‘Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. es ual a Re ak sis hie hy _ Issued September 21, 1912, U.S. DEPARTMENT. OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY—BULLETIN No. 156. R. E. DOOLITTLE, Acting Chief of Bureau. SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS A CAUSE OF TYPHOID AND OTHER GASTRO- INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. A STUDY OF AN EPIDEMIC AND > OF CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL CASES. BY GEORGE W. STILES, Jr., Chief, Bacteriological Laboratory. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, ‘1912. ORGANIZATION OF BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. R. E. Denese Acting Chief of Bureau. F. L. Dunuap, Associate Chemist. W. D. Bicetow, Assistant Chief of Bureau. F. B. Linton, Chief Clerk. J: G, SHIBLEY, Supervising Clerk, Interstate and Import Records. GG: SAVAGE, Editor. A. EK. DRAPER, Inbrarian. Division of Foods, W. D. BigEeLow, Chief. . Food Inspection Laboratory, L. M. TOLMAN, Chief. Food Technology Laboratory, E. * CHACE, Chief, and Assistant Chief of Division. Oil, Fat, and Wax Laboratory, H. 8. Barry, Chief. Division of Drugs, EE. KEBLER, Chief. Drug Inspection Laboratory, G. W. Hoov ER, Chief. Synthetic Products Laboratory, W. O. Emery, Chief. Essential Oils Laboratory, E. K. Netson, Chief. Pharmacological Laboratory, Witu1aM SaLant, Chief. Chief Food and Drug Inspector, W. G. CAMPBELL. Miscellaneous Division, J. K. Haywoop, Chief. Water Laboratory, W. W. SKINNER, Chief. Cattle-Food and Grain Laboratory, Gr BIDWELL, Acting. Insecticide and Fungicide Laboratory, G.-C. McDonNeELL, Chief. Trade Wastes Laboratory, under Chief of Division. Contracts Laboratory, P. H. WaLKeErR, Chief. Dairy Laboratory, G. E. Patrick, Chief. Food Research Laboratory, M. E. PENNINGTON, Chief. Leather and Paper Laboratory, F. P. Verrcu, Chief. Microchemical Laboratory, B. J. Howarp, Chief. Physical Chemistry Laboratory, C. S. Hupson, Chief. Sugar Laboratory, A. H. Bryan, Chief. Sections: Animal Physiological Chemistry, F. C. WEBER, in Charge. Bacteriological Chemistry, G. W. StTiLEs, in Charge. Enological. Chemistry, W. aay ALWOOD, in Charge. Nitrogen, T. C. TrEscor, in Charge. Plant. Phy siological Chemistry, J. A. LeCuerc, Chief. Food and Drug Inspection Laboratories: Boston, B. H. Smiru, Chief. Buffalo, W. L. Dusors, Chief. Chicago, A. Ll. Winton, Chief. Cincinnati, B. R. Harr, Chief. Denver, R. 8. Hiztner, Chief. Detroit, H. L. Scuuuz, Chief. Galveston, G. M. Bartuerr, Acting. Honolulu, Hawaii, A. W. HANSEN, Acting. Kansas City, Mo., F. W. LIEPSNER, Chief. Nashville, R. W. Batcom, Chief. New Orleans, W. J. McGee, Chief. _ New York, A. W. OapEn, Acting. ~OQmaha, S. H. Ross, Chief. Philadelphia, OSs BRINTON, Chief. Pittsburgh, M. C. ALBRECH, Chief. Portland, Oreg., A. L. KnisEety, Chief. St. Louis, D. B. BisBEeex, Chief. St. Paul, A. 8. MircHe.y, Chief. San Francisco, R. A. Gouin, Chief. San Juan, P. R., A. E. Taytor, Acting. Savannah, W. C. Burnet, Chief. Seattle, H. M. Loomis, Chief. Issued September 21, 1912. Uo Dey aR Eve NT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY—BULLETIN No. 156. R. E. DOOLITTLE, Acting Chief of Bureau. SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS A CAUSE OF TYPHOID AND OTHER GASTRO- INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. A STUDY OF AN EPIDEMIC AND OF CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL CASES. BY GEORGE W. STILES, Jr., Chief, Bacteriological Laboratory. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1912, eee Is Ole IRIN SIC ICAUL,. UniTED StTaTES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BuREAU OF CHEMISTRY, Washington, D. C., March 15, 1912. Str: The question of the purity of the oyster supplies is one which has engaged the attention of this bureau for many years, and exten- sive investigations have been made of native oyster beds, sewage disposal, and possible contamination of oysters with pathogenic germs. These studies have been extended to many points along the coast and in the coastal rivers, including the inlets of Providence Bay, Long Island Sound, New York Bay, and Chesapeake Bay. Most valuable information has been obtained relating to the areas of infection and the results which have been produced by con- sumption of oysters from infected areas. I beg to offer, therefore, with a recommendation that it be published as Bulletin 156 of the Bureau of Chemistry, the first of a series of reports on this question, embodying the results of actual research in the section of Bacte- riological Chemistry. The publication of these data will not only be of interest to the consuming public, but will also be helpful to the owners of the oyster beds and the authorities controlling them in securing a speedy betterment of conditions. Respectfully, H. W. WILeEy, : Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMEs VYILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. 5 CONTENTS: Piece Vann Stikne PIGeMuIC EE eat ieee ey een fol ai let else ceed ole oo Ince piongolstnenimnVestieattoMersscs tte fn 2. eh ere Nosy teen eck eee ee Dataxcollecredsbys corespondence: 2 o5 1628's /o.a25 oho 2 oe so bea eee Distribution of the Minisink Goshen water supply....-.-- Goshen milk supply......-.-- COSESEe saa A open pee Se ar clnee n eh e COnSOerAnOMMOl ENOsINeWUIS s- 4305 co ne ee ee ee a MUNG CROMMMMELON LETS arm cree cee tts ne Seis wire AL Se. eck ae © vite Cases studied at Rochester, N. Y PeTGolmasierss Hanquet-sNeWiolre mio N Yen. cess Soke cds ears cts sale ote Distribution of cases of illness due to eating Rockaway oysters.........------- EnSanibatyecOonditionyolsamalca, bayentc.assarso ss 65 .4..5.2.-.s2.- 2 eects es FRE WAOUS IRC POLUS Merete bone ments eeerrravn eee ses Pi? oe OL oes nae eee Hendrix Street sewer and disposal plambs.- 2.22. 5.2 Sse ol Sees eee LP LORMUMTONS? CONUS IETHSE ies heel ees Mea Neste 2 eg He Bacteriological data on water and oysters from Jamaica Bay...............--- Methods of examination..... Pabulated*datas-s-c.ccse- 25. Sola tronromoreaisiisas ss: meets te wt Pik Raa A SE UN a ea ate Bacolandebs Para PlOsusr tyipesucsac2 4. - ces hate. cs pee eee AEN WOT G GOR AISI Seay tae te oe ea oe Gee me ehleinn,. Saat cera Eropaplecatise of the eastroenteritis (diarrhea). ...2...0.5-.2.....+-22.5--.422 SULA D IAT. 5 et OSE crete A Ce Ree re aut a re era — ILLUSTRATIONS: PLATES. Plate I. Comparison of oyster shells served at banquet with shells from Jamaica: Bay 20: $25.42 3. et oe eee ee eee II. Bird’s-eye view of the five boroughs forming Greater New York, 1904. III. Fig. 1.—Oyster house of dealer A at Indian Creek, near Canarsie, Long Island, N. Y. Fig. 2.—Oysters in the cellar under house of IV. Fig. 1—View of Indian Creek, near Canarsie, Long Island, where nine oyster dealers float oysters in the cellars of their houses. Fig. 2.—A three-compartment privy located directly over Indian Creek not far below dealer‘A >. 200 2 Bes ee eee TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1. Arrangement of tables and guests at the Minisink banquet..........-- 2. Graphic statement based on total number (155) of guests at Minisink 3. Graphic statement based on 127 guests who ate Jamaica Bay oysters. - 4. Cases of typhoid and enteritis traced back to Rockaway oysters sold by dealer Asoo.) Soe ere ee . Map of Jamaica Bay showing principal sewer outlets and oyster beds. - . Hendrix Street sewage disposal plant, Brooklyn, N. Y.....---...-.-...- . Average monthly score on shell oysters from different sources......-.-- “IO Page. 24 32 34 34 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS A CAUSE OF TYPHOID AND OTHER GASTROINTESTINAL DISTURBANCES. INTRODUCTION. Many years ago attention was called to the fact that infected shell- fish, when consumed raw, might cause outbreaks of typhoid fever, cholera, and other intestinal diseases. This fact was especially noticeable in densely populated European coast towns and cities, near many of which were located extensive shellfish grounds grossly contaminated with sewage. In this country the question of shell- fish pollution has received greater attention since the epidemic of typhoid fever traced to oysters at Wesleyan University in 1894 and the Lawrence outbreak in 1905, and particularly since the passage of the food and drugs act of 1906. Since the season of 1908 the Bureau of Chemistry has been making extensive investigations pertaining to the oyster industry, embracing almost every feature of the problem, beginning with the examination of oysters, dredged or tonged from their beds, and carried through the various processes of handling until the oysters are ready for the consumer. Approximately 2,000 samples have been examined bacteriologically up to the present time, including oysters and clams, either shucked or in the shell, and water samples collected from over the grounds on which the shellfish grew. This report deals principally with an epidemic of typhoid fever and other gastrointestinal disturbances following the Minisink banquet, given on October 5, 1911, at the Music Hall of Goshen, the county seat of Orange County, New York State. Some individual cases, especially at Rochester, N. Y., and the conditions surrounding the smaller banquet of schoolmasters, held at Newburgh, N. Y., are also reported. The author wishes to acknowledge, with thanks, valuable services rendered by Dr. F. F. Russell, of the Army Medical School, Washing- ton, De C:; Dr Wim. Park, New York City; Prof. H. W. Conn, Middletown, Conn.; Prof. Frederick P. Gorham, Brown University, Providence, R. I.; Dr. H. D. Pease, of the Lederle Laboratories, New York City; Miss Ruth C. Greathouse, of the bacteriological labo- ratory, Bureau of Chemistry; and the health officers, physicians, and laymen who contributed valuable information relative to the Minisink banquet. 5 6 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Reviews of foreign and American literature on epidemics of typhoid fever due to eating raw, infected shellfish have heretofore been pre- sented by other writers on this subject, and in the present report only brief mention will be made of the more important and recent epidemics of this character. (1) In the outbreak of typhoid fever at Wesleyan University during 1894, Prof. Conn,' of Middletown, Conn., showed that 29 cases, or 25 per cent, of the students who ate raw oysters at their fraternity banquets contracted the disease within the proper incubation period. All other articles of food which might play any part in transmitting the infection were carefully studied and excluded. He summarizes the chain of evidence as follows: 1. The dates of the cases appearing at Wesleyan, all between October 20 and No- vember 9, plainly point to a single source of infection to which all of the afflicted students were exposed at about the same time. This must have occurred a little more than a week earlier than the appearance of the first case, and the initiation sup pers perfectly fill the conditions. 2. That these Initiation suppers were the source of infection is rendered certain from the fact that four of the visitors who attended these banquets, and have had no further connection with the fraternities, have developed typhoid simultaneously with the cases in college, and by the further fact that two visiting Yale students who attended the suppers have similarly suffered from typhoid. 3. The fact that only three out of seven fraternities holding suppers on that even- ing sufiered from typhoid, pointed to some article of food or drink used at these three suppers and not used in the other fraternities. 4. The fact that about 25 per cent of the students attending the suppers have suffered from typhoid, pointed to a universal and very active source of infection, and not to an incidental one. Whatever article of food contained the infectious material must have been eaten by nearly everyone present to account for such a large percentage of cases. 5. Only one article of food or drink was used by the three societies which was not used equally by the other four fraternities. This article of food was oysters, and they were eaten raw. 6. These oysters came from a creek, where they had been allowed to fatten for a day or more, within 300 feet of the outlet of a private sewer, and in such a position as to make contamination from the sewer a possibility. At the time that the oysters were there deposited there were two persons in the house supplying the sewer, who were in the incubation period of typhoid fever, the period during which no atten- tion would be paid to their excreta. 7. Typhoid germs are not injured by sea water or oyster juices, and if they found their way into the oyster would certainly have lived long enough to be sent to Mid- dletown and be served on the tables of the fraternities. 8. Twenty-three cases of typhoid fever followed among the students in attendance on the suppers at which the oysters were eaten, and 6 cases among persons in attend- ance and not among the present students at Wesleyan. In all of the cases of un- doubted typhoid it has been possible to trace either direct or indirect connection with these oysters. The oysters were also eaten raw by one family 1 in town, and at least one severe case of typhoid followed. 1Conn, H. W. The outbreak of typhoid fever at Wesleyan University. (Conn. State Board of Health Report, 1894, pp. 243-264.) REVIEW OF LITERATURE. "| 9. The use of oysters from the same locality by the students at Amherst College produced, or at all events was followed by, an outbreak of typhoid fever among the students who ate of them. These facts, taken together, form a chain of evidence practically complete at every point and leaving no room for doubt. Whatever may be said in regard to oysters in general, the Wesleyan outbreak of typhoid was caused by a special lot of con- taminated oysters. (2) The increased prevalence of typhoid fever in Atlantic City, N. J, during the summer and autumn of 1902 was traced by Pen_ aineton sail others! to the use of oysters and clams “‘floated”’ in Penrose Canal, which was highly polluted with sewage. The find- ings of a committee of five members reporting to the Atlantic City Academy of Medicine, as to the origin and cause of the infection, were approved by Dr. A. C. Abbott and Henry Leffmann. (3) Dr. Bulstrode? during 1902 reported 21 cases of typhoid fever and 118 cases of gastroenteritis from a total number of 267 guests who had eaten raw oysters at the mayoralty banquets at Winchester and Southampton, England, on November 10 of that year. The oysters in question were imported from France and “laid down,” or floated? for a few days in sewage-polluted ‘‘drink- ing” grounds at Emsworth. One patient who developed a fatal case of typhoid ate only one infected oyster, while others ate oy two or three of these oysters. (4) During the period from 1894 to 1902, inclusive, Dr. ee holme,‘ of Brighton, England, investigated 241 cases of typhoid fever which he ascribed to eating infected shellfish. (5) During the year 1902, Thresh and Wood® reported in the county of Essex, England, 4 cases of typhoid fever and 21 cases of illness due to eating Portuguese oysters sold on August 14 and 21 of that year. (6) In reporting the typhoid fever cases in New York City for 1904, the health official of that city shows that of the 1,786 cases reported during 1904 in the Borough of Manhattan data were ob- tained on 1,322 cases. Of this number, 22 cases, or 1.6 per cent, were habitual consumers of raw oysters, while 44 cases, or 3.3 per cent, habitually consumed both raw oysters and raw milk 1 Pennington, B. C., Stewart, W. B., Pollard, W. M., Marvel, P., DeSilver, J. F. Report on typhoid fever at Atlantic City. (Philadelphia Medical Journal, Nov. 1, 1902, pp. 634-635.) 2 Bulstrode, H. T. Report upon alleged oyster-borne enteric fever and other illness following the mayoral banquets at Winchester and Southampton, and upon enteric fever occurring simultaneously elsewhere, and also ascribed to oysters. (Local Government Board, England. 32d Ann. Rept., 1902-3. Suppl., App. A, pp. 129-189.) 3 The process of “floating,” “‘drinking,”’ or ‘‘plumping” oysters in the shell consists in placing them in water containing less salt content than that in which they grew. This practice is treated more fully on p. 33. 4 Newsholme, A. The spread of enteric fever and other forms of illness by sewage-polluted shellfish. (Brit. Med. J., Aug. 8, 1903; 2- 295-297.) 5 Thresh, J. C.,and Wood, F. L. Report on an outbreak of typhoid fever and other illnesses due to oysters. (The Lancet, Dec. 6, 1902, 2: 1567-1569. ) 6 New York City Department of Health. Typhoidfever. (Ann. Rept., 1904, 1: 184-188.) 45672°—Bull. 156—12——2 8 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. (7) One of the most recent typhoid epidemics due to infected shellfish is reported by Soper,’ 1905, at Lawrence, Long Island, N. Y. His investigations showed that 21 out of 31 cases were traced to eating oysters and clams which had been floated or grown in polluted waters in Jamaica Bay, near Inwood, L. I. Of the oysters examined bacteriologically during November, 1904, 20 per cent showed B. coli in 0.1 ce of shell liquor, and 60 per cent in 1 ce quantities. According to present methods of scoring oysters in the shell, they would show only 4 points, yet they were consid- ered to have come from badly polluted waters. In reading Soper’s account of this outbreak, there are seen to be many points In common with the Minisink epidemic to be con- sidered in this report. The author concludes by saying: Your board has as much legal right to regulate the purity of shellfish as to regulate the purity of milk. One is quite as important as the other. It is, in fact, your duty to exclude from sale, in the village over which you have jurisdiction, all oysters, clams, and other shellfish which are liable to cause disease. I positively believe you will find small difficulty in accomplishing this end if you will act with firmness, moderation, and tact. It is to the interest of honest oystermen to afford you opportunities for inspecting their methods of cultivating and handling the shellfish and taking samples of the same for analysis. In the event of your finding shellfish which are unsuitable for food in your ter- ritory, you have the-legal right to forbid their sale, and, if necessary, destroy them, without any compensation to the owners. Under the circumstances which exist at present, I think you would be justified in excluding from the village of Lawrence all oysters and other shellfish which have been taken from Jamaica Bay within the influence of the Arverne sewers or from the cove at Inwood, which receives the sewage of Far Rockaway. This warning, given nearly eight years ago by a competent au- thority, was apparently not heeded; hence the opportunity to study another epidemic of typhoid fever, the present one at Goshen, due to eating oysters from the same locality. (8S) In presenting his thesis on the contamination of oysters, Fuller? reviewed the literature on this subject, which covered more than 20 separate outbreaks of typhoid fever due to infected shellfish. (9) In speaking of the public health of Portsmouth, England, for 1907, when 233 cases of typhoid fever were reported, Dr. Fraser ® says: The one article of diet which in this town has a special relationship to typhoid fever is shellfish, and during last year no fewer than 80 persons, or 34 per cent of the total number attacked, contracted typhoid from this source * * *. It seems that the only thing that can be depended upon to stop this loss of life is legislation making it illegal to collect shellfish from any places certified by local medical officers to be subject to sewage pollution. Otherwise men are sure to collect 1 Soper, George A. Report of a sporadic outbreak of typhoid fever at Lawrence, N. Y., due to oysters. (Med. News, Feb. 11, 1905, 86: 241-253.) 2 Fuller, C. A. The distribution of sewage in the waters of Narragansett Bay, with special reference to the contamination of oyster beds. (In U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Rept., 1904, pp. 189-238.) 3 Fraser, A. Enteric fever and shellfish. (Public Health, London, 1908, 22 (2): 53-d4.) REVIEW OF LITERATURE. 9 and hawk the fish from such places, and the public purchases them not knowing, nor apparently caring, what their previous history has been. (10) On February 5, 1907, M. Netter’ and others, reported to the Academy of Medicine 33 cases of typhoid fever due to eating oysters from Cette. The cases were very virulent in character, 7 of the 33 resulting fatally. The illness usually began with diar- rhea, and in some cases the disease resembled acute tuberculosis. (11) During the year 1908, Dr. H. D. Pease, then working under the authority of Dr. Porter ? of the New York State Board of Health, reviewed the literature on the subject of typhoid transmission from infected shellfish and made bacteriological and sanitary investiga- tions pertaining to the oyster industry. He pointed out some of the unsatisfactory conditions prevailing in that State and called particular attention to the grossly polluted condition of Jamaica Bay. (12) One of the most exhaustive reports on the conditions under which shellfish, other than oysters, are grown, collected, cleansed, and stored, and the relation of such treatment to the prevalence of enteric fever and other illness, is submitted by Dr. Bulstrode ? England. A large number of cases of typhoid fever and other gastro- intestinal illness are shown to have been due to eating infected cockles, mussels, and sea food other than oysters. On page 44 the author summarizes the review of literature in the following: The evidence brought forward in this chapter shows— 1. That oysters, mussels, or cockles are at times responsible for isolated cases and groups of cases of enteric fever, of gastroenteritis, and of mytilotoxin poisoning. 2. That such shellfish have also to be held responsible for extensive outbreaks of enteric fever and gastroenteritis, and that the amount of mischief in this latter sense has not hitherto been adequately appreciated. 3. That these shellfish have also been shown to have played and to be still playing an important part in certain towns in maintenance of enteric-fever prevalence. 4, That for the most part the specific contamination of such shellfish takes place on the beds or layings, in the storage ponds, or in the process of ‘‘washing,’’ but that occasionally the shellfish may become infected by the retailer. On page 127 occur the following conclusions: The investigation to which the foregoing report relates has brought out shear the following considerations: (a) That both enteric fever and gastroenteritis are not infrequently caused by the consumption of mussels or cockles eaten raw or imperfectly cooked. (6) That the shellfish here in question are in many instances collected from natural “*scalps,”’ beds, or layings, which are liable to become specifically polluted by sewage. 1 Netter, M. Epidemic typhoid fever due to oysters. (The Lancet, Feb. 23, 1907, 1- 551.) 2 Porter, Eugene H. Sanitary inspection of shellfish grounds. (New York State Board of Health, 29th Ann. Rept., 1908, 2. 833-892.) 3 Bulstrode, H. Timbrell. Shellfish other than oysters in relation to disease. (39th Ann. Rept. of the Local Government Board, 1909-10, Supplement. ) 10 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. (c) That even when these shellfish are procured from localities remote from the risks of pollution they are at times washed, stored, cr laid down in dangerous prox- imity to sewer or drain outfalls. : (d) That the shellfish with which this report is concerned may occasionally become polluted either specifically or otherwise by the treatment to which they are subjected by the sellers. (e) That at the present time there is practically no controi, in a sanitary sense, exercised over places from which these shellfish are collected or wherein they are laid down, washed or stored. (f) That large quantities of the shellfish here under consideration are introduced into England and Wales from Scotland and Ireland and that, therefore, any regula- tions or restrictions to be effectual should apply to all parts of Great Britain and to Treland. (g) That as large quantities of shellfish are introduced into this country from abroad, notably from Holland, France, and America, any legislation directed to the control of the home industry must also take account of foreign importations. . (h) That so long as the state of affairs revealed in this report obtains, both with regard to home and foreign shellfish, those persons who desire to avoid contraction of shellfish-borne enteric fever or gastroenteritis should either abstain entirely from such shellfish as mussels or cockles or consume them only after they have been actually at the boiling point for at least five minutes. (13) In Bureau of Chemistry Bulletin No. 136, by the present writer,! a review of the literature on shellfish contamination is sub- mitted, together with bacteriological and other data. THE MINISINK EPIDEMIC. INCEPTION OF THE INVESTIGATION. The annual firemen’s parade of Orange County, N. Y., was held on October 5, 1911. On this occasion fire companies, musicians, and guests were invited from Tuxedo Park, Middletown, Highland Mills, Suffern, Port Jervis, Wurtsboro, Nyack, Newburgh, Munroe, and - New York City, all of whom were present at the banquet given in honor of the Tuxedo Park Fire Department by the Minismk Hook and Ladder Co., and served that day at 6 p. m., in the music hall at Goshen, N. Y. The following dinners and banquets were served at Goshen on this day: (1) Minisink banquet, at Music Hall, about 155 guests present. (2) Cataract Engine and Hose Co., at the St. Elmo Hotel, about 100 guests present. (3) Dickman Hose Co., served at M. E. Church, about 125 guests present. (4) Goshen Fife and Drum Corps, at the Occidental Hotel, about 50 guests present. (5) Fire chiefs, engineers, and assistants, at Mrs. Dopp’s, about 30 guests present. 1 Stiles, Geo. W. Shellfish contamination from sewage-polluted waters and from other sources. Apr. 19, 1911. THE MINISINK EPIDEMIC. 11 Within a short time following this celebration a large number of illnesses occurred among those who had attended the Minisink ban- quet. The first ill effects noticed among those attending this par- ticular banquet were largely diarrheal in character; however, within 10 to 30 days following the banquet 17 well defined cases of typhoid fever and 83 cases of diarrhea or bowel trouble developed. AIL of the cases of typhoid and diarrhea were confined to those attending the one banquet, although it was said by laymen that ‘‘bowel trouble” was somewhat prevalent in the community during that time, information which was not confirmed by the local physicians; perhaps largely because the trouble was said to have been mild in character and not sufficient to demand the attention of a physician. On November 17, 1911, there appeared in a number of the New York newspapers a short account of an epidemic of typhoid and other illnesses following a banquet given October 5, 1911, at Goshen, N. Y. These accounts alleged that some of the oysters served on this occasion were probably the cause of the trouble. The writer’s attention was first called to these reports on the above date while in New York City engaged in making a sanitary survey of the oyster grounds in that vicinity. Thinking perhaps it would be instructive to obtain a more detailed account of the epidemic, a visit to Goshen was made that night. A number of prominent citizens who attended the banquet were inter- viewed, including the health officer and other local practicing physi- cians, all of whom gave valuable information and assistance. After the data obtained had been compiled, certain links of evi- dence which were essential in order to fully establish the origin of the epidemic were found to be wanting. On November 28, 1911, a second trip to Goshen was made and additional evidence obtained; samples of water were also collected from the well furnishing the water used for drinking purposes and for washing the oyster shells on which the oysters were served. A third visit to Goshen was made on December 15, 1911, as great difficulty had been experienced in securing positive evidence regarding the origin and shipment of the oysters said to have been served at the music hall the night of the banquet. This evidence was not finally obtained until diligent search revealed the records at the general office of the Wells-Fargo Co., New York City. During this time an inspection was made of the source from which the oysters were shipped, and samples of the shell stock and water were collected for analysis. After all the data had been assembled, the evidence was care- fully reviewed with four other experts, who were then in Wash- ington attending the meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. These were Dr. H. W. Conn, of Connec- 12 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. ticut, who reported the Wesleyan oyster epidemic of 1894; Dr. William H. Park, of New York City, whose opinions were valued because of his extensive researches; Prof. Frederick P. Gorham, of Brown Uni- versity, Providence, R. I., who has for many years been actively engaged in making examinations of oysters and studying sanitary — conditions; and Dr. H. D. Pease, now director of the Lederle Labo- ratories of New York City, who actually did the oyster work for the New York State board of health reported in 1904, and who has since that time made extensive examinations of oysters and grounds for private individuals in that State. Under the direction of Dr. Pease an independent investigation of the Minisink epidemic was made subsequent to the writer’s first visit at Goshen on November 17, 1911. His conclusions are in accord with those submitted in hie report. After consulting the scientists above mentioned, it was considered desirable to obtain further information, particularly with reference to shipments of oysters from the same source to other places. Yj , OR 3,54 Io, H7, _ 5, 1), ORTOGP%s | LPRHEA Fig, 2.—Graphic statement based on total number (155) ot guests at Minisink banquet. GASTROENTERITIS (DIARRHEA). Guests. Oysters eaten. | Guests. Oysters eaten. d Pere See em 1 | REO erie on ee ea ZA TRAD ee ee al ae ee ae eC 6 | RE aioe © a ee 2 ee INSEE Nis (ene ene aha cars PSs ge eee eee 5 Dia a te es eae, re NT oe HS IZA A lees = SAEs negara em BORE ney el Ie 4 ee 5 eS ete eer, ani ee OM Pabopcrie Sie SoS et 2 2 ee ee 3 Doe cle 5 ae Rr ecien Ceeme el Sat OE cee ee ren ye 2 CU et Goel we SN 2 I er eee en oe ee Sa Ty we a 3 10(| SSL a ap ean eS ge Aer AE Nie Af 1 Of the 170 letters sent to guests there were 107 replies reporting as follows: Diarrhea, 60; typhoid, 14; miscelianeous, 33; 8 returned unclaimed, making a total of 115 1 See figure 2, explaining these and 7 other similar 45672°—Bull, 156—12 3 letters accounted for. One of the cases. 2 Both had had typhoid fever previously. 15 ’ 16 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. Minisink guests who had typhoid ate nothing except his plate of 6 oysters. He had previously attended a special dinner at 4 p.m. with 29 other men and came to the music hall at 6 p. m. to take part in the program. It is to be noted that he is the only person among the 30 at the 4 o’clock dinner who was ill afterwards. This TS | INCOMPLETE pt 9%} O a hy K: its 0 Fic. 3.—Graphic statement based on 127 guests who ate Jamaica Bay oysters. case is one of the strongest links in the chain of evidence against the Rockaway oysters served at the Minisink banquet. Statement concerning 14 of the Minisink typhord cases. ere of Naer egin- Ce) : ning of | oysters Length of illness, ete. illness. eaten. 1911 Oct 6 | 3 months and 13 days; illness began with diarrhea. 19 4 | 12 weeks; had diarrhea intermittently before typhoid symptoms were in evidence. 22 2 | 8 weeks in bed; no diarrhea soon after banquet. ~ 12 4 | Fever lasted 42 days; no diarrhea. 6 6 | Fever lasted about 5 weeks; had diarrhea in beginning. 6 8 | 7 weeks; had diarrhea in beginning. 7 6 | Over 2 months; had diarrhea at first. 19 4 | Eight weeks in bed; disease began with diarrhea. 12 2 | Fever ran 21 days, 2 months sick; had diarrhea. Nov. 1 4 | Illness lasted 11 weeks; had diarrhea. Octsw9 5 | Illness lasted 2 months (fever 28 days). 28 3 | In bed 4 weeks; had diarrhea at first for 3 or 4 days. Nov. 1 3 | Illness lasted 3 months; no diarrhea soon after banquet. Res lee Died November 17; ate oysters; number not determined. THE MINISINK EPIDEMIC. aly A detailed statement was not received from 3 of the 17 cases, but the information was obtained from personal visits, and all three of the cases ate oysters. The period of incubation was within the proper limits, and the cases were diagnosed by competent physicians as typhoid fever. In most instances Widal’s test was made, with positive results in each case. Length of illness due to gastroenteritis (diarrhea). Number of guests. Weeks. Hoe sel eS HAY Bion ae Sic ed UN ERIE ome oe e ReS rane a 6 Um Be eo 6 OS ie BSI Sees Ch OE ene OI SE aE at 4 ee PD SNE URE HER ey Ee ac sil sea ee Se Pe Nai aa See sclra e! Scar doa-Sio edie bo G5, alia eho eee 3 Ted ge ek cc Pe Sie eee ig HI A I I a a a A a RR 2, TT Sk el ee ko ee Be Ta ol SI cl Cee oa eR i Lo ce eb ee Bh es Bitte ie aise Bete 6 RNS cits aay Belek iL it an Pe an) Ce ry Sa sof Sy uma A ea AIS nr ia PAT Cicada oS Gig x Soe ae ed cere 4 Bod SBR BORA ES tee ON oie OR Pe AION Tr nn Re ae oR 3 See eRe r ne ad op i ee Ste a eT IS, er aor wer tn Snover cra dy oe aie ois Sia he'd alg a Sie mis Sake 2 One of the guests who ate oysters at the Minisink banquct and had diarrhea died one week following the banquet. She had chronic kidney disease and her death was doubtless hastened by the severe diarrhea. Before the banquet, and for three days after- wards, she was in her usual health, but with the onset of diarrhea she rapidly collapsed. Her husband was one of the 17 who had typhoid fever. Since the illnesses reported to the health officer and physicians were wholly confined to the Minisink banquet, no cases having occurred among the guests at the four other dinners, a study of the menu served at this banquet was considered one of the first essentials. However, before going into a detailed consideration of the menu, a general discussion of Goshen and its surroundings is deemed advisable. GOSHEN WATER SUPPLY. When an epidemic of gastrointestinal disease breaks out in any community, the first thought is to examine the water supply. Goshen is located about 60 miles from New York City on the Erie Railroad, and the water for this town of 3,000 or more inhabitants is furnished by a general impounded lake supply and by numerous private wells. According to the State board of health reports, the general supply at times shows some evidence of surface pollution. The source of this contamination, according to the local health officer, is probably a barnyard located on the watershed of the reservoir. All of the water used at the Minisink banquet, both for drinking purposes and for washing the oyster shells, came from the well near Music Hall. This well is moderately shallow, with an open top, and the water is drawn by an endless chain pump. It is located quite 1 Days. 18 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. near the front of a dwelling, but no dangerous source of pollution was observed. , Two samples of water were collected from this well on November 29, 1911, shortly after a rain. The bacteriological examination showed the presence of gas-forming organisms of the B. coli type in ~ 5 ce quantities, but not in 1 cc in either sample. The water from the well had been continually used, both before and after the day of the banquet, by a large proportion of the child- ren attending school nearby and by a number of local residents. No illness of any description was ever attributed to drinking it, there- fore the water used at the Minisink banquet could not be held respon- sible for the epidemic following that occasion. GOSHEN MILK SUPPLY. The next general food supply to receive attention was the milk used in Goshen and at the banquet on October 5. In general, the milk of Goshen was furnished by four dairymen. According to the health officer, no case of typhoid fever had occurred on any of the four dairy farms during the entire season prior to the banquet. In fact, there had been only five or six cases of typhoid reported in that whole town and vicinity during the entire summer, and in most instances these appeared to have been contracted while visiting away from home, and were in families having no connection with the dairy farms. The milk and cream used at the Minisink banquet was furnished from a number of local sources. It was donated in various quantities by different individuals, and probably represented the entire source of supply of the four dairymen on that date. Owing to the fact that the cream and milk was largely used for the coffee and cooking, and that no cases of illness followed the other dinners, it does not seem probable that milk played any part whatever in the causation of the epidemic following the Minisink banquet. CONSIDERATION OF THE MENU. A consideration of the menu served at the banquet showed that the three articles, celery, ice cream, and oysters on the half shell, were the only food products eaten on this occasion which in any way could be held accountable for the spread of typhoid. organisms. In this connection, however, it may be well to mention that the tomato salad served was made from fresh, whole, ripe, home-grown tomatoes, which were prepared and handled inacleanly manner. No widespread epidemic of this character could have resulted from such a product. Of the 100 guests made ill, 41 did not eat the tomato salad, 7 of the 17 who had typhoid fever, and 34 of the 83 who had diarrhea; so this article was not the cause of the trouble. THE MINISINK EPIDEMIC. 19 CELERY. The celery served at the banquet was grown about 4.5 miles from Goshen on the same farm and was furnished from the same lot as that used at the St. Elmo Hotel and the Methodist Church on October 5. No illness occurred at either of those two places. There were 6 of the 17 typhoid cases and 17 of the 83 diarrhea cases, or 23 of the 100 per- sons made ill, who did not eat celery, and 11 people who ate celery and oysters who were not sick; thus celery was not the source of the difficulty. ICH CREAM. The ice cream served was manufactured at a factory located between Goshen and Middletown, N. Y. From this same lot was also fur- nished that used at the St. Elmo Hotel and the Methodist Church on October 5, where no illnesses occurred. There were 9 guests who did not eat oysters; however, they did eat ice cream, but no illness re- sulted, while 4 of the typhoid cases, and 7 of the diarrhea cases, or 11 guests did not eat ice cream, but all of them did eat “ Rockaway”’ oysters. This evidence shows that the ice cream was not the cause of the illnesses following the banquet. OYSTERS ON THE HALF SHELL. With two exceptions, all of the people who had typhoid fever or diarrhea following the Minisink banquet on October 5, 1911, ate raw oysters served on the half shell. One of the two exceptions was a lady who had worked hard that day preparing for the banquet and at night suffered from “‘indigestion,’’ which attacks were not uncom- mon with her. She did not eat oysters. The other case of illness began two weeks later, and was called “‘biliousness.”’ It is reason- able to believe that among 155 people there would be at least one or two who would have some intestinal derangement following an ordi- nary banquet, even if no infected food were served. The oysters for this banquet were furnished by a local retail merchant, designated dealer C. There were ordered for this occasion 1,000 oysters, to serve 6 oysters per plate for 160 guests, with instruc- tions that they should be freshly shucked at the store and delivered to the banquet hall out of the shell. It was intended to place the shucked oysters on shells before serving, and the shells used were taken from the same lot of shell stock which was opened at the store and sold to the banquet. As the oysters were opened, the empty shells were thrown into an empty oyster barrel, in which container they reached Music Hall; thus fresh oyster shells were used at the banquet, and, contrary to unfounded reports, no stale shells were used on this occasion. The dealer explained that the shells of all former oysters had been discarded and hauled away by farmers, who sought them eagerly for poultry food. 20 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. After arriving at the music hall, the oyster shells were carefully scrubbed at the nearby pump, just described as the source of water used for this banquet. These shells were cleaned by two men who used new brushes and the cleansed shells were placed in clean tubs. The same men who scrubbed the shells had done so on two former occasions of this character and no epidemics of typhoid followed those banquets. The previous history of these two individuals is well known by the health officer, and they never have had typhoid fever. They are cleanly in their habits, and an examination of their urine by the Lederle Laboratories gave negative results for typhoid bacilh. | This detailed account of these oyster shells is given because a report was circulated, by some one who had not investigated the matter, that the oyster shells were responsible for the illnesses fol- lowing the banquet. The possibility of the oysters becoming con- taminated from old infected shells was recognized, but careful investi- gation and consideration of all the facts in the case show no basis whatever for such a conclusion. The physical characters of these shells will be described later m connection with the differentiation of the oysters used at the banquet. SOURCE OF THE OYSTERS. At the time of making the first two visits to Goshen the writer was informed that all oysters sold by dealer C were received from dealer E of New York City, and accordingly the oysters served at the Mini- sink banquet were said to have come from the above firm. A visit to dealer E revealed the fact that one barrel of shell oysters had been shipped from New York City on October 2, reaching Goshen on the 3d,! or two days before the banquet. The purchase and sale books of the New York firm showed that these oysters came from the Great Kulls oyster grounds off the south side of Staten Island, N. Y. From the past history of these grounds it did not seem probable that shellfish from this locality would give rise to so many cases of typhoid fever and diarrhea; thus additional evidence was necessary to solve the problem as to the origin of the oysters. At the time of making the third visit to Goshen, a complete list of all the shipments made by express or freight to dealer C within one week prior to the banquet was obtained. The Wells, Fargo Express Co. is the only express company represented at Goshen; thus a search of this company’s records was sufficient to give complete information. The list of express articles for this period could not be identified by dealer C, as his bookkeeping was incomplete; thus it became necessary to inspect the records of the general office of the 1 Wells, Fargo & Co. express waybill 2, clerk 66, weight 275 pounds, New York, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1911, 1 barrel oysters. THE MINISINK EPIDEMIC. 21 Wells, Fargo Express Co. at New York City. Here it was ascertained that dealer C had received oysters from three different shippers during the week before the banquet, one of which was the shipment from dealer E sent on October 2, 1911, from New York, leaving the other two consignments yet to be accounted for. It was shown by the express records! that one barrel of oysters in the shell was shipped on October 3, 1911, by dealer B from Fulton Market, New York City, arriving at Goshen on the 4th; and on October 4 one 5-gallon tub of opened oysters was shipped from dealer F,? Seaford, Del., arriving at Goshen on, October 5, 1911, the day of the banquet. The express records for the Seaford shipment at the Goshen office were entered as having been received on October 6, but it was explained that the clerk systematically entered the record on the day following the receipt of the shipments. This entry caused considerable difficulty in accounting for the presence of freshly opened bulk oysters in the establishment of dealer C on the day of the banquet as claimed by him. On December 12, 1911, the oyster shucking plant of dealer F at Seaford, Del., was crepacied: samples of water used in washing oysters were collected, also ovsters taken from the same beds as were the oysters shipped to dealer C at Goshen, N. Y. The plant was in a moderately good sanitary condition, perhaps above the average in cleanliness; and the well water used for washing oysters did not show B. coli in 5 cc, though they were present in 10 ce quantities. The oysters came from near the mouth of Nanticoke River, in Chesapeake Bay, Md., and they scored 14 points, showing a passing mark. From an inspection point of view, the consumption of these oysters could not have been held responsible for any serious out- break of disease. During the fourth trip to Goshen it was learned that about 4 quarts of the 5-gallon tub of shucked oysters, received in bulk by dealer C, were furnished to the Minisnk banquet on account of shortage in the original delivery; thus complicating the situation as regards the kind and source of the oysters which appeared responsible for all the sickness among the Minisink guests. It was learned that oysters were served at the Occidental Hotel for 50 of their guests on October 5, 1911, and they were supplied by dealer C from the same 5-gallon lot of shucked oysters received from Seaford, Del., from which were furnished the 4 quarts for the Minisink banquet. No illness followed the dinner at the Occidental; thus these oysters were considered not to have been the cause of 1 Wells, Fargo & Co. waybill 13, clerk 24, weight 250 pounds, New York, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1911, 1 barrel oysters. 2 Wells, Fargo & Co. waybill 95, clerk 95, 5 gallons oysters, weight 60 pounds, advanced charges 37 cents, 22 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. any illnesses at the Minisink banquet. This view was sustained by subsequent investigations. It was shown that the bulk shucked oysters, or the last delivered, were largely served at the end of one long table, where no illnesses occurred, with one exception. This exceptional case was one of the waitresses, seated at the end of the table marked a—b in the diagram (fig. 1), who ate her dinner after serving the men, and the plate of oysters served her was brought by a young man from a portion of the table where the first lot of shell oysters, which some one else refused to eat, were served. This waitress developed typhoid fever, representing the only case of ill- ness at that end of the table, where about 20 guests were served. In addition to this evidence, a quart or more of the bulk oysters were left over and taken home by one of the ladies, and were eaten by a number of persons, none of whom developed any illness whatever. Considering the source of these opened oysters and the negative results following their consumption, it is plain that they were not responsible for the trouble experienced. Having satisfactorily eliminated the Seaford opened bulk oysters as a factor in the causation of disease at the Minisink banquet, the other two shipments of shell oysters, received on October 3 and 4 by dealer C, were considered more in detail. The barrel of 900 shell oysters was received at Goshen from dealer E on October 3, 1911, two days before the banquet. As there appeared to be quite a de- mand for oysters at that time it is probable that these oysters were quickly consumed. This view is taken because the order for 1,000 oysters could not have been wholly filled from a lot containing 900 oysters at the time of receipt, even though none of the shipment had been sold during the two days elapsing before the banquet. It was shown by dealer C that all of the oysters, opened freshly from their shells in his shop, came from the last shipment he received, and they had been ordered as “‘special;’’ thus this fact would also strengthen the position that the oysters from dealer E were not used on this occasion. Information subsequently obtained showed that other oysters taken from Great Kills at the same time as the shipment to Goshen were sold by dealer E to other retail dealers in different parts of New York State and no ill effects could be connected with their consumption. | When the facts became established that oysters were apparently responsible for the diseases following the Minisink banquet, all of the accumulated information pertaining to the quality and the probable chances of oyster contamination along the entire Atlantic coast was considered. It had been recognized for some time that Jamaica cn Note the arrangement of cases in the table diagram. The table to the right, from a to b, was served with Seaford oysters and the plates marked ‘‘S.” THE MINISINK EPIDEMIC. 23 Bay was badly polluted, and, in fact, as will be subsequently shown, many samples of oysters and water had been taken from Jamaica Bay at the very time the oysters were taken from this place for shipment to Goshen. These examinations led to a series of seizures and condemnations of oysters from this bay, the first of which was made on October 12, 1911." The first intimation that ‘‘Rockaway”’ or Jamaica Bay oysters played any part in the problem under solution was on November 29, 1911, the day before Thanksgiving, after searching the records at the Wells, Fargo & Co. general offices in New York City. It was then too late in the day to obtain information from dealer B, and it was not until December 15 that positive information was obtained as to the source of the ‘‘Rockaway”’ oysters. Soon after obtaining information relative to the shipment of oysters to Goshen by dealer B on October 3 from Fulton Market, New York City, a visit was made to this firm’s establishment. Here it was ascertained that the oysters in question were ‘‘Rockaways”’ which came from dealer A, located at Indian Creek, near Canarsie, Long Island. The complete system of bookkeeping followed by dealer B made it possible to establish this fact beyond any doubt. The source of the oysters under dispute then lay between the Great Kills oysters and the Rockaways taken from Jamaica Bay. Having shown that either the Great Kills oysters or the Rockaways were the infected oysters, a further study of the physical characteristics of these two varieties was made. During the early part of the investigation inquiries were made at Goshen regarding the color of the oysters served at the Minisink banquet. The testimony showed that few, if any, ‘‘green”’ oysters were observed on that occasion. This fact would tend to substantiate the belief that the oysters were of the Rockaway variety, as it is commonly known that many of the Great Kills oysters have a decid- edly green color at certain seasons of the year. Since many people object to this color these oysters are not so generally sold to be eaten raw on the half shell. They are more largely used for stews and par- ticularly for fried oysters in which the color wouid be concealed. On the other hand ‘‘Rockaway”’ oysters are sold ‘argely for half-shell purposes, and would generally be ordered for banquets in preference to the Great Kills oysters. A close study of Rockaway and Great Kills oyster shells shows considerable difference in their physical appearance. The Jamaica Bay or Rockaway shells grow very rapidly, owing to the great food value of those waters. This fact is recognized by practical oyster- men and these grounds have been eagerly sought for the rapid maturing of shell stock. This quick growth causes very long, thin 1U.S. Dept. Agr., Office of the Secretary, Notice of Judgment 1380. 24 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. brittle tips on many of the shells. Those in deeper waters or in the channels grow less rapidly than those on the flats, or shallow water. The tips of many Rockaway shells can be easily broken because of their brittleness and thinness, and many of these shells give evidence of softening and degeneration. They appear as though some acid or chemical had acted upon the shell, thus dissolving a portion of its structure. The practical oysterman realizes the soft character of the Rockaway oyster shelis, as they are nearly all ‘‘tonged”’ by hand from their beds instead of using power dredges, such as are operated in the Great Kills region. The Great [tills oysters generally grow less rapidly, their shells are stronger and tougher, the tips are not easily broken by handling, and they withstand shipping as far as the Pacific coast. These facts substantiate the belief that Rockaways, and not the Great Kills oysters, were used at the Minisink banquet. An investigation of the kind of oyster shells used at the music hall led to the discovery that they had been buried the day following the banquet near music hall beside a telephone pole. About 4 dozen of the shells were recovered and identified by the man who buried them. They were brought to the laboratory, washed, and matched with a similar number of oyster shelis taken by the writer on Decem- ber 5,1911, from the floating bins of dealer A, at Canarsie, Long Island. A study of Plate I shows the character of the oyster shells and the close similarity of those served at the music hall and those obtained direct from Jamaica Bay. This evidence seems sufficient to show positively that Great Kills oysters were not served at the Minisink banquet, which conclusion was reached after taking into consideration all of these facts and the analyses subsequently submitted from these two localities. CASES STUDIED AT ROCHESTER, N. Y. On October 3, 1911, one barrel of Rockaway oysters from dealer A was shipped by dealer B to a dealer in Rochester, N. Y., followed by one barrel on the 11th, two on the 12th, and one on the 14th of Octo- ber. During the year 1911, 76 cases of typhoid fever were reported in Rochester;* of this number 48 were reported during the months of October, November, and December, the latter month having 23 of the 76, or more than 30 per cent of the cases reported for the year. It is a recognized fact that the typhoid death rate of Rochester is normally exceedingly low. During the year there had been no epidemics ascribed to milk infection, and the water had apparently played little part in the transmission of typhoid bacilli. When presented with the facts that certain shipments of infected shellfish had been received during October at Rochester, the health officer of that city admitted the probability of their being the most 1 Report of the bureau of health of the city of Rochester, December, 1911, p. 3. PLATE l. Bul. 156, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. “AVG VOIVAVE WOYS STISHS HLIM LANONVG LV GSAYSS ST1SHS YALSAO 3O NOSIYVdWOD SATLSAO AVE VOWEL LTIONYS TIM ASN LY CINATS SYLLSAO CASES STUDIED AT ROCHESTER, N. Y. 25 important factor in the greatly increased number of typhoid cases reported during October, November, and December. There was obtained from the health office a list of cases reported during these months in 1911, and January, 1912, and 33 of these cases were per- sonally investigated. Careful inquiry was made as to the possibility of contact, the sanitary conditions of premises, the water and milk used, and whether or not raw oysters were consumed within one month prior to the illness. The weight of evidence obtained as to the probable source of infection gave the following results: OvaterswsOurcenImMdekehimMimle Ges. s osm hee onc oe se loca oe sas oes oe eee 8 TBO INGE S63 beso MEISE cg pres a Gas ick moi am Onn a ge ne 5 TRavira katy coscystaeraes eee dette Seren Set ye, op gee we Sle STA Lie ie tos Less S Ce 8 6 carrey ce teeta ge Na ete Ooch mae Ah gE ail: Sah ee ce ui ase 6 SUH SMTA SH THILO AST (USL) eaten eee AG) Nasty a ee RR, fog er ne eee 4 Maher motrnoehester stil) esse t§ ae a te ee yl ARS tet Mec Re RNs asa il JN EGU een i a ae Pag fe AES ay Scoala 9h ten aN 1 ATE Tea ae reat etapa te erteete = An roe cyte ene, Mtl 2b dud Suh oesa aval seme 33 According to this table, oysters appeared to be responsible for 13, or 39.4 per cent, of the 33 cases investigated. Thecases were widely scattered throughout the city, and in nearly all instances they appeared among well-to-do families where sanitary conditions were exceptionally good. Among the cases reported as eating “Rockaway” oysters, it was almost impossible to trace the oysters back to the specific dealer from whom they were obtained; however, all of the firms from whom these oysters were purchased handled Rockaways almost to the exclusion of other oysters at the time when they were eaten and when the infec- tion probably began. The visit to Rochester was made on January 8 and 9, about four months after the shipment of oysters in October; thus, owing to tlie length of time elapsed, it was more difficult to trace the cases directly to any one of the five shipments made at that time. In most cases in which oysters appeared responsible for the infection, other members of the same family were not made ill; however, in nearly every instance the infected person was the only one who ate the oysters raw. Those who ate cooked oysters escaped the infection. In fact, it was generally observed that in most instances oysters were cooked—not eaten raw, as is the custom in many coast towns located near oyster grounds. If this is generally true in Rochester, it will explain why more people did not contract typhoid fever from eating these oysters, especially the shipment of October 3, 1911, which came from the same lot served at the Minisink banquet at Goshen, N. Y., on October 5, 1911; had they been eaten raw, the same disastrous results would doubtless have followed their consumption. It should be said that a number of the cases reported in Rochester had been brought from neighboring towns, and some of those inter- 26 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. viewed belonged to this class. As opportunity was not afforded to visit these towns, no information relative to the source of oysters eaten was obtained. Data in regard to excessive diarrhea or other intestinal diseases were nof available, owing to the fact that cases of this character were not reported to the health office; hence there was no way of locating persons who may have been afflicted with such disturbances. SCHOOLMASTERS’ BANQUET, NEWBURGH, N. Y. During the Minisink investigation 1t was learned that a shipment of one-half barrel of shell oysters had been made from dealer A, located at Indian Creek, by a Fulton Market firm, to Newburgh, N. Y., on October 12, 1911. These oysters were served at the schoolmasters’ banquet, given at a Newburgh hotel on the following day. There were present at this banquet about 60 teachers and their guests, representing some 8 counties of the State. The names and addresses of the individuals attending this banquet, together with a list of the articles of food served on this occasion, were obtained. A circular letter similar in character to that sent the guests of the Minisink banquet was prepared and sent to each of these 60 indi- viduals. Of the 57 who replied, 1 stated that he did not attend the banquet, leaving a total of 56 individuals who were present. The menu served at this banquet contained oysters on the half shell, soup, fish, roast chicken, cooked vegetables, salad, ice cream, cake, and coffee. These letters showed that 50 of the 56 guests had eaten raw oysters, and of this number 13, or 23.2 per cent, had gastrointestinal disturb- ances, in most instances beginning 2 or 3 days later, and somewhat similar in character to the cases following the Minisink banquet. Information relative to one positive case of typhoid fever, or 2 per cent of those eating oysters, was obtained, the illness beginning about 12 days after the banquet. & Do. 31 | Jan. 14 | 20,000 1,000 4 0 0| 4 Patuxent River, Md. 32 do 80, 000 60, 000 3 0 Ones Do. 33 do 60, 000 16, 000 4 0 QO} 4 Do. 34 | Jan. 20 | 50,000 3,000 5 0 0; 5 Norfolk, Va. 35 | Feb. 21 | 11,000 2,000 2 1 0} 3 Patuxent River, Md. 36 do 6, 000 800 2 2 0| 4 Warwick River, Md. 37 | Feb. 27 | 70,000 3,000 1 1 0} 2 Great Kills, Staten Island, N. Y. 38 | Nov. 10 | 44,000 10, 000 4 1 Oi & Norfolk, Va. 39 | Nov. 16 | 8,000 4,000 4 1 Oo 5 Do. : 40 | Nov. 17 | 2,600 400 3 0 Ones “‘Cherrystones,”’ from Virginia. 41 do.....} 1,200 1,100 5 0 0} 5 Do. 42 | Nov. 22] 2,500 1,000 1 0 Oo] 1 Great South Bay, Long Island, N. Y. 43 do 7,000 6, 000 2 2 0} 4 Norfolk, Va. 44 Goyee 8, 000 4, 600 4 1 0} 5 Deo. 45 do 16, 000 8, 000 3 2 OF | ax5 Do. 46 | Nov. 27 |250,000 | 100,000 3 0 Ones New York, N. Y. 47 |...do. 15, 000 2,000 3 il 0} 4 Do. F 48 | Dec. 14 |120,000 20, 000 2 0 Oni: Nanticoke River, Md. 49 | Dec. 4 | 37,000 22, 000 3 2 0} 5 Norfolk, Va. — 50 | Dec. 16 | 10,000 8, 000 4 1 0] 5 Chincoteague, Va. (unfloated). 43.31 1 Out of 4 oysters. 2 Out of 14 oysters. 3 Less than 100. 4 Average score. NotE.—These oysters were examined according to the recommendations of the Committee on Stand- ard Methods of Shellfish Examination. 38 Oysters from Jamaica Bay. SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. — eee Organisms per cu- | B. coli determinations (each | score based on 5 oysters). Total No. Date. | score | (points). | jeeece 0.1 ce. 0.01 ce. 1911 RE es see ke arom nec ee Sept. 28 5 | 5 1 140 TOT NS ed EON ee Sept. 29 5 5 2 230 oi S aoe sn oer coaaaccger sasoceace|(e~4 do.. 5 5 2 230 Borne ems reaerns fee tae seen | coe do.. } | 5) 1 140 NE cease ae aa ree oan Oct. 9 5 5 1 140 (DSU EeSaReavbeeeseeessopesasa oko -do. 5 5 2 230 MESS a waco Rote Es be eee oe do s< 5 | 4 2 140 See eee ae cece emcees Saeed . do. o | 3 1 140 We a a eee Ae ea (ire does 5 + 1 50 DOSE Seer sate. yet sone oe Oct. 10 5 | 5) + 410 1 Ses es ecg re agent amen ge Peer pra Oct. 11 5 5 2 230 2 oes Serene earn Se ee eee les dors s2: 5) 5) 1 140 1S ee es een er gee eee eee Fe dO 5 5 2 230 foe ees ee Se) 5 RC Ee Oct. 12 5 5 3 320 LS A a eee ene eee Rae dor 5 4 2 140 EG Ee a eee As ee SAO (OBESE 3 | 5) 3 320 LY an ROR es RSD oom S| i doz2.= 5 | 5 3 320 Lo Se eS ee es (2S doze" 5 5 4 410 LAE ean es SNE ore 2 eee Rae doz 5 5 3 320 7: ie Sea ea yest Sy ee Se Ee dost=: 5 5 2 230 Dr ee a Nee ee Ee ee ==do= 5) 5) 4 410 7 Rg aN TE ee ee eg do==ze2 5 5 S 410 Deen a Se R SEE SR ee oe Meee dq: 2 5) 5) 0 50 DAE PEL ip eae 23 arrested do. 5 | 4 2 140 7S oA ce rp DO eee Ne dosts.8 5 4 1 50 ZUM oo eee eee See ae eer dO. 25-- 5 5 3 320 74 ES ON ase ae ep ae ee So| RO does 5) 5 4 410 DRI ee te tn ears Co ons do. 5 5 5 500 73 Se NAS ETS Poe ee SP ee be do.. 5 5 5 500 Bee ee a Ce ets are ee =-G022225 a) 5) 3 320 Res eee ete ee Se ee ee doz 5 4 3 230 Bee Ses ee aera ee teres Ba (reese 5 4 t 320 Sc Seba eae rae a arena regi 5.0025 252 5 5 3 320 Gare Same eee aw seme Ae Pee doseeee 5 5 3 320 BON Jason bat cape macs sea Nese snd Os-2e 5 5 4 410 BORE nee ena n ae neta en (aoe a-d02!2] 5 | 5 2 230 SOA Seo ee Ate ones owes Se ae Nov. 20 5 | 3 1 4) BOD see hia es See eee eee erly ae) 5 3 2 50 OCR a eae ea scene aees ene =2 20022 5 5 1 140 SOU ae Rael Bae ee ene nate Nov. 22 5 5 1 140 OG SNe evar tae este en Ae Be CO Re ra 5 | 4 2 140 DORR se Socere sane see eas bee) ei ou 5 2 230 OY (ede Se Ae a ee aA Nov. 24 on 3 0 32 SO eee ots eS Seep een RG | pee 5 2 0 23 ci a ee St eee ieee es ledote*=s 5 3 0 32 AOR eee sn te eee: Be =200=-2-8 Gy | 5 2 230 ZA TE eae eRe ep epee erate, aoe (od dozz= 5 4 1 50 1 rE ae PR SRR ey ( do. 5 | 1 1 23 AS aioe Aes ci a sre ee dO. 5 | 2 1 32 BAD te Noe eee ea oe BAO tee 5 3 1 41 AE oe ee aa sen eee oe eee Dec. 15 5 2 0 23 cL cee hae feces ee rere el a 5-00-2252 5 3 1 41 Lie wears AR Seca aaa crete aan NIE dois=- 5 4 2 | 140 ZS ees een Maas Ae ese eee lap edore-es 5 + 2 140 AOS Sere ae ees eee esc ee Os seas 5 | 4 0 41 BF os EP a ie eee A Ree) ae doze: 5 | 5 0 50 | J bie centimeter, plain agar, at— 450, 000 320, 000 700, 000 270, 000 SSS p19 99:0 ww ASS wap Hor o9 o09 b9 SSssssssssssssssssssss 2s S5 or me Oo SOANMNSS — ssss —) PERS Soon Ss SS55S8S8 NoTE.—No. 1 collected from Silver Hole, near Broad Channel, Jamaica Bay, N. Y., by Dr. Stiles. Nos. 2, 3, and 4 taken from Fulton Market, New York; said to have been 1 day out of water. and 9 from dealer, New York City; probably 2 days out of water. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, No. 10 from market, New York; unfloated. Nos. 11,12, and 13 from dealer, New York. Nos. 14 to 36, inclusive, from seized lot; all floated near Inwood. Nos. 37 to 44, inclusive, collected by Inspector Holton from Silver Hole, near Broad Channel. Nos. 45 to 50, inclusive, from dealer; floated at head of Indian Creek, near Canarsie, L. I. BACTERIOLOGICAL DATA. 89 ISOLATION OF ORGANISMS. B. COLI AND B. PARATYPHOSUS TYPES. During the investigations pertaining to Jamaica Bay in 1908 a num- ber of organisms were studied from the water and oyster samples col- lected direct from this bay. The gas-producing organisms were classed as belonging to the B. coli and B. cloace groups. In reviewing these records it is observed that some of the atypical types more closely resemble the paratyphoid type than the B. col or paracolon group. From the oyster and water samples collected from dealer A on December 15, 1911, there were a number of JB. coli-like organisms isolated, and others which resembled the B. paratyphoid group. One strain agglutinated typhoid immune serum in dilutions of 1:100, but not in higher dilutions. This serum was active in dilutions of 1:1,000 on typhoid cultures; it was obtained from Maj. F. F. Russell, of the Army Medical School. 3 In their discussion of the paratyphoid bacillus, Muir and Ritchie ? show the close similarity existing among various strains of this group. They say: With regard to the effects of other sera on the paratyphoid bacillus, it may be said that usually a typhoid serum will require to be used in greater concentration to clump this bacillus than is necessary to obtain an effect with the typhoid bacillus itself. * * * While the paratyphoid bacillus originates a disease resembling typhoid fever, it has also been found in the stools of typhoid patients, and mixed infections may occur. Both organisms have been observed together in the stools in typhoid carriers, and pure paratyphoid carriers are also stated to occur. Among the 83 cases of gastroenteritis resulting from the Minisink banquet, a large majority of them exhibited symptoms not unlike a mild typhoid infection, and in some instances the course of the disease was from four to six weeks in duration, although in most cases not longer than one week or 10 days. For the most part, the illness began in from 24 to 48 hours after the banquet, while in some cases four or five days or a week elapsed before the first symptoms were noticeable. The onset of the illness was usually attended by severe abdominal pains, cramps, profuse diarrhea, loss of appetite, and general gastro- intestinal disturbances. In some of the more severe cases diarrhea, loss of weight, gaseous distention, and weakness were prominent features requiring the services of a physician for a considerable length of time. None of these cases was reported as typhoid fever, although many were termed ‘“‘ptomain poisoning” by laymen, and castor oil was generously used in Goshen following the Minisink banquet. TYPHOID ORGANISMS. Among the organisms described in Bureau of Chemistry Bulletin 136, by the author, four strains were obtained which resembled 1 Park, W. H., and Williams, Anna W. A Textbook of Pathogenic Bacteria and Protozoa, 1910, p. 270. 2 Manual of Bacteriology, 1910, p. 382. 40 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. B. typhosus biologically, but did not agglutinate typhoid immune serum. These cultures were obtained in 1908 from Jamaica Bay oysters. The description of those organisms is identical in character to that of a culture isolated from oysters which had been allowed to ‘“‘drink”’ under an oyster house at Inwood, Long Island, on October 12, 1911, in a similar manner as were the oysters floated at Indian Creek, near Canarsie. The oysters from Inwood were seized and con- demned by the United States Government." It will be recalled that the oysters furnished the Minisink banquet came from the floats on October 2, 1911, or 10 days before the oysters floated at Inwood, Long Island, from which the above organism was isolated. | The cultural. characteristics of the organism isolated from the oysters floated at Inwood are as follows: Morphology and staining properties: Gram-negative, actively ‘motile bacilli, rods usually straight with slightly rounded ends, varying in size from about 0.4 to 0.8 by 1.5 to 4 microns, generally somewhat longer and more slender than Bacillus coli. No chains, spores, or capsules observed. Biological characters: Plain agar: Soft, grayish white, moderately abundant growth. Endo’s medium: Small pearly dewdrop colonies. Peptonized beef broth: Rendered uniformly turbid with no ring or membrane. Potato: No visible growth. Alkaline litmus milk: Unchanged or faintly alkalinized after a slight initial acidity. Sugar solutions: No gas production in dextrose, lactose, or saccharose. Nitrate solution: Nitrates absent. Dunham’s solution: Indol not present. Gelatin: Not liquefied, more or less circular, flat, whitish growth on surface, filiform stab. Agglutination: Positive in 1:1,000 dilutions after five minutes. The typhoid serum was furnished by Dr. Russell of the Army Medical School. This organism is considered to be a typical strain of B. typhosus. To confirm this opinion, cultures were submitted to Dr. F. F. Russell, of the Army Medical School, and Dr. Wm. H. Park, of the New York City Department of Health, who agreed with these findings. This organism was isolated in pure cultures by Ruth C. Greathouse, a scientific assistant in the Bacteriological Laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry, from oysters received on October 19, 1911, or seven days after the oysters were taken from the water. These oysters were from the lot seized, were taken from the floats at Inwood, L. L., and were in apparently good physical condition. The typhoid cul- ture, together with 24 other cultures in bouillon 24 hours old, ineclud- ing members of the B. col, B. paratyphosus, and B. paracoli groups, were primarily isolated from Endo’s plates made directly from the oyster liquor without enrichment. The cultures which produced no gas (15 in number) were incubated in lactose-dextrose litmus agar 1U.S8. Dept. Agr., Office of the Secretary, Notice of Judgment 1380. BACTERIOLOGICAL DATA. Al tubes, prepared according to the formula used by Russell.t. Of the 15 cultures thus inoculated, 5 showed reactions corresponding to Russell’s description of the typhoid organism and were submitted to the writer for identification. One of these 5 cultures was subsequently found to be B. typhosus and confirmed as above described. The 4 other cultures were discarded because they were feebly motile; no attempt was made to rejuvenate or increase their motility. The organisms described as paratyphoid and paracolon were classified wholly from their morphological and biological character- istics on differential media, including their reaction on Russell’s double sugar litmus agar, dextrose, lactose, and saccharose fermenta- tion tubes, milk, etc. No agglutination tests were made on these strains. In addition to these organisms a strain resembling B. alcaligenes was also recovered and studied in the same manner as were the others. After having been out of water for 21 days at 39° F., oysters from the same lot that contained the typhoid bacilli were examined by the author. A large number of strains of organisms were isolated from 24-hour Endo’s plates, prepared directly from the shell liquor of these oysters, and transferred to Russell’s double sugar agar tubes. Of the cultures showing reactions for B. typhosus on this medium, further study was made on differential media and by agglutination tests. One strain resembling B. typhosus thus isolated was at first only moderately motile, but it possessed all the other biological charac- teristics of typhoid bacilli. Its motility was greatly increased by growing on gelatin for two generations. The agglutination tests were made by using one-day gelatin stock cultures grown at room temperature. These tests were made in dilutions of 1:1,000 macro- scopically, and confirmed in hanging drop preparations in dilutions 1 Russell, F. F. The Isolation of Typhoid Bacilli from Urine and Feces, with the Description of a New Double Sugar Tube Medium. (Reprinted from The Journal of Medical Research, vol. 25, No.1.) Enough 5 per cent aqueous solution of litmus is added to plain agar (2 per cent to3 per cent), with a reaction of about +0.8 per cent to phenolphthalein, to give it a distinct purple violet color, the amount of litmus depending on color of agar (dark requiring more than the light), and the reaction is then adjusted by addingesodium hydrate until the mixture is neutral to litmus. Then 1 per cent of lactose and 0.1 per cent of glucose are added, dissolved ‘in a small amount of hot water, and the medium tubed as for slants. After tubing, pack slants loosely in basket and sterilize them for 10 minutes on first day and 15 minutes on second day in an Arnold sterilizer; then slant and store in dark place. On this double sugar tube the typhoid bacillus gives, after an incubation period of from 8 to 18 hours, an extremely characteristic appearance; the surface growth is filiform and colorless on a blue background; the upper part of the tube is unchanged in color, but the lower part, the butt, is a brilliant uniform red. The entire point of the medium rests upon the difference between the changes produced by the growth of the typhoid bacillus under aérobic and those produced under the imperfect anaérobic conditions found in the butt of the tube, where the bacillus obtains its oxygen by breaking down the glucose, with the libera- tion of considerable acids on the surface, however, in the presence of free oxygen, no acid is formed. The colon bacillus, which is often slow in producing acid on the Endo plate, shows abundant gas and acid formation on this medium. The tube is reddened throughout, both above and below, and since the abundant lactose is attacked equally with the glucose there is exuberant gas formation. The Bacillus fecaius alcaligenes and other alkali formers leave the medium unchanged or slightly bluer. 49 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. of 1:200 with serum from the same lot previously mentioned, and used on the culture isolated by Miss Greathouse from oysters exam- ined on October 19, 1911. It should be said, in connection with the isolation of these two strains of typhoid organisms, that no other cultures of typhoid bacilli were being used in the laboratory at that time. There was a pure culture in stock kept with other organisms in the ice box, but there was no connection whatever between the stock cultures and those isolated from the Jamaica Bay oysters. Inwood is a station located near the eastern end of Jamaica Bay, while Indian Creek, near Canarsie, is a small stream flowing into the northwestern portion of the same bay. Both sections are subject to gross human pollution. The conditions prewailing at the two places are somewhat similar, and the results obtained from an examination of the shellfish collected from both are practically the same, being highly polluted in each instance. PROBABLE CAUSE OF THE GASTROENTERITIS (DIARRHEA). From a study of the clinical symptoms, onset of illness, and dura- tion of the disease, together with the presence of paratyphoid bacilli in oysters taken from dealer A, the conclusion is reached that the diarrhea or bowel trouble can probably be ascribed to the presence of paratyphoid bacilli (said by some authors to be indistinguishable from or closely allied to the Gaertner bacillus) in the oysters served at the Minisink banquet. Itisapparent that the disease was due to bacte- rial infection, arising from the multiplication of the organisms in the body after ingestion, and not to “‘ptomains,” as suggested by some. Ptomains are formed most commonly during the decay of animal matter. They are essentially the decomposed animal tissue, not excretions of the bacteria, although the bacteria are responsible for the decomposition. Such decomposition does not occur usually in the body, even in animal matter taken as food. In abnormal con- ditions, if food remains in the body until putrefied, ptomains may be formed in the intestinal contents. When decomposed food con- taining ptomains is received in the digestive tract, or originally good food decomposes there, the mucous membrane and blood may take up ptomains from this decomposed food, which ptomains affect the tissues like other poisons. Substances of quite varied chemical constitution are classed under the head of ptomains solely on account of their origin in proteid decomposed by bacterial action. Bacterial toxins are to be distin- guished from ptomains. Toxins are substances which are or have been a part of the body of the bacteria; some are secretions from the germ, others are liberated only in case of the death and breaking down of the germ itself. In this latter class is the toxin of typhoid fever, which is therefore particularly different in its origin and action SUMMARY. 43 from ptomains. The toxins are much more poisonous than pto- mains and each one is produced by a specific germ. Some cases of sickness due to food have been classed as ptomain poisoning, when this cause was later discovered to be the ingestion in the food of a particular bacillus which multiplied in the body and by its toxin produced intestinal and other disturbances. Such cases are not ptomain poisoning but may be classed as food poisoning. SUMMARY. (1) There is undisputed evidence to show that infected oysters, clams, mussels, scallops, and other shellfish may cause typhoid fever and other gastrointestinal disturbances when consumed by suscep- tible individuals. (2) The epidemics of typhoid fever, due to ingestion of polluted sea food, have in most instances been traced to shellfish floated in polluted water, although there is also evidence that oysters and other shellfish, grown in polluted waters and directly consumed without transplanting for a time in pure waters, may be the source of typhoid infection. (3) The investigations pertaining to the Minisink banquet, held at Goshen, N. Y., on October 5, 1911, show conclusively that the ‘““Rockaway’’ oysters served on this occasion were wholly responsi- ble for the typhoid and gastroenteritis cases following this banquet. (4) There were 17 well-defined cases of typhoid fever, with one death, and 83 cases of gastroenteritis (diarrhea) traced directly to eating “Rockaway” oysters from Jamaica Bay, floated at Indian Creek, near Canarsie, Long Island, N. Y. (5) In addition to the typhoid and other intestinal disorders fol- lowing the consumption of ‘‘ Rockaway” oysters at the Minisink banquet, there were also 10 other cases of typhoid and 16 of diarrhea traced to eating “Rockaway” oysters, some of which came from the same lot furnished for the Minisink banquet. (6) The bacteriological examination of water and shellfish col- lected from Jamaica Bay shows that this body of water is dangerously polluted; the laboratory data are substantiated by. the sanitary inspection, which shows that millions of gallons of raw sewage dis- charge daily into this bay, and, in many instances, in close proximity to or directly over oyster beds. (7) Typhoid bacilli were isolated in pure culture after 7 and 21 days from oysters which had been floated at Inwood, Long Island, N. Y., on October 12, 1911, and kept out of water in storage at 39° F. Organisms of the B. coli and B. paratyphosus groups were also isolated from oysters floated at Indian Creek, near Canarsie, Long Island. They were probably the cause of the gastroenteritis cases following the Minisink banquet. 44 SEWAGE-POLLUTED OYSTERS AS CAUSE OF TYPHOID. (S) This investigation comprises a complete study of all the fac- tors which would materially contribute to typhoid infection. Each item of the menu served at the Minisink banquet was carefully con- sidered, and the ‘‘Rockaway”’ oysters served were the only articles of food consumed by all of those who had typhoid or gastroenteritis following this banquet. : | ee COPIES of this publication may be procured from the SUPERINTEND- ENT OF DOCUMENTS, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.,at 10 cents per copy » AU Mae ey 1h Yay