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Florida's President Miller Sets an Example (see page 133),


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THE 5>^ fiaJvadsL





l/UTGERS men John Devlin and Tom Kitchen provide an excellent study in com- panionship with the fair sex in the above photo which was snapped during the chapter'e annual Hudson River boat ride. It illustrates one of the many stimulating sidelights of the educational process.

Meanwhile the increasingly beneficial side of Fraternity Row is emphasized in Bill Moredock's article on the Florida chapter's fine experiment with Help Week. And the article which follows immediately describes the work in the service of humanity on a world-wide level of Basil O'Connor, president of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis. His March of Dimes is still under way. Also still under way, as it is pertinent to mention, is Sigma Phi Epsilon's march of Camp dollars. See the back cover and send your dollar.

Other articles in this issue include a report of the National Interfraternity Conference of last November, pictures and stories of Home- coming celebrations, and other events.

A good part of the undergraduate section is devoted to a review of last fall's football season, though there are reports on manpower and intramural and social activities, and other events.

This issue is also represented with a full- fledged Sig Epic Achievement section, which we hope can be kept up.

That old Expansion Express has begun to work up a new boilerful or two of steam, and the birth of at least three or four new chapters will be described in the next issue (see page 137). J.R.



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sigtna phi epsilan



Vol. 49 No. 3


Voice of the Fraternity 130

Florida Helps the Help Week Idea To Grow


He Heads the March of Dimes 134

38,000th Sig Ep— James W. Graf 135

Affable Angeleno Takes a Seat 136

The N.I.C. Stages Its 43rd Revival 138

A Collegian Views the N.I.C. harold s. myers 140

A New Course in Brotherhood, robert b. melvin 143

Happy, Happy Homecomings Like These 144

Parties Plus 146

Other Parties with an Angle 148

Fraternity Row 150

Sig Epic Achievement 151

Good of the Order 158

Grand President's Message Luis Roberts 158

With the Alumni 161

Vital Data (married; born; died) 170

On the Campus 172

That's About Everything 207

Directory of Officers 208


Sigma Phi Epsilon JointNAi, is published in September, November, January, March, and May by the Fraternity. Subscription for life to members initiated since August I, 1924, and before January 1, 1952. Subscription for 10 years to members initiated since January 1, 1952. Life subscription: $15; by the year, $1.50. -^Address materials for publication to John Rodson, Editor, at 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin, or 609 E. 74th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri. Letters concerning circulation or advertisements should be addressed to Wil- liam W. Hindman, Jr., 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasba, Wisconsin, or 15 North Sixth Street, Richmond, Virginia. Entered as second class matter February 29, 1932, at the post office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, authorized August 6, 1932. Printed in the U.S.A.

Readers are invited to contribute letters to this section to help make it and keep it a sound reflection of creative Sig Ep opinion. It can also serve as a hopper for interesting oddments of Sig Ep information and story which readers feel it worth while to share with others.

Lesson in Hospitality

It has long been the custom of the alumni to return each year during the weekend of our final great football classic. As an undergraduate, I remember that we were glad to see the old grads and did our best to make them feel at home and show them a good time. My class is

After a period of more or less enforced ab- sence, I have been taking my wife back with me for the last several years, and have noted an almost complete lack of interest in the alumni. This year the house was especially unkempt and dirty, and the light switch in the ladies' room was broken and the bulb missing.

As the alumni entered the house, no one greeted them and they soon began to shift for themselves. Light meals were served before and after the game, with the alumni being seated by themselves. Beer was served in the cellar, fol- lowing the established custom. A three-piece orchestra was expected to show up for the evening's entertainment but it didn't, so finally the alumni left the house for the local beer club.

I am not addicted to writing crank letters. I prefer that you do not check up on my chapter because I want to see them work out of their present lack of spirit without reflection. My thought is that it is probably a national problem, that considerable thought should be given to an alumni program.

The Fraternity has done a lot for me, and I enjoy your Journal. It is fine to read about Ted Mack and others who have become famous. —Name and chapter withheld by request.

If any chapter feels that the shoe might fit, it should know what to do.— Ed.

Conclave Memento

We have received many fine words concern- ing tlie success of the Golden Anniversary Con- clave. Naturally, all this makes us Richmond Sig Eps mighty happy but we are not over- looking the fact that it was the co-operation of all active chapters, alumni chapters, and Grand Officers that really made it such a great event.

Handsome Conclave remembrance may still be obtained for $2,50.

Therefore, may we express our appreciation and say "thanks a million" to each of those who were there.

For those interested, a few of the Conclave favors, the bronze medallion paperweight, are still available at $2.50 each which includes postage. Requests for these paperweights must necessarily be filled on a first-come, first-served basis because of the limited supply. Please send orders with remittance to P.O. Box 133, Rich- mond, Va. All orders will be taken care of until the present supply is depleted.

It was great seeing so many Sig Eps at the Conclave helping to celebrated Fifty Years of Progress. May the next fifty make us even more proud of Sigma Phi Epsilon.— Herbert H. Smith, Ohio Gamma, General Chairman.

Dissenting Opinion

In reading the latest issue of thq Journal, the Golden Anniversary issue, one thought impresses me. Much more time was spent looking back- wards and applauding than looking forward and thinking. The most refreshing paragraph in the whole issue (congratulations for printing it) was the opinion stated by Carleton S. Pritchard of Boston, page 96. His closing sentence: ". . . this general attitude of our Fraternity toward dis- crimination will harm both our national and our ethical development," shows a foresighted think- ing and courage that is evidently lacking else- where in our Fraternity,

No doubt some of those in attendance thought discrimination important enough to discuss.



However, I see on page 90 that ". . . so large a majority was opposed to it that relatively little time was devoted to this question in dis- cussion."

If these are an example of what you refer to as "the men who are about to inherit the world," it seems that the phrase could better be stated, "the men whom the world will be unlucky enough to inherit."

In 1901 the Fraternity had leadership, ideals, and foresight. Today, fifty years later, Sigma Phi Epsilon is one of the strongest nationals. In September, however, it appears we had few actual leaders, even fewer ideals, and our fore- sight was strictly financial in scope.

Will this Fraternity be around to celebrate their hundredth, or even seventy-fifth, anniver- sary?—Thomas N. CuMMiNGs, Michigan Alpha, '49, 4430 Paradise Ave., Tacoma, Wash.

We'll bet Sigma Phi Epsilon will easily ride out all the tides and endure. "If one shall read the future of the race," says Emerson, "hinted in the organic effort of nature to mount and meliorate, and the corresponding impulse to the Better in the human being, we shall dare affirm that there is nothing he will not overcome and convert, until at last culture shall absorb the chaos and gehenna."—EB.

Brother Guide

Last June, my husband, Jerry RafiFensperger, Indiana Alpha, '25, and I his wife (nee Helen Gould, Kappa Alpha Theta) left our home at Henry, 111. to drive to Wyoming to fulfill Jerry's long-cherished ambition to enjoy an antelope hunt. We had written to the Cliff Miller Guide Service in Casper, Wyo., and the hunt was scheduled for September 11, 1951, to climax a Western sightseeing and fishing trip.

Our first pleasant surprise was to discover that Clifford A. Miller was a brother Sig Ep— Colo- rado Beta, '11.

The two men began their hunt about 70 miles from Casper near the Rattlesnake Moun- tains, the heart of the world's best antelope hunting. After seeing many antelope through binoculars, and stalking several, Jerry drew a bead on a buck with a fine head. Using his 270 Winchester with a 4x scope, he downed him with a neck shot at 325 yards.

After the hunt the Raffenspergers were royally entertained by CHff and Mrs. Miller at dinner, and at the American Legion Club of which Cliff, a World War I veteran, is past com- mander. We learned that Brother Miller had served two terms in the Wyoming House of Representatives, and one term as State Senator. He had served on the State Fish and Game Commission for four years, and was currently president of the State Federation of Sportsman's Clubs and vice-president of the Izaak Walton League.

We also learned that Brother Miller is widely known throughout Wyoming as a leader in game management and conservation activities.

Jerry knows he was doubly fortunate to be guided to the best in antelope hunting by a mighty fine Sig Ep brother who is one of the best guides in Wyoming.— Helen Gould (Mrs. Jerry) Raffensberger, Henry, 111.

John G. Raffensberger, Illinois Alpha, '50, is their Sig Ep son.

Bravo, Rutgers!

In the September Joxxrnal I noticed an article entitled "How the Maine Chapter Impressed the Public." Maine Alpha is to be congratulated for their work. We at Rutgers have also impressed the public. Last May our pledge class substi- tuted a Work Week in place of a Hell Week. Thirteen pledges with the help of a few brothers spent two afternoons and a Saturday morning clearing trees for a new municipal parking lot, tearing down an old shack that was an eyesore, and removing sod from the infield of a com- munity baseball diamond. Thus New Jersey Beta is following the lead of Maine Alpha to impress the public. We hope we may read of many more chapters doing likewise.— Thomas A. Kitchen, Historian, New Jersey Beta, New Brunswick, N.J.

The Florida chapter has also helped the Help Week idea to grow. See page 132. Ed.

A Magazine IVownen Believe fit

Being a mother of three stalwart Lehigh Sig Eps (John, '44, Richard, '46, Herbert, Jr., '51), I enjoy reading the JotniNAL very much.— Mrs. Herbert F. Gretz, R.F.D. No. 1, West Chester, Pa.

Sportsmen Miller (left) and Raffensberger.


Florida Helps the Help Week

In their college town of Gainesville, University of Florida Sig Eps impress the public by painting traflBc signal lightposts from Court House to campus.

THE Florida chapter gave a substantial boost to the constructive work week movement last October when the pledges co-operated with the mayor of Gainesville to do some civic refurbishing.

The Work Week officially began on a Thursday when 15 pledges began the task of painting a long row of traffic lights on University Avenue. They scraped the old paint off on Thursday, applied the new on Friday.

To get the Sig Eps down on record as being the first campus group to hold a con- structive work week, the chamber of com- merce arranged a fitting ceremony. An official presented chapter president Roland Hitt with a brush and a scraper. The chap- ter's "Fighting Gator Band" played lustily. Traffic was blocked by crowds of interested spectators. A movie camera cranked so that the proceedings could later be telecast on station WMBR, Jacksonville.

Other public officials appeared. President J. Hillis Miller of the University of Florida, a University of Richmond Sig Ep, stood by, a broad smile creasing his handsome face. He was as happy as any of the actives that an old practice which had frequently given fraternity row a bad name with the public was here being replaced by a safe and sane method for achieving a proud repu- tation.

Before the fall term began, Florida Alpha officers, having decided to make sensible use of the chapter's considerable pledge power.

Florida Sig Ep pledges remove paint from traffic lamp-posts on University Avenue, Gainesville, during Fraternity Row's first Help Week on that campus. Next day new paint was applied. Top to bottom: Virgil Jernigan, Fort Pierce; Pete Bagdanovich, Pensacola; and Everette Fischer, Orlando. Each crew had 3 men.

Idea To Grow


approached Gainesville's city fathers about giving assistance on a worthwhile city project.

The program was set up with the idea in mind of modernizing pre-initiation practices by working on constructive projects for the community. Also to improve relations with the community and to instill in the pledges the realization of the necessity of working together to reach higher goals in the frater- nity and in later life.

The Mayor's office gave blessing. The city manager suggested the project. The pledges themselves were enthusiastic over the pros- pect of being the first class to entertain such an opportunity in the history of Sigma Phi Epsilon in Florida.

Our Cover

UNIVERSITY of Florida President J. Hillis Miller, University of Richmond, '24, is always right there to help a worthy cause, even though he may get some paint on him. In the picture on the cover he is shown on a ladder applying a new coat of paint to a lamp-post on University Ave- nue in Gainesville.

The City Manager (left) and Director of Public Utilities for the city of Gaines- ville stand by to help. Florida Alpha pledges in the background are, from left: Neils Lahr, Bob Frarie, and Embree Dowling,

With such wonderful assistance, Florida Sig Eps staged the first "Constructive Hell Week" by a fraternity at the University of Florida. The pledges were responsible for improving the appearance of Univer- sity Avenue by painting a long row of lamp-posts.

President Miller, who was formerly dean at Bucknell and Associate Commis- sioner of Education of New York State, once even helped a worthy campus cause by mowing the lawn at the Sigma Chi house.

Florida chapter president Roland Hitt and Constructive Hell Week Chairman Bill More- dock are given a scraper and paintbrush by Gainesville Chamber of Commerce secretary.


Basil O'Connor, Dartmouth, '12, shown with President Truman, was president of the American Red Cross until 1949 and heads National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.

He Heads the March of Dimes

Basil O'Connor, Dartmouth, '12, one of nation's alltime champions of pubhc health, is the world's bellwether in fight against poho.

FEW men are alive today who have per- formed as eflFectively in the service of humanity as Basil O'Connor, Dartmouth, '12. He has probably raised more publicly contributed money for the benefit of man- kind than any other individual in history. As wartime leader of the American Red Cross he had the responsibility of raising more than a half-billion dollars for that organization of mercy during 1945-49. As president of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, which organization he has headed since its begirming in 1938, and

still heads, he has collected nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Much of this was achieved in March of Dimes campaigns, which the late Franklin D. Roosevelt so enthusiastically assisted.

Basil O'Connor, who celebrates his 25th year in humanitarian work this month, as well as his 60th birthday, has never accepted a salary from these organizations. He gains his livelihood as head of the law firm of O'Connor and Farber in New York and was law partner of Roosevelt from 1925 until 1933. He avoids politics. He is one of the founders of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. He has been honored by a score of governments for his services on behalf of human welfare.

In the perspective of college brotherhood it is pleasant to believe that Basil O'Connor's experience as president of the Dartmouth College Sig Ep chapter helped to persuade him that humanitarian work is brotherhood work.

His driving devotion to his humanitarian work has always far outstripped his desire to earn great sums of money through prac- tice of the lav^'.


Those who know him well say that he works harder than any other volunteer or professional worker associated with him. No big-name figurehead who receives reports and attends occasional meetings, he enters vigorously into the fabric of the organiza- tions with which he works and he is in firm personal control at all times. He is said to know more about polio, for example, than any other layman in the nation. He familiar- izes himself with details, he asks questions constantly and he insists on realistic answers. He often takes the opposite view with his staff to find out, in his lawyer's way, how well they can set forth their position.

When he was with the Red Cross he made man-killing tours of the country speak- ing on behalf of the organization, getting to know volunteers, tightening up the organi- zation. He went directly into this ordeal right after touring for the March of Dimes.

As this is written, he has been constantly in the field preparing for the National Foun- dation's 1952 March of Dimes. This year he took time off from his campaign tour to spend a week— as he does twice a year— with the National Foundation's medical advisory committee on research and professional edu- cation, which considers and recommends grants to be made.

He is a stickler for accuracy in all things, but especially in those that might result in a better chance for the handicapped child. He surrounds himself with a tightly knit organi- zation of professionals but is death on pro- fessional "gobbledegook," forever insisting that nothing is so complicated that it cannot be expressed clearly.

Above all, Mr. O'Connor is a zealot for the positive approach. He was among the first to apply the theories of positive public relations to the voluntary health field.

Basil O'Connor started this life as the son of a poor family. He began earning money at ten as a newsboy in his native Taunton, Mass.; later, he worked as a soda-jerk in drug stores during vacation, and helped pay his way through Dartmouth by playing the violin in college orchestras. After Dartmouth he studied law at Harvard University.

He fits well as a leading alumnus figure in the brotherhood of Sigma Phi Epsilon.


JAMES W. GRAF Miami University (Ohio)

JAMES W. GRAF, better kno^vn as "Kim" to his brothers at Ohio Eta, was initiated into Sigma Phi Epsilon on October 28, 1951, thus becoming the 38,000th Sig Ep.

Kim is a junior in the school of busi- ness administration at Miami University. He is from Hamilton, Ohio, where he was born on September 20, 1931.

Athletics are Kim's major interests as he served as pledge athletic chairman and has played on virtually all the fraternity's athletic teams. He is also a member of the Newman Club. Kim has been able to purchase several items for the chapter at large discounts because of his useful con- nections in Hamilton. His major efforts now are directed toward improving his grades which, up until this term, have proved his weak point.

Men of the Miami University chapter are proud of Brother James W. Graf and are happy that the 38,000th initiate of the national Fraternity is one of their


Ntns C.iand Officer Paul B. Slater.

Affable An^eleno Takes a Seat

Paul Slater, U.S.C, '30, will bring to grand office councils a peer- less armamentarium for forming policies for living brotherhood.

MEN who saw Paul B. Slater in action at the Los Angeles, Kansas City, Chi- cago, or Richmond Conclaves all recognized him as a dynamically brilliant thinker who keeps plugging a good idea restlessly until it gets to the action stage where it will do Sigma Phi Epsilon some good.

They were happy to see him seated as a Grand Chapter officer in September.

This University of Southern California Sig Ep of the class of '30 who became Junior Grand Marshal at the Richmond Conclave, has worked with the California chapters since September, 1943, when he became their district governor. He has worked closely with his own chapter ever since his graduation, is chapter adviser and a member

of the board of directors of the house cor- poration. He has been president of the large, active Los Angeles Alumni Chapter and for five years served as its secretary. Last year he served as president of the Interfraternity Alumni Association of Southern California. His record in fraternity work is lengthy and every syllable of it smacks of high-caliber leadership.

Paul Slater is fully sold on the role of fra- ternity in the development of a better America. The chief role in Paul's own devel- opment has been Paul himself and he knows the good and the bad influences for forma- tive young collegians. He is self-made.

A man is a part of all the experiences he has encountered, of all the background the varying currents of life have rubbed him against; of his parents, also, and other fore- bears.

This Sig Ep whom all Sig Eps should be proud to know as an officer of the Grand Chapter was born in Los Angeles in 1906 in the middle of what is today Skid Row. His dad died when he was seven, and Paul learned to work in his boyhood, doing odd chores, and joining the Boy Scouts and idolizing one particular Scoutmaster who taught him many things. During his years in high school he worked during his spare time in the library— the morgue— of the Illustrated Daily News and the Los Angeles Examiner, an experience which gave him the ambition to become a journalist.

He had learned good study habits, which made him a better than average student, and these he carried with him to the campus at U.S.C, where he made a fine scholastic record. Working six to eight hours nearly every night at a title company, he still raised the chapter's grade average and par- ticipated in a host of campus activities. His versatile interests and talents are represented in the following offices he held and distinc- tions achieved: Alpha Kappa Psi commerce fraternity. Beta Alpha Psi accounting, Alpha Eta Rho aviation, president of the sopho- more class, president of the student body of the college of commerce. Still interested in journalism, and possessing a marked flair for it, he became a feature writer for the Daily Trojan, business manager of the Wampus humor magazine.


Came graduation and Paul decided to test his prowess in accountancy by going to work for Western Air Lines in that department. After a year, he left to take a job with the Keystone Publishing Company, not in ac- counting, but as editor of a trade magazine. A year of that and he decided to switch to the Western Lithograph Company as a sales representative. More money. He re- mained here for nearly ten years when he in 1941 joined Shaw and Company, dis- tributors of aircraft bolts and tools, as gen- eral manager. In 1946 he resigned so that he could organize his own company, the Paul B. Slater Company, distributors of pre- cision metal-cutting tools and inspection equipment. This is not a manufacturing firm as stated in error in the November Journal.

So much for the serious career record. It is an important phase of the reader's intro- duction to Brother Slater.

A man has to be pretty good to climb up the rungs of the ladder so well, but what does the man look like?

You first observe Paul Slater's genial smile —an unusually sincere smile— and his friendly, deep voice. He has wavy black hair and hazel eyes, is usually pretty well tanned, thanks to sunny California. His height is five-eight, his weight 160. As a personality type he is doubtless the aflFable extrovert but he is also a fairly profound analyst of intan- gibles. Though he is a successful business man today, he does not by any means leave ideals out of the picture as so many of them seem inclined to.

He readily tells his young Cal Beta brothers that each man must determine his own career. "Study for something in col- lege," he urges. "Not just a cultural course. Learn some practical things that you can offer to an employer. Listen to experience. Talk to business and professional men, not just professors. Things are being done out- side of colleges and textbooks that profs never hear about."

These tips are extracted from Paul's own notebook of hard-and-fast experience. "Don't get impatient," Paul says. "Give more than you're being paid for and eventually you'll be paid for more than you give."

In his broader philosophy, Paul feels that

Neiv Chapters

I South Carolina chapter was re-established December 15. It was first chartered on May 2, 1904, withdrawn in 1906, re- established in 1929 and again withdrawn in 1938. Among those officiating at ceremonies were Grand Secretary Hindman and As- sistant to Grand Secretary Petersen. This makes Number 109.

Indiana State Teachers College, Pennsyl- vania, received a charter as the Frater- nity's 110th chapter on January 5. Phi Sigma local became Pennsylvania Xi.

H The first chapter for the state of Arizona is scheduled for installation at Arizona State, Tempe, Ariz., on February 16. It will be the 111th chapter.

I Installation ceremonies have also been scheduled for the Pegis Club at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, as the fourth chapter in the state, the 112th in Sigma Phi Epsilon, on February 23.

while technically our way of life has ad- vanced, human worth has been somewhat adulterated through careless standards. "We've lost our ability to have confidence in others," he says. "If our educational system could and would rebuild our faith in ourselves and our fellow man it would be the salvation of this sorry world."

Although fraternities, including Sigma Phi Epsilon, are doing their share, he feels they could do even better. National fraternities would be better equipped to carry on their work, he believes, if they would get together to establish an "Interfraternity Center" somewhere in the Midwest where all N.I.C. fraternities would have their central busi- ness offices, using centralized facilities for services such as printing, addressograph, and the like.

Although Paul confesses that he still has his nose to the grindstone trying to get his business to a point where it will run itself, he allows nothing to interfere with his prin- cipal hobby— his Fraternity. His best friends are Sig Eps.

His luckiest break: meeting Margaret Ann (Peggie) Weber, whom he married in 1931. They have no children. Their home is in San Gabriel, about 11 miles from L.A., at 421 North Segovia Avenue.


Group of fraternity leaders enjoy dinner at N.I.C. meeting in November. Grand Sec- retary William W. Hindman, Jr., third from left at speakers' table, heads secretaries.

The N.I.C. Sta^s Its 43rd Revival

On the 175th Anniversary of Phi Beta Kappa, it holds its 1951 program in Virginia, with the same theme as in years past and similar agenda.

By JOHN ROBSOI¥, Lawrence College, '28

RESPECTING the birth of Phi Beta Kappa at the College of William and Mary one and three-quarters centuries ago, one of the most conglomerate and populous as- semblages of collegiate Greeks that has ever gathered in one place under one banner traveled to Virginia in November.

It was a pilgrimage of Panhellenic penin- sulans that might cause true Grecian natives to feel like pretenders. They ranged in age from 19 years to close to 90 and their numbers must have run into thousands.

There were the Phi Beta Kappas them- selves whose historic through-glory-to-the- stars body is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.

There were the social sorority women, whose association is the National Panhellenic Conference. They met at Williamsburg; the other groups at Old Point Comfort.

There were the professional sorority women, whose group is the Professional Pan- hellenic Association.

There were the professional men of the Professional Interfraternity Conference.

There were the august minions of the Interfraternity Research and Advisory Coun-

cil, headed by L. G. Balfour, jeweler to the interfraternity world.

Finally there were the men of the Na- tional Interfraternity Conference, an asso- ciation of 59 men's social fraternities, of which Sigma Phi Epsilon is one. This is a nonlegislative body; it purports merely to advise, counsel, correlate, and interpret. This conference has in the last few years accom- modated as a wing some undergraduate members of the same fraternities. However, these undergraduates were not brought here by their fraternities but were sent as repre- sentatives of the interfraternity councils on their campuses.

Sigma Phi Epsilon was represented offi- cially at the N.I.C. by Grand President Luis Roberts, Grand Secretary William W. Hind- man, Jr., Grand Secretary Emeritus William L. Phillips, and Journal Editor John Rob- son.

Bill Hindman is 1951-52 president of the College Fraternity Secretaries Association, whose members, along with the delegates of the undergraduate conference, have a direct pertinent connection with Fraternity Row. The secretaries are full-time fraternity ex-


perts. Though they held a brief business meeting, many of them professed that at- tendance at the Conference repaid them best in small informal sessions among them- selves.

Among Sig Ep undergraduates present were Harold S. Myers of the University of Nebraska and Ralph Gesell of the Univer- sity of Delaware.

At least one Sig Ep was a delegate to the men's professional conference: Dr. Emmett B. Carmichael, Colorado Alpha, currently president of Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity and a former editor of its quarterly.

Also present at the Conference were As- sistants to the Grand Secretary Frank J. Ruck, Jr. and Carl O. Petersen.

Delegates to the N.I.C. met in the Hotel Chamberlain, Old Point Comfort, on Novem- ber 27, 28, and 29, to participate in a pro- gram that was for the most part a replica of that of 1950.

The oldster division of the Conference has for years been quarterbacked by a New York coterie that is a world removed from the perspective of chapter-house life.

So-called Business Sessions

Following the opening of the sessions on Friday morning some time was given to reports and the announcement of commit- tees. Then Clifton W. Phalen, Phi Gamma Delta, chairman of the N.I.C. Committee on Public Relations, presided at a panel discussion on public relations. He had done this before at the 1950 N.I.C. His panel members included a fraternity national presi- dent, a university dean of administration, and a career public relations man— Richard Powell, assistant to the president of N. W. Ayer & Son, advertising and public rela- tions agency.

The Institute committee of the Conference recommended a public relations program for the N.I.C. which would— ^

1. Support an intensified eflFort on public relations through the National Interfrater- nity Foundation and to raise necessary money to improve fraternity scholarship, conduct, attitudes, and public acceptance.

2. Induce all fraternity men to take an active interest in making their fraternity a

N.I.C. Chairman Ray Warnock addressing Sig Ep Conclave in September about two months before his death at Penn State.

better fraternity— physically, morally, intel- lectually, and socially.

This committee also recommended estab- lishment of a National Interfraternity Week. "It is our behef," the report baldly stated, "'that we who are mostly interested in fra- ternities have been the ones who have failed them so badly."

The Friday afternoon session of the pro- gram introduced four separate round tables, held in various auditoriums, each under its own chairman, as follows: Spiritual Values in Fraternities, led by Maj. Gen. Charles I. Carpenter, chief of Air Force chaplains; Chapter Relations with Alumni, led by Worthy Grand Master of Kappa Sigma Francis S. Van Derbur; Chapter Activities, led by Alpha Tau Omega executive secre- tary Stewart D. Daniels; and Greek Weeks, led by Sigma Alpha Epsilon Eminent Su- preme Recorder John O. Moseley.

That evening members of the College Fraternity Secretaries Association and the College Fraternity Editors Association held a joint dinner and meeting which were chiefly social.

The third and final session of the Confer- ence, on Saturday morning, was addressed by Col. D. O. Omer, general counsel to the Selective Service OflBce, on the subject "Selective Service and Other Military Fac-


••••**** A Collegian Views the N.I.C.

By HAROLD S. MYERS University of Nebraska

THE undergraduate conference of the N.I.C. at Old Point Comfort, in the two brief days that the meeting took place, taught me the importance of fraternities working together.

I enjoyed the good fortune of serving as chairman of the scholarship functions com- mittee. In our discussions many ideas were exchanged for fostering better scholarship programs on our campuses. I believe high scholarship should be one of the main goals of every fraternity man and that through working with the IFC every chapter should put in real effort towards raising the stand- ard on its campus. Many undergraduates at the conference said they were going to take the suggestions they obtained back to their various schools and get them into their pro- grams.

Another point that highlighted the con- ference was the discussion of Greek Weeks and Help Weeks. The fraternity men of America might continue to promote the old kind of pre-initiation week, but to what end or satisfaction? In view of the way in which public opinion is mounting, it seems to me that the time is over-ripe for every Sig Ep chapter that has not already done so to turn its next Hell Week into a Help Week. Let the public look on all our chapters and on the whole Greek-letter system with respect instead of contempt. Greek Week can make the fraternity strong and above reproach. In- telligently planned and conducted, this one week can probably do more good in letting the public get to know us through our good works than any other activity on our campus.

While a lot of money and time were spent in promoting and carrying out the program of this conference, I do not believe any gathering can equal this one in the cause of fraternities. Spirit and co-operation lent themselves fully to a conference in which I was extremely proud to play a part.


tors which May Affect 1952 College En- rollments." In view of a host of uncertainties, no positive assertion could be made respect- ing the male collegian.

At this session also, a nominating com- mittee presented a slate of new officers which the delegates accepted. They are: chairman, Charles E. Pledger, Jr., Theta Delta Chi; vice-chairman, C. R. Yeager, Pi Kappa Alpha; secretary, Lloyd S. Cochran, Alpha Sigma Phi; treasurer, Joseph A. Mc- Cusker, Theta Chi; and educational ad- viser. Dean J. Fenton Daugherty, Phi Kappa Psi.

Ideals and the Undergraduate

Officials of this 43rd conference in plan- ning their agenda did not take up where the 42nd meeting left off. They merely started with a clean sheet. The oldsters gathered there did hear the report of a newly formed committee on Ideals and Spiritual Inspira- tion that it had never heard before. This committee had been set up by the late Ar- thur Ray Warnock, Beta Theta Pi, before he died November 4, 1951, in his twelfth month as Conference chairman.

Dean Warnock, perhaps one of the half- dozen best chairmen the N.I.C. has had since its launching in 1909, had obviously envisioned his plan against the background of a noble piece of Scripture. Though he died before he had had a chance to prepare his chairman's report, now his committee existed; it had personnel; it had made a re- port. It still needed the power of the golden- rule heart to give it full dimension.

The undergraduates— the fraternity men who live fraternity and who breathe living spirit into the term "College Fraternity"— held a conference of their own which was actually stimulating to the participants. Among outstanding leaders in their own group, the discussants went over Greek Week, Selectivity, Scholarship, Chapter Public Relations, and other pertinent sub- jects in their every-day lives.

These sessions were well conducted by Horace G. Nichol, Delta Upsilon. Sig Ep Harold S. Myers of the University of Ne- braska headed a committee which dealt with the subject of scholarship. He was one


of the four or five collegians privileged to report to the regular N.I.C. session. All these reports, however, were given in the same understandable language of realistic brother- hood. They did not smack of the gospel of fraternity that is contrived in the tranquillity of an armchair at a university club. Hence all the collegians went home feeling fairly repaid for the time and effort they had put in.

The Published Reports

A printed program was handed to the delegates and guests of the Conference when they registered. This contained also the reports of officers and committees, though these reports were not vocally pre- sented or discussed. There are 17 standing committees and 7 special committees.

The first report was that of the secretary of the N.I.C. His report began: "In the South Sea Islands deep-chested natives dive time after time, bringing up handsful [sic] of oysters in the hope that some of them may contain pearls. A diver may work for hours without acquiring more than the basis for a stew. The efforts of the Executive Committee might be compared to these oysters and the results achieved to the pearls found. The year just closed was active and interesting and in the opinion of your Secre- tary many pearls were found."

He did not name any.

The report of the treasurer revealed with tasteful brevity that $5,873 had been taken in in dues for the calendar year 1950, the Conference had $7,971.04 on hand, and no outstanding indebtedness.

The report of the committee on chapter- house discussions urged "more and better group discussion programs at chapter fire- sides throughout the land."

The report of the committee on Greek Weeks and regional conferences urged the growth of Greek Weeks and the elimination of Hell Weeks. It urged that some construc- tive community service be included in Greek Week.

The report of the membership committee stated that no new applications for member- ship in the N.I.C. were received during the year.

The report of the newly formed com- mittee on ideals and spiritual inspiration voiced a well-worn keynote in stating that "Our fraternities were all founded on ideals; noble and inspiring thoughts are expressed in our rituals and one of the first steps to be taken is for every fraternity man to live up to the truths in which he professes to beHeve." It contained a host of literary quotations.

The final report— that of the committee on services to member fraternities— pro- fessed it had nothing to present in 1951 "other than the suggestion that our mem- bers carefully analyze our 1950 report which is a part of the Year Book and which has been widely distributed." It concluded wry- ly that "This report contains suggestions and recommendations on which no action has been taken,"

The 1950 report of this committee is as stimulating as it is lengthy. Its first two recommendations are here quoted in en- tirety, its third in part:

YEARBOOK. The Conference Yearbook should be reduced in size, be distributed as soon as humanly possible after annual meetings of the Conference, and should be published on a self- sustaining basis. It should be edited in such form as will enable it to command wide reading by fraternity and college officials and by mem- bers of undergraduate chapters.

ANNUAL MEETINGS. Occasional annual meet- ings of the Conference should be held in central locations throughout the country. Though New York is normally the most convenient place of assembly for Conference and fraternity officers residing in the eastern areas, an occasional annual meeting in other areas would have the advantage of stimulating interest in the Con- ference and the fraternity movement elsewhere in the country.


MEETINGS. Your committcc believes that under- graduate participation in the annual meetings of the Conference is highly desirable, both as a way of acquainting undergraduates with the work of the Conference and of bringing the undergraduate views to the attention of adult delegates. It is of the opinion, however, that member fraternities' interests can best be served if the undergraduates present are representa- tives of the interests of individual fraternities as are the adult delegates.

Whether the 1951-52 officers would pro- duce some helpful action from these con-


"The Undergraduate Conference of the N.I.C. gave us an opportunity to exchange problems, solutions, and viewpoints. How- ever, the undergraduates have no part as a governing or policy-making body. They are merely guests of the N.I.C. Conference and are set aside to talk things over and acquire an over-all knowledge of the fra- ternity systems. Advisers were appointed at each session as an aid from the N.I.C. to answer questions.

"I was greatly impressed by the vastness of the fraternity system as a whole and the extensive program it carried out. To get together and discuss problems with men from all the fraternities over the entire country made me conscious of this.

"The two most valuable parts of the conference were the panel discussions and the after-hour, informal exchanges of ideas. The panel discussions, however, had the disadvantages of large-size groups and the shortage of time.

"It was through these contacts that the delegates obtained the core of material to take back to their own IFCs.

"The conference afforded an excellent opportunity to establish new acquain- tances and renew old fraternity friend- ships."— Ralph Gesell, Delaware Alpha

structive and thoughtful recommendations remained to be seen.

The social climax of the Hellenic pilgrim- age was the formal banquet of the Interfra- ternity Research and Advisory Council at the Hotel Chamberlain, on Saturday eve- ning, November 29, where delegates of all groups were brought together as guests. President Arthur S. Flemming of Ohio Wes- leyan University, chairman of the Man- power Policy Commission, Office of Defense Mobihzation, spoke on emergencies in U. S. manpower.

Was Anything Accomplished?

Though the N.I.C. after nearly half a cen- tury is still very much a nebula whirring in chaos, the Virginia meeting afforded the undergraduates an impetus to which can be imparted an increasing amount of mo- mentum. Speaking with authority from the perspective of chapter-house life, they were more nearly full-Hedged participants than they had ever been. The committee on their own conference for the first time in-

cluded four of their own number: an under- graduate each from Hamilton, Colgate, Rut- gers, and Pennsylvania, who met in New York for a planning committee.

The Virginia meeting also witnessed the first report of the committee on ideals and spiritual values already mentioned. The committee did miss a splendid chance to demonstrate the high pertinence of these in- tangibles to brotherhood. This chance oc- curred when the national president of a fraternity arose from his seat, to allege that another national had stolen one of its chap- ters and that the case was now being liti- gated in the courts. And yet who ought to speak about ideals and spiritual values at such a time or attempt to apply them to a case of brotherhood in point?

Who would say, "God be praised, gentle- men, for brotherhood is still being enjoyed in that 'stolen' chapter. The real possession, which is the possession of brotherhood, has not been stolen. If any man take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also."

It was fitting that the ideals should be expressed; no attempt need be made to apply them merely because a chapter is supposed to have been stolen. Is not mo- rality the business of Heaven? Are not men on earth merely to let themselves continue to slip into wars and continue to kill their brothers? Surely they are not to try to teach them by example how to get along with one another. Should not real fraternity be per- mitted to begin in the barracks? Well ap- plauded had been the ideals-and-spiritual- values report which quoted Shakespeare in exclaiming, "What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason!"

Thus while the ideals committee's first report was replete with gems from ancient and modern literature that were a far cry from the stage of application in practical fraternity policy, the spirit, isolated in its own neo-pagan nimbus, was at least there.

Followers of the official interfraternity scene will await new gems of Scripture and literature in the report of next year. For therewith the realm of brotherhood pro- gresses and the conference of the men's fra- ternities continues to achieve new mile- stones.


Colorado A & M collegian Zanis Bulavs of Latvia. The Sig Eps teach him brotherhood.

A New Course In Brotherhood

Home of Colorado A & M Sig Eps aflFords Zanis Bulavs, a displaced lad of Latvia, an unforgettable curriculum in living fraternity.


IF Zanis Bulavs, a happy student in the Colorado Gamma chapter house, ever gets back to his native Latvia, he will be well qualified to promote the fraternity movement. In that country he had belonged to a small fraternity of Latvian students, but it was very different from Fraternity Row in the U.S., he says. He vows that he has found a perfect campus life at the Fort Collins college.

Zanis received an opportunity in July last year to come to America as a displaced person. He was chosen from a list of dis- placed persons submitted to the Sig Eps by the interfraternity council, moved into the

house when he arrived here to attend col- lege.

Coming from Snepele, Latvia, Zanis has seen much history made. In 1940 he saw his country invaded by the Russians, and only a year later by the Germans. Before the Rus- sians left, however, they managed to send many Latvians to Siberia— in fact, 25,000 in one night in 1941. Since their taking over of Latvia again in 1945, many more of Zanis' countrymen have ended up in the cold wastes of Siberia.

Zanis himself did not see the Russians take over his country again, since in 1944 he was taken to Germany to dig trenches. Then with the Russian invasion his choice was either to remain in Germany as a dis- placed person, or return to Latvia, which is now behind the iron curtain. With the realization that only a dark fate awaited him if he returned to his homeland, Zanis chose to stay in Germany until this year when he got an opportunity to come to the United States.

Attending Aggies on a scholarship oflFered by the foreign student's service fund, he is majoring in civil engineering. Zanis thinks, however, that he will need only two more years of study before he gets his degree, since he has already had some higher educa- tion. This he got when he attended the Baltic University in Germany from March, 1946, to March, 1949.

Having taught himself English out of a book, Zanis is having some trouble, espe- cially in his classes, in understanding all that is said. He is certain though that living in such close contact with Americans, this difficulty will soon be corrected. Zanis has proved himself a capable and willing stu- dent and is quickly becoming adjusted to our way of Ufe. He is enjoying the social functions and life at the house and the entire chapter is enjoying having him living there and helping him feel at home.

The Sig Eps are the sole sponsors of such a project at Colorado A & M, and we have found that in helping this displaced person student we ourselves have benefited. We have learned much from this experience and have received much satisfaction from being able to help such a fine, deserving person as our new Latvian friend Zanis Bulavs.


Kentucky heads list of Homecoming firsts with house decoration that is handsome, clever, professional in workmanship, and also invites alumni to watch television.

Happy, Happy Homecofflin^s like These

Returning alumni are proud of first-prize winning Kentucky, Southern California, Santa Barbara, Ohio Northern, Ohio Wesleyan, and Lehigh.

This unusual float of the Southern Cal Sig Eps won prize in field of 36 for being the most symbolic in Homecoming competition.

ONE fact of college life that Fraternity Row learns more fully year after year is that good hospitality pays at all times— but especially at Homecoming.

The men in the chapters are trying to build better floats, provide better decorated houses, and in every way plan programs for their returning alumni that are really tops.

The best house decorations, as those on these pages show, are perhaps those that make use of a motif that has a new, popu- lar angle. But they must be beautiful, they must be in good taste, they must impress, and they must amuse. If they are functional also, so much the better. Additional mate- rial on Homecoming appears in the alumni and undergraduate pages.

Merry-go-round on Tulsa's first-place float revolved depicting the Sig Ep Heart, a hurricane, a football player, a returning alumnus, and a T.U. man branding the Kansas State Wildcat.

Santa Barbara men design prize-winning float "Between Devil and Deep Blue C."

Ohio Northern's first-place decorations based on sacrificial altar for grid foes.

At Ohio Wesleyan house, "LSDFT" meant "Let's squash Dennison's footl)all team."

Lehigh Sig Eps demonstrated that a clever display can be based on a pun. Lafayette's football mascot traveled to Easton and was "Bee-witched, Bee- bothered, and Bee-wildered" by Lehive.

San Diego Sig Eps held Saints and Sinners dance as all-campus affair for Community Chest.

Parties Plus

The urge to aid their fellows is influencing good fraternity men even with their social calendar.


MOM Starlet Monica Lewis is pledged Golden Anniver- sary Girl of Cal Beta by Tom Eads. Other Cal Betans, left to right: Kimball, Kelley, Mitchell, and Richmond.

'ARTIES aren't just parties any more. On many campuses, social committees are loaded not only with brains, industry, and ingenuity, but also with a flair for well do- ing and for promoting the good name of the chapter and Sigma Phi Epsilon.

At San Diego, Sig Eps staged their first Saints and Sinners Dance as an all-campus

U.S.C. Sig Eps again. Here they have Met star Blanche Thebom suggesting ideas for chapter's "Sig Ep Night at the Opera." Chapter president Don DuBose revises script while members look on.

aflFair, the proceeds going to San Diego's Community Chest Drive.

At Southern California, handsome pubUc relations mentor Rick Spalla got petite Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer starlet Monica Lewis named Sigma Phi Epsilon's "Golden Anni- versary Girl."

At Southern California also, the same fellow enlisted the help of MetropoUtan Opera Star Blanche Thebom to help the Sig Eps stage a special stunt night for the chapter— "Sig Ep Night at the Opera."

Syracuse Sig Eps saw redheaded Con- over model Marjorie Richardsen modeling in a downtown fashion store, asked her whether she would like to be their new housemother.

At Cornell, a group of Sig Eps who wanted to learn the Charleston obtained worthwhile dancing lessons and a crack at some good publicity also by inviting some Kappa Alpha Thetas over for a party to teach them.

On many campuses, social programs were making more sense than they ever had before. After the Thanksgiving recess many chapters were planning Christmas parties for underprivileged children.

But up to that time, San Diego's Saints and Sinners Dance, held on December 1, perhaps deserves the highest praise. It marked the first time that a social fraternity held an all-campus dance at San Diego, the proceeds of which were given to charity. By this event, Sigma Phi Epsilon at San Diego achieved an unusual boost in the eyes of the public. Pledges conceived the idea and made all the arrangements. Alumnus Howard Quam emceed the entertainment which included John Stone with piano comedy and Louis Jones and his saxophone. Decorations consisted of pearly gates, a live volcano. Guests danced on the clouds.

At Syracuse, a house party, "Sig Ep in Paris," gave the New York Alpha social committee the opportunity to entertain a celebrated professional model, enjoy them- selves thoroughly, and boost their social prestige on the campus by several notches.

At right: Kentucky's Bill Green, chosen best Li'l Abner on campus at the Sadie Hawkins Day dance.

Far right: Cornell's John Moy- er gets Charleston lesson from Jo Clifton, Kappa Alpha Theta.

Syracuse Sig Eps obtain publicity break by asking Conover model Marge Richardsen to become their housemother at New York Alpha.

Muhlenberg president John Delissio presents sweelhearl pin to house- mother Daisey Moyer.

Rutgers men keep house parties well behaved by inviting house parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles June.

Here is Kentucky's capable Mom Sweatt again, really putting over a pledge tea. Below: Wisconsin chapter's Queen of Hearts Shirley Hackbart and attendants.

Above: Richmond party was enlivened by quartet singing of, left to right, Robertson, Bond, Rutledge, and Howard. Right: Pledge formal at Emporia.

Other Parties With an An^le

PARTIES that are good during any season are those in which some good will is manufactured and prestige enhanced.

Kentucky's charming housemother Mom Sweatt helped the fortunes of the chapter at a recent tea given sorority pledges by the new crop of Sig Ep pledges. Mom Sweatt, who perhaps more than any other person helped keep the chapter on its feet during World War II, is a veritable professor of social angles. She has helped the success of many parties.

At Richmond, a recent party was held during which Brothers Robertson, Bond, Rutledge, and Howard entertained as a quartet. The capacity to entertain is an in- valuable social skill and parties which pro- vide opportunities for such entertainment are a greater boon to the chapter and its members than those which do not.

The most successful parties demonstrate that extensive planning pays in formulating the chapter's social program, as the angles to be exploited are countless.

When a sorority chapter plays Arthur Murray to a fraternity chapter, as the Thetas did for the Sig Eps at Cornell (see preced- ing page), it helps everybody.

When Theta Nancy Morrow was told New York Beta had scheduled a Roaring Twenties party, she asked, "How many of



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French Cafe house parly at Rutgers was preceded by candlelight steak dinner. Below, right: Cornell president Bosshardt greets Theta Charleston teachers.

you boys can Charleston?" Social Chairman Bob Brandt admitted he could count Charlestoning Sig Eps on his ears. As a result, Nancy, who is pinned to Wink Winkelman, '51, a lieutenant in the USAF stationed in Florida, arrived at the house with a group of her sisters ready to give lessons. Bob Benzinger rattled oflF some ex- plosive piano while the girls demonstrated the Charleston, and then set their class to work, jerking and flapping in real Roaring Twenties fashion. The rest of the week brothers practiced this home work while walls reverberated. But the result was an- other great party for New York Beta.

Alabama Sig Eps entertain members of Alpha Delta Pi sorority at a coffee hour.

As Others See It

"The most important facet of chapter or- ganization is pledge training," according to retiring Phi Gam Field Secretary William S. Zerman. In a farewell article in the September, 1951, Phi Gamma Delta, he points out that pledge training is the keystone. "Without it," he writes, "we are gambling on good chapter leadership and we are courting the hazard of losing potential alumni interest. Without it we are not bringing out the best in our pledges in respect to personality and character and we are not encouraging good living and preparation for hfe during the period when a young man begins to crystallize his habits." Two other vital phases important to the fraternity, Zerman de- clares, are alumni relations and future expan-

Delta Upsilon Quarterly: "Your study place should be serene and sacred— and you can never hope to enjoy your studying until you find such a place. A well run fraternity house will provide the right setting."

Prof. Ralph A. Fanning, Ohio State Univer- sity in the Eleusis of Chi Omega: "When the smart-looking girl, in the trim sweater adorned with fraternal emblems, seated in the fifth row center, lights up a cigarette in the midst of the instructor's lecture on French Gothic cathe- drals, one feels that something has gone wrong with the cult of the Virgin, especially when a restrained reprimand from the instructor and male colleagues, who would like to smoke like gentlemen, results in a careless toss of the lighted, lip-stick-stained butt on the inflammable classroom floor."

Phi Kappa Tau field secretary Jack Rice in the fall, 1951, Laurel of Phi Kappa Tau contributes a helpful thought on chapter public relations- obvious but frequently disregarded: "Keep down all excessive noises— consider your neigh- bors."

It Mahes Sense

Herrick B. Young, Delta Chi, director of the International House Association: "We have in this country 30,000 students from overseas. What they think of America and what impres- sion of America they take back with them is far more important than many of us realize. Ours is a challenge. Ours is an opportunity to prove that the fraternity system can put meaning into the word democracy."

U. S. Senator William J. Fulbright of Arkan- sas, Sigma Chi: "I know of no better way to bring about a better understanding than to en- able citizens of other nations to come and ac- quire some knowledge of the life and customs in the United States while receiving education in American institutions."

Brown University President Henry M. Wris- ton, Delta Tau Delta: "The world cannot be governed by experts; it must be governed by public opinion and that means that the citizens must take a broad view. One of the worst follies of our time has been the assertion that the prob- lems of the world are so complicated that citi- zens cannot understand them and they must be left to the experts."

GarflF B. Wilson, Pi Kappa Alpha, in the

Panhellenic Parsley

Alpha Tau Omega is in the lead of fraternities that have made Help Week grow and have im- pressed the public by doing so. Reader's Digest of September, 1951, gave two and a half pages to the community help plan of ATO's Indiana chapter in an article titled "The Metamorphosis of Hell Week." Not long afterwards Kiwanis Magazine published an article called "Revolu- tion on Fraternity Row," in which ATO was again cited as the group that sparked the idea which has been kindled into flame on campuses nationally.

The Phi Gams who run the national head- quarters in Washington, D.C., call the place Aspirin Hall.

At a charity auction sponsored by the Uni- versity of Nebraska last winter, the Delta Sigma Phis laought the pledges of Kappa Delta for a top bid of $22, put them to work cleaning up the Delta Sig chapter house.

Random Identities

Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of the U. S. Supreme Court is a Phi Delt, making him a fraternity brother to screen star Van Heflin, novelist Louis Bromfield, and New York Giant star shortstop Al Dark. . . . Politicos in the news who are Greeks include Senator Estes Kefauver, Kappa Sigma, and Vice-President Alben Barkley, Delta Tau Delta. . . . The late Republican Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg was a D.U. . . . Honorary eminent supreme archon of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is Harold E. Stassen, Minnesota, '29.


Favorite West Virginia alumnus Thomas E. Millsop is steel company president and mayor.

West Virginia Claims Major Steel Company President

Thomas Millsop, president of the Weirton Steel Company, has achieved an enviable record in helping his community, his college, and his chapter.

By AVERY F. GASKINS, University of West Virginia

THOMAS E. MILLSOP, West Virginia Beta, is fast becoming a legend in West Virginia and the tri-state area of Pennsylvania and Ohio. In fact the people of this section of the country have shown such strong con- fidence in his great ability to "do things up right" that it has developed into a slogan, "Give it to Millsop if you want it done."

At present Tom Millsop is president of Weirton Steel Company, Weirton, W.Va., vice-president of National Steel Corporation, president of the National Steel Products

Company of Houston, Tex., and Mayor of the City of Weirton.

He began his career with Weirton Steel Company in 1927 when he was given a job in the sales department. The company soon recognized him as a dynamic leader and he rose through the ranks until June, 1936, at which time he was made president of the company, at 38 years of age, making him one of the youngest men ever to head a major steel company.

Tom Millsop proved more than faithful


to the confidence which the company placed in him. Under his leadership Weirton Steel made a distinguished record in World War II, winning three bestowals of the Army- Navy "E" flag with two silver stars and the Navy Ordnance Award.

His congenial and constructive attitude toward his workers has earned him such respect that there is no such thing as labor trouble in his company. In more than 18 vears, there has not been a strike or loss of production due to labor trouble in the Weirton organization.

Until 1947, Weirton, the home town of Thomas Millsop was known as the "largest unincorporated city in the world." In 1947 the city received its charter and once again the workers and other citizens of Weirton showed their confidence in Millsop by elect- ing him mayor with a majority of over 5tol.

During one four-year term. Mayor Mill- sop brought about the adoption of a new

and modern charter, started construction of a new $4,000,000 Weirton General Hos- pital, built a Community Center Building, and organized a city recreation program.

This year Weirton took another look at the progress made under their Mayor and immediately called upon him to accept the post for a second four-year term. Despite the pressures of many other duties, genial Tom Millsop agreed and was re-elected to office by a margin of over 5 to 1.

By a recent appointment to the board of governors of West Virginia University, Tom Millsop has again proven himself a leader. Since the mines work hand in hand with the steel industry, he assumed a great interest in the School of Mines which helped influence the rise of the School of Mines of West Virginia University to one of the top ten mining schools in the country.

Brother Millsop has proven himself a very loyal alumnus, offering much needed advice and aid to the chapter.

U. of Kansas House Boasts U.P. President

Arthur Stoddard, president of Union Pacific Railroad, is initiated by the chapter which was once headed by his son who died on Iwo Jima.

New Kansas initiate Arthur E. Stoddard.

KANSAS gamma's already splendid roster now proudly carries the name of an- other outstanding man of achievement.

Arthur E. Stoddard, president of the Union Pacific Railroad, was initiated by the University of Kansas chapter on October 27. His son, Robert Stoddard, a fonner presi- dent of the chapter, was killed by an enemy bullet at Iwo Jima on March 4, 1945.

The ceremony was attended by about 70 actives and alumni, among whom were a number of Bob's former classmates. The Grand Chapter was represented by Wil- liam W. Hindman, Jr., Grand Secretary. Chapter president Clarence I. Frieze, Jr. headed the ritual team.

Art Stoddard is thoroughly a selfmade man. Born at Auburn, Neb., on July 28, 1895, he began working in 1906 for his


father who had a grading sub-contract in the building of the Rock Island Line from Guthrie, Okla. to Amarillo, Tex. He started his railroad career as a shop apprentice with the Frisco Lines in 1915 at Springfield, Mo., and entered the service of the Union Pacific on April 4, 1916 as student station helper at Gothenburg, Neb. From this start he worked his way up through positions of telegrapher, train dispatcher, trainmaster, assistant superintendent, superintendent, as- sistant general manager, general manager, and vice-president. He was elected to the U.P. presidency on March 1, 1949. He had early furthered the railroad career which he loved by sandwiching in a year at business college (1915-1916) studying railway ad- ministration and a year at Harvard Univer- sity (1917-1918).

About the time Americans began to fire shots in World War I, a young Art Stoddard looked away from railroad telegraphy since the Navy needed dot-and-dash experts even more urgently. He became a radio operator on transport ships plying between the United States and France. At the close of World War I he was assigned to duty in South America until release from his enlistment permitted him to return to railroading.

In World War II, in September, 1942, the Transportation Corps called. With the rank of Colonel Art Stoddard was immediately sent to Iran to make a study of the railroads of that country with a view of increasing the tonnage to the Red Army. After a year in the Middle East, he returned to the United States and then moved to England as Assistant Director General of the G-4 Division of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces. Following the inva- sion of Europe, he was made general man- ager of the First Military Railway Service in France and was relieved from active duty early in 1946, returning to the Union Pacific.

On March 11, 1949, he was appointed Brigadier General in the Officers Reserve Corps of the Army of the United States, and was appointed Deputy Director Gen- eral of General Headquarters, Military Rail- way Service. On April 15, 1951, he assumed command of General Headquarters, Military Railway Service, as Director General.

Col. L. F. Downing, Montana Alpha, '36, (left), is promoted in rank at Randolph Field.

The Military

Leighton F. Downing, Montana Alpha, '36, director of administration of the U.S.A.F. School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Tex., has been promoted to full colonel. Stationed at the aeromedical school since August, 1949, he began his active military career in 1941, serving in the China-Burma-India Theater during World War II, and being subsequently grad- uated from the Command and Staff School at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.

Col. Thomas R. Aaron, Virginia Alpha, professor of military science and tactics at Rutgers University, retired from the U. S. Army in July. In a special retreat parade at Camp Kilmer, N.J., he concluded 32 years of Army service that began at West Point in 1916 and took him to Siberia, Eniwetok, Hawaii, and many posts in the U.S.

Colonel Aaron was a frequent visitor at the New Jersey Beta house. His advice was eagerly sought by the men of the chapter, who attended the service en masse.

But Colonel Aaron, whose is the first name in the Sigma Phi Epsilon directory of mem- bership, has a new post. Back in Hawaii, where in 1922 he married Margaret La- Mothe, daughter of the late Episcopal bishop of Hawaii, he will teach mathematics on the staff of Kehehameha School.


Wisconsin Si^ Ep Is Veteran Disc Jockey at 24

Robert W. Swanson, Wisconsin Beta, '50, who has spun 20,000 discs, leaves a brilliant career of radio announcing behind him to enter the Air Force.

By KURT H. KRAHIV, University of Wisconsin

Swanson also has interviewed several ani- mals on his record show, including "Bessie the Badger Cow" who predicted the out- come of Badger football fortunes this fall. Listeners throughout the country heard him over ABC last spring when he reported the Shorewood dog trial against a collie who allegedly bit some children.

The subject of a feature story in the (Madison) Wisconsin State Journal recently. Bob Swanson was written up for spinning the 20,000th record for his radio public. In the article Bob is quoted as saying that his most interesting interview was with Sally Rand. He also had a 15-minute inter- view with band leader Charlie Spivak. The trumpet player liked Swanson so much that he remained at the studio for four hours and even read some of Bob's commercials.

"Much of Swanson's popularity," the State Journal says, "was due to his relaxed, in- formal manner which included ad libbing almost all commercials. Swanson personally checked on most sponsors and listeners had confidence in his recommendations.

"Swanson was born in Appleton, Wis., in 1927 and decided he wanted to be a radio announcer at the age of ten. At 17, he got a job at WIBU and became the country's youngest staff announcer."

Now at an Air Force training base in Idaho, 2nd Lt. Bob Swanson will soon be doing public relations for the Air, Force.

\ V

Radio man Bob Swanson, Wisconsin at mike with unidentified Santa

Beta, Glaus.

ROBERT w. SWANSON, Wisconsiu Beta, '50, can lay claim to having been the na- tion's youngest radio staff announcer. At the age of 24 and only one short year out of the University of Wisconsin, Bob had seven full years of radio announcing and program- ming behind him when he left station WISC in Madison in December for Air Force blue.

For the past three years Swanson was program director of WISC and also con- ducted his popular "Bob Swanson Show" for two and a half hours. His daily record program was the longest and most popular on all six local stations.

Swanson worked his way through Wis- consin as an announcer at three Madison stations and graduated with a geography degree. He was initiated by Wisconsin Beta in 1945. Two years later his older brother Vernon was initiated. While in the chapter Bob was historian, rushing chairman, and pledge trainer. He often gave Stg Ep plugs on his program.

Always a showman, Swanson interviewed most band leaders when they played town. He also interviewed other celebrities be- tween records on his program.

Star of Magnitude

A young University of Wyoming Sig Ep who has recently hit the top in athletics is Bill Sullenberger, who left the chapter in 1947 to take an appointment to West Point. A recent release from the United States Mili- tary Academy states that "Sully" is one of the greatest all-around athletes ever to hit West Point. He has broken many records


and received many honors including All- American. In recent trials for the 1952 Olympics he bettered five of the marks of Bob Mathias, decathlon champion in the 1948 Olympics, and tied two.

His San Diego

Neil Morgan, North Carolina Zeta, '43, is the author of My San Diego, based on the author's column "Crosstown," which is a feature of the San Diego Evening Tribune. The book which consists of 56 pages and sells for one dollar tells the story of San Diego, past and present. The author himself is the publisher.

Tiie Bench

Judge Francis J. Knauss, Colorado Alpha, '05, who served as Grand President for a two-year term in 1914-16, and again from 1916-1923, has been appointed to fill a vacancy on the Colorado Supreme Court, the state's highest tribunal.

On August 13, following his appointment, the Rocky Mountain News of Denver com- mented editorially: "He has long been active in Colorado affairs and for more than 45 years has been a practising attorney here. He has also had experience in the legis- lature and in other political affairs. . . . Covernor Thornton has again used good judgment."

Rotary Brass

Three chapters of Sigma Phi Epsilon are responsible for high-offier personnel in the affairs of that great service organization- Rotary International.

Tom Bartlett, Ohio Alpha, '17, an insur- ance agent at North Baltimore, Ohio, as a district governor is responsible for the affairs of 51 Rotary clubs throughout Ohio.

John T. Berger, Missouri Beta, city at- torney in Kirkwood, Mo., governs 29 clubs in one of the four districts in his home state.

Dan Proctor, chapter advisor to Oklahoma Beta, a former district governor of Rotary, former president of the Oklahoma Educa- tional Association, has a special office in

Insurance executive Kennelli Perry.

the organization. He is chairman of the committee to examine international student projects financed by Rotary clubs or dis- tricts. He resides at Chickasha, Okla.

Insurance Brass

Kenneth W. Perry, Massachusetts Alpha, '29, formerly general agent for the Massa- chusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company at Hartford, Conn., has now been advanced to the position of du'ector of agencies.

As supervisor of field force development, he will return to the home offices at Spring- field, Mass., where he first began as a rep- resentative for the Litchard and Cook Agency in 1931.

Successful Farmer

A recent article in the Venn State Alumni News told the success story of R. Johnston Gillan, Indiana Alpha, a charter member of his chapter, who is one of the state of Pennsylvania's most successful fruit growers and a member of the board of trustees of Penn State.

His farm, where he engages in the com- mercial production of apples, peaches, cherries, and prunes, is situated in Franklin County near St. Thomas.


Frater in Universitate T. M. Adams.

Actor^s Anecdote

Yewell Tomkins, Wisconsin Beta, who as Tom Ewell made a hit on Broadway for his role in John Loves Mary, after having participated in 28 flops, has made a series of successful movies in Hollywood. His most recent successful role is that of Willie in Mauldin's Up Front.

Featured in a Broadway newspaper col- umn recently, Tom Ewell revealed that while at Wisconsin he never seriously expected to become an actor. "I waited on tables at the Sigma Phi Epsilon house," he said, "and one year when they had too many waiters they gave me a job as second floor maid. I had 17 beds to make."


Nile Running, Minnesota Alpha, '33, is proprietor of the Nile Running Studio, Forest Lake, Minn., producer of the na- tionally famed Edith Cherry Originals greeting cards.

The studio which he operates with his wife and a large staflF is one of the few in existence to produce personalized hand- painted cards. Orders come from New York to California, from Wisconsin to Texas. In the first 18 months of operation nearly 250,000 cards were produced at the studio.

High Presbyterian

R. Graham White, North Carolina Ep- silon, '25, has been appointed secretary of the permanent committee on the minister and his work for the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. This committe operates as a new department of the national church or- ganization and has its oflfices in the Henry Grady Building at Atlanta, Ga.

As Others See Them

Past Grand President Dr. William C. Smolenske, Colorado Beta, '13, is the sub- ject of a euology in the July, 1951, issue of the Desmos of Delta Sigma Delta, pro- fessional dental fraternity. Currently sec- retary-treasurer of the Council of Graduate Chapters of that fraternity, he served as international president in 1935-36.

Fratres in Faeultate

G. Duncan Wimpress, Oregon Beta, '46, director of public relations and instructor in journalism at Whittier College since 1946, assumed the post of assistant to the president of the Colorado School of Mines at Golden, Colo., on September 1. This is the seat of Colorado Delta Chapter. He was once gradu- ate assistant in the school of journalism at his alma mater.

T. M. Adams, Iowa Beta, '32, chairman of the agricultural economics department at the State Agricultural College of Vermont, has recently been appointed associate dean and director of the college. On the faculty since 1934, he holds a master's degree from the University of Vermont and a doctorate from Cornell.

Gould L. Harris, New York Gamma, professor in the Department of Accounting Instruction, New York University School of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance, has just completed his term as grand president of Beta Alpha Psi, the national accounting fraternity, and continues on the council of that fraternity for another year as past grand president.


Technology Proceeds

Basil O'Connor, New Hampshire Alpha, '12, president of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and of the Interna- tional Pohomyelitis Congress, during the past summer attended an international con- gress of polio specialists in Copenhagen, Denmark. He stated in his report of the meet- ing that new discoveries have been made "which should place polio research on an entirely different level from that of the past generation."

Christianity Recedes

Walter W. Van Kirk, Ohio Epsilon, '17, secretary of the National Council of Churches of Christ in America, gave the principal address at the annual meeting of the Ohio Area Methodist Pastors' School held at Delaware, Ohio, in September.

Dr. Van Kirk pointed out that millions of people are fearful that "education and the institutions of learning will be regi- mented by government and the creativity of the free mind will be crushed or com- promised."

He told the ministers that "Christianity is a minority movement. Here and there across the world. Christians have established their beachheads. They believe, and with good reason, that with God on their side they will triumph over principalities and powers and the rulers of darkness. But they will do this only when they recognize how entrenched are the evils against which they are arrayed."

Evan*s Beaven

Evan J. Morris, Pennsylvania Eta, '19, for many years a stalwart guiding spirit in the destinies of the Cornell chapter, has been re-elected a director of the Chemical War- fare Service Veterans Association. A major in the chemical warfare service of the regu- lar Army in World War I, Morris was sepa- rated from the service with the rank of major in 1922.

Since 1925 he has owned and operated the Triangle Book Shop on the campus at Ithaca. In 1948 he purchased Sheldon Court from the celebrated Negro religiose Father

Divine, and the 130 Cornell students who today inhabit the building affectionately call it Evan's Heaven.

In the Press

John Banting, Pennsylvania Kappa, '41, and his wife Mary Banting were featured in a recent Redbook magazine article titled This Is the Life. It is the interesting story of a young couple who picked up their courage and fled from the inanities of the urban treadmill to establish a successful citrus- growing business near Delray Beach, Fla.

Top news story in North Carolina during 1950, in the opinion of Associated Press member editors, was the defeat of U.S. Senator Frank Graham for his Senate seat by Willis Smith, North Carolina Gamma, '10.


Harry A. Dorsey, Ohio Gamma, '33, part- ner in the management consultant firm of Bruce Payne & Associates, Boston, Mass., has been transfered to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the purpose of conducting a branch office of the firm. One of the firm's chief clients in this area is the Brazilian National Steel Company.


Seth A. Densmore, New Hampshire Alpha, '21, who is engaged in public ac- counting practice at Burlington, Vt., is the author of an article in the August issue of The Journal of Accountancy. It discusses how accounting can help the small business- man control his profit by helping him to know where his money comes from and where it goes. Densmore is secretary of the Vermont State Board of Accountancy and past president (1939-49) of the Vermont Society of CPAs.

He was a varsity athlete at his alma mater.

* -^Nothing is so galling to a people, not broken in from birth, as a government which tells them what to read.— macaxtley


Our Serious Program for 1952

Fraternity men are exponents of better Americanism. They should show the public that nowhere is character taught better than in the chapter houses.

By LUIS ROBERTS, Grand President of Sigma Plii Episilon

special time for all the members of the chapter to donate blood to the Red Cross.

"Thanksgiving For Freedom" was the theme of the Interfraternity Research and Advisory Council celebration commemorating the 175th anniversary of Phi Beta Kappa held at Williams- burg, Va., on December 1, 1951. The college fraternities pledge themselves to protect our freedoms and to carry forward into the future years the independence of thought and action upon which freedom is based.

Second: Raising Sig Ep's level of scholarship in accordance with Dr. U. G. Dubach's pro- gram. May I call your attention to the following:

"Be it resolved; That the Twenty-second Grand Chapter Conclave go on record as en- dorsing the six recommendations on scholarship made at the preceding Grand Chapter Conclave, as herein reiterated:

"1. Pledging. We recommend that our chap- ters pledge no men in the lower three deciles scholastically until they have demonstrated their abiUty to do college work.

"2. Initiation. We recommend that our chap- ters initiate only those pledges who have done work of grade acceptable for graduation by the institution.

"3. Breaking Pledges. We recommend that unless a pledge has made the required grade within a year, his pledgeship shall be discon- tinued.

"4. Initiation. We recommend that our chap- ters require for initiation a grade average equal to the graduation requirement of the institution.

"5. Grade Average of Chapters. We recom- mend that the National set as a minimum stand- ard for the chapter a grade average equal to or above the all-men average.

"6. Planning. We recommend that the Na- tional request each individual chapter to ana- lyze last year's results, indicating in what par- ticulars they had succeeded and in what particulars they had failed, in each case giving reasons. We recommend further that each individual chapter then set out its plans for the new year, indicating the measures they plan to

Author of Sig Ep's Camp Plan Bill Hindman poses with young campers at Green Lane Camp. Bob Bonnell at right.

AFTER attending the National Interfraternity Conference this year I realize what a tre- mendous responsibility we have in the fraternity world. When I took office this year as your Grand President I said there were three prime goals for Sigma Phi Epsilon during this Golden Year.

First: Spreading true Americanism through- out our universities and colleges through fra- ternity influence. This can best be accomplished by changing "Hell Week" to "Help Week" by every chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon.

The National Interfraternity Undergraduate Conference has gone on record as favoring a "Greek Week" on campuses inviting fraternity alumni and members of the faculty and ad- ministration to participate in the program. Open your houses to the community and let them know what goes on in a fraternity house.

I strongly recommend that you set aside a


take to improve their scholastic status. Further, we request each chapter to indicate the relative grade position it expects to attain during the ensuing year."

If we follow this six-point plan there will be no question about our chapters equaling or go- ing above the all-men's average.

Third: Expansion of the Sig Ep Summer Camp program for Underprivileged boys. "Can

you spare a dollar to send a boy to camp?" On the back cover of the November, 1951, issue of the Journal Brother Bill Hindman again made his appeal. How many acted and sent in their dollar? Just think if every Sig Ep sent in a dollar we would have $38,000. This would mean that we could send over 3,000 boys to camp this summer. If you haven't sent in your dollar it's not too late— DO it now.


Change in Carolina

As THE fall term began on Sig Ep campuses, several changes in supervisory personnel were witnessed in the district system.

In District V, embracing the Carolina chap- ters, R. D. Beam, North Carolina Beta, '26, resigned as governor and was succeeded by Bedford W. Black, North Carolina Zeta, '41, Both the outgoing and the incoming governors have for many years served as stalwarts in alumni supervision of their own chapters. A good-sized area in which to work. District V includes the chapters at North Carolina State, Duke, University of North Carolina, Davidson, and Wake Forest. Alumni groups at Columbia, Charlotte, Greensboro, Kannapolis, and Raleigh are included.

Grand President Luis J. Roberts in his ap- pointment of Bedford Black, selected a man of broad experience in fraternity supervision. A practicing attorney of Kannapolis, N.C., Black is a charter member of the Wake Forest chapter and was its 13th initiate. As an undergraduate he not only headed his chapter as president but served also as rush chairman, pledgemaster, and

New District V Governor Bedford Black.

comptroller. Since 1946 he has been a member of his chapter's alumni board and has served as alumni treasurer all that while.

In his extracurricular activities while at col- lege Black's flair for speaking came to the fore. For three years he was speaker of the house of representatives of the student assembly, par- ticipated in debate, and was also Society Day speaker. He served as a delegate to the First National Student Congress at Topeka, Kan., in 1938 and was elected speaker of that large house of delegates.

Bedford Black's war record is remarkable. With the Army Air Force, he has 1,600 hours of flying time and served in the European, African, Middle Eastern, and Pacific Theatres of operation. He received a Presidential Citation, air medal, and two battle stars.

Black is unmarried. His hobbies include par- ticipation in the Kannapolis Sports Club and the Little Theatre of that city of which he is a charter member and the first president. He is regional director of the southeastern states of the Young Democrats Club of America and is the vice-chairman of the national co-ordinating council of that body.

The Wheat Belt

In District XIII, the resignation of Governor W. E. Rogers created a vacancy which has been filled through the appointment of C. H. Elting, Missouri Alpha, '24. This area embraces the chapters at Baker, Kansas State, University of Kansas, Washburn, Emporia, Missouri, Wash- ington U. in St. Louis, Missouri Mines, Drury, Nebraska, and Omaha. Included also are the alumni groups in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Slim Elting has been president of the Missouri Alpha alumni board since 1947 and was one of the prime movers in the restoration of that chapter after the war and the return of its house. He was president of the Kansas City Alumni Chapter in 1946-47 and a member of the com- mittee for the Kansas City Conclave of 1947. He served this alumni group as alternate dele- gate to the Chicago Conclave and delegate to the recent Conclave at Richmond.

The new governor of District XIII has re-


District XIII's new Governor C, H. Elting.

New Assistant District Governor Wolf.

cently moved from Kansas City to Topeka where he is associated with the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as traffic equipment engi- neer for the state of Kansas.

He is married. A daughter Julie was born in 1941, a son C. H. Elting, Jr. in 1942. The C. H. stands for "Cyrus Harold." Mrs. Elting— -Celeste —is a graduate of Virginia College at Roanoke, Va.

Slim's hobbies, outside of the Fraternity which takes a great deal of his time, are sail- boat racing (snipe class), fishing, and stamp collecting.

Out East

Governor of District IV Herb Smith, Junior Grand Marshal-elect and chairman of the recent Conclave, has left Richmond to head a southern territory of Republic Steel Corporation, with offices in Atlanta, Ga.

In District II, Governor Robert E. Bromley, New York Gamma, '36, has been given the services of an assistant. He is George Edward Wolf, New York Gamma, '48, a former presi- dent of his chapter and at present secretary of the New York Alumni Chapter and since 1948 chairman of its historical committee.

While on the campus George Wolf also served his chapter as rush chairman and as house chairman, continuing his active interest in the chapter after graduation when he remained on campus to earn his M.A. degree in education in 1951.

Always interested in the making of motion pictures, George is associated with Murphy- LiUis Productions, Inc., 723 Seventh Avenue, New York, as assistant production manager.

He has also worked for the department of motion pictures of his alma mater and for the Skouras Theatres Corporation and the Victory- Bayside Theatre Corporation.

Also interested in politics, he is currently serving as Republican Committeeman for Dis- trict 66, Nassau County, N.Y., and has served as an inspector of elections.

Unmarried, his chief hobbies are writing, photography, travel, music, and hiking. His home is at Little Neck, Long Island.

Ira Sunny Cal

Paul B. Slater, California Beta, who was elected to the office of Junior Grand Marshal at the Richmond Conclave in September, has resigned his post as governor of the California District— XVIII. His successor is a former Grand President of the Fraternity, who has also served previously as governor of the district— Robert L. Ryan, California Alpha, '25. Bob first became governor in March, 1937. He assumed the post once more in November, 1951.

Central Office Alumni

George K. Salt, Florida Gamma, resigned his post as field secretary in November to return to his alma mater in an administrative post. He will work in the office of administration at the University of Miami processing admissions.

George joined the Central Office staff in Rich- mond during the summer of 1950. Though pledged at Penn State— his home is Pittsburgh- he became a charter member of the chapter at Miami, serving as rush chairman and president as well as alternate delegate to the 1949 Con- clave.


More Happy Returns of 1901

Many active and graduate groups hold banquets to commemorate Fraternity's birth. Founder WilHam L. PhilHps gets TV set as gift of Grand Chapter


A LARGE group of members of the Richmond Alumni Chapter and of tlie University of Rich- mond active chapter were present for the Rich- mond birthday party on November 1.

All applauded as Assistant to the Grand Sec- retary Frank J. Ruck, Jr., presented a handsome console model Westinghouse 20-inch TV set to Founder William L. Phillips in behalf of the Grand Chapter. The occasion was an anniver- sary for Uncle Billy, also, for he has worked for his beloved Sigma Phi Epsilon since before its birth and he still devotes much of his time and energy for its growth and improvement.

The Sig Eps who gathered in Richmond com- prised one of scores of groups throughout the U.S. to celebrate the event which took place in old Ryland Hall on this date 50 years ago when the Fraternity was officially born.

They were honoring, besides Uncle Billy Phillips, 11 other Founders: Carter Ashton Jenkens, William Hugh Carter, Thomas Temple Wright, Lucian Baum Cox, Robert Allen Mc- Farland, and Thomas Vaden McCaul, some of whom were participating on that evening as guests of honor in banquets elsewhere. Also they were honoring the memory of those de- parted: Benjamin Donald Gaw, William Andrew Wallace, Richard Spurgeon Owens, Edgar Lee Allen, and Franklin Webb Kerfoot. To Founder Owens, who died July 6, 1950, a great posthumous honor had come when a spe- cial memorial chapel in his name at the Calvary Baptist Church at Roanoke was dedicated two weeks before.

Following the presentation and brief address- es, a brief business meeting was conducted at which the following new officers were elected:

Uncle Billy Phillips tries out TV set given him by Grand Chapter at Rich- mond's 50th Anniversary dinner. Assist- ant to Grand Secretary Ruck and Junior Grand Marshal-elect Herb Smith watch.

Jim Barnes, president; Jim Coleman, vice-presi- dent; Harry Thompson, secretary; Tom Woods, treasurer; and Ralph Kinsey, historian.

Retiring president of the group is Warden N. Hartman, Colorado Alpha.


Past Grand President Dr. William C. Smolen- ske, governor of District XV, was the chief speaker at the University of New Mexico Sig Ep 50th anniversary party on October 30, for the active alumni chapters.

The actives sponsored the banquet which was held in the Greer Room of the famous Hilton Hotel at Albuquerque. Chapter vice-president

Gathering of loyal Seattle Sig Eps at their Founders' Day banquet on November 1.


At Albuquerque's 50th Anniversary parly, pledges, actives, alumni, and former Grand President Smolenske (front) smile together.

Jack Bolander, serving as emcee, introduced no less than 40 brothers.

Four newspapers and three radio stations carried publicity for the event, which aided Chairman Ken Meyer's efforts. Dr. Lloyd S. Tireman sent his regrets from Bangkok, Siam. New Mexico Alpha is extremely grateful for the presence of Dr. Smolenske at the dinner. He brought the alumni up to date on the fraternity's national expansion program and other events and urged the reorganization of the alumni group at Albuquerque.

Following the dinner, an alumni group was organized and the following officers elected: president, Bernard J. Myer, '34; vice-president, John Wichelns, '50; comptroller, E. L. Alford, '49 (succeeding Oren Strong); chapter adviser, Jesse E. Baxter, '40; and secretary and historian, Ferris L. Johnson, '51.

Sig Eps in the Albuquerque area desiring to participate in meetings are urged to get in touch with the historian— F. L. Johnson, 804 North La Veta Drive.

—Ferris L. Johnson

Grand Secretary William W. Hindman, Jr., and Cleveland Alumni president Harold Hayes, both at rear, congratulate new initiates (left to right) James Kurtz, Fred Haffner, Carl Snyder.

Op a^

^ 9


Members of the Boston Alumni Chapter met for dinner on November 1 at the Pegis Club house, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to celebrate Founders' Day. Feature of the meeting was an address on "U.S.A. and the World," by Dr. WiUiam Verhage, Wisconsin Alpha, '28, of the faculty of political economy, Boston Uni- versity. Discussion dealt with the responsibility of America towards Britain, Iran, Egypt, and other countries in keeping world order.


A visit by Grand Secretary WiUiam Hindman and the initiation of three Clevelanders were highlights of the annual Founders' Day banquet held November 2 by the Cleveland Alumni Chapter. Hindman brought members of the chapter up to date on fraternity progress and reported on the spirit that keynoted the 50th Anniversary Conclave in these words:

"We are looking forward to our next 50 years, with enthusiasm running high in all chapters despite the many clouds on the hori- zon."

District Governor Harry B. Kurtz presided at the initiation ceremonies, with these three men becoming members of Sigma Phi Epsilon: Fred Haffner, Sr., who has been actively associated with Sig Ep alumni in Cleveland since his son, now in California, became a member at Cali- fornia Beta; James B. Kurtz and Carl J. Snyder, both former pledges at Ohio Gamma, who have continued their fraternity contacts for many years since leaving college.

Los Angeles

The Oakmont Country Club in Glendale was the scene of the annual Founders' Day banquet staged by the Los Angeles Alumni Chapter on November 5. Seventy-four Sig Eps, actives and alumni, gathered around the festive board to pay homage to Sig Ep's founders on the Golden Anniversary celebration.

Grand President Luie Roberts made the trip up from San Diego to be the principal speaker. Luie launched his campaign for true American- ism in our colleges and universities, and made an eloquent plea for the Sig Ep Boys Camp Fund.

Past Grand President Bob Ryan also ad- dressed the banquet, as did Paul Slater, newly elected Junior Grand Marshal. At the conclu- sion of President Roberts' talk, he announced the resignation of Slater as district governor, and taking Ryan by surprise appointed him as district governor of District XVIII. Everyone is glad to know that Bob's interest and guidance will continue to belong to Sig Ep for a long time to come.

Alumni chapter president Bob Shipp con- ducted his swan song, and when he announced the report of the nomination committee for chapter ofBcers for the coming year there wasn't one note of discord. New officers elected are Richard B. Newton, president; Richard J. Pearson, vice-president; Robert Reis, secretary; and George Daniels, treasurer. All are California Beta men but Newton hastened to emphasize that it is an aU-Sig Ep slate. An alumni council of 20 men, whose duties are to work with the oflBcers on alumni functions during the coming year, also was elected.


This alumni chapter had to put oflF its Golden Anniversary banquet until November 12 in order to get Uncle Billy Phillips as honor guest, since Richmond had full claims on him for November 1.

The dinner was held at the Undine Barge Club and was informal.

New ofBcers were elected for the coming year,


Festivities occurring at Oklahoma Alpha's Founders' Day banquet November 3 at Still- water, included burning of the mortgage on the house at 324 Monroe Street. Among those pres- ent were Carl Peterson, Assistant to the Grand Secretary, Paul Odor, Oklahoma Alpha Chap- ter president, George Green, Jr., Oklahoma Alpha's first pledge and vice-president of the First National Bank and Trust Co. of Oklahoma City; Clarence Paden, president, Oklahoma Alpha Alumni Corporation; A. O. Martin, sec- retary-treasurer of the Alumni Corporation— the mortgage was retired after 25 years.

San Diego

California Delta celebrated the Golden Anni- versary with a dinner in the Garden Room of San Diego's Manor Hotel on November 19. Alumni were there in great numbers and were represented at the head table by Grand Presi- dent Luis Roberts, Alumni President Howard Quam Stan Mackie, and Al Schuss. The actives were represented by Chapter President Dave Raper, Vice-President Bill Montepagono, and past president and present historian Dick Curtis.

After the dinner, Dave Raper introduced Stan Mackie who served as emcee. He introduced Grand President Luis Roberts who told us of the Fraternity's beginning and highfights of its growth up to the Conclave held in Richmond last June.

Our principal speaker for the evening was Al Schuss who is associated with an advertising agency in San Diego. He spoke of his experi- ences since leaving the University of Washing-

Paul Odor, left, helps George Green, Jr., first pledge of Oklahoma Alpha, burn house mortgage at banquet in Stillwater.

ton and his chapter, Washing+on Beta. He was with the Columbia Broadca?::.ig System at the beginning of that network, has served as an FBI agent in the Chicago area, and more re- cently has been a sports announcer.

The dinner was closed with Luis Roberts leading in a group rendition of the Fraternity's Anthem.


The Wichita Alumni Chapter held its Founders' Day banquet in the Alfis Hotel on November 1. Carl O. Petersen of the Grand Chapter, who gave the principal address, was introduced by outgoing president Jerome John- son. About 30 members were present, including several brothers on duty at the Wichita Air Force base.

Election of officers resulted in a unanimous

Drake Sig Eps boasted to alumni that foot- ball team would "Flush Iowa State royally."


vote for Lester Kappelman, president; Gene Bullinger, vice-president; Lyle Woodring, treas- urer; and Dwight Castello, secretary.

At a short business meeting, it vi^as decided that our calendar and social year would follow the school year. It was decided to have an in- formal weekly get-together for lunch at a down- Itown restaurant on each Thursday at 12:00 noon. Elmer Hier, Kansas Gamma, manager of the Allis, offered the chapter the use of a special table in the Allis CoflFee Shop. All Sig -Eps, graduate and undergraduate, are invited and no reservations are necessary.

—Rockwell Smith

Notes on Homecoming

At Temple, activities of the fall semester were highlighted by the winning of second place for the homecoming display. Construction was supervised by Herb Collins. The Temple Owl was shown pulling the Fordham Ram by the tail and both figures were constructed of wire, paste, paper, and hard work. The finished product made a hit with returning alumni who were happy to see the Sig Eps back in the running.

At Alabama, a smoker honoring the alumni was held on one night, with a semiformal house dance following the next night. Since Alabama's slogan for the Homecoming game with the University of Florida was MGM ( Make 'Gators Moan), lawn decorations consisted of a large theater stage backed by a revolving screen on which were painted comic illustrations of the traditional battle between the Florida 'Gators and the Red Elephants of Alabama.

At Indiana, more than 125 guests ttimed out for Homecoming weekend. Among this num- ber were more than 30 alumni, who met in the

morning for the annual alumni meeting. Alumni board elections were held, and the new mem- bers are Russell B. Wyatt, '36, and George Grigsby, '50, treasurer. Other members are Howard Evans, president; Maurice Felger, sec- retary; Richard Thompson; and B. R. Davidson.

Homecoming decorations of the U. of Florida Sig Ep house consisted of an alligator dressed as a football player kicking a Vandy player into the hatch of a rocket ship which was about 30' high and 6' in diameter covered in silver foil and flashing at the bottom in preparation for a take-off. Sound effects were produced by Bob Johnson and Neils Lahr on a wire recorder. The flicker buttons for the lights on the rocket ship lighting system found a funny way of getting into the lights all over the house; the house looked strange flashing on and off in places like a Christmas tree. . . . Decorations for the front of the house were done by En- gineer John Anderson and aifiliates.

The Sig Ep float carried the Queen of Hearts with her court— five pretty co-eds, one of them the reigning queen from last Golden Heart weekend. The committee headed by George Campbell worked until parade time.

Among the returning alumni were Fotios V. Bokas, Bonnie I. Smith, Hoke S. Johnson, John M. Marees, V. V. Moore (USAF), Walt Stacy, and Dave Hendon. Max S. Cleland came over from Daytona Beach for the first time in 15 years.

The alumni annual meeting and election of officers was held Saturday after the buffet din- ner.

On Friday night Gator Growl was held at Florida Field with laughs, songs, skits, and fireworks. The football game Saturday afternoon was a Florida Victory over Vandy which gave good reason to party Saturday night. The weekend was big and beautiful, but Sunday came and everyone left the University like a rising fog.



Fall activities of the Berkeley Alumni have been marked by closer relations with the active chapter.

The housing situation is still the main problem facing both the active house and the alumni board. However, both groups are co-operating in efforts to bring about a solution. In tlie meantime temporary quarters have been secured at 2431 Durant Avenue, Berkeley.

New faces on the board replacing retiring members include Robert Ray, Agnus Crocker, Roger Thompson, and Wayne Gray.

Founders' Day was celebrated with a fine

banquet held November 9. Football movies of California's grid victories of last year were shown. Robert Brorson arranged the successful event. —Wayne Gray


The Cleveland Alumni Chapter again played host to northern Ohio's Sig Ep actives at the annual Christmas semi-formal. This year's dance was held at the Cleveland Hotel on December 28. The affair was well attended by both alumni and actives home for the holidays from colleges in several states.

Twelve chapters are represented on the

















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Omaha alumni tour Falstaff brewery at which the product was not introduced until after the business meeting. David F. Barber, Nebraska Alpha, '44, arranged tour.

Cleveland Alumni roster of officers and board of directors. New officers for 1951-52 are:

Harold O. Hayes, Minnesota Alpha, '23, presi- dent; Richard A. Steudel, Michigan Alpha, '41, vice-president; Jack Gamble, Washington Alpha, '38, secretary; Eugene Hulbert, Iowa Beta, '46, treasurer.

Board of directors includes Charles F. Stew- art, Florida Alpha, '28, chairman; Gordan Weir, Ohio Zeta, '49; K. B. Wiggins, Ohio Gamma, '20; Myles S. Wilder, Vermont Alpha, '08; Harold G. Fitch, West Virginia Beta; Harry Kieding, Illinois Alpha, '35; James Snodgrass, Ohio Zeta, '50; William Allen, Jr., Pennsylvania Lambda, '49; and John M. Stroud, Ohio Epsilon,

Cleveland alumni hold weekly luncheon meet- ings at the Nanking Restaurant, 710 Euclid Ave., every Friday noon. —Jack Gamble

Kansas City

The Annual Ladies' Night was held on October 16 at Paup's on Highway 50 in John- son County. Approximately 30 couples attended.

A professional travel lecturer showed motion pictures of European travel points of interest to tourists.

Dick Southall served as chairman of arrange- ments.


The Friday noon meeting of the Missoula Alumni Association is always an occasion for Western Montana Sig Eps. This organization has not missed a regular meeting since 1939.

Montana Alpha's John W. Bonner, Governor of Montana, was the guest of honor Friday noon, July 20. The meeting was held at the

Steak House operated by Brother Charles S. Gaughan. The Missoula Alumni group has been very active in keeping Montana Alpha on its toes. John McGilvry is alumni secretary-treas- urer. —Lloyd Hogan


Omaha alumni were guests of the Falstaff Brewing Corporation at Nebraska's largest brewery October 10, 1951. Members held their regular business meeting and election of officers but they also toured the brewery, saw a hunt- ing dog film, and enjoyed a dutch lunch as guests of Falstaff's Omaha family of 450 em- ployees.

Robert Wolfe, Nebraska Alpha, '44, of 1812 North Fifty-fourth Street, Omaha, was elected president of the Alumni Chapter, succeeding Clarence Raish. He is assistant buyer of whole- sale hardware for Wright and Wilhelmy Co., Omaha.

Other officers are R. F. Wellman, re-elected vice-president, and John R. Spaulding, secre- tary-treasurer. Program plans for 1952 were discussed. Representatives of the new Beta Chapter at the University of Omaha joined in the "business and pleasure" at the Falstaff plant.

Those who attended the Falstaff party were: Wolfe, Raish, Welbnan, Spaulding, Dr. H. E. Monger, George H. Thompson, Gordon Diggle, Patrick E. Thomas, Walter Gaebler, Dale Arm- strong, D. K. Bryant, James Purney, Ernest Gray, Gene Benton, Warren Vickory, James T. Duncan, Hyle G. Burke, Jack Feierman, J. W. Kurtz, M. G. Van Scoy, Dr. Gene Slattery, William Whited, John R. Browning, Dr. James D. Bradley, and Richard Denser.

The Sig Eps were shown through the Falstaff


SIGMA PHI EPSILON "Boston Alumni Chapter


dmpiications of Collective Security - -

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Oft. WILLIAM VERMfcCt, Fnor. or Politic*!. Economy, Gsncoal

Dhursdo'^ IJovember 1 7957 6 30 PM. Pegis Club 518 deacon Street Boston

7907-7957- J^ovem ber 7 Qolden Anniversary


'Buffet Supper ■■6:}o pm 51.5^ fleeting a:oo pm




t2.00, roB 1951-5^




Alumni groups whose attendance has fallen off might help change a losing game into a win- ning one by mailing out announcements like this. Also get more worth-while talks from speak- ers like Boston's and less small talk from the kind but deadly bores who kill attendance.

plant by David F. Barber, Nebraska Alpha, '43, public relations representative in Omaha for the Falstaff Brewing Corporation which owns and operates five modern breweries in the heart of Ainerica.

New Yorh

At the first fall meeting organization com- mittees were appointed and a program for the coming year approved. The meeting was fol- lowed by a social period and card party at which a poker and several bridge tables con- vened.

On November 24, the association sponsored a cocktail party attended by 24 couples. After dinner, the group attended the Sid Ceasar- Imogene Coca telecast, "Show of Shows"— and many of the couples returned to the New York Gamma house to share with the active chapter in its Fordham game house party. Thanks to Mrs. Eula Jorgenson and Mrs. Dorothy Yanega for the attractive and tasty hors d'oeuvres, to George Wolf for the telecast arrangements and to the Social Committeemen Bud Jorgenson and Charlie Moore for a wonderful evening.

A final membership application mailing will be processed in the near future. Any alumnus in the New York area desiring to become afBh- ated with this chapter is welcome. Please con- tact the secretary, George E. Wolf, 3 Glenwood Avenue, Little Neck, L.I., for information and a membership application,


Our group met in the new chapter house of Pennsylvania Gamma on November 18. Presi- dent Art MacFadden reviewed the Conclave which he attended as our representative. Elec- tion of officers was held with the following elected to serve for the coming year: president, A. Fred Walters, Jr.; vice-president, George W. CoUins; treasurer. Smith W. Gealy; secretary, Allan T. Johnston. —Allan T. Johnston

^ BRIEFS ^ Dartmouth

Russell L. Durgin has returned to the U.S. from Tokyo, Japan, where he has served the Y.M.C.A. for 30 years, latterly as senior secre- tary of the International Committee of the Y.M.C.A. and honorary secretary of the Japanese National Committee. Illness forced his resigna- tion. He has assumed a new post in New York City as staff associate of the Japan International Christian University Foundation, Inc.

Frank J. Johnson, '51, of San Pedro, Calif., has enrolled at the School of Advanced Inter- national Studies of Johns Hopkins University, which branch is situated at Washington, D.C.


H. Dudley Barton, '51, is the new district sales engineer for Haveg Corporation in charge of the Connecticut district at Hartford, Conn.


Oliver W. Gushee has accepted the post of musical director at the West Side High School, Denver. For several years he had taught music in Japan.

Dwight F. Johnson, '46, is the new executive secretary at the West Side Y.M.C.A. at Denver.


Dan McCarty, '34, who was defeated in a close race for the governorship of Florida in 1948, has again entered in this year's contest. The Florida campus campaign slogan will be "Dan is due in '52."

Donald R. Mathews, '29, head of Alumni


Affairs at the University of Florida, is looking forward to a seat in the State Legislature.

James E. Cross, '45, is also running for the State Legislature from Gainesville.

Kansas State

Kenneth B. Hamlin, '41, resigned as president of the Denver Alumni Chapter, to accept a posi- tion with the Bell Telephone Company at New York City.


Robert Brown, ex-'52, is associated with one of the leading pharmaceutical houses as a sales- man with offices at Bismarck, N.D.


Jim Dimond, '51, is head of the co-ordination department of the Ferris Buick Corporation, the Bronx, N.Y.


WALTER SCHERF Carroll College, T6

Southern California

The Pearson twins, Dick and Andrall, '44, who married twins last March, still are doing the twin act. They both received promotions in November. Dick was made advertising and sales promotion manager of the Bireley's Division of General Foods Corp., with headquarters in Los Angeles, and Andrall was appointed assistant product manager for Chase and Sanborn (Stand- ard Brands), and has moved to New York to take up his new duties of co-ordination manu- facturing, advertising and sales for his firm. His address is 15 Park View, Bronxville 8, N.Y. Dick will be in charge of all advertising and sales promotion for Bireley's non-carbonated drink line.


Bruce Perkins is associated with the Hospital Supply Corporation at College Point, N.Y.

Robert Willard is under contract with a lec- ture agency in Georgia, associated with the Hallmark motion picture, "The Prince of Peace."


James Collins, of Austin, Tex., recently repre- sented the public schools of that city as delegate to the annual convention of the National Edu- cation Association at Cincinnati, Ohio.


Monroe H. Hubbell, '33, lis associate dean of Long Beach City College, Long Beach, Calif.

AT the Sig Ep house at Carroll, one of the favorite alumni is Walter Scherf, '16. His un- failing encouragement has given the chapter leaders especially a much belter sense of direction. The men know he is behind them as a whole and it helps them do better.

Walter Scherf lives at Green Bay, Wis., where he heads the Northern Glove and Mit- ten Co., which he himself organized in 1920 after a period of service in the Air Corps in World War L In World War II, his gloves and mittens, many of which are made from deer hides, helped keep GI hands warm. For this the company was given the Army and Navy E award.

Once when Walter visited the house he saw that the fellows could use a pool table in the recreation room, so he bought them one. He is constantly inviting Sig Eps to his beautiful home and last spring entertained 18 of them at a dinner-dance. He provided dates for the lot. The next morning Sunday all 18 of them accompanied him to church and then all played golf at his club.

Walter Scherf's interests loudly declare that he wants to do good where he can. He is a member of the board of directors of Bellin Memorial Hospital. Under his chair- manship, the Red Cross campaign for funds exceeded its quota last year. He served 14 years on the city water commission. He is a director of the Y.M.C.A.

Keenly interested in sports, he is a director of the Green Bay Packers Football Club and a charter member of the Oneida Golf and Riding Club.


Grand Historian Bob Kelly, left, with fellow N.Y.U. alumni Bud Quadland, seated, and George Trudeau. Photo by Mary Kelly.

Washington State

Lauron W. Gies, '48, is a member of the June, 1952, class of the American Institute for Foreign Trade at Thunderbird Field, Phoenix, Ariz. The course concentrates on techniques of international business administration, foreign languages, and characteristics of foreign coun- tries.


John P. Melhorn is head of Fisher Scientific Corporation of Canada.

Harry Headley, is associated with the Car- negie-Illinois Steel Corporation as chief of sales personnel.

Williawn and Mary

Carlton E. Sundin, '32, has been appointed manager of the office of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia at Hampton, Va. He first joined the organization at Richmond in 1936 and has also served at Arling- ton, Lynchburg, Winchester, and Suffolk.


THE following is a report by chapters of their members who have recently entered the service of their country:

Arkansas: Air Force— 2nd Lt. Russell Lueg, 2nd Lt. Ervin Glenn.

Florida: Army— Bryon Cooksey, Robert Sages, Robert Busse, Foster Olroyd, George T. Shder. Marines— Scott Sutton. Air Force— Carl Cason, John Cederlund, Herbert Wetherby, Bruce Ray, V. V. Moore, Bob Wood, George Grimsley, George Bokas, John Molpus, Robert Birt, George Kolias, Joseph Delmar, Tom Baker, Ronald Clapp, William Birsch. Navy— Tom Stone, Ernest Polhtz, Douglas Parker, Bill Sheldon, George Morrison, Bill Blanford, Walter Maddox.

Florida Southern: Army— Pvt. William Milazzo, Camp Chaffee, Ark.; Sgt. John Ward, Mitchel AFB, N.Y.; Dick Hanson, Bainbridge, Md.; 1st. Lt. Virgil Koenig, iMemphis, Tenn.; Edward Carey, Camp Moffett, Great Lakes, 111.

Florida State: Air Force— Herb Marsh, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Tex. Army— Doug McMillan, Jr., Fort Jackson, S.C.

Illinois Tech: Army— John Murphy, Don Picha, George Pelc.

Indiana: Army— Jack Swanson, '51, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; 2nd Lt. James Greek, '51, Fort Lee, Va.

Johns Hopkins: 1st Lt. Richard C. Bund, Maryland Alpha, a radar observer in Randolph Field's B-29 combat crew training program, has been assigned to Lockbourne Air Force Base, Columbus, Ohio.

Kansas: Keg Moorhead is at Fort Riley, Kan., until the first of February when he expects to be sent to Korea. Other men at Fort Riley in- clude William R. Snook, Eugene S. Ryan, and Gene Riling.

Emporia State: Navy— David Pyle and Robert McCoy, San Diego, Calif.

At Armed Forces Information School at Fort Slocum, N.Y., three Sig Eps get together. From left: Sgt. Charles C. Jones, USA, New Mexico Alpha, '49; Pfc. Lynton M. Patt, USAF, In- diana Alpha, '51; and Pvt. Charles E. Whaley, USA, Kentucky Alpha, '49.


Ensign Paul Skolaut of the U. S. Navy is with the U. S. S. Brown at San Francisco, CaHf.

Kale Gentry is with the air force somewhere in Utah, and Charles Owen is located at Vint Hills Farm, Warrenton, Va., with the Signal Corps, and expects to be back in school for the spring semester.

Frank Obenland, at last word, was with the Army Medical Corps in Japan, and Douglas Paddock is at Lowery Field, Denver, Colo.

Maine; Army— 2nd Lt. Francis T. Decoteau, '50, Camp Cook, Calif.; 2nd Lt. Walter T. White, '51, Fort Monmouth, N.J.; 2nd Lt. Edgar E. Gammon, '51, Fort Bhss, Tex.; 2nd Lt. Roger H. Brown, '51, Fort Bliss, Tex.; 2nd Lt. Richard H. Hale, '51, Fort Monmouth, N.J.; 2nd Lt. Durwood H. Seely, Fort Benning, Ga.; Pfc. Edwin C. Manzer, '51 Camp Chaffee, Ark.; 2nd Lt. Ronald P. Gendron, '51, Fort Bliss, Tex.; Pfc. Robert O. Judkins, '51, Fort Mon- mouth, N.J.; Cpl. Richard E. Leighton, '52, Fort Breckinridge, Ky. Marines— 2nd Lt. George N. Whalen, '51, Quantico, Va. Air Force— Pfc. Benjamin S. Blanchard, '51, Sampson Air Force Base, N.Y.

Miami (Ohio) : Coast Guard— Robert Albright, '51, and Harold Hayes, '51., New London, Conn. Marines— John Dopier, '51. Army— Louis Bremer.

Minnesota: Army— Bill Reilly. Navy— Lee Jensen. Air Force— Bob Williams and Bob Pool.

Montana: Air Force— 2nd Lt. Edward G. Heihnan, '50, was ordered to active duty at Lackland Air Force Base, Tex., December 7, 1951.

New Mexico: Navy— Ensign Bob Albright, '50, returned to the States for treatment of bums received during October, 1951, while stationed on the aircraft carrier Philippine Seas. Marines— Lt. Don Kendrick, reported to be home after being wounded in Korea.

N.Y.U.: Air Force— Norman Lethbridge, Chuck Brown, Jim Morrissean, Frank Demaro. Navy— Bob StoU. Marines— Bruce Beckwith, George Price.

Omaha: Air Force— Jerry Leffler and Al Zack. Navy— Jack Dawson.

Pennsylvania: Bob Adams, Air Corps; Herb Agocs, Navy, stationed at Bainbridge and play- ing football there along with Reds Bagnell; Curt Gager, Lieutenant in Marines at Quantico ex- pecting to leave for Korea at any time; Bud Harvey, Army; Jim Kuhlman, Ensign in Navy in Washington; Vic Mikovich, Navy at Great Lakes; Al Power, Army at Vint Hill Farms, Md.; Jerry Romaine, Navy at Great Lakes; Al Taglia- ferri. Army; Bob Wilkins, Ensign in Navy.

On NROTC cruise at Pensacola, Fla., are T, Kratt, Nebraska Alpha, G. E. Dillon, Oregon Alpha, D. L. Barber, Oregon Alpha, R. D. Thoes, Oklahoma Beta, and R. C. Drews, Colorado Alpha. Midshipmen all.

San Diego: Army— Lt. Bill Morton, Lt. Bob Anderson, and Tom Keen, all at Fort Benning, Ga.; Pvt. Ed Fauquier and Bill Dunn, at Fort Ord, Calif.

Southern California: Larry Shinn.

Sam Mooradian,

Southern California: Marines— Joseph F. Holt, III, '47, a past president of his chapter, onetime president of the Young Republicans of California, writes as follows from Korea where he is serving with the Marines: "My outfit moves up to the very front lines in two days. This is a dirty, rotten, cold, stinking, mountain- ous country. Me— I have an infantry platoon. Been going out on patrols around here cleaning up stray gooks (North Koreans). The lieutenant I believe got his leg blown off out on patrol yesterday. 1 take the same patrol tomorrow. One thing, you are so cold and worn out from climb- ing these mountains you don't worry about getting killed. I wish lots of Congressmen were here. They need a conscience— this is a war, damn real."

Stetson: Navy— Bud James, Jacksonville, Fla.

Texas: Navy— Jerry Babcock, San Diego Naval Station. Army— Bob Kipp, discharged; Ben Tompkins, star Longhorn quarterback in 1950, Fort Sam Houston; Lt. Stuart Scott, Fort Hood, Tex.; Lts. John Hammond and Dan Stuart, Korea; Max Luther, III, Camp Chaffee, Ark. Air Force— Eddie Steen, Biloxi, Miss.; Rich- ard McDuffie and Don Holstead, Lackland, San Antonio, Tex.; Bill Cantrell, discharged.

Washburn: Marines— Dean Parker, John Buckmeier. Air Force— Gene Hug. Naval Air Cadets— Robert Roe.

Wisconsin: Navy— Pete Wirtz, '51, Washing- ton, D.C. Air Force-2nd Lt. Robert Smith, Europe. Army— 1st Lt. Marvin Neumann, '51, paratroopers.


Married in high style. Russell C. Meyers, Ohio Theta. See item in Vital Data.



"When Love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony."


William Richard McChrystal, California Beta, '46, and Sara Elizabeth Mercer, on October 6, 1951, at South Pasadena, Calif.

Ed Monreal, California Gamma, and Betty Mahler, on Columbus Day, 1951, at Santa Bar- bara, Calif.

Dave Reed, California Gamma, and Dorothy Burnett, on Columbus Day, 1951, at Santa Barbara, Calif.

Paul E. DiSabatino, Delaware Alpha, '51, and Bettyanne G. Jennings, on November 24, 1951, at Wilmington, Del.

Herbert L. Marsh, Florida Epsilon, '51, and Marge Thompson, on November 16, 1951, at Tallahassee, Fla.; with chapter brother George Gnann as best man.

Howard Conrad Gennett, Georgia Alpha, '53, and Kathryn Ann Odenwald, on October 13, 1951, in the Saint Philip and Saint James Church, Baltimore, Md.

James Greek, Indiana Beta, '51, and Anne Burkebile, on November 10, 1951, at Toledo, Ohio.

Don Bhss, Kansas Delta, and Paula Stunkel, on August 19, 1951, at Topeka, Kan.

Frank S. Foster, Maine Alpha, '52, and Co- rinne Peary, on September 9, 1951, at Farming- ton, Maine.

Chester A. Worthylake, Jr., Maine Alpha, '52, and Carolyn Coolidge, during June, 1951, at Marblehead, Mass.

George A. Remillard, Maine Alpha, '53, and EHnor Horton, on June 25, 1951, at Old Town, Maine.

Charles R. Preble, Maine Alpha, '49, and Louise Stella Kulas, on September 28, 1951, at Bar Harbor, Maine.

Joseph M. Lupsha, Maine Alpha, '50, and

Sylvia Kathryn Jordan, on October 1, 1951, at Flagstaff, Ariz.

Alan Douglas Fitch, Michigan Alpha, and Gretchen Barbara Bailey, on November 3, 1951.

Roger M. Bellows, Jr., Michigan Alpha, and Evelyn Schmidt, on October 13, 1951.

Liberate Daniel D'Addona, Michigan Alpha, and Dorothy Annette De Wolff, on October 6, 1951.

Harold Glading Neimeyer, Michigan Alpha, and Peggy Gleason, during August, 1951.

Duane Fuller, Michigan Alpha, and Ethelyn Bonita Groomes, during August, 1951.

Robert L. Doelling, Missouri Beta, '40, a member of his chapter's alumni board, and Mary Theresa Bergen, on November 8, 1951.

Eugene Lang, Missouri Gamma, and Rose Roesch, on September 8, 1951, at St. Louis, Mo.

C. Graydon East, Missouri Gamma, '50, and Joan Ing, Pi Kappa Sigma, '51, on June 15, 1951, at Herrin, 111.

Charles Heeger, Missouri Gamma and Emily Collins, during August, 1951, at Union, Mo.

George A. Danz, Missouri Gamma, '50, and Mary Ann S wails, on November 26, 1951, at Union, Mo.

Edward George Heilman, Montana Alpha, '50, and Donna Marie Dever, on November 5, 1951, at San Jose, Calif.

Thomas A. WiUiams, New Jersey Beta, '51, and Susan Seybold, in November, 1951 in Merchantville, N.J.

Frank Gregory Bertics, New Jersey Beta, '52, and Ina Bobrovnichy, in August, 1951, in Lake- wood, N.J.

Frank H. O'dell, New Jersey Beta, '52, and Carol Robinson, in June, 1951, in Hamburg, N.J.

William Jarvis Martin, New York Alpha, '51, and Jane Louise Woodworth, Alpha Phi, Syra- cuse, '51, on November 10, 1951, at Fayette- ville, N.Y.; with chapter brothers Jim Kolbe, Dee Strickler, and Bill Robeson as ushers.

Gene H. Little, North Carohna Epsilon, '52,


and Carolyn Allen, on September 1, 1951, at Charlotte, N.C.

Will Herndon, North Carolina Epsilon, '53, and Jean Lynch, on December 19, 1951.

Frank Furman, Jr., North Carolina Epsilon, '49, and Martha Jane Bird, on December 8, 1951, at Jacksonville, Fla.

Art Armstrong, Ohio Epsilon, '53, and Jane Armstrong, Alpha Chi Omega, on November 3, 1951, at Ben Avon, Pa.

Walter Desmond, Ohio Eta, '50, and Justyn Patterson, on November 24, 1951, at Columbus, Ohio.

Russell C. Meyers, Ohio Theta, and Lovetta Davies, U. of Cincinnati Chi Omega, on July 7, 1951, in the Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Terry Sears Leard, Oklahoma Alpha, and Marilyn Ann Webb, on August 4, 1951, at Muskogee, Okla.

Jack Miller, Oklahoma Alpha, and Anita Bark- hurst, on September 4, 1951, at Tulsa, Okla.

Walter Beatty, Oklahoma Alpha, and S. J. Larkin, during June 1951, at Oklahoma City, Okla.

Earl Casner, Oklahoma Alpha, and Patsy Landis, at Wichita, Kan.; date not reported.

Vaughn Demergian, Wisconsin Beta, '52, and Betty Jeanne Boeing, on November 3, 1951, at Madison, Wis.

Fred R. Winchell, Wisconsin Gamma, '50, and Joyce Schroeder, on September 9, 1950, with chapter brother Philip Kieser as an usher.


"Our neighbors' children are always the


To Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Faerber, Colorado Beta, '27, a daughter, Christina Louise, on July 15, 1951, at Birmingham, Ala.

To Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Denes, Colorado Beta, '48, a son, David Paul, their first child, on September 12, 1951, in Mercy Hospital, San Diego, Calif.

To Mr. and Mrs. William Reitter, Florida Epsilon, '53, a daughter, Diann Gail, on August 27, 1951, at Tallahassee, Fla. '

To Mr. and Mrs. Christy Dale, Florida Ep- silon, '50, a daughter, Iwana, during October, 1951, at Lakeland, Fla.

To Lt. and Mrs. Harry Melville Rogers, USN, Indiana Alpha, '44, a daughter, Amanda Jean, on September 29, 1951, in the U. S. Naval Hospital, Annapolis, Md.; while daddy was serving at the Academy as an instructor in marine engineering.

To Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Glasa, Indiana Alpha, '49, a son, James Gregory, on November 10, 1951, at Kendallville, Ind.

To Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Indiana Beta, '50, a son, Scott, on October 23, 1951.

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Fasten one Sig Ep pledge button in 1969.

To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aldrich, Maine Alpha, '50, a son, Martin Lloyd, on November 2, 1951, at Lewiston, Maine.

To Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Anderson, Michigan Alpha, '47, a daughter, Jody Elizabeth, on September 14, 1951, at Rockford, 111.

To Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Telthorse, Mis- souri Gamma, '51, a daunghter. Donna Marie, on August 6, 1951, at St. Louis, Mo.

To Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Cyphers, Jr., New Jersey Beta, '47, a son, Ronald Charles, on October 5, 1951, in Grace Hospital, Morgan- ton, N.C.

To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McHugh, New York Alpha, '38, a daughter, Ann Elizabeth, on September 24, 1951, in Memorial Hospital, Mas- sena, N.Y.

To Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Simpson, New York Alpha, '52, a son, Robert Edward II, on October 17, 1951, at Harrisburg, Pa.

To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Cansler, Jr., North Carolina Zeta, '41, a son, Robert Stanley, on November 15, 1951, at Wilmington, Del.

To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Van Seawell, North Carolina Zeta, a son, Lloyd Vann, III, on November 15, 1951.

To 1st Lt. and Mrs. Albert G. Williams, Pennsylvania Kappa, '48, a daughter, Barbara Jo-Anne, on May 10, 1951, in the U. S. Naval Hospital, Quantico, Va.

To Mr. and Mrs. James PhiUips, Virginia Eta, a daughter, Paige, on October 31, 1951.

To Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Alvis, Wisconsin Alpha, '47, a son, Robert Young, on September 28, 1951.


Rutgers Sig Eps at the Colgate game do their best cheering coxswained by Werner Ewert's bugle.

Pigskin Postlude

More Sig Eps played for football fame in 1951 than they did the year before.

No ail-Americans are reported in this year's football review, though the review contains more names than that of 1950. The 1951 sea- son's all- Americans were chosen chiefly from the nation's top dozen teams.

Don Menasco, last year ail-American end from Texas, had the misfortune of playing on a team this year that did not do nearly as well as it did last year. Equally unfortunate for his brilliant Sig Ep teammate Gib Dawson.

While Illinois possessed one of the best teams in the nation, if not the best, the chapter there

Bob Wilson, quarterback Colorado

Bill Allen, tackle Colorado


Bill Brooks, center Colorado

Arlan Straub, quarterback Colorado A & M

Bill Noxon, end Colorado A & M

Paul McDill, tackle Colorado A & M

made no report. Last year it boasted five varsity representatives.

Leo Sugar of Purdue received credit long due when he played in the East- West game in San Francisco.

At Penn, fullback Joe Varaitas led his team's ground-gainers during the season with 640 yards. He is certainly one of the strongest hopes for 1952 all-America, barring injury or the draft.

Fastest man on the mighty Tennessee Vols was Ed Morgan. He and his Sig Ep teammate Doug Atkins have been named on several all- sectional teams.

At Southern California, Johnny Williams earned a reputation for being the Pacific Coast Conference's best safety man.

At Cornell, Jim Jerome received all-American honorable mention.

Unhappily, many chapters having accom- plished players did not trouble to report them.

Al Binkley, guard Colorado A & M

Russ Burwell, back Colorado


Don Reichert, fullback Colorado A & M


Bob Vasey, tackle Colorado A & M


Ivan Glick, tackle Colorado A & M

Jim Jerome, tackle Cornell

Bill McNeely, tackle Davidson

The COLORADO A & M football team had seven Sig Eps on its roster this year. Playing first-string defensive right guard all season was Al Binkley, a junior physical education major from Wheat Ridge. Al is 20 years old, stands 6' tall, w^eighs 185 povmds, and is the Skyline Conference heavyweight wrestling champion as well as being a returning football letterman. His aggressiveness and tireless playing won for him the "player of the week" award during the season. He goes by the nickname of "Bink."

Don Reichert, a senior physical education major from St. Francis, Kan., although playing his first year of football, won a regular starting position at safety on the defensive unit this year and often ran from the fullback slot on the offensive team. Don, who as a wrestler holds the Skyline Conference 177-pound title, is 21 years old, stands 6' tall, and now weighs in at 184 pounds. Don answers to the nickname "Rack."

Returning letterman Ivan Glick, a senior dairy production major from La Porte, was a consistent line stalwart on the Aggie defensive unit this year playing alternately in the defen- sive right tackle, guard, and end positions. The only married man of the Sig Ep gridders, Ivan is 24 years old, stands 6' tall, and weighs 174 pounds.

Seeing much action this year as an offensive right end was Bill Noxon, a senior from Denver, majoring in physical education. A returning letterman with a knack for snaring passes. Bill is 20 years old, weighs 165 pounds, and is 6' tall.

Paul McDill, a junior agriculture major from Brush, played on the offensive unit this year in the right tackle and guard positions. Paul is 20 years old and packs 175 pounds on his 5'10" frame. He is also Colorado Gamma's pledge trainer and is nicknamed "Heavy."

Tv/o-year letter winner Arlan Straub is a

Bill Doppstadt, tackle Delaware

Larry Dalton, end Delaware

Tom Daley, halfback Delaware


Don Carmichael, halfback Delaware

Bill Nitsche, tackle Lawrence

Neal Marshall, lineman Lawrence

sharp passing quarterback from Pittsburgh, Pa. A senior majoring in physical education, Arlan is 20 years old, 6' tall, and weighs 165 pounds.

Bob Vasey, a sophomore agriculture major from Cozad, Neb., played in the left tackle position this year. Bob is 19 years old, stands 6'2" tall, and weighs 180 pounds.

At CORNELL, big (6'3", 235) Jim Jerome has been regular left tackle on the defensive squad for the past two seasons. Jim was nomi- nated for lineman of the week three times last year, and also received honorable mention for the AP All-America team. This year Jim has continued to play an explosive game and on the basis of his performance against Michigan was selected for the All-Ivy League team by Allison Danzig of the New York Times. Jim was nominated for the lineman of the week again this year after the Columbia game. A married man, Jim will be graduated this year as a history major, but the Army has plans

for him, and he will receive his active commis- sion as a lieutenant along with his diploma.

Four brothers from DELAWARE were mem- bers of the 1951 Blue Hens. This season the team posted a 5-3 record with wins over P. M. C, West Chester State Teachers, Muhlen- berg, Lafayette, and Lehigh. Losses were suf- fered at the hands of Connecticut, Temple, and Bucknell.

Don Carmichael was starting offensive right halfback. Don is 5'10", and weighs 173 lbs. He is a 21 -year-old senior from Wilmington, and played his high school football at P.S. duPont where he received All-State recognition as a halfback. Don started the 1951 season as de- fensive safety man but because of his running ability was soon shifted to the halfback slot of the offensive platoon. He ran from this slot and became the leading ground gainer on the squad and was also the leading scorer of the team with 5 touchdowns.

Bob Proctor, halfback Missouri Mines

Bill Ulz, tackle Missouri Mines

Dick Hampel, quarterback Missouri Mines


Gene Huffman, halfback Missouri Mines

Edward Segelbacher, guard Muhlenberg

Dick Derstine, guard Muhlenberg

Tom Daley is a S'lOM" junior from New- burgh, N.Y. He is 20 years old and played his high school football at Chaminade High in Newburgh. Tom was offensive left halfback on the second offensive unit.

Larry Dalton is a 6'1" junior from Media, Pa. He is 20 years old and played high school football for Swarthmore High where he was recognized as an All-County halfback. At the University of Delaware he was converted into a defensive left end, and played that position on the 1st defensive platoon last season and this. Also this season, he became the punter for the team, and posted a 38.6 yard punting average.

Bill Doppstadt is a 6'0", 195-pound sopho- more from St. Albans, N.Y. He is 19 years old and was all-New Jersey prep school guard at Blair Academy. At the University of Delaware he was converted to an offensive tackle on the freshman squad last year and this year moved

into the right tackle slot on the starting offensive team.

At EMPORIA STATE, three Sig Eps saw regular action: John Gaston, Don Halst, and Robert Allison. The last named was elected honorary captain of the defensive team.

Jack Pappas is FLORIDA'S tackle from Tarpon Springs, where he sparked his high school team as fullback and captained the track team. This seasoned veteran of 6' 200 pounds was a standout in Coach Bob Wood- ruff's defensive line in the 1950 season. Jack played freshman football in his old fullback position. He is fiery, quick, tough, and hard hitting.

At FLORIDA STATE, Bill Driver played defensive right end. Hal Leddy was chief man- ager of the team.

Carl Sandefur is KANSAS Gamma's only varsity football representative this fall. Carl, a 6'3", 220-pound senior in physical education,

Carl Sammarco, tackle Penn

Jack Moses, end Penn

Andy Capone, center Penn


Bob Page, tackle Penn

Joe Varaitas, fullback Penn

Leo Sugar, end Purdue

is this year putting the finishing touches on a fine three-year career at Kansas University. Playing almost every minute of the offensive portion of a rugged ten-game schedule at his left tackle position, Carl has consistently proven himself a major factor in boosting Kansas into an 8 won, 2 lost record against such opposi- tion as Texas Christian, Oklahoma University, and the University of Colorado. Besides his football interests, Carl, a native of Lawrence, has lettered two years as the number one pitcher on K. U.'s varsity baseball team, and holds high hopes of breaking into the major leagues after graduation.

At Lawrence College, helping to bolster the 1951 championship Vikings was Sig Ep Bill Nitsche. Bill has been a member of the Letter- man's club since his sophomore year.

"Big Bill" (240 lbs.) played tackle on de- fense and was named to the second all-confer- ence team as a junior. Offensively he is a guard.

"Bill" is a veteran of the Marine Corps. He served a year and a half aboard an aircraft carrier as a mechanic. He serves as steward here at the house. As hobbies he lists hunting and fishing as his favorites. He plans to teach biology next year and possibly serve as a coach.

Another varsity football player is Neal Mar- shall. Neal has been an outstanding lineman on Viking teams for the past three years. This year was Neal's hardluck year. He received a shoulder separation in mid-season which kept him from participating in two games.

MISSOURI MINES claimed seven men on the traveling squad for Sig Ep: Bob Proctor, Bill Ulz, Dick Hampel, Gene Huffman, Bill Roemerman, Don Matson, and Jerry Klobe. Of these seven, five were on the first team. Bob Proctor played left half until a knee injury put him out for the rest of the season after the fifth game. Bob is a senior in mechanical engineering, and will graduate this January.


Johnny Williams, halfback Southern California

Ron Fazekas, tackle Stetson

Louis Paar, back Stetson


Alfred Uaub, guard Stetson

Clarence Hughes, tackle Stetson

Eddie Morgan, wingback Tennessee

He hails from Ziegler, 111. Bob is also the only man who has played twice in the Corn Bowl at Bloomington, 111. He played first while at- tending Southern Illinois University, and then again last year while on the varsity of Missouri Mines. Bob is also chapter president.

Bill Ulz played offensive and most of the defensive left tackle this year until he was also injured in the fifth game. Bill is a senior in mining engineering and graduated in June. He is from Gillespie, 111., where he was all confer- ence in his high school days. Bill is chapter secretary.

Rich Hampel was the quarterback on the varsity squad this year and also played line backer on defense when needed. Rich is a sophomore in ceramic engineering. He suffered a back injury in the next to last game this year. Rich's home is in St. Louis.

Gene Huffman, who was voted all-confer- ence right halfback last year, continued to play

outstanding ball at that position again this year. Gene is from RoUa, and is a senior in civil en- gineering.

Bill Roemerman didn't get to play until the fourth game of the season due to an ankle in- jury, but was the starting fullback from the day his ankle healed. He is a St. Louis sopho- more in civil engineering.

Don Matson, a senior in mining geology, from St. Louis, has been on the traveling squad for two years as a backfield utility man.

Jerry Klobe, of St. Genevieve, senior in chemi- cal Engineering, has played defensive guard since he transferred to this school a year ago.

At the University of OMAHA, three men played on the varsity: Don Hopkins, a line- backer, and John Jeter and Don Beatty as centers.

PENN climaxed a rather poor season with a victory over Cornell by 7-0. First among the ball carriers was Sig Ep Joe Varaitas, who

Doug Atkins, end Tennessee

Don Menasco, end Texas

Floyd Harrawood, guard Tulsa


Ken Bridges, end Wake Forest

Cliff Stansbury, guard Washburn

Ed Havel, guard Washburn

carried the ball 31 times for 151 yards. Joe, 205-pound fullback from Swoyersville, led all Penn ground gainers this past year with 640 yards. His play each week has earned him the plaudits of many opposing coaches and sports- writers. Although only a sophomore, Joe has performed with the same ability that last year's fullback, Sig Ep Al Corbo showed. Those around here at Penn feel that Joe is destined to be an All-American either next year or his senior year.

At the first-string left end stands Jack Moses, who has just finished his second year as a regular end. This past year, Jack was the lead- ing pass catcher and scored four touchdowns.

Two other sophomores are outstanding mem- bers of this year's squad: Carl Sammarco at offensive tackle and pledge Gerry Robinson at tailback. After working in spring practice and at the Hershey training camp, Carl was pro- moted to a starting position, and just couldn't be moved out, except for a brief interval be- cause of an injury.

The two graduating seniors are Andy Capone and Bob Page. Andy played a lot of ball as a linebacker and Bob played quite a bit as a defensive tackle. Bad knees kept both of them out of several games.

At a defensive end position, is Norm Bou- dreau. Norm, an ex-Marine, had tough luck in the William and Mary game, suffering a dis- located elbow. He was unable to play after that.

At RANDOLPH-MACON, Lawrence Shifflet, star fullback and linebacker, was named on the first-string all-Little Six Team for the second consecutive year. Other varsity players were Barnes and Carter.

Clarence Hughes, co-captain of the STET- SON Hatters, defensive tackle, is also president of his chapter. He closed his fourth year of college football directing his team from the bench with his arm in a cast from an injury.

Hughes hails from Daytona Beach where he played two years with Mainland High School before enrolling at Stetson. He is 23, six feet three, and weighs 195. He has earned four football letters.

Ron Fazekas, of Buffalo, N.Y., is playing his second year with the Stetson Hatter team. He also is a defensive tackle and has seen lots of action this year. He is 22, six feet one, and weighs 196. He played two years at Kenmore High School before transferring to Stetson.

Also from Buffalo is Lou Paar, a back who has shown a lot of improvement during the season. In September, he was a back on the squad used by the varsity to demonstrate plays of the opposing teams. In November he was on the starting defensive eleven. He is a sophomore, 21, five feet eight, and weighs 160.

Al Daub, of Rutherford, N.J. is a guard, either on the offensive or the defensive team. He had played with Rutherford High School before coming to Stetson. He is 20, five feet nine, and weighs 190.

Sig Ep is well-represented among the mighty TENNESSEE Vols. Performing for the fresh- man offensive is Stanley Lis, reserve offensive halfback; Oaka Williams, reserve offensive tackle, an excellent kick-off and extra point man; Tony Syzmanski, offensive guard who was recently elected "Joe College" for the year 1951; Ed Morgan, who runs wingback in Herky Payne's second and fourth quarter backfields. Ed is the fastest man on the team, and once past the line of scrimmage, he is rarely stopped short of the opponent's goal line. Finally, there is mountainous Doug Atkins, who anchors the right side of the Volunteer defensive line. Doug has unlimited potentialities, as he de- fends against passes or plays nm to his side with equal vigor. He has been named on sev- eral all-sectional teams. Doug also plays center on the Vol basketball team.

At TULSA, Floyd Harrawood is 240 pounds


Bob Jennings, guard Washburn

Don Bliss, tackle Washburn

Dick Loring, quarterback West Virginia

Jim Danter, guard West Virginia

of brotherhood and football dynamite. "Tiny" is the type of fraternity man that a Sig Ep rush chairman dreams about. Floyd began his col- lege football career at Tennessee but left the Vols in 1948 to come to Tulsa University. Tennessee's loss was Tulsa's gain as any of Tulsa's opponents will verify. Floyd is big, fast, and plays a very smart game.

WAKE FOREST'S contribution to the Sig Ep football hall of fame this year is Kenneth K. Bridges. He is chapter president and an all-round campus great.

The first Wake Forest student to greet the freshmen this year was Ken in the capacity of chairman of the Freshman Orientation Com- mittee. After he and his committee had finished with the freshmen, the school year started, punctuated every Saturday with a football game. Sports fans saw Ken playing a great game as defensive right end for the Demon Deacons. Already sufficiently impressed with his ability and importance, collegians filed into chapel

one morning to hear him chosen as one of Wake Forest's candidates for the college Who's Who and several weeks later hear him listed as a member of Omicron Delta Kappa leader- ship fraternity. They hear of him again when he is picked to be one of Wake Forest's two contestants for a Rhodes Scholarship.

At WESTMINSTER in Pennsylvania, Paul "Doc" Campbell served as team co-captain, while Bob Sistek, sophom.ore end, winding up the season with a broken ankle, ranked 13th in pass receiving among the nation's small colleges.

At WEST VIRGINIA, Jim Danter, guard and co-captain, has earned three letters and has played brilliant ball both on offense and defense. He was named to the All-Southern Conference third team for 1950. Graduating senior.

Dick Loring has been quarterbacking for three years and has earned three letters. Grad- uating senior.

Tommy AUman, fullback, pledge of West Virginia Beta, has just finished his first season with the Mountaineers and proved himself as one of the finest fullbacks on offense and one of the toughest line backers in the Southern Conference. Playing center on the freshman squad in 1950, he was switched to fullback when his great line plunging power was dis- covered.

Both the Rose Bowl Game and the East-West Game at San Francisco were afforded the serv- ices of the Illini's great 175-piece hand. Sig Eps will be interested in knowing that this, the world's oldest, largest, and best known football marching band, is directed by Mark H. Hind- sleij, Indiana Beta, '25.

Drum major of the band is Illinois Alpha's own historian Dick Rodgers, in his fourth year with the band. Other Illinois Alphans: Gerald Valier, cornet; and pledges Don Bornholdt, Bob Runyon, and Dave Mann.


At Maine interfraternity sing, the tradition of the red suspenders was born. They took 2nd.

A Budding Tradition in New England

Sig Eps of Maine join their University of Massachusetts brothers in cultivating the habit of the red suspenders.

By JOHN HEINTZ, University of Massaciinisetts


To Massachusetts Alpha

For quite some time, several of the fel- lows have been carrying on a campaign to adopt some sort of uniform dress to set us apart as a group on campus. . . . Ever since last year when a few of the boys saw your . . . distinctive red suspenders, the trend has been toward this sort of attire. Last night, we voted unanimously to adopt the red suspenders. . . .

Maine Alpha

AT THE football rallies in the fall, during Greek Week in April, at the Sweetheart Ball in May, at house parties throughout the year and at Sig Ep weddings, tlie brothers of Massachusetts Alpha, to be properly dressed, attire themselves in white shirts and bright fire engine red suspenders. At almost any event in which the chapter participates as a group, red suspenders are the order of the day. This tradition, started three years ago, is the most cherished tradition of the brothers and the most controversial on our campus.

It all started with the interfraternity sing in 1949. The chapter at that time had no house and was rehearsing for the sing in the Old Col- lege Chapel. One night, one of the brothers came to the rehearsal wearing a pair of bright crimson galluses. Slowly the idea caught on and some of the other brothers started to adorn themselves with them. Soon the boys decided to

save them as a surprise for the sing and wear them with tux pants and white shirts.

The night of the sing men of each fraternity got up in turn, some wearing full tuxedos, others something else; the brothers of almost every house were dressed alike. When the audience looked over to where Sig Ep was sitting all they could see was a variety of sport jackets. It looked as if this new house had no chance in the competition since it obviously possessed insufficient ingenuity to dress homogeneously.

At the signal of the leader, the brothers rose in unison, took off their jackets and filed one by one up to the stage with the suspenders showing with white shirts and tux pants. The second place prize won that night was attributed as much to the red suspenders as to the pol- ished rendition of "Donkey Serenade" and "Lo, a Voice to Heaven Sounding."

The campus at first was amused by the recurring crimson galluses. However, when Sig Eps affected this attire to classes and almost everywhere it created adverse comment and criticism. Last year and this year the sus- penders have been confined to football rallies, interfraternity competition and Sig Ep functions.

Nevertheless, we have discovered that the red suspenders aid our unity and spirit. They are indicative to us of the house pulling together to cheer, to accomphsh some task or for that fraternal spirit which makes our chapter stick together.


Traffic Goof Helps Make Better Drivers

Temple's Ed Guenther aids safety campaign in role of masked Silly Willie who breaks every traffic rule in order to teach Philadelphians how not to drive.

By DEAN D. YOUNG, Temple University

Temple's Ed Guenther.

BEING given the title of Silly Willie on the face of it does not appear to be much of an honor. Pennsylvania Mu's Edward Guenther, hou'ever, performed a real service to the com- munity in order to be awarded that title by the Philadelphia Highway Traffic Board-WFIL safety campaign committee.

Conceived in 1949, Silly Willie is a comic character portraying the role of traffic goof. Dressed in mask and costume, the character breaks every rule of traffic sense— for a purpose. He represents the ultimate in driver and pedestrian stupidity, as illustrations of the con- tinual need for traffic alertness.

The Philadelphia safety campaign extended for one month beginning on November 15, and the safety message was conveyed through radio, television, car cards, bumper strips, banners, and other devices. The Junior Chamber of Commerce stenciled the safety slogan: "Be Safe, Not Silly," on street-corners and subway grates; and Ed Guenther as Silly Willie ap- peared with his girl friend Daffy Dilly at schools, clubs, neighborhood movies, military installations, sports events, civic and social functions. In addition, they toured the mid-city district with a WFIL loudspeaker unit.

To portray such a character requires a great

deal of sharp driving know-how. When the campaign was over Ed Guenther was com- mended for a job well done.

Guenther, now a senior, came to Temple from Merchantville, N.J. He was pledged Sig Ep in the fall of 1950 and became active in January, 1951. During World War II he served two years with the 11th Airborne Division in Japan. He is a journalism major, a member of Sigma Delta Chi, professional honorary journalism society, and Scabbard and Blade. He is chapter secretary and co-editor of The Mu Review.

i^ BIG MEN if Tom W^arren

Modest Tom Warren is another Sig athlete. Tom excels as a swimmer and is co-captain of the Lawrence team. In his freshman year Tom paced the Sig Eps in the interfraternity meet with three firsts and was anchor man on the winning relay team. Also in his freshman year Tom set a new record of 3:45.4 in the individual medley of the state indoor A.A.U. meet. In his sophomore year Tom again paced the champion Sig Eps in the interfraternity meet with wins in all three events he entered. He again anchored the relay team which set a new interfraternity record of 1:49.6 for the 200-yard relay. In the summer of 1951 Tom broke 2 records in the state A.A.U. outdoor meet. He holds many college and pool records and with one more year of college competition left he is expected to cut still further time off the records. Ramon Steck

iPick Hoffman

Ohio Kappa's BMOC this semester is Richard Hoffman, senior from New York City, While Dick has been here he has maintained at least a B average and has been on the Dean's List all through college. He recently was elected president of Omicron Delta Kappa and is vice- president of Book and Motor, scholastic honor- ary. He is also a member of Kappa Delta Pi, education honorary, and a founder of Phi Alpha Theta, history honorary.

In dramatics Dick is tops, too. He is a member of workshop players; a former historian of Theta Alpha Phi, drama honorary. He has taken part in such major productions as Family


Portrait, Born Yesterday, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Romeo and Juliet, Double Door, The Male Animal, Two Blind Mice, Othello, has had leads in such productions as Joan of Lorraine, Three Men on a Horse, Dangerous Corner, Light Up The Sky, and Fire Sale.

Dick is a charter member of the chapter and has been scholarship chairman. In intramural activities he has played first string in football, basketball, track, and baseball. He is also a member of the fraternity debate team and entertains at smokers.

Last summer Dick was publicity director of Huron Playhouse which is Bowling Green State University summer theater.

After graduation he plans to study for his master's degree. —Roger Day

ToMii Selden

Tom Selden, Ohio Wesleyan senior, has earned a reputation as the outstanding actor on campus. Even before he came here, he won a "Best Actor" award in his home town of Arling- ton, Va.

Tom has acted in five major college produc- tions and served as stage manager for Miss Frances Starr, a guest star in the University's production of The Silver Cord. He has worked as a professional actor in the original company of Paul Green's Faith of Our Fathers, in Wash- ington, D.C., and this past season worked in two summer theaters in Virginia.

He is director of the Ohio Wesleyan Talent Bureau and spends other off-stage time in radio where he is program and production di- rector of the campus radio station and director of a weekly drama program.

Tom is a member of the Tower Players and

Lawrence's Tom Warren.

a former president of that group. He is a mem- ber of Alpha Epsilon Rho, national radio honorary; vice-president of Wesleyan Players; and president of Theta Alpha Phi, national dramatics honorary.

His scholastic average is somewhat above 3 points and he is also a member of the national educational honorary Kappa Delta Pi.

Tom hopes eventually for a long career in the professional theater. —Arnold Torke

Bob Pehrson

Robert Allan Pehrson, Massachusetts Alpha, transferred to the University as a sophomore from the Veteran's Branch at Fort Devens, and is continuing his military career here. He re- ceived the Reserve Officers Association Trophy as the outstanding cadet in junior year military. This year he has been appointed to Cadet Colonel commanding the ROTC Regiment, Armor. Bob's prior military service includes 18 months with the American occupation troops in Japan.



Massachusetts' Bob Pehrson.

Ohio Wesleyan's Tom Selden.


"West Virginia's James F. Danter.

On campus, he has been chosen to Adelphia— the senior men's honorary society for service to the university and extracurricular activities. He is also active in the Senate, the student govern- ing body, holding the triple post of chairman of the finance committee, chairman of the election committee, and treasurer.

Bob won the Clifford B. Scott scholarship award last year. He is chairman of the activities committee, and serves as a sparkhng emcee at our parties. —'George A. Nickless

Bill Sarber

Pennsylvania Mu's William R. Sarber was selected from a group of over 1,500 men, repre- senting 37 universities and colleges, as the most outstanding cadet to attend the 5th Annual Transportation Corps ROTC training camp at Ft. Eustis, Va., this past summer.

Sarber, a senior at Temple University, cur- rently pledgemaster of his chapter, pledged Sig Ep in the fall of 1950 and became active in January, 1951. He enrolled in the ROTC courses in the fall of 1950. A veteran. Bill served his 18-month enlistment throughout the Italian peninsula with the occupation troops from October, 1946 until March, 1948.

Bill received the award for outstanding achievement while attending the required six weeks encampment. Selection was based on leadership qualities, examination scores, over- all military abilities, and the votes of fellow cadets.

The presentation of the award was made by Maj. Gen. Frank Heilman, Chief of Transpor- tation, U. S. Army, at the formal parade which

concluded graduation exercises at the camp.

Bill's home town is Pennsauken, N.J. He entered Temple in September, 1948, as an accounting major. He is a member of the honorary accounting society, the IFC, and is vice-president of Scabbard and Blade. He made the Dean's List last year with a B average.

Branson Bayless

Tennessee Alpha's Bronson Bayless, a senior in chemical engineering, began his scholastic and activities work on the Tennessee Engineer as a freshman. During that year he maintained a grade average high enough to warrant his initiation into Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor- ary, and began his three years of hard work. As a sophomore he became a member of Alpha Chi Sigma. By his junior year his activities had gained him membership in Omicron Delta Kappa; his grades were high enough to warrant his initiation into Tau Beta Pi. Last year he served as assistant editor of the Tennessee En- gineer and as secretary-treasurer of the A.C.E. board, student group co-ordination activities of the various engineering organizations. During that year he was elected secretary of Alpha Chi Sigma as well as president of Phi Eta Sigma.

Bronson is comptroller of his chapter.

Jitn Danter

James F. Danter, 22, of Charleston, W.Va., is West Virginia Beta's contribution to the BMOC column for 1951. "Jimbo," as he is known to his friends, is active in all campus affairs and is a representative of high caUber.

Among Jim's many accomplishments: senior class president for 1951-52; co-captain of the WVU Mountaineer football squad; ROTC As- sociation officer; cadet officer in ROTC; past president of physical education club; member of Fi Batar Capper, mock men's honorary; member of Mountain, ranking senior men's honorary; Southern Conference third team, football, 1950.

Danter, who is married, is a physical educa- tion major and besides all his activities main- tains a 3.0 average and was recipient of the Athletic Scholarship award for 1950, given to the member of WVU athletic teams maintaining the highest average scholastically.

Danter has been a member of the student council for the three past years, being his Sophomore class president, his junior class repre- sentative, and now his senior class president. Serving on many committees he has distin- guished himself to his fellow students and is one of the best known students on campus.

—Jake Lantz




Individual achievement: James Pinkston, Druids; Tommy McLaughlin, Delta Sigma Chi; James Gamble, vice-president of Alpha Kappa Xi; Clifton Turner, Beta Alpha Xi; Harry Causey and Alfred Sahba, Scabbard and Blade; Gordon Conner, Rho Alpha Tau, Philos, and Delta Sigma Pi; Roland Jackson, Alfred Saliba, and WiUiam Gregory, Alabama Quadrangle; and WilUam Gregory, president of Delta Sigma Pi and a member of the executive commerce coun- cil.

Men of the chapter are divided in three groups at our semesterly Scholarship Banquet. The men having better than a 2.0 average from the previous semester enjoy steaks; those with an average between 1.5 and 2.0 sit down to ham; while the men with averages below 1.5 are reluctantly required to eat mush.

Last spring the over-all average of the Ala- bama Sig Eps ranked in the upper half of the 26 fraternities on campus.

Our football team missed the league play- offs by only one game.

Fall initiates: Gordon Conner, a commerce major, Roanoke, Va.; Lewis Brooks, pre-law, Elba; Lewis Chesser, Andalusia, pre-med.

New pledges: Michael Propst and Hugh Burdette.

Recent events include a number of pledge- swaps with different sororities; and coffee and dessert hours for the Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Delta Pi sororities. —Harry Gene Causey


Wayne A. Myers, rush chairman for 1951, was elected Phi Beta Kappa. James J. Pappas be- came an active member of Phi Sigma, national honorary biology society, as did the under- signed who also edits the premedical student publication, The Probe.

The intramural football team, paced by West, Gatchell, Yoder, and Miskovsky, entered the playoffs for the campus championship.

Woody Herman and his orchestra came to the campus on December 15 for a student dance, and we planned a unique breakfast party in his honor. Emil F. Miskovsky, Jr.


Manpower: 30 actives.

Fortified with a new house, completely re- modeled and redecorated, plenty of vigor and new ideas, the men set out to stage a top- notch Homecoming. Hard work by the Special Events Committee headed by Bob Pirchner brought us second-place honors.

Next, rushing took over the spotlight, and at the end of the first rush period, Ohio Zeta

had its largest pledge class: 21 men. New pledges: Frank Basile, Cosmo Conte, John Corry, Chuck Daniels, John Dufault, Roger Fohrmeyer, Lowell Franz, Gary Greenfield, Sheldon Hopkins, Don Kneisley, John Kort, Dick Hanson, Joe Mead, Dick Neuman, Paul Ressler, Jim Root, Al Ruess, Bill Shankland, Dick Span- enberg, Dave Walker, and Dave Williamson. At the end of the final rush period for the fall quarter, three more men were added: Jon Best, Walt Dickhaut, and Dave Petrella. Co- chairmen Dunlap and Frazier plus active chap- ter members deserve much credit.

A formal house party featuring dancing, en- tertainment, TV, and cards highspotted the social calendar. The social committee is headed by Stan Dunlap.

In tlie "A" league of touch football, Sig Ep has won three, tied three, and lost one. In the "B" league, Sig Ep took third place in a field of five.

Chapter president Ron Platz is also Greek Council president. As a freshman Ron won his numerals in football, and as a sophomore re- ceived his varsity letter in baseball. A physical education major, with an eye to the future as a coach, he came to the campus from New Philadelphia. —William Giese


This chapter celebrated tlie first anniversary of its installation on November 10 with a Parents' Day. Approximately 70 parents and

Boston U Sig Ep house, 63 Bay State Road.

Halftime for Bowling Green Sig Eps in football game in which they beat ATOs.

guests attended the Boston U. -Oregon football game in the afternoon and the buflFet supper and dance in the evening. Mrs. Harold C. Case, wife of the University president, was among the guests.

Initiated: Dean B. Sargent, candidate for var- sity hockey.

The rushing committee's program, chaired by Harold Schofield, saw nineteen men installed as pledges. A highhght of the rushing season was a Christmas party with all the trimmings, including caroling, mistletoe, and Santa Claus, portrayed by Bill Nolan.

Hugh Dwelley directed our sponsorship of the recent Interfraternity Conference Seminar held at tlie University, the first of its kind ever conducted by the fraternities.

—Dickson O. Scott

Bowling Green

New pledges: Howard C. Mizer, Carmen Pegnato, Daniel Baker, and Alan Jones.

Ohio Kappa won the all-campus charity drive trophy this year. The school sets aside one week for the collection of money to be given to eight charitable organizations. The fraternity doing the most for this drive is given a rotating trophy. The winner is decided by percentage of group contribution, posters, and skits given in a variety show. Ohio Kappa had a 200 per cent contribution, placed second in the poster con- tests and fourth in the variety show.

Our football team wound up the season with a 6-2 record. Dave Ledvina of Parma finished second in the league for scoring. We ended in second place in golf.

In bowling we are undefeated with a 36^0 record and have every trophy awarded within our grasp. We have high game, high series, high single game, Russ Gresien (242) and high individual series and high individual average, Dick Phinney ( 183). -Roger Day


Newly pledged: Alden W. Eaton, Michael A. Goodrich, Frazer V. Hadley, Murdo J. Mac- kenzie, John C. McCulloch, John G. Nordahl, John F. Pooley, Robert Redick, Jerold J. Savory, and Merrett R. Stierheim.

October 16 initiates: Joseph S. Boldry, '54; Douglass L. Burnham, '54; Kenneth A. Stott, '54; Robert J. Wallace, '54. November 18 in- itiates: Roy J. Eisemann, '54; Luther M. Ertel, '54; William iM. Gurges, '54.

Led by Paul Anderson, the intramural cross country team finished fifth against 13 rivals.

Scholarship: Sixth place in 13.



Three trophies have come to the Colorado Sig Eps for Homecoming— float, house decora- tions, and chariot race. But our most publicized contribution to Homecoming was the large sign we erected after a strong wind had torn our house decorations to shreds. It read: "The wind blew, the decorations flew, the hell with you." In small print we added, "Happy Homecoming."

At present, we are undefeated in football and water polo.

Bill Allen, Bob Wilson, and Bill Brooks have all played varsity football, and Russ Burwell and K. C. Reeves have been on the Buff Bombers (B) squad.

Our pledges gave their fall party recently in the form of a French Apache dance. The pledges also well nigh demolished ye old post office (our house) during the fall sneak.

Dair Stewart is Varsity Nights technical di- rector this fall. Several men have had good spots on the campus paper. Lloyd Dakden

Colorado A &

The Colorado Gamma Sig Eps continued to rank high scholastically among the Colorado A&M fraternities when the 1951 spring quarter averages were compiled. With an average of 2.43 (on the basis of 4.00, A; 3.00, B; 2.00, C; 1.00, D; etc.) we ranked fourth among the 14 fraternities on the campus and first among the larger fraternities.

The homecoming theme at Colorado A&M this year was "Aggies Always" and the Sig Eps took second place in the class I fraternity divi- sion house decorations with a large, colorful dis- play using the theme "Aggies Always— United In Freedom." With a massive, sky-blue back- ground covering the front of the house the dis- play centered about a huge world globe which continually revolved. On one side of the globe in the foreground of the display stood a replica of a schoolhouse with signs depicting the aspects of a well-balanced education which


led along the path to higher education, while on the other side of the foreground a large torch of freedom and education burned con- tinually. On the backdrop were the Greek sym- bols of all the social organizations on the A&M campus including the independent student groups and on the revolving base of the globe were the theme words "Aggies Always— United In Freedom." —Robert B. Melvin

Colorado Mines

Homecoming, October 27, with Joe Irwin as decorations chairman, saw us take second place in the float contest. Many alumni showed up to enjoy the homecoming party and dance.

In the homecoming soap box derby, our entry, driven by pledge Gene "Barney Old- field" Olinger, whipped all competition. Our speedsters on the cross-country team finished out of the money.

To top off Homecoming, the Mines football team, led by Sig Eps Bill Cooke, Ron Bethurum, Bud Rebeck, Drex Lee, Tom Wyman, Max Settlemyre, Ed Gauike, and Fred Cross, upset the Colorado State team, 14-13, on the road to the conference championship for Mines. The absolute clincher was the victory over Colorado College, 14-6, on November 17. Drex Lee came into his own in this game, sparking the team to a thrilling last-half rally with his pass- ing and receiving.

Bethurum, Rebeck, Cooke, Wyman and Settle- myre are all good bets for All-Conference honors this year. Bethurum is a classy tailback, while the others are the mainstays of the Mines line.

Looking good for the frosh team are pledges Bill Campbell, George Duehurst, and Dick Ker- wald.

The school rifle team, one of the best in the Fifth Army area, has Sig Ep George Freeland, and pledges Gene Olinger and Gene Riche.

Our intramural football team won nine and lost one to take second place. Our rifle team also just missed first-place.

On October 20, the pledges threw a Gay Nineties party for the actives and their dates.

Clyde Newell is the 20th pledge of the fall semester.

Bill Bradley and Carl Bochow are Blue Key. Bill Cooke was pledged to Theta Tau, and Tom Wyman to Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Andy Pat- ten is the sports editor of the 1952 Prospector, yearbook.

Gordon Wimpress, Oregon Beta, is assistant to the President at Mines. He previously served in an executive capacity at Whittier J.C. in Whittier, Calif. —Chuck Trautmann


Fall pledges: Bob Cowie, Garden City; "Tec" Abraham, Staten Island; Al Crawford, Garden City; Cliff Holgren, Margate, N.J.; Irwin King,

Selkirk; Chuck Koester, St. Albans; Jim Liedell, Brookside, N.J.; Jerry McDonald, Whitesboro; Paul Romano, Pelham; Paul Schilling, Bayside; and John Stull, Litchfield, Conn.

Ralph Zaganailoff is research director of the Cornell Rocket Society. Bruce Campbell is cap- tain of the swimming team. Thurl Merrit is a member of the Floricultural honorary.

Vicks, Smitli, and Blackwood play with the Big Red Band, Bernie Bates sings with the Glee Club, and Bob Benzinger plays piano accompaniment for the Glee Club. Jay Robin- son and Bob Titus both sing with the Sage Chapel Choir.

Bill Bellamy is on the publications committee for the Cornell IFC and Nick Steinthal is on the Greek Week Committee.

There will be Sig Eps in all the boats the Cornell Crew puts in the water this spring: John Moyer with the varsity, Herb Brewer with the 150 crew, and Pledges Paul Romano and John Stull with the freshman crew. Norm Thomas and Benn Walton are on the varsity golf team, Jim Blackwood is on the pistol team. Pledge Bob Cowie is on the fencing squad. Pledge Jerry MacDonald is a candidate for quarterback on the freshman football team, and Nick Steinthal is a breakstroker for the swim- ming team.

Don Griffin is a member of Pi Tau Sigma, Kappa Tau Chi, Tau Beta Phi, and Red Key. Dave Blais, Glenn Knierim, Bob Spangler, and Bruce Campbell are all members of Scabbard and Blade, and Campbell was recently elected to Sphinx. Bob Spangler is also a member of the Electrical Engineer's Social, Delta Club, along with Bob Pinkley. iMark Perrier


Homecoming weekend took place October 12 and 13. Elliot Lawrence played one of the best series of dances ever held at Davidson. After the dance Saturday night, Joe Neisler enter- tained the chapter at his cabin at Lake Mon- tonia.

Our Homecoming decorations, a giant steam roller, came in second for the best decorated fraternity house.

Our next party will be held at the Selwyn Hotel in Charlotte— December 8. Guests will dress to portray different popular songs.

Charlie Oliver and Hal Davis were elected to Le Cercle Frangais, national honorary French fraternity. On October 29, Dr. A. V. Goldiere, frater in facultate, was tapped for membership in ODK. Elton Cahow, pre-med student from Ft. Pierce, Fla., has been elected to Alpha Epsilon Delta, honorary pre-med. Ralph Rob- erts, secretary of the Davidson College Band, was tapped for membership in Scabbard and Blade. Morgan Bailey, chapter treasurer, has been elected treasurer of Phi Mu Alpha and



Delaware's Bill Schockley.

president of the Davidson College Male Chorus. Lee Seagle was recognized at graduation last spring for his high scholastic rating. He was given the Alumni Association Medal as the freshman who has made the highest average. Alvin G. Cain


Manpower: 40 actives, 12 pledges. Four new pledges have been added to the roU: James Win- field, Wilmington; Jack McBride, Gary, Ind.; and James and John Todd, identical twins from Nottingham, Pa. Fall rushing began November 28. Delaware Alpha held three smokers and two house parties for the rushees.

October 27, D.elaware Alpha was host to the brothers from Muhlenberg in our third annual get-together. A touch-football game was won by Delaware Alpha by a 13-7 score, thereby giving us the "Little Red Jug" as a house trophy until the two chapters meet again next year. The touch-football game was followed by a dinner party in the chapter house. Next the brotliers from both chapters journeyed to Wil- mington Park to watch the football game be- tween the University of Delaware and Muhlen- berg.

The Interfraternity Ball was held at the Uni- versity November 23 and 24. Vincent Lopez was the featured orchestra. Brother Ralph Ges- sell, president of the IFC, headed the receiving line at the dance. Delaware Alpha was one of the four host houses for the intermission parties on Friday night, and many members from the other fraternities visited us. On Saturday we had a dinner party for the alumni and actives, and also held an open house from 8 to 12, and brothers from the other fraternities visited us. Alumni who took in the week-end were Chick

DeFiore, Joe Miller, Joe Baldwin, Bib MiUer, Les Riggs, Don Huston, and Peter Anderson.

Two brothers from Delaware Alpha have enlisted in the United States Coast Guard: Tom Baylis and Secretary Arthur Grier.

—Paul E. Kern, Jr.


November 11 initiates; Wayne Coykendall, Jack Fowler, Jack Corell, and James Roth.

Fall pledges: Nick Ambrose, Walt Dawler, Jack Garrison, Richard Helin, Warren JeflFrey, Jerry LaVigne, Bob Maire, Don Modica, Bob Naylor, Dick Payne, Tom Pitus, Harrison Race, Blaine Robinson, Edgar Schaefer, Alan Shada, Gerry Sparks, Fritz Holstein.

Dick Henke participated in varsity football.

Dann Starr was named outstanding business student in the state and attended a convention of the National Association of Manufacturers in New York in December.

Officers: president, Bob Jones, vice-president, Bob Grisenti, secretary, Edward Fay, comptrol- ler, Edward Robinson. —Bob Urban a


Soon after actives and pledges finished paint- ing the exterior of the house, work began on the annual Homecoming house decoration. We were rewarded when the Sig Eps were presented the first-place trophy at the Drake Homecoming Dance.

The annual Christmas party was held Decem- ber 1 at the house, with Santa Claus (Jim Mil- ler) dehvering personal invitations, with Santa's sleigh on the roof of the house, and with the grounds lit up like a Christmas tree.

—Joe Cullen


Missouri Delta's social program has included a Frontier Days party, complete with calf- roping, at the chapter house. On November 3 the chapter celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Sigma Phi Epsilon with a formal dance at the Anchor Club.

Recently initiated: Arno Guenther, Brookline; and Bom Malone, Sedalia.

The football team placed fourth in the inter- fraternity competition. Basketball games started in late December.

Pledge class activities include a monthly dinner and redecoration of the recreation room. Pledge class officers: Bill Dunlap, president; Joe Kirby, vice-president; and Leroy Sumners, secretary and treasurer.

The Mothers' Club of Missouri Delta held its organization meeting at the house Novem- ber 20. The group staged a Christmas dinner during mid-December.


The chapter held its annual open house from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 9.

Actives, pledges, and the Mothers' Club en- tertained the children of the Burge Hospital poho unit with a Christmas party on the eve- ning of December 10. Gifts, individual Christ- mas trees, cake, and ice cream were provided by the chapter and mothers. Bill Haymes di- rected short skits and a program of holiday music for the children. Al Summers


Manpower: When the year opened we had a membership of 23 actives and three excellent pledges, John Littlepage, Doug Douglas, and Frank Green. At the next formal rushing period we expect to pledge 25 additional men.

The chapter has been awarded the Interfra- temity Council Scholarship Trophy for having shown the greatest improvement in its scho- lastic average the previous semester. Our aver- age increased .202 points per man last semester, and we jumped from fifteenth to fifth in scho- lastic standing among Duke fraternities!

Athletic chairman George Delbos has our intramural teams among the most active on campus and ranking near the top in each sport, football, volley ball, etc.

Frank Brranco, our social chairman, staged a fine fall cabin party. Each week we have open house and these are always well attended. Another Sig Ep innovation this year will be a Christmas party given for the underprivileged children of the local community center.

Our homecoming display ranked tliird among 25. Congratulations to Ed Joyner and Ted Clifton for the engineering and art work. Ed is also an active tennis enthusiast. He won the fraternity tennis tournament and received a handsome trophy. —Eugene Bondurant

Emporia State

Manpower: 19 pledges— Don Glage, Charles Turney, Gene Thomas, Joe Thomas, Larry Robb, Jerry O'Donnell, Gerald LiUian, John Noonan, Peter Catanese, Ed McCardle, John Zumalt, Ad Denning, Bob Black, Darrell Deines, Gene Pingle, John Gaston, Jack Price, Roger Sargent, Wally Waldrip.

Recent social events include a Halloween party at the house and the pledge semi-formal dance.

On November 15 every man in the chapter gave a pint of blood to the Red Cross.

Emporia State fraternities and sororities this year spent nothing for Homecoming. Instead they gave money they would have spent for decorations for flood relief. —Philip L. Reed


Jimmy Gibbons, a member of our "Fighting Gator Band," has become a member of Kappa Kappa Psi, honorary band fraternity, and is a pledge in Alpha Kappa Psi, honorary business. Henry Kittleson is treasurer of Florida Blue Key. Bill Moredock is advertising manager of the Florida Alligator, campus newspaper. Clyde Smith and Roland Hitt were commissioned sec- ond heutenants in the Infantry and Air Force, respectively, through advanced R.O.T.C. Other brothers in advanced R.O.T.C. this semester: Fred Droege and Carl Bell.

Initiated November 14: L. Lamar Peterman, Orlando, major in civil engineering.

—Bill Moredock

Florida State

The chapter sponsored a member of the queen's court at Homecoming and also won the trophy for the best fraternity Homecoming skit.

The basketball team posted a 5 and 1 record for the season and will play in the final cham- pionship tournament.

Dallas Lloyd was elected chapter president following the resignation of Charles Dills, who had served in that office for 18 months. Other officers recently elected are Herb Nasrallah, comptroller; John Lutz, historian; Jim Dalafave, secretary; Dave Hainlin, guard; Bill Reiter, IFC delegate.

Dick Fuquay returned to school after study- ing for a semester in Paris, France.

Recent initiates: Jim Evans, Niceville; Herb Nasrallah, Jacksonville; Doug McMillen, Jr., Leo Crutchfield, Tallahassee; E. H. Battley, Port Huron, Mich.; John Buckley, Marianna; Jim Dalafave, Caryville; John Lutz, Bonifay; Jack Gardner, Okeechobee; John VanDeusen, W. Palm Beach; Dave Stinson, Calumet City, 111.

Mrs. Robert B. Kemp, formerly of Miami, is now our housemother.

Tom Bowen, charter member of the chapter, has been chosen vice-president of the campus chapter of Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity.

The chapter voted 100 per cent to give blood in the current drive. —John Lutz

Florida Southern

Manpower: 27 actives. We lost 18 brothers via graduation last June and 7 to the Armed Forces during the summer.

Oin- campus has less than 1,400 students, but is represented by nine national fraternities. So rushing was definitely big business this year and demanded more time and energy than ever before. Under the able leadership of rush chair-


man Ken Williams we pledged 16 men: Al Huff, Amity ville, N.Y., Paul Flores, Holly Hill; George O'Neil, Scituate, Mass.; Chick Walker, Manhasset, N.Y.; Danny Caprio, Newark, N.J.; John Mancini, Fair Lawn, N.J.; Bill Stapleton, Cleveland, Ohio; Victor Abbott, Freeport, N.Y.; John WiUiams, South Bend, Ind.; Joe Tonole, Dumont, N.J.; Don Hill, Springfield, Mass.; Don Sutte, River Forest, 111.; Kinch Campbell, Milford, 111.; Nick Pellegrino, Miami; Jack San- zari, East Paterson, N.J.; and Frank Szabo, Lakeland.

Pellegrino and Sanzari are first-string mem- bers of the varsity basketball squad. Paul Flores is an active participant in college dra- matics, recently in the cast of Harvey. Don Hill recently entered college after leaving the musical field where he played with many of the leading dance bands in the country.

—Bill Peterson

Georgia Tech

Manpower: Actives 34; pledges 17. We lost two brothers to the armed forces this fall: Herb Mcintosh is in the Navy and Keecher Powell is in the Marines.

Georgia Alpha began the football season by defeating Sigma Nu 27-0. We finished our season last year in second place. Our volleyball team, like the football team, has played only one match.

One of the highlights of the rush season was a Sunday afternoon at alumni brother Elwyn Tomhnson's lodge. Dancing, boating, swimming, and games were a few of the ac- tivities. Early in the evening a delicious buffet dinner was served. This outing, plus a few house dances, a hayride, costume parties, and smokers, made it a successful, enjoyable rush season.

The house has had a few changes made. In our back yard is a new patio. Upon walking into the basement you might, at first, think that you were on a ship, but after looking things over you discover that it is an unusual party room. Port holes provide for air from the out-

Indiana fellows put on a work week that may not impress the public but gives them fireplace wood. Actives and pledges both.


side. Behind one wall are two goldfish bowls which are exposed to the room by port holes. Running lights of red, green, and blue along with indirect color lighting give off a soft glow. Fish netting and nautical objects such as speaking tubes, ship screws, wheels, and a compass box finish the effect. Harold Baldwin did most of the work. —George Purcell

Illinois Tech

Initiated this semester: Buszkiewicz, Buckley, Campbell, Delaney, Ehart, Gray, Montgomery, Neugebauer, Rayfield, Rodgers.

Pledged this semester: Chris Andros, Dick Bandringa, Mike Bitsas, Vick Brunzie, John Kunka, Dan McLaughlin, Wally Marshall, Bob Martin, Jim Murray, Dick Squires, Bob Colvert, Frank Puckett, Bill Easson. The pledge banquet was held November 21.

An outstanding social event was the fourth Annual Open Roast given by this chapter, open to the school and friends of Sig Eps. The Open Roast committee under the leadership of Len Murphy saw to the planning of this event, which had about 250 people in attendance. The social committee under Ted Rigas has staged our first Queen of Hearts Ball to be held at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. The actives and pledges are bringing in pictures of their sweetheart in order to facilitate the selection of a Queen. The Integral Ball given by the school at the Hotel Sherman will be attended in force by the chapter. Sig Ep dates will be identified by a rose and violet corsage in the shape of a heart.

Dick Wardell, our president, will head the directory committee for editing the Illinois In- stitute of Technology Directory. Bruno Busz- kiewicz has been elected vice-president of the local chapter of the A.S.M.E. Bert Neighbour has been elected secretary of I.F.C.

Jim Springer is editing a chapter newspaper which should be in the mail soon, and which is intended to maintain the interest of the alumni.

Lon Williams was elected corresponding sec- retary to replace Ned Blood who left school. —Donald Snipes


The fall pledge class held a dance, the "Boatman's Brawl," November 17. The front of the house was decorated to resemble the deck of a ship, and the rooms inside were ar- ranged to look like a ship's lounge. Actives and pledges completed the sea-going scenery with salty costumes of all descriptions.

The next day, Sunday, pledges bowed to the actives in a touch football game played on snowy Dunn Meadow, in below freezing weather. Score: 7-0. —Howard Larson


Manpower: 20 actives, 29 pledges. Transfers: Jim Gordon and Dan Asby.

New officers: president. Gale Hansen; vice- president. Barrel Croat; comptroller. Bill Fos- ter; secretary, Gar Hauck; historian, Don Asby; delegate at large, Jim Gordon; senior marshal, Don Clay; junior marshal, Wally Ingram; guide. Bob McCarty; chaplain, Ron Rodgers.

The new pledge class is the largest on cam- pus.

Our winter formal, having the theme "Man- hattan at Midnight," was held December 14. It was planned by Social Chairman Rod Miller.

Other parties have included a series of ex- changes with sororities.

Sig Eps and Delta Gammas pooled their ability to construct a float for Homecoming which was judged the best "dual entry" float. Darrel Croat received the University's award for designing the Homecoming "Corn Monu- ment." Chapter president Gale Hansen and Pledge Wally Adamson have been selected as distinguished military students. Dick Laban was named to the all-America swimming team.

—Don Asby

Johns Hophins

House improvements: The second and tliird floor bedrooms have been entirely repainted and refurnished with new beds and chiffoniers. New cabinets have been installed in tlie kitchen to lighten the work of Amanda, our cook. In addi- tion, the Mothers' Club has given us curtains. The house is completely occupied and the meal plan, under the direction of Bill Trumbull, is successful.

Formal rushing ended November 11 and we emerged with a pledge class of 14: William Bishop, Robert Corney, Otis "Dutch" Devilbiss, Roland Eppley, Dick Holland, Ed Kennedy, Frank Musial, John Rodowski, "Rip" Roebling, Henry Schoeder, Robert Waterman, Hal Gul- len, James Denny, and Lou Pederson. Jim Aqua- vella, rush chairman, hopes to swell our pledge group to 20.

Recently the chapter's Scott Key award went to Dan Peckham, who entered the United States Naval Academy last July. The chapter now has two brothers at the Academy since Ken Tracy also received an appointment there last year,

Jerry Williamson co-captained the soccer team this year and "Mush" Wotell ran for the cross country squad. Bob Erlandson returns to the fencing team again this winter and Charhe Gerwig will be back on the rifle team.

Bill Trumbull returned to the student Council as vice-president.

Chapter officers: Lee Parks, president; Chip Williamson, vice-president; comptroller, George Stershic; secretary, Al MiUer; historian, Law-

Kentucky's Bob Griffith.

rence Walz; chaplain, Don Creath; senior mar- shal, Jim Acquavella; junior marshal, Bill Zerr; and guard, Chuck Lewis.— Lawrence Walz


Dale Dodge, of Mission, chapter secretary and IFC representative, is cheerleader.

Clarence Chambers is Kansas University's new drum-major.

Phil Peterson served as a delegate of Pi Tau Sigma, national honorary mechanical engineer- ing fraternity, at its national convention at Lexington, Ky.

Art DalzeU, sophomore, is number three man on Kansas' national championship aspiring cross- country and two mile team with a respectable 9:25.5. He accompanied the team on Novem- ber 26 to national championship competition at East Lansing, Mich.

Hugh Satterwhite has served as an able as- sistant to track coach Bill Easton in his capacity of student manager. He is also Cadet captain in charge of Infantry Company C. in the ROTC. —Doug Fenity, Jr.


Homecoming the first weekend of November was enjoyed by the alumni. The weekend was planned by Jack Taylor, Alumni Relations chairman and Monthly Alumni Newsnotes edi- tor. A party and dinner were held. Our "Sig Ep T-V" homecoming decoration won first place. The whole chapter worked on the decora- tions but success can be in great part attributed to Ralph Shell, our southerner with Yankee ingenuity. The winning band formation was


Lawrence's Mark Else leads 40-man all-Sig Ep choir in Christmas serenade. Featuring Jack Zwei as soloist, the choir sang carols for old peoples' homes during holidays.

submitted for us by Henry Moody, and it was a banner day when our Greek letters were flashed in the card section denoting that we had won the band formation contest— a clean sweep of home coming!

A cheer contest sponsored by the campus pep organization was won easily by a large turnout of Sig Eps and an original cheer led by Scotty Griffith and Bill Rice.

The Annual campus Sadie Hawkins Day Dance turned into a Sig-Ep afi^air with Bill Green winning the cup for the best Lil Abner, and Bill Rice proving himself to be the best turnip chomper.

The new pledge class has held teas for the pledge classes of the sororities.

With special help from Ronny Fuydal, Athletic Chairman Dick Dorsey, and Jim Har- mon, we ended up with a football percentage of 500. In volleyball Sig Ep is pressing for the lead with a won 4 and lost 1 record. In the annual turkey run, which is a cross country event, we gained second place.

House parties, outstanding of which was an Apache Party, have been numerous and suc- cessful this fall.

New initiates: Howard George Brewer, Jr., Rockville Centre, N.Y.; Donald Wayne Ryles, Lexington; Charles Edward Shinnik, Evanston, 111.; WilHam Robert Watson, Wallins; Bryce Dale Franklin, Somerset; Robert Allen Murray, Lexington. Jack Jones Early, Corbin, graduate student and a State Representative, was recently initiated as an honorary member.

Kentucky Alpha has affiliated three transfer students from Kentucky Beta: James Robert Bruner, Harlan; Don Allen Clayton and Robert Clarence Denzinger, of Louisville.

^Larry Myers


Wisconsin' Alpha has become strongest on campus with the pledging of 24 freshmen. It is the largest pledge class on campus and has shown through participation in all school activi- ties that it is the best.

Sig Ep has 75 actives and pledges, the largest group ever to represent tlie fraternity on this campus. Members can be found active in stu- dent government, choir, athletics, and any other activity where outstanding men are needed.

Our chief candidate for Phi Beta Kappa is Jim Sampter, who has maintained a grade aver- age of well over a two point.

Chapter president John Hollingsworth, an English major, writes poetry in his spare time. Industrial relations is his minor.

Dick Oleson, a junior, is on the basketball team and is a member of the student executive committee.

Of the 10 Sig Eps who sing in the Lawrence choir. Jack Zwei is perhaps the most outstanding. He has been a member of the concert choir since his freshman year and was chosen as baritone soloist as a sophomore and this year will again fill this capacity. He is a student in


the conservatory of music and is a voice major. In his sjjare time he sings at weddings, parties, and general get-togethers. Jack enjoys hunting and fishing in his spare time.

As a high school student Jack was selected as the outstanding baritone of Wisconsin for two consecutive years. He is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, a professional music fraternity, in which chapter he holds the office of presi- dent. —Ramon Steck


Fall pledges: Caspar Kaffke, Silver Spring, Md.; William Johnson, Lancaster; Robert Moyer, Bethlehem; and T. Graham Ralph, Danielson, Conn.

October initiates: John Bailey, White Plains, N.Y.; Richard Barrie, Rye, N.Y.; Andrew Knecht, Yonkers, N.Y.; James Murray, Fairfield, Conn.; and Alexander Turpin, Stewart Manor, N.Y.

No rushing of freshmen can take place until the spring semester. To compensate for this, the brothers have been busy making contacts with the freshmen, to get them lined up for the three weeks of extended rushing, which will take place in February.

Sometime this winter the pledges are going to paint the council room in the Bethlehem City Hall for the city. This project is being under- taken to show the people of Bethlehem that fraternity men are willing and ready to benefit Bethlehem instead of harming her.

Homecoming witnessed the arrival of alumni who were able to celebrate our football victory over Lafayette. The chapter won first place in the Interfraternity Display Contest. The display victory was the result of the efforts of Bob Slaw, who directed the making and erection of the display. The prize for the winning display con- sists of a two-foot high traveling cup.

—Richard A. Doan


Brothers of other chapters from Fort Knox have been present at several parties. They have helped us in rushing by illustrating the national nature of the Fraternity. Brothers from Kentucky Alpha have visited us frequently and we have been down to Lexington on football weekends.

Bob Wolfe, vice-president, was tapped by ODK and was also elected vice-president of Sigma Tau honorary engineering fraternity. Frank Gitscher, '50, our facility adviser, has been appointed backfield coach of varsity foot- ball.

Dave Craft was elected to the University stu- dent council and to the Dental School student council.

District Governor Dick Panther addressed a joint active-alumni Founders' Day meeting the first week of November.

The basement of the house has been repainted and converted to a game room. The pledge class is re-doing the chapter room and study room. Plans have been made for a library.


Maine Alpha initiated its 100th brother No- vember 18. Oakley Porter, number 100, is a married sophomore veteran with two handsome future Sig Ep boys, all living in Orono. 15 other nev/ initiates included: Kenneth Barnard, Carl Bridges, Roger Chick, Ralph Clark, George Earle, Chester Harris, Leonard McGinnis, Ralph Martin, James Mendros, Edwin Pert, Edward Plossay, Robert Stender, Earle Tarr, Glendon Winton, and Robert Willett.

Previous to their initiation, as part of their Greek week activities, the entire pledge class worked at least one afternoon apiece on an interfraternity constructive work program. Presi- dent Art Hathaway, originator of the much publicized Sig Ep work program last spring, was the IFC chairman in charge of operations when 13 of the 17 campus fraternities joined hands in cleaning and painting the Old Town city building. The over-all program was similar to the work done by our eight pledges last spring on the Orono Town Hall.

Howard Low, formerly of Michigan Alpha, was affiliated on November 18.

A steak banquet was held at the Pilot's Grill, Bangor, for the new brothers Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving. Johnny Maturo, Michigan Alpha '50, football line coach at Maine, was the chief speaker.

Thanks to the highest pledge class point aver- age on campus, Maine Alpha placed second out of 17 fraternities in scholarship for the last spring semester with a 2.49, which was well above the all-men's average.

The annual Homecoming "Mountaineer's Ramble" was held for the second year at the Stillwater Firehouse with an excellent showing of returned alumni. It was staged by Social chairman Ken Wiley with entertainment by the whole pledge class featuring Ron Schutt and Bub Pert who are becoming an indispensable comedy twosome. Jimmy Hawes' trio supplied the music and Major and Mrs. Hugh Wendle, Delaware Alpha, were among the chaperons.

The fall houseparty formal was held, Novem- ber 30 at the Penobscot Valley Country Club with an informal dance the following night in the chapter room.

Famed AP correspondent, Hal Boyle, while at the University as a newspaper conclave speaker, took time off to come over and meet us.

We unveiled our new red suspenders at the pre-game Homecoming rally. We owe great thanks to Massachusetts Alpha for the idea and aid in obtaining them. The general reaction on campus has been very good, as they repre- sent good spirit.


Three brothers have recently been initiated into respective honorary societies: Ronald Schutt, Tau Beta Pi; Laurence Cable, Sigma Mu Sigma; and Jack Kelly, Xi Sigma Pi.

Dvi'iGHT R. Holmes


In the last year, graduation and the armed services have taken 42 per cent of the active group. How^ever, 22 men were pledged this semester, one of the largest pledge groups. Three of the four offices in the freshman class are held by Sig Ep pledges: president, Daun Pace, Huntington; vice-president, Paul Jones, Dunbar; secretary, Bruce Thabit, Huntington.

The Sig Ep football team ended a successful year under the helm of coach Bill Griffith, win- ning three out of four games. The soccer team was tops.

An informal dance was held October 20 at the Shawkey Student Union. Gene Linsey and orchestra furnished the music.

Pledgemaster Doug Bradshaw has initiated study periods for the pledge class. Each period lasts for two hours and these periods are at- tended three times a week.

Homecoming on November 17 saw Marshall lose to a Dayton team 34-13.

Omicron Delta Kappa pledged 10 men during Homecoming festivities. Among these only two were Greeks and both were Sig Eps: John Cornell, junior, Clarkesburg; and CliJBFord Mickel, senior, Charleston. —Ernie Soter

Miami (Ohio)

Ohio Eta won the scholarship improvement trophy having the greatest improvement of any fraternity on campus.

New initiates: Jim McCausland (outstanding pledge), Walt Kania, Dick Brown, Bob Rice, Paul Light, Wayne Harris, Dan Burgess, Ken KoUer, Carl Fletcher, Kim Graf, Tom Lameier, Reese Sutton, Bob Hofius, and Jack Strietel- meier.

Gaylord Bennett is president of the YMCA.

Recently pledged: Bob Nicholls, Ernie Noetzel, Bud Burge, Bob Davenport, Terry Swisher, Don Fleming, Bob Hamm, Bill Kifi^- meyer, Bob Jacob, and Richie Skelton.

John Young is president of Delta Sigma Pi, men's business fraternity. Dave Gordon is presi- dent of the industrial management club.

—William P. Watts


Michigan Alpha is still on top. Socially our parties are the best on campus. Athletically we are pointing for our fourth straight all-year campus championship. In activities our men are leaders. And to top it off our alumni are ener- getic and cooperative.

Michigan's Ken Babcock.

Football weekends with preparties, dances, and Gleaners parties have been sparked by social chairman Lome Norton. Visiting alumni, their wives, and friends will long remember these gala affairs. Meanwhile actives and dates are eagerly awaiting the already planned costume party, Halloween party. Homecoming dance, pledge formal, and Christmas formal.

Michigan track star Joe LaRue is at the helm this year in charge of house athletics. Paddy Haas, appointed captain of football, has piloted his unscored-upon-wonders to a perfect 3-0 record so far this season. Members of the team are Dave Space, Jack Main, Curt Murton, Ross Phalzgraff, Chick Gast, Dick Martin, Joe La- Rue, Joe Hipfel, Lome Norton, Bob Ohlheiser, Ken Babcock, and Ole Haroldson.

Assistant to the Grand Secretary Carl Peter- sen, and Field Secretary Bob Bonnell visited the chapter for tlie formal initiation of Joe Hipfel, Frank Spicciati, and John Vennerholm.

Rush chairman Chick Gast has conducted fall rushing successfully. New pledges are Neill Bowman, William Gary, Ed Conlin, Jack Conlin, Herb Hood, Jim Hubbell, Bumpy Jones, Dick Lowery, Don MacGregor, Don Mason, Herman Snyder, and Pete Thomassen. Total chapter strength stands at 76.

Ron Stachowiak, chairman for Homecoming display, has also been appointed chapter chap- lain.

Ken Babcock, pre-med student, is chairman of the campus action committee. Ole Haroldson is a member of student legislature. Harry Hill- man is a senior member of the engine honor council. Leo Wasserberger was elected president of the freshman class in dental school.

This summer alumni sponsored an extensive reconditioning of the house. From the outside.


improvements include a new coat of paint and a glass-encased porch, 15 x 40 feet. On the inside, tile floors were laid in the living room, hall, and dining room. A new oil heating plant for the entire house was installed.

^Leo Wasserberger


Manpower: 15 actives. Results of a rush week soon to be held will be reported in the next Journal.

Jim Trunk is president of the Educational Board; Art Olson, president of the Elementary Education Men's Club; Bob Johnson, secretary of Sigma Delta Chi and member of the Board of Publications; Roger Carlson, president of Beta Gamma Sigma; Len Nadasdy, president of the Republican club; Dick Jacobson, mem- ber of Grey Friars.

Dennis Brown, formerly of the Denver chap- ter has transferred to Minnesota.

—Bob Johnson

Mississippi State

We have started serving meals in our recently acquired house, obtained a housemother, and pledged a class of 40 men.

The meals were started on October 1, immedi- ately following the acquisition of our kitchen equipment. We have a cook and a houseboy to help with the serving, and we are feeding approximately 50 men two meals a day. Our kitchen is managed by WilHam J. BuBard of McCarley, Miss.

Our housemother is Mrs. E. E. Wilkins. Her services were obtained through Charles H. Johnson and several of our alumni.

Our 40 new pledges are being trained by Walter A. Bishop of Roanoke, Va.

In the intramural program, we have advanced to the finals in the golf division. We have won two and lost two games in volleyball. Our sports program is headed by Joe E. Beckham of Swiftown, Miss.

In a special election held recently, William D. Neal, Jr., CarroUton, was elected president; William J. DuBard, McCarley, comptroller; and William W. Sykes, Jackson, secretary. Other officers: A. Carl Long, Jr., vice-president; Henry C. Waterer, Jr., historian.

Alumni and actives of the Memphis State chapter entertained Mississippi Beta with a party following the football game between the two schools.

Mississippi Alpha men were guests of honor at a stag party given November 30, on the eve of the annual Mississippi State-Ole Miss foot- ball game. Our social functions are directed by Ike W. Savelle of Columbus, Miss.

Recently initiated: Bobby P. West, Hamilton, Miss. Bobby was voted outstanding pledge on

the basis of points awarded and was accord- ingly given a jeweled pin by the chapter. He is an excellent musician and entertainer.

—Henry C. Waterer, Jr.


After winning the pledge-active football game by a score of 13-0, our pledges turned their attention to the fall formal. They did all the planning and work. Theme of the dance was the "Sig Ep Park"; it was held at the house November 3. Brother Don Fry and his band provided the music.

Homecoming was held on October 27 with the Tigers winning over Nebraska. Ernie Dun- ning was in charge of decorations and we took second place in the float.

New initiates: Robert McMillen and Carl Schweitzer, Windsor; Dean Douglas, Lakeland, Fla.; Richard Halferty, Poplar BluflF; Robert Gneiser, York, Pa.; Harold Aldridge, St. Louis; Robert Locarni, Carthage; and Bob Duckworth, Salem.

New pledges: Jerry Livingston, Gene Korpal, and Richard Chasteen, Vandalia; Jack Steven- son, Beloit, Wis.; Eddie Eckles, Marshall; Greg Oliver and Jerry Wheeler.— Juan R. Martin

Missouri Mines

Fall initiates: Donald Bogue, metallurgy, Normandy; Gene Trytko, electrical engineering. South Bend, Ind.; Don Bailey, mining. West Franklin, N.H.; John Priest, civil engineering, Hannibal; Lloyd Mason, chemical engineering, Hannibal; Tony Bruskas, mining geology, JoUet, 111.; Bob Custer, chemical engineering, Kansas City.


The zenith of the new season's social whirl was reached November 19 in the formal dinner dance at the Brookside Country Club. A cock- tail party in the colorful Green Room of the club preceded the dance which was attended by most of the actives and many fun-seeking alumni. The chapter's barbershop quartet, which had just copped the coveted Interfraternity Song trophy, entertained.

President John Delissio presented a sweetheart pin to Daisey Moyer, our beloved housemother for 30 years. A house party closed the weekend.

John Bankowsky and Bob Richardson, social co-chairmen, have planned a Senior Ball to be held December 14.

Our football team won the intramural foot- ball race and will play for the Interfraternity Trophy in December.

Rush Chairman, Bob Richardson guided our rushing efforts to a result of a pledge class of 13 upper-class men. Dr. Byron D. Wilkins,


New Mexico's Jack Bolander holds cake his girl baked for his birthday. From left: Dillman, Parsons, the lucky man himself, Bergin, Lamb.

prominent surgeon, spoke on the benefits of fra- ternal life at our stag buffet supper.

Following in the footsteps of our Maine chapter our hell week has been supplanted by a work week in which some step of civic improve- ment is planned.

We were awarded the coveted scholastic trophy for having the highest scholastic average on campus.

Bob Richardson earned the lead role in the Mask & Dagger production of Romeo and Juliet. Varsity letters were won by Ed Martin and Dick Derstine for soccer and football, respectively. Pete Mourad, John Faust, and Ev Thierfelder were chosen for the college Who's Who.

Initiated November 20: Pete Mourad, Gino Ancora, and Frank Marucci.

—Richard Whitaker

New 3texico

Manpower: Nine men have been pledged: Wayne A, Davidson, Clovis; James Lamb, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; James McFarlan, Tucson, Ariz.; L. D. Chisholm, Baton Rouge, La.; Jack Mc- Clelland, St. Joseph, Mo., William Kunkell, Albuquerque; Everett Dillman, Panama Canal Zone: David Jackson, Gallup; and Billy J. Raggett, Albuquerque.

New officers: Darrell U. Davidson, Osage. Iowa, president; Jack C. Bolander, Duncan, Okla., vice-president; John J. Ermatinger, Chi- cago, 111., secretary; James S. Bergin, Albuquer- que, comptroller; and James Houghten, Albu- querque, house manager.

Jack Bolander is editor of the NROTC unit's newspaper, the Sunline, and a cadet ensign. He is past president and present publicity direc- tor for the campus Young Democrats. He is past president of the United Student Christian Fel- lowship.

Chuck Gassaway is president of IFC for 1951- 52. He is doing honors work in chemical engi- neering, and is a member of the AIChE. Jack Ermatinger is the latest night editor to be added

to the Loho staff. He is treasurer of the New Mexico chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national journalistic professional fraternity, and is also a member of the Press Club.

Pledgetrainer Jim Parsons was one of a group which received ribbons for outstanding work in the Air Force ROTC. Social chairman Jim Houghten has been tapped by Delta Sigma Pi, honorary business fraternity. Pledge Dave Jack- son is Mesa Vista dorm athletic chairman and Sunline staff cartoonist, besides being active in the Young Democrat group.

A Christmas party with the Chi Omegas was held December 15. Local orphans were enter- tained and given gifts. Don George played Santa Glaus. —Jack Ermatinger


Manpower: 15-pledges— Ted Basil, Tom Carney, Ed Cronin, John Gearrity, William Heath, George Postian, Bob Shiflet, Seth Thau- gut, Joe Bellini, Doc Ignaccolo, Russ Gilligan, Ken Martin, Bill Klein, Roger Lane, Joe De- Mattia. Pledge Martin is on the track team.

Chapter president Ed Randell is picture edi- tor of the Violet, yearbook; Dean Mauser is on tlie yearbook also, as business manager. Frank Acuri, chapter comptroller, is vice-president of the student council in the school of commerce.

Both actives and alumni attended the annual Sadie Hawkins Day dance.

Nine actives and pledges accompanied the football team to Philadelphia for the Temple game and were guests of the Sig Ep chapter there. —Douglas W. Deane

North Carolina State

Fall initiates: Richard L. Quickel, Jr., Char- lotte; Gene Clark, Shelby; Archie T. Spiers, Jr., Newport News, Va.; Robert C. Wilkins, York, Pa.

Pledges: Ted Best, Oscar Doster, Charles Winecoff, Robert McDonald, Charles Moss, David Parrott, Freddy Moore, John Wells, Frank Northup.

The IFC sponsored pledge dance in Decem- ber featured Charlie Spivak's orchestra.

In the intramural race, the football and volley- ball teams won sectional championships, while William James and C. L. Corn placed in the boxing finals.

John Cunningham has been elected chaplain. —Alan A. Lowe

Ohio Northern

Homecoming was featured by the return of many alumni and by our winning the decorations trophy. This was a heroic Buddha that looked down upon a sacrificial altar upon which reposed a football opponent. Behind the altar stood an


Ohio Northern player brandishing a dagger.

Bob St. Louis, Paul Covert, and Herbert Cox hold the positions of president of the IFC, stu- dent council, and senior class, respectively.

Duane Daffler, Leon Wenzel, and Ernest Boye are on the student council. Gerald Boltz is one of the editors of the college paper. Jack Curtis is head of the college's student speech department.

The winter formal will be held January 19. —Frank Shurtz

Ohio Wesley an

The chapter won the first-place trophy for the best homecoming display.

The Dads' Day Variety Show was the fea- ture of our Dads' Day weekend held recently, directed by Tom Seldon.

In the intramural program we won the volley- ball championship and placed second in foot- ball. The freshmen in their own league also won the volleyball championship and took sec- ond place in football.

Officers: president, Tom Gerstacker; vice- president. Cliff Cooper; historian, Jake Lewis; secretary, Jim Faile; guard, John Hubbinger; senior marshal. Norm Noblet; junior marshal, Vale Benning. —Arnold Torke, Jr.

Oklahoma A & 3M

The Oklahoma Alpha athletic team won the intramural fraternity league football champion- ship. In varsity athletics F. A. Dry and Dale Holderman are participating in their last year of college football. Dry is playing first team of- fensive center this year while Holderman is holding down defensive end on the first pla- toon.

The annual Bowery Brawl, our costume dance portraying the gay nineties, was attended by approximately 400 Sig Eps and guests.

Big men on the campus this year are Terry Leard, editor-in-chief of the Redskin, student yearbook; Jack Givens, president of the Student Senate; and Bob Harrison, chosen for Who's Who. —Conrad Hart


Our chapter opened the fraternity functions by presenting an informal Greek Sing.

Our intramural football team, sparked by linebacker Duane Lippold, placed second in the league. —Dick Carson

Oregon State

New pledges: Gilbert Bateson, Stanley Bhnk- horn, Brent Cameron, Jim Carlisle, Jim Col- burn, Bill Cox, Roy Dayton, Allan de Lauben-

fels, Don Houk, Gene MacFarland, Scott McGowan, Larry Mehl, Darrell Palmer, Jim Sherburne, Keith Sime, Herb Troeh, Dick Wise, and Bill Green. Hold-over pledges from last year include: Neal Fisher, Dave Morris, Gene Paul, and Jim Todd.

The pledges are continuing their drive to win the Phil Small Thane Trophy for the best scholastic, activity, and sports record for fresh- men classes among the various fraternities.

Dalton Cooley, Bruce Ruminski, Bob Set- teles, and James Whiteley were initiated in October to l3ring the number of initiates in our chapter to 505.

Oregon Alpha topped all fraternities last spring term with a 2.89 average. We also topped the campus for the year by accumulating a 2.96 average for the three terms.

Our intramural team won another trophy for the mantel in rowing. This same four rowed against an athletic club from the University of British Columbia during Homecoming, but was beaten by a length and one half. Intramural football is now in progress.

We are playing host to Tony Syriotis, a foreign student from Greece, who is going to school here on the Interfraternity Council Schol- arship and who is a recent graduate from high school in Greece. He is a sophomore in electri- cal engineering.

The draft situation at Oregon Alpha is very good. Most of our members and pledges are either veterans or are in some form of military reserve units. On drill days it looks like a V.F.W. convention. Since the outbreak of the Korean Campaign, we have lost only seven men to the military: Bob Wicks, '51, Ralph Paul, '52, Doug Lang, '52, Cliff Sinith, '52, Dwane Brenneman, '53, Bob Blount, '51, and Forrest Gathercoal, '54. One of these is already back. Bob Wicks who was called back into the reserves last year is again with us.


Manpower: Two weeks of fall rushing quar- terbacked by Jim Hughes has paid off with 15 fine pledges, including Gerry Robinson, star tailback of this year's varsity football team. The others: Clarke Glennon, Dick Ligouri, Vince Retten, Gene Davalos, Harry Richards, Larry Pierce, Dan Thompson, Bob Johnson, Frank Basile, Frank Schoendorfer, Ed Wright, and Alan Rose.

Among these men are real stars of baseball, track, wrestling, and swimming; also several band members and two fellows interested in the Mask and Wig show.

Regular parties have been held following each football game with the exception of Dartmouth weekend. Navy weekend was biggest and best. Thanks to pledge Ed Wright and a group of the brothers, the house was well decorated:


poster for the Navy game was one of the final- ists for the first time.

Our basement has been redecorated with the color scheme changed to green and yellow. Fluorescent lights were installed and the walls decorated with football designs. Ffrench, Kenny, Clark, and Oesman, and pledge Wright were responsible. Rogers Vaughn


Pennsylvania Gamma now has a house! It is a 12-room, stone and shingle, three-story house located at 525 South Aiken Avenue, East Liberty, Pittsburgh. It is our first real house since we were reinstated three years ago.

June graduation at Pitt saw 15 brothers leave. William J. Condon was voted the outstanding senior in Mining and graduated first in his class. Thirty-one brothers returned to school this September, while the Armed Services claimed three men who had planned to return— William Westland was recalled to the Navy, Frank Chalmers was called into the Army, and Ray- mond Whitney entered the Air Corps.

The recent commencement exercises and the Armed Services have made deep inroads upon our membership, but the returning 31 actives and three holdover pledges hope to bolster this number considerably during the current rushing season. —Edward G. Minnich


Manpower: 4 new initiates and 9 new pledges.

Recent initiates: Dick Ferano, Tom Yarring- ton, Stasi Delvizis, and Luke Smith.

New pledges: Richard Harper, Earl Stone, Jesse Lennon, Dave Holloway, Egbert Jackson, Billy Cooke, Lloyd Gladden, Gene Furr, and Frank Osborne.

Carson Barnes is president of the intramural athletic council. Henry Carter was elected to Omicron Delta Kappa. —Jerry Michael


Renovation and redecoration of the house in- cluded repainting the study rooms and bed- rooms. A few brothers have made their own wall ornaments and drapes. The commons room and a small adjoining room have been wall- papered and all furniture in the commons has been completely recovered to make the first floor of the house look like new. Kaestle and Vigezzi have installed a new shower unit in the first-floor bathroom.

Five brothers got together and formed a Dixeland-jazz band and have become a good background for the house parties as well as play- ing for other groups outside the R.P.I, campus. —Norman F. BArao


Homecoming came off with great success here at the Mother Chapter. Much time was spent working on our "Float" which was dis- played during the William and Mary-Richmond game. John Wooldridge, as well as others, worked long and hard on the float.

Fall pledges: Jabe Cooper, Ray Shepherd, Bill Perkins, and Ken Bryan, all from Richmond.

Actives recently initiated: Dick Moore, Doug Thorpe, Lawrence Bond and Clinton Felton (who was activated at the Conclave during the initiation ceremony).

A new television set was bought just in time to see the World Series.

Jack Griffin, former president, was drafted into the Marine Corps early this fall.

The chapter joined with the Richmond Alumni Chapter to celebrate Founders' Day at a banquet given at the WiUiam Byrd Hotel.

Congratulations are due to those men who were tapped by honoraries. Omicron Delta Kappa initiated Doug Clark; Pi Delta Epsilon, Andre Nielsen and also Clark; Phi Alpha Theta, Ward Harkrader, Bill Chalfin, and Nielsen. Virginia Alpha had more men tapped for honorary societies than any other fraternity. —William W. Chaffin


New Jersey Beta pledged 13 men during fall rushing. Hank Daaleman, rush chairman, is re- sponsible for this fine class, consisting of: Jim McCahill (president), Nick Korolkoff (vice- president), Tony Shalna, Bob Swan, Ray Fitz- patrick, Roy Winkler, Steve Sugar, Frank Gundaker, Dick Roeser, Gene Young, Elwood Heerwagen, Marshall McGrain, and Joe Rebo- vich.

Indicative of the feelings of the house upon stressing scholarship, half of this pledge class are scholarship students. At present the class is forming their own Dixie band.

May, 1951, initiates ( not previously reported): Lewis Kuhl ( son of Rutgers Sig Ep Lewis Kuhl, Sr., '22), Robert Wells, Eugene Marshall, Henry Lewis, Herman Connors, Douglas James, Don- ald DeSalvia, Richard Belthoff, William Thomp- son, Wilfred Compher, Thomas ■Kitchen, John Senkewicz, John Devlin. Walter Gabruk was initiated in October.

Ross Mathews, '51, who received the Scott Key Scholarship Award, is working for his master's degree.

Our football team placed second. In cross country out of 25 competing living groups we placed second, with John Senkewicz garnering first-place honors. Our champion basketball team is bolstered by some capable pledges.

New Jersey Beta has started work on a house newspaper. Bill Jeney, publicity chairman, with


At Randolph-Macon house, no one loves books more than Phi Bete aspirants Howard Jernigan and his roommate Richard Ferano.

the help of the historian, will publish the paper which is to be called The Raritanian.

Lew Kuhl has been awarded the title "Most Collegiate Dressed Man on Campus."

Before Thanksgiving we played host to five underprivileged children at an annual turkey dinner.

Frank Adams, former chapter president, after serving Uncle Sam for a year, is returning to school next semester.

The house has a new mascot— a beautiful Irish setter named Mr. Murphy who leads the Rutgers football team on the field.

The New Jersey Beta alumni held an outing November 17. The group is headed by Frank Johnson, president; Edward Enberg, secretary; Doctor Gemeroy, member of the board of trus- tees.

Highlighting the year's activities New Jersey Beta won the Rutgers Spirit Trophy, awarded the first time. The trophy was given to that living group which displayed the most spirit (not "spirits") at pep rallies and football games. Walt Roy worked like a beaver to help us win the trophy. —Thomas A. Kitchen

San Diego

An illustrated two-column article appeared in the San Diego, Calif., Union recently concern- ing the strange accident and fight for recovery of Curtis Tritchka.

Last Easter when Curt and ten of his chapter brothers were diving in the surf at Estero Beach, Curt cracked one of his vertebrae and injured his spinal cord in a freak accident that left him almost fully paralyzed and nearly took his life.

Though he now walks on crutches, medical specialists still cannot say whether he will fully recover.

California Delta welcomed 15 pledges at the end of the rush season. The pledges then elected their officers: Dick Mackie (son of Stan Mackie, California Beta), president; Jim Scott, vice-presi- dent; Ed Starr, historian; Rick Ledesma, guard.

On November 19, we celebrated the Golden Anniversary of the Fraternity with a dinner. Grand President Luis Roberts and Al Schuss, Washington Beta, were our chief speakers.

On December 1, we held Saints and Sinners, a dressy sport dance from which all the pro- ceeds went to the Red Feather Campaign in San Diego.

On New Year's Eve we had a dance jointly held with the local chapter of Alpha Tau Omega.

Semester vacation hit us January 21, and all the members went their various and sundry ways. School started again on February I and by then plans were well underway for our annual Queen of Hearts Ball.

Rushing has started again and last semester's pledges have become members. —Ed Stakr

Santa Barbara

The chapter has moved from the former home in Mission Canyon to the Chapel Inn this year. The house was built by the consul from Spain over 30 years ago. After the war, the house was turned into an Inn. In 1947 we occupied it for a year until a medical research group moved in. Last September, 18 actives returned to the new home while 7 men were recently initiated into the chapter. The recent initiates are: Bill Camp- bell, Jack Daulton, John Dickinson, Dave Keve- lin, Ed Monreal, Andy Spaan, Hale ToUeth, and Capt. George Trebilcock, new faculty adviser.

New pledges: Hugh Cameron, Chuck Light- foot, Bill Mitchel, Tony Romasanta, Gregg Stevens, Buzz Walder, and Paul Williamson.

Santa Barbara homecoming welcomed back many alumni. Seen at the house and traditional alumni breakfast were: Major Bill Colbern (first chapter member), Ray Hogaboom, Stan Lokken, Jack Jardine, Walt Sant, Bud Hammerstrom, John Borie, Bob Rice, Don Tooker (back from Korea), George Stevenson, Ed Faukuier, Ken Kellogg, Reno Chackel, and Syl Goodenow. Our Homecoming float, a 12-foot red Devil prodding the Whittier Poet into the sea, won second place among fraternities. The theme followed the song title: "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue 'C'."

Sig Ep, Sig Pi, Theta, and Pi Phi held a combined party at the house last Halloween. Hal Aarset won the best costume prize for his Jap pirate. A buffet dinner was served and everyone danced to McNamara's combo.

Dave Kevelin and Andy Spaan played varsity football this season. Dave played tackle and Andy, who broke his wrist in the Fresno State game, played end. —Alan Gillmore




Home of Stevens men at 530 Hudson Street, Hoboken, N.J. The house has four floors.

Southern California

Recent initiates: Larry Shinn, Alan Carpenter, Robert Riley, Richard Carter, Tom Eads, Harry Klinck, Charles Mathewson, Frank Erpelding, James Hotra, Hugh Kimball, George Gabrich, Hank Moomjian.


Recently pledged: Alfred Daub, William Mc- Rrayer, A. Ray McClure, Louis Paar, Clifford Revell, Charles Rose, and Laurence Willard.

A moonhght cruise on the St. Johns River and a victory party at the Orange City Hotel following the Richmond football game high- lighted our social calendar.

The Phi Society, liberal arts honorary, pledged Bruno Diguilian. Bruce Lane was initiated into Gamma Sigma Epsilon, national honorary chem- istry fraternity. Kenneth Wing was tapped by Gamma Sigma Epsilon, Sigma Pi Kappa, honor- ary journalistic fraternity, and Der Deutsche Verein, an honorary German organization.

CarroU Lewis, who was elected president of the junior class, also headed the barbecue com-

mittee for Homecoming. Horace Smith is treas- urer of the IFC.

Our dining-room is again in operation, with Bruno Diguilian as steward and Mrs. Nola .McClintock from Deland as our new house mother.

William Cuddy is interning this semester in Seabreeze High School at Daytona Beach.

—Ken Wing


Our football team has entered the finals for the interfraternity football chamionship after beating Sigma Nu in the last league game.

Jerry Duys and Denny Lenders have played a very succesful season on the varsity soccer squad. John Gibb, commodore of the Yacht Club, has led his men to place very well in recent intercollegiate races. Our representatives in the Glee Club include the vice-president and secretary as well as others in several activities. Dave Lebet and Ed Dillingham are teaching in the Industries Training School here at nights under Brother Prof. Matt Bilyk.

Recent improvements to the house, spurred on mainly by our Mothers' Club addition of new rugs and draperies, include new floors in the chapter rooms and a completely refinished din- ing-room floor. Our pledges, tired of the out- moded brownstone parts of the exterior of our house, have refinished it in white. Most of the work was done at night with spotlights.

New initiates: Pete Kalika and Herb Epp of New York City, Charles Clark and Bill Davis of Jersey City, Dave Findlay of Bronxville, N.Y., and Dave Lebet of Haverhill, Mass.

—Edward M. Smith, Jr.


Beginning September 12, 29 brothers returned to ready the house for rushing and the months of studying and partying ahead. Extensive re- decoration of the study room immediately began with wallpaper the current vogue. The fall initiation class painted the woodwork in the dining and music rooms and the upstairs- hall.

Thirty-eight active brothers and 16 pledges are keeping the chapter in its traditional high position at Syracuse with Bill Landis cracking the presidential whip.

Fall rushing was conducted by Rod Phibbs with a pledging of 16 men. New pledges were entertained at dinner October 10 followed by the formal pledging ceremonies.

Pledged: Conrad Brickman, Syracuse; Robert Clark, White Plains; John Creatura, Schenec- tady; William Donahoe, E. Orange, N.J.; Wil- ham Fagan, Stafford ville. Conn.; Frank Folts, Belmont, Mass.; Paul Frahm, Flushing; Robert Garver, Liverpool; William Gregory, Skaneat- eles; Herman Harding, Liverpool; Frank Lewis,


Syracuse; Roderick Meier, Rochester; Victor Methe, Springfield, Mass.; Willis Price, Syra- cuse; John Robinson, Rochester; and William Thompson, Painted Post.

Initiated October 28: Robert Campbell, Del- mar; William Danz, Flushing; Robert Fortier, Fisherville, Mass.; Will Nunn Graves, Edger- ton, Wis.; Camilo Mutis, Bogota, Colombia; John Riley, Phelps; Herbert Tepper, Woodside; and Richard Whiteman, Dansville.

Scholastically New York Alpha is 11th among 35 Hill fraternities with an average of 1.415. (Syracuse averages are computed on a 3. high system.) Our average is higher than the all- university men's average and the all-fraternity average.

New York Alpha finished second in individual flight competion in intramural football. We have won one and lost one so far in bowling, and we were entered in intramural swimming. We are signed up for basketball, volleyball, and hope to keep our ping pong crown for the fifth straight year.

Social activities so far include the initiation banquet with Dean of Men Frank Piskor as guest speaker and the "Sig Ep in Paris" party inspired by the An American in Paris movie. For this the house was decorated with a Bo- hemian kick, apache costumes were in order, and entertainment provided by the brothers included a "chanteuse," apache dancers and a "professor" from the Sorbonne as emcee.

Honorary brother A. E. Johnson of the Enghsh Department dined at the house on November 14 and addressed the brothers.

Coming up on the social agenda are coffees with Tri-Delt, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Phi. After-dinner speakers scheduled are the new hill fraternity advisers, Theodore Denise and Assistant Dean of Men Clifford J. Craven, and Stanley Evans from our alumni board.

Christmas activities included a date party at the house December 15 and a stag party after meeting December 17. The outside of the house was decorated by a five-man committee headed by Herb Soper. On the committee were Jim Kolbe, Jack Cornell, Herb Tepper and Bob Campell.

The annual "Flunker's Frolic" between Christ- mas and finals rounds out social activities until the spring semester and our Sweetheart banquet and ball,

Colgate weekend, Syracuse's biggest football weekend, November 16, 17, and 18 was the occasion of New York Alpha's celebration of Sig Ep's 50 years and our own 45 years on Piety Hill.

Approximately 300 local alumni answered the call of Doc Schwartz from the active chapter and Stanley Evans of the alumni board.

Opening Friday night with a house party and alumni registration the weekend ended with an open house Sunday afternoon attended by actives, alumni, dates, wives and representatives

of other Greek houses and the University admin- istration.

Following the game ( the Orange defeated the Chenango Valley Red 9-0), 170 actives, alumni, wives, and dates attended a banquet in Sims Dining Hall with Doc Schwartz serving as toastmaster. Highlighting the speakers were Irving G. Mathews, '09, a charter member of the chapter, and "Moe" LeSieur, '49. George Scobell, '15, led the cheers and many a rousing chorus of "Pull Your Shades Down, Alpha Phi" among other songs.

An alumni-sponsored party at the Hotel Onondaga Roof garden in downtown Syracuse was the finishing touch to the weekend reunion for many alumni and actives. Dancing to a combo hired for the occasion, songs and enter- tainment provided by the alumni and a race through a blinding snowstorm to beat the 1:30 co-ed curfew were finis to a very full day.

Prominently missing from the Colgate week- end festivities was Buster, our nine-year-old Great Dane, who developed a sore in his mouth and was rushed to the vet.

—Dick Whiteman


Social, athletic, and scholastic achievements were the selling point that enabled us to obtain the largest pledge class on campus for the fall semester, with 17 new men. This gives us a total of 36 actives, 6 holdover pledges, and 17 neophytes. All the new men have proved their capabihties as future Sig Eps.

Interfraternity sports present an extremely competitive program at Temple. Since the fall of 1947, when the active chapter returned to full swing in I-F athletics, Pennsylvania Mu has taken more first-place awards than any other group.

Temple's William Barber receives award as best cadet at Fort Eustis ROTC summer camp. He was picked over 1500 men repre- senting 37 U.S. colleges and universities.


During the four-year period, the IFC has ofFered 40 trophies for athletic achievement. Of these the Sig Eps have taken 28. They have taken five second and three third place honors in the 12 remaining contests.

In addition to the individual awards, they have won the All-Sports trophy for the past three years. This trophy is presented to the fraternity demonstrating the greatest all-round versatility in sports for the entire year.

The chapter trophy table, which needs to be constantly enlarged, is one of the chapter's best selling points to new rushees.

—Dean D. Yoxjng


New initiates: Gene Bhncoe, Long Island, N.Y.; Bob Boulden, Orlando, Fla.; Frank Elder, Nolensville; Ed Hall, Nashville; Morris Estes, Nashville; Ed Morgan, Hendersonville, N.C; Jack Thornton, Knoxville; Herb Crodemange, Memphis; Gene Koonce, Jackson; Tom McCord, Centerville; Johnny Reese, Patriot, Ind.; Clyde Pitts, Franklin, N.C.

Tennessee Alpha pledged 22 new men during rush week.

On November 8 we held our annual pledge dance. Following a buflFet supper at the chapter house, the party moved to one of the local supper clubs for the informal dance.

Recent achievements of individual members include Mark Venrick's selection as Torchbearer, high senior honor, and Pledge Tony Szymanski's election as Joe College, freshman honor. Howard Prince has been elected chapter president of the A. I. E. E. The Dixiecrat Party, a campus political compound of which Tennessee Alpha is a member, selected Brother Tom Coleman as chairman. Under his leadership the party carried the fall elections without opposition.

NoBAL King


Sig Ep, after defeating Phi Delta Theta in the league playoff and Delta Tau Delta for the all-fraternity championship, went on to beat Oak Grove for the University touch football championship. Members of the team were C. B. Sumrall, who was doing the passing, Bill Adams, Dudley Thompson, Wes Pokulda, Charles Bankston, Granville Deane, Brooks Goldsmith, Spencer Garsee, Bill Forrester, and Bob Wagner. Men picked for all-intramural team were Sumrall, Thompson, and Garsee.

In soccer we defeated Theta Xi, lost to Phi Delta Theta. We lead in the all-year team point standing.

The annual party with Oklahoma Beta was held at the Hotel Melrose in Dallas the week- end of the Texas-Oklahoma football game. Arrangements were handled by Herb Craft, Sr., and Keith Congdon.

Phil Woodruff is president of Ramshom, honorary senior Engineering Society,

Claude Goldsmith is a member of Silver Spurs, honorary service organization; IFC, and member of the steering committee of the Fra- ternity Clique.

Bill Parker is a member of Cowboys, honorary service organization, and student head of the Texas Union.

Joe Wheat is president of the Rusk Literary and Debating Society.

Paul Martino is senior intramural manager.

Joe Ben Ashby is manager of the Longhorn football team.

-Ted Kipp


Sixteen brothers have been initiated at the University of Toledo so far this year, making Ohio Iota the largest of the 11 fraternities on campus. Total active membership is now 51.

Twenty-seven freshmen were pledged Decem- ber 4; almost one-fifth of the freshmen going Greek chose the house with the Red Door, a tribute to Rush Chairman Joe Krajewski's well- planned program.

Larry Leake was appointed to fill an unex- pired term on Student Council as junior men's representative He is also junior class president and circulation manager of the Campus Col- legian, weekly student newspaper.

Dick Springer was appointed news editor of the Collegian. Buzz Bartow, until recently editor-in-chief of the Collegian, was named copy editor of the Blockhouse, university yearbook. Bill Benson was chosen to serve on the art staff of the Blockhouse.

Who's Who will list Dick Bensman, president of student council; Larry Leake, and Dick Springer. Leake is vice-president of the chapter and Springer is comptroller.

Initiated in September: Buzz Bartow, Tom Bayer, and Bill Benson, all of last spring's upperclass pledge class; Paul Zatko, a carry- over from last year's freshman pledge class, and Al Sorah, a former Chi Beta Chi, the local that preceded Ohio Iota chapter.

December 16 initiates: Bob Breese, Duke Dayton, George Hartman, Jerry laguUi, Russ Kiker, Denny McEhoy, Bob McCarthy, Bill Michael, Bob Naveaux, Ray Ritzenthaler, and Ernie Spisz.

The annual Christmas Formal was held De- cember 29 at the Toledo Yacht Club. Many Toledo Sig Eps, home from other colleges, were welcomed by Ohio Iota, as well as several brothers on leave from the armed services.

House improvements include an exterior coat of paint. A new rug was purchased for the liv- ing-room with rugs for the dining-room and halls yet to come. The music room was painted and decorated and a new room, the Pipe Room, came into being. The former laundry room in


the basement, formerly an eye-sore, was made into an interesting attraction with each of the many overhead pipes being painted in diflFerent colors.

Five rustic tables were constructed for the bar by Russ Kiker and Gus Peleusis.

—Buzz Bartow


Manpower: 48 actives, 14 pledges. Five men whose pledgeships were continued over the summer vacation were initiated October 20: Jack Hendricks, Leo Fisher, Don Brady, Bill Chambers, and Lewis Collins.

The Social Committee, with Bob Parse as chairman, has made tentative dates and arrange- ments for our two largest annual functions, the Sig Ep Moonshiners Ball and the Golden Heart Formal. Two red-blooded stag parties have been held at Lost City, one of them as a kick-oflF for the first semester of this school year, and the other as a rush party One of our house parties was augmented by a pre-dance barbecue.

Our intramural basketball team, undefeated in 12 games last year, is waiting for the season to begin. Oiu: volleyball team has not lost a game so far.

The entire front of our house has been re- modeled, the biggest changes being the removal of the front porch and the addition of a flag- stone patio and window shutters. The inside has been redecorated with the aid of our mothers' club. Latest contribution has been an all-metal wardrobe in each sleeping room and an electric dripolator coffee urn as a Thanksgiving Day present.

We won the cup for winning the annual homecoming float contest. Our housemother plans to present an award to the winner of our ping-pong tournament.

—John Smith


We were greeted upon our return to the campus by a much-needed furnace, hot-water tank, and set of living-room furniture. The downstairs received a thorough cleaning at the hands of most of the members in preparation for the Homecoming Weekend.

Another addition is an attractive bar designed by Hank Browne and financed through the do- nation of $100 by Russ Taylor, an inactive pledge. The bar is made of glass brick, through which diffused lighting is seen, and is topped by hand-finished, highly polished plywood.

The Homecoming Weekend took place Oc- tober 20 and saw many of the alumni returning to school and to the house for some good parties. Our annual banquet was held Saturday night at the Monticello Hotel. Dr. Earl R. Boggs, one of our brothers and a member of the faculty, was guest speaker.

Curt Bazemore, Jr., editor of the Cavalier Daily, chapter president, won third prize in the college editorial competition sponsored by Pi Delta Epsilon, national journalism fraternity. In winning this award, Curt's editorial was judged along with 267 other entries from 150 college journahsts.

Bob Richie, currently wearing a lieutenant's bars on a U. S. Marine uniform, is stationed at Quantico, and continues to drop by the house. —George C. McIntosh

W^ahe Forest

New pledges: Mack Barrett, Brookins Beck, James Boyd, Tommy Cole, Charles Castor, Bill Grey, Terry Gwinn, Louis Hallow, Walter Hen- drix, Zeke Johnston, John Johnson, John Kin- law, Bob Koontz, Phillip Livingston, Charles Morgan, Dan Poole, Richard Price, Coy Privette, Craham Phillips, Charles Reaves, Robert Sasser, Thomas Todd, Wayne Weber, Jack Welch, Dan Workman.

Dick Warren is our most recent initiate.

Mac Fuller, our social chairman, early in October arranged an open house for campus women, coinciding with an afternoon smoker. Homecoming was preceded by a cabin party on the Halloween theme, and after our home- coming victory over Carolina we celebrated at the interfraternity dance at which Charlie Spi- vak played.

In athletics we won the volleyball trophy.

Scholastically we placed second among the

Washburn's Snyder, Warren, Vandever, and Etzel (left to right) dressed as hoboes to participate in the Homecoming parade.


fraternities for the preceding year and had a fraternity average well above the average for the school.

We have a new housemother-dietitian for our dining hall— Mrs. Matti Bell Goodwin Jones of Dunn, N.C.

Among alumni back on visits this fall: E. P. Ellis, Tom Ogburn, John Nelson, L. P. Meggin- son, Bill MoLain, John Mauney, James Valsame, Phil Scott, Max Nance, Charlie Wrenn.

—John Oates


Scholarship: First among all groups.

In the November Journal we stated that 22 pledges were anticipated. When the rushing season ended the figure stood at 29.

Robert Dunham was elected president of the sophomore class and Kermit Palmer was elected secretary-treasurer of the freshman class. Milton Elwood was elected first vice-president of the Young Democrats. Wayne Taylor is president of the Association of Business Students.

Robert Jennings reigned as King at Wash- burn's 87th Homecoming. He was elected by the football squad. In the homecoming parade the Sig Ep float received third place.

—Robert H. Reeder


Manpower: We have pledged 9 more men in informal rushing which, added to our original pledge class of one holdover pledge and 12 ac- quired during formal rushing, gives us a total of 21 new men.

Our football team has taken first place in our league and as this is being written is fighting for first in the all-university standings. During the regular season we were never scored upon.

Our primary objective in school scholarship, has gone up considerably from what it was in the past. In the 1949-50 school year we placed 28th out of 40 fraternities, but in one short year we came up to 14th place.

Washington's Homecoming game was played against Stanford. Our theme for decoration was "Buffalo the Indians" or "The Indians aren't worth a plugged nickle."

At our Founders' Day Banquet, November 19, it was announced that construction on our new house will start around January 1.

We have three new officers: president, Robert Laws; historian, Bill Whitney; and rushing chairman, Mark Stryker,

Thomas V. Kane was selected to attend a dental seminar at Pakn Springs, Calif.

—William E. Whitney

A Neophyte Speaks



ONE of the major events of a young high school graduate is his first week in col- lege. In this week he must make many adjustments by changing his routines, his way of thinking, and his habits to meet the challenge. And it is one of the most important challenges to be encountered along the difficult road to prosperity.

If the student joins a fraternity, an- other major event is the pledge period. Here, too, he must make adjustments. He must learn to adjust his personality; he must learn to work and to think as part of a group, yet not submerge his own identity.

Too often a pledge thinks of this pe- riod as a series of menial tasks performed for the advantages of the active mem- bers; but the real purpose is to teach the pledge to respect others, and to prepare the pledge for the active participation in fraternity life. The pledge period and fraternity life in general is, in reality, one more step on that long and trying road.

Washington U (St. Louis)

Missoiui Beta moved and is now located at 6559 University Drive in the new den acquired about a week before rush week began.

Rushing results so far this semester are seven men pledged.

Our homecoming float this year, designed by Bob Blanke, was entitled "Come Ona My House" and consisted of a Washington U. Bear beckoning a Red-Cat to come to his den, which was a model of Brookings Hall. An open house for all alumni and friends of the chapter was held in the den after the game.

On Founders' Day we were privileged to have Founder Carter Jenkens as our guest of honor and principal speaker. His presence and his speech reminded us all of the greatness of our Fraternity and what it should mean to all of us. We were glad to see many alumni in attendance and it gave us all a chance to be- come better acquainted.

Sig Eps at Washington University are receiv- ing more honors. Dr. Ralph Bieber, head of the History Department and honorarily initiated into Sig Ep, has been made a Phi Beta Kappa associate. John Luedde, chapter historian, was elected to Pi Tau Sigma, national mechanical engineering honorary.

The social season was highlighted by two dances, the first of which was held on October 6, at the Hamilton Wilshire Hotel. Music was _ provided by KMOX combo. Our Snowball


Dance was held on December 14 also at the Hamilton Wilshire Hotel. This was our formal dance of the year; the KMOX orchestra played.

—John Luedde


Chuck Nicholas and Frank Jones were selected for the campus Who's Who. Frank Jones has been elected president of Tau Kappa Alpha, forensic Honorary, and also has been named vice-president of the Debators Associa- tion of Pennsylvania's colleges.

Our chapter pledged 33 men this semester.

The scholarship committee, under the direc- tion of Jon Valentine and Don Carver, has set up a schedule for tutoring and group study.

The chapter has again won the interfraternity football cup and also stands first in the inter- fraternity bowling league.

—James J. Deighan

During the busy Alumni Weekend in June, time was found to elect a new alumni board to guide Pennsylvania Lambda's declining destin- ies. Robert Hope, '48, was chosen as president; Russell Herrscher, '48, vice-president; R. Elwin Fuller, '42, secretary-treasurer; Charles Ridl, '42, Thomas Turner, '45, and William McLhin- ney, '48, members of the board.

In the first alumni board meeting of the fall session held October 6, 1951, steps were taken to reduce delinquent accounts. To strengthen the chapter, a revision of the relationship of the eating club to other functions was undertaken during the visit of Field Secretary Walt Preston.

The Memorial Field House, the new home of Westminster's topnotch Towering Titans, is to be formally opened with appropriate ceremonies at the Geneva College-Westminster game on December 15, 1951. As this is being written, the alumni board is making plans for a dinner-meet- ing prior to attending the game in a body.

Among those who will work with the alumni in obtaining their assistance for revitalization of the chanter are Tom Evans, '48, Russell Herr- scher, '48, Thomas Turner, '45, Harry Ray- buck, '48, and Robert Hope, '48.

R. Elwin Fuller


Manpower: 22 actives and 7 pledges. Norm Anderson and Bob Nanz, both Wisconsin Camma, have affiliated.

A Christmas Formal was held in the chapter house December 15.

The interfraternity sports contest has given us a divisional championship in football and bowling, and a first-place trophy in volleyball. Also we are tied for first place in basketball

Rush chairman Rog Martin served as general chairman of "Sweater Prom," an annual campus

dance given for the benefit of the Community Chest. Rog's twin brother Bob is a member of the student life and interest committee, which governs student affairs. Kurt Krahn is a member of the interfraternity public relations committee, and Ray Volp serves as statistician in the intra- mural sports office. Joe Loeffler coached one of the local high school football teams this season and is wrestling and swimming coach at the YMCA. Del Roehm plays viohn with the University orchestra and also maintains an A scholastic average.

Chapter officers: president. Bob Martin; vice- president. Bill Hemphill; secretary, Kurt Krahn; comptroller, Roger Knopf; historian. Herb Braun; senior marshal, Jim Braun; junior mar- shal, Ray Sanders; guard. Earl Gripentrog.

—Herb Braun

HVorcester Tech

Manpower: recent pledging of 25 men has increased the total number of men in the house to 76.

Homecoming Weekend in late October saw a record number of alumni returning to Boynton Hill and our beloved 11 Boynton Street.

Nine Sig Eps played on the college football team which completed one of its better seasons with a record of 4 won and 2 lost: Joe Jiunnies (co-captain), Ceorge Abdow, Bob Eldredge, Ted Fritz, Carl Hammar, Alan Hansen, Dave Holmes, Jim MacKay, and Pete Peterson.

The annual Interfraternity Ball was held at the school in mid December.

—Phil Simon


Manpower: Our chapter now numbers 22 with the initiation of John Brannum, Dave Bab- cock, and Ed Fowler. Our pledge class is down to 11 since three men have dropped because of financial reasons and the draft.

We recently had a pledge-active day, the first at our chapter.

Our pledge dance was held December 7.

—Wayne Helterbran

Rushees at Wisconsin enjoy buffet dinner. President Bob Martin at head of table.

Sigma Phi Epsilon


1949 edition


A few hundred copies of the recently pubhshed Directory of members of the Fraternity are still available. For your copy of this useful book, address the Central Office, 15 North Sixth Street, Richmond 19, Va., enclosing one dollar. To be sure of getting a copy, write promptly.

Favorite fraternity songs

Sig Ep National Headquarters 15 North Sixth Street Richmond, Virginia

Please send me postpaid .... album (s), SIG EP SONGS, for which I enclose check, money- order for $ @ 3.30 each

N ame


EDWARDS. HALDEMAN & CO.— Detroit 26, Mich.


,.-»<> .„..;-,. ^-^- ■■■-..<-. .fif tni'rim'i]it'"n^l^h'

Order Your Badge From The Following Price Litt

Minia- ture Official

Plain Border $ 4.50 $ 9.79


Imitation Crown Set Pearl ^10.50 ^13.90

Whole Pearls 13.50 19.25

Whole Pearls, 3 Diamonds 53.50 62.00

New Extra Crown Set. Larger Pearls 17.50 21.50


One Letter

Plain * 2.25

Chased * . 2.75

Close Set, Half Pearl 4.90 ,

Crown Set, Whole Pearl 6.90


Official $ .75

Crest 1.00

Crest, Enameled 1-29

Monogram, Plain 1.29

Pledge Button .79

Atl Prices Subject to 20% Federal Tarn

Send for your free copy of our new 1951 BOOK OF TREASURES.

Sig Ep houses had red doors long before the U. of Massachusetts boys (and now the Maine fellows have got them, too) wore red suspenders.

A few years ago the Ohio State men sent us a Kodachrome transparency of their red door


for use as a Journal cover, but it came at a time when a lot of malcontents on soap boxes throughout the country were giving the name "Red" to groups on the most fanciful pretext, and we were extremely cautious in not using it.

And now comes the Syracuse chapter, through a letter from Dick Whiteman, signaliz- ing "the opening gun in New York Alpha's campaign to aflRx red paint to the outer doors of every Sig Ep chapter house on 109 campuses in the nation,"

Whiteman points out the interesting fact that his chapter's delegate to the recent Conclave took a poll while he was there and discovered that already 38 Sig Ep houses have red doors.

Whiteman further states that "This easy identification of the red doors would tend to unify all chapters. Any visiting Sig Ep by watching for the red doors could easily find the local chapter house, thus making The House with the Red Doors synonymous with Sigma Phi Epsilon nationally."

Ever since the last JotmNAL was put to- gether, our editorial conscience has suflFered some pangs because in trying to do a fairly straight job of reporting the Conclave, we omitted some paragraphs of tribute to the 50th Anniversary Conclave's Grand President— Dr. William C. Smolenske.

It was a generous gesture on the part of Providence, we feel, that the Fraternity was given such a fine leader during the year that marked the end of a half-century of Sig Ep existence.

Doc Smolenske has been in every way a working Grand President. Like a man possessed he has worked for the Fraternity— not for his own honor. He worked at a furious pace as Grand President, but he had begun to labor

for Sig Ep long before. As governor of the Rocky Mountain district— one of the largest in the system— he held exemplary district meetings and frequently visited his chapters— those in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico.

No longer Grand President, he continues to work as district governor— continues to work like a man possessed with the conviction that the right kind of brotherhood is so important that we should all work our heads off for it.

At home. Doc never has to apologize for spending so much time working for Sig Ep. Mrs. S. thoroughly approves. Son Jack is his chapter brother at Denver. Now comes notice that daughter Donna Virginia was united in marriage to Bruce Thomas Bowers, an up- standing man from Fraternity Row— an S.A.E.— on December 27, 1951, in the Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, Denver.

The Economic Club of Detroit is a group of business and industrial tycoons which in- cludes such men as General Motors president Charles E. Wilson. Last October the club engaged Sigma Phi Epsilon's dynamic scholar- ship chairman U. G. Dubach to deliver an address at a general members' luncheon. They printed an elaborate program, reciting what such programs usually contain, then giving not only the Dean's various titles and the subject of his address— "What We Should Have Learned in Our Foreign Affairs, During the Past Five Years"— but also a fairly lengthy curriculum vitae which the Dean had provided. Heading a seemingly endless list of training, experience, travels, and lecture record, the Dean had placed "Sigma Phi Epsilon Frater- nity." Perhaps the members of the Economic Club of Detroit now have a higher respect for fraternity in this life having seen the name of one accomplished man's fraternity so prominent- ly displayed.

A milestone in Oregon Alpha history was reached in 1951 spring initiation when Jim

Welty, freshman honor student of Medford, Ore., became the 500th initiate of the chapter. Adding significance to the event was the presence of Dean Dubach, whom we have just mentioned, now Dean of Men Emeritus of Oregon State College, who was an initiate among the early founders of the chapter 33 years ago. Dr. Dubach served as adviser to the chapter for 30 years, until his retirement from Oregon State College faculty, and was a prime factor in building Oregon Alpha into one of the outstanding chapters among all fraternities.


Directory of Officers

Founded at the University of Richmond, 1901, by Carter AsHTON Jenkens, Benjamin Donald Gaw (d.), Wil- liam Hugh Carter, William Andrew Wallace (d.). Thomas Temple Wright, William Lazell Phillips, LuciAN Baum Cox, Richard Spurceon Owens (d.). Edgar Lee Allen (d.), Robert Alfred McFarland, Franklin Webb Kerfoot (d.), and Thomas Vaden McCaul. Chartered under the Laws of the State of Virginia, 1902. Central Office: 15 North Sixth St., Richmond, Va. grand president: Luis J. Roberts, 840 B Street, San Diego,

Calif. grand vice-president: Frank H. Hamack, P.O. Box 834,

Edmonds, Wash. grand treasurer : Edwin Buchanan, First Wisconsin National

Bank, Milwaukee, Wis. GRAND historian: Robert W. Kelly, 309 Lafayette St., New

York 12, N.Y. grand secretary : William W. Hindman, Jr., 15 North Sixth

St., Richmond 19, Va.

grand guard: J. Russelll Pratt, 4061 Rose Ave., Western Springs, III.

SENIOR grand marshal: Charles F. Stewart, Cleveland In- surance Agency, Inc., 808 Guardian BIdg., Cleveland, Ohio.

JUNIOR grand marshal: PAin- B. Slater, 3046 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.


Franklin St., Richmond, Va. TRUSTEES OF ENDOWMENT FUND: WALTER G. pLY, Chairman, 141 E. North St., Bethlehem, Pa., Edwin Buchanan, Larkin Bailey, Charles S. Thompson, William C. Smolenske, Luis J. Roberts, William W. Hindman, Jr. Address cor- respondence to Secretary of the Board, William W. Hind- man, Jr.


L. Ryan, 1358 Third St., Santa Monica, Calif.; Earle W. Frost, 710 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.; Gustave A. Schmidt, Jr., 89 Oakview Ave., Maplewood, N.J. ; Wil- liam W. Hindman, Jr. trustees of national headquarters corporation : Ernest L. Dyer, President, 323 Western Union BIdg., Norfolk 10, Va.; William W. Hindman, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer, 15 North Sixth St., Richmond, Va. ; Herbert H. Smith, vice-president, 4300 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. ; Dr. William C. Smolenske; Frank H. Hamack.

chaplain: The Rev. Thomas V. McCaul, 502 N.E. 8th Ave., Gainesville, Fla.

other officials: John Robson, Editor of the Journal, 609 E. 74th Ter., Kansas City, Mo. and William W. Hindman, Jr., Business Manager, 15 North Sixth St., Richmond, Va. ; Franklin C. Sewell, National Librarian, c/o San Fran- cisco Jr. College, San Francisco, Calif.; Dr. U. G. Dubach, National Scholarship Chairman, 9555 S.W. Lancaster St., Portland, Ore.; Edwin S. Darden, National Advisory Architect, R.F.D. 3, Box 411, Merced, Calif.

assistants to grand secretary : Frank Ruck, Jr., Carl O. Petersen.

field secretaries: Albert A. Mezo, Walter J. Preston, Robert T. Bonnell, 15 North Sixth St., Richmond, Va.

The year just passed has been a notable one for fraternities. It is pretty certain that never before in the 175-year history of Greek-letter societies have they enjoyed such a favorable press. People interested in reading of campus activities learning about Work Week have be- gun to look on Fraternity Row in a new light.

Sig Ep chapters could be proud that they were in the forefront of the growing movement to outmode the old Hell Week. But they could also be proud of an achievement in which Sigma Phi Epsilon had pioneered— a very fine Boys' Camp Plan.

With one year of operation very successfully completed last summer at the University Camp, Green Lane, Pa., Grand Secretary Hindman's office quickly launched a campaign for 1952 camp that would assure an enlarged program for the project.

Early returns in the campaign— which has now been extended so that it will close Febru- ary 15— showed several 100 per cent chapter contributions. Among the first to achieve per- fect records were the Bowling Green and Miami (Ohio) chapters with $53 and $71, re- spectively; also Illinois Alpha with $71.

Grand Secretary Hindman's message concern- ing the Fund appears on the back cover of this issue. There is still time for all good Sig Eps to come to the aid of their brotherhood in supporting this very noble activity.

Bill Moredock of the Florida house gets the nod this time for doing the best job in helping us turn out an interesting Journal. His coverage includes a fine help week story with pictures as well as an excellent piece on homecoming and stories of various phases of chapter life plus some alumni news and list of chapter brothers entering the service. Ap- parently not afraid to try out a new simile, Bill ends his homecoming story with this sen- tence: "The weekend was big and beautiful, but Sunday came and everyone left the Uni- versity like a rising fog."

Though the Journal uses pictures to tell the story, especially when correspondents and photographers come across with some good ones, not many cuts have appeared showing scenes at scholarship banquets where the men of good average sit before luscious steaks and the so-called mush-eaters or bean-chewers sit ignominiously in the background.

Photos of these mush-eaters generally reveal at least one, or perhaps two, young fellows, who seem studious enough but they just don't look as smart as the others. In fact, they may have studied hard. Sometimes such devices as the mushbowl are reminiscent of dunce caps, which we understand haven't been an ac- cepted tool of education for years. J.R.
















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Wear your pin always wherever you may go. A beautiful symbol of your fraternity, your pin not only identifies you on campus or at home, but may be the means of recognition and the beginning of new friendships.

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Badges: Regular Crown Extra Crown

Miniature Official Miniature Official

Plain $4.50 $ 5.75 $ $

Nugget border .^ 5.50 6.00

Engraved border 5.50 6.75

Crown set pearl 13.50 19.25 17.50 21.50

Crown set pearl, 3 diamonds 24.00 48.50 46.00 53.75

Crown set pearl, 4 diamonds 27.50 58.00 55.50 64.50

Crown set pearl and diamond alternated 41.50 115.00 93.50 129.00

Crown set diamond 69.50 210.00 169.50 236.50

Imitation crown set badge 10.50 13.50

Pledge button, gold plated $0.75 Greek letter monogram recognition $1.25

Recognition button, gold filled or sterling 0.75 Miniature enameled coat of arms recognition,

miniature size 1.25

20% Federal Tax and any State Tax in addition.

PARTY FAVORS— DANCE PROGRAMS . . . exclusive designs, and the unusual and different in party favors and dance programs. Discounts on favors for quantity orders.

Write for catalog STATIONERY engraved with your crest for social use. Many styles. Write for samples.

Official Jeweler to Sigma Phi Epsilon


Factories at ATTLEBORO, MASSACHUSETTS IN CANADA . . . Contact your nearest BIRKS' STORE





Can /on spare a Dollar to send a bo/ to eanip?

Help your Fraternity by helping others

Once again the lime has arrived for Sig Eps, through the medium of our Sig Ep Camp Fund, to help others less fortunate than ourselves. The Sig Ep Camp Fund reached its goal for last summer (its second year of operation) the raising of $1,350 which enabled it to send 108 boys, one for each of our undergraduate chapters, for an approximate ten-day camping period during this past summer, to the University Camp for Boys at Green Lane, Pennsyl- vania. Our goal for this, our Golden Anni- versary Year, is the raising of sufficient funds to send at least 161 boys, one for each of our undergraduate and alumni chapters, for a similar camping period next summer to the same camp. If sufficient funds are contributed, we hope to be able to send some additional underprivileged boys to similar-type University connected boys camps, such as those sponsored by the Uni- versity of Michigan and the University of Southern California.

The Grand Chapter is taking care of all the expenses incurred in the collection of these contributions and thus 100 per cent out of every dollar you contribute will be used exclusively to send underprivileged boys to camp nothing will be taken out for ex- penses.

The National Executive Committee, at its annual meeting held at the Hotel John Marshall, Richmond, Virginia, on Septem- ber 2, 1951, unanimously passed the follow-

Grand Secretary, Central Office

Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

15 North Sixth Street, Richmond 19, Virginia

I am enclosing dollar(s) as my con- tribution to the 1952 Sig Ep Camp Fund which is to be used by the Fraternity to send underprivileged boys to camp next summer.

Name Chapter and Class


ing resolution for presentation to the Twenty-second Grand Chapter Conclave:

Be It Resolved: That the Executive Committee of the (.rand Chapter express its appreciation to all Active Chapters, Alumni Chapters, and Associations, Members and Non-members of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, who have contributed to the Camp Fund, which en- abled 108 underprivileged children to attend this year a summer camp where they were able to enjoy the benefits of healthy and group living; and thus giving strength to Sigma Phi Epsilon's desire to accomplish u worthy endeavor outside its ordinary field of opera- tions.

To honor our Founders in this, our Golden Anniversary Year, we have decided to shift the time of our Annual Sig Ep Camp Fund Campaign from the Spring of the year to the Fall and have it start on Founders' Day, ISovember 1, and run until February 15, 1952.

If you approve of Sigma Phi Epsilon's par- ticipation in this project and are anxious to do your bit, please tear off and fill in the coupon below, attach a dollar or more if you wish enclose in an envelope and send it to Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, 15 North Sixth Street, Richmond 19, Va. Please send all contributions on or preferably be- fore February 15, 1952, so that we may bring our campaign to a successful conclu- sion. If you send a check make it payable to Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. We will mail you a postal card receipt and you will get a chance to see next Fall the good your gift has done when the results are featured in the JOURNAL. This is your chance to help Sig Ep send many boys to camp. A gift of a dollar, given from your heart, will send a boy to camp next summer for almost a day.

UiXJJjU^^ u). H^UXm..^^,


...^ C 3:

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