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Shannon Genealogy




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Copyright, 1905,



The Genesee Press :

The Post Express Printing Co,

Rochester, New York



It was in September, t88j, that I first met Mr. Hodgdon at his law offices in Portsmouth, N. H., and induced him to undertake the investi- gation which has resulted in this compilation. In i8S6 he entered public lite, and so for a time was prevented from continuing his genealogical studies, which were always so congenial to him, and for which he seemed to have a special aptitude. Finally, in 1890, he informed me that the work was nearly completed, and only awaited the insertion of a few additional data to be ready for the press. In June of the following year the rumor reached me that he was dead, and upon telegraphic inquiry I tound the sad news was only too true. In the full strength of his powers, having already achieved a distinguished position in life, and with every probability of a long and honorable career before him, he passed from the world, an irreparable loss to his family, his friends, and the community at large.

In view of the great debt our family owe to Mr. Hodgdon for the service he has rendered them in this compilation, it is but natural that they should desire to know something more of his personality, and so we have thought it well to reproduce here the article that appeared in the "Daily Evening Times," of Portsmouth, N. H., under date of June 12, 1 89 1, announcing the demise ot our friend, and paying a warm and eloquent tribute to his memory.

" This community was shocked, verilv shocked, by the intelligence that Hon. and Ex-Mayor George E. Hodgdon had joined ' the silent majority,' his demise occurring last evening about ten o'clock, after a brief illness from that dread disease pneumonia.

" He was born in Barnstcad, N. H., March 4, 1839, and was the only child of Charles E. and Jane Hodgdon. He was educated at Dartmouth College, class of 1861 ; was an apt, retentive scholar, devoted to his books, always at the head of his class, and never suffered any school duty to lapse, however hard it might be, if persistent study and the midnight oil could overcome the obstacle. He was gradu- ated from Dartmouth with high honors, reluctant even then to part with his alma mater, for whom he had ever had the profoundest reverence.

" The parents of the deceased early became residents of Portsmouth, where their esteemed son, soon after graduating, commenced the study of law, for which he had a peculiar aptitude. He was shortly admitted to practice ; his abilities were generally recognized and his services quickly and continuously in demand. Keen in his research and vigorous in argument, those who entrusted him with their cases were sure of a strong advocate and one persistent to the end. He was generously


regarded by the profession, of which he was so able a representative, and the memory of ' the counsel for the defense,' as he was familiarly known, will have enduring inscription on the records of our courts.

" Mr. Hodgdon had also a distinguished military career. He was commissioned a lieutenant in Company G., Tenth New Hampshire Volunteers, on August 20, 1862, the captain of the Company being the late George VV. Towie, and the command composed entirely of Portsmouth bovs. He served with the Ninth Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and resigned February 24, 1863, on account of ill- health. On June 2, 1864, he was appointed by President Lincoln a second lieutenant in the \'eteran Reserve Corps and assigned to staff duty as aide-de-camp in the Department of the Tennessee, taking part in the campaign in northern Georgia in the following July and August. In September of that year he was transferred to the Department of the Missouri, and served on the staff of Gen. Thomas Ewing, Jr., during the Missouri invasion by the Confederate Army under Gen. Stirling Price. On November 22, 1864, Lieutenant Hodgdon was appointed to a captaincy, and was recommended by a military board of examination for a colonelcy of colored infantry. On January 15, 1865, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel in that branch of the service, but much to general regret declined the appointment and resigned military duty on March 29, 1866, after a record of which any soldier could well be proud.

" He returned to Portsmouth and soon became prominent in ci\il life, t)ccupy- ing many responsible positions of trust. Included among them were the following : Commander of Storer Post, No. i, G. A. R., in 1880 ; Adjutant-General, Depart- ment of New Hampshire, G. A. R., 1885-1886; Judge-Advocate in 1887 ; Junior VHce-Commander in i88g, and Senior V'ice-Commander in 1890. In 1891 he declined an election as Department-Commander.

"He was City Solicitor of Portsmouth in 1875-6; a member of the House of Representatives in 1875, 1887, 1889 and 1890, and Alderman and member of the Board of Instruction in 1886 ; Mayor of the city in 1888-9 ; ^ P^^t Grand- Dictator of the Grand Lodge, Knights of Honor, of New Hampshire ; treasurer of the Sagamore Lodge, K. of H., of this city, and a trustee in several other prominent associations. In every position Mr. Hodgdon was thoroughly trusted, and his counsel always followed.

" In politics he was a staunch Democrat, and to his party he ever gave his best counsel and service, and was in turn honored by it in many ways. To his political opponents he accorded every meed of praise, when merited ; indeed, he was not a partisan in any sense of the word, but in every post he held was just to all.

" He was frequently called ' a man of silence,' but his reticence was more the outcome of deep thought than of any natural disposition to coldness and reserve. He never allowed himself to go daft over any matter presented to his attention. Whatever came before him was given close study, and if he discovered aught that was ill or of benefit to his client, his opinion regarding it would soon be known, and in language that carried with it no doubtful meaning. He had hosts of warm personal friends, and although he was undemonstrative, yet his attachments were like the still waters, which run deep.

" Mr. Hodgdon was twice married, and leaves two estimable daughters. Miss


Bertha and Miss Mabel, by his first wife, surviving. His father, who though beyond the allotted three score and ten is still comparatively vigorous, is also left to mourn the departure of an esteemed son. The estimable mother, who was a saint trans- planted to earth, died several years ago, and of the same disease, pneumonia, which ended the notable career of the subject of this all too imperfect sketch.

" Beloved children and esteemed father have the tenderest sympathy of this community in their unspeakable affliction; a loss which cannot be expressed through the povertv of language. But ' underneath are the everlasting Arms.'

" Hail and farewell, kind, generous companion !

" We lav our wreaths ot laurel and of bav upon the now silent heart, and feel that victory is the merited verdict in this final case ot the counsellor and advocate, George E. Hodgdon."

From a biographical notice ot Mr. Hodgdon in Bell's " Bench and Bar" (p. 441) we quote the following:

" He was a fine scholar, particularly in Greek, and became much interested in his later years in history and genealogy. He published in the ' Portsmouth Journal ' a series of notes and additions to the text ot Adam's ' Annals of Portsmouth,' and had prepared tor publication histories of one or more families of early prominence."

Shortly after Mr. Hodgdon's death in 1891 the manuscript copy of this work came into my possession, and might then have been published, but tor the fact that I had just accepted an appointment in the diplomatic service, and was about proceeding to my post ot dutv ; and so it was not till the Spring of 1899 that I was able to give the matter any personal attention.

After a careful examination ot the manuscript it was then found to be hardly ready for publication, it it was to conform to the requirements of genealogies of the latest type. Sketches ot the more important members of the earlier generations of the family were altogether too brief and meagre in statement, considering the data and information that might, with a little effort, be easily obtained from a variety of sources. Besides, Mr. Hodgdon had contemplated nothing in the way of illustrations, whether of portraits, old homesteads or facsimiles of autographs, private papers or public documents, a feature which now adds so much to the interest of this class of publications, and which we have endeavored in a measure to supply. A dozen tabular charts have also been inserted show- ing the descent of particular members of the family.

Furthermore, Mr. Hodgdon practically concluded his work in 1886, and since then so many changes have occurred in the history of existing


families that it seemed absolutely necessary, before publication, to try and bring the record down to date, if, indeed, it was to have any special interest for the living. An effort has been made to accomplish this, although not without considerable difficulty, as those only can appreciate who have undertaken similar tasks.

While carefully aiming not to detract from the just merit of the compiler's work it has been found necessary not only to carefully verify names and dates, but to supply many omissions and make numerous cor- rections. This has entailed a vast amount of correspondence ; and while the additional information thus obtained has generally been presented in the form of notes (with my initials appended to distinguish them from the compiler's notes), yet occasionally it has been found necessary to rewrite the personal sketches, and even recast whole pages of the text. In no case, however, has an alteration been made which would in the slightest degree change the expressed opinions of the compiler. For example, the Introduction is printed substantially as he wrote it in 1890, and presents his own personal views on the subject of the origin of the family name.

During the three years that Mr. Hodgdon was most actively engaged upon this work he corresponded with me regularly, and two volumes of his letters now before me, covering some four hundred pages in all, attest the energy and ability with which he pursued the investigation.

As there is a great deal of interesting matter in these letters of which Mr. Hodgdon made no use whatever in his compilation, I have quoted from them freely to show his opinions regarding some points that were in doubt, and where there seemed to be good reason for it, have inserted entire letters, both in the Appendix and in the body of the work.

In American genealogies the subject of "unplaced" members of the family always constitutes an important feature of the work ; and while pursuing his investigations, Mr. Hodgdon seems to have had the same experience which falls to the lot of other genealogists. He encoun- tered not only in New Hampshire, but in other parts of New England, Shannons whom he could not place ; Shannons evidently belonging to families who had long resided in the country, but who were unable to trace their descent for more than three, or at most four, generations ; and so for want of the connecting links it was impossible to say whether they were related to this branch of the family or not.

It must be borne in mind that this compilation purports to give an


account ot only those Shuntions who were tound, atter a careful examuia- tion of town, church and court records, local histories, family bibles and other authentic private memoranda, to be descended from the eldest son of Nathaniel Shannon, the Emigrant Ancestor, who arrived at Boston in 1687, and after residing there thirty-six years, died on the 27th ot August, 1723, in his 68th year.

This eldest son was also named Nathaniel ; but there were two other younger sons, named Robert and Samuel, and it is very possible that some of the " unplaced " Shannons now residing in New England and other parts of the country are descended from one or the other of these younger sons of the old Naval Officer.

That this had become a subject of special interest to Mr. Hodgdon is evident from frequent reference made to it in his letters. For instance, writing under date of November 20, T883, he says :

" 1 am CDJifidciit that the Canterbury Shannons are descendants ot either Robert or Samuel, perhaps the latter, as the name Samuel appears several times."

And again under date of December 26, 18S3, he writes as follows :

" I have discovered that one ot" the earh' settlers in Dorchester in this State bore the name of James Shannon (1771). He does not belong to the New Castle t"amil\-. I believe this man and Andrew, of Amherst, were descend- ants of Nathaniel, the Naval Officer. I ha\ e written to learn of them."

Under date of December 15, 1884, after mentioning certain names found on the Revolutionary Rolls at the State House, in Boston, he says:

" It is quite probable that both Samuel and liobert Shannon, above men- tioned, are descendants of either Samuel, born 1698, or Robert, born 1695, or of both of them." .....

" I shall go to Boston next week and examine the tax lists if I can gain access to them, hoping to find what was the end of the younger sons of the Naval Officer, and whether they left any descendants."

Under date of January 24, 1885, he writes again :

" While the results thus far obtained have not been satisfactory to me concerning the descendants of Robert and Samuel, sons of the old Naval Officer, I am confident that I have discovered some of them, one of whom resides in Hampton, N. H., Robert Shannon, aged about 50 years. His ancestors, he says, were residents ot Charlestown, Mass.

" There are others in Boston whom I have visited, but the ' connecting links ' are missing."


Under d;ite of May 5, 1885, he again writes:

"• 1 am steadily at work still in expectation that the descendants of Robert and Samuel can yet be found. At all events I have discovered a family in Massachusetts who have lived there for 150 years."

It will ever be to me a source ot the keenest regret that Mr. Hodgdon was unable to continue his inquiries until the descendants of all three of the sons of our Emigrant Ancestor had been traced ; tor I doubt if another will ever be found so well ecjuipped for the task. As it is, the important service he has rendered our family in tracing all the descendants of the eldest son will be universally recognized.

During 1883 and 1884 Mr. Hodgdon also carried on a long and most interesting correspondence regarding this subject with Mr. Josiah S. Shannon, of Manchester, N. H., who, it seems, firmly believed he was a descendant of the old Naval Officer through one of his younger sons. A portion of this correspondence will be found in Appendix XIII., as well as a copy of the very interesting letter of Ebenezer Shannon, then an old gentleman of 90, residing at Plaistow, N. H., giving an account of his family.

In the course of his inquiries Mr. Hodgdon likewise corresponded with Mr. James Shannon, of Kingston, Canada, who supplied important information regarding certain members of the Gilmanton branch of the family, living on Wolfe Island; and who was also good enough to furnish a sketch of his own ancestors, the earliest, of whom he had any knowledge, having passed from Scotland to North Ireland about 1650. (Vide Ap- pendix XIII.) It was Mr. Hodgdon"s idea that a connection might pos- sibly be established between this family and that of the old Naval Officer, who, when he came from the North of Ireland to Boston in 1687, left an unmarried brother, Robert, still residing at Londonderry.

In acknowledging the assistance rendered by others Mr. Hodgdon especially refers, in his Introduction, to Mr. Thomas H. McAllister, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and states that long before he began his own investiga- tions Mr. McAllister had alreadv prepared a manuscript copy of a part of the family record.

This statement hardly does full justice to the case. The fact is that too great stress cannot be laid upon the importance of Mr. McAllister's service in this connexion, and I must not omit to add my own testimony in the matter.


Mr. McAllister was the pioneer in the study and investigation of our family history, which he pursued with a never-flagging interest and enthus- iasm. To him it was a veritable labor ot love. Many an hour have we passed together in his pleasant Brooklyn home conversing upon the sub- ject so interesting to us both ; and I may even say that it it had not been for the stimulus of his remarkable letters written me in i 871-2 while I was in Brazil, and which awoke in me not only the desire, but the determi- nation to know more ot our family history, Mr. Hodgdon, himself, would probably never have begun his investigations, nor would this work ever have seen the light. To Mr. McAllister, then, above all others, must be given the chief credit for what has thus far been accomplished in the elucidation of our family history.

Nor must 1 tail to here record my grateful acknowledgments to Dr. Nathaniel Shannon, who, in 1883, kindly placed at my disposal many interesting private papers'-' ot his grandfather, Hon. Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, and of his father. Dr. Thomas Shannon, a number of which papers have been reproduced in facsimile, in accordance with his own suggestion, and will appear in the course of the work, thus supply- ing one of its most attractive features. As the contents of some of these papers are of a purely private nature, their publication would be inexcus- able, except in a work ot this nature, which, it should be remembered, is only intended for private distribution among the members of the family.

In this connexion I desire also to extend my warmest thanks to all those who have promptly and fully replied to our inquiries, and thus greatly lessened the labor of our self-imposed task; and especially to Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan Tufts, who, in addition to furnishing important information, has kindly supplied us with a number of very interesting sketches of members of her own immediate family and of other relatives with whom she held intimate personal relations ; also to Miss Martha A. S. Shannon, of Roxbury, Mass.; Mr. James Noble Shannon, of loronto, Canada, and Mr. Edward Grafton Shannon, of Halifax, N. S., for a similar valuable service; to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shannon, II., of Brock- port, N. Y., for an interesting collection of photographs taken by them, at my special request, and copies of which appear in the course of the

* The originals of these papers are still in my possession, subject to such disposition as the family of Dr. Nathaniel Shannon may direct.


work; to Mr. Otis G. Hammond, of Concord, N. H., for his courteous attention and great assistance during my researches at the New Hampshire State Library; to Mr. Howe Call, of Portsmouth, N. H., for important friendly services at different times; to Dr. Nathaniel Vaughan Shannon, of Cambridge, Mass.; Miss Mary Shannon Smith, of Lee, Mass.; Mr. Charles Edwin Smith, of Norwood, Mass.; Mr. L. Shannon Davis, of Boston, Mass.; Hon. Stephen S. Jewett, of Laconia, N. H.; Mrs. Eliza- beth L. P. Forbes, of Roxbury, Mass. ; Mr. Caldwell Warner McAllister, of New York City; Miss Helen M. S. Sanborn, of Oneonta, N. Y.; Mrs. William C. Shannon, of Omaha, Neb. ; Mrs. Anna A. McClaran, of Marshall, Tex.; Mrs. Chelsea Cook, of Conway, Mass., and Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, ot Newton, Mass., for the contribution of private papers, photographs, and important data and memoranda relating to their respective families.

And, finally, special acknowledgments are due tor the important services rendered in manv ways by my private secretary, Mr. Harry Bastianelli, who, as my chiet assistant, has been indefatigable in his efforts : greatly aiding me in carrying on the vast amount of corres- pondence that became necessary, preparing a fair copy of the whole manuscript for the printers, making all the necessary arrangements for publication, reading the entire proof in both galley and page form, and constantly supervising the work at every stage. The excellent index and tabular charts were also prepared by him.

In thus revising and publishing Mr. Hodgdon's manuscript compil- ation ot "one branch of the Shannon tamily in America," special et^'ort has been made to secure accuracy of Statement in names and dates ; and yet we can hardly expect that our work will be tound wholly faultless in this regard. In genealogical publications, especially, where there are always so many dates and names to be recorded, errors are sure to creep into the text, in spite of every precaution. We have, then, to request, as a favor, that wherever mistakes are found notice of the same will be kindly sent to the undersigned, so that the proper corrections may be made in any future edition ot the work.

R. C. Shannon. Brockport, N. Y., July 6, 1905.


Introduction, pp. i-8.

The familv ot" Shannon belongs to the Erse branch of the Celtic race. The surname ot Shannon was originallv written O'Seanchain, but now modified and anglicized into Shanahan and Shannon. It was first assumed as a surname b\' Aodh. Lineage of Aodh O'Seanchain, as traced by O'Hart. Aim of compilation. Acknowledgments of aid rendered by Mr. Thomas H. McAllister, Mrs. Mary J. Libbey, and Hon. Samuel Leonard Shannon. Errors in the sketch of the Vaughan and Shannon families as published by Dr. Thomas Shannon, of East Moultonboro, N. H., in I 85 I. Robert Shannon, Mayor of London- derry, Ireland, 1702. Evidence to sustain first three generations of the familv.


Explanation of numf,ers used in this compilation, p. lo.

First Generation, pp. 11-27 ' Nos. 1-4.

Sketch of Nathaniel Shannon, the Emigrant Ancestor, who arri\ed at Bos- ton, Mass., in 1687. Member of the "Old South" Church, and Naval Officer of the Port of Boston " for upwards of twenty-two years."

Second Generation, pp. 28-41 ; Nos. 5-7.

Nathaniel, eldest son of Nathaniel, the Na\ al ( )fficer, first li\ed in Ipswich, Mass.; married Abigail Vaughan, of Portsmouth, N. H., where they resided until 1720, when he sailed fon Barbados, where he is supposed to have died in 1723. The descendants of his two younger brothers, Robert and Samuel, do not appear in this compilation. Will of Abigail Walker and inventory of her estate.

Third Generation, pp. 42-54 ; Nos. 8-20.

Sketches ot Nathaniel and Cutts Shannon, and imentories ot their estates. Fourth Generation, pp. 55-136; Nos. 21-62.

Sketches of Nathaniel and Richard Cutts Shannon, of Portsmouth, N. H.; Thomas Shannon, of Dover, N. H. ; James Noble Shannon, of Parrs- borough, N. S., and Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, N. H. Inventory of the estate of Thomas Shannon, of Do\ er, N. H. ; and


the will and invL-Jituiv ot the- estate ot Nathaniel Shannon, o( Moul- tonboro, N. H.

Fifth Generation, pp. 137—237; Nos. 63—198.

Sketches of James Noble Shannon, of Halifax, N. S. ; Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, of Saco, Me., with an inventory of his estate ; Lieut. William Shannon, U. S. A. ; Thomas Westbrooke Waldron Shannon, of Saco, Me., and Dr. Thomas Shannon, of Moultonboro, N. H.

Sixth Generation, pp. 238-326; Nos. 199-458.

Sketches of Nathaniel Shannon, of Wolfe Island, Canada ; Hon. John Sher- burne Shannon ; Ht)n. Charles Augustus Shannon ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharp Davis ; Hon. Samuel Leonard Shannon, of Halifax, N. S. ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tebbets Shannon ; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Locke ; Re\'. and Mrs. Edwin Jennison ; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tebbets Shannon; James Shannon, and his son James Griswold ; Mr. and Mrs. William Augustus Shannon ; Oliver Noble Shannon, and his daughter Mary ; Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shreve ; Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Paine, and their daughters P' ranees Elizabeth and Alice Ilsley ; Otis Tufts ; George Washington Shannon ; Horatio Nelson Shannon; Thomas Westbrooke Shannon, and Dr. Nathaniel Shannon.

Se\'enth Generation, pp. 327-390 ; Nos. 459-683.

Sketches of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shannon; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shannon; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merrill Smith ; Charles Edwin Smith ; Charles William Shannon ; fames Noble Shannon ; Edward Grafton Shannon ; Charles Way Shannon ; Dr. James Harrison Shannon ; Mr. and Mrs. George Fairfield Forbes ; Capt. and Mrs. Augustus Vaughan Shannon, and their son Wellington H\de ; Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Smith ; Mrs. Edward Thaxter Cushing, and Major William Cummings Shannon, L'. S. A.

Eighth Generation, pp. 391-41 1 ; Nos. 684-863.

Sketches of Nathaniel Shannon, of McDill, Wis. ; Lerov Shannon ; Mr. and Mrs. |ohn Glines Jewett, of Laconia, N. H. ; Jonathan CofHn Shannon ; Edwin Howe Shannon ; William Alarsellus Shannon, and Mrs. Edward Burleigh Wolston.

Appendix I., pp. 415-427.

Extracts from the diarv of Col. R. C. Shannon giving some account of his visit to Londonderry, Ireland, in 1887.


Appendix II., pp. 428-432.

The Irish Test Act, and the circumstances under which it was passed and finally repealed.

Appendi.x III., pp. 433-434.

Copy of Nathaniel Shannon's petition to the General Court, in 1689, pray- ing for the release of his servant who had been impressed "to go' a Soldier ag' the Indians." Copy of Capias Writ and proceedings in the action of George Ball vs. Nathaniel Shannon, which appears to have resulted in a verdict for the defendant. Appendix IV. ^ pp. 435-450.

The Naval Office as it existed in the Colonies. Copies of the two laws passed by the General Court in 168 1-2 and 1692-3 for " erectina; a Navall Office," pp. 436-440. Petition of Collector Brenton, in which he explains in detail his fruitless efforts to make seizure of the Brit^an- tine " Mary " and the Sloop " Good Luck " and their cargoes, for illegally trading direct with foreign countries ; refers to the personal indignities and assaults he had received from Governor Phipps, himself, and then prays that the " causes " may be retried in England before the Privy Council, pp. 440-442. Affidavit of Naval Officer Welsteed, dated September 17, 1694, giving his account of the dispute which had arisen between him and Collector Brenton, p. 443. Affidavit of Naval Officer Jackson, made in 1694, giving his account of the dis- pute which had arisen between him and Collector Brenton, pp. 443- 446. Letter from the Privy Council, dated December 25, 1695, repealing the law of 1692-3 passed by the Cieneral Court "erecting a Navall Office," and prescribing forms for the Commission to be issued thereafter to a " Navall Officer," as well as the Oath he is to take, and the Bond he is t^ give, pp. 446-449. Article IV. of 7 and 8 Wm. III., c. 2 2, passed April 10/20, 1696, p. 449. Copy of the third law passed by the General Court, June 28, l 701, entitled " An Act for Establishing of a Navall-Office, and for ascertaining of the fees," p. 450.

Appendix V., pp. 451-459.

Correspondence, including a letter of George Vaughan to the Secretary of the Board of Trade, enclosing extract from a letter of Nathaniel Shannon, dated October 22, i 7 i 8, " relating to the Fishery in New England."

Appendix VI., pp. 460-464.

An account of the opening of the Vaughan Tomb, the restoration of the ancient slate tablet marking the grave of Margaret (Cutt) Vaughan,


wht) died in i6go, and ot the granite monument erected m 1885 to the memory of the three Vaiighans.

Appendix \'II., pp. 465-494.

Wills of Richard Cutt, of Portsmouth, N. H., and his wife Eleanor, pp. 465-474 ; documents relating to the estate of Major William Vaughaii, pp. 474-480 ; will and inventory of the estate of George Vaughan, pp. 480-484 ; will of George Walker, p. 484 ; will and inventcjry of the estate of Lieut. Col. William Vaughan of J>ouisburg fame, pp. 491-494.

Appendix X'IIL, pp. 495-500.

An Account of the (jeneral Court Martial held at Exeter, N. H., No\ember I, 1786, and of which Captain Thomas Shannon, of Dover, N. H., was the junior member, pp. 495-497.

Appendix IX., pp. 501-513.

Some correspondence and memcjranda regarding the tamily ot Major Eben- ezer Tebbets, together with a brief sketch of his ci\il and militarv career during the Revolution, drawn chiefly from McDuftee's " History of Rochester, N. H.," and C)uint's " Historical Memoranda of Ancient Dover, N. H."

Appendix X., pp. 514-515.

Letter of Mr. Hodgdon, the compiler, giving an account of Mrs. Libbey's last visit to Portsmouth, N. H. Appendix XL, pp. 516-527.

The Stanwood Family. Ai'PKNDix XH., pp. 528-537.

Some account of Charles B. Greenough and his tamily. Appendix XHL, pp. 538-554.

Some correspondence regarding " unplaced " Shannons, consisting t)t letters from Josiah S. Shannon, of Alanchester, N. H., Ebenezer Shannon, of Plaistow, N. H., James Shannon, of Kingston, Canada, as well as a number of letters from Mr. Hodgdon to Col. R. C. Shannon giving an account of his eiTorts to trace the descendants of Robert and Samuel Shannon, the two younger sons of Nathaniel Shannon, of Boston, the Emigrant Ancestor of the family, also some correspondence with Mr. William H. Shannon, Jr., of Newburgh, N. Y., and Mr. Wright Shannon, of Sunbright, Tenn., in regard to their particular families. Index, pp. 557-578.


George E. Hodgdon [^Half-tone) ...... Fronthpicce

Photographic copy of a crayon drawing furnished bv his daughter,

Mrs. C. E. Jackson, of Portsmouth, N. H. page

Autograph of Nathaniel Shannon, the Emigrant . . . . . ii

From the Mass. Archives and Probate Court Records of Boston.

Facsimile of an article in the " Boston News Letter" of September 5, 1723,

announcing the death of Nathaniel Shannon .... 24

Photographed from the original in the Public Library at Boston, Mass.

Gravestone of Nathaniel Shannon, the Emigrant . . . . . 25

Copied from a photograph taken in the Old Ciranarv Burial (iround, Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

The same as the foregoing ........ 26

From a photograph taken after the stone was placed in a bronze casing for its better preservation.

Autograph of Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Shannon, the Emigrant . . 27

From the Mass. Archives and Probate Court Records of Boston.

Facsimile of a letter (with superscription) from Nathaniel Shannon, |r., to

his father, the Naval Officer, dated October 12, I 7 16 . . facing 28

Photographed from the MS. in the Mass. Archives, Vol. 65, p. 241.

Facsimile of a petition of William X'aughan, dated August 5, 1684, pra\inij;

that he may be granted the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus fm'uig 33

From the original preserved in the New Hampshire State Library, at Concord, N. H.

Autograph of Abigail Walker ......

Autograph of Nathaniel Shannon, of Portsmouth, N. H.

Autograph of Alice, wife of Nathaniel Shannon

Autograph of Cutts Shannon, of Portsmouth, N. H.

Autograph of Mary, wife of Cutts Shannon

Autograph of Nathaniel Shannon, of Portsmouth, N. H.

Autograph of Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Shannon

39 42 42

47 facing 50

55 55


F:icsimilc of a letter from Richard Cutts Shannon, of Portsmouth, N. H.,

to his brother Nathaniel, dated October 2, i ygH .... 67-70 From the original in the possession of R. C Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

(Gravestone of Richard Cutts Shannon, at Portsmouth, N. H. . p'chig 75

From a recent photograph.

Atitograph of Lillias Shannon, wife of Thomas Shannon ... 78

Facsimile of closina; part of a letter from Thomas Shannon, of Dover,

N. H., to his brother Nathaniel, dated December 31, 1797 . . 81

lames Noble and Chloe (Ayer) Shannon, of Parrsborough, N. S. . . 83

From photographic copies furnished bv F.dward Ciraftim Shannon, of Halifax, N. S.

Facsimile of a letter tVom |ames Noble Shannon to his brother Richard

Cutts Shannon, dated May 23, 1805 ..... /<''''>'g 88

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

F'acsimile of a letter from James Noble Sh.Tnnon to his brother Nathaniel

Shannon, of Moultonboro, N. H., dated Au<i;ust 5, I 81 5 . ./'"'"'.f 92

From the original in the possession ot R. C Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Autograph of Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, N. H. . . . 95

Old Homestead of Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, N. H. . . 96

From a recent photograph.

The Shannon Hurial Ground at Moultonboro, N. H., showing the monu- ment erected to Dr. Thomas Shannon ..... 97

From a recent photograph.

The Old North Meeting House at Concord, N. H., where the con\ention was held for the ratification of the Federal Constitution, Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, being one of the Delegates . . . 100

Taken from Walker's " History of the N. H. Federal Convention of 1788."

Autograph inscription on fly-leaf of law-book of Richard Cutts Shannon,

of Portsmouth, N. H. 1 00

Facsimile of a commission dated July 18, 1715, " constituting and appoint- inu;" (jcorge Vaughan Lieutenant-Cjo\ einor of the Province of New Hampshire, bearing the sign manual of Cjeorgc 1. . . 106-107

From the original in the possession of R. C Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.


Facsimile of a letter from John Langdoji to Nathaniel Shamion, dated

September 4, 1794 ........ 107-111

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of a letter from John Langdon to Nathaniel Shannon, dated

October 28, 1795 ........ 107-111

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of a Warrant from the selectmen of Hampton, N. H., requiring "Nathaniel Shannon, constable," to levy and collect taxes, " agreeable to a vote of said town for paying Rev. Mr. Thayers money salary for the current year "........ f<'<^i>ig i ' 1

Facsimile of a letter from |ohn Langdon to Nathaniel Shannon, dated

February 10, I 804 ........ fncng 113

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of an interesting receipt given by Joseph Aycrs to Nathaniel Shannon, in 1783, showing that the people of that day preferred to barter rather than to receive in pavment for their produce the paper money then in circulation . . . . . . . . 113

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. \ .

Facsimile of a receipt for £ll<). o. o., dated January 4, 1779, given by the State Treasurer of New Hampshire to Nathaniel Shannon " Constable of the town of Moultonboro," being that town's share of the State tax for 1778 . . . . . . . . . fficing 114

From the original in the possession of R. C Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of a receipt given by William Atkin to Nathaniel Shannon, dated

September 22, 1778 . . . . . . . . . 116

From the original in the possession ot R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of a curious receipt " in full " given by [ames [ackson, fr., to

Nathaniel Shannon, dated July 25, 1776 . . . . 116

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of an official letter from Governor Gilman, of New Hampshire, to Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, notifying him of his election as Senator, dated May 17, 1805 ...... /"''"g 116

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of an official letter tVoni Governor Langdon, of New Hampshire,


to Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonbciro, n()tit'\ino; him of" his election

as Senator, dated May 15, 1807 ...... 116-124

From the original in the possession nt R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of entries made in the I'amiK- ]5ible of Nathaniel Shannon, of

iVIoultonboro, N. H. ....... I 16-124

From a photographic copy furnished hv Dr. Nathaniel \'aughan Shannon, ot Cambridge, Mass.

Facsimile of a commission issued by President Weare, ot New Hampshire, to Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, as " First Lieutenant of the First Company of the Nineteenth Regiment of Militia," dated Au^rust 9, 1 781 . . . . . . . . . . I 16-124

From the original in the pusscssion of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of a commissioJi issued by Cjovernor (jilman, ot New Hamp- shire, to Nathaniel Shannon, of Moultonboro, as " Captain ot the First Company of the Nineteenth Regiment of Militia," dated October 25, 179S I 16-124

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of a commission issued by Governor Langdon, ot New Hamp- shire, "constituting and appointing" Nathaniel Shannon, of Moulton- boro, " fustice of the Peace and of the Ouorum " of Strafford County, dated February 3, 1807 . . . . . . . 116-124

From the original in the possession ot R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile of a commission issued by Governor Langdon, of New Hamp- shire, " constituting and appointing " Nathaniel Shannon, of Moulton- boro, " justice of the Peace and of the Ouorum " of Strafford Cimnt\, dated February 3, 1812 . . . . . . . 116-124

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y. Autograph of Nathaniel Shannon, of (jilmanton, N. H. . . . 138

Autograph of [ohn Langdon Shannon . . . . . . 145

James Noble and Nanc\' (Allison) Shannon ..... 146

From photographic copies furnished bv Edward Grafton Shannon, ot Halifax, N. S.

The Shannon Burial Ground at Halifax, N. S. . . . . . 152

From a photograph fiirnished by Edward Grafton Shannon, of Halifax, N. S.

William Allison Shannon . . . . . . . . 153

Froin a photographic copy of a silhouette furnished by Edward Graf- ton Shannon, of Halifax, N. S.


Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, of Saco, Me. . . . . . . 157

From a photographic copy of a silhouette in the possession of his grandson, R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

The Shannon Burial Ground at Saco, Me. Dr. R. C. Shannon and his

descendants . . . . . . . . . . 159

From a recent photograph.

Facsimile of memorandum of an agreement drawn and signed bv Dr. Richard

Cutts Shannon, of Saco, dated May 14, 1802 . . . . 168

Facsimile of a letter from Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, of Saco, to Col.

Thomas Cutts, dated January 4, 1803 ..... f"^'i>ig 181 From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Lieut. William and .\Iarv (VValdron) Shannon . . . . . 201

From a photographic copy furnished bv Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, of Newton, Mass.

Autograph ot Lieut. William Shannon, U. S. A. . . . . . 203

Mary (Waldron) Shannon ......... 208

From a photograph, taken late in life, furnished by Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, of Newton, Mass.

Mary Clark Shannon, daughter of Lieut. William Shannon . . . 209

From a photograph furnished bv Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, of Newton, Mass.

Thomas Westbrooke Waldron and Eliza (Perkins) Shannon . . 213

From photographs furnished bv Mrs. Eleanor \ aughan Tufts, of Boston, Mass.

The Thomas Westbrooke Waldron Shannon Burial Ground at Saco, Me. 214

From a recent photograph.

Sophia Moody Shannon . . . . . . . . . 215

From a photograph furnished h\ Mrs. Eleanor \'aughan Tufts, of Boston, Mass.

Richard Cutts and Eugenia (RufF) Shannon . . . . '. 216

From a photograph in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

John and Abigail (Shannon) Warner . . . . . . . 217

Photographed from the original paintings in the possession of Cald- well Warner McAllister, of New York City.


Thomas H. aiui Juliet (Warner) McAllister, of Brooklyn, N. Y. . . 2iS

From a photograph in the possession o( R. C. Shannon, of Brock- port, N. Y.

Dr. Thomas Shannon, of Moultonboro, N. H. . . . . . 225

From a daguerreotvpc in the possession ot R. C Shannon, of Brock- port, N. Y.

Old Homestead of Dr. Thomas Shannon, of Moultonboro, N. H. . . 226

From a photograph furnished by Dr. Nathaniel Vaiighan Shannon, ot Cambridge, Mass.

Facsimile of inscription on the fly-leaf of book gi\en to Dr. Thomas

Shannon by his grandmother, Marv Shannon, in 1790 . . . 226

Facsimile of a letter from Dr. Thomas Shannon addressed to his father,

Nathaniel Shannon, dated October 22, 1806 . . . /''"'i"g 231

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Facsimile ot a letter from Dr. Thomas Shannon to Pearson Cogswell,

dated September 29, iS^b ....... /''''«?■ 2,35

From the original in the possession ot R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Mary Jane (Shannon) Libbey, datighter of Dr. Thomas Shannon . . 235

From a photograph furnished by Dr. Nathaniel Vaughan Shannon, ot Cambridge, Mass.

George and Sally (Tebbets) Shannon ....... 239

From a photograph furnished b\' Jonathan Cotfin Shannon, ot Laconia, N. H.

[cihn Sherburne and Abigail (Rand) Shannon ..... 240

From a photograph turnishcd bv F.lbridgc Morrill Shannon, of Concord, N. H.

Homestead of John Sherburne Shannon at (Jilmanton Iron Works, N. H. 241

From a recent photograph.

The Shannon Burial Ciround at (jilmanton Iron Works, N. H., showing

monument erected to John Sherburne Shannon .... 242

From a recent photograph. William Shannon .......... 252

From a photograph turnishcd h\ |ohn V^'csley Shannon, ot Ports- mouth, N. H.

Charles Augustus Shannon ........ 255

From a photograph furnished by his widow.


Robert Sharp and Mary Harriet (Shannon) Davis .... 260

From a steel engraving and photograph furnished hy their son, Lang- don Shannon Davis, of Boston, Mass.

Samuel Leonard Shannon, of Halifax, N. S. . . . . . 263

From a photograph furnished by his son, Edward Gratton Shannon, of Halifax, N. S.

Autograph of Samuel Leonard Shannon, of Halifax, N. S. . . . 263

Taken from one of his letters to the compiler.

Samuel Leonard Shannon, of Halifax, N. S. . . . . . 264

From a photograph, taken later in life, furnished hy his son, James Noble Shannon, of Toronto.

Charles Tebbets and Jane Randcll Shannon, of Hiddeford, Me. . . 270

From photographs in the possession of their son, R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Autographs of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tebbets Shannon . . . 271

Abigail Tebbets (Shannon) Locke, daughter of Dr. Richard Ciitts Shan- non, of Saco, Me. ......... 273

From a copy of photograph in the possession of R. C Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.'

Clinton Adams Locke, son of Calvin Locke, of Marshall, Texas . . 279

From copy of photograph in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Rev. Edwin and Mary Barker (Shannon) Jennison . . . . 281

From photographs in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brock- port, N. Y.

Facsimile of a letter from Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, of Saco, Me., dated

October 25, 1826, to his daughter Mary . . . 2S3-286

From the original in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Edwin Shannon Jennison, son of Rev. Edwin Jennison . . . 287

From a photograph in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brock- port, N. Y.

Samuel Tebbets and Martha Ann Prentice (Stevens) Shannon . . 288

From photographs furnished by their daughter. Miss Martha Ann Stevens Shannon, of Ro.xburv, Mass.


Autograph of Samuel Tebbets Shannon ...... 289

lames Shannon, son of Dr. Richard Ciitts Shannon, of Saco, Me. . . 290

From a photographic copy in the possession of R. C Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

James (jriswold Shannon ......... 292

F'rom a photographic copy in the possession ot R. C. .Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Caroline (Shannon) (ioodale, daughter of Dr. Richard Ciitts Shannon, of

Saco, Me. 29.^

From a photographic cop\ in the possession ot R. C Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

William Augustus Shannon, of Lee, Mass. ...... 297

From a daguerreotx pe furnished by Miss Mary Shannon Smith, of Lee, Mass.

William Augustus Shannon, of Lee, Mass. ...... 298

From a photograph, taken later in life, furnished hy Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, ot Newton, Mass.

Oliver Noble Shannon, son of Lieut. William Shannon .... 300

From a photograph furnished by Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, of Newton, Mass.

Homestead of Oliver Noble Shannon at Newton, Mass. . . f'JC'"g 300

From a photograph tlirnished bv Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, of Newton, Mass.

Mary Shannon, datighter of Oliver Noble Shannon .... 302

From a photograph furnished by Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, of Newton, Mass.

Benjamin and Elizabeth Perkins (Shannon) Shrexe .... 307

From photographs furnished by Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan Tufts, ot Boston, Mass.

Enoch and Fhebe Westbrooke Waldron (Shannon) Paine . . . 308

From photographs furnished hy their daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan Tufts, of Boston, Mass.

George Washington Shannon . . . . . . . . 3'3

From a photograph furnished bv Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan Tufts, of Boston, Mass.

Autograph of George Washington Shannon ..... 314


Orlando Perkins Shannon . . . . . . . . 314

From a photograph furnished by iVIrs. Eleanor Vaughan Tufts, ot Boston, Mass.

Horatio Nelson Shannon . . . . . . . . . 315

From a photograph furnished by his daughter, iVIrs. Edward Thaxter Cushing.

Thomas Westbrooke Shannon . . . . . . . . 316

From a photograph furnished by Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan Tufts, of Boston, Mass.

Homestead of Ira Shannon

From a recent photograph.

3'« 319


P'rederick Henry Shannon .......

From a photograph in the possession ot R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y

Thomas Rindge Shannon ........

From a photograph in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y

Sarah Rindge (Shannon) Choate ......

From a photograph furnished bv Dr. Nathaniel Vaughan Shannon, of Cambridge, Mass.

Ur. Nathaniel Shannon . . . . . . . 321

From a photograph in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Autograph of Dr. Nathaniel Shannon ...... 322

From a letter in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Ira and Sally (Ross) Shannon ........ 330

From a photograph furnished b\ their daughter, Mrs. Charles Albert Dockam, ot Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H.


Stephen and Ann Prescott (Chase) Shannon ..... 332

From a photograph furnished by their son, |onathan Coffin Shannon, of Laconia, N. H.

Lorain Terry Shannon ......... 336

From a photograph furnished by Charles Edwin Smith, of Nor- wood, Mass.

Mary Emery (Lapham) Shannon ....... 349

From a photograph furnished by her daughter, Mrs. F. L Ordway, ot Framingham, Mass.


Martha Ann Greenough-Shannon ....... 354

From a photograph in the pussesbion ut R. C. Sh.imion, ut Brockpurt, N. Y.

Autograph of Martha Ann Shannon ....... 354

Homestead of Martha Ann Greenough-Shaniion at Brockport, N. Y. . 361

From a photograph in the possession of R. C. Shannon, ot Brockport, N. Y.

Shannon group, copied from a photograph taken at the Abbott Cottage, Old Orchard Beach, Me., in 1888, origniai photograph in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y. . . /"^'"g 374

This picture is the sole exception to the rule we have followed in this compilation, to present only the taces of those Shannons who have died. This family group, however, embraces so manv ot the younger members of the tamilv that it seemed a pity nut to trv and preserve it in some more enduring form.

Capt. Augustus Vaughan Shannon ......

From a photograph furnislicd by Miss Mary Shannon Smith, of Lee, Mass.

Mary Clark (Shannon) Smith .......

From a daguerreotype furnished by her daughter. Miss Mary Shannon Smith, of Lee, Mass.

Lilias Lyon (Shannon) Cashing, daughter ot Horatio Nelson Shannon

From a photograph furnished by her motlier, Mrs. John Heuvclman, of New York City.

Major William Cummings Shannon, U. S. A.




flllDIg 386

Mabelle Stanwoi^d (Shannon) VVolston, daughter of Charles Way Shannon,

of Saco, Me. .......... 409

From a photograph furnished by her father.

The Vaughan Tomb at Point of Graves Cemeter)', Portsmouth, N. H. 463

From a photograph recently taken.

Autograph of Richard Cutt ........ 467

Autograph of Ebenezer Tebbcts . . . . . . . 512

Charles Backus and Martha Ann (Spaulding) Greenough . . . 529

From photographs in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. S .


Charles Edward Greenough ........ 532

From a photograph in the possession ot R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.

Frances Gray (Dawson) Greenough . . . . . . 532

From a photograph in the possession of her son, Charles Edward Greenough, of New York City.

Ezra and Lucy Caroline (Ormes) Greenough ..... 534

From photographs in the possession of R. C. Shannon, of Brockport, N. Y.




The family of Shannon belongs to the Erse branch of the Celtic race, which populated Ireland centuries anterior to the Christian Era, and alone of all the European races of that period has maintained its identity to the present time.

From Ireland, where the Family originated, it was extended into Scotland with those early Celtic emigrations which settled on its western coast, from whence in modern times have come the colonists of Northern Ireland, who have formed that distinc- tive subdivision of the race known in historv as the "Scotch- Irish."

The Emigrations of the latter to different parts of America from the reign of James Second to the commencement of the Revolution were frequent, and among them many representatives ot the Shannon family who have founded several distinct branches in the United States and the Dominion of Canada.

To trace the lineage and to gather up and collect the memo- rials ot one of these Scotch-Irish branches, now numbered by eight generations, has been the endeavor of the compiler.

As a preliminary, it will perhaps be of interest to illustrate the origin of the surname of Shannon, the manner and the reason of its adoption, and also the high antiquity of the family in Europe as established by reliable authority.

To comprehend more clearly the derivation of the family name, it may here be remarked that surnames were first intro- duced into Ireland about the middle of the tenth century, and within fifty years afterwards (A. D. looo) they became adopted all over that Island and the Celtic portion of Scotland.

And when surnames came into general use among the inhab-


itants of Ireland and their cognate race in Scotland care was taken that they should not be arbitrarily assumed.

Every family was to add to its christian name the name of some particular ancestor renowned for his superior bravery, liter- ary attainments or virtue. To this was prefixed the words O' or Mac, which signified the son or descendant of that person.

But following the English invasion of Ireland in the year I 1 69, and the contact between the native population and their Anglo-Saxon conquerors, these surnames in process of time became essentially modified or anglicized, and in many instances the prefix O' or Mac was discontinued. Among these modernized names is that of the family embraced in the following record, which in the ancient Celtic was written O'Seanchain, and subsequently modified and anglicized into Shanahan and Shannon. '•■

The name O'Seanchain was first assumed as a surname by Aodh, a chieftain of the Province of Ulster, whose christian name long before his birth had designated six ot the ancient Kings of Ireland. The surname assumed was derived from the name of one of Aodh's remote ancestors, Seanchan,"j" and

* Irish Pedigrees bv O'Hart. Fourth Edition. Vol. i, p. 260.

"fSome members of the family have erroneously ascribed the origin of their name to the river Shannon in Ireland. This river was called by Orosius, a native of Spain and a Latin author of the fourth century, " Sena," obviously the latinized form of the Celtic word "Sen" or "Sean" (ancient), i. e., the ancient (River).

It is noticeable that the words "Sean" and " Seancha " (an antiquary) in the context are derivations of the same Celtic root.

Sir James Ware, a British writer, in his elaborate treatise on the antiquities of Ireland published in the year 1745, thus alludes to the derivation of the name of the river :

" Etymologists have been busy with the explanation of the word Shanon and differ widely in their account.

"Some make it to signify Shanawn or Shan-Avon, i. e., the ancient River; some Senn-aun or Synn-avon, two British words signifying the Slow or Stagnating River, from its slow course and the many Loughs it stagnates into in its long passage from the source


composed of the two Celtic words "Seancha" lan antiquarian or genealogist) and "an" (one who), the pretix O' and change in the orthography being necessary to denote descent.

We may therefore infer that Seanchan was distinguished for his science in antiquities or genealogy, and in accordance with the rule previously explained the name was adopted by his descend- ant Aodh for the surname of the family.

O'Hart, an eminent authority on Irish Pedigree, has traced the lineage of Aodh O'Seanchain through sixteen generations, as follows :



Arms : Gu. a bend or. Crest : A demi talbot sa.

COSCRACH, a brother of Cineadh (or Cendedach) who is No. 106 on the " Kennedy" (of Thomond) pedigree, was the ancestor ot O'Sean- chain ; anglicised Shanahan, and Shannon.

106. Coscrach : son of Donchadh Cuan.

107. Flaithbeartach : his son.

108. Seanchan (" seancha ": Irish, an antiquary, or genealogist); his

son ; a quo O'Seanchain.

109. Donchadh Dubh : his son.

1 10. Ruadhri ; his son.

111. Donchadh: his son.

1 12. Aodh : his son.

113. Flaithbeartach: his son.

114. Taidhg : his son.

115. Ruadhri : his son.

116. Donchadh: his son.

1 17. Aodh : his son.

118. Flaithbeartach: his son.

119. Taidhg: his son.

120. Aodh O'Seanchain : his son.

to its mouth. But the most singular notion of all is, that it does not bear the name Shanon till its union with the Inny, being before called Shann, and that from thence it incorporates with it a part of the name, as well as its waters, and is called Shann-Inny, or Shannin." Ware'i Aiitiquitifs of Ireland, p. 44.


Aodh O'Seanchain (120) was the first to add the name ot O'Seanchain to his christian name and so became the founder of the family. This occurred in all probability between the years A. D. 950 and A. D. 1000, and allowing, according to the ordinary computation in genealogy, four generations for each one hundred years, Donchadh Cuan, the earliest known ancestor of Aodh O'Seanchain, must have been living prior to the year A. D. 600.

So remote and extended a pedigree is not a matter of surprise to those conversant with the annals of the ancient Celts ; * no people in Europe devoted so much careful attention to their family genealogies, which, when completed, were deposited among the public archives for preservation and reference. This custom, since the English conquest, it is to be forever regretted, has been discontinued.

Nine hundred years having elapsed since the name of the family was adopted, as would naturally be expected its branches have become very numerous both in Ireland and Scotland ; and although there is no connection between many of them traceable, yet it is worthy to be noted that there is a tradition long current among them that all of the name of Shannon are descendants of ancestors of great antiquity who were of the primitive Celtic race.

This volume, as already indicated, is intended to embrace the record of one branch only of the family whose progenitor, Nathaniel Shannon, emigrated from the North of Ireland near the close of the seventeenth century, and settled in Boston, Mass., ot which port he was the first Naval Officer. In the accomplish-

* John Sullivan, the father of General Sullivan of the Revolutionary Army, was a schoolmaster of Berwick, Me., and a native of Limrick, Ireland. He had in his possession, and which he claimed to be authentic, an unbroken pedigree of his family, through the O'Sullivans and their progenitors before the era of surnames, to an ancestor living before the first century.


ment of his task the compiler is indebted to several members of the family tor much valuable assistance, to whom he desires to express his acknowledgments ; especially to Thomas H. Mc- Allister, Esq.,-'' ot Brooklyn, N. Y., whose record in manuscript of one line ot the Emigrant's descendents prepared some twenty years ago has been largely transcribed on the following pages ; and to the venerable Mrs. Mary J. (Shannon) Libbey, f of East Moultonboro, N. H., now (1890) in her eighty-first year, tor the generous contributions of the papers of her grandfather, Hon. Nathaniel Shannon, and for the extensive memoranda of her kindred, in the accumulation of which she has devoted many years of her prolonged life ; also to Hon. Samuel Leonard Shan- non, Q. C, D. C L., ot Halifax, Nova Scotia, for the interesting memorials ot his ancestors and the complete genealogy of his branch of the family, which was settled in that Province during the war of the Revolution.

The attention ot the compiler was early invited for his gui- dance to a sketch ot the Vaughan and Shannon Families prepared by Dr. Thomas Shannon, M. D., (born 1783; died 1864) of East Moultonboro, N. H., and published in 1851 on pp. 245-6, Vol. V. of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.

Inasmuch as that part of the sketch which relates to the Shannon Family had long been regarded as substantially its authoritative outline, it is inserted at length below, together with the reasons tor the rejection of the account given respecting the earlier generations.

" On the Shannon side, there were two brothers, the elder, Sir Robert Shannon, was Mayor of the City of Dublin, Ireland, he died without issue a bachelor.

* Mr. McAllister died in Brooklyn, N. Y., December 29, 1898. R. C. S. t Mrs. Libbey died at Moultonboro, N. H., December 14, 1891. R. C. S.


"The other brother emigrated to Portsmouth, N. H. While on the passage he had a son born, whom he named Sea-born, who was afterwards a shipmaster, and died in the West Indies; he married a daughter ot the Major William Vaughan ; his sons were Cutts and Nathaniel.

" Cutts was a Lawyer at Portsmouth ; married Mary, a daughter ot Lt. Gov. George Vaughan, and died suddenly, aged 46 ; his widow died at Moultonboro in 1793, aged 80, at the residence of her son Nathaniel Shannon.

" They had five sons and two daughters, viz : Richard Cutts, Thomas, William, James Noble, Nathaniel, Mary and Ellis [Eleanor] .

" Richard Cutts was a Lawyer at Portsmouth and tor many years Clerk of the United States District Court; Thomas and William were merchants and residents of Dover ; James Noble was a merchant in the Province of Nova Scotia ; Nathaniel was a farmer and resided at Moultonboro twenty-five years ; was a Representative and Senator in the New Hampshire Legislature, a Justice of the Peace throughout the State, and Elector of President and Vice President.

" Mr. Nathaniel Shannon, brother of Cutts Shannon, resided at Newington [N. H.], where his descendants still are, and at Gilmanton [N. H.] "

From the brevity of this sketch and the absence ot precise dates, it is clearly apparent that it is founded chiefly upon tradi- tion, a most vmreliable source ot information, especially ot remote generations.

Although it has been ascertained tor a certainty that the name of Robert Shannon does not appear on the roll ot the mayors ot the City of Dublin, nevertheless this part of the tradition is enti- tled to consideration, for it is an historical fact that Robert Shannon \vas Mayor of the City of Londonderry, Ireland, about the year 1702,'^' the date of the appointment of Nathaniel Shan- non, the Emigrant, as Naval Otficer at Boston, which was more

* At page 185 of the Appendix to a " Revised History of the Siege of London- derrv," by Joshua Gillespie, will be found the name of Robert Shannon mentioned in the list of Mayors, his year of service being given as 1702. At page 183 of


than eighty years before the birth of Dr. Shannon. From the long lapse of time and want of facilities for communication between the two continents at that period, it may reasonably be conjectured that the names of the two cities in Ireland had been confounded in the tradition.

It should be observed that Dr. Shannon, in the outline of his family, omits the name of the Emigrant ancestor ; both Mrs. Libbey and Mr. McAllister, however, state that he was " Thomas Shannon," who, " probably came from Ireland, and is supposed to have landed at Portsmouth about the year 1680." They each also state that he was the father of Seaborn Shannon, and that the latter married Abigail, a daughter of Major William \'aughan, ot Portsmouth.

After an unusually extended and careful research there cannot be found any document on record or any original private papers in which the name ot Thomas Shannon appears as an inhabitant of New England prior to the year lyzby-f nor any like authority

the same work it is also stated that he had previously served as Sheriff during the mayoralty of Thomas Moncrieff in 1660.

In Chapter VI. of the " History of Derry," by John Hempton, giving incidents connected with Londonderry and the Revolution, it is distinctly stated at p. 59 that Robert Shannon was a Protestant and one of the burgesses, having been present at the meeting of the Corporation held January 2, 1689, after the exclusion of the "Irish" from the citv. He was also present at the next meeting held April 13, 1689, and was in the city during the entire siege, actively engaged in his work of "Surgeon and Apothecary." Reference to this is made at p. 87, where, under the date of June 9, 1692, the following appears :

" Upon the petition of Robert Shannon, Surgeon and Apothecary, who administered medicines to the sick and wounded in the City of Londonderry, gratis, it is ordered that the Treasurer of the Society do pay him £$." (Minutes of the Irish Society. )

R. C. S.

t Thomas Shannon signs a petition in Newcastle, N. H., 1726, and is taxed in that town 1728. The compiler has nearly a complete record of his descendants, many of whom reside in New Hampshire. No connection between them and the family contained in this work has yet been discovered.


that a person bearing the name of Seaborn Shannon ever had an existence. ••'

For the evidence to sustain the first three generations ot the family, as recorded in the context, the inquirer is referred to the letter from Nathaniel Shannon, Junior, to his father, the Emi- grant, the record of the former's marriage and the birth ot his two sons, in the Appendix. "j"

In corroboration of these documents are several family deeds at Exeter, N. H., and Salem, Mass.; but it has been deemed unnecessary to extend the evidence already cited with additional transcriptions.


Portsmouth, January i, 1890.

* It is interesting to note the persistence with which this tradition about the so-called original emigrant Thomas Shannon and his alleged son " Seaborn " was constantly asserting itself, and I think we can appreciate, and perhaps sympathize a little with Mrs. Libbey's reluctance to give it up, even after she had carefully list- ened to Mr. Hodgdon's unanswerable proofs that no such person as " Seaborn " Shannon had e\er existed and no trace of a Thomas Shannon could be found any- where in the records before 1726.

In this connexion may be quoted the following passage from a letter I received from Mrs. Libbey in November, 1883:

" Aunt Mary said to me the Summer she died in twenty-seven [1827] that Thomas Shannon was the one that came over from Dublin. After her death her Bible was in Uncle Nat's possession. One of their neighbors called to Uncle's and took the Bible for sport and carried it to his house. In the Bible was a letter from Seaborn Shannon - from the West Indies, where he died. The letter was lost. Father and Uncle regretted it much. I think Aunt Mary was correct." R. C. S.

t The letter and the records referred to will be found under the sketch of Nathaniel Shannon, 2d. (No. 5). R. C. S.


In regard to dates in this compilation, it is important to bear in mind that prior to the year 1752 the Julian calendar still prevailed in the British Empire, the vear being held, bv legal computation, to commence on the 25th day of March.

The Gregorian calendar was adopted by Act of Parliament in 1751, which ordained that the year 1752 should begin on the ist of January instead of the 25th of March, and that the 3rd of the month of Septem- ber should be called the 14th, so as to lose eleven days. Further changes were decreed so as to make the solar and the lunar year coincide.

While, however, the ist ot January was thus adopted as the beginning of the legal year, it may be noticed that for some time it was the custom, in documents, both public and private, to give two dates for the period intervening between January ist and March 25th. For example, January 23, 1740, would sometimes be written January 23, 1 740/1.


Following the method now adopted in the more recently published genealogies, the names as they first appear in this compilation are desig- nated by a series of consecutive numbers placed before each name. This method has been adopted from the " Spalding Memorial," an exhaustive record of the Spalding Family which was published in 1897, and from which the substance of this explanatory note is also taken.

Whenever there is a second appearance of a name, which always occurs in the case of one who is the head of a family, there will be found after the name another number, in brackets, referring back to the first appear- ance of the name, above which will be tound the names ot the parents of the person referred to.

If, then, we desire to trace the line ot descent of any particular person, we have only to turn to the name in the Index and note the number against it (which it must be remembered always refers to the first appear- ance of the name), and we shall be able easily to trace the line of descent back to the earliest ancestor mentioned in the compilation.




1. NATHANIEL SHANNON, the first of the name in New England, was born in the year 1655 at Londonderry, in the Province of Ulster, Ireland, a city located near the ruins of ancient Derry on the Foyle River and founded by Scotch and English colonists during the reign ot James the First, under the auspices of the corporation ot the City ot London, to which the confiscated estates of the native Irish in Ulster had been granted by the Crown.

He belonged to a family of Scottish antecedents who were alike conspicuous for their zealous attachment to the Presbyterian faith, and for their loyalty to the English ascendency in Ireland.


His elder brother, Robert Shannon,'-' whose name is men- tioned among those who took part in the defense of Londonderry during its memorable siege in 1689, was for a considerable period a member ot the municipal administration, and for a time mayor of that city.

*I visited Londonderry in August, 1887, in the hope of obtaining further intormation about Robert Shannon, but was unable to discover any record of a Will, though I did learn that he was buried on the 21st February, 1708, in the Parish of Templemore. I also found in the municipal records several references to his service as Sheriff, Alderman and Mayor of Londonderry. See Appendix L for a fuller account of my visit. R. C S.


He was a staunch Presbyterian, and appointed by James the Second, in the year 1688, one of the Protestant minority of the new corporation of the City of Londonderry. He was removed by Queen Anne in 1704 for refusing to take the oath of abjura- tion and not receiving the sacrament oi the Lord's Supper, according to the usage of the Church of Ireland (Episcopalian), which was required ot all officials by an Act of the Irish Parliament passed in the year 1703/-"

Historians relate that during the year preceding the Revolu- tion of 1688, which dethroned James the Second, large numbers of Protestants emigrated from Northern Ireland to Great Britain and America, some to escape the cruel measures devised tor their persecution by the Earl of Tyrconnel, the Catholic Lord Lieu- tenant, and others to avoid the calamities ot an impending civil war. Among those who emigrated to America was Nathaniel Shannon, the subject of this sketch, who landed in Boston some time during the year 1687, where he permanently located.

He had then attained the age ot thirty-two years, was proba-

* The measure here referred to was the extension to Ireland of the Test Act passed by the English Parliament in 1673.

The historian Lecky, in his work entitled " England in the X\'IIIth Century," gives a most interesting account of the passage of this measure by the Irish Parlia- ment ; while Professor Witherow, in his work entitled " Derry and Enniskillen in 1688—9," shows how it affected the members of the Londonderry Municipality. The reader will find in Appendix II. extended extracts from these works upon the subject.

The Test Act was finally repealed by the Irish Parliament in 1780. Thus the severe disabilities inflicted upon Presbyterians in Ireland by this outrageous measure continued for upwards of eighty years, during which, as Fiske says, " the people of Ulster kept flocking to America."

The original Test Act, however, was not repealed by the English Parliament till 1828. Thus, as Lecky says, "the Irish Dissenters obtained this boon forty- eight years before a similar favor was granted to their co-religionists in England."

R. C. S.


bly unmarried, had but limited means, but possessed what in those times was regarded as the equivalent to wealth, an excellent education, of which his autograph papers, still pre- served in the Massachusetts State Archives, are the ample proof.*

Immediately after his arrival he engaged in mercantile pur- suits, which he continued for many years, and also filled some of the town offices of Boston.

He early became an attendant of the "Old South "t (Con- gregational) Church of Boston, and his name is entered upon its records as having become a communicant in the year i 70 1 .

The law enacted by the Provincial Government of Massachu- setts in 1 70 1 creating the office of Naval Officer for the Port Boston received the approval of the Crown, and in that same year he was made the first appointee to that office, which he held con- tinuously until his decease,;}; which occurred August 27, 1723.

* Vide Appendix III. for copy of his petition to the General Court in 1689 praying for the release of his servant who had been impressed " to go a Souldier agt. the Indians ; " also copy of Capias Writ and proceedings in the action of George Ball vs. Nathaniel Shannon, which appears to have resulted in a \erdict tor the defendant. R. C. S.

tThe " Old South Church," in which Nathaniel Shannon worshipped and his children were baptised, was the original " South Meeting House" of 1669, also popularly called " the Cedar Church." The name " Old South " did not come into use until the year 171 7, when the " New South " was built in Summer Street. The "Cedar Church" was pulled down in 1729, six years after Nathaniel Shannon's death, to give place to the structure which still stands in good state of preservation. Of the original " Cedar Church," " apparently no sketch or simulacrum exists." (Fiske.)

The new "Old South," built 1872-75, is the present home of the Society, the leading Congregational Church in New England, and the richest church corporation in the city of Boston ; and, next to old Trinity of New York, the richest in the country. Like the latter, the revenues of the former are derived from lands that have now become of great value on account of their central location. R. C. S.

l The compiler is mistaken in saying that Nathaniel Shannon was the first


The regret is often expressed that our ancestors did not have the photographer among them, or even the "Kodak tiend," who too often makes himself so offensive. By their wonderful art how easily might have been preserved to us faces and scenes that are now forever lost.

appointee to the Naval Office; that he was appointed in 1701, and that he served until his decease.

A recent and more careful investigation of the subject shows that (ames Russell was the tirst one chosen bv the General Court to ser\e as Na\al Officer of the port of Boston, and that he was commissioned March 17, 1681— 2 (\'ide Appendix IV.). Upon his resignation he was succeeded by Samuel Nowel, February 16, 1685—6.

The first Act of the General Court "erecting a Naval Office" was passed February 16, 1 68 1-2, and remained in force until substituted b\- the Act of June 27, 1692—3, under the new charter. Benjamin Jackson was then appointed to the Naval Office, and he, iji turn, was succeeded by William Welsteed, who served until i6g6, when he withdrew from the office.

As, however, the appointment of a Naval (Officer was one of the duties and privileges of the Governor himself under Acts of Parliament, independent of any law that might be passed by the General Court, the Earl of Bellomont, upon his arrival at Boston in l6gg, finding the Na\al Office \acant, proceeded at once to fill It.

In his letters addressed to the Home Go\ernment at the time, he goes quite fulh' into the matter, which seems to have given him no little trouble. In his letter of October 24, 1699, sent from Boston, to the Lords of Trade, we note the follow- ing passages :

" I am under much ditficultv here .ibout the Fees of a Naval Officer, w'^'' the Act of Assembly has reduced so very low y' I do not think all \ = fees will amount to 40^" a year in this place where there is so considerable a Trade. I can get nobody to accept of the place that is honest and able to find Security for his faithfiill discharge thereof; and for me to hire an Officer, would be a charge that I am not obliged to."

" Thfrf is one Mr. Shniiiion tliufs ice 11 reeommended to me for Naval Officer, and can have good Sufficient Security in 2000^' it the place were worth his acceptance. I desire your Lords will direct what I shall do in this matter. Besides we are to seek both here and at New York what is the proper business of the Naval Officer ; the Collectors in both places endeavor- ing to invade the business and duty of the Naval Officer that they may be entitled to more fees."


It is only by the painter's art that portraits of any of the early colonists have come down to us, and while these have generally been persons prominent in official or social life, still it is a fact, as a distinguished historian has recently pointed out, that the most painstaking research has thus tar tailed to

From his letter of October 27, 1699, we quote the following:

"I am very much perplex'd about the Naval Officers here and at N. Yorke ; here the Assembly have so reduc'd the ffees of the Naval Officer by Act of Assembly, that I can find no man of good credit that will accept of that employm'. In this place of great Trade, 'tis s'' the ffees will not amount to 40^ this mony, W^*" is 2.% ■£ English. 'Tis a great Trust the Naval Officers place, and I am not safe if y' officer be not very honest, besids he ought to be a man of good understanding, and must sacrifice his whole time to the due Execucon of his place. And all this considered, a man qualified for that place will expect a I OO;^ a year ; and how to do in this case I know not. 'Tis not in the Kings power to remedy this, and the Act of Assembly being approved by the King and Council in England. The Assembly retrenched the ffees on purpose, for they hate in this country to have their Trade inspected, and will always put w' dis- couragm" they can upon officers who are entrusted with that inspection. / urn forc\l to intreat one Mr. Shannon to execute the Naval Officers place for the p'sent, til I am directed by you what course to take. I cannot mentaine a Naval Officer at my own charge, my Sallary (w'^'' is only certaine in N. York) is too narrow to afford it, and if you cannot thinke ot a way how that shall be mentained, I must let y= office drop."

" The Naval Officers here and at New York are to learn I find what their proper business is, abstractedly from the Collectors, and the Collect" and they are not agreed about their ffees. I should therefore desire you would please to send Instruccons for the Naval Officers in both Provinces what their proper business is, and what fees they are entitled to. There was no Naval Officer at N. York, nor here neither at the time of my coming to the Governm' of these Provinces, W^i" is the reason of their unexperience, both as to the business & fees of the office."

Thus it appears that Nathaniel Shannon had practically been appointed to the Naval Office at Boston by the Earl of Bellomont as early as October, 1699; and that he continued to serve as Naval Officer is clear from other references to him in the Earl's subsequent letters to the Commissioners of Customs.

As evidence that Mr. Shannon continued for years afterwards to serve as Naval Officer, it may be stated that from time to time it was the custom to forward to the Board of Trade " Accounts of Civil & Military Officers in New England;" and one of these " Accounts " is mentioned in Governor Dudley's letter to the Board of


discover portraits of many of the most prominent characters of our early colonial history, as, for instance, of such eminent worthies as William Bradford and Roger Williams. The same may be said of the men who figured so conspicuously in the colonial history of New Hampshire, President John Cutt,

Trade, dated April 8, 1712. Under the subdivision " A list of Officers in the Civil Government" occurs the following: "Boston Nathaniel Shannon Gent. Naval Officer."

Moreover the Colonial Entry Book, Volume 63, still preserved in the Record Office at London, was found to contain a long list of vessels Cleared and Entered at the Naval Office at Boston between the years i 7 14 and i 7 1 9, signed by Nathaniel Shannon, Naval Officer.

No allusion to the death of Mr. Shannon was found in the Colonial Records; but in a letter dated November 17, 1 722, Archibald Cumings is called "Naval Officer at Boston."

Exactly when Mr. Shannon ceased to serve as Naval Officer has not been learned ; but in view of the statement in the " Boston News Letter " that his last sickness was a "long" one, and that he served "upwards of 22 years," it is more than probable that he withdrew from the office sometime during the year 1721.

In regard to the duties of the Naval Officer the Earl of Bellomont, as we have seen from his correspondence, appears to have been somewhat in doubt, though from the form of Commission which the Privy Council directed should be issued to the Naval Officer, as well as the terms of the Oath he was obliged to take (V^ide Appen- dix IV.), it is clear that the aim of Parliament in creating the post was to secure a stricter observance of the Acts of Trade and Navigation.

Bruce, in his " Economic History of Virginia in the 17th Century," says :

" The Naval Officer filled a position which was created by the Act of Navigation, although he seems to have received his commission from the Governor ; being required, however, to give security to the English Commissioners of Customs. He was expected to make entry of vessels, to furnish clearances, and to compel the shipmasters to fulfill all the conditions embodied in their bonds."

In i6g6, Nathaniel Weare, Esq., was appointed Na\-al Officer at Hampton, in the Province of New Hampshire, and his duties are declared to be: "to enter and clear all vessels for what goods imported or exported, and to receive all duties & imports, as by Law ; and to give an account of the same to the Treasurer of the Province for the time being, and to receive to himself the accustomed fees for his salary."


Richard Cutt, Major William Vaughan, Lieutenant-Governor George \^aughan, and his son Lieut. Col. William \^aughan, LoLiisburg tame. Portraits of no one of these men can now be found, it indeed they ever existed.

In the Council Records of the Province of Massachusetts Bay for 1695-6 (Chapter 22.)i we read that it is "ordered that William Welsteed, Naval Officer for the Port of Boston and Charlestown be allowed and paid the sum of £^ for his care and service in receiving and paying for the duty on Powder Money."

In the Massachusetts Archives (Vol. 62, p. 497) we find an account of the cost of Her Majesty's Ship, the New Province Galley, wherein the names of forty persons are set down as receiving different amounts, the last one mentioned being Nathaniel Shannon, who received the enormous sum of four shillings, as his fee "for selling ye old galley." (The Governor may well describe the tees of the Naval Officer as " very low.")

We also read that the Naval Officer at Boston was appointed by the Govern- ment to make auction sale of property seized by " pyrates."

Thus the duties of the Naval Officer would seem to have been numerous and important.

The first Act of Parliament referring to this official was entitled an " Act for the Encouragement of Trade," passed in 1663 (15 Car. II., c. 7), and providing, among other things, that no ship or vessel coming into any one of the Plantations or Colonies should lade or unlade any goods or commodities whatever until the Master or Commander of such ship or vessel had first made known to the Governor of such Plantation or Colonv " o?- such other Person or Officer as shall be b\ him thereunto authorixed and appointed" the arrival of the vessel, name and surname of Com- mander, and prove that it is an English ship ; navigated by an English Master, and that at least three-fourths of the mariners are Englishmen ; and, further, deliver a manifest of the cargo, with true account of the place whence cleared and ports touched.

It was under this provision that the Colonial Governors had the power (though sometimes very slow to exercise it) of appointing an officer whose special duty it was to enforce the Navigation laws, and secure the perquisites of the King and Governor by forfeitures.

Thus far no name was given to this officer in the English Statutes ; but he received a title in the Colonies which was subsequently adopted in the Act of Parlia- ment passed in 1696 (7 & 8 Gulielmi III., c. 22), as follows :

" And whereas by the said Act of the fifteenth of King Charles intitled ' An


How intensely interesting and instructive it would be at this distance ot 200 years it we could only have before us a series of photographic prints, showing exactly how old Boston and its people looked at the close of the 17th century, its dwelling- Act for the Encouragement of Trade,' the Governors of the said Plantations are impowered to appoint an Officer for the Performance of certain Things in the said Act mentioned, which said Officer is there commonly known by the name of the Naval Officer ; " and whereas such officers had been negligent, they were thereafter to give to the Commissioners of Customs ample bonds for the faithful discharge of their duties. (Vide Appendix IV.).

But why should the Naval Officers have shown themselves so negligent in their duties ? For a clear understanding of this it will be necessary to bear in mind the aim of the so-called Navigation Acts, and note the manner in which they had been executed in the Colonies.

It was mainly to cripple the Dutch, who had gradually secured the bulk of the carrying trade not only to England, but to her Colonies, as well, that various acts and ordinances were passed by the English Parliament, including the famous Naviga- tion Act of 1 65 1. That these Acts were allowed to remain inoperative in New England during the Commonwealth was due to the Puritan ideas and independent spirit of its people, who always had the sympathy and friendship of Cromwell.

After the Restoration, however, a rigid application of these Acts to the New England Colonies was firmly insisted upon, and not less firmly, we may readily believe, because of their harboring the regicides. Several new Acts were passed, the object of which was to destroy the " unlawful " trade that had grown up mean- while. The " Bostoners," however, had no idea of submitting to any interference with their prosperous and growing trade ; so they went on, as before, trading direct with foreign nations and paying no attention whatever to Acts of Parliament, until the sudden appearance at Boston, in 1676, of Edward Randolph, that zealous and devoted emissary of the English Crown, who for thirt}' years afterwards proved their most persistent and unrelenting foe.

He bore a letter from the King, who reminded his Colonial subjects of their past negligence and disobedience, and warned them that for the future the irregular course of trade they had been pursuing must cease. This, however, does not seem to have had much efi^ect, for when subsequently Randolph, as the Collector of His Majesty's revenue at Boston, sought to execute his office, he was met by a most determined opposition not onlv from the parties immediately interested, but by the community generally, including even public officials, who should have aided him.


houses and churches ; its public buildings and places ot business ; its streets and squares ; and, above all, the inhabitants themselves as they appeared in their varied costumes passing to and fro engaged in their daily occupations.

Having seized a vessel for importing goods direct from Ireland, upon trial the jury cleared the vessel, and then a suit for substantial damages was brought against Randolph himself, who, being unable to find any one to give bail for him, would have been imprisoned had the Governor not interceded and allowed him to give his own bond.

The General Court even had the boldness to instruct their agents in London to sav that the Acts of Navigation " according to the usual savings of the learned in the lawe bounded within the fower seas, and doe not reach America ;" and adding that " the subjects of His Majestv here being not represented in Parliament, so wee have not looked at ourselves to be impeded in our trade bv them."

We thus see that our Colonial ancestors in 1676 were quite as rebellious in spirit as were their descendants a century later, though hardly yet strong enough to risk the wager of battle !

Poor Randolph seems to have had a most trying experience ! Once he wrote home that the " Bostoners " treated him " more as a spy than as one of His Majesty's servants." All his attempts at seizure and confiscation ignominiously failed. Again and again he was cast in damages and imprisoned. But he was not yet wholly dis- heartened ; and obtaining fresh powers from the Home Government he again returned to the charge firmly resolved to yet triumph over those " lawless traders."

But their stubborn resistance continued ; and it was soon found that measures of a strenuous character would be necessary before the refractory Colonists could be brought to terms. Randolph suggested that the most speedy method would be by a quo warranto and judgment vacating the Charter, as had been done already in the case of other Colonies, and this was adopted. When at last the " Bostoners " found that their beloved charter was really in peril, then only did they begin to yield. In an humble address to the King the General Court entreated forbearance. They ordered the Acts of Trade and Navigation to " be forthwith published in the market place in Boston by beate of drum;" and they "erected a Naval Office" (Vide Appendix IV.). But it was too late. The charter was vacated, and then came the arbitrary government of Andros, which abruptly closed with the accession of William and Mary.

Again the courage of the Colonists revived, and they dared even to hope for a restoration of their charter. This, however, was too much to expect, although a


But while we are denied the pleasure of such an exact and lifelike portrayal ot that early time, the historian has not heen idle. His patient industry has not only carefully preserved the details of the leading public events that transpired, but his gifted

new charter was finally granted, under which their opposition to the Navigation Acts continued as vigorous as ever, though it now took on a new form.

The Naval Officer, appointed by the Governor, now claimed the right to exer- cise complete jurisdiction over all inward and outward bound vessels, wholly ignor- ing the Royal Collector sent out from England, who was subjected to such personal indignities at the hands of the Governor that the latter was finally ordered over to England to explain his conduct. The affidavits of Naval Officers Welsteed and Jackson, and the petition of Collector Brenton, which with other papers were sub- mitted to the Privy Council at the time, and which will be found on file in the Massachusetts Archives (Vide Appendix IV. for copies), set forth in great detail the exact nature of the question in dispute.

In substance it was a claim by the Naval Officer, under the terms of the Pro- vincial Act of June 27, 1692—3, to exercise supreme control over the shipping and perform certain duties that had been specially assigned bv Acts of Parliament to the Royal Collector.

The decision of this controversy had not long to wait, nor was it of doubtful nature. It came in a letter (Vide Appendix IV.) from the Privy Council to the Go\ernor and Council of the Province of Massachusetts repealing the Act of June 27, 1692—3, and thus utterly repudiating the claim and pretensions set up on behalf of the Naval Officer.

This repeal, in 1695, of the second law passed by the General Court "erect- ing a Navall Office" was followed, in 1696, by the Act of Parliament already men- tioned (Vide Appendix IV.), requiring the Naval Officer to gi\e a bond for the faith- ful discharge of his dutv ; and as William Welsteed, who was then the Naval Officer at Boston, refused to furnish the required bond he was obliged to withdraw from the office.

Lieut. Governor Stoughton, who had assumed the duties of Governor upon the departure of Sir William Phipps for England, in 1694, had no disposition, we can well believe, to meddle in a matter which had given his predecessor so much trouble. Hence he made no new appointment, and the Na\al Office continued vacant until Bellomont's arrival at Boston in 1699.

With the absence of Collector Brenton in England, and no Naval Officer present to execute the Navigation Acts, " illegal trade " must have gone briskly on at Boston


pen has often told the story so eloquently that in imagination we can almost picture the scene.

During Nathaniel Shannon's life in Boston, extending over a period of thirty-six years, many important events occurred in

under the administration of Stoughton. The Earl of Bellomont, however, was earnest in his efforts to put a stop to it, and the following extract from his correspondence is interesting as showing that in the year 1700, in spite of all that had happened, a determined sentiment of hostility to the Navigation Acts still prevailed in the com- munity, and Boston merchants had not the least idea of abandoning their lucrative trade simply because, forsooth, it was " unlawful."

Writing from New York to the Commissioners of Customs, under date of November 26, 1700, the Earl of Bellomont says :

"I have already writ to your Lordships all that has occurr'd to my thoughts of the state ot the trade in my three governments. I will now observe the mismanagement of it ; and in a word I believe no part of the King's dominions is under so loose a management as these three Prov- inces are, or that practise unlawtull trade so much. I have some reason to believe that all their returns at Boston from Spain and Portugal for the fish they send thither, are not hard pieces of eight as they would persuade the world, and that they will not want the product of those countries the shortest and cheapest way, which, to be sure, is not by the way of England. There is a great trade between Boston and Newfoundland, and I have been told there is a con- stant trade between St. Sebastian and Newfoundland, and that there is a great store ot French and Spanish wines and Spanish iron in Newfoundland.

" If the merchants be minded to run their goods there is nothing to hinder them. Mr. Brenton, the Collector, is absent, and has been so these two years ; his deputy is a merchant, the two waiters keep public houses, and besides that, that coast is naturally shaped and cut out to favor unlawful trade, as well as this of New York.

" The town of Boston, for want of a due regulation, is also contrived for that purpose. / sent Mr. Shannon, the Naval Officer, to take an account of the wharfs or landing places in Boston and Charlestotvn, which is opposite, Charles river running between, and he brought me a list of 63 wharfs in Boston and 14 in Charlestown. 'Tis a common thing, as I have heard, to unload their ships at Cape Ann and bring their goods to Boston in row boats. There is also a constant trade carried on between Boston and Quebec, Port Royal, Fort St. John and Penobscot River, where one Monsieur St. Castin lives. I have more than ordinary reason to beHeve this since a certain merchant in Boston has made me the compliment to offer me a partnership with him in that trade, which he said would be very beneficial ; but I refused to be concerned. He after- wards owned to me he had ^2000 worth ot English goods proper for the market in Canada; and when I was last at Albany some Mohack Indians revolted to the French, brought some peltry with them from Canada to trade tor duffles and strowds, but complained ot their dearness,


which if he played no important part he certainly could not have been an indifferent spectator.

It was only two years alter his arrival that the revolution began which resulted in the overthrow of Andros, at the very time that Robert Shannon was shut up in Londonderry, then

and said that English woollens were much cheaper at Quebec and Montreal than at Albany, and that they would carry their peltry back to Canada, which for ought I know they did."

It was while " unlawful " trade was thus flourishing at Boston that Nathaniel Shannon became the Naval Officer of the Port ; and the query arises, What were his duties and how did he perform them ? As there was no provincial law then in exist- ence to guide him, he must have acted, at first, upon the personal instructions of the Governor himself, at least until 1701, when, Beilomont having died, the General Court made a third attempt to enact a law that would be acceptable to the Home Government. This time it happily succeeded ; and the Act, passed and published June 28th of that year, entitled " An Act for Establishing of a Naval Office and for ascertaining of the fees" (Vide Appendix IV.), was promptly " allowed " by the Privy Council.

That Nathaniel Shannon performed his duties under this law with the full approval of his superiors might naturally be inferred from the simple fact that he served continuously as Naval Officer "for upwards of 22 years" under Governor Beilomont, Lieutenant-Governor Stoughton, the Council as Executive, and Gover- nors Dudley and Shute.

And yet we read that Randolph, upon his arri\al at Boston March 26, 1698, reports having been informed that "• Hugh Shannon, a great Promoter of ye Illegal Trade, is made ye Naval Officer." [The first name, Hugh, is of course an error, since Nathaniel is the only Shannon then borne on the lists of the Freemen of Boston.]

For one to be thus characterized as a " great Promoter of illegal trade," was, we presume, only another way of saying that he was in sympathy with the public sentiment of the community in which he lived in its hostility to the Acts of Trade and Navigation.

The constant evasion of these Acts was a fact not to be denied, and not to be wondered at, considering their blighting and repressi\e effects upon the Colonies. To keep their flourishing trade " untrammelled in its movement " the Colonists did not scruple to engage in smuggling, and at one period even to have complicity with pirates. The whole abominable system had to be resisted somehow, if not success-


besieged by the forces of King James. This was promptly followed by the proclamation of William and Mary, amid great public rejoicings, and then came the New Charter.

In 1692 the terrible witchcraft delusion broke out which desolated so many homes and left an indelible blot on our col- onial history, though, in fact, as one writer says, it was a delusion that "seemed to darken the understanding of all Christendom;" and when, on Fast-day, July 14, 1696-7, Judge Sewell stood up in the "Old South" and listened with bowed head to the reading of his solemn declaration of contrition, we have no doubt that Nathaniel Shannon was present in the vast congregation ; for he was an attendant at that church, and later became one of its members.

During the first twenty years of the i 8th century Nathaniel

fully in one way, then in another. John Adams said : " it would have ruined America if she had not resisted."

Down to the period of our Revolutionary War there were passed no less than 29 Acts of Parliament to extend and strengthen this oppressive system, the policy of which was to sacrifice the future of the Colonies to the enrichment of the English merchant. The policy, however, was distrusted from the first by some of the best thinkers of England, while political economists of the modern school have " scouted it."

Adam Smith declares that England, in her Acts of Trade and Navigation, " always had in view to secure to herself the monopoly of the commerce " of her American Colonists, " to confine their market and to enlarge her own at their expense; and, consequently, rather to damp and discourage than to quicken and for- ward the course of their prosperity." The project of shutting out every other nation from a share in the benefit of our Colonial trade he branded as " invidious and malig- nant ;" and it is a remarkable fact that Smith's great work, in which he so merci- lessly exposes the errors of the mercantile system, first appeared in 1776, the very year in which the Colonists declared their Independence, one of the grievances set forth in the Declaration being this huge, grinding monopoly to which they had been subjected for over a century.

The Navigation Acts were finally abandoned by England in 1849, s'' '^'' ^^ foreign trade was concerned, and in 1854, as regards the coasting trade. R. C. S.


Shannon was the Naval Officer of the port of Boston, and when- ever mihtary expeditions were there fitted out to operate at distant points along the coast, thus requiring fleets of vessels for transport of troops and stores, his duties as Naval Officer must have kept him busily employed, besides bringing him into personal relations with those taking part in such expeditions.

Up to 1 710 the New England Colonies, aided by the Home Government, made several ineffectual attempts to reduce Port Royal, which was regarded by the Colonists as a pestilent nest of privateers and pirates that preyed on the New England fisheries. In that year the project was renewed. No vessel was permitted to leave the harbor Boston till the necessary transport service had been provided. The British Government was to furnish four frigates and 500 soldiers; and when finally the expedition put to sea on the i8th ot September, it numbered, in all, fifty ships. Within a week after the arrival ot the fieet Port Royal capitulated, and ever since Nova Scotia has remained a possession of the British Crown.

In this expedition George \'aughan, of Portsmouth, N. H., accompanied the New Hampshire contingent as a volunteer; and as it was only three years after, in 171 3, that Nathaniel Shannon, Jr., married his sister, it is not improbable that the acquaintance of these voune men and their families began at this time.

The following is a facsimile of the announcement of Mr. Shannon's death which was published in the " Boston News Letter" of September 5, 1723:

BOSTON, September 4. On Tuefday Morning the 27th of Aiigud, Died herej ( after a long and languifhing Illnefs ) Nathaniel Shannon, Efq; Aged 68 Years, who upwards oi 22 Year?, faithfully difcharged the Duty of Na\ral.OflRcer in this Pjrt j and was decently Inter'd on the »8lh.



His funeral service was conducted bv the Rev. William Cooper, ot Boston, and is noted in the diary of that clergyman published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XXX. p. 436.

A gravestone of slate, with inscription still plainly legible, in " Old Granary Burial Ground," Boston, marks the place where the remains of the Emigrant repose.




For the better protection and preservation ot the old stone, it has recently been enclosed in a bronze casing bearing a suitable inscription, and of which the following is a half-tone illustration:

BOSTON IN r6«7 wff"^^^'^'-^'' "^



His wife, who survived him, was Elizabeth ; but

her maiden name and place birth are unknown.

She was appointed administratrix of his estate September 9, 1723 ; and was admitted to full communion at the Brattle Street Church February 6, 1726.

Children of Nathaniel and Elizabeth :

1. Nathaniel [5], b. December 9, 1689.

3. Robert, b. June 7, 1695; was living in 1720; and the

tradition is that he died unmarried.

4. Samuel, b. January 16, 1698; m. April 4, i 733, Ann Miller.



5. NATHANIEL SHANNON^ [2], (Nathaniel',) son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Shannon, was born in Boston, Mass., December 9, i689,''' and there educated for the mercantile pro- fession. He was admitted to membership at the " Old South Church" in 171 i, and soon after became engaged in trade at Ipswich, Mass., from which place he remov'ed to Portsmouth, N. H., where he was established as a shipping merchant until the year I720.f

The following letter written by him in 171 6 to his father, then Naval Officer of Boston, is the letter referred to by the com- piler in the Introduction. This letter (which is here produced in facsimile), and the deed given by Nathaniel Shannon, Jr., and his wife Abigail Walker to Jonathan Belcher, in 1720, which appears further on, conclusively prove the relationship of father and son :

* The birth of Nathaniel Shannon is recorded in the Boston Registry of Births, and notice of his baptism at the " Old South Church," December 22, i68q, will be found in Hill's " Historical Catalogue of the Old South Church." R. C. S.

t He was also engaged in the fisheries, which even at that early period had already become a leading industry in New England. Vide Appendix V. for copy of an interesting letter he wrote to his brother-in-law, George Vaughan, then in London, giving some account of his operations and complaining of an English Naval Officer whose interference had greatly prejudiced the interests of those engaged in the fisheries.

In this Appendix will also be found copies of eight letters written bv Nathaniel Shannon, in 1 716—17, relating to his business affairs. The originals of these letters were discovered in the Mass. Archives in 1884. R. C. S.

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icLC- it t\J>KC tti' '-^^^^^



Portsmouth Oct"" n^*^ 1716 Hon'' Sr

I have not been faV* w'"^ any from you this post, & having wrote you so lately pr. M'' Waldron I have the less to say. I expect Cap' Glen is on the road homeward, if M'' Wentworth has not stopt him, so shant write him till I know, if he is at Boston, please to acquaint him y' I have answered his note to M'' Oliver & y' there is 46 Tons of wood out of the ship, & to day there will be near 20 more 30 of w'='' I shall have for him.

I have the promise of Hamiltons Butter and shal psent Mother w''' a small pot myself & intend to send i or 2 to Cor. Robison w'^'' suppose will be Enough to buy a Q' Cask of good Fyal Wine of w'^^ here is none in Town & must pray y"' fav'' in y' matter We are all well 6c psent our Duty from

Yr Obed' Son

Nath"- Shannon [Superscribed]


Mr. Nath'- Shannon Naval Officer

In Boston

[Mass. Archives, Vol. 63, p. 241]

According to the traditions in the family Mr. Shannon is supposed to have gone to the West Indies in 1720, probably to the Barbados, where members of the Vaughan family had ±or some time been engaged in trade, and to have remained there in connection with some commercial enterprise until his decease, the exact date of which is at present unknown, but which is thought to have occurred shortly before his father's death in 1723.

Mr. Shannon was married in Portsmouth by the Rev. Na- thaniel Rogers, November 25, 1714, to Abigail V^aughan.* She

* His marriage to Abigail Vaughan appears in the Record of Marriages (from 1699 to 1723) solemnized by Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, Pastor of the Congregational Church at Portsmouth, N. H., and deposited in the Archives of the City of Portsmouth.


was born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 5, 1683, the daughter of Maior William and Margaret (Cutts) A^aughan.

William Vaughan belonged to an ancient and distinguished family in the south of Wales.

His grandfather, Sir Roger Vaughan of Glamorganshire, born about 1590, was a gentleman of prominence in that principality; his father, George Vaughan, baptized April 10, 161 5, buried April 5, 1699, was married December 8, 1639, to Mary Boxall, whose burial is recorded October 28, 1645. Of this marriage were born three children, viz:

1. William, baptized January 3, 1640;

2. Mary, baptized October 23, 1642;

3. Joane, baptized December 10, 1643.

William, the eldest, was educated in London for the mercantile profession by Sir Josiah Child, who had great regard for him, and from whose influence and assistance he derived great advantage in his subse- quent.career.

He emigrated to New England about the year 1664 and settled at Portsmouth, N. H., where he became an eminent merchant.

In public affairs, both local and colonial, he soon became active and influential, and for a long time was one of the most prominent men in the early historv of New Hampshire.

In the Charter granted by Charles the Second, constituting New Hampshire a separate Province, September 18, 1679, William Vaughan was named one of the Royal Councillors, and was commissioned by Pres- ident Waldron, 1681, Major commanding the Militia of the Province.

In 1682 this Charter was annulled by the appointment of Edward Cranfield, Lieutenant-Governer and Commander-in-Chief of New Hamp- shire.

Major Vaughan, however, was appointed one of the New Council; but his militarv commission was immediately revoked, and for non-com- pliance with the arbitrary measures of Governor Cranfield, in 1683, he was deprived of his seat in the Council, and soon after imprisoned for nine months in the Province gaol at Great Island (now Newcastle).

While in prison he sent to the Chief Justice the following petition, the original of which is in his own handwriting, and still preserved in the archives of the State of New Hampshire :


^^ '^ f/-*wVA^ ^;;J.;-;\^.y- //rJhj^, y-V-^ y^jL - " M^-^^ .^7-^ y/^.. .v-Lj^-- ^-^trA



William Vaughan =

George Vaughan^ Elizabeth Eliott


riW(kxiiH =

,'30vl joilA^noiifinilS

Richard Cutts Shannon= Elizabeth Ruggles 35

v/oCI YtiiWI=non!icri8 I'jiiu.iiJi;!' 9c

■^ M^^<^ .\'^~-*^^ Y>^X.. ,v..,^A^ ^"pi'A



William Vaughan = Margaret Cutt

Nathaniel Shannon = Elizabeth

George Vaughan^ Elizabeth Eliott

Abigail VangKan = Nathaniel Shannon I 5

Marv Vauphan=Cutts Sha

Nathaniel Shannon = Alice Frost

Richard Cutty Shannon^ Elizabeth Ruggles Thomas Shannon^Lillias Watson , Nathaniel Shannon;=Mary Dow

35 46 59

-•nonnst'i; [^insrijcW

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i;i;'J loiJigiKM:^n;.(igfji V friiiiiiiV/

ijinndifM ^= .if.rlaijn''/ fic^ic'/-.

sJoii'H rij9f!Ex!!3=(!;.ri:gKBV ogiooO

.ini.i!j£'/l no;inr;fig .-Dj/O^-riKiigrjir/ /itlVl


To y'' worshipfull Walter Barefoot Esqr. President and the the rest of y*^ Justices of y'= Peace now sitinge at the Create Island at a quarter sessions Holden for the Province of New Hampshire In New England. The Humble request of William Vaughan. Augs' 5'^ 1684.

May it Please your worships

The circumstances I have for a Longe time bin under, nessessi- tates mee to Make Applycatyon to our Honorable Governor, wherein begs, that at this quarter ssessions I might have the Liberty of Appearinge to Answer to what May be objected against mee. And if fFound criminall Might Suffer the Penalty of the Law ; if otherwaise may be freed from My confinem'.

Therefore Humbly beg of your worships to give mee A Hab- eas Corpus to be brought before you for the ends aforesaid, Ac- cordinge to the Statute commonly called y'= Habeas Corpus Acte, Made Anno tricessimo primo Caroly Secundi Regis, Chap. 2, Sectyon 10 and your petityoner shall praye, who am,

Your worships Humble Serv't

Wm. Vaughan.

Under the tyrannical administration of Gov. Cranfield, when Mason, who claimed the ownership of rt// the lands in New Hampshire, instituted suits against the principal landholders, and juries were found (through the influence of the Governor) to decide them in his favor. Major Vaughan was the only one of the defendants who appealed to the Crown tor a reversal of these verdicts.

The Provincial Records show that Major Vaughan was one of the Justices of the Common Pleas 1680— 1686.

His reappointment to command the Militia 1690.

Under Lieut. Gov. Usher, to have been reappointed to the Council 1692, of which he continued a member till 1698.

Treasurer of the Province 1696-1698.

Register of Deeds 1 697-1 702.

Admitted again to the Council 1701, of which body he was the President 1706-17 15, and for the same time Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

He early united with the Congregational Church at Portsmouth, and continued a member until his decease.

He married, December 8, 1668, Margaret Cutt, a daughter of Richard* and Eleanor Cutt, of Portsmouth, who died January 22, 1690.

* Richard Cutt was the son of Hon. Richard Cutt, of Bath, in Essex County,



Her tombstone, with its quaint inscription, marking the site of the ancient Vaughan Tomb, can still be seen at the Old Point of Graves Burial (iround, where a monument was erected, in 1885, to the memory of her distinguished grandson, Lieut. Col. William Vaughan of Louisburg fame (Vide Appendix VI.).

Major Vaughan died at Portsmouth, N. H., November 12, 1719, aged 78.

Children of William and Margaret Vaughan :

I. Eleanor, b. March 5, 1670; m. Col. Richard Waldron, of

Dover, N. H. 1. Mary, b. March 6, 1672; m. Capt. Daniel King, of Salem,


3. Cutt, b. March 9, 1674; d. unmarried at the Barbadoes.

4. George, b. April ij, 1676.

5. Bridget, b. July 2, 1678; m. Nathaniel Gerrish, of Ber-

wick, Me.

6. Margaret, b. December 30, 1680; m. (ist) February 23,

1 72 1, Capt. John Foye, of Charlestown, Mass.; and (2nd) February 10 1736, Hon. Charles Chambers, of Charlestown, Mass. She died without issue August 6, 1762.

7. Abigail, b. May 5, 1683; m. Nathaniel Shannon.

8. Elizabeth, b. April 26, 1686; m. Capt. Daniel Moulton,

of Portsmouth.

England, who died in 1654, while a member of Cromwell's Parliament. Richard, with his two brothers, John and Robert, and sister Ann, who married John Shipway, emigrated to New England prior to 1645, and settled first at the Isles of Shoals and afterwards on the shores of the Piscataqua Ri\er. John, the eldest, was the first Royal President of New Hampshire under the charter of 1679, and died while in office IVIarch 27, 1681, and was succeeded by AIa)or Richard Waldron, who was killed by the Indians lune 28, 1689.

Robert Cutt, the youngest, afterwards went to the Barbadoes, but soon returned and located at Kittery, where he became a noted shipbuilder; he died June, 1674. His descendants are numerous, and many of them have been distinguished.

Richard Cutt was for some years engaged in "• the fisheries " at the Isles of Shoals, of which he owned Star Island. Afterwards became a wealthy merchant



Abigail Vaughan's father, as stated, was one of the Royal Councillors and Chief Justice of the Superior Court of the Province of New Hampshire, and her maternal grandfather, Richard Cutt,'-'' was an opulent merchant of Portsmouth, and one of the earliest settlers of that town.

She married, second, in the year 1735, Captain George Walker, a wealthy and prominent citizen of Portsmouth, N. H., who died December 7, 1748, aged 86 years.

In his Will, made August 18, 1740, after giving to his wife Abigail one-half of his estate, he adds the following :

" I give and bequeath unto my wife Abigail, my negro woman Dinah, my negro girl Diana, my negro boy Beaufidy & my negro boy Ca;sar."t

and large landholder in Portsmouth, and held many public offices. He died in 1676. His wife's name was Eleanor, by whom he was the father of two daughters, Bridget and Margaret. Bridget was twice married, first, to Captain Thomas Daniel, one of the Royal Council; he died November 13, 1683, aged 49; second, December 11, 1684, to Thomas GrafFort, also one of the Council, who died August 6, 1697. ^^^ ^'^^ Mav 29, I 70 1, without issue, bequeathing the most of her large estate to the daughters of her sister Margaret, who married Wm. Vaughan.

* As all members of the Shannon himilv mentioned in this record, excepting Nathaniel Shannon, the Emigrant (1655-1723), and his son Nathaniel (1689- 1723), are direct descendants of Richard and Eleanor Cutt, of Portsmouth, N. H., through their daughter Margaret, it has been thought desirable to include in this compilation the Wills of those two worthies, as well as documents relating to the estate of Major William Vaughan; the Will of George Walker (2nd husband of Abigail Vaughan Shannon); the Will of Lieutenant-Governor George \'aughan, and that of his son, Lieut. Col. W^illiam \^aughan, of Louisburg fame. All these documents and Wills are gi\en at length in Appendix \'n. R. C. S.

t " African Sla\'ery existed in New Hampshire under the sanction of the province laws till near the close of the Revolution. According to a census taken in 1767, the whole population of the province was 52,700, of which number 384 were slaves, of whom there were two in Hollis. In 1775 the whole population of New Hampshire had increased to 82,200, and the slaves to 656, of whom four were in Hollis." (Magazine of American Historv, \'ol. XXL, p. 62.)


In a codicil to the Will, dated November 15, 1748, he turther provides for her as follows :

" I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Abigail, my negros ; Cato, Nancy, Zenus, Nimshy & Primus : also a note of hand, I have from Nathaniel Shannon, for the sum of Sixteen Hundred & Eight Pounds, old tenor, bearing date T4th Feb 1746: also, the interest I have in a mortgage deed, from Cutt Shannon & his wife to me, also a note of hand from Madam Margaret Chambers, for the sum of One Thousand Pounds."

Abigail Shannon was admitted to the South Parish ( Congrega- tional) Church August 5, 1733, at which church her two sons were communicants and her grandchildren received the rites ot Baptism.

She died in Portsmouth in the year 1762, aged 79 years.

The two following deeds are important as showing the re- lationship of different members of the V^aughan and Shannon families, the second deed being the one referred to by the com- piler at the close of the Introduction :

[Registry of Deeds, Exeter, N. H. 171 3.]

Know all Men by these Presents; that I, Abigail \'aughan, single woman, daughter of Maj'' W"" Vaughan, of Portsmouth in New Hamp"", for divers considerations now moving, but more in special for the consideration of a valuable sum of monev, to me in hand paid by my brother, Geo: Vaughan, of the same place to mv fiill content and satisfaction have given, granted, bargained and sold, . . . unto my said brother, Geo: \'aughan, all my right, title, claim, interest and demand, W^i" I have or ought to have, or may ever have, as my part and division of the wood field, or Great Hill field, on the north side of the way, going up to the Creek, w^*" was formerly M" Bridget GrafFort's, given her by her father Rich'* Cutt EsqS in Ports- mouth to be to him, his heirs, ex^" adm^ & assigns, to have and to hold to him, the s'* Geo: Vaughan, his heirs ... all of mv interest, title & ... in 3'* wood field or Great Hill field, on the north side of the Way, going up from y= Bank to s'' Creek, or Islington in Portsmouth, in New Hamp'.

In witness whereof, I have sett my hand and seal, the 6''' day of Novemb"", 1713.

Abigail \'aughan (Seal)

In presence of;

Wm. Waldron ) J , Marv King -^ -'^"•

i 1714

Acknowledged before me

William Vaughan Jus. Pe^


[Registry of Deeds, Exeter, N. H. 1720.] Deed. Nath'-'- Shannon Junior & Wife Abigail to [onathan Belcher

To all people, to whom these Presents shall come : Nathaniel Shannon Jun'^, of Portsm° : New Hampshire, Merch', & Abigail, his wife, send greeting ;

Know yee, y' y' s"" Nath" & Abig", for & in consideration of three hundred pounds, current money of New England, to y"" in hand, well & truly paid, by Jon^ Belcher of Boston, in y= Mass^ Province, Esq, Merch', y= receipt whereof, y= %^ Nath" Shannon & Abig", his wife, do hereby ackowledge themselves therewith to be fully satisfied, contented & paid, & thereof & of every part thereof, do exonerate, acquitt and Discharge y'^ s'' Jon" Belcher, his heirs, ex'^ & adm" forever, by these presents have Given, Granted, Bargained, Sold, Aliened, Enfeoffed, Conveyed & Confirmed, & do by these presents Give, Grant, Bargain, Sell, Alien, Enfeoff, Convey, Make over. Ratify, Assure, Assigne & Confirm, unto y"^ %^ Jon" Belcher, & to his heirs, ex'S adm'^ & Assignes, forever :

One certain tract or lott of land, on GrafFort's hill, and is fi-onting on Piscattuqua River, Ab' ninety feet, & Runs back about one hundred feet, Between y'^ land of M" Eliz" Vaughan on each side, & so runs back to an highway, together with a wharf or part thereof. Also, another lott of land. Directly opposite on y= other side of the highway before mentioned, front- ing sixty four feet on y= highway, & runs back, between ye land of M' Nath" Gerrish, on y'' one side, & M'^ Margaret Vaughan on y"^ other, going so far as to make forty feet on y"^ Back, and there bounds on y<^ land of M" Eliz" Vaughan.

Also another lott or tract of land, fronting forty feet on y^ highway, y' leads from y= new meeting house to Shacktords highway, that goes by land now in Possession of M" Mary Martyn.

Also, another lott of land, fronting Southerly on a highway, that goes by M' W™ Patridges house ; Easterly on a highway by Jn° Hoddys house, & on v^ Back part by M'' Archabald Macpheadn's land.

Also, another lott, fronting on Tomb Street, Easterly, south on M'"* Eliz" Vaughan's land, Westerly on M' George Jaffrey's Orchard & Northerly on a garden, formerly improved by M' Jn° Tucker deceas''.

Also, twenty acres of land more, w^"'' is v= s'' Abigail Shannon's Share of eighty acres, common Land, vv^t" was laid out to M' Nath" Gerrish, M" Margaret Vaughan & to y= s'' Abig" Shannon, when Vaughan & to M'= Eliz" Vaughan, lying near to y^ land of M'' Ephriam Dennett, all w'^'' %^ lotts of land, are lying and being in v'= town Portsm° ; afores'' :

To have & to hold y"^ s'' Several pieces of land, as above Bounded, or however otherwise they are respectively bound or reputed to be bounden, to y= s'* |on" Belcher, & his heirs & assigns forever, w'*' all y'= privilege, profitts, comodities & apurtenances to y" premises belonging, or in any ways appertaining, free & clear from all manner of Incumbrances of mort- gage, sales, Joyntures, Dowries, Thirds, Executions, Intails or any other Intanglement w'soever & y"^ s'' Nath" & Abig" Shannon Do hereby w'"" the said Jon" Belcher, covenant & agree, y' till y" date hereof they are y= lawful and true owners of y' premises, & have good right and full power, to dispose thereof in manner as herein expressed, & y' he y*^ s** Jon" Belcher, his heirs, ex*^'*, adm", or assigns shall, & may att all times forever hereafter, quietly and



Peaceably have, hold, use, occupy, possess &: enjoy y= hereby given & granted premises, w'''out any lawful lett, mollestation, or hindrance from us, y= s'^ Nath" & Abig" Shannon, or from our heirs, ex''', or adm'', or from any other persons whatsoever claiming from, by or under us, or either of us, or bv our, or either of our means, consent, or procurement.

In testinion) of all above written, y^^ s"" Nath" Shannon Jun"" & Abig" Shannon, have hereunto set their hands, & affixed y' seals, y' thirtieth day of March, Anno Domini 1720. Annoque R' Regis Georgii Magnse Brittania' &:c Sexto.

Signed, sealed &: Delivered in presence ot us

Robert Sh.^nnqn Mary Abernethy N: Shannon Eliz^ Alcock Sam'- Alcock

Nath'^'- Shannon Abigail Shannon

[Seal] [Seal]

Suffolk ss : Boston March the 30''' 1720. Nath" Shannon Jun' appeared & acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act & deed. Coram

Sam"- Checkley

'Jui. Pciue.

Province of New Hampshire Mrs Abigail

) Portsm" : Octo*" : 28"^ 1721 Shannon personally appeared before me.

above, to be her voluntary act and deed.

y'' subscriber & acknowledged y"^

Tho' Packer

"Jus. Peace.

The following is a copy of the last Will and Testament of Abigail Walker, together with documents relating to the probate of the same, as well as the inventory of her estate. The origi- nals of these papers are in the State Library at Concord, N. H.:

In the name of God, Amen. I Abigail Walker of Portsmouth in the Province of New Hampshire Widow being in health and of a Sound Disposing mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of Human Life do make & ordain this to be m}- last will and Testament, and after Committing mv soul to God the father of Spirits and my body to the Earth to be decently Interred, hoping tor pardon of my Sins and Resurrection to Eternal Life thro' the Merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ. My worldly Estate I give devise and bequeath in the Manner and form following, that is to Say

Imprimis. Mv will is that all my Just debts &• funeral Charges be paid by my Executor herein after named in Convenient time after my decease


Item. I give and devise unto George Walker Shannon, Nathaniel, Abigail and Margaret Shannon being the Children of My Son Nathaniel Shannon deceas'd The Sum of Five pounds Old Tenor Each to be paid out of a Note of hand which my Said Son Nathaniel gave to George Walker Late of Portsmouth aforesaid Gentleman deceased my late husband, and by him given to me. The said Sums to be paid by my E.xecutor as Soon as he Can Recover the Money due on the Said Note, and not until he Shall Recover the Same, in case he Shall Endeavour the Same by all proper means.

Item. I give and Devise unto Richard Cutts Shannon, William, Thomas, James Noble, Nathaniel, Mary and Elenor Shannon Children of my Son Cutts Shannon Five pounds old Tenor Each, to be paid by my Executor as aforesaid

Item. I give unto my son Cutts Shannon and to his heirs and assigns forever all the Rest

Residue and Remainder of my Estate both Real & personal Named or unnamed wheresoever the

Same is or Shall be found wheather in possession Revertion or Remainder. And I Constitute and

Appoint my said Son Cutts Shannon to be Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament.

And I herebv Revoke disannull and make Void all other and former wills and Testaments by me

in anv manner heretofore made. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal

the Eighteenth day of February Anno Domini 1756, and in the Twenty ninth Year of His

Majesty's Reign

Abig'- Walker [seal]

Signed Sealed and declared by the said Abigail Walker, to be her last will and Testament in presence of us

H. Wentworth

Daniel Rogers

Joseph Allcock

Province of New Hampshire This Will was proved by the oaths of H. Wentworth & Daniel Rogers in Common form the 29''' Day of October, 1762.

Before R Wib.rd \ f^l' °^"

^ Probate.





Province of ) To all People To whom these

New Hampshire, \ Preients shall come: Richard Wibird Esq ; Judge of the Probate of Wills, &:c. in and for the Province of New Hampshire, sendeth Greeting.

Know ye That on the Dav of the Date hereof before me at Portsmouth in said Province, the Instrument, a Copv of which is hereunto annexed, ( Purporting [to be] the last Will and Testament of Abigail Walker late of Portsmouth aforesaid Widow deceased) was presented for Probate bv Cutts Shannon Sole Execut' therein named and Hunking Wentworth Esq' and M' Daniel Rogers two of the Witnesses whose Names are thereto subscribed being then present made solemn Oath that they saw the said Testat" Sign Seal and heard her declare the said Instrument to be her last Will and Testament. That she was then to the best of their Judg- ment of Sound and Disposing Mind, and that the\' with Joseph Alcock subscribed their Names together as Witnesses to the Execution thereof in the Presence of the said Testatrix.

I do therefore prove, approve and allow of the said Instrument as the last Will and Testa- ment of the said Deceased, and do hereby commit the Administration thereof in all Matters the same concerning and of her Estate whereof she Died Seized and Possessed in said Province unto him the aforesaid Execut' well and faithfully to execute the said Will and Testament, and to administer the Estate of said Deceased, according to the same who accepted of the said Trust and was directed to Exhibit an Inventory thereof according to Law and he shall render an Account (upon Oath) of his Proceedings therein when lawfully thereto required.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and the Seal ot the Court of Probate for said Province. Dated at Portsmouth aforesaid the zg'h Day of October, Anno Domini, i 762.


Inventorv of the Estate of Abigail Walker late of Portsmouth in New Hampshire Widow dec"* taken bv [ohn Shackford and James Stoodley, at the Rate of Six pounds old Tenor p. Dollar.

2 Acres of Land in uper and 2 ditto in Lower Marsh and y%

Acre in the Gore .....

I :; part of Two acres ot Land in Exeter a negro man ^^looo, a negro

woman & a Child ^800 ....

I looking glass 40;^' i ditto i ^£^ I Ovel table _p/"i2 6 Chairs and a Great Chair _^ 1 4 a Corner table 100/. i doz old Cane Chairs 120/. I 3 part of a Copper Kettle ....

I Iron pot i: I Iron Skillet ....

1 dressing box 40/. i old brass Kettle io_£" . I pair Iron Racks. 120/. 2 beds. 8o_^" I Round Table %o\. I Ironing 60^. I Tramel 2 hooks & i Iron Crow I Carpet 2 Coverlids S; i bed Sted

£ 450



55 26 1 1




I p'' handirons Slice & Tongs . . . .

3 Spining Wheels 6^ 2 p'" brass Candle Sticks 80/. a Saw 100/. I old Chest, draws lO;^ a Riding hood ZO;^ Silver 2 2 2;^'

old pewter. £zo. a Great Bihie £\2.

Warming pan 40 y. a Copper Coffee pot 60^. a Spit 30/.

old pie pan 30/. ......

I p'" old Jumps 40/. I old Cloke 40/.

I old Roppier ......

Portsm° Deccmb' 23"* 1762




3 4

old Tenor ;^32i7 o

John Sh.-^ckford James Stoodly

Province of ) December 29''' 1762 Cutts Shannon

New Hamp' ) Executor of the Testament of Abigail Walker Deceasd appeared and made Solemn oath that this is a true & Perfect Inventory of the Estate of his Testatri.x so far as has yet Come to his hands Possession or Knowledge and that he will add hereto whatsoever of said Estate shall further Come to his Hands Possession or Knowl- edge at the same time the above named appraisers appeared and made Solemn oath that they have Valued & appraised the things mentioned in this Inventory according to the Best ot their Judgment. Before

Judge of Probate.

Children of Nathaniel and Abigail Shannon : ■•'

6. Nathaniel [8], b. February 17, 17 15/6.

7. Cutts [ij], b. August 17, 1717.

* From a Record of Marriages, Births and Deaths in Portsmouth, N. H., from 1706 to 1742, kept bv Joshua Pierce, who was for manv vears clerk of that town, and which Record is in the possession of Robert Cutts Pierce, Esq., of Portsmouth, we extract the following :

" Nath' Shannon of Ipswich and Abigail X'aughan of this Town were marv** 25 Nov I 714.

" Nathan' ye son of Nathan' Shannon and Abigail his wife was Born i 7 Feby I 71 5 " [New style 28 Feb. 1716.]

"Cutts ve son of Nath' and Abigail Shannon was Born 17 Aug 171 7."



8. NATHANIEL SHANNON-^ |6], (Nathaniels Nathan- iel"), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Vaughan) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., February 17, i 7 1 5/6. He married Novem- ber 10, 1737, Alice Frost, the daughter of Samuel Frost, of New- castle, N. H., and was an innkeeper at Portsmouth.

iAfaXc^ c)^i3>>vvc<

He united with the South Congregational Church of that place July 23, 17^8, was made a member of the Masonic Frater- nity in 1739, and died in Portsmouth in the year 1753, aged 38



His widow subsequently married Charles Hight, a sailmaker of Portsmouth, who died there February 7, i 76 1 .

She became a communicant of the North Congregational Church of Portsmouth, June 7, 1778, and died in that town October 25, 1780.

The following papers relate to the administration ot the estate of Nathaniel Shannon, who died intestate :

Know nil Men by these Presents, That we. Allice Shannon Widow Mark Hunting Went- worth & Nathaniel Messerve Esq" all of Portsmouth In the Province of New-Hampshire, in New- England, are holden and stand firmly bound and obliged unto Andrew Wiggin Esq"" Judge ot the


Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations within the Province of New-Hampshire, in the fiill Sum of One thousand Pounds, Lawfiil Monev of New-England, to be paid to the said Andrew Wiggin his Successor or Successors in the said Office, or to his or their Assigns : To the true Payment whereof, we bind ourselves and each of us, our and each of our Heirs, Execu- tors and Administrators, jointly and severally for the whole and in the whole firmly with these Presents Sealed with our Seals. Dated the twentv Second Dav of October in the Year of our Lord Christ, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty three and in the twentv Seventh ^'ear of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second bv the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, Sec.

The Condition of this present Obligation is such, That if the above bounden Allice Shannon as She is Admin" of the Estate of Nath' Shannon Late of Portsmouth aforesaid Innholder Deceased Intestate Do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits ot the said deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Pos- session or Knowledge of her the said Admin" or into the Hands and Possession of anv other Person or Persons for her and the same so made, do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Court of Probate for the Province of New Hampshire aforesaid, at or before the last Wednesday of January next ensuing, and the same Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said deceased, at the Time of his Death, which at any Time hereafter shall come to the Hands or Possession of the said Administratrix or into the Hands or Possession of any other Person or Persons for her do well and truly Adminis- ter according to Law ; and flirther do make, or cause to be made a just and true Account of her said Administration upon Oath, at or before the last Wednesday of October which will be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and fiftv four and all the rest and residue of the said Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the Admin- istrator's Accompt, (the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the Time being, of Probate ot Wills, and granting Administrations within the Province aforesaid ) shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively, as the said Judge or Judges bv his or their Decree or Sententence pursuant to Law shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear, that any last Will or Testament was made by the said deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the Court of Probate for the Province afore- said, making Request to have it allowed and approved accordingly: If the said Administratrix within bounden, being thereunto lawfiilly required, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration (Approbation ot such Testament being first had and made) into the said Court : Then the before-written Obligation to be void and of none Effect, or else to abide and remain in full Force and Virtue.

Signed, Sealed Alls Shannon [seal]

and delivered in Mark Wentworth [seal]

Presence of Nath Meserve [seal]

William Parker Thomas Haines



An Inventorv of the Goods &c Belons to the estate of M' Nath' Shannon late of Portsm" Deceas'd Apprais'd (by Order of the Hon' the Judge of Probate of Wills &c for the Province of New Hampshire) by us the Subscribers ( Viz. )

A Negro Man Named Prince Ditto Woman & Child the Woman call'd Diana

a Large Looking Glass

a Cow

2 Maple tables I Doz" Chairs a pair Brass top Andirons 6 pictures

Glass ware a Chest of Draws a Black Walnut table

5 Black Chairs a Small Looking Glass 50/. i^. Pictures 10/.

Part of a Clock a Great Chair

a p' Old Andirons Sc Iron Back i'2 doz" Cane Chairs a Looking Glass a pine table Japan' d 14 Doz" turkey work'd Chairs I Bed w' 78' Feathers ic (a, 15/.

I Ditto 77 . . 12/. I 66 . . 15/.

3 p"^ Sheets

1 p' HoUand D" Quilt & Counterpaine

a Suit of Curtains Bedstead & Bottom

2 holland Pillow Cases 2 p"" Garlix 2 Old Bedsteads &: Bottoms

2 Rugs a Case Draws 10/. Sc trunk 5^

6 Earthen plates & i Dish

3 Earthen Punch bowls I China pint I pair Bed Blankets

£ 400

300 30





3 2









1 bed 68' feathers &c @ i 58' Pewter @ 10/.

2 Iron Potts & I Kettle 2 Coffee Potts

1 tea Kettle

2 p' Brass Candlesticks

1 Doz" Old Chairs

14 Doz" Cups & Saucers

2 Earthen tea potts 2 Old tables

I Brass Kettle w' 22' @ 8

Some Old Silver 3^ parts of a Pew In y^ ]

North Meet? House \

1 / 7 part of a Lott of Land

in Islington So Called being an Old Tanyard

2 Old Diap' Table Cloths

2 Napkins

I Driping pan

1 frying

I Skimmer &: fleshfork

I Old Irons Box

I Small Iron pott

i/^ Doz" knives & forks

I Spit

3 trammels

I p' flat irons

30 Gall= Rum @ 28/. .



£ Total


1404 14

Joan Hart loHN Dennet

Province of | At A Court of Probate held at

New Hamp'' j Portsmouth In & for Said Province on the 30"" day of Jan'V 1754 Before the Hon'''' Andrew Wiggin Esq'' Judge of the Probate of wills &c for Said Province appeared Allis Shannon Admin"'" of the Estate of Nath' Shannon Deceased & made solemn Oath that this is a True & perfect Inventory of the Estate of her Intes- tate So far as is Yet Come to her hands or Knowledge & that she Will add hereto whatso- ever of Said Estate shall further Come to her hands or Knowledge & at the same time the within Named appraisers appeared & made solemn Oath that they had apprais'd the Said Estate accord- ing to the Best of their Judgment and without Partiality Before

And" Wiggin


To the Hon'''= Andrew Wiggin Esq' Judge of the Probate of Wills &c within and for the Province of New Hampshire Humbly Sheweth Abigail Walker of Portsmouth in the Province aforesaid Widow. That she hath been inform'd that adm" of the Estate of Nath" Shannon Late of Said Portsm" Innholder deceasd was Granted to his Widow three months ago and that an Inventory of the said Deceas'' Estate is this day to be Exhibited that the said Abigail is inform'd that some part of the Estate Contain'd in the said Inventory is not nor ever was the Estate ot the said Nath" viz' a Negro Woman named Diana & her Child named Philis which are the Proper Estate of the said Abigail Wherefore she prays that they may not be Received as the Estate of the said Deceas'd but be ordred to be Struck out of the said Inventory

Abig"- Walker

Portsmouth |an>' 30, 1754

Children of Nathaniel and Alice :

9. George Walker, bapt. July 23, 1738, died unmarried in early manhood.

10. Nathaniel [21], bapt. April 20, 1740.

11. Abigail [31], bapt. March 7, 1741/2.

12. Margaret \_33'\, b. about 1743.

13. CUTTS SHANNON^ -' [j\, (Nathaniel^ Nathaniel" ), son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Vaughan) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., August 17, 171 7.

He was educated for the legal profession, and commenced practice at Portsmouth soon after attaining his majority, continu-

* The baptismal name of Cutts Shannon was Ciitt. The Cutt family of Portsmouth, with whom he was connected, added the letter s to their name about the year 1745, which mode of spelling Cutts Shannon adopted a few years prior to his decease.

The reason for this change is thus related in \^ol. HI. of " Farmer and Moore's Historical Collections:"

"When Major Richard Cutt was at the siege of Louisburg he met an English officer by the name of Cutts. Upon becoming acquainted they found themselves related, being sprung from the same family originally. After this Major Cutt added an s to his name, which was also done bv all his relatives in Portsmouth." R. C. S.


ing to reside in that place until 1 746, when he removed to Dover, N. H. He returned to Portsmouth in 1750, and there practiced his profession until his decease, which occurred December 12, 1763.*


Mr. Shannon early became a communicant oi the South Congregational Church at Portsmouth, of which he was an earnest member throughout his lite.

An extract from a letter written bv his great-grandson, Hon. Samuel Leonard Shannon, Q. C, of Halifax, N. S., dated May 24, 1884, contains the following sketch of his ancestor:

" My father never saw him (Cutts). His statement to me in reference to Cutts Shannon was as follows: 'My grandfather (Cutts) was a lawver in Portsmouth, and was held in great estima- tion by the leading citizens. He was wealthy himself and all his connections were among the wealthiest and leading members of the community.'

"I did not understand from my father that he (Cutts) had obtained any great reputation as a brilliant speaker or pleader at the Bar. I should rather judge that he was considered a reliable business man in his office. Indeed I do not think he had much attachment to his profession, for father went on to say that ' he

* " On Monday Evening Mr. Cutts Shannon of this Town, Attorney at Law, was seized with uncommon faintness and expired in about half an hour. His body upon being opened, a large quantity of blood was found in the Abdomen which proceeded from a Rupture of the Inferior Portion of the descending Aorta, about an inch and quarter from its Biforcation ; several inflamable spots were observed near the Ruptured parts, and that part where the Rupture was, was perfectly gan- grened. He had complained the Day before of a severe pain in his loins which he supposed to be a fit of Gravel, tho' he had never been subject to that disorder." From the New Hampshire Gazette.,

Published at Portsmouth, Friday, December 16, 1763.


(Cutts) was very unwilling for his son Richard Cutts to become a lawyer, although the latter much desired it. Indeed to prevent his becoming one, he placed him in the counting-house of a mer- chant of Portsmouth, with whom he remained until the death of Cutts, when, being tree to act for himself, he abandoned his mercantile pursuits and studied law and became, as we know, a lawyer of some eminence.'

" My father added that 'Cutts Shannon was not a tall man, and was very corpulent;' and that he died of apoplexy 'when not much over forty years ot age.' My grandfather (Richard Cutts Shannon) was a very tall man, being over six feet in height, and my father (James Noble Shannon) was just six feet."

The following sketch ot Cutts Shannon is taken from the "Bench and Bar ot New Hampshire," by C. H. Bell:


Son of Nathaniel and Abigail (Vaughan) Shannon; born, Ports- mouth, August 17, 1 71 7; practiced, Dover and Portsmouth; died, Portsmouth, December 12, 1763.

Mr. Shannon's maternal grandfather was William Vaughan, a royal councilor, and Chief Justice of the Superior Court of the province. The grandson, after acquiring his education under private instructors in Portsmouth, was admitted an attorney about 1739, '^"d ^°^ some years practiced his profession in Dover. He was chosen to various town offices in Portsmouth, but filled no important official station. He had no liking for his profession, but probably was somewhat employed as counsel, conveyancer, and the like. He was apparently in easy circumstances, and left at his death a gold watch, silver plate, a slave, books appraised at sixty pounds, and the inventory of his estate aggregated /'i3,953 old tenor.

He was married, December i, 174T, to Mary, daughter of Lieutenant-Governor George Vaughan. They had seven children, of whom the eldest was a lawyer.

Cutts Shannon was married in Portsmouth, N. H., Decem- ber I, 1 74 1, by the Rev. Jabez Fitch, to his cousin Mary Vaughan. She was born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 7, 171 3.


Her father was Hon. George \^aughan,* Lieutenant-Governor ot New Hampshire 171 '^-ij, and her mother was Ehzabeth, the daughter of Hon. Robert Eliot, one of the Royal Councillors of New Hampshire.

She died June 21, 1793, at East Moultonhoro, N. H., at the residence ot her son Hon. Nathaniel Shannon. Her name is enrolled on the records the South Congregational Church ot Portsmouth as a communicant from the year 1753.

* GEORGE VAUGHAN, the son of Major William and Margaret (Cutt ) Vaughan, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., April 13, 1676. He was graduated at Harvard College in the class of 1696, He held the commission of Colonel in the Provincial Forces during Queen Anne's War in several expeditions against the Indian allies of the French ; was the agent of the Province in England for some years, and appointed by George the First, Lieutenant-Governor of New Hampshire. He was twice married, first, December 8, 1698, to Mary Belcher, of Boston, a sister of Jonathan Belcher, afterwards Governor of Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire. She died February 3, 1699. Married, second, January 9, 1700, Elizabeth Eliot, the daughter of Hon. Robert Eliot, of Newcastle, N. H., who died, his widow, December 7, 1750, aged 68 years.

Children of George and Elizabeth Vaughan :

1. Sarah, b. February 8, 1701; m. September 5, 1721, Dr. |ohn Ross, an emi-

nent physician at Portsmouth, N. H., who died in the year 1752. She died April 17, i 793, leaving issue.

2. William, b. in Portsmouth, September 12, 170^. He was graduated at Har-

vard College in the class of 1722. Held the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the expedition for the reduction of Louisburg in 1745, in which he greatly distinguished himself. He died unmarried, in London, December, i 746.

3. Margaret, b. August 21, 1705; m. in 1743, Hon. Hunking Wentworth, a

son of Lieutenant-Governor John Wentworth, brother of Governor Benning and uncle of John, the last of the Royal Governors of New Hampshire. He died September 21, 1784. She died, without issue, February 25, 1788.

4. Elizabeth, b. October 8, 1707; m. Wilham Bennett, one of the leading mer-

chants of Portsmouth, N. H., who died in 1767. She died in Portsmouth -August 3, 1800, leaving several children, and was the last survivor of the children of Governor Vaughan.

5. Abigail, b. March 11, 1710; d. September 9, 17 19.

6. Eliot, b. April 12, 171 i. A merchant at Portsmouth, N. H., where he died

July I, 1758. He married, March 14, 1738, Anna Gerrish, a daughter of Col. Timothy Gerrish. She died in May, 1786.


The following documents taken from Probate Court records relate to the administration of the Estate of Cutts Shannon, who died intestate :

Knozv all Men by these Presents That We Mary Shannon of Portsmouth Widow and Jonathan Moulton of Hampton Esq' and Joseph Moulton of said Portsm" Blacksmith all In the Province of New Hampshire, are holden and stand firmly bound and obliged unto Richard Wibird Esq ; Judge of the Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations within the Province of New Hamp- shire, in the fiiU Sum of One thousand Pounds, Lawfial Money of Great Britain, to be paid to the said Richard Wibird his Successor or Successors in the said Office, or to his or their Assigns : To the true Payment whereof, we bind ourselves, and each of us, our and each of our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, jointly and severally for the whole, and in the whole firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals. Dated the 29't Day of Feb''' in the Year of our Lord Christ, One Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty four.

The Condition of the present Obligation is such. That if the above-bounden Marv Shannon as She is Admin" of the Estate of Cutt Shannon, late of Portsmouth aforesaid Gent. Deceased Intestate Do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possessions or Knowledge of her the said Admin" or into the Hands and Possession of any other Person or Persons for her and the same so made, do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Court of Probate for the Province of New Hampshire aforesaid, at or before the last Wednesday of May next ensuing, and the same Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits, and all other the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits of the said deceased, at the Time of his Death, which at any Time hereafter shall come to the Hands or Possession of the said Admin" or into the Hands or Possession of any other Person or Persons for her do well and truly Administer according to Law; and further do make, or cause to be made a just and true Account of her

Children of Eliot and Anna Vaughan:

i. Sarah, b. April, 1739; m. Capt. Jotham Rindge.

ii. William, b. March 13, 1745, settled in Portland, Me.

iii. George, bapt. April 26, 1747, settled in Boston, Mass.

iv. Elizabeth Caroline, bapt. May 20, 1750, d. in childhood.

V. Jane, b. [une 7, 1752; m. Ammi R. Wise, Esq., of Westbrooke, Me.

vi. Eliot, bapt. June 29, 1755, d. in childhood,

vii. Margaret, b. August 14, 1758 ; d. in 1788, unmarried.

Mary, b. May 7, 171 3; m. her cousin Cutts Shannon.

Jane, b. December 27, 17 14; m. May, 1747, Major James Noble, a wealthv merchant of Boston, Mass. He was a major in the Second Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry at the siege and conquest of Louisburg in 1745. She died in 1765, without issue.

George, b. February 18, 1720; d. in childhood when 22 months old.

1:1 ihe Province ^NtaHiaipjhirt, aii hokJen and ftjnd *5rraly bound andoUgfd unto /iL</!.A^ -^i^i^t-d—^ Efq; Judge of the Probate of Wills and graniir.g Adininiftririons within the Province of /V;w f/<»B^irf, in the full Sum rf

^tlo. y/fi f-u^^i^-ti^ ~ ^SLZ—/'^f^' '^"f"! Money of Grew Britain,

to be psid to the faid /^< A/t-^s^"^ />f/i'i'i^ > his Succeffor

or SuccefTbjs in the ijai Office, or to his or their Adigns : To the tree Payment

vihireof, «,c bind ourfclves, and each of us ourand-cach of our Heirs, Eicccutors

Atlminifl rators, jointly and fcverally for tV.e" whote, anji in tl^»ho<f hmily iff

ife.Pccfcnts. Sealed with pur JetlSr.k.JBSJl«Ui>? ^--^ ru.„.-

i. '. ' , in thr Year of our Lord ChrTft, One T

:eTen Tlundred .-^j; ^A

THE Condition of the prefent Obligation

is fuch. That if the J)OvebouDden >% ^ 2y ,A'<a .>»«^j«^ a./ >^ul- </ iZ^'ti'I^t. **-

'r^CCAt^ jnfii£-f^iCe>' _-_— ;^-

tSooiakeer cauretoberoideatruemi.petfeSInventoryof all and Gngular the Goods, Chattels-, Rights and Credits of the IJlid deceafed, which have or Ihall come to the Hands,

PoSellon or Knowledge of /-£/■ the faid 0<4jtt^in*'^ -" or into the Hands

and PeiTefiion of any other Perfon er Perfons for Acr- and the fame fo made, do exhihit, "%«r caufe to t>e exhibited into the Regiftry of the Court of Probate for the Province of AVw- ^Btmpfliire alorelaid, at or before the laft Wiintfdaj of i^/ltcf next enfuing, and :<he fame Goods Chattels, Righti and Credits, and all other the Goodi, Chattels Rights and Credits of the faid deceafcd, at the Time of '»*/ Death, which at any Time hereafter

i:..liKUt,o>qxto:l>eJ{tiukor?ofleQi<N)af the lud i(2^(»*h,l«)hfit^!K-7 > orioio

the Hands or l-'olicliion or any other Peifon or Perlbns (or 'tv r ^ do well and truly Ad- minifler according to Law ; and further do make, or caufc to be made a juft and tme Ac- cooat of >^^:j faid Adminiaration upon Oath, at or before the laft Wid»ifittf<i\ i2e-<4-*^y

which will be in the Year of our Lord, 0»< ThsufaviStven Hutiirii zt^i^ijeA/ *Aij.(__ end all the refl and ReQdue of the faid Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits which fhall be found remaining upon the Accountof faid Adminift'*- j (the fame being firft examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the Time being, of the Probate of Wills, and granting Adminiflrations within the Proviace afotefaid) Ihal! deliver and pay unto fuch Ferfon or Perlons refpeflively, as the faid Judge or Judges by his or thtir Decree or Sen- tence purfuani to Law fhalllimit and appoint. And it it (hall hereafter appear, that any lail Wii; and Tfflament was made by the faid deceafed, and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the fame into the Court of Probate for the Province afoiefaid, making Reqciefl to have it allowed and approved accordingly : 11 the faid dj^j,t ^ »v'^*-^_^ above bounden being theieunio lawfully recjuired, do render and deliver the faidLet- ^ ters cf Admininration (Approbation of fuch Teftament being firft had and tnadej into the faid Court: Then the before written ObligatitJn to be void and of none Efftft, or elfe to abide and remain in full Force and Virtue. V/ ^f

C^Mc-//^ fffatu

Sipui, Seileiaii Dilhtrti in frtjtncitf.

//iC- ljfi.Cf



said Administration upon Oath, at or before the last Wednasday of Feb'v which will be in the Year ot our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and sixty five and all the rest and Residue of the said Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the Account of said Administ" ( the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the Time being, of the Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations within the Province aforesaid) shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Persons respectively, as the said Judge or Judges by his or their Decree or Sentence pursuant to Law shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear, that any last Will and Testament was made by the said deceased, and the Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the Court of Probate for the Province aforesaid, making Request to have it allowed and approved accordingly: If the said Admin" above bounden being thereunto lawfially required, do render and deliver the said Letters of Administration (Approbation ot such Testament being first had and made) into the said Court: Then the before written Obligation to be void and of none Effect, or else to abide and remain in full Force and Virtue.

Mary Shannon [seal]

foN* MouLTON [seal]

Joseph Moulton [seal] Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of

H Wentworth

Tho' Packer-

Province of ) 5v The Hon'''' Rich" IVihird Esf Judge of New Hamp' \ the Probate of wills &:c for said Province To John Dennet Gentleman & John Shackford Esq'' both of Portsmouth in said Province Greeting vou are hereby authorized to take an Inventory of the Estate of Cutts Shannon late of Portsmouth aforesaid Deceas'd who lately died Intestate to be shewn unto you by Mary Shannon Widow who is Admin" of said Estate and to make a Just and impartial appraisement thereof according to the best of your Judgment and return the same into the Registry of the Court of probate for said province under your hands upon Oath to your Fidelity hereing at or before the last Wednesday of lune next Together with this Warrant Dated at Portsmouth the ig'!" Day of March Anno Domini 1764.

Bv order of the Judge-

WiLLiAM Parker Reg'

An Inventory of the Real & Personal Estate of M' Cutt^ Shannon Late of Portsm" Deceased As shewn to us the Subscribers by the Admi''" Of the said Deceased 1764 Vis'

£ - d-

The Dwelling Hous ci Waterside . . . . . .1 0000 o o

2 Acres of Land in the upper March 2 Acres in the Lower March Furniture as Tables Chairs &c in y"^ hall in the Sitting Room Sundrys

200 200 165 210



Sundrv books

Table Cloaths Napkins & Sheets

Sundry things in the Kitchen w''' 72''' Pewter

Sundry things in the Store Room

his Wearing Apparell Sec

24°^ Weight Silver at £-

a Gold Watch ic

Sundrys in the Store Room Chamber

In the Kitching Chamber

Sundry things in the Garrot .

An ax and a Rake

A Negrowoman Named Ben

A Mare ....

May 30''' 1764

60 175 3' 5 I 30 320 168 200 130 140

old Tenor ^" M7 5 ?

loHN Shackford loHN Dennet

Province of ) May 30''' 1764 Marv Shannon admin^ ot the New Hamp' ) Estate ot Cutt Shannon Deceased appeared & made Solemn oath that this is a True & perfect Inventorv of the Estate of her Intestate so far as has yet Come to her hands Possession or Knowledge and that She will add hereto whatsoever of said Estate Shall further Come to her hands possession or Knowledge and at the Same time the above named appraisers appeared and made Solemn oath that they have Valued & appraised the things mentioned in this Inventory according to the best of their Judgment Before

R WiBiRD Judge of Probate

Province ot \ Richard Wihird Esqr [udge of the pro- (seal) New Hamp' > bate of Wills &c for said Province:

T'o all unto 'jjhome these Presents shall come Greeting Know ye that upon Examination before me at Portsmouth in said Province this Day it appears that the personal Estate of Cutt Shannon Late of Portsmouth in Said Province Gen' Deceased Intestate in the hands of Mary Shannon admin" of his Estate is not sufficient to pay his Debts and the Demands due from his Estate Wherefore licence is hereby granted to the said Mary Shannon to sell so much of his Real Estate as will Raise money Sufficient to pay and Discharge the said Debts & Demands with Inci- dental Charges and the said Mary Shannon is hereby authoriz'd to Execute a Valid conveyance of all the Right and Demand of the said Intestate in and unto the said Real Estate at the time of his Decease to the purchaser and She is Directed to render an account of the money which shall be rais'd thereby and how it has been applied as the law Directs

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Court of probate tor said Province the 2"'' Day of June Anno Domini 1764.



Children of Cutts and Mary :

14. Richard Cutts l_3sl' ^- May 9, 1743.

15. Mary, b. 1744; died unmarried July 27, 1827.

16. Eleanor, bapt. November 9, 1746; died unmarried in 1834.

17. William, b. in Dover, N. H., January 6, 1747/8. He

married, ist, August 2, i 782, Eleanor Gerrish, who died in Dover, January 17, 1806, aged 51 years. In 1809 Mr. Shannon married for his second wife, Jane Jordan, a daughter ot Hon. Rishworth Jordan, of Biddeford, Maine. William Shannon was a prominent merchant and citizen of Dover, where he died July, 1816, with- out issue. His widow died at Biddeford April 20, 1822, aged 67 years.

18. Thomas [46], b. January 30, 1749.

19. James Noble [58], bapt. September 15, 1751.

20. Nathaniel [59], b. June 3, 1754.



21. NATHANIEL SHANNON+ [lo], (Nathaniel, Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Alice (Frost) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., and baptised at the South Parish (Congregational) Church April 20, 1740. He was engaged in shipbuilding.


Mr. Shannon signed the Association Test in 1776 to prose- cute the Revolution. He was twice married ; first, to Ann Card, of Newcastle, who was born in 1741, and died in May, 1785, aged 44; second, November, 1786, to Elizabeth Kitson, the widow of Richard Kitson, and daughter ot Col. John Dennett, of Portsmouth, N. H.


Mr. Shannon died suddenly in September, 1792, aged 52. His widow married, April 14, 1802, James Chesley, of Roches- ter, N. H. She died February 25, 1836, aged 80. Mr. Chesley died in Rochester, N. H., January 13, 1851, aged loi, lacking twelve days.

Children of Nathaniel and Ann :

22. Margaret [63], b. 1763, in Portsmouth, N. H.; bapt.

North Parish (Cong.) Church, February 27, 1763.

23. Nathaniel [71], b. 1764, in Portsmouth, N. H.; and

bapt. April 21, 1765.

24. j George Wallcer, bapt. June 26, 1768 ; d. in childhood.

25. ( Thomas, bapt. June 26, 1768 ; d. in childhood.


26. Samuel, b. 1769; a farmer; d. at Gilmantowii, N. H.,

unmarried, August 12, 1832, aged 62-

27. George Walker, bapt. North Parish (Cong.j Church,

August 5, 1770; d. in infancy.

Children of Nathaniel and Elizabeth:

28. Elizabeth [81], b. November 24, 1787.

29. John [88], b. June 10, 1790.

30. George [100], b. December 18, 1791.

31. ABIGAIL SHANNON+ [11 J, (Nathaniel', Nathan- iel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Alice (Frost) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., where she was baptized March 7, 1 741/2. She married George Bryant, the son George and Jemima Bryant, ot Newcastle, N. H.

Mr. Bryant was a mariner and a privateersman in the Revolu- tion ; was one ot the crew ot the private armed brig " Gen. Sullivan," which sailed from Portsmouth, N. H., and made many valuable captures ot British merchant vessels.

Child ot George and Abigail Bryant :

32. George; a mariner; m. July, 1787, Mary Nelson; d. in 1809.

Children ot George and Mary Bryant : i. A child, d. i 789. ii. Abigail or Abbie, b. 1790; d. at Portsmouth,

N. H., January 7, i860, unmarried, iii. George ; a sailmaker. When about four years ot age had the scarlet fever, which rendered him ever after deat and dumb. iv. Louisa, bapt. February 21, 1796; m. April 3, 1824, James Dodge, b. May 14, 1800, of Ports- mouth, N. H., where she died July 31, 1853. He died October 16, 1869, aged 69 years. V. Mary Walpey, bapt. (Episcopal Church) June I4, I 801 ; d. August, I 801.

Descendants of Richard Cutts Shann


Nathaniel ^Abigail Vaugha 5

Nathaniel= Alice Frost

Richard= Elizabeth Cutts Ruggles


Mary d. unm.

Eleanor d. unm.

El( Ge

James Noble

Elizabeth =Benjamin 108 Swallow


Mary=Zebulon Ann Wiggin 116

Abigail = Henry I 2 3 Prescott


Eliza = Shannon

= Laomi


Lucretia= Carter

= Daniel James=Rc Bills Noble Je

sella veil

Benjamin = Ruggles

= Paulina F. York

Eliza d. inf.



Shannon d. unm.

EIizabeth = William Shannon Hill

1 Richard

d. inf.


Mary Elizabeth^ Felix Shannon Aushart

.1 . Benjamin d. yng.








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26. Samuel, b. 1769; a farmer; d. at Gilmantown, N. H.,

unmarried, August 12, i8j2, aged 63.

27. George Walker, bapt. North Parish (Cong.) Church,

August 5, I 770 ; d. in infancy.

Children of Nathaniel and Elizabeth :

28. Elizabeth [81], b. November 24, 1787.

29. John [88], b. June 10, 1790.

JO. George [100], b. December 18, 1791-

31. ABIGAIL SHANNON+ [iij, (Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Alice (Frost) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., where she was baptized March 7, 174 1/2. She married George Bryant, the son of George and Jemima Bryant, Newcastle, N. H.

Mr. Bryant was a mariner and a privateersman in the Revolu- tion ; was one ot the crew ot the private armed brig " Gen. Sullivan," which sailed from Portsmouth, N. H., and made many valuable captures ot British merchant vessels.

Child of George and Abigail Bryant :

32. George; a mariner; m. July, 1787, Mary Nelson; d. in 1809.

Children ot George and Mary Bryant : i. A child, d. i 789. ii. Abigail or Abbie, b. 1790; d. at Portsmouth,

N. H., January 7, i860, unmarried, iii. George ; a sailmaker. When about tour years ot age had the scarlet fever, which rendered him ever after deaf and dumb, iv. Louisa, bapt. February 21, 1796; m. April 3, 1824, James Dodge, b. May 14, 1800, of Ports- mouth, N. H., where she died July 31, 1853. He died October 16, 1869, aged 69 years. V. Mary Walpey, bapt. (Episcopal Church) June 14, I 801 ; d. August, I 801.

Descendants of Richard Cutts Shannon (35), Great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant

nathaniel— elizabeth

I Nathaniel ^Abigail Vaughan

Samuel=Aiin Millei

Nathaniel = Alice Pre

Cutts = Marv Vai

Richard- Elizabeth Cutts 1 Ruggles

EI,..anor = Willlain_Jane (,ern>h ,7 Jordai

Th,imjs=Lill.as 46 Watson

NathanKl = Mar 59 I'ou

Elizabclli = Benjamin Mary = Zcbulon

Swallow A

Abigail Henry John = Sarah Sophia

Presiott I.tngd

Nancy— James— Seraphina Allison I Noble Willaughby

Lucretia- Daniel


= Paulma Marv-Winslu

F. York Ann' Ames


Martha Asa Joseph— Mary H.

Yeaton Webber Cutts Campbell

Shannoi li. linn

Elizabeth- Williai

= Willian Ryan

Mary Ann Nathan I

Sophia^ Gustavu; Shannon Churchil

Mary Robert Harriet | Sharp 328 Davis

Caroline Langclon = Helene

Elizabeth Shannon I Banlett

334 O'Leary

Arthur— Elizabelh Gordon Munroe


Sophia Willoughby

James = Noble 616

Mineli Ballist! 338

Leonard I Maude


Leonard Mi

I ,1

Do othy fohe!

Mary Edward Margaret Ert

Josephine Grafton I Arabella d.

.1 .. I


Sutherland 6Z7

|uhn Martha

Marshall Rugglea

d. yng.


J„hn =

I r

Frank Sham

Anne— Frank C. John

^ 'illiam^ Margaret Jane 1 iward Bingny Cairrpbel

Augusta Mack

I I \ \ i r n

Stephen Emiiy Henry Bessie Clara Henrietta Jame

Eilyur.V U'is:.dh=-hiai:d:KVi


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33. MARGARET SHANNON+ [12], (Nathaniel, Na- thaniel-, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Alice (Frost) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., about 174^, and married Captain William Parker, a shipmaster of Portsmouth, N. H. She died prior to 1787. He died July i, I799-

Child of William and Margaret Parker :

34. William, bapt. May 20, 1770; a shipmaster; d. in 1795, unmarried.

35. RICHARD CUTTS SHANNON + [14], (Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Cutts and Mary (Vaughan) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 9, 1743.

Mr. Shannon was educated tor the mercantile profession and commenced business at Portsmouth, N. H., which he soon after abandoned in order to study law. He was admitted to practice in 1771, forming a law partnership with Hon. Samuel Livermore, afterwards United States Senator ; and in the year 1774 moved to Hollis, N. H., where he owned considerable real estate, and continued the practice of his profession for over twenty years.

In 1782 he was elected by the town of Hollis a Repre- sentative in the New Hampshire Legislature, of which body he became an active member.

It thus appears that Mr. Shannon was a resident of the town of Hollis during the entire Revolutionary War, and the query naturally arises: What part did he take in that struggle? In our endeavors to solve this question we have made much careful inquiry. First of all, his name appears third in the " Alarm List" of Hollis, a list made up January, 26, 1775,'^' and the

* Vide Worcester's " History of Hollis, N. H.',' p. 142.


following ominous document is found on page 60 1 of Vol. VIII., New Hampshire State Papers:

In the House of Representatives^ June 20th, 1777.

Upon reading & Considering the Petition of Richard Cutts Shannon, praying to be discharged from Prison or admitted to Bail so that he may have the opportunity of seeing his distressed Wife once more :

Voted, that he have leave to visit his F'amily at Hollis, provided he give Bond to the Speaker of the Hon'>''= House of Repre- sentatives in the sum of one Thousand pounds, with two sufficient Sureties in five hundred pounds each, for the use of this State, conditioned that he imediately repair to his Family in Hollis, and keep himself within the limits of his own Estate there, until his return; And that he return to the Town of Exeter & deliver himself into the Custody of the Prison-keeper there within ten days from the time of his enlargement, and that in The mean- time he be of good behavior towards all the good subjects of this State.

Sent up for concurrence

John Langdon

Speaker. In Council the same day read and concurred.

E. Thompson,


To better investigate this matter a visit was made to Concord, N. H., in December, 1901, and through the aid and courtesy of Mr. Otis G. Hammond, of the New Hampshire State Library, permission was obtained to examine the original documents and papers relating to the case. The original petition of Mr. Shannon was found upon which the above action ot the Legislature is based ; and from that petition it w^ould appear that he was tirst confined sometime in the month of April, 1777, as a "suspect;" that he had vainly demanded to know what


charges had been preferred against him, if any, claiming the right to be confronted with his accusers, and praying to be either discharged or released on bail, so that he might go to his dis- tressed wife, who was then dangerously ill.

His personal friend, John Langdon, the famous Revolution- ary Patriot, was then Speaker of the House, and without doubt greatly aided in alleviating the harshness ot the situation ; '•■ but the times were "turbulent," and even John Langdon could not yet favor too much one " suspected " "j" of not being in the fullest sympathy with the "Sons ot Liberty."

Before the expiration of the ten days allowed him to visit his wife, Mr. Shannon seems to have returned to his confinement at Exeter, where he found, as prisoners, others of his Hollis acquaintance, some of whom afterwards became famous in the political history of New Hampshire.

The Committee of Safety were urged again and again to take action in their case; demands were repeatedly made for a speedy trial on any charges that existed against them, if indeed there were any. But the Committee were deaf to all complaints or gave as an excuse that there was no time, or they had more important matters to attend to.

As we calmly view the whole proceeding now, after the

* It will be noted, in the vote of the House, that it was to Speaker Langdon that Mr. Shannon was required to give the necessary bond for his release. R. C. S.

t " Even in New England, the nursery of the Revolution, the number of those opposed to separation was large and so formidable, in the opinion of the revolutionary leaders, that in order to suppress them they established a reign of terror and anticipated the famous ' Law of the Suspected ' of the French Revolution. An irresponsible tyranny was established of town and county committees, to whom was entrusted an absolute power over the lives and fortunes of their fellow-citizens, and they proceeded on principles of evidence that would have shocked a grand inquis- itor." (Ferguson's "Essays in American History," p. 179.)


lapse of more than a century, it is very suggestive ot certain arbi- trary acts that were practiced by our own Federal Government during the late Civil War forty years ago ; and it is not difficult to understand the situation. Those were just the times when the most innocent of men could most easily tall victims ot the grossest injustice.

Among the original documents examined at Concord was one wholly in the handwriting of Mr. Shannon, signed by him- self and eight others, addressed to the Legislature, and dated July 19, 1777, about three weeks after his return to Exeter. As this document is remarkable for its vigor ot expression in denouncing the injustice of which the subscribers were the inno- cent victims, we present it in full. It will give us some idea ot Mr. Shannon's ability to defend himself in any matter that was allowed to come before a Court ot Justice.

State of New ] To the hon''''^ the Council & house of Hampshire j Representatives for the State aforesaid: Humbly Shew the Subscribers prisoners in the publick Gaol in Exeter, that their situation is such as Loudly Calls for the attention of the Legis- lative body of this State, and they flatter themselves they shall be heard with patience & impartiality while they attempt to give a Just Represen- tation of the injuries that by some inexplicable Fatality they have been obliged to undergo on the one hand; and the grievances they are unre- mittingly suffering on the other. But where shall we begin? of what shall we first Complain ? tis alreadv but too well known that our houses have been broken & searched by persons who Refused to grant oyer ot their warrants our persons have been seized & searched, and this has been followed by Committing us to close Gaol, previous to any Legal examination, or at best, but one, which the Examiners themselves Esteemed as partial and these things have been transacted with much more tumult and uproar than usually mark the path way of the proceedings ot Law- Complaints and informations have been taken behind our backs deposi- tions and Relations of pretended Crimes have been taken Exparte against us Our Characters have been Maligned & Reprobated by every person who was happily possessed of ignorance or malice enough to delight in such an Emplovment. All the good, even every Alleviating Circumstance in our favour have been buried in unfathomable oblivion, while Enthusiasm


& Suspicion have gone hand in hand, in Stirring up and propagating with Unrelenting maHce, every species ot infamous falsehood that Could be the ofF-spring of the Conjunction, of such giddy headed & envennomed monsters, whose breath is sufficient to poison & blast with Ruine, not a few individuals only, but whole empires.

Nor mav we Stop here what had begun and proceeded so far in a Course so totally abhorrent to the important Rules of law & justice, Could not easily stop, nor was it Likely to be attended with a Few Misfortunes Paint to yourselves the feelings of your fellow men, who have been thus Compelled to Exchange the decent apartments their own industry had Furnished them with, for the Ragged & Solitary walls of a Gaol The enjoyment of their families to them inexpressibly dear, for the Society of an Unfortunate set of men Equally Miserable with themselves The agreeable amusements of a farm, & a gainful Attention to business ; for painful Reck- onings of Expences, & those numberless Losses that infalibly attend the deprivation of personal Liberty, sometimes Suffocated with the most poisonous & intolerable stench from which they cannot fly sometimes suffering for want of proper food, yet deprived of the means of procuring better excluded from the benefit of the fresh air for the Greatest part of the time, which the powers above have bountifully provided for all. Often threatned with the most fatal bodily disorders from this great Change of air & diet; while a Temporary Alleviation of these intolerable hardships is Looked on as a favour. Excluded from Council permitted to all, the Greatest Criminals not Excepted here for the Chearful hus- bandman & his inoffensive implements we behold the grim Soldier the Gun & the Bayonet; for the joys of Social Life, and the agreeable inter- views of Friends & benefactors, we see a wife O'erwhelmed with Sorrow and Bedewed with Tears, at being Refused the Society of her husband Children & friends, partakers in the Like misfortunes as tho' human nature had turned Monster, and had forgot every kind & liberal senti- ment towards her Unhappy sons.

Thus degraded from every right of human nature, we beg leave to mention some of the matters Alledged to Justify this procedure. 'Tis alledged as to some of us that we have Counterfeited'^' the Current money

* Bell, in his work entitled "Bench and Bar of New Hampshire" (pp. 150 and 151), thus refers to the personal characteristics and sentiments of Joshua Ather- ton, one of the signers of this petition, and gives an explanation of this curious charge of counterfeiting which was then so frequently brought against the most respectable men of the time.

" Mr. Atherton had already met with some success in his profession, but the stormy


or passed the same &c but we ask where are our Accusers ? where is the evidence ? may we be permitted to see them face to face ? This is but a Reasonable Request, but it has been denyed us but we have been Conspir- ing against the State &c, but the same Questions occur, where are our Accusers ? where is the proof? Let us hear it, we wish not to stand upon a better footing with our fellow men than we have a Right to demand, but it is said the times are difficult & Therefore Extraordinary measures are Necessary here we Cannot but Reply, that if the times are so difficult, so much the Greater is the Necessity and obligation of Administring Jus- tice with Exactness and Regularity.

But it the times are difficult are your petitioners therefore to be ruined with an Unrelenting Rigour ? but it is said if we were permitted our liberty the people wou'd Commit outrages upon us This we declare to

appearance of the political horizon boded little good to those of his sentiments. He was a staunch loyalist, as were many of the professional men, officials, and well-to-do people of mature years, of that time. He was aristocratic in his feelings, high-tempered, and unyielding, and though advised by his fellow loyalists to quit the country, he refused to do so. No doubt he then believed the attempt at revolution would prove a failure; and it was not till after the capture of Burgoyne and the consequent alliance with France that he abandoned his expectation of seeing the rebellion crushed by the arms of Great Britain.

" Meantime his opinions involved him in serious trouble. Immediately after the battle of Bunker Hill, the liberty boys surrounded his house, and marched him to a neighboring tavern, where they refreshed themselves bountifully at his expense. In 1777 he was apprehended and committed to jail in Exeter, upon the charge of being inimical to the liberties of America. He was subsequently allowed "the liberty of the yard," upon the ground that the air of the prison was injurious to his health. The next year he was arrested on suspicion of being concerned in counterfeiting the paper money of the State. This was an offense frequently imputed at that time to prominent loyalists. Men who were above being suspected of forgery for mere gain were thought capable of taking that method of throwing discredit upon the currency of the "rebels," in order to destroy confidence in the solvency and permanence of the governments set up in opposition to the Crown. The British officials in New York gave countenance to this view. Counterfeits of the paper currency issued by the Continental Congress were openly offered for sale there at the cost of paper and printing, upon the assumption that it was a legitimate mode of waging war to undermine the finances of the country.

" Mr. Atherton was acquitted of the charge, and was liberated on giving bond with sure- ties that he would be a good and faithful subject of the State, etc.

" In January, 1779, being by that time probably convinced that it was of no avail further to withstand the tide of public sentiment, he took the oath of allegiance to the new government, and at the same time the attorney's oath, and was admitted to practice in the courts of the State. He soon apparently outgrew any prejudices caused by his loyalty to the Crown, and in I 783 was chosen as a delegate from Amherst to the convention to revise the Constitution of the State."

R. C. S.


be an infamous falsehood, Contrived, probably by infamous men who wou'd gladly attribute to the people at Large the same malicious sentiments, that they find lurking within their own breasts.

'Tis true, an act was Lately made, impowering the Committee of Safety to imprison or restrain of their liberty persons whom they shou'd deem dangerous to the State, untill discharged by them or the General Court, but we were Committed Either on Suspicion of being Concerned in Counterfeiting & passing the Current money &c as by our first Mitti- mus's, or for disaffection, plotting or Conspiring against the State, as by the Late order of detainer, all which Charges (or Suspicions) of particular Crimes, are Liable to be Redressed in the common course of law, and Surely the punishments annexed to such crimes by Law are Sufficient to Satisfy the most Sanguine & Rigorous Justice, without inflicting those which the Laws are a Stranger to, but if we were by any means brought within the Late Act before mentioned, we trust we stand Fair for Redress from the Court we are now applying to, from the Clause, impowering the same to discharge persons Restrained of their Liberty by Virtue of said act. If we are not brought within that act by any words in our Mitti- mus's, (which to us seems Rather to be the Case) Yet having applyed for every Legal method of Redress in our power, and the same being Refused or delayed, we humbly Concieve we stand fair for redress from your honours, and we Cannot but intreat, nay we must Claim it as the Right of the Subject, to have Remedy in the premises, and to you We now apply, and trust we shall not be Refused. Hard wou'd it be indeed to Reply to men in such a Sitiiation, " Let them perish by degrees we have not Leisure to hear them," the Character you are Acting in, your human- ity, every principle of Reason, would shudder at such a deafness, to the distresses of so many individuals, but we Cease to trouble you Leaving the one half of our injuries untold, & shall Conclude by asking it there be no means to Lessen, if not take away our present Grievances ?

If we could be permitted to reside on our own Farms, we Could give bonds for much more than we are worth, for the observance of such orders as might be Thought Necessary. If the Situation of publick matters is such, that an Examination Cannot be had, we Can Give Bail to double the Amount of our Estates, or any Reasonable sum, and would not this be Much better than to detain us here at the Expense of the publick, and to our Ruin. This is a Season of the year, which if not improved, not only the present but the next years support is utterly lost, and you may Easily Conjecture how much we are injured in this particular, by Reflect- ing how much Your own Concerns may Suffer by your being Called from home at this time This our detention is a Great Loss to the publick as well as to us, as the Ruin of Every individual is so much Loss to the publick, Especially to be felt in times of difficulty


And here we Cannot but ask, what would be your Sentiments, what wovdd be your Feelings, were you thus deprived of your all, without Remedy, without Redress? What would be your Sentiments of those who had it in their power to Lessen or wholly to take away your Misfor- tunes, but refused to do it ? God grant it may never be your Case ! but should it be, may you not want for benefactors ! we speak with Freedom We hope it will not be Resented, nor Addressed to the deaf, if a Thought of that kind shou'd arise in your minds it surely will not be harboured when it is Reflected, that it Comes from persons deprived of all they held dear to them ; at one stroke their personal liberty & Security gone, their property perishing, their health in perpetual danger Robbed of every Social enjoyment, their Characters torn with more than a Viper's fury, their wives widows and their Children Fatherless Surely we have deserved a better fate & we shall now Conclude with asking that Redress from your Wisdom & humanity which we have hitherto wanted, & which the injuries we have Suffered Loudly Call for, all which is humbly Sub- mitted &:c

Exeter Gaol July 19''', 1777.—

JosH^ Atherton Stephen Holland JoN^ Gove Leonard Whiting William Vance R. CuTTs Shannon Robert Fulton Jun" John Molony Jere" Clough J"

This vigorous protest seems to have stirred the Legislature to action ; for two months later we hnd the following reference to Mr. Shannon in the Minute Book of the Superior Court Hillsborough County :

September Term, 1777. Rich'' Cutts Shannon of Hollis, Esq. as Prmcipal in the sum of _;^'iooo Wyseman Claget of Litchfield Esq. & Sam' Cunningham of Peterborough Gent" in the sum ot ^.500 each recognize in these sums respectively that the said Shannon shall appear at the next Superior Court of judicature to be held here this day by adjourn- ment & that he shall not then depart without leave of the Court.


There is nothing to show that any further proceedings were taken till a year after, when the following was entered in the Minute Book :

September Term, 1778. Richard Cutts Shannon Esq. and Joshua Boynton were dis- charged from their recognizances by proclamation.

As Mr. Shannon was elected by the people of Hollis their Representative in the New Hampshire Legislature in I782,--- one year before the Declaration of Peace, it is to be inferred that he had not only ceased to be a " suspected " person, but that the good people ot his home town disapproved of the arbitrary and cruel manner in which he had been treated. f

* Vide Worcester's "History of Hollis, N. H.," p. 197.

t It has to be confessed that similar acts of injustice like this of which our kins- man was the victim were practiced by the Federal Go\ ernment during the late Ci\'il War. The writ of habeas corpus was first suspended April 27, 1861, and after sev- eral extensions to different localities, was finally made general throughout the coun- try, September 24, 1862. One hundred and seventy-four persons were committed to P'ort Lafayette between the months of July and October, 1861 ; and during the entire period of the Rebellion 38,000 arrests were made.

Who can estimate the wrong and injustice co\ered by these figures, or what numbers of innocent people suffered ?

Perhaps the most remarkable case on record is that of Brig. Gen. Charles P. Stone, who commanded the Federal troops at the battle of Ball's Bluff, fought Octo- ber 21, 1861, and who continued in command until February 9, i8b2, when he was suddenly arrested and imprisoned in Fort Lafayette and kept in solitary confine- ment for 49 days, while no notice whatever was taken of his repeated applications for a speedy trial, for a copy of charges, for change of locality, and tor access to the records of his office, etc., etc.

Finally he was transferred to Fort Hamilton, where he had opportunity for air and exercise. The cause of his arrest, howe\er, was still unexplained ; and after 189 days of confinement he was released. During all this time his wife was not permitted to \isit him.

After his release he applied for a copy ot the charges against him, but was told


The following letters written by Mr. Shannon at different times between the years 1798 and 1809 will be of interest to his Canadian descendants, especially the letter of October 2, 1798, announcing that his son James Noble Shannon, then a lad of 10 years, would sail in a few days for Halifax, N. S., to thereafter live with his uncle and namesake, and be associated with him in business. This interesting letter is also reproduced in fac-simile:

Portsmouth, August 2""^ 1798. Dear Brother,

I now write you by desire of Col° Langdon to inform you that he has heard that M'' Sam' B. Mason with others are making great strip and waste of the Timber on the Island he sold him, and he is much alarmed at it & is fearful he is not able to pay him according to Agreement, as he has neither heard from him nor paid him any Interest. He wishes you to make some inquiry about the matter and to forward him the letter herewith sent, and also to write to Col° Langdon when you shall be down and also call and see him when you do come. I lately wrote you that I intended coming to your house this week, but 'tis so warm I'm afraid it

there were none on file in the War Department ; and in spite of the continued efforts made by him to secure a trial none was e\ er granted. The Government finally returned him to duty, but without making any acknowledgment of the injustice done him ; and it is ncjw uni\ersally belie\ed that his treatment was unjust and that he was the \ictim ot prejudice or mistake.

The case will be found mentioned in biographical dictionaries, cyclopedias, his- tories and other books of reference, from which we have freely quoted.

Senator Dawes, of Massachusetts, denounced Secretary Stanton for the " brutal and unexplained imprisonment " of General Stone ; and when the several authorities, appealed to for redress, sought to shift the blame from one to the other, it was Presi- dent Lincoln only who was willing to assume the responsibility, adding the rather remarkable assertion, that the circumstances required such proceedings to be had against General Stone " whether guiltx or innocent."

It is only when we contemplate a case like this of General Stone, or that of our unfortunate kinsman of a century ago, that we are able to grasp the full significance of the old Latin phrase

Inter arma silent leges.

R. C. S.


will make me sick as I'm not very well now, I believe I must postpone it until after our Sup'' Court, when it will be cooler.

I with M''* Shannon went to Hampton last Tuesday. We called at Maj'' Leavits & took Nabby and went to M' Philbrick's where we dined. I left them there and went to M'^ Leavits to obtain a referrence, where I was detained till almost sunset and then went and took them & went to Maj'' Leavits & lodged & came home next morning after breakfast. Nabby is very well and will come down here next week to tarry a month. Give mine, with M''^ Shannon's & the children's, love to your wife and children ; also to Mary Ann and Sophia, tell them to behave well. Tis very difficult for me to leave home on acct. of business of various kinds & the Courts being so near at hand, or I believe I should come, for I very much wish to come.

Brother Bil was here yesterday. I owe him by a note of hand, and he talks of buying a piece of land of Dan' Walden, to build a small house upon, and he wants his pay, I told him he might have my horse, he said he did not know but Dan' Walden would take him & enquired the price. I told him I could not tell, but would leave it to you. I wish when you write, (if you write before you come) that you would fix a price I may tell him. When you come I wish you would send him down, and as you come to Dover (if they like him) let them have him at your price.

I shall tire you therefore I will draw to a close. Lm your loving brother,

R. C. Shannon. Nat. Shannon, Esq^

Portsm°, Octo'' 2""^, 1798. Dear Brother,

By desire of Col° Langdon I am to request you to send him some Intelligence of Sam' B. Mason, he has been some time expecting some information from you on the subject. I will immediately sue him unless he comes and pays up according to contract & renders the circumstances of the depredations of Timber &c. on the land, more favourable than has been Represented. If you are not coming down please to write immedi- ately. We are all well, the fever for a number of days has subsided, only one laid sick & he's getting well. The inhabitants are returning to their homes and things begin to be more promising.

My son James will sail next Sunday with Cap' Sam' Pierce in a fine brig for Hallifax, my Brother has sent for him by a letter I reC* from him dated at Hallifax. Cap' Pierce kept with him at the Coffee house

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there. Also Cap' Pierce was at his home at Parrsborough ab' 40 miles

this side of Hallifax, & dined with him on his way there.

Tell my little girls to behave well. My love to your wife and

children & to them my respects to all Enquiring friends.

I subscribe myself your loving brother r> r- c

' ' ° K. LuTTs Shannon.

P. S. By a ship arrived at Boston in a short passage we hjlve a certain Acco' that our Embassador Mr. Gerry has arrived in London, & is hourly expected to return home. No other news of importance.


Nath'- Shannon, Esq"

Portsm", May 2^^, 1805. Dear Brother

I should have written to you betore now, but tho' it was probable you would be here. According to your last letter to me I procured the money & settled up your old note at the bank, & took out $200 more, and 8 or 10 days ago M"' Langdon called on me to pay the 10 p'' cent & put in a new note, which would not be done because your Letter only authorized me to sign a note in your name, which had been complied with ; the Letter I filed in the bank, with the note. On the whole M' Langdon said it must remain as it was til' you came. Thus it stands. If you should be coming down before the 5th of June, it can then be done, but there's no occasion of coming .... You have doubtless .... election into the Senate. This must be gratifying to your feelings, as it is humiliating to the horde of your opposers. I think it a great triumph. Dan' Henderson was in town last Monday, he told me he had written to you on the subject. I have lately rec'' two Letters from our Brother James. I expect him here this Summer. The Circuit court is now sitting in this town and will rise this day or tomorrow.

Your friend M' Toscan is dead, was buried on Tuesday, in his own garden, by his express desire. When he was reduced to such weakness that he was unable to walk he sat on a wheelbarrow and his man wheeled him into his garden that he might show the spot where he wished he might be laid. He died of a consumption, & 'tis said of a broken heart. Poor man, I'm grieved for him.

My family are all in good health & desire their proper respects to you & yours & to Mary Ann, with mine.

Adieu, your Brother.

R. CuTTS Shannon. Nath' Shannon, Esq""


Portsmouth May 25''^ 1806. Son James

This goes to you by Capt. Lockhart of your neighborhood. I have received sundry letters from you which I did not answer; not for want of affection, but sometimes for want of opportunity and sometimes for want of leisure. I hope you will excuse it, and when I see you I will tell you more about it. 1 hope your Aunt and you will be here soon, we shall be very glad to see you. John is now in Boston. We expect him home immediately. He and your cousin Tom have opened a store near the Parade, and in the firm name of Wiggin & Co. Tom would have had a fine opportunity to have come with Capt. Lockhart. He talks of com- ing here next trip. You had better come with him. Your mother and sisters send their love, and proper respects to your Uncle and Aunt. I am, your alTc^ father,

R. CuTTs Shannon. (Tis almost dark.)

Mr. J. N. Shannon, Ju-n^

Portsmouth Aug. i9''> 1808. Dear Brother,

Having an opportunity by M^ Freeze I now write you. My family are in Common Good health. No news, more than you see in the papers. You talked when I last saw you of being here with your wife some time in Sep^ I wish you would make it convenient to be here when the Council sit, which will be on the 21 *May of that month. I have lately had some further Conversation with the Governor, on the subject which you and myself have talked of & he says he should Like to have that matter take place, and he thinks 'tis advisable for me to have the Council well informed of the claim I have & make as much strength as I can in that point. Perhaps you may have had Conversation with some of them. I think if Badger should be for it, it will be a favor- able circumstance, as it has been hinted to me that he was in favour of some other person Mr. Freeze is in haste or I would be more par- ticular, so that I will say more when I see you.

Please remember our love to your wife & family & believe me sin- cerely

Your loving brother,

R. CuTTS Shannon Nath"- Shannon, Esq''


Portsmouth August 14''' 1809. Dear Brother

When I last saw you here I intended going to Gihnanton Court, but I have since been unwell and am not well now, and think it best not to go, but have agreed with M"^ Haines (who was coming up there & has business of his own) to undertake to attend to, and get Judgments on all my Actions which are not settled. You will enter them and give him a List of them, I have given him a List of the writs I drew, and you can point out to him such as are settled (if any such there be). Am going up to Exeter Tomorrow morning to our court.

Exeter August 15''' 1809.

Since coming to this Court I find Mr. Haines is gone, therefore I send this by Mr. Webster, who I have spoken to, to assist in my Actions, where he is not concerned for the other party, which he will do. And am your Brother

R. CuTTs Shannon Nath"- Shannon, Esq''

The following sketch of Richard Cutts Shannon is taken from the " Bench and Bar of Hew Hampshire," hy C. H. Bell.


Son of Cutts and Mary (V'aughan) Shannon ; born Portsmouth, May 9, 174J ; died Newcastle, April 7, 1822.

This gentleman was a pupil of the celebrated Master Hale of Portsmouth, and at a suitable age went into a counting-room in Portsmouth to receive a mercantile training. This was in accord- ance with the desire of his father. But he had a strong liking for the law, and after some years studied that profession with Samuel Livermore in Portsmouth. He was chosen one of the attorneys of the town in 1774, but the next year removed to HoUis. Many of his associates in Portsmouth being loyalists, he did not sympa- thize with the sons ot liberty in the early part of the Revolution, and found himself in 1777 the inmate of the jail at Exeter, with others of like sentiments. In order to procure his enlargement he was compelled to give bond for his good behavior, etc. There is reason to believe he experienced a decided change of sentiments after his incarceration, for in 1782 and in 178J he was chosen by


the patriotic citizens of HoUis to represent them in the State legislature.

Governor Plumer relates that in 1784 William Coleman, after- wards the distinguished editor of the New York " Evening Post," went to HoUis with the intention of studying law with Mr. Shan- non, and found him an easy, good-natured man, but not above mediocrity as a scholar and lawyer, and with but a mere apology for a library.

Mr. Shannon left Hollis for Amherst, where he received a Justice's Commission in 1785, was living in Raby, now Brook- line, in 1791, and returned to Portsmouth in 1794. Though he certainly was not remarkable for acuteness, if we may credit tradition, yet he obtained a fair share of business, and through Governor Langdon's influence received, in 1804, the appoint- ment of clerk of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States. Here signed the oflice in 18 14.

It seems he was noted as what is called a " good liver." Daniel Webster, while he was a resident of Portsmouth, amusingly hit ofi^ this peculiarity in a good natured epitaph which he wrote for Shannon :

" Natus consumere fruges,

Frugibus consumptis,

Hie jacet

R. C. S."

His wife was Elizabeth Ruggles, of Boston, Mass. and he was the father often children.

In 1796 Mr. Shannon returned to Portsmouth and con- tinued the practice of his profession there. In 1804, and prob- ably through the influence of his great friend John Langdon, who was then the senior United States Senator from New Hamp- shire, he was appointed clerk ot the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, which position he filled until 18 14, when Jae resigned on account of impaired health.

He married Elizabeth Ruggles, of Boston, who died in Portsmouth, N. H., June 14, 18 14, aged 60 years.

He died of old age at Newcastle, N. H., April 7, 1822.




Children of Richard Cutts and Elizabeth :

36. James Noble, b. August 16, 1774; d. in childhood.

37. Elizabeth [108], b. July 12, 1776.

38. Mary Ann [116], b. August 17, 1778.

39. Abigail, [123], b. October 21, 1780.

40. John Langdon [129], b. July 4, 1783.

41. Sophia, b. June 4, 1786; d. August 25, 1862, at New

London, Conn., unmarried, aged 76 years.

42. James Noble [135], b. June 8, 1788.

43. Sarah, b. 1792; m. March 3, 1813, Capt. Ebenezer Way,

U. S. A. He was born in New London, Conn., 1784, and appointed, June 8, 1808, 2nd Lieut., 4th U. S. Infantry; promoted to ist Lieut. 1809, and Captain January, 18 13. He was engaged with his regiment in the Battle of Tippecanoe under Gen. Harrison, and shared its fate at Detroit, 1812, when that place was surrendered by Gen. Hull to the British forces ; subse- quently exchanged, and participated in many engage- ments on the Canadian frontier during the War of 1812-15. Upon the reduction of the army, 1815, Capt. Way retired to civil life. He was for many years postmaster at New London, Conn., where he died January 28, 1849, aged 64 years. His widow died August 23, 1862, without issue, aged 70 years.

44. Harriet [142], b. 1796.

45. Martha Ruggles, bapt. December t, 1799; d. November

8, 1804.

46. THOMAS SHANNON + [18], (Cutts^ Nathaniels Nathaniel' ), son of Cutts and Mary ( Vaughan] Shannon, was born in Dover, N. H., January 30, 1749, and was married by the Rev. Jeremy Belknap, February 28, 1771, to Lillias Watson, who was born November 21, 1750, the daughter of Isaac and Lillias Watson, of Dover, N. H.

Thomas Shannon was an innkeeper at Dover, and long a


prominent citizen of that place. He lilled many of the town offices, and in 1785 was commissioned a captain in the Second Regiment of the New Hampshire MiHtia.* The records of Dover show him to have been a zealous supporter of the Revo- lution and active in recruiting its armies.

He removed to Rochester, N. H., in 1796, and died at his farm (in Farmington) of apoplexy, May 29, 1800.

The following obituary was published in the Portsmouth " Oracle," June 7, 1800 :

" Died at Rochester, very suddenly, on Thursday, last week, Captain Thomas Shannon, aged fifty-one. His funeral was attended on Saturday by a very large concourse of sincerely mourn- ing relatives, friends and acquaintances.

" With truth may it be said that Captain Shannon was a kind and affectionate husband, a provident and indulgent parent, a peaceable neighbor and a good member of society. He was an honest and upright man. Though dead he liveth in the affections of his family and in the esteem of friends and acquaintances. He lived much beloved and died greatly lamented."

His widow married, November 21, 1802, Hon. Jonathan Clark, of Northwood, N. H., where she died April 15, 18 14.

Captain Shannon having died intestate, his widow, as admin- istratrix, settled his estate. The following documents taken from the Probate Records ot Strafford County, N. H., include an inventory of the property returned by the appraisers appointed by the Court; decrees ot the Court "naming and allowing" Dr. R. C. Shannon, of Saco, and Jonathan Clarke, of Northwood, as guardians of the minor children, and a petition of the two guard-

* Vide Appendix VIH. for the account of an important Court Martial on which Captain Shannon served as junior member.



ians asking tor authority to sell for the benefit of the minors named their interest in a certain piece of real estate in Dover :

A warrant issued in common form to Da\id Barker, Joseph Hanson and Joseph Sherbone to take an In\entory of the Estate of Thomas Shannon late of Rochester Esquire deceased intestate, who made the return as follows :

Inventory of the Estate of Thomas Shannon Esquire deceased as shown the appraisers by the administratrix of said estate.

The land at Farmington with the buildings thereon Mansion house &c.

2 5 acres land in Wakefield 50 " in said Wakefield

1 yoke Oxen

3 cows $28, 2 heifers $9

5 wintered hogs

2 cows $}0, I yoke steers §20

6 sheep $6, I plough $3

3 cheaws $^.S'y, 2 yoaks $1.50 I Iron tooth harrow I axe .75, I dung fork .75

8 Feather Beds with straw I ditto old $10 . ,

4 Quilts §24, 3 Chinee do §6 I Suit Curtains & Counterpane 4 pr. good blankets $16, 4 pr. old do.

9 pr. Sheets $2y, g bedsteads $y

1 Case of drawers $J

3 pr. dogs S3, 2 pr. andirons S5

2 tangersheets $2, small do. looms & geers I pine writing desk $ i I chest .... I Box case $1, l warming pan, $1 6 small & I large dining chairs I doz. common chairs §3 I pr. brass candle sticks $ l

4 iron do. $.^0, 9 tin do. .75 I common table J. 7 5, i do. 2.50 I Large maple table §5, I small do. $2 I Dining Table $1

40 pewter $10, 2 doz. white plates .67 I doz. blue edged plates 2 oval dishes






















1. 00





1 .00




10.67 1 .00



I doz. knives & forks Si, l set of china $z I tin kitchen gj, 3 coffee pots .70 3 Iron pots 2 iron basins $4.25 I pr sad irons, .80, 2 tureens .50 y^ doz. iron spoons .50, 2 decanters

1 copper skimmer, .50, i mortar .50

2 block tin tea-pots $\, I dutch oven 1.25

1 pr. steel yards . 50, i pr. saddle bags

2 bbls. 1.50 old casks 7.50, I i/^ bbls. soap 5 1 Crane and trammels $5. I bakg. kettle .50

3 pr shovel & tongs $z, I tea-kettle .70 I low case drawers, .75, 3 tubs i I desk 5, I looking glass 5 I large Bible §6, I dictionary .50 I State Law book '93 edition .50 7 silver teaspoons 2.50, 3 table cloths 5 13 Napkins 2, i pr. scales .50 3 tin canisters 1.50, 3 cruits, 5 salts 3 waiters .50 I Gunn .....

Wearing apparell ......

LiLLiAs Shannon,

Admx. of the estate of Thomas Shannon deceased.


3-7° 4.25 1.30 3.00 1 .00 2.25 1.50 14.00 5.50 2.70

1-75 10.00 6. 50

.50 7.50 2.50 2.00

.50 8.00

5154.64 20.00



[From Records of the Probate Court.]

^ ) At the Court of Probate holden before the

STRAFFORD S. S. ^ Honorable Ebenezer Smith Esquire within and for said County on the eleventh dav of Mav in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three Jonathan Clark of Northwood was named and allowed to be Guardian unto Hannah Shannon, Abigail Shannon, and Elizabeth Shannon, all minors under the age of fourteen years and children of Thomas Shannon of Rochester Esquire late deceased, intestate, who gave bond in the sum of three thousand dollars.


[From the Records of the Probate Court for the County of Strafford, N. H.]

c-T-D MTP^DT-. c c ) Couit of Probate at Dover before the

STRAFFORD S. S. - , , t., c > t7 u- j

) Honorable r,benezer bmith bsquire withm and

for said County, on the twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight

hundred and three Richard Cutts Shannon of Pepperelborough in the County of Yorii and

Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Physician, was chosen and allowed to be Guardian unto

Thomas W. Shannon a minor upwards of the age of fourteen years and son of Thomas Shannon

late of Rochester Esquire deceased intestate, who gave bond in the sum of Four Thousand Dollars

with sureties to wit, Henry Mellen Esq and William Shannon Trader both of Dover aforesaid

for the faithfial discharge of that trust according to law.

Attest W. K. Atkinson,


To the Honorable, the Justices of the Superior Court of [udicature, holden at Dover, in and for the County of Strafford, on the first Tuesday of September, 1803.

Shews, the petition of Richard Cutts Shannon of Pepperelborough in the County of York, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Physician, Guardian of the person and estate of Thomas W. Shannon, a minor, and Jonathan Clarke of Northwood in the County of Rockingham and said State, Esquire, Guardian of Harriot Shannon, Abigail Shannon and Eliza Shannon, minors, all of which minors were children of Thomas Shannon late of Rochester in said County of Strafford, Esquire, deceased. That the said minors are seized of and in a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Rochester aforesaid, at Norway Plains so called containing one third part of an acre of land, be the same more or less, which tract is bounded as follows, to wit, beginning at land of David Barker on the Easterly side of the main road leading from Dover to Wakefield in said County of Strafford, then running Southerly by said Road one hundred and ten feet to a stake, thence extending Easterly and carrying the whole breadth of one hundred and ten feet (and bounding Southerly on land of Benjamin Rollins) on a line parallel to the Southerly line of land of said David Barker, the whole length of said Barker's land till it comes to other land of said Benjamin RoUins, which also adjoins the premises on the Easterly side thereof* That the said minors hold said land in common and undivided with William Shannon, Jr., said Richard C. Shannon and William Barker and Mary his wife.

Said minors owning one seventh part thereof in fee simple, and it would be for the benefit of the said minors that their said rights or shares should be sold.

* In a letter I received from Mr. Hodgdon dated October 29, 1883, he refers to this petition, and savs that the lot of land thus " particularly described " is " in what is now the settled portion of the town " of Rochester. R. C. S.


Whereof vour petitioners pray that license be granted them to sell and dispose ot the said rights and they as bound will prav &c

|. P. Hale for the Petition^ Sept 1 6, I 803

[Records of the Superior Court of Dover] The above petition was acted on favorably by the Court on the 4''' Tuesday ot February

Endorsing, or assuming the obligation of surety, or, as it was more familiarly expressed, " going bonds " for another, seems to have been a well established family trait of the Shannons in the old days ; and the consequences which often resulted from this unbusinesslike proceeding, the worry, anxiety and trouble, are all clearly depicted in the following letter, which Captain Shannon was forced to write to his more prudent brother, Nathaniel, appealing for aid at a critical moment when his good nature had been sadly imposed upon, and his kindly disposition to aid another had already brought him into most serious per- sonal difficulties :

Sunday Morning, Dec. ji, 1797. Brother Nathaniel

My situation at this time is critical. About two years [ago] Dudley Hubbard & myself were bound'^' for Col. John Kenne in an action bro't by Paul Giles. Judgment was recovered against Kenne; then scire facias was brought [against] the bail and Judgment Recovered against them, & now Execution is in force in the Sheriff's hand. Hubbard and Kenne are out of this State ; therefore so long as they keep there the Sheriff must proceed against me. Kenne promised me yesterday he would go & settle the execution this week. I have sent Richard for fear the worst, to ask the favour of Two hundred and seventy-nine dollars that [1] might be able to hold up my head, if the officer should think proper to arrest me.

* The sequel to this affair is unknown ; but if Captain Shannon had to finally resort to le^al proceedings to reco\er any losses he had sustained, we only hope he was as successful as his grandfather, the old Na\al Officer, was at Boston in i6g2, when legal proceedings were taken against him "as bail." Vide Appendix 10.


Kenne is a man ot Good Estate and it I meet with Trouble shall bring an action agt him tor damages etc. in this action ; another action agt him for more than Two hundred dollars he owes me by note. If it is in your power to comply and are willing, Richard's receipt with this letter is sutficient tor you. If it should so happen that Kenne settles the business the money will [be] secured for you at another period. So oblige me with as much of sum as in your power. I will make any security you may Require. Mrs. Shannon is much indisposed so that 1 cannot leave home ; otherwise in consequence of your indisposition should have waited on you myself. Our best regard to you and your family, hoping for your speedy recovery I am with atTection and esteem yr loving brother

Tho. Shannon N. Shannon, Ea. Moultonborough.

Children ot Thomas and Lillias :

47. Mary Vaughan, b. April 12, 1772; m. March 3, 1795,

William Barker, a merchant of Rochester, N. H., where they resided. He was prominent in the Masonic Frater- nity, and represented the town of Rochester several terms in the New Hampshire Legislature. She died Decem- ber 13, 1844. He died May 2, 1846. No children.

48. Richard Cutts [146], b. August 10, 1773.

49. Nathaniel, b. March 4, 1775; d. January 29, 1780.

50. Elizabeth, b. January 16, 1777; d. October 29, 1779.

51. William [156], b. March 10, 1779.

52. Elizabeth, b. January 8, 1781 ; d. September i i, 1786.

53. Abigail, b. August i, 1783 ; d. September 19, 1786.

54. Harriet Byron, b. June 14, 1785; m. ist, October, 1819,

Capt. Daniel Townsend, of Kennebunk, Me.; 2d, Capt. Moody of the same place. She died March, 1853, without issue.


^^. Thomas Westbrooke Waldroii [165], b. November 21, 1787.

56. Abigail [175], b. January 2, 1790.

57. Elizabeth, b. September 2, 1791 ; d. February 19, 181 1,

unmarried, aged 20 years.

58. JAMES NOBLE SHANNON+ [19J, (Cutts\ Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel"), son of Cutts and Mary (Vaughan) Shannon; baptised September 15, 1751. He was adopted by Major fames Noble,'-' a wealthy merchant ot Boston, who married his maternal aunt, Jane Vaughan, daughter of Lieutenant-Governor George Vaughan, of Portsmouth, N. H.

Mr. Shannon settled in Nova Scotia during the Revolu- tionary War, and there married Chloe, the widow of Obadiah Ayer, ot Cumberland, N. S., and sister of Col. Jonathan Crane, Horton, N. S., a zealous loyalist in that Province.

* Major James Noble was a brother of Col. Arthur Noble, who was killed at the battle of iMiiias (now Horton), No\ a Scotia, 17 + 7, while in command of the British forces. James Noble was a major in the 2d Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry at the siege and conquest of Louisburg, i 745.

The Nobles were born in Eniiiskillen, County of Fermanagh, Ireland, and emi- grated to America about 1725. Major Noble was one of the proprietors of the town of Nobleboro, Me., which was named tor his family, and by whom it was settled.

The following is an extract from the Will of James Noble, dated December 13, 1769, taken from the Probate Records of Suffolk Co., Mass.:

" Item. I give to Capt. Arthur Noble, mv brother's son, Wm. Lithgon, Esq., James Noble Shannon, Wm. and George V'aughan, two sons of Eliot Vaughan, Esq., 2-5 of the out-lands which formerly belonged to Wm. Vaughan, Esq.: [colonel] 1-5 thereof was given my former wife Jane, other fifths, I purchased of Mr. Fitz, of Newburv & which vet lays undivided.

" Item. I give to James Noble Shannon, whom I brought up from a child, all mv lands and marshes in Falmouth. [Portland.]"


James Noble Shannon was for a long period a leading mer- chant at Horton and Parrsborough, N. S., where he died Novem- ber 7, 1822, aged 72 years, without issue.


At the request of the compiler the following biographical sketch of James Noble Shannon was furnished by his grand- nephew, Hon. Samuel Leonard Shannon, Q. C, D. C. L., of Halifax, N. S. :

James Noble Shannon, the granduncle of the writer, was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the precise date of his birth is unknown to me; he was baptized September 15th, 1751. He was well educated, and his penmanship, of which I have many specimens, shows that in this par- ticular at least he was well trained. He was named for his uncle James Noble, a Boston merchant, who had married his mother's sister, and who was reputed to be wealthy. It would appear that in his early years he spent some time with his uncle Noble, and may have been educated at his expense. He was brought up to the mercantile profession, and shortly before the commencement of hostilities between the Mother Country and


her Colonies he removed to Machias, now in the State of Maine, but then a part of Massachusetts, where he was engaged in the lumber trade, which was then very flourishing there, and continued to be so engaged until the war actually broke out, which put a stop to his mercantile pursuits at that place. The records of Machias, from which we have extracts in our Historical Library in Halifax, show that my granduncle had attained to a position of influence in the town during his residence there, and his memory was still tresh in the minds of the older members of that com- munity, particularly in the Talbot family, as late as 1 843, when I personally visited the place for the purpose of disposing of some real estate which still remained in my granduncle's name in the care of the Talbot family. When the war broke out, Machias occupied an important political position. It was on the United States border and was the centre of com- munication between Nova Scotia and the revolted Colonies, which had many friends in that Province among the population bordering on the Bay of Fundy, who had emigrated from the older Colonies, principally from Massachusetts and Connecticut, after the expulsion of the French Acadians, and had always kept up a communication with their kinsfolk remaining in their old homes. As a result of this Machias became a rendezvous tor disaffected Nova Scotians, who in one instance went so far as to organize an expedition for the capture of Fort Cumberland, which ended in failure. There were also parties in the pay of the American Government passing between Machias and Nova Scotia, who brought back information of the state of feeling among the people in the Province. Among these was a person who had married a sister of Colonel Crane of Horton, near Grand Pre, one of the most distinguished supporters of the Crown in that part of the country. The person referred to, whose name I have heard but have now forgotten,'^' died during, or shortly after, the close of the war,

* The name of this person was Obadiah Ayer. He was the second husband of Colonel Crane's sister, her first husband being a Mr. Conno\er, by whom she had a son, Samuel Connover.

When Col. Eddy made his attack on the British garrison at Fort Cumberland, Nova Scotia, in 1776, Ayer joined him and assisted him and his troops; and after the capture of a sloop with provisions for the use of the British, Ayer took charge of the sloop, as master, and navigated her to Boston, having on board a number of British prisoners taken at Cumberland.

During the voyage Aver received a wound on the face from the effects of which he finally died at Boston in August, 1 777.

These facts are taken from a " Petition & Memorial " (copy of which was recently found in the New Hampshire State Library) signed by " J. N. Shannon for


and his widow having come to Machias personally, in reference to her deceased husband's affairs, was there seen by my granduncle, who became attached to her and finally married her. She was a woman of many per- sonal attractions, and like her brother, the Colonel, of a very strong and decided character. Business being at that time at a standstill in Machias, my granduncle was induced, probably owing to his wife's influence, aided bv the offers of her brother Colonel Crane, to remove from Machias and settle in Nova Scotia, and to commence business with his brother-in-law in Horton under the name of Crane & Shannon. Whatever may have been his opinions or political principles previously, and there are indica- tions in the Machias documents that he sympathized at one time with the popular side, there is no doubt that my granduncle, after his removal to Horton, and after he came under the influence of Colonel Crane, became thoroughly attached to the British Crown and lived and died a loyal British Subject.

himself & Cloe his wife," and addressed, in 1805, " To the Hon'''' the Sec^' at War Si Sec'' & Comtroler of the Treasury of the U. S. of America," in which Memorial the claim was made that the petitioners were entitled to the benefit of an Act of Congress, then in force, entitled " An Act for the relief of the Refugees from the British Provinces of Canada & N. Scotia."

It seems that as far back as 1783 the Continental Congress, in response to Memorials from Canadian refugees, promised to reward them with grants of land, " for their \irtuous sufferings in the cause of liberty."

In 1785 the Congress passed a resolution recommending Jonathan Eddy and other refugees from Nova Scotia " to the humanity and particular attention of the several States in which they reside," and again promised to make grants of land to those who were " disposed to live in the Western Country."

Finally Congress kept its promise and passed an Act that was approved by President Adams, April 7, 1798, " for the relief of the Refugees from the British pro\inces of Canada and Nova Scotia," under which Act said refugees were " to transmit to the War Office," within two years after the passage of the Act, " a )ust and true account of their claims to the bounty of Congress."

In 1 80 1 another Act was passed regulating the grants of land appropriated for the Canadian Refugees ; and in Section 3, forty-nine persons were named, together with the " quantities of land " they were entitled to receive, the " quantities " ranging from 160 to 2240 acres.

In 1804 the Act of 1798 was revived and continued for two years longer; and in 1 8 10, with slight and unimportant additions, the Act was again revived and continued till 181 2.


After the peace of 1783 the Loyalists came to Nova Scotia in large numbers and took, up their residence in various parts of the Province, where they obtained grants of lands. Among the new settlements formed at this time was Parrsborough, on the opposite side of the Basin of Minas from Horton and situate at the junction of the Bay of Fundy with the Basin ot Minas, and in a great commercial position. This region was then rapidly settling up, and the supplying of the settlers and the expor- tation of their lumber and other commodities to the West Indies and elsewhere, offered to traders an excellent opening for business. This was taken advantage of by the firm of Crane & Shannon, who opened a branch of their house at Parrsborough, and my granduncle went to live there as the managing partner in that locality. Here he resided the re- mainder of his days, carrying on an extensive business with much success.

Finally an Act was passed in 18 12 which mentions the names of seventeen more persons as entitled to "quantities of land " ranging from 320 to 2240 Acres; and in this list of names appears that of " Chloe Shannon, wife of James Noble Shannon and relict of Obadiah Ayer, deceased, 960 Acres."

As the Memorial & Petition of J. N. Shannon above referred to contains other details which may interest the reader, we here present the document in full :

To the hon'''^ the SecV at War, & Sec^ & Comtroler of the Treasury of the U. S. of America.

The Petition & memorial ot J. N. Shannon of Parsborough, in the countv of Kings County and Province of N. Scotia Esq'" & Cloe his wife, Humbly shews.

That Obadiah Ayer late ot Cumberland in N. Scotia deceas'd, the former husband of the said Cloe, in the year 1776, at the time Col° Eddy made an attack on the British garrison at fort Cumberland in N. Scotia, joined the said Eddy & assisted him & his troops all in his power ; that after said Eddy had taken a sloop having provisions on board for the use of the British troops at said Cumberland, the said Ayer took charge of said sloop as Master, in Nov'' of the same year, & navigated said Sloop to Boston, having on board a number of British prisoners, which said Eddy had taken at Cumberland aforesaid ; that on said passage to Boston, said Ayer rec'' a woimd on his face, and being oblig'd to attend to the care of vessel & provisions, and by after- wards riding from Newbury to Boston in extreme cold weather, the sore on his face was trozen, and afterwards became a cancer ; that the said Ayer was under the care of a physician in Boston from Febv 1777 to the month of Aug' following, and after suffering extreme pain, & languish- ment, he died. That said Ayer was owner in the actual possession of a large real and personal estate in Cumberland aforesaid, which was taken from him by the British government & their adherents, in consequence ot his attachment to the United States of America ; that all his deeds and papers were destroy'd by the British troops, and that the amount of property belonging to


He had no children, and as my father was named for him, and my grand- father was not in affluent circumstances, he sent to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for my father, who was then about twelve years of age; brought him to Parrsborough, where he resided with him, and was employed in his establishment until he came of age and commenced business for himself. The latter part of the career of my granduncle was uneventful ; both he and his wife lived to be over 70 years of age, and died and were buried in Parrsborough. He died, so far as I can remember, about the year 1823; but without reference to the records at Parrsborough I cannot tell the exact date.

Several years after my father had settled in Halifax, my granduncle paid him a visit and remained some time with him. I think his wife was then dead. I was then a boy about six years old, and have a distinct recollection of the personal appearance of the old gentleman. He was rather tall, with a tendency to corpulency, and of a very commanding ap- pearance. He was of a fair complexion, with snow white hair, and blue eyes, one of which, by the bye, was perfectly blind, although the defect

said Ayer, which was lost and destroyed at that time, amounted to 14,624 dollars; and also that the wife of said Ayer paid the Doct'^ bill & expenses in Boston to the Amount of 1,000 dollars, which being the remains of all their property, left her destitute of the means of future support. That on the zj'"" day ot May, 1777, the said Ayer made his Last Will & testament in writing, & having no child, he bequeathed to said Cloe all his estate, whatsoever & whereso- ever the same should or might be found, and appointed said Cloe sole executrix thereto ; which Will was afterwards viz' on the 3"* day of April, 1778, at Boston aforesaid, duly prov'd, approv'd and allowed according to Law. Your said Memorialists fiirther shew, that on the 14''' day of May, 1778, they were legally married, by reason whereof, the said James became entitled to all the benefits arising to his said wife, by virtue of the Will aforesaid, & which is the cause of this application to your honors.

And your said Memorialists further state, that the said Cloe, at the time of her losses afore- said, had a son by a former husband, aged 1 4 years, named Sam' Connover, who on his passage from Cumberland to Machias in a birch canoe, with one Mathew Sharp, being attacked by a party of N. Scotia Indians, said Sharp was shot in the head & killed, the boy was made a pris- ner, and afterwards put to death while asleep in their wigwam.

And your said Memorialists further state, that by reason of the said O. Ayer's adherence to, & taking an active part in favour of the United States of America, he sacrificed all his aforesaid property, suffer'd gready in his health, & finally lost his life thereby; and your said Memorial- ists beg leave to refer your honors to the depositions & other documents, accompanying this Memorial, as evidence to prove the same.

Wherefore your said Memorialists humbly pray your honors, that in consequence of the services, sacrifices & sufferings of the said O. Ayer by reason of his attachment to the United


was not at all visible. In his early boyhood, while playing with his comrades, a boy threw a snowball at him which struck his eye and deprived it of sight.

He was a great reader, particularly of religious publications; and having joined the Methodist denomination, the works of Mr. Wesley and his coadjutors were among those most frequently perused. A number of these are in my library to this day.

I have several relics of the old gentleman in my possession ; the most prized of which is a small pocket-bible with silver clasps, which was pre- sented to him by his Aunt Noble in 1758 according to a memorandum written by him on the fly-leaf and was given by him to my mother after her marriage with my father. I have also the miniatures of both the old gentleman and his wife. His likeness is very good I never saw her. The bulk of his property was bequeathed by him by his last will to my father, who was one of his executors.

In 1 88 1 Col. R. C. Shannon, then in Brazil, began a cor- respondence with his cousin James Noble Shannon, ot Halifax, N. S., upon the subject of their family relationship; and in the following extract from a letter which was written by the latter, under date of April 7, 1882, is given another equally interesting, and perhaps more lively, account ot his father's granduncle, which, in spite of some repetition, we decide to here introduce as a pleasing addition to the more serious and carefully prepared sketch just given.

States, & also the suffering of the said Cloe and her son consequent thereon, that they may be entitled to the benefit of an Act of the United States, now in force, entitled "An Act for the relief of the Refiagees from the British Provinces ot Canada & N. Scotia." And as in duty bound will ever pray &c

J. N. Shannon tor himself & Cloe his wife

From a letter written by J. N. Shannon to his brother R. C. Shannon, a facsimile copy of which is given on the opposite page, it would appear that the former spent some time at Machias, Me., in the year 1805, collecting evidence and securing depositions in support of his wife's claim ; and that subsequently the Memorial itself was prepared at Portsmouth, N. H., by his brother, who acted as his attorney in the matter. R. C. S.


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Besides, it quotes passages from a letter written by Richard Cutts Shannon, Esq., of Portsmouth, N. H., to his brother James Noble Shannon, dated May 3, 1794, in which important references are made to several other members of the family in New England, and which cannot fail to interest their descendants of to-day.

To answer your inquiries regarding James Noble Shannon, I draw from my father's excellent memory the following facts : He was engaged in the lumbering business at Machias when the [Revolutionary] War broke out, and this branch of trade being sadly interfered with in conse- quence, he turned his attention in the direction of Nova Scotia, and was constantly sailing back and forth along the Bay of Fundy.

It is said that on one occasion there chanced to be on board the vessel a blushing young widow, the sister ot a Colonel Crane, a staunch loyalist, who lived at a place called Horton. There was also on board a man whose attentions to her were extremely marked, and our gallant relative, who was a handsome, dashing fellow, entered the lists himself, with the mischievous intent of merely cutting the other out. But he went too far. The business was a more serious one than he had anticipated, and at the close ot the voyage he found himself deeply in love with the widow, to whom he proposed and was readily accepted. Colonel Crane was well pleased with his sister's choice, and when they married he offered him a partnership in his own mercantile business. Thus it was that one tribu- tary of the Shannon River was turned in the direction of the British Provinces.

We cannot exactly tell which side of the struggle his opinions favored. From documents found at Machias, in which his name appears, one would suppose he favored the cause of the Colonists, but from the fact of his connection with Colonel Crane, and expressions of decided loyalty and allegiance to George III., I would conclude he died true to his king and country.

His brother-in-law, who, though commonly dubbed colonel, was only such by virtue of the rank he held in the local militia, must have been made of the right stuff; for on one occasion an American privateer appeared in the Basin of Minas (which is at the head of the Bay of Fundy, Parrsboro and Horton being situate on its shores). The settlers in those parts were greatly alarmed, but the brave colonel, nothing daunted, pro- cured a vessel, and with a sufficient complement of men, taken mostly from his own farm, sallied forth, and after a short engagement captured


the privateer, to the no small delight and relief of the country people. But this is touching on matters aside from the main subject.

To return to " Uncle Shannon." Father has in his possession a miniature painting in oil, taken when he was considerably advanced in years, which gives us the idea of a very handsome old gentleman; and from it one can form an opinion ot his fine looks in the days when he and the widow paid court to each other.

Father was reading to us not long since some letters he had that formed a part of a correspondence between his grandfather (Richard Cutts Shannon) and the latter's brother. Uncle Shannon. One bears date May 3, 1794, and was written from Portsmouth after his return from Moulton- boro, whither the loss of his practice in Portsmouth and other results of the Revolutionary War had forced him to remove. I quote an extract or two from it which will be especially interesting to yourself, from the fact that your grandfather and great-grandfather are mentioned.

Our brother Thomas has a son of my name who is at Cambridge College, and will take his degree in one year from next commencement. He is a likely, sober young man, a good scholar, and makes great proficiency in learning, and is about twenty or twenty-one years old.

He has two more sons and three daughters ; his eldest daughter is older than Richard, and I suppose will be married to a Mr. Barker, a Cloathier in Stratham, adjoining Exeter, next fall.

Brother Nathaniel has three children, two sons and one daughter. Nathaniel is worth a handsome estate, and is in a thriving way, and takes care to keep it. . . .

I may say just here that the reason he goes so much into particulars is that he had not heard from his brother, James Noble, for some years. Indeed he had understood he had been dead several months, but had ascertained the falsity of this rumor shortly before the date of the letter. Among other things, he mentions the death of his mother at Moulton- boro. Speaking of the death of an Aunt Putner, he says:

Aunt gave Captain Noble the mansion house in her will, and therein expresses it that she did it by the particular desire of her late husband, James Noble, Esq. The residue of her estate she gave to the Doctor. I saw the will, and there was nothing for you or me.

If I am not mistaken, the James Noble referred to is the one after whom Uncle Shannon was named a name preserved to the present time.

This letter is in itself a fragment. The part we have consists of one sheet of large letter-paper closely and finely written on all four sides. Judging from some expressions, he must have been in considerable dis- tress at the time he wrote. Subsequently, however, owing to the kindness


of his friend, Governor Langdon, he not only recovered his practice in Portsmouth, but was also made Clerk of the Northern District Court of the United States, which gave him a handsome living.

Two years after the date of this letter, my grandfather, for whom you may remember I told you I was named, left Portsmouth, where he was born in 1788, and came to Parrsboro to reside with his uncle, who, being childless, brought him up as his own son, and finally started him in busi- ness near Parrsboro. He removed to Halifax in 18 10.

In the " History of Methodism in the Lower Provinces,"

by Rev. T. W. Smith, D. D., we note at p. 164 the following

among the incidents recorded for the year 1786 :

" The names of Jonathan Crane, Esq., and his brother-in-law, James Noble Shannon, Esq., are at this time mentioned by Rev. Mr. Garretson in connection with an offer on their parts of two hundred dollars towards the erection of a Methodist Church at Horton."

Ot this Jonathan Crane, Murdock, in his "History of Nova

Scotia," gives the following account :

" a tall, handsome man with fluent speech, and an amazing readiness of natural wit and illustrative power, which rendered him one of the distinguished members of the Provincial Legislature of that halcyon period.

" Soon after Mrs. Crane had joined the Methodist Society at Horton, she was followed by James Noble Shannon and his wife. A few years later they removed to Parrsborough. Naturally of a very diffident mind, prone to look at his own heart, a peculiarity in his case rather constitutional than moral, till humiliation degen- erated into despondence, Mr. Shannon, remarks one, who in the earlier days of his ministry often shared his hospitality, walked in the fear of God, but seldom enjoyed a large share of the comfort ot the Holy Ghost. The end of both was in peace."

The following letter written by J. Noble Shannon in 181 5, shows that his nephew, James, was then actively and successfully engaged in trade with the West Indies. The handwriting notably that of the signature is so fine that it is a double pleasure to reproduce it in facsimile :



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Parrsborough, Nova Scotia, Aug'. 5'*', 1815. Dear Brother,

A son of M^ Sam' Jones ot Farmington, being on a visit to see his mother's relatives in this Province, I could not help embracing so good an opportunity to write to you. I heard yourself and family were well last winter, and that brother William was not well, nor like to be better in this world. When death is taking away one after another out of our family, it is indispensibly necessary for the survivors to consider and pre- pare for their great change.

James is doing very well at Halifax, for this world ; John is daily expected from the W. Indies. On his arrival, the two brothers & wives & Harriet, intend to go to N. York or Boston, to dispose of the cargo and visit their relatives.

My wife's health is not very good at times. She joins in love to your wife and sister Molly, also to brother William and his wife. Shall be glad to receive a letter from you when a good opportunity offers. I remain your loving brother,

J. Noble Shannon.

Nathaniel Shannon, EsQ^


59. NATHANIEL SHANNON+ [20], (Cutts-^ Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel'), son of Cutts and Mary (Vaughan) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., June 3, 1754, cTnd married March 8, 178 1, Mary, the daughter of Benjamin'-' and Mary (Marston) Dow, of Hampton, N. H., who was born March 13^


'^i^^^— t-t.'V^

Nathaniel Shannon received a good business education, and early entered as clerk in the large mercantile establishment Gen. Jonathan Moulton at Hampton, N. H.

Gen. Moulton was a proprietor the town of Moulton- boro, N. H., and through his influence undoubtedly Nathaniel Shannon also became one of the twelve proprietors, and when the town was laid out settled there f soon after the close ot the

,* Benjamin Dow Vvas born February ig, 1732, the son of Ezekiel Dow, of Hampton, and a direct descendant, in the fifth generation, of Henry Dow, of Runham, Norfolk County, England, who emigrated to America in 1637, and was the progenitor of the Dow families of Hampton and vicinity.

Benjamin Dow married June 17, 1756, Mary, a daughter of Ephraim Marston, of Hampton, and lived with his uncle, Benjamin Dow, of Hampton, who had no children. He died December 27, 1762, in his 31st year. His wife died July ig, 1766, aged 32. R. C. S.

t As the town of Moultonboro had been the home of several generations of Shannons, and as Nathaniel Shannon himself had been one of the original proprie- tors, I was always anxious to visit it, feeling sure that some additional information could still be learned from local residents in reference to the family history. Besides, there still resided in the town a granddaughter of Nathaniel Shannon, Mrs. Mary J.



Revolution. He was appointed coroner for Strafford County in 1788 ; and was elected from the classified towns ot Moultonboro, Tuftonboro, Wolfeboro and Ossipee a member of the Conven- tion w^hich convened at Exeter, February 13, 1788, to consider the great question of the adoption of the Constitution ot the United States. His constituents, to whom the concessions to

Libbey, with whi>m I had long corresponded in regard to her branch ot' the family ; so that I had a double motive for wishing to visit a place so full of interest to me. My first visit was made in the month of September, 1883. Taking a carriage at Wolfeboro, I proceeded by the old road along the north side of Winnepesaulcee Lake to Melvin Village, and then, with Ossipee mountain on the right, continued till we came to Shannon's brook, a pleasant country ride of about twehe miles. Here I found the remains of an old mill, with its picturesque water-wheel, which, upon inquiry, I learned was all that was left of the " Old Shingle Mill " of Squire Nathaniel Shannon, whose homestead not far off was also pointed out to me, a two storied house still in a fair state of preservation.



L THE Emigrant


' obnoxious, had however, preferred lestion, and finally

ars=Cliloe 0 e Ayer 5:

Nathaniels Mary 59 Dow

Sarah= Ebenezer 43 Way

Harriet=John 1 42 Marshall

Martha Ruggles d. yng.

I 'I




consented to accompany aw the simple headstone ho died in 1826, at the non, daughter of Cutts rs. The only monument i Shannon and Margaret ;ar the monument, one f Thomas. The former



Revolution. He was appointed coroner tor Straftord County in 1788 ; and was elected from the classified towns ot Moultonboro, Tuftonboro, Wolfeboro and Ossipee a member of the Conven- tion which convened at Exeter, February 13, 1788, to consider the 2;reat question of the adoption ot the Constitution ot the United States. His constituents, to whom the concessions to


Libbey, with whom I had long corresponded in regard to her branch of the family; so that I had a double motive for wishing to visit a place so full of interest to me. My first visit was made in the month of September, 1883. Taking a carriage at Wolfeboro, I proceeded by the old road along the north side of Winnepesaukee Lake to Melvin Village, and then, with Ossipee mountain on the right, continued till we came to Shannon's brook, a pleasant countr\- ride of about twelve miles. Here I found the remains of an old mill, with its picturesque water-wheel, which, upon inquiry, I learned was all that was left of the " Old Shingle Mill " of Squire Nathaniel Shannon, whose homestead not far off was also pointed out to me, a two storied house still in a fair state of preservation.


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Revolution. He \ 1788 ; and was ele Tuftonboro, Wolfe tion which convent the great question United States. Hi

Libbey, with whom I had so that I had a double mc My first visit was m at Wolfeboro, I proceedec Lake to Melvin Village, a we came to Shannon's brc I found the remains of an inquiry, I learned was all tV Shannon, whose homesteac house still in a fair state ot


ON (35), Great-grandson of Nathani



Samuel^ Ann Miller

CuttS:=Mary Vaughan •3

;anor^ William ^ane rrish 1 7 Jordan

Thomas^ Lillias 46 Watson

John = Sarah ' gdon Frost r I 29 Blunt


Nancys James ^Seraphir

Allison I Noble Willoug


Mary^Winslow Ann Ames

Martha = Asa Joseph=I

Yeaton Webber Cutts <


Abigail= William B. iiannon Rvan

Mary Ann=Nathan B. Shannon Folsom

imes loble

Henry = Mary Jane Way Mendum

Sophia^ G Shannon C]




31 viipou \n






slavery in that instrument were especially obnoxious, had instructed him to vote for its rejection; he, however, preferred to exercise his own judgment on so vital a question, and finally voted for its adoption.

I then visited Mrs. Libbey at her home, and she gladly consented to accompany me and be mv cicerone. At the family burial ground I saw the simple headstone that marks the last resting place of Nathaniel Shannon, who died in 1826, at the age of 72 years, as well as that of his sister Mary Shannon, daughter of Cutts Shannon, who died in 1827, at the advanced age of 83 years. The only monument in the cemetery is erected to the memory of Dr. Thomas Shannon and Margaret Vaughan Moses, his wife. There are two gravestones near the monument, one marking the resting place of Margaret, and the other of Thomas. The former bears the following inscription :




It will be remembered that the Anti-federalist party, which was opposed to the ratification of the Constitution, was very strong in New Hampshire, and when the Convention assembled

We then drove to the old homestead of Dr. Thomas Shannon, which I easily recognized from the photo his son Dr. Nathaniel Shannon had shown me when visiting him at his home in Portland, Me., not long before. Mrs. Libbey took me through the house, which was \erv large, though in a rather dilapidated state, and explained everything, showing me, with evident pride, the great meal chest, with its several partitions, for different kinds of grain.

As we drove down the road, on our return, she pointed out the place in a thick grove just inside the stone wall, not far from the corner, where Mary (Vaughan) Shannon was buried, the mother of Nathaniel, and the daughter of Lieut. Gov. Vaughan. No stone marks her grave, and the place is now so overgrown that it would be impossible to indicate the exact spot of burial.

We then returned to Mrs. Libbey's home, and as I was about taking lea\e she insisted upon mv waiting till she had shown me the fan of Mary Vaughan, rather pretty to look at, but quite useless. " No money could buy it," she said. " It will always be preserved as a priceless heirloom in the family." She added that her cousin, Mrs. Sanborn, also had a ring that formerly belonged to Mary Vaughan.

The next day I drove to Moultonboro Corner, passing on the way Squire Shannon's " Nursery," as it was called, of apple trees, having delightful views ot the Sandwich mountain in the distance, with the country sloping off to the left and extending down to the lake, which has an elevation of about 500 feet above the level of the sea, the famous Shaw farm on the Ossipee mountain being still 700 feet higher.

At Moultonboro Corner I met Dr. W. H. H. Mason, who in his boyhood days had often seen Squire Nathaniel Shannon, whom, he said, " The people greatly respected and looked up to."

As to Dr. Thomas Shannon, he had been in business with him for three years, and they had become warm personal friends. He had always found him " very honorable, but rather too easy-going for his own interests." They finally settled their accounts by " burning the papers on both sides." He was of a kindly and sympathetic nature; and once being induced to "go bonds" for someone, it nearly ruined him. Dr. Mason well remembered the day when he came and told him, with a great sigh of relief, that he had "just paid the last on his bond ; " rbut it crippled him severely for years, and his family suffered in consequence. He was considered " the best physician hereabouts in his day."

Bidding Dr. Mason good-bye, I then drove to Centre Harbour, and there had


at the Court House in Exeter, February 13, 1788, and the debates began, the Federalists, under the lead of General Sullivan and Governor Langdon, soon discovered that their opponents were in the majority ; so that the only course left them was to secure an adjournment, if possible, in order that wavering delegates might

the good fortune to meet Mr. John H. Moulton, a well-preserved old gentleman nearly ninety years of age, and the grandson of Gen. Jonathan Moulton, with whom Nathaniel Shannon had been so intimately associated in a business way from his early youth.

Mr. Moulton gladly responded to my request for information, and after dinner, while seated on the veranda of the hotel, regaled me for an hour with accounts of the town and reminiscences of "Squire" Shannon. It was, he said, about the time of the troubles following the close of the Revolutionary War that a party of twelve, of whom Jonathan Moulton was the chief, came from Hampton to survey the tract of land which had been purchased from Wentworth for the new settlement, and to make assignments of land to each of the twelve proprietors. Up to that time Nathaniel Shannon had been in the employ of Moulton at Hampton, and was e\i- dently greatly esteemed by the latter, for his name appears among the original proprietors.

In physical appearance he was small, spare, quick of mo\ement, and, as was the custom on those days, " wore his face smooth shaven." He was very prompt in his decisions, and had the reputation of being " a little close." He " bore rather hard on his workmen ;" though he was " very much looked up to." People "always went to Squire Shannon to settle their disputes," which were generally about " cattle or crops or the like." It was generally understood that what Squire Shannon and Parson Shaw said " settled the business."

He was chosen and sent as a delegate to represent Moultonboro at the Con- vention assembled to ratify or reject the Federal Constitution, and had been specially instructed to vote for rejection. But he violated his instructions and gave his vote for ratification ; " and," added Mr. Moulton, " I guess the people liked him all the better for it afterwards."

Having taken leave of Mr. Moulton, I now decided to make the return journey by steamer to Wolfeboro. The sail across the lake was a delightful trip, and I arrived in season to take the evening train for Portsmouth.

In August, 1884, I made my second visit to Moultonboro, and this time I was accompanied by Mr. Hodgdon, the compiler of this work, but no additional facts were learned.


have another opportunity to consult with their constituents. In this the friends of the Constitution were successful, and the Con- vention took a recess for four months, reassembling on June i8th, in the old North Meeting House, at Concord.


On this occasion Mrs. Libbey very kindly presented me with two books from her family library, one being a volume of religious tracts, printed in London, and having written on the inside of the front cover the words : " Mary Shannon's book 1749 ;" and the other a law-book that was formerly the property of Richard Cutts


y^a ^i^/^/^7-^^^^ /^^-r^c. //yj.

Shannon, Esq., of Portsmouth, and which, according to the inscription on the fly- ■leaf, was purchased by him "at Boston in 1773." R. C. S.


The following account of the Convention's proceedings during its second session is taken from the work ot J. B. Walker entitled: "The N. H. Federal Convention, 1788:"

"On the eighteenth day of June, 1788, agreeably to its adjournment, the Convention reassembled in the old North Meeting House in Con- cord, with a full knowledge that the favorable action of but one more state was requisite to render operative the new constitution. Many of the members came from constituencies whose sentiments had grown more favorable to ratification during the previous few months. The Virginia Convention had been in session since the sixth of the month, and that of New York had come together on the seventeenth. Various considera- tions had delayed final action in the former, and there had yet been no time for it in the latter.

" Should the little mountainous state of New Hampshire, the upper- most of the whole thirteen, which skirted the Atlantic coast from the frozen north to the sunny south, dare contest with these two great com- monwealths the honor of inaugurating the most important government of modern times an honor which was to grow brighter and more bright as the decades and the centuries rolled on? Should she aspire to become the key-stone ot the great national arch, which it now only lacked to become self-sustaining?

"So great was the interest in the result of this session of the New Hampshire Convention, that persons from different sections of the state, as well as others from beyond its borders, flocked to Concord, and, filling the wide galleries of the old meeting-house from day to day, watched the proceedings with breathless interest. General Sullivan, John Langdon,'^'

* John Langdon was born in 1739, and after a mercantile education in the counting-room of Daniel Rindge entered upon a seafaring life, but was driven from it by the Revolutionary troubles. He ultimatelv became one of the wealthiest mer- chants of Portsmouth, N. H., where he resided till his death in 18 19.

The following account of his career is chiefly taken from Sanborn's "New Hampshire," American Commonwealth Series, a most interesting work published early in the present year :

During the Revolutionary period Langdon early identified himself with the popular cause. In December 1774, together with Sullivan, he headed a party which captured the fort at New Castle, removed to Durham, near Sullivan's house, a hundred barrels of powder, and sent most of the cannon and small arms to other


then governor-elect of the state, Judge Livermore, supported by the fifty and odd members in sympathy with them, were not the men to neglect a grand opportunity. The opponents of the Constitution, led by Joshua Atherton, but less ably supported than were the leaders of the Federalists, were active, strong, and determined. A contest, to be as valiantly fought as its issue proved glorious, now began, and God was doubtless invoked to aid the right.

" Wednesday, June i8th. The first day of the convention was oc- cupied in the settlement of disputed claims to seats, and in a general discussion of the Constitution.

"Thursday, June 19th. The second day was mainly devoted to a general discussion similar to that ot the day before.

places for safe-keeping, in anticipation of the war they foresaw. It was with this powder, the next lune, that the patriots fought the battle of Bunker Hill.

The first vessel of Paul Jones, the Ranger, was built by him, and fitted for fighting at Portsmouth, where shipbuilding had long been carried on.

It was in 1777, while Langdon was Speaker of the New Hampshire Assembly, that the emergency arose requiring prompt and vigorous action to repel the move- ment of Burgoyne which threatened an invasion of the State and interruption of the communication of New England with the army of Washington. It was then he made the ft)llowing speech, so ofter quoted:

" I have $3000 in hard money ; my plate shall be pledged for as much more ; my 70 hogsheads of Tobago rum shall be sold for the most they will fetch. These are at the service of the State ; if we succeed, I shall be remunerated ; if not, they will be of no use to me. We can raise a brigade ; our friend Stark, who so nobly sustained the honor of New Hampshire at Bunker Hill, may safely be trusted to command, and we will check Burgoyne."

In one short and active month after that speech. General Stark, at Bennington, had met the detachment of Hessians, fought two battles in one day, captured or slain hundreds of Burgoyne's army, and made the defeat of the rest only a question of time.

Though bearing military titles, and occasionally serving in the field, as at Bennington, Saratoga, and Newport, Langdon was a man for the council board and- the counting-room rather than for the camp. Early successful as a merchant, and partly bred in England, he was firm in his principles but gentle in his manners, and carried on in Portsmouth the tradition of hospitality and urbanity which Governor Wentworth had so agreeably kept up.

He was a delegate to the convention that framed the Federal Constitution, and


"Friday, June 20th. During the forenoon of the third day, a com- mittee of fifteen, consisting of John Langdon of Portsmouth, Mr. Bartlett, Joseph Badger of Gilmanton, John Sullivan ot Durham, Joshua Atherton of Amherst, Thomas Dow of Salem, Benjamin Bellows ot Wal- pole, Benjamin West of Charlestown, Samuel Livermore ot Holderness, Francis Worcester, of Plymouth, Abel Parker of Jaffrey, John Pickering of Portsmouth, Mr. Smith, William Hooper of Madbury, and Charles Barrett of New Ipswich, were appointed ' to consider and report upon such articles as they shall think proper to be proposed as amendments to the Federal Constitution, and lay the same before this Convention.'

"At the afternoon session, Mr. Langdon, for the committee, made a report recommending twelve amendments. This report was accepted, and the amendments were adopted by the Convention. Mr. Atherton then moved ' that this Convention ratify the proposed Constitution, together with the amendments, but that said Constitution do not operate in New Hampshire without said amendments,' and his motion was seconded by Mr. Parker.

" This motion of Mr. Atherton's marks the beginning ot the final struggle. It proved sharp, brief, and conclusive. The Federalists saw instantly that the adoption of Mr. Atherton's motion was tantamount to a rejection of the Constitution by New Hampshire, and would be tatal to

exerted a strong personal influence in bringing New Hampshire into line, when for a time she seemed likely to oppose ratification.

He was elected United States Senator in 1789, and was chosen President of the Senate, in order that the votes for the President of the United States might be counted. A President of the Senate had, therefore, a legal existence before there was either a President or a Vice-President of the United States.

While presiding over the United States Senate for its first few weeks, before the Vice-President took the chair, Langdon is reported to haxe been more acceptable in that office than the admirable but fidgety and egotistic Adams. He remained a Member of the Senate until 1801. When President Jefl^erson assumed office in that year he offisred Langdon the post of Secretary of the Navy, which he declined. As Governor of New Hampshire, which office he held from 1805 to 181 2 with the exception of two years, Langdon was popular and gracious, without distinguishing himself by the advocacy of any important measures, and he lived to see his party, that of Jefferson and Madison, fully established in control of the national government.

After spending forty years of his life in the public service he died at the advanced age of eighty. R. C. S.


all their hopes. After some debate, Mr. Livermore, who was as clear- headed and vigilant as he was ready and earnest, made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Bartlett, ' to postpone the motion made by Mr. Atherton, to make way for the following motion, viz.. That in case the Constitution be adopted, that the amendments reported by the committee be recommended to congress which motion of Mr. Atherton being postponed, adjourned to nine o'clock to-morrow morning.'

" This was a test vote, and indicated clearly the feeling of the Con- vention. The majority, though small, was unmistakably for ratification. But Mr. Atherton and his friends were not yet satisfied, and the contest was to continue a little longer.

"Saturday, June 21st. Upon the reassembling of the Convention, the unfinished debate of the day before was resumed. Pending this, Mr. Atherton'^' moved ' that the Convention adjourn to some future day.' Mr. Hooper seconded the motion, but it was negatived by the Conven- tion. Thereupon a motion was made by Mr. Livermore, and seconded by Mr. Langdon, ' that the main question be now put for the adoption of the Constitution.' The supreme moment had now come. As the roll-call proceeded, Messrs. Langdon, Pickering, Long, Oilman, Blanchard, Adams, Weeks, Goss, Prescut, Thurston, Toppan, Langdon of Hamp- ton Falls, Wiggin, Fogg, Rogers, T. Bartlett, Chadwick, Gray, Glidden, Calfe, Bettan, Moody, Green, Sullivan, Carr, Hale, Bedee, SHANNON, Wilkins, Morss, Gerrish, West, Shepherd, Hall, Whitcomb, Chamber- lain, Temple, Bellows, Chase, Griffin, Kimball, Livermore, J. Bartlett, Ranney, Chesley, Hall, Dakin, Abbot, Worster, Crawford, Johnson, Freeman, Payne, Simpson, Patterson, Young, and Weeks, answered Yea ; 57 Yeas.

" Messrs. Runnels, McMurphy, B. Clough, J. Clough, Sias, Smith, Emery, Fifield, Chase, Sleeper, B. Stone, Thomas Dow, Steward, Palmer, Harper, Badger, Hooper, Austin, Page, Cummings, D. Bixby, Hunt, Taylor, Dole, Page, Kindrick, Atherton, Barrett, T. Bixby, Jones, Cragin, Cochran, Jona. Dow, Green, Bean, Gaskill, Parker, Harvey,

* The Mr. Atherton so frequently mentioned in this account, and who seems to have been the leading spirit of the Anti-Federalists in the struggle, is the same Joshua Atherton who was imprisoned in Exeter jail as a "Suspect" at the beginning of the Re\olutionarv VVar. His name is the first one signed to that \'igorous pro- test which was drawn up bv R. C. Shannon at the time of those arbitrary proceedings (Vide p. 64). Joshua Atherton afterwards became a \'ery prominent fie;ure in the politics of New Hampshire, and served for a number of years in the State Senate. His portrait may be seen in the State Library at Concord. R. C. S.


Thomas, M. Stone, Remmelee, Grout, True, Penniman, Tainter, Winch, Hutchins, answered Nay ; 47 Nays.

" And Messrs. Daniels, Ebenezer Smith, Webster, and Jonathan Smith, marked in Journal as present, did not vote ; 4. Thus the Federal Constitution was ratified by New Hampshire by a majority of ten votes."

If the enioyment of political honors be a test of one's popu- larity among his neighbors, then Nathaniel Shannon would seem to ha\x lost nothing in that regard by violating his instructions and voting for the adoption of the Constitution, since for the remainder of his life he appears to have been most ot the time in office.

Besides holding commissions in the militia forces of New Hampshire, he represented the classed towns of Moultonboro and Tuftonboro in the Legislature during the years 1799, 1800 and 1801 ; and the town of Moultonboro in 1802, 181 i and 181 2; was State Senator from 1805 to 1808, and in 1817-18; was a candidate for Presidential Elector in support of James Madison in 1808; appointed Collector of Internal Revenue in 18 14; and was elected a member of the Electoral College in November, i 8 20, and cast his vote for James Monroe for President* and Daniel D. Tompkins for Vice-President, who were declared elected.

He seems to have been very methodical in his work^ a habit probably acquired in his early youth when he was in the employ of General Moulton, and with whom he always after- wards held close friendly and business relations.

* One elector of New Hampshire gave his vote for John Quincy Adams for President, and thus deprived Monroe of the honor of a unanimous election. It has been reported and the statement was repeated in the early editions of this history that this dissenting elector withheld his vote from Monroe expressly to prevent that statesman from sharing an honor previously accorded to Washington alone. If it be so, it was a happy thought. Stanwood's " History of the Presidency," p. 118.


Nothing can better show the character of the man than the valuable collection of private papers he left behind, and of which we have been permitted to make free use in this compilation. A portion ol these papers his grandson, Dr. Nathaniel Shannon, very kindly placed at the disposal of Col. R. C. Shannon in 1883.

They embrace civil and military commissions, '•'■ one being

* Among his military commissions we note one issued to him as " Captain of the First Company in the Nineteenth Regiment of Militia," dated October 25, 1798.

At this time there was great excitement in the country on account of the hos- tile attitude of France and the shameful treatment our envoys had received at Paris. Already, in anticipation of war, Congress had authorized the organization of a Pro- visional Army; Washington had accepted the appointment as Commander-in-chief, and commanders of our warships had been instructed to seize French armed vessels attacking American merchantmen or hovering about the coast for that purpose. All French treaties had been declared void; and February 9, 1799, the U. S. Frigate Constellation had fought and captured the French ship of war L' Insurgente.

Under these circumstances we may well believe that the patriotic sentiment of our people had been thoroughly aroused when they came to celebrate the next 4th of July, of which celebration the following is an account taken from the "New Hampshire Gazette" of Julv 16, 1799:

" Celebration of the American Independence at Moultonborough. " The inhabitants of the town and many others repaired to the meeting house, where Rev. Mr. Shaw delivered an oration ; music was furnished by the local musicians with many kinds ot wooden instruments, from which place the clergy and other gentlemen of distinction were escorted by Capt. Shannon, with a Company of Infantry, to the house of Major Smith and partook of an elegant dinner, after which they drank sixteen patriotic toasts and were saluted by sixteen platoons, and then thev retired in a very peaceable and orderly manner."

Tennessee was the i 6th and last State which had been admitted into the Union, the date of admission being June i, 1796.

We presume that the custom of having the number of patriotic toasts equal the number of States admitted into the Union was gradually dropped, through sheer necessity, as the Union enlarged ; so that to-day, with our 45 States, if the practice is anywhere continued, it is probably only in the ranks of the " Ancients and Hon- orables," the gallant Artillery Corps of Boston, whose military achievements, in this sense, have won for them world-wide fame. R. C. S.

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t Gecirge \'aughan as Lieut dated J u

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^ti<^ f^^tA^-<^^ ^^'^^^t^z^ Ct.*^ C^crT>-&^.^-l^r *^ (^^^ '''^*^'' '''^^

t-Governor of the Province of New Hampshire,

8, 1715.


the parchment commission of Lieutenant-Governor George Vaughan, given by George I. in 171 5; letters from his friend Governor Langdon ; letters from his brothers, Richard Cutts, James Noble and Thomas ; official documents relating to his ser- vice in the State Legislature, and a varied assortment of receipts, agreements, petitions and other business memoranda, revealing much ot interest regarding the condition of affairs and the life some ot our predecessors led in New England during the i8th century.

The letters are here printed in full ; and some of them reproduced in facsimile, together with the commissions, leaves from the family bible, and other documents and memoranda.

Portsm", Septem. 4'*^, 1794. Dear S'',

Co' Rogers the Marshal has appointed the Twenty-third of this month, to Levy my Execution against Gushing, upon Governors Island, so called, in Winnipissiokee Lake. I shall thank you to appear at the place on the s"* 23'' day of September Instant to appraise and take possession of s"* Island, on my behalt and for my use

I am S% yours obdte.,

John Langdon Nath'- Shannon, Esq".

Portsmouth, Oct 28''', 1795. D'S^

We are endeavoring to do something for your brother, set off imme- diately that I may see you. I go off on Monday morning, lose not a moment. I will stand by you in this matter.

Your friend

John Langdon. Nath Shannon Esq



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State of New Hampshire J To M' Nathaniel Shannon Constable of Hampton Rockingham, ss. ) in said County, tor the year 1782, Greeting:

You are hereby Required Ln the name of the Governor & people of said State of New Hamp- shire to levy and collect of the several persons named in the Lists herewith committed unto you each one his or her respective proportion (therein set down) of the sum total of the said Lists, being a tax or assessment upon the Inhabitants of the town of Hampton aforesaid & the estates within the same amounting in the whole to the sum of forty two pounds, five shillings z"* Law- ful money agreeable to a vote of said town for paying the Rev'' M' Thayers money salary for the current year & said sum and sums to DeHver & pav into the select-men for the time being of said Hampton or to their order or to the major part of them or to their order by the fifteenth Day of January next ensuing the date hereof & to compleat & make up an account of your collection ot the whole by the fifteenth Day of January next as aforesaid and if any person or persons named in the Lists herewith committed unto you shall refiise or neglect to make payment of the sum and sums whereof he she or they are Respectively assessed and set in the said Lists, you shall proceed with them as the Law Directs for your Doing herein this shall be your sufficient warrant : Given under our hand & seal & Dated at Hampton aforesaid this third Dav of December Anno Domini 1782.

John Dearborn i

Abner Page Assessors.

John Moulton, Jr. j


Joseph Dow |

Simon Nudo '

Philip Towle Jr. )

I of Hampton. Jon* Garland V

Elisha S. MarstonI

Portsmouth, Feby. 10''', 1804.

I hear by several people that great strip and waste is making of the timber on my land in Tufftonborough, pray look into this business immediately and by all means find them out and get proof if possible that these persons may be bro't to Justice. I will reward any persons who will prove the trespass, to effect. I think I've heard that one M'^ Brown can give some information in this business.

I am your triend

John Langdon. Nath'- Shannon Esq.



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Hampton 15''' March 1783. Red of Nathaniel Shannon a Young Cow four years Old with a Calf, also four Sheep and Two Lambs one of which Sheep has not Lamb for which I am to Deliver said Shannon a Cow and Calf Equally as good at Moultonborough on Demand and as many Sheep & Lambs' as they now have or may have this spring; also five Bushels and a peck of potatoes, for which I agree to pay him as many more Potatoes at Moultonborough as they are worth here, Reckining the price of Potatoes here and the Price of Potatoes there.*

Joseph Ayers.

We read that the Roman philosopher, Pliny, was of opinion that " the intro-


M' Shannon Hampton Deer. 20^ 1786.

Sir I rec'' yours & observe the contents. 1 am greatly obliged to you for your assistance. As to the cattle you left with me, shall be settled to your satisfaction. The Cow I have in keeping. I dont mean to part with her until you are satisfied. I wish it might sute your business to come down in a week or ten days time & bring your Acct. in order to make a friendly settlement ; & that it may sute you to take a ride up in the Coas Country, & do some Important Business forme. (You'l remem- ber our last Conversation respecting that matter.)

Sir, I am inform'd the time is nigh up for the Redemption of those Lands which Capt. Smith sold for Taxes. I have emplied M' Moulton to go up & settle for the whole. I beg your friendly assistance to him in accomplishing the Redemption of the same. You know, Sir, that a friend in need is a friend in deed. I have been Confined by Lameness for this some time ; otherwise should have been up myself & taken Care of this Business. I have draw'd an Order on the Selectmen to pay or discount Eighty pounds in Certificates towards what the Town owes me with my friends influence. I doubt not but they will Consent to the same. Mr. Moulton will wait on you with the Papers. You may be assur'd all favours will be kindly Acknowledged

by your friend & Hum' Servant

JoN^ Moulton.

State of New Hamp. Exeter January 4, i 779.

Receiv'd of M'^ Nathaniel Shannon Constable of the Town of Moultonborough Two hundred and twenty-nine pounds it being as M'" Shannon Informs me the proportion which said Town is to pay of the State tax for the year 1778. Said Moultonborough and New Hampton being proportiond collectively in the sum of three hundred and fifty nine pounds Six Shillings & eight pence. J^2i<). o. o. NicH. GiLMAN Treasr

duction of gold and silver as a medium of exchange was a thing to be deplored, and that the age of barter was preferable to that of money."

How happy would he have been had he li\ed eighteen centuries later in rural New Hampshire !

The fact is, however, that the only money in circulation at the time was paper currency, and the great loss which the community had sustained through its depre- ciation made the people loth to accept it in payment of debts, preferring to receive produce instead. This state of things continued e\'en after the Declaration of Peace in 1783, when affairs had already begun to improve. R. C. S.


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Received of Nathaniel Shannon Thirty pounds Lawful Money in full for a Little Black Mare sold him this day Sept. 22nd, 1778.

William Atkin

a^ Atf^ff

^^-L^'3^_^^. J^J^Aj^^d^

Moultonborough July y* 25*, Ano Dom 1776.

This Day Received of Nathaniel Shannon The Sum Six Shillings L. m Which is in full of accounts Notes Dues Deats & Demands whatsoever from the Beginning of the world to the Day & Date hereof I say Received per me.

Ja^ Jackson Jr.



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YOU an elected a Senator of this State for District No. ~^^%/^> and you are hereby required to attend at Hopkinton, at the ensuing session of the Legislature, on the first Wed?icsday of June next.

/^•^^> cS^^'f^^^ Governor.

May irth, 1S07

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§>tate of J^etD ||amp0!)irt*


JA-NOW you, That We, reposing e5peci.il Trust and Confidence in your Fidelity and Ability, hive constituted 5nd appointed you a Justice or the Peace akd or the QuoKUtt '^in'^n.Ji^ y^-e'U-ii^/ c^ (:^tljajffCi.c&

i / y /rf -^ / ^

Hereby giving and granting uato you the said ty t ainM-ttce-O cyrt^Hlt.i^i'X,^ all Power and

Authority given and granted by the Constitution and Laws ol Our State to a JusticS of the Peace and of the Quorum

/ ^^ o /■) ..>

To HAVE J.KD TO HOLD the said Office, with all the Powers, Privileges, ar.d Imtnunities, to the same belonging, for and during the Term of Five Years from the date hereof, provided you are of good Behavior duriqg said Term.

In TESTiMONT wHEaEOF. We have caused Our Seal to be hereunto affix-^d.

Vi\T:si.%s, .^Cn^'U^LCtyl'tOC^^t^ ^ Governor of Our State, at c/cz/^tii^^ilZ^^

/H/yi CL:^ Day of t.^-5^^.ca<7'?.v^ \ ''"^ yeav of Our Lord one thoijsand eight hundred and 5*V'^^^*'0

and of the Independence of the United States of America the thirty- ^/M^^^ -



^tate of >|5efco?!^ampS|)ire.

THEN the said jy^t^m t^^ j^/y^^*,*^ £r^y '^ ^ took and athcribci tit Oath o/OJke os a justice of the Peace and of the S^uorum £rT'fiiL^f,r>Tt^^/)ffi*'JM'^ prescribed by Lata.

More us.... /^ ^^^ <;^^^ ^»«W^^/t*^f5^«^=-='-'><^^


Nathaniel Shannon died at Moultonboro July 27, 1826, and left surviving him his widow and two sons and a daughter. The following is a copy ot his Will, together with the documents relating to the probate ot the same and an inventory of his " Real and Personal Estate:"

In the name ot God, Amen. I Nathaniel Shannon of Moultonborough in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire Esquire.

Being of good health and sound disposing mind deliberately make this my last Will and Testament. My debts and funeral charges to be paid by my executors herein after named from personal property I may Leave.

First. To my wife Mary Shannon I give and Bequeath the use and improvement of my Houses Lot Mantion House Barns & Outhouses, thereon standing, one quarter part of the Income of all my other improved Lands, the intire income of my Grist Mill the use of all my House- hold furniture and other personal property not herein after disposed of for and during her natural life. I further give and bequeath unto my said Wife Mary forever, four cows. Ten sheep, one good horse. Chaise & Sleigh and their harnesses. One quarter part of all monies I died possessed of, and of all moneys due to me on note, bond. Account and Mortgage. A sufficient a quan- tity of fire wood to be furnished her yearly and every year bv mv executors, to be cut & piled up fit for the fire for and during her natural Life. The said Cows Sheep and Horse are to be kept for the entire benefit of the said Mary on my said farm Summer & Winter, and the keep- ing to be deducted from the aforenamed quarter part of the income of my improved Lands.

Secondly. To my Daughter Abigail I give and bequeath for and During her natural Life, the use and Improvement of about ten acres of pasture Land adjoining George Freese, Samuel Meloon Si Simon Moultons Land ; the use and Improvement of about Twenty five acres of Wood Land, Westerly on Red River & adjoining Land owned by Winthrop Bermett & Samuel Robertson, & Land now occupied by Nathan Morse, the right of pasturing Two Cows in my upper pasture and the interest of all monies I die possessed of and of all Moneys due to me on note, bond. Account & Mortgage to be paid her annually by my Executors, to commence one year after my decease.

Thirdly. To my Son Thomas Shannon, Squire, I give and bequeath forever subject to the Reservations hereinafter made my House Lot, Mantion house and other Buildings thereon standing (except one half of the cider House & Millj all the Lands I purchased of Col. Nathan Hoit, as bv his Deed to me Vay', all the Land back or east of the House being thirty acres more or less, the Land and Orchard front of the House being four acres and one half more or Less About eight acres of Land front of the Road Jeremiah Shaw's Land and the Meeting House and adjoining the Main Road Maj Hoits Land and my pasture to the West. Also about Two acres and and half of Land adjoining said Shaws Land & Carroll on Thomas. L. Moulton Land, being five rods wide on the front. I further give & bequeath to my son Thomas as subject to said Reservation about three acres of mowing Land as now Walled in in front of the House below the orchard & adjoining Lieut. Benjamin Morses Field ; another piece ot mowing


Land adjoining the last mentioned piece, being two acres more or less Beginning at the double Wall of the Last mentioned piece running about eighteen Rods South from the last named piece to a stake & stones, then Westerly on the Old Hedge where Rocks are hailed in for a Wall to the Corner of a Wall made by Ezekiel Brown & Moses Moulton, then about North East to the Corner of the above named three acre piece. Also a piece of pasture Land adjoining the other Lands Containing about five acres be the same more or Less, and is the same land that the said Ezekiel Brown & Moses Moulton fenced in with stone Wall near the Spring and Running to the Road, and on the Road to the four and one half Road piece aforenamed. Also one half of the hundred acre Lot adjoining Jonathan M. Ambrose, with one half of the improvements, it Being the farm land I purchased of Whipple and Haven ; also one half of my Upper pasture adjoining Doctor Moses & Winthrop Bennetts Land, Containing about fifty acres & is the farm Land I Bought of Jonathan Moulton Esq. All the aforenamed Lands and Buildings The said Thomas Shannon is not Come into possession of, nor have any income from the farm, till after his mothers Decease. I also give unto my son Thomas one Quarter part of the money Due to me on Note Account Mortgage etc. Also one Yoke of Oxen Two Cows Six Sheep one pair of Iron bound Cart Wheels, being the smallest pair. One Ox Yoke Bows & Irons three Chains and one plow.

Fourthly. To my son Nathaniel Vaughan Shannon I give and Bequeath forever, subject to the aforenamed reservation, all the Farm I bought of Joseph Ayers Containing one hundred & fifteen acres with the Buildings thereon standing, as by his Deed to me, except about Ten acres Bequeathed to my son Thomas. Also the Lot of Land Below the man [main] Farm, so-called, that I purchased of John Hale Esq Containing one hundred & thirty five acres, as by his deed to me Dated February 9, 1793, Adjoining Land of Jacob Moulton to the North- west & Maj Hoit Southeast and Southerly on the School Lot in the first Division. Also one half of the Lot of Land adjoining Land of Jonathan M. Ambrose Containing one hundred acres more or Less Lying in Common with the half hundred acre Lot I gave to my son Thomas, Which I purchased of Whipple & Haven. Also one half of my upper pasture. Containing Fifty Acres more or Less, Adjoining Lands of Doct Morse and Winthrop Bennett. Also one half of my cider House & Mill & privalege of Improving the same for making Cider. Also my Grist Mill & privalege after his mothers decease. All my part or one third of the saw mill & priva- lege. Also one quarter part of all monies, whether Notes Accounts Bonds or Mortgages Sec. Also all my stocks of Cattle Sheep Horses and all my Farming Utensils not hereinbefore dis- posed of.

Fifthly. I give to my Grand Son Jonathan Wiggin forever subject to the aforesaid Reser- vation about Ten Acres of Land, being the same I have given his mother the Improvement during her Life. Also about Twenty five Acres of Wood Land, the same I have given his Mother the Income of During her Life. Also sixty seven Acres of \^'ood and Timber Land South of Watsons Mills, Lying in Common with land set off as part of the Dower of Abigail Wiggin & Land of William S. Skinner, and was Drawn to Jonathan Wiggin and marked on the proprietors plan of said Town & Deeded to me by said Wiggin as Two thirds of the Common Right of Joseph Palmer. Also I give unto my Grand Son Jonathan Wiggin, one quarter part of my money at Interest, after the decease of his mother. And in case the said Jonathan Wiggin die without heir or Heirs, then the legacies given him are to [be] equally divided between my sons Thomas and Nathaniel.


Sixthly. I give and Bequeath to mv Sister Marv Shannon, for and during her natural Lite, a good and Comfortable support in my Mantion House, both as to food and Raiment, to be supplied her by my Executors.

To my Sons Thomas & Nathaniel & Grandson Jonathan Wiggin I give & Bequeath forever all my Lands not hereinbefore disposed of, recommending to mv Executors to sell mv Lands in Wakefield Tamworth & Indian Claims, and the proceeds to be equallv divided Between the said Thomas Nathaniel & Jonathan.

J nominate Constitute and Appoint my wife Mary Shannon, my sons Thomas Shannon & Nathaniel Vaughan Shannon, Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby Revoking and Annulling all former Wills by me made.

In Testimony Whereof I the said Nathaniel Shannon, have to this mv Last Will and Tes- tament Set my Hand and Seal the Twenty third Day of Mav in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.

Nath^ Shannon [seal]

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Nathaniel Shannon to be his last Will & Testament signed in the presence of us and of each other and in his presence and at his Request as Witnesses of this Instrument.

Edw" Sise Dan"- Waldron Benj"* Boardman

To the Hon. Daniel C. Atkinson Esquire, Judge of the Probate of Wills, &.'C., in and for the County of Strafford, in the State of New Hampshire.

Shews the petition of Nathaniel V. Shannon of Moultonborough in the Countv of Strafford, That Nathaniel Shannon late of Moultonborough in the said County of Strafford, deceased, at Moultonborough in said County, made his last Will and testament in writing bv him duly exe- cuted, and therein and thereby, after sundry devises therein named, appointed your petitioner and Mary Shannon & Thomas Shannon joint executors thereof, and afterwards, to Wit at Moultonborough aforesaid the said Nathaniel Shannon died fulv 27''' 1826, leaving his Widow Mary Shannon & Thomas Shannon, Abigail Hoit & myself his children heirs.

And your petitioner fijrther shews that he has now present one of the subscribing Witnesses to the execution of said last Will and testament.

Wherefore your petitioner prays that the said instrument may be dulv proved, approved and allowed as the last Will and testament of the said Nathaniel Shannon, and he be permitted to give bond as aforesaid and he as bound will prav &.'C.

Aug 24''' 1826. N. V. Shannon.

A true copy Attest.

William W. Martin,



STRAFFORD SS. }> At the Court of Probate for the County of Strafford, in the State of New Hampshire, holden at Sanbornton in said County on the 24"' day ot August Anno Domini 1826.

The foregoing instrument purporting [to be] the last Will of Nathaniel Shannon, late of Moultonborough, in said County, deceased, having been presented for probate in common form bv Nathaniel V. Shannon, one of the Executors therein named. It appears to me, the Judge of Probate for said Countv, bv the testimony of Benjamin Boardman, one of the Witnesses whose name is to the said instrument subscribed, that at the time of the execution thereof the said deceased was more than twenty one years of age and of sane mind, that he did sign, seal and publish the same as his last Will, and that the said Benjamin Boardman, with Edward Sise and Daniel Waldron, attested and subscribed the same together as Witnesses to the execution thereof in the presence of the said Devisor, I do Therefore Decree that the said instrument be, and it is hereby proved, approved and allowed, as the last Will of the said Devisor.

Daniel C. Atkinson,

Judge of Probate.

Know All Men Bf These Presents, That We Thomas Shannon of Pittsfield in the County of Merrimack, Physician, Nathaniel V. Shannon of Moultonborough County of Strafford, and Samuel Emerson of Sandwich in said County, Attorney at Law, and Ezekiel Hoit of Moulton- borough in said County Esquire, in the County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire, are holden and stand firmly bound and obliged unto the ludge of Probate for the County of Strafford in the fill! sum of twenty thousand Dollars, to be paid to the said Judge : To the true payment whereof we bind ourselves and our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally firmly by the Presents. Sealed with our Seals, Dated the Twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and Twenty six.

The condition of the above obligation is such. That if the above bounden Thomas Shannon and Nathaniel V. Shannon, who are appointed Executors of the last Will and testament of Nathaniel Shannon late of Moultonborough in the County of Strafford and State aforesaid Esquire, deceased, testate, do make and cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the estate of the said deceased, which has or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Executors, or in the hands and possession of any other person or persons for said Executors, and the same so made, do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Court of Probate for the County of Strafford aforesaid within three months next ensuing, and the same estate and all other the estate of said deceased, at the time of the death of said deceased, which at any time hereafter shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Execu- tors or unto the hands or possession of any other person or persons for said Executors, do Well and truly administer accordingly to law and the Will of said deceased ; and further do make, or cause to be made, a just and true account of said Administration upon oath, within one year next following, and all the rest and residue of the said estate, which shall be found remaining upon the account of said Executors (the same being first examined and allowed by the Judge of Probate

Thomas Shannon


N. V. Shannon


Samuel Emerson





for the County of Strafford ) shall deliver and pav unto such person or persons, respectively, as the ludge by his decree or sentence pursuant to law shall limit and appoint : Then the before written obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to abide and remain in full force and virtue.

} Witnesses to the sig- natures of Thomas Shannon & N. V. Shannon

,. T' "1 to the sig-


I natures 01

^ ,. lis. Emerson &

Caleb Morse r t- 1 1 rr -' J Ezekiel Hoit

A true copy Attest

William W. Martin,


State of New Hampshire.

STRAFFORD SS. The Honourable D. C. Atkinson Esquire, Judge of the Probate of Wills, &c., for the County of Strafford.

To all unto whom the Presents shall come. Greeting:

Know ye, that upon examination before me at Sanbornton in said County, this dav, it appears the personal estate of Nathaniel Shannon late of Moultonborough deceased, in the hands of Thomas Shannon and Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors is not sufficient to pay the debts and demands due from said estate. Wherefore license is hereby granted to the said Executors to sell at public auction so much of the real estate that was of the said Nathaniel Shannon as will be sufficient to raise the sum of eight hundred dollars, to pay and discharge the said debts and demands with incidental charges. And the said Executors are hereby authorized to execute a valid conveyance of all the right and demand of the said Nathaniel Shannon in and unto the said real estate at the time of his decease, to the purchaser, and they are directed to render an account of the money which shall be raised thereby, how it has been applied, as the laws directs.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Court of Probate for said County, the 6''' day of Dec' in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven.

Daniel C. Atkinson,

Judge of Probate.

We, Thomas Shannon & Nathaniel V. Shannon, do solemnly swear, that in disposing of the estate ot Nathaniel Shannon late deceased, or such part thereof as we have license to sell, we will use our best judgment in fixing on the time and place of sale, and will exert our utmost endeavors that the same shall be sold in such manner as will be of the greatest advantage to the heirs ot said estate, and that without anv sinister or selfish views whatever.



STRAFFORD SS. Dec' 6"", A. D. 1827. Then personally appeared the above named Thomas & Nath Shannon and took the foregoing oath as prescribed by law before me.

Daniel C. Atkinson,

Justice of the Peace.

Recorded agreeably to the original Examined bv

James Bartlett,


State of New Hampshire. STRAFFORD SS. The Judge of Probate for said County of StraiTord :

To Samuel Emerson of Sandwich and Moses Moulton and Benning M. Bean of Moulton- borough. Esquires, Greeting :

You are hereby authorized to take an inventory of the estate of Nathaniel Shannon late of Moultonborough Esquire deceased, who lately died testate to be shewn unto you by Thomas Shannon and Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors of the Will of said deceased, and to make a just and impartial appraisement thereof according to the best of your judgment, and to return the same under your hands unto the Registry of the Court of Probate for said County, upon oath to your fidelity herein, within three months next ensuing, together with this warrant. Dated Sanbornton the 26''' day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six.

Daniel C. Atkinson,

Judge of Probate.

Inventory of the Real & Personal Estate that was of Hon. Nathaniel Shannon late of Moultonborough in said County of Strafford deceased Testate, as shewn us by Thomas Shannon & Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors to the last Will & Testament of the said Nathaniel.


Jacob Glines Farm Sally Q Marsh lot about 85 acres One undivided half of MofKtt lot adjoining Glines Farm Humphrey Hodgdon farm about 32 acres John Garland farm (pt A. Coffin lot) about 621^^ acres Peter Garland farm ( pt A. Coffin lot) about 6214 acres i^ Grist Mill & Privileges at M. Borough Falls 50 acres of land pasture & wood near Doct Morses One undivided half of 2 2 acres out of David Adams farm reversion Sophia Hoits Dower in a part of said farm

850.00 50.00 100.00 I 50.00 I 50.00 250.00 500.00




23 acres of mowing & orcharding purchased of A. F. Brown S3}4 acres T. P. Moulton farm ....

1 50 Acres more or less of Tuftonboro line Wild land Grist Mill & i<3 of privilege on Mill brook . y^ of Saw MUl privilege on MUl brook

2 lots of Wild land in Masonian claim Com land No 52"* Range 3 Division Ossipee Mountains No yy'-^ Range 3 Division Ossipee Mountains

24 Acres i^ cider mUl & house pt Maj Hoit Farm

Nath V. Shannon farm without betterments on buildings purchased ot Jos Ayers except I o acres devised to T. Shannon

1 00 Acres Wood & pasture land purchased of Whipple

100 Acres Wood & pasture land John Hale lot .

Homestead farm & buildings 55 acres including piece by Thoms store & 10 acres out of Ayer farm ....





I 5.00





1050.00 575.00 400.00

1600.00 ;7923.oo


One horse $50 One 2 yr old Colt glS^oo

One pr 3 yr old steers $35 Lovett Cow $1 i.oo

Red Cow g I 2.00 White faced cow $9.00

White bellied Cow $9.00 Kind 3 yr old heifer gio.oo

Yearling Bull $5.00 One pr Steers $4.00

One heifer calf §2.00 15 sheep $22.50

10 lambs §12. 50 3 swine wintered over 540.00

2 last spring pigs 220"' $8.80 4 hives of bees $16.00 .

65.00 46.00 21.00 19.00 g.oo 24.50 52.50 24.80


4 of I acre of potatoes on Glines farm about 1 50 bushel:

4 of 2 i/^ acres of corn on Glines farm in all 60 bush

4 of I 3^ acres of buckwheat on Glines farms 8 bush

'3 of wheat in barn on Glines farm 10 bush

4 of Rye in barn on Glines farm 4 bush

'2 hay on mow 8 tons .

4 of hay on scaffold 4 tons

4 of hay in field 'X ton

4 of corn fodder in field

4 of apples 250 bush Clover hay in J. W. Richardson barn hay on homestead in barn 1 2 tons

I 2. 50













Wheat on homestead in barn i 2 bush

Rye on homestead in barn lo bush

Oats on homestead in barn 31^ bush

Potatoes in field i^ acres 200 bush

Corn in field and garret new 2 acres 60 bush

Corn fodder in corn field

Apples in corn field 400 bush .

Old corn i bush §0.75 old wheat 2 bush S2.(

I 5.00 6.70 1.50


40.00 7.00

I 5.00 3-43


I chaise & harness $50.00 2 sleighs & harness S12.00

3 old saddles S7.00 One side saddle §7.00 2 Bridles gl.oo

Cart wheels & irons & cart $y.oo Cart irons S7.00

1 Crow bar 25* 2.50 I crow bar 15* 1.50 3 draft & hooked chains S5- 10 One ring chain $1.70

2 old cross cut saws gl.oo One wood saw 0.75 2 grindstone monks, one grindstone & frame 2 augers & I chissel $0.75 4 old scythes 0.50 3 dung forks §2.00 I square go. 10 Old iron whoopes & old iron $1.00

I spade $1.00 One barn shovel $0.50 One old sieve 0.25 .

1 axe go. 50 2 old hoes So- i pr iron fetters 0.75

2 sleds go. 50 I iron tooth harrow 1.75 I frame for harness 0.7 5 I plough & irons g2.oo I pr plough irons g5.oo

I pr old cart wheels & irons S2.50 i pitch fork 0.20 . I halt hogshead & bucket of Herds grass chaff


62.00 I 5.00 14.00 4.00 6.80

1-75 1.50

3-25 1 . 10

1-75 '•75 3.00 7.00 2.70 1.25


One large family bible §4.00 One large vol of Our Money 0.50 . 4- 50

25 Volumes of bound books ....... 4-5o

lot of pamphlets . . . . . . . . 0.50


40 pr buckles gl.oo One brass clock & case §28.00 3 looking glasses §2.00 Desk & book case §5.30 5 tables .......


One bed, beding, bedstead & change of beding 6 back chairs gi.oo One rocking chair gi.oo I clothes brush go. 20 Crockery & glass ware $3.00


29.00 7-30 2.00

15.50 2.00 3.20



6 silver tea spoons $4. 50 3 silver table spoons $6.00 I silver pepper ^4.00 l pr silver sugar tongs $2.50 5 silver tea spoons $1.50 2 ink stands go. 10 I case bottles $0.50 i cannister $0.10 z servers $0.30

1 sand box go. 06 I pr andirons §0.25 one caster 0.50

2 razor strap leather hand case & brush I cork screw go. 10 snuffers & tray go. 10 one chair go. 50


I large stand go. 50 12 dining chairs $7.50 I case with drawers g2.oo one trunk go.zo


Crockery & glass ware gl.oo Scales & weights go. 50 fruit dish go. 20 large tea cannister go. 50 Tin go. 10 Large chair go. 10 iron & two flat irons §0.50 I pr brass candle sticks gl.oo .


One bed beding bedsted & change of beding

Gun g2.oo 2 woolen wheels gl.oo 2 linen wheels g3.oo

Quilt wheel .25 swifts 0.10 pr woolen cord go.zo


1 bed, beding bedstead and bed hangins & change of beding Chest ot drawers go. 50 Armed chair go. 2 5 blue chest go. 50 Swords & pr speers go. 10 Rag carpet g3.50


One bed, beding, bedsted, cord and change of beding g pr spare sheets $8.00 7 pr spare pillow cases S1.17

7 table clothes g6.oo 9 knapkins gi.50 9 woolen blankets gii.25

10 Spare quilts §21.00 2 spare coverlids §4.00 .


2 Stands go. 10 I bed, bedsted, beding & 2 change beding g 10.00 I cheese safe gz.oo i clothes basket go. 25 26"" Wool gio.40


1 bed, bedsted and coverlid ......

One loom, harnesses, reeds, working bars, shuttles & squills

2 pr part bags gi.oo meal chest & tread troughs go. 50 2 meal bags go. 50 baskets $0.25 drv casks go. 75

Measures gl-oo


6. 50




•75 .70

8.00 2.20

1.50 .80





















10. 10


6.00 6.00





3 Sieves $0.34 2 Stoves ^0.25 one harness Jo. 10 Chests & corks . ......

2 sides upper leather 114 Calfskin 5/^'"' sole leather .

3 covers & whip So.i;o .....


1 large kettle i brass kettle 3 importers 2 pots I spitlet 1

2 tea kettles grid iron toast iron 2 small kettles j

1 frying pan & flesh fork tin ware in scullerv cellar &: dairv Cheese brass whoops & basket .... rubs pails wooden ware in scullery and dairy

2 churns & 2 Milk Pails §1.25 brown earthen ware §0.75

1 pr Steelyards $0.50 Pewter plates & Basins $7.00 Earthern & tin w-are in kitchen .... 13 Cider hogsheads g 13.00 l i,^ hogsheads cider 4.50

3 Meat barrels & meat $4.50 drv corks & barrels i.oo

2 Soap tubs partly filled with soap .... Kitchen fire shovel & tongs & used irons

I pr bellows $0.10 12 kitchen chairs gl.50

Wearing apparel of deceased
































Note signed

Note signed Note signed Note signed Note signed Note signed

Note signed Note signed

Note signed Note signed

Note signed Note signed Note signed Note signed Note signed


by John Brown of Tuftonborough Dated May 12-1826

$10 .00 int by Enoch True Dated Apl 10-1824 $g.oo int by Enoch True Dated Apl 10—1824 gio.oo int by Enoch True Dated Apl 10-1824 $10.00 int by Caleb Morse Dated May 24-1823 J4.80 int by Wm. L. Horn Dated May 7-1822 8.50 [ Endor May 3-1826 6.00 J by John Hartford Dated July 21 1825 7.50 by Timothy B. Moulton Dated June 29—1826 3.00) Endor July 4-1826 0.30 J by Moses Moulton Dated Aug 28-1824 2.00 by Benning M. Bean Dated July 18—1820 10.23 ) Endorse June 18—1821 1.00^ " Jan 1-1824 10.00 ) by Simon Smith Dated Dec 21-1821 20.00 int by William B. Hayford Dated Jan 18-182^ 1.50 int by William B. Hayford Dated Jan 18-1823 ig.oo int by William B. Hayford Dated Jan 18-1823 19.00 int by Jacob Green Dated June 1-1826 135.00 int





1 1


1 1


















Note signed by Jacob Green Dated June 1-1826 4.76 int Note signed by Jonathan Richardson Dated June 13—1825 50.00 int ) Endor Jan 1826 5.00 )

Note signed by Henry C. True Dated Jan 18-1825 15.00 Note signed by Henry C. True Dated Feb 18-1822 7.60 Note signed by Simon Moulton Dated Mch 14-1823 50.00 ( Endors Feb 15-1825 10.00] Note signed by John Forrest Dated Dec 4-1822 2.88 Note signed by Henry Copp Dated Dec 18-1921 2.44 Note signed by Moses B. Moulton Dated June 21-1823 5.00 int Note signed by James Sanborn Dated Aug 13-1823 1 1.73 int Note signed by Joseph Prince Dated Mch 29-1820 $2.00 int Note signed by John M. Penniman Dated July 3-1826 Jio.oo int Note signed by Ezekiel Hoyt Dated Jan 9-1822 27.88 int Note signed by William Hull Dated Aug 23-1823 16.78 int Note signed by Benj Clark Dated Aug 26-1820 1.20 int Note signed by Nathaniel Glines Dated Mch 27-1817 29.41 int Note signed by Nathl Emery Dated Jan 3 l-i 8 i 5 6.00 int Note signed by Benj Morse Dated Dec 1-1809 '6.26 int ) Endorse Dec 22-1809 '3-8o | Note signed by David Preston Dated Nov 5-1808 25.00 > Endorse Sep 20-1817 ''-SQi Note signed by Simon Moulton Dated Nov 4-1808 2.15 Claim against Estate of Nath Milliken Apl 3-1816 12.521^

4.76 45.00

1 5.00











1 .20








Moultonborough Oct 7''' 1826 The Within and above is a true faithful and impartial inventory of the real & personal Estate that was of Nathaniel Shannon Esquire late of said Moultonborough deceased testate as shown to us by Thomas Shannon &: Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors of the last will & testa- ment of the said Testator

Samuel Emerson i

Moses Moulton ;- Appraisers

Benninc M. Bean )

StrafFord SS October 7"' 1826

Then personally appearing the above named Samuel Emerson Moses Moulton &: Benning M. Bean & severally made solemn oath that they have faithfiiUy & impartially appraised the Estate of Nathaniel Shannon above named as shewn to them by Thomas Shannon & Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors to the last Will & Testament of the said Nathaniel deceased according to their best skill and judgment

Before me

Ezekiel Hoit



Strafford SS 1826

Then personally appearing Thomas Shannon & Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors above named & severally made solemn oath that they have shewn to Samuel Emerson, Moses Moulton & Benning M. Bean appraisers above named, all the Estate there was of Nathaniel Shannon Esquire late of Moultonborough in said County deceased that has come to their possession or knowledge And if any other Estate shall come to their knowledge they will shew the same to said appraisers that the same may be appraised

Before me

Jere" Shaw Jus Peace.

Amount of Real Estate ....

Amount of Stock .....

Amount of Produce ....

Amount of Carriages Sc Farming Utensils Library ......

Amount of Household Furniture & Articles in house Amount of Wearing Apparel of deceased Amount of Notes . . .



327-27 126.85 9.50 307.77 43.20 517. 86>^

$95i7-253^ Additional real estate ....... 200.00


Oct 7"^ 1826 Then we appraised a certain piece or parcel of land shewn by Thomas

Shannon & Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors to the last Will & Testament of the said Nathaniel Shannon deceased Testate as the estate of Nathaniel Shannon deceased according to our best skill & judgment

To Wit 20 acres of land more or less adjoining Israel Gilmans farm Sc red Hill River


Moses Moulton ) ,

D iv/i D r Appraisers

denning M. Bean ) ''

Strafford SS Moultonborough Oct 7th 1826

Then personally appearing Moses Moulton and Benning M. Bean above named & severally made solemn oath that they had faithfully & impartially appraised the foregoing pieces or parcels of land shewn to them as the Estate of Nathaniel Shannon deceased by Thomas Shannon & Nathaniel V. Shannon Executors to the last Will & Testament of the said Nathaniel deceased according to their best skill & judgment

Before me A true copy Attest Ezekiel Hoit Jus' Peace

William W. Martin,



As already stated Nathaniel Shannon died at Moultonboro July 27, 1826; and Mary, his widow, died at the same place July 27, 1834.

Children of Nathaniel and Mary :

60. Abigail [182], b. December 4, 1781.

61. Thomas [184], b. December 25, 1783.

62. Nathaniel Vaughan [193], b. July 9, 1790.



63. MARGARET SHANNON'' [22], (Nathaniel+, Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Ann (Card) Shannon, was born at Portsmouth, N. H., in 1763, and was baptised at North Parish (Congregational) Church, February 27, 1763 ; was married September 27, 1780, to John Nelson, Portsmouth, N. H.; a sailmaker by occupation, and residing in Portsmouth, where he died September 26, 1809, aged 51. She died at the same place November 15, 18 14, aged


Children of John and Margaret Nelson:

64. John, b. 1781 ; by occupation a sailmaker; m., ist., Mary

Pitman, who died July 25, 18 14; m., 2nd, widow Hannah (Pitman) Barnard, sister of his first wife. Re- sided in Portsmouth, N. H., where he died April 4, 1 82 1, aged 40 years. Children of John and Mary Nelson : i. Mary Seawards, b. October 9, i Soo ; m. January i,

1821, Nathaniel Loud; d. 1865. ii. Samuel, bapt. (Episcopal Church) April 24, 180J, when 10 months old. He also became a sail- maker, and died unmarried in Boston, iii. Ann Elizabeth, bapt. (Episcopal Church) September 23, 1 804; m. George Mecum, a jeweler of Boston. iv. Caroline ; died unmarried. Child of John and Hannah Nelson : V. William Gardner, b. June 20, 181 9.

65. Nancy; m. October 11, 1802, Robert Harrington, a

mariner, who died in early life. She afterwards married a Mr. Danielson.



66. Betsy, b. 1788; died of yellow fever September 7, 1798,

aged 10 years.

67. A child, d. February 1790.

68. Margaret, b. 1794; d August 20, 18 16, unmarried.

69. A child; d. September, 1797.

70. Nathaniel Shannon, bapt. (Episcopal Church) October 27,

1799; a sailmaker. Resided in Portsmouth, N. H., where he died June 21, 1846, unmarried, aged 47 years.

71. NATHANIEL SHANNON^ [23], (Nathaniel+, Na- thanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Ann (Card) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1764; was baptised April 21, 1765. He married Ann Elizabeth Peverly, who was born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1764.


Mr. Shannon was a farmer and resided in Portsmouth, N. H., until the year 1796, when he removed to Barnstead, N. H., and from thence shortly alter to Gilmanton, N. H., an ad- jacent town, where he died February 15, 1826, aged 62 years. His wife survived him, and continued to live in that town until her decease, February 9, 1850, aged 86 years.

Children of Nathaniel and Ann :

72. Nathaniel [199], b. 1784.

73. George [208], b. October 4, 1786.

74. Nancy [218], b. June 7, 1789.

75. John Sherburne [229], b. 1791.

76. Samuel [235], b. May 15, 1793.

77. Eliza [243], b. 1799.

78. Margaret Nelson [248], b. October 13, 1801.

79. William Cogswell, b. April 26, 1805; married, ist, 1829,

Maria M. Smith, who died February i, 1850, aged 42. Married, 2nd, Nancy Lamprey. He died about 1893.

80. Elsie Jane [254], b. July 15, 1808.

THE Emigrant

;88) Mc


Karl 5.)i

} nnA

{.rtjsoiu J

='»«B.^,^?«»i^,„„ -^. ran".



'StfWRT' .rfiS5B&,w.


A., sHsH


66. Betsy, b. 1788; died of yellow fever September 7, 1798,

aged 10 years.

67. A child, d. February 1790.

68. Margaret, b. 1794; d August 20, i8t6, unmarried.

69. A child; d. September, 1797.

70. Nathaniel Shannon, bapt. (Episcopal Church) October 27,

1799; a sailmaker. Resided in Portsmouth, N. H., where he died June 21, 1846, unmarried, aged 47 years.

71. NATHANIEL SHANNON' [23], (Nathaniel^, Na- thaniel^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Ann (Card) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1764; was baptised April 21, 1765. He married Ann Elizabeth Peverly, who was born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1764.


Mr. Shannon was a farmer and resided in Portsmouth, N. H., until the year 1796, when he removed to Barnstead, N. H., and from thence shortly after to Gilmanton, N. H., an ad- jacent town, where he died February 15, 1826, aged 62 years. His wife survived him, and continued to live in that town until her decease, February 9, 1850, aged 86 years.

Children of Nathaniel and Ann :

72. Nathaniel [199], b. 1784.

73. George [208], b. October 4, 1786.

74. Nancy [218], b. June 7, 1789.

75. John Sherburne [229], b. 1791.

76. Samuel [235], b. May 15, 1793.

77. Eliza [243], b. 1799.

78. Margaret Nelson [248], b. October 13, 1801.

79. William Cogswell, b. April 26, 1805; married, ist, 1829,

Maria M. Smith, who died February i, 1850, aged 42. Married, 2nd, Nancy Lamprey. He died about 1893.

80. Elsie Jane [254], b. July 15, 1808.

Descendants of John Shannon (88), Great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant


. Nathaniel— AbigaU Vaughan Robert Samuel— Ann Mil

Nathaniel— Alice Frost

Cutts= Mary Vaugha]

Ann Card— Nathaniel— Elizabeth Kit

Abigail = George 3 . Bryant

Margarct^Willia 33 Parke,

Margaret— John Nathaniel— Ann George Thomas Samuel

63 Nelson 71 Elizabeth Walker d. yng. d. unm.

Pcverly d. yng.

lathan— Elizabeth— Edmund

John = Sarah 88 I Vincen

Alpheus D. George Cate d, yng.

William = Maria 264 Marsh

John^Hannah Sarah^George^ Ait 279 Ehzabeth Welch Dennett Lydsto: Hartshorn

Sarah Charles— Martha Olix

Jane Augustus Sarah 29


= Harriet A. Thoi

I KJgerly

John— Lydia D. Charles— Julia

Whitham Willia 563

Abigail Maria

Whitehouse 569

Levi Sarahs Chai

Woodbury Jaj Lord 5 /

Lizzie E. James = d. yng. Frank

Foster Wesley 583

I i I I \ \ \ I

John— Sarah Margaret— Wilham Woodbury— Emogene Everett Emma J. Almira P. Fannie M. Albert F.

Julia Abby

de Wit 589

Lucy J. Edgar A.

Flora— Gilman





May Benjamin





831 Randall



n 839


Guy=LuIu Lydia=Charle3

Stuart Belle Abigail Humphreys 84+ Stockford 84.8

Aurclia Stanwood Maria Winn

Lizzie Nellie 5.=^= George Bertha^ George E. S? Estelle Davis May Gove J=:

Lizzie Fannie Edith

MUdred Agnes Ome

He Nathaniel William Ral

Eaton Lloyd Ellis

Hannah— John Carolme Benjar

Jane Elbridge Augusta Hicks 600 Milton

Sarah Weslev S.

d. yng

Frank George— Olive NcUie— Oren

Pierce Harrison Roberts March ClifFord 608 Williams

Charles- Addie Edward— Elsie Arthur Clifton Katie

Horace Tuttle Holman Stewart Hall March BufforJ

6 J 1 &t 3 Nickerson

Sadie J. Harry W. Oliver C.

Wilbur S. Cora E. Grace Ella

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81. ELIZABETH SHANNON5 [28], (Nathaniel^, Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Kitson) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., November 24, 1787. She was twice married; first, 1804, to Jonathan Morrison, of Rochester, N. H.; second, 182^, to Capt. Edmund James, of Hampton, N. H. She died at Exeter, N. H., March 9, 1855.

Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth Morrison :

82. Sarah, b. in Rochester, N. H., August 23, 1806; m. Capt.

John H. Perkins, of Rochester, N. H. She died at Exeter, N. H., August 15, 1872.

83. Eliza Dennett, b. in Rochester, N. H., January 20, 1808 ;

in 1890 was residing at Exeter, N. H., unmarried.

84. John Shannon, b. in Rochester, N. H., April 11, 1810; d.

November 11, 1835, ^^ New Orleans, La., unmarried.

85. Harriet Jane, b. in Rochester, N. H., August 19, 1812;

m. David Perkins, of Pittsfield, N. H., where she died in April, 1836.

86. George Shannon, b. in Rochester, N. H., September 7,

1815; died at Little Rock, Ark., May 7, 1880. He married Martha Spoots, of Louisville, Ky., who sur- vived him. He was a planter at Little Rock, and for several years prior to his decease the officiating Justice of that city.

87. Mary Ann, b. in Portsmouth, N. H., October 11, 1817;

m., January 22, 1851, Thomas Hendee Hickey, of Portsmouth, N. H., who died at Boston, Mass., June 12, 1858. In 1890 she was residing at Exeter, N. H.

88. JOHN SHANNON'' [29], (Nathaniel+, Nathaniel, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Kitson) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., June 10, 1790. He was a farmer and resided in Portsmouth, N. H., upon the estate which had belonged to his family for several generations.



Under the town and city government of Portsmouth he held various offices, which he filled with credit and ability.

He died at his residence August 11, 1868.

The following obituary notice was published in the Ports- mouth "Journal" of August 15, 1868:

"Died in this city on Tuesday morning, August nth, Mr. John Shannon, aged 78 years, closing a long life of useful labor, cheerfully and honestly performed, with a severe illness borne with patience, resignation and christian hope."

He married Sarah A'incent, of Newington, N. H., who was born July 18, 1790. She died November 17, 1869. Children of John and Sarah :

89 90

91 9^ 93 94

95 96

97 98


Margaret [^62], b. January 6, 1812.

George, b. September 8, 18 13; d. July 5, 1815.

William [264], b. July 26, 1815.

Jane, b. April 12, 1817; d. January 22, 1818.

Daniel Fillmore [273], b. November 3, 18 18.

John [279], b. February 12, 1821.

George Dennett [286], b. September 26, 1823.

Sarah Jane, b. April 18, i 825 ; d. August 21, i 840.

Charles Augustus [291], b. November 19, 1827.

Oliver [298], b. June 29, 1831.

Thomas Kitson [302], b. November 2, 1833.

100. GEORGE SHANNON^ [30], (Nathaniel+, Nathan- iel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Kitson) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., December 18, 1791. He was a carpenter by trade and resided in Ports- mouth, N. H. On December 26, 18 16, he married Eliza Trott Darling, who was born May 10, 1795, the daughter of Robert and Dinishea Darling, of Portsmouth, N. H. He died at his residence June 4, 1846. His widow died at Portsmouth August 29, 1888, aged 9^ years.

EL, THE Emigrant

)rge ant

Margarets William 3 3 Parker

Margarets J< 63 N

John= Sarah 88 Vincent

George= Eliza 100 Trott


George^ Kate Henry Bert 320

Harriet W.^ Robert= Ellen Pettigrew William Ferren

r\ 1.1 I

Horace=Ienry^Mary Edwin Ann ^George D. George Stone irence McGraw Merrill Cora Rogers Berry





Under the town and city government of Portsmouth he held various offices, which he filled with credit and ability.

He died at his residence August i i, 1868.

The following obituary notice was published in the Ports- mouth "Journal" of August 15, 1868:

"Died in this city on Tuesday morning, August nth, Mr. John Shannon, aged 78 years, closing a long life of useful labor, cheerfully and honestly performed, with a severe illness borne with patience, resignation and christian hope."

He married Sarah Vincent, ot Newington, N. H., who was born July 18, 1790. She died November 17, 1869. Children ot John and Sarah :

89. Margaret [262], b. January 6, 1812.

90. George, b. September 8, 18 13; d. July 5, 1815.

91. William [264], b. July 26, 1815.

92. Jane, b. April 12, 1817; d. January 22, 1818.

93. Daniel Fillmore [273], b. November 3, 1818.

94. John [279], b. February 12, 1821.

95. George Dennett [286], b. September 26, 1823.

96. Sarah Jane, b. April 18, 1825 ; d. August 21, 1840.

97. Charles Augustus [291], b. November 19, 1827.

98. Oliver [298], b. June 29, 1831.

99. Thomas Kitson [302], b. November 2, 1833.

100. GEORGE SHANNON 5 [30], (Nathaniel, Nathan- iel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Kitson) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., December 18, 1791. He was a carpenter by trade and resided in Ports- mouth, N. H. On December 26, 18 16, he married Eliza Trott Darling, who was born May 10, 1795, the daughter of Robert and Dinishea Darling, of Portsmouth, N. H. He died at his residence June 4, 1846. His widow died at Portsmouth August 29, 1888, aged 93 years.

Descendants of George Shannon (ioo), Great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant


I \ I

Nathaniel— Abigail Vaughan Robert Samuel Ann Mil

Nathaniel = Alice Fn

Cutts=Mary Vaughan

Ann Card= Nathaniel- Elizabeth Kit

Abigail^Cieorge 3, Bryant

Margarct=Willia 33 Parke,

Margaret- John 63 Nelst

Nathaniel— Ann George Thomas Samuel George

71 Elizabeth Walker d. yng. d. unm. Walker

Pevcrly d. yng.

Jonathan— Elizabeth- Edmund Monjson 8 1 James

George— Eliza 100 I Trott


Ellen-Nathaniel Hall Stone

306 Emery

Frances— loseph H. Jane Freeland


= Willia


/abelh 3H

Henrv Denn


liam =

= Mar

1 Fred




Agn Cro«



ms IV

Ann Henry | B

Darling 320

d. unm.

n i \ \ i

Frank Henry— Mary Edwin Ann —George D. George Allen Clarence McCiraw Merrill Cora Rogers Berry

4arriet W. = Roberta Ellen Petligrew William I I'erren

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Children ot George and Eliza : loi. Ellen Hall [306], b. March 29, 1817.

102. Ann Elizabeth [310], b. June 7, 1822.

103. Frances Jane [312], b. October 14, 1825.

1 04. Sarah Elizabeth [314], b. August 5, 1827.

105. Mary Ann Darling, b. September 10, 1828 ; d. September

12, 1846, unmarried.

106. George Henry [320], b. March 23, 1831.

107. Robert William [325], b. November i, 1835.

108. ELIZABETH SHANNON^ [37], (Richard Cutts+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'], daughter of Richard Cutts and Elizabeth (Ruggles) Shannon, was born in Hollis, N. H., June 12, 1776. She married Benjamin Swallow Tucker, a farmer of Brookline, N. H., where she died April 14, 1833.

Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth Tucker:

109. Eliza Shannon ; m. Laomi Chamberlain, of Mason Village,

N. H., where she died in the year 1863.

110. Lucretia Carter; m. Daniel Bills, of Townsend, Mass.

She died in 1870.

111. James Noble, b. May 20, 181 1 ; m. Rosella Jewell. He

died January, 1881.

112. Benjamin Ruggles, b. August, 1813; m. Paulina F. York.

Resided in Townsend, Mass., where he died November 12, 1882. She died February 5, 1851, aged 45 years.

113. Mary Ann, b. July 15, 18 14; m. Winslow Ames, of

Pepperell, Mass.

1 14. Martha Yeaton, b. 18 16; m. Asa Webber, of Mason

\'illage, N. H., where she died February 26, 1869.

115. Joseph Cutts, b. October 17, 1 818; m. Mary H. Camp-

bell, of Mason Village, N. H. He died May 10, 1876. She died October 18, 1886, aged 63 years. Children of Joseph and Mary Tucker : i. Edward Campbell, ii. James H. Shannon; a merchant, who in 1890


was residing at Brookline, N. H. He was chosen a Member of the New Hampshire Legislature in 1887. iii. Mary Elizabeth ; died unmarried.

116. MARY ANN SHANNON'' [38], (Richard Cutts+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel' ), daughter of Richard Cutts and Elizabeth (Ruggles) Shannon, was born in Hollis, N. H., August 17, 1778. She married Zebulon Wiggin, who was born in Boston, Mass. He served three years in the Army of the United States during the War of i 8 i 2 ; and was afterwards a merchant residing at Moultonboro Corner, N. H.

She died February 4, 181 2. He died in Missouri some years after her decease.

Children of Zebulon and Mary Wiggin :

117. Eliza, d. in infancy.

118. Sophia Shannon, b. January, 1802; d. at Portland, Me.,


119. Elizabeth Shannon, b. January 17, 1804; m. October 2,

1825, William Hill, of Portsmouth, N. H., who was born February 1 1, i 783, and died at Portsmouth, N. H., February 22, 1849. She died, his widow, at Danvers, Mass., May 22, 1876. Children of William and Elizabeth Hill: i. Ann Elizabeth, b, July 14, 1826; m. William B.

Symmes, a merchant of New York City, ii. Samuel, b. June 23, 1828; d. at Portsmouth, N.

H., September, 1849. iii. Edward Livingston, b. October 15, 1832; m. Sarah G. M. Blanchard. He became a lawyer, and in 1890 was residing at Danvers, Mass. He served in the Forty-fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Vol- unteers, during the Civil War.


iv. Frederick Augustus, b. May i, 1835. He was a merchant, unmarried, and in 1890 was residing in Chicago, III.

V. Herman Blenhim Harris, b. February 3, 1837; m. Constance Faulk. He became a merchant, and in 1890 was residing in Chicago, 111.

vi. Francis, b. March 31, 1840. He served in the United States Army during the Civil War ; and died in San Francisco, Cal., August 8, 1873.

120. Richard; d. in infancy.

121. Abigail Shannon, b. May, 1808; m. William B. Ryan.

In 1890 they were residing in Chicago, 111. Their daughter Adeline was a noted singer.

122. Mary Ann Shannon, b. January 2, 18 10; m. February 7,

1839, Nathan B. Folsom. In 1890 they were residing in Chicago, 111.

123. ABIGAIL SHANNON'' [39], (Richard Cutts+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Richard Cutts and Elizabeth ( Ruggles) Shannon, was born in Hollis, N. H., October 21, 1780. She married, July 30, 18 10, Capt. Henry Prescott, who was born September 17, 1768, the son of Henry and Mary Prescott, of Newcastle, N. H. Capt. Prescott commanded a ship in the merchant service for many years, and died in Pep- perell, Mass., February, 1846. She died in Louisville, Ky., April 12, 1859.

Children of Henry and Abigail Prescott : 124. Mary Elizabeth Shannon, b. August 30, 181 1; m. Feb- ruary 13, 1834, Major Felix Aushart (his second wife), of the United States Army. He was the son of Col. Louis''' and Catherine Aushart, of Dracut, Mass., and

* Col. Louis Aushart was a native of France, where he received a collegiate education, and entered the French army at the age of fourteen as lieutenant of artillery. He came to America in the year 1776, and was immediately appointed


resided for a time in New London, Conn. He was appointed, July 2, i 8 12, 2d Lieutenant, Third Regiment, U. S. Artillery; promoted ist Lieutenant, October, i 8 13 ; was distinguished in the defense of Fort Oswego, May 5, I 8 14; promoted to Captain, Third Artillery, Novem- ber, 1 8 19. Brevetted Major, November 28, 18 19. Resigned his commission August 31, 1836, and retired to civil life. He died January, 1874.

125. Benjamin, b. 1812; d. February, 1819.

126. James Noble, b. September 8, 18 14. He was a ship cap-

tain in the East India trade, and was supposed to have been captured and murdered by pirates, as he had on board his vessel large sums of money.

127. Henry Way, b. January 20, 1816; m. November 3, 1839,

Mary Jane Mendum ; b. July 9, 18 19. He resided in New York City, from which place he removed to New Providence, Union Co., N. J., where he became engaged in agriculture.

128. Sophia Shannon, b. September 3, 1817; m. October 4,

1844, Gustavus Churchill, of Boston, Mass., the son of Lemuel and Elizabeth (Sumner) Churchill. He was drowned in Boston harbor, July 16, 1879.

129. JOHN LANGDON SHANNON^ [40], (Richard Cutts+, Cutts-^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Richard Cutts and Elizabeth (Ruggles) Shannon, was born in Hollis, N. H., July 4, 1783. He married January, 18 10, Sarah Frost Blunt,

colonel of artillery and inspector-general of the founderies located in Massachu- setts for the casting of cannon for the armies of the Revolution, an art which he understood to perfection.

He was Aide-de-Camp to Major-General John Sullivan in the Rhode Island Campaign of 1778, and continued in the military ser\'ice until the close of the Revolution, when he purchased a farm in Dracut, Alass., which he made his resi- dence. He married Catherine Whimble, of Boston, and died at his residence May 28, 1804, aged 62.


the daughter of WiUiam and Elizabeth (March) Bkint, of New- buryport, Mass.

John Langdon Shannon in early life was in the mercantile business at Portsmouth, N. H., but afterwards became the officer of a merchant vessel in the West Indie trade. He perished at sea, his vessel being lost with all on board while on the voyage from Halifax, N. S., to Antiqua about September 18, 1818. His widow died at Boston, Mass., July 26, 1835, aged 52 years.

Children of John Langdon and Sarah :

130. Abba March, b. October 13, i 8 10 ; d. January 19, i 895.

131. Mary Harriet [328], b. October 22, 1812.

132. Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1815; m. George Holdbroolc, of

Boston, Mass. She died in August, 1877. Children of George and Elizabeth Holbrook :

i. Sarah Elizabeth, b. October 15, 1837; m. John

Flanders, ii. Frances Louisa, b. September 17, 1840; d. Nov- ember I, I 840. iii. Helen Louisa, b. November 15, 1842; d. January

6, 1843. iv. Maria Louisa, b. April 17, 1844. V. Mary Shannon, b. April 17, 1844; d. May 29,

1844. vi. James Shannon, b. December 31, 1846; m. Jennie

Standish. vii. Georgie, b. August 31, 1848; m. Thomas Smer-

don ; d. 1900. viii. Charles Edward, b. September 7, 1851 ; d. Janu- ary 9, I 852. ix. Mary Shannon, b. April 22, 1854; d. Septem- ber 29, I 869.


X. Charles Tyler, b. March, 1857; d.

133. John Langdon, b. August i, 1819; died at Charlestown,

Mass., March 31, 1855, unmarried.

134. James Noble, b. December 31, 1820; d. November 10,

1836, at New London, Conn.

135. JAMES NOBLE SHANNON^ [42], (Richard Cutt8+, Cutts'', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'], son of Richard Cutts and Eliza- beth (Ruggles) Shannon, was born in Hollis, N. H., June 8, 1788. When about ten years of age he was adopted by his uncle James Noble Shannon, of Parrsborough, Province of Nova Scotia, ■for whom he was named, and by whom he was educated for the mercantile profession. Subsequently became established in busi-


ness at Halifax, N. S. ; was long prominent in the military affairs of that Province, and commanded, with the rank of colonel, the Halifax Regiment of Alilitia.


Mr. Shannon was twice married; first, at Horton, N. S., March 12, 181 1, to Nancy Allison, who was born in 1786, the daughter of William Allison, of Kings County, N. S., and died November 12, 1830. He married second, October 8, 1836, Seraphina Willoughby, of New York, who died suddenly April 3, 1855, in the 58th year of her age. Mr. Shannon died at Halifax, N. S., January 7, 1857.

The following account of James Noble Shannon was written by his son, the Hon. Samuel Leonard Shannon, Q. C, D. C. L.:

Col. James Noble Shannon, second son of Richard Cutts Shan- non, was born June 8, 1788. I do not recollect hearing him say what was the place of his birth, but in the family it was generally supposed he was born in Portsmouth, N. H., later intelligence, however, leads me to believe that he was born at Hollis, N. H. After his father removed to Portsmouth and resumed the practice of his profession, James Noble Shannon was sent to school there, and remained at school until Jhe was ten years of age. He was named for his uncle James Noble Shanno'n, who then resided at Parrsborough, Nova Scotia, and was in good circum- stances, but childless. Owing to the latter cause he made overtures to his brother Richard Cutts to allow his nephew and namesake to come to Nova Scotia and he would adopt him. This was accepted, and James N. Shannon, Jr., at the age of 10 years, left Portsmouth in a coasting vessel bound for Halifax, where he arrived in due time. He speedily made his way to Horton, and thence to his uncle at Parrsborough, with whom he resided until he attained his majority. His uncle, who was a good scholar, carefullv instructed him and two other boys, James Shannon Morse and Silas H. Crane, nephews of Mrs. Shannon, who also tormed a part of this family at Parrsborough. When James N. Shannon, Jr., was old enough, his uncle took him and Silas H. Crane into his mercan- tile establishment as clerks at Parrsborough, while James S. Morse went back to his own home to study law. James N. Shannon, Jr., grew up as a merchant, very steady and attentive to business, and became the active business man for his uncle, who was then largely engaged in shipping and in adventures to the West Indies and United States. This routine was only broken once, and then under peculiar circumstances. An expedition against the Island of Martinique had been organized by the British Gov- ernment, and the command was given to Sir George Provost, the then Governor of Nova Scotia. The expedition a successful one left Hali- fax with the Governor, who took with him all the regular troops then in


garrison in Halifax. To supply their place militia regiments were called for from the County, and among them a King's County regiment was organized under the command of Colonel Crane, with Major Samuel Leonard (my mother's uncle, and an old King's Officer, a captain in a Royal regiment during the Revolutionary War) as the major. James N. Shannon, Jr., obtained a commission as lieutenant in the regiment, and did duty in Halifax for several months. He was then 19 years of age, very tall full six feet in height and well proportioned, and was accounted a very efficient officer. On the return of the expedition to Halifax he resumed his occupation in Parrsborough. On attaining the age of twenty- one years he went into partnership with Silas H. Crane, at a thriving place not far from Parrsborough, under the auspices of his uncle. This was about the year 18 10. At that time Halifax was doing a most thriving trade ; the war with France and the capture of the French West Indies had thrown the carrying trade to those islands largely into the hands of the Halifax merchants, who were becoming wealthy. Among them was a King's County man of the name of Starr, who found it necessary to have a junior partner, and looking around for a suitable person, heard of and secured James N. Shannon, Jr., who then removed to Halifax and engaged in business with Mr. Starr under the name of Starr & Shannon. They did a profitable mercantile business in Halifax until about the year 1817, when the partnership was dissolved. In the year i 8 1 1 James N. Shannon, Jr., married Nancy Allison, daughter of William Allison, a farmer of King's County, and niece of Major Samuel Leonard's wife, who had adopted her and brought her up from a child. From that time until the time of his death James N. Shannon remained in Halifax engaged in busi- ness as a merchant, and occasionallv visiting England and the L^nited States. His last visit to England was on the occasion of the Great London Exhibition in 1851.

Some time after leaving Mr. Starr he formed another partnership under the name of Shannon & Allison, and later on in life, and after Mr. Allison had retired, he took a nephew into business with him, and the firm was then known as J. B. Bennett & Co., which was the name of his business at the time of his death.

During the greater part of his life he was fond of military matters, and had obtained a commission in a Halifax militia regiment, with which he continued until he rose to command it as colonel, when he retired.

His first wife died in November, 1830. He married a second time, in 1836, a Miss Willoughby, of New York, who died in 1855, without issue.

James Noble Shannon died at Halifax in January, A. D., 1857, in his 69th year, and was buried in Camp Hill Cemetery.

Halifax, May 2, 1885.


Inscriptions on the tombstones of the Shannons at Halifax,

N. S.

The following are in the old Wesleyan burying ground, now the churchyard of Grafton Street Church :
























NOV 12 1830



















1833 AGED 21 YEARS









The lower part of this stone was broken. I copy it as it now stands.

E. G. S.

FIFTH GENERATION The following are in the Camp Hill Cemetery













APRIL 3RD 1855








MARCH 24, 1859








Q,C , D C.L.









BORN OCT. 8, 1826.

DIED SEPT. 19, 1852.


Ernest only lived three days, he was born in 1873. E. G. S.








BORN 13 MARCH 1874



Children of James Noble and Nancy :

136. Elizabeth, b. March 15, 1812; d. December 20, 1833.

137. William Allison, b. April 13, 1814; d. June 28, 1834.


138. Samuel Leonard [335], b. June i, 1816.

139. Mary Anna, b. February 28, 1818 ; d. June 9, 1835.

140. Nancy Leonard, b. June 7, 1820; d. February 20, 1844.

141. Sophia Harriet, b. October 8, 1826 ; d. September 19, 1852.

142. HARRIET SHANNON^ [44], (Richard Cutts+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Richard Cutts and Elizabeth (Ruggles) Shannon, was born in 1796. She married in January, 1823, at Halifax, N. S., then her place of residence, the Rev. John Marshall, a Wesleyan missionary of Halifax, N. S., where they continued to reside. She died April i, 1839. He was born in Peterborough, North Hamptonshire, England, in 1786. In November, 181 8, Mr. Marshall went to the West


Indies as a missionary, where he remained until 1821, afterwards settling in Nova Scotia. He married for his second wife Emily- Mary, daughter of Captain Holland of the Royal Engineers, Town Mayor of Charlottetown, Prince Edwards Island. He died in Lunenburg, N. S., July 12, 1864, aged 78 years. She died in 1873, aged 7'^ years.

Children of John and Harriet Marshall :

143. A child; died in infancy.

144. John, b. in Frederickton, N. B., August 14, 1825. He

served as clerk of the Custom House at Halifax, N. S.,

for several years, and married, August 14, 1869, Emma

Julia Rousselle. He died of paralysis November 2,

1876. His widow was residing in Boston, Mass., in


Children of John and Emma Marshall:

i. John K.

ii. Frank, iii. Shannon, iv. Emma Harriet.

145. James Noble Shannon, b. June 13, 1829, in Newport, N.

S.; admitted to the bar of Nova Scotia in 1851 and com- menced practice at Liverpool, N. S.; was appointed Judge of the Court of Probate for his County, December 12, 1870, and held the office of Queen's Counsel by appoint- ment of the Provincial Government. He was twice married; ist, July 2, 1856, to Adelaide Amelia, eldest daughter of William Edward Allison, of Cornwallis, N. S., who died April 20, 1859 ; and 2nd, October 22, 1863, to Augusta Louisa, youngest daughter of Stephen Mack, of Mill Village, N. S. He died April 18, 1898. Children of James and Adelaide Marshall :

i. Anne Allison, b, April 2, 1857; m. December 26,

1882, Frank C. Simson, a druggist of Halifax,


Child of Frank and Anne Simson : Robert Bordon, b. May 24, 1884.


Mary= William Mary=Rail^John Elizabeth



Barker TebbetS

^ Warner d. unm.

Caroline d. yng.

Charles=Jane Abi|rus K.

TebbetS Randell Tebbodale 346 Stanwood 35c"

Mary = Charles=Nellie Richard= Martha Ann lelen

Emery Lapham

Way 6z8

Fessenden Cutts Eastman 632

Greenough 4aria

Chelsea Cook





(?2d pcuiuion

f')iX3pei|j= (icoLtic




•!'■"•<]» VIlPu^H' IMni«

si]G2 QjiDCOU f-^icq pcouoia


Indies as a missionary, where he remained until 1821, afterwards setthng in Nova Scotia. He married tor his second wife Emily Mary, daughter oi Captain Holland ot the Royal Engineers, Town Mayor ot Charlottetown, Prince Edwards Island. He died in Lunenhurg, N. S., July 12, 1864, aged 78 years. She died in 1873, ■'iged 73 years.

Children of John and Harriet Marshall :

143. A child ; died in infancy.

144. John, b. in Frederickton, N. B., August 14, 1825. He

served as clerk of the Custom House at Halifax, N. S.,

for several years, and married, August 14, 1869, Emma

Julia Rousselle. He died of paralysis November 2,

1876. His widow was residing in Boston, Mass., in


Children of John and Emma Marshall:

i. John K.

ii. Frank, iii. Shannon, iv. Emma Harriet.

145. James Noble Shannon, b. June 13, 1829, in Newport, N.

S.; admitted to the bar of Nova Scotia in 1851 and com- menced practice at Liverpool, N. S.; was appointed Judge of the Court of Probate for his County, December 12, 1870, and held the office of Oueen's Counsel by appoint- ment of the Provincial Government. He was twice married; ist, July 2, 1856, to Adelaide Amelia, eldest daughter of William Edward Allison, of Cornwallis, N. S., who died April 20, 1 859 ; and 2nd, October 22, i 863, to Augusta Louisa, youngest daughter of Stephen Mack, of Mill Village, N. S. He died April 18, 1898. Children of James and Adelaide Marshall :

i. Anne Allison, b, April 2, 1857; m. December 26,

1882, Frank C. Simson, a druggist of Halifax,


Child of Frank and Anne Simson : Robert Bordon, b. May 24, 1884.

Descendants of Richard Cutts Shannon (146), Great-great-orandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant


Nathaniel = Abigail Vaughan Roben Samuel=Ann Mil

Nathaniel = Alice FruM

Cutts=Ma-i Vaug:

Richard— Elizabeth Mary Eleanor Cutts Ruggles d. unm. d. unm.

Eleanor=WilHani_Jane Thumas=Lillias Jamei=Chloe Nathaniel= Mar Gerrish 17 Jordan 46 I Watson Noble Aver 59 Doiv

Mary-William Mary=Richard= Mary Nathaniel Elizabeth William Mary Elizabeth Abigail Daniel— Harriet- Captain Thomas-Eliza Abigail=|ohn Elizabeth

Vaughan Barker TebbetS I Cutts Buckminster d. yng. d, yng. I i6 Waldron d. vng. d. yng. Townscnd Byron Moody Wcstbrooke Perkins 175 Warner d. unm.

47 146 54 Waldron 165

I \ I \ \ \ \ \ I

Caroline Charles = Jane Abigail= Calvin Richard Mary = Ed%vin Samuel Rebecca = Samoel= Martha Ann Lucv- lames-Sarah Caroline= Cvrus K.

d. yng. TebbetS Randell Tebbeis Locke J. vng. Barker Jennison Tebbets Scammon Tebbcts Prentice .Steven> Newcomb I 35? Helena 367 | Goodale

346 Stanwood 3-50 356 d. yng. 361 Saville "

Charles— Nellie Richard— Martha Ann James- Susan Wai

Way Fessenden Cutts Greenough Harrison I Greenwoo

628 Eastman 632 633

^ \ I I

Mabelle— Edward Grace— Frederick Charles Richard-Grace

Stanwood I Burleigh Lincoln I Ira Emerv Cutts Fletchei

853 Wolslon 857 Ordway Gould 861 Lord

1 I

I \ I

Edward Mary Gi

Shannon Shannon Hai

Charles- Bertha

Nathaniel Carolyn

862 Roberts



Amelia - Edwin - Amanda M. Wil A. Smith Shannon Pomcroy Cutts

Charles Julia— William F. Ed%vin— Mary Silas— Minnie Mary-Clarence P. Hel

Smith Rose Delebarrc Tucker Jane Walden I Estelle Delia Hassel Trucsdell Cole

Mary— Reuben Abby Knight


William = Anna-D. F. Long I Abbott McClai Ketcham 355

Charles Katie—Thomas M'arv—Millon williim Lizzie— Reuben Queennie Harrv Richard Lucv Ellen— William Elmer Liggeltc Mary George R. —Catherine— George L. Chiilon— Leonora A. Abby Frederick Locke

Peters Christine Lothrop Fitz Howard Clinton I Anderson Shannon Ann Clinton Walton Austin Anna Wilco.x | Austin McAllister Adams | Allbright Abbot Young I Battle

.1 zr—j

William Mary Louise Reuben Calvin Elizabeth Hugh Miltc Franklin Peters Clough Knight Locke Reuben

n \ \

Katie Grafton Mary Nellie Co

ice Mildred Harrv Marguerite Gladys Marv Charles Clinton Pre.

Howard Clementine Vaughan Richards Allbright Mill;

1 I

d Leono

Elizabeth =

= George






Martha Ann

Clara— Harlan W. Mai

ilizjbnh George Mariha Anit

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Carrie Mabel William

Blake Louise Goodale


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ii. John Shannon, b. April 10, 1858. iii. William Edward, b. April i, 1859; admitted to the bar of Nova Scotia, January 20, 1881 ; m. December 27, 1883, Margaret Jane Bingny, third daughter of Archibald John Campbell, of Liverpool, N. S.

Child of William and Margaret Marshall : Harold Archibald Allison, b. March, 1885. Children of James and Augusta Marshall: iv. Harriet Augusta, b. October 31, 1864. V. Stephen Mack, b. January 2, 1866. vi. Emily Marv, b. November 30, 1867. vii. Henry Daniel, b. June 7, 1870. viii. Bessie Sophia, b. August 14, 1872. ix. Clara Victoria, b. August 13, 1873. X. Henrietta Maria, b. March 26, 1875. xi. James Noble Shannon, b. March 23, 1878.

146. RICHARD CUTTS SHANNON'' [48], (Thomas+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel' ), son of Captain Thomas and Lillias (Watson) Shannon, was born in Dover, N. H., August 10, 1773. After completing his preparatory studies he entered Har- vard University, and was graduated with the class of 1795. As evidence of his superior scholarship, it may be noted that he became a member of Phi Beta Kappa.* Immediately after leav- ing college he entered upon the study ot medicine and surgery, which he zealously pursued tor three years ; and when the

* Richard Cutts Shannon, Esq., of Portsmouth, N. H., thus writes about his nephew and namesake, under date of May 3, 1794 :

" Our brother Thomas has a son of my name who is at Cambridge College, and will take his degree in one year trom next commencement. He is a likely, sober young man, a good scholar, and makes great proficiency in learning, and is about twenty or twenty-one years old."


prospect of a war with France became threatening he offered his services and was appointed by President Adams, January i, 1799, Surgeon's Mate (equivalent to the present rank of Assistant Sur- geon) in the United States Navy. Subsequently he was pro- moted to the full rank of Surgeon, his commission bearing the date of October 8, 1799. The war cloud having passed, he resigned from the Navy October 14, 1800, and took up his residence at Saco, Me., where he practiced his profession with great success until the time of his decease. He became a fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society in 1822, and was one of the original trustees of Thornton Academy. •■•

* Hon. George A. Emery, of Saco, Me., in a paper read before the Maine Historical Society, in 1879, gives a most interesting account of the origin and development of " the old Thornton Academy," showing that Dr. Shannon was not only one of its founders, but that he contributed liberally (for those times) to establish it ; and at a critical period in its history again subscribed to the fund.

An inquiry having been addressed to Mr. Emery regarding this matter, the following was his reply :

Saco, Me., December 31, 1904. My Dear Colonel :

Your grandfather Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, who was graduated from Harvard in 1795, studied medicine with Dr. Jacob Kittridge of Dover, New Hampshire ; became a surgeon in the Navy ; resigned and came to Saco, Maine, in 1800, and for nearly twenty-eight years was the principal physician of the town.

He died suddenly April 26, i8z8.

Dr. Shannon was not only a good physician, but also a loyal citizen and active in all mat- ters tending to the public good, especially education. He was an incorporator and trustee of Thornton Academy, and was one of the largest contributors towards its endowment, and aided it with money and advice subsequently in times of need.

The physician, like the old time minister, was beloved and honored by the whole town ; and Dr. Shannon's death especially was deeply felt by the entire community.

"He bore without reproach the good old English name of gentleman." Yours sincerely,

George A. Emery. Col. Richard C. Shannon,

Brockport, New York.


Dr. Shannon was twice married; first, "^^ August 9, i 801, to Mary Tebbets, who was born in Rochester, N. H., January 12, 1778, the daughter of Major Ebenezer-j* and Rebecca ( Fisher] Tebbets, of Dover, N. H. ' /


Mrs. Shannon died in Saco, Me., August 11, 1821, aged 43.

* Notice of this marriage was published in the " New Hampshire Gazette " of August 18, 1 80 1.

t \'ide Appendix IX. for some correspondence and memoranda regarding the civil and military career of Major Ebenezer Tebbets during our Revolutionary struggle.

In 1774 he was chosen Member of the Committee of Correspondence for the town of Rochester, N. H., and served as Clerk of the Committee ; was elected delegate from Rochester to the Second Provincial Convention held at Exeter, N. H., in January, 1775 ; and was one of the signers of the " Association Test " in 1776, in which year he was also appointed Justice of the Peace and one of the Coroners for Strafford County. He was chosen Selectman in 1773, 1774, I777i 1778, 1781 and I 783. He was First Lieutenant in Captain Daniel Place's Company on Seavey's Island in I 775, and was chosen by vote of the Provincial Congress, November 15, 1775, to be Second Major of Col. Stephen Evans' regiment of militia, which took part in the expedition to Rhode Island in 1778. R. C. S.


The following obituary was published in the " Recorder " of Boston, October 6, 1821:

"Died in Saco, Me., August 11, 1821, Mrs. Mary Shannon, wife of Dr. R. C. Shannon, in the 44th year of her age. As this person, both before and after her conversion, was known to a con- siderable number who are readers of the Recorder, it will no doubt afford them some gratification to see a notice of her christian walk and the circumstances of her death. Though all christians, where- ever found, resemble each other in the essentials of religion, yet we discover some variety in their character arising from their natural disposition, their early education, or their particular situ- ation in life. Mrs. Shannon was not so happy, in her younger years, as to hear inculcated those truths, which at her conversion she embraced and afterwards maintained till her death. The sub- lime truths of the Gospel, accompanied by the special influence of the Holy Spirit, gained a complete triumph over all her early prejudices, and transformed her soul.

It is rare to find a person so distinguished tor evenness of temper. She was never elated, nor much depressed. When she rejoiced it was with moderation. She seemed to be sensible, that the fairest morning may be succeeded by the most tempestu- ous day. Frequently called to pass through scenes of affliction, she always, on such occasions, appeared calm and collected. She never lost the command of herself, but in the midst of trials could with perfect composure perform the duties of life. She never boasted of extraordinary flights or of rapturous teelings. Her passions were under such perfect regulation as not to lead into those errors, which, when discovered, occasion melancholy or dispondency. The uniformity and quietness of her disposition secured to her the approbation and friendship of all who knew her. Not a voice, it is believed, was ever raised against her. As she was modest and unassuming, none envied her on account ot anything she possessed, but her happy disposition. Many were her friends, but it is not known that she had an enemy. She was universally esteemed in life, and her death was no less lamented. Though sound in the faith, she was never known to indulge in any disputes about ortho- doxy. To live religion and to walk in the covenant seemed to be her aim. Her religion appeared as well at home as abroad. It shone at her fireside in her kitchen in her parlor in her neigh- borhood— in the social circle, at the family altar at every place where her christian companions were accustomed to meet for prayer, and at the house of God. During her last sickness, she indulged



the hope ot recovery till a few hours before her death. When she understood that she must die, she was not at all agitated. An unusual solemnity appeared in her countenance, but she was not dismayed. With perfect composure she took leave of her husband, her children, and the members of the family, and bid a final adieu to the world. Such was the manner of her life and such the cir- cumstances of her death, that no one who knew her, entertain, it is believed, a doubt that she is happy. Such persons are orna- ments in the church and society while they live, and their death gives lustre to the religion they profess. Could a church be found consisting of such persons, sinners could not rest so securely in their unbelief. But there are too many whose piety is doubtfull, and who do more by the irregularity of their life to impede the progress of religion than many eminent christians can do to promote it. In the life and death of Mrs. Shannon we have a view of the excellency and power of that religion she possessed. Would any one die as she died thev must live as she lived."



The following is an extract from a letter written by Mrs. Mary Barker Jennison, in 1871, to Col. R. C. Shannon, giving some account of her mother and the Tebbets family :

"Winchester, N. H., May 18, 1871. My own mother was a rare specimen of mildness, love, and true Christianity, beloved by all. I remember her looks distinctly. She had black eyes, one a very little cross-eyed. None of my mother's family are living, there were nine children. Three only married, my mother. Aunt Susan Coffin, and Uncle Charles. We are the only descendants. Uncle Charles married Catherin Willet of Boston; was a merchant in Portland. He had consumption and went South ; died on his way home at New York in 1822,'-' aged 35. He left a little boy, but he soon died. I presume you have heard of Aunt Coffin. Spent several years in Norfolk, Virginia, but her last in Saco. He was captain of a steamboat and lived in affluence in Norfolk ; but I suppose she supported them both by teaching a small school while in Saco. Moses lived and died South. He died September 12, 1828, aged 36. Caroline and Rebecca died of consumption at my father's, and lie near my mother. Samuel and Ebenezer and Abigail died years ago. My grandfather, Ebenezer Tebbets, married Rebecca Fisher at Needham, February 27, 1777. My mother was the

* In December, 1897, ^ received from my cousin Mrs. Anna A. McCIaran, of Marshall, Tex., a most interesting family relic in the shape of an old leather wallet, with the following inscription stamped in plain gilt letters on the side:

Charles Tebbets, Castine 18 10.

This wallet had been sent to Mrs. McCIaran, together with a pair of old-fashioned sugar tongs and a pair of silver shoe-buckles ; and in the wallet was found the following memorandum :

"These buttons and buckles belonged to my first husband's father Ebenezer Tebbets, and the old-fashioned sugar tongs all of which I wish Abigail Locke's children to have.

Catherine Allen."

The wallet also contained two certificates of bank stock, Mr. Tebbets' appointment as Deputy Marshal of the District of Maine in 1815 and 1819, and an original letter written from New York City, June, 1822, giving a full account of his last sickness and death ; also a " Record of births, marriages and deaths " in his father's family, wholly in the handwriting of Mr. Tebbets. Vide Appendix IX. for copies of these interesting documents. R. C. S.


oldest child. I often see the name in our papers. A Dr. Tebbets resides in Manchester, in this State, a cousin of my mother, formerly lived in Rochester, N. H. I wish I knew about the family, but I do not.

In January, 1822, Dr. Shannon remarried, taking as his wife widow Mary Buckminster, of Saco, Me., who survived him. Dr. Shannon died on the 26th of April, 1828, the following obituary appearing in the " Recorder " ot Boston, Mass., at the time :

In Saco, April 26, 1828, Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, aged fifty- five years. The death of this much-lamented man was occasioned by a paralytic shock, which he received but five days before his decease, while in the discharge of his duties to the sick, whom he never neglected, even when in want of that relief which it was ever his desire to afford others. Dr. S. was a native of Dover, was a graduate of Cambridge College, commenced and pursued for a considerable time his profession as a surgeon in United States Navy. After relinquishing this employment he commenced the practice of physic in Saco, where he was employed in his profes- sion for nearly thirty years, and by his attention and skill gained extensive patronage. For the last twenty years of his life he was a professed follower of the Saviour, and in his whole deportment showed to all with whom he was connected that he was governed by the spirit and principles of the Gospel. During the last eight years of this time he maintained the office of Deacon in the First Church in Saco, and it may be truly said of him he used the office of a Deacon well, and in the minds of all with whom he was con- nected he purchased to himself a good degree. His piety as a Christian and his skill as a physician were such as could not fail to commend him to every man's confidence and esteem, and while by the latter he was qualified to alleviate the diseases of the bodies of men, by the former he was prepared to do good to their souls ; and when he had made his prescriptions to the sick, ever remem- bered that It was God who renders them salutary, and he never neglected to bear his patients in the arms of his supplication before the throne of grace for God's blessing upon them. As a Christian he was ardently devoted to the cause of his Master. To all the benevolent operations of the present day his heart was always open to contribute of his substance as the Lord had prospered him. In every relation in life he was beloved and respected. As a hus-


band, father, friend, and Christian, his loss is deeply lamented. As a physician he withheld no sacrifice, and never shrunk from any labor when the welfare of his patients called for his assistance. In all his devotions he was ardent and interesting. In the prayer- meeting and the conference-room his voice was always heard, unless prevented by ill-health or the duties of his profession, and listened to with satisfaction and delight. In him not only his family but the Church sustains a loss, and a loss which, in many respects, can never be made up ; but while his death is deeply lamented by all who knew him thev have a permanent source of consolation in their affliction, for God himself has declared : Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.

The original of the following most interesting letter giving

an account of the last sickness, death and funeral of Dr. Shannon,

is in the possession of Mrs. A. A. McClaran, of Marshall, Tex.,

whose father was the writer, and who had personal reasons, as

the reader will note, for being specially interested in the sad

events he so well portrays :

Saco, April 30, i 828. Dear Father and Mother:

Not having heard from you for some time, I take this opportunity of addressing you and enquiring of your welfare. Are you in health and do you enjoy the smiles of the Saviour's countainance, or is the reverse the case ? Of the last blessing it is particularly important that we have a full assurance, the instability of all earthly enjoyments, hourly and momen- tarily, remind us that this earth is not our abiding place.

It falls to my lot at this time, to relate to you an event that has covered my cheeks with tears, and filled my breast with sorrow, and shed gloom and melancholy over my whole soul. It became my painful duty yesterday to mingle with a mournful family, to perform the last sad duties to the remains of departed worth.

It was that of committing the remains of the late Dr. Richard C. Shannon to the house appointed for all living. He died Saturday the 26th inst. of a shock of the numb palsy, of which he was taken on Tues- day morning, the 22nd. He lay the whole time speechless, and the most of the time senseless, he never spoke, nor signified anything by motion, more than open his eyes once in a few hours, and cast a wishful look, and in a few instances seemed to know people, by pressing the hand, and a motion of the head. I was with him, more or less, every day until the


last, which was painful in the extreme. He left a family of six children, with an uncomfortable stepmother. Their own mother died August, 1 82 i . You may find an obituary notice in the Recorder, October 6th, 1821.

Dr. Shannon was all that is valuable in a husband, tather, friend and a christian, his christian virtues shown with uncommon luster, he was ardently engaged for the good of his fellow creatures, took an uncommon interest in social religious meetings. It had been evident for some time, that he was declining in consumption and when scarcely able to be about, his important place would be filled at meeting, he had been a professor about eighteen years and a deacon about six years.

He was born at Dover, N. H. ^graduated at Cambridge, studied his profession with Dr. Kittridge of Dover, and commenced practice here, and alwavs has remained respected and beloved by all. His funeral pro- cession extended near half a mile two by two: ist, children of the town school, from one to two hundred ; 2nd, preceptor and students of the Academy; 3rd, Trustees of the Academy; 4th, Fire society; 5th, Free- masons ; 6th, corpse ; 7th, friends ; 8th, the church ; and 9th, the con- gregation generally.

The tolling ot the church bell responded to by the Academy bell added solemnity to the scene. He was warden of the fire society, one of the trustees of the Academy, and one of the committee for common schools, beloved he lived, and lamented he died. For further particulars see letter to sister Nancy of the 27th. You will doubtless see an obituary notice in the Recorder. You will by this time ask why this particular interest on my part, in filial obedience, I answer: the natural consequence of a person of my age in celibacy, is to be recommended to young ladies, and have them recommended in return, and it was from the selection of halt a dozen worthies that I have made my choice, and Miss Abigail Shannon, the eldest daughter of the deceased, is the object of it. She possessed that warm attachment in my breast that no one ever did before. I read her a line from sister Cynthia penned upon a certain notice wishing me to tell Nancy or herself all about her, her reply was, do not speak much in my praise lest thev should be disappointed, but justice to her and myself forbids I should speak in any other way. It is not a presumptious choice, but has occupied more than six months prayerful meditation, I made my first proposition to her after conversing with her dear father the 3rd of March, he being the bearer of the communication.

In about a week I received an affirmative answer, and the attachment then existing has ever since been reciprocally increasing. Her education she received at the academy in Saco, except spending six months in Port- land, which was superior. She is now instructing the school I wished Cynthia to take, she is twenty two years of age, of an elegant form, fair features, blooming cheeks, dark hair, black eyes, of rather delicate consti-



tution, and above all devoutly pious, and possesses a remarkable fine, amiable disposition. I think she possesses all those qualities which shine in a lady and are calculated to make an agreeable companion. Last year she spent with an aunt in Norfolk, Vir., and has visited Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington & Richmond. She has an aunt in New York. And now dear parents with your consent and blessing we shall be united in September next if nothing in Providence prevents. I wish to have this letter kept a profound secret until all is adjusted, not that I may expect to receive anything by way of marriage, as the Dr. was a very benevolent man and lived in good style, had an elegant situation, and his house well furnished.

Write me soon all I may wish to know, and so adieu.

Believe me your affectionate and dutiful son,

Calvin Locke.

P. S. Cynthia, write a few lines on the above death if you please, and likewise two verses for his tombstone.

Brother Calvin.

The following is the inscription on Dr. Shannon's tomb- stone, including the verses supposed to have been written by Cynthia Locke, in response to the request of her brother in the postscript ot the foregoing letter :





APRIL 20TH 1828





The following extracts are taken from letters written in 1871 by Mrs. Mary Barker Jennison to her nephew Col. R. C. Shannon, then in Brazil, giving personal recollections and impres- sions of her father. Dr. Richard C. Shannon.

Winchester, N. H., May 6, 1871. He was indeed a noble man. My impressions and remembrances of him are exceedingly pleasant. I cannot think of him without shedding tears. Such a useful lite shortened by trouble and sorrow ! After the death of my dear mother he was both father and mother to me ; in all my then severe trials he would give me sympathy. He was a man of kind and benevolent feel- ings, always ready to help the poor and needy, especially his poor sick patients. I have often seen him fill his saddle bags with sugar, tea, etc., when going to see a sick person.

His Christianity was manifest in all his daily duties. He was faithful to the souls as well as the sick bodies of his patients.

In his morning secret devotions, the day of sickness, he was heard singing the beautiful hymn: "When I can read my title clear to Mansions in the skies." He was a great singer, very fond of music. Your father resembles him, as to his look and size. I wonder he cannot tell you more about him, as he is older than myself.

He married, August 9, 1801, Mary Tebbets, daughter of Major Tebbets, Merchant ot Dover. He studied medicine ; accepted the office ot surgeon (U. S. Navy) on account of ill health, and was benefitted by the sea air . . .

May 18, 1871. I concluded to send you the letter of my dear father which I have kept as sacred so long. Your appreciation so sincerely expressed fully compensates me for sending it. I now leave it in your safe keeping. I have no other letter or writing of my dear father's.* I know nothing of his diploma or coinmission. I was only eleven when my father died. . . . Perhaps sister Abigail may know something of the diploma. She was at home after my father's death more than myself. She was at home teaching at the time the household goods were appraised. ... I shall write sister soon and will inquire. We ought to have that diploma in the family. Have you asked brother Samuel .''

* The letter here referred to will be found under the sketch of Mary Barker Shannon (No. 356). R. C. S.


My father's practice was extensive, and he could pass but little time with his family. He was much of the time in his medicine room, as we called it, reading medical works.

I can tell you nothing about his college or navy affairs. He must have had some interesting papers, and where are they? . . .

Dr. Thomas Shannon was a cousin to my father. ... 1 have the impression that my father studied with him. I may be mistaken.'^'

A few years since my husband was deeply interested in searching out the genealogical account of his father's family. I said to him, after he was so perfectly successful and satisfied : " I do wish I could know more of the Shannons." At my request he wrote to Dr. Shannon of Moultonboro'. He promptly answered the letter. I will send it to you. . . . But we are all greatly indebted to our cousin T. H. McAllister, cousin Juliet Warner's husband. I think you called upon him before you went to S. A. At his request I sent him that letter (of Dr. Thomas Shannon), and by correspondence and earnest efforts he obtained interesting facts, and has succeeded in tracing out pretty exactly the genea- logical history of the Shannon family. He very kindly copied it off in a pretty blank book and sent it to me as a Christmas pres- ent. I wish you could see it, but I dare not send it by express. Money could not buy it. I assure you I place a high estimate upon it.

My father was named for his uncle Richard Cutts Shannon, a lawyer of Portsmouth, N. H.

The Cutts, Vaughans and Shannons were among the first settlers of Portsmouth, and the families intermarried.

June 2, 1871.

My mother died of quick consumption, as was the case with most of her brothers and sisters; but her death was sudden to all. I was spending the Summer with Aunt Barker at Rochester ; was sent for ; but did not get home till she was buried. Her last words were "poor Mary Barker !"

The ceremony (of marriage jf was performed by our pastor. Rev.

* He studied with Dr. Jacob Kittridge of Dover, N. H. Dr. Thomas Shan- non was a medical student with Dr. Shannon.

t This refers to Dr. Shannon's second marriage, which proved a very unhappy one for the Doctor and his children.


Mr. Cogswell, at her house. Abigail and I were present. I was pleased, but she wept. I was only a little girl and thought it funny to go to a wedding.

As to my father's sickness. On Tuesday in the morning, after breakfast and spending sometime in the parlor, which was his closet, and singing the hymn I spoke of, he went to visit Mr. Cogswell, our Minister, then sick with a fever ; soon after sitting down in his house, he said :

" Oh, my head !"

the last words he ever spoke. He was immediately carried home; lived till Saturday. One half of him was paralyzed. He knew us, and would press our hands lovingly, but he could not speak, as halt of his tongue was paralyzed. He was buried from the church. Our house was surely a Bochim. Old patients came weeping, telling how taithtul he had been to them and their tamilies.

The following are extracts from letters written by Mrs. Mary J. Libbey, of East Moultonboro, in 1871, to Col. R. C. Shannon in reply to a letter of inquiry addressed to her father, Dr. Thomas Shannon:

June 25, I 871. My father died July 6, 1864, aged 80 years, 6 months and 12 days. I am interested in having our ancestry traced up. My father studied medicine with Dr. Richard Shannon at Saco, Me. He probably would have known who your grandfather studied with.*

Capt. Thomas Shannon lived at Dover. Would that not be the place to search the records ? And, again, he married Lillias Watson. Her second husband was Jonathan Clark, of Northwood, N. H. From members of the Clark family you may get some information, if any be still living.

Isaac W. Shannon resides at Salem, Mass., a grandson of Capt. Thomas Shannon.

December 27, i 871. I received you letter in October. Have been examining father's papers. Also all of grandfather's. They are in possession of

* Folsom's " History of Saco and Biddeford," p. 304, says that Dr. Shannon studied medicine with Dr. Jacob Kittridge, of Dover, N. H.


Cousin John C. Wiggin. Cannot find the information you want. Found one letter from your grandfather to mine, and have sent it to you. Father was very particular about saving his letters. I wrote to my brother, Dr. Nathaniel Shannon, ot Cape Elizabeth, Me. He sent to your brother or some ot your connexions, instead of answering the question in my letter.

My father. Dr. Thomas Shannon, wrote in the Recorder's Office in Dover when only 13 years old. Had to stand upon a stool to write. My father practiced in Wolfboro, N. H., in 1805, about .a year. Went from Wolfboro to Gilmanton; and from there to Pittsfield, N. H., and practiced. . . . The papers I send I suppose will not be of any use to you. It is all I can find. I send grandfather Shannon's signature ; also that of his brothers, Richard Cutts and William ; also father's ; also that of John Langdon Shannon, the son of Richard Cutts Shannon, Esq., and hope they will be acceptable. If there is any more information you want I will do all that I possibly can do for you. Come and see me when you return from Brazil.

My cousin, Jonathan C. Wiggin, says if you will write to the Navy Department you will get the information about your grand- father being a surgeon in the Navy, and the name of the vessel he was aboard.

Please write to my brother at Cape Elizabeth, Me. Direct to Dr. Nathaniel Shannon, Portland, Me. He may have some of father's papers.

7 -^


April 16, 1872. I suppose I ought not to have sent your grandfather's letter to you. It was all I could find among his papers. Cousin John Wiggin sends it. Do not let that discourage your taste for genealogical pursuits. I think we have got all ot Cutts Shannon's descendants. All that is wanting is Nathaniel Shannon. He settled at Newington, N. H. 1 read the death of Dorothy Shannon in Fremont, Rockingham Co., N. H., this month, 91 years old. I suppose she is one ot Nathaniel Shannon's descendants.

Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon asked pay for boarding my father and horse. It was right he should do so. Grandfather was amply able to pay his bills. He kept a large stock of cattle. He milked fourteen cows. I do not consider it a begging letter.* Your grandfather wanted his just due.

Physicians were very poorly paid in old times for their services. Indeed it was so with my father. He had as much business as he could do. He rode horse-back for years. In 1813 the spotted [fever] prevailed in Fittsfield where father lived. All the sleep he had for several weeks was on his horse-back. All he had for his services was a shilling a mile. It was slow to collect. Just so with your grandfather. He had practice, but very probably the pay was slow. Father had a great many patients coming to the house to see him. I suppose your grandfather had the same. Medicines were very high in those days. There was twice as much used as at the present day.

I send you father's picture. It is a very good likeness. I think you will appreciate it. . . .

* The following is the letter referred to :

" Saco, March, 1805. " Dear Uncle :

" Imperious necessity forces me to make one more call, hoping it will have the effect at present so much desired. I have patiently waited for a number ot months past hopeing from the face of your last letter remittances would have been forwarded and thereby prevented the neces- sity of this unpleasant task. My family expenses are great, provisions of every kind very high, viz : hay; rent ; corn, wood, etc., etc. These articles cannot be obtained without money, and a good deal of it. You may think as I do considerable business, money is plenty with me ; but it is not so. Your son will tell you a different story. I presume, therefore, you will not think me too presumptuous to ask for that which I can no longer do without.

"With esteem and respect, I remain your affectionate kinsman,

R. C. Shannon."

" N. Shannon, Esq.



The following are extracts from two letters written in 1871 and 1872 by Mr. Thomas H. McAllister, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Col. R. C. Shannon (then serving as Secretary of the United States Legation in Brazil), referring to Dr. R. C. Shannon and his sister, Mrs. Abigail Warner, and her children ; also giving account of Mr. McAllister's visit to Saco and Portsmouth in 1865 :

December 10, 1871. Your grandfather was the second and my wife's mother the tenth child of their parents, a difference of 17 years between them. When Dr. Shannon married Mrs. Warner was a child of 10 or II years old. And when she married, he had already been the father of 7 children. I suppose it was owing to this disparity of age, and also to the fact of their residing at what was (before railroads existed) such a distance from each other, that there does not appear to have been much correspondence between them, and the family do not possess any letters of your grandfather. Prob- ably such letters as passed were on subjects of temporary interest, and, unfortunately, not preserved.

Mrs. McAllister remembers your father's sojourn with her father after his return from his Mediterranean cruise. She was at that time a small child and remembers sitting on his knee enter- tained by his accounts of his marine experiences.

Mr. and Mrs. Warner always spoke of your grandfather in the highest terms, and held his character up before their children as a fit model of all that was good. A man whose pure and undefiled religion was shown in acts of charity to the fatherless and widow, and in preserving himself unspotted from the world.

'■'■ A man he was to all the country dear, And (I believe) passing rich on £^o a year."

I may probably aid you in the genealogy of your family. ... I have copied off from my memoranda a sketch of your ancestors back to the time of old Richard Cutts, which I enclose.

In September, 1865, Mrs. McAllister and I met your father at Saco, the only opportunity we have had of visiting a region so full of family associations. On that occasion we stopped only for a few hours at Portsmouth to see if we could there pickup any items of familv history, but our time was too short to accomplish much. In the North Burying Ground, we found the tomb of your name-


sake R. C. S., the brother of your great-grandfather; and in the " Old Point of Graves Burying Ground," the tombstone of Marga- ret Cutts Vaughan, who died in 1690. She was the great-grand- mother ot your great-grandfather. The stone is flat, about 2 ^ ^ feet. I found it broken in two pieces, which were a few feet apart and over-grown with weeds, ot which 1 collected a few leaves as keepsakes.

This Point of Graves Burying Ground is in a wretched condi- tion, and in a few years will probably be obliterated. The family should remove this stone to some other ground, and see that it is preserved. The expense would be slight, and 1 know that all the descendants would gladly unite. It only needs some one to act.

There are still in Portsmouth members of the Vaughan family, and I hope at some future day to make their acquaintance ; for its possible that among their family papers may be some documents bearing upon the connection of the Vaughan and Cutts and Shannon families.

In the will of Richard Cutt (died 1676) the 15th Clause reads:

" I give to the church of Portsmouth /'lo to bie a piece of plate for the use of the church."

I suppose this is the Episcopal Church ; and if I am ever in Portsmouth I intend to obtain a sight of this piece of plate, if it is in existence, and also examine the records of that church, if they are accessible.

I am glad that you have an inclination for investigating the family history. It has been a pleasant recreation to me, and I hope sometime to see in print what I have collected of the history down to the generation ot which my wife and your father are members.

August 21, 1872. I am very glad that you have taken the trouble to ascertain from the Navy Department the exact status of your grandfather. My sister-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, has always taken great interest in tracing out her ancestry, both on the Warner and the Shannon sides; and at her request her father, a few years before his death, wrote out a few of his recollections in regard to various members of the family, which I have now before me.

Of your grandfather he briefly writes : " Dr. R. C. Shannon graduated from Harvard College ; was Surgeon's Mate in the Frigate ' Boston.'" But it seems he was mistaken, as might readily



happen, from the fact that Mr. Warner was not probably acquainted with your grandfather at the time he was serving in the Navy, and had no doubt received his information from Mrs. Warner, who was only a child of 9 years old when her brother was a Surgeon in the Navy, and no doubt remembered more distinctly his first appointment, as Mate, than his subsequent promotion to full rank of Surgeon. I am delighted that you have cleared up this point, and hope you will continue to investigate the earlier history of the family.

I think the Vaughan family of Portsmouth, N. H., must have some old family bible or MS. records which might contain some account of the Shannons. Papers of much interest to a family often become, by marriage, the possession of those who feel no particular interest in their contents.

John Cutt, the President of New Hampshire (died 1681) left 2 sons and 2 daughters. His brothers, Richard and Robert, had no sons. It is therefore probably that among the descendants of John Cutt (or Cutts) may be found some documents bearing on the early history of the Cutts family. I believe that some ot his family are living in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Senator Douglass was a daughter of James Madison Cutts. After the death of S. A. D. she married again. ( Major Williams of the Adjutant- General's Department.)

I believe, though I am not positive, that James M. Cutts was a son of Richard Cutts, who died in Washington April 7, 1845, aged 74; graduated from Harvard 1790; Member of Congress 1 801 to 181J!, having previously served two successive years as Member of the General Court of Massachusetts ; Superintend- ent General of Military Supplies 18 13 and 181 7; Second Comptroller of the Treasury 1817 to 1829. I have an idea that he married a niece of Mrs. President Madison, and I think the following must have been of the same family:

Hon. Charles Cutts, died 1846, January 25th, in Fairfax Co., Virginia, aged 76, graduated Harvard 1789. Formerly a Senator in Congress, and subsequently Secretary of the Senate 14 years. (See Ama. Almanac for 1 846-1 847.)

The " Isles of Shoals " near Portsmouth were probably the first homes of the 3 Cutts brothers. Those Isles have now a fine repu- tation as a delightful sea-side resort. One of them. Star Island, has recently been sold for $50,000. On another Island, Apple- dore (named after an old town in Kent, England), is a hotel kept by the Messrs. Laighton, whose sister, Mrs. Celia Thaxter, is a


well known writer for the Atlantic and other magazines. In some of her pieces I have seen allusions to events ot " Olden Times," from which I have an impression that she has much information that would be of interest to you. And when you return home a visit to the Isles of Shoals will perhaps be both pleasant and profitable.

When you write your father give our respects to him, and remind him that he has not yet sent us his photograph; and let me add that Mrs. McA. particularly desires that your own likeness may be enclosed in your next letter.

An inquiry having been addressed to the Navy Department regarding Dr. Shannon's service in the Navy, the following reply

was received :

NAVY DEPARTMENT. Bureau of Navigation and Office of Detail, | Washington, 15th October, 1872. j Sir :

In replv to your letter of the i8th December last, you are informed that the Records of the Department show that Richard C. Shannon was appointed a Surgeon's Mate in the Navy on the 1st January, 1799, and ordered to the Schooner Scammell ;'■' was promoted to a Surgeon on the 8th October, 1799, and that he resigned on the 14th October, i 8oo.t Bv direction of the Secretary,

Respectfully, Mr. Richard C. Shannon, Dan'l Ammen,

United States Legation, Chief of Bureau.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

* So named for Colonel Scammell, a distinguished New Hampshire officer in the Continental Army who fell at Yorktown. He " was the only college graduate among the high officers of the State, a man of culture and great promise, and only a dozen years out of college when he was killed in battle." (Vide Sanborn's "New Hampshire," p. 231.) R. C. S.

t In spite of every effort we can learn no more of Dr. Shannon's service in the United States Navy. Even his commission, as surgeon, has now disappeared, as well as his diploma of graduation from Harvard College.

It is said that the records of the Navy Department were destroyed when Wash- ington was captured by the British in 1814. (Vide Drake's "Landmarks of Bos- ton," p. 182.)— R. C. S.


The following extract is taken from a letter written by Mr. Charles H. Granger, of Saco, Me., to Col. R. C. Shannon, and dated June 5, i 871 :

First, I must avail myself of the memory of Mr. George Suther- land, former Town-Clerk of Saco, who lives near me, and who is seventy-eight years old. He tells me that he remembers when Dr. Shannon first came here to settle and to practise medicine. Mr. Sutherland was then seven years old, and the Dr. attended his mother during a sickness in 1801. He is positive on that point. He remembers the Dr.'s naval uniform a blue coat with green cuffs and gilt buttons. The Orthodox Church, commonly called the " Old Jerusalem," was commenced in 1803 and finished in 1805. Mr. Cogswell was ordained pastor, and soon after Dr. Shannon became deacon. Mr. Cogswell's ordination and installa- tion took place in 1809.

So far Mr. Sutherland's remembrances.

I think that I ought to be personally interested in Dr. Shannon, because he became our family physician at an early date ; and as I was born in 1 812, although I cannot affirm it, I think it most probable that he saw me before any one else did on my entrance into this " vale of tears."

My personal recollection of your grandfather dates from about I 820. When I was about eight vears of age, I first learned to skate. One day my feet flew out from under me, and my head met the ice, which, of course, proved the harder. I was carried home insensible, and Dr. Shannon was sent for. He came, and I lost a quantity of blood from my arm and the contents of my stomach. The practice of that day was to bleed and administer an emetic. So that the trouble in my head was relieved by phlebotomy.

I remember very well seeing Dr. S. in the choir singing with my father and old " Squire " Gray. You resemble the Dr. in your features as I then knew him.

The town school-house was at the corner of Middle and Ferry streets, and next the old house which was built by Dr. Shannon in 1805. I used to see him almost every day.

I had a rather unpleasant interview with him when about ten or eleven years old. The school was kept by an infernal tyrant called Old Brown. He used to practise all kinds of ingenious cruelties upon us boys. I intend to celebrate him all in good time. Some- how I fell into a habit of hem, hemming constantly. Brown was


annoyed by it, and took a shrewd method of" breaking it up. One day he told me to " stop after school." After the other scholars were dismissed, he took me by the hand and told me I must go with him to see Dr. Shannon, who would give me some- thing to cure my cold. I remembered the bleeding and the emetic, and anticipated something this time worse than usual.

Old Brown led me toward the house and to the front door with a stern and grave solemnity which had the desired effect upon me. The Dr.'s office was in the corner room at the left of the front door. I was led into this office, where I had never before been. Imagine my boyish apprehensions when I saw Dr. Shannon sitting at a table with a case of surgical instruments before him, and he looking very grave. I also glanced around the room and saw sundry mysterious things : bottles with hands and feet preserved in spirits, a skull on a shelf, strange-looking saws and tourniquets. I certainly thought my " time had come."

Old Brown stated my case, and the Dr. asked me some ques- tions, and then with a twinkle in his eye, which I remember relieved my feelings very much, said : " Well, I think we will not give him any thing to-day, but if the trouble continues bring him in again and I will see what I can do for him." Upon this I was dismissed, and strange to say, from that day forward the habit of hemming was entirely cured. The whole scene was no doubt pre- arranged. I began to see through it shortly after, and the twinkle ot the Dr.'s eye made a pleasant impression upon Iny memory.

My play-ground being so near, I used frequently to be in the house yard and in the old barn, which long since disappeared. Of course I was a companion of your Uncle Samuel. There was another brother, William, who died soon after I first knew him. Your father I saw soon after his return from the voyage up the Mediterranean. A Turkish pipe with a long stem and a round amber mouth-piece brought home at that time was photographed upon my memory. Your Aunt Mary I remember very well. There was also another sister, either younger or older, whom I cannot so distinctly recall. One or perhaps both these sisters were at Mrs. Martin's school in Portland. My sisters were there also, and the name of " Mrs. Martin" was very familiar to my young ears. Your grandfather's letter brings it back to me again. He was right in his estimation of her abilities as a teacher. She taught deportment, and my sisters communicated many of her ideas to me. I am conscious of their effects at this day.

Your grandfather married Mary Tebbets, one, I think, of three sisters. She was a very estimable woman. I cannot give you the


date of the marriage, nor of her death. The Dr. afterward, on an unfortunate day, married a widow, a Mrs. Buckminster. She " led him " a very unpleasant life, and was very unkind and neg- lectful with his children. 1 recollect also hearing her conduct discussed by the older people in the town, and no one ever spoke well of her.

Your grandfather was very much loved and respected by all. He was very kind to his poor patients, much to the indignation of Mrs. Buckminster, whose eyes he had to evade when he took things for their comfort. He had also all the patients in the first class of society, among whom he ranked.

Mrs. G. supplies me with a little reminiscence ol her younger days. Dr. S. was her father's physician. He took a great fancy to little Mary Eaton, and wished her to go to his house and live and go to school in Saco, promising to treat her like one of his own daughters. The matter was discussed, but her father was not willing to have her leave home. So you see Mrs. G. came very near being your adopted aunt. She has always spoken with much warmth of her recollections of Dr. Shannon.

In his day he was perhaps as skilful a surgeon and physician as any in the country. He was evidently a man of education and of culture, and took his place among the best men in Saco.

The following is taken from Folsom's " History ot Saco &



Richard Cutts Shannon, M. D., of Dover, N. H., a graduate of Harvard Coll. 1795, studied medicine with Dr. Jacob Kittridge of that place, and obtained a commission of surgeon in the U. S. navy. He was not long in the service, having settled in Saco in the fall of 1800. For a period of nearly thirty years. Dr. Shannon was the principal physician of the town. He died suddenly, 26 April, 1828, universally lamented. At the time of his decease. Dr. Shannon was deacon of the first church,'-' of which he had been for many years an exemplary and justly esteemed member.

* In 1903 a memorial window was erected in this Church in honor of Dr. Shannon by his grandsons. The dedication took place on the 9th of May, the


The following letter to Dr. James H. Shannon in regard to the professional services his grandfather is here introduced as another example of the almost universal testimony given by the older residents of Saco and Biddeford :

Biddeford, April 12, 1895. Dr. J. H. Shannon,

Dear Sir :

Yours ot the iith inst. rec'd. I remember your grand- father Dr. R. C. Shannon verv well. He was my father's family Doctor and friend, a most genial gentleman of the old school, and the principal Doctor of Saco & Biddeford. In the Winter of 1826 my father Capt. W. Hill was brought home from a voyage from the West Indies with a fever. Dr. Shannon attended him. I know they called it typhus. He recovered. Rev. Jonathan Ford, who boarded in the family, caught the fever from him and died. He was the colleague of old Parson Thaxter, and preached in the first church at lower Biddeford. I was but a boy at the time of Dr. Shannon's death, but remember it better than many things that happened afterwards.

Yours respectfully,

William Hill.

The following interesting letters from Hon. James W. Bradbury, former U. S. Senator from Maine, give his personal recollections of Dr. Shannon, with whose family he lived while a student at Thornton Academy in i 8 i 9 :

pastor, Rev. Leroy S. Bean, officiating and delivering a most interesting address, quoting freely from the old records in evidence of Dr. Shannon's zeal and activity as a Deacon of the Church.

The window bears the following inscription :

3[n Lolling fUemotv of

EicbarB CuttB t-bannon, ffl. 3?.

^orn 1773— T'lrt IS23

(BraBuate of bartiarS College 1795

Sturgeon (Li. §. jraatop 17 IH^ -I SCO

43rcamf 3?faron in tbts Cbnrcb in 1820

CrcctfU bp bte (SranHeons


Augusta, March i, 1895. Dr. James H. Shannon, Dear Sir : I respond with pleasure to your inquiry as to my recollections of your grandfather Dr. Richard C. Shannon.

I boarded with the Doctor while I was a pupil in Thornton Academy during the spring term of 18 19, and I have always remembered him as a kind and courteous christian gentleman. He was careful in the observance of family prayers every morning, at which all the household were present. Often a short hymn was sung after the reading of the scripture. He did not make the service so long as to be tedious.

As I recall him after the lapse of 76 years, he was in size slightly above the average. I was too young to judge of his ability as a Physi- cian, and have always thought of him as a man of such genuine goodness as secured veneration and affection. When in Saco I have often enquired what descendants he had, and I am glad there are those of them living who propose to preserve the memory of a man of such genuine excellence.

Yours very truly,

James W. Bradbury.

Augusta, Jan. 20, 1897. James H. Shannon, M. D., Saco, Me.

Dear Sir : I regret that I have no letters of Dr. Shannon, your grandfather, with whom I boarded when I attended the Academy at Saco in the spring of 1819. My recollections of the Doctor always give me pleasure. He was a kind and courteous christian gentleman. While active and energetic in his business routine, he never hurried his morning family religious services; not long enough to be tedious (and occasionally accompanied with vocal music by some one of the family) and always with the devotional spirit of a sincere believer a true christian. Regretting that I have not the power to aid you, I am

Yours very truly,

James W. Bradbury.

Col. R. C. Shannon having requested the compiler of this work to make a careful examination of the Court Records


York County, Me., and obtain a full copy of the inventory of the estate of Dr. Shannon, and of any other documents relating to the same, the following correspondence was the result :

Alfred, Me., June 17, 1884. Col. R. Cutts Shannon,

My Dear Friend :

He (Dr. R. C. Shannon) was the first of the name who appears to have been a resident of this State, and also to have been at different times the owner of a considerable amount of real estate. I have copied a large number of deeds in his name, and he was not, as you seem to think, by any means a man in humble circumstances.

The inventory of his estate was the most extended I have ever seen. I consumed an entire day in copying it, and then was obliged to omit the numerous debts due him in the form of notes and book accounts, some 112 in number. Included in this inventory are the books which belonged to your amiable " grandmother-in-law," and from their titles you would pronounce her, if books are any criterion of the owner, one of the " Saints." You will certainly be amused when you examine the list.

The land which your grandfather occupied is of historic interest. It was the property of the last Sir William Pepperrell, whose estates were confiscated by the Revolutionary Government of Massachusetts.

From that Commonwealth your grandfather purchased it in Decem- ber, 1800. It consisted then of several contiguous lots, now situated in Middle street. After the death of your grandfather, dower was assigned by order of the court to his widow from this same estate, and subsequently Calvin Locke purchased her right and also that of the children (I have copies of the deeds). In 1 844 Locke sold the premises to Samuel T. Shannon, who was in possession of them as late as 1865.

The property on Main street belonged to Mrs. Shannon, the widow of your grandfather, and of course upon his death the same reverted to her.

I am. Yours Truly,

Geo. E. Hodgdon.




The following deeds and documents relating to the estate of Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, were compiled by George E. Hodgdon from the Records of the County ot York, Me.:

Col. R. Cutts Shannon Portsmouth, June 21, 1884.

New York City. Dear Sir :

I herewith transmit the resuk of my labors in Altred on the i6th & 17th instants.

A perusal of these documents will probably be of interest to yourself as indicating the circumstances in which your grandfather lived.

He died intestate and free from debt. The amount of property con- tained in the inventory represented what he owed at the date ot his death.

I cannot find on the record a single mortgage which he ever gave while a resident of Saco.

Please inform me of the receipt of the accompanying documents & oblige, &c., Yours, &c.,

Geo. E. Hodgdon.

1 800 The Commonwealth of Massachusetts :

To all unto whom these presents shall come. Greeting : Know Ye that in consideration of one hundred dollars paid to David Sewell of York, Esquire by Richard Cutts Shannon of Pepper- rellboro, in York County Physician for our use, we have granted, sold, conveyed and confirmed unto him said Shannon a part of the land, real estate that has accrued to us in the District of Maine and late the property of Sir William Pepperrell, to wit : One acre in said Pepperrellboro consisting of lots Nos. fifteen, sixteen, twenty-one and twenty-two in the second range of lots as marked and numbered on a plan of them and others made by Andrew Spring : said land abutts ten rods N. Westerly on First Street below the Post Road and the same distance South Easterly on the Second Street.

To have and to hold the said described premises with all the appurtenances to him said Shannon his heirs and assigns to his and their sole use and behoof forever.

In witness whereof the said David Sewell pursuant to the powers and authority to him committed by our Legislature as our agent in this behoof hath hereunto set his hand and seal the 8'' day of December in the year 1800 Signed sealed and delivered

in the presence of us

James Gray Jr David Sewell [seal]

John Cleaves

York ss. Dec. 8, 1800. Then David Sewell, Esq., Agent as aforesaid acknowledged this instrument to be his free act and deed

Before me

James Gray |r

Justice of the Peace


John Cleaves I 8oc

To Richard Cutis Shannon

Know all men cj'i. .......

That I John Cleaves of Saco in the County of York &c. . . Innholder in consideration of Two Hundred Dollars paid bv Richard Cutts Shannon of said Saco in the County &c Physician, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, I do hereby give grant and convey unto the said Richard Cutts Shannon his heirs &c. ... the one-half of a certain tract or parcel ot land

in common and undivided with Benjamin Pike of said Saco and being the same which I purchased of the Commonwealth aforesaid comprehending one lot No. Eight situate in said Saco and lying on the southeasterly side of the Post Road leading to Scarborough and bounded as follows ; viz :

Beginning bv said Post road and next adjoining land of William Moody on the southwest, thence running south 46^° east by said Moody's land Eighty rods more or less to land of James Gray Esq., thence North \^%° East twenty rods to land of Seth Spring, thence North 46^^° West Eighty rods more or less to said Post road to the first mentioned bounds ; contain- ing ten acres more or less in the whole tract above described in common aforesaid

To have and to hold &c. .....

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty ninth day ot March 1805 In presence of

Daniel Granger John Cleaves [seal]

Benjamin Patterson Eunice Cleaves [seal] wife

1806 A';/sri' all men l^c. .......

Googins That 1 Roger Googins of Saco in the County of York and Commonwealth

to of Massachusetts, in consideration of one hundred dollars paid by Richard

R. C. Shannon Cutts Shannon of the said Saco &c. . . . Physician, do sell ic.

unto said Richard Cutts Shannon a certain lot situate in said Saco in the second range of lots below the Post Road, which lots were laid out and sold by the Commonwealth's agent and said lot is No twentv-three in said range and is bounded as follows :

Beginning on the North West side of Second Street so called below the Post Road and next adjoining land of said Shannon the grantee, thence south forty-three and one-fourth degrees West by said Street five rods, thence North forty-six and three-fourths degrees West Eight rods to land I sold James Ross and Richard Gage, thence North forty-three and one-fourth degrees East by said land five rods to land of said Shannon, thence South forty-six and three-fourth degrees East bv said Shannon's land eight rods to first bounds containing forty square rods ot land

To have and to hold, &:c. .....

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this third day of November,


Roger Googins [seal]

[wife] Olive Googins [seal]

The above described premises Richard C. Shannon conveyed to Samuel Gilpatrick of Biddeford on the lo't day of November, 1806.


Lew of Execution

Richard C. Shannon vs. Samuel fordan

Commonwealth of Massachusetts York ss.

To the Sheriff of our Countv of Yorl< &c.

Whereas Richard Cutts Shannon of Saco &c. . . . Physician, by the consideration of the Justices of our Court of Common Pleas holden at Alfred for and within our County of York aforesaid on the first Monday of January 1810 recovered judgment against Samuel Jordan of Biddeford in said County of York, Gentlemen, for the sum of forty-one dollars and seventy-one cents damages and eighteen dollars and eight cents cost of suit as appears of record whereof execution remains to be done.

We command you therefore that the goods chattels or lands of said Jordan within your precinct you cause to be paid &:c.

(The Sheriff set off the following by appraisers duly appointed. ) York ss. January 27, 1810.

We the subscribers being chosen appointed and sworn set off by metes and bounds to the within named Richard Cutts Shannon the creditor a certain lot of land and bounded and described as follows, to wit :

Beginning at the southwest end of land set off to Ralph Tristram Jordan, Esquire on the Poke lot so called being part of the estate of Rishworth Jordan, Esquire late of Bidde- ford in said County deceased on the southeast side on Gordon's line, thence South 44° west on said line eighty-nine rods, thence North 46° \vest forty-five rods to a pitch pine tree marked on four sides, thence North 44° east eighty-nine rods on a spotted line to a dry poplar stub marked on four sides at said Ralph Tristram Jordan's Esquire head line, thence South 46° east forty-five rods to said Gordons line to the bound begun at ; containing twenty-five acres and five square rods with the privileges and appurtenances ; all which we appraise and set off to the within Richard Cutts Shannon the creditor at the sum of seventy-five dollars and ninety-seven cents to satisfy the execution and charges thereof in full.

James Gray )

Nath'- Goodwin > Appraisers Edmund Moody ) January 27, 18 10

I have received the described premises in full satisfaction of the sum of seventy-five dollars and ninetv-seven cents in full of this execution including the charges.

Richard C. Shannon Creditor.


Lew of an Execution

Richard C. Shannon vs Joseph Scammon. Commonwealth of Massachusetts To the Sheriff of our County of York &c. York ss.

Whereas Richard C. Shannon of Saco &c. . . . Physician by the consideration of our Justices of our Circuit Court of Common Pleas holden at Alfred for our County of York


on the Second Monday of September, 1813, recovered judgment against Joseph Scammon of

Saco &c Mariner for the sum of twenty-four dollars and fifty-four cents damages


We command you therefore etc.

(The following set off was made.) York ss. October 5, 1813.

We the subscribers being duly appointed &c. ... set off by metes and bounds to the within named Richard C. Shannon creditor a certain lot of land situate in Saco and near the Post Road leading from Saco Falls to Scarborough and bounded as follows :

Beginning on the north w'est side of land belonging to the heirs of Isaac Scammon deceased at the south west corner of Joseph Smith's land and on the south side of a two rod Road reserved by the Commonwealth's agent for the sale of confiscated lands, thence running South 44° west on said Scammon' s line twenty rods to a stake, thence North 46° west at right angles about twenty-four rods to a stake, thence North 44° east twenty rods to a stake at said two rod road, thence South 46° east twenty-four rods by said two rod road to a stake at said heirs line of said land ; containing three acres with the privileges and appurtenances Sec.

James Gray )

Reuben M. Greene )- Appraisers. Edmund Moodv )

October 8, 1813.

I have received the above described premises in full satisfaction of this execution &c.

Richard C. Shannon

Joshua Tapley

To Richard C. Shannon

Knozv all men l3c. .......

That I loshua Tapley of Saco &:c. ... in consideration of Forty Dollars paid to me by Richard C. Shannon of said Saco Physician do hereby sell and convey unto said Shannon the following lot of land in said Saco bounded as follows : N. East by land of Joseph Smith, south easterly by land of Edmund Scammon and on the S. West and N. West by land of said Tapley containing three acres in the North easterly corner of my land with the privileges of the road over said premises to the Post road ; being the premises I bought of said Shannon by his deed to me

To have and to hold &c. .....

]n witness etc. February 28, 1820.

Joshua Tapley [seal]

The above premises were conveyed Oct. 8, 1821, by Richard Cutts Shannon to James B. Thornton Jr of Saco Gentleman for S50.

Mrs. Marv Shannon

Assignment or Uower To the Hon. William A. Hayes Judge of Probate of Wills &c., for the County of York, Me. We the subscribers appointed and authorized to appraise all the real estate whereof Richard C. Shannon late of Saco in said County deceased, died seized and possessed and the annual rents


and profits of the same and to set out to Mary Shannon now widow of said deceased such part of said estate as will yield her one-third part of the annual rents of the same, have, being first duly sworn, performed said dutv &c. viz :

We have appraised the real estate as in schedule following :

Real Estate Value Rents & Profits.

3/8 of an acre ot land of the two fi-ont lots with the

buildings thereon standing

Two Thousand one hundred dollars . . . ^2100.00 §150.00

^^ of an acre of land fi'ont S. W. lot

One hundred fifty dollars .... 150.00 4.00

2 lots of land containing ^ of an acre each fronting

High Street and adjoining above

Five Hundred Dollars ..... 500.00 8.00

i^ of an acre of land adjoining Mrs. Hoopers land

Three Hundred and Twenty Dollars . Pew in Congregational Meeting House .





I 5.00

1. 00



$3185.00 $177.00

Making in total value of real estate $3185.00, total rents $177.00 From which we have set out to Mary Shannon widow of said deceased as follows : In house and out houses front south W. room front south west chamber bed room on lower floor back of front entry cellar kitchen and cellar under south west front room and privi- lege of passing from said kitchen to cellar lower part of shed adjoining and back of cellar kitchen shed between house and stable

The land being i/g of an acre front lot and house running back to line extending southwest from the south corner of the shed.

Privilege in common to front yard, front entries and front stairs

Privilege in common to back yard bv shed to south east side of well together with the privilege in common to both wells

Privilege to pass and repass in and through the yard fronting stable and shed to said shed and lower kitchen for the purpose of conveying fuel &c

Also the bed-room in second story back of front entry One-third of pew No. 6 on lower floor of Congregational Meeting House Privilege of opening and making a passage from the before named backroom into and through the cellar into the kitchen reserving to the heirs of said estate the privilege from the upper kitchen and from the yard in front of the stable and shed through the lower kitchen into the cellar. The income we value at fifty dollars being one third of the rents and profits

Saco November 29, 1828

D. Granger ) Committee for Samuel Moody V Assignment Geo. Scammon i of Dower.


1832 Know nil men cifr. . . . ' .

Mary B. That I Mary B. Shannon of Saco &c in consideration of Two

Shannon hundred Dollars paid to me by Calvin Locke of Ipswich &c

to do hereby release and quit claim unto said Locke &c all my

Locke right, title and interest in and to the real estate of the late Dr. Richard C. Shan-,

non situate in said Saco being all my right and share in his late dwelling house situate on Middle Street with all the land connected therewith extending to High Street

Also one other vacant building lot on said Street and adjoining lots of Tristram Hooper and Mrs. Gilpatrick, the first named being in part subject to the life estate of Mrs. Mary Shannon assigned to her for her dower

To have and to hold &c

In witness whereof I have hereunto set mv hand and seal this twenty fifth day ot January 1832

Mary B. Shannon [seal]

N. B. The above was acknowledged in Ipswich, Mass.

Marv Shannon

To Henrv B. C. Greene (Release of Dower ) Know all men i^c. ........

That I Mary Shannon of Passadunkeog in the County of Penobscot &c. in consideration of Four Hundred Dollars to me paid by Henry B. C. Greene ot Saco &c. ... do hereby

sell and quit claim unto said Greene all my right and interest to that certain dwelling house in said Saco which was the residence of my late husband Richard C. Shannon deceased at the time of his death and the land thereto belonging and appurtenant and which were assigned to me as my dower in the real estate of my said late husband

To have &:c

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of May 1832 In presence of

David Buckminster Marv Shannon [seal]

John Shepley

Charles Shannon

Henry B. C. Greene Knozv till men c3°i". .......

That I Charles Shannon of the Citv and State of New York in consideration of Two

Hundred Dollars to me paid by Henry B. C. Greene of Saco &c do hereby

release and quit claim unto said Greene all my right, title and interest in and unto the real estate in said Saco which belonged to my late father Richard C. Shannon late of said Saco deceased at the time of his decease, intending hereby to convey to said Greene his heirs and assigns all the share and interest to which I am entitled as one of his heirs at law

To have &c

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of May 1832

Charles Shannon [seal]

N. B. The above was acknowledged in New York City, June 22, 1832.


1832 Knozc all men ':jSc. ......

H. B. C. That I Henry B. C. Greene of Saco &c for Four Hundred

Greene Eighty one 77/100 Dollars to me paid by Calvin Locke of Ipswich &c. do

to hereby release and quit claim unto said Calvin Locke &c all my

Calvin right, title, interest and claim in and to one sixth part of a certain piece, parcel

Locke or tract ot land with the buildings thereon situate in the town of Saco lic. and

bounded as follows :

Beginning on Middle Street at the corner of the School house lot thence running south west by said lot to High Street thence Southward bv said Street ten rods to land of Harriet Gilpatrick &c.

Intending to sell what I purchased of Mary Shannon by her deed of May 12, 1832 and of Charles Shannon bv his deed of Mav 12, 1832

To have Sec

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this third day of November, 1832.

Henry B. C. Greene [seal] (wife) Elizabeth Greene [seal]

1832 Knozc all men ':jjc. ......

H. B. C. That I Henry B. C. Greene of Saco &c. Guardian of James, Samuel and

Greene Caroline Shannon, minors, in consideration of Five Hundred Twentv 34/100

to Dollars to me paid by Calvin Locke of Ipswich &c. ... do sell and

Calvin convey unto him the said Locke one half of a certain piece or parcel of land with

Locke the buildings thereon situate in Saco &c. . . . bounded as follows :

Beginning on Middle Street at the corner of the School house lot thence running south- east by said lot to High Street, thence Southwest by said Street ten rods to land of Hannah Gilpatrick, thence Northwest by said Hannah Gilpatrick' s land to Middle Street thence North East by said Street to the first mentioned bound ; being the homestead of the late Dr. R. C. Shannon in common and undivided with the other half subject to the dower of Marv Shannon which has been set off and assigned.

Also one moiety or half part of one other piece parcel or lot of land situated in said Saco, in common and undivided, bounded as follows :

Beginning on Middle Street at the corner of land of Hannah Gilpatrick, thence run- ning southeast by said Hannah's land eight rods to land in the possession of Elizabeth Hooker thence Northwest by said Elizabeth's land, eight rods to Middle Street thence Northeast bv said Street to the point begun at.

To have and to hold Sec. .....

In witness whereof I have hereunto set mv hand and seal this third dav of November, 18:) 2.

Henry B. C. Greene Guardian [seal]


Calvin Locke

To Samuel T. Shannon.

Know all men i^c. .......

That I Calvin Locke of Ipswich, in the County of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Manufacttirer, in consideration of One Thousand Dollars to me paid by Samuel T. Shannon of Saco in the County of York &c. . . . Trader do hereby grant, sell and convey unto the

said Shannon his heirs &c. . . . forever the real estate with the buildings thereon situate

in Saco and being the residence of the late Dr. Shannon ot Saco : said estate is bounded as follows :

Beginning on Middle Street at the Northerly corner of Benjamin Dunn's land thence by said Middle Street northerly to the Brick School house lot so called, thence by said Brick school house lot and land now or formerly of William Cutts easterly to High Street, thence by said High Street southerly to land of said Benjamin Dunn, thence Westerly by said Dunn's land to Middle Street and the bounds begun at.

The above described premises being subject to a mortgage tor One thousand Dollars to Feoffees of the Grammar School of Ipswich, Massachusetts, and there is now about gl lOO due on said mortgage principal and interest.

To have and to hold &c. .....

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April, I 844.

C.'iLviN Locke [seal]

Abigail S. Locke

To Samuel T. Shannon

Kno'zv all men C5V. ....... that I Abigail S. Locke

wite of Calvin Locke of Ipswich &c. . . in consideration of One dollar and of

other considerations as ftiUy stated in the recital of this deed below, paid by Samuel T. Shannon of Saco, York county, a Trader, do hereby release and quit claim unto said Shannon his heirs &c. all my right title and interest in and to a certain lot or parcel of lot situate in Saco, in said County of York, and being the same which was formerly the residence of my late father. Dr. Richard C. Shannon, and it is intended by this deed to release unto said Shannon my right of dower in said premises, the same having this day been sold and conveyed in fee and warranty bv mv husband to the Samuel T. Shannon and he having agreed with said Samuel to procure from me a relinquishment of my dower in the same, this deed is made to effectuate the intentions ot my husband.

To have and to hold &c. .....

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of April, 1844.

Abigail S. Locke [seal]


On the above premises Samuel T. Shannon gave a deed of mortgage July l, 1848 for $1000 to Daniel Cole, Jr.

On the margin of the same as appears on the record is entered the following :

The note described in the within mortgage having been fully paid by the within named Samuel T. Shannon this mortgage is hereby discharged.

Sept. 4, 1865. Philip Eastman, Adms.

of Sarah A. Cole Adm'trix.

An inventorv of the estate of Richard C. Shannon, late of the County ot York, Physician, deceased, tai<en and appraised upon oath by us the subscribers, being thereunto appointed by the Honorable Jonas Clark, Esquire, Judge of Probate of Wills, etc., in and for said County, both real and personal.


The homestead consisting of a dwelling house, barn, woodhouse,

shed, soaphouse, and one acre of land under and around the

buildings, being lots number 15, 16, 21 & 22, on a plan ot

lots which the Commonwealth's Agent sold in June 1800, . §3000.00

The lot number 23 adjoining on the S. E. side of the first street

below Main street ....... 350.00

Ground floor Pew No. 6 in Mr. Cogswell's Meeting House . 65.00

Ground floor Pew No. 78 do do . . 10.00

Gallery Pew do do . . 15.00

A lot of land on South West side of Buxton Road opposite the old dwelling house of Robert Bond, bought of said Bond with the buildings thereon ....... 100.00


I Grey colored horse $100, i Bav horse §40 . I Bay horse JI40, 1 cow §20 .... I Chaise & harness $50, I new chaise & harness §120 I Sulky & harness $75, 3 tons English hay §2 1

1 New saddle 7, I old saddle 4. ...

2 Riding bridles & 2 headstalls §1.30, I sleigh & buffalo robe worth

§ 1 8, Supposed left at Dover, i Yellow sleigh & harnes & bells §8 I Green sleigh breast plate bit & traces & bells $4.00, i horse sled

1-50 '

I Buffalo robe $ i , the barn dressing §12

I Grain chest .25, i spade .50 . . . . .

I Barn shovel .06, i hoe .20 .


140.00 60.00

170.00 96.00 I 1. 00


5.50 13.00

•75 .26



I Hay fork .20, i old ax .30 .

I Long ladder J I. 50, I short ladder .10

I Iron wrench .40 1 saw horse .10

12 Cords hard wood $^6, \],A cords pine wood $5. 62

I Bathing tub §5, a lot of old iron .25

I Stone hammer .25, 1 garden hoe .17


6 Empty barrels .50, 3 empty hogsheads & 3 boxes .25

I Water cask .25, i handsaw .25

I Sheet iron stove & flannel 1.50, tin boiler & tins 1.50

I Soap frame box 1.50, 2 tubs i.oo

4 Earthen pots .20, I old sythe .06, 1 tin candle dipper

1 Handsaw . 54 .

2 Soap pots 1.50, I copper soap ladle $1

1 Scale beam & scales .15, 8j4 lbs of weights .50

2 Soap tubs .50, I scale beam & scales .25

I Iron pot, cracked, .78, 6 candle moulds .08




41 .62

5-25 .42





1 .01

•54 2.50

.65 •75



1 Looking glass J>8 ......

2 Easy chairs §10, i round mahogony table 3.50

1 Small mahogony table §5, i birch pembroke table & cloth $2 12 Yellow chairs 7.20, 2 small chairs 1.20

2 Japan tea travs 1.25, i brass fire sett 8.00 . I Bellows &: brush .80, i Kiddermunster floor carpet $18 I Fire carpet $4, i fire screen $1.25


I looking glass 10.00, I clock .25 I Mahogony table 2.50, i birch pembroke table 1.25 I Lightstand 1.50, I portable writing desk 2.50 I Mahogony workstand 4.50, 6 yellow chairs and two arm chairs 6.40 .........

1 Fire sett and 2 brass balls 7.00, bellous, brush snuffers & tray .80 29 Glass lamps .80, i pr letter racks i.oo ....

2 table covers 1.75, I floor carpet §15.00 I Fire carpet 3.50 .


I Floor mat and piece of carpet .63

I Liquor case & bottles $1, i birch pembroke table 4.50

I Pr fire buckets bags and bed key $5 .

8.00 13.50 7.00 8.40 9.25 18. 8o 5-25


3^75 4.00

10.90 7.80 1.80

16.75 3.50

.63 5.50 5.00




I Pine dressing table 1.50 .

6 Fan back & two other chairs ^5.25, 2 wash stands, bowls and ewers $4 .......

I Pine table $1, I looking glass 3.50 .

I Shovel, tongs bellows, brush & fire dogs 1.75, i old trunk .25

I Floor carpet $14, I fire carpet 3.00

I High post mahogony bedstead sack bottom $S

I Small feather bed $5 .

1 Straw bed $1, I large feather bed bowlster & pillows $13.50

2 Sheets, 2 pillow cases, bed spread and quilt 5. i high post bed

stead $y .......

1 Large & I small straw bed S2, feather bed & i bowlster & 4

pillows $15.

2 Sheets, 2 pillow cases & 2 quilts $5.25, i window curtain .20 6 Blankets 5.50, 2 white quilts 5.25 I Flounced quilt 3.50, i bedspread 3.00 I Patch quilt 1.50, I dark quilt 1.50 . I Blue woolen quilt 3.50, i brown woolen quilt 2.50 I Checked woolen quilt 1.25, i brown woolen quilt 2.00 I Dimity bed spread 2.50, i dimity bedspread 1.50 I Patch quilt 2.00, i black covered trunk .50


9.25 4.50 2.00

17.00 8.00 5.00


I 7.00

5-45 10.75 6.50 3.00 6.00

3-25 4.00 2.50


4 Fan back chairs $^ ....... 3.oo

I Shovel, tongs, fire dogs & jam hooks 1.50, 1 rocking chair .75 2.25

I Mahogonv bureau $4, 2 wash stands, 2 wash bowls & ewers 2.25 6.25

I Looking glass 3.00, I straw bed 1.75 . . . 4-7 5

1 High post bedstead sack bottom $7, i feather bed boulster & 2

pillows $12. . . . . . . 19.00

2 Sheets, 2 pillow cases, l blanket, l bedspread 5j patch quilt $5 5.00 I Turn-up bedstead sack bottom $3, I straw bed 1.80

I patch quilt $z ...... . 6.80

I Feather bed, boulster & pillows 13.50, I narrow high post bed- stead sack bottom $5 . . . . . . 18.50

I Straw bed 1.50, 1 feather bed & 2 pillows $g . . . 6.00

I Coverlet & quilt 3.75. . . . . . . 3.75


I Wash stand .50, I chair . 20 .

I Looking glass .50, l chest with drawers 1.25

I Large trunk . 40, i straw bed . 50 .

I Low post bedstead sack bottom $4, 6 silver teaspoons G. T.







Feather bed boulster & 2 pillows $8, I bedspread 7.50 . Sheets, 2 pillow cases, 3 blankets & I quilt 2.75


Vols of the Recorder bound $2, 8 quilts & blankets $8 .


Bedsteads & cords $z . Straw bed .25, I under bed $2

Feather bed & 2 pillows 6.50, 2 sheets, 2 pillow cases & I quilt S1.50


Small bedstead & cord 1.50 .

Fr image fire dogs gi, I straw bed .50

Feather bed boulster cSc pillows $g, I sheet i blanket & 2 quilts $z


Pine table . 50 .

Pr fire dogs, shovel Sc tongs 1.50, I table 1.50 Light stand 1.50, i looking glass .40

Arm chair & 1 small chair .50, i wash bowl & pitcher .38 Turn-up bedstead sack bottom $4, I straw bed 1.25 Feather bed, boulster & 2 pillows $8, 2 sheets, 2 pillow cases, 2 blankets & I quilt 3.25 .


Small bedstead & cord 1.50, i wash stand, bowl & pitcher 1.50 Table .25, l wash stand .20 Looking glass .50, l small chair .16 Straw bed .50, I feather bed & 2 pillows 7.50 Sheets, 2 pillow cases, I blanket bedspread & I quilt S5, 6 chambers 1.40


Large trunk i .50

Britannia Coffee Pot $5

Sett of Silver Plate 4 lbs 3 oz 11-2 dwts I75

Britannia Tea Pots 2.50, I Plated sugar tongs .50

Plated ladle $1,6 plated candlesticks $5,

Doz green handle knives & forks $z.j^, 2 checked table cloths 1.75

House bell .25, i Doz. blue cups & saucers .75

Blue bowls .30, I cream .12

Large pitchers .60, I Doz of shaving soap . 36



2.00 2.25



I 1 .00








1 1


3 3









75.00 3.00








I Large tin coffee pot .80, I chaise whip .80

I Brass skimmer, tin basting ladle & skimmer .75, I Japan tray .20

I Pr snuffers & tray .25, 2 Japan canisters & tea §i.;o,

I oil cloth covered trunk 1.25 20 Straw hats .18, I gingam calash .50 6 large silver spoons ^ 27 silver tea spoons 5 " mustards 4 " salts 1 " tongs J


All weighing 30 oz 7 dwts @ $30

I Japan bread tray . 10, 4 brass candle sticks .25

6 Table mats .25 .

3 Small Japan waiters .^o, 3 quart & 2 pint decanters .75 ,

1 Pr Cut Salts .75, 18 wines §2, 10 tumblers 1.25

2 Blue pitchers .50

I 5 Large blue edged plates 1 .25, 14 second sized plates .75 12 Third sized plates .75, 8 china cups & saucers 1.50 24 Cups & 24 saucers china $8 .

.60 •95
















I Doz. damask towels 2.25

1 Doz. towels $1,8 towels .60 .

4 Roller towels .50, z large table cloths 2.50

2 small table cloths 1.00, I large table cloth 2.75

1 Large table cloth .75, i fringed table cloth .60 12 Pillow cases $z, 24 cotton pillow cases 2.75 6 Pillow cases $1.20, i checked table cloth 1.50

2 Window curtains 1.20, l black covered trunk .20 .

3 Paper boxes with pins, tape ribbons & thread §2 .

2 Snuffboxes, earings, 33 gold beads & silver sleeve buttons S3

I Small flat trunk .17, 4 cotton sheets $3 . . .

16 Sheets $%, a lot of china partly broken .25 .

I Blue wash bowl & ewer .88, I basket of pamphlets & papers .5

I Maple desk 3.50, i book case $2 . . . .

I Desk & book case 5.50, I looking glass 1.50

1 Trunk .50, 1 small trunk .20 .

I Pine table $1, l floor carpet $3

1 High post bedstead & sack bottom $6, I straw bed $1.50

I Feather bed boulster & two pillows $12.00 .

1 Feather bed, z boulsters & z pillows $\o

2 Woolen sheets, z blankets, i netting quilt & z pillow cases $7

2.25 1.60 3.00

3-75 '•35 4^75 Z.70 1 .40 2.00 3.00









I 2.00






3 Hats & I fur cap 2.50, 2 flannel shirts & drawers 2

5 Pr woolen stockings $1, 3 pr woolen socks .25

I Pr Cotton stockings .20, 5 cotton shirts $z .

I Linen shirt 1.25, 7 neck cloths & handkerchiefs $2

1 Black satin lasting coat worn $1

I Blue broadcloth coat & pantaloons gio

I Black satin lasting coat & pantaloons ^5

I Blue coat & pantaloons $4, ; vests $2, i pr drilling

pantaloons .75 I Pr mittens .20, i blue surtout $5 I Plaid cloak $6, i drab colored great coat $5 I mixed colored surtout $4, I small trunk .25 I Pr boots $1,2 umbrellas $1.50 1 Walking cane .20, 1 Mason's apron .12 I Pr Spectacles .38, i boot spur .12


I Doz ivorv handle knives & forks 2.75 I Knife case .25.

1 Doz green handle knives and forks 1.25, i carving

knife & fork .63 .

2 Large green handle do .33

I Knife tray .17, 21 knives, 19 forks & I steel 1.25 I 7 5 Pieces blue figured damaged tea ware $14 4 Earthen jugs .25.

6 bottles with honev & cherry $1, 11 empty bottles .44 I Castor & bottles & salt cellar .75, I small waiter & 5 tumblers .25 I Jelly glass .17, ; mUk pans .50

3 Butter pots .30, 1 baking pan & 2 plates .13 I Tin lantern & pail .25, about 30 lbs. of lard 2.75 . I Box and loaf sugar .63, i barrel & 35 lbs sugar §3 I Japan bread tray & 2 waiters .75, about 20 quintals fish §4 I Entry carpet .25.


1 Looking glass ......

2 Oil cloths 1.25, 1 large pine table 1.75

1 Pine table 1.25, 8 low back chairs 4.40

2 Small chairs & 2 stools 1.50, I light stand .37

I Pr brass hand irons shovel Sz tongs jam hooks & grate

I Pr fire dogs, shovel & tongs .80

I Corn broom & hearth brush .17, I floor brush .75


















1 1















'•44 1 .00


■43 3.00


4^75 •25



3 House bells .60, 2 pr shoe brushes .33 2 Clothes brushes .33, I pr bellows .20

1 Warming pan §1,9 iron candlesticks 1.25 8 Lamps .50, 8 andirons $1.50 .

2 Pr Steel yards .50, 8 pieces ot old carpeting 5 Baskets .30, 2 Coffee mills §•



3 Kitchen chairs .50

I Large cooking table S ' > 2 water pails . 2 5 I Iron wash bowl .50, 2 fire clay furnaces gi I Fry pan .50, I basket .10 I Large iron pot 1.25, I spider .38

4 Iron basins $t, 1 baking pan .75

1 Tea kettle .50, 2 skillets .20 .

2 Small kettles .20, i sauce pan .50

1 Skillet .10, I brass skillet .75 .

2 Toasters & 2 gridirons $1,1 hammar .25

1 Brass skimmer .25,2 iron pots $1

2 Dutch ovens 1.25, 1 iron kettle .50 . 1 Tea kettle .50, 2 kitchen shovels & tongs 2.00 13 Hooks 4 trammels & cricket and old fire dogs 2.00

I sheet iron oven .25

1 Cross bedstead sack bottom $1, l spit & scewers .50

4 Wash tubs .75, 2 bread troughs .38 .

2 Pewter plates .75, I iron poringer .12 25 Pieces tin ware 2.50, 2 block tin teapots 1.25 2 Britannia teapots 1.25, 25 pieces crockery ware .30 1 Wooden noggin .25, 5 boxes & I firkin .50

1 Iron bound keg .12, 3 earthen pots & I pan .40

2 Wooden mortars .15, i Japan tray .08 23 Pieces crockery ware .50, 8 earthen pots .80

5 Pudding pans .40, 2 hogsheads with cider $3 20 Junk bottles .80, I churn & 4 pans .67

1 Stone jug .45, I keeler .25

2 Beer casks .40, 6 barrels 3.50 .

2 Cider casks §2.50, I beer cask & beer 1.50

1 Demijon .60, i four gallon keg .25

3 Barrels with soap $5, 8 empty casks .50

2 Kegs & 1 firkin .7*5, 4 clothes' horses .75 I High post bedstead & sack $5, i ax .25 I Pine table .25, i bedstead & cord, bed & bedding $j

1 Basket .12, i meal chest .75, 3 iron pots & kettles cracked I washing machine $j



•53 2.25 2.00

3-25 1.30

.50 1.25 2.00

.60 1.63







1-75 2.50

2.25 1.50







■23 1.30

3-4° 1.47


3-9° 4.00 .85 5.50 1.50 5.2; 3-25




I Large family folio Bible $12.

4 Small new bibles $z, 2 old bibles .50

1 Common Prayer Book .50, Watt's Hymns .10

I Jewish Antiquities .20, Whitefield's Sermons .25

Edwards on Redemption .50, Scotts Essays .50

I Vol Gospel Treasury .20, i Vol Spiritual Treasury .30

Sherlock's Discourses .20, Banyan's Law & Grace .25

Jay's Sermons .75, Sacred exercises .25

Spring's Essays .20, Edward's on the Affections .50

Venn on The Duty of Man .50, Baxter's Saints Rest .50

Orton's Discourses .10, Parkhurst's Philosophy .50 .

Buchanan's Researches .25, Christian Defense .20

Laws Call .40, Vats Scripture History .15

Mason on Self Knowledge . I o, Practical Piety .13

Fordices Sermons .06, Wesley's Vindications .10

Dodd's Thoughts .06, 2 Vols Moore's Practical Piety .16

Flavel's Touchstone .10, Criminal Recorder .12

Village Dialogues .20, 2 Vols Civil Officer .20

Military Laws .06, Pleasures of Human Life .20

Calcuts Masonry .16, Spirit of Masonry .06

80 Numbers of various pamphlets .80, 14 Vols old books .3

Nelson's Life .25, Hitchcock's Poems .06

Map of the United States .13, Town Officer .13

4 Maps of Europe .50, i Map of Maine .75 .

4 Cuts of the Prodigal Son .25, Display of the United States

2.50 .60


1. 00


+ 5 1 .00 .70 1 .00 .60 •45 •55 •23 .16




1 . 10






5 Vols Good's Study of Medicine $7 .

4 Vols Hayward's Anatomy ^5, 3 Vols New England Journal §3

5 Vols Rush's Works 2.50, 2 Vols. Zoonoraia $2

6 Vols Medical Respository 4.50, Dewers Midwifery 2.50

2 Vols Webster on Diseases $\ , Brown's Elements of Medicine 4 Vols Nuder & Mitchel's Medical Repository §3 Ken's Elements of Chemistry .50 Moselys On Tropical Diseases .50

3 Vols Froncreys Elements of Chemistry 1.50 2 Vols Leake On Women .50, Thomas' Practice gl Thatchers Dispensatory .25, System of Anatomy .50 . » Elements of Physiology .50, Materia Medica .50 Townsend's Guide to Health .50, Bailey's Dictionary .50 . London Practice of Physick .50, Bell on Venereal .50 System of Surgery .50, Pemberton's Treatise .50

7.00 8.00 4.50 7.00 i.;o 3.00 .50 .50 1.50 1.50

•75 1 .00 1 .00 1. 00 1 .00



Rush's Lectures .50, Warren On The Gout .50

Anatomical Tables .25, Hooper's Medical Dictionary .50

Smillie's Midwitery .25, Timbrel On Rupture .25

Hamilton On Midwifery .25, Pharmacopea .50

Burns on Abortion .25, Wallis On Diseases .50

Quincey's Lexicon .50, Bell on Diseases .50 .

Buchanan On Diseases .25, Medical Sketches .25

Morse On Infants .20, Beddees Observations .25

Siu-geon & Physician .30, Denman's Aphorisms .25

Hooper's Vade Mecum .25, Motherly's Dictionary §3

16 Nos Philadelphia Journal .80, 4 Vols Medical Review 53

24 Nos Medical Journal 7.20, 19 Vols Medical Repository 2.3^

7 N. England Review .87, 86 Medical Pamphlets .43

Extracts of Lectures .50, North American Journal .30

Advice to the Afflicted . i 2, 1 Old Journal .06

138 Nos American Intelligencer .68 ....


I Doz. tin candlesticks with reflectors §2

I Old tin stove .18, 2 small trusses $3 .

I Case of 16 drawers & contents No I S3

I Frame with 3 shelves & 10 small drawers & conts. No 2

I Case of 12 drawers & cont's No 3^2

I Case of 8 drawers & contents No 4 ;Ji.2 5

I Case 16 Apothecary drawers & contents No 5 $4 .

I Case of 1 6 Apothecary drawers & contents No 6 §4

I Case of 16 Apothecary drawers & contents No 7 $4

3 Shelves .30, contents ot 30 No 8 58 Junk bottles $1.75, Ogward Stopper bottles & conts $1

4 Specie jars .63, 8 small specie jars & conts $1 A lot of small Vials 64 in number & contents 1.33,

I Medicine Chest §1 I pr Saddle bags & contents .25, Seneca .1 Beaver Castor .50, Urva Ursi . 17 Sal armonicae .20, Aloes .12 Iodine .20, Sticking Plaster .06 White Lead .12 Blood Root .20 Red Lead .08, Spanish Flies .06 Scanuma .25, Cream Tartar .06 . Assafoetida .06, Nut-galls .06 Saffron .04, Gumguaiacum .13 Gum Shellac .20, Gamborge .03 3 Large junk bottles .24, i marble mortar .50

2.00 3.18 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.25 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.30

2-7 5 1.63

2-33 •37 .67

•32 .26

■32 •14 •31 . I 2

•17 •23



I Iron mortar & pestle $i, I bottle olive oil .30

I Pill machine .25,1 measuring glass .25

I Bottle oil of Amber .25, I pr scales and beam .75 .

I Pr money scales .25, i portable medicine trunk $3

I Small trunk .50, I leather pocket book .25 .

Rowlets Tables of Interest gi, 3 bottles & small jar . i 5

8 Small square drawers .50, i chest $ I .

I Electric machine §2, I pine table .13

I Powder horn . 20, i mahogony table $ l

33 Surgical Instruments $5.00

I Half bushel measure .30

MRS. shannon's books.

Scott's Family Bible in 3 Vols gg, i old quarto bible .75 I Octavo Bible 1.25, I New Testament .25 .

6 Watt's Hymns $1, Harris' Tour $1 .

7 Vols Lathrop's Sermons 3.50, Rands Sermons .50 4 Evangelical Tracts 1.50, Milton's Works .25 Pilgrim .20, Christian Education .20 . Fordices Address .30, Miranda's Expedition .30 Sentiments on Resignation .20, Scotts Lessons .20 Mason on Self Knowledge .20, Gandentur .50 Domestic Cookery .25, Practical Piety .30

Christian Morals .25, Compendium of Bible 2 Vols .75

Ladies Pocket Library .20, Cecil's Remains .40

Management of the Tongue .25, The Mourner .15

Life of Abigail Waters .15, Table Talk .15

Communicants Companion .15

Jerusalem's Destruction 20

A lot of old books containing 18 Vols 2.25

I Small trunk .12.

I Ladies Gold Watch k chain $30

I Note signed by David Buckminster and Abraham Forskee

dated June 4, 1828 $100 Cash in Mrs Shannon's hands Si 00



1 .00



1. 15



1 .20




9-75 1.50 2.00 4.00

1-75 .40 .60 .40


•55 1.00 .60 .40 .30




. 1 2


100.00 100.00

Several errors in the estimate of the above articles were corrected and the total was raised to

1895.78 51946.52



In addition to the above there was returned a list ot the notes and debts due the deceased which were not aggregated, but ranged from .62cts to $ I 24. The number of persons against whom these debts stood were l 12, all of whom were named,* and the total amount may be estimated at about §800.00.

Saco, May 28, 1828.

The above inventory was returned to the Probate Court held at Ipswich on the 3'' day of June 1828 and sworn to by

James Gray Jr ) Samuel Hartley C Appraisers Jonathan King ) '""^ ^''° by Mary Shannon Administratrix.

On the j"* day of June 1828, at Court of Probate held in Limerick in the County of York &c., Mary Shannon Administratrix presented a petition for a license to sell all of the personal estate of her late husband for the reason that it was for the best interests of all concerned.

Which petition was then granted.

On the 1=^' day of March, 1829, Marv Shannon widow ot Richard C. Shannon filed her petition in the Probate Court for the County ot York for an allowance out of her late husband's estate for her support.

Which petition was granted and the sum ot two hundred and seventy-live dollars was allowed her for that purpose.

* The names of the persons here referred to are given below. We have thought it well to preserve the list, as indicating who were some of Dr. Shannon's patients at the time. It will also aid us in noting the changes that have occurred during the century among the residents of the town. In this list occur the names of several families that still have their representatives living in old Saco.

Thomas Fowler John A. Drew Reuben H. Green Israel Jacobs E. D. Swett A. Goodwin James Ross Rishw'' Jordan, ]r. Ebn' Fowler Nath' Fernald Isaac Kelly Zech. Shed William Stone James B. Thornton Jas. S. Rumery

|ohn L. Smith Moses Grace Samuel Edgecomb John Billings Reuben Hearn James Redlon Hezekiah Young Erastus Gould John Gould Jotham Moulton Jacob Bridges Thomas ClufF Sylvanus Lowell, Jr. Abraham Kimball, Jr. Thomas W. Shannon

Benjamin Cleaves Joshua Scammon Richard Berny James Hodsdon Nicholas Frost Benjamin Whitten Samuel Patterson William Whitten Benjamin Jellison Samuel Marshall Benjamin Hall Eunice Cole Betsy Sawyer Thomas Dearing Benjamin Gilpatrick


Children of Richard C'utts and Mary:

147. Caroline, b. May 4, 1802; d. March 27, 1803.

148. Charles Tebbets [346], b. October 21, 1803.

149. Abigail Tebbets [350], b. November 16, 1805.

150. Richard, b. January 23, 1807; d. August 4, 1809.

151. Mary Barker [356], b. May 3, 1810.

152. Samuel Tebbets, b. August 16, 1812; d. November 7,


153. Samuel Tebbets [361J, b. January i, 1814.

154. James [365], b. October 30, 1816.

155. Caroline [367], b. January 7, 1819.

156. WILLIAM SHANNON? [51], (Thomas^, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Captain Thomas and Lillias (Watson) Shannon, was born in Dover, N. H., March 10, 1779, and educated in the public schools of that town and at the

Francis Warren James Fenderson Nath' Crosby Solomon Hopkins Asa Cole

George Hooper, Jr. David Fernald William Gaines Abel Hersey Jas. Mitchell Daniel Gookin William C. Brown James Tarbox Frederick Scammon Joseph Dearing, Jr. Abner Staple Hannah Gilpatrick [oseph Huff Joseph Roberts

George Googins John Kimball Jonathan Tucker Edward Colton J. H. Munroe Jedidiah Gordon John Plaisted Daniel Sawyer Joshua Dennet Moses Wadlin, Jr. Francis Woods Jotham Tarbox [oseph Benson Levi Loring James Averill Samuel Tarbox Simon Gile John Hooper Stephen Tuttle

John Noble R. Tristram Jordan Joseph Patterson Joshua Farnham Joel Littlefield James Fall Ebenezer Hill Samuel Merrill Nath' Patterson Samuel Gookins Wm. Hammonds Thos. Brannon David Batchelder Aaron Patterson Pelatiah Bickford Abner Sawyer 3'' Andrew Stackpole Abraham Kimball


Nathanieh 59

;Mary Dow

Mary = William NHarriet^Captain Vaughan Barker Te Byron Moody 47 5 +

Thomas= Westbrooke Waldron

= Eliza Perkins .65

Abigail=John I 7 5 Warner

Elizabeth d. unm.

WUliam Augustus d. young

Sarah = Ann


=Jon M;


William ^= Juliet

Augustus I Clark 388

Oliver^ Harriet M.

Noble 39'


Mary Clark d. unm.

Elizabeth =Josiah Shannon I Henry I Stickney

Mary Ellen Josiah

Waldron Freeman

Eliz%^ Sarah Rop» Cornelia Hyde

Mary=Wellington Mary Oliver

Clark Smith Noble




Mary Cornelia

Augustus^ Annie

Randolph Butler


Mary Shannon

Sarah = Henry Ann I Pickering 381 Wingate

Caroline Lane

George = Brackett

Annie S. Roberts

Henry Mary Elizabeth John Sarah Grace Pickering Shannon Paine Pearson SAyers

Elizabeth Waldron

Blanch Sarah

Roy Roberts



Children of Richard Cutts and Mary :

147. Caroline, b. May 4, 1802; d. March 27, 1803.

148. Charles Tebbets [346], b. October 21, 1803.

149. Abigail Tebbets [350], b. November 16, 1805.

150. Richard, b. January 23, 1807; d. August 4, 1809.

151. Mary Barker [356], b. May 3, 18 10.

152. Samuel Tebbets, b. August 16, 1812; d. November 7,

I 812.

153. Samuel Tebbets [361], b. January i, 1814. T54. James [365], b. October 30, 1816.

155. Caroline [367], b. January 7, 18 19.

156. WILLIAM SHANNON^ [51], (Thomas+, Cutts\ NathanieP, Nathaniel'], son of Captain Thomas and Lillias (Watson) Shannon, was born in Dover, N. H., March 10, 1779, and educated in the public schools of that town and at the

Francis Warren lames Fenderson Nath' Crosby Solomon Hopkins Asa Cole

George Hooper, Ir. David Fernald William Gaines Abel Hersey Jas. Mitchell Daniel Gookin William C. Brown lames Tarbox Frederick Scanimon Joseph Dearing, Jr. Abner Staple Hannah Gilpatrick Joseph Huff Joseph Roberts

George Googins John Kimball Jonathan Tucker Edward Colton J. H. Munroe Jedidiah Gordon John Plaisted Daniel Sawyer Joshua Dennet Moses Wadlin, Ji Francis Woods [otham Tarbox Joseph Benson Levi Loring James Averill Samuel Tarbox Simon Gile John Hooper Stephen Tuttle

John Noble R. Tristram Jordan Joseph Patterson Joshua Farnham Joel Littlefield James Fall Ebenezer Hill Samuel Merrill Nath' Patterson Samuel Gookins Wm. Hammonds Thos. Brannon David Batchelder Aaron Patterson Pelatiah Bickford Abner Sawyer 3'' Andrew Stackpole Abraham Kimball

Descendants of William Shannon (156), Great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant


Nathaniai = Abigail Vaughan Robi


Samucl = Ann Miller

Cults=Mary Vailghai

Richard= Elizabeth Mary Eleanor Eleanor = William=Jane Thomas = Lillias James = Chloc Nathaniel =^Marv

Cutts Rugglcs d. unm. d. unm. Gcrrish 17 Jordan 46 I Watson Noble Ayer 59 Dow

is 58

Mary = William Mary=_Richard = Mary Vaughan Barker Tebbets Cutts Buckmi

Nathaniel Elizabeth William = Mary Elizabeth Abigail Daniel = Hirrict = Captain Thoi

d. young d. young J 56 I Waldron d. yng. d. yng. Townsend Bvron Moody Westbrooke Perk



J... ., I

Eliz Sha

William Augustus d. young

Sarah =Ionas C. Ann March






= Emelin August Hams

Samuel =




abeth = losiah anon Henry Stickney

El R.J

zabeth = pes

= CharIcs Helen= Alfred

Parsons Augusta Brewer

646 Brown

Sarah A Ann Dc d. yng.


dge Porte



Arthur^ Martha Willis Dixon a 649

Marv «'aldrrj

Ell n Free


a Josiah



John = Elizabeih Porter Helen Gilman




Frank Isaac Dixon Wald


Sarah = Ann


= Henry Pickering Wingate

Will Bark

r Howard March

= Louise


Samuel= Moody

= Georgianna Harris

1 Oliver Shannon

llcnn- Pickerir

1 Man g Shan

1 1 1

Elizabeth John Sarah on Paine Pearson


Oliver Shanno

1 1 1

Charles Edith Gardner


1 Frank Brown "



Waldr. 380


William Juliet Augustus I Clark 388

Augustus^ Sarah Marv = Wellingtc

\aughan I Cornelia Clark I Smith 653 Hvde 6;*



Abigail=John 1 7 5 Warn

El r d






-Harriet M. Burlin

Marv Clark d. unm.






Augustus-Annie Randolph Butler



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Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., where he was graduated in the year 1797.


He married, September 27, 1801, Mary Waldron, who was born in 1782, the daughter ot Colonel Isaac'-' and Sarah (Boody)

* Colonel Isaac Waldron was born in Harrington, N. H., March 16, 1747, the son of Richard Canney Waldron. He was twice married, first to Sarah Boody, and second to Tirzah, the daughter of Rev. Oliver Noble, of Newcastle, N. H. He was a man of great enterprise. He kept a store and tavern, and cultivated a large farm for a great number of years, besides being largely engaged in public affairs. He represented his native town in the Legislature for twenty years prior to I 81 5. He held office in the militia of his town before and after the Revolution. He com- manded the Fourth New Hampshire Regiment of detached militia, called into service September, 18 14, for the defense of Portsmouth, N. H., when threatened by an attack of the British naval forces. He died at Harrington May 3, 1841, aged 94 years. Sarah Boody, the first wife of Colonel Waldron, was born in Strafford, N. H., May 8, 1755, and died at Harrington July 8, 1799. G. E. H.


Waldron, of Barrington, N. H., who died, his widow, at Newton, Mass., June 27, 1862, aged 80 years.

For some time after his marriage Mr. Shannon resided at Rochester and Barrington, N. H., where he was engaged in farming, until the outbreak of the second war with Great Britain, when he was appointed 2d Lieutenant in the Third Regiment, U. S. Artillery, his commission bearing the date ot March 25, I 81 2. The following year he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, his regiment being engaged in active service on the New York frontier.

Lieutenant Shannon died of fever, August 27, 18 13, while stationed at Sacketts Harbor. '•■

In the following letter Nathaniel Shannon, of Moulton- boro, is requested to lend his influence in securing for his nephew, William, a military commission in the regular service.

*In June, i go i, accompanied by my private secretary, Mr. H. Bastianelli, I visited the military post which our (jovernment still maintains at Sacketts Harbor, with a view ot" obtaining, if possible, some more definite information regarding the last days of Lieutenant Shannon.

We arrived in the town late in the afternoon of June 6th, and after supper took a carriage and drove to the barracks. Captain Stiles, of the Medical Corps, happened to be temporarily in command at the time, and upon learning the object of our visit very courteously ofFered every assistance in his power.

He first took us to visit the cemetery, to discover, if possible, the place of Lieutenant Shannon's burial ; but though we examined carefully every headstone it was without result.

We then went to the Quartermaster's Department, where, he said, a record of everv interment was kept; but there also we found nothing. So our visit to Sacketts Harbor was fruitless.

Afterwards I was told by officials in the War Department that at the close of the War of 1812-14 all records at the \arious military posts on our northern frontier were ordered sent to Washington ; that the cemetery we had visited was a compara- tively modern one ; and that while great care had been taken in removing to it for reinterment the remains of all officers and soldiers buried elsewhere in the neighbor- hood, it was quite possible that this had not been done in every case. R. C. S.



Barrington, Apl. 10''', 18 10. Dear Sir :

I have been advised by as respectable characters as there are in the State of New Hampshire (since there are vacancies in the United States service for officers) to accept of a Captain's Commission of those detach- ing troops. They are willing to lend me every assistance that lies in their power to have me commissioned, if I would consider myself a candidate. I have thought of it thoroughly ; and considered of it very maturely (as the situation of our country at present, on account of entering into trade would be precarious) to accept as a candidate. Gen' Sam' Hale has written to his brother William Hale, at the City of Washington, respecting it, besides other letters which are sent on. If you Sir thought my abilities, education, and perseverance were sufficient, with y'' small acquaintance with me on account of my integrity, to lend me y'' assistance, it would never be forgotten by y humble servant. A line sent to the City of Washington from some of y'' respectable acquaintances in Portsmouth, in my opinion, would be of great service, if you thought proper ; and as you are intimately acquainted with Gov. Langdon if you would write a letter to him on the subject you would oblige me.

Yr Affectionate Nephew

Wm. Shannon Jr

Nat Shannon, Esq"

N. B. If this letter meets with your approbation I wish you to write immediately on account of Congress rising. My family are all well. My wife & myself send our love to you and yours.

^~^J^a^^yy^6>i^ ^^ly-^



An inquiry having been addressed to the War Department in the hopes of obtaining further information regarding the miUtary service of Lieutenant Shannon during the War of I 812-14, the following letters were received in reply:




Hon. Richard C. Shannon, April 10, 1902.

The Portland,

Washington, D. C. Sir:

In the matter of the record of Lieutenant William Shannon, 3d Artillery, War of 18 12, I have the honor to inform you that the follow- ing information is found on record :

Appointed 2d lieutenant, 3d Artillery, March 12, 1812; accepted the appointment in a letter dated Harrington, New Hampshire, March 23, 1812. He was promoted to be ist lieutenant August 15, 1813, and died August 27, 18 13, at Sackett's Harbor, New York. He joined Captain Rufus Mclntire's Co. March 29, 18 13. This company was stationed at Sackett's Harbor, New York. Lieutenant Shannon appears to have been on recruiting duty in New Hampshire between his appoint- ment and March, 18 13, for on March 29, 18 13, he sailed from Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for Boston, in company with Captain Mclndre, with about one hundred recruits for their regiment, and it would seem that he remained at Sackett's Harbor, or in that vicinity, until the date of his death.

\'ery respectfully,


Adjutant General, Major General, U. S. Army.

Fort Constitution, March 29th, 1813. Sir:

I have the honor to report to you, that in compliance with directions communicated to me by Lieutenant-Colonel Dorrington, Commanding the Recruiting District in New Hampshire, and Major Upham, Com- manding the District in Maine, I have ordered Captain Mclntire of the


jd Artillery, with 64 of his Recruits, in Garrison at Fort McClary, and Lieutenant Shannon with 37 Recruits of same Corps, from this Post, to embark for Boston, for which place they have this moment set sail, the whole under the command of Captain Mclntire.

* * :|; * * ^ *

I have the honor to be

with profound respect. Sir,

Your obdt. St. Th. H. Cushing, Esq., J. B. Walbach,

Adjutant-General. Corps Arty.

The following letter of Captain Rufus Mclntire, 3rd Artil- lery, U. S. A., to whose Company Lieutenant Shannon was attached, gives a touching account ot his last sickness, death and burial.

The original of this letter is in the possession of the great- granddaughters of the Lieutenant, the Misses Wingate, of New- ton, Mass., to whom we are indebted tor a copy.

The War Department, having likewise been furnished with a copy of this interesting letter, might also with great propriety express its acknowledgments to these ladies, since through them important information has been obtained regarding an officer of the Regular Army which the Department never had before, or, if so, had not taken care to preserve it :

Sackets' Harbor, Sept. i ^, 1813. Sir :—

I sit down with sorrow to announce to you the death of Lt. William Shannon. He died at this place the 27th August last after an illness of about a fortnight with typhus fever. I was sick at Brownville at the time, and on my return I could not learn that any one had written to any of his connexions to relate the sad story. I with reluctance undertook to inform his connexions, though I have not the honor of a personal acquaint-


ance with any of them. As Lt. Shannon marched on to this place with me & was considered attached to my company (though he had been doing duty in another), I have ventured to give you this information ot his death, as I understood you were connected with him, and it would be improper suddenly to shock his wife with the sad tidings. He had enjoyed good health till about the middle of August, when he was taken unwell. He took some medicine which appeared to have the desired effect, and so far threw off his complaint that he rode to Brownville (8 miles); made me a visit; returned back to camp, and reported himself for duty ; but the next day was so violently seized [as to be] beyond the reach of medicine to restore him to his friends or his country. In him we have lost a valuable officer.

His effects are safely secured by Major Nye, whose duty it is to attend to the chattels of officers of our Rgt. who die from home. They are well secured in his trunk and are ready to be sent home the first opportunity, except his cap & sword, which could not be put in, & which it was thought advisable to dispose of, as they could be sold to advantage here, & it would be difficult to transmit them safe, especially the cap.

He was interred with the honors due to his rank ; & was lamented by all who knew him, and by none more than by

Your humble servant,

RuFus McIntire, Capt. CoL. Isaac Waldron, 3rd Regt. Art.

Barrington, Strafford County,

New Hampshire.

Lieutenant Shannon left surviving him, besides his widow, six small children, the oldest, Sarah Ann, being but nine years of age at the time of her father's death, while the youngest, Mary, a posthumous child, was born only a fortnight atter that sad event.

The sudden taking off of the chief prop and support of the family was a terrible blow to the widow in her delicate situation, and could hut enlist the deepest sympathy of all. To distribute some of the older children among relatives, tor a time at least, and provide for their care and education, was naturally the lirst


concern of the widow ; and the following letter to her from her brother-in-law, Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, of Saco, Me., refers to this subject :

Saco, May 21 (18 14). Dear Sister

Your letters have come to hand. It distressed me to find that Thomas had carried Isaac home. He has forgotten that he was lett fatherless. I have been trying to get a place for Isaac, but have not suc- ceeded as yet. I have now in my house three fatherless children ; and I find it difficult to get along myself, but hope for better times. But, as it is, It is better than we deserve. William goes to school every day; has got through his assemblys catechism ; hope he will make a good man should he live to grow up. If Isaac wants to go to sea I should think there are more opportunities in Portsmouth than here. Let some man have him that has got no children, and he will be better treated.

You have been drinking deep of the cup of affliction ; hope it will be for your good. We must expect trouble in this world ; we need it to wean us from it. Job says : " Shall we receive good from the hand of God and not evil ?" Should I obtain a place for Isaac I will send you word ; but the prospect is rather dark. W^illiam sends his love to you, to Isaac, Oliver & Mary. Mrs. Shannon joins me in love to you with our children Abigail & Mary.

Your Brother,

RicH'^ C. Shannon.

To Mary Shannon.

The widow of Lieutenant Shannon survived him nearly half a century, living to the advanced age of eighty years, and when she finally passed away in the midst of the Civil War (1862) there were still living five of her children, and a numerous progeny of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, some of



whom, in emulation of the mihtary spirit of their ancestor, were then serving in the ranks of the Union Army.


Children of William and Mary :

157. William Augustus, b. November 25, 1802, d. September

17, 1803.

158. Sarah Ann [372], b. February 12, 1804.

159. Thomas, b. February 11, 1805, d. February 12, 1805.

160. Isaac Waldron [374], b. January 3, 1807.

161. Elizabeth Waldron [380], b. February 10, 1808.

162. William Augustus [388], b. March 4, 1810.

163. Oliver Noble [391], b. December 28, 181 1.

164. Mary Clark, b. September 9, 18 13; died at Newton, Mass.,

August 17, 1887, unmarried. She devoted her lifetime to the cause of humanity and the amelioration of the condition of the unfortunate and afflicted.

Mary Clark Shannon was one of the original founders of the Rebecca Pomroy Newton Home for Orphan Girls, which in the language of the


29th Annual Report of the Directors was " the combined study and self- denying work of four noble women, Rebecca R. Pomroy, Mary C. Shannon, Mrs. Daniel L. Furber and Mary Shannon."


The object for which the Home was established is thus stated in a letter written by Mary C. Shannon in 1872 :

" The question arose . . ' Are not poor, unprotected little girls worth saving, and have they no claim upon humanity !' To take children from evil influences before they have committed an offence, to train them morally and physically ; to give them a grammar school education ; train them to purity of body and mind so essential to health ; to have them understand thoroughly how to darn, mend and make over garments by hand sewing, and to have a knowledge of housework in all its departments so that when they go out to service they may be faithful and efficient in their duties ; all this was a problem to be worked out."

The following obituary of Miss Shannon, published in the Fifteenth Annual Report of the Directors of the Pomroy Home, portrays some of the noble virtues of this most estimable lady and christian philanthropist:

In the death of Miss Marv C. Shannon, " Our Home " has lost its ealiest, most constant, most devoted friend, and we, the Directors, our wisest co-worker ; the last of the four original projectors and sustainers of the home has passed to her reward.


To Miss Shannon more than to any other were due the conception and foun- dation of " The Newton Pomroy Home for Orphan and Destitute Girls."

It was through this noble woman's influence, that the sympathy of the late Mrs. Daniel L. Furber and Hon. J. Wiley Edmands was enlisted. Through the wisely directed efforts of this trio, Mrs. Rebecca R. Pomroy was enabled to continue the good work she had so admirably begun under the auspices of the Boston Children's Aid Society at Newton Centre, but under far more favorable circumstances and surroundings. Miss Shannon's rare and efFective ability joined to the unsurpassed gifts of Aunty Pomroy, and working in perfect unison of spirit, made ours a model Home and assured its success.

But for Miss Shannon, Our Home would not have been, and but for her untiring oversight and aid, financial and other, rendered directly and indirectly, the Home could not have continued its life. This beautiful life, modelled on the highest plane of christian faith and devotion, was, and will continue to be an inspiration to all that is true and good.

There can be no more fitting tribute rendered to her than the following by her intimate and appreciative friend, Mrs. Ednah D. Cheney, with which we are in fullest sympathy.

Nath'l T. Allen.

It is not good that we should let such a life close on earth without a few words, utterly inadequate though they may be, to record what it has been. As we watch the sun sink below the horizon, there gradually spreads a radiance over the sky which makes every cloud a tabernacle of glory, and gives us a greater sense of his majesty than the noon-day beams which have filled the earth with life ; and so, when a noble life closes here, its radiance seems to light up the whole sphere of its relations, and we know the ideal truth and beauty of the soul which has dwelt among us so long.

Mary Shannon was of the rarest and noblest type of women. Majestic in person, with a countenance of noble beauty, full of glowing health and life, she at once impressed all who saw her, in woods or garden, in her large hat, with staff in hand, as a goddess of nature. She was Diana in the woods close ally and friend of trees and flowers and streams, and every animal and living thing. She knew their secrets and met their wants from sympathy. She loved even the brown earth, and when she took it in her hands and rubbed it, she felt in it the potency and promise of all the beauty and use that would come out of it. " I have known the love of God in human beings and nature," she said. Humanity in every form was dear to her. Her love of children was a perpetual outflowing of a mother-heart, and she won them to her and held them with a fascination they could never resist. She was one with them, and they were at ease and at home with her. But, in whatever societv she came, she was peeress of the realm. With no pretensions to learning, she was educated bv thought, bv reading, by experience, by close observation of nature, by loving service, and by communion with noble souls.

The great and the learned found her companionship hjll of charm and refreshment. Yet no one was so humble as to feel set apart from her, or offended with condescension or cold charity. She took the farmer, returning trom his work, up the hill in her carriage, and talked with him of his work and all the interests of the town, and gave and received valuable informa- tion. By her swift intelligence and sympathetic insight she entered at once into the highest


realms of thought, and her rich imagination always brought poetic illustration from her rich stores of experience in nature and lite. The truths ot science were tuUy welcome to her ; she had often anticipated the revelations of hiologv in her own sympathetic relation to animal and flower.

The true, broad sweep of her mind freed her from all bondage to traditions, and her uni- versal humanity made her a keen reformer ot wrongs ; so she was active in all the great work of her time for human progress. She was an abolitionist in the earliest days of protest against slavery, deeply interested in the war, in the education of the freedmen, and an active member of the Free Religious Association. She gave of her time, her sympathy, her means, to every cause which won her approbation.

She had the deepest interest in all the movement for the advancement ot woman and the establishment of her right to sutFrage, and aided it in every way possible to her. The support of a free bed in the New England Hospital, and other constant benefactions to it, spoke her interest in the education of women physicians. Her constant aid, sympathy and love were given to Harriet Ryan, in her noble work for incurables. It is impossible to enumerate all the charities she has helped ; but nearest and dearest of all to her was the Newton Home for Orphan and Destitute Girls, founded in 1872, and now named tor its first blessed matron. Aunty Pomroy. To Miss Shannon, with the aid of the dear niece who was one with her in all things, this owes its existence. She gave constant personal care to it, and the wisdom of its manage- ment and the success of its efforts are mainly due to her counsel -and love. She knew every child, and was friend and benefactor to every one ; and fitly did the sweet young voices sing hymns of trust and gratitude to God about her grave.

What she was to her family, to friends, to every one who knew her, in sorrow or joy, in sickness or health, words cannot tell. A multitude of mourning yet grateful hearts, and they alone, can tell the blessing of her private ministrations of love and service.

She had no idea of her great gift of speech, but her conversation was rich, fluent and imag- inative, and she listened as well as she talked. She loved art in every form, music was a need of her soul, and sculpture and painting both gave her genuine enjoyment. Color was a natural expression of her rich, loving nature ; but her own art, in which she expressed herself, was the cultivation and arrangement of flowers. Her garden was her atelier, her bouquets were poems, every one full of thought and sentiment. " Every flower in her hand was laden with a thought." She could never give to one friend flowers she had prepared for another, any more than she could have exchanged letters.

But she had a word for every one, choice rare flowers for those who appreciated them, and abounding supply of the homely beauties for all. While talking in her garden, her fingers, seem- ingly unconscious, picked the little sweet violets, and bound them into bunches ; and her bag was filled with them when she went into the city, that she might help them "to go on their mission to every one in need." How often, in spring-time, the fragrance of the violets as one opened the door betrayed, " Mary has been here."

She shrank from publicity, and did not like to give her name with her gifts only would she give it when it was her duty to stand by an unpopular cause or when personal recognition was the greatest of gifts. She was thoroughly brave, physically as well as morally. She once stood unflinchingly by a young girl enduring a severe operation without ether, and the poor


sufferer gathered courage from her eyes. A true woman, she could bring all her resources to meet the emergencies of the hour, and never failed while there was duty to be done.

She was generous to the extreme, lavish in everything she could bestow on others, her flowers, her fruit, her money, her strength, her time, her sympathy, yet she never wasted anything that could be of service to any human being. The over-crowded flower-bed must be cleared, but some empty spot was found for every lily and violet that might bloom to bless the seeds must be saved to be sown in some empty garden everything must be helped to do its mission of good.

Wonderfiil, too, was her faith in goodness. Heavy sorrows, terrible trials had been hers ; she had seen treachery and evil and sin about her, but they could not darken her heart. Always trusting, always seeing the good before the evil in others, it was a bitter experience which made her ever withdraw her love and confidence where she had once placed it.

With a union of physical strength and beauty, practical ability and judgment, and outflow- ing, tender love, she had also a soul attuned to religion as its native tongue. Nothing to her stood alone, everything was in divine relation to the great source of all good, to the illimitable future. An optimist to the core of her heart, she never doubted the universal goodness, and she was sanguine and buoyant and fall of hope in every experience of life. So she trusted herself and believed she could help, and did so with wise and ready hand.

What has Death to do with Life, save to strip from it a worn-out garment, a tool no longer usefal, and leave it free to expand into more glorious proportions ? The sun has set, even the after-glow will fade, and then will still shine the eternal stars, the sun to other worlds than ours.

The hearts that loved her will keep her memory green, but when even her name has passed away, the influence of her life will still not be lost, but will have spread its seed far and wide, and the great principles for which she lived, and in whose faith she died, will still remain animating others to such work as she has done, and bringing them such joy as she has known. E. D. C.


NON5"^- [55], (Thomas+, Cutts^, Nathaniel% Nathaniel', ) son of Captain Thomas and Lillias (Watson) Shannon, was born in Dover, N. H., November 21, 1787, and was graduated in 18 10 at Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H. He was postmaster of

* He was so named after Capt. Thomas Westbrook Waldron, who was a .second cousin of his father, Thomas Shannon, who when a boy of 14, upon the death of his father, Cutts Shannon, in 1763, had gone to live with Captain Waldron, who brought him up. He seems to have been intimately associated with Captain Waldron to the last ; for he was not only a witness to his Will, but the adminis- trator of his large estate.

From Quint's " Historical Memoranda of Ancient Dover, N. H.," we learn that

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sufferer gathered courage from her eves. A true woman, she could bring all her resources to meet the emergencies ot the hour, and never failed while there was duty to be done.

She was generous to the extreme, lavish in everything she could bestow on others, her flowers, her fruit, her money, her strength, her time, her sympathy, yet she never wasted anything that could be of service to any human being. The over-crowded flower-bed must be cleared, but some empty spot was found for every hly and violet that might bloom to bless the seeds must be saved to be sown in some empty garden everything must be helped to do its mission of good.

Wonderfiil, too, was her faith in goodness. Heavy sorrows, terrible trials had been hers ; she had seen treachery and evil and sin about her, but they could not darken her heart. Always trusting, always seeing the good before the evil in others, it was a bitter experience which made her ever withdraw her love and confidence where she had once placed it.

With a union of physical strength and beauty, practical ability and judgment, and outflow- ing, tender love, she had also a soul attuned to religion as its native tongue. Nothing to her stood alone, evervthing was in divine relation to the great source of all good, to the illimitable future. An optimist to the core of her heart, she never doubted the universal goodness, and she was sanguine and buoyant and foil of hope in every experience of life. So she trusted herself and believed she could help, and did so with wise and ready hand.

What has Death to do with Life, save to strip from it a worn-out garment, a tool no longer usefol, and leave it free to expand into more glorious proportions .' The sun has set, even the after-glow will fade, and then will still shine the eternal stars, the sun to other worlds than ours.

The hearts that loved her will keep her memory green, but when even her name has passed away, the influence of her life will still not be lost, but will have spread its seed far and wide, and the great principles for which she lived, and in whose faith she died, will still remain animating others to such work as she has done, and bringing them such joy as she has known. E. D. C.


N0N5* [55], (Thomas^, Cutts^ Nathaniel% Nathaniel',) son of Captain Thomas and Lillias (Watson) Shannon, was born in Dover, N. H., November 21, 1787, and was graduated in 18 10 at PhilHps Academy, Exeter, N. H. He was postmaster of

* He was so named after Capt. Thomas Westbrook Waldron, who was a .second cousin of his father, Thomas Shannon, who when a boy of 14, upon the death of his father, Cutts Shannon, in 1763, had gone to live with Captain Waldron, who brought him up. He seems to have been intimately associated with Captain Waldron to the last ; for he was not only a witness to his Will, but the adminis- trator of his large estate.

From Quint's " Historical Memoranda of Ancient Dover, N. H.," we learn that

Descendants of Thomas Westbrooke Waldron Shannon (165), Great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant


I \ I

Nalhanial= Abigail \augh,in Robert Samuel = Ann Miller

Nathame]= Alice Frt

Cutts=Marv Vaue:

Richard= Elizabeth Marv Eleanor Eleanor= Will.am = ]ane Thomas— Lillias James-C'hloe Nailianiel=Ma.

Cutis Ruggles d. unm. d. unm. Gern.h 17 Jordan +6 I Watson Noble Aver jy Do'


Nathaniel Elizabeth \Villiani= Mary Elizabeth Abigail Daniel=Harriet = Captain Thomas- Eliza Abigail— |olin

d. young d. young 156 Waldron d. yng. d. vng. Toivnsend Byron Moody Westbrooke I Perkins 171; War

54 Waldron 165

Mary = William Mary— Richard— Marv Vaughan Barker Tebbets Cutts Backm 47 146

Elizabeth =



= Benjamin Shreve

Phebe- Enoch Westbrooke Paine Waldron 39:




eorge= agton


Orl Per

-Elizab Lirtlefi

ndo kins

th eld

Horatio=Sarah Nelson Lvon 406 Ha^v


Harriett Fownsend d. young


taviui-Sarah Fri Cox Eh Daland


nces Sarah abeth Hale

1 1 1 Alice David Eleano llsley Shannon Vaugha

Oris n Tufts







= Edward Thaxter Cushing

Edith— Charle Horatia Soothe 662

Clements n John Southcote

William ote Halle


Sophie t Eugcn

Lvieve BenLin


Edith= Lilias

= George

Audley Derbysh


Robert Shanno

Moody Westbrooke

Thomas^ Georgiann


rd— Eugenia


Colt I7i



■/ij-.nd 'AOHiadA-ff 'j>iooMa Tc!hV/ 3amomT -ho JiTVTAaviHoaaCI


PQ-li ';X'IA=I'jirtKriMi'/'i


aO loiiEoiH vibM iii3cfEsi!3=fcieri5i>J




-esiiiJ. L






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8J}«T niid^ofiV aonfi»!!8 vslall s(i;H riiodjssiIS xoO


vieM niniEinafl ivaivaasO


Saco, Me., from 1842 to 1846; cashier of the Manufacturers' Bank in that town; and colonel of a regiment of the State Militia.


He married, October, 181 2, Eliza Perkins, the daughter of Eliphalet and Elizabeth Perkins, of Kennebunkport, Me., who died May 9, 1877, aged 85 years. He died at Saco, June 7, i 852.

Thomas Westbrook Waldron, born July 26, 1721, was a man of large property and extensive influence, although not so much in public office as his father, grandfather, or great-grandfather had been. He was an officer at the conquest of Louisburg, and his portrait can still be seen in the old mansion of Gov. Benning Wentworth at Little Harbour, near Newcastle.

The records of Dover show him to have been moderator of the town meetings in 1754, '6, '7, '9, '60, '62 to '69, '71 to '75 ; a selectman in 1751, '3, '4, '6, '8 to '61 ; Townclerk from 1771 to 1775 ; and Representative in 1756, '62 to '65, '68.

He died April 3, 1785, and was buried in the cemetery of the Methodist Church.

He was a large owner of real estate. In addition to the Dover property he owned lands in Rochester, Barrington, Gilmanton, Grafton County, Lebanon, Chichester, Canaan and Kilkenny. He also owned the Globe Tavern, the Square and the Training Field in Portsmouth, two mill privileges in Portsmouth, and part of the lower falls at Dover. R. C. S.



The following obituary was published in a local paper :

"The death of Col. Shannon occurred on the yth instant. He had long been one of the most estimable citizens of Saco, and a consistent member of the Congregational Church. He was post- master in Saco for a number of years commencing with the year 1 841 ; subsequently he was cashier of the Manufacturers' Bank for many years.

" Upright in character, courteous in manner, obliging in dis- position, exemplary in his life, he was esteemed and beloved by all who knew him.

" His genial disposition and affectionate heart carried to his hearthstone a bright and pleasant light which warmed and cheered the family household. The memory of Col. Shannon must linger long in the hearts of all who knew him. To his family his loss is irreparable, and his townsmen mourn the decease of a valued and deeply respected citizen.

" He has gone hence, but leaves the fragrance of a sweet memory, that may temper the bitterness of family affliction, and give consolation to the sorrowing hearts who will see him no more on earth."




Children of Thomas Westbrooke Waldron and EHza :

166. Elizabeth Perkins [395], b. August 23, 18 13.

167. Phebe Westbrooke Waldron [397], b. March 16, 1815.

168. George Washington [404], b. October 10, 18 16.

169. Horatio Nelson [406], b. July 13, 1818.

170. Harriett Townsend, b. December 14, 1821; d. August 11,


171. Sophia Moody, b. December 14, 1821; d. December 27,



In gentle sleep she closed a long life of faithful service to all within sound of her voice or touch ot her hand. Could all those to whom she had given helpfulness by word or deed speak their tribute of thought, she would need no memorial of marble. Her harvest knew no season in its ripening ; it was gathered every day. She was beautiful in person ; dignified and graceful in manners; faithful in friendships and cour- teous to all, a lady of the old school. E. V. T.

172. Thomas Westbrooke [410], b. April 17, 1825.


173. Richard Cutts, b. January 2, 1828; was educated at Thorn- ton Academy, Saco, Me., and engaged in the dry goods commission business in New York City, having also been engaged in the same business at Saco, Me., in

Kentucky, and at Boston, Mass. He married, June 26, I 871, Eugenia RufF, who was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 12, 1844, the daughter of William Ruff, of the United States Army. She died in Philadelphia, Pa.,


October 9, 1897. He died in Boston, Mass., February 24, 1900. 174. Ellen Vaughan, b. July 4, i8j3 ; d. August 23, 1842.

Desqaniel, the Emigrant

Nathaniel= Mary 59 Dow

j^^ _ William V=Captain Thomas= Eliza Abigail=John Elizabeth

Vauahan Barker Tel Moody Westbrooke Perkins 175 I Warner d. unm.

,% Waldron 165


Anna Maria

John ^Margaret 1 8 1 Leslie



Julieessie=Harry N. W. lliott Magill

Henry = Minnie Annie



Howard Livingston

Caldwell Warner

Juliet Allister

Elmer Edwin


Marguerite Frances

Harold Leslie



173. Richard Cutts, b. January 2, 1828; was educated at Thorn- ton Academy, Saco, Me., and engaged in the dry goods commission business in New York City, having also been engaged in the same business at Saco, Me., in

Kentucky, and at Boston, Mass. He married, June 26, 1 871, Eugenia RufF, who was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 12, 1844, the daughter of William Ruff, of the United States Army. She died in Philadelphia, Pa.,


October 9, 1897. He died in Boston, Mass., February 24, 1900. 174. Ellen Vaughan, b. July 4, 1833 ; d. August 23, 1842.

Descendants of Abigail Shannon (175), Great-great-granddaughter of Nathaniel, the Emigrant


Nathanial= Abigail Va

Robert Samucl = Ann Millci

Nathaniels Alice Frost Cutt3=Mary Vaughan

I \ I I I \ I

Richard- Elizabeth Mary Eleanor Eleanor = Wi|]iam=Jane Thomas—LilUas Jamei = Chloe Nathaniel— Mary

Cutts Ruggles d. unm. d. unm. Gerrish 17 Jordan 46 I Watson Noble Aver 59 Dow


Mary = William Mary— R.ichard= Mary Vaughan Barker Tebbcls Cuttj Buckmi 47 146


Nathaniel Elizabeth William Mary Elizabeth Abigail Daniel— Harriet— Captain Thomas=Eliza Abigail=John F.hzahcth

d.young d. young 156 Waldron d. vng. d. vng. Townsend Bvron Moody Westbrooke Perkins 17s I Warner d. unm.

5+ Waldron 165

Lizzie Caldwell Lillian Sansay I Warner Allen [McAllister]

John W. Lillias William J. Nelson— Fr

Jessie Harry N. W,

Henrv Mmnie Annie Frank

I r

I \ \ \ \ i

Vaughan Lillias Juliet Elmer Nadine Marguerit

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(ii'jdssilH gfJi'Oi; .b griuov .b •oHoinrAOuQ £»iiQ sladdciT i3/ltsS nsrfgotV

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biE'woH aojsgiiiviJ



175. ABIGAIL SHANNON' [56], (Thomas+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter Captain Thomas and Lillias (Watson) Shannon, was born in Dover, N. H., January 2, 1790. She married John Warner, a merchant of Portsmouth, N. H. Afterwards moved to New York, where she died September 12, 1840. He died at New York, October 24, 1849, ^^ ^i^ seventv- iirst year.


Children of John and Abigail Warner :

176. Elizabeth, b. June 27, 1814, in Boston, Mass.; d. Decem-

ber 28, 1898, in Brooklyn, N. Y.

177. Anna Maria, b. May 26, 18 17, in Boston, Mass.; d. Sep-

tember 24, i860, in New York. Harriet, b, January i, 1820, in New York; d. December

5, 1869, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Resided with her brother

Alexander. Alexander, b. November 23, 1821, in New York; m.

Frances Coles. He died September 28, 1893, '" Mont-

clair, N. J.





Children of Alexander and Frances Warner:

i. Warren, b. 1847, in New York City; d. young, ii. Nadine, b. 1849, in New York City; unmarried.

Resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.

iii. Juliet, b. 1852, in New York City; unmarried.

Resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.

Juliet, b. January 31, 1826. She was twice married; first

to John Munn, by whom she had one son, Caldwell

Warner; born November 8, 1853. Married, second,

September 26, 1862, Thomas H. McAllister, born

September 26, 1824, by whom her son was adopted,

and who now bears the name of Caldwell W^arner


McAllister. Mrs. McAllister died at Brooklyn, N. Y.,

August 17, 1888. Mr. McAllister died at the same

place November 29, 1898.

i. Caldwell Warner McAllister, born November 8,

1853; married, first, February 12, 1878, Lizzie

Sanxay, who was born December 27, 1857, the

daughter of Skeffinton S. and Janette ( Fickett)

Sanxay, and died September 14, 1887; married,

second, January 8, 1891, Lillian Allen, who was

born August 11, i860, the daughter of Charles W.

and Jenny (Hunn) Allen.


Children of Caldwell and Lizzie McAllister:

1. Howard Livingston, b. March 19, 1879.

2. Caldwell Warner, b. June i, 1881; d.

November 19, 1888.

3. Charles Skeffinton, b. February 2, 1887. 181. John, b. December 24, 1828, in New York City; married,

November 9, 1 851, Margaret Leslie. He died at Brook- lyn, N. Y., December 31, 1885. Children of John and Margaret Warner: i. John W., b. August 8, 1852; d. August 15, 1856. ii. Lillias Leslie, b. July 27, 1854 ; m. William J. Rand. Children of William and Lillias Rand :

1. William J., b. August 2, 1878.

2. Jerome Winthrop, b. January 22, 1882.

iii. Nelson, b. October 4, 1855; m. Frances Beck.

He died in August, 1891.

Child of Nelson and Frances Warner : Edith, b. 1886. iv. Jessie Elliott, b. August 2, 1857 ; m. Harry N. W.


Children of Harry and Jessie Magill :

1. Vaughan, b. September 6, 1879.

2. Lillias Leslie, b. November 4, 1881.

3. Juliet AUister, b. November 4, 1881.

4. Elmer Edwin, b. August 22, 1883; d. in


5. Nadine, b. March 23, 1886.

6. Marguerite Frances, b. June 6, 1893.

V. Henry, b. June 29, 1859; m. Minnie Gildersleve. He died April 3, 1893. Child of Henry and Minnie Warner: Harold Leslie, b. 1887. vi. Annie, b. September 18, 1861; d. November 24,

1872. vii. Frank, b. August 18, 1868 ; d. July 16, 1886.


182. ABIGAIL SHANNON^ [60], (Nathaniel+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Dow) Shannon, was born December 4, 1781, and was twice married; first, in 1798, to Jonathan Wiggin, a merchant of Moultonboro, N. H., who died* November, 1809, at Santiago de Cuba in the West Indies; and second, July 26, 1815, to Ezekiel Hoitt, of Moultonboro, N. H., the son of Col. Nathan and Mercy Hoitt.

Mr. Hoitt was a Justice of the Peace, a Deputy Sheriff, and represented the town of Moultonboro several times in the New

* From the terms of the following letter written to his wife in October, 1 809, it is clear that he had a premonition of his death very shortly before it happened :

Kingston, October 19, 1809. Dear Madam :

I inform you that I arived hear in eighteen days from Wilmington all well. I spoke the Nat & John off Cape Maze Bearing down for St. lago, at which place she must [have] arrived the next day. I am hearty & well & have made a fine voyage out. I sold my Boards for 80 Dollars per m. staves 120 shingles 15 flour 14 tar & Pitch 20. I shall sail in two days for St. lago in the Mary to fetch the Nat & John cargo. I have chartered the Mary for 225 Dollars a trip as long as the non-intercourse continues, he paying all port charges. 1 have been offered 1000 a trip which I shant take before I Bring My own. I found after I got to sea that I got among a set of fools the Captain & Mate could not take the sun & no Sailor. If I had not Been there she Must have Been Lost. I have worked Hke a slave and worn down with fatigue. I am now Master myself and have a chance, if God spares my life, to clear five hundred Dollars a trip clear. The Nat & John will sail immediately for Wilmington, and I shall stay here. This ship that I send this by, Capt Ogdon, is bound to Savanah, the first vessel bound to the Northward I shall send you some money. 7~ou must not be uneasy about me, if God should call me home, & I should never see you again. We have made a large sum of money which among my papers you will find, receipts signed by WiUiam H. Savage the American Consul at Kingston, Jamaica. I shall send you one thousand Dollars by the first vessel. Give my respects to all inquiring friends. You will hear from me every opportunity & hope by the letter I wrote you fi-om Wilmington vou will find an oportunity sending one to me which will be a great satisfaction to your afectionate husband

Jo.N'^ WlGGIN.

N. B. 1 would thank you when you address a letter to me you would omit the word Esq., for sailors and esquires dont agree.


Hampshire Legislature. He died December 29, 1828. She died at Moultonboro, April 23, 1866.

Child of Jonathan and Abigail Wiggin : 183. Jonathan C, b. May 12, 1801 ; d. March 3, 1877. He enlisted on board the U. S. S. Java in 1826, and for several years after was with that vessel in the Mediterra- nean. He returned to Moultonboro upon the expiration of his term of service, and married Thurza Hodgdon. They had three children, all of whom died in infancy.

The following letters, written by him to his mother during his Mediterranean cruise, and her reply, may be of interest to his relatives:

U. S. S. Java,

Smyrna, September 5th, 1827. Dear Mother :

I now take this opportunity to write to you to let you know that I am in good health and have been ever since I left you. We had a good passage from America of 23 days to Gibraltar. I have been at Algiers and Tunis. At Tripoli we moved our ship over to the old city of Carth- age. There was plenty of the old ruins to be seen. From there we went to Milo, where the Turks have since put to death all the Greeks and one English lieutenant ; and for satisfaction the English and Dutch and Austrians and Russians and Prussians have determined to destroy Tunis, and then to enter the Dardanelles and lay siege to Constantinople and then enter the Black sea. When I shall return home it is altogether uncertain. I shall, if possible, get transferred to another ship that is going home. I have got a promise of my discharge as quick as I can get to America. I want to hear from you, but 'tis impossible ; for I am a great distance from you, the distance of about eight thousand miles from Boston. This country is a very mountainous one, and numerous volcanoes. The coun- try is very healthy and fertile. I want you to settle all my business as quickly as possible, for it is better for you to pay the debts than to pay the interest. I shall save all that lays in my power. 1 want you to let my good Miss Thurza know of my health whether she is married or not, that is of no consequence ; for she was a friend of mine and I was a friend to her. I am a great ways from her now, but my good wishes are with her and all the rest of my acquaintances. I am in a great hurry


to get this letter on board the Brig Smyrna. She has her sails all loose and her anchor up. She is waiting for our letters, and so I must bid you goodby. I shall write as often as possible.

This from vour affectionate friend and son,



and Abigail Hoitt.

Port Mahon, March 21st, 1828. Dear Mother:

I have now an opportunity to write to you by way of the U. S. Frigate Constitution in care of Mr. Smith, the Boatswain of our ship. He is returning home on account of his health. I have been in perfect health ever since I left home, and I hope that these lines will find you in the same good health. I should be glad to hear from you, but I have not since I left you. You must not worry yourself about me, for I enjoy myself very well. We have been in port ever since the 14th of Novem- ber, and we shall remain here until the Delaware arrives. She is expected every day, and then we shall go to the Dardanelles and remain there until the Fall, and then return to this port. I expect to have the pleasure of visiting the south of France, Spain and Italy. That will be when we are outward bound. The Commodore has discharged about one hundred men that were unfit for the sea service, and shipped about as many more very rugged men from the Constitution. It is very healthy in this coun- try. I wish that you would be very careful in settling my business as quickly as you can ; for it will save interest. Remember my love to all my acquaintances and friends.

This from your affectionate son,



Abigail Hoitt

Smyrna, September 12, 1828. Dear Mother:

I now take an opportunity to write to you to let you know that I am well, and hope that these lines will find you in the same good health. The ships company has been quite sick, but since the weather has become


cooler the ship has got to be quite healthy. We have been up as high as Tenedos, that is at the mouth of the Dardanelles. There are no ships of war allowed up any further. We have got orders to sail for Mahon the lOth of next month, there to lay up for Winter quarters. We shall lay there four or five months to clear the ships hold out and recork. I expect that we shall next season return to Smyrna for a short time, and then make preparations for returning home ; and then it nothing happens I shall return. If I don't get my discharge I shall get a furlough for a short time. The Russians and Turks are in the heat of their war. The Russians are expected to enter Constantinople daily. If they do there will be hot work; for the Russians have one million and a half fighting men and the Turks are as numerous as the sand on the sea-shore. The English and the French are the Russians' allies. They are daily sending troops to the assistance of the Russians. I wish you would get all my business settled so that I can begin square and then see if I can keep so. I think that this will be a fine school for me. I want you to remember my love to Miss Thurza Hodgdon and the rest of my friends and acquaintances. I wish them all well ; and that the young men will always keep clear of a man of war. It is a bad place for young men to get into. There are all kinds of bad vices that can be named; but I hope to keep from them. I have got my grog stopped, and I am allowed for it one dollar and eighty cents a month from the Purser.

This from your affectionate son,

Jon* Wiggin. To

Abigail Hoitt.

A letter from Abigail Hoittto her son Jon^ Wiggin.

Moultonboro, May 24th, 1829. Dear Son :

I received your letter dated January 28th yesterday, by mail, 4 days from New York, which informed me that you were well, which I was happy to hear. I have received six letters from you since you left home : 1st. dated Boston harbor; 2nd. Smyrna, September 5, 1827; 3rd. Octo- ber 4, 1827 ; 4th. Port Mahone, March 21, 1828 ; 5th. Smyrna, Septem- ber 12, 1828; 6th. January 28, 1829. Your letter of September I received two months from date ; the last was almost four months from date. In all your letters but one you write that you enjoy yourself very well, but, if I mistake not, the reverse is your situation. However, as


you are there, I hope you will do your duty like a brave man ; and if you live receive an honorable discharge when you return home. I watch all the newspapers to find some account of the 'Java, which I often do. In a paragraph dated Port Mahon, February, I saw that there has been a serious disturbance between the sailors of the Java and two French vessels, and that the ring-leaders were in custody to receive their punish- ment. I pray God you were not of the number. Oh my son, when I think of your situation my heart aches to think of the distance there is between us, and how happy you might have been at home ; but I hope your roving disposition will be cured, if you should be so fortunate as to return.

I have nothing but trouble to write you. Your father-in-law died 29th December, Monday morning, five o'clock. His disorder was pleu- risy fever, which caused an inflamation of the lungs, which caused him great distress. He lived only three weeks from his first complaining. I am now bereft of almost all friends. People have been very kind, especially in your father's sickness.

Mr. Strong's family came to live with me last April. They carry on the farm, so that I have not much trouble. Your affairs are in nearly the same situation as they were when you left home. We have not been able to make any settlement with your uncles. Last Fall your father and myself consulted Wm. Christie, a lawyer at Dover, what was best to be done, but did not receive his opinion until after your father's death. I think it best now to wait awhile, as they can be called to account at any time. If I should wait till your return you can settle in your own person, as every one knows you have been wrong'd. We thought it best to try all fair means first, but found it had no effect. If your father had lived

1 think by this time we should have had things in a fair train for a settle- ment. But let that not make any difference about your coming home. You have a good home to come to, if you never receive anything from them.

Your Uncle Thomas Shannon moved to live with your grandmother

2 years ago. Your relations are all well. There is great enquiry after you when it is known I had received a letter from you. I have not seen Thurza Hodgdon since you went away, nor hardly heard from her; but think they are all well. I hope you will keep yourself from all bad habits, for in such mixed multitude there must be people of all descriptions. I hope my dear child you will not be lost to thoughts of a "future state."

Your affectionate mother,

Abigail Hoitt.

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you are there, I hope you will do your duty like a brave man ; and if you live receive an honorable discharge when you return home. I watch all the newspapers to find some account of the Java, which I often do. In a paragraph dated Port Mahon, February, I saw that there has been a serious disturbance between the sailors of the Java and two French vessels, and that the ring-leaders were in custody to receive their punish- ment. I pray God you were not of the number. Oh my son, when I think of your situation my heart aches to think of the distance there is between us, and how happy you might have been at home ; but I hope your roving disposition will be cured, if you should be so fortunate as to return.

I have nothing but trouble to write you. Your father-in-law died 29th December, Monday morning, five o'clock. His disorder was pleu- risy fever, which caused an inflamation of the lungs, which caused him great distress. He lived only three weeks from his first complaining. I am now bereft of almost all friends. People have been very kind, especially in your father's sickness.

Mr. Strong's family came to live with me last April. They carry on the farm, so that I have not much trouble. Your affairs are in nearly the same situation as they were when you left home. We have not been able to make any settlement with your uncles. Last Fall your father and myself consulted Wm. Christie, a lawyer at Dover, what was best to be done, but did not receive his opinion until after your father's death. I think it best now to wait awhile, as they can be called to account at any time. If I should wait till your return you can settle in your own person, as every one knows you have been wrong'd. We thought it best to try all fair means first, but found it had no effect. If your father had lived

1 think by this time we should have had things in a fair train for a settle- ment. But let that not make any difference about your coming home. You have a good home to come to, if you never receive anything from them.

Your Uncle Thomas Shannon moved to live with your grandmother

2 years ago. Your relations are all well. There is great enquiry after you when it is known I had received a letter from you. I have not seen Thurza Hodgdon since you went away, nor hardly heard from her ; but think they are all well. I hope you will keep yourself from all bad habits, for in such mixed multitude there must be people of all descriptions. I hope my dear child you will not be lost to thoughts of a "future state."

Your affectionate mother,

Abigail Hoitt.

Descendants of Thomas Shannon (1.84), Great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant


Nathaniel = Abigail Vai

Nathaniels Alice Frc

Cutts = Mary Vaughan


Thomj 46

Jimes=Cliloc Naliiaiiicl_Mai

Noble Aver 59 I Dov

Jonathan Abigails Ezekic Wiggin 182 Hoitt

Margaret=Thomas= Martha Vaughan I 184 Varney

Nathaniels Betsey

Marysjeremiah Fredericks Mary EloisasPrindowel Thomas— Salome Frances-=Wal

Libbcy Henry

Moulton Comerais M. Dorsey Rindge I Najon Ann Smith

Sarah —Jonathan Rindge

S,uah = William Margaret Henry



Helen Fran,

Maria Eliza

NathanielsLucy M. 429 I Cummings

Adalinesjoseph E. McKinstry

I I I \ \ r^ I I \ I

Margaret Frederick Francis Susan Edwin F. Mary Jonathan Thomas Mary Mary Huldah-Frank G. Fred

Vaughan - Frances Brown Eloisa Sewall Bagley Webster Isabelle Annie Whiting Shanno

422 425 Blackey 427

I I \ \ \

William—EOen LuciasThomassNellie V. EdwardsEllaP. Richard Nathaniel— Sarah G.

Cummings Elizabeth Porter Rand [Lawrence] Weston Tucker Cutts Vaughan Whitney

664 Popplcton Allen 665 Lloyd 667 669


Charles S.s Mary A. Mirian

Johnson St. Cla

Richard Y. —Clara Jt

i \ \

ieph H. Mabel J. Maggie E.

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184. THOMAS SHANNON 5 [61], (Nathaniel+, Cutts^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Mary (Dow) Shannon, was horn December 25, 1783, graduated in 1799 at Phillips Academy, Exeter, N. H., and entered the mercantile business at Portsmouth, N. H., which he soon abandoned and studied medicine and surgery under the instruction of his cousin. Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon and Prof. Nathan Smith, both emi- nent in the profession at that time.


He commenced the practice of his profession at Pittsfield, N. H., in 1807, which he continued in that place and the adja- cent towns with great success until 1826, when he was called to Moultonboro, N. H., to take charge of the estate of his father, who had died there.

In connection with the cultivation of the large farm left him by his father he devoted his time to his profession in Moul- tonboro and vicinity until his decease, which occurred July 6, 1864.






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While a resident of Pittsfield he represented that town in the Legislature in the year 18 17, and also Moultonboro in 1829. He was highly esteemed as a physician, and for many years was a member of the New Hampshire Medical Society, and one of the trustees of the asylum for the insane at Concord, N. H.

Dr. Shannon was united in marriage July 8, 1808, to Margaret Vaughan Moses,* who was born February 7, 1784.

* Her mother was Sarah \'aughan, daughter of EHot and Anna (Gerrish) Vaughan ; born in Portsmouth, N. H., April, 1739 ; married Capt. Jotham Rindge; born February 28, 1737, the son of Hon. John and Ann (Odiorne) Rindge, of Portsmouth.

The family of Rindge is of English origin ; the first of the name on record in Massachusetts was Daniel Rindge, of Roxbury, 1639, who removed to Ipswich, 1648; he married Ann Kinsman, and died February, 1661, leaving as issue by wife Ann, Mary, Susanna, Daniel, Roger, Sarah and Isaac. The last named married Elizabeth Dutch, and their oldest son, John, born June I, 1695, was of Portsmouth, N. H., 1710. He married Ann, daughter of Hon. Jotham Odiorne.

Hon. John Rindge was a merchant, and possessed a handsome estate ; was many years a member of the Provincial Assembly; Commissioner to the Court of Great Britain to settle the boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire, I 73 1— 2; and was a member of His Majesty's Council, 1738—40. He died November 6, 1740, aged 45 years.

John and Ann (Odiorne) Rindge had 13 children, viz.:

1. Elizabeth, b. July 29, 1717; m. Hon. Mark Hunking Wentvvorth. They

were the parents of John Wentworth, the last of the Royal Governors of New Hampshire.

2. Isaac, b. September 22, 1719.

3. George, b. 1721.

4. Ann, b. August 20, 1723 ; m. October 29, 1742, Daniel Pierce ; d. October

19, 1748.

5. Mehitable, b. September 22, 1725 ; m. Daniel Rogers; d. June, 1803.

6. John, b. July 23, 1727 ; d. December 17, 1786.

7. Daniel, b. September 18, 1729.

8. Daniel, b. October ;, 1731 ; m. Olive Huske ; d. January 12, 1799.

9. William, b. April 21, 1734.

ID. Isaac, b. October 20, 1735 ; m. Sarah Pavi, who d. July, 1789. He d. at Portsmouth December, 1805.


She was the daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Rindge) Moses, of Portsmouth, N. H., and died at Moukonboro, N. H., October

11. lotham, b. February 28, 1737 ; m. Sarah Vaughan.

12. Benjamin, b. May 31, 1739. I 3. George, b. 1740.

jotham Rindge was the maternal uncle of John Wentworth, the last of the Royal Governors of New Hampshire, and for a considerable time had charge of the Governor's celebrated farm at Wolfeboro, N. H.

About the year 1775, he commenced the settlement of the township of Shel- burne, N. H., of which he was the principal proprietor, then a dense wilderness, and remote from the inhabited parts of the country.

After six years of hardship and privations, incident to a life in such a locality, the township contained five families, when an event occurred which caused the pro- prietor to abandon the enterprise, and which is thus related by Mrs. Mary J. (Shan- non) Libbey, of East Moukonboro, N. H., to whom the story was told when a child by her great-grandmother Sarah Vaughan Rindge, then the widow of Jotham :

It was in the month of August, I 781, while most of the men were at work in the saw mill, at some distance from my great-grandfather Rindge' s cabin, a party of Indians from Canada suddenly entered the settlement (Shelburne), killed one man by the name of Poor, and grandfather Rindge seeing them approaching his cabin, went out to beg for his life ; the Indians instantly levelled their guns to shoot him, when an old Indian, recognizing him as a person from whom he had before received some favors, spoke, "No ; no kill Cap'n Rindge, he very good friend to Indians ;" that Indian saved the family.

Thev, however, entered the cabin, and compelled grandmother to prepare them some food, and stationed two squaws to watch her while she cooked it.

Evervthing within sight they destroyed or carried away ; even the crockery ware in a chest was all broken.

Grandmother's silk dresses were regarded by them as valuable prizes, which they after- wards sold in Canada.

As one of the Indians was passing out of the cabin door, grandmother noticed a piece of one of her silk dresses hanging down fi-om under his arm ; she pulled it away from him and retained it.

This dress was for a long time afterwards in the possession of her granddaughter, Mrs. Eloisa M. Butters, preserved by her as a memento of that event.

Grandmother said she had but one sheet left, which was out of doors whitening ; it was taken to wrap the body of Mr. Poor in.

The Indians carried away with them grandf'ather Rindge's black man Plato, and sold him in Canada ; some years afterwards, when John Wentworth, then become Governor of Nova Scotia, was in Canada, he met Plato, and hearing his story, bought him of his new master, and


26, 1846. He married, second, May 15, 1849, Martha Varney. She was born October 18, 1800. He died July 6, 1864. She died in i 896.

sent him back to grandfather. After the Indians had departed, my grandfather, Josiah Moses, a son-in-law to grandfather Rindge, concealed the family in the neighboring woods, and started on foot with nothing for clothing, except his pants and shirt, armed with a loaded gun, for Pequakett (now Fryeburg), Me., a distance of thirty miles, for troops to pursue the Indians and protect the settlement ; although he reached that place in safety, his request was refused upon the pretext that he was a " Tory."

The settlement being exposed at any time to similar incursions of the Indians, grandfather and his familv immediately abandoned it.

Captain Rindge and family soon after returned to Portsmouth, where he died a victim of the yellow fever epidemic, which raged so fatally in that place in the summer and autumn of the year 1798.

The following notice of his death appeared in the Portsmouth " Oracle," pub- lished September i, 179B:

"Died, in this town Jotham Rindge, Esq; aged 60. The seeds of his dissolution were sown in the death of a beloved child. He survived but a few davs, and left an amiable partner and two daughters to weep.

" How happy those, who tend like him the bed Where Death's rude pillow, pains the aching head Then on the selt-same couch, lay down to rest And wake from e'vry pain, forever blest."

His widow, Sarah Vaughan Rindge, died at the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. Dr. Thomas Shannon, in Pittsfield, N. H., February, 1826. Children of Jotham and Sarah Rindge :

1. Sarah, bapt. November 15, 1761 ; d. 1786 ; m. Josiah Moses, of Portsmouth

N. H.

Children ot Josiah and Sarah Moses :

i. Sarah, d. about 1786, when 7 years old. ii. Nancy, or Ann, d. in childhood, iii. William, d. in childhood.

iv. Margaret, b. February 7, 1784; m. July 8, 1808, Dr. Thomas Shannnon, born in Moultonboro, December 25, 1783. Shed. Octo- ber z6, 1846.

2. Ann, bapt. October 16, 1763 ; m. Mr. Meiserve. She died of yellow fever a

few days before the death of her father, aged 35. She had been a widow several years.

3. Olive Huske, bapt. May 26, 1765; m. August 24, 1789, Nathaniel

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The following letters ot Dr. Thomas Shannon to his father, written in 1806 and 181 5, will be read with interest by his descendants :

Portsmouth, 22"'' October, 1806. Hon"^ Parent.

Having an opportunity, will inform you that Mr. Wiggin is now in this town & in tolerable health. He arrived a fortnight since 48 days from Hamburgh. He has performed a voyage in five months, in which he has cleared about 20,000 dollars. He wishes his brother John to come on immediately, as the goods will soon be in from Boston. He and I shall set out for Portland in the morning. He dines with the Governor to-day. The prospect of peace is small. Best respects to all friends. Am your Most Obt. Srvt.

& dutitull son, If I had my surtout 'twould be very Thos. Shannon.

agreeable now, do send it the first chance.

Folsom, of Portsmouth, N. H. He was Naval Officer of that port for several years, and d. September 2, 1818. She d. November 22, 1808. Children of Nathaniel and Olive Folsom :

i. Nathaniel, bapt. August 7, 1791 ; was a shipmaster of Portsmouth; m.

Hannah, a daughter of William Sheafe. ii. Olive Huske, bapt. August n, 1793 ; d. December 11, 1801. iii. Sarah Ann, bapt, January 11, 1795 ; m. October 2, 1826, Rev. George E. Adams, for several years teacher of the Academy at Ports- mouth, and afterwards Pastor of the Congregational Church, Bruns- wick, Me. iv. Arthur, bapt. January 10, 1796; for many years Consul and Com- mercial Agent in Hayti (where he married and had children); afterwards Consul-General, upon the accession of Saget to the Presidency; d. in Orange County, N. Y., November 2, 1870.

4. John, b. 1768 ; d. in the West Indies ; unm.

5. William, b. 1770; was a shipmaster ; twice married, first, to Sally Rich, of

Portland, Me. They had one child, Sarah, who married Richard Chad- wick, of Portland. Seco;id, , an Irish lady, in New York.

He died of bilious fever at Norfolk, Va., October 17, 1817.

6. Thomas Wentworth, bapt. June 6, 1773 > ■"• J^'y 2°' '802, Mary Folsom,

of Exeter, N. H. He was a shipmaster, and was washed overboard at


Pittsfield 23'^ Sept. 1815. Hon'' Father.

I write by Jon^ Moulton of your town who tarries here to-night. Uncle Rich'' and James Shannon were here a fortnight since and are very welh They were prevented from visiting you in consequence of the short tarry James would make in this country. He left his wife at Portsmouth ; he is a fine looking young gentleman & has improved very much since I saw him. They will set out for New York after their return from Hollis & then proceed for Halifax. We experienced the most violent storm here to day ever known in this town ; trees and fences are almost all pros- trated, many barns and sheds are blown down & many unroof'd. Our meeting house was partly unroof'd, and no gale ever destroy'd so much timber, I have heard of some cattle being hurt. The rain was excessive. The new house belonging to Mr. Parsons near the school-house was mov'd four feet off of the blocks. We happily escaped any injury, save the fences all round the house, garden and field were prostrated. I would observe to you that Mr. Butters was married to Miss Comerais last Mon- day. It is remarkably healthy here, more so than for three years past.

Shall be at Moultonbor'' in October. We are all very well and send our best respects to the family.

I am Sir your dutifull son

& Most Obt. & Humb. Sert. Nath"- Shannon, Esq". Tho^ Shannon.

From the following documents it appears that Dr. Thomas Shannon was, in 1820 and later, the owner of "one-sixteenth

sea, 1 8 10. She d. in Exeter, N. H., November, 1850, aged 78 years. No children. Jane Vaughan, bapt. August 20, 1775 ; was twice married ; first, November 4, 1797, to Capt. Jacques Arnault Comerais, a shipmaster and a native ot Martinico, West Indies. He was lost at sea about the year 1802. Second, November 14, 1803, George Eliot Vaughan, her cousin, of Portland, Me., who d. September 30, 1833, without issue. She d. January 17, 1853, aged 78 years.

Children of Jane and Jacques Comerais : i. John A., a shipmaster.

ii. Eloisa Monreau ; m. September, 1815, William Butters, a lawyer, of Pittsfield, N. H. Shed, in South Boston, Mass., January 4, 1852, aged 54 years.


part of a tract of land known by the name and stile King- Phillip's Grant or Indian-stream land, containing by estimation about 250,000 acres, being the same land that King Phillip deeded to Jona. Eastman 6c others, as by his deed will more fully appear : "

Concord, Aug. 21^' 1820. Sir I have to request you to forward to me the assignment due on your share of the Phillip's Grant, it being twelve dollars, which if you will have the goodness to forward by the Mail Carrier I will forward your receipt by him to you. The vote passed by the Proprietors laying this assessment made it due on the 15''' of June last & at which time I was authorized to collect it. I shall set out on my journey prior to the 10''' of September. Your compliance to the above & your answer in due time will greatly oblige your Friend & Servant with sentiments ot high esteem

Jonathan Eastman, Jr. Nathaniel Shannon, Esy.

Pearson Cogswell Esqr. Dear Sir

Yours of the i()^ inst. was duly rec'^ & at your request have enclosed a bond of the Indian-stream land for six months, which I hope will be rec'^ in due time. I will authorize you to receive W. I. & English- Goods in payment. I have no doubt you will use every exertion in making the sale. I have been informed that Mr. William Butters left with you a plan of Mr. Daniel Pickening's Mill-privilege at Wolfbor", if you have it in your possession will you be so good to enclose it to him.

I am D"^ Sir

Very respectfully

Your Obt. Sert. M. Bor° 29''' Sept. 1836. Thos. Shannon.

Know all men by these presents, that I Thomas Shannon of Moulton- borough County of Strafford and State of New Hampshire physician, stand firmly bound and holden to Pearson Cogswell of Gilmanton County and State aforesaid Esqr., in the full sum of one thousand dollars, hereby binding myself, my heirs, executors and assigns ; sealed with my seal & dated this 29'*' day of September, 1836. The condition of the above

' ^f -'^J^^y^^. ^



obligation is such tiiat it the said Pearson Cogswell shall pay or cause to be paid to the said Thomas Shannon in six months from date hereof the sum of five hundred dollars then I am to give him a quit-claim-deed of one-sixteenth part of a tract of land known by the name and stile of King-Phillip's Grant or Indian-stream land, containing by estimation about two hundred and fitty thousand acres more or less & bounded as follows, viz: Northerly by the Province of Lower Canada, Easterly by the State of Maine, Southerly by the 45° North Lattitude & Westerly by Halls-stream, Being the same land that King Phillip deeded to Jon^ Eastman and others, as by his deed will more tullv appear. Witness: Thos. Shannon.

Eloisa C. Shannon.

Children of Thomas and Margaret: 185. Mary Jane, b. August 27, 1809;

July 15, 1856,


Jeremiah Libbey, the son of Reuben and Abigail Libbey, of Wolfeboro, N. H. He was born July 15, 1792, and


died August 29, 1874. Mrs. Libbey devoted many years in collecting and preserving the records of her ancestors, and the family are especially indebted to her for much valuable material which has been incorporated in this genealogy.* She died at East Moultonboro, N. H., December 14, 1891.

186. Frederick Henry [412], b. December 29, 1811.

187. Eloisa Comerais, b. April 15, 1814; m., 1840, Prindowel

M. Dorsey, of Baltimore, Md. They settled at New Albany, Ind., where he was engaged as a builder and contractor. She died at Morocco, Ind., March 28, 1884. They had one child, who died in infancy.

188. Thomas Rindge [414], b. February 2, 1816.

189. Frances Ann, b. April 18, 181 8; m. April 3, 1837, Walter

Smith. She died August 20, 1838, leaving one child, who died soon after.

190. Sarah Rindge [420], b. June 29, 1820.

191. Nathaniel [429], b. August 28, 1822.

192. Adaline Margaret [435], b. September 5, 1826.

193. NATHANIEL VAUGHAN SHANNON5 [62], (Nathaniel+, Cutts^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Mary (Dow) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., July 9, 1790; a farmer by occupation. In 181 3 he married Betsey Brown, who was born May 6, 1787, the daughter ot Nathaniel Brown, of Moultonboro, N. H. He was 2d Lieu- tenant in Captain Phineas Stone's Company of the First New Hampshire Regiment, detached militia, in the War of 1 8 1 2 ;

* Upon in\itation of Mr. Hodgdon Mrs. Libbey made a visit to Portsmouth in 1884. She had not been there since her childhood, and now had a strong desire to look once more, and perhaps for the last time, upon the graves of her ancestors. For a very interesting account of this visit, as presented by Mr. Hodgdon in one of his letters, see Appendix X. R. C. S.



was called into service by order of Governor Oilman, September 12, 1 8 14, to resist an attack menaced upon the town of Ports- mouth, N. H., by the British tieet. He continued in the service until December 12, 18 14, when the forces thus called out were disbanded. In 1828 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace for the County of Strafford. He died at Moultonboro, N. H., June 5, 1859. His wife died August 14, 1877. Children of Nathaniel Vaughan and Betsey : 194. Harriet, b. August 12, 1815 ; d. April, 1832, unmarried.

195 196

197 198

George Vaughan [444J, b. March 16, 1817. Ann Elizabeth [449], b. July 11, 1820. John Langdon [452], b. May 9, 1823. Edwin [458], b. May 19, 1827.



199. NATHANIEL SHANNON^ [72], (Nathaniel?, Nathaniel*^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1784. He moved to Gilmanton, N. H., with his father, and was a farmer by occupation. Mr. Shannon married Polly Gorman, of Gilmanton, N. H., and removed to Wolte Island, Lake Ontario, Canada, about the year 1820. Both he and his wife were drowned while crossing from Kingston to Wolfe Island, December 5, 18^9, in the sloop "Hiram & Mary."

Children of Nathaniel and Polly :

200. Olive, died at Wolfe Island at the age of i 8 years.

201. Mary Ann [459], b. about 18 10.

202. Joseph, died in boyhood, in New Hampshire, from an


203. Louisa [470], b. about 181 2.

204. Nathaniel [480], b. May 29, 1816.

205. John [491], b. November 13, 1823.

206. Sarah Ann [500], b. February 23, 1826.

207. Wilham, died when 8 years of age.

208. GEORGE SHANNON^ [73], (Nathaniel?, Nathan- iel+, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., October 4, 1786. He was a farmer and resided at Gilmanton, N. H., where he died April 8, 1868, aged 81 years.

He married Sally Tebbets, who was born in 1785, the daughter of Ephraim and Sally Tebbets, of Barnstead, N. H. She died in Gilmanton, June 5, 1872, aged 87 years.

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199. NATHANIEL SHANNON^ [72], (Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1784. He moved to Gilmanton, N. H., with his father, and was a farmer by occupation. Mr. Shannon married Polly Gorman, of Gilmanton, N. H., and removed to Wolfe Island, Lake Ontario, Canada, about the year 1820. Both he and his wife were drowned while crossing from Kingston to Wolfe Island, December 5, 1839, in the sloop "Hiram & Mary."

Children of Nathaniel and Polly :

200. Olive, died at Wolfe Island at the age ot 18 years.

201. Mary Ann [459], b. about 1810.

202. Joseph, died in boyhood, in New Hampshire, from an


203. Louisa [470], b. about 1812.

204. Nathaniel [480], b. May 29, 18 16.

205. John [491], b. November 13, 1823.

206. Sarah Ann [500], b. February 23, 1826.

207. William, died when 8 years ot age.

208. GEORGE SHANNON^ [73], (Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel+, Nathaniel', Nathaniel", Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., October 4, 1786. He was a farmer and resided at Gilmanton, N. H., where he died April 8, 1868, aged 81 years.

He married Sally Tebbets, who was born in 1785, the daughter of Ephraim and Sally Tebbets, of Barnstead, N. H. She died in Gilmanton, June 5, 1872, aged 87 years.

Descendants of Nathaniel Shannon (199), Great-great-great-Grandson of Natrniel, the E.migrant

nathanif.l= elizabeth

I \ 1

Nathanifl=Abigiil \aughan Robert Samuel = Ann MUler

Nathaniel Alice Frost

Cutts = Marv Vaugl

Ann Card = Nath3nieI=Elizaheth Kit

Margarct-VVillia 33 Parke,

Marearet=Jol,n NailianicI- Ann Gcurgc Tlioma

Cj, NelBun 71 I Elizabeth Walker ti. yng

I'everly d. yng.

1 T"

amuci George

unm. Walker

|onalhan_Elizabcth= Edmund

(;corge = Eliza too 'Frolt


Nathaniel-Polly George-Sally Nancv = Asa John = Abigail Samucl_Marv Eliza lames S. Margaret—James Maria M. —William— Nancy Elsic Benjam

!•)•) I Gorman 208 Tebbels 218 ' Lamprey Sherburne Rand 235 Burnham 243 Gate Nelson Nichols Smith Cogswell Lamprey Jane Swett

229 Caswill 248 79 2(4

1 i i \ \ \ i

Olive Mary=John Joseph Louisa- Thomas Nathaniel- Rosina John- Harriet Sarah- James Wilha

I d. vng. Ann

Browne d. yng. 470

Dewey Ann I Abbott d. yng.

D.inicl El za -John


.Catherir Bulger

i D. ^Angelina GeorgezrrAn- Spinning Bar

Nathaniei=Louisa Louisa=Edward Fanny=David Will.a

.Mary Robert -Frai

Ann' Spin

Lerov-Emilv Norman- Vi.

Sar.ih- Herbert Hanlec- Adaline Olive -Devillo F.

723 Yorton 729 Kickland 738 Higgins

Rodolph Elmer -Eh

1 r

=John F.

Dieter Down. 764

1 T

William = Hannah Henry Washbun

I \

Samuel=rKatv Olive—James

WUson Kirkpatiick Cornelia Smith

1 T

Ann = Richard Calvi

Marcella Theophilus Bolton Shai

iA3>iO ,(991) momviahS. aaiJiAHTAVl vio 8TKiAai/!a.33a:Q


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Abigail = George I 3 1 Bryant

Margaret=: William 3 3 Parker

Margaret =John 63 Nelson

Nathaniel=Ann id 71 I Elizabe Peverly

John:^Sarah 88 Vincent

George= Eliza 1 00 Trott Darling

Nathaniel = Polly 199 Gorman

Ge Margaret^James Nelson Nichols

Maria M. =William=Nancy Elsie = Benjamin

Smith Cogswell Lamprey Jane Swett 79 254

Ira=iSally 5 1 3 Ross

Stephen=Ann W. 5 1 9 Presccelder Chase

Hiram d. yng.

Lizzie=James 771 Brown

Charles Henry


Laura^John=Ann P. Smith Chase Kimball 216

Charles Hezekiah d. yng.

Edwin=Myra Howe Estelle 805 Berry

Mary Bell

Harry Webster

Mary=Rufiis Ada Tebbe

Lorain Sarah=Joseph Wilhimina^ Ezra = Mary E. Ezraetta Clara==John Abbie=Nahum

Haley Jay Gunn Hutchins Hadley Hutchins Adaline Wesley Grace Prescott

Burleigh nings d. yng. Hinds 800

KnaO ,(9Qi) momhah3 .lainAHTAKI uo 8TMAaKa,D3a;CI



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Descendants of George Shannon (208), Great-great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant

nathaniel= elizabeth

Nathanicl = Abigail Vaughan Rcberl Samu<:l=Ann MUler

Nathaniel Alice Fn

Cijtcs=Mary Vaughai

Ann Card Nathaniel Elizabeth Kit

Margaret— John Nathaniel=^ Ann George Thoma

63 Nelson 71 I Elizabeth Walker d. vng

Peverlv d. vng.

Jonathan— Elizabeth Edmund Morrison 8 1 James


too Trott


George=SaIly Nancy Asa John —Abigail

208 I Tebbets 218 Lamprey Sherburne Rand

nuel—Mary 3 5 Burnham Caswell

Maria M. -Will

Nelson Nichols

= Nancy Elsie

Lamprey Jane

Ira— Sally Stephen Ann

513 Ross ;

Ephraim Mary

524 I Ann


Charles Laura Abigail— Charles

Henry Jane Ross Albert

Marv-Rulus B

Ada Tcbbets


Elizabeth Glines

|onathan = Ella CoHin August 786 Jewect

Sarah— Joseph Haley Jay


Nathaniel ^Mary Hurd Angeline GUman


Elbridge Sarah Morrill Amand 788 Heal

Gcorge^Abigai Lamper Julina Potter

Frank Etta C. Edgar Berry

Bell Webster

CKarln Hezeiuah d. yng.

I i \ \ \ \ I

James Mary George Levi-Lovisa Wilhimina- Ezra Marv E. Ezraetta Clara=John Abbie-Nahun

Oliver Jane Franklin Morse Annie Gunn Hutchins Hadley Hntchinj Adaline Wesley Grace Prcscot

d. yng. 792 Edmunds 795 Cummings d. yng. Hinds 800

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Children of George and Sally :

209. Ira [513], b. September 27, 1805.

210. Stephen [519], b. May i, 1808.

211. Nathaniel, b. 1810; died at Gilmanton, N. H., May 12,

1882, unmarried, aged 72 years.

212. Ann; deceased.

213. Ephraim [524], b. January 22, 1816.

214. George Lamper [529], b. June 29, 18 19.

215. James Gate [537], b. August 22, 1822.

216. John Chase, b. February 24, 1827; a farmer at Gilmanton,

N. H.; m. 1st, April 24, 1861, Laura Smith, of Alton, N. H.; b. December 24, 1832, and d. October i, 1878; m. 2d, February 13, 1884, Ann P. Kimball, of Gilmanton, N. H.

217. Charles Hezekiah, b. March, 1829; d. April 15, 1833.


218. NANCY SHANNON^ [74], ( Nathaniel \ Nathan- iel+, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., June 7, 1789. She married, March 17, 1807, Asa Lamprey, who was born January 12, 1870; a farmer, ol Gil- manton, N. H.

She died May 17, 1855. He died September 6, 1865.



Children of Asa and Nancy Lamprey :

219. Asa Shannon, b. July 19, 1808; m. Eliza L. Smith; d.

August 4, 1865.

220. Lucy Tilton, b. July 22, 18 10; d. September 11, t8ii.

221. Nancy Shannon, b. August 2, 1812; m. John Clough ; d.

March 22, 1859.

222. Elmira Norton, b. March 6, 1815; m. April 2, 1837,

Burleigh F. Parsons; b. April 5, 18 14. He d. April 20, 1870. In 1890 she was living at Belmont, N. H. Children of Burleigh and Elmira Parsons :

i. Rufus Burleigh, b. November 21, 1846 ; m. Fannie

M. Huzzey. ii. Hester Josephine, b. June 21, 1850; m. Charles H. Aikens, of Belmont, N. H.

223. Cordelia Moulton, b. July 12, 181 7.

224. Drusilla Hobbs, b. March 14, 1820; m. Henry W. Paige.

225. Eliza Williams, b. March 25, 1822; m. Isaac W. Garland.

226. Cyrus King, b. January 19, 1824; d. February 13, 1824.

227. Jerome C, b. July 8, 1826; d. October 8, 1826.

228. Rufus Walker, b. July 30, 1828 ; m. Harriet Marsh.


229. JOHN SHERBURNE SHANNON^ [75], (Nathan- iel5, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-^ Nathaniel", Nathaniel'), son of

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Eliza L. Smith ; d.

Children of Asa and Nancy Lamprey :

219. Asa Shannon, b. July 19, 1808;

August 4, 1865.

220. Lucy Tilton, b. July 22, 18 10; d. September 11, 181 1.

221. Nancy Shannon, b. August 2, 1812; m. John Clough ; d.

March 22, 1859.

222. Elmira Norton, b. March 6, 1815; m. April 2, 1837,

Burleigh F. Parsons; b. April 5, 18 14. He d. April 20, 1870. In 1890 she was living at Belmont, N. H. Children of Burleigh and Elmira Parsons :

i. Rufus Burleigh, b. Novemberai, 1846; m. Fannie

M. Huzzey. ii. Hester Josephine, b. June 21, 1850; m. Charles H. Aikens, of Belmont, N. H.

223. Cordelia Moulton, b. July 12, i 8 i 7.

224. Drusilla Hobbs, b. March 14, 1820; m. Henry W. Paige.

225. Eliza Williams, b. March 25, 1822; m. Isaac W. Garland.

226. Cyrus King, b. January 19, 1824; d. February 13, 1824.

227. Jerome C, b. July 8, 1826; d. October 8, 1826.

228. Rufus Walker, b. July 30, 1828 ; m. Harriet Marsh.


229. JOHN SHERBURNE SHANNON^ [75], (Nathan- iel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of

Descendants of John Sherburne Shannon (229), Gj^eat-great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant

nathaniel= elizabeth

Nachanid= Abigail Vaughan Robert Samuel=Ann Millei

Nathaniel= Alice Fr(

Cutts=Mary Vaughan

Ann Card = Nathanlcl_Elizabeth Kit

Margar(!t=Willia 33 Parkci

1 \ \ \ \ \

Mart;arct=John Nathaniel= Ann George Thomas Samuel George

ft, Nelson 71 I Elizabeth Walker d. yng. d. unm. Walker

Peverly d. yng.

Jonathan=Elizabcth = Edmund Morrison 8 1 James

Nalhaniel = Polly George=Sally Nancy=Asa John = Abigail Samuel=Mary

1^9 Gorman 208 Tebbets 218 Lamprey Sherburne I Rand 235 Burnham

229 Caswell

Margaret=James Maria M. =Wil]iam_Nancy Elsie = Benjamin

Nelson Nichols Smith Cogswell Lamprey Jane Swell

Haniet = Cyruj Walker Washingto Paige

Sarah A. = Lorain^Elizabeth Terry I Hacking

Alice Mary = Horace Emma=Lormn = Bessie Fi:

Adaline Chase Wadlcigh Joseph Batchelder Albio

lnez=Charles J. Jane I Pomeroy


finrfgufiV liE3icIA==b!n(;riiKVT

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.gnv ..b

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Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born at Portsmouth, N. H., in 1791. He became early established in trade at Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H., and in 1808 was appointed U. S. Mail Agent between Dover and Concord, N. H., carrying his mail for several years on horseback. In 1830 Mr. Shannon was appointed a Justice of the Peace. He was a member of the Board of Selectmen of Gilmanton from i 8 30 to 1833 ; Postmaster at the Iron Works for many years ; Representative in the New Hampshire Legislature 1833, 1834 and 1835; and a member of the State Senate 1851,


In I 81 5 Mr. Shannon married Abigail Rand, who was born in 1797, the daughter of Moses and Lydia Rand, of Barnstead, N. H. Mr. Shannon died in Gilmanton, N. H., August 4, 1868,



aged 77 years. Mrs. Shannon died September 12, 1868, aged 71 years.



1 ^






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Children of John Sherburne and Abigail :

230. Harriet Walker, b. October 5, 181 5; m. June 26, 1834,

Cyrus Washington Paige, of Concord, N. H. She attended the funeral of her father in Gilmanton, N. H., was taken suddenly ill and died August 23, 1868.

231. Lorain Terry [54-], b. 181 8.

232. Abigail Ann Elizabeth [547], b. IVlarch 29, 1821.


Margaret= William 3 3 Parker

Margaret =John Nin^Sarah

63 Nelson i Vincent


George^ Eliza

1 00 Trott


Nathaniel= Maria M. =Williani = Nancy Elsie ^Benjamin

199 ( Smith Cogswell Lamprey Jane Swett

79 254

Ann = le B.

Sherburne ^

Edwin Charles d. unm.

I. I

Ada=William= Emily Elmer

Jane Marsellus Lovina Levi

Ballard 8zl Stites Holden
















aged J"] years. Mrs. Shannon died September 12, 1 1 71 years.



>\ 1

' 1


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, ,^














Children of John Sherburne and Abigail :

230. Harriet Walker, b. October 5, 1815; m. June 26, 1834

Cyrus Washington Paige, of Concord, N. H. She attended the funeral of her father in Gilmanton, N. H. was taken suddenly ill and died August 23, 1868.

231. Lorain Terry [542], b. 1818.

232. Abigail Ann Elizabeth [547], b. March 29, 1821.

Descendants oe Samuel Shannon (235), Great-great-great-grandson of Nathaniel, the Emigrant

nathaniel— elizabeth

I \ I

Nathaiiiel= Abigail Vaiighan Rolierl Samuel Ann Millci

N»thaniel= Alice Pri

Cul:s=Miry Vaughai

Ann CarJ— Natl3nicl=,Rli7,ahcth Kit

Margart-t— Willia J i Parkn

I I I , ,. I

= Ann George Thomas Samuel George

Eli/.ahelh Walker d. yng. d. unm. Walker

I'cverly d. yng.

\ I

= Asa |ohn = Abigail Samuel- Mary

Lamprey Sherburne Rand z ! ,- | Burnha

Kr,za=Jar 24, Cal

Maria M.=William-Nancy RIsic-Benj

Smilh Cogswell Lamprey Jane Svve

Ann - Nehemiah Sherburne WIgglu

, loseph Merrill

Grace Sargei


Freda Bertha Kdsey Margaret Lucy

Gt'orgiaiina l''rank Daniel

Wood Webster Jai

1 TT

Danicl= Annie Ada— William- Emily

Webster I Edgerly |ane Marsellus Lovina

819 Railard 821 Stites

Cecil Wesley

1 r

D ,(?,£s) hohmahS ,i3iima?. 'tri axMAanaoRHQ

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233. Marv Adaline, b. 1824; d. October 9, 1840, aged 16 years

5 months.

234. Charlotte L., b. October, 1827; d. January 29, 1846, aged

18 years 3 months.

235. SAMUEL SHANNON^ [76], (Nathaniel^, Nathan- iel+, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel", Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., May I 5, 1793. He was engaged in farming at Gilmanton, N. H., and married, August 15, 1816, Mary Burnham Caswell, who was born February 25, 1799, the daughter of Elijah and Sarah Caswell, of North wood, N. H.

Mr. Shannon died in Gilmanton, N. H., January 7, 1833. Mrs. Shannon died in Concord, N. H., November 13, 1893, aged 94.

Children of Samuel and Mary :

236. Ann Sherburne, b. May i, 1817; m. Nehemiah Wiggin,

of Newmarket, N. H.; she died, without issue, February, 1848.

237. John Sherburne, b. October 29, 18 19; d. September 8,

1840, unmarried.

238. Mary Margaret [553], b. April 24, 1823. Samuel Hoyt, b. May 19, 1825; d. September i, 1838. Dyer Sanborn, b. May 16, 1829; d. September 14, 1845. William Nathaniel [557], b. August 23, 1831. Edwin Charles, b. August i, 1833; d. January 5, 1861,



240 241


243. ELIZA SHANNON^ [yy], (Nathaniel?, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in the year 1799.


She married James S. Cate, of Salem, Mass. She died Novem- ber 3, 1833, aged 34 years.

Children of James and Eliza Cate:

244. James William, b. 1824; d. 1846.

245. George Frederick, b. 1826; d. 1850.

246. Elizabeth Ann, b. 1828; d. 1834.

247. Benjamin Franklin, b. 1830; d. in childhood.

248. MARGARET NELSON SHANNON^ [78], (Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born October 13, 1801. She married, in 1824, James Nichols, of Salem, Mass., who was born November 7, 1801. He died October 4, 1869, aged 68. She died April 22, 1874, aged 73.

Children of James and Margaret Nichols : 249. Eliza Gardner, b. May 28, 1825, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem, and afterwards taught there. She m. December 23, 1847, Jonathan Shove Symonds, b. March 26, 1822, the son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Symonds, of Salem, Mass. She died October 2, 1899. He died June 27, 1903. Children of Jonathan and Eliza Symonds:

i. Shove Shannon, b. September 19, 1848, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools and was graduated from the Salem High School. He m. first, April 30, 1872, Abby Annable, b. Aug- ust 18, 1849, the daughter of Ephraim and Sarah Annable, of Salem, Mass. She d. November 7, 1898. He m. second, March 21, 1900, Mary Estella Nute, of Ossipee, N. H., b. March 21, 1863, the daughter of James and Sarah Ann Nute.

Child of Shove and Mary Symonds: Richard Nathaniel, b. October 2, 1901.


ii. James William, b. September 22, 1850, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools and was graduated from the Salem High School ; m. Jan- uary 3, 1872, Mary Elizabeth Pope, b. March 7, 1852, the daughter of William Alfred and Mary Danforth Pope, of Salem, Mass. He died March 12, 1903. Children of James and Mary Symonds :

1. James Alfred, b. June 10, 1873.

2. William Ilus, b. March 4, 1875; d. Sep-

tember 5, 1875.

3. Lizzie May, b. June 11, 1877; "^^ Decem-

ber 25, 1880.

4. Herbert Shove, b. August 9, 1880.

5. Edith Florence, b. January 12, 1883.

iii. George Gardner, b. August 25, 1857, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools of that town; m. April 28, 1 881, Catherine Fellows Gold- smith, b. April 16, 1859, the daughter of Capt. George W. and Mary Ann Goldsmith, of Salem. Children of George and Catherine Symonds :

1. George Gardner, b. March 11, 1883.

2. Grace May, b. October 17, 1884.

3. Mary Goldsmith, b. August 4, 1886.

4. Helen Eliza, b. September 24, 1889.

5. Charles Henry, b. October 18, 1892.

6. Bertram Franklin, infant, d. January i, 1903.

iv. Charles Henry, b. August 25, 1857, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem ; was graduated from the Boston University, and admitted to the bar of Massachusetts ; represen- tative to Massachusetts General Court and State Senator. He married twice ; first, Mary Eliza- beth Stocker, the daughter of Harrison Stocker, of Lynn, Mass.; she d. June 30, 1881 ; married second, Grace G. Smith, the daughter of Charles


Fred Smith, of Lynn, Mass. Mr. Symonds d.

October 7, 1890.

Child of Charles and Mary Symonds :

Ralph Orrin, b. June 11, 1881 ; educated at the public schools and was graduated from the Salem High School. Died October 5, 1903. 250. Sarah Saul, b. October 22, 1828, in Salem, Mass.; edu- cated in the public schools of Salem, and afterwards taught there. She married, first, July 18, 1849, William Henry Skinner, of Salem, Mass., b., 1827, and d. August 31, 1 85 1. She married, second, 1854, James Edward Chute, of Salem, Mass., b. October 18, 1831, the son of Binea and Louisa Chute, of Bear River, N. S. He died January 17, 1895. She died November 16, 1885. Child of William and Sarah Skinner:

i. William Henry, b. February 13, 1851, in Salem, Mass.; m. September 3, 1872, Mary Ophelia Smiley, the daughter of Joseph L. and Mary B. Smiley, of Amesbury, Mass. He d. October 9, 1874. Child of William and Mary Skinner:

Alice Eleanor, b. July 11, 1874, in Salem, Mass. Children of James and Sarah Chute:

ii. Charles Edward, b. December 4, 1855, in Salem,

Mass.; d. November 5, 1885. iii. Sarah Louisa, b. April 3, 1857, in Salem, Mass.; m. April 3, 1879, George Henry Shephard, of Topsfield, Mass.; d. July 8, 1879. iv. Margaret Ellen, b. May, 1858, in Salem, Mass.;

d. February 19, i860. V. Flora Symonds, b. October 24, i 863, in Yarmouth, N. S.; m. October 16, 1889, Alfred Ernest Hersey, of Manchester-by-the-sea, Mass., b. May 17, 1863, the son of Israel and Louisa Hersey.



Child of Alfred and Flora Hersey : Cheever Lawrence, b. July 16, 1891. vi. Addie Frances, b. May 20, 1869, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem ; m. Feb- ruary 22, 1889, George Alfred Lawrence, of Peabody, Mass., b. November 4, 1858, the son of Joseph Estabroolc and Abbie Frances Law- rence.

Child of George and Addie Lawrence : Charles Estabrook, b. January 5, 1890. vii. Arnold Shannon, b. May 20, 1869, in Salem, Mass.; d. September 6, 1891.

251. John Shannon, b. March 12, 1831, in Salem, Mass.; edu-

cated in the public schools of Salem; m. Sarah Clough. He died October 13, 1884.

252. Margaret Ellen, b. September 4, 1834; d. October 19,


253. James Willard, b. July i, 1842, in Salem, Mass.; educated

in the public schools; m. October 24, 1861, Martha Laura Edwards, b. March 5, 1844, the daughter of Capt. William and Martha P. Edwards, of Salem, Mass. He enlisted during the Civil War as a private in the Eighth Massachusetts Infantry, Company J., known as Dever- eux's Salem Zouaves, the first company from Salem to answer the call of President Lincoln, in April, 1861; sergeant in Company B, Fortieth Massachusetts Infan- try; commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Company A, Fourth Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, August 17, 1864; ^"d received his final discharge from the service June 1 7, i 865. Children of James and Martha Nichols:

i. Martha Laura, b. October 10, 1862, in Salem,

Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem ;

m. November 22, 1886, Edward J. Boyle, of

Salem, ii. James Willard, b. February 24, 1865, in Salem,

Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem ;

m., 1884, Annah Pulsifer Pitman, b. Sep-


tember 4, 1867, the daughter of Augustus Pul- sifer and Julia Ann Pitman, of Salem, Mass. Children of James and Annah Nichols:

1. Albert Lawrence, b. September 23, 1884.

2. Ethel May, b. May 15, 1887.

3. Marion Edwards, b. October 12, 1888.

iii. Margaret Ellen, b. August 29, 1867, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem, and resides with her father.

iv. William Allen, b. May 6, 1870, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem ; m. June 18, 1895, Ellen Teresa Joyce, b. December 17, 1873, the daughter of Michael and Bridget Joyce, of Salem, Mass. Children of William and Ellen Nichols :

1. Marion Delia, b. March 7, 1896; d.

November 13, 1896.

2. Harold Allen, b. April 23, 1897.

3. Leo Dewey, b. May 10, 1898.

4. Dorothy Inez, b. June 15, 1899.

5. Edmond Willard, b. September 13, 1900.

6. George Irvin, b. December 8, 1901.

V. John Henry, b. April 2, 1873 ; d. April 2, 1875.

vi. Lizzie E., b. January 15, 1876, in Salem, Mass.; educated in the public schools of Salem ; m. Sep- tember II, 1 901, Joseph Tomlinson, of Salem, Mass., b. May 8, 1871, the son of Joseph and Dorothy Tomlinson.

254. ELSIE JANE SHANNON^ [80], (Nathaniel^, Na- thaniel+, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Na- thaniel and Ann Elizabeth (Peverly) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., July 15, 1808. She married, January 4, 1830, Benjamin Swett, of Gilmanton, N. H., who was born


February 5, 1805, the son of Daniel and (McNeal)

Swett. He engaged in farming, and after living in several places moved, in June, 1861, to Antrim, N. H., where Mrs. Swett died April 10, 1874. Mr. Swett died in Stoddard, N. H., May 27, 1895.

Children of Benjamin and Elsie Swett :

255. Celestia Ann, b. September 24, 1833, in Exeter, Me.;

educated in the public schools of Manchester, N. H.; m. November 28, 1852, William Eaton, of Weare, N. H., who was born February 12, 1825, the son of Moses and Mary Eaton, and died February 18, 1902. Mrs. Eaton resides at East Weare, N. H. Children of William and Celestia Eaton :

i. Fred, b. April 28, 1854, in Manchester, N. H. ii. Willie H., b. February 17, 1858, in Weare, N. H.; m., in 1877, Malita S. Frasier, who was b. No- vember 17, 1858, the daughter of Clark and

Frasier, of Nashua, N. H. Reside at

Fitchburg, Mass.

Child of Willie and Malita Eaton :

Carrie M., b. July 13, 1878; d. Januarys, 1892. iii. Willis, b. February 17, 1858, in Weare, N. H.; d.

December 6, i 863. iv. Elsie Jane, b. May 4, 1861, in Weare, N.H.; d. June 15, 1888.

256. Eliza Jane, b. June 10, 1835, in Exeter, Me.; educated

in the public schools of Manchester, N. H. ; m. De- cember 31, 1856, Edward Francis Beals, of Lowell, Mass., who was b. January 25, 1831, the son of Ed- ward and Eliza (Rice) Beals. Reside at Auburn, Me.

257. Daniel Edwin, b. December 4, 1838, in Gilmanton, N. H.;

educated in the public schools of Manchester, N. H.; m. March 29, 1885, Elsie Jane Whittier, who was b. January 7, i860, the daughter of Jonathan Harvey and Mary Andrews Whittier, of Munsonville, N. H. Reside at Stoddard, N. H.



Children of Daniel and Elsie Swett, all of whom were born in Stoddard : i. Nora May, b. February ii, 1886. ii. Perley Edwin, b. February 6, t888. iii. Luman Frederick, b. September 25, 1891 ; d. No- vember 4, 1891. iv. Ella Maria, b. October 12, 1893. V. Walter Edmund, b. October 23, 1896. vi. Martin Mason, b. March i, 1901.

258. Nathaniel Frederick, b. December 4, 1840, in Campton,

N. H.; educated in the public schools of Manches- ter, N. H.; m. Lucy Woodbury Annis, who was b. November 12, 1839, the daughter of Ansel Hatch and Ruth Annie (Woodbury) Annis, of GofFstown, N. H. He died in Antrim, N. H., November 7, 1886. Children of Nathaniel and Lucy Swett :

i. Nathaniel Willie, b. July 3, 1859, in GofFstown, N. H.; attended school at Francestown Academy; m. May, 1881, Henrietta Watson Bartlet, who died June 22, 1901. He resides in Brooklyn, N.Y. ii. Florence Evelyn, b. June 27, 1872, in Manchester, N. H.; educated in the public schools of Antrim, N. H.; m. December 24, 1892, Malcolm Shedd French, of Antrim, who was b. December 3, 1864, the son of Henry Cummings and Caroline Parmelia (Cutter) French. Reside at Antrim, N. H.

Child of Malcolm and Florence French : Lucy Sarah, b. August 28, 1895.

259. Ella Maria, b. November 8, 1848.

260. Alma Etta, b. November 23, 1851, in Manchester, N. H.;

educated in the public schools of Manchester and Stod- dard ; m. December 2, 1874, Albert Luman Swett, who was b. August 5, 1847, the son of Oliver and Mahala (Perkins) Swett. Reside at Antrim, N. H.


Children of Albert and Alma Swett :

i. Edward Harland, b. August 8, 1876, in Antrim, N. H.; m. November 4, 1900, Inez Sarah Pres- cott, who was b. May 28, 1879, the daughter of Ancill Sevey and Sarah Cyrina (Goodell) Prescott, of Antrim, ii. Cora May, b. July 30, 1880. iii. Albert Marshall, b. October 25, 1892. 261. Benjamin Franklin, b. August 3, 1853.

262. MARGARET SHANNON^ [89], (John^, Nathan- iel+, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., Jan- uary 6, 1812. She married, March 19, 1838, Alpheus D. Gate, who was born April 19, 1 8 1 o, the son of Joseph and Nancy Gate, of Tamworth, N. H. He was a farmer, and resided at Portsmouth, N. H., where he died August 29, 1872. She died March 6, 1871.

Ghild of Alpheus and Margaret Gate: 263. John Shannon, b. in Tamworth, N. H., March 25, 1839; m. November 2, 1861, Lydia D. Whitham ; b. Decem- ber 3, 1840, in York, Me. Children of John and Lydia Cate :

i. Lucy J., b. September 22, 1862 ; d. September 24,

1862. ii. Edgar A., b. in Chelsea, Mass., September 8, 1875.

264. WILLIAM SHANNON^ [91 J, (John5, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., July 26, 18 I 5. A farmer by occupation. He married, April 13, 1837,



Maria Marsh Cate, who was born February 4, 18 19, the daughter of Joseph and Nancy Cate, of Tamworth, N. H. She died September 9, 1885.


From 1876 to 1884 Mr. Shannon was Superintendent ot the City Farm of Portsmouth, N. H., where he died October 28, 1899.

Children of Wilham and Maria :

265. Charles William [563], b. January 11, 1838.

266. Ann Maria [569], b. September 6, 1839.

267. Sarah Jane [578], b. July 9, 1843.

268. Lizzie E., b. July 21, 1845 ; d. February 14, 1852.

269. James Frank [580], b. December 2, 1847.

270. John Wesley [583], b. June 7, 1849.

271. Margaret Abby [589], b. February 12, 1852.

272. Woodbury Emmons [595], b. February 2, 1854.


273. DANIEL FILLMORE SHANNON^ [93], (John?, Nathaniel''', Nathaniel-^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., Nov- ember 3, I 81 8. He was a builder by trade, and married, April 8, 1847, Emily Noyes, who died in 1883. Residence, Ports- mouth, N. H.

Children of Daniel Fillmore and Emily, all of whom are deceased :

274. Everett, b. November i, 1849.

275. Emma J., b. November 25, 1851.

276. Almira P., b. August 8, 18^4.

277. Fannie M., b. January 14, 1859.

278. Albert F., b. July 31, 1861.

279. JOHN SHANNON^ [94], (John^, Nathaniel, Na- thanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel"), son of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., February 12, 1821; engaged in farming. He married, December 18, 1842, Hannah Elizabeth Hartshorn, who was born October 23, 1823, the daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah Hartshorn, of Portsmouth. He resided in Portsmouth, N. H., and died July 10, 1894.

Children of John and Hannah :

280. Hannah Jane [600], b. January 19, 1844.

281. Caroline Augusta, b. September 23, 1845; m. August 12,

1869, Benjamin F. Hicks, of Pawtucket, R. L, where she died, without issue, August 28, 1870.

282. Nathaniel Hartshorn [602], b. May 3, 1849.

283. Sarah Alice [604], b. July 6, 1852.

284. Ann Mary T., b. November 5, 1857; d. November 16,


285. Walter Pratt, b. December 30, 1862; d. September 24,



286. GEORGE DENNETT SHANNON^ [95], (John?, Nathaniel^-, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel' ), son of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., Sep- tember 26, 1823. Engaged in farming ; resided at Portsmouth, N. H., and Shapleigh, Me.; and in 1885 resided at Kittery, Me., employed at the Navy Yard.

Mr. Shannon was twice married ; hrst to Sarah Welch, who was born in Shapleigh, Me., September 23, 1839, the daughter of Moses and Mary Welch; she died in Portsmouth, N. H., April 17, i860. He married for his second wife, Amelia E. Lydston, who was born September 7, 1839, the daughter of Thomas and Vernetta Lydston, of Kitterv, Me.

Children ot George Dennett and Sarah:

287. Frank Pierce, b. October 15, 1851, in Shapleigh, Me.

288. George Harrison, b. April 13, 1854, in Shapleigh, Me.;

m. February 12, 1883, widow Olive Roberts; resided at Waterborough ; d. in 1888.

289. Nellie March [608], b. March 24, 1858. Child of George Dennett and Amelia :

290. Sarah Vernetta, b. August 25, 1865.

291. CHARLES AUGUSTUS SHANNON^ [97], ( John>', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-'', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., November 19, 1827; was educated in the public schools ot that city and became a school-teacher. He taught at the Franklin Grammar School at Portsmouth, N. H., for several years prior to 1864, when he was appointed Collector of Taxes for the city of Portsmouth, which position he continued to fill until 1875. Mr. Shannon was a Representative in the New Hampshire Legis- lature in 1855, and Alderman of the City of Portsmouth in the years 1880-81.


He removed to Brockton, Mass., in 1883, where he was engaged in teaching. He married, September 12, 1850, Martha Sarah Trundy, who was born August 25, 1828, the daughter of John and Lucy Trundy, of Portsmouth, N. H. He died Sep- tember 7, I 897.


Children of Charles Augustus and Martha : 292. Lucv Folsom, b. September 21, 1851 ; d. July 10, 1853.

293 294 295 296


Charles Horace [611], b. May 29, 1854.

Edward Holman [613], b. August 3, 1856.

Arthur Hall, b. April 19, 1858.

Clifton March, b. December 22, i860; d. May 22, 1867.

Katie BufFord, b. December 22, 1868; d. March 10, 1869.


298. OLIVER SHANNON^ [98], (John^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-'', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., June 29, 1831. He married, June i, 1863, Harriet A. Pratt, who was born September 3, 1841, the daughter of Elisha and Clarissa E. Pratt, of Belchertown, Mass.

Children of Oliver and Harriet :

299. Sadie J., b. January 6, 1866; deceased.

300. Harrv W., b. March 22, 1870.

301. Oliver C, b. January 9, 1883.

302. THOMAS KITSON SHANNON^ [99], (John?, Nathaniel''^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of John and Sarah (Vincent) Shannon, was born November 2, 1833, in Ports- mouth, N. H., and was educated in the public schools of that place. He became a school-teacher ; and resided and taught school for many years in Ossipee, N. H., where he taught at the Gravelly Ridge School of that city until his decease, which occurred September 12, 1879.

Mr. Shannon married Sarah E. Edgerly, who was born January 8, 1838, the daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail Edgerly, of Tam worth, N. H.

Children of Thomas Kitson and Sarah, all of whom were born in Ossipee:

303. Wilbur S., b. August 15, 1862; d. January 20, 1864.

304. Cora E., b. February 8, 1865.

305. Grace Ella, b. July 3, 1874.

306. ELLEN HALL SHANNON^ [loi], (George?, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of George and Eliza Trott (Darling) Shannon, was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., March 29, I 8 17. She married, October 8, 1840,



Nathaniel Stone Emery, of Portsmouth, the son of Shem and Mary Emery.

They resided in Portsmouth, N. H., where she died August 17, 1848. He died in Boston, Mass., March 13, 1872, aged 67 years.

Children of Nathaniel and Ellen Emery :

307. Horace Stone, b. in Portsmouth, January 7, 1842; m.

Justianna Blake; b. in Worcester, Mass., May 30, 1841. He was a bookkeeper and in 1890 was residing in Boston.

308. Albert Waldron, b. March 18, 1844; m. Lydia Maria

Caine. Resides in Portsmouth, N. H. Child of Albert and Lydia Emery:

i. Albert Clinton, b. July 4, 1877; d. February 21, 1890.

309. George Shannon, b. August, 1847; ti- July 5, 1876,

Rachel Palmer.

310. ANN ELIZABETH SHANNON^ [102], (George5, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-'', NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of George and Eliza Trott (Darling) Shannon, was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., June 7, 1822 ; married, September 21, 1854, Fitz William Lane, the son of Capt. Solomon and Eliza Lane. Resided in Portsmouth, N. H., where he died December 22, 1875. Child of Fitz William and Ann Lane : 311. Ida Florence, b. June 18, 1856; m. Langdon E. Locke. In 1890 they were residing in Lawrence, Mass. Child of Langdon and Ida Locke: i. Fitz Harry, b. March, 1888.

312. FRANCES JANE SHANNON^ [103], (George^, Nathaniel^-, NathanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel'], daughter of George and Eliza Trott ( Darling j Shannon, was born in Ports-


mouth, N. H., October 14, 1825. She married, June 19, 1845,

Joseph H. Freeland, the son of John and Hephzibah Freeland, of

Portsmouth, N. H., where they resided. She died May i 5, 1850.

Child of Joseph and Frances Freeland :

313. Fannie Jane, b. May 10, 1850. In 1890 she was residing

in Pliiladelphia, Pa.

314. SARAH ELIZABETH SHANNON^ [104], (George^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of George and Eliza Trott (Darling) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., August 5, 1827; married, July 12, 1848, William Henry Dennett, who was born November 11, 1825, the son of Joseph and Mary Dennett. They resided in Ports- mouth, N. H., where they both died.

Children of William and Sarah Dennett:

315. Nellie Charlene, b. December 8, 1849.

316. William Wallace, b. July 20, i 851 ; m., 1873, Mary Agnes


Children of William and Mary Dennett:

i. Mabel, b. January 20, 1874.

ii. Bertha, b. December 12, 1876.

317. Fred. Adams, b. March 2, 1856.

318. Fannie May, b. September 18, 1857.

319. Frank Allen, b. November 11, 1866.

320. GEORGE HENRY SHANNON^ [106], (George?, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of George and Eliza Trott (Darling) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., March 23, 1831. He married Kate Bert, of Ports- mouth, who was born in November, 1834. In 1890 they were residing at Ordiorne's Point, Rye, N. H.


Children of George Henry and Kate :

321. Henry Clarence, b. October 6, 1854; m. December 31,

1879, Mary McGraw. In 1890 they were residing in Boston, Mass.

322. Edwin Merrill, b. October 3, 1857.

323. Ann Cora, b. February 14, 1861 ; m. May 15, 1882, George

D. Rogers. They formerly resided in New York City.

324. George Berry, b. June 17, 1864.

325. ROBERT WILLIAM SHANNON^ [107], (George^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of George and Eliza Trott (Darling) Shannon, was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., November i, 1835. He was twice married ; first, February 28, 1859, to Harriet W. Fettigrew, by whom he had one child, Mary, who died when five years of age ; and, second, to Ellen Ferren, of Dover, N. H.

Children of Robert William and Ellen :

326. Effie, b. May 13, 1 871, in Cambridge, Mass.; an actress in

New York City.

" Began stage life at the age of 10, as Eva in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Took various roles with Lawrence Barrett, Oliver Byron, Rose Eytinge, and later with Robert Man- tell, Miner's Silver King Co., Augustin Daly's New York Stock Co., Lyceum Co., etc. Has appeared as ingenue in many popular plays; now starring." [IVhos IVho in America for 1 903-1 905.)

327. Winnie, b. May 15, 1874; an actress in New York City.

328. MARY HARRIET SHANNON^ [131], (John Langdon5, Richard Cutts+, Cutts^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of John Langdon and Sarah Frost (Blunt) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., October 22, 1812. She mar-



ried, September 4, 1837, Robert Sharp Davis, who was born January i, 181 1, the son of Robert Sharp and Lucy Stearns Davis. His maternal grandfather was Phineas Stearns, of Water- town, Mass., one of the famous Boston Tea Party of Revolu- tionary memory. He was a publisher of Boston, Mass., and resided at Brookline, Mass.


He died February 23, 1875. Mrs. Davis died at Brookline, Mass., January i, 1897.

The following extract is taken from Norfolk County ( Mass- achusetts) History :

" Robert Sharp Davis was born in Brookline, January i, 181 1, and died in the same town February 23, 1875. About the year 1825 Mr. Davis entered the employment of the well-known pub- lishing firm of Crocker & Brewster, of Boston ; a firm which remained the same, both in style and partners, for more than half a century. After remaining a few years with Crocker & Brewster,


he became a partner in the firm of Lincoln, Edmands & Co., and in 1835 succeeded them. From that time he carried on the busi- ness of publishing school-books in Boston with uninterrupted success until his death, a period ot forty years, lacking a few days. Among his most prominent publications were the mathematical works of the eminent author, Benjamin Greenleaf; books which are believed to have been in more universal use than any similar works ever published. In 1837, Mr. Davis married Mary Shannon, of Portsmouth, N. H."

Children of Robert and Mary Davis :

329. Mary Shannon, b. June 29, 1838; m. February 27, 1862,

William E. Webster; b. December 7, 1833, at Ply- mouth, N. H. Child of William and Mary Webster:

i. Arthur Gordon, b. November 28, 1863; graduated

at Harvard University in the class of 1885; m.

October 8, 1889, Elizabeth Munroe Townsend.

Children ot Arthur and Elizabeth Webster:

1. Harriet Eleanor, b. August 22, 1890.

2. Arthur Gordon, b. November 9, 1893.

3. Mary Shannon, b. November 2, 1895.

330. Lucy Stearns, b. December 29, 1840.

331. Sarah Comstock, b. March 20, 1843.

332. Laura Wood, b. April 3, 1845; "^- November 7, 1867,

Thomas R. Shewell, of Philadelphia, Pa.; b. October 18, 1836. She d. May 28, 1889. Children of Thomas and Laura Shewell : i. Martha Roberts, b. January 9, 1869. ii. Mary Shannon, b. November 2, 1870; d. July 9,

1876. iii. Laura Wood, b. July 5, 1875; d. May 18, 1876. iv. Julia Abbot, b. August 19, 1877. V. Robert Linington, b. September 8, 1879. 232. Caroline Elizabeth, b. June 11, 1849; ^- February 17,

1894- 334. Langdon Shannon, b. January 28, 1857, in Brookline, Mass., where he was educated. On the death of his


father he immediately engaged in the publishing business, which had been so long established, and continued the business till 1883, when he disposed of his interest, and the old firm of Robert S. Davis & Co. ceased to exist. The same year he opened an office in Boston as a real estate broker, and is still actively engaged there in that line. He has done much for the real estate develop- ment of his native town, as well as having been connected with some of the large transactions in Boston. He married, November 9, 1880, Helene Bartlett O'Leary, of Boston, Mass. Child of Langdon and Helene Davis :

i. Arthur Langdon, b. February 26, 1885; d. April 24, 1885.

335. SAMUEL LEONARD SHANNON^ [138], (James Noble^, Richard Cutts+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Colonel James Noble and Nancy (Allison) Shannon, was born in Halifax, N. S., June i, 18 16, and named for Major Samuel Leonard, a retired officer of the Royal New Jersey Volunteers of the British Army in the Revolution, an uncle (by marriage) of his mother. He prepared tor college at the Old Halifax Gram- mar School, and graduated with honors at the University of King's College, Windsor, N. S., with the degree of B. A. in 1836. He studied law in Halifax, was called to the bar of Nova Scotia in 1839, and immediately commenced the practice of his profession in his native city.

In 1847 he made an extensive tour in Europe, and while in Paris witnessed some of those stormy scenes in the Chamber of Deputies, which soon culminated in the Revolution that drove Louis Philippe from the throne of France. He represented the County of Halifax in the Provincial Legislature from 1859 to 1867, and for the last four years of the time was a member of



the Cabinet without porttoHo. In the Legislature he strongly advocated the confederation of the British North American Prov- inces, and voted for the Act which made Canada a nation. In recognition of his distinguished services to secure confederation




he received, in 1870, the title of" Honorable" by special grant from Her Majesty Queen Victoria.

Besides his many civil positions he was long actively iden- tified with the military affairs of Nova Scotia. In 1837 he was commissioned Ensign in the Second, or Queen's, Halifax Regi- ment; promoted Lieutenant in 1838; Captain in 1859, and Major in 1862. On retirement from the active list he was made a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Militia Reserves.


He was appointed a Queen's Counsel in the year 1864. King's College conferred upon him the degree of D. C. L. in 1875. From I 88 I he was Judge of Probate for the County of Halifax, and was one of the professors in the law department ot Dalhousie LIniversity, Halifax.

He was one of the leading men of the Methodist Church in Nova Scotia, and held high official position in that denomina- tion.


He was president of the Evangelical Alliance, and of the Nova Scotia Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and a governor of the Dalhousie University.

Hon. Samuel Leonard Shannon married, October 31, 1855, Annie Fellowes, who was born August 10, 1835, the daughter of Benjamin Fellowes, ot Annapolis County, N. S. He died January 7, 1895.

His son, James Noble Shannon, contributes the following sketch :

My father was a man endowed by nature with an intellect of more than ordinary acuteness. Through every sense he seemed to drink in whatever added to his store of knowledge. For the last thirty years of his life his eyesight was so poor that he could not see to read after the gas was lighted. It was our custom to read aloud to him in the evenings mother and children taking turns at this labor of love. If we asked him what we should read, he was wont to say " Read me anything, anything." All departments of knowledge interested him, no piece of information ever came amiss. Reading less he reflected more on what he read and heard, and his clear, finely-poised, well-trained mind assimilated all that came his way, to be turned to good account afterwards.

I have often heard him address a jury in civil and criminal cases, as well as speak at public meetings of various kinds, religious, political, philanthropic. He always commanded attention, was an agreeable speaker, fluent, easy, and using the choicest English, which, from long acquaintance with the best literature, had become habitual to him, even in ordinary conversation, and while not a brilliant orator, often rose to heights of real eloquence. In younger days he was in demand as a lecturer and speaker, and even in later years he yielded occasionally to such requests. We now treasure as precious mementoes two of his lectures copied out by one of the family in very large characters that he might be able to read at night by the aid of a strong light and powerful glasses.

" Those who were at the first General Conference " [of the Methodist Church of Canada], says the Halifax Wesleyan, "remember the splendid impression made by Mr. Shannon's speeches in conference, committee, and on the great audience which at the time thronged the public meetings in the Metropolitan Church [Toronto]. His thorough knowledge of Methodist law and usage and the traditions of the fathers, combined with the special legal knowledge required, enabled him to render efficient service in securing new parliamentary legislation for the United Church."

He loved his chosen profession and " had the reputation," says


another newspaper, " of being a sound jurist." He was thorougli and painstaking in everything he undertook. The marvel is that he accom- plished so much impeded as he was with such indifferent eyesight and with a constitution far from robust, over which he found it necessary to watch with unceasing care. He set a high ideal before him always ; he laid his hand to no work, whether of a political, legal, literary or religious character, that he did not enrich and ennoble. Refined, sensitive, pure, he delighted in everything that was good and exerted a gracious influence on his children, an influence that will last as long as life itself

For over fifty years he was a consistent member of the Methodist Church. Thorough in his religious life, as in everything else, he was conspicuous as a Bible-class teacher, Sunday-school Superintendent and class-leader. " His benign and useful life," to quote trom a memorial sermon, " had its root in his personal consecration to his Saviour, and was accompanied by a living experience of the things of God."

" In e^very sphere of public service," says the Wesleyan, " his course reflected the untarnished lustre of high and honorable dealing, and never, as far as we know, even under the pressure of passionate political strife, was he swayed in word or deed from the steep but starry path of calm and

invincible integrity It might well be said of him :

'"Thy heart was warm, thy brain was clear, Thy wisdom prompt in thought ; Thy noble spirit knew no fear, But held its country's good most dear, Unwarped, unbribed, unbought.'

" His last appearance on the public platlorm," to quote from the m'emorial sermon, " was before the immense audience in the Academy of Music in March, 1891, the Centennial of John Wesley's death. We well remember his trembling step as he came to the tront to speak, and how the old fire kindled within him as he recited the trials and triumphs of the past, and described the great meeting of 1839 held to celebrate the Cen- tenary of the founding of Methodism. But as he retired from the platform that evening many of us felt we had heard his last public address.

"It may be truly said that they who knew him best, knew him to be a man of great sweetness of disposition, of high character, of blameless life and unselfish aims. There was in his bearing that which inspired confidence and respect. In his deportment there was a calm dignity which gave weight and influence to his character. His judgment and integrity were always held in high esteem, and often relied on in matters of great difficulty. He was the advocate of all public institutions which sought the social, intellectual and moral improvement of his fellow-men. The prominent position accorded to him in most of these institutions. Is an evidence of the public estimate of his moral worth and superior abilities."


To the last he was patient, cheerful, uncomplaining. Gradually and painlessly he loosened his hold on things temporal, though able to exer- cise his inborn passion for books and reading, and to recall from the recesses of a remarkable memory the events ot those active years in which he was himself a participant. He passed quietly away on Monday, Jan- uary 7th, 1895, after but a few hours illness.

The following obituary appeared in the " Halifax Herald " of January 8, 1895 :

Judge of Probate, Honorable Samuel Leonard Shannon, who has been for a long time in a very precarious state of health, died suddenly at an early hour yesterday morning. The announcement, though not unexpected, will be received throughout the community, both in town and country, with profound sorrow and regret. Few men, indeed, have passed through so long a life with a character in all respects so admirable. Mr. Shannon's father was the late James Noble Shannon, of Parrsboro, and his mother's maiden name was Nancy Allison, of Newport. His father carried on a dry goods business in the old Hare building, which occupied the whole space now covered by the post office and custom house. This old building, which was swept away by the Hollis street fire of Jan- uary, I 861, was in a sense historical, as tradition records that before the erection of that provincial parliament building, and before Mr. Hare became the owner, the old wooden building, besides manifold other uses, accommodated the provincial legislature. The late judge of probate's father carried on business in this building in company with his son Wil- liam, an older brother of the judge, but who died comparatively young, many years since. Of several sons and daughters, the late judge of probate was the only survivor, the others falling victims to pulmonary disease. S. L. Shannon, though a methodist, was educated at King's college, the only other institution of higher learning in those days being Pictou academy, established by the late Dr. McCulloch. As a boy, he probably attended Dr. Twining's grammar school, located on Barrington street, at the corner now occupied by Davidson's stove store. He gradu- ated B. A. in 1836. In 1875 ^^ received the degree of D. C. L. from the university. He studied law with the late Henry Pryor, and was admitted to the bar of Nova Scotia in 1839

The late judge about this time showed great interest in militia mat- ters, and in 1837 was commissioned second lieutenant in the Queen's Halifax militia. In 1838 he was promoted to lieutenant, in 1859 became captain, and major in 1862. He was subsequently appointed lieutenant-


colonel of the reserve Halifax battalion. In due time was appointed a queen's counsel. Though never conspicuous as a pleader in the courts, Mr. Shannon had the reputation of being a sound jurist, and no one ever questioned his integrity. Mr. Shannon obtained a considerable practice, more, however, as an attorney and conveyancer than as a pleader in the courts, the reason being simply that the high character and methodi- cal habits of the deceased naturally drew him too much business connected with the settlement ot estates.

In 1846, when the original waterworks company was started as a private company, Mr. Shannon became its secretary, and he continued to act in that capacity till the works were sold to the city, fourteen years afterwards.

The deceased was returned a member for the county of Halifax on the conservative ticket at the general election of 1859, having for his colleagues the late Henry Pryor and the late John Tobin. Mr. Shannon was again returned in 1863, thus serving as member tor eight years, during the latter part of which he was a member of the administration, Hon. J. W. Johnston being attorney-general and leader. In 1867 he retired with the right to retain the title " honorable " for life, one of the few, who by special leave, were allowed to do so. Though a strong and most con- sistent party man, the deceased was never a violent politician.

He was a refined gentleman always and to everybody, and though not an orator was a correct and agreeable speaker. Mr. Shannon had literary tastes, and did not in the cares of business forget or neglect his academic training. In 1881 he was appointed judge of probate, and the same year took F. P. Bligh as a partner in his law business.

In his younger days he was a great traveller, and in 1847-8 spent nine months in England and Scotland and on the continent. He was in Switzerland when the war of Sunderbund took place, in Paris a few weeks before the revolution of 1848, and in London during the Chartist riots.

Mr. Shannon was married in October, 1855, to Annie, daughter of Benjamin Fellowes, of Granville, Nova Scotia. The widow is a sister of James I. Fellowes (formerly of St. John, and now of England, whose name is identified with the famed Hypophosphite preparation).

Hon. S. L. Shannon was a governor of Dalhousie college. For years he helped not only his own students, but those of all the firms in the city, presiding at moot courts, lecturing, advising and otherwise assisting them. These and other reasons constituted his success and popularity as a lecturer. He believed in the law school, and made daily sacrifices for it.

The Shannon family came from Ireland to the colony of Massachu- setts in the latter part of the seventeenth century. The progenitor of the family was Nathaniel Shannon, who held the office of " Navie Officer"


at Boston, Massachusetts. His descendants settled at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and were connected with the Vaughan and Cutts families of that place. Mr. Shannon's grandfather, Richard Cutts Shannon, was a prominent lawyer in Portsmouth when the Revolutionary War broke out, and bv taking the loyal side became subject to persecution, imprisonment, and loss of property. His son, the father of S. L. Shannon, left Ports- mouth when he was a boy and came to Nova Scotia, and finally settled in Halifax, where, as stated above, he carried on business until his death, 1857. The mother's family, the Allisons, came from the North of Ire- land about the year 1762, and settled in Horton.

At the meetings of religious societies, even outside of the Methodist church, of which he was through life an honored member, the deceased was a frequent and always an acceptable speaker, and when a younger man was known as a lecturer and occasional writer on literary topics. He has been president of the Nova Scotia Bible society for forty years ; treasurer of the N. S. Bar society (which position he resigned last year) ; president of the N. S. Evangelical alliance, a trustee of the Y. M. C. A., and held many other offices in local institutions.

Judge Shannon was born in 1816, and was consequently in his 79th year. He leaves a widow and eight children. His eldest son, James N., now of Toronto, is accountant of the Methodist church of Canada, and Samuel L. Shannon, Jr., is an accountant in the department of railways and canals, Ottawa. Another son, E. G. Shannon, Is a teller in the Halifax bank, and the youngest boy is Frank. There are also four daughters, one of them being Mrs. Wallace Macdonald, of this city.

Children of Samuel Leonard and Annie : 226. Sophia Willoughby, b. January 15, 1857; d. March 24, 1859.

337. James Noble [616], b. August 31, 1858.

338. Minetta Ballister, b. May 12, i860 ; m. September 8, i 891,

Wallace Macdonald, Barrister, of Halifax, N. S., son of Hon. James Macdonald, Chief Justice of Nova Scotia. Child of Wallace and Minetta Macdonald :

i. Samuel Leonard Shannon, b. April 10, 1893.

339. Samuel Leonard [618], b. January 18, 1862.

340 341 342 343

Elizabeth Grafton, b. April 8, 1865. Mary Josephine, b. April 23, 1869. Edward Grafton [623], b. January 16, 1871. Ernest, b. February 28, 1873 ; d. March 2, 1873.


344. Kate Winifred, b. March 31, 1874; d. March 8, 1895.

Her brother, James Noble, says of her : She waited on her father's feebleness with filial devotion, until she fell ill with consumption, lingered along for a year or so and passed away two months after he did. She was of a sunny, cheerful disposition, gentle, even-tempered, patient, self-denying. She was bright intellectually and fond of acquiring knowledge, and her tastes ran to music, drawing, and botany. On the latter subject she had con- tributed articles to a scientific paper, which were illustrated by herself.

345. Francis Sutherland [627], b. October 6, 1879.

346. CHARLES TEBBETS SHANNON^ [148], (Rich- ard Cutts', Thomas+, Cutts-^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Dr.


Richard Cutts and Mary (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., October 21, 1803. He married in New York City, July 31, 1836, Jane Randell Stanwood,'-' who was born in Eastport, Me., April I, 181 1, the daughter of Ebenezer and Jane Randell (Cleaves) Stanwood.

Vide Appendix XI. for some account of the Stanwood family.


Mr. Shannon worked at various trades and occupations dur- ing the early part of his life ; but possessing a remarkable natural gift for music, he linallv devoted himself to it exclusively, the rent and sale of musical instruments, with occasional teaching, being his chief occupation during the latter part of his life.


Regarding his talent tor music, one of his sons writes as follows :

" His musical talent was so remarkable that he could play upon almost any instrument, and when a new one was placed in his hands he acquired the art of playing it in an incredibly short space of time.

" It was partly on this account that he was induced when a young man living in New York, rather impulsivelv, to enlist as a musician in the United States Navy. As he himself told the story, it occurred in this wise: One Sunday afternoon, in the winter of 1823-24, while walking with a companion near the Battery, he noticed a rather showy poster call- ing for naval recruits, and announcing that ' Minister Brown would shortly sail on the U. S. Corvette Cyane for France.'

"At this time Mr. Shannon was employed in a manufacturing estab- lishment in New York City, but his situation was not altogether a pleas- ant one. Indeed, in some respects it was so trying that he had already resolved to leave it, and so it was with pleasure that he availed himself of the opportunity now offered to visit and see something of the countries of the Old World. Thus, on the 25th of Januarv, 1824, he sailed for Europe ' in the service of Uncle Sam,' and did not return till four years after.

"This 'trip to Europe' was the great event of his life. It was the theme of many a talk in the family; and oftentimes in their boyhood days would his sons be spellbound as they listened to their father recounting the stirring incidents of that ' four years ' cruise up the Mediterranean."


Mr. Shannon first resided in New London, Conn., where his sons Charles Way and Richard Cutts were born ; afterwards the family moved to Providence, R. I., where the third son, James Harrison, was born ; and after a subsequent residence of some years at New Bedford, Mass., the family finally settled in Biddeford, Me., where Mrs. Shannon died March 12, 1870, from the effects of a tumor on the brain, deeply lamented and greatly respected by all who knew her ; for her life had been one of constant toil and self-sacrilice for her family.

During the great religious awakening in 1857 Mrs. Shannon became a member of the Main Street Baptist Church of Saco, Me., where all of her sons, as well as her husband, had at differ- ent times served as organist. This interesting fact is mentioned in the tablet inscription affixed to the memorial organ recently erected in that Church by her sons.

Mr. Shannon died of pneumonia, September 2, 1873, after a short illness, at the residence of his son Charles in Saco, Me.

Children of Charles Tebbets and Jane :

347. Charles Way [628], b. April 24, 1837.

348. Richard Cutts [632], b. February 12, 1839.

349. James Harrison [633], b. December 12, 1841.

350. ABIGAIL TEBBETS SHANNON^ [149], (Rich- ard Cutts5, Thomas+, Cutts^ Nathaniel, Nathaniel'), daughter of Dr. Richard Cutts and Mary (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., November 16, 1805. She married, October 12, 1829, Calvin Locke, who was born in Sullivan, N. H., May 10, 1798. They resided for a number of years in Ipswich, Mass., where he was engaged in the manufacturing business.

In 1852 they removed to Milton, Fla., where they lived


four years, afterwards settling at Marshall, Texas, where she died January 23, 1875. He died at the same place June 21, 1877.


Children of Calvin and Abigail Locke :

351. Mary Shannon, b. February 12, 1 83 1 ; d. February 10,


352. Mary Abby, b. March 4, 1833, in Ipswich, Mass.; m.

November 23, 1855, at Marshall, Tex., Reuben Knight. He was born in PattersonviJle, La., December 25, 1818. They resided at Marshall, Tex., where she died July 19, 1876. He died November 27, 1879. Children of Reuben and Mary Knight :

i. Charles, b. September 5, 1856; d. September 9,

1859- ii. Katie, b. October 6, 1857, in Marshall, Tex.; m. March 27, 1883, Thomas Peters Young. He is a lawyer practicing in Marshall, Tex., and a deacon in the First Presbyterian Church.


Children of Thomas and Katie Young:

1. Mary Katharine, b. July 17, 1884.

2. Thomas Peters, b. June 17, 1886; d. Sep-

tember 5, 1887.

3. Anna Christine, b. January 25, 1888.

4. William Franklin, b. February 16, 1891.

5. Marv Peters, b. November 27, 1892.

6. Louise Clough, b. May 7, 1894.

7. Reuben Knight, b. March 28, 1896; d.

December 24, 1896.

8. Calvin Locke, b. February 27, 1899.

9. Elizabeth, b. August 23, 1901.

iii. Mary Christine, b. March 2, 1859, in Marshall, Tex.; m. November 11, 1882, Milton Lothrop. He was born in Terrebonne, La., March 29, 1858 ; and is engaged in the wholesale grocery business. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a deacon and treasurer of the same. Children of Milton and Mary Lothrop:

1. A son, b. May 24, 1884; d. same day.

2. Hugh Reuben, b. October 30, 1885.

3. Milton, b. October 29, 1887.

4. Katie Garland, b. October 13, 1889.

5. Grafton, b. January 21, 1891.

6. Mary, b. July 11, 1894.

7. Nellie, b. July 19, 1897; d. July 22, 1897.

8. Constance, b. November 29, 1899.

9. Mildred, b. March 7, 1902.

iv. William Fitz, b. October 2, i860 ; d. July 21, i 861. V. Infant, not named, b. January 12, 1862; d. same day.

vi. Reuben Clinton, b. December 28, 1862, in Mar- shall, Tex. He was twice married ; first, January 19, 1884, to Lizzie Howard, of Marshall, Tex.; and second, September 19, 1894, to Oueennie Anderson, of Nacogdoches, Tex., having obtained a divorce from his first wife in 1893.


Children of Reuben and Lizzie Knight:

1. Harry Howard, b. July 14, 1885.

2. Marguerite, b. November 29, 1889; d.

January 7, i 890. Child of Reuben and Oueennie Knight :

3. Gladys Clementine, b. April 25, 1901, in

San Antonio, Tex. vii. Harry, b. October 2, i 864; d. November 11,1871. viii. Richard Shannon,'-' b. March 10, 1866; d. March 18, 1866. ix. Lucy Ann, b. April 2, 1867; d. October 29, 1867. X. Ellen Clinton, b. June 13, 1869; m. November 27, 1888, William Walton Battle, of Caddo Parish, La. He is employed in the United States Custom House, New Orleans, La., where they reside. xi. Elmer, b. July 2, i 872 ; d. June 5, i 878.

* The birth of this child is rcrcrrcd to by Mrs. Knight in the following very interesting letter she wrote to her cousin. Col. R. C. Shannon, who had shortly before made a visit to Texas when returning North from military scr\ ice on the Rio Grande :

Marshall, Mar. 19, 1866. Dear Cousin Richard,

You will be a Tittle surprised to receive this which will probably reach home as soon, if not before, you do. I had thought to have some very pleasant tidings to communicate ; but though I have the intelligence of the birth of another son to tell you, I have also sadly to inform you that his stay on earth was very brief, and that he left us when he was but nine days old. I am writ- ing of him to you first, because we gave him your name in baptism, a few hours before he breathed his last, as a pleasant memento ot your visit and also in memory of grandfather. We all agreed on that name from the first, and Mr. Dunlap happened to come over, hearing of his sickness, and I was very glad to have the opportunity of giving him the sign and seal of the covenant before he went home to heaven.

The little creature had a very distressing sickness. The disease seemed to be spasms in the stomach and his sufferings were dreadful to witness. I was really glad to see his little spirit freed from the earthly prison house and know that he was forever at rest in heaven. He was born the day after you left here. I wish very much that you could have seen your little namesake, but I cannot but think that it will be no unpleasant thing for you to look forward to seeing him where the cares and troubles of this world are over.


35J. Sarah Jewett, b. February 24, 1H35, in Ipswich, Mass.; m. January 20, 1858, John Dyke, of Greenfield, N. H. He was a merchant of Jefferson, Tex., where he died April 9, I 869.

If, as I firmly believe, the spirits of the departed visit this earth, and this little one will have anv favorites, I think after our own little family circle he will particularly notice you whose name he bore during his short stay. And might not the thought that his pure presence might be near you act as a safeguard in those hours of temptation which come to us all.

I have now as large a family in heaven as I have on earth, and I feel that it will require my utmost exertions and vigilance, and that my efforts be blessed and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, to so train those that are committed to my guidance, that my tainily shall at least be an unbroken one I cannot bear the thought that my little family shall not some time be united.

You must excuse this being written with a pencil. I did not feel like writing any other way than on a book in my lap.

We got your letter sent by Maj. Dennison, and Sarah got the magazine. We hope to hear from yuu often. Much love to your Parents and Brothers.

Yours affectionately.

Cousin Mary.

Mrs. Knight was a great lover of books, and fotind the highest pleasure in reading and study. Her literary taste was marked, and her power of expression at times inost felicitous. This is clearly evidenced in the following letter (also written to her cousin. Colonel Shannon), which we doubt not will be read with much inter- est by her descendants :

Marshall, April 29, 1866. My dear Cousin Richard,

The spirit moves me to write you a few lines this pleasant summer evening, tor it is really summer with us now. The trees are clad in their richest green, the roses are a gorgeous mass of lu.xuriance, and the old fiery king above darts down upon us beams which make us feel as if we did not care to become any better acquainted with his power. I always think that we feel the heat at this time of the year as much as in July, for the reason, I suppose, that we have so lately been under the dominion of the Frost-king. In the early part of this month we had early vegetables killed by the cold and now we hunt the house for a draught that will temper the heat a little. Some of my neighbors have already indulged in green peas and Irish potatoes, but our garden lies too low to produce early crops. We have had nothing but radishes and lettuce, though the potatoes and peas are in bloom, the former are the richest growth I ever saw ; you remember how much pains Reuben took in planting them. I think they will amply repay his care.

He is now in New Orleans, or I presume he is. I received a telegram yesterday from him


Children of John and Sarah Dyke:

i. Liggette Austin, b. February 22, 1859; d. June 17,

1859. ii. Mary Anna, b. May 26, 1861 ; d. November 9,

1868. iii. Catherine Austin, b. October 4, 1863, in Marshall, Tex. She was twice married; first, June 18, 1879, to George R. Wilcox, from whom she ob- tained a divorce, with the custody of her child- ren ; and second, July 11, 1888, to George L. McAllister, of Bedford, N. H. He died January 12, 1896.

at Baton Rouge, on his way down. He left here a week ago yesterday. He has gone down to sell his cotton and bring up a stock of groceries. We received uncle Samuel's letter and found that the prices of machinery were too high for the means at his command, so he has given up his cotton mill for the present, and will wait until either prices go down or until he gets more means, perhaps both. So our Northern trip is indefinitely postponed, very much to my regret, for I do want to see my friends very very much. The additions to father's shop were sold on the 17th inst. Father bid them in for $670. The officers were the only persons who bid against him. They said such were their instructions in order that the government property should not be sacrificed. I presume the price is as reasonable as we had any right to e.xpect and the sale makes a finality to all disputes.

I am sitting at the secretary with the window open and I think the sight and smell of the honeysuckle vine just outside would be a very pleasant thing to vou if you were here. The fragrance is perfectly intoxicating with its sweetness. I have some fine rosebushes, too, that are a perfect delight to both sight and smell. How I w'ould like to send you a boquet ! The children just revel in flowers. They keep bunches of them all over the house, and sometimes "Little Brother" makes a passage through the house a path of roses. He likes nothing better than to get his hands full and then pull them to pieces in every direction. I think in future I will have a boquet gathered every morning and dedicated to you and placed on my bureau ! Don't you think you will benefit very much by the compliment.' But how else can I give you any share in our wealth of floral treasures ? There are to be two festivals to Flora among the schoolgirls this week, on May day. They will crown a May Queen and hold a perfect carnival of flowers. One school have chosen to have their celebration after dark. Can you guess the reason I Because they will look so much better by lamplight. May day is ahvays the " open- ing day ' ' for white dresses among the girls. ( I tell you this for the benefit of Lizzie and Mattie, cousins mine, who will probably appreciate the remark, for I do not suppose that it is particularly interesting to you. )

I am taking advantage of Reuben's absence to " fi.\ up" my house a little, for, after the


Children of George and Catherine Wilcox (whose names were changed to McAllister by an Act of Legislature):

I. Mary Vaughan, b. June 19, i 880 ; m.June 4, 1902, Marion Sims McCutchen. Child of Marion and Mary McCutchen : Robert Lewis, b. April i, 190J.

manner of men, he hates to have the house turned upside down, so 1 concluded to do all 1 could while he is awav. I commenced on the dining room, which has needed paint and paper sadlv for several years. I got it all painted last week and am going to paper it this week and paint the wall. So when vou think of us in the future you must imagine us resplendent with fresh paint and glorious with new paper. The "glory" is dimmed a little to me by the labor it takes to produce the effect, as my hands would testify to you if you could see them, for scat- tered about in divers places are sundry blisters and sore spots that are anything but desirable.

I think I have written you a tolerably rambling sort of a letter, but with a very good inten- tion of giving you a few moments pleasure by letting you know that you are had in remembrance in this "barbarous" country (Vide " Christian Register " ). I hope to get a long letter from vou before many days. I have read "Very Hard Cash," and like it extremely. Dr. Samp- son amused me very much. I think his recipe to " Miss Julie " is a rich thing. You remember his modern Latin : " Eat in Musca " .' I have read two other books lately, " Barrington," by Lever, and " Half a Million of Money," both of which hang most of the interest of the story on money, which is a pleasant change from the old theme of love and matrimony. I am very anxious to have Annadale finished. Wilkie Collins is a favorite author of mine ( or with me, which is more strictly true ) .

There is a book which I want very much to see, that was smuggled in during the w^ar. 1 had the promise of it, but lost the track of it. If ever you come across it please send it tome. ] do not know the author, except that he or she has written a very good book called "The Daisv Chain." The one I mean is "The Clever Woman of the Family." 1 was told that it was a capital work, hence my curiosity to read it.

Mrs. Bontrey brought with her Nichol's story of the "Great March," and I read that last week. It is verv interesting to observe how differently things look from different standpoints. 1 believe it tends, too, to make people charitable to read the papers published in both sections. I take occasion to prove my faith in this particular by sending our town papers occasionally to my Northern friends.

I thought I should finish this letter on the other side, but it seems I failed to do it. We are all well except mother. She is suffering from a severe cold, but is improving. All send love and good wishes to you and the rest of our relations.

Yours affectionately.

Cousin Mary.

Anna sends love, and says she will write in a few days after the May parties.


2. Charles Richards, b. July 16, 1882; d. June 20, 1902. iv. CHnton Adams, b. May 26, 1865, in Marshall, Tex.; m. January 7, 1890, Leonora A. Allbright, of Colliersville, Tenn. He is a commercial trav- eller, residing in Pittsburg, Texas. Children of Clinton and Leonora Dyke :

1. Clinton Allbright, b. October 27, 1890, in

Marshall, Tex.

2. Fred Mills, b. October 2, 1895, '" Dange-

field, Tex.

3. Leonora, b. May 26, 1900, in Pittsburg,

Tex. V. Abby Abbott, b. July 10, 1868 ; d. November 15,


354. Clinton Adams, b. September 14, i 841. He was a sergeant in Company A., Clark's Texas Regiment, C. S. A., and was killed in action at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864.*

* I have recently been permitted to read over some of the letters which this young soldier wrote home to his parents and sisters, while absent on service with his regiment.

In perusing these letters we frequently catch glimpses of the actual situation as it was in the Southland during that titanic struggle ; and are often vividly reminded


355. Anna Abbott, b. December 26, 1849, '" Ipswich, Mass. She was twice married; first, December 8, 1886, to William LongKetcham, of Rock Island, Ill.,whowas born December 22, 1852, the son of Rev. Frederick and Elizabeth Pennybacker (Brower) Ketcham. He was a railroaci engineer, and died at Marshall, Tex., June 15, 1891. Married, second, March 8, 1894, D. F. McClaran, ot Marshall, Tex., where he is engaged in farming.

Child of William and Anna Ketcham : Frederick Locke, b. October 26, 1890.

of the privations to which the people there were subjected. The methods employed to meet these privations were often inspiringly patriotic, being in some cases only a repetition of the experience of our Revolutionary sires in their struggle for independ- ence. For instance, in a letter written from Camp Nelson, in 1862, we read the following :

" You must write me how you and May are getting along spinning. You ought to have very near enough tor a pair of pants. Keep on. All that you can do will be so much help ; and besides it will be verv much needed. In fact 1 do not know what 1 shall do for clothes next year, it you all do not make some at home ; and I know that I would a great deal rather wear home made clothes than any other sort. You must work hard and see if I cant have a pair ot pants ot your spinning."

We feel sure there were no idle hands at home after the receipt of that letter!

In a letter to his sister Anna, written from camp near Alexandria, in August, 1863, we read the following:

" I have just got hack from town, where I went to see what I could buy . . . for you. I looked particularlv tor some shoes .... and could find but one pair . . . and thev were No. 3, patent leather, and the price was only $30.00, more money than I had. Calico and that the commonest kind costs S3. 00 per yard; and everything else in propor- tion. So you see a Confederate soldier has not much chance in a town like that."

But the chief burden of his letters seems to have been the great concern he felt lest his sister Anna should fail to use her time profitably in study. He is constantly referring to it. In one letter written from camp near Pine Bluff, in 1863, he says:

" You must studv hard and improve as much as you can while you have the chance. You dont know how much 1 want you have a good education."

In another letter he says, with evident satisfaction :

" I can see a great improvement alreadv both in your writing and in your composition ;


356. MARY BARKER SHANNON^ [151], (Richard Cutts', Thomas+, Cutts\ NathanieP, Nathaniel' ), daughter of Dr. Richard Cutts and Mary (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., May 3, 18 10. She married, January 25, 1832, Rev. Edwin Jennison, who was born in Walpole, N. H., August 26, 1805, the son of Major WilUam and Phebe (Field) Jennison. He was graduated at Dartmouth College in the class of 1827, and at


and if you continue to improve as fast as you have, I shall be verv much ashamed of mv own writing. ' '

Further on he says :

" I hope to see the time before manv vears when vou will be quite an accomplished young lady, capable of conversing with ease on any subject."

And then he adds, with rare wisdom for a youth of his years ;

"As no one knows in what sphere he will be required to act, so the best way is to make one self able to fill any position."

Finally in a letter from camp at Marksville, La., in February, 1864, he writes:

" It is said that the gunboats are in the mouth of Red River ; and I expect it is true, as we now hear heavy cannonading in that direction."

It was only two months after penning those lines that our gallant cousin fell at Pleasant Hill, an irreparable loss to his family, for he was an only son. R. C. S.


the Andover Theological Seminary in the class of iS'^o; ordained pastor of the Congregational Church, Walpole, August 17, 1831, and served there until March 17, 1835. He was installed at Mount Vernon, N. H., April 6, 1836, and served until August 19, I 841. He spent the summer of 1841 travelling in England and Scotland, and his health was much benefitted by the rest thus afl^orded him. He was installed at Asburnham, Mass., May 12, 1842, and served until May 12, 1846; installed at Hopkinton, N. H., June 6, 1847, and served until September 5, 1849. He subsequently supplied pulpits at Alstead and Langdon, N. H., tor four years, and finally retired from the ministry in i860 on account of ill health, at first residing on a farm at Winchester, N. H., and subsequently moving to Conway, Mass., where he died Dec. 25, i 887.

Rev. Mr. Jennison was a man of most estimable qualities, finely educated and of unblemished character. During the quar- ter of a century that he pursued his calling as a minister oi the gospel he was untiring in his devotion to the interests of the people entrusted to his charge.

Mrs. Jennison was a person of unusual culture and refine- ment. From early childhood she had received counsel and instruction from her father, who was a Harvard graduate ; and her studies were completed at Miss Martin's school in Portland, Me., a famous institution in those days tor the education of young ladies. She died November 22, 1885.

The following letter, which she received from her father while attending this school, will be read with interest by her descendants :


Saco, Oct. 25th, 1826. Dear Mary

It has not been in my power to answer your letter as soon as I could have wished. I never have been more engaged. My time has been taken up day and night. But I should do injustice to my own feelings not to express my gratitude through you to Miss Martin for her unwearied attention toward you. I presume you now know, Mary, the propriety of submitting to the opinion of those of more experience and older than your- self. Had you gone to some boarding schools that could be mentioned, you would have come home proud, conceited, and ignorant. My mind respecting Miss Martin's school has been fixed tor many years. Few, if any, in the United States exceed it. There you find the suaviter in modo, fortiter in re.

I am very much gratified in the improvement you have made in writ- ing and composition ; and 1 hope I shall not be disappointed in the improvement you have made in other branches. Before I received your letter it was rumored here that you had become serious. I presume it is known to all your gay companions ; but, Mary, it is a great thing to be a Christian. Too many take up with false hopes ; having no discovery of the enmity of their hearts to the character of God, ot Christ, and other important doctrines revealed in the Scriptures. It we have no true toun- dation to build on our house can never stand when the rain descends and the floods come. Christ compares a Minister to a sower that went torth to sow. You remember the seed was sown on four dilTerent kinds of ground, and only one became productive!!! How this ought to excite us to examine ourselves, lest we be numbered among the foolish virgins ! As it is now nearly twelve o'clock time will not admit ot enlarging more at present.

I send by Mr. Dearborn forty nine dollars. I know not what the bill will be. If you have enough vou will settle the bill. Bring it home, receipted. At the shoe stores in Portland you may suit yourselt with a good pair of calf skin shoes. We are all well.

Your Uncle Zenenson [?] died at sea not long ago. How uncertain is life!! Your Aunt H. is allmost disconsolate. Adieu.

R. C. Shannon.

You will come home in the Saco stage with Mr. Dearborn, Friday or Saturday as you please. It would have been highly gratifying tor some of us to come after you. But it is not convenient.

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The toUowiiig letter from Dr. Thomas Shannon was received hy Rev. Mr. Jennison, in reply to certain inquiries he had made on behalf of his wife, who was a daughter of Dr. R. C. Shannon, of Saco, Me. :

East Moultonboro, loth July, 1^55- Rev. Edwin Jennison, Dear Sir,

Yours of the 19th ultimo was not received till the 5th inst. I have noted its contents and am very happy to give you the information you require. Dr. R. C. Shannon was the eldest son ot Capt. fhos. Shannon of Dover, N. H., where he was born. His mother's name was Lillias Watson, of Dover, where I believe there are many of that name. She was a fine, trank, generous, and friendly lady, and would compare with any of the ladies of that day.

Capt. Thos. Shannon afterward moved to Rochester (Norway-Plains), where he kept a public house, but died at his farm (in Farmington) of apoplexy in the year 1800. His widow afterward married Jonathan Clark, Esq., of Northwood, and died there about 18 14 or 15.

Williaiu Shannon, brother of the Doctor, married Miss Waldron, of Barrington. They had several children. He obtained a lieutenancy in the Army during the War of 18 12 and died at Sacketts Harbor. Of Thomas, Harriet, and Abigail, and Mrs. Barker I suppose you have a perfect knowledge.

The Shannons emigrated from Ireland, the Vaughans from Wales. William Vaughan, an ancestor, married Richard Cutts' daughter, of Ports- mouth, N. H., and Seaborn Shannon married Margaret Vaughan. Their sons were Cutts (your great-grandfather) and Nathaniel. Cutts S. married Mary Vaughan, daughter of George Vaughan, Lieutenant-Governor of New Hampshire, 1715. I have his commission under George ist. Their children were Richard Cutts, Thomas, William, James Noble, and Nathaniel, Polly and Elenor.

In the New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 5th, No. 2, page 245, you will find the history of the Shannon and Vaughan families.

Dr. R. C. Shannon married Polly Tebbets, of Dover, daughter of Major Tebbets, Merchant. She was very handsome, cross-eyed, which added much to her beauty, very lady-like and benevolent. Her oldest child died of quinsy at 4 or 5 months. Should be very happy to com- municate with you frequently.

Please give my best respects to your lady, also to yourself I am Dear Sir Very respectfully and truly yours

Thos. Shannon.


Children of Edwin and Mary Jennison : 357. Edwin Shannon, b. December 13, 1832 ; m. first, at Keene, N. H., January 9, 1855, Amelia A. Smith; m. second, August 8, 1876, Amanda M. Pomeroy, the daughter of Sylvester C. Pomeroy, of Becket, Mass. He died July 16, 1895. Child of Edwin and Amelia Jennison :

i. Charles Smith, b. in Northampton, Mass., March 20, 1856.


358. William Cutts, b. May 29, 1837; d. July 28, 1841.

359. Mary Theresa, b. April 4, 1840; d. July 20, 1841.

360. Helen Maria, b. April 23, 1844; m. October 6, 1867,

Chelsea Cook, of Conway, Mass. Children of Chelsea and Helen Cook:

i. Julia Rose, b. March 16, 1869; m. December 28, 1892, William F. Delebarre. Child of William and Julia Delebarre : Margaret, b. June 14, 1895. ii. Edwin Tucker, b. January 29, 1871 ; m. December

5, 1900, Mary Jane Truesdeli. iii. Silas Walden, b. July 24, 1874; m. in 1898, Minnie Estelle Cole.



Children of Silas and Minnie Cook:

1. Frances, b. December 20, 1898.

2. Howard Walden, b. January 25, 1901. iv. Mary Delia, b. November 28, 1877; m. in 189^

Clarence P. Hassel. Child of Clarence and Mary Hassel : Harold P., b. January 17, 1899. V. Helen, b. September 27, 1881.


361. SAMUEL TEBBETS SHANNON^ [153], (Richard Cutts', Thomas+, Cutts-^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Dr. Richard Cutts and Mary (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., January i, 18 14. He was a merchant and resided at Saco, Me., and Boston, Mass. Mr. Shannon was twice married ; first, April 21, 1839, to Rebecca Scammon, of Saco, who died March 30, 1843, aged 22 years and 6 months; and second, October 14, 1845, t" Martha Ann Prentice Stevens, of Saco, Me.


His father chose for him his own profession, and sent him to an excellent private school in Scarboro, Me., to be fitted for Harvard University, his own Alma Mater. The sudden death of his father decided him to enter mercantile lite ; and he was for many years an enterprising and successful merchant in Saco, Me., where in private life, as well as in official capacities, he was always loyal to the best interests of the town. He was both by instinct and training a religious man, and tor several years was one of the wardens of Trinity Church. Mr. Shannon was a gen- tleman by nature and inheritance ; a man of high ideals but quiet tastes, possessing many fine personal qualities, in tact, an admir- able character in every way.


Mr. Shannon died in Boston, Mass., February 20, 1875.

His widow survived him for more than a quarter of a cen- tury,— passing away February 9, 1903, at the advanced age of 83.

The following account of this noble-hearted woman will be read with deep interest by all who ever enjoyed the rare pleasure of her acquaintance :

Martha Ann Prentice Stevens, who married Samuel Tebbets Shannon, October 14, 1845, was born in Newburyport, July 21, 1819. She was the daughter of Daniel Stevens, who married for his second wife, Elizabeth Lemmon Prentice. Her grandfather was Hon. John Prentice, of Lon- donderry, N. H., a prominent lawyer, who held many important offices in the State, serving as Attorney-General for a term of six years ; Rep- resentative for thirteen years, and Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives for six years. He was a subscriber to the declaration made at Londonderry in 1776 to resist Great Britain vi et armis. He was appointed judge of the Supreme Court, but declined on account of failing health.

Thus tracing her descent from some of the best blood in New Eng- land, Mrs. Shannon was herself a distinguished example of that good breeding and spiritual grace which such an ancestry bequeathes as its price- less legacy. The rare sweetness of her nature was combined with unusual



strength of character and intellectual ability. She passed away February 9, 1903, in the midst of all her powers, although she had reached the ripe age of eighty-three, leaving to her sorrowing children the blessed memory of her noble life.

Children of Samuel Tebbets and Martha :

362. Elizabeth Lemmon Prentice [639], b. January 16, 1848.

363. Martha Ann Stevens, b. July 10, 1849.

364. Samuel Adams [644], b. June 18, 1854.

365. JAMES SHANNON^ [154J, (Richard Cutts\ Thomas+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Dr. Richard


Cutts and Mary (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., October ^o, 1816, and was a printer by occupation.

He resided for a time in Quincy, Mass., and afterwards went


to Louisville, Ky., where he died of typhoid fever October 28, 1851.*

Mr. Shannon was twice married; first, in 1842, to Lucy Newcomb Saville, of Quincy, Mass., who died in early life ; and second, October i, 1848, to Sarah Helena Hawes, of Gardiner, Me., who survived him and married C. B. Thomson, of Le Roy, N. Y.

Child of James and Lucy: 366. James Griswold, b. June 17, 1843. He was brought up by his maternal relatives in Ouincy, Mass. On August 19, 1862, when nineteen vears of age, he enlisted for nine months as a private in the Eleventh Massachusetts Battery, and was discharged upon expiration of enlist- ment, May 25, 1863. Reenlisted in the same battery, January 2, 1864, for three years ; promoted to Hospital Steward, August 6, 1864; was stationed for a consider- able period at Ship Island, Miss.; appointed 2nd Lieutenant, Tenth Regiment, U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery, and was mustered out of the military service February 22, 1867. He soon after commenced the

* The news of his death was communicated bv Samuel T. Shannon to his brother Charles in the following letter :

Saco, November 4, 185 1. Dear Brother Charles :

Little did I think that when I should break the long silence that has lasted so long between us that it would be done by communicating such heavy tidings. I have just received a letter from cousin E. Warner giving the melancholy tidings that our dear brother James is no more. He died on the 28th of October of Typhoid fever, after an illness of two weeks. He retained his senses until the last moment, made a touching prayer for all his friends, and expired with these precious words upon his lips: "Jesus is with me." These are all the particulars that I have received. May God in mercy sanctify this affliction to us all, and enable us to so live bv faith in Jesus that our last end may be like his.

My love to Jane & children. We are well, and would be happv to receive a visit from you. I live in the old homestead.

In haste, aifectionately yours,

S. T. Shannon.



study of medicine and surgery at the Harvard Medical School, from which institution he was graduated in March, 1870, and entered upon the practice of his protession at Oakham, Mass., where he remained tor six years. He


married, November 26, 1872, Ella Laura Morton, the daughter of Rev. Alpha Morton, of Wells, Me. In 1876 he removed to Rutland, Mass., where he continued the practice of his profession until his death.

367. CAROLINE SHANNON^ [155], (Richard Cutts^, Thomas+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel' ), daughter of Dr. Richard Cutts and Mary (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., Jan-


uarv 7, I 8 19. She married, April 17, 1845, Cyrus K. Goodale, who died October 8, 1880. She died September i, 1881.


Children of Cyrus and Caroline Goodale :

j68. Clara Louise, b. August 29, 1846; m. February 25, 1875, Harlan W. Kingsbury. Children of Harlan and Clara Kingsbury: i. Helena Shannon, b. November 17, 1876. ii. Carrie Blake, b. March 11, 1878. iii. Mabel Louise, b. November 9, 1879. iv. William Goodale, b. September 21, 1881.

369. Mary Shannon, b. July 23, 1849; d. August 30, 1870.

370. Henry James, b. November 28, 1853; d. September 25,


371. Charles Fechem, b. January 31, i 863 ; d. October 25, i 893.


372. SARAH ANN SHANNON^ [158], (William?, Thomas'^, Cutts^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), daughter of William and Mary (Waldron) Shannon, was born in Barrington, N. H., February 12, 1804. She married Jonas C. March, a merchant ot Rochester, N. H. She died at Newton, Mass., January 3, 1843, aged 38 years.

Child of Jonas and Sarah March : 373. Elizabeth Shannon, b. February 23, 1831; m. October 8, I 861, Dr. Josiah Henry Stickney, of Boston, Mass., who was born February 11, 1826, the son of Deacon Josiah and Elizabeth Stickney, of Boston. He studied medi- cine with Dr. Lucius Slade, of Boston ; graduated with honors at the Royal Veterinary College of London, i860, and engaged in the practice of his profession in Boston, where he died in 1901. Children of Josiah and Elizabeth Stickney: Mary Waldron, b. September 14, 1862. Ellen Freeman, b. March 6, 1865. Josiah, b. May 26, 1866. iv. Lombard, b. December, 1869.

374. ISAAC WALDRON SHANNON^ [160], (Wil- liam5, Thomas^, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of William and Mary (Waldron) Shannon, was born in Barrington, N. H., January 3, 1807. He was a contractor and builder by occupa- tion, and resided at South Boston and Danvers, Mass.; also at Brooklyn, N. Y., from 1861 until 1868, when he removed to Salem, Mass., where he died September 4, 1877.

He married, January 27, 1833, Emeline Augusta Harris, who was born April 7, 1814, the daughter of Daniel and Eliza- beth (Dodge) Harris, of Salem, Mass. She died March 13, 1884.


Children of Isaac Waldron and Emeline :

375. Elizabeth Ropes, b. November 9, 1834; m. March 27,

1865, Charles Parsons, an artist, of Brooklyn, N. Y.

376. Helen Augusta [646], b. December i, 1836.

377. Sarah Ann, b. March 7, 1841 ; d. January 26, 1842.

378. Anna Dodge, b. May 23, 1844; m. November 28, 1875,

John Porter Brown; b. in Fitchburg, September 14, 1 8 14. In 1890 he was engaged in the manufacture of pianos at Boston, Mass.

379. Arthur Willis [649], b. December 30, 1847.

380. ELIZABETH WALDRON SHANNON^ [161], (William^, Thomas+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of William and Mary (Waldron) Shannon, was born in Barring- ton, N. H., February 10, 1808. She was twice married; first, to Samuel Moody Pearson, who was born February 8, 1800, the son of Dr. Abiel and Mary (Adams) Pearson, Andover, Mass. He died at Stratham, N. H., December 28, 1840. Married, second, George Wiggin, a farmer ot Stratham, who died March 21, 1867. She died May 21, 1880.

Children of Samuel and Elizabeth Pearson : 381. Sarah Ann, b. February 28, 1833, in Newburyport, Mass.; m. January i, 1855, Henry Pickering Wingate ; b. June 22, 1823, in Stratham, N. H. Children of Henry and Sarah Wingate:

i. Henry Pickering, b. March i, 1856; d. April 18,

1874. ii. Mary Shannon, b. January 12, 1858. iii. Elizabeth, b. December 7, 1859. iv. John Paine, b. March 30, 1862. V. Sarah Pearson, b. June 13, 1864. vi. Oliver Shannon, b. August 25, 1870. vii. Charles, b. September 21, 1872; d. November 5,

1876. viii. Edith, b. November 9, 1876.


382. William Barker, b. January 9, 1837; entered the military

service, July 20, 1861, as sergeant of Company A, Thir- teenth Massachusetts Infantry; transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps January i, 1864, and served until the expiration of enlistment. In 1865 he married Harriet Howard. Deceased.

383. Jonas March, b. May 19, 1840. He enlisted, May i, 1861,

as a private in Company F, Fifth Massachusetts Volun- teers (three months service); discharged July 31, 1861. He married Louise Yeaton. Resided in Stratham, N. H., and died in Salem, Mass., April 15, 1875. Children of Jonas and Louise Pearson : i. Gardner, b. July, 1866. ii. Pansie Louise, b. February 22, 1875.

384. Samuel Moody, b. May 28, 1841. Enlisted, July 28, i 862,

in Company D, Ninth New Hampshire Infantry; was captured by the enemy May 12, 1864; paroled October 8, 1 864 ; exchanged and afterwards promoted to sergeant. May I, 1865; mustered out of the military service June 10, 1865. He married, December 15, 1875, Georgianna Harris, of Salem, Mass. Children of Samuel and Georgianna Pearson :

i. Frank Brown, b. July 5, 1877.

ii. Lena Florence, b. October 14, 1882.

385. Oliver Shannon, b. May 28, 1841. He enlisted, Novem-

ber 7, I 861, as a private in Company F, Seventh Regi- ment, New Hampshire Infantry; was mortally wounded at the assault on Fort Wagner, S. C, July 18, 1863, and died* while a prisoner of war at Columbia, S. C, August 23, 1863.

* Although the statement here is specific, giving even the date of death, indi- cating that Mr. Hodgdon had probably obtained his information from the rolls of the regiment on file at Concord, N. H., still it is declared by Miss Sarah Pearson Wingate, of Newton, Mass., a niece of Oliver Shannon Pearson, to be all a mistake, as her Uncle Oliver's body "was never found on the field." R. C. S.



Children of George and Elizabeth Wiggin :

386. Isaac Shannon, b. April 24, 1844; m. Caroline Lane. He

was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature from Stratham in the years 1880, 1 881, and 1882. Child of Isaac and Caroline Wiggin : i. Grace Ayers, b. August 13, 1870.

387. George Brackett, b. November 5, 1846. He enlisted in

the Sixteenth Massachusetts Battery, May 11, 1864; discharged June 27, 1865. Married, November, 1872, Annie S. Roberts. Resides at Stratham, N. H. Children of George and Annie Wiggin :

Elizabeth Waldron, b. October 16, 1874.

Blanch Sarah, b. May 4, 1879.

Roy Roberts, b. September, 1883. iv. Marion, b. April 2, 1885.


388. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SHANNON^ [162], [William^, Thomas+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of


William and Mary (Waldron) Shannon, was born in Harrington, N. H., March 4, 18 10. He married, March 3, 1836, Juliet Clark, who was born December 12, 18 16, the daughter of Joel and Achsah (Stearns) Clark, of Northampton, Mass. They resided at Northampton and at Lee, Mass., where he died Novem- ber 4, 1877. Mrs. Shannon died June 14, 1901.

WILLIAM AUGUSTUS SHANNON. (taken at a later period)

The following obituary of Mrs. Shannon was published June 19, I 901, in "The Valley Gleaner," ot Lee, Mass.:

Mrs. William A. Shannon, one of the oldest residents of Lee, died Friday at the advanced age of 84 years and six months. She had been in failing health for some time and for several weeks her condition had been so critical that the end was not unexpected at any time.

Mrs. Shannon's maiden name was Juliet Clark. She was the daughter of Joel and Achsah Stearns Clark and was born Dec.


12, 1 8 16, at Northampton, Mass., where her family had Hved since the settlement ot the town 200 years before. Her ancestors were of the best Puritan stock, among them being Lieutenant William Clark and Elder John Strong.

She was married in i 836 to William A. Shannon and about i 848 the family moved to Lee, so that the deceased had been a resident of this town for more than halt a century. Since the death of her husband and daughter in 1877 she had made her home with her son-in-law Hon. Wellington Smith. The death of her only son last December was a terrible shock to her in her feeble condition and one from which she never tully recovered. She leaves one brother, George Clark of Southampton ; three grandchildren, Augustus R. Smith and Miss Mary Shannon Smith of this town, and Miss Mary C. Shannon ot Springfield, also three great-grand- children, Juliet, Elsie and Lucile Smith.

Mrs. Shannon joined the First Congregational church of North- ampton in 1832 under the pastorate ot Ichabod Spencer, and in 1852 she transferred her membership to the Lee Congregational church, with which she had been connected for nearly half a cen- tury. With such Puritan ancestry and early training as hers it is not strange that religion should have colored and controlled her entire life. Her religious faith was ot that earnest and vital type which gave strength and direction to her own life, and which left its beneficent impress upon those with whom she came in contact. Her lite was one of constant and affectionate service for others; and while her activities were confined mainly to the environments of the home and family circle she had an intelligent interest in the affairs of the day, and in church and temperance work, being a member of the W. C. T. U.

Mrs. Shannon was a woman of unusual individuality and strength of character, although these qualities were happily blended with a quiet dignity and attractive grace of manner. While positive in her opinions she was exceedingly charitable and considerate in her judgment ot others, and had a happy faculty of seeing and speak- ing of the qualities of those with whom she came in contact. Her love for and interest in the young served to keep alive even in extreme age her own youthfulness of spirit.

She will be very pleasantly remembered in the community where she has so long resided and many readers of the Gleaner here and elsewhere will learn with regret of her death.

The funeral was held at the residence of Augustus R. Smith Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. In accordance with the taste of the deceased there was no floral display, and the casket



bore simply a bow of hand painted white ribbon from the W. C. T. U., as the emblem of that organization. A quartette sang familiar hymns and at the grave chanted the 23d psalm.

Rev. Dr. Rowland officiated and spoke very happily of the character of the deceased as typifying the best features of the ancient religious faith of New England. It was the product of deep religious experience, it exalted God and gave an habitual humility of mind and it gave sustaining power in the trying expe- riences of life. The deceased exemplified in peculiar degree those qualities specially commended in the sermon on the mount. It was fortunate that the beneficent influence of such a life could have been extended to the third and fourth generation.

Among those present from out of town were Mrs. George Clark and Mrs. Charles P. Gridley of Southampton, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Clark of Westfield and Miss Mary Shannon of Springfield.

Children of William Augustus and Juliet :

389. Augustus Vaughan [653], b. November 28, 1836.

390. Mary Clark [656], b. March 25, 1839.


391. OLIVER NOBLE SHANNON^ [163], (William^ Thomas+, Cutts^ Nathaniel% Nathaniel'), son of William and



Mary (Waldron) Shannon, was born in Harrington, N. H., De- cember 28, 181 I. He married, December 2, 1835, Harriet M. Burlin, of Saco, Me. They resided in Boston, Mass., 1835 to 1839, Chelsea, Mass., 1839 to 1841, and in Newton, Mass., where he died December 25, 1869. She died in Boston, Mass., December 26, 1885, aged 'j'j years and nine months. Children of Oliver Noble and Harriet : 392. Mary, b. September 19, 1836; d. at Newton, Mass., April 19, 1 901, unmarried. She was long prominent in chari- table work, and in the cause of women's suffrage was well known as the able ar;d zealous colaborer of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mrs. Isabella Beecher Hooker, and others in that field of labor.


It is impossible to enumerate all the charities that she had helped ; but the one which was nearest to her heart was the Rebecca Pomrov Newton Home for Orphan and Destitute Girls, of which she was one of the original founders, in association with her aunt, Miss Mary Clark Shannon.


The following tribute by the President of the Home was appended to the Twentv-ninth Annual Report of the Directors, and published in the " Newton Journal " of April 26, 1901 :

Mary Shannon, born in Boston, September 19, 1836. Died in her paternal mansion April 19, 1901, aged 64 years, 7 months.

The physical presence of Mary Shannon will be no more seen with us, but her unique and beautiful spirit remains to encourage, cheer, uplift and comfort all who were privileged to know her and felt the inspiration, which ever flowed from the personality of this true child of the loving father. Mary was well born, and under the wise direction and saint-like influence of her superior and princess-like aunt, the late Mary C. Shannon, her development could only be and was most gracious and lovely. She was in full sympathy with the noble trio, Rebecca R. Pomroy, Mary C. Shannon, and Mrs. Daniel L. Furber, whose names are associated in founding the Rebecca Pomroy Newton Home for Orphan and Destitute Girls, in 1872. Her wisdom and strong common sense were manifest in all its plans. It was Mary's purse which was ever open from the first, to every financial need. No person has been so continuous in yearly, monthly, and daily benefactions to the Home, through- out its life of twenty-nine years. During the past season, all the potatoes, apples, and most of the vegetables used for the Home, with large quantities of milk, were furnished from her own estate. This too, in so quiet and unostentatious a manner that none save the superintendent and associates were cognizant of it. The kind words of encouragement and spirit, accompanying these gifts, were gratefully appreci- ated and are tenderly remembered bv the superintendent.

Devoid of the least pessimism. Miss Shannon was an earnest laborer and liberal contributor to all measures, which, to her clear \ision influenced to purify, ele\ate and ennoble the community, hence equal suffrage for women and men, schools tor the unfortunate, the kindergarten for the blind, woman's hospitals and free religious organizations, the school at Hampton, Va., and Booker Washington's noble work at Tuskegee, Ala., and other causes, each received her sympathy and financial assist- ance. Her wealth was used to benefit humanity. Personally, Miss Shannon's lite was simple and beautiful in accord with nature, as interpreted to her broad mind and truth-seeking, clear vision.

In accord with the motto of her early and revered instructor, Rev. Cyrus Pierce, she " Lived to the Truth." Her death came as she wished it might, suddenly and painlessly, Friday morning, from heart failure. One of her last acts was on the previous evening to place the National flag, she loved so well, where it could be readily unfurled the following' morning. Her wish was executed by loving hands, after her eyes were closed, and her pure spirit had passed from its earthly tabernacle to join kindred spirits in the great " Beyond." The funeral services


were arranged for Monday, 22A. Invited friends and neighbors, in goodly numbers, were present. Hymns were sweetly sung by 18 girls of the Orphan Home,, with tearful eyes and tremulous lips. Selections from the Bible and a poem were read by Rev. Ben]. F". McDaniel of Boston, who also led in prayer. Mrs. Edna Cheeney of Jamaica Plain and Mrs. Anna Garlin Spencer of Providence, standing under the portraits of Theodore Parker and John Weis, the loved friends and pastors of the family, spoke in words and tones of beauty and in harmony with the Christ-like spirit of their lo\ed friend. It seemed most fitting that she who loved each flower, as it sprung from the ground, should be embowered in flowers, as last loving tributes from her many appreciative friends. We then quietly left the noble mansion which has so hospitably welcomed to its halls, crowded with rich wcjrks of art, and beauty, all that was good, pure and true. Where Theodore Parker was always welcomed as the loved and honored guest, when so few of his brethren in the ministry extended a welcome to his person or his views. In accord with Miss Shannon's wish her body was cremated and the urn containing the ashes placed in the family lot at Mt. Auburn by the side of her father.

" More homelike seems the vast unknown, Since they have entered there ; To follow them were not so hard,

Wherever they may fare. They cannot he where God is not,

On any sea or shore ; Whate'er betides. Thy love abides Our God for evermore."

N. T. Allen.

Miss Shannon left a considerable estate; and the following article published shortly after the filing of the will for probate, and giving a detailed account of those bequests which are of a public nature, shows that many charitable institutions were remembered by her :

Many public institutions of Massachusetts and of States in the South are directly and generously benefited under the will of the late Miss Mary Shannon of Newton, who died in that city on April 19th last, leaving an estate of nearly three-quarters of a million. Over one-sixth of this fortune she has bequeathed to charitable and educational organizations. The will has just been filed in East Cambridge, at the oflice of the registrar of probate for Middlesex County. It is dated March 27, 1899.

The institutions existing in the City of Newton recei\e bequests aggregating ^46,000 under the will, and among the numerous other legacies is that of a public park to Bar Harbor, Maine. After making provisions for the greater part of her fortune to individuals. Miss Shannon, beginning at item thirty-three, sets forth the bequests which are public in nature.


Item thirty-three reads as follows :

" I give and bequeath to the Newton Hospital of Newton, Mass., the sum of ;$io,ooo for a permanent fund to be known as the Mary Shannon Fund ; the income only of said fund to be used for free beds in the children's ward, so far as practicable and desirable, and any balance of said income to be used for the general purposes of the hospital."

Item thirty-four : " I give and bequeath to the Rebecca Pomroy Newton Home for Orphan Girls, the sum of $10,000 for a permanent fund to be known as the Oliver N., Mary C. and Mary Shannon Fund, the income from which, only, shall be expended to promote the interests of said Home."

The will then continues by stipulating that $10,000 shall be given to Newton Home for Aged People for a permanent fund, the income only to be used. The Free Library of Newton receives $5000, the Newton Firemen's Relief Association $5000, and the Newton Police Relief Fund and Newton Associated Charities each 53000.

Item 40 pro\ides that $10,000 be given to the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston Highlands for a permanent fund, to be known as the Mary C. and Marv Shannon Fund, the income only to be used, for free beds. A fund of $10,000 to be similarly named is bequeathed the Massachusetts Homoeo- pathic Hospital.

Wellesley College is benefited to the extent of $15,000. The fund is to be termed the Oliver N., Mary C. and Marv Shannon Fund, and the money is to be expended in free scholarships.

The next two items provide for a bequest of $10,000 to the Hampton Normal School at Hampton, Va., the institution for Negroes and Indians, and a bequest of $5000 to the Tuskegee Normal School ( Booker T. Washington's school for the Negroes at Tuskegee, Ala.). In each case the income is to be used for free schol- arships, and the legacies are to be known as the Mary C. and Mary Shannon Funds.

A bequest of $5000, under similar conditions, is to be made to the Kittrell Normal Industrial School for Negroes at Kittrell, N. C. The money is to be invested by the trustees of the school.

To the Atlanta University for colored students at Atlanta, Ga., is bequeathed $5000 for its endowment fund.

The Mallalieu Seminary for the poor whites of the South at Kinsey, Henry County, Alabama, receives $5000 for general purposes.

After making a bequest of $1000 to the free library at Bar Harbor, Me., the testatrix goes on to give the details of another bequest to Bar Harbor, Me., which takes the form of land for park purposes. The clause containing the bequest reads as follows : " I devise and bequeath to the Village Improvement Association of Bar Harbor, Me., the lot of land adjoining the west line of Glen Mary Park to


Spring road, the present south line of said park to be extended to Spring road, the north Hne to include Shannon Spring and twenty-five feet north of the Spring House, built over the spring to Spring road, making a diagonal line from the northwest boundary line of Glen Mary Park to Spring road ; also two acres more or less on the hillside on the opposite side of Spring road, that I own, adjoining the Amory estates. I donate these parcels of land with the same restrictions as to care of trees and land that I made in the deed of gift of Glen Mary Park to this Village Improve- ment Association a few years ago. This new gift of land adjoining and opposite on the hillside will enlarge Glen Mary Park to about four acres, more or less. I direct my executors to execute all such papers as they may think necessary and proper to carry this bequest into effect according to my intentions as above expressed."

Then follow se\eral additional public bequests. They are contained in clause fifty : " To the following corporations, in said Boston, viz.: the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Women's Educational and Industrial Union, the New England Moral Reform Society, the Moral Education Association, and the New England Women's Suffrage Association I give and bequeath the sum of giooo each ; and to the American Purity Alliance Association in New York city I give and bequeath a like sum of $2000."

The testatrix further stipulates that " all bequests to corporations or societies may be paid to the officer, who shall be acting as treasurer thereof, respectively, and no such bequest shall fail by reason of misnomer, provided my executors can in their opinion determine the beneficiary intended by me."

The executors appointed are Francis Murdock, Francis A. Dewson and Edward H. Mason all of Newton. Additional executors, who are to establish trusts, are named in the persons of Hon. William P. Ellison, Frank A. Day, Winfield S. Slocum, and William T. Bacon, all of Newton, and Frank M. Forbush of Natick, to serve alternately in the order named. The document was witnessed by B. Franklin Bacon, Charles F. Bacon and Edward L. Bacon. An inventory, filed with the will, shows the existence of 5400,000 in personal estate and 5200,000 in real estate.

393. Oliver Noble, b. June 28, 1841 : d. July 31, 1844.

394. Emma, b. November 7, 1842; d. February 2, 1847.

395. ELIZABETH PERKINS SHANNON^ [i66], (Thomas Westbrooke Waldron', Thomas+, Cutts^ NathanieP, Nathaniel"), daughter of Col. Thomas Westbrooke Waldron and


Eliza ( Perkins) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., August 23, 1813. She married, October 14, 1839, Benjamin Shreve, who was born February 17, 181 3, in Salem, Mass., the son of Isaac and Hannah


Very Shreve. He was a jeweler and importer of precious stones. Resided at Salem, Mass., where she died December 13, 1874.

The following obituary was published on the day of her decease :

Died, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Shreve, wife of Benjamin Shreve and daughter of the late Col. Thomas W. W. Shannon of Saco, Maine. Seldom has a circle ot friends been called so suddenly and sin- cerely to mourn as upon the death of the late Mrs. Shreve. A brief illness of three days terminated a life unexceptional in its uprightness. Tender in her domestic relations, beloved in her social sphere, strong in her religious faith, she passed from earth, and the influence of her life can only be reckoned in eternity.

In the best sense of the word, her life was a quiet one, but marked by those little nameless unremembered acts of kindness and of love.


Early in life she became a member of the Episcopal Church, and its beautiful service was her delight ; tor many years she was a devoted and active teacher in the Sunday schools, and was always foremost in deeds of charity and unselfish thought for others. The example of her blameless life remains a witness to her Master's words : " Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

Child of Benjamin and Elizabeth Shreve : 396. Octavius, b. June 4, 1841 ; m. July 28, 1864, Sarah Cox Daland, of Salem, Mass. Children of Octavius and Sarah Shreve:

i. Genevieve, b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 3 1,

1868. ii. Benjamin, b. in Salem, Mass., March 10, 1871. iii. Mary, b. in Topsfield, Mass., September 27, 1873.


397. PHEBE WESTBROOKE WALDRON SHAN- NON*^ [167], (Thomas Westbrooke Waldron^, Thomas+, Cutts-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Col. Thomas Westbrooke Waldron and Eliza (Perkins) Shannon, was born in Kennebunk-


port, Me., March 16, 1815. She married, February 19, 1836, Enoch Paine, of Portland, Me., where they resided for twenty years, afterwards living in Cleveland, Ohio, and then in Salem, Mass., and finally establishing themselves permanently in Boston, Mass., where they both died.

Mr. Paine was a custom-house officer for many years at Portland, Me., and Boston, Mass., and died February 11, 1884, aged 83 years.

The following notice of his decease was published at the time :

Died in Boston, Monday, February nth, 1884, Enoch Paine, Esq., whose death has been previously mentioned. He died at his residence of pneumonia at the advanced age of eighty-three years and ten months. His remains were taken to Saco for inter- ment.

Mr. Paine was formerly one ot the leading business men of Portland, Maine. During the Eastern land speculation he became very wealthy and was one of the richest men in the State, but in the panic of 1857 he lost heavily. His father, a most noted and remarkable man, was Mr. Josiah Paine, also of Portland, and was the first United States mail contractor in the State of Maine. He held the contracts until his death in 1825, when he was succeeded by Mr. Enoch Paine, who continued to hold them until the com- pletion of the P. S. & P. Railroad in 184J, when he accepted a position in the Portland office of the Road.

While holding the United States mail contracts, he also became agent of the Portland & Portsmouth Stage Company.

In 1857 he was engaged in business in Cleveland, Ohio, and for the past seventeen years he had resided in Boston, where he held an office in the custom-house for many years. He was a man of strong mind and wonderful memory, which was perfectly clear to the hour of his death.

His graphic descriptions and recollections of the early days of the old stage routes were full of interest, both historical and local, and there probably are but few men now living who took the active part that he did in the early days of passenger and mail transpor- tation.

He was twice married ; first, in 1832, to Miss Hale, of Neburv- port ; his second wife, who survives him, was a daughter of Col. T. W. W. Shannon, of Saco, Me. Mr. Paine was known every-


where for his sterling integrity and uprightness of dealing. He was most deeply respected by all who knew him, and leaves many relatives and friends to mourn his loss.

Mrs. Paine died November 17, 1901. The following account of her life and character is from the pen of her gifted daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Vaughan Tutts, to whom we are indebted for other similar contributions appearing elsewhere in this com- pilation :

It is almost impossible to speak adequately of the character of Mrs. Paine, who, from her own personality, radiated such elements of strength and beauty in her daily living that she blest every life that came into her presence.

Devotional in spirit ; unselfish and loving in heart ; just and generous in mind ; untiring in conscientious fulfilment of duty, she conducted material affairs with unerring wisdom and judgment. Her cheerfulness and patience under most adverse conditions was an inspiration. It was not meek resignation, but a deeper, braver spirit that met and conquered opposition.

Strong in intellectual powers, with marvellous memory and keen- est perceptive faculties, she each day added its quota of knowledge from the busy world of people and events. She was indeed richly endowed with every beautiful quality in heart, mind and person. Stately and dignified, graceful in manner, her voice and smile expressed the hospitality of a heart that made her home a haven for the many who shared its sunshine.

Her brave spirit begun and ended its long pilgrimage on earth with implicit faith in Divine purpose ; and her hope and courage carried her through to the last day, unshaken by trials, undaunted by reverses, unfailing in every emergency, a friend to all; beloved, revered, and never to be replaced nor forgotten. E. V. T.

Children of Enoch and Phebe Paine, all of whom were born in Portland, Me.:

398. Frances Elizabeth, b. August i, 1839; d. May 12, 1902. It is fitting that in this record a few words of especial notice should be given Frances Elizabeth Paine.

With earnestness she entered into every vital question of the dav. Whatever affected the condition of the people, as nations or as individuals, she studied faithfully


to understand, and endeavored to arouse in others a sense of conscientious responsibility in all public affairs. She was the first woman in Massachusetts to cast a vote for the election of the School Board, going in the early morning to the polls with her father, who was then past eighty, but strong and vigorous. She believed that in education alone rested the moral safety ot the country.

She was by natural and inherited tendencies an earnest student, and a great lover ot books and study; her keen intellectual powers were also marked with fine conver- sational gifts. Qualified in every way to have made for herself a long and brilliant career, she early resigned all per- sonal ambitions and accepted with uncomplaining regret the fulfilment of duties uncongenial to her thoughts and desires, but unavoidable from disheartening reverses in the family. She bravely concealed her disappointments, and always gave to others the brightest of hope and the strength of courage. She was the unfailing champion of the helpless and weak, especially neglected children and abused animals. It is good to be remembered as she is to-day, as one who was faithful to every duty, loyal to every friend, and loving, devoted and unselfish in her home, where, to the last days of her life, she thought of others rather than of her own welfare.

Like her sister Alice, she had an unusual practical ability, a splendid business mind, keen and discriminating, with inventive talents, which resulted in her having been granted several patents of household use and value.

Her life was strong and beautiful ; marked with fidelity to the highest standards. E. V. T.

J99. Sarah Hale, b. August 15, 1842; d. February, 1843.

400. Alice Ilsley, b. March 11, 1844; d. January 26, 1902.

Alice Ilsley Paine united in her character the best and strongest elements of Puritans and patriots. Unselfish and self-sacrificing, to her own hurt oftentimes, she won for herself friends who turned to her for help in all their darkest hours, and never found her love, or sympathy, or her resources fail them. Men and women, children, and suffering, neglected animals, found in her tender heart relief and gentle care. Brave, forceful, and with unequalled energy, she won for herself a reputation which was stainless ; and while she cheered and comforted many.


in her own heart lived ever the unforgotten tragedy of her early life, which was the death by drowning of Capt. Lemual A. Cole, ot Boston, to whom she was to have been married in a few weeks. This grief changed her entire life ; but no complaint was made, and she died as she had lived, a heroine, forgetful of herself while she remembered others. E. V. T.

401. David Shannon, b. February 2, 1846; d. December 22,


402. Eleanor Vaughan, b. September 9, 1848; m. January 23,

1871, Otis Tufts, of Boston, Mass., who died in that city September 29, 1885.

The following obituary was published by the Associa- tion of which he was a respected member :

" Otis Tufts was a Boston boy, his father, Otis Tufts, the well-known inventor and elevator manufacturer, having been a member of this Association for nearly forty years. He was born in 1839, ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^Y ^^^ always been his home. Possessing rare inventive and mechanical ability he became associated with his father in the elevator business, and continued it after the death of the latter, until compelled by prolonged illness to relin- quish it. He suffered very much from impaired health, being confined to his room tor some years. He was a man of a very sensitive and retiring disposition, possessed faculties attuned in accord with the purest and best instincts of human nature. He was endowed with unusual intellectual and musical gifts, and by his gentle- ness and simple, true-hearted manliness made for him- self a place in the affections of his intimate friends which will ever remain a treasure of memory. In all questions of the day he took the keenest interest, whether in mat- ters of science, art, or politics, and believed that every man owed his country an honest debt, that only a sound understanding of its laws could repay. In the struggles which it was his fate to encounter he displayed a forti- tude and heroism that paralleled the feats on many a field of battle. He was always thoughtful of others, patient and unselfish to the last, and has left behind him the unspotted record of a manly, virtuous life ; and the certainty that no one can fill his place in the hearts ot


those who knew and prized him for his individual worth, is his best epitaph. He joined our Association as an elevator manufacturer in 1875. ^^ died on the 29th ot September, 1885, at the age of forty-six years, leaving a widow." 403. Isabelle, b. November 9, 1854.

404. GEORGE WASHINGTON SHANNON^ [168], (Thomas Westbrooke Waldron^, Thomas+, Cutts-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Col. Thomas Westbrooke Waldron and Eliza


(Perkins) Shannon, was born in Kennebunkport, Me., October 10, I 816. He was educated at Thornton Academy, Saco, Me., and entered the mercantile business. He married, July 13, 1852, Elizabeth Littletield, of Saco, Me.



Mr. Shannon resided for some time in Philadelphia, Pa. and died at Dorchester, Mass., November 27, 1881.


Child of George Washington and Elizabeth : 405. Orlando Perkins, b. May 16, 1853; d. April, 1896.


406. HORATIO NELSON SHANNON*^ [169], (Thomas Westbrooke Waldron^, Thomas'^, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Col. Thomas Westbrooke Waldron and Eliza (Perkins) Shannon, was born in Kennebunkport, Me., July 13, I 81 8, and educated at Thornton Academy, Saco, Me. He mar- ried, October 26, i 858, Sarah Lyon Hawes, of Boston, Mass., who


was born in May, 1836, the daughter of Gustavus W. and Sarah Lyon Hawes. Mr. Shannon was engaged in the mercantile busi- ness at New York Citv, where died July 15, 1870.


His widow married, June 24, 1874, John Heuvelman, a well known architect and contractor, now retired from business.

Mr. and Mrs. Heuvelman reside at 49 West 53rd street. New York City.

Children of Horatio Nelson and Sarah:

407. Lilias Lyon [659], b. July 25, 1859.

408. Edith Horatia [662], b. August 8, i860.

409. Sophie Eugenia, b. May 12, 1862; d. February 26, 1864.

410. THOMAS WESTBROOKE SHANNON^ [172], (Thomas Westbrooke Waldron', Thomas''', Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Col. Thomas Westbrooke Waldron and Eliza (Perkins) Shannon, was born in Kennebunkport, Me., April 17,


1825, and educated at Thornton Academy, Saco, Me. He mar- ried, December 21, 1864, Georgianna Hegeman, of New York City, the daughter ot Peter A. and Laura N. Hegeman. Mr. Shannon was a dry goods commission merchant. He died in New York City July 13, 1883.


The following obituary, embracing some account his business career, was published in the papers ot Maine and New York at the time of his decease :

The many friends of Thomas W. Shannon in this vicinity will be pained to learn of his death which occurred at his residence in New York on Friday last. He was formerly a well known dry goods and crockery ware dealer in Saco, where he had many rela- tives and friends. We copy the following from the New York Times of last Sunday.


Thomas W. Shannon, Vice President of the Leadville Consoli- dated Mining Company, died at his residence, No. 10 East Forty- second street, on Friday, of heart disease. He had been ill from kidney and lung troubles tor three weeks, but was in a fair way of recovery when the heart complication arose. He leaves a widow and one daughter, 15 years old. Funeral services will be held at his late residence at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon, and the inter- ment will be at Greenwood. Mr. Shannon was born in Kenne- bunkport, Me., in 1825, and when a young man removed to Boston and became a member of the firm of Dale Brothers & Co., wholesale dealers in woolens and flannels. In i860 he came to this city as representative ot the firm and established a branch house at No. 130 Duane St. Upon the death of the two eldest of the Dale brothers, Mr. Shannon became the senior partner in the firm, and the business was continued until about four years ago, when it was wound up. Since then Mr. Shannon had done little except to attend to his duties as Vice President of the Leadville Consoli- dated Mining Company. He had been identified with the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad since 1875, and resigned the Vice Presidency of that company in 188 1. At the time of his death he was a Director of the company and a member of the Finance Com- mittee. Mr. Shannon was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and belonged to the Union League Club until 1866, when he was married to Miss Hegeman, daughter of the late Peter A. Hege- man, and he then deserted his club for his family fireside. He was a very popular business man, and leaves a large circle of friends to regret his sudden death.

Child ot Thonias Westbrooke and Georgianna : 411. Laura Hegeman, b. May 29, 1867, in New York City.

412. FREDERICK HENRY SHANNON^ [186], (Thomas', Nathaniel+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Dr. Thomas and Margaret \^aughan (Moses) Shannon, was born in Pittsfield, N. H., December 29, 181 i. He married Mary Moulton, who was born May 16, 1815, the daughter of Nathan


thp: shannon family

S. and Sarah Weber Moulton. Resided in Chelsea, Mass., where she died December i, 1876. He died in 1896.


Child of Frederick Henry and Mary : 413. Sarah Margaret; m. August 8, 1858, William Henry Mathews, of Yarmouth, Mass. He enlisted in Com- pany C, Thirty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers, and died of typhus fever at Falmouth, Va., February 7, 1863, in his twenty-ninth year. Child of William and Sarah Mathews :

i. Winfield, b. 1861 ; d. December 21, 1882.

414. THOMAS RINDGE SHANNON^ [i88|, (Thomas^, Nathaniel^, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Dr. Thomas and Margaret Vaughan (Moses) Shannon, was born in Pittsfield, N. H., February 2, 1816. He was a merchant


and commercial agent. Mr. Shannon married, March i, 1841, Salome Nason, who was born June 28, 181 5, the daughter of Richard Nason, of Acton, Me. Thev resided at Chelsea, Mass. He died November 3, 1898. She died August 8, 1899.


Children ol Thomas Rindge and Salome:

415. Helen Maria, b. January 5, 1844; d. August 8, 1863, one

week after her graduation from school.

416. Frances Eliza, b. April 16, 1845.

417. Margaret Vaughan, b. December 23, 1847.

418. Frederick, b. January 23, 1852; d. March 8, 1857.

419. A child; d. in infancy.

420. SARAH RINDGE SHANNON^ [190J, (Thomas'", Nathaniel^, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Dr. Thomas and Margaret Vaughan (Moses) Shannon, was born in Pittslield, N. H., June 29, 1820. She married, October 13,



1839, Jonathan Choate, a farmer, who was born June 14, 1816, the son of Bagley and Thankful Choate, of Sandwich, N. H. They resided at Sandwich until the decease of Mr. Choate, which occurred January 25, 1865. She died January 12, 1900.


Children of Jonathan and Sarah Choate:

421. Francis, b. May 14, 1840; d. May 28, 1840.

422. Susan Frances, b. April 24, 1841; m. January 8, 1862,

Edwin F. Brown, the son of Lyman and Lucy Brown, of Moultonboro, N. H. Children of Edwin and Susan Brown : i. Cora May, b. May 29, 1866.

ii. Myra Lee, b. November 5, 1868.

iii. Edith Belle, b. September 25, 1874.

iv. Perne Wadleigh, b. December 11, 1879.

423. Mary Eloisa, b. October 14, 1843; d. March 7, 1847.

SIXTH genp:ration







Jonathan Sewall, b. February 20, 1846. He enlisted in

Company D, Eighteenth New Hampshire Infantry,

during the Civil War, and died at City Point, Va.,

October 28, 1864. Thomas Bagley, b. August 13, 1848; m. February 27,

1873, Mary Webster Blackev, the daughter of Ira and

Sarah Blackey, of Sandwich. Mary Isabelle, b. November t6, 1851 ; d. August 27, 1872. Huldah Annie, b. September 14, 1855 ; m. July 20, 1874,

Frank G. Whiting, who was born March 13, 1854, the

son of George and Ellen Whiting.

Children of Frank and Huldah Whiting: i. Charles Elmer, b. October 30, 1875. ii. Louis Morrison, b. December 24, 1877; d. 1878. iii. Hattie May, b. November 27, 1885. Fred Shannon, b. July 8, 1863.


429. NATHANIEL SHANNON^ [191], (Thomas^, Na- thaniel+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'], son of Dr. Thomas and


Margaret Vaughan (Moses) Shannon, was born in PittsHeld, N. H., August 28, 1822. He studied the profession of medicine and surgery ; was graduated from the Dartmouth Medical College, October, 1848, and married, June 13, 1849, ^^^ cousin, Lucy M. Cummings, who was born October 7, 1825, the daughter of William and Sarah (Moses) Cummings, of Cape Elizabeth, Me.

vV^Uw^- jX

Dr. Shannon practiced his profession at Loudon, N. H., and at Portland, Me., where he attained high rank as a skillful physi- cian. In 1885 he retired from practice and removed to South Boston, Mass., where he died May 8, 1891. His widow resides in Cambridge, Mass.

It is to Dr. Nathaniel Shannon that we are chiefly indebted for the free use made in this compilation of a number of private papers left by his grandfather, Hon. Nathaniel Shannon, of Moul- tonboro, N. H., and which the family had carefully preserved during many years. Copies of some ot these interesting papers have already been presented in facsimile.*

* My brother, Dr. James H. Shannon, first met Dr. Nathaniel Shannon and paved the way to securing these papers. Examining the record made in my diary at the time I find that it was in September, 1883, that I called with my brother on our cousin at his home in Portland, and was kindly permitted to look over the papers and take awav some 40 or 50 of them to be copied.

I never met him afterwards, although we had some correspondence about the papers, for the safety and preservation of which he was concerned. I was finally permitted to retain them in mv possession until Mr. Hodgdon should complete his work, and I have them still in my possession, subject to the disposal which the children of Dr. Nathaniel Shannon may direct.

The commissions I have had placed in neat oak frames, under glass, and would suggest that the most appropriate place and probably the safest for their preser- vation would be the New Hampshire State Library. R. C. S.



Children of Nathaniel and Lucy :

430. William Cummings [664], b. May 8, 1851.

431. Thomas Rand [665], b. May 10, 1853.

432. Edward Weston [667], b. May i, 1857.

433. Richard Cutts, b. Aug. 11, i860; d. May 19, 1862.

434. Nathaniel Vaughan [669], b. July 6, 1863.

435. ADALINE MARGARET SHANNON'^ [192], (Thomas^, Nathaniel+, Cutts-^ Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), daughter of Dr. Thomas and Margaret Vaughan (Moses) Shannon, was born in Pittsfield, N. H., September 5, 1826. She married, July 3, I 85 I, Joseph E. McKinstry, of Hyde Park, Vt., who was born December 14, 1826. They resided in Boston, Mass., and after- wards moved to Sumner, 111.

Children of Joseph and Adeline McKinstry:

436. Josephine, b. in Boston, July 9, 1852; m. November 12,

1872, Jacob B. Strickler, of Iroquois Co., 111. ; b. March 31, I 841. She died November 14, 1879, aged 27 years. Children of Jacob and Josephine Strickler: i. Henry Elmer, b. August 10, 1873.

ii. Joseph Richard, b. May 24, 1875.

iii. Edna Josephine, b. January 5, 1877.

iv. Arthur Leon, b. July 28, 1878.

437. Fannie S., b. in Sumner, January 27, 1854; m. J. B.

Strickler; d. in 1892, leaving four children.

438. Charles S., b. in Sumner, December 13, 1856; m. February

5, 1879, Mary A. Johnson; b. November 25, i860. Resides at Butte, Mont. 4-59. Miriam St. Clair, b. in Sumner, January 21, 1859.

440. Richard Y., b. in Sumner, May 8, 1861 ; m. Clara Shontz.

441. Joseph H., b. July 11, 1863; d. September, 1863.

442. Mabel J., b. August 15, 1864.

443. Maggie E., b. December 4, 1866.


444. GEORGE VAUGHAN SHANNON^ [195], (Na- thaniel Vaughan5, Nathaniel^, Cutts^ NathanieP, Nathaniel"), son of Nathaniel Vaughan and Betsey (Brown) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., March 16, 18 17. He married, April 16, 1834, Lucinda Home, who was born June 9, 18 14, the daughter of John Home, of Moultonboro, N. H. He died March 22, 1891. She died April 28, 1899.

Children of George Vaughan and Lucinda :

445. Harriet Elizabeth [670], b. March 5, 1835.

446. Edwin Woodbury [674], b. May 20, 1845.

447. Georgianna [676], b. January i, 1850.

448. Frank [681], b. September 13, 1857.

449. ANN ELIZABETH SHANNON^ [196], (Nathan- iel Vaughan^, Nathaniel"^, Cutts'', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daugh- ter of Nathaniel Vaughan and Betsey (Brown) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., July 11, 1820. She married, Septem- ber 29, 1849, William Arnold Sanborn, who was bom April 28, 181 3, in Epsom, N. H. He was a dentist by profession.

They resided at Haverhill and Medford, Mass.; and after- wards in Dorchester District, Boston.

Mrs. Sanborn died December 15, 1896. Mr. Sanborn died May 17, 1897.

Children of William and Ann Sanborn :

450. Arthur Hamilton, b. June 21, 1855, in Haverhill, Mass.;

m. August 12, 1896, at Indianapolis, Ind., Mrs. Julia S. Stevens. He is a civil engineer by profession ; and is connected with the Bureau of Engineering, Department of Public Works, San Francisco, Cal.

451. Helen May Shannon, b. May 17, 1863, in Medford, Mass.

She is a teacher of physical culture at the State Normal School, Oneonta, New York.


452. JOHN LANGDON SHANNON^ [197], (Nathan- iel Vaughan^, Nathaniel^, Cutts^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel Vaughan and Betsey (Brown) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., May 9, 1823. He married, in San Fran- cisco, Cal., July 13, 1856, Lydia Chipman, and died November 12, 1877, at Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., Cal. Children of John Langdon and Lydia : 45J. George Walter, b. September 27, 1859; d. November 5, 1859.

454. George Edwin, b. October 15, 186;; d. March 17, 1863.

455. Kate Brown, b. March 8, 1864; m. October 10, 1883, in

Portland, Ore., Frank J. Buclcwalter. Children of Frank and Kate Buckwalter : i. Edwin Francis, b. November 22, 1890. ii. Gladys Minnie, b. November 12, 1896.

456. Walter Vaughan, b. December 22, 1866; m. first. May 6,

1887, in Portland, Ore., Ida Mondy, who died in May, 1891 ; m. second, 1892, in California, Jennie Young. She died in 1895; m. third, 1896, in Seattle, Wash., Lulu Reynolds. Child of Walter and Ida :

i. Lydia, b. February 17, 1888. Child of Walter and Jennie :

ii. Pearl, b. 1893.

457. Lucy Ellen, b. October 26, 1871 ; m. October 12, 1892,

in Portland, Ore., Fredrick J. McMonies. Children of Fredrick and Lucy McMonies.

i. Arline Louise, b. October 10, 1894.

ii. Claudine Alberta, b. February 12, 1897.


458. EDWIN SHANNON^ [198], (Nathaniel Vaughan'', Nathaniel+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel Vaughan and Betsey (Brown) Shannon, was born in Moulton- boro, N. H., May 19, 1827. He was twice married; hrst, May 21, 1854, to Matilda Wentworth, who was born May 30, 1835. She died at Great Falls, N. H., March 21, 1858, aged 22 years. Two children were born to them (twins); both died in infancy. He married, second, February 27, 1876, in Portland, Ore., Emerette Dunham, a widow ot that city. She was born at Woodstock, 111., in 1850, and died in Portland, Ore., July 6, 1883.




459. MARY ANN SHANNON^ [201], (Nathaniel^ Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Polly (Gorman) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., about the year 1810. She married at Wolfe Island, Canada, John Browne, of that place. Both are deceased.

Children of John and Mary Browne :

460. Daniel ; d. without issue.

461. Eliza; m. John Ryan.

462. JuJia ; m. Henry Sluman. She died.

463. James ; m. Catherine Bulger.

464. Sarah ; m. James Walker.

465. Nathaniel ; m. Margaret Boyd. He died.

466. Mary; m. a Mr. McRae. She died.

467. Peter ; m. twice.

468. Jane ; m. James Wing.

469. John.

470. LOUISA SHANNON' [203], (Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel5, Nathaniel*, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Polly (Gorman) Shannon, was born in Gilman- ton, N. H., about the year 18 12. She married Thomas Home, of Ontario, Canada. Both are deceased.

Children of Thomas and Louisa Home :

471. Elizabeth; m. Samuel Hitchcock. In 1890 they were

residing at South Buxton, Ontario, Canada.

472. Henrietta; m. John Muchain.

473. Thomas D.; m. Angelina Spinning. He was drowned in

crossing from Cape Vincent to Wolfe Island in Novem- ber, 1884.



474 475 476

477 478,


George; m. Amerila Barrett. In 1890 they were residing near Utica, Mich.

Nathaniel; m. Louisa Merrill; he died in 1885. ^" 1890 the family were residing in Kansas City, Mo.

Louisa; m. Edward Smith. In 1890 they were residing at Wolfe Island.

Fanny; m. David Gibson. In 1890 they were residing at Cape Vincent, Ontario.

William; m. Mary Ann Gillispie. In 1890 thev were re- siding at Wolfe Island.

Robert; m. Frances Spinning. He was killed by being thrown from his horse. In 1890 the family were resid- ing at Wolfe Island.

480. NATHANIEL SHANNON^ ^204], (NathanieI^ Nathaniel'', Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Polly (Gorman) Shannon, was born in Gilman- ton, N. H., May 29, 1816, and was a farmer by occupation. He removed with his father to Wolfe Island, Canada. In 1838 he married Rosina Arnold, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., and settled in Plover Portage, Wis. He died October 26, 1878. She died about 1899.

Children of Nathaniel and Rosina :

481. Nathaniel [684], b. September 18, 1840.

482. Mary [691], b. June 26, 1842.

483. Leroy [702], b. March 4, 1844.

484. Norman [711], b. April 13, 1846.

485. Sarah [723], b. March 21, 1849.

486. Hanley [729], b. May 22, 1851.

487. Olive [738], b. April 8, 1853.

488. George, b. September 11, 1859.

489. Rodolph, b. Feb. 10, 1862; died about 1899.

490. Elmer, b. September 12, 1867; m. December 15, 1889,

Elmina Norton.


491. JOHN SHANNON' [205], (Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Nathan- iel and Polly (Gorman) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., November 13, 1823; a farmer ; married at Wolfe Island, Canada, Harriet Dewey, who was born October 13, 1828. Removed with his brother Nathaniel to Plover Portage, Wis. He died March i, 1861.

Children of John and Harriet :

492. Olive Marie [747], b. February 12, 1846.

493. Ency A., b. November 15, 1846; d. May 24, 1848.

494. William Franklin [752], b. July 24, 1849.

495. George Washington, b. July 27, 1851; d. in Wisconsin,

June 20, 1852.

496. Annie Lenora [760], b. November 15, 1852.

497. John Downer [764], b. May 4, 1855.

498. Emma Harriet, b. October 13, 1857; d. in Wisconsin,

December 13, 1859.

499. Walter Scott [766], b. July 9, 1858.

500. SARAH ANN SHANNON' [206], (Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, NathanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Polly (Gorman) Shannon, was born February 23, 1826. She married, March 22, 1843, James Abbott, a farmer, who was born August 8, 1819. Resided at Wolfe Island, Canada. He died June 5, 1889.

Children of James and Sarah Abbott:

501. Jane, b. January 15, 1845; '^^ '" childhood.

502. William Henry, b. April 29, 1847 ; ^n- Hannah Washburn.

503. George, b. November 12, 1848; m. Alice Jilkin.

504. Mary Ann, b. January 12, 1851 ; d. June 14, 1888.

505. Samuel Wilson, b. April 7, 1852; m. Katy Kirkpatrick.

506. Olive Cornelia, b. October 12, 1853; m. James Smith.

She died June 16, 1887.

507. Sarah Marcella, b. February 7, 1857.



508 509 510


James Theophilus, b. January 13, 1858; m. Lucy Bolton.

Silas Shannon, b. March 14, 1861.

Ann, b. May 17, 1863 ; m. Richard Bolton.

Calvin, b. December 4, 1865.

Fannie Minerva, b. April 10, 1870; m. George Bolton.

513. IRA SHANNON7 [209], (George^ Nathaniel?, Na- thaniel+, Nathaniel'', Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), son of George and Sally (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., Sep- tember 27, 1805. He resided for several years in Dover, N. H., then settled in Gilmanton. He was a farmer by occupation, and married, May 6, 18^0, Sally Ross, who was born March 7, 181 2, the daughter of Thomas and Sally Ross, of Gilmanton. She died September 25, 1886. He died November 23, 1893.


Children of Ira and Sally:

514. Hiram, b. June 20, 1832; d. April 12, 1833.

515. Lizzie [771], b. April 8, 1834.

516. Charles Henry [773], b. July 19, 1837.

517. Abigail Ross, b. February 14, 1839; m. July 7, 1861,

Charles Albert Dockam, who was born July 25, 1833,



the son of David and Louisa Dockam, of Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H. They reside at Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H. 518. George Edwin [779], b. June i, 1842.


519. STEPHEN SHANNON^ [210], (George^ Nathan- iel5, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of George and Sally (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., May I, 1808. He was a farmer by occupation. Resided in Gilmanton and Laconia, N. H. He married, December 26, 1 83 1, Ann Prescott Chase, who was born February 15, 1808, the daughter of Capt. Oliver Chase, of Portsmouth, N. H. He


died in Belmont, N. H., August 28, 1872. His widow died at Laconia, September 7, 1889.


The following obituary was published in the Laconia, N. H., " Democrat : "

The death a few days since at Laconia of Mrs. Ann Prescott (Chase) Shannon at the ripe age of 81 years, 7 months, recalls a most estimable ladv and one who will be remembered by many of the oldest inhabitants in our city.

She was born in Portsmouth on the Jacob Sheafe farm (near the present Hotel Wentworth), on February 15, 1808, her father being Capt. Oliver Chase, a well known hotel keeper in his day. She attended the town schools, and obtained for those times an excel- lent education, which combined with remarkable natural talent fitted her for any position in life. When seventeen years of age she united with the Congregational Church, Rev. Israel Putnam, pastor, and throughout her beautiful life was a devoted member of that denomination.

On December 31, 1831, she was united in marriage to Stephen Shannon, a prominent resident of Gilmanton, and immediately moved to that town, in which, and Barnstead, they resided for many years. For eight consecutive seasons they managed the Gilmanton farm, and about 1862 took charge of the county farm of Belknap county, where they remained for seven years, giving great satisfaction.

On leaving that responsible position Mr. Shannon purchased a fine farm on Ladd's Hill, but lived only sixteen months thereafter


to enjov the results of his labor. Mrs. Shannon soon disposed of the property, and with her daughter, Miss Fannie Shannon, moved to Laconia, where they have since lived, at the residence ot another daughter, Mrs. John G. Jewett.

She was the youngest and last surviving member of a family of six, two sons and four daughters, and was buried by the side of her husband. She is survived by one son, Mr. Jonathan C. Shannon, and the two daughters above mentioned, all residents of Laconia.

Children of Stephen and Ann :

520. Mary Ada, b. March 8, 1834; m. Rufus B. Tebbets, of

Laconia, N. H., where she died, without issue, October 27, 1884.

521. Caroline Elizabeth [782], b. May 3, 1837. ;ii. Jonathan Coffin [786], b. November 29, 1842. 523. Frances Ann, b. October 13, 1848.

524. EPHRAIM SHANNON" [213], (George^ Nathan- iel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of George and Sally (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., January 22, 1816. He married, January 8, 1837, Mary Ann Hurd, who was born May 8, 181 3. They resided at Barn- stead, N. H. He died June i, 1894. She died July 8, 1901.

Children of Ephraim and Mary :

525. Lorain, b. October 5, 1838; never married; resides at

Barn stead, N. H.

526. Sarah Haley, b. April 30, 1841; m. February 14, 1861,

Joseph Jay Burleigh, who was born October 19, 1831, the son of Samuel and Lydia Kennard Burleigh, of Tuftonboro, N. H. Children of Joseph and Sarah Burleigh:

i. Abbie Elizabeth, b. September 9, 1862, in Tufton- boro; d. May 22, 1874. ii. Adella May, b. April 15, 1867, in Portland, Me. iii. Willie Clefford, b. June 3, 1872, in Deering,


Me.; m. March 20, 1894, Mina E. Wiggin, the daughter of Capt. Augustus and Martha Leavitt Wiggin, of Wolfboro, N. H. Child of Willie and Mina Burleigh : Mina E. Wiggin; d. May 12, 1901. iv. Carrie Lizzie, b. October 6, 1876, in Deering, Me.; m. September 9, 1891, John Ayers, who was born January 31, 1869, the son of John and Hannah Drew Ayers, of Ossipee, N. H.

527. Nathaniel Hurd, b. October i, 1842; m. May 25, 1863,

Mary Angeline Oilman, who was born September 16, 1842, the daughter of Amasa Kelley and Mary Ann Oilman. They resided at Rochester, N. H., where he died October 25, 1889. Child of Nathaniel and Mary:

i. Luvie Ellen, b. January 21, 1868; d. October 12, 1868.

They subsequently adopted John Walter Dow, of Wentworth, N. H., by the name of Ernest Linwood Shannon. He was born September 13, 1868, and died March 29, 1891.

528. Elbridge Morrill [788], b. April 2, 1849.

529. GEORGE LAMPER SHANNON7 [214], (George^ Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-^ Nathaniel% Nathaniel'), son of George and Sally (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., June 29, 18 19. He married, November 12, 1840, Abigail Julina Potter, who was born March 18, 18 19, the daugh- ter of Richard and Sarah (Drake) Potter, of Concord, N. H. Mrs. Shannon died May 25, 1898. Their residence was at Loudon, N. H.

Children of George Lamper and Abigail :

530. James Oliver, b. August 23, 1842; d. August 2, 1844.

531. Mary Jane [792], b. December 7, 1844.

532. Levi Morse [795], b. April 19, 1847.


533. Ezra Hutchins, b. December 10, 1849; ^- first, June 21,

1 883, Wilhimina Gunn, who was born September 7, i 853, in St. John, N. B., the daughter of Edward and Louisa Gunn. She died October 30, 1894. He married, second, October 25, 1896, Mary E. Hadley, who was born July 6, 1850, in Lexington, Mass., the daughter of Jonas and Mary Ann (Whitney) Hadley.

534. Ezraetta Hutchins, b. December 10, 1849; ^- February

2, 1850.

535. Clara Adaline, b. December 15, i 856 ; m. August 16, i 874,

John Wesley Hinds, the son of Olando and Eliza Ann (Lawrence) Hinds. They reside at Loudon, N. H.

536. Abbie Grace [800], b. October 3, 1859.

537. JAMES GATE SHANNON" [215], (George^ Na- thaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of George and Sally (Tebbets) Shannon, was born in Gilman- ton, N. H., August 22, 1822. He married, February, 1849, Judith W. Batchelder.

Children of James Gate and Judith :

538. Frank Edgar [802], b. August 27, 1854.

539. Edwin Howe [805], b. March 8, 1858.

540. Mary Bell, b. March 6, 1870; d. February 15, 1888.

541. Harry Webster, b. September 13, 1872; d. December i,


542. LORAIN TERRY SHANNON7 [231], (John Sherburne^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Na- thaniel'), son of John Sherburne and Abigail (Rand) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., in 181 8.

He enhsted, October 6, 1862, in Gompany A, Fifteenth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers; served in the Port



Hudson campaign in Louisiana, and was mustered out of the United States service with his regiment August 13, 1863. He died September 22, 1868, aged i;o years.


Mr. Shannon was twice married, first, December, 1838, at Albany, N. Y., to Sarah A. Chase, the daughter of David Chase, of Haverhill, Mass. She died in Gilmanton, N. H., January 14, i860, aged 44 years. He took for his second wife Elizabeth Hacking, who survived him.

Children of Lorain Terry and Sarah : 543. Adrianna; m. October 29, 1857, Prof. Amos Hadley, who was born May 14, 1825, and graduated from Dartmouth College in 1844. He read law, and settled for practice at Concord, N. H., in 1848, but devoted himself chiefly to teaching and editing the " State Capitol Reporter." He was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature from 1 8 <;o to 1852; Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion for several years, and in 1890 was secretary of the New Hampshire Historical Society. She died .


Children of Amos and Adrianna Hadley :

i. Mabel C, b. May, 1859 ; d. July 24, 1869. ii. A daughter, b. September, 1864. iii. A daughter, b. September, 1864. iv. Arthur Harris, b. 1866; d. 1868.

544. John Chase; m. and d. in Haverhill, Mass., without issue.

545. Abbie Charlotte.

Children of Lorain Terry and Elizabeth :

546. Alice, b. about 1863. A daughter ; deceased. A daughter ; deceased.

547. ABIGAIL ANN ELIZABETH SHANNON' [232], f John Sherburne'^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of John Sherburne and Abigail (Rand) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., March 29, 1821. She married, October 11, 1841, Joseph B. Durrell, who was born October 6, 1820, the son of Thomas Durrell. Resided at Gil- manton, N. H., where he was engaged in farming. She died May 17, 1864. He died February 24, 1896.

Children of Joseph and Abigail Durrell :

548. Mary Adaline, b. October 14, 1843; m. April 9, 1866,

Horace Chase. She died October 5, i 867, without issue.

549. Lorrain Joseph, b. June 20, 1847; '""• f^^st, in 1885,

Emma Wadleigh ; m. second, Bessie Batchelder, of Concord. He died January 18, 1901, without issue.

550. Fisk Albion, b. April 15, 1850; m. June 17, 1871, Nellie

Conner, of Laconia, N. H., where they reside.

Child of Fisk and Nellie Durrell :

i. Lena Grace, b. March 28, 1876; m. October 12, 1898, George Smith Davis, b. October 15, 1871, the son of Charles Colby and Frances Marilla (Veasey) Davis, of Laconia, N. H.

338 thp: shannon family

551. Martha Christiana, b. October 7, 1852; m. November 26,

1884, Charles L. Bowers, of Sanbornton, who died July 28, 1 90 1.

552. Inez Jane, b. December 11, 1859; m. December, 1877,

Charles J. Pomeroy, of Boston, Mass.; d. February 2, 1883.

Children of Charles and Inez Pomeroy: i. Mabel, b. May 4, 1879. ii. Ethel, b. May 20, 1881.

553. MARY MARGARET SHANNON" [238], (Sam- uel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Samuel and Mary Burnham (Caswell) Shannon, was born /Vpril 24, 1823. She was twice married; first, January 18, 1847, to Ichabod Kelsey, of New Market, N. H., who died in June, 1848. She married, second, November 26, 1856, Joseph Merrill Smith, of Fitchburg, Mass., who was born June 28, i 822, the son of Benjamin Merrill and Mehetable F. (Leighton) Smith, of Epping, N. H. Immediately after marriage they took up their residence in Concord, N. H. He died October 14, 1888. His widow resides in Noi"wood, Mass.

Child of Ichabod and Mary Kelsey :

554. Ida Ann, b. November 10, 1847; d. August 18, 1861. Children of Joseph and Mary Smith :

555. Fannie Bell, b. May 21, 1861. In 1878 she graduated at

Elmhurst, a private school in Concord; in 1880 at Prof. Amos Hadley's private school ; and afterwards taught school in Concord. She married, December 19, 1888, Eugene Endicott Low, who was born June 9, 1861, the son of Franklin and Julia Abbott (Munroe) Low, ot Concord, N. H., and grandson of Gen. Joseph Low, the first mayor of the city of Concord. Mr. Low is in busi- ness in Boston and resides in West Somerville, Mass.


Child of Eugene and Fannie Low : i. Charles Endicott, b. June 15, 1895. 556. Charles Edwin, b. October 25, 1864. In 1881 he gradu- ated at Prof. Amos Hadley's private school, and in 1882 took, a special course at the Concord High School. He married, May 6, 1891, Jessie Grace Sargent, who was born July 6, 1868, the daughter of George Jackman and Amanda (Bordman) Sargent, of Concord, N. H. She died May 14, 1897. Mr. Smith resides at Norwood, Mass.

Children of Charles and Jessie Smith : i. Freda Margaret, b. July 17, 1892. ii. Bertha Lucy, b. January 4, 1894. iii. Kelsey, b. December 13, 1895.

iv. Laurence, b. December 13, 1895 ; d. April 6, 1896. V. Jessie Sarah, b. May 11, 1897.

557. WILLIAM NATHANIEL SHANNC)N7 [241J, (Samuel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^ NathanieP, Na- thaniel'), son of Samuel and Mary Burnham (Caswell) Shannon, was born in Ciilmanton, N. H., August 23, 1831. He was twice married; first, to Jane Kenniston, of Newmarket, N. H. About 1859 Mr. Shannon went West and settled in Dodge County, Minn., where he engaged in farming. In i860 he married at Dodge Centre, Minn., Charlotte B. Gustin, who was born near Montreal, Can., November, 1843, the daughter of Levi and Alvira Gustin, of Alo-ona, Kossuth Co., Iowa. He died at Centre Chain Lake, Minn., in December, 1861;. She died at Homer, Iowa, October 7, 1878.

Children of William Nathaniel and Jane :

558. Edwin Sylvester [809], b. November 8, 1851.

559. Daniel Webster [819], b. April 25, 1853.


Children of William Nathaniel and Charlotte:

560. William Marsellus [J^2i], b. October 14, 1861.

561. Infant daughter, b. 1863 ; d. in a short time unnamed.

562. Elmer Levi Holden, b. November 18, 1865, in Dodge Co.,

Minn. Educated in the public schools of Iowa Falls and State Centre, Iowa. Residence, Cody, Cherry Co., Neb.

563. CHARLES WILLIAM SHANNON7 [265], (Wil- liam^, John5, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel, Nathaniel'), son of William and Maria Marsh (Cate) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., January 11, 1838. He was a ship-carpen- ter, and married, June 10, i860, Julia Abigail Whitehouse, who was born August 15, 1842, the daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail Stuart Whitehouse, of Portsmouth, N. H.

Mr. Shannon served in the Union Army during the Civil War, enlisting August 6, 1862, as a private of Company B, Thirty-tifth Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry ; was severely wounded near North Anna River, Va., May 24, 1864, while his regiment, deployed as skirmishers, was advancing upon the Con- federate lines. In 1865 he was honorably discharged from the military service; and in consequence of disability incurred in line of duty his name is borne on the pension roll ot the Lhiited States.

He was for several years Assistant Marshal of the Police Department of the city of Portsmouth, N. H., where the family resided at the time of Mrs. Shannon's death in 1893.

Children of Charles William and Julia :

564. Flora May [831], b. May 4, 1861.

565. Caspar Grant [834], b. November 15, 1862.

566. Virginia Violet [839], b. April 4, 1865.

567. Guy Stuart [844], b. January 26, 1867.

568. Lydia Abigail [848], b. February 6, 1869.


569. ANN MARIA SHANNON7 [266], (William^ John', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daugh- ter of WilHam and Maria Marsh (Gate) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., September 6, 1839. She married Levi Woodbury Lord, a machinist, who was born April i, 1837, at South Berwick, Me.

Mr. Lord was appointed, January 20, 1864, Acting Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. N.; served on the U. S. S. Grand Gulf during the Wilmington, N. C, blockade ; was under the com- mand of Lieut. William B. Gushing in the torpedo service on the North Garolina coast, which resulted in the destruction ot the Rebel ram Albemarle ; was present at the capture ot Plymouth, N. C., by the United States naval forces ; subsequently transferred to the U. S. S. Otsego, and was on board that vessel when she was blown to pieces by a Rebel torpedo. He was honorably dis- charged from the naval service August 6, 1865, at the termina- tion of the war. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H.

Ghildren of Levi and Ann Lord :

570. Emma Aurelia, b. August 31, 1857 ; m. Calvin Stanwood,

of Lynn, Mass.

571. Anne Maria, b. December 11, 1859; m. Sidney H. Winn,

of Portsmouth, N. H. She died April 24, 1890. Children of Sidney and Anne Winn : i. Myrtie O., b. July, 1886. ii. Eva v., b. March, 1888. iii. Anne M., b. April 16, 1890.

572. Lizzie Estelle, b. September 18, 1861 ; d. April, 1862.

573. Nellie S., b. October 25, 1863; m. George Davis, of


Children of George and Nellie Davis: i. Grace E., b. July, 1894. ii. Guy A., b. April, 1897.

Lost several children in infancy.


574. Bertha May, b. September 12, 1866; m. September 17,

1886, George E. Gove, of Portsmouth.

Children of George and Bertha Gove :

i. Gertrude M., b. July 19, 1888.

ii. Sarah Y., b. October 31, 1892.

iii. George R., b. April 4, 1896.

iv. Oscar E., b. February 5, 1898.

Lost several children in infancy.

575. Sarah Jane, b. May 7, 1869; m. May 30, 1888, Charles

Cammett. - Children of Charles and Sarah Cammett: i. Levi W., b. December 11, 1889. ii. Ida M., b. December 16, 1891. iii. Elsie L., b. June 24, 1900.

Lost several children in infancy.

576. Moses, July 5, 1875.

577. Levi Woodbury, b. December 29, 1876; m. in October,

1896, Belle Louise White.

578. SARAH JANE SHANNON' [267], (William^ John', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'], daugh- ter of William and Maria Marsh (Gate) Shannon, was born in Rye, N. H., fuly 9, 1843. She married. May 17, 1883, Charles Edwin Fernald, who was born May 24, 1839, the son of William Dennett and Mehitable Fernald, of Portsmouth, N. H. Mr. Fernald died June 10, 1898.

Child of Charles and Sarah Fernald : 579. Albert Shannon, b. November 6, 1884.

580. JAMES FRANK SHANNON^ [269], (William^ John^, Nathaniel*^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of William and Maria Marsh (Cate) Shannon, was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., December 2, 1847.


He was an officer on the police force ot the city of Ports- mouth for several years preceding 1884. He married Malvina Foster, who was born March 4, 1849, the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Foster, of Portsmouth, N. H.

Children of James Frank and Malvina :

581. James Frank, b. February i 8, i 867 ; d. September 4, i 887.

582. Ella Gertrude, b. December 13, 1868.

583. JOHN WESLEY SHANNON^ [270], (William^ John^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of William and Maria Marsh (Cate) Shannon, was born in Ports- mouth, N. H., June 7, 1849. ^^ married, October 21, 1869, Sarah Julia de Wit, who was born December 31, 1850, the daughter of Carson B. and Anna Eliza de Wit, of Portsmouth, N. H. They reside in Portsmouth.

Children of John Wesley and Sarah :

584. Mabel de Wit, b. March 3, 1873 ! d. in infancy.

585. Fred Odde, b. July 19, 1875; m. September 6, 1898,

Mary Frances Neal, the daughter of Dennis Neal, of Portsmouth, N. H.

586. Lizzie Ethel, b. October 11, 1879.

587. Fannie Marie, b. November 16, 1882.

588. Edith Marion, b. July 24, 1891.

589. MARGARET ABBY SHANNON^ [271], (Wil- liam^, John', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of William and Maria Marsh (Cate) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., February 12, 1852. She married, No- vember 27, 1 88 1, William Eaton Winn, who was born April



8, 1859, the son of Nathaniel Eaton and OHve Ann Winn, of Portsmouth. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H.

Children of William and Margaret Winn :

590. Mildred Estelle, b. November 18, 1882.

591. Agnes Viola, b. March 15, 1884.

592. Omer Shannon, b. January 16, 1886.

593. Willie Eaton, b. October 12, 1887.

594. Nathaniel Lloyd, b. April 24, 1890.

595. WOODBURY EMMONS SHANNON7 [272], (William'^, John', Nathaniel+, Nathaniel, Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel'), son of William and Maria Marsh (Gate) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., February 2, 1854, and was engaged in farming. He married, June 21, 1882, Emogene Richards, who was born April i, 1861, the daughter of George W. and Lizzie Richards, of Portsmouth, N. H. Mr. Shannon died October 6, 1900. His widow resides in Portsmouth, N. H.

Children of Woodbury Emmons and Emogene :

596. William Ellis, b. June 24, 1883.

597. Ralph Woodbury, b. April 4, 1887.

598. Mabel Lizzie, b. November 2, 1889.

599. Floyd A., b. December 28, 1891 ; d. January 13, 1896.

600. HANNAH JANE SHANNON^ [280], (John^ john5, Nathaniel+, NathanieF, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daugh- ter of John and Hannah Elizabeth (Hartshorn) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., January 19, 1844. She married John Elbridge Milton, of Rowley, Mass., who was born Octo- ber 14, 1838, the son of John P. and Harriet B. Milton, of Rowley. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H.

Child of John and Hannah Milton : 601. Annie Oliver, b. January 24, 1864; d. August 20, 1884, in Portsmouth, N. H., unmarried.


602. NATHANIEL HARTSHORN SHANNON7 [282], (John^, John5, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^ NathanieP, Na- thaniel'), son of John and Hannah Ehzabeth (Hartshorn) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 3, 1849. He married, July i, 1873, Ella M. Hooper, who was born March I, 1852, the daughter of Samuel G. and Jane Hooper, of Ports- mouth. They reside at Portsmouth, N. H.

Child of Nathaniel Hartshorn and Ella : 603. John Byron, b. May 23, 1877.

604. SARAH ALICE SHANNON^ [283], (John^ John5, Nathaniel^-, Nathaniel, Nathaniel% Nathaniel' ), daughter of John and Hannah Elizabeth (Hartshorn) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., July 6, 1852. She married. May 2, 1872, Wesley S. Tucker, who was born June 13, 1852, the son ot Henry and Eveline Tucker, of York, Me. They reside at Portsmouth, N. H.

Children of Wesley and Sarah Tucker :

605. Elizabeth Shannon, b. June 7, 1877; m. Warren Allison

Sanford, b. November 17, 1871, at Loyal Hill, Hants Co., Nova Scotia. They reside at Portsmouth, N. H. Child of Warren and Elizabeth Sanford : i. Alice Mabel, b. July 11, 1898.

606. Frank Elbridge, b. March 14, 1880.

607. Wilbur Davis, b. March i, 1886.

608. NELLIE MARCH SHANNON7 [289], (George Dennett'^, John 5, Nathaniel+, NathanieP, Nathaniel, Nathaniel'), daughter of George Dennett and Sarah (Welch) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., March 24, 1858. She married.


March 22, 1877, Oren Clifford Williams, of Kittery, Me., the son of Charles and Martha Williams. Reside at Kittery, Me. Children of Oren and Nellie Williams :

609. Ralph Clifford, b. November 4, 1880.

610. Ora Maud, b. November 28, 1882.

611. CHARLES HORACE SHANNON^ [293], (Charles Augustus^, John^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-^, Nathaniel^, Nathan- iel'), son of Charles Augustus and Martha Sarah (Trundy) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 29, 1854. He married, June 10, 1874, Addie Tuttle, who was born April 8, 1852, the daughter of Edward Fox and Hannah (Cram) Tuttle, of Exeter, N. H. They reside at Brockton, Mass. Child of Charles Horace and Addie : 612. Percy Arthur, b. January 9, 1876; m. October 23, 1897, Agnes Simpson, who was born April 10, 1877, the daughter of Robert Henry and Agnes (McCulloch) Simpson, of Glasgow, Scotland.

613. EDWARD HOLMAN SHANNON" [294], (Charles Augustus*^, John', Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel'), son of Charles Augustus and Martha Sarah (Trundy) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., August 3, 1856. He married, May 25, 1883, Elsie Stewart Nickerson, who was born November 11, 1855, the daughter of John Kingsbury and Laurana (Phillips) Nickerson, of Harwich, Mass.

Children of Edward Holman and Elsie :

614. Richard Cutts, b. November 30, 1884.

615. Martha Laurana, b. August 11, 1890.


616. JAMES NOBLE SHANNON7 [337], (Samuel Leonard^, James Noble^, Richard Cutts+, Cutts-', Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), son of Samuel Leonard and Annie (Fellowes) Shan- non, was born in Halifax, N. S., August 31, 1858. He was educated at the Halifax Grammar School and at Dalhousie University of that city ; studied law with his father and at the Law School of Harvard University, and in December, 1879, he was admitted to the bar of Nova Scotia, and practiced his pro- fession in Halifax for three years; went to Quebec in 1882, and in 1885 to Toronto, where he now occupies since 1887 the position of accountant to the Missionary Society of the Metho- dist Church.

Since his early days he has cultivated a taste for music, and in Halifax, Quebec, and Toronto he occupied positions in the musical world, chietiy as church organist. From 1890 to 1901 he was organist of the Dunn Avenue Methodist Church, Toronto.

Mr. Shannon married, June 24, 1884, Elizabeth Shaw, who was born June 17, 1859, the daughter of John and Elizabeth Shaw, of Quebec.

Child of James Noble and Elizabeth : 617. Lillie Marion, b. December 11, 1887.

618. SAMUEL LEONARD SHANNON" [339], (Sam- uel Leonard*^, James Noble^, Richard Cutts+, Cutts^ Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), son of Samuel Leonard and Annie (Fellowes) Shan- non, was born January 18, 1862. Mr. Shannon was educated in Halifax, and in 1880 obtained a position in the Railways and Canals Department of the Canadian Government and removed to Ottawa. He is now the Chief Accountant of the Department. He held a Lieutenant's commission in the Governor General's Footguards of Ottawa ; and later commanded a company in the


provisional battalion composed of parts of the 12th and 35th Canadian regiments, which took part in the war in the North West Territory against Riel and his Indian allies, known as the Rebellion of 1885.

On September 12, 1888, Mr. Shannon married Beatrice Maude, the daughter of Lt. Col. Thomas Bacon, Headquarters Staff, Canadian Militia, Ottawa.

Children of Samuel Leonard and Beatrice :

619. Beatrice Mary Vaughan, b. August 8, 1890.

620. Nora Leonard, b. December 7, 1892.

621. Dorothy Minetta Middleton, b. November 13, 1894.

622. Ethel Marian, b. April 30, 1897; d. December 20, 1897.

623. EDWARD GRAFTON SHANNON" [342], (Sam- uel Leonard , James Noble', Richard Cutts"'', Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'], son ot Samuel Leonard and Annie (Fellowes) Shannon, was born in Halifax, N. S., January 16, 1871. He was educated at a private school and at Dalhousie University. Since 1887 he has been connected with the Halifax Banking Company, and now holds the position of accountant. He holds a com- mission as 1st Lieutenant in the 63rd Regiment ot Rifles. He married, October 5, 1895, Margaret Arabella Bill, the daughter of C. R. Bill, collector of customs, Wolfville, N. S.

Children of Edward Grafton and Margaret:

624. Samuel Leonard, b. November 22, 1896.

625. Helen Louise, b. June 22, 1899.

626. Margaret Bill, b. September 10, 1900.

627. FRANCIS SUTHERLAND SHANNON^ [345], (Samuel Leonard , James Noble', Richard Cutts+, Cutts^, Na- thanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Samuel Leonard and Annie (Fel- lowes) Shannon, was born in Halifax, N. S., October 6, 1879; was educated at Arnold School (Halifax) and the Halifax High


School. In 1897 he entered the service of the Bank of British North America, and since September, 1898, has been connected with the Bank of Ottawa, where he holds the position of account- ant. He is at present (1901 ) stationed at their branch in Brace- bridge, Ontario. Mr. Shannon is a member of the 43rd Rifles of Ottawa, Canadian Militia.

628. CHARLES WAY SHANNON" [347], (Charles Tebbets^, Richard Cutts>, Thomas^, Cutts^, Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel' ), son of Charles Tebbets and Jane Randell (Stan wood) Shan- non, was born in New London, Conn., April 24, 1837.

From early boyhood he zealously devoted himself to the study of music, and soon after became a skilful pianist ; but in the opinion of many it is as an organist that he particularly excels, having always found a special pleasure in the study of counterpoint and harmony.


For many years he gave instructions in music with great success, but latterly he has been chiefly engaged in the sale of musical instruments and merchandise.

Mr. Shannon married, hrst, December 29, 1859, Mary



Emery Lapham. She was born March 12, 1841, the daughter of David and Eunice (Emery) Lapham, of Auburn, Me., and died at Saco, December 3, 1883. The following notice of her death appeared in the " Biddetord Journal : "

We regret to announce, although for some time anticipated, the decease of Mrs. Charles W. Shannon, after a lingering sickness ot some months, at her home in Saco. Having conversed with great calmness during the day and become fully reconciled to the inevi- table, she sank into a quiet sleep and peacefully died at twelve o'clock last night, surrounded by her family and a few friends. Mrs. Shannon will long be remembered by the lovers of sacred song in our two cities, especially by those who have taken an inter- est in Sabbath-school entertainments, which she has frequently directed with marked success. The funeral services will take place at Mr. Shannon's residence in Saco, on Thursday afternoon, the 6th inst. The Rev. B. M. Frink will officiate, and we are requested to state that relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice.

Mr. Shannon married, second, June 4, 1901, Nellie Fessen- den Eastman, who was born in Stow, Me., P'ebruary 27, 1861, the daughter of Otis M. and Susan E. Eastman.

Children of Charles Way and Mary :

629. Mabelle Stanwood [853], b. April 2, 1862.

630. Grace Lincoln [857], b. January 27, 1865.

631. Charles Emery Gould, b. September 16, 1875 ; was gradu-

ated from Colby College in the class of 1899, and from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., in the class of 1902. After passing the required examinations of the State Medical Board for admission to practice in the State of Pennsylvania, he was appointed resident physician at the Pottsville Hospital, Pottsville, Pa., October i, 1902. hi 1904 he removed to Philadelphia, where he is now permanently established in the practice ot his profession.


632. RICHARD CUTTS SHANNON^ [348], (Charles Tebbets^, Richard Cutts', Thomas+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^ Nathan- iel"), son of Charles Tebbets and Jane Randell (Stanvvood) Shan- non, was born in New London, Conn., February 12, 1839, and was educated at the public schools and Waterville (now Colby) College, which he entered in 1858. At the outbreak of the Civil War, in response to the call of the President tor troops, he abandoned his college studies and enlisted, May 10, 1861, as a private in Company H, Fifth Maine Volunteers, and was ap- pointed 2nd Sergeant.

In October, 1861, he was promoted ist Lieutenant his Company; frequentlv acted as adjutant ot the regiment, and in March, 1862, was appointed aide-de-camp on the staft of Brig. Gen. H. W. Slocum, commanding the Brigade.

During the Peninsula and Maryland campaigns ot 1862 General Slocum commanded a Division ot the Sixth Army Corps, and Lieut. Shannon continued to serve with him as aide-de-camp, participating in the battles ot West Point, Gaines' Mill, Charles City Cross Roads, South Mountain and Antietam, receiving honorable mention in the othcial reports for his services.

In October, 1862, he was promoted Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General of \^olunteers, and assigned to duty with the Twelfth Army Corps ; was taken prisoner in the battle ot Chan- cellorsville. May 3, 1863, but exchanged in time to be present the following month at (jettysburg, serving on the staff ot General Slocum, commanding the Tweltth Army Corps, and, during the battle, commander of the right wing of the army.

Shortly after the close of the Gettysburg campaign, having reported in person to the War Department, he was assigned to duty at the recruiting station on Rikers Island, New York


harbor ; and when later the station was moved to Hart Island, served there also as Adjutant-General the Post.

During the final campaign of the war, in i865,--' he served with the Twenty-Fifth Army Corps before Richmond. In June, 1865, he accompanied the corps to Texas as Adjutant-General of one of its divisions, and remained there until the close of the year, when, at his own request, he was relieved from further mili- tary duty and ordered to proceed to his place of residence, where he was " honorably mustered out of the service of the United States " by special orders No. 60, War Department, Adjutant- General's Office, dated February 10, 1866, receiving subse- quently the brevets of Major and Lieutenant-Colonel for his services.

In I 871 he was appointed by President Grant Secretary of the United States Legation to Brazil. In the exercise ot his duties he twice acted a Charge d' Affaires, ad biterim.

In August, 1874, he visited Europe on leave ot absence;

* In 1865, during the last campaign of the war, the Twenty-fifth Army Corps was posted on the left bank of the James not far from Richmond. Our Brigade was one of the first to enter the Confederate Capital on the morning of April 3rd. We found a part of the citv in flames. The soldiers stacked their arms and went to work putting out the fire. One of the first places I \isited was the famous " Libby," where I had resided for sixteen days in 1863 as a prisoner of war.

After the surrender of Lee the Twenty-fifth Army Corps was sent by sea to Texas. A fleet of seventeen vessels was necessary to carry our Division alone, headquarters being on the steamship Illinois. We sailed from Hampton Roads May 31st, and on June 8th reached Mobile Bay, anchoring off Port Morgan, which I visited. The effect of shot and shell could be seen everywhere on the walls of the fort. June loth we set sail for the coast of Texas, but on account of bad weather were not able to effect a landing at Brazos Santiago till June 1 7th. A month later the Division, gooo strong, began its march up the Rio Grande to Ringgold Barracks, via Brownsville, passing over the old Mexican battlefields of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. It took only five days to cover the distance to Ringgold Barracks, about 150 miles, leaving garrisons at Santa Maria, Edinburg


and having resigned from the diplomatic service in March, 1875, he devoted himself to the study of tramway concessions in France, for which purpose he remained in that country until the end of 1875, when he returned to Rio de Janeiro and took charge of the Botanical Garden R. R. Co., an American enterprise, of which he subsequently became the vice-president and general manager, and finally the president.

Returning to the United States in 1883 he pursued the course of law study at Columbia University, and in 1886 was admitted

and Las Cuevos Rock. We marched during the early morning hours and late in the afternoon, resting during the heat of the dav. Sometimes we had to malce extra long marches to reach water.

At this time the Republican troops of President Juarez were posted along the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande ; and Camargo, just opposite Ringgold, was one of the places they occupied. Our officers maintained friendly relations with them, tried to learn a little Spanish so as to join in singing their national hymn, and often crossed the river to visit their camps. General Escobado (who afterwards captured Maximilian at Queretero) was in chief command at this point and once came over to visit us. I well remember his visit to my quarters and his personal appearance. He had the largest ears I ever saw attached to a human being. They stood out from the sides of his head like a pair of wings. He also once sent his Chief of Artillery to the General to obtain a supply of powder and bayonets, which I thought a most extraordinary request to make. But as two officers of General Sheridan's stafF arrived about that time and passed over into Mexico on some friendly mission to the Juarez party, my impression is that military supplies were furnished, as requested. General Espinosa I also remember well. He was a small man and quite lame. Shortly afterwards he was killed, I believe, in the attack on Matamoras, which failed.

After making two applications to be relieved from further military ser\ice, the war being over, I finally received orders on January 8th, 1866, to proceed to my place of residence in Maine and there await further orders.

It was during this journey home that I crossed the State of Texas from the Rio Grande to Shreveport, making a short stay at Marshall to visit the family of my uncle, Calvin J^ocke, whose only son Clinton a young man of fine character and great promise had fallen in the war. Upon examining my diary of this trip, which is full of curious details, I find that Texas was not then the developed, pro- gressive state we see to-day, nor were the means of transit quite so rapid as now.

R. C. S.


to practice at the New York bar. During the years 1886-87 he made a tour of the world ; and on the 1 9th of September, 1887, married, at St. Paul's Church, Knightsbridge, Hyde Park, London, Martha Ann Greenough, widow of Charles B. Green- ough,'-- and the daughter of Silasf and Rhoda (Scoville) Spauld- ing, of Clarkson, N. Y.



* Mr. Greenough was the pioneer in the establishment of street railroads in South America. Vide Appendix XH. for a fuller account of him and his family.

t He was the eldest son of Silas Spaulding, a soldier of the Revolution, who entered the military service April 19, 1775, and marched to Cambridge in Capt. Joshua Parker's Company. He also served in Capt. Oliver Bates' Company of Col. James Prescott's Regiment, and in the regiments of Col. William Prescott and Col. Job Cushing. He was in the battle of Bennington, and present at the surrender of Burgoyne, having taken part in the battles which preceded it.


In 1 89 1 Colonel Shannon was appointed by President Harrison envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary ot the United States to the Republics of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador, and served until May, 1893. In 1892 he received the honorarv degree of LL. D. from Colby College.

In 1894 he was elected a Member of the Fifty-fourth Con- gress as a Republican, representing the Xlllth District of New York; in 1896 was re-elected to the Fifty-tifth Congress by an increased vote ; but declined to be a candidate for renomin- ation in i 898.

In the Summer of 1899, on account of the greatly impaired health of Mrs. Shannon, a journey was made to Aachen, Germany, in the hopes that some benetit would be derived from a special remedv there employed, and which had been strongly recom- mended bv a friend at Washington who had suffered from the same nervous disorder and been fully restored to health.

The result was so encouraging that the visit was repeated in 1900, and arrangements for a third visit in 1901 were already made when Mrs. Shannon suddenly fell ill at her home in Wash- ington, and, though not dangerously so at lirst, rapidly sank and passed away on the evening ot March i, 1901, having been

After his term of service in the army expired he married Hannah Brown, April 24, 1778, and settled in Granville, N. Y. He afterwards moved to Fort Ann, where he died February 29, 18 12, aged 55. His widow died August 22, 1833, at Granville, N. Y., aged 72.

These facts are taken from " the Spalding Memorial, a Genealogical History of Edward Spalding of V-'irginia and Massachusetts Bay, and his descendants." (Vide p. 164.)

In the preface to this interesting work it is further stated that the names of a thousand Spaldings are borne on the military rolls of our Government, having taken part in every war in which the country has been engaged, thus rendering honor- able and patriotic service in defense of their native land. R. C S.


seriously ill hut a few days. It was a painless, peaceful close of a noble life.

As she hreathed her last her face suddenly lit up with a heavenly smile, as though already greeting, in that better world, the dear ones who had gone before !

Her life had been one long record of good deeds done for others, a noble Christian character, whose generous heart ever responded to the wants of the suffering and the unfortunate. So it is not to be wondered at that her death was regarded by many as a distinct public loss, and especially in that community which had been the home of her childhood.


It is not all of lite to live, and who shall say That this is all, when the descending sun Draws down the curtain at the close of day And life's long, weary pilgrimage is done .'' It is not all, for on your toilsome way A Kindly Light* has ever led you on ; And Memory prints upon your cloudless sky A record of good deeds that cannot die.

J. w. A.

Martha A. Shannon, who died on March i, in Washington, D. C, was the wife of Richard Cutts Shannon, formerly of the diplomatic service under Presidents Grant and Harrison and from 1895 ^^99 '^he repre- sentative in congress from the Thirteenth Congressional District of this city. Mrs. Shannon was a cousin of the late Henry F. Spaulding, former president of the Central Trust Company, and, in first marriage, wife of the late Charles B. Greenough, founder and first president of the Botan- ical Garden Railroad Company of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. While residing in Rio, Mrs. Greenough won the alTection and admiration of all who

* " Lead, Kindly Light," was Mrs. Shannon's favorite hymn.


knew of the courage and self-sacrifice with which she remained in that city during the yellow fever epidemic, nursing and caring for the sick, strangers as well as members of her own family. Her generosity and high sense of honor were displayed in recent years when she twice paid in full the debts of the John H. Uingsburv Bank'-' of Brockport, N. Y. There was no obligation of any kind upon IVIrs. Shannon to meet the bank's debts, but because it had become insolvent under the administration of a kinsman she was unwilling that any loss should come to those who had trusted the institution with which one of her family had been connected, and, therefore, paid voluntarily nearly a quarter of a million dollars to settle the bank's liabilities in full. In recognition of this action, which attracted wide-spread attention at the time, three hundred residents of Brockport united in presenting to Mrs. Shannon, as the benefactress of that community, a loving cup with an autographic memorial. Mrs. Shannon was a communicant of the Church of the Heavenly Rest in this city, and in an unobtrusive way a liberal contributor to all of the city's charities. She has left a memory and example dear to all who had the pleasure to know her and appreciate her ever-ready sympathy and generosity. The Commercial j-i liver tiser, March 4, 1901.

* The first failure of the Bank occurred in 1892 while Mrs. Shannon was absent in Central America with her husband, then serving as the United States Minister. The following letter received from Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, the authoress, long a resident at Brockport, most graphically recounts the story of this disastrous failure, and emphasizes the noble act of Mrs. Shannon in coming to the relief of the town :

Bnnvn Cottage,

Brockport, New York,

May 20, 1 892. Dear Mrs. Shannon :

If you never do another good act in your life you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are immortalized in the minds of our citizens as a great-hearted, generous woman, who has done what few women would do. When your cablegram to Mr. Holmes reached Brock- port it found the town full of discouraged people, some of whom had lost every dollar thev had in the world ; while in the household in which you are most interested a shadow almost like the shadow ot death was bursting over its inmates. The trouble was so widespread reaching out beyond the actual losers that the whole place telt crippled. But when the cablegram came the tidings spread like wild-fire, making the people wild with joy. Some laughed ; some cried ;


On Saturday morning last the painful news was heralded throughout our village, that Mrs. Martha A. Shannon had passed from earth, at her home in Washington, D. C, where, with her husband, she was spending the winter. The news was a terrible shock to our citizens in general, who loved and esteemed the kind benefactress, who had, on no less than two occasions, rendered most substantial relief to our village and residents by sufficient of her store of this world's goods to relieve them from a position which caused many a sleepless night and might have been the cause of much suffering.

Her kindness and generosity, her love for her kin and those about her as well, her ever thoughtful and charitable disposition, which always showed itself to those in trouble or want, endeared her to all who knew her, and her name and generous acts will ever be awarded the highest praise, for none are prone to say but that she had few equals, in these particulars, of which her acts bear witness.

Martha A. Spaulding was born in Clarkson, N. Y., April ijth, 1833. The years of her girlhood were spent with her sister, Mrs. Phebe Kings- bury, to whom she was most devotedly attached and whose death a few years since, was a sad blow. Her love for her favorite sister was so strong that it seemed not to lessen but to grow with this sad event, and she was only happy in the thought that some day the family ties would again be joined, to rest unbroken.

some ran down the street in one direction, some in another, to tell the glad news. Telegrams were sent to distant friends who had lost. Your name was in every mouth ; and had \ou been here I don't know but you would have been taken up bodily and carried through the town. Some talked of ringing the bells and having a bonfire in your honor ; while those vou love best and on whom the load pressed most heavily felt that the sun was shining again and took courage. We feel as if we had been struck bv two cyclones,- -one of which knocked us flat, while the other put us on our feet again ; and they followed each other in so rapid succes- sion that we have as yet scarcely recovered our breath. As assignee and preferred creditor, Mr. Holmes would not have lost ; but he sympathized deeply with those who would and with vour family, to whom vou could have done no greater good than you have by stemming the tide of bitterness which was increasing, rather than diminishing, as time went on. It is a life worth living to do what vou have done, by carrying gladness to so many homes. And many a prayer has gone up that God would bless vou as you deserve. Nor do we forget Mr. Shannon, who we feel was quite as willing to help us as yourself And it we could make you hear we would give three cheers for Mr. and Mrs. Shannon. God bless you both, and keep you in good health and bring you back to us in safety very soon.

Mary J. Holmes.


January 15, 1852, she was united in marriage to Charles B. Green- ough, who died in 1880, leaving one son, Charles Edward, who died also the same year. By thritt and industry, with which both were endowed, and the investment of their small savings in ways that proved profitable far beyond their most sanguine expectations, Mr. Greenough amassed a large fortune, the greater portion having been made through railroad inter- ests in Brazil, where they resided for some twelve or fifteen years. At the death of her husband the bulk ot this fortune came to the wife, who ever since has shown that it fell into kindly hands, for no one could be more generous nor more charitable in the use of the same. Her domestic life was one of quietude, living, notwithstanding her great fortune, only as a person of ordinary means, but her kind and benevolent acts have pre- ceded her to realms above, and cannot help but be a bright star in her crown.

September 19th, 1887, she was united in marriage at St. Paul's Church, Knightsbridge, London, to Hon. R. C. Shannon, who survives her. For the past eight years her health has not been of the best, and they have been constantly together, at home or abroad. Now that the end has come, it is a sad blow. She died peacefully; and just before she breathed her last a smile that was like a beautiful sunset covered her features and seemed to say, " I am at rest."

Funeral services were held at Washington, on Sunday, Rev. Dr. Stuart, rector of Christ Church, Georgetown, officiating, and the remains were brought here for interment. Tuesday morning, St. Luke's Church was filled to overflowing to pay a last sad tribute to the departed. Rev. John S. Littell officiated, and during the beautiful Episcopal service many a heart showed its love for the memory of the departed. The interment took place at the family vault, Lake View Cemetery.

The floral display was elegant and showed the esteem in which deceased was held in Washington, New York and other points, as well as at her birth-place. The Business Men's Association, ot this place, paid their tribute in the form of a most beautiful wreath, while all places of business in the village were closed during the services at the church. The honorary pall bearers were Daniel Holmes, Dr. W. B. Mann, J. D. Burns, T. H. Dobson, B. F. Gleason and P. J. Willson.

And thus passes away the last member of the Spaulding family. She is survived by her husband, a grandson, Charles Edward Greenough, of New York, now a student at Yale University, John H. Kingsbury, a nephew, and a number of nieces.

There were present at the funeral from away, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kingsbury and son Charles, of Detroit ; Charles Edward Greenough, of New York ; two brothers and a nephew of Mr. Shannon, Henry


Morgan and wife of Buffalo, and several New York friends. Brockport Democrat, March 6, 1901.

We deeply regret to announce the death at her home in Washington, D. C, on March ist, of Mrs. Martha A. Shannon, wife of the Hon. Richard Cutts Shannon, for many years a resident of this city.

Mrs. Shannon will be better known to the older residents of this city as the wife of Mr. Charles B. Greenough, the grantee, builder and for many years president of the Botanical Garden tramway line. She was mar- ried to Mr. Greenough in 1852 at the age of nineteen, and some years later they came to Brazil and resided in this city for twelve or fifteen years. Mr. Greenough died in 1880, leaving a large fortune to his wife and one son. The latter died the same year, leaving his mother sole heir to a fortune which enabled her to indulge a generously charitable disposi- tion to the fullest extent. She was married to Mr. R. C Shannon, who had been one of Mr. Greenough's most efficient lieutenants, on September 19th, 1887. She was an appreciative and helpful companion to Mr. Shannon in his professional and public career both at home and abroad, and her loss will be an irreparable one to him.

Mrs. Shannon was very nearly 68 years ot age. She was buried at Brockport, New York, the home of her youth, where she had always been held in the highest esteem and affection. Mr. Shannon will have the fullest sympathy of his many friends here in Rio de Janeiro. "The Rio News, April 16, 1901.

Mrs. Shannon in her Will made most generous provision for her husband, grandson, and other surviving relatives ot her fam- ily ; and after directing the payment of legacies to certain friends who had ever been devoted to her and to whom she was greatly attached, provided that the bulk of her estate should ultimately go to charity.

By the terms of the 5th Article of the Will the title to the homestead at Brockport, N. Y., passed to Mr. Shannon, who,



after making considerable changes and additions to the property, took up his permanent residence there in 1903.


Among the bequests made in her Will was one to St. Luke's Church, of Brockport, N. Y., which she was accustomed to attend when visiting her old home, and which included in its membership not only her beloved sister Phoebe and other rela- tives, but many dear friends whom she had known from childhood.

On All Saints' Day, November i, 1902, the Rector, the Reverend John S. Littell, preached an impressive Memorial Sermon from which we extract the following :

One name stands out by our choice to-night for our special honor, because she loved us ; because she was just, beyond the requirements of civil law, and generous beyond the expectations of human hope ; because her good example still lives, and the influence of her character. As we


say the devout prayer, May the Souls of the Faithful, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace, we know that hers is that peace as she nears That God, which ever lives and loves, One God, one law, one element. And one far-off divine event. To which the whole creation moves.

Martha Ann Shannon, daughter of Silas and Rhoda (Scoville) Spaulding, was born in the village of Clarkson, April 13, 1833. She was accustomed to say that the figures which stand for her birthday, point to her favorite verse in the Bible, or at least to that verse which to her seemed to describe her vocation and purpose in life. That text is Proverbs 31:13. It is a remarkable chapter, descriptive of domestic life, the peace and welfare derivable from womanliness. It is not an ideal imposed upon woman from without a hard condition all apart from her own consent. It is in " the words of King Lemuel .... that his mother taught him." (Prov. 31:1.) Sobriety, purity, industry, prosperity ; these are its theme-words and they are good tor all time. The thirteenth verse, to which Mrs. Shannon often referred with much pride as her birthday verse, stands at the front of that section of the chapter which praises domestic industry ; " She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands." Modestly as she has spoken of this as her verse, her friends feel that her whole life's story justifies us in conceding the entire chapter to her, as a portrait of herself, of her living, of her ideals, and of her wishes. For the life therein described its uprightness, its labor, and its final riches and public honors are all hers. " Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates." (Verse 31.)

But we must not hasten to the reward. The story must be left to develop in its own way and along its own path.

Mrs. Shannon's father, when he settled in Clarkson, was in humble circumstances due to severe business reverses in his former home at Fort Ann ; and the children were brought up in a school of discipline which has since proven itself a blessing to so many. There, in the modest country home, where each must regard the needs of all, and all must minister to the welfare of each, there in that home were tested the sweets of service which are the invariable antecedents of usefulness. Parents sometimes are afraid that their children may deprive each other of the necessities and comforts of existence, that the small possessions and capi- tal may have to be divided among too many. But there is no school in which the ideals of generosity and usefulness are so efficiently taught as they are in the school of the family. And there is none perhaps so really unfortunate as that one who has neither brother nor sister. God has so made this world that we must help each other, and no one ever cares for himself so well as when he is caring for some one else. Mrs. Shannon,


in the industrious home of her early childhood, had four brothers and three sisters, and whatever the family possessed must needs be divided amongst these ten. At the age of about twelve years she lost her mother, whose devotion to her large tamily made such an impression upon Mrs. Shannon that she never failed to refer to it when speaking of her parents. For the next five years she lived with her eldest sister, Mrs. Phebe Kings- bury, so well known to this community, and in this good home received that care and instruction which are seldom given save by the hands of a mother to her own child. At about eighteen she went to live with her brother, Mr. Morel B. Spaulding, then engaged in business in New York City. There she became a member of a society ( now extinct) calling itself " The Laight Street Baptist Church." Equipped in her country home with right principles of living, she endeavored in all things to discharge her duty to God and to man, and thus early she defined her attitude toward Christian thought and Christian work. In 1852, she was married to Mr. Charles B. Greenough, a member of the same religious organiza- tion and a friend from her childhood a man endowed with the silence and the rugged strength of purpose which belonged to the Puritan. In all matters connected with religion, whether personal or organized, Mr. Greenough was reticent, though in his heart devoted to its principles. It was not his nature to talk much of it nor to seek prominence in its affairs. The relation to it which he most desired was that of the humble layman in his place as a disciple, in which, unobserved, he could work out his faith in his life.

From that time on, for sixteen years, these young people shared a life of struggle and of work. Mr. Greenough's employment was in the railroad service, and step by step he was advancing. In 1865, he, having been disappointed in an effort to obtain a street railroad charter for New York City, turned elsewhere in search of an advantageous business open- ing. Ofthistimehe himself made this statement : "Taking down my map and examining it carefully, 1 found that Rio was a' pretty large city, and it occurred to me that perhaps I might manage to establish a tramway there." His story of acquisition and success is one in which we may all feel some pride as it is illustrative of the energy and ingenuity which are said to be characteristic of Americans. It seems that, years before, the convenience of the people of the Capital of the Empire as then it was of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, demanded the introduction of street railroads. The natives could not be induced to take up the task, for the franchise, even with its exclusive privilege, was valueless in their estimation. An English family next became the owners of it, and they likewise met with no success. It was in consequence of the investigations originated by Mr. Greenough during which he made several voyages to South America that this existing franchise was discovereci and finally


purchased by him in association with others, and he proceeded to the execution of the contract. His administrative ability smoothed out the difficulties, his capacity for work pushed the enterprise to completion, and he was awarded with an ample fortune and with the name ot public bene- factor. Other roads were at once projected, and there followed that rapid development of the suburban districts which is so characteristic of our American cities.

But the romance of the fortune-builder was soon to be changed into a tragedy. " I must not breathe this hot air," Mr. Greenough once exclaimed. In May, 1878, they returned to this country, going to Colorado; and then to France; and on January 3, 1880, being fatigued after an evening drive, suddenly he passed away.

Mr. and Mrs. Greenough had but one child, a son, who now sur- vived but a short period. In the same year, and on October 22, died Charles Edward Greenough, aged 27, who had tor some time been fighting to regain health and to save his lite.

The double sorrow was soothed by the birth of a grandson, October 23, in the same hotel in New York City in which the body of his father was reposing in the sleep of death. This son, the grandson of her whom the people of this vicinity knew and honored as Mrs. Greenough, has now attained his majority. It is our prayer to-day as we honor her in this beautiful service offered to God on the part of this loving congrega- tion, that for her sake and in her name, he should grow into the same respect of his fellow men, be endowed with the same sterling qualities, and after her example should hold the abiding love of all who are admitted to the privacy of his personal aims, ideals and experiences.

On September 19, 1887, Mrs. Greenough was married to the Honorable Richard Cutts Shannon, now of Brockport, and tor many years the confidential advisor and aid of Mr. Greenough and the firm friend of all his family. In 1891 Mr. Shannon was appointed, by Presi- dent Harrison, United States Minister to Central America, whither of course his wife accompanied him. In 1893 they returned to the United States and in the following year Mr. Shannon was chosen a Member of Congress from New York City. Even while they were anticipating the beginning of Washington life, Mrs. Shannon was taken with illness which developed in a serious manner until her life was despaired of. The summer of 1895 ^^^ spent in Colorado, and the succeeding autumn she was again taken ill, and from thence was an invalid. In i 899 and in 1900 she spent several months in Germany for special treatment, and trom this she believed that she received benefit. Having arranged tor a third visit to Germany in 1901, after a brief struggle, on the first day of March, she died. During her last illness she had the friendship as well as the untir-


ing care of her faithful physician,'-' whose outlook upon life was not bounded by his ministry to the body, but at her death, mounted up to the strong position of Christian faith and gratitude which caused him to confess, though in slightly different words, that his belief is, as ours to-day, that the Souls of the Righteous are in the Hand ot God. Prayers ot the Church were said for the passing soul as those she loved, with Dr. Stuart, knelt at the bed-side.

1 will now trace Mrs. Shannon's religious convictions and develop- ment as they appear at different times in her life. There lies before me as I write a copy of the Hymns of Isaac Watts, dated 1841, from which, if appearances prove anything, Mrs. Shannon drew many ot the ideas of strong faith in the Providence of God, intense attachment to the Crucified Savior, and deep satisfaction in her personal experience which always formed such potent influences in her life. The desire to share in work for humanity made its appearance while she was yet quite young, and found its satisfaction in institutions such as the Five Points' Mission and the Howard Home, both of which had special reference to bettering the lives of the city children. When, after years of association with these practical charities, she was obliged by removal to cease her active labor in their behalf, she was filled with a great regret. On reaching Rio she found her religious home in the English Church. Later she was deeply moved by the confirmation of her only son, which took place through the hands of the Right Reverend John Franklin Spalding, Bishop, in Grace Church, Colorado Springs, on May 8, 1878, ^just twenty-four years to the very day before this Church organ was opened by her munificence and to her memory. And on the fifth Sunday in Lent, 1881, in New York and in the Church of the Heavenly Rest so named, I take it, because the Souls of the Righteous are in the Hand of God she herselt received this Com- pletion of her Baptism and Seal of the Holy Spirit. All her friends know how that this caused her the greatest satisfaction. In that Church she was accustomed to make regularly her Communions. From this time on, her Church benevolences were considerate and generous. There lies before me a certificate dated March, 1882, saying that "Mrs. Greenough has placed one brick" representing a handsome contribution in a Church then being erected in Harlem. I read in our local records that even when she was at a distance she loved to remember this Church in Brockport, as winter approached, with gifts of coal.

Nobly illustrating her habit, acquired in childhood, of looking care- fully for the sorrows and anxieties of those about her, is a document

* Doctor Albert Rhett Stuart of Washington, always pleasantly recalled on account of our college acquaintance of two years' duration.


opened after her death, her last will and testament. She first provides for those whom she loved family and friends, to whom she was greatly attached and, classed by her among the personal and primary clauses is one in which she remembers Saint Luke's Church. Again among the first is one highly significant of her method. Something appears to have sharpened her sympathy for the German people residing in this country where neither speech nor institutions are as their own. With the unerring accuracy of a judgment which always as by instinct went to the aid of those in need ot a helping hand, she provided a large sum for these Ger- mans associated in the German Mission of the Church of the Heavenly Rest. And to close this subject, the bulk of her property goes to charity.* America is not the land of the unfortunate or oppressed. And yet, because, after all, it is a part of this world, there still remain many unfor- tunates here as everywhere. To them, so it appeared to Mrs. Shannon, our first attention is due. Not to founding, maintaining, or endowing centres of science though that is noble ; not to schools of learning, though that too is necessary; not to libraries; not to providing opportunities tor culture though that too is noble; not to building magnificent Churches rightly and dearly as men love to erect to God and in honor of some Saint the impressive Sanctuary, and to beautify it, and to sustain it, for The Truth and for Reverence ; not to these went out Mrs. Shannon's first affection ; but to the crying children, to the blind and deaf and dumb, to the incurables, to the aged ; under the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who though he founded a Church, gave it no place to pray in until he had healed the sick and raised the dead and out of the darkness and degradation of society which boasted itself civilized when in reality it was a barbarism, had gathered a Kingdom for Himself in which there should be drilled, by the efScient method of love and discipline, a new citizenship of pure lives full of love towards Him.

I need not say, to Brockport people, that the most remarkable thing done by Mrs. Shannon in a public way, was done for the people of her home. When in misfortune through heavy financial losses, and when there was no legal or moral obligation resting upon her, she thanked God she was able to save the town's business from a paralyzing blow and the poor from the suffering which, inevitably, would have fallen upon them. Cheerfully and quickly she responded to that which was more of a need than a claim, in a gentle and thankful spirit which stands forth as a per- fect revelation to those who would have us believe that this world is gov- erned by a selfish, strict, and hard commercialism.

* Mostly to Institutions associated with the Diocese of New York, and the Church in New York City.


I cannot close without one word in reference to the intense family affection and social loyalty which was with Mrs. Shannon a natural grace and a carefully indulged accomplishment. Gentle and cheerful in the home, she was to all about her all that can be included under the phrase, the noblest type of womanhood. Even the personal associations of those whom she loved, stood to her as forever consecrate. Of friends she cared not to have great numbers, but took each true friend at a true friend's value. Loyalty and conservatism are great forces in the making ot last- ing friendships ; and to preserve her friends as friends forever, was the rule of her companionship.

For all that which is good and true, firm and loving, generous and honorable in this spendid example of our American womanhood, may we heartily praise God this night; and ask Him to give us His grace that we may ever follow in the footsteps of those who have faithfully served Him ; and that we, with them, may be accounted as of his everlasting kingdom.

We believe that the Souls of the Righteous are in the Hand of God :

We have but faith : we cannot know ;

Eor knowledge is of things we see ;

And yet we trust it comes from Thee, A beam in darkness : Let it grow.

633. JAMES HARRISON SHANNON7 [349], (Charles Tebbets^, Richard Cutts^, Thomas'^, Cutts-^ Nathaniel', Nathan- iel'), son of Charles Tebbets and Jane Randell (Stanwood) Shannon, was born in Providence, R. I., December 12, 1841 ; was educated in the public schools and at Waterville Academy, where he was pursuing his studies when the Civil War began. He enlisted, May 14, 1861, with his brother Richard, in Com- pany H, Fifth Maine Volunteers; but his parents refusing to grant their consent to his service in the ranks, to secure their assent to his enlistment he was transferred to the regimental band, and served continuously with the regiment, and was present in all the battles in which it was engaged until i\ugust 10, 1862, when the band was mustered out.

He re-entered the military service February 20, 1863, as ist Lieutenant of Company H, Third Maryland Infantry, and took


part in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. During the winter of 1863-64 he was stationed at Cowan, on the Ten- nessee, Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad, guarding the road from attacks of Forrest's Cavalry. On February 8, 1864, he was com- missioned Captain in the First Regiment, Vidette Tennessee Cavalry, with which organization he continued to serve until its muster out of the United States service, June 16, 1864.

He afterwards entered the Quarter-Master's Department, embracing Construction and Repair of Railroads, Military Divis- ion of the Mississippi, Headquarters at Nashville, Tenn., as Chief Property Clerk, and served "faithfully and with ability" in said capacity until May, 1867.

During the invasion of Tennessee by Hood's Army, in the latter part of 1864, the clerks and employees ot the various Quarter-Master's Departments of Nashville, numbering some twenty odd thousand, were organized, armed and equipped for the defense of the capital ; and Captain Shannon, on account ot his former military service, was assigned to the command ot one of the brigades of this force; and, according to testimonials atter- wards given, he performed the duties pertaining to this office " with promptness and satisfaction" to his superior officers. •■'

Mr. Shannon subsequently studied medicine and was grad-

* After the battle of Franklin General Scofield retreated to Nashville closely followed bv Hood, who established his lines near that citv. Then " the straits of the situation were recognized " at Army Headquarters, and the day after Schofield's arrival at Nashville Grant sent the following telegram to Thomas:

" Arm and put in the trenches your Quarter-master's employees, citizens," etc.

(Vide Enc. Amer., Vol. XI. Campaign and battle of Nashville. ) On December 2, 1864, Grant again telegraphed Thomas:

" With your citizen employees armed, you can move out of Nashville with all your army and force the enemy to retire or fight upon ground of your own choosing."

(Rebellion Records, Vol. XLV. Pt. II., p. 17.)


uated from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., March 10, 1884. Since 1886 he has heen engaged in the prac- tice of his profession at Saco, Me.

He married, November 24, 1873, Susan Warner Greenwood, who was born August 2, 1851, the daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Paine) Greenwood, of Camden, N. J.

Children of James Harrison and Susan :

634. Richard Cutts [861], b. July 30, 1874.

635. James Harrison, b. August 13, 1876.

636. Charles Way, b. October 10, 1877; died at birth.

637. Jane Warner, b. October 10, 1879.

638. Charles Nathaniel [862], b. August 13, 1881.


NON^ [362], (Samuel Tebhets^ Richard Cutts*', Thomas+, Cutts\ NathanieP, Nathaniel' ), daughter of Samuel Tebbets and Martha Ann Prentice (Stevens) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., January 16, 1848. She married, June 28, 1877, George Fairfield Forbes, who was born in Hartford, Conn., March 15, 1849; and died in Roxbury, Mass., September 20, 1890.

Mr. Forbes was graduated from Amherst College in 1875, and was one of the most distinguished scholars oi his class. While in college he had already done some work as a teacher in Easthampton, and very soon after graduation was honored by being selected as an instructor at the famous Roxbury Latin School, becoming later the first sub-master. Here he had unusual success as a teacher, and continued until his untimely death in 1890. We may well say that he was " cut off in the full strength of his years." Never could that phrase be more aptly used ; tor he was only 41 when he died.


On September 22nd, the second day following Mr. Forbes' death, Mr. Collar, the principal, addressed the school as follows:

A little more than a week ago I hoped this morning would see the return of Mr. Forbes to the school, and he himself, I know, confidently expected it. Now his life and his work here are ended.

The feeling that is uppermost in my mind is that of a great and pain- ful personal loss. For almost half the years that I have been in the school I have had in Mr. Forbes a strong and faithful helper. For fifteen years our relations have been very close, partly of necessity, but much more from personal choice. We often difl^ered in judgment and opinion in school matters that fell to be discussed between us, but those difl^erences never diminished in the least our mutual confidence and esteem, or in the slightest degree disturbed our friendship, so that if I could have foreseen that I was so soon to lose him, and could have once more taken his hand to bid him a last farewell, I could not have recalled anything to cause a momentary pang, I may almost say, a passing regret.

But 1 must say no more of my own great loss. I know well that it is upon the school that the heaviest blow falls. How he toiled for the school, how unweariedly and masterfully. He literally gave his life for it. To me his skill in teaching, his fertility in resource, and his complete mastery of every subject that he took up, were very manifest in the early years of his service here, whether it was Greek or Latin, or mathematics or science that fell to him. But these qualities, together with his extra- ordinary inventive power, were more conspicuous in these latter years in the department of physics.

It is only a few years ago that phvsics began to be studied seriously and systematically in this school, but those few years were enough for Mr. Forbes to acquire the reputation, which he fully merited, of being one of the foremost teachers of that science in New England. The department of physics here was entirely his creation, and not a little of the apparatus was his own invention. To what an admirable degree of efficiency he had brought the conduct of that subject. I have never mentioned it before, but it is proper that I should tell you now, that I have heard that the books of his boys were several years ago shown at Harvard as models of what teachers should teach and of what boys could do. Teachers from far and near used to come here to see Mr. Forbes' methods and ask his counsel.

But there was something in Mr. Forbes that I valued more than his power as a teacher, and that was his utter devotion to the school. For you, for the school, he could not do enough. He was a strong and tire- less worker, but the day was not long enough, and the sun often set before he left the laboratory. The school week was not long enough, and many


a Saturday morning was entirely spent here, when he ought to have been having the change and rest that a hard-worked teacher needs. The school year was not long enough, and he would use the long vacation, or weeks of it, in planning his work, devising new appliances, and originating fresh problems and illustrations. Even the last weeks of this, his last vacation, I have learned within a few days, although he was not quite well, he used to come often and spend many hours preparing for the coming year the work which now another hand must take up. So to the last he was self- forgetful and utterly devoted to the school. We will honor his memory and try to emulate the noble unselfishness of his life.

The following appeared in the Boston "Commonwealth," September 27, 1890:

In the death of Mr. George F. Forbes, this city sustains a severe loss. For, indeed, the central business of Boston is found in its prepara- tion for the education of the young, and especially in the higher education. The Roxbury Latin School, in which Mr. Forbes was the first sub- master, is second to none in the country in its work, and it owes much of its success to the consecrated purpose and tireless life of this teacher. Indeed, those who knew him best feel that probably he would not have died so young but that he gave himself with such unstinted readiness to the honor and service of this school. As Mr. Collar, the accomplished principal, said to the boys on Monday, the school day was not long enough for him ; he would be at work in the school-house till it was dark and after. The school week was not long enough for him ; he would be at work in the laboratory on what were holidays to the boys. And the school year was not enough for him ; he gave his vacations, as he gave his term-time, to the interests of the school. At the end of the summer vacation he has suddenly died, to the great loss of the school and to the grief of all who knew him.

Mr. Forbes was a graduate of Amherst College of the class of 1875. His class was a distinguished one, and he was one of the highest scholars. It is a pathetic thing to observe that the first three scholars of that class have now all left this world let us hope for higher service. While he was yet in college, Mr. Forbes had done some work as a teacher in Easthamp- ton, but, almost as soon as he graduated, he was selected by Mr. Collar, from among a large number of young men, as an assistant in the Rox- bury Latin School. Immediately he justified the choice which had been made ; from that moment to this, his work was satisfactory and more than satisfied the trustees of the school, and from stage to stage he has been advanced in its service until, in the last year, in Mr. Collar's absence in Europe, he has been the head of the school.


He owed this advancement and the distinction which he had gained among teachers of the higher schools of the country partly to singular ability as a teacher, but chiefly, I should say, to the determination which he carried into all his work a determination which commanded success. We are told that memory and perseverance are the two qualities which result in genius in fine art; certainly it has appeared in Mr. Forbes' life that the steady purpose which he carried into every branch of teaching has commanded success. He believed in his profession ; he believed through and through in education. It seemed sometimes as if he thought that everything was possible to a teacher who shrank from nothing. And so it proved that, as if without reference to his own special mental qualifica- tions, he succeeded in the different branches of a great school like this, so that we are speaking of him now as a successful teacher of the classics, a successful teacher of mathematics, and a successful teacher of physics. This means that he " highly resolved" that his work in every line should be as good as he could make it, and addressed himself to it without any backward wish that he were doing something else.

A few years ago, as our readers know, the authorities of Harvard College gave to the study of physics a place in the requisites for examina- tion, in which a student may now offer himself at Cambridge, instead ot offering what used to be required in Greek. In more cases than one, the masters of the great classical schools showed some reluctance to adapt their schools to this requisition. They were used to teaching Latin and Greek ; they did not care to teach hydrostatics and dynamics. But to Mr. Forbes, to whom was assigned this department in the Roxbury Latin School, it offered itself simply as one more opportunity to increase the good which that school was doing. He addressed himself outside the school-time to the rearrangement of the laboratory and to perfecting him- self in the methods of teaching in those branches. The consequence was that the boys who worked under him imbibed an enthusiasm for the new study, and when they were presented at Cambridge passed with singular success. I have been told that their examination books at Cambridge made, tor the time, a sort of model of what it was desirable to attain. I know that hundreds of teachers from all parts of the country have visited Mr. Forbes to inquire as to his methods, to see him at his work, with the wish that they might adapt his suggestions to the schools in which they were engaged. Here is a fine instance of the readiness with which he was willing to take up any duty, even though it were new, or, if you please, disagreeable, and do it the very best.

It is impossible to fill the place of such a man. He leaves a memory which will always serve the young men with whom he had to do ; and the sympathy of the whole community should go out to his coadjutors in work and to the family which he leaves behind.


His home was a singularly happy home. It was a pleasure to see him among his children, and to know that he had such thorough relaxa- tion in the midst ot the cares which he had so readily assumed.

It is difficult to realize that Mr. Forbes, who has so long filled a large place in the Roxbury Latin School, is no longer with us. The days go by, we take up our tasks again, but we miss his face and his daily greet- ing. The lapse of time cannot emphasize the loss of one whose life was so closely interwoven with the lite of the school ; for to his zeal and untiring effort this school owes in a large measure its high place among the preparatory schools of the country.

George Fairfield Forbes was born in Harttord, Ct., March 15, 1849. Early in his boyhood he displayed that energy which marked him as a man. He was a leader among his mates, studious, apt in games and sports of every kind. After his graduation from the Hartford High School, at the age of sixteen, he began teaching in the country district schools.

His first experience in teaching was in Bolton, Ct., a difficult place for a young man to fill. Though many of the scholars were older and larger than himself, he proved, in tact and muscle, equal to the occasion, and from that time on his success as a teacher was assured. From Bolton he went to Tompsonville, Ct., where he served with great satisfaction for two years.

In the Spring of 1869, determined to secure an education, he entered Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., to prepare for college. After a hard struggle for he was wholly dependent upon his own exertions he graduated class salutatorian in 1871. He entered Amherst College the same autumn, and tor tour years earned his way by private teaching. While in college Mr. Forbes won several prizes, notably the Kellogg prize for oratory; this distinction, together with his great general popularity, won for him at graduation his election as Class Orator, the highest honor in the gift of his mates.

Choosing teaching as his life work, he accepted a position in the Rox- bury Latin School, where he remained until his death, September 20, i 890. From the start it was clear that he was the right man in the right place. For a number of years past he has ranked as first sub-master of the school, and in Mr. Collar's absence was trusted with the management of the school. During his fitteen years of service, Mr. Forbes taught, and taught successfully, nearly every branch otfered by the curriculum of the school. Every task which he attempted, however disagreeable, was car- ried through with the same energy, the same high purpose and disregard of self In whatever path his duty led him he met with the same success.

But it was left for him to win his greatest success in the department of Physics, which, we may say, he created. When the old method of teaching physics gave way to the laboratory system in the preparation of boys for the Harvard College examinations, Mr. Forbes determined that


his school should stand second to none in the adoption of the innovation. What the result was we all know, or ought to know. Embarrassed at almost every step by a lack of funds, from his own brain, and often by his own hands, Mr. Forbes constructed a physical outfit surpassed by no similar institution. Using as a basis the crude and meagre pamphlet issued by the college, he devised a brilliant laboratory method, which not only fitted boys for college, but gave them a working knowledge of physi- cal laws and scientific apparatus. There was no experiment which he did not rewrite and make more practicable ; no piece ot apparatus which he did not improve or replace by some ingenious device of his own. Neces- sity compelled him, after planning an experiment, to be his own mechanic and carpenter in preparing it for use. Nature had well fitted him for such work; he had a wonderful mechanical genius and skill as an inventor, a fact evidenced by his automatic railroad gate, for which he secured a patent. The fame of his work spread to other schools, so that hardly a week passed without one or more visitors to see Mr. Forbes and his laboratory. Of those none departed without bearing away many useful hints for his own work.

All through the last summer ot his life, Mr. Forbes was busily at work planning and fitting out an advanced course in physics, to complete the elementary course already established. This, which bade fair to be his most brilliant work, was left unfinished by his early death.

Mr. Forbes' home life was exceptionally bright and happy. June 28, 1877, he married Miss Elizabeth L. P. Shannon, ot Boston, who sur- vives him, together with three children, two daughters and a son.

We learn many a lesson from Mr. Forbes' lite and work. Elsewhere Mr. Collar speaks glowing words of his faithfulness, his earnest purpose, his accurate scholarship, his devotion to his work. 1 have never known a teacher who put so much of himself into his work. We can sum up Mr. Forbes' life in two words : faithfulness and cordiality. As I look back my memory dwells with pleasure on three pictures: Mr. Forbes at home with his children ; in the laboratory surrounded by boys, solving their difficulties by a word here, a hint there; and brightest of all the memory of Mr. Forbes as we parted in June, when with the same hearty cordiality with which he welcomed me, a stranger to the school, he bade us good-bye with wishes for a pleasant summer a summer that was to end his work among men. We shall keep long in our hearts the memory of a conscientious teacher and a faithful triend. c. w. g.

Children of George and Elizabeth Forbes :

640. Elizabeth, b. January 5, 1881.

641. George Shannon, b. March 17, 1882.

642. Martha, b. February 18, 1884; d. February 19, 1884.

643. Anita Prentice, b. October 5, 1889.


644. SAMUEL ADAMS SHANNON7 [364], (Samuel Tebbets*^, Richard Cutts^, Thomas+, Cutts-^ NathanieP, Na- thaniel'), son of Samuel Tebbets and Martha Ann Prentice (Stevens) Shannon, was born in Saco, Me., June 18, 1854. He married, January 12, 1882, Lucy Eliott Crockett, who was born in Boston, Mass., June 17, 1852, the daughter ot Seldon and Lucy (Eliott) Crockett.

Mr. Shannon is engaged in the wholesale paper business in Boston, and resides at Newton Centre, Mass.

Child of Samuel Adams and Lucy : 645. Lucy Eliott, b. September 19, 1884.

646. HELEN AUGUSTA SHANNON^ [376], (Isaac Waldron^, William^, Thomas+, Cutts^ Nathaniel', Nathaniel"), daughter of Isaac Waldron and Emaline Augusta ( Harris) Shan- non, was born in South Boston, Mass., December i, 1836. She married, May 12, 1868, Alfred Brewer Brown, who was born in Boston, Mass., July 8, 1842, the son of John Porter and Rosalie Sibyl Brown. Mr. Brown served in the United States Navy through the Civil War as Paymaster's Clerk on board the LI. S. S. Comiuodorc Perry. He is secretary of the School Board of the city of Salem, Mass., where he resides.

Children of Alfred and Helen Brown :

647. John Porter, b. March 12, 1869; m. March 6, 1895,

Elizabeth Helen Oilman, the daughter of Charles Hamil- ton and Annie Maria (Sargent) Oilman.

648. Ellery, b. February 27, 1876.

649. ARTHUR WILLIS SHANNON^ [379], (Isaac Waldron^, William\ Thomas+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), son of Isaac Waldron and Emeline Augusta (Harris) Shannon, was born in Salem, Mass., December 30, 1847, ^'^"^ educated in



the public schools of that city. By occupation a railroad engi- neer. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He married, August 17, 1867, Martha Dixon, who was born April 6, 1847, ^^^ daughter of William and Margaret Dixon, of Lowell, Mass.

Children of Arthur Willis and Martha :

650. Edwin Willis, b. December 4, 1868.

651. Frank Dixon, b. November 30, 1871.

652. Isaac Waldron, b. August 13, 1880.


653. AUGUSTUS VAUGHAN SHANNON7 [389], (William Augustus^, William^, Thomas+, Cutts^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of William Augustus and Juliet (Clark) Shan- non, was born in Northampton, Mass., November 28, 1836.

He was commissioned by Governor Andrew Captain of Company H, Forty-ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers,



for service in the Civil War; was mustered into the service of the United States, October 28, 1862, for nine months, and was honorably discharged, September i, 1863, upon the muster out of his regiment.

Mr. Shannon married, July i, 1867, Sarah Cornelia Hyde, who was born January 10, 1844, the daughter of Alexander and Cornelia Hyde, of Lee, Mass., where he was for a number ot years employed as superintendent of the mills ot the Smith Paper Co.

He died suddenly of heart failure, December 15, 1900, after an illness of only a iew hours.

The following obituary was published in " The Valley Gleaner," of Lee, Mass., December 19, 1900:

Capt. A. V. Shannon died at his home on West Center street at 3 o'clock Saturday morning after an illness of only a few hours. He had been about the village the previous day, and did not go home until late in the afternoon. He complained of severe pain in the chest, and Dr. Hassett was summoned and at once dis- covered that Mr. Shannon was in a critical condition, suffering from heart failure. All the aid that medical skill and the assist- ance of friends could render was of no avail, and he died a little after 3 o'clock.

Capt. Shannon possessed in a marked degree some personal characteristics that have made him a prominent figure in Lee. He was the son of William and Juliette Shannon, and was born at Northampton, Nov. 28, 1836. He came to Lee at an early age, and as he had a rare ability and taste for music he was given an education in that line, and took up music as a profession. He accepted a position as instructor at Galveston, Texas, and was there when the war broke out. His sympathies being with the north, he got away from the city on a blockade runner, was cap- tured and brought to the Brooklyn navy yard, and escaped from there and made his way to Lee. He organized a company and enlisted with the 49th Massachusetts volunteers under Gen. Bartlett, and was captain of Co. H. The record of this company at Port Hudson is well known.

After the war he returned to Lee and made an overland trip to


Montana with an ox team, at the time gold was discovered there, and in this venture he was fairly successful.

On his return to Lee he became superintendent of Smith Paper Company's Eagle mill, and later of their Housatonic mill, and became an expert papermaker. Later Mr. Shannon had charge for some time of a big paper manufacturing plant at Malone, N. Y.

As a musician Mr. Shannon was exceptionally gifted. He had an expression as a pianist that was far superior to anything which could be acquired by mere mechanical training, and his brilliant success as a band master gave him a reputation as a leader second to none in Western Massachusetts.

Another prominent characteristic in Mr. Shannon was his love for military matters. He had all the qualifications of figure, bear- ing, taste and discipline desired in the successful tactician. He has acted as training master for many semi-military organizations locally, and always with success.

He was a member ot Scott Bradley post and for two years had been chief engineer of the Lee fire district. Mr. Shannon was of a genial, open-hearted nature, and made many friends, and claimed among his intimate acquaintances some of the most prominent men of Berkshire.

Mr. Shannon was married July i, 1867, to Miss Sarah C, daughter of the late Alexander Hyde of Lee. Their only son died about 12 years ago, but they have one daughter. Miss Mary C. Shannon, who is a teacher in Springfield. For the bereaved family, and for Mr. Shannon's aged mother, the very deepest sympathy is expressed.

At a meeting of the several fire companies within the Lee Fire District, held this i8th day of December, 1900, the following resolutions were adopted :

Resolved, That by the death of Capt. A. V. Shannon, Chief Engineer of the Lee Fire District, we have lost an official com- petent in all his duties, strict and exacting in discipline, yet cour- teous and obliging to all subordinates. We recognize that the present efficiency and the equipment of the several companies is due in large measure to his personal effisrts, and we would make public record of our high estimate of him as an official and friend of the firemen.

Resolved, That we hereby express our sorrow at his death, and extend to his family our sincere sympathy. That the headquarters of the several companies be draped in appropriate form for the period of 30 days. That a copy of these resolutions be entered


upon the records of each company, presented to the family of the deceased, and published in the local paper.

The following obituary also appeared in "The Sun," ot Pittslield, Mass., December, 20, 1900:

Capt. A. V. Shannon, well known in this county, was suddenly stricken down last Friday afternoon and death came early Saturday morning. The announcement of his death was the first news that many had that he was ill, and it came as a shock to the community.

Mr. Shannon was born in Northampton. He came to Lee when a youth and had spent most of his life here. He married Miss Sarah Hyde, daughter of the late Deacon Alexander Hyde, who, with his aged mother and one daughter, survives him. Capt. Shannon had many most excellent qualities. He was a member of the G. A. R. post, was chief engineer of the Lee fire district and had held several town offices. His musical talent was of a high order and his reputation as a musical director was well known.

Mr. Shannon's age was 64 years. His funeral was largely attended Monday afternoon at the Congregational Church, Rev. Dr. Sherrill officiating. Delegations from the G. A. R. and the fire companies attended.

Children of Augustus Vaughan and Sarah : 654. Wellington Hvde, b. April 14, 1868; d. January 5, 1888.

The following obituary was published in "The Valley Gleaner," of Lee, Mass., January, 1888 :

The circumstances attending the death of the late young Wellington H\de Shannon were such that, combined with his own personal character and his wide connection with kindred, who, generation after generation, have been identified with the best interests of Lee, renders it an event peculiarly sad and impressive to all the citizens of the town, and to many who, familiar with the facts, sympathize with those more immediately berea\ed. His maternal grandfather was the late Alexander Hyde, the historian of Lee, and a man who, for many years, was a conspicuous and beneficial actor in the town's history. One of his great-grandfathers was the Rev. Dr. Hyde, the cele- brated divine who had, and who has to this day, a wonderful influence upon the character of Lee. Another of his great- grandfathers was Hon. George Hull, of Sandisfield, who was


Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts from 1836 to 1843. Young Shannon was the last male representative of the Hyde family in Lee.

In this country where little is hereditary, the facts which we have stated entail no right to any distinction which may not be equally contended for by the humblest, we would not ha\e it otherwise ; but the inspiration of the memory of such an ances- try ouo;ht to be a powerful incentive to a course of conduct worthy of them.

Naturally and ine\itably all the well informed citizens of a town like Lee watch closely and jealously to see it any youth under such obligations worthilv fulfills them. The sorrow of the whole communitv in the death of young Shannon is proof that in his case his acquaintances believed they would have been fulfilled. He grew to manhood with the perfect physical pro- portions which nature never accords to those who violate her laws. He is truthfully described as six feet in height, straight as an arrow and a model of manly proportions, and it might well be added that in face and expression he was as noble as in form. He had already become an accomplished young gentleman, admired and loved in all his social relations, courteous, cordial, a graduate of the Lee High School, well informed as to tacts, and possessing the ability to discuss them. When young Wellington Hvde Shannon was stricken with the disease which ended his life, there was no young man in Berkshire whose promise for the future was brighter.

The death of any young man in the morning of his youth and with the promise which youth offers, never fails to call forth our sympathies, but in this case there was the deepest and saddest cause for them.

It is said "his graduating class of the Lee High School, the Young Men's Debating Club and the Reliance Hook and Ladder Co., with beautiful floral tokens of regard, accompanied his bodv to its gra\e."

655. Mary Cornelia, b. September 19, 1869.

656. MARY CLARK SHANNON- [390J, (William Augustus^, William^, Thomas+, Cutts-\ Nathaniel% Nathaniel'), daughter of William Augustus and Juliet (Clark) Shannon, was born in Northampton, Mass., March 25, 1839. She married, June 19, I 86 1, Wellington Smith, who was born December 15,


I 84 1, the son of John Randolph and Parthenia Yale Smith, of Lee, Mass. She died in Lee, Mass., October 18, 1877.


The following notice of her death was published in the Gleaner and Advocate," of Lee, Mass., October 24, 1877:

Occupying the social position in the community she did, and with the sweet, lovable traits she possessed, the unexpected death of Mrs. Mary Shannon, wife of Wellington Smith, which occurred on Thursday afternoon, made a profound impression and called out a wide feeling of grief The large attendance at her funeral Sunday afternoon, when the Congregational church was filled, and the touching tributes to her character and worth heard on every hand, show that her loss will be felt far bevond the circle of friends to whom she was especially near and dear. The funeral services, simple though tender and impressive, were conducted by Rev. L. S. Rowland, pastor of the church, who had returned from the Congregational council at Detroit for this purpose. Passages of scripture, opening with the ever-fresh and ever-beautiful Beati- tudes, were read, followed by the familiar hymn, " I would not live alway," and a half-hour discourse, with prayer. The services closed with the hymn "Jesus, lover of my soul," a favorite with the departed one, and the benediction. A large number availed themselves of the opportunity given to take a last look at the fea- tures of their friend, and many accompanied the body to its final resting place in God's acre.

Mrs. Smith was the only daughter of William A. Shannon of this village, and was born at Northampton, March 25, 1839. She came to Lee to reside when nine years old, and here received


in our common and high school her education. At the age of i 8 she united with the Congregational church. In 1861 she was married to Mr. Smith, and as a wife and mother has been most faithful. As the center of a cultivated home, she will be widely mourned by the many who have enjoyed that hospitality she dis- pensed with such rare liberality and grace.

Children of Wellington and Mary Smith :

657. Augustus Randolph, b. April i, 1863; m. October 13,

1886, in Lee, Mass., Annie Butler Foote, who was born in Lee, Mass., December 14, 1864, the daughter of Theron L. Foote. Children of Augustus and Annie Smith :

Juliet Shannon, b. October 8, 1887, in Lee, Mass.

Elsie Waldron, b. July 19, 1890, in Lee, Mass.

Lucile Foote, b. November 26, i 891, in Lee, Mass.

658. Mary Shannon, b. August 21, 1869.

659. LILIAS LYON SHANNON^ [407], (Horatio Nel- son^, Thomas Westbrooke Waldron^, Thomas^, Cutts-^, Nathan- iel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Horatio Nelson and Sarah Lyon (Hawes) Shannon, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, 1859. She married, February 18, 1880, Edward Thaxter Gushing, of Dorchester, Mass. She died in Boston, Mass., December 31, 1885, of heart disease.

Mrs. Cushing possessed many beautiful and brilliant traits of character. She was educated at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and after- wards graduated from Miss Porter's School at Farmington, Conn.; but continued her studies and literary attainments until her death. She was beloved by everyone who knew her. Her broad and generous nature sympathized with misfortune or rejoiced in the happiness of all whom she met, whether strangers or friends ; and all conditions of child-life, from the ragged and dirty child of the street to the happier little ones, clothed and protected, were dear


to her. Lovely in heart, mind and person, she is remembered and loved as one among the few of whom it seems impossible to say " She is dead," because such life must be eternal. E. V. T.


Children ot Edward and Lilias Cashing : 660. Edith Lilias, b. October 26, 1881 ; m. August 3, 1904, in Kennebunkport, Me., Lieut. George Audley Derbyshire, U.S.A., who was born August 3, 1878, the son of James Harry and Ann (Epps) Derbyshire, ot Rich- mond, V'a.

Lieut. Derbyshire was educated at the Virginia Military Institute, of Lexington, Va., graduating in the class of 1899. He was appointed 2d Lieutenant in the Porto Rico Provisional Regiment of Infantry December 27, T901 ; promoted ist Lieutenant March 22, 1902, and honorably discharged from that service October 30, 1902.

He was commissioned 2d Lieutenant in the Twenty- third Infantry, LL S. A., October 28, 1902, and served in the Philippine Islands until ordered home early in 1 904. He is now stationed at San Francisco, Cal.


661. Robert Shannon, b. August 14, 1883, at Narragansett Pier, R. I., and died ot scarlet fever in New York City, N4arch 2 J, 1889.

662. EDITH HORATIA SHANNON7 [408], (Horatio Nelson^, Thomas Westbrooke Waldron^, Thomas"^, Cutts_3, Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Horatio Nelson and Sarah Lyon (Hawes) Shannon, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., August 8, i860. She married, April 30, 1885, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, London, Eng., Col. Charles Williams Southcote Hallett, son of Colonel Hallett, of Seaton, Devonshire, Eng.

Col. Charles W. S. Hallett was first commissioned in the British Army, November 20, 1875, a Lieutenant in the " Royal Scots" Regiment; iippointed Captain, November 4, 1882, on the Commissariat and Transport Stafi^; was stationed at Bermuda from 1883 to 1886; was appointed Colonel of the "Royal Scots" Regiment in 1899, and stationed for service in Poona, India.

Child of Charles and Edith Hallett : 663. Clements John Southcote, b. February 20, 1886, in New York. City.

664. WILLIAM CUMMINGS SHANNON7 [430], (Na- thaniel^, Thomas^, Nathaniel+, Cutts-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Dr. Nathaniel and Lucy M. (Cummings) Shannon, was born May 8, I 85 I, in Loudon, N. H.; was graduated at Bowdoin Col- lege in 1872, and at the Bellevue Hospital College of Medicine of New York in 1875; was commissioned by President Grant, June 26, 1875, Assistant Surgeon, U.S.A., and promoted, June 26, 1880, to Captain Assistant Surgeon.

During the years 1891-93 he was detailed as surgeon to accompany Survey Corps No. i of the Intercontinental Railway Commission, to make a survey for the Intercontinental Railway


route through the Repubhcs of (niatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. On this expedition Dr. Shannon was specially charged with the duty of collecting data of interest regarding the Hora of the countries traversed. The collection thus made included nearly a thousand rare plants, which were preserved in duplicate, together with descriptive notes. This collection was classified by eminent botanists, especially Prof. Smith, of Baltimore, who retained a set, which will eventually go to Johns Hopkins University. The duplicate set went to Harvard University and to Kew Gardens, London, and other institutions.

On April 1 8, 1895, Captain Shannon was promoted to Major Surgeon, and on May 8, 1895, married Ellen Elizabeth Poppleton, the daughter of Andrew J. and Caroline S. Poppleton, of Omaha, Nebraska.

Just before his marriage he took a six months course in bacteriology at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, that he might qualify himself thoroughly in the latest advances in his profession ; and in his work at Fort Custer, Montana, where he was afterwards stationed, he was much in his laboratory and made constant use of the microscope.

He remained at his post of duty until he was entirely dis- abled by illness, knowing, during the last months of his service, the alarming character of his illness and the risks he ran in con- tinuing to work. His last post was Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, where one morning he suddenly lost the power of speech, the result of the advance of Bright's disease. He then went on sick-leave, and shortly after was retired from active service, April 23, 1898.

As above stated, Major Shannon married, in 1895, Ellen Elizabeth Poppleton, the daughter of Andrew J. Poppleton, a prominent lawyer of Omaha, Nebraska, a graduate ot Union



667. EDWARD WESTON SHANNON7 [432], (Na- thaniel'^, Thomas^, Nathaniel+, Cutts-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son Dr. Nathaniel and Lucy M. (Cummings) Shannon, was born in Loudon, N. H., May i, 1857. He was prepared for college at the Boston Latin School, and was graduated at Harvard University in i 879. He afterwards pursued the study ot law and was admitted to the bar at Kansas City, Mo., where he has since been engaged in the practice ot his profession, excepting tor a tew years when he served as judge.

He married, August 20, 1884, Ella P. Tucker, who was born February 10, 1858, the daughter of Joseph and Susan A. Tucker, of Portland, Me.

Child of Edward Weston and Ella: 668. Marguerite, b. June 29, 1886.

669. NATHANIEL VAUGHAN SHANNON7 [434], (Nathaniel^', Thomas^, Nathaniel^, Cutts\ NathanieP, Nathan- iel'), son ot Dr. Nathaniel and Lucy M. (Cummings) Shannon, was born fuly 6, 1863. He was graduated trom the Portland High School in 1881 ; from the Massachusetts College ot Phar- macy in 1888; and trom the Medical School ot the University of Pennsylvania in 1894. Dr. Shannon was appointed to the Out-patient Staff ot the Cambridge Hospital in 1896.

He married, January 27, 1898, Sarah G. Whitney, who was born January 7, 1864, the daughter ot John and Mary Whitney, of Abington, Mass.

670. HARRIET ELIZABETH SHANNON^ [445J, (George Vaughan*^, Nathaniel Vaughan^, Nathaniel+, Cutts\ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of George Vaughan and Lucinda (Home) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H.,


March 5, 1835. She married Benjamin Beigham Forristal, who was born May 2, 1830, the son of Joseph M. and P\inny F'or- ristal, of Troy, N. H. He is a stone-mason by trade. Resi- dence, Clittondale, Mass.

Children of Benjamin and Harriet Forristal :

671. Rosabel!, b. August 18, 1853; d. August ji, 1853.

672. Edwin Beigham, b. August 18, 1864.

673. Fred Greenwood, b. December 10, 1869.

674. EDWIN WOODBURY SHANNON^ [446,] (George V^aughan^, Nathaniel Vaughan', Nathaniel^, Cutts^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel'), son of George Vaughan and Lucinda (Home) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., May 20, I 845 ; a farmer by occupation.

He enlisted in Company G, Twelfth Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, September 9, 1862, and was wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. He served to the close of the war and was honorably discharged in June, 1865.

Mr. Shannon married Susie Smith, of Rumford, Me., who died June 3, 1879. He resides at Moultonboro on his farm.

Child of Edwin W^oodbury and Susie: 675. Nellie, b. December 30, 1877.

676. GEORGIANNA SHANNON^ [447], (George Vaughan*^, Nathaniel Vaughan^, Nathaniel+, Cutts\ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of George Vaughan and Lucinda (Home) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., January i, 1850. She married, October 4, 1870, Franklin Benjamin Piper, who was born November 7, i 847, the son Luther F. and Harriet Piper, of Jaffrey, N. H. Residence, Troy, N. H.


Children of Franklin and Georgianna Piper :

677. George Luther, b. September 13, 1874.

678. Everett Edwin, b. August 18, 1877.

679. Winfield, b. January 22, 1880.

680. Anna Viola, b. November ij, 1881 ; d. October 13, 18S

681. FRANK SHANNON7 [448], (George Vaughan^ Nathaniel Vaughan^, Nathaniel''-, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of George Vaughan and Lucinda (Home) Shannon, was born in Moultonboro, N. H., September 13, 1857. He married, September 3, 1876, Augusta Eldora Wiggin, who was born November 5, 1858, the daughter of Charles A. and Hannah Wiggin, of Tuftonborough, N. H. Residence, Mirror Lake, N. H.

Children of Frank and Augusta :

682. Charlie Edwin, b. July 10, 1877; drowned June 17, 1893.

683. Lena Gertrude, b. September 4, 1884; m. September 22,

1897, Frederick L. Osborne.

Child of Frederick and Lena Osborne :

i. Ethelyn Shannon, b. October 22, 1898.




684. NATHANIEL SHANNON^ [481], (NathanieF, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel+, NathanieP, NathanieP, Na- thaniel'), the son of Nathaniel and Rosina (Arnold) Shannon, was born September 18, 1840. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War as a private in Company B, Thirty-eighth Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry ; was severely wounded before Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864, and taken prisoner; was mus- tered out of the military service July 26, 1865. He married, in 1866, Mary Barker. Residence, McDill, Portage Co., Wis.

Children of Nathaniel and Mary :

685. Ida, b. March 10, 1867.

686. Henry, b. March 10, 1869; d. January 3, 1888.

687. Walter, b. December 10, 1876; d. January, 1886.

688. Diana, b. March 15, 1879; d. January, 1886.

689. Frank, b. October 5, 1888 ; d. May 7, 1889.

690. Champion, b. November 6, 1890; d. February i, 1891.

691. MARY SHANNON^ [482], (NathanieF, Nathan- iel^, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF, NathanieF), daughter of Nathaniel and Rosina (Arnold) Shannon, was born June 26, 1842. She married, April 3, 1859, John E. Phillips, of Grandville, Kent Co., Mich., where she died November 6, 1886. Children of John and Mary Phillips: 692. Mercy Amarilla, b. August 10, i860; d. January 17, 1864. 69J. Ida Emily, b. December 24, 1861.

694. Diana Mate, b. July 13, 1863.

695. George King, b. July 8, 1869.

696. Orilla May, b. October 25, 1872; d. March 15, 1873.

697. Carrie Inace, b. April 6, 1874.



698. Bertha May, b. March 7, 1876; d. November 11, 1881.

699. John Earl, b. April 10, 1878; d. March 19, 1879.

700. Frank Jay, b. September 25, 1881.

701. Henry Dale, b. March ji, 1885.

702. LEROY SHANNON^ [483], (NathanieF, Nathan- iel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, NathanieP, Nathaniel% Nathaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Rosina (Arnold) Shannon, was born March 4, 1844. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, as a private in Company F, Fifth Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry, which was attached to the Third Brigade, First Division of the 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac. He was mustered out of the military service June 20, 1865. He married, December 11, 1862, Emily Moyer, who died July 25, 1889. Residence, Stevens Point, Portage Co., Wis.

Children of Leroy and Emily :

703. Isabelle, b. September 6, 1863.

704. Arnold, b. April 22, 1865.

705. Hattie, b. December 3, 1867.

706. Adelaide, b. March 14, 1870.

707. Charles, b. April 20, 1871.

708. William Leroy, b. April 19, 1873.

709. Stella, b. April 2, 1876.

710. Myra Grace, b. November 30, 1883.

711. NORMAN SHANNON^ [484], (NathanieF, Na- thaniel*^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, NathanieF, NathanieF, Na- thaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Rosina (Arnold) Shannon, was born April 13, 1846. He enlisted, December i, 1862, as a pri- vate in Company H, Third Regiment, Wisconsin Cavalry, which was subsequently reorganized as Company A of the same regi-



ment. He was honorably discharged from the miUtary service July 29, 1865, and on December 25, 1866, married Viola Onan. Children of Norman and Viola :

712. Sibyl R., b. November 3, 1867.

713. William, b. October 17, 1869.

714. Avis Viola, b. July 2, 1871. 714^. David E., b. June 20, 1873.

715. Fred H., b. April 10, 1875.

716. Frank E., b. July i, 1877.

717. Samuel H., b. August 18, 1879.

718. John C, b. August 29, 1881.

719. Forest Dean, b. October i, 1883.

720. Marrietta B., b. October 4, 1885.

721. Edna M., b. August 24, 1887.

722. Norman Hugh, b. September 9, 1890.

723. SARAH SHANNON^ [485], (NathanieF, Nathan- iel*^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Rosina (Arnold) Shannon, was born March 21, 1849. She married, July 15, 1867, Herbert Yorton. She died May 11, 1886. Resided in Plover Co., Wis.

Children of Herbert and Sarah Yorton : 724. Walter C, b. September 3, 1873.

725^ 726 727 728

Cora B., b. May 17, 1876.

Pearl A., b. January 18, 1881.

Peter, b. April 18, 1883.

Roy, b. October 3, 1885; d. July 5, 1886.

729. HANLEY SHANNON^ [486], (NathanieF, Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel''-, NathanieP, NathanieP, Na- thaniel'), son of Nathaniel and Rosina (Arnold) Shannon, was born May 22, 1851. He married, July 25, 1876, Adaline Kick- land. Reside at McDill, Portage Co., Wis.



Children of Hanley and Adaline :

730. Arthur, b. September 27, 1877; d. September 24, i:

731. Mabel, b. March 12, 1879; d. August 25, 1898.

732. Floyd, b. July 9, 1883 ; d. August 20, 1898.

733. Daisy, b. April 8, 1885; d. September 8, 1898.

734. Ervin, b. December 6, 1887.

735. Ada May, b. March 3, 1890.

736. Rosina, b. December 28, 1892.

737. Mandie, b. December 12, 1894.

738. OLIVE SHANNON^ [487], (Nathaniel", Nathan- iel'', Nathaniel', Nathaniel, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Nathaniel and Rosina (Arnold) Shannon, was born April 8, 1853. ^^^ married, March 28, 1871, Devillo F. Higgins, of McDill, Portage Co., Wis., where they reside.

Children of Devillo and Olive Higgins:





743' 744 745' 746,

Forest Dean, b. April 27, 1872. Albert Francis, b. November 29, 1874. Jennie May, b. May 22, 1877. Grace Edna, b. September 23, 1881. Ray Marshall, b. May 8, 1885. Blanche Adelle, b. October 13, 1889. Ernest Leroy, b. April 30, 1894. Ethel Clare, b. August 5, 1899.

747. OLIVE MARIE SHANNON^ [492], (Johns Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^, Na- thaniel'), daughter of John and Harriet (Dewey) Shannon, was born at Wolf Island, Canada, February 12, 1846. She married, first, September 6, 1869, at Waupaca, Wis., Erdin Connor, a farmer, who died January 8, 1891; married, second, December 29, 1898, Edmund Croak. They reside at Garretson, S. D.


Children of Erdin and Olive Connor :

748. Clinton Chester, b. January 3, 1874; d. October 8, 1889.

749. Alan Burton, b. March 24, 1876.

750. Mabel Dewey, b. June 3, 1878.

751. Annie Laurie, b. May 18, 1880; m. July 4, 1897, John

O'Donnell, of Chicago, 111. Children of John and Annie O'Donnell : i. John James, b. September 8, 1898. ii. William Edmund Paul, b. September 9, 1900.

752. WILLIAM FRANKLIN SHANNON^ [494], (John", Nathaniel^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-^, Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel'), son of John and Harriet (Dewey) Shannon, was born at Wolf Island, Canada, July 24, i 849.

During the Civil War he enlisted in Company D, Fiftieth Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry, and served fourteen months, when he was discharged for disability incurred in line of duty.

In 1875 he married Florence Furlong, at Dayton, Wis.

Children of William Franklin and Florence:

753. Leslie D., b. July 24, 1876.

754. Ruth H., b. January 6, 1879.

755. Margie D., b. January 7, 1881.

756. Victie B., b. January 18, 1885.

757. Willie C, b. July 14, 1888.

758. Loyed M., b. December 30, 1891.

759. Glennie F., b. October 2, 1895.

760. ANNIE LENORA SHANNON^ [496], (John^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^ Na- thaniel'), daughter of John and Harriet (Dewey) Shannon, was born in Oakiield, Wis., November 15, 1852. She married, August 6, 1 871, at Ogdensburg, N. Y., John F. Sawyer, who died June 14, 1900. Her residence is at Wausau, Wis.


Children of John and Annie Sawyer, all of whom were born in Dayton, Wis.:

761. Schuyler Colfax, b. May 29, 1872.

762. Clyde Stephen, b. February 22, 1877; m. December 4, 1897,

MoUie Marie Brandt. Child of Clyde and Mollie Sawyer: i. Vera Avis, b. February 26, 1899.

763. Erdie Ashman, b. October ij, 1879.

764. JOHN DOWNER SHANNON^ [497], (John7, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'', Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel^ Na- thaniel'), son of John and Harriet (Dewey) Shannon, was born in Wisconsin May 4, 1855. He engaged in farming, and was twice married ; first, to Sarah Dieter, who died. He married again in i 890.

Child of John Downer and Sarah : 765. Dewey, b. in 1879.

766. WALTER SCOTT SHANNON^ [499], (John7, Nathaniel*^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel+, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Na- thaniel'), son of John and Harriet (Dewey) Shannon, was born in Wisconsin July 9, 1858 ; a farmer by occupation. He mar- ried Lillie Anderson. Resided in 1890 at Sheffield, Ind.

Children of Walter Scott and Lillie :

767. Ludie.

768. Ray.

769. Fay.

770. John.

771. LIZZIE SHANNON^ [515], (Ira', George^ Na- thaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daugh- ter of Ira and Sally (Ross] Shannon, was born in Gilmanton,


N. H., April 8, 1834. She married, September 25, 1858, James Brown. They settled in Galena, 111., of which city he was made postmaster during the administration of President Arthur. He was also the editor of the Galena " Gazette." Child of James and Lizzie Brown : 772. Abbie May, b. March 15, 1864.

773. CHARLES HENRY SHANNON^ [516], (Ira7, George^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^ NathanieP, Nathan- iel'), son of Ira and Sally (Ross) Shannon, was born in Gilman- ton, N. H., July 19, 1837. He married, June 17, 1862, Laura Jane Lougee, who was born June 17, 1838, the daughter ot John and Rebecca Lougee, of Gilmanton, N. H. He is a farmer, and they reside at Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H.

Children of Charles Henry and Laura :

774. Ida, b. November 10, 1864; d. August 27, 1868.

775. Mabel, b. September 7, 1869; d. April 12, 1887.

776. Charles Albert, b. December 3, 187T ; d. in infancy.

777. Flossie, b. September 25, 1874; d. April 16, 1895.

778. Carrol, b. November 7, 1877.

779. GEORGE EDWIN SHANNON^ [518], (Ira7, George^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel', NathanieP, Nathan- iel'), son of Ira and Sally (Ross) Shannon, was born in Gilman- ton, N. H., June I, 1842. He married, October 18, 1865, Addie Smith, who was born in October, 1841, the daughter ot Augustus Ward and Julia Ann Smith. Residence, Gilmanton Iron Works, N. H.

Children of George Edwin and Addie :

780. Carlton, b. May 24, 1869; d. when 11 months old.

781. Winfield Scott, b. June 15, 1874.


782. CAROLINE ELIZABETH SHANNON^ [521], (Stephen^, George^ Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel, Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Stephen and Ann Prescott (Chase) Shannon, was born in Gihiianton, N. H., May ■], 1837. She married, December 11, 1855, John Ghnes Jewett, ot (Jiltord (now Laconia), N. H., who was born in Meredith (now Laco- nia), N. H., September 4, 1829, the son of Smith and Statira (Glines) Jewett, of Meredith (now Laconia], N. H.

He was educated at Gilford (N. H.) Academy; taught school for a considerable period in Laconia and other towns in New Hampshire; was one of the Board ot Selectmen of the town ot Gilford during the years i860, 1861 and 1862; was recruiting officer of the town of Gilford in 1863 for raising troops tor the Union Army ; represented the town ot Gilford in the New Hampshire Legislature in the years 1867 and 1868; was Register of Probate for the County ot Belknap trom 1883 to 1885; was appointed Judge of the Police Court ot Laconia in 1876, and held the office until i 891, when he was appointed post- master of Laconia, which office he held until 1896. Residence, Laconia, N. H.

Children of John and Caroline Jewett : 783. Stephen Shannon, b. in Gilford (now Laconia), N. H., September 18, 1858 ; was educated in the public schools of Laconia and at Gilford (N. H.) Academy. He was admitted to the New Hampshire bar in 1880, and has since practiced law in Laconia. Was Engrossing Clerk of the New Hampshire Legislature in 1 883 ; Clerk ot the Supreme Court for Belknap County, N. H., in 1884; Assistant Clerk of the New Hampshire House of Rep- resentatives in 1887 and 1889; A. D. C. on staff of Governor Goodell in 1889 to 1891 ; Clerk of the New Hampshire House of Representatives in 1891 and 1893 ! Representative from Laconia and Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives in 1895; Repre-


sentative from Laconia and member of the Judiciary Committee of New Hampshire House of Representatives in 1897; Member of the New Hampshire Senate and Chairman of its Judiciary Committee in 1899; Secretary of the New Hampshire Repubhcan State Committee from 1889 to 1891; Chairman of New Hampshire Republican State Committee from 1892 to 1896; City Solicitor of Laconia from 1893 to 1901; Chairman of New Hampshire delegation to the Republican National Convention, St. Louis, 1896.

He married, June 30, 1880, Annie L. Bray, of Laco- nia, N. H., who was born in Bradford, England, January 6, i860, the daughter of George and Ann Bray, oi Laco- nia, N. H., formerly of Bradford, England. Child of Stephen and Annie Jewett :

i. Theo Stephen, b. December 24, 1891.

784. John Bradbury, b. October 21, 1863; m. April 6, 1886,

Ella LeBarron, who was born June 3, i 864, the daughter of James S. and Lucy Holmes LeBarron, ot White River Junction, Vt. Mr. Jewett is engaged principally in the lumber business in Laconia, N. H., where he resides. Children of John and Ella Jewett : i. John R., b. December 18, 1887.

ii. Forest B., b. June 5, 1889; d. January i, 1890.

iii. Edward S., b. June 5, 1889.

785. Katie Belle, b. April 27, 1872; m. April 27, 1892, Dr.

Thomas Kitson Bruce, who was born January 6, i860, the son of Lewis K. and Margaret Kitson Bruce, of Boston, Mass. Residence, New York City. Child of Thomas and Katie Bruce :

i. Thomas Kitson, b. December 6, 1895; ^- January 18, 1897.

786. JONATHAN COFFIN SHANNON^ [522J, (Stephen^, George'^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-^ Nathan-


ieP, Nathaniel'), son of Stephen and Ann Prescott (Chase] Shannon, was born in Barnstead, N. H., November 29, 1842.

Mr. Shannon removed to Gihiianton with his parents when five years old, and was educated in the public schools ot Gilman- ton and at Gilmanton Academy. When nineteen years of age he went to Laconia and entered the employ Folsom & Smith, general merchants. He went into business for himself in 1865 in the grocery trade, and continued under various partnerships until about 1894. Subsequently he devoted himself to the auc- tioneering business, with excellent success, and has a wide reputa- tion for his efficiency in this line.

He was elected Overseer of the Poor for seven years, and in 1890 was elected to the Board of County Commissioners. As a county official Mr. Shannon was always popular with all classes of people, and at the same time a faithful and conscientious public servant, always acting as seemed in his judgment to be tor the best interests of the taxpayers and community.

Mr. Shannon married, January 28, 1866, Ella Augusta Jewett, who was born October 25, 1847, the daughter of Samuel S. and Edith A. Jewett, of Laconia, N. H.

Child of Jonathan Coffin and Ella : 787. Frank. Jewett, b. December 21, (869; d. August 7, 1898.

788. ELBRIDGE MORRILL SHANNON^ [528], (Ephraim', George*^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'', Nathan- ieP, Nathaniel'), son of Ephraim and Mary Ann (Hurd) Shan- non, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., April 2, 1849. He married^ November 18, 1869, Sarah Amanda Heal, who was born Octo- ber 27, 1846, the daughter of Emery and Patience Sarah Heal, of Lincolnville Ctr., Me. Residence, Concord, N. H.


Children of Elbridge and Sarah :

789. Lester Eugene, b. February 15, 1873 ; d. October 6, 1882.

790. Irene Averill, b. February 23, 1875; ^- J^n^ 9i i897>

Walter Tyler Emerson, who was born November 5, 1 874, the son of Edward Isaiah and Frances Tyler Emerson, of Concord, N. H. He died in 1903.

791. Clarence Downing, b. August 27, 1878; m. September 5,

1899, Lena Belle Proctor, who was born November 22, 1878, the daughter of Henry Harrison and Marv Eliza- beth Proctor, of Concord, N. H.

792. MARY JANE SHANNON^ [531], (George Lam- per", George*^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of George Lamper and Abigail Julina (Potter) Shannon, was born in Loudon, N. H., December 7, 1844. She married George Franklin Edmunds, a carpenter, of Warner, N. H.

Children ot George and Mary Edmunds :

793. Harry Franklin, b. December 5, 1867.

794. Helen Agnes, b. March 29, 1871.

795. LEVI MORSE SHANNON^ [532], (George Lam- per'', George^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Creorge Lamper and Abigail Julina (Potter] Shannon, was born in Loudon, N. H., April 19, 1847.

Mr. Shannon married, February 22, 1868, Lovisa Annie Cummings, who was born May 8, 1844, the daughter of Moses and Mary (Critchett) Cummings, of Chichester, N. H. They reside at Concord, N. H.

Children of Levi Morse and Lovisa : 796. Edward Hillsgrove, b. November 6, 1869; m. December 23, I 89 1, Maude Lillian Ingalls, who was born Decern-


ber 23, 1872, the daughter of George Elbridge andElza- dia Maria (Caswell) Ingalls. Reside at Laconia, N. H. Children of Edward and Maude :

i. Florence Belle, b. September 11, 1892.

ii. George Levi, b. January 31, 1898.

797. Mary Abbie, b. March 8, 1872; d. May 22, 1872.

798. George Fred, b. May 24, 1873; was twice married, first,

April 2, 1892, to Winnie L.Vance; second, to Kate Kenney. Residence, Concord, N. H.

799. Willie Flint, b. November 28, 1875; m. May 8, 1900,

Catherine Agnes O'Donnall.

800. ABBIE GRACE SHANNON^ [536], ( George Lam- per", George^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-^ Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of George Lamper and Abigail Julina (Potter) Shannon, was born in Loudon, N. H., October 3, 1859. She married, April 26, 1882, Nahum Prescott, who was born August 30, 1859. He is a farmer and resides at Concord, N. H.

Child of Nahum and Abbie Prescott : 801. Bennie Jenness, b. May 29, 1883.

802. FRANK EDGAR SHANNON^ [538J, (James Cate", George^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-', Nathaniel\ Nathaniel' ), son of James Gate and Judith W. (Batchelder) Shan- non, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., August 27, 1854. He studied medicine and practiced his profession in Barnstead, N. H. He married, January 7, 1884, Etta C. Berry, and died in Gil- manton, N. H., February 15, 1888.

Children of Frank Edgar and Etta :

803. Blanche, b. July 24, 1885.

804. Austin Frank, b. October 4, 1886.


805. EDWIN HOWE SHANNON^ [539], (James Cate7, George^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel% Nathaniel'), the son of James Gate and Judith W. (Batchelder) Shannon, was born in Gilmanton, N. H., March 8, 1858. Mr. Shannon received his education in the public schools of his native town and at Gilmanton Academy. He studied law with Hon. Thomas Cogswell, of Gilmanton, and was admitted to the bar in 1881.

Mr. Shannon then became a partner of Colonel Cogswell, remaining such tor about a year, when the partnership was dis- solved by mutual consent, Mr. Shannon seeking a wider held for practice than was afforded him in Gilmanton. He thereafter practiced his profession alone until 1893, having offices in Farm- ington and Pittslield, where he soon acquired more than a local fame for his ability in the trial of causes, and gained for himself a considerable clientage. In 189'^, Mr. Shannon came to La- conia and entered into partnership with W. S. Peaslee, the hrm subsequently becoming Shannon, Peaselee & Blackstone. In i 894 he withdrew from this tirm and practiced alone until 1898, when the law hrm ot Stone & Shannon was established.

Mr. Shannon is counsel for a number of large and prosper- ous corporations, and has devoted considerable study to this special branch ot the law. He is also considered an authority upon the Law ot Personal Injuries, has a large practice in that branch of his profession, where he has been successful in winning some of the most important cases which have ever been instituted in Belknap County. Mr. Shannon is a man of strong personality, is quick to determine and prompt to execute. Fearless in thought and action, with strong common sense as a guide, he does not hesitate to carve a way where none appears.

Precedents have no terrors for Mr. Shannon. If they appear to be right he follows them, but if wrong he fearlessly attacks


them, and some, at least, have gone down betore the logic of his reasoning. As a counselor, wise and prudent, in the trial of causes, strong and tactful, and as an advocate, earnest and eloquent, he has acquired a large and lucrative practice.

He was married, October i8, 1882, to Myra Estelle Berry, the daughter of Ira Locke and Lavina (Drew) Berry, ot Barn- stead, N. H.

Children of Edwin Howe and Myra :

806. Ella Claude, b. January 9, 1886.

807. Mildred Estelle, b. June 9, 1889.

808. Edwin Howe, b. November 9, 1897.

809. EDWIN SYLVESTER SHANNON^ [558], (Wil- liam NathanieF, Samuel^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel"^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel' ), son of William Nathaniel and Jane (Kennistonj Shannon, was born in Newmarket, N. H., Novem- ber 8, 1 85 1. A farmer by occupation. He married, July 11, 1879, Sarah Elizabeth Eastman, who was born December 25, 1859, the daughter of Sewell and Jane Eastman, of Danville, N. H. They reside at West Epping, N. H.

Children of Edwan Sylvester and Sarah: 810. William Edwin, b. August 22, 1880.



813 814 815 816 817 818

David Frederick, b. April 23, 1882.

James Eastman, b. May 26, 1884; d. June 2, 1884.

Georgianna, b. August 20, 1886.

Frank Wood, b. March 6, 1889.

Daniel Webster, b. May 31, 1891.

Anstress Jane, b. April 28, 1894.

A child, b. and d. May 14, 1897.

Harriet Olive, b. February 12, 1900.


819. DANIEL WEBSTER SHANNON^ [559], (Wil- liam NathanieF, Samuel^, Nathaniel', Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son ot William Nathaniel and Jane (Kenniston) Shannon, was born in Newmarket, N. H., April 25, 1853. He is an engineer and farmer. In 1872 he married Annie Edgerly, who was born May 30, 1848, the daughter of Theodore and Mary F. Edgerly, of Nottingham, N. H. Resi- dence, Newmarket, N. H.

Child of Daniel Webster and Annie : 820. Charles Alvin, b. June 10, 1873.

821. WILLIAM MARSELLUS SHANNON^ [560], (William NathanieF, Samuel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathan- ieF, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of William Nathaniel and Charlotte B. (Gustin) Shannon, was born October 14, 1861, in Dodge County, Minn.; was educated at the public schools of Iowa Falls and State Centre, Iowa ; and afterwards studied at Hamil- ton Academy, Webster City, Iowa. He has resided in Dodge County, Minn., Algona, Alden, Iowa Falls, Hook's Point, and Homer, Iowa, Cody, Neb., and St. Joseph, Mo.

Mr. Shannon married twice; first, September 12, 1882, at Webster City, Iowa, Ada Jane Ballard, who was born July 3, 1864, the daughter of John Drake and Emily Hannah Ballard, of Hook's Point (now Stratford), Hamilton Co., Iowa, and died in Cody, Cherry Co., Neb., September 21, 1887. He married, second, April 2, 1889, at Fort Dodge, Iowa, Emily Lovina Stites, who was born in Freeport, 111., August 22, 1867, the daughter of Jacob Pierce and Charlotte Birk Stites, of Fort Dodge, Webster Co., Iowa.

Present residence. Grant City, low^a, of which city he is serving his third term as mayor (1902].


Children of William Marsellus and Ada :

822. Olive May, b. June 26, 1883, in Algona, Iowa.

823. Cecil Wesley, b. November 18, 1885, in Stratford, Iowa. Children of William Marsellus and Emily :

824. Roy Vincent, b. January 17, 1890, in Cody, Neb.; d. Sep-

tember 17, 1895, in Stratford, Iowa.

825. William Lloyd, b. May 9, 1891, in St. Joseph, Mo.;

d. May 17, 1892, in Cody, Neb.

826. Glen, b. December 19, 1893, in Cody, Neb.; d. February

17, 1894, in Cody, Neb.

827. Harriet Rose, b. September 17, 1896, in Grant City, Iowa.

828. Robert Orr, b. January 31, 1899, in Grant City, Iowa.

829. Ronald Clair, b. May 24, 1900, in Grant City, Iowa.

830. Fannie Charlotte, b. March 2, 1902, in Grant City, Iowa.

831. FLORA MAY SHANNON^ [564], (Charles Wil- liam", William'^, John^, Nathaniel+, Nathaniel-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Charles William and Julia Abigail (Whitehouse) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 4, 1 86 1. She married, September 26, 1880, Oilman Benjamin Randall, the son of Reuben G. and Mary Atwell Randall, ot Portsmouth, N. H., where they reside.

Children of Gilman and Flora Randall :

832. Elroy Stuart, b. June 6, 1881.

833. Florian Caspar, b. June 12, 1892.

834. CASPAR GRANT SHANNON^ [565], (Charles William^, William^ John?, Nathaniel^, NathanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Charles William and Julia Abigail (White- house) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., November 15, 1862. He married, September 27, 1888, Maude Alice Thomp- son, who was born December 16, 1868, the daughter of George Conn and Louisa Melissa Thompson, of Charlestown, Mass.


He a member of the police force of Chelsea, Mass., where they reside.

Children of Caspar Grant and Maude :

835. Beatrice Flora, b. January 19, 1890.

836. Maude Louisa, b. January 30, 1892.

837. Charles William, b. March 4, 1894.

838. Grant Lincoln, b. April 17, 1899.

839. VIRGINIA VIOLET SHANNON^ [566], (Charles WiIIiam7, William^ John^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^ Nathaniel^ Nathaniel'), daughter of Charles William and Julia Abigail (Whitehouse) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., xVpril 4, 1865. She married, February 20, 1884, Herman Alvah Brackett, of Portsmouth, who was born May 20, 1861, the son of Charles Edwin and Martha Elinor Brackett. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H.

Children of Herman and Virginia Brackett :

840. Chester Alvah, b. January 25, 1885.

841. Guy Herman, b. September 6, 1886.

842. Violet May, b. May 16, 1889.

843. Charles Edwin, b. May 31, 1896.

844. GUY STUART SHANNON^ [567], (Charles Wil- ham7, William'^, John^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-^ NathanieP, Nathaniel'), son of Charles William and Julia Abigail (White- house) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., January 26, 1867 ; was for several years in the United States Navy on the Pacific Coast ; afterwards mounted policeman for about ten years at Newton, Mass. ; and is now Chief Yeoman, U. S. N., stationed at Naval Training Station, San Francisco, Cal. He married.


December 25, 1888, Lulu Belle Stockford, who was born in I 869, the daughter of Philip and Cora Belle Stockford, of Valejo, Cal. Residence, San Francisco, Cal. Children of Guy Stuart and Lulu :

845. Julian Earl; d. in June, 1893.

846. Cora Belle, b. June 21, 1891.

847. Lillie Virginia, b. October 2j, 1892.

848. LYDIA ABIGAIL SHANNON^ [568J, (Charles Willianv, William'^, John^, Nathaniel+, NathanieP, NathanieP, Nathaniel'), daughter of Charles William and Julia Abigail (Whitehouse) Shannon, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., Feb- ruary 6, 1869. She married, September 29, 1890, Charles Humphreys, who was born January 12, 1859, the son of George A. and Margarette P. Humphreys, of Portsmouth. Residence, Portsmouth, N. H.

Children of Charles and Lydia Humphreys :

849. June Marguerite, b. June 7, 1892.

850. Stewart Shannon, b. April 9, 1894.

851. Julia Lillian, b. December 13, 1895.

852. Cora Melcher, b. October 21, 1898.

853. MABELLE STANWOOD SHANNON^ [629], (Charles Way', Charles Tebhets^, Richard Cutts^, Thomas+, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel',), daughter of Charles Way and Mary Emery (Lapham) Shannon, was born April 2, 1862. She married, September 27, 1887, at Saco, Me., Edward Burleigh Wolston, of Boston, Mass. They resided at Sharon, Mass., where


she died March 21, 1900, at the comparatively early age ot thirty-eight, deeply lamented by all who knew her.


To those who knew the beauty of her Hfe these few words can add no lustre to her pure and beautiful character. As the child, so was the woman ; always sharing the burden of others ; always cheerful in assuming her own ; always affectionate, true and loving in every vocation, as daughter, wife, and mother. A child with her children, a woman in graver moments, an unswerving friend in every emergency.

Her happy, joyous spirit carried the contagion of genial merri- ment wherever she went. Her charming personality, sincerity of heart, and sweetness of thought and expression made every one love her and hold her deep in their hearts. In mind she had many talents, which would have brought happiness to many beside her friends, especially in music, in voice, in composition and in piano work she excelled far beyond the average gifts. But perhaps her motherhood was her most beautiful expression of genius, for to the happy development of the home-life to her little children she


devoted the last few years of her short life ; and left them a pure and beautiful memory of one who had failed only in her physical strength ; for mind and heart grew more radiant as she drew near her heavenly home, and without complaint or murmur left those she loved and went on to the new life, where she waits and loves her own. E. V. T.

Children of Edward and Mabelle Wolston :

854. Edward Shannon, b. June 9, 1888.

855. Mary Shannon, b. February 7, 1890.

856. Grace Harriet, b. May 30, 1893.

857. GRACE LINCOLN SHANNON^ [630], (Charles Way7, Charles Tebbets^, Richard Cutts', Thomas+, Cutts^, Na- thaniel^, Nathaniel'), daughter of Charles Way and Mary Emery (Lapham) Shannon, was born January 27, 1865, and married at Saco, Me., October 10, 1893, Frederick Ira Ordway. Resi- dence, Framingham, Mass.

Children ot Frederick and Grace Ordway :

858. Frederick Ira, b. August 15, 1894.

859. Priscilla Mabelle, b. February 18, 1896.

860. Richard Shannon, b. October 19, 1897.

86L RICHARD CUTTS SHANNON^ [634], (James Harrison^, Charles Tebbets , Richard Cutts', Thomas^, Cutts^, NathanieP, Nathaniel"), son of James Harrison and Susan Warner (Greenwood) Shannon, was born in Camden, N. J., July 30, 1874. He married at Waterville, Me., June 14, 1900, Grace Fletcher Lord, who was born in Vassalboro, Me., December i 3, 1872, the daughter of Alden Fuller and Luna F. Lord.

Mr. Shannon was prepared for college at Hebron Academy, and entered Colby College in 1895. After leaving college he


went to Colorado, where for several years he was in the employ of the Portland Gold Mining Co.

In September, 1902, he became a partner in the hrm ot C. H. Thompson & Co., of Syracuse, N. Y., contractors and dealers in electrical supplies and fixtures, which firm was shortly after dissolved by the death of Mr. Thompson.

Since April, 1903, he has resided in Brockport, N. Y.

862. CHARLES NATHANIEL SHANNON^ [638], (James Harrison'', Charles Tebbets , Richard Cutts^, Thomas+, Cutts^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel'), son of James Harrison and Susan Warner (Greenwood) Shannon, was born in Camden, N. J., August 13, 1 88 1. He married at Saco, Me., April 2, 1902, Bertha Carolyn Roberts, who was born September 20, 1884, the daughter of David Fremont and Cora (Clough) Roberts, formerly of Newfield, Me.

Child of Charles Nathaniel and Bertha : 863. George Vaughan, b. November 24, 1902.



Extracts from the diary of Col. R. C. Shannon, giving some account of his visit to Londonderry, Ireland, in iSSj.

[See page i i.]

Londonderry, August 27, 1887.

At last have reached the place I have so long been anxious to see. One more case off the calendar. Have already obtained a copy of Prof. VVitherow's book on Derry, and last e\ening I visited the famous Wall, saw the Walker Monument, the city gates, and " Roaring Meg."

This morning, after reading again that thrilling passage* in Macaulay's History where he so eloquently describes this historic city, I took a guide and made the entire circuit of the Wall, which is an easy promenade of something less than a mile, using Greer's " Guide to Londonderry " to check the statements of my cicerone. Last evening visited the First Presbyterian Church and looked through the cathedral cemetery, but without finding what I wanted.

* Five generations have since passed away ; and still the wall of Londonderry is to the Protestants of Ulster what the trophy of Marathon was to the Athenians. A lofty pillar, rising from a bastion which bore during many weeks the heaviest fire of the enemy, is seen far up and down the Foyle. On the summit is the statue of Walker, such as when, in the last and most terrible emergency, his eloquence roused the fainting courage of his brethren. In one hand he grasps a Bible. The other, pointing down the river, seems to direct the eyes of his famished audience to the English topmasts in the distant bay. Such a monument was well deserved : yet it was scarcely needed : for in truth the whole city is to this day a monument of the great deliverance. The v\all is carefully preserved ; nor would any plea of health or convenience be held by the inhabitants sufficient to justify the demolition of that sacred enclosure which, in the evil time, gave shelter to their race and their religion. The summit of the ramparts forms a pleasant walk. The bastions have been turned into little gardens. Here and there, among the shrubs and flowers, may be seen the old culverins which scattered bricks, cased with lead, among the Irish ranks. One antique gun, the gift of the Fishmongers of London, was distinguished, during the hundred and five memorable days, by the loud- ness of its report, and still bears the name of Roaring Meg. The cathedral is filled with relics and trophies. In the vestibule is a huge shell, one of many hundreds of shells which were thrown into the city. Over the altar are still seen the French flagstaves, taken by the garrison in a desperate sally. The white ensigns of the House of Bourbon have long been dust : but their place has been supplied by new banners, the work ot the tairest hands of Ulster. The anniversary of the day on which the gates were closed, and the anniversary of the day on which the siege was raised, have been down to our own time celebrated by salutes, processions, banquets, and sermons : Lundy has been executed in effigy ; and the sword, said by tradition to be that of .Maumont, has, on great occasions, been carried in triumph. There is still a Walker Club and a Murray Club. The humble tombs of the Protestant cap- tains have been carefully sought out, repaired, and embellished. _ It is impossible not to respect the sentiment which indicates itself by these tokens. It is a sentiment which belongs to the higher and purer part of human nature, and which adds not a little to the strength of states. A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants.


After buying some photographs called upon Mr. Edward S. Hamilton, Secre- tary of the Harbour Board, who received me very courteously, and in response to mv letter of introduction took me at once to the Town Clerk, Mr. Chambers, who afterwards met me at his office and showed me the Municipal Records of the period of the siege. They are indexed and in the special charge of Mr. William StafFord, the Assistant Town Clerk.

In these records I read that Robert Shannon, Ereeman, was elected Sheriff of Londonderry on the 3rd of November, 1679, "for ye ensuing year."

He seems to have been re-elected January, 1680 ; but I could find no further mention of him till 1686, when he appears to have been chosen Alderman.

These Municipal Records which I have been examining have really no official character, as they are not signed by any one, and are apparently only a fair copy from some accounts of what occurred at the meetings, and probably were written out long after the meetings were held. At any rate, there are no signatures attached to the minutes, not even of the Mayor or Town Clerk ; so my expectation of obtaining a facsimile of Robert Shannon's signature, at least from this source, is frustrated.

Still, it is hardly possible that having served as Sheriff, Alderman, and Mayor during that long interval between 1679 and 1704 (when he must have signed hundreds of papers in his official capacity), that I should not be able to find his signature somewhere.

Mr. Chambers informed me that there were several visitations or Reports of Plantations in Ulster, an examination of which ought to yield some information about Shannon and his family.

Mr. Hamilton was of opinion that I could not do better than to engage Alfred Moore Munn, Esq., Solicitor, Londonderry, to search the records for a Will or for Deeds.

August 28, 1887.

This morning enjoyed another promenade on the Wall, visited the Cathedral to inspect the relics and trophies, and to carefully read the mural tablets. Promised the sexton a £5 note if he would find the stone marking the grave of Robert Shannon. Then taking a jaunting-car rode to the place where the boom was stretched across the river ; saw the boom-rock and the well-worn ring and staple in the rock at the water's edge. The view is perfect ; and from this point one can see the course of the Foyle winding its way along. Here opposite are the flats and the shoal water where the Mountjoy stuck when she rebounded from the shock against the boom ; and there in the distance, far up the river, is the city on the high ground, though the two hills near which the city stands are very much higher ; thus giving good reason for Lundy's claim that from a military point of view the place was untenable.


I have been struck bv the marvelous accuracy of Alacaulav's description of the locaHty, and so my admiration for this brilliant writer has been greatly heightened, if that were possible, by my visit here.

The place of the boom is part of the grounds of a gentleman who resides in London, some hundred acres in extent, all in grass, and used for pasturing cattle, and here come the good people of Derry to picnic occasionally, recline on the grass, drink of the fine water of St. James well near by, and go over again in mind the thrilling story of the siege. In the distance can be seen not only the Cathedral, but the tall monument on the Wall with the figure of Walker surmounting it, his outstretched arm pointing down the ri\er to the place of the boom whence succor was sure to come.

Both the forenoon and evening ser\ices at the Cathedral I attended, and I saw the two flagstaves and tassels that Alitchelburn captured in one of his sallies against the besieging army.

In the afternoon again made the circuit of the Wall se\eral times, and now I understand better the situation. It certainly would be untenable to-day against a besieging force with modern artillery.

On returning from my visit to the boom to-day we passed Magee College. I hope to meet Prof. Witherow before leaving town. His book is the latest contribu- tion to the literature of the siege.

August 29, 1887.

To-day I visited Glendermot, the old Presbyterian Cemetery, to learn if by chance Robert Shannon was buried there, but without result. I only saw the graves of Mitchelburn and Murray, or rather their monuments.

I went out in a jaunting-car, crossing the bridge and riding through Waterside. Before returning had a fine view of Derry from the hill near the kennel of hounds, whose baying we heard long before arriving. We were in luck ; for it seems the huntsman was about taking the pack out for a little exercise. As he came walking his horse down the lane to the main road with the dogs in a bunch about the heels of the horse and their forest of tails waving and wagging in the air, the more excited ones barking and bellowing, it was a fine sight indeed ! and for me quite interesting, as I had never seen a pack of hounds before.

Called on Mr. Stafford and left a note for him, stating distinctly what I wanted, "a copy of any statements relating to Robert Shannon found in the early Municipal Records of Londonderry."


On September 14, 1887, Colonel Shannon, having returned to London, recei\-ed the following letter from Mr. Stafford, with its voluminous enclosure :

Town Clerk's Office,


September i z, 1887. Sir :—

I have carefully perused the Corporation Records from November, 1679, to January, 1705, and have noted down every meeting at which Mr. Shannon was recorded as being in attendance. I also extracted anv entries personal to him, with other items, which I thought might be interesting to you. I looked over the books for two years afterwards, but could not find any other reference to Mr. Shannon, so I concluded he must have died soon after date ot last entry.

I enclose result of my search.

Your obedient servant,

Wm. Stafford. R. C. Shannon, Esq.,

Alexandra Hotel, London.

Extracted from the Municipal Records of the City of Londonderry between the years 1679 AND 1704.

At a Common Council held the y^ day of November, 1679, before Thomas MoncriefFe, Esq., Mayor.

William Noble of this Citv, Burgess, and Robert Shannon,* of the same. Freeman, are elected Sheriffs for the ensuing year, mmiiti contradiccnte.

At a Common Council held 1 3"> day of April 1680, Robert Shannon Esq Sheriff was present.

Common Council 5''' julv 1680, Robt Shannon Esq Sheriff, present.

Common Council S''' September 1680 Robert Shannon Esq Sheriff, present when upon a motion made concerning Sheriff Shannons expense in a late journey to Dublin and costs of Court there by him paid occasioned by a suit then depending in the Common Pleas between John Wilson Esq late Recorder of this Citv of the one part, and Samuel Norman Esq ot this City, Alderman, of the other part, M' Sheriffs Account is left to M' Mayor & M' W"| Smyth to examine, and M' Smyth is hereby ordered to repay him what shall be due thereon.

"^ Wfiile the name is liere written Shannon, later on in these records we find it written Shanon, and even changed to Shenan, and finally to Shennan.

In Hempton's "Siege and History of Londonderry " the name is invariably written Shannon, though at page 409, in a note, the author calls attention to the fact that the name " is spelled Shennon in the Corporation and Irish Society Minutes, as it is in the poem Londeriad." R. C. S.


Common Council z""" November 1680 present, Robert Shannon Esq SherifF. Robert Shannon, Alex' Leckv, Henrv Feraboscoe, Edward Brooks, Archibald Hamilton Henrv Cogheran, and James Gordon were put upon election to serve in the office ot Shrievalty for the ensuing year commencing the second day of February next, when Henry Feraboscoe and James Gordon were elected to serve in the said office of Shrievalty of this City and County for the said ensuing year.

Common Council held 26''' Julv 1686. Robert Shanon was present as a Burgess.

Common Council held z""* December 1688. Robert Shennon was present as a Burgess.

Common Council held 1 j'*" April 1689 Robert Shennon was present as a Burgess.

Common Council 27''' August 1689 Robert Shennon present as a Burgess.

Common Council ig'*' September 1689. Robert Shennon present as a Burgess.

Common Council 26'*' Sept. 1689 Robert Shennon present as a Burgess.

Common Council y^ October 1689. Robert Shennon present as a Burgess.

Common Council 2"'' November 1689 Robert Shenan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 7"^ November 1689. Robert Shenan present as a Burgess.

An order from his Grace the Duke of Schomberg General of all their Majesties torces &c, to the Commissaries of the Stores of provisions in this City for delivering one thousand bushells of wheat and one thousand bushells of peas pursuant to the directions of this Common Council for the use of the poor ancient inhabitants of the said City as have survived the late Siege, being read. M'' Mayor, Colonel John Mitchelburne, Robert Shenan, General M' William Mackie and M' John Harvey or any three ot them, of which M'' Mayor to be one, were appointed a Com- mittee for distributing ot the above mentioned wheat and peas. Common Council ^'^ Deer 1689 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 6"" January 1689/90. Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 17"' February 1689/90 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 26''' Feby 1689/90 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council zo''' March 1690 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council ig'^ Mav 1690 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.


Common Council 7''' July l6go Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 3"' November i6go. Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 2~'*' Nov 1690. Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council i S'l" December 1690. Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 16''' [anuary 1690^1 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council y^ February 1690/91. Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 12"" Feby 1690/91 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 14''' Feby 1690/91 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 9"' March 1690/91 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 8''' June 1691 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 27''^ July 1691 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 8''' September I 69 1 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 10''' Septr 1691 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 8"' October 169 I Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 9''' Octr 1691 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 2""* November 1691 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

To serve in the office of Alderman instead of two deceased, were put upon the election for the First Henrv Long, Thomas MoncriefFe, Robert Shennan, William Newton & Matthew Halley, Burgesses, of whom was elected Thomas Moncrieffe Esq. Sheriff, to be one of the said Aldermen ; and upon the Second election were put Henry Long, Robert Shennan, W"" Newton, Henry Ashe, & Matthew Halley, Burgesses, of whom was elected Henry Long to be another of the said Aldermen, and the usual oath administered to both immediately thereafter.

Common Council 16''^ Nov"" i 69 i Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 17"'' Nov 1691 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 17''' December 1 69 1 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.


Common Council 2"'^ January 1691/92 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council i j'"" Jany 1691/92 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council j'-* Feby 1691/92 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 22"'' Feby 1691/92 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 22"-^ August 1692 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council S"*" Septr 1692 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 2"'* November 1692 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 29''' Novr 1692 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 3"^ December 1692 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

To serve instead of Alderman William Newton deceased, were put upon the election, viz': Hugh Eadie l, Robert Shennan 3, James Lennox 9, James Strong 6, of whom was elected James Lennox to serve in the said office of Alderman.

Common Council 5''' December 1692 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 2"'' January 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 23'''' Jany 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 3"' Feby 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 7''' Feby 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

And whereas the place of an Alderman is vacant by the death of the late Mayor, to supply the same were put upon the election, viz' i Hugh Eadie, Robert Shennan, 7 James Strong, 1 2 Horace Kennedy, l Edward Brook, l Samuel Leeson, out of which was elected to serve in the said office of Alderman the said Horace Kennedy.

Common Council I l"" Feby 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 10''' March 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 14''' March 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council 17''' March 1692/93 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.


Common Council 31" March 1693 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess.

Common Council z""" May 1693 Robert Shennan present as a Burgess. Common Council 1 2'*' Mav '693, Robert Shennan present



I*' June



2-,h .,



4'" July



2olh "



4"> August



iz'*" Septr



10"' October



2nd November



20th <<



2'"^ January






yd February



.g.h ..



16'" April



-'^ July



7''> August






jnj November






I I'h December



2"'* January



,^,h " ..






4>i> Feby



20th i<



5"' April



24"" July



5'*" August



10"'' Septr



19''' Octr



2"'^ Nov.



2"'' Jany



,8,h «■



y^ Feby



2nd March



,7'h ..



i6'h April

















































































The Association of the Mayor, Commonaltv and Citizens of the City of Londonderry and of all the Inhabitants of the same the ly^^ IVIarch 1695.

Whereas there has been a horrid and detestable conspiracy formed and carried on by papists and other wicked and traitorous persons for assassinating his Majestys Roval Person in order to encourage an invasion from France to subvert our Religion Laws and Liberties, we whose names are hereunto subscribed do heartily, sincerely and solemnly profess, testify and declare that his present Majesty King William is the Rightful and Lawful King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland ; and that neither the late King James nor the pretended Prince ot Wales, nor any other person hath any Right whatsoever to the same.

And whereas we do mutually promise and Ingage to stand by and assist each other to the utmost of our power in the support and defence of his Majestys most sacred Person and Govern- ment against the late King James and the pretended Prince of Wales and all their adherents and favourers : And in case his Majesty should come to any violent or untimely death ( which God forbid) we do hereby further freely and unanimously oblige ourselves to unite, associate and stand by each other in Revenging the same upon his enemies and their adherents and in support- ing and defending the succession of the Crown according to an Act made in England in the first year of King William and Queen Mary, entituled. An Act declaring the Rights and Liberties of the subject, and settling the succession of the Crown.

[Note The foregoing was subscribed to by 226 Citizens, Robert Shennon being the 16"" name on the list.]

Common Council 8'^ September 1696,

2 2"'' Oct "

2nd Noy << 29th <.

z""* Jany 1696/97

yd Feby "

Ordered That all those members that appear at this Common Council without their Gowns, or at any other Common Council for the future, be fined in 6* 8'^ apiece. Common Council 22"'' March 1696^97, Robert Shennan present

1697 do do

" do do

" do do

" do do

" do do

" do do

Alderman Hugh Eadie being dead on the I l'*" inst., this Common Council do put on the election the first si.x senior Burgesses, out of them to elect one, to serve in the Office of Alder- man in this City in the place of the said M' Eadie deceased. And this Common Council do unanimously nemine contradice?ite elect M' Robert Shennan into the Office of Alderman aforesaid, and he is accordingly sworn in the usual manner according to the statute 3"* Gulielmi & Maris.











ert Shennan














1=' May



1 9''" July



7'h August



6"" September



2'1'i November



13" December



Common Council 3"^ January 1697/8, Alderman Robert Shennan, present











































































































Common Council 20''' do do 24'''

do do 28">


1699, Aldn Robert Shennan present. " do do do

"do do do

In this Common Council Alderman Kennedy and Alderman Shennan appearing without their Gowns are bv this Court fined in i 3* 4'' each ; and M' Mackie, M' Morrison, M' Crook- shanks & M' Davey for the same ofFence are fined each in 6= S-".

Common Council i I'l" August 1699, Aldn Robert Shennan, present.

Aldn Shennan was appointed on a Committee to meet with M'' Cairns ( to draw up the causes of disfranchising Colonel Mitchelburne, to be put in readiness against next term to take off the contempt in the Kings Bench for which a TipstaiF was sent down against M' Mayor by whom he was attached 14"'' July last and fees paid the Tipstaff, viz' ^,l.\g.^ and Bonds for the Mayors appearance anew & payment of fees &c) on Monday next at 3 of the clock in the Council Chamber.

Common Council I 2"> September 1699, Aldn Robt Shennan, present, do do 26''' " " do do do

do do 28"' " " do do do

do do 21=' October " do do do

do do z""* November " do do do

Alderman Robert Shennan ( with 5 others ) was nominated for the Mayoralty, when Aldn Brooks was elected.

1699/1700, Aldn Robt Shennan, present.

" do do do

1700 do do do

" do do do

1700 Aldn Robert Shennan present, "do do do




























Common Council y^ October 1700 Aldn Robert Shennan present.

do do 2""* November «' do do do

Aldn. Robert Shennan, with 5 others, nominated for Mayoralty, when Aldn Thomas Moncrieffe was elected.

Common Council 4''' November 1700, Aldn Robt Shennan present









z"** January I 700/1

1 do





7'" ' " '












3 '■'' February ' '






28''' April 1701






-.lb juiv






13'" August "






2"'' October "






27.b .<






yd November "




Aldn Shennan, with 5 others, nominated for the Mayoralty, when Aldn Horace Kennedy was elected. Common Council zg'^ November I 70 1, Aldn Robt Shennan present.

The Lord Lieutenant not approving of Aldn Kennedys election, Aldn Robert Shennan was elected as Mayor for the ensuing year.

Common Council 2"'' Jany 1701/2, Aldn Robert Shennan Mayor Elect present, and his election as Mayor, confirmed.

Common Council 30"'> Jany 1701/2, Aldn Robert Shennan Mayor Elect, present.

Common Council 2°'' Feby I 70 1/2

Aldn Robert Shennan, Mayor Elect, present.

M' Mayor, the Aldermen, Sheriffs, Chamberlain, Burgesses &c in Guildhall. In pursu- ance of the elections made the 29'" November last, and 2"'' Jany last of Alderman Robert Shennan to the office of Mayor for the ensuing year, and of M'' Archibald Coningham and M' Joshua Ewing to the office of Shrievalty for the said year, the Government having approved of them the said Rob' Shennan, Arch-* Coningham and Joshua Ewing, having first made and subscribed the Declaration and taken the oaths according to the statute, were severally sworn the respective oaths of their offices.

Common Council 3"* Feby 1701/z, Robert Shennan Esq Mayor, present.

This Common Council settling the salaries for the year do settle on M' Mayor _;^loo for this year, he to give the Judges their suppers without any other allowance ; and all other officers restored to their former ancient salaries, and the Chamberlain to pay them all accord- ingly, quarterly.

Ordered a certificate to be sent to M' Connolly of the Mayor and Sheriffs being sworn.

Common Council 23"* Feby 1701/z, the Mayor present On consideration of the respital of last Common Council as to the Justice place vacant by the death of Alderman Squire, and the Charter in the case being consulted, and the practice of all past time of this Incorporation, and the question being put whether an Alderman takes place or precedency from the time of his serving Mayor or from the time of being elected and sworn Alderman.


Resolved, if an Alderman having sustained the burden of Mayoralty is to be accounted senior and to take place of any Alderman, altho an Alderman before him but had not served Mayor, and thereupon resolved that Alderman Henry Long having sustained the burden of Mayoralty seven years before Alderman MoncrifFe, that therefore he be sworn Justice of the Peace of this Chy and Liberties, which accordingly was done, he having made and signed the Declaration according to the statute.

Common Council 17"' April 1702, Robert Shennan Esq Mayor present. On motion that the Walls and Gatehouses are out of repair Ordered that Alderman Kennedy, Alderman Leeson, Alderman Mackie Sc the Chamberlain do provide materials to get the same done forthwith.

Common Council zy^ Mav 1702, Robert Shennon Esq Mayor, present.

There being now a war proclaimed against France and Spain, and the Carriages of the Guns in this City being utterly decayed, and thereby the said guns rendered unserviceable for the defence of this important place, this Common Council taking the same into their considera- tion, do resolve and order that a letter be written by M'' Mogridge and the Chamberlain to M' Recorder to set forth to him the sad condition of the said guns and pray him to show the same to his Excellency the Lord Mount Alexander and to solicit his Lordship to take some course therein, and that M' Recorder be desired to signify his Lordships answer that further application may be made for their repair Ordered, that the Chamberlain pay the charges expended at the proclaiming of the war against France and Spain.

Common Council 20''" June 1702, Robert Shennon Esq Mavor, present.




July "







' August "














Sept "







1 Nov "







' Febrv 1702/

3 do



Alderman Samuel Leeson having been elected Mayor, Alderman Shennan was elected Mayor of the Staple.

Common Council 1st April 1703, Aid" Rob' Shennan present.



























2 I"
















Aid" Robert Shennan was amongst others nominated tor the Mavoralty, but the present Mayor Aid" Samuel Leeson was re-elected.

Common Council 3"* Jany 1703/4, Aldn Robt Shennan, present, do do 3'^'' Feby " do do

do do 4"' May 1704 do do

do do I l'*" " " do do


Common Council 26''' May 1704 Aldn Robt Shennan, present,

do do 10''' July " do do

do do zo"> << " do do

Alderman Robert Shennan, Mayor of the Staple demits his said office to this Common Council, and it is received by this Common Council.

Common Council 28'h July 1704, Aldn Robt Shennan present, do do 31*' lulv " do do

Before leaving Londonderry Colonel Shannon also engaged the services ot Alfred M. Munn, Esq., a solicitor of that city, to ascertain the date of Robert Shannon's death, and, if possible, the place of his burial ; and also to search the records for anv Will he mav ha\e left. A month later the following letter was received from Mr. Munn giving the result of his inquiries :

Re Robert Shenan or Shannon, deceased.

Londonderry, 2 ist November, 1887. Dear Sir :

I have at last ascertained that Alderman Robert Shenan was buried on the 21st February, 1708, in the Parish of Templemore, but whether in the Cathedral or Chapel of Edse burial grounds I cannot ascertain, although I have had both carefiilly searched.

I have examined the Records in the Record Office, Dublin, and I can find no trace of any Will, and fear he must have died intestate, or that his Will was not proved at the date ot his death.

There are some people of the name of Shannon living here, and I made enquiries through them and could find no trace of the deceased among their papers.

If vou think there is anything further I can do I will be happy to try to manage it. I will send you a certificate of the burial in the course of a few days, when it is possible I mav have ascertained the exact burial place.

Yours truly,

Alfred Moore Munn. R. C. Shannon, Esq.,

c/o Consul General ot the

United States of America, Berlin.


The Irish Test Act. Circumstances under which the measure was passed and finally repealed.

[See page 12.]

"The imposition of the sacramental test on the Irish Protestant Dissenters, though it took place at a time when the Tory power was tottering, was probably due to Tory influence. The history of this measure is a curious one. The Irish Par- liament in 1703 having carried an atrocious penal law* against the Catholics, sent it over to England for the necessary ratification. It was returned, with an additional clause extending, for the first time, the Test Acff to Ireland. According to the constitutional arrangements then prevailing, the Irish Parliament could not alter a Bill returning from England, though it might reject it altogether, and, in order to save the Anti-Popery clauses of the Bill, it reluctantly accepted the test clause. Burnet ascribes the introduction of the clause to the desire of the English Ministers to throw out the whole Bill, which they imagined the Irish Parliament would refuse to ratify if burdened with the test, but this explanation is very improbable. The Irish House of Commons only contained ten or twelve Presbyterians. It had recently shown its hostility to the Presbyterians by voting the Regiiim Donuin an unnecessary expense, and, although it had not demanded the test, there was no reason to believe it would make any serious resistance to its imposition.

* This penal law is thus described by Smollett :

" But the most important transaction of this session was a severe bill to prevent the growth of popery : it bore a strong affinity to that which had passed three years before in England ; but contained more etti;ctual clauses : among others, it enacted that all estates of papists should be equally divided among the children, notwithstanding any settle- ment to the contrary, unless the persons to whom they might be settled should qualify themselves by taking the oaths, and communicating with the church of England." (Smollett, Vol. VII., p. 382. )

j- " The famous test act of 1673 rendered the reception of the sacrament according to the rites of the church of England, and a declaration renouncing the doctrine of transubstantiation, preliminary conditions without which no temporal office of trust could be enjoyed. In this fundamental article of faith no compromise or equivocation would be admitted by anv member of the church of Rome. And, as the obligation extended to the highest ranks, this reached the end for which it was immediately designed \ compelling not only the lord-treasurer Clifford, the boldest and most dangerous of that party, to retire from public business, but the duke of York himself, whose desertion of the protestant church was hitherto not absolutely undisguised, to quit the post of lord-admiral.

*' It is evident that a test might have been framed to exclude the Roman catholics as effectually as the present without bearing like this on the protestant nonconformist. But, though the preamble of the bill, and the whole his- tory of the transaction, show that the main object was a safeguard against popery, it is probable that a majority of both houses hked it the better for this secondary effect of shutting out the presbyterians still more than had been done by previous statutes of this reign." (Hallam's " History of England," Vol. II., p. 393.)


" The simplest explanation is probably the true one. The Ministry consisted of two parts, the party of Godolphin and Marlborough, who, on the ground of for- eign policy, but on this alone, were rapidly approximating to the Whigs, and the party of Nottingham, who was vehemently Tory, and who made it the very first object of his home policy to increase the stringency of the Test Act. These two sections were rapidly diverging, and it was only by much management and com- promise that they were kept together. It is probable the Irish Test Act was due to the influence of Nottingham, and was accepted the more readily as it applied to a country which had then no weight in English politics, and excited no interest in the English mind." (Leckv's "England in the XVIIIth Century ,"Vol. I., p. 99.)

"Another measure of great significance was taken. The clause relieving the Dissenters from the sacramental test had in 1778 been added by a large majority to the measure for the relief of Catholics, and had been strongly opposed by the Government, and extinguished in England. It was now brought forward again as a distinct measure. The Presbyterians of the north had been the earliest and the most numerous of the volunteers, and there was a keen and general desire that they should participate in the benefits which had of late been so largely extended to the Catholics. The abolition of the test, the Lord Lieutenant confessed, ' met with a general concurrence, great numbers of those members who had opposed it last session having pledged themselves for its support in the present session.' " (Lecky, Vol. IV., p. 540.)

"After a long period of hesitation and delay, the ***** demand of the Irish Parliament was conceded. In March, 1780, the Bill relieving the Irish Dissenters from the sacramental test was returned from England, and a very curious episode in Irish ecclesiastical history was thus terminated. The first imposition of the sacramental test was, as we have seen, wholly due to the English ministers, who forced it on the Irish Parliament by adding a clause to that efi^ect to the Anti- Popery Bill of 1704. A generation later the parts were inverted. The English Whig ministers of George II. wished to abolish the Irish test, but they found insuperable obstacles in the anti-Presbyterian feeling of the Irish House of Com- mons, and in the preponderance of bishops in the Irish House of Lords. Now, at last, under a Tory King and a Tory ministrv, at a time when the Church was in the height of its power in England, and when the Presbyterians were looked upon with more than common disfavour, the sacramental test was abolished at the request of the Irish Parliament, and by the influence of the volunteers. The Irish Dis- senters were thus placed politically on a level with their fellow-countrymen, and


they obtained this boon forty-eight years before a similar favour was granted to their co-religionists in England." (Lecky, Vol. IV., p. 542.)

" But King William was scarcely in his grave till, in 1704, through the influ- ence of the same party, the Irish Test Act was passed, making it essential that every person holding any office, whether ci\'il or militar\-, under the Crown should qualify by taking the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the parish church. This odious test it was notorious that no intelligent and honest Presbyterian could take with a safe conscience. Its obvious design was to exclude from every office of honour and emolument any man who was not an Episcopalian, or who would refuse to become one, and thus to degrade, if not to extinguish, Presbyterianism through- out the kingdom ; and, in order to effect this low and sectarian object, an ordinance instituted originally by the Son of God, for the edification of the members of His body, was subjected every day to desecration of the grossest and most repulsive kind. P"or a man who was already an Episcopalian to accept the rite in the Church of his choice, was of course an unexceptional act ; but no Presbyterian could partake of the ordinance from the hands of the minister of another Church, as a qualifica- tion for secular office, without doing an act as mean and unprincipled as it was impious. Some conformed out of love to this world and its reward ; but through- out the kingdom, every Presbyterian who filled anv office under the Crown, and who set less value on gain than on a good conscience, allowed his office to lapse, rather than do an act which he sincerely believed to be an act of sin and apostacy. In Belfast, the whole Corporation was changed in consequence. In Derry, ten aldermen and fourteen burgesses, out of a Corporation of thirty-eight, chose to lose office rather than to hold it by taking their sacrament in the Cathedral. The names of these honest men, who were brave enough to act in accordance with the claims of truth and honour, deserve to be held in everlasting remembrance. They were:


Alexander Lecky. James Lennox. Henry Long. , Horace Kennedy. ( the office of Mayor

Edward Brooks. I

ROBERT SHANNON. ) William Mackie. John Cowan. Hugh Davey. William Smyth.

All these had filled

These had filled the office of Sheriff.


'Alexander Skipton. I Sheriffs,

foseph Davey. )

John Harvey. Chamberlain.

Robert Harvev. Robert Gamble. John Dixon. Francis Neville. John Rankin. Joseph Morrison. Archibald Coningham. James Anderson. David Cairns. John Cunningham. James Strong.

" Thus it was that the High Church and Torv party, through their influence in the Irish Parliament, sought to impoverish and degrade, and, so far as Parliament could do it, actually did impoverish and degrade, the men and descendants of the men who fought tor King William and for religious and ci\il freedom, and that, too, in the very city where they and their kindred had shed their heart's best blood. From all public offices under the Crown they were excluded, for the sake of their religion, and they consented like true men to suffer all the bitter consequences, rather than act unfaithfully to conscience and to truth. The aldermen and burgesses of Derrv were as much alive to civic honours as most men in their position are usually found to be, but when such things could be retained or procured by religious dishonour only, they knew how to trample them under their feet. Honour to them for it ! A faith that has among its followers men who are ready to suffer for its sake, will hold its ground in spite of prelates and parliaments. There is a moral heroism in such a deed, far more rare and far more precious than the mere animal courage that presses into the hottest of the battle and looks unmoved on death.

" The treatment of the Presbyterians of Ireland throughout the eighteenth century by the High Church Prelates, and by the Irish Parliament, which seemed to make itself the humble tool of the Prelates' bigotry, was very little less disgrace- ful than that which was dealt out to the Roman Catholic population. First, they were refused a legal toleration for their faith ; Dissent was then regarded in the eye of the law as very much worse than Buddhism or Atheism would be regarded now. When toleration came, it was fettered with the Test Act, and men were thrust out of the service of the Crown and the country, for no other fault than that they were Presbyterians. They were made churchwardens against their will, and then prosecuted for not acting as officers of a Church to which they did not


belong. They were subject to expensive actions at law, for the crime of being married by their own ministers. They would not be allowed to teach school with- out licence from a Bishop, and this licence no Dissenter, in ordinary cases, could obtain. All the penal machinery that prelates and clergy could put in operation, was employed to ruin the Presbyterian faith, and to induce its adherents to desert it. " The Presbyterians sought redress in e\ery form that they could think of, but, notwithstanding that the King and the English Parliament were favourable, there was still the Irish Lords and Commons, stimulated by the prelates, standing in the way. Then, when hopes of redress grew dim and dimmer, numbers, fortunately for themselves, rose, crossed the ocean to the American Colonies, and left behind them poverty and oppression, many of them with anything but kind feelings to prelacy and to the Government in their hearts. Mr. Froude tells the consequences in his own true and eloquent words :

*' ' Now recommenced the Protestant emigration, which robbed Ireland of the bravest defenders of English interests, and peopled the American seaboard with fresh flights of Puritans. Twenty thousand left Ulster on the destruction ot the woollen trade. Many more were driven away by the passing of the Test Act. The stream had slackened, in hope that the law would be altered. When the prospect was finally closed, men of energy and spirit refused to remain in a country where they were held unfit to hold the rights of citizens ; and thenceforward, till the spell of tyranny was broken, in 1782, annual shiploads of families poured themselves from Belfast and Londonderry. The resentment which they carried with them continued to burn in their new homes ; and, in the War of Independence, England had no fiercer enemies than the grandsons and great-grandsons of the Presbyterians who held Ulster against Tvrconnel.' "

" And so till the end of time may every nation suffer, whose legislators shall condescend to make themseh es the ready tools to enaiile the priesthood of any faith to wreak their bigotr)' and hatred upon those who dissent from their creed.

" Injustice, persecution, oppression, and expatriation such were the rewards that the nation heaped upon not a few of the men, and upon the descendents of the men who had fought in the great Revolutionary Wars. Even the vanquished did not fare worse than many of the victors. Reward from the world, they got none. Their only recompense was the approbation of their own conscience, the conviction that they had tried to do their duty to their religion and to their country and to the King of their choice, and the confidence that they had performed a heroic deed which will live in history while England herself sur\i\es. It was but a small amount of liberty that rewarded their toils ; but they sowed seed which has taken root and grown, and we sit safely to-day under the shadow ot that magnificent tree, whose humble beginning they watered with their blood and with their tears." (Witherow's " Derry and Enniskillen in 1689," pp. 352-357-)


Copy of Nathaniel Shannon s petition to the General Court, in i6Sg, praying for the release of his servant who had been impressed " to go'' a Souldier ag' the Indians."

[Mass. Archives. Vol. 107, p. 208.] [See page 13.]

To the Hon'''' Govern'' & Counsell

Sitting in Boston

The Humble petition of Nathaniel Shannon Sheweth that whereas one Jo" Kirke who came to Towne a stranger Last winter being in want of food and rayment ( the petit' having knowne him in some Creditt in the Kingdom of Ireland) tooke him into his house "" and Cloathed and fed him, being in great want, he was willing to bind himself A Servant to the petif for the Consideration of his disbursm'^ w'^'' was above Ten pound and notvv'''standing of his being bound to the petit' he thought it convenient to provide him service abroad, and to take his money according as he was able to pay it out of what wages he Earn'' . In order to w^*" the petif found him a service where he did not remain"^ above 4 day= ere there came a warr' issued out from Capt Penn Townsend to secure the s'' Kirke in order to go'= a Souldier ag' the Indians and if in case of reffusall to Leavie off his goods & Chattells 4' failing of these he must be sent to Goale where he now Lyeth

the s'' Kirke rather choises to continue there than Expose the petif to the Loss of his money, and Leaving the s'* Kirke in Goale for the reason' afFores"' the petif disburs'' for the Las' winter'' Expedition ag' the Indian' Between 6 or 7' this hazard of Ten pound more by the s"" Kirke are Either of them too much money for a person of so sclender abillity

The p'misses being taken into yo' Hon'' Consideration

pray' for a releasm' for y' s^ Jo" Kirke ; and y'

petit' shall as in duty

Ever pray Boston, July 15th 1689

Copy of Capias Writ and proceedings in the Action of George Ball vs. Nathaniel Shannon, which appears to have resulted in a verdict for the defendant.

[Mass. Archives, Vol. 37, p. 336.]

-| Seal I

To the Marshall of SufFoIke or his Deputy You are req'"" in their Ma"" Names to attach the Goods & for want thereof the Body of Nathanael Shannon of Boston Merch', and take bond of him to the value of Forty pounds with sufficient security for his appearance at the next County Court to be holden in Boston on the last


tuesday instant April, then & there to answer the complaint of George Ball sen' of Boston Mar- rin' or his lawfuU attorney in an Action of the case for that he y'= said George Ball in Octob' 1690, in Boston being attached to answer the Compl' of Winsor Sandey at y"^ [said] Court in January following in an Action of v"^ case for not paying fourteen pounds to w*^"" attachin' & action the said [Nath'] Shannon became baile or Security for his appearance according to the ten' thereof, and on the 5th day of ... . her i6go the PI' as a Counter security to save harmless & indempnifyed him the s"" Nathanael Shannon [ot Boston] afores'' then and there did draw &: to him s'' Nathanael did deliyer a sett of three bills of Exchange all of [one] tenour & date upon himselfe \' s'' George Ball in Barbados ( to which place he was then bound) payable [by] Alexander Taggart, Merch' upon the acco" ot him s** Nathanael Shannon for the sume of twenty pounds curr' [money] of Barbados and on the I day of Jan'y l6|-S^ he the s'* George

Ball at Barbados afores'' the s"* Bill & of twenty pounds Sterling afores'' did

then & there pay as bv the s"* Bill &: receipt indorsed on the Backside [whereof] may more plainly appeare, and the s'* Winsor Sandey at s"* Court was nonsuited and so the s'* Nathanael Shannon was ftillv & clearly acquitted & discharged of his Suretyship Notvyithstanding which he the s'' Nathanael Shannon the aforesaid sume of twenty pounds hayeing reC" refuses & neglecteth to pay to y' pi' and is to his damage twenty pounds in money with all due Damages & so make a true returne hereof under your hand.

Dated in Boston, April pr° 1692, Annoq RR^ et Regina; Gulielmi et Maris Angli;e &c Quarto.

Joseph \^ ebb p Curiam tor the towne of Boston

I haye attached the Body of Nathanill Shannon &: taken Bond for his Appearance to Ans' this i-\ttachm' According to Lavy this 2 April 1692

By me Sam^' Bridge Marshall of Suffolke.

Know all men By these presence that I Nathanill Shannon as principal & Richard Willy as surety do Bind ourselyes our Heirs Sc Executors to Sam^' Bridge Marshall of SufFolke in the Sum of forty pounds, on condition that s^ Nathanill Shannon shall personally appear to ans' this Attachm" According to Law & that he shall Abide the order of the Court* & not depart without lysence as witness our hands this 2 day of Aprell 1692

Natt Shannon Richard Willey

^ State House, Boston, Mass. Aug. 17, A. D. 1884.

I HEREBY CERTIFY, That at the request of Richard Cutts Shannon, of New York, I this day went to the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and from the record of the action of George Ball sen' vs. Nathaniel Shannon, (County Court Records, Vol. 2, page 424, A. D. 1692) made a copy, as follows :

The attachm' &: Evidences in the case being read were comitted to ye Jury. The Jury brought in their verdict vizt They find for the Defend' costs of Court.

David Pulsifer.


The Naval Office during the Colonial Period.

[See page 14.]

For a long time the American Colonists had ignored the Acts of Trade and Navigation, and no steps were taken in the Colonies to execute them till Edmund Randolph carried to Boston a letter of censure from the King in 1676. Subse- quently, after ^uo JVarranto proceedings were threatened, the General Court of Massachusetts, in 1681— 2, passed its first law "Erecting a Naval Office," the avowed purpose of which was to secure a stricter observance of those Acts.

This Colonial Law remained in operation until after the New Charter Govern- ment under William and Mary had been established, when in 1692—3, during the administration of Governor Phipps, the General Court passed a second law " for the erecting of a Naval Office."

In attempting to execute this law a bitter contro\ersy arose between the Naval Officer appointed by the Go\ ernor and the Collector of Customs sent out from England, which controversy, having been referred to the Pri\y Council for a solu- tion, was decided in fa\or of the Collector, and also resulted in the repeal of the Colonial Law of 1692—3 referred to. The date of the repeal is December 26, 1695.

At the same time that this law was repealed, or " disallowed," the form of Commission to be issued, in the future, to Naval Officers was prescribed by the Privy Council, as well as the form of Oath he was to take and the Bond he was to give.

In 1696, Parliament also passed "An Act for pre\enting Frauds and regulat- ing Abuses in the Plantation Trade," Article IV, of which " required the Naval Officers in the Plantations to give Security to the Commissioners of the Customs in England for Performance of their Duty, and in default to be disabled."

Finallv, in 1701, the General Court made a third attempt to pass a law "erect- ing a Navall Office" that would be satisfactory to the Home Government, and this time it succeeded.

It was under this law passed by the General Court, June 28, 1701, that Nathaniel Shannon served as Naval Officer of the port of Boston " for upwards of twenty-two years."


Fh'St Law passed by the General Court, in 16S1-2, ^"^ erecting a N avail Office^' prescribing the duties of the " Navall Officer^' the form of his Commission and Oath of Office, and fixing his fees. Other Laws and Orders relating to the subject enacted by the General Court in 16S2-J, 1684, ^^'^ 1685-6.

For the satisfaction of his Maj'''= & the better regulating of the navigation and trade of this jurisdiction, and in pursuance of a lawe made Oct. 10, 1677, referring thereto, it is ordered and enacted by this Court and the authority thereof, that the Act of Parliament made in the J 2rh yeare of his Maj''" reign, intituled An Act for encouraging and increasing of Shipping & Navigation ; and the act made in the 15"'' yeare of his Maj"" reign, intituled An Act for the Encouragement of Trade, be forthwith published in the market place in Boston by beate of drum, and that all clauses in said Acts relating to this plantation be strictly taken notice of & observed as sajd acts require.

It is further ordered by the authority aforesaid, that a Navall Office be forthwith erected & settled in the towne of Boston for the entering of ships & other vessels outward & inward bound, for the taking of bonds, receiving and granting certificates for their clearing, according as in said Acts is directed. And all Commanders & Masters of shipps and other vessels are required to take notice hereof, and to make their entries to give bonds & receive & produce certificates for their clearing, according as in said Acts of Parliament exprest.

Provided such vessells as passe to and fro w'""'" our harbours or ryvers shall not be obleidged to enter & give bond as abovesajd, nor such vessells as passe from port to porte on the majne sea of the coast of New England, unless they take in for their owne store and trade, in some of his Maj''" Colonjes in New England, more than one tunn of each of the comoditjes enumerated in sajd acts ; and for the due execution of sajd office, it is ordered, that James Russell, Esq. who was chosen by this Court janv I i, 1680, be the Officer who shall have Commission under the hand of the Governor or Secretary and Scale of the Colony, & be sworne by said Governor to the faithfull discharge of the same, which Officer so authorized shall keepe foure books of all entrves, certificates & bonds, which shall allways be liable to the vejw of any officer or other person that may informe of the breach of sajd Acts or other lawes in pursuance thereof or reffer- ring to the trade of this jurisdiction ; and for the greater ease of the towne of Salem & adjacent ports, Benjamin Gerrish is appointed the Officer in the towne of Salem, who shall in like manner from time to time, once in sixe months, deliver faive copies of all bonds to the Governor, and shall receive for his service, referring to the premises, such ffees as by the lawe are allowed to recorders and clarkes of County Courts.

And for the Governor's signing a certificate for their clearing, the ffee shall be two Shillings.

It is fitrther ordered by the authority aforesaid, that if any person shall desire & obtayne a special Court for the tryall of any case referring to the premises, he shall give in usual caution to respond all costs, before warrants be issued forth to assemble sajd Court and jury; and it any person be damnified by false information, wrongfiill searching, or seizing any goods, ships or other vessell, he may recover the same by an action of the case in any Court or Courts of judi- cature, according to the usual course of lawe. And for the encouragement of his Maj"" Officer


or Officers, and all informers, shall from time to time bey ayded and assisted by all Marshalls, Constables, or other Officers, by warrant from the Gov. Deputy Gov. or other magistrate, in the prosecution of the breaches of sajd Acts of trade & navigation.

And the Secretary is ordered to sign all the Commissions of said Office, and cause the Courts order to be published, w'*" the Acts of trade, as is before provided. (February 16, 1681-2.)

The Govnof & Company of the Massachusetts Colony in New England. To J. R. Navall Officer

Whereas you are chosen & appointed Navall Officer for the service of his Maj''= in the severall ports of the Massachusetts Colonje during the pleasure of the Governo'' & Company. These are in his Maj"'" name, to authorize and require you diligently & faithfully to attend that service, bv taking entrjes of all ships & other vessells outward & inward bound, by taking bonds & receiving & granting cirtifficates for their clearing, keeping fFaive books of all entrjes, cirtifficates & bonds, once in sixe moneths, returning foure copies of all such bonds unto the Governor for the time being, according to the lawes of this jurisdiction, made in pursuance of the Acts of Par- liament for the incouragement & increase of trade & navigation ; and to observe all such orders Si instructions as you shall from time to time receive from the Governor & Company relating to the execution of the said Office. In testimony whereof, the scale of this Colony is hereunto affixed. Dated in Boston, March I7'''in the 33'' yeare of the reigne of our sovereign lord Charles the Second, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland, King &c, in the yeare of our Lord 1681-2. (March 17, 1681-2.)

Whereas you, J. R. are chosen Navall Officer for the several ports of the Massachusetts Colonje, and have received a Comission from the Gov. & Company of the sajd Colonje for the execution of that Office, you doe sweare by the great name of the ever living God, that you will carefully and duely attend the execution of the sajd Office according to the tenno' and true intent ofyo' Comission, & the lawes of this jurisdiction. So help you God.

As an addition to the law, title Navall Officer, it is ordered, that the port of Boston, to which Charls Town is annexed, and the port of Salem, to which Marblehead, Beverly, Glou- cester, Ipswich, Rowley, Newbery and Salisbury are annexed as members, are and shall be lawfuU ports in this Colony, where all ships, & other vessels, shall lade and unlade any of the plantations enumerated goods, or other goods from foreign parts, and nowhere else, on penalty of the confiscation of such ship or vessell, with her goods, tackle, &c. as shall lade or unlade elsewhere. 2. That no ship, or other vessell, arriving from foreign parts, shall breake bylk before entry

with the Governor and Navall Officer, if they come into the port of Boston, and in all other

ports not before entry with the Navall Officer, on penalty of confiscation of ship and goods ;

and when the Masters of said ships or vessells are not inhabitants in this Colony, then into


whatsoever port they arrive their entrv shall be made with the Governor and Navall Officer that belongs to the port where they trade.

3. That no ship or other vessell, shall lade or unlade any part of their cargoe in the night season that is not of the growth of this Country, unless it being case of necessity, and then notice to be given to his IVIaj"''^ Officer upon the place, if any be there, on penalty of confiscation of said goods.

4. That no ship or other vessell, shall take on board any of the enumerated plantation comod- ities, more than their ships store, before they have given bond, or shew a Certifficate that they have already given bond, as the Act of Parliament required, on penalty of confiscation of such ship and goods, unless they be such as pass from port to port of our owne jurisdic- tion, who are then to have a permit signed by the Navall Officer.

5. And for the information and satisfaction of all persons concerned, it is hereby declared that his Majesties Officer hath power to sieze any ship or vessell he judges forfeited to his Majesty, in order to hir triall, and that he hath liberty to search all vessells that are outward bound, and put wavtors on board of all ships inward bound.

6. And that the time of entering and clearing at the Navall Office be betwixt the howers of

10 and 1 2 in the forenoon and 2 and 4 in the afternoon.

7. That no vessell of twenty tunnes and upward, except such as fetch wood, boards, stones, or lumber, shall pass the Castle without a lett pass from the Gov' for the time being, if resident in Boston, and in his absence from the Deputy Gov' on penalty of 20 pounds.

As an addition unto and explanation of the law, title Shipping, p. 141, it is ordered by this Court, and the authority thereof, that no person shall trade w'^ any ship or vessel arriving on our coast until they are brought to anchor in one of the pons assigned and appointed in the law, title An Addition to the Lawes, title Navall Office, on penalty and forfeiture provided in the said law, title Shipping. (February 9, 1682-3.)

It is ordered that Nathaniel Clarke be the Navall Officer for Newbery and Salisbury ports. (May 7, 1684. )

It is ordered, that Benjamin Gerrish be the Officer for Salem and the ports annexed, in stead of the late Mr. Hilljard Veren, to demand and receive the powder money of all masters of shipps and other vessells, according to their respective burdens, the said Gerrish giving an Account to the Surveyor General yearly or oftener, as the law directs.

For asmuch as James Russell, Esq. Navall Officer, doth declare to the Court his desire to be freed from that trust, his desire is therein granted, and it is ordered, that Samuel Nowel, Esq. be the Navall Officer, & exercise that trust until this Court take further order & to be commissioned and sworne as the law directs. (February 16, 1685-6.)


Second Law passed by the General Court, in i6g2-j, " erecting a Naval!


WHEREAS bv act ot parliament, made in the fifteeth vear of King Charles the Second, entituled, "An Act tor the encouragement of trade," It is provided. That no ship or vessel, coming to any land, island, plantation, colonv, or territory or place, to his majesty or heirs and successors belonging, in America, shall lade or unlade any goods or commodities whatsoever, until the master or commander of such ship or vessel shall first have made known to the governour of such land, island, plantation, colony, territory or place, or such other person or officer as shall be by him thereunto authorized and appointed, the arrival of the said ship or vessel, with her name, and the name and surname of her master or commander, and have shown to him that she is an English-built ship, or made good by producing certificate that she is a ship or vessel free, and navigated with an English master, and three fourth parts of the mariners Englishmen, under the pain of the loss of ship or vessel and apparel ; now for the due and more effectual observation ot said act of parliament, and that all undue trading contrary to the said act may be prevented in this their majesties' province of the Massachusetts Bay,

Be it enacted and ordained, by the Goz'ernour, Council and Representatives in Genera/ Assembly convened, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same,

[Sect. I.] That in the several ports and places hereafter mentioned there shall be a naval ofBce erected, wherein the officers by the governour to be appointed for the ends aforesaid shall duly attend ; that is to say, at Boston, for the port of Boston (and Charlestown ) ; at Salem, for the port of Salem and Mablehead ; at Ipswich, at Newbury, at Kittery, at Plimouth, and at Bristol ; at which naval office all masters of ships or vessels arriving in this province shall make their entry with the officer, according as the said act of parliament requires.

And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid,

[Sect. 2.] That all masters of ships or vessels sailing out of this province shall, before their sailing out thereof, clear their said ships or vessels in the said naval office. And that an officer be appointed at Martha's Vineyard, and another at Nantucket, to enter and clear all vessels passing to and from thence, but not to be accounted ports for the unlivery or lading of any of the enumerated commodities. And the fees in the said office to be demanded and received shall be these following and no other, viz., For entring and clearing all ships and vessels trading to this place

from abroad (excepting Connecticut, Rhode Island, Narraganset

and New Hampshire,) viz., two shillings entering and two

shillings clearing ........ fo 4s. od.

Examining and recording certificates that bonds are given according to

the act of navigation, two shilling .....02 o

A bond given according to the act of navigation, and for the copying

of the same to be transmitted to England, three shillings ..03 o

A certificate of the lading, two shillings .....02 o

For entering and clearing all vessels trading to and from Connecticut,

Rhode Island, Narraganset, and New Hampshire, five shillings per

year, or twelvepence each voyage, at the master's choice ..01 o


A certificate for vessels lading ot goods, carried in them tVom port to

port within the province, one shilling, .... o I o

A certificate tor goods ot the growth of Europe, carried out of the

province to other plantations, two shillings ....02 o

For every oath administered, sixpence, .....00 6

And the said naval officer is hereby impowered to administer the oaths required by said

act of parliament. \_P,isifJ June 2J ; published Jul'f 2.]

Petition of Collector Brenton, in which he explains in detail his fruitless efforts to make seizure of the Brigantine " Mary " and the Sloop " Good Luck " and their cargoes, for illegally trading direct with foreign countries ; refers to the personal indignities and assaults he had received from Governor Phipps, himself and then prays that the " causes " may be retried in England before the Privy Council.

[Mass. Archives, \'ol. 61, pp. 388-391.]

To the R' Hont"'' the Lords Com' of their Ma'>'^ Treasury

The humble Petition ot Jahleel Brenton Coll' of the Customes in their Ma'''^ Colonies in New England Sheweth

That a Brigantine called the Mary in y' Month of Sept' in the 3'' year of their Ma'v^ Reigne Imported into their Ma'y'' Province of the Massachusetts Bay directly from Rochell in Ifrance her Loading of Sundry goods of the growth and Manufacture thereof and haveing Secretely in an un Law" port in y^ said Province there unloaden y'' same, was also found att the said Port Beloaden with Tobacco ot y' growth ot their Ma"=^ Plantations, Bond not have- ing been given for Carrying y= same to England &c as the Statutes in that Case require w'^h sd Brigantine and Tobacco was Seized p' yo' Pef on the 31" day of Oct' in y'^ year aforesaid att W^h time was then also holden a County Court att Boston aforesaid where yo' Pet' then Exhibiteing an Informacon ag^' y'^ said Brigantine and Tobacco prayed for a Tryall upon the same, but one Sam" Shrimpton Merch' Claymer of the said Brigantine and Tobacco pleading that he had not Sufficient time to prepare for the Sd Tryall the Case was thereupon Continued to y" next County Court to be holden in Boston aforesaid in Jan'/ next ffblloweing, but before y= time or Sessions ot y*^ said Courts being holden to w'^h the sd Case was Continued, the same Court wherein it was Continued being holden by Adjournmn' did p' virtue of a p'tended writt to their officer in a Most Illegall and Arbitrary mann' turn their Ma')'= officer of the Customes out of the said Brigatine took all the sd Tobacco out ot their Ma"" Storehouse and deliv'ed both Brigatine and Tobacco to y' said Claimer thereof pretending to take Bond of the Claimer for the Value thereof who Imediately sent the same directly to Spaine (as Your petitioner hath been informed^ and doubts not could prove were here in p'son Comissionated by their Maj"" to


Examine Witnesses Notwithstanding Your petitioner prosecuteing the said Intormacon at the said Courte to w'^'' the said Cause was Continued obtain' d a Verdict and Judgement ag' the said Brigantine and Tobacco whereupon Your petitioner demanded of the said Courte the said Bond w"^' he could by noe means obtaine but the said Claimer prevailed with the said Courte to grant him another Tryall for the said Cause by way of appeal to the next Co" of Assis'* to be holden at Boston aforesaid in March next following where also with illegall and Arbitrary Proceedings the said Courte reversed the former Judgmen' ag' the said Brigantine and Tobacco upon w'^'' your Petitioner prayed for an Appeal to Their Maj"" Royall person in Councill but the said Courte denyed your petitioner such an Appeal though the said Brigantine and Tobacco amounted to in reall value y' Sum ot ^600.

That the aforesaid Brigantine returneing to y= Coast ot New England directly from Spaine Loaden w'"" Spanish Iron and haveing landed parte of it to the value ot about ^'200 Ster Your Petitioner made Seizure thereot and Secured the same in their Maj"" Storehouse at Boston aforesaid and proscecuteing ag' the said Iron at a County Courte holden at Boston aforesaid on the z6 day of July in the 4''' Yeare of their Maj"" Reigne the Chiefe Judge of the said Courte Declared to the jury that the onus prohandi lay upon the otficer Notw"'standing w"^*" the said Jury brought in a Spial Verdict which the said Judge refused to accept of and Sending them out againe directed them as aforesaid that the onus prohandi lay upon the otficer untill the said Jury brought in a Verdict for the Defend'. But your Petitioner (according to the Lawes and practice of the province) Entring a Review in the Cause whereby the said Iron would have been (unavoidably) condemned the aforesaid Sam" Shrimpton Defend' Claimer of the said Iron with an otficer of this province who also tooke w'*" him the Assistance ot above 20 Men and under a pretence of a Writt or Execucon haveing broken open their Maj''" Warehouse Storehouse trom thence tooke out and carried away all the aforesaid Iron

That S' Wm Phipps Gov' of this Province w'*' his Councill have lately made an Order thereby disinableing your petitioner for entring or Cleareing any Vessells or any ways Examin- ing v'^ Masters concerning their Loading declaring also bv the said Order, y' the sole power of Entring and cleareing Vessells is onely w'*" the Navall Otficer w'^'' hath proved a great encour- agemen' to p'sons here in Comitting ffrauds and practiceing unlawful! Trades and in order to the concealment of some Private Trades w'^'' the said S' Wm Phipps is here manageing & Carrying on which said Order of the said S' Wm Phipps & Councell is absolutely contrary to their Maj"" Letters Patents granted to your Petitioner and repugn' to those Acts of Parliam' in this case made and Provided But the said Order not takeing y' Effect or Answering their Ends w"^' may be justly Supposed was thereby expected y"^ said S' Wm Phipps p'vailed w''' the late Gen" Assembly of this Province to Enact and accordingly by the said S' Wm Phipps and Councill and Representatives it is Enacted That all Enumerated Plantacon Comodities w'^'' shall hereafter be brought into this province from any other of their Maj''" Plantacons shall & may be transported and carryed from porte to porte and place to place w'l'in this Province by Land or Water for supply of the Inhabitants and Trade w'l'in the same w'^out any Entring or cleareing Bond or Certificate to be given or taken for the same and that noe Boate or other Vessell useing to Pass or Trade between porte and porte place and place within this province only and not designed to goe elsewhere shall be obliged to Enter or Clear Provided that noe such Boate or other Vessell doe takein or carry more than 6 Hogsheads or one Tun and halfe


of the Enumerated Comodities at any one time turne or Voyage so that hereby the Statutes ot the I z'*" and of the 25"' Yeare of y= Reign of the late King Charles the Second Entitled an Act for y' Encourageing and Increaseing of Shipping and Navigacon and an Act for the Encouragemen' of the Greenland and Eastland Trade and for the better Secureing the planta- tion Trade are in great measure made void & of no effect.

That the said S' Wm Phipps & a Navall Officer by him here appointed have kept from your petitioner Cocketts and Certificates for European & Enumerated goods and Commodities imported and have often admitted the Importacon and p'mitted the unloading of the said goods and Comodities when no Cocketts or Certificates have been here produced for the same and have alwayes denyed & refused letting your Petitioner have what Bonds are taken in the Navall Office for Enumerated Comodities here Exported or who are Sureties for the same.

That here lately arrived a Sloop called the good luck Tho. Wake M'' who pretended to come from the Island of Providence being loaden w''' Indico Fustick and other goods of the growth of Jam" and no Certificate being produced for the said goods Your Petitioner made Seizure thereof and got parte of the said goods (to the value of about ^1000 New England Money ) into Their Maj"" Storehouse whereupon the Gov' S' Wm Phipps w'*" those that belonged to the said goods and others to the number of about 50 Persons attending him came to the said Storehouse and there laying violent hands upon your Petitioner pulling and dragging him about the Wharfe at the said Storehouse and Stricking him Severall blowes upon the Breast and other parts of his body & Strickeing him on the fFace with his fist abuseing him with all manner of Barbarous Language Threatening to beat him till he had broke all his Bones and then to Comitt him to prison if hee did not imediately deliver all the said goods Seised and put in y'= said Storehouse Your Petitioner Considering the Station the said S' Wm Phipps stands in here by their Maj''"^' Appoin' thought it better to Submitt to his Arbitrary Act of fforce and Suffer him to have the goods rather then to Duel it with him or to suffer from him what he so Arbitrarily threatened and therefore Submitted to his haveing the said goods declareing at the said time that the said goods Still remained under Seizure for their Maj""

Of all which your petitioner conceived it his Duty humbly to Certify your Lops and doth most humbly beseech your Lops Favour that your petitioner may have their Maj"" Grant that the Causes before menconed may be brought before their Maj''" in Councill and that your petitioner may have libty in p'son to p'secute y= same and that their Maj"== would be graciously pleased to appoint such of their Royall Subjects here as there Maj"" shall think fitt Impowering them to call before them and Examine upon Oath all p'sons here that are able to give Evidence in every or any of the matters and Causes aforesaid And that such Evidences so to be taken with such matters as are upon record here as also the Evidences of such p'sons who are now gone beyond seas and have been taken before persons capable for takeing the same in their Maj'"'* Province of Hampshire and in other their Maj''" CoUonies of Rhoad Island and Providence Plantations relateing to the matters aforesaid may be transmitted to their Maj"" Royall p'son in Councill that the Causes before menconed may bee there finally determined And that their Maj''== would be graciously pleased to Command the said p'sons conserned in the before menconed Causes to give their Attendance and Answ the same as to their Maj"" in their high Wisdome shall be thought fitt

And y' Pet' as in duty bound shall ever pray &c


'avit of Naval Officer IVelsteed, dated September IJ, 1^94-, giving his account of the dispute which had arisen bet-ween him and Collector Brenton.

[Mass. Archives, Vol. 6i, page 523.]

William Welsteed Naval Officer for the Port of Boston declareth and maiieth Oath.

That whensoever m^ Jahleel Brenton their Maj""=^ Collector &c hath sent to me, to be informed concerning any Vessel! Ladeing of the Enumerated Camodities, whither Bond was given, and who was Surety, I have at all times informed those whom either the s"* Collector or his Deputy sent to me, and have often told them that they or the Col'' or his Deputy might see the Bonds if they pleased, and Cap' Laurence Hammond Dep'y Collector has been shewn by me all the Bonds I have taken in the Navall Office untill the Seventh of September Currant as also all that was delivered by m' Benj^ Jackson former Naval Officer.

further That I have sent to s'* Collector or his Deputy all the Certificates and Cocquets that ever were desired of mee, and that at the time of the Goods Landing which Certificates and Cocquets s"" Collector nor his Deputy has never returned any of to me, but still detains. Though on the 31" August last I demanded the same ofs'' Collector by virtue of an order of his Excell'^y & Councill Dated the 5''' Novemb' 1692, ordering him or his Deputv to return the same to the Naval office there to be Lodged, which he refused to do.

Witness my hand at Boston this Seventeenth day of September i 694.

W»' Welsteed Naval office'

The said William Welsteed Nav offic' declares That the s"* Collector hath divers times sent to me, to demand A Certificate

under my hand who was Surety, & I have Sworn in Council Sept' 17, 1694.

denyed it, telling the waiters he sent, as Is" Addington Secry

above, and that if the Collector would show me that I was oblidged to it I would read- ily comply with it

witness my hand day aboves"* Ju' 17 Sep' 1694.

W" Welsteed Nav offic'

'avit of Naval Officer Jackson, dated November i^, i^g^, giving his account of the dispute which had arisen between him and Collector Brenton.

[Mass. Archives, Vol. 61, page 554.]

Benjamin Jackson of Boston in their Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Deposeth

That Some time after the arrivall of his Excellency S' William Phips from England unto his Government of their Majesties Province afforesaid There being by an act ot the Generall Assembly a Navall office Erected att Boston and Severall other places in the said Province in


the said act Named, This Deponent was appoynted by the Said S' William Phips to bee navall officer for the Port of" Boston and Charlestowne That About the time when this Deponent began to act in that office there did arise a Dispute between this Deponent and one Jahleel Brenton their Maj'''^'' Collector in New England. For the said Jahleel Brenton affirmed to this Depo- nent That the masters of all ships and other vessells inward and outward bound ought not onely to Enter and clear their vessells and Ladeing att his office but alsoe to Lodge their Certificates and Cocketts Therein. This Deponent considering that the Said Brenton was appoynted by their Majesties Comission to be in his Said office of Collector Thought himselfe obliged to shew all Due Respect thereunto And therefore that there might bee noe misunderstanding between this Deponent and the said Brenton v/'^^ might Prove Prejudiciall to their Majesties service This Deponent told the said Brenton that hee would not willingly doe any thing that Tended to begett any Difference But hee apprehended that all Certificates and Cocketts Should be Lodged att the Navall office For that this Deponent was informed that this was the Custome of other of their Maj"''' Plantations in America This the Said Brenton Denyed Saying they ought to bee Lodged with him. Soon after this Several! masters who came to the Navall office to Enter their vessells informed this Deponent That some officers who did belong unto the Said Brenton came on board their vessells as soon as they arrived in the Harbour of Boston and Demanded their Certificates and Cocketts And when they Produced the Same the Said officers Haveing gott them in their hands went imediatly on Shoar with them and they were detained att the office of the Said Brenton until Such masters were Forced to Enter their vessells and Ladeing there and to Pay Such unreasonable Fees as were Demanded of them by the Said Brenton or his Deputy and that hee the Said Brenton and his officers did threaten to seize their vessells if they did not doe soe and by this meanes they were forced as they affirmed to this Deponent to Enter their ves- sels and goods att the Said Brentons office before they came to the Governour which is the First thing (according to the act of Parliament ) That all masters of Ships ought to doe when first they arive att any Port in their Maj''<='^ Dominions in America where a Governour Resides. And Severall times when this Deponent hath been forced to order a seizure of vessells and Goods because the masters did not produce the Certificates or Cocketts and make Entry of their vessells and Ladeing att the Navall office according to the time Limitted by act of Parliament they affirmed to this Deponent that their Certificates were Detained at the office of the Said Brenton which was the cause of their Neglect. Hereupon this Deponent being hindred ( by Such Irregular proceedings of the said Brenton) in the Execution of his office For some time afterwards kept all Certificates and Cocketts in the Navall office But in regard this Deponent was Sensible that the Said Brenton ought to be Satisfied that due Entryes were made of all ships inward and outward bound and of all goods Exported and imported that hee might thereby know how to Prevent Frauds and make Seizures for their Maj''""' if hee discovered any unlawfull Practices in Trade contrary to the acts of Parliament This Deponent for s'' Brentons satisfaction when ever he kept any originall Certificates or Cocketts in the Navall office instead of them Gave a Certificate under his hand unto all Masters of Ships inward and outward bound Signifying that they had Entered and Cleared according to Law att the Navall office and in the Said Certificate was Expressed a true and Particular account of all Goods imported and exported according to the originall Cer- tificates and Cocketts unlesse upon Some occasions it happened that the originall Certificates or Cocketts contained too many Particulars to be conveniently expressed in this Deponents Certifi-


cate and in Such case the Certificate given hy this Deponent did allwayes reterr unto the original Certificates or Cocketts lying in the Navall office w'^'' with the hooks of Entryes were allwayes t& be Seen by the Said Brenton his Deputy and his officers whenever they desired to Examine the Same But Notwithstanding Such Certificates as afForesaid was given by this Deponent tor the Said Brentons Satisfaction and Masters of Ships unto whom they were given were Directed by this Deponent to produce them to the Said Brenton and the Certificates were directed unto the Said Brenton by name Yet hee refiased to take any notice thereof and without Sending to the Navall office to Examine the Bookes or Cocketts (as Severall Masters of vessells complained to this Deponent ) the Said Brenton did cause their vessells and Ladeing to be seized because they did not Produce the originall Certificates or Cocketts att his office, and this Deponent Saith that hee would have delivered the originall Certificates or Cocketts unto the officers of the Said Bren- ton when ever hee Sent them to Demand the Same if the Said officers would have promised to returne them againe to bee Lodged in the Navall office but this they allwayes refused to doe by direction from the Said Brenton as they told this Deponent And this Deponent refused to Deliver them for noe other reason but because s'' Brenton by his officers refused to returne them to the Navall office where this Deponent verily beleives they ought to be Lodged. But that this Depo- nent might be noe Longer hindred in the Execution of his office by the s** Brenton as affijresaid and being moved by Severall Merchants and Masters of Ships who informed this Deponent how much they had Suffered by the Said Brentons hindring their buisinis and Exacting unreasonable fees from them without any power to doe see by an act of the Gen" Assembly this Deponent (thinking it his Duty) Apply 'd himselfe to his Excellency the Governour and Councill Com- plaineing of the Said Brentons Disorderly Proceedings and Humbly pray'd That they would bee pleased by their Determination of the matter to put an end to the afforesaid Dispute between this Deponent and the said Brenton and by their order to direct where Certificates and Cocketts Should bee Lodged. Whereupon they were pleased to order all Certificates and Cocketts to bee Lodged att the Navall office as bv their order (reference thereto being had ) may more Fully and att Large Appear.

And this Deponent Further Saith that after the Said Orders or Declarations of the Govern- our and Councill were Published and this Deponent received the Same hee in obedience there- unto Sent all Certificates and Cocketts unto the Said Brentons office when s"* Brentons officers came to Demand them without refusing any of them but never could gett them againe to bee Lodged att the Navall office according to the aforesaid order of the Governour and Council although hee did send to Demand them but they were detained att the Said Brentons office as this deponent was told for att the messengers returne hee informed this Deponent that haveing Demanded Certificates and Cocketts att the Said Brentons office from his Deputy hee refused to Deliver them. And whereas the Said Brenton Complaines that this Deponent hath allwayes refused to lett him Know the names of Such as have given bond in the Naval office for the delivery of Enumerated goods exported according as the act of Parliament Directs This Depo- nent Saith that he would have given him the names of Such persons if the Said Brenton would have given this deponent his reasons for makeing Such a Demand but hee never gave his reasons for Demanding to know them although this Deponent desired to bee Satisfyed of the Same therefore this Deponent never thought himselfe obliged to give him an account thereof But this Depon' whenever hee tooke bond in the Navall office gave a Certificate to the master of the


Ship wherein was expressed that hee had Entered into bond att the Naval! office as the Law required And this Deponent hath been informed by severall masters of vessells who had Such Certificates That notwithstanding they had Produced the Same and Declared they had given bond att the Navall office yett the Said Brenton would take noe notice thereof but threatened to seize them and caused some of their vessells to bee seized, particularly one Jonas Clark had his vessell seized att Rhode-Hand by the order of the Said Brenton notwithstanding hee had Such Certificate given as aiForesaid att the Navall office and that the Said Brenton put him to great trouble and Expence before hee could bee permitted to Depart about his Lawfull affaires as the Said Clark informed this Deponent.

And this Deponent further Saith that hee hath often heard his Excellency S' William Phips the Governour Declare that he would uphold the Said Brenton in the Execution of his office as far as hee was impowered by their Maj''" for hee thought himselfe obliged for their Maj''"^ interest see to doe But he thought him Selfe obliged likewise by their Maj''== Comands to himselfe to hinder the Said Brenton fi-om abuseing their good Subjects of the Said Province by Such Illegall and unjust Proceedings as afforesaid. And this Deponent doth Solemnly Declare that hee hath seen many instances of his Excellencyes forbearance and patience with the Said Brenton for a considerable time notwithstanding his many affronts to his Excellency and the Government meerly (as his Excellency expressed to this Deponent) because hee might not doe any thing that resembled a discouragement of him and hee cannot imagine any other reason of the Said Brentons to continue Such his affronts w'^'' hath led him to make complaints to their Maj"== against his Excellency and the Government but because they have restrained him from exacting unreasonable fees in his office and doeing many other things under a Pretence of Power from their Maj''== which are Contrary to their interest and tended to the great disturbance of the Peace of their good Subjects of their Said Province att a time when they Cheerfully imbraced the New settlement of their Maj''" Government over them.

Benj* Jackson Sworn to before the Lieu' Governour and the Council

November 15"^ 1694

Is* Addington Secry

Letter from the Privy Council, dated December 2^, i6g§, repealing the Law of i6g2-j passed by the General Court " erecting a Navall Office f and prescribing forms for the Commission to be issued thereafter to a " Navall Officer," as well as the Oath he is to take, and the Bond he is to give.

This act " It hath been thought fit to repeal, inasmuch as the powers and directions therein given to the said Officer are, by divers Acts of Parliament, reserved to such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed by the Commissrs of His Ma'>'^ Customes, to whom, more particularly, in pursuance of an Act made in the 25th year of the reign of King Charles the Second, that whole business does belong, to order & manage the same and to cause the severall duties thereby imposed to be levyed ; and accordingly the Comm'"* of his Ma'y^ Customes have


by directions of the Lords Comm'^* of the Treasury appointed an Officer to take care of that whole matter ; which said Officer you are to encourage and assist in the execution of his Office in pursuance of severall Acts of Parliament made in that behalf, which restriction, never- theless, is not to hinder the appointing a Navall Officer by his Ma'y^ Governor or Comand' in Chief, and the enforcing by a Law the directions and authorities to him given, provided the same be agreeable to the usage of other Plantations ; and for your further information herein you will herewith receive the copies of a Commission & Instructions usually given to a Navall Officer in other Plantations wherein His Ma'y will expect a due conformity, likewise, in his Maj'"" Province of the Massachusetts Bay." Letter from the Privf Council to the Governor fif Council of the Province, Dec. 26, l6g§.


Form of Commission to be issued to a Naval Officer.

To all People to whom these p'sents shall come ; I ffrancis Nicholson Esquire his Maj"" Lieutt and Governo' Gen" of this his Collony & Dominion of Virginia send Greeting, Know ye that I y^ said ffrancis Nicholson by vertue of one Act of Parliament made in the twelvth year of y'^ Reign of King Charles y"' Second Intituled an Act for the encourageing & encreasing of Shipping & Navigacon And one Act of Parliament made in y= fifteenth year of the said King Charles Intituled an Act for the encouragement of Trade & one Act of Parliament made in y= twenty second and twenty third years of the Reigne of the s'* King Charles : Intituled an Act to prevent y= planting of Tobacco in England & Regulating the Plantation trade ; And one Act ot Parliament made in y"= twenty fifth year of the Reigne of the said King Charles Intituled an Act for y= encouragem' of y'^ Greenland & Eastland trades, and for the better securing of the Plantation Trade, And one Act of Parliament made in the seventh & eighth years of his p''sent Majesties Reigne Entituled an Act for the preventing frauds & Regulating abuses in the Plantation trade. And in pursuance of y= Authoritys by the said Acts of Parliam' & every of them to me given have deputed & Impowered & do hereby depute & Impower

within the prscincts or Districts of-

in this his Maj"^ Colony & Dominion pursuant to the said Acts of Parliament to Execute the Office & duty of the Officer commonly called & known by y^ name of ye Navall Officer, with all & singular the Rights powers & Authoritys to me given thereby according to the severall Rules Orders & Directions therein prescribed & also to putt in Execution all other Lawfull Powers & Authorities belonging to the said Officer in all things proceeding as y' Law directs. Hereby willing & Requiring all & every his Majesties Officers & Ministers & all others whom it may concerne to be aiding & asisting to him in all things as becometh. And I do further grant

unto the said that he shall enjoy the said office during Pleasure,

Given under my hand & seal at James Citty the day of--- in the

eleaventh year of his Majesties Reigne : Annoq. Dom : 1698

A Comicon for to be

Navall Officer of



Form of Oath to he administered to a Naval OJfieer.

I A B: Navall Officer of in y= Colony of Virginia do solemnly

swear to do my utmost that all matters and things contained in an Act of Parliam' made in England in the I z'"" year of the Reigne of his late Majestie King Charles the Second, Intituled an Act for encourageing & encreasing of shipping and Navigation and one other act made in the 1 5'*' vear of the Reign of the said King Charles the Second, Intituled an Act for the Encouragement of Trade, And one Act of Parliament made in the twenty second & twenty third years of the Reign of the said King Charles y' Second Intituled an act to prevent y"^ Planting of Tobacco in England & Regulating the Plantacon Trade, And one Act of Parliam' made in the twenty fifth year of the Reign of the s"! King Charles y" Second Intituled an Act for the Encouragm' of the Greenland & Eastland Trades & for the better securing the Plantacon trade And one Act of Parliament made in the seaventh and eighth years of his present Majesty's Reign Intituled an Act for y= preventing frauds and Regulating abuses in the Planta- tion Trade, and also all other Acts which have been made for y' Regulating & securing the Plantacon Trade ; shall be punctually & bona fide, observed according to the true intent & meaning thereof so far as appurtains to me the Navall Officer of the said District, So help me God.


Form of Bond to be given h a Naval Officer.

Noverint universi pr presentes Nos de Cotnitatu

et de Comit eodem teneri et firmiter obligari Serenissimo Domino

WiUielmo tertio Dei gratia Anglic Scotie Francie et Hibernie Regi fidei defensor &c: in duobus millebus Librarum bone et legalis monetae Anglae Solvend eidem Domino Regi harredibus vel Successoribus suis Ad quamquidem Soluconem bene et fideliter faciend obligamus Nos et unum- quanq nostrum per se pro toto in Solido hsredes Executores & admin'" nostros firmiter per presentes. Sigill : nris Sigillat Dat in Virginia die Anno regni Regis prdict ll° Annoq. Dni

The condition of this obligation is such that whereas y*" above bound

is appointed by his Excell'y ffrancis Nicholson Esq' Governor of this his Matys Colony and Dominion of Virginia for the performance of certain things menconed in the act for encourag- ing & increasing of shipping & Navigation made in the twelfth year of the Reign of K. Charles y'= 2'' The act for y'= encouragem' of trade made in the 15"' year of his sd Matys reign. The Act to prevent the planting of Tobacco in EngH and for regulating y>^ plantation trade made in the twenty second & twenty third years of his s'* Matys reign, the Act for the encouragment of the Greenland & Easdand trades and for the better securing the plantation Trade made in the twenty fifth year of his s"* Matys reign. And the Act for preventing frauds & regulating


abuses in the plantation trade made in y' Seventh & eighth years of his present Matys reign,

Commonlv known by the name of the Naval! Officer If now the sd

shall truly and faithfiilly perform his duty during his continuance in the s'' office and shall not by connivance or neglect committ any fraud or abuse or suffer any fraud or abuse to be committed Then this obligacon to be void or else remain in fiill force & vertue Sealed and delivered in the presence of

Article IV. of 7 and 8 Wm. III., c. 22.

An Act for preventing Frauds, and regulating Abuses in the Plantation Trade. (Passed April lo/zo 1696. )

IV. And whereas by the said Act of the fifteenth of ' King Charles the Second, intituled, An Act for the Encouragement of Trade, the Governors of the Plantations are impowered ' to appoint an Officer for the Performance of certain Things in the said Act mentioned, which ' said Officer is there commonly known by the Name of the Naval Officer : And whereas ' through the Connivance or Negligence of the Persons so appointed by the Governors of the ' said Plantations, divers Frauds and Abuses are or have been committed ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That all and every of the said Officers already appointed shall, within two months after Notice of this Act in the respective Plantations, or as soon as convenientlv it may be, give Security to the Commissioners of the Customs in England for the time being, or such as shall be appointed by them, for His Majesty's Use, for the true and faithful Performance of their Duty ; and all and every Person or Persons, who shall hereafter be appointed to the said Office or Employment, shall within two Months, or as soon as conveniently it mav be, after his or their Entrance upon the said Office or Employment, give sufficient Security to the Commissioners of the Customs as aforesaid, for His Majesty's Use, for the true and faithful Performance of his or their Duty ; and in Default thereof, the Person or Persons neglecting or refiising to give such Security, shall be disabled to execute the said Office or Employment : and until such Security given, and the Person appointed to the said Office or Employment be approved by the Commissioners of the Customs as aforesaid, the respective Governor or Governors shall be answerable for any the Offences, Neglects or Misdemeanors, of the Person or Persons so by him or them appointed.


Third Law passed by the General Court, June 2S, //O/, entitled "An Act for Establishing of a Naval-OJfice, and for ascertaining of the fees."

[This Law was " allowed " by the Privy Council.]

Be it enacted hf the Lieutenant-Governour , Council and Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same,

[Sect. I .] That in every seaport within the province there be an office kept to be called and known by the name of the naval-office, as has been accustomed, for the entering and clear- ing of all ships and other vessels trading to or from this province ; and the tees to be demanded and received in the said office shall be these following, and no other ; that is to say, For entering of ships and vessels trading to this province from abroad ( except from the provinces and colonies of Pennsylvania, New Yorke, East and West Jerseys, Connecticot, Rhode Island and

New Hampshire), one shilling each, ..... ^^o is. od.

And for vessels trading to and from either of the said provinces or colo- nies, four shillings per annum, or sixpence entry and sixpence clear- ing each voyage, at the master's choice, .... For examining and recording certificates that bond is given according to

the act of navigation, two shillings, .....02 o

For a bond given according to the acts of navigation, two shillings, .02 o

For clearing and certificate of the lading, two shillings and sixpence .02 6

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,

[Sect. 2.] That if any person imployedin the said office shall demand or take any other or greater fees than by law are allowed, or shall illegally delay and defer the entring or clearing any ship or other vessel, such officer so offending shall be liable to double costs and damages, being thereof duely convicted in anv of his majesty's courts of record within this province. ^fassed and published June 28. '\


Correspondence, including a letter of George Vaughan to the Secretary of the Board of Tirade, enclosing extract from a letter of Nathaniel Shannon, dated October 22, i/iS, "relating to the Fishery in New England."

[Copied from the originals in the Record Office at London.]

[See page 28.]

Whitehall Dec^ g't- 1718. My' Lords

Having received from M'' George Vaughan a Letter relating to the Fishery in New England, together with the Extract of a Letter from Nathaniell Shannon upon that subject, I am Com- manded to transmit the Inclosed Copies thereof to Your LoP% that you may Consider what is proper to be done thereupon.

I am

My Lords

Your LoP*

Most humble


J. Craggs

L''^ Com'* ot Trade.

London Nov' zg'*' 1718. Right Hon""-^

The enclosed I have extracted from a Letter I received this dav from New England. I thought it my duty to inform of it as soon as possible and therefore take this way to convey it to Y' Ex^y.

Capt. B. was at Canso 10 or 12 miles to the northward of Cape Britton in Aug. last and then all things were peaceable and quiet, the French and English fishing with all friendship and love, and the Indians tho numerous very ready to do all friendly offices ; but I fear they are now exasperated. I shall wait on Y'' Ex"^'' at the Secretary of State's Office on Monday next. And am with all humble and dutiftil regards

Right Hon""

Your most obedient

humble Servant

Geo : Vaughan. M" Secry Craggs.


Portsm" October 22'* 1718 Sir

But soon after comes the Squirell Man of War from Boston to break up & destroy (I may say rather the English than) the French Fishery at Canso, which (after he had been to Cape Britton) on the i S'"" Sept' last he began like fury to do ; my Vessel then happened to be at Sea ; caused me to be but under poor Circumstances to secure & get away what little Fish & other Effects I had ; the disturbance grew so great in 2 or 3 days, that I fear'd to lodge in my house, but left it for several! Nights with all in it to the generosity of the (then) theivish French & Indians, at last on a Sabbath day 1 sold & was forced to weigh of my dry Fish, & z or 3 days after got Freight to Cape Ann for my green Fish, & had got most of my things out of my house.

The 26''' Sept' the Fleet sailed for Boston together with a Brig' & Sloop, two Prizes taken from the French, the former had a thousand Quintalls of Fish ; the French Admiral had his ship given again but all his Fish & Wine & Brandy ; about 4000 Qutntalls in all & considerable Wine & Brandy all Lassoons, & he carried to Boston a Prisoner &c^ Hall, Robison & I tarry' d with six Vessels 7 days after the Fleet, We are all bent (with three times the Number before) upon going another year, hourly expecting Coll" Phillips with forces to Garrison there.

Advise me pr first how this action is approved of at home, & whether any Care is like to be taken for it's Strength & Settlement. . . . The French would have had forty sail there

next year, was it not for this Rout.

Nathaniel Shannon.

Board of Trade. New England. 15. W. 53.

and Board of Trade. New England. 44 p. 259.

Letter from Josiah Burchett to Wm. Popple 13 February 1718/9. " I have read to my Lords Comm'= of the Admiralty your letter of yesterday's date together with theextract of one from N. Shannon relating to Irregularities committed by the Captain of the Squirrel in answer to which send you the enclosed extract of letter from said Captain and acquaint you that the same is all the accounts their Lordships have received of that affair."

Extract of a Letter from Capt" Smart of his MafP Ship the Squirrel to M' Secry Burchett 22-^ Oct' IJ18.

This is to acquaint you, for Information of the Right Hon'''' the Lords Commiss'^ of the Adml'y that 1 carried here from Canso on the 5th of October last past, and brought with me Two French Vessels which I seized at that place for Fishing and Trading there contrary to the 5''' and 6''' Articles of the Treaty of Peace and Neutrality in America viz'.

A Brigantine called the Catherine & a Sloop called the Abigal alias La trois Amis, both which have been condemn' d in the Court of Admiralty, as lawfiill Prizes or Seizures and con-


fiscated with their Lading to his Majesty, and I, as Captor, being allowed to dispose thereof after Apprizement, and my enacting my self according to the Said Decree, have accordingly taken possession of them notwithstanding which his Excellency Governor Shute hath Arbitrarily endeavourd to take them from me having after the Judges Decree and the aforesaid Enactment Sent the Marshall of the Vice Adml'y on board by Virtue of a Warrant under his own hand and seal, which I repealed to take them out of my Possession under pretence my Security is not sufficient and that the Country must be Answerable and by that means to get a Grant of it from his Majesty under pretexte that what Service I have done has been done by his and the Coun- sells Orders.

Several letters relating to the business affairs of Nathaniel Shannon, Jr., the . originals of which are in the Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 6 ?, pp. ^jg, 242, 243, 244, 24s, 247, 24S, 250, 2sS.

Portsm" Oct'' g'^ 1716. Capt Tho Glen- s' I hope Ere this you know the Event of the Gent"" free discourses here, & y' all matters are Unanimously determined Mack had 7 Tons out a Saturday I had 9 Tons yester- day w'^h is 16 14 of which came from between decks. Mack carryd me to his house since you went hence, & shewd me the Charter party, & says he finds by y' that what you charge for Craft hyer &c is not a just charge, & y' you are to allow it I desired him to read it thro Expect- ing something to be s'' on the l l Tons in 2 l being so mentioned, in y' part, but when I see the word Eleven, was scratcht out & made Ten which I told him of & y' it was alterd since the signing, I shal not proceed farther than to rec"^ the wood, hopeing for v' return p' Saturday. M' Waldron comes to pay his Respects to the Gov' this being the needfull. Saving our Respects

I am S' yr most Hum Serv'

Nath"- Shannon here is no Linnen fitt for a man to ware

Portsmouth Oct' 15''' 1716 Honest Friend

Yours of y= 10''' I reed & am sorry to hear of the Unhumanity they treat you w'l'all, but hope, yr troubles will soon be at an end I see by the Charter party what they are obligd to, & wish you were here to begin those articles you mentioned, for Nash is full fear & good humour, & ready to dd me everything of yours w'^^ things I intend to get out to-day, Mr. Oliver bro' me yr note for 88^, I ofFerd to accept it, but he refitsed, but withal told me y' if I woud be at the trouble to get any of my Friends to be bound in a bond w'*" me to pay it in 2 or 3 mo= he would take it, w'^'' I thot not ppr to do, being I coud do it without, so have sold him 1 2 tons of Logwood at the Market price w'^'' goes aboard the Mast-Ship here 9 of which is dd this was before 1 reed any from you, so hope you will not be dissatisfyd at what I have done herein. If I knew w' papers you wanted I woud send them. 1 write to Mr. Balston who


is mv pticular Acquaintance, Concerning the premises but hope before this reach you, y' youl have no Occasion but if I shoud shal take care to Send what you want

I have got 41 Tons Logwood out for yr part, hope to get all out this week I have given out, v' thev have only made a rod for their own backs, which makes Nash stare like a Wild Cat, and is very Inquisitive, I send you ^oJ~^ in money by the bearer I have Examined the hold by several & thev all say its well stowd, presume you have seen the Ship I think she is worth 3^^ 15/, but I wont stand for 2 or 3/ a tun w'*" you, &: the Iron as costs, hoping to see you in 2 or 3 at farthest I am

Y' Lov6 Friend & Serv' [Superscribed] Nathi- Shannon


Capt Thomas Glen Boston p' M" Stewart

Cap Glen

I have none of y" p' post so have the less to say the day the man went hence, there was a writt lavd on w' logwood was in my house the same of y' largest only the attachm' was but 800^' & the dam^ 7°Oj£ So I told the Sheriff how it was w''' you & that it unreasonable, but w"" all that you had none there you having Indorsed the bill Lading to me 3'' Ocf before you went hence & desired you to send me a Confirmation of the Sale in a Single paper as Strong as you Can make it, there is but ab' 90 Tons out yet, they are weighing the rest in the hold, y' they may know y' propertion I sent you io_£' in part payt p' Stewart, I am

Yr Hum Serv'

Nath"- Shannon Ports. Oct iS"' I 7 16 rSuperscribed] To

Capt Thom^ Glen Boston

PORTSM" Ocf 26''' I716

Capt Tho Glen

Yo" of 22'' Curr" came to hand p' post I think it now propper y' as they say they have attachd y' goods in mv hands, to let Em go on in y' Ignorance, & get bail only for the other action & come home, for Nash is abt going off as soon as may be I reed y' 2 Chests, Case & bedding & french gramer as to the rest he says Mr. Dean has & meerly for it everything y" I have from him the Doctors Chest is horridly plundered, being open the wood is not all out.


thev being obligd to take in ballast, & say they shal make out near 150 Tons Cap' Killpatrick is here abt the Ship, likes her very well but is much Concerned abt the Bark w^*" is nothing at all, I know not what he Intends yet the Skooner is come in w'^ the loss of all masts Bow- sprit Mainsail shall fitt her again quickly p'haps y'' boy may be snap'd up, it you are mind to sell him me do it next post for ;^5o

We salute you & long to see you being

Y' Friend & Serv'

Nath"- Shannon the horse is yet at Watt*

[Superscribed] To

Cap't Tho* Glen Boston

Portsm" Nov' I*' I 716 Capt Tho^ Glen

S' I have yo" of zg'"" Ult° came to hand p' post w'^ an Inclosed Instrument & am sorry to find you yet under Confinement, & y' you have no hopes of a delivery till Court, Mr. Balston writes me y' M' Wentworth Expects, 5 or 6oo_;^ of you w'^'' discourages him. So let it pass what you do about the Ship must be upon good grounds & not w'^'out good advice, for which, here is none sutable to apply to ; the acco' Depending between you & Nash you must draw out, & swear to, y' it may be annext to the back of the Writt, if you gett y' debt of Nash he may be gone, for the Ship is liable for the breach of Contract, & disbursm" too, which there is time enough for, so y' to Send the Ch: party, bond &c now ; may be only an Expence to you, now ¥0' hands are ty''' they all swear they know nothing of y' 'Jure mfritimo, the Wood is near all out, they having weighed the rem' in the hold which is ab' 16 Tons w'^'' the M' & Mates Expects must answer them, so the Ship makes out 122 Tons the rec' you gave me for the value is better than the bill of sale for it ought to have been acknowledged & the Witnesses Sworn before a justice peace, & 1 shall make no Improvem' of it, some smal writing of a sale ought to be made for the boy, put it at the lowest price, am glad to hear you hope to Cast y' Adversary & y' Friends flock to y' assistance. Should be glad you coud send me something, whereby I may rejoice w'"" you in y' Expecta- tions, for I assure you I grieved to hear & see what is happened Here is Benj Daniel who I believe Can say something in y' fav' he told me he knew the Riggin & was burnt in Tods warehouse, you know what he can say I p'sume, as to the price of the Ship, I wont sell her under 72/ a Ton & the Iron work at its Cost. Kilpatrick was here last week ab' her & likt the price & Ship, very well, but did not Care to be Concerned w"' you unless he cou'd Command her where he pleased & wo"* carry on half & after he lodged 2 nights in y' bed, he took his departure without saying any more ab' the Ship or, fare yee Well desire him to advise



you what is good to send to South Carolina the Ship's acco' best be drawn out & Sworn to before a justice & advice taken in the matter.

1 shall observe to get all the men's affidavit which is the p'sent needful from, (only our salutes )

Y' Friend & Serv'

Nath"- Shannon I hear White has a protested bill of y" for -o£

Jnclos'' is the Ships Acco' & a bill of Sale for the boy let it be y' own writing & done according to direction at the bottom


To CaI'^ Thomas Glen Boston

Portsm" Ap' I z'*" I 71 7 Capt Tho"^ Glen

S' ] think I have not wrote since your depf' from hence, I hope the papers I sent you were there in due time, & the right ones, I have sev' times ask' the post ab' carrying y' linnen, but he coud not & will not now, because he dos not go thro' himself. I shall send y' acco' w'*" them ; & let me know if I shal send your chests &c pr any Sloop, I shoud a been glad to know how v"" last action is carrv" Mr. Robinson Indorsed his bill & sent it to me, for paym' w*^"" when I saw, I refus'' to pay till I heard further from you, because you wrote me you Intended to to make 40^ serve so y' there woud remain but to pay k y' you woud pay it there, so suppose he'l scold, I rec" none from Father last post, to whome give my duty & tell him, I've sent Dan' Jackson I bl. pottatoes of 5 bush, & I bl choice pairmains, who is saild. We are all Indifferent well & give service the Span, Gaily lies where she did. I p''ceive they think to come upon Phipps or Capt Pickering k 1 for y"" absence. Wishing you out of all y' troubles, I rest

S' Y' Hum Serv'

Nath'- Shannon 1 should be glad to hear if any news of Rob' Shannon. [Superscribed] To

Cap' Thomas Glen


Portsm° May 3'' 171 7. Capt Glen

I have y'* of zg'^ ulto & note the contents. Plumer now carrys all y' Linnen w'^ the Spoon & Shoes in Em. yr Chests shall come as soon as any Sloop Stops at the banck, & will take them in safety Im Informed y' Cap' Pickerings & my bond, is to be Sued after the Execu- tion is returned, & suppose you are not willing yr friends shal be hurt as I dont Intend you any, but rather the Contrary & am advised to keep the Negro till that matter be over. 1 have answerd yr bill of 63^ odd to father suppose Mr. Tod can inform you ot Affairs I am told the Negro's Master came to the Bay after him & has sent a power of attourney to New York to recover him, how tis I dont know, but wish you well of you troubles being

S"" Y' Friend cSc Serv'

Nath"- Shannon there is all the linen as it came from the Washer womans & we know of no more 7 Shirts 3 Neckcloths Capt. Bethel will go in 2 or 3 ds & whom shal send your acco' [Superscribed] To

Cap^ Thomas Glen In Boston p' Mr. Plumer

Portsm° May g'*" 1 7 i 7 Capt Glen

S' Yours of 6''' I rec'^ & take notice v' you have reC* y' linnen & spoon, I have already sent y' Ace' as farr as I can at p'sent, for I have not recond or paid, any of the Latter deibts, you left me a list of but will Do it Speedily, you'l see I left out the Article of 22^ to Father w'^'' vou order"" to be enter"* in the Winter Supposing tis included in his bill of 63^^ odd. I tell you again y' yr Chests shal come as soon as I know any sloop stop at the Bank it you'l part w''^ y' Case I'll give you the worth of it let me know yr price

I am surprized to see such a Lett' from you as your last, thinking that my friendship, or Father's only, deservd better things from y' hands, you say I shal only do you p' ot the friendship I have offerd & now because you see y' Case is desperate, and no remedy for you w'''out paying the money recoverd, you begin to pick a Quarrel w'*" me, who has done more to serve you, than you or any stranger (or indeed a relation) coud Expect, neither is it the whole Cargo you bro' (were it given me) would make me a just recompence for the reflections & abuses I have sustained on y' acco' you know well enough what Uneasiness there was among our whole family both here and at Boston, w'^'' almost Cost my Mother her life & after all these things to be treated at such mean rate as to tell me you desire no more Equivocations & tax me w'"" taking an advantage of you, having thrown y'self at my Mercy, & threaten y' revenge here & Imprecate it hereafter, good Sr dont Mistake y'self, I have done nothing w'"" you yet.


that I have occasion to repent of, to mv knowledge, unless it be the good fortune I had to find you at Piscataque, and had the opportunity of living six mo' in a sort of Purgatory as it were, & then to rec"^ such mighty rewards as abuses & ingratitude vastly different from the Charrac- ter you gave yourself some years since as well as now, I want no money of yours, I only desire to salve my Self, that I maynt be quite ruind on y"" Acco' & the time is not so very long before it will be issued, and if it goes against v' bondsmen tis not the value of a negro boy y' will dis- charge us, & I think I and my Friend, has lain ourselves at y' mercy, at a more Open & loose rate than ever you did yrself at mine, but realy I woud hope that you did not write so M' Robinson makes a noise ab' the bill, you told me youd get an abatem' but know not whether you have or no I hear Father and he has had difference ab' it. I must pay it unless he orders otherways so y' you See one thing happens after another, which had not happened at all had not you happened in here. Wishing vou well and free once more from trouble I am

S' y'' Troubled Friend

Nath"- Shannon [Superscribed] To

CaI'T Thomas Glen Boston

Boston Decb' 2, i 7 i 7 8'

You have here Inclosed m'' Jo" Valentine letter, with his best advice, how to proceed, In that unreasonable Sute Comensed ag^' you by Sam ; Wentworth, I had his thought abo' it which is v' unless they do you unjustice, they Can do you, no harm, the wood was none of mine when it was attached, but M' Valentine & other lawyers In Town of my friends, hath deswaded me from Sending my affidavit the Reasons Given are these, l*' if I Should Send my acct and affidavit, it will look Suspicious, z'"y Yo'' proof must be from M'' Shannon, 3'"'' my Testimonv will not be alowed being a party concerned & 4'>' they believe the Judges will not put it to a |urv, all which gives me ground to beleive & hope that you will overcome both vo' & mv Enemeys, I presume M' Shannon so much of an honest Gentleman as to do you all the Just Service In his power, and the Chief Judge of yo'' Inteo' Court (to witt Colo. Waldronj if not Removed Can Say Something to the truth of the matter himself, my bill of laden, being Acknowledged before him, what I offer is purely for y"^ Sake of Justice. I hope you'l be So Kind as advise Capt. Pickren to get M"" Wentworth arrested att my Sute, on the Review, when he appea" att Court upon yo'^ Tryall it will be of Great use to you In yo' Cause, Especially if you Should have Reason to appeal to the Sup' Court, which I Say God forbid, as I wrote to you in July ulto, the Action laid again*' me was falls & Groundless, & with Intention to deceive his Credito's, In amuseing Them of y^ great loss he had by me, & so gott himselfe, Spaired, I may say without offence, from prison, and now he layes y' like groundles R=vice action ag=' you because he hath pulled all my fethers, & put nothing in pocket. I have M' Todds origin' discharge, with y"^ Testimonyes I before wrote you off from


Jamaica, the same, hath now the Approbation of y<= Courts here and I hope to Cast him there- by on y^ Review, This logwood hath occasioned a Great dale of Trouble, I wish it were over with you & I, who I dar freely aver is, Inoscent, from any Cause laid ag" us I wish you a Happy deliverance from the Male Intentions of all adversaries and pray you may lett me p"^ next post know how it is dissided, least Cap' Pickren should Scruple to Signe y^ writ of Review, as my Atto'^ey have Inclosed a blank paper with my Name thereto affixed. So y' you & he may fill up the writt And have him Served therewith M^ Valentine and M' Smith will both Come with me on the Review, if Went : is arrested to yo' Sup'= Court So if yo"' Case is not desided now yo' Charges will be the less, then, if anything, I am this minute told v" M' Achmuty appears for W:

I am S' yo' Very humble Ser'

Thqs Glen. To

Capt^ Tho* Phipps Esq" In Portsm"


An account of the opening of the Vaughan Tomb, the restoration of the ancient slate tablet marking the grave of Margaret (Cutt) Vaughan, who died in i6go, and of the granite monument erected in /SSj to the memory of the three Vaughans.

[See page 34.]




at point of graves burial ground, Portsmouth, N. H., August 19 and 20, 1884.


George E. Hodgdon, Local Justice,


Col. R. Cutts Shannon, \ n , James H. Shannon, M. U. )

Samuel Blatchford,^ John Ouinn, (

William Falve-^', ( Laborers. John Lollev, j

The Tomb is constructed of brick masonry and handsomely arched, measuring inside 8 feet b inches in length, 8 feet in width, and 5 feet from the floor to the crown of the arch.

The exterior grounds were nearly level tor some distance around, and to a casual observer there was nothing to indicate the excavation beneath.

Upon close scrutiny there was found almost concealed below the sod a curbing of split granite, which rested upon the brickwork, or walls of the vault. The Tomb itself was discovered the first day of the excavation, upon removing the ancient Vaughan Tablet for the purpose ot laying a new foundation for a proposed monu- ment.

The Tablet, which is 6 feet 10 inches in length and 3 feet in width, lay horizontallv at the western end of the Tomb, and immediately o\'er the entrance.

How this entrance could ha\e been used was a mvsterv ; it was entirely beneath the surface, with the massi\e Tablet above, the latter broken into two nearly equal pieces.


This entrance was in height 4 feet from the sill to the cord of the arch, and 2 feet 6 inches in width ; it was inferred that originally it had a wooden frame and door, although not the slightest remnant of either was visible.

The arch above the entrance had broken away, and the entire entrance and western portion of the vault were filled up to the arch with debris of all kinds. There must have been at some time an aperture near the broken arch, for inside the Tomb were found numerous pieces of broken crockery, earthen ware and oxidized tin ware, bricks from the arch, stones, and one ball of solid India rubber of an ancient model.

Several hours were consumed in clearing out this debris, before the remains were found. Ail of the skulls, with frontal bones upward, were near the entrance, but nothing indicating a coffin appeared, with the exception of 3 iron handles nearly consumed by oxidation. Diligent search was made for metallic plates with inscrip- tions, &c., but nothing of that kind was discovered.

There were taken from the vault, 28 well-defined skulls, numerous femur bones, ribs, &c.

Dr. Shannon caused these remains to be removed to a neighboring building, and properly cleansed.

They were classified by him as follows :

Full grown adults . . . . . . . .21

Young adults ......... 4

Children between 5 and 8 ycdrs ...... z

Infant .......... i

Total .28

The skulls of the adults, almost without exception, contained a tull set of elegantly-formed teeth, with no appearance of decay.

Several of the local physicians made unsuccessful overtures to obtain some of the skulls for professional purposes.

From the promiscuous heap of bones Dr. Shannon selected and reformed with wonderful skill a complete skeleton of a child.

On the 20th all of the remains were carefully enclosed in a beautiful casket, covered with a strong box of pine, and replaced in the vault, and the entrance closed up permanently with solid masonry of stone and cement.

Note. The last interment in this Tomb was probably in the year 1758, that of Eliot Vaughan. Subse- quently all members of the family removed from Portsmouth to Scarborough and Portland, Me. G. E. H.


[From the Portsmouth "Jounuil, Mav 2^, 1885.] A VALUABLE LOCAL RELIC RESTORED.

The New Vaughan Monument at "Point of Graves " Cemetery.

A massive granite monument and cenotaph, with the ancient tablet restored and the memora- bilia, in the quaint language of by-gone years, carved thereon, now covers the tomb, and marks the resting place of many members of the historic Vaughan family, and serves as a memorial of the Hero of Louisburg, who died in London and was buried there A. D. 1746.

The tomb is located near the north-west corner of the " Point of Graves " cemetery. Its spacious under-ground arch of masonrv, which for over a centurv had been neglected and was fast yielding to the obliterating hand of time, has been repaired.

The work ot restoration, the designing and erection ot the monument, was done with admirable skill and in good taste under the superintendence of George E. Hodgdon, Esq., of this city, for Colonel Richard Cutts Shannon of New York, a descendant of Governor Vaughan.

The ancient slate tablet which formerly rested upon the old tombstone, now forms a raised panel, or entablature, to the upper surface of the monument, and is in form, and inscribed, as follows :

Here Lyeth the Body

>[ Agea-40- years

Also ys' Body's of E^ Mary wife of Georg« 2- Vaughan Esq^ Dau'!r^ of Andrew Belcher Efini q''who DecD Febry3D^ 1699 in ye 2o'ii year of he^ =i;

Age & y"" Dau"; at . 3 . Dayes 2-. 0 1 d & vver« 1 n t e r" toge <!."■ <;

This tablet restored and monument erected


'- (Broken.)

O pJTJqDiy ai^l aqi \o




The East side of the polished die hears the following inscriptions

William Vaughan

Emigrated from England about 1660

Member of the Royal Council for N. H. 1680-1715

Major Commandant Provincial Forces.

Justice of the Court of Common Pleas 1680-1686

Chief Justice of the Superior Court 1708-1715

Died 1719.

George Vaughan

Son of Wm. and Margaret Vaughan

Born April 13, 1676

Graduated at Harvard Coll. 1696

Justice of the Court of Common Pleas 1 707-171 5

Lt. Governor of New Hampshire 171 5-1 71 7

Died Dec. 1724.

Elizabeth, wife of Lt. Gov. George Vaugha

and daughter of Robert Eliot

Died Dec. 7, 1750. Aged 68.


On the South panel :

In Memoriam

Lt. Col. William V'aughan

Son of Lt. Gov. George and Elizabeth Vaugha

Born Sept. 12, 1703

Graduated at Harvard Coll. I 721

Projected the Expedition against

Louisburg 1745, and successfully led the

Assaulting Column

Died in London Dec. 1746.

Engraved upon the North panel is the simple legend :


The Last JVill and Testament of Richard Ciitt. [See page 35.]

I, Richard Cutt of Portsmouth, in Piscataqua, being in perfect memorv and good health, yet considering that man's life is short and his end oft time sodayne, And not knowing how the Lord may deal with mee, I thought meet as becomes a Christian man to sett mv house in Order before my death. And doe therefore make and appoint this as mv last Will and Testament, hereby revoaking all wills by me formerly made.

Imprimis. I committ my soul into the hands of God that gave it, through Christ lesus, who hath I hope redeemed it. And believe that he is able to keepe what I have committed to him until that day. I also committ my body to a decent buriall in the earth, in hopes of a jov- tull Resurrection. My worldlv estate I dispose as followeth :

( I ) I give and bequeath unto my beloved w^ife, Eleanor Cutt, my now dwelling house, with the Bakehouse, Brewhouse, Barn and all housing thereunto belonging ; with the Logg Warehouse and Wharfing (my stone Warehouse only excepted); Together with mv Garden, Orchard, and all the lands in fFronte, in the home fFeild, adjoining my house ; As alsoe my Corne mill, with my house and Barnes up at the Creeke, with all the upland and meadow thereunto belonging, soe farre as home, unto that land which I bought of Hubertus Mattoon (excepting the Tanyard and the building thereunto belonging and the land on that side of the (Boom). All which premises before menc'oned (except what is excepted) I will shall be in the hands and to the use and behoofe of my dearly beloved wife aforesaid during her naturall life. And after her decease I give and bequeath my whole estate aforesaid unto my grandson, Cutt Vaughan, with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging. To be to him and his heirs for ever. And it shall come into his hands att the age of Twentv-one vears. But if he dye before that age Then I give it to the next heir male. And if there be no heir male Then to the next heir that shall survive. Furthermore, I give unto mv said Wife All my plate, Pewter, Brass, Iron, Bedding, Utensils belonging to the house ; Together with all mv stock of Cattle, to be absolutely at her disposal! when and to whom or where she pleases, And the ffive Negro Servants.

(2) I give to my beloved daughter, Margaret Vaughan, my stone warehouse and that part of the wood iFeild joyning to that which was John Pickering's, and reaching home to William Hart's on the west, with my brother John Cutt on the west, the way that goes to the Creeke on the north and Christopher Jose on the east ; Together with the Tanyard, housing and the stocke therein, and the little fFeild on the south of the floome ; always excepting and reserving the highway as it is now to the fFarme and to the other mill, which is to be kept free for the use of the mill and the house by it. All of which I give to my daughter Margaret and her children. If they tail, then to my daughter Bridget and her heirs, after the decease of daughter Margaret.

( 3 ) Unto my beloved daughter Bridget and her heirs for ever, I give the remainder of


that fFeild commonly called the Great fFeild, To say, all besides what is already given to her and husband, and already sold to sundry persons, to be to her and her heirs for ever, with all the privileges and appurt's thereunto belonging. I give also to my daughter Bridget that part of the Woodfield on the South of" the highway unto the Creek, as it is now fenced. The other part, between the highway and the Creek, her mother shall have the liberty to use during her naturall life ; and that part also shall be Bridget's after her mother's decease. Likewise I give to Bridget my land in the long reach, next to that which was Capt. Pendleton's, being 33 poles broad ffront on the river, and soe back the whole depth, which land aforesaid shall be Bridget's and her heirs for ever. If she dve without heirs, then it shall fall to the heirs of her sister Margaret, after the decease of my said daughter Bridget.

( 4 ) I give to my sonne, William Vaughan, mv land on the Great island bought of Mr. Mason ; and that close given me hv the Town, which was laid out with another of Mr. Fryers. I give him also ^"200. out of my estate, and all the housing at the Isle of Shoales, on Starr Island ; Together with that estate, both in stock and debts. That is in partnershipp with him there, provided he rest satisfyed therewith upon the account of Partnership in trading between us there. If he be not satisfyed so, then, that the Island to be sould and the estate there valued, and the Balance to be given him out of mv other estate when our Accounts are made up. And I doe by these presents oblige my son, William Vaughan, not to expect any more out of my estate for Salary or for anything done for mee, att home or abroad, besides what he hath already received and is above expressed.

( 5 ) I give my beloved son, Thomas Daniel, ^200. out of my estate.

(6) Furthermore, I doe give to my grandson, Cutt Vaughan, ^"ico.

fy) I give to my grandchDd, Eleanor Vaughan, that house and land I bought of Mr. Mattoon, with that part of mv land that comes from the Pulpitt, the whole breadth of Mattoon's land, till it come to my brother [ohn Cutt's land on the north ; Together with ^'200. The legacies to be paid in money or equivalent.

( 8 ) 1 give to my grandchild, Mary \'aughan, ^"200., and the I 50 acres of land, and the meadow belonging to itt, as 1 bought of Edward Hilton, as appears by Bill of Sale of John Wegewood.

( 9 ) I will further that what remains of my Twenty pounds per annum subscribed as a gift to the College tor mv selte and sons, be carefully discharged by mv Executors.

( lO) I give to mv brother, John Cutt, ^10. to buy him mourning. And _;^lo. to his wife. And _;/"5. to each of his children.

(11) I give to my sister, Ann Shipwav, ^'10. to bu\' her mourning, and ^^5. to my brother Shipwav, and ^?5. to his son, John Shipwav.

(12) I give to my brother Robert Cutt's widow ^"5., and to each of his children ^"5., as also 1 doe forgive the debt due on my booke.

( 13 ) I give to Mr. |oshua Moody ^/Q'^o., and to his ffive children ^Tio., to say, 40 shillings to each of them.

(14) I give to mv Coz., John Hale, and his wife ^"5. each of them.

( 15 ) I give to the church of Portsmouth ^10. to buy a piece of plate for the use of the church.

(16) I make my wife Eleanor and my two daughters, Margaret and Bridget, my


Executors ; To whom I give the Rest of my Estate, as well Shipping or what else due to mee in any part of the world. My debts and legacies given paid, And what remains to be divided in equall thirds between my wife and daughters.

(17) I make my brother John Cutt, Mr. Joshua Moody, my son William Vaughan, and my son Thomas Daniel, my overseers, to see this my Will performed. To the Truth of this I have hereunto sett mv hand and seale this Tenth dav of May, 1675. Portsmouth, in Piscataqua.

Per mee RICH'D CUTT [L. S.]

Wee, whose names are under- neath, doe attest that Richard Cutt did owne this to be his \'oluntary Act and deed.


loHN Fletcher.


Proved at London 11. July, 1682 ; and Probate granted to Eleanor Cutt, Relict, and Margaret Vaughan ( ux. Wm. \'aughan ) and Bridget Daniel (ux. Thomas Daniel).

Settlement of Richard Cutt' s Estate in 16'/'/. [New Hampshire Province Deeds, vol. 19, p. 492.]

Portsm" 10: 10: 1677 We whose names are under written being Chosen & Desired to hear judge & Determine al matters of Controversy Between m'= Elan'' Cutt Widow m'* Margaret Vaughan & m" Bridget Daniel Executrix^ unto y= Will of Cap' Rich'' Cutt Dec'' late of Portsm" In Piscataqua River & Cap' Tho= Daniel & Maj' Wf" Vaughan Husbands unto y"= afores'' Gen- tlewomen Respecting y^ Will & Estate of y"^ %^ Cap' Rich'' Cutt touching al Acc"^ & Demands from y= Same & the above nam"" pties having firmly Bound themselves their heirs Exe'= & Adm" In a Bond of two thousand lawful Money of y'^ Massa"^ Collony Bearing Date v'^ 7''' Instant to rest Satisfy^ in & abide by our Determination therein we having accordingly heard & Consider'' al Acc"^ & Demands present'' to us by al & Every y'' aboves'' partys do Award as followeth I'y yt y= Leanto & Wharfe before y= Stone Warehouse & Adjoyning thereto shal be imediatelv to y= use of m''= Vaughan & y= Leanto at y" North End of s'' Warehouse to be used by m'^


Elen' Cutt dureing her Natural life & then to be In y'^ Same Capacity w"' y'' Warehouse w'^^ being Mutually Agreed upon by al parties we Confirm & Ratify^z'''*' By v' Stock In y= Tan- yard Mention'' In the Will (article z'* ) we say is Intend"* al y'= utensils Belonging to y'= Tan- yard w''' whatever Hydes were there unfinish'' at y= time ot y' Deceas of y'= Testator 3'">' it Being a Question whose shal be y= Improvem' of y' Estate Given to Cutt Vaughan after y^ Decease of m" Elen' Cutt In Case she Dye Before he Arrive to y'' Age ot 2 i years we Say y' not knowing whether Ever there wil be need of such a Question it is Sufficient to Refer it until y' Solution of it Appears Necessarv 4''''y y" p'sent Iniprovem' ot y' hundred pound Given Cutt Vaughan & y= Legacies of money & lands Given to y"^ Children ot m'* Vaughan Belongs to y'= legatees til both principle & Improvem' do fal into their hands when they Come to Age

5'> v'= Legacves to v<^ Children afores'' to be forthw'*" Provided According to y' Will by the Exe" viz" tive hundred pound in Money to be Reserv'' In m' Hubbards hands In Boston for v' End &r Application to be by them made to y' next County Court that they Appoint Guardians for y'^ Children & take Security of them for their Responding ot s"* Estate Respecting both money & lands Given them by Will w'"" y' Improvem' thereof to y"^ Children when legally Demand*" Except In y"" mean time v' Exe" shal mutually agree about it so as to Secure y= Estate to y' Children

6'>' we Determine v' y"^ lands In y'' Great ffield & wood field are Given by y' Will to m'= Daniel Absolutely w'''out anv Intail y' other lands in the long Reach is Entail"" on v' heirs of m" Vaughan if m'= Daniel hath no Child

yth ^g Award y' Seven Hundred & thirty Pounds be pd by y"^ Executrixes out ot y"^ whole Estate unto m' W"" Vaughan in Such pav as may be Equivalent unto Money Sc y' y"^ land upon y^ great Island both y' Bought ot m'' Mason as also y' Acre of land given Cap' Cutt by y'' Town both w'^'' are Mention"* In y' Will to be to him & his heirs forever & m' Vaughan to Rest Satisfv* therew''' In full of al Demands from v"^ Estate so far as it Refers to himselfe dis- tinct fi"om v'= legacies given to his Wife & Children

8'>' we Order v"^ two hundred & Sixty pounds to be pd to Cap' Tho' Daniel besides y^ legacie given him by y"^ Will of y' Dec"* w"^*" is also to be pd as y'' Will Declares In pay Equiv- olent to money &: y"^ s"" Cap' Daniel to Rest Satisfy'" therew'"" In full of al Demands from y"' Estate Respecting himselfe p'sonallv distinct from v^ legacv given to his Wife & y= Sums above Mention"" Due to m' Vaughan & Cap' Daniel are to be pd out of y'= Estate already Divided

9'>' that al lands or other Estate not named In y^ Will w'"" y'= housing & land &c at y= Isle' of Shoals shal be Equally Divided Between y' Executrixes only y' whole p'cell of Marsh at little harbour & al y"^ land near or about y"^ Spring by m'' Martyns to be Solely to y"' use of m'^ Elen'' Cutt dureing her Natural life afterward y"^ Same to be divided as afores"" this we Con- firme being Consent"" to by al

io'>' v'= paym"' aforemention"" both of Debts Sc legacies being made & Reserved as afores"" we do farther Award y' y'= Shiping being forthw'"" priz"" by Indifferent men as Money y' Same to be Equally Divided Between y" Executrixes : m'* Cutt having liberty to make y^ first Choice Except they shal mutually Agree to Continue In Partnership in them or any of them- -

I I'y And we do further award y' aforenam"" partyes viz" Cap' Daniel m' Vaughan & their Wives upon y'' paym' of such Sums as are before Expressed to Sign & seal legal Discharges to y' Execut" In full for all Debts & Demands from y' Estate by Will or by any Ace"* Depend-


ing before y'^ Deth of v^ Testator & v' this is our Award & final Determination & Issue ot al matters of Difference Respecting al Acc'= & Demands Between y^ afores'* p'ties Refering to y' Will & Estate of Cap' Rich'* Cutt dec" we Testifie by Setting to our hands & Seals this i o''' of

Dec' 1677

Rich" Waldron [seal]

Robt Pike [seal]

Laur= Hammond [seal]

Peter Coffin [seal]

Record** According to y^ Orig" y<= zg''' of Dec' 1733

p' Josh ; Peirce Record''

Estate of Richard Cutt. Administration de bonis non granted in i/OO.

[New Hampshire Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 220.]

Province of •> WUliam Partridge Esq' L' Govern'' of s** Province

New Hampshire \ To W"" Vaughan of Portsm" in the said Province

[seal] m'chant Greeting

Whereas Richard Cutt of Portsm" m'chant formerly dec* leaving behind him his last will and testam' and good part of his Estate never came into his hands custody or possession of any other for his or their use or uses and therefore was never fiilly Administered upon according to law which yett remaines to be done whereby the power of committing Administracon & full desposetion of such Estate and also of hearing examining and allowing the ace" of such Adminis- tracon ot right appertaineth unto me trusting therefore in the care and fidelitie of the said W"" Vaughan ; who married the daughter of the said Richard Cutt dec"* I doe by these p'sence committ unto him the said Wi" Vaughan fiall power to administer of all and singular the goods chattells rights and creditts of the said Richard Cutt dec"* as above said not heretofore Adminis- tered upon by any person or persons according to law ; and shall well and faithfullv despose of the same as the law directs as alsoe to ask gather levy recover and receive all & whatsoever creditts of the said dec* not heretofore administered on w"^' .... to him while he lived and at the time of his death did appertaine and to pay his proporcon of all debts in which the dec** stood bound which remaines unpaid at y= day so farr as the Law obleidges such an Adminis- trator as de bonis non Administratis and soe far as the goods chattells debts, rights and creditts aforesaid cann extend according to the value thereof And to make a true and perfect Inventory thereof, and to exhibitt the same into the Registry of the Court of Probate for the province aforesaid at or before the first day of September next and to render a plaine and true ace' of yo' said Administracon upon oath at or before the first day of November, one thousand seaven hun- dred and one and I doe hereby ordaine constitute and appoint you W"" Vaughan Adm' of all and



singular the goods chattells debts, rights and creditts aforesaid In Testimony whereof I have hereunto sett mv hand and scale the twelfth day of October Anno R. Res will nunc Ang= &c duodecimo Annoq Dni 1700:

W" Partridge

Cha Story Secretary

Estate of Richard Cittt. Bond given by Administrator de bonis non in ijoo. [New Hampshire Probate Files.]

Know all men by these p''sents that wee W"" Vaughan of Portsm" in the Province of New Hampshire m'chant Sam" Penhallow of the same place m'chant and Geo: Vaughan of the same place gentleman are holden and firmely Bounded and obleidged Unto Wi" Partridge ot Portsm" aforesaid Esq'' Judge of the probate of wills and granting Administracons within this province aforesaid, in the full Sume of fBve hundred pounds curr' mony of New England to be paid unto the said W"" Partridge Esq'' his Successors in the Said Office, or his Assignes to the true pavm' whereof wee doe binde our Selves, and each of us our and each of our heires Exer''^ and Adm'^^ Jovntly and Severally for the whole and in the whole, firmely bv these p''sents. Sealed with our Scales dated the Twelfth day of October Anno Dni: 1700:/

The Condicon of this obligacon is such that if the above bounden William \'aughan Admin'' de bonis Non Administratis of Richard Cutt of portsm" aforesaid m'chant dec'' doe make and cause to be made a true and p'fect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattells Debts Rights or Creditts of the Said dec' which have or shall come to the hands Possession or Knowl- edge of him the Said W"" Vaughan ; or into the hands possession or Knowledge of any other person for him ; which hath not yett been Administered upon & the same soe made doe Exhibitt into the Registry of the Court of probate for the Said province at or before the ffirst day of Sep- tember next. And the same Goods Chattells Rights and Creditts of the said dec'' at the time of his death ; not heretofore Administred upon which at anv time hereafter shall come into the hands of the said Wi" Vaughan or any p''son for him ; doe well and truely Administer according to Law. And further doe make a Just and true Ace' of his Administracon upon Oath at or before the ffirst day of Nov'"' one thousand seaven hundred and one. And all the rest and Residue of the said Goods Chattells Rights and Creditts which shall be found remaineing upon the said Adm^' Ace" the same being first Exam"" and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of probate of wills and Granting Administracons within the province aforesaid shall deliver and pay Unto such person and persons respectively as the said Judge or Judges by his or their decree or sentence pursueant to Law shall limitt and appoint. That then this obligacon to be voyde or else to remaine in full force.

sealed and De- W-^' Vaughan [seal]

liv''' In the p''sence Sam"-"- Penhallow [seal]

of George Vaughan [seal] Rich. Partridge


IFill of Eleanor Ciitt.

The last Will & Testament of Eleanor Cutt of Portsm" Widow made this Twelfth day ot July 1684

I Eleanor Cutt being weak in hodv, but in perfect memory. Do make &: ordain this here- under written to be mv Last Will and Testament ; hereby revoking all other Wills by me formerly made.

I will. That if there be any debts due from my late Husbands Estate, or any Legacies due by his Will, w-hich are vet unpaid, they shall be discharged out ol the remainder ot my said Husbands Estate, which is yet in Partnership, or undevided, between me & the other Executors of my Husbands Will, & the residue of y'= Debts belonging to sd Estate, to say, my share ot them as Executrix I give to mv Son Vaughan &: Daughter Daniel, to be equally devided between them.

My Stock that is at y'= ffarm, I give unto my Grandchild Cutt \'aughan ; together with my Clock ; mv Salt marsh shall be equally devided between my two Daughters, Margaret Vaughan, & Bridget Daniel. And the ffresh marsh belonging to me (^being not mentioned in my Husbands Willj I bequeath to Eleanor \'aughan ; (Which was my Husbands mind, tho not express' d in his Will.

My Plate, I give Twenty pounds worth of it to my Daughter Daniel, & the remainder to my Daughter Vaughan & her Children ; to each of them an equal portion ; my Daughter to use it till y>= Children come to age ; & each Child to have their share as they are of age. The fforty pounds of money which I received of M'' Hubbard for the interest of the Childrens money which is in his hands, I have given to their Mother, to be reserved for their use.

All my Bedding and Linnen, with my Brass, Iron & Pewter, I will shall be devided between my Daughter Daniel & my three Grandchildren, Eleanor, Mary, & Margaret Vaughan, to each of them an equal share.

All my Sheep (except what hereafter express' d) shall be equally devided between my two Daughters. My best Chest of drawers in the Shop chamber, I give to Eleanor Vaughan ; and y^ other Chest of drawers in mv Chamber, to my Daughter Daniel. My two Negros, Harry, & his Wife, I give to my Son Vaughan. My half Pink fitted & victualled, to set [sea] together with mv half of the goods & merchandize now loaden &: to be loaden on board her, according to y' discretion of my Exeeutrixes, with the advice ot my Overseers, for y'' \'oyage insuing, I give unto Cutt Vaughan. My half Ketch fitted & victualled to Sea, together with one half of a convenient Loading for her, according to the discretions of my Executrixes, with the advice ot my Overseers, for y*^ insuing vovage, I give unto George Vaughan ; the sd Vessels to be improved for them by the advice of the Overseers, till they come to age.

Unto my Brother John Alderseys Children, I give one hundred pound in money, to be devided among them, if any of them come, or send within three years after my decease ; & if they come not, then Eleanor Vaughan shall have that hundred pound.

Unto my Cousin Elizabeth Hole, I give ffive pounds ; &: as much to my Cousin Ann Clark, in such goods as they have occasion for ; & Twenty pounds among y= Children ot my Cousin Ann Clark to be paid by my Executers, when they come to age.


Unto each of my Servants (Negros excepted,) that live with me when I dye, I give a Cow & a Sheep ; and to Ann Harvy two Cows & Six sheep. The rest of my Stock I give to my two Daughters. I give my servant Andrew Rankins his time unto my Daughter Daniel ; willing her to send him to sea ; & he shall have ffive pounds out of mine Estate, when his time is out.

More, I give unto my Grandchild Eleanor Vaughan, one hundred pounds sterling, to be paid in England out of my Third of y= money received of Sir John flrederick & Comp^ : And the remainder of mv Third of sd monev, being Twenty pound more or less, I give unto my Grandchild Mary Vaughan.

Unto M' [oshua Moody I give Twenty pounds ; and to Capt. Elias Stileman I give Ten pounds. All the rest of mv Estate in Debts, or otherwise, not particularly disposed of, I give in equall shares to mv two Daughters ; And make them, viz : Margaret Vaughan & Bridget Daniel, the Executri.xes of this my Last Will &: Testament ; \Mlling them to pay all my Debts, Legacies, & ffuneral charges.

ffurthermore I will, that this place in which I now live, shall im'ediately after my decease, be let out to rent, bv v'^ advice of mv Overseers ; and the improvement thereof be reserved for y' use of Cutt \^aughan, until] he comes to age; unto whom his Grandfather hath given the said Estate.

ffinally I make Capt Elias Stileman & M'' Joshua Moody Overseers of this my Last Will & Testament. In testimonv to all and singular y'^ p'misses I have set to my hand & seal this Twelfth day of July 1684.

Mrs. Eleanor Cutt Eleanor Cutt [seal]

did sign & seal this

Instrum' above written,

and declare it to be

her last Will and

Testam' this i 2'^ of

July 1684, in p'"sence

of us

John Ffletcher,

John Barsham

John Shipway.

New Hampshire

Bv the Governor. That the within named Eleanor Cutt did sign, seal, & publish the within written Instrum' as her Last Will & Testament, the within written John ffletcher, John Barsham & John Shipway made oath y"^ 29"" day of [ulv 1684 before me

Edw Cranfield

Entred &: recorded according to y"^ Original July 31"'' 1684.

R. Chamberlain Seer.


Estate of Eleanor Cutt. Administration de bonis non granted in ijoo [New Hampshire Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 221.]

Province of 1 W" Partridge Esq^ L' Govern' of s"* province To

New Hampshire j X^'" Vaughan ot Portsm" : in said province m'chant [seal] Greeting

Whereas Ellinor Cutt formerly ot Portsm" aforesaid widdow dec"* leaving behind her, her last will and testament and good part of her Estate never came into the hands custody or posses- sion of the Exec" of the said Ellinor Cutt nor into the hands custody or possession of anv other for their use or uses, and therefor never fully Administered upon according to Law ; which vett remaines to be done whereby the power of committing Administracon and full disposition of such Estate, And alsoe of hearing examining and allowing the accounts of such Administracon of right appurtaineth unto me Trusting therefor in the care and fidehtye of the said W" Vaughan who married the daughter of the said Ellinor Cutt dec* I doe by these p''sents committ unto him the said W™ Vaughan full power to Administer of all and singular the goods chattells rights or cred- itts ot the said Ellinor Cutt dec^ abovesaid not heretofore administered upon by any person or persons according to law and shall well and faithfully dispose of the same as the Law directs. As alsoe to ask gather levy recover and receive all and singular whatsoever creditts of the said dec'' not heretofore Administered on which to her while she lived and at the time of her death did appertaine and to pay his proporcon of all debts in which the dec** stood bound, which remaines unpaid at this day soe far as the Law obleidges such an Adm' as de bonis non adminis- tratis and soe far as the goods chattells rights and creditts cann extend according to the value thereof and to make a true and perfect inventory thereof and to exhibitt the same into the Registry of the Court of Probate for the Province aforesaid at or before the first day of September next and to render a plaine and true account of yo' said administracon upon oath at or before the first day of November one thousand seaven hundred and one I doe hereby ordaine constitute and appoint you W"" Vaughan Adm'' of all and singular the goods chattells rights and credits aforesaid In testimonv whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and scale the twelfth day of October Anno R. Ris will terty nunc Ang"^ &c duodecimo Annoq Dni 1700/.

Cha Story Secretary

\\'^' Partridge [seal]

Estate of Eleanor Cutt. Bond given by Administor de bonis non in ijoo.

[New Hampshire Probate Files]

Know all men by these p'sents that Wee W" Vaughan of Portsm" in the Province of New Hampshire m'chant Sam" Penhallow of the same place m'chant and George Vaughan of the same place Gendeman am holden and firmely bounden and Obleidged Unto W"" Partridge of Portsm" aforesaid Esq' Judge of the probate of Wills and granting Administracons within the province


aforesaid in the full Sume of ffive hundred pounds curr' mony ot New England to be paid Unto the Said W'" Partridge Esq' or his Successors in the Said Office or his Assignes to the true pay- ment whereof wee doe binde our Selves and each of us our and each of our heires Exec'''' and Adm" fovntlv and Severally for the whole and in the whole firmely by these p'sents Sealed with our Seales dated the twelfth day of October Anno Dni i 700.

The Condicon of this Obligacon is such that if the above bounden William Vaughan Adm' de bonis non Administratis of Ellinor Cutt Late of portsm" widdow & relict ot Richd Cutt dec"* doe make and Cause to be made a true and p'fect inventory ot all and singular the Goods Chat- tells Rights or Creditts of the Said dec* which have or shall come to the hands possession or Knowledge of him the said Wi" \'aughan or into the hands or possession of any other person for him ; which hath not \ett been Administred upon, and the same soe made doe exhibitt into the Registry of the Court of probate for the said province at or before the first day of September next. And the same Goods Chattells Rights and Creditts of the said dec"* at the time ot her death not heretotijre Administred upon which at any time hereafter shall come into the hands or possession of the Said W"" Vaughan or any person tor him doe well and truely Administer accord- ing to Law. And further doe make a Just and a true account of his Administracon upon Oath at or before the first day of Nov*" one thousand Seaven hundred and one. And all the rest and residue of the Said Goods Chattells, Rights and Creditts which shall be found remaineing Upon the Said Adm'' Account, the same being first Exam"* and allowed of by the Judge or Judges for the time being of probate of Wills and granting Administracons within the province aforesaid shall deliver and pay Unto such person and persons respectively as the Said Judge or Judges by his or their Decree or Sentence pursueant to Law shall Limitt and appoint. That then this Obligacon to be Voyde or else to stand in force.

Sealed and Deliv'-' VV-^' Vaughan [seal]

In the p'sence of Sam"-"- Penhallow [seal]

Rich : Partridge George Vaughan [seal]

Documents Relating to the Estate of IVUUam Vaughan.

The Will of Major Vaughan, dated May 16, 1707, was "on Record in the Records of New Hampshire" in 1720, according to the statement made in a deed signed by his heirs in that year ; and yet for some unaccountable reason no trace of the Will itself can now be found anywhere. Diligent search in the Archives of the New Hampshire State Library has only brought to light a number of documents referring to the Will, as, for instance, a deed signed by the residuary legatees



admittinsi William King to a one-fifth interest in the residuary estate, although, they add, this " would not be strictly according to the letter of the Will."

The two following documents, relating to Major Vaughan's estate, were recently discovered by Mr. O. G. Hammond in the Library referred to, the first one being in the handwriting of Col. Richard Waldron, who married for his second wife, Eleanor, the daughter of Major \"aughan :

CoL'^ Waldrgns Demand on- Maj" Vaughan's Estate-

at w'^'"! i death V

To given Elean^ by M' Cutts will w^'' was proved in 1676 To difference of mony between tliat time and this To the Interest of three hund'' pound, from June 1680, (: time it was lett out to M'" Hubbard,) till Maj'" \'aughans being 42 years is .... .

To the Seventh part of v' ^100 given Cutt \'aughan To the Interest of it 42 vears .... To the differrence of Mony for S'* 14.. 5/ & 34 6/ To a ^100 pound Sterling given in M" Cutts will To Exchange of Mony at that day 2 5 p'' cent To the Differrence of Mony between that day and this To _^ioo more given in S*" Will and Differrence . Mem" no Interest Demanded for the last ^200 Saving the whole right in the tanyard wood field & Stone warehouse in case no agreem' for the Improvm' of v"' "''' p' thereof demanded Proportion of Plate .......

200 100

7>6 •4 34


25 62 150


i:i7i6 6 6

An Estimate of Maj"* W" X'aughan's Estate Stc




Thirty Acres of y= wood field at i 5"




400 Acres of Jn" Libby

I 200



Sundries w'l'in dores ....




Hales Estate .....




Cape Porpus .....




Nantucket* .....




■^ This item evidently refers to " one whole share of land on the island of Nantucket," which Major Vaughan purchased in 1677 from *' Richard Way, of Boston, wine cooper," in consideration of the sum of ;^6o " of lawfull money ot New England j" and of which share or tract of land *'one full quarter" was sold in 1720 by the heirs of Major Vaughan to " Stephen Coffin Jun'r " for the sum of /^f^Sz. los. '* Bills of Credit of New Eng- land." The two deeds conveying this valuable property are given at length immediately following this Estimate of Major Vaughan's Estate. R. C. S.



New Casle Lands


0 0



0 0

Nobles mortgage


0 0

Jn" Libby's Debt


0 0

Tanyard Debt .

Exef land


0 0

Brusters Debt


0 0

Gore above Gerrishes farm


0 0

fFresh Marsh


0 0

Salt Marsh ......


0 0

ffuneral Charges ......


0 0


0 0

wibird .......

0 0

Province .......


0 0

Lotlayers ......


0 0



0 0


0 0




0 0

Deed of Richard JVay conveying land in Nantucket to Major IV"" Vaughan.

To all Cristian peopell to whome this present deed shall come. Richard Way of boston in the collonny of Massachusetts in New England, wine cooper and Bethyah his wife, Send Greeting Know Yee that they Said Richard Way and Bethyah his wife for an in consideration of the sum of Si.xty pounds of lawfuU mony of new england to them in hand att and before the Insealing and delivery of these presents by William Vauhan of portsmouth in the County of dover and portsmouth in new england aforesaid merchant, well and truly paid the Receipt whareof they doe heareby acknowledge and themselves, thare with fully satisfied and contented and thareof and of every part thareof doe accquit, exonerate and discharge the said William Vauhan his heirs and Executors, administrators and assigns forever by these presents Have given, granted bargained, sold, ahened, enfeefed and confirmed and by these p'sents doe fully and abso- lutely give, grant, bargaine, sell allinate enfeefe and confirme unto the said William Vauhan his heirs and assigns forever all their land Iving and being at nantucket in new england aforesaid within the towne Ship of Sherburne with all and Singular the rights, proffits previledges and appurtenansis thareontoe beloanging or in any wise appurtavning whether devided or common according toe one compleat and whole share of land in the Sd. towneship and also all share right and interest and Share of land at a certaine place upon nantucket aforesaid comonly called and knowne by the name of coatue with the profits preveliges and apurtinansis thare untoe belonging with all writings & evedencis that doe conserne the same which they have or can come by To have


and to hold the said parsels of land with all other the above granted premises untoe the said William Vauhan his heirs and assigns tor ever and toe the only proper use benefit and behoofe of the said William Vauhan his heires and assignes forever and the said Richard Way and Bethyah his wife doe covenant promise and grant toe and with the said William Vauhan his heirs and assignes toe and with every of them by these presents that he the said William Vauhan his heirs and and assigns shall and mav by force and vertue of these p"^sents from time toe time and at all times forever heaire after lawfully peasably and quietly have hold use occupy posses and injoy the above granted premises with there apurtinansis and every part and parsell there of free and cleare and clearly acquited and discharged of and from all and all maner of former and other gifts grants bargains sailes seals morgages fovnters, doweries, Judgments, executions, Intavls for- feturs and of and from all other titles troubels charges and incumberansis whatsoever have made comitted done or sufered to be done by the said Richard Way and Bethyah his wife thare heirs or assigns at any time or times before the ensealing heareof. And further that the said Richard Way and Bethiah his wife thare heaires executors adminestrators and assigns shall and will from time to time and at all times for ever heare after warrant and defend they above granted premises with thare appurtinansis unto the said Willirm Vauhan his heairs and assigns against all and every person and persons what soe ever : any wise lawfully clayming or demanding the same or any p' thareof and Lastly that the Sd. Richard Way and Bethiah his wife thare heiars and assignes shall and will give unto the said William Vauhan his heirs and assigns such further and ample assur- ance of all they afore Barganed premises as in Law or Equity can be desired or Required, in witness whareof the said Richard Way and Bethyah his wife have heare untoe set thare hands and Seals this fifteenth day of march in the year of o"^ Lord on thousand six hundred Seventy and Seven and in the theirtieh yeare of his majestys Rayne over England.

Signed, Sealed and delivered Richard Way

in the presence of us. Bethiah B Way

Danell Turell, Jur. ^" "^"'^

Jack Lawson

this Instrument was acknowledged bv Richard Wav and Bethyah Way his wife to be thare act and deed this Sixteenth of March 1677. Before me

Fetter Coffin, Asistant.

A true Copy of the deed Recorded by me the 14"^ of June 1678.

William Worth, Clerk.

Registry of Deeds.

Nantucket, April 26, 1904. The foregoing is a true copy from Nantucket Records of Deeds, Lib. 2, fol. 21. Attest : Lauriston Bunker



Deed of heirs of Major I'aiighan conveying land in Nantucket to Stephen

Coffin, Jr.

This Indenture made the eighth day of October in the seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George annoque Domini one thousand seven hundred and twenty between Nathaniel Gerrish of Berwick in the County of York and province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Marriner and Bridget his wife one of the Daughters of William Vaughan late of Portsmouth in the province of New Hampshire Esqr., deceased, Margaret Vaughan of Portsmouth aforesd. single woman, one other of the Daughters of the sd. William Vaughan and Abigail Shannon the wife of Nathaniel Shannon of portsmouth now absent attorney to her sd. Husband another of the Daughters of the sd. William Vaughan and Elizabeth Vaughan of Portsmouth aforesd. Single woman youngest Daughter of the sd. William Vaughan of the one part and Stephen Coffin Jun'r. of the Island of Nantucket in the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman on the other part whereas the aforesd. William Vaughan in and bv his last will & Testament Dated the Sixteenth day of May 1707 and upon Record in the Records of New Hampshire aforesd. (reference thereunto being had) after the giving and bequeathing some part of his estate to his [son] George Vaughan and his Daughter Eleanor Waldron Gives and Devises all the rest of his estate as houses lands ~ whatsoever and whereso- ever not already disposed of by the sd. William Vaughan unto his five youngest daughters naming them \'iz , Marv King, Bridget Gerrish, Margaret Vaughan, Abigail Vaughan, since married to the above named Nathaniel Shannon and Elizabeth Vaughan to be equally divided between them he the sd William Vaughan being at the time of making the sd. will and so at the time of his Decease Seized and possessed as of his n proper estate into and of one whole share of land on the Island of Nantucket aforesd. and which he purchased of one Richard Way late of Boston in New England wine cooper and Bethiah his wife ( since deceased) the Deed thereof being upon Record at Nantucket aforesd. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the sd. Nathaniel Gerrish and Bridget his wife, Margaret Vaughan, Abigail Shannon and Elizabeth Vaughan for and in consideration of the sum of Nine Hundred Sixty two pounds ten Shillings Bills of Credit of New England to them in hand paid and seciired to be paid by the sd. Stephen Coffin Jun'r. the Receipt whereof to full consent and satisfaction they do hereby acknowledge have given, granted bargained, sold aliened Enfeoffed Released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do fully freelv clearly and absolutelv give, grant bargain sell alien enfeofFe Release convey and confirm unto the sd Stephen Coffin lun'r. his heirs and assigns for ever one full quarter part of all the aforesd. share or tract of land on the Island of Nantucket purchased of the aforesd. Richard and Bethiah Wav as aforesd. as Well what is lying in perticular as in common Together with the fences woods wavs profits privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging and one full quarter part of all the stock of sheep upon the sd. whole share. To have and to hold one full quarter part of the sd. whole share of land and sheep thereupon and all other the above granted premises with the appurtenances unto the sd. Stephen Coffin Jun'r. his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only sole proper use benefit and behoof forevermore and thev the sd Grantors do covenant for themselves their severall and Respective heirs execu- tors and administrators to and with the sd Stephen Coffin junr. his heirs and assigns by these presents in manner and form following that is to sav thev are lawfullv seized of and in the


aforegranted land and premises having a right thereto as Legatees ot the sd. William Vaughan and by force and vertue of his last will and testament full power to give grant sell and convey and dispose thereof in manner as aforesd the same being free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other gifts grants bargains sales leases releases mortgages jointures dowers titles troubles wills entails charges and incumbrances whatsoever and further they the sd. Grantors namely Nathaniel Gerrish and Bridget his wife Margaret \'aughan Abigail Shannon and Elizabeth Vaughan do hereby covenant and grant to warrant and defend the sd granted land sheep and premises with the appurtenances and every part thereof unto him the said Stephen Coffin Junr. his heirs and assigns forever against the lavvfull claims and demands of the other children and heirs of the sd William Vaughan and also the creditors to his estate and against the lawful! claims and demands of all persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the sd parties to these presents have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in Nathll Gerrish

the presence of us Bridget Gerrish

Wm. Fellows Margaret Vaughan

Eleazer Russell Abigail Shannon

Eliza. Vaughan. Hannah Townsend Hannah paison

Witnesses to Mrs. Margaret Vaughans signing and sealing

To his and their only sole proper use benefit & behoof forevermore between the forty fourth and fifth line incerted before signing.

Portsm province N. Hampshire. Capt. Nathll. Gerrish and Bridget his wife Mrs. Abigail Shannon and Mrs. Elizabeth Vaughan appeared and acknowledged this instrument to be their voluntary act and deed October 14, 1720.

Coram Geo. [effrey [r pac.

Boston, October 1 8th. 1720. Mrs. Margaret Vaughan personally appearing before me the Subscriber acknowledged this instrument to be her voluntary act and deed.

Pen Townsend | pac.

Whereas the afore named William N'aughan in and by his last will ^' testament nominated and appointed his son George Vaughan his sons in law Richard Waldron and Nathaniel Gerrish and also Joseph Hammond of Kittery Esq. and Samuel Penhallovv of portsmouth Esqr. to be joint E.xecutors & hereof giving them power to dispose of his estate for the payment of his just debts & Legacies &c. These are to certifie that the Executors above named in testimony of


their approbation and confirmation of and consent to tlie atore written deed of sale have hereunto set their hands and seals the fourteenth day of October Anno Doinini 1720.

Richard Waldron Signed sealed and delivered Nathll Gerrish.

in presence ot us

Wm. Fellows Eleazr Russell

Prov. New Hampshire portsm'*" October 14th. 1720. Richard Waldron Esqr and Capt. Nathll Cierrish appeared and acknowledged the above to be their act and deed.

Geo. Iaffrey Dated October 21, 1720. Ju pac

Registrv ot Deeds.

Nantucket, Mass., April 27, 1904. The foregoing is a true copy from Nantucket Records ot Deeds, Lib. 3. pages 141, 142. Attest : Lauriston Bunker,

t Register.

IVill of George Vaughan.

In the name of God amen The last will and Testament ot George Vaughan

I George V'aughan being Sick and weak, and Considering that the time ot my death may

be at hand ; And my mind & memory being perfect, I Do appoint this to be my last will &

Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made

1 I Commit my Soul into y'= hands of my Redeemer, Relying on his Merits tor Accept- ance ; and my body to the Earth to be decentlv buryed according to the Discretion of my Executor hereafter to be appointed.

2 I will that all my lust debts be paid in Convenient Season

3 I give to my dearly beloved wife the Third part of y"" Income ot my whole Estate. To her also I give my mansion house w''' all the furniture therein, with the gardens and orchards belonging thereto, and three acres of land more adjoining to the Same dureing her widowhood.


4 I will that all my Children Shall be mantained out of mv Estate till thev arrive to v"^ age of 2 3 vears

5 I give to my Daughter. Sarah Ross and the heirs of her hodv the land (behind the houses of George Townsand and John Grindal and two other houses between them) Square off w"" the land I have already given her

6 I give to my Son in law John Ross one hundred pounds

7 I give unto Each of my maiden daughters five hundred pounds two hundred pounds of which is to be in land (to Each of them & their heirs) at y= bank

8 I will that the Education of my son Eliot at School & at College be defraved out of y'^ Incomes of my Estate. To my son Eliot I also give five hundred pounds, two hundred of which to be in land at the bank and all my Eastern rights (so called) at Scarborough Cape Porpus, Dunston or Elsewhere and To his heirs forever (except as hereafter Excepted)

9 I give my son William and to his heirs forever all my houses and lands at the bank, and between y": Creek and the bank. And all the Residue of my Estate, as houses, lands, farms. Marshes, Mills, Tanyards and Streams of Water and Water Courses and Interest of Ferrys, I give unto my Said Son William and the heirs of his bodv forever ; But In case Either of my Sons Should dye without Issue lawfully begotten, It is then mv will, that the Surviver and The heirs of His body Shall inherit, what I have by these presents given to the other ; and In Case both my Sons Should dye without Issue lawfully begotten. Then It is mv will that v"^ Estates which I have by these presents given To my Said Sons Shall be Equallv divided amongst all my daughters.

10 I appoint my S'* Son William to be sole Executor of this my last will and Testament. In Testimony of all before written I have hereunto Set my hand the first day of November 1 724.

Signed Seal'd & Geo Vaughan [seal]

Published by Geo :

Vaughan Esq' as

his last Will and

Testam' In presence

of us

Rich" Waldron Jun'

Abigail Shannon


Israel X Honwell

Pro: N: Hampsh'25''' |an'> 1724/5 M' Rich"" Waldron Jun' Abigail Shannon & Israel Honwell y^ three Evidences to y"= afore- going will p'sonally appearing made Oath that they were present & Saw George Vaughan Esq'' Sign & Seal s"" will declaring y' Same to be his last will & Testament & y' according to y"= best of y'' understanding he was of a Sound Disposing mind at the doing thereof

Benj* Gambling Reg'



An Inventory ot the Estate Goods and Chatties of George Vaughan Late of Portsmouth in New Hampshire in New England Esq', Deceased : Taken and Appraised at Portsmouth affore said : by Cap' Samuell Hart : James JefFry and Ephraim Dennet as tolloweth

viz', to the Dwelling house & out houses by it . 200

to the whole Farm upland and Meadow containing 562 acres at 10 ;^ p' acre

to 8 acres of orchards upon v"^ Farm

to y'^ old Dwelling house at the Creek

to v'^ little at y Gate by y= Road

to x'^ house & Barn where Jo* Wittam

to v"^ house Joseph Johnson livs in

to y'= house & Barn Benson liv's in

to Vincin't lives in

to Brooks livs .

to the Fram & Damn of y= Grist Mill

to the Saw Mill &c . . . . . ^ !2o ^"6400




1 20


















to 4 parts of the Tanyard, Land, & preveleiges & sixty hides

therein stock ....

to about I 2 acres of land at Martins Hill . to I I I acres of land beyond Cap' Langdons to 158 : lots of land behind Maj' Vaughans old Orchard & to v

Country Road &c' at 20": p' lot : Each to be Equa

foot front & Eighty back : one w'*' y*^ other to y<^ house land Wharfe Shop &: preveleiges where Cap'

liv's .......

to a lot of land before Ric'' Tobie's

to a lott of land Joyning to lo* Berys land

to a lot of land 25 toot front bv m" Alcocks & the

in the River ......

to goods & chatles viz'

to one Scarlet Coat wore some time

to 5 ft ? oz' of silver plate averdupoize w'

to pewter Dishes plates & basons

to 4 brass Kettles 3^ Brass tongs live Sho & Doggs

to 3 brass candlesticks 20/ one warming pan Sj

to I Clock 40/: one Walnut table t,£

to Iron pots Kettles tongs Tramills

to 2 large Ovall Tables ],£ : one Small one 15/

to one Chamber Table & two stands

to 4 Comon Tables & 2 Joynt Stooles

to one Coffee Mill peper Caster Mustard box all lig

to 2 Small Brass chaffing dishes



& to y'

to 40

3 160






3 60






to Ironing Boxes &; heaters & :; spitts

to 3 p'rs of Iron doggs 20/ one Grid Iron &C'"

to I brass ladle 3/ Cullender 1/ Cover dish 2/

to I Grater : a Tin Coffee Pot : Heater Iron & Bill hook

to 18 Glasses of Divers sorts 18/: 6 Knivs & forks 12/

to 1 2 Earthen Plates : 8 Dishes : one Bason

to one chest of Drawers i-£ : one writing Desk 30/

to one Close Stoole & pan 15/: 3 looking Glasses lO;^

to 23 picturs & Coats of Arms in frames

to I large Cane chaire 30/: 6 Comon D" 50/

to 4 high backd leather Chairs 6^ : to 6 : low backd ^^"

to 4 black Chairs 8/ Double chaire 6/

to a lig.-vite Mortar Pestle & Cloth pounder

to a Wooden fire screen & hand bell .

to 4 feather beds : 4 Bolsters : & 4 pillows .

to 4 p're blankets : 3 bed Quilts : & 3 Ruggs

to one Coverled 15/3 suits Curtaines

to one Negro Man 20 ;^: 2 black women ^^£

to one Negroe Boy

to the Iron Work of a pre Cart wheels

to a p'^ Trucks Iron bound

to a bob sled 10/ one Glass lanthorne 12/

to a Trunkportmanta & Large Wigg Box

to I Dressing box ;/ one large Trunck & Chest

to an old p'^ of Calash wheels & Draughts

to one table bedstead & 3 standing bedsteads

to Barrels hh'^= Treves TrofFs & Wicker ware

to 2 p^' bellows 12/ to 2 haire brushes 2

to I Copper Tea Kettle & Chaffing Dish

to one Guilt Bible & Comon praver book

to 2 Cloths brushes

to 3 Mares : 6 oxen : & 3 Cows

6 young Catle 3 years old at Vincents Farm : 3 Cows & halfe to ^ of 5 young Catle Coming on 3 years

^2 of 7 coming on 2 years att Henry Bensons Farm 4 Cowes

3 young Catle coming on 2 years

3 Calv's 9 Months : & 10 Sheep to 3 Yoaks 3 Chains, Clevis & pin

3 bookes of Martyrs bv Fox at Jo' Johnsons : 3 yearling Colts : & one Mare & Colt the halfe 4 Cows : Coming on 3 years : & Six coming of 2

years : & 4 Coming 1 yeare : & :j Cows









' +























-£i 2 190 o 6


P'suant to an Order of the Hon'"''" Rich'' Waldron Esq'' fudge for the Probate of Wills, & Granting letters of administration fFor y"= Province of New Hampshire : to uss Directed : Wee the subscribers hereof have appraised the Estate goods & Chatties of George Vaughan Esq' Deceasd and Carryed of the same as y= p'ticulars above Written : July 22'' 1727

Sam"- Hart James Jeffry Eph" Dennet

app''^ all Sworn v'^ 22''' luly 1727 Ex' Sworn y' 26"' ditto

Pro: N: Hampsh' 26 July, 1727 mess" Sam' Hart James Jeffrey Sc Eph™ Dennet p'sonallv appearing made oath that they appraised the Contents of y'= Aforegoing Inventory according to v' best Skill without favor or affection to any person or persons

Benj-^ Gambling

Pro: N : H : 26"' July 1727 W"" Vaughan Exec': to ve will of Geo: Vaughan Esq' dec"* p'sonally appearing made oath y' w' is contain'd in v"^ aforgoing Inventory is all y= Estate of v'^ s"* Dec** yet come to his hand &: that when any thing more shall appear he will bring it into v' Reg"' office to be added there- unto

Benj* Gambi^ing

//^/7/ of George Ifn/ker.

In the Name of God Ainen. The eighteenth day of August in the fourteenth year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second and in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and forty. I George Walker of Portsmouth in the Province of New Hampshire Gentleman being of perfect mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make ordain and appoint this my last Will and Testament, That is to Say, First and Principally I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God who Gave it, trusting through the merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour to have all my Sins pardoned and to Inherit Eternal life And my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named, nothing doubting but that I -shall receive the Same again at


the General Resurrection, by the mightv Power ot' God. And as Touching my worldly Estate I Give, Bequeath Demise and Dispose of the Same in the following manner, namely. First, I Will & order that all my Just Debts and Funeral Charges to be paid by my Executors in Con- venient time after mv Decease, And to enable my Executors to .pay the Same, I Will and order that my Negro Man Jupiter, my Negro Woman Phillis, My Negro Girl Nancy and my Negro Boy England be Sold, and that if the Money that shall be raised by the Sale of the Said Negros Shall not be Sufficient to pay the same I will and order that my Executors Sell my share in a certain Dwelling house in Portsmouth aforesaid And my Share ot the Land whereon it Stands which house stands where the old meeting-house stood and which house and land whereon it Stands now belongs unto Captain Stephen Greenleat of Portsmouth aforesaid & mv self. Also I will and order my Executors to sell so much of a certain Piece of land lying at the Bank so called in Portsmouth aforesaid (or all if need be) as to pay my Debts and funeral Charges, bounded as followeth, namely southerly by land in Possession of Cap' Daniel Moulton westerly by a street that leads from the North meeting house in Portsmouth aforesaid to the Dwelling house of the Reverend M' Jabez Fitch, in part and by land formerly belonging to one John Low deceased in part. Northerly in part by land formerly belonging to Rich'' Wibird Esq' deceas'' in part by land now in the Possession of Mark Newmarch, in part by land of the said John Low- dec'' and in part by the Yard belonging to the house wherein Solomon Pike deceas"* lately lived and Easterly by a street that leads fi-om the Ferry to the north meeting house aforesaid, as the said Piece of land is now fenced in. And if the Produce of the said Negros, my share of the House and land where the old meeting house stood and the said Piece of land bounded as afore- said, shall not be Sufficient to pay my Debts and funeral Charges, I will and order mv Execu- tors to Sell So much of My Real Estate anywhere except at the Bank as will pav the same

Item I Give and bequeath unto Joseph Banfill the son of John Banfill of Portsmouth afore- said husbandman the sum of fifty Pounds to be paid By my Executors hereafter named. Item I Give and Bequeath unto the wardens of the South Church in Portsmouth aforesaid for the time being for the use of said Church the sum of fifty Pounds to buy and purchase a Piece of Plate for the use of said Church to be paid by my Executors. Item I Give and Bequeath unto the Reverend M' William ShirtlefF Pastor of the said Church the sum of Thirty Pounds to be paid by mv Executors. Item I Give & Bequeath unto Theodore Atkinson of said Portsmouth Esq' the sum of Thirty Pounds to buy him a horse to be paid by my Executors. Item I Give and Bequeath unto Matthew Livermore Esq' of said Portsmouth the sum of Fifteen Pounds to be paid by my Executors. Item 1 give and Bequeath unto my well beloved wife Abigail and unto her Heirs for ever all the rest of my land at the Bank so called in Portsmouth atbres'' with the Buildings thereon standing and all my wharves at the Bank aforesaid with the buildings thereon standing and the Privileges thereunto belonging, and all Privileges by the water side at the Bank aforesaid that are mine and that it may the better be understood what 1 Give and Bequeath unto my said wife and her Heirs for ever. By my land at the Bank my wharves at the Bank and Privileges by the waterside at the Bank, I mean and Intend all of my land, wharves and Privileges by the waterside in Portsmouth afores'' that heretofore did belong unto George Vaughan late of said Portsmouth Esq' deceas"* except the said Piece of land bounded as aforesaid which I have orderd to be sold it need be for the end aforementioned, all of which that shall not be sold for the said use I Give and bequeath unto my said \\ ife and her heirs for ever.


Item 1 Give and bequeath unto m\' said wife Abigail, my Negro woman Dinah, my Negro Girl Diana, my Negro Boy Beaufidy and mv Negro Boy Ceesar : Item I Give and Bequeath unto mv said wife the one half of all my Moveables, Stock & Debts and the one half of the Income of all mv real Estate not heretofore disposed of The said Negros and the one halt of the s"* Moveable stock and Debts to be at her own disposal and the one halt ot the income of mv real Estate afores'' to be during her Natural life and at her own disposal Item as to the Rest of my Estate both real and personal not heretofore disposed of be the same where it will I Give & bequeath the same unto my Nephew Walker Lear (the son of my sister Elizabeth Lear) and unto his Heirs torevcr. He the said Walker Lear paying unto my said sister Elizabeth the sum of Two hundred pounds in two years after he shall arrive at the age ot twenty one vears, and unto my Couzins Ichabod Cheney and Hannah SpafFord the sum of fifty Pounds each in three vears atier he shall come into fiill Possession ot what I have herein given him the Said \^'alker Lear, and I do hereby Constitute & appoint Abigail my well beloved wife, Theodore Atkinson Esq' & Joseph Langdon Gen' all of said Portsmouth Executors of this my last will & Testament. To whom 1 Give & bequeath fifteen pounds .apiece over and above any thing before given them or either of them And I do hereby utterlv disannull Sc revoke all other and former wills and Testaments by me made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will & Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year above written

signed, seald, pub- Geo : Walker [seal]

lishd pronounced & de- clared by the said George Walker as his last will and Testa- ment in the Presence of us the subscribers witnesses

|oHN Clark Moses Nobel John Purmort

Be it known unto all men by these Presents That whereas I George Walker of Ports- mouth in the Province of New Hampshire Gentleman have made and declared my last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the eighteenth day ot August one Thousand Seven hundred and forty. I the said George Walker do by this present Codicil Confirm and Ratifie my Said last Will and Testament, And do hereby (over and above what I have said in my Said last will and Testament Given unto my dearly beloved wife Abigail) Give and Bequeath unto my dearlv beloved Wife Abigail my Negros Cato, Nancv Zenus, Nimshy and Primus, also a Note of hand 1 have from Nathaniel Shannon tor the Sum of sixteen hundred and eight Pounds old Tenor bearing date the fourteenth day ot February one Thousand Seven hundred and forty six. also the Interest I have in a Mortgage Deed from Cutt Shannon and his wife to me also a note ot hand I have from Madam Margaret Chambers for the sum of one hundred Pounds old Tenor, all the above to be at the Disposal of my Said Wite I also Give Bequeath and Devise unto my Said


Wife Abigail the use and Improvement ot all mv land in Portsmouth atores'* lying and being on the Easterly Side of the Road From the Plains so called and leading to Seavey's Mills so called, and of v^ Dwelling house Barn and orchard on Said Land during her Natural lite. Item I Give to my Sister Elizabeth Lear five hundred Pounds old Ten'' And my Will and meaning is that this Codicil be and be taken and adjudged to be a part and parcell ot my said last Will and Testament, and that all things herein Contained and mentioned be faithfully & truly pertormed and as fully and amply in every Respect as if the Same were so declared and set down in mv last Will and Testament

In Witness whereof I the said George \^'alker have hereunto set my hand and Seal the fifteenth dav of November one Thousand seven hundred and tbrty eight


Sign'd, Seal'd George G Walker [seal]

publish' d and declared '"^'^

to be a Codicil to the last Will & Testament of the said George Walker by him the said George Walker in the Presence ot us Witness- es Subscribing in the Presence ot the Said George Walker

mem" Thirteen words Interlined before sign- ing &c


Sarah J Scott


Mary Lancdon William Kingman

Province of > At a Court of Probate held at Portsmouth In &

New Hamp' J tor Said Province on the 28'^ Day ot December 1748 Before the Hon*"'' Andrew Wiggin Esq' Judge of the Probate of wills &c for Said Province the Executors of the foregoing will & Testament Presented the Same to be proved & Accepted that trust & Moses Noble & John Purmott two of the Subscribing Witnesses appeared & made Solemn oath that they were Present & Saw George Walker the Testator Sign Sea! & heard him Declare the foregoing Instrument first Executed to be his Last will & Testament that at the time ot Doing the Same he was to their best Discerning of a Sound mind & memory & that they with John Clark Subscribed their names thereunto as Witnesses at the Same time in the Testators Presence And at the Same time appeared William Kingman & M'* Mary Langdon & made Solemn oath


that the\' Saw the said George Walker Execute the foregoing Codicil & heard him Declare the same to be a Codicil to his Last will & Testament & that he w as then to their best Discerning of a Sound mind & memory & that they Subscribed their Names thereunto as Witnesses at the Same time in the Testators Presence Wherefore the said will & codicil are proved approved & allowed

W" Parker Reg"^ And" Wiggin

Province of » Andrew Wiggin Esq' Commissioned by his Excel-

New Hamp' ^ lencv Benning Wentworth Esq' Governour & Com-

mander in Chief in & over his Majesty's Province of New Hamp' to be judge of the Probate of wills & for Granting Letters of Administration in the Estates of Persons Deceased having Goods Chattels Right and Credits in the Province aforesaid

To all unto whom these Presents shall come Greeting

Know ^■e that upon the Day of the Date hereof before me at Portsmouth in the Province aforesaid the will of George Walker Late of Portmouth in said Province Gentleman Deceased to these Presents Annexed was proved approved and allowed who having while he Lived and at the Time of his Death Goods Chattels Rights and Credits in the Province aforesaid & the Pro- bate of the said will & Power of Committing administration ot all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Deceased by virtue Thereof appurtaining unto me the Administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Deceased and his will in any manner Concerning is hereby Committed unto Abigail Walker, Theodore Atkinson Esq' & Joseph Langdon Gen' of said Portsmouth Executors in the same Will named well and faithfully to Execute the said will and Administer the Estate of the said Deceased according thereunto c^- to make a True and Perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Deceased and to Exhibit the Same into the Registry of the Court of Probate for the Province aforesaid at or before the Last Wednesday of May next Ensuing and also to Render a Plain and true account of their Said Administration upon oath

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand And the Seal of the Said Court of Probate Dated at Portsmouth the Twenty Eighth Day of December Anno Domini 1748

And"* Wiggin

Province of 1 By the Hon''''^ Andrew Wiggin Esq' judge of the

New Hamp' J Probate of wills &c for said Province To Mess'* Henry

Sherburne & |ohn Langdon both ot Portsmouth in said Province Greeting

Whereas George Walker Late of Portsm° afores'' Gent. Deceased Lately Dyed Testate & appointed his Wife Abigail Theod Atkinson Esq' & Joseph Langdon Gent Executors of his Testament who have caused the same to be proved & it being Necessary that an Inventory of


the Testator's Estate should be taken These are in his Majesty's Name to Impower you to take an Inventory of the said Estate to be shewn unto you by the said Exec" & to make a just & Impartial Appraisement thereof According to the best of your Judgment & return the same on oath into the Registry of the court of Probate for the Province aforesaid at or before the Last Wednesday of March next together with this warrant Dated at Portsmouth in said Province the zS'*" Dav of Decemb"' anno Domini 1748 & in the 22nd year of his Majesty's Reign

By order of the |udge

William Parker Reg'^

Whereas We the Subscribers Were mutuallv Chosen bv Abigail Walker Relief Widow of Cap' George Walker late of Portsm" in the Province of New Hampshire Gendeman deceas'd And Walker Lear ot said Portsmouth Joyner to make a division between the said Abigail Walker and Walker Lear of all Such Lands in Portsm" aforesaid that Lyes on the Southerly side of the highway that leads from Portsm" aforesaid to Seveys mill (so Called) Agreeable to the Last Will and Testament of the said George Walker After we had viewed said premisses we Came to the following determination, viz' For the One half of said premisses we have set oif the Beach Woods farm (so Called) and so much mowing Land at Bellehack (so Called ) in the field next to Sam' Lears apple tree (so Called) as to make five Load of English hay if so much shall be produced on said Land, yearly, if so much shall not be produced from said piece of Land Yearly then so much as to make it up in the field next adjoining Yearly. And the pastureing of one Yoke of oxen yearly on Bellehack farm after the Ensueing Year and the one half of the apples that may grow in Bellehack orchard the fence Round said piece of Ground to be kept in Repair between said parties. And the Residue of said Bellehack farm We set of for the other half, and if the said Abigail Walker and Walker Lear Cannot agree between themselves which part Each shall improve, then our determination is that the Same shall be decided by Lot. And as the said parties are not fully satisfied wheather the debts due from said George Walker are to be paid before or after said division and have agreed to be determined in that point bv Matthew Livermore William Parker and Nich" Perryman Esq''^ & M'' Noah Emery. Now if their Judg- ment shall be that the said Abigail was to have the one half of said Estate without allowing any thing for the debts due from said Estate then We order the debts to be paid out of the part that shall fall to said Walker Lear. But if it shall be their opinion that the debts ought to be paid out ot the whole of the Estate before the division then we order the one half of said debts to be paid the one half out of Each Respective share and if it shall so happen that more Value as to the Improvement in Lands shall be sold out of one Share then the other. Then Our determin- ation is that the one shall make allowance to the other in improveingso much Lands in his or her possession as to make them Equal the Same to be determined by men Chosen between them if they Cannot agree themselves. In Witness Whereof we Have hereunto set our hands this thirteenth day of March in the twenty second Year of the Reign of King George the Second annoque Domini one thousand Seven hundred and forty Eight.

Memorandum the word (not) on the other side interlin'd before Signing

Henry Sherburne John Langdon



And the aforesaid Abigail Walker and ^^'al^ler Lear do hereby Signify our full Satisfaction to the aforesaid division made by Cap' Henry Sherburne and M'^ John Langdon and have Con- sented that the said Abigail shall have the Beachwoods farm and the Residue that is set of to that part as in the before paper to the truth of which they have hereunto Set their hands i seals the day and Year before written

Memorandum the word ( Lear) Inierlind before Signing ci Seals

Signed Sealed & Abk;' Walker [seal]

Delivered in presence Walker Lear [seal]


Daniel Lunt William Kingman

And Whereas the said Henry Sherburne and John Langdon have this day made a Division of the Personal Estate of the said George Walker between the said Abigail Walker and Walker Lear agreeable to the Request of the said Abigail and Walker Lear. The said Walker Lear doth hereby acknowledge to have Rec' his Share of What things is allready Come to hand. And the said Abigail and Walker Lear do hereby Signify their Satisfaction with the said Division to the truth of which they do hereunto Set their hands. Portsmouth March 29 1749 one thousand Seven hundred & fortv nine

Signed Sealed Abig'- Walker [seal]

& Delivered In Walker Lear [seal]

presence of

Daniel Lunt William Kingman

Province of i At a Court of Probate held at Portsmouth in &

New Hamp' | for Said Province on the zg'^ Day of March 1749

Before The Hon*"'' Andrew Wiggin Esq' ludge of the Probate of wills &c for Said Province the within Named Abigail Walker & Walker Lear Personally Appeared & owned their hands & Seals to this Instrument Subscribed & Affixed & the Said Instrument to be their \'oluntary act & Deed

And" Wiggin


H^ill of William Vaughan of Daiiiariscotta.

In the name ot God Amen. The last Will and Testament of William X'aiighan ot Damariscotty in the County ot York Gent" I William Vaughan by Gods Grace being in per- fect health both ot mind and Body, and knowing y= uncertainty ot the time of my Lite, and my bounden Duty to Set my House in order before I die. Do appoint this to be my last WUl hereby reyoking all others by me made heretotore, I giye up my Soul to God earnestly looking to him for Acceptance thro the alone Merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, and my Body to the Earth \yith the Cheapest Manner of Burial : M\- \yorldly Estate I dispose of in the following Manner.

1 I will that my Debts be paid in convenient Season by my Executors as hereinafter directed and named.

2 To my Hon** Mother Mad'" Eliz" \'aughan during her Life and in the Time of Peace and my Saw Mills going at Damariscotty, I giye Fifty pounds per annum out of the Incomes thereof

3 To my Brother Elliot Vaughan I give all the Remaind' of my Estate in Possession or Reversion in the Province of New Hampshire, after my Fathers Debts & Legacvs, and my own Debts & Legacys as hereatter mentioned are paid, to him and his Heirs torever.

4 I give to each of my married Sisters & their Husbands a pair of Gloves, viz' |ohn & Sarah Ross, Willliam & Elizabeth Bennet, Hunking &: Margaret Wentworth, and Cutt c^i; Marv Shannon.

5 I give to my Sister Jane Vaughan one Thousand pounds to be paid in Money or Lands ; viz' out ot Lands in the Town of Portsmouth.

6 I Will that my Debts to M' Bowdoin Capt. Osborne and others contracted on mv Fathers Acco' be paid out of my New Hampshire Estate.

7 I Will that the Debts by me contracted on Account of my Estates at Mintinicus Damariscotta Sheepscott, Harrington and Pemaquid be paid by my Executors hereafter named out of the same.

8 My Estate in lands at Mintinicus Damariscotty, Pemaquid Harrington and Sheepscot viz' ot Sheepscot in Partnership with the Heirs of M' John Nelson of Long Island in y' County of Suffolk Dec' viz' Half the Tract of Land Sold by Sonobus Indian Sagamore to Sylvanus Davis, For which they are to give a Deed I give and bequeath in equal Fifths to my Brother Elliot Vaughan, my Sister Jane Vaughan, and to Jane Mary & Elizabeth the Daughters of John and Martha Campbell of Damariscotty to them & their Heirs forever in the following manner, viz' that if Elliot Vaughan dies without Children and his Fifth part in these Estates is undisposed of his Fifth part is to descend to his Sister Jane & her Heirs and so Janes' s Part to Descend to her Brother Elliot in like Circumstances An if Jane Mary or Elizabeth Campbell die before Age the Survivor or Survivors Shall have the Dec"** Estate, and if they three die under Age without Children what is bequeath'd to them Shall go to Elliot & Jane Vaughan in equal Shares as given to them by me.

9 I give to M'^ John & M'* Martha Campbell all the Goods in my House at Damaris- cotty, also I give them Fifty pounds per annum out of the Produce of mv Mills at Damaris- cotty during the Life of one & both of them.


I I I give to David Cargill Esq' of Sheepscot out ot my Right in the Eastern Tract ot Land at Sheepscot (that was Sold by Sonobus to SUvanus Davis) Two Hundred Acres to be made Secure to him and his Heirs forever when the Deed is given.

12 I do hereby give and bequeath to the old Settlers at Walpole viz' William Jones, The Wife of Robert Morrison, James Huston and John Lermond to each ot them & their Heirs forever. One Hundred Acres of Land in the District of Walpole, whereof Ten Acres to be Meadows, all to be Set off to them by my Executors, on Condition that they the forementioned Livers at Walpole give my Executors Quit Claims ot the Remainders ot those Lands, that they may afterwards live like Christians in Peace.

13 I do appoint mv Brother Elliott Vaughan & M' John Campbell afores'' Executors and mv Sister |ane Vaughan and Martha Campbell afores'' Executrixes of this my last Will & Testament, to whom if there be any Residue of my Estate I give the Same. And in consid- eration of the Premisses have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this twenty-third day of March Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty four &c

W. Vaughan ( , ) Vseal/

Signed Sealed il- published

in presence ot

Jos: Calef

John Wheelwright jun"


The foregoing Will was probated 20 Oct. 1747. |ane Vaughan 2 Mch 1746 declined

the trust of Executrix, but on 5 June 1747, she as Jane Noble, petitions to be and is restored

by the Probate Court in Boston. Inventory returned 5 April 1848, at ;£'6o98 : 1 i : o, old tenor by Alex' Nikels, fohn Ballnatyen and William McClellan, appraisers.

Inventory of Goods belonging to Capt" William Vaughan Deceased &c

To a Deed bought trom Mess" Temple and Parfeal Nelson & ^" s. d

likewise trom .Adam Winthrop contain 500 acres . . 2000 o o

To another Tract of Land bought from Solomon Hughes . 300 o o

To a Tract of Land sold by John Brown to S'' \'aughan . 1000 o o

To the Tract of Land bought from Tavlor . . . i 500 o o

Next conies in two other large claims which comprehend all

that we have valued before therefore we think it not proper to

value them again. To another Tract of Land on the Easterly Si'^e of Madomok

containing 1000. acres . . . . , 100 o o



o o

o o

V'itae Sheves well strapp'














8 10

Also another Tract of Land on the West side of Madomok con- tain another 1000 acres ......

To another Parcell of Land at Winneganeo & 2 Becon Marsh

To another parcell of Land on the easterly side of Damariscotty

River, adjoining to the Gut, as you go to Pemaquid . . 100 o o

The aboves'' Lands is within the Bounds of Hegans Deed but not having valued them, we have valued there two along with the rest

To two other parcells of Land called the Islands of Montinicos 100 00

To one Yoke of 0.xen .

To an old Black Mair 24 years old

To another young Mair 4 years old

Also another Mair

To a horse about 3 years old

To an old Desk

To 2 old Guns & an old Blunderbus

To I Bush' & half of White Beans

To I p' old Smiths Bellows

An old Anvil & Rudder Iron .

One Sledge & a hand Hammer

To five Mill Picks, & 2 Boxen Chizeli

To a Stone Hammer

To a Crank & three stirrups and one ;

To one Gudgeon & 4 Iron Crows

To 3 Cranks & i broken Crank

To 2 old reg- Wheel Irons

To 16 Fathom of old Rope

To 3 mill Stirrups

To a large Block with large Lignum

To a great many Hooks & Rings weighing 60 pounds

To Sundry old Irons weighing 68 lbs.

To I Bar of Iron fit to make a Saw

To 10 Mill Dogs broken & whole

To I whole Chain & several pieces of good Chains

To 2 Tanners Knives & 7 old Cart Bo.xes

To Sundry old pieces of Iron and 4 Iron Clasps

To a large Ring & Staple for a Yoke

To 5 old Sythes and a p'' of old Steelyards

To 3 new Saws ^ 48 .

To 7 old Saws & 2 jron Pots a Coulter & Plough Shear

To 2 large loging Chains & also a little Ring with 2 Hooks









2 I










5 18





1 2





















To 6 large Draft Chains ....

To ■; Hav Forks & 2 piece i Spanish Bar jror,

To an old large Mill Rope with a ring to it

To the Rag Wheel Irons of the lower Mill A: z Stirrups

To 10 Gudgeon .....

To the Gristmill jrons Forty Pounds

The above is a true Inventory of the Estate ot Capt. William Vaughn Dec'* all that we could find according to y"^ best ot our Judgment as Witness our Hands








0 0










.Another Ox that W. Nichols got

.And an old Ox at the Mills his hide came to

Dameriscotty ) April 5, 1748 J


/ .^5

old Tenor /' 60c

Alex" Nik els John Ballnatyen William M'^Clellan

York ss.

At a Court of Probate held at York, July 4, 1748.

Elliot Vaughan Esq'' appeared & made oath that the several articles mentioned in the within Inventory are all the Estate he knows of belonging to the said Dec"* and that it any thing more hereafter appear he will give it into the Registers office.

Jer Moulton judge Recorded trom the original.

P' Simon Frost Reg"^

As recorded in Volume 7 Pages 181, and 182 of Probate Records, York County, Maine.

( |ulv 4 1748 at a Count Court held at York.)


An Account of the General Court Martial held at Exeter, N. H., November 7, ijS6, and of which Captain Thomas Shannon, of Dover, N. H., was the junior member.

[See page 76.]

Portsmouth, N. H.,

A-Iarch 19, 1884. Col. R. C. Shannon,

New York City. My dear Colonel :

While examining an old volume of the N. H. Gazette, I found two items referring to your great-grandfather, Capt. Thomas Shannon, transcripts of which I enclose.

One of them, that relating to the Court Martial, is worthy of preservation with your family papers.

This Court was convened by reason of an important event in our State history. The particulars can be found on page 138, ad series, of the Rambles.*

The order convening the Court Martial is the only evidence that I have as yet been able to discover to establish the fact that your great-grandfather held a military commission.

It is also valuable as showing the good opinion which Col. Sulli\an must have formed of the abilities of your ancestor to have detailed him for a judicial scr\ ice in a trial of military officers who had been accused of treason.

His associates were almost all distinguished officers in the armies of the Re\o- lution, and some of them afterwards prominent in the civil history of New Hampshire.

The composition of the Court shows him to have been the youngest in com- mission, and of course his opinion was the first to be rendered at the finding. And with so high rank above him, he must have been placed in a rather delicate position, for the evidence was not all on one side, as appears by the result.

Yours truly,

Geo. E. Hodgdon.

* Vide pp. 497-499 for the extract from Brewster's " Rambles about Portsmouth " referred to by Mr. Hodgdon.

R. C. S.


General Orders given at Durham the 27th dav of September, 1786, and in the i i th vear of the American Independence.

Col. Benjamin Stone of the 20th Regiment, Major [ames Cochran of the i i th Regiment, Capt. James Cochran of the i i th Regiment, Lt. Asa Robinson of the same regiment, Capt. John McKean and Lt. Thomas McClar\', both of the 8th Regiment, and Capt. Ela Dow, Lt. Clough and Ensign Thomas Colton, all of the 7th Regiment, will consider themselves in arrest for stirring up and exciting the citizens of this State to lew war against the same, and to over- turn the Constitution and government thereof, and tor aiding, abetting and assisting a number of insurgents in the most daring, audacious manner to insult the legislative authority of the State, and with an armed force to surround the house where the two branches of the Legislature were assembled, and to imprison them and menace them with death, if they refused to comply with such terms as the insurgents thought proper to offer.

The above officers are to desist from anv further command in their respective corps until discharged by Court Martial.

A General Court-Martial whereof General Cilley is president will sit in Exeter, on Tues- day the 1st of November next, for the trial of those officers and such others as mav be under arrest at that time.

The following officers are appointed members and requested to attend the trial at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day:

Col Amos Cogswell Lt Col Elihp't Giddings

Col Moses Leavitt Lt Col fonathan Crane

Col James Hill Lt Col Wm Brewster

Col John Colef Lt Col Joseph March

Col Michael McClary Major Jonathan Cass*

Lt Col James Hackett Capt George Hart

Capt Thomas Shannon Col [onathan Rawson is appointed fudge Advocate and is requested to attend the Court Martial.

|oHN Sullivan,

Captain General.

Findings of the Court Martial and the result of the trial, taken from Col. C. E. Chand- lers' Military History of New Hampshire.

Major James Cochran and Lt Asa Robinson of the lith Regiment, Capt. McKean and Lt Thomas McClary of the 8th Regiment, Capt Ela Dow, Lt Clough and Ensign Colton of the 7th, and Lt Weare of the 1st Regiment of Light Horse, were sentenced to be cashiered and incapable of holding any military office; Lt Brown of the ist Regiment of Light Horse was sentenced to be reprimanded, and Col Benjamin Stone was acquitted.

■■••Major Jonathan Cass was the father of Hon. Lewis Cass, for many years a United States Senator, and in 1848 a presidential candidate.— R. C. S.


Major Cochran and Lt Weare were recommended by the Court to be restored to their command.

The finding of the Court Martial was approved by the Legislature, except as to Lieutenants Brown and Weare.

President Sullivan by Proclamation disapproved of the sentence of Lieuts McClary and Weare ; that part of the sentence of the others, as to their future disqualification for office ; reprimanded Quartermaster Brown and released the officers from arrest.

An Account of the Insurrection in New Hampshire, in September, ijS6, taken from Brewster's " Rambles about Portsmouth." i^Fide pp. ijS-J-^2,

Second Series.)

This incident in our State history, although its actual locality was a few miles from Ports- mouth, yet from the deep interest it excited here at the time, and the terrors ot the mob at the bare idea that " Hackett's Artillery " from Portsmouth was marching upon them, is entitled to a place among the Rambles.

In the beginning of the year 1785, the complaints of the unhappy people, who had con- tracted debts during the time of the too great plenty of money, induced the Legislature to pass an act, making every species of property a tender at an appraised value. It was soon however found from experience, that this answered no other purpose but to prevent a demand on the part of the creditors and a neglect on the part of the debtors, to discharge their just debts. The scarcity of money still remained a complaint ; for so tar as goods and real property were substi- tuted as a medium Ln commerce, so far specie, ot cours(?, ceased to circulate ; and credit being thus injured, the money holders turned their keys on that cash which might otherwise have been loaned to the needy.

In August a convention of committees from about thirty towns assembled, and agreed upon and preferred to the General Court a long petition, setting forth their grievances on account ot the scarcity of money, and praying tor an emission ot paper bills of credit, in which there is no single trace of an idea of redemption, or any one attempt to give the currency a tbundation ; but the whole seems predicated on a supposition that the General Court by a mere act ot legis- lation by words and signs could impress an intrinsic value on paper ; which is as fully absurd as it would be to suppose that the Legislature had the power ot Midas, and could, trom a single touch, turn stones and sticks into gold. Their great object was, however, to have this paper a tender for all debts and taxes, and no plan is hinted by which the people are to get their money out of the treasury ; but it rather seems that they expected the General Court to apportion it among the people at large.

The Legislature formed a plan for the emission of fifty thousand pounds, to be let out at four per cent, and land security redeemable at a future period, carrying interest at tour per cent, and to be a tender in taxes for the internal support of the State, and for fees and salaries ot the officers of the government. This plan was sent as early as the fourteenth of September, 1786, to the several towns, to collect their minds upon the subject.


The following interesting account of the matter was drawn up by Judge Smith ot Exeter not long bchjre his death :

" It was at this period that the clamor hjr paper currency began. Many indulged the hope that a liberal emission of bills of credit, and a mere order on the part ot Government that thev should be received in all cases as equal in value to specie, would operate as an immediate and effectual reniedv tor all their grievances.

" On the morning of 2oth September, we were informed that a large body of insurgents were on their march to Exeter, where the Legislature was then in session ; and at three in the afternoon thev made their appearance. 1 saw them as the\ passed down the street by the Acad- emy. More than a hundred were tolerably well armed ; but the rest (for they were upwards of two hundred in number j were mounted, and their arms consisted only ot whips, cudgels, and such weapons as tradition has assigned to the Georgia militia. They pursued their march over the bridge, oxerturning and thrusting aside all who ventured within their reach. In a short time the\' returned, and invested the court house. Judge Livermore, who was then up>on the bench, and the severity of w hcjse countenance was not diminished at sight of the array, would not permit the business of the court to be interrupted, or allow any one to inspect the besiegers from the windows. In a short time, however, finding their mistake, and supposing it rather hopeless business to ask redress of grievances from a court of law, they marched to the meeting house, where both houses of Assembly were met in conference. The meeting house, at that time, stood where Rev. Mr. Rowland's was afterwards erected, and the court house was just oppo- site. Thev here began to load all the muskets which had not previously been prepared, and to point them at the house. After spending some time in this parade, they sent in a deputation, to demand that the Legislature should allow an immediate issue of paper, which should be made a tender in all cases tor debts and taxes ; and laid close siege to all the avenues to the house, intending to detain the members unti> they should see lit to grant their request. Some who endeavored to make their escape were driven back with insult. It had been publicly known some hours before, that the insurgents were on their march, and a large concourse was assembled to watch their motions. Some gentlemen attempted to reason with them on the folly ot their conduct, but without effect. President Sullivan soon came to the door. He addressed them with perfect coolness ; expostulated with them for some time ; assured them that their reasonable demands should not be neglected ; but that they might at once abandon the idea of forcing the government into submission ; that their array was not so formidable as to terrify an old soldier. It was now evening, and they still adhered resolutely to their post.

" President Sullivan, as I said before, addressed the insurgents without effect, and there seemed no mode remaining of liberating the Legislature from their imprisonment but a resort to force, until a plan was resorted to with good success. It was now twilight. The meeting house was surrounded bv a high fence, which intercepted the view on all sides. A drummer was summoned, who stood at a little distance, and beat his drum with so much vigor and effect as if a regular army were advancing to the rescue, and a band, rendered most formidable in appearance by the indistinctness of evening, marched toward the rebel forces. The surrounding crowd at the .same time shouted for Government, and loudly expressed their apprehensions that the enemy would be annihilated by the vengeance of Hackett's Artillery. The insurgents, unable to measure the extent of their danger, needed no second invitation to decamp. Their


whole array was dissolved in a moment. Thev scampered through lanes, streets and iields, and clambered over walls and fences with a rapidity which nothing but fear could give them, and did not stop until they reached a place at the distance of a mile, where thev considered themselves safe for the moment from the terrific host, whose sudden appearance had caused their flight. Here they endeavored to rally their broken ranks, and encamped for the night ; while the Legis- lature immediately declared them in a state of rebellion, and authorized the President to issue his orders for calling in the militia of the neighboring towns.

" A company ot volunteers was immediately enrolled under the command of Hon. Nicholas Oilman, afterwards a Senator in Congress from this State. They were ordered to meet at the President's quarters early the next morning. I went to the place appointed before davbreak ; and the first person I met in the streets was President Sullivan, mounted, and in full uniform. He told me that he was about reconnoitering the enemy, and immediately rode away. In a short time the mihtia began to pour in, and by the hour of nine, a large body was assembled. Among their officers was Gen. Cilley, whose braverv and conduct in the revolutionarv war is so well remembered. Many distinguished citizens also arrived, and attached themselves to the company of volunteers 1 have just mentioned.

" Before ten, the line was formed, and the troops commenced their march, commanded bv the President in person. The enemy's line was formed on an eminence near the western bank of the river that crossed the Kingston ground. When the militia had advanced to a spot near the river. Gen. Cilley, at the head of a troop of horse, dashed into the enemv's ranks, which were instantly broken and put to flight, without firing a single gun. Many of their officers were taken prisoners upon the spot ; and the same night, a small detachment seized several of the ringleaders, and committed them to goal in E.veter, whence they were shortly after discharged by the Court, after a proper submission. The vigorous measures of Government, and the fear which they had inspired, rendered it unnecessary, as well as impolitic, to resort to severer punishment. ' '

Another Account of the Insurrection taken from Sanborn s " New Hamp- shire." {Fide pp. 2 J J, 2jS.)

The people of New Hampshire were generally left poor by the war, and taxation pressed hard upon all classes. The long surfeit ot fiat money had accustomed the unthinking, particu- larly those who had engaged in speculation, to the delusion that paper money, with laws against the speedy collection of debts, would relieve their embarrassments. In New Hampshire, then, as afterwards in Massachusetts, the poor were encouraged by some former leaders to take up arms in support of the demand for stay-laws and unsound financial measures. Although the New Hampshire Constitution of 1783 had given general satisfaction, and there was no such uneasiness about the framework of government as in Pennsylvania and some other States, the movement against lawyers, courts, and money-lenders, in the older counties of Rockingham and Strafford, became threatening in the summer of 1786, headed, it is alleged, by General


Nathaniel Peabodv of Atkinson, who had been in Congress, and by General Moulton of Hamp- ton,— men claiming to be wealthy, but now heavily burdened with debt. Finally, on the 19th of September, a body of armed men, headed by officers in the Revolution, came marching down from Londonderry, Pembroke, and other towns north of Exeter, to present petitions, backed by force, in favor of issuing paper money in amount equal to the large state debt, and making this paper a legal tender, with other measures of the sort. They reached Exeter towards evening of the 20th, surrounded the large church where the legislature was in session, and sought to overawe the members and the president, who happened to be General Sullivan. Whatever his defects, Sullivan was not to be frightened or coerced ; he parleyed with the insurgents, but only long enough to place himself at liberty, and summon his forces. That night, under special authority from the two Houses, he issued orders for all the militia officers accessible to report at Exeter the next morning, with their commands under arms. The orders were carried over the county by night, and the next morning there had rallied at Exeter a force between fifteen hun- dred and two thousand in number, well armed, and commanded by officers who had led them to battle against England. Major- General Cilley, from the hills of Nottingham, took command under President Sullivan, and a considerable number of volunteers, under Nicholas Gilman, put themselves at Cilley' s orders, among them William Plumer of Epping and the irascible Benjamin Adams of Newington. Bv noon on the 21st, the insurgents were driven off, their leaders cap- tured without bloodshed, and the revolt was at an end. It required a campaign of months in Massachusetts to do what Sullivan, Cilley, the Gilmans, and Plumer, afterward senator in Con- gress and Governor, accomplished in twenty-four hours.


Some correspondence and memoranda regarding the family of Major Ebenezer Tebbets, together with a brief sketch of his Civil and Military career during the Revolution, drawn chiefly from McDuffee's " His- tory of Rochester, N. //.," and pint's '■'■Historical Memoranda of Ancient Dover, N. H."

[See page 157.]

The Portland, Mr. C. W. Tebbets, Washington, D. C, April 4, 1902.

P. O. Box 1006,

Portsmouth, N. H. Dear Sir :

A letter from Mr. Otis G. Hammond of the State Library at Concord, N. H., informs me that you are compihng a genealogy of your family, and that by address- ing you I may possibly learn more about the record of Major Ebenezer Tebbets than I have yet been able to obtain.

Some years ago George Hodgdon, Esq., of your city, wrote me the enclosed letter about the career of Major Tebbets, but I have not yet been able to obtain the paper he refers to as embodying the results of his investigation. His daughter, however, has it still in her possession and has promised to send it to me.

I have lately obtained a most interesting memento of one of your family, Charles Tebbets, son of Major Ebenezer Tebbets. It is a large, old-fashioned wallet with his name and the year 18 10 in large gilt letters and figures on the side, and still in excellent state of preservation.

In the wallet are a number of private family papers, and an original letter giving an account of Mr. Tebbet's death at New York City in 1822, and the place of his burial.

Mr. Tebbets was the uncle of my father, who was named after him, Charles Tebbets Shannon, which will explain my personal interest in the matter. My uncle Samuel Tebbets Shannon was also named after one of your family. My grandmother Mary Tebbets and her two younger sisters lie side by side in our family burial ground at Saco, Me.

George Hodgdon, Esq., of Portsmouth, N. H., before his death in 1 89 1, had prepared a compilation of " One Branch of the Shannon Family " that will be published sometime in the near future, and I should be very glad to insert what


you have prepared for publication about Major Tebbets when commenting upon the family of my grandmother ; for it was evident the Major was a man of unusual importance during that stormy Revolutionary period. . . . . .

Hoping soon to hear from you in reph', I am,

Very truly yours,

R. C. Shannon.

Portsmouth, N. H., October 17, 1890. Mv Dear Colonel :

I have been engaged since our last inter\ iew iii collecting data of your great- grandfather Major Ebenezer Tebbets.

The result of mv researches I will forward to your address when you desire, and should ha\ e done so now did I not fear that I may have mistaken the address which you gave me.

I perhaps may have extended my research beyond what you intended, but could not avoid the temptation to report his career in full from the ample materials which I discovered.

From the year 1773 to 1783, inclusive, he was the leading citizen of Roch- ester. During the latter year he removed to Dover, N. H., where he died March 19, 1804, aged 56 years. His widow Rebecca died there October 31, 1810, aged 62.

His civil career I think will be fully as interesting to you as his military ser- vices during the Revolution ; and I have therefore made up the record to enable you to understand that your ancestor was no ordinary person in his day.

Hoping to hear from you soon, 1 am,

"^'ours very truly,

Gkorc;e E. Hodgdon. To Col. Richard Cutts Shannon,

New ^'ork City.

Portsmouth, N. H., June 22, 1902. Col. R. C. Shannon.

Dear Sir ; I have just returned from a long absence from home. Your letter came to me in Boston just as I was going awa}'. Maj. Tebbets records were all here in Portsmouth or I should have answered before. I am very glad to get in correspondence with you. As to Maj. Ebenezer Tebbets, of Rochester and Dover, N. H., I cannot gi\'e a complete record of him, for I do not have full data of his family.


Major Ebenezer Tebbets was born in Rochester, N. H., September 24th, 1747, and died March 19, 1804, probably in Dover, for he was living there at that date. He was the son of Edward and Mary ( ) Tebbets, of

Rochester ; grandson of Henry and Joyce (Otis) Tebbets, of Dover, great-grand- son of Jeremiah and Mary (Conway) Tebbets, of Dover; and great-great-grand- son of Henry and Elizabeth Tebbets, of Dover, N. H., who were the emigrants.

Major Ebenezer Tebbets married in Needham, Mass., February 17 or 27 (I have both dates), 1777, Rebecca, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary ( )

Fisher, of Needham. I do not have her birth date; she died October 31, i8to, aged 60 years.

The children of Major Ebenezer and Rebecca (Fisher) Tebbets were :

1. Mary, bapt. January 18, 1778 ; m. in 180 1, Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon.

2. Samuel, bapt. January 16, 1780 ; d. April 6, 1810. He was a graduate of

Harvard University. Do you know whether he was married ?

3. Rebecca, bapt. January 6, 1782 ; d. unmarried, in Needham, Mass., April 21,

181 2, aged 30 years.

4. Susanna, b. in Dover, January 10, 1784 ; m. William Coffin, of Saco, Me. Am

I correct in this marriage ?

5. Charles, b. in Dover, March 17, 1786. (Was he a twin, and did he marry ?)

6. A child, d. December 3, 1790. (I had thought this child was Charles until I

received your letter. Please send me what vou know about Charles, date of death, etc., etc. )

7. Abigail, bapt. August 24, 1788. (I do not know date of her death or whether

she married. Please send me.)

8. Caroline, bapt. April 27, 1794. (If you have her record please send it. I

know nothing more about her. )

Possibly there were other children, but I have never found any one who knew the names of the children.

His record in the Revolution, I suppose you have.

He removed from Rochester to Dover in 1783, where he resided until his death. He was buried at Pine Hill Cemetery, Dover; and his wife and son, Samuel, were afterwards buried near him.

I ha\e not written up his record yet. He was quite prominent in political matters ; was Chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Rochester for several years before removing to Dover.

Before you write anything for publication about him I will look over Strafford County Deeds and get location of his property, so as to locate his residence in Rochester and Dover ; I will also look up his military record better, for I do not think it is all given in the published copy of New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls.

As I wish to get a full record of Major Ebenezer Tebbets and his family, I



would like for you to send me copy of what data you have pertaining to him and his family.

Please excuse my delay in answering vour letter.

Hoping to hear from you soon, I am,

Respectfully yours,

C. W. Tebbets.

Brockport, N. Y., October 7, 1902. Mr. C. W. Tebbets,

P. O. Box 1006,

Portsmouth, N. H. Dear Sir :

Replying to your fa\or of June 22nd, I beg to say that while recently \'isiting Portsmouth I tried in \ain to see you, the man I did find, ha\ing the same initials as yourself, proving to be an entirely different person.

I wanted to con\ erse with you about Major Tebbets' Revolutionary record, and show you the famous old wallet that I have, which was the property of Charles Tebbets, the son of Major Ebenezer Tebbets. In that wallet was a record of the old Major's family, in the handwriting of his son Charles, and which record I have no doubt is accurate as to names and dates. Enclosed find a copy. It will enable you to correct your own record and supply a number of omissions.

\'ery truly yours,

R. C. Shannon.

Copy of paper found in the old wallet of Charles 'Tebbets.

Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Ebenezer Tebbets Family.

New Style. Ebenezer Tebbets, b. in Rochester, N. H., October 10, 1747. N. S. Rebecca Fisher, b. in Needham, Mass., October 31, 1750. "

E. T. and R. F. were married at Needham, February 27, 1777. "

Mary. b. at Rochester, N. H., [anuarv 12,

Samuel, b. " December 27,

Rebecca, b. " January 4,

Susanna, b. Dover, January 10,

Charles, b. " March 18,

Abigail, b. " Julv 12,


Ebenezer, b. at Dover, November 3, 1790.

Moses, b. " February 16, 1792.

Caroline, b. " March 26, I 794.

Ebenezer died at Dover, December 30, 1790, aged I 'j mos. Hooping cough.

Mary and Richard Cutts Shannon were married at Dover, August 9, 1801.

Ebenezer Tebbets died at Dover, March 19, 1804, aged 56 years. Sick about i year ; dropsy and consumption.

Abigail died at Saco, Me., August 29, 1805, aged 17 vrs. Sick about 6 mos ; consump- tion.

Susanna and William Coffin were married at Dover, November 13, 1808.

Samuel died at Dover, April 6, 1810, aged 30 vears. Sick about 4 mos ; consumption.

Mrs. Rebecca Tebbetts died at Dover, October 31, 18 10, aged 60 vears.

Rebecca died at Needham, April 21, 181 2, aged 30 vears. Sick about 6 mos; con- sumption.

Caroline died at Saco, Me., April 19, 181 ^, aged 19 years. Sick about 5 mos ; con- sumption.

Mary Shannon died at Saco, August 11, I 821, aged 43. Sick about 6 weeks ; inflama- tion at the brain, palpitation of the heart, etc., etc.

Letter announcing the death of Charles Tebbets, in May, 1S22.

New '^'ork, June I, 1822.


Dear Sir ;

An event in Providence has made it our painful dut\' to address you. Mr. Charles Tebbets arrived in this city on VVednesdav e\e. He was recom- mended to Mrs. Ballads, in Broadway, where he put up. He informed us that he was able to sit up most of the day when in Philadelphia. Unfortunately he attempted (and succeeded) in traveling from that city here in one day. His exer- tions and fatigue far exceeded his strength, and he was nearly exhausted on his arrival. He informed us on Thursday of his arrival, and we immediately saw him. He was in hopes to regain his strength so far as to be able to reach Boston ; but every exertion was fruitless to administer restoratives, and he expired vesterdav (Friday) morning at J^ past 8 o'clock without a struggle. We ha\e concluded to pay the last tribute of respect to our departed relative this afternoon at '_, past 5 o'clock. His remains will be deposited in a vault in St. Paul's church-yard.

Although the event is truly painful, yet we feel that we have reason to be thankful that he was where his friends could be with him in his last moments and see that nothing which could render him comfort was neglected to be done for him. The lady with whom he stop'd was very kind and attentive.



We could have wished that his Hfe had been continued until Mrs. Tebbets

could have reached here and been with him ; but that hand which does all things

well did not see wise to permit it, and we are bound to acquiess, remembering that

the developments of Providence will issue in the most perfect satisfaction and praise.

We will write again soon, and remain.

Very respectfully yours,

Calvin W. & Fisher Howe.

An Account of Samuel Tebbets taken from BelTs " Bench and Barf p. 6Sj.

Son of Major Ebenezer Tebbets ; born, Dover, 1780 ; Harvard College, 1799 ; admitted to bar, i8oz ; practiced, Dover ; died there, April 6, 1810.

Mr. Tebbets entered the Phillips Exeter Academy in I 794, and there remained until he went to college. He studied law in Straftord County, and practiced in Dover until his death, a period of only eight years. The most that we of this generation knew of him comes from a few lines in one of Henry Mellen's poems, " The Old Bachelors of Dover," which ran as follows :

" lust entered the list we behold Brother Tebbets, Courteous and neat as a newly made glove, In manner and sentiments still he exhibits A genius for learning the lessons of love."

Mr. Tebbets, howexer, never married, and died a victim of that insidious dis- ease of Northern climes, consumption.



In examining the records of the town of Rochester, N. H., we find that there was nothing hesitating or doubtful about the action of its inhabitants during the Revolutionary period ; and among them all no one seems to ha\e been more zeal- ous or eager then Ebenezer Tebbets in identifying himself with the popular cause.

At a town meeting of the inhabitants held as early as January 24, 1774, Resolutions of a most patriotic character were adopted. The following record is taken from a copy of the New Hampshire Gazette of February 4, 1774, found in the ofBce of the Secretary of State at Concord :


Rochester Resolves.

In consequence of the General Uneasiness in the opulent Towns on the Continent of North America, and a Letter from the Committee of Correspondence, led us in these bye Parts to consider seriously the cause of it; and we find Ta.xation without Representation (which as Lord Cambden well observes is inseparable) is the Cause of it. We consider our Constitution, that our Fore-Fathers at last to prevent hard Usage, left their Native Land, to enjoy that Liberty which they judged as freeborn Englishmen, they were entitled to. They then arrived on this then hostile Shore, which was a howling Wilderness, which was never purchased nor conquered at the Cost of Great-Britain, where they had to struggle with the Prospect of Famine, cold Season, besides combating an artful vindictive Enemy, and almost all other Difficulties that human Nature could surmount. When those Troubles were a little over, and the Sunshine of Prosperity began to arise, all hard Thoughts of the Mother Country's Behaviour vanished, and they surrender'd Jurisdiction and Sovereignty to the Crown of Great-Britain on Charters, with as strong Assurance as crowned Heads could give, that said Charters should be inviolably observed on both Sides ; which Conditions were inserted in said Charters, by which we were to choose our own Representatives; to make and ordain Laws for the Regulation of said Colonies ; raising Monies, and the like, not repugnant to the Laws of Great-Britain. We have always cheerfully accepted the King's Governor, and he has a negative Vote in our Assemblies, as the King has in Parliament ; and Men or Money have been requested for upholding Government, it was readily granted, and raised where the Subjects could bear it best. Therefore, after all this, for the Parliament of Great-Britain to take such a Step over all Charters, and the most solemn Assurances, as to tax when and as they please, to raise a Revenue to support a -Number of Hungry Placemen, of what Denomination soever, that distress peaceable Subjects, and are a Pest to Society, that after all the Struggle in recovering the same, answers no other end but to alienate the Minds of the King's most dutiful Subjects from him, and run the Nation in Debt on a Ballance. Oh! when will the Eyes of Administration be opened : we think our Behaviour has merited a more generous Treatment.


Therefore in Consideration of the above unhappy Situation of our American Brethren in general. At a legal Town Meeting of the Qualified Voters ot the Town of Rochester, assem- bled at the Meeting House in said Town, on Monday the 24th of this Instant January, A. D. 1774, to consider on the alarming circumstances of this once free country.

1 . lohn Plummer, Esq : chosen Moderator of said Meeting.

2. \'oted unanimously that it is our deliberate Opinion that we are ireeborn, and loyal Subjects of the Crown of Great-Britain, and as such depend on Protection, and not Slavery.

3. That the present King GEORGE the Third is our lawful Sovereign ; and the Heirs of his Bodv, in the Protestant Line are so to remain ; and as such promise to pay him all lawful obedience, agreeable to our happy Constitution, and that we will so render Tribute to him as his Due.

4. That as such freeborn Subjects, we will to our utmost be on our Watch that no artfiil designing Men of any Rank soever. May deprive us of our Privileges by creeping in at unawares, to undermine us of this Jewel Liberty, by setting up their Placemen to pray and sport with the same.

V V^oted that the Hon. John Plummer, John McDuffee, Ebenezer Tebbets, Esqrs ; and Daniel Wingate, be a Committee to correspond with their Brethren Committees, in the neigh- boring Towns or any Three of them.

6. Voted that a Copy of this be sent to the Committee of Correspondence at Portsmouth, assuring them that our Hearts are Knit with theirs in the noble Cause of Freedom. And the meeting Dissolved.

John Plumer, Moderator. A true Copy, from the Original \'ote of the Meeting.

Attest, JosiAH Main, Town Clerk.

The most important action taken at this " Toum Meeting " of the inhabi- tants of Rochester was the election of a " Committee of Correspondence," con- sisting of four members, one of whom was Ebenezer Tebbets, who appears after- wards to have served as Clerk of the Committee.

The work of this Committee was of great importance at that critical period, often involving very heavy responsibilities ; and the following year, after hostilities had actually begun, became so great that the number of its members was increased from four to thirteen.

Early in the war similar Committees were appointed in most of the principal towns of New Hampshire. Nearly e\ery town had some residents who were not in sympathy with the colonists in the impending strug2;le. These Committees were of special service by their vigilance and activity in discovering and reporting those suspected of toryism. They carried on an extensive correspondence with other Committees so as to secure a general concert of action, exercised large discretionary powers, and did not hesitate to act independently and boldlv when the good of the cause would be imperiled by delay.*

* Vide McDuffee's " Hist, uf Rochester, N. H.," Vol. I., pp. 52-54.



Ebenezer Tebbets was also chosen a delegate from Rochester to the Second Provincial Convention held in Exeter during January, 1775.

At this time Portsmouth, the capital of the colony, was liable to be attacked by British armed vessels at any moment. Alarms had been frequently sent out to adjoining towns ; and, indeed, the first act of armed hostility in the Revolution had already occurred at Portsmouth.*

The necessity, therefore, of having the Colony prepared against any sudden attack of the enemy could not be overlooked. The Continental Congress had given directions tor raising companies of minute-men, so called because they were to be ready to march at a minute's warning, and out of the twelve regiments of militia in New Hampshire, four regiments of minute-men were to be organized. Men were most urgently entreated to engage in this service, and, that they might be encouraged to do so, it was promised that the companies should be relieved every four months, so that the duty might be divided as equally as possible among the whole body of militia. t

October 18, 1775, instructions were issued to officers of militia, selectmen of towns, and town committees of safety, to use their utmost endeavors to raise their quotas of minute-men. Five days later came the startling report that a British fleet was about to attack Portsmouth.

Washington, suspecting such a design, dispatched General Sullivan to take command of the militia and defend the harbor. The call for men was promptly responded to by the towns, and Rochester furnished a company, which marched to Portsmouth under command of Capt. David Place, and served from four to six weeks on Seavey's Island. Ebenezer Tebbets was the 1st Lieutenant of this Company. ft

When the expected fleet failed to arrive, the excitement subsided and attention was turned to the siege of Boston, where Captain Place's minute-men found their next service. I

On November 15, 1775, the Provincial Congress voted Lieutenant Tebbets to be Second Major of Colonel Evan's regiment of militia.

The fifth Exeter Provincial Congress, elected late in 1775, after the departure of Governor Wentworth, was convened December 21st. It still called New Hampshire a " Colony," and provided a form of gorvernment substantially like that before existing, omitting the royal Governor and Council. The Com-

* Vide McDuffee's " Hist, of Rochester, N. H.," Vol. I., p. 57. f Idem, p. 58.

tt Vide New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls for "return" of Capt. David Place's company, on Seavey's Island, dated November 5, 1775.

I Vide McDutfee's " Hist, of Rochester, N. H.," Vol. I., p. 59.


niittee of Safety, already existing, now became, under this new Constitution, the Council, or were chosen from it to act during the interyal ot legislative sessions.*

This new Constitution was adopted January 5, 1776, and three weeks later, January 26th, the House of Representatives appointed Major Tebbets a Justice of the Peace. The following day, January 27, 1776, the Council appointed him one of the Coroners of Strafford Countw

Although the revolutionary spirit had been increasing in the Colonies for years, yet the prayer of good men still continued to be " for reconciliation with the parent State upon terms constitutional and honorable to both parties." On the fourth of July, 1776, this hope was abandoned, and thenceforth the war was for independence.

The first danger to which the new cause was exposed arose from the influence of the Tories, a numerous and powerful party, from whom more was to be feared than from open, armed enemies. Congress, therefore, recommended that measures be taken " Immediateh' to disarm all persons who were notoriously disaffected to the American cause, or should refuse to associate to defend by Arms the Colonies against the British."

The New Hampshire Committee of Safety sent at once to the several towns printed forms prepared as follows ; f

Colony of New Hampshire.

In Committee of Safetv, April 12, 1776. To the Selectmen ot Rocliester :

In order to carry ttie underwritten resolve ot the Honorable Continental Congress into execution, vou are requested to desire all males above twentv-one vears of age (lunatics, idiots, and negroes excepted), to sign to the Declaration on this paper ; and when so done, to make return hereof, together with the name or names of all who shall refuse to sign the same, to the General Assembly or Committee of Safetv of this Colony.

M. U'eare, Chairman.

" In Congress, March 14, 1776. '^Resolved, That it be recommended to the several Assemblies, Conventions, and Councils or Committees of Safetv of the United Colonies immediateh to cause all per- sons to be disarmed, within their respective Colonies, who are Jiotorir/ush disaffected to the cause ot America, or who have not associated to defend bv Arms the United Colo- nies against the hostOe attempts of the British fleet and armies. (Copy ) Extract from the minutes.

Charles Thompson, Sect'v."

"^ Vide Sanborn's *'New Hampshire," pp. 216, 217.

t Vide McDulTee's " Hist, of Roctiester, N. H.," p. 60.


In consequence ot the resolution ot the Honorable Continental Congress, and to show our determination in joining with our American brethren in defending the lives, liberties, and properties ot the United Colonies,

We, the subscribers do hereby solemnly engage and promise that we will to the utmost of our power, at the risk of our lives and fortunes, with arms, oppose the hostile proceedings of the British fleets and armies, against the United American Colonies.* Xhe Selectmen of Rochester, to whom these printed forms were addressed, do not seem to have attended to the matter, but the Committee ot Correspondence took charge of it ; and as Ebenezer Tebbets was Clerk of that Committee, it was his duty to prepare the papers and make " Return " ot the same, as directed, either to the " General Assembly or Committee of Safety ot the Colony ot New Hamp- shire." The date of the "-Return" is October 15, 1776, showing that six months elapsed before all the signatures had been obtained.

From the copy of the " Return," attested bv him as Clerk ot the Committee, it appears that 198 persons signed the agreement, 22 refused to sign it, and 22 per- sons of the Society of Friends also declined to sign it for conscientious scruples. Ebenezer Tebbets' name appears first in the list of those who signed this agree- ment or " Association Test," as it is generally called.

After the surrender of Burgoyne in 1777 all danger of an invasion from Canada was at an end, and the militia of New Hampshire were no more summoned to repel the invader at their very door. And yet in the summer of 1778, an expedition was raised, commanded by General Sullivan, to co-operate with the French to expel the British from Rhode Island. f The co-operation, however, was not etlected, the French fleet being driven to sea by a violent storm. J

* Vide McDuffee's "Hist, of Rochester, N. H.," Vol. I., pp. 60, 61.

t Newport was still held by the British for the reason, as already shown, that it was the most convenient harbor on the coast after Halifax, It would be a great event for the patriots to take it. The New England militia were col- lected to the number of about 7500. Washington sent 1500, and the 4000 French troops on the fleet made a force of 13,000. The plan was tor the Americans to land on the east side of the island, the French on the west, and intervene between the town of Newport and the garrison on Butts Hill on the northern part of the island.

General Pigot, who, with Howe, had led the charge at Bunker Hill, commanded at Newport, and, seeing the design of the Americans, he withdrew his force from Butts Hill and concentrated in the town. Sullivan, in com- mand of the Americans, immediately took possession of Butts Hill, but the French could do nothing against the town, and the next day Admiral Howe was sighted with a fleet of British war-vessels.

Estaing immediately sailed out to meet him, and Admiral Howe nearly had a battle. For two days the fleets manoeuvred for the weather-gage, when a terrific storm, amounting almost to a tornado, arose, scattering both the fleets over the ocean, and when it had ceased each sought refuge to refit.

Estaing returned to Newport, abandoned the attack, and, taking the four thousand French troops on board, went to Boston to repair his vessels. Many of the New England militia disbanded in disgust, and it looked as it France, whatever she might do in absorbing England's attention elsewhere, would not be able to give much active assistance to the patriot army. Pigot attacked Sullivan on Butts Hill and was repulsed with severe loss. But the next day Sullivan had to abandon his position and retreat to the main-land, for Clinton was hurrying from New York with five thousand men. (Fisher's "True History of the American Revolution," pp. 377, 378.)

J Vide McDuffee's "Hist, of Rochester, N. H.," Vol. I., pp. 68, 69.



In this L-xpL'ditioii Major Tebbets took part, as appears from his petition to the State Legislature convened at Dover in |une, i 792, in which petition he states " that on the ninth day of August 1778 he marched as Major of the Regiment then under the command of C\)l. Stephen Evans with the expedition formed against the enemy at Rhode Island that by an after arrangement upon their arrival he was annexed to the Regiment then commanded by Col. Wingate where he served until the eighth day of September following."

Ry this assignment to duty with a regiment other than the iMie to which he had been elected by vote of the Provincial Congress in No\ember, 1775, it seems that Major Tebbets " was not made up in the pay roll of either Regiment tor wages, travel or retained rations," and so had never received any compensation for his services; and, as it was " unreasonable that he should lose in the Common cause of his Country the emoluments others received tor similar services," so he now petitioned that he might " receiv e compensation therefor in such manner " as the Legislature in its wisdom " may see meet."

The following account for his services was annexed to the petition referred to:

1778. Ciovcrnment c*i; People of New Hanipstiire

to Ebcnc/.er Tebbets D' To niv Services in the Rhode Island Expedition from Aug" 11''' 1778 to Sep' 10"' as Major in Col° Evans Reg at ^^15 pr month /' ' 5 o o

To my travel z6o miles a 4'' . 350

To my retained rations . 300

/. 2 ' 5 c Errors Excepted

Ebkn" Tebbets

l^<:^ // Kye^^^ii^

In the House journal for February 15, 1794, we note the following action upon the petition ;

" Voted that the Petition of Maj' Ebenezer Tebbets be referred to John Taylor Gilman and Nathaniel Rogers Esquires, the Committee appointed to settle accounts between the state and Individuals &c and that they report thereon."*

* A diligent inspection of the House Journal subsequent to tliis period fails to show that the Committee ade any report. R. C. S.


Ebenezer Tebbets was repeatedly chosen Selectman of the town of Rochester, and the records show that he ser\ed in that office during the years 1773, 1774, 1777, 1778, i78i,and 1783.

The following memoranda regarding members of the Tebbets family are taken from the church records of Rochester :

1741. Sept. I ^. "Abigail wife of Benj* Tebbets Entered into Cov' lS: was then Bap- tized. Baptized also her children Benjamin, Daniel, Ebenezer & Abigail Tebbets." " Mary, daughter of Ebenezer Tebbets, was baptized Jan. 18, 1778." "Rebecca, daughter of Ebenezer Tebbets, was baptized Jan. 6, 1782."

The following extract is taken from Dr. Quint's " Historical Memoranda of Ancient Dover, N. H.: "

"The Old Freeman house, still standing, was the Tebbets house, and earlier the Calef house. Col. James Calef is said to have built this house, and it has been standing for a time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrarv. Major Ebenezer Tebbets lived in it after Calef ; and came here from Rochester ; he had a son Samuel and a daughter who married a Shannon, and others." (p. 104.)

" Very nearly on the corner Central and First street was Capt. Shannon's Tavern ; it faced to the East. Capt. Thomas Shannon, the host, came from Portsmouth, where he was born. ..... He married 28 Feb., I 771, Lillias Watson, and had

several children, among whom was Dr. Richard Cutts Shannon, who married Polly Tebbets, daughter of Major Ebenezer, and went to Saco." (p. 110.)


Letter of Mr. Hodgdon giving account of Airs. Libbey's last visit to " Portsmouth, N. H.

[See page 236.]

Portsmouth, October 7, 1H84. My dear Colonel :

Your relatixe and our mutual friend, iVIrs. Libbey, left my house this morning for her home among the mountains.

She has been my guest for several days, and I can assure you that everything has been done by my family and myself to render her visit one of pleasure to her.

It seems that the account which you gave the old lady when we were in Moultonboro of the discoveries recently made by us so much excited her that she resolved, notwithstanding her advanced age and infirmities, to look once more before she died upon the graves of her ancestors ; she had not been in Portsmouth since 1822, when a girl of 1 ^ \ears. Of course I took her to all of the places of interest.

To each ot the cemeteries, the Vaughan Tomb, and the ancient tablet at Mr. Philbrooks' marble works. He was at the time engaged in renovating the old stone, and his men were dressing the huge block of granite which was to form the " die " of the monument.

We went to Newcastle ; to the spot where once stood the house of Capt. Henr\' Prescott, and in which Richard Cutts Shannon died. Mrs. Libbey had been in it in 1822, one \ear after the decease of her great-uncle. Nothing remains of the house but the cellar, which was pointed out to us by an aged citizen.

t rom Newcastle we visited the mansion of Gov. Benning Wentworth at Little Harbour, near Newcastle. An account of this building and the ancient relics which it contains will be found in the Rambles and also in Harper's Monthly of 1874. Here we saw the portraits of many persons of distinction during the colonial period ; among them, that of Richard Waldron, for many years the Secretary of the Province (died 1753); he was the first cousin of Cutts Shannon.

Also the portrait of Capt. Thomas Westbrooke Waldron, an officer at the conquest ot Louisburg, and the son of Secretary Waldri)n, above named.

^'our great-grandfather, Capt. Thomas Shannon, was the Administrator of the Estate of Capt. T. W. Waldron.

There were many other pictures of note, and also most interesting relics, notably a piano used by Go\'. Benning's wife. Large sums of money have been offered for many of these memorials of the past, but the present owner will not part with them.


I carried the old lady to the Shannon homestead at (jra\'ellv Ridge, where now dwell some of the descendants of Nathaniel, brother of Cutts.

My daughter went with her to my aunt's residence, who was an acquaintance in her girlhood days.

The visit was very pleasing to her, and we parted at the depot at 10 a. m. to-dav.

I do not think mv large array of documents, which I exhibited to her to prove the myth of the Seaborn tradition, had the slightest weight with her.

*:):** * * *

Yours truly,

Geo. E. Hodcdon. To

Col. R. Cutts Shannon,

New York City.


The Stanwood Family. [See page 270.]

Jane Randell Stanwood was born at Eastport, Maine, April i, 181 1, the daughter of Ebenezer Stanwood and Jane Randell Cleaves ; and in tracing her line of descent from the earliest of her ancestors in New England, we quote freely from Bolton's " History of the Stanwood Family in America," one of the best written of recent genealogies.

Philip Stainwood seems to be the only settler ot the name who came to the Colonies and left descendants. The first mention of him in the town records of Gloucester, Massachusetts, is under the year 1652, and that refers to the birth of his second son [ohn. His wife was called Jane, but her maiden name has not vet been learned. Only one more glimpse do we have ot this earliest Stanwood in the Gloucester records. In " 1666 4''' mo Philip Stanwood is allowed as the eldest Seargent ot the toot companv at Gloucester," showing that he possessed warlike proclivities that were inherited by his sons and grandsons, who nearly all saw fighting in their day, a tew of whom gained some rank in the army.

Philip Stanwood lived about 20 \ ears in Gloucester, ^vhere he died August 7, 1672, leaving a family ot four sons and five daughters.

Children of Philip and lane :

1. Philip.

2. John, b. " last of last mo 1652."

3. Mary, h. t6:;4? died, unmarried, March 5, 1674.

4. Jane, b. " 14th ot second mo. 1655 ;" m. April 2, 1672/3, Timothv Somes, of

Gloucester ; d. October :iO, i6g6, in Gloucester. Children :

i. Timothy, b. 1673.

ii. Jane, b. 1 674.

iii. Ealles, b. 1677.

iv. Joseph, b. 1679.

V. William, b. 168 1.

vi. Ruth, b. 1684.

vii. Ichabod, b. 1687. viii. Nathaniel, b. 1695.

ix. Mercy, b. 1696 ; d. 1696.

.X. Patience, b. 1696 ; d. 1697.

5. " Samwell," b. " 5th of tlirst mo. 1657 or 8."

6. Jonathan, b. March 29, 1661.



7. Naome, h. April 26, 1664; m. October 26, 1681, to William Sargent, Jr., of

Gloucester; d. March 13, 1702. Children :

i. Mary, b. 1682.

ii. Abigail, b. 1683.

iii. Elizabeth, b. 1685.

iv. Naomi, b. 1688; d. 1706.

V. Ruth, b. 1690.

vi. Charles, b. 1694 ; d. 1695.

vii. Dorothy, b. 1696. viii. Charity, b. 1698.

ix. William, h. 1699; d. 1699.

8. Ruth, b. March 10, 1667 ; " lohn Hammons and Ruth Stainwood m. fuly 7,

1686, by Captain Gearish of Boston."

9. Hannah, b. " i6th of 7 mo. 1670."

Samuel, third sun ot Philip and Jane, was born in Gloucester, March 5, 1658. U'hen only seventeen years old he went to war with the Indians, as his two elder brothers did. On February 29, 1675, he is among the soldiers credited to Major Walderne, and served under the Major personally. Before August, 1676, he had come under the command of Captain Jonathan Poole.

In 1686, on November 16, he was married to Hannah Pressee, of Amesburv, bv the Rev. Mr. Thomas Wells, the minister of that place, this marriage being the first on the records of Amesbury. After five children had been born to this couple in Gloucester, they removed to Amesbury, sometime between 1695 and 1698. The facts of Samuel's life that are recorded are fewex in number than those of his older brothers. He died in 1726, aged si.xty-eight, having had a family of 13 children, 12 of whom survived him.

Children of Samuel and Hannah :

Hannah, b. September 20, 1687. Samuel, b. April 30, i68g.

3. William, b. December 2, 1690 ; mariner.

4. , b. March 19, 1693.

5. Ebenezer, b. July 20, 1695. Marv, b. May 18, 1698 ; m. April 16, 1724, John Barnard or Barnet. Jane, b. May 18, 1698 ; d. June 5, 1698. John, b. August 22, 1700.

Judah (Judith), b. December II, 1702; m. April 27, 1725, |oshua Brown. Hannah (Anne), h. December 29, 1704; m. lanuary 21, 1722, |acob Baglev. Philip, b. July I 5, i 707.

Rachel, b. May 22, 171 I ; m. November 22, 1733, James -4nderton, [r. Joseph.

" Ebenezer Standwood," as he himself wrote his name, ( fifth child of Samuel and Hannah) founder of the Brunswick, Maine, branch of the family, was born in Gloucester,


July 20, 1695. His parents having moved to Amesbury soon alter his birth, his boyhood was passed in that town. In 1717, he began his wanderings toward Maine, and as early as May I ith had reached York.

It is said that in i 7 i 7 he owned land at the west end of Brunswick, but the generally accepted opinon seems to be that he went there in 1 7 1 9, and was prominent all through his life in the affairs of the town. in 1723/4, he was a soldier in the Indian wars; served under Captain John Giles, and was stationed at Fort George. He kept up his connection with the armv, and from 1747 to 1749 bore the rank of sergeant in Captain David Dunning's company. From 175^ to 1757 he was in Captain |ohn Getchell's company, and in 1762 he is returned as lieutenant.

In 1752 he was deputy sheriff, and in 1744 and 1745 served as selectman of the town.

On Mav 19, 1742, Ebenezer moved to the end of the "Twelve Rod Road," on the shores of Maquoit Bay, where he bought two hundred and si.x acres of land for ^"lo.

Besides being an active citizen, Ebenezer Stanwood was an influential member of the church. His name occurs in the list of members of the first church in Brunswick.

He married sometime before 1719, Jane, whose maiden name and place of birth are still undiscovered. All his children were born in Brunswick, where he died July 21, 1772, and was buried in the old cemetery, on the road to Maquoit, near the site of the first meeting-house. His tombstone and that of his wife still stand side by side in the deep grass.

This ancient cemeterv is a quiet place, neglected and overgrown, and the old " twelve rod road" to Maquoit, deep in sand, passes by its gate. About a third of the gravestones in this cemetery bear the names of Ebenezer Stanwood's kin.

Children of Ebenezer and jane :

1. Samuel, b. November 6, 1719.

2. David, b. August 23, I 72 I.

^. |ane, b. September 3, 1724 ; d. January 5, 1742.

4. Susanna, b. April 17, 1727 ; m. 1747, |ohn Reed, of Topsham.

5. William, b. April 17, 1727.

6. Thomas, b. |une 15, i 7 :;o ; d. [une 15, 1752.

7. Ebenezer, b. 17^2 ; d. August 5, 1735.

Samuel Stanwood, eldest son of Ebenezer and Jane, was born "in Brunswick," November 6, 1719, according to the Gloucester town records. His name first appears in the Brunswick records when he was about sixteen years old, in 1735, as a petitioner, for the incor- poration of the town. From this time his name is met frequently in the town records of Brunswick.

In 1747/8 he was in Captain David Dunning's company, and from August 14 to Sep- tember 14, 1 7 5 I , in Captain [ohn Getchell's company, engaged in scout and guard duty. In January and February, 1755, he was an ensign in Captain Dunning's company, which " pro- ceeded on three marches."

In 1748, he was an original proprietor of Harpswell. It is probable that he married his first wife, |ean ( Lithgow ) McFarland, soon after 1742, and made his residence on Mericoneag Neck. This afterward became part of the town of Harpswell.


Samuel Stanwood had a varied career, and held manv offices. In 1750 he had a com- mission from Lord Loudon, as chaplain at the siege of Louisburg. He must have been a man ot a religious turn of mind, for he was deacon of the First Church in Brunswick, on the Maquoit Road, for very many years. His occupation, aside from the work of his religious and civil offices, was that ot a retailer ; and his business must have been a prosperous one, for in 1758 he is recorded as the richest man in the west end of the town, being assessed at _,{^ 1 5 i .

Samuel Stanwood's pubhc career was long and useful. He was a selectman for manv years, from 1752 to 1759, from 1761 to 1767, and in 1772, 177^, 1774, 1776, 1777, and 1782. In 1755, he and Thomas Scolfield addressed a memorial to Governor Shirlev petition- ing for a grant of money to repair the fort at Brunswick and to keep it in order. In that vear, March 9th, he was appointed to serve on the Committee of Satetv, and April 27th, on the Committee ot Correspondence and Supplies. In 1770 he served as representative to the pro- vincial Legislature from Harpswell.

-In 1776 he was reappointed upon the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety ; and on May 27th ot that year he was made a commissioner to the General Court from Brunswick. The next year he was appointed to serve on a committee to disburse /^2 0 for supplying the families ot the soldiers trom Brunswick in the Continental Armv. In August, 1779, Samuel and William Stanwood were both on a committee " to Set prices on the articles in the Town, And carry the resolution into effect." The committee was to establish a State price-current, and adopt measures to prevent monopolv, extortion, and unfair dealing. In November, another committee was appointed "to see the resolution put into effect," and Deacon Samuel Stanwood again served. His last public action recorded, except that of select- man in 1782, was in I 78 I, when he was on a committee to prepare a petition to the General Court " Concerning our present Circumstances and our inability of paving Specie."

Deacon Samuel Stanwood had lots 24 and 25 in Topsham granted to him in 1746. He also had land on Merrymeeting Bay, lots 31 and ■ji. In 1770, Samuel was described as an inhabitant ot Mericoneag Neck, which is outside the township of Brunswick. In that same year " Deacon Samuel Stanwood's house which occupied the ground where Mrs. Joseph McKeen's house now stands was burnt." In the " History of Brunswick " it is said that "the residence ot Mrs. Joseph McKeen on McKeen Street was built in 1776 or soon alter by Samuel Stanwood, who occupied it until 1804, when he sold it to President McKeen." Deacon Stanwood died in 1790, so that it must have been his son Samuel who sold it to President McKeen.

Deacon Stanwood's first wife died on the twenty-second of Februarv, 1776, and August twentieth of the same year he married Mary Woodside.

The Deacon and his two wives lie near together in the old burving-ground bv the site of the first church. The stones are all legible.

Children ot Samuel and [ean :

1. Abigail (?), b. 1 74- ; m. February 4, 1761, William Stevens, in North Yar-


2. William, b. September iz, 1744.

3. Samuel, b. December 26, 1746.

4. Ebenezer, b. June 7, 1749.


5. Susanna, b. February 25, 1752 ; m. January 13, 1769, Samuel Dunlap.

6. lean, b. [ulv 26, 1757 ; m. perhaps January 8, 1774, Captain William Dunning.

7. Eleanor, b. [ulv 20, 1758 ; m. March 25, 1776, William Rogers (b. October

II, 1743), of Georgetown. He died January 19, 1791. Child :

i. Peggy Miller, b. February 26, 1778 ; m. Robert Rogers Kendall, May 25, 1797, and had issue.

8. Robert, b. April 12, 1760.

9. John, b. November 30, 1763.

Samuel, the second son ot Samuel and |ean, was horn on Mericoneag Neck, North Yarmouth, Maine, December 26, 1746. He married Ann, (b. 1755), the sister ot'Anthony Chase. He seems not to have taken as much interest in either the religious or public life ot Brunswick as his father, though his name appears among the list of members ot the same church, and during the years 1779 and 1782 he served on the Committee ot Correspondence, Inspec- tion, and Safetv.

He lived in what is now the McKeen house on McKeen Street, Brunswick, probably from about the time of his marriage until 1804, when he sold it to President McKeen ot Bo^vdoin College.

"In 1792, while living in this house, Samuel Stanwood had a saw-mill at Maquoit at which he worked during the dav, carrving his dinner with him. One da\', desiring to accom- plish all he could and not feeling vcrv hungr\", he did not stop to eat the dinner which he had brought with him, but took it back with him when he started for home at night. When he reached Mere Brook a wolf came out of the thicket, looked at him for a moment, then went back and uttered his hideous yells, which soon brought four or five others ot his species to the scene. Stanwood, finding he was pursued, threw out a handful ot meat, and while the wolves W'ere fighting over it he hastened forward, soon, however, to be overtaken by the animals, to whom he again threw fragments of food. This operation was repeated until, when nearly to his home, the last ti-agment ot food was gone and the wolves were in hot pursuit ot him. He screamed to his wife to open the door. Fortunatelv she heard him and flung open the door, just in time to secure his escape from the wild beasts at his heels."

In the old burving-ground far down the road to Maquoit, stand the gravestones ot Samuel Stanwood and his wife Ann. He died December 16, 1828, at the age ot 82. She died September 20, 1S22, at the age of 67.

As to the children of Samuel and Ann Stanwood, Bolton's " History of the Stan- wood Family" makes different statements. At p. 109 we read that they had five children, while on pp. I I o— I i I the names of seven are given. It is more than probable that both statements are incorrect; for Dr. John M. Haley, who married Mary McFarland Stanwood, the eldest daughter of Ebenezer Stanwood, stated positi\e]y in a letter written in 1872, in reply to a special inquiry regarding the Stanwood famil)','' that Samuel had " four sons and seven daughters," the second son being

■■'■ Vide pp. 523-524, for extract from his letter.


Ebenezer, who married Jane Clea\es, eldest daughter of Harrison Cleaves, of Harpswell, Me., and had three daughters named, respectively, Mary McFarland, Jane Randell, and Abigail Cleaves.

Many of the statements in that letter of Dr. Haley were confirmed by his wife in 1886, when she gave a fuller and more detailed account of her parents and their life experiences.* Her sister, Mrs. Abigail Cleaves (Stanwood) Bird, in a letter written in 1871, likewise confirmed, in large part, those statements, adding some additional facts, t

Furthermore, according to a statement of Gen. S. H. Manning, it is clear that an error has been made (vide p. iio of Bolton's History) in giving the first name of his grandmother as Mary. The Lewiston town record of the marriage of his parents, which gives the names of his grandparents as well, shows that his grandmother's name was Nancy and not Mary.

Writing under date of January 28, 1901, General Manning says :

■'I found an old town record of my father's marriage in 1820 (I did not suppose it was in existence). It gave the names of his father and mother, Charles and Nancy; so my grandmother was Nancy instead of Mary."

Under date of February 2, 1 901, he further writes :

" I have a cousin, Mrs. |oanna Dunning, the only living child of Adam Lemont and Mary (Manning) Lemont (my father's sister). She says her oldest sister, who died young, was named Nancy for grandmother Manning. She is positive our grand- mother was named Nancy."

In regard to Ebenezer Stanwood he writes from Lewiston, under date of Jan- uary 28, 1901 :

" I have been able to clear up the two points you desired. Ebenezer Stanwood, of Brunswici<, died in Lewiston, April 9, 1828, aged 47, and was probably buried in the old cemetery here, if they did not take his remains to Brunswick for burial in the old cemetery way down on the road to Maquoit, where our great-grandfather, Samuel, was buried, and many others of the Stanwood family."

" My sister, older than I, remembers hearing mother tell about L'ncle Eben Stanwood."

Writing again under date of February 2, 1901, the General further says :

■' 1 got the date from a Mr. Elder, who is about readv to publish a history of the first settlers of Lewiston, and is a recognized authority on anything ancient hereabouts.

*Vide pp. 525-526, tor statement of Mrs. Haley, f Vide pp. 526-527, for letter of Mrs. Bird.


" Mv sister Jane, as I have already written you, remembers hearing mother tell about Uncle Eben from this circumstance : As a baby she cried all the time, and Uncle Eben told mother : ' If I had such a squalling young one, I should go down to the river, cut a hole in the ice and chuck her under.'

Writing from Lewistoii, May 13, 1901, Cjeneral Manning further says ;

" Since 1 last wrote concerning the Stan wood Ancestors I have seen Dr. Garcelon, one of our oldest citizens. He remembers Ebenezer Stan wood very well when he lived with my father. So 1 think we can consider it as settled beyond any question that there was an Ebenezer Stanwood and Nancy Stanwood "

Assuming, then, that these several statements of Ur. Halev, his wife, her sister Abigail, and General Manning to be correct, the list of the children of Samuel and Ann Stanwood, given at pp. I lo-l I 1 in Bolton's History, might be amended so as to read as follows ; though there would still be two more childreJi to be accounted for to complete Dr. Hale\''s number of" four sons and seven daughters:"

1 . Samuel.

2. Ebenezer, b. 1781 ; ni. |ane Cleaves, eldest daughter ot Harrison Cleaves, of

Harpswell, Me., and had three daughters. With his brother William he took part in the War of 1812, and died at Lewiston, Me., April 9, 1828, aged 4.7. His widow married, 2nd, Mr. Woodbury, and had four children : Samuel, William, Susan and Robert.

Mrs. Woodbury died in 1859, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jane R. Shannon, and is buried in the cemetery at Saco, Me.

The following were the three daughters of Ebenezer Stanwood and |ane Cleaves : i. Mary McFarland, b. March 25, 1805 ; m. Dr. |ohn M. Haley, and had the following children :

1 . Charles.

2. Frances.

:;. Sophronia. Mrs. Halev died in 1887 at San Francisco, Cal., where the family resided for many vears. ii. [ane Randell, b. April i, 1811 ; m. [uly 31, 1836, Charles Tebbets Shannon, of Saco, Me., and had three sons :

1 . Charles Wav.

2. Richard Cutts. 5. lames Harrison.

Mrs. Shannon died at Biddeford, Me., March 12, 1870, where the family had resided for nearly 20 years, iii. Abigail Cleaves b. in 181 3 ; m. 1 st, Moses Barron, and 2nd, Mr. Bird. Mrs. Bird, who had no children bv either marriage, died at Leo- minster, Mass., April g, 1899.



3. William.

4. James, b. 1786, in Brunswick; m. October 5, i8og, Margaret Hogan ; he d.

July 21,, 1S42. Margaret Stanwood died January 20, 1859.

5. Margaret, died unmarried.

6. Mary.

7. Nancy, who married at Brunswick, Me., Charles Henrv Manning, "an English-

man, who owned and sailed his own vessel." They had two children :

i. Mary, b. December 18, 1799 ; m. Adam Lemont, and had the fol- lowing children :

1 . Nancy.

2. Joanna.

3. Charles.

4. Eliza.

5. Mary.

6. Harriet.

7. Helen.

8. John.

ii. Samuel, who married Susanna Hart, and had the following children :

1. Mary A.

2. Louisa R.

3. Emma.

4. Mariah.

5. Jane.

6. Samuel.

7. Charles H.

8. Stephen H.

9. Lemont A. Isabella. Ellen.

12. Cordelia. Susan, who died unmarried. Rebecca; m. March 29, 1809, Deacon Ephraim Brown.

Extract from letter of Dr. John M. Haley {dated San Francisco, Cal., Jan- uary, iSj2) addressed to his nephew, Richard C. Shannon, then in Brazil.

" You express a desire in your letter to learn something of the lineage of your ancestors. You have, I believe, applied to the only source from which vou would have been able to derive much information on this subject. Your Aunt Mary, I think, is the only one living who has felt interest enough to preserve such information. In the limited space which a letter affords, I

10. ( 1

11. 1:


shall oiilv he able to give \'ou a direct line ot descent ; and when you see your aunt you will be able to obtain a more satisfactory and comprehensive history ot the various branches.

"Among the first settlers in Maine was a man bv the name ot McFarland. He was an Irishman bv birth, and settled at a place called Maquoit, on the coast between Portland and Harpswell. He was reputed wealthy. He purchased a title to a large tract ot land where Bruns- wick is now situated. The colleges now occupy a portion ot it. He married a Scotch lady bv the name of [ane Lithgow. From this lady the name [ane descended. Capt. McFarland was a seafaring man, and not long after his marriage he was lost at sea, leaving a widow and one daughter, named Marw Fn due course ot time this widow McFarland married another of the early settlers bv the name ot Ebenezer Stan wood.* They raised a large family of children, sons and daughters. One of their sons, whose name was Samuel, was your great-grandfather. This Samuel Stan wood married an English lady, whose name was Chase. (The Stanwoods were of English descent.) To this couple were born four sons and seven daughters. Their second son -j", whose name was Ebenezer, was your mother's father. He had a brother whose name was Samuel, and it was this Samuel's sons that I was inquiring at'ter in my letter to your mother, alluded to in your letter to me. They were cousins of your mother. Your great- grandfather settled in Brunswick. The house in which thev lived is now standing, near the colleges.

" I must now go back and bring up Mary McFarland, daughter ot Capt. McFarland. She married an English gentleman in Harpswell by the name of Paul Randell. They had a daughter named |ane (vour great-grandmother), and from her your mother derived her name. Jane Randell married a man ot English descent, whose name was Harrison Cleaves. Among their children was a daughter named [ane (vour grandmother).

" Now we must take up vour grandfather again, Ebenezer Stanwood (who married |ane Cleaves). There were born to this couple three daughters ; named : Mary McFarland, 'j; Jane Randell, and Abigail Cleaves. [ane married a man in Saco, Me., by the name ot Charles Shannon (English descent). They had three sons: Charles, Richard Cutts, and James; and in analyzing their blood vou will perceive that the English predominates, there being a slight percentage of Scotch, with a sprinkling of Irish."

"^According to the statements made in Bokon's History (vide pp 67 and 69) it was Samuel, and not Ebenezer, Stanwood wiio married Jane Lithgow. As Ebenezer seems to have been a frequently occurring name in the family record, and was the actual name of the father of the second husband of Jane Lithgow (according to the Bolton History), this statement of Dr. Halev may easily be a slip of the memory. R. C. S.

t The Bolton History makes two ditterent statements as to the number of children. At p. 109 it gives the number as five, at pp. lio-lll it gives the names of seven. When we consider the fact that Ebenezer had no son to continue the name, as well as the peculiar circumstances attending the closing years of his life, it need not be wondered at that Ire seems to have dropped out of sight of the present living members of the family, although two of his brothers went to see him during his last sickness, according to the statement of Mrs. John M. Haley. R. C. S.

j Named after the only child of Jane Lithgow by Captain McFarland,— R. C. S.


A statement made by Mrs. John M. Haley (nee Mary McFarland Stan- wood) to her nephew, Richard C. Shannon, at San Francisco, Cal., July 7, 1SS6.

"I was born on the zjth of March, 1805 (Mondav), mv parents being Ebenezer Stanwood and Jane Cleaves, and living at the time in Harpswell, Me., down on what was called Dog's Point, a piece of land that made out into the ocean between Pinkham's Point and Bailey's Point.

"When I was about four years old my parents moved to Eastport, Me., but exactlv where we lived in that place 1 cannot say. My sister Jane, however, was born there ; and I have the impression it was in a locality called Skooduck ; for which reason we ahvavs called her a ' blue nose.'

"Afterwards the family moved b.ick again to Harpswell, to remain, however, for only a short time ; for we settled in Brunswick, where we lived until father went off with Uncle William Stanwood to take part in the War of 18 12. 'Uncle Bill' had married Hannah Poole ; which was considered by all as a poor match for him, and I was alwavs vexed about it. Anyway, he never came back.

"At this time we lived on Middle street close up to the Meeting House (Congregational) in a hired house.

" From Brunswick we went up to Lisbon and lived in grandhtther Cleaves' house with Uncle Samuel Stanwood, and my sister Abbie was born in ' grandma's back room.'

" When my father came back from the war he did not come to live with m\' mother again. He had contracted the unfortunate habit of intemperance, although in ever\' other respect he was a fine man. His trade before going to the war was that of a blacksmith ; and he had reared a son of his sister Nancy as apprentice. The nephew's name was Samuel Manning ; and he had settled in Lewiston, where he pursued his trade successfiilly. So my father went there and remained with him till he died. I remember when the news came ot his fatal sickness. Two ot my uncles went to see him. I had alwavs been a favorite of mv father, and liked him, for he used to take me to the village store and buv things for me. So when my uncles asked him if he wanted to see me he ' just raised himself right up ' and asked if I had come, and then shortly after he died. I felt bad and cried a good deal.

" Samuel Manning had a sister, Mary, who married Adam Lemont, who became, I believe, a rather important man in Brunswick ; but he must be dead now.

" I have an idea that my grandfather, Samuel Stanwood, was at some time successfully engaged in the lumber business, but afterwards lost his monev ; for Ann Chase, who married him, was of excellent family, and they were married at a time when his affairs seemed most prosperous. She was very cross to him when he was old and deaf". She would cry out to him, Sit near !' Once 1 went to visit them and she shouted in his ear ' Ebe's Mary !' and then he stared at me with an 'Ah !'

" I understood that he once owned the house that President McKeen lived and died in ; and that my father was born in that house. McKeen was the first President of Bowdoin College.

"I must have been about 16 years old when my father died.


"After mv mother had married Mr. Woodhurv, and betore I was 20 years old, I heard that there was a great dowry comhig to the Lithgows, and as I was descended from Jennie Lithgow, through both my father and m\ mother, it was only natural that the matter should have been talked over a great deal in our family. As I heard it, there was a whole town somewhere in Scodand that belonged to the Lithgows, and they came to America hunting for heirs. My grandfather Samuel was then quite poor and needy ; but so convinced was he that an important share of the estate would come to him, he would not accept an offer made to him at the time to part with his interest in exchange tor a farm.

" I also understood that there was a man living somewhere on the Kennebec who was named Lithgow, and verv poor ; but shortly after he moved to New York and lived up on the Hudson, and subsequentlv became very rich. The neighbors blamed my father because he did not accept the tarm.

" Mv mother used to talk a great deal about it ; and the impression generally was that we did not get our rights in the matter.

" Mv father was, I think, an enlisted man in the militarv service during the War of 18 iz, but exactlv what his service was I cannot sav. My mother made inquiry about it after his death and found out that a land-warrant had been issued to him, which had been sold."

Extract from a letter ivrittoi in iSji by Mrs. Abigail Cleaves [Stanwood) Bird to her nephew, Richard C. Shannon, giving some account of the families of her father and mother.

" You wish me to tell all I know of mv father's tamilv. It's verv little 1 know about them. I have no recollection of my father. Your dear mother used to tell me that she remem- bered him very distinctly, and loved him verv much. His name was Ebenezer Stanwood, of English descent. His father's name was Samuel. He had three sons,* Samuel, Ebenezer, and [ames, all dead now. LTncle Samuel left four sons and two daughters. I think I never saw but three of them : George, and Robert, and Mary. Elizabeth, the youngest daughter, married a Mr. Snow, and lived in Brunswick, Maine, j Your mother visited them, with mother, once while you were in college. George Stanwood is a farmer and lives in Brunswick also. Mary Ann lives with her sister Snow. The last I knew of Robert he was living in Lewiston, Maine. L'ncle Samuel's two youngest sons, William and Charles, Ij; I never saw, and know nothing of them, onl\- that he left two such boys. I think my father had one sister whose name was Susan, who never married, all dead now. Uncle Samuel's wife, who died a long time ago, long

■Evidently .i mist-ike ; tor fier oldest sister Mary, wfio was undoubtedly better informed, refers distinctly to )ier Uncle William.— R. C. S.

f This account of Samuel's family agrees exactly witli the account given in Bolton's History (vide pp. 154 and 155). R. C. S.

+ In Bolton's HisD.ry the name of this son is given as Samuel, and with such fullness of detail that undoubtedly Mrs. Bird has made a mistake in the name. R. C. S.


before he- died, and he has been dead a great manv vears, was a sister* to mv mother. So you see the two brothers married two sisters, which makes us Stanwoods double cousins. My father was a blacksmith by trade. I have been told that grandfather Stanwood was a very respectable man in his day, and that he owned the first chaise in the town of Brunswick ; and a chaise one hundred years ago was considered a grand affair, you must know. So much for the Stanwoods. If vour mother were living she could tell more than I can about them. I think your Aunt Marv ..... was born in Brunswick. I was born

in Lisbon, about nine miles from Brunswick.

" Mv mother was the eldest daughter of Mr. Harrison Cleaves ot Harpswell, Maine, as it is now, but is was all Massachusetts then, vou know. His native place was Beverlv, I think."

Mercy Cleaves and Jane Cleaves were the names of the two sisters. R. C. S.


Some accomit of Charles B. Greenough and bis family. [See page 354.]

Charles B. Greenough, of New York City, had occupied a number of im- portant positions in the railway service of the country, when his attention was first directed to the xery profitable character of street railroad enterprises in our large cities. A franchise for the establishment of one of these roads in the city of Rio de Janeiro had been granted by the Government of Brazil, but had proved a failure ill the hands of English managers ; and the owners of the franchise, after this failure, sought in \ain for years to find some one who would be willing to work it, even upon his own terms. Through Mr. Camancho, a nati\e of Venezuela, then residing in New York City, the franchise was brought to the notice of Mr. Green- ough, who, associated with other gentlemen of his acquaintance, agreed to purchase it, if, upon a visit to Rio de Janeiro and a personal investigation, matters were found to be as represented.

As a result of that investigation the franchise was acquired, the Botanical Garden R. R. Co. was organized under the laws of the State of New York, and Mr. Greenough was chosen its first President. There was much opposition at first from certain local interests at Rio, and there were the usual protracted delays inci- dent to the establishment of new enterprises in South American countries. But the Compan\' was finallv permitted to begin its work of construction, and on the 9th day of October, 1868, the first part of the line was completed and opened to traffic.

The enterprise proved a great success, and was so profitable to the founders that attempts were frequently made to establish a rival road, but without success. However, roads leading to other parts of the city were constructed, and the develop- ment of the suburbs was very rapid in consequence.

Mr. Greenough having thus been the pioneer in the successful establishment of street railroads at the Brazilian capital, which quickly wrought so wonderful a change in the habits of the people, as well as greatly enhanced the value of subur- ban property, was always highly regarded because of the extraordinary services he had thus rendered to the community; and the press of Rio still frequently speaks of him as one of Brazil's public benefactors.

The following references to Air. Greenough and his enterprises are taken from a work entitled " Politics and Pen Pictures," by Hon. Henry W. Hilliard, who was the Minister of the United States to Brazil from 1879 to 1881 :



" There are several street-car lines in Rio, which contribute much to the comfort of the people of that great city. From the central part of the city the suburbs extend for miles in several directions, and its five hundred thousand inhabitants enjoy the increased facilities for travelling. Of these the Botanical Garden Railroad is by far the finest and most important. Through the central part of the city, beginning at the Ouvidor, its finest street, it extends through the aristocratic quarter, Botafogo, to the magnificent Botanical Gardens, and to the suburb beyond them. This great tramway, one of the finest in the world, was constructed by a company organized by Mr. C. B. Greenough, of the State of New York, who possessed both capital and enterprise. His plan, when first submitted to the wealthy men of Rio, seemed to be impracticable, and he was able to enlist but few capitalists in its support. But soon after the completion of the road its success was such as to place its stock high in the market ; and in the course of a year or two it was quoted at such a rate as to make its holders unwilling to part with it.


"It was a great American enterprise, and its charter obtained from the imperial govern- ment secured the stockholders against any trespass on their right of wav.

"Another charter for a similar road had been obtained from the government, and its pro- jectors from time to time seemed determined to push their line into contact with that of the Botanical Garden Railroad. I was frequently appealed to in behalf of those who held this great American property to intervene for its protection ; and I never failed to do so successfiilly. The administration always vindicated the good faith of the government.

" Mr. Greenough was an extraordinary man ; his person, manners, and intellect were all



fine, and his integrity was perfect. Unfortunately, the climate oi Rio was not favorable to his health, and he said to me : 'I must quit breathing this hot air.' Mrs. Greenough, a noble woman, of engaging manners, and full of character, cheered him, and shared all the dangers of a residence at Rio with him to the last.

" Mr. Greenough returned to the United States, leaving Colonel Shannon, in every way competent for the place, in charge of the road, and he conducted its affairs with great ability and fidelity.

" Mr. Greenough resided tor a time in Colorado,* and hoped that its fine climate would restore his health, but not recovering his strength, he decided to go to Europe. Accompanied by Mrs. Greenough, he went to Paris, and took a house in the Boulevard Haussmann, fitting it up in accordance with their tastes. He was for a time benefited by this agreeable residence, but did not recover his failing strength. Returning from an evening drive he was fatigued, and, reclining on a sola, died suddenly and painlessly. It was the peaceful close of a noble life." f

•■■■Hon. Ir%-ing Howbert, of Colorado Springs, Colo., in a letter addressed to Colonel Shannon, under date of March 23, 1905, thus refers to Mr. Greenough and his residence in Colorado ;

" Mr. Charles B. Greenough came to Colorado Springs for the benefit of his health during the latter part of 1876 or the early part of 1877. He met here a Mr. James Knox, whom he had known in Brockport, New York. Mr. Knox was at that time Cashier of the First National Bank of Colorado Springs. Through Mr. Knox, Mr. Greenough later acquired an interest in the First National Bank, .Tnd on April 11, 1877, was elected to the position of director and president, which position he held until his death.

** Mr. Greenough, during the time he was in Colorado, took an active interest in the management of the bank. Some time during the year 1877 he became interested in organizing a bank at Lake City, in southwestern Colorado. ->;• * -X- * * * *

" Mr. Greenough's idea in aiding in the organization of this bank was to provide a place for his son, Charles E. Greenough, expecting that the son would make that a life business.

" Mr. Charles E. Greenough came to Colorado with his father. In March, 1878, he was also elected a direc- tor of the First National Bank and held that position until his death in 1880. During the year 1S78 he was appointed to a position on the staff of Governor Pitkin, but owing to the records of the Adjutant General of that period being lost, neither his title or date of appointment can be given.

" Governor Pitkin was a warm friend of both Charles B. Greenough and his son. He was elected Governor in 1878 and again in 1880, and was at that time considered one of the foremost men of Colorado.

" Mr. Charles B. Greenough, during his residence in Colorado, became intimately acquainted with a large number ot our best citizens, and both he and his son had an excellent standing in the community where they were known. Mr. Charles B. Greenough w.is a very forceful man, of high character and extraordinary business ability. The younger Greenough was a man of the most genial disposition and a favorite wherever he was known."

f The following letter addressed to Mr. Greenough's mother, by the attending physician, gives an account of his last sickness :

1 1 Rue Neuve des Capucines,

Paris, January 4, 1880. My Dear Madam :—

Our mutual triend Mr. Spaulding has already conveyed to you the sad intelligence of the death of your son, Mr. C. B. Greenough ; and I write a line to tell you, as one of his physicians, that everything was done for him which the first medical talent of this city could suggest ; that he was most tenderly and faithfully nursed by his most excellent wife ; and that his end was tranquil and entirely free from pain. I assure you that nothing was left undone which could by any possibility contribute to his relief, and that his death resulted from causes which are entirely



Mr. Greenough died at Paris January 3, 1880, and when the news was cabled to Rio de Janeiro the offices and central station of the Company were draped in mourning and the newspapers vied with each other in paying earnest tribute to the memory of the man who had done so much for the development and progress of the city.

Besides his noble wife, who had ever stood by his side to cheer him in his work, whether in defeat or in triumph, in sickness or in health, he left one son, Charles Edward Greenough, who did not long survive him, dying in New York City, October 22, 1880, at the age of 27.

The following notice of the son's death was published in one of the Brockport, N. Y., newspapers at the time :

This young gentleman died at tlie Windsor hotel in New York city last week Friday. He was born in that city September 9th, 1853, and was, therefore, a trifle over twenty-seven years of age.

During his life he spent a considerable portion of his time in this village the home of his grandparents, and where he attended the Collegiate Institute. His bright and attractive manner always made him a welcome visitor and surrounded him with many friends, who are now pained by the announcement of his death. His education he completed in Geneva, Switzerland. He did a great deal of traveling both in North America, South America and in Europe, having but just returned from across the ocean when his demise took place. At one time he was a member of the Seventh Regiment of New York.

In September of last year he was married, in New York City, to Miss Frances

beyond the reach of medical skill. When he first arrived here he was greatly prostrated, and an examination of his lungs revealed the existence of tuberculous disease, from which he finally died. At times he was a great sufferer, but he bore everything with a patience and courage which I have never seen surpassed. He was a good and true man, and his soul is now in the keeping of that just and merciful being who doeth " all things well." You ought to be proud of giving birth to such a son ; and I feel that it was a privilege to know and to associate with one who illus- trated so many excellent qualities and so high a character in all regards.

As for his wife I never saw a woman who showed more tenderness or devotion or intelligence in the nursing of a sick man. She never wearied, and, when others had abandoned all hope, she struggled on and refused to relax in her exertions for him, even after life had Hed. Her grief now is most touching ^ and, for one, I feel the deepest sympathy for her in her great atfliction. She has made many friends here, all of whom have rallied around her in the hour of sorrow j and she lacks for nothing that friendship and sympathy can suggest.

You, too, my dear Madam, have my warmest sympathy. An affliction like this must fall most heavily upon one who through so many years has idolized an only son, and such an one as the dear friend we all so deeply mourn. May God comfort you j for he alone can.

I am.

Very truly & respectfully yours,

Edward Warren, M. D. Mrs. Ezra Greenough,

Brockport, New York.



Gray Dawson, who survives him.* His heahh, which was never robust, began to break down about a year and a half ago, and since that time his travels were for the purpose of recovering it.


His funeral services were held at the hotel in New York on Saturday morning, being conducted bv Dr. Holland ; and his remains were then sent to this village, where they arrived Sunday noon. Farther services were held at his mother's residence in the afternoon, at which Rev. C. T. Seibt officiated, and the remains were interred in the village cemetery. Very many of our citizens extend their deepest sympathy to the friends and relatives of the deceased, both here and elsewhere.

*The following letter from Mr. John S. Dickerson, of New York, addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Greenough, then in Paris, gives an interesting account of the marriage of their son, which took place at the Windsor Hotel, September 25, 1879.

Mamaroneck, September 25, 1879. Dear Martha and Charlie ;

Emma has just said there is not a sheet of paper in the house, and I replied : No matter, I will find one of some sort, for Aunt Martha and Uncle Charles are to be posted up at once, and so page 259 of a blankbook serves the purpose.

Well, we have been in the cit>' to-day, and saw Charlie married at half past one o'clock at the "Windsor" to Miss Dawson.

They had a large parlor on the ground Hoor on 44th street side for the guests, with a small room for the refresh-



As to Mr. Greenough's ancestors his mother, Mrs. Lucy C. Greenough/' made the following statement, in 1890, to Col. R. C. Shannon regarding her own parents and her descendants :

During the Revolutionary War [onathan Ormes was taken prisoner and confined in the Jersey Prison-ship. Three hundred went in and only sixty came out, he being one. He served also in the privateer ** Hibernia," and was taken a prisoner with his ship into New York. He also served in the War of 1 8 1 2 as a general, commanding \'ermont militia troops on the Canadian frontier ; and was sued afterwards for the value of certain cattle seized by him that were going to feed the British.

Jonathan Ormes was born October 20, 1764, in Windham, Conn., and married Eunice Hine, born December 11, 1769, at Bethlehem, Conn.

ment table, and rooms for the bride, clergyman, ladies and gentlemen, coats, etc., all close to it, and all very well arranged.

There was quite a large quantity of HoweR, a Bell over the Bride, three pieces of music, and a very good refresh- ment table handsomely laid with ornaments and covered with all kinds of delicacies : oysters, salads, patties, birds, ices, creams, charlottes j in short, a fine table and plenty of good wine.

There were about 50 guests, or nearly so. Among them, wife and I, Mother Spaulding, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Blanchard, Mr. Cecil, Mrs. Wetmore and two daughters. At 1.30 I led off from the bride's dressing room with Mrs. Dawson on my arm, followed by the bride and her father, ushers and ladies in the rear, and all taking their places. Rev. Dr. Gallandet, in white gown, gave us the full Episcopalian service and pronounced them man and wife. I led up the mother and then kissed the bride for you, and myself, too, and the company followed suit. Then the table was thrown open and an hour spent at it; then a little dance, and then at about 4 o'clock good bye to guests; at 5 left the hotel, and at 6 left for Albany and Brockport on the " Drew," and a lovely moonlight as you ever saw in your life.

God bless them both, say I. The whole affair was neatly done, and everybody enjoyed it. I did, I know, as many friends were present, and I had a nice long talk with Cecil, Blanchard and others. The bride looked well indeed, and so did the groom, never looked better. 1 had seen him for several days past, and he was quite nervous, but to-day it was all gone, and he looked and acted manly and well. Charlie has taken passage on the White Star Steamer of October 4th, so I hope you will soon see him and his wife well and happy, and add to your happiness, too. Charlie promised me he would write by this steamer, but he may fail to do so. Emma invited them to spend a day or two with us here, which they accepted for Tuesday or Wednesday next, and we will try and have it pleasant for them ; and now I have told you all I think of. Emma is tired out and gone to bed. Baby 6 weeks old and thriving finely. We go to town in two or three weeks, to Park Avenue, as last year, I expect. I hope to hear from you, and with good accounts of Charles' health. I do so hope he is better. If there be anything I can do for either of you here, do not hesitate to call on

Yours truly,

John S. Dickerson.

P. S. You will see an account of the wedding in N. Y. Times of the 26th.

Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Gbeenough.

*She died at the advanced age of 91, having outlived her husband and only son and grandson. In her Will she gave her home to St. Luke's Church, Brockport, N. Y., of which she was a member ; and made her daughter- in-law, Martha A. Shannon, her residuary legatee.

Among her effects was found a neatly folded package with her own handwriting :

**This towel is one I made, spun and wove 70 yeai grandson to have it, and a quilt that I made for his Fathe " Brockport, 15"' July, 1891.

Lucv Caroline Greenou

paper attached bea


g the

following r

iiessage in

ago ; and before he

now am died,— pi

90 nk

. years and V

old; vhite,

want —and

my great- my bible.



Their daughter, Lucy Caroline Ormes, was born Julv 15, 1801, at Fairhaven, Vt., and was married to Ezra Greenough, May 29, 1823, at Westhaven, V't. (Mr. Ezra Greenough died at Brockport, N. Y., October 20, 1875. )


Their son, Charles Backus Greenough, was born |une 29, 1824, at Westhaven, Vt., and was inarried, January 15, 1852, to Martha Ann Spaulding, the daughter of Silas Spaulding, otClarkson, N. Y. ( Mr. Charles B. Greenough died at Paris, France, January 3, 1880. )

Their son, Charles Edward Greenough, was born September 9, 1853, '" ^^^ City of New York, and married, September 25, 1879, Frances Gray Dawson, who was born September 26, 1858, the daughter of James Dawson, of Belfast, Ireland, and Missouri (Martin) Dawson, of Georgia. (Mr. Charles E. Greenough died in New- York City, October 2Z, 1880.)

Their son, Charles Edward Greenough, was born October 23, 1880, at the Windsor Hotel, New York City.

Mrs. Frances Gray (Dawson) Thompson died August 3, 1904, in New York City.

Among Mr. Greenough's private papers were recently found a number of manuscripts almost exclusively in his own handwriting, purporting to be a genea- k)gical record of the Greenough family, and evidently the result of much careful investigation and correspondence with several ot its members.



Mr. W. W. Greenough, of Boston, wrote him, under date of 14 September, 1876, as follows :

24 West Street,

14 Sept., 1876. My dear Sir :

I found yesterday the memoranda relative to your immediate connection, which though somewhat long is very incomplete. 1 will make a copy of the whole and send it to you in the course ot three or four days, if you will notify me where to address it. There are many gaps which your uncle can fill, and with a little perseverance, the record may be made much more complete. There are numerous unplaced Greenoughs which belong to the Rowley branch.

Yours truly, C. B. Greenough, Esq., W. W. Greenough.

The copy of the memoranda referred to in this letter was also found amono; Mr. Greenough's private papers, and was evidently made use of in the preparation of his own manuscript, of which the following is a copy:

A. Robert Greenough came from England and had a son.

B. Robert Greenough, b. at Rowley, Mass., 28 October, 1683 ; d. 24 December,

1717, aged 34 years. He had a son.

C. Robert Greenough, b. at Rowley, Mass., 21 November, i 7 i 2 ; d. at Plaistow,

N. H., 2 September, 1767. He had a son.

D. Richard Greenough, b. Plaistow, 9 August, 1744 ; d. Salisbury, 17 November,

1834, aged 90. 1st wife, Elizabeth Hogg, d. 25 December, 1810, aged 57, by whom he had 12 children. 2nd wife, Mrs. Susan Shirlev, no children, but she had 3 by 1st husband.

Betsey, b. 1771 ; m. Thos. Baker, no children ; d. September, 1829.

Charles, b. 1773 ; d. Montreal.

3. Robert, b. 1775 ; d. 13 March, 1827, aged 51 or 52.

4. Bracket! Leavitt, b. 22 April, 1777; d. 22 .'\ugust, 1857, aged 80 years, 4 months.

5. Hepzibah, b. 1782 ; d. 1862, aged 80.

6. Moses, b. September, 1786; d. 16 December, 1828, aged 42. John, b. 18 May, 1790. Ednah, b. 1792 ; d. 1821, aged 28 or 29. Agnes, b. I 794.

Ezra, b. April, 1796; d. 20 October, 1875, aged 79 years and 6 months. Hannah, b. 1798 ; d. Casdeton, 1831, aged 33. James, b. 4 June, 1 800.

2. Charles, m. Rhoda Thurlow, and had three following children :

13. Daniel. (^Bena, Ohio.)

14. Horace.

15. A daughter.




28. 29.

3°- 3'- 3z-


34- 35-


37- 38- 39- 40.

3. Robert, rn. Sarah Jackman, and had four following children : Mary, b. 18 May, 1800 ; m. Levi Lowell, 5 May, 1826.

Susan, b. 3 [ulv, 1802 ; m. Jason Packard; d. 15 January, i860.

Betsey, b. 14 September, 1804 ; m. 2nd, A. B. Russell Lowell, 24 July, 1846;

d. January, 185^. Ira, b. II April, 1808 ; m. Lucretia Witherell ; d. November, 1837. Moses, b. Clinton, Mass., 15 March, 1810; m. Sarah, b. England ; and had

five following children : H. E., female, 17 years old in 1855. J. M. V. B., male, 14 years old in 1855. M. E., female, 7 years old in 1855. H. A., male, 3 years old in 1855. A. N., female, i year old in 1855.

4. Brackett Leavitt ; m., 1st, 1799, Ruth Stevens, b. 1779 ; d. 16 Sep-

tember, 1804; m., 2d, 14 October, 1808, Abigail Cummings, b. 17 December, 1779 ; d. 16 February, 1846, 12 1/2 A. M., aged 67 years; m., 3d, 24 November, 1850, Mrs. Dorothy Ela Osman.

Bracket L. Jr., b. 15 lanuary, 1800 ; m. 28 December, 1821, Amanda Frary.

Betsey, b. 16 September, 1802 ; m. |anuarv, 1 81 7, Silas Barrows ; d. Octo- ber, 1850.

Maria Jane, b. 9 July, 1810; d. 28 September, 183 I.

Louisa Ruth, b. 20 October, 1 8 1 i ; m. zt, June, 1833, Wm. S. Ela ; d. 3 December, 1868.

Abigail, b. 30 November, 1813 ; d. 14 December, I 81 3.

Solomon C, b. i September, 181 5 ; d. 22 September, 1815.

Marianne A., b. 18 April, 1818 ; m. 21 March, 1838, John Corser ; d. April,

1857. Norman Cummings, b. 24 February, 1820 ; d. Newbpt. 11 August, 1866.

26. Brackett L. Jr., m. Amanda Frary. Lyman, b. Lebanon ; m. Frances C. Morse, 20 August, 1857. Sarah Ann ; m. Hamilton.

33. Norman Cummings ; m. 23 November, 1846, Frances, dau. Samuel F. De Ford. Charles C, b. Newbpt. 15 July, 1850.

6. Moses; m. 8 October, 18 1 5, Cynthia Benton, b. 21 July, 1798. He died December 16, 1828. She m. 2d, 18 May, 1830, Watson K. Eldridge, b. July, I 80 1, and he died 31 fanuary, 186 I, aged 59 years. She died 4 August, 1869, aged 71. Norman B., b. May i, 1817 ; d. 29 July, 1 81 8, aged 15 months. Mary Ann, b. 16 May, 1819 ; d. 30 August, 1873, aged 54. Charles B., b. 9 July, 1821 ; m. 16 May, 1847, Mary E. Currier. Martha Jane, b. 25 August, 1827 ; d. 16 August, 1749, aged 22; m. Jas.



Burgin, 18 May, 1846. They had a daughter, Clara E. Burgin, b. 13 February, 1847 ; d. 2 December, 1875, aged 28. 39. Charles B., m. Mary E. Currier.

41. George B., b. 11 November, 1848 ; m. 26 June, 1873, Florence L. Tickner.

7. John, m. Mary, dau. David Pratt of Cambridge, N. Y. She died N. Y. 18 May, 1869.

42. Elizabeth, b. Salem, N. Y., August, 181 2 ; m., 1st, Alfred Stillman of N. Y. ;

2d, John Harris.

43. David Pratt, b. Salem, N. Y., 10 September, 1814.

44. Adeline, b. Salem, N. Y., 10 April, 1816 ; m. Cassino Sears. 2d, fas. P.

Allairs. No children.

45. Charles Curtis, b. Warner, N. H., 5 October, 181 8.

46. Lyman, b. Hopkinton, N. H. ; d. aged 4 at Salisbury, N. H.

47. Maria, b. Scagticoke, N. Y., 1822 ; m. Ora Stillman of Westerly, R. I.

43. David Pratt, tanner. Auburn, N. Y. ; m. Keziah Clark, of Schenec- tady, N. Y., 1835.

48. Albertine, b. Schenectady, 1839.

49. Mary, b. I 842.

50. Alice, b. 1845. 5 I . Emma, b. 1849.

45. Charles Curtis, m., 1st., Sarah Ann Baker, N. Y., October 6, 1844; m., 2d., Eliz. Naomi Van Wart, of N. Y., 20 July, 1862.

52. Charles H., b. N. Y., 6 May, 1849.

53. A son, b. 5 June, 1863.

10. Ezra, m. Lucy Caroline Ormes, b. 15 July, 1801.

54. William Henrv, died voung.

55. Charles B., b. 29 June, 1824.

55. Charles B., m. Martha Ann Spaulding, 15 January, 1852.

56. Charles Edward, b. N. Y., 9 September, 1853.

12. James, Whitehall, N. Y.

57. Myron, b. 1822.

58. Henry, b. 1827. (?)

59. Marcus, d. about 9 years old. 60 & 61. Sons, died young.

57. Myron, m. wife dead.

62. A daughter, I 6 to 18 years old.

63. A son, 12 to 14 years old.

58. Henry, m. wife still living.

64. A son, 12 to 14 years old.

65. A son, 6 to 10 vears old.


Some correspondence regarding " unplaced " Shannons, consisting of letters from Josiah S. Shannon, of Manchester, N. H., Ebenezer Shannon, of Plaistow, N. H., James Shannon, of Kingston, Canada ; as well as a number of letters from Mr. Hodgdon to Col. R. C. Shannon giving an account of his efforts to trace the descendants of Robert and Samuel Shannon, the two younger sons of Nathaniel Shannon, of Boston, the Emigrant Ancestor of the family ; also some correspondence with Mr. IVilliam H. Shannon, Jr., of Newburgh, N. T., and Mr. Wright Shannon, of Sunbright, 'Venn., in regard to their particular families.

Manchester, N. H., Oct. 15/83. Georce E. Hodgdon, Es^j.

Dear Sir:

In the Portsmouth correspondence of the Manchester Union, published last Satur- day, I noticed that you were engaged in collecting material tor a history of the Shannon family. I am interested in this, being a son of Dea. Josiah Shannon, grandson of William, great-grandson of Thomas. All that I have ever been able to learn (and that not from any data to back it up) was that Thomas was one of two brothers who immigrated to this country and landed on the " Shoals."

I have copied from Mr. Chase's History of Chester what he says about the family, which perhaps \'ou have already seen.

I do not think his history is complete, as he left out Eben and Moses in the family of William.

There is a Shannon residing in Plaistow, N. H., who is a connection of the Chester family. He is quite an aged man and might be able to give you information about the family.

My father had 4 children :

William Sargent; died in 1839. Sally; married, 1st, Nathan Carr ; znd, Charles H. Butler, living now in Raymond ; and Sophia, married John L. Poor, also living in Raymond ; and myself, |osiah S., married Vernerva Sargent. My children are William S. and Hattie N.

Shall be glad to hear from you and of your probable success.

1 want one or more copies of your history when complete.

Any further assistance that I can render shall be cheerfully given.

Very truly yours,

Josiah S. Shannon.


Manchester, N. H., Oct. 27, 1883. George E. Hodgdon, Esq.,

Dear Sir :

I thank you very much for your list of Deeds and your letter of the 16th. Thomas Shannon appears to have been a resident of Rve from 174.7 to 1761, and his residence being given in Chester in 1763. He probably moved there about that time, his last convey- ance being 1782. He might have died soon after. 1 have not yet been able to find any record in any bible or other papers going back so far. The conveyance of Thomas of Hampstead, 1797, was probably his son. I think the Eben Shannon in Plaistow must be a son of this last Thomas ; and he may have some record or knowledge of his grandfather as to age or time of death, and also of the other children of Thomas and John or Samuel. The tax lists of Chester should show what years Thomas was taxed. A granddaughter of the original Thomas married Moses Lane and lived in Candia. Another married a Mr. Hawes and lived near Boston. A grandson was named Caleb Shannon ; lived in Candia, and has a son living there named Asa Washington, who is obliged to walk with crutches, the result of scarlet fever. I do not know who was the father of these grandchildren. Mr. Shannon of Plaistow mav know.

William Shannon, son ot Thomas, was probably born prior to 1760. He married Hannah Holmes, widow of Nathan Lane, who died in the armv in 1776. Their oldest son, Josiah, was born January 5, 1784. I have not got the date of their marriage, probably 1781 or 2. In the winter ot 1802 and 3, William and his son Josiah went to Savannah, Ga., to cut live oak timber. On the passage home in 1803 William died. His widow sometime after that married John Leavitt of Raymond and lived there till Mr. Leavitt died, about 1822. She then moved to Candia and married Capt. John Sargent (his 2d marriage) in 1824. She died August 4, 1833, aged 84 years.

Josiah Shannon was Deacon ot the Congregational Church in Candia from about 1820 till his death in 1859. He married widow Sarah Pearley, daughter of Capt. John Sargent (by his first wife). May i, 1806. Her mother was the first female child born in Candia, born April

9. '752-

Their children were :

1. William Sargent, born March 9, 1808; died April 22, 1839; was never married.

2. Sally, born June 2d, 181 i ; married to Nathan Carr, of Candia, son of Joseph

Carr, June 8, 1831. Nathan Carr died 1882. Had no children, and his widow was married to Charles H. Butler in 188^, and now resides in Raymond.

3. Sophia, born May 9, 1814 ; married to John L. Poor, of Raymond, son of Sam-

uel Poor, December 19, 1833. Their children I will give you later.

4. Josiah Sargent, born September 7, 181 7 ; lived in Candia ; was married October

23, 1845, to Vernerva Sargent, daughter of Jacob Pearley Sargent, of Orange, Vt. He was elected Town Clerk of Candia for four successive years, and resigned the office in 1847, when he removed to Manchester. He held the office ot Ward Clerk in Manchester for three years. In July, 1848, he com- menced work as clerk in the counting room of the Manchester Mills, and


in 1854, was promoted to the office of paymaster, and has continued in that office to the present time. He has two children, as follows :

1. William Sargent, born July 26, 1849.

2. Hattie Newell, born March 17, 1855.

I learn that the wife of Moses Lane and the Mrs. Hawes and Caleb Shannon, who 1 mentioned before, were sisters and brother of Eben Shannon, of Plaistow, and children of Thomas Shannon, 2nd.; also that there is a Benjamin Hawes, son of Mrs. Hawes, residing and doing business in Exeter, from whom you will be able to learn something. I think there are some Shannons living in Gilmanton or Sanbornton, and are descendants of those in your list of deeds of those living in Canterbury and Concord. There were, I understand, three brothers of Eben Shannon and four sisters, but I only knew Caleb Shannon and Mrs. Lane.

I have been some time picking up and writing these sheets, and they are rather discon- nected. I have written them as I have had time. I shall be able to give you more infor- mation relative to the children of William, ot Sarah, who married Moses Sargent, and of Jane, who married Jona. Worthen.

Of the children of Samuel, Lydia married Josiah Morse, son of Amos Morse. They lived in Chester. They had children, who must be living there now. Josiah Morse died in 1858. Sarah married Thomas Chase. They had daughters, who are now living in Haver- hill, Mass. I will try to learn their names and residence if I can. Thomas married Davis. I can also learn more about their children.

I will send you these sheets now, but I do not think they will be of much value to you. I shall be quite busy for about three weeks closing up the business of the mills for the six months past. After that 1 will send you what I can learn further.

Very truly yours,

J. S. Shannon.

Mr. Hodgdon, having addressed a letter of inquiry to Mr. Ebenezer Shannon, of Plaistow, N. H., about his ancestors and his own immediate family, received the following very interesting reply, under date of March 17, 1SS4:

The Thomas Shannon that moved from Rve to Chester and married a Rand was my grandfather.

They had the following children :

William j John \-

, These three resided in the vicinity of Candia and Raymond.

Samuel j

Thomas, my father. I think he was born in Rye. He was in the Revolutionary War at the age of fifteen and served seven years. Came home and married Sarah Pillsbury, of Hampstead, and they had eight children, of whom I am


one, and my mother died ; he then married Dolly Locke, widow More.

She had no children by my father. Mv uncle Morris married a Miss

Collis and settled in New York. Ebenezer Shannon was born November 27, 1794. Married to Betsey Smith, daughter of Timothy Smith, of Hampstead, November I I, 1824. She was born September 2, 1805. Our children were :

1. Stephen Smith, born July 31, 1825.

2. Sarah, born April 21, 1827. ,

3. Charles O., born April 13, 1829.

4. Martha Welch, born December 31, 1834; married [ames M. Davis. Died

luly 29, 1863.

5. George Eben, born March 27, 1836 ; died August 22, 1864.

6. Frank Welch, born May 22, 1838.

7. Walter Scott, born November 11, 1844.

8. Henry M., born June 9, 1847.

I, Ebenezer Shannon, and my wife and all of our children were born in Hampstead. We moved to Plaistow about thirty years ago (1854), and have resided there ever since. I am now eighty-nine years old the twenty-seventh of next November (1884).

Thomas Shannon, my father, had the following children :

1. Mary, born in Hampstead ; married Benjamin Hawes, and lived and died in Rox-

bury, Mass.

2. Joseph, who married Alice Nichols. They were both born in Hampstead, and

he died at the age of 83. His widow is still living (1884J.

3. John, who died in Roxbury at the age of 60.

4. Ebenezer, of which I have given you an account.

5. Sarah ; married a Mr. Lane, and died in Eaton, N. H.

6. Betsey ; married Mr. Mooney, of Eaton.

7. Hannah ; married Mr. Evans, of Rochester.

8. Caleb ; married in Candia.

If there is any more information I can give, shall be happy to furnish it. . The Portsmouth and New Castle Shannons I know nothing about.

Yours respectfully,

Ebenezer Shannon.

Manchester, N. H., April 5, 1884. George E. Hodgdon, Esq., My Dear Sir :

You must have thought 'ere this that I had lost my interest in the history of the Shannon family as I have not answered either of your last very interesting letters.

I have not forgotten to write, but have been very busy and even now can only answer a part of your letters, but I will write something, if only to acknowledge the receipt of yours and apologize for the delay.



] will get a copv of the deed of Andrew to William Shannon of i 799. William was my grandfather and 1 think it must be to him the deed was given. 1 do not know who Andrew was. He appears to have been a citizen of Amherest in 1763, or about the time Thomas, 2d., moved from Rye to Chester. If they were related this would indicate that the family were moving in this direction.

I have been interested in the printed sheets you sent me, but have not had time to examine them thoroughly ; but I notice they claim that Seaborn or Nathaniel was a son ot Thomas, which seems not to be correct. Now if he was a son of Nathaniel, 1st., of Boston, then I am inclined to believe that Thomas of New Castle was also a son ot Nathaniel and that both came from Boston, settling in the vicinity of Portsmouth.

I do not know who Robert Shannon was, but if he was from Chester, Eben Shannon ought to know who he was. Eben mentions his uncle Moras ( r), probably Morris. In yours of Oct. you say vou found the name of Morris on a petition in 1728. It you see Eben he can no doubt explain who he meant. Would like to know where his grandfather died, the vear and his age if he has it. I thank vou very much tor the copy ot Eben's letter, it was a very complete statement of his part of the family.

I think it likelv the records of births and marriages in those earlv years were very incom- plete— we mav find that Andrew was a son of either Nathaniel, 2d., or Robert, if we find it at all. ] will send vou a copv of the deed I mentioned when I get it, with anything more that I find.

Hoping vou will find the connection yet between Thomas of New Castle & Nathaniel of Boston, I am.

Yours very truly,

J. S. Shannon.

Manchester, N. H., May 17, 1884. Geo. E. Hodcdon, Esq., Dear Sir :

I send copv of the deed of Andrew to Wm Shannon, from which it is very evident bv the reserve of the House and privileges around the same to himself & wife during their natural lives, that William was the son of Andrew ; but I cannot think that this William was the one who afterward resided in Manchester, say in the years i860 to 65.

Dr. Goodwin said to me yesterday that you had found the connection of our families, which I was very glad to learn. It is quite a reward tor the length ot the chase. I have nothing in particular to say now. It you are coming this way I shall be glad to see you.

Very truly yours,

J. S. Shannon.


Portsmouth, N. H., May 19, 1884. losiAH S. Shannon, Esq^,

Manchester, N. H. My dear Sir :

On Saturday last I returned from a journey of four davs to Plaistow, Hampstead, and Chester, and found awaiting me your favor of the I 7th with copy of deed enclosed.

Dr. Goodwin must have misunderstood me if he informed you that I had found the con- nection between the Portland branch and vour own, it must have been something else, a connection between two branches, perhaps, ot your own family. I should only be most pleased to announce so happy a result after so much laborious research.

I saw Ebenezer Shannon at his home with his wife and a representative of each genera- tion, including the fourth of his numerous progeny. He is a remarkable man, erect and of robust proportion, with unimpaired faculties, intelligent and affable. He furnished me with a large amount of data ; and was much interested in my work. He was expecting my arrival, and had everything arranged to make my visit profitable to my work.

I was much pleased with the old gentleman. He appeared more like a man of 60 than one who had attained the great age of 90. He directed me to call on his sister-in-law, Alice Shan- non, the widow of his eldest brother [oseph, who resides at the old Shannon homestead in Hampstead, and the rest of the day I went there and had a long interview with this most interesting old lady of 9 i . She does all the housework for the family, which consists of her- self and " two boys," one 70 and the other 65, and both unmarried. Unfortunatelv thev were away in a distant field planting at the time of my visit and I did not see them.

From Hampstead I went to Chester and found the Morse family, who descend from Samuel Shannon, a soldier of the Revolution.

The town records of Chester contain a full list of Samuel's children, and of his death, January 30, 1813, and also his marriage. Also the death of his widow in 1842. I could find nothing else on the record excepting the marriage of Jane, daughter of ... .

The tax list mentions, 1798-99, Ensign William Shannon ( your grandfather).

Thomas, same year (must that have been the father of WilHam ).


I forgot to mention that Ebenezer conflicts with Chase's history as to Thomas' children, and his storv Mrs. Alice Shannon confirmed. He gave the following in order of their births : William. Samuel. John. Thomas. Morris.

The latter was a physician, and settled in New York State in the last century. He married a lady in Hampstead by the name of CoUis.

It is evident that I have committed a grave mistake in not examining the town records of Hampstead, as I ought to have done.

From your deed of Andrew to William another complication arises, unless it may prove that William is your grandfather, and perhaps a nephew of Andrew.


The records of Rye show that William Shannon ot that town died in the French and Indian War of 1754-63. All of the soldiers furnished by this town for that war, it seems, are not recorded in the adjutant-general's report. I infer that this William must have been the brother of Thomas, your great-grandfather.

I have not examined the Rye records, and the information above was communicated to me bv a friend.

Yours very truly,

George E. Hodgdon.

Portsmouth, May 19, 1884.

Col. R. Cutts Shannon,

My Dear Friend

On Tuesday 1 started from Exeter with a horse and carriage on a vovage ot discovery, directing my course toward Plaistow, some 16 miles southward, over a road deep wiih mud, lonely and bordered with extensive tracts of forests and wild lands.

At Plaistow I called on the old hero of the days of 181 2, who was awaiting my arrival, surrounded with his wife and a representative of each generation, including the fourth of his numer- ous progeny. Ebenezer Shannon is certainly a "remarkable" man ; of medium height, erect and of robust proportions ; his faculties are in no way impaired, and is a person of intelligence. His appearance would indicate him to be a man of 60 years rather than a nonogenarian.

At the first glance 1 could plainly discern that his countenance bore a strong resemblance to that of William Shannon, the Superintendant of our City Farm.

The old gentleman had not been in Portsmouth since 181 3, when a soldier in the army of the United States, and stated that he never knew but one person in that place who bore the family name, and that person was " Richard Cutts Shannon, a lawyer." He did not know of any relationship existing between them. Since receiving my letters he had made efforts to learn more of his ancestry, but could not at this time go back beyond his grandfather, Thomas Shannon, who lived in Rye in 1748, and settled in Chester, N. H., in I 76 1.

He furnished me with a complete record of his own descendants ; generally from biblical reg- isters, and in the collateral branches substantially as follows, viz.,

Thomas ; his grandfather ; married a Rand.

Their children were :

1. William ; died in 1802 ; was a soldier in the Revolution.

2. Samuel ; died in 1813 ; was a soldier in the Revolution.

3. lohn ; was a soldier in the Revolution.

4. Thomas (his father); was a soldier in the Revolution.

5. Morris ; a physician, who settled in New York in the last century.


The fourth son Thomas (his father) married Sarah Pillsbury, daughter ot |oseph Pillsburv, of Hampstead, N. H. Then followed a long genealogy, which I will not here repeat.

After acquainting me with the data in his possession I made this inquiry : " Can you state who was vour first American ancestor and from what country he came ? ' '

He replied that he always understood that Thomas Shannon was the original emigrant and a native of Ireland, but when or where he settled he had never been informed. He had noth- ing authentic of the past history of his family prior to his grandfather Thomas, whom he thought must have been named for the emigrant.

He told me to visit his sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice Shannon, the widow of his eldest brother, who resides in Hampstead where he ( Ebenezer ) was born, and in the house which had been in the family a century.

Bidding the old man farewell, I took up the reins and went on some 14 miles through a tine tract of country, and stopped over night at a " wavside inn."

The next day drove to the Shannon homestead in Hampstead, a most ancient looking edifice situated on a handsome ridge of land with a commanding prospect. I found the widow in the front of the house at work in her little flower garden. She was quite pleased to see me when I informed her of the object of my visit, and immediately invited me into the house. She was alone, and informed me that she did all of the housework for the family, which consisted of herself and her "two boys" (aged 65 and 70, respectively), and both bachelors; they were then away in a distant field planting, and I did not see them.

The widow has reached the mature age of 90 ; her husband Joseph Pillsburv Shannon, born in 1788, died in 1871. One of her sons fell at Fredericksburg, a soldier in the iith New Hampshire Volunteers.

Her bible record was well kept, and from her I obtained about the same traditional infor- mation as from the old gentleman.

The old lady, like her brother-in-law, is remarkablv well preserved ; is possessed of a good memory, polite and intelligent.

The next day I went to Chester, N. H., the town in which Ebenezer Shannon's grand- father located in I 76 1.

I have several relatives residing there, among them the "Village Doctor." I carefully examined the town records and collected a large mass of data therefrom. There are no Shannons now living here, but grandchildren of Samuel (brother of Ebenezer's father) live here who descend from a daughter, their names are Morse. From one of them I obtained a complete list ot Samuel's descendants.

He pointed out to me the graves of the Revolutionary brothers, over which were floating the faded flags of last " Memorial Day."

Now of this branch, it indeed it be one of your family, I have accumulated a large amount of information, and their record is such that they may well be proud of it ; but I only regret to state that I cannot find any connecting link between them and you.

I returned to Exeter on Saturday, and from there took the cars for Portsmouth.

Whether this long and wearisome journey has been of any advantage to this investigation the future will reveal. It was a great pleasure to me to meet these aged people and converse with them upon subjects relating to the past, and of men who long ago they had known, then as aged


as thev are now. There were many incidents all along the route which I teel assured would have been of interest to you, could you have shared this journey with me.

I am, Yours truly,

Geo. E. Hodgdon.

Portsmouth, N. H., September ig, 1884. R. C. Shannon, Esq.,

New York City. My dear Colonel :

On the 7th, 8th and 9th instants I was in Concord and called upon C. W. Paige, Esq.; although that gentleman for some time had been carefully examining the papers in his custody, formerly the property of his father-in-law, the late Hon. |ohn S. Shannon, he has not as yet been able to discover anything relating to the origin ot the earlv Shannons of New Hampshire.

I was directed by him to visit the widow of Samuel Shannon, who was a brother of " Old Ira's" father.

Her residence is a fine brick building a short distance from the State House, and her grand- daughter. Miss Fannie B. Smith, a most accomplished young lady of 2 ^ and a teacher of a private school, received me. She evinced the greatest interest in the object of my visit, and promised to secure any and all data possible in the possession of her immediate relatives, particu- larly the " Old Bible" of which Ira made mention. Her grandmother, now 87 years, knew all about it. The old lady gave me many interesting anecdotes of the early Gilmanton Shan- nons, and the granddaughter took especial pleasure in showing me an antique mahogany dining- tahle which had been in the Shannon family 175 years. Her grandmother brought it from Gilmanton, and the voung lady laughingly remarked : " Ira said he wouldn't give ten cents for it." She said : " Money cannot buy it."

I called on Professor Hadlev, who married a granddaughter of Hon. |ohn S. Shannon. She has been dead for several years.

Professor Hadley was formerly Reporter of the Supreme Court, and, I believe. Secretary of State. He is a gentleman of culture and high social standing. Mr. Paige had some time before spoken to him of my undertaking.

He has promised to assist Miss Smith in collecting the data requisite for publication.

Very truly yours,

George E. Hodgdon.


Portsmouth, Dec. 15, 1884. R. C. Shannon, Esq.,

New York City. My Dear Colonel :

I am again in my office in this city after a sojourn of one week in Boston. You probably are awaiting the results of my labor in that place ; and I will endeavor to give vou an account of my operations while there. Monday I devoted to the examination of the indices to the Massachusetts Archives, but found nothing in addition to the letters and documents which you have sent me. I then went to Brookline and had a very pleasant interview with Mrs. Davis, your relative. She was very much interested in our investigation and furnished me with some valuable data relating to her family, and promised to send me an account of the Tuckers of Pepperell, Mass.

The next day I again visited the State House and examined the Revolutionary Rolls and made some discoveries which may lead us into a new field of research, the end of which mav be in the remote future.

You will remember that the old Naval Officer was the father of three sons, viz., Nathaniel, whose descendants we have nearly all recorded, also Robert, born 1695, and Samuel, born 1698.

In the lith Massachusetts Regiment, Continental Infantry, I find the name of John Shan- non, of Georgetown, Mass., a private enlisted for 3 years; killed in action after a service of 6 months 7 days.

In Captain Walter Becker's Co., Col. Parks' Regiment (Continental) the name of Samuel Shannon, a drummer in the expedition to Ticonderoga, 1778.

In Capt. Lemuel Trescott's Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's Battalion (Continental, 1776), Robert Shannon, private, is recorded.

In the Navy, Richard Shannon, ship "The Hague," Captain Manlv.

It is quite probable that both Samuel and Robert Shannon above mentioned are descend- ants ot either Samuel, born 1698, or Robert, born 1695, or of both of thein.

I shall go to Boston next week and examine the tax lists, if I can gain access to them, hoping to find what was the end of the younger sons of the Naval Officer, and whether thev left any descendants.

My opinion is that you should have the will of Robert Shannon, Mayor of Londonderry, copied. If he were a single man, as the tradition goes, then his brother's name or other mem- bers of the family must be mentioned. I know of no other way to solve the mvstery which hangs over the birthplace of the 1st Nathaniel.

Yours truly,

George E. Hodgdon.


Portsmouth, N. H., January 24, 1885. R. C. Shannon, Esq.,

New York City. My dear Colonel :

While the results thus far obtained have not been satisfactory to me concerning the descend- ants of Robert and Samuel, sons of the old Naval Officer, I am confident that I have discovered some of them, one of whom resides in Hampton, N. H., Robert Shannon, aged about 50 years. His ancestors, he says, were residents of Charlestown, Mass.

There are others in Boston whom I have visited, but the " connecting links " are wanting.

Yours trulv,

George E. Hodgdon.

My dear Colonel :-

May 5, 1885.

1 have written a large number ot letters to Shannons found in directories. To-day I received a replv from one Dr. [ames G. Shannon, ot Rutland, Mass., who proves to be your cousin. Many who respond are Irish, or cannot go back bevond three generations. I am steadily at work, still in expectation that the descendants of Robert and Samuel can yet be found. At all events I have discovered a family in Massachusetts who have lived there for i 50 years.

I am also engaged in writing the History of the Ambrose family, and thus try to work them together.

Hoping you are still undismayed in the work before you, I am.

Your most Obt. Servant,

George E. Hodgdon.

Portsmouth, N. H. Colonel R. Cutts Shannon, 6th April, 1886.

New York City. My Dear Colonel :

The campaign of 1886 has already been commenced by our Canadian allies, who have thus early achieved a brilliant success.

When I wrote you some time since that the Kingston Postmaster would prove, in my opinion, a powerful auxiliary to our forces, I find that my expectations have been fully realized. He has discovered the missing Nathaniel's descendants (see enclosure), and I have no doubt but returns from Ireland in response to his inquiries will establish the antecedents of Nathaniel the founder of your family in America.

Yours very truly,

Geo. E. Hodgdon.



The following letter from Mr. James Shannon, of Kingston, Canada, con- tains the information referred to by Mr. Hodgdon :

Kingston, Canada,

4th May, 1886. My dear Sir :

I have been somewhat tardy in replying to your letter of the i6th ultimo, but I have been very busy in the matter you are so much interested in. Your last letter struck oil decidedly.

First : " Wolfe Island," where Nathaniel Shannon and wife were drowned, lies oppo- site Kingston about three or four miles distant. I have discovered there that Nathaniel Shannon (l) and his wife, Polly Gorman (2), were drowned between Wolfe Island and Kingston about the fall of 1837. The family lived on Wolfe Island. There were two sons, Nathaniel (3) and John (4), who moved to Wisconsin. -There were three daughters, Mary Ann ( 5), Sarah Ann (6) and Louisa {7).

Louisa married a Mr. Home on Wolfe Island, and is dead. Marv .Ann married John Browne, also a Wolfe Islander, and is dead. Sarah Ann is now Mrs. James Abbott, and is still living on Wolfe Island ; and remembers hearing her father speak of his brother John.

Shannonville, of which you speak, is in the County of Hastings, and about 5 5 miles west ot this place. I dont know who it was called for.

1 enclose you a letter from Mr. Thomas Shannon, Postmaster, Picton, who seems to be a connection of the Hon. Leonard Shannon, of St. John, N. B., as their ancestors came t'rom the South ot Ireland. Please return Mr. Thomas Shannon's letter.

I have written to several persons in the North of Ireland, and will write vou when I hear from them.

Yours very truly,

James Shannon. George E. Hodgdo.n-, Esq.,

Portsmouth, N. H.



Shortly after the foregoing letter was written, the following statement of the ancestors of Mr. James Shannon, of Kingston, Canada, was sent to Mr. llodgdon for his information :


Three Brothers from Scotland Arrived at Ireland in the

time of Cromwell, say about 1650.

WILLIAM. Setded in Antrim.


Physician and Accoucher. Settled at Magherafelt Co Londonderry He had a farm at Ballvmughan called " Knock."


Settled at Nr. Limavady or Londonderry.


A doctor. In- herited above farm .








JAMES. Killed in first Amer- ican War.




My father.

B. 1798.

Had 5 sons.








The family

yterians until this

; of the Church of England.


Newburgh, N. Y., Jul\- 3, 1900. Hon. R. C. Shannon,

New York City. Dear Sir :

I would be a thousand times obliged it' you could aid me in tracing the genealogy of my father's family. I have seen the Cutts Genealogy, which you took such an active part in get- ting up, and feel sure that I belong to the same family of Shannon mentioned in that book ; because there are so many names similar to those in my own family. I will give some below.

Major Langdon Shannon, of Pennsylvania, my great-grandfather, served in the War of 181 2 under Jackson. David Shannon, of New Jersey, was his brother. Sons and daughters of Langdon Shannon : Charles ; my grandfather. John.

Jackson ; lived in Geneva last heard from. David. Elizabeth. Sons and daughters of Charles : Hiram. Harrison. Joseph.

William H. Shannon ; my father. Charles. Mary. Susan. Caroline. Mandy. Alice. You will see by this that I am an American of long standing. If it is not asking too much, I would like to hear from vou as soon as possible.

Yours respectfully,

William H. Shannon, Jr.

The Portland,

Washington, D. C, December 3, 1900. Mr. William H. Shannon, Jr.,

Newburgh, New York. Dear Sir :

While in Germany last summer I received your letter (postmarked July 3, 1900'), in which you request my aid in clearing up certain points of your family record.

It is hardly correct to say that I took an active part in getting up the Cutts Genealogy. That would be unjust to Mr. Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard. I merely furnished him with


certain data regarding the Shannon and Vaughan families that had been prepared for me by George E. Hodgdon, Esq., of Portsmouth, N. H., and which data Mr. Howard incorporated in his booii.

In 1891 Mr. Hodgdon had nearly completed his work entitled " Genealogy of one Branch of the Shannon Family," and would have then published it, I believe, if his sudden death in |une of that year had not prevented.

Shortly after his death the manuscript came into my possession, but has not been pub- lished, and is not likely to be for some time yet, if ever, since it can only interest a very limited number of persons.

The founder of this branch of the Shannon family in America was Nathaniel Shannon ( 1655-172? ), who emigrated to this country in 1687 and settled in Boston, where he was a member of the Old South Church, and in about i 699 was appointed Naval Officer of the port of Boston, continuing in that office till about a year before his death, which occurred in 1723. His tombstone can still be seen in the Old Granary Cemetery on Tremont street, Boston.

Besides Nathaniel, who was his eldest son and heir, he had two other sons, Robert and Samuel, but Mr. Hodgdon's work only records the descendants of the eldest son, Nathaniel ; and it is just possible that the several Shannon families now located in New York, Pennsyl- vania, and in the Southern States, with whom I have thus far been unable to trace any connection whatever, are sprung from the other two sons of the old Naval Officer.

There is one name, however, in your list that strikes me as remarkable, and that is the name of your great-grandfather, Langdon Shannon.

Gov. John Langdon, of New Hampshire, was a close friend of Richard Cutts Shannon, the uncle of my grandfather, who named one of his sons alter the Governor, John Langdon Shannon. I feel quite sure your great-grandfather got his name Langdon also from the New Hampshire Governor ; and that being so, it would seem that the Pennsylvania Shannons of that time might have been in some way related to the Shannons of New Hampshire.

Should Mr. Hodgdon's manuscript ever be published I shall take pleasure in sending you a copy of the book, though 1 fear it will not be of much aid to you in learning the facts you desire about \our own line of descent.

Very truly yours,

R. C. Shannon.

Newburgh, N. Y., December 20, 1 90 1. Mr. R. C. Shannon,

New York City. Dear Sir :

Your letter of the ?d instant to hand, and I thank you very much for the interest you have taken in regard to my family record, and tor trying to answer my inquiries.

1 have before me your letter of December :;, 1900, and the one of December ?, 1901 ; and also one from my Uncle Joseph Shannon, of Argvle, Penn., which conveys considerable information. 1 also expect to hear from two other uncles of mine, one in Pennsylvania and the other in Connecticut.


I have the names of two gentlemen ot Philadelphia belonging to the Historical Society ot that city, who are going to obtain what information thev can tor me in regard to mv great- grandfather, who served in the War of 1812.

The following information is contained in my Uncle Joseph's letter :

My great-grandfather was born at what was called the Forks, now the Citv of Easton. His father's name was John. This John may possibly be the son of your grandfather's uncle, as he named his son Langdon no doubt after his own name.

My great-grandfather was granted a land grant of 160 acres, and my great-grandmother was granted a pension on his death. So you will see I have obtained considerable information from this one letter. If the other letters bring me as much information I may be able to trace back to the same Nathaniel Shannon, of Boston, from whom you are descended.

My father informs me that his Uncle David, of New Jersey, had a son named Samuel who used to visit at their house.

When I receive all my replies from letters that I have written I will write you again and try to give fuller information, so that you may be able to help me out, if it does not take too much of your time.

:;c ^ ;!i ^ :K ^ ^

Very respectfully,

William H. Shannon, Jr.

August 29, 1904. Mr. Wright Shannon,

Sunbright, Tenn. Dear Sir :

While stopping recently at the Lookout Inn, Lookout Mountain, Tenn., I met a Mr. Perrigo, who, attracted by my surname of Shannon, told me of yourself and a numerous colony of Shannons living at Sunbright and along the Emery River Valley.

He mentioned, among others, Cutts Stewart, whose mother was a Shannon, and spoke of John, James, Charles, Robert and Riley Shannon. I belong to one branch of the Shannon family of New England descending from Nathaniel Shannon, who arrived at Boston, Mass., from North Ireland in 1687, and was of " Scotch-Irish " descent. Having given considerable study to the genealogy of this branch of the family I am desirous of learning something of the Shannons in the Southland. I am aware of the fact that there were many bearing the name of Shannon who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, as there were many who served in the LTnion Army. A cousin of mine whose mother was a Shannon belonged to a Texas Regiment, and fell at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., in 1864.

Will you do me the favor to write me a letter telling something about your branch of the Family; giving names of your father, grandfather, &c.. Sec, Sec; also stating how many generations have lived in Tennessee, and where your Emigrant Ancestor came from ?

If you have not a complete record there may be a tradition in the family as to the origin. Anything you can tell me upon this interesting subject will be thankfully received.

Very truly yours,

R. C. Shannon.


Sunbright, Tenn., Mr. R. C. Shannon, September 2, 1904.

Brockport, New York. Dear Sir :

My grandfather's name was Andrew Shannon, but I am unable to say where he came from. My father's name was lames. He was killed while hunting when I was a small boy. The names of my three uncles, on my father's side, were Wright, Preston and Westly. They are all dead. The names of my four aunts were Mahalia, Rebecca, Jane and Rildia. They are all dead.

Uncles Preston and Wright were soldiers in the Union Army, and lived to get home, and died at home.

My brothers were named John, Eldredge, Andrew, Riley and James. Riley and James were both in the Union Armv ; Riley belonged to the 1 ith Tennessee, and James belonged to the 2nd Tennessee. John, Andrew and James are dead. James died at Andersonville while a prisoner of war.

The names of my sisters are Maria, Edith, Pollv and Rebecca.

^ H: =K ^ -i- ^ ^

Very truly yours,

Wright Shannon.






Abba March .

Abbie Grace

Abbie Charlotte






Abigail Tebbets

Abigail Ann Elizabeth

Abigail Ross .

Ada May

Adelaide .

Adeline Margaret


Albert F.


Almira P.

Ann Elizabeth

Ann Elizabeth

Ann .

Ann Sherburne

Ann Maria .

Ann Mary T.

Ann Cora

Anna Dodge

Annie Lenora

Anstress ]ane

Arnold .

Arthur Hall .

Arthur Willis

Arthur .

Augustus Vaughan



Austin Frank






Avis Viola 1 8 7 1



1 1





Beatrice Marv \'aughan . . 1890




Beatrice Flora .... 1890




Blanche 1885







5 ' 7



Carlton 1869




Caroline .





Caroline .




Caroline Atigusta .





Caroline Elizabeth





Carrol . . .



85 +


Cecil Wesley






I 890




Charles Augustus.




Charles Tebbets .





Charles Hezekiah





Charles William .





Charles Horace .





Charles Way .





Charles Henry





Charles Emery Goulc





Charles Way .





Charles Nathaniel





Charles Edwin .





Charles .





Charles Albert .





Charles Alvin





Charles William






Charlotte L. .






Clara Adeline






Clarence Downing






Clifton March






Cora E. . . .






Cora Belle . .






Cutts . . .



Elizabeth Waldron



Elizabeth Perkins



Elizabeth Grafton



Elizabeth Lemmon Prentice



Daisev 1885


Elizabeth Ropes .



Daniel Fillmore



Ella Gertrude



Daniel Webster



Ella Claude ....



Daniel Webster



Ellen Hall ....



David E.



Ellen V'aughan



David Frederick






Dewev .



Elmer Levi Holden .






Eioisa Comerais .



Dorothy Minetta Middleton



Elsie Jane ....



Dyer Sanborn



Emma J






Emma Harriet



Ency A



Edith Horatia .... i860





Edith Marion






Edna M.



Ernest Linwood .



Edward Holman






Edward Grafton



Ethel Marian



Edward Weston






Edward Hillsgro\




Ezra Hutchins






Ezraetta Hutchins



Edwin Charles



Edwin Merrill



Edwin Woodbur)



Edwin Howe



Fannie M



Edwin Sylvester

I 85 1


Fannie Marie



Edwin Willis



Fannie Charlotte .

1 902


Edwin Howe





Effie . . .



Flora May ....



Elbridge Morrill



Florence Belle . . .



Eleanor .









Floyd A.





Floyd . . Forest Dean . Frances Jane Frances Ann . Frances Eliza Frances Ann . Francis Sutherland Frank Pierce . Frank

Frank Edgar . Frank Dixon Frank Frank E. Frank Jewett Frank Wood Frederick Henry Frederick Fred Odde . Fred H.

Caspar George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George George

Grant Walker Walker Walker


Hen ry



Lamper .





Washington Edwin Levi . Fred

883 883 825 818 845 848 879 851 857 854


811 852 875 875

738 768

770 791 786 813 823 831 816

817 819 854 864

859 862

859 851 842

732 719 103 I 89 416 523 345 287 448 538 651 689 716 787 814 186 418 585 715




27 73 90

95 106 168

•95 214

324 453 454 488

495 518 898 796 873 798

George Vaughan Georgianna Georgianna Glennie F. Glen

Grace Ella Grace Lincoln Grant Lincoln Guy Stuart .

Hannah Jane Hanley . Harriet . Harriet Byron Harriett Townsend Harriet . Harriet Walker . Harriett Elizabeth Harriett Olive Harriet Rose Harry W. . . Harry Webster . Hattie

Helen Augusta Helen Maria Helen Louise Henry Clarence . Henrv Hiram Horatio Nelson .

Ida . . . Ida . . . Ira . . . Irene Averill Isaac Waldron Isaac Waldron Isabelle .




























1 70















844 415 899 625 854 321


















[ames Noble

James Noble

[ames Noble

(ames Noble


James Cate

James Frank

James Noble

James Harrison

James Griswold

James Oliver

James Frank .

James Harrison

James Eastman

|ane .

Jane Warner


John Langdon

John Sherburne


John Langdon

|ohn Langdon


John Chase .

John Sherburne

John Weslev

John Downer

John Chase .

John Byron .

John C. .


Jonathan Coffin


Julian Earl

Kate \^'inifred Kate Brown . Katie BufFord


Laura Hegeman Lerov



Lena Gertrude

•77 +


Leslie D. .


+ 2

Lester Eugene


■3 +

Levi Morse .


'5 +

Lilias Lyon .



Lillie Marion



Lillie Virginia



Lizzie E.




18 + 3


Lizzie Ethel .



Lorain Terry







188 +


Loyed M.



Lucy Folsom



Lucy Ellen ,



Lucy Eliott .





Luvie Ellen .






Lydia Abigail







Mabel de Wit .



Mabel Lizzie



Mabel . . .



Mabel . . .


Mabelle Stanwood



Mandie .








Margaret Nelson




Margaret Abby . Margaret Vaughan Margaret Bill



Margie D. .



Marguerite .



Marrietta B. Martha Ruggles . Martha Ann Stevens


+ "

Martha Laurana .




884 683












8 + 7


















+ 57

































+ 17



















Mary Ann 1778


Nathaniel \'aughan . . . 1863


Mary Vaughan






Mary Ann Darlin




Nathaniel Hard

. 1842


Mary Harriet


I 3 I

Nellie March



Mary Anna .



Nellie . .



Mary Barker


' 5'

Nora Leonard



Mary Clark .



Norman .



Mary Jane .



Norman Hugh



Mary Ann .



Mary Adaline

182 +


Mary Margaret







Mary Josephine


3 + '

Olive . .



Mary Clark .



Olive Marie .






Olive May .






Oliver . .



Mary Ada .

183 +


Oliver Noble



Mary Jane .



Oliver C. .



Mary Bell .



Oliver Noble

. 1841


Mary Cornelia


6? 5

Orlander Perkins

. '853


Mary Abbie



Maude Louisa

. 1892


Mildred Estelle

. 1889


Minetta Ballister

. i860


Pearl 1893


Myra Grace

. 1883


Percy Arthur . . . . 1876


Phebe Westbrooke Wald


. 1815


Nancy 1789

Nancy Leonard . . . . 1820

Nathaniel 1655

Nathaniel 1689

Nathaniel 7 ' 5

Nathaniel ti74o

Nathaniel '7 54

Nathaniel 1764

Nathaniel 177 5

Nathaniel Vaughan ... I 790

Nathaniel '784

Nathaniel 1822

Nathaniel 1816

Nathaniel 1 8 1 o

Nathaniel Hartshorn . . 1 849

74 140

Ralph Woodbury Ray . . .


597 768


Richard Cutts




Richard Cutts




Richard .




Richard Cutts




Richard Cutts




Richard Cutts


43 3


Richard Cutts




Richard Cutts




Robert .



Robert .



21 I

Robert William




Robert Hayden





Robert Orr .












Ronald Clair



Thomas Westbrooke

Waldron 1787


Rosina .






Roy Vincent



Thomas Kitson .



Ruth H.



Thomas .



Thomas Westbrooke



Thomas Rindge .



Thomas Rand



Sadie j 1866





Victie B 1885


Samuel .

1 769


Virginia Violet . . . . 1865


Samuel .



Samuel Leonard



Samuel Tebbets



Walter Pratt . . . . 1862


Samuel Tebbets



Walter Vaughan



Samuel Hoyt



Walter Scott



Samuel Leonard



Walter . .



Samuel Adams



Wellington Hyde



Samuel Leonard



Wilbur S. . .



Samuel H.



William . . .






William . . .



Sarah Jane .



William Cogswell



Sarah Elizabeth



William . . .



Sarah Ann .



William Allison .



Sarah Rindge



William Augustus



Sarah Ann



William Augustus



Sarah [ane



William . . .


Sarah Alice .



William Nathaniel



Sarah Vernetta



William Cummings



Sarah Ann



William Franklin



Sarah Margaret


William Marsellus






William Ellis



Sarah Haley



William Leroy



Sibyl R.



William . .






William Edwin



Sophia Harriet



William Lloyd



Sophia Moody



Willie C. '.



Sophia Willoughb




Willie Flint .



Sophie Eugenia



Winfield Scott



Stella . .



Winnie .



Stephen .


2 10

Woodbury Emm





OTHER SURNAMES [the figures refer to the consecutive numbers under which the names occur.]

Abbott, James 500

Abbott, Jane 501

Abbott, William Henry .... 502

Abbott, George 503

Abbott, Mary Ann 504.

Abbott, Samuel Wilson . . . . 505

Abbott, Olive Cornelia . . . 506

Abbott, Sarah Marcella .... 507

Abbott, fames Theophilis . . . 508

Abbott, Silas Shannon .... 509

Abbott, Ann 510

Abbott, Calvin 511

Abbott, Fannie Minerva . . . 512

Aikens, Charles H 222

Allbright, Leonora A 353

Allen, Lillian 180

Allen, Charles W 180

Allen, Jenny ( Hunn ) . . . . 180

Allen, Lucia Porter 665

Allison, Nancy 135

Allison, William 135

Allison, Adelaide Amelia . . . 145

Allison, William Edward . 145

Ames, Winslow 113

Anderson, Queennie 352

Anderson, Lillie 766

Annable, Abby 249

Annable, Ephraim 249

Annable, Sarah 249

Annis, Lucy Woodbury . . . . 258

Annis, Ansel Hatch 258

Annis, Ruth Annie (Woodburvj . 258

Arnold, Rosina 480

Aushart, Felix 124

Aushart, Louis 124

Aushart, Catherine 124

Ayer, Chloe 58

Ayer, Obadiah 58

Ayers, John 526

Avers, Hannah Drew . 526

Bacon, Beatrice Maude . . . .618

Bacon, Thomas 618

Ballard, Ada Jane 821

Ballard, John Drake 821

Ballard, Emily Hannah . . . . 821

Barker, William 47

Barker, Mary 684

Barnard, Hannah ( Pitman j ... 64

Barrett, Amerila 474

Bartlett, Henrietta Watson . . . 258

Batchelder, Judith W 537

Batchelder, Bessie 549

Battle, William Walton . . 352

Beals, Edward Francis . . 256

Beals, Edward 256

Beals, Eliza (Rice) 256

Beck, Frances 181

Berry, Etta C 802

Berry, Myra Estelle 805

Berry, Ira Locke . . . . .805

Berry, Lavina (Drew) .... 805

Bert, Kate .320

Bill, Margaret Arabella . . . .623

Bill, C. R 623

Bills, Daniel I 10

Blackey, Mary Webster . . 425

Blackey, Ira 425



Blackey, Sarah .

+ 25

Blake, Justianna .


Blanchard, Sarah G. M.


Blunt, Sarah Frost


Blunt, William .


Blunt, Elizabeth ( March


Bolton, Luc\'


Bolton, Richard .


Bolton, George .


Bowers, Charles L. .


Boyd, Margaret .


Boyle, Edward J.


Brackett, Herman Alvah


Brackett, Charles Edwin


Brackett, Martha Elinor


Brackett, Chester Alvah


Brackett, Guy Herman


Brackett, Violet May


Brackett, Charles Edwin


Brandt, Mollie Marie


Brav, Annie L. .


Brav, George


Bra\', Ann


Brown, Betsey


Brown, Nathaniel


Brown, |ohn Porter .


Brown, Edwin F.


Brown, Lvman .


Brown, Luc\'


Brown, Cora May


Brown, Myra Lee .

. 422

Brown, Edith Belle .

. 422

Brown, Perne Wadleigh

. 422

Brown, Alfred Brewer

. 646

Brown, John Porter .

. 646

Brown, Rosalie Sihyl

. 646

Brown, John Porter .

. 647

Brown, Ellery

. 648

Brown, James


Brown, Abbie May .


Browne, John


Browne, Daniel .


Browne, Eliza

. 461

Browne, Julia Browne, James . Browne, Sarah Browne, Nathaniel Browne, Mary . Browne, Peter Browne, Jane Browne, John Bruce, Thomas Kitson Bruce, Lewis K. Bruce, Margaret Kitson Bryant, George . Bryant, Jemima . Bryant, George . Bryant, Abigail . Brvant, Louisa Bryant, Mary Walpey Buckminster, Mary Buckwalter, Frank J, Buckwalter, Edwin Francis Buckwalter, Gladys Minnie Bulger, Catherine Burleigh, Joseph Jay Burleigh, Samuel Burleigh, Lvdia Kennard Burleigh, Abbie Elizabeth Burleigh, Adella May Burleigh, Willie ClefFord Burleigh, Carrie Lizzie . Burleigh, Mina E. Wiggin Burlin, Harriet M. .



















455 455 455 463 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 526 39'

Caine, Lydia Maria 308

Cammett, Charles 575

Cammett, Levi W 575

Cammett, Ida M 575

Cammett, Elsie L 575

Campbell, Mary H 115

Campbell, Margaret lane Bingny . 145

Campbell, Archibald John . . . 145

Card, Ann 21

Caswell, Mary Burnham Caswell, Elijah . Caswell, Sarah Cate, James S. Cate, James WiUiam Cate, George Frederick Cate, Elizabeth Ann Cate, Benjamin Franklin Cate, Alpheus D. Cate, Joseph Cate, Nancy Cate, John Shannon Cate, Lucy J. Cate, Edgar A. . Cate, Maria Marsh . Cate, Joseph Cate, Nancy Chamberlaine, Laomi Chase, Ann Prescott Chase, Oliver Chase, Sarah A. Chase, David Chase, Horace . Chelsey, James . Chipman, Lydia Choate, Jonathan Choate, Bagley . Choate, Thankful Choate, Francis . Choate, Susan Frances Choate, Mary Eloisa Choate, Jonathan Sewall Choate, Thomas Bagley Choate, Mary Isabelle Choate, Huldah Annie Choate, Fred Shannon Churchill, Gustavus . Chute, James Edward Chute, Binea Chute, Louisa Chute, Charles Edward Chute, Sarah Louisa Chute, Margaret Ellen




Chute, Flora Svmonds . . . . 250


Chute, Addie Frances



Chute, Arnold Shannon



Clark, Jonathan .



Clark, Juliet . .



Clark, Joel . . .



Clark, Achsah (Stearns)



Clough, John



Clough, Sarah



Cole, Minnie Estelle



Coles, Frances .



Conner, Nellie .



Conner, Erdin .



Conner, Clinton Chester



Conner, Alan Burton



Conner, Mabel Dewey



Conner, Annie Laurie



Cook, Chelsea



Cook, Julia Rose



Cook, Edwin Tucker



Cook, Silas Walden



Cook, Frances



Cook, Howard Walden



Cook, Mary Delia



Cook, Helen



Crane, Jonathan .



Crockett, Lucy Eliott



Crockett, Seldon



Crockett, Lucy (Eliott)



Crowley, Mary Agnes

. 316


Cunimings, Lucv M.



Cummings, William .



Cummings, Sarah (Moses)



Cummings, Lovisa Annie



Cummings, Moses



Cummings, Mary (Critchett



Cushing, Edward Thaxter



Gushing, Edith Lilias

. 660


Cushing, Robert Shannon

. 661




Daland, Sarah Cox 396


Danielson, .

. 65



Darling, Eliza Trott ....



y, Robert


Darling, Dinishea ....



Robert Sharp



Lucv Stearns ....



Marv Shannon



Lucy Stearns ....



Sarah Conistock .



Laura Wood ....



Caroline Elizabeth



Langdon Shannon



Arthur Langdon .



George Smith



Charles Colby



Frances Marilla ( Veasey )



George ...



Grace E. ....



Guy A


Delebarre, William F. . . .


Delebarre, Margaret ....


Dennett, John

2 1

Dennett, William Henry


Dennett, Joseph


Dennett, Mary


Dennett, Nellie Charlene


Dennett, William \^'allace


Dennett, Mahel


Dennett, Bertha


Dennett, Fred Adams


Dennett, Fannie May


Dennett, Franic Allen

3 '9

Derbyshire, George Audley .


Derbyshire, James Harry



shire, Ann (Epps)


Dewey, Harriet






, Martha



, William



, Margaret ....


Dockam, Charles Albert .


Dockam, David


Dockam, Louisa


Dorsey, Prindowell M. . . .


Dow, Mary Dow, Benjamin . Dow, Mary (Marston) Dow, John Walter . Dunham, Emerette . Durrell, Joseph B. Durrell, Thomas Durrell, Mary Adaline Durrell, Lorraine Joseph Durrell, Fisk Albion . Durrell, Lena Grace . Durrell, Martha Christiana Durrell, Inez Jane Dyke, John . Dvke, Liggette .Austin Dyke, Mary Anna . Dyke, Catherine Austin Dyke, Clinton Adams Dyke, Clinton Allbright Dyke, Fred Mills Dyke, Leonora . Dvke, Abbv Abbott .






547 547 548

549 550 550 55' 552 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353 353

Eastman, Nellie Fessenden . . . 628

Eastman, Otis M 628

Eastman, Susan E 628

Eastman, Sarah Elizabeth . . . 809

Eastman, Sewell 809

Eastman, Jane 809

Eaton, William 255

Eaton, Moses 255

Eaton, Mary 255

Eaton, Fred 255

Eaton, Willie H 255

Eaton, Carrie M 255

Eaton, Willis .... -255

Eaton, Elsie Jane 255

Edgerly, Sarah E 302

Edgerly, Ebenezer 302

Edgerly, Abigail 302

Edgerly, Annie 819



Edgerly, Theodore . Edgerly, Mary F. Edmunds, George Frankl Edmunds, Harry Franklin Edmunds, Helen Agnes Edwards, Martha Laura Edwards, William Edwards, Martha P. Eliot, Robert Emerson, Walter Tvler Emerson, Edward Isaiah Emerson, Frances Tvler Emery, Nathaniel Stone Emery, Shem Emery, Marv Emery, Horace Stone Emery, Albert \^'aldron Emery, Albert Clinton Emery, George Shannon

819 819 792 793 79+ 253 253 253 13 790 790 790 306 306 306 307 308 308 309

Faulk, Constance


Fellowes, Annie


Fellowes, Benjamin .


Fernald, Charles Edwin .


Fernald, William Dennett


Fernald, Mehitable .


Fernald, Albert Shannon


Ferren, Ellen


Flanders, John .


Folsom, Nathan B. .

1 22

Foote, Annie Butler


Foote, Theron L.


Forbes, George Fairfield


Forbes, Elizabeth


Forbes, George Shannon


Forbes, Martha .


Forbes, Anita Prentice


Forristal, Benjamin Beigham


Forristal, Joseph M. .


Forristal, Fanny .


Forristal, Rosabell


Forristal, Edwin Beigham Forristal, Fred Greenwood .

Foster, Malvina

Foster, Robert

Foster, Elizabeth

Frasier, Malita S

Frasier, Clark

Freeland, Joseph H. ...

Freeland, fohn

Freeland, Hephzibah

Freeland, Fannie Jane

French, Malcolm Shedd .

French, Henry Cummings

French, Caroline Parmelia (^Cutter)

French, Lucy Sarah ....

Frost, Alice

Frost, Samuel

Furlong, Florence ....

Garland, Isaac W. Gerrish, Eleanor Gibson, David Gildersleve, Minnie . Gillispie, Mary Ann Gilman, Mary Angeline Gilman, Amasa Kelley . Gilman, Mary Ann . Gilman, Elizabeth Helen Gilman, Charles Hamilton Gilman, Annie Maria (Sargent) Goldsmith, Catherine Fellows Goldsmith, George W. . Goldsmith, Mary Ann . Goodale, Cyrus K. . Goodale, Clara Louise Goodale, Mary Shannon Goodale, Henry James Goodale, Charles Fechem Gorman, Polly . Gove, George E. Gove, Gertrude M. .

672 673 580 580 580 255 255 312 312 3 I 2

313 258 258 258 258


17 477 181 478 527 527 527 647 647 647 249 249 249

367 368



371 199

574 574



Gove, Sarah Y 574

Gove, George R 574

Gove, Oscar E. 574

Greenough, Martha Ann . . .632

Greenwood, Susan Warner . . . 633 Greenwood, Alexander , . . .633

Greenwood, EHzabeth ( Paine j . . 633

Gunn, Wiihimina 533

Gunn, Edward 533

Gunn, Louisa 533

Gustin, Charlotte B 557

Gustin, Levi 5 57

Gustin, Alvira . . . . . . 557

Hadley, Mary E 533

Hadlev, [onas 533

Hadlev, Mary Ann (Whitney) . 533

Hadlev, Amos 543

Hadley, Mabel C 543

Hadley, Arthur Harris .... 543

Hacking, Elizabeth 542

Hallett, Charles Williams Southcote . 662

Hallett, Clements John Southcote . 663

Harrington, Robert 65

Harris, Enieline Augusta . . . ^74

Harris, Daniel 374

Harris, Elizabeth (Dodge) . . . 374

Harris, Georgianna 384

Hartshorn, Hannah Elizabeth . . 279

Hartshorn, Nathaniel . . . . 279

Hartshorn, Hannah 279

Hassel, Clarence P 360

Hassel, Harold P 360

Hawes, Sarah Helena . . . . 365

Hawes, Sarah Lyon . . . . 406

Hawes, Gustavus W 406

Heal, Sarah Amanda . . . . 788

Heal, Emery 788

Heal, Patience Sarah .... 788

Hegeman, Georgianna . . . . 410

Hegeman, Peter A 410

Hegeman, Laura N.


Hersey, Alfred Ernest


Hersey, Israel ....


Hersey, Louisa .


Hersey, Cheever Lawrence


Heuvelman, John


Hickey, Thomas Hendee


Hicks, Benjamin F. .


Higgins, Devillo F. .


Higgins, Forest Dean


Higgins, Albert Francis .


Higgins, Jennie May


Higgins, Grace Edna


Higgins, Ray Marshall .


Higgins, Blanche Adelle


Higgins, Ernest Leroy


Higgins, Ethel Clare


Hight, Charles . . .


Hill, William . . .


Hill, Ann Elizabeth


Hill, Samuel


Hill, Edward Livingston


Hill, Frederick Augustus


Hill, Herman Blenheim Harr



Hill, Francis


Hinds, John Wesley


Hinds, Orlando .

53 5

Hinds, Eliza Ann (Lawrenct


53 5

Hitchcock, Samuel


Hodgdon, Thurza


Hoitt, Ezekiel ....


Hoitt, Nathan ....


Hoitt, Mercy ....


Holdbrook, George


Holdbrook, Sarah Elizabeth


Holdbrook, Frances Louisa

I ;2

Holdbrook, Helen Louisa

I l2

Holdbrook, Maria Louisa


Holdbrook, Mary Shannon


Holdbrook, James Shannon


Holdbrook, Georgie .


Holdbrook, Charles Edward


Holdbrook, Charles Tyler




Holland, Emily Mary ... -1+2

Hooper, Ella M 602

Hooper, Samuel G 602

Hooper, Jane 602

Home, Lucinda 444

Home, John 444

Home, Thomas 470

Home, Elizabeth 471

Home, Henrietta 472

Home, Thomas D 47 ?

Home, George 474

Home, Nathaniel 475

Home, Louisa 476

Home, Fanny 477

Home, William 478

Home, Robert , 479

Howard, Lizzie 352

Howard, Harriet 382

Humphreys, Charles 848

Humphreys, George A 848

Humphreys, Margarette P. . . . 848

Humphreys, June Marguerite . . 849

Humphreys, Stewart Shannon . . 850

Humphreys, Julia Lillian . . . . 851

Humphreys, Cora Melcher . . . 852

Hurd, Mary Ann 524

Huzzey, Fannie M 222

Hyde, Sarah Cornelia . . . . 653

Hyde, Ale.iiander 653

Hyde, Cornelia 653

Ingalls, Maude Lillian 796

Ingalls, George Elbridge .... 796 Ingalls, Elzadia Maria ( Caswell j . 796

James, Edmund 81

Jennison, Edwin 356

Jennison, William 356

Jennison, Phebe (Field) . . . . 356

ennison, Edwin Shannon ennison, Charles Smith ennison, William Cutts ennison, Mary Theresa

Jennison, Helen Maria

[ewell, Rosella .

lewett, John Glines

Jewett, Smith . ewett, Statira (Glines) ewett, Stephen Shannon ewett, Theo Stephen ewett, John Bradbury ewett, John R. ewett. Forest B. . ewett, Edward S. ewett, Katie Belle

[ewett, Ella Augusta

Jewett, Samuel S. .

Jewett, Edith A. .

JUkin, Alice

Johnson, Mary A.

Jordon, Jane

[ordon, Rish worth

Joyce, Ellen Teresa

[oyce, Michael

|oyce, Bridget .

Kelsey, Ichabod Kelsey, Ida Ann Kenniston, Jane Kenny, Kate . Ketcham, William Ketcham, Frederick Kickland, Adaline Kimball, Ann P. Kingsbury, Harlan W. Kingsbury, Helena Shannon Kingsbury, Carrie Blake . Kingsbury, Mabel Louise . Kingsbury, William Goodale Kirkpatrick, Katy .

Long Locke

357 3 57 358 3 59 ^60 I 1 1 782 782 782 783 783 784 784 784 784 785





I 7

253 253 253

5 53 554

557 798

355 355 729 2 16 368 368 368 368 368 505



Kitsnn, Elizabeth .


Lawrence, Alexander ....


Kitson, Richard

2 1

Lawrence, Catherine .


Knight, Reuben


Le Barron, Ella


Knight, Charles . . .


Le Barron, James S


Knight, Katie ....


Le Barron, Lucy Holmes


Knight, Mary Christine .


Leslie, Margaret


Knight, William Fitz . .


Libbey, |eremiah


Knight, Reuben Clinton .


Libbey, Reuben


Knight, Harry Howard .


Libbey, Abigail


Knight, Marguerite


Littlefield, Elizabeth ....


Knight, Gladvs Clementine


Lloyd, Nellie V. (-Lawrence) .


Knight, Harry ....


Locke, Langdon E

3' '

Knight, Richard Shannon


Locke, Fitz Harry ....

3' '

Knight, Lucy .Ann


Locke, Calvin


Knight, Ellen Clinton


Locke, Marv Shannon


Knight, Elmer ....


Locke, Mary .Abby . . .


Locke, Sarah Jewett ....


Locke, Clinton Adams

3 54

Locke, Anna Abbott ....


Lamprey, Nancy 79

Lord, Levi Woodbury


Lamprey, Asa ....


Lord, Emma Aurelia ....


Lamprey, .Asa Shannon


Lord, Anne Maria ....


Lamprev, Lucv Tilton


Lord, Lizzie Estelle ....


Lainprey, Nancy Shannon

22 I

Lord, Nellie S


Lamprey, Elmira Norton .


Lord, Bertha May . . .


Lamprev, Cordelia Moulton


Lord, Sarah Jane ...


Lamprey, Drusilla Hobbs


Lord, Moses


Lamprey, Eliza Williams .


Lord, Levi Woodbury


Lamprey, Cyrus King


Lord, Grace Fletcher ....


Lamprey, Jerome C. .


Lord, Alden Fuller ....


Lamprey, Rufus Walker


Lord, Luna F. ...


Lane, Fitz William


Lothrop, Milton


Lane, Solomon


Lothrop, Hugh Reuben


Lane, Eliza

3 'o

Lothrop, Katie Garland


Lane, Ida Florence


Lothrop, Grafton


Lane, Caroline


Lothrop, Mary ....


Lapham, Mary Emery


Lothrop, Nellie


Lapham, David


Lothrop, Constance ....


Lapham, Eunice ( Emerv )


Lothrop, Mildred


Lawrence, George Alfred


Low, Eugene Endicott


Lawrence, Joseph Estabrook


Low, Frankhn


Lawrence, Abbie Frances


Low, Julia Abbott ( Munroe)


Lawrence, Charles Estabr



Low, Charles Endicott




Low, loseph 5 5 5

Loud, Nathaniel 64

Lougee, Laura Jane 773

Lougee, yohn 773

Lougee, Rebecca 773

Lydston, Amelia E 286

Lvdston, Thomas 286

Lvdston, \'ernetta 286

McAllister, Thomas H. McAllister, Caldwell Warner McAllister, Howard Livingston McAllister, Charles Skeffinton McAllister, George L. McAllister, Mary Vaughan McAllister, Charles Richards McClaran, D. F. . . McCutchen, Marion Sims McCutchen, Robert Lewis McGraw, Mary McKinstry, Joseph E. McKinstry, Josephine McKinstry, Fannie S. McKinstry, Charles S. McKinstry, Miriam St. Clair McKinstry, Richard Y. . McKinstry, Joseph H. McKinstry, Mabel J. McKinstry, Maggie E. . McMonies, Frederick J. . McMonies, Arline Louise McMonies, Claudine Alberta

McRea, . .

Macdonald, Wallace

Macdonald, James

Macdonald, Samuel Leonard Shannon

Mack, Augusta Louisa

Mack, Stephen .

Magill, Harry N. W .

Magill, V'aughan

Magill, Lillias Leslie

180 180 180 i8o 3 53 353 3 53 355 353 353 321

43 5 436

43: 438

439 440 441 442 443 457 457 457 466

338 338 338 45 45 81 81 81

Magill, Juliet Allister

Magill, Elmer Edwin

Magill, Nadine .

Magill, Marguerite Frances

March, [onas C.

March, Elizabeth Shannon

Marsh, Harriet .

Marshall, John .

Marshall, John .

Marshall, John K.

Marshall, Frank .

Marshall, Shannon

Marshall, Emma Harriet

Marshall, James Noble Shannon

Marshall, Anne Allison .

Marshall, lohn Shannon .

Marshall, William Edward

Marshall, Harold Archibald Allison

Marshall, Harriet Augusta

Marshall, Stephen Mack

Marshall, Emily Mary

Marshall, Henry Daniel

Marshall, Bessie Sophia

Marshall, Clara \'ictoria

Marshall, Henrietta Maria

Mathews, William Henrv

Mathews, Winfield .

Mecum, George

Mendum, Mary [ane

Merrill, Louisa .

Milton, John Elbridge

Milton, John P.

Milton, Harriet B. .

Milton, Annie Oliver

Mondy, Ida

Moody, Captain

Morrison, Jonathan .

Morrison, Sarah .

Morrison, Eliza Dennett

Morrison, John Shannon

Morrison, Harriet Jane .

Morrison, George Shannon

Morrison, Mary Ann



Morton, Ella Laura 366

Morton, Alpha 366

Moses, Margaret Vaughan . . . i S4

Moses, Josiah 1 84

Moses, Sarah ( Rindge) . . . . 184

Moulton, Mary 412

Moulton, Nathan S 412

Moulton, Sarah Weber . . . 412

Mover, Emily 702

Muchain, John 472

Munn, John 180

Nason, Salome .

Nason, Richard .

Neal, Mary Frances

Neal, Dennis

Nelson, Mary

Nelson, John

Nelson, John























Mary Seawards . Samuel . Ann Elizabeth , Caroline

William Gardner Nancy . Betsey . Margaret Nathaniel Shannon


Eliza Gardner .

Sarah Saul .

John Shannon

Margaret Ellen

fames Willnrd .

Martha Laura .

Albert Lawrence

Ethel May .

Marion Edwards

Margaret Ellen

William Allen .

Marion Delia .

414 414

585 585 3z ft 3 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 66

248 249 250

25' 252

^V3 253 253 253 253 253 253 253

Nichols, Harold Allen . Nichols, Leo Dewey Nichols, Dorothy Inez Nichols, Edmond Willard Nichols, George Irvin Nichols, lohn Henry Nichols, Lizzie E. Nickerson, Elsie Stewart Nickerson, John Kingsbury Nickerson, Laurana ( Phillip Norton, Elmina . Noyes, Emily Nute, Mary Estella . Nute, lames Nute, Sarah Ann

O'Donnall, Catherine Agnes O'Donnell, John O'Donnell, John James . O'Donnell, William Edmund O'Leary, Helene Bartlett Onan, Viola Ordway, Frederick Ira Ordway, Frederick Ira . Ordway, Priscilla Mabelle Ordway, Richard Shannon Osborne, Frederick L Osborne, Ethelvn Shannon


Paige, Henry W.

Paige, Cyrus Washington

Paine, Enoch

Paine, Frances Elizabeth

Paine, Sarah Hale

Paine, Alice Ilsley

Paine, David Shannon

Paine, Eleanor Vaughan .

Paine, Isabelle

Palmer, Rachel .

253 253 253 253 253 253 253 613 61 3 6.3 490 273 249 249 249


751 75' 751 334 711 857 858

859 860 683 683

224 230 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 309



Parker, William . Parker, William . Parsons, Burleigh F. . Parsons, Rutus Burleigh Parsons, Hester [osephine Parsons, Charles Pearson, Samuel Moody Pearson, Abiel Pearson, Mary (Adams) Pearson, Sarah Ann . Pearson, William Barker Pearson, Jonas March Pearson, Gardner Pearson, Pansie Louise Pearson, Samuel Moody Pearson, Frank Brown Pearson, Lena Florence Pearson, Oliver Shannon Perkins, John H. Perkins, David Perkins, Eliza Perkins, Eliphalet Perkins, Elizabeth Pettigrew, Harriet W. Peverly, Ann Elizabeth Phillips, John E. Phillips, Mercy Amarilla Phillips, Ida Emily . Phillips, Diana Mate Phillips, George King Phillips, Orilla May . Phillips, Carrie Inace Phillips, Bertha May Phillips, John Earl Phillips, Frank Jay Phillips, Henry Dale Piper, Franklin Benjamin Piper, Luther F. Piper, Harriet Piper, George Luther Piper, Everett Edwin Piper, Winfield . Piper, Anna Viola

3 3 34


222 222

375 380 380 380 38. 382 383 383 383 384 384 384

385 82

85 165 .65 .65 325

71 6gi 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 676 676 676

677 678 679 680

Pitman, Mary


Pitman, Annah Pulsifer .


Pitman, Augustus Pulsiter


Pitman, Julia Ann


Pomeroy, Amanda M. .


Pomeroy, Sylvester C.


Pomeroy, Charles |.


Pomeroy, Mabel


Pomeroy, Ethel .


Pope, Mary Elizabeth


Pope, William Alfred


Pope, Mary Danforth


Poppleton, Ellen Elizabeth


Poppleton, Andrew J.


Poppleton, Caroline S,


Potter, Abigail |ulina


Potter, Richard .


Potter, Sarah (Drake) .


Pratt, Harriet A.


Pratt, Elisha


Pratt, Clarissa E.


Prescott, Henry .


Prescott, Mary .


Prescott, Mary Elizabeth Sha




Prescott, Benjamin


Prescott, James Noble


Prescott, Henry Way

1 27

Prescott, Sophia Shannon


Prescott, Inez Sarah .


Prescott, Ancill Sevey


Prescott, Sarah Cyrina { Gooi



Prescott, Nahum


Prescott, Bennie jenness .


Proctor, Lena Belle .


Proctor, Henry Harrison


Proctor, Mary Elizabeth


Rand, William J 181

Rand, Jerome Winthrop . . 181

Rand, Abigail 229

Rand, Moses 229



Rand, Lvdia Randall, Gilman Benjam Randall, Reuben (j. Randall, Mary Atwell Randall, Elroy Stuart Randall, Florian Gaspar Richards, Emogene Richards, George W. Richards, Lizzie Reynolds, Lulu . Roberts, Olive Roberts, Annie S. Roberts, Bertha Carolyn Roberts, David Fremont Roberts, Cora (Clough) Rogers, George D. . Ross, Sally . Ross, Thomas Rousselle, F.nima |ulia RufF, Eugenia RufF, William Ruggles, Elizabeth Ryan, William B Ryan, Adeline Ryan, John .

229 83' 83' 831 832 833 595 595 595 456 288

387 862

323 5>3 513 '44 173 173 35 I 2 I I 2 I



, \\'illiam Arnold



, Arthur Hamilton



, Helen May Shannon



Warren Allison


San ford

Alice Mabel . .



Lizzie ....

. 180


Skeffinton S. . .

. 180


Janette (Fickett)



Jessie Grace



George Jackman



Amanda ( Bordman )

. 556


Lucy Newcomb .

. 365


John F. . . .



Schuyler Colfax

. 761


Clyde Stephen .

. 762

Sawyer, Vera Avis . Sawyer, Erdie Ashman Scammon, Rebecca . Shaw, Elizabeth . Shaw, John . Shephard, George Henry Shewell, Thomas R. Shewell, Martha Roberts Shewell, Mary Shannon Shewell, Laura Wood Shewell, Julia Abbott Shewell, Robert Liningio Shontz, Clara Shreve, Benjamin Shreve, Isaac Shreve, Hannah V'erv Shreve, Octavius Shreve, Genevieve Shreve, Benjamin Shreve, Mary Simpson, Agnes . Simpson, Robert Henrv Simpson, Agnes (McCul Simson, Frank C. Simson, Robert Bordon Skinner, William Henry Skinner, Alice Eleanor Sluman, Henry . Smerdon, Thomas Smiley, Marv Ophe Smiley, Joseph L. Smiley, Mary B. Smith, M.iria M. Smith, Walter Smith, Laura Smith, Eliza L. . Smith, Grace G. Smith, Charles Fred Smith, Amelia A. Smith, Edward . Smith, James Smith, |oseph Merrill Smith, Benjamin Merrill

och :


763 361 616 616 250 332 33Z 332 332 332 332 440

395 395 395 396 396 396 396 61 2 612 612 '45 145 250 250 462


250 250 250

79 189 2 16 219 249 249

357 476 506 553 553

Smith, Mehetable F. (^Leighton)

Smith, Fannie Bell

Smith, Charles Edwin

Smith, Freda Margaret

Smith, Bertha Lucy

Smith, Kelsey

Smith, Laurence .

Smith, Jessie Sarah

Smith, Wellington

Smith, John Randolph

Smith, Parthenia Yale

Smith, Augustus Randolph

Smith, Juliet Shannon

Smith, Elsie Waldron

Smith, Lucile Foote .

Smith, Mary Shannon

Smith, Susie .

Smith, Addie

Smith, Augustus Ward

Smith, Julia Ann

Spaulding, Silas .

Spaulding, Rhoda (Scoville)

Spinning, Angelina .

Spinning, Frances

Spools, Martha .

Standish, Jennie .

Stanwood, |ane Rande

Stanwood, Ebenezer

Stanwood, Jane Randell (Cleaves

Stanwood, Calvin

Stevens, Julia S. .

Stevens, Martha Ann

Stickney, Josiah Henry

Stickney, Josiah .

Stickney, Elizabeth .

Stickney, Mary Waldron

Stickney, Ellen Freeman

Stickney, Lombard .

Stites, Emily Lovina

Stites, Jacob Pierce .

Stites, Charlotte Birk

Stocker, Mary Elizabeth

Stocker, Harrison



Stockford, Lulu Belle


Stockfbrd, Philip


Stockford, Cora Belle



:r, Jacob B.



'.T, Henry Elmer



:r, Joseph Richard


Strickler, Edna Josephine


Strickler, Arthur Leon



=r, J. B. . .









Celestia Ann .



Eliza Jane



Daniel Edwin



Nora May



Perley Edwin



Luman Frederick



Ella Maria



Walter Edmund



Martin Mason



Nathaniel Frederic




Nathaniel Willie



Florence Evelyn



Ella Maria



Alma Etta



Albert Luman



Oliver . .



Mahala ( Perkins)



Edward Harland



Cora May



Albert Marshall .



Benjamin Franklin


Symmes, William B.



ds, Jonathan Shove



ds, Nathaniel .



ds, Elizabeth .



ds. Shrove Shannon


Symonds, Richard Nathanie



ds, James William



ds, James Alfred .


Symonds, William Ilus .


Symonds, Lizzie May


Symonds, Herbert Shove





Edith Florence



George Gardner



Grace May



Marv Goldsmith



Helen Eliza



Charles Henry



Bertram Franklin



Ralph Orrin


Tehbets, Mary . Tebbets, Ebenezer Tebbets, Rebecca Tebbets, Sally Tebbets, Ephraim Tebbets, Rufus B. Thompson, Maude Alice Thompson, George Conn Thompson, Louisa Melissa Tomlinson, Joseph Tomlinson, Dorothy Townsend, Daniel Townsend, Elizabeth Mur Truesdell, Mary |ane Trundv, Martha Sarah Trundv, lohn Trundv, Lucy Tucker, Benjamin Swallox Tucker, Eliza Shannon Tucker, Lucretia Carter Tucker, James Noble Tucker, Benjamin Ruggles Tucker, Marv Ann . Tucker, Martha Yeaton Tucker, |oseph Cutts Tucker, Edward Campbell Tucker, [ames H. Shannon Tucker, Mary Elizabeth Tucker, Wesley S. . Tucker, Henry . Tucker, Eveline . Tucker, Elizabeth Shannon

.46 146 146 208 208 520 834 834 834 253 253 54 329 360 291 291 291 08 09











Tucker, Frank Elbridge Tucker, Wilbur Davis Tucker, Ella P. Tucker, Joseph Tucker, Susan A Tufts, Otis . Tuttle, Addie Tuttle, Edward Fox Tuttle, Hannah (Cram)

606 607 667 667 667 402 611 611 611

Vance, Winnie L 798

Varney, Martha 184

Vaughan, Abigail 5

Vaughan, William 5

Vaughan, Margaret (Cutts) . . 5

Vaughan, Marv 13

Vaughan, George 13

Vaughan, Elizabeth 13

Vaughan, Jane 58

Vincent, Sarah 88

Wadleigh, Emma Waldron, Mary . Waldron, Isaac . Waldron, Sarah ( Boodv) Walker, George . Walker, James Warner, John Warner, Elizabeth Warner, Anna Maria Warner, Harriet Warner, Alexander Warner, Warren Warner, Nadine Warner, Juliet Warner, Juliet Warner, John Warner, John W Warner, Lillias Leslie

549 .56 .56 .56

5 464

175 176

'77 178 179 179

179 179 180 181



Warner, Nelson . Warner, Edith . Warner, Jessie Elliott Warner, Henry . Warner, Harold Leslie Warner, Annie Warner, Frank Washburn, Hannah . Watson, Lillias Watson, Isaac Way, Ebenezer . Webber, Asa Webster, William E. Webster, Arthur Gordon Webster, Harriet Eleanor Webster, Mary Shannon Welch, Sarah Welch, Moses . Welch, Mary Wentvvorth, Matilda White, Belle Louise . Whitehouse, Julia Abigail Whitehouse, Ebenezer Whitehouse, Abigail Stuart Whitham, Lydia D. Whiting, Frank G. . Whiting, George Whiting, Ellen . Whiting, Charles Elmer . Whiting, Louis Morrison Whiting, Hattie May Whitney, Sarah G. . Whitney, John Whitney, Mary . Whittier, Elsie Jane . Whittier, Jonathan Harvey Whittier, Mary Andrews Wiggin, Zebulon Wiggin, Eliza Wiggin, Sophia Shannon Wiggin, Elizabeth Shannon Wiggin, Richard Wiggin, Abigail Shannon





43 114

329 329 329 329 286 286 286 458 577 563 563 563 263

427 4^7 427 427 427 427 669 669 669 257 257 257 I 16

119 I 20 I 21

ggin, Marv Ann Shannon ggin, Jonathan ggin, Jonathan C. ggin, Nehemiah .

n, George . ggin, Isaac Shannon ggin, Grace Ayers ggin, George Brackett ggin, Elizabeth \\'aldron ggin, Blanch Sarah ggin, Roy Roberts ggin, Marion . ggin, Mina E. ggin, Augustus ggin, Martha Lcavitt ggin, Augusta Eldora ggin, Charles A. . ggin, Hannah Icox, George R. . lliams, Oren Clifford lliams, Charles lliams, Martha lliams, Ralph Clifford lliams, Ora Maud lloughbv, Seraphina ng, James ngate, Henry Pickering ngate, Mary Shannon ngate, Elizabeth . ngate, John Paine ngate, Sarah Pearson ngate, Oliver Shannon ngate, Charles ngate, Edith . nn, Sidney H. nn, Myrtie O. nn, Eva V. nn, Anne M. nn, William Eaton nn, Nathaniel Eaton nn, Olive Ann nn, Mildred Estelle nn, Agnes Viola .



Winn, Omer Shannon



Winn, Willie Eaton ....



Winn, Nathaniel Lloyd .



Wit de, Sarah Julia ....



Wit de, Carson B



Wit de, Anna Eliza ....



Wolston, Edward Burleigh



Wolston, Edward Shannon



Wolston, Mary Shannon



Wolston, Grace Harriet .


Young, Young, Young,

Yeaton, Louise



York, Pauline F

1 12


Yorton, Herbert



, Walter C. .

, Cora P.

, Pearl A.

, Peter

, Roy Thomas Peters Mary Katharine Anna Christine William Franklin Mary Peters Louise Clough Reuben Knight Calvin Locke Elizabeth Jennie


725 726

7^7 728

352 352 352

352 352 352 352 352 352 456


'AK'l^- t'l'

■r'-:M- WW