■"tïEEE ^yyminM..^. ^SS-^H SIBOGAEXPEDITIE. Siboga-Expeditie UITKOMSTEN OF ZOOLOGISCH. I All ttlffiffll 1 GIKffl BI VERZAMELD IN NEDERLANDSCH OOST-INDIË 1899— 1900 AAN BOORD H. M. SIBOGA ONDER COMMANDO VAN Luitenant ter zee T kl. G. F. TYDEMAN UITGEGEVEN DOOK Dr. MAX WEBER Prof. in Amsterdam, Leider der Expeditie (met medewerking van de Maatschappij ter bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Koloniën) BOEKHANDEL EN DRUKKERIJ VOORHEEK E. J. BRILL LEIDEN Siboga-Expeditie XXXIX c THE DECAPODA BRACHYURA OF THE SIBOGA EXPEDITION BY DR. J. J. TESCH Leiden I HYMENOSOMIDAE, RETROPLUMIDAE, OCYPODIDAE, GRAPSIDAE and GECARCINIDAE With 6 plates »bm- late E. J. BEILL PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS LEIDEN — I9I 8 Iuj LIG vnii- /"ii INTRODUCTION. uIn the vast extension .... which marine Zoology has for some time past been receiving, some retardation in the stream of discovery may not be unwelcome to the systematist. Familiar forms which vvould otherwise amply repay a thorough reinvestigation are apt to be thrust on one side, when striking novelties are for ever appealing to be intioduced". Th. R. R. Stebbing, Stalk-eyed Crustacea Malacostraca of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Transact. Roy. Soc. Edinburg, v. 50, prt 2, n° 9, 1914, p. 253. With Prof. Weber's kind permission and tHe ready consent of Dr. Ihle I have been entrusted with the task of working up a part of the Brachygnathous Crustacea Decapoda of the "Siboga" Expedition. The present paper deals with 5 families: Hymenosomidae, Retroplumidae (= Ptenoplacidae), Ocypodidae, Grapsidae and Gecarcinidae, v i 2. the bulk of the large group commonly known as Catometopous Crabs. The families enumerated yielded 68 species in all and only 4 of them are new to science. This fact may seem disappointing, in view of the large series of new forms, continuously appearing in almost every larger group of marine Evertebrata secured by the expedition, but is not to been wondered at. Firstly the Ocypodidae, Grapsidae and Gecarcinidae are, as is well-known, inhabitants of the beach, of mouths of rivers and brooks, and of the jungle near the shore, and the "Siboga", devoting most of her labour to deep-sea working, only occasionally collected terrestrial and fresh-water animals. And secondly the scarcity of new species may readily be explained by the very habits of the three families, the species of which are generally largely represented in such collections as are gathered by naturalists of tropical regions, who have no particular means at their disposal of investigating the deeper and more inaccessible regions of the sea; and collectors as Brock, Storm, Semper, Kükenthal a. o. have made us acquainted in more recent years with a rather large number of new species of the said families, so that the chance of discovering novelties in this regard is small. In the present paper it are not the new forms which are laid stress upon, but rather it is a synopsis of all the known Indo-Pacific species, together with keys to genera and species, that is aimed at. Alcock's classical work "Materials for a Carcinological Fauna of India" and eventually n° 6 in: Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, only deals strictly with Indian (or rather British-Indian) species, and is only to a limited degree suited to any naturalist who attempts the determination of Catometopous crabs from the East-Indian Archipelago. The literature on the subject is so very much scattered, that a general review on the carcinological 1 SIBOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX t". I ,>4828 fauna of the whole Indo-Pacific is urgently needed. Accordingly I have not restricted myself to the materials of the "Siboga", but also redescribed some obscure forms from other sources, from the Leyden and Amsterdam Museum, in order to render my work more complete, and I did not content myself to merely citing and recording, but also tried to make any species better known. Proceeding in this way it is astonishing what a multitude of perhaps small, but really important, facts may be detected in many so-called "known" species. Certainly (and I wish this to be clearly understood) this does not mean the slightest blame to my predecessors, not even to those who nowadays live only in old-fashioned books and, for some generations past, plaved their rol e in the general tragedy of mankind. For it are not only Stebbing's words here chosen as motto, but also those written by this venerable carcinologist on a former occasion, that I cannot refrain from citing, with the utmost approvement : "it can scarcely be regarded as a reproach to the earlier naturalists that they had not prophetic eyes to make them acquainted with the requirements of modern classification. We are perhaps industriously preparing equivalent stumbling-blocks for a future age, which possibly will only care to distinguish species by the internal structure as seen working in. the living animal under the Röntgen rays. But for the difficulty of identifying forms described by our predecessors, we ought not to lay all the blame on the imperfection of the original accounts. It should be shared by the naturalists who some- times in a long succession are content to quote the name of a species, without using the means at their disposal of making it thoroughly well-known. There is a sort of superstition that a new species is worth publishing, but that to deal with one to which some other person's name and some ancient date is attached, is a poor affair, stale and unprofitable". (On Crustaceans from the Falkland Islands. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 518). The "Siboga" material here dealt with is distributed over the families in the following way: Hymenosomidae Retroplumidae . Ocypodidae . . Grapsidae . . . Gecarcinidae . . Species 2 I 18 43 4 New I 2 I I have to thank heartily my fellow-countryman Dr. J. G. de Man, who kindly and readily, in his usual way, assisted me by lending rare memoirs. The help of this excellent carcinologist has been the more appreciated by me, as international scientific intercourse nowadays is reduced to the extreme ! Leiden, July 4, 191 7. HYMENOSOMIDAE. Since the arguments put forth by Ortmann l) and Borradaile ~), it is now generally agreed, that the present family is to be classed with the Oxyrhyncha, and not with the Catometopous Crabs; indeed, the only character that may justify the latter view, viz. the sternal openings of the c? sexual organs, is counterbalanced by a whole series of features showing a close relationship to the Oxyrhyncha and especially to the Maiidae. It is remarkable, that de Haan3), as early as 1839, referred his species "Ocypode (Elamene) unguiformis" to the "Majacea"; in the atlas the species is called " Inachus (Elamene) unguiformis". The Hymenosomidae are all littoral species ; in the very rare instances, that they are found in the open sea, they seem to be clinging to some floating object. The majority of species inhabit the waters of New Zealand and the south and east coast of Australia ; from here they radiate tovvards the Indian Ocean, to China and Japan, to New Caledonia and the west coast of South America, and to South Africa. One species is characteristic of sub- antarctic regions. It is to be regretted, that most of the species are very insumciently known, and it has been put forth by several authors, that a thorough revision, especially of the New Zealandian species, is much needed. Even the genera are not well defined, so that it has appeared advisable to some carcinologists to unite all the known forms into one single genus, Hymeuosoma. Under these circumstances it is a difficult and ungrateful task to undertake a systematic monograph of the present family. Nevertheless, with the scanty material of the "Siboga" added to some few, but interesting specimens of the Leyden and Amsterdam Museum 4), I am of opinion that even the description of this small collection, the defining of genera and eventually of species, and the compilation of the literature, incomplete as this modest monograph appears, may be of some use to any one who chances to examine any members of the present family. 1 1) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 31. 2) Fauna and Geogr. Maldive and Laccadive Arch., v. 2, 1903, prt 2. Marine Crust. X (Oxyrhyncha) p. 682 (note). — Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) v. 19, 1907, p. 480. 3) Fauna Japonica, ded quarta, 1839, p. 75, pi. 29, f. I. 4) Prof. Weber has kindly allowed me to insert the descriptions of these specimens from the said Museums, for, though not caught by the "Siboga", they are Indo-Pacific as well. The following key is proposed to distinguish the genera : i. Epistome absent; ext. maxillipeds almost in contact with the bases of the antennules. Rostrum prominent, pointed, concave transversely. Dactyli of walking legs very long, styliform, not depressed, almost wholly straight and ending in an acute point, with two longitudinal rows of hairs and without spines at inner side Hymenosoma Desmarest Epistome present. Dactyli of walking legs with spines at inner side . 2 2. Epistome rather long in longitudinal direction. Antennulae and antennae almost completely concealed beneath the rostrum; the latter projecting (as also the lateral borders of the carapace), triangular, truncate or tridentate. The ext. maxillipeds completely close the buccal cavern ; merus shorter than ischium 3 Epistome short in longitudinal direction. Antennulae and antennae only at base concealed by the rostrum, that is triangular, trilobate or trispinose, but marked off poster-^ iorly by a raised rim, that borders the flattened part of the carapace and is continued across the base of the rostrum. Ext. maxillipeds slightly gaping; merus somewhat longer than ischium. Sides of carapace with one or two (very rarely more) teeth at either side, but sometimes unarmed 4 3. Rostrum elongate, triangular. Epistome very long, somewhat convex. Antennulae separated by a mere ridge . . . Trigonoplax H. Milne-Edwards Rostrum short, triangular, trilobate or truncate. Epistome shorter. Antennulae separated by a more or less prominent septum Elamena H. Milne-Edwards 4. Rostrum consisting of three equidistant and equal, obtuse lobes, between the intervals of which the antennulae are visible. Sides of carapace with two teeth on either side. Walking legs rather robust, not much longer than breadth of carapace Halicarcinus White Rostrum trilobate (the median lobe being inserted beneath the level of the lateral ones), triangular, truncate or tri- spinose. Sides of carapace unarmed or toothed. Walking legs mostly very slender, spider-like, elongate, but some- times short and thickly hairy 5 5. Walking legs very thin and slender, much elongate; dactyli falciform, of nearly equal breadth till near tip. Rostrum 4 5 prominent, differently shaped. Carapace subcircular, longer than broad 6 Walking legs short, scarcely longer than breadth of cara- pace; dactyli straight, conical, gradually tapering to tip. Rostrum triangular, nearly vertically deflexed and fixed. Carapace transversely oval, broader than long; sides un- armed. Sides of carapace and legs covered by thick, club- shaped hairs, particularly long at sloping sides of the former, and on meropodites of legs. Very small species, breadth of carapace 5 — 6 mm Elamenopsis A. Milne-Edwards 6. Rostrum trilobate, triangular or truncate Hymenicus Dana Rostrum trispinose Rhynchoplax Stimpson Hymenosoma Desmarest. 1825. Hymenosoma Desmarest. Cons. s. 1. Crust. p. 163. Though this genus has been known since nearly a century, its true characters remained rather insufficiently indicated. H. Milne-Edwards :) first pointed out the absence of an epistome, but this important feature appears to have been overlooked by Haswell 8), who advocated the view, that all the genera (at least Hymenosoma, Hymenicus and Halicarcinus) should be united into the original genus that gave its name to the whole group, which he called, however, Hymenicinae, following Dana. Haswell's opinion has been shared by Australian carcinologists, such as Baker 3), Fulton and Grant 4). Stebbing, however, recently ') argues, that Hymenosoma is distinguished, at least from Halicarcinus, by the much narrower shape of the merus and ischium of the external maxillipeds, and by the long hairs fringing the propodite and dactylus of the walking legs, which joints are spineless. The absence of an epistome, the characters of the walking legs, and the narrow abdomen of the d", that reaches only to the middle of the nearly circular sternum, are all characters, that sharply separate at least the typical species of Hymenosoma from Hymenicus and Halicarci?ius. Though a rather large number of species has been assigned to Hymenosoma, only two species appear to have their proper place here; they may be distinguished thus : Flattened part of carapace longer than broad (not including the rostrum); external orbital angle sharp, bifid and spine-like; walking legs rather short, about twice the breadth of the carapace. Abdomen of c? narrow, reaching up to the middle of the sternum. 'Species of South Africa H. orèiculare Desmarest 1) Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, 1837, p. 35—36. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 222. 2) Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. 114. 3) Transact. R. Soc. South Austr., Adelaide, v. 30, 1906, p. 114. 4) Proc. R. Soc. Victoria, v. 15, 1902, p. 59. 5) Transact. R. Soc. Edinburgh, v. 50, prt 2, 1914, p. 270. 5 Flattened part of carapace about as long (without rostrum) as broad, nearly circular; external orbital anode a low rim; walking legs lonp- and slender, about 3 times the breadth of the carapace. Abdomen of cf short, triangular, "reaching only to the posterior margin of the sternum, corresponding to the fourth pair of legs" (Chilton). Species of New Zealand H . depressum Jacquinot et Lucas 1. Hx ■menosoma orbiculare Desmarest. PI. 1, Fig. 1. For synonymy see Stebbing, Ann. S. A. Mus., v. 6, 1910, p. 331 — 332 and Stebbixg, Transact. R. Soc. Edinburgh, v. 50, prt 2, 1914, p. 270. The following records seem to have been overlooked by Stebbing: H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 222, pi. u, f. 2. ORTMANN, Denkschr. d. med.-naturw. Gesellsch. Jena, Bd 8 (Semon's zoo!. Forschungsreisen, Bd 5, Lief. 1), 1894, p. n. Lenz, Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, 1905, p. 36S. This characteristic South African species was not represented in the "Siboga" collection, but I had the opportunity of studying a cf collected by Prof. Weber in Table Bay near Cape Town, in 1894, 8 — 12 fathoms, sandy bottom. I have figured this species again, for none of the figures heretofore published, at least as known to me, convey an exact idea of its outer appearance. The species has been figured in its details by Stebbing (1. c, 1914, pi. 25 A), but clear and exact as these drawings are, I hope not to do injustice to this highly-esteemed carcinologist in pretending that his figure of the habitus of the animal is really insufficiënt. The flattened part of the carapace has a longitudinally-oval shape, semicircular posteriorly, somewhat pointed in its anterior part. It is bordered by minute tubercles at the sides and passes gradually into the rostrum, that is marked off behind its base by a feeble, convex rim. The rostrum itself is short, concave at its surface, somewhat deflexed, and pointed at the tip; at either side of the base there is a distinct callose thickening of the border. The eye-stalks are short and thick; the corneas reach beyond the tip of the rostrum. The sides of the carapace are obliquely-sloping outward, so that the total breadth of the carapace ' is equal to the length, not including the rostrum; these sloping sides are beset with numerous minute tubercles, and unite at the hind margin, between the bases of the hind legs, with the bordering rim of the flattened part; this rim, moreover, consists of two parts, separated off in the middle of its course; the posterior part passes very obliquely forward on the sloping sides of the carapace, thus marking off a hepatical and a branchial region. On the former region there are two obtuse prominences, that are themselves minutely tuberculate, the posterior directed upward, the anterior forward. The external orbital angles are situated beneath the level of the deflexed tip of the rostrum and reach as far forward as this tip ; they are sharp, spinedike, and b i f i d ; upper and lower margin of the orbit are practically absent, the orbit itself passing imperceptibly into the buccal cavern, as the epistome is wanting. 6 The regions of the carapace are defined by very regular grooves; the hexagonal cardiac area is separated by a deep cervical groove from the mesogastric region ; the bulging gastric region is divided into tvvo parts by a longitudinal line, and the anterior part is marked by numerous small but sharp granules. The branchial regions are crossed by several furrows, as shown in the figure ; these regions are somevvhat concave. The short antennae arise from the" outer wall of the open orbit, at the base of the superior fork of the external orbital angle; the basal joint is short and thick, immovable and fused with its surroundings, the second joint is free, slender, and about one and a half times the length of the next joint; the flagellum consists of three joints, diminishing rapidly in size, it does not reach as far forvvard as the antennulae, that are about 3 times the length of the rostrum. The peduncle of these antennulae consists of three joints of about equal length; the basal joint is by far the broadest, and the rostrum reaches to the middle of the second joint; the flagellum is short and thick (cf. Stebbing, 1. c, 1 91 4, pi. 25, A. f. ai., as.). The external maxillipeds (like also the anterior part of the sternum, between the bases of the chelipeds) are densely hairy, which renders it difhcult, to make out their exact shape. They are somewhat converging anteriorly, leaving a triangular gap posteriorly; ischium and merus are of equal length, but both are somewhat broader in my specimen than is shown in Stebbing's figure (pi. 25 A. f. w.r/>. 3): the antero-internal angle of the ischium is more strongly bulging Y) and the base of the merus more narrowed than in the figure quoted ; the merus itself is about as lonsf as broad at the distal end, which shows 110 tracé of an auricle, and the carpus, that is broader than the next two joints, is inserted near the external angle of the merus. I have not examined the other maxillipeds in my single specimen ; they are however figured by Stebbing (f. mx.p. 2, mxp. 1). The abdomen of the cf does not occupy all the space between the bases of the pósterior legs; it is bottle-shaped ; only the last 4 joints are free and not fused with the sternum and of these the penultimate segment is the shortest, the other being of about equal length. The tip of the abdomen occupies nearly the centre of the circular sternum and is separated by a wide, hairy space from the pósterior margin of the buccal cavern. Stebbing (19 14, 1. c. p. 270) describes the chelipeds of the cf as much more swollen than those of the Q; I have not had an opportunity to study these legs in the latter sex, but in my cf specimen they are rather short and weak, about as long as the carapace; the meropodite is granular on outer surface, fringed with long hairs along the edges and without subdistal tooth at the upper border; the carpopodite and the palm are likewise granular at upper and outer surface; the internal angle of the former is not at all prominent; the palm is low, about as long as the fingers, fringed with long hairs along upper and lower border, smooth but pitted at inner surface; the fingers are straight, not particularly compressed, longitudinally grooved and of about the same height till quite near the curved and acute tip, the cutting margins are scarcely serrated in my specimen, but, according to Stebbing, the movable finger 1) In the figure of H. Milne-Edwards (1. c.) this angle is vepresented as acutely pronounced, which does not agree with Stebbing's finds and mine. De Haan (Faun. Jap. pi. H) figures a very long merus, twice as long as the ischium: his specimen unfortunately is not extant. 7 8 "has a tooth on the inner margin which appears to vary considerably in its expansion and denticulation". Of the walking legs the first and fourth pair are slightly shorter than the middle pairs; the meropodites are rather slender, their length being about three times the breadth and as long as the carpo- and propodite together; there are no spines whatever on the legs, but the upper surface is somewhat granular; the whole posterior margin is fringed with long hairs that are arrano-ed in two longitudinal rows on the propodites and dactyli, and the superior row passes from the carpopodite gradually to the upper surface of the propodite-, the dactyli are very long, straight, longer than the preceding joints and quite spineless along inner margins. The specimen that has been in alcohol for more than twenty years has conserved a dark- vellow colour, finely mottled with dark spots, that are arranged in somewhat reticulated figures on the legs; the under side of the carapace and also the long hairs are of a lighter colour. Dimensions in mm. : Total length of carapace (including rostrum) 16.75 Total breadth of carapace 17 Breadth of flattened part of carapace 13 Length Breadth at base Length Breadth at base Length of cheliped 17 Horizontal length of palm 4 Length of mobile finger 4 Length of meropodite 8 of penultimate segment of abdomen of cT of last segment of abdomen of cf ! Breadth of meropodite Length of carpo- and Length of dactylus \ 8 of penultimate pair of legs Length of carpo- and propodite 10 5 5 S 5 25 75 5 5 5 5 5 This species is quite characteristic of the South African littoral fauna, and has been caught nearly nowhere else 1). Though apparently common in shallow waters near the shore it has been also dredged from a depth of 80 metres near Cape Agulhas -). The hairiness of the legs has induced some authors, rightly, I suppose, to ascribe a swimming faculty to the animal. 2. Hymenosoma depressum Jacquinot et Lucas. The history of this species, that had been obscurely known, was traced ten years ago by Chilton s), who gave a renewed description, accompanied by figures. Unfortunately we are not informed about the presence or absence of an epistome, nor about the shape of the external maxillipeds, but the hind margin of the walking legs is fringed with long hairs, and it is this very character that induced Stebbing 4) to assume, that the species was placed in the right genus. 1) Lenz records a siagle specimen from Zanzibar. 2) Doklein, Wiss. Erg. "Valdivia", Bd 6, Brachyura, 1904, p. 3) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) v. 19, 1907, p. 146—149. pi. 5. 4) Transact. R. Soc. Edinburg, v. 50, pit 2, 1914, p. 270. The nearly circular flattened part of the carapace, the absence of a prominent external orbital angle, the short triangular abdomen of the cf, and especially the very long and slender walking legs are sufficiënt characteristic features; the walking legs are, according to Ciiilton, nearly three times the breadth of the carapace, and Calman l) adds that in specimens of the British Museum the legs are even more slender. The dactyli are, according to Chilton's figures, distinctly shorter than the preceding joints, though in the text the reverse is stated. The species inhabit the waters of New Zealand (Greymouth, Sumner, Auckland Islands, Akaroa Heads). Halicarcinus White. For synonymy see STEBBING, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p, 521. Stebbing made a detailed bibliographical study of this genus, to which several most obscure species have been referred, most of which most probably enter into the synonymy of H . planatus (Fabricius). Both Stebbing and Miers ~) agree in accepting two species, that may be distinguished thus : Teeth of the tridentate rostrum placed wider apart : dactyli of walking" legs narrowing gradually to apex, spines at inner border disposed in two indistinct, longitudinal rows H. planatus (Fabricius) Teeth of the tridentate rostrum placed close together, touching each other at the base; dactyli of walking legs more slender, keeping the same breadth throughout their length till quite near apex, spines at inner border disposed in a single file H. ovatus Stimpson To which of these species the H. pitbescens Dana3) is to be referred remains uncertain, and I have found no reference to it in more recent literature. It inhabits rather deep water (50 fathoms) at the east coast of Patagonia. Perhaps it is a new species, for the carapace is represented as nearly as broad as long, whereas it is distinctly broader in the two other species. Some other species, viz. " Hymenosoma" leachi Guérin 4), " Hymenosoma" tridaitatum Jacquinot et Lucas5), " Liriopea' leachi Nicolet 6) and " Liriopea" lucasii Nicolet 7) are most incompletely known, and as any attempt to- identify them is useless, they are better to be cancelled altogether. Halicarcinus huttoni Filhol 8) seems to be identical with H. planatus, as far as can be judged. 1) In a note to Chilton's article. 1. c. p. 149. 2) Rep. "Challenger" Brachyura, 1886, p. 2S0 — 2S1. 3) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S51, p. 253. U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1S52, pi. 24, f. S. 4) Voy. "Coquille", Crust., 1828, p. 22. Iconogr. Règn. an., Crust. pi. 10, f. I. 5) Voy. "Astrolabe" Póle Sud, t. 3, 1853, p. 60, pi. 5, f. 27. Halicarcinus tridentalus Filhol, Miss. ïle Campbell, t. 3, 1885, p. 396. Filhol's description refers to Hymenicus rather than to Halicarcinus. 6) In Gay, Hist. d. Chile, t. 3, Zool., 1849, p. 160, pi. I, f. I. 7) L. c. p. 160. 8) L.c. p. 398, pi. 47, f. 1. SIBOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX c. IO i. Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius). PI. i, Fig. 2. Literature: STEBBING, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 524, pi. 36 B, and Transact. R. Soc. Edinburgh, v. 50 prt 2, 1914, p. 271. In the collection of the Leiden Museum is an adult specimen (here figured), unfortunately without locality; besides I have examined 3 specimens, belonging to the Amsterdam Museum, collected by the late Dr. J. H. Kruimel at Port San Pedro (south of Valdivia, Chile) in April 1909. All these animals are females. The drawing here given and the detailed account of Stebbing may, I hope, dispense me with a full description. Here I shall only remark the following facts : i° The carapace is markedly transverse, broader than long; the side walls are obliquely-sloping down to the bases of the walking legs, but anteriorly they are perpendicular; there are two rather sharp but short teeth on either side of the side walls, placed beneath the bordering rim of the flattened part of the carapace and not attached to it. On the carapace there is one distinct groove, viz. the cervical one, and two short, radiating ones, parting from either end; the anterior is continued forward and marks off very feebly the gastric region; from this anterior groove two diverging lines on either side of the carapace are directed, one to the first, the other to the second lateral tooth. Here and there some minute granules are observed on the upper part of the carapace. 2" There is no rostrum proper, but beneath the anterior part of the rim, circumscribing the flattened part of the carapace, there are three exactly alike, obtuse, hairy teeth, the median being placed slightly above the level of the lateral ones; in the wide interspaces of these teeth the antennulae are largely projecting forward. 30 The eye-stalks are short and thick; the orbital margin is continuous, except for a scarcely prominent, obtuse external orbital angle; below the orbit is incompletely closed by the very thick basal joint of the antennae, that is fused with the surrounding parts immediately below the external orbital angle, and is somewhat produced at the antero-external angle. The antennae are short, reaching at most to the end of the penultimate peduncle-joint of the antennulae; the latter are not separated by a median septum at the base1), the basal joint is very short and thick, freely movable, and reaches as far as the teeth of the rostrum. 4" An epistome is present. The external maxillipeds are rather broad, not gaping (though not completely fitting together), covered with club-shaped hairs at outer surface and fringed with yellow hairs at inner margin; ischium broader than merus, but of equal length; carpus implanted at antero-external angle of the merus. These maxillipeds and other mouth-parts are figured accurately by Stebbing 3). 5" Chelipeds (of Q) rather weak, equal; palm swollen, length equal to that of fingers; the latter straight, finely serrated at inner margin; palm somewhat granular upward and some- what hairy at outer surface. Ambulatory legs short, first pair being the longest (about twice the length of the carapace), diminishing in length posteriorly, nearly smooth, but which a very 1) STEBBING (1. c, 1900, p. 525) notes a median septum separating the antennules. 2) L. c. pi. 36 B. IO 1 1 short and thin pubescence; upper margin of meropodite ending in an obtuse prominence ; dactyli compressed, as long as propodites, slightly tapering and feebly curved ; the inner border provided with rather irregularly-placed teeth, rising among a continuous fringe of shorter or longer hairs and ending near the tip into tvvo large diverging teeth. These dactyli have also been figured by Stebbing 1). Dimensions 3) in mm. of Leiden Museum specimen: Length of carapace (including rostrum) .... 9.5 Length of median tooth of rostrum . Total breadth of carapace Total breadth of flattened part of carapace Length of cheliped 0.6 12.7 13.2 18.5 15.8 Length of first pair of walking legs . Length of fourth pair of walking legs This species is really characteristic of the subantarctic shores, whence it is recorded by numerous authors. Miers 8) observed that it is replaced by H. ovatus in the Australian waters, as far as could be traced out. 2. Halicarcinus ovatus Stimpson. 1858. Halicarcinus ovatus Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, p. 109. 1876. Halicarcinus ovatus Miers. Cat. New Zealand Crust. p. 49. 1886. Halicarcinus ovatus Miers. Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, p. 282. 1900. Halicarcinus ovatus Stebbing. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 525, pi. 36 A. 1907. Halicarcinus ovatus Stimpson, Smithson. Inst. Miscell. Coll., 'v. 49, p. 146. Hab. Port Jackson, Port Philip, Jervis Bay. Hymenicus Dana. 185 1. Hymenicus Dana. Amer. Journ. Sc. (2) v. 12, p. 290. 1852. Hymenicus Dana. U. S. Expl. Exp., Crust., p. 387. The shape of the rostrum, that covers only the bases of the antennules, the rather long merus of the (slightly gaping) external maxillipeds, exceeding the ischium in length, and the slender walking legs make up the principal characters of this genus *). Alcock 5) considers Rhynchoplax Stimpson synonymous, but the rostrum is altogether differently shaped, and I have preferred to keep Stimpson's genus erect, referring the two species of Alcock to Rhynchoplax and not to Hymenicus. In the former genus the rostrum consists of three spines, directed forward ; in Hymenicus, however, it is broadly trilobate or triangular. Besides, Hymenicus is exclusively New Zealandian ; Rhynchoplax inhabits the tropical shores of Asia, but two species are Australian. 1) L. c. pi. 36 B. 2) Measured under microscope. 3) Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, 1886, p. 282. 4) Dana remarks in the diagnosis: "angulo extraorbttali nullo", but in reality the outer border of the orbit is sharp and slightly raised. 5) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69. pit 2, 1900, p. 387. ] 2 To review the species of Hymenicus is very difficult to any one, who has no opportunity of examining the type specimens or a rich material from New Zealandian shores. Considering the shape of the rostrum, two groups are to be distinguished : I. Front triangular or slightly truncate : H. lacustris (Chilton) H. haasti Filhol H. edwardsi Filhol H. pubescens Dana H. australis Haswell. II. Front trilobate : H. varius Dana H. novae-zealandiae Dana H. cooki Filhol H. marmoratus Chilton. i . Hymenicus lacustris (Chilton). 1882. Elamena (?) lacustris Chilton. Transact. Proc. N. Z. Inst., v. 14, p. 172. 1883. Hymenosoma lacustre Chilton. Transact. Proc. N. Z. Inst, v. 15, p. 69. 1902. Hymenosoma lacustris Fulton et Grant. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria, N. S. v. 15, p. 59, pi. 8. This species is remarkable above all others by its inhabiting fresh waters. Judging from the figures of Fulton and Grant I think the species is to be placed in Hymenicus and not in Hymenosoma. The lateral teeth of the carapace are absent in specimens from Norfolk Island; in those from Victoria the posterior teeth are wanting, and in specimens from New Zealand (Lake Pupuke, Auckland) the two pairs are both present, though obsolescent. The rounded, triangular rostrum, the bifid, prominent inner angle of the wrist, the finely-crenulate proximal part of the lower border of the palm, and the elongately-triangular abdomen of the d" seem to be the principal features of the species, but there are slight variations in specimens from different localities 1). 2. Hymenicus ptiöescens Dana. 1851. Hymenicus pubescens Dana. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185 1, p. 254. 1852. Hymenicus pubescens Dana. U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust, p. 388, pi. 24, f. II. 1853. Elamene quoyiï H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat., (3) t. 20, p. 223, pi. n, f. 3. 1865. Hymenicus pubescens Heller. Reise "Novara", Crust., p. 6j. 1885. Elamena quoyiï Filhol. Miss. 'ile Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 403. This species is very little known. I have united Elamena quoyi H. Milne-Edwards with it, though with a query; in comparing Dana's figure with that of Milne-Edwards the general appearance, and especially the shape of the rostrum, is unmistakebly the same; only the legs 1) In Mem. Austral. Mus., n° 2, 1889, p. 34 Whitelegge mentions a fresh-water species of Hymenicus found at Lord Howe Island. Though nothing more is known about this form it is likely to be referred to the present species. are somewhat stouter and the dactyli broader and more falcate in the figure of the French author. That the latter referred his species to Elamena (which by the way is altered into Elamené) is no objection to my presumption, for there is much reason to believe, that Milne- Edwards on the same page wrongly regarded a d of Halicarcinus tridentatus as representing the type species Elamena mathaei Rüppell, and so confused the diagnosis of his own genus. Furthermore in the figure of E. quoyi the antennuies are not covered by the rostrum and visible from above, the very character, that separates Hymenicus from Elamena. Hab. New Zealand (Bay of Islands, Auckland and Cook Strait). 3. Hymenicus haasti Filhol. 1S85. Hymenicus ') haasti Filhol. Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 402, pi. 47, f. 4. In this species the carapace is broadly triangular, whereas in the preceding species it is nearly circular. The rostrum should be trilobate, the lateral lobes being exceedingly small, according to the text, but in the figure it is triangular and acutely pointed. Another discrepancy between text and figure is that in the former the carapace is stated to be 4.9 mm. long and 4.5 mm. broad, whereas in the figure (that is twice enlarged according to the explanation of plates2)) these dimensions are much larger (16.5 and 15.5 mm. respectively. Carapace and legs are said to be covered with hairs; the ambulatory legs are stouter and shorter than in the preceding species. Hab. Cook Strait. 4. Hymenicus australis (Haswell). 1882. Hymenosoma australe Haswell. Cat. Austral. Crust, p. 115, pi. 3, f. 2. Haswell, who does not care to distinguish between the different genera of the family (called by him Hymenicinae, notwithstanding his uniting all the genera in Hymenosoma), gives but little information about this species, nor is his figure of great use. Contrary to the two preceding species, the sides of the carapace are armed with two obscure teeth, the rostrum is triangular, prominent, somewhat truncate at extremity, and the hands of the d are very high, with a rather sharp border below. Hab. Williamstown, Port Philip (East Australia). 5. Hymenicus edwardsi Filhol. PI. 1, Fig. 3. 1S85. Hymenicus edwardsi Filhol. Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 400, pi. 48, f. 7. A specimen of the Leiden Museum, from Auckland, s. n. Halicarcinus tridentatus, agrees 1) Except in this and another case the author persists in calling the genus Hymcniscus, but this error is corrected in the list of errata. 2) There are further discrepancies in Filhol's paper between text and plates. Thus several figures are not at all referred to, neither in the text nor in the explanation of plates; Halicarcinus tridentatus is, according to this explanation, represented on pi. 50, f. 3, but in the text the figure is referred to Hymenicus cooki, and that Elamena ■whitei is figured on pi. 47, f. 2 — 3 is not mentioned in the text (p. 403). !3 r4 in my opinion with Filiiol's species. As this is incompletely known, a fresh description and some figures may not be superfluous. The carapace, as in all Hymenosomidae, is flattened and flexible above ; the length, including the rostrum, equals the breadth. The rostrum itself is horizontal, broadly-triangular, but the anterior part is truncate, and in the middle of the anterior margin an obtuse prominence marks the tip of the rostrum ; the borders of the latter are hairy, and posteriorly the rostrum is defined by a slightly raised rim, straight in the middle, but curved backward at either end, near the upper orbital margin (fig. 30). The antero-lateral borders of the carapace are somewhat convex, and a very low prominence immediately below the bordering rim of the carapace represents the antero-lateral tooth ; the posterior tooth is very acute, pointing forvvard, and placed below the border, midway between the external orbital margin and the posterior edge of the carapace. Behind the posterior teeth the margins of the carapace are a short way sub- parallel, then con verging, and becoming even concave above the implantation of the last pair of legs, towards the posterior angle; the hind margin of the carapace is straight; 1L of the total breadth of the latter. The cervical groove and the two short ones, radiating from either end, are distinct, but otherwise there is no indication of regions; the gastric and cardiac region are somewhat bulging, the hepatical and branchial areas concave ; on the mesogastric regions there are two longitudinally-oval, tympana-like structures, each foliowed behind by a very small spot of the same kind, and with a faint longitudinal line between. The sloping parts of the carapace are nearly perpendicular, and everywhere, especially posteriorly and above the base of the legs, numerous club-shaped hairs are implanted, which on microscopical examination are feathered all round, save the short stalk. The antennulae are much stouter and longer than the weak antennae; the basal joints of the former are short, though projecting beyond the rostrum ; a very slight rim at the under surface of the rostrum separates them ; the next joint is about twice as long, but only half as thick; the third joint again is as wide at the base as the preceding joint, but widening distally, and of the length of the basal joint. The antennae are implanted in the outer half of the infra-orbital border; the basal joint is directed obliquely-forward and inward, the two following joints being of the same length, directed straight forward, and gradually diminishing in thickness; the flagellum is very short and reaches at most as far as the second peduncle-joint of the antennules. The eye-stalks are short and thick; seen from above they are wholly exposed (fig. 3#); they are placed in shallow sockets, the borders of which are entire ; the external orbital angle is a mere rim, sharp, but slightly raised. The epistome is short, about three times as broad as long, the breadth being equal to the distance between the external orbital angles. The buccal cavity is nearly quadrate, its side margins only slightly diverging backward; from the anterior angle a sharp rim runs backward on the pterygostomial region, disappearing at the base of the anterior walking legs, and most projecting in the middle of its course. The external maxillipeds are gaping ; measured along the outer margin the merus is longer than the ischium and constricted at the base ; the inner margin of both joints is fringed with long hairs ; the ischium has a broad inner lobe, as is usual in the family, and is about as 14 i5 broad as the merus; the carpus is inserted near the antero-external angle of the latter. The exognath is wholly exposed in normal position, it does not reach exactly as far forward as the merus. The sternum is nearly circular, very much vaulted longitudinally, especially posteriorly, and concave in transverse direction ; the grooves between the segments do not reach the cavïty, in which the abdomen of the cf fits. The latter occupies the whole space between the bases of the last pair of legs; the first two segments are apparently fused and fixed, the next is very short, and the abdomen reaches its greatest breadth at the union of the 4th and 5th segment; from here it gradually tapers forward, but enlarges again, though very slightly, near the base of the terminal segment, which is as long as broad at the base and longer than all other segments, the tip is much rounded (fig. 3 c) and reaches to the level of the base of the chelipeds. The chelipeds of the cf are very robust, thick and scarcely shorter than the anterior walking legs, viz. ia/s times the length of the carapace. Immediately anterior to the base a thick patch of hairs is observed, which hairs are of the same structure as noted above; similar hairs are scattered all over the chelipeds themselves, and the palnis are wholly invested w i t h s u c h hairs, b o t h i n s i d e and o u t s i d e , so that they are looking like little muffs (fig. 3). The meropodite is without sharp borders, spineless, and widening distally; the wrist is rather large, . with numerous transverse rugosities above, a patch of hairs in the middle of the under surface, and the inner angle not at all produced; the palm is much inflated (though the soft fur makes it look still thicker and higher), not quite as high as long, about as long as the fingers and quite smooth, as far as could be made out without removing the covering; the borders are rounded, not sharp. The fingers are straight, gaping at the base, finely serrated in the proximal half of the inner margin, and more coarsely so in the distal half, where the serrations fit closely together. The ambulatory legs are slender and rather long, the penultimate pair being the longest (not quite twice the length of the carapace) and the last pair the shortest ; this hind pair is implanted somewhat higher up. At the base, viz. at the margins of the basipodite, especially dorsally, and at the upper margin of the carpopodite, we observe the same curious, club-shaped, feathered hairs as are mentioned above: the meropodite is slender, cylindrical, about 5 times as long as broad, without spines or teeth. but with a tuft of hairs at the distal end, and sparsely beset with feathered hairs, that also occur on the two next joints; the carpo- and propodite together are slightly longer than the meropodite; the dactyli are long, slender, falci- form, slightly shorter than the preceding joint, very gradually tapering, so that the breadth near the base only slightly exceeds that near the tip, the tip is acute and curved, and the inner margin of the dactylus is provided, like that of Halicarcinus, with a continuous row of denticles, between which are scattered somewhat longer hairs-, the two terminal denticles, near the tip of the dactylus, are by far the largest and pointing in different directions. I have little doubt that the specimen here described belongs to Hymenicus cdwardsi^ but nevertheless it must be noted, that Filhol mentions two sharp teeth at either side of the carapace and that the rostrum is called trilobate (the lateral lobes being most inconspicuous) in the text, though the figure corresponds quite well with the one here given. The general shape 15 ió of the carapace as shown in the figure of Filhol, and the fur on the sides, the legs and especially on the palms of the chelipeds are features in common betvveen Filhol's specimen and mine. Dimensions l) in mm. : Length of flattened part of carapace (including rostrum). 8.75 Breadth of flattened part of carapace 8.5 Posterior margin of penultimate segment of abdomen. . 1.8 Length of penultimate segment of abdomen 0.6 Posterior margin of terminal segment of abdomen . . . 1.1 Length of terminal segment of abdomen 1.2 Horizontal length of chela 7.1 Height of palm 3.5 Length of mobile finger 4.2 Length of first pair of walking legs 13.7 Length of penultimate pair of walking legs 14.9 Length of meropodite of penultimate pair of walking legs 4.2 Breadth of meropodite of penultimate pair of walking legs 0.8 Length of propodite of penultimate pair of walking legs 3.9 Length of dactylus of penultimate pair of walking legs . 3.6 Filhol obtained this species along the coast of the South Island (New Zealand), from Cook Strait to Stewart Island. My specimen came from Auckland (North Island). 6. Hymenicus varius Dana. 185 1. Hymenicus varius Dana. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185 1, p. 253. 1852. Hymenicus varius Dana. U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., p. 387, pi. 24, f. 9 — 10. 1865. Hymenicus varius Heller. Reise "Novara", Crust., p. 6j. 1876. Hymenicus varius Miers. Cat. New Zealand Crust., p. 50. 1882. Hymenosoma varium Haswell. Cat. Austral. Crust., p. 115. 1885. Hymenicus varius Filhol. Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 399. Hab. New Zealand (Bay of Islands, Auckland). North coast of Tasmania. Australia (Port Stephens, Port Jackson, Port Western). 7. Hymenicus novae-zealandiae Dana. 1S51. Hymenicus novae-zealandiae Dana. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185 c, p. 254. Dana himself was inclined to regard this species as a variety of the preceding and in his subsequent great work on the Crustacea of Wilkes' Expedition it seems indeed to be united with H. varius. Hab. New Zealand (Bay of Islands). 8. Hymenicus cooki Filhol. 1885. Hymenicus cooki Filhol. Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, p. 401, pi. 50, f. 3 2). Hab. New Zealand (Cook Strait). 1) Measured ander the microscope. 2) As has been noted above (p. 13 note 2), in the explanation of plates of Filhol's work the figure is said to represent Hali- carcinus tridentatus (Jacquinot et Lucas). This discrepancy renders both these species all the more obscure. 16 i7 9. Hymenicus marmoratus Chilton. 1881. Hymenicus marmoratus Chilton. Transact. Proc. N. Z. Inst., v. 14, p. 172, pi. 8, f. 1 (2d and 3d maxilliped, abdomen). It is to be regretted that Chilton does not give ample information about this species, said to be common in Lyttelton Harbour (New Zealand). It is closely allied to H. varius, but differs in having the carapace subtriangular, not circular, the two pairs of teeth at the antero- lateral margins being conspicuous, not obsolescent. Rhynchoplax Stimpson. 185S. Rhynchoplax Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 109. 1900. Hymenicus Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 387. 1907. Rhynchoplax Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll. vol. 49, p. 147. The sharp three-spined rostrum distinguishes this genus in my opinion sufHciently from Hymenicus, to which it was united by Alcock. Rhynchoplax is apparently essentially tropical, but at the south-east coast of Australia the genera may occur together. The follovving may serve to distinguish the 7 species, referred by me to the present genus : 1 . Rostrum consisting of only one long spine between the eyes, and at either side of the base with a,n obscure tooth; eye-stalks long, reaching as far as the much prominent external orbital angle; penultimate peduncle-joint of the antennules reaching as far as rostrum ; antero-lateral margin of carapace with 3 teeth at either side. Wristf of cheliped with 3 short, elevated, longitudinal carinae; palm acute above and below R. rostrata (Haswell) Rostrum consisting of three spines between the eyes. Wrist of cheliped without ridges 2 2. No teeth (at most a faint prominence) at antero-lateral sides of cara- pace; median spine of rostrum somewhat longer than lateral ones Lateral sides of carapace with one or more pairs of teeth . 3. Length of carapace (including rostrum) equal to breadth ; walking legs about twice the breadth of the carapace Length of carapace (including rostrum) much exceeding breadth ; walking legs longer than 3 times the breadth of the carapace; median spine of rostrum lL the length of the rest of the carapace. Meropodite of cheliped with a subdistal tooth at outer border . 4. xAmtero-lateral margins of carapace with more than one pair of teeth. Meropodite of cheliped toothed at distal end of outer or upper border 5 Antero-lateral margins of carapace with only one pair of teeth ; rostrum consisting of a long median and two short lateral spines. Meropodite of cheliped unarmed R. coralicola Rathbun 17 4 R. krefftii (Hess) R. inachoides (Alcock) SI ROG A-EXPEDITIE XXXIX C. iS 5. Median tooth of rostrum slender, styliform 6 Median tooth of rostrum flattened, spatuliform, about l/, the length of the rest of the carapace. Meropodite of cheliped with 4 — 5 teeth at upper border, carpopodite with 4 — -5 blunt teeth at upper surface, inner side of palm at base of fingers thickly clothed with hairs. Each joint of ambulatory legs with two teeth at anterior or outer margin, one in the middle, the other near distal end R. messor Stimpson 6. Carapace ovate, with two teeth at either' side (the anterior scarcely prominent, the posterior sharp) ; median tooth of rostrum setose. Meropodite of cheliped with one subdistal tooth (at outer border?) R. setirostris Stimpson Carapace subcircular (without rostrum), with three teeth, all prominent (the posterior, above the base of the cheliped, being the largest) at either side. Meropodite of cheliped with 4 blunt tubercles at upper border and a sharp subdistal tooth at outer border. Cheli- peds in d long and bulky, covered with fine hairs R. wood-masoni Alcock 1. Rhynchoplax messor Stimpson. 1858. Rhynchoplax messor Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 109. 1907. Rhynchoplax messor Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll. v. 49, p. 148. Hab. Simoda (Japan). 2. Rhynchoplax setirostris Stimpson. 1858. Rhynchoplax setirostris Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185S, p. 109. 1907. Rhynchoplax setirostris Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll. v. 49, p. 148. Hab. Hongkong. 3. Rhynchoplax krefftii (Hess). 1865. Hymenicus krefftii Hess. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 31. 1, p. 141, pi. 6, f. 5. 1S82. Hymenosoma krefftii Haswell. Cat. Austral. Crust., p. 115. 1887. Hymenicus krefftii de Man. Zool. Jahrb. Syst, Bd 2, p. 695. Hab. Sydney. 4. Rhynchoplax rostrata (Haswell). 1882. Hymenosoma rostratiim Haswell. Cat. Austral. Crust., p. 116. 1906. Hymenosoma rostratum Baker. Transact. Proc. R. Soc. South Australia, Adelaide, v. 30, p. 114, pi. 3, f. 2. Hab. Victoria. 5. Rhynchoplax wood-masoni (Alcock). 1900. Hymenicus -wood-masoni Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 388. 1902. Hymenicus wood-masoni Alcock. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt 10, pi. 64, f. 3. Hab. Port Blair (Andamans), Port Canning (near Calcutta). 18 19 6. Rhynchoplax inachoides (Alcock). 1900. Hymenicus inachoides Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 388. 1902. Hymenicus inachoides Alcock. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt 10, pi. 65, f. 1. Hab. Port Canning' (near Calcutta). 7. R/iynchop/ax coralicola Rathbun. 1909. Rhynchoplax coralicola Rathbun. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, v. 22, p. 108. 1910. Rhynchoplax coralicola Rathbun. K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7. Raekke, Afd. 5, n° 4, p. 316, f. 5. Hab. Singapore. Elamena H. Milne-Edwards. 1837. Elamena H. Milne-Edwards. Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. 33. 1S53. Elamene": H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat., (3) t. 20, p. 223. The French author included in his genus only one species, E. mathaei (Desmarest), but in 1853 he seems to have mistaken a c? of Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius) for the former species 1), besides including at the same time two species in the genus, that are very imperfectly known, but apparently not to be placed here. So there is some confusion about the right inter- pretation of Milne-Edwards' diagnosis, but we must consider his first description of 1S37 reliable. According to this account Elamena is characterized by the much flattened and lamellar carapace, by the broad, triangular rostrum, beneath which the antennules and the antennae are hidden ; the antennules are separated by a vertical septum ") ; the orbits are scarcely indicated ; the epistome is distinct and long; the merus of the external maxillipeds is quadrate, cut obliquely anteriorly and shorter than the ischium. A good diagnosis of the genus is provided by Alcock3). Usually, if not always, the distal end of the mero- and carpopodite of the walking legs is produced upward. In the following I have attempted to distinguish between the species4) of the genus: 1 . Front trilobate, the lobules of about equal length and obtuse, widely separated 2 Front shortly triangular or truncate 3 2. Palm of cheliped much swollen, apparently as long as fingers. Median lobe of rostrum placed below the level of the lateral lobes. Corneae of eyes visible from above E. minuta A. Milne-Edwards Palm of cheliped not much swollen, longer than fingers. Lobes of rostrum not horizontal, but pointing obliquely upward. 1) See Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1S82, p. 114, and Stebuing, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 520 — 521. 2) This character seems to be wanting in some species. 3) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 385. 4) I have excluded the following species: E. quoyi H. Milne-Edwards (Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 223, pi. II, f. 3) which, as noted above, is likely to be identical with Hymenicus fubescens Dana; E. mexicana II. Milne-Edwards (Ibid, p. 224), charact- erized in a few words by the author and not only doubtful by its imperfect diagnosis but also by its pretended habitat (coast of Mexico): and finally E. lacuslris Chilton, which in my opiuion is a Hymenicus (*ee p. 12). 19 20 A sharp tooth on sloping sides of carapace, on branchial regions; another tooth on pterygostomial regions, on either side of buccal cavern. Eyes, like antennae and antennulae, completely hidden beneath the front E. filholi de Man 3. Front truncate ' E. truncata A. Milne-Edwards Front shortly triangular 4 4. Front somewhat deflexed; borders of carapace and legs wholly beset with numerous stiff hairs, much resembling spines, but flexible on the legs E. pilosa A. Milne-Edwards Front horizontal, lamellar ; legs naked or sparsely hairy. . 5 5. Carapace narrowed into a "neck" anteriorly, upper part of carapace and all the legs more or less hairy .... 6 Antero-lateral parts of carapace not forming a "neck", cara- pace and legs wholly hairless (save the dactyli of the latter) 7 6. Carapace somewhat angular, neck very long ; rostrum con- siderably projecting beyond the eyes, not excavated at upper surface E. longirostris Filhol Carapace rounded, neck shorter ; rostrum scarcely projecting beyond the eyes, leaving the eye-stalks exposed from above, strongly excavated at upper surface E. wJiitei Miers 7. Carapace rounded, not angular, broadly piriform; front very broad between the eyes E. sindensis Alcock. Carapace more or less angular 8 8. Posterior lateral sides of carapace and posterior border nearly straight or slightly concave, meeting at distinct angles . 9 Posterior lateral sides of carapace and posterior border forming together a semicircle 10 9. Carapace pentagonal, anterior part triangular, antero-lateral prominence scarcely indicated, posterior angle (above base of cheliped) pronounced . ' ' E. gracilis Borradaile Carapace heptagonal, owing to the antero-lateral angle being ' prominent; sides concave between the posterior and anterior angle '), and between the latter and the base of the rostrum E. kirki Filhol 10. Carapace with one pair of angles ; rostrum small, little prominent E. mat/mei (Desmarest) Carapace with two pairs of much prominent angles; rostrum broad, much prominent E. producta Kirk 1) Fn.iioi. (Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, 1885, p.405) calls these sides convex, and mentions this character as a dilïerence between his species and E. producta Kirk, but in his figu-re (pi. 47, f. 6) the reverse is shown. Besides, in the explanation of plates, another specimen (->) is referred to the present species (pi. 47, f. 8), though only the anterior angle of the carapace is indicated. 21 The little information given by authors as Filhol and Kirk renders the separation of the species very uncertain in some cases, and the difficulty is increased by the great variation, not only in the shape of the chelipeds, but also in that of the carapace, between the two sexes of the same species, and even between members of the same sex. i. Elamcna malhaei (Desmarest). 1825. Hymenosoma matliaei (Latreille M.S.) Desmarest. Cons. s. 1. Crust., prt 10, p. 163. 1830. Hy menosoma mathei Rüppell. Beschr. u. Abb. 24 Arten kurzschw. Krabben p. 21, pi. s, f. 1. 1837. Elamena matliaei H. Milne-Edwards. Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. 35. (nee Elamene matliaei H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 223, pi. 11, f. 4, which is probably Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius) ). 1849. Elamene matliaei Krauss. Südafrik. Crust., p. 51. 1862. Elamene matliaei Heller. Beitr. z. Crustaceenfauna d. rothen Meeres, p. 371 '). 1875. Elamene matliaei Paulson. Rech. s. 1. Crust. Mer Rouge, p. 71, pi. 9, f. 3 — 3^ '). 1906. Elamena matliaei Nobili. Ann. Sc. Nat. (9) t. 4, p. 319. Several authors (see p. 19 of the present paper) have alluded to the discrepancy between Milne-Edwards' description of 1837 and his figure of 1853. I have had no opportunity of examining this species, the type of the genus, neither could I consult the figures of Rüppell 2) and of Paulson. It is recorded from the Red Sea and from Mauritius. 2. Elamena minuta A. Milne-Edwards. 1873. Elamene minuta A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 324, pi. 18, f. 5. Hab. Xew Caledonia. 3. Elamena pilosa A. Milne-Edwards. 1873. Elamene pilosa A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 322, pi. 18, f. 6. This aberrant species is remarkable not only by its large size, but especially by the spine-bordered carapace and legs ; shorter spines or rather stiff hairs are distributed on the upper surface of the carapace, on the pterygostomial regions, and on the much projecting extra-orbital angle. The rostrum is different from that commonly met with in this genus, by being thick, not lamellar, somewhat deflexed; the eye-stalks are wholly exposed, seen from above; the antennules reach largely beyond the rostrum, when extended, and are not separated by a prominent septum at the base. The merus of the external maxillipeds is somewhat longer than the ischium. All these characters warrant the creation of at least a subgenus, but I am loth to do so. At any rate the species is best recognizable among all the species of Elamena. The Leiden Museum contains two specimens (both cf), co-types of Milne-Edwards, from 1) Cited after Nobili. 2) Rüppell's paper is at my disposal, but unfortunately the plates 4 and 5 are missing. 22 New Caledonia, whence it has been recorded by the French author. As the latter figured all the details accurately, it is needless to enter into a fresh description. According to Milne-Edwards the species grows to a very large size (breadth of carapace 26 mm., total breadth of animal across expanded legs 116 mm.); my specimens were considerably smaller. 4. Elamena truncata (Stimpson). PI. 1, Fig. 4. 1858. Trigonoplax truncata Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 109. 1873. Elamene truncata ') A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 323. 1893. Elamene truncata Henderson. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 5, p. 395. 1900. Elamene truncata Borradaile. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 575. 1900. Elamena truncata Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 386. 1905. Elamene truncata Lenz. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 27, p. 367, pi. 48, f. 15 — 15a. 1906. Elamene truncata Baker. Transact. Proc. R. Soc. South Australia, v. 30, p. 112, pi. 2, f. 2. 1906. Elamena truncata Laurie. Rep. Pearl Oyster Fish. Ceylon, prt 5, p. 428. 1907. Trigonoplax truncata Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll. v. 49, p. 146. Stat. 172. Gisser, east of Ceram. On coral reef. 2 egg-bearing 9- Stat. 181. Ambon. On coral reef. 2 <ƒ, 2 egg-bearing 9- Lenz mentions' the variation of the carapace, even among individuals of the same sex. In my specimens, the 4 9 have the carapace more distinctly angular than the cf, especially in the case of the 9 from Gisser (cf. fig. 4 and 4^); the posterior angle is here prominent and hooked, the anterior at least indicated. Besides, the walking legs of the 9 are much shorter, scarcely i1/,, times the breadth of the carapace; in the d* they are more than twice this breadth. Only the smallest 9 from Ambon has the legs relatively as much elongate as the cf and the dactyli are as long, and nearly straight, as in the latter sex. Thirdly, the corneae of the eyes project beyond the carapace in the cf, but are not visible from above in the other sex. The truncation of the carapace is different and apparently independent from the sex. Both Lenz and Laurie allude to this, and the former has figured the difference in his two speGJmens. The anterior border may be either somewhat produced in the middle, or quite straight, or even slightly concave, and both angles may be prominent; yet in all cases there is no doubt about its truncation. The carapace is very thin, lamellar, with scarcely any indication of regions, smooth and naked; the border projects as a sharp rim horizontally. The antennae, the second peduncle- joint of which is the longest, arise beneath the eye-stalks and are not much shorter than the antennules, that are folded up beneath the lamellar front and separated by a very marked, thick and high septum, extending forward up to the anterior border of the rostrum (fig. 4a). Epistome short, though distinct, deeply sunk. There are no proper orbits, but the eye leans against a very small postocular tooth, the existence of which is denied by Alcock. On the pterygostomial regions is a very prominent, waved, sharp I) Milne-Edwards described it as a new species, apparently in ignorance of Stimpson's diagnosis; it is remarkable, that he chose the same specific name as his predecessor. Most subsequent authors regard Milne-Iïdwards as the original describer. 22 23 rim, obliquely running from the anterior angle of the quadrate buccal cavern to the base of the cheliped ; this rim is cut into three lobules, the anterior of which, near the angle of the buccal cavern, being the smallest, and the next the largest; the inferior part of the ptery- gostomial region, like the rim itself, and the upper surface of the external maxillipeds are beset with short hairs. The external maxillipeds completely close the buccal cavern-, the merus is roughly triangular, shorter than the ischium, with the carpus inserted near the antero-external angle ; the exognath is wholly exposed 1), reaching nearly as far as the merus. The abdomen of the d" is broadly triangular, reaching forward nearly to the anterior margin "of the sternum, the penultimate segment is somewhat shorter than the two preceding segments and the terminal segment; the latter is triangular, about as long as broad at the base, and with the tip rounded. The chelipeds of the d" are much longer than those of the Q and twice the length of the carapace ; the meropodite is slender, widening distally, rounded, and the upper border is somewhat produced above the carpal joint; the palm is much swollen, quite smooth and hairless, about i1/., times the length of the fingers; the latter are straight, acute at apex, not gaping, with the inner margins finely serrated and a quadrangular tooth quite near the base of the mobile finger. In the 9 the whole cheliped is shorter and weaker; the fingers are much longer, nearly equalling the length of the palm, finely serrated at inner margin and without larger tooth; the tips are slightly spooned, and this difference between the two sexes seems to be characteristic of the genus. The ambulatory legs of the c? are very slender and elongate, the second pair, which is the longest, being 2^/2 times the length of the carapace, smooth and hairless, except the dactyli; the anterior margin of the mero- and carpopodite is produced distally, and the long, falcate, slightly curved dactyli are nearly as long as the preceding joints; the inner margin of the dactyli is hairy all along and near the tip are two diverging denticles. In the 9 (save in the smallest specimen) the legs are much shorter, the dactyli are broader, more strongly curved, especially so in the case of the posterior legs '-), but armed in the same way (fig. ^c). It is remarkable, that all the 9i though the largest is twice as broad as the smallest, are egg-bearing. Dimensions in mm.: Length of carapace Breadth of carapace Length of cheliped Length of palm Length of mobile finger . Length of penultimate pair of legs I e 5-75 2 9 6.75 6.75 8.75 9-5 7-5 3-5 i-75 2 2? J i-75 8.- 12.- 3 9 4 5 7 1 1 11 25 25 5 5 N° 1 and 3 are from Ambon, n" 2 is from Gisser (east of Ceram). 1) Al.COCK (1. c. p. 385) says that this exognath is completely hidden both in the genera Elamcna and Trigonoplax. 2) Whether these dactyli are also more curved in the g I could not make out, as in both my rf' specimens the posterior pair of legs is wanting. 23 24 The species is widely distributed throughout the. Indo-Pacific region and seems to be the commonest of all the species of Elamcna. It was found at Ousima (Japan), at the Loo-Choo Islands, New Caledonia, Rotuma (Pacific), Nicobars, Ceylon, Zanzibar, and even at the coast of South Australia. It has now proved to inhabit also the East Indian Archipelago. 5. Elamcna filholi de Man. 1888. Klamene filholi de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1. p. 386, pi. 17, f. 3. Hab. Noordwachter Island near Batavia. 6. Elamena sindensis Alcock. 1900. Elamena sindensis Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 386. 1902. Elamena sindensis Alcock. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt 10, pi. 64, f. 4. Hab. Karachi (British India). 7. Elamena gracilis Borradaile. 1903. Elamena gracilis Borradaile. Fauna and Geogr. Maldive and Laccadive Arch., v. 2, prt 2 (Mar. Crust. prt X), p. 684, f. 122. 191 1. Elamena gracilis Rathbun. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 14, p. 242. Hab. Indian Ocean : Minikoi and Hulule (Male Atoll), on reef; Coetivy. 8. Elamena producta Kirk. 1878. Elamena producta Kirk. Transact. Proc. N. Z. Inst., v. 11, p. 395 (with textfig.). 1S85. Elamena producta Filhol. Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 404, pi. 50, f. 1 — 2 (mere reproduction of Kirk's description and figures). Hab. Wellington (New Zealand). 9. Elamena kirki Filhol. 18S5. Elamena kirki Filhol. Miss. ïle Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 405, pi. 47, f. 6. Hab. Port Chalmers, South Island (New Zealand). 10. Elamena longirostris Filhol. 1885. Elamena longirostris Filhol. Miss. ïle Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 403, pi. 46, f. 7. 1916. Elamena longirostris Borradaile. Brit. Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition, 1910, Zool., v. 3, prt 2, p. 10 1. Hab. East coast of Stewart Island, near South Island (New Zealand), and planctonic (probably clinging to some floating object) at 34°i5'S., i72°o'E. 1 1 . Elamena whilei Miers. 1846. Halicarcinus depressus White. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, (1) v. 18, p. 178. (Nee Hymeno- soma depressum Jacquinot et Lucas). 24 25 1876. Elamene whitei Miers. Cat. Crust. New Zealand, p. 52, pi. 1, f. 4. 1S76. Elamene whitei Miers. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) v. 17, p. 221. 1885. Elamena whitei Filhol. Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, p. 403, pi. 47, f. 2 — 3. Hab. East coast of Stewart Island, near South Island (New Zealand). Trigonoplax H. Milne-Edwards. [853. Trigonoplax H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 224. (Nee Trigonoplax Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S58, p. 109, and Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll. v. 49, 1907, p. 146 (= Elamena).) The pentagonal carapace, with the postero-lateral margins very short, and the long antero-lateral margins straight or concave and passing anteriorly into the triangular rostrum, the very long, bulging epistome ancl the absence of a septum between the antennulae are the characteristic features of the genus. Alcock l) regards it as merely a subgenus of Elamena. There is only one species known, with a subspecies in Australian waters. The two forms are to be distinguished thus : Length of carapace exceeding breadth, front short; dactyli of walking legs falcate, broadest at base . T. unguiformis (de Haan) Length of carapace equal to breadth, front more elongate; dactyli of walking legs broadest at micldle T. ung. subsp. longirostris Mc Culloch 1 . Trigonoplax unguiformis (de Haan). 1839. Ocypode (Elamene) unguiformis de Haan. Faun. Japon. Crust. p. 75, pi. 29, f. 1 and pi. H (s. n. Inachus (Elamene) unguiformis). 1853. Trigonoplax unguiformis H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 224. 1893. Elamene unguiformis Henderson. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 5, p. 394. 1894. Trigonoplax unguiformis Ortman. Zool. Jahrb. Syst, Bd 7, p. 31. 1900. Elamena (Trigonoplax! unguiformis Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 387. 1900. Elamene unguiformis Lanchester. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 761. 1902. Trigonoplax sp. de Man. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, p. 500. 1907. Trigonoplax unguiformis de Man. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 9, prt 11, p. 396. t In the Leiden Museum I found 7 of the original specimens of de Haan, dried and in a very bad state. As de Man's specimen (1902) did not wholly agree with de Haan's and Alcock's statements, and the former author was somewhat doubtful about the identity, the following remarks may be of use : i° The dividing line between merus and ischium of the external maxillipeds is angular in de Haan's figure (pi. H), straight in de Max's specimen. In the original specimens it is indeed straight, only in one or two cases with a faint angulation. 20 The shape of the rostrum on pi. H of de Haan corresponds better with the facts than that of pi. 29: it is somewhat more rounded off and agrees with the rostrum of de Man's specimen. 1) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt. 2, 1900, p. 386. 25 SIKOGA- EXPEDITIE XXXIX f. 26 3° The terminal segment of the abdomen of the c? is indeed rounded (de Man), not truncate (DE Haan, pi. 29). 4° The fingers of the cheliped are in both sexes somewhat shorter than the palm (de Man), hut not half the length of the latter (de Haan, pi. 29). They are spooned at the tip. 5° in the length of the walking legs there is much variation between the specimens : in one laro-e 9 (breadth of carapace about 1 7 mm.) the walking legs of the first and second pair are only twice the breadth of the carapace, and the legs are rather robust; in another 9 (breadth carapace 13.5 mm.) they are 2lJ.2 times this breadth and more slender, which de Haan's figure (pi. 29). In a small cf (breadth of carapace 9 mm.) the penultimate pair (first and second pair wanting) is 3 times the breadth and 41/;, times the length of the carapace (including rostrum); the last legs are only slightly shorter. Judging from this we should conclude, that in the d the legs are relatively longer and more slender than in the 9i but de Man found legs with this "male" character in a young 9- an^, as this author presumes, it is perhaps better to regard this relative lerfgth of the legs as dependent of age. 6n As de Haan (pi. 29) and Alcock stated, the meropodites of the legs end at the upper border in a small prominence. In de Man's specimen this prominence is very large, about half as long as the next carpopodite. This character may suggest, that de Man's specimen is indeed a subspecies, but we cannot regard it as such, as long as only one single specimen is available. The chief habitat of the species seems to be Japan, but it has also been found at the Andamans, in the Gulf of Martaban, at Singapore and Ternate. 2. Trigonoplax ungniformis subsp. longirostris Mc Culloch. 1906. Elamena (Trigonoplax) imguiformis Fulton and Grant. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria, v. 19, p. 10 (with textfig.). 1908. Trigonoplax ungniformis var. longirostris Mc Culloch. Ree. Austral. Mus. v. 7, p. 59, pi. 12, f. 3. Hab. Port Philip (Victoria). Elamenopsis A. Milne-Edwards. 1873. Elamenopsis A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 324. This genus was regarded by Milne-Edwards as a transition between Pinnotercs and Elamena and, though we know that the Hymenosomidae have nothing to do with the Pinno- teridae, the general appearance of Elamenopsis with its short legs doubtless resembles that of Pinnoteres. Only one species is knovvn. 1. Elamenopsis linea la A. Milne-Edwards. PI. 1, Fig. 5. 1873. Elamenopsis lineatus A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 324, pi. 18, f. 4. Stat. 127. Great Sangir Island (between Menado and Mindanao). On reef. 1 cf- 26 27 This aberrant species discovered by A. Milne-Edwards has been never found again since 1873. The carapace is perfectly flattened, transver s«ely oval, broader than with the sides regularly convex and unarmed; the posterior margin is straight; the anti margin faintly convex, but bevond the latter the carapace slopes obliquely-forward and ends in a short and broad, triangular, obtuse rostrum, not visible in a dorsal view of the carapace, as is nearly perpendicularly deflexed. The regions are defined by narrow but distinct sulci, the course of which in my specimen nearly corresponds with the figure of Milne-Edwards : gastric and cardiac regions are distinct, and the bordering sulci as well as the deep cervical groove are situated in somewhat sunk and concave parts of the carapace, hepatical and branchial regions are also indicated, and the latter area is again divided by a transverse bifurcating sulcus in my specimen, parting from the end of the cervical groove, but simple and originating somewhat more anteriorly in Milne-Edwards' figure. The lateral parts of the carapace are nearly perpen- dicular. The vvhole carapace, also the stern um, save the abdomen, is covered by a close, but very short, fur of a dark-brown colour; the hairs are somewhat longer at the sides and here club-shaped; a group of such hairs is placed immediately anterior to the bases of the chelipeds. The sternum is straight or somewhat concave transversely, but much convex, especially posteriorly, in a longitudinal direction. The abdomen of the cf is broadly triangular, but not occupying all the space between the posterior pair of legs; the third segment is very short, almost linear; the next segment the broadest of all, with gonvex lateral margins, much longer laterally than in the median line, as the anterior margin is curved rather abruptly backward in the middle (fig. 5 c)\ the fifth segment is shorter than the next or penultimate segment, which is the longest, and twice as long as the very short, broadly triangular terminal joint, that is rounded at the tip. The general shape of the abdomen and the small last joint have been perfectly recognized by Milne-Edwards. This terminal joint reaches forward to the level of a line connecting the posterior part of the bases of the chelipeds, but there is a rather great distance between the tip of the abdomen and the posterior margin of the buccal cavity. The short eye-stalks are placed in shallow sockets, but there is no projecting external orbital angle; the antennae arise below the eye-stalks, and the peduncle reaches only as far forward as the eye; the antennulae are much stouter, with the basal joints close together and partly overlapped by the somewhat projecting lateral parts of the rostrum, the two next peduncle- joints of equal length, longer than the basal joint, and bent rectangularly to each other. The epistome is distinct, projecting in the median line both anteriorly and posteriorly. Pterygostomial regions not longitudinally grooved or crested. Buccal cavern with the lateral borders slightly diverging backward. External maxillipeds gaping, especially posteriorly, hairy at outer surface, and closely fringed at inner margins; ischium somewhat shorter than merus, narrowing towards the base; both merus and ischium longer than broad, the latter not auriculated anteriorly; palp very thick, but long, inserted near antero-internal angle of merus; exognath partly concealed in normal position, slender, reaching nearly to anterior margin of merus (fig. $ö). The chelipeds and walking legs are remarkably stout and shortened, 27 s 28 and wholly co ver e cl (save the fingers of the chelipeds) with a den se fur of sim il ar hairs as are found on the later al sides of the cara p ace. All the legs are only i1/* times the breadth of the carapace, with exception of the posterior pair, that is somewhat shorter than the preceding pairs. The short meropodite of the chelipeds is three- faced, with rather sharp borders, but wholly unarmed; the wrist has a rounded inner angle; the palm is much inflated, smooth, with the horizontal length exceeding the height and also longer than the fingers ; the latter are of a white colour, with the greater part naked, but provided with some ordinary, slender hairs, gaping at base and meeting at tip, which is acute, not spooned; the fixed finger has a very small tooth quite near the base of the inner margin and beyond this some minute serrations; the mobile finger is serrated in the same way, very high at the base, but tapering to tip, and the inner margin has a quadrangular tooth at about Yj of the distance between the base of the inner margin to the tip of the finger (fig. 5^). The stout walking legs differ little in length, only the last pair is distinctly shorter than the preceding pairs and about iYs times the breadth of the carapace, the penultimate pair measuring iY2 times this breadth. They are wholly covered with hairs, even to the tip of the dactyli, that are straight, pointed and longest in the case of the second pair of ambulatory legs, where they equal the preceding joint in length. All the joints are completely unarmed; the meropodites are 3 times as long as broad, somewhat narrowing distally. Dimensions in mm. : Length of carapace (seen from above and not including the rostrum) . 2.8 Breadth of carapace 3.3 Length of carapace ■ 4.9 Length of meropodite / 1.9 Breadth of meropodite I l 0.6 Length of propodite 1 of penultimate pair of legs J 1.0 Breadth of propodite in the middle 1 I 0.4 Length of dactylus | 0.8 Length of posterior pair of legs 4.5 Horizontal length of chela 2.1 Height of palm 1.0 Length of mobile finger 0.9 The original habitat of this species is New Caledonia, in brackish water. The "Siboga"- Expedition found it on the coral reefs, at Sangir, north of Celebes. Species incertae sedis: Hymenosoma gaudichaudii Guérin. Voy. "Coquille", 1828, pi. 2, f. 12, and H. MlLNE-EüWARDS, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 222. Hymenosoma laeve Targioni-Tozzetti. Viag. "Magenta", Crost., 1877, p. 177, pi. 11, f. 3. 2S RETROPLUMIDAE. This family was instituted by Gill l) to receive the genus Archaeoplax, established by Alcock and Anderson 3) in the previous year for an aberrant deep sea Crab. Becoming avvare that this name Archaeoplax was praeoccupied, the latter authors changed the name into Pte- noplax 3), but already Gill had changed the generic name into Retropluma, and accordingly the term Retroplumidae has priority above Ptenoplacidae. Nevertheless, such' competent authors as Borradalle4) retain Alcock's nomenclature, and so does Mac Gilchrist 5). Only Doflein c), in describing a new species, has foliowed Gill. As to the generic affinities, ample information has been given by Alcock (1. c. 1899) and Borradaile. Only a single genus is known, the species of which inhabit the deeper parts of the sublittoral zone and may be called almost abyssal. Retropluma Gill. Literature: Doflein 1. c. Alcock has excellently characterized this genus (1. c. 1899). Tvvo species have been described, but the "Siboga" Expedition has yielded a third one. 1. Side margins of carapace with only one tooth (or rather angulation) behind ext. orb. angle. Rostrum expanded and bilobed at tip. Superior orbital border with a small projection in the middle . . R. notopus (Alcock) Side margins of carapace with two teeth (or angulations) behind ext. orbital angle. Rostrum regularly tapering to tip, not expanded or bilobed. Superior orbital border either without any prominence or with a strong tooth 2 2. Sides of carapace strongly toothed. Supra-orbital tooth spiniform, directed forward and half as long as rostrum. Transverse sutures 1) Americ. Naturalist, v. 28, 1894, p. 1043. 2) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 63, pit 2, 1895, p. 180. 3) 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust., 1895, pi. 15. Cf. Alcock, Account Deep-Sea Brachyura "Investigator", Calcutta, 1899, p. 7S. 4) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) v. 19, 1907, p. 479. 5) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) v. 15, 1905, p. 266. 6) Wiss. Erg. "Valdivia"-Exp. Bd 6 (Brachyura), 1904, p. 131. 29 3Q on carapace (which is covered by a short fur) absent .... R. chuni Doflein (=R. dentata Mac Gilchrist) Sides of carapace angular, not toothed, but everywhere finely serrated. Supra-orbital tooth absent. Two transverse sutures on carapace, which is almost hairless R. plumosa n. sp. i. Rctropluma plumosa n. sp. PI. 2, Fig. 1. Stat. 254. 5°4o'S., i3202Ó'E. Near Kei Islands. Depth 310 metres. Fine, grey mud. 1 (ƒ. In some respects this species agrees either with the type species óf Alcock or with the species of Doflein and. of Mac Gilchrist. With R. notopus it shares the angular shape of the carapace (though in the new species there is one additional angulation behind the external orbital angle), the two transverse sutures, and the faint development or absence of a supra-orbital tooth; on the other hand the "Siboga" species agrees with R. chuni and dentata in the shape of the rostrum, in the granulation of the meropodites of the walking legs (as in R. dentata), in the 4 longitudinal sharp ridges on the dactyli (as in Tv. chuni) and in the shape of the abdomen of the c? (as in R. dentata), but as the descriptions of the different species either in this or in another point are not quite complete, several characters may be called generic rather than specific. The carapace is wholly flattened, very slightly granular and naked, except for some short hairs at the margins. Two transverse sutures divide the surface into three parts; the anterior of which slopes obliquely-forward and terminates in the median line into a small, slender, somewhat deflexed rostrum, tapering to tip, reaching as far as the basal joints of the antennulae and beyond the line connecting the external orbital angles; the posterior part of the carapace is likewise somewhat, though less, oblique, and the convex posterior margin passes with a distinct angle into the subparallel lateral margins. The distance between the external orbital angle is 5/8 of the whole breadth of the carapace, and the supra-orbital border is long, concave, and without any tracé of a tooth, but showing a re-entering angle at the place where such a tooth exists in R. chuni and dentata l). Parting from this point, the superior orbital border passes obliquely forward to the rectangular external orbital angle, which is finely crenulate, the crenulations being directed outward at the anterior and forward at the outer border; the outer border (the antero-lateral border of the carapace) slopes obliquely-outward towards the next angulation (anterior lateral tooth), which is little prominent, finely crenulate, and connected with the angulation of the other side by the anterior, somewhat convex, transverse suture of the carapace. Behind this angulation the lateral margins of the carapace are subparallel or slightly converging posteriorly, but there is a second indentation (posterior lateral tooth) about at the level of the bases of the chelipeds. Behind these posterior teeth, and a little way 1) There is some confusion regarding the external orbital angle, among the authors. Doflein expressly states that he regards the supra-orbital tooth, to which the eye extends, as the real orbital angle and he consequently calls the next tooth, which is on the same level with this supra-orbital one, the antero-lateral tooth; hence his statement that the borders of the carapace are armed with three pairs of teeth. I have foliowed Alcock in regardiog this latter tooth as the real orbital angle, as to this point the incomplete orbito-anten- nulary fossa is continued outward. 3° 3i behind the middle of the distance betvveen the posterior tooth and the hinder angle of the carapace, the latter is crossed by the second transverse suture, which is nearly straight, but somewhat produced in its median part. The length of the carapace (not including the rostrum) is distinctly shorter than the breadth ; the hinder margin is longer than the distance between the external orbital angles. There are scarcely fossae for the orbits; the eye-stalks are free, directed obliquely- outward and forward, granular at upper surface, thick and rather long ('/• breadth of carapace); the cornea is small, occupying the tip of the stalk and semilunar in shape, if viewed from above. Laterally of the bases of the eye-peduncles is an incomplete transverse fossa, scarcely extending to external orbital angle, and incompletely closed ventrally by the inflated basal joint of the antennule, the peduncle of the antenna and the infra-orbital spine, an arrangement that is characteristic for the genus. The infra-orbital spine is prominent, straight, directed forward and finely crenulate at the borders; it reaches beyond the basal joint of the antenna, which is quadrate, not inflated and nearly as long as the third joint; the next joint is twice as long; the flagellum consists of about 25 joints, each of which has two short hairs; the whole flagellum is half the length of the carapace. The basal joint of the antennules is globular, inflated, granular (as in R. dentata), freely movable (fig. 1 a), with the antero-internal angle somewhat projecting and giving rise to the two next joints, that are cylindrical and of about equal length (as long as the transverse diameter of the basal joint); they are much stouter and longer than the peduncle-joints of the antenna. Antennulae, antennae and infra-orbital spine arise all at the same level J), on the inferior border of the orbito-antennulary fossa; the eyes reach farther outward than the basal antennular joint and may touch the infra-orbital spine 2). The chelipeds are unequal in size, the right being the stouter, quite as in R. dentata and apparently also as in R. notopus s) ; yet the difference between the chelipeds is especially shown by the relative development of the palm and the fingers. The description given by Mac Gilchrist is wholly applicable to my specimen : the right cheliped is thicker in all its joints, and, though the hands are of equal length, the right hand has a higher and more inflated palm, that is granular at outer surface, and as long as the flngers, whereas in the left hand the palm is much weaker and lower, and shorter than the fingers. Both palms are serrated along the upper border and the proximal half of the inferior border, and parallel to this latter border a continuous row of small granules is continued to quite near the tip of the fixed finger (fig. ïó, ie). The fingers are high at the base, greatly compressed, not gaping and tapering to the acute tip ; on the right side (fig. 1 ö) the cutting margins of the fingers are provided with 3 — 4 very large, interlocking, obtuse but sharp-edged teeth, but on the left there are only a number of very small denticles on the fixed finger, the opposite margin of the movable finger being unarmed. 1) Accovding to Alcock the antennae arise just below the infra-orbital spine, in R. notopus. 2) Mac Gilchrist notes that in R. dentata the eye-stalks reach as far outward as the basal antennule-joint; my specimen on the other hand agrees in this respect with what is found in R. notopus. 3) In Doflein's specimen of R. chuni only the right cheliped was present. 31 32 All the Ie gs are fringed with very characteristic hairs of the same kind: they are long and flexible, and feathered. Many of these hairs, especially on the poster ior legs are modified in a most peculiar way: the tip is likewise plu mos e, but the rest of the hair is transformed into a long, membraneous structure, that is inflated, closed all round and nar- r o\v ing t o war ds the base of the hair. Although gills, six in number, are present at either side of the thorax, it may be assumed that the transformed hairs are adopted to oxygen- breathing purposes, and as such hairs are especially numerous on the hinder legs, these should not only prevent the animal from sinking into the soft mud upon which it lives, a supposition made by Alcock 1), but also perform the function of gills. Neither in the descriptions, nor in the drawings, of Alcock, Doflein or Mac Gilchrist did I find similar hairs, so that I believe they are characteristic for my species. The ambulatory legs are extremely long and slender, the second pair, which is the longest, being more than 3 times the breadth of the carapace. The meropodites are 5 times as long as broad, granular at upper and under surface, serrated and hairy along the borders-, in the case of the second pair the meropodite is nearly as long as the carpo- and propodite together. The propodite especially is fringed with very long hairs, that are twice or three times as long as the breadth of the joint to which they are inserted ; the longest hairs are found at the under or inner border. The dactyli are very long, nearly straight, ending acutely and provided with four sharp ridges (also noted by Doflein in R. chunï)\ the length of the dactyli is variable ; in the first pair of legs they are relatively short, at least shorter than the propodite, and almost naked; in the second pair they are excessively long, equalling in length the likewise much elongated propodite, and again sparsely hairy; in the third pair they seem to be as long, but on the left side of the animal this dactylus is partly broken off, and on the rioht it is wantingr altoeether, its outer border is fring-ed with long- hairs. 0 0 0 0 0 The posterior legs are modified in the characteristic way of the genus: they are slender and weak, much shorter than the preceding pairs, reaching somewhat beyond the middle of the length of the meropodite of the preceding legs (in the figure they are represented unfortunately slightly too long), rising almost on the back of the animal, apparently, in normal position, carried above the plane of the preceding legs and directed straight forward. The last five joints are, however, not equal in length, as stated by Alcock and Doflein, but the carpopodite is distinctly shorter in my specimen. The abdomen of the cf occupies all the space between the bases of the posterior legs ; its general shape is triangular, with the 3d to 6th joint of nearly equal length ; as in the other species the 3d — 5th joint are fused, but all the segments are distinctly defined by rather deep notches at the margins of the abdomen; the 6th segment, as in Tv. notopus and R. dcntattx, bears a crescentic ridge near the anterior margin, which ridge projects at either side into a sharp prominence; the terminal segment is longer than the preceding ones and somewhat longer than broad at the base, with rounded tip (fig. 1 a). 1) A Naturalist in Indian Seas, Calcutta, 1902, f. 55, opposite p. 252. 32 33 The outer surface of the abdomen, like the pentagonal sternum, is granular. Dimensions in mm.: Total length of carapace (including rostrum) 7.— Length of rostrum 0.6 Breadth of carapace 7.9 Distance between ext. orb. angles 5- — Length of chela 6. — Length of first pair of ambulatory legs 21. — Total length Length of meropodite Breadth of meropodite Length of carpopodite ' Length of propodite ') Breadth of propodite Length of dactylus of second pair of ambulatory legs 27.- 9.25 i-75 3-75 6.— 1. — 6.— Length of posterior pair of legs S. — The incrustation of the animal is apparently very weak : the integument is thin, flexible and transparent. The species of this genus have been caught at different localities of the Eastern Indian Ocean. " Ptenoplax" notopus Alcock3), the typical species, has been dredged near the Coromandel coast and the Andamans, in depths of 180 — 45ometres; Doflein 3) records his species, R. chuni^ caught at a depth of 614 metres, from the coast of West Sumatra, south of Nias; and finally Mac Gilchrist +) obtained his " Ptenoplax" dentata south-east of South Andaman Island, in a depth of 502 metres. In comparing the descriptions and figures of Doflein and Mac Gilchrist it seems to be more and more probable, that their species are really id ent ie al. Indeed, the shape of the carapace, vvith the conspicuous supra-orbital tooth (which is called by Doflein the external orbital angle) and the teeth at the lateral margins are exactly alike; both authors agree in the description of the rostrum, of the furry coating of the carapace, and of the much longer hairs at the front and antero-lateral borders. Again, there is no difference between the figures with respect to the walking legs: the dactyli are relatively short, at least shorter than the propodites, and the four longitudinal ridges, with which the dactyli, according to Doflein, are provided, are also shown in Mac Gilchrist's figure. Dofleix's name being published a few months earlier than Mac Gilchrist's should, then, have priority. The new species of the "Siboga" was dredged in a depth of 310 metres near the Kei Islands, and so the genus Retroplitma (= Ptenoplax) may be included in the Indo-Malayan fauna. 1) Measured along anterior margin. 2) Alcock and Anderson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 63, pit 2, 1894, p. 181, pi. 9, f. l—^a—b. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. pi. 15, 1895, f. 2 — 2<7 — b. Alcock, Account Deep-Sea Brachyura "Investigator", 1899, p. 79. 3) Wiss. Erg. "Valdivia" Exp., Bd 6, Brachyura, 1904, p. 131, pi. 37, f. 1 — 2. 4) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) v. 15, 1905, p. 266. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt II, 1905, pi. 74, f. 1. 33 SIBOGA- EXPEDITIE XXXIX C. OCYPODIDAE. To this family belong some well known and widespread tropical genera of Crabs, that are mostly characterized by their slender, often greatly elongate eye-stalks, and the narrow front, and in some cases by the enormous development of one of the chelipeds in the cf. All the species keep strictly to the shore and live on sandy and muddy beaches, between flood- and ebbline-, the majority has burrowing habits, each individual boasting of a separate hole to itself, to which it rapidly retreats when danger is approaching. Such genera as Ocypoda and Uca (= Gelasimus), that live in countless numbers in suitable localities, do not fail to attract the attention of even the layman. There is in this family a clearly-pronounced tendency to estuaries, mangrove-swamps and even to fresh water, though no species may be called strictly fluviatile. Recent writers have distinguished three subfamilies : Ocypodinac, Mictyrinac and Macroph- thalminae, that are well defined by Alcock l) and Borradaile s). Subfam. Ocvpodinae. The subfamily comprises the best known and most conspicuous representants of the family, viz. the genera Ocypoda and Uca, and, besides, only the genus Heloecius 8). i. Abdomen of cf almost as broad at base as the sternum ; chelipeds subequal. Epibranchial regions much inrlated Heloecius Abdomen of cf much narrower at base than the sternum ; chelipeds always unequal 2 2. Corneae of eyes very much bulging, occupying nearly the whole ventral part of the eye-stalks ; the latter club-shaped. Chelipeds of cf not very unequal Ocypoda Corneae of eyes small, at end of eye-stalks ; the latter slender and thin. Chelipeds of cf very unlike, one being enormously developed Uca 1) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, 1900, prt 2, p. 342 — 343. 2) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) v. 19, 1907,, p. 485 -486. 3) The genus Acanthoplax of H. Milne-Edwards, with only one species (inhabiting the coast of Chile) is now fused into Uca, 34 The genus Heloecius Dana1) being not represented in the "Siboga" collection, we may pass directly to Ocypoda. Ocypoda Fabricius. 1798. Ocypoda Fabricius. Suppl. Entom. Syst., p. 347. The members of this genus frequent sandy beaches, where they inhabit long burrows near high-water mark, into which they dart back when alarmed. The speed with which they dash to their burrows or to the sea is remarkable and has been especially noticed by the earliest pre-Linnean authors. The majority of the species is in the possession of a stridulating ridge, at the inner surface of the palm of the larger cheliped ; this ridge is rubbed against a longitudinal rim on the ischiopodite of this cheliped, and so a squeaking sound is produced. On the habits of Ocypoda and the use of the stridulating ridge Alcock a) has published an interesting account. An attempt to review the species has been made in earlier years by Kingsley s) and by Miers 4), but better by Ortmann 3). After the last revision only a few new species have been described, viz. : O. iiobilii de Man. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 478, pi. 19, f. 2—3, from the Baram river (Borneo) 6). O. jousseaumei Nobili. Buil. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., 1905, n" 4, p. 233, f. 2, and: Ann. Sc. Nat. (9) t. 4, 1906, p. 310, from the Red Sea. and a new subspecies : O. rotundata Miers subsp. arabica Nobili. Buil. Sc. France et Belgique, t. 40, 1906, p. 152, pi. 5, f. 26, from the Persian Gulf. Besides, Miss Rathbun remarks 7), after examination of Dana's original specimen of O. laevis, that this species has always been wrongly considered identical with O. cordïmana Desmarest, but the difference between the two species is not indicated. The "Siboga" collected only three widely-distributed species. 1. Ocypoda cordïmana Desmarest. Literature: Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 10, 1897, p. 362 and Alcock, 1. c. p. 349. Stat. 40. Pulu Kawassang, Paternoster Islands. 1 9- Stat. 50. Labuan Badjo, west coast of Flores. 1 cj. Stat. 179. Kawa Bay, west coast of Ceram. 1 9- 1) For synonymy and literature see Hasweix, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. 91. Cf. also de Man, Zool. Jahrb. Syst.. Bd 2, 1887, p. 696. 2) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) v. 10, 1892, p. 336. 3) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 179. 4) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. 10, 1882, p. 378. 5) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 761 and ibid., Bd 10, 1897, p. 359. 6) The author discusses at the same time the characteristic features of O. stimpsoni Ortmann (= O. convexa Stimpson nee Quoy et Gaimard). 7) Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, 1906, p. 834, pi. 7, f. 2. 35 36 The 9 from Stat. 40 is very small (distance between ext. orbital angles 15.5 mm.); nevertheless, it is bearing eggs. According to Stimpson j) O. laevis Dana should be distinguished from this species by the more prominent orbital angles and by the smoothness of the edges of the hand. O. cordimana seems to be more terrestrial in its habits than any other species of the genus; according to Henderson 2) it lives on sandy bottom, far from the shore. De Man3) records a specimen from fresh water. 2. Ocypoda ceratopJühalma Pallas. Literature: Ortmann, 1. c. p. 364 and Alcock, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 345. Stat. 40. Pulu Kawassang, Paternoster Islands. 1 <ƒ. Stat. 50. Labuan Badjo, west coast of Flores. 1 <ƒ , 1 9- Stat. 61. Lamakera, Solor Island, reef. 2 cT, 1 9- Stat. 71. Makassar. 6 c? (aet- div.). Stat. 89. Pulu Kaniungan, east of Borneo. 3 (f (juv.). Stat. 93. Sanguisiapo, Sulu Archip. 1 <ƒ. Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. 2 (f, 1 5. Stat. 133. Lirung, Talaut Islands. 2 (juv.). Stat. 179. Kawa Bay, west coast of Ceram. 2 (juv.). Stat. 263. Great Kei Island. 3 (ƒ. There is a considerable variation in the number of ridges, composing the stridulating organ. From the dorsal part of the hand downwards there are firstly some tubercles, foliowed by a series of thicker ridges, that are again succeeded by a series of narrower ridges, with much narrower interspaces between them. De Man 4) describes a specimen, in which these latter ridges are not so closely crowded as usually; besides, the number of these two kinds of ridges is not at all constant. I also found a specimen, in which the narrow ridges were rather widely separated from each other, and the thicker ridges were obsolete and scarcely indicated. As is well known, the horny prolongation of the eye-stalks is likewise subject to much variation, even between individuals of the same size and sex. And thirdly, the epibranchial angles may reach sideways beyond the external orbital angles or not. 3. Ocypoda kithli de Haan. Synonymy and literature: Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 10, 1897, p. 364. Stat. 51. Bay of Madura. 1 cT- Stat. 61. Lamakera, Solor Island, reef. 1 cf. This widely-distributed, but apparently not very common species, is distinguished by the stridulating organ being eomposed of transverse tubercles or short ridges, usually few in 1) Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. III. 2) Transact. Linn. Soc. London, (2) v. 5, 1893, p. 328. 3) Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 483. 4) Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 478, pi. 19, f. 36 number (8 — 9). In the specimen from Madura there are only 6 — 7 transverse tubercles, widely separated, and placed irregularly in the ventral part of the organ. De Man l) already notes the much pronounced tubercles on the first sternal joint, at either side of the terminal segment of the abdomen of the (f. Uca Leach. 1815. Uca Leach. Transact. Linn. Soc. London, v. 11, p. 309. 1820. Gelasimus Latreille. Dict. Sc. Nat., t. iS, p. 286. Description: ALCOCK, 1. c. p. 350. The species of Uca are yet more frequently met with than those of Ocypoda on all tropical shores, where they live in great swarms, as is generally known ; they prefer, however, muddy, not sandy, beaches. Alcock 2) and, in recent years, Pearse 3) have given a fascinating account of their peculiar habits. Earlier writers (H. Milne-Edwards, 'S. J. Smtth, Kingsley) have reviewed the genus, but the best synopsis of the Indo-Pacific species has been given by de Man 4). Ortmann prepared a key for all the species. Vet there has remained some confusion in the broad-fronted species, and Ortmann 6) is inclined to unite these species all in one species, Uca gaimardi H. Milne-Edwards. The following new species have been described after the revision of de Man in 1891: U. zamboangana Rathbun. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 44, 191 3, p. 615, pi. 74, from the Philippines. U. mearnsi Rathbun. L. c. p. 616, pi. 75, f. 1 — 2, also from the Philippines; only the 9 is known. U. novae-guineae Rathbun. L. c. p. 617, pi. 76, from New Guinea. U. rathbunae Pearse. Philippine Journ. Sc, v. 7, sect. D, 191 2, p. 91, textfig. 1, from Manila (Philippines). Two new subspecies have been added : U. inversa (Hoffmann) subsp. sindensis Alcock, 1. c. p. 356. U. annulipcs (Latreille) subsp. orientalis Nobili. Boll. Mus. Torino, t. 16, n" 397, 1901, p. 13, f. A. Besides, the following alterations in the nomenclature have been made : U. vocans H. Milne-Edwards should be called U. marionis Desmarest. U. forcipata (Adams et White) de Man cannot retain its name, as the species described by the monographers of the "Samarang" is wholly unrecognizable; Ortmann (l.c, 1897, p. 350) proposes therefore to name de Man's species (l.c, 1891, p. 32, pi. 3, f. 9) Uca demani. I cannot make out, whether Miss Rathbun's specimens7) from Monte Bello Islands, western Australia, are either the true forcipata or demani. 1) Notes Leyden Mus., v. 3, 1881, p. 251. 2) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) v. 10, 1892, p. 415. 3) Philippine Journ. Sc, v. 7, sect. D, 1912, p. 113. Also reprinted in: Smithson. Rep. 1913, 1914, p. 415. 4) Notes Leyden Mus., v. 13, 1S91, p. 20. 5) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 749. 6) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 10, 1897, p. 354. 7) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914, p. 661, pi. 2, f. 8. 37 U. actita (Stimpson) has been shown by Miss Rathbun to be identical with U. dus- suntieri H. Milne-Edwards, and she has altered l) accordingly de Man's " Ge/asimzcs" aczitus'1) into Uca manu, but I am doubtful about the admissibility of this latter name, two species within the same genus now having been called after Dr. J. G. de Man. The new species, save U. novaeguinea, belong to the narrow-fronted species. With regard to U. ratköunae, I am inclined to regard it, after careful study of Pearse's description and figures, identical with U. coarctata (H. Milne-Edwards)3). Both species agree exactly, not only in the shape of the larger chela and the row of tubercles on the lower wall of the orbit, but also with respect to the relative length of the carapace, as in both species this length is 6o°/0 of the distance between the external orbital angles4). Pearse says, that, on his request, Miss Rathbun herself has carefully compared his specimens with specimens of 1 3 narrow-fronted species from the Indo-Pacific region in the United States National Museum (perhaps U. coarctata was not among the latter), and as the result of this study the specimens were declared to represent a new species, most nearly related to U. urvillei (H. Milne-Edwards). 1. Uca marionis Desmarest. Synonymy and description: DE Man, Abhandl. Senckenb. Ges., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 487 and Notes Leyden Mus., v. 13, 1891, p. 23, pi. 2, f. 5 — $a; THALLWITZ, Abhandl. Mus. Dresden, Bd 3, n° 3, 1890/91, p. 42. Stat. 86. Dongala, west coast of Celebes. 4 <ƒ. 2 Q- Stat. 115. Kwandang Bay, north coast of Celebes. 3 cf. Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. 5 rf . The considerable variation shown in the larger chela of the cT has induced earlier authors to discriminate several species that, hovvever, are now all united into one. In the most common form the immovable finger bears two large, triangular and compressed teeth in the distal half. This is the subsp. excisa Nobili 5), formerly called Gelasimus nitidus by Dana °), but the latter name had been used by Desmarest already for a fossil species. A good figure of the chela is given by de Man (1. c, 1891, pi. 2, f. 5). In another modification the triangular tooth near the middle of the fixed finger becomes lower and lower; the finger itself is less curved upward and more straight than in excisa. This subspecies is the cultrimana White 7), the chela of which has been well figured by H. Milne- Edwards (Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, 1852, pi. 3, f. xd), by Kingsley (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, pi. 9, f. 7) and especially by de Man (1. c. pi. 2, f. 5 a). 1) Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, v. 22, 1909, p. 114. 2) Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, 1888, p. 113, pi. 7, f. S — 9, pi. 8, f. 1 — 4. 3) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, 1852, p. 146, pi. 3, f. 6. It is true, that this species has been originally recorded from Odessa on the Black Sea, but this locality seems, to say the least, most doubtful. Besides, I had an opportunity to examine undoubted specimens of U. coarctata from Nias, that belong to the Amsterdam Zoological Museum and were collected by Dr. P. J. Kleiweg de Zwaan in 1910, and to compare these with the very specimens of DE Man (1. c. 1891). 4) 55% in V- trvillti. 5) Ann. Sc. Nat. (9) t. 4, 1906, p. 315. 6) Crust. U.S. Expl. Exp., 1852, p. 316, pi. 19, f. 5. 7) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1847, p. 84. o» 39 Thirdly the cutting margin of the immobile finger may be devoid of larger teeth, but only finely serrated and elegantly curved; the convex portion represents the proximal larger tooth. This is the typical marionis of Desmarest j) and the chela has been figured again in the papers of H. Milne-Edwards (1. c, pi. 3, f. 5) and Kingsley (1. c, pi. 9, f. 8). All these forms grade into one another, so that a sharp demarcation is impossible, the less so because the shape of the carapace and of the walking legs in the different subspecies is the same (de Max, 1. c, 1902, p. 489). The species has often been designated under the name of " Geta slums" vocans Linné, but, as Kingsley (1. c. p. 141) explains, it is impossible to identify Lixxé's species3). We should, then, prefer the earlier name marionis to culirlmawx. The forms excisa, cultrlmana and marionis all occur in the "Siboga"-material. 2. Uca tetragonon (Herbst). Synonymy and description: DE Man, Notes Leyden Mus., v. 13, 1891, p. 24, pi. 2, f. 6, and Alcock, 1. c. p. 357. Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. 1 rf. Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. 4 cT, 4 £• Stat. 250. Kur Island, west of Kei Islands. 3 <ƒ, All specimens, save one, have a reddish-brown carapace, marbled with light green, as shown in the figure of de Max. 3. Uca dussumieri H. Milne-Edwards. Synonymy and description: DE Man, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, 1888, p. 10S, pi. 7, f. 2 — 7, and Alcock, 1. c. p. 361. Stat. 19. Labuan Tring, west coast of Lombok, 1 rf. Stat. 50. Labuan Badjo, west coast of Flores. 3 rf . The colour pattern of the carapace sometimes resembles that of the preceding species. 4. Uca lactea (de Haan). Synonymy and description: Alcock, 1. c. p. 355. Stat. 19. Labuan Tring, west coast of Lombok. 1 rf . Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. 2 rf , 1 Q. Stat. 50. Labuan Badjo, west coast of Flores. 1 rf . Stat. 86. Dongala, west coast of Celebes. 8 <ƒ, 3 §. 5. Uca gaimardi (H. Milne-Edwards). 1852. Gelasimus gaimardi H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, pi. 4, f. 17. 1891. Gelasimus gaimardi de Man. Notes Leyden Mus., v. 13, p. 39. 191 3. Uca gaimardi Pesta. Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Bd 88, p. 55, pi. 3, f. 3 and textfig. 2. 1) Cons. s. 1. Crust., 1825. p. 124, pi. 13, f. I. 2) H. Milne-Edwards in 1837 (Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. 54) described under vocans an American species, and aftervards (Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. iS, 1852, p. 145, pi. 3, f. 4) under the same name the true cultrimana. 39 4° Stat. 50. Labuan Badjo, west coast of Flores. 1 cf . This is one of the broad-fronted species, like the preceding. With U. chlorophthalma (H. Milne-Edwards), U. latreilhi of the same author and U. triangularis (A. Milne-Edwards) it forms a distinct sub-group within the genus. The latter species is undoubtedly distinct, as shown by de Man l) but with respect to the other species, it is not unlikely, that they are all identical. C\ latreillei is the least known, but according to de Man2) it is distinguished by broader meropodites, these being in the last pair of legs twice as long as broad. According to Pesta (l.c.) this U. latreillei should probably be the young stage of U. gaimardi, as Ortmann 3) has already suggested. Whether U. chlorophthalma is really distinct, remains in my opinion uncertain. The larger hand of the cf is higher and shorter than in U. gaimardi é), and the fingers are only slightly longer than the palm, which latter is as long as high. But it is well known, that these proportions are variable among individuals of the same species; besides, in my specimen, which agrees wholly with the Leiden Museum specimens, determined by de Man himself, and with that of Pesta, the large chela resembles in its dimensions U. chlorophthalma, as it is only 2,5 times, not 3 times as long as high, but the fingers are nearly exactly as long as the palm, and the latter is longer than high, which agrees better with U. gaimardi. The pretty colour pattern of this species has been well represented by Pesta. The rosy hue of the larger hand is characteristic and seems to remain even after prolonged preservation in alcohol. In my specimen it is remarkable, that the walking legs on the left exhibit nearly the same colour (rosy-yellow) as the large hand, which is on this side, but on the right the small chela, the second and fourth walking legs are dark violet, like the general colour of the carapace, whereas the first and third walking legs are coloured like those on the left. I only once find mentioned5) in the literature, that the outer sur face of the palm of the large chela bears, near the base of the fixed finger a small, we 11- defined, s hort- h air y depression, both in U. gaimardi and in U. chlorophthalma ; of the latter species I examined the cT, mentioned by de Man (l.c, 1891), in the Leiden Museum. Subfam. Mictyrinae. The genus Mictyris has often been regarded as constituting a distinct family of its own, whereas other closely related genera where included in another family or subfamily : Dotillidae or Scopimerinae. Though the genus is standing somewhat apart there is no need for such an isolation of Mictyris. Among the other genera Ilyoplax Stimpson 6) is undoubtedly the least known ; its single 1) Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, 1888, p. 119, pi. 8, f. 8 — 11. 2) Notes Leyden Mus., v. 13, 1891, p. 41. 3) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 752. 4) De Man, 1. c, 1891, p. 42. See also Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 484, pi. 19, f. 4. 5) Miers. Rep. "Challenger" Brachyma, 1886, p. 245, note. 6) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S5S, p. 98. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 100. 40 4i species has not been figured, and neither, as far as I know, been found again, since it was caught at Whampoa (China) living in holes of the mud, along the banks of the Canton River. lts external maxillipeds seem to resemble mostly those of Dotilla and Tympanomerus, and, like these genera, it has tympana on the legs, but the abdomen of the c? is said to be like that of Macrophthalmus, v i z. regularly and slightly tapering, not constricted in the middle. The genera of this subfamily have apparently all the same habits as those of the preceding group: they indulge in digging burrows on sandy or muddy flats along the beach, below the flood-line ; occasionally some species are met with in fresh water. The following key is meant to discriminate the genera, save Ilyoplax : i. Body much globose, longer than broad. Posterior margin of carapace with a row of stiff bristles. Abdomen in both sexes widening to tip, that is broadly truncate. No tympana on the legs Mictyris Latreille Carapace more quadrate, with elongate eye-stalks; posterior margin without a row of stiff bristles. Abdomen of d"' normal, tapering, often constricted in the middle. Mostly tympana on the legs 2 2. External maxillipeds of moderate size, not bulging, merus longer than ischium. Chelipeds of both sexes (especially of cT) stouter than walking legs. Tympana absent or present Tympanomerus Rathbun External maxillipeds very large, with a strong, almost hemi- spherical bulge forward. Tympana on the legs always distinct 3 3. Merus of external maxillipeds longer than ischium. The distal end of the 4th abdominal segment of the d is fringed with bristles, that overlap the next segment Dotilla Stimpson Merus of external maxillipeds shorter than ischium. 4th abdominal segment of the c? of normal size, but the next is more or less constricted near the base Scopimera de Haan Mictyris Latreille. 1806. Mictyris Latreille. Gen. Crust. et Insect., t. 1, p. 40. 1S37. Myctiris H. Milne-Edwards. Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. 36. As far as I am aware, H. Milne-Edwards was the first to replace, apparently by error, Mictyris by Myctiris, and this latter spelling has been adopted by most subsequent authors. . The two species, one with a wide Indo-Pacific range, the other only found at the coast of East-Australia, Tasmania and New-Zealand, may be discriminated thus : Gastric region of carapace nearly smooth. Postorbital spine prominent. Chelipeds long, fingers about twice as long as palm, upper and lower margin of palm carinate. Propodites of walking legs not much depressed M. longicarpus Latreille 41 SIBOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX C. 6 42 Gastric region of carapace with small granular points, few in number and prominent. Postorbital spine absent, only a granulate projection. Chelipeds short and bulky. Propodites of walking legs much depressed, broader than carpopodites M.platychehs H. Milne-Edwards x) i. Mictyris longicarpus Latreille. Synonymy and description : ALCOCK, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900. Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. Reef. 8 sp. Stat. 231. Ambon, reef. 3 sp. Stat. 323. Bawean Island, Java Sea. Reef. 1 sp. Alcock's description agrees exactly with all the specimens from different localities, in the Leiden Museum. On examining de Haan's original specimens of M. defiexifrons") I came to the conclusion, just like de Man 3), that this species is identical with M. longicarpus, the only difference con- sisting in the occasional very faint development of the postorbital spine. That the strong spine at the inner margin of the ischiopodite is nearly obliterated or wholly absent in the Q has been noticed already by Alcock. To complete the description of the latter I only remark, that the inner surface of the palm of the cheliped is provided with a short, longitudinal ridge. We may safely assume that Stimpson founded his M. brevidactylns 4) on specimens that really were nothing than the common M. longicarpus. The name of Latreille's species has been sometimes spelled longicarpius and longi- carpis, but Latreille in his first description used the orthography longicarpus. That the species has much the same habits as Uca and is likewise gregarious at suitable localities appears from the following interesting passage in R. Semon's fascinating book 6) : "On sauntering about the sandy beach before my house, I often perceived, that during ebb-tide the sand was by no means smooth, but covered with millions of tiny star-shaped heaps of sand. In the centre of each little heap I remarked a small canal, leading into the ground and serving as a lodging to a tiny crab Mictyris longicarpus. While the water covers the beach, the crab remains below the surface. Hardly, however, has the shore become dry, than it will pop up, throwing out the sand above its hole and chewing it to infinitesimal particles in search of tiny organisms imbedded in it. As thousands and millions of little crabs pursue this occupation at the same time, the coast soon has the appearance of being prettily and carefully raked, like a well-kept garden". As to the manner of feeding it is remarkable .that the fingers of Mictyris end acutely and are apparently not so well adapted to the purpose as is the case in genera 1) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. iS, 1852, p. 154. Targioni-Tozzetti, Crost. Viag. "Magenta", 1S77, p. 186, pi. 11, fig. 6. Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 103, pi. 13, f. 5. 2) Faun. Japon., Crust., 1835 p. 25 (sine descrip t ione). 3) Notes Leyden Mus., v. 12, 1890, p. 83. 4) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S58, p. 99. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 103, pi. 13, f. 4. See also Ortmann, ziool. Tahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 748. It must be noted, however, that Zehntner (Rev. suisse zool., t. 2, 1894, p. 177, pi. 8, f. 21 — 22) maintains the distinctness of M. brevidactyhis, but his arguments seem to me to be of little importance. The "Siboga" specimens at least could, by a mixture of characters, be referred as well to either of the two species. 5) In the Australian Bush, Engl. transl., London, 1899, p. 491. The observation was made during the writer's stay at Amboyna. 42 43 with similar feeding habits {Uca, Macrophthalmus, Euplax a. o.), where the fingers are spooned and ornamented with stiff hairs at the tip. Dotilla (de Haan) Stimpson emend. 1833. Doto de Haan. Faun. Japon., Crust., 1833, p. 24 (praeocc). 1858. Dotilla Stimpson. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 98. The genus is widely distributed throughout the Indian region, from the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa to the Moluccas. It does not seem, however, to be represented in the Pacific Ocean. Each species is somewhat restricted in its range, so D. fenestrata is characteristic to the east coast of Africa, ranging from Zanzibar and Mocambique to the Cape of Good Hope, IJ. sulcata inhabits the Red Sea and neighbouring coasts, D. ó/anfordi, órevitarsis, clepsydro- dactylus, intermedia and especially D. myctiroides occur on the coasts of British India etc. One single species has been caught by the "Siboga". I prepared the following key to the rather numerous (11) species: 1 . Tympana present on the sternum 2 No tympana on the sternum 3 2. Carapace at least as long as broad. Chelipeds 3 — 4 times as long as the carapace and much longer than the walking legs, carpopodite of cheliped very much elong- ated, about as long as the carapace. Species of British India D. myctiroides H. Milne-Edwards *) Chelipeds about twice the length of the carapace. Fingers longer than palm, both with a larger tooth in the middle. Species of East Africa D. fenestrata Hilgendorf2) 3. Meropodites of walking legs dilated, only little more than twice as long as broad 4 Meropodites of walking legs not dilated, distinctly more than twice as long as broad 6 4. Dactyliof walking legs as long as, or shorter than, propodites 5 Dactyli of walking legs distinctly longer than propodites. Tympana on the legs strongly marked, occupying the entire width and about three-fourths the length of the meropodites. Carapace very thick, about as high as long. Epistome reduced. Merus of external maxillipeds very large, broader than long, and about three times as large as the ischium D. sigillorum Rathbun 3) & 1) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, 1852, p. 152, pi. 4, f. 24. Synonymy and description: ALCOCK, 1. c. p. 368. Both Henderson (Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 5. 1893, p. 390) and Lanchester (Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 760, pi. 47. f. 14) refer this species to the genus Scopimera, but the abdomen of both sexes, as figured by the latter author, is absolutely DotillaAhke. 2) V. D. Decken's Reisen in Ost-Afrika, Bd 3, I., 1869, p. 85, pi. 3, f- 5- Synonymy: Stebbing, Ann. S. Afr. Mus., v. 6, prt 4, 1910, p. 329. 3) Proc. ü. S. Nat. Mus., v. 47, 1914, p. 83. One single specimen (9) was found at Sandakan Bay (Borneo). 43 44 5. Carapace granulate, with a broad, longitudinal , median groove, extending backward to the intestinal region. Palm of cheliped at outer and inner surface with a longi- tudinal piliferous line, close to the under margin of the palm and continued on both surfaces of the immobile finger; a similar line is observed at both surfaces of the dactylus. Tympana on the legs very large D. brevitarsis de Man x) Carapace finely punctate, not granulate; the longitudinal median groove extends only to the gastric region. Palm of cheliped without longitudinal piliferous lines, neither are there any on the fingers; only the dactylus has two crests. Tympana on the legs indistinct; carpo-propodite and dactylus densely tomentose D. profliga Nobili J) 6. Nearly the whole outer surface of the merus of the external maxillipeds occupied by a convoluted sulcus, in such a way that the elevated parts of the surface constitute a W-shaped figure. Surface of carapace grooved, the sulci constituting roughly a five-rayed star, the anterior ray directed forward on to the front, the antero-lateral rays passing on to the external orbital angles, the posterior rays directed obliquely-backward and triple D. sulcata Forskal s) Convoluted groove at outer surface of merus of external maxillipeds confined to lateral part of this surface ... 7 7. A large quadrangular tooth in the middle of the inner margin of each finger of the chela D. clepsydrodactylus Alcock 4) Fingers of chela without large. teeth 8 8. A transverse groove on the carapace, close and parallel to the posterior border , . . . 9 No transverse groove on the carapace ; the latter strongly areolated, cardial and intestinal region circular, undivided by a longitudinal sulcus, quite smooth and non-granular. Last pair of legs without tympana on the dorsal surface of the meropodites D. malabarica Nobili 5) 9. Merus of external maxillipeds about twice as large as ischium, granular. Fingers of chela not very much longer than palm 10 1) Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, iSSS, p. 130, pi. 9, f. 1 — 3. Alcock, 1. c. p. 367. It occurs in the Mergui Archipelago. 2) Boll. Mus. Torino, t. 18, n°447, 1903, p. 22. Some specimens were found in fresh water in the Upper Sadong River (Borneo). 3) Literature: Nobili, Ann. Sc. Nat. (9) t. 4, 1906, p. 315. The autor is inclined to unite this vvell-known species of the Red Sea with D. affinis Alcock (1. c. p. 365, 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. pit 10, 1902, pi. 63, f. 1) for the differences enumerated by Alcock do not prove to be constant in examining a large material. Laurie (Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 31, n° 209, 191 5, p. 46S — 469) likewise supports Nobili's opinion in an even more elaborate way. 4) L.c. p. 367, 111. Zool. Mnvestigator", Crust. pit 10, 1902. pi. 63, f. 2. Found on the shore of the Mahanaddi Delta. 5) Boll. Mus. Torino, t. lS, n° 452, 1903, p. 20, f. 6. Common at Mahè (Seychelles). 44 45 Merus of external maxillipeds not much superior in size to ischium, internal half of the former smooth. Fingers of chela about 21/., — 3 times as long as palm, the former finely serrated at inner margins D. intermcdia de Man J). 10. Mesogastric region of carapace divided into five large tuber- cles and with two narrovv, crossing sulci, one transverse, the other longitudinal, the latter continued backward on to the broad transverse sulcus of the carapace D. blanfordi Alcock 2) Mesogastric and cardiac region of carapace not subdivided, granulate; transverse, posterior sulcus interrupted in the middle, between the posterior ends of the branchio-cardiac grooves. Outer surface of meropodite of cheliped with two tympana, the proximal one the larger, near under border of arm, the distal one rounded, situated in the angle between the carpal and superior border . . . . D. wichmanni de Man 1. Dotilla wichmanni de Man. 1892. Dotilla wichmanni de Man. Weber's Zool. Erg. Reise niederl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, p. 308, pi. 18, f. 8. 1895. Dotilla wichmanni de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 8, p. 577. 1910. Dotilla wichmanni Rathbun. K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7. Raekke, Afd. 5, n° 4, p. 324. Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. Reef. 1 rf. My specimen is distinctly larger than the largest specimen of de Man, as the length of the carapace is 7.75 mm.; nevertheless, it agrees perfectly with de Man's elaborate description. In specimens from Atjeh, described by de Man in 1895, the movable finger of the chela scarcely shows a tracé of the longitudinal, granulate ridge in the middle of the cutting margin; my specimen agrees, however, with de Man's original specimens from Celebes, in which this ridge- like teeth is distinct. Miss Rathbun, who records this species from several localities in the Gulf of Siam, adds the following remark (on authority of the collector Dr. Th. Mortensen): "these small crabs make small balls of sand, thrown out from their holes". Scopimera de Haan. 1833. Scopimera de Haan. Faun. Japon., Crust, p. 24. De Man3) proposes to unite this genus with Dotilla, and indeed the two genera resemble each other closely in outer appearance, but Alcock has enumerated several characters by which the present genus is distinguished. Besides, in the typical species, the only one I could examine, there is an opening between the bases of the first and second walking legs, 1) Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, 1888, p. 135, pi. 9, f. 4—6. AixoiK, 1. c. p. 365. Plentiful on Sullivan Island (Mergui Archip.). 2) L.c. p. 366. UI. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt. 10, 1902, pi. 63, f. 3. Observed on the coasts of Sind and Baluchistan. 3) Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, 1888, p. 129. 45 46 bordered by sti f f bris tles and leading into the branchial cavity, in the same way as occurs in Ocypoda and Uca, where, however, this opening is found between the bases of the second and third ambulatory legs. The four known species of the genus, none of which are found in the Indo-Malayan region, mav be distinguished by means of the following key : i. Carapace obscurely sculptured, slightly granulate or hairy on branchial regions. Fifth segment of abdomen of cf con- stricted at base, but not linear 2 Carapace at inner branchial region sculptured on a petaloid pattern. Fifth segment of abdomen of c? much constricted, linear. Dactyli of walking legs in the ist to 3d pair of * walking legs a little longer than, in the last pair twice as long as, the propodites Sc. crabricaudct Alcock l) 2. Side walls of body covered with setiferous granules; carapace granular, the granules partly arranged on irregular tuber- cles. Side borders of carapace diverging backward, external órbital angle with an emargination immediately behind. Tympana on meropodites of walking legs not subdivided 3 Carapace irregularly granular; side borders parallel; external orbital angle not foliowed by an emargination. Eye-stalks very thick, club-like (as in Ocypoda). Tympana on mero- podites of walking legs subdivided by a longitudinal ridge Sc. investigatoris Alcock 2) 3. Meropodite of cheliped very short, not projecting beyond carapace; carpopodite (wrist) with a spine at inner border; movable finger near base of cutting margin with a large, quadrangular tooth Sc. inflata A. Milne-Edwards s) Meropodite of cheliped elongate, nearly equalling length of carapace and projecting beyond the latter; carpopodite and movable finger unarmed Sc. globosa de Haan 1. Scopimera globosa de Haan. PI. 3, Fig. 3. 1835. Ocypode (Scopimera) globosa de Haan. Faun. Japon., Crust, p. 53, pi. II, f. 3, pi. C. 1852. Scopimera globosa H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, p. 153. 1858. Scopimera tüberculata Stimpson. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858. p. 98. 1890. Scopimera globosa F. Muller. Verhandl. naturforsch. Gesellsch. Basel, Bd 8, p. 475- 1894. Scopimera globosa Ortmann. Zool. Jahrb., Syst, Bd 7, p. 747. 1898. Scopimera globosa Koelbel. Wiss. Erg. Reise Béla Széchenyi in Ost-Asien, Bd 2, p. 572. 1907. Scopimera tüberculata Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, p. 102. This Japanese species, that has been recorded also from Ceylon by F. Muller, was not 1) L.c. p. 370. IU. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt IO, 1902, pi. 63, f. 5. Found at Karachi. 2) L.c. p. 369. IU. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt 10, 1902, pi. 63, f. 4. Collected at Diamond Island (Buvma). 3) Journ. Mus. Godeffroy, t. 4, 1873, p. 83. The locality is only given as: "Mers des Indes". 46 47 found by the "Siboga", but the original specimens of de Haan being still preserved in the Leiden Museum I had an opportunity of affording some few informations about them. Stimpson seems to have been led astray by de Haan's description and figure, from which the former author concluded, that the carapace in Sc. globosa is smooth, and the suture between ischium and merus of the external maxillipeds is transverse, not oblique, and therefore the species Sc. tiiberculata was established by the American author. In reality, however, in Sc. globosa the carapace is by no means smooth, but studded with granules, and the ischium- merus suture of the external maxillipeds is oblique. Koelbel already supposed the two species to be identical. The body is very thick, convex, Dotilla-Vike.; the carapace is narrower than the diameter of the body above the bases of the legs, so that the side walls are sloping outward. The external orbital angles are defined posteriorly by an emargination; the distance between these angles is only slightly more than the length of the carapace, but seems to be much greater, owing to the very oblique supra-orbital margins. The front is obliquely bent downward, elongate, spatuliform, rounded at antenor margin, with a shallow longitudinal groove, that is not continued backward on the mesogastric region ; at either side of this sulcus the front is somewhat rugose. The grooves defining the gastric and cardiac regions are present, though faint; the cervical groove is interrupted in the middle, and each halfis curved somewhat back- ward; hepatic and branchial regions are crossed by irregular and short, transverse grooves, the regions themselves are very declivous and everywhere studded with little prominent, granular tubercles, widely apart, and most crowded on the hepatic regions. Some of these tubercles are setiferous. Koelbel remarked, that in young specimens, as might be expected, the granulation of the gastric area is scarcely indicated, but becomes more pronounced with advancing age, when also the cardiac region becomes granular. The lateral margins of the carapace are ciliated and diverging backward; they are accompanied along their course by a sulcus, that immediately behind the emargination following the external orbital angle is concealed in upper view of the animal by the bulging lateral part of the hepatic region. Immediately beneath the lateral margin of the carapace, there is another longitudinal sulcus, disappearing backward, but distinct anteriorly and continued as a narrow groove below the infra-orbital margin, which itself is finely granulate. The pterygostomial and subbranchial region are entirely covered with large, setiferous granules, and the former region is defined posteriorly by a vertical sulcus. Epistome distinct. Basal joint of antennulae, at either side of the front, clypeiform, somewhat inflated and partly concealing the bases of the eye-stalks, which latter are rather short and thick, gradually widening distally. The borders of the buccal cavity are much arcuate, and the lateral part, that is defined anteriorly by a deep emargination, is curved upward and accompanied by a deep parallel groove. External maxillipeds strongly bulging, as in Dotilla. but merus shortly triangular, with the sides arcuate, and somewhat shorter than the ischium-, suture between them oblique, not transverse, as de Haax depicts it: both ischium and merus very broad, operculiform ; exognath short and weak; ischium with a longitudinally-oblique row of hairs near outer margin, and with a patch of hairs below it; three last joints of maxilliped covered with hairs, carpus the longest and most bulky, with a brush of stiff, feathered hairs 47 48 ' near the distal end, that nearly wholly conceal the next segment; terminal segment slender, tapering. Inner margin of ischium and merus thickly fringed with feathered hairs (fig. 3 a). The abdomen of the c? has been well figured by de Haan, but his figure being two small, details are difficult to detect. The first segment is the broadest of all, but very short-, the next is narrower and again shorter; the third and fourth segment retain the same breadth, and the former is longer than the next, that is waved at the anterior margin; the fifth segment is much narrower at the base, it gradually widens distally to nearly the breadth of the second segment and is as long as the preceding segments taken together; the penultimate segment has somewhat convex side margins and is shorter than the preceding; the terminal segment finally is semi-circular. The chelipeds are elongate and slender, twice as long as the carapace, but outreached by the anterior pair of walking legs by the length of the dactylus. All the segments are oranular; the meropodite is long and widening distally, sharply-edged above, with some few stiff hairs, but spineless; tympanum at outer surface much smaller than the opposite one ; the wrist is elongate, likewise unarmed, but with a brush of hairs near the proximal end of- the inner margin; the palm is as long as the fingers, low, and rounded at the borders; the fingers are elongate, not gaping, and pointed at tip; outer and inner surfaces of both fingers are marked by a longitudinal row of granules, and the under border of the fixed finger is provided, like the back of the movable finger, with two similar rows; the cutting margins of the fingers are finely crenulate, and in some cases there is a faint prominence, resembling a tooth, in the proximal half of the movable finger. Of the walking legs the length gradually diminishes from before backward ; the mero- podites are narrowing distally and unarmed; the dactyli are somewhat curved and as long as the propodites, save in the last pair of legs, where the dactylus is quite straight, even curved backward and distinctly longer than the preceding joint. The hairy-edged pouch leading into the branchial cavity and situated between the first and second pair of walking legs has been already mentioned. Whether such a structure exists also in the other species of this genus is unknovvn to me, as I have, neither with regard to Sc. globosa nor to the other species, found anything in the literature concerning this. Tympanomerus Rathbun. 1S35. Cleistostoma (part.) de Haan. Fauna Japon., Crust., p. 26. 1888. Dioxippe de Man. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, p. 137 (praeocc). 1897. Tympanomerus Rathbun. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, v. 11, p. 164. The genus, of which "-Cleistostoma" pusilla de Haan is the type, comprises some small crabs, which, though sometimes resembling Dotilla and the like by the presence of tympana on the legs, in their general appearance approach Macropthalmus, for the body is less cubical than in Dotilla and the carapace is decidedly broader than long. By the shape of the abdomen of the cf and of the external maxillipeds they are decidedly related to Scopimera, but the ischium of the external maxillipeds is shorter than the merus. The cf sex especially is remarkable by the bulky size of the chelipeds, that are much stouter than the ambulatory legs. 4S 49 The "Siboga" collected, besides one already known species, another. that is appar- ently new. Key to the species : i. Tympana on meropodites of walking legs present .... 2 Tympana on meropodites of walking legs absent .... 5 2. Upper orbital margin transverse, not sloping-. Lateral borders of carapace arcuate, convex; carapace itself with short, transverse, setiferous rugosities T. deschampsi Rathbun ! Upper orbital margin much sloping backward. Lateral borders of carapace concave or straight, but markedly converging backward ; carapace itself nearly smooth 3 3. Eye-stalk continued beyond the cornea into a long, cylindrical horn, somewhat resembling that of Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas). A tooth behind external orbital angle .... 7". ceratophonts (Koelbel) Eye-stalk not continued bevond the cornea 4 4. External orbital angle produced, defined posteriorly by an emargination. Both fingers of chela longitudinally carinate. Abdomen of cf not constricted in the middle T. pusillus (de Haan) 2) External orbital angle directed forward, not foliowed posteriorly by an emargination. Eingers of chela not carinate. Abdomen of cf constricted in the middle T. integer n. sp. 5. Lateral margins of carapace di verging backward. Carpopodite of cheliped much elongate, with an obtuse prominence near proximal end of inner margin, meropodite very short, scarcely projecting beyond carapace T. orientalis (de Man) :i) Lateral margins of carapace subparallel (convex) or converging backward. Carpopodite of cheliped of ordinary shape and unarmed 6 6. Upper orbital margin transverse. Palm of chela with a reticul- ating pattern, immovable finger on a level with lower border of palm. Walking legs short and rather thick T. stapletoni de Man 4) Upper orbital margin sloping. Palm of chela granular, not reticulate, immovable finger bent downward. Walking legs lono- and narrow T. philippinensis Rathbun 5) 1) Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 46, 1914, p. 356, pi. 32, pi. 33, f. I. It has been recorded from Shanghai and Korea. Notwith- standing the tympana on the legs, save the last pair, this species exhibits an unmistakable resemblance to T. stapletoni de Man, but the front is rounded, not angled, the palm has a longitudinal ridge close to and parallel with the under border, and the shape of the abdomen of the $ is somewhat different (RATHBUN). 2) Ocypode (Cleistostoma) pusilla de Haan. Faun. Japon., 1S35, p. 56, pi. 16, f. 1. Hab. Japan. 3) Dioxippe orientalis de Man. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, iSSS, p. 138, pi. 9, f. 8—10. Hab. Mergui Arch. 4) Ree. Ind. Museum, v. 2, prt 3, 1908, p. 212, pi. 18, f. I. In brackish water of the Dacca District (Eastern Bengal). 5) Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 47, 1914, p. 84. Hab. Philippines. 49 SIHOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX 1. 7 5Q ï. Tympanomerus ceratophorus (Koelbel). PI. 2, Fig. 2. 1898. Dioxippe ceratophora Koelbel. Wiss. Erg. Reise Béla Széchenyi in Ost-Asien, Bd 2, p. 573, PI. 1, f. 8—12. Stat. 33. River near Pidjot, Lombok. 1 cf. Though Koelbel has given a most accurate description and an excellent figure of this species, the paper cited above appears to be very rare ') and I presume, that it is therefore not superfluous to give a new description. As in Tympanomerus pusillus the carapace is rather flattened, roughly pentagonal, and with the regions very obscurely defined. The gastric area is broad, smooth, with a short longitudinal sulcus on the anterior part, which sulcus is sharply defined posteriorly, but gradually disappears proximally. Hepatical regions scarcely distinct from gastric area, sloping laterally and forward, towards the orbit. Cervical groove, dividing gastric and cardiac area, rather distinct, short and concave. Cardiac area small, hexagonal ~). Intestinal region occupying the entire posterior part of the carapace, and defined anteriorly, as is usual in this genus, by a ridge, which in our species is curved, with the concavity turned backward; the region presents so a narrow, crescent-shaped outline. Branchial regions somevvhat roughened and sloping like the hepatical regions, but not at all separated from the latter; only the inner branchial areas are somewhat defined and faintly bulging. Front, as Koelbel remarks, at base about x/6 the distance betwèen the external orbital angles, with slightly converging side borders that pass with very much rounded angles into to somewhat convex anterior border, which latter is almost imperceptibly produced in the middle ; the front is almost perpendicularly deflexed and exhibits two stiff hairs implanted near the anterior angles and also shown in the figure 2. Supra-orbital borders wavy, much sloping back- ward, especially in their outer half, but almost transverse near the outer angle, microscopically beaded. The distance between these angles is about 1 lL times the length of the carapace ; the angle themself (fig. 2a) is peculiar, it is short, directed straight outward and very obtuse 3), below the lateral margin there are some few feathered hairs projecting beyond the margin ; posteriorly the angle is foliowed by a deep, almost semi-circular notch, ending posteriorly in a very small tubercle (epibranchial angle); the distance between these angles is very slightly less than that between the anterior angles of the carapace 4). Behind the epibranchial angle the lateral margin of the carapace describes a sigmoid curve, which is iinely granulate, with a row of curious, club-shaped, short hairs (auditory or sensory) in its anterior part, and sloping almost perpendicularly towards the base of the penultimate leg. Dorsally this lateral margin is accom- panied by a less curved and not continuous ridge at either side of the carapace, thus separating off a strip of the carapace, that is roughly granulate; in dorsal view we remark the bulging sub- branchial region projecting beyond the sigmoid lateral margin, the distance between the posterior 1) Thanks to ihe kindness of Dr. DE Man I have been enabled to consult it. 2) Koeluel nientions a very faint longitudinal groove on this region, which I have not been able to detect. 3) According to Koelbel's figure the lateral margin is senulate; in my specimen I observed likewise three small prominences, that were, hovvever, much less conspicuous. 4) Koei.bel's measurements indicate, that in his specimen the reverse is the case. 5° ends of which latter is somewhat less than that between the epibranchial ancdes. The hind margin of the carapace is straight and only 2/3 of the distance between the anterior an-' The abdomen, as Koelbel remarks, is almost wholly similar to that of Scopimera globosa (fig.~2c), but the fourth segment has less produced anterior angles and is about as lono- as the preceding segment; the fifth segment is narrower at the base, not longer than the next and the terminal segment is not- semi-circular, but semi-elliptical. It is curious to note, that in the type species, T. pusillus, the abdomen of the /., times 54 55 the length of the preceding segment. Contrary to what is found in Scopimera globosa and Tympanomerus ceratophorus, the lateral margins of the fifth and sixth segment are not diverging. but subparallel; the sixth (penultimate) segment is almost quadrate, as long as broad, and equal in length to the terminal segment, that is semi-circular. The fusing of the fourth and fifth segment, the parallel lateral margins of the constricted part of the abdomen, and the length of this constricted part exceeding that of the proximal enlarged portion, are characters which seem peculiar to this species and are not found in other species of the genus. The infra-orbital border projects somewhat beyond the supra-orbital one; it is regularly curved, much sloping backward in its outer portion and regularly crenulate throughout, without any notches; parting from the middle of the border a row of similar crenulations runs obliquely towards the antero-lateral angles of the buccal frame, and on the lower wall of the orbit there are a few hairs, irregularly disposed. The side walls of the body are perpendicular, not sloping outward, wholly covered with large, setiferous tubercles; on the subbranchial regions an oblique groove runs from the base of the posterior leg forward and ventrally to the base of the cheliped. The eye-stalks are rather elongate, and the bulging cornea reaches beyond the external orbital ansfle. As to the antennulae, the antennae, the epistome and the buccal frame I observed no particular difference between the present and the preceding species. The external maxillipeds, (fig. i 6), are similar, but the ischium is not quadrate, but widens distally and is distinctly shorter than the merus, the oblique row of hairs near the anterior margin, which latter is trans- verse, is better developed ; the merus has a broadly-triangular shape, owing to the fact, that both lateral margins are nearly straight and much convercfing; forward; the rla°'ellum is wholly like that of T. ceratophorus and there are the same feathered hairs both on the fiagellum and at the inner margin of the merus. The chelipeds are slightly unequal (the left being the larger), and bulky, owing to the size of the chela, that alone in the left cheliped exceeds the length of the carapace, but the meropodite is very short, scarcely projecting beyond the carapace, somewat convex at its outer surface, but fiattened at the under and inner face, and provided with a nearly circular, small tympanum, half as long as the length of the meropodite, only at the inner side; the edges are crenulate, and the upper edge, which is much convex, has a small notch at its subdistal end, whereas the outer border ends distally in a prominent tooth, that is itself crenulate. The wrist is short, unarmed, only crenulate along the inner margin, the under surface presents a tuft of hairs near the proximal end of the inner margin and another larger one near the articulation with the palm ; the convex upper surface is provided with scale-like rugosities. The palm (fig. \a) is much inflated, about as high as long, and longer than the fingers; the under border is somewhat convex, curving upvvard towards the tip of the fixed finger, compressed and crenulate in the middle of its course; the upper border is rounded in its cüstal portion, but carinate near the carpal articulation ; the whole inner surface of the palm is covered with squamiform structures, similar to those on the wrist; along the upper margin the outer surface is very finely granular and the rest of this surface is characteristically sculpturecl and divided into two 55 56 portions, separated by an oblique line, running from the base of the movable finger diagonally downward to the carpal articulation : the upper portion presents the same squamiform, though less regular, markings as already mentioned, the under portion is smooth, ivory-white, continued on the outer surface of the fingers and broken up in its proximal parts into reticulating lines. By this character and also by the general shape of the palm, the chela resembles much that of T. stapletoni de Man, but Ti e re the reticulation is reduced to dark, not elevated lines and . spreads over the entire surface. The fingers are shorter than the palm, thick, conical, gaping at the base, somewhat spooned and hairy at the tip; the fixed finger is straight, very high proximally, but rapidly tapering to the tip, rather sharp-edged at under border, and provided witli 6 — 8 indentations at the cutting margin, but whereas in the right (smaller) chela these indentations are regular, the 3 proximal ones being slightly larger than the 4 that follow, in the left chela there is, parting from the base, firstly an elevated tooth with sloping sides, foliowed by some 6 — 7 very' small indentations between the larger tooth and the tip; the movable finger is curved, and the proximal two-thirds of its back are covered with the same fine granules that accompany the upper border of the palm, the cutting margin is likewise toothed, but on the finger at the right side there are 12 — 13 very minute indentations, not differing appreciably in size, whereas the finger of the left cheliped has firstly three rather laro-e, semi-circular indentations, foliowed by five much smaller ones. Between the bases of the first and second and also between those of the second and third walking leg there are tufts of silky hairs, that apparently mark two openings into the branchial cavity at either side of the carapace, as has been noted already in the description of the preceding species. All the ambulatory legs are nearly equally long, measuring about the distance between the anterior angles of the carapace, but much shorter than the chelipeds. The meropodites are 2lL times as long as broad, narrowing distally, with the anterior distal ano-le projecting freely and rectangularly, and provided at both surfaces with rather laro-e, o val tympana; carpo- and propodite are together somewhat longer than the meropodite, hairy at both margins; the dactyli finally are conical, acutely pointed, slightly curved and shorter than the propodites. Like the preceding species, the colour is a chestnut-brown ; the chelipeds are lighter coloured. In the general appearance and in the presence of tympana this species approaches /'. pusillus (de Haan), but the carapace is comparatively narrower, more convex and not notched behind the external orbital angles, the shape of the abdomen is altogether different, the eye-stalks are longer, the maxillipeds much less operculiform and narrower, and the chelae are much more bulky and differently sculptured. Dimensions in mm. : Distance between external orbital angles . 5.5 Length of carapace 4. — Total length of abdomen 4.25 Length of constricted part of abdomen . 3. — Horizontal length of left chela .... 4.75 Height of palm 3.25 Length of posterior pair of legs .... 6.75 56 57 I presunie, that this small specimen, taken at Kur Island near the Kei Islands, has been livino- in the brook (that is said to be strong in the rainy season ]) at the west coast of the island, for the species of Tympanomerus seem to prefer brackish and fresh water, as far as is known to me, and cannot be called strictly marine. Subfam. 'M a.crophthalminae The members of this group differ widely in outer appearance : the carapace may be very broad, sometimes even twice as broad as long, and the eye-stalks are in some cases greatly elongate, whereas in othcr instances the carapace is nearly quadrate and the ocular peduncles are shorter than the front, which characters approach those of the Grapsidae. Yet the present subfamily belongs to the Ocypodidae on account of the external maxillipeds being slightly or not at all gaping, and among this latter family they are distinguished by the depressed, generally not globose cephalothorax, the carapace being broader than long. the antennulae transverse and separated by a narrow septum. Key to the genera : i. Merus of external maxilliped shorter than ischium; flagellum thick, articulatincr at antero-external an°[le of merus. Front deflexed. Eye-stalks generally very long, sometimes reaching far beyond the external orbital angles 2 Merus of external maxilliped as long as, or longer than, ischium, flagellum more slender, at least the two terminal joints. Front deflexed or horizontal 4 2. A small gap between external maxilipeds, meri broader than long Macrophthalmus Latreille A somewhat wider gap between external maxillipeds, meri about as broad as long 3 3. Front at anterior margin measuring more than one-third of the distance between the external orbital angles, eyes reaching to these outer angles. Merus of external maxilliped with a deep, diagonal sulcus Hemiplax Heller -) Front at anterior margin measuring less than one-third of the distance between the external orbital angles, eyes not reaching to these outer angles. Eye-stalks longer than front. . . . Euplax H. Milne-Edwards 4. Lateral margins of carapace strongly divergent backward till the level of the bases of the penultimate pair of legs. Chelipeds, even of d, extremely weak and small, much shorter than walking legs. Merus of external maxilliped auriculate at its 1) Max Weber. Introduct. et descr. de 1'exp. du "Siboga", 1902, p. 117 and p. 29 (with textfig.). 2) This genus contains but a single species, H. hirtipcs Heller (Reise "Novara", Crust., 1865, p. 40, pi. 4, f. 3) that occurs at New Zealand. S1B0GA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX c. 57 8 58 antero-external angle, broader than ischium ; exognath not concealed Tylodiplax de Man Lateral margins of carapace convex, sometimes toothed. Che- lipeds, ;it least of cf, stronger. Merus of external maxilliped not auriculate, but regularly arched at outer margin, and strongly notched anteriorly for the reception of the carpus; exognath concealed in outer view 5 5. Carapace more or less strongly vaulted. Lateral angles of front rounded Cleistostoma de Haan Carapace fiattened. Lateral angles of front produced .... 6 6. Two obtuse teeth behind external orbital angle ; carapace sub- hexagonal, with a prominent transverse ridge across the cardiac region and running from side to side Camptandrium Stimpson Lateral margins of carapace mostly entire or with one tooth, convex ; carapace subcircular or roughly transversely-oyal . . Paracleistostoma de Man Macrophthalmus Latreille. 1829. Macrophthalmus Latreille. Règne an., ed. 2, t. 4, p. 44. In a recent paper l) I have given a synopsis of all the known species of this genus, so that a profound treatment would be useless. 1. Macrophthalmus telescopicus (Owen). Stat. 258. Kei Islands. 1 <$ juv. The following records in the literature had previously been overlooked by me : Macrophthalmus telescopicus Ortmann. Denkschr. med.-natu'rwiss. Gesellsch. Jena, Bd 8, 1894, p. 58 (Thursday Island). Macrophthalmus podophthalmus Lanchester. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 760 (Singapore). Macrophthalmus telescopicus Rathbun. Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, 1906, p. 834 (Honolulu). 2. Macrophthalmus graeffci A. Milne-Edwards. Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. 1 Q. Stat. 64. Tanah Djampeah, Flores Sea. 1 9- This small species which now must be considered distinct from M. convexus Stimpson is represented by two specimens, and one of these has nearly all the legs detached. 1) Zool. Mededeel. Mus. Leiden, v. i, 191 5. p. 149. I regret to say that, besides some omissions in the full litterature upon the subject, I had overlooked a subspecies of M. dilatatus viz. carens Lanchester (Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 759, pi. 47, f. 11) from Singapore and Malacca. Shortly after the publication of my paper I became acquainted with M. saniiakani Rathbun (Proc. L". S. Nat. Mus., v. 47, 1914, p. 82) from Sandakan (Borneo), allied to M. grandidieri A. Milne-Edwards. 5S 59 3. Macrophthalmus convexus Stimpson. Stat. S6. Dongala, west coast of Celebes. I cf, I Q. 4. Macrophthalmus latreillei Desmarest. Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. 1 (ƒ. 5. Macrophthalmus dcfinitus Adams et White. Stat. 71. Alacassar. i v Kuplax H. Milne-Edwards. 1852. Euplax H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, p. 160. 1858. Chaenostoma Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, p. 97. Besides the well known E. boscii another species, " Cleistostoma" tridentatum A. Milne- Edwards seems to belong to this genus, but the shape of the front is altogether different, and the original specimen turned out to be so much injured at the time ot its examination by de Man that its proper place remains doubtful. The two species may be distinguished thus : Front truncate anteriorly. Ischium of external maxilliped without an obliquely-transverse row of hairs. Epibranchial tooth sepa- rated from outer orbital angle by a deep emargination. Inner surface of palm and fingers of cheliped clothed with a thick fur of hairs ; movable finger with a large quadrangular tooth at the cutting margin E. boscii (Audouin) Front triangular anteriorly. Ischium of external maxilliped with an obliquelv-transverse row of hairs. Inner surface of palm naked, but gap of fingers filled up with hairs ; movable finger without lareer tooth at the inner margin, but furnished on the back with a longitudinal row of small tubercles E. tridentata ( A. Milne Edw.)8) 1) L. c. p. 199. 2) Buil. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., Cambridge, Mass., v. 52, 19 10, p. 307, pi. 2, f. 1. 3) Journ. Mus. Godeffroy, t. 4, 1873, p. 82. The author iocludes into the short diagnosis the presencc of three acutely-pointed teetri (including outer angle of the orbit) at either side of the carapace. Afterwards de Man (Milt. naturh. Mus. Hamburg, n° 13, 1896, p. 93, pi. 3, f. 5) examined the original specimen (which according to MtLNE-EDWARDS was found at l'polu) and placed it, though with hesitation, in the neighbourhood of "■Chaenostoma" (= Euplax). In later yeais Grant and Mc CuiXOCH (Proc. Linn. Sec. N. S. Wales, v. 31, 1906, p. 21, pi. 1, f. 3) described a new species, 59 6o i. Euplax boscii (Audouin). 1825. Macrophthalmus bescii (Savigny)' Audouin. Expl. planches Crust. d. 1'Egypte, pi. 2, f. 1. 1843. Macrophthalmus boscii Krauss. Südafr. Crust., p. 40, pi. 2, f. 5. 1852. Euplax boscii H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, p. 160. 1852. Cleistostoma boscii Dana. U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., p. 313, pi. 19, f. 3. 1858. Chaenostoma oriëntale Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, p. 97. [858. Chaenostoma crassimaniis': Stimpson. Ibid. p. 97. 1873. Euplax (Chaenostoma) boscii A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 281. 1880. Euplax boscii de Man. Notes Leyden Mus., v. 2, p. 71. 18S4. Euplax boscii Miers. Zool. Voy. "Alert", Crust., p. 540. 1886. Euplax (Chaenostoma) boscii Miers. Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, p. 252. 1SS8. Euplax boscii. de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 357. 1894. Euplax boscii Ortrnann. Denkschr. med.-naturw. Gesellsch. Jena, Bd 8, p. 58. 1905. Euplax boscii Lenz. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 27, p. 367. 1906. Euplax (Chaenostoma) boscii Nobili. Ann. Sc. Nat., (9) t. 4, p. 319. 1907. Chaenostoma oriëntale Stimpson, Smithson. Inst, Miscell., Coll., v. 49, p. 98. 1907. Chaenostoma crassimaniis'' Stimpson. Ibid. p. 98. 1910. Euplax boscii Stebbing, Ann. S. A. Mus., v. 6, prt 4, p. 329. Stat. 86. Dongala, west coast of Celebes. 6 tf , 7 Q- Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. 1 <ƒ, 3 9 (one of" tne 'atter with a parasitic Isopod in its left branchial cavity). Stat. 133. Lirung, Talaut Islands. 3 cT, 2 9 (a'l juv-)- Stat. 225c. Luci'para Islands, Banda Sea. 2 cf , 1 9 (aU Juv0- Stat. 231. Ambon. 2 $. Stat. 250. Kur Island. 2 rf juv. On account of some discrepancy between the original descriptions of H. Milne-Edwards and Dana, Stimpson founded the genus Chaenostoma tbr the reception of Dana's species, which he believed to be distinct from the true "-Macrophthalmus" boscii; for this reason the name Chaenostoma oriëntale was proposed. It is now generally agreed, that in reality this latter is identical with Euplax boscii, for the differences in the shape of the external maxillipeds are variable, so that in some specimens the merus is much more distinctly shorter than the ischium than is the case in others. I am inclined to regard '■'Chaenostoma' crassimanus Stimpson likewise as a synonym of the present species. The author does not precisely enumerate its specific characters, but in comparing his description with what may be observed in adult specimens of Euplax boscii, the principal differences are, that there is only a slight emargination behind the outer orbital angle, ahd that the eyes outreach these angles in E. crassimanai. Stimpson's specimen is very small (only 6 — 7 mm. across the carapace) and in specimens of this and of smaller size I observed exactly the very differences here enumerated. It was collected, moreover, at the same locality as E. boscii (Loo-Choo Islands). De Man (1888) remarks, that this species attains a breadth of 15 mm. across the carapace, but that a 9 of only 9 mm. breadth was bearing eggs. The "Siboga"-material Metapla\ hirsulimana, which was afterwards by the latter author (Ree. Austral. Mus., v. 9, n» 3, 1913, p. 321), on Miss Rathbun's authority, recognized to be the same as E. tridentata. The specimens were taken by the Australian authors in rather gveat quantities on the mud-flats of Auckland Creek (Queensland) and of the mouth of the Paramatta River (New South Wales). 60 6i contains specimens of all size, and among them is one very large Q (egg-bearing), the carapace of which measures 21 mm. in maximum breadth, the length being 14.5 mm. There seem to be two principal colour variations, one being greyish-blue on the carapace and the upper parts of the walking legs, and another in which these parts are chestnut-brown with occasional faint transverse stripes of this colour on the legs. These variations are inde- pendent of age and sex. The chelae of the cT are always white at the outer surface. This common species is apparently widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region : it ranges from the Red Sea along the coast of Africa down to the Cape region (Natal), and it occurs in the Indo-Malayan Archipelago, at the Pacific Islands and in the Loo-Choo Archipelago. It is curious, that it seems absent in British India; at least I am not aware of any locality in these reeions. "ö Cleistostoma de Haan. 1835. Cleistostoma de Haan (part.). Faun. Japon., Crust. p. 26. 1900. Clistostoma Alcock. L. c. p. 372. In the convex lateral margins of the carapace and in the operculiform external maxil- lipeds, the merus of which is longer than the ischium (the latter produced at its antero-internal angle) the genus agrees with Paraclcistostoma, but the anterior margin of the front passes with a regular curve into the lateral margins, and the carapace is much convex in both directions. Only three species r) seem to belong to the genus. Key to the species : 1 . Lateral margins of carapace regularly rounded. Exognath oi external maxilliped partly visible in outer view. Meropodites of walking legs very broad, flattened at upper surface . . 2 Lateral margins of carapace projecting in an obtuse angle at the end of the anterior third of their course. Exognath of external maxilliped entirely concealed in outer view. Meropodites of walking legs slender, not flattened; 2nd and 3d pair each with two hairy tubercles on their anterior margin, ist and 4"1 pair with only one Cl. lingulatum Rathbun ~) 2. Carapace near lateral margins tomentose, as are also the mero- podites of the walking legs; margins of meropodites entire . Cl. dilatatum de Haan Carapace and legs almost naked, meropodites of the latter ser- rulate at their anterior, spinulous at their posterior margin . Cl. dotilliforme Alcock 3) 1) Cleistostoma leachi (Audouin) from the Red Sea seems to have, accovding to DE Man, its proper place in Parackistostoma. The latter author refers, though hesitatingly, Cleistostoma tridentatum A. Milne-Edwards to Euplax (see p. 59). As to Cleistostoma hirtifes Jacquinot et Lucas (Voy. TAstrolabe" et "la Zélée", t. 6, p. 68, pi. 6, f. 3), it is an obscure species, the genene position of which is doubtful (see also my paper on Macrophthalmus, Zool. Med., v. I, 1915, p. 151, note) and the same may be said of Cleislofsjtoma edwardsi Mac Leay (Smith's 111. Zool. S. Africa, 183S, p. 64). 2) Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, v. 22, 1909, p. 108. K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7. Kaekke, Afd. 5, n» 4, 1910, p. 323, textfig. 7 and 8. Hab. Gulf of Siam. 3) L.c. p. 373. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust., prt 10, 1902, pi. 64, f. I. Hab. Karachi. 61 62 i . Cleistostoma dilatatum de Haan. 1835. Ocypode 'Cleistostoma) dilatata de Haan. Faun. Japon., Crust. p. 55, pi. 7, f. 3. 1852. Cleistostoma dilatata H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. iS, p. 160. 1895. Cleistostoma dilatatum de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 8, p. 595 (note). In comparing the only specimen of de Haan in the Leiden Museum with the original Aa-ure it is evident that this is the very specimen from which de Haan took his observations and consequently his drawing is wrong in representing the carapace too long and the front too broad, whereby I only affirm de Man's statements; this latter author has furnished us with measurements. De Haan is also wrong in stating that the lateral margins of the carapace are entire, not granulate; in reality they are finely and regularly beaded throughout. This species has much in common with Alcock's Cl. dotilliformc, but is relatively much broader (maximum breadth of carapace 1,53 times the length in the former and 1.32 in the latter species). In both species the shape of the meropodites of the ambulatory legs is equally foliaceous, and in both the anterior margin of the perfectly flattened and naked upper surface of the meropodites is marked by a granulate row, at least in the case of the first to third pair of legs. From the point where the carapace reaches its maximum breadth in Cl. dilatatum a granulate and hairy row runs obliquely backward on the subbranchial region to the bases of the second pair of walking legs, thus marking off dorsally a triangular facet, as Miss Rathbun describes in Cl. lingulatum. The pterygostomial regions are much like that ot Alcock's species, but in Cl. dilatatum there is an additional sulcus, running transversely, immediately below the infra-orbital border, which latter is finely and regularly crenulate, not in the coarse way as represented in Cl. dotilliforme. The external maxillipeds (figured by de Haan on pi. B) again closely agree with those of the latter species : the merus is large, quadrate, not narrowing anteriorly (as in Cl. lingulatum) ; the sulci on the surface are perfectly alike in both species- the ischium has an obliquely-transverse, very narrow groove close to the anterior margin and the antero-internal angle is produced into an obtuse prominence; the exognath is only partly exposed in outer view. The eye-stalks are thick, slightly shorter than the breadth of the front betweeh the bases of these eye-stalks. Paracleistostoma de Man. 1895. Paracleistostoma de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 8, p. 580. Four species belong to this genus, and a fifth one has been added by the "Siboga" expediton. Key to the species : 1 . Palm of cheliped of c? with a superior and an inferior longitudinal granulate crest. Ambulatory legs covered with a close fur of long, yellow hairs ■ P. eriophorum Nobili \) Palm of cheliped smooth, without crests. Ambulatory legs nor- mally hairy 2 1) Boll. Mus. Torino, t. 18, I903, n" 447, p. 23. Hab. Buntal (Borneo). 62 63 2. Branchial and anterior cardiac region with a continuous, transverse ridge across the carapace. Epigastric lobes distinct, sharp . . P . cristatum de Alan l] Carapace smooth, without transverse ridge. Epigastric lobes indistinct, not sharp 3 3. Lateral margins of carapace with a prominent tooth, a little anterior to the middle of their course, anterior part concave, external orbital angle produced. Walking legs long, meropodites of 2d and 3d pair very much elongate P. dentatum n. sp. Lateral margins of carapace regularly arched, not toothed. Walking legs not elongate 4 4. Anterior margin of front 0.3 of maximum breadth of carapace. 5th segment of abdomen of c? about as broad as long, with parallel lateral margins. Movable finger of cheliped curved . . P. leachii (Audouin) -) • Anterior margin of front 0.2 of maximum breadth of carapace. 5th segment of abdomen of c? fused with the preceding and with convergent lateral margins. Movable finger of cheliped straight, fingers widely gaping P. depressum de Man s) 1. Paracleistostoma dentatum n. sp. PI. 3, Fig. 2. Stat. 66. Saleyer Island, near south point of Celebes. Depth varying from 9— 34 M. 1 9- This small species is at once distinguished by the prominent tooth on the sides of the carapace, and by the elongate shape of the meropodites óf the walking legs, especially in the case of the third pair. The carapace is not so much flattened as in P . depressum (the only species with which I could compare it), uneven in the middle parts and sloping towards the sides, especially on the outer parts of the branchial regions; in longitudinal direction it is rather much vaulted. The various regions are not very distinct, and the whole surface is hairless, with scattered punctae (only visible by a rather strong magnification), except on the gastric and cardiac area. The cervical groove, which is found anterior to a line connecting the lateral teeth of the carapace and so lying nearer to the supra-orbital border than to the posterior margin of the carapace, is short, concave forward ; the gastric region is faintly or not at all defined laterally, but, so far as can be observed, much narrower than the very broad cardiac region. At the base of the front the two epigastric lobes are visible as sharp, transverse ridges, scarcely separated one from another, and immediately behind the lateral part of each there is a small and shallow depression on the epigastric region. The cardiac area is much broader than the gastric region, owing to its lateral parts being auriculate in their posterior half; its length in 1) Ckhtostoma dilatatum Ortmann nee de Haan. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 733. Hab. Japan. De Man (Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 8, 1895, P- 59°) afterwards studied the very specimens of Ortmann. 2) For literature on this Red Sea species see Nobili : Ann. Sc. Nat. (9) t. 4, 1906, p. 316, for description : DE Man, Milt. naturhist. Mus. Hamburg, n° 13, 1896, p. 90. 3) De Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 8, 1895, p. 581, pi. 14, f. 13. Hab. Tenang and Pontianak. 63 64 the median line is only one-third of its maximum breadth, and anterior and postërior groove are concave, with the convexity turned towards each other. An intestinal region is wanting. Hepatic and branchial regions are not separated one from another, on the hepatic region there is a small tubercle, near the lateral margin of the carapace and behind the external orbital angle, and on the branchial regions there is a pair of similar tubercles, one behind the other, and situated postërior to the level of the lateral teeth : parting from these tubercles the carapace is strongly declivous towards the margins. Ouite near the branchio-cardiac sulci a small depression is found on either side of the carapace. The front is narrovv, measuring between the bases of the eye-stalks only one-fifth of the distance between the external orbital angles, vertically deflexed; the anterior margin is convex, but concave near the lateral angles, which are produced into rat her long points, and it is this character that decides the systematic place of the new species (fig. 20); the upper surface of the front, before the epigastric lobes, is excavated; the lateral margins are decidedly concave, somewhat turned upward and thickened, and continued without transition into the sigmoid-shaped, wholly trans verse, and finely beaded supra-orbital borders, that terminate in rather lono', triangular external orbital ano-les; the distance between these anodes is 1 V, times the total length of the carapace. Behind the anterior angles the lateral margins are strongly concave in upper view all along the anterior half of their course, finally terminating in a strong, triangular tooth at either side of the carapace; this tooth is obtuse and directed outward. The postërior halves of the lateral margins of the carapace are converging distally and the perfectly straight postërior margin is nearly as long as the distance between the anterior angles, and much shorter than that between the lateral teeth. The eye-stalks are i3/4 times the breadth of the front and do not reach the outer angle of the orbit; the lower border of the latter is visible in dorsal view and entire, not notched, but finely crenulate throughout, the crenulations being intermingled with short hairs; the outer portion much slopes backward and disappears beneath the external orbital angle. The antennulae are lodged immediately beneath the anterior margin of the front; the angles of the latter nearly touch the antero-internal angle of the basal joint of the antennae. Epistome rather short, but inferior border produced into a triangular tooth. Ptery- gostomial regions separated from subhepatical ones by a shallow sulcus and crossed by a hairy ridge that is continued backward as far as the bases of the penultimate pair of legs. The buccal frame is somewhat wider posteriorly than anteriorly. The external maxillipeds (fig. 2^) are quadrate, completely closing the buccal cavern, as in Cleistostoma. Ischium shorter than merus, with perfectly parallel lateral margins; postërior and anterior margin are somewhat oblique and likewise parallel; the internal angle of the latter is slightly produced, though not quite so distinct as in the preceding genus; breadth of ischium decidedly exceeding its length. Merus likewise broader than long; the postërior portion of the external margin is straight, in a line with that of the ischium, but the anterior part strongly curves inwards to meet the carpus ; the internal margin is very short, convex, and excavated for the reception of the carpus, which latter is as long as, and twice as broad as, the two next segments. Flagellum very little hairy. The surface of both ischium and merus is perfectly smooth, without 64 65 hairs or grooves, and even the transverse row near the suture, on the ischium, is entirely want ing. The exognath is very little exposed. The very broad abdomen of the Q consists of 7 separate segments; it entirely co\ the stemum and the numerous eggs concealed under it measure about 0.2 mm. The chelipeds of the Q (ng- 2 6) are as long as the distance between the external orbital angles, but exceedingly weak, rod-like; the meropodite projects beyond the carapace, is about as long as the chela and twice as long as the carpopodite ; bdth arm and wrist are covered with small granules, but otherwise quite unarmed; the palm is very low, its height being only one-third of its length, and somewhat longer than the straight, slender iïngers, the inner margins of which are entire; hngers and palm are fringed at both margins with long hairs. Of the walking legs the penultimate pair is the longest, nearly twice the distance between the anterior angles of the carapace; the last pair is the shortest. Half the length of the legs is due to the great elongation of the slender meropodite, which at its maximum breadth (in its anterior third) is only one-fourth as broad as long, quite unarmed, not depressed and of a frosted appearance owing to the presence of minute, squamifofm granules. Carpo- and propodite are smooth, fringed with long hairs. The dactyli are straight, much compressed, shorter than the propodites and likewise fringed; those of the last pair are slightly curved backward. The animal is of a uniform ivory-white colour. Dimensions in mm. : Distance between external orbital angles 5. — Length of carapace 3.25 Distance between lateral teeth of carapace .... 6.25 Postenor margin of carapace 4.5 Length j t 40 of meropodite of penultimate pair of legs Breadth \ ' ' | 1.— Breadth of front between eye-stalks 1. — Length of eye-stalk 1.75 Length of cheliped 5- — Camptandrium Stimpson. 1858. Camptandrium Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 107. 1. Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson. PI. 5, Fig. 3. 1S5S. Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185S, p. 107. 1907. Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, p. 138, pi. 17, f. 4. Among the undetermined material of Crustacea in the Leiden Museum I found to my great surprise a cf of this remarkable and apparently extremely rare species, that has never been found again, since its having been dredged by Stimpson from a clepth of a few fathoms in bays near Hongkong. My specimen had been brought home by Dr. Buitendijk from the Bay of Batavia, in 1909. Stimpson's figure is very good and enables one at once to recognize the animal, but not all the details are shown, neither are these exhaustively spoken of in the description. 65 SIBOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX C. 9 66 The carapace is markedly hexagonal, flattened, but divided into a large anterior portion and a much smaller posterior one by way of a prominent trans vers e crest, extending nearly from side to side, most conspicuous across the cardiac region and gradually disappearing laterally. On either side of this obtuse crest l) the surface slopes forward or backward, bat is rather uneven: the external branchial regions are, as usual, strongly declivous, and the whole surface of the carapace shows a very short fur, which, if rubbed off, turns out to conceal a minute oranulation. A short cervical groove, concave forward, separates the small gastric region from the cardiac area; the latter itself is not defined posteriorly but passes into the somewhat bulging intestinal region. The mesogastric region presents some lobules anteriorly, and laterally, on the hepatic regions, there are on either side two obliquely-disposed verrucosities, forming a kind of interrupted row from the mesogastric region towards the posterior lateral tooth of the carapace-, similar, but rounded and longitudinally-arranged structures are found at either side of the gastric region, and in the angle of the branchio-cardiac grooves. Hepatic regions depressed; postfrontal lobes two in number, prominent, but not sharpened anteriorly, placed on the level of the supra-orbital margin. The front is remarkably narrow, about one-third of the distance between the orbital angles, obliquely-deflexed, with the margins thickened and granular; the antetior border is divided into two lobules by the same longitudinal groove that separates the post- frontal lobes; the lateral margins are concave, converging forward, and the anterior angles are pronounced, acuminate. The supra-orbital border is perfectly transverse, save the external third part, that is deeply excavate and rises towards the subrectangular outer orbital tooth. The eye-stalks are comparatively long and slender, but somewhat shorter than the width of the front, and the cornea does not reach to the outer orbital angle. The lateral margins of the carapace are separable into two parts, the anterior ones being somewhat the shorter, markedly d i v e r g i n g backward and divided into t h r e e obtuse t e e t h , i n c 1 u cl i n g the external orbital angle, the anterior two teeth directed forward and of nearly the same shape and size, the posterior tooth being shorter and directed straightly outward; between the tips of these posterior teeth the carapace reaches its maximum breadth and posteriorly the lateral margins are somewhat convex but rapidly converging backward, so that the thickened posterior margin is distinctly shorter than the distance between the outer orbital angles. The antennulae are folded obliquely beneath the front and separated by a triangular, narrow plate (fig. 3 a) ; the antennae are placed in the orbital hiatus, as the inner suborbital tooth does not join the front, the basal joint of the antenna is broad and quadrate, the two following much narrower but of the same length, and the flagellum is rather long, outreaching the eye-stalk. Suborbital border convex and minutely crenulate in its inner two-thirds, concave and finely granular in its external part, that is very little . markecl ; pterygostomial regions granular, with a longitudinal hairy groove; side walls of the body perpendicular and hairy. Epistome short, but distinct ; anterior margin of buccal cavern with a strongly prominent ridge 1) Stimpson speaks in his diagnosis of the genus of three or four interrupted transverse ridges on the carapace, but his draw ing does not essen tially ditïer from the figure here given. 66 6/ in the median line, lateral margins raised, convex, but not diverging distally. External maxillipeds m a r k e d 1 y o p ere u late, s c a r c e 1 y g a p i n g ; ischium with the lateral margins somewhat concave and the anterior inner angle produced, surface smooth, except for a row of very small granules immediately behind the suture between ischium and merus; this suture is slightly oblique and somewhat concave forvvard, but may still be called transverse; merus longer and broader than ischium, inner margin short and straight, anterior margin deeply notched in the middle for the insertion of the carpus, the outer part of this margin reaching farther forward than the inner portion and passing with a much convex outline into the long external margin of the merus, the surface is naked, but provided with a few scattered granules in the middle. Sternum broad ; its anterior margin between the bases of the chelipeds rising into a sharp ridge, forming the postenor boundary of the buccal cavern. Abdomen of cf (fig. 3 c) by far not rilling up the space between the bases of the posterior legs: second segment longer than, but as broad as, the preceding, third, fourth and fifth segment fused, so as to leave scarcely any tracé of sutures, but the sinuses in the margins still provide indications of separation ; third segment narrower than the second, and fourth again narrower than the preceding; between the fourth and fifth segment the abdomen is markedly constricted and then widens again towards the sixth or penultimate segment, the lateral margins of which are convex and slightly converging forvvard, so that the base of the segment is somewhat longer than the anterior margin : the terminal segment finally is semi-circular, the width at the base slightly exceeding the length, which latter is somewhat larger than that of the preceding segment. All the still existing sutures between the segments are peculiarly wavy, and the abdomen reaches upward till nearly the elevated ridge, that anteriorly defines the sternum. The chelipeds (fig. 3^) are equal ; their length equals the maximum breadth of the carapace; meropodite short, slightly projecting beyond the carapace, unarmed, but granular; outer surface with transverse rugosities, upper and especially outer border fringed with rather long hairs; carpopodite small, with the upper surface granular and the inner angle rounded, between this inner angle and the palmar joint with a row of hairs ; chela elongate, palm about i1/. times the length of the fingers and longer than high, with the upper margin rounded, and the whole surface naked and minutely granular-, fingers gaping, not compressed, spooned l) and somewhat hairy at the tip, cutting margins finely crenulate, but the movable finger presents near the base a large, oblique tooth, increasing in height distally and itself finely crenulate at the free margin. The ambulatory legs are rather slender ; the second pair is the longest and about 1 '/2 times the greatest breadth of the carapace, the third pair is only very slightly shorter, and the first and fourth pairs are again shorter and subequal in length. All the legs are hairy at the surface, especially towards the margins, and the latter themselves are heavily fringed with long hairs; the meropodites are 31/, times as long as broad and there is a rectangular prominence near the distal end of the anterior margin, which projection is even acuminate in 1) This character is, according to Stimpson, still more pronounced in the £>, in which the chelae resemble those of the same sex in Uca. 67 • 68 the case of the second pair of legs; carpó- and propodite are more slender than the meropodite and together as long as this meropodite; the dactylus is markedly compressed, in the sa me way as in Ocypoda, and fringed with hairs, that rapidly decrease in length from base to tip, in all the legs the dactyli are about two-thirds of the length of the propodite and slightly curved, but in the case of the poster ior pair the dactyli are per- fectly straight. Stimpsox establishcd a new family Camptandriidae for the reception of his genus, as he observed quite well, that the latter could not be included into the Grapsidae, though apparently allied to Cyrtograpsus Dana. Alcock l), though with a query, referred Camptcuidrium to the Goneplacidae. I am of opinion, that the genus does not belong to ei t her ot these families, but that i t e v i d e n 1 1 y is o n e of the Ocypodidae and that i t s natural place is among the Macrophthalminae. This view is corroborated by the relative narrowness of the front, by the slender eye-stalks, and especially by the plate-like, scarcely ga ping extern al maxillipeds, the merus of which is as large as, or even slightlv larger than, the ischium ; the much compressed shape of the dactyli of the ambulatory legs likevvise points to the Ocypodidae. The affinity to the Macrophthalminae is proved by the absence of hairy tufts between the bases of the walking legs, by the narrow nasal plate separating the oblique antennulae, and by the wiclth of the front, that is broader than in Ocypodinae or Mictyrinae. lts nearest ally is undoubtedly the genus Paracleistostoma de Man, as the later al angles of the front are pro du eed, and the abdomen of the c? is lik e wis e constricted between the fourth and fifth segment, and these segments, together with the third, are completely fused2); besides, the abdomen only occupies slightly more than two-thirds of the interspace between the bases of the posterior legs and reaches upward till nearly the posterior boundary of the buccal cavern, and the movable finger of the chela bears a subquadrate tooth near the base : all these facts point in the same direction. Camptandrium even bears a distant resemblance to the new species P. dentatum (see p. 63, pi. 3, f. 2) in the toothing of the carapace, but it is needless here to enumerate the many points of difference that warrant the maintaining of Camptandrium as quite a distinct genus. As to Miss Rathbun's new species, C. paludicola 3), it is very difficult to decide anything about its true systematic position, as only one young Q has been obtained. After the information we now possess about Camptandrium it is, however, evident, that it does not belong to this genus and I venture to suggest, that it really is to be referred to Cyrtograpsus Dana i), which view is supported by the peculiar toothing of the carapace r') and by the shape of the external maxillipeds, the merus of which is distinctly shorter and smaller than the ischium and auriculate at its antero-external angle. In any case this species certainly belongs to the Grapsidae. 1) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 292. 2) Compaie the details uf Paracleistostoma depressum de Man in Zool. Jahrb. Syst,, Bd 8, 1895, pi. '4i f- 13c' — d. 3) Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, v. 22, 1909, p. 109. K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7. Raekke, Afd. 5, n° 4, p. 326, textfig. 9. Hab. Gulf of Siam, in mangrove swamps. 4) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1851, p. 250. 5) Compare the figures of C. angulatm Dana in U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust,, 1852, p. 352, pi! 22, f. 6. Hab. Rio Negro (Patagonia). 68 69 Dimensions in mm. l) : Distance between external orbital angles 6.9 Width between posterior epibranchial teeth 10.1 Width of front between eye-stalks 2-4 Length of carapace 8.0 Length of posterior margin of carapace 5.1 Length of cheliped 10.25 Horizontal length of chela 4.75 Length of palm 3.0 Height of palm 2.15 Breadth of abdomen at base 3.1 Breadth of posterior margin } \ i.S [ of penultimate segment of abdomen < Length \ ( 1.1 Breadth of posterior margin ) \ 1.5 [ of terminal segment of abdomen <. Length \ ( r.3 Length of 2d pair of walking lcgs 15.3 Length 1 l 6.1 } of meropodite of 2d pair j Breadth j F ^ | 1.8 Length of carpo- and propodite j l 6.3 > of 2d pair Length of dactylus ) ( 2.0 The largest specimen measured by Stimpson (a 9) was of about the size of the animal now described. Tylodiplax de Man. 1895. Tylcdiplax de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst, Bd 8, p. 598. The lateral margins of the carapace are strongly divergent backward and unarmed, the chelipeds, even in the cf, exceedingly small and weak, and the maxillipeds, the exognath of which is wholly exposed, are auriculate at the antero-external angle of the merus -). Two species are contained in the genus, but the systematic place of one of these is doubtful. Key to the species : Front obliquely-defiexed. Carapace with two prominent tubercles on the cardiac region, and two less prominent ones at the an tenor angles of the intestinal region. Chelipeds of c? excessively small and weak T. tetratylophortis de Man '■") Front not defiexed. Carapace somewhat hairy at the margins, but without the prominent tubercles. Chelipeds of cf somewhat larger, but shorter than most of the walking legs T. indien Alcock 4) 1) Measured under riiicroscope. 2) De Man states that this genus is distinguished from Clcistostoma by ha ving the merus of the external maxilliped 1 1 (longer) than the ischium, but this character is observed quite as vt-ell in the latter gemis. 3) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 8, 1S95, p. 599. pi. 14, f. 15. Hab. Penang. 4) L.c. p. 374. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt 10, pi. 64, f. 2. Alcock doubts whether Tylodiplax should not be united with Paracleistostoma or Clcistostoma. The development of the chelipeds in the immature -j" (found at Karachi) rendeis it uncertain whether in the adult form the cheliped should not attain the norrnal size of that the other named genera, but I am of opinion, that even then the shape of the external maxillipeds would justify the maintenance of Tylodiplax. 69 GRAPSIDAE. large family contains some widely spread genera and above all the true Grafisi, that are most conspicuous on all sandy and rocky beaches in the tropïcs. The carapace is squarish, the front broad and much exceeding the length of the short and thick eye-stalks, the external maxillipeds are widely gaping, the chelae are very often provided with a tuft of hairs on the palm or in the cleft of the fingers. Like the Ocypodidae all species are essentially littoral, keeping quite close to the shore, in shallow water, or haunting the beach, where they are found running about with marvellous speed and throwing themselves headlong into the water when pursued. As a rule they do not burrow but shelter themselves under stones. Some species keep to estuaries, to the mouth of rivers or even to entirely fresh water; one genus [Gcograpsus] may be called almost terrestrial ; on the other hand such genera as Planos and Varuna (especially the former) are wont to cling to floating objects and may be carried along all throughout tropical and subtropical seas: as is well known Planes is even a common inhabitant of the Sargassum weed. The family is subdivided into four subfamilies: Grapsinae, Sesarmiuae, Varuninae and Plagnsiinae, for the discrimination of which a reference to Alcock's l) or Borradaile's 2) paper is sufficiënt. Subfam. Grapsinae. The four Indo-Pacific genera are well discriminated by Alcock's most useful memoir and there is to need to repeat his key to Grapsus, Gcograpsus, Metopograpsus and Pachygrapsus s). GrapsUS Lamarck. 1801. Grapsits Lamarck. Syst. An. sans vert., p. 150. Subsequent writers frequently have included into Grapsus several species which really are to be referred to other genera. The true Grapsi are separable into only a few species, two of which are again subdivided into subspecies. 1) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt. 2, 1900, p. 389 — 390. 2) Arm. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) v. 19, 1907, p. 485. Kingsley (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 187) has given most useful key to the genera then known; his analytical tables of the genera are unfortunately ofien unreliable. 3) Lcptograpsus H. Milne-Edvvards with apparently one species only, L. variegatus (Fabricius) (Kingsley, 1. c. p. 196, Ortmann ihrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894 p. 707) is not included; for the species, though occasionally recorded from Australia, Tasmania and China is chiefly a West American one. 70 7i Key to the species : i . Lateral margins of carapace archecl 2 Lateral margins of carapace subparallel Gr. intermedius cle Man 2. Front much deflexed and high i'heisfht half the breadth between Cf V ö eye-stalks). Epistome long. Tooth at inner angle of orbit obtuse. Walking legs, at least propodites, elongate Gr. maculatus Catesl Front less deflexed and less high (height always less than half the breadth between eye-stalks). Epistome shorter. Tooth at inner angle of orbit subacute, keeled. Walking legs shorter. G. strigosus (Herbst) 1 . Grapstis strigosus Herbst. PI. 4, Fig. 1 and 4. Literature and description : ALCOCK : 1. c. p. 393 '). Stat. 34. Labuan Pandan, Lombok. 2 cf (1 juv.), 1 $. Stat. 51. Madura Bay, Molo Strait. 1 9. Stat. 60. Haingsisi, Samau Island near Timor. 1 (f. Stat. 61 a. Adonare Island, east of Flores. 1 9- Stat. 231. Ambon. 2 Q. The specimens are of moderate or small size. Though the differences between the present species and Graftsus maculatus are well enumerated by Alcock, the examination of a large series of specimens of the Leiden Museum induced me to sum up the following points, for the help of those who have no opportunity to compare both species. Grapsus maculatus. 36- — 3/°/0 °f distance betw. ext. orb. angles One-half of its breadth betw. eye- stalk With two symmetrically-placed larger tubercles Obtuse One-third of its breadth More than twice as long as broad Breadth of front Height of front Surface of front 39—40" Grapsus strigosus. of the said distance Inner suborbital tooth Length of epistome Meropodites of walking legs Length of carpo- 4- propodite Distinctly longer than meropodite of penultimate pair of legs of this leg 4) Length of first pair of walking Much shorter than that of last pair legs Distal part of posterior margin Usually not dentate, obscurely so in of meropodite of last pair very large individuals Less than 'one4ialf of its breadth betw. eye-stalks Without such tubercles Subacute, keeled Scarcely one-fourth of its breadth Twice as long as broad Equal to or slightly exceeding length of meropodite a) About equal to that of last pair Dentate as in the preceding legs 1) Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, I. p. 365, pi. 16, f. 1. Hab. Noordwachter Island (Bay of Batavia). Though this species is indeed closely related to Gr. strigosus it is apparently a distinct species, that does not at all attaiD the large size of Herbst's species (breadth of carapace at most about 20 ram.). 2) Literature~~and description : Alcock, 1. c. p. 392. This species has often been called Grapsus grapsus owing to its having been designated by Linné under the name Cancer grapsus. Distributed throughout all tropical regions, but chiefly Atlantic. 3) To the synonyms enumerated by Alcock Grapsus longipes Stimpson should be added (Miss Rathbun in footnote of STIMPSON's memoir (Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 119). This species is wholly Indo-Pacific. 4) See PI. 4, Fig. 2. 5) See PI. 4, Fig. 1. 71 As to some other points of difference (branchial grooves on carapace, shape of tooth at inner angle of wrist, absence or presence of longitudinal median ridge on palm of cheliped), I cannot tïnd them really constant. Each of the two species were split up by H. Milne-Edwards l) into a number of "speek ;", that seem to have been founded on merely individual variations and have been withdrawn by subsequent authors. Yet each of both species seems to offer constant varieties. As to Grapsus maculatus, that is cosmopolitically distributed throughout the warmer ions, Miss. Rathbun remarks 2) : "The common rock crab of the tropics, Grapsus grapsus, is separable into two forms, one in which the lobe on the wrist is very broad and terminates in a short point [G. grapsus typical), and one in which the same lobe is narrovv and terminates -in a long narrow spine [tcuuicristatus Herbst). The former inhabits the coasts of America, including the outlying islands, such as the Galapagos, and also the eastern shores and islands of the Atlantic Ocean; the latter is restricted to the oriental region". I can confirm this state- ment, though it must be owned, that the difference in shape of the inner angle of the wrist is scarcely perceptible in some cases, where specimens of either Atlantic or oriental origin are compared. It seems to be of more importance, that both Gr. maculatus and Gr. strigosus possess a slender-legged form, named resp. Gr. gracilipes H. Milne-Edwards and Gr. longitarsis Dana, that have been given the rank of separate species. In order to elucidate the difference between Gr. maculatus and its subspecies gracilipes, the penultimate leg of both is figured on PI. 4, Fig. 2 and 3. Both are represented natural size; the breadth of the carapace in the specimen of Gr. maculatus is 46 mm., that of Gr. gracilipes*) is much less, $7 mm. Nevertheless we may remark, that the length of the carpo- and propodite together is nearly the same in both specimens, and that in Gr. gracilipes the breadth of the propodite is one-fifth its length measured in the median line, in typical Gr. maculatus more than one-fourth its length. As to Gr. longitarsis, Miss Rathbun who had occasion to examine the typical specimen of Dana, first regarded *) it as a subspecies of Gr. strigosus, that differs in somewhat more elongate propodites, in meropodites narrowing more distinctly, in the more enlarged abdomen of the Q (in the d1 the abdomen is equilaterally triangular) and in the front being less advanced. Afterwards 5) this author raised the subspecies to the rank of a separate species and added some more characters, the most important of these being that the front is wider than in Grapsus strigosus. 1) Arm. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 167 — 170. 2) Buil. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23 pit 3, 1906, p. 838. 3) This is the very specimen mentioned by de Man (Notes Leyden Mus., v. 5, 18S3, p. 159). This author afterwards had the opportunity to examine another specimen from Ternate and to compare it with the typical gracilipes of Milne-Edwards (Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 502)' From the measurements taken (the Ternate specimen is only 1 mm. broader than that of the Leiden Museum) we must conclude, that the length of the propodite of the penultimate pair of legs varies somewhat individually, for in the Ternate specimen it is 25 mm., in my specimen 23.5 mm.). 4) L. c. p. 838, textfig. 4, pi. 8, f. I. Grapsus subquadrattts Stimpson (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1 858, p. 103; Smithson. Misc. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 119, pi. 16, f. 4) is added as a synonym. 5) Mem. Mus. cornp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n° 2, 1907, p. 28. 72 73 There are two small Grapsi in the "Siboga"-collection, both ö", one collected at Stat. ly (Labuan Tring, west coast of Lombok), the other at Stat. 277 (Dammer Island, Banda 5ea). The fïrst named, though the smaller one, is more perfect and has been figured on PI. 4. I regard, though with some doubt, these specimens as Grapsus longitarsis. In the ori< specimen of Dana the legs are apparently wrongly figured '), the dactyli being represented stunted and as long as the short propodites. The lateral margins of the carapace in my specimens are nearly parallel, especially in the smaller individual. By this character they approach Grapsus intermedius, in which, according to de Man, the ambulatory legs are comparatively much shorter. On the whole the carapace and especially the breaclth and shape of the front is wholly like that of Grapsus strigosus, but the walking legs are much more elongate ; the difference in size between the fïrst and fourth pair is distinctly pronounced, and the meropodites are 21/, times as long as broad and narrowing distally. The length of the penultimate pair of legs is more than 21/., times the length of the carapace (twice its maximum breadth), whereas in typical specimens (of slightly larger size) of Grapsus strigosus this pair of legs is scarcely twice the saicl length ; the carpo- and propodite together are nearly equal to the maximum breadth of the carapace, and the propodite is slender, 4 — 41/, times as long as broad, and distinctly longer than the dactylus. The upper margins of the meropodites in the firs't to thircl pair present a few movable spin es, which I do not observe in somewhat larger individuals of Grapsus strigosus. Mero-, carpo- and propodite of the legs are crossed by more or less distinct trans- verse stripes of a brown colour; in the smaller individual each joint has two of these stripes, in the larger they are broader, almost confiuent, and the meropodites are irregularly marbled. The abdomen of the cf has the broad, equilaterally-triangular shape, described by Miss Rathbun, but the same is observed in young specimens of genuine Grapsus strigosus. A hairy-edged cavity between the bases of the second and third ambulatory leg is distinctly seen. The specimens may be characterized by having the carapace of Grapsus strigosus and the legs of Grapsus maculatus and for this reason I refer them to Grapsus longitarsis. Miss Rathbun states, that in this species (which I prefer to maintain as a subspecies of Grapsus strigosus) the front is wider, though she does not give us exact measurements to verify this 2), and in my larger specimen the breadth of the front is 40 °/0, 'm the smaller individual even 43 °/o of the maximum breaclth of the carapace (in typical Grapsus strigosus 39 — 40 °/J). Dimensions in mm. : Breadth of carapace Distance between external orbital angles .... Length of carapace Breadth of front between eye-stalks Length of meropodite of penultimate pair of legs Breadth of meropodite of penultimate pair of legs I 2 17-3 9-7 14.1 8.8 14-75 S.i 7- — 4.2 12.3 7-7 5-7 3-i 1) U.S. Expl. Exp., ('rust., 1852, pi. 21, f. 4«- 2) Neither are such measurements given of the large specimen from the Indian Ücean (Egmont Reef) in her paper on the marine Brachyura of the Percy Sladen Trust Expedition (Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 14, 191 1, p. 241. 73 SIBOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX f. IO Length of carpo- and propodite together | Length of propodite in the median line | Breadth of propodite Length of dactylus 74 of penultimate pair of legs I 2 5-4 9-5 8.8 5-5 2.2 i-3 6.- 3-3 In typical Grapsus strigosus and in Grapsus longitarsis the length of the carapace exceeds the distance between the outer orbital angles, but in the smaller "Siboga"-specimen the reverse is the case, ovving to the carapace being scarcely narrowed anteriorly. Geograpsus Stimpson. 1858. Geograpsus Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 101. The genus is distinguished from Grapsus by straight or nearly straight lateral margins of the carapace, by a much less defined epistome, and by more bulky chelipeds, the fingers ot which are not spoon-shaped but acute at the tip. The habits of the members of Geograpsus are almost like those of the true landcrabs (Gecarcinidae). Thanks to de Man's researches, it is now easy to discriminate the Indo-Pacific species by means of the following key :) : 1 . Lateral margins of carapace distinctly converging backward behind epibranchial teeth, Rnd obtuse, not keeled in their posterior half. Inferior orbital border, between external angle and fissure, entire, not dentate G.grayi (H.Milne-Edwards)3) Lateral margins of carapace parallel or feebly diverging back- ward, sharply keeled throughout 2 2. Cardiac and intestinal regions of carapace nearly wholly smooth, with only a few transverse lines immediately behind cervical groove. Breadth of meropodites of last pair of legs more than half their length ; posterior margin of preceding ambul- atory legs distinctly dentate at distal extremity ... . . G. lividus (H. Milne-Edwards) subsp. stormi de Man Cardiac and intestinal regions of carapace covered with irregular transverse lines ; grooves on branchial regions deeply cut and long. Breadth of meropodites of last pair of legs not more than half their length; posterior margin of preceding ambulatory legs not at all, or very indistinctly, dentate at distal extremity G. crinipes Dana 3) 1) I have not been able of including one species into this key, Geograpsus minikoiensis Borradaile (Faun. Geogr. Maldives etc, v. 1. 190I1 p. 66, f. 12 and Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 12, 1907, p. 64 from Minikoi and the Seychelles; this species is much too little known. 2) Literature and description : ue Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 80 and Ai.cock, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900. p. 395. Throughout Indo-Pacific region. 3) Literature and description: de Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 83, Bd 10, 1898, pi. 28, f. 17. Alcock's description eems to be applied equally well to G. crinipes as to G. lividus subsp. stormt^ for the transverse markings on the carapace 74 75 i. Geograpsus lividus (H. Milne-Edwards) subsp. stormt de Man. 1895. Geograpsus lividus (H. Milne-Edwards) var. stonui de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, p. SS, Bd 10, 1898, pi. 28, f. 18a, c. Stat. 64. Tanah Djampea, Flores Sea. 1 cf. The specimen, which is Iarger than those measured by de Man, agrees wholly with the description of this author, also with regard to its colour. Both chelipeds are wanting. From the typical G. lividus the subspecies is only distinguished by the sharp keel originating from the antero-lateral angles of the buccal cavern being convex, whereas in the typical Atlantic specimens it is straight or slightly sigmoid. G. lividus has been also recorded by Miss Rathbun l) from the Hawaiian Islands, but the subspecies, which has been originally found at Atjeh, inhabits 2) likewise the eastern tropical Pacific (Marquesas, etc). Dirriensions in mm. : Distance between external orbital angles 2S.5 Breadth of carapace 35-25 Posterior margin of carapace 11. — Breadth of front between eye-stalks 14-75 Length of carapace 29. — Length of meropodite ),,.,.„., i 2=;. — „ , , . ,. } of 2»d pair of walking legs < Breadth of meropodite ) (12.5 Length of meropodite ) f A c ,, . , ( 22. — 11. 5 Length of meropodite 1 . j T1 ,t, r ,., > of 3" pair of walking legs < Breadth of meropodite J ( Comparing these measurements with those of de Man we may state, that in my specimen the posterior margin of the carapace is relatively shorter as compared with the maximum breadth; the length on the oth'er hand is somewhat greater. Pachygrapsus Randall. ' 1839. Pachygrapsus Randall. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1839, p. 126. From the two preceding genera Pachygrapsus is distinguished by its broader front, that occupies more than half the greatest breadth of the carapace, from Metopograpsus by the antennae not being excluded from the orbit. Key to the species : 1. No tooth behind external orbital angle 2 One tooth behind external orbital angle 7 2. Lateral margins of carapace very strongly convergent back- ward; external orbital angle acute; transverse folds extending across mesogastric region. Propodites of walking legs short P . minutus A. Milne-Edwards are stated to be "distinct and nearly straight" (as in the former species), whereas the fissure in the lower orbital border is deep and the meropodites of the last 3 pairs of legs are broader than half their length, which agiec with what is found in the latter form. The distribution agrees with that of the preceding species. 1) Buil. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, pit 3, 1906, p. 839. 2) Rathbun, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n° 2 1907, p. 29. 75 76 Lateral margins of carapace subparallel or feebly convergent backward: in the Iatter case mesogastric region smooth . 3 3. Carapace with very strong transverse folds across the whole breadth, the anterior folds fringed with hairs lying flatly on the carapace and averaging in length half the space between the folds 4 Cara ce with féeble transverse striae, that do not extend across the median parts of the carapace 5 4. Lateral margins of carapace faintly convergent backward. . P. plicatus (H. Milne-Edw. Lateral margins of carapace subparallel ; striation coarse . . P. fakaravensis Rathbun Y) 5. Front scarcely declivous, wholly visible from above. Lateral margins of carapace scarcely convergent backward, concave. Meropodites of two last pairs of legs with only one sub- distal spine at posterior margin. Propodites of penultimate pair of legs four times as long as broad P. plani frons de Man Front distinctly declivous. Lateral margins of carapace some- what convergent backward, straight. Meropodites of all the walking legs with 2 — 3 subdistal spines at posterior margin. ---.^ Propodites of penultimate pair of legs only three times (or £y>\ less) as longf as broad 6 e«> V'4'T'V'. 6. Distance between external orbital angles i1^ times the length of carapace. Postfrontal lobes four in number. Inner margin of ischium of external maxilliped straight; inner angle of merus obtuse, less produced P. propinquus de Man 2) Distance between external orbital angles i1/» times the length of carapace. Postfrontal lobes seven in number, the median one very small, triangular. Inner margin of ischium of external maxilliped concave; inner angle of merus more produced P. laevis Borradaile 3) 7. Distal posterior angle of meropodites of last pair of legs rounded. Front with a prominent tooth at angle. . . . P . crassipes Randall ') Distal posterior angle of meropodites of last pair of legs dentate. Fingers of chelipecl with a reddish-brown patch in the middle of the outer surface P. transversus (Gibbes) 5) 1) Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n° 2, 1907, p. 29, pi. 5, f. 1, pi. 9, f. 6 — 6<7. Ilab. Paumotus. 2) Ree. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, v. 2, pit 3, 1908, p. 216, pi. iS, f. 2. Hab. brackisb water at Port Canning (Lower Bengal). 3) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 592, pi. 42, f. 7. Hab. Funafuti. 4) Literature: KlNGSLEY, Proc. Ac. Nat. Se. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 199. Description : DE Man, Notes Leiden Mus., v. 12, 1890, p. 86, pi. 5. f. 11. Hab. Pacific region. 5) Literature and description: de Max, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 1900, p. 52, pi. 2, f. 9. Throughout all tropical regions, but chiefly Atlantic. 76 77 i. Pachygrapsus plicatus (H. Milne-Edwards). 1837. Grapsus plicatus H. Alilne-Edwards. Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. 89. p. 170. 1843. Grapsus plicatus ') Krauss. Südafr. Crust., p. 43, pi. 3, f. 1. 1852. Goniograp sus plicatus Dana. U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., p. 342 1853. Grapsus plicatus H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20. 1858. Pachygrapsus plicatus Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 102. 1873. Pachygrapsus striatus A. Milne-Edwards. Journ. Mus. Godeffroy, t. 4, p. 82. 1873. Pachygrapsus plicatus A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 292, pi. \\, f. 1. 18S0. Pachygrapsus plicatus Kingsley. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 200. 1894. Pachygrapsus plicatus Ortmann. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, p. 708. 1903. Pachygrapsus plicatus Borradaile. Faun. Geogr. Maldives etc, v. I, p. 432. 1906. Pachygrapsus plicatus Rathbun. Buil. U. S. Eish Comra. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, p. 839. 1907. Pachygrapsus plicatus Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, p. 117. 1907. Pachygrapsus plicatus Rathbun. Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, 11" 2 191 1. Pachygrapsus plicatus Rathbun. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 14, p. 241. P ' Stat. 34. Labuan Pandan, Lombok. 1 j (with eggs). This well marked species is rather common in the Pacific region ; the records from the Indian region are scanty (Borradaile, Rathbun, 191 1). 2. Pachygrapsus minutus A. Milne-Edwards. 1873. Pachygrapsus minutus A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 292, pi. 14, f. 2. 1880. Pachygrapsus minutus Kingsley. Proc. Ac. Xat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 201. 1883. Pachygrapsus minutus de Man. Notes Leyden Mus., vol. 5, p. 158. 18S8. Pachygrapsus minutus de Man. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, p. 148. 1888. Pachygrapsus minutus de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 368. 1889. Pachygrapsus minutus Cano. Boll. Soc. Nat. Wapoli, t. 3, p. 240. 1900. Pachygrapsus minutus Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 399. 1900. Pachygrapsus minutus Borradaile. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 592. 1903. Pachygrapsus minutus Borradaile. Faun. Geogr. Maldives etc., v. 1, p. 432. 1905. Pachygrapsus minutus Lenz. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 27, p. 370. 1906. Pachygrapsus minutus Rathbun. Buil. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, p. 840. 1907. Pachygrapsus minutus Rathbun. Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n° 2, p. 30. 191 1. Pachygrapsus minutus Rathbun. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 14, p. 242. 1913. Pachygrapsus minutus Pesta. Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Bd 88, p. 61. Stat. 129. Karkaralong Islands, south of Mindanao. 1 cf. This small species that is distributed throughout the whole Indo-Pacific region, presents at the hind margin of the meropodites of the posterior walking legs, besides the large spine near the distal end, that is foliowed by a much smaller one, also a small, obtuse prominence at the end of the proximal third part of this margin, and this prominence is marked by a long hair. Pachygrapsus planifrons de Man. 18S8. Pachygrapsus planifrons de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 368, pi. 16, f. 2. 1893. ''.Pachygrapsus longipcs Rathbun. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 16, p. 247. 1) According to Dana, however, the specimens of Krauss belong to au independent species, which is called Goniograpsus kiaussi. distinguished by having numerous teeth along the posterior margin of the meropodites of the last pair of legs. H. Milne-EdwaRDS (1S53) foliowed Dana, but persisted in rcferring the species to Grap 77 78 1903- Pachygrapsus planifrons Borradaile. Faun. Geogr. Maldives etc, v. 1, p. 432. 1905. Pachygrapsus planifrons Lenz. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 27, p. 370. 1906. ? Pachygrapsus longipes Rathbun. Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, p. 840, pi. 8, f. 7. 1907. ? Pachygrapsus longipes Rathbun. Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n° 2, p. 30. 191 1. ? Pachygrapsus longipes Rathbun. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 14, p. 242. Stat. 34. Labuan Pandan, Lombok. 1 Q. De Man l) observed, that P. loiigipes is most nearly related to, if not identical with, his /'. planifrons, and indeed, both descriptions and figures agree very well. My specimen, anyhow, is certainly P. planifrons, though in some points there is some disagreement. Firstly the front is not nearly horizontal, but obliquely derlexed, and secondly the merus of the external maxilliped is not nearly circular, as depicted by de Man, but agrees with that of P. propinquus; the inner margin of the ischium is concave, as in P. laevis. The infra-orbital border is entire, not dentate, as in P. plicatus, and strongly sloping backward in its outer half. The propodites of the penultimate pair of legs (which are the most elongate) are fïve times as long as broad, which agrees with P. longipes; the propodites of all the legs are not unarmed, as de Man says, but there are two movable spines at the distal end of the inner or posterior margin, besides the usual stiff hairs of these joints. Metopograpsus H. Milne-Edwards. 1853. Metopograpsus H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 164. The genus has been sorrietimes confounded with Pachygrapsus^ but the antennae are always excluded from the orbit by means of the broad inner orbital lobe, that joins the front. In the literature, nevertheless, some cases are mentioned where there is a more or less wide gap between the orbital lobe and the front. De Man 3) was the first to discriminate exactly the species, but up to recent times some authors continue to regard some species as identical with, or at most varieties of, others. Yet Kingsley 3) undoubtedly goes too far in admitting only three species. Key to the species : 1. Antero-lateral margins of carapace without tooth behind external orbital angle 2 Antero-lateral margins of carapace with one tooth behind external orbital ansfle . . ■ 6 2. Walking legs short, dactyli nearly as long as propodites . 3 Walking legs longer, dactyli distinctly shorter than propodites 5 3. Carapace less widened proximally (lateral margins scarcely convergent backward). Inner orbital lobe coalesced with the front over a short distance, rounded, not keeled . 4 1) Ree. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, v. 2, pit 3, 1908, p. 21S. 2) Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53. I., 188S, p. 359 — 360. 3) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1SS0, p. 190 — 191. 73 79 Carapace widened proximally (lateral margins distinctly convergent backward). Inner orbital lobe coalesced with the front over nearly the whole inner margin, sharp and keeled M. messor Forskal 4. Front broader, orbits smal! M. eydouxi H. Milne-Edwards 1) Front narrower, orbits wide M. thukuhar (Owen) 5. Lateral margins of carapace much convergent backward; distance between external orbital angles to length of carapace as 100 : 84 — 87°/o in small and medium-sized and 100 : 89 — 92°/o in large specimens M. latifrons (White) Lateral margins of carapace less convergent backward; distance between external orbital angles to length of carapace as 100 : ± So°/o M. maculatus H. Milne-Edwards 6. Postfrontal lobes litt4e prominent; front not strongly de- clivous; internal orbital lobe broad and rounded at tip, coalesced with the front along a short distance (as in M . thukuhar). Dactyli of walking legs only slightly shorter than propodites M. quadridentatus Stimpson 3) Postfrontal lobes more distinct and sharply separated; front strongly deflexed ; internal orbital lobe narrow and acute at tip, coalesced with the front along greater distance (as in M. messor). Dactyli of walking legs much shorter than propodites M. oceanicus (Jacquinot et Lucas) 1. Aleiopograpstts messor (Forskal). Literature: AlXOCK, 1. c. p. 397. Description: DE MAN, Journ. Linn. Soc. London, v. 22, 1888, p. 144, pi. 9, f. ii; Arch. Naturg., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 361, pi. 15, f. 6. Grapsus (Pachygrapsus) aethiopicus 3) Hilgendorf. v. d. Decken's Reis. Ost-Afrika, Bd 3, 1., Crust., 1869, p. 88, pi. 4, f. 2. Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. 12 rf (mostly juv.), 1 9 witl1 eggs- Stat. 71. Macassar. 1 rf. Miers *) described a subsp. frontalis from Macassar and other localities, which seems to be an individual variation and has not been maintained by subsequent authors, Another subspecies {gracilipes) has been founded by de Man5), originally from the 1) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 165. It must be admitled, that ihe differences between this specie» and M. thukuhar are insignificant, and Kingsi.ev already identified both ïpecies with M. mester; the sarae has been done in recent years by Miss RATHBUN (Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. Tor 1903, v. 23, prt 3, 1906, p. 839) in dealing with the marine Biachyuia and Macrura of the Haivaiian Islands. It is from this very locality that both M. eydouxi and .1/. thukuhar originate. 2) Description: pe Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 76, Bd 10, iSgS, pi. 28, f. 16. 3) Even in recent days the species has been referred to under this name by Doflein (Wiss. Erg. Tiefsee-E.\p. "Valdivia", Bd 6 (Crust.), 1904, p. 130. and implicitly ranged with P tus. With the name Metofografsus messor the author is apparently unacquaiuted. 4) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. 5, p. 311; Rep. "Challenger", Biachyuia, 1SS6, p. 258. 5) Notes Leiden Mus., v. 13, 1891, p. 49, pi. 4, f. 14. 79 So Pacific, but afterwards ') also from Borneo and Malacca ; the author in his later paper expressed the opinion, that this subspecies, characterized by slender and more elongate propodites of the penultirrtate pair of legs, which are nearly 3 times as long (in the median line) as broad, in the [ndo-Malayan waters most likely replaces the typical form of the Red Sea. On comparing the figures serving to illustrate the differences between the typical form s) and the subspecies s) we indeed observe the slightly more elongate shape of the said propodites. All the "Siboga" specimens belong to the subsp. of de Man. 2. Metopograpsus thukuhar (Owen). 1S39. Grapsus thukuhar Owen. Zool. capt. Beechey's Voy. "Blossom" p. 80, pi. 24, f. 3. 1839. Grapsus par allelus Randall. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, v. 8, p. 127. 1852. Goniograpsus thukujar Dana. U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., p. 344. 1853. Metopograpsus thukuhar H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 165. 1865. Metopograpsus thukuhar Heller. Reise "Novara", Crust., p. 43. 1873. Metopograpsus thukuhar A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 290. 1880. Metopograpsus messor (part.) Kingsley. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880. p. 190. 18S2. Goniograpsus thukujar Haswell. Cat. Austral. Crust., p. 99. 1888. Metopograpsus thukuhar de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 362, pi. 15, f. 5. 1894. Metopograpsus messor var. thukuhar Ortmann. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, p. 702. 1895. Metopograpsus thukuhar de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, p. 76. 1906. Metopograpsus messor (part.) Rathbun. Buil. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 2, p. 839. Stat. 50. Labuan Badjo, west coast of Flores. 1 c? juv. Stat. 142. Obi Major, south of Halmaheira. 1 cf • Stat. [81. Ambon. 1 9 Juv- Stat. 323. Bawean Island, Java Sea. 1 9 Juv- All the specimens, save one of medium size, are very minute and measure only a few millimetres across the carapace. According to Ortmann this species does not live in the Indian Ocean, but only in the Pacific; here it lives together with the genuine M. messor and may replace this species entirely towards the eastern parts. lts occurrence in the Indo-Malayan Archipelago has been already noted by de Man. Notwithstanding the careful researches of this author, who clearly separated the two named species, on account of the more or less convergence of the lateral margins of the carapace and the shape of the inner orbital lobe, Miss Rathbun seems to unite the species altogether. 3. Metopograpsus maculatus H. Milne-Edwards. Literature: ALCOCK, 1. c. p. 39S. Description : DE Man, Journ. Linn. Soc. Eondon, v. 22, 1888, p. 145, pi. 10, f. 1 — 3. Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. I 9- 1) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 75: Notes Leiden Mus., v. 21, 1S99, p. 132. 2) Arch. Naturgesch.. Jahrg. 53, 1., iSSS, pi. 15. f. 6. 3) Notes etc, 1S91, pi. 4, f. 14. 80 8i 4. Metopograpsus latifrons (White). 1847. Grapsus latifrons White. Jukes' Voy. "Fly", v. 2, p. 337, pi. 2, f. 2. 1853. Metopograpsus latifrons H. Milne-Edwards. Arm. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 166. 1867. Metopograpsus pictus A. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Soc. Entom. France, t. 7, p. 283. 1873. Metopograpsus pictus A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 2S9. pi. 13, f. 2. 1879. Metopograpsus pictus de Man. Notes Leiden Mus., v. 1, p. 68. 1880. Metopograpsus latifrons Kingsley. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 191. 1888. Metopograpsus latifrons de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 360. 1888. Metopograpsus pictus de Man. Ibid., p. 363. 1892. Metopograpsus latifrons de Man. Weber's zool. Erg. Reise niederl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, P- 3H- 1894. Metopograpsus latifrons Ortmann. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, p. 703. 1910. Metopograpsus latifrons Rathbun. K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7. Raekke, Afd. 5, n° 4, P- 325- Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. 2 cf, 3 9 (one w>tu eggs)- Stat. 86. Dongala, west coast of Celebes. 1 9 with eggs- Stat. 200. Bay of Bara, Buru, 1 cf Juv- In 1888 de Man was inclined to unite M. latifrons and M. maculatus, but in 1892 he clearly discriminated these species and M. pictus. It is a matter of some disappointment, that in 19 10 Miss Rathbun again takes M. maculatus as a synonym of M. latifrons, quite as Alcock has done before, with absolute disregard of de Man's painstaking researches on this subject. With the aid of the Leiden Museum material I again undertook the task of comparing M. latifro?is and M. maculatus and found that in the latter species the greatest breadth of the carapace (distance between external orbital angles) to the length is 100 : ■/■/ — 80, but in M.' latifrons the proportion is 100:84 — 91, according to age, viz. : in young and medium- sized specimens of both species the carapace is proportionally broader than in old individuals. According to de Man (1892) the proportion is 30:23 in M. maculatus, but 30:26 in M. latifrons. Although the longer carapace of M. latifrons enables us to distinguish both species, the same cannot be said of M. latifrons and M. pictus. I have measured 19 specimens that I take to be M. latifrons, and among them the type of "Grapsus" dilatatus de Haan, which was declared by de Man (1879) to be identical with M. pictus, in which the ratio of the maximum breadth of the carapace to the length varies from 100 : 84 — 85 in the smaller individuals (breadth of carapace 16.5 — ± 25 mm.) to 100:86 — 91 in older specimens (breadth of carapace up to 35.5 mm.; in the largest specimens only the length is 90°/0 or more of the maximum breadth). It is true, that in Milne-Edwards' original description of M. pictus the maximum breadth is said to be equal to the length of the carapace (37 mm.), but in the figure the latter dimension is less (92°/0 of the maximum breadth). Conform to Ortmann's opinion (1894) I presume, then, that indeed M. latifrons and M. pictus are identical and that the latter species has been founded on a very large individual. 1. Metopograpsus occanicus (Jacquinot et Lucas). 1842. Grapsus occanicus Jacquinot et Lucas. Voy. "Astrolabe" et uZélée", Crust., p. Ji, pi. 6, f. 9. 81 SIBOCA-EXPED1TIE XNXIXC. " 82 i8S3- Metopograpsus oceanicus H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 166. [865. Metopograpsus oceanicus Heller. Reise "Novara", Crust., p. 44. 1883. Metopograpsus oceanicus de Man. Notes Leiden Mus., v. 5, p. 158. 1888. Metopograpsus oceanicus de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 364. 1894. Metopograpsus oceanicus Ortmann. Denkschr. med.-naturw. Gesellsch. Jena, Bd 8, p. 55. 1899. Metopograpsus oceanicus Nobili. Ann. mus. civ. stor. nat. Genova (2) t. 20, p. 265. 1900. Metopograpsus oceanicus Lanchester. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 755. 1902. Metopograpsus oceanicus de Man. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, p. 503. Stat. 16. Kangeang Island, east of Madura. 1 9 juv. Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Surhbawa. 1 rf juv., with parasitic Isopod in left branchial cavity. Stat. 86. Dongala, west coast of Celebes. 2 rf juv., 3 C (i juv., 1 with eggs). Stat. 115. Bay of Kwandang, north coast of Celebes. 1 rf juv. Stat. 163. Seget, west coast New Guinea. I rf. Lanchester supposes Pachygrapsus transversus (Gibbes) to be a variety of Metopo- grapsus oceanicus (not of M. niessor as Walker l) had presumed some years before) on account of -the inner orbital lobe being reduced in such a way as to make the antenna extend freely into the orbit. It is true, that the acute orbital lobe in some specimens leaves a rather large distance between the tip of the lobe and the rounded external angle of the front but yet the antenna does never enter the orbit, neither in my specimens nor in those examined by de Man, for the upper margin of the lobe is always in contact with the front along a large distance. Besides, as far as I can see, M. oceanicus grows to a much larger size and never presents the characteristic transverse ridges on the carapace, so conspicuous in P. transverstts. With M. quadridentatus Stimpson the present species shares the presence of an epibranchial tooth behind the external orbital angle; the differences between both species have been dis- cussed by de Man (1883). Save for this character M. oceanicus is more closely related to M. messor (Forskal), whereas M. quadridentatus is nearest to M. thukuhar (Owen). The present species seems to attain a larger size than any of the other species. One egg-bearing 9 °f tne Leiden Museum, from the east coast of Atjeh (mouth of Arakundur River), has a maximum breadth of carapace of exactly 40 mm., the length is 32 mm. This is by far the largest specimen I know of. Subfam. Varuninae. This subfamily contains a number of littoral crabs, the carapace of which is somewhat vaulted, and mostly with arched lateral margins ; the front is not stronglv deflexed and may even be entirely horizontal; the gap between the external maxillipeds is rarely wide and does not present the lozenge-shape of the Grapsinae\ the abdomen of the cf rarely occupies all the space between the last pair of legs and the chelae of the c? are very often clothed with hairs. Key to the genera : 1 . Palp of ext. maxillipeds articulating with middle of anterior margin of merus 2 1) Journ. I.inn. Soc. London, v. 20, 1S87, p. 113. 82 §3 Palp of ext. maxillipeds articulating with outer angle of anterior margin of merus i i 2. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds broader than, or at least as broad as, ischium. Dactyli of legs not flattened ... 3 Exognath of ext. maxillipeds narrower than ischium . . 4 3. Carapace flat, depressed Ptychognathus Stimpson Carapace convex in both directions. Meropodites of walking legs with spines along postenor margin Pyxidognathus A. Milne-Edw. 4. Lateral. margins of carapace entire, without teeth. Front about one-third wiclth of carapace. Ischium and merus of ext. maxillipeds distinctly wider than long. Very small species Acmaeopleura Stimpson :) Lateral margin of carapace clentate 5 5. Breadth of carapace equal to of slightly less than length ; one obscure tooth behind ext. orbital angle. Merus of ext. maxillipeds broader than long, scarcely auriculate. Legs flattened, heavily fringed with hairs at outer margin. . Planes * Leach 3) Carapace always wider than long 6 6. Merus of ext. maxillipeds auriculate at distal outer angle 7 Merus of ext. maxillipeds not expanded at distal outer angle, nearly quadrate 9 7. Propodites of walking legs cylindrical, dactyli styliform. . 8 Propodites of walking legs flattened, natatorial, as also are the dactyli. FYont horizontal, anterior margin perfectly straight Varuna H. Milne-Edwards 8. Very aberrant species, Xanthoid-like ; lateral margins of carapace diverging considerably backward in their anterior half, with two epibranchial teeth behind ext. orbital angle ; the latter and the first epibranchial tooth serrulate at outer margin aad separated by a very wide sinus. Merus and ischium of ext. maxillipeds both wider than long (as in Acmaeopleura) ; ischium shorter than merus ; suture between them angular. Chelipeds of d" very bulky, much 1) Pioc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185S, p. 105; Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 130. The genus is founded on A. parvula Stimpson (1. c, 1907, p. 130, pi. II, f. 4), found at Ousima, and recently Miss Rathbun added a second species, .-/. rotunda (K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Ski., 7. Raekke, Afd. 5, nIJ 4, 1910, p. 327, textfig. 10) from the Gulf of Siam. 2) Former authors have distinguished several species within this genus, but now it is generally believed, that there are only two. The type species is Planes minutus (Linnc), that was originally referred to Caitcer by LlNNÉ and Herbst, to Grapsus by iLatreiu.e. As is well known, this is the common and very variable Gulf Stream crab, occurring in great numbeis on the floating Sargassum, but also on turtles. on floating timber etc. It has been met with in all the warmer seas but is essentially Atlantic. The second species is Planes marinus Rathbun (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. -47, 1914, p. 120) from Lower California. Beu. (Hist. Brit. stalk-eyed Crust., 1S53, p. 134), KlNGSLEY (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1SS0, p. 201—202, note) and Stebbing (S. A. Crust., prt 5, 19 10, p. 320) all agree in stating that Planes is a manuscript name of Leach, and that it was first published by BOWDICH in 182J (Exc. to Madeira and Porto Santo, p. 15, f. 2<;, li'). 83 84 larger than walking legs; fingers widely gaping. Joints of walking legs cylindrical; first pair with unequal teeth at inner (hind) margin of meropodites Baruna Stebbing l) Teeth at lateral margins of carapace not serrulate, flattened and separated by very narrow notches; carapace sub- circular. Merus of ext. maxillipeds about as broad as long, and shorter than ischium Pseudograpsus H. Milne-Edw. 9. Merus of ext. maxillipeds broader than long and shorter than ischium Utica White Merus of ext. maxillipeds as long as, or longer than, broad 10 10. Front nearly half as wide as carapace; lateral margins three-toothed on either side Brachynotus de Haan Front not more than one-third the breadth of carapace; lateral margins usually four-toothed on either side . . Eriocheir de Haan 1 1 . One tooth behind ext. orbital angle. Suture between ischium and merus of ext. maxillipeds horizontal Perigrapsus 'Heller 3) Two teeth behind ext. orbital angle. Suture between ischium and merus of ext. maxillipeds very oblique .... Gaetice Gistel 3) Varuna H. Milne-Edwards. 1830. Varuna H. Milne-Edwards. Dict. cl. d'Hist. nat., t. 16, p. 511. 1835. Trichopus de Haan. Faun. Japon., p. 32! Carapace depressed, flattened; front horizontal, at least in adult individuals, but apparently somewhat oblique in young specimens, with the anterior margin quite straight. The merus ot the external maxillipeds is strongly auriculate, and the exognath is rnuch narrower than the ischium. The last three joints of the walking legs are much flattened, and heavily fringed at both margins. Key to the species : Carapace perfectly hairless. Upper orbital margin fissured. Epibranchial teeth well defmed V. litterala (Fabricius) Carapace and legs thickly covered with a hairy fur. Upper orbital fissure scarcely present. Epibranchial teeth separated by an indistinct notch V. tomentosa Pfeffer 4) 1) Spolia zeylanica, v. 2. prt 5, 1904, p. 3, with the single species B. socialis (p. 3, pi. \ A\ found in brackish water (Lake Negombo) at Ceylon. 2) Verhandl. Zool. Bot. Gesellsch. Wien, 1862, p. 522: Reise «Novara", Crust., 1865, p. 50. There is only one species, P. 'sus Hellet- ("Novara", p. 50, pi 5, f. 1) occurring at Tahiti. 3) The name Gaetice Gistel has been substiuited by Miss RATHBUN (Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 128, note to STlMPSON's memoir on North Pacific crabs), the original names Platynotus de Haan (Faun. Jap., 1835, p. 34 and Platygrapsus Stimpson (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 104) being both preoccupied. There is probably only one species G. depressus (de Haan) (Faun. lap., 1835, p. 63, pi. S, f. 2) from Japan, another species, G. convexiusculus (Stimpson) (see Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 128, pi. 17, f. 3) from the Loo-Choo Islands, being most likely not distinct. 4) Jalub. Hamb. wiss. Anst., Jahrg. 6, 2., 18S9, p. 30. In fresh water near Zanzibar. 84 85 i. Varuna littcrata (Fabricius). Literature and description : ALCOCK, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 401. Stat. 4. Djangkar, north-east coast of Java. 7 (f, 1 C. Stat. 19. Labuan Tring, west coast of Lombok. 3 cf juv. Stat. 33. Bay of Pidjot, east coast of Lombok. 2 (f juv. Stat. 50. Labuan Badjo, west coast of Flores. 2 cf juv, Stat. 58. Seba, Savu Island, west of Timor. 7 cf (1 ad., 6 juv.). Stat. 234. Nusa Laut, east of Ambon. 1 O juv. This well known species is found everywhere throughout the Indo-Pacffic region, and, as Alcock remarks, it ascends estuaries even into freshwater, though also commonly met with at sea on floating timber. The "Siboga" specimens were all caught in rivers. The terminal segment of the abdomen of the very young cf is about as long as broad, not of the elongate shape that is observed in the adult. Ptychognathus Stimpson. 1858. Ptychognathus Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 104. 1868. Gnatho grap sus A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 4, p. 180. 1880. Coelochirus Nauck. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., Bd 34, p. 66. De Man1) has been the first to recognize the identity of Ptychognathus and Gnatho- grapsus and the same author has stated 3), that Coelochirus has been founded likewise on a species of the present genus. The genus contains a rather great number of species, some of which have a perfectly horizontal and straight front, resembling that of Varuna, while in others it is obliquely deflexed. Now Miss Rathbun 3) recently proposes to include those species with a Varuna-Yike front, with the epibranchial teeth acute and well separated, and the wrist of the chelipeds armed at the inner angle with a tooth, into the genus Varuna. I have preferred, however, to maintain Ptychognathus in its original conception, according to which the genus is characterized by the broad exognath, that is at least as broad as, generally, especially in the cf, much broader then, the ischium of the external maxillipeds, whereas in Varuna the exognath is much narrower than the ischium. Besides, in Varuna the exognath is thin, lamellar and hairv at the outer surface, in both sexes, but in the cf of Ptychognathus it is convex, thick and wholly glabrous. The discrimination of the species is rendered difficult by the rather considerable differences between the two sexes of the same species. The best key to all the Indo-Pacific species is that recently given by de Man 4), for cf and Q separately. After the publication of his key no less than 4 new specimens have been described by Miss Rathbun (one of these referred to Varuna) v i z. : ij Notes Leiden Mus., v. 5, 1883, p. 161. 2) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 2, 1S87, p. 719. 3) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 47, 1914, p. 69. 4) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1905, p. 543 — 544. 35 86 Pt. easterana, Mem. Mus. romp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n" 2, 1907, p. 31, pi. 2, f. 4, pi. 7, f. 4 — \a. luister Island (eastern Pacific) Pt. johannae, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 46, 1914, p. 354, pi. 30, f. 1—3. Johanna Island (western Indian Ocean) Pt. altimanus {Varuna altimana). Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 47, 1914, p. 70. Luzon (Philippines) Pt. guijulugani, Proc. V. S. Nat. Mus., v. 47, 1914, p. 71. Negros (Philippines) Though the "Siboga" expedition has not added any new species to the list, one of Miss Rathbun's new species has been collected. Key to the species (based on the characters of the c?) x) : 1. Carapace with antero-lateral teeth sharp and salient; regions distinct; front laminar, straight. Inner angle of arm nearly always armed with a more or less long spine. Meropodites of ambulatory legs with a subdistal spine at anterior margin 2 Carapace with antero-lateral teeth not very acute; regions generally indistinct; front more or less sinuous at anterior margin. Inner angle of wrist subrectangular or slightly pronounced, but never spiniform. Meropodites of ambula- tory legs near distal end of anterior margin with a blunt prominence or unarmed 7 2. Inner angle of wrist of cheliped with a small tooth (no spine); inner surface of palm hairy Pt. dentatus de Man a) Inner angle of wrist of cheliped spiniform; inner surface of palm not hairy 3 3. A tuft of hair in the finger-cleft, extending along the fixed finger Pt. onyx Alcock 3) Chelae entirely without hairs 4 4. Upper border of palm transformed into a coinpressed keel ; inner angle of wrist with a long spine 5 Upper border of palm simply rounded ; inner angle of wrist with a short spine 6 5. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds twice as broad as ischium . Pt. spinicarpus Ortmann 4) Exognath of ext. maxillipeds about i1^ times as broad as ischium Pt. altimanus (Rathbun) 6. Ext. orbital angle and anterior epibranchial tooth separated by a narrow sinus; distance betvv. ext. orbital angles much 1) In preparing this key 1 have based myself on the division of the genus into three sections that were distinguished by ue Man (1. c. p. 542). 2) Weber's zool. Erg. Keise niederl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, 1892, p. 318, pi. iS, f. 9: ALCOCK, I. c. p. 403. Hab. Celebes, Bay of BeDgal and Upper Tenasserim. 3) L. c. p. 404. Hab. Tavoy. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust. prt. 10, 1902, pi. 65, f. 4. 4) Sec DE Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Ud 9, 1895, p. 91, Bd 10, 189S, pi. 2S, f. 19. Hal). Atjeh. 86 37 shorter than length of carapace. Exognath of ext. ma.xil- lipeds iz/s times as broad as ischium Pt. polleni de Man lj Ext. orbital angle and anterior epibranchial tooth separated by a broad sinus ; distance betw. ext. orbital angles equal to length of carapace. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds exactly as broad as ischium - Pi. affinis de Man 7. Regions on carapace hardly indicated; no epigastric lobes; front prominent 8 Regions on carapace (that is decidedly broader than long) more or less distinct, as also the epigastric lobes ; front not prominent, sinuous 9 8. Only one tooth behincl ext. orbital angle ; carapace distinctly broader than long. Outer surface of palm smooth, not hairy. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds scarcely broader than , ischium Pt. glaber Stimpson 3) Two teeth behind ext. orbital angle; carapace scarcely broader than long. A brush of stiff hairs at tip of fixed finger. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds twice as broad as ischium Pt. riedel ii (A. Milne-Edw.) 9. Fingers with a tuft of hairs at base of outer surface . . 10 No tuft of hairs on the fingers 13 10. Surface of carapace granulate near the antero-lateral mar- gins; epibranchial teeth scarcely indicated; epigastric lobes distinct. Freshwater species Pt. pusillus Heller Surface of carapace punctate or smooth near the antero- lateral margins 11 1 1 . Anterior margin of front with a doublé row of granules, conrluent in the middle. Merus of ext. maxillipeds moderately auriculate, so that the greatest breadth is only slightly larger than the length, with the outer portion of the anterior margin convex; exognath i1/.. times as broad as ischium. Most likely a marine species Pt. barbatus (A. Milne-Edw.)8) Anterior margin of front either simple or bimarginate. Merus of ext. maxillipeds with a very large auricle, extended laterally, so that the greatest breadth much exceeds the length 12 1) Pt. pusillus de Man (nee Heller), Notes Leiden Mus., v. 5, (1883) p. 161; /'/. pi'llcni de Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst, Bd 9, 1S95, p. 94, Bd 10, 189S, pi. 28, f. 20. Hab. Pasandava Bay (Madagascar). 2) See de Man, Weber's zool. Erg. Reise niedevl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, 1892. p. 324, pi. 19, f. 11; Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 129, pi. 17, f. 5 — 5 a. Hab. Bonin Islands and Flore^. 3) G/iat/wgtapsus barbatus A. Milne-Edwards, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, 1873, p. 316, pi. 17, f. 4: Pt. barbata Alcock, 1. c. p. 406; Pt. barbatus Je Man, Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 505; Pt. barbata Pesta, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Bd 88, 1913, p. 63. Widely spread, but apparently local, throughout Indo-Pacilïc region. 87 88 i 2. Antero-lateral teeth of carapace not well separated ; anterior margin of front bimarginate, sinuous, but nearly straight in dorsal view. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds as broad as ischium, the latter increasing in width distally . . Pt. johannae Rathbun x) Antero-lateral teeth of carapace separated by triangular incisions; anterior margin of front deeply sinuous in dorsal view. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds somewhat broader than ischium, the latter with subparallel sides . Pt. guijulugani Rathbun. 13. Outer surface of palm granulate. Exognath of ext. maxilli- peds i1/» — 2 times as broad as ischium 14 Outer surface of palm smooth. Exognath of ext. maxillipeds as broad as ischium Pt. pilipes (A. Milne-Edw. 14. Distance betw. ext. orbital angles much shorter than length of carapace. Chelae coarsely granulate. Hind margins of propodites of walking legs thickly fringed, Varuna-Wke. Pt. intermedins de Man s, Distance betw. ext. orbital angles very slightly longer than length of carapace. Chelae finely granulate at outer sur- face; immobile finger with a deep longitudinal groove. Propodites of walking legs with very short setae . . Pt. easteranus Rathbun 4) 1. Ptychognathiis altimanus (Rathbun). PI. 4, Fig. 5. 1914. Varuna altimana Rathbun. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 47, p. 70. Though this species has not been collected by the "Siboga", I had an opportunity of examining 3 specimens, belonging to the Amsterdam Zoological Museum, and brought home from Nias by Dr. Kleiweg de Zwaan. Only one of the two cT is quite perfect; the other, much smaller one, lacks both chelipeds and some vvalking legs, while the 9, that is egg-bearing, has lost all its limbs. The original specimen came from a river at Luzon (Philippines). The carapace is much fiattened, not granulate, but very minutely punctate. The various regions are not well defined, but some, viz. mesogastric, cardiac, intestinal and inner branchial regions, are infiated, while others (epigastric and hepatic regions) are slightly depressed. The only deep 'sulcus is the nearly semi-circular cervical groove, situated behind the middle ot the carapace, shallower in its median part; from either end parts backwarcl a very short groove, concave outward, and another yet shorter groove runs transversely. The branchial regions are scarcely defined from the obtusely-triangular intestinal area, and laterally they are strongly 1) Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 46, 1914, p. 354, pi. 30, f. 1—3. Hab. Comoro Islands (north of Madagascar). 2) Gnathograpsus pilipes A. Milne-Eclwards, Nouv. Avch. Mus. Paris, t. 4, 186S, p. 184, pi. 27, f. 6—10; Pt. pilipes Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. 5, 1880, p. 311; Coelochirw, crinipis Nauck, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., Bd 34, 1880, p. 66 (f. de Man, Zool. Jahrl... Syst.. lid 2, 1887, p. 719); Pt. pilipisl de Man, Weber's zool. Erg. Reise niederl. Ost-Indien, P;d 2, 1892, p. 325. Hab. Philip- pines, Batjan and Timor. 3) De Man, Notes Leiden Mus., v. 1. 1S79, p. 69: Weber'.s zool. Erg. Reise niederl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, 1892-, p. 322, pi. 19, f. io. Hab. Moluccas and Tahiti (Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bi 7, p. 711). 4) Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll.. v. 35, n° 2, 1907, p. 31, pi. 2, f. 4, pi. 7. 1'. 4 — 4a. Hab. Easter Island. SS 89 declivous towards the bases of the second to fourth walking legs; the sloping portions are defined superiorly by a sharp line, somewhat curved anteriorly and nearly continued til margin of the carapace. There are two pairs of very indistinct transverse depressions, the level of the cervical groove and one running inward at the level of the posterior lateral teeth. The epigastric lobes are present, but very indistinct, and anteriorly to these the fro is perfectly flat, laminar and horizontal, with a straight anterior margin :), that passes with obtuse angles into the lateral margins. The upper orbital margin is strongly S-shaped and separated from the lateral margin of the front by a closed incision, beginning with a triangular sinus. The distance between the external orbital angles is less than the length of the carapace; the angles are prominent, but obtuse at tip, and their lateral margins are markedly diverging backward; the epibranchial teeth are acute, with the lateral margins subparallel, and separated by deep sinuses; the anterior pair of these teeth is larger and more depressed than the posterior pair; distance between tips of posterior pair of teeth is equal to length of carapace. Postero- lateral margins slightly converging backward 2) ; posterior margin nearly equal to anterior breadth of front. The front projects a considerable way beyond the bases of the antennules, that are quite concealed in dorsal view, and the bases of which are separated by a triangular "nasal lobe". The epistome is narrow, ó1/.^ times as broad as long, excavated, and the posterior margin, between the ridges of the endostome, is somewhat crenulate. The antennae fill the gap between the front and the blunt inner orbital lobe. Pterygostomial regions granular and somewhat hairy ; a granulated ridge runs obliquely backward from the anterior angles of the buccal cavern, disap- pearing distallv. In the c? the breadth of the exognath of the external maxillipeds measures, according to Miss Rathbun, i3/. times the width of the ischium ; in my specimen this exognath is i2/5 times as broad as the ischium and is much swollen, smooth and entirely glabrous, as is usual in the cf of this genus, reaching nearly as far forward as the large auricle of the merus; outer surface of both ischium ('the lateral margins of which are subparallel) and merus likewise hairless. In the 9 tne exognath is flattened; it reaches as far forward as in the ef, but it is much narrower, not attaining even the width of the rather broad ischium3); the outer surface of the whole maxilliped is covered with very short hairs (Figs. $ó and c). The abdomen of the cf is of the usual shape (Fig. 5 af), with the lateral margins slightly convercnngr forward, the terminal seement beino- narrow, lonoer than broad at the base, and the penultimate segment shorter and three-fourths of the width at the base. The eggs oi the 9 are very sniall and most numerous. The chelipeds of the (f are equal in size, very stout and bulky. The edges of the meropodite are somewhat roughened by granules; upper and inner margins provided with some hairs; there is, besides, a sniall patch of hairs on the inner surface; the upper margin has 110 subdistal projection. The wrist ist globular, with some very minute transverse granulated rows on the upper surface; the inner surface is flattened, bordered above and belovv by a granulated 1) Miss Rathbun states that it is feebly bilobed, but in all my specimens it is perfectly straight. 2) Subparallel and sinuous according to Miss RATHBUN. 3) Miss Rathbun states the same for the 2- but at the beginning of her diagnosis she says that only one specimen (■£ ) has been caught. 89 SIBOGA-EXPED1TIE XXXIX c. 12 9o row and ending anteriorly into a rather long, triangular, depressed spin e, with the tip acuminate. The chela is as long as the anterior margin of the front; the palm is smooth, but covered with very minute granules when examined under some magnification, shorter than the fingers; the granules are arranged in some oblique rows near the carpal joint, and the upper margin is elevated into a depressed lobe, which occupies, as Miss Rathbun remarks, the proximal two-thirds of the margin; the outer surface of the palm is somewhat prominent near the carpal joint; a very indistinct horizontal line runs from the carpal joint to the tip of the fixed finger, and a tracé of a second (oblique) line is visible above it on the palm; the fingers are very high at the base, largely compressed, very slightly spooned at the tip; the back of the mobile finger is covered with minute granules, and the cutting margin is provided with about 13 obtuse teeth, that are largest in the middle ; that of the fixed finger has proximally 6 teeth, increasing gradually in size, so that the two terminal ones are very laree, then follow two small teeth and at last a much larwer tooth at the bezinning- of the horny extremity of the finger. Walking legs long and slender, the penultimate pair being i1/, times the maximum breadth of the carapace. Meropodites about 31/, times as long as broad, with a sharp subdistal tooth at the anterior margin, except in the case of the terminal pair of legs ; both anterior and posterior margins with short hairs, intermingled with longer hairs; above the bases of the legs clusters of club-shaped hairs are observed. Carpo- and propodite together are as long as the meropodite; both margins are fringed with hairs, especially at the hind margin of the much flattened propodite, that is paddle-shaped, and longitudinally-oval in the posterior legs. Dactyli falciform, depressed, as long as the hind margin of the preceding joints, and likewise fringed. ^ Certainly this species is nearest to Pt. spinicarpus Ortmann, with which also Miss Rathbun compares it ; the carapaces of both species seem to resemble each other very much, but the exognath of Ortmann's species is twice as broad as the ischium of the external maxillipeds, whereas it is only 11/., times of the width of the latter in the present species. In other respects thêre is a very great resemblance, for the spine at the wrist of the cheliped is exactly alike, and even the small tubercle at the base of this spine and at the anterior margin of the wrist occurs in both species; again, the fingers of the chelae are likewise much depressed and the teeth at the cutting margin of the fixed finger show much the same disposition ; the upper border of the palm is in Pt. spinicarpus likewise transformed into a compressed, rather sharp lobe 1). There seems to be some difference in the abdomen of the cf, which is generally of a more narrow shape in Pt. altimanus\ that of Pt. spinicarpus as depicted by Ortmann ~) is probably inexact, as the terminal segment presents an unnaturally elongated and asymmetrical shape, but de Man states, that it resembles that of Pt. dcntatns and the abdomen of the latter s) is decidedly much broader, with the lateral margins more 1) Mis> Rathbun quotes the absence of "this lobe in Ort.wann's species as a dift'evence belween the two species, but both Ortmann' and afterwards de Man state, that the palm is compressed above. 2) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, pi. 23, f. 13c 3) Weber's zool. Erg. Reise niederl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, 1892, pi. 18, f. 9/'. 90 9i strongly convergent forward, the terminal segment is more triangular, and the penultimate segment longer than the preceding one. The measurements of the cf given below nearly exactly agree with those of a specimen of Pt. spinicarpus measured by de Man j). Dimensions in mm.: Distance between external orbital angles . Distance between tips of postero-lateral teeth Length of carapace Breadth of anterior margin of front. Length of chela Height of palm Breadth of ischium of ext. maxillipeds. Breadth of exognath of ext. maxillipeds . Breadth of base of abdomen Breadth of base ) Length \ Length of terminal segment of abdomen Length of meropodite Breadth of meropodite Length of carpo- -f- propodite Length of dactylus of penultimate segment of abdomen . of penultimate pair of legs c? 0 16.75 '4-75 20.25 !7-S 19.5 *7-— 8.5 7.25 I7-— — 9- 1.8 2) 1.8- 2-5 2) i-z '■ 8.25 — 44 2) — 2.6 2) — 3-3 2) — 11. — — 3-25 — n. 5 — 1 7-5 — 2. Ptychognathus affinis de Man. ^ 1895. Ptychognathus affinis de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, p. 97, Bd 10, 1898, pi. 28, f. 21. Stat. 115. Kwandang Bay, north coast of Celebes. 11 sp. juv. (all rf), in river. Stat. 179. Kawa Bay, west coast of Ceram. 1 rf. 1 The original specimen from Atjeh was not full-grown, and this circumstance induced de Max to presume, that perhaps this species was only a young stage of Pt. spinicarpus, with which it shows the nearest affinity; though the exognath of the external maxilliped in Pt. affinis is only slightly broader than the ischium, but tvvice as broad as the ischium in Pt. spinicarpus, this difference might be perhaps accounted for by the well-known fact that the exognath in species of Ptychognathus is proportionally narrower in young individuals than in the adult ones. A large specimen of the present species, even exceeding the Atjeh-specimen of de Max, was caught by the "Siboga" and distinctly demonstrates, that Pt. affinis is a valid species, for the width of the exognath of the external maxilliped is only slightly more than that of the ischium and much less than in Pt. spinicarpus. Besides, in de Man's species the tooth at the inner angle of the wrist of the cheliped is proportionally shorter and somewhat falciform, and the horizontal line near the under border of the palm is much more distinct. 1) Zool. Jahvb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 93. 2) Measured under microscope. 91 92 Dimensions in mm. of the adult cf : Distance betwecn ext. orbital angles 18. — Distance bet ween postero-lateral teeth of carapace . . 21.25 Length of carapace 19-25 Hreadth of anterior margin of front 9.5 Length of chela II. — Height of palm 575 Breadth of ischium of ext.- maxillipeds 1.9 Breadth of exognath of ext. maxillipeds 2.2 Breadth of base 1 , \ 5.1 of penullimate segment ot abdomen { Length ' ö 2.4 Length of terminal segment of abdomen 3.4 As de Max rightly remarks, the chelae of the cf are remarkably feebly developed and present in this respect female characters. 3. Ptychognathus riedelii (A. Milne-Edwards). 1S68. Gnathograpsus riedelii A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 4, p. 182, pi. 27, f. 1-5. 1892. Ptychognathus riedelii de Man. Weber's zool. Erg. Reise niederl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, p. 321. 1895. Ptychognathus riedelii de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, p. 91. 1900. Ptychognathus andamanica': Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 404. 1902. Ptychognathus andamanica} Alcock. 111. Zool. "Investigator", Crust., prt 10, pi. 65, f. 3. Subsp. pilosus de Man. 1892. Ptychognathus riedelii var. pilosa de Man. Weber's zool. Erg. Reise niederl. Ost-Indien, Bd 2, p. 323. Stat. 33. Bay of Pidjot, east coast of Lombok. 1 3 9- Of this species a sufficiënt description is given by Milne-Edwards, but a few additional remarks may not be superfluous. The carapace is punctate, but the lateral and anterior margins are granulate ; these granules are large and disposed in a single rovv along the sharply-keeled lateral margins, behind the epibranchial teeth, but for the rest they form a narrow stripe of irregularly-arranged and smaller granules ; the anterior border of the front and the supra-orbital borders are much thickened. Infra-orbital border deeply fissured, but the orbit is closed beneath by a long crenulate crest, parting inwardly from the epistome, as in Ps. setosus. The auricle at the external angle of the merus of the external maxillipeds is distinctly present, but does not extend much sideways, the anterior margin has a deep notch in the middle, at the outer part of which the carpus is inserted ; the exognath is somewhat narrower than half the width of the ischium. The meropodites of the chelipeds, that are very stout and subequal in the cf, are entirely unarmed, somewhat granulate at the inner margin, near which a deep fissure runs alongside in which long hairs are implanted; the wrist is broader than long in dorsal view, with the inner angle subrectangular and slightly depressed; the palm is very high, longer than 1) L.c. p. 61, pi. 1, f. 5, pi. 3, f. 14 — 15; Hetcrograpsus erythraeus Ortmann, Denkschv. med.-naturw. Gesellsch. Jena, Bd S, 1894, p. 55. 98 99 the (ïngers; the latter are compressed, especially in the d\ somewhat spooned at the tip, and armed with obtuse, conical teeth at the inner margins, these teeth being equal at the movable (ïnger, but very unequal in size at the opposite side. As is usual in the genus, the and the 9 present a longitudinal ridge on the outer surface of the chela, running from the carpal joint to the tip of the fixed iïnger, but this ridge nearly entirely disappears in the adult d1. The species has been first collected in Celebes and afterwards at Flores and Halmaheira, but, as far as could be made out, only in freshwater; at Halmaheira it was met with even at a height of 2500 feet. The specimens of the "Siboga" apparently lived on the reef and are consequently marine. Among the dried Crustacea of the Leiden Museum I found 5 adult 9 of this species, collected by v. Siebold in Japan, but not mentioned by de Haan in his Fauna Japonica; they were labelled Heterograpsus sp. I am not aware, that this species has ever been recorded from this locality so distant from the Moluccas. 2. Pscudograpsus albus Stimpson. 1858. Pscudograpsus albus Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 104. 1873. Pscudograpsus albus A. Milne-Edwards. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, p. 314, pi. 18, f. 2. 1880. Pachvstomum philippinense Nauck. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool., Bd 34, p. 67 (f. DE Man, Zool. jahrb. Syst., Bd 2, 1887, p. 719). 1886. Pscudograpsus albus Miers. Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, p. 262. 1888. Pscudograpsus albus de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53, 1., p. 3S2. 1889. Pscudograpsus albus de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 4, p. 440. 1895. Pscudograpsus albus de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, p. 111. 1907. Pscudograpsus albus Stimpson. Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, p. 127. 1907. Pscudograpsus albus Rathbun. Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n" 2, p. 32. Stat. 64. Tanah Djampeah, Flores Sea. 1 Q. Stat. 172. Gisser Island, south-east of Ceram. 1 cf1. As de Man observed (1889, under the head of Ptychognathus pnisillus) the 9 of this species may be easily confused with the same sex of Heller's species, but the carapace is proportionally broader, the antero-lateral teeth are more pronounced and the maxillipeds are rather widely different in Ptychognathus pusillus. Pseudograpsus albus ranges from Japan through the East-Indian Archipelago to New Caledonia and Fiji. It seems to be entirely a marine species. 3. Pseudograpsus laniger n. sp. PI. 5, Fig. 1. Stat. 64. Tanah Djampeah, Flores Sea. 1 rf. Stat. 127. Taruna Bay, Great Sangir Island. 1 Q. This new species much resembles Ps. erythraeus Kossmann, but the antero-lateral teeth of the carapace are scarcely indicated and the front is laminar, prominent. The length of the carapace is about exactly equal to the width between the anterior epibranchial teeth. The surface is evenly and regularly vaulted in both directions, but the postero-lateral regions of the carapace are somewhat more sloping near the margin. The 99 IOO cervical oroovc is nearly straight, and from either end parts a very short branchio-cardiac furrow; these are the only sulci of the carapace, which is everywhere finely punctaté and does not show distinct regions; at the level of the branchio-hepatic grooves we mav observe a very slightly inflated portion of an oval shape. Epigastric lobes, so easily to be detected in the large species and also in the small Ps. a/öits, are wholly absent, and the front, that is exactly half as wide at the anterior margin as the maximum breadth of the carapace, passes without any demarcation into the epigastric region ; it is laminar and prominent, project ing s o m e w a y bevond the bases of the antennulae (hg. i ei), slightly sinuous in the middle of the fore margin and with rounded lateral angles-, the side margins are concave, and the transition between them and the supra-orbital margin, which latter is directed straightly outward but somewhat sinuous, is marked by a very shallow and inconspicuous notch. External orbital angle very slightly projecting, directed inward, with the lateral margin straight, and about i1/, times as long as that of the following tooth; anterior epibranchial tooth very little prominent, only marked by a sudden alteration of the direction of the lateral margins of the carapace, as these are diverging backward anteriorly, but behind the anterior epibran- chial teeth the margins are co n verging backward, so that at the level of these teeth the carapace attains its maximum breadth; a second epibranchial tooth is most inconspi- cuous, and behind it the margins are even somewhat concave , the posterior margin of the carapace is shorter than the width of the anterior margin of the front. Antennules and antennae do not present anything remarkable; the infra-orbital margin is cleeply fissured and beneath it a suborbital crest runs obliquely backward, this crest proves to be microscopically striated at strong magnification. Pterygostomial regions with an oblique ridge on either side-, the dorsal part of the region finely reticulate. Nasal plate triangular-, epistome distinct, but very short. External maxillipeds essentially resembling those of Ps. albus : merus with a large and distinct auricle at the outer margin and a deep notch at the anterior border, exognath two-thirds of the width of the ischium (fig. i ei). The abdomen of the cf is somewhat narrower than that of the other species : whereas in Ps. setosus, crassus and albus the lateral margins only slightly converge towards the terminal segment and the penultimate segment is abruptly narrowed anteriorly, the abdomen of Ps. lanigcr presents more distinctly converging, even somewhat concave, side margins, that are not convex at the anterior part of the penultimate segment. The terminal joint is oblong, with the tip much rounded, longer than broad at the base and longer than the penultimate segment, which itself is again longer than the antepenultimate one (fig. i ei). The chelipeds are unequal, the left being slightly the larger. Meropodite short and thick, scarcely projecting beyond the carapace, unarmed, with rounded margins, but the inner margin f r i n g e d with a r o w of w o o 1 1 y h a i r s , increasing in length distally. Wrist globular at upper surface, with inner angle subrectangular; im media tel y beneath inner margin, e spe ei al ly anteriorly, a tuft of sim il ar woolly hairs is found, and, it the cheliped be folded, these hairs cover the proximal naked portion of the inner surface of the palm. Chela bulky, palm longer than fingers and rather high; upper border rounded; a large tuft of woolly hairs covers the distal portion of the inner surface IOI of the palm, but is scarcely visible in the gap between the fingers; at the outer surface of the chela a white line, no ridge, runs along from the carpal joint to the tip of the fixed finger; fingers conical, not compressed, somewhat gaping at the base, tips slightly spooned, cutting margins fïnely and irregularly toothed; movable finger much curved, fixed fi straight. The outer surface of the arm, the upper si de of the wrist and the w hole chela are c o v e r e d w i t h a fine reticulated sculpture, resembling a multitude of m i n u t e s c a 1 e s (fig. i l> and e). The walking legs much resemble those of Pseudograpsus albus : the meropodites are likewise slender, cylindrical, unarmed at the anterior margin, but provided with a few hairs at the base; for the rest the legs are co m pi e tel y hairless, even at the propodites and the dactyli; the latter are falciform, longitudinally grooved and with horny tips, they are as long as the preceding propodites, even in the case of the posterior legs, whereas they are considerably shorter in Ps. allnis. This species is certainly nearest to Ps. erythraeus, which also presents a woolly fur at the inner surface of the chela, but the lateral teeth of the carapace are distinctly separated by hssures, which are entirely absent in Ps. laniger \ the front of Kossmann's species is deflexed, and the anterior margin does not project; of the external maxillipeds the merus is less distinctly auriculate, the ischium more rapidly narrows towards the base and is proportionally broader than the narrow exognath. Heterograpsus clongatus A Milne-Edwards !), a cotype of which, received from the author himself in 1878, is in the. Leiden Museum, at once reveals the very great resemblance between this and the present species. The general shape of the carapace, the antero-lateral teeth and the prominent front are entirely the same; besides, the dimensions of the carapace of Pseudo- grapsus laniger completely correspond with those of Hemigrapsas clongatus measurecl by Miss Rathbun 3). Unfortunately the New-Caledonian specimen of Milne-Edwards is very much damaged, none of the legs being entire, nearly all of them detached, and the chelae completely wanting. Nevertheless, what is left of the right cheliped presents the same squamiform, mean- drian sculpture as in the new species : the inner and upper border of the meropodite is likewise fringed with long hairs, and even the tuft of hairs at the inner angle of the carpopodite is present in the same way. The maxillipeds again are exactly alike, and I should not hesitate to declare the two specimens absolutely identical, were it not for some slight differences: 1" the general colour of Heterograpsus clongatus is a chestnut-brown, with numerous rounded patches of a somewhat lighter colour on the carapace; that of Pseudograpsus laniger is entirely ivory-white; 2" the suborbital ridge is distinctly and roughly granular in the former, but only microscopically striate in the latter species; and 30 the walking legs are fringed with rather long hairs along the margins in the species of Milne-Edwards, but entirely hairless in the new species (save for some few bearded hairs quite near the base, and along the proximal part of the anterior border, of the meropodite). In concluding I a m cl i s p o s e d toconsider Heterograpsus clongatus and Pseudo- 1) Nouv. Avch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, 1873, p. 317, pi. 17. f. 5. 2) See note 4 p. 07. IOI 1Ü2 grapsus laniger very nearly related, but not identical species. As to the former species, the auriculate shape of the merus of the external maxillipeds, which peculiar shape is even more strongly pronounced than in Pseudograpsus erythraeus, forbids in my opinion its being included in Heterograpsus and points on the contrary to Pseudograpsus. In genuine Heterograpsus (or better Brachynotus) the external margin of this merus is regularly convex. Dimensions l) in mm. of Pseudograpsus laniger: Distance between external orbital angles Distance between tips of anterior epibranchial teetl Width of front at anterior margin Length of carapace Postenor margin of carapace . . Length of terminal segment . . Width at base of terminal segment . Length of penultimate segment . . . > of abdomen of rf Width at base of penultimate segment Length of antepenultimate segment. . 7.6 8.9 4.4 8-3 3-75 1.2 1. — 1. — 1.4 o.S Brachynotus de Haan. 1S35. Brachynotus de Haan. Fauna Japon., Crust, p. 34. 1S37. Cyclograpsus (part.) H. Milne-Edwards. Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. 79. 1849. Heterograpsus Lucas. An. art. de 1'Algérie, t. 1, p. 18. 185 1. Hemigrapsus Dana. Amer. Journ. Sc. (2) v. 12, p. 288. 1S51. Pseudograpsus (part.). Dana. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, p. 24S. De Haan founded Brachynotus (subgenus of Grapstis) on " Gouop/ax" sexdcutatus, described in the beginning of the nineteenth century by Risso -). This Brachynotus was described afterwards by H. Milne-Edwards 3) and by Heller *) under the same name, but Hilgendorf 5) in 1882 tried to prove, that the type of the genus Brachynotus was identical with that of Heterograpsus, which was described by Lucas in 1 849 under the same specific name, and de Man0) afterwards, by examining the typical specimens of de Haan from the Mediterranean, could confirm this hypothesis. So both generic names being founded on the same species should be considered synonyms. The confusion is considerably increased by the fact, that H. Milne-Edwards in 1853 added 7) a species, " Heterograpsus sexdentatus" , from New Zealand to the genus, and accordingly changed the name of Lucas' species into H. lucasi, under which latter designation the Medi- terranean species has been described by Heller8) in 1863. But Hilgendorf") is undoubtedly 1) Measured under the microscope. 2) Hist. nat. de 1'Eur. nier., t. 5, 1826, p. 13. 3) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, 1852, p. 161, pi. 4, f. 26. 4) Crust. d. siidl. Eur., 1S63, p. 101 — 102. 5) Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1S82, p. 68. 6) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 121. 7) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1S53, p. 192, pi. 7, f. 7. This is the species, formerly (1837) referred by the author to Cyclograpsus. 8) Crust. d. sudl. Eur., 1863, p. 105, pi. 3, f. 5 — 6. 9) Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1882, p. 70. 103 right in retaining the name Brachynotus sexdentatus for the Mediterranean species and in altering consequently " Heterograpsus sexdentatus" of H. Milne-Edwards from New Zealand into Brachynotus edwardsii. Miers1) in 1886 proposes to retain a subgenus Heterograpsus for the Indo-Pacific species, on account of the H-shaped cervical groove distinguishing these species as a whole from the single Mediterranean species; de Man2), however, proves this difterence to be unstable and is dispoSed rather to take the shape of the front (quadrilobate in the Mediterranean, simple in the Indo-Pacific species) as the base of distinction betvveen Brachynotus and Heterograpsus. But this latter criterium again turns out to be unreliable, for in the Japanese B. sanguineus de Haax the front is strongly quadrilobate, at least in adult specimens. As to Hemigrapsus, the only difference pointed out by Dana is the more or less distinct notching of the inner margin of the external maxillipeds, and this indeed seems to be of doubtful value. Stimpson :i) referred Dana's two new species of Hemigrapsus to the genus Cyrtograpsus Dana, but A. Milne-Edwards 4), Kingsley ~') and Haswell 6) all agree in declaring Hemigrapsus absolutely identical with Heterograpsus. For some unknown reason Miss Rathbun in several publications persists in using Dana's name Hemigrapsus. The sharply-defined and pointed antero-lateral teeth of the carapace and the non-auriculate shape of the merus of the external maxillipeds distinguish this genus from Pseudograpsus. It is remarkable, that this Pacific genus has one solitary species in the Mediterranean, whereas it is wholly absent in the Atlantic. It is represented at the coasts of Japan and China, of California and Chile, in Indonesia, but chiefly in Australian and New Zealandian waters. The Malay Archipelago affords only one single species [B. har pa x Hilgendorf), for another species, as has been remarked a few pages before (under the head of Pseudograpsus lauiger), viz. Heterograpsus elongatus H. Milne-Edwards, recorded by Nobili.7) from Borneo, should in my opinion be- included in Pseudograpsus (see p. 101 — 102). Not a single species, as far as I know, has been found in the Indian Ocean, but B. harpax is again found in the Red Sea. The rather numerous species of Brachynohis may be divided into two distinct groups : one, very small, in which three minute teeth, behind the external orbital angle, are observed and another, much larger, with only two very large and usually depressed teeth behind this angle. H. Milne-Edwards' attempts to subdivide the species of the latter group on account of the presence or absence of longitudinal crests on the palm of the chela have remained unsuccessful. Though no species of this genus were collected by the "Siboga", I have taken this occasion to review shortly the various species, for the collection of the Leiden Museum is rather rich in this regard. I believe the best discrimination of the species is to be found in the 1) Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, 1886, p. 264. 2) Zool. Jahvb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 123. 3) Sir.hhson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 125. 4) Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 4, 186S, p. 177. 5) Pioc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Vhiladelphia, 1880, p. 207 — 209. 6) Cat. Austval. Crnst., 1882, p. 100 — 101. 7) Boll. Mus. Torino, t. 18, n° 447, 1903, p. 25. io4 shape of the suborbital ridge, characters of the chelae being largely dependent on sexual differences, and consequently only of secondary importance. Key to the Indo-Pacific species1): i. Two teeth behind external orbital angle, large, generally depressed and acute 2 Three teeth behind external orbital angle, small, conical 9 2. ( >uter surface of palm with tour prominent longitudinal crests B. pallipes (H. Milne-Edwards) s) Outer surface of palm with a single crest or smooth . 3 3. Suborbital ridge s) with a few (2 — 6) tubercles, at least in cf 4 Suborbital ridge finely or coarsely serrulate or striate . 6 4. Outer margins of ext. orbital angles diverging backward 5 < hiter margins of ext. orbital angles converging backward; epig-astric ridges sharp; ant. margin of front notched in the middle ; epibranchial teeth very acute, narrow, not flattened: suborbital ridge four-lobed in cf, regu- larly granular in Q. Ischium of ext. maxilliped with a fine longitudinal sulcus immediately near inner margin; merus nearly quadrate, with outer margin straight. . B. Jiarpax Hilgendori *) 5. Suborbital ridge notched beneath cornea of the eye, and thickened at either end of this notch; a third tubercle placed farther back. Palm of cheliped in cf thickly clothed with hairs at inner surface and between bases of fingers B. penicillatns (de Haan) 5) Suborbital ridge with 4 lovv tubercles, directed forward. Palm of cheliped of cf with a sharply circumscribed patch of hairs at inner surface, no hairs between bases of fingers B. oregonensis (Dana) 6) 1) I am unable to include B. longitarsis {Hetcrograpsus l. Miers, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, p. 37, pi- 2, f. 3; Ortma.nn, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 715) here, as the infra-orbital ridge is not described. The species is recorded from Japanese and Corean waters. 2) 1'seudograpsus pallipes H. Milne-Edwards, Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, 1837, p. 82; Hetcrograpsus pallipes H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 194; Haswei.l, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. 100. Hab. Anstralia. The character of the chela here noted is also observed in the § of B. sexdentatus from the Mediterranean. 3) This ridge is apparently used in the same way as in Macrophthaliiius and Mctapla.\\ according to Koelbel (Wiss. Erg. Reise Széchenyi in Ost-Asien 1877 — 1880, Bd 2, 1898, p. 571), the ridge produces a stridulating sound when being rubbed against a horny crest on the inner surface of the arm of the cheliped. 4) Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1892, n° 4, p. 38; DE Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1S95, p. 124, Bd 10, 1S9S, pi. 29, f. 26; Nobili, Ann. Sc. Nat. (9) t. 4, 1906, p. 320; Pesta, Denkschr. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Bd 88, 1912, p. 62, textfig. 5. Hab. Red Sea, Atjeh and Upolu (Samoah). 5) Crapsus (Eriocheir) penicillatns de Haan, Faun. Japon., 1835, p. 60, pi. II, f. 6; Hetcrograpsus p. Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 104; DE Man, Notes Leiden Mus., v. I, 1S79, P- 7' i Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 209; Brachynotus (Heterograpsus) p. Miers, Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, 1886. p. 264; Hetcrograpsus p. Ortmann. Zool. Jahrb, Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 714; Brachynotus p. Koelbel, Wiss. Erg. Reise Széchenyi 1877 — 1880, Bd. 2, 1898, p. 570, pi. 1, f. 5 — 6; STIMPSON, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 126. Hab. Japan and Hongkong. 6) 1'seudograpsus oregonensis Dana, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1851, p. 248; Dana, U. S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 334, pi. 20, f. 6; Hetcrograpsus o. Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S5S, p. 104; Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880^ p. 209: Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 126. Hab. west coast of North America. 104 IO = 6. Suborbital ridge very minutely transversely striate, to the naked eye apparently quite smooth ; anterior margin of front sinuons. Carapace and legs covered with minute red spots. Chelipeds of cf1 quite naked B. sanguineus (de Haan) : Suborbital ridge granulate or finely serrate 7 7. Suborbital ridge entirely serrate, the serralions being directed forward ; anterior parts of carapace covered with small and numerous tubercles. Whole animal covered with minute red spots. Upper margins of meropodites of walking legs thickly fringed with long hairs B. crenulatus (H. Milne-Edwards) ~) Suborbital ridge with obtuse granules. Carapace with the regions indistinct, smooth and glabrous. Walking legs entirely naked or with widely separated hairs . 8 8. Chela of c? naked at inner surface. Meropodites of ambulatory legs with a rectangular prominence near distal end of anterior margins ; dactyli conical, not depressed B. edwardsii Hilgendorf 3) Chela of cf with a patch of hairs at inner surface of fixed finger. Meropodites of ambulatory legs unarmed at anterior margins; dactyli much flattened B. nudus (Dana)1) 9. Ambulatory legs almost hairless, at least the meropodites 10 Ambulatory legs fringed with hairs, especially last pair . B. affinis (Dana) 5) 1) Grapsus (Grapsus) sanguintus de Haan. Faun. Japon., 1835, p. 58, pi. 16, f. 3; Heterograpsus s. H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 193; Heterograpsus maculatus H. Milne-Edwards, i b i cl., p. 193; Hemigrapsus crassimanus Dana, Proc. Ac. Xat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S51, p. 250; Dana, U. S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 349, pi. 22, f. 4; Heterograpsus sanguintus de Man, Notes Leiden Mus., v. 1, 1879, p. 70; Kingsley (part.), Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 208; Thai.lwitz, Abhandl. Mus. Dresden, Ed 3, n» 3, 1891, p. 41; Brachynotus s. Koelbel, Wiss. Erg. Reise Széchenyi 1877 — 1.880, Bd. 2, 1898, p. 571, pi. 1, f. 7; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 714; Hemigrapsus s. Rathbun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 26, 1903, p. 24; Hemigrapsus crassimanus Rathbun, Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, 1906, p. 839; Heterograpsus sanguineus Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 126. Hab. Japan and Hawaii. 2) Cyelograpsus crenulatus H. Milne-Edwards, Hist. nat. 'Crust., t. 2, 1837, p. 80; Grapsus c. Guérin, Voy. "Coquille", Crust., t. 2, 1S38, p. 15: Hemigrapsus c. Dana, U. S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 349, pi. 22, f. 3; Heterograpsus c. H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 193; Heterograpsus barbigerus Heller, Verhandl. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, 1S62, p. 522: Heterograpsus barbimanus Heller, Reise "Novara", Crust., 1865, p. 53, pi. 4, f. 5 : Heterograpsus crenulatus Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 208: Filhol, Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, 1885, p. 389: de Man, Notes Leiden Mus., v. 13, p. 53; Hemigrapsus e. Rathbun, Troc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 38, iglo, p. 5S9. Hab. Australia, New Zealand and Chile. 3) Cyclograpsus sexdentatus H. Milne-Edwards, Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, 1837, p. 79; Heterograpsus sexdentatus H. Milne-Edwards (nee Lucas, 1849 = Gonoplax sexdentatus Risso 1826), Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 192, pi. 7, f. 7; Hemigrapsus s. Dana, U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 348, pi. 22, f. 2 ; Heterograpsus sanguineus Heller (nee Grapsus sanguineus de Haan), Reise "Novara", Crust., 1865, p. 52; Heterograpsus sexdentatus Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 207; Brachynotus Edwardsii Hilgendorf, Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1882, p. 70; Heterograpsus sexdentatus Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. 100. Hab. Australia and New Zealand. 4) I'seudograpsus nudus Dana, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1851, p. 249; Dana, U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 335. pi. 20. f. 7; Heterograpsus marmoratus H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 193; Heterograpsus nudus Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 104; Oktmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst, Bd 7, 1894, p. 715. Hab. west coast of North America. 5) Hemigrapsus affinïs Dana, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S51. p. 250; Dana, U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 350^ pi. 22, f. 5; Targioni-Tozzetti, Viaggio "Magenta", Crost., 1877, p. 117, pi. 7, f. 5; Heterograpsus a. Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 18S0, p. 209; Hemigrapsus a. Nobili, Boll. Mus. Torino, t. 16, n° 402, 1901, p. 12. Hab. Patagonia and Argentinia. 105 SIBOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX,". 14 ioó 10. Anterior part of carapacc strongly granulate. front little deflexed, anterior margin straight; postfrontal lobes four. Meropodites of walking legs with subrectangular prominence near distal end of anterior margin ; hind margin of propodites and dactyli subspinulose B. octodentatus- (H. Milne-Edw.) 'j Anterior part of carapace finely granulate; front strongly deflexed, anterior margin nearly straight; postfrontal lobes two. Meropodites of walking legs with acute spine near distal end of anterior margin B. spinosus (H, Milne-Edwards) 2) Acmaeopleura Stimpson. 1858. Acmaeopleura Stimpson. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185S, p. 105. This genus is very little known; the carapace is subcircular, unarmed at the margins and resembling that of Cyclograpstis, but the external maxillipeds are widely different, merus and i s c h i u m b e i n g subequal in 1 e n g t h , and broader than long. Two very minute species, the carapaces of which attain only a length of a few millimetres, belong to this genus. Key to the species : Carapace widest near the antero-lateral angles; suborbital crest 3- or 4-lobed. Chelipeds smooth externally, hands with some strong granules at the inner surface, and the gap between the fingers filled with hairs externally A. parvula Stimpson 8) Carapace widest at the middle. Chelipeds granulate A. rotunda Rathbun *) Eriocheir de Haan. 1835. Eriocheir (part.) de Haan. Faun. Japon., Crust, p. 32. 1853. Eriochirus H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 176. This genus much resembles Brachynotus, but the breadth of the front is only one-third of the maximum width of the carapace, there are usually three teeth behind the external orbital angle, and the front is usually strongly 4-lobed. The genus only inhabits Japan and China. Key to the species : 1. Anterior margin of front 4-lobed; surface of carapace uneven. Chelae thickly clothed with hairs 2 1) Cyclograpsus octodentatus H. Milne-Edwards, Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, 1S37, p. So: Heterograpsns o. H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat., (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 194; Grafsus inornatus Hess, Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 31, I, p. 14S, pi. 6, f. 11 (f. e>e Man', Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 2, 1887, p. 699); Heterograpsns o. Kingsley, Froc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1SS0, p. 209; Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. ioi; Grafsus inornatus Haswell, Ibid., p. 98. Hab. Tasmania, King Island, Sydney. 2) Heterograpsns spinosus H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 194: A. Milne-Edwards, Journ. Mus. Godeft'roy, t. 3. 1S74, p. 82; Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 210; de Man, Notes Leiden Mus., v. 13, 1891, p. 56, pi. 4. f. 15; ORTMANN, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd. 7, 1894, p. 715. Hab. Vanikoro Island, Upolu and East Australia. 3) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185S, p. 105; Smithson. Inst.. Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1917, p. 130, pi. 11. f. 4. Hab. Ousima (Japan). 4) Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, v. 22, 1909, p. 109: K. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 7. Raekke, Afd. 5, nn 4, 1910, p. 327, textt'. 10. "Ml. lOÓ io7 Front short, anterior margin with only two minute notches, near external angles, median lobe broad and straight; surface of carapace little uneven ; a granulate ridge runs inward from the third lateral tooth ; external maxillipeds strongly gaping, ischium and merus narrow and long, the latter auriculate E. leptognathus Rathbun l) 2. Lateral margins of carapace nearly straight; anterior margin of front indistinctly four-lobed, median sinus ver)- shallow E. rcctus Stimpson ~) Antero-lateral margins of carapace diverging backward; anterior margin of front distinctly four-lobed .... 3 3. Carapace flattened; anterior margin of front divided into four lobules, the external ones of which are sharply angular; posterior (4"1) antero-lateral tooth of carapace very minute. Chelae (of cf) wrapped in a thick hairy muff E. japonicus de Haan 8) Carapace vaulted, with four sharply-edged epigastric lobes; anterior margin of front with four acute teeth ; posterior (4"1) antero-lateral tooth of carapace not much smaller than the preceding one. Chelae (of (?) much less clothed with hairs E. sinensis H. Milne-Edwards 4) Subfam. Sesarminae. This subfamily is characterized by the front being nearly always strongly deflexed, so that the postfrontal lobes are sharply-ridged anteriorly, and by the external maxiljipeds being provided by an obliquely-longitudinal hairy ridge on the ischium and especially on the merus, which latter is generally not auriculate and mostly of an oval shape. In the typical represen- tatives of this subfamily {Sesarma, Metasesarma, Sarmatium) the pterygostomian regions and side-walls of the carapace are covered with a fine reticulation of hairy lines and the terminal segment of the abdomen of the 9 's strongly pushed into the preceding segment. Key to the Indo-Pacific genera : 1 . Pterygostomian regions and side walls of carapace covered with a fine reticulation of intercrossing hairy lines . . 2 1) Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 46, 1913, p. 353, pi. 33, f. 2 — 3. Hab. Shanghai. 2) Eriochirus rcctus Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 103; Eriocheir r. Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phila- delphia, 1880, p. 210; Eriochirus r. Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 125. Hab. Macao (China). 3) Faun. Japon., Crust., 1835, p. 59, pi. 17; Eriochirus j. H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 176; Eriocheir j. Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 210; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 716; Eriocheir j. Rathbun, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 26, 1903, p. 24; Eriochirus j. Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 124. Hab. Japan. 4) Eriochirus sinensis H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 177; Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 7, 1853, p. 146, pi. 9, f. 1 ; Heller, Reise "Novara'', Crust., 1865, p. 52; Eriocheir s. Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 210; Eriochirus s. Koelbel, Wiss. Erg. Reise Széchenyi 1877 — 1SS0, Bd 2, 1898, p. 572. Hab. Shanghai. 107 io8 Pterygostomian regions and side of carapace not presenting reticulating lines 5 2. Antennae entering the orbits 3 Antennae excluded from the orbit; if the inner suborbital lobe does not meet the front, the postfrontal lobes are scarcely. separated one from another 4 3. Front nearly always sharply deflexed; carapace flattened, often covered with numerous tufts of hairs .... Sesarma Say Front obliquely deflexed, postfrontal lobes rounded ante- riorly; carapace vaulted, naked Sarmatium Dana 4. Carapace naked, with subregions scarcely indicated ; antero- lateral margins not toothed Metasesarma H. Milne-Edwards Carapace covered with a short fur-, antero-lateral margins twice emarginated behind external orbital angle . . . Clistócoeloma A. Milne-Edwards 5. Distance between external orbital angles decidedly ex- ceeding length of carapace; antero-lateral margins with two distinct teeth behind external orbital angle. Eye- stalks rather long, about as long as the width of the front, which latter rapidly narrows anteriorly. Sub- orbital crest in c? divided into obtuse lobules and extending far behind the orbit. Ambulatory legs long and slender Metaplax H. Milne-Edwards Distance between external orbital angles not much ex- ceeding length of carapace ; antero-lateral margins entire or toothed. Eye-stalks much shorter than the width of the front. Ambulatory legs not particularly slender. . 6 6. Lateral margins of carapace arched, very feebly toothed or entire Cyclograpsus H. Milne-Edwards Lateral margins of carapace always distinctly toothed. . 7 7. Width of fronth between eye-stalks much less than half the distance between external orbital angles, with the anterior margin passing imperceptibly into the much oblique inner margins of the orbits. Abdomen of d" broadest at 3d segment 8 Width of front half the distance between external orbital angles, with the lateral angles of the anterior margin distinct. Abdomen of cf regularly tapering from base to tip Paragrapsus H. Milne-Edwards 8. Lateral margins of carapace much convex in their entire course Chasmagnathus de Haan Lateral margins of carapace subparallel in posterior half Hehce de Haan 108 109 Metasesarma H. Milne-Edwards. 1853. Metasesarma H. Milne-Edwards. Arch. Mus. Paris. t. 7, p. 158. A detailed account of all the species of this genus and of Sesarma, Sarmatium and Clistocoeloma has been given by me in "Zool. Med. Mus. Leiden, v. 3, 191 7, p. 127 — 260, so that a rapid glance over the species belonging to the said genera may be sufficiënt and no key is needed. 1. Metasesarma rousscauxi H. Milne-Edwards. Literature: TESCH, Zool. Med. Mus. Leiden, v. 3, 1917, p. 212. Stat. 19. Labuan Tring, west coast of Lombok. 1 9 with eggs and 3 very young cf. Stat. 61 a. Adonara Island, east of Flores. 1 O with eggs and a cf juv. The 9 apparently attain maturity at very different age or they will pass through several breeding periods : the 9 from Stat. 19 has a length of carapace of about 15 mm., that from Stat. 6ia is only 10 mm. long. The carapace is yellowish, with some scarlet-red markings and the front darkish-red ; the chelae are whitish. 2. Metasesarma aubryi A. Milne-Edwards. Literature: LESCH, Zool. Med. Mus. Leiden, v. 3, 191 7, p. 211. Stat. 133. Lirung, Talaut Islands. 2 cf, 1 9 with eggs. Stat. 180. Pulu Kelang, between Ceram and Buru, 1 9 n°t a Sesarma Say. 1817. Sesarma Say. Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1817, p. 442. This genus is distributed through all tropical seas and contains more species than all the remaining genera of Grapsidae taken together. Four subgenera are accepted : Holornetopus H. Milne-Edwards, Sesarma Say, Parasesarma de Man and Chiromantes Gistel (= Perise- sarina de Man). 1. Sesarma (Holornetopus) eloiigata A. Milne-Edwards. PI. 5, Fig. 2. Literature: Tesch, Zool. Med. Mus. Leiden, v. 3, 19 17, p- 149. Stat. 169. Atjatuning, west coast of New Guinea. 1 cf Juv-> on reef Stat. 174. Bay of Waru, north-east coast of Ceram. 1 0 ad., on reef. The apparently very rare species is at once distinguished by the remarkably foliaceous meropodites of the walking legs, by the very short dactyli and by the row of transverse tuber- cles on the back of the movable finger of the chela. De Man x) has examined the original l) Notes Leiden Mus., v. 14, 1892, p. 256. 109 I IO specimen (c?) of the Paris Museum. It is a pity, that my only adult specimen is a 9, in which the specific characters, especially with regard to the chelipeds, are less distinct than in the ö\ The carapace is much flattened and the regions are tolerably distinct; the four post- frontal lobes are sharply defined, and the groove between the median lobes, that are i1/,, times as broad as the lateral ones, is very deep ; there is an indistinct posterior lobe on each lateral postfrontal lobe, which latter is separated from the inner orbital border by a furrow ; the meso- gastric region is somewhat inflated, small and rounded posteriorly, anteriorly it extends with an elongated process into the groove between the median postfrontal lobes; the cardiac region is short, of the same "breadth as the mesogastric area; the intestinal region rather indistinctly defined laterally by the branchio-intestinal furrows; the hepatic regions are flattened, somewhat roughened, the outer branchial areas provided with a few oblique lines, the largest of which is situated posteriorly and passes above the bases of the last walking legs. The w h o 1 e carapace is punctate, and nearly all of the pits are beset with a small tuft of hairs; these tufts are largest on the anterior margin of the postfrontal lobes and on the protogastric region, very minute on the branchial regions, where they are arranged in oblique rows, following the usual branchial lines ; on the intestinal area they are> elongated- transverse. The front is vertically deflexed and not visible from above ; it is four times as high as broad, roughened by tubercles, of which a transverse row of 3—4 large ones is placed im- mediately beneath the median postfrontal lobes; the lateral margins are somewhat convergent anteriorly and the anterior margin presents a large, shallow sinus in the middle, somewhat less broad than the lateral lobes. that slope obliquely backward to the subrectangular lateral angles of the front. The front between the eye-stalks occupies nearly 6o°/0 of the distance between the external orbital angles, and the latter distance is slightly less than the lengt h of the carapace in the median line1). The supra-orbital border is straight and oblique in its inner, concave in its outer part and the external orbital angle is acute, prominent, directed straight forward. The lateral margins of the carapace, that present two very indistinct thickenings or traces of epibranchial teeth behind the external orbital angle, are not exactly parallel, but very slightly concave in the middle of their course and diverging backward towards the bases of the second pair of walking legs, so that the greatest breadth of the carapace exceeds its lengt h. The posterior margin is (in the 9) distinctly less broad than the front. The epistome is of the usual shape in Sesar/na, but there is a quadrate depression in the middle of the surface and the posterior margin projects in the median line, where a ridge parts backward on the palate. The abdomen of both sexes presents nothing remarkable. The chelipeds are equal in size, both in the young cT and in the 9- In the latter sex they are short, equal in length to the greatest width of the carapace. Meropodite in 9 short, margins sharp, upper border convex, with a small, subrectangular prominence near the distal end, 1) In the young ,ƒ, however, the reverse is the case. IIO I I I outer surface with transverse rugosities, external margin crenulate, ending in a sharp tooth at the carpal articulation, under and inner surface smooth, but the latter with two longitudinal rows of hairs, inner margin concave in its greater part, but in the distal third armed with a triang tooth, foliowed by two much smaller ones. Carpopodite roughened above, outer margin regularlj arched, inner angle rectangular, not rounded, between this angle and the articulation with the palm the margin is crenulate. Chelae small, palm much shorter than the fingers and higher than long; outer surface covered with sharpened granules which at the proximal under part of the surface are obliquely-longitudinal; upper margin marked by a finely-striated line1); the proximal half of which is convex, the distal half straight and ending above the base of the movable finger into a sharp tooth, inner surface of palm with a few widely-scattered granules but dorsally there are two short and indistinct rows running parallel with the transversely-grooved line along the upper margin; fingers not flattened, longer than palm, not gaping, distinctly spooned at the tips, and nearly straight, with some conspicuous pits, in each of which a short hair is placed ; back of movable finger with a longitudinal row of more than 30 transverse tubercles, the proximal 10 — 12 of which, however, present the shape of the usual sharp granules and gradually pass into short, transverse ridges, that run along nearly the whole length of the finger, but disappear on the distal third2); cutting margin of this finger with four rather distant, large teeth and in the interspaces between the second and third and between the third and fourth 2 — 4 much smaller ones; on the opposite border there are proximally two or three rounded teeth, then follows a large subdivided tooth, that is again foliowed by two acute teeth alternating with two very minute ones. The ambulatory legs are not particularly elongate, but remarkable by their very bulky and broadened meropodites. First and fourth pair of legs not much unequal in length, but much shorter than the median pairs. Meropodites somewhat less than twice as long as broad, with sharp and crenulate margins; greatest width found near the distal end, upper surface transversely rugose, anterior margin convex, ending in a sharp subdistal tooth, posterior margin perfectly straight. Carpo- and propodite together as long as the meropodite, flattened, somewhat roughened, but quite hairless, like the meropodite, except at the hind end of the propodite, where, especially in the case of the first pair of legs short hairs are found ; propodite longer than the carpopodite; dactyli very short, about one- third of the length oi the preceding segment, slightly curved, with six longitudinal rows of hairs. The general colour of this species is a reddish-yellow; the legs of the young c? bear traces of darker cross-bands. In my paper on Sesarma I have treated separately of S. elongata and S. latifemur Alcock, but 1 am almost convinced, that Alcock's species is not specifically distinct. In comparing the figure in the 111. Zool. "Investigator" 3) with mine, there is such a complete agreement in 1) According to de Man Ihere is a pectinated crest on the palm of the adult 2) It is of course to be expected, that this character of the chela is much more pronounced in the adult <ƒ ; DE Man mentions 40 of them in the type specimen but in the young q' at my disposal scarcely any tracé of these tubercles is found. 3) Crust., pit 10, 1902, pi. 66, f. 2. I II I I 2 all the essential points, that scarcely any doubt about the identity of the two species is justified. Alcock in his description states, that his S. latifcmur is "closely related" to 5. elongata, but he gives no points of difference and compares his species only with S. taeniolata White. From his too short diagnosis we infer that the cf has a short transverse beaded crest on the inner surface of the palm, and that the back of the movable finger bears a "milled crest" consisting of about 40 transverse ridges; the fmely-striated upper margin of the palm is not mentioned, but something like it is indicated in his figure. This species has been fïrst recorded by A. Milne-Edwards from the west coast of Madagascar. Ortmann afterwards collected it near Dar-es-Salaam and gave some specific characters. Alcock mentioned his 5. latifcmur from the Andamans. The discovery of this species by the "Siboga" on the coast of Ceram and of New Guinea considerably extends its known distribution. It seems to be entirely a marine species. From the measurements taken by de Man, Ortmann and Alcock it appears, that the ratio by which the length of the carapace surpasses the distance between the external orbital angles increases with advancing age, and this is corroborated by my material : in the very young cf the latter dimension even exceeds the former. Dimensions in mm. : Distance between external orbital angles . .Maximum breadth of carapace .... Length of carapace in the median line YVidth of front between eye-stalks . Posterior margin of carapace . . . . Length of cheliped Length of penultimate pair of walking legs Length of meropodite Breadth of meropodite | Length of carpopodite in the median line ) Length of propodite in the median line 1 Length of dactylus of penultimate pair of legs 3 9 (one °f these with eggs). Though the 3 9 are all apparently adult, only one of them is bearing eggs. The characteristic black colour of the animal renders it very distinct. Metaplax H. Milne-Edwards. 1852. Metaplax H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, p. 161. 1856. Rhaconotus Gerstaecker. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 21, p. 142. The oblique piliferous ridge running diagonally across the merus and ischium of the external maxillipeds certainly places this genus among the Sesarminae, though Milne-Edwards himself has preferred to regard Metaplax as closely related to his section "Gonoplacés vigils" :ontaining such genera as Macropkthalmus, Cleistostoina etc. Consequently some subsequent authors ranged the genus among the Ocypodidae. De Man in 1888 was the first to recognize the identity of Rhaconotus to Metaplax. which former genus had been rightly referred by its author to the Sesarminae. i i6 The species are in the possession of a "musical ridge" on the arm of the cheliped 1 i ti the cf) and of a peculiarly-transformed infra-orbital margin, the mode of crenulation of which is of great systematic value; these characters, though not so constantly observed, are also shared by the genera Helice and Chasmagnathus, both established by de Haan, to which Metaplax is closely related. The majority of the species inhabit mud-flats near the mouths of rivers in British India and the ncighbouring islands, where they seem to be most numerous in individuals. One species inhabits China (Hongkong); it is aberrant by having the anterior margin of the meropodites of the walking legs not spinulose, but at most granulate. Towards the Indo-Malayan Archipelago only one species extends [M. elegans de Man), that has been observed at the coasts of Atjeh, of Borneo (Pontianak and Samarinda) and at Macassar. The "Siboga" collection did not contain a single representative of the genus. Key to the species : i. Carpo- and propodite of the walking legs spinulose along the anterior margin M. crcnulata (Gerstaecker) J) Carpo- and propodite of the walking legs not spinulose , along the anterior margin . . 2 Number of lobules or teeth of the infra-orbital ridee o of the (f 7 — 9 Xumber of lobules of the infra-orbital ridgre numerous, more than 20 4 3. Infra-orbital ridge with three large lobules in the orbital part. Abdomen of cf consisting of 7 free segments M. lojigipes Stimpson =) Infra-orbital ridge beginning near the epistome with 4 — 5 very small teeth, foliowed by two larger, rounded lobules, that are separated by a large interspace from three very small tubercles in the lateral or hind part of the ridge. 3th — 5tb segment of abdomen of cf partly fused M. indica H. Milne-Edwards 3) 4. Lobules of infra-orbital ridge amounting to 25 — 30 5 Lobules of infra-orbital ridge amounting to 40 — 60 (about 35 in Q) 6 5. Lobules of orbital portion very large (6 in the adult cf ), rapidly decreasing in size laterally and backward. ij Rhaconotus crénulalus Gerstaecker, Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 21, 1856, p. 142, pi. 5, f. 5: Metaplax c. de Man, Journ. Linn. 1 ondon, v. 22, 1888, p. 156; Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 4, 18S9, p. 439; M. crcnulata Alcock, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, pit 2, 1900, p. 435. Hab. Bay of Bengal. 2) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185S, p. 97; Koet.bel, Wiss. Erg. Reise Széchenyi in Ost-Asien 1S77 — 18S0, Bd 2, 1S9S, p. 569, pi. 1 f. 1 — 4; Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., . Miscéll. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 99. Hab. Hongkong. 3) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 18, 1852, p. 161; Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 7, 1S55, pi. 11, f. 2; Af. indica Alcock, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, pit 2, 1900, p. 432. Hab. Karachi (British India). 116 ii7 Arm of cheliped of y Haswell under this name (Cat. Austral. Crust., 18S2, p. 106) is, as Oktmann rightlv remarks, certainly different from that Haan, and it cannot even be traced to which genus it should belong. 3) Tijdschr. Entomol., t. 4, 1861, p. 128. 4) Zool. Mcd. Mus. Leiden, v. 3, igi 7, p. 216, textfig. 6. 124 I 2; Paragrapsus H. Milne-Edwards. 1853. Paragrapsus H. Milne-Edwards. Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, p. 195. This genus has often been considered to be wholly identical with Chasmagnathus, 1 in the type species of Paragrapsus (quadridentatus) the anterior margin of the front is nearly straight, not rounded in dorsal view, and the 1 a t e r a 1 a n g 1 e s are d i s t i n c t and s u b- rectangular, the abdomen of the c? is not produced laterally at the 3d segment, and the dactyli of the last pair of legs are not compressed as in Hclicc and Chasmagnathus, but conical and short, resembling those of Cyclograpsus, to which genus the present one shows much more affinity than to Chasmagnathus. Milne-Edwards described very shortly four species of Paragrapsus-, of these only one, the type species, is rather well known; of the three remaining species two [gaimardt and urvilleï) are referred by me to Helice (see p. 1 1 8), though my reasons for doing so are admitted to rest on very unstable ground; the species P. verrcauxi is identified by Kixgslev r) with Chasmagnathus laevis Dana, and this latter species of which I could examine two specimens, certainly belongs to the present genus, as Heller 2) already stated, for the shape of the front is distinctly different from that of Chasmagnathus and Hclicc, and the abdomen of the <ƒ regularlv tapers from the base to the tip and is not broadened at the third segment. It follows, then, that only two species, quadridcntatus and laevis, are admitted. Key to the species : Only one notch behind external orbital angle. Epigastric lobes very little prominent P. quadridentatus H. Milne-Edw, ) Two notches behind external orbital angle. Epigastric lobes distinctly prominent . . . P. laevis (Dana) 4) Cyclograpsus H. Milne-Edwards. 1837. Cyclograpsus (part.) H. Milne-Edwards. Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. jj. 1838. Gnathochasmus Mc Leay. Smith's 111. Zool. S. Africa, p. 65. Many species originally referred to Cyclograpsus by Milne-Edwards are now classed among other genera, but still it contains at least 9 Indo-Pacitïc species. It is most closely related to Paragrapsus, which it resembles in the shape of the dactyli of the walking legs, but differs by the lateral margins of the carapace being entire or only very obscurely toothed. 1) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 222, where also the synoriymy of this species is recorded. On PI. 6, fig. 2a and 2t> I have figured the pvopodite and dactylus of the last pair of legs and the abdomen of the G'. which figures illustrate the evidence of Dana's species to be referred to Paragrapsus. 2) Reise "Novara", Crust., 1865, p. 55. 3) Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 195; Cyclograpsus q. Hess, Arcli. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 31. I, 1865, p. 26: Paragrapsus q. Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1S82, p. 105, pi. 3, f. 1; de Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., lid 4, 1889, p. 441; Chasmagnathus q. OrtmanD, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1S94, p. 728. Ilab. Australia (east coast) and Tasmania. 4) Chasmagnathus laevis Dana, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S51, p. 252: L". S. Expl. Exp. Crust., 1852, p. 365. pi. 23, f. 7: Paragrapsus verreauxi H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 195 ; r- hlivis Heller, Reise "Novara", Crust., 1S65, p. 55: Chasmagnathus l. Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 222; Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. 106: Bd. 7, 1894. Miers, Zool. Voy., "Alert", Crust., 1884, p. 246; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., p. 72S. Hab. Australia and New Zealand. 125 12Ó Some species described by Milne-Edwards are very badly known; such are: C. whitei, C. granulosus, C. reynaudi and C. eydouxi. Most likely they are synonymous to others. Key to the Indo-Pacific species : i. Lateral margins of carapace convex 2 Lateral margins of carapace straight, subparallel or even divergent backward 5 2. Meropodites of walking legs very broad, foliaceous, wi- denincr distally and sharply keeled C. /ophopus Nobili l) .Meropodites of walking legs slender, not foliaceous . . 3 V Abdomen of cf very broad, with the lateral margins parallel, penultimate segment at base nearly three times as broad as terminal segment C. cinereits Dana 2) Abdomen of rf with the lateral margins convergent towards the terminal segment 4 4. Inner surface of palm of chela with a longitudinal row of sharp granules; palm itself higher than long . . C. audouini H. Milne-Edwards3) Inner surface of palm mostly smooth, bat in large indi- viduals with a longitudinal row of some low oranules; palm itself longer than high C. punctatus H. Milne-Edwards 4) 5. Anterior half of carapace rather strongly and closely punctate. Inner margins of fingers of chela not dentate C. granuldtus Dana °) Carapace smooth or sparsely punctate 6 6. Lateral margins of carapace divergent backward and with two obscure notches anteriorly. Regions tolerably distinct C. longipcs Stimpson c) 1) Buil. Mus. Paris, t. il, 1905, p. 411; Ann. Sc. Nat. (9) t. 4, 1906, p. 321, pi. II, f. 4. Hab. Red Sea. 2) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1851, p. 251; U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 360, pi. 23. f. 3; Cyclograpsus tydouxi~> H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 198; C. cinercus Rathhun, Buil. U.S. Fish. Comm. for 1903, v. 23, pit 3, 1906, p. S40: Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 38, 1911, p. 590. Hab. west coast of America and Hawaiian Islands. 3) Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, 1837, p. 78; Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 197; Dana, U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 359, pi. 23, f. 2; C. lavauxi H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1S53, p. 197; C. whi/ei? H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 197; C. laevis Hess, Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 31, 1., 1865, p. 152; C. lavauxi Miers, Cat. Crust. New Zealand, 1879, p. 41; C. lavauxi Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. 103; Fll.HOL, Miss. He Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, 1885, p. 390, pi. 41, f. 6; C. laevis de Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 2, 1SS7, p. 700; C. punctatus (part.) Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst, Bd 7, 1894, p. 729; C. audouini Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 132. Hab. east coast of Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand. De Man stated the identily of C. laevis Hess with C. lavauxi H. Milne-Edwards and the latter has been usually considered synonymous with C. audouini of the same author, though the original specimen of C. audouini came from New Guinea, and that of C. lavauxi from New Zealand. De Man afterwards (Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1896. p. 352) had the opportunity of examining oviginal specimens both of C. audouini and C, 'arauxi. but he does not expressly state any difference between them. Some authors (Haswell) deny, that the C. audouini of Dana should be identical with that of Milne-Edwards. 4) Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, 1837, p. 78; Gnathochasmus barbatus Mc Leay, Smith's 111. Zool. S. Africa, 1S38, p. 65, pi. 3; Sesarma barbata': Krauss, Südafr. Crust., 1S43, P- 45i P'- 3, f. 3 ; Cyclograpsus punctatus and C. reynaudi H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 197, pi. 7, f. 9; Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. 104; Ortmann (part.), Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 729; STIMPSON, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 132; Stebbing, S. A. Crust, pit 5, 1910, p. 318; RaTHBUN, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 38, 191 1, p. 590. Hab. Cape of Good Hope, but also Tasmania, Hongkong, Juan Fernandez and Chile. 5) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1851, p. 251; U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 361, pi. 23, f. 4; Rathhun, Buil. U.S. Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, 1906, p. 840. Hab. Hawaiian Islands. 6) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S5S, p. 105.: DE Man, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1S96, p. 355, Bd 10, 1S9S, pi. 32, f 43; N, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll, v. 49, 1907, p. 131: Rathbun, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n° 2, 1907, p. 36. Islands, Atjeri, Tahiti, Paumotus and Fiji Islands. 126 127 Lateral margins of carapace parallel, except immediately behind external orbital angle 7 7. Infra-orbital ridge in c? regularly crenulate 8 Infra-orbital ridge in rf subdivided into three elongate lobules ; the lateral one the longest ....... C. parvülus de Man 8. Two obscure notches (sometimes only one) behind each external orbital angle C. intermcdius Ortmann x) Lateral margins of carapace entire C. henshawi Rathbun -j 1. Cyclograpsus parvülus de Man. 1896. Cyclograpsus parvülus de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, p. 350, Bd 10, 1898, pi. 32, f. 42. 1907. Cyclograpsus parvülus Rathbun. Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, nn 2, p. 36. Stat. 64. Tanah Djampeah, Flores Sea. 1 Q. This specimen agrees nearty completely with those of de Man, but the inner part of the infra-orbital ridge in my 9 is not entire, but consists of 5 small lobules, and the lateral portion is likewise subdivided into 3 — 4 lobules, as de Man rightly remarked in the case of the Q. The original specimens came from Atjeh ; aftervvards the species has been collected at the Paumotus. Nobili has described a subspecies [unidens) ') in which one epibranchial tooth is found behind the external orbital angle and the posterior margin of the penultimate segment of the abdomen of the cf is not straight, but concave forward. I retained the name of parvülus for this species, but de Man himself observed afterwards 4), that his species should be considered at. most a subspecies of the Atlantic C. occidentalis A. Milne-Edwards. Subfam. Plagusiinae. There are two well known genera belonging to this group : Plagusia and Percnou (= Leioloplius), which are at once characterized by the stout antennulae being lodged in oblique fossae of the front and visible in dorsal view. The middle segments of the abdomen are largely coalesced in both sexes, the carpus of the external maxillipeds articulates near the antero- external angle of the merus, and the lateral margins of the carapace are toothed. The two genera are at once distinguished by the following characters : Carapace thick. Merus of external maxillipeds as broad as ischium . . . Plagusia Latreille Carapace much flattened. Merus of external maxillipeds much smaller and narrower than ischium Perenon Gistel 1) Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1S94, p. 728. Hab. Indian Ocean. Loo-Choo Islands and Japan. Perhaps C.intermeJius is synonymous to C. longipcs. 2) Proc. U.S. Xat. Mus., v. 26, 1902, p. 75, textfig. 1—2; Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, pit 3, 1906, p. 840. Hab. Ilawaiian Islands. 3) Ann. Mus. Hung.. v. 3, 1905, p. 501. Hab. Berlinharbour, Geiman New Guinea. 4) Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 1900. p. 57. 127 128 Plagusia Latreille. 1806. Plagusia (part.) Latreille. Gen. Crust. et Insect., t. 1, p. 33 Alcock s) states, that in Plagusia the exognath of the external maxillipeds is destitute of a flagellum, hut already de Haan has figured one in P. dentipes, and both Stebbing and Borradaile state the occurrence of a flagellum in P. capensis. Alcock also remarks, that the habits of this genus (and of Perenon) "to a certain extent resemble (those of) the Grapsi, dodging about rocks that are awash at high tide, and hiding in crannies when pursued. They also resemble Varuna in being able to make themselves at home on drift timber in the open sea. This will account for the very wide range of some of the species". Indeed, both genera contain an almost cosmopolitical species, occurring every- where on tropical coasts; in the genus Plagusia this widely-spread species is separable into several subspecies, as has been clearly traced out by Laurie3). Key to the species : 1 . Meropodites of the ambulatory legs with one subterminal tooth on its upper border 2 Meropodites of the ambulatory legs with a series of teeth on its upper margin. Carapace almost entirely destitute of tubercles 4 2. Carapace smooth, not squamose. Interantennular fossae with inner margins granulate. Chelipeds of <-? very short, outer surface of palm smooth, not costate, upper border granulate P. glabra Dana 4) Carapace always with more or less distinct squamiform tubercles. Chelipeds of ef longer, outer surface of palm longitudinally costate 3 3. Three teeth behind external orbital angle P . depressa (Fabricius) 5) Two teeth behind external orbital angle. Carapace wholly covered with large, squamiform tubercles. Palm of chela at outer surface 1) Kingsley (Proc. Ac Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 18S0, p. 224, footnote) rightly remarked, that in the dismemberment of Latreille's genus the name Plagusia should have been given to Perenon, for the ftïst species mentioned by Latreille is Plagusia clavimana, which is now generally considered to be identical with Perenon planissimum (Herbst). 2) Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, pit 2, 1900, p. 437. 3) Rep. Pearl Oyster Fish. Ceylon, pit 5, 1906, p. 429 — 430. 4) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1S51, p. 252; U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 371, pi. 23, f. 10; H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 179; Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. 1, 1878, p. 152; Haswell, Cat. Austral. Crust., 18S2, p. ui. Hab. New South Wales. 5) The typical P. depressa, with squamiform tubercles on the carapace and the lobes(coxal processes) above the bases of the middle pairs of walking legs dentate, is chiefly Atlantic, and even occurs in the Mediterranean. The subspecies are thus divided by Laurie (1. c): Carapace covered with numerous — - often more or less squamiform — tubercles, each bordered by a fringe of short stiff hairs: Posterior coxal process of 2'"' and 3' walking legs entire tuberculata Lamarck Posterior coxal process of 2n' and 3' walking legs dentate depressa Fabricius Carapace tubercles more depressed — those on gastric region obsolescent. Posterior coxal process of 2°'' and 3'1 walking legs entire immaculata Lamarck Laurie, however, points out that there must be a tendency of merging one into another among the subspecies. The P. sauamosa ol IIikb-1 is, according to LAURIE, to be discarded, as there is an essential discrepancy, as regards the shape of the coxal processes, between text and figure. iiuie of this most common species, up to 1900 at least, is gathered by ALCOCK, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, pit 2, p. 437. 128 i 29 with six longitudinal, impressed lines, fingers short, dactylus much curved P . speciosa Dana r 4. Anterior margin of front granulate, with two short teeth in the middle ; carapace smooth. Outer surface of palm of chela with deeply-impressed, longitudinal grooves, interspaces granulate and reticulate P. capensis de Haan ~) Anterior margin of front with three teeth at either side and two in the middle of the front; carapace everywhere pubescent; hepatic and especially branchial regions with a few groups of spiniform granules. Outer surface of palm of chela with deeply impressed, longitudinal grooves, in which many short hairs are placed, interspaces strongly tuberculate, not reticulate . . . P. dentipes de Haan 3) i. Plag 11$ ia depressa iitberculata Lamarck. Literature : ALCOCK, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 437. Stat. 33. Bay of Pidjot, east coast of Lombok. 1 <ƒ. Stat. 60. Haingsisi, Samau Island, near Timor. 2 rf , 1 9 Juv- Stat. 193. Sanana, Sula Besi, 1 rf juv. The transition between this subspecies and immaculata is very gradual, but generally the carapace presents spiniform tubercles, especially on the branchial regions, and is more rlattened in the former. This widely distributed subspecies occurs throughout the whole Indo-Pacific and even on the coast of Chile. Perenon Gistel. 1835. Acanthopus de Haan. Faun. Japon., Crust., p. 29 (p ra e o cc). 1848. Perenon Gistel. Naturgesch. d. Tierreichs, p. VIII. 1876. Leiolopluts Miers. Cat. Crust. New Zealand. p. 46. 1900. Liolophus Alcock. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, p. 439. 1) Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1851, p. 252 ; CS. Expl. Exp., Crust., 1852, p. 369, pi. 23, f. 9 : H. MilNE-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 179; Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. 1, 1878, p. 151; Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 223: DE Man, Notes Leiden Mus., v. 12, 1890, p. 89; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 731: Borradaile, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1900, p. 591 ; Rathbun, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., v. 35, n' 2, 1907, p. 36. Hab. Paumotu Islauds, Tahiti, Funafuti and Rotuma. 2) Cancer chabrus} Linné, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 62S; Mus. Lud. Ulrici, 1764, p. 438; Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, p. 1044; Plagusia capensis de Haan, Faun. Japon., Crust., 1835, P-. 58 ; P. tomentosa H. Milne-Edwards, Hist. nat. Crust.. t. 2, 1837, p. 92; Mc Leay, Smith's 111. Zool. S. Africa, 1838, p. 66; Krauss, Südafr. Crust., 1843, p. 42, pi. 2, f. 6 ; P. chabrus White, Ann. Mag. Nat. IIi»t. (1) v. 17, p. 497; List Crust. Brit. Mus., 1S47, p. 42; /'. tomentosa H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 178; P. gai- mardi H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 178; P. chabrus Miers, Cat. Crust. New Zealand, 1876, p. 45: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. 1, 1878, p. 152; Haswei.l, Cat. Austral. Crust., 1882, p. Mi; FlLHOL, Miss. ile Campbell, t. 3, prt 2, 1885, p. 393; Miers, Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, 1886, p. 273, pi. 22, f . 1 d (cheliped) ; P. capensis Stebbing, S. A. Crust., prt 3. 1905, p. 47: P. tomentosa Stimpson, Smithson. Inst., Miscell. Coll., v. 49, 1907, p. 122: P. chabrus Stebbing, S. A. Crust., prt 5, 1910, p. 322; Rathcun, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 3S, 1910, p. 591; /'. capensis Stebbing, Transact. Roy. Soc. FMinburgh, v. 50, prt 2, 1914, p. 267, pi. 26c (maxillipeds); P. chabrus Borradaile, Brit. Antaict. ("Terra Nova") Exp., Zool., v. 3, n° 2, 1916, p. 101. Hab. Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Tongatabu, Juan Fernandez and Chile. 3) Faun. Japon., Crust., 1S35, p. 58, pi. S, f. 1; H. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1S53, p. 178; Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1858, p. 103; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb. Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 731: RATHBON, Mem. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll, v. 35, n° 2, 1907, p. 36. Hab. Japan and Easter Island. 129 SIBOCA-F.XPF.DITIE XXXIX C. \, The time-honoured designation Leiolophus has been substituted by Perenon l) in recent times. Key to the species : i. Large species, with a tutt of hairs at inner surface of palm of chela /'. pilimanum (A. Milne-Edw.) ") Smaller species, with the cnelae hairless 2 2. Anterior margin of epistome with one large median tooth and two smaller lateral ones ; pleural groove, limiting the pterygostomial region dorsally, hairy. Abdomen of cf broad, terminal segment triangular. Upper border of chelae entire P . planissimum (Herbst) Anterior margin of epistome only with one large median tooth, the lateral ones wanting; pleural groove hairless or nearly so. Abdomen of cf narrow, terminal segment roughly semi-circular. Upper border of chelae sulcate P. abbreviatwm (Dana) 1. Perenon planissimum (Herbst). Literature : ALCOCK, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 439 '). Stat. ■$$. Bay of Pidjot, east coast of Lombok. 1 $ juv. Stat. 34. Labuan Pandan, west coast of Lombok. 5 rf aet- div., 2 9 with eggs. Stat. 47. Bay of Bima, Sumbawa. 1 Q. Stat. 58. Savu, between Timor and Sumba. S <ƒ (1 juv.), 7 9 (5 with eggs). Stat. 125. Siau Island, north-east of Manado. 1 9 w'tn eggs- Stat. 127. Great Sangir Island. 2 rf juv. Stat. 129. Karkaralong Islands, between Mindanao and Celel^es. 1 c?> L 9- Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. 5 9 (one witli Sacculind). Stat. 169. Atjatuning, west coast of New Guinea. 2 rf. This species has a world-wide distribution throughout the warmer seas, and is with Grapstts strigosus (Herbst) the most common species of the Grapsidae. 2. Perenon abbreviatum Dana. 185 1. Accmthopus abbreviatus Dana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 185 1, p. 252. 1852. Acanthopus abbreviatus Dana. U.S. Expl. Exp., Crust., p. 373, pi. 23, fig. 1 1. 187S. Leiolophus abbreviatus Miers. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5.) v. 1, p. 154. 1880. Leiolophus abbreviatus Miers. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. 5, p. 314. 1888. Leiolophus abbreviatus de Man. Arch. Naturgesch., Jahrg. 53. 1., p. 372. 1892. Leiolophus abbreviatus Thallwitz. Abhandl. Mus. Dresden, Bd 3, n° 3, pag. 36. 1894. Leiolophus abbreviatus Ortmann. Denkschr. med.-naturw. Ges. Jena, Bd 8, p. 57. 1) Rathbun, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., v. 22, igoo, p. 281. 2) Plagusia planissima} Randall, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1839, p. 128 (f. Rathbun, 1906); Acanthopus pilimanus A. Milne-Edwards, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, 1S73, p. 300, pi. 14, f. 5; Leiolophus p. Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) v. I, 1878, p. 154: Kingsley, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1880, p. 224; Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 731; Perenon pilimanus Rathbun, Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, 1906, p. S42. Hab. New Caledonia, Tahiti, Fiji and Hawaiian Islands. 3) According to de Man (Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25. Heft 3, 1902, p. 544), who examined the original specimens of "Acanthopus affinis" and "A. tcnuifrons", both described by H. Milne-Edwards (Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1853, p. 180), these specimens should also enter into the synonymy of the present species. r3° i3i 1S96. Leiolophus abbreviatus de Man. Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 9, p. 359. 1902. Liolophus abbreviatus de Man. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 25, Heft 3, p. 544, pi. 20, f. 13. 1905. Leiolophus abbreviatus Lenz. Abhandl. Senckenb. Gesellsch., Bd 27, Heft 4, p. 373. 1906. Perenon abbreviatum Rathbun. Buil. U. S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, p. S42. 191 1. Perenon abbreviatum Rathbun. Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 14, p. 242. Stat. 34. Labuan Pandan, west coast of Lombok. 1 9- Stat. 79b. Kabala Dua, Borneo Bank, Macassar Strait. 1 <ƒ. Stat. 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. 2 rf, 1 9- Stat. 133. Lirung, Talaut Islands. r cf. Stat. 220. Binongka Island, south-east of Celebes. 1 <ƒ. Stat. 248. Tiur Island, between Kei Islands and Ceram. 1 rf. Thanks to de Man's researches (especially those of 1902) there is now no difficulty in distinguishing between the common P. plamssimum and the present species. The dorsally sulcate chelae, the absence of lateral teeth on the antenor margin of the epistome, the smoothness of the pleural groove and the shape of the last segment of the abdomen of the c? are all important features of P. abbreviatum, at least as understood by de Man, for the author has at different occasions alluded to the probable incorrectness of Dana's figure. It is also worth of notice, that the chelae of the adult P. planissimum are peculiarlv high and compressed, whereas they remain small and not dilated in P. abbreviatum. The species is apparently associated with the preceding throughout the whole Indo-Pacific region, but is generally less abundant. 131 GECARCINIDAE. The Gecarcinidae are the true land-crabs, which are mostly characterized by a very thick cephalothorax, with inrlated branchial regions, the lateral margins are not defined and keeled only behind the little projecting external orbital angles, the pterygostomial regions are thickly hairy; the orbits are small, the carapace is much vaulted in a longitudinal sense, especially anteriorly, with the regions scarcely or not at all indicated, the penultimate segment of the abdomen of the o71 is much Ionger than the preceding, and the dactyli of the walking legs are long, slender and spinous. The species are scarcely observed to go ever into the water (though the young are probably hatched out in the sea), but spend their lives in hiding during the day among grass, stones, fallen trunks etc, rambling about in the night. Pearse l), who studied with so much success the life of the hdcller crabs (L^ca = Gelasimus\ also gave us a pretty account of the habits of Cardisoma (C. guanhumi Latreille). Like Uca it lives on the same mud-flats, and likewise digs burrows, but in digging it makes largely use of its great claws and not of the walking legs. The largely-inflated branchial cavities are lined internally with a thick vascularized membrane, that enables the animal to directly breathing the air, but the same occurs in some species of Sesarma, that even climb trees, and in Geograpsus. The hairs of the pterygostomial regions retain water a long time, that is continuously oxidized by the air. The carapace is generally of a bluish, violet or reddish colour, sometimes mottled by yellow patches; the legs are mostly of the latter hue, and the chelipeds are scarlet-red. The four Indo-Pacific genera, Cardisoma, Gecarcoidea, Epigrapsits and Grapsodes are readily to be distinguished by the key of Alcock 3). EpigrapsuS Heller. 1862. Epigrapsits Heller. Verh. zool. -bot. Ges. Wien, Bd 12, p. 522. 1865. Nectograpsus Heller. Reise "Novara", Crust., p. 56. 1865. Grapsodes Heller. Reise "Novara", Crust., p. 58. Epigrapsits and A'cctograpstcs are identical, being based on the same species. As to Grapsodes, it has been treated of as an independent genus, but I agree with Alcock that it 1) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 49, 1915, p. 553—554. See also Ortmann (Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 10, 1897, p. 338 — 340), Grayiek (Buil. Mus. Paris, t. 12, 1906, p. 498) and Garuiner (Transact. Linn. Soc. London (2) v. 12, 1907, p. 47). 2) Jouvn. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 440—441. The author, following Miers, writes: Geocarcinidae and Cai./iosoiun, which is undoubtedly right from an orthographical point of view, but the genus that gaves the name to the family has been spelled ■ huis by Leach, and Latreille writes Cardisoma. _ is really identical with Epigrapsus ; all the principal characters : the shape of the orbits and the maxillipeds are wholly the same, and even the minutely and 'transversely-striated infra- orbital crest, that is as long as the breadth of the orbit, agrees in Epigrapsus and Grapsodes^); in both genera the pterygostomial regions are hirsute in the same way and between the bases of the second and third pair of walking legs there is a tuft of hairs, bordering an opening towards the branchial cavity, as in Ocypoda and Geograpsus. Key to the species : Lateral margins of carapace dentate. Walking legs hirsute E. notatus (Heller) Lateral margins of carapace entire or nearly so. Walking legs glabrous, only the dactyli hirsute E. politus Heller i . Epigraps?ts politus Heller. Literature: ALCOCK, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 443. Stat. 64. Tanah Djampeah, Flores Sea. 1 9- Heller's figure is not quite exact as regards the outer orbital angle, which is represented acute and rather prominent, and the proportions of the carapace are inexact, for, as Miers 'j remarks, the carapace is broader anteriorly and narrower behind. De Man 8) observed, that usually one epibranchial tooth, though very obscure, is found behind each external orbital angle, and that in the Q even a second epibranchial tooth may occur, in such a way that the length of the precèding tooth is somewhat longer than that of the external orbital angle. In my specimen the lateral margins present only one single notch. The carapace is flattened in a transverse sense and the regions are not indicated, but near the margins and on the sloping branchial regions there are a number of obliquely-elongated, somewhat hairy tubercles. The inner angle of the wrist is more pronounced in the Q than in the cf ; in the latter sex the chelipeds should be markedly unequal, according to Aecock, but de Man, who examined 20 cf1, says that they are usually equal in size. The walking legs are smooth and glabrous or nearly so ; the dactyli are hirsute, especially in the case of the last two pairs, so that the spinules are largely hidden beneath the hairs, these dactyli are long, subquadrate or pentagonal in transverse section, and wholly straight, only the horny tip being faintly curved. The general shape of this species, the carapace of which is of a uniform reddish-yellow colour, much resembles Cyclograpsus and indeed it has been generally referred to the Grapsidae. From Cyclograpsus it is at once distinguished by the form of the maxillipeds, that do not present the diagonally-directed hairy line across the merus, and by the lateral margins of the carapace disappearing at a few distance behind the external orbital angles and not being keeled. In the latter feature it agrees with one species of Geograpsus (G. grayi H. Milne- Edwards), but the oblique branchial striae, so characteristic of the Grapsiuac, are entirely wanting and the merus of the external maxillipeds is of a more rounded shape. Alcock was the first to place Epigrapsus in its proper place. 1) Mieks (Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, p. 160) already alluded lo the close aftïnity of both genera. 2) Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, 18S6, p. 266. 3) Zool. Jabrb., Syst., Bd 9, 1895, p. 79. 133 '34 The species inhabits the Andamans and Nicobars, Atjeh, New Guinea, New Hebrides, Fiji Islands, Ponapé (Samoah) and Tahiti. About its habits nothing is known. 2. Epigrapsus notatus (Heller). PI. VI, Fig. 3. 1865. Grapsodes notatus Heller. Reise "Novara", Crust., p. 58, pi. 5, f. 2. Literature: AlXOCK, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 442. Stat. 133. Lirung, Talaut Islands. 13 cT, 4 9- Heller's figure is taken from a young indrvidual, but my specimens attain a larger size than that denoted by Alcock, the breadth of the carapace of an adult tf being 34 mm., the length 29 mm. The carapace is broader than loqg, flattened transversely, and also in the posterior two-thirds of the longitudinal line, but the anterior part is regularly and strongly curved, so that the front is much deflexed and even curved backward. The whole surface is very minutely punctate and the regions are scarcely defined, the furrows being represented by very faint wrinkles ; the cervical groove is only distinct in its lateral parts and situated at three-fifths of the total length of the carapace; the cardiac region is small and very ill-defined, the intestinal area presents a lateral depression at either side; the branchial regions are per- pendicularly declivous in their outer posterior angle, and usually exhibit here some faint granules, but in the specimen figured these granules are very large, arranged in obscure and oblique lines and very shortly hirsute; similar, but rounded and pearly granules, are found in this specimen along the whole lateral margins and behind the supra-orbital border and in some parts render these lateral margins rugose. The gastro-hepatic grooves are more or less distinct, but usually their course is only indicated by two obliquely-longitudinal pits, from each of which a very faint groove runs forward towards the notch between the external orbital angle and the anterior epibranchial tooth, where again a pit is found; a third pair of depressions is found on the mesogastric area, before the cervical groove. In dorsal view the anterior margin of the front is very faintly concave and entire, the lateral angles are somewhat prominent and not rectangular, passing into the concave side margins. Though there is on the surface of the front a faint indication of two flattened postfrontal lobes, the front passes mostly imperceptibly into the epigastric area, but in the specimen figured the postfrontal lobes are more distinctly marked and their anterior margin is formed by a trans- verse crest. The orbits are very small, not even half as broad as the front, and the eye-stalks not even reach the little prominent, subrectangular external orbital angle, the lateral margins of which are much divermno- backward. A second and even a third lateral tooth are always present, but they are obtuse, not acuminate anteriorly, turned upward ; the second tooth is as long as the preceding, the third is usually shorter, but it may be fused with some short, oblique or longitudinal verrucosities, immediately behind the tooth, at which place the lateral margins of the carapace completely disappear, as in Cardisoma ; in dorsal view the postero-lateral outlines of the carapace are subparallel, so that the greatest breadth of the latter is found immediately behind the last antero-lateral teeth. The hind margin is 1Y2 times as broad as the front and accompanied by a fine furrow, that is continued on either side and can be traced forward as far as the bases of the second pair of walking legs, where 134 135 the groove, separating the subhepatic and pterygostomial regions and continued backward on the subbranchial regions, joints it. The tvvo former of these regions are entirely glabrous, but between the infra-orbital crest and the bases of the chelipeds a very dense toment is found. The peduncle of the antenna touches the front and is partly concealed ; there is a wide gap left between the front and the very small triangular infra-orbital tooth, that is directed obliquely-outward. Laterally there is no wall to the orbit, but beneath the latter we observe a well-defined infra-orbital crest, stretching from the basal joint of the antennae laterally and backward beyond the anterior notch of the carapace, so that its total length is twice the breadth of the orbit; on strong magnification this crest proves to be very minutely transversely striated. In /:". politus the same crest occurs. The epistome is distinct, hirsute; its length in the median line, where it strongly projects distally is about one-fourth of the width between the bases of the antennae. The lateral margins of the buccal cavern are diverging distally. The external maxillipeds leave a rhombic space between them ; the ischium is as long as the merus, but considerably broader, the inner margin of the merus is straight, the outer somewhat convex and the carpus is inserted near the antero-external angle. The exognath is nearly wholly concealed, very hairy and thick, reaching a little way beyond the suture between ischium and merus, and as Alcock remarks, destitute of a flagelluin. The abdomen of the d1 covers all the space between the bases of the posterior legs ; it is triangular and all the segments are distinct ; the penultimate segment is as long as the terminal one, and the posterior margin of the former is twice as broad as the anterior margin. The chelipeds are sometimes markedly unequal, but more often they present no difference in size, and they may be called wholly smooth and glabrous; the borders of the meropodite are, however, faintly crenulate, the inner margin of the wrist, immediately before the articulation with the arm, presents some granules, and in the middle of the inner surface of the palm we observe (in the c?) two indistinct longitudinal rows, each consisting of three or four largely- separated granules. The palm of the d" is very high, higher than long, somewhat compressed, but not keeled, below ; the fingers are very widely gaping, slightly compressed; the fixed finger is largely excavated in the proximal half of the inner margin, the clistal half begins with a crenulate prominence and is crenulate in the same way up to the acute tip; the movable finger is only slightly curved, the proximal third portion of the inner margin is smooth, then follows a quadrangular and crenulate tooth, and the rest of the inner margin is likewise dentate. In the 9 the chelae are much smaller and lower; the fingers are longer and fitting closely together, with the inner margins regularly toothed, and the rest of the surface furnished with a number of longitudinal striae, that are prominent near the tip, but are dissolved further backward in rows of very small pits. In the cases, where the d" presents unequal chelipeds, ths smaller one resembles that of the 9. Alcock already observed, that the inner angle of the wrist is obtuse in the cT, but always distinctly prominent in the 9. The middle pairs of walking legs, which are the longest, are about twice the length of the carapace. The meropodites are smooth for their greater part, but the hind margin is crenulate and near the not particularly keeled anterior margin numerous spiniform granules 135 io6 are scatterecl about: the breadth of the meropodite is about one-third of its length; a subdistal, rectangular prominence is found at the anterior margin. Carpo- and propodite together are as long as the meropodite, and the daciyli are very long, longer than the preceding joint, quadrangular in transverse section, slightly curved and armed with four rows of spines. Usually the walking legs are beset with stiff and long bristles, but in the specimen here fio-ured the leo-s are al most completely hairless. As has been remarked above, this specimen is also remarkable by the numerous granules on the carapace and by the somewhat flattened front. I think these differences, however, to be merely individual and of no particular importance, for I examined a small cf in the Leiden Museum, collected at Pulu Weh, in which the carapace is still more extensively studded with granules and the front more distinctly flattened, but the walking legs are hairy in the usual way. The chelipeds are always of a reddish-yellow colour, like the sternum ; the carapace and the legs are of the same violet-bluish tint as occurs in Cardisoma, but some specimens have a uniformly-reddish carapace, in others it is of the general ground-colour of the chelipeds, but mottled and marbled by violet blotches. The latter case occurs in the specimen depicted. This species was first collected at the Nicobars, Miers recorded it afterwards from Duke-of-York Island (north of Samoa), de Man from Morotai (near Halmaheira) and Alcock acrain from the Nicobars. Besides the Morotai specimen there is in the collection of the Leiden Museum a young cf from Pulu Weh (north of Sumatra,, collected by Mr. Buitendijk in January 191 i. lts habits are unknown. Dimensions in mm. : Distance betvveen external orbital angles . Greatest width of carapace Length of carapace Width of anterior margin of front Cardisoma Latreille. 1825. Cardisoma Latreille. Encycl. Méth., t. 10, p. 685. 1870. Cai-diosoma S. J. Smith. Transact. Connecticut Ac, v. 2 p. 142. 1886. Cardiosoma Miers. Rep. "Challenger", Brachyura, p. 219. This well-known genus is distinguished by the following characters: the carapace is (at least in old specimens) very much inliated, with branchial regions strongly bulging and the lateral margins only distinct in their anterior half; the distance between the external orbital angles is more than half the greatest width of the carapace (as in Epigrapsus), but the antennulae are separated by a broad septum, the peduncle of the antenna does not touch the front, the epistome is very short, almost linear, the orbit is defined ventrally and laterally by a finely-crenulated edge and there is no infra-orbital crest beneath it, the cornea of the eye is very large, occupying nearly the whole ventral part of the eye-stalks (as in Ocypoda), the merus of the external maxillipeds is as long as the ischium, much narrowed at its base, and the exogmath bears a distinct flagellum. 1) This is the specimen here tigured. 136 c? 9') 20.25 18.— 32-5 29.— 28.— 26 — 1 1. — 9-75 137 The genus Discoplax A. Milne-Edwards *) is very nearly allied to (if not identical with) Cardisoma, but as de Man ') recently pointed out, it is wrong to follow Ortmann and Alcock in simply uniting the only species D. longipes with C. hirtipes Dana, for there are nümerous points of difference. For the present leaving aside this D' longipes, we admit but two species in the Indo- Pacific region, where they represent the typical Atlantic genus Gecarcinus. Key to the species : Epibranchial tooth immediately behind external orbital angle ; lateral margins of carapace strongly and abruptly bulging behind epibranchial teeth; postfrontal lobes indistinct; regions scarcely indicated, hairy part of pterygostomial regions as broad as base of buccal cavern ; infra-orbital border passing rectangularly into the lateral one. Mero- podites of walking legs with some few hairs only at hind margin . C. carnifex (Herbst) Epibranchial tooth at a longer distance behind external orbital angle ; lateral margins of carapace less bulging behind epibranchial teeth ; post- frontal lobes and regions of carapace much more distinct ; hairy part of pterygostomial regions much broader than base of buccal cavern ; infra-orbital border passing with an acute angle into the lateral one. Meropodites of walking legs bordered with bristles at hind margin . C. hirtipes Dana :!) i. Cardisoma carnifex (Herbst). Literature: ALCOCK. Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 445—446. Stat. 213. Saleyer Island, south of Celebes, 1 rf (ad), 2 $, with eggs. Stat. 279. Roma Island, north-east of Timor, 2 Q. This well-known species, like the preceding, occurs in the whole Indo-Pacihc region. Gecarcoidea H. Milne-Edwards. 1837. Gecarcoidea H. Milne-Edwards. Hist. nat. Crust., t. 2, p. 25. Literature: ORTMANN, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 738. The rather insufficiënt diagnosis of H. Milne-Edwards, who in 1853 changed the name of the genus into Pelocareiuns, induced Wood-Mason and afterwards de Man to suppose, that their 1) Nouv. Arch. Mus. Paris, t. 9, 1873, p. 294, pi. 15. Hab. New Caledonia. 2) Abh. Senckenb. Ges., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 548—549. 3) Literature: Alcock, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 69, prt 2, 1900, p. 447. Krom the synonymy here given Discoplax long should be omitted, as has been mentioned. but two other names should be added : firstly C. frontalis II. Milne-Edwards from the Loyalty Islands near New Caledonia (Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) t. 20, 1S53, p. 204, see de Man, Abh. Senckenb. Ges., Bd 25, Heft 3, 1902, p. 548, pi. 20, f. 14), which most likely is at most a subspecies of C. hirtipes, and secondly C, obesum de Man (nee Dana) (Notes Leiden Mus., v. 2, 1880, p. 35), which certainly belongs to this species. Miss RATHBUN (Buil. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1903, v. 23, prt 3, 1906, p. 838) has recently replaced the name hirtipes by rotundum, identifying Dana's species with " Thelplutsa" rotunda Quoy et Gaimard (Freycinet's voy. around the world, t. 3, Zool., 1825, p. 527, pi. 77, f. 1), but, as i'ilman (I'roc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, p. 711) tightly remarks, description and Bgure of those earlier French authors are equally poor and wholly insufficiënt to allow of an exact determination. 137 SIDOGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX C. iS 138 specimens were really distinct, and again two genera Hylaeocarcinus and Limnocarcinus, were established. The inner suborbital lobe in some specimens unites with the front, in others, however, a wide space is left, and this variability caused the authors above named to regard their specimens as belonging to a genus different from Gecarcoidea. The inner suborbital lobe is separated by a more or less wide fissure from the infra-orbital border. The genus is most closely related to Gecarcinus, with which it agrees in all principal points: in the width of the front and of the orbits together being not quite half the greatest width of the carapace, in the curvature of the lateral margins of the latter, in the course of the grooves on the carapace and in the shape of chelipeds and walking legs. The external maxillipeds, too, are largely equal, but the merus is much shorter and narrower than the ischium, and the very short flagellum is with its carpus partly concealed behind the merus. Ortmann already pointed out, that there is only one single species, to which four generic and five specific names have been applied. i. Gecarcoidea lalandei H. Milne-Edwards. Literature: Ortmann, Zool. Jahrb., Syst., Bd 7, 1894, p. 738; Calman, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, p. 710. Stat. 133. Lirung, Talaut Islands. 6 c\f . The specimens before me fully illustrate the variability presented by this species in the contact of the inner suborbital lobe with the front and in the width of the suborbital fissure. According to Wood-Mason {Hylaeocarcinus hu mei) l) the mesogastric lobe is studded with granules, but probably this character disappears with advancing age ; at least they are absent in my adult specimens and de Man ~) states the same in bis Limnocarcimis intermedius. From either side of the hairy epistome a crenulated and concave crest runs laterally beneath the orbit; near the epistome it is rather high, but this height soon decreases laterally; its total length is about three times the trans verse diameter of the orbit. With reference to our still limited knowledge of the Gecarcinidae it is worth to note, that Andrews s) observed at Christmas Island the migration of numbers of the present species towards the sea, to propagate. This occurred during the rainy season, and in 1908, shortly after the migration, he obtained enormous quantities of Megalopa-larvae and of small crabs near the shore, which, according to Calman, are most likely the young of this species. Besides at the locality named the species has been observed at the Nicobars, Andamans Gorontalo (Celebes), Philippines, Loyalty Island, New Guinea and New Britannia. In the Leiden Museum there is still a small specimen from Pulu Weh, collected by Dr. Buitendijk. The original locality (Brazil) of H. Milne-Edwards is scarcely trustworthy. 1) Jouin. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 42, pit 2, 1873, p. 260, pi. 14 — 15. 2) Notes Leiden Museum, v. 2, 1880, p. 65. 3) Monograph of Christmas Island, 1900, p. 163. The author records this species errcneously under the name Gecarcinus lagoslomus. 138 LIST OF THE STATIONS, WHENCE SPECIES OF THE FAMILIES HYMENOSOMIDAE, RETROPLUMIDAE, OCYPODIDAE, GRAPSIDAE AND GECARCINIDAE WERE OBTAINED. STATION 4. Djangkar, East Java. Varuna litterata (Fabricius), Sesarma (Sesarma) pahnvanensis Rathbun. Station i6. Kangeang Island, east of Madura. Metopograpsus oceanicus (Jacquinot et Lucas). Station 19. Bay of Labuan Tring, west coast of Lombok. Uca dussumieri (H. Milne-Edwards), Uca lactea (de Haan), Grapsus strigosus longitarsis Dana, Varuna litterata (Fabricius), Metasesarma rousseauxi H. Milne-Edwards, Sesarma (Parasesarma) calypso de Man, Helice subquadrata (Dana). Station 33. Bay of Pidjot, east coast of Lombok. Tympanomerus ceratophorus (Koelbel), Varuna litterata (Fabricius), Ptychognathus riedelii pilosa de Man, Ptychognathus pusillus Heller, Sesarma (Para- sesarma) calypso de Man, Helice leaclii Hess, Perenon planissimum (Herbst), Plagusia depressa tuberculata Lamarck. STATION 34. Bay of Labuan Pandan, east coast of Lombok. Grapsus strigosus (Herbst), Pachygrapsus plicatus H. Milne-Edwards, Pachygrapsus planifrons de Man, Perenou planissimum (Herbst), Perenon abbre- viatum (Dana). Station 40. Paternoster Islands, north of Sumbawa. Ocypoda cordimana Desmarest, Ocypoda cera- tophthalma (Pallas). STATION 47. Bay of Bima, north coast of Sumbawa. Uca tetragonon (Herbst), Uca lactea (de Haan), Macrophthalmus graeffei A. Milne-Edwards, Macrophthalmus latreillei Desmarest, Metopograpsus messor gracilipes de Man, Metopograpsus maculatus H. Milne-Edwards, Metopograpsus latifrons (White), Metopo- grapsus oceanicus (Jacquinot et Lucas), Perenon planissimum (Herbst). Station 50. Bay of Badjo, west coast of Flores. Ocypoda cordimana Desmarest, Ocypoda ceratoph- thalma (Pallas), Uca dussumieri (H. Milne-Edwards), Uca lactea (de Haan), Uca gaimardi (H. Milne-Edwards), Metopograpsus thukuhar (Owen), Varuna litterata (Fabricius). STATION 51. Madura Bay, west coast of Flores. Ocypoda kulili de Haan, Grapsus strigosus (Herbst). STATION 53. Nangamessi Bay, north coast of Sumba. Sesarma (Sesarma) impressa H. Milne-Edwards. Station 58. Savu Island, between Sumba and Timor. Varuna litterata (Fabricius), Perenon planissi- mum (Herbst). STATION 60. Haingsisi, Samau Island, near south-west Timor. Grapsus strigosus (Herbst), Plagusia depressa tuberculata Lamarck. Station 61 and 6ia. Islands Solor and Adonare, between Flores and Lomblen. Ocypoda ceratoph- thalma (Pallas), Ocypoda kulili de Haan, Grapsus strigosus (Herbst), Metasesama rousseauxi H. Milne-Edwards. Station 64. Tanah Djampeah, Flores Sea. Macrophthalmus graeffei A. Milne-Edwards, Geograpsus lividus stormi de Man, Pscudograpsus albus Stimpson, Pseudograpsus laniger 11. sp., Sesarma (Holometopus) villosa A. Milne-Edwards, Sesarma (Chiromantes) lenzii de Man, Cyclograpsus parvulus de Man, Epigrapsus politus Heller. i39 140 STATION 66. Saleyer Island, south of Celebes. Paracleistostoma dentatüm n. sp. STATION 71. Macassar. Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas), Macrophthalmus definitus Adams et White, Metopograpsus mcssor gracilipcs de Man. STATION ygh. Pulu Kabala Dua, Borneo Bank. Perenon planissimum (Herbst). Station 86. Donggala, west coast of Celebes. Uca marionis (Desmarest), Uca lactea (de Haan), Macrophthalmus convexus Stimpson, Euplax boscii H. Milne-Edwards, Metopograpsus latïfrons (White), Metopograpsus oceanicus (Jacquinot et Lucas), Sesarma (Chiromantes) livida A. Milne-Edwards. STATION 89. Pulu Kaniungari, east coast of Borneo. Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas). STATION 93. Pulu Sanguisiapo, Sulu Archipelago. Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas). STATION 115. Kwandang Bay, north coast of Celebes. Uca marionis (Desmarest), Metopograpsus oceanicus (Jacquinot et Lucas), Ptychognathus affinis de Man. Station 125. Siau Island, between Celebes and Sangir Islands. Perenon planissimum (Herbst). STATION 127. Taruna Bay, Great Sangir Island. Elamcnopsis lineata A. Milne-Edwards, Pscudograpsus laniger n.'sp., Perenon planissimum (Herbst). Station 129. Karkaralong Islands. Pachygrapsus minutus A. Milne-Edwards, Perenon planissimum (Herbst). STATION 131. Karakelang, Talaut Islands. Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas), Uca marionis (Desmarest), Uca tetragonon (Herbst), Mictyris longicarpus Latreille, Dotilla wichmanni de Man, Euplax boscii H. Milne- Edwards, Ptychognathus riedelii pilosa de Man, Ptychognathus guijulugani Rathbun, Utica nausithoe de Man, Pscudograpsus crassus A. Milne-Edwards, Sesarma {Sesarma) lafondi Jacquinot et Lucas, Sesarma (Sesarma) modesta de Man, Sesarma (Sesarma) impressa H. Milne-Edwards, Sesarma (Parasesarma) calypso kükenthali de Man, Sesarma (Chiromantes) bidens (de Haan), Sarmatium punctatum A. Milne-Edwards, Clistocoeloma tectum (Rathbun), Perenon planissimum (Herbst), Perenon abbreviatum (Dana). STATION 133. Lirung, Talaut Islands. Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas), Euplax boscii H. Milne-Edwards, Metasesarma aubryi A. Milne-Edwards, Sesarma (Sesarma) rotundata Hess, Perenon abbreviatum (Dana), Epigrapsus notatus (Heller), Gecarcoidea lalandei H. Milne-Edwards. STATION 142. Obi Major, south of Halmaheira. Metopograpsus thukuhar (Owen). Station 163. Seget, north-west New Guinea. Metopograpsus oceanicus (Jacquinot et Lucas). STATION 169. Atjatuning, west coast of New Guinea. Sesarma (Holometopus) elongata A. Milne- Edwards, Perenon planissimum (Herbst). STATION 172. Gisser Island, near south-east point of Ceram. Elamena truncata (Stimpson), Pscudo- grapsus albus Stimpson. STATION 174. Waru Ba)r, north coast of Ceram. Sesarma (Holometopus) elongata A. Milne-Edwards. STATION 179. Kawa Bay, west coast of Ceram. Ocypoda cordimana Desmarest, Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas), Ptychognathus affinis de Man, Sesarma (Sesarma) amphinome de Man. Station 180. Pulu Kelang, between Ceram and Buru. Metasesarma aubryi A. Milne-Edwards, Sesarma (Sesarma) atrorubens Hess, Sesarma (Sesarma) gracilipcs H. Milne-Edwards. Station 181. Ambon. Elamena truncata (Stimpson), Metopograpsus thukuhar (Owen). STATION 193. Sanana Bay, east coast of Sula Besi. Plagusia depressa tubereulata Lamarck. STATION 200. Bara Bay, north coast of Buru. Metopograpsus latifrons (White), Helice leachi Hess. STATION 213. Saleyer, south of Celebes. Cardisoma carnifex (Herbst). Station 220. Binongka Island, south-east of Celebes. Perenon abbreviatum (Dana). Station 225c. Lucipara Islands, Banda Sea. Euplax boscii H. Milne Edwards. 140 i4i Station 231. Ambon. Mictyris longicarpus Latreille, Euplax boscii H. Milne-Edwards, Grapsus strigosus (Herbst). Station 234. Nusa-Laut Island, east of Ambon. Varuna liUerata (Fabricius). STATION 248. Tiur Island, betwcen Ceram and Kei Islands. Perenon abbreviatum (Dana). Station 250. Kur Island, near Kei Islands. Uca teiragonon (Herbst), Euplax boscii H. Milne-Edwaï ds, Tympanomerus integer n. sp. Station 254. West of Kei Islands, depth 310 metres', bottom : fine, grey mud. Retropluma plumosa n. sp. Station 258. Kei Islands. Macrophthalmus telescopicns (Uwen). Station 263. Great Kei Island. Ocypoda ceratophthalma (Pallas). Station 277. Dammer Island, south part of Banda Sea. Grapsus strigosus longitarsis Dana. Station 279. Roma Island, south part of Banda Sea. Cardisoma earnifex (Herbstj. Station 323. Bawean Island, Java Sea. Mictyris longicarpus Latreille, Metopograpsus thukuhar (Owen). 141 APPENDIX. It is only during press of this paper, that I became acquainted vvith Kkmp's paper on the Brachyura of the Chilka Lake (Ree. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, v. 5, 191 3, p. 199 — 325) in which the interesting species Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson is again described and figured. On the whole there is a very good agreement between Kemp's statements and mine (p. 65 — 68); we may only remark, that in young specimens the external orbital angle and the second epibranchial tooth are more acuminate than in the adult, that, judging from Kemp's figure, the ischium of the external maxillipeds present straight, not concave, lateral margins, that the adult female has the meropodites of the walking legs quite unarmed distally, and that in the sex named the dactyli of the ambulatory legs are about equal in length to, not distinctly shorter than, the propodites. Kemp maintains Camptandrium among the Variniinac, but still I adhere to my opinion, that all the evidence gathered points to the near affinity of the genus to the Ocypodidae (subfam. Macrophthalminaè). Kemp's specimens were obtained in the Chilka Lake (Lower Bengal) at a time, whfen the water was absolutely fresh. At the same time, however, minute specimens of the present species are recorded from the Ennur backwater, near Madras, "in water of specific gravity 1.0025" (exact salinity not stated). It follows, from the much varying hydrographical conditions of the Chilka Lake, that the species is able to withstand a rather wide range of salinity. 142 INDEX. Note. — Synonyms ure pvinted in Italics. The more important pages are indicated by heavier type. abbreviatum (Perenon) 130, 13 1. abbreviatus (Acanthopus) 130. abbreviatus (Leiolophus) 131. abbreviatus (Liolophus) 131. Acanthoplax 34. Acanthopus 129, 130. Acmaeopleura 83, 106. acuta (Uca) $S. aculus (Gelasimus) 38. aethiopicus (Grapsus ( Pachygrapsus) ) 79. affinis (Acanthopus) 130. affinis (Brachynotus) 105. affinis ' Dotillaj 44. affinis (Hemigrapsus) 105. affinis (Heterograpsus) 105. affinis (Ptychognathus) 87, gi. albus (Pseudograpsus) 98, gg, 100, 101. altimana (Var una) 86, 88. altimanus (Ptychognathus) 86, 88, 90. amphinome (Sesarma (Sesarma) ) 112. andamanica (Ptychognathus) 92. audamanieiis ■ (Ptychognathus) 92. angulatus (Cyrtograpsus) 68. annulipes (Uca - - orientalis) 37. arabica (Ocypoda rotundata — ) 35. Archaeoplax 29. atrorubens (Sesarma (Sesarma)) 113. aubryi (Metasesarma) 109. audouini (Cyclograpsus) 126. australe (Hymenosoma) 13. australis (Hymenicus) 12, 13. barbata (Ptychognathus) 87. barbata (Sesarma) 126. bar bat us (Cancer) 97. barbatus (Gnathochasnius) 126. barbatus. (Gnathograpsus) 87. barbatus (Ptychognathus) 87, 93, 94. barbigerus (Heterograpsus) 105. barbimana (Utic'a) 95, 96. barbimanus (Heterograpsus) 105. Baruna 84. bidens (Sesarma (Chiromantes) ) 115. blanfordi (Dotilla) 43, 45. borneensis (Utica) 95, 96. boscii (Cleistostoma) 60. boscii (Euplax) 59. boscii (Euplax (Chaenostoma) ) 60. boscii (Macrophthalnius) 60. Brachynotus 84, 97, 102, 103, brevidactylus (Mictyris) 42. brevitarsis (Dotilla) 43, 44. calypso (Sesarma (Parasesarma) calypso (Sesarma (Parasesarma) Camptandrium 58, 65, 68. Cancer 83. capensis (Plagusia) 128, 129. Cardiosotna 132, 136. Cardisoma [32, 134, 136, 137. carens (Macrophthalnius dilatatus — ) 58. carnifex (Cardisoma) 137. ceratophora (Dioxippe) 50. ceratophorus (Tympanomerus) 49, 50, 55- ceratophthalma (Ocypoda) 36, 51. chabrus (Cancer) 129. chabrus (Plagusia) 129. Chaenostoma 59, 60. 06. 1 1 3- - kükenthali) 1 13. 1 1: 33- Chasmagnathus 108, 116 chlorophthalma (Uca) 40. chuni (Retropluma) 30, 3 1 cinereus (Cyclograpsus) 126. clavimana (Plagusia) 128. Cleistostoma 48, 58, 61, 64, 69, 115. clepsydrodactylus (Dotilla) 43, 44. Clistocoeloma 108, 109, 115. Clistostoma 61. coarctata (Uca) 38. 118, 121, 124, 125. i43 144 Coelochirus 8 5 ■ convexa (Ocypoda) 35. convexa (Ocypode (Chasinagnathus) ) 125. convexiusculus Gaetice) 84. convexus (Chasmagnathus) 125. convexus (Macrophthalmus) 58, 59- cooki (Hymenicus) 12, 13, 16. coralicola (khynchoplax) 17, 19. cordimana (( >c) pod 1) 35, 36. crabricauda (Scopimera) 46. ,1 (Helice) 1 iS. crassimana 60. crassimana (Utica) 96. crassimanus Ckaenostoma) 60. crassimanus (Hemigrapsus) 105. crassipes (Metaplax) 117. crassipes (Pachygrapsus) 76. crassus (I'seudograpsus) g8, IOO. crenulata (Metaplax) 116. crenulatus (Brachynotus) 105. crenulatus {Cyclograpsus) 105. crenulatus (Grapsus) 105. crenulatus {Hemigrapsus) 105. crenulatus ( 'Heter ograpsus) 105. crenulatus < Metaplax) 116. crenulatus (Rhaconotus) 116. crinipes (Coelochirus) 88. crinipes (Geograpsus) 74. cristatum (Paracleistostoma) 63. cultrimana (Uca marionis — ) 38, 39. Cyclograpsus 102, 106, 108, 125, 133. Cyrtograpsus 68, 103. derinitus (Macrophthalmus) 59. deflexifrons (Mictyris) 42. demani (Uca) 7,7. dentata (Ptenoplax) 33. dentata (Retropluma) 30, 31, 32, n. dentatum (Paracleistostoma) 63. dentatus (Ptychognathus) 86, 90. dentipes (Helice) 117. dentipes (Metaplax) 117. dentipes (Plagusia) 128, 129. depressa (Plagusia) 128. depressa (Plagusia -- immaculata) 128, 129. depressa (Plagusia — tuberculata) 12S, 129. depressum (Hymenosoma) 6, 8, 24. depressum (Paracleistostoma) 63, 68. depressus (Gaetice) 84. depressus Halicarcinus) 24. deschampsi (Tympanomerus) 49. ddatata (Ocypode (Cleistostoma) ) 62. dilatatum (Cleistostoma) 61, 62, 63. il ilu tilt us i Grapsus) 81. dilatatus (Macrophthalmus — carens) 58. Dioxippe 48. Discoplax 137. distincta (Metaplax) 117. distiuctus (Metaplax) 117. Dotilla 41, 43, 45. 47. Dotillidae 40. dotilliforme (Cleistostoma) 6l, 62. Dot o 43. dussumieri (Uca) 38, 39. easterana (Ptychognathus) 86. easteranus (Ptychognathus) 88. edwardsi (Brachynotus) 103, 105. edwardsi (Cleistostoma) 61. edwardsi (Hymenicus) 12, 13, 15. Elamena 4, 13, 19, 23, 24, 25. Elauiene 13, 19. Elamenopsis 5, 26. elegans (Metaplax) 116, 117. elongata (Sesarma (Holometopus) ) 109, til, 112 elongatus (Brachynotus) 97. elongatus (Hemigrapsus) 97, 10 1. elongatus (Heter ograpsus) 10 1, 103. Epigrapsus 132, 133, 134, I36- Eriocheir 84, 106. Eriochirus 106. eriophorum (Paracleistostoma) 62. erythraeus (Heterograpsus) 97, 9S. erythraeus (Pseudograpsus) 97, 98, 99, 10 1, 102. Euplax 43, 57, 59, 61. excelsus (Perigrapsus) 84. excisa (Uca marionis — ) 38, 39. eydouxi (Cyclograpsus) 1 26. eydouxi (Metopograpsus) 79. fakaravensis (Pachygrapsus) 76. fenestrata (Dotilla) 43. filholi (Elamena) 20, 24. filholi (Elamene) 24. forcipata (Uca) ^y. frontalis (Cardlsoma) 1 37. frontalis (Metopograpsus messor — ) 79. fryatti (Sarmatium) 125. Gaetice 84. gaimardi (Cyclograpsus) 1 19. gaimardi (Gelasimus) 39. gaimardi (Helice) 1 19. gaimardi (Paragrapsus) 118, 119, 125. gaimardi (Plagusia) 129. gaimardi (Uca) 37, 39, 40. gaudichaudi (Helice) 118, 119. gaudichaudii (Hymenosoma) 28. Gecarcinidae 132. Gecarcinus 132, 137, 138. 144 145 Gecarcoidea 132, 137, 138. Gelasimus 37, 132. Geocarcinidac 132. Geograpsus 70, 74, 132, 133. gibba (Helice) 1 18. gibbosus (Chasmagnathus) 124. glaber (Ptychognathus) 87. glabra (Plagusia) 128. glabra (Utica) 96. globosa (Ocypode (Scopimera) ) 46. globosa (Scopimera) 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 55. Gnathochasmus 125. Gnathograpsus 85. gracilipes (Grapsus maculatus — ) 72. gracilipes (Metopograpsus messor — ) 79. gracilipes (Sesarma (Sesarma) ) 112. gracilipes (Utica) 96. gracilis (Elamena) 20, 24. graeffei (Macrophthalmus) 58. grandidieri (Macrophthalmus) 58. granulatus (Chasmagnathus) 121. granulatus (Cyclograpsus) 126. granulosus (Cyclograpsus) 126. Grapsidae 70. Grapsinae 70, 82, 133. Grapsodes 132, 133. Grapsus 70, JJ, 83, 102, 128. grapsus (Cancer) 71. grapsus (Grapsus) 71, 72. grapsus (Grapsus — teuuicrustatus) 72. grayi (Geograpsus) 74, 133. guanhumi (Cardisoma) 132. guijulugani (Ptychognathus) 86, 93. haasti (Hymenicus) 12, 13. Halicarcinus 4, 5, g, 15. harpax (Brachynotus) 103, 104. Helice 108, 116, 117, 11S, 121, 124, 125. Heloecius 34, 35. Hemigrapsus 102, 103. Hemiplax 57. henshavvi (Cyclograpsus) 127. Heterograpsus 97, 99, 102, 103. hirsutimanus (Metaplax ) 60. hirtipes (Cardisoma) 137. hirtipes (Cleistostoma) 61. hirtipes (Hemiplax) 57. Hylaeocarcinus 138. Hymenicinae 5. Hymenicus 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19. Hymenosoma 3, 4, 5, 12, 13. Hymenosomidae 3. humei (Hylaeocarcinus) 138. hut toni (Halicarcinus) 9. Ilyoplax 40. immaculata (Plagusia depressa — ) 128, 130. impressa (Sesarma (Sesarma)) 113. ïnachoides (Hymenicus) 19. inachoides (Rhynchoplax) 17, ig. indica (Metaplax) 116. indica (Tylodiplax) 69. indien s (Metaplax) 116. ' inrlata (Scopimera) 46. 1 110 mat lts ( Grapsus 1 106. integer (Tympanomerus) 49, 54. intermedia (Dotilla) 43, 45. intermedia (Metaplax) 117. intermedius (Cyclograpsus) 127. intermedius (Grapsus) 71, 73. intermedius i Limnocarcinus) 1 38. intermedius (Metaplax) 117. intermedius (Ptychognathus) 88. inversa (Uca — sindensis) 37. investigatoris (Scopimera) 46. japonicus (Eriocheir) 107. japonicus ( Eriocliirusj 107. johannae (Ptychognathus) 86, 88. jousseaumei (Ocypoda) 35. kirki (Elamena) 20, 24. kraussi (Goniograpsus) yy. kreffti (Hymenicus) 17. kreffti (Hymenosoma) 17. kreffti (Rhynchoplax) [7. kuhli (Ocypoda) 36. kükenthali (Sesarma (Parasesarma) calypso — ) 113. lactea (Uca) 39. lacustre (Hymenosoma) 12. lacustris 1 Elamena! 12, 19. lacustris (Hymenicus) 12. lacustris (Hymenosoma ) 12. laeve (Hymenosoma) 28. laevis (Cyclograpsus) 126. laevis (Chasmagnathus) 121, 125, 12Ó. laevis (Ocypoda) 35, 36. laevis (Pachygrapsus) 76. laevis (Paragrapsus) 125, 126. lafondi (Sesarma (Sesarma)) 113. lagostomus (Gecarcinus) 138. lalandei (Gecarcoidea) 138. laniger (Pseudograpsus) 98, gg, 100, 101, 102, 103. latifernur (Sesarma) 111, 112. lat/ frons (Grapsus) 81. latifrons (Metopograpsus) 79, 8l. lat re il 1/ (Cyclograpsus: 120. Iatreilli (Helice) 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124. latreillei (Macrophthalmus) 59. J45 -II' IGA-EXPEDITIE XXXIX.. 146 latreillei (Uca) 40. lavauxi ( Cyclograpsus) 126. leachi i C 'leistostoma 61. leachi (Helice) 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124. leachi (Hymenosoma) 9. leachi (Liriopea) 9. leachi (Paracleistostoma) 63. I eiolophus 127, 129, 130. lenzii (Sesarma (Chiromantes) ) 114. leptognathus (Eriocheir) 107. Leptograpsus 70. Limnocarcinus 138. lineata (Elamenopsis) 26. ! hu-a /us (Elamenopsis) 26. lingulatum (Cleistostoma) 61, 62. linnaeana (P/anes) 83. Liolophus 129. Liriopea 9. littcrata (Varuna) 84, 85. livida (Sesarma (Chiromantes)) 114. lividus (Geograpsus — stormi) 74, 75. longicarpus (Mictyris) 41, 42. longirostris (Elamena) 20, 24. longirostris (Trigonoplax unguiformis — ) 25. longipes (Cyclograpsus) 126. longipes (Discoplax) 137. longipes (Grapsits) 7 1 . longipes (Metaplax) 116. longipes (Pacliy grap sus) 77, 78. longitarsis (Brachynotus) 104. longitarsis (Grapsus strigosus — ) 72, 73, 74. longitarsis (Heterograpsus) 104. lophopus (Cyclograpsus) 126. Ui ca si (Helice) 118. lucasi (Heterograpsus) 102. lucasi (Liriopea) 9. * Macrophthalminae 34, 57, 68. Macrophthalmus 41, 43, 57, 58, 61, 104, 115. maculatus (Grapsus) 71, 72. maculatus (Grapsus — gracilipes) 72. maculatus (Grapsus — tenuicristatus) 72. maculatus (Heterograpsus) 105. maculatus (Metopograpsus) 79, 80, 81. malabarica (Dótilla) 44. manii (Uca) 38. marinus (Planes) 83. marionis (Uca) t,J, 38, 39. marionis (Uca — ■ cultrimana) 38, 39. marionis (Uca — excisa) 38, 39. marmoratns (Heterograpsus) 105. marmoratus (Hymenicus) 12, 17. mathaei (Elamena) 21. mathaei (Elamene) 21. mathaei (Hymenosoma) 21. mearnsi (Uca) t>7- messor (Metopograpsus) 79, 80, 82. messor (Metopograpsus — frontalis) 79. messor (Metopograpsus — gracilipes) 79. messor (Rhynchoplax) 18. Metagrapsus 115. Metaplax 104, 108, 115, 116, 117, n8. Metasesarma 107, 108, 109. Metopograpsus 70, 75, 78. mexicana (Elamene) 19. Mictyrinae 34, 40, 68. Mictyris 40, 41, 42. minikoiensis (Geograpsus) 74. minuta (Elamena) 19, 21. minutus (Pachygrapsus) 75, yj. minutus (Planes) 83. modesta (Sesarma (Sesarma) ) 113. My et 'ir is 41. myctiroides (Dotilla) 43. nausithoe (Utica) 96. Nectograpsus 132, 133. nitidus (Gelasunus) 38. nobilii (Ocypoda) 35. notatus (Epigrapsus) 133, 134. notatus (Grapsodes) 134. notopus (Archaeoplax) 29. notopus (Ptenoplax) 33. notopus (Retropluma) 29, 31, 32, 33. novae-guineae (Uca) 37, 38. novae-zealandiae (Hymenicus) 12, 16. nudus (Brachynotus) 105. nudiis (Heterograpsus) 105. nudus (Pseudograpsus) 105. obesum (Cardisomaj 137. occidentalis (Cyclograpsus) 127. oceanicus (Grapsus) 81. oceanicus (Metopograpsus) 79, 80, 8l, 82. octodentatus (Brachynotus) 106. octodentatus (Cyclograpsus) 106. octodentatus (Heterograpsus) 106. Ocypoda 34, 35, 46, 68, 133, 136 Ocypodidae 34, 115. Ocypodinae 34, 68. onyx (Ptychognathus) 86. orbiculare (Hymenosoma) 5. oregonensis (Brachynotus) 104. oregonensis (Heterograpsus) 104. oregonensis (Pseudograpsus) 104. oriëntale (Chaenostoma) 60. orientalis (Dioxippe) 49. orientalis (Tympanomerus) 49. orientalis (Uca annulipes — ) 37. ovatus (Halicarcinus) 9, 11. 146 147 Pachygrapsus 70, 75, 78, 79. Pachystomum 99. palawanensis (Sesarma (Sesarma) ) 113. pallipes (Brachynotus) 104. palüpes (Heterograpsus) 104. pallipes (Pseudograpsus) 104. paludicola (Camptandrium) 68. Paracleistostoma 58, 6r, 62, 68, 69. Paragrapsus 108, 117, 118, 121, 125. parallelus (Grapsus) 80. parvula (Acmaeopleura) 83, 106. parvulus (Cyclograpsus) 127. parvulus (Cyclograpsus — ■ unidens) 127. Pelocarcinus 137. penicillatus (Brachynotus) 104. penicillatus "(Brachynotus (Heterograpsus) j 104. penicillatus (Grapsus (Eriocheir)) 104. penicillatus (Heterograpsus) ) 104. Percnön 127, 129, 130. Perigrapsus 84. Perisesarma 109. philippinense (Pachystomum) 99. philippinensis (Tympanomerus) 49. pictus (Metopograpsus) 81. pilimana (Helice) 118, 120, 123, 124. pilimanum (Perenon) 130. pilimanus (Acanthopus) 130. pilimanus (Leiolophus) 1 30. pilimanus (Perenon) 130. pil ip es (Gnathograpsits) 88. pilipes (Ptychognathus) 88. pilosa (Elamena) 20, 21. pilosa (Elamêne) 21. pilosus (Ptychognathus riedelii — ) 92. Plagusia 128. Plagusiinae 70, 127. planatus (Halicarcinus) 9, 10, 19, 21. Planes 70, 83. planifrpns (Pachygrapsus) 76, jj, 78. planissima (Plagusia) 130. planissimum (Perenon) 128, 130, 131. planissimus (Leiolophus) 131. planissimus (Liolophus) 131. platycheles (Mictyris) 42. Platygrapsus 84. Platynotus 84. plicatus (Gonio grap sus) jj. plicatus (Grapsus) jj. plicatus (Pachygrapsus) 76, 77, 78. plumosa (Retropluma) 30. politus (Epigrapsus) 133, 135. polleni (Ptychognathus) 87. producta (Elamena) 20, 24. profuga (Dotilla) 44. propinquus (Pachygrapsus) 76, 78. Pseudograpsus 84, 97, 102, 103. Ptenoplacidae 29. Ptenoplax 29, 33. Ptychognathus 83, 85, 94. 95. 97- pubescens (Halicarcinus) 9. pubescens (Hymenicus) 12, 19. punctatum (Sarmatium) 115. punctatus (Cyclograpsus) 126. pusilla (Cleistostoma) 49. pi/silla (Ocypode (Cleistostoma) ) 49. pusilla (Ptychognathus) 87, 93. pusillus (Ptychognathus) 87, 93, 94, 99. pusillus (Tympanomerus) 49, 50, 51. Pyxidognathus 83, 95. quadridentatus (Chasmagnathus) 125. quadridentatüs (Cyclograpsus) 125. quadridentatus (Metopograpsus) 79, 82. quadridentatus (Paragrapsus) 125. quoyi (Elamena) 12. quoyi (Elamene) 12, 13, 19. rathbunae (Uca) 37, 38. rectus (Eriocheir) 107. rectus (Eriochirus) 107. Retropluma 29, 33. Retroplumidae 29. reynaudi (Cyclograpsus) 126. Rhaconotus 115. Rhynchoplax 5, II, 17. riedelii (Gnathograpsits) 92. riedelii (Ptychognathus) 87, 92. riedelii (Ptychognathus — pilosus) 92. rostrata (Rhynchoplax) 17, 18. r ostra turn ( Hy menosoma) 18. rotunda (Acmaeopleura) 83, 106. rotunda (Thelphusa) 137. rotundata (Ocypoda — arabica) 35. rotundata (Sesarma (Sesarma)) 113. rolundum (Cardisoma) 137. rousseauxi (Metasesarma) 109. sandakani (Macrophthalmus) 58. sanguineus (Brachynotus) 103, 105- sanguineus (Grapsus (Grapsus) ) 105. sanguineus (Hemigrapsus) 105. sanguineus (Heterograpsus) 105. Sarmatium 107, 108, 109, 115. Scopimera 41, 43, 45. Scopimerinae 40. Sesarma 107, 108, 109, 1 10, 125, 132. Sesarma (Chiromantes) 109. Sesarma (Holometopus) 109. Sesarma (Parasesarma) 109. Sesarma (Sesarma) 109. 147 i 4^ Sesarminae 70, 107, 115, 122. setirostris (Rhynchoplax) 18. setosipes (Utica) 96. sus (Pseudograpsus) 97, 98, 100. sexdentatum (Camptandrium) 65. sexdentatus (Brachynotus) 103, 104. si 1 1 ientatus ( Cyclograpsus) 105. sexdentatus, (Gonoplax) 102, 105. Ientatus ( 'Hemigrapsus ) 105. sexdentatus (Heterograpsus) 102, 103, 105. sigillorum (Dotilla) 43. sindensis (Elamena) 20, 24. sindensis (Uca inversa — ) 37. sinensis (Eriocheir) 107. sinensis (Eriochirus) 107. socialis (Baruna) 84. speciosa (Plagusia) 129. spinicarpa (Helice) 118, 119. spinicarpus (Ptychognathus) S6, 90, 91. spinosus (Brachynotus) 106. spinosus (Heterograpsus) 106. squamosa (Plagusia) 1 29. stapletoni (Tympanomerus) 49, 56. stimpsoni (Ocypoda) 35. stormi (Geograpsus lividus — ) 74, 75. striatus (Pachygrapsus) jj. strigosus (Grapsus) 71, 72, jt,, 74, 131. strigosus (Grapsus — longitarsis) 72, jt,. subquadrata (Helice) 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123. subquadratus ( Chasmagnathus ) 118, 119, 120, 122, 123. subquadratus (Grapsus) 72. sulcata (Dotilla) 43, 44. tacniolata (Sesarma) 112. tectum (Clistocoeloma) 115. telescopicus (Macrophthalmus) 58. tenuicrustatus (Grapsus maculatus — ) 72. tenuifrons (Acantkopus) 130. tetragonon (Uca) 39. tetratylophorus (Tylodiplax) 69. Thelphusa 137. thukuhar (Grapsus) 80. thukuhar (Metopograpsus) 79, 80, 82. /Ii 11 kuli ar (Metopograpsus messor — ) 80. thukujar (Goniograpsus) 80. Tmethypocoelis 51. tomentosa (Plagusia) 129. tomentosa (Varuna) 84. transversus (Pachygrapsus) 76, 82. triangularis (Uca) 40. Trichopus 84. tridens (Helice) 118, 119, 122, 123, 124. tridens (Ocypode (Helice)) 119. tridentata (Euplax) 59, 60. tridentatum (Cleistostoma) 59, 61. tridentatum (Hy menosoma) 9. tridentatus (Halnarcinus) 9, 13. Trigonoplax 4, 23, 25. truncata (Elamena) 20, 22. truncata (Elamene) 22. truncata (Trigonoplax) 22. tuberculata (Plagusia depressa — ) 128, 129. tuberculata (Scopimera) 46, 47. Tylodiplax 58, 69. Tympanomerus 41, 48, 57- Uca 34, 37, 42, 43, 46, 67, 132. unguiformis (Elamena) 25. unguiformis (Elamene) 25. unguiformis (Elamena (Trigonoplax)) 2$, 26. unguiformis (Inachus (Elamene)) 3. unguiformis (Ocypode (Elamene)) 3, 25. unguiformis (Trigonoplax) 25. unguiformis (Trigonoplax — longirostris) 25, unidens (Cyclograpsus parvulus — ) 127. urvillei (Paragrapsus) 118, 125. urvillei (Uca) 38, 132. Utica 84, 95. variegatus (Leptograpsus) 70. varium 1 / 'I 'v ■menosoma) 16. varius (Hymenicus) 12, 16, 17. Varuna 70, 83, 84, 85, 128. Varuninae 70, 82. verreauxi (Paragrapsus) 125, 126. villosa (Sesarma (Holometopus) ) 112. vocans (Uca) 37, 39. vocans (Gelas/musi 39. whitei (Cyclograpsus) 1 26. whitei (Elamena) 13, 20, 24, 25. whitei (Elamene) 25. wichmanni (Dotilla) 45. wood-masoni (Hymenicus ) [8. wood-masoni (Rhynchoplax) 18. zamboangana (Uca) 37. 26. 148 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. i. Hymenosoma orbiculare Desmarest, <ƒ, magn. 2. Fig. 2. Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius), cT> magn. 2. Fig. 2a, dactylus of last pair of walking legs, magn. io. Fig. 3. Hymenïcus edwardsi Filhol. (ƒ, magn. 3. Fig. $a anterior part of carapace, magn. 10. Fig. 3^external maxilliped, magn. 10. Eig. 3c abclomen, magn. 10. Fig. 4. Elamena truncata (Stimpson), cT, magn. 3. Fig. 4a ventral view of anterior part of carapace, magn. 10. Fig. 4b. Q, magn. 3. Fig. 4c dactylus of last pair of walking legs of the Q, magn. 10. Fig. 5. Elamenopsis lineata A. Milne-Edwards, cf, magn. 7. Fig. $a chela, outer view, magn. 15. Fig. 5^ external maxilliped, magn. 25. Fig. $r abdomen, magn. 15. Siboga-Expeditie XXXIX'. J.J.Teóch, Decapoda bractyura. J. J. Tesch, del. 1. Hvmenosoma orbiculare Desmarest. 3. Hymenicus cdwardsi Filhul MEUOTVPIE LVAN LEER*C?AM, 2. Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius). 4. Elamena truncata (Stimpson). 5. Hlamenopsis lineata A Milne-Edwards. PLATE IL Fig. i. Retropluma plumosa n. sp., (f, magn. 5. Fig. ia ventral view of carapace, magn. 10. Fig. ib larger chela, outer view, magn. 10. Fig. ie smaller chela, outer view, magn. 10. Fig. 2. Tympanomerus ceratophorus (Koelbel), <ƒ, magn. 7. Fig. 2a external orbital angle and epibranchial tooth, magn. 20. Fig. 2b external maxilliped, magn. 15. Fig. 2c abdomen, magn. 10. Siboga-Expeditie XXXIW' J.J.Tesch, Decapoda brachyura. II. J. J. Tesch, del. 1. Retropluma plumosa n.sp. HEUOTYPIE.LVAN l E T p .-- 2 Tvmpanomerus ceratophorus (Koelbel) PLATE III. Fig. i. Tyntpfmomerus integer n. sp., rf, magn. 7. Fig. ia chela, outer view, magn. 7. Fig. ib external maxillipeds, magn. 15. Fig. ir abdomen, magn. 10. Fig. 2. Paracleistostoma dentatum n. sp., 9. magn. 10. Fig. 2a front, anterior view, magn. 20. Fig. 2b chela, magn. ro. Fig. 2 c external maxillipeds, magn. 10. Fig. 3. Scopimera globosa de Haan. cephalothorax in front view, magn. 4. Fig. 3a external maxilliped, magn, 7. Fig. 3^ abdomen of cf, magn. 5. Siboga-Expeditie XXX1XV J.J.Tesch, Decapoda brac/ivura. III. J. J. Tesch, del. HELIOTYPIE.L.VAN LEER&C9AM. 1. Tympanomerus integer n.sp. 2. Paracleistostoma dentatum n.sp. 3. Scopimera globosa de Haan. PLATE IV. Fig. i. Grapsus strigosits Herbst, penultimate leg (breadth of carapace 45.5 mm.), natural size. Fig. 2. Grapsus maculatus Catesby, penultimate leg (breadth of carapace 46 mm.), natural size. Fig. 3. Grapsus maculatus gracilipes H. Milne-Edwards, penultimate leg (breadth of carapace 37 mm.), nat. size. Fig. 4. Grapsus strigosits longitarsis Dana, young rf , magn. 2' 4. Fig. 4a penultimate leg, magn. 5. Fig. 5. Ptycliognathus altimanus (Rathbun), rj1, magn. 2. Fig. 5« chela, outer view, magn. 2. Fig. 5^ exteaial maxillipeds of rf , magn. 2. Fig. 5c external maxillipeds of 9. magn. 3. Fig. $d abdomen of cf, magn. 2. Fig. 6. "Ptychognathus guijulugam Rathbun, rf, magn. 2!/2. Fig. 6a front, dorsal view, magn. 5. Fig. 6b chela, outer view, magn. 3. Fig. 6c external maxillipeds, magn. 3. Fig. 6d abdomen, magn. 3. Siboga-ExpediHe XXXIX 9 J.J.Teóch, Decapoda brachvura.. iv J.J. Tesch, del. 1. Grapsus strigosus Hcrbst, penult. leg. 2. Grapsus maculatus Catesby. penult. leg. 3. Grapsus maculatus gracilipes H. Milne=Kdwards. penult. leg. HEIJOTYPIE.LVAN LEER&C° AMSTERDAM. 4. Grapsus strigosus longitarsis Dana. 5. Ptychognathus altimanus (Rathbun). 6. Ptychognathus guijulugani Rathbun. PLATE V. Fig. i. Pseudograpsus laniger n. sp., rj\ magn. 4. Fig. \a ventral view of carapace, magn. 4,/2. Fig. \b chela, outer view, magn. 7. Fig. \c cbela, inner view, magn. 7. Fig. \d abdomen, magn. 5. Fig. 2. Sesarma (Holometopus) elongata A. Milne-Edwards, 9. magn. i'/2. Fig. 3. Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson, cf. magn. 3. Fig. 3a ventral view of carapace, magn. 5. Fig. ib cheliped, outer view, magn. 5. Fig. 3c abdomen, magn. 5. Siboga-ExpediMe XXXIX'.' J.J.Tesch, Decapoda brachyura. J.Ü. lGSCh/ 061. HEUOTYPtE.LVAN LEERAC9AM; 1. Pseudograpsus laniger n. sp. 2. Sesarma (Holometopus) elongata A. MilnesEdwards. 3. Camptandrium sexdcntatum Stimpson PLATE VI. Fig. [. Hclice subquadrata (Dana), <$, magn. 3. Fig. la propodite and dactylus of posterior legs, magn. 10. Fig. ib chela, outer view, magn. 3. Fig. ie chela, ventral view, magn. 3. Fig. ld abdomen, magn. 3. Fig. 2. Paragrapsus laevis (Dana), propodite and dactylus of posterior legs. magn. 10. Fig. 2b abdomen, magn. 3. Fig. 3. Epigrapsus (= Grapsodcs) notatus Heller, 9> magn. 2. Siboga-Expeditie XXXIX'.' J.J.Teóch, Decapoda brcutyura. J.J. Tesch, dei. HEUOTYWE.l.VAN LEER&C? Af. 1. Helice subquadrata (Dana). 2. Paragrapsus laevis (Dana). 3. Epigrapsus (=Grapsodes) notatus Heller. Lm\ LXXXII. ■ .■■IIIIM'IIIII ■-fillli ■ RÈSULTATS DES EXPLORATIONS ZOOLOGIQUES, BOTANIQUES, OCËANOGRAPHIQUES ET GEOLOGIQUES ENTREPBISES ADX fNDES NÉERLANDAI9ES OEIENTAI-ES en 1899- -1900, a bord du SIBOOA SOUS LE COMÏLANDEICENT DE G. F. TYDEMAN PUBLIÉS PAK MAX. WEBER. Chef Je 1'eipédition. *L *II. ♦111. IV. *IV4«j. V. *VI. *VII. *vm. *ix. *x. *xi. *xn. ♦XIII. *xiv. *xv. *XVI. *XVII. xvni. XIX. *xx. *XXI. XXII. XXIII. *XXIV'. XXIV2. *xxv. *XXVI. *XXVIto. XXVII. ♦XXVIII. ♦XXIX. ♦XXX. ♦XXXI. ♦XXXII. XXXIII. ♦XXXIV. XXXV. ♦XXXVI. ♦xxxvn. XXXVIII. ♦ XXXIX. ♦ XL. XLI. ♦ XLII. ♦ XLIII. ♦ XLIV. ♦ XLV. ♦ XLVI. ♦XLVII. ♦ XLvni. *XLIX'. ♦XXIX». *L. ♦ LI. ♦Lil. ♦lui. ♦LIV. LV. ♦ LVI. ♦LVH. Lvra. ♦LIX. ♦ LX. ♦LXI. ♦LXII. Lxni. LXIV. *LXV. LXVI. Iutroduction et description de 1'expcdition, Max Weber. Le bateau et sou équipement scientifique, G. F. Tv de man. Résultats hydrographiquea, 6. F. Tydcmau. Foraminifera, (F. W. Wintert)- Xenophyophora, F. E. Schulze. Radiolaria, M. Hartman n. Porifera, G. C. J. Vosmaer et I. Ijima '). Hydropolypi, A. Bi Hard1). Stylasterina, S. J. Hickson et M"« H. M. England. Siphonophora, MH«» Lens et van Riemsdijk. Hydromedusae, O. Maas. Scyphomedusae, O. Al aas. Ctenophora, M11» F. Moser. Gorgonidae, Alcyonidae, J. Versluys, S. J. Hickson, [C. C. Nutting et J. A. Thomson '). Pennatulidae, S. J. Hickson. Actiniaria, P. Mc Murrich1). Madreporaria, A. Alcock et L. BÖderlein '). Antipatharia, A. J. van Pesch. Turbellaria, L. von Graff et R. R. von Stummer. Cestodes, 3. W. Spengel. Nematomorpha, H. F. Nierstrasz. Chaetognatha, G. H. Fowler. Nemertini, A. A. W. Hubrecht et Mme G. Stiasny. Myzoslomidae, R. R. von Stummer. Polychacta errantia, R. Horst ')• Pulychaeta sedentaria, M. Ca uil e ry et F. Me suil. Gephyrea, C. Ph. Sluiter. Enteropueusta, J. W. Spengel. Pterobranchia, S. F. Harmer. Brachiopoda, J. F. van Bemmelen. Polyzoa, S. F. Harmer '). Copepoda, A. Scott1). Ostracoda, G. W. Muller. Ciiripedia, P. P. C. Hoek. Isopoda, H. F. Nierstrasz'). Arnphipoda, Ch. Pérez. Caprellidae, P. May er. ^ Stomatopoda, H. J. Hansen. Cumacea, W. T. Cal man. Schizopoda, II. J. Hansen. Scrgestidae, H. J. Hansen. Decapoda, J. G. de Man, J. E.W. Ihle et J. J. Tesch ■). Pantopoda, J. C. C. Loman. Halobatidae, J. Th. Oudemans. Crinoidea, L. Döderiein et Austin H. Clark *). Echinoidea, J. C. H. de Me ij e re. Holothurioidea, C. Ph. Sluiter. Opbiuroidea, R. Kohier. Asteroidea, L. Döderiein1). Solenogastres, H. F. Nierstrasz. Chitonidae, H. F. Nierstrasz. Prosobranchia, M. M. Schepman. Prosobranchia parasitica, H. F. Nierstrasz et M. M. Opisthobranchia, R. Bergh. [Schepman. Heteropoda, J. J. Tesch. Pteropoda, J. J. Tesch. Lamellibranchiata, P. Pelseneer et Ph. Dautzenberg '). Scaphopoda, M"« M. Boissevain. Cephalopoda, L. Joubin. Tunicata, C. Ph. Sluiter et J. E. W. Ihle. Pisces, Max Weber. Cetacea, Max Weber. Liste des algues, Mmo A. Weber '). Halimeda, MUe E. S. Barton. (Mme E. S. Gepp). Corallinaceae, Mm« A. Weber et M. F o si ie. Codiaceae, A. et Mme E. S. Gepp. Dinoflagellata. Coccosphaeridae, J. P. Lotsy. Diatomaceae, J. P. Lotsy. Beposita marina, O. B. Böggild. Re'sultats géologiques, A. Wichmann. Siboga-Expeditie BY DR. J. J. TESCH Leiden I . HYMENOSOMIDAE, RETROPLUMIDAE, OCYPODIDAE, GRAPSIDAE AND GECARCINIDAE With 6 plates Monographe XXXIX c of: UITKOMSTEN OF ZOOLOGISCH, BOTANISCH, OCEANOGRAPHISCH EN GEOLOGISCH GEBIED verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-Indië 1899 — 1900 aan boord H. M. Siboga onder commando van Luitenant ter zee ie kl. G. F. TYDEMAN UITGEGEVEN DOOK Dr. MAX WEBER Prof. in Amsterdam, Leider der Expeditie (met medewerking van de Maatschappij ter bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Koloniën) BOEKHANDEL EN DRUKKERIJ Toomwif E. J. BRILL LEIDEN , !hül. 1'MiTIi. '.'■ _ l._M iJ:, Publié Févrler 1918 * Les numéros avec un astérique ont déja paru; ceux marqués l) seulement en partie •*-'^'J" ^fOJ. U. • Sousctlption Monographies al'ouvrage complet scparêes ie Livr. (Monogr. XLIV) C. Ph. Sluiter. Die Holothurien der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 10 Tafeln. / 6.— ƒ 7.50 2e Livr. (Monogr. LX) E. Si Barton. The genus Halimeda. With 4 plates r 1.80 , 2.40 3e Livr. (Monogr. I) Max Weber. Introduction et dcscription de 1'expédition. Avec Liste des Stations et 2 cartcs „ 6.75 „ 9.— 4e Livr. (Monogr. II) G. F. Tydeman. Description of the ship and appliances used for scientific expioration. With 3 plates and illustrations „ 2. — „ 2.50 ;•- Livr. (Monogr. XLVII) H.F. Nierstrasz. The Solenogastres of the Siboga-Exp. With 6 plates. „ 3.90 „ 4.90 Livr. (Monogr. XIII) J. Versluys. Die Gorgoniden der Siboga-Expedition. I. Die Chrysogorgiidae. Mit 170 Figuren im Text. „ 3. — „ 3.75 7e Livr. (Monogr. XVI a) A. Alcock. Report on the Deep-Sea Madreporaria of the Siboga- Expedition. With 5 plates „ 4.60 „ 5.75 8= Livr. (Monogr. XXV) C. Ph. Sluiter. Die Sipvinculiden und Echiuriden der Siboga-Exp. Mit 4 Tafeln und 3 Figuren im Text . , » 3.— „ 3.75 9e Livr. (Monogr. Vla) G. C. J, Vosmaer and J. H. Vemhout. The Porifera of the Siboga- Expedition. I. The genus Placospongia. With 5 plates '..,.„ 2.40 „ 3. — io« Livr. (Monogr. XI) Otto Maas. Die Scyphomedusen der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 12 Tafeln, „ 7.50 „ 9.50 ue Livr. (Monogr. XII) Fanny Moser. Die Ctenophoren. der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 4 Tafeln. „ 2.S0 „ 3.50 12c Livr. (Monogr. XXXIV) P. Mayer. Die Caprelhdae der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 10 Tafeln. „ 7,80 „ 9.75 13e Livr. (Monogr. III) G. F. Tydeman. Hydrographic results of the Siboga-Expedition. With 24 charts and plans and 3 charts 'of depths „ 9. — „ 11.25 r4^ Livr. (Monogr. XLIII) J. C. H. déMeijere. Die Echinoidea der Siboga-Exp. Mit 23 Tafeln. „ 15. — „ 18.75 15e Livr. (Monogr. XLVa) René Koehler. Ophiures de 1'Expédition du Siboga. ie Partie. Ophiures de Mer profonde. Avec 36 Planches „16.50 „20.50 16e Livr. (Monogr. Lil) J. J. Tesch. The Thecosomata and Gymnosomata of the Siboga- Expedition. With 6 plates. . „ 3.75 „ 4.70 17c Livr. (Monogr. LVla) C. Ph. Sluiter. Die Tunicaten der Siboga-Expedition. I. Abteilung. Die socialen und holosomen Ascidien. Mit 15 Tafeln . . '. . • . „ 6.75 „ 9. — iSe Livr. (Monogr. LXI) A. Weber— van Bosse and M. Foslie.' The Corallinaceae of the Siboga- Expedition. With ió plates and 34 textfigures ... „ 12.50 „ 15.50 19e Livr. (Monogr. VIII) Sydney J. Hickson and Helen M. England. The Stylasterina of the Siboga Expedition. With 3 plates. ........ j „ 1.50 „ 1.90 20e Livr. (Monogr. XLVIII) H. F. Nierstrasz. Die Chitonen der Siboga-Exp. Mit 8 Tafeln. „ 5.— „6.25 21e Livr. (Monogr. XLVli) René Koehler. Ophiures de 1'Expédition du Siboga. 2« Partie. Ophiures littorales. Avec 18 Planches. „ 10.25 „ 12.75 22e Livr. (Monogr. XXVIte) Sidney F.v Harmer. The Pterobranchia of the Siboga-Expedition, with an account of other species. With 14 plates and 2 text-figures „ 6.75 „.! 9. — 23e Livr. (Monogr. XXXVI) W. T. Calman. THe Cumacea of the Siboga Expedition. With 2 plates and 4 text-figures , . . . . -' . . . . „ 1.80 „ 2.40 24e Livr. (Monogr. LVI«) C. Ph. Sluiter. Die Tunicaten der Siboga-Expedition. Supplement zu der I. Abteilung. Die socialen und holosomen Ascidien. Mit 1 Tafel. , —.75 „ 1. — 25'e Livr. (Monogr. L) Rud. Bergh. Die Opisthobranchiata der Siboga-Exped. Mit 20 Tafeln. „ 11.25 „ 14.10 26e Livr. (Monogr. X) Otto Maas. Die Craspedoten Medusen der Siboga-Exp. Mit 14 Tafeln. „ 9.25 „ 12.50 27e Livr. (Monogr. XIII a) ]. Versluys. Die Gorgoniden der Siboga-Expedition. II. Die Primnoidae. Mit 10 Tafeln, 178 Figuren im Text und einer Karte . . . „ 12.50 „ 16.75 28e Livr. (Monogr. XXI) G. Herbert Fowler. The Chaetognatha of the Siboga Expedition. , With 3 plates and 6 charts „ 4.20 „ 5.25 29e Livr. (Monogr. LI) J. J. Tesch. Die Heteropoden der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 14 Tafeln. „ 6.75 „ 9.— 30e Livr. (Monogr. XXX) G. W^ Muller. Die Ostracoden der Siboga-Exped. Mit 9 Tafeln. „ 3.50 „ 4.40 31e Livr. (Monogr. IV'óis) Franz Eilhard Schulze. Die Xenóphyophoren der Siboga-Exped. Mit 3 Tafeln „ 2.40 „ 3.— 32e Livr. (Monogr. LIV) Maria Boissevain. The Scaphopoda of the Siboga Expedition. With 6 plates and 39 textfigures 4.80 s 6, — 33e Livr. (Monogr. XXVI) J. W. Spengel. Studiën über die Enteropneusten der Siboga-Exp. Mit 17 Tafeln und 20 Figuren im Text „ 14-— 1, I7-S° 34c Livr. (Monogr. XX) H. F. Nierstrasz. Die Nematomorpha der Siboga-Exp. Mit 3 Tafeln. „ 2.80 „ 3.50 35e Livr. (Monogr. Xlllc) Sydney J. HickSOn und J. Versluys. Die Alcyoniden der Sibogar Exped. I. Coralliidse, II. Pseudopladochonus Hicksoni. Mit 3 Tafeln und 16 Figuren im Text. „ 2.20 „ 2.75 36« Livr. (Monogr. XXXI«) P. P. C. Hoek. The Cirripedia of the Siboga Expedition. A. Cirripedia pedunculata. Witli 10 plates „ 5.40 „ 6.7^ 37e Livr. (Monogr. XLIItf) L. Döderlein. Die gestielten Crinoiden der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 23 Tafeln und 12 Figuren im Text „ 8. — „ 10. — 38^ Livr. (Monogr. IX) Albertine D. Lens and Thea van Riemsdijk. The Siphonophores of the Siboga Expedition. With 24 plates and 52 textfigures „ 13.50 „ 16.75 39e Livr. (Monogr. XLIX'rt) Mc M. Schepman. The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. Part I. Rhipidoglossa and Docoglossa, with an Appendix by Prof. R. Bergh. With 9 plates and 3 textfigures . „ 4.80 „ 6.— 401- Livr. (Monogr. XL) J. C C. Loman. Die Pantopoden der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 15 Tafeln und 4 Figuren im Text. . . „ 6.25 „ 7.80 4 ie Livr. (Monogr. LVIr) J. E. W. Ihle. Die Appendicularien der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 4 Tafeln und 10 Figuren im Text „ 4-8° i> 6. — ,i2'- Livr. (Monogr. XLIX2) M. M. Schepman und H. F. Nierstrasz. Parasitische Proso- branchier der Siboga-Expedition. 'Mit 2 Tafeln „ 1.20 „ 1.50 Prix : Souscription Monographies il'ouvrage complet sepaltcs 43e Livr. (Monogr. XLIXJ£) M. M. Schepman. The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. Part II. Taenioglossa and Ptenoglossa. With 7 plates ƒ 4 -0 ƒ t,6o 44e Livr. (Monogr. XXIX#) Andrew Scótt. The Copepoda of the Siboga Expedition. Part I. Free-swimming, Littoral and Semi-parasitie Copepoda. With 69 plates. . „26. 32. co 45e Livr. (Monogr. LVIb) C. Ph. Sluiter. Die Tunicaten der Siboga-Expedition. II. Abteilung. Die Merosomen Ascidien. Mit 8 Tafeln und 2 Figuren im Text. „ 5.75 7.25 46e Livr. (Monogr. XLIX'c) M. M. Schepman. The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. Part III. Gymnoglossa. With 1 plate ,' _.So 1. 47e Livr. (Monogr. XIII b) C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expedition. III. The Muriceidffi. With 22 plates b s.50 „ 10.75 48e Livr. (Monogr. XIII£') C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expedition. IV. The Plexaurida;. With 4 plates ., ï.60 ,, 2. 49e Livr. (Monogr. LVI<£) J. E. W. Ihle. Die Thaliaceen (einschliesslich Pyrosomen) der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 1 Tafel und 6 Figuren im Text ■ 1.75 . 2 .20 50e Livr. (Monogr. XlllP) C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expedition. V. The Isidx. With 6 plates f 2.25 . 3.— 51e Livr. (Monogr. XXXVII) H. J. Hansen. The Schizopoda of the Siboga Expedition. With 16 plates and 3 text figures „ 12.75 „ 16. — 52e Livr. (Monogr. XIII^3) C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expedition. VI. The Gorgonellidae. With 11 plates. . . . , 4. — e — 53e Livr. (Monogr. XV a) J. Playfair Mc Murrich. The Actiniaria of the Siboga Expedition. Part I. Ceriantharia. With 1 plate and 14 text figures B 2.20 „ 2.75 54c L'vr. (Monogr. Xlllö4) C. C: Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expedition. VII. The Gorgonida;. With 3 plates „ 1.20 „ 1.50 55e Livr. (Monogr. XXXIXa) J. G. de Man. The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition. Part I. Family Penaeidae „ 2.60 „ 3.25 56e Livr. (Monogr. LXII) A. & E. S. Gepp. The Codiaceae of the Siboga Expedition including a Monograph of Flabellarieae and Udoteae. With 22 plates „ 12.50 „ 15.50 57e Livr. (Monogr. XIII£5 C. C. Nutting. The Gorgonacea of the Siboga Expedition, VIII. The Scleraxonia. With 12 plates . . . „ 4.80 „ 6. — 58e Livr. (Monogr. XLIX1^) M. M. Schepman. The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. Part IV. Rachiglossa. With 7 plates „ 5. — B 6.25 59e Livr. (Monogr. Vla1) G. C. J. Vosmaer. The Porifera of the Siboga-Expedition. II. The genus Spirastrella. With 14 plates „ 6.20 „ 7.75 60e Livr. (Monogr. XXXIX al) J. G. de Man. The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition. Part II. Family Alpheidae „ 6.40 „ 8. — 6 ie Livr. (Monogr. LIIIö) Paul Pelseneer. Les Lameliibranches de 1'Expédition du Siboga. Partie Anatomique. Avec 26 planches „ io.- — ■ „ 12.50 62e Livr. (Monogr., XXIV' a) R. Horst. Polychaeta errantia of the Siboga Expedition, Part I. Amphinomidae. With 10 plates . . „ 3.85 „ 4.80 63e Livr. (Monogr. lAllb) Ph. Dautzenberg et A. Bavay. Les Lameliibranches de 1'Expéd. du Siboga. Partie Systématique. I. Pectinidés. Avec 2 planches „ 2.25 „ 2.80 64e Livr. (Monogr. XLIX'4 M. M. Schepman. The Prosobranchia of the Siboga Expedition. Part V. Toxoglossa. With 6 plates and 1 textfigure „ 4.80 „ 6. — 65e Livr. (Monogr. LVII) Max Weber. Die Fische der Siboga-Expedition. Mit 12 Tafeln und 123 Figuren im Text . n 22. — „ 27.50 66^ Livr. (Monogr. XLIX/) M. M. Schepman. The Prosobranchia, Pulmonata and Opistho- branchia Tectibranchiata Tribe Bullomorpha of the Siboga Expedition. Part VI. Pulmonata and Opisthobranchi'a Tectibranchiata Tribe Bullomorpha. With 2 plates , 1.7; , 2.20 67e Livr. (Monogr. XXXI b). P, P. ^C. Hoek. The Cirripedia of the Siboga-Expedition. 3. Cirripedia sessilia. With 17 plates and 2 textfigures v 8. — „ 10. — 68e Livr. (Monogr. LlXa) A. Weber-van Bosse. Liste des Algues du Siboga. I. Myxophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae avec Ie concours de M. Th. ReiniïOLD. Avec 5 planches et 52 figures dans Ie texte „ 6. — „ 7.50 69e Livr. (Monogr. XXXIXa) J. G. de Man. The Decapoda of the Siboga Expeditiun. Supplement to Part I. Family Penaeidae. Explanation of Plates „ 3.20 „4. — 70e Livr. (Monogr. VII a) A. Billard. Les Hydroïdes de 1'Expédition du Siboga. I. Plumularidai. Avec 6 planches et 96 figures dans Ie texte „ 5.75 B 7.2c 71e Livr. (Monogr. XXXIX^) J. E. W. Ihle. Die Decapoda brachyura der Siboga-Expedition. I. Dromiacea. Mit 4 Tafeln und 38 Figuren im Text „ 3.50 „ 4.40 72e Livr. (Monogr. XXXII a) Hr. F. NierstraSZ. Die Isopoden der Siboga-Expedition. I. Isopoda chelifera. Mit 3 Tafeln „ 2.15 „ 2.60 73e Livr. (Monogr. XVII) A. J. Van Pesch. The Antipatharia of the Siboga Expedition. With 8 plates and 262 textfigures. . „ 10.75 „ 13.50 74e Livr. (Monogr. XXXIX«') J. G. de Man. The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition. Supplement to Part II. Family Alpheidae. Explanation of Plates „ 7. — ., 8.75 75e Livr. (Monogr. XXVIIIa) Sidney F. Harmer. The Polyzoa of the Siboga Expedition. Part I. Entoprocta, Ctenostomata and Cyclostomata. With 12 plates „ 8. Sa „ 11. — j6e Livr. (Monogr. XXXIX0-) J. G. de Man. The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition. Part III. Families Eryonidae, Palinuridae, Scyllaridae and Nephropsidae. With 4 plates .....' 3-75 n 4-75 Pm; Souscription Monographies a 1'ouvrage complet feéparées 77c Livr. (Monogr. XIV) Sydney J. Hickson. The Pcnnatulacea of the Siboga Expedition, with a general survey of the order. With 10 plates, 45 text figures and 1 chart . . . . / 10.75 ƒ13.50 78e Livr. (Monogr. XXXIX^1) J. E. W. Ihle. Die Decapoda brachyura der Siboga-Expedition. II. Oxystomata, Dorippidae. Mit 39 Figuren im Text „ 1.90 „ 2.40 79e Livr. (Moncgr. LXV) O. B. BÖggild. Meeresgrundproben der Siboga-Expedition. Mit I Tafel und 1 Karte „ 2.25 „ 3.— 80e Livr. (Monogr. XXlVè) R. Horst. Polychaeta errantia of the Siboga Expedition. Part II. Aphroditidae and Chrysopetalidae. With 19 plates and 5 textfigures . . . . „ 7.75 „ 9.75 8 ie Livr. (Monogr. XLVIa) L. Döderlein. Die Asteriden der Siboga-Expedition. I. Die Gattung Astropectcn und ihre Stammesgeschichte. Mit 17 Tafeln und 20 Figuren im Text „ 8.75 „ . ir.— 82c Livr. (Monogr. XXXIX c) J. J. Tesch. The Decapoda brachyura of the Siboga Expedition. I. Hymenosomidae, Retioplumidae.Ocypodidae, Grapsidae and Gecarcinidae. With 6 plates. „ 5.— „ 6.25 \ Voor de uitgave van de resultaten der Siboga-Expeditie hebben bijdragen beschikbaar gesteld: De Maatschappij ter bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Koloniën. Het Ministerie van Koloniën. Het Ministerie van Binnenlandsche Zaken. Het Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap » Natura Artis Magistra" te Amsterdam. De »Oostersche Handel en Reederij" te Amsterdam. De Heer B. H. de Waal, Oud-Consul-Generaal der Nederlanden te Kaapstad. M. B. te Amsterdam. The Elizabeth Thompson Science Fund. Dr. J. G. de M. te Ierseke CONDITIONS GENERALES DE VENTE. i°. L'ouvrage du „Siboga" se composera d'une série de monographies. 2°. Ces monographies paraïtront au fur et a mesure qu'elles seront prêtes. 30. Le prix de chaque monographie sera différent, mais nous avons adopté comme base générale du prix de vente: pour une feuille d'impression sans fig. flor. 0.15; pour une feuille avec fig. flor. 0.20 a 0.25; pour une planche noire flor. 0.25; pour une planche coloriée flor. 0.40 ; pour une photogravure flor. 0.60. 40. Il y aura deux modes de souscription a. La souscription a l'ouvrage complet. b. La souscription a des monographies séparées en nombre restreint. Dans ce dernier cas, le prix des monographies sera majoré de 25 °/0- 5°. L'ouvrage sera réuni en volumes avec titres et index. Les souscripteurs a l'ouvrage complet recevront ces titres et index, au fur et a mesure que chaque volume sera complet. BfMBnR I -■-'-•