X5 V- 3 #5 STOP LOOKING FOR Vol.' Ill, No. 4_l Dec. 1981--- IT WAS NEVER ISSUED! ! VDT.JVF TT T SEPTEMBER 1981 NO. ? > SHORT! A A NtWSLtmR O F THE. WESTERN CAROUNP SOTfl A/ ICAL CLU S CONTENTS or this ISSUE. LOOK AGAIN THE SPIDER V/ORT - RADIATION DETECTOR PLAI'IT SYMBIOSIS RULES FOR PRONUNCIATION PUBLISHES QUflFTERLy POFTUE.CLUB EOnet?- HARvay K^qUSlL LlTZKAKy Ct?n;e _ VZZNH KROUSEL ald 'SECRcrr&Ry Only rarely do we find it necessary to resort to using a hand lens in order to distinguish between two species of plants that are as tall as we are, but the buttercup family, proves that it can happen. genus iimicnuga in the Cimicifuga racemosa (popularly known as Eugbane, Black Cohosh or Black Snakeroot) is so conspicuous and so familiar that we feel confident of being able to call it from twenty feet away without fear of contradiction, but in doing so we often forget that there is another species, americana. There are not many factors to help us avoid misidentification, either. Vegetatively , tne two are very similar, although Cj_ americana does not achieve the stature of the larger specimens of C . racemosa. The former is strictly a mountain species and is restricted to the southern part of the Appalachians at that - but of course they both share that territory. It tends to bloom later, but in a given area their blooming sea- sons can pretty much coincide. All this would make it separate them the fact that an individual take care of the problem quickly and positively: overlapping difficult to were it not for a close look at flower will C imicifuga racemosa has single pistil, which is and sessile, with a but a stout truncate style. americana, on the other hand, has from three to eight pistils each of which has a slender stalk, and the styles are awl-shaped. There are other slight differences, mostly in the follicles and seeds, bu' need to know. if you have the plant in flower this ali you THE SPIDER WORT RADIATION DETECTOR This is an account about one of our attractive roadside wildflowers that may become a useful tool for mankind. We are acquainted with it, the early spiderwort known as Tradescantia with its three ecually-rounded lavender petals surrounding the six quite hairy stamens, each bearing a bright yellow anther. Recent studies by the Japanese scientist, Dr. Sadao Ichikawa in Japan and the United States, indicates that cloned cr asexual ly-grown Spiderworts can be an ultra-sensitive monitor of ionizing radiation. Ke found that the cells of the hairs of the stamens change from blue to pink in a few days after exposure to as little as 150 millirems of radiation. Federal guidelines urge that the limit for exposure to man-made radiation sources be no more than 170 millirems/year . The average person receives about 100 millirems/year from the natural background. Dr. Ichikawa claims that this color indicator provides a greater sensitivity to low level radiation than mechanical indicators. This claim is made because mechanical instruments measure external exposure only, which is considered not as meaningful a measurement for a living biological system. Because living systems take up radiation internally, and indeed accumulate it, this scientist said he felt the spiderwort was an especially useful monitor since it showed the effects of internal exposure a few days after the fact. A human population, however, would tauce decades, or even years to show the effects of radiation- induced mutation. Dr. Ichikawa is continuing his research by having other scientists grow plants of the cloned spiderwort around nuclear plant facilities in the United States. So, the spiderwort could become not merely a pretty roadside flower, but a real lifesaver. (Condensed from New York Times - April 2y, 1979) j|C**:**aea*x*:*:*:f::*:*x:*x5rt3*c*:*x:*J|c PLANT SYM3I0SIS Broadly defined, symbiosis is an association of two different kinds of living organisms sometimes for mutual benefit. A number of these associations occur in plant life, of which a few come to mind and I should like to share with you. Perhaps the better known relationsnip is that which exists between our Pink Lady-slipper ( Cypripedium acaule ) and a soil fungus. As we all know, this Lady-slipper thrives best in tr.e rich loam of the woods. It has been demonstrated that the related fungus, by means of its network of tnre&ds (mycelium ), hastens the decay of the organic material that accumulates in the woods, increases its acidity, and thereby prepares a growing medium favored by the Lady-slipper. Just how the plant is beneficial to the fungus is not too well known* but the relationship is essential. Transplanting a Fink Lady-slipper is not often successful and only so if a considerable amount of the fungus-infused wood loam accompanies it. Let us consider tne Lichens. They are symbiotic associations in which a fungus and an alga produce a joint body — each benefiting from this association. The alga being a green plant capable of photosynthesis, produces food for the fungus which, in turn, supplies moisture, shelter, and minerals for the alga. Cross section of a typical lichen shows that the matted threads (mycelium) of the fungus are concentrated at the bottom where they attach to rock surfaces on which the lichen usually grows. Lichens are slow but efficient soil producers, disintegrating the rocks by chemical action. The generic name of Beech-drop is a give-away: Epifagus, from the Greek epi= upon, and phagos=the Beech. This rather insignificant, slender, much-branched plant is always found around the base of our native 3eech trees. Although it produces its own food, it cannot grow unless it is attached to roots of the Beech, from which it receives its water and minerals. In late August the False Foxglove ( Aureolaria virginica ) shows its bright yellow flowers. They are usually found in colonies and if we look up we find they are growing in a grove of V/hite Oak trees. However, this is not a condition of true symDiosis. It is more a relationship of the two plants where the Foxglove is oarasitic on the roots of the V/hite Oak. HK RULES FOR PRONUNCIATION At one time or another, we all might as well face this issue head on.1 Most everyone has his own pet way of pronouncing the scientific names of our wild plants and should be given due consideration and credit for his own determination. There are, however, some occasions when two persons having distinct and con- firmed differences, actually have difficulty in conducting floral communication] Gtner problems occur. Frequently I have had the temerity of correcting some one eise's plant pronunciation and find, with humility upon consulting an authority like Gray's Manual, that I was dead wrong. But, 1st us all recognize — there is one correct way to pronounce any given scientific plant name. A numoer of excellent puolications are available listing many plant names with phonetic spelling and indicating vercal accents. Useful, to oe sure, but unnandy. So, perhaps it might, appeal to some of us who wish to oe correct, to learn by using the accepted rules on tne following page. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from IMLS LG-70-15-0138-15 https://archive.org/details/shortianewslette3319west Rules fcs prceueciatice Use the English sounds of the Latin vowels and consonants while using the classical Latin accenting. Grave accent ) denotes a long vowel and Acute accent ( ^ ) denotes a 3hort vowel Vowels 1. / • 4. final vowels have long sound (alsine, which is "ah" (Verna., Venn ah) Final ss sounds like "ease" Y is always a vowel with soft sound of i_ (diphyllus) Two vowels together when not a dichthcng are always sounded Y ai-si-nee ), except "a" / separately (filifolia - fi-ii-fo-li-ah) Diohthcngs 1. 2. / • 4. 5- Consonants ae and oe have the sound of long (e) in "me" au sounds like (aw) in "awful" ei sounds like (i) in "kite" eu sounds like (u) in "neuter" Diphthongs are always classed as long ( ' ) vowels C and g h av e soft ( )■ s ounds foil owed b\ e, i. Tf J 9 a o , or ' (gyn ahdra - J - nan-d ra \ J Cth' and cr V- a h ard so una 0 f g as giao rus - cu ia-b ru s Vi hen the wo rd i s □ eg un by on the first 1 etta r is 3 1 1 ent : ax. emeu s - ni — K, us ; c u er.iun Ex. (Cedrus - 3ee-drus), ;e, c has the hard sound of k 'go" Ex. Candidas - kan-di-dus oi' consonan y * 7 V” ? . psyllium - sil-i-um Accenting 1. 2, The last syllable is never accented Words with two syllables are always accented on the first; Ex. Veer - 'a-ser; and if a vowel, it is the Words of more than two syllables, on the next to the. last, if is Ion*. It is long if it ends .in a lon^vowei, a ciphtnong, a consonant. Ex. alsine - ai-si-nee; anoenus - a-moe-nus When this^. syllable ends in a consonant, the vo^l is snort, Ex. decumoens - de-cum-bens If the next to last syllable is short, the accent fal^s on t e third syllable fron the end. Ex. dracontiun - .ra-con-ti-ta. Condensed fron Vascular Plant Systematica, pages 72 and 75 ^AA'iCA^