PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPAETMENT OF AGEICTJLTTJEE (LIVE STOCK BRANCH). SHEEP-RAISING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA BULLETIN No. 77 (SECOND EDITION) • PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OP THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. VICTORIA, B.C.: Printed by WILLIAM H. CULLIN, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1921. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPAKTMENT OF AGKICULTUKE (LIVE STOCK BRANCH). SHEEP-RAISfflG IN BRITISH COLUMBIA BULLETIN No. 77 (SECOND EDITION) PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. VICTORIA, B.C.: Printed by WILLIAM H. CULLIN, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1921. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, VICTORIA, B.C., January Gth, 1921. To His Honour WALTER CAMERON NICHOL, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of British Columbia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR : I have the honour to submit herewith for your consideration th second edition of Bulletin No. 77, " Sheep-raising in British Columbia, which is reissued under the direction of Dr. D. Warnock, Deputy Ministe of Agriculture. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, E. D. BARROW, Minister of Agriculture. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, VICTORIA, B.C., January 6th, 1921. Hon. E. D. Barrow, M.L.A., Minister of Agriculture, Victoria, B.C. SIR, — I have the honour to submit herewith for your approval th second edition of Bulletin No. 77, " Sheep-raising in British Columbia, which has been revised and is reissued owing to the steady demand fo information on this important branch of the live-stock industry. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, DAVID WARNOCK, V.S., O.B.E.. Deputy Minister of Agriculture. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-LIVE STOCK BRANCH. HON. E. D. BARROW, M.L.A., Minister of Agriculture. DR. D. WARNOCK, V.S., O.B.E., Deputy Minister of Agriculture. w. T. MCDONALD, B.S.A., M.S.A., j. R. TERRY, Live Stock Commissioner. Chief Poultry Instructor. S. A. K. WHITE, V.S., GEO. C. HAY, B.S.A.. Veterinary Inspector. . District Agriculturist, Kamloops. WM. NEWTON, B.S.A., M.S., C. TICE, Chief 8 ersed to form the foundation for the present large sheep industry in Oregon and Washington. In 1849 the (locks numbered several hundred hoad on what is now the site of Victoria. Well-bred rams were imported from Great Britain round Cape Horn. These sheep had to be guarded by armed Indian shepherds and corralled at night. Some losses, of course, occurred from the ravages of panthers, wolves, bears, and dogs, and on one a band <>f Indians from up the Coast raided the settlement, killed a DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. shepherd, and carried off some sheep. Soon afterwards a British gunboat visited the Indian village and the murderers were hanged. Those pioneer flockmasters would smile at our present-day hindrances to sheep-raising. The first importation of pure-bred sheep by private individuals were of the Leicester breed in the early seventies, followed by Southdowns and Shropshires from Ontario. The industry spread to the islands in the Gulf of Georgia, and when the Island of San Juan was finally ceded to the United States a good deal of smuggling was carried on. The practice was to secretly land American lambs on the Canadian islands, whence they were shipped to Victoria as the produce of Canadian ewes. The small number of ewes on the Canadian islands thus obtained a surprising reputation for prolificacy. In the sixties and seventies sheep-ranching was a flourishing industry in the Interior of the Province, notably in Cariboo and Nicola. Large bands of as many as 10,000 were ranged by experienced herders from Australia and California. No winter feeding was done in those days, except that in some cases the rams were winter-fed. Instead of providing hay (the lower benches were kept ungrazed for winter feeding where there was least snow. In the growing season the bands were driven to higher elevations as the vegetation started to grow. In this way the winter, summer, and fall ranges were always widely separated and long distances were covered in a year's grazing. In those days sheepmen could pick and choose their ranges according to the season. Now, owing to closer settlement, they cannot. The Cariboo goldfields provided a fine market while it lasted, but when that dwindled the sheep had (to be marketed at the Coast. The cost of transport to Victoria and the low prices ($3 to $4 each, and 5 to 10 cents a pound for wool) obtained in competition with American sheep discouraged the Interior sheep-raisers. Added to this was the marked hostility of the cattlemen, who claimed that the sheep ruined the grazing, and who were not above resorting to personal violence. Owing to these conditions the industry languished. In the Coast districts the keeping of small flocks was never very extensive, and these dwindled with the advent of low prices after the gold-rush. The days of the large-range flocks of many thousand head are gone by owing to the range being mostly taken up and the impossibility of obtaining adequate winter, summer, and fall range in one tract. Several fairly large flocks up to as many as 2,000 head are still run in the Interior, and extensive grazing tracts still unoccupied give room for more. It may be said, however, that owing to closer settlement the range-sheep industry is not capable of as great expansion as some people suppose. It is to the establishment and increasing of the smaller flocks that we must look for the largest increase in numbers of sheep in the Province. On the rich lowlands of the Lower Fraser Valley now devoted to dairying there are many fine pure-bred and grade flocks, but there is no good reason why sheep should not be kept on our Coast dairy-farms far more extensively than at present. Sheep are just as necessary and profitable on high-priced land as on our rough, cheap lands. In the Interior of the Province (apart from the menace of coyotes, which do much damage) the climate and general conditions are nearly everywhere ideal, for sheep. On the ranches and smaller mixed farms of the Interior, and even in the fruit-growing sections, sheep are proving very profitable in small flocks, well managed. Mutton and wool are bound to be high for years, due to the crowding-out of American range flocks. A small flock of sheep is a good investment at this time. DISTRICTS FOR SHEEP-RAISING. To the new or intending settler who asks what is the best district for engaging extensively in sheep-raising, we would say that, while sheep thrive in all our districts under proper management, some parts offer larger openings than others. Flocks are particularly healthy throughout the Province, no extensive disease being present, although it is true that goitre seems to affect some districts to some extent. Sm:i:i'-KAisiN<; IN Humsii ( 'OI.CMT.IA. and a species of tick which causes paralysis has caused trouble in the Siiuilkameen District. The Districts of Cariboo and Chilcotin are vast areas in which the cattle interests hold sway, but in the more outlying parts openings exist for grazing sheep. It is imt lawful to run sheep and cattle on the same commonage. A large common exists in the Cariboo and a small one in the Nicola District. The difficulty here, as in most Interior districts, will not be to find summer range, but to obtain land on which to grow the winter feed which must be provided to ensure success. This, in many of the Interior sections, will have to be grown under irrigation. The lower part of the North Thompson Valley and the district around Kamloops likewise affords fine openings under similar conditions. The Southern Okanagan District in the Dry Belt has areas most suitable for grazing sheep, and the snowfall is light, but it will be necessary to winter-feed to some extent. The fruit-growing industry has, of course, taken most of the irrigable hay land available in this district. The Xicola District is already well stocked with cattle, but in the Ashcroft District some large tloeks are run. There are openings also in the East Kootenay District, which is at an elevation of about 3,000 feet above sea-level, with severe winters, making the growing of winter feed under irrigation a necessity. The disadvantage of the northern districts along the Grand Trunk Hail way is the lack of open range. The Coast districts where not settled are almost all heavily timbered. Most of the pure- bred flocks are at present on the smaller (dairy) farms in the Coast districts, mainly in the Lower Fraser Valley and on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Cougars sometimes cause losses, especially on Vancouver Island, but on the smaller Gulf Islands there are no wild-animal pests to destroy sheep except eagles, which occa- sionally take a lamb. ADVANTAGES AND PROFITS IN SHEEP-RAISING. Although sheep are not as prolific as hogs, they bring returns almost as quickly, and do not require as much labour or expensive grain feed. The returns from wool alone may be generally reckoned as sufficient to pay for the ewe's keep for the year. The lamb-crop should average one to every ewe, so that after deducting interest and cost of labour the returns from lambs and mutton are almost clear profit. Roughly speaking, the gross returns every year should equal the capital invested in the breed- ing flock, with good management. Sheep will eat 90 per cent, of the weeds com- monly found on our farms, converting them into wool, mutton, and valuable fertilizer. Sheep can be made to save a great deal of labour by having them harvest the crops themselves, at the same time enriching the land. Grain left in the stubble and volunteer growth after harvest is not wasted if sheep are kept. On a dairy-farm shiM'p do well put on pastures after they have been eaten down by cows. FACTORS GOVERNING CHOICE OF A BREED. Our domestic breed of sheep are all descended originally from wild mountain- shecp — probably from an Asiatic wild variety. The successful management of sheep is really based on the above fact. Sheep are by nature the inhabitants of only mountainous areas. Their natural home is in the high altitudes, which provide free range, a wide variety of food, and soil conditions which ensure perfect drainage and freedom from the numerous forms of parasites which abound in damper lowland ^oils. Even with those breeds that have been developed in domest ication for low- land conditions, we have to guard all the time against the effects of a more or less unnatural environment. WHAT IS THE BEST BREED? This depends mainly on the altitude and climate of the locality, kind of feed available, and the nature of the enterprise. Where there are many sheep already in the district it will probably pay yon to choose the popular breed. There arc usually good reasons for it being popular. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The larger long-wool breeds have been developed on rich bottom lands that produce abundant feed. They are therefore suited to similar conditions on moist, fertile lowlands. The smaller breeds, such as the Southdown and Cheviot, have always been accustomed in their native British home to the scantier feed of the hills or downs. There seems to be some connection between the higher quality of wool and mutton in the smaller breeds and the scanty but nutritious vegetation on which they have been developed. It is well known that the mountain breeds are smaller, hardier, and more active than the lowland breeds. We cannot expect to breed good sheep "of the larger long-wool breeds on elevated and broken, scant pastures. The effect of climate has to be considered. For instance, in the Interior the smaller, close-woolled Down breeds will stand the winter's cold and snow on their backs better than the larger, open-fleeced sheep. On the other hand, it is related that the fine-woolled Merinos were a failure in the wet climate of the Willamette Valley, Oregon. The long-continued drizzle made the hay and weed seeds on their backs sprout and become green, whereas the fleece of the long-woolled breeds acted as a thatch, carrying the water off. This valley is now famous for its Lincolns. The larger long-woolled breeds, including the Lincoln, Cotswold, Leicester, and Roinney Marsh, are suited to Coast conditions. If a large band of sheep are to be under range conditions a certain amount of Merino blood is desirable, as these sheep are the easiest to herd. If winter or " hothouse " lambs are to be produced, to be born in the fall or early winter, it will be necessary to choose a breed which can be counted on to lamb early. The Dorset, Merino, and Tunis breeds are most used for this purpose. COMMUNITY BREEDING. There are advantages in choosing a breed favoured by the majority. You can buy stock near home from a flock you know is successful. You will also find a good market for any stock you wish to sell. It is a great attraction for buyers when a district becomes famous for one particular breed. There is more competition in the show-ring and field if others keep the same breed. Hence there is more stimulus to raise the standard of your flock. Good rams are procured more easily and cheaply. The above are some of the advantages of what is termed " community breeding." The flockmaster's personal preference for a certain breed counts, however. He is more likely to make a success of the breed in which he is most interested. In England the various breeds are segregated into the different districts in which the breeds have been developed and for which they have proved especially adapted. No better examples of real community breeding could be found, and the degree of perfection and uniformity of most of these Old Country flocks is surely the direct result of community breeding. BREEDS OF SHEEP. All domestic sheep on this continent originated from importations from European countries. It is to Great Britain that we owe most of our present breeds, all having their origin in that small country, with the exception of the Merino, Rambouillet, Tunis, and Karakule. The above-mentioned breeds, with the exception of the Tunis, are horned, as also are the Dorset Horn and Black-faced Highland breeds. All the other breeds dealt with are hornless in both sexes, although they came originally from horned stock. Sm:i:r-RAisi\<; IN liiuTisii COLUMBIA. WEIGHTS OF SHEEP AND FLEECES. Mtdium -quality Short-wool Breeds. Mature Ram. Mature Ewe. Fleeces, Hams. Fleeces, Ewes. Southdown Lb. 170 190 LI,. 125 130 LI,. 10 12 LI). 6-8 Shropshire 175 "."><• 140 180 10-14 8-11 Oxford 250-350 180-275 12-16 12 Hampshire. 225 275 175 200 8 12 6 8 Dorset Horn . .... 200-' >05 150 17.") 8-10 6-8 Suffolk Down 200-240 150-200 8-10 7-9 Cheviot. 175 °00 140-160 7 11 6-9 Tunis . . 150 120 8-10 7-9 Ryeland 200-225 160-175 12-14 10-12 Fine -woo Breed*. Merino .. 150-175 100-125 (A, 30 1 B, 25 A, 20 B, 15 Ramobuillet . 175-225 130-160 1C, 18 15-20 C, 11 10-12 Coarse-quality Long -wool Breeds. Leicester 225-275 175-225 12-14 10-12 Cotswold . 300 350 200 250 12-15 11-12 Lincoln 250-375 225-275 1 5- 1 8 12-15 Romney Marsh 200-225 175-200 15-18 12-16 Wenslevdale 200 250 175 225 12-14 10-12 Black-faced Highland 150 125 CLASSIFICATION BASED ON ALTITUDE. Lowland Breeds — Cotswold, Leicester, Lincoln, and Romney Marsh. Upland Breeds — Merino, Rambouillet, Southdown, Suffolk, Hampshire. Shrop- shire, Oxford Down, Ryeland, Tunis, Dorset, and Wensleydale. Mountain Breeds — Black-faced Highland and Cheviot. THE SOUTHDOWN. This being probably the oldest breed of sheep in existence, it seems fitting that it should be dealt with first. The breed originated in a low range of hills in South- eastern England, known as the South Downs. The ancestors of the Southdown sheep of to-day were small, ill-shaped, horned sheep with light fleeces, but with an extra well-developed leg of mutton. Constant selection and breeding from only the best rams has made this breed what it is to-day — namely, the mutton sheep par excellence. The Southdown, moreover, has been widely used in the development of nearly all the other medium-wool breeds. The Southdown is the smallest of the mutton breeds, but romarkably compact. In typo niid quality they are the mutton ideal. They are called " the big little sheep " on account of their deceptive weights. This breed has captured the majority of the prizes in the annual carcass competitions at Chicago. The breed is noted for its early-maturing and easy-keeping qualities. These small shoo]) will thrive on pasture that would be insufficient for larger breeds. They are a short-pasture sheep. Hence if given very liberal feeding there is danger of them getting too fat to breed. The ewes are fairly prolific, but not equal to the best. The faults of the breed are that they are small and the fleeces light. How- ever, the wool is of extra-good quality for a medium-wool breed. The colour of the face may be brown or grey or mouse colour. The forehead and cheeks should be well woolled. 10 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Southdown ram. Southdown ewe. THE SHROPSHIRE. This breed has proved exceedingly popular in Canada. It originated in the County of Shropshire, England, by using the old Morfe Common breed as foundation stock and improving with Southdown, Cotswold, and Leicester blood. To show the improvement which has taken place it is sufficient to say that the Morfe Common SllKKI'K \ISI\i; IN ISIUTISII <'<»U \ir.lA. 11 Shropshire Down ram. Shropshire Down owe. were small, horned sheep with black, brown, or spotted faces. Their carcasses only weighed from 35 to 65 Ib. when mature, and the average weight of fleece was about - 11). The modern Shropshire breed has spread to all the sheep countries of tho world. It is known as the " farmer's sheep " from the profitable combination of wool and mutton in this breed. Rams of this breed have also been very widely used in the large-range flocks on this continent. The breed is very adaptable and soon becomes acclimatized. As good individuals can be produced here as In the breed's native home. 12 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The Shropshire is an early-maturing and prolific breed. In size it is medium. The wool is of good quality and weight, the yield being above the average of the medium-wool led breeds. In the past the breed has been faulted for being light in the hind-quarters and for black fibre and dark spots on the skin occasionally crop- ping out. These faults are now being eliminated. The head and face of the pure- bred Shropshire should be well covered with wool, the eyes being almost hidden in the fleece. THE OXFORD DOWN. This splendid breed was developed by crossing Cotswold rams on Hampshire ewes. Some Southdown blood is also said to have been used. The place of their origin was Oxford County, England. At first there was a great lack of uniformity in the breed, as was natural in cross-breeds. Very soon, however, the breed took on a distinct type. The modern Oxford is known wherever sheep are extensively used. The Oxford and Hampshire are the largest of the medimn-woolled breeds. The Oxford fleece is long and heavy, due to Cotswold foundation. Oxford rams are popular on the range, producing large lambs from the small-range ewes. The Oxford, being large, is not a short-pasture breed, and must have abundant pasture to thrive well. In early-maturing qualities and prolificacy it is about the average. Too open fleeces, dark spots on the skin, and occasional black fibre must be watched for and eliminated from Oxford flocks. The head should be well covered with wool over the poll, cheeks, and down to the eyes. Colour of face is an even dark grey or brown, either with or without a grey spot on tip of nose. THE HAMPSHIRE DOWN. The native home of this breed is in the county of the same name in Southern England. In the time of the Roman occupation the woollen-mills established at Winchester were supplied with wool from a large breed of horned sheep, the ancestors of the modern Hampshire, which owes its improvement to the effect of crossing the improved Southdown on the old Berkshire Knots and Wiltshire sheep. The Southdown cross reduced the size, but this was offset by breeding from the largest individuals. The modern Hampshire is next in size to the Oxford among the medium- woolled breeds. There is very little difference in the size and weights of these two breeds. Only two other breeds are larger — namely, the Cotswold and Lincoln in the long-woolled class. The Hampshire, like the Oxford, requires good care and plenty of feed to thrive well. The same may be said of all the larger breeds. Hampshires kept on scant and rocky pasture will alter in type and become " weedy," smaller, and " leggier." Hampshire rams are quite widely used for cross- ing on the range flocks of America. The lambs are large, rapid growers, and early- maturing. The rams are sometimes used for siring " hothouse " lambs. The breed is noted for its early-maturing qualities under favourable conditions. It is also quite prolific. The fleece is on the light side, and this breed does not shear as well as the Oxford. The Hampshire head is quite characteristic. The ears are large, long, and some- what pointed, and stand out almost at right angles with the head. The face is black, and they have a Roman nose. The cheeks and forehead should be well covered with wool. THE SUFFOLK DOWN. This breed is not very old. It originated in Norfolk and Suffolk Counties by crossing Southdown rams on ewes of the old Norfolk breed, which were horned. One good point about the old breed which has been transmitted was that they were very prolific. The Southdown cross improved the mutton qualities and removed the horns. The Suffolk mutton is famed for its excellent quality and high dressing percentage, ranking with that of the Southdown. In South America Suffolk rams are very popular for crossing on Merino ewes for mutton purposes. In fecundity :i:i' K \isi.\<; i.\ UKITISM ( 1ou .MIJIA. 13 I , ,. ?'".".-% Oxford Down ram. I»i.\vn ewe, this breed ranks near the top. They are an early-maturing breed. The fleece, ho\v- '•vcr. is apt to be rather light. The Suffolk is ;i fairly largr. active, upstanding sin-op. They are characterized by their jet-black head and legs, being darker than 14 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Hampshire Down ram. Hampshire Down ewe. any of the other breeds in these points. The ears are pointed and are frequently carried pointing upward and backward from the head. They have no wool on t face or on the legs from the knees and hocks downward. This latter point helps give them their upstanding, rather lanky appearance. In spite of this Sm:i:i'K. \isi.\i; i.\ BKITISII ( 'oi.i MI-.IA. 15 out to good advantage, not being so apt to become loaded with tallow as are some of the other breeds. Suffolks are fairly good rustlers, being an active breed. Pufl'olk Down c\vc. THE DORSET HORN. This is one of the oldest of the improved breeds, and has been developed largely by selection without crossing. For centuries a similar type of honied sheep existed in Dorsetshire and the neighbouring nullifies in the smith of England. This breed is medium-sized, white-faced, and both sexes are horned. The fleeces are rather 1C DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. light, but the fibre is very white, and black is seldom seen. The Dorset has the reputation of being the most fertile of all the mutton breeds, ewes frequently pro- ducing triplets. American breeders report from 140 to 175 per cent, lamb-crop. The i *; Dorset Horn rams. Dorset Horn ewe. ewes will breed either in the spring or fall, as desired. It is claimed two crops of lambs a year can be obtained, but this is not wise. The ewes are good mothers and excellent milkers, being formerly used in their native home for dairy purposes. On account of these qualities Dorset ewes have been largely used for the production of winter or "hothouse" lambs, which have to be born in the fall or very early in the year. The lambs grow very rapidly and show a finish which unfortunately is not carried if they are kept as wethers. The light shearing qualities and the fact that the Dorset is a hard feeder are the main objections to the breed. THE CHEVIOT. The home of this attractive little sheep is on the borders of England and Scotland. The ancestors of the Cheviot are supposed to have swum ashore from SHEEP-RAISING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. IT Cheviot ram. the wrecked ships of the Spanish Armada. During the Middle Ages the monks kept flocks of this breed in the vicinity of the monasteries. Later, Lincoln and Leicester blood was used to improve it. At the beginning of the last century the Cheviot breed was displacing the Black-faced Highland in Scotland to quite an extent, but in :i series of bad winters it did not prove hardy enough on the high lands of the region, and the Black-faced breed came back to its own. Nowadays the two breeds 3 18 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. are crossed a great deal, and the resulting lainbs make fine feeders. The Cheviot is a small, active, and hardy breed. On their native hills they subsist by grazing the year round, even with snow on the ground. In appearance they are clean-cut and stylish. The head, ears, and legs are free from wool and covered by short, white hair. There is a distinct ruff or collar about the neck. The wool is exceptiorially white, but the fleeces are rather light. The ewes are good mothers and very prolific, having a large percentage of twins. There are no Cheviots at present in this Province, but the breed has been introduced with very satisfactory results in the more barren and elevated sections of Quebec. THE TUNIS. This breed comes from Northern Africa. The first pair were brought over in 1799, and the breed attained great popularity in the vicinity of Philadelphia for the quality of their mutton. This breed has proved very hardy and adaptable, being able to stand alike the extreme warmth of the Southern States and the cold of the northern winters. The ewes are very fertile, and will mate at almost any season. For this reason the Tunis has been used for the production of early " hothouse " lambs. At the Arizona Experiment Station Tunis rams proved superior to those of several other mutton breeds, such as the Oxford, Shropshire, Dorset, and Hampshire, for crossing on range ewes. The Tunis sheep proved very prolific, had excellent range qualities, and withstood extreme heat and the attacks of the bot-fly better than any other breed. The rams were especially good in these points. The breed is small and early-maturing. Both sexes are hornless. The head is covered with short hair, tawny-brown or brown and white in colour. The ears are large, broad, and pendulous. In mutton form this breed could be bettered. The leg of mutton is apt to be light. The tail is broad and fat, being originally used as a storehouse to carry the animal over famine periods. The fleece of the Tunis is classed along with the medium-woolled breeds. THE RYELAND. This breed conies from Herefordshire, England, from a district formerly noted for rye-growing. It is sometimes called the White-faced Shropshire. The old Rye- lands were a small, white-faced breed, very hardy, and with fleeces of excellent quality. This breed was improved by crossing with the Leicester. These sheep became very numerous, and for a long time the breed was an important one. Later the other down breeds crowded it out and it became almost extinct. Lately, how- ever, the breed is on the ascendancy. The ewes have fine breeding qualities, being excellent mothers, good milkers, and very fertile, producing many twins and triplets. The Southdown crossed with this breed results in a very fine type of sheep. They are a hardy breed, with great spring of rib. They are easily fattened and thrive on scanty pasture. The carcass, however, is apt to contain too much tallow. The fleece is quite heavy and of excellent quality. THE LEICESTER. The English Leicester was almost the first of the modern improved breeds of live stock, and this breed, in turn, was used to improve many of the other British breeds of sheep. Not only this, but the development of this breed showed the way in the general improvement of all our live stock which has taken place during the last two centuries. Robert Bakewell, of Dishley Hall, Leicestershire, England, began this great movement in the agricultural world in 1755, working with the Old Leicester sheep and improving them by careful selection and breeding-out of all recognition. He produced sheep which would invariably hand down their characteristics to their offspring. That is to say, he 'fixed the type. His rams were widely used all over England, and they proved remarkably prepotent. The mutton, however, was not of the best quality, being coarse-grained and containing too much fat deposited on the outside of the lean instead of being mixed with it. Quality has been more in demand since then, and the Old English Leicester breed is not common. KHEEP-EAISING HKITISII < 1oi.r.\ii'.iA. Tunis rain. 'I'nnis <>\vr. The IJorder Leicester, although an offshoot of the English Leicester, is a distinct 1'ived. and the one we know best to-day. It was developed ainon.u the Cheviot Hills from some of I'.akewell's stock. The mutton qualities were improved and the head made clean-cut and free from wool. 20 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Ryeland ram. Ryeland ewe. The Leicester is the smallest of the long-woolled breeds. The body is very neat. The spring of rib is pronounced, making the body wide, but not deep. The mutton is not famous for its quality, and objectionable tallow is apt to be present. The fleece is of good length, hanging in beautiful ringlets of lustrous wool. In fecundity and early maturity they are just fair. The Leicester is fairly hardy for a large breed, but all the long-wools require plenty of feed. SHEEP-RAISING i.\ <1I.r.\!KIA. :rood. They are nut hard feeders, but must have good care and feed or they become unsightly. The fleece is ml her open, and the wool hangs in ringlets of good length and quality. They shear a fairly heavy fleece. They are about medium in fecundity and early-maturing qualities. THE LINCOLN. This breed is quite an old one, coming from the county of the same name in Eastern England. It originated by crossing Leicester rams on the Old Lincoln ewes. This is the largest of our domesticated breeds of sheep. It has become a favourite breed for crossing on Merino range ewes to produce large mutton lambs, and in Australia this cross lias given rise to another new breed, the Corriedale. This large breed does not thrive on scanty pasture. The Lincoln requires plenty of feed and is adapted to lowland conditions. In Oregon the moist climate has been found well suitiMl to them, and the Lincoln* produced there are famous, being equal to the best English Lincolns. The mutton is inclined to be coarse. None of the long-wools produce mutton as palatable as that of the Down breeds. The fleece is the heaviest of all the mutton breeds, although not as heavy as that of the fine-woolled breeds. The wool staple is long and lustrous. In early maturity and prolificacy the Lincoln is not equal to the Down breeds. THE KENT, OR ROMNEY MARSH. This breed originated in a low-lying tract of land in Kent County, England, the marsh being a tract reclaimed from the sea. The old Romney breed lacked good mutton form and quality, but were hardy and produced a heavy fleece of long wool. They usually grazed throughout the year, and these sheep still subsist without winter feeding to-day in their native shire. The breed seems to have given good results where tried on this side of the Atlantic, although few have been bred so far. The breed is quite popular in New Zealand and Argentina. It is claimed that Romney lambs are larger at birth than any other breed. The breed is white-faced and hornless and very hardy. The mutton is the best quality of any of the long-wool breeds and nearly as good as Down mutton. The fleece is long and dense and has some of the points of Down wool, ringlets not being so much in evidence as in the other long-wool breeds. The foretop is not always present. The fleeces weigh exceptionally well, the wool being dense as well as long. The breed is not very prolific, not many twins being born. THE WENSLEYDALE. This attractive breed is descended from the old Teeswater breed. They are native to the north of England, and in appearance are similar to the Leicester, the two breeds having been mixed in the early days. The Wensleydale is a large. upstanding, hornless, long-wool breed, very active and hardy. One characteristic is that the face and legs and the whole skin to some extent are blue. The Old Country breeders prefer this colour, as it brings dark-faced lambs when the rams are crossed on lilack-faced Highland ewes. This cross is very popular in the north of England for the production of hardy feeding sheep. The mutton of the Wensleydale is of good quality. The tleece is long, but rather open, and falls in beautiful, close ringlets all over the body. The ewes are quite fertile and good milkers. The inside of the ears should be blue and the forehead adorned with a foretop of curly ringlets. THE BLACK-FACED HIGHLAND. This romantic breed is a native of the Highlands of Scotland, but no one knows much about their origin. This breed and the Cheviot are the two important breeds of she*1]) in Scotland. The breed is well adapted to mountainous areas with scanty pasture. They are exceedingly hardy and can withstand severe conditions where other sheep would die. 24 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Lincoln ram. 'Lincoln ewe. They are out of place on ordinary farms, but, being very picturesque, are sometimes kept in parks. Highland sheep are small and very active, but not so restless as the Welsh mountain-sheep. Although the form of body is not the best, the mutton is of SHEEP-RAISING i.\ UKITISII Romney Marsh ram. I Romney Marsh ewe. the highest quality. The fleece is long and coarse and contains much hair and kemp. It is Hassod ns <-ar|H't-\vool. Both sexes are horned. The face is often mottled with distinct white marks. The lambs are strong and hardy at birth. THE KARAKULE, OR ARABIC. This breed is the one used in the production of Persian lambskin or astrachan, the demand for which is increasing. Hence the interest aroused in America and Canada lately in the breed. One New York house imports as many as 250,000 skins DEPARTMENT OF AGRHTLTUIIK. Wensleydale rani. Wonsleydalc owes. annually. The demand is so great that it has led to a great deal of cross-breeding to increase the supply in their native country of Turkestan. For this reason there are comparatively few really pure-bred Karakules in existence. It is against the law in their native country to export these sheep, as the Bokhanm noblemen wish to retain a monopoly of the trade. The Karakule, like the Tunis, is one of the fat-tail breeds. The head is characteristic. The face is narrow and the forehead is much rounded. The rams generally have spiral horns, but the ewes are usually hornless. The ears are pendu- lous. The face and legs are covered by shiny, black hair. The fleece of the adults is coarse, long, and may vary from grey to black. The lambs when born are usually jet-black, and this lamb-wool has a high lustre and is closely curled in the best specimens. These curls open out after the lamb is ten days old, so that it must be killed before that time. Formerly the ewe was killed to obtain the skin of the unborn lamb, but this is no longer done. After the lambs are killed the ewes are SIIKI:I'-KAISI.\<; IN I5RITISH r<>i.r.\iKiA. Black-faced Highland rain. I'lack- faced Highland e\ve. milked. ;iiid the f:unmis Urm/a cheese is made. The value of ;i Liood skin is about $15. This breed is ext remely hardy and will thrive under very Md verse conditions. In Rokhiini the sheep Mre snnuner-^rM/JMl in the inonntMins. Miid winter in the low- lands. The mutton is said to he the most pMhitahle of any hreed. The fat. especially of the tail, is ns"d by the natives as butter. Crosses of this breed with the Lincoln and with the IJarbadues or "\Voolless" sheeji (a very prolific breed) have proven fairly satisfactory. THE MERINO. Fine-wool sheep have existed in Spain as lonir as history tells, and important textile arts were founded early in that country on the tine-wool supply furnished by the ancestors of the Merino breed. These sheep were introduced into many countries, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Karakule ram. Karakule ewe with lamb. and the type improved notably in France, Australia, and America. The world-wide distribution of the Merino is accounted for by its own peculiar qualities. It is a most adaptable breed and exceedingly hardy, although its appearance does not indicate hardiness. It produces a heavy fleece of the best quality, and it has the inherited habit of banding closely together in large flocks when grazing. The United States has developed its own types of this breed. The Vermont Merino was SHEEP-RAISING IN BRITISH Con MIHA. 29 Merino ram, Class A. ewe, Class B. developed mainly in New England. It became the heaviest wool-producing sheep in the world, and the wool is of exceptional strength and fineness. The skin is in heavy folds over the body, giving a larger surface for the growth of wool. Only the ears and the nose are woolless, wool extending down the legs to the hoofs. The form of body is not at all good, however, from the mutton standpoint. The Delaine Merino was developed in Ohio and Pennsylvania principally. This type is without or nearly without folds in the skin. Delaine Merinos have more DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. size and fatten easier than the Vermont Merino. The wool is longer and not as fine, the aim being to combine mutton qualities with fine-wool production. American Merinos are now divided into three classes — A, B, and C, according to the folds in the skin, fineness of wool, and mutton qualities. This leads, of course, to some confusion. The Vermont Merinos usually come into Class A, which produces wool of the highest quality. Delaine Merinos are usually in Class C. These different types are crossed to obtain a type to suit the breeder. The Merino was the foundation of the range-sheep industry on this continent in the early days. Nowadays, to produce lambs of mutton type, rams of one of the mutton breeds are used on the range Merino ewes. Ohio Merinos are famous, the strongest fine wool of the world toeing produced there. There Merino ewes are sometimes used for the production of very early lambs. THE RAMBOUILLET. This breed is the French Merino developed by the French Government early last century from Spanish stock. They were improved in form, constitution, size, and Rambouillet ram. breeding qualities. They have fewer folds in the skin. They have proved very popular on American ranges. Rambouillets are larger than Merinos. JUDGING SHEEP. How to tell the Age of Mice p. — The teeth are the best guide up to a certain age. The row of front or incisor teeth on the lower jaw (there are no incisors on the upper jaw) should be examined by holding the head firmly with one hand and separating the lips with two fingers of the other hand. TJp to 1 year of age the lamb has eight small very white " sucking-tooth," called temporary incisors. About 1 year of age the centre pair is replaced by a pair of permanent incisors. These permanent teeth soon become much wider and larger than the sucking-teeth. The next pair of permanent teeth appear, one on each side of the first pair, about 2 years of age; the third pair soon after the sheep is 3 years old; and the fourth and last pair appears at the corners shortly after the sheep is 4 years old. Roughly, then, the sheep is as many years old as it has pairs of permanent incisor teeth. Sm:i:i'-K.\isi.\<; IN IJumsii ( 'OLTMIUA. :J1 AViih advancing age. the teeth become wider apart from growing out of the jaw Tin- aim should he to keep the breeding flock composed mainly of "full-mouth" ewes that is. 4 or ."» years old —as this is the most profitable breeding period. Lambs should not be bred at all. Two-year-olds are not as reliable breeders as when older. Any time alter 5 or 6 years of age teeth are liable to be lost or shed, which hinders feeding and is a great detriment to the ewe's usefulness. A good owe can be kept in breeding condition after this by some extra care and feeding, and occasionally there are ewes which breed good lambs up to 10 years of age. JUDGING MUTTON SHEEP. After looking at the teeth to determine the age, look the bead over. A robust head, broad between the eyes, is an indication of a good sheep behind it. Then feel the shape, width, and depth of the neck, shoulders, and along the back to the tail- head, using one hand on each side the body. By careful handling the fleshing on the ribs and over the backbone can be estimated, also the width across the loin, and lower down the fullness of the leg of mutton. Handling is more necessary in judging shoe]) than with other kinds of live stock owing to the covering of wool. In the ewe it is important to possess good milking qualities if she is to rear twins and get them early to maturity. Such a ewe is rather slender in the neck, with a long, feminine face and a body something like that of a dairy cow, wedge- shaped, dee]) in the chest, well-sprung ribs, deep-bodied, and wide across the liips and loin. Quality is indicated mainly by cleanness of bone in the legs. Quality is important from a butcher's standpoint, as there is more saleable meat from a carcass of good quality, but even these will not dress much over half of their live weight. The best wool on the sheep's back is around the shoulder, and the poorest on the thighs. To open and examine the wool, use the hands laid flat on these parts. THE WOOL. Wool-fibre is covered with minute scales resembling to some extent those on fish. These give the fibre its strength and its distinctive lustre. When a scale is injured or destroyed through disease, starvation, or mechanically, a weak point exists in the wool-fibre at that point, rendering it unfit to stand the strain of the combing process in worsted manufacture. The interlocking of the scales of one fibre into those of another makes felting or close matting possible, which is necessary to the production of cloth. Merino wool, which is the finest, or least thick, often has but a single scale going right around the fibre. The medium-fine wools, such as the Shropshire and Hampshire, which have a thicker fibre, possess two, three, or more scales, and the long-wools, such as the Cotswold. Lincoln, and Leicester, several more scales, having the thickest fibre of all. The number of fibres growing on a square inch of skin is between I.oun and -KAisix<; i.v 41 CATCHING AND THROWING SHEEP. The best way to catch sheep is to have them bunched close together in a small pen or corral. This should be built in a corner of the pasture, so that if a sheep is seen to be lame or ill or fly-blown it can be examined at once. When sheep are bunched close together the person may be right among them and they cannot rush about and hurt themselves. Sheep should not be clutched violently by any part of the wool that can be reached. Catching them in this manner injures the skin and hurts the sheep. The proper place to catch hold of a sheep is just above the left hock. Use the right hand, and then with the left grasp the wool of the lower jaw. The sheep can be led forward by moving the right hand up to the tail. To throw a sheep it should be held under the jaw writh one hand while the other grasps one of the hind legs and pulls it forward. At the same time the sheep is pushed backward on to its haunches, and then held with the front end raised and its back against the person's legs. To lift a sheep bodily, the best way is to have another person to grasp both hands under the sheep's belly. ....... Catching, throwing, and leading a TRIMMING THE FEET. This should be done once or twice a year at least, if the flock is not on rocky ground. The outside of the hoof grows lonir. then curls over, rausins* dirt to lodge, and then lameness soon follows. The overgrown horn must be trimmed down with a sharp knife level with the sole. This operation will also shorten the toe, and bring the foot to its proper shape. Care must be taken not to shave off too much, or you will cut into the quick and cause bleeding. If this is done the foot should be dressed with pine tar before the sheep is allowed to go. 42 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. HOME-RAISED MUTTON. To avoid a " woolly " flavour in mutton, certain things have to be attended to, namely : — (1.) Fast the sheep at least twenty-four hours before killing, or it will not bleed well. (2.) Have it penned up so that it need not be chased and excited. (3.) Provide water while fasting. (4.) Dress immediately after killing. An old sheep may be stunned before sticking, or a lamb's neck broken just after sticking, by a short twist upwards. The knife is passed through the neck just behind the jaw, with the sharp edge toward the backbone. The flesh is cut to the bone. The windpipe should not be cut if the sheep is properly stuck. Trimming the feet. Mutton must not be cooked before the animal heat is all out, or it will be disgusting. In a cold climate it can be kept in summer in a cold-store room attached to the ice-house, or in winter it can be packed in snow. It should not be allowed to thaw and freeze again, as it takes the mellow and flavoury taste away. Corned Mutton. — The following are two recipes for corning mutton : — (1.) Make a brine strong enough to carry a potato about half out. To half a barrel of this brine add y2 lb. of saltpetre. In ten to twelve days the meat will be cured, and may be kept in a weaker brine. SlIKKI'-KAISINi; IN IJlMTISlF ( '< M . I M III A. 43 (2.) To every 1 gallons of water allow "2 lb. brown sugar and G lb. salt; boil 20 minutes and skim. Add 4 oz. saltpetre. When quite cool pour on the meat, which lias been sprinkled with salt and packed in a tub. In two months it will be neces- sary to pour off the brine, boil, and skim again, adding 3 oz. brown sugar and % lb. salt. Spiced Mutton Hams. — Sprinkle and rub into the ham a teaspoonful of saltpetre. Then rub on 2 teaspoonfuls ground allspice and cloves, equal parts; then rub on about a teacup of brown sugar. Then rub in salt for about a minute, and repeat the above every other day for three weeks. Do not oversalt, as mutton takes salt quite readily. Mutton thus cured is delicious boiled, or sliced and fried. RANGE MANAGEMENT. Many of the elevated ranges of the Interior have been overgrazed and are deteriorating. Such areas should be given a rest by being fenced, so that the grasses may have a chance to reseed themselves. On a range at an altitude of 5,000 feet in Floor plan of closed sheep-shed. An open sheep-shed. Washington artificial seeding was tried. The following grasses gave good results when the seed was sown in the fall and harrowed in: Timothy, tall fescue, orchard- grass, and brome-grass. On all ranges enough grass should be left to mature every year to ensure that the grasses will be perpetuated by reseeding, and sheep should not be turned on the range until the grass is well started in the spring, otherwise they are tempted to eat poisonous weeds. On the range it will pay to provide lambing-sheds and individual pens for the flock at lambing-time. A loss of about in per cent, of the lambs can be prevented by giving the necessary attention at this time. An experienced herder with a boy and horses can take care of 1,000 head on the range in open country. Good herders lose very few sheep or lambs by coyotes. Good dogs are a great help. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. THE DOG NUISANCE. Dogs, besides worrying sheep, may scatter parasites, such as the eggs of tape- worms, over the pastures, to infect the sheep. It has been estimated that the losses caused by sheep-worrying dogs are equal to those caused by disease. It is not only the sheep which are actually hurt or killed which are damaged, but the whole flock. Ewes which have once been chased will abort, lose flesh, and prove unprofitable breeders. Sheep are nearly always killed by dogs during the night-time, so that it is desirable to get the flock into the habit of sleeping near home by providing salt near the buildings. It is also a good plan to put lots of sheep-bells and several larger bells on the flock. This will act as a deterrent to marauding dogs or coyotes, as well as warning any one within hearing if trouble is afoot. A dog-proof fence is one of woven wire about 5 feet 6 inches high, with a strand of barbed wire along the bottom and top. Very few pasture fences are dog-proof. If confined in a dog-proof enclosure at night, the flock should be fed or else set at liberty very early in the morning. The work of sheep-killing dogs. SHEEP PROTECTION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. For some years prior to 1917 representations had been made to the Department that a measure of protection for sheep was necessary; on Vancouver Island in particular considerable depredations had been done by wandering dogs, and in order to meet these conditions the "Sheep Protection Act" (chapter 57) was passed in May, 1917. The chief features of this Act are: — (a.) The constitution of sheep-protection districts by Proclamation, the Act only to apply in such areas. (6.) No person shall keep or have in his possession any dog unlicensed or with- out a collar and tag as prescribed by the Act. (c.) No dog to be allowed at large at any time between sunset and sunrise unless accompanied by owner or within reasonable call. (d.) Any person may kill any dog in the act of pursuing, worrying, or destroy- ing any sheep elsewhere than on the land belonging to the owner of such dog. (e.) The owner of any sheep killed or injured by dogs may recover damages from the owner of dogs by the " Summary Convictions Act." Up to 1920 the Act had not been taken advantage of to the extent anticipated ; the sheep-protection districts organized being as follows : — (1.) District A, Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands, including all lands east of the Esquimalt & Nanaimo land-grant boundary and north of the Sayward District. Si I KKI '-RAISING IN IJlimsiI roU'.MHIA. 45 (2.) Olcanagan Falls and Kaledcn, a small area adjacent to Dog Lake, in the Southern Okanagan Valley. (3.) The ]\funicii>n!iti/ of Kent, on the north shore of the Fraser River around Agassiz. (4.) Gibson's Landing, an area on Howe Sound, including Roberts Creek and District. (5.) The Municipality of Langlcy, on the south side of the Fraser River. In 1918 an amendment to the Act extended its provisions to include goats. In 1919 an Order in Council was passed with reference to regulations issued under the " Game Act," whereby upon production of satisfactory evidence to the Secretary of a Farmers' Institute, in the locality of a sheep-protection district, bounties of $25 were payable by the Attorney-General's Department for the killing of a mature panther and $12.50 for each young panther not less than 1 week old. TRAPPING AND POISONING COYOTES. A No. 3 trap is the size to use in trapping coyotes. It should be fitted with swivels and fastened to a log or stone weighing at least 30 Ib. The trap is covered < Coyote-proof fence erected by the United States Forest Service. Hunter and hound patrolling. lightly with earth and baited, several traps being set together. Poisoning is the means generally used to exterminate these pests. Strychnine in 2-grain gelatine capsules is the best poison. These capsules are first dipped in melted tallow and then placed inside pieces of tallow or suet about the size of a walnut, afterwards closing Hie cavity. Kjrirs or pieces of liver the si/o of an c.irg may be used for bait also. Gloves should be worn. The bait is best covered with blood. COYOTE-PROOF FENCES. These are used to some extent in tho Western States. This method of handling shrrp lias much to commend it, but the cost of fencing is excessive, unless the range has very good carrying capacity. The following are specifications for a coyote-proof fence : — Posts at intervals varying from 8 to 30 feet; light stays used every 10 feet where posts are far apart. On the surface of the ground a barbed wire, preferably 46 DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE. a 4-point barb hog-wire; 3 inches higher a 34-inch Elwood lawn-fence with 4-inch triangular mesh ; 5 inches above the woven wire a plain barbed wire ; G inches higher a second barbed wire ; and 8 inches above this a third barbed wire. Great care should be taken in making the bottom of the fence tight. If properly done there will be no trouble from coyotes, and practically no repair-work will be needed until the bottom wire rusts out. If half-done there will be continual annoy- ance. The fence should be well braced. Such a fence will be likely to cost at least $500 per mile, including construction. The advantages of fencing the range may be summarized as follows: (1) Increased carrying capacity of 50 per cent, over the customary herding system ; (2) heavier sheep; (3) decrease from 3 per cent, to % of 1 per cent, in the loss at least; (4) less expense for handling; (5) increase in the lamb-crop; (6) heavier and cleaner wool-crop. DISEASES OF SHEEP. The sheep more than any other domestic animal suffers from internal parasites. If these can be avoided there will be little disease in a flock. Two parasites invade the lungs, two the stomach, six the intestines, one the liver, and two affect the brain. Gid, Turnsick, or Sturdy. — This disease is caused by a form of young tapeworm which in its adult stage is found in the dog or wolf species. The sheep affected are seen to have a nervous twitching of the head, an unnatural elevation and tossing of the head to one side, running or crushing against fences or obstacles, or moving in a circle. In advanced cases the sheep falls over with head thrown back and struggles until it dies. No treatment is successful. It is best to kill the sheep in the early stages of the disease when the carcass is fit for human food. The cyst of the tapeworm lodges near the brain and the pressure thereon causes the death of the sheep. When this cyst is swallowed by a dog or coyote (supposing the brain is thrown away), the tapeworm grows to maturity in the animal, and it gives off eggs which may be eaten by sheep when grazing and cause this disease. Sheep-dogs should be cured of tapworm by fasting twelve hours and then dosing with 1 dram of extract of male shield fern in a small amount of milk, followed in two hours by 1 oz. of castor-oil. No solid food should be given until the tapeworm is expelled. Segments of the tapeworm in the dung are a sign of infection. Tapeworms, Round-worms, and Stomach -icorms. — Sheep have tapeworms which inhabit the intestines. Sheep with tapeworm have an abnormal appetite, accom- panied by general weakness and debility, loss of flesh, and paleness of skin and mucous membranes. Round-worms in the intestines cause similar symptoms, one species causing nodules on the walls of the intestine, known as nodular disease or " knotty-gut." Lambs pick up the eggs and are affected by grazing after their mothers, in which case frequent change of pasture is a preventive. Blue vitriol or copper sulphate dissolved in water is a good remedy for worms. Stomach-worms cause more deaths than the other species. The twisted stomach-worm invades the fourth stomach, and resembles a barber's pole somewhat. The symptoms and treat- ment are the same. Bluestone Solution for Worms. — Dissolve 2 oz. of bluestone in a gallon of boiling water. The doses are as follows: Lambs, 3 months, 1 oz. of solution; lambs, G months, iy2 oz. of solution; sheep. 1 year, 2^ oz. of solution; sheep, 1% years, 3 oz. of solution ; sheep, 2 years. S1/^ oz. of solution. Lung-worms, Hoose, or Husk. — This disease is caused by small worms in the air- passages or lungs. The sheep has a low, husky cough. Calves and pigs have the same disease. Lambs get infected by grazing on infected pastures, especially on low land. One to four teaspoonfuls of turpentine, or the breathing of the fumes of burning sulphur as thick as a person can stand, are the remedies. Grub in the Head. — In midsummer the sheep gadfly harasses the flock, and if possible deposits its living grubs inside the sheep's nostrils. These crawl up and attach themselves to the membrane of the passage leading to the nostrils, causing a Sm:Ki'-K.\isi.\<; i.\ I.iimsn ( 'OI.IMIUA. 47 discharge which may be mistaken for that caused by a culd. The sheep try to avoid I lie Hy by seeking the shade and putting their no^es to the ground. Their noses may he tarred as a preventive, and shade should be provided it' not available, as the fly does not attack them under shelter. No other remedy «-an be given. Scours. — When turned suddenly on rank pasture sheep are apt to get diarrhoea, or scours. Any sudden change of food is apt to cause this. A removal of the cause and a dose of a dessertspoonful of laudanum for a mature sheep (less for lambs) given in milk or water will cure this. It is to be followed by a teaspoonful of ground ginger in a cup of warm water. Scours may bo caused by the presence of worms, in which case the above would not ibe effective. Constipation. — Caused by long feeding on dry foods, such as straw and timothy- hay. When the sheep " stretches " it is a symptom. The remedy is a physic* of Kpsom salts, 4 oz., or raw linseod-oil, 8 oz. Feed roots or bran with salt and ginger, and abundance of salt and drinking-water. Lamb-cholera. — Sometimes the fattest and biggest lambs are suddenly attacked by this disease, the cause of which is unknown, and die in a spasm. The only remedy which is of any avail is bleeding. The tail may be cut off or a vein on the inside of the fore leg slit. A cupful of blood may be taken from a 2-mouths-old lamb. Colic and Bloating. — A dose of 8 oz. of raw linseed-oil or a tablespoonful of baking-soda in warm water will give relief. In bad cases it may be necessary to stick a knife or a trocar into the paunch to let the gas out. The point to puncture is on the left side, midway between the last rib 'and the point of the hip. The hip is the bone which sticks out at this point. The paunch is just underneath the skin. Pink-eye. — This disease is infectious and causes sore eyes. The sheep should be isolated and the eyes washed with weak antiseptic, such as a 1-per-cent. creolin solution. If a film covers the eye, enough burnt alum to cover a dime should be blown through a tube into the eye held open. (ioifrr or Sir died Neck. — The remedy which has proven the most successful is as follows: Take 3 Ib. of common salt and 2 oz. of iodide of potassium and mix thoroughly. One teaspoonful per ewe per day is sufficient, commencing from ten to twelve weeks after the ram has been first turned in with the ewes. Seal). — This disease is not present in Canada. It is very infectious, and is rigidly guarded against by the Dominion veterinary authorities. The scab parasite causes great irritation, and the wool comes off in patches. Any sign of this disease must be reported immediately to the nearest Dominion Inspector. Mum/of*. — These are the grubs of the bluebottle or blowfly. Sheep which have sores or else filth about their hinder parts become flyblown. The maggots hatch from the egg in one day. They will soon eat into the body unless checked. If a sheep is noticed very restless, running short distances at a time or wagging its tail, it must be caught and examined. Gasolene will kill the maggots, and then lime should be sprinkled over the part to prevent further attacks. .\l>lifliii or s<,rr Month — When lambs are affected with sore mouths or lips the ewe's udder will likely be affected also. TJse a mixture of boric acid, 1 part, and lard. 8 parts, on the udders. For the mouth use carbolic ointment frequently. Wool Balls.— Wool balls in lambs' stomachs may cause many deaths. The lambs may get hold of the wool around the ewe's udder if not clipped away, or they may have digestive troubles which cause them to eat the wool, or they may eat wool when biting their sides because «»f the irritation from ticks. The feeding of salt, phosphate <»f lime, or bone-meal may be necessary. Doses of raw linseed-oil, ;j or 4 ox. may be given. j.'— This is usually the result of non-attention to the feet, combined with muddy ground. A lame sheep should be caught and the hoof pared down with a sharp knife level with the sole. Then it should be dressed with a solution of copper sulphate. 1 ox. to l!1- pints of water. Then chloride of antimony should be applied. after which a coating of pine-tar should be put on. A large flock may be treated by running them through a trough in which is 10 ib. of copper sulphate dissolved in 5 48 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. gallons of water, or else the sheep can be herded a short time in a bed of freshly slaked lime 3 inches deep. Tick Paralysis. — A species of wood-tick causes paralysis in humans and in sheep in districts, but the disease is not common. The ticks must be pulled off any affected sheep, when they will recover. The Siniilkameen Valley is most affected. Roaring Disease. — This trouble in sheep has been found in Chopaka and Pen- ticton Districts. Ten per cent, of one large flock wras affected, and some died. The sheep seem to become infected on timbered ranges only. The disease appears about June and disappears in August, most of the animals recovering. The only remedy yet found is the avoidance of heavily timbered ranges. Plant Poisoning. — Among poisonous plants may be mentioned larkspur, aconite, death-camas, loco-weed, lupine, and the various poison-hemlocks. Give milk, whites of eggs, alcoholic stimulants, and a weak solution of permanganate of potash, if available. NOTE. — One tablespoonful equals about y2 oz. ; 1 dessertspoonful equals about 2 fluid drams; 1 teaspoonful equals about 1 fluid dram; 1 tablespoqnful carbolic acid or other disinfectant in 3 pints water equals a 1-per-cent. solution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. For most of the illustrations used in this bulletin acknowledgments are due to the Dominion Live Stock Branch and the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States. VICTORIA, B.C.: Printed by WILLIAM H. CULLIN, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1921. LD2l-100m-7,'39(402s) YD 14176 DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY - H