-••Q.J^t- ] \^ h4--( I M v/ — ^ Ki \ .rl 0 A'A^f'^AiiC'l^ f I, Mr/r. I. A SET OF ANATOMICAL TABLES, , WITH ^^Al EXPLANATION SSm'Bi: AND AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE PRACTICE OF MIDWIFERY, WITH A VIEW TO ILLUSTRATE A TREATISE ON that SUBJECT, and COLLECTION of CASES. BY WILLIAM SMELLIE, m. d. l'^-€4^»-®>»<£0^aQ>g 4-® « FIFTEExNTH TABLE Is intended principally to fhow in what manner the Perinceum and external parts are ftretched hy the head of the Foetus, in a firfl pregnancyy towards the end of labour. A. The Abdomen, B. The Labia Pudendi. JC. The Clitoris, and its Prceputium. D. The hairy fcalp of the Foetus fwelled at the Vertex, in a laborious cafe, and protruded to the Os Externum. E. F. The Perinceum and Anus pufhed out by the head of the Fxtus in form of a large Tumor, G. G. The parts that cover the Tuherofities of the OJfa Jjchiiim. H. The part that covers the Os Coccygis. The Mrfe jy ^IHp^ WITH EXPLANATIONS, Sec. 33 The Perinceum in this figure is flretched two inch- es, or nearly double its length in the natural flate ; but when the Os Extermm is fo much dilated by the head of the Fxtus as to allow the delivery of the fame, the Perinceum is generally flretched to the length of three, and fometimes four inches. The Anus is likewife lengthened an inch, the parts alfo between it and the Coccyx being much didended. All this ought to caution the young pra6litioner never to precipitate the delivery at this time, but to wait, and allow the parts to dilate in a flow manner, as from the violence of the labour pains, the fudden delivery of the head of the Fxtus might endanger the laceration of the parts. The palm of the operator's hand ought therefore to be preiTed againft the Perinceum, that the head may be prevented from pafling until the Os Externum is fufficiently dilated, to allow its delivery without tearing the Frcenum, and parts betwixt that and the Anus, which are at this time very thin. Vide Vol. I. Book III. Chap. 2. Seft. 2. Chap. 4. Se6l. 4. No. 1. and Book IV. Chap. 1. Se6l. 1. Alfo, Vol. II. Coll. 14. 24. Vol. III. Coll. 40. Alfo, direftions for the management of natural labour in Dr. Hamilton's Outlines of Midwifery, page 207, and feq. and the Judicious Obferva- tions and directions of Charles White, Efq; F. R. S. Manchefler, third edition of his Treatife on the Management of Pregnant and Lying in Women, Chap. 5. page 82 to 113. SIXTEENTH g4 ANATOMICAL TABLES, SIXTEENTH TABLE, And the three following, fhow in what manner the head of the Fottus is helped along with the forceps, as artificial hands, when it is neceffary to afTifl with the fame for the fafety of either mother or child. In this Table the head is reprefented as forced down into the Pelvis by the labour pains, from its former pofition in Table XII. A. A. B. C. The Vertehrce of the loins, Os Sa^ £rum and Coccyx, D. The Os Pubis of the left fide. E. The remaining part of the bladder. F* F. The Intejlinum Re^im^ G. G. G. The Uterus. H. The Mons Veneris, 1. The Clitoris with the left Nympha. X. The Corpus Cavernofum Clitoridis. V. The Meatus Urinarius. K. The left Labium Pudtndi. L. The Anus, N. The Perinceum. O. P. The kft hip and thigh. R, The ikin and mufcular part of the loins. The / WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. 35 The patient in this cafe maybe, as in this Ta-» ble, on her iide, with her breech a little over the fide or foot of the bed, her knees being likewife pulled up to her belly, and a pillow placed be- tween them, care being taken at the fame time that the parts are by a proper covering defended from the external air. If the hairy fcalp of the Fostus is fo fwelled that the fituation of the head cannot be diftinguilhed by the Sutures as in Ta- ble XXI, or if by introducing a finger between the head of the child and the Pubes, or Groin, the ear or back part of the neck cannot be felt, the Os Externum muil be gradually dilated in the time of the pains with the operator's fingers (previoufly lubricated with hog's lard) until the whole hand can be introduced into the Vagina, and flipped up in a flattifh form between the pofterior part of the Pelvis and child's head. This laft is then to be raifed up as high as is poflible, to allow room for the fingers to reach the ear and pofterior part of the neck. When the pofition of the head is known, the operator muft withdraw his hand, and wait to fee if the ftretching of the parts will renew or increafe the labour pains, and allow more fpace for the ad- vancement of the head in the Pelvis, If this, however, proves of no efFe6t, the fingers are again to be introduced as before, and one of the blades of the forceps (lubricated with lard) is then to be ap- plied along the infide of the hand or fingers, and left ear of the child, as reprefented in the table. But if the Pelvis is diftorted, and projeds for- ward 36 ANATOMICAL TABLES, ward at the fuperior part of the Os Sacrurfi, and the forehead therefore cannot be moved a little backwards, in order to turn the ear from that part of the Pelvis which prevents the end of the forceps to pafs the fame ; in that cafe, I fay, the blade muft be introduced along the pofterior part of the ear at the fide of the diflorted bone. The hand that was introduced is then to be with- drawn, and the handle of the introduced blade held with it as far back as the Perinceu7?i will al- low, whilft the fingers of the other hand are in- troduced to the Os Uteri, at the Pubes or right Groin, and the other blade placed exaftly oppo- fite to the former. This done, the handles being taken hold of and joined together, the head is to be pulled lower and lower, every pain, until the V^ertex, as in this table, is brought down to the: inferior part of the left Ifchium, or below the fame. The wide part of the head being now ad- vanced to the narrow part of the Pelvis betwixt the Tuberofities of the OJfa Ifchium, is to be turn- ed from the left Ifchium out below the Pubes, and the forehead backwards to the concave part of the Os Sacrum and Coccyx, as in Table XVII,- and afterwards the head brought along and de- livered, as in Table XVIII, and XIX. But if it is found that the delivery will require a confiderable degree of force from the head's being large, or the Pelvis narrow, the handles of the forceps are to be tied together with a fillet, as reprefented in this Table, to prevent their pofition being changed, whilft the woni^ an / WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. 37 an is turned oil her back as in Table XXIV, which is then more convenient for delivering the head than when lying on the fide. N. B, When the head is wedded in the Pelvis^ and the balis not yet protruded below the brim^ the forceps can neither be employed with advan- tage nor fafety ; and to attempt the mechanical turns recommended here would be difficult and hazardous. This Table fhows that the handles of the for- ceps ought to be held as far back as the Os Ex^ termtm will allow, that che blades may be in an imaginary line between that and the middle fpace between the Umbilicus and the Scrobiculus Cordis,, When the forceps are applied along the ears and lides of the head, they are nearer to one another, have a better hold, and mark lefs than when oveir' the Occipital and Frontal bones. Vide Vol. I. Book. III. Chap. 3. from Se3:. 1. to 6. and Vol. II. Coll. 25, 26, 27, and 29. SEVENTEENTH TABLE, In the fame view with the former, reprefents, in outlines, the head of the Fcctus brought lo v^er with the forceps, and turned from the pofition in the former Table, in imitation of the natur- al progreflion hy the labour pains, which may C likewife 88 ANATOMICAL TABLES, likewife be fuppofed to have made this turn, before it was neceflary to aiTiil; with the for- ceps, this GeccfTity at laft arifmg from many of the caufes mentioned in VoL L In this view the pofition of the forceps, along the ears and narrow part of the head, is more particularly exprelTed. It appears alfo that when the Ve7''tex is turned from the left Os Jfcliimi, where it was clofely confined, it is difengagedby coming out below the Pubes, and the forehead that was prelfed agaiarft the middle of the right Os Ifchium is turned into the concavity of the Os Sacrum and Coccyx. By this means .the narrow part of the head is now between the OJfa Ifchium, or narrow part of the Pelvis, and as the Occiput comes out below the Pubes, the head paffes fliil eafier along. When the head is advanced fo low in the Pelvis, if the pofition cannot be diflinguifh- ed by the futures, it may for the mod part be known by feeling for the back part of the neck of the Foetus, with a finger, introduced betwixt the Occiput' and Pubes, or towards one of the Groins. If the head is fqueezed into a longifli form, as in Table XXI, and has been detained many hours in this pofition, the pains not being fiifficient to complete the delivery ; the afliilance of the forceps muft be taken to fuve the child, though the woman may be in no danger. The ajfiftance of the forceps mufl be taken to favt the child., though the woman be in no danger. This may require a little explanation. The exact di- menfions WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. 39 menfions of a child's head cannot eafilybe afcer- tained before delivery ; nor can it be known how long a labour may be protracted, without any material injury to the mother. The changes the head of the Foetus fufFers both in its figure and diminution of bulk, by compreilion, render it capable of paffing in fome cafes where we would little expe.6t it. On the contrary, when the head is but little advanced, and wedged in the Pelvis, the forceps are applied under obvious difadvan- tages; lince it is well known to practitioners, that women fufFer the natural bruifes with more fafety than thofe occafioned by the bell con- flru6led modern inftruments, in the hands of the moll Ikiiful pra6litioners. The forceps^ therefore, in general, Ihould not be ufed, efpeci- ally in the early part of a man's pra6lice, except only on the moH urgent occajions. And if the head is detained at the brim of the Pelvis, as in the former Table, the cafe is unfavourable for the forceps. See this important precaution further enforced, page 37, line 4. This Table alfo fhows that the handles of the forceps are ftill to be kept back to the Perinceum, and when in this pofition are in a line with the upper part of the Sacrum^ and if held more back- wards, when the head is a little higher, would be in |i line with the Scrobiculus Cordis, If the for- ceps are applied when the head is in this pofi- tion, they are more eafily introduced when the patifent is in a fupipe pofition, as in Table XXIV, C 2 Neither 40 ANATOMICAL TABLES, Neither is it necefTary to tie the handles, which is only done to prevent their alteration when turning the woman from her fide to her back. As I have had feveral cafes where a longer fort of forceps that are curved upwards are of great ufe to help along the head, when the body is delivered firft, as in Table XXXV, the fame are reprefented here by dotted lines. They may be ufed in laborious cafes as well as the others, but are not managed with the fame eafe. Moil of the parts of this Table being marked with the fame letters as the former, the defcrip- tions there given will anfwer in this, except the following. L. M. The Anns. M. N. The Perinceum, O. The common Integuments of the Abdomen, R. The fhort forceps. S. The long curved forceps, the firft of thefe is eleven inches long, and the laft twelve inches and a half, which I have after feveral alterations found fufficient, but this need not confine others who may choofe to alter them from this flandard. Vide Table XXXVII. EIGHTEENTH WITH EXPLANATIONS, Sec. a EIGHTEENTH TABLE, In the fame View and Se6lion of the parts, fhows the head of the Foetus in the fame pofition, but brought lower down with the forceps than in the former Table ; for in this the Os Externum is more open, the Occiput comes lower down from below the Piibes, and the forehead pafl the Coccyxy by which both the Anus and Peri^ ncpimi are ftretched out in form of a large tumor, as in Table XV. When the head is fo far advanced, the opera- tor ought to extraft with great caution, left the parts fhould be torn. If the labour pains are fufficient, the forehead may be kept down, and helped along in a flow manner by preifmg againft it with the fingers on the external parts below the Coccyx : At the fame time the forceps being taken ofiF, the head may be allowed to ftretch the Os Externum more and more in a gradual man- ner, from the force of the labour pains, as well as afTiftanceof the fingers. But if the former are weak and infufficient, the afliftanceof the forceps muft be continued. Vide the defcription of the parts in Table XVI. S. T. in this reprefent tho left fide of the Os Uteri, The dotted lines dem- onftrate the fituation of the bones of the Pelvis C 3 on i^ ANATOMICAL TABLES, on the right fide, and may ferve as an example for all the lateral views of the fame. a. b. c. h. The outlines of the Os Iliiim. D. e. f. The fame of the Pubis and Ijchiim, i. i. k. The Acetabulum. And m. n. The Foramen Magnum: Vide Vol. I. Book IIL Chap. 5. Seft. 3. VoL II. Coll. 25. NINETEENTH TABLE. In the fame view and Section of the Pelvis^ is intended by out lines to fhow, that as the extern- al parts are flretched, and the Os Externum is dilated, the Occiput of the Fxtus rifes up with a femicircular turn from out below the Pubes, the under part of which bones are as an axis, or ful- crum, on which the back part of the neck turns, whilft at the fame time the forehead and face in their turn upwards, diftend largely the parts be- tween the Coccyx, and Os Externum. This is the method obferved by nature in ftretching thefe parts in labour, and as nature is always to be imitated, the fame method ought to be followed, when it is neceifary to help along the head with the forceps. Vide '^^:xiK. /i^/^^xx:" WITH EXPLANATIONS, Sec. 43 Vide the three former Tables for the defcrip- tions and references. TWENTIETH T A B L E, In the fame Seclion of the parts, but with a view of the rischt fide, {hows the head of the Fxtus in the contrary pofition to the three laft fig- ures, the Vertex being here in the concavity of the Sacrum, and the forehead turned to the Pubes, A. B. The Vertebrce of the loins, Os Sacrum and Coccyx, C. The Os Pubis of the right fide. D. The Anus, E. The Os Externum not yet begun to ilretch. F. The Nympha, G. The Labium Piidendi of the right fide. H. The hip and thigh. I.I. The . £//erMS contraQed, the waters being ail difcharored. o When the head is fmalL and the Pelvis larore, the Parietal bones and the forehead will, in this cafe, as they are forced downwards by the labour pains, gradually dilate the Os Externum, and flretch the parts between that and the Coccyx in form of a large tumor, as in Table XV, until the C 4 face 41 ANATOMICAL TABLES, face comes down below the Pub es, when the head will be fafeiy delivered. But if the fame be large, and the Pelvis narrow, the difficulty will be greater, and the child in danger; as in the fol- lowing Table. F7^^ Vol. L Book IIL Chap. 3. Sed. 4. No, 3. Vol. IL" Coil. 16. No. 2. TWENTY FIRST TABLE SSows the head of the Pectus in the fame poiition as in the former Table, but being much larger, it is by llrong labour pains fqueezed into a longilh form with a tumor on the Vertex, from the long compreffion of the head in the Pelvis, If the child cannot be delivered with the labour pains, or turned and brought footling*, the forceps are to be applied on the head as de» fcribed in <;his figure, and brought along as it prefents ; but if that cannot be done without running the rifque of tearing the Perinceum, and even the Vagina and ReBum of the woman, the forehead mud be turned backwards to the Sacrum, To do this niore effe6lually, thq operator *Turnivg, when the head is fo far advanced in the Pelvis, and of ^ more than ufual fize, i? a dreadful praftice, and fhould never be attempted* 0. ^ejoa, WITH EXPLANATIONS, Sec. 45 operator muft grafp firmly with both hands the handles of the forceps, and at the fame time puftiing upwards, raife the head as high as poffible, in order to turn the forehead to one fide, by which it is brought into the nat- ural pofition ; this done, the head may be brought down • and delivered as in Table XVI. &c. Vide Vol.1. Booklll. Chap. 3. Sea. 4. No. 2. and Vol. II. Coll. 28. Alfo the former Table for the defcription of the parts, except K. The tumor on the Vertex, The fame com- preffion and elongation of the head, as well as the tumor on the Vertex, may be fuppofed to hap- pen in a greater or lefs. degree in the XVl, XVII, XVIII, XIX Tables, as well as in this, where the difficulty proceeds from the head being large, or the Pelvis narrow. Vide Tables XXVII, and XXVIII. L. The forceps. Sometimes the forehead may be moved to the natural pofition by the afli (lance of the fingers, or only one blade of the forceps. N. B. Though the ufe of a fingle blade of the forceps, or the fimple lever, is ftill retained in practice, and in a few particular cafes may be employed in preference to the double lever, the application is more difficult, more flight and pro- feffional judgment are neceffary in the manage- ment, and the two bladcd forceps can be em- ployed with more fafety and equal fuccefs, in general, by young praQitioners. The forceps ^ may 46 ANATOMICAL TABLES, may either be the ftraight kind, or fuch as are curved to one fide, when it is neceffary to ufe one or both blades. M. The Vejica Urinaria much diflended with a large quantity of Urine, from the long preffure of the head againfl the Urethra, which fhows that the Urine ought to be drawn off with a Caiheier, in fuch extraordinary cafes, before you apply the forceps, or in preternatural cafes, where the child is brought footling. N, . The under part of the Uterus, . O. O. The Os Uteri. TWENTY SECOND TABLE Shows, in a front view of the parts, the forehead of the Fostus prefenting at the brim of the Pel- vis, the face being turned to one fide, the Fon- tanelle to the other, and the feet and breech ftretched tov/ards the Fundus Uteri, A. A. The fuperior part of the OJ[a Ilium. B. The Anus. C. The Perincsum. D. The Os Externum ; the thicknefs of the poflerior part before it is llretched with the head of the child. E. E. E. The d) 2S^:xs. ^^^s;- Mr A, xxm. WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. 47 E. E. E. The Vagina, F. The Os Uteri not yet fully dilated. G.G.G. The Uterus. H. The Membrana Adifofa, , // i // If the face is not forced down, the head will fometimes come along in this manner ; in which cafe the Vertex will be flattened, and the forehead raifed in a conical form ; and when the head comes down to the lower part of the Pelvis, the face or Occiput will be turned from the fide, and come out below the Fubes, But if the head is large, and cannot be delivered by the pains, or if the wrong pofition cannot be altered, the child muft be delivered with the forceps. If they fhould fail, recourfe mull be had to Embryulcia, Vide Vol. I. Book HI. Chap. 2. Sed. 3. Chap. 3. Sea.4. No. 3. VoL II. Coll. 16. No. 4. Coll. 28. TWENTY THIRD TABLE Shows, in a lateral view, the face of the child prefenting, and forced down into the lower part of the Pelvis, the chin being below the Pubes, and the Vertex in the concavity of the Os Sacrum ; the waters likewife being all dif- charged, the Uterus appears ciofcly joined to the 48 ANATOMICAL TABLES, the body of the child, round the neck af which is one drcumvolution of the Funis. A,^B. The Vertebrce of the loins, Os SacryM^ and Coccyx. C. Th€ Os Pubis of the left fide. D. The inferior part of the Redum^ E. The Perincewn. F. The left Labium Pudendi. G.. G;. G. The Uterus, When the Pelvis is large, the head, if fmall, will come along in this pohtion, and the child be faved : For, as the head advances lower, the face and forehead will ilretch the parts between the Fr^cnum I^abiorum dLXid. Coccyx in form of a large tumor. As the Os Externum likewife is dilated, the face will be forced through it ; the under part of the chin will rife upwards over the an- terior part of the Pubes j and the forehead, Ver^ tex, and Occiput, turn up from the parts below. If the head, however, is large, it will be detained either when higher or in this pofition. In this cafe, if the pofition cannot be altered to the nat- ural, the child ought to be turned, and delivered footling. See N. B: at the end of explanation of Table XXV. page 51. If the Pelvis, however, is narrow, and the wa- ters not all gone, the Vertex ihould, if poffible, be brought to prefent ; but if the Uterus is fo clofely tJ^/ to be efFe6led as ill the former Table, by pulhing up the breaft, and bringing down the legs. When the belly pre- fents, it is eafier coming at the legs, than when the breaft prefents, becaufe in the former cafe the head is nearer to the Fundus Uteri, and the legs and thighs ♦ The protruding arm of the child does not impede the Introduftion o£ the operator's hand in turning ; and the horrid expedient of amputation recommended here^ andby former praftitioners, is feldom neceffary, cvea in cafes of confiderable narrownefs of the Pelvis from diftortion. See Df, Hamilton's Outlines of Midwifery, page 59?, ctftq. ^^xxxm. % WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. ej thighs lower. If the belly or breaft is forced down into the lower part of the Pelvis, the child will be in danger from the bending of the Ver-* iehrce, and the preffure of the fpinal marrow, fo great force is alfo required to raife thefe parts up into the Uterus, in order to come at the feet, that it will fometimes be neceifary to turn the wom- an to her knees and elbows, to diminifh the re- fillance of the Abdominal mufcles. V/hen the Funis comes down without the Os Externum, if there is a pulfation felt, it muft immediately be replaced, and kept warm in the Vagina, to pre- ferve the circulation, and prevent a ftagnation, from its being expofed to cold air. If the Funis comes down when the head prefents, the child is in danger, if not fpeedily delivered with the pains, or brought footling. N, £, For an ingenious method of reducing the prolapfed cord, See London Medical Journal^ Vol. VII. 1786, page 38. See the two former Tables for the explanations and references. THIRTY FOU'RTH TABLE Shows, in a lateral view of the Pelvis, one of the moft difficult preternatural cafes. The left Ihoulder, breaft, and neck of the Fcetus pra- fen ting, 68 ANATOMICAL TABLES, fenting, the head reflefted over the Pubes to the right ftloulder and back, and the feet and breech ftretched up to the Fundus, the Uterus contra6led at the fame time, in form of a lonsr flieath round the body of the Fxtus^ A. B. C. The Os Sacrum and Coccyx^ D. The Os Pubis of the left fide. E. Part of the Urinary bladder. F. The ReBum* H. L K. The private parts, M. ThtAnus'. M. N. The Perinceim. V. The Meatus Urinarius, O. The Os Uteri not yet opened, and fituated backwards towards the ReBum and Coccyx. R. S. The fame reprefented in dotted lines, as Opened when the labour is begun. T. U. The fame more fully dilated, but nearer to the pollerior than anterior part of the Pelvis, W. P. The fame not fully ftretched at the fore part, though intirely obliterated at the back part^ the Uterus and Vagina being there only fometimes one continued furface* Henge it appears why the anterior part of the 05 Uteri is frequently protruded before the head of the Fcetus at the Pubes, which, if it retards de- livery, is removed by Hiding it up with a finger or two between the head andlaft mentioned part. The pra6lice recommended here is attended with confiderabie hazard ; and in a favourable pre^ fentation 7^/a/eJS^ WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. eg fentatf on of the Fxtus the dilatation may be fafely ti-ufled to nature. Vide Tables IX, X, XI,XII,XIII. The manner of delivery, in the pofition of the Foetus, as reprefented in this Table, is to endeav- our with the hand to force up the part prefent- ing, in order to raife the head to the Fundus » If this is impoffible from the flrong contra6tion of the Uterus, the operator muft pufh up his hand in a flow and cautious manner along the bread and belly of the child, in order to come at the legs and feet, which are to be taken hold of, and brought down as far as the polition of the Fxtus will admit of. The body is then to be moved round by pufhing up the lower parts, and pull- ing down the upper, until the feet are brought without the Os Externum, and the delivery com- pleted, as in Table XXXI. But if the feet cannot be got down, fo as to be taken hold of without the Os Externum, a noofe muft be fixed over the. ankles, as in Table XXXII. Vide Vol. I, and III, as dire6led in Table XXXL THIRTY FIFTH TABLE Shows, in a lateral view of the Pelvis, the method of afTifting the delivery of the head of the Foetus with the long curved forceps, in praeternatural cafes, when it cannot be done with the hands, asdcfcribed in Tables XXIX, and XXX. A. The three lowefl Vcrtcbrce oi tlit loins, with the Os Sacrum and Coccyx^ E JB The fO ANATOMICAL TABLES, B. The Os Pubis of the left fide. C. C. The Perincemn and Anus prelTed back- wards with the forceps. D. The Intejlines, E. E. The Parietes of the Abdomen* F. F. F. The Uterus, G. The pofterior part of the Os Uteri, H. The Retlum, L The Vagina, After the body and arms of the child are de- livered, and the different methods ufed to bring down the head with the hands, as direfled in the above Table, and more fully defcribed in Vol. I, and III, the following method is to be tried in order to fave the child, which mull otherwife be loft by overftraining the neck andfpinal marrow. The woman being in the fupine polition, as in Tc^le XXIV, one of the afliftants ought to hold the body and arms of the child up towards the Abdomen of the woman, to give more room to the operator, who having introduced one hand up to the child's face, and moved it from the fide a little backvvrards, for the eafier application of the forceps along the fides of the head, muft then turn his hand to one of the ears, and introduce one of the blades with the other hand between the fame and the head, with the cured fide to- wards the Pubes, as in this Table. This done, the hand is to be brought down to hold the han- dle of the blade of the forceps, until the other hand is introduced to the other fide of the head, t)y which naeans the fame is preffed againft the WITH explanations; &c. 71 blade that is up, and which is thus prevented from (lipping, whilft the other hand introduces the fecond blade on the .oppofite fide. The blades being thus introduced, care muft be taken, that in joining them no part of the Vagina is locked in. After the forceps are firmly fixed along the fides of the head, the face and forehead mufl be turned again to the fide of the brim of the Pelvis, by which means the wide part of the head is to the wide part of the brim. This done, the head is to be brought lower, and the force grad- ually increafed, according to therefiftance from the largenefs of the head, or narrownefs of the Pelvis. The forehead, when brought low enough down, is then to be turned into the concavity of the Os Sa- crum and Coccyx, the handles of the forceps raifed upwards, and the fame caution ufed in bringing the head through the Os Externum, as defcribed in Ta* ble XIX, and XXX. By this method the head will be delivered, the child frequently faved, and theufe of the crotchet prevented, except in thofe bafons that are fo narrow, that it is impoffible to deliver without diminifhing the bulk of the head. Vide Table XXXIX. Alfo, Vol. I. Book III. Chap. 4. Se6l. 5. Vol. III. Coll. 34, 35. N. jB. In preternatural labours, if the head can* not be relieved by the hands of the operator, the childcanfeldombefaved by mechanical expedients. In difficult cafes the long citrved forceps may, how- ever, be attempted to be applied. Thofe of Dr. Leak, in thofe circumflances, are preferable to any Others. See note after explanation of Table XXX, £ 2 THIRTY 72 ANATOMICAL TABLES, THIRTY SIXTH TABLE Reprefents, in a lateral view of the Pelvis^ tfee method of extrading, with the affiftance of a curved crotchet, the head of the Fcetus, when left in the Uterus, after the body is delivered and feparated from it, either by its being too large, or the Pelvis too narrow. A. B. C. The Os Sacrum and Coccyx, D. The Os Pubis of the left fide. E. E. The Uterus, F. The locking part of the crotchet. g, h. i. The point of the crotchet on the infide of the Cranium, If this cafe happens from the forehead's being towards the Pubes, or the child long dead, and fo mortified that both the body and under jaw are feparated unexpeftedly, the long forceps that are curved upwards will be fufficient to extra8: the head ; but if the fame is large, and the Pelvis narrow, and the delivery cannot be effedled by the above method, then the head niuft be open- ed, that its bulk may diminifh, as it is extrafted. The patient being placed either on her back, or lide, as in the explanation of Table XVI, and XXIV, the left hand of the operator is to be in- troduced into the Uterus, and the forehead of the Foetus turned to the right fide of the brim of the i^clviSf and a little backwards, the chin being downwards ^ ^/^XXXVX WITH EXPLANATIONS, Sec. 73 downwards ; after which the palm of the hand and fingers are to be advanced as high as the Fontanelle, and the head grafped with the thumb and little finger on each fide, as firm as is poffi- ble, whilft an affiftant preffes on each fide of the Abdomen with both hands, to keep the Uterus firm in the middle and lower part of the fame. This done, the operator having with his right hand in- troduced and applied the crotchet to the head (the point being turned towards the forehead, and the convex part towards the Sacrum) he muft go up along the infide of the left hand as high as the Fontanelle, and there, or near it, fix the point of the crotchet, keeping flill the left hand in the former pofition, until with the other he pierces' the Cranium with the point of the inftrument, and tears a large opening in it from K to I ; after this, keeping the crotchet Heady, he may Aide down his left hand in a cautious manner, left the former pofition Ihould be altered, and the head will fink lower down by the affiftant's preiT^ ing on the Abdomen. The two fore fingers of the left hand are then to be introduced into the mouth, and the thumb below the under jaw, the hand being above the blade of the crotchet. When this firm hold is taken, the operator may begin and pull flowly with both hands, and as the brain difcharges through the perforation, the head will diminifh, and come along. If this method fhould fail from the flipperinefs of the head, or its being fo much offified that a fuffi- cient opening cannot be made, the Vcrlex raufl F. 3 be 74 ANATOMICAL TABLES, ^ be turned down to the brim of the Pelvis, the Fontanelle backwards, and each blade of the long forceps introduced along the fides of the head^ with the curved fide towards the Puhes. After they are joined and locked, the handles are to be tied together with a fillet, to keep them firm on the head, an affiftant is to keep the handles backwards until the Cranium is largely opened with the long fcilTars ihown in Table XXXIX. This done, the head is to be extra6led in a flow manner, firil turning the forehead to the fide of the brim, and as the brain evacuates, and the head comes lower down, again turning the fore- head into the concavity of the Sacrum^ and com- pleting the delivery, as in Table XVI. This Table may alfo ferve for an example, to fhow the method of fixing the crotchet on the head, when although the body is not feparated from it, yet it cannot be delivered with the ope- rator's hands, or the long forceps, as iij Table XXIX, and XXXV. Vide Vol. I. Book III. Chap. 3. Sed. 7. Chap. 4. Sea. 5. Alfo, Vol. III. Coll. 31, 36. N. B. It is the fafeft praftice, where the re fi fi- ance is confiderable from relative difproportion, to diminifh the volume of the child's head pre- vious to the extra6tion with the hook. THIRTY 'y%r^:KxxsTL. WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. 75 T HI RTY SEVENTH TABLE- And the two following, reprefent feveral kinds of inflrumentsufeful in laborious and difficult cafes. A. The ftraightfliort forceps, in the exad pro« portion as to the width between the blades, and length from the points to the locking part : The lirll being two and the fecond fix inches, which with five inches and a half (the length of the handles) makes in all eleven inches and a half. The length of the handles may be altered at pleafure. I find, however, in praftice, that this ftandard is the moil convenient, and with lefs difficulty introduced, than when longer, having alfo fufficient force to deliver in moll cafes, where their affiftance is necefTary. The handles and lowell part of the blades may as here be covered with any durable leather, but the blades ought to be wrapped round with fomething of a thinner kind, w^hich may be eafily renewed when there is the lead fufpicion of veneral infe6lion in a former cafe ; by being thus covered, the for- ceps have a better hold, and mark lefs the head of the child. For their eafier introdu6lion, the blades ought likewife to begreafed with hog's lard. B. Reprefents the poflerior part of a fingle blade, in order to fhow the width and length of the open part of the fame, and the form and pro- portions of the whole. The handles, however, as here reprefented; are rather too large. , E 4 Vide 7^ ANATOMICAL TABLES, Vid(i Table XXI, for the figure and proportions of the long forceps, that are curved upwards, and covered in the fame manner as the former. The forceps were at fiiH contrived to fave the Foetus, and prevent, as much as pofFible, the ufe of Iharp inftruments ; but even to this falutary jnethod recouirfe ought not to be had but in cafes where the degree of force requilite to extra^ will not endanger, by its confequences, the life of the mother. For, by the imprudent ufe of the for- ceps, much more harm may be done than good. See the explanation of Table XVI, alfo the Preface to Vol. II, with the cafes in the collecr- tion on that fubje6l. C. The blunt hook, which is ufed for thi-ee purpoCes. Firfij To affift the estraftion of the head after the Cranium is opened with the fciifars, by in- troducing the fmall end along the ear on the out- fide of the head to above the under jaw, where the point is to be fixed ; the other extremity of the hook being held with one hand, w^hilfl two fin- gers of the other are to be introduced into the forefaid opening, by which holds the head is to be gradually ex traced. Secondly, The fmall end is ufeful in abortions in any of the firft four or five months, to hook down the Secundines, when lying loofe in the Uterus, v/hen the patient is much weakened by floodings from the too long retention of the fame, the pains alfo being unable to expel them, and when they cannot be extra6i:ed with the fingers. But y/m/eys^^\SL WITH EXPLANATIONS, 8cc. ^f jBut if the Placenta ftill adheres, it is dangerous to ufe this or any other inllrument to extra6l the fame, as it ought to be left until it feparates nat- urally. If a fmall part of the Secundines is pro* truded through the Os Uteri, and pulled away from what ftill adheres in the Uterus, the mouth of the Womb contrafts, and that irritation is there- by removed which would have continued the pains, 4nd have feparated and difeharged the whole. Thirdly, The large hook at the other end is ufe- ful to ailift the extraction of the body, when the breech prefents, but fhould be ufed with great caution, to avoid the diflocation or fra6lur€ of the thigh. N, B, The fmall extremity of the hook can nev- er be employed without danger to the mother in the former cafe ; nor the large hook without haz- aid of deftroying the child, or occalioning violent jnjury to the mother in the latter. ra^ Table XXIX. Alfo, Vol. I. Book 11. Chap. 3. Book. III. Chap. 3. Se6l. 7. and Chap. 4. Sea. 2. Vol. II. Coll. 12. Vol. III. Coll. 31, 32. THIRTY EIGHTH TABLE. A, Reprefents the whalebone fillet, which may fometimes be ufeful in laborious cafes, when the operator is not provided with the forceps in fud- den and unexpected exigencies. When jre ANATOMICAL TABLES, When the Vertex of the J^toprefents, andthe head is forced down into the lower part of the Fefvis, the woman weak, and the pains not fuf- ficient to deliver it, the double of the fillet is to . be introduced along the fore part of the Parietal bones to the face, and if poflible above the under jaw ; which done, the whale bone may be either left in or pulled down out of the fheath, and ev- ery weak pain aflifted by pulling gently at the fillet. ; If the head can be raifed to the upper part of the Pelvis, the fillet will be more eafily got over the chin, which is a fafer and better holU than on the face. If the face or forehead pre- fents, the fillet is to be introduced over the Occiput. Vide YohLBook in. Chap. 3, Sed. 2. VoL II. ColL 24. In fueh cafes, likewife, the whale bone may be fup- pliedby a twigof any tough wood, mounted with a limber garter or filletfowedin form of a long fheath^ . N. jB. Fillets, of whatever conftru61;ion, being difficult of application, trifling in their powers, liable to cut or gall the child's head, though a fecure hold Ihould be obtained, and in other refpeds inferior to the forceps, are now with juf- tice reje6led from pra6lice. B. B. Gives two views of a new kind of pefTary for the Prolapfus Uteri, being taken from the French and Dutch kind. After the Uterus is re- duced, the large end of the pcffary is to be in- troduced into the Vagina, and the Os Uteri retain- ed in the concave part, where there are three holes to prevent the fl agnation of any moifture. The fmall WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. 79 fmall end without the Os Externum has two tapes drawn through the two holes, which are tied to font other tapes, that hang down from a belt that furrounds the woman's body, and by this means keep up the pefTary. This fort may be taken out hy the patient when fhe goes to bed, and intro- duced again in the morning ; but as this fome- times rubs the Os Ext&rnum, fo as to make its ufe uneafy, the round kind marked C are of more general ufe. They are made of wood, ivory, or cork (the laft covered with cloth and dipt in wax :) the peifary is to be lubricated with pomatum, the edge forced through the palJage into the Vagina, and a finger introduced into the hole in the mid- dle lays it acrofs within the Os Externum, They ought to be larger or fmailer, according to the widenefs or narrownefs of the, palfage, to prevent their being forced out by any extraordinary flraining. Vide Vol. I. Book IV. Chap. 1. Se6l. 7. Vol, III. Coll. 24. See a defcription of a globe pelTary, recom- mended by Dr. Denman, London Medical Jour- nal, Vol. VII, for 1786, page 56. D. D. Gives two views of a female catheter, to fliow its degree of curvature and different parts. Thofe for common ufe may be made much fhort- er for conveniency of carrying in the pocket ; but fometimes when the head or body of the child prelfes on the bladder above the Pubes, it requires one of this length ; and in fome extraordinary cafes I have been obliged to ufe a male catheter. Vide Vol. L Book 11. Chap. 1. Seft. 1, 2. Vol. II, Coll. 10. No. 2. THIRTY $a ANATOMICAL TABLES, THIRTY NINTH TABLE. a Reprefents a pair of curved crotchets locked together in the fame manner as the forceps. . It is very rare that the ufe of both is neceffary, ex- cepting when the face prefents with the chin turned to the Sacrum, and when it is impofTible to move the head to bring the child footling, or deliver with the forceps. In that cafe, if one crotchet is not fufficient, the other is to be intro- duced, and when joined together will a6l both as crotchets, in opening the Cranium, and as the head advances, will likewife a6l as forceps in moving and turning the head more conveniently for the delivery of the fame. They may alfo be ufeful to affift when the head is left in the Uterus, and one blade is not fufficient. There is feldom oc- cafion, however, for the fharp crotchet, when the head prefents, the blunt hook in Table XXVII, being commonly fufficient, or even the forceps to extract the fame, after it is opened with the fcif- fars. Great care ought to be taken when the fharp crotchet is introduced, to keep the point towards the Foetus, efpecially in cafes where the fingers cannot be got up to guide the fame. The dotted lines along the infide of one of the blades, reprefent a ffieath that is contrived to guard the point until it is introduced high enough ; the ligature at the hafidles marked with the two dot- ted lines is then to be untied, the fheath with- drawn, l/a/e:SSSSi. # WITH EXPLANATIONS, &c. 8i drawn, and tlue point, being uncovered, is fixed as dn-eded in Table XXXVL The point guarded, with this fheath, may alfo be ufed inftead of the blunt hook. h Gives a view of the back part of one of the crotchets, which is twelve inches long. c Gives a front view of the point, to fhow its length and breadth, which ought to be rather longer and narrower than here reprefented. N, B, In the lefs improved (late of the 'art, when mechanical exertions were chiefly trulled to accomplifh delivery, in cafes of narrownefs from diltortion of the bones, two blades of the crotchet were recommended by Dr. Smellie* That pra6lice is now rejedled ; for both blades can never be employed at once with advantage, and feldom with fafety. See Dr. Hamilton's Outlines of Midwifery, page 285 to 302 ; alfo Appendix, 420 ; and Dr. Olburne's Effay on Laborious Parturition. d Reprefents the fcilfars proper for perforating the Cranium in very narrow and diilorted Pelvifes, They ought to be made very ftrong, and nine inches at leail in length, with ftops or refts in the middle of the blades, by which a large dila- tation is more eafily made. The above inftruments ought only to be ufed in the moil extraordinary cafes, where it is not pofTible to fave the woman without their affiilance. Vide Vol. I. Book IIL Chap. 3. Sed. 5. Chap. 5. No. 1. Vol. IIL Coll. 31, 35. ADDITIONAL 82 ANATOMICAL TABLES, ADDITIONAL TABLE. Number XL. By the late t)r. Thomas Young, with improvements by Dr. Hamilton, both Profeflbrs of Midwifery at Edinburgh, Among the few improvements which have been made in the obftetrical apparatus fmce the days of Qr. Smellie, the mod important are the alter- ations in the fo7'cepSf by which the inconveniences formerly attending the ufe of that inftrument are obviated, and the operation is rendered more fafe and eafy. In contriving thefe alterations, the intentions were, i . That the large curves fhould correfpond as nearly as poflible with that of the Pelvis, 2. That their points Ihould be thrown forwards and made round, to prevent their hitching, or even prefTing uneafily againfl any part of the Pelvis ; and likewife to maintain their hold of the head, whilfl it is to be brought forwards in that curv- ed line of diredion which nature obferves. 3. That an inverted curve fhould be made towards the joints, whereby the Perinceum may be faved from injury, the extrafting force rightly conduc- ed, and the handles at the fame time kept from prefhng uneafily on the inferior and anterior parts of the Puhes. 4. That their fub fiance ftiould be reduced as much as poffible, fo that they are not made flexible, or fo thin at the edges as to hurt the part. 5. That their clams be made to prefs equally •^^XL. B A y.3. '.'B f WITH EXPLANATIONS, Sec. 83 equally on the child's head, and fpread gradually from the joint, fo as not to dilate the Os Vagina: too fuddenly. 6. That the clams be of a due breadth, with the outer furface a little convex, and extremely fmooth, that they may not prefs uneafily or hurt the woman. 7 . That their length be fuch as can be applied fafely and commo- dioufly within the Pelvis, and at the fame time fuit the different fizes of the head as much as pollible. The inftrument, executed according to thefe intentions, is called the Short Curved Forceps, It confifls of two blades, or parts ; each of which is diftinguiftied into the handle A, the joint B O^ and the clams D E. See fig. 1 . which reprefents one of the blades before it is bent into its perfect ftate : a a a are three holes for admitting fcrews to fix the wooden handle. — Fig. 2. fliows the in- ftrument finifhed and locked, in which ftate it meafures about 11 inches ; and, when properly made, weighs about 11 ounces troy. The clams muft be covered with the beft Morocco leather, ftiaved thin, moiftened with water, and fewed on with waxed filk. N, B, Several inconveniences, both in the intro- dudion and confequences, having been found to attend the ufe of the forceps with the clams cov- ered, praftitioners at prefent very generally pre- fer thofe of poliftied fteel. Fig. 3. A catheter, with a fmall curve towards the point, which is better adapted to the female Urethra than the ftraight. It may be perforated with 8, 12; or 16 holes in rows, as here reprefent- » ed, 84 ANATOMICAL TABLES, cd, and terminated by a flight, very fmooth, rounded, or oblong knob. The length fliould be nearly fix inches, and the diameter not trifling. Fig. 4. The perforators of Dr. Denman, now- employed by many praditioners, in preference to thofe of Dr. Sraellie, with the angular rejli ren^ dered fmoothcr and more rounded. If the long fcif- fars of Dr. Smellie fliould be ftill retained in pratlice, the fliarp edges orfght to be removed ; they Ihould have, like thofe of Dr. Denman, a degree of curve towards the points, and be pro- vided with blunt knobs, inftead of the angular refl:s, which expofe the patient to the hazard of having the parts wounded or lacerated. See Dr. Hamilton's Outlines of Midwifery, page 290. N. B, With a view to fave the child when the mother is in danger, but the head too high for the common Jhort forceps, and alfo to obviate an inconvenience complained of by many pra6li- tioners, of their locking within the Vagina, the long forceps of Mr. Leveret of Paris, Do6iors Smellie and Leak of London, and of Mr. Pugh of Chelmsford in EiTex, have been invented. The lig-htnefs and neatnefs of confl:ru6i:ion of Dr. Leak's, with juftice, entitle them to the preference. Fig. 5. The blunt hook, as prefently ufed, with a fwell in the middle, by which a more fecure hold: can be taken, and the extra6lion accom- pliflied with more fafety and fuccefs, than with the ftraight hook. FINIS. L