A SECOND SUPPLEMENT 10, AJtD SUMMARY OF STEWART AND.CORRY'S FLORA F THE NORTH-EAST OP IRELAND. COMPILED BY SYLVANUS WEAB. With an Introduction by R, Lloyd Praeqer. PCJBUiHSO »X THE BELFAST NATURALISTS' FIELD OLUB. Sold by Euxufi Matkx, Booxsbixzb, Doxsoaxx Sqcarb Wxst, fiu.rA«i 1923. iCtbrarw Q,K507 North (Earnlina g'tate This book is due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue fine as posted at the Circulation Desk, ■« II 'i iiiiiii II I ililtHi I Jtaf^j-j-^ "^V! \A\I S WkAK. Tu face Title page ] [Photo D. J. Iloo A SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO, AND SUMMARY OF STEWART AND CORRY'S FLORA OF THE NORTH-EAST OF IRELAND. COMPILED BY SYLVANUS WEAR. With an Introduction by E. Lloyd Praeger. Pur.LlSHED BY THE BELFAST NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. Sold by W. Erskine Mayne. Bookseller, Donecjall Square West, Belfast. 19'2,S. ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. p. xi. Add to List of Contractions : — D'Arcy— Moat Rev. C. F. D'Arcy, Lord riimate. Greer— Thomas Greer, Stewartstown. Porter—W. Porter, iJaliuorMl, Ik'lfa.st. p. -r.i. After 0//o/>nr/n\- add :-- Anthyllis Vulneraria 1,. Ooniiuon. F/. 38. DO. AN, LD pp. riG— I'iS. AddtoLidex:- Aconis, 98. .ligopodiuni, 48. Comarum, 33. Smyrnium, 47. p. 128. Pyrola : for t_i5 read 67. INTRODUCTION. STEWART and Corry's /'lora of the North-East of Irtland was published by the surviving editor, Samuel Alexander Stewart, in 1888. Itgaveforthe first time a full account of the flora ot the home counties of the north-eastern botanist (Down, Antrim and Londonderry). In ISilf) a fir.st Supplement to the Flora was published by S. A. Stewart and R. Lloyd Praeger, in which a considerable number of additional species, and new localities for rarer species, were given. The object of the present publication is two-fold. It forms a second Supple- ment to tiie Flora, detailing the additional information relative to local plant distribution that has accrued in the twenty-eight years which have elapsed since the appearance of the tirst Supplemeut. And secondly it is designed to act as a synopsis of our knowledge of the flora up to date. To effect this, all plants which oc('ur in the district are included, and to the details of any additional in- formation relative to each species which may have accrued since the issue of the first Supplement, a reference is added to the page of the Flora or of the first Supplement on which earlier information concerning the plant in question is to be obtained. While the list of plants thus represents the whole Mora as at present known, the reader, in order to obtain full information as to the distri- bution of a species, must consult the Ftora and the tirst Supplement at the pages named, in addition to noting the additional stations given. The ineparation of the present Supplement was entrusted by the Committee of the Belfast Naturalists' Field Club to a Sub- Committee consisting of S. A. Bennett, B.Sr., N. Carrothers, 11. Lloyd Praeger, D.Sc, A. W. Steliox. W. J. C. Tomlinson, Rev. C. H. AYaddell, B.D., and Sylvanus Wear. The labour ot jire- paring the manuscript from all existing material fell entirely on the last-named; this task he carried to a successful close, and after a brief illness he died within a week of its completion ; its thoroughness and accuracy are a fitting memorial of one of the most careful and industrious of local workers, and one of the most helpful and most modest of men. Death has been busy among the lanks of local botanists. The present i)ublication enshrines the last work of Canon I,ett and Mr. Waddell, both of whom did so much for h-ish botany, and also posthumous notes of W. J. C. Tomlinson, Rev. S. A. Brenan, Mrs. Leebody and S. A. Stewart. Stewart's later work was mainly published in the first Supplement in 189"), to which S. A. Brenan, J. H. Davies, Miss Knowles, Mrs. Leebody, Canon Lett, R. Lloyd Praeger, and C. 11. Waddell were also extensive contributors. Of those who ■contributed in any material measure to the original Flora published in 1H88, the present writer is the only one left alive. Progress of Research. At the time of its publication, the Flora of the North-East of Ireland j)resented the most detailed account of plant distribution yet published for any part of tliis country. The numerous stations for the rai-er plants which it gave represented the -work of m;iny past and present workers, notably John Tenipleton, David Moore, William Thompson, G. C. Hyudman, Ralph Tate, George Dickie, William Milieu, and F. Whitla. But the great bulk of the material represented S. A. Stewart's own work. He had been collecting information for twenty-five years, and had been exploring the area systematically during the greater portion of that period. His co-editor T. H. Corry was di-owned while botanizing on Lough Gill only a short time after he had joined Stewart in the scheme, which threw more work still upon that indefatigable botanist. Taking into account Stewart's limited time and narrow circumstances, and the fact that he was self- taught in botany as in other things, the Flora is a noble monument to his industry. But the district was by no means exhausted. The " Supplement," published seven years later, gives a list of some twenty additions to the Flora, exclusive of some twenty -five Bramble and Hawkweed segregates, and includes many import- ant exten.sions of range. The fact that the number of additions is not larger in spite of active Avork on the part of local botanists shows the thoroughness of Stewjtrt's work. Now, thirty-live years have elap?ed since the f'lora was published, and a much greater advance can be recorded. Exclusive of segregates of Rubus, Rosa, and Hieracium, the number of species added to the original Flora is about fifty- flve. Mo.st of these are wholly new discoveries so far as the North-east is con- cerned, but some had been, or were supposed to have been, found previously, but were not admitted to the Fhra on the grounds of being not native nor naturalized, or wrongly named. These additions include some very interesting plants, a few of which deserve special mention. Spiranthes Romanznffiana is the most interesting member of our flora. This Orchid, widely .spread in northern North America (and just crossing Behring Straits into Asia) was for eighty-two years (1810-1892) known in Europe only from a limited area of County Cork. Its discovery in Armagh in 1892 has been followed by the finding of numerous other stations around Lough Neagh and on the Upper and Lower Bann ; while confined to the one river system, it is now known to occur in the Counties of Down, Antrim, Derry, Tyrone, and Armagh, and in many of its stations it is [jresent in considerable abundance. And just as our area can now claim to pos.sess one of the American plants which give an added interest to the flora of Leland, so it can now also show one of the southern species which are a striking feature of the Irish flora, and whose mingling with the northern plants in the AVest of Ireland forms one of the most remarkable phenomena of European vegetation. The grass Glycena trstncae- formis, found abundantly around Strangford Lough (and also in tlie Shannon estuary) is elsewhere exclusively Mediterranean in its range. The Scottish nnd Scandinavi.ui element in tlie Irish flora has its focus in Co. Antrim, and this featuie has been eni])liftsi>;ed by the finding in that county of three northern Sedges, dair.v /xnici/Zura, (,'. inli/ua, U. ai/nalilis, (tlie tirst two contined in Ireland to the Antrim moors), as well us various Hawkwceds. 'J"he local alpine flora, (whicii is poor in spite of tiie elevated habitats olfered by the Mourne Mountains) has been enriched by the addition oi ^nKs.iuiea nlpiiia. (Jn the other hand, work in Co. Down especially has extended into our district the range of a luiuiber of ])lants whose centre of distribution lies further south in Ireland. Some of these are seacoast plants — Cuch/raria (otglica (Derry), Trigo- nella or)iithopodioides (Down), Cnthmum maritimuin (Down, Antrim), Artemisia maritima (Down), fitatictoccideuddia (Down), Zostrra nana (Down). Others are characteristic of the Central Plain of Ireland. This is a limestone area with much water, and the spread of .some of the plants to Co. Down has apparently been assisted by the disjtersal over the Silurian area during the Ice Age of lime- stone from Castle Espie near Comber. In Co. Antrim the basalt furnishes a soil rich in lime, while along the ooast limy sands have allowed the spread of other calcicole species. The additional plants which are characteristic of the Central Plain include Ramtuculns circiualits, Stellaria palustris, Orchis pyramidalit, I'oiamofff'ioii pUiutaginetis, Charu pobjacaiUha. The finding of Carex ejileusa on Lough Neagh is interesting, adding another maritime species to the group of seaside plants which form a peculiar feature of the flora of that lake. This group now includes Viola Ciirtisii, Spergularia rupestris, Ceraslium semidecaiidrum, C. arvetise, Erodium cicutarium, Trijolium arveusf, Scirpus mariiimus, S. Taheruaemoittani, Carex extensa. These are in Ireland all characteristically maritime species, and several of them have no other inland station in the country. Othei' interesting additions include Nasturtium sylvestre (Down), characteristic of the river system of S.E. Ireland; Teesdalia tiudicaulis {Down, also Tyrone) unknoM-n elsewhere in Ireland ; Galium sylvestre (Antrim), elsewhere in Ireland contined to the western limestone rocks from Kerry to Leitrim ; Eypochaeris glabra (Derry). only Irish station ; Allium oleraceum (Antrim), only Irish station ; and Hordeum sylvaticum (Antrim), only Irish station. Among critical plants good progress has been made. Thanks mainly to the work of Canon Lett and Mr. Waddell, the local Brambles are tolerably well worked out, particularly those of Co. Down. Mr. Waddell also did much useful work at the Roses, and a number of botanists have collected Hieracia. The progress made may be rightly measured by a comparison of the number of forms — species, varieties or hybrids — of each group recorded in the Flora and in the present publication. In the I'lora Rubi number 34, Kosae 18. Hieracia 19. The numbers now stand at -Rubi 79, Rosae 55, Hieracia 45. As regards the e.\tensive section of the flora which is not indigenous to the country, the new records, so far as naturalised species are concerned, refer less to new-comers or to plants which have recently been discovered than to others which, long kno\\n in our area, have increased their hold, and may now be admitted as established. Many of these are Central or Soutli European plants, which became established in Southern Ireland before reaching the North : such are Draba muralis, Lepidium Draba, Lactuca muralis, Erinus alpiuus, Juncus VI. teiiui.1. Others ;ire Xorth American plants — Senebiera didywa, Matriraria discoidea, Mimnlus guttatus. Veronica peregn'na, also American, differsfroni these in havinp; its Irish centre of dispersal in the Xorth. The number of casuals recorded from our district has been increased largely, and no doubt some of them will in turn obtain a permanent footing, and be admitted in future Floras as fully established. Besides actual additions to the local flora, a large number of very satisfactory extensions of range of rarer plants is now recorded. In the following list some of these are given ; and in the figures following the names an indication is shown of the past and present standing of the plants, the first figure representing the number of stations (some of whicli have not been verified since) known when the Flora was published, and the second figure the number of stations discovered since (?/ meaning locally frequent). ■ St.\tions. In Flora Additional Draha incana 2 2 Elatlne Hydropiptr 3 2 Spergidarm rubra 3 3 Hypericxim quadrangulum 3 \^. Trifolium striatum 2 If Vicia Orobus 1 If Dryas odopetala ... 1 A rcto.-^ (casual or error). Primula i-eris (not established). The judgment regarding the first four of these still stands, except that the first was probaldy an error, hut the last may be reinstated, as it is well established about Rostrevor. A few additional species must now be withdrawn for the reasons given : — Fmnaria mnraJix (error). Ruhuft Chamne.morm (outside our area). Matricaria Chainomilla (error). Allium vineale (error). To these two lists must he added List (2) on p. vii, if the total of plants withdrawn from the Flora of ihe Nui th'East is to be obtained. Topographical. If we view from a topographical standpoint the progress which has been made since tlie publication of the Flora in 1888, we find that the largest contri- bution of new plants has come from the exploration of eastern Down. "Work in the Ards, and in the interesting area lying between Strangford I.ough and Dundrum Bay, has resulted in many additions to the flora : and the exploration of the ^loinne ilountains has added some good plants. On the other hand, central and western Down have never received much attention, and undoubtedly require further work — their lakes and marshes in particular. In Antrim, searches on the I.ough Neagh shores have restored to tlie flora many of the rather numerous plants which for many years eluded rediscovery there, and have also added some interesting species. The grand clifts and glens of the eastern coast have yielded some good additions, and the plateau bogs of Garron and Dunloy have well repaid the work that has been bestowed upon them. The course of the Lower Bann, and the central parts of the county, are less known. J^ondonderry, least known of the three counties when the Flora was published, still occupies the same position as it did then, the reason being its lesser accessibility from Belfast. About IMagilligan good work has been done, but almost all the remainder of the county calls tor exploration— the shores of Lough Neagh, the valleys of the Bann and Roe, and the mountainous areas in the centre and west in particular. Natives and Aliens. Somf! trouble has l)epn taken in the present compilation with regard to the difficult question of native and non-native species. Much confusion and want of uniformity of treatment exist in local Floras on this question, owing partly to its inherent (lifficulties, hut in great measure to the lack of clear thinking. In studying vegetation from this standpoint, several courses are open to the botanist. We may argtie, as Woodruffc Peacock did,' that since man is a j)roduct of nature, his operations should rank as natural processes, not to be distinguished as regards plant dispersal from those carried out by the beasts and l)ird8. Pur- sued to its logical limit, this view would lead us to include in the local flora every plant gTo\\ ing within the area, from true natives to specimen conifers, potatoes, and tropical orchids. A more usual and less e.xtrenie view would take no cognisance of species planted and maintained by man. such as crop plants and the contents of gardens and greenhouses, but would include in the flora all casual followers in man's train- plants introduced in the course of agriculture and commerce, and maintaining themselves by man's assistance, in the way of keeping down the native vegetation by cultivation, &c. This is approximately the view of the Moia of Sorth-Eatt h-eland, in which such dependents as the Poppies and Fumitories are included in the flora without coninient. In many other works {^e.y. " Cybele Hibernica," " Irish Topographical Botany") an attempt is made to go further, by using signs meaning "possibly introduced," "proi)ably introduced," ' ' certainly introduced," &c. But these terms are vague and need clear definition. When we think how catastrophic has been the influence of man during the last couple of thousand years upon the pi'eexisting vegetation, biult up by the slow processes of competition, migration, and secular change, and how unstable and e])hemeral is the vegetation which occupies the area of his occ\ipation, it seems desirable from every point of view, and especially from that of the study of plant geograjihy, to separate, in an analysis and discussion of the flora, so far as we can, the pre-human flora from that which has resulted from the practice of agriculture. In countries such as our ow!i, where almost every portion bears the imprint of man's handiwork, this is not always easy, and can only be attempted with a clear understanding of the problem, ^^'e aim at leconstructing the aboriginal flora from a study of that tlora on the area at the present time. What are the tests to be employed? What do we mean by an aboriginal or truly native plant t' It has seemed to the writer that the definition of S. T. Dunn,* provides the most convenient answer to the question :— a native plant is one which has spread by natural ( \.e. non-human) means from a natural source to a natural habitat. Three points are thus involved -jiarentage, dispersal, habitat -and human influence on any one of the three will rule a plant out from ranking as fully indigenous. An example of failure on each of these three points will make the test clearer. 1 !•;. A. WoodrntTe-Peacock : Nattrenantl Alienn. ".louni. of l!ol.', xlvi. :Mi». 1908. - .S. T. Duini : Tke Alien Flora i\J' Uiituin, \>.\. (1) Mimuhit guttatiix is not native bv our mountain streams because, though it came there by natural seed dispersal, the source of the seed Tvas a garden. (2) Fiiiffuicula grandiflora is not native in wild ground at Blackstairs, Co- Wexford, because the roots were brouglit there from KeiTy by a botanist. (3) Equisetitm variegafiim is not native along the Royal Canal, though it lias spread there naturally Iroiu native stations, because its habitat there is artificial. Such tests are often not easy to apply, but it seems certain that the attempt should be made, for without such inquiry it would be impossil)le to study the flora in the light of its past histoiy, or to attempt to use the evidence of the plants for bygone changes in climate or iu the distribution of sea and land. In the following pages, then, a clear distinction is made between plants believed to be aboriginal, and those which on any of the above counts owe their l)resen(e in our district to human influence : the former being printed in Claren- don type, the latter in Italic. In the case of tlie latter, plants which are con- sidered as established in the area so long as present conditions (natural or artificial) remain, appear in italics without brackets ; while the names of those which are looked on as not established, as well as those which have been recorded in error, are printed in italic within brackets. Mosses and Hepatics. The present publication differs from the Flora and its First Supplement inasmuch as the Flowering Plants and Pteridophytes alone are dealt with, no attempt being made to bring up-to-date our knowledge of the Mosses and Hepatics. The recent death of the leading local workers at these groups. Canon Lett and Eev. C. H. Waddell, is mainlj' responsible for this. But recent information respecting the distribution of these plants is available — as regards the Mosses, in Canon Lett's "Census Catalogue of the Mosses of Ireland" (Proc. R.I. Academy xxxii. Sect. B, 1915), and as regards the Hepatics in the same writer's "Catalogue of British Hepatics" (1904) and McArdle's "List of Irish Hepaticae" (Proc. R.I. Academy ixiv, 1904). CONTRAf'TrONS USKi) IN TIIK FOr.F.OWfNc; I'AGKS. Adams -Joliii Adams. M.A., Antrim, now ol (.'aiittdiaii Dept. of Agriculture. B.X.F.C.—Procf.ediiiy.t of the, HelfasI Xa/iiraliMs' Field Club. Bennett -S. A. Bennett, H'.Sc, Campbell College, Belfast. Brenan — Rev. S. A. Urenan, 15. A., Cushendnn. Canothers^Xathaniel Carrotliers. Belfast. Chase - ('apt. C. D. Chase, Campbell College, Belfast. Carry MS. — Annotated cojiy of Dickie's •• Ftura or Ulster" in Belfast Museum. Cyb. 1., 11. — " Ci/bele Htbernicu," ed. 1, (180(5), ed. 1, (1898). Danagh- William Dairagh, Belfast. Drnce -G. Claridge Druee, M.A., Oxford. Fl. Belt'.—'" Flora Bel/a.-tUeiidsr by Ralph Tate, iSGIi. Fl. UU.—'\FloruofUlMer:' by Prof. George Dickie, F.R.S., 18(J4. Foster — Xevin H. Foster, b'.L.S., Hillsborough. G.I.T.B. — '"'Gleanings in Iri.'th Topographical Botany " ijy K. LI. Piaeger, {in Froc. R. I. Academy, x.'civ, Sect. B., 1902). Hanna — Richard Hanna. Belfast. Hart— H. C. Hart, B.A., Carrablagh, Co. Donegal. Henry — James Henry, Colevaine. Houston — J. D. Houston, Lurgan. Ir. FL—'' The Iri.-eebody, Londonderry. Lett— Rev. Canon II. W. Lett, M.A.", Loughbrickland. Lilly— C. J. Lilly, D.L, R.LC, Limavady. Marshall — H. C. Marshall, Bangor. Megaw— Rev. W. R. Megaw, B.A., Belfast. Milligan — Alexander Milligan, Belfast. Moore — David Moore, Ph.D., F.L.S., Dublin, His MS. Notes are referred to as "Moore MS.", and his Herbarium, preserved at Glasnevin Gardens and in the National Museum, as "Herb. Moore."' More — A. G. More, F.L.S., Dublin. Praeger — R. LI. I'raeger, D.Sc., DubliTi. Robinson — Hugh Robinson, Belfast. Rogers^Rev. W. Moyle Rogers, M.A., Bournemouth. Stelfox— A. W. Stelfox, Dublin. Stewart — S. A. Stewart, A.L.S., Belfast. His MS. Notes are referred to as " Stewart J/ 6'." Sup. — Supplement to Flora N.E. Ireland, by Stewart & Praeger, 1895. Sup. Cyb. I. — "Recent Additions to the Flora of Ireland,'' by A. G. More, (Proc. R.I. Academy, 1872). Templeton— John Templeton, A.L.S., Belfast. His .MS. "Flora Hidertiica" is referred to as " Templilon MS." XIL Tomlinson— TV. J. C. Tomlinson, Belfast. Waddell— Rev. 0. M. Waddell, B.I)., Saintficld. W.B.E.C. — RepoHi in Hibernia inventae," by Walter Wade M.l)., 1804. Wear — Sylvanus "Wear, Belfast. ILLUSTRATIONS. Sylvaiuis Wear ... ... ... ... To face Title page Some Contributors to the Ireland " Spiranthes Romanzoffiana Some Contributors to the "Flora of the North-East of Ireland" ... ... ... ... ,, page 1 S.A. STE.WART, A . 1_ . S . ^J^l z^. I^^H ^^iT^lP^H 1 ^B L^i ■^H CANON H.W. LETT , M,, '-OMuif'- REV. C.H. WADDCLL, M.A^ M .R I.A. T-. H.CORRY, M.A.,M.R. Some Contributors to the Flora of the North -East of Ireland. To face (?. I ] FLORA OF XORTH-EAST IRin.ANl). XANUN'CUI.ACEJC. Ttaallctrum minus L. T. dunense D'.iin. J-ocal. Fl. 1 (as 7". minus). DO, AN, — . Down iiuilimullun, Benderg Bay, and in Aids opposito Green Island (/'faeger) — I.N. li, 201 ; xii, 264. Poitiivogie and still at New- castle, 1!)'20, Tomlinson. Antrim — Sandhills near Portnish 1812, Babitiglon in Herb. Cyb. II; still there 1916, Henry. Rushl'oot (Mrs. .S-uanJ—/.T.B. Still at Ballj'castle, decreasing 191.'), Tomlitison. T. colllnum Wallr. Very rare. Fl. 1, .Sup. 145. DO, AN, LD. ( 7'. minus ]j, var. p. 7". tnontannin Wallr. of Flora). Down— Sandhills at Ballykinler 1900 ( W'addell )~IV.B.F.C . 1900. " In spite of sandhill situation not dunense Duni." — E. F. Union. \T. majus ^^^\\\\\. Error. Fl.l'i^. DO,—,—.] T. flarumL. Fl. 1, .Sup. 115. — , AN, LD. Confined to Lough Neagh basin, where it is abundant. Antrim — Crunilin ^7i';/hbrickland (Lett) — W.B.E.C. 1895. Augbnadarragh Lake ( Waddill)—\V B.E.C. 1904. var. floribundus (Bnb.) .S"«/. 145. DO, — , — . Down— Loughbrickland (Lett)- - W.B.E.C. 1895. var. elong-atUB F. Scliultz. DO, — , — . Down— Canal near Scarva ( Lett )-lV. B.E.C. 1894. R. penicillatus Dum. Frequent. Fl. 2, Sup. 145. DO, AN, LD. Down — Clanrye River near Sbeepbridge 1901 [Lett , — J.N. xii, 28. Antrim— Main River at Glarryford and Larne Water above Larne {Tomlinsoii)--B.N.F.C. vi. 60. [R. Baudotii Godr. Error. //. 290, Sup. 145. DO, AN, — .] {R. Oipariituim'. Krror. /7. 290. -- , AN, — .] R. hederaceus L. Common. /'A 3, .S'k/. 146. DO, AN, LD. R. sceleratus L. Frequent. Fl. ?,. DO, AN, LD. Derry — Not rare in tbis county as stated in Flora, Houston. Bellarena ; common in north (Leebody) — I.T.B. Common about ('oleraine, Henry. Roe Mouth, Lilly. R.FlamrauIa L. Common. Fl. 3, .S» lue)—/ .N. .\.xi, 285. var. Stevenl (Andrz.) Antrim -Glenarm [Druce)-~l.N. viii, 198. R. repens L. Ver\' common. /'/. 4, Sup. 146. R. bulbosus L. Common. Fl. 4. [A', ///'i-;////! Curtis. V.vmv. F/.29[. \_K. parvijiortis \.. Casual. Fl.21\. [/?. aiveusis L. Casual. //. 271. R. Flcaria L. Common. /"/. 4. Caltha palustrls L. Common. Fl. o. var. Guerang-erll (Bor.) Antrim- -Field east of Colin Glen above bridge, 1899 — Stiwart MS. {'J'rolliiti eureptcus 1.. Error. //. 291. — , AN, — .] [HelUbotus vindis L. Escape. FL21\. DO, AN, — .] lAguilegia vulgaris I.. Escape. /'7. 271, -S/ir/. 146. DO, AN, — .] BERBERXSACEJE. [Berberisvtiliansh. Planted. //. 271. DO,—,—.] i«^ymph2:ace2:. JVupbar luteum Smith. Frequent. /'/. 5. DO, AN, LD. DO, AN, LD. 1)0, - , AN, — • AN, -• no. AN, LD. DO, AN. LD. DO, AN, LD.] -, AN, -.] -, AiN, -.] DO AN, LD. DO AN, LD. 4 PAPAVERAC1'L¥.. irymphaea alba \.. /•/. 5, Sup. 14G. DO, AX, LD. Rare in AN, frequent elsewhrre. Antrim — Pond near Diinadrv Station (7bw//;/j-o;<, — B.N.I'.C. v, 440. Lissanure i:?L^\.\t—B.N.'F.C. 1908. PAPAVERACE^S:. Pipii:'i'i so>nitiferi(iu h. Sii/>. 117. DO, — , — . Down — Apparently natnraliscd on stony beaoh at 'I'ara in Ards (/'/(r^^y/-) —J.N. xxvii," 118. P. Khu-as L. Rare and local. //. G, Sup. U7. DO. AX, LD. Down — Downpatrick, Millin Bay, and about Portaferrv [Piiif^-e)] — /..v. vi, -280 : xii. •2.14 ; xxy'ii, lis. P. duhiuni 1,. Abundant in DO, less so in AX and IJ). /•/. G. DO, AX, !,!). P. Argeniojielj. Rare. /■/. 6. DO, AX, LD. Down — Tyrella, Rathniullan, Killougli Harbour, Ivnockinelder, and near Portaferry (J''raegtr) — /.A'', xi, 201 ; xxvii, ILS. Antrim — Xear Lisburn [D. Moore — Cyb. I and 11. Deny— Still at Magilligan 1916, Ihnry. P. hybridtini L. Rare. /•'/. 6, Sup. 146. DO, — , — . Down— Minerstown, Ratliinullan, and Tyrella iPiaeger) — /.A", xi, "ioi. Meconopsls cambrica Yig. \'ery rare. Fl. 7, Sup. 147. DO, AN, LD. Antrim— Still at Fairbead 1921 (/. K. H. GreevefK Still at Ardcliuis, 1921, r>-aeg-e>: Deny — Refound at Magilligan Braes on Woodtown side of ilrst stream east side of Eagle Hill 191 fi, Henry \ also in 1917, ToniUnson, Praegei—I.N. xxvi, 1H9. Clauciuxu flavum Crantz. Local. Fl. 7, Sup. 147. DO, — , — . Down — Near Rostrevor, 1808 {7'eini>lc/ou) — Stetvarl MS. Between Greencastle and Kilkeel — Ir. Fl. Still at Greencastle, 1906 — B.N.F.C, V, 488. Near Portaferry— Ct^rr;' ,V6'. At interrals f rom Tyrella to Rossglass and from Millin Bay to Newcastle (in Ards) {Fraeger)~I.N. xi, 201 ; xii, 254. North of Newcastle— Cor;;- MS. ; still there \m%— B.N.F.C, vi, 151. Chclidoniiim majiis L. Escape. Fl. 7. DO, AN, LD. rCMARTAOlC.-F!. .«i FUMARZACEJC. Cflrvdo/is //i/e,i DC. Escape. /V. 'JTI. DO, AX, — . Antrim — Dervock, on old wall near lour tain 19 1.'), Hfiiry. Still at Cniniliu 1920, Prarger ami .SU/fo.\. [C.clcniaiiataW. Error. //. 291. DO,-,—.] NoTK — The r'vilinore station (sre /.X., xi.\, l.'iT), iIioukIi politically in Derry, is botanically in Donof^ul, the RivBr Foyle rorminK the boundary. Fumaria. In 1&0.'5 and 1901 Miss Kiiowles and Mr. Praeger procured speci- mens of Irish Fumitories from various soiuces, and submitted them to Mr. II. W. I'ugsley for determination. The recoids for o\ir district verified by Mr. I'ugsley are iicre followed hy the mark !. See /.N. liii, ;5.'5 and xiv, 166. Fuiitaria (apreolala L. Frequent. /•/. S, Sup. 117. DO, AX, I.D. Down— Warrenpoint, coloured form, 1897 ! [Slewarl \. Ballynahinch ! Herb. 'I'rin. Coll. Dublin. Many other stations ! Antiim — Carrickfergus, 1894 I Kiiowlcs. Hallymoney, 1901 1 D. C. Campbell. Larne, 1904 ! Carroilieis. Island Magee, 1904 ! /.///;'. I'ossibly a native. The only Fumitory sometimes found in wild ground. F. puipnrai I'ugsley. ': Rare. DO, AX, — . Down— Lenaderg, 1904 \ Davics. Xear Shaw's Bridge, 1004 1 Ca: . rothers. Antrim — Glenmorc, 1859 I Davics. Antrim l'J04 1 'Joiitliiuou. Larne (Druce)— /.A', xxi, '23o. F. Bora-i Jord. Freqiient. /•/. S. IK). AX. — . Down — liallylesson 187'i ! Sleivail. Comber, 1004 ! duiciheis. Antrim -Maloue 180-J ! .Sleivail. Antrim, lilOt ! Adams. y-AX. scroti na (lavaud. DO, — , — . Down Sainttiold I'JU.'i ^Waddeil)- IV.B.E.C. liKH. F. (oitfusa Jord. Common. /'/. 8. DO, AX, LD. Down — Saintfield, shade form, 1S98 ! U'. /')«v^;r R.Br. Rare. /•/. 291, .S«/. 118. [)(),_,_. Down rhuichtown near Stiangfonl {Pi ur<;f)j /.A', xiv, 27.] Arabia hlrsuta Scoj.. l{;iro. /•/. 10, Sup. MS. I»(), A.X, LlL Down — .Still at Diiiulniin Castle, 1914, '/'oiii/iiisoii. Antrim Toir Head on clialk 1910 {7'ontiiitsoii). — /.N. \'\\, 237. npiiy Still at Ilenevenap;}) 1917, Praeger. Still abtindaiit at I5enone 1917, I'omlinson. Abundant at Doaglis, Magilligan, \9'10, /.illy- [A. per/cliata Lam. Casual. Fl.Ti-l. , AX, — .] Cardamlne amara I-. Rare, Rpre.iding. /•'/. 1(1, Sup. HS. DO, AN, I>r). Down— Still at Helvoir Park 1921. B.N.F.C. Antrim Derriagliy (llaiina and Carrot/iei m — /i.X-F-C. v. 1.39. Shane's Castle I'ark west of Main River, al)undant ; and still at Massereene 11)12, Tonilinson. Oerry — Marsh by hout'h Neagh north oi' iJallyionaii, Toiiihuson. C. pratensls L. Very common. Fl. 10. DO, AX, I,D. C. tairsuta L. Common. /-/. 10. DO, AN, LD. C. flexuosa With. Common. Fl. 10. DO, AN, LD. \_C.ini l^ali ens L. Planted. l-l.'lVl. — , AN, — .] lAly.^tim >iu,ntuuum L. Escape. /•/. 272. DO, , — •] \_A. (alycinuri L. — , — , LD. Derrv - Fichls at .Magilligan 1897 (/V./Wr— />. A"./''.C'. iv, 44:3 ; still there 1910, Hfnry.\ Dtaba muralis I.. Local, spreading. /•/. 27."). DO, AN, LD. Down — Abundant in and near gardens at IlilUhorongh 191 S, Fester. Antrim — Old bridge near Annoy 189(), and Templepatrick, 1909 — N.X.F-C. Taylorstown near Ahogtiill 1917. .l/<;vaw. Derry- Walls at Cmhra 190o {Lett and Waddeli) IV.B.E.C. 1906. Movanagher 191:5, Houston. ». incana L. Very rare. /•/. VI, .Sup. 14S. - . AN, LD. Antrim -At .300 feet at Murlough Bay on chalk 1907, Stelfo.v. Torr Head on chalk 1910 {'fomlinsonr /.iV. xis, 237. Coast one mile west of Torr Head 1921,/. A'. H. Gruvcs. 8 CRUCIFER.E. Derry — Still at Benone (Magilligan) and Benevenagh, 1917, Praf^er. Sea-level at Benone, to 1,100 feet at Benevenagh. Erophila vulgaris DC. {Drabavfnial..). Fl. 12,5///. 149. DO, AN, LD. Frequent near the sea, rare inland. Down— Lenaderg and Srarva ( Davies)—J.N. xi, 181. Hillsborough and Lawreneetown 1919, Foster. Antrim— Templepatrick 1912, Wear. Kellswater, Megaiv. Above are all inland stations and generally on or near a railway. Cochlearla officinalis L. Common on coasts, fl. 13. DO, AN, LD. var. alpina (;;^'. 148. DO, AN, LD. Down -Lenaderg and Scarva 1902 (Davies) — IN xi, 181. On wall at Ballykinler 1909 {Carrotlurs and Toinlinson)— IN xix, 102. On wall near Donard Lodge 1913, Sielfox. Oglesgrove Nursery, Hills- borough 1918, Foster. Antrim — Frequent on or near the basaltic escai-pment. Cushendun [Brenan) -Stewart MS. Ballymena 1899 (Knowles)-I.7 .B. Torr Head 1911, and Little Deer Park, Glenarm, m^— B.N.F.C. Scawt Hill, Foinlinson. Derrj — Benevenagh 1913, Sleljox. Doaghs, Magilligan, 1920, Lillv. Native on the basaltic escarpment in Antrim and Derry. S. officinale Scop. Common. Fl. 11. DO, AN, LD. IS. Sophia L. Casual. Fl. 11. DO, AN, — . Down— Victoria Park 1900 {Carrothers)— B.N.F.C. v, 472. Ballj-ma- gee 1913, Stelfox. Antrim — Greenisland {Mrs. White Spuniier) — I.T.B. Lame 1920, Bennett.'] CRUCIFERjE. 9 S. AUlaria Srop. Frequent. FL 11, Sti/>. I4S. DO. AN, I-D. Antrim Gienoe-" /v. yV.f'.C. vi, .')9.'). Tiillyiiuillaii near Bailymena, Afegaw. {ErysiiiimncJieiyan/hoides \.. Casual. .S/^/'. HS. — , AX, ] [CaiHfliita safh'a].. Alien. /•/. 273, .S'«/. 1-19. DO, AX. LD. ] Subularia aquatica [.. Vevy rave. F/. 14. DO, A.V.i.n. roulined to Lough Xeagh basin and connections ; not seen since 1870. [Piassica oleracea L. Escape. /-/. 272. — , A\, — .] />'. Ka/)a L. var. h'r/«^qs/i. Wats. (H. iaw/es/>is a.nc\.) /■/. 11. DO, A\, I.D. Conunoii. [/>.///;•>,/ Koch. [Siiiapis nigral..). /•/. 12. — ,AX, 1,1). Antrim — Lame {More) — /. 'J'.B.'\ B. Sinapis "V'isiani. {Siiiapis arveiisis \..) FL 12. DO, A.\, I.D. Very common. B. a/l>a Bo\%^. {.Siiiapis ttlba \..) Local. 7-7. 12, .S"///. 148. DO, — , LD. Down Ardglass 1892 {Fiaeger) - J.T.B. Rossgla.ss, Killough, Bally- hornan, Bar Hall Bav, and Newcastle (in the Ards) {Praeger)-r.A'. .\i, 201 ; xii, 254. Derry — Downhill to Magilligan 1917, I'raeger. [Dip/otaxis tenuifclia DC. Casual. F/. 272. — ,AX, — .] Capsella Bursa-pastoris Munch. Very common. /V. 14. DO, AX, LD. Sefiebiera didyiiia Vera. Rare. /-V. 27-"], .V/^/. 149. DO, AX, — . Down— Strangford Quay {Frae^er\— l.N. xxvii, IIH. Antrim — Ballycastle, Toiiilinsoii. The Portstewart plant of 1st Suppl. is S. Coronopus — /. T.B. S. Coronopus Poiret. Frequent. FL lo, .Sup. 149. DO, AN, LD. Antrim— Shore near Macedon Point 1917, Carrothos. \_Lepidiuin sativum L. Escape. Fl. 273. — , AX ? — .] [/, campestre R.Br. Rare. //. 1.'5, Sup. 149. DO, AX, LD. Derry— Toome, roadside near bridge 1906— i?./V. A. 6". v, 481.] iO CRVCIFEI^.E. I., hlrtum Smith {/,. S»ii/hii B.ook.\. J^'l. 14, Sup. N9. DO, AN, i.lX Local. Common in Down, rarer in Antrim and Derry. Derry — Errigal Hanks i/'iae«er) — I.T.B. Still near Roe IJvidge, Limavady 1916, Lilly: and at Colerainc 191G, Henry. Magheral'elt and Desertmartin 1918, Si el fox. f. Dyaha\.. Naturalized. DO. AX, — . Down — Lenaderg by Bann 1907 iZ>rtt7<;j,-^ iS'.A^. /'.C. vi, 11. Comber {Carro/he>s)—B.N.F.C. vi, 60. Antrim— Carrickfergus (near Eden) l^QO—B.N.F.C. May be considered naturalized — /.yV. xiii, 4, 8. [Tkla^pt atveuse 1.. Casual. A/. 13, .S";//. 119. DO, AN, LD. Down -Ballvmagee 191/), Stelfo\. Campbell College 1920, Bennett and Chase. Still at Killowen 1920, Chase. Antrim — Ballvmena [A'nowles .—I.'J'.B. Still at Waterfoot (Kedbay) 191S. Mel'au'.] Icesdalia nudicaulis ll.Br. DO, AN, — . Down— Lambeg 1899 [Davies)—I.N. viii, Itil. Ballykinler, abundant in sandy fields {Praeger) — l.N. li, 201. Antrim -Glenmore 1898 i Davies',—I.N. vii, 198; viii, 161. Probably native at Ballykinler, and at its only Ulster station outside our district — Washing Bay in Tyrone — from which latter place the Lambeg and Glenmore plants are believed to have come with sand for building. Crambe maritima L. E.\treniely rare. /'"/. 15. DO, AN, — . Down- South Bay (south of Tara Toint in Ards) 1902 (.S". A. Moo>e)— /.Xxii, 2o4. Decreasing. Cakile maritima Scop. Local. //. 15, Sup. 149. DO, AN, LD. Raphaniis Raphanistnimlj. Not rare. 7-7. 15. .S«/. 150. DO, AN, LD. R. marltimus Sm. Hare. /'/. 16, .V///. 150. DO. AN. — . Down -From two miles N. of Ballywalter to Greenisland ; I'ortavogie, Clonghey, N. of Kearney, N. of Newcastle (Ardsj, llos.sglass Chapel, Mui-phvstown, and S. of Kilclief Castle (/Vii vulf;aye naeitmr. Planted. Fi. 273. — , AX, — .] VZOI.ACEA. Viola palustrls I-. /■/. Ifi. .S///. l.iO. DO, AX. I,D. /'. odoraia I,. /•/. 17. DO, AX, LD. Down - Gieyabhey [Kiiowles ~ I .T.B. Rostrevor 1S98, Stvljo.x. [F. /4;V/a J., type. Error. /7. 291. _,AX, — .] var. V. calcarea Gregory. Rare. DO. — , — . Down— Dundruin sandhills 1902 {W,uidell)-IV.B.E.C. 1904. V. Rivlnlana Ileirhh. (as V. svlvaticaYnea, in Flora). DO, AX, LD. Common. /•'/. 17, .Slip. 150. var. flavicornis Forster. Rare. FL 17. DO, — , — . V. Relchenbaohlana Bor. Rare. /•/. 17. DO, AN, — . Down — By Polramer Lake .Stewart .US. Lagan at Edenderry 191o {Carrothers] — FN. xxii, 19. V. canina L. Rare. //. 17, Sup. 1.50. DO, AiX, LD. Down - Here and there abundant on sliores of Lecale ; frequent in Ards {Prae^er)- FN. xi, 201 ; xii. 2fil. Dnndrum ( Waddelf)- ll'.B.E.C. 1904. Antrim — Still at Selshan \nb—B.N.F.C. Derry— Benone (Magilligan) 1917, Praeger. Lough Noagli west of Toorae 1918, Stelfo.x. V. tricolor L. Common. Fl. 17. DO, AX. LD. 12 POL YGA LA CE.'E—CA R YOmYLLA ChL1%. V. saxatills Schmidt, var. leplda (.lord.). DO, — , — . Down— Ballywalter \':i\:) (li:,d(ie//)—B.E.C. 1913. V. arveiis/s Murr. Coiiinion. Fl. 17. DO, AX, LD. V. Curtisll ForPt. Common. /•/. 17, .S"«/. InO. DO, AX, LD. V. obtuslfolia Jord. _ , AX, — . Antrim—Xear Lame 1912 (Druce)—I.N. .xxi, 235. [ J'. //,^i(p.\n\. DO, AX', LD. \r. caUarea Y.'S>i:\m\1z. Error. FL ■2^2. _ , AX, — .] [P. aiisiriaca Crantz. Error. FL 292. — , AN, -—.] CARTOPHYI.X.ACfiJE. [Dtan/hus deltoides L. Error. Fl. 27o. — , AX, — .] Sapoiiaria officinalis \i. X'ot rare. Fl. 274, fiiip. 162. DO, AX', Lf*. Down-- St. John's Point 1906— ^.iV./".C. Antrim— Roadside at Killane near Ahoghill 1917, Megaiv. Dcrry — Near Toome Bridge (Druce) — f.X. viii, 198. Htlene Ct4(udalus Wibel. (S. injlaia Sm.) Fl. 20,6///. 152. DO, AX, LD. Frequent. S. maritima With. Common. /•'/. 20, *'///. 152. DO, AX, LD. [6. Armeria L. Escape. Fl. 27 L — , AN, LD.J CA KYOFHY L /. A CKJK . 1 3 .•?. angUcix \.. Ilnre. FL 20, \xxii, Sup. 152. DO. AN. LD. Down — Glassdniniinan [Tomlinson) — D.N.I'.C. vi, 60. Antrim— Portnish san'.A'. A. C iv, 531. Antrim — Derriaghy — /■'/. Ulst. Fields near Portrusli 1910, J/eiiry. Derry — Fields between Coleraine and Portrush 191G, Henry. Myroe near Magilligan, f.illy. I., diurna Sibth. Frequent. /•'/. 21, W. 152. 1)0, AN, LD. 1,, FloS'Cucull I.. Common. /-V. 21. DO, AN, LD. [/.. 6VMa?» Scop. Frequent. /■'!. 2\, Sup. \^2. DO, AN, LD.] Cerastlum tetrandrum Curtis. /•/. 25, Sup. 15.3. DU, AN, LD. Fi'fqueut. C. semldecandrum !,. Frequent. /•'/. 21. DO, AX, LD. Down— Newcastle [DaTies] — /■'/'. B. Cloughey Bay [ Praeger) - / . }^ . xii, 254. Antrim -Portrush Golf Links 19 iC, IVear. Derry— Henevenagh at 1,100 feet {IIart)—I.T.B. Still at Benone Magilligan) 1917, Ptaegtr. 14 CA R YOPH YL LA CE,E. C. e^lomeratum Tlinill. rommoii. Fl. 24. DO, AN, LD. C. trlviale i.ink. Very tommon. /•/. '24, Sup. 153. DO, AiV, LD. var. hirsutum Fiies. — , AX, — . Antrim — Gleiiariffe 1912 [Driice) — /.iV. xxi, TM. var. long-lrostre Wich. To this, Mr. Druce thinks, must be referred tlie plautx oil maritime rocks at Giant's Cau.seway — /. .V. xxi, 235. var. bolosteoides Fries. Very rare. Sup. 153. — , — , I,D [C. alfinuw L. Error. /•/. 292. _,AX, — .] C. ar^ense L. Very rare. /•'/. 2o. DO, AN, — Stellarla media Vill. Very common. ? Xative. Fl. 24. DO, AN, LD S. Holostea L. Common. /-/. 24. DO, AN, LD S. palustris Ketz. One station. DO, — , Down— Plentiful at Lough Keelan east of Downpatrick 1902 [Praegtr) — I.N. .\i, 201. S. g^ramlnea L. Common. Fl. 24. DO, AN, LD. S. ulig-lnosa Murr. Common. /•'/. 24, Stip. 153. DO, AN, LD. Arenaria verna 1,. Local. Fl. 23, Sup. 153. — , AN, LD. Antrim— GlenarifFe and Cushendall 1809 i leinpleton) — Sftwart MS. Knockdhu ; and still at Agnew's Hill 1907, Tomlinsoti. Giant's Causeway, Henry. Still at Lurigethan 1918, Megmv. Derry — Pottstewart ; and still at Benevenagh 1916, i%;/rj. A. trlnervla L. Frequent. Fl. 23, Sup. 153. DO, AN, LD. A. serpylUfoUa L. Frequent. Fl. 23, Sup. 153. DO, AN, LD. A. leptoclados Guss. Rare. Fl. 24. DO, AN, — . Down- Killough Bay (Davies) — /.N. vii, 246. A. peploldes 1.. Common on coast. Fl. 23. DO, AN, LD. caryophyllacf:.!':. is Sagrlna marltlma Don. Fi.'(|ueiit. /'/. '22, ■Sii/>. l.Vi. J)(), AX, LD. Down — Frequent in Anls {Praeget} - /.X. xii, 2Ci\. Antrim— Portiush {Drn(e)~r.N. viii, 198. Derrj' — Magillijjan [f.febody, — /. T.H. •• First found in Ireland hv Ifu'.ert Brown, at liallvca-lU', Antrim, in 1795"- Cv/>. II. S. apetala I.. Xot rare. /■!. 2\, S„p. \i,-l. DO, .\N, I.IJ. Antrim — ( jra veil j- ground, Wliiterook iS/euiari) -■'- t MS. Derry — By Bann opposite 'I'oome IS IS, Slelfox. a. clllata Fri.-s. Very rare. Fl. 22, Sup. \W.>,. DO, A.V, — . B. procuinbens I,. Nury lonniion. hi. 21. DO, AX, l.D. S. subulata I're.'^l. Itare. /•/. 22. — , AN, -- . Antrim— Still at Fair Head 1921, Chase. Still near Muck Island l'J2U, He>t)ittl. S. nodosa F.-ii/.l. FiP(|ueiit. /•/. 22, .V/. DO, AX, LD. Ajiparently the two forms vulgarii Btenn., and sativa Biciui. are about eijually common -6'./. 7'. Z^. Sper^ularla rubra I'lcsl. Very rare. J-'i. 2.1. Sup. 151. DO, AN, LD. Down (Jn railway at Lenaderi;, and from Ilaulnid^e to Lauiencetown ^Davifs)—/.'.\'. xi, 181 ; xii, 272. Still at i,ougli Island Heavy 1919, Beumtt. Antrim — V>\xv\\x{te: ( Dnue ) — I.l'.B. The station " Lough Beg SE. of Toome" of nora should read N, not SE. Deny— Still at Lough Xeagh W. of Toome 1918, Sie/fo.v. 8. sallna Presl. Frequent. /•/. 25, Sup. 154. DO, AN, LD. S. media I'resl. (.S. nuvgiiia/d Kittelj. Common. /■/. 25. DO, AX, LD. B. rupestrls Lebel. Frequent. /•'/. 25. DO, AN, — . Antrim— Mouth of Sixmilewater on Lough Neagh {Davies) — l.T.B, The only inland station. 1 G POR TULA CE.E—ELA TINA CE.E—II YPERICA CEJi. portux;acsjb. Montla fontana L. Comiuon. F/. xxxi, Sup. 168. DO, AN, LD. Both forms, minor (Ginel.) and riviilaris (Gmel.), are found in all of our counties, the latter chiefly about the mountains — G.I. T.B. IVI. lamprosperma Cham. Rare. DO, — , — . Down — Hills above Newctastle {Dnice) — /.\. xviii, 9"J : ixi, 236. EX.ATZM-ACEJE. Elatlne bexandra DC. Rare. //. .\.\.-tii, 19. DO, A-\, LD. Down -Lough lirickland {Lett) -W.B.K.C. 1895. (Jarrickmannan Lough fWaddell)~-lV.B.E.C. 1901. E. Hydropiper L. Very rare. /'/. Vi, Sup. lol. DO, --, — . Down - Lough Brickland ( Lett )— IV. B.E. C. 1 89^. A few paces above 10th lock on Lagan Canal (about 1 mile below Lisburn) Davies — f.N. vii, 259. HTPERZCAC&JE. Hypericum Androsaemum L. /■/. 27, Sup. 154. DO, AX, LD. Frequent, but si)aringly. [//. (latum Ait. Planted. Fl. 274. DO, ~, — . Dovm — Ditch between Maghera and Dundrum, in quantity, 1891 — Stiwart ^TS.] H. perforatum L. Frequent. /•/. 23, Sup. 154. DO, AN, LD. var. anffustlfolium DC. — , AN, — . Antrim— White well quarries — Stewart AfS. R. dublum Leers, var. maculatum Bab. F/. 28, Sup. 155. DO, AN, LD. Rare. Antrim — Broughshane 1895 I Brenaii) --.Stewart MS. The Loopagh near CuUybackey 1917, Meg^aw. Derrv — Ballykeliv 1896 {Leebody)~/.X. iv, 443. Near Formoyle [Druce) -I.k. xxi, 235. H. tetrapterum Fries. Common. Fl. 28. DO, AN, LD. B. taumlfusum L. Frequent. Fl. 28, Sup. 155. DO, AN, LD. AfAL VA CE.'E- TILIACE.V,. 17 H. palchrnm \,. Coininoii. /•'/. 20, Sup. lo,'). DO, AX, LD. H. hlrsutum L. One station. Fl. -'9, xxxiv. , AN, — . Atitriiii -Last seen at Mac.edon, very sparingly, TjCJ, Tom/inson. \H. iiwiitaniiin \.. Eiror. l-'l.'iyi. I)(J, _, -_ .] H. elodes L. Hare. Fl. 29, Sup. 155. DO, AN, LD. lJi;\\ 11 Gioorasijort {Hainta) —Stewart J/V. Marsh 2 miles E. of Dinulnini ( rtaeger )~I.N. xi, 201. Still at Coulig 1919, .9/^yo.*. Antrim Woodburn Glen ia99 '^ Flanua)— Stewart .MS. Deny -Still at Enagli Lough 1.S96 {Leebody)- I.T.B. IVXAIiVACEJE XiaTatera arborea L. Fl. 27, Sup^\b\. 1)0, A.X, . Rare in native habitats. Down— Killough {Stewart)— /.T. li. Greencastle— ^..V./'".C. v, 488. Antiim — On high ro(,ks at west end of Uathlin {Miss Gage) — Fl. Uht. ; still there— P^(2<;^'-«r. Whitepark V>d.y [Knowles) -I.T.B. Still at Sheep Island 1913, Henry. Native on maritime cliffs in Antrim. Its standing in Down is doubtful. Malva ntoschata L. Hare. Fl. 26, Sup. 154. DO, AN, LD. Down — Ballygraiuciy quairy near Bangor {Milligau—B.X.F. C. vi, 204. Drumbo llectory in liay field, Stelfox. Antrim — One plant at Whiterocks near Portrush 1916, Henry. Still at Crumliu 1899 {KnotvUs) -I.T.B. M. sylvesttis L. Common. Fl. 26. DO, AN, LD. M. rotundifolia L. Kure. Fl. 21, Sap. 154. DO, AN, LD. Down — Downpatrick {Praeger) —I. T.B. Derry — Portstewart {Knowles)—L T.B. TZI.ZACEJE. [Tilia europaa L. Planted. Fl. 21?,. DO, AN, LD.] 18 LINACEAi—GERANIACE.^i. ^ X.IN-ACEJE. Xadlolallnoldes Koth. Rare. //. 32, xxxii, ^-m/. 156. DO, AX, LD. Down — Sandhills at Newcastle ( Dttue)—I.N. viii, 198. Kirkcubbin 1919, Bennett. lilnum cattaartlcum L. Common. //. 32. DO, AX, LD. [Z. usitatissimum L. Escape from cultivation. Fl. 275. DO, AX, LD.] CKKANZACBJE. [Geramuw sanguinetim L. Very rare. Fl. 30. DO, AX', — . Antrim — Cavehill Quairy 1917, Carr others. There is no evidence that the plant hai ever occurred in the Xorth- east except as an escape. ] [6'. striatum L. Escape. Fl. 274, Sup. 155. DO, AX, LD. Down — Ditchbank near railway bridge ou ascent to Scrabo — Carry MS. Dundonald (Robinson) — B.N.F.C. v, 472. Ou railway bank west of Donaghadee 1907 ( Tofnlinson )—B.X.F.C. vi. 60.] G. Phaeum L. Esci^pe, becoming established. Fl. 274. DO, AX, — . Down— Ballvkinler ( Pvae^er )—J.T.B. Dundonald (Robinson)— B.X.F.'C. v, 472. Yyvomore:— B.N.F.C. vi, 363. Antrim — X'ear Skerry [Knoivles)~-I.T.B. Roadside ou Sheephead Hill north of Ligoniel, Tomlinson. G. Bjrlvatlcum L. One area. Fl. 29, Sup. 155. DO, AX, — . Down — Xaturalized in abundance in Hillsborough demesne — Foster. Antrim — Wr ody mountains about Knapper and Cairncastle, and about Ballinleg— /;-. /'/. Bank between Knockdhu and Scawt Hill 1898 i Hanna)— Stewart MS. Still plentiful in Little Deei-park at Glenarm 1916, Jas. Glover. Confined in Ireland to an area of about 20 square miles about Cairncastle and Glenarm. O. pratense L. One area. /•'/. '',0, Sup. 155. — , AX, — . Antrim— Cavehill Quany (escape) 1905, H. L. Orr. Old Cavehill Road near reservoir, outside a garden hedge, evidently an escape 1908, ^Vear. Abundant at Bally castle Harboui- near a garden 1917, Praeger. As a native confined in Ireland to Whitepark Bay and its vicinity. GERANIACE.E. 19 G. pyreuaicum L. Rare. /•/. 30, xxxii, Sup. \h:^. DO, AN, LD. Down— Conlig 189.S (Hainta) S/ewart MS. ; still there I'Jin, Stel/ox and Wear. Antrim Not seen at Wliitewell since formation of new Belleviie Hardens. Duriy — Coleraine in a lane 1900 to 1910, has disappeured 1910, Henry. O. moUe L. Common. Fl. .'iO. DO, AX, LD. iO,. pusilluw \.. Very rare. y^/. 293. DO, A.\ r . Down -Roadside near farm S.E. of Bangor 1908 CV. ./. .\foore)— V.y.F.C. vi, 204.] [G. retundifolium L. Error!' Fl. 293. , AX, LD.] G. cllsBectum L. Tommon. Fl. :50. DO, AX, LD. O. columblnum L. Rare, probably native. /'/. 293. DO, AX ? — . Down Base of wall in lane near X.AV. edge of Lough Cowey 1903Cstill there 1918, /Vwf^;), and roadside one mile S. of Strangford 1918 (PraegeiJ- /.N, xii, 2.")4 ; xxvii, 118. Plentiful in and near Held quan-y one mile vS. of Bangor near lane between Ballyn)agea and Primacy road 19 IR ( h'. A. FhillipsjStelfo.x. Roadside near Kilclief 1921, Bennett and Chase. O. luoldum L. Frequent. /•/. 30, Sup. 155. DO, AX, LD. Down— Helen's Bay 1902 ; Stormont Castle ; near Bally waiter and S.E. of Bangor ^.V. A. .Moore)— FN. xii, 28. }tJ\V^^^n( Stewart)— FN. xii, 28. Between Donaghadee and Millisle, Toinlirnvn. Doubtfully native in Down. Antrim— Agnew's Hill ; and still at Torr Head 1910, Tomlinson. Native on the basalt. Derry — Magilligan ( I.eehody)- FT.B. C. Robertlanum L. Very common. F!. 31. DO, AX'^, LD. Erodlum clcutarlum L'Htrit. Fl. 31, Sup. 156. DO, AX, LD. Frequent on coast. Down — iloyallon near left bank of Bann, an inland station {Davies — FN. xi, 123. Still at mouth of Six Mile River 1913, Bennett. var. irlandulosum Bosch. DO, AX, — . Down— Newcastle 1912 {Druce)—LN. ixi, 325. Antrim— Portrush 1912 {Duice]—I.N. xxi, 325. 20 AQUIFOLIACE.€.~ CELASTRA CEA'.—RHAMNA CEAi. E. moschaUiin L'Herit. Very rare. FI. 31, Stip. 156. DO, AN, — . Down — Coney Island at Killougli, and good colony at base of Audley's Castle at' Strangford {Praexer)~/.N. xi. 201 ;' xxvii, 118. Still at Dundrum 1915, Carrolhers. E. marltlmum L'Herit. Very rare. Fl. ?,% Sup. 156. DO, AN, LD. I lown^Near Dundrum B.N.F.C. iv, 531. Still there 1921, .]fega7v. Oxalls Acetosella L. Common. FL 32. DO, AN, LD. [O. corniculata L. Escape. Fl.'lli. — , AN, — .] [O. stneta 1.. Escape. Fl.Ttb. _ , AN, — .] AQUZFOXiZACEJE. Ilex AqulfoHum L. Frequent. Fl. 93, Sup. 183. DO, AN, LD. CEXiASTRACKX:. Xuoujizius europseus L. Frequent. Fl. 33, Sup. 156. DO, AN, LD. RHAMX'ACE.S:. Rhamnus cathartlcus 1,. /'7. 33, xxxiv, i"///. 136, 156. — ,AN, LD. Very rare. Antrim — Refound at Hog Park west of Selshan Harbour, 1915 — B.N.F.C. Connell Point on Lough Beg; and still at Creagh Bog 1918, Stelfox. R. Frangrula L. Very rare. /'/. 34, xxxiv, Stip. 157. DO, AN, — . ACSRACEJE. {Acer Tsettdo-platanus L. Common. /'/. 274. DO, AN, LD.] A. campestre L. Frequent. //. 274. DO, AN, LD, LEOUMINOSM. 21 i.£CrVivxxiirosjc. Ulex europaeus L Comnion. /•'/. M, Sup. 157. \)(), AN, Ll>. U. OalUI Planch. /•/. 34, .S«/. lo7. DO, AN, LD. PVequent in DO, rare elsewhere. Antrim — Rathlin Island ( Tcmpleton) ; sown bv Mr. Gage in 17!H) Carry MS. \U. nanus Forster. Error. /•'/. 203. —>—' — ] Cytlsus scoparlus Link. Frequent. Fl. 3'), Sup. 1.57. DO, AN, LI). Ononis repens L. Frequent on coast. Fl. 35, Sup. 157. Do, AN, LI). Antrim — Portrush golf links 1910, seems to have disappeared now 1916, Henry. Still at Red Bay 1920, Bennett. Derry — Movanagher near Kilrea 1913, Houston. var. borrida Lange. Sup. 157. DO, — , — . \0. spiitosa\,. Error. Fl. Vo, Sup. Vu . DO, — , — •] Trlg^onella ornithopodioides DC. Very rare. Fl. 276. DO, — , — . Down — Conev Island. Ardglass and Slieepland Harbour 1902 [Fuu^ r) -IN. xi. 201. [Medicagosati'rah. Escape from cultivation. Fl. 27o, .bup. 157. ]»0, AN, ■ .] [Af. /alcata h. Casual. Fl. 215. — , AX, -•.] M. InpuUna L. Frequent. Fl. 35, Sup. 157. DO, AN, LI). \.V. dentnulataWiUd. Error. /V. 29:j. DO, , — .] [.U. maculata Sihth. Very rare. DO, AN, — . Down — Near old pier at Ardglass 1902 (Praeger) — FN. xi, 201. Antrim— White Rocks, 1919, Miss Florence M-^/son.] [Melilotus alba Desr. Casual. Fl. 215. DO, — — •] f.)/ offiiinaiis Lamk. Casual. Fl. 276, Sup. 157. — AN, — .] M. arvensis Wallr. Becoming naturalized. Fl. 276, Suj>. 158. DO, AN, — . 22 tEOUMINOS^. [M. parvijloia Lamk. Cai-ual. Fl. 27"), Sup. 158. DO, AN, — . Antrim— Grove Green, Lisburn, 1898 {Davits)— I.N ■, viii, 51.] TrlfoUum pratense L. Common. //. 36. DO, AX, LD. T. medium L. //. 36, Sup- 158. DO, AN, LD. Rare in DO, frequent elsewhere. T. arvense L. Fl. 36, Sup. loH. DO, AN, LD. Rare, but locally abundant. Down — Lough Cowey in Ards (Praegcr) — l.N. xii, 254. Antnui — Still on Portru.'sh sandhills, plentiful, 1916, Henty. Derry — Still in great abundance at Magilligan, 1917, Toniliusott. Port- stewart Golf Lmks 1921, /., R. H. Cteeves. T. striatum L. Rare. Fl. 37. DO, AN, — . Down — At intervals from Rossglass to Ballyhornan ; .shore below Ard- glass Presbyterian Church, 1902 ; N.E. of Com Mill at Mill Quarter Bay, \ mile N. of Kilclief Castle, \ mile S.E. of Quintin Castle, and \ mile S. of Kearney [Praeger) — I.N.. xi, 201; xxvii, 118. Antrim — Castle Chichester — Fl. Ulst. Refound at Whitehead from tunnel to Cloghan Harbour, 1902 i Praeger)— FN., xi, 20L [r. scabrum L. Error? Fl. 293. DO, — , LD. Down — Near Ardglass Harbour [Teinpleton's MS. Journal) — IVaddell. Never refound, but quite possibly correct.] [r. Afdndum L. PVequent. .Sk/. 158. DO, AN, LD.] T. repens L. Very common. Fl. 37. DO, AN, LD. [T. resupinatum L. Casual. Fl. 293, Sup. 158. DO, AN, — .] [^T. agran'nm L. Casual. DO, AN, — . Down— Fields at Druinbo 1897 {Davies)—B.N.F.C. Frequent in Lecale {Praeger)— FN., xi, 201. Lough Money near Downpatrick 1917, C. E. Robertson and Wear. Antrim — Lame and Dunluce {Templeton) ; Whitehead and Randalstown [Ferguson] — /■"/. Ulsi. S. of Whitehead between railway and road 1902 (Praeger)— FN., xi,201.] T. procumbens L. Frequent. Fl. 37, Sup. 158. DO, AN, LD. LEGUMINO^.E. 23 T dubium Sibth. romnion. /-'/. 37. DO, AN, LD. T. flUforme I-. Very rare. /•/. 29:5. DO, . _. Down — On rooks below Ardi^lass I'resbyteiian Cliiirch WHYl {I'rafxer) — f.N. xi, •JOl . S. of Ballyedook Lodge (opposite Kildief ), \ mile N. of l.onp I'oit. raised beach at Bally(]uinton Point, 1918. "I think certainly native in these stations" i Vrae^^er) — /.^V.. x.xvii, IIS. Itotus cornlculatiis !,. Common. /■/. :57. DO, .VN, I^D. var. orasslfollus I'ers. /•"/. 37, Sup. 158. DO, AX, T,D. Down— Newcastle 1898 [Druc^y-G./.T.B. Antrim Shore at Garron Tower 1918, }fe^aiv. [/,. tennis Wald.st. k Kit. Casual. /•/. 276. — , A\? — .] I., ullgrlnosus Schkuhr (L. pilosus Beeke). Do, AX, LD. Frequent. /•/. :}8, Sup. 158. yOiiobrychis satii'a Lamk. Eelic of cultivation. I-l.'l'^S. DO, AX, — .] Vicla hirsuta Koch. Frequent. Fl. 38. DO, AX, LD. [/'. titraspervia Moencb. Relic of cultivation. F1.21&. DO, AN, LD.] V. Cracca L. Common. /•/. 39. DO, AN, LD. V. Orobus DC. Very local. /•/. 38, Sup. 1;)9. — , AX, — . Antrim — Tait's Hill 1903, Spennin Hill, I.ower Ballygowan llill fin great profusion), Hallvbolev near station, and Skerrvwherrv abundant) iLtl/v)—/.X., XV, 267: xvii, lt)2. WuhmW,' l^omh'uson. All the County Antrim stations are within a radius of about IJ miles. V. sylvatlca L. Fl. 38, Sup. 1.59. DO, AN, LD. Rare in DO, less so in AN and LD. Down — Glassdrumman on pebbly beach 1907, To»ilinso>t. Antrim — Quarries and glen at Carnlough- -S/^wrt;/ AIS. ; still there 1920— Pra<^w- plelon) — Stewart MS. Portrush 1919, IVear. Derry — Still at Benone (Magilligan) 1917, Praeger. Note. — The late date (July 2) and unsuitable habitat render it unlikely that the Fail- Head plant of Proc. B.N.F.C. 1904-5, p. 278, belongs to this species. {^V. bithynkal.. Casual. Fl. 21G. — ,AN, --.] [Lathyrus Aphaca L. Casual. FL 276. — , AX, — . Antrim — At Stranmillis till 1903, station now built on 1920, Catrothers.'] X.. pratensls L. Common. Fl. 39. DO, AX, LD. Ii. paluBtrls L. Very rare. Fl. 40. — , AX, . Antrim — Still at Selshan in marsliy meadow to west of bridge 1920 — Piaeger and Sielfox. Confined in our district to Lough Xeagh basin. Xi. macrorrhlzus Wimm. Frequent. Fl. 40. DO, AN, LD. var. tenulfoUus Roth. Rare. Fl. 40, Sup. 159. DO, — , — . ROSACEJB. Prunus spinosa L. Common. Fl. 40, Sup. 159. DO, AX, LD. r.insttiiiah. Frequent, i?-/. 276, .S^»/. 159. DO, AN, LD. P. Avium L. Frequent, i?*/. 41, 6'«/>. 159. DO, AX, LD. P. Cerasus L. Frequent, fl. 277, Sup. 160. DO, AX, LD. Down— Lecale 1902 (rraeger)—I.N. xi, 210. Bangor and Comber 1919, Bennett and Chase. Antrim— Wild on Ram's Island [Templeion in Whitla MS.)—Corry AfS. Hedge near Carnmoney graveyard 1894 — Stewart MS. Frequent in central Antrim, but clearly not native, 1920, Fraeger and Stelfox. RUB us. 25 P. PaduB L. Rare. /"/. 40, 6«/- l-''3. DO, AN, LD. Antiim — Glenariffp 1809 (7'etnpletaii )—Sfewarf MS. Skerry (A'novi/es) — I.T.H. Still at Glenarifte 1001 {D'Aicy—LN. x, 102; and Sallagh Braes 1911 (/,'. A. l'hillips\—Htelfox. I3y Cranny and PoUau Ikirns above Carnlougli {Vraeger ami Htelfox) — I.X. xxix, Oft. Derry- liallynagowan near Desertmartin V.^^S'i (John Rodgers) — Sttwart MS. Still in valley of the Roe above J>imavady — /i.A''./''. C". 1909 ; and at Krrigal Banks 191 S, S/elfox. [Spt'Kgn salidfolia L. Escape. [•'! . '277. DO, — , LD.] 8. XJlmarla L. Common. Fl. 41. DO, AX, LD. 6'. Filipenduta L. Escape. Fl.'lll. DO, — , — . RUBU.S. For the new records in the following list we are indebted mainly to the paper in the Irish Naturalist referred to below. Most of the other records were sent in by the late Rev. C. H. Waddell, wlio read the diaft copy and wrote the folluwing note : — "The brambles in this I.,i8t are arranged according to Rev. W. Mo_\le Rogers' "Handbook of British Kubi," 1900. except that sub>pecies are put as varieties as in the ],ondon Catalogue. The specimens, with few exceptions, liave been seen by Mr. Rogers, and this is signified by the mark ! A few which he has not noted in these counties and some older records wliich require confirmation, are put in italics. See an important paper in Irish Naturalist, 1901, p. 213, " Some Xorth-East Ireland Rubi " by Rev. W. Moyle Rogers, F.L.S." Kubns ldaeu8 I.. Common. //. 44, Sup. 101. DO, AN, LD. ». flssuB Lindley. Rare. //. 44. DO, — , LD. K. suberectus Anders. Rare. Fl. 44, Sup. 161. DO, — , LD. R. Rogrersil Linton. Very local Sup. 161. DO, AN, LD. Down— Gillhall ! Lett.^ Aghnderg, Lett and Rogers.^ Antrim— Toomebridge 1898 (Druce)—I.T.B. Derry— Toomebridge 1898 ! [Dnice) I.N. viii, 200. " Not common, widely spread in heathy places " — Waddell. ^l.N. X, 214. 26 RUBUS. K. pllcatus Wh. .t X. Locally abundant. //. 44, Sup. 161. DO, AN. LD. Down — Aiiarlone 189fi I /,«// and Waddell} Banbridge, Rogers.^ Antrim — Ballyinona. Tusbendall and (iiant's Causeway 1901. /•'. A. Rogers. ' Dervy— Lough Xeagh 1898 f! Dr. Focke) {Driue)—/.N. ix, 1. R. nltidus Wh. & X. Sup. IGl. DO, -, — . R. carplnlfoUus Wh. & N. FL 45, Sup. 161. DO. AX, - . R. Incurvatus Bab. — , AX". — . Antrim— X'ear Toomebridge 1898 (! Dr. Focke) (Druce)--l.N^. ix, 1. •' .\ plant from Xorth Antrim collected by S. A. Stewart wa.s so luimed. 1'here is some doubt aboutjthis species in the district, Mr. Rogers has not seen any." — Waddell. R. I.lndleianus Lees. Local. Sup. 162. 1>(), AX, LD. Down -- Saintfield, Waddell.^ Antrim^Cushendall and Giant's Causeway, /•'. A. Rogen.^ (ilvnn, Rogers.^ R. erythrinus Gencv. Sup. 162. — , — , LD . R. rhamnifollus Wh. & N. Frequent. /'/. 44, Sup. 162. DO. AX. LD. Down — Aghaderg ! Lett.'^ Aughnadarragh near Saintfield ! Waddell.'^ var. Baker! (F. A. Lees). DO, — , — . Down— South of Killougb 1897 ! (Waddell)~lV.8.E.C. 1900. Augh- nadarragh { IVaddelly— IV. B E. C. 1902. R. nemoralls P. J. Muell. Sup. 162. DO, — , — . ■ var. erlabratus Bab. Sup. 162. DO, — , — . R. pulcherrimus X'eum. Common everywhere. Sup. 162. DO, AN, LD. .Vntrim— Larne I Shoo/bred.^ Near Giant's Causeway ! Bailey; also F. A. Rogers.^ Glynn, Rogers.^ Derry— Toomebridge (Dru(e)—J.N. viii, 200. [R. MuatUri UsiVi^. Doubtful. Sup. \%2. — ,AN?— .] R. ▼iUlcaulls Koehl. /'/. 46, Sup. 162. DO, AN, LD. Derry— Toomebridge {Druee)—I.N. ix, 1. RUB us. 27 R. Selmerl Lindpb. Common. Sup. 162. DO, AN, LI). Down — Anaclone, A'oj;ers.' Antrim— Cavehill and Glenarm [Dnicc) - I.N. viii, 200. Cu-shendall and Giant's Causeway ! Bailey \ also /'. A. R'o_s:er.<:.^ Derry- Tooniebridge (Z)///cf)— /.yV. viii, 200. ». rratus Focke. Sup. 163. — , --,LD. The Glendum plant under this species in the 1st Siippl. Mr. Rogers believes to be K. Sehfuri^I.N. x, 216. R, arerentatus P. J. Muell. Rare. DO, — , — . Down -Aghaderg 1901, /.en and Ko^L^ers.^ var. robustus (P. J. Muell). DO, , — . Down— Killaney and Doran's Rock near Saintfield (ll'addell) — IV.B.E.C. 1008. R. ruBtlcanuB Merc. Common near sea. Fl. 44. DO, AN, LI). Down — Annaghdroghal I Comber '. and (^astle P'spic I Waddell ' Hallintaggart ! and Aghaderg ! I.elt.^ R. pube«cenB Weihe. Fl. 44, Sup. 163. DO ? — , LI). The Saintfield record in 1st Suppl. needs confirmation. " Doubtfully thus named by me" — Rogers in I.N. x, 215. \R. silvalicus Wh. & N. Sup. 163. DO? -, — . Mr. Rogers considers that records under this species in 1st Suppl. need confirmation. — I.N. \, 215]. R, myrlcae Focke, var. hesperlus Rogers. Rare. DO, — , — . Down — Lane north of Banbridge 1901, Le/l and Rtgers.^ R. macrophyllus Wh. & N. aggr. Fl. 45, Sup. 163. DO, AN, LD. Antrim —Between Glenarm and Glenariffe ( ! Dr. Focke) (Druce)—/.N. ix, 1. Derry— Between Magilligan and Umbra (Bailey)— B.E.C. 1896. var. umbrosus Arrh. Fl. 45. DO, AN, — . Antrim — Colin Glen [Slewart]— fount. Bo/. 1891. var. Sctalechtendalli (Weihe). Fl. 45, Sup. 163. DO, — , -. Down — ,\naclone and Banbridge, Letl and Rogers. • " One of the most abundant and characteristic brambles in this part of Ireland. " — Rogers. 1 I.N. X. 215. 28 RUB US. var. macrophylloldes (Genev.) DO. , JJown-Aghaderg (LeU)—U\B.E.C. J 903. var. ampUficatuB fl.oes). /•/. lo. HO, AX, — R. Salterl I!ah. /7. L). 1)0. — , LD R. Crabowskll Genevier. /•"/. 4.5. — , AX. — R. mlcans Greu. and Godr. Locally frequent. Sup. 163. DO, AX. - Ddwii — Aghaderg. Anaclone and Banbridge 1901. Leti and K osiers Saintfield ! IVaddell. Antrim — Ballynieiia about 2 miles on Larue Road 1901 ! F. A. Rogers.'^ R. blrtifollus Muell and Wirtg. var. danicus (Focke). D(), — , — Dinvn^Agiiaderg 1903 [Li/t)—ll'.B.E.C. 1903. var. moUisslmus (Rogers). DO. — . LD. Down— Aghaderg ! l.e/i.- Saintfield ! IVaddil/.'^ Derrv — Cross roads from Carnal Ridge and Portrusb 1896! Bailey - 'B.E.C. 1896. R. pyramidalis Kail. Frequent. /'Y. 4.J, J)V//. 163. DD, AX, — . Down — Aghaderg I Lett- Balljnianny and Anaclone, Lett and Rogers. "^ Antrim— Cave Hill ! Dnuer Cushendall ! /•". A. Rogers. - A very large variety of this with immense prickles is very common in Co. Down.— Waddell. R. leucostachys Schleich. Fl. 44, Sitjy. 163. DO, AX, LD. Down— Aghaderg, Anaclone and Banbridge, Lett and Rogers."^ Saint- field, IVaddell. " Xot common in Co. Down except a form with dark shining concave leaves which Dr. Focke named for me andegavensis. Mr. Rogers places it under leucostachys as a form.'' — WaddelL \R. criniger Linton (as A'. Gcleitii Frider var. criniger Linton in Suppl.). Sup. 163. The Aghaderg plant placed under this name in 1st Suppl. should be withdrawn. Mr. Rogers considers it to be R. Let tit. See I.N. xiv, 7 ; a.nA/ourn. Bot. 1901, p. 381]. ^I.N. X. 215. H.N. X, 216. ~ Rirnrs. 29 Xiettll I'ofijers. \'piy coiiiinon in Down. DO, — , — . Down— Saintfield 1896 : U'adt/e//.' AKhaderp; ! Lisnaj^'ade ! Anaclone 1 and Baiibridge 1 /.if/'/.' For description of tliis species see /..Y. x, -MO. ''It has been found later on in England" — ll'aiide//. Genev. DO, - , LD. Down— AghadeiK '■ J-ftl? "I'robalily tliis species, but if so, untypical " — Rogers. Deny— Near I'ortrush {Hailev]\ "form allied to this si)ecie3 " - IV.R.E.C. 189(5. R. olnerosus Rotters. Rare. DO, , -. Down — Ciiskuni near Aghader-:; 1901, I. ell and l\ Offers. '■ R. mucronatus Blox. Local. /•/. 40, f^itp. ICo. Do, AX, l.D. Down Knock Jveagh I Ilerh. Lett; '"apparently this," h'ogert.^ Aghaderg, Lett and Rogers.- Kdenderry, typical, Rogers.'- Antrim — Cave Hill I Druce." Derry— By Lough Xeagh ! [Toome I89S| {/hi„e)- I.T.B. R. Gelertil Frider. — , AN, - . Antrim Glynn 1901, " in considerable ((uantity," Rogers!- R. ang^losaxonlcus Gelert. — , AN, — . Antrim— Larue 1898 (!Dr. Fockc) {Driice) /.A'. \\, I. var. vestitlformls Rogers. DO, _, — . Down — Anaclone 1901, Let/ and Roge) s.'- R. Infestus Weihe. /•/. 16. DO, — , LD. DeiTV- Cross roads to Carnal Ridge and ]\)rtrusli 1896 (Bailey)- B.E.C. 1890. R. Borrerl Bell-Salt. Locally abundant. DO, , — . Down— Aghaderg and Anaclone 1901 , Lett and Royers.- Aughnadarragh, strong form, not typical, IVaddell. R. Brejerl G. Jensen. — , AN, — . .\ntrim — Glynn, by quarries, typical, 1901, Rogers.- var. Iieyanus Rogers. Sup. 16:j. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Near Toomebridge 1898 {! Dr. Focke) (Dnice) — J. A'. i.\, I. Derry— Near Toomebridge 1898 (! Dr. Focke) (Dnue)-l.N. ix, 1. '/.JV. X, 216. '^I.K. X, 217. 30 RUB US. var. blbernlcus Rogers. Locally common. DO, — , — . Down Saint lield 1894 1 IVadde/l.^ Agliaderg- ! and Li^^nagade ! 189«, I.i/tA Aiiacloae and Tianbridge, Ac// a >ui Rogers.^ var. dunensls Rogers. 1)0, — , — . Dosvu—Caskuni and Aghaderg 1901 1 Lett and Waddell. Saintfield and Auglinadarragh ! Waddell. " One of the few earlier flowering and most abundant brambles in west Down." — 7?(Ji7<;rj-. For description of this var. see I.N. .x, "JIT. R. radula Weihe. Fl. 46, Hup. 164. DO, AX, LD. Down — Tollymore Park ! D nicer' Lisnagade I Lett.'^ Antrim - Giant's Causeway I Bail,' v.- Cave Hill ! Dmce.- var. echlnatoldes Rogers. DO, AN, — . Down— Aghaderg 1901, Lett and Roger s.'- Antrim— Near Giant's Causeway I89ti ^Bailey) — I.T.B. Glenann '. Lett ; also Druce." <^ave Hill ! Dritce ; also Waddell!^ R. echlnatuB Lindl. Sup. lt;4. — , AN, - . {R. rudis Wh. & N. Doubtful. Fl. 294, Hup. 164. DO'r AN? — . The Aghaderg Glebe record in the 1st Suppl. has been transferred to R. radula \&v. echinatoides. — I.X. x, 219.] R, olB^oclados .M. ^ L. var UTewbouldll Rogers. Fl.\v)—C/i^. I. R. roaaceus Wli. & X. 8up. 164. var. bystrlx (Wh. i X.) Sup. 164. R. horrldlcauUs P. J. Miiell. DO, — , — . Down — Loiighbrioklaud (Lett) —IV.B-E.C. 1895. Crossgar, Aughua- darragh and Saintheld demosne ( IVadJdl) W.B.E.C. 1895. R. Koehlerl Wh. ic X. /•/. 46, Sup. 164. DO, AX, — . Down — Aghaderg, Lett and Rogers.^ " X'ot a coniinon species in Co. Howii.'' -ll'addell. var. coffnatus (X'. E. Brown). DO, — , — . Down -Aghaderg 1896 ( Lett)— W.B. K. C. 189G and 1899. Ballintaggart and Whinny Hill {Letl)—Cyb. 11. R, dasypbyllus Rogeis. D(J, — , LD. Down— Near Aghaderg (/;,'//)— /.Z;/.'. Saintfieid, Waddell. Derry — Toomebridge ( Druce) — /. T.B. " Apparently the most abundant and generally distributed glandulai bramble in N. Ireland, as in X'. England." — Ropers.^ R. Marsballl Focke and Hogers, var. semig-laber Rogers. DO, — , — . Down -Aughnadarragh and Saintfieid 1894 { Waddel/)— W.B.E. C. 1900. iR.glatidulosus ^t\\^rA\. Doubtful. /^/. 294. — ,AX, LD.] ^I.N. X, 219. — > — L.U. Sup. 164. DO, -, — . __ AX DO, _ DO, -, LD. ' DO, AN, LI). 32 RUB US. R. humlfuBus Weilie. f/. 46. It. tairtus W. & K. var. Kaltenbachll (Metscli S. dumetorum Wh. & \. Su/>. 164. var. diversifolius [Lindl.) Sup. 164. var. fasclculatus 1*. J. Muell. Fl. 47. R. coryllfoUus Sin. aggr. Fl. 4G, 5/t s MS. Journal)— ^tenart MH. Lame to Giant's Causeway, fairly common, F. A. Rogers.^ var. llg-erlnus Geuevier. //. 47. — , AX, - . R. saxatlUs L. /'/. 47, Sup. IG.i. DO, AX, LD. Local in DO, frequent elsewhere. [R. CkavKemorus L. Sup. 165. The record is withdrawn fi-om County Derry as Mr R. ]\L Barrington found, on revisiting the station, that the plant is confined to County Tyrone.— /.A'^. xiii, 4.] BryaiB octopetala L. Two stations. Fl. 47. — , AX^, LD. Antrim— Knockdhu basaltic cliffs at 1,100ft., having northern exposure, 1884 (l.ett)—LN. vi, 280, &c. Still abundant 1914, Stelfox. Derry — Still ;it Benevenagh 1917, Praeger. 1 I.N. X, 220. ROSACI'J.-F:. 33 Oeum urbanum L. roniinon. J-7. 48. DO, AN, LD. Curbanum x rlvAle {=/'//f/>/ifi///K/i V.hrh.). — , AX, LD. l-ocal. /-■/. 48, Su/>. 16.'>. Aiitiiin-Glenoe 1912, Afiss S. Blackwood. Ahoghill ; near Cusliendall ; and still in Sliane'.s Castle woods 1U19, Mei^aw. f'ainloiigh Glen {Piafi^er and Slelfox)-~l.N. xxix, O.'j. Derry— Liinavady -/J.A'./-'. r. 189.5. Plentiful at Kirigal Glen 1901 (Stewart)— Slewart MS. Garvagh Demesne {Knowles)— B . N. F .C. iv, 443. Diindarg near Coleraine 1913, fleiiry. C rlvale I.. Rnre in DO, rommon elsewhere. /'7.48, Sitp. 165. DO, AX, LD. rragarla Tesca L. (\jminoii. A/. 43. 1)0, AX, LD. [F. e/atior Khr]K Planted. F/. 271. _,AN', — .] Potentllla Fragrarlastrum El.rli. Coninion. F/. 43. DO, AX, LD. P. TormentlUa Xeck. fommon. F/. 43. DO, AX, LD. P. Toriuentllla procumbens ( = /'. suberecta '/Am.). DO, AX, — . Sup. 1()1. P. procumbens Sibtli. Frequent. Fl. 43, Sup. 161. DO, AX, LD. Down— Frequent in Ards (P>deger) — I.N. xii, 264. Antrim — Ballycastle [Piaegei)—I.N. vi, 301. Bushmills X'^'d^— Stewart .MS. Cullybackey (Knowles) I.'J'.R. Ballymena, Camlough and Agnew's Hill, Prae^fer and Ste/fox. P. reptaus L. Frequent. Ft. 43, xxxii, Sup. 161 DO, AX, LD. P. Anserlna L. Common. /'/. 43. DO, AX, LD. P. palustrls Scop. [Co/iiarwn pa/ustre \..) Fl. 43. DO, AX, LD. Frequent. AlobemlUa arvensls Scop. Common. Fl. 42. DO, AX\ LD. A. Tulgarls L. Common. FL 42, Sup. 160. DO, AN, LD. About 1900 Mr. Praeper collected specimens of the A. vulgaris group from various parts of Ireland, and submitted them to Rev. E. F. Linton. These he named, and the records belonging to District XII are given below, and indicated by the sign 1 — See I.N. ix, 92. 34 ROSACE.^:. var. pratensls (Schniidt) (=:A. vulgaris L., sensH restricio). DO. AN, — . Down Near Holywood 1885 ! Praeger. Antrim Near Belfast ! Stewart. Dunloy 1 and White Park Bav 1 Praeger. Sallagh Braea (^,7«'a',?//)— ;^./?.i5'.(l. 1897. Yar. alpestris (Schmidt). D(), AN, 1.1). (=A. Tit/garis ],. ya.T. glabra M. * K. (nee DC.) ). Down— Saint field (fVaddell)—W.B.E.C. 1896. Antrim- Near Belfast I P. P. Murray. Squire's Hill, Steivart. Dun- severick ! Praeger. SaUagh Braes {Waddell) -W.BE.C. 1897. This is the comrnon form in the North of Ireland. — Stewart MS. var. fillcaulis (Buser). DO, AN, 1,1). Down-Sf-ra])0 Hill 1S98 [ Praeger)— G.I. T.B. Antrim — Cave Hill I Stewart. Hannahstown 1889 — Stewart .l/.S". Knockagh ! Praeger. '&a\\si%\i ^ra^es (Waddell)~W.B.E.C. 18U7. Wiley's Fort XWl—B.N.F.C. t, 87. Derry — Benevenagh ! Stewart. Castledawsou \'d(\:i~Stewart MS. var. minor (Huds.) { — A. filicmtlis var. vestita Baser). DO, AN, — . Sttp. 160. Antrim— Garron Tower {Druce)—I.N. ixi, 2.36. Arrlmonia Eupatorla J.. Rare in DO. /'/. 41, Sup. 160. DO, AN, LD. A. odorata Mill. Hare. //. 42, Slip. 160. DO, AN, Down — At Grannagh Bay near Portaferry, and Ballyfinragh Lough in Ards ; north end of Meagh Island in Strangford Lough {Praeger) — I.N. xii, 254 ; xiii, 225. Antrim— Still at Glenarm 1898 [Druie)—I.7\B. S^Poterium Sangtiisorba L. Casual. FL'l'i^, Sup. 160. — , AN, — .] P. officinale Hook. fil. [zz^Saiiguisorba officinalis L.). DO, AN, LD. Kare. Fl.4.\, Sup. \m. Antrim — Ardclinis one mile N. of Carnlough [Adaifis) — I.N. viii, 58. Still there 1921 by coast road about Bottle Point {Praeger}— I.N. XXX, 80. \_Aiaena Sanguisorbae Vahl. Escape. DO, — , — . Down — Seems to be naturalizing itself at Rostrevor 1921 {Praeger) — I.N. XXX, 99.] ROSA. 36 ROSA. Mo»t of tlie new records in this list were supplied to us by the late Rev. C. II. A'addeli who also looked ov»'r the draft copy and wrote the accompanying note. The final arrangement and noinenclaturo were sugtcested by Lt. Col. Wf'Ucy- Dod, who kindly revised the list on the lines of his latest suggestions on this difficult group. The present list follows the onler of his " l{evised .\rrangenicnt of Hritish Roses'" 1920, and he has named most of those in the li.si. A few have het^n named hy Rev. .\. Ley. A record followed by the sign I inilic.itfi- tliat it hu.s been named by one or other of these antiiorities. Mr. Waduei.l's Note. Tile airangenient of British Roses given below is far from complete and not so advanced as that of the Brambles. Much has still to be done in correlating British and (.'ontineTital species. Some of our forms do not exactly correspond with tlic Continental forms under which they have been placed and the names given in these cases are provisional. The group hn'oluta is widely spread in Co. .Vntrim. There are many forms of the groups ^Arwrrt', tomeulosa and mollis in the district: corit folia is not common ; caniua forms do not appear to be so numerous as in England. Now that the older species have been split up into subspecies older records will require re-examination. Reference should be made to the following papers by \,\.. Col. Wolley- Dod, which appeared us Supplements to \\\b Journal of Botany and have been published separately. " Subsection Eu-cauina of tlie Genus Rosa " 1908. "The British Roses (excluding Eu-canina) " 1910. '-A List of British Roses" 1911 (which gives the distribution at that date in Irish counties). "A Revised Arrange- ment of British Roses" 1920. Also a paper by Rev. A. Ley m Journal of Botany 1907 p. liOO on "Roses of the Mollis-tomentosa Group." — O.H.W. Rosa arvenslB Huds. Fl. 50, Sup. 167. DO, AN, Lit. Antrim— In plenty between Crumlin and the Lough side 1812 {Temple- ton s MS. fo'urnal)— Stewart MS. Still at (ilenariffe and Glendun, scarce 189:j {Shoolbred)—I.N. iii, 148. \yxc. bibraiteatail^&iX.). Doubtful. 5«/. 167. — ,A.\, — . •' Your plant is more probably R. arvensis i. major Coste, which is usually miscalled R. bibracteata " — A. H. ff^olley-Dod.] JL. ■plnoslBSlma L. Frequent. Fl. 48, Sup. 165. D(J AN, LD. forma plmplnelUfoUa (L.) Antrim — With red fruit, rocks by river at Bushmills — Stewart MS. 36 ROSA. rar. clpblana (Sibb.) /7. 48, S///'. 165. — , AN, LI). •' The pale rose coloured fonii oi pi ntpiuelU folia is often so named. I believe true ciphiana with deep ruse flowers is only a garden form."- Nole by Lt. Col. Wolley-Dod. The same authority in " A List of British Roses " says ' ' The true plant of Sibbald .... has flowers variegated \\ itli deep or pale rose and white, not uniformly rose." This corresponds w itli note in P'lora. K. Involuta Sm. (spittosissiina X viltosce) agg)-. DO. AX, LD. /•/. 49, Slip. 1G5. Antrim -Glenann Park near Castle {! Crepin) {Lett and Waddell) —I.N. vii, 167. rndercliff at Knockagh 1895 [Stewart] — Stewart MS. fonna Sablnl (Woods). /7. 49, .S"«/. 166. DO?AN, LD. .\ntrim— Quarry bank at Straidkilly near Carnlougli 1910, Waddell ! Skerrj' near Broughshane [Stelfox), and Skerry wherry {Praei^er and Stelfox)—I.N. xiix, 95. forma Sonlana (Woods). Fl. 49. — , AN, LD. Derry— Derrynoid near Draperstown 189G [Stewart)— Waddell I forma grracllls (Woods). — , — , LD. Derry— Bennedy Glen near Dungiveu [Moore in Fl. Ulst.)— Waddell. forma Robertsonl Baker. Fl. 49. — , — , LD. forma rracllescens Baker. Fl. 49. — , AN, LD. R. lilbernlca Tempi, [spinonssima y^ianina). Fl. 4S. DO, AN, LD. Hare. Templeton was the first to name this plant. See Joiirn. at Bot. 1907. forma glabra Baker. .9m/. 16.5. DO? AN, — . Antrim— Bellair Hill north of Carnlough ( Waddeil)-B.E.C. 1910. " Specimens of the plant from Tillysburn sent to the Club \^B.E.C.\ in a previous year were said to be the tj'pe, not this variety."— Waddell. forma "Wllsonl (HoiTer). Fl. 49. — , AN, LD. Antrim — Knockagh [Steivart) — Waddell. See WoUey-Dod's "List of British Roses," p 8. forma laevigata Baker. A/. 49. — , AN, LD. ». splnoslsslma rublgrinosa, forma Moorel Baker. — , — , LD. Fl. 49. R. canlna L. Aggregate. Very common. Fl. 50. DO, AN, LD. ROSA. 37 Wt. lutetlana Lpm. Very common - Waddell. Sup. 166. DO, AN, - var. •phaerlca (Gren.). DO, AN, -. Down — Hallyholmc Bay (irrt«',i>//) - W.B.E.C. 1911. Antrim— Ardclinis, Waddell \ W. of Grncnrastlc, Wear. var. transltorla 11. Kell. — , AN, — . Antrim — W. of Greenc,:istle 1919, Wea>\ Tar. rlobularlB (Franch). , AN, — . Antrim S. of Bellovue Gardens, Whitewpll, 1919, Wfar ! var. dumalls (Bechst.). Common. Sup. 166. DO. AN, I.D. Down-Saintfield X^S);^ (Waddell) l.N. vii. 167. Antrim— Glenarm 1898 {Dnne)~-/.N. viii. 198. W. nf GrPfinrastle. 1919, Wear ! Derry— Eglinton {/.eebody) /. /'./>'. Other records could be given. forma rubelllflora (Ri]). ). , A.V, . Antrim Cave Hill 1909, JVaddell. var. sphaeroidea (Rip.). DO, .\.\, - . Down- Near Ballyholme Mill 1919, .Stel/ox '. Antrim S. of Bcllcvue Gardens, Whitewell, 1919. Wear .' var. blserrata (Merat). DO, AN, — . Down — Road hedge opposite Ballyholme Water Mill, 1919, Slelt'ox 1 Antrim Cave Hill 1909, Waddell ! var. erlostyla (Desegl. and Rip. ). DO, — , — . Down- Hedge near Ballyholme Mill 1919, Stelfox \ var. Tlrldlcata (Pug.). DO, AN, - Down— Saiutfield demesne ( Waddell) B.E. C. 1911. Antrim — Ballyrudder 1894 (Stewa7-t) — Waddell \ Toome, a biserrate ioT-m [Waddell)- B.E C. 1909. var. recornlta Rouy. DO, , - . Down — I,ane S. of Ballymagee 1919, .%lelfox \ var. Terticlllacantba (Merat). DO, AN, J)own— Aughnadarragh Lake and near Saintfield (! Crepin) ( Waddell) — I.N. vii, 167. Antrim-S. of Bellevue Gardens, Whitewell, 1910, Wear \ var. marirlnata Baker. Fl. .50. — , — , LD. K. dumetorum ThuiU. Sup. 166. DO, AN, LD. Down - Sainttield, IVaddell \ Grey Ahhej (Waddell) -B.E. C. 1914. Derry - Toomebridge 1898 (Druce)—I.N. yiii, 198. 38 ROSA. forma trlchoneura (Rip). HO. — , LP. Down — Hedge near Saintfield station 1909, Wafdg//'. Derry — Above Portglenone bridge 1919, Wfar '. forma semlfflabra (Rip.)- HO, — , — . Down-Grey Abbey ( Waddg//)—W.B.£.C l!Uo. Tar. platyphylla (Rau.). DO, — , - . Down-Mount Stewart and Grey Abbey (Waddell)~B.E.C. 19H. " Eitber this or spharocarpa.^' ». irlauca Vill. aggregate. Sup. 166. DO, AN, LD. Down — Aughnadarragh 1894, Saintfield vicarage and demesne, (!Crepin) ( Waddell)—I.N. vii. 167. Antrim— Cave Hill 1898 [Dnice] -I.N. viii, 198. Toome 1909. Waddell '. Derry- Errigal Banks, and ly River Roe (I Crepin) (Moore in Herb. Glasne.vi>i) — Cyb. TT. Xear Lough Neagh 1898 (Drute)—I.N. viii, 198. R. Xteuterl Godet. var. BUbcrlstata Baker. Sup. 166. DO, AX, LD. Down- Saintfield X^Q [Wadddl)~-]Y.B.E.C. 1906. Antrim — "Waterloo near Lame 189o [Stewart) —Waddell .' Derry — Derrynoid near Draperstown 1896 [Stewart) ^Waddell ! forma myriodonta Chr. DO, — , — . Down— Saintfield 1909 [Waddfll)~Woller-Dod's List of British Roses, p. 29. var. fugrax (Gren.). DO, — , — . Down— Saintfield 1905 ( Waddell)-- List of British Roses, p. 29. var. stepbanocarpa (Desegl. and Rip.). DO. — , - . Down— Saintfield 1906 [Wadddl)—W.B.E.C. 1906. var. subcanlna Christ. — . AX, — . Antrim— Toome 1909, Waddell ! var. corllfoUa (Fries). /Y. 50. DO, - . LD. Down— Ballymagee 1919, Stelfox ! " It is strange that coriifolia so widely spread in Scotland seems to be rare in N . E . I reland . ' ' — Waddell. var. prunlosa (Baker). Fl. 50. — , — , LD. K. tomeatella Lem. Sup. 166. — , AN, — . ROSA. 39 {R. poxiifeia Herrm. Sup. 16.). 1)0, A.V, — . Down— Hedge at roadaidfi near f^outjhhrinkland 1S!1.") (/.!t, Waddell I Hellair Hill ne.ir Carnlough (ll'ad'Irll) -R.E.C. 19in. Whiteparlf Bay (nri„e\ -A.V. .x.\i, •2;{.>. forma re«inosoldes (Crcpin ). Down— Aghnadarragh 1906, Waddell'. Doran ( Waddell) - W. B.E.C. 1910. Antrim — Bellair Hill near Carnlongh ( Waddell)- Tar. Sberardi (Davies). Down Saintfield 1893, Waddell. Antrim— Glenariffe 1895 (SZ-fwa;/) ; Bushmills 189S {Druce) Waddell'. W. of Greencastle. and S. of Bellevue Gardens, Whitewell, 1919, Wear I orma submoUlB (Ley.). DO, AX', — . Down -A aghnadarragh 1909, and .Saintfield 1911, Waddell'. Grey Abbey ( Waddell)- W-B.E.C. 1915. Roadside near Bangor a little north of Bally grainey and near Ballyholme Mill 1919, Stelfox. Antrim- Glen xiit X^S^Iq (Stewart) -Waddell. Carnlough {Waddell '\\\ Herb. Wolley-Dod) -WoUeyDod. var. Bubgrlobosa (Smith). Fl. 50. - , .\X, — . Antrim— Bu.shmills 1898 {Druce) — I.N. viii, 198. [var. /rtr/«<7ja (Beehstein). DO. — , Down — Co. Down — Ley'm fourual of Botany 1907, p. 200. Col. WoUey-Dod has queried the occurrence of this variety in our islands.] DO, A,\. Ro.k near Siiir itfield B.E.C. 1910. DO, AX, _ . 40 ROSA. n. subereeta Ley. DO, AN, LD. Down — Ballynahinch 1894 {Sfe^vart) — Waddell\ Ballymacaramery near Saintfield 1907, and quarries in Grey Abbev demesne 191.0, Waddell ! Antrim— Co. Antrim — Ley in /own. of Bot. 190", p. 20G. Deny — Co. Londonderry — Ley in /ourn. of Bot. 1907, p. '206. R. tomentosa Sm. Common as aggr. Fl. 50, Sup. 166. DO, AX, LD. Down -Near Saintfield 1N97 (Crepin) {Wa'l(lell)—L.N. \\\, 167. Grey Alibey, Wadde/I. Ballyholme Mill and lane between Ballygrainey Koad and Primacy at Bangor, 1919, Stelfox I var. cuspldatoldes (Crep.). — , AN, Antrim — Lough Neagh at Cranfield 1896, "a form approaching this var." (Stewarl)— Waddell \ forma pseudo-cuspldata (Crep.). DO, — , — . Down— Near Saintfield Railway Station 1911 (Wadden—B.E.C 1911. Mount Stewart 1915 {WaildeU)—W.B.E.C. 1915. var scabriuscula (Sm.). Sup. 160. DO, AN, — . Down -Saintfield \S'd?> {Waddell)— W.E. B.C. 1895. Near Ballyholme Mill 1919, Stelfox ! R. rubiglnosa L. ( = /e. apruoriim Rip.). Ft. 50, Sup. 166. DO, AN, LD. Rare. Down— Doran's Rock near Saintfield 1897 {!Crepin) (Waddell)— L.N. vii, 167. In Lecale and frequent in Ards (Praeger) — LN. xi. 240 ; xii, 264. Portafeny and Grey Abbey, Waddell. Mount Stewart { Waddell)— ILerh. Wolley-Dod. Ballygrainey quarry S. of Bangor 1919, Stelfox ! Antrim — Stony margin of Lough Neagh at Cranfield 1896 - Stewarl MS. Bally mena 1899 {Knowles)—L.T.B. Derry— Coleraine 1896 (Leehody)-L.T.B. var. comosa (Rip.). DO, — , — . Down— Moimt Stewart 1914 (Waddell) - W.B.E.C. 1914. Grey Abbey Rectory ( Waddell)— LLerb. Wolley-Dod. Ballygrainey quarry near Bangor 1919, Stelfox ! forma comosella (De.segl. and Rip.). DO, — . — . Down— Garden hedge Ballymagee 1919, Stelfo.x\ \_R. miaantha Sm. Error. Fl. 50, Sup. 166. — , AN, — .] [/?. »wrf. Planted. Fl. 59. DO, AN, LD. Antrim— Castle Upton \'d\%~ B.N.F.C. Only the double form has been found.] S. taypnoldes L. Not rare. Fl. 58, Sup. 169. — , AN, LD. var. g-emmlfera. Syme. Antrim— Glenariffe (D'Arcy)— /.A", x, 192. Knockdhu (ZfV/y)— /.A'. xvii, 162. Still at Torr Head \^\\—B.N.F.C. vi, 491. Derry— Still at Benevenagh 1914, Stelfex. var. gponhemlca (Gmel.). Not rare. Fl. 59. — . AN, LD. "5. sponhemica more common than true .S". hypnoides in my experience." — A. W. Stelfox. Cfarysosplenium opposltlfoUum L. FL 59, 5///. 169. DO, AN, LD. Common . {C. alUrni/oUum L. Error. /"/. 294. — ,AN, — .] CRASSULACEJi:. 43 ParnaBBla palustrls I.. Frpquent in nortfi. /■/. 60,5///. 160. -, AN, LD. Antrim Cushendall -//. f/lsf. Still at Torr Head 1911, and Ballv- castle 1916— /^.A^.A.C. [)prrv — Between Portstewart and Bann 1905, Tomlinsoii. Castlerock Golf Links 1914, Mrs. .9. Macotiit. I>o\vnhill to Magilli^an 1917, Prae^er. var. condensata Tra vers and Wheldon. , .\X, — . Antrim Whitepark Bay 1912 (Druce) f.N. xxi, 2.S5. \Ribes Grosstilana I.. Escape. Fl. 278. DO, AX, LD.] [R. nihrum L. Escape. /-V. 270. — ,A>', LD.] [/?. ni^um L. Escape. Fl. 278. DO, AN, LD.] CKA8BUX.ACEJE. Cotyledon Umbilicus L. Fl. 57. DO, AX, LD. Common in DO, frequent elsewhere. ■edumRhodlola DC. Rare. //. .'ie, .S///. 168. DO, AX, — . Antrim— Still at Fairhcad 1921, /. R. //. Greeves \ and at Glenariffe 1920, Bennett. S. TeUphium L. Rare. Fl. 56, Sup. 169. DO, AN, LD. Down — Ballvlesson (Dickson) — Corry MS- Shore near Kirkcubhin 1905, ZV/^y. Xear Ballymagee 1918, Stelfox. Mountstewart 1916 —B.N.F.C. Hillsborough demesne 1916, Foster. Antrim — Ferris's Point on Island M.9,%t^ -Carry MS. Craigbilly {Knowles)^ I.T.B. Gloonan and Taylorstown near Ahoghill, Megaiv. Still at Shane's Castle 1906 -B N.F.C. v, 482. Deny — Roadside at Killure near Coleraine 1016, Htnry. "All the X. of I. plants I have seen are .S". Fabaria Koch " — R. LI. Praeger. 5. album L. Planted or escape. Fl. 278. — , AN, — . Antrim— By shore at Shane's Castle — Corry MS. Roadside near Port- moon- B.N.F.C. Exc. 1913. Between road and sea at Ballygally Head 1912, Stelfox. [var. micrauthum Bast. Planted. Fl. 278. — , AN, — . Doubtfully correct— iJ. LI. Praeger.} 44 DROSERACE^—HALORAGACEje. [S. dasyphyllum L. Planted. Fl. 278. — , AN, — .] S. anirllcum Huds. Common. Fl. 56, .9///. 169. DO, AN, LD. 8. acre L. Common. L. Fl. f>7. DO, A\, I^D. S. refiexum L. Established. FL 57. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Eocks in Glenaritfe {Tate) — Cyb. I Suppl. Shore at Cranfield —Stewart MS. Rathlin Island {Miss Gage)— Carry MS. Still at Antrim 1916, [oseph Maxivell. S. rtipestre L. Established. Fl. 57. — , AN, LD. Antrim— Glenariffe 1898 (Adams) — I.N. viii, 58. Planted there by Miss Hassard— iJ^rz/. .S". A. Brenati in I.N. x, 229. {Sempen'ivjtm tectoruni L. Planted. Fl. 278. DO, AN, LD.] DROSZRACEJC. Srosera rotundlfolla L. Fl. 18, Sup. 150. DO, AN, LD. Common in bogs. ». angUca Huds. Locally abundant. Fl. 18, Sup. 15.. DO, AN, 1,1} . D. Interiueilla Hayne. Very rare. Fl. 18, Sup. 151. DO, — , — . HiiI.ORAGACS.K. Hlppurls vulgraris L. Frequent. Fl. 55, Sup. 168. DO, AN, LD. Myrlopbyllum vertlclllatum L. Very rare. Fl. 55. — , AN, — . IW. splcatum L. Frequent. Fl. 55, Sup. 168. DO, AN, LD. Dern,- — Magilligan 1917, Praeger. WC. alternlflorum DC. Common. Fl. 55. DO, AN, LD. Callltrlcbe verna L. Aggregate. Common. /•/. 126. DO, AN, LD, C. Ternalls Kooh. Though there is some doubt it seems probable that the C. verna of the Flora refers to this segregate only and not to the aggregate, since the other segregates are given. no, AN, I.I) DO, AX, LI) 1)0, — , — /. YTHRA GE.E—ONA ORA CE.E. 45 C. •tarnall* Scop. Kreqiieiit. A/. 126, .Sw/>. 195. The ( oinnionest of the Irish Callitriches— Cyb. II. C. tiMnialata Kuetz. Frequent. /•/. 126, Stt/<. 1!';3. v.ii. pedanculuta DC. /•/. 127, Sup. 193. C. obtusangrula Le (iall. UO, AX, — . Down— Marsh at rear of (Queen's Quay 1876 (Stewart) Stewart MS. Victoria I'ark in liracki^h liitrh lH9fi {Dr/tre a/id Stewart) : Killoufth IS[)'J {.Stewart) - /.A', viii, 114. The Victoria Park plant may be thi.s or a hybrid with C. ver/ia/is ; m-e U'./^.E.C. \900— I I'adclell. Cotton Mos.s 1921, Chaie. .\iitnin— Drain by Lough Xeagh at Three Islands in j-ood flower and fruit I.jth July 1900 (Sltwart)— Stewart MS. C. antumnalls L. Rare. FI. 127, .xxxiii, Sii/>. 19r). DO, AX, LD. Antrim— Portniore Lake 1808 (r)avies)--Stewart Mi>. Harbour Island in Lough Xeagh (WaddeU) -IV.B.E.C. 1909. i.tthracz:jc. repUs Portula L. Krecpient. FL 52, Sup. 167. DO, AX, LD. I.ythrnm Sallcaria L. (lonunon. /•','. 52. DO, .\X, LD. {L. Hyssopifolai L. Casual. DO, — , -. Down Ballyniagee 1916, Stelfox. One plant appeared in 1916, and .several in 1917, on a path cut through a field in which oats had been grown in 1910 ; not seen afterwards. The only other Irish record of this plant is from Co. We.xford, not since found there— See /r. Fl., FI. Hif>. audCyb. I lib.'] OTrAGRACZ:.S. Bplloblum anffustirollam L. Kare. //. 53, Sup. 167. DO, AX, LD. Antrim— Woodburn Gleu 1811 {I'etnpleton) — Stewart MS. Lough Kocks near Dunloy, Carrothers and I'omltnson. Knockdhu, Tomluison. Still at Murlough 1900 (yl/;-.f. Swa,t) — /.T.B. Ton- Head 191 \~B.N.F C. Agnew's Hill (Prae,irer and Stelfox)— I.N. xxix, 95. Ardelinis 1920, Betinett. Derry — Croaghan Rocks near Coleraine, lienry. Seveial bogs between ( ookstown and Coagh (abundant in Uallyloughan bog) 1915, Greer. The lowland stations are mostly due to escapes. 46 UM BELLI fERM. E. hlrsatam L. Oonimoii. Fl. o3. DO, AN, LD E. parvlflorum Schreb. Common. Fl. 53. DO, AN, LD E. montanam I,, f'ommon. Fi. o.'i. DO, .A.N, LD var. humlle. Rure. FL h:>>. — ,AN, E. roseinn Schreb. Fl. o4, 277. DO, AN, — Down — Ballyskeaj^h near bridge over canal 1S97 (Dui'ies) —/.X. vi 7,41. 'Y)\-\imhoU91 (Davies)— Stewart MS. Antrim— (ilenmore and Ballydrain 1897 (Davies)—I.N. vii, 7, 41. \_E. tetrai^oninn L. Casuiil. /'/. 277. E. obscurnm Sclireb. Common. Fl. oo. E. obscaram > palastre. Rare. Sup. 167. B. palnstre J.. Frequent. /'/. 54, Sup. Ifi7. CEnothera biennis L. Escape. /'/. "278. Antrim — Ballast pit on railway at Moylina near Antrim, Clrcaea latetlana L. Common. /'7. 54. C, alplna L. Rare. Fl. 54, Sup. 168. DO. AN, LD. Antrim— Cranfield 1896- 'SV^wr/ /l/.S'. Ballyrneua [K>iowl's)-I T.B. Carnlough Glen [Praet^er mid Stelfo.x) — I.N. xxi.x, 95. Derry— Errigal Banks, Tomlinson. var. Intermedia (Ehrh.). Fl. 55, Sup. 168. DO, AN, LD. tnviBEi.i.xrERjE:. Hydrocotyle valgrarls L. Common. Fl. 60, 67//. 169. DO, AN, LD. Erynglam marltlmam L. Rare. Fl. 60, 6«/. 169. DO, AN, LD. Down— Still at Kirkiston 1903 (Frae^er)—/.jV. xii, 254. Still at Newcastle, sparingly, 1921, Ckase. Antrim— Portrush Golf Links 1909, sparingly; also one plant in 1907 south of Golf Hotel near Moore's Derry station, not seen since, Wear. Still at Red Bay 1920, Bennett. Derry — Magilligan, one plant {Tomlinson) — I.N. x.xix, 75; several plants 1920, Tomlinson. DO, -, -■] DO, AN, LD. - . AN, -. no, .\N. LD. AN, — . 1906 Kno-wles. DO, AN, LD. UMBELLIFERyE. 47 Sanlcala europepa I. Common. Fl. 60, .*??//. I(i'.». IM), AN, l.I*. Conlam macalatam J,. Locally common. /"/. 68, .S///. 17J. DO, A.N.IJ). .\iitiim— Ham's Island ISl'J (Temph/on' s MS./onruat) Stewart MS. Smyrnuiin Olusatnii'i L. Fivriuent. /•/. 68, .S///. I TJ. DO, A.N, LI). \Fiipleui iini rotiiiidifolitiiii L. Casual. .A.N, — . Antrim St r.mniil lis felt -works, Ctirt other s.\ Apiam rraveolens L. Rare. //. 61, Sup. 17(1. DO, AN, f.D. Down Cnmher \\)m (Prafgn) J.J.Il. Derrv l'ort>,'lenone (Kiiowles)—l.l'.U. Still at nnxunliall LSi»4 \l.febody) — l. 'J'.B. Banks of Roe at Ballyheiiry, lit! 9, /,///)■. A. nodlfloram Reichb. fil. Common. Fl. 61. DO, AN, I-D. [var. repeii.'; Hook. fil. ? Krror. /-V. 01, Sup. 170.| A. Inandatam lleichl). lil. Frequent. A/61, Sup. 170 DO, AN, LD. A. nodlflorum > Inundatam Rare. //. 62, Sup. 170. DO, AN, LU. (=//. }iodifloi iitn var. Moorei Syme.). Down — Pond near Dundrum Q.&9,\\^—B.N.F.C. iv, 031. Antrim -Still at SeLshan 1915, Wear. Clcuta vlrosa L. Frequent. /'/. 61, Sup. 169. DO, AN, LD. Down - Druiiiaran Lough, Tullylish and Dnimnavaddy Lough {Davies) — l.N. xii, 272. Antrim— Selshan and Gawley's Gate — BN.F.C. 1915. Caram vortlclUatam Koch. P'l. 62, xxxii, Sup. 170. DO? AN, LD. Very rare. [Down— Pasture on border of lake, Ballyalloly House ( Tate) - FL Bel/.]'? Antrim— Carnsampson near Ballycastle {Pnteger and Carr)—B.N.FC. iv, 433. Derry F'ormoyle Hill at SOU ft. clevatiou {Dytue)—I.N. xxi, 23o. Abundant by tributary of the Roe at General Bridge, Feeny 1914, LtUv. Field between Coleraine and Portstewart by Cromore Road ; and still abundant at Coleraine 1916, Henry. C. Carui L. F:3cape. Fl 279, Sup. 170. DO, AN, LD, 48 UMBELLIFERjE. [Pefroseli II It III sativum Iloffm. Escape. Fl . 279, Sup. 170. DO, — , LD. Down — Possibly established on stony beach at Tara in .\id8 {Praegei) — LN. .\.xvii, U.S.] [/-'. j«4'Vf/«w Koch. Doubtful. /•'/. L'Dl. — , — , LD.] {^Fdlcaria vulgaris Bernli. Casual. DO, — , — ■. Down -Strangfor.l I.ouj^h 1912 {Dr. /■ . \V . 8ta,isfield)—l.N. .T.xii, 18; .x.Tiii, 20. J Slum latlfollum I.. Fl . 63, Siippl. 1.30. - , A\, LD. Xot seen recently. 'I'he TiOUgh Neagh area record.s alone appear to be S. angrustlfoliam (.V. eifctum Huds.). FL %^^, Sup. 170. DO, AN, LD. Rare. Down — Near Strangford, frequent in Lec^ale and common in marshes in south of Ards {Praeger)—I.N. vi, 280 ; xi, 210 ; xii, 254. Lough Money near DoM^npatrick 1917, Wear. Den-y — Moneymore and Ballyronan- -/^/. U\st. ./^gopodium Podagrniia L. Abundant. /'/. (i2. DO, AN, LD. Plmplnella Saxlfraira L. Frequent. /''/. 0?,, Sup. 170. DO, AN, LD. Conopodiuiu denudataiu Koch. [Buniuni flexuosui)i^\\\\.) DO, AN, LD. Frequent. /■/. 62. Myrrhis adorata ^^iO^^. Frequent. /'/. 67, .SV//. 172. DO, AN,LD. Antrim — Rallyniena {Knowles) — /. T.B. DeiTy — Bellaghy - /-/. Ulst. Downhill to Magilligan 1917, Praeger. Cbseropliyllnm temnlum L. Very rare. Fl. 67. — , AN, LD. Antrim— Still at Derrymore \'i\7i—B.N,F.C. 1915. Derryclone 1916, Houston. Hog Park at Selshan {Praeger and Stelfox)—I.N. xxix, 95. [C. sativum Lamk. Casual. Fl. 280. — , AN, — .] Scatidix Peclen- Veneris L. Local. /7. 60, Sup. 172. DO, AN, LD. Down— Clay Lake {Praeger) -I. T.B. Antbrlscus vulrarls Pers. Infrequent. Fl. 67, Sup. 172. DO, AN, LD. A. Bylvestrls Hoffm. Very common. Fl. 67. DO, AN, LD. VMBELLlFER.f:. 49 Faentculum vulgar e All. Escape. A/. 6"). DO. .AX, - , Down — Near Rostrevor (rarrotliers)— j^.A^./'. C". vi, 11. Critlimain marltlmam L. Rare. 1)0, AN, — . Down :J mile N. of Kearney Point 18!<0 (.9. A. Moore); Carnalea 1896 (Gu!l'ranse!i)-B.N.F.C. iv, 438. St. Jolin'.s Point 1898 (A". il'e/r/t) B.N.F.C. iv, 447. Frequent from St John's Point to Plienniok Point (/'rarger) f.N. xi, 201 Groomspoit to Orlofk (J'orter) - / \. xii, 197. Ardglas.s \\a.rhow - B.N. F.C. v, 21)1. ^ mile S. of Kearney Point (Fraegfr) /.A', xxvii, 118. Killard 1921, A/tss Ehie Staver. Antrim— Near Garron Point 1903 [Lilly) — /.N. xii, 245. Olnantlie fistnlosa I.. Rare. Fl. 64, Hup. 171. DO, AN, LD. Down — Kllis's Cut-F. N.F.C. vi, 503. Antrim— Selshan 1 9 1 5 - Z?. A''. /'. C. 1915. Portmore Lougli, Houston. Derry— Magilligan, IJlly. [CE. pimptHelloides L. Krror. Fl. 294. flE. I.acbenalll C. Gmel. Rare. //. 64, Sup. 171. DO. AN, LD. Down — l''reqaent in Lecale and Anls ; coast inside Launches in Strang- lord Lough {/';-af^^tfr)--/iV. xi, 210; xii, 264; xiii, 225. Orlock V(i\n\.-B.N.F.C. vi, 273. S. of Donaghadee 1917, Mtgaw. (E. crocata L. Common. Fl. 64. DO, AN, LD. (E. Pbellandriam Lam. Frequent. Fl. 64, Sup. 171. DO, AN, LD. [.■F-thitsa Cynapiutn L. Not rare. Fl. 64, Sup. 171. DO, AN, LD. Down — Lane to Dundrum Castle, S. A. Moore. Antrim By path to Cavehill, Stewart MS. Field by Crumlin River, 1878— 6V/->. MS. Ahogiiill. Megaw. Still at Cushendall 1920, Bennett. Derry — Moueymore and Ballyronan — Fl. Ulst .\ \Silaui pratensis Bess. Error or casual. Fl. 05, Sup. 171. - , — , LD? Probably an error. See Cyl>. IL] [Mettrn Athamanticum Jacq. ? Error. Fl. 279. — , AN, — , ] 50 UMBELLIFERM. I.ltrastlcam scoticam L. Rare. Fl. 65, Sup. 171. DO, AN, LD. Down— Rocks below Bangor 1809 {Templetoii) —Slcivart MS. Grooma- port to Orlock (Porter) — I.N. xii, 197. At and north of Butterlump Rock near Ballyhalbert, the most southerly record (Praeger) — I.N. xii, 254. StiUat Donaghadee \^Q5{Carrotkers)—B.N.F.C. v, 372. Antrim — " Isle of Magee, among rocks about one mile from the northern shore "" 1810 (Templetons MS. Journal) — IVaddell. Island Magee at Skernahan Point 1896, Barr's Point 1908, and shore near Drum- nasole 1915, Lilly. Larne {\V. H. Robinson) — B.N. F.C. vi, 11. Portrush sandhills, Tomlinson. Still at Garron 1918, .Megaw. Angelica sylvestrls L. Common. Fl. 6'), Sup. 171. UO, AN, LD. \Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. — , AN, — . Antrim — In old quarry in cliffs between Ballintoy and Carrick-a-rede (Bailey)— B.E.C. 1896.] Peucedanum Ostruthium Koch. Escape. /'"/. 279, Sup. 171. DO, AN, LD. Down — About Hilltown, in strong colonies [Praeger) — I.N. xxiv, 135. IP. sativum Benth. (-Pastinaca saliva h.). Fl. 279,. Sup. 171. DO, AN, LD. Down— Still north of Comber River 1918, Carrot/iers.} Heracleaiu Sphondyliam L. Fl. Q6,Sup. 171. Very common. [Coriandrutn sativum L. Casual. Fl. 280. Saacas Carota L. Very common. Fl. 66. {D.gummifer l.a.m\. Doubtful, i^/. 294. Cancalls Antbrlscas Huds. ( = Torilis antliri.froihers.'\ The standing of this plant iu Ireland remains quite obscure. O. verazn L. Very common. Fl. 72. DO, AN, LD. var. litorale Breb. DO, — , — . Down— Sandliills at Newcastle 1898 (Drme)—J.N. viii, 199. G. erectmn Huds. Rare. DO, AN, LD. Down-Aghaderg Glebe 1897 {LeU)~\VaddeU. Rowallane {Redmond and IVadddl) — B.N.F.C. ir, 443. Kihnore House near Lurgan-- B.N.F.C. 1915. Antrim — Glenarm, Holden and Dickie. Glenmore, Z>az/7'«. Wliitewell, Stewart. Cullybackey, Buick ; also Knowles. Derry— Castle Dawson 1902 {MacMillan) —Stewart MS. The records above, with the exception of those for Kilmore and Castle Dawson, have been transferred from C. JMollugo. See I.N. vi, 259 ; 2^%o B.N.F.C. iv, 433. G. Molluge L. Very rare. Fl. 72, Sup. 173. DO, AN, LD. Down — Lenaderg (introduced) 1903 (Davies)—I.N. xii, 272. Antrim — Lawn of manse at Antrim 1898 {Adams)— I .N. viii, 58. Lawn at Garron Tower 1918, Alegaiv. Derry — Cromore Road between Coleraine and Portrush 1916. Henry. Ste note to G. erectum above. var. angusttfolium G. Beck. Antrim— Near Cavehill 1898 {Druce)—I.N. viii, 199. C sazatlle L. Common. Fl. 72. DO, AN, LD. O. sylvestre Poll. Fl. 295. — , AN, — . A specimen in the National Herbarium is labelled in Dr. Moore's handwriting :—" G. pusillum[ = G. sylvestre]. Bare. Observed near Fair Heaa and on Lurigedan Mtn., near CushendaU, July 1836" -/..A^. xvii, 322. Mr. Megaw has recently found the plant in one of Dr. Moore's stations. Antrim — Lurigethan Mountain andArdclinis 1918 {Megaw)— I.N. xxvii, 164. Garron Point in guUy on stream from l,ough Galboly {Pi-aeger and S(elfox) —I.N. xxix, 95. Cushenilt Glen near Ard- clinis, and clifis S.E. of Callisnagh Bridge in Glenariffe {Praeger) — I.N. XXX, 80. VALERIANACEJE. 53 C. paluBtre L. Very coinnioii. /•/. 7'i. DO, AN, LI), var. "WltherlnK-ii (Sm.}. I'roljablj' this is nnicli commoner llian tlip type, which appears to lie very rare in Ireland — C/. /". />'. \G. ulii^itiosum \,. Error? /'7. 295. — , .\X, — .] C Aparlne L. Very common. Fl . 72. DO, AX, LD. [r. /-/-/(-^rMiT Stokes. Casual. DO, — , — . Down — Railway between I?f] fast and Kinnegar 190(5 (Carro(heri)—/.N. XV. 2,)5.] Aspernla odorata 1, Frequent. /•"/. 71. DO, AN, LD. \A. aivensis \,. Casual. — , AN, - . Antrim— Waste ;,'round near Kilroot 1000 (.l/rj. Coulter) -S/e-iVait MS.] Staeradiaarvensis L. Frequent. /'7. 1\, Sup. Mi. DO, AX, LI). VAXiEKXAITACEJE. Valeriana officinalis L. aggr. /-/. 72, Sup. 17;>. DO, AN, LD. Frequent. V. Mlkanll Wats. DO, AN. LD. Antrim — Bush River above Bushmills — .Stewart .MS. Derry — Errigal Glen — Stewart MS. V. sambncifolla Mikan. Sup. 174. DO, AN, — . " The prevailing Irish plant is F. sainbucijolia VL\V."—Cvh. II. yV. pyrenaical.. Planted. /^/. 280. — ,AN. — .] Centrant/ius fuher \)V. Escape. /•/ 280. DO, — , -. Valerianella oUtoria Poll. Frequent. Fl.'-2, Sup. \'i\. DO, AN, LD. r. carhmta I.ois. Fl. 280. Sup. 174. DO, - , — . Established in one station (Dundonald). [/'. Auiicula DC. DO, - , — . Down — Fields near Lough Doo and Lough Cowey in Ards 1903 (Praeger)—/.N. xii, 254]. 54 DIPSA OEM— CO M POSIT uE . [V. dentataVoW. Rare. Fl. 1Z, Stip. IIA. DO, AN, LD. DoTrn — Ballyculter dam near Strangford 1897 — Stewart MS. Frequent in Lecale and Ards {Praegei)—1.N. xi, 210; xii, 264. Kirk- cubbin 1905, Lilly. Antrim— Fields by Crunilin River 1878— Ctf^ry .)/.S".] SZPSACSJE. Blpsacas sylvestris Huds. Rare. ? Native. Fl.lZ. DO, AN, — . Down— Lenaderg by River Bann {Da7'ie.i)—I.A". xii, 272. Still at Greenc-astle"^ 190(5— i5.A'./-".C. 190fi. Downpatrick rath 1921, and on shore of Quoile at Fail y I^odge (but near a garden) 1921, Bennett and Chase. Antrim — Quarry one mile N.E. of Moira 1907 (Pester) — /.A', xvii, 37. Scabloaa Snccisa L. Very common. PI. 7:j. Sup. 171. DO, AN, LI). S. arvensis L. Local. /•/. 7o, Sup. 174. DO, AX. LD. Down — Ballyholme. on waste ground, Steljox. Antrim — .Vbimdant by railway banks of Parkmore \ixi(t — Stewart MS. Derry — Railway between Coleraine and Portstewart, Hetny. This plant seems common in Lecale and Mid-Antrim. COnXPOSZTJE. Eupatorlnm cannabinum L. Fl. 74, Sup. 174. DO, AN, LD. Rather rare. Down— Cliffs at Bloody Bridge. Pomlinson. Still at Killough 1906— B.N.P.C. 1906. Antrim— Great Deer Park at Glenarm 1808 [Templeton)— Stewart MS. Diinnnirry and Whitehead /•"/. Ulst. Abundant on rocky shores of Lough Neagh, PodiHiisou. Glendun below viaduct \^\%, Alegaw. Still at Red Bay 1920, Bennett. Derry— Still abundant about Magilligan 1916, l^omlinson. SoUdagro Vlrg-aarea L. Frequent. //. 75, Sup. 17.5. DO. AN. LD. var. angastlfolia Koch. Sup. 17.5. DO, - — , — . [var. cambrica (Huds.). Withdrawn from Flora. PI. 75, Sup. 175]. Bellls perennls L. Very common. PI. 75. DO, AN, LD. COMPOSITE. 5o Aster Trlpollum I,. roiiimoii"oii coast. /•/. 75. DO, AN. 1.1). Erli:eron acre I,. One station. /•'/. 7.), Sii/>. 17"). 1*0, — , — . nia^o grermanica I,. Xot rau". /-"/. 7(i, Sti/>. 17o. DO, AN, I-D. Down — r.otigh Island Heavy (Praeger)- I.T.B. Derry — Shore of Lough Neagh at Toome {Corry) -Cony MS. Hella- rena (I.eebodx) — /. /'.A'. r. minima File!<. Locally ahiin.lant. Fl. 7«, St,p. 17."). DO, AN. I-D. Antennarla dloica K. Brown. Frequent, l-'l." , Suf^. 17."). DO, .\.\. DD. Gnapbaliam uligrinosnin !.. ronniioii. /•/. 76. DO, .V.N, LD. [G. hiteo-a/binn L. Escape or error. /•'/. 29.1. — ,A.\. — .] O. sylvatlcam L. Frequent. //. 77, .V//-/. 17.3. DO. .\N, IJ). Imi/a Helniiiiiu \.. Established. Fl. 7G, Si,p. 17.1. DO. AN, LD. Antrim — Ballymacush near Broughsliane {Stewart)— Cot* y MS. Qkx- mnr\y (Know/es)—/. 'J. B. Shores of i.ough Beg, lorulinson. Derry— Magilligan, Tomliiison. Pallcarla dysenterlca Gaprtn. Common. Fl. 76. DO, AN, LD. Bldens cernna L. Frequent. /•'/. 80, Sup. Hf). DC, AN, LD. var. radlata DC. /•/. 81, Sup. 17(i. DO, AN, — . Down — Marsli at Lough Aghery {Davits) — Stewa>t MS. Drain on N. side of canal at Kilmore 1917, Houston. B tripartita L. Rather rare. Fl. 80, Sup. 176. DO, AN. LD. Down — Frequent in Ard.s {/''rae,ger) — /.i\'. xij,261. Lough Money near Downpatrick 1917, I fear. Antrim— SI uggan Bog 1898 (Adams)— Stewart A/S. Derry— By Bann above Portglenone 1917, Megaw. Achillea Mlllefoliam L. Common. Fl. 77. DO, AX, LD. A. Ptarmica L. Common. Fl. 77. DO, AN, LD. [A. tomtntosa L. Casual. /•/. 281. DO, — , — .] 56 COMPOSITJ;. Anthemis Cotula L. Casual. Fl. 281. DO, AN, — . The local records for Matricaria Chawotnilla are referable to A. Cotula— T.T.B. 176. \_A. arvensis L. Introduced with seed. Fl. 281, Sup. 175. DO, AX, — .] A. nobllls L. Very rare. Fl. 78. DO, AN, LD. Antrim -High up on Trostan on disused road [D'Arcv) — I.N. x, 192. Dooish Point on Lough Beg 1918, Stelfox . Chrysanthemum segetum L. Common. Fl. 79, Sup. 176. DO, AN, LD. C. ^encantbemam I,. Common. Fl. 78. DO, AN, LD. C. Partheuitim Vers. Escape. /-V. 281. DO, AN. — . Down— In the western parts of the county (Harris's Down 1744)— Stewart MS.]. Matricaria Inodora L. Common. Fl. 78. DO, AN, LD. var. sallna Bab. Frequent. Fl. 78, Sup. 175. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Gravelly shore at Portrush 1897 — Steivart MS. var. marltlma (L). .Sup. 176. — , AN, — . \_M. Chamomilla L. Error. Fl. 78, Sup. 176. DO, AN. — . So far as is known, all the local records for this species should be transferred to Anthemis Cotula.'] M. discoidea DC. Spreading rapidly. DO, AN, LD. Down— Lane to Castlereagh Hills 1913, Wear. Rostrevor 1916, and Bangor 1917, .l/<"_i^<77y. Newtownards and Crossgar 1917, Bennett. Frequent in Hilltown district 1921 {Fraeger)—J.N. xxx, 101. Antrim — Roadside N.W. of Larne 1911, Carrothers and To'ulinson. Several farm places, &c., near Carnmoney 1916, IVear. Gawley's Gate, about Ballymena and up to 500ft. in lanes N. of Camlough ; appears now widespread in Antrim (I'raeger ami Stelfox]- f. A'. xxix, 95. Derry — Toome Bridge, 1917, Megaw. First observed in Ireland near Dublin in 1894. It is rapidly spreading over the country — Cyb. II. and I.T.B. Tatiacetum vulgare L. Frequent. Fl. 79, Sup. 176. DO, AN, LD. COMPOSITjE. 57 Arumisia Ahsint/iium ].. Kscapr. /•/.•.'SI. DO. AN, — A. vnlffarls I,. Common. /-/.TO. I>(). A\, 1,1) [A. idtiipesliis L. Casual, now gone. /•/. 1%\ . — , AN, — .] A. marltima L. One station. /■/. J!);'). IK). - , -- Down— At and south oi Coil)*-! Head li)()-J ( /'/<7^-z/ )— /. A'. .\i. -'<»!». TuBallairo Farfara L. Coinnion. /•/. 71. .S'///. \'\. DO, AX, LI) P(tasites fragraus I'lesl. Kstablislied. /•'/. L'8(l, .SV^/. 1 7 1. IX), A.X, — P. officinalis Mu'Hch. C.^ninion. /-/. 't\,Su[>. MA. DO, AN, 1,D /'. aibia Guertn. Estahlislied. /•/. 280. DO, — , - ncroinaini I'oydaliamlKs \,. Kscai>e. /•/. 281. DO, AN, - - Seneclo valgrarls 1.. Very cointnon. /•/. 79. DO, .VN, LD var radlatas Koch. — , AN, -- . Antrim — Abundant at Larne Aluminium \^wV^{Piaei;er) — I.N. x.\i, 179 S. sylvatlcns L. Frequent. Fl. 79, Sup. 17(5. DO, AN, LI [.V. Tiscosus L. Casual, now gone. /'/. 281. — , AN, — .] S. Tacobaea L. Very common. /•/. 80. DO, AN, LD var. floscniosas (Jord.). DO, — , — Down — Groomsiiort \?>%Q[.Steirr/t\-u./.7'.J-!. Bar Hall Bay in Ard yPiaeger)- I.N. xii, 254. S. aqaatlcas Iluds. Common. //. 80 1)0, AN, LD .V. mrncnxkn^ L. KstablislieH. /•'/. 2S-J, Sup. 17(3. DO. AN, LD Down — Roaci.side between Comber and Castle Kspic 1913, Carrother.. ITS. DU. AN, LD.] Saussurea alpina DC. One station. Sup. 177. DO, — , — . Confined to Slieve Muck in the .Mourne .Mountains. [(JentaureuJacra L. Casual. /•'/. 29.'). Mr. C. E. Hritton report^ that a specimen of Templetons collect- ing labelled " Ireland " in Smith's herbarium in the I^innean Society- is C. Jacca. Tiiis is presumalily tlie plant referred to in Flora, as above.] C. nigra L. Common. I'l. 81. DO, AN, LD. [C. Smhiom L. Weed of cultivation. /-V. 29fi. DO, — , — . Ijown— Wheat field at Tyrella 1902 {Pratyer)—I.N. xi, 209]. C. CyanuB L. Frequent. Fl. 82. DO, AN, LD. 60 COMPOSITE. [Cichorium Intyhus L. Rare. Fl. 83, Sup. 178. DO. AN, LD. Down— Near Killougli—B.JV./^.C. 1898. Lsland More in Strang- ford L. 1921, /. R. H. Gree.ve.^. Antrim — Cullybackey {Knowle.x) — I.T.B. Oloonan and Drumraw near Ahoghill. Meyaio. Derry — Abundant in field at Castlerock 1916. Henry. Abundant at Ballymaghin near Bellarena, Lilly. \ Ziapsana communis L. Common. Fl. 8.3. DO, AN. LD. Picrit cxhxoidt» L. Very rare. Fl. 84. — , AN, — . Crepis virens L. Common. Fl. S.>. Ru),. 178. DO, AN, LD. var. agrestls (W. d: AM. DO. — . — . Down— (ireyabbey in ineadow,<; ( \\\tddell)—W.B.E.C. 1913. C.hiennisl.. Naturalized. 7-7. 283. .SVp. 178. DO, AN, — . Down — Railway between Banbridge and Mullafarnaghaii {Dames) — I.X. xii. 271. Antrim — Ballymena, spreading 1899 (Knoicle.<<) — I.T.B. Now very common about Carnlough (Praeger) — I.X. xxx, 81. [C. hifrndoideK W. & K. Error. Fl. 296. — , AN, — .] C. paladosa Mwnch. Frequent. Fl. 85, Siip. 179. DO, AN, LD. Hleraclnm Pilosella L. Common. Fl. 85. DO, AN, LD. [//. Anricvln L. — . AN. — . Antrim — \\'liitewell on spoil bank ut limestone quarry 1897 [StfwnrO—B.E.C. 1902 and 1910.] [H. mirnntmcuw \,. Escape. /V. 2S.3. DO. AX. —.J H. anglicum Fries. Freijuent. Fl. 8.5. Sup. 179. DO. AX, LD. Down— Still at ToUymore 1911 { WaddelD^B.X. F.C. vi. 494. Antrim — Glendun (BrenanJ — I.X. xviii, 149. Still ;it Cave Hill 1911 fWaddellJ—B.X.F.C. vi, 494. Derry— Still at Benevenagh 1893 (Shoolbred)— I.T.B. I COMPOSITE.. 61 var. acutlfoUam Uackii. Fl. 86. Sup. 179. DO. AN, LD. Antrim- Aftiiews Hill and Snllagh Hiacs ]S!t.3 (Stewart)— B. B.C. I Sit.-). Deny-lieneveiiagli 19(X) (Lett and Wadddl)—I.N. xviii, 149. IJnihra Glen 1900 (Lett)— Stewart MS. \ lu . cerlnthlforme Backh. — , AN, — . Antrim -C'litTs of Cave Hill (Stewart)— St eivart MS. var. longlbracteatum K. .(. Hanb. Sup. 179. — , AN, — . Antrim Salla.^h \Usie^ (Stewart)— B.E.C. 1S9.J. \ ai . declplens Syme. Fl. 86. — . AN, — . H. floccalosam Backh. \'ery rare. /'/. .S7, Siij,. 179. DO, AN. — . Antrim — Basaltic clitl's at Kinbane (I'rueijer) — I.X. xii, 311. H. iricum Kr. Hare. /•'/. S(), .s'»/;. 1 7!*. - , AN. LU. Anlrim-Nortli faoe of .Slemisli ( //(/^^/////'y) - /. A', v, 118. Ballintoy (Hrenan)—].y. xviii. If.O. .Still at (Jlenariffe \H'M (Shuolbred) I.X. iii. 167 : and (iarion Tower I'.IUO (Leehod>/)—I.T.B. Derry— Still at Beneyenagh \900 (Lett (unl \Vadde//}—B. F.C. 1900. H. senescens Backli. Om.- station. DO, - , — . Down — ToUyniore Park, on roek.s by lower i)art of Sliimiia Kiver 1900 (irac/c/^//)— /.A'. .X. l-'O. ■' An interesting discovery, being tlie first lime that one of the 'dpitia group of Hawkweeils has beeti found in Ireland.'' — l.T.B. [//. 7uV/re.v«M,9 Willd. Doubtful. /•'/. •J9t5. 1)0,—.—.] H. leyi /'. ./. Haul. Sup. 179. — , — , LD H. Scbmldtil Tausch. Srip. 179. DO, AN, — Antrim -Ballintoy 1895 (Brenan)—I.X. v, 127. H.laslopbyUom K.jcli. FL 86, Sup. 179. DO, AN, LD H. roblcandom F. .). Hanb. Sup. 179. — , AN, — H. arreatenm Kr. Sup. 180. DO, — , — H. Sommerteltli Lindeb. Sap. 180. DO, — , LD Down— Hare's (iap 1889 (Fraeger)—I.X. xii, 311. 62 COMPOSIT.^.. [H. hypochotroides Gibs. — , — , LD. Derry—Benevenagh," looks verv like this."" 1900 (Lett)— ]V.B. B.C. 1900.] H. hlbernlcum F. J. Hanb. DO. — , — . /''/. 86 fas 77. arftnttum Fr. ). Snj,. 180. H. pacbyphyllum Purchas. Sup. 180. DO, AN, LD. \)o\\n—LiiitoiCs British Nieracia and B.E.C. 1900— 7. iV. xv, 53. Derry—Benevenagh 1900 (Lett and Waddell)— B.E.C. 1900. H. stenolepis Liiideb. Sap. 180. — . AN, LD. .Antrim -Carnlougli (ilen, sparingly' — Steicart MS. H. sllTatlcnm Gouan. /'/. 87. Sup. ISO. DO, AN, LD. var. cordlg^erum Norrl. Derry—Benevenagh (Z.e^f' ('?('/ Waddell) — LX. .xviii, loO. var. micracladiiJin Dalilst. Down— ToUyniore Park ( \VaddeU)~~B.E.V. 1901. Antrim — Newtown Croninielin 1895 [Brenan) — LN. v, 27; xviii, 150. Derry — Garvagh 1895 (Brenan) — LN. v, 27 ; xviii, 150. H. pellucldum Laestad. DO, — , — . I )own— Wall at Gilford demesne 1899 ( Lett)— W. B.E.C. 1899. Old walls at Grey Abbey I Waddell)— ]V. B.E.C. 1912. H. serratifrons Alinq. var. Cinderella Ley. DO, — , — . Down — Rowallane near Saintfield (lVaddell)—W. B.E.C. 1906. This is the plant that was recorded in the 1st Suppl. under H. sciajjhiliwi. After having been variously named, it was identified by the Rev. A. Ley as his var. Cinderella. Revs. W. R. Linton and E. S. Marshall agree in the identification. For description see /.A^. xvi, 350. [//. ruhiginosum F. J. Hanb. — , AN, LD. Antrim— Glendun 1886, and Ballintoy 1895 {Brenan)— Waddell. Derry — Garvagii 1895 (Brenan) — Waddell. Referred to this species with hesitation, from imperfect specimens, by Rev. E. F. Linton— /.A^. xviii, 150.] COMPOSITE. 68 H. rlvale K. .1. Hani), var. dasyttarlx Linton. DO, — , — . Down -By Shimiia Kivei in Tolly m., it I'ark V.)Or> iWadddl)—I.X. xviii, !")(». H. sarlttattum f.indel). var. subhirtum F. J. Haul.. DO, — , — . Down— Pigeon Rook .Muunlain and I'^apl.- .Mountain at 1400 1.500ft. 1S90 (/'m^.v^-l /..v. xii. .Sll. H. enprepes V. J. Hani.. Sup. ISO. DO, AN, LD. Down Mounie Mountains [''. Slev-art and Praeger oirc.i 1890J — W. R. Linton/^ Rrifish I/iemcia. (See I.X. xviii. 82.) Antrim — Whitewell Quarry spoil hank in plenty 189U, Knock Dhu and CranfieUl— Stewart MS. Still on Cave Hill 1908 ( Waddell) I.X. xviii, 1-.0. H. caesium Vv. Rare. /'/. 87. Sup. 180. — . AN, LD. H. farrense F. J. Hani.. Sup. IT!). - , AN, — . H. vnlgratnm Fr. /•'/. ST. Sup. ISO. DO, AN, LD. Down Wall near Warinj^slown {Lett)~W.B. E.G. 1901. H. Orarium Lindel.. — , AN, — . Antrim — lAiitotC-i British Hieracia. (See I.X. xv. 53.) [//. ociaphi/um Uechtr. Error. Sup. 180. DO. - , — .] Tlie record under this name in the 1st Suppl. is transferred to //. ■•:e.rrafi/roii.'< var. cindere/fa. q.v. ] H. Kotblcum Fr. Fl. 8T, Sup. 181. — , AN. — . H. rlrldam Hartm. var. Stewartii F.J. Hanh. .S'«/>. 181. DO, — , — . A variety named after the late S. A. Stewart and described in Jovni. of Botany 1892, p. 369. H. prenanthoides Vill. Very rare. Fl. 88. — , — , LD. H. strlctam Ft . Very rare. Fl. S8. — , AN, LD. H. corymboBnm Fr. Fl. 88. Sup. 181. DO, AN, LD. .Antrim —Ballintov [ Brenan) — I.X. xviii, loO. 64 COMPOSIT.^.. H, aaratnm Fr. Svp. 181. DO. AN, — . Down— Weir below Baiibridge 1902 (Daviea)—I.N. xi, 323. Antrim— (iarron Point {Brenan) — I.N. xviii, 150. H. crocatnm Fr. Not rare. Fl. 88, Sap. 181. DO, AX, LD. H. sabaudum 1.. var. boreale (Fr.). Rare. FLm,Sup. 181. DO, AN, LD. Antrim— .Still on Cave Hill 1890 {Praegtr)—I.T.B. Derry — Near Kilrea 1912 {Houston) — Carrothers. H. umbellatum L. Rare. Fl. 88. DO? AN, LD. [Down — •■ Templeton said lie found tlii< «;p. in Tollymore Park, Co. Down. W'inte .said it giew in .\lonrne Mts." — Stevnirt Mii.\ Antrim — Abundant on Cu.shendall Road below Parkmore 1895 — Stewart MS. var. llnarlifolinm Walh. -,AX, -. Antrim — Glenaritfe 1894 [Brfnatt] — I.X. .wiii, 150. var. filifolium Fr. 77.88. - , A.\, - . Antrim — Harper's [Harbour] Island in Loiigli Neagh — Backhouse Monograph. var. coronopifolluiu Fr . - , AN, — . Antrim— Cu.shenditn 1895 (Brenan)- I.X. xviii, 15U. Hypocbseris grlabra L. One station. —, — , LD. Derry— Magilligan Flats, 1900 {Lett and ll'addell)—I.X. ix, 244. H. radicata L. Common. Fl. 83. DO, AN, LD. Iieontodon hirtus L. Very lare. Fl. 83, Sup. 178. DO, AN, — . Down — Between Ardglass and Killougli 1898, and Lenaderg 1903 (Davies)—I.X. vii, 245 ; xii. 272. Tillyaburn to Kinnegar, and Strand Lough at Killough (Frae(jer)—I.X. xi, 201, 209. Ro.strevor House 1921 {Fraeyer) — IX. xxx, 101. [L. hispldum L. Error. Fl. Si, Stip. IIH. — , — ,LD.] I., autumnale L. Common. Fl. 84. Sup. 178. DO, AN, LD. var. pratensls (Koch). DO, AN, LD. Down — Slieve Donard — Fl. UlM. Slieve Bearnagh (Hart) — Cyh. II. Antrim — Cave Hill and Black Mountain — Fl. Ulst. Derry — Benevenagh (Z>. Moore)— Ct/b. IL 6.1 DO. AN, LD. — , AN, _, DO, AN, — . CAMPAXULACEJi. Taraxacum officinale Wei). Fl. 84, Sup. 178. Very common. \'ar. erytbrospermum (AmJi^. ). Fl. 84. var. palustre (DC.) /'/. 84, Sup. ITS. [La<{nia vitosa L. Casual. DO, AN, — . Down- Waste places in Victoria Park {Carrotlut s) -B.N.F.C. v, 472. Antrim — Whitehead {Rev. Canon W. J'. Carmody , — B.N.F.C. vi, 57o.] [A. mutalis Fieseii. DO, — , — . Down— Near Rostrevor 1913, J/ir^'-axt/ ; also IVaddell I.N. xxvi, 12. .Still there 1920—0". E. C. Maconchy.] Soncbus oleraceus L. \'t^ry coiuinoii. /•'/. 86. DO, AN, LD. var. runclnatus Cross, and Germ. — , AN, — . Antrim - Larne (ZJ;7. J. A. Keir) -Stewart MS. Established on river bank N. of Warrenpoint {IVaddell)— FN. xxvi, 12. CAMP.a.NVI.ACEJE. I.obeUa Dortmanna L. Nory rare. Fl. 89, Sup. 181. DO, AN, LD. Down - Castlewellan, J'empleton's .MS. Journal. Still there (at Altnadua Lake) 1919, Bennett. Antrim— Abundant in lakelet on Garron Plateau \ mile W. of Lough Fine ' Praeger and Stelfox\—I.N. xxix, 95. Still abundant in Craigfad Lough {Fraeger)- FN. xs.x, 81. Derry — Plentiful in Lough Fea 1910, Thomas Greer. Refound in Lough Neagh fbut near Lurgan, a few miles outside our district) by Carrothers in 1920. 66 VACCINIEJE—ERICACEJE. Taslone montana T,. Coinnion. Fl. 89, Sup. 181. DO, AN, LD. [C. 7 rac helium L. DO. — , — . Hillsborough demesne 1920, possibly naturalized, Foster.] {Ca»ipani,/a latifolia h. Planted. /^/. 283. DO,—,—.] C.rapunailoides \.. Established. /•/. 28;j. .Sm/. 181. DO.—,—. Down— Side of field near Murlough House 1913. M. K. Il'^ar. C. rotundlfoUa L. Common. Fl. 90, ."i///). ISl. DO, AN, LD. [C Kapiinculns L. Oasual. now gone. FL 283. — , AN, — .] VACCZNZEJE. Vacclnium Vltis-Xdaea I>. Rare. F/. 91, Sup. 182. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Top of Slievenanee 1809 {Templetoii A/S. /ounial) Slewart MS. North face of Slemi.sh ( Hixytt—FN. v. 1*^8. Sallagh Braes -B.N.F.C. vi, 381. "The Island" Sluggan IJog (Adants)'-I.A': viii, 1.58. Knock Dhii and bog near Magherabeg, I'onilinson. Above Glarryford at, and N.W. of. Cunningham's Dam 1910, Wear. Still at Agnew's Hill 1920, Sulfox. Summit of Colin Top; 1 m. S.W. of Cleggan Lough : and still at Sluggan Bog 1920 {Praeger and Sulfox)—FN. x.xi-x, 9.'). Still on Slievenanee 1920, Bennett. V. MyrtlUus I,. Coninion. /■/. 91. KO, AX, LD. V. Oxycoccus L. Hare. /•/. 91, .V«/.. 182. DO, AN, LD. Antrim— Ballydivity Bog near Ballymoney 1870 {H. C. Hart)Stewatt MS. : still there 1916, //enrr. >^luggan Bog (Adams)-/. N. viii, .t8. Slemish (Kiiow/es) — F'J'.B. Garry Bog near Ballymoney, }Ienry. Abundant in Magherabeg and Kellswater Bog.s : ct)mnion in moorland and low-level bogs, Totiilinson. In wet bogs over whole of Garron Plateau 1920 (Praeger and Stelfo.x ) — FN. xxix, 95. Derry— Still plentiful about Kilrea 1914, Houston. z:rxcacb.s:. Arotostapbylos Uva-ursi Spreng. /•'.'. 90, Sup. 182. DO!' AN, - ^'ery rare. Antrim — On western face of Skerrywlierry 1908 (Lii/v} — /.N. xvii, 162. Agnew's Hill, one fine plant (Stel/ox i — FN. xxii. 19. Escarpment facing westward S.E. of Lough N^aroon : abundant and line ( /'/-a^^irr and Stelfox)~I.N. xxix, 95. KRWACEM. «7 Andromeda PoUfoUa L. Very rare. /-I. 90. DO, AN, — . Down— Still at Ootton MosS Imt decreasing and certain to disappear through cutting of hog 191G, Bennett and Stelfox. Antiiiu — Sharvogue's Bog near Kellswater Station 1910 {Meg;aw) J.N. .\xv, 9y. This hog has heen acquired, and is heing drained and cut, h\- a commercial company and with it the plant may disappear before long. Calluna vulgaris Salisb. Common. /•/. 90. DO, AN, LD. var. erlkae A sellers. — , AN, LD. Antrim Cushendall (Druce)—/.N. xxi, 238. Derry— Formoyle Hill {Druce)—I.N. xii, 238. Erloa Tetrallx 1.. Common. /•/. 90, .?;//. 182. DO, AN, LD. E. clnerea L. Common. Fl. 91, Sup. 182. DO, AN, LD. \E. itricia Andr. Error. Fl. 296.] yPyrola rolundifolta L. Error. Fl. 296. DO, AN, LD.] P. media Sw. Kare. /•'.'. 91, Sup. 182. DO, AN, LD. Antrim— Skerry (Knowles)—/. T.B. Tait's Hill, Lower BallygowanHill, Skerrywherry and Carrickfergus Common, Lilly. Lough Rocks near lough Naroon, Cai rot hers and Tomlimon Ballybracken, Ballyholey (probably Templeton's Highwood station), Ballyutogue above Ligoniel and at the Broadstone we.st of Dunloy, Toinlinson. .Above Glurryford at Cuuningham'.s dam 1916, Bennett and Stelfox. Several places on hills about Ligoniel, Carrothers. Derry- Craighall near Garvagh 1910. Henry. Still at Errigal Banks 19 IS, Stelfox. P. minor L. Rare. //. 92, Sup. 182. DO. AN, LD Down— Camgaver 1916, Stelfox. Antrim— Cave Hill and Squire's Hill; and still at Crow Glen 1917, Carrothers. Lough Rocks near Lough Naroon i Carrothers and J'omlinson) — B.N.F.C. vi, 60. Ilannahstown, Toinlinson. Still at Slemish 1898 < A'nowles)— /.'/'. B. Still above Whitewell, several fine colonies ; what is probably this species is plentiful on the open moor at same elevation, where it di(l not (lower 1913-16, Wear. Still at Glenariffe 1920, Bennett. Derry-Still at Errigal Banks 1918, Stelfox. Slopes of Carntogher 1917 (Miss Clark)— Greer. 68 MONO TROPA CE.E—PL UMBA GIN A CEAS— PRIMULA CEJE. P. seounda L. Very rare. FL 92, Sttp. 18J. — , AN, LD. Antrim- — Knock Dhu (probably Dr. Moore's Sallagh iJraes station) 1910 {SUlfo.r]--J.A\ xix, '223, '227. Gorge on (Jranny Burn a little above its junction with Pollan Hurn {Praeger and Stelfox, — l.N. xxix, 95. Derry A specimen of this plant is in the Hplt'ast M uscuni labelled " Deiry, Mr. Brown " : this mav have been Robert Browu, who lived in Derry about 1801 or 1802— /.A', x, 171. IVXOIirOTItOPACEJE. [Monotrepa HyDopitys h. Error. /V. 290. DO, — , — .] PX.U1VZBAGX17ACK,S. [Statice Limoniiim h. Error. /•/. 298. DO, -, .] S. rarlflora Drej. {=S. Bahusiensis Fr.). DO, AN, - . Rare. FL 118, Sup. 193. Down-Still at Dundrum 1894 \\VaddeU)^\V.B.E.C. 1894. S. occldentalls Lloyd. Very rare. /•'/. 298. DO, - , — . Down — Abundant on headland N. of Legnaboe (N. of Ardglass) 1902 {Praeger)—I.N. xi, 209. \y2.x. Dodartii \(','\x.). Error. /7. 29«*. DO, , .] Armcrla marltima Willd. Common on coast. /•/. 118. DO, AN, LD. The late Mr. Clement Reid suggested [in litt.) that our alpine plant may prove to be A. arctic a or A. sibirica—Slelfox. var. UnearlfoUa (Later). — , AN, — . Antrim — Common at Portrush ami Whitepaik Bav {Dnue) — /.A'", xxi, 235. PRZMUI.ACE,»:. Hottonla palustrls L. Very rare. F/. lU, Sup. \92. DO, AX, This plant is still at Everogue's Bridge at Crossgar, 1921. The part of the Bog Meadows where it grew having been acquired by the G.N. Railway Coy. for a depot it is feared that it and others such as Carex rsendo-cypertis have disappeared from this liabitat. Primula vulgaris Huds. Fl. 115, Sup. 192, DO, AN, LD. Very common. OI.RACEA-.—APOCYNACE^E. 69 r. ofiicinaiis Jarq. { = r. veris I-.). Han-. /•/. 116, Sup 192. DO, AN, f.D. Down— Well estal)lislieil in open tielils in many places near Kostrevor (PriUi^er) /..V. xxii, CiO. Dftrry — Dun^'iven ;ind Deiiynoiil dtMncsne {Moore} Cyb. I, and I.T.B. I'o8sibly not native in any of tlif above stations. Xtyolmachla rulffarls I.. /•/. Il.'>. Sup. I'J'J. DO. AN, I.D. I.ociilly abuniiant. Down F<;ilis-.s Ont 1911 n.X.F.C vi, 273, .KtlJ. .\ntrini— Loiij^li Neagh at fJlenavy n.X.P.C. iv, 5Sf). Dorry — Hi-coming coinnion iiy Bann at roleraim* 19!'', Untiy. / . Xumniulana \.. Local. Fl. W-.. Snp. 192. DO. .\\. T,D. Down — ('anipl)ell ('ollege Ktouiid.s and .still at Haliyalloly 1911, Bennett. Antrim - Metween Maglierarnorne and Glynn and bptweeti (ranfield and Kahbit Point [l'oii,!i,nott)—B.N.F.C. v, 440. Sbane's Castle liVOti, and Solshan 191.) - A'..V./'". C. Swamp above Isl lock on i/agan, f/. /;'. ('. Maconthy. Derry Still by !;. Hann, aboTe and briow CobMaine 191i;, //<■;/»•,. I., nemorum !.. ( 'i.iiinx.M. /•/. 11(1. DO, AX, 1,1). Claux marltlmH 1,. Common on seasboie. /•/. lUi. DO. AN', LD. Ana»alll« arvensis I.. Common. /•/. llii. DO. AN, LD. \,u-. coerulea (Sdireb.). /•/. 1 Ki, .V;//. VXl. DO, AN, l,D. Down — Near Balleevy (J//'.rj E. Malone)-~Cyb. II. A. tenella L. Frequent. //. llfi, Sup. 192. DO, AN, LD. Centunculus mlnlmns L. Kare. /•/. 117, x.xiii, ,V//;). 192. DO, AN, LD. Down— Still near Oomber I'.tdO ( Waddell)— /. /'.A'. Kirkcuhbin 1918, Bennett. Dcrry — Still .nl Magilligan ^central jioitiou 1917, I'lae^n . Samolus Valerandl I.. Fn-.^ucnt. F!. \\1 , Sup. Vy^. DO, AN, LD. ox.z:aci:je. rrazlnuB excelsior J,. Fre((nent. Fl. 9:;, Sup. lS:i. DO. AX, LD. Iif^usttum Vulgate L. (-ommon /•/. '.Kj. i>0, .\X, LD. APOCYNACBJB. \^Vin \.. Kscapc. /-7. 283. DO, AN. — .J {V. minor h. Escape. /•/. 283. DO, AN, — .] 70 GENTIAN A CEA-l—POLEMONIA CE.^—BORAGINACE^-. OXnTTXANACEJE. 'iChlora petfoliata L. Casual, now gone. /-/. '284. DO, — , — .] Brythrsea Centaurlum Pers. Common. Fl. 94. DO, AN, LD. var. capitata (Koch). Sup. 183. — , AN, LI). Derrj' — Portstewart, evidently this [IVaddcllj I.N. xziii, 21. [A". latifolia Smith. Error. FL 297. E. Uttoralls Fries. Rare. Fl. 297. Derry— Portslewart 1918 (IVaddfJi } — I .X. xxiii, 2 £. pulchella Fries. Very raic. /V. S.S. [ (;. DO. AN, I.I). Mertensla marlUma (iniy. Very raio. /•/. 97. Sup. 184. DO. .\.\, 1,D. Down - Kidin Uo.s.sglas> Point to Kathmullan I'oiiit ( f'rae,!,'rr) /..V xi, 2(19. East Piid of Kiiockineltler Bav (.V. ./. Moore)'— I .N. .xii, 26.'3. North of Xewcnstle- A*. A'. F. C. vi. 1 .51 . DiTiy .Near Cast Icrock Hll9 (JAv. S/'nur) G)ee>-\ Myosotls cae«pltosa S,l,nli/. rommoii. /■/. 09. I)0. .\.\. 1,0. M. palustris With. Frei' .lAV. Muilougli and Fairliead (Piaet^ef) — A/\'. vi, 301 : audAA./V. Agnew's Hill. Carnlougii, Ciisliendall and I'arkinore 19'_'(l, l'iaeg;e> and Ste/fo.v. [JA f)'/j'rt//<-,r lloti'ni. ? Krror. A A JOT. _,AN. -. M. arvensls l.amk. Coninion. AA 99. DO, AN. I,T). var. umbrosa Bal>. — .AN. — . Antrim -Base of hills between Cavehill and (:arri<'kfergus, Sallagli Braes and Glenarni (Moore) — Cyb. I. aiul il. M. coUlna lloffni. Rare. Fi. 99. Sup. 18;"). DO, AN, LD. Antrim -Still at PortruBh 1920, IV'ear. Derry — Downhill B.N.F.C. vi, 361. M. verBlcolor Reich. Common. Fl. 99. DO, AN, LI). X.lthospermum officinale L. Hare. AA 98. — , AN, LD. Antrim -Hilltown [PMilltown] Derriaghy- /-A Belf. Still at White- head on chalk 1905, lomlinsoit : S. of WhiteroVk 1918, Robt. Bell. \L. arvense \.. Very rare. AA 98. .S/^/. I.si. DO. AN. - .] Echlum vulffare 1,. Kare. AA 97, Sup. IS-l. DO. AN. I.D. Down -Fields between A'ewcastle and Tollymore Park {Ileth. Nat. //is/. Soc.j—Fl. Ulst. Fields between Maghera and Monycarra Bridge, and bv Shimna below Tollymore Park (Dickson) — Corry MS. Tyrella ( Praeger)—/. T. B. Antrim— Shore near Kilroot station— ^V^a-a;/ ^/S. : near Carrickfergus station— i?)'. A'./. C. iv, 576. 72 CONVOL VULA CE^—SOLANA CE^. coKrvoi.vu]:.A,c&x:. Oalysteg-la seplum Br. ( = Convolrulus sepiuw \..) DO, AN, LD. Common. Fl. 96. C. Boldanella Br. ( = Convolvulus Soldafiella L.) DO, AN, — . Rare. Fl. 95. Down— Greencastle 1906. .S'. A. Moore. Portavogie Harbour: and still at Newcastle sparingly 1920, 7'omlinsoft. Antrim — Still at fhishendun, sparingly 1915. Lilly, and Bushfoot, plentiful 1916, Henry. Convolvulus arvenslB L. Fl. 96, xxxii. Suf. 183. DO, AN. LD. Frequent. Cuscuta Epithynuiiii JIurr. DO, — , — . Down — Killard Point, on Thyme and Lady's Bedstraw, not near culti- vation 1911, and Kirkis'tou sandhills ' 191 4 (IVaddell.—B.N.F.C. vi, 485 ; vii, 145. In July 1918, Mr. Praeger found plants of Cuscuta, "too immature to name,'"' at Ballyedock Lodge (opposite Kilclief)— probably this species — I.N. xxvii, 118. [yar. Trifolil (Bab.). Down — Gransha near Moneyreagh {Herb. }{yndmaii)-^te\vart yl/.S'.]. [C. .f/iV/;////;/ Wcihe. Relic of cultiyation. /-7. 281. DO, AN, LD.] sozi.axrACSJE:. Bolanum Dulcamara L. Frequent. Fl. 100, 5up. 186. DO, AN, LD. \S. ftigruM L. Casual. Fl. 99. DO, AN, — . Down — Grounds of Lismachan House, Belmonl, /. R. H. Greeves, 1^17. .Antrim -Field near Glenmore lS9(i [DaTii's,- .Swivai/ A/S. (ireen- island and Glenarm, casual — /. /'./)'. J [Atropa Felladptiiia L. Casual. /•'/. 284. — , AN, - .] Hyoscyamus nljer L. Rare. Fl. 100, .Suf. 18.3. DO, AN. LD. Down-- Still on N. shore of Killard Point 1918 {Praej;er)~I.X. xxvii, 118. Derry — Still at Magilligan in two places, viz., central portion 1917, Lilly, and Beiione 1917, Tomlinson. SCROrHUI.ARIACEA'.. 1i SCROPBUItAaZACBJE. Veihasntm Thapsus L. Rare. //. 101. Sup. l.sr.. DO, AN. T-D. Antrim — Magheramorne igo."), I. illy. Erntuf alpiints I,. Established. Sup. l«f.. DO. — , — . I.iitatia Cytnhalatta Mill, ('onirnoii. /•/. iO'J. F)(), AN. 1. 1'. Ii. repens Mill. /V. 102 (,w(^/' /,. w///^/|, .ixxii, xixiv, .S;s) /y.N./\C. vi, 11. I., vulrarls Mill. Karc. /•'/. 102. Sup. ISC. DO, AN, LD. Down— FrequcDt in Lecale (Praei^ef)— /.A', xi. 210. Maze 19H, /•'»sUr. Antrim Galporni [h'no'tvUs) - 1 . 1 .H. Den y— Kilrea, llonstcn. Road from (^oleraine to Garvagli at two places, 'Hemy. Still at Magilligan 1 91 7 {rratger)—I.T.B. Near Cooks- town 1920, Greet. [Antirrhinum tnajua L. E.'cape. /•/. 28.'). DO, AN, — .] [A. Oronlium I.. Casual. /•/. 28.'-). DO, — , -.] Bcrophularla aqaatlca L. Very ran. /•/. 103, Sup. 186. DO, AN, 1,0. Down Narrow- water between ferry and Milltown ; and still at Warren- point 191li, H'addfll. Antrim — Shane's Castle park (AVr. .1/. //. Co/lis)— Stewart MS. Dorry— Still at Coleraine 19U;. Henry. [S. umhioui Duni. Krror. /•/. 207. , A.N. — .] S. nodosa L. Common. /•/. lOo. DO, AN, LD. \S. Siorodonia L. Error. /■/. 297. DO, AN, .] Y4 SCR OPfTULA RIA CE.4i . Mimulus guttaius DC. (as M. luleus \.. in Flora). DO, AN, LI). /-■/. '.'sr). sup.m. Down Hillshdiough park 189.'] (IV. //. Patterson) - Stewart MS : still thfie 1820, Fester. Mouth of Moygannon rivei' 1916. iVaddell. Deny — Roepark by river 19l(;, Wear. Xear Bellareiia ; still at Cole- raine and spreading 191(1, Ifeur\. Ahxindant on sides of streams in S.W. l).rr\. Uren. [.!/. Mo.schatKs Douglas. DO, --, -. Down— In small stream in 'roUymoic i)ark 1S9S (Z;;//r,?) I.N. viii. 199.] Dlrltalls purpurea I, Frequent. F.'. \0->. Sup. ISti. DO, AX, LI). \'f>onioi heder.tfolia I,. Krp(|uent. /•/. 106, V;//. 1,S8. DO. .\N'. f.D. V. ap-eslis I,, ('(.mmoii. /■/. lOG. DO, AN, I,D. ]'. pohta Fries. Fre(|uent. /•/. 106, ■iiip. 183. DO, AN, I.D. Down- Killyleagh 19'20, C. D. Cha.se. Antrim— Ballymona (A'/iPw/e.s)—/. F.B. Derry — Magilligan ( Benoiie) 1917, Piueger. V. 'Fourii*/ortii 0. (iniel. {= / '. Bi(.xlnin>iiiilca.). DO, AN, 1,1). Frequent. /•/. 106, Si/f>. 188. V. perepina \.. Kare. F/.'l^h. — , AN. LD. Derry — Fields at Magilligan IS97 [Leehody) ~I.N. v, 247: still there (Benone) 1917, Praeger. V. arvensis L. Common. Fl. 106. DO, AN, LD. V. serpylUfolia I,. Common. /"/. 106, Sup. 188. DO, AN, LD. V. officinalis I,. Common. /•/. 106. DO, AN, LD. var. glabra Bab. DO, AN. — . Antrim— Agncw's Hill [as \ar. vigida^ {'J'empletoii'^ .U.S. Jounial) — ll'addel! ; still there, and also a small pink- flowered form 1920 (Praeger and SteIfo.v)—/.JV. xxix, 9o. var. hlrsuta (Hopkirki. Very rare in the north (/'<. A/core) fl. Ulst. V. Ctaamaedrys L. Very (ommon. /•,. 10."i. DO, AN, LD. V. montana L. Frequent. FL 106, Si,p. 188. DO, AN, LD. SCROPHl'l.ARlACE.'f:. 75 V. Bcutellata I.. Frequent. /•/. lOJ, Sup. 187. DO, AN, LD. V. AnaeralUs I,. .Not rarf. /•,'. lOo, .S/^/-. 187. DO. AN, LD. V. Beccabunga I.. Cdtiinu.n. /•/. 106. DO, AN, LD. Euphrasia officinalis L. C'oiniiKni. /•/. lOt, Suf. 1«7. DO, AN, LD. E. brevipila Burn. .V. Grem. DO, AN. LD. Down — Grevpoint I8S,') {/'me^er (/./. /./>'. Saintfield and Aiighna- darragh (IVaMell) ir./i.K.C. ISilS. Campbell College 1919 ( fide G. C. Druce), Heiinelt. Antrim— Glenann and Cave Hill 1898 (Dmcf\ - C.I.I'.B. Deny 'roomebiid-rp 1898 [/hme) f/./. 7./V. E. striata Host. . AN, LD. Antrim Husliniills 1912 {Druie)~f.N. .\xi, •_':58. Deny — Fornioyle 1912 {Druce)"/. N. xxi, 238. E. gracilis Fr. Sup. 187. DO, AN, LD. Down- Uutterlump rock near Uallyhalbert H)0:5 {/Vafi^di)- /.N. x'n, 263. Antrim — Hills above Carnlongh- .SV/!7r,i// J/S. Derry— Formoyle 1912 (Drure)- /.A', xxi, 238. E. occldentalls Wettst. DO, - , — . Down -Tollymore park 1898 (Dnicf )- C I.l'.H. E. curta Wettst. DO. AN, LD. Down— Newcastle 1912 {Dnue)~I.N. xxi, 238. Antrira-Busbmills and Whitepark Bay 1912 [Druce)--I.N. xxi, 238. Derry— Formoyle 1912 (/>/««) I.N. xxi, 238. var. clabrescens Welt.st. DO, AN, — . Down— Newcastle 1898 [Druce)- (i./.'/.H. Antrim— Lough Neagh 1898; n\v\ Portnish 1912 (Driue)—G.1.T.F. and /.N. xxi. 238. Bartsla Odontites Huds. Conjmon. /■'!. KU. DO. AN. LD. var. serotlna (Reichb.). .Sup. 187. — , AN, — . var. verna i/\n'rhh.\. — . AN, — ■. Antrim— Glonarm 1012 iP>u,e) /..V. xxi, 238. Pedlcularis palustris L. (;ommon. Fl. 104. DO, AN, LD. P. sylvatlca L. Very comniou. /•/. 104. DO, AN, LD 16 OROBANCHACE^. Xthlnanthus Crlsta-gralll J.. Fl. 104, Sup. 187. DO, AN, LD. Vpry common, var. fallax AV. & (i. — , AX, — . Antrim-Neai- 'I'oomebridge 189S (Druct)— I.N. viii, 199 ; x, 121. R. montlcola Dnice. Very rare. — , — , LD. Deriy-Formoyle TTill 1912 {Drure^—l.N. xxi, '2;?8. Melampyrum pratense I.. Fipqupiit. /■/. KC), .V///. 18ti. I,)(). AN, LD. var. latlfoUum liah. Si,f^. 1S7. , AX, — . var. montanum Jolinst. Sup. 187. DO, .\.\', LD. Derry - Krrisal Cilfii 1901 \S/rivayl\ Stnvar/ .\LS. var. hlans Dnicp. DO, AX, — . Down Tollymorr jiark, ahmidant by river, 1 898 (/>;// <-r) /.X. viii, 109. Antrim— Glenariftc ahuiHiant \W^ {/h-ucr) ~ - / .N. viii. 199. M. sylvatlcum L. Hare.. /•/. 104. xxxii, .V;. Error. /•/. L!97. — . AX, — .] O. rubra Sm. Locally frequent. /•/. 100. Sup. 185. DO. AN. LD. Down— Killard Point 1911 {\'Vadddl)—I.N. xxi, 134. and B.N.F.C. vi, 485. Antrim -Whitepark Bay 1897 {Praeger\-~I. T.B. X. side of Glenariffe [D' Arcy) — I.N. x, 192. Murlough Bav : cliffs near Whitevvell, Wear. B;illycastle, J/w Gib^eit. Still "at Cave Hill, two place.s. 1916, Tomlinson. Derry— Common on basaltic debris between Downhill and Alaailligan. Tomlinsoti. On sand.s about Downliiil 1917. Praeger. \_0 minor Sm. Introduced. /•/. 28.^), Si. 191. DO, AX, LD. F. lusltanlca L. Not rare. /•/. li;5. Sup. UL DO, AN, LD. Down— W. side of river running from Devil's Brewing I'an near Tolly- more Park wall ( 7'emp/eton) Carry .MS. Ballvnahinch Water {Temp/etou) /•/ ^7,f/. Cotton Moss 1S(U /hiriag/i .]/S. A ntr im — F requeut . Derry — Gore's Glen near Eglintou {Leeb^uiy) Stewart M.S. (Jraighall Rocks near Kilrea, Houston. Bog near Drumsurn, Lilly. Summit of Magilligan Mountain l*.)'20 7'omlinson. VERB EN ACS JE. [Veriena oficinalis I.. Ca.sual. /•"/. 285, .S«/. 191. DO, — , -. Down — Newtownards \iM~Darragh A/S.^. X.ABZATX:. iMentha rotundijtlia Huds. Escape. Fl. 28."), Sup. 188. DO. AN, LD.] [/]/. alopecuroides Hull. Sup. 188. DO, — , — . Dowu— Duuny Water Bridge 1885 {Hart : also Fraeger) -G.L T.B.] DO, AX. LD. DO, AX, LD. LD. 78 LABIAT.^. [.)/. s-y/vesti/s ^.. Error. /7. '297. DO, — , — .] [.U. v/!-Ms L. Escape. //. 285, .Sm/. 188. DO, AX, — .] M. piperiia \,. aggr. Kare. /•'/. 107, Sup. 188. DO, AX, LD. Down— Saul dam 1897 {Sttivari) —Stewart MS. Antrim— Still at Massereene Park 1900 [Praei^er)—1.T.B. [.J/, officinalis Hull. — , AX, — . Antrim— Carnmoupy 1897 (li'aMe//)- ll'.B.E.C. 1897.] M. blrsuta Huds. (as M. aqualica L. in Flora). Fl. 107. C'unimoii. IVI. satlTa Ij. Common. Fl. 107. var. paludosa (Sole). Sttp. 189. var. subtrlabra Baker. DO, — , — . Down— Knock Iveagli 1S94 U.elt) -W.B.E.C. 1891. Tar. rubra (Smith). Sup. 188. DO, — , — , M. arveasls L. Frequent. /•/. 107. DO, AX, LD. IW. Puleffium L. Very rare. //. 107, Sup. 18'J. DO, AX, LD. Iiycopus europaeus L. Frequent. /•/. lOS, Sup. 189. DO, AX, LD. Ori,o:cuuimvulgaye\.. Kare. /•'/. 108, .V///- 1«^- DO, AX, IJ). l)o\\n--Xear llostrevor 1907 \Canothers)—B.y.F.C. vi, U. Antrim- Antrim 1886 [Redviond)—l.'F.B. Walls of Templepatrick graveyard \^^^- B.N.F.C. v, 288. A.s the plant is not found at Templepatrick, Co. Down, it is evident that this is Mr. Hanna's station (see 1st Suppl.)— Zi^wZ/w.^^. Thymus Serpyllum L. Very common. Fl. 108, Sup. 189. DO, AX, LD. var. Xilnneeanus Gren. & Godr. — , AX, — Antrim- Cave HiU 1898 (Dnice)-I.X. viii, 200. vai'. prsecox (Opiz). — , AX, — . .\ntrim— Cave Hill 1898 (Druce)~l.N. xviii, 284. T. Chamaedrys Fries. DO, — , LD. Down— Killough 1902 ( F?aege>y/.A'. x.xii, 110. Derry— Downhill to Magilligaa 1917, Praeger. 79 DO, -. -. AN. 1)0, AN, 1,L». LA BIA TjE. [Calamiutha Aiinos Clair v. Krror. /•/. 297. [t. Clinopodium Bentli. Casual. Down Near St. John's Point I'JlT, Hemietl.] [r. officinalis Moencli. A'ery rsre. /•/. 108. -Never refouiid. | Nfpeta Catarui \.. Unre. /•/. 109. Sup. IS!). Derry Near Downhill st,-il ion /■/. Uht. Still at IJenonc (Magilligan) 1916, Tomlinson. The Cloughey Kav reconl in 1st Supj)l. belongs to Hallola ni^ra — Waddell. jr. Olechoma ISeiitli. Common. /'/. lO'.i. DO, AN. M). ■cutellarla r^lerlculata I.. Kare. /•'/. lUS, Sup. 189. i»0, AN, LI). Down Copeliind I.sland 1895 {DavifsV .Stewart MS. Above Hilltown ( UaJJe/// I.r.B. North of Kearney and :\\ Lou;?li Cowey in .\nis f /'raei^i-i)— /.A', xii, 'Hi'.'. Antrim- Near (^ullybaekey, .Megcuv. (lawley's date. Jlouslijii. Moutli ol' Si.xnn'lewater, Wear Prunella vulgaris I.. \'ery connnon. Ft. 109. DO, AN, 1,D. Stacbys Betonlca iJ.iith. Very rare. //. Ill, .Sup. 19U. — , AN, LD. .\ntrini— .Near an old foit in Shane'.s Castle wood.s by Lough Neagli ( Conv/ -Corn' -U.S. Whitew^ll n.-ar liroimlish.ni,. 1 89t; ( Brenan) - /i.X /■■.C. iv. 4:;:]. 8. paluBtris I.. Common. //. 111. DO, AN, 1,1). S. palustrls • aylvatlca ; .V. //« Sm.). .Si/. L. Rare. I-l . \Vi, Snp. \m. DO, AN, LD. Down - Bal'iycultei- dam near iSlrangford 1897 {Hanna) -Stewart M.S. l'"requent in Lecale and Ards {Prae^er) I.N. -xi. 210; xii, 264. Fields about Bangor 1918, Steljo.v. Antrim- Near Cookstown Junction 1901 Stewart .l/.V. Kib'urry neai Ahoghill 1918, .Megazv. Derry -Still at Kilrea 1894 ( Praegerj—I.T.B. 80 LABIATE. [Ga/eopsis Ladatium L. r Error. Fl. 298. — , AX, - .] [G. ditbia Leers ( = G". ochroUnca Lamk.). Casual. Fl. 298. — , — , LD. Deny Shore of Lougli Neagh west of Toome, one plant, 1918, Stelfox.] (J.versicc/orGmi. Rare. /'7. 1 1 1, 5///- l-*0- DO, AX, LU. Antrim Abuudaul in fields at Oreagh Bog. Toome, 1918, Sie/fo.x. Garry Bog near Ballvinoney, Megaw and Bennett . Derry—Xear Toome plentiful 1898 {Dnne)~/.N. viii. 199. Still above Dungiven (at Banagher) 1916. Li//y. G. Tetrahit L. Common. /•/. 111. DO, AX, LD. var. bifida (Boenn.j. — . AX, LD. Antrim— Toome 1898 {Drnce ~~J.N. viii, 199. Derry— Toome 1898 [Driice)—f.N. viii, 199. var. nigricans Breb. — , AX, U). Antrim -Lough Beg 1898 (Driice)~-LN. viii, 199. Derry~-In potato field by Lough Xeagh 1898 (DnuY]~J.N. viii, 199. \^Leoniirtis Cardiaia L. — , AX, — . Antrim -Cranfield Point 1897— /.'.A'./'. f. iv, 183]. La>ninm amplexiiauU L. Frequent. Fl. 109, Sup. 189. D(J, AX, LD. Down — Roddens [Herb. Belfast Nat. Hist. Soc.) ~Fl. Ulsl. Frequent in Leeale {Prafger)—I.N. -xi, 210. Antrim — Xew Forge Dr. Holden) — Corrv MS. Crebilly (h'noiules) — I.T.B. Xear Ahoghill, Megaw. Derry Benone (Magilligan). Tomlinson. L. intennediiim Fries. Frequent. Fl. 110, Sup. 189. DO, AX, LD. L. hybridum Vill. Rare. Fl. 110, Sup. 190. DO, AN, LD. Down — Ballykinler, Rossglass and Killough [Praeger) — T.N. xi, 209. Dundonald 1920, C. D. Chase. Antrim — Rathliu Island 'Gage) — Fl. Uht. CuUybackey (Knowles, — I.T.B. li. purpureum 1.. (omiuon. //. 110. DO, AX', LD. /.. album L. Frequent. //. IIU, Sup. 190. DO, AX, LD. [I. Galeobdolen Crantz. Error. F1.2Q1. DO, — , -.] PLANTAGIXACEJE. 81 Ballota tn\s^ia I., (at />'. alba I-, in Flora). /<'!. 112, Sii/<. I'.IO. Do, AN, LD. Rare. Down -Between Bullynahinch and Seaforde (Tenipleton)—Fl. Ulst. Coney Island near Killough 1898 (Davies) — I.T.B. Cloughey liiiy, abundant, Ben net I and VVaddell. BuUyholme 19 IG, Sielfox. Anlrini— Hedge sides on Island Magee ('I'ale) -Fl. Bel/. Curran of I-:irne 1898 [Adaim) — ^ieviart MS. Kandalstown {Knowles) — I.T.B. [Teiicriitin .Srordi/iin \.. Error. /7. 298. DO, — , _ .] T. Scorodonla !-. Common. /'/. 112, Sup. 191. DO, AX, 1,1). Ajug:a reptans L. Cumnion. /•/. 11:5. DO, AN, LD. PXiAXTTACXM-ACEJE. Plantag:o major L. Cotnmon. //. 119. DO, AN, LD. var. Intermedia (Gilib.). Sup. 19;5. — , AN, [/'. media L. Introduced. /•/. 298. DO, AX. LD. Down — Lenaderg 1903 (Davies)— I.N. xii, 272. Belvoir Park, well established 1908 (Miss Florence \Vihon)--l.N. .wii, 20.i. Antrim— Curran of L.irne \'i,'i<^ {rrae>yer)—B.N.F.C. \',\\yi. Lambeg 1895 (Davies) — .Stewart M.S'. i.iawn at Li.sburn (Daviesi- I.N. iv. 433. Ballymeua (Kiio'Mles) — I.T.B. Stranmillis (Car^othe^ s) ■ B.jV.F.C. vi, 201. Dern — Hellarena 1897 (Leebody)- B.y.F.C. iv, 433]. P. lanceolata I,. Very common. /7. 118, .S«/;. 193. DO, AX, LD. P. marltlma L. Common. //. 118. DO, AX, LD. Antrim Inland .N. of Glarryford station (Prae^er and .Slelfox) — J. A', .\.\i.\, 9.). P. Coronopus L. Common. Fl. US. DO, AN, LD. vnr. sabrlna Cardew and Baker. .\ntrim — Giant's Cansewav ; identical witli or approaching this variety [Druce: /..V. x.xi, 238. lilttorella lacustrls L. Common. //. 119, Sup. 193. DO, AN, LD. 82 ILLECEBRA CE.^—CHEXOPODIA CEJE. zi.i.ecz:bracea. Scleranthus annuus I,. Fiequent. /'/. 26, Sup. 154. DO, AX, LD. Down— Kinnegar, and frequent in Lecale {P>aeger)—I.A^. xi, 210. Dnimawhey near Bangor, Ahi^aw. Antrim— Bnshfoot {SwaiiY -T.T.B. Deny — Lough Enagh iLeebody) — /. T.B. Sandy fields bv Bunn opposite Toonie 1918, St elf ox. CHEXO-OPOBXACEJE. \_C/ienofodtiiiii folysperminn \.. Casual. Fl. 298. — , AN, — . Antrim— Near Ardmore Point on Lough Neagh 1906 (Ada?in) — I.N. xviii, 120 I . [C. Vulvaria L. Casual. Fl. 28(5. — , AN, - .] C. album ^.. (;ommon. /•/. 119. DO, AN, LD. [C. ficifolium Sm. Casual. /"/. 299. — , AN, — . Antrim— Lisbum 1900 (Davies)—I.N. x, 22.] [C. wttrale L. Casual. /'/. 299. — , AN, — . Antrim— Ballyrudder near hen-run 1897 ( Praegfr)~B.N.F.C. iv, 433.] [C. hybridum L. Error. Fl. 299. — , AN, — .] [C. urbiaim L. Error. /^/. 299. — , AN, — .] C. rubrum L. Rare. Fl. 120. DO, AN, — . Down — S. of Wobiu-n House and for a mile along shore at Ballyferris Point ; and still near Ballywalter 1903 ( Praef^er )—I.N. xii, 263. Near Dundrum bridge 1920, C". D. Chase. C. Boniis-Heiiricus'L. Rather rare. Fl. 120, xxxii, Sup. 193. DO, AN, LD. Beta maritima L. Local. Fl. 120, xxxiii, Sitp. 193. DO, AN, LD. Down — Portaferry abundant, and frequent in Lecale ( Praeger) — I.N. vi, 280; xi, 210 ; xii, 263. Mouth of Shinma river at Newcastle (Davies)~I.N. xii, 272. Still at Benderg (1901), and Greencastle (1906)— ^.A^.i^'.C. Antrim — Fairhead (Swan) — I. T.B. Derry — Shore east of Portstewart, very sparingly, Tomliuson. Atrlplex Uttoralls L. Local. /7. 121. DO, AN, — . [var. war?"«a (L.). Doubtful. ^/. 299. DO?—,—.] CHKXO PO DIA CE.^. 83 A. patula L. ag^r. DO, AX, LD. Down— Killough 1897 {\Vaddell)—\V.B.E.C. KS!»7. A erecta Huds. /-"/. 121, Sup. 193. DO, AX, LD. Down — Millisle and Mealougli,on cultivated and waste land — Stfwart MS. A. aDgiiUijolia Sm. Common. /•'/. Vl\. DO, AX, LD. A. hastata L. Common. Fl. 121. DO, AN, LD. A. deltoldea I!,il). Frequent. //. 121. DO, A.X, LD. var. sallna 1!.<1'. 11. 121, .Sup. Id L !)(l. AX, LI). A. Bablngtonli Woods. Frequent. /•/. 121. !)(», AX, LD. Down— Killough and Groomsport {Waddell)—IV.B.E.('. 1897. Antrim— Antrim coast 1912 (Dnice)—/.y. xii, 238. A. farlnosa Dum. Locally abundant. F/. 12L Sup. 194. DO, AN, LD. Down — IJenderg, frequent from Minerstown to Dundrum, abundant from Millisle to Cloughey, and at Kilclief ( rraeger)-~I.N. xi, 209 ; xii, 26.'5 ; xxvii, 118. Mouth of Sliinma River at X'ewcastle (ZJrttvW — /.A^. xii, 272. Ballykinler ( //'arfa'^//)— /. 7"./>\ Antrim -Whitepark Bay ( Traeger and Can- )—R.N.F.C. vi, .JOl. Derry — Downhill 1917, Ptaegev. A. portulacoldes L. Rare. /7. 121, .V/up. 194. DO, -, LD. P. Rail Bab. Rather rare. Ft. 124, Sup. 195. DO, AN, LD. Down — Frequent in Lecale and Ards (Praeger) — I.N. xi, 210 ; xii, 264. Still at Greencastle 1906— iJ.iV./'.f. ; and Ballyholme 1911, Waddell. Antrim— Sandy shore at Kilroot — Stewatl MS. Derry — Downhill 1917, Praeger. [P. maritimwn L. Error. Fl. 300. DO, — , — •] P. Hydropiper L. Common. Fl. 123. DO, AN, LD. var. denslflorum Braun. Down -Saintfield 1895 [IVadddl i—/.N. iv, 305. P. mlnns Huds. Bare. Fl. 123. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Bv Lough Neagh half mile west of Si.xniilc water 1900 [Dai'ies) —I.N'. ix, 219. rOLYGONACE/E. 8.) P. mite Sclirank. Very rare. _, AX, . Antiim Shore between Sixniilewater and Shane's Castle 1900 Davies ) - I.N X, 68. P. Perslcarla L. Very common. /•'/. 12:?. DO. AN. 1,1). var. bilorme Walil. . A.\, . Antiim — Near Lisburn 1901 (Davies) —Sft-varf i\/S. var. ^landulosa V. Boscli. DO, — , — . Down -Ballynahincli 1SM6 ( /'. ,/,;f^;) C.l.T.B. var. Incanum aiict. DO, — , — , Down — Warrenpoint town reservoir 1890 (/'racifer) G./.'I'.B. [P lapatkifoliiim L. Frequent. /•/. 123, Fiiip. 194. DO, AN, DD. Down — Castlereagh Hill — Stewart MS. Greengraves near Dundonald 1920, Bennett. Derry -Bann near Coleraiue 1916, Ihury. The record for " AVarrenpoint town reservoir " has been transferred to /'. /'e>sicaria\'BiV. incaniini. — G.I.T.H.^ [/'. mactilatuni Trim. & Dyer. Casual. /•/.;} 00, .V/. 194. DO, AN, LD. R. Acetosella L. Very common. Fl. 123, Sii/>. 194. DO, AN, LD. var. anglocarpus (Murb.;. — , AN, ■-. Antrim— Garron Tower 1912 {Dnicc)—LN. xxi, 238. £ I. .SA GN A C E .K. \_Hippophae rhamnoides J>. Planted. DO, — , — . Down — On botb sides of Causeway between Dundrum and Murlough, Wear.^, EVPHORBZACEJE. Euihorbia Helioscopia L. Common. Fl. 124. DO, AN, LD. \^E. hiberna L. Garden specimens. /"/. 300. — , — , — .] IE. Cyparissias L. Escape. /•'/. 286. DO, — , — .] E. Parallas L. Rare. /•/. 125. DO, AN, — . Down— Tyrella (/'/rtf^'tfr,— y. y.A'. Rossglass— .5.A:/.C. v, 487. Still at Cranfield 190(5, and north of Newcastle 1908— j5.iV./'.C. B, portlandlca L. Rare, locally abundant. /•'/. 125. DO, AN, — . Down— Still at Greencastle Vim—B.N.F.C. Antrim — Still plentiful at Portrush and Bushfoot 1916, Henry. UR TIC A CE.E-M YRICA CE^. 87 E. Peplus L. Common, fl. 125. DO, AN, LD. E. exigua L. Rare, locally abundant. Fl. 125, Sup. 195. DO, AX, LD. Down — Ardglass and Killough (Davtes) — I.N. vii, 246. Frequent in Ards (J'raejier)-/.X. xii, 246. Antrim — Near Cookstown Junction 1898 (Adams) — Stewart M.S. Near Aghalee ( Car-rot Iters) ^fl.N.F. C. vi, 575. Portrush above Cloughor, ICear. Taylorstown near Aliogbill, Megaw. \,E. Lathytus L. /•/. 286. DO, AN, — . Down — Donaghadee 1864 — Darragh MS. Antrim — Koadside near Carn Hill ( //';;/. MacMillan) -.Stewart MS.'\ Mer curia/is ptrenrtis L. Very rare. /•/. \'15, Sup. 195. DO, AN, — . Antrim "Hefoiind at junction of Craigban Burn with Shesk River near Hallycastle 1906,' Tomliitson (Altaferna Glen record of Fl. Ubt.). Galgorm Castle, by avenue to farm yard 1912 {.S". Smyth) — Megaiv. Only in demesne woods. VRTICACEJE. Uliuus montana With. Frerpient, native in glens. /'/. 12S. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Colin glen {Tenipletori) : (ilenarm Deer Park, &c. (7'liotiipsori) ; and frequent in nortliern glens of Antrim {.Moore)— Cyt>. I. and II. On rocks in glen 1 mile N. of Carnlough ; ''I consider a native" R. LLP. — /.A'. .\.ux, 95. U. suberosa Ehrh. Common. /•'/. 287. DO, AN, LD [Humiilus Lupulus L. //. 286, Sup. 19G. DO, AN, — Antrim — Well established near Rock Ryan at Portrush, lVear.'\ [Cannabis satlva L. Casual. /-A 286. — , AN, — Urtlca dlolca L. Very common. //. 128. DO, AN, LD [/. mens L. Common. //. 127. DO, AN, LD Farietaria officinalis L. Frequent. /•/. 127, Sup. 196. DO, AN, LD MTRXCACEJE. layrlca Gale L. Fl. 132, Svp. 197. DO, AN, LD. Frequent, locally abundant. 88 CUPULIFERJE-SALICINES. CVPt7I,ZFBR2:. [Bettila rerruccsa Ehrli. Error. Fl. 300. DO, AX, — .] B. pubencens Ehrh. Frequent. /•/. 1,32, Sup. 197. DO, AN, LD. Alnus rlntinosa Medic. Common. FL 132. DO, AX, LD. Corylus Avellana L. Common. Fl. 133, 5m/. 197. DO, AX, LD. Qnercus Robar L. Common. /•'/. 132, Sup. 197. DO, AX, LD. Castanea vulgaris Lam. Planted. /•'/. '287. DO, AX, LD. F'agiis sylvatica L. Common, not native. /'/. 287. DO, AX, LD. SAI.ZCZN-E2:. Salix pmtandra \.. Frequent. /•'/. I'JS, .Sm/. 196. DO, AN, LD. S. triattdra L. liare. //. 129, Sup. 196. DO, AX, — . Antrim— On left bank of Si.xniilewater about quarter mile from mouth 1916 (probably Stewart's station), ll'ear. S. Jragilis L. aggr. Frequent. 7-7.287. DO, AN, LD. 5. Russelliana Sm. Fl. 287. DO, AX, LD. S. decipiens Hoffm. Fl. 287. — , — , LD. S. alba L. Frequent. Fl. 129. DO, AN, LD. 5. alba X triattdra {S. undulata Ehrh.). Planted. Fl. 287. — , AN, LD. S. purpurea L. Rare. Fl. 129, Sup. 196. DO, AN, LD. Antrim— Bog X".E. of Randalstown 1901 {Stexvart)— Stewart MS. Derry — By the Bann near Coleraine {JMoore) — Cyb. I. and TL S. purpurea X viniinalis [S. rubra Huds.). Fl. 287. DO, AX, LD. S.viminalis la. Xot rare. /•/. 129. DO, AX, LD. S. Lapponum L, Error. Fl. 300. — , AN, — .] SALICINILE. 8! •. Caprea L. Frequent. /•/. 1:50, Sup. 107. DO, AN, I.D. Antrim— Boj; north of RanilalstoMn- .V/^7c<7// MS. Derry— Downhill 1917, Praeger. S. anrlta L. Very conniion. /•/. 130, Sup. 197. {S. aurila X repeiis (,S. amhigtia Ehrh.). Error. /•/. 300. S. clnerea L. Very ooininon. /'/. J.'iO. foniia aquatlca (Sni.). Common. /•'/. l.'Hl .v. ciii*rea X 7'iiiiiitalis {S. .Sniithiami Willil.). Fl. 129, Sup. 196. .V. cinerea X phylici/olia (S. lamina Sm.). /•'/. 130. S. nigrrlcans Sm. Kare. /-"/. 130. S. pbyllclfoUa L. Rare. FL 130. S. repens L. Common. /•'/. 131, Sup. 197. forma prostrata (Sin.). Common. Fl. 131. foiina Incubacea Synie. /•'/. 131. forma argentea (Sm.). /•'/. 131. 8. herbacea L. Rare. Fl. 131, Sup. 197. .Vntrim — In Tenipleton's MS. Journal the Slievenanee plant is described a.s "a gijrantic variety" — VVaddell \ still there near little cairn north of summit I90'l {D'Arcy)-I.N. \, 192 ; and in 1920, Bennett. Derry — Refouud at Benevenagh 1892, and .still there 1917, Fraeger. 'iPopulus albal,. '^XvM.t^A. Fl.2i~,. DO, AN, — .] P. tremula L. Native in hilly districts. Fl. 131, Sup. 197. DO, AN, LD. Down — Hedge in old lane from Bally magee to Primaiy at Bangor 1916, Stelfox. Antrim— Still at Fairhead 1917. Fraeger. Derry — Still at Unabra rocks 1917, Tomlinsoi ; also Fraeger. [/". deltoides Marsh. Common. DO, AN, LD. Common in Down, Antrim and Derry. " The most recently planted black poplars belong to this species," 1912 (Druce) — /.N. xxi, 238.] DO, AN, LD. -, AX, LD.] DO, AN, LD. DO, AX, LD. DO, AX, LD. AX, LD. -, AX, LD. ", AN, LD. DO, AN, LD. DO, AN, — . — , — , LD. DO, -, -. DO, AN, LD. 90 EMPETRACE.E—HYDROCHARIDE^. EMPETRACKJE. Smpetrum nigrum L. Frequent. Fl. 124, Sup. 195. DO, AN, LD. CERATOPHVIiXiACEJE. Ceratopbyllum demersum L. Rare. Fl. 126, Sitp. 195. DO, AN, LD. Down — In Ards at Lough Cowey, Lough Doo and Ballyherly Lough {Praeger)—I.N. xii, 263. [C. submersum L. Error. Fl. 300. DO. — , — .] COM-ZFER.S:. [/ittiiperus (omnntnis L. Error. Fl. 300. — , AN, — .] J. nana WiUd. Rare. Fl. 133, Sup. 197. DO, AN. LD. Antrim— Gan on plateau at cairn \ mile "W. of Craigatinnel [Prae^er and Stelfo.x)—I.N. xxix, 95. Still at Glenariffe on cliffs 1901 (D'Arcy) —I.N. X, 192. Deny — Hell's Hole above Magilligan 1914, Sielfox and IVear. Down- hill; and still at Benevenagh 1917, Praeger. [/. sahina L. Error. Fl. 301, Sup. UI8.] DO, — , — . Taxus baccata L. Extremely rare. Fl. 133, Sup. 197. — , AN, LD. Antrim — Refound in Glenariffe 1901 {D'Arcy ; also B>enan)~I.N. i, 192, 229. Derry — Refound at Magilligan on Woodtown cliffs | mile "W.S.W. of Eagle Hill 1917 (Praege7-)—I.N. xxvi, 169. Pinus sylvesiris L. Common. Fl. 134, 288. DO, AN, LD. HYDROCHARZBEiE. Elodea canadensis Mich. Common. Fl. 135, 288. DO, AN, LD. Hydroctaarls Morsus-ranae L. Fl. 134, Sup. 198. DO, AN, — . Very rare. Down — At and south-east of Lough Cowey and at Bishop's Mill dam (Praeger)— IN. xii, 263. Antrim — Lough Neagh at Crumlin (Tefiipleton) — Fl. Ulst. Still at Gawley's Gate, and in drains south of Portmore 1920, Prattler and Sielfox. Seldom flowers in our district. Spiraxthes Romanzoffiaxa. To face h. 91.] [E. J. Bedford, pfioto. ORCIIIDACE.E. 91 [Siratiotes abides L. FI. 288. — , AN, — . Antrim -Mill dam at Woodbiirn 1894 (/'. /•'. GtiUuso>t. ilstera cordata Br. Rather rare. Fl. loS. Sup. 199. DO, AN, LD. Down-Slieve Bingian 1885 (D'Ai(y)—C}'b. II. Slieve Commedagh, Bennett. Antrim— Black Mountain 1809 {Templeton)— .Stewart MS. Carn- sampson near Ballycastle (rraeger)—I.N. vi, 301. Foot of Lurigethan 1899, and Garron plateau 1910— i^.yV./'.C. Near KeUswater station 1916 — Tomlinson in I.N. xxv, 99. Above Dunloy {Carrothers and Tovilinson)—B.N.F.C. vi, 60. Shane Hill, ft'olf Hill and Sheaphead Hill above Ligoniel ( Tomlinson) — B.N.F.C. vi, 60. I,, ovata Br. Common. Fl. 138. DO, AN, LD. Splranthes Romanzoffiana Cham. Very local. Sup. 199. DO, AN, LD. Down — Kilmore townland by Lough Neagh 1911 {Carrothers) — I.N. XX, 184. Antrim— Between Antrim and Toome 1901 {West)— I.N. x, 171. Mas- sereene Park 1907, on an island near north shore of Lough Neagh 1912, and frequent both on north shore of Lough Neagh and on and near shores of Lough Beg, Tomlinson. Deny — Widely distributed in suitable places, generally flats liable to flood, on the west side of the Bann and Lough Beg, Tomlinson. East side of Bann at Coleraine between bridges 1910 {IV. W. Nicholson) — Carrothers ; not seen there since 1911, Henry. Port- glenone, Megaw. Still in plenty about Kilrea in several places 1915, Houston. i 92 ORCHIDACEyE. This is the most interesting plant in our local flora. Widely spread across North America (and extending into Kamtschatka), it was from 1810 till 1892 known in Europe only from the neighbourhood of Castle- town Eerehaven in West Cork. In the latter year it was discovered in Co. Armagh, and has since been shown to occur in all the five counties (Down, Antrim, Derrj-, Tyrone, Aimagh) which border on that lake, extending up the Upper Bann to above I'ortadown, and down the Lower Bann to C'oleraine. Its European centre of distribution has thus been changed from S.W. to X.E. Ireland. In many places round Lough Neagh it occurs in tolerable abundance. Consideralile doubt has been expressed recently as to whether the Ulster plant is identical with that from Cork and Kerry. Examination by experts leaves it doubtful whether either is Chamisso's X. American plant. For its relation to 5. stricta Rydberg, a recently described American segregate, see '•Irish Nat.," xv, 188. The whole matter is under investigation at present. Cepbalanthera enslfolia Kich. /•/. lo9. DO? AN, — . Extremely rare. Not seen in the district for over 70 years. [C. /<7//.?»j Reich. Error. /Y. 301. — ,AN, — .] Epipactis latifolia All. Frequent. Fl. 139, Sup. 199. DO, AN, LD. var. media (Fries.). /'/. 139. — , AN, — . Antrim— StTanmillis—/7. Ulst. Redhall demesne 190G (^■. A. Moore) —B.N.F.C. V, 489. E. palustrls Crantz. Very rare. /'/. 139. DO, AN, LD. Derry — AVet meadow between Magilligan station and coast 1908 {Adams) —I.N. xviii, 53. Doaghs at Magilligan, one plant, 1912 — Lilly. Abundant in damp hollows in several places on Magilligan sandhills 1920, romlinson. Orclils pyramidalis I-. Rather rare. Fl. 288, Svp. 198. DO, AN, LD. Down — East of Murphystown and from Killard Point to Mill Quarter Bay {Praeger)~I.N. xi, 209. Near RathmullaTi Point {Tomlinson) —i.N. XV, 218; xvi, 321. Near Ringsallan (Carrolhers) - B.N.F.C. vi, 11. Mount Stewart {Dallmav)—I.N. xvi, 350. Antrim — Cave Hill quarry [To ml hi soft)— I.N', xv, 218. Portrush golf links 1909, Wear. Near Golf Hotel, Portrush 1916, Henry. Near kghaXee— B.N.F.C. vi, 599. Whitepark 'Ba.j— B.N.F.C. 1915. Derry — East side of Bann near mouth 1910 {IV. IV. Nicholson) — Carrolhers. Downhill to Magilligan 1917, Praeger. O. mascula L. Common. /'/. 135. DO, AN, LD. ORCIIIDACE.'E. 93 O. Incarnata L. Frequent. /•/. 13G, A///. 198. DO, AN, LD. O. Incarnata l>. sensu slricto. DO, AN, — . Apparently frequent in tlie district. It is abundant on shores of Lough Neiigli, and occurs in North Down ; liut as it lias not been sought for, its range ami freiiuency are uncertain. O. praetermlssa Druce. DO, AN, LD. Seems to be common throughout the area. Occurs in all three counties in both lowland and upland situations. O. purpurella Stephenson. Perhaps not rare. — , AN, — . Antrim A plant collected neai- Dunloy in July 1!''2U by I'raeger and Stelfo.v has been identilied by Rev. T. Stc])henson as his form h of this species. O. latlfolia L. Perhaps not rare — , AN, . Antrim- Plants collected in July 1920 on the eastern slope of Knocklayd and near Dunloy by i'raescr and Stelfox have been named l)y Rev. T. Stephenson true ladfolia L. O. maculata L. aggr. Common. /■/. 13G. DO, AN, LD. O. Fuctasll Druce. Apparently widespread, but more lowland than the ne.xt. O. erlcetorum K. F. Linton. Distribution not yet worked out ; certainly common upon tlie Antrim hills. Hybrids between the above segregates are of frequent occurrence where the plants grow together, but they have not yet been studied locally. Habenaria conopsea Benth. Fl. L36, Suf>. 198. DO, AN, LD. liather rare. Antrim — Abundant in the county. Derry— Still abundant near T'uibra 1916, Henry. Downhill 1917, Praeger. H. albiaa Br. Bather rare. /'/. 136, Sup. 198. DO, AN, LD. Autrim — Top of Knockagh near east end — FI. Ulst. S.\y. base of Slemish {Hart)- I.N. v, 27. Skerry (k'nowles) -I.T.B. Fair- head [Carrothers) -B.N.F.C. v, 372. Rabbit Rock above Dunloy {Carrothers ami Toiiilinson) — fi.N.F.C. vi, 60. Ballyboley, Irisli Hill, Wolf Hill, Sheephead Hill (above Ligoniel), above Whitewell, Craigs W. of Dunloy and Skerry Hock above Clougb, Tomlinson. 94 IRIDACEvE. Tait's Hill 1904, Spennin Hill 1904, Ballygowan Hill 1906 and Skerrywlierrv 1908 (all west of Lame) (Lilly)— I.N. xv, 267 ; xvii, 162. Near Gleiishesk 1909, Henry. Tully Hill near Ahoghill, JMegaw. Westward-facing scarp S.E. of IjOugh Naroon [Praeger and Stelfox) - -I.N. xxix, 95. Derry — Craighall Rocks near Kilrea 1910, Houston. Xear Benevenagh 1917 {Lilly)^Praeger. H. viridls Br. Rare, locally frequent. Fl. 137, Sup. 198. DO, AN, LD. Down — jVewtownards 1864- Z>(7;-;-. H. chloroleuca Ridley { = H. chlorantha Bab.). DO, AN, LD. Frequent. Fl. 137, Sup. 199. IRZDACEJE. [Irisfoetidisstma L. Escape. Fl. 2S8. DO, AN, LD, Down — Clandeboye {Praeger)—I. T.B.'\ 1. Pseud-acorus L. Very common. Fl. 140. DO, AN, LD. Yav. acoriformis (Bor.) is apparently the usual Irish form — G.I. T.B. Sisyrinchium angustifolium W^SS.. ? Escape. — , AN, — . Antrim— Shane's Castle \%{^— B.N.F.C. v, 481. AMAR YLLIDACE.-J'.—I.ILIACE.'K—JUNCACEAi. 95 AMARTX.I.ZDiVC&JE. Leiicojum (cstiviim L. ? Escape. — , AN, — . Antrim — Lough Neagh two miles south of Antrim 1909 (Tomlinson) — I.N. XT, 70 ; xvii, 34. X.ZI.Za.CEiE. [AlliKm vineaU L. ? Error. /•/. 142. DO? AN? — . Mr. John Adams has sliown tliat the Si.xmilowater ])lant recorded under this species is A. olenucitm. lie was tinahlo to procure a .specimen from Sliane's Castle, the only otlier place from which the plant has heen recorded for a long time — /.A', xriii, 5'.', 11 1. J A. oleractitm L. One area. ? Native. — i A.\, — . Antrim — In some plenty by the Sixmilewater above Antrim 1886 — D. Redmond; still there at three places between Moylena and the G.N. Railway bridge 190!) [Adams] —I.N. xviii, Wl, 111. See note on the preceding species. A. ursinum L. Frequent. Fl. 142, Sup. 200. DO, AN, LD. Scllla rerna Huds. Frequent. FL 142, Sup. 200. DO, AN, LD. Down— Abundant on outer shore of Ards, and frequeiit on inner shore, on roaky knolls, up to Kirkcubbin (Praega) — I.N. xii, 263. S. nutans Sm. (= Endyniiou nutans Dum.). FL 143. DO, AN, LD. Common. \_Co!chi(um auiinnnaie L. Escape, now gone. /'/. 288. DO, — , — .] Nartheclum osslfrag^um Iluds. Common. FL 143. DO, AN, LD. JUNCACEJE. Juncus bufonlus L. Common. FL 144. DO, AN, LD. var. ranarlus Nees. DO, — , — . Down— Newcastle (Druce)—I.N. xii, 238. T. squarrosns L. Common. FL i44, Sup. 201. DO, AN, LD. [/. iom/^rossus Jacq. Error. FL 301. , — , LD.] J. Oerardl Lois. Common. //. 144. DO, AN, LD. 96 JUNCACEAC. /. tenuis Willd. Very rare. DO, - , - . Down - Victoria Park, Belfast 1899 (Stewart)— I.N', xii, 108; xiii, 43. Ballymagee on garden path 1919, Sttlfox. J. fflaucus Ehrh. Rare. /7. 143, Sit/:. 200. DO, AX, LD. Down — Near Strangford, I.ough Cowey in Ards. Strangford Lough from Harry's Island westward, raised beach east of Shark Island and White Hills near Strangford (Praeger) — I.N^. vi, 280 ; xii, 203 ; xiii, 22;> ; xxvii, 118. Antrim— Stranmillis (.Re7'. Geo. Robinson) — Cony Jl/S. ; still there 1921, Cariothers. Old Park dam, sparingly, Wear. Derry — Magilligan (IJenoue) X'il' —Pra,-;rer. J. effusus L. Very common. F/. 143, Sit/>. 200. DO. AX, LD. J. effusus X grlaucus(= /. diffusus Hoppe.). Fl. 301. DO, — , LD? Very rare. Down — Strangford Lough at raised beach east of Shark Island 1904 (Praeger) — I.N. xiii, 225. J. conglomeratus L. Very common. /'"/. 143. DO, AX, LD. J. maritlmus Lam. Frequent. 77. 143, Sup. 200. DO, AX, LD. J. suplnus Moench. Rather rare. /'/. 144, &//. 200. DO, AX, LD. Down— Hillsborough Park 1917, IVear. Antrim — Glenariffe [Breitan) ; Sluggan bog near Randalstown — Stewart AIS. Killyl.egsbog 1918, Megaw. [/. nigritelliis D. Don. Doubtful. Fl. 301. — , AX, — .] T. obtnsiflorus Ehrh. Rare. /'/. 144, .SV//. 200. DO, — , — . Down — Marsh at St. John's Point {Stewart) — Carry MS. Killough — B.N.F.C. iv, 475. Frequent on coast and in marshes of Locale, marshes between Portaferry and Cloughey, and coast of Strangford Lough inside the Launches {Praeger) — I.N. xi, 209 ; xii, 263 ; xiii, 225. T. lamprocarpus Ehrh. Very common. Fl. 144. DO, AX, LD. J. acutlfloruB Ehrh. Very common. Fl. 144, Sup. 200. DO, AX, LD. X.uzula vernalls DC. {=L.pilosa Willd ). LocaL Fl. 14-5. DO, AX, LD. TYPHACE.^.-ARACE.'K. 97 I., maxima DC. ( = /.. sylvafica Wivh.). Common. /•/. UH, 1)0, AN, LI). Z.. campestrls DC. Common. /-I. Mrt. DO, A.\, I.D. 1.. erecta Desv. ( = Z. mullifora Lej.). Common. Fl. Ho. DO, AN, LD. Tlie relative frequency of tlie two forms umbellafa and conges/a might be observed. " Botli are probably univeisal " — GJ- T.B. IL. albida DC. var. rubella. DO, — , — . Down — Lenaderg on border of plantation 1903 {Dnvies)—I.N. .\ii, 272.] TTPHilCS.X:. Typha latlfoUa I,. Frequent. Fl. Hf., Sup. 201. DO, AN, LD. I. angustlt'olla L. Very rare. /'/. 146, Sup. 201. DO, AN, ~. Down— In Ards at Bishop's Mill 1897, Lough Doo, Lough Cowey (in great abundance) and Dallyfinragh Lough (Praeger) — I.N. vi, 280; xii, 263; ixvii, 118. Antrim— Still profuse at Portniore 1898 {Davies)— Stewart MS. Spargranlum ramosum Huds. Common. Fl. 14C. DO, AN, LD. var. mlcrocarpum Xeuman. Sup. 20L DO, — , — . S. simplex Euds. Frequent. Fl. 146, Sup. 201. DO, AX, LD. S. affine Schnizl. (as S. natam in Flora). FL 14G, Sup. 201. DO, AN, LD. llare. Down - Cotton Moss and S.E. of Lough Cowey [Praeger) — I.T.B.; I.N. xii, 2G3. Antrim— Still at Fairhead 1897 [Praeger)— I. T.B. Lakelet J mile W. of Lough Fine (Garron Plateau) and Loughnafanogy near Parkmore [Praeger and Stelfox) — I.N. xxix, 95. S. minimum Fries. Veiy rare. Fl. 147, Sup. 20L DO, AN, — . Down — Near Ballymenagh House in Lecale, at and south of Lough Cowejs and liallynahinch Junction [Praeger) — I.N. xi, 209 ; xii, 263 ; xiii. 227. iiRACEJE. Arum maculatum L. Comniou. Fl. 147, Sttp. 202, DO, AN, LD. 98 LEMNACEjE—ALISMACE^. Acorus Calamus L. Escape. Fl. 288, xxxiv, Sup. 202. DO, AN, — . Down— Still near Ballynahinch (at Montalto) 1893 (Praeger)—I.T.B. " The Cuts " at Newport near Hillsborough, but apparently gone now from lakes at Hillsborough (Templeton's station), Foster. Antrim — Has now extended to below 2nd lock of Lagan Canal 19 IG (,Carrothers)—B.N.F.C. vi, 204. Iiemna trlsulca L. Common. Fl. 147. DO, AN, LD. Ii. minor I>. Very common. Fl. 147. DO, AN, LD. X.. glbba L. Eare. Fl. 147. DO, AN, LD. Down — Sparingljr along Lough Neagh at Kilmore and abundant in drains at Annaghdroghal, Houston. Derry— Near Magilligan 1897 (Leebody)—B.N.F.C. iv, 433. L. polyrrhha 1.. Introduced, j^/. 288. DO, AN, — . Down — Li canal immediately below Shaw's Bridge 1919, Megatv. Antrim— Still in ditch above 1st lock of Lagan Canal 1919, G. E. C. Maconchy. AI.ZSMACX:JE. AUsma Plantago L. Common. Fl. 141. DO, AN, LD. forma natans. Antrim- Toomebridge (!Prof. Gluck) {Druce)—I.N. xix, 237. A. ranunculoides L. Common. Fl. 141. DO, AN, LD. [if/^i-wa «rt/rt;;j Bucbenau. Error. Fl.lQX. DO, — , — .] Saplttarla gagrlttifolia L. Eare. Fl. 141, xxxiii, Sup. 200. DO, AN, LD. Down— Scarva [Praeger)—J.T.B. Ellis's CvA.—B.N.F.C. vi, 503. Antrim — Lough Neagh south of Staffordstown station, Tamlinsow.. Derry — Still very frequent on Bann 1895 {Ptaeger) — I.T.B. Butomus umbellatus L. Eare. FL 141, Sup. 200. DO, AN, LD. Down — Between Tillysburn and Kinnegar 1920, /. R. H. Gieeves. Antrim — Glenavy ( Waddell) — I.T.B. Lough Neagh south of Staffords- town station ; spreading rapidly around shores of Lough Neagh, Tomliuson. Portgienone, Bann near Kilrea and in swamp and drains near Lough Beg, Megaw. Toome 1918, Stelfox. Deny— Toome, 1918, Stelfox. NAIAD AC E.-K. 99 M-AZADACE^. Trlgrlocbln palustre I., foniinon. /•/. 112. DO, A\, LI). T. marltlmum L. Common hy sea shore. /'/. 1-11. DO, AN, LD. Potamog-eton natans L. Very common. /•'/. 1-18. DO, AX, LD. var. ovallformls Fieber. /•/. 1-18 — , AN, — . P. poIyg-onlfoUus rourr. Common. Fl. 148, Sup. 202. DO, AN, LD. [/'. Kirkii Syme. The Edinburgh Herbarium contains a specimen labelled in Dr. Moore's handwriting, " I'otamogeton species nearest to 1'. heterophyllus ? but different apparently. Growing in rather doop water in Lough Neagh, Co. Antrim. — 1) M." Mr. Fryer and Dr. Boswell fonnd the plant to be /'. Kirkii. There is some doubt as to wliether this specimen was properly labelled, and that doubt can only be removed by finding the plant in Lough Neagh. The only undoubted Irieh record is' from Maam in Co. Galway.- See I.N. -wiii, 83 ; and Fryer's Potamoc^eions of the British Isles.] P. plantagrlneus Ducr. Rare. Fl. SOL DO, AN? LD.? Down — In Lecale at Ilathmullan marsh ; near Ballymenagh House and Tobermoney ; and in Ards in a marsh between Portaferry and Cloughey (rraeger)-I.N. x\, 209; xii, 263. [Antrim— Not infrequent in bog ditches (Moore) — Cyb. 1 and 11. Derry — At Magilligan (i\Iooi-e] — Cyb. I and IL Not refound in Antrim or Derry, and probably these records are erroneous.] P. rufesoens Schrad. Frequent. Fl. 148, Sitp. 202. DO, AN, LD. [P. latjceolatus Sm. Error. Fl. 302. DO, AN, — .] P. heterophyllus Schreb. Rare. Fl. 148. DO, AN, LD. Down— Pool bv Lough Neagh near Annaghdroghal ( Waddell) — I.N. .xxi, 134. Antrim— Lough Neagh at Glenaw \dQQ- B.N.F.C. Harbour Island, Lough Neagh ( Waddell)— B.E C. 1911. Selshan 1919, Bennett. Derry - Bann near Toome {Druce)—I.N. viii, 199. Still at Kilrea 1893 \Praeger)—I.T.B. Abimdant in Lough Beg near Toome [county not stated], a very attenuated form with peduncle sometimes a foot long — Stewart MS. 100 NAIADACE^.. var. pseudo-nltens Bennett. Very rare. Fl. 149. — , AN, — . P. nltens "Weber. Very rare. Fl. 149, Sup. 202. DO, AN, — . Antrim— Dunadry 1884 {^Stewart in Herb. Ar. Bennett)— I. T.B. P. lucens L. Frequent. Fl. 149, Sup. 202. DO, AN, LD. var. borealis Tiselius. Now lost. Fl. 149. — , AN, LD. var. longrlfollus Gay. Stip. 202. — , AN, — . Antrim — Lagan Canal near Lisburn \%^^:— Stewart MS. iP. decipiens Nolte. Doubtful. DO, — , — . Down — Magheralin 1897 ( Waddell) — I.N. xxi, 134. Named from a poor specimen. Mr. Arthur Bennett says : " Probably this."] P. ZUll Roth. Eare. Fl. 149, Sup. 202. DO, AN, LD. Down — Lough Neagh near Lurgan 1913, Bennett. P. praelongrus Wulf. Rare. Fl. 149. — , AN, LD. Derry— Port Lough 1902 [Leebody)—I.N. xiv, 29. P. perfoUatus L. Common. Fl. 150. DO, AN, LD. P. crispus L. Common. Fl. 150. DO, AN, LD. var. serratus Huds. Fl. 150. — , AN, LD. P. crispus X perfoUatus ( = /'. Cooperi Fryer). DO, AN, — . Down - Lagan at Magheralin 1897 {!Ar. Bennett) [Waddell)— I.N. xxi, 134; also,iii, 124. Antrim— Co. Antrim— /r^'cr'j Patamogetons of the British Isles. [P. crispus Y. praelongus ( = P. tmdulatus Wolfg.). Sup. 202. Mr. Fryer says that the Sixmilewater plant of 1st Suppl. thus re- corded had better be named P. Cooperi— B.E.C. 1895.] [/». zosterij'olius Schum. Error. Fl. 302. DO, — , — .] P. obtuslfollns Mert. & Koch. Rare. Fl. 150, Sup. 202. DO, AN, LD. Down— Frequent in Ards {Praeger)-I.N. xii, 264. Still at Ballyalloly 1914, Bennett and Wear, Antrim— Still at Portmore 1898 {Davies)— Stewart MS. DeiTy — Lough Beg {Moore) — Cyb. \. NA/ADACE.^:. 101 [/'. w///ow/<7/«j Schiader. ? Error. /•"/. ;j02. DO, AN, — .] P. puslllus L. Common. /•/. 150. DO, AX, LD. var. tenulsslmus Koch. Common. /•"/. 150. DO, AN, LD. P. panormltanus Biv. Rare. — , AN, — . Antrim— Off Harbour Island iu Lough Neagh 1900 (lVaddell)—I.N. xxviii, 106. [P. inchouUs Q^xam. Error. /-Y. 303. DO, — , — .] P. pectlnatus L. Frequent. /7. LIO. DO, AN, LD. P. flabellatus Bab DO, — , — . Down— Drains at Strand Lough, Killough 1902 (rraeger)-'I.N. xi, 209. Still there 1920, Bennett. Ruppla marltlma L. aggr. Rare. //. 151, Sup. 203. DO, AN, LD. R. spiralis llartm. (as R. maritiina in Flora). DO, AN, LD. Kare. Fl. 151, Sup. 203. Down— Brackish pool at Comber 188() (Stezuart in Herb.)—Cyb II. Still at Castle Espie 1921, Carrot hers. Antrim — Magheramorne 1897 (Steivart in Herb.) — Cyb. II. R. rostellata Koch. Rare. /V. 151, .Vw/. 203. DO, — ,LD. ZannlcbeUla palustrls L. aggr. Rare. /•/. 151. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Portmore Lough, probably the var. repens {Davics) — W.B.E C. 1898. Derry— Portstewart {Knowles) — /. T.B. Z. brachystemon Gay. DO, — , — . Down — Downpatrick (under aggr. in Flora) 1880 (Stewart) ; near Kirk- cubbin (under aggr. in Ist Suppl.) 1890 (Praeger) — Cvb. II and /. T.B. Z. macrostemon Gay. — , AN, — . Antrim — Portmore l^dS" {Davies) ; pond in Belfast Botanic Gardens 1900 (Stewart)— Stewart A/S. Z. polycarpa 'Nolle,- Very rare. Fl. 151. DO, — , — . Not reported recently from its only station, which is on reclaimed ground. 102 HRIOCA ULA CEAi—GYPERA CE^. Zostera marina L. Common. Fl. 152. DO, AN, LD. var. angustlfolia Hornem. DO, — , LD. Down— Common in Strangford Lough 1902 {Pyaei;er)—G.I.T.B. Abundant in Sti-angford Lough opposite Grevabhey 1910 {Waddell) —I.N. xxvi, 12. Deny— Between Portrush and Black Rocks (as drift) 1918, Wear. Z. nana Eoth. Very rare. DO, — , — . Down — Strangford Lough between Mid Island and Greyabbey 1916 (JVaddell) — I.N. xxvi, 12. North end of Inner Bay at Dundrum 1914— i5. M. Griffiths. ERZOCAUI.ACE2:. \_Eriocatdon septangnla>e^\'Oa.. Error. ^/. 301. — , AN, — .] cvpz:racz:.s:. Eleocharls aclcularls Brown. Fl. 154, Sup. 203. DO, AX, LD. Not rare. Antrim — Lough Beg {Praeger)—I.T.B. Still there (in drains) 1919, jSIegaiv. Near Selshan at Hog Park and Lady Bay, Hoiision. S. palustrls Br. Common. //. 153. DO, AN, LD. E. unlgrlumls Link. Very rare. Fl. 153. DO, — , LD. Down — Salt marsh near Killough and Groomsport Davies) — I.N. vii, 245; ix, 219. Strand Lough at Killough {Fraeger) -I.N. xi, 209. Derry— MagilHgan 1895 {P)aeger)—I.r.B. E. multlcaulls Sm. Not rare. Fl. 153. DO, AN, LD. Down — Rostrevor Mountain and Slieve Bingian 1808 (Templeton) — .Siewarl MS. Saintfield [Waddell)- 1. T.B. Marsh east of Ard- keen in Ards {Praeg'.r)- I.N. xi, 204. Antrim— Foot of Lurigethan— ^.TV./'.C. iv, 528. Agnew's Hill 1896 — Stewart MS. Common on Garron plateau 1920, Praeger and Sielfox. Sclrpus pauclflorus Lightf. Eare. Fl. 155, Sup 204. DO, AN, LD. Down — Bloody Bridge ( IVa'Idell) — /. T.B. Common in marshy ground in l.ecii\e\Praeyer)--I.N. xi, 204. Antrim— Colinward above Whitewell 1917. Cushendall, Lurigethan and Ardclinis 1918, Megaw. 103 ), AX, LD. ), AN, LD. CYPICnACEyE. 8. cacspltosus L. Coninion. /•'/. 155. S. flultans L. Fmiiient. /'/. 156, Sit/. 204. S. Savll Seb. and Maur. Not rare. /'Y. 156, Su/>. 204. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Near Carnlough 1898 (Adams)— Stewaii MS. S. setaceuB L. Frequent. Fl. 156, Stif. 204. DO, AN, LD. Down— St. John's Point \'d02—Steiuari MS. Antrim — Slcniish ; dam near 2nd lock on Lagan — FL Ulsl.\ still near 2nd lock 1919, G. E. C. Maconcky. Garron plateau east of Crock- navar, Stelfox and Wear. Near Kcnbane Head, Foster. Lady Bay near Selshan, Houston. Derry — Lake side near Kilrea, Houston. S. lacustrls L. Frequent. Fl. 155, Sup. 204. DO, AN, LD. S. Tabernaemontanl Gniel. Rare. Fl. 155, Sup. 204. DO, AN, LD. Derry — Still on Bann below Coleraine 1917, Praeison) — I.N. xix, 103. C. paludosa Good. Very rare. Fl. 166, Sup. 208. DO, — , LD. Down — " In a little lake or old moss hole about two miles south- east of Kilmore (Tnnplefon's 3IS. Journal) ; it is Kilmore near Crossgar that is referred to — Waddell. Marshy places by Lough Neagh shore 1900 (Davits)— I.N. ix, 219. 110 GRAMINEAi. C. rlparla Curtis. Rare. Fl. 166, Swp. 208. DO, AN, LD. Down— Belvoir Park 1900 {Hanna) ; Groomsport 1901 {S. A. Moore) — Steivart MS. Strand Lough near Killough (Praeuer) — I.X. ix, lo8 ; xi, 210. Still at Kilniore in drains alongside canal 1917, Horiston. Antrim — Lissanoure Castle — B.X.F.C. 1908. Still at Portmore Lough (west side) 1917, Houston. South of Portmore 1921, Bennett and Chase. Selshan Harbour (Prae(/er and Stel/o.v)— I.X. xxix, 95. C. ampuUacea Good. [C.^roMrata Stokes). DO, AN, LD. Common. Fl. 166, Sup. 208. var. robasta Sonder. Sup. 208. DO, — , — . var. elatior Boott. DO, AN, — . Down — Hillsborough Park 1919, MegauK Antrim— Gawley's Gate 1919, Stelfox. Portmore Lough 1919, Meyaw. C. vesicaria L. Frequent. Fl. 166, Sup. 208. DO, AN, LD. GRAMXIO-EJE. [Phalaris canariensis L. Casual. Fl. 289. DO, AN, LD.] P. arundlnacea L. Common. Fl. 167. DO, AN, LD. Anthoxantbum odoratum L. Fl. 167, Sup. 208. DO, AN, LD. Very connnon. Alopecurus greniculatus L. Connnon. Fl. 168. DO, AN, LD. A. pratensis L. Fl. 167, Sup. 208. DO, AN, LD. Frequent, locallj^ abundant. nXillnm effusum L. Rare. Fl. 168, Sup. 209. DO, AN, LD. Down — Killeen Glen 1920, Bennett. Antrim — Cullybackey {Knoicles) — Steivart MS. Derry— Wood at Carrickhue 1896 (Leebody)— B.X.F.C. iv, 433. Gore's Glen near Eglinton 1898 (Leebody) — Stewart MS. Pbleum pratense L. Very common. Fl. 167. DO, AN, LD. GR A MINE At:. Ill P. arenarlum L. Rare, locally abundant. Fl. 107. DO, AN, LD. Down— Tyrella ( Praeytr)—!. T. B. Benderg— JS. N. F. C. v, 11. Antrim— Still at Portrush 1920, M'eor. Deny — Bellarena ( /".eetody) — I.T.B. Still at Magilligan (Benone) 1917, Praejjer. Agrrostls canlna L. Frequent. Fl. 109, Sup. 200. DO, AN, LD. " As this grass has been found fairly common, the note in Flora is unnecessary, and we may accept Templeton's record without reserve. S.A.S. I'i^^''— Stewart MS. var. mutlca Doell. — , AN, — . Antrim — Sharrogues Bog near Kellswater station 1917, Ifegaw. A. alba L. Common. Fl. 170, Sup. 209. DO, AN, LD. var. stolonitera (L.). Frequent. Fl. HO. DO, AN, LD. var. marltlma Meyer. DO, — , — . Down— N.W. of Portaferry 1903 {Praefjer)—I.X. xii, 264. var. coarctata (Hoffm.). — , AN, LD. Antrim— Harbour L<^land in Lough Neagii (Druce)—B.E.C. 1898. Lough Beg (Driice)—I.X. viii, 199. Derry- Toomebridge (Dnict)—B.E.C. 1898. A. vulgaris AVith. Common. Fl. 170, Siqx 209. DO, AN, LD. rar. pamlla (L.). Not rare. Fl. 170, Sup. 209. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — Between Toomebridge and Lough Beg, at Loopagh near Cully backey, and Garron Head above Galboly, Megaw. var. arlstata (Parn.). — , AN, — . Antrim— Gravelly shore of Lough Neagh at the Three Islands 1900 —Stewart MS. var. dlffasa Linton. DO, — , — . Down— Peaty mountain-side near Castlewellan 1897 ( Waddell) — W.B.E.C. 1898. "I have only seen this form from the drier parts of Hants peat moss, and with its spreading steins and dwarf habit it might be distinguished as var. diffusa."— E. F. Linton. Calamagrrostls Epiffelos Roth. Fl. 169. Sup. 209. — , — , LD. Very rare. Derry — Refound at Formoyle Hill 1895 (Knoaies and Praeger) — B.X.F.C. iv, 433. I 112 GRAMINE/E. C. strlcta Nutt. var. Hooker! (Synie). — , AN, LD. Very rare. Fl. 109, Sup. 209. Antrim — Grove by shore at Massereeiie Park 190() {Daviei^) — iSteicart MS. [C. lanceolata Roih. Error. F/. 'AOi. — ,AN, — .] Psamma areuarla R. & S. Common on coast. Fl. 1G8. 1)0, AN, LD. Aira caryophyll^a L. Common. Fl. 171. DO, AN, LD. A. prsecox L. Common. Fl. 171, Siqj. 210. DO, AN, LD. Deschampsia caespitosa Beauv. (^Aira avspitosa L.). DO, AN, LD. Common. Fl. 170. I>. flexuos-. Trin. { = A. fle.vnosala.). Fl. \1Q, Sup. 210. DO, AN, LD. Frequent. Holcus mollis L. Frequent. Fl. 170, Sup. 209. DO, AN, LD. H. lanatus L. Very common. Fl. 170, Sup. 209. DO, AN, LD. Trisetum flavescens Beauv. Fl. 171, Sup. 210. DO, AN, LD. Rather rare. Down — Ormeau Park near riverside, Wear. Campbell College 1920, Bennett. Antrim — Woodburn [Hanna) ; near Cookstown Junction {Adams) ; Haniiahstown and ^Vhitewell quarry (Stewart) — Stewart MS. By the canal near Moira, S. A. Moo7-e. Still at Whitewell in new Bellevue Gardens, 1915, Wear. Bailee bog near Bally- mena and slopesof Glenarifi'e on north side, Megaw. CoUinward 1915, Bennett. Aveaa pubescens Huds. Not rare. Fl. 171. Sup. 210. DO, AN, LD. Down— Killough 1920, Bennett. Antrim — TuUyhill near Ahoghill, Megaw. Hill west of Glarryford, above Whitewell and in Crow Glen, Wear. Derry— Errigal Glen 1901, Stewart]~Stewart MS. [A. pratends 1,. Error. /"/. .S04. — ,AN, — .] [A. strigosa Schreb. Fl. xxxi. Sup. 210. DO, AN, LD.] [A.fatua L. Fl. 304, Sup. 210. _, AN, — .] GRAMINEjE. 113 Arrbenatherum avenaceum Beanv. (- A. elatiush.). DO, AN, LD. Very common. Fl. \~'2. Trlodla decumbens Jk-auv. Fitqueiit. FL ITi, Sit/i. 210. DO, AN, LD. Phrae:mltes communis Trin. /•'/. 1G8, Sup. 20!t. DO, AN, LD. Frequent. Cynosurus crlstatus L. Very coiimion. Fl. \~(>. DO, AN, LD. ItCBlerla crlstata Pers. Rather rare. /'/. 172, .S'/(;). 210. DO, AN, LD. Down — Frequent in Lecale and Ards (Praeyer) — I.X. xi, 210 ; xii, 264. Antrim — Portrush (Dritce) — I.X. viii, 199. Brown's Bay, Island Magee (Waddell)—]V.B.E.C. 1908. Plentiful on Ballycastle golf links, Wear. Derry — Black Rocks near Portrush, Wedr. IKXollnla caerulea Moench. Frequent. Fl. 173, Sup. 211. DO, AN, LD. Catabrosa aquatlca Beanv. Fl. 176, Sup. 211. DO, AN, LD. Frequent. Down — Kinnegar and frequent in Lecale and Ards (Praeger) — /.JV. xi, 201 ; xii, 264. Near Campbell College 1921, Bennett. Antrim— Dam near second lock on Lagan, FL Ulst. ; still there 1918, Bennett. Blackhead (Stewart)— Corry MS. Garry bog near Ballymoney, Meyan: var. Uttoralls Parn. DO, — , — . Down— ."Sandy shore below Tyrella 1902 (Praeger) — I.N. xi, 210. Mellca anlflora Retz. Frequent. FL 172, Suiy. 210. DO, AN, LD. Antrim — By river below Clenavy — B.X.F.C. iv, 586. Abundant in wood above new Bellevue Gardens near Whitewell, on east side of Carnmoney Hill and at Cullybackey, Wear. Derry — Valley of the Roe near Limavady — B.N.F.C. vi, 258. [M. montana Huds. (as M. mcfani^ L. in Flora). — , AN, — .] Error. FL xxxiii. Sactylls grlomerata L. Very common. Fl. 176. DO, AN, LD. Brlza media L. Frequent. FL 175, Sup. 211. DO, AN, LD. 114 GRAMINEjE. Poa annna L. Very common. Fl. 173, Siqx 211. DO, AN, LD. [P. alpina L. Error. F/. 304. — , — .LD.] P. nemoralls L. Rare. Fl. 173. DO, AN, LD. Down— On walls at Lord Kilniurray's ISOS (Templeton) : "This is Knockcliree ■■ — Steinvt MS. Ivy Lodge, Newry (Lett) ; Saint- tield (Wad(lell)—I.N. viii, 142. Stormont 1899 (SUimrt) : Clandeboye 1902 (Fraer/er)Steicart J/,S'. King's Castle at Ardglass and Myra Castle (Praeger)—1.N. xi, 210; l.T.B. Lenaderg (ZJoci'e.s) — I.X. xii, 272. dlreyahbej' churchyard wall {! Hackel) ( Waddell)—B.E.C. 1913. Rockfield near Dundonald, Wear. Campbell College, 1920, Btnvett. Autrim—iluckamore 1893 (iradden) — l.N.\m. 113. On Dublin Road near l.islmrn (Dav!es) — I.N. xi, 213. Ballymena (A'/ww/es) — l.T.B. Lissauoure Castle — B.N.F.C. 190S. Galgorni (roadside and demesne) ; between Drumbridge and Malone Road ; and still at Garron Tower 1918, Megaiv. var. coarctata Gaud. DO, — , — . Dawn — Abundant on wall at Greyabbev churchyard 1903 {Praeger) — I.N. xii, 264. P. covipressa L. Rare. Fl. 174. DO, AN, LD. Down— Wall near Hillsborough church (gone in 1 920 — /"uj/*;') and Knocknagor near Laurencetown station (Davies) — I.N. viii, 224 ; xi, 181. Debris in quarry between Holy wood town and water- works 1918, Megaw. Antrim —Lisb urn near site of old castle, and Bally vorally near Glenavy {Davies) —I.N. viii, 224 ; ix, 219. Wall near Doagh {Hanna) — • I.N. ix, 269. Xear CoUinward 1919, Btnnett. Derry — About half a mile north of "old walls" of Derry (Leebody) — I.N. ix, 232. P. pratensls L. Very common. FL 174, Sup. 211. DO, AX, LD. var. sabcoeralea (Sm.). DO, AX, — . Down — Newcastle (Druce) —I.N. xxi, 238. Antrim — Portrush {Driice) -I.N. xxi, 238. P. trivlalls L. Very common. Fl. 174. DO, AX, LD. Clycerla flaltans R.Br. Common. Fl. 174, Sup. 211. DO, AX, LD. GRAMINE.E. 115 Cr. pllcata Fries. Very rare. DO, — , LD. Down— Marshes of Victoria Park IDO'i (LeU and lVaddell)-B.E.C. 1902. Carrstown Htirii near Millin liav in .Vnls (P>aeger)—I.N. .\ii, 264. Derry— Ditch at Forinoyie Hill 18"J;'> (/Vaege>)—B.N.F.C. iv, 433. O. aqnatlca Smith. Very rare. //. 171. DO, AX, — . Antrim — " In a drain at Cranniore, sparinglv, planted there by Temple- ton, I think," 1895 -5/«f(Tr/ J/.V. C marltima M. «& K. {=Sderochloa maritima Lindl.). DO, AX, LD. Common. Fl. 171. G. festncaeformls Ileynli. Strangford I.ouuli mainly. DO, — , — . Down— Shore between Kilkeel and Annalong 1S9U; on stony shores of Strangford Longh from Marlfield Hay to Old Man's Head, north of Blackstaff Iliver near Kirkcubbin, east shore of Hinghaddy peninsula and near quay, from Killyleagh to Delainont (abundant) ; and found on every island of Strangford l.ough visited where conditions were favourable, namely, two or three inches of gravel resting on di-ift and grazing cattle absent ; also on rocks on shore .south of Cloghy Bay (Praegei) I.N. xii, 2o5 ; xiii, 225, 259; xiv, 19, 169. A little north-west of Portaferry (IVaddell)- I.N. xiv. 19; also 191a — Praeger. G. dlstans Wahlb. ( = .Sc/erochloa distaiis I,.). DO, AX, l.D. Frequent. Fl. 175, Sup. 211 [Festitca /»-octtwdensK\mth( = Si/e>vi/i/oa />ro<:u»d>ens Beanv.). — , AX, — . Casual. F/. 174]. T. rlfflda Kunth (=S. rigida Link). F!. 175, Sup. 211. DO, AX, — . Kare. Down- Lisburn and on wall near Banbridge station {Davies)—!.N. xi, 181, 184, 322. Wall between Downpatrick and Ballyalton and wall at Holy wood station, Wear. On railway at Killough 1920, Bennett. r. rottboelUoldes Kimth (=.S'. loliacea Woods). DO, AX, LD. Rather rare. Fl. 175, xxxiii. Sup. 211. Down — Frequent in Ards {I'raeger) — I.N. xii, 264. Antrim— Still at Ballycastle Bay {Travis)— B. B.C. 1913. Sea wall at White Rocks near Portrush, IVtar. Still at Rathlin 1913, Older- fleet 1913, and I'ortrush 1920, Wear. Derrv— Castlerock 1888 {P,aeger))-I.T.B. DO AX LD. U(), AX, — . DO, AN, LD. DO, AX, LD. 116 GRAM IN EM. [F. uniglumis Soland. Error. Fl. 304. DO, AX, — .] [F. Myiiros h. Error. /•/. 304. — ,AX, LD.] r. Bclaroldes Kotli. Frequent. FI. 17G, xxxiv, Sii/'. 21 L DO, AX, LD. r. ovlna L. Common. /•/. 177, Sup. 211. var .tenalfolla Sibth. Snp. 211. var. dnrlascala L Sup. 212. T rnbra L. Common. FL Ml, Sup. 212. T. sylvatlca Vill. Very rare. Fl. 177, Sup. 212. Down— Rademon 1899 {Hauua) -Stewart MS. Antrim— Carnlough glen below Materfall [Praeger and Slelfox)—I.N. xxix, 95. Derry— Errigal Banks 1894 {Praegei ) - /. T.B. T. elatlor L. Common. DO, AX, LD. r. pratensls Huds. Common. F/. 178. DO, AX, LD. T. elatlor xXioUnm perenne {F. loliacea Huds.). Fl. 178. — . AX, — . Antrim— Field near sea below Wliiteabbey 1917, Wear. Mouth of Sixmile water 1918, Megaw. F. arnndlnacea Schreb. Rare. Fl. Ml, Sup. 2X1. DO, AX, LD. Down — Several islands in Strangford Lough 1918, J'raeger. Antrim — Lane near sea above Greenisland 1918, IVear. I.oopagh near Cullybackey 1917, Megaw. Harbour Island near Toome {Praeger and Stelfox)—I.N. xxix, 95. Mouth of Sixmilewater 1918, Btnneit. Derry— Castleroek 1890 [W. Kennedy)— Stewart MS. Bromns glgranteas L. {^Feituca gigantea Vill.). DO, AX, LD. Frequent. Fl. 177, Sup. 212. Antrim— Abundant in Carnlough Glen— .SVifj^a;/ .1/5. Between Moira and Aghalee and in lane near Portmore lake 1919, Megaw. var. trlfloms Syme. Fl. 177. — , AX, — . Antrim — Lower Colin Glen, sparingly with type \^^\—Stezvart MS. B. a»p«p Muir. Common. Fl. 178. DO, AX, LD. GRAMINE.E. 117 B. BterlUs L. Rnro. /•/. ITS, Si,p. 212. IH), AX, LI). Down— Hall viioe, TyioUa, Ros-glass, KillouKh and I'oitafeiTy {I'laegei) /.A', "xi, •_'](); xii, -iOl. Still at Marino 19'22, rnuger. Island Mahee near holy well 1919, Wear. Cherry valley near Coinher, 1918, Bennett. Near Knock 1021, /Bennett and Chase. Deny— Kilrea (Leebody)- I. T.B. [B. seca/iniis'].. Casvial. /'V. 289, .V«/. 212. DO, AX, LD. Antrim — Near Ahoghill .sparingly in field 1918, .]/egaw]. B. racemosas L. Frequent. /-V. 178, Sit/>. 212. DO, AN, LD. hoy.n— B.ntbhilixno.\' (Praeger)— I. T.B. Muck Island -i?.iV. AC. V, 149. Cave east of Port Braddon 1913, Wear. Round coast from Lame to Ballycastle, Fondinson. Deny — Still at Downhill and Castlerock 1915, Tomliiison. A. Trlcbomanes L. Frequent. /'/. 187, Sup. 216. DO, AN, LD. A. Ruta-muraria L. Common. Fl. 187, Sup. 216. DO, AN, I D. \A. septeutrionale Hoffni. Escape. DO, — , — . Down — Rowallane, Saintfield, on wall near garden, almost certainly of garden origin 1912 {Phillips) -LN. xxi, 150 ] Atbyrlum rilix-foemina Roth. Fl. 186, Sup. 215. DO, AN, LD. Very common. Ceterach officinal urn WiUd. /-/. 188, xxxiii. Sup. 216. DO, AN,,LD. Not rare, Down— Bridge at Scarva and wall at Corbet Lough {Davics) - LN. xi, 181 ; xii, 272. Crossgar and Saintfield {Waddell)—I.N. xxi, 134. Belvoir Vz.xV- B.N.F.C. vi, 137. S.W. wall of Clandeboye demesne, Stelfox. Sea wall near Warrenpoint ; and still at Donaghadee and Duudrum 1915, Tomlitison. Blackstaff Bridge south of Tullymurry, and between Comber and Dundonald 1920, Bennett. Still at Banbridge \^\b— B.N.F.C. 120 FILICES. Antrim— "Walls at Castle Upton demesne and Holestone 1900 {Hanna)— Stewart MS. Buckna, Ballyvesey, Ballymartin near Temple- patrick, and Ballinderry ( Tomlinson)—B. N.F. C. vi, 60. Lismoyne on Old I.isburn Road, Porter. Glen-n-heiry, Lilly. Deny— Wall at Boom Hall two miles below Londonderry 1889 {Win. Kennedy^ — Stewart MS. Bridge over Agivey River west of Gar- vagh {To»iliinon)—B.N.F.C. v, 440. Wall at Learmoimt Rectory, Lilly. White Water Bridge near Draperstown ( Thomas Greer) — Praeger. Old bridge at east base of Eagle Hill, Praeger. Scolopendrium valgare Sm. Common. Fl. 187. DO, AN, LD. Cystopterls fragrllis Bernh. Rare. //. 186, Sitp. 215. DO, AX, LD. Down — Lenaderg {Davies)—I.N. xi, 181. Wall south of Hillsborough, Foster. Antrim— Fairliead— j5.A^./".C. V. 278. Torr Head, Tomlinson. StiU at Sallagh Braes \'d\{)—B.N.F.C. vi, 381. Aghalee Bridge 1919, and stiii at Retreat 1920, Bennett. var. dentata Hook. LI. 186. — , AN, — . Antrim— Head of GS.ea.z.xi'H ( Moore)— Cyb. II. Aspldium aculeatum Sw. i Polystithitm aciileatiim^o'Cti). DO, AX, LD. Frequent. Fl. 185, Sup. 215. A- angrulare Kit. [P. angtilare Newm.). Common. /'/. 185. DO, AX, LD. Xiastrea Thelypteris Presl. Very rare. Fl. 184, Sup. 214. — , AX, LD. Derry — Doaghs at Magilligan, fairly abundant in a marsh 1910, Lilly. The following e.xtracts from Templeton's MS. Journal may be helpful in the hunt for this fern at Rortmore : — '^ Athyrium Thelypteris and Carex stricta, among the bushes on the southern side of the Isthmus." Again, '•'■ Pheoopteris 'ihelypteris plentiful among wood and bushes in the low parts of Portmore Park on the side of Lough Xeagh, Co. Antrim." I.. Oreopterls Presl. Xot rare. Fl. 184, Sup. 215. DO, AX, LD. Down — Tullynasoo Mountain — B.N.F.C. v, 477. Antrim — Slemish (A'nowles)—L.T.B. Glenballyemon (B'Afcy^ — L.AT. X, 192. One seedling in Loughnafanogy near Parkmore {Praeger and Stelfox)—L.N. x.xix, 95. Still in Glendun 1920, Bennett. Derry— Ness Glen 1809 {Templeion)— Stewart MS. Ii. Flliz-mas Presl. Common. Fl. 184, Sup. 215. DO, AX, LD. var. Borrerl Xewm. Common. Sup. 215. DO, AN, LD. f FILICES. 121 var. abbreTlata Bab. 6"///. 215. DO, — , — . Down — " The only locality where I have seen undoubted ' Lastrea propinqua ' is the Mourne Mountains." — Piatger in G.I. T.B. X.. splnulosa Presl. Very rare. Fl. 185, Sup. 215. DO, AN, LD. Down— At and half a mile north of Wolf Island bog 1903 [Pracger)— I.N. xii, 264 .• still there 1915, Waddell and Bennett. Drum- lough Moss south of Hillsborough 1917, Foster. Antrim — Sluggan Bog near Randalstown (abundant) and X. of Killybegs near Ballymena {Fiaeger and Stelfox) — I.N. xxix, 95. X.. dilatata I'resl. Common. //. 185, Sup. 215. DO, AX, LD Xi. semala Brackn. Frequent. Fl. 185, Sup. 215. DO, AN, LD. Down — Roadside near Groonisport Road railway station — Carry MS. Tonaghmore Hill near Saintfield [lVaddell)—lV.B.E.C. 1900. Antrim — Below cliffs at Fairhead _ yVw- pleton)—Fl. Ulst. GlenarifT, luxuriant (D' Arcy)—I.N. x, 192. Near X. and S.E. sides of Big Troskand X.E. slopes of Little Trosk (Praeger and Stelfox)— I.N. xxix, 95. Derry— Xess Glen 1809 (I'empleton)~Stewart MS. Errigal Glen {Pratger)— B.N.F.C. v, 440. 122 EQUISETACE.^. Osmunda regralls J.. Rave. Fi. 189, Sitp. 216. DO, AX, LD. Down — Side of lake about one mile from Castlewellan on Eatht'riland Eoarl ( Teiitpleion) — Carry MS. Dmmlough Bog near Hillsborough 1 898 (Daz'/es< — Slewart M^. Moneygreer Bog near Ballygowan and Creevy Lough near Saint field {IVaddeliy-I.N. x.xi, 134. Lakelet west of Cloughey, Totnlinson. Di'umawhey near Bangor, one plant, Megaw. kn'ix\m—^z:\\\^Ai\{Carrothers)-B.N.F.C. v, 372. In fair abundance in bog between Selshan and Gawley's Gate and bog south-east of Toonie, Teinhnson. Derry — Ballyloughan bog between Cookstown and Coagli 1917, Themas Greer. Ophlog-lossum vulg-atum L. /7. 190, Sup. 217. DO, AX, LD. Frequent. Down-Kathmullan (l^empleton's MS. /ottrnal)—Waddell. Antrim— Frequent in Camlough district 1921 {Praeger)—I.N. xxx, 81. Botrycblum I.unaria Sw. Fl. 189, xxxiii, Sup. 217. DO, AX, LD. Not rare. EQUXSETACCS:. Equlsetum maximum L. Common. Fl. 181. DO, AX, LD. E. arvense L. Very common. Fl. ISl. DO, AX^, LD. E. arvense x limosum { = E. litorale Kuhl.). DO, AN, — . Down — Xear Hilltown by Rocky River between its junctions with the Shanky and the Bann 1917 [Praeger)—I.N. xxvi, 141, 171. Mill dam imile S.E. of Hilltown 1921 (Praeger)—I.N. xxx, 102. Antrim — Railway cutting E. of Killybegs near Ballymena {Traeger and SlelJox)~LN. xxix, 95. B. pratense Ehrh. Rare. Fl. \%\, Sup.'lU. — , AN, — . Antrim — Glendoon [Glendun] near Cushendall {Moore) — Newviati's History of Briiish Ferns, 2nd. ed. (1844) p. 64. Crow Glen 1893 (Stetva) t)~SUwari MS. ; still there 1920, Bennett. Still at S.W. base of Divis on bank of stream opposite Divis Lodge 1919, G. E. C. Maconchy. By mineral railway S.E. of Callisnagh Bridge in Glenariff 1921 (Praeger)—LN. xxx, 80. E. sylvatlcum L. Frequent. /'/. 181, Sitp. 213. DO, AN, LD. L Y CO PODIA CE.E—SELA GIN ELLA CE^. 1 23 K. paluatre L. Common. FI. 182. DO, AN, LD. var. polystacblum "Weigel. Sup. 213. — , AX, — . var. nudum Newiii. Sup. 214. — , AX, LD. Deny— Magilligan (Lett and lVadckll)—lV.B.E.C. 1904. E. llmosum L. Common. Fl. 182, .Sup. 21.-5. DO, AX, LD. var. fluvlatlle (L.). Common. FL 182. DO, AN, LD. B. hyemale L. Kaie. Fl. 182, Sup. 214. DO, AN, LD. Down — Lenaderg by the Bann {Davies)—I.N. xi, 181. A form which regularly produces several alternate lateral cones grows by the Rocky River in the Mouriie Mountains [Praeger) — I.N. vii, 117, and .\.\x, 102. E. trachyodon Braun. Very rare. //. 182, Sup. 214. — , AN, LD. E. varlegatum Schleich. E.Ktremely rare. /"/. 182. — , — , LD. I.YCOPOBXACEJE. X.ycopodlum Selagro L. Common. /'/. 192, Sup. 218. DO, AN, LD. I., clavatum L. Xot rare. Fl. 191, Sup. 217. DO, AX, LD. Antrim— Glenshesk [Hopkins)— I.T.B. Plateau between Parkmoreand Lurigethan [D'Arcy) — I.N. x, 192. Ballyutogue above Ligoniel and Skerry Rock between Slough and Slievenanee ; and still at Slievenanee 1910, Tonilhisott. Inver River, Glenariff — B.N.F.C. vi, 366. Derry— Near Lough Fea ; and still on Slieve Gallion 1907, T. Greer. 1.. alplnum L. Rare. Fl. 191, Sup. 217. DO, AX, LD. Antrim— Inver River, Glenariff— /^.A^'./^C. vi, 366. Very abundant about Little Trosk [Praeger and Stel/ox) ; Orra Beg\l,().50 it.) (SielJ'ox)—I.N. xxix, 95. Crocknavar 1920, Bennett. Still on Slievenanee 1920, Bennett. ^ Derry — Still on Slieve Gallion 1907, T. Greer; and on Dart, abundant on north side, not on top, 1914, Lilly. SEI.AGXirEI,I.ACE.a:. Selaglnella selaglnoldes Gray (=.S". sphtosa Beauv.). DO, AX, LD. Frequent. //. 192, Sup. 218. Antrim— Slievenanee 1809 {Templetcn) — Stewart MS. 124 MARSILEACE^—CHARAC^jE. Xsoetes lacustrls L. Rare. Fl. 191, Sup. 217. DO, AX, LD. Down and Antrim — Near Lough Xeaeh in small stream at Annaghdroghal •which separates the two counties (Davits) — 7.N. viii, 206. Antrim — Still abundant in Craigi'ad Lough [Piaeger] — I.iV. xx.\, 81. iviarszi.z:acejs:. Pilularla rlobuUfera L. FL 190, Sup. 217. — , AX, LD. Extremely rare. CHARACBJE. Cbara fragilis Desv. Frequent. FL W2, Sap. 21?,. DO, AX, — . [var. Hedwigii Kuetz. FL 305, Sup. 218. Mr. Groves is of opinion that none of our local forms belong here.] var. caplllacea Coss. k Germ. FL 192. DO, — , — . Down — Glassdrumman {Davies)— G.I. T.B. Mr. Groves thinks it possible that all our local C. fragilis records belong to C. delicatula as now understood bj' him. His recent work on these plants tends to widen the definition of C. delicatula and to restrict that of C. fragilis. C. delicatula (Braun). Fl. 192, Sup. 218. DO, AX, LD. Down -Lough Neagh 1898 (Davies)~G.L7\B. Conlig 1919, Sul/ox. Antrim— Lough Beg (Praeger)— G.L T.B. River at Toomebridge 1909 (Druce)—B.E.C. 1909. Derry— River at Toomebridge 1909 {Druce)—B.E.C. 1909. var. barbata (Gaut.). FL 192, Sup. 218. DO, AX, — . Down— Pond in Ormeau Park 1880 {Stewart) — W.B.E.C. 1910. C. aspera Willd. Rare. Fl. 192, Sup. 218. DO, AX, LD. Down -Tullyratty (Davies)— I. T.B. var. sublnermis Kuetz. Fl. 192, Sup. 218. — , AX, LD. var. lacustris H. & J. Groves. Sup. 218. DO, AX, — . Down— Lough Xeagh (Davies) — G./.T.B. C. desmacantlia Groves & Bullock-Webster. DO, — , — . Down— Money Lake 1891 [Fraeger); Tullyratty (Davie*)— I. T.B. CHARACE^. 12.'> C. aculeolata Kmiz. (C. polyaca)tthaM\-&m\). Kare. Fl.\^-i. DO, — , — . Down — Plentiful in pools in llithmuUan marsh 1902 (Piaeger)-/.N. xi, 110. Marshal White Hills near Strangford 1918 {Praeger)— —I.N. xxvii, 118. C. contrarla Kuotz. Sup. 219. C. hisplda I,. Rare. FI. 193, Sup. 219. C. rudls Leonh. /"/. 193, Sitp. 219. C. vulerarls L. Frequent. FL 193, Sup. 219. var. long-lbracteata Kuetz. FL 193, .Sup. 219. var. paplllata VVallr. Down Victoria Park, Belfast 1902 {[.elt ami lVaddeU)~\V.B.E.C. 1902. [Fo/ypella uidijica Leonh. FL 193. — , AN, — . Though named hy Prof. Braun, thi.« record is doubtful, as there is no fruit on the specimens. See Groves and Bullock-Webster, "British Charophyta," i, 140.] iritella translucens Agardh. Fl. 193, xxxiii, Sup. 219. DO, AN, LD. Kare. TX. opaca Agardh. Frequent. FL 194, Sup. 219. DO, AN, LD. Down— Saintfield {lVaddell)~-W.B.E.C. 1898. Antrim— Rathlin Island (!H. & J. Groves) (Z). Moore)— l.N. iv, 41. DO, -, LD. DO, — , LD. DO, — , — . DO, AN, LD. DO, AN, — . DO, _ , _. 126 INDEX TO GENERA. Acsena, 34 Acer, 20 Achillea, 5,") Adiantum, 118 Adoxa, 51 ^thusa, 49 Agrimonia, 34 Agropyroii, 117 Agrostis, 111 Aira, 112 Ajuga, 81 AlcheniiUa, 33 Alisma, 98 Allium, 95 Alnus, 88 Alopecurus, 104 Alyssuni, 7 Anagallis, 69 Anchusa, 70 Andromeda, 67 Anemone, 1 Angelica, 50 Antennaria, 55 Anthemis, 56 Anthoxanthum, 104 Anthriscus, 48 Antirrhinum, 73 Apium, 47 Aquilegia, 3 Arabia, 7 Archangelica, 50 Arctium, 58 Arctostaphylos, 66 Arenaria, 14 Armaria, 68 Arrhenatherum, 113 Artemisia, 57 Arum, 97 Asperula, 53 Aspidium, 120 Asplenium, 119 Aster, 55 Atriplex, 82 Atropa, 72 A vena, 112 Ballota, 81 Barbarea, 6 Bartsia, 75 Bellis, 54 Berberis, 3 Beta, 82 Betula, 88 Bidens, 55 Blechnum, 119 Blys7nns, 103 Borago, 70 Botrychium, 122 Brachypodiuni, 117 Brassica, 9 Briza, 113 Bromus, 116 Bunium, 48 Butomus, 98 Cakile, 10 Calamagrostis, 1 1 1 Calamintha, 79 Callitriche, 44 Calluna, 67 Caltha, 3 Calystegia, 72 Camelina, 9 Campanula, 66 Cannabis, 87 Capsella, 9 Cardaniine, 7 Carduus, 58 Carex, 104 Carlina, 57 Caruni, 47 Castanea, 88 Catabrosa, 113 Caucalis, 50 Centaiuea, 59 Centranthus, 53 Centunculus, 69 Cephalantliera, 92 Cerastiuni, 13 Ceratophyllum, 90 Ceterach, 119 Chivrophyllum, 48 Chara, 124 Cheiraiithus, 6 Clielidonium, 4 Ciienopodium, 82 Chlora, 70 Chrysanthemum, 56 Ciirysosplenium, 42 Cichorium, 60 Cicuta, 47 Circiea, 46 Cladium, 104 Cnicus, 58 Cochlearia, S Colchicum, 95 Conium, 47 Conopodium, 48 Convolvulus 72 Coriandrum, 50 Cornus, 51 Corydalis, 5 Cory] us, 88 Cotyledon, 43 Cram be, 10 Crat;egus, 41 Crepis, 60 Crithmum, 49 Cryptogranime, 119 Cuscuta, 72 Cynoglossum, 70 Cynosurus, 113 Cystopteris. 120 INDEX. 127 Cytisus, 21 Dactylis, 113 Daucus, 50 Deschampsia, 1 12 Diaiithus, 12 Digitalis, 74 Diplotaxis, 9 Dipsaciis, 54 Doioiiicuni, 57 Draba, 7 Drosera, 44 Diyas, 32 Echiuin, 71 Klatine, 16 Eleocharis, 102 Elodea, 90 Elymus, 118 Empetnim, 90 I'^ndymion, 95 Epilobiuni, 45 Epipactis, 92 Equiaetum, 122 Erica, 67 Eiinus, 73 Eiigeroii, 55 Eriocaulon, 102 Eriophorum, 104 Erodium, 19 Eropliila, 8 Eryngium, 46 Erysimum, 9 Erythra;a, 70 Euonymus, 20 Eupatorium, 54 Euphorbia, 86 Euphrasia, 75 Fagopyruni, 85 Fagus, 88 Falcaria, 48 Featuca, 115 Filago, 55 F(LTiiculum, 49 Fragaria, 33 Fraxinus, 69 Fumaria, 5 Galium, 52 Galeopsis, SO Gentiana, 70 Geranium, 18 (^leum, 33 (Jlaucium, 4 Glaux, 69 Glyceria, 114 Gnaplialium, H^i Habenaria, 93 Hedera, 51 Heliaiithemuiii, 11 Helleborus, 3 Heracleum, 50 Hesperis, S Hieracinm, 60 Hippophae, 86 Hippuris, 44 Hole us, 112 Hordeum, 118 Hottonia, 68 Huuiulus, 87 Hydrocharis, 90 Hydrocotyle, 46 Hymenopliyllum, 118 Hyoscyamus, 72 Hypericum, 16 Hypoclucris, 04 Ilex, 20 Inula, 55 Iris, 94 Isoetes, 124 Jasione, 66 Juncus, 95 Juniperus, 90 Kceleria, 113 Lactuca, 65 Lamium, 80 Lapsana, 60 Lastrea, 120 Lathraja, 77 Lathyrus, 24 Lavatera, 17 Lemna, 98 Leontodon, 64 Leouurus, 80 Lepidium, 9 Lepturus, 118 Leucojum, 95 Ligusticum, 50 Ligustrum, 69 Limnantliemum, 70 Linaria, 73 Linum, IS Listera, 91 Lithospermum, 71 Littorella, 81 Lobelia, 65 Lolium, 117 Lonicera, 51 Lotus, 23 Luzula, 96 Lychnis, 13 Lycopodium, 123 Lycopsis,71 Lycopus, 78 Lysimachia, 69 Ly thrum, 45 Malaxis, 91 Malva, 17 Matricaria, 56 Meconopsis, 4 Medicago, 21 Melampyrum, 76 Melica, 113 Melilotus, 21 Mentha, 77 Menyanthes, 70 Mercurialis, 87 Martensia, 71 Meum, 49 Milium, 110 Mimulus, 74 128 INDEX. Molinia, 113 Monotropa, 68 Montia, 16 Myosurus, 1 Myosotis, 71 Myrica, 87 Myriophyllum, 44 Myrrhis, 48 Nardus, 118 Narthecium, 95 Nasturtium, 6 Neottia, 91 Nepeta, 79 Nitella, 125 Nuphar, 3 Nympluea, 4 (Enanthe, 49 CEnothera, 46 Onobrychis, 23 Ononis, 21 Onoporduin, 59 Ophioglossum, 122 Orchis, 92 Origanum, 78 Orobanche, 76 Osmunda, 122 Oxalis, 20 Papaver, 4 Parietaria, 87 Parnassia, 43 Pedicularis, 75 Peplis, 45 Petasites, 57 Petroselinum, 48 Peucedanum, 50 Phalaris, 110 Phleum, 110 Phragmites, 113 Picris, 60 Pilularia, 124 Pimpinella, 48 PinguiculA, 77 Pinus, 90 Plantago, 81 Poa, 114 Polenionium, 70 Polygala, 12 Polygonum, 84 Polypodium, 121 Polystichum, 120 Populus, 89 Po tarn oge ton, 99 Potentilla, 33 Poterium, 34 Primula, 68 Prunella, 79 Prunus, 24 Psamma, 112 Pteris, 118 Pulicaria, 55 Pyrola, 65 Pyrus, 41 Queruus, 88 Radiola, IS Ranunculus, 1 Raphanus, 10 Reseda, 11 Rhamnus, 20 Rhinanthus, 76 Rhynchospora, 104 Ribes, 43 Rosa, 35 Rubus, 25 Rumex, 85 Ruppia, 101 Sagina, 15 Sagittaria, 98 Salicornia, 83 Salix, 88 Salsola, 83 ISamlmcus, 51 Samolus, 69 Sanguisorha, 34 Sanicula, 47 Saponaria, 12 Saussurea, 59 Saxifraga, 41 .Scabiosa, 54 IScandix, 48 Schrenus, 104 Scilla, 95 Seirpus, 102 Scleranthus, 82 Sderochloa, 115 Scolopendrium, 120 Scrophularia, 73 Scutellaria, 79 Seduni, 43 Selaginells, 123 Senebiera, 9 Sempervivuni, 44 Senecio, 57 Sherardia, 53 Silau3, 49 Silene, 12 Silybum, 59 Sinapis, 9 Sisymbrium, 8 Sisyrinchium, 94 Slum, 48 Solanum, 72 Solidago, 54 Sonchus, 65 Sparganium, 97 Spergula, 15 Spergularia, 15 SpiriBa, 25 Spiranthes, 91 Stachys, 79 Statice, 68 Stellaria, 14 Stratiotes, 91 Suc-eda, 83 Subularia, 9 Symphytum, 70 Tanacetum, 56 Taraxacum, 65 Taxua, 90 Teesdalia, 10 INDEX. 129 Tenorium, 81 Thalictrum, 1 Thlaspi, 10 Thymus, 78 Tilia, 17 Tolypella, 125 Trifoliuni, 22 Triglocliiii, 99 Trigoiiellii, 21 Triodia, 113 Trisetum, 112 Tritxcum, 117 Torilis, 50 Traj^opogon, 65 Trollius, 3 Tussilago, 57 Typha, 97 Ulex, 21 Ulmus, 87 Urtica, 87 Utricularia, 77 Yacoiriiutn, 66 Valeriana, 53 Valetianella, 53 Verbascum, 73 Verbena, 77 Veronica, 75 Viburnum, 51 Vicia, 23 Vinca, 69 Viola, 11 Zannichellia, 101 Zostera, 102 Printed by Mayne, Boyd & Son, Ltd. , 2 Corporation Street, Belfast. 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