker blobs on dark underparts, three or four bands on tail. 4. 2ikm east of Ambo (8°59'N, 37°52'E), in the Western Highlands, on 10 June 1975. A pale bird with conspicuous white shoulder patches, barred tail, primaries and secondaries. 5. Bulcha Forest (6°25'N, 38°11'E), in the Rift Valley, two on 7 December 1976. Two similar dark birds together, feeding on a White-bellied Go-away Bird Corythaixoides leucogaster, of which only one had white shoulder patches; remiges and tails boldly barred below. Two other birds, one at Gambela (8°15'N, 34°35'E) in West Ethiopia on 24 July 1971, and another at Koka (8°27'N, 39°06'E) in the Rift Valley on 23 January 1977, were almost certainly this species. The record of mine in Snow (1978) at Aseita (11°33'N, 41°26'E) should be deleted as I have now clearly identified it as H. pennatus. SOMALIA Ayres' Hawk Eagles are apparently confined to a restricted area of riverine forest along the Juba River in southern Somalia, whence there are three records, of which the first two have been published: 1. Hanole (c. 0°25'N, 42°43°E), 1 July 1901 (Erlanger 1904, Hilgert 1908, Zedlitz 1914-1916, Moltoni 1936, Snow 1978). 2. Serenli (2°26'N, 42°17'E), January 1923 (van Someren 1929, Moltoni 1936, Snow 1978). 3. Gelib (= Jilib) (0°29'N, 42°46'E), a sub-adult on 23 February 1980 (JSA and J.E. Miskell). A pale bird with barred tail, secondaries and inner primaries from below; white underparts, streaked on breast and spotted on flanks. Ayres' Hawk Eagle is at present only known as a rare bird in Ethiopia, where the seven records are scattered over a wide area of the western and southern parts of the country south of i0°N and west of 41°E. The three records from Somalia are from the Juba River. The respective distribution maps' squares are, Ethiopia: 58B, 69A, 81B, 97C, 109A; Somalia: 60C, 71D. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am grateful to the late Dr L.H. Brown for the trouble he took over answering my queries about the field identification of Hieraaetus eagles. REFERENCES BROWN, L. & AMADON, D. 1970. Eagles, hawks and falcons of the world. Feltham: Hamlyn for Country Life Books. BROWN, L.H. & URBAN, E.K. 1970. Report on the World Wildlife expedition to the rain forests of Southwest Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I University. Duplicated report, pp. 1-37. 56 Short communications ERLANGER, C.F. 1904. Beitrage zur Vogelfauna Nordostafrikas. Journal fir Ornithologie 1904: 137-244. HILGERT, C. 1908. Katalog der Collection von Erlanger in Nieder-Ingelheim a Rh. Berlin: Friedlander & Sohn. MOLTONI, E. 1936. Gli uccelli fino ad oggi notificati per la Somalia italiana. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali 75: 307-389. & RUSCONE, G.G. 1942. Gli uccelli dell'Africa Orientale Italiana. Vol. 2. Milano. PORTER, R.F., WILLIS, I., CHRISTENSEN, S. & NIELSEN, B.P. 1978. Flight ident- ification of European raptors. Berkhamsted: Poyser. URBAN, E.K. & BROWN, L.H. 1971. A checklist of the birds of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Haile Sellassie I University Press. van SOMEREN, V.G.L. 1929. Notes on birds of Jubaland and the Northern Frontier, Kenya. Journal of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society 9:25-70. ZEDLITZ, O.G. 1914-1916, Das Siid-Somaliland als Zoogeographisches Gebiet. Eine ornithologische Studie. Journal ftir Ornithologie 62: 608-678. J.S. Ash, Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. Scopus 5: 54-56 Received 18 April i981 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE BAT HAWK MACHEIRAMPHUS ALCINUS I have watched a Bat Hawk in Langata, Nairobi between 7 and 24 November 1980; some of the more note- worthy observations are given below: 7 November: I saw the Bat Hawk flying both in the morning and afternoon. The bird resembled a large falcon; it made fast circles about 10m above the ground. The appearance, flight-style, irregular dull brown markings of the underside and its large size led me to think at first that it was a Saker Falcon Falco cherrug. However, the lack of barring on the tail and wing distinguished it as a Bat Hawk. 10 November: the Bat Hawk was flying round at about 60m when it was attacked by a Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus. The Lanner was evidently disturbed, as it was 'hecking' loudly when it closed in. The Bat Hawk was flying at a slower rate yet easily avoided the Lanner's half-hearted stoops. After the Lanner had left, the Bat Hawk landed on a tree and I was able to confirm the original identification. 16 November: at 17:00hrs, in bright daylight during a break in a storm, I saw it leave its favorite tree, fly around, and reappear with a bird (probably a swift Apus sp.) in its foot. It was being chased by a Hobby Falco subbuteo, but, before landing, the Bat Hawk swallowed the prey. 17 November: during heavy rain a dark phase Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae was occupying the Bat Hawk's habitual perch; on the approach of the Bat Hawk ; the falcon flew away. 18 November: again, during heavy rain, the Bat Hawk was seen to chase a Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus but took no notice of 20-30 Eastern Red-footed Falcons Falco amurensis which were hawking termites overhead. Three days later it chased a Black Kite Milvus migrans and attempted to strike it. Simon Thomsett, c/o Wilderness Trails, Private Bag, Isiolo, Kenya Scopus 5: 56, June 1981 Received 25 February 1981 { 4 eS een Short communications 57 RED-FOOTED FALCON FALCO VESPERTINUS IN TSAVO On 26 April 1980, at about 07:00hrs, I encountered a large group of falcons on the edge of low cloud near Kamboyo, Tsavo National Park (West). Well over 100 birds, most of them Hobbies Falco subbuteo, moved slowly north around and past me, feeding as they went. I was aware of a few smaller birds which were not Hobbies, but only three such were seen close enough for identification, a male Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni, a female Eastern Red-footed Falcon F. amurensis, with dark slaty upperparts, cap and moustaches, heavily streaked white underparts and red feet, and an adult male Red-footed Falcon. The last of these, slightly smaller than an accompanying Hobby, flew past me in leisurely fashion, and was seen in good light through 10 x 40 binoculars at a minimum distance of about 40m. It was entirely dark grey on the body, apart from a rusty red patch on the thighs and undertail area. The underwing was clearly seen, and was also entirely dark grey. The feet were red. D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, Box 30197, Nairobi Scopus 5: 57, June i981 Received i0 March 198i RED-FOOTED FALCON FALCO VESPERTINUS AT NAIROBI An immature male Red-footed Falcon was seen by myself and Dr E. Muller on the eastern grasslands of Nairobi National Park at about 09:00hrs on 3 May 1980. Initially it was seen perched on acacias with a pair of Lesser Kestrels Falco naumanni, when good views were obtained in direct sunlight for about 4min, at ranges decreasing from about 100 to 30m, and using 10 x 40 and 8x60 binoculars. The bird was then Geliberately flushed to show the wing plumage, and together with the Lesser Kestrels made off in a leisurely manner northwards. The bird was the same size as the Lesser Kestrels. The upperparts were all dark grey, with a dark cap and black moustaches on a white face. The throat was white, the upper breast unmarked rufous, and the rest of the ventral torso unmarked grey except for dull red thighs and vent. The underwing was all dark grey. The red of the thighs was difficult to see except at close range in good light. Bill and foot colour were not noted. Adrian D. Lewis, Department of Geology, Box 30197, Nairobi Scopus 5: 57, June i981 Received 10 March 1981 [The above constitute only the third and fourth records for Kenya. Ed.] A ZAMBIAN RECORD OF THE LITTLE RINGED PLOVER CHARADRIUS DUBIUS On 27 September 1980 I saw a Little Ringed Plover at Makoma Sewage Ponds, Luanshya, Zambia; this was the same locality that produced the first Zambian record of the species (Taylor 1980). Colour transparencies (now lodged, with full field notes, at the British Museum (Natural History), Tring) were kindly examined by J.H. Marchant who confirms the identity as a first-autum C. dubius. These two records from Luanshya suggest that this species may have been over- looked in Zambia in the past, and it may possibly reach the country regularly. Although it is described as regular in Tanzania only in the northeast (Britton 1980), in view of the Zambian records it may occur more frequently in central and southern Tanzania than has previously been supposed. REFERENCE TAYLOR, P.B. 1980. Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius at Luanshya, Zambia. Scopus 4: 69. P.B. Taylor, Box 87336, Mombasa, Kenya y Scopus 5: 57, June 1981 Received 17 January 1981 58 Short communications SOME NOTES ON THE RED-CHESTED CUCKOO CUCULUS SOLITARIUS IN TANZANIA’ In view of the recent interest in the status and distribution of the Red-chested Cuckoo in East Africa, and in particular in Tanzania (Howell, Msuya & Stuart 1980, Britton 1980a), some notes on the species made between 1930 and 1962 may be worth recording, expanding a previously published short note (Fuggles-Couchman 1939). I agree with Britton (1980a) that the Red-chested Cuckoo is a bird of wide altitudinal and regional distribution in Tanzania. In the old Eastern Province it occurred near sea level; in the Kilombero Valley (Rufiri, c. 300m); gener- ally throughout the intermediate levels of Morogoro and Kilosa Districts at 500-600 m, up to about 1900m at Tchenzema, in the western Uluguru Mountains. In the old Northern Province, of Moshi, Arusha, Masailand and Mbulu Districts, it ranged from the bottom of the Rift Valley at Engaruka (c. 1000m), to over 2000m on Mt Hanang and at Kilema and Rongai on Mt Kilimanjaro; in the Crater Highlands it was found at 1800m at Kavenjiro. I have also one record from Bukoba District, Lake Province, at c. 1300m on 15 May, when it was in full song. The Red-chested Cuckoo was more catholic in its choice of habitat than is suggested by Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1957). While it frequented forest edges at higher altitudes, it was to be found widely distributed in miombo woodland, Acacia pallens - Combretum woodland and Combretum bushland at intermediate levels. It was also a bird of well-treed townships and cultivated areas such as at Morogoro and Kilosa and round Mts Meru and Kilimanjaro. But I never met it in the dry acacia scattered tree grasslands, and its appearance at Engaruka, in an arid area of the Rift Valley, could be accounted for by the existance of a narrow strip of evergreen trees and bush along the stream at the bottom of the Rift wall. The song was heard over a long season in Morogoro, but the period could have been prolonged by the arrival of migrants. In 1937-38 the familiar call was first heard in Morogoro township on 27 October 1937, although it had been heard already at Tchenzema on 9 October. The last date it was heard at Moro- goro was 26 June 1938. This date was later than that given in Fuggles-—Couchman (1939), the earlier date having been the latest up to the time of submission of the MS. There was a high frequency of calls during November to early February, falling off into April and early May, but still usually heard on most days. Song then became increasingly noticeable towards the end of May. In the Northern Province first dates varied from 30 October at Monduli to 18 November on Mt Kilimanjaro, and the latest date recorded was 6 June on the western slopes of Kilimanjaro. REFERENCES BRITTON, P.L. 1980a. A clarification of the status of the Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius in lowland areas of East Africa. Scopus 4: 71. FUGGLES-COUCHMAN, N.R. 1939. Notes on some birds of the Eastern Province of Tanganyika Territory. Ibis 1939: 76-106. HOWELL, K.M., MSUYA, C.A. & STUART, S.N. 1980. The Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius in coastal Tanzania. Scopus 4: 44. N.R. Fuggles-Couchman, Old Prices, Chedworth, Cheltenham GL54 4AA, England Scopus 5: 58, June 1981 Received 19 March 1981 Short communications 59 THE IDENTITY OF TWO FICEDULA FLYCATCHERS RECENTLY COLLECTED IN KENYA Britton (1980a) has pointed out that there appears to be no entirely satisfactory record of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca for East Africa. Confusion has arisen in the past because of the close similarity of this species to the Collared Flycatcher F.albicollis, and in particular its eastern race semi- torquata. Some authors (e.g. Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1960) have actually regarded semitorquata as a race of hypoleuca rather than of albicollis, while others (e.g. Voous 1977) have accorded semitorquata specific rank. Individuals recently claimed in East Africa as hypoleuca have included adult males seen in the field and adult female/first year birds examined in the hand. From the descriptions available, all these birds could well have been semi- torquata. I have been able to examine two Kenya specimens in the National Museum, Nairobi, collection which were originally assigned to hypoleuca. Both are first year birds, one collected at Kakamega on 24 December 1970 and the other at 2550m on Mt Elgon on 16 January 1976. I have compared these two birds with a Nairobi Museum specimen of nominate albicollis, a first year bird identi- fiable by the white bases of the hindneck feathers, which was collected at Ng'iya on 2 October 1972. I have also compared all these Nairobi Museum birds with a series of hypoleuca, nominate albicollis and semitorquata in the British Museum (Natural History) study collections at Tring. Adult male semitorquata is readily distinguishable from hypoleuca by the greater amount of white in the wing, including a more extensive 'speculum', formed by the bases of the inner primaries, and an additional narrow bar formed by the tips of the median coverts (see, for example, Svensson 1975). It is typically much blacker above than hypoleuca and often shows a white half collar and a greyish rump; with good views these characters can be seen in the field. Adult female and first winter semitorquata resemble nominate albicollis in colour, being grey-brown above rather than the olive-brown colour of hypoleuca. Like nominate albicollis, they also show more white in the wing than female/first winter hypoleuca, with a broad bar formed by the greater covert tips and secondary bases, broad white tertial edges, and a small visible speculum formed by the bases of the inner primaries, which is typically hidden by the primary coverts in female/first winter hypoleuca. In the hand, wing formula would also appear to be a useful character in many birds. I noted the position of the second primary tip relative to that of the fifth in British Museum specimens, and numbers of birds in various categories were as follows: P2P5 Ficedula hypoleuca 46 4 1 Ficedula a. albicollis 3 11 36 Ficedula a. semitorquata 5 19 20 In hypoleuca, the second primary was typically 2-3mm shorter than the fifth, and only in albicollis (both races) was it commonly longer, or even equal. The Nairobi Museum birds from Kakamega and Mt Elgon match specimens of albicollis as regards colour of upperparts, being paler and greyer than any hypoleuca examined. One, the Elgon bird, had as much white in the wing as the Nairobi Museum Ng'iya albicollis, and both had a small visible speculum in the primary bases extending back to about level with the primary tips. The Elgon bird, like the one from Ng'iya, had the second primary equal to the fifth; in the Kakamega bird it was marginally (<1mm) shorter. Thus, judging mainly by the colour of the upperparts, but also taking into account the visible primary speculum, the amount of white in the wing generally, and the length of the second primary, I would assign both the Kakamega and Elgon specimens to semitorquata. 60 Short communications ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to I.C.J. Galbraith for facilities afforded me at the British Museum (Natural History) and to G.R. Cunningham-van Someren for the loan of material from the National Museum, Nairobi. REFERENCES BRITTON, P.L. 1980a. Ficedula flycatchers in East Africa. Scopus 4: 21-22. SVENSSON, L. 1975. Identification guide to European Passerines. Stockholm: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet. , VOOUS, K.H. 1977. List of recent Holarctic bird species. Ibis 119: 223-250. D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, Box 30197, Nairobi. Scopus 5: 59-60, June 1981 Received 10 March 1981 A RECORD OF THE COLLARED FLYCATCHER FICEDULA ALBICOLLIS FROM NAIROBI Britton (1980a) summayizes the status of Ficedula flycatchers in East Africa. For Kenya, the only definite records of the Collared Flycatcher are of an adult male at Mara River on 3 March 1973, referable to the eastern race semitorquata, a female/first winter male at Ng'iya on 2 October 1972 and the Kakamega and Mt Elgon birds assigned to semitorquata by Pearson (1981). A number of other Ficedula records from Kakamega Forest, Mt Elgon, Mau Narok and Nairobi are indeterminate (Britton 1980a). At noon on 16 November 1980 I located a female/first autumn male Ficedula around tall trees in my garden in Spring Valley, Nairobi. There had been heavy rain in the night and several other Palaearctic migrants were also visible. The Ficedula was intermittently in view for 30min as it flitted about in typical flycatcher fashion in the open tree canopy. It also climbed on slant- ing trunks like a treecreeper Certhia sp., and twice chased off and mobbed single Red-eyed Doves Streptopelia semitorquata. It was watched through 10 x 40 binoculars, in good light, at ranges between 30 and 50m. The upperparts were unmarked grey-brown, with a definite paler grey patch on the rump visible in direct sunlight. There was no hint of a paler collar, and no white on the frons. The closed wing was dark brown or blackish, with a broad white bar in the region of the greater covert tips and prominent white edges to the tertials. The dorsal tail surface was also dark brown or blackish. The eyes, legs and bill were dark. The chin and throat were whitish above a very pale greyish breast that merged via very diffuse streaks to an unmarked white belly and vent. The bird was silent. In view of the grey tone to the upperparts, the pale rump and the large amount of white in the wing, I identified the bird as a Collared Flycatcher rather than a Pied F. hypoleuca. The absence of any visible pale neck collar despite the excellent views obtained would suggest that the bird was of the eastern race semitorquata. REFERENCES BRITTON, P.L. 1980a. Ficedula flycatchers in East Africa. Scopus 4: 21-22. PEARSON, D.J. 1981. The identity of two Ficedula flycatchers recently collected in Kenya. Scopus 5: 59-60. Adrian D. Lewis, Department of Geology, Box 30197, Nairobi Scopus 5: 60 Received 10 March 1981 Continued from inside front cover - Any references cited should be listed at the end of the contribution following the form used in this issue. Names of periodicals must be given in full and, in the case of books, the town of publication and the publisher should be given. A number of works, which are cited frequently, should not be listed under "References'; the name(s) of the author(s) and date(s) of publication should be given in the text in the normal way. A list of the works concerned is given below. All contributions should be sent to Dr D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya. WORKS WHICH SHOULD NOT BE LISTED UNDER 'REFERENCES' BACKHURST, G.C., BRITTON, P.L. & MANN, C.F. 1973. The less common Palaearctic Migrant birds of Kenya and Tanzania. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum 140: 1-38. = Backhurst et al. 1973. Benson, C.W., BROOKE, R.K., DOWSETT, R.J. & IRWIN, M.P.S. 1971. The birds of Zambia. London: Collins. = Benson et al. 1971. BRITTON, P.L. (ed.) 1980. Birds of East Africa. Nairobi: EANHS. = Britton 1980. BROWN, L.H. & BRITTON, P.L. 1980. The breeding seasons of East African birds. Nairobi: EANHS. = Brown & Britton 1980. HALL, B.P. & MOREAU, R.E. 1970. An atlas of speciation in African Passerine birds. London: British Museum (Nat. Hist.). = Hall & Moreau 1970. JACKSON, F.J. 1938. The birds of Kenya Colony and the Uganda Protectorate. 3 vols. London: Gurney & Jackson. = Jackson 1938. MACKWORTH-PRAED, C.W. & GRANT, C.H.B. 1957 & 1960. African handbook of birds. Series I, vols 1 & 2. Birds of eastern and north eastern Africa. 2nd Edition. London: Longmans Green & Co. = Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1957 and/or 1960. MOREAU, R.E. 1966. The bird faunas of Africa and its islands. London: Academic Press. = Moreau 1966. 1972. The Palaearctic-African bird migration systems. London: Academic Press. = Moreau 1972. SNOW, D.W. (ed.) 1978. An atlas of speciation in African Non-Passerine birds. London: British Museum (Nat. Hist.). = Snow 1978. } EAST AFRICAN BIRD REPORT This forms the fifth issue of Scopus and each report covers one calendar year. Records of Afrotropical Region (i.e. Ethiopian Region and Malagasy Sub-Region) and Oceanic birds should be sent to D.A. Turner [tel. 48772], Box 48019, Nairobi; records of Palaearctic Region birds to B.S. Meadows [tel. 40539], Box 30522, Nairobi. Records should be sent in early in the new year to ensure the speedy production of the Bird Report. IC4AMREF CONTENTS C.H. FRY. The residential status of the Madagascar Bee-eater Merops superca:] 70sus “invAErica <7. 2). ene eee Aras) eas is tae ed 19) Zz TUART, K.M. HOWELL, T.A. van der WILLIGEN and A.A. GEERTSEMA. Some additions to the forest avifauna of the Uzungwa Mountains, PANZANDA a) 16) et eS se ww ee ei ee fe ce oer nye ery ADRIAN D. LEWIS and D.J. PEARSON. Stork and raptor migration in South Nyanza, Kenya Us saa sige. «esas eee tate I J.S. ASH. Breeding of the Spur-winged Goose Plectopterus gambensis an, Ethiopia 2 2 ie) ss 93) es in be) aa ed ote JOSEPH P. SKORUPA. A breeding record for Cassin's Hawk Eagle Hieraaetus africanus . 3) = sls SS oe es sep ees ee ee ee J.S. ASH. Ayres' Hawk Eagle Hieraaetus dubius in Ethiopia and Somablia. “s -s sss (s ws; eke es) ee) 6. 0c Sm Sie ole tee en, eae coe SIMON THOMSETT. Some observations on the Bat Hawk Macheiramphus: al@inus = 2.93 (ess st Sw Se ee ee D.J. PEARSON. Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus in Tsavo .. . 57 ADRIAN D. LEWIS. Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus at Nairobi . 57 P.B. TAYLOR. A second Zambian record of the Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius'. 2-20 % %<) 4 eee ee N.R. FUGGLES-COUCHMAN. Some notes on the Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solstarius in VlanZanva ©). © = moe aes ee J. PEARSON. The identity of two Ficedula flycatchers recently collected in Kenya ~<"s 2 2) 2's ae) eS ee ADRIAN D. LEWIS. A record of the Collared Flycatcher Ficedula oligs from Nairobi- <2 2-5) aS = 2 ne oe ee ee Printed in Kenya by AMREF, Box 30125, Nairobi Se CO ISSN 0250--4162 © F6O Zi SCOPUS A quarterly publication of the Ornithological Sub-Committee East Africa Natural History Society Edited by GRAEME BACKHURST Volume 5(3) September 1981 K.Shs 20 SCOPUS Scopus is published five times a year by the Ornithological Sub-Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society. Subscriptions are payable to the OS-C Hon. Treasurer (and Secretary), D.A. Turner [tel. 48772], Scopus a/c, Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya, at the following rates: East African residents: KShs 75.00 (KShs 78.50 up-country) Overseas, surface mail: Sterling £6.00, US$12.00 or equivalent in convertible currency. Drafts in Kenya shillings cannot be accepted. Overseas, air mail: Sterling £7.50, US$15.00 or equivalent in convertible currency. Drafts in Kenya shillings cannot be accepted. Overseas rates apply to all countries other than Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Those wishing to remit by bank transfer should do so to D.A. Turner, Scopus a/c, No. 2852601, Barclay's Bank of Kenya Limited, Market Branch, Box 30018, Nairobi. All material for Scopus, including papers, short communications, letters and notices, should be sent in the first instance to the Chairman of the Ornithol- ogical Sub-Committee, Dr D.J. Pearson [tel. 47041], Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi. Other Sub-Committee members are as follows: G.C. Backhurst [tel. 8914i9], Editor of Scopus and Ringing Organizer, Box 24702, Nairobi; J.S.S. Beesley, Box 634, Arusha, Tanzania; P.L. and Mrs H.A. Britton (U.K.); Dr Margaret Carswell, Box 7051, Kampala; Dr K.M. Howell, Box 35064, Dar es Salaam; Dr A.D. Lewis, Depart- ment of Geology, Box 30197, Nairobi; B.S. Meadows [tel. 48535], Box 30521, Nairobi; Dr D.E. Pomeroy [tel. Kahawa 439], Box 43844, Nairobi; J.F. Reynolds (U.K.); D.K. Richards ftel. 501501] ,.Box, 30750, Nairobi; PBs Payior, Nese Record Scheme Organizer, [tel. Mombasa 24065], Box 87336, Mombasa. NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scopus welcomes original contributions in English on all aspects of the ornith- Ology of eastern Africa. Contributions will be assessed by the Sub-Committee and by independent referees. The material published in Scopus will be divided into 'papers' and ‘short communications', the latter will usually be less than two pages in length. 'Papers' should be written in the third person (except in the 'Acknowledgements' section); 'short communications' may be written in the first or third person. Authors of 'papers' are entitled to five copies of their contribution gratis. Extra copies, which will be supplied at cost, must be ordered when the MS is submitted. Ccntributions should be typed in 1% or double spacing on one side of the paper only, with wide margins all round, and should be submitted in duplicate. Exceptionally, clear hand-written MSS will be considered but these too should be sent in duplicate. Both English and scientific names of birds should be given when the species is first mentioned, thereafter only one should be used. English and scientific names should be those of Birds of East Africa unless the spécies does not occur in that work. Tables, which should be numbered, should appear in the typescript, NOT grouped on separate sheets at the end. Metric units should be used. If non-metric units were used in the original observation or experiment, the approximate metric equivalent should be given in brackets. Illustrations should be on bristol board, good quality white paper or tracing material, in line - i.e. black on white, and should not be larger than 19 x 23 cm. Lettering (in black) will be the responsibility of the author and should be done neatly in Letraset (or similar), no larger than 14 point (3.9mm). Each illustration should be numbered (Fig. 1, etc) and be provided with a legend typed on a separate sheet of paper. Photographs will be considered if they are eee eee. Continued inside back cover Scopus 5 (3) September 1981 SCOPUS SURVIVAL AND INTERCOLONY MOVEMENTS OF WHITE-BROWED SPARROW WEAVERS PLOCEPASSER MAHALI Nicholas E. Collias & Elsie C. Collias From 17 March to 17 June 1976, we ringed 45 White-browed Sparrow Weavers Plocepasser mahali with individual combinations of coloured rings and, in some cases, with aluminium rings as well, in the Samburu-Buffalo Springs Game Reserve, Kenya; 26 in seven colonies at the Samburu Game Lodge area and 19 in four colonies near the Buffalo Springs bandas. The natural vegetation is largely acacia wooded grassland. A map showing the location of 13 nesting colonies at Samburu has been published with details of behaviour (Collias & Collias 1978a). SURVIVORSHIP Each colony had its nests in an acacia tree. During 6-12 April 1978 (Collias & Collias 1978b) and again from 6-10 September 1980 we returned to the two study sites to look for surviving individuals. In April 1978 we found 21 (47 per cent) of the colour-ringed birds still present after two years. None of the young fledged during the breeding season of 1976 apparently survived these two years, and all but one disappeared within three months of age. In Sept- ember 1980 we found 11 birds (24 per cent) of those ringed in 1976, still present after a period of just over four years. The birds had the same combi- nation on both legs and colour ring loss was not serious during the first two years (Collias & Collias 1978b), while enough rings persisted so that all but one survivor could be identified in 1980. The high survivorship minimized the importance of ring loss. We found that 21 of 43 birds ringed as adults in 1976 survived the first two years, and were still present in the study area, while of these 21 survi- vors, 11 survived to September 1980. If the probability of an individual dying during any one month is q then the probability of surviving one year is (1-q)’*. From this formula (R. Vance, pers. comm.) we calculated the average annual survival. The annual survival of birds ringed as adults in 1976 aver- aged 70 per cent during the first two years and 77 per cent from April 1978 to September 1980. These figures are rather similar to the figure for adult annual survival for P.mahali found by Lewis (1980) for two years in mopane woodland in northeast Zambia of 74 per cent and 69 per cent, and indicate high survival rates for adults in this species. Like ourselves, Lewis checked for movements of colour-ringed birds beyond a peripheral zone of colonies surrounding the study area and also found very little, if any, such movement, indicating that disappearance of birds was probably largely, if not entirely, Scopus 5: 61-65, September 1981 62 White-browed Sparrow Weaver studies due to mortality rather than to emigration. We checked for ringed birds in 14 neighbouring colonies 50-150m from the ringing sites, and all were unringed except for movement of ringed birds one to two colonies away from a ringed colony. We were generally able to census all the birds within a colony within one hour, but repeated the census in doubtful cases. MOVEMENTS AND RESIDENCE The birds reside at their colonies the year round, and defend a group feeding territory about 50m in diameter around the acacia tree in which their nests are located. In 1978, after two years, 11 of 20 colour-ringed survivors had moved from their original home to an adjoining territory (7 birds), or toa colony only two territories removed (4 birds), while the remaining nine still lived in the same colonies. But in 1980, nine of the 11 survivors from birds ringed in 1976 still resided on the same territories as in 1978, and only two — birds had moved to an adjacent territory. It would appear that attachment to a given colony became firmer after two years, while more shifting took place during the first two years after being ringed as adults. Male YO was found in the same colony in 1976, 1978 and 1980, and each year appeared to be the most dominant bird in this colony. In a neighbouring colony, Male AY was the most dominant bird in 1976 and 1978, but had disap- peared by 1980, his place as dominant male being taken by Male AB. Male AB was originally ringed two territories away in 1976, and he circulated between three different colonies in 1978 when he slept in the colony adjoining the one in which he was found in 1980. Male BB was repeatedly and almost constant- ly attacked by the dominant male of the colony in which he was ringed in 1976, and BB eventually left this colony for another in which he was found in both 1978 and 1980. In each colony of P. mahali there was only one brood female who did all the incubating and most of the feeding of the young. Female AA left her home colony for another colony two territories removed in which she was found to be the brood female in both 1978 and 1980. In 1978, on the same day as she was incubating, Female AA was seen to feed nestlings in another colony two territories away. In that colony, Female GR became the brood female, after the original brood female of 1976 disappeared, and Female GR was apparently the brood female both in 1978 and 1980, though not in 1976 (although she was then a colony member). COLONIES AND POPULATION DENSITY Territorial boundaries remained essentially the same, with few exceptions, in some 27 colonies observed over the period of 4s:yr, despite turnover of most of the population. Thus, territorial boundaries were traditional, and their locations survived the individuals composing the colonies. The same trees were often used in boundary disputes between neighbouring groups in 1976, 1978 and 1980. Between 1976 and 1978, one colony at Samburu Lodge became extinct, apparent- ly because of human disturbance, while one new colony appeared. By 1980, the colony that had become extinct was replaced by one in a tree next to the. original colony tree. The birds prefer isolated trees for their nests.. At > Buffalo Springs, between 1976 and 1978, the birds of one colony moved their nests over to another tree about 12m away after the canopy of the original colony tree and that of two adjoining trees grew to overlap. - The strong territorial behaviour of P.mahali appears to exert considerable stabilizing influence on population density, but at Samburu there was an increase in. population size of over 40 per cent between 1976 and 1980. In 18 Samburu colonies, in April 1976, April 1978 and September 1980, we counted in all 88, 110 and 126 adults and fledged young, respectively. The average number White-browed Sparrow Weaver studies 63 of adults per colony in each of these three years was 5, 6 and 7 respectively. The year 1976 was relatively dry and survival of the young was generally poor. Most breeding takes place during the rains, but some young may be raised even during the dry season. In September 1980, towards the end of the long dry season, we saw three fledged young at the Samburu Lodge site and one at the Buffalo Springs bandas area. To summarize: 1) Over a period of about 44: yr, P.mahali populations showed a high annual adult survival, and the population density and average colony size increased by about 40 per cent. 2) The birds are sedentary and the loc- ation of colony trees and of territorial boundaries generally outlast the life of the individuals composing the populations. 3) About half the ringed birds moved to neighbouring or other nearby colonies during the first two years after ringing, but the great majority remained in the same colonies from the second to the fourth year. DISCUSSION One of the nearest relatives of Plocepasser is Pseudonigrita. In April-June 1978 we colour-ringed 56 individuals of the Grey-capped Social Weaver Pseudo- nigrita arnaudi at the Olorgesailie National Prehistoric Site some 70km south- west of Nairobi. In September 1980 we and Dr Derek Pomeroy found only six ringed individuals still present, and only one of these had been certainly ringed as an adult. However, of 29 adults which we had colour-ringed, Mr G.R. Cunningham-van Someren observed 14 (48 per cent) still present about 9 months later, equivalent to an annual survival rate plus dispersion out of the study area, of about 38 per cent for adult P. arnaudi, much less than the 70-80 per cent average annual survival indicated for adult Plocepasser mahali. It is possible that many of the birds dispersed widely in P. arnaudi. Pseudonigrita arnaudi is a smaller bird, weighing about 20g compared to an average 42g for P.mahali, and correlated with its apparently greater population turnover rate it usually lays three eggs to a clutch instead of the two characteristic of P.mahali. Pseudonigrita arnaudi does less communal feeding of the nest- lings than does P.mahali (Collias & Collias 1980). Its maximum life span in nature is probably shorter since only six of 56 ringed individuals were found after 24 yr in contrast to 11 of 45 P.mahali still alive after 4:yr. The greatest maximum age we found for any of our colour-ringed individuals was 2 years and 10 months for P. arnaudi and 5 years and 4 months for P. mahali. Another closely related species, Philetairus socius the Sociable Weaver of southwestern Africa, is often put into the same subfamily, the Plocepasserinae, with the two preceding genera. Based on extensive ringing at the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park in South Africa, Maclean (1973: 232) thought it "unlikely that the Sociable Weaver's maximal longevity ever exceeds about 3% years." It resembles Pseudonigrita arnaudi and differs from Plocepasser mahali, in addition to its shorter life, in usually laying a larger clutch (four eggs), and in that communal feeding of nestlings is less common than in P. mahali. Plocepasser mahali resembles many small land birds of tropical regions and differs from most of those of temperate and colder regions in high survival of adults, in relatively long life once adulthood is reached, in having an enclosed nest, in laying a very small clutch of eggs (usually two), and in that more than two birds usually feed the nestlings and fledglings. The rel- atively long life span of adults may be a key factor in this complex of diff- erences from small land birds of temperate or colder zones. Survival rates for adults of most species of small temperate zone land birds range between 40 to 60 per cent (Ricklefs 1969, Cody 1971). In contrast, Snow & Lill (1974) have reported annual adult survival rates of 70 to 90 per cent for 15 species of ringed forest birds of various species of the New World tropics in Trini- dad, and Fogden (1972) of 86 per cent for various land birds, excluding hole 64 White-browed Sparrow Weaver studies nesters, of the Old World tropics in Sarawak. One would expect greater average adult survival of small land birds in the tropics than in the temperate or colder zones because the hazards of migration and seasonal cold are much less in the tropics. Many species of tropical birds lay small clutches, and one reason for this may be that high adult survival means fewer places available for young birds. Fewer young birds are needed to replace a long-lived adult population. Communal nesting with more than two birds caring for the brood, is much more common in the tropics than in higher latitudes (Rowley et al. 1976). Here again, in the face of a saturated population, with many long-lived adults, one of the best evolutionary strategies that young birds could adopt would be to help their parents raise younger brothers and sisters, until they could establish a place for themselves as independent breeders. Brown (1974) and Woolfenden (1976) have expressed similar views for communal nesting jays of warm temperate latitudes, as has Fry (1980) after a survey of the world lit- erature comparing longevity in tropical and temperate zone birds. Fry points out that, "scant as tropical studies have been, small land birds of low latit- udes commonly attain the advanced ages known for only a tiny fraction of high latitude birds." Brown & Pomeroy (in press) have developed data from tropical Africa which indicate that large birds generally live longer than small birds, and that communal or co-operative breeders tend to live longer than species where only the mated pair raises the young. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the Office of the President of Kenya for permission to do this re- search, the National Museums of Kenya for sponsorship and invaluable aid, the Kenya Wildlife Conservation and Management Department for permission to ring the birds, the Warden of the Samburu-Buffalo Springs Game Reserve for permis- sion to carry out this project in the Reserve, and S.Altmann, G.R. Cunninghan- van Someren, J.T. Emlen, T.R. Howell, D.E. Pomeroy, D.A. Turner and R. Vance for help in various ways. The United States National Science Foundation and UCLA helped finance the project. REFERENCES BROWN, J.L. 1974. Alternate routes to sociality in jays - with a theory for the evolution of altruism and communal breeding. American Zoologist 14:61-78. BROWN, L.H. & POMEROY, D.E. (in press). The age structure of populations of wild birds in tropical Africa, as demonstrated by plumage characters and marking techniques. Proceedings of the Vth Pan-African Ornithological Congress. CODY, M.L. 1971. Ecological aspects of reproduction. in Avian Biology (D.S. Farner & J.R. King, eds.), Vol. 1, Chap. 10: 462-512, Academic Press: New York and London. COLLIAS, N.E. & COLLIAS, E.C. 1978a. Cooperative breeding behavior in the White-browed Sparrow Weaver. Auk 95: 472-484. 1978b. Survival and intercolony movement of White-browed Sparrow Weavers Plocepasser mahali over a two-year period. Scopus 2: 75-76. 1980. Behavior of the Grey-capped Social Weaver (Pseudonigrita arnaudi) in Kenya. Auk 97: 213-226. FOGDEN, M.P.L. 1972. The seasonality and population dynamics of equatorial forest birds in Sarawak. Ibis 114: 307-342. FRY, C.H. 1980. Survival and longevity among tropical land birds. Proceedings of the IVth Pan-African Ornithological Congress 333-343. ee White-browed Sparrow Weaver studies 65 LEWIS, D.M. 1980. Population biology of a communal bird species Plocepasser mahali. Ph.D. thesis, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. MACLEAN, G.L. 1973. The Sociable Weaver, Part 3: Breeding biology and moult. Ostrich 44: 219-240. RIKLEFS, R.E. 1969. An analysis of nesting mortality in birds. Smithsonian Contributions in Zoology 9: 1-48. ROWLEY, I., GRIMES, L.G., WOOLFENDEN, G.E. & ZAHAVI, A. 1976. Symposium on co- operative breeding in birds. Proceedings of the 16th International Ornith- ological Congress, Canberra, Australia 655-693. SNOW, D.W. & LILL, A. 1974. Longevity records for some neotropical land birds. Condor 76: 262-267. WOOLFENDEN, G.E. 1976. Co-operative breeding in American birds. Proceedings of the 16th International Ornithological Congress, Canberra, Australia 674-684. N.E. Collias and E.C. Collias, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, and Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Exposition Park, Los Angeles, CA 90007, U.S.A. (Received 11 February 1981, revised 26 May 1981) 66 The Grey-crested Helmet Shrike THE PAST AND PRESENT STATUS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE GREY-CRESTED HELMET SHRIKE PRIONOPS POLIOLOPHA Adrian D. Lewis Hall & Moreau (1970) refer to the Grey-crested Helmet Shrike Prionops polio- lopha as replacing the Helmet Shrike P. plumata in the Kenya highlands. Prionops poliolopha is described in Britton (1980) as endemic to woodlands east and south of Lake Victoria at 1200-2000m, typically in Acacia drepanolobium or leleshwa Tarchonanthus. However, despite the fact that this species exhibits the noisy and promin- ent habits of its family, confirmed records of its occurrence are few, and several authors comment on its rarity (e.g. van Someren 1932, Jackson 1938, Turner 1977, Britton 1980). Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1960) describe its occur- rence in Kenya as "somewhat erratic". This paper reviews the past and present records of P. poliolopha, and relates a new series of observations from the Nakuru area. For convenience, the species’ range is considered under four main areas. THE RECORDS Naivasha-Kedong Valley area Fischer & Reichenow (1884) recorded the type at Naivasha, from a female killed “off the nest" on 11 May. Jackson (1901) described the collection of an adult female and a juvenile male from a small flock in the Kedong Valley on 17 April 1896, and this record is also quoted by Reichenow (1900-1905). Van Someren (1922) mentioned it as collected by Doherty at Escarpment Stat- ion, Uplands (1°03'S, 36°39'E); he also remarked on the destruction of its habitat. On 4 February 1923, V.G.L. van Someren collected a female at Naiv- asha; this was followed by a male and a subadult male on 26 June 1925, in the Kedong Valley (Catalogue of East Africa and Uganda birds collected by V.G.L. van Someren 1910-1951). Van Someren (1932) mentioned what are presumably these specimens, while summing up the species' status as "not very common". On 12 February 1926 E.H. Ward collected a male from 'Sterndale', Naivasha (National Museum Collection, Nairobi). Sclater (1930) mentioned the locality "Naivasha', which presumably includes Doherty's Escarpment specimen. Jackson (1938) derived his summary of the distribution of the species from Sclater (1930), and quoted the Escarpment record (van Someren 1922), and the type from Naivasha (Fischer & Reichenow 1884). His only personal observation of the bird was the Kedong family party in 1896. Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1960) referred to the occurrence of the species in central Kenya, and mentioned the breeding at Naivasha, while White (1962) and Hall & Moreau (1970) also used earlier records from this area. Turner (1977) noted the absence of recent records from Naivasha-Kedong and attributed its apparently complete disappearance to recent rural development. P.L. Britton (in litt.) notes the absence of published records from this area during the last 50 years. Kenya-Tanzania border areas Reichenow (1900-1905) recorded the collection of the species by O. Neumann in January from Ssero (or Scero) (1°15'S, 35°30'E), which is in the Loita Plains area. The Willoughby-Lowe catalogue (housed in the National Museum, Nairobi) lists a female, taken on the Amala River (0°45'S, 35°25'E) on 14 October 1912, which was also mentioned by Jackson (1938). Van Someren (1932) also collected a bird Scopus 5: 66-70, September 1981 The Grey-crested Helmet Shrike 67 from this locality, and Sclater (1930) presumably used one or both of these specimens to define the range from this locality southwestwards into Tanzania. Bowen (1931) found it to be common in the Ikoma (2°05'S, 34°37'E) region of northern Tanzania. F.N. Betts (unpublished MS) encountered it several times in the Narok Dis- trict between 1948 and 1952, between the town of Narok (1°05'S, 35°52'E) and the southern part of the Uaso Nyiro (1°55'S, 36°07'E), and at the foot of the Loita Hills. In his account of the resident breeding birds of southwest Kenya (Betts 1966) he mentions one record, of a flock "of several adults and a number of newly fledged young" near Narok on 27 May (no year given but between 1948 and 1952). J.G. Williams collected an adult male on 19 August 1959, at Mosiro (1°30'S, 36°06'E) in Narok District, altitude 1200m (National Museum, Nairobi). Williams (1963) described it as uncommon in the bush of central southern Kenya and northern Tanzania, but not uncommon around Loliondo (2°03'S, 35°37'E) in northern Tanzania, where he observed it in mixed flocks with P. plumata. This constitutes the only record of sympatry between these two species, and is quoted by Hall & Moreau (1970). Williams (1967) recorded it without details or comment from the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya, while Williams & Arlott (1980) repeat the Loliondo sympatry note, but now (as opposed to Williams (1963) ) consider it a "very uncommon" bird of the bush country. D.A. Turner (pers. comm.) notes it as a local and uncommon resident of the northern Serengeti (Mara Region), Tanzania, particularly where whistling thorn Acacia depanolobium is dominant. He has also recorded it "many times" within a 5km radius of Keekorok Lodge (1°38'S, 35°16'E), Masai Mara Game Reserve, and considers that it is possibly resident in this part of Kenya. L.L. Short collected two specimens from Lion Camp, Olonganaiyo Lugger (1°18' S, 35°49'E), 25km south southwest of Narok, both at an altitude of 1770m. The first was a female on 10 July 1978, while the second was a male two days later (National Museum, Nairobi); the habitat is described as "riparian fever trees", i.e. Acacia xanthophloea. Britton (1980) states that "most records are from border areas in Narok and Serengeti." South of Lake Victoria Reichenow (1900-1905) quoted three records from this area from previous German collectors. O. Neumann took the species in June in Muansa, which Reichenow's map shows to be modern Mwanza (2°31'S, 34°54'E), and from the Ngarre Mousse River (1°45'S, 35°00'E) during January. R. Béhm and von Trotha collected it during December from the Ugalla River, which is a tributary of the Malagarisi River, which flows into Lake Tanganyika just south of Kigoma (4°52'S, 29°37'E). Jackson (1938) quotes localities from Reichenow (1900-1905), including Unyamwezi, which is also in the Kigoma-Tabora area. These early records thus extend the range dramatically southwestwards to about 5°S in the Kigoma-Tabora region, but appear to form the only evidence for the occurrence of the species there. They are utilized, in one form or another, by Sclater (1930), Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1960), White (1962) and Hall & Moreau (1970), the last noting the range "into much lower and drier country as far as Tabora”™ (5°01'S, 32°48'E). As for Naivasha-Kedong, Britton (1980) could detail no records from the Tabora Region "in recent decades". Nakuru area Williams (1967) describes the species as "uncommon" in Lake Nakuru National Park, but gives no supporting details; for this reason the locality is not included by Britton (1980). The following recent series of observations thus properly documents the occurrence of the bird up to 60km north of its hither- 68 The Grey-crested Helmet Shrike to known range, as well as providing the first records from the central Kenya rift since 1926. Table 1 Recent Nakuru area sight records of the Grey-crested Helmet Shrike a Date No. Habitat Area Observers 25.10.78 9 Riverine Acacia 1.6km N of Naishi I.G.Marshall xanthophloea Ranger Post, LNNP 04.02.79 3 A. xanthophloea near Makalia Bridge I.G.Marshall woodland LNNP 02.10.80 5 ditto SE corner LNNP R.R.Izagiriza & ADL 09.11.80 11 ditto between Naishi & I.G.Marshall Makalis Falls, LNNP 14.12.80 6 Tarchonanthus, Protea, W side of Menen- P.L.:& H-A. patches of richer wood- gai Crater, Britton & land and coarse grasses Nakuru R. Boy 'No.' refers to the number of birds in the flock; LNNP = Lake Nakuru National Park The concentration of records from Lake Nakuru does not mean that the bird is common there. I.G. Marshall has extensively searched the vicinity of his sight- ings on foot and failed to relocate the birds, as did the author and R.R. Iza- giriza on the day after their record. Ornithologists currently resident in the Park and routinely noting birds there for over a year have not seen this Species (V. Haas, pers. comm.); earlier resident observers report irregular sightings in the periods February-May and even July-August, but these records lack detail and confirmation. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY Changes in distribution From the existing records, it is clear that the Grey-crested Helmet Shrike has never been a numerous bird, certainly far less abundant than the closely related P. plumata. Only Bowen (1931) regarded P. poliolopha as common, in northern Tanzania. Since its discovery in 1884, it has apparently become extinct in the Naivasha- Kedong area, and possibly also in areas of Tanzania south of Lake Victoria. Apart from the Nakuru sightings, recent records suggest that its range has contracted into the Kenya-Tanzania border areas in the Serengeti-Mara and Loita- Loliondo regions. The reasons for these changes are not clear. V.G.L. van Someren, as early as 1922, noted that the forest and scrub from which Doherty had collected his Escarpment specimen(s) had since been cut down or burnt, "and the entire aspect of the country altered". Turner (1977) also blames "recent rural devel- opment" for the disappearance of the species from the Naivasha-Kedong area, and makes the point that little is known of its breeding biology or habitat requirements. Several of the recent records have been from Acacia xanthophloea country, which certainly still exists around Naivasha. A possible explanation for the lack of records is misidentification as P. plumata, particularly by observers not acquainted with P. poliolopha, and/or The Grey-crested Helmet Shrike 69 assuming the commoner of the two species. The plumage of both species is essentially black and white, with a white bar visible on the closed wing (varying racially in plumata) and a white tip to the tail; both have a grey crown and nape, becoming darker behind the ear coverts. The unique features of poliolopha are the yellow eye, the lack of eye wattles, the tuft-like grey crest on the rear of the crown, and the blackish spot on the side of the breast. But in the field, the author considered that the eye colour of poliolopha could be mistaken for the wattle colour of plumata, i.e. as a yellow flash/colouration in the eye area, while, unless seen clearly, the crest could be taken for part of the general grey crown colour of plumata; both species have a whiter crest on the forehead. P.L. Britton, H.A. Britton and I.G. Marshall all comment on the larger size of poliolopha, i.e. compared to plumata, but this point is really useful only to observers with previous knowledge of at least one of the species. Hence, the only unmistakable feature of poliolopha is the blackish spot on the side of the breast, which is most distinctive when the bird is viewed from the front. Interspecific confusion is thus quite possible. While the recent absence of sightings in the Naivasha-Kedong area cannot be attributed to lack of observers, this could well be a factor in less frequently visited regions, such as Mwanza, Tabora and Loliondo. Hence, the recent absence of the species in these regions could be, at least in part, illusory. The Nakuru records The five recent sightings around Nakuru fall between October and February, while the only two breeding records for the species are in April and May (Brown & Britton 1980). Presence of the species at Nakuru during the breeding season requires confirmation. The various Prionops species have a tendency to forage for food over long distances (Britton i980), and I.G. Marshall (pers. comm.) comments on this point with reference to his Nakuru poliolopha sightings. Van Someren (1932) gives three examples of the erratic appearance of the related plumata, which were probably due to these long distance movements. The clustering of the sightings in the southeast corner of Lake Nakuru National Park could reflect the habit, recorded by Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1960) for plumata, of flocks repeatedly following the same foraging route, though in these cases over widely spaced intervals. © The Nakuru records probably refer to highly mobile flocks foraging long distances from their breeding areas. Judging from the above discussion, these areas are probably to the southwest, along the Kenya-Tanzania border, such that, to reach Nakuru, birds would have to cross the Mau highlands, or circumvent them to the south. Williams’ (1967) reference to the species at Nakuru implies that these movements are none too recent an innovation. Certainly the under- watched nature of the Mau and its forested western slopes could preclude detection of any ‘passage’. CONCLUSIONS Since its discovery 97 years ago, the Grey-crested Helmet Shrike has apparent- ly become extinct in the Naivasha-Kedong area of Kenya, and possibly also in the Mwanza-Tabora area of northern Tanzania. The reasons for these changes are not clear, but probably involve habitat modifications. The population now appears to be centred on, and presumably breeding in, the Kenya-Tanzania border areas, between the eastern rift and Lake Victoria. FPoraging parties regularly reach Nakuru. The paucity of records probably reflects a small total population of the species, moving erratically through large, poorly observed areas, combined with possible misidentification as P. plumata. 70 The Grey-crested Helmet Shrike ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A summary of this type relies heavily on the co-operation and help of a large number of people. I am indebted to I.G. Marshall and D.A. Turner for their unpublished records, and to Miss D. Angwin and Mrs E. Angwin of the East Africa Natural History Society for access to Society publications. G.R. Cunningham- van Someren, Head, Department of Ornithology, provided ready and useful access to reference literature, specimen skins and unpublished MSS at the National Museum, Nairobi. Particular thanks are due to P.L. Britton, for much useful discussion and information, and for the provision of unpublished material. D.J. Pearson & P.L. Britton criticized earlier drafts of the paper. REFERENCES BETTS, F.N. 1966. Notes on some resident breeding birds of southwest Kenya. Ibis 108: 513-530. BOWEN, W.W. 1931. East African birds collected during the Gray African Expedition, 1929. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- Phia 83: 11-79. FISCHER, G.A. & REICHENOW, A. 1884. Neue V6gelarten aus dem Massailand (inner- es Ost-Afrika). Journal fiir Ornithologie 1884: 178-182. JACKSON, F.J. 1901. List of birds obtained in British East Africa, with notes by R.B. Sharpe. Ibis 1901: 33-97. REICHENOW, A. 1900-1905. Die Végel Afrikas. Neudamm: J. Neumann. SCLATER, W.L. 1930. Systema Avium Aethiopicarum. London: Taylor & Francis. TURNER, D.A. 1977. Status and distribution of the East African endemic species. Scopus 1: 2-11. VAN SOMEREN, V.G.L. 1922. Notes on the birds of East Africa. Novitates Zool- Ogicae 29: 1-246. 1932. Birds of Kenya and Uganda, being addenda and corri- genda to my previous paper in Novitates Zoologicae 29, 1922. ibidem 37: 252- 380. WHITE, C.M.N. 1962. A revised check list of African shrikes, orioles, etc. Lusaka: Government Printer. WILLIAMS, J.G. 1963. A field guide to the birds of East and Central Africa. London: Collins. 1967. A field guide to the national parks of East Africa. London: Collins. & ARLOTT, N. 1980. A field guide to the birds of East Africa. London: Collins. Adrian D. Lewis, Department of Geology, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya (Received ii June 1981) a Spring Whimbrel passage off Somalia 71 SPRING PASSAGE OF WHIMBREL WUMENIUS PHAEOPUS AND OTHER WADERS OFF THE COAST OF SOMALIA J.S. Ash I have lived close to the sea in Mogadishu (2°03'N, 45°21'E), Somalia, for parts of three spring migrations in 1979-1981, and have been impressed by the substantial numbers of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus passing north offshore each year. As I have been unable to trace any reference to similar Whimbrel migrat- ion in Africa the situation in Somalia is worth recording. It is sufficiently spectacular to have attracted the attention of several visitors to Mogadishu, none of whom has had any particular interest in birds, but local fishermen I questioned, rather surprisingly, had not noticed them. The passage is apparently a normal annual event judging from my experience in three successive springs, but no really systematic observations have been made, so that the conclusions which follow must be tentative to some extent. I have, however, recorded every flock seen in the three years, and in 1981, besides estimating numbers I also noted height of flight, distance off-shore and time of day. Times of observation were mainly restricted to after 15:00 local time, except for one day a week when observations continued throughout the day, and for a few other days when I observed for an hour or so following dawn. Many flocks, especially low-flying ones, were found whilst I was scan- ning the sea with a telescope or binoculars for sea-birds; others were first seen with the naked eye, my attention often being drawn to them by distant calls. Approaching flocks could sometimes be found at a great distance to the southwest by scanning the horizon. In the Mogadishu area the coastline runs about ENE-WSW, but further north and south it runs NE-SW. It therefore provides an excellent leading-line for migrants by day, and also by night because of its line of surf. From about mid March to about the end of April is a season of relatively very little wind between the two monsoons, and with generally good meteorological conditions for migration. However, the situation in 1981 was dissimilar from 1979 and 1980, for on every day there was considerable atmospheric instability with heavy rain showers active in the area or within sight, and the light winds were usually from between south and west, instead of in the opposite quadrant. This may have been the reason for more Whimbrel flocks being further from land (see below). DATES The dates of the first flocks passing north varied from year to year (I use the direction 'north' throughout, whereas when passing Mogadishu the birds are actually flying ENE): 6 April 1979, 5 April 1980 and 26 March 1981 (when they were heard but not seen, far overhead). I was away from home from 26 April 1979 and 15 April i980. NUMBERS Over 13000 birds were counted in 145 flocks, and these are summarized in Table 1, where over half the flocks comprised between 31 and 120 individuals. The bulk of the birds (68 per cent) passed in the two weeks 9-22 April when the data for all years are examined, and the figures for more extensive data in 1981 are nearly similar (66 per cent) for the same period (Table 2). Throughout the period of six weeks during which passage occurred in 1981, only 10 per cent of the migration was in the first two weeks, and 24 per cent in the last two. Thus migration gets under way rather slowly, and terminates Scopus 5: 71-76, September 1981 72 Spring Whimbrel passage off Somalia more quickly. TABLE 1 Flock size of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus passing north along the coast of Somalia Flock size Number Flock size Number Flock size Number 1-10 14 71-80 7 151-200 1° 11-20 8 81-90 6 201-250 6 21-30 13 91-100 9 251-300 : 4 31-40 15 101-120 10 301-350 3 41-50 13 121-130 1 351-400 1 51-60 10 131-140 1 401-450 6) 61-70 7 141-150 5 451-500 1 SR EL I Ps RE PETTITT LI TE IZ) TABLE 2 Weekly numbers of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus passing Mogadishu in spring 1981 Dates 26.3-1.4 2-8.4 9-15.4 16-22.4 23-29.4 30.4-6.5 Total Observation (h) N62 1 Ar2 at aZ 17.4 16.3 1S 90.6 Numbers of birds 457 362 2476 2792 1808 80 7975 Birds/h Se 26 221 161 ple! 5 88 per centage of : total birds By.i/ a5 3120 35.0 227 110 99.9 HEIGHT Height of flight was judged for 95 flocks in 1981, of which 47 per cent were at or below 15m, and the highest at 150m. However, these figures are not very meaningful, for although high-flying birds remained at a more or less constant height, lower flying birds changed their altitude, often dropping to sea-level and vice versa. Migrating flocks flew higher later in the season, but the reason for this is unknown. The average height of 74 flocks between 26 March and 22 April was 25m, whereas afterwards the height of 21 flocks aver- aged much higher at 71m. The later birds were also closer inshore (see below). DISTANCE OFFSHORE In 1979 and 1980 many more flocks were seen close inshore than in 1981, when there were many more days with tail-winds. Birds pass on a front at least 8km wide, extending from a position above the coastal dunes (rarely) out to sea to the farthest extent of visibility through a telescope. Against the sky the flocks are visible with the naked eye up to perhaps 5km, but when low over the sea, probably seldom for distances over ikm. In 1981 I estimated the distances offshore for 93 flocks as: Over beach 7 (7 per cent) Within reef ( 22s 2a R.D. MOORE. Long-tailed Skuas Stercorarius longicaudus at the Kenya. CoaSt— <5 ap oe) ee) tee) te) CCC moe C. CARTER and G.P. ROBINSON. The occurrence of both Red-throated and White-fronted Bee-eaters in the Virunga Park, .eaSterni Zaire... « «© 5. sve), [oe vel ope ee Conn oneee D.J. PEARSON. Spring falls of Palaearctic passerines at yuiieabiele) (NeVSSL HIS 5 5 56 G6 6 6 0 oo Gof J.S. ASH and J.E. MISKELL. Basra Reed Warblers Acrocephalus griseldis overwintering in) Somalia ~~ <=) =) asruiein eens ADRIAN D. LEWIS. The Somali Sparrow Passer castanopterus: a breeding record for East Africa ....:..4.5:5 6.66. «6 ADRIAN D. LEWIS and D.J. PEARSON. Raptor and stork migration at Namanga, southern Kenyas 2) ca ces shiek ous etnn WBC: Symposium “asi. s,s. Se ep ee. Case ee ee Important! For Overseas Subscribers ........+.... Printed in Kenya by AMREF, Box 30125, Nairobi 61 66 7 ai a7, 79 80 80 81 83 83 84 84 are, ISSN 0250-4162 (9 FEO " MUS, AQMP, Zoom MAY 3 A quarterly publication of the Ornithological Sub-Committee East Africa Natural History Society Edited by GRAEME BACKHURST Volume 5(4) December 1981 K.Shs 20 SCOPUS Scopus is published five times a year by the Ornithological Sub-Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society. Subscriptions are payable to the OS-C Hon. Treasurer (and Secretary), D.A. Turner [tel. 48772], Scopus a/c, Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya, at the following rates: East African residents: KShs 75.00 (KShs 78.50 up-country) Overseas, surface mail: Sterling £6.00, US$12.00 or equivalent in convertible currency. Drafts in Kenya shillings cannot be accepted. Overseas, air mail: Sterling £7.50, US$15.00 or equivalent in convertible currency. Drafts in Kenya shillings cannot be accepted. Overseas rates apply to all countries other than Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Those wishing to remit by bank transfer should do so to D.A. Turner, Scopus a/c, No. 2852601, Barclay's Bank of Kenya Limited, Market Branch, Box 30018, Nairobi. All material for Scopus, including papers, short communications, letters and notices, should be sent in the first instance to the Chairman of the Ornithol- ogical Sub-Committee, Dr D.J. Pearson [tel. 47041], Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi. Other Sub-Committee members are as follows: G.C. Backhurst /[tel. 891419], Editor of Scopus and Ringing Organizer, Box 24702, Nairobi; J.S.S. Beesley, Box 634, Arusha, Tanzania; P.L. and Mrs H.A. Britton (U.K.); Dr Margaret Carswell, Box 7051, Kampala; Dr K.M. Howell, Box 35064, Dar es Salaam; Dr A.D. Lewis, Depart- ment of Geology, Box 30197, Nairobi; B.S. Meadows [tel. 48535], Box 30521, Nairobi; Dr D.E. Pomeroy [tel. Kahawa 439], Box 43844, Nairobi; J.F. Reynolds (U.K.); D.K. Richards [tel. 501501], Box 30750, Nairobi, PaB. Taylor, Nese Record Scheme Organizer, [tel. Karen 2019], Box 25138, Nairobi. NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scopus welcomes original contributions in English on all aspects of the ornith- Ology of eastern Africa. Contributions will be assessed by the Sub-Committee and by independent referees. The material published in Scopus will be divided into 'papers' and 'short communications', the latter will usually be less than two pages in length. 'Papers' should be written in the third person (except in the 'Acknowledgements' section); 'short communications' may be written in the first or third person. Authors of 'papers' are entitled to five copies of their contribution gratis. Extra copies, which will be supplied at cost, must be ordered when the MS is submitted. Contributions should be typed in 1% or double spacing on one side of the paper only, with wide margins all round, and should be submitted in duplicate. Exceptionally, clear hand-written MSS will be considered but these too should be sent in duplicate. Both English and scientific names of birds should be given when the species is first mentioned, thereafter only one should be used. English and scientific names should be those of Birds of East Africa unless the species does not occur in that work. Tables, which should be numbered, should appear in the typescript, NOT grouped on separate sheets at the end. Metric units should be used. If non-metric units were used in the original observation or experiment, the approximate metric equivalent should be given in brackets. Illustrations should be on bristol board, good quality white paper or tracing material, in line - i.e. black on white, and should not be larger than 19 x 23 cm. Lettering (in black) will be the responsibility of the author and should be done neatly in Letraset (or,similar), no larger than 14 point (3.9mm). Each illustration should be numbered (Fig. 1, etc) and be provided with a legend typed on a separate sheet of paper. Photographs will be considered if they are absolutely necessary. Continued inside back cover Scopus 5 (4) December 1981 SCOPUS mua BRARY BIRD-RINGING RESULTS AND RINGED BIRD RECOVERIES IN ETHIOPIA 7.S. Ash A bird-ringing scheme commenced in Ethiopia in 1969, and remained active through 1980. Interim results and the totals ringed appeared in duplicated reports (Ash 1972-1975, 1977-1979) and one printed report (Ash 1976), but these had limited circulation and are not readily available. As active ringing has now ceased, except of Quelea quelea by W. Erickson in connexion with an FAO project, and there is little likelihood of any further recoveries, it is expedient to summarize all the results in one place. An attempt was made, by contacting the main ringing schemes, to trace all the recoveries of ringed birds in Ethiopia, so the opportunity is also taken to publish all the recoveries known to me of ringed birds in the country. Some of these have incomplete data, and others may not have been traced, so I shall be grateful for addenda and corrigenda to the list included here. The following participated in the ringing scheme during the years shown against their names, with individual ringing totals in parentheses: Dr J.S. Ash, 1969-1977 (42 304); Dr R.W. Ashford, 1972 (296); C. Erard, 1971 (18); W. Erickson, 1977-1980 (12 410); Brother Edmund Johnson, 1974-1977 (250); G. Nikolaus, 1972-1976 (1516); Dr C.S. Olson, 1973-1975 (280); H. Pain, 1975- 1976 (1194); Dr S.J. Tyler, 1973-1976 (2710); Dr E.K. Urban, 1973-1974 (325). A grand total of 61 303 birds was ringed of 495 species during the period, but a degree of selection was involved, and only about half the birds captured were actually ringed. Those mainly ringed included the following: samples of 50 Afrotropical species in each of five areas in connexion with arbovirus studies, all Palaearctic migrants, all known intra-tropical migrants, and others in special studies (e.g. garden bird studies in Addis Ababa, a White Pelican study, etc.). Only British Trust for Ornithology rings were used. The recovery rate was very low, as might be expected, for largely there is indifference to birds in Ethiopia, and most migrants leaving pass over large tracts of country with small human populations with a high degree of illiteracy - factors which militate against the reporting of recoveries. The only other bird-ringing undertaken in Ethiopia so far as I know is a small number (560) by a Swedish group (Broberg 1967), and some colour-ringing in 1968 in an Addis Ababa garden (Urban 1975). Other results from ringing in Ethiopia, in addition to the reports quoted above, have been published elsewhere, notably in Ash (1978a), Tyler (1979) and Urban & Jefford (1977). The total list of species ringed is too long for inclusion here, but can be found in the separate annual reports. Table 1 includes only the totals of Scopus 5: 85-101, December 1981 86 Bird-ringing in Ethiopia Palaearctic migrants ringed, together with those of other species for which recoveries were reported by the British Trust for Ornithology. For those Palaearctic species which have Afrotropical representitives, such as Little Bittern, Scops Owl, Hoopoe, etc., only those are included for which subspecific identification was certain. Others which cannot be separated, such as Squacco Heron, are excluded. TABLE 1 Ringing totals of Palaearctic migrants and of those other species for which recoveries were reported by the British Trust for Ornithology Species Ringed Recov Pelecanus onocrotalus White Pelican 420 4 Ixobrychus minutus Little Bittern 14* = Phoenicopterus ruber Greater Flamingo 8 = Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian Goose 22 1 Anas acuta Pintail 3 = Anas clypeata Shoveler 2 - Anas querquedula Garganey 8 = Circus aeruginosus Eurasian Marsh Harrier 1 = Circus macrourus Pallid Harrier 6 = Circus pygarus Montagu's Harrier 2 - Accipiter tachiro African Goshawk 17 1 Buteo augur Augur Buzzard 35 2 Buteo buteo Common Buzzard 2 ~ Milvus migrans Black Kite 25 1 Falco chicquera Red-necked Falcon 4 1 Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon 1 = Coturnix coturnix Quail 4 = Crex crex Corncrake 2 - Porzana porzana Spotted Crake 1 = Charadrius alexandrinus Kentish Plover 8 = Charadrius asiaticus Caspian Plover 1 = Charadrius dubius Little Ringed Plover 72 = Charadrius hiaticula Ringed Plover 94 = Charadrius mongolus Mongolian Sandplover 1 = Pluvialis squatarola Grey Plover 1 = Vanellus spinosus Spur-winged Plover 471 2 Actitis hypoleucos Common Sandpiper 451 = Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper 666 = Tringa nebularia Greenshank 17 = Tringa ochropus Green Sandpiper 42 = Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper 188 = Tringa totanus Redshank c 20 = Xenus cinereus Terek Sandpiper 4 | = Gallinago gallinago Common Snipe oer = Gallinago media Great Snipe 3 = Calidris alpina Dunlin 1 = Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper 268 = Calidris minuta Little Stint 1390 1 Calidris temminckii Temminck's Stint ae ee = Limicola falcinellus Broad-billed Sandpiper Are = SS — 7 Bird-ringing in Ethiopia Table 1, Continued Species Ringed Recov Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit 3 - Philomachus pugnax Ruff 558 2 Arenaria interpres Turnstone 1 - Pluvianus aegyptius Egyptian Plover 36 2 Iarus ridibundus Black-headed Gull 4 - Clidonias. leucopterus White-winged Black Tern 17 = Gelochelidon nilotica Gull-billed Tern 1 = Pterocles quadricinctus Four-banded Sandgrouse 22 1 Streptopelia decipiens Mourning Dove 1655 2 Streptopelia lugens Dusky Turtle Dove 126 1 Streptopelia turtur Turtle Dove 30 2 Cuculus canorus Eurasian Cuckoo 7 - Asio flammeus Short-eared Owl 1 ~ Otus scops Scops Owl 22* - Caprimulgus europaeus Eurasian Nightjar 15 - Apus apus Eurasian Swift 1 = Ceryle rudis Pied Kingfisher 271 a Halcyon leucocephala Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher 562 2 Merops apiaster Eurasian Bee-eater 3 - Merops persicus Blue-cheeked Bee-eater 3 - Upupa epops Hoopoe 74* 1 Jynx torquilla Eurasian Wryneck 86 1 Hirundo rustica Eurasian Swallow 1019 4 Riparia riparia Sand Martin 382 1 Oriolus oriolus Golden Oriole 15 1 Pycnonotus barbatus Common Bulbul 1440 1 Cercotrichas galactotes Rufous Bush Chat 25 = Irania gutturalis Irania 19 - Luscinia luscinia Sprosser 154 - Luscinia megarhynchos Nightingale 510 1 Luscinia svecica Bluethroat 25 - Monticola saxatilis Rock Thrush - Monticola solitarius Blue Rock Thrush 2 - Oenanthe hispanica Black-eared Wheatear 2 - Oenanthe isabellina Isabelline Wheatear 32 - Oenanthe oenanthe Northern Wheatear 12 - Oenanthe pleschanka Pied Wheatear 56 - Phoenicurus phoenicurus Redstart 294 - Saxicola rubetra Whinchat 24 - Saxicola torquata Stonechat 18* - Turdus abyssinicus Northern Olive Thrush 168 2 Turdus litsipsirupa Groundscraper Thrush 9 1 Turdus philomelos Song Thrush 6 - Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed Warbler 100 - Acrocephalus griseldis Basra Reed Warbler 61 1 Acrocephalus palustris Marsh Warbler 77 ~ Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Sedge Warbler 89 - Acrocephalus scirpaceus Reed Warbler 1158 1 Acrocephalus stentoreus Clamorous Reed Warbler 2 - Hippolais icterina Icterine Warbler 3 = 87 88 Bird-ringing in Ethiopia Table 1, Continued Species Ringed Recov Hippolais languida Upcher's Warbler 8 - Hippolais pallida Olivaceous Warbler 297 - Locustella fluviatilis River Warbler 11 - Locustella luscinioides Savi's Warbler 68 = Locustella naevia Grasshopper Warbler 6 - Phylloscopus collybita Chiffchaff 406 = Phylloscopus sibilatrix Wood Warbler 1 i Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler 1232 = Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap 902 4 Sylvia borin Garden Warbler 361 - Sylvia communis Whitethroat 505 ~ Sylvia curruca Lesser Whitethroat 246 = Sylvia hortensis Orphean Warbler 28 = Sylvia mystacea Ménétries' Warbler 27 = Sylvia nisoria Barred Warbler 162 = Muscicapa striata Spotted Flycatcher 91 = Anthus cervinus Red-throated Pipit 204 - Anthus trivialis Tree Pipit 141 = Motacilla alba White Wagtail 36 = Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail 4 = Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail 1162 1 Dryoscopus gambensis Northern Puffback 36 1 Lanius collurio Red-backed Shrike 42 ~ Ianius isabellinus Red-tailed Shrike 33 = Lanius nubicus Nubian Shrike 54 1 Lanius senator Woodchat Shrike 2 = Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling B27 1 Lamprotornis chalybaeus Blue-eared Glossy Starling 510 if Nectarinia tacazze Tacazze Sunbird 228 1 Ploceus baglafecht Baglafecht Weaver 236 1 Ploceus taeniopterus Northern Masked Weaver 819 zB Passer griseus Grey-headed Sparrow 491 1 Hypochera chalybeata Indigobird 502 1 Emberiza hortulana Ortolan Bunting 31 = *Palaearctic migrant races only totalled. RECOVERIES In 1972 I circulated a list of all recoveries of birds known* at that time in Ethiopia to 51 major ringing schemes asking for additions and amendments. The following were written to; those marked with one asterisk replied, stating that there were no additional data; those marked (*) stated that it was not possible to check their records, and those with two asterisks sent additional data; there was no reply from the others: Angola: Dr Pinto, Dr Santos. Belgium: Brussels. Bulgaria: Sofia**. Channel Islands: Jersey. Cyprus: Cyprus Ornithol- ogical Society, Dr G.E. Watson. Czechoslovakia: Prague. Denmark: Dansk Orn- ithologisk Central*, Ringmwrknings Afdelingen*, Kalo*, Copenhagen*. East Germany: Hiddensee*. Egypt: Dr G.E. Watson. Estonia: Lihula*. Ethiopia: Dr E.K. Urban. Finland: Helsinki*. France: CRMMO. Hungary: Budapest. Iceland: Reykjavik. India: Dr Salim Ali. Iran: Dr D.A. Sceott*. Italy: Bologna. Jordan: Dr .C-B. Wate son. Kenya: Nairobi. Morocco: Rabat*. Netherlands: Arnhem*. Nigeria: Dr C.H.Fry. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia 89 Norway: Vollebekk(*), Stavanger*. Poland: Varsovia**, Dr W. Rydzewski**. Port- ugal: Oporto*. Romania: Bucarest. Senegal: Dr G. Morel. South Africa: Ronde- bosch*. South West Africa: Dr R.A.C. Jensen. Spain: Grupo de Ciencias Naturales Aranzadi, Madrid. Sweden: Norrkdéping*, Stockholm(*). Switzerland: Sempach*. U.K.: B.T.O*. U.S.S.R.: Moscow. West Germany: Helgoland**, Radolfzell**. Yugoslavia: Zagreb. Zaire: Dr De Bont. Zambia: R.J. Dowsett. Zimbabwe: Dr R.M. Harwin. The earlier results of such schemes as Radolfzell, Helgoland, and Rossitten are difficult to trace, and are probably incomplete, but some recoveries have been found in the literature. In addition, Gerhard Nikolaus kindly searched the Helgoland data files and was able to locate many recoveries, and the late Dr W. Rydzewski provided a valuable list. However, no exhaustive search of the literature has been possible. From the 61 303 birds ringed in 1969-1980 only 58 recoveries were notified to the B.T.O. and passed to me (0.09 per cent), and of these only 30 were found in Ethiopia. As the value of ringing in Ethiopia largely lies in the need to recognize individuals in special studies, any recovery is to be regard- ed as a bonus, and almost every one of them is of special value, and provides new knowledge from an area that is virtually unknown as far as bird movements are concerned. Of the known 14619 Palaearctic migrants ringed, 21 recoveries (0.14 per cent) were reported through the B.T.O. compared with 37 (0.07 per cent) from the other species. However, only two of the Palaearctic migrants were recovered in Africa (0.01 per cent), the remainder being recovered out- side (0.13 per cent). Thus the chances of a ringed migrant being recovered outside Africa is 13 times greater than within the continent, and about two times greater than a non-Palaearctic migrant being recovered within Africa. This does not necessarily mean that its chance of survival is less outside Africa (although it may be), but that the chance of its ring being reported is greater. There are seven times fewer (0.01 per cent) Palaearctic migrants recovered within Africa than there are Afrotropical species (0.07 per cent), which suggests a lower mortality rate for the migrants within the continent, not allowing for the fact that they may be there for only about half the year. However, so many interacting factors are involved that the figures do not justify further analysis. Table 2 details recoveries of birds ringed in Ethiopia, all by the present scheme (i.e. with B.T.O. rings), and recovered elsewhere, and of birds ringed in other countries and reported from Ethiopia. Recoveries within Ethiopia exclude a huge number of retrapped birds at the site of ringing, as well as others showing only local movements. Nomenclature and sequence, as in Table 1, follow Britton (1980). The conventions and symbols used follow Spencer & Hudson (1978), with the following additional abbreviations used for foreign ringing schemes: BTO - British Trust for Ornithology, Mort. - Mortensen. In addition, the time elapsing between ringing and recovery follows Back- hurst's (1974) convention, e.g. 1:7:13 indicates 1 year, 7 months and 13 days. For ease of reference the White Stork recoveries are grouped in numerical order under their respective ringing schemes, but only the first recovery in each group is identified by its scheme. Geographical co-ordinates are given in degrees and minutes but the symbols for these units are omitted. Data given in parentheses are approximate while those enclosing the recovery date have the added meaning of denoting the date of the reporting letter (Spencer & Hudson 1978). Besides the long series of White Stork recoveries, there are many others of special interest. Of particular note is the Squacco Heron, which is, I believe, the first more-than-presumptive evidence for a Eurasian bird in eastern Africa (vide Moreau 1972); the Terek and Curlew Sandpipers were presumably on trans- African migration northwards from South Africa, although the latter was 90 Bird-ringing in Ethiopia probably a non-breeding bird stopping-over in Ethiopia for the northern summer; a Ruff from the farthest extremity of its range in Siberia; evidence for intra- tropical migration in Egyptian Plover, Pied and Chestnut-bellied Kingfishers; evidence for the origin of east African Turtle Doves from the southern U.S.S.R.; an overwintering Eurasian Wryneck in Addis Ababa; a Nightingale from Armeniya confirming its identification as the race L.m. africana; four Blackcaps from Syria and Lebanon, and the first record for a Eurasian Starling from south of the Sahara (although since then there has been another, a sight record). Fig. 1. Map showing ringing sites of ringed birds recovered in Ethiopia, and localities where birds ringed in Ethiopia were recovered. Key opposite Bird-ringing in Ethiopia 91 TABLE 2 Recoveries involving Ethiopia Note: where no country name is given, the locality is in Ethiopia. PELECANUS ONOCROTALUS WHITE PELICAN Z302-- 1 May/Jun 72 Lake Shalla, 7.27N 38.28E, (Shoa). vv 24.06 542 Dit Bahari, 11.32N 41.16E, (Harrar), 548km (0:1:0); seen until 05.07.72. Z302-- 1 May/Jun 72 Lake Shalla. vv 21.06.72 Dit Bahari; seen until 05.07.72. Z33--- 1 Apr/May 73 Lake Shalla. VV 08.08.73 Nderit River, 00.20S 36.05E, Lake Nakuru, KENYA, (0:3:0), 904km; also seen 09.08.73. 233526 1 21.04.73 Lake Shalla. = 08:05-73 10km W of Asosa, 10.02N 34.26E, (Wollega), 528km, 0:00:17. Z33581 1 26005 .73 Lake Shalla. - 03.06.73 Shenon, 8.23N 37.28E, (Shoa), 151km, 0:0:8. 233657 1 04.05.74 Lake Shalla. xX 27,405.74 Kwetu Farm, 00.29S 36.19E, Gilgil, KENYA, 913km, 0:0:23. Z33--- 1 01.06.74 Lake Shalla. vv 15.06.74 Lake Langano, 7.34N 38.51E, (Shoa), 44km, 0:0:14. The first three records and the last are sightings of birds with coloured markers. Z33581 was reported killed whilst eating sheep! ARDEA CINEREA GREY HERON Varsovia 1 25305.71 Krzyzowiec Forest Range, 51.56N 16.23 E, Wlosza- kowice, Leszno, POLAND. /2/ (00.07.73) Ethiopia. Table 2 continued overleaf KEY TO RECOVERIES A White Pelican 2 M Ruff 1 W Basra Reed W'bler 1 B Grey Heron i N Terek Sandpiper 1 X Reed Warbler 1 C Squacco Heron 1 O Egyptian Plover 2 Y Eurasian Swallow 4 E Black Stork 2 P Lesser Black-backed Gull 6 Z Sand Martin 1 F Greater Flamingo 3 Q Caspian Tern 1 a Nubian Shrike 1 G Lesser Flamingo 1 R Pied Kingfisher 1 b Golden Oriole 1 H Black Kite 2 S Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher 2 c Yellow Wagtail 1 J Common Buzzard 1 T Hoopoe 1 d Eurasian Starling 1 K Curlew Sandpiper 1 U Nightingale 1 e Turtle Dove 2 ZL Little Stint 1 V Blackcap 4 f Osprey 1 D and the hatched area indicate where the 54 White Storks recovered in Ethiopia were ringed. 92 Bird-ringing in Ethiopia ARDEOLA RALLOIDES SQUACCO HERON Moscow E889558 1 Vv 20.06.74 13<09.75 Kzyl-Agach Reserve, Lenkoran, Azerbaijan, USSR, 39.00N 48.50E. Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa), 3531km, 1:2:24. Reringed BTO EF72162. CICONIA ABDIMII ABDIM'S STORK 1080--- CICONIA CICONIA WHITE STORK Bucarest B19i0 Budapest 9373 Helgoland E2840 H4108 H9141 Hi2id 205062 207671 207671 210488 212595 212946 222133 223477 1 VV 1 PAE 1 -- 1 X 1 10.06.72 07.07.72 24.06.66 / late 11.66 summer 25 00.12.26 12.07.69 02.07.70 10.07.58 (14.03.61) 14.06.63 f2/ (04.12.64) 18.06.62 (12.02.63) 00.00.34 (29.03.235) 14.07.31 / 00.00.32 00.00.36 12.04.38 08.07.32 (22 09 . 33) summer 39 09.12.39 10-07..433 7 29.08.36 24.06.57 20;.12. 58 20.06.41 00.11.41 Lake Shalla, 7.27N 38.28E, (Shoa). Debre Zeit, 8.44N 38.59E, (Shoa), 154km, 0:0:27. Sf. Gheorghe, 44.55N 29.34E, Danube Delta,ROMANIA. "Around Gondar', (12.37N 37.27E), (Begemdir), (0:5:0), (3666 km). Komajati, Abauj [untraced] HUNGARY. Adua, 14.09N 38.53E, (Tigre), (1:6:0). Bohme, 52.47N 9.28E, (Ltineburg) , WEST GERMANY. Golgol, 14.07N 38.44E, (Tigre), 5011 km, 0:11:20. Grosswish, 53.51N 9.22E, (Schleswig Hostein) , WEST GERMANY. Wollo Province, (2:8:4). Freiburg-Laak, 53.49N 9.17E, (Stade), WEST GERMANY. SW of Lake Tana, (Gojjam), (1:5:21). Rethem, 52.47N 9.23E, Aller, WEST GERMANY. Sinna, (7.05N 40.10E), (Bale), (0:7:25), (5793km). Commerau b. Klix, 51.16N 14.32E, EAST GERMANY. Dera, 10.10N 38.59E, Salale, (Shoa), (0:7:0), 5079 km. Oersdorf/Segeberg, 53.55N 10.20E, WEST GERMANY. Adi Quala, 14.37N 38.50E, (Eritrea), 5021 km. [see notes] Rosenberg, 53.40N 11.14E, EAST GERMANY. 38km from Asmara, 15.20N 38.55E, 4829 km. [see notes] Thedinghausen, 53.00N 9.05E, Bremen, WEST GERMANY. Gondar, 12.36N 37.28E, (Begemdir), (1:2:0), 5144km. Oberneuland, 50.30N 17.20E, Nysa, now POLAND. Combolcia, 11.04N 39.43E, (Wolo), (0:6:0), 4834km. Malini, 50.31N 18.18E, POLAND. S of Lake "Tana, 17/35N"37.22E, (Gojjam) , 3:21:19, 4662 km. Ochsenwerder, 53.29N 10.05E, Hamburg, WEST GERMANY. Asmara, 15.20N 38.58E, (Eritrea), 1:4:23, 4959 km. Fallersleben, 52.25N 10.44, WEST GERMANY. Lake Tana, (12.00N 37.18E), (0:5:0), (5080km). Bird-ringing in Ethiopia 226999 230716 232981 234676 238147 240504 242017 244928 8664 Radolfzell B51671 BB994 BB8095 BB8720 BB8743 BB9262 BB13458 BB13668 BB15556 /?/ 01.07.39 23.12.39 08.07.47 00.11.47 21.06.51 (13.06.61) 09.07.53 (13.06.61) 09.07.55 14.12.55 09.07.55 00.12.57 24.06.59 (09.12.60) 10.07.68 autumn 68 11.07.73 24.10.73 26.06.31 00.00.32 17.07.19 24.10.19 21.06.58 00.11.58 06.06.68 (16.12.68) 05.07.55 (14.02.56) 29.06.57 01.01.58 29.06.58 early 03.63 24.06.62 09.11.62 17.07.60 (17.01.61) 25.06.60 (17.01.61) 07.07.66 end 11.66 93 Nysa, 50.30N 17.20E, POLAND. Between Quozien Mariam and Blue Nile, 0:5:22. Bekmiinde, 53.55N 8.30E, WEST GERMANY. Bishoftu, 8.44N 38.59E, (Shoa), (0:4:0), 5708km. Gliickstadt, 53.47N 9.26E, Holstein, WEST GERMANY. Between Gore and Goba, 9.03N 38.42E, (Bale), 5613 km. Hemke, 52.24N 7.55E, Niedersachsen, WEST GERMANY. Between Gore and Goba, 5560 km. Wathlingen, 52.32N 10.09E, Liineburg, WEST GERMANY. Gambela, (Tigre), 0:5:5. [see notes] Stellau/Wrist, 53.50N 9.45E, WEST GERMANY. Bahar Dar, 11.32N 37.25E, (Gojjam), (2:5:0), 5296 km. Artlenburg, 53.23N 10.28E, Liineburg, WEST GERMANY. Tigre Province, (14N 38E), (1:5:0), (5000 km). Altrathjensdorf, 54.14N 11.00E, Oldenburg, WEST GERMANY. Dembi Woreda, 12.39N 37.29E, (Begemdir), 5169 km. Miihro, 52.01N 12.15E, Zerbst, EAST GERMANY. Near Woliso, 8.32N 37.59E, (Shoa), 0:3:13, 5367 km. Sebaucius, 55.42N 24.50E, LITHUANIA. Danya, 6.30N 37.40E, (Gemu Gofa), 5584km. Varde, 55.37N 8.23E, Janderup, DENMARK. Near Adua, 14.09N 38.53E, (Tigre), 0:3:7, 5296km. Horka, 51.17N 14.54E, (Niesky), EAST GERMANY. Teramni, 14.30N 39.00E, (Eritrea), (0:5:0), 4619 km. Limnochorion, 40.37N 21.34E, Florina, GREECE. Engiabaia, 10.59N 37.00E, (Gojjam), (0:6:10), 3624 km. Bietikow, 53.19N 13.52E, Uckermark, EAST GERMANY. Kreis Bule, 6.20N 38.50E, (Sidamo), (0:7:9), 5688km. Limberg, 51.43N 14.21E, Cottbus, EAST GERMANY. Wadla-Dawmt, 11N 39E, (Wollo), 0:6:3, (5040km). Sergen, 51.42N 14.30E, Cottbus, EAST GERMANY. Kloster Dinssa Kidanne Meheret, 12.36N 37.10E, near Bahar Dar, (Gojjam), (4:8:0), 4797 km. Hofenstetten, 49.20N 12.15E, Oberpfalz, WEST GERMANY. S of Lake Tana, (Gojjam), 0:4:14. Molkenberg, 52.42N 12.13E, Magdeburg, EAST GERMANY. Begemdir Province, (0:6:0). Blindow, 53.22N 13.53E, Neubrandenburg, EAST GERMANY. Tigre Province, (0:6:23). Grosspetersdorf, 47.14N 15.19E, Burgenland AUSTRIA. Near Harar, 9.20N 42.10E, (0:4:20), (4912km) . 94 Rossitten 1282 B31480 B55368 B60181 B64056 BB5141 BB 12132 Sofia $12624 $20081 $25674 $34885 Varsovia B2282 B522644 B527337 B528813 B530360 Zagreb D105048 D108847 D103156 a — ta xe + Re 05. 28. OS. 22%. aL 04. (00. 26% O07. 00. 29's 16. 02. 26 . winter 28. OO. 42 OO. 00. aa. 08. oo. 26. 00. ee (23.3 -60) -58) -60) Bird-ringing in Ethiopia ? [ringing data untraced] Near Bishoftu, 8.45N 38.58E, (Shoa). Lugowen, 54.37N 21.50E, Chernyakhovsk, USSR. Engababa, 10.58N 36.58E, (Gojjam), 0:7:5, 5030km. Diebowen, 53.46N 21.37E, now POLAND. Ponte sul Ghibbie, 8.55N 37.08 E, (Wolega), 1:0:0, 5173 km Hagenow, 53.27N 11.12E, Greifenberg, EAST GERMANY. Bejan Grande, 7.40N 36.49E, (Kaffa), (3:9:0), 5584 km. Woosmer, 53.12N 11.10E, Mecklenburg, EAST GERMANY. Dessie, 11.07N 39.38E, (Wollo), 0:9:12, 5317km. "Strickershagen', '30.05N 16.52E!. [untraced, the co-ordinates are in Libya] Bonga,.. 7.15N, 36,.14E, (Kata) ,.(157:0) Wiesenberg, 52.24N 17.32E, now POLAND. Gulliso, 9.10N 35.30E, (Wolega), 0:10:16, 5071 km. Borisovo, 43.55N 25.59E, Russe, BULGARIA. Lekempti, 9.05N 36.33E, (Wollega), 4003 km. Krivina, 43.06N 25.21E, Svishtov, BULGARIA. Adua, 14.10N 38.54E, (Tigre), 3466km. Borisovo, BULGARIA. Neggio Nadseho, 9.29N 35.29E, (Wollega), 3935km. Borisovo, BULGARIA. Gewani, 10.05N 40.37E, (Harar), (0:4:0), 4015 km. Nowa Huta Forest Range, 53.40N 18.25E, Bydgoszcz, POLAND. Scire, 14.15N 38.158), (Tigre), (0:6:0),, =7it km. Tabory, 53.55N 19.31E, (Olsztyn), POLAND. 400km W of Addis Ababa in Illubabor Province, (ON 39E), (1:0:0), (5300 km). Radziadz, 51.31N 16.58E, Wroclaw, POLAND. Eritrea or Tigre Province, (1:6:0). Leszczewek, 54.14N 23.05E, Bialystok, POLAND. Eritrea or Tigre Province, (0:5:24). Slowin, 53.01N 15.47E, Szczecin, POLAND. Alfelira, 14.30N 39.00E, (Eritrea), (0:4:27), 4742 km. Idvor, 45.09N 20.36E, Kovacica, YUGOSLAVIA. Saganeiti, 15.04N 39.12E, (Eritrea), 0:2:19, 3770 km. Senta, 45.36N 20.05E, YUGOSLAVIA. Near Axum, (14N 38E), (Tigre), (0:4:0), 3893km. Aradac, 45.25N 20.24E, Zrcnjanin, YUGOSLAVIA. Agordat, 15.33N 37.53E, (Eritrea), (0:6:0) 3699 km. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia 95 D101789 3 16.06.54 Kadino Selo, 41.54N 21.40E, Makedonija, YUGO- SLAVIA. X 00.12.54 Sakala District, (11.10N 37.15N), Gojjam, (0:6:0), (3740 km). Notes: Helgoland E2840: a second recovery card for this ring is held by Vogel- warte Helgoland (Tigre Province, 05.08.70), however, the data given above are correct, for I reported the ring myself. Helgoland 207671: there are two sets of data for this ring number; the first has been confirmed as correct by Helgo- land, so that the second is presumably correct ringing and recovery data but recorded under the wrong ring number. Helgoland 238147: there are several localities by this name in Ethiopia, but this one in Tigre Province cannot be traced. CICONIA NIGRA BLACK STORK Rossitten 1 15.07.36 Rominter Heide, (54.23N 22.23E), now POLAND. B62851 +3 30.01.39 Entotto, 9.07N 38.45E, (Shoa), 0:6:15, (5240km). Varsovia 1 09.06.49 Budy Forest Range, 50.25N 22.04E, Rzeszow, B521404 POLAND. f2/ 07.01.50 50km E of Gondar, 12.35N 37.28E, (Begemdir), 0:6:29, 4431 km. B62851 is this species (Vogelzug 11: 24); the entry as Ciconia ciconia in Vogel- warte 15: 168 is an error. PHOENICONAIAS MINOR LESSER FLAMINGO BTO 1 02.11.62 Lake Magadi, 1.55S 36.18E, KENYA. 1032064 xX 09.07.64 Sodere, 8.25N 39.23E, (Shoa), (1:8:8), 1198km. PHOENICOPTERUS RUBER GREATER FLAMINGO Iran 1 06.08.71 Ashk Is., 37.25N 45.30E, Lake Rezaiyeh, Azarbai- LL1036 jan, IRAN. /?/ 00.09.71 Begemdir and Simien Province. Iran 1 07.08.74 Ashk Is, IRAN. LL1509 /?/ 00.09.71 Begemdir and Simien Province. Iran 1 25.08.73 Dowguzlar Isles, 37.18N 45.40E, IRAN. LL3620 + 15.01.74 Massawa, (15.30N 39.30E), (Eritrea), 0:5:10, (2500 km) . [NEOPHRON PERCNOPTERUS EYGPTIAN VULTURE ? Moscow Zz ? o A19813 + early 03.70 Alamata, 12.26N 39.35E, Rayano Kobo, (Wollo). The description of the recovered bird suggested this species, but no inform- ation could be obtained from the Moscow Ringing Office. BUTEO BUTEO COMMON BUZZARD Rossitten 3 00.06.08 Dassow, 53.55N 10.59E, Mecklenburg, EAST GERMANY. 1286 + 02.123..23 Makalle, 13.31N 39.28E, Tembien, (Tigre), 15:5:0, 5133 km. The identification of this bird has been queried (vide Orn. Monatsber. 34: 86). 96 MILVUS MIGRANS BLACK KITE FS11041 2 O09. 12. 72 () OP el gree AS Varsovia 1 26.06.61 C29399 Pic, 09.10.61 PANDION HALIAETUS OSPREY 29.06.64 00.02.65 Helsinki 1 M433 ~ Bird-ringing in Ethiopia Gambela, 8.15N 34.35E, (Illubabor). Kadogli, 11.00N 29.44E, Kordufan, SUDAN, 613km, 0:10:25. Bienowice, 51.16N 16.17E, Wroclaw, POLAND. Near Dessie, 11.05N 39.40E, (Wollo), 0:3:13, 4942 km. Kullaa, 61.33N 22.07E, Jarventausta, FINLAND. Adua, 14.10N 38.54E, (Tigre), (0:7:0), 5433 km. FALCO CHICQUERA RED-NECKED FALCON as 6 .O7212a72 () 04.03.74 DS88423 TRINGA TOTANUS REDSHANK CJ05566 2 19:10 ft Vv WOR i22 02 Gambela, 8.15N 34.35E, (Illubabor). Gambela, 1:2:25. Lake Abiata, 7.36N 38.40E, Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). (Shoa), 0:2:0, 106km. XENUS CINEREUS 'TEREK SANDPIPER 25 02573 21.04.76 Pretoria 6 2-48356 Vv Langebaan, 33.05S 18.02E, Cape, SOUTH AFRICA. Koka, 8.27N 39°.0GE, (Shea), S21 227, 225 ea CALIDRIS FERRUGINEA CURLEW SANDPIPER Pretoria 5 ------- VV Jan/Apr 76 14.06.76 CALIDRIS MINUTA LITTLE STINT BP61799 2 22.0076 V 1707216 PHILOMACHUS PUGNAX RUFF CN35959 20 a at a7 + 17.05.74 CN35992 2.2 Of 22570 [2 CLP OST 25 PLUVIANUS AEGYPTIUS EGYPTIAN CJ06601 6 Pe iy Na Py (4 Vv 25..08275 CJ 40966 e 23.04.75 + 16.09 75 Langebaan, 33.05S 18.02E, Cape, SOUTH AFRICA. Lake Abiata, 7.34N 38.34E, (Shoa), (0:2:0), 501i1km. (A sight record of a ringed and colour- dyed bird.) Lake Langano, 7.34N, 38.51E, (Shoa). Lake Airkol, 48.28N 62.09E, Turgay Dolina, Kazakhstan, USSR, 0:6:25, 5044km. Moscow K425413 added. Lake Abiata, 7.36N 38.40E, (Shoa). 26km from Yakutsk, 62.19N 129.50E, USSR, 3:7:17, 9314km. Lake Abiata. Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa), 1:9:16, 106 km. PLOVER Gambela, 8.15N 32.38E, (Illubabor). Kosti, 13.11N 32.38E, Blue Nile, SUDAN, 2:9:0, 588 km. Gambela. Khartoum, 15.33N 32.35E, SUDAN, 0:4:24, 840km i le el Bird-ringing in Ethiopia 97 LARUS FUSCUS LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL Helsinki 1 17.06.62 Vastamaa, 60.15N 26.13E, FINLAND. cC114775 + 00.08.62 Gore, 8.09N 35.32E, (Illubabor), (0:2:0), 5841 km. Helsinki 1 28.06.64 Kustavi, 60.41N 21.03E, FINLAND. H54378 xX 17 .410;564 Gambela, 8.36N 40.29E, (Harar), 0:3:20), 6007 km. Helsinki 1 02.07.66 Pitkakari, 60.48N 21.05E, Turku-Pori, FINLAND. H65506 xX 00.01.68 Lake Langano, 7.40N 38.45E, (Shoa), (1:5:0), 6084 km. Helsinki 1 08.07.69 Mj616, 60.06N 25.03E, (Uusimaa), FINLAND. H105122 /2/ (15.06.70) Archicho, 15.32N 39.28E, (Eritrea), (0:11:0), 5088 km. Helsinki 1 06.07.71 Korkiainen, 60.24N 27.42E, (Kymi), FINLAND. HTOO060 1 xX A OS!) aT Lake Tana, (12.00N 37.30E), 0:7:21, (5440km). Stockholm 1 08.07.62 Angholmarna, 55.58N 14.26E, (Kristianstad), 8003025 SWEDEN. f2/ (27.10.62) Wollega Province, (9N 35E), (0:3:0), (5500km). STERNA CASPIA CASPIAN TERN Helsinki 1 02.07.66 Sk6éldharuklobb, 59.51N 23.39E, (Uusimaa) , FINLAND. H76493 xX 00.00.67 Awasa, 7.10N 38.40E, (Sidamo), 5989km. STREPTOPELIA TURTUR TURTLE DOVE DA10780 6 18.12.74 Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). ~ 15.09.76 Near Konstantinoviskiy, 47.36N 41.06E, (Rostov), USSR, 1:8:28, 4354km. DS88081 2 30.10.70 Lake Abiata, 7.36N 38.40E, (Shoa). ~ Si evae ts Near Voznesensk, 47.34N 31.20E, Ukraine, USSR, 3:10:1, 4495 km. CERYLE RUDIS PIED KINGFISHER CN35308 2 21.08.70 Gambela, 8.15 34.35, (Illubabor). X early 09.71 Lake Kyoga, 1.38N 32.48E, near Alemere, UGANDA, (1:0:10), 761 km. Two other Pied Kingfishers moved 14km. HALCYON LEUCOCEPHALA CHESTNUT-BELLIED KINGFISHER CJ40224 3 04.10.74 Aseita, 11.34N 41.27E, (Harar). - O2.03: 75 Zombo, 4.00S 39.25E, near Mombasa, KENYA, 0:4:25, 1744 km. CN35522 4 16510270 Lake Abiata, 7.36N 38.40E, (Shoa). Vv i Ttsr4 Masogo, 0.10S 34.51E, Kano Plains, near Kisumu, KENYA, 4:1:3, 961 km. CN35522 was captured and bled in an American arbovirus study in Ethiopia, and was similarly treated in a British arbovirus study in Kenya: a remarkable coincidence. UPUPA EPOPS HOOPOE CN36341 2 06.03.71 Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). + 00.08.73 Az Zilfi, 26.15N 44.50E, SAUDI ARABIA, (2:5:0), 2068 km. —. 98 Bird-ringing in Ethiopia JYNX TORQUILLA EURASIAN WRYNECK BP25712 2 06:72:15 73 Addis Ababa, 9.02N 38.46E. + 15.03.74 Addis Ababa, 0:4:9. This bird was killed and stuffed by the finder. HIRUNDO RUSTICA EURASIAN SWALLOW HV16353 2 15.10.71 Lake Abiata, 7.36N 38.40E, (Shoa). x 17.05.74 Near Babayurt, 43.37N 46.44E, Dagestan, USSR, 23222,,.4078 km. HV16460 2 16.10.71 Lake Abiata. Vv 24.05.73 Near Blagordarnoye, 45.06N 43.26E, Stavropol', USSR, 1:7:8, 4192 km. HV169 20 2 28.10.71 Lake Abiata. X 27:.05.072 Near Belye Vody, 42.23N 69.49E, Chimkent, Kazakh- stan, USSR, 0:6:29, 4922km. JX11109 4 18.04.76 . Lake Langano, 7.34N 38.51E, (Shoa). xX 19.05.76 Near Uman', 48.44N 30.15E, Cherkassy, Ukraine, USSR, 0:1:1, 4645km. RIPARIA RIPARIA SAND MARTIN JK11274 4 20).05275 Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). x 28.08.75 Near Magaramkent, 41.36N 48.22E, Dagestan, USSR, ! 0:3:8, 3795 km. ORIOLUS ORIOLUS GOLDEN ORIOLE CJ40254 3 06.10.74 Aseita, 11.34N 41.27E, (Harar). ~ 04.07.75 Vonan Village, 34.34N 50.54E, IRAN, 0:8:28, 2729km. LUSCINIA MEGARHYNCHOS AFRICANA NIGHTINGALE JJ20410 3 13,095 75 Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). + 26.07.76 Near Yekhegnadzor, 39.55N 45.18E, Armeniya, USSR, 0:10:13, 3550 km. ACROCEPHALUS GRISELDIS BASRA REED WARBLER JS33684 4 19.09.75 Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). xX (OL. 02070) Chire, 16.42S 35.20E, Morrumbala District, Zam- bezia, MOZAMBIQUE, (1:4:13), 2825 km. ACROCEPHALUS SCIRPACEUS REED WARBLER HV13605 2 18.04.70 Bahadu, 10.05N 48.37E, Gewani, (Harar). () 03.09.73 Ahmadi, 29.05N 48.04E, KUWAIT, 3:4:16, 2112 km. SYLVIA ATRICAPILLA BLACKCAP ee HV17537 29 30.10.74 Lake Abiata, 7.36N 38.40E, (Shoa). - 10.09.72 Damascus, 33.30N 36.19E, SYRIA, 0:10:11, 2888km. 3719430 20 26 fA 272 Bulcha, 6.27N 38.11E, (Sidamo). /3/ 02.05.73 Tripolis, 34.27N 35.49E, LEBANON, 0:5:12, 3121 km. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia JJ21251 43 27.01.74 Bulcha. - 21.04.74 KC56497 4d 01.04.77 Debre Mariam Is., xX 20.04.79 Near Baabda, 2473 km. MOTACILLA FLAVA YELLOW WAGTAIL JJ19245 2 24.10.72 X 23.10.75 Filwoha, Beirut, 33.52N 35.29E, LEBANON, 0:2:25, 10.00N 40.33E, Mataka, Near Talovaya, 51.06N 40.43E, Voronezh, USSR, 99 3059 km. 11.38N 37.25E, (Shoa). 33.50N 35.40E, LEBANON, 2:0:19, (Harar). 2:11:29, 4567 km. Note the difference in migration dates in the two years. LANIUS NUBICUS NUBIAN SHRIKE BN54172 59 02.04.72 Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). x 1s 2O5.. 13 Shuaiba, 29.03N 48.10E, Mina al Ahmadi, KUWAIT, 1:1:11, 2477 km. STURNUS VULGARIS EURASIAN STARLING 19.05.32 12.06.36 Althaus, Dessie, Helgoland 1 619337 + 50.37N 17.51E, POLAND. 11.07N 39.38E, (Wolo), 4:0:24, 4817 km. The leg and ring of this bird were returned. It was the first record from south of the Sahara of a Eurasian Starling (Jitschin 1938). Vogelwarte Helgoland kindly investigated this record for me Mrs Ute Bechtloff of 5 NW BE Uy eS NR 0 Te and confirmed that there seemed to be no error. The bird was shot, the leg and ring returned, together with a map showing the locality; it was confirmed also by the Italian Associazione Provinciale del Cacciatori, Firenze. CREATOPHORA CINEREA WATTLED STARLING CN36951 2 22.10.71 Lake Abiata, 7.36N 38.40E, (Shoa). * 17.01.73 Dukem, 8.49N 38.54E, (Shoa), 1:2:26, 138km. ORTSTREUE A total of 154 Palaearctic migrants of 29 species were retrapped in subsequent seasons, up to four or five years after the initial ringing. Some of these had clearly returned to previous winter quarters (e.g. Sylvia mystacea), but others of even more interest were returning to the same site on passage (e.g. Acro- cephalus griseldis), indicating fidelity to migratory route. In the following list of species involved, the first figure refers to the number of seasons elapsed since ringing, and the figures in parentheses refer to the numbers of individuals involved each season. Eight birds were retrapped in more than one subsequent season, and these are detailed under month/year, where the first date shown is that of ringing: Charadrius alexandrinus 2 (1) Charadrius dubius 1 (2) Actitis hypoleucos 1 (5), 2 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1) Tringa glareola 1 (1), 3 (2), 4 (2), eens tome bird 12.71, 10.74, 09.75, another 12.71, 10.74, 09.76) [easaess minuta 1 (5), 2 (2), 3 (3), 4 (2); (one bird 10.73, 03.74, 04.76) Calidris temminckii 1 (2), 2 (4) Philomachus pugnax 1 (2) Upupa epops 1 (1), 2 (1) Jynx torquilla 1 (1), 2 (1) Luscinia luscinia 1 (1), 2 (1) Luscinia megarhynchos 1 (21), 2 (3), 3. (3), 4 (2)3 (one bird 11.71, 10.72, 100 L. megarhyncos, contd.: 02.75; another 04.71, 02.73, 02.75) Oenanthe pleschanka 1 (1) Phoenicurus phoenicurus 1 (1), 2 (4), 3 (1) Acrocephalus arundinaceus 1 (1) Acrocephalus griseldis 1 (2), 2 (1); (one bird 10.74, 09.75, 10.76) Acrocephalus scirpaceus 1 (8), 2 (6), 3°(l); one,bized 01771 11.7% Onde Hippolais pallida 1 (5), 2 (1), 4 (1) Locustella luscinioides 1 (2) Sylvia atricapilla i (1), 2 (1) Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia Anthus EI 3 q Bird-ringing in Ethiopia borin 1 (3) curruca 2 (5) communis 1 (6) mystacea 3 (1) nisoria’ 2°"), 2/2) trivialis 1 (1) Motacilla alba 1 (2) Motacilia* flava’ TY'(10);, 2 (47, 2 ta) 4 (1) Lanius isabellinus 1 (1), 2 (2); one bird 03.71, 03.72, 02.73 Lanius ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank: the British Trust for Ornithology for permission to use their rings in Ethiopia (but with the best will in the world were unable to produce more recoveries) and for providing a list of ringing schemes, and R. Hudson, C. Mead and R. Spencer for much correspondence over the years. Dr C.C.H. Elliott nubicus 1 Cl), 2) ae); (AFRING) ; Gerhard Nikolaus for much help in abstracting Helgoland data; Mekuria Ayele, my field assistant for much of the time I was in Ethiopia; the late Prof. W. Rydzewski for his list of Ethiopian recoveries; and the ringers listed above | for all their friendly collaboration. Graeme Backhurst greatly exceeded his . normal duties as an editor with much help and advice in the preparation of the manuscript, and checked all, and added further details to some, of the recov- eries; for his help I am most grateful. REFERENCES ASH, J.S. 1972. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1973. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1974. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1975. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, 1976. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia Report No. 5, 1969-1975.US NAMRU-5, Technical Report 1:1-17. 1977. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, Report No. 6, 1969-1976. Duplicated, $19. 1978. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, Report No. 7, 1969-1977. Duplicated, 1-16. 1978a. A Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus griseldis in Mozambique. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 98: 29-30. 1979. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia, Report No. 8, 1969-1978. Duplicated, eae BACKHURST, G.C. 1974. East African bird ringing report 1972-73, 1973-74. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum 146: 1-9. BROBERG, L. 1967. A Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta in Ethiopia. Ibis 109: 440. JITSCHIN, J. 1938. Oberschlesischer Star (Sturnus vulgaris) in Abessinien. Vogelzug 9:109. 1969-1971. Duplicated (1): 1-19. 1969-1972. Duplicated (2): 1-14. 1969-1973. Duplicated (3): 1-17. 1969-1974. Duplicated (4): 1-14. Bird-ringing in Ethiopia 101 SPENCER, R. & HUDSON, R. 1978. Report on bird-ringing for 1976. Ringing & Migration 1: 189-252. TYLER, S. 1979. Bird ringing in an Addis Ababa garden. Scopus 3: 1-7. URBAN, E.K. 1975. Weights and longevity of some birds from Addis Ababa. Bull- etin of the British Ornithologists' Club 95: 96-98. & JEFFORD, T.G. 1977. Movements of juvenile Great White Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus from Lake Shalla, Ethiopia. Ibis 119: 524-528. J.S. Ash, Division of Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560, U.S.A. (Received 8 August 1981) POSTSCRIPT The following recovery was notified after the above was set. CALIDRIS MINUTA LITTLE STINT BP60178 2 21.10.74 Koka, 8.27N 39.06E, (Shoa). 5 01.01.79 Suq Ash Shuyukh, 30.53N 46.28E, IRAQ, 4:2:11, 2607 km. The following bird has been recovered but the details have not yet been received by the author. CIRCAETUS GALLICUS PECTORALIS BLACK-CHESTED SNAKE EAGLE 1080714 6 04.05.76 Chifra, 11.39N 40.01E, (Wollo). —S— |): 102 Owl food requirements THE FOOD REQUIREMENTS OF OWLS COMPARED WITH THOSE OF DIURNAL RAPTORS Dale B. Hanmer Little has been published on the food requirements of owls since the work of Craighead & Craighead (1956) in the U.S.A. A Verreaux's Eagle Owl Bubo lac- teus was kept for four months in 1975/76 and two White-faced Scops Owls Otus leucotis for three months in 1978/79 at Nchalo, Malawi (16°16'S, 34°55’'R). The birds were weighed at intervals, as was their food, to the nearest gram. OBSERVATIONS VERREAUX'S EAGLE OWL The immature Verreaux's Eagle Owl was given initially 70-80g daily and later 80-95 g. Food consisted of small birds, small rodents, insects (crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, dragonflies and alate termites), minced beef, ox heart and liver. The owl was fed at dawn, dusk and about 21:00 hrs, but seldom appeared to be particularly hungry, being generally rather slow to take and eat food. However, there were two occasions when bird specimens being pre- pared for the museum were grabbed and eaten. The bird's weights and the average quantities of food it received over three periods are given in Table 1. TABLE 1 Weight of food eaten daily and body weight changes of one Bubo lacteus Age/sex ist Wt 2nd Wt Average Wt]| Days Wt/day (g) (g) food/day (g) gained (g) Immature male Period 1 1505 1536 Vile? 28 Alera Period 2 1536 1603 88.5 58 eZ Period 3 1603 1625 85.2 34 Oey It was assumed to be male (wing at six months old 445mm; see Ginn (1976) for male and female wing-lengths). It gained weight slowly during the period it was kept and its daily food requirement was apparently just met; this seemed | to be about 5.5 per cent of the body weight. This figure probably provided for the equivalent of hunting energy, as the bird had the run of the house and spent much time in play. Wastage of about 10 per cent is included in the food figures in Table 1, leaving an actual daily consumption need of about 5 per cent of body weight. Wastage was determined by weighing some of the daily ; castings and discarded food (mainly bird heads and wings and the hard parts of large insects). WHITE-FACED SCOPS OWL One White-faced Scops Owl was probably an adult female (wing 202mm) and the other an immature, possibly male (wing at four months old 192mm), just learn- ing to fly in October 1978 (see McLachlan & Liversidge (1978) for male and female wing-lengths). Initially both birds were fed 30-35g daily, the immat- ure usually eating a little more than the adult. Food consisted of insects, minced beef, small birds and small rodents; the birds and rodents were usually chopped into four pieces. Generally both owls were fed at the same time, each bird being handed a similar sized food item at the same moment, but sometimes mince or alate termites were placed in a dish for the owls to help themselves. Scopus 5: 102-105, December 1981 — Owl food requirements 103 After about six weeks both birds almost stopped eating, so their food was reduced to 20-25g daily. After 16 days on this regime both birds became very hungry and so were given 30-35g daily to fatten them before release. The adult bird averaged 241g over the whole period that it was kept and the young bird 205g after the first six weeks, this early period being ignored since the bird was very light and apparently starved when first obtained. These weights fit with the weights of wild White-faced Scops Owls as detailed by Ginn (1976) and Worden & Hall (1978). TABLE 2 Weight of food eaten daily and body weight changes of two Otus leucotis Age/sex | ist Wt | 2nd Wt Average Wt]|Days. Wt/day (g) (g) food/day (g) gained (g) Adult female |Period 1 225 252 32. 0.5 (gain) Period 2 252 241 22. 0.7 (loss) Period 3 241 246 33. 0.5 (gain) Immature male [Period 1 146 214 cae 52 1.3 (gain) Period 2 214 193 22.8 16 1.3 (loss) Period 3 193 208 33.2 10 1.5 (gain) Table 2 shows the average quantity of food given, the initial and final weights and the rate of weight gain or loss of both birds over the three separate feeding periods mentioned above. Rates of weight gain on about 33g of food daily over periods 1 and 3 were similar to the rate of loss on about 23g daily during period 3, suggesting that the actual requirement was about midway between, i.e. at about 28g per day. This may be complicated by the differing requirements of male and female, adult and immature, but it gives a figure of about 12-14 per cent for food needs as a percentage of body weight. Wastage, determined by weighing castings and discarded food (mainly hard parts of insects and bird bills, legs and wings), averaged about 5 per cent of the food provided, so that the actual daily consumption need was only about 11-13 per cent of body weight. This figure probably provided for the equivalent of hunting energy, as the birds had the run of the house and spent much time in play. DISCUSSION COMPARISON WITH OTHER OWLS Worden & Hall (1978) noted that breeding White-faced Scops Owls ate 40-45g each daily, but it is not clear whether this referred to adults, chicks or both. The adults weighed 192 and 206g, so the food eaten averaged 19.4 to 23.4 per cent of adult body weight, which seems high, but might imply low body weights during breeding. Breeding birds probably require more energy for hunting and perhaps waste more food when feeding chicks. It should be noted in this context that Snelling (1969) found from the food requirements of captive chicks of the Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax, that an adult pair feeding chicks would need to catch more than 14 times their usual weight of food daily. Summer food needs for owls in the U.S.A., as reported by Craighead & Craig- head (1956), are included in Table 3. Requirements were similar, for birds of similar weight, to those found for the two African species. Winter needs in the U.S.A. were higher, except in the Great Grey Owl Strix nebulosa which has a very efficient body insulation (L.H. Brown, pers. comm.) 104 Owl food requirements TABLE 3 Food, as a percentage of body weight, required by raptors 0 SST a Se a A A ST Species Body weight Wt of food Food as % References (g) daily (g) body wt for % Screech Owl Craighead & Otus asio (summer) 134 14 10.3 Craighead 1956 White-faced Scops Owl O. leucotis 205-240 26-27 11-13 this study Great Horned Owl Craighead & Bubo virginianus summer 1100-1200 82-85 7.0-7.4 Craighead 1956 Verreaux's Eagle Owl B. lacteus (male) 1600-1625 80-82 5 this study (female) 2525-2610 126-130 5? Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus 240 50 21 Brown 1970 African Hawk Eagle Brown & Hieraaetus dubius 714-940 120-125 LS Davey 1978 Wahlberg's Eagle Aquila wahlbergi 800-1000 80-100 10 Brown 1970 Tawny Eagle A. rapax 2150-2326 150 6.5-7.0 Snelling 1969 Fish Eagle Brown (pers. Haliaeetus vocifer 2634-2900 132-145 5 comm. ) Crowned Eagle Brown 1970, Stephanoaetus coronatus 3500 210 6 1971 Golden Eagle Brown 1971, A. chrysaetos 3500-4000 230-240 6.0-6.5 1976 SS SSS 9 AR IS COMPARISON OF OWLS WITH DIURNAL RAPTORS Table 3 lists the reported food requirements and body weights of a variety of owls and diurnal raptors, data being taken both from Africa and from temperate latitudes in summer. Where given, body weight data were taken from the authority cited for food requirement, otherwise they were taken from Ginn (1976), Britton (1970) or Skead (1977). Within both groups of birds of prey, daily food requirement as a percentage of body weight clearly decreases with body size, but it would seem that an owl of given weight requires less food than a diurnal raptor of the same weight. This conclusion is emphasize by Fig. 1, in which daily food requirement is plotted against body weight. L.H. Brown (pers. comm.) suggested that the Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer is not an energetic hunter and hence requires less food than other eagles of similar body weight; owls are also not very energetic hunters and may be better insulated than diurnal raptors, so that their food requirement would be less ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful to the late Dr L.H. Brown for supplying references and much 5 | EE —eEeEE——— ss EE » * a ee ie, en i Owl food requirements 105 data on owl and diurnal raptor food requirements and to Dr D.J. Pearson for commenting on an earlier draft. Weight of food required daily (g) sc0 | 00 «1500 200 25 3000 80D LON Body weight (g) Fig. 1 Weight of food required by diurnal raptors and owls. African diurnal raptors =A, European diurnal raptors =4, African owls =O, U.S.A. Owls (summer) =8 REFERENCES BRITTON, P.L. 1970. Some non-passerine bird weights from East Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 90: 152-154. BROWN, L.H. 1970. African birds of prey. London: Collins. 1971. The relations of the Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus and some of its prey animals. Ibis 113: 240-243. 1976. Birds of prey, their biology and ecology. London: Hamlyn. & DAVEY, P.R.A. 1978. Natural longevity as determined by plumage variation in Ayres' Eagle Hieraetus dubius. Bokmakierie 30: 27-31. CRAIGHEAD, J. & CRAIGHEAD, F. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Harrisburg: Stackpole Co. GINN, P.J. 1976. Birds of Makgadigadi; a preliminary report. Wagtail 15: 21-96. McLACHLAN, G.R. & LIVERSIDGE, R. 1978. Roberts birds of South Africa. 4th ed. Cape Town: John Voelcker Bird Book Fund. SKEAD, D.M. 1977. Weights of birds handled at Barbespan. Ostrich Suppl. 12: 117-131. SNELLING, J.C. 1969. A raptor study in the Kruger National Park. Bokmakierie 21 (3) Suppl.: viii-xi. WORDEN, C.J. & HALL, J. 1978. Observations on the White-faced Owl Otus leucotis at Cleveland Dam, Salisbury. Honeyguide 94: 31-37. Mrs Dale B. Hanmer, Sucoma, P/Bag 50, Blantyre, Malawi (Revised MS received 12 October 1981) 106 Forest birds from Tanzania FURTHER RANGE EXTENSIONS AND OTHER NOTABLE RECORDS OF FOREST BIRDS FROM TANZANIA S.N. Stuart & F.P. Jensen Stuart & Turner (1980) and Stuart, Howell, van der Willigen & Geertsema (1981) have documented some recent range extensions of forest birds in Tanzania. In this paper we present the latest discoveries, which, we believe, amount to the most extraordinary and unexpected ornithological finds in East Africa in recent years. Of particular interest are the new records from Mwanihana Forest on the eastern scarp of the Uzungwa Mountains. It seems likely that this forest has an avifauna at least as rich in species and endemics as the Usambaras and Ulugurus, which have hitherto been regarded as the centres of species richness in eastern Tanzania (Stuart 1981). The species list for Mwanihana Forest is still incomplete. However, among the more interesting species so far found are a new species of sunbird Nectar- inia (Jensen in press), Swynnerton's Forest Robin Swynnertonia swynnertoni (new to East Africa), the Dappled Mountain Robin Modulatrix orostruthus, the White-winged Apalis Apalis chariessa and the Usambara Weaver Ploceus oliva-. ceiceps nicolli. Virtually all the ornithological work so far done has been restricted to the area below 1500m, so clearly it is possible that much more remains to be discovered here, especially at higher elevations. s,s MT KILIMANJARO 4 GS Marangu Q “3. KENYA PAREMTS % ‘3. TANZANIA Va * USAMBARA MTS OQ-NGURU MTS UKAGURU MTS -y inioaeats MTS e PUGU HILLS Mwanihana Forest & Sanje Village, * Dabaga rom Mufindi MAHENGE UZUNGWA MTS MOZAMBIQUE Fig. 1 Forest areas in Tanzania mentioned in the text Scopus 5: 106-115, December 1981 EEE Forest birds from Tanzania 107 This paper also includes many records from the Uluguru Mountains. Several species have been added to the area list, these being mainly lowland forest birds. Of particular importance is the rediscovery of the endemic Uluguru Bush Shrike Malaconotus alius. Many of the records refer to highland forest birds occurring at unusually low altitudes. This appears to be a widespread phenomenon in eastern Tanzania where wide altitudinal spans of forest occur from the mountain tops down to the surrounding plains. Many records of species from levels far lower than those at which they normally occur fall between the months April to September. This is suggestive of altitudinal movements of. birds to foothill forests in the cold months (probably after breeding at higher altitudes). Not included in this paper are records from the Pugu Hills. These are being documented by Howell, Baker & Stuart (in prep.). The areas mentioned in the text are all marked on Figs. 1-3. Appendix 1 lists those birds so far recorded from Mwanihana Forest, an asterisk denoting what are considered to be forest species. Appendix 2 details the distributions of species endemic to the Tanganyika-Nyasa forests (in the sense of Moreau 1966). It is an updated version of Appendix 1 of Stuart & Turner (1980). SPECIES LIST Circaetus fasciolatus Southern Banded Snake Eagle One at Kimboza Forest, 300m, 19 Jly 1981, first record from the Ulugurus. One near Sanje, 300m, 27 Jly 1981, first record from the Uzungwas. og Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk One at Kimboza Forest, 300m, 19 Jly 1981, and one near Sanje, 300m, 27 Jly 1981. These may be new localities. . Accipiter ovampensis Ovampo Sparrowhawk One netted in Mwanihana Forest, 800m, 28 Jly 1981, and another netted on 18 Sep 1981 at 1350m in the same locality. These are new records for the area and also an unusual habitat for the species. Accipiter rufiventris Rufous Sparrowhawk One in Shume Juniperus forest, 5 May 1981, at 1900m was new to the Usambaras, the nearest confirmed localities being Arusha (Britton 1980), and the Nguru Mountains (Britton 1981). Fig. 2 The Usambaras 1 Shagayu Forest 8 Kwenhondwe Forest — WEST 2 Shume Juniperus forest 9 Ambangulu « Lu mite ast 3 Shume-Magamba Forest 10 Amani Bumbuli * 4 Mazumbai 11 Amani-Sigi Forest 5 Balangai 12 Kihuhwi-Sigi Forest 6 Mahezangulu 13 Kiwanda Feet ore 7 Dindira 14 Magrotto Estate Hieraaetus dubius Ayres' Hawk Eagle One at Sanje, 300m, 27 Jly 1981, new to the Uzungwas. Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned Eagle Recorded in July 1981 in the Uluguru Mountains from 300 to 2150m. Although widespread, we can trace no previous Uluguru records. 108 Forest birds from Tanzania Aviceda cuculoides Cuckoo Hawk One at Sanje, 300m, 27 Jly 1981, new to the Uzungwas. Aplopelia larvata Lemon Dove Recorded at Kwenhondwe Forest, 450m, 14 May 1981, and at Kimboza Forest, 300m, 19 Jly 1981 - very low altitudes for a characteristically mountain forest bird. Columba delegorguei Bronze-naped Pigeon Many records as low as 300m in the East Usambara foothills, and recorded in Kimboza Forest, 18-20 Jly 1981 at the same altitude (in the Ulugurus). Poicephalus robustus Brown-necked Parrot Common in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18-20 Jly 1981, an unusual habitat. Chrysococcyx cupreus Emerald Cuckoo One heard in Shume-Magamba Forest, 2200m, 11 Feb 1981. Not previously recorded above 2000m (Britton 1980). Schoutedenapus myoptilus Scarce Swift MOROGORO Common over Shagayu Forest, 2000m, 30 Apr to 2 May 1981, and at Shume Juniperus Forest, 1900m, 3-5 May 1981. Previously recorded only from Mazumbai in the West Usambaras. Morningside Neafrapus boehmi Bohm's Spinetail Common in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18-20 Jly 1981, new for the Ulugurus. Telacanthura ussheri Mottle-throated Spinetail Recorded over Kinole Forest, 1200m, in mid-Jly 1981, and a few at Kimboza Forest, 300m, 19 Jly 1981. New for the Ulugurus. Bunduki —<7 Ispidina picta Pygmy Kingfisher One netted at 600m in Mwanihana Forest, Lukwangule 3 Aug 1981, possibly new to the Uzungwas. One netted in Amani-Sigi Forest, 600m, Plateau 22 Aug 1981, and two in Kihuhwi-Sigi Forest in early September 1981, 300m, suggesting that this species might visit the East Usambara foothills in small numbers in the cold months. —— 1500m contour Phoeniculus purpureus Green Wood Hoopoe Occurs within forest in Mwanihana Forest up to at least 1500m. Fig. 3 The Ulugurus Bycanistes bucinator Bycanistes bucinator Trumpeter Hornbill Abundant in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 17-20 Jly 1981, and several at Sanje, 300m, 27 dhy 1981. Buccanodon olivaceum Green Barbet A specimen taken from Mwanihana Forest, 17 Sep 1981 has been described as a new subspecies (Jensen & Stuart, in press). Birds from Mahenge can also be assigned to this new race, but we regard B. o. ulugurensis described by Ripley & Heinrich (1969) as invalid and prefer to treat Uluguru birds as nominate (see Jensen & Stuart, in press). Forest birds from Tanzania 109 Pogoniulus leucomystax Moustached Green Tinkerbird Occurs as low as 450m in Kwenhondwe Forest, 14 May 1981. Not previously recorded below 900m (Britton 1980). Pogoniulus simplex Green Tinkerbird Sympatric with the previous species in Kwenhondwe Forest, not previously recorded from the West Usambaras. Common in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18-20 Jly 1981, first confirmed record from the Ulugurus (see Britton 1980). Indicator variegatus Scaly-throated Honeyguide One at 800m in Mwanihana Forest, 29 Jly 1981, possibly new to the Uzungwas. Campephaga quiscalina Purple-throated Cuckoo Shrike One seen in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18 Jly 1981, the first recent record of the subspecies muenzneri. A female was seen subsequently in Mwanihana Forest at 700m, presumably the same subspecies, but certainly a new locality. The sub- species muenzneri appears to be both a highland and lowland form, though most of the specimens and observations are from low altitudes. Coracina caesia Grey Cuckoo Shrike Although usually a mountain forest species, it is common down to 300m in Kihuhwi-Sigi Forest throughout the year. It has also been recorded in Kwenhon- dwe Forest, 450m, 13-14 May 1981, Kimboza Forest, 300m, 19 Jly 1981 and in Mwanihana Forest, 600m, 6 Jan 1981. Andropadus masukuensis Shelley's Greenbul Common down to 500m in the East Usambara foothills. No previous records below 900m (Britton 1980). Andropadus milanjensis Stripe-cheeked Greenbul Although not previously recorded below 900m, according to Britton (1980), there is a skin in the Nairobi Museum collected by R.E. Moreau at Kiwanda, East Usambara foothills, 150m, 20 Jly 1932. In January 1980 a few were recorded at 600m in Amani-Sigi Forest and a few at 800m in Mwanihana Forest, early August 1981. Phyllastrephus fischeri Fischer's Greenbul A couple netted at 600m in Mwanihana Forest, 31 Jly 1981, new to the Uzungwas. Common in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18-20 Jly 1981, new to the Ulugurus. Phyllastrephus flavostriatus Yellow-streaked Greenbul Birds from Mwanihana Forest have been described as a new subspecies (Jensen & Stuart, in press). Phyllastrephus placidus Olive Mountain Greenbul One netted at 600m in Amani-Sigi Forest, 19 Jan 1980, another low altitude record. It is common at Amani at 900m though Britton (1980) gives the lowest altitude as 1000m. Alethe fuelleborni White-chested Alethe In the Usambaras this species is common down to 500m throughout the year. Common in Kimboza Forest, 18-20 Jly 1981, at only 300m, and at Mwanihana Forest at 800m in late July 1981. No previous records below 900m (Britton 1980). Cossypha natalensis Red-capped Robin Chat A few seen in Mahezangulu Forest, 1000m, 15 Apr 1981, first record from the West Usambaras, with subsequent records from Dindira (900m) and Kwendhondwe Forest (450m). Modulatrix orostruthus Dappled Mountain Robin One netted at 1250m in Mwanihana Forest, only the third locality for this 110 Forest birds from Tanzania very rare bird known previously from Namuli Mountain, northern Mozambique, and the East Usambaras. The Mwanihana specimen has been described as a new sub- species (Jensen & Stuart, in press). Modulatrix stictigula Spot-throat Abundant up to 2200m in the West Usambaras (in all localities, not just at Mazumbai as stated by Stuart & Turner (1980)) and up to 2400m in the Ulugurus. Britton (1980) gives the maximum altitude as 1800m. Pogonocichla stellata White-starred Forest Robin Several low altitude records, especially interesting in the light of the findings of Britton, Britton & Coverdale (1981) on the south Kenya coast: one immature, Kihuhwi-Sigi Forest, 300m, 11 Feb 1981, two in Kwenhondwe Forest, 450m, 14 May 1981, common in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18-20 Jly 1981, several in Kihuhwi-Sigi Forest, 300m, 1-10 Sep 1981. Probably most common at lower altitudes in the cold months April to September. Sheppardia sharpei Sharpe's Akalat Common in Amani-Sigi Forest in August 1981 down to 600m. This indicates a cold season movement down the East Usambara scarp, it being absent at this altitude in the hot season. Not previously recorded below 900m (Britton 1980). Swynnertonia swynnertoni Swynnerton's Forest Robin An extraordinary range extension of 1300km from Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Two were collected in Mwanihana Forest, both at 100m, the first on 3 Aug 1981 and the second on 17 Sep 1981. They constitute a new subspecies (Jensen & Stuart, in press) and the first records of this species from East Africa. Turdus gurneyi Orange Ground Thrush Another species showing a cold season movement down the East Usambara scarp (as low as 450m in this case). Not previously recorded below 900m in the East Usambaras, though recently found at only 300m on Mrima Hill (Britton et at. 19BBiz Apalis chariessa White-winged Apalis Several seen in mid July 1981 in Kinole Forest from 1250 to 1400m. These are the first Uluguru records since 1938 (see Moreau 1940). Subsequent to its discovery in Mwanihana Forest in January 1981 (Stuart et al. 1981) there have been further records at this locality from July to September 1981. Bathmocercus winifredae Mrs Moreau's Warbler Recorded up to 2400m on the Lukwangule Plateau, 21-22 Jly 1981. Not recorded previously above 2200m (Britton 1980). Camaroptera brachyura Grey-backed Camaroptera A specimen taken from Mwanihana Forest on 31 Jly 1981 has been assigned to the race fugglescouchmani. Hyliota australis Southern Hyliota A pair on the forest edge at Dindira, 1000m, 9 May 1981. This is the first record from the West Usambaras, presumably of the seldom recorded race usam- barae. Phylloscopus ruficapilla Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler Recorded down to 450m in Kwenhondwe Forest, 13-14 May 1981, and at 800m in Mwanihana Forest, late July 1981. Not previously recorded below 900m (Britton 1980). A specimen taken in Mwanihana Forest on 17 Sep 1981 was assigned to the race minulla. Phylloscopus umbrovirens Brown Woodland Warbler The rarely recorded race fugglescouchmani was found to be common in forest above 2250m on the Lukwangule Plateau, 21-22 Jly 1981. Forest birds from Tanzania 111 Muscicapa adusta Dusky Flycatcher Seen at only 700m in Mwanihana Forest, late July 1981. Not generally found below 900m (Britton 1980). Muscicapa caerulescens Ashy Flycatcher Particularly common in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18-20 Jly 1981, and one seen at 800m in Mwanihana Forest, 17 Sep 1981. Myioparus plumbeus Lead-coloured Flycatcher A pair was seen in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18 Jly 1981, and another at 900m in Mwanihana Forest, 30 Jly 1981. Bias musicus Black and White Flycatcher Recorded in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18-20 Jly 1981, first record from the Ulugurus. Subsequently it was recorded in Mwanihana Forest at 700m, late July 1981, new to the Uzungwas, and at the foot of the scarp at Sanje, 300n, in mid September 1981. Platysteira peltata Black-throated Wattle-eye Recorded in Mwanihana Forest, late July 1981, from 500 to 700m. _ Erythrocercus holochlorus Little Yellow Flycatcher Recorded at 450m in Kwenhondwe Forest, 13-14 May 1981, first record from the West Usambaras. Erythrocercus livingstonei Livingstone's Flycatcher Seen in Mwanihana Forest at 600m, 1 Aug 1981, new to the Uzungwas, and first record north of the Kilombero River (see Hall & Moreau 1970). The previous species appears to be absent at this locality. Trochocercus albonotatus White-tailed Crested Flycatcher Recorded down to 450m in Kwenhondwe Forest, 13-14 May 1981, where it is sym- patric with the next species. No previous records below 900m (Britton 1980). Trochocercus cyanomelas Crested Flycatcher Recorded at 450m in Kwenhondwe Forest, 13-14 May 1981, first record from the West Usambaras. Malaconotus alius Uluguru Bush Shrike An immature was seen very clearly at 1600m, 2 Jly 1981 on the west side of Lupanga Mountain. An adult was seen nearby at 1650m on 5 Jly 1981. This bird gave an unmistakable call enabling us to locate the species on both the east and west sides of Lupanga, and on the west scarp of the Lukwangule Plateau at 2100 m. No other birds were seen. It is probably very thinly spread through- out the Uluguru forest above 1500m. Virtually all previous records of the species had been seen from Bagilo, the most recent in 1962 (Britton 1980). Malaconotus multicolor nigrifrons Black-fronted Bush Shrike There are several low altitude records, as follows: 450m in Kwenhondwe Forest, 13-14 May 1981; 600m in Mwanihana Forest, 6 Jan 1981; 300m in Kimboza Forest, 19 Jly 1981; and 300m, Kihuhwi-Sigi Forest, 4-9 Sep 1981. Not previously recorded below 900m (Britton 1980). Lamprotornis corruscus Black-breasted Glossy Starling A few seen at Marangu, southeast slopes of Kilimanjaro on 6 Aug 1981 were a considerable extension of the range inland in Tanzania (Britton 1980). However, in the National Museum, Nairobi there is a specimen from nearby Old Moshi collected in April 1916. The species is described by the collector as being common at this locality. 112 Forest birds from Tanzania Onychognathus walleri Waller's Chestnut-winged Starling Recorded as low as 300m in Kihuhwi-Sigi Forest in early February 1980, and 14 Mar 1981. Not previously recorded below 900m (Britton 1980). Poeoptera kenricki Kenrick's Starling Low altitude records from Kimboza Forest, 300m, 18 Jly 1981 and the Sigi Valley below Amani, 450m in mid August 1981. Not previously recorded below 900m (Britton 1980). A few at 1500m, 17 Sep 1981 in Mwanihana Forest con- stitute the first record from the Uzungwa Mountains, partially filling a gap between the Ulugurus and Mdando Forest (Njombe). Anthreptes neglectus Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird Recorded in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 19 Jly 1981, first recent Uluguru observ- ation. In Mwanihana Forest it was seen from 600 to 1150m in July to September 1981, a range extension to the Uzungwas, inland from the Ulugurus. Anthreptes rubritorques Banded Green Sunbird A few seen in Magrotto Estate, extreme east East Usambaras at only 750m, 7 Apr 1981. Not previously recorded below 900m (Britton 1980). Nectarinia loveridgei Loveridge's Sunbird In July 1981 recorded up to 2400m on the Lukwangule Plateau, not previously recorded above 2000m (Britton 1980). Nectarinia sp. nov. A male of this most distinctive and recently described species (Jensen, in press), was netted on 2 Aug 1981 at 1000m in Mwanihana Forest. A female was taken in the same place on 16 Sep 1981. Subsequently two males and one female were seen there but not caught. Ploceus olivaceiceps nicolli Usambara Weaver A family party at Shume, 17 Feb 1981. One pair at Balangai, 1400m, 12 Apr 1981, a new West Usambara locality. One seen in Kinole Forest, 1350m, only the third record for the Ulugurus. Three seen in Mwanihana Forest, 1200-1250nm, 17 Sep 1981, a range extension to the Uzungwas. Pirenestes minor Lesser Seed-cracker One seen in Kimboza Forest, 300m, 19 Jly 1981, first record from the Ulugurus in recent years. Serinus burtoni Thick-billed Seed-eater A pair netted at Mufindi, 1800m, 30 Aug 1979 in forest were originally identified as the Streaky Seed-eater S.striolatus. Recent re-examination of photographs of these birds has shown that they were, in fact, the highly distinctive subspecies of the Thick-billed Seed-eater S. b. melanochrous. In the National Museum, Nairobi there are two specimens of this race from Dabega, 2000m, collected on 24-26 Mar 1952. These records from Dabaga and Mufindi extend the range of melanochrous some 200km northeast from Njombe, into the Uzungwas. Records from Mt Rungwe in August 1980 extend the range 70km west- wards. Clearly melanochrous is far more widely distributed thatn was hitherto realized. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Dr K.M. Howell, Miss J.M. Simkin, Miss T.A. van der Willigen and Dr E.O. Willis for helping with field observations. Miss J.A. Brown, K. Gribben, J.C. Lovett, Dr W.A. Rodgers, C.A. Msuya, J. Kielland, M. Stoltze and N. Scharff were also of much assistance in the field. We also thank G.R. Cunningham-van Someren for affording us facilities at the National Museum, Nairobi. Forest birds from Tanzania L£3 REFERENCES BRITTON, P.L. 1981. Notes on the Andersen Collection and other specimens from Tanzania housed in some West German Museums. Scopus 5: 14-21. , BRITTON, H.A. & COVERDALE, M.A.C. 1981. The avifauna of Mrima Hill, south Kenya coast. Scopus 4: 73-78. HOWELL, K.M., BAKER, N.E. & STUART, S.N. in prep. The avifauna of Pugu Hills Forest, Tanzania. Scopus. JENSEN, F.P. in press. A new species of sunbird from Tanzania. Ibis. & STUART, S.N. in Prep. Some new subspecies of forest birds from Tanzania. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club. MOREAU, R.E. 1940. Distributional notes on East African birds. Ibis 14th ser. 4: 454-463. RIPLEY, S.D. & HEINRICH, G. 1969. Comments on the avifauna of Tanzania. II. Postilla 134: 1-21. STUART, S.N. 1981. A comparison of the avifaunas of seven east African forest islands. African Journal of Ecology 19: 133-151. , HOWELL, K.M., van der WILLIGEN, T.A. & GEERTSEMA, A.A. 1981. Some additions to the forest avifauna of the Uzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. Scopus 5: 46-50. & TURNER, D.A. 1980. Some range extensions and other notable records of forest birds from eastern and northeastern Tanzania. Scopus 4: 36-41. S.N. Stuart, Department of Applied Biology, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3DX, UK and F.P. Jensen, Zoologisk Museum, Universites- Parken 15, DK2100, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Received 15 November 1981) APPENDIX 1 Birds recorded from Mwanihana Forest, eastern Uzungwa Mountains, up to September 1981. An asterisk (*) denotes what are considered to be forest birds in this locality Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture *Circaetus fasciolatus Southern Banded Snake Eagle *Accipiter minullus ? ssp. Little Sparrowhawk A. Ovampensis Ovampo Sparrowhawk *A.tachiro sparsimfasciatus African Goshawk *Buteo tachardus oreophilus Mountain Buzzard *Hieraaetus dubius Ayres' Hawk Eagle *Stephanoaetus coronatus Crowned Eagle Aviceda cuculoides verreauxii Cuckoo Hawk *Guttera pucherani Kenya Crested Guineafowl *Aplopelia 1. larvata Lemon Dove *Columba a. arquatrix Olive Pigeon *C. delegorguei sharpei Bronze-naped Pigeon *Turtur tympanistria Tambourine Dove *Tauraco 1. livingstonei Livingstone's Turaco 114 Forest birds from Tanzania *Cercococcyx montanus patulus Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo *Chrysococcyx klaas Klaas' Cuckoo *Apaloderma vittatum Barred-tailed Trogon *Ispidina picta ?ssp. Pygmy Kingfisher Upupa epops africana Hoopoe *Phoeniculus purpureus marwitzi Green Wood Hoopoe *Bycanistes brevis Silvery-cheeked Hornbill *B. bucinator Trumpeter Hornbill *Tockus alboterminatus suahelicus Crowned Hornbill *Buccanodon leucotis ?ssp. White-eared Barbet *B. olivaceum ssp. nov. Green Barbet *Pogoniulus b. bilineatus Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird *Indicator variegatus Scaly-throated Honeyguide *Campethera abingoni ?ssp. Golden-tailed Woodpecker *Dendropicos fuscescens hartlaubi Cardinal Woodpecker *Mesopicos griseocephalus ?ssp. Olive Woodpecker *Smithornis capensis suahelicus African Broadbill Psalidoprocne pristoptera ?ssp. Black Roughwing *Dicrurus ludwigii muenzneri Square-tailed Drongo *Oriolus chlorocephalus amani Green-headed Oriole Corvus albicollis White-necked Raven *Campephaga flava Black Cuckoo Shrike *C. quiscalina muenzneri Purple-throated Cuckoo Shrike *Coracina caesia pura Grey Cuckoo Shrike *Andropadus masukuensis roehli Shelley's Greenbul *A. milanjensis striifacies Stripe-cheeked Greenbul *A. virens zombensis Little Greenbul *Phyllastrephus fischeri Fischer's Greenbul *P. flavostriatus ssp. nov. Yellow-streaked Greenbul *P, p. placidus Olive Mountain Greenbul Pycnonotus barbatus layardi Common Bulbul *Alethe fuelleborni usambarae White-chested Alethe *Cossypha natalensis intensa Red-capped Robin Chat *Modulatrix orostruthus ssp. nov. Dappled Mountain Robin *Pogonocichla stellata orientalis White-starred Forest Robin *Swynnertonia swynnertoni ssp. nov. Swynnerton's Forest Robin *Sheppardia s. sharpei Sharpe's Akalat *Turdus abyssinicus nyikae Northern Olive Thrush *T, gurneyi otomitra Orange Ground Thrush *Apalis chariessa macphersoni White-winged Apalis *A. melanocephala ?ssp. Black-headed Apalis *Bradypterus barratti usambarae Evergreen Forest Warbler *Camaroptera brachyura fugglescouchmani Grey-backed Camaroptera *Macrosphenus k. kretschmeri Kretschmer's Longbill *Phylloscopus ruficapilla minulla Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler *Muscicapa adusta fuelleborni Dusky Flycatcher *M. caerulescens cinereola Ashy Flycatcher *Myioparus plumbeus ?ssp. Lead-coloured Flycatcher *Batis m. mixta Forest Batis B. soror East Coast Batis *Bias musicus changamwensis Black and White Flycatcher *Erythrocercus livingstonei thomsoni Livingstone's Flycatcher *Terpsiphone viridis plumbeiceps Paradise Flycatcher *Trochocercus albonotatus subcaeruleus White-tailed Crested Flycatcher F j i ~~ Forest birds from Tanzania 115 *T. cyanomelas bivittatus Crested Flycatcher Motacilla clara torrentium Mountain Wagtail *Dryoscopus cubla ?ssp. Black-backed Puffback Laniarius ferrugineus ?ssp. Tropical Boubou *Malaconotus multicolor nigrifrons Black-fronted Bush Shrike *Onychognathus w. walleri Waller's Chestnut-winged Starling *Poeoptera k. kenricki Kenrick's Starling *Anthreptes collaris zambesiana Collared Sunbird *A. neglectus Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird *Nectarinia Olivacea alfredi Olive Sunbird *Nectarinia sp. nov. (see Jensen, in press) *Zosterops senegalensis stierlingi Yellow White-eye *Ploceus bicolor kersteni Dark-backed Weaver *P., olivaceiceps nicolli Usambara Weaver *Cryptospiza reichenovii australis Red-faced Crimson-wing Lonchura bicolor nigriceps Rufous-backed Mannikin APPENDIX 2 Endemic and near-endemic birds of the Tanganyika-Nyasa montane forests (as defined by Moreau 1966) Species Area Dist’ AS ee Guy ite eB BordO old 12 13 Bubo poensis vosseleri x Buccanodon olivaceum x. = aoe eae. 4 Oriolus chlorocephalus = ak x & x x Anropadus milanjensis 1G OC MME Mei ws. & x x x Alethe choloensis x Alethe fuelleborni Ba Se EG ier 1) 6 2 DO ce x 4 Dryocichloides anomalus worm oe x x x x Dryocichloides lowei x 4M Dryocichloides montanus x Modulatrix orostruthus x x x Modulatrix stictigula PROT Kn iw xX x Sheppardia sharpei iu x a Maw % Swynnertonia swynnertoni x x Apalis chariessa mm Dx x Apalis moreaui x x Bathmocercus winifredae “i oe Orthotomus metopias Moo whboxkock x Laniarius fuelleborni x Kio te x x Malaconotus alius x Anthreptes rubritorques x" K x Nectarinia loveridgei x Nectarinia moreaui x x Nectarinia sp. nov. x Ploceus olivaceiceps nicolli x Oe) oe Total number of species ie 2ed4g1Ons8elSet509 142 cn 4A 6 7 4 Key to areas 1 Taita Hills. 2 Pare Mts. 3 Usambara Mts. 4 Nguru Mts. 5 Ukaguru Mts. 7 Uzungwe Mts. 8 Southern Highlands, including Rungwe and Mdando Forest. 9 Mahenge. 10 Matengo Highlands, southern Tanzania and Njesi Plateau, northern Mozambique. 11 Northern Malawi. 12 Southern Malawi, and Namuli Mt and Chiperone Mt, Mozam- bique. 13 Mountains south of the Zambezi. 116 Tabora Region birds BIRD OBSERVATIONS FROM TABORA REGION, TANZANIA R.K..Wad.ton This paper summarizes the observations made between 1978 and 1981 when the author was employed on soil survey over the whole of Tabora Region. These observations are compared with those of Reynolds (1968) made between 1959 and 1966. Many of Reynolds' records come from within 20 miles (32km) of Tabora town. The widening of the recording area to cover the entire region, together with the occurrence of a few new vagrants has meant the addition of a further 53 species to Reynolds" original list. These are given below with an estimation of their status. The two sets of observations make it possible to identify those species which appear to have experienced an increase or decline in status in the vicinity of Tabora town over the last 20 years. The main trends are summarized and discussed. ADDITIONAL SPECIES RECORDED 1978-1981 The species listed below all relate to the author's personal observations. Two species, Platalea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill and Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling are apparently new records for Tanzania and written descriptions have accordingly been submitted to the Ornithological Sub-Committee. The order follows that given in Birds of East Africa (Britton 1980). For con- venience in comparing with Reynolds' earlier list the Mackworth-Praed & Grant numbers are given in parentheses. For the same reason the assesment of status follows Reynolds (1968) but refers to the whole region rather than to his recording area. The definitions are repeated below: R+ Considered to be resident. Definite breeding records. R Considered to be resident. Presumed, but not proved, to breed. B Breeds, but uncertain whether resident throughout the year. B? Probably breeds, but uncertain whether resident throughout the year. BM Breeds, but absent for part of the year. B?M Probably breeds, but absent for part of the year. OB Breeds, but species uncommon in the area. F Frequently seen, with no clear-cut seasonal peaks. Includes some species which probably breed but for which there is insufficient evidence to warrant this assumption. M Passage migrants and non breeding visitors. OM Migrants which appear to be uncommon. (@) Occasional or accidental visitors. ?? Status not clear. Includes species that are seldom seen but are probably resident breeding species. 18 (25) Phalacrocorax carbo Greater Cormorant R 56 (69) Platalea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill Oo 84 (161) Gypohierax angolensis Palm-nut Vulture fe) 92 (184) Circus aeruginosus Eurasian Marsh Harrier OM 94 (182) Circus pygarus Montague's Harrier M 101 (159) Terathopius ecaudatus Bateleur R 106 (174) Accipiter melanoleucus Great Sparrowhawk 2? 107 (170) Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk R+ 114 (138) Aquila nipalensis Steppe Eagle OM 115 (141) Aquila pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle M 128 (143) Hieraaetus spilogaster African Hawk Eagle R Scopus 5: 116-120, December 1981 iS Tabora Region birds 117 130 (149) Lophaetus occipitalis Long-crested Eagle M 143 (134) Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk R LAR PELST) Falco ardosiaceus Grey Kestrel ?? 199 (239) Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen R 231 (267) Charadrius dubius Little Ringed Plover OM 368 (443) Poicephalus robustus Brown-necked Parrot ae 397 (404) Cuculus gularis African Cuckoo ?? 419 (538) Glaucidium perlatum Pearl-spotted Owlet ?? 444 (636) Apus apus Eurasian Swift 459 (566) Colius striatus Speckled Mousebird 475 (473) Halcyon senegalensis Woodland Kingfisher 499 (459) Coracias spatulata Racquet-tailed Roller 541 (583) Lybius melanocephalus Black-throated Barbet 558 (601) Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Red and Yellow Barbet 566 (608) Indicator minor Lesser Honeyguide 578 (622) Campethera abingoni Golden-tailed Woodpecker 594 (629) Thripias namaquus Bearded Woodpecker 612 (659) Mirafra africana Rufous-naped Lark 716 (1148) Nicator chloris Nicator 887 (936) Hippolais olivetorum Olive-tree Warbler 928 (792/5) Bradornis pallidus Pale Flycatcher 935 (799) Melaenornis pammelaina Southern Black Flycatcher 1004 (1125) Laniarius ferrugineus Tropical Boubou 1059 (1191) Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling 1082 (1274) Anthreptes longuemarei Violet-backed Sunbird 1084 (1274) Anthreptes orientalis Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird 1091 (1261) Nectarinia amethystina Amethyst Sunbird 1134 (1358) Amblyospiza albifrons Grosbeak Weaver 1144 (1366) Euplectes gierowii Black Bishop 1150 (1363) Euplectes orix Southern Red Bishop 1171 (1326) Ploceus jacksoni Golden-backed Weaver 1176 (1336) Ploceus nigricollis Black-necked Weaver 1189 (1342) Ploceus xanthops Holub's Golden Weaver 1208 (1307) Petronia pyrgita Yellow-throated Petronia 1214 (1443) Vidua fischeri Straw-tailed Whydah 1226 (1418) Estrilda astrild Waxbill 1229 (1417) Estrilda melanotis Yellow-bellied Waxbill 1263 (1433) Uraeginthus ianthinogaster Purple Grenadier 1264 (1402) Amadina fasciata Cut-throat 1269 (1383) Lonchura malabarica Silver-bill 1280 (1459) Serinus atrogularis Yellow-rumped Seed-eater 1293 (1450) Serinus sulphuratus Brimstone Canary Ae) VDDADWAAVAE N ne] oO: VDWDWOWDWDDE J Vv a) DAADDvAvADWDAWWW: "J In addition, the following species have been postively identified since 1966: 132 (180) Melierax metabates Dark Chanting Goshawk R 262 (298) Gallinago gallinago Common Snipe M 264 (300) Gallinago nigripennis African Snipe M 1020 (1099) Nilaus afer nigrotemporalis Brubru ae CHANGES IN THE RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF SPECIES IN THE VICINITY OF TABORA TOWN SINCE 1966 Species recorded around Tabora in 1978-81 were given the qualitative ranking of status explained above. Species were said to have changed their status when they differed from that given in Reynolds' list, except where a species changed 118 Tabora Region birds from 'O' or '?' status to unrecorded, or the converse. As in Reynclds' original work, the status refers to within 20 miles (32km) of Tabora town. [In this non-quantitative approach, due allowance should be made for subjectivity in ranking. The following species may be said to have increased in frequency of observation: 1959-1966 1978-1981 Phalacrocorax carbo Greater Cormorant no records R Ardea goliath Goliath Heron O F Anastomus lamelligerus Open-billed Stork oO F Bostrychia hagedash Hadada Oo F Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck ie) F Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard O F Nettapus auritus African Pygmy Goose F R Circus ranivorus African Marsh Harrier M R Polyboroides radiatus Harrier Hawk Oo M Circaetus cinereus Brown Snake Eagle (@) OM Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk no records R+ Hieraaetus spilogaster African Hawk Eagle no records R Lophaetus occipitalis Long-crested Eagle no records M Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk no records R Falco ardosiaceus Grey Kestrel no records F Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen no records R Fulica cristata Red-knobbed Coot O R Vanellus crassirostris Long-toed Plover O R Vanellus lugubris Senegal Plover M F Apus apus Eurasian Swift no records M Anthreptes longuemarei Violet-backed Sunbird no records F Nectarinia amethystina Amethyst Sunbird no records F Ambylospiza albifrons Grosbeak Weaver no records B?M Estrilda astrild Waxbill no records R Lonchura malabarica Silver-bill no records R Serinus sulphuratus Brimstone Canary no records R The following species may be said to have decreased in frequency of observation: 1959-1966 1978-1981 Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian Goose F O Buteo buteo Common Buzzard OM no records Numenius arquata Curlew OM ‘no records Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel OM no records Tringa totanus Redshank OM no records Calidris minuta Little Stint M no records Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit OM no records Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt 3 Oo Rostratula benghalensis Painted Snipe F (@) Glareola pratincola Common Pratincole F O Oena capensis Namaqua Dove OB no records Halcyon albiventris Brown-hooded Kingfisher R fe) Halcyon leucocephala Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher R+ no records Ispidina picta Pygmy Kingfisher R+ no records Tockus deckeni Von der Decken's Hornbill F ?? Smithornis capensis African Broadbill B no records Delichon urbica House Martin OM no records a a Tabora Region birds 119 1959-1966 1978-1981 Luscinia luscinia Sprosser M no records Oenanthe pileata Capped Wheatear B?M ?? Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed Warbler M no records Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Sedge Warbler M no records Camaroptera brachyura Grey-backed Camaroptera R+ no records Sylvia atricapilla Blackcap OM no records Sylvia borin Garden Warbler M no records Sylvia communis Whitethroat OM no records Motacilla flava Yellow Wagtail M no records Lanius collaris Fiscal R no records Malaconotus sulfureopectus Sulphur-breasted Bush Shrike R O Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling M fe) Pseudonigrita arnaudi Grey-headed Social Weaver R+ no records Passer eminibey Chestnut Sparrow M no records Estrilda erythronotus Black-cheeked Waxbill R no records DISCUSSION Bearing in mind the non-quantitative nature of the data, a number of remarks can be made. Of those species that have apparently increased in status, there has been a general increase in the number of species favouring permanent marsh. Of these, the Pygmy Goose, Common Moorhen and Red-knobbed Coot have apparently become breeding residents. Most of these records come from Kazima Dam near Tabora, which is no longer the town's main water supply and is comparatively undisturbed. This dam is shallow and well vegetated, in contrast to the larger Igombe Dam where the Greater Cormorant is recorded but few of the marshland species are present. The increase in the variety of birds of prey observed is striking. Some Species are migratory whilst others are apparently breeding residents. A few passerine species generally associated in the region with undisturbed miombo woodland have recently been recorded close to Tabora, notably the Violet-backed and Amethyst Sunbirds. The locations of these observations tends to suggest that the regenerating miombo to the immediate east of the town is responsible. Finally, a species remarkable for its expansion is the Silver-bill, although it is confined to areas with Acacia-dominated vegetation, particularly on seasonally poorly drained sites. This is especially interesting in view of the apparent contraction in range of a number of species with similar habitat preferences. This is discussed below. The principal feature of the list of species that have apparently declined in status is the big reduction in the numbers and variety of Palaearctic migrants, particularly mud-flat feeding waders, and warblers. Perhaps this may be explained partly by habitat reductions as Kazima Dam gradually vegetates and cover declines in Tabora with the destruction of gardens for shambas, together with increased burning. The reasons for the decline in kingfisher numbers are not known, but it is interesting to note that all three species are on the edge of their range in the region. Several species commonly observed in the region in open Acacia-dominated bushland have declined northwards. These are the Namaqua Dove, Silverbird, Chestnut Sparrow, Grey-headed Social Weaver and Wattled Starling. These and other apparently regional residents, the Mourning Dove, Fischer's Lovebird, Red and Yellow Barbet, Grey Flycatcher, Karamoja Apalis, Straw-tailed Whydah, 120 Tabora Region birds Purple Grenadier, Blue-capped Cordon-bleu and the Superb and Ashy Starlings, are the main representatives of a species shift in bird populations, reflect- ing the major vegetation change from miombo, in the relatively moist south and west, to the dry bushland country of the northeast. Some of these species reach as far south as Tabora, as once did five species recorded by Reynolds. These are the Spotted Morning Thrush, Speckle-fronted Weaver and the Paradise and Steel-blue Whydahs. It would be interesting to note any future changes in the status of these species around Tabora. REFERENCE REYNOLDS, J.F. 1968. Notes on birds observed in the vicinity of Tabora, Tan- zania with special reference to breeding data. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum 157: 1-24. R.K. Walton, 31 Watchester Avenue, Ramsgate, Kent CT1ll OEU, UK. (Received 19 August 1981) 1982 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SCOPUS Subscriptions for 1982 are now due. Please help us by sending your subscription promptly. Full details appear inside the front cover. For overseas readers there is an especially important announcement on page 128 of this issue. The Sub Committee would like to thank all those who have supported us over the first five years of the life of Scopus, and hope that you will continue to subscribe now and in the future. Ed. —S eo ee Palaearctic migrants new to the North Sudan 121 PALAEARCTIC MIGRANTS NEW TO THE NORTH SUDAN G. Nikolaus During autumn ringing programmes in 1980 and 1981 at the Sudan Red Sea coast around Suakin (19°05'N, 37°20’E) and Erkowit (18°45'N, 37°10'E), five species of birds formerly unrecorded from the region were found. The species concerned are the Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus griseldis, the River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis, the Olive-tree Warbler Hippolais olivetorum, the Cyprus Warbler Sylvia melanothorax and the Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva. All but the first are new to the North Sudan while the last two are also new to the Afrotropical Region. A fuller account of these two ringing programmes will be published later. In the accounts which follow all weights are in grams and wing-lengths in millimetres. Acrocephalus griseldis Basra Reed Warbler This species has been recorded previously from Juba, South Sudan (Nikolaus 1979) and Kampala, Uganda (Pearson 1972), so it was to be expected that some birds would migrate from their breeding grounds in Iraq along the west side of the Ethiopian highlands through the Sudan. The bulk of the population probably passes through the Ethiopian rift valley, where the bird is common at the end of August and in September (Ash 1978, pers. obs.) In 1981 two birds were caught and ringed: 2 Sep 1981 in the mangroves south of Suakin (18°50'N, 37°25'E), weight 14, wing 78, primaries unmoulted; adult. 16 Sep 1981 in a green garden in Suakin, weight 15, wing 81; ist year. Other examples might have passed through from the middle to the end of August when there were no ornithologists in the area. Locustella fluviatilis River Warbler Cave & Macdonald (1955) listed the River Warbler as an ‘expected' species while in Uganda there is only one record (Britton 1980). In September 1981 four examples were recorded: 7 Sep 1981 in the mangroves south of Suakin, weight 13.5, wing 77; ist year. 8 Sep 1981 Erkowit, in Acacia bushes along the Khor Amat (a seasonal river with permanent springs, weight 12, wing 76, primaries worn; adult. 9 Sep 1981 another seen in the same locality at Erkowit, in tamarisk bushes by D.J. Pearson (pers. comm.). 11 Sep 1981 in the mangroves south of Suakin, a very weak individual, weight 11.5, wing 74; ist year. Adult birds passing through Ngulia, Kenya in November and December have a number of the outer primaries renewed, and this must be done somewhere between the Red Sea coast and southeastern Kenya (Pearson & Backhurst 1976). Hippolais olivetorum Olive-tree Warbler Cave & Macdonald (1955) and Moreau (1972) predicted that this species would be recorded in the Sudan, since it breeds from Yugoslavia east to Asia Minor and winters south of the Sudan. It is not reported from Uganda while in Kenya it is restricted to the eastern part of the country on passage from late September to mid December (Britton 1980). Urban & Brown (1971) record it as "rare' from Eritrea and northeast Ethiopia. Jennings (1981) gives one sight record from southern Arabia on the Red Sea while Etchécopar & Hiie (1967) note two birds from Egypt, although Watson (1973) did not record it from Egypt nor did Bundy (1976) from Libya. There are now seven early autumn records for the Sudan, four of which are Scopus 5: 121-124, December 1981 122 Palaearctic migrants new to the North Sudan specimens, hitherto wrongly identified as Orphean Warblers Sylvia hortensis, in the Khartoum Museum: 3 Aug 1981 2 seen in the Sunt Forest (Acacia), Khartoum by D.J. Pearson (pers. comm.). 5 Aug 1981 1 seen by the author and D.J. Pearson in low coastal scrub near the mangroves south of Suakin during a big fall of other Palae- arctic migrants 10 Jly 1924 Specimen No. 2787, juvenile female, Atbara (17°41'N, 34°00’E), wing 84. 28 Jly 1947 Specimen No. 6192, male, Wad Medani (14°24'N, 33°32'E), wing 85. 30 Aug 1942 Specimen No. 5294, male, as above, wing 84. 17 Sep 1941 Specimen No. 5143, male, as above, wing 87. All these records support the idea that the Olive-tree Warbler enters Africa through the North Sudan and Eritrea. After a stop-over in the Acacia bushland around Kassala, Gedaref and Wad Medani the birds presumably pass along the west side of the Ethiopian escarpment and through eastern Kenya. The bird from Atbara in July might even indicate rare breeding in the Sudan. Ficedula parva Red-breasted Flycatcher This species migrates from Europe to wintering grounds in India and Pakistan. During this NW-SE migration birds pass regularly through northeast Africa and Saudi Arabia (Bundy 1976, Jennings 1981). It is not surprising therefore that this bird should have now been found at the Red Sea Coast on passage. A single example was grounded and caught at night during mist using strong lights (see Pearson & Backhurst 1976, Nikolaus 1980) on the escarpment at Erkowit at 1000m on 2 November 1980. This fact now suggests the possibility that the Red-breasted Flycatcher may overfly NE Africa regularly on passage. Since this was the first definite record (see below) for the Afrotropical Region, the bird was coll- ected and is now in the Stuttgart Museum, West Germany. The data are: female, weight 7.5, wing 68. Sclater & Mackworth-Praed, in their list (1918) mention one sight record for Bhar-el-Ghazal, South Sudan. Even though the species' occurrence there is very unlikely (and has never been mentioned subsequently), it is possible that it was a vagrant. Further, Moreau (1972) speculates that a few Red-breasted Flycatchers might cross the Sahara to winter in west Africa. Sylvia melanothorax Cyprus Warbler The Cyprus Warbler is resident on the island of Cyprus and has been reported exceptionally in winter from Lebanon and Israel; there is also a rejected record of a male said to have been collected in February 1945 in western Saudi Arabia (Jennings 1981). In the late autumn of 1980 there were three records of this bird at the Red Sea hills where it seemed to winter alongside Ménétries' Warbler Sylvia mys- tacea, feeding together with them in low Acacia bushes. The Cyprus Warblers were easily separated by their heavily spotted breast. They were very tame and passed only a few metres away. One bird was collected and is now in the Stuttgart Museum. 17 Nov 1980 ist year female, weight 9, wing 57 collected at Erkowit. 17/18 Nov 1980 at least one more bird seen in the same bushes after the first bird had been collected 22 Nov 1980 an adult female seen at the foothills of Erkowit. It was similar to the other two examples but had black ear-coverts, a light breast with large black spots, the cap was greyish like the back and the legs were reddish brown. In addition to the five species dealt with above, three others are worth mentioning. = ee el Palaearctic migrants new to the North Sudan 123 Porzana pusilla Baillon's Crake There exist two old records of this species for the Sudan, but the bird is not mentioned by Cave & Macdonald (1955). One is still mounted in the Khartoum Museum (Bowen, No. 16, April 1921, male collected at Berber, 18°05'N, 34°00'E). The second bird was caught by Madden in his house on 26 September 1925 (Madden 1930). Without comparative material I am ungble to determine the subspecies, but it seems likely that both are Palaearctic birds (nominate race) rather than of the poorly differentiated Afrotropical intermedia. [Phoenicurus erythrogaster Gildenstadt's Redstart This is not a definite record because, when I saw it at the Red Sea hills in the 1980 autumn, I was not able to identify it properly. Since there is a great possibility that it was P. erythrogaster, I think it is worth recording. In the late evening of 8 and 9 October and then again of 2 and 3 November 1980, I saw, at two different places on the Erkowit escarpment, a large redstart with a dark head with a dirty whitish crown, a large white wing speculum and a reddish brown belly. The bird was very adept at hiding behind cliffs and bushes, so that nearly always only the white speculum on a dark bird with a reddish belly and rump could be seen. Both birds always stayed in their Same territory. These records get some support from a recent field sighting in northern Saudi Arabia (M.C. Jennings, in litt.). Giildenstadt's Redstart is a resident of the mountains west and south of the Caspian Sea (Dement'ev 1968). Up to now only altitudinal movements in autumn and spring have been reported. Sylvia nana nana Desert Warbler This bird is well known to winter in the northern part of the Sudan. In late autumn 1980 two examples were caught and ringed in the mangroves south of Suakin (19 and 29 October with weights 7.5 and 7 and wings 57 and 56); another was seen at Suakin on 9 November and a fourth individual in the Erkowit foot- hills on 11 November. All four were identified as nominate race even though they looked like two different species. The two November birds fitted well with the published descriptions (Williamson 1968, Cave & Macdonald 1955, Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1960, Svensson 1975); they were probably winter visitors from Iran or east of the Caspian Sea. The two October birds were caught soon after arrival from across the Red Sea, in mangroves; however, the upper tail-coverts and the tail itself were bright rufous; the central tail feathers had dark shafts, there was white on the outermost tail feathers and the other outer tail feathers were tipped with white giving the tail a Cisticola- or Rufous Bush Chat-like appearance. This fits with the description given for the nominate race by Dement'ev (1968). Similar birds have also been described by Kitson (1979) from Mongolia. Antony Pettet (pers. comm.) also observed birds with rufous rump and tail at Suakin in early autumn and remarked that they were different from the ‘normal’ nana he knows as a regular winter visitor around Khartoum. REFERENCES ASH, J.S. 1978. A Basra Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus griseldis in Mozambique. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 98: 29-30. BOWEN, W.W. 1926. Catalogue of Sudan birds. Part I. Khartoum: Sudan Govt. BUNDY, G. 1976. The birds of Libya. London: BOU. CAVE, F.O. & MACDONALD, J.D. 1955. Birds of the Sudan. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. 124 Palaearctic migrants new to the North Sudan DEMENT'EV, G.P. (ed.) 1968. Birds of the Soviet Union. Vol. 6. Jeruselem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations. ETCHECOPAR, R.D. & HUE, F. 1967. The birds of North Africa. Edinburgh & London: Oliver & Boyd. JENNINGS, M.C. 1981. The birds of Saudi Arabia: a checklist. Cambridge. KITSON, A.R. 1979. Identification of Isabelline Wheatear, Desert Warbler and three Phylloscopus warblers. British Birds 72: 5-9. MADDEN, J.F. 1930. Bird migration on the Red Sea Province. Sudan Notes and Records 13: 123-135. NIKOLAUS, G. 1979. The first record of the Basra Reed Warbler in the Sudan. Scopus 3: 103-104. 1980. An experiment to attract migrating birds with car headlights in the Chyulu Hills, Kenya. Scopus 4: 45-46. PEARSON, D.J. 1972. Some migrant birds recorded from the Kampala area, Uganda. EANHS Bulletin 1972: 27-29. & BACKHURST, G.C. 1976. The southward migration of Palaearctic birds over Ngulia, Kenya. Ibis 118: 78-105. SCLATER, W.L. & MACKWORTH-PRAED, C.W. 1918. A list of the birds of the Anglo- Egyptian Sudan. Zbis 1918: 416-476, 602-721. SVENSSON, L. 1975. Identification guide to European passerines. Stockholm: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet. URBAN, E.K. & BROWN, L.H. 1971. A checklist of the birds of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Haile Seilassie I University Press. WATSON, G.E. 1973. A serological and ectoparasite survey of migratory birds in Northeast Africa. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. WILLIAMSON, K. 1976. Identification for ringers, 3, the genus Sylvia. Tring:BTO. G. Nikolaus, Feldweg 87, 219 Cuxhaven, West Germany. (Received 17 November 1981) p= ee Short communications 125 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS A BREEDING RECORD OF WHITE PELICANS PELECANUS ONOCROTALUS IN TANZANIA On 23 August 1981 a breeding colony of White Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus was found at the extreme southern end of Lake Natron in northern Tanzania. The colony was situated on two small islets of one or two hectares in extent, separated by a few hundred metres of water. The islets rose to about 10m in height and were composed of hard soil or soft rock. The number of birds present was difficult to estimate as they were packed almost as closely as breeding penguins, and only one side of the islets was observed, but it was probably in the order of 10000 individuals excluding those away feeding. The incubating birds occupied the higher part of the land. The colony was surrounded by knee-deep water, and my companion, Mr Glyn Lewis of Arusha, only approached close enough to ascertain that eggs were present, as we had no wish to disturb the birds. Numerous footprints of jackals Canis sp. and Hyaenas Crocuta crocuta approached the water's edge, but fortunately turned back at that point. The birds were probably feeding in Lake Manyara, as the morning flight lines were in a southerly direction, and no birds were seen attempting to fish Lake Natron. J.S.S. Beesley, Box 634, Arusha, Tanzania Scopus 5: 125, December 1981 Received 19 September 1981 OVERSUMMERING PINTAIL ANAS ACUTA IN NORTHERN TANZANIA The Pintail Anas acuta is a regular migrant to northern Tanzania from November to April. However, in August and October i980, a male was seen in the Arusha National Park and in August 1981 three males were seen on 3rd and one on 30th, all birds frequent- ing the same small area on Big Momela Lake. On 3 August I was accompanied by Dr C.C.H. Elliott and it was noted that the birds were reluctant to fly; one which did lacked a number of primaries. J.S.S. Beesley, Box 634, Arusha, Tanzania Scopus 5: 125, December 1981 Received 19 September 1981 RED-FOOTED FALCONS FALCO VESPERTINUS IN TSAVO WEST NATIONAL PARK On 20 March 1981 I was a passenger in a vehicle travelling through Tsavo West NP between Maktau and Taveta. Just before sunset, west of Maktau, I noticed at least 5 small falcons perched on roadside bushes. These birds were readily identifiable as female and immature F.vespertinus on the basis of their small size, rather Slim appearance, the almost unmarked orange-buff underparts (adult females), the deep buff underparts with dark streaks (immatures) and the pale heads with rich buff crown, narrow dark moustachial stripe and dark colour below and beyond the eye (all ages). A short distance further on I saw a group of falcons flying over grassland near the road and closer observation revealed that there were many small falcons in the area, flying across the road in a general northerly direction. The light was by this time becoming poor, but I was able to identify most of the 30 birds which passed close to where I stood. Of these birds, at least 2 were Lesser Kestrels F. naumanni while at least 20 were F. vespertinus. Several of these were adult females with orange-buff underparts and underwing coverts; the others were young birds, having paler underparts with dark streaks, barred wings and tails, and the head pattern already described. One adult male flew directly overhead at close range, enabling me to see clearly its dark grey plumage with darker underwing coverts and its rufous thighs and undertail coverts. At least one bird could have been a subadult male but it was too far away to distinguish colours properly. As 126 Short communications the light faded I saw other birds passing over but I was unable to stay to examine them. The closest distance of observation was about 20m and all observations were made using x10 binoculars. All young birds and adult females identified had pale heads (with paler foreheads) and were thus separable from both Hobby F. subbuteo and Eastern Red-footed Falcon F. amurensis on this character as well as on underside colour and pattern. I am very familiar with all the species mentioned, having seen them on many occasions in Zambia. Most F. vespertinus appear to migrate to the west of East Africa (Britton 1980) and to winter in south-central and southwestern Africa (Moreau 1972). Britton (1980) gives two records from Kenya, and two further records are documented by Pearson (1981) and Lewis (1981), the former record being from near Kamboyo in Tsavo West NP. The occurrence of at least 25 birds, possibly a good many more, in Kenya is therefore noteworthy. REFERENCES LEWIS, A.D. 1981. Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus at Nairobi. Scopus 5:57. PEARSON, D.J. 1981. Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus in Tsavo. Scopus 5:57. P.B. Taylor, Box 25138, Nairobi Scopus 5: 125-126, December 1981 Received 19 September 1981 ALTITUDE RECORD FOR RED-NECKED SPURFOWL FRANCOLINUS AFER On 10-11 June 1980 I saw several pairs of Red-necked Spurfowl Francolinus afer near Kawatera, 5km northeast of Mbeya along the road to Chunya. The highest point of this road is conveniently marked at 8050 feet (2450m). Britton (1980) gives the altitude range for this species as sea-level to 1500m. My observations of several pairs at 2450m is therefore a significant increase. The surrounding uplands are not much higher although the bare peak of Mbeya Mt reaches 2834nm. The genus Francolinus includes several highland species which usually replace afer above 1500m. However, there are no records in Snow (1978) for other species in this area and the range maps given in Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1957) leave the area blank (although only just in some cases). The natural evergreen forest and upland grassland have, in recent years, been replaced by stands of Holarctic evergreens Pinus spp. and local cultivation (shambas). It seems likely that any forest species have retreated to the remaining gallery forest on the escarpment slopes. Francolinus afer would then be the only member of the genus in a position to exploit the vacant habitat of cultivation and young plantations. However, it may well have been at this altitude all along, compet- ing with other Francolinus spp. (if any) at the forest edge. I could not assign any of the birds to a particular race as this is border country between nominate and F. a. cranchii. N.E. Baker, Box 1599, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Scopus 5: 126, December 1981 Received 15 October 1981 FIRST EAST AFRICAN RECORD OF THE RED-NECKED STINT CALIDRIS RUFICOLLIS On 16 May 1981 C. Taylor and I visited the pans at Ngomeni Salt Works, which are about 25km north of Malindi, Kenya coast. Some of the pans are disused and are partly overgrown with low vegetation, with pools of rainwater and large patches of mud. The area attracts good numbers of waders and on this occasion there were flocks of Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea, Little Stints C.minuta and Marsh Sandpipers Tringa stagnatilis with smaller numbers of other species including a Sanderling C. alba in breeding plumage. On our arrival at 10:30hrs the first birds we saw were a flock of about 25 C. minuta, most in summer plumage, and our attention was immediately drawn to two birds which stood out from the rest of the flock by virtue of their strikingly- - Short communications 127 coloured plumage and which we identified as C. ruficollis. We observed the birds for about 45min in good light using x10 binoculars at distances down to 25m, and noted down the following field description. Fractionally larger than the C.minuta and appeared bulkier in the body, with larger more rounded heads and higher foreheads. Legs possibly slightly shorter than those of minuta and the general impression was that they were chunkier, more bulkily-built birds than minuta. The face, throat and upper breast were clear plain brick red with no markings in one bird and a few dark spots at the base of the red breast of the other. The brick-red colour ended abruptly to give a pure white underside. In contrast, even the most well-marked minuta were rather patchily-patterned on neck and breast, having dark speckling and paler areas as well as extensive orange colouration: none of them approached the uniform colouring of the ruficollis. Both ruficollis had little trace of a pale superciliary stripe and we did not notice any pale on the forehead of one bird, the other having a small pale patch there. Crown and nape were similar in colour to the face but with darker streaking on the crown and less streaking on the nape, which was also less patterned than the back. The back pattern was similar to that of minuta, being dark brown with orange-red feather edgings. The only noticeable difference was in the upperwing coverts, which in ruficollis seemed greyer overall, contrast- ing more with the back colour and having more white in them than minuta, which was buffier in this area. However, these differences were not prominent and it was not easy to pick out the ruficollis in rear view from a distance. The bills of the ruficollis were straight, black and rather stouter than those of minuta. The legs were black and the eyes dark. In flight the white wing bar of ruficollis seemed more prominent than in Minuta and the tail pattern showed more contrast between the pale outer feathers and the dark inners. Flight action was similar in both species. It was not possible to attribute any calls to the ruficollis as the whole flock was noisy in flight. Calls were all variants of the pip, chip and repeated notes of minuta. All the birds fed in shallow water and on mud and the ruficollis mixed freely with the minuta flock. On at least two occasions one of the ruficollis was aggressively approached by a minuta and was chased for a short distance. The birds were seen at the same locality on 17 May by P.L. and H.A. Britton, who agree with our identification. Subsequent study of relevant literature showed that the characters noted agree with those given for breeding-plumage ruficollis, and the uniform brick-red colour of the head, neck and upper breast is a diagnostic character of this species (J.C. Sinclair, in litt.). We are therefore satisfied that our identification is correct, even though we are not familiar with this species. On minor plumage details it is interesting to note that Prater, Marchant & Vuorinen (1977) mention that the coverts of ruficollis in breeding plumage are grey-brown, inners fringed white, while those of minuta are brown with paler edges, and that both these authors and Wallace (1980) state that the outer tail of ruficollis may be paler than that of minuta. Wallace (op. cit.) also states that the wing bar of ruficollis is "at least as prominent" as in minuta. Calidris ruficollis breeds in northeastern Siberia and western Alaska and winters south to Australasia (Slater 1970). In Africa it is regular in small numbers on the Natal coast and there are three records from Cape Province and one from Mozambique (J.C. Sinclair, in litt.). There is a recent record from Somalia (J.S. Ash in litt. to G.C. Backhurst) and two from the Seychelles (Feare & High 1977). There are no previous records from East Africa. REFERENCES FEARE, C.J. & HIGH, J. 1977. Migrant shorebirds in the Seychelles. Ibis 119: 323-338. 128 Short communications PRATER, A.J., MARCHANT, J.H. & VUORINEN, J. 1977. Guide to the identification and ageing of Holarctic waders. Tring: BTO. SLATER, P. 1970. A field guide to Australian birds. Vol. 1. Rigby. KS WALLACE, D.I.M. 1980. Field identification of small species in the genus Calidris In Sharrock, J.T.R. The frontiers of bird identification. London: Macmillan. P.B. Taylor, Box 25138, Nairobi Received 19 September 1981 Scopus 5: 126-128, December 1981 TURTLE DOVE STREPTOPELIA TURTUR IN KENYA The Turtle Dove is a regular visitor to northern Africa which also migrates across the Sahara to winter quarters in the Sudan and Ethiopia (Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1957). On 3 January 1981 we observed a Turtle Dove at Samburu Lodge, Kenya (0°40'N, 37°30'E). It was rather tame and walked among the guests looking for scattered food. Knowing the Turtle Dove from Europe and the Dusky Turtle Dove S. lugens from Kenya, we were able to identify it as S. turtur. At the time we were unaware of its rarity in Kenya and only made some rough field notes although we photographed the bird in colour. An examination of the prints (which are lodged with the Ornithological Sub Committee) reconfirmed the identification. Because of the paleness of the plumage and the pronounced spots on the wings, we feel that it probably belongs to the Egyptian race isabellina. Samburu Lodge is about 110km southeast of the site of the first Kenya record at Barsaloi (Horne & Short 1977). The second observation of a Turtle Dove in northern Kenya indicates that it may not be such a rare visitor as one might have expected. It may be that wintering Turtle Doves are often taken to be Dusky Turtle Doves or that most observers, especially those from Europe, are not aware of its rarity. REFERENCE HORNE, J.F.M. & SHORT, L.L. 1977. First record of the Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur in Kenya. Scopus i: 50. Volker Haas, Max-Planck-Institut ftir Verhaltensphysiologie, Box 33, Nakuru, Kenya, Ursula Haussler, LS Zoophysiologie Universitat Tiibingen, Auf der Morgen- stelle 28, D-7400, Tlubingen, West Germany and Reimer Stick, Max-Planck-Institut fiir Virusforschung, Spemannstrasse 35, D-7400, Tiibingen, West Germany Scopus 5: 128, December 1981 Received 13 October 1981 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ALL OVERSEAS SUBSCRIBERS Recent legislation in Kenya regarding foreign exchange procedure has made the following announcement necessary, superSeding the announcement that appeared in the last issue (Scopus 5: 84). Overseas subscribers are advised that they must send their Scopus sub- scriptions (or payments for Birds of East Africa and/or Checklist of the birds of Kenya) in £sterling, US$ or the equivalent in any convertible currency. If in the form of cheques, bank drafts etc., ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE DRAWN ON AN OVERSEAS BANK. All payments in foreign currency, but drawn on Kenya banks, can no longer be accepted, and, if received, will be returned. Similarly, payments in Kenya shillings from overseas banks cannot be accepted, and these too, if received, will be returned. The practical reason for this is that Kenya banks now make a minimum charge of 40 shillings (=US$4.00) for handling the payments mentioned above. Continued from inside front cover Any references cited should be listed at the end of the contribution following the form used in this issue. Names of periodicals MUST be given in full and, in the case of books, the town of publication and the publisher should be given. A number of works, which are cited frequently, should not be listed under "References'; the name(s) of the author(s) and date(s) of publication should be given in the text in the normal way. All contributions should be sent to Dr D.J. Pearson, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya. WORKS WHICH SHOULD NOT BE LISTED UNDER 'REFERENCES' BACKHURST, G.C., BRITTON, P.L. & MANN, C.F. 1973. The less common Palaearctic migrant birds of Kenya and Tanzania. Journal of the East Africa Natural Hist- ory Society and National Museum 140: 1-38. = Backhurst et al. 1973. * BENSON, C.W., BROOKE, R.K., DOWSETT, R.J. & IRWIN, M.P.S. 1971. The birds of Zambia. London: Collins. = Benson et al. 1971. BRITTON, P.L. (ed.) Birds of East Africa their habitat, status and distrib- ution. Nairobi: EANHS. = Britton 1980. BROWN, L.H. & BRITTON, P.L. 1980. The breeding seasons of East African birds. Nairobi: EANHS. = Brown & Britton 1980. HALL, B.P. & MOREAU, R.E. 1970. An atlas of speciation in African Passerine birds. London: British Museum (Nat. Hist). = Hall & Moreau i970. JACKSON, F.J. 1938. The birds of Kenya Colony and the Uganda Protectorate. 3 vols. London: Gurney & Jackson. = Jackson 1938. MACKWORTH-PRAED, C.W. & GRANT, C.H.B. 1957 & 1960. African handbook of birds. Series I, vols 1 & 2. Birds of eastern and north eastern Africa. 2nd Edition. London: Longmans Green & Co. = Mackworth-Praed & Grant 1957 and/or 1960. MOREAU, R.E. 1966. The bird faunas of Africa and its islands. London: Academic Press. = Moreau 1966. 1972. The Palaearctic-African bird migration systems. London: Academic Press. = Moreau 1972. SNOW, D.W. (ed.) 1978. An atlas of speciation in African Non-Passerine birds. London: British Museum (Nat. Hist.). = Snow 1978. EAST AFRICAN BIRD REPORT This forms the fifth issue of Scopus and each report covers one calendar year. Records of Afrotropical Region (i.e. Ethiopian Region and Malagasy Sub-Region) and Oceanic birds should be sent to D.A. Turner [tel. 48772], Box 48019, Nairobi; records of Palaearctic Region birds to B.S. Meadows [tel. 48535], Box 30521, Nairobi. Records should be sent in early in the new year to ensure the speedy production of the Bird Report. Reports of rare birds may be phoned through to any OS-C member. BIRDS OF EAST AFRICA Copies of this 270 page book are available from D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi at the following post-paid prices. All cheques should be made out to 'Birds of East Africa'. Those overseas MUST remit in Sterling, US$ or the equivalent in a convertible currency; drafts in Kenya Shillings cannot be accepted. By surface mail to East Africa or to anywhere in the world: Shs. 130/-, £8.00 or US$17.00. Airmail, Africa: £11.50 or US$24.00. Airmail to Europe: £12.00 or US$25.00. Airmail to the Americas, Australia and the Far East: £13.50 or US$28.00. The 40 page Check-list of the birds of Kenya is also available from D.A. Turner. Post-paid: surface: East Africa Shs. 12.00, anywhere in the world £0.70 or US $1.50. Airmail to anywhere in the world £1.00 or US$2.20. | C6AMREF CONTENTS J.8. ASH. Bird-ringing results and ringed bird recoveries in Ethiopia. . DALE B. HANMER. The food requirements of owls compared with those of diurnal. raptors 2...) 5 6. =. = sl) & Seem ee eee ee S.N. STUART and F.P. JENSEN. Further range extensions and other notable records of forest birds Erom Lanzaniday i -n ese etc ccm ene R.K. WALTON. Bird observations from Tabora Region, Tanzania ..... G. NIKOLAUS. Palaearctic migrants new to the North Sudan ........ Short communications J.S.S. BEESLEY. A breeding record of White Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus in Tanzania 2 2 ene eee J.S.S. BEESLEY. Oversummering Pintail Anas acuta in iaergielaverainl Abcimasigulel 5 5 56 0 G9 6 ooo ooo oo Gl P.B. TAYLOR. Red-footed Falcons Falco vespertinus in Tsavo) West National’ Paisk, 2s = 5) cicero Ecmmecietcinecl enema mnn N.E. BAKER. Altitude record for Red-necked Spurfowl iis Noleley Lek Glo kg Nee) AE) WIECO) EO) foo. Oo 6 6 6 oO 6 Oo 0 6 P.B. TAYLOR. First East African record of the Red-necked Stint Calszdris LUEICOLIGS 25.9% 2 bie oe oe VOLKER HAAS, URSULA HAUSSLER and REIMER STICK. Turtle Dove Streptopelia €urtur im Kenyay . <= < seston ene Notices 1982 subscriptions to: Scopus! = (= i) aoe ena eee ee Important notice for all overseas subscribers ....... Enclosure Order form for the B.O.U. Check-list No. 4, The birds of Nigeria by J.H. Elgood Printed in Kenya by AMREF, Box 30125, Nairobi 85 102 106 116 124 U5) 125 125 126 126 128 120 128 ISSN 0250 4162 SCOPUS EAST AFRICAN BIRD REPORT 1981 A quarterly ornithological publication of the East Africa Natural History Society Volume’5 (5):March: 1983: SCOPUS Scopus is published five times a year by the Ornithological Sub-Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society. Subscriptions are payable to the OS-C Hon. Treasurer (and Secretary), D.A. Turner [tel. 48772], Scopus a/c, Box 48019, Nairobi, Kenya, at the following rates: East African residents: KShs 75.00 (KShs 78.50 up-country) Overseas, surface mail: Sterling £6.00, US$12.00 or equivalent in convertible currency. Drafts in Kenya shillings cannot be accepted. Overseas, air mail: Sterling £7.50, US$15.00 or equivalent in convertible currency. Drafts in Kenya shillings cannot be accepted. Overseas rates apply to all countries other than Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Those wishing to remit by bank transfer should do so to D.A. Turner, Scopus a/c, No. 2852601, Barclay's Bank of Kenya Limited, Market Branch, Box 30018, Nairobi. All material for Scopus, including papers, short communications, letters and notices, should be sent in the first instance to the Chairman of the Ornithol- ogical Sub-Committee, Dr D.J. Pearson [tel. 47041], Department of Biochemistry, University of Nairobi, Box 30197, Nairobi. Other Sub-Committee members are as follows: G.C. Backhurst /tel. 891419], Editor of Scopus and Ringing Organizer, Box 24702 Nairobi; J.S.S.Beesley, Box 634 Arusha, Tanzania; P.L. Britton (UK); Dr Margaret Carswell, Box 7051 Kampala, Uganda; Dr K.M. Howell, Box 35064 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Dr A.D. Lewis, Dept. of Geology, Box 30197 Nairobi; B.S. Meadows, [tel. 48535], Box 30521 Nairobi; Dr D.E. Pomeroy, [tel. Kahawa 439], Box 43844 Nairobi; J.F.Reynolds (UK); D.K. Richards, [tel. 501501], Box 30750 Nairobi; T. Stevenson, Lake Baringo Club, Box 47557 Nairobi; P.B. Taylor, Nest Record Scheme Organizer, [tel. Karen 2019], Box 25138 Nairobi. NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS Scopus welcomes original contributions in English on all aspects of the ornith- Ology of eastern Africa. Contributions will be assessed by the Sub-Committee and by independent referees. The material published in Scopus will be divided into 'papers' and 'short communications', the latter will usually be less than two pages in length. 'Papers' should be written in the third person (except in the 'Acknowledgements' section); 'Short communications' may be written in the first or third person. Authors of 'papers’ are entitled to five copies of their contribution gratis. Extra copies, which will be supplied at cost, must be ordered when the MS is submitted. Contributions should be typed in 1% or double spacing on one side of the paper only, with wide margins all round, and should be submitted in duplicate. Exceptionally, clear hand-written MSS will be considered but these too should be sent in duplicate. Both English and scientific names of birds should be given when the species is first mentioned, thereafter only one should be used. English and scientific names should be those of Birds of East Africa unless the species does not occur in that work. Tables, which should be numbered, should appear in the typescript, NOT grouped on separate sheets at the end. Metric units should be used. If non-metric units were used in the original observation or experiment, the approximate metric equivalent should be given in brackets. Illustrations should be on bristol board, good quality white paper or tracing material, in line - i.e. black on white, and should not be larger than 19 x 23 cm. Lettering (in black) will be the responsibility of the author and should be done neatly in Letraset (or similar), no larger than 14 point (3.9mm). Each illustration should be numbered (Fig. 1, etc) and be provided with a legend typed on a separate sheet of paper. Photographs will also be considered. Continued inside back cover Scopus 5 (5), March 1983 SCOPUS MUS. COMP. ZOOL _LIRRARY XW UNIVERSITY GENERAL REVIEW Observations in 1981 again came mainly from central and southern Kenya, but there was increased recording from the Kenya coast, and continued activity in the Dar es Salaam and Arusha areas and in the montane forests of eastern Tanzania. No fewer than six species were added to the East African avifauna during the year. Two Red-necked Stints Calidris ruficollis in breeding plumage were located on the Kenya coast in May, and Matsudaira's Storm Petrels Oceanodroma matsudairae were identified off Mombasa during July and August. A new species of sunbird was discovered in the Mwanihana forest, East Uzungwa Mts, and Swynnerton's Forest Robin Swynnertonia swynnertoni (a new race) was also found at the same locality, over 1000 km north of its previously known range. Finally, the range of both the Long-billed Crombec Sylvietta rufescens and the Red-capped Crombec Sylvietta ruficapilla was extended into southwest Tanzania from neighbouring Zambia. Other notable events included ‘rediscovery’ of both the Uluguru Bush Shrike Malaconotus alius and the White-winged Apalis Apalis chariessa in the Uluguru Mts (the latter was also found in the Uzungwas), the second recorded occurrence of the Pearl-breasted Swallow Hirundo dimidiata in Tanzania, an influx of White-eyed Pochards Aythya nyroca in Central Kenya, the second Kenyan and East African records of Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos and Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur, and a series of offshore records of Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus, a bird first definitely identified in East Africa only in 1980. In Kenya, the year was one of climatic contrasts. Dry, dusty conditions in January and February were followed by an early onset to the 'long' rains. Most areas received heavy storms in mid March, and April was generally very wet. Lake levels rose somewhat, particularly at Naivasha where there was extensive flooding and growth of sedge. With the Lower Tana valley flooded, the Garsen heronry was active, and over 5000 pairs of nesting birds were found there during June. The 'short' rains were light and patchy, and delayed in most eastern areas until mid or late November. By the year's end, most lake edges and other wetlands were drying rapidly. Early in the year, the receding muddy shores of the rift valley lakes held good numbers of waders. A January survey from Baringo to Magadi produced an estimate of 24000 migrant waders, somewhat higher than the count of January 1980. Extensive areas of marsh left by the drying April-May floods produced interesting assortments of water birds, and towards the end of the year sites such as Naivasha held many hundreds of Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago and Wood Sandpipers Tringa glareola. Many thousands of Palaearctic Scopus 5: 129-130, March 1983 130 East African Bird Report 1981 duck were again recorded during January-February and again during December, the principal sites involved being Lakes Solai and Naivasha and the Kinangop. Although the usual variety of migrant birds of prey was recorded, there were few reports of impressive movements. Most interesting was the occurrence of a large party of Red-footed Falcons Falco vespertinus near the Taitas in March. As in other recent years with high rainfall, few migrants remained around Nairobi or elsewhere in Kenya in mid and late April. Some interesting falls were recorded early in the month, however, with scores of Sprossers Luscinia luscinia, Whitethroats Sylvia communis and Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio around Mtito Andei after wet nights on lst and 7th and 300 shrikes (mostly Red-backed) at the Sabaki mouth on 5th. Southward passerine migration was noted as usual, and over 5000 birds were ringed at Ngulia on 15 misty nights between 20 November and 7 December. There was encouraging response to requests for contributions to the report. In particular, the number of records of Afrotropical birds received was considerably increased. We hope that this was the result of availability of Birds of East Africa and other guidelines on record reporting published from time to time by the Sub-Committee. Notes on the documentation of records of unusual interest are again given in the intro- duction to the general species section of this report. It should be noted that some substantiation and supporting details are required before the Sub-Committee can consider acceptance of a record in the S(A) or S(B) category, whether this is being submitted or mentioned for the first time as a report item or in a Scopus note or paper. D.J.Pearson, Chairman, Ornithological Sub-Committee, E.A.N.H.S. East African Bird Report 1981 1341 SPECIES REPORT Observers are invited to contribute records for this report from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. These should be sent to the recorders listed inside the front cover. Guidelines for the type of records required are given in the Scopus Supplement of June 1982, copies of which are available free of charge from D.A. Turner, Box 48019, Nairobi. The Society's Birds of East Africa will also be found useful for determining the importance of records. Each species is followed by one or more code letters which make clear the reason for the inclusion of records: S(A) or S(B) : SCARCE species for which all acceptable records are published (see Scopus Supplement of June 1982) R : Other species of special interest whose status in East Africa requires clarification, and for which all records are REQUESTED. Records in this category may sometimes be published in summary or reviewed after several years E : Records showing an EXTENSION of range, or from areas where the species is decidedly uncommon or scarce N : Records included for their NUMERICAL interest, either of particularly large numbers or accurate counts D : Records of migrants where the DATES are of interest M : Records of MISCELLANEOUS interest. Also, all records will fall into one of the following categories: a Those supported by a specimen, available for study ii. Those supported by a detailed description and possibly by parts of the bird, in cases where the whole bird could not be retained iS Those of a trapped bird, which is later released, supported by a detailed description and measure- ments and, if possible, photographs of the bird in the hand av. Sight records. In the case of specimen records, the person submitting the record should state where the specimen has been deposited. For sight records of very scarce birds certain criteria should be met: for species previously recorded less than five times in East Africa, or less than ten times in sub-Saharan Africa, an attempt should be made to (a) photograph the bird, if at all possible, and (b) obtain corroboration from at least one other independent observer. A substantiating description of the bird should be submitted and the reasons for discarding other similar species should be given. The sub-committee will consider sufficiently substantiated sight records of very scarce birds from a single observer provided that his/her reliability can be vouched for by at least two independent authorities. Where necessary, descriptions and photographs will be sent to independent referees for adjudication. It is the sub-committee's wish, and responsibility, to ensure that all sight records published in these reports will stand the most stringent scrutiny. Scopus 5: 131-153, March 1983 132 East African Bird Report 1981 AFROTROPICAL AND OCEANIC SPECIES PODICIPEDIDAE: Grebes Podiceps nigricollis Black-necked Grebe R: 1 Mbarali rice scheme, Usangu, S Tanzania, 10 Jul (NEB), 500+ Lake Ndutu, Serengeti NP (T) 10 Aug (NEB), 300+ Lake Bogoria 12 Aug (DEW), singles Thika OPs 16 Aug and 1 Nov (ADL, RDM, DJP), 1 Timboroa 22 Aug (RDM, JB), 6 Elmenteita 29 Nov (DKR), several Limuru 26 Dec (DKR). Tachybaptus ruficollis Little Grebe N: 3000+ N shore Lake Naivasha 28 Feb- 1 Mar (BSM). M: 1 dead on beach Dar es Salaam 25 Oct (DCM). PROCELLARIIDAE: Petrels and shearwaters : Pachyptila sp. A single small sized oceanic, very light coloured but with faint dark markings on wings and back, off Shimoni 25 Aug (MH, PH) - almost certainly a prion species, the first record from East African waters. Puffinus lherminieri Audubon's Shearwater S(B): 1 found dying on reef at Malindi 13 Jan (LD); corpse seen by PLB and assigned to the race bailloni. HYDROBATIDAE: Storm Petrels Oceanites oceanicus Wilson's Storm Petrel S(B): Singles reported Malindi and Mombasa waters Jun, Jul, Sep and Dec (CT, PBT, DAT). One or more groups of 4-5 birds off Kipini 19 May (Mr and Mrs A, Braguine per DAT). Full details in Scopus 6: 13-14. Oceanodroma leucorhoa Leach's Storm Petrel S(A): 1 off Mtwapa Creek 4 Oct (CT, PBT) - included here as such birds probably not Palaearctic. See Scopus 6: 14-15. Oceanodroma matsudairae Matsudaira's Storm Petrel S(A): Single birds off Mombasa 5 Jul and 22 Aug (PBT). See also Scopus 6: 15-16. The first fully documented records from African coastal waters. PELECANIDAE: Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus White Pelican E: Recorded Ngomeni saltpans 7 and 21 June and 3 Oct (PBT) - uncommon at coast. SULIDAE: Boobies Sula dactylatra Masked Booby R: 1 off Mombasa 7 Nov (PBT). PHALACROCORACIDAE: Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo Greater Cormorant N: Unusual coastal concentrations of 75-100 Ngomeni saltpans during Oct, decreasing thereafter (PBT). FREGATIDAE: Frigatebirds Fregata minor Greater Frigatebird S(A): Excluding the possibility of frigatebirds unknown in the Indian Ocean, we must accept an all dark bird seen at very close range at Watamu on 13 Aug (DEP) as being an adult male of this species. Fregata sp. Single birds reported off Shimoni in Feb, Sep and Oct (MH, PM); all dark birds on 8 Sep and 9 Oct were probably adult male Fregata minor. ARDEIDAE: Herons, Bitterns and Egrets Ixobrychus minutus payesii Little Bittern R: 2 Homa Bay 16 Mar (ADL, DJP), records from Lake Baringo Jun and Jul (TS), 1 Tana delta 9 Aug (DAT), and 2 Tatanda, SW Tanzania, 17 Dec (DCM). Ixobrychus sturmii Dwarf Bittern R: 3-4 Tana delta 9 Aug (DAT), 1 Lake Baringo 11 Aug (DEW), 1 Meru NP 18 Nov (DAT), singles Tatanda (T) Nov-Dec (NEB, DCM), and 2 Lake Bilisa, 13 Dec (MACC, DJP). Ardea goliath Goliath Heron N: 20 together on meadows Lake Bilisa, 28 Feb (DJP). East African Bird Report 198l 133 Ardeola idae Madagascar Squacco Heron R: Recorded Kenya and Tanzania Apr-Nov as follows: 2 Sabaki 17 Apr, small numbers Bamburi 29 Apr-5 Nov, 3 Dar es Salaam 2 Jun, 3-4 Karen, Nairobi, Jul-early Aug, 3 Arusha NP (T) 17 Jul, 1 Lake Diluti, Arusha 8 Aug, 1 Lake Manyara (T) 12 Aug, 1 Mikumi NP (T) 23 Aug, 1 Tana delta 6 Aug, 15+ Thika OPs 16 Aug, 1 Nairobi NP 30 Aug, 1 Dar es Salaam 12 Nov (NEB, HAB, PLB, KMH, ADL, DJP, DKR, PBT, DAT). Ardeola rufiventris Rufous-bellied Heron R: 100+ in swampy river Usengi flats (Mbeya T) 21 Apr (JSSB). Egretta alba Great White Heron N: 70+ together on meadow Lake Bilisa, 28 Feb (DJP). Egretta ardesiaca Black Heron R: Recorded inland as follows: 1 Naivasha 14 Feb, 1 Mwea rice scheme 21 Feb, 20 Lake Bilisa, 28 Feb, 2 Kajansi, Kampala 28 Feb-1l Mar (first for the area), 1 Amboseli NP 24 Mar, 11 Lake Magadi 5 Apr, 60+ Mbarali rice scheme, Usengi (Mbeya T) Apr, a few near Garsen 5 Aug, 4 near Lake Magadi 26 Sep, 1 Lake Baringo 9-18 Nov, 6 Lake Shakababo 12 Dec, small numbers Lake Jipe throughout year (NEB, MEJG, RDM, MJC, DJP, DKR, TS, DAT). At the coast: 20 Gazi 30 Mar and 9 31 Dec, a few Sabaki Apr, 1 Bamburi 1-5 Sep, 2 Mida 20 Oct (HAB, PLB, MACC, RDM, DJP, PBT, DAT). Local resident around Dar es Salaam in flocks 10-15 (NEB). Egretta gularis African Reef Heron R: Single dark phase birds Bamburi 18 Apr and Ngomeni saltpans 8 Nov (PBT), 2 dark phase birds Kilifi 24 Jan (HAB, PLB). Gorsachius leuconotus White-backed Night Heron R: An adult in flooded road by mangrove swamp at Kurasini, Dar es Salaam, 28 Mar (NEB). CICONIIDAE: Storks Anastomus lamelligerus Open-billed Stork N: Large flocks of 250+ Lake Jipe 22 Mar (DAT) and 850+ Mikumi NP (T) 17 Apr (NEB). Ciconia abdimii Abdim's Stork N: Flocks included 1200 Aruba, Tsavo East NP 7 Jan (HAB, PLB), 8000- 10000 Mikumi NP (T) 8 Feb (NEB), 90 Homa Bay 16 Mar and 800 circling north near Muhoro Bay (S Nyanza) 16 Mar (ADL, DJP), 18 Sabaki 24 Mar (HAB, PLB) was large number for coast. D: Late birds Nairobi NP 19 Apr and Magadi road 10 May (RDM). 2 Kakamega-Kisumu 18 Aug (DEW). First arrivals Mara GR late Nov (DAT). Ciconia episcopus Woolly-necked Stork E: Away from Tsavo and the coast, 3 Mara GR 18 Mar (DAT) and 1 21 Aug (DEW). Commonly seen Nairobi NP during Aug (many observers), singles Arusha NP (T) Feb and Oct (JSSB). THRESKIORNITHIDAE: Ibises and Spoonbills ; Bostrychia olivacea Green Ibis R: Several heard and one seen Irangi Forest Station Mt Kenya 16 Aug (ADL, DJP). Heard near Mountain Lodge, Mt Kenya 26 Oct (DAT). Pair observed forest floor at 2300m Mt Kilimanjaro (Marangu route) 29 Nov (JSSB). ANATIDAE: Ducks and Geese Dendrocygna bicolor Fulvous Whistling Duck N: Largest counts were 150 Dandora 14 Mar (DJP) and 80 Mwea rice scheme 21 Feb increasing to 300 25 Apr (RDM). Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck N: Largest concentrations were 300+ Lake Shakababo 28 Feb (DJP), 200+ Thika OPs 1 Nov (RDM), 1000+ Tana River bridge (Sagana road) 15 Nov (AEB, DJP), 300+ Sabaki Nov-Dec (HAB, PLB). Netta erythrophthalma Southern Pochard N: Counts of 1200 Naivasha 15 Feb and 1700 28 Feb-1 Mar (BSM). Nettapus auritus African Pygmy Goose R: 20+ Lake Shakababo 28 Feb and 10+ on 12 Dec (MACC, DJP). 5-6 Lake Jipe during Mar (DAT). 134 East African Bird Report 1981 Sarkidiornis melanotos Knob-billed Duck N: Largest count 290 Kaptagat, Eldoret 31 Jan (ADL, DJP). Thalassornis leuconotus White-backed Duck E: 6-7 Mabamba swamp, Kampala 11 Mar (MJC) - first for the area. N: 50+ Lake Jipe 22 Mar (DAT). ACCIPITRIDAE: Birds of Prey Gypohierax angolensis Palmnut Vulture E: 1 Ngare Sero Lodge, Arusha 20 Sep (SNS); other sightings close by at Usa River and Lake Diluti could refer to same bird (JSSB). Neophron percnopterus Egyptian Vulture E: 1 Mikumi NP (T) 15 Sep (SNS, KMH, TAvdW, GWN). Gypaetus barbatus Lammergeyer R: 1 15 km north of Arusha 4 Aug (SNS), 1 Hell's Gate gorge 11 Oct (DAT). Circaetus fasciolatus Southern Banded Snake Eagle R: Away from the Usambaras and the coastal strip, 1 recorded near Baomo, Tana River, 8 Aug (PBT), 1 Mwanihana Forest, Uzungwa Mts, 27 Jul (SNS, FPJ), 1 E Uluguru foothills 18 Aug (FPJ). Accipiter melanoleucus Great Sparrowhawk E: 1 Arusha 8 Oct (JSSB) - first record for the area. Accipiter ovampensis Ovampo Sparrowhawk R: Singles Kenya coast at Shimba Hills 15 Mar (DKR), Sokoke 26 Jul (PBT) and Jadini forest 22 Aug (ADL, DJP). From Tanzania at Mikumi NP 23 Aug (NEB) and Tatanda 11 Dec (DCM). Accipiter minullus Little Sparrowhawk R: Recorded from Tengeru, Arusha (Jan, Apr-May, Oct-Dec), Uzungwa Mts (T) (Jul), Saiwa Swamp, Kitale (Aug) and Tatanda (T) (Dec) (JSSB, FPJ, DCM, SNS, DEW). Accipiter rufiventris Rufous Sparrowhawk E: 1 Shume (T) juniper forest at 1900m 5 May (SNS) - first record for Usambaras. Aquila verreauxi Verreaux's Eagle R: Recorded in Tanzania at Lolkisale and the Gol Mts (JSSB). Butastur rufipennis Grasshopper Buzzard R: 10 Aruba-Buchuma, Tsavo East NP 7 Jan, 6-7 Voi-Maungu-Kasigau 2L-25 Jan, 3 north of Garsen 28 Feb, 1 Saguta Marmar (S of Kisima) 6 Mar, 1 Shimba Hills 15 Mar (HAB, PLB, ADL, DJP, DKR, DAT). At the end of year 1 Mariakani 11 Nov, 2 Isiolo 14 Nov, 1 Mtito Andei and 1 Maktau 22 Nov, 2 Tsavo East NP 8 Dec (RDM, DJP, PBT, DAT). Buteo tachardus Mountain Buzzard E: Recorded daily at 1800m Uzungwa Mts (T) 12-16 May (EOW). Hieraaetus dubius Ayres' Hawk Eagle E: Singles Kenya coast at Bamburi 14 Feb (PBT) and Mida creek 8 Jul (JM). Recorded in Tanzania from E and W Usambaras (SNS); also from Arusha NP 5 May (SNS) and Uzungwa Mts foothills 8 May (SNS, FPJ). Aviceda cuculoides Cuckoo Hawk R: 1 Uzungwa Mts foothills (T) 5 May, 1 Pemba River, Kwale, 13 Jun, singles Bamburi 30 Jun and 5 Oct, 1 Malindi 12 Jul, 2 Lunga Lunga 23 Aug, 2 ads and 2 imms Mikumi NP (T), several records Arusha area Aug-Oct, 1 near Amani (T) 1 Sep, 2 ads with juv Kipini 5 Aug, 1 Rukwa valley (T) 4 Dec (NEB, JSSB, HAB, PLB, MACC, FPJ, DCM, JM, SNS, PBT, DAT, RMcV). Chelictinia riocourii Swallow-tailed Kite R: Seen regularly near Mt Suswa on Narok road throughout year (many observers). East African Bird Report 1981 ’ 135 Macheiramphus alcinus Bat Hawk R: Records from Mombasa (Jan), Diani (Jul- Aug), Taveta (Nov), Baringo (Jan), Homa Bay and Rongo in S Nyanza (Mar) and Dar es Salaam (throughout year) (NEB, HAB, PLB, MACC, ADL, DJP, TS, DAT). FALCONIDAE: Falcons Falco ardosiacus Grey Kestrel E: 1 Lake Baringo 22 Feb (TS). Falco chicquera Red-necked Falcon E: Singles Baringo 2 Apr and 11 Oct (TS). 1 Lake Sundu, SW Tanzania, 16 Dec (NEB). Falco cuvieri African Hobby R: Recorded at Nairobi NP (Apr), Malakisi, near Bungoma (Jun), Kisii (Jul) and Kakamega (Oct)(SB, ADL, JM, DJP, DAT). Resident throughout year Kisumu and Arusha area (JSSB, DAT). PHASIANIDAE: Quails and Francolins Coturnix chinensis Blue Quail R: Female flushed from tussocky grass near Ramisi, south of Mombasa, 11 Oct (PBT). NUMIDIDAE: Guineafowls Acryllium vulturinum Vulturine Guineafowl E: Flock near Jangalo, SE of Kondoa ‘n Masailand (T)(JSSB) - considerable extension of range. RALLIT sE: Rails and Crakes Crex egregia African Crake R: 1 Bamburi 12 Feb, then present there in good numbers 5 May-26 Dec (PBT). 1 Ngomeni 21 Jun (PBT). 2 Mikumi NP 17 Apr(NEB). Porphyrio alleni Allen's Gallinule R: 4-10 Bamburi on several dates Jan-Jun (HAB, PLB). At Lake Baringo from 29 May, numbers increasing to 200+ throughout Jun-Oct, then decreasing to a few during Nov-Dec (TS). Porphyrio porphyrio Purple Gallinule E: 1-3 Bamburi 17 Jan-9 Nov (CT, PBT) - unusual at the coast. Porzana marginalis Striped Crake R: Singles Bamburi 5 and 15 May, 3 Jun and 7 Jul (PBT). Porzana pusilla Lesser Spotted Crake R: 1 Bamburi 3 Jun was the first record for coastal East Africa (PBT). Sarothrura elegans Buff-spotted Pygmy Crake R: 1 calling at dusk Mbisi forest SW Tanzania, 1-3 Dec (DCM). Sarothrura pulchra White-spotted Pygmy Crake R: Calling Kakamega forest 18-19 Jul (SB, JM, DAT). Sarothrura rufa Red-chested Pygmy Crake R: Several records Tatanda and Rukwa areas SW Tanzania 4-14 Dec (NEB, DCM). Fulica cristata Red-knobbed Coot N: 3000 counted Lessos 31 Jan and 2600 Sergoit (N of Eldoret) 1 Feb (DJP). HELIORNITHIDAE: Finfoots Podica senegalensis African Finfoot R: 1 adult with 2 half-grown young Nairobi NP 4 Aug (DEW). 1 Mara River below Lolgorien escarpment 20 Aug (DEW) - first record for western Kenya; JACANIDAE: Jacanas Microparra capensis Lesser Jacana R: The bird recorded Bamburi Dec 1980 remained to 12 Feb (HAB, PLB). 2 Lessos 31 Jan (DJP), 1 Amboseli NP 24 Mar (DAT), 5+ Lake Sundu, SW Tanzania, May (DCM), 30+ E and S shores Lake Ngwasi (Mufindi, T) 26 Aug (NEB), 1-2 Lake Jipe 8 Nov (DAT), and 1 Arusha NP (T) 26 Dec (JMC). 136 East African Bird Report 1981 ROSTRATULIDAE: Painted Snipes Rostratula benghalensis Painted Snipe R: Small numbers Bamburi 26 Jan-19 Mar and singles 27 Nov to end Dec (CT, PBT). 1-2 Ngomeni May-Jun (PBT). 1 Homa Bay 16 Mar, a pair Mara GR 17 Mar, 2 Athi River 25 Apr and singles Lake Baringo 17 Aug, 2 Oct and 15 Nov (ADL, DJP, TS, DAT). Singles Dar es Salaam 3 Mar and 13 Apr and 5 there 6 Dec (NEB, KMH). 2 Kasanga (S end Lake Tanganyika) 6 Jun and 1 Tatanda (T) 10 Dec (DCM). Singles caught at night Ngulia 28 Nov and 6 Dec (GCB, DJP). CHARADRIIDAE: Plovers Vanellus crassirostris Long-toed Plover E: Up to 10 Lake Baringo Jan-Apr and 1 on 13 Dec (TS). 20+ Mbarali rice scheme, Usangu (Mbeya, T) 10 Jul (NEB). Vanellus spinosus Spur-winged Plover E: 1 Diani beach 21 Feb (MACC). RECURVIROSTRIDAE: Stilts and avocets Recurvirostra avosetta N: Concentration of 1000+ Lake 01 Bolossat 2 Feb(DJP). DROMADIDAE: Crab Plovers Dromas ardeola Crab Plover N: Max. 420 Mida 18 Jan; other coastal counts included 170 Diani 6 Mar and 23 Malindi 5 Jul (HAB, PLB). GLAREOLIDAE: Coursers and Pratincoles Rhinoptilus chalcopterus Violet-tipped Courser R: 1 at close range in car headlights Kilifi-Gedi 1 Apr (RDM). 1 Rukwa Valley near Maji Moto, SW Tanzania, 4 Dec (DCM). Glareola ocularis Madagascar Pratincole D: First records, 2 Dar es Salaam 11 Apr (NEB) and 180 Sabaki 17 Apr (PLB). Last record, 1 Bamburi 4 Oct (PBT). Generally smaller numbers than in previous years, with max. only 400 Ngomeni 17 May (PLB). LARIDAE: Gulls and Terns Larus hemprichii Sooty Gull N: Max. Sabaki 800 12 Jan (HAB, PLB). Max. Ras Iwetine 1000+ 13 Dec (PBT). Anous stolidus Common Noddy R: 1 off Mombasa 7 Nov (PBT). Anous tenuirostris Lesser Noddy S(B): 2 off Mombasa 5 Dec (PBT). Sterna albifrons Little Tern N: Counts at Sabaki included 1200 on 12 Jan, 1500 on 30 Jan and 600 on 15 Mar (HAB, PLB); 500-1000 seen Kilifi 20 Oct (MACC, DJP). E: 1 Lake Baringo 9 Jan-14 Apr (TS). Sterna anaethetus Bridled Tern R: Up to 10+ off Mombasa 22 Aug, 6 Spe, 4 Oct, 7 Nov and 5 Dec (PBT). 1 resting Galu beach, S Kenya coast, 3 Sep (MACC). Sterna fuscata Sooty Tern R: 2 off Mombasa 6 Sep (PBT, RMcV), 1 exhausted (later died) Diani beach 22 Oct (MACC), 1 corpse Ngomeni saltpans 9 Dec (PBT). Sterna bengalensis Lesser Crested Tern N: Counts included 150 Ras Iwetine 5 Jan, and at Sabaki 500 on 12 Jan, 600 on 23 Jan, 400 on 16 Mar and 120 on 5 Jul (HAB, PLB). Sterna bergii Crested Tern N: 40 counted Sabaki 12 Jan, 60 on 30 Jan, 120 on 14 Jan, 110 on 15 Mar, 220 on 24 Mar and 25 on 5 Jul - all dark-backed race velox (PLB). M: 1 of paler race thalassina Sabaki 23 Aug (DJP). Sterna dougallii Roseate Tern N: 80 Sabaki (many in breeding dress) 5 Jul (HAB, PLB). East African Bird Report 1981 137 Sterna repressa White-cheeked Tern R: 5 Sabaki 23 Jan, 3 on 15 Mar, 1 on 5 Apr and 5 on 5 Jul (HAB, PLB, RDM). Up to 5 Galu beach, S Kenya coast, 30 Marto early May (MACC, DJP). A few at Dar es Salaam 11 Apr and 8 Oct (NEB). RYNCHOPIDAE: Skimmers Rynchops flavirostris African Skimmer R: Several records of up to 50 Sabaki, Jan-Apr and Jul (HAB, PLB, RDM, JM). Inland, 15 Lake Jipe 11 Jul (PBT), 1 Nairobi NP 6 Feb (BSM), 1 Magadi 25 Jan (DJP), 1 Lake Nakuru 27 Aug (JB, RDM) and 2 on 29 Oct (DAT). 1-3 Lake Baringo 10-19 Aug and 2 from 11-15 Oct (TS). 1 Lake Diluti, Arusha, 30 Nov (JSSB). PTEROCLIDAE: Sandgrouse Pterocles lichtensteinii Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse R: Small numbers throughout year at Lake Baringo (TS, DAT). COLUMBIDAE: Pigeons and Doves Aplopelia larvata Lemon Dove M: Recorded at 500m in W Usambaras 14 May and 300m in E Uluguru foothills 19 Jul - unusually low altitudes (SNS). Columba delegorguei Bronze-naped Pigeon E: Found as low as 300m in E Uluguru foothills in Jul (SNS, FPJ). Common Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts, Jan and Sep (SNS, KMH, TAvdW). Columba guinea Speckled Pigeon M: Appears to have increased considerably in Nairobi industrial area over the past decade. 70 birds observed on one building 13 Jan (BSM). Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing Dove E: 2 on saltpans, Dar es Salaam 24 Jan (NEB) - extremely rare in the area. Turtur afer Blue-spotted Wood Dove E: 1 Pugu Hills near Dar es Salaam 23 May (NEB) - formerly common in Dar area, but this is first record in recent years. PSITTACIDAE: Parrots and Lovebirds Agapornis pullaria Red-headed Lovebird R: A pair Malakisi near Rungoma 20 Jan (NBM). Poicephalus robustus Brown-necked Parrot R: Several in flight over Tatanda(T) 16 Dec (DCM). MUSOPHAGIDAE: Turacos Corythaixoides personata Bare-faced Go-away Bird E: 2 in Dar es Salaam garden 23 Oct-7 Nov (NEB) - first record from coastal East Africa. Tauraco leucolophus White-crested Turaco E: 1 Nakuru NP 1 Jan (BSM). CUCULIDAE: Cuckoos and Coucals Cercococcyx montanus Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo R: 1 netted Pugu Hills near Dar es Salaam 25 Jun (SNS); also seen there Dec (KMH) - first records for Dar area. Clamator glandarius Great Spotted Cuckoo. Clamator jacobinus Black and White Cuckoo. Clamator levaillantii Levaillant's Cuckoo. Records for the above three species to be summarized later in a special report. Cuculus clamosus Black Cuckoo R: Recorded Sokoke 15 Apr (HAB, PLB), Baringo 10 and 16 Aug (TS, DEW), and daily at Naivasha in Aug (DAT, DEW). Numerous records E Kenya at Isiolo, Endau, Mtito Andei and Tsavo West NP during Nov- Dec (DJP, DAT). Calling Rukwa Valley and Tatanda areas, SW Tanzania, Sep-Dec (DCM). 138 East African Bird Report 1981 Cuculus gularis African Cuckoo R: Calling at Ndutu (Serengeti NP, T) 8 Jan (JSSB), 1 Magadi road 5 Apr (DKR), 1 Baringo 22 Apr (TS), 1 Mikumi NP (T) 20 Apr (NEB), 1 near Arusha 19 Sep (JSSB), juv. at Naivasha 19 Sep (RDM), calling at Tatanda (T) Sep-Dec (DCM). Pachycoccyx audeberti Thick-billed Cuckoo R: 1 Tana river reserve 6 Aug (PBT). Ceuthmochares aereus Yellowbill M: Many records coastal Kenya 1-23 Aug, then only singles Nyali 2-29 Oct (PBT). Numerous and vocal Dar es Salaam and Pugu forest Oct-Dec (KMH). Centropus cupreicaudus Coppery-tailed Coucal M: Recorded Lake Sundu and 20km W of Tatanda, SW Tanzania, Dec (DCM)- first records for many years. Centropus grillii Black Coucal R: A few Mikumi NP (T) 5 Feb and 18 Apr (NEB). A few 20km W of Tatanda (T) 29-30 Dec (DCM). Centropus senegalensis Senegal Coucal E: A pair Akala (Siaya) 5 Jan (ADL). STRIGIDAE: Owls Asio capensis African Marsh Owl E: 1 Bamburi 8-10 May (CT, PBT) - first record from the coast. Bubo poensis vossleri Nduk Eagle Owl R: 1 Ambangulul, W Usambaras (T), 24 Feb (SNS, KMH), and recorded Amani (T) Mar and Aug (SNS). Otus leucotis White-faced Scops Owl R: A pair Baringo 21 Feb-7 Apr, and a single seen 24 Apr (TS). 1 near Jangalo, southeast of Kondoa (T) 3 May (JSSB), and 1 calling Tatanda (T) 13 and 21 Nov (DCM). Glaucidium capense Barred Owlet R: Recorded only from Sokoke. CAPRIMULGIDAE: Nightjars Caprimulgus clarus Slender-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus donaldsoni Donaldson-Smith's Nightjar Caprimulgus fossii Gabon Nightjar Caprimulgus tristigma Freckled Nightjar Records for the above four REQUESTED species to be summarized later in a special report. Caprimulgus fraenatus Dusky Nightjar R: 1 dead on road near Narok 16 Mar (DJP, ADL). 3 caught Ngulia 28 Nov-1 Dec (GCB, DJP). Caprimulgus inornatus Plain Nightjar R: 8 caught Ngulia 20 Nov-5 Dec (GCB, DJP). APODIDAE: Swifts and Spinetails Apus berliozi Forbes-Watson's Swift S(B): A few over Sokoke forest 5 Dec (DAT). Apus horus Horus Swift R: Large flocks over Mara GR 17-18 Mar (DAT). A few Magadi road 29 Mar and 20 Dec (DKR), and a few Karura forest, Nairobi, 13 May (FN). Schoutedenapus myoptilus Scarce Swift R: 2 at base Mt Kasigau (Voi) 21 and 23 Jan (DAT), 15-20 Mountain Lodge, Mt Kenya foothills, 2 Mar and 26 Oct (DAT), and 25 Malakisi, Mt Elgon foothills, 17 Jun (ADL, DJP). Common over Shagayu and Shume forests, W Usambaras (T), early May (SNS,EOW). Neafrapus boehmi Bohm's Spinetail E: Fairly common over forest in E Uluguru foothills (T) 18-19 Jul (FPJ, SNS). A few Mikumi NP (T) Jul and Aug (NEB, GWN, SNS). 7 — East African Bird Report 1981 139 Telecanthura ussheri Mottle-throated Spinetail E: 1 Mountain Lodge, Mt Kenya foothills 26 Oct (DAT). Small numbers over forest E Uluguru foothills (T) Jul (FPJ, SNS). COLIIDAE: Mousebirds Colius leucocephalus White-headed Mousebird E: A few Maktau (Taveta) 7 Nov (DAT). MEROPIDAE: Bee-eaters Merops hirundineus R: Small flocks in SW Tanzania at Tatanda 24 Nov and Rukwa Valley 6 Dec (DCM). CORACIIDAE: Rollers Coracias abyssinica Abyssinian Roller R: 1 Kisumu airport 3 Jan (ADL). Eurystomus glaucurus Broad-billed Roller E: 1 Nairobi early May (FN). 4 over Mau forest near Kericho 21 Jul (DAT). CAPITONIDAE: Barbets and Tinkerbirds Lybius minor Black-backed Barbet R: In southern Tanzania present throughout year at Tatanda and 1 near Tunduma Dec (NEB). Pogoniulus simplex Green Tinkerbird E: Common E Uluguru foothills (T) Jul (SNS, FPJ). Trachyphonus usambiro Usambiro Barbet E: 1 Muhoro Bay (S Nyanza) 17 Mar (ADL, DJP). INDICATORIDAE: Honeyguides Indicator variegatus Scaly-throated Honeyguide E: 1 netted Pugu Hills (T) 23 May (NEB, EOW) was first record for Dar es Salaam area. Prodotiscus insignis Cassin's Honeybird E: 1 Kericho 22 Jul (SB, JM, DAT). PICIDAE: Woodpeckers and Wrynecks Jynx ruficollis Red-throated Wryneck R: Several Bomet-Sotik area 16 Mar (ADL, DJP), 1 Nakuru 25 Jul (MEJG), 1 Mt Elgon Lodge 13 Aug (DEW), 2 Mara GR 20 Aug (DEW), several records Nairobi area Aug (MEJG, JM), 1 near Eldoret 23 Aug (JB, RDM). Picoides obsoletus Brown-backed Woodpecker R: 1 Maralal 5 Mar (ADL, DJP). 1 Ololua forest area Nairobi 27 Aug and 26 Oct (DKR). EURYLAIMIDAE: Broadbills Smithornis capensis African Broadbill R: 1 netted W Usambaras (T) at 1000m 15 Apr (SNS). Common up to 1500m Mwanihana forest W Uzungwa Mts (T) Jul and mid Sep (SNS, KMH, TAvdW). Calling Pugu Hills forest near Dar es Salaam 26 Sep, 17-18 Oct, 13 Nov and 6 Dec (KMH). Calling Kakamega forest 31 Oct (DAT). ALAUDIDAE: Larks Eremopterix leucotis Chestnut-backed Sparrow Lark N: 100+ Aruba, Tsavo East NP, 24 Jan (DAT). Mirafra africanoides Fawn-coloured Lark E: 1 Mara GR 18 Mar (DAT). HIRUNDINIDAE: Swallows and martins Hirundo atrocaerulea Blue Swallow R: Several around Mufindi (T) early Feb (NEB). Hirundo daurica Red-rumped Swallow N: 1000+ resting on open ground, Ngorongoro crater (T) 9 Aug (NEB). Hirundo dimidiata Pearl-breasted Swallow S(A): 2 Lake Sundu, SW Tanzania in Sep (DCM). Although it frequently occurs in Zambia up to the Tanzanian border, this is only the second report of this species within East Africa. 140 East African Bird Report 1981 Hirundo semirufa Rufous-chested Swallow E: 1 Tsavo East NP 14 Jul (PBT), the first record east of the rift valley. Psalidoprocne albiceps White-headed Rough-wing E: 1 with Black Rough-wings P. pristoptera in Arusha NP (T) 17 Jul (NEB). Riparia paludicola African Sand Martin E: 1 Bamburi 9 Oct (CT, PLB), the first record from the coast. CORVIDAE: Crows Corvus albicollis White-necked Raven N: 40+ around Mombo (T) 26 Jul (NEB). Corvus capensis Cape Rook E: 2 Dandora, near Nairobi, 29 Nov (BSM). Corvus rhapidurus Fan-tailed Raven E: 4 Mwingi Market 15 Mar (RDM), 2 Meru NP 25 Oct (DAT). Corvus splendens Indian House Crow E: 13 flying north at a point 15kmN of Kilifi on 15 "Mar (CHARS PLB): REMIZIDAE: Penduline Tits Remiz caroli African Penduline Tit E: Few Saiwa swamp 30 Oct (DAT). Remiz musculus Mouse-coloured Penduline Tit E: 4 seen 20kmE of Embu 25 Apr (RDM, JB). 3°Laiboro, 50kmN of Arusha, 31 Dec (GISSB)- SALPORNITHIDAE: Spotted Creeper Salpornis spilonota Spotted Creeper R: Common all year in miombo mixed bird parties at Tatanda, SW Tanzania (DCM). TIMALIIDAE: Babblers Trichastoma rufipennis Pale-breasted Illadopsis E: Recorded three localities W Usambaras (T) Apr-May (SNS), and common Kimboza, E Ulugurus (T) in Jul (SNS, FPJ). 2 netted Pugu Hills (T) Jun were first records of race puguensis for many years (SNS); also recorded there Sep-Dec (KMH, NEB). Turdoides aylmeri Scaly Chatterer E: Resident in Salvadora thickets on W side Lake Natron (T) (JSSB). Turdoides hindei Hinde's Pied Babbler R: Party of 7 Masinga Dam (Embu) 24 Jan (BSM). Turdoides plebejus Brown Babbler R: Party of 6 Akala (Siaya) 5 Jan (ADL), and 1 Kitale 23 Aug (RDM, JB). CAMPEPHAGIDAE: Cuckoo Shrikes Campephega quiscalinaPurple-throated Cuckoo Shrike E: Pair Mt Elgon, N of Malakisi, 13 Jun (ADL, DJP). In Tanzania a pair Kimboza, E Uluguru foothills, 18 Jul, and also recorded Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts, during Aug (FPJ). The first records of the race muenzneri for many years. Coracina pectoralis White-breasted Cuckoo Shrike R: Present all year in miombo mixed bird parties at Tatanda, SW Tanzania (DCM). PYCNONOTIDAE: Bulbuls Andropadus gracilis Little Grey Greenbul R: No records away from Kakamega. Phyllastrephus fischeri Fischer's Greenbul E: Fairly common E Uluguru foot- hills in Jul (SNS, FPJ) and also recorded Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T) in Aug (FPJ). Phyllastrephus flavostriatus Yellow-streaked Greenbul E: Common Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T) Jan and Sep (SNS, TAvdW). : East African Bird Report 1981 141 Phyllastrephus strepitans Northern Brownbul E: Resident in Salvadora thickets on W side Lake Natron (T) (JSSB). TURDIDAE: Thrushes, Robins etc. Alethe fuelleborni White-chested Alethe M: Common as low as 300min Kimboza forest, E Uluguru foothills (T) in Jul (SNS, FPJ). Cercomela familiaris Red-tailed Chat E: Recorded Lolgorien escarpment, northern Mara GR, Jul-Aug (DAT). Cercotrichas hartlaubi Brown-backed Scrub Robin R: Records from Sotik (Mar) and Endebess (Aug) (ADL, DJP, DEW). Cossypha heuglini White-browed Robin Chat M: 4 singing in remnant forest at 2300m at summit of Oldonyo Lolkisale (T) (JSSB). Cossypha natalensis Red-capped Robin Chat D,E: Kenya coastal records from 25 Apr-10 Nov. Common and singing Kitovu forest, Taveta, 21-22 Mar (PBT). 1 near Endebess 13 Aug (DEW). 1 caught at night at Negulia 6 Dec was first record from the Lodge (GCB, DJP). In Tanzania, recorded W Usambaras Apr-May (SNS) and Lake Natron Oct and Dec (JSSB). Cossypha niveicapilla Snowy-headed Robin Chat E: Common in all forest patches around Kericho in Jul (DAT, JM, SB). Dryocichloides anomalus Olive-flanked Ground Robin M: Common and tame on higher regions of Lupanga Mt, N Ulugurus (T) in Jul (SNS, FPJ). Dryocichloides bocagei Bocage's Ground Robin S(A): Recorded Tatanda (T) in Dec, the first East African record of the race chapini. See also Scopus 6 a0-aT Dryocichloides lowei Iringa Ground Robin R: Fairly common Mufindi (T) in May (SNS, EOW). Modulatrix orostruthus Dappled Mountain Robin S(B): A new race sanjei described from a bird collected at 1250min Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T) on 4 Aug (FPJ). See also Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 102: 95-99. Modulatrix strictigula Spot-throat M: Abundant throughout the Uluguru forests (T) down to 1250m in Jul (SNS, FPJ). Monticola rufocinerea Little Rock Thrush R: Recorded from two sites Naivasha (Jan and Oct-Dec), and from Colcheccio Lodge N of Baringo (Aug) (RDM, DAT, DEW). Myrmecocichla nigra Sooty Chat E: Pair on escarpment, Kericho-Kisumu road, Nov (DAT). Neocossyphus rufus Red-tailed Ant Thrush E: Recorded Pugu Hills (T) Jun, Oct and Dec (SNS, KMH), the first records there for some years. Oenanthe pileata Capped Wheatear E: 1 at Korr, Kaisut desert, 24 May (ADL). Pogonocichla stellata White-starred Forest Robin M: In Tanzania, recorded down to 500min W Usambaras in May, down to 300m in E Uluguru foothills in Jul and down to 3-400m in E Usambaras in Sep (SNS). Sheppardia gunningi East Coast Akalat R: Away from Sokoke, recorded in Pugu hills (T), where frequently netted (NEB, KMH, EOW). Sheppardia sharpei Sharpe's Akalat M: Recorded down to 600m Amani-Sigi forest, E Usambaras (T) in Aug (SNS). 142 East African Bird Report 1981 Swynnertonia swynnertoni Swynnerton's Forest Robin S(A): A new race rodgersi described from specimens collected in Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T) Aug-Sep (FPJ, SNS, KMH, TAvdW). The first records of this species for East Africa. See also Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 102: Turdus fischeri Spotted Ground Thrush R: First recorded Sokoke 3 May (CT, PBT). Turdus gurneyi Orange Ground Thrush M: | at 2300mat Kaweteri (Mbeya, T) Jun (NEB). As low as 450mAmani-Sigi forest, E Usambaras (T) Aug (SNS). SYLVIIDAE: Warblers Apalis chariessa White-winged Apalis S(B): In Tanzania, a few Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts, Jan and Sep (SNS, KMH); also a few Uluguru Mts, above Morningside in Oct (DCM) and on E slopes Lupanga Mt in Jul (SNS, FPJ). Apalis melanocephala Black-headed Apalis E: Pair at 1020m Mt Kasigau, 19 Aug (DAT). Apalis moreaui Long-billed Apalis E: A few pairs Monga, 8kmNW of Amani (T) Apr (SNS). Cisticola carruthersi Carruthers' Cisticola E: Common Homa Bay and Kendu Bay Mar and Jul (ADL, DJP, DAT). Cisticola lais Wailing Cisticola E: Two pairs Gol Mts, W of Lake Natron (T) Oct (JSSB). Eremomela scotops Green-capped Eremomela E: Small party Sokoke forest 17 Apr (PBT), and party of 5 some 20kmE of Embu 25 Apr (RDM, JB). Hyliota australis Southern Hyliota R: Records of the race usambarae at 350m, Kihinhui-Sigi forest, E Usambara foothills (T) on 26 Mar, and at 1000mDindira, W Usambaras (T) on 9 May (SNS). Recorded as usual Kakamega. Hyliota flavigaster Yellow-bellied Hyliota R: A pair in woodland, Kisumu- Kericho 18 Aug, and 1 NW corner Mara GR 20 Aug (DEW). Macrosphenus kretschmeri Kretschmer's Longbill E: Fairly common Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T), Jan and Sep (SNS, KMH, TAvdW). Phylloscopus ruficapilla Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler M: Recorded as low as 500min W Usambara foothills (T) during May (SNS). Phylloscopus umbovirens Brown Woodland Warbler M: The endemic race fuggelescouchmani fairly common at S end Uluguru range (T) around the Lukwangule plateau at 2250-2400mduring Jul (SNS, FPJ). Spiloptila rufifrons Red-fronted Warbler E: A few near Jangalo, SE of Kondoa (T) 3 May (JSSB). Sylvietta brachyura Northern Crombec E: A few to the SW of Lake Natron, W of Ketumneini and N of Mondule (T) Aug (JSSB). Sylvietta rufescens Long-billed Crombec S(A): Recorded near Tatanda, SW Tanzania, 11 Dec (DCM, RS). The first record from East Africa. See Scopus 6:36-37. Sylvietta ruficapilla Red-capped Crombec S(A): Recorded near Tatanda, SW Tanzania, 14 Dec (DCM, RS). The first record from East Africa. See also Scopus 6:36-37. East African Bird Report 1981 143 MUSCICAPIDAE: Flycatchers Melaenornis pammelaina Southern Black Flycatcher E: Tanzanian range extended to W Usambara with records two localities at 1000mduring Apr and May (SNS). Muscicapa caerulescens Ashy Flycatcher E: Pair Pugu hills 25 Jun was first record for the area (SNS, NEB). Muscicapa lendu Chapin's Flycatcher S(B): 1 Kakamega forest late Jun(DAZ). Myioparus plumbeus Lead-coloured Flycatcher E: Recorded throughout the year Baringo (TS). Batis soror East Coast Batis M: Recorded up to at least 800min Uzungwa Mts (T) during Jan and Sep (SNS). Bias musicus Black and White Flycatcher R: In Uzungwas (T), seen at 700min Mwanihana forest (Jul) and at 300mat Sanje (Sep) (SNS, KMH, TAvdW). Several E Uluguru foothills (T) in Jul (SNS, FPJ). Platysteira peltata Black-throated Wattle-eye E: Small parties on several occasions Nyali, Mombasa (CT, PBT). Recorded at 500m in Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T) Jul (SNS). Erranornis albicauda White-tailed Blue Flycatcher R: 1 near Mufindi (T) 7 Feb (NEB). Erythrocercus livingstonei Livingstone's Flycatcher E: Recorded Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T) Jul (FPJ), a considerable extension of known range. Trochocercus albonotatus White-tailed Crested Flycatcher M: As low as 500m in W Usambaras (T) in May (SNS). MOTACILLIDAE: Wagtails, pipits and longclaws Anthus sokokensis Sokoke Pipit R: Three sightings Sokoke forest mid Apr (HAB, PLB). 2 Pugu hills 21 May and 1 seen 22 May (EOW), the first records from Tanzania for over 40 years. Macronyx aurantiigula Pangani Longclaw E: | Cottar's Camp, Mara GR, 3 Nov (DAT), the first record for W Kenya. MALACONOTIDAE: Bush Shrikes Malaconotus alius Uluguru Bush Shrike S(B): An immature seen at 1650mon W slopes Mt Lupanga, N Ulugurus (T), 2 Jul, and an adult seen and heard nearby on 5 Jul. Others heard both E and W slopes Lupanga down to 1500m, and at 2000mat Lukwangule plateau, S Ulugurus. Apparently widely distri- buted in the Ulugurus, but at low density, and extremely elusive (SNS, FPJ). First records of this species for almost 20 years. Malaconotus blanchoti Grey-headed Bush Shrike E: | in Nairobi suburban garden 21 May (FN). Malaconotus multicolor Many-coloured Bush Shrike M: The race nigrifrons recorded down to 500m in W Usambaras (T), and down to 300min E Ulugurus (T) and in E Usambaras during May (SNS). PRIONOPIDAE: Helmet Shrikes Prionops scopifrons Chestnut-fronted Helmet Shrike M: Party of 10 Pugu hills (T) 22 May (EOW) and others Oct-Dec (KMH). Small numbers E Uluguru foot- hills (T) Jul (SNS, FPJ). STURNIDAE: Starlings and oxpeckers Cinnyricinclus femoralis Abbott's Starling R: 3 Castle Forest Station, Mt Kenya 24 Apr (RDM, JB). In Tanzania, several parties Mt Meru Oct-Dec (JSSB), and 1 at 2100m below Mandara hut, Mt Kilimanjaro, 11 Aug (SNS). 144 East African Bird Report 1981 Cinnyricinclus sharpei Sharpe's Starling R: Recorded S slopes Mt Kenya Apr (RDM, JB) and Nyahururu falls Oct (DAT). Party of 12+ Olulua forest Nairobi, 27 Dec (DKR). Cosmopsarus unicolor Ashy Starling E: 4 salt pans near Dar es Salaam 24 Oct (NEB), first record for the area. Creatophora cinerea Wattled Starling E: 2 Dar es Salaam 10 Oct (NEB). Lamprotornis purpureus Purple Glossy Starling R: Several Akala (Siaya) 3 Jan (ADL). Recorded Tabora 6 Jan (RKW), the first record for Tanzania. Poeoptera kenricki Kenrick's Starling M:. Large flock Kimboza forest, at only 300min E Uluguru foothills (T), 18 Jul (SNS). Also as low as 450mSigi valley, E Usambaras (T), Aug (SNS). E: 7 Mufindi (T) 25 Aug (NEB), a new locality between the Njombe and Uluguru populations. Also several at 1500m Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T) (SNS). Speculipastor bicolor Magpie Starling R: Large flocks along coast from Mombasa to the Tana river and inland to Voi during Aug-Oct (DAT, PBT); also 5 Sabaki 5 Apr (RDM). Spreo fischeri Fischer's Starling E: 1 Lembeni 55kmSSE of Moshi 22 Dec (JSSB) Spreo shelleyi Shelley's Starling R: 35-40 (adults and juveniles) Rukanga near Mt Kasigau, 17 Aug (DAT). NECTARINIIDAE: Sunbirds Anthreptes neglectus Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird E: Recorded W Usambaras (T) Apr-May and Uzungwas (T) Aug-Sep, both new localities. M: As low as 300mE Uluguru foothills (T) in Jul (SNS, FPJ). Anthreptes rectirostris Green Sunbird E: Male seen Kericho 18 Aug (DEW). Anthreptes rubritorques Banded Green Sunbird M: As low as 750mat Magrotto, E Usambaras (T), Apr (SNS). Nectarinia habessirica Shining Sunbird R: Recorded Kapedo Feb, Jul, Oct and Dec, and probably resident there (TS). Nectarinia hunteri Hunter's Sunbird E: Male near Akala (Siaya) 5 Jan (ADL), a surprising extension of range. Nectarinia reichenowi Golden-winged Sunbird E: 1 Baringo 15-16 Apr (TS). Nectarinia sp.nov. Rufous-winged Sunbird: New species to be described from Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T), where it is reasonable common (FPJ,SNS). Nectarinia tacazze Tacazze Sunbird E: 1 10kmNW of Nairobi 28 Jan (FN). ZOSTEROPIDAE: White-eyes Zosterops poliogastra Montane White-eye E: Small flock of the Taita Hills race silvana at 1300mMt Kasigau 19 Aug (DAT). PLOCEIDAE: Weavers etc; Anomalospiza imberbis Parasitic Weaver R: A few records Siaya and South Nyanza Jan and Mar (ADL). Many sightings Nairobi NP Mar-May, and last record Nairobi area 1 Ruiru 24 Jun. East African Bird Report 1981 145 Euplectes afer Yellow-crowned Bishop N: 250+ Mwea rice scheme Apr (RDM). Common Lake Baringo Jun-Oct (TS). Euplectes diadematus Fire-fronted Bishop E: Male in breeding plumage Naivasha 26 Apr (DJP). Euplectes orix Southern Red Bishop E: Male in breeding plumage Naivasha 26 Apr (DJP). Ploceus aurantius Orange Weaver R: Male by lakeshore Kisumu 2 Nov (DAT). Ploceus bicolor Dark-backed Weaver E: Common Mwanihana forest, Uzungwa Mts (T), Jan and Sep (SNS, KMH, TAvdW). Ploceus golandi Clarke's Weaver R: Small numbers recorded Sokoke forest Aug (PBT) and early Nov (DAT). Ploceus jacksoni Golden-backed Weaver E: 3-4 males in breeding plumage Dar es Salaam 31 Jan (NEB). Ploceus oliveiceps Olive-headed Golden Weaver R: Tanzania records of the race nicolli (Usambara Weaver): pair Mazumbai, W Usambaras, 12 Apr (SNS); 1 at 1350mLupanga Mt, N Ulugurus, 14 Jul (SNS, FPJ); 3 Mwanihana forest Uzungwa Mts, 17 Sep (SNS, TAvdW). Ploceus superciliosus Compact Weaver R: | near Homa Bay 18 Mar (ADL, DJP), and several Mumias Jun-Jul (ADL, JM, DJP, DAT). Quelea cardinalis Cardinal Quelea E: 3 males of race rhodesiae Tsavo East NP 23 Apr (PLB). Quelea erythrops Red-headed Quelea N: Flocks totalling 1000+ near Ramisi, S Kenya coast, 26 Oxt (PBT). Bubalornis niger Red-billed Buffalo Weaver E: 1 Dar es Salaam 2 Aug (NEB); first record for the area. Pseudonigrita arnaudi Grey-headed Social Weaver E: 2 Dar es Salaam 12 Apr (NEB); first record for the area. Passer castanopterus Somali Sparrow R: Nesting pair at Korr, Kaisut desert, N Kenya 23 May (ADL). A few pairs at Kapedo, where believed resident (TS). Vidua fischeri Straw-tailed Wydah E: 2 males in breeding plumage Dar es Salaam 12 Apr (NEB); first records for the area. Vidua obtusa Broad-tailed Paradise Wydah R: Male in breeding plumage Tunduru S Tanzania 3 Jun (NEB). ESTRILDIDAE: Waxbills etc. Clytospiza montieri Brown Twinspot E: 3 near Akala (Siaya) 5 Jan (ADL). Estrilda perreini Lavender Waxbill M: 4 near Sanje, Uzungwa Mts (T) Sep(KMH). Nigrita bicolor Chestnut-breasted Negro Finch E: 2 Kakamega 25 Aug (RDM). Pyrenestes minor Lesser Seed-cracker S(B): | Kimboza forest, E Uluguru foot- hills (T) 19 Jul (SNS). Lonchura fringilloides Magpie Mannikin R: Few at 750mE Usambaras (T) in Apr (SNS), the first records of this species in recent years. Lonchura malabarica Silverbill E: Adult carrying nest material Dar es Salaam 11 Feb (NEB), the first record for the area. 146 East African Bird Report 1981 FRINGILLIDAE: Buntings, canaries etc. Serinus burtoni Thick-billed Seed-eater E: 1 Mufindi 14 May (EOW) was of the distinctive race melanochrous. Serinus reichardi Stripe-breasted Seed-eater R: Present all year in miombo woodland around Tatanda, SW Tanzania (DCM). PALAEARCTIC SPECIES Ixobryuchus m. minutus Little Bittern R: Singles Bamburi 17-18 Jan (PBT), and Dar es Salaam 3 Mar and 11 Dec (NEB). Up to 3 Baringo end Oct (TS). Ciconia ciconia White Stork N: cl1500 Aruba Dam 7 Jan (PBT). c2500 moving NNW Homa Bay 17 Mar (ADL, DJP). Ciconia nigra Black Stork R: Singles Nairobi area Jan-Feb and Oct-Nov. 1 Meru NP 25 Oct (DAT), 3 Thika 15 Nov (RDM), 1 Mara GR 28 Nov (DAT). Singles Arusha NP 14 Nov (JSSB) and Lake Manyara 30 Dec (JMC). Platalea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill S: A single bird Lake Nakuru Jan and May (VH), and from 14 Oct-11 Nov (DKR, RS, DAT et al.). Satisfactory details, including colour photographs, submitted. There are only four previous Kenya records, all involving single birds. Anas acuta Pintail N: c8000 Simini's Dam, Kinangop, 27 Jan (DJP). D: Presumed oversummering birds as follows: 1 Limuru 10 May (DJP), 3 Arusha NP 3 Aug and 1 there 30 Aug (JSSB, CCHE). E: Other records from Tanzania and Uganda as follows: 8 Dar es Salaam 9 Jan and 5 on 11 Feb (JMC, NEB); 11 Lake Sundu 16 Dec (NEB); nr Kampala 3 Kibimba 8 Nov and 3°Mabamba Swamp 15 Nov (MJC). Anas crecca Teal S: Present Thika OPs Jan-Mar and Nov-Dec with max. counts 55 on 3 Jan, 60 on 24 Jan and 45 on 3 Feb (BSM, RDM, DJP et al.). Up to 8 Dandora OPs Jan-Mar and Nov-Dec (BSM, DJP et al.). 1-2 Naivasha Jan-early Mar and 15 on 16 Dec; 10 Lake Nakuru 18 Jan (BS, DJP). 20+ Lake Solai Jan and again late Nov-Dec (JS). 28 Sergoit, nr Eldoret 31 Jan (DJP, ADL). 1 Aruba 24 Jan (DAT). Anas penelope Wigeon S: Singles Dandora OPs 2-4 Jan, Thika OPs 3 Jan and Naivasha 28 Feb (BSM, DKR). 6 Lake Solai 19 Jan, 5+ Lessos 31 Jan, 2 Nyahururu Falls 2 Feb and c20 Kaptagat 1 Feb (DJP, ADL). 3 Amboseli 24-25 Mar (DAT). Anas querquedula Garganey E: Recorded from south of 10°S as follows: 6 Lake Sundu 16 Dec and 6 Lake Ngwasi, Mufindi (T) 20 Dec (DCM, NEB). Anas clypeata Shoveler N: Large concentration of 5000+ Lake Solai 19 Dec (DJP). Aythya ferina Northern Pochard S$: 2 males Ferguson's Gulf, Lake Turkana 10 Feb (FA). Satisfactory description received. The fifth Kenya record and the first since 1977. Aythya fuligula Tufted Duck S: 2 males Lanet-Ol Joro Orok, 2 Feb (ADL,DJP). Aythya nyroca White-eyed Pochard S: 4 Dandora OPs 1 Jan (DJP); 2 there 2 Jan, 1 3-4 Jan and 1 9 Jan (BSM, ADL, DJP, DAT, DEGB, HAB, PLB). 1 Thika OPs 3 Jan and 1 4 Feb (BSM, ADL, DJP). 2 Naivasha 1 Mar (BSM). The first records in East Africa since 1974 - see also Scopus 5:77-79. Aguila heliaca Imperial Eagle S: A juvenile Lukenya 30 Dec (DJP). Now recorded for six years running in Kenya. East African Bird Report 1981 147 Aquila pomarina Lesser Spotted Eagle R: Singles Dandora | Jan, Nakuru | Jan, Lanet 9 Jan, Gilgil 9 Jan, Njabini 27 Jan, 01 Bolossat 2 Feb, Naivasha 27 Jan and 15 Feb, Elmenteita 14 Feb and 23 Mar and Langata 7 Mar (BSM, DJP, ADL, DKR). 3+ flying NW Homa Bay 17 Mar (ADL, DJP). 5 at roost nr Mufindi, Tanzania, 7 Feb (NEB). Singles Mwadui 8 Nov, Tatunda 13 Dec, and Naivasha 1 Nov and 26 Dec; also 3 Isiolo 14 Nov and up to 3 Ngulia 19-29 Nov (DKR, DCM, RS, DJP, AEB). Fewer records of southward passage birds than in other recent years. Buteo buteo Steppe Buzzard N: c20 moving NNW Homa Bay 17 Mar (ADL, DJP) - see also Scopus 5: 83-84. Hieraaetus pennatus Booted Eagle R: All records received are given. 17 Kenya records of 1-2 birds up to 17 Mar and from 23 Oct, from central highlands, the southeast and the coast (6 records 20 Jan-1 Mar, Mombasa- Lake Shakababo) (many observers). Also 1 Homa Bay and another Kisii 17 Mar (ADL, DJP). There were more records in 1981 than all records documented by Backhurst ee al. 1973. Pernis apivorus Honey Buzzard R: Singles Eldama Ravine 9 Jan, Gede 23 Jan, Homa Bay (moving NNW) 17 Mar, Tigoni 28 Mar, Mida 28 Mar, 29 Mar and 14 Apr, Diani 9 Apr and Tsavo E NP 23 Apr (BSM, HAB, PLB, ADL, DJP, MACC). Also Nairobi 26 Oct, Voi 22 Nov and Dar es Salaam (moving S) 20 Nov (DJP, RDM, NEB). Pandion haliaetus Osprey D: | Lake Jipe 12 July (PBT). Falco amurensis Eastern Red-footed Falcon S: Singles nr Mufindi (T) 5 & 7 Feb (NEB). 2 Mtito Andei 11 Nov (DAT); 1 Meru NP 18 Nov (DAT); 1 Bamburi | Dec (PBT) and | Konza (adult male) 28 Dec (DJP). Falco concolor Sooty Falcon S$: Adults Bamburi 19 Mar (PBT, CT), Tsavo W NP 11 Nov (DAT) and Thika 15 Nov (JHB, RDM). A juvenile Ngulia 19 Nov (DJP). Falco eleonorae Eleonora's Falcon S: 1 Lolkisale, SW of Arusha, 15 Jan (JSSB) and 1 Karen 29 Nov (DKR). Falco naumanni Lesser Kestrel N: Concentrations of cl70 Sarya Plains 2 Jan (TMC); and c500 Chyulu Hills 20-24 Feb (BSM). Falco peregrinus Peregrine R: presumed Palaearctic birds as follows: Singles Dar es Salaam 9 Jan, Mida 18 Jan, Mombasa 11 Feb and Sabaki 30 Jan and 5 Apr (JMC, PLB, HAB, RDM, KC). A large pale bird seen at close range Nakuru 18 Jan appeared to be Falco p.calidus (DJP). Falco vespertinus Red-footed Falcon S: A party of 25+ nr Maktau 20 Mar (PBT) - see also Scopus 5: 125. The seventh record for East Africa, but the first involving more than three birds. Crex crex Corncrake R: | Bamburi 6 May (PBT). | Nairobi NP 7 Nov (RDM). 1 Tatanda 29 Nov and 1 20km W Tatanda 29 Dec (DCM). Porzana porzana Spotted Crake R: 1 Athi River 19 April and 2 there 25 Apr (DJP); 1 Bamburi 6 May (PBT). 1 20km W Tatanda 30 Dec (DCM). The Bamburi record is the first from the Kenya coast. 148 East African Bird Report 198] Haematopus ostralegus Oystercatcher R: Records of a single bird from three localities Mombasa 17 Jan-25 Mar (CT, PBT, HAB, PLB) probably refer to one individual. 1 Galu Beach 22 Feb and 30 Sep (MACC); 1 Mida 18 Jan (HAB, PLB). 3 Dar es Salaam 31 Jan and 2 there 21 Nov (NEB). Charadrius alexandrinus Kentish Plover S: 1 Lake Elmenteita 14 Feb (DEGB, DJP). Charadrius dubius Little Ringed Plover R: Wintering records from over 20 sites, max; 30+ Lake Nakuru, late Dec (DJP). Charadrius leschenaultii Great Sandplover E: INLAND: 1 Dandora OPs 13-14 Oct (DAT, DJP). Charadrius mongolus Mongolian Sandplover E: INLAND: 2 Lake Naivasha 11 Oct (DAT) and 1 Lake Baringo 1-8 Jan (DJP, TS). Pluvialis dominicus Lesser Golden Plover S: 1 Dar es Salaam 8 Jan (JMC), 1 Malindi 23 Jan (HAB, PLB), 3 Lake Bilissa 28 Feb (PLB, MACC, DJP). 3 Aruba 11 Nov (DAT). 1 Ngare Nanyuki (T) 18 Nov (JSSB). Pluvialis squatarola Grey Plover E: INLAND: 2 Lake Baringo 5 Jan-8 Mar (ADL, TS) and 1 15 Mar (TS). 1 Ferguson's Gulf 1-4 Oct (FA). Numenius argquata Curlew E: INLAND: 2 Nakuru 18 Jan (DJP). Singles Nairobi NP 18 Jan (RDM), Ferguson's Gulf 10 Feb (FA), Lake Elmenteita 14 Feb (DEGB, DJP) and Mwea rice scheme 21 Feb (RDM). Numenius phaeopus Whimbrel E: INLAND: 1 Lake Natron (T) 24 Aug (JSSB). Limosa lapponica Bar-tailed Godwit R: Several records up to 3 birds Mombasa and S coast Kenya late Aug-Oct; also 2 Galu Beach 19 Feb (MACC) and 1 Gazi 31 Mar (MACC). Recorded Mida to 30 May and from 23 Aug (max, 8+ 20 Oct and 11 18 Apr. MACC, MEJG. DJP, PBT). 3 Dar es Salaam 12 Dec (NEB). Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit R: Several records of 1-2 birds S Kenyan rift lakes to 20 Feb and from 15 Nov. 4 Lake Bilissa 28 Feb and 15 there 12 Dec (DJP, MACC). 3 Ngomeni salt pans 30 May and 1 there 7 June (HAB, PLB, CT, PBT). 4 Kibimba, nr Kampala 3 Nov (MJC). The Kampala record is only the second for Uganda. Tringa erythropus Spotted Redshank R: Wintering records from 21 localities, max. 11 Magadi 25 Jan. (DEGB, DJP). Tringa totanus Redshank R: Recorded Mida to 28 Mar and from 20 Nov, max. 7 Birds; 1 there 16 July. (PLB). 1 Lake Jipe 1! Mar (DKR). Xenus cinereus Terek Sandpiper N: Counts at Mida tidal roost, 200+ 28 Feb and 250-300 19 Oct (DJP). 90+ there 30 May (PBT) were presumably non-breeding first summer birds. Gallinago media Great Snipe R: 1 Bamburi 4-5 Sep and up to 7 there 24 Nov- 18 Dec (PBT). 5 Lake Bilissa 13 Dec (MACC, DJP). so ad East African Bird Report 1981 149 Calidris alba Sanderling E: INLAND: Mabamba, nr Kampala 11 Mar (AS, MJC). Calidris melanotos Pectoral Sandpiper S: | Bamburi 28 Sep (PBT). The second record for Kenya and E Africa - see also Scopus 6: 21-22. Calidris ruficollis Red-necked Stint S: 2 Ngomeni salt pans 16-17 May (PBT, CT, HAB, PLB). The first record for Kenya and E Africa - see also Scopus 5: 126-128. Calidris temminckii Temminck's Stint R: Wintering records from 17 inland Kenyan localities, max 13 Naivasha 2 Jan (DJP). Limicola falcinellus Broad-billed Sandpiper S: Recorded Sabaki to 24 Mar and from Nov, max. 25 (PLB, DAT). Also 2 Ngomeni salt pans 20 Oct and 1 Bamburi 19 Dec (PBT). Phalaropus lobatus Red-necked Phalarope S: c20 Diani 2km offshore 22 Feb (MACC) and c70 same locality 7 Mar (MACC, HAB, PLB). 4 Lake Nakuru 18 Jan (DJP), 1 there Oct (BSM, DAT et al.) and 4 on 15 Nov (DKR). 2 Ferguson's Gulf 1-4 Oct (FA). 1 Momella Lakes, Arusha NP 11 Apr (JSSB). Burhinus oedicnemus Stone Curlew R: Party of 5 sisal plantation nr Solai 19 Jan (DJP); 1 freshly dead on road Mogotio 27 Oct (DAT). Pratincola nordmanni Black-winged Pratincole S: 6 together Lake Baringo 2 Apr (TS). Satisfactory details received. The fourth Kenyan record and the second in spring. Stercorarius pomarinus Pomarine Skua S: A pale sub-adult Diani 6 Mar (HAB, PLB, MACC) and a pale sub-adult Sabaki 18 Jan-14 Feb (HAB, PLB). The fifth and sixth records for Kenya, although these perhaps refer to the same bird. Larus argentatus Herring Gull R: Sabaki river mouth to 5 Apr with very high numbers beginning of year,e.g.c240 12 Jan and c280 30 Jan (PLB). High numbers again end of year (DJP). Recorded Malindi to 3 Apr (max. 60 | Mar) and | there 5 July; also 2 Mombasa (HAB, PLB) 5 Jan. 1 Dar es Salaam 28 Nov (NEB). Larus genei Slender-billed Gull S: 1 Mombasa 10 Oct (PBT, CT). 4 Ferguson's Gulf 25 Nov (TS). The Mombasa record is the first away trom Lake Turkana. Larus ichthyaethus Great Black-headed Gull S: 2 immatures Sabdaki River mouth 12 Jan and 23 Jan (HAB, PLB). Larus ridibundus Black-headed Gull E: | Gaba nr Kampala 15 Mar (MJC). There are still few Uganda records. Chlidonias leucopterus White-winged Black Tern E: 50 Sabaki river mouth 5 Apr (RDM, KC) is a notable record for the coast. N: 5000+ Kisumu OPs 23 Mar (BSM). Sterna hirundo Common Tern R: Reported as common by several observers on the coast from Lamu to Dar es Salaam, with a few records of oversummering. 3000+ recorded Kilifi 20 Oct (MACC, DJP). 150 East African Bird Report 1981 Sterna caspia Caspian Tern N: 60 counted Sabaki river mouth 23 Jan (HAB, PLB). Sterna sandvicensis Sandwich Tern S: 1 Mombasa 12 Dec (DEGB, PBT). Singles Dar es Salaam 25 Jan and 23 Dec (NEB). Streptopelia turtur Turtle Dove S: 1 Samburu Lodge 3 Jan (VH, UH, RS) - see Scopus 5: 128. The second record for Kenya and East Africa. Cuculus poliocephalus Lesser Cuckoo R: 1 Sokoke 15 Apr (HAB, PLB) was the only record received. Caprimulgus europaeus Eurasian Nightjar R: 1 Dar es Salaam 2 Apr (NEB); aparty in from the sea Diani | Apr and one dead there same day (MACC); 1 Ngulia 5 Apr (DJP) and 1 Sabaki dunes 5 Apr (RDM). Recorded as usual at Ngulia in Nov. Cercotrichas galactotes Rufous Bush Chat E: AWAY FROM E KENYA: Up to 6 Baringo 23-28 Nov, 2 there early Dec and 1 31 Dec (TS). Irania gutturalis Irania E: 1 Keekorok, Mara GR 19 Mar (DAT). Luscinia luscinia Sprosser E: | Rukwa Valley (T) 6 Dec (DCM, RS). Oenanthe oenanthe Northern Wheatear D: 1 Kaisut desert 23 May (ADL). Phoenicurus phoenicurus Redstart R: 1 Naivasha 18 Jan (RDM, PR); 5+ Maralal in open cedar woodland 6-7 Mar (ADL, DJP); 1 Baringo 15 Mar (TS); 1 Ngulia 24 Nov (DJP). Saxicola rubetra Whinchat E: Several records to Mar and from Oct in Nakuru/ Menengai/Solai area (JPD, DJP). Singles Baringo 8 Feb and 2 Apr (TS) and 1 Bamburi 4 Oct (PBT). In Tanzania singles Mufindi 6 Feb and Tatanda 15 Dec (NEB). The Bamburi record is the first for coastal E Africa. Acrocephalus griseldis Basra Reed Warbler R: AWAY FROM NGULIA: At least 2 Bamburi 25 Jan (PBT). Recorded from 5 localities Tana flood plain north to Buomo Feb, Mar and Dec (HAB, PLB, MACC, DJP). Acrocephalus palustris Marsh Warbler E: 2-3 Kindaruma 21 Mar presumed wintering (DJP). 2 Ngulia 5 Apr and several Mtito Andei 7 Apr (DJP). Common Isiolo 14 Nov and one same day nr Archer's Post (AEB, DJP). Recorded as usual central and SE Kenya Nov-Dec. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Sedge Warbler E: Small numbers recorded wintering Bamburi (PBT). Hippolais languida Upcher's Warbler R: AWAY FROM TSAVO: Common Garsen 28 Feb (DJP). Common Sultan Hamud-Amboseli 12 Mar and nr Namanga 13 Mar (ADL, DJP). Common Mtito Andei first week Apr (DJP). Hippolais olivetorum Olive-tree Warbler S: 2 Baringo 24 Feb and 16 Mar (TS). 3 Mtito Andei 7 Apr (DJP); 1 Isiolo 14 Nov and at least 2 W of Ololokwe 15 Nov (AEB, DJP). Recorded at Ngulia as usual Nov-mid Dec. Baringo is a new wintering site. Locustella fluviatilis River Warbler R: 1 ringed Ngulia 6 Apr (DJP); recorded there as usual Nov-Dec. East African Bird Report 1981 151 Phylloscopus collybita Chiffchaff R: 1 singing Nyakiambi (Lanet 01 Joro Orok) 2 Feb (ADL, DJP). 2 Irangi forest, Mt Kenya 21 Feb (RDM). Ficedula albicollis Collared Flycatcher R: A female Tatanda (T) in miombo wood- land 12 Dec (DCM, RS). A known wintering area, but few recent records. Motacilla alba White Wagtail E: | Bamburi 14 Dec and 1-2 19-26 Dec (PBT). N: Up to 30 Kariobangi SF Jan-Feb (last record 14 Mar) is most recorded at that site (DEGB, DJP). Lanius collurio Red-backed Shrike N: 250+ Sabaki river mouth area 5 Apr (RDM, KC). E: Presumed wintering birds W Kenya recorded Ukwala 6 Jan and Lake Kanyaboli 7 Jan (ADL). Lanius isabellinus Red-tailed Shrike E: | Dar es Salaam 27 Dec (NEB). Lanius minor Lesser Grey Shrike D: An autumn bird (lst year) Meru NP 26 Oct (DAT). N: c50 Sabaki river mouth 5 Apr (RDM, KC). ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS FOR PREVIOUS YEARS PALAEARCTIC SPECIES 1978: Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit R: 4 Nakuru 25 May (PBT). Larus genei Slender-billed Gull S(A): 1 Nakuru 28 Feb (GB-S). This was the third East African record and the first away from Lake Turkana. 1979: The following records were erroneously included in the 1978 report, but related to January 1979: Falco amurensis Eastern Red-footed Falcon R: 1 Tunduma (T) 9 Jan (PBT). Tringa erythropus Spotted Redshank R: 2 Ngorongoro crater (T) 5 Jan (PRT). Locustella fluviatilis River Warbler R: 1 in sub-song Lukosi River (T) 8 Jan (PBT). 1980: Platelea leucorodia Eurasian Spoonbill S(8): 1 Nakuru 19 Nov (VB). Falco amurensis Eastern Red-footed Falcon R: 25 Langata, Nairobi 18 Nov (ST). "FIRST' AND 'LAST' DATES FOR SOME PALAEARCTIC MIGRANT LANDBIRDS (central/eastern Kenya and northern Tanzania) Species Last Date First Date Cuculus canorus Be tee le ew a. ep we ee ME Me Bar Ineo C.poliocephalus ae es ce ADE (SOO .. 6) nk he ay el ee ew) Caprimulgus europaeus . .. 5 Apr Ngulia,Sabaki. . 23 Oct Baringo Eg a se 5) es o's 6 le «4 ce! op spe oe Sep. Apusha... Gs. es os a ts ee ss se el ep W Kilimanjaro (T) Memerem@ fipearia . . . . . . LO May Nakuru... . fel To, Mae ey ee ee OftGlus . . . . . . 12 Apr Nairobi .. . . 26 Sep Ramburi Beenie gutturalis'. ~. . . 19 Mar Mara GR ‘ aah PIMA tate (ya Geeeinia luscinia ..... / Apr Mtito Andei . . 30 Oct Neulia . eee mesaritis.. . .'. 31 Mar Vol ... .. « 14 Nov Isiolo . SS a eg ee EE EES Se ee Ee ee ee 152 East African Bird Report 1981 '"First' and ‘last' dates of Palaearctic migrant landbirds, cont. Species Last Date First Date a a a a oe ET Oenanthe isabellina . . . o% e's ww ete OPA) PO & Rea Oere ikem O. oenanthe aten fer We OY Ae ee SS or pat pee VPS ep Reset eso. 0... pleschanka «Js.» *. »y «i» 1. 2 Apy, Nagrand. 4 ow ape te ee ees Saxicola rubetra: 4... ©: ss \av2 Apr Babies. «6S ee 4 Oct Bamburi Acrocephalus arundinaceus . .26 Apr Naivasha .... 7 Dec Ngulia .. A. griseldis’ © (ON Te RP RE ON a a I, ee eee oe A. palustris ©. 2.2). 2) Ape’ Merto! Andee 2 4 Nov Kariobangi. A. schoenobaenus .. .. . .16 May Bamburi ..... 28 Oct Athi River. A. SCIFPACEUS ») + %&) «,2 &. + te Day Apr Karsobanear (2 ee. eee Hippolais languida .. .. . 7 Apr Mtito Andei . .. .23 Nov Ngulia. . BE. palizda Viv ss . » =» 26 Apr Natvasha 0. 7%, 12.0 /OORE-Dantioes =. Locustella fluviatilis \ © .°G Apr Newlia’’ 1.) 4 e220 New ieee Phylloscopus trochilus .. . 1 May Tsavo West NP . . .10 Oct Arusha Sylvia atricapilla ,..«.« + «24 Mar Kariohbanei .... «+s. J,Nov Kariobanser. S. borin «0 © we e's 6 « viOs Ape \Kartobauei 7.7... NOW Rae tense S. commis . . .«. « + « « @914 Apr Bissel ... «/» sce aoe Cerner S. nisoria .... +.» « « 3 Ape Kariobane: . 2348 Nov eee ee Muscicapa striata «sas .« (ss 6 Ape: Newliaio. 256° 4.0. Ba eer ete ee Anthus cervinus . .. . . . . 3 Apr Kariobangi .. . .10 Nov Kariobangi. A. trivialis . 63) 2s 3. GS Ape Neukia” 352%) 03 1\3 42ers Motacilla alba ... . . . .14 Mar Kariobangi .. . .10 Nov Kariobangi. BM. “GEAETCAS we) oa ele) me a ts ae he eer ie em Den) erie os al te M. baw. tars ~ es sis &:« «29 Apr: Kariobanei ., 6 3, .255en, Rarrepages. Lanius €O11lUrio...« » .« . & 614 Apr Bissell (S's. £0e £26 Gee Berm ge L. isabellinus .... . .. 7 Apr Mtito Andei ... . 8 Nov Mwingi Mkt. IP . minor . . . . . _ . >. . . 1 May Konza . . s 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . English names of birds listed above but not mentioned in the Species Report: Cuculus canorus Eurasian Cuckoo, Merops apiaster Eurasian Bee-eater,Delichon urbica House Martin, Riparia riparia Sand Martin, Oriolus oriolus Golden Oriole, Monticola saxatilis Rock Thrush, Oenanthe isabellina Isabelline Wheatear, O. pleschanka Pied Wheatear, Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed Warbler, A. scirpaceus Reed Warbler, Hippolais pallida Olivaceous Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus Willow Warbler, Silvia atricapilla Blackcap, S. borin Garden Warbler, S. communis Whitethroat, S. nisoria Barred Warbler, Muscipapa striata Spotted Flycatcher, Anthus cervinus Red-throated Pipit, A. trivialis Tree Pipit, Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail, M. flava Yellow Wagtail. LIST OF OBSERVERS F. Alexander H.A.Britton D.E.G.Backhurst P.L.Britton G.C.Backhurst J.Burrell N.E.Baker A.E.Butterworth J.S.S.Beesley M.J.Carswell G.Berg-Schlosser K.Chapman S. Blaber J.M.Clark East African Bird Report 1981 .C.Coverdale -Dittami idham -H.Elliott .J.Gore eaten ewis cVicker SGladees zt CS GS sere Se CS a 153 D.J.Pearson D.E.Pomeroy D.K.Richards P.Roberts A.Sheldon T.Stevenson R.Stick R.J.Stjernstedt S.N.Stuart J.Sutton C.Taylor P.B.Taylor S.Tomsett .Turner -van der Willigen -Walton -Willis -Wolfe . Zimmerman | > Jl = J 3 ~~ [B=] rmonp Pp 154 ‘ East African Bird Report 1981 E.A.N.H.S. NEST RECORD SCHEME: 1981 P.B. Taylor The Nest Record Scheme continued to flourish in 1981, with about 50 contri- butors submitting cards. Most records have again been from Kenya, and there have unfortunately been no cards from Uganda. However, Tanzania has been well-represented, with contributions both from regular observers and also from a new participant, David Moyer, whose numerous and detailed records from the southern part of the country are an extremely valuable addition. From Kenya, a welcome contribution is that of Mrs M. Candy, who has supplied details of her observations of breeding turacos for the period 1976 - 1981. Observations have been submitted for a number of rarely- recorded species as well as for some with no previous East African breeding records: all these are commented upon in the species list. The organizer has received a good number of requests for information held in the card collection, both for individual research projects and papers and in connection with The Birds of Africa. As a result of these requests, it has become clear that there is a need for a more detailed summary of breeding data than has been provided in previous years. The format of the 1981 report is therefore changed, and instead of giving only months of actual or computed egg-laying, an attempt has been made to summarize the most important details for each species. The available data on clutch sizes, numbers and ages of young, hatching/fledging dates etc. have been included, together with any further details of particular interest. All records received have been included, except indefinite records (e.g. building, adult on nest, adult carrying food) involving species which are commonly reported. Observers' names have been included only for records of especial interest and/or rarity. The inclusion of extra data has necessitated the free use of abbreviations, and a full list of these is appended. In giving the stage of development of young birds it is sometimes necessary to rely on a very brief description such as ‘fledgling’ or ‘juvenile’; in this report the former is taken to refer to a fully-fledged young bird which has left the nest and is capable of flight but which is still dependent on its parents for food, and the latter is assumed to refer to a fully-grown and free-flying young bird which is capable of fending for itself but which may still accompany its parents and be fed by them. Abbreviations used are as follows: C = clutch D = District d = day(s) GR = Game Reserve FG = fully-grown L = Lake J = juvenile NP = National Park N = nestling R = river Y = young V = valley All localities are in Kenya, unless followed by (T), which signifies Tanzania. Co-ordinates are given where no locality name is applicable. Dates are given as day/month for 1981 records; pre-1981 records have the year added. Where only the month is known, this is given as the month name. Records are listed by locality. Individual records are separated by commas, and localities by semi-colons. Where several records are for the same date, or where clutches/young of the same size or age are given for several dates, the details are linked by ampersands (&). More than one record with the same details for the same day is given as a multiple e.g. 3xC2 = three nests each with 2 eggs. Where a nest contains both eggs and young, details are given as follows: N2+Cl = a nest with 2 nestlings and | egg. Approximate numbers are prefixed by 'c'. Scopus 5: 154-164, March 1983 East African Bird Report 1981 155 The following observers contributed records for 198]: H.Adan, R.G.Allan, G.C.Backhurst, N.E.Baker, J.S.S.Beesley, L.Bennun, S.M.Boulton, D.Brass, P.L & H.A.Britton, R.S.Brown, F.N.Bruce-Miller, W.F.Bruce-Miller, M.Candy, M.E.Cattermole, G.R.Cunningham-van Someren, P.Davey, J.D.Ligon, J.Fanshawe, N.Gichuki, C.Gilbert, M.E.J.Gore, I.W.Hardy, V., L.& J.Hartley, B.Harvard, M.Heath, K.M.Howell, G.Lewis, Y.Malcolm-Coe, R.Mennell, R.D.Moore, D.Moyer, C.Muringo, F.Ng'weno, D.E.Pomeroy, B.V.Purcell, I.Redmond, S.Sassoon, D.Schmidl, L.Schwab, D.Sheppard, T.Sheppard, T.Stevenson, P.B. & C.A.Taylor, M.M.Thacher, D.Trump, R.F.Tyers, P.A.Wootton. Struthio camelus Ostrich: Samburu GR incubating 1/8 & 15/9; Nairobi NP cl5 small Y 22/11. Tachybaptus ruficollis Little Grebe: Mombasa Y3 less than 1 week old 14/5, 2x¥3 very small 10/8; Nairobi Y3 small 21/6, Y2 small 6/10; Arusha (T) Y4 small 14/11. Pelecanus onocrotalus White Pelican: L Natron (T) c 10000 birds on 2 islands, eggs present 23/8. Phalacrocorax carbo Greater Cormorant: L Naivasha 74 nests, many with well- grown Y 18/9. Ardea goliath Goliath Heron: L Naivasha N3 & 2xN2 & NI+C2 & C4 22/6, 6 nests with Y of various sizes (max. 2 per nest) 9/7. Ardea melanocephala Black-headed Heron: L Solai 41 occupied nests most with Y, also incubating 13/8; Usa R near Arusha (T) 70-80 nests each with Y2-3 %-grown 21/11. Leptoptilos crumeniferus Marabou: Hunter's Lodge (Kiboko) Y2 downy with first feathers 12/9. Bostrychia hagedash Hadada: Nairobi C3 9/8. Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck: Nairobi NP YI10 clO d old 23/6; Mombasa Y9 & Y10 very small 1/7, Y11 small 10/7. Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian Goose: Nairobi NP Y 1 week old 31/1; Nanyuki Y8 downy 9/5; L Naivasha Y9 cl week old 7/6; Tsavo East NP Y3 %-grown 25/6, Y4 small 8/12. Anas capensis Cape Wigeon: Arusha NP (T) Y5 3-4 d old & Y8 4-5 d old 30/8. Anas erythrorhynchos Red-billed Teal: Nairobi NP Y6 small 1/6. Aquila rapax Tawny Eagle: Nakuru NP NI-2 small 25/7. Aquila wahlkergi Wahlberg's Eagle: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) Cl 27/9 & 17/10, NI 2 weeks old 19/11, Nl 3 weeks old 29/11 & 11/12. Buteo augur Augur Buzzard: Nairobi-Naivasha Rd Y2 small 19/7. Hieraaetus dubius Ayres' Hawk Eagle: Eagle Hill (Embu D) NI partly-feathered 1/10. Melierax metabates Dark Chanting Goshawk: L Baringo feeding Y in nest 28/3. Polemaetus bellicosus Martial Eagle: Masai Mara GR NI downy with first feathers 19/7. Milvus migrans Black Kite: Kiambu N2 first flew 20/3; 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C2 21/9 & 19/11. 156 East African Bird Report 1981 Aviceda cuculoides Cuckoo Hawk: Nairobi incubating 22/3 then Nl dead below nest 22/4 and remaining N fledged by 24/5 (T.Sheppard). Only one previously-documented breeding record for EA. This species is probably resident in the Nairobi area. Falco biarmicus Lanner Falcon: L Baringo Nl 2/12/80. Falco rupicoloides White-eyed Kestrel: Suswa C3 17/7. Falco tinnunculus Kestrel: L Baringo N3 fully-grown 13/6; near Ketumbeine Mt (T) adults feeding Y in nest 24/8; Arusha NP (T) adults feeding Y 18/11. Coturnix delegorguei Harlequin Quail: Tsavo East NP Y4 one-third grown 1/6. Francolinus afer Red-necked Spurfowl: Rukwa V (T) Y7 cl week old 5/12. Francolinus coqui Coqui Francolin: Nakuru NP Y6 small 27/8. Francolinus leucoscepus Yellow-necked Spurfowl: Samburu GR Y8 downy 15/9. Francolinus sephaena Crested Francolin: Ngulia Y4 one-third grown 13/6; Smaburu GR many Y (most just-flying) with parents 1/8. Guttera pucherani Kenya Crested Guineafowl: Diani Forest Y4 %-grown 10/1. Numida meleagris Helmeted Guineafowl: Masai Mara GR Y2 12/4, many flying Y 19/7; Magadi Road Y3 non-flying 26/6; Amboseli NP J14 12/9; Ngulia 2xyY5 4%-grown 13/6. Turnix sylvatica Button Quail: Tsavo East NP 2xY¥3 2-3 d old 1/6. Balearica pavonina Crowned Crane: Amboseli NP J2 large 20/4, 2xY2 4-grown 12/9; Masai Mara GR Jl flying 19/7; Nairobi NP Y2 2/8, Y2 two-thirds grown 12/9; Samburu GR Jl flying 15/9; Lewa Downs Y2 almost FG 17/9. Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen: Nairobi Y5 recently-hatched 29/1, Y3 small downy 26/8. Limnocorax flavirostra Black Crake: L Baringo Y5 4-5 d old 3/6. Porphyrio porphyrio Purple Gallinule: Nairobi J2 FG and independent 2/9. Rallus caerulescens African Water Rail: L Naivasha Y5 small 13/8 (R.D.Moore). Only one previous EA breeding record, also from Naivasha, in 1979. Fulica cristata Red-knobbed Coot: Nairobi Yl 4-grown 2/9. Actophilornis africanus Jacana: Amboseli NP Y4 downy 13/5; Mombasa Y2 downy 31/5, Y2 one-third grown 23/6, Yl small 30/9. Charadrius pecuarius Kittlitz's Sandplover: L Baringo Yl 2-3 d old 13/12/80; L Jipe Yl %-grown 12/7, Cl 3/11; Amboseli NP Y2 newly-hatched 14/5 & 15/5, ¥2 3-4 d old 15/5, Y2 cl10 d old 15/5: Natrobt NP G2 & CS 27/123 Arusha ne (T) YI 243d cold: 18/ Mik. Vanellus armatus Blacksmith Plover: Amboseli NP C3 & C4 13/5, Y3 almost- fledged 15/5, C2 15/5, €3.21/113- Nakuru NP-Y2 small 25/73 Vanellus coronatus Crowned Plover: Amboseli NP J2 8/12/80, Y2 almost- fledged 15/5; Laikipia C3 14/1; Lewa Downs Yl newly-hatched 17/9; Nairobi NP Y3 small 22/11; Mikumi NP (T) C2 31/10. Vanellus melanopterus Black-winged Plover: Ngare Nanyuki, Mt Meru (T) G3 16/742 East African Bird Report 1981 157 Vanellus senegallus Wattled Plover: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C3 16/9 & 15/11, C2 18/9 & 24/9. Vanellus spinosus Spur-winged Plover: Sabaki R mouth C2 & C3 5/4; Ngomeni Y3 %-grown 30/5; Amboseli NP Y3 recently-hatched 21/11. Vanellus tectus Black-headed Plover: Tsavo West NP Y3 recently-hatched 17/10. Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt: Ngomeni Y] dependent 17/5, C3 7/6, Y3 4-grown & Yl two-thirds grown 7/6. Rhinoptilus cinctus Heuglin's Courser: L Baringo C2 22/9. Sterna dougallii Roseate Tern: Kisite Island, breeding activity noted in July, possibly also in August. Pterocles exustus Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse: Magadi 2xC3 27/9, C2 29/11. Aplopelia larvata Lemon Dove: Tengeru, Arusha (T) JI about 5-7 d out of nest 29/9. Streptopelia capicola Ring-necked Dove: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C2 7/1/80 & 9/5 & 20/5, 2xC2 29/5, C2 12/6 & 22/8 & 5/9, N2 one-third grown 5/9, 2xC2 12/9, N2 %-grown 13/9, C2 14/9 & 15/9 & 16/9 & 17/9, N2 almost-fledged 16/9, 3xC2 18/9, N2 3 d old 19/9, N2 almost-fledged 21/9, N2 %-grown 7/11. Streptopelia semitorquata Red-eyed Dove: Nairobi C3 10/1, incubating C2 late Feb, incubating 27/4, Nl partly-fledged 13/5, J2 almost FG 10/7, Y2 small gare. 6.91'S, 31.30°E (T) C2 15/5 & 12/9 & 15/9 & 21/9. Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing Dove: Samburu GR N2 downy with first feathers 3/8, C2 15/9; Nairobi Cl 25/11. Turtur chalcospilos Emerald-spotted Wood Dove: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C2 15/5, N2 fully-fledged 20/9. Treron australis Green Pigeon: Kiambu | broken egg 10/11/80; Nairobi C2 hatched 27/6/78; 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) Cl 16/6/80. Corythaeola cristata Great Blue Turaco: Kaimosi incubating from 8/11/76 but nest failed, incubating from 22/11/76 but nest failed, Fl 5/4/77, N2 downy 30/9/77, incubating from 31/1/79 but nest failed, N3 25/12/79, F2 30/11/79, incubating 17/12/79 but nest failed, incubating from 21/12/79 but nest failed, NI large 31/1/80, Nl hatched 20-21/9/80, N2 9/11/80, incubating from 13/11/80 but nest failed, F2 6/4. Musophaga rossae Ross's Turaco: Kaimosi incubating for 18 days but nest failed 14/10/76, incubating from 27/11/76 but nest failed, N2 downy 11/1/77, N2 hatched 1-2/12/77, N2 hatched 27/2/79, incubating from 29/10/79 but nest failed, C2 13/18/80 & 5/11/80, N2 hatched 13/4. Tauraco hartlaubi Hartlaub's Turaco: Nairobi building (2 nests) April, Fl 24/6 and same pair incubating again 9/8. Chrysococcyx caprius Didric Cuckoo: Nairobi Fl fed by Ploceus baglafecht 16/2, Cl+C2 Ploceus cucullatus April; L Baringo J] fed by Anaplectes rubriceps 10/6. Chrysococcyx cupreus Emerald Cuckoo: Nairobi Fl fed by Pycnonotus barbatus 17/3. Chrysococcyx klaas Klaas's Cuckoo: Nairobi J] fed by Nectarina venusta 11/8, Nl in Nectarina venusta nest (no date), Nl in Nectarina mediocris nest 1/12 (P.Wootton). The Nectarina mediocris record is the first for this host in EA. = 158 East African Bird Report 1981 Clamator glandarius Great Spotted Cuckoo: Naivasha N2 well-feathered in Spreo superbus nest 18/6, Fl just-flying 5/7. Clamator jacobinus Black and White Cuckoo: L Baringo Jl fed by Turdoides rubiginosus 8/6; Olorgesailie Jl fed by Pycnonotus barbatus 6/6. Cuculus clamosus Black Cuckoo: L Naivasha Fl fed by Laniarius ferrugineus 6/6 (G.C.Backhurst). The first good dated record for EA. Cuculus gularis African Cuckoo: L Naivasha Jl large 19/9 (R.D.Moore). No breeding records for EA. Cuculus solitarius Red-chested Cuckoo: Nairobi Fl fed by Cossypha caffra 14/5. Bubo africanus Spotted Eagle Owl: L Baringo N3 almost FG 8/8. Otus scops Scops Owl: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C4 25/8 (D.Moyer). The first EA breeding record. Caprimulgus pectoralis Fiery-necked Nightjar: 8.31'S, 31.30°E (T) C2 25/8, N2 3 d old 12/5, G2. 16/95. Caprimulgus tristigma Freckled Nightjar: 8.31'S, 31.30°'E (T) C2 18/9. Macrodipteryx vexillarius Pennant-winged Nightjar: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) Cl 12/9, C2 15/9 & 16/9 & 21/9 & 3/10 & 4/10, 2xC2 17/9 & 19/9 & 21/10, 4xC2 18/9 (all D.Moyer). These are the first recent EA breeding records. Apus niansae Nyanza Swift: Mt Elgon building 19/8. Colius striatus Speckled Mousebird: Nairobi F3 left nest 9/7, F4 21/7, C3 10/9; 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) N3 1 week old 25/10. Apaloderma narina Narina's Trogon: Rukwa V (T) Yl probably 1-2 weeks out of nest 5/12. Halcyon leucocephala Chestnut-bellied Kingfisher: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) N4 almost-fledged 30/10/80. Ispidina picta Pygmy Kingfisher: L Baringo Y newly-fledged 9/6. Merops oreobates Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater: Aberdares feeding Y Jan; Nairobi feeding Y 14/1 & 25/6, 3 birds excavating single nest burrow 11/4. Merops pusillus Little Bee-eater: 8.31'S, 31.30°E (T) C4 18/9. Coracias caudata Lilac-breasted Roller: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C3 16/9; Upupa epops Hoopoe: L Baringo N2 almost ready to leave nest 11/8; Nairobi Fl 6/10; 6.31"S,, 3¥.30°E (7) G6 7/9/80,, 6335/9 Phoeniculus bollei White-headed Wood Hoopoe: Mt Kenya F2 7/6. Bycanistes bucinator Trumpeter Hornbill: Kitovu Forest male passing food into nesting hole 1/11 (T.Stevenson). No detailed EA breeding records. Tockus erythrorhynchus Red-billed Hornbill: L Baringo Fl 3/8. Tockus hemprichii Hemprich's Hornbill: L Baringo Js fed by parents 6-28/7 (T.Stevenson). No detailed EA breeding records. East African Bird Report 1981 159 Tockus nasutus Grey Hornbill: L Naivasha occupied hole 20/8. Bucorvus cafer Ground Hornbill: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) Nl %-grown 5/12, Nl 3 weeks old 30/12. Buccanodon leucotis White-eared Barbet: Tengeru, Arusha (T) feeding Y 11/10. Lybius diadematus Red-fronted Barbet: L Baringo adult feeding newly-fledged eM8/1 « Lybius leucocephalus White-headed Barbet: Kiambu NI left nest 16/3 but second N flew only on 10/4, N3 fledged 21/7 and N2 from same nest flying by 29/10; Nairobi Fl 23/8. Pogoniulus bilineatus Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird: Nairobi Jl 6/8. Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Red and Yellow Barbet: Mt Meru (T) adults feeding Y 18/11. Trachyphonus vaillantii Levaillant's Barbet: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) N2 almost- fledged 19/12 (D.Moyer). Only one previous EA breeding record. Indicator indicator Black-throated Honeyguide: Naivasha Fl fed by Lamprotornis chalybaeus 3/7. Prodotiscus zambesiae Eastern Honeybird: Nairobi JI fed by Zosterops poliogastra 30/12 (L.Bennun). Dendropicos fuscescens Cardinal Woodpecker: Ngong Hills Js fed by adults 5/7. Calandrella cinerea Red-capped Lark: Nairobi J3 4/2. Mirafra africana Rufous-naped Lark: Emali C3 24/12. Hirundo abyssinica Striped Swallow: Kiambu F2 left nest 12/5, feeding Ns 2/7. Hirundo fuligula African Rock Martin: Molo incubating 11/7; 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) N2+Cl 16/9. Hirundo senegalensis Mosque Swallow: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C2 28/2. Hirundo smithii Wire-tailed Swallow: Bungoma incubating 16/2; Kwale N3 very young 21/2; Nairobi F5 (presumably 2 broods) 6/5. Psalidoprocne pristoptera Black Rough-wing: Mt Elgon 10-12 pairs nesting in cave - eggshells seen 1/8. Dicrurus adsimilis Drongo: Mida Creek N2 & NI almost-fledged 7/6; 8.31'S,31.30'E ree 13/9 6 17/9. Oriolus larvatus African Golden Oriole: L Naivasha incubating 18/4. Oriolus percivali Montane Oriole: Kieni building 1/2. Corvus albus Pied Crow: Dar es Salaam (T) Fl 20/11. Corvus splendens Indian House Crow: Mombasa NI 4-grown 13/11. Parus albiventris White-bellied Tit: Nairobi Fl 14/1, feeding Ns 20/9. Turdoides melanops Black-lored Babbler: L Naivasha F4 13/8. Turdoides squamulatus Scaly Babbler: Watamu Fl free-flying 2/4 (R.D.Moore). Campephaga flava Black Cuckoo Shrike: Nairobi Fl 11/2 & 1/7. : 160 East African Bird Report 1981 Andropadus gracilirostris Slender-billed Greenbul: Nairobi Fl fed by adult 29/11 (F.Ng'weno). No detailed EA breeding records. Andropadus latirostris Yellow-whiskered Greenbul: Mbisi Forest (T) Jl 3/12. Andropadus milanjensis Stripe-cheeked Greenbul: Arusha NP (TI) building 15/11. Pycnonotus barbatus Common Bulbul: Nairobi F2 13/2 & 27/2, 2xFl 6/3, Fl 19/3 & 29/3 & March, F2 26/4; Kiambu Fl left nest 9/4, Fl 12/6 & 29/10; Mombasa Fl 25/8 & 5/10; Mt Kenya Fl 16/9; 8.31'S,31.30°E (T) C2 18/9. Cercomela scotocerca Brown-tailed Rock Chat: L Baringo J3 14/5, F2 1/6, adult taking food to nest in cliff-face crevice 10/8 (all T.Stevenson). Very few EA breeding records. Cercomela sordida Alpine Chat: Mt Kenya N3 4/10. Cercotrichas leucophrys White-browed Scrub Robin: L Baringo N2 16/6, C2 17/7; L Natron (T) N3 3-4 d old 16/1, Fl 10/12. Cercotrichas quadrivirgata Eastern Bearded Scrub kobin: Watamu F3 5/4. Cossypha caffra Robin Chat: Nairobi Fl 25/6, Ns 16/10; Kiambu C2 15/4, Nl small 21/5, Fl left nest 2/11, Jl Nov. Cossypha heuglini White-browed Robin Chat: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C3 5/9. Cossypha semirufa Rippell's Robin Chat: Nairobi Fl 30/5; Kiambu Fl left nest 29/4; Tengeru, Arusha (T) C2 7/4. Turdus abyssinicus Northern Olive Thrush: Nairobi Fl 26/4 & 4/6; Kiambu F2 18/3, Fl 16/4, F2 21/7. Turdus litsipsirupa Ground-scraper Thrush: 8.31'S, 31.30°E (T) F2 16/9. Acrocephalus gracilirostris Lesser Swamp Warbler: L Naivasha incubating 18/4. Apalis cinerea Grey Apalis: Nairobi Cl 82/6, incubating 14/10; Limuru F2 March. Apalis flavida Yellow-breasted Apalis: Nairobi Fl! 2/8. Cisticola brachyptera Siffling Cisticola: 8.31'S, 31.30°E (T) C3 6/1. Cisticola chubbi Chubb's Cisticola: Mbisi Forest (T) C3 12/1. Cisticola cinereola Ashy Cisticola: Tsavo West NP F2 just-flying 12/7 (P.B. & C.A.Taylor). Only two previous EA breeding records. Cisticola galactotes Winding Cisticola: Nairobi C3 10/12/80, F2 22/5; Mombasa C4 14/4 & 12/6 & 26/7, C2 5/6, Cl 1/7. Cisticola hunteri Hunter's Cisticola: Kiambu Fl 8/4 & 10/6. Cisticola lais Wailing Cisticola: 8.31'S, 31.30"E (T) F2 c4d out of nest 9/12 (D.Moyer) Cisticola nana Tiny Cisticola: Same (T) 3 families of adults and recently- fledged Y 22/12. Cisticola robusta Stout Cisticola: Nairobi F5 29/1 (2 broods?). Eminia lepida Grey-capped Warbler: Kiambu Fl left nest 20/11. East African Bird Report 1981 161 Eremomela icteropygialis Yellow-bellied Eremomela: L Magadi C2 8/1. Prinia subflava Tawny-flanked Prinia: Mombasa C3 3/12; 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C2 3/9. Sylvietta whytii Red-faced Crombec: Nairobi C2 29/20/80 & 9/9; Moshi (T) Ns 19/9. Bradornis microrhynchus Grey Flycatcher: L Baringo N3 22/4; 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) F2 14/12 (D.Moyer). The Tanzania record represents a range extension for this species. Bradornis pallidus Pale Flycatcher: Ngong Hills F3 11/1; Nairobi NP F4 14/4; Ngomeni N2 almost-flying 17/5. Melaenornis chocolatina White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher: Nairobi J] 4/12/80, Fl 4/3 & 29/3 & 25/11, F4 19/3; Kiambu F2 19/4 & 20/4, Fl 5/5 & 17/10 & 21/10; Mbisi Forest (T) J2 2-3 weeks cut of nest 2/12. Muscicapa adusta Dusky Flycatcher: Nairobi Fl 28/2 & 29/11; Mtanga (T) Ns 4-grown 31/11. Batis mixta Forest Batis: Sokoke Forest oviduct egg 3/5. Batis molitor Chin-spot Batis: Nairobi Fs 11/2, Fl 11/5; Naivasha incubating 10/7; Kiambu Fl 13/11; Seronera (T) Ns 7/2. Platysteira peltata Black-throated Wattle-eye: Morningside, Ulugurus (T) incubating or brooding small Y 30/10. Terpsiphone viridis Paradise Flycatcher: Nairobi F2 3/2, Fs 15/2, F3 left nest 14/5, N2 28/5 (1 left nest 4/6), incubating 24/9. Anthus leucophrys Plain-backed Pipit: 8.31'S, 31.30°E (T) C3 8/12 (D.Moyer). Few breeding records; none from this part of Tanzania. Anthus melindae Malindi Pipit: Ngomeni N3 c3 d old 17/5. Macronyx ameliae Rosy-breasted Longclaw: Nairobi NP J3 with adult 7/6. Macronyx fuelleborni Fiilleborn's Longclaw: 8.31'S, 31.30'E (T) C3 23/12/80 & 8/11 & 16/12 (D.Moyer). Only three previous EA breeding records. Motacilla aguimp African Pied Wagtail: L Nakuru Fl 9/3; L Naivasha building 11/7; Nairobi F2 17/7; L Magadi Ns 29/11; 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C2 25/9. Tmetothylacus tenellus Golden Pipit: Nr Moshi (T) Fs 28/11; Same (T) F2 22/12 (J.S.S.Beesley). Few EA breeding records. Dryoscopus cubla Black-backed Puffback: Nairobi building 17/11, Fl 16/12. Nilaus afer Brubru: L Baringo Fl 16/7. Tchagra australis Brown-headed Tchagra: Arusha (T) N2 almost ready to leave nest 14/12. Lanius cabanisi Long-tailed Fiscal: Mombasa Fl just out of nest 8/l1. 162 East African Bird Report 1981 Lanius collaris Fiscal: Nairobi F2 left nest 22/3 & 9/4, Fl 22/6, Fs Aug; Kiambu C3 1P/12, incubating from 17/5, Fl 7/6 & 11/11; 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C3 5/1 & 8/1, N2 4-grown 28/4, C2 12/9, C3 13/9, N2 %-grown 15/9, N3 almost- fledged 3/10, N3 2 d old 8/11, C3 15/11, N3 almost-fledged 17/11, C3 20/11 & 23/11, N2 2 d old 24/11, N2 2 weeks old 14/12. Prionops plumata Helmet Shrike: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) N3 just-fledged 17/9. Cosmopsarus regius Golden-breasted Starling: Tsavo area occupied nest hole 5. Lamprotornis chalybaeus Blue-eared Glossy Starling: Kiambu J2 7/5. Onychognathus tenuirostris Slender-billed Chestnut-winged Starling: Mt Elgon N2 with first feathers L8/8, F2 left nest 11/9. Speculipastor bicolor Magpie Starling: 01 Donyo Sabachi C5 22/5; Huri Hills adults entering 3 nest-holes with food 11/6, colony with at least 5 active nests (adults feeding Ns) 11/6 (R.G.Allan). The first EA breeding records. Spreo hildebrandti Hildebrandt's Starling: Nairobi adults feeding Ns 6/5. Spreo superbus Superb Starling: Nairobi Fl 6/5; Kiambu F2 left nest 15/3 & 21/11; L Naivasha Fl 19/9; Samburu GR Fl 17/9. Anthreptes collaris Collared Sunbird: Nairobi incubating 22/9 and Y hatched by 6/10. Nectarina bifasciata Little Purple-banded Sunbird: Mombasa NI 20/9. Nectarina cuprea Copper Sunbird: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C2 laid 5/3-6/3, Y2 4-grown 17/5. Nectarina kilimensis Bronze Sunbird: Kaimosi N3 hatched 3/6/79; Nairobi Nl fledged 14/4; Kiambu NI hatched 7/5 & 9/5, incubating from 19/6, incubating until c6/7, Nl hatched 21/9 & 21/10. Nectarina mediocris Eastern Double-collared Sunbird: Nairobi N2 11/10. Nectarina olivacea Olive Sunbird: Diani N2 large 29/5. Nectarina pulchella Beautiful Sunbird: L Baringo many pairs building late March (start of rains). Nectarina senegalensis Scarlet-chested Sunbird: Nairobi C2 9/11/80; 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) Fl left nest 16/10. Nectarina venusta Variable Sunbird: Nairobi N3 14/7, Ns hatched 16/10, N2 14/11. Zosterops abyssinica Abyssinian White-eye: Nairobi Fl 25/5. Zosterops poliogastra Montane White-eye: Nairobi Fl 1/3 & 4/3. Amblyospiza albifrons Grosbeak Weaver: Nairobi C2 8/6, Fl 24/6; Usa R (T) 2xN3 almost naked 29/1, N3 half-feathered 29/1, N2 almost-fledged 29/1. Anaplectes rubriceps Red-headed Weaver: Magadi building 10/5. Anomalospiza imberbis Parasitic Weaver: near Sigor, West Pokot Nl almost fledged in nest of Cisticola sp; (probably Cisticola chiniana) 4/8 (R.S. Brown). Euplectes albonotatus White-winged Widowbird: Nairobi C2 15/5. East African Bird Report 1981 163 Euplectes ardens Red-naped Widowbird: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C4 21/4. Euplectes macrourus Yellow-mantled Widowbird: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C2 25/4. Euplectes nigroventris Zanzibar Red Bishop: Gazi Cl 5/4. Ploceus baglafecht Baglafecht Weaver: Nairobi Fl just-flying 19/3, Fl 25/5 & 28/5, F2 just-flying 14/6, J2 2/8, Fl 30/8, N2 large 22/9, Ns 3/10, Fl 25/11 & 7/12, Kiambu Fl just-flying 2/3 & 4/3. Ploceus bojeri Golden Palm Weaver: Mombasa NI 1 week old 22/1. Ploceus cucullatus Black-headed Weaver: Nairobi building from 3/2 (30+ nests 19/2) and Fs seen from 16/3, C2 mid-April, Fl 16/5; Tsavo East NP NI clO d old 23/5. Ploceus intermedius Masked Weaver: Magadi Rd c50 & cl5 active nests 8/4, 6 active nesting colonies 30-40 nests each 8/4, 28+ active colonies 27/4. Ploceus ocularis Spectacled Weaver: Nairobi Fl 2/8. Ploceus rubiginosus Chestnut Weaver: Magadi Rd cl00 active nests 27/4. Ploceus spekei Speke's Weaver: Magadi Rd building c50 nests 8/4; Kiambu oh, 12/5. Ploceus subaureus Golden Weaver: Hunter's Lodge (Kiboko) cl0 active nests 6/4; Bagamoyo (T) cl00 active nests 31/10; Ruvu (T) 10 nests 30/11; Dar es Salaam (T) building 9 nests 20/12; Mkalamo (T) 40 completed nests 26/12. Ploceus velatus Vitelline Masked Weaver: Mwea 3 active nests 26/4. Ploceus xanthops Holub's Golden Weaver: Nairobi Fl 12/7, F2 Nov; Kiambu Seer es 6.31°S.31.30°E (T) C2 13/9, Cl 21/9, N2 very young 21/9, N2 2 weeks old 11/12; Quelea cardinalis Cardinal Quelea: Nairobi C2 8/6; Magadi Rd 2xC2 & C3 17/5, 20 nests mostly C2 with a few Cl and C3 and a few just-hatched Ns 17/5. Quelea erythrops Red-headed Quelea: Kilosa (T) 9 colonies in tall swamp grass in 1 metre water 22/4 (J.S.S.Beesley). The first reported breeding in EA. Quelea quelea Red-billed Quelea: Magadi Rd 2xCl & 19xC2 & 29xC3 & 4xC4 26/6. Plocepasser donaldsoni Donaldson-Smith's Sparrow Weaver: Lorian Swamp building 8/8. Plocepasser mahali White-browed Sparrow Weaver: Samburu building 13/8; Muhoroni cl0 pairs nesting 26/8. Plocepasser superciliosus Chestnut-crowned Sparrow Weaver: Kongolai building 23/8. Pseudonigrita arnaudi Grey-headed Social Weaver: Nairobi NP clO active nests 18/10. Passer eminibey Chestnut Sparrow: Magadi Rd 3 pairs in old nests of Ploceus intermedius 17/5. Passer griseus Grey-headed Sparrow: Nairobi F1l 13/3 & 14/6; Kiambu J2 22/2 & See tie.) &.3)'S,31.30'E (T)°N3 2d old 20/7/80. Passer motitensis Rufous Sparrow: Nairobi F2 28/6; Kiambu F2 14/3, J2 22/4. 164 East African Bird Report 1981 Estrilda astrild Waxbill: Nairobi C3 12/7/80; Kiambu Cl 21/5; Mombasa C4 14/11. Lagonosticta rubricata African Firefinch: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) N4& almost naked 27/5. Lagonosticta senegala Red-billed Firefinch: Nairobi C5 25/11/80, Nl 19/6, F2 23/8; L Baringo nest in house on shelf between books and jars - access through open window May; Dar es Salaam (T) NI 22/10. Ortygospiza atricollis Quailfinch: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C5 4/5. Uraeginthus bengalus Red-cheeked Cordon bleu: Mombasa C5 29/4 & 20/6, C4 27/9 & 2/10 & 15/11, C5 in old nest of Ploceus bojeri 28/9, C2 in recently- built flimsy nest of Ploceus bojeri 27/11; 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C4 28/5. Lonchura cucullata Bronze Mannikin: Nairobi F5 4/1, F4-5 4/2, F6 14/7; Dar es Salaam (T) Nl (out of nest) 29/10. Lonchura malabarica Silverbill: Magadi Rd cN3 in old nest of Ploceus intermedius 26/6. Emberiza flaviventris Golden-breasted Bunting: Nairobi N2 14/6. Emberiza tahapisi Cinnamon-breasted Rock Bunting: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C3 13/6. Serinus atrogularis Yellow-rumped Seedeater: Nairobi Fl 5/8. Serinus citrinelloides African Citril: Kiambu J] 19/4. Serinus dorsostriatus White-bellied Canary: near Arusha (T) building 11/1. Serinus mozambicus Yellow-fronted Canary: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C1+Nl 3/3, N3 1 d old 17/9. Serinus striolatus Streaky Seedeater: Nairobi Fl 12/3 & 19/6 & 6/9 & 26/12; Limuru Fl 25/2; Kiambu N2 19/1. Serinus sulphuratus Brimstone Canary: 8.31'S,31.30'E (T) C3 29/4, N2 %-grown 13/9. ORNITHOLOGICAL PROJECTS IN EAST AFRICA, 1981 The following list includes all projects known to the committee, which (a) involved active field-work during 1981, and (b) were expected to culminate in publication in recognised journals. For professional workers, only their major projects are listed. Andersson, M. University of Géteborg, Sweden. Breeding biology and mate selection in Long-tailed Widowbirds; Kinangop plateau, Kenya. Backhurst, G.C. Nairobi (a) East African ringing scheme (b) (with Pearson, D.J) Migration studies at Ngulia, Tsavo West NP, Kenya. +Candy, M. Kaimosi, Kakamega, Kenya. Breeding biology of Turacos. Carswell, M. Kampala, Uganda. Avifauna of the Kampala area. Cunningham-van Someren, G.R. National Museums of Kenya. (a) Taxonomic studies of montane birds from Kenya and Sudan (b) Conservation status of birds in Kenya for Red Data book (c) (with Angwin, D) 10 km* bird distribution studies. Dittami, J.P. Max-Planck-Institut, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya. Behavioural and physiological studies of stonechats, starlings and other passerines. East African Bird Report 1981 165 Elliott, C.C.H. FAO/UNDP Quelea bird control project, Arusha, Tanzania. Biology and management of quelea populations. Emlen, S.T. see P. Wrege. +Gichuki, N. Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya and University of Nairobi. Grain-eating birds on small-scale farms in Machakos District. Hass, V. Max-Planck-Institut, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya. Social behaviour of Anteater Chats. +Kasoma, P. Makerere University, Uganda. General biology of Black-headed Weavers, Kampala. Leisler, B; Max-Planck-Institut, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya. Ecology of wintering Wheatears. +Ligon, J.D. & S.H. University of New Mexico, USA. Social behaviour of Green Wood Hoopoes, Naivasha, Kenya. Meadows, B.S. Nairobi. East African wildfowl counts. °Muringo, C. National Museums of Kenya and University of Nairobi. General biology of Speke's Weavers, Nairobi. Oelke, H. Géttingen, W. Germany. Birds of native and exotic forests, western Kenya. Pearson, D.J. University of Nairobi. Status, seasonality and distribution of Palaearctic migrants in southern and eastern Kenya. Pomeroy, D.E. Kenyatta University College, Nairobi. (a) Distribution and abundance of birds in semi-arid areas, mainly in southern and eastern Kenya. (b) (with Lewis, A.D.) Bird atlas of Kenya. Reyer, H.E. Max-Planck-Institut, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya. Behaviour of Pied Kingfishers, Nakuru and Homa Bay, Lake Victoria. +Skorupa, J.P. University of California, Davis, USA. Avifauna of Kibale forest Uganda, especially eagles. Short, L.L. & Horne, J.F.M. American Museum of Natural History. Taxonomy and general biology of Woodpeckers and Barbets, particularly vocalisations, in Kenya. Sonnenschein, Edith. Max-Planck-Institut, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya. Ecology of wintering Wheatears. Stevenson, T. Baringo, Kenya. Birds of the Lake Baringo area. Stuart, S. University of Cambridge, England. Montane avifauna of Tanzania. +Sumba, S.J.A. Uganda Institute of Ecology, Rwenzori NP. Biology of Fish Eagles. Taylor, P.B. Nairobi. East African Nest Record Scheme. Wrege, P. Cornell University, USA. Social behaviour of White-fronted Bee- eaters, Lake Nakuru NP, Kenya: in association with S.T. Emlen. Zack, S. University of New Mexico, USA. Behaviour and ecology of Fiscal and Long-tailed Fiscal Shrikes, Naivasha, Kenya. Project begun in 1981. + Field-work completed in 1981. 166 East African Bird Report 1981 RINGING AND MIGRATION AT NGULIA, TSAVO, NOVEMBER - DECEMBER, 1981 G.C. Backhurst’ & DoJ. (Pearson Previous reports on the end of year migration at Ngulia have appeared in quarterly issues of Scopus. The transfer of the present account to the East African Bird Report issue seems appropriate at this stage in the study. The Lodge was manned for only 18 nights during late 1981, and catching attempted on 15 of these. 5454 Palaearctic birds were ringed, however, all during the 'small-moon' period 20 November to 7 December, when misty conditions occurred on most nights. The Whitethroat! was the dominant Species up to 28 November, but was supplanted thereafter by the Marsh Warbler. Sprossers were caught in good numbers throughout the period, 1153 being ringed in all. Work in earlier years has shown that late November/early December is the peak of the River Warbler passage. Concen- trated catching at this time in 1981 produced a total of 320 for this Species, the second highest ever. Numbers of most other Ngulia specialities were low: the Eurasian Nightjar, Rufous Bush Chat, Basra Reed Warbler, Olive- tree Warbler and Barred Warbler were all caught in well below average numbers. Only the Willow Warbler and Upcher's Warbler were above average. The only unusual Palaearctic caught was a Redstart on 24 November, the second for Ngulia. There were two retraps from previous seasons. A Marsh Warbler first ringed at night on 24 November 1979 was caught, again at night, on 21 November 1981; this was presumably an example of a bird attracted down whilst migrating across Ngulia at about the same date in two different years. A Whitethroat originally caught in the bush on 5° April 1981 was recaught there on 5 December. A first year Sprosser ringed at night on 25 November was controlled by a ringer while breeding in extreme southeast Finland on 10 June 1982; the two previous recoveries of this species were both in the Middle East on northward passage. Two species were added to the list of Afrotropical birds caught at the Lodge at night. Painted Snipe Rostratula benghalensis were netted on 28 November and 6 December, and an immature Red-capped Robin Chat Cossypha natalensis was also caught on 6 December. Palaearctic birds ringed are given in Table l. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the management of Ngulia Safari Lodge for affording us every assis- tance, and the warden of Tsavo National Park (West) for permission to ring birds in the Park. For help during ringing we are most grateful to D.E.G. Backhurst, J.Dirks, A.M.Forbes-Watson, F.& D.Lagerberg, T.C.H.& D.Mathews, D.K.& V.Richards, T.Stevenson and D.A.Turner. GCB wishes to thank the Frank M.Chapman Memorial Fund for financial assistance. 'Scientific names of Palaearctic species are given in Table 1 Scopus 5: 166-167, March 1983, East African Bird Report 1981 167 TABLE 1 Numbers of Palaearctic night migrants ringed at Ngulia Safari Lodge between October and February in the years 1969-1982 1981/2 Total 1969- Species Total zx 1982 Eurasian Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus 10 44 213 Eurasian Roller Coracias garrulus 9 352 34 Eurasian Swallow Hirundo rustica 10 80 122 Sand Martin Riparia riparia 1 - 6 Rufous Bush Chat Cercotrichas galactotes 41 56 708 Irania Irania gutturalis 102 88 1158 Sprosser Luscinia luscinia 1153 105 11 161 Nightingale L.megarhynchos 34 78 427 Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis 5 54 90 Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina 2 Northern Wheatear O.oenanthe 3 Pied Wheatear O.pleschanka 1 28 33 Redstart Pheonicurus phoenicurus 1 1 Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus 36 26 Basra Reed Warbler A.griseldis 32 68 459 Marsh Warbler A.palustris 1752 93 18 809 Sedge Warbler A.schoenobaenus 3 55 62 Reed Warbler A.scirpaceus 4 65 60 Upcher's Warbler Hippolais languida 39 172 246 Olive-tree Warbler H.olivetorum 11 é0 262 Olivaceous Warbler H.pallida 15 47 306 River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis 320 157 2179 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 190 195 1072 Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla 1 20 4 Garden Warbler S.borin 6 4 389 Whitethroat S.commnis 1579 93 16 990 Barred Warbler S.nisoria 27 58 448 Spotted Flycatcher Muscipapa striata a4 51 581 Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis 1 53 18 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio 42 56 727 Red-tailed Shrike L.isabellinus 28 46 58_ Species 31 44 Total 5454 95 37 390 *The autumn 1981 total expressed as a percentage of the 1972/81 mean for each species. Totals of species ringed in previous seasons but not in autumn 1981 are as follows: Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 3, Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae 1, Corncrake Crex crex 6, Spotted Crake Porzana porzana 1, Eurasian Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 2, Lesser Cuckoo C. poliocephalus 1, Scops Owl Otus scops 1, Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus 11, Whinchat Saxicola rubetra 2, Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina 1, Savi's Warbler Locustella luscinioides 1, Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix 1, Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava 3, hybrid Red-backed/Red-tailed Shrike 7. 168 East African Bird Report 1981 NEW SUBSCRIBERS (1981) AND CHANGES OF ADDRESS* *Alden, P. 103 Bartlett Ave, Arlington, Massachusetts 02174, USA. Arhem, Dr P. Karolinska Inst., Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology, Box 60 400 S-104 01 Stockholm, Sweden. *Aspinwall, D. P.O. Box 50653, Lusaka, Zambia. Bennun, L. P.O. Box 21149, Nairobi, Kenya. Blaber, Dr S. Dept of Zoology, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, Natal 3200, South Africa. *Braund, R. 44 Kempshott Rd, Horsham, Sussex RH12 2BY, England. **Britton, H.& P.L. All Souls & St Gabriels School, P.O. Box 235, Charters Towers, Qld 4820, Australia. Candy, Mrs M.S. Kaimosi Tea Estates, P.O. Box 1, Kaimosi, Kenya. **Cape, J.A.D. 7 The Esplanade, Cabooltwre, Queensland 4510, Australia. *Cheeseman, D.T. 20800 Kittredge Rd, Saratoga, California 95070, USA. Demmers, L.A. P.O. Box 47074, Nairobi, Kenya. Dittami, Dr J.P. P.O. Box 33, Nakuru, Kenya. Doig, Mrs C. P.O. Box 730, Nakuru, Kenya. **Dowsett, R.J. c/o Viphya Pulpwood Project, P.O. Chikangawa, Mzimba, Malawi. *Dunlop, W. 1 Hughenden Terrace, Glasgow GI2 9XR, Scotland, UK. Fanshawe, U.H. Welltown Manor, Boscastle, Cornwall PL35 ODY, England. **Fuggles-Couchman, R. Post House, High Street, Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire S020 8AA, England. *Gerhart, Dr J.D. Ford Foundation, P.O. Box 2344, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt. **Gore, M.E.J. British High Commission, P.O. Box 48543, Nairobi, Kenya. **Haas, Dr V. Zollstockweg 35, D-7118 Kunzelsan, West Germany. **Hamel, Prof P.J. General Delivery, Masset, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia VOT 1M0O, Canada. *Hartley, N. 51 Leighton Rd, Wingrave, Bucks, England. Hasselquist, D. Jagmastarebacken 2A, S-597 OO Atvidaberg, Sweden. Hedlund, Kjell-Olof, Uppsala Univ, Dept of Zoology, Section of Zoomorphology, Box 561, S-751 22 Uppsala, Sweden. *Huels, T.R. Dept of Ecology and Evol. Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA. Jakobsen, Mrs J. P.O. Box 161, Nanyuki, Kenya. *Jensen, Henning, Tolstojs Alle 26, DK-2860 Saeborg, Denmark. Johnston, A. P.O. Box 7296, Arusha, Tanzania. Kingston, Dr T.J. c/o Agricultural Research Centre, Wollongbar, N.S.W. 2480, Australia. Koitie, Mrs D.F. P.O. Box 46108, Nairobi, Kenya. Lamprey, Dr H.F. P.O. Box 21472, Nairobi, Kenya. *Larsson, L. Videgardsvagen 72, S-445 O00 Surte, Sweden. Lock, Dr J.M. 10 01d School Lane, Milton, Cambridge CB4 4BS, England. **Mann, C.F. c/o M.M.P.S., Begawan Sultan/Sekolah Sains, Jalan Muara, Bandar Seri Begawan, State of Brunei. **Meadows, B.S. c/o Weston, 78 Woodberry Way, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex, England. Merz, Mrs A. P.O. Box 24897, Nairobi, Kenya. *Miskell, J. C.A.R.E., c/o U.N.H.C.R., P.O. Box 2925, Mogadishu, Somalia. Mohamed H. Barre, P.O. Box 30470, Nairobi, Kenya **Moore, R.D. c/o Swandene, The Mount, Highclere, Newbury, Berkshire, England. Moyer, D. P.O. Box 77, Sumbawanga, Tanzania. Osborn, P. P.O. Box 44286, Nairobi, Kenya. Pettersson, C.G. Svetsarvagen 19, 5tr. S-175 73 Jarfalla, Sweden. *Pettet, Prof A. 23 Cole Park Rd, Twickenham, Greater London TWl] 1HP, England. Rasmussen, S. Henssel, Mollevej 6, Flong, DK-2640 Hedehusene, Denmark. **Reynolds, J.F. 35 Foxcroft Drive, Rastrick, Brighouse, West Yorks HD6 6PQ, UK. *Rutherford, W.J.F. 49 Rydal Rd, Harrogate, North Yorks HG1] 4SD, England. East African Bird Report 1981 169 Sayer, P.D. P.O. Box 14660, Nairobi, Kenya. *Schwab, Dr L. 963 Stewartstown Rd, Morgantown, West Virginia 26505, USA. Sinclair, Mrs M. P.O. Box 30158, Nairobi, Kenya. **Skinner, Prof N.J. 60 Gunton Drive, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 4QB, England. *Smalley, Dr M.E. Dept of Zoology, University of Nairobi, P.O. Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya. . Smallshire, D. 25 Caspian Way, Wheaton Aston, Stafford ST19 9PR, England. *Smith, D.W. Lychgate, 37 Kewhurst Ave, Cooden, Sussex, England. *Stevenson, T. Lake Baringo Club, c/o Block Hotels, P.O. Box 47557, Nairobi. *Stjernstedt, R. P.O. Box 91, Siavonga, Zambia. **Stuart, S.N. Dept of Applied Biology, Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3DX, England. **Taylor, P.B. P.O. Box 25138, Nairobi, Kenya. *Thiede, Dr W. Ander Rohne 184, D-5000 Kéln 40, West Germany. Thomsett, S. c/o Wilderness Trails, Private Bag, Isiolo, Kenya. Tucker, E.H. P.O. Box 90462, Mombasa, Kenya. *Unger, U. Vastes Gata 23, S-421 53 Vastra Frolunda, Sweden. Vanderstichelen, G. Embassy of Belgium, P.O. Box 30461, Nairobi, Kenya Vincent, C. 212 Armstrong North, Ballarat, Victoria 3350, Australia. *Wallace, Scott, 1088 El Solyo Ave, Campbell, California 95008, USA. *Walton, R.K. 30 Fields Court, Warwick CV34 4HP, England. **Widstrand, S. Doppingvagen 6, C.2 tr, S-222 35 Lund, Sweden. Wilkinson, Dr R. Dept of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, P.M.B.3011, Kano, Nigeria. New Institutional Subscribers (1981) Serials Library, Louisiana State Univ, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA. Dept of Zoology, Makerere Univ, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda. Zambia Ornithological Society, P.O. Box 3944, Lusaka, Zambia. New Exchanges (1981) The Living Bird Okologie der Végel Sandgrouse Wildlife Review ** = Latest known address. 170 East African Bird Report 1981 INDEX OF AUTHORS Ash, J.S. Desert Wheatears Oenanthe deserti in Ethiopia and Somalia... 35 Breeding of the Spur-winged Goose Plectopterus gambensis in Ethiopia 0 Sow tye el Se Mer ate te ie tae Seinen ies Vier ane rel ae nn 52 Ayres' Hawk Eagle Hieraaetus dubius in Ethiopia and Somalia. . 54 Spring passage of Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus and other waders Off the coast of Somalia’ ls 2 Cae let te) etce, fare Sree ee if) Bird-ringing results and ringed bird recoveries in Ethiopia. . 85 & Karani, A.A. Roseate and Sooty Terns Sterna dougallii and fuscata breeding on islets in ‘Southern’ Somalia’ >... eases a sees 22 & Miskell, J.E. The Dunlin Calidris alpina in Ethiopia and SOMALIA sw a ee eee ee ale ee er eh ler it gs nn ea ee 32 Basra Reed Warblers Acrocephalus griseldis overwintering in Somalia’ 2 os RTO bie ee ae ta ba eee ae eS 81 & Pomeroy, D.E. Mapping schemes in the Afrotropical region .. 36 Backhurst, G.C. & Pearson, D.J. Ringing and migration at Ngulia, Tsavo, November ,1980 —qianuarny.,LOS1:. is: dehwento’ ow: yegphe may fee We een oe 28 Baker, N.E. Altitude record for the Red-necked Spurfowl Francolinus afer 126 Beesley, J.S.S. A breeding record of White Pelicans Pelecanus onocrotalus BM | TAR ZAWT A oi heig its fof hee messes Year Me wh adioinats, Joey ar yay tte Meee ail adi hci i Oversummering Pintail Anas acuta in northern Tanzania . . 125 Britton, P.L. Notes on the Andersen collection and other specimens from Tanzania housed in some West German museums ......-. «+++. « - 14 Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus in Kenya .... 31 Carter, C. & Robinson, G.P. The occurrence of both Red-throated and White-fronted Bee-eaters in the Virunga Park, eastern Zaire ...... 80 Collias, N.E. & Collias, E.C. Survival and intercolony movements of White- browed Sparrow Weavers Plocepasser mahali.". 22. @) cl. sees oe on een es 61 Fry, C.H. The residential status of the Madagascar Bee-eater Merops superciliosus im AECICas oi 6. ie sievolis | oh ee ei oh eee eo tee ee ae 41 Fuggles-Couchman, N.R. Some notes on the Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius,,in: Tanzanla: o« si6. sitedin Jolie? e_eipa we ee a tee ee 58 Haas, V. & Haussler, U. Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur in Kenya .... 128 Hanmer, D.B. The food requirements of owls compared with those of diurnal’ raptors . .6 2) 3). ele ee ee Se a, ee ee ee cet em rere ee Lewis, A.D. Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus in Nairobi ....... 57 A record of the Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis from, NaiTobs 6 6 soi ny, wy. wy ey mma ml eal doh neta en eee Cae 60 The past and present status and distribution of the Grey- crested Helmet Shrike. Prionops poliolopha. 42) 5 sg )e) «)