NEL/REPORT 1390 OGE1 LY0d3u/13N en, ae —he SEA NOISE VS NEAR AND DISTANT WAVE HEIGHT AND WIND SPEED Correlation of measurements made in deep, open-ocean areas of the Northeast Pacific W. L. Frisch ° Research and Development Report ° 11 July 1966 U. S. NAVY ELECTRONICS LABORATORY, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Te Caras an] \e SS ig KO, LSD DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED we ON AU A 0 0301 0040539 5 PROBLEM Within a general investigation of the properties, mechanisms, and origins of low-frequency underwater ambient noise, examine the relationships, if any, between deep, open-ocean ambient sea noise, in the frequency range from 10 to 400 c/s, and both near and distant wave height and wind speed. RESULTS ils Sound pressure spectrum level is influenced by wave height and wind speed at both ends of the frequency range from 10 to 400 c/s; greatest dependence is in the 160-to-400-c/s portion. 2s Ambient-noise levels in the range from 32 to 160 c/s are the least influenced by near and distant wave height. Bo No dependence of ambient-noise levels on distant wave- height fluctuation was observed for periods during which local wave-height conditions were moderate and uniform. RECOMMENDATIONS i. Extend the analysis of the noise data acquired in this project to ambient noise below 10 c/s. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION Work was performed under SF 101 03 15, Task 8119 (NEL L20461). The report covers work from 1 July 1965 to 1 June 1966 and was approved for publication 11 July 1966. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ... page 5 METHODS ...8 RESULTS... 13 CONCLUSIONS ... 23 ILLUSTRATIONS 1 Sea-noise spectra for various sea states 6 2 Ambient-noise spectra, summarizing results and conclusions concerning spectrum shape and level and probable sources and mechanisms of the ambient noise in various parts of the spectrum between 1 c/s and 100 kc/s... 7 3 Portion of wind-wave analysis from Fleet Numerical Weather Facility, Monterey, California, showing wave-height contours... & 4 Typical sections of records of broadband ambient-noise levels ...10 5 Distribution of maximum wave heights. ..12 6 Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and cumulative maximum wave heights, all stations ...14 - 15 7 Monthly average sound pressure level at 20-c/s midband frequency, and monthly average local wave height .. .16 8 Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and cumulative maximum wave heights for periods of highest and lowest frequency of occurrence of 20-c/s signal, all stations ...17 - 18 9 Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and maximum wave heights for periods during which wave height at source was less than 3 feet ...19 ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) 10 Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and wind speed. el 11 Ambient noise versus frequency at station D... 22 REVERSE SIDE BLANK INTRODUCTION The classic curves of Knudsen’ (fig. 1) and Wenz” (fig. 2) show the relationship between ambient noise in the ocean and storm or wind activity in terms of wind speed or wave height measured directly, or very nearly directly, above the area in which the sound measurements are made. The Knudsen curves, which treat the frequency range from about 100 c/s to 10 ke/s, describe a consistent dependence of noise level on wind speed and wave height. The Wenz curves treat frequencies down to 1 c/s, and reflect the lack of such dependence below 100 c/s in much of the experimental data. It is not well known what relationships, if any, exist between ambient-noise levels in the very-low frequencies and storm activ- ity occurring at great distances from the hydrophone. The hydro- phones that provided data utilized for this report were located in deep ocean areas providing conditions favorable for the reception of any low-frequency noise propagated from distant storm centers. In a pilot study® ambient-noise levels were considered to be related to the action of winds at the interface. Wind fields over increasing areas to as far as 1400 nautical miles from the hydro- phone were considered. In general, the trends suggested a dependence of ambient noise on wind speed in both the high and low ends of the frequency range considered. The dependence decreases with range, but the decrease is smaller at frequencies below 25 c/s. Anomalous results were noted at 20 c/s. This study examines the dependence of ambient noise in the frequency range of 10 to 400 c/s on wave height. Wave height is measured both in very near proximity to the hydrophone and at great distances. In addition, changes in noise level are compared with changes in wind speed measured in moderate proximity to the hydrophone. SOUND PRESSURE SPECTRUM LEVEL, DB RE 0.0002 DYNE/CM2 70 PSU 50 SS CTH TTS ITT HERS SS . Bas! NS Be 4 “CT aS 7 rons 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 ] 5 10 20 50 100 FREQUENCY, KC/S Figure 1. Sea-noise spectra for various sea states. EARTHQUAK ES AND EXPLOSIONS BIOLOGICS INTERMITTENT AND —PRECIPITATION— LOCAL EFFECTS SHIPS, INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY SEA Cheeses TURBULENT-PRESSURE SURFACE FLUCTUATIONS WAVES, ete ae SECOND. ™ OCEANIC TRAFFIC. PREVAILING NOISES aeiee BUBBLES AND SPRAY ~ (SEISMIC (SURFACE AGITATION) BREECIIS BACKGROUND) 120 WIND-DEPENDENT BUBBLE AND SPRAY NOISE _jj \ = \ _____ USUAL TRAFFIC NOISE, DEEP BEA: 280 i = WATER = = > © win) USUAL TRAFFIC NOISE, SHALLOW pe \ WIND FORCE WATER ne & Seo) | EXTRAPOLATIONS 2S LIMITS OF PREVAILING NOISE ae) THERMAL NOISE 5S 40 wo Ww LOW-FREQUENCY, VERY- ee ~ SHALLOW-WATER WIND = ony DEPENDENCE = moma HEAVY TRAFFIC NOISE a —-— HEAVY PRECIPITATION 0 11s GENERAL PATTERN OF NOISE 1OTe au) —-—-— FROM EARTHQUAKES AND AGITATION EXPLOSIONS ~20 1 10 10? 10 3 10” 10° FREQUENCY, C/S Figure 2. Ambient-noise spectra, summarizing results and conclusions concerning spectrum shape and level and probable sources and mechanisms of the ambient noise in various parts of the spectrum between I c/s and 100 kc/s. METHODS The noise data originated from four hydrophones located at depths greater than 500 fathoms. The four hydrophone stations were selected to sample the Pacific coastal area from Washington to Southern California. They are designated A, B, C, and D in order from north to south. The larger part of the analysis was done on station A, which provided ambient-noise data with a nom- inal amount of contamination by ship and general transients, and had larger fluctuation in wave height at large distances from the hydrophone. Data on wave height 4,5 were supplied by the Fleet Numerical Weather Facility, U. S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, in the form of contour charts of wave height in 3-foot intervals for the general areas of interest (fig. 3). : Oi O SOE CS | Se Figure 3. Portion of wind-wave analysis for 0600 GMT 01 October 1964 from Fleet Numerical Weather Facility, Monterey, California, showing wave-height contours. Contour interval is 3 feet. One problem encountered in treating the noise data was contamination by ship and traffic noise. Traffic noise, the contri- bution of distant ships, is frequently not recognizable in the noise records. Ship noise, however, displays a pronounced transient effect on a continuous display in both broadband records and third- octave-band records, particularly in the 50-to-63-c/s region. For times during which there were obvious transient effects in the broadband records, all noise data were deleted from the data from station C, which were heavily contaminated. Figure 4 shows some of the characteristic transients of these broadband records. In this example, all of record C and all the third-octave-band data corresponding to the times designated by arrows on records A and B were deleted. The method of recording sea-state conditions was to take the hydrophone location as the center for the generation of a series of ranges at equal radial increments as depicted: WAVE-HEIGHT CONTOURS SHORE MAX WAVE HEIGHT, FT 2 3 5 9 HY DROPHONE 400 N. M. RANGE In most instances, the storm configurations were such that it was convenient and practical, as a first approximation, to use linear interpolation. Data were recorded according to wave height in the immediate vicinity of the hydrophone and the maximum values of wave height observed anywhere on ares at radial ranges of 200, 400, 600, and 800 nautical miles from the hydrophone. These data were compared with ambient-noise levels re- corded at the center of the system, which were reduced by the third-octave digital analyzer °’ to third-octave-band data starting at 10 c/s and ending at 400-c/s midband frequency. Coefficients of correlation between the third-octave-band noise levels and the RANGE, N. M. 200 | 400 | 600 | 800 8 eens = —=€=6 HOURS TeVAe AL SMI TIME ———— noise levels. Figure 4. Typical sections of records of broadband ambient 10 cumulative wave heights” at increasing areas surrounding the hydrophone, were computed. General trends in dependence of noise levels for particular frequencies on varying areas of storm magnitude may be detected in this way. One of the salient problems associated with the study is the possible overlap of the effect of storm activity at the various ranges. For this reason, an effort was made to study the effect of distant changes in wave height corresponding to times when wave height nearby was relatively constant and small. The most frequently occurring waves above the hydrophone were less than 3 feet, and one grouping was designed to observe only the times for which the area had this sea state. Subsequent examination showed that the most frequently occurring sea state at 200 nautical miles was 3 feet. A second sort, made to include only times for which the sea state was constant over the hydrophone (less than 3 feet) and at the 200-nautical-mile range (3 feet), enabled better judgment from the correlation coefficients of the effect of distant wave fluctuation on ambient-noise level. A property of the maximum wave heights recorded from the contour charts further compounded the aforementioned problems. The validity of the correlation tests is subject to further question as a few of the wave-height distributions were not normal. Note in figure 5 the extremely skewed curves for the wave heights at the source and at the 200-nautical-mile range. With further increases in distance from the shoreline the distributions begin to take on a more normal form. The correlation between ambient sea noise in the low- frequency range and local storm activity was further explored with data from an automatic weather buoy associated with CNO Project DS/200. The data were compared with third-octave-band ambient-noise data at station D by means of the correlation coef- ficient and by grouping the noise data to correspond to sets of wind data that fell within certain Beaufort groupings. Simple sums — the value at the source plus the maximum value at 200 nautical miles, the preceding plus the maximum value at 400 nautical miles, and so on. 11 12 OBSERVATIONS 200 ABOVE HYDROPHONE ----—- 200N.M. RADIUS ees 400 INEM aRADIIWS BSE TCOOINEMaRADIUS ee) COONS MEIRADIUS 15-17 18-20 21-23 MAX WAVE HEIGHT, FT Figure 5. Distribution of maximum wave heights. (Bia 24-26 RESULTS The effect of ever-increasing areas (approximated by the cumulative wave-height tabulations) over which maximum wave height is considered on the ambient-noise level in the third- octave-band channels at each station is shown in figure 6. With the exception of station C, all stations yielded coefficients of correlation® which suggest a noise/wave dependence at frequencies less than about 32 c/s and greater than about 160 c/s. An apparent anomaly in the neighborhood of 20 c/s is noted in figure 6. A possible explanation for it is the way the respective seasonal characteristics of sound pressure level in these frequen- cies vary with the seasonal wave-height characteristics. Note in figure 7 that all stations exhibit a significant increase in sound pressure level in the 20-c/s band for the months of September and October. The increase probably results from 20-c/s signals pre- viously reported by Cummings and Thompson®. In the areas around station D, for example, the average local wave height de- creases during these months, and thus a negative coeffienct appears that is unusually large compared to the surrounding fre- quencies. The seasonal effect of the predominance of the 20-c/s signal is illustrated in figure 8. No peculiar effect appears at these frequencies at the time of minimum occurrence of the 20-c/s signals (May and June). Comparable results are yielded for all four stations by the following data sets: 1. Occurrences for which the value of wave height above the source was less than 3 feet, and 2. Occurrences for which the value of wave height above the source was less than 3 feet and the value at the 200-nautical- mile range was 3 feet. Station A (fig. 9) is typical. The smallest number of points in any of the computations for data set 1 was 149; for dataset 2,107. The first group showsa general decrease for the coefficients compared to the parent sample (fig. 6) for nearly all frequencies with the smallest decrease in the 16-to-25-c/s region. * Greatest 1 percent minimum critical value for the four stations is 0.13. 13 14 COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION Beka NVA ABOVE HY DROPHONE 2E0S352 200 N. M. RADIUS —-— 400N.M. RADIUS —-—-- 600 N. M. RADIUS —-—— 800N. M. RADIUS 0.3 ORS Cee SO eat , Dna tae STATION | | “10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 126 160 200 250 320 400 FREQUENCY, C/S 0.0 Figure 6. Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and cumulative maximum wave heights observed at the indicated radial distances for the hours 0600 and 1800 GMT, April through December 1964. COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION ABOVE HY ote 20 . RAD TRIG eae fi, 5 en SI Cena hee a a CRE. ea Res ea ees EES Eoce a ialan ea ists oe eg ie eae oil IO a as ores -0.5 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 126 160 200 250 320 400 FREQUENCY, C/S Figure 6. (Continued). 15 STATION vie CN Vs (pave c000'0 4d dd GN Ne) SOT NON NO SO) 14 ‘LHOISH JAVM XVW ‘TAAR1 WNYLIAdS JUYNSSAYd GNNOS MONTH Figure 7. Monthly average sound pressure level at 20—c/s midband frequency, and monthly average local wave height. 16 COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION ABOVE HYDROPHONE SOG0500 200 N. M. RADIUS —-— 400N. M. RADIUS =i = O00)NSM RADIUS ——-- 800N.M. RADIUS ey) Ws yas MET nei Aes) PERIOD OF LOWEST FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF 20-C/S SIGNAL , S Ay NE 5 iY Cle See a) 4 aa PERIOD OF HIGHEST FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF 20-C/S SIGNAL . Sper N=91 bes NAPE RN TT a Es fe i ‘ LEE LEELE fey 4g o] JUS SEN Ser EN LSC Seas S oll 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 126 160 200 250 320 400 FREQUENCY, C/S Figure 8. Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and cumulative maximum wave heights observed at the indicated radial distances. 18 COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION ++ PERIOD OF HIGHEST FREQUENCY ee Be ; ale OF SCEURENGE OF 20 4606 SIGNAL Pan | PERSIST eer AES Ta S220 es | ll ABOVE HYDROPHONE ie PERIOD OF HIGHEST FREQUENCY a. OF OCCURRENCE OF 20-C/S SIGNAL PERIOD OF LOWEST FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF 20-C/S SIGNAL MINIMUM N = 91 -0.2 : 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 126 160 200 250 320 400 FREQUENCY, C/S Figure 8. (Continued). COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION DSSS 200 N. M. RADIUS —w— 400N. M. RADIUS —-—- 600N.M. RADIUS —-——-— 800N. M. RADIUS 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 126 160 200 250 320 400 FREQUENCY, C/S Figure 9. Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and maximum wave heights observed at the indicated radial distances for periods during which wave height at source was less than 3 feet, April through December 1964. 19 20 At the 1-percent level, the critical absolute value of the correla- tion coefficient is about 0.21. The second group suggests that all frequencies with the exception of 20 c/s are unaffected by fluctua- tion in sea height at ranges greater than 200 nautical miles (1- percent absolute critical value for the second group is 0. 25). Again, the suggested relationship in this narrow frequency group- ing is probably merely a coincidental result from the pre- sence of 20-c/s signals, and not the result of distant storm activity. Although the near-wind effect on noise has been described in the literature, it was desired to use the data from the Navy weather buoy for comparison with ambient-noise levels, and to perform the same correlation computations on the same frequency range as with the wave-height comparisons. There were several advantages in using the buoy data — consistency of location of the anemometer in relation to the surface and station, and accurate wind-speed measurement. The wind data were compared with noise data received from station D. The weather buoy was located about 50 miles from the hydrophone location. The results (fig. 10) show a high noise/wind correlation in the higher frequencies (above 160 c/s) and no correlation for 10 to 16 c/s and 32 to 80 c/s . Minimum critical value at the 1-percent level for the 150 points is about 0.208. Although the number of data points was limited, a sufficient number of points existed to group the data into categories of Beaufort 2 (4 to 6 knots), Beaufort 3 (7 to 10 knots), and Beaufort 4 (11 to 16 knots)® (fig. 11). Standard tests (¢ statistic) on significance of mean-value differences for the Beaufort groupings were run for select frequency bands. Differ- ences in mean levels for the Beaufort groupings for frequencies of 200 c/s or greater were significant at a 1-percent level. In the 20-to-25-c/s region only a few pairs (sound pressure level at 20 c/s for Beaufort 3 compared with Beaufort 2, for example) were significant (5-percent level). COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 -0.1 WW WZ ie 20 25 SP 40 50 63 BO 100 125 150 Ao Aso eyo Zoo FREQUENCY, C/S Figure 10. Variation with frequency of coefficient of correlation between sound pressure spectrum level and wind speed measured at Navy weather buoy. 21 St ON KER faqe aaa OOO LL Le LL S5)5)5) I< LO Lu Lu ann i | J | 1] GResA zW9/SNAQ 2000°0 3a dd ‘13A31 WN&LoAds AYNSSAdd GNNOS 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100 126 160 200 250 320 400 12 10 FREQUENCY, C/S Ambient noise versus frequency at station D, June through August 1965. Figure 11. 22 CONCLUSIONS Many of the forms of weather data now available (the data from Fleet Numerical Weather Facility are considered the best in the sense of the overall patterns they describe) do not lend themselves well to this type of study. To use a high coefficient of correlation in a derivation of a regression line prediction model, one must be assured that the accuracy of measurement of the independent variable is significantly greater than that of the dependent variable (ambient noise). Such was not the case with data used in this study. However, even though precise prediction relations cannot be formulated, an indication is provided of the frequency regions in which the noise is affected by wind and wave height at deep-mounted hydrophones in open-ocean locations. The results do not support the hypothesis of very-long-range noise/storm dependence. They do suggest that both wind speed and local wave activity have a significant effect on underwater ambient noise greater than about 160 c/s, and that local wave activity may have a small effect on low-frequency noise. By using a 30-hour prediction chart, available at Fleet Numerical Weather Facility, one may be able to predict whether the noise will in- crease or decrease in regions greater than 160 c/s and to provide a gross estimate of the amount of change. The general dip in the correlation coefficient to insignificant values in the midfrequency range (32 to 160 c/s) for most of the stations is probably due to masking by ship and traffic noise. 23 24 REFERENCES 1. National Defense Research Committee. Division 6 Report 6.1- NDRC-1848, Survey of Underwater Sound: Report No. 3; Ambient Noise, by V. O. Knudsen and others, 26 September 1944 (PB 31021) 2. Wenz, G. M., "Acoustic Ambient Noise in the Ocean: Spectra and Sources,'"' Acoustical Society of America. Journal, v. 34, p. 1936-1956. December 1962 3. Navy Electronics Laboratory Technical Memorandum 840, Effect of Winds on the Underwater Low Frequency Ambient Noise Recorded at a Location Off the West Coast of the United States, by W. L. Frisch and T. 5. Scanlan, 8 September 1965" 4, Fleet Numerical Weather Facility, Monterey, California, Operational Forecasts of Sea and Swell, by W. E. Hubert, (1964) 5. Fleet Numerical Weather Facility, Monterey, California, Numerical Environmental Prediction Progress Report, May 1964 6. Navy Electronics Laboratory Report 938, Third-Octave Digital Analyzer (TODA), by J. V. Schaefer, 16 December 1959 7. Navy Electronics Laboratory Report 1286, Modification of Third-Octave Digital Analyzer (TODA), by R. E. Cruse, 10 May 1965 8. Cummings, W. C. and Thompson, P. O., ''20-Hz Signals in the Northeast Pacific," in Third U. S. Navy Symposium on Military Oceanography, CONFIDENTIAL, 1966 (In press) 9. Von Arx, W. S., An Introduction to Physical Oceanography, p. 68, Addison - Wesley Publishing Company, Incorporated, 1962 NEL technical memoranda are informal documents intended primarily for use within the Laboratory. UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA - R&D (Security classification of title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report is classified) 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) 24. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Navy Electronics Laboratory, UNCLASSIFIED San Diego, California 92152 2 RIGROUr #3. REPORT TITLE SEA NOISE VS NEAR AND DISTANT WAVE HEIGHT AND WIND SPEED 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and inclusive dates) Research and Development Report, July 1965 to June 1966 5. AUTHOR(S) (Last name, first name, initial) Masel, Wo Ibo 6. REPORT DATE 7a. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 7b. NO. OF REFS 11 July 1966 24 9 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 94. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) b. prosectno. SF 101 03 15 1390 Task 8119 (NEL Ly 046 il ) 9b. STERNER ORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES Distribution of this document is unlimited 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Naval Ship Systems Command Department of the Navy 13. ABSTRACT Correlation of measurements made in deep, open-ocean areas of the Northeast Pacific indicates: 1. Sound pressure spectrum level is influenced by wave height and wind speed at both ends of the frequency range considered (10 to 400 c/s); influence is greatest between 160 and 400 c/s. 2, Ambient-noise levels between 32 and 160 c/s are the least influenced by near and distant wave height. 3. For periods during which local wave heights were moderate and uniform, no dependence of ambient-noise level on distant wave-height fluctuation was observed. DD .°98. 1473 101-807-6800 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification SUNG TAGSIEIED heen Security Classification KEY WORDS Ocean Waves - Acoustic Properties Underwater Noise - Analysis INSTRUCTIONS 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY: Enter the name and address of the contractor, subcontractor, grantee, Department of De fense activity or other organization (corporate author) issuing the report. 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Enter the over- all security classification of the report. Indicate whether “Restricted Data’’ is included. 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UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification a i ‘ U per A ( a i ice a RS } z at \ 7 ; a sh Gal4ISSWIONN S! psed S14] (197021 13N) 6118 ACL ‘ST €0 TOI 4S TM ‘uds44 siskjeuy - aS|ON Ja}emuapuy Salyadolg INSNooVy - SOAP UBIO 2 al GaldISSVIONN S! p4ed siuy (197021 14N) 6118 ¥SE1 ‘ST €0 TOT 4S “7 °M “U9Si44 siskjeuy - aSION Ja}emuapuy Salyadoig INSNody - SAARM UeaIO “Pansasqo sem uol}eNj}ON|J }Ybiay-anem }UP}SIP UO [aa] aSIOU-}UaIqUe jo BdUapUadap OU ‘WJoj!UN pue d}LJIPOW 4am S}YHIay aAem [e90| YOIYM Hulsnp spolsad 404 *¢ ‘\yblay avem jue}SIp pue Jeau Aq paduan|ju! }Sea] AU} a4e 5/9 (OT pue ZE UaaMjaq Sjana| aSIOU-jUaIqUY °z SP) 00h pue OT Uaamjag jSa}eal6 Ss! adUaN|JU! *(S/9 OOP 0} OT) Pazapls -U0d abues AJuanbasj a4} Jo Spua Yjog }e paads pulm pue ,Ybiay anem Aq paduan|jul S| Jada] Wnayads ainssaid punos °*T ISO}LIIPU! 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LIBRARY PACIFIC MISSILE RANGE /CODE 3250/ US NAVAL AIR TEST CENTER WEAPONS SYSTEMS TEST DIVISION Us NAVAL ORDNANCE LABORATORY LIBRARY SYSTEMS ANALYSIS GROUP OF THE ASW R-D PLANNING COUNCIL> ASW SYSTEMS ANALYSIS STAFF /DU/ CODE RA US NAVAL ORDNANCE TEST STATION PASADENA ANNEX LIBRARY CHINA LAKE FLEET COMPUTER PROGRAMMING CENTER ATLANTIC, TECHNICAL LIBRARY INITIAL DISTRIBUTION US NAVAL WEAPONS LABORATORY KXL LIBRARY PEARL HARBOR NAVAL SHIPYARD PORTSMOUTH NAVAL SHIPYARD PUGET SOUND NAVAL SHIPYARD SAN FRANCISCO NAVAL SHIPYARD PHILADELPHIA NAVAL SHIPYARD USN RADIOLOGICAL DEFENSE LABORATORY DAVID TAYLOR MODEL BASIN /LIBRARY/ US NAVY MINE DEFENSE LABORATORY US NAVAL TRAINING DEVICE CENTER HUMAN FACTORS LABORATORY CODE 365H» ASW DIVISION USN UNDERWATER SOUND LABORATORY LIBRARY CODE 905 CODE 920 ATLANTIC FLEET ASW TACTICAL SCHOOL USN MARINE ENGINEERING LABORATORY US NAVAL CIVIL ENGINEERING LAB. L54 US NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY CODE 2027 CODE 5440 US NAVAL ORDNANCE LABORATORY CORONA NAVY UNDERWATER WPNS RSCH & ENG STATION BEACH JUMPER UNIT TWO US FLEET ASW SCHOOL US FLEET SONAR SCHOOL USN MEDICAL FIELD RESEARCH LAB USN UNDERWATER ORDNANCE STATION OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH PASADENA US NAVAL SUBMARINE BASE NEW LONDON US NAVAL SHIP MISSILE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING STATION US NAVAL AIR TECH TRAINING CTR 85 CHIEF OF NAVAL AIR TRAINING USN PERSONNEL RESEARCH ACTIVITY SAN DIEGO USN WEATHER RESEARCH FACILITY US NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE SUPERVISOR OF SHIPBUILDING US NAVY GROTON US NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL LIBRARY (CODE 0384) DEPTe OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH BR OFFICE LONDON BOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO FLEET NUMERICAL WEATHER FACILITY US NAVAL APPLIED SCIENCE LABORATORY CODE 92005 ELECTRONICS DIVISION CODE 9832 US NAVAL ACADEMY ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY R+D US NAVAL SECURITY GROUP HDQTRS(G43) ONR SCIENTIFIC LIAISON OFFICER WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION INSTITUTE OF NAVAL STUDIES LIBRARY AIR DEVELOPMENT SQUADRON ONE /VX-1/ CHARLESTON NAVAL SHIPYARD SUBMARINE FLOTILLA ONE DEFENSE DOCUMENTATION CENTER DOD RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING WEAPONS SYSTEMS EVALUATION GROUP DEFENSE ATOMIC SUPPORT AGENCY NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTER US COAST GUARD OCEANOGRAPHIC UNIT COMMITTEE ON UNDERSEA WARFARE US COAST GUARD HD@TRS(OSR-2) ARCTIC RESEARCH LABORATORY WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION US COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY WASHINGTON SCIENCE CENTER - 23 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION US WEATHER BUREAU DIRECTOR» METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH LIBRARY NATIONAL SEVERE STORMS LABORATORY NORMAN» OKLAHOMA 73069, NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS BOULDER LABORATORIES AUDIOLOGY-SPEECH PATHOLOGY CLINIC FORT SNELLING US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY DENVER SECTION US BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES WASHINGTON» De Co 2024C WOODS HOLEs MASSACHUSETTS 02543 HONOLULU» HAWAII 96812 STANFORD», CALIFORNIA 94305 TUNA RESOURCES LAB LA JOLLA (20) ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND» MDs US ARMY R-D ACTIVITY ELECTRONIC WARFARE DIVISION REDSTONE SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION CENTER US ARMY ELECTRONICS R-D LABORATORY AMSEL-RD-MAT XL-C FRANKFORD ARSENAL US ARMY RESEARCH OFFICE /DURHAM/ WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER CORPS OF ENGINEERS» US ARMY 52D USASASOC FORT HUACHUCA, HEADQUARTERS» US AIR FORCE AFRSTA AIR UNIVERSITY LIBRARY STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND AIR FORCE EASTERN TEST RANGE /AFMTC TECH LIBRARY - MU-135/ AIR PROVING GROUND CENTER» PGBPS-12 HQ AIR WEATHER SERVICE WRIGHT-PATTERSON AF BASE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING GROUP USAF SECURITY SERV'CE ESD/ESG ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS DIVISION/ESTI/ Le Ge HANSCOM FIELD UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI THE MARINE LABe LIBRARY MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY HUDSON LABORATORIES ELECTRONIC RESEARCH LABS LAMONT GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATORY DARTMOUTH COLLEGE RADIOPHYSICS LABORATORY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JET PROPULSION LABORATORY HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CHIEF, ELECTRONICS DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY FISHERIES-OCEANOGRAPHY LIBRARY NEW YORK UNIVERSITY DEPT OF METEOROLOGY + OCEANOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DIRECTOR» COOLEY ELECTRONICS LAB ORe JOHN Ce AYERS RADAR + OPTICS LABORATORY TUFTS UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DIRECTOR» APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ANTENNA LABORATORY PROFESSOR Le Es BOLLINGER UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA GEOPHYSICAL INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND NARRAGANSETT MARINE LABORATORY YALE UNIVERSITY BINGHAM OCEANOGRAPHIC LABORATORY FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII HAWAII INSTITUTE OF GEOPHYSICS « ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPT HARVARD UNIVERSITY GORDON MCKAY LIBRARY A+M COLLEGE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF OCEANOGRAPHY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS DEFENSE RESEARCH LABORATORY ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH LAB HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-SAN DIEGO SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY MARINE PHYSICAL LAB PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY ORDNANCE RESEARCH LABORATORY NAVAL WARFARE RESEARCH CENTER STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING LIBRARY MIT-LINCOLN LABORATORY LIBRARY» A-082 RADIO PHYSICS DIVISION THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY 21005 (RTD)