Publication 817 tgJ&Sxm*. Issued September, 1949 Technical Bulletin 70 DOMINION OF CANADA - DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA by George P. Holland Science Service, Division of Entomology, Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. Published by the Authority of The Right Honourable JAMES G. GARDINER Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada 630.4 *j2J? / PROPERTY OF LIBRARY p 817 WM / DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA 1949 / Lent to C. 3 Dale PLEASE RETURN AL 32 25169— ISM— 559 £. el $> AGRWULTWE MO ^ I'P aGrVfOOO CANADA U. JcABiiSQ BIDS. CENTRAL UBBARY owl IOTHEC ■ 'OTHEOU '% CANADA K1 A 0C5 v: oN Publication 817 4kJ§1*&± Issued September, 1949 Technical Bulletin 70 DOMINION OF CANADA - DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA by George P. Holland Science Service, Division of Entomology, Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B. C. Published by the Authority of The Right Honourable JAMES G. GARDINER Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada 1M 12354-949 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 5 Acknowledgments 9 Synopsis of the fleas of Canada 11 Distribution by provinces 15 Notes on life history and ecology 19 Host Specificity 23 Geographical distribution of fleas in Canada 29 1. Distribution of the "True Host" 29 2. Geographical Limitation by Climatic Factors 30 Notes on the relationship of nearctic and palaearctic fleas 35 Economic importance of fleas in Canada 37 1. Domestic and Veterinary Infestations 37 2. Medical 37 Notes on anatomy as applied to systematics 39 1. Head 39 2. Thorax 41 3. Legs 42 4. Pregenital Segments of Abdomen 42 5. Male Genitalia 43 6. Female Genitalia 45 The Problem of flea taxonomy 47 Notes on the illustrations 49 Glossary of Abbreviations 51 Key to the genera of Canadian fleas 53 The order Siphonaptera 59 Family 1 . Pulicidae 59 Subfamily A. Spilopsyllinae 00 Subfamily B. Pulicinae 03 Family 2. Vermipsyllidae 08 Family 3. Hystrichopsyllidae 70 Subfamily A. Hystrichopsyllinae 71 Subfamily B. Neopsyllinae 79 Subfamily C. Rhadinopsyllinae 89 3 Sul Sul Sul Famil Sul Sul Sul Sul Famil Host-fi family I ). ( Jtenophthalminae (.>3 family E. Anomiopsyllinae 96 family 1 Nearctopsyllinae 102 V i. Ceratophyllidae 107 family A. Ajnphipsyllinae 10S family B. I )olichopsyllinae Ill family ( '. ( Jeratophj llinae 112 family 1). Leptopsyllinae 173 V 5. Is< HNOPSYLLIDAE 178 EA i x di ;x 183 Appendix A. Collecting Methods , 197 B. Mounting Techniques 198 C. Glossary of Collectors 199 Bibliography A. Morphological and Systematic References 203 B. Plague References (Selected) 210 C. References Concerning Hosts, Faunal Areas, Etc 212 Plates and figures 215 Index 301 INTRODUCTION The taxonomy of North American fleas has received considerable attention during the last half-century. However, such monographic works as have appeared to the present time have dealt almost exclusively with the fleas of the United States. Inasmuch as indigenous Canadian mammals and birds support a rich flea fauna, containing many species not known elsewhere in North America, it appears justifiable at this time to present a summary of present knowledge oi the species occurring in the Dominion of Canada. Interest in Canadian Siphonaptera began in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, where amateur naturalists and professional trappers such as A. D. Gregson, Allan Brooks, G. F. Dippie and others collected large numbers of these insects for the Hon. N. Charles Rothschild of Tring, England. Many new species were described by Rothschild and Dr. Karl Jordan from this material. In addition, Dr. Carl F. Baker, in his works on North American fleas (1895-1905) described three species from the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., and many others from the United States, of which a number have since been shown to occur also in Canada. In more recent years, collections of fleas made by Professor G. J. Spencer of the University of British Columbia, and Eric Hearle of the Dominion Entomological Laboratory at Kamloops, B.C. have been submitted to Dr. Julius Wagner of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, who recogn- ized and described several additional species, and who also added considerably to the distributional knowledge of the siphonapterous fauna of British Columbia. Since 1938, interest in the fleas of British Columbia and Alberta has again been aroused in connection with the sylvatic ( = bubonic) plague surveys con- ducted by the Health Departments of those provinces, under the direction of the Dominion Department of National Health and Welfare and the Dominion Department of Agriculture Laboratories at Kamloops. In the spring of 1942, the Public Health Department of Saskatchewan was prompted to organize a plague survey, as Pasteurella pestis had been isolated from ground squirrels (Citellus r. richardsonii) and their fleas in Divide County, North Dakota, just south of the Canadian border the previous year (Pub. Hlth. Repts. 57(24) :903), as well as from certain areas in Alberta in 1939 (Gibbons and Humphreys, 1941:26). Furthermore, the Indian rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) had been discovered in significant numbers in certain areas in Vancouver and other Pacific coast cities (Holland 1940, 1941, 1944). Brown (1944) published a list of the fleas of Alberta, and other papers dealing with the plague situation. Members of the staff of the Livestock Insects Laboratory at Kamloops have been able to do considerable collecting of fleas from a wide variety of hosts in the three western provinces. Also, the writer has had the opportunity of examining much of the material sent to the Laboratory of Hygiene at Kamloops by the plague survey crews. In addition, many fleas from scattered localities have been submitted by various collectors. As a result of all this accumulation of material, many interesting and important records have been made, as well as notes on host relationships and geographical distribution not hitherto published. The eastern provinces of Canada and the coast of Labrador have been singularly neglected with reference to systematic collecting, and published records of fleas are few. This holds true also for the far north. Recently, the writer had the opportunity of studying the Siphonaptera in the Canadian National Collection at Ottawa. The bulk of this material is from Ontario 5 THE SIPHONAPTERA ( >K CANADA with sin. ill series from Manitoba, Quebec, the Mari times and Northwest Ter- ritories, and while the collection is not large, it serves to give a fairly representative picture of the species occurring in those parts of the' country. The present paper, then, brings together all available published and unpub- lished data, up to December 31, 1(M6, and is intended as a guide to the known flea fauna of Canada. Descriptions and discussions of families, subfamilies and genera are given. Categories below genera are not formally described in detail except in a few instances where new species or subspecies are established, or where the description of the male or female of a species known previously only from the opposite sex, is provided. Otherwise, the various species and subspecies are treated only by means of keys, illustrations and sometimes brief notes on structures of particular diagnostic significance. All available host and locality records of the fleas known to occur in this country are listed. Under the discussion of each species, selected literature references are given. These do not comprise a complete bibliography*, but are merely references to the original description, important supplementary descriptions, if any, and papers recording the species in Canada. Previous records of localities and hosts are summarized, and the nomen- clature of the hosts brought up to date insofar as possible. Where synonymy or revisions have made changes necessary, the host name as originally recorded is given in quotation marks, with the corrected name following in parentheses. In addition, where the names of localities have been misspelled or not clearly expressed in previous publications, corrections or explanatory notes are appended. Records include, wherever possible, dates of collection and numbers of specimens obtained. It is felt that this information should be made available as certain fleas show trends towards abundance at particular seasons of the year. These data are not included in the case of domestic infestations of certain Old-World species. All new records are from material studied and preserved at the Livestock Insects Laboratory, Kamloops, B.C., the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa, Ont., or the Department of Zoologv, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. To date there are records of 127 species and subspecies of fleas belonging to five families occurring in the Dominion of Canada. Of these, six species are believed to have been introduced from Europe or Asia, being common parasites of man and domestic animals, and now are almost cosmopolitan in distribution. The remaining 121 are regarded as indigenous. A very few of these are circum- polar in distribution, being apparently identical with corresponding fleas in northern Europe and Asia. Four new species, one new subspecies, and the males or females of three other species, previously known only from the opposite sex, are described. In addition, one new subfamily is proposed. Of recent years it has been the practice at this laboratory to prepare scientific study skins representative of all species of mammals and birds taken during the course of field collecting of ectoparasites (see Appendix A.). Thus, if there is any doubt whatsoever as to the exact species of a particular host, the skin may be submitted to a reputable mammalogist or ornithologist for iden- tification. Correct host diagnosis is of paramount importance in the recording of flea species if an accurate understanding of the various relationships is to be obtained. In the present work, the common name, or perhaps the genus of the host may be all that is given in cases where there are no means of checking the identification definitely. Records include the subspecific or racial name of * The reader is referred to Jellison and Good "Index to the Literature of Siphonaptera of North America", Nat. Inst. Hlth. Bui. No. 178, 1942, for a complete bibliography up to July, 1939. INTRODUCTION the host only under the following alternative circumstances (1) where scientific skins and skulls were prepared at the time the fleas were collected and have been identified, and are available for further reference or study (2) where the collector has been a competent mammalogist or ornithologist whose host-diagnoses may be accepted with confidence, (3) where there is available a published list of the mammals of a particular locality from which flea specimens have been collected, or (4) when the host was collected in a well-known and established range of a particular subspecies, and where there could be no possibility of confusion with some other animal. Later note Since completion of the manuscript of the present paper, an important contribution to the literature of Siphonaptera has come to hand. This is the monumental publication of C. Andresen Hubbard (Fleas of Western North America, Iowa State College Press, 1947). In this work, Dr. Hubbard reviews all available published literature concerning the species of fleas recorded from North America west of the 100th Meridian, and from Mexico north to, and including Alaska. This mass of material is supplemented by an astonishing number of records established through his own energetic and enthusiastic field- collecting, which covered more particularly the states of Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona, northern California and southern Utah. In the years that he has devoted to the study of fleas, especially in the rich area of the Pacific Northwest, Dr. Hubbard has probably collected personally more of these insects than any other single investigator, past or present. His book contains much information on the history of flea study in western North America, and sections on field and laboratory techniques, domestic and public health significance of fleas in North America (practically all published work being summarized) and much valuable information on the habits of the host animals. Discussions and opinions relating to fundamental taxonomic problems, however, are not stressed, so that no important original contribution is made towards an understanding of phylogenetic relationships, or to the evolution of a satisfactory basic classification for this order of insects. In view of this, and the fact that virtually no new Canadian records are included, or much supple- mentary data to that already available concerning the majority of the species known from this country, the writer has not deemed it necessary to alter the present text, but is leaving it in its original form. Also, Dr. Hubbard's and the writer's views on certain points of synonymy are at variance, as comparison of the texts of the two papers will reveal. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are expressed to H. G. Crawford, Dominion Entomologist, with whose approval the present study was carried out, and to Dr. J. McDunnough, former Chief of Systematic Entomology, Ottawa, who arranged that the fleas contained in the Canadian National Collection should be sent to Kamloops for study. This included the types of most of the Canadian species described by the late Dr. Julius Wagner of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Through the courtsey of Dr. E. A. Chapin, Curator of Insects, United States National Museum, and Dr. C. F. W. Muesebeck, the author was able to examine, at Washington, the types of most of the species described by Baker, Carroll Fox, Ewing, Irving Fox and Hubbard, as well as some paratypes of species described by Jordan. By these means it has been possible to study type material of 53 of the 127 species and subspecies of fleas so far recorded from Canada, and also to settle several controversial points of synonymy. Grateful acknowledgment is made of the friendly encouragement of Professor G. J. Spencer of the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, who assisted the author through early difficulties by making available his extensive collections of Siphonaptera, along with literature and valuable files of cor- respondence with Dr. Wagner. Dr. Ian McTaggart Cowan, also of the University of British Columbia, has given much of his time and advice on matters pertaining to the distribution in Canada of certain genera and species of mammals. In addition, Dr. Cowan has identified the study skins of host mammals prepared by the writer, and has, from time to time, provided valuable collections of fleas obtained during his own researches and field studies on western Canadian mammals. The energetic field collecting of various former members of the staff of the Livestock Insects Laboratory at Kamloops is acknowledged, mentioning especially the late Eric Hearle, the late Donald Cameron, T. K. Moilliet, now of Vavenby, B.C., and G. Allen Mail, former officer in charge of this laboratory, under whose direction the writer commenced the study of fleas. Special thanks are extended to J. D. Gregson, for his patient interest and ready advice as well as for uncounted hours of overtime spent in setting out traps and examining nests in efforts to allay the writer's seemingly insatiable appetite for more and more fleas! In addition Mr. Gregson checked much of the present manuscript during its formative stages, and personally tested the keys to genera and species. Thanks are due also to various specialists in the Siphonaptera, especially to Dr. Karl Jordan, F.R.S., of the Zoological Museum at Tring, Dr. William L. Jellison of the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton, Montana, and Major Robert Traub of the Division of Parasitology, Army Medical Center, Wash- ington, D.C. These men, besides contributing important specimens of fleas, by loan or gift, have given freely of their time and advice over a period of years, and in addition have checked over the present manuscript, and offered many valued suggestions. Other specialists in the Siphonaptera who have con- tributed advice and/or specimens, or who have otherwise facilitated the pre- paration of this paper are: Dr. Alfonso Dampf of the Eseuela Nacional De Ciencas Biologicas, Mexico City; Dr. Irving Fox, formerly of the University of Iowa; Dr. Henry S. Fuller of the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston- Salem, North Carolina; Dr. Newell E. Good, formerly of the Plague Suppressive Measures Laboratory, San Francisco, California; Dr. C. Andresen Hubbard of Tigard, Oregon; E. W. Jameson Jr., of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York; THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Glen M. Kohls of the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton, Montana; F. M. Prince ^( the Plague Suppressive Measures Laboratory, San Francisco; Dr. M. V Stewart of the Department of Entomology and Parasitology, University of California, Berkeley; I*. Quentin Tomich, formerly of the University of California, Berkeley, and the late Dr. Julius Wagner of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Finally, the author desires to acknowledge the efforts of a long list of collectors who have submitted specimens to this laboratory. Some of these have collected fleas incident. il to their own field studies on mammals or birds, or as professional trappers. Others had no fundamental personal interest in this or related bio- logical study, but made special efforts to obtain these insects through sheer good-fellowship and the friendly desire to co-operate. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police of various detachments in the Northwest Territories deserve special mention. Through the intercession of S. T. Wood, Commissioner, and Inspector A. G. Birch, Commanding Fort Smith Subdivision, it has been possible to obtain valuable series of these insects from the Canadian Northlands. William Fuller, of the Bureau of Northwest Territories and Yukon Affairs* Fort Smith, N.W.T., has been a most reliable field collector of fleas, and, during the past five years has sent in hundreds of specimens from Saskatchewan, northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories. In the records of fleas given in the body of the text, the collector's identities are indicated by initials. A complete glossary of these initials is given in Ap- pendix C. The author wishes to express grateful thanks to all of these. It is hoped that they and others will continue to collect fleas and submit them to the Division of Entomology, Ottawa, or the Livestock Insects Laboratory at Kamloops, as the study of the fleas of Canada is by no means a completed project. 10 SYNOPSIS OF THE FLEAS OF CANADA Family 1, Pulicidae Stephens Subfamily A. Spilopsyllinae Oudemans Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker) C. simplex (Baker) Hoplopsyllus affinis (Baker) H. glacialis glacialis (Taschenberg) H. glacialis lynx (Baker) Subfamily B. Pulicinae Tiraboschi Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) C. felis felis (Bouche) Pulex irritans Linnaeus Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) Family 2, Vermipsyllidae Wagner Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild) A. ursi (Rothschild) Family 3, Hystrichopsyllidae Tiraboschi Subfamily A. Hystrichopsyllinae Tiraboschi Saphiopsylla bishopi (Jordan) Atyphloceras artius Jordan A. multidentatus (C. Fox) Hystrichopsylla gigas (Kirby) H. dippiei Rothschild H. tahavuana Jordan H. occidentalism n. sp. H. spinata, n. sp. H. schefferi Chapin Stenoponia americana (Baker) Subfamily B. Neopsyllinae Oudemans Catallagia chamberlini Hubbard C. charlottensis (Baker) C. decipiens Rothschild Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) Epitedia scapani (Wagner) E. wenmanni (Rothschild) Neopsylla inopina Rothschild Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild) Meringis shannoni (Jordan) Subfamily C. Rhadinopsyllinae Wagner Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild) M. sectilis goodi Hubbard Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) Trichopsylloides oregonensis Ewing Subfamily D. Ctenophthalminae Rothschild Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker Dor atop sylla blarinae C. Fox Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild) C. curvata obtusata (Wagner) 11 I UK SIl'IK >NAPTERA < »!• CANADA Subfamil) E, Anomiopsyllinae Baker Callistopsyllus terinus ( Rothschild) C. campestris, n. sp. Megarthroglossus divisus divisus (Baker) M . divisus exsecatus Wagner .1/. procus Jordan and Rothschild M. pygmaeus Wagner .1/. sicamus Jordan and Rothschild .1/. si mil is Wagner .1/. spenceri Wagner Conorhinopsylla sta nfordi Stewart Subfamily F. Nearctopsyllinae, new subfamily Corypsylla ornata C. Fox Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) TV. gen a I is hygini (Rothschild) AT. genalis laurentina Jordan and Rothschild .V. hyrtaci (Rothschild) N. jordani Hubbard Family 4, CERATOPHYLLIDAE Dampf Subfamily A. Amphipsyllinae Dampf Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis (Rothschild) Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker) Subfamily B. Dolichopsyllinae Baker Dolichopsyllus stylo sus (Baker) Subfamily C. Ceratophyllinae Dampf Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker) 0. arctomys (Baker) 0. idahoensis (Baker) 0. rupestris (Jordan) Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) T. bacchi (Rothschild) T. petiolatus (Baker) T. spenceri Wagner Amphalius necopinus (Jordan) Dactylopsylla comis Jordan Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild) F. ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild) Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) 0. labis (Jordan and Rothschild) 0. saundersi (Jordan) 0. tuber culatus tuber culatus (Baker) Opisodasys keeni (Baker) 0. pseudarctomys (Baker) 0. vesper alis (Jordan) Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) 0. caedens durus (Jordan) 0. leucopus (Baker) 0. nepos (Rothschild) 0. sexdentatus agilis (Rothschild) 0. howardii (Baker) Tarsopsylla color adensis (Baker) Ceratophyllus adustus Jordan C. celsus celsus Jordan C. di finis Jordan 12 SYNOPSIS OF THE FLEAS OF CANADA C. gallinae (Schrank) C. garei Rothschild C. idius Jordan and Rothschild C. niger C. Fox C. petrochelidoni Wagner C. riparius Jordan and Rothschild C. tundrensis Holland Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Malaraeus bitterrootensis (Dunn) M. euphorbi (Rothschild) M. penicilliger dissimilis Jordan M. telchinum (Rothschild) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) M. acerbus (Jordan) M. asio asio (Baker) M. asio megacolpus (Jordan) M. atrox (Jordan) M. groenlandicus (Wahlgren) M. immitis (Jordan) M. lucifer (Rothschild) M. obscurus, n. sp. M. quirini (Rothschild) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) M. eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) M. thambus (Jordan) M. vison (Baker) M. wagneri wagneri (Baker) M. wagneri ophidius (Jordan) M. wagneri systaltus (Jordan) Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) Subfamily D. Leptopsyllinae Rothschild Leptopsylla segnis (Schonherr) Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan) P. hamifer hamifer (Rothschild) P. hesperomys pacifica, n. ssp. P. ravalliensis (Dunn) P. selenis (Rothschild) Family 5, Ischnopsyllidae Wahlgren Eptescopsylla Vancouver ensis (Wagner) Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Rothschild M. insignis (Rothschild) Myodopsylloides palposus (Rothschild) 13 DISTRIBUTION BY PROVINCES The following lists summarize the distribution, by provinces, of fleas in Canada. The large number of records for British Columbia and Alberta as compared with those of the more easterly provinces is due in part to the fact that more thorough collecting has been done in the west. Also there is little doubt but that the western part of North America supports a much more diverse flea fauna. British Columbia in particular is partitioned longitudinally by complex series of mountain ranges which, coupled with other factors, have divided this province into more separate and distinct biotic areas than are to be traced in other parts of the Dominion. The diversity of the mammal faunas is reflected in the variety of their fleas. In these lists, the fleas are recorded alphabetically. Details of records will be found under the discussion of each species. British Columbia (89 species recorded) Amphalius necopinus Arctopsylla setosa Ardopsylla ursi Atyphloceras artius Atyphloceras multidentatus Callistopsyllus terinus Catallagia chamber lini Catallagia charlottensis Catallagia decipiens Ceratophyllus adustus Ceratophyllus celsus celsus Ceratophyllus diffinis Ceratophyllus garei Ceratophyllus idius Ceratophyllus niger Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni Ceratophyllus riparius Corrodopsylla curvata curvata Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata Corypsylla ornata Ctenocephalides canis Ctenocephalides felis felis Ctenophyllus terribilis Dactylopsylla comis Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus Delotelis telegoni Dolichopsyllus stylosus Epitedia scapani Epitedia wenmanni Eptescopsylla Vancouver ensis Foxella ignota recula Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx Hystrichopsylla dippiei Histrichopsylla occidentalis Hystrichopsylla spinata Hystrichopsylla schefferi Leptopsylla segnis Malaraeus euphorbi Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Malaraeus telchinum Megabothris abantis Megabothris asio megacolpus Megabothris lucifer Megabothris quirini Megarthroglossus divisus divisus Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Megarthroglossus procus Megarthroglossus pygmaeus Megarthroglossus sicamus Megarthroglossus similis Megarthroglossus spenceri Meringis shannoni Micropsylla sectilis goodi Micropsylla sectilis sectilis Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi Monopsyllus vison Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri Myodopsylla gentilis Myodopsylla insignis Myodopsylloides palposus Nearctopsylla brooksi Nearctopsylla hyrtaci Nearctopsylla jordani Neopsylla inopina Nosopsyllus fasciatus Opisocrostis tuber culatus tuber cula tus Opisodasys keeni Opisodasys pseudarctomys Opisodasys vesper a lis Orchopeas caedens caedens Orchopeas caedens durus 15 THE SI nit )\ W I ERA OF CANADA British Columbia (continued > Orchopeas leucopus Orchopeas nepos Orchopeas sex-den tutus agilis Oropsylla arctomys ( hopsylla id a h oen s is Peromyscopsylla kesperomys paci- fied Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis Peromyscopsylla selenis Alberta (57 species) Amphalius necopinus Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis Arctopsylla ursi Callistopsyllus campestris Catallagia decipiens Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis Ceratophyllus garei Ceratophyllus niger Corrodopsylla curvata curvata Ctenocephalides canis Ctenocephalides felis jells Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Ctenophyllus terribilis Epitedia wenmanni Foxella ignota albertensis Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx Hystrichopsylla dippiei Malaraeus bitter rootensis Malaraeus euphorbi Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Megabothris abantis Megabothris asio megacolpus Megabothris atrox Megabothris lucifer Megabothris obscurus Megabothris quirini Megarthroglossus divisus divisus Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi Monopsyllus thambus Saskatchewan (36 species) Callistopsyllus campestris Catallagia decipiens Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis Ceratophyllus gallinae Ceratophyllus riparius Corrodopsylla curvata curvata Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Epitedia wenmanni Foxella ignota albertensis Hoplopsyllus affinis Hystrichopsylla dippiei Malaraeus euphorbi Megabothris asio megacolpus Megabothris lucifer Pulex irrttans Rectojrontia fraterna 7 a rsopsylla color adensis 7 h ra ssis acamantis Th ra s sis petiolatu s Thrassis spenceri Trichopsylloides oregonensis Xenopsylla cheopis Monopsyllus vison Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri Myodopsylla insignis NearctopsyVa brooksi Nearctopsylla genalis hygini Neopsylla inopina Odontopsyllus dentatus Opisocrostis bruneri Opisocrostis labis Opisocrostis tuberculatus tubercula- tus Opisodasys keeni Opisodasys pseudarctomys Orchopeas caedens caedens Orchopeas caedens durus Orchopeas leucopus Orchopeas sexdentatus agilis Oropsylla arctomys Oropsylla idahoensis Oropsylla rupestris Peromyscopsylla hamifer hamifer Peromyscopsylla selenis Pulex irritans Rectojrontia jraterna Tarsopsylla coloradensis Thrassis bacchi Thrassis petiolatus Thrassis spenceri Megabothris quirini Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi Monopsyllus thambus Monopsyllus vison Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus Myodopsylla insignis Nearctopsylla genalis hygini Neopsylla inopina Nosopsyllus jasciatus Odontopsyllus dentatus Opisocrostis bruneri Opisocrostis labis Opisocrostis saundersi 16 DISTRIBUTION BY PROVINCES Saskatchewan (continued) Opisocrostis tuberculatus tubercula- tus Orchopeas caedens caedens Orchopeas leucopus Oropsylla arctomys Manitoba (14 species) Ceratophyllus gallinae Ceratophyllus garei Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Epitedia wenmanni Nearctopsylla genalis hygini Opisocrostis bruneri Orchopeas caedens durus Ontario (29 species) Cediopsylla simplex Ceratophyllus diffinis Ceratophyllus gallinae Conor hinopsylla stanfordi Corrodopsylla curvata curvata Ctenocephalides canis Ctenocephalides felis felis Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Doratopsylla blarinae Epitedia wenmanni Hystrichopsylla tahavuana Megabothris acerbus Megabothris asio ssp. Megabothris quirini Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi Quebec (14 species) Ceratophyllus gallinae Ceratophyllus garei Ctenocephalides canis Ctenocephalides felis felis Epitedia wenmanni Megabothris asio asio Monopsyllus vison New Brunswick (7 species) Ceratophyllus gallinae Epitedia wenmanni Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx Nearctopsylla genalis laurentina Nova Scotia (1 species) Ceratophyllus riparius Prince Edward Island (1 species) Pulex irritans Oropsylla rupestris Peromyscopsylla selenis Pulex irritans Rectofrontia fraterna Thrassis bacchi Orchopeas leucopus Oropsylla arctomys Oropsylla rupestris Peromyscopsylla selenis Pulex irritans Stenoponia americana Thrassis bacchi Monopsyllus vison Myodopsylla insignis Nearctopsylla genalis laurentina Nosopsyllus fasciatus Opisodasys pseudarctomys Orchopeas caedens durus Orchopeas leucopus Orchopeas howardii Oropsylla arctomys Peromyscopsylla catatina Peromyscopsylla hamifer hamifer Saphiopsylla bishopi Stenoponia americana Tamiophila grandis Nosopsyllus fasciatus Orchopeas leucopus Oropsylla arctomys Peromyscopsylla catatina Peromyscopsylla hamifer hamifer Pulex irritans Stenoponia americana Orchopeas caedens durus Oropsylla arctomys Stenoponia americana 17 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Yukon Territory (4 species) Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx Nea rctopsylla brook si Northwest Territories (18 species) Ceratophyllus tundrensis Epitedia wenmanni Hoplopsyllus glacialis glacialis Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx Ilystriclwpsylla gigas Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Megdbothris asio megacolpus Megabothris atrox Megabothris groenlandicus Orchopeas caedens caedens Orchopeas leucopus Megabothris quirini Mosopsyllus thambus Monopsyllus vison Orchopeas caedens caedens Orchopeas caedens durus Orchopeas leucopus Oropsylla alas ken sis Peromyscopsylla selenis Tarsopsylla coloradensis 18 NOTES ON LIFE HISTORY AND ECOLOGY Fleas are highly specialized insects, adapted to an ectoparasitic existence on warm-blooded hosts. The great majority of species infests the smaller Mammalia, especially members of the orders Insectivora, Chiroptera and Rodentia*. A few genera of fleas are associated with certain large Carnivora, and some small groups (derived from mammal-fleas) are restricted to birds. While the life-histories of only a very few of the indigenous North American species are known in detail, they are probably much the same in essentials, with the exception of the members of the family Tungidae (not known in Canada) and possibly the Vermipsyllidae where the females remain attached to the host for a period of time, swelling up somewhat like a tick. With the remaining four families, however, the structure and habits of the various genera and species are more or less as summarized below. The adults are small, apterous, laterally compressed, and variously clothed with backwardly directed spines and setae (see also section on flea anatomy, p. 39). The legs, particularly the hind pair are well developed and heavily armed with bristles. Fleas thus are ideally modified for an existence in the fur or feathers of the chosen hosts, where, by reason of their activity and details of structure, they are able to move about rapidly and securely, and escape detection. The adults of both sexes feed upon blood. The mechanism of this act is treated in detail by Snodgrass (1946:17-20). Mating usually occurs on the host animal, the male assuming a ventral position, and grasping the anterior abdomen of the female with his erected antennae, before effecting sexual union by means of the complicated terminalia. This procedure, with reference to Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank) was described fully by Lundblad (1927, Zool. Anzeiger 70(1,2) ). The writer has noted that groundhogs (Marmota flaviventris avara) shot in the early spring, when they have just come out from hibernation are usually heavily infested with Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild), many pairs of which are to be found in copulation. A flea's full quota of eggs is not laid all at once, but in small batches, over a considerable period of time, punctuated by blood meals which are necessary for their development. Successive matings are not necessary for the fertilization of future eggs, as spermatozoa from the initial pairing are stored in the sper- matheca or receptaculum seminis of the female, and used as required. The eggs are smooth, elliptical and ivory coloured. They may be laid in the host's nest or bedding, or in the host's fur or feathers, whence they drop into the nest or onto the ground. The larvae are slender, cruciform, apodous and quite active. They feed upon dried blood, the faeces of adult fleas and other organic materials. The pupal stage is exarate, and enclosed in a cocoon of silk and nest debris. After a period of time, varying with conditions and species, the imagines appear, and the cycle is thus completed. Very little is known of the time involved in the life cycle of most of the native species, or how many broods may be produced in a year. Also, there is evidence that species vary in their peaks of seasonal abundance, so that sonic * Including the "Lagomorpha". The writer follows Anderson (1946) in listing the rabbits, hares and pikas under the suborder Duplicidentata of the Rodentia. This arrangement is questioned by certain leading mammalogists. 19 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA species maj be referred to -. Ctf 00 r*5 |H — i- -t r*5 cs — CS u,^ ^— .— 0 0 < X W J u. _>, 0) 03 cu 03 03 6 rs cu -a 3 V — o3 cu 03 CU 03 a3 en 03 "►.IS en ~ rs T3 a ^^ — a a-r •^ *>> a o o en a o en •£- icho oph\ JS CU a o3 CU o3 1— c "3 '- — _ -+-> *rs ■M en « 2 03. y u i — o 03 >» u cu >> >. cu CU 3 "5" CU X en >x lu ua< a- u "2 «> c cu 03 •£ + + + + + + en fl-> CU -° es r— 00 SO ^ <_ i o *"" ' CN 00 *— * ^ &s CO m P > tn gen< hich ecor MD rr> en u CU o c* <-—. C e H -o o W K.S <"S ENTIA uplicidei U o > H U w CO H Oh O NIVO ssiped ENTI mplici < Q O o^ CO Q Pd c*£ Qlo QQ P g X <^ o — Ow £ >— < u U g c* < PQ CKl 26 HOST SPECIFICITY Table II Trends of host relationship FLEA HOST Family and subfamily Genus Genus Family Order PULICIDAE Spilopsyllinae Cediopsylla Sylvilagns Leporidae Rodentia (Duplicid.) Hoplopsyllus Lepus Leporidae Rodentia (Duplicid.) Pulicinae Pulex Odocoileus ( ?) Cervidae Artiodactyla VERMIPSYLLIDAE Arctopsylla Enarctos b° Ursus Ursidae Carnivora Can is Canidae Carnivora Gulo Mustelidae Carnivora Felis b° Lynx Felidae Carnivora HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Hystrichopsyllinae Saphiopsylla Atyphloceras Hystrichopsylla Stenoponia several several small Rodentia and Insectivora Neopsyllinae Catallagia Peromyscus Cricetidae Rodentia (Simplicid.) Delotelis Microtus etc. Cricetidae Rodentia Epitedia Peromyscus Cricetidae Rodentia Neopsylla Citellus Sciuridae Rodentia Tamiophila Tamias Sciuridae Rodentia Meringis Perognathus Heteromyidae Rodentia Rhadinopsyllinae Micropsylla Peromyscus Cricetidae Rodentia Rectofrontia Citellus etc. Sciuridae Rodentia Trichopsylloides Aplodontia Aplodontidae Rodentia Ctenophthalminae Ctenophthalmus Insectivora and small Rodentia Doratopsylla Blarina Soricidae Insectivora Corrodopsylla Sorex Soricidae Insectivora Anomiopsyllinae Callistopsyllus Peromyscus Cricetidae Rodentia Megarthroglossus Neotoma and Cricetidae and Rodentia Tamiasciurus Sciuridae Rodentia Conor hinopsylla Glaucomys and Tamiasciurus Sciuridae Rodentia Nearctopsyllinae Corypsylla Scapanus Talpidae Insectivora Nearctopsylla Sorex Soricidae Insectivora CERATOPHYLLIDAE Amphipsyllinae Amphipsylla Clethrionomys Cricetidae Rodentia (Simplicid.) Ctenophyllus Ochotona Ochotonidae Rodentia (Duplicid.) Odontopsyllus Sylvilagus Leporidae Rodentia (Duplicid.) Dolichopsyllinae Dolichopsyllus Aplodontia Aplodontidae Rodentia (Simplicid.) Ceratophyllinae (Group A) Orchopeas several Cricetidae and Sciuridae Rodentia Rodentia Opisodasys several Cricetidae and Sciuridae Rodentia Rodentia Tarsopsylla Glaucomys and Tamiasciurus Sciuridae Rodentia (Group B) Amphalius Ochotona Ochotonidae Rodentia (Duplicid.) Dactylopsylla Thomomys Geomyidae Rodentia (Simplicid.) Foxella Thomomys Geomyidae Rodentia Thrassis Citellus and Sciuridae Rodentia Marmola Sciuridae Rodentia Oropsylla Citellus and Sciuridae Rodentia Marmota Sciuridae Rodentia Opisocrostis Citellus Sciuridae Rodentia (Group C) Ceratophyllus many several Class AVES Dasypsyllus many AVES, mostly Passeriformes Malaraeus several Cricetidae Rodentia Megabothris several Cricetidae and Sciuridae Rodentia Rodentia Monopsyllus several Cricetidae and Sciuridae Rodentia Rodentia Leptopsyllinae Pero my sco psylla Peromyscus and Cricetidae Rodentia Neotoma Cricetidae Rodentia ISCHNOPSYLLIDAE Eptescopsylla Lasionycteris Vespertilionidae Chiroptera M yodnpsylla Myolis Vespertilionidae Chiroptera Myodopsylloides Eptesicus Vespertilionidae Chiroptei ■< 27 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF FLEAS IN CANADA Extensive collecting of fleas over wide territories reveals the fact that the various species exhibit marked limitations in geographical distribution, inviting speculation and study as to the reasons for such restriction. From the evidence at hand it would seem that geographical range of flea species is controlled in two principal ways which might be briefly defined as (1) distribution of true or typical hosts and (2) climatic or other ecological factors independent of the range of the preferred host or hosts. Enlarging upon these: 1. Distribution of the "true host" As some fleas show marked preferences for particular hosts, it is obvious then that the geographical range of such fleas will be directly controlled by the distribution of the hosts. For example, Amphalius necopinus and Ctenophyllus terribilis are specific parasites of the rock rabbit or pika (Ochotona sp.)and are never found outside the range of this mammal. So very particular are these two species of fleas that there are not any available records of their occurrence on any other mammals whatsoever. Other fleas however, while definitely associated with a particular host, are not infrequently taken on the predators of that host, or as strays on other mammals that may be in close association with the host. An example would be Orchopeas 6-dentatus ssp., a true parasite of the woodrat (Neotoma cinerea ssp.) but not infrequently taken on such predators as the spotted skunk (Spilogale) and weasels and mink (Mustela) or on such associated mammals as Ochotona, when pikas and woodrats inhabit the same rocky talus. (Compare, however, with the true pika fleas previously mentioned, which are not shared with the woodrat!) Again, Foxella ignota ssp. is a true parasite of pocket gophers (Thontontys), but is sometimes taken on weasels (Mustela) or on ground squirrels (Citellus) where these mammals are in contact with Thomomys. The physiological requirements of these monozoid fleas are extremely delicately balanced. This is well shown by the fact that within the range of the "true host" some of them (as with the examples quoted above) may be recorded upon other mammals, sometimes closely related, and frequently mam- mals of wider distribution than the true host — and yet the distribution of the flea continues to remain restricted! This appears to indicate that while these latter or secondary relationships do exist, occurring through predation or habitat association, the fleas are unable to reproduce on these unnatural hosts. Either the host's blood is distasteful or otherwise unsuitable for the adults, or nest conditions are in some way unsatisfactory for the flea-larvae. Orchopeas howardii offers an example. This flea is confined (normally) to eastern North America where its range coincides with that of the grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis ssp., which may be regarded as the true host. It is not infrequently taken on red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus and flying squirrels, Glaucomys spp. and other mammals, such as mice, weasels, opossum, etc. (Fox 1940:60-62 lists records from 18 genera of hosts) so long as these mammals occur within the range of Sciurus carolinensis. The red squirrels and flying squirrels mentioned, logically the most suitable of all these alternative hosts, and of much wider geographical range than S. carolinensis, are apparently not satisfactory to the well-being and propagation of this very selective flea, as it is not found on these mammals in areas outside of the distribution of the true host. That the limitation in distribution is not governed by climatic or other factors rather than host- preference is evidenced by the fact that 0. howardii is well established in various areas of the British Isles where Sciurus carolinensis has been introduced. The 29 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp. on the other hand, is parasitized by the widespread Orchopeas caedens ssp. throughout its range. Where the range of this squirrel terminates in south west British Columbia, the range of 0. caedens terminates also, being replaced by Orchopeas nepos, a distinct species, infesting the equally distinct Tamiasciurus douglassi (see map 30). This is .1 phase of flea study thai requires much further attention. Accurate recordings of the flea species reared from the nests of known species of mammals and birds would reveal much to augment our knowledge as to which were the true hosts and which transitory. From the data now available, the following table seems to present a valid statement on certain fleas geographically restricted in Canada by reason of the limit of range of specific or true hosts. 2. Geographical limitation by climatic factors The distribution of certain other fleas does not seem to be entirely dependent upon the territory occupied by a specific or preferred host. With these, the distribution in a particular direction may be stopped by a physiographical barrier, usually, but not always, a mountain range, although the hosts may continue past the barrier. The mouse fleas, which are profuse in numbers and variety make a particularly interesting demonstration in this connection. Some genera and species are highly specific (as Meringis shannoni on Perognathus parvus ssp.) but many appear to infest rather indiscriminately all genera and species of mice within a particular district. For example, the writer collected Megabothris abantis at Kinbasket Lake, B.C., from Perornyscns, Phenacomys, Zapus, Microtus, Clethrionomys and even from Neotoma, Ochotona and Mustela. The last three of these were probably accidental strays, but many specimens were collected from the five genera of mice named, and it is likely that all, especially the microtines, are satisfactory hosts. Mice of these genera (though not of the same species or subspecies) are found in a more or less continuous population across the Dominion, but Megabothris abantis does not appear to occur east of the Rockies! It is extremely local in distribution, being rather rare at low altitudes, especially in dry open country, but quite common in forested areas, especially in the mountains. The factors determining its range cannot be the lack of suitable hosts in adjacent territory, as the mouse situation remains sufficiently constant. Nor does it appear to be excluded by a competitive species. The flea would seem, then, to be directly affected by the only apparent variable, namely, the climate. Probably altitude (barometric pressure), relative humidity and temperature are all contributors to the limitation of its distribution. Again, there are a number of fleas such as Amphipsylla spp., Malaraeus penicilliger ssp. and Monopsyllus thambus, which apparently are fairly common on mice of various genera across the northlands, but rare or absent in southern Canada, except in the subalpine regions at high altitude in the western mountains, where the climate is subarctic in character. To cite an example from the bird-fleas — Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus is known only from the Pacific coast of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California and Mexico, where it has been taken on a large variety of birds, mostly passerines, no one of which could be termed the specific or true host. As many of these birds, such as juncos, towhees, robins, etc. occur also east of the coast mountains, why has this flea not been recorded from, say, central British Columbia, let alone territories still farther east ? Surely the answer lies in the fact that this flea requires a type of nest (the exact genus or species of the bird host not being important) in country supporting a climate with a relatively high mean humidity, and perhaps certain temperature limits. As the nests of most passerines are open and exposed directly to the atmosphere, it may be quite readily seen that it is possible for the humid atmosphere of the coast to present suitable breeding conditions for these fleas, whereas the dry climate and more extreme temperatures of the interior of British Columbia, even though 30 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF FLEAS IN CANADA Table III Canadian fleas limited geographically principally by reason of their host specificity FLEA TRUE HOST REMARKS Hystrichopsylla schefferi Trichopsylloides oregonensis Dolichopsyllus stylosus "mountain beaver", Aplodontia rufa ssp. Occasionally taken on predators of mt. beaver; e.g. Mustela vison and Spilogale gracilis. Corypsylla omala Nearctopsylla jordani western moles, Scapanus and Neiirotrichus Occasionally taken on associated mammals, e.g. Sorex, Microtus, Peromyscus, etc. Doratopsylla blarinae short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicanda Occasionally on Sorex, Parascalops, .etc. Corrodopsylla curvata ssp. long-tailed shrews, Sorex sp. Sometimes on Blarina. Neiirotrichus Microtus, etc. Neopsylla inopina Opisocrostis t. tuber culatus Ceratophyllus riparius Ceratophyllus c. celsus Ceratophyllus idius Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni ground squirrels, especially Citellus r. richardsonii Also on Citellus columbianus in S.E. Brit. Col. where a more or less continuous ground squirrel population leads thro' mountain passes to C. richardsonii on the plains. T amiophila grandis Eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus ssp. Occasional records on other mammals. Meringis shannoni pocket mice, Perognathus parvus ssp. Also on Peromyscus, near colonies of Perognathus but not elsewhere . Amphalius necopinus Ctenophyllus terribilis pikas or conies, Ochotona spp. No other records. Riparia riparia Riparia riparia Iridoprocne bicolor Petrochelidon albifrons These fleas appear to be definitely associated with the species of swallows named, although there are too few records available for one to be sure that the fleas occur throughout the breeding range of the birds. Dactylopsylla comis Foxella ignota ssp. pocket gophers, Thomomys talpoides ssp. Monopsyllus vison Orchopeas caedens ssp. red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Sometimes taken on weasels in pocket gopher country. Sometimes on weasel and marten. Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus Orchopeas nepos Douglas chickaree, T ayniasciurus douglassi Sometimes on chipmunks, weasel, mink, marten, spotted skunk. Monopsyllus e. eumolpi Odontopsyllus dentatus Cediopsylla spp. western chipmunks, Eutamias spp. cottontails, Sylvilagus spp. Rarely on Tamiasciurus, Citellus columbianus, Microtus. no other records. Opisocrostis bruneri Franklin ground squl. Citellus franklinii Occasional on other Citellus. Opisocrostis labis Richardson ground squl. Citellus r. richardsonii Very specific. No records from C. columbianus (Cf. Neopsylla inopina and Opisocr. tuberculatus) Opisodasys pseudarctomys Opisodasys vesperalis flying squirrels, Glaucomys spp. Rarely on Tamiasciurus. Orchopeas howardii grey squirrels, Sciurus Caroline nsis Rarely on Tamiasciurus and Glaucomys. Orchopeas 6-denlatus agilis woodrats, Neotoma cinerea ssp. Not infrequently on Ochotona when woodrats occupy same rockslides. Also on predators. Oropsylla arctomys woodchucks, Marmota monax ssp. Rarely on Marmota caligata. Oropsylla idahoensis Oropsylla rupestris ground squirrels, Citellus lateralis and Citellus columbianus common on predators. Richardson ground squl. Citellus richardsonii Occasional on weasels, rats (Rattus). Thrassis acamantis groundhogs, Marmota Haviventris avara Rarely on other hosts. Thrassis spenceri whistlers, Marmota caligata ssp. Sometimes on predators (Ursus spp., Gulo luscus etc.) Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx varying hare, Lepus americanus group Frequently on predators such as Lynx canadensis, Lynx ru/us, Vulpes spp. etc. 31 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA tlu' same birds were nesting, would prohibit development. Limitation of dis- tribution of this type thus is almost undoubtedly controlled by factors which affect the flea larva rather than the adult. An adult Dasypsyllus could probably exist quite satisfactorily in the relatively stable microclimate of its host's feathers, no matter where the bird chose to live, but the delicate soft-bodied flea larva, exposed to the macroclimate of the outside wrorld would not necessarily find local conditions to be suitable. The problem of climate influence in the study of flea distribution brings one to the consideration of the complexities of "life zones" in Canada. Anderson (1937) gives an outline of the faunas of Canada based on the broad divisions worked out by Merriam. Halliday (1937) in UA Forest Classification for Canada" gives an outline of climate, soil type and floral divisions for the Dominion which, with a detailed map also provides a convenenient terminology. The following table summarizes some of the information available at present on Canadian fleas whose distribution appears to be limited by climatic factors. 32 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF FLEAS IN CANADA Table IV Canadian fleas limited geographically by climatic factors preferred host FLEA RANGE IN CANADA White-footed mice, Peromyscus spp. (These mice are among the most cosmopolitan of our native mammals, occuring all across the Dominion and far into the northlands) Micropsylla sectilis ssp. Atyphloceras multidentatus Peromyscopsylla h. pacifira Opisodasys keeni Malaraens telchinum Orchopeas leucopus Monopsyllus thambus Monopsyllus wagneri ssp. Epitedia wenmanni Callistopsyllus terinus Callistopsyllus campestris Catallagia charlottensis Catallagia decipiens West of Rocky mountains to Pacific coast. West of Pacific coast mountains (Cascades) in southern B. C. only. West of Rockies only, to Pacific coast, including islands. Dominant flea of Peromyscus in eastern Canada and the N. W. T. and probably northern B. C. Replaced by other species elsewhere. Common only in the far north. 3 subspecies. Dominant fleas of Peromyscus from southern part of Manitoba westward to Pacific. Common from Atlantic seaboard to parts of B. C. but not west of Cascades. Occurs in N. W. T. Apparently missing from Coast Forest and Colum- bian Forest Regions. Known only from Columbian Forest Region of British Columbia. Great Plains Region only. Common only west of Cascades in B. C. Common from east of Cascades to Saskatchewan, but not east of here. Microtines (Microtus, Clethrionomys, Phenacomys) also Zapus (As a group, even more widespread than Pcro.nyscus) Malaraeus penicilliger ssp. Amphipsylla s. pollionis Megabothris abantis Peromyscopsylla selenis Peromyscopsylla catatina Stenoponia americana Saphiopsylla bishopi Probably common in the N. W. T. and Yukon, but rare or absent farther south, except at high altitudes in B. C. and Alberta mountains. Common from Rockies to Pacific coast, especially in forested areas and in the mountains. Common in the mountains of B. C. and Alta. Also in the N. W. T., and extending as far east as Manitoba. Eastern Canada only. Delotelis telegoni Rockies to Pacific only. Rare. Mice and insectivores Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Common from the Atlantic seaboard to the Rockies, but not west of here. Woodrats (Neotoma cinerea ssp.) (Rockies and westward) Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis Rare. Usually in areas at fairly high altitude. Weasels, marten etc. or possibly insectivores Nearclopsylla brooksi Nearctopsylla hyrtaci Western Canada only (B. C, western Alta., and the North). Columbia ground squl. Citellus columbianus (See map 23) Thrassis petiolatus Common on this ground squirrel except in the mountains where it is replaced by Oropsylla idahoensis. Tamiasciurus spp. Neotoma spp. (See maps 17 and 18) M egarthroglossus spp. Rare. Very local. Western Canada only. Tamiasciurus and Glaucomys Tarsopsylla coloradensis Rare. Apparently chiefly localized to areas at high altitude, or the northlands. Black bears (Euarclos) and other large carnivores Arctopsylla setosa Known from British Columbia only. Passerine birds Dasypsyllus gallinulae per pinnatus Known only from Coast Forest Region of British Columbia. Many birds, including poultry Ceratophyllus niger B. C. only, but east and west of the Cascades. Many types of birds Ceratophyllus garei Ceratophyllus dijfinis Widespread, but very local in distribution. 33 NOTES ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF NEARCTIC AND PALAEARCTIG FLEAS As mentioned, the fleas are undoubtedly an ancient group, originating at some unknown time in the geologic past as temporary parasites of archaic small mammals. The most ancient mammal remains have been discovered in Asia which is generally conceded to be the "Mother of Continents" and it is probable that the fleas originated there too, spreading subsequently to other parts of the World during the ensuing ages. The Americas probably received the remote ancestors of some of the modern genera of fleas during the Lower Eocene. During the ensuing periods, great diversification of mammals took place, most strikingly shown in the larger forms, but occurring also in the small, and in their parasites. These mammals were distributed between the "continents" by successive migrations and countermigrations. During the great periods of glaciation, much of the mammal fauna, with its attendant parasite population was exterminated across the northern part of North America. Later, with the gradual receding of the great ice sheets, came a repopulation of what is now Canada by mammals from three principal sources (1) from refugia (areas that were not inundated by ice), (2) from areas lying to the south, by the descendants of the survivors of the glaciation, and (3) from Asia again, with successions of immigrations across the Siberian-Alaskan land bridge, which still remained. As pointed out by Williams (1934), Anderson (1937) and others, the ancestors of most of the familiar North American mammals, and especially those of northern Canada, arrived at this time, when the Bering Straits region was bridged across, or while there was at least a solid ice connection, and these last migrations and countermigrations may have been only a few thousands of years ago. The most important evidence for this contention lies in the striking similarity of certain forms on the two continents today, such as the reindeer, mountain sheep, bears, wolves, otters, wolverines, beaver, hares and pikas as well as many of the smaller forms such as squirrels and mice. A comparative study of the modern flea fauna of some of these mammals in eastern Asia and northwestern North America gives added proof of this mass immigration of mammals up to the late Pleistocene. It is a noteworthy fact that some North American mammals which are today considered to be congeneric with Asiatic forms are also characteristically infested, in many cases, by the same genera of fleas! * It offers interesting data on host specificity also, which in these instances has been maintained at least since Pleistocene times, and probably a great deal longer! Some of the more striking examples are quoted below : Doratopsylla and Corrodopsylla on Sorex; Arctopsylla on Ursus; Oropsylla on Marmota; Arnphalius, Geusibia and Ctenophyllus on Ochotona; Amphipsylla, Ctenophthalmus, Malaraeus and Megabothris on Microtus; Monopsyllus and Tarsopsylla on Sciurus; Neopsylla and Diamanus on Citellus; and Iloplopsyllus on Lepus. Other holarctic genera infest at least corresponding groups, although not necessarily identical genera of hosts in both Old and New Worlds, e.g. Myodop- sylla on bats; Ilystrichopsylla, Stenoponia, Peromyscopsylla (or Leptopsylla) and Ctenophthalmus on various insectivores, mice etc., and Dasypsyllus, Ceratophyllus and the arctic Mioctenopsylla on birds. Still other genera, while regarded as strictly nearctic, are so close to holarctic or palaearctic genera as to leave no doubt as to their origin. Here would be * Wagner (1936) and Jellison and Kohls (1939) have already drawn attention to tin- striking parallel between some Asiatic and North American fleas. 35 NIK SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA included Epitedia and Tamiophila which are obviously from a Neopsylla-stock', Micropsylla, which is closely allied to the holarctic Rectofrontia and the palaearctic Rhadinopsylla, and Cediopsylla which resembles the Old World Spilopsyllus and like genus, occurs on rabbits. The genera showing closest affinities to the palaearctic forms occur across the north of Canada. Farther south in Canada and through the United States into Mexico and southwards into South America, purely New World genera appear in increasing numbers and the more typically northern genera tend to become less common. Some of the purely nearctic flea genera infest mammals also enow n only from the New World — such as Dolichopsyllus and Trichopsyl- loides on the "mountain beaver" (Aplodontia). The nearctic pocket gophers f Thomomys and Geomys) are infested with Foxella and Dactylopsylla, which, while not represented at all in the Old World, show certain affinities with the holarctic Oropsylla. Meringis and Phalacropsylla, offshoots of Neopsylla occur on pocket mice (Perognathus) and kangaroo rats (Dipodomys). There are a few gener? , such as Saphiopsylla, Stenoponia and Odontopsyllus, which today are common only to eastern North America and western Europe, a peculiar state of affairs, and more difficult to explain, as theories of recent Atlantic connections wath the northern continents are now more or less dis- credited. It may be that these are very ancient genera, of extremely stable character, and formerly of much wider distribution, which were exterminated in western North America and parts of Asia during the glaciations, and that while they have retained their generic identity, have never become re-established over their entire former range. Atyphloceras, of western North America is very close to Saphiopsylla, but is unknown in Europe or Asia. 36 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FLEAS IN CANADA While the great majority of flea species are parasites of small wild mammals and appear to be of little or no direct economic significance, a few species are of very immediate concern to mankind. These fleas affect us in two principal ways (1) as domestic pests of man and livestock and (2) as potential disease carriers. 1. Domestic and Veterinary infestations of fleas The following species affect man directly as domestic or livestock pests, and are of economic concern because of their painful bites: Ctenocephalides canis — the dog flea Ctenocephalides felis felts — the cat flea Ceratophyllus gallinae — the European hen flea Ceratophyllus niger — the western hen flea Pulex irritans — the human flea All of these, with the exception of C. niger, and probably Pulex irritans, are considered to be importations from the Old World, where for centuries they have been pests of man, poultry, cats and dogs etc. Ctenocephalides and Pulex seem to be well known all across the Dominion, especially in large centres of population, and domestic infestations are frequent. Pulex is particularly abondant in seaport areas. C. gallinae, a pest of poultry, appears to be confined to eastern North America. It is replaced in the west by C. niger, an indigenous bird-flea which has adapted itself to domestic conditions and is now a well know pest of hen houses. It bites man viciously. The human flea and dog and cat fleas thrive best in homes where moderate conditions of dampness exist. The introduction of sawdust burners has increased infestations of Ctenocephalides by providing favourable conditions of humidity (in fuel bins) for development of these fleas. Pulex sometimes becomes estab- lished in lawns or on sea beaches, in sea weed at tide line. 2. Medical importance of fleas Fleas also assume economic importance because of the ability of certain species to transmit diseases, particularly bubonic or sylvatic plague (Pasteurella pestis). A great deal has been written about plague in the Old World and the New, and the part that fleas play in its transmission. The great majority of native Canadian species is probably of little consequence in this respect, although some are, and others may be, of considerable importance. To be of economic importance with regard to plague, a flea must (1) be capable, physically and physiologically, of transmitting the disease, (2) be of relatively common occurrence, and (3) include man on its list of preferred hosts, or be a common parasite of a domestic or near-domestic rodent or other animal — or in some way be an agent of transmission of this disease among animals apt to be in contact with man. While a number of species, mostly of foreign origin, and introduced to this continent, have been thoroughly studied, only a comparatively small number of indigenous species have been investigated. Eskay and Haas (1940), experi- mented extensively in order to determine which of the commoner California rodent fleas can act as vectors. Prince (1943) has added to the list of experi- mental vectors. Burroughs (1944) added Malaraeus telchinum to the growing list of potential culprits, and pointed out that it is a common species on certain 37 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA indigenous California mice as well as on the introduced Ratttis norvegicus. The writer (Holland, 1(M4) published a note on some plague-important species of fleas in Canada, based on the findings of these researchers. However, most of the native fleas, including main of the commoner and possibly important species remain unstudied. In addition, the plague-potentialities of most of the native mammals and birds remain unknown. For main years investigators held the opinion that plague was a recent importation to North America, and that the sylvatic form was to be explained by theoretical contacts between infected domestic rodents (introduced by ships from other countries), and native small mammals, with mutual interchange of ectoparasites. Now Meyer and others incline to the alternate theory that plague has existed in the New World at least since Pleistocene times, and that for centuries past it has probably been a population controlling factor in the native rodent economy. Much evidence is available to support this latter theory, not the least of which is the fact that the known plague foci in many, if not most instances are discontinuous, being separated by wide gaps, sometimes of hundreds of miles. This is difficult to explain if one adheres to the contention that all plague in native rodents is the result of a progressive infection originating from the San Francisco outbreak at the turn of the century. Plague in Canada is at present known only from areas in Alberta and Saskatchewan where it has been identified in the common ground squirrel (Citellus r. ric hards onii), and its fleas. Some of the fleas infesting this mammal are known to be efficient plague vectors. Following is a list of the fleas occurring in Canada that are known to be capable of transmitting plague, at least experimentally, and which infest animals that would tend to bring them into close contact with man. Ctenocephalides canis on dogs, cats, rabbits, rats Ctenocephalides felis felis dogs, cats, rabbits, rats Leptopsylla segnis house mice, rats Malaraeus telchinum native mice, rats Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi chipmunks Nosopsyllus fasciatas domestic rats Opisocrostis bruneri ground squirrels Opisocrostis labis ground squirrels Opisocrostis tuberculatus ground squirrels Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis woodrats Oropsylla rupestris ground squirrels, rats Pulex irritans rats, rabbits, hogs Thrassis acamantis marmots Thrassis bacchi ground squirrels Xenopsylla cheopis domestic rats Some of these may be classed as weak vectors, while others are efficient. Not all will bite man directly. In any case, the list is undoubtedly unrepresenta- tive and incomplete, so that there is room for much work to be done to increase the knowledge of relative infectivity, host specificity and potential importance of indigenous Canadian fleas. The mechanics and physiology of plague transmission by fleas are well treated by Patton (1931), Wu et al. (1936), Eskey and Haas (1940), I off (1941) and by Meyer (1947), to which works the reader is referred. Fleas are also known to be transmitters of endemic typhus and tularaemia, and are important vectors of the dog tapeworm. 38 NOTES ON ANATOMY, AS APPLIED TO SYSTEMATICS A basic knowledge of the anatomy of fleas is a necessary adjunct to any consideration of the taxonomy of the order. As the morphology of fleas, with special reference to skeletal structure has recently been treated in considerable detail (Snodgrass, 1946) it is necessary here to give only sufficient notes to outline the subject, and explain the terminology used in the keys, descriptions and illustrations. The critical characters used in the taxonomy of the Siphonaptera are con- tained for the most part in structural details of the exoskeleton. This involves the presence, number, position and relative development of certain spines and setae (referred to as bristles in many publications), and the shape of various sclerites, particularly in the modified segments of the abdomen, which form the genitalia. In the females, the form of the receptaculum seminis or spermatheca is also of great importance. As a consequence, fleas may be studied satis- torily only when adequately cleared and prepared as microscope slide whole mounts (see Appendix B.) or dissections. The following data pertain especially to Canadian flea fauna. 1. Head The head capsule of a flea has generally been considered to consist primarily of an anterior "irons" and a posterior "occiput" which regions were regarded as being separated by the antennal fossae. With the exception of an inter- antennal groove and interantennal ridge which may or may not occur on the top of the head, fleas lack the various sutures which commonly serve to identify the location of the elements of the insect cranium. Snodgrass shows by a study of muscle attachments that the so called frons must be, at least in part, the clypeus, and that a tubercle, set in a notch, and usually referred to as the "frontal tubercle" should in actuality be termed a "clypeal tubercle". This structure is not always present in any case, and its function is not definitely known, although it has been suggested that it serves to rupture the pupal skin. Jordan (1945: 113-116) has demonstrated that in two families (Vermipsyllidae and Ischnop- syllidae) the "frontal tubercle" may be deciduous, and varying amounts of it, from the complete structure to a more or less smooth scar may be preserved in individual specimens of a particular species. In the present paper, the areas anterior and posterior to the antennal fossae will be referred to as pre- and postantennal regions respectively. As mentioned, these areas may or may not be separated by an interantennal groove (dorsal sulcus of many authors), and the degree of separation varies in different families and genera. Oudemans (1909) and many later students used this character to separate the Siphonaptera into two sub-orders, the Integricipita and Fracti- cipita (whole-headed and broken-headed fleas) but most students of the order today regard the presence of this groove or *' suture" as being of no more than generic value. Sometimes the inner walls of the antennal fossae are fused, or they may be separate, and connected by a transverse sclerified rod termed the trabecula centralis. When present this is visible as a round dark area situated approx- imately at the mid-point of the anterior margin of the fossa. Its function is to reinforce the head capsule against lateral pressure. Certain genera (e. g. Cteno- phyllus)have thin thread-like sclerifications visible in the genal region, partly concealed by the eyes. These represent either the dorsal or anterior arms of the tentorium. These internal structures are used in the identification of certain taxonomic groups. THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA The antennae, which lie protected in the antenna] fossae, but which ma\ be erected at will, especially in the males, consist of three principal parts, (1) the 1kis.i1 segment or scape, (2) the second segment or pedicel and (3) the club or clava, which may be partially or completely divided into nine segments. The pedicel possesses a marginal row of setae which are short in some genera and as long as, or longer than, the club in others. Sometimes sexual dimorphism is evident, in which cases these setae may be short in the male but long in the female. In one Canadian genus (Callistopsyllus) part of the pedicel is produced to form a protective sheath around the base of the club (PI. XVII, fig. 116). The paired eyes, which are simple (actually ventrally displaced ocelli, according to Snodgrass) may be large and heavily pigmented, reduced, vestigial or even totally absent in different genera. In the keys, eyes which are large and almost circular or oval in outline, and dark with pigment, are regarded as "well developed". Those considered as "poorly developed" or "reduced" usually are smaller, have less pigment, and the ventral margin quite noticeably concave, so that the eye is semi-lunar or bean-shaped. When present, the eye is located belowr the antennal fossa, just above the cheek or gena. In some fleas writh a vertical comb (e. g. Corypsylla)a.n eye vestige may be present high on the head, above the comb. The gena has a posterior prolongation termed the genal process. Sometimes this process continues around the base of the head, fusing with the occipital margin, in which case the antennal fossa or groove is termed "closed" (family Pulicidae only). Otherwise it is considered "open". The vestiture and development of setae and spines on the preantennal region are of great taxonomic importance. There is usually a number of more or less well-developed setae which may be located singly or in rows. A single seta located near the eye is termed the ocular seta, and, if it is one of a row of several, the group is known as the ocular row. A row located anteriorly to this is com- monly referred to as the frontal row (actually on part of the clypeus ?). Some- times a number of thickened and pigmented setae (spiniforms) is present along or near the anterior margin of the head. In some genera, the setae of the postan- tennal region are also arranged in rows. Besides a few pairs of dermal pits or placoids, small punctations are frequently present on the head capsule, especially dorsally. These may contain tiny hairs. There is very often a comb or ctenidium of heavy pigmented spines on the head. These spines vary in number, shape and position, and are of great importance in taxonomy. Most frequently located along the ventral border of the gena (genal ctenidium) they may be pointed, blunt, spatulate, separate or crossing each other. They may be arranged horizontally, more or less obliquely or even vertically. Sometimes spines occur along the anterior margin of the antennal fossa. In the bat fleas (three genera) they appear as ventral flaps at the anterior end of the head. The mouthparts are used for piercing skin and sucking blood, and in con- sequence the elements are elongated and otherwise adapted to this purpose. The labium is channeled on the anterior side and bears a pair of palpi. These labial palpi vary in length and number of (apparent) segments in different genera and species and are thus of importance in flea systematics. Inside the channel of the labium lie three stilettos, which are approximately the same length as the labial palpi in most fleas. These are a median epipharynx (erron- eously termed the hypopharynx in many works), and a pair of serrated or denticulate maxillary laciniae (frequently and erroneously referred to as the mandibles). The maxillae bear 4-segmented palpi in addition to the above mentioned laciniae. In lateral aspect, the maxillae themselves are somewhat triangular, being broad at the base and pointed apically, but in two genera of 40 NOTES ON ANATOMY AS APPLIED TO SYSTEMATICA of bat-fleas they are truncate. The labrum exists as a tiny sclerite just anterior to the base of the epipharynx. The heads of male fleas are generally smaller, flatter dorsally, and more strongly rounded anteriorly than those of females of the same species. Also, the antennae are longer, and inserted higher up on the frons. Sometimes the antennae are so long that the antennal fossae continue onto the propleura. The heads of the two sexes are much alike with regard to chaetotaxy (cf. figs. 3 and 4). 2. Thorax The thorax in fleas, as with other insects, is divisible into three segments, the pro-, meso-, and metathorax. Dorsally, each segment bears a single un- divided tergum or notum of which the pronotum frequently carries on its posterior margin a comb or ctenidium of heavy spines, termed the pronotal ctenidium. The other nota, in Canadian genera, do not bear combs, but all have one or more rows of setae. In all families but the Pulicidae, there are a few "pseudo- setae" or slender spicules arising from the posterior portion of the mesonotum, underneath the collar or flange. The Ceratophyllidae and Ischnopsyllidae have in addition, more or less pigmented apical spinelets located on the margin of the collar of the metanotum, somewhat like the apical spinelets found on the ab- dominal terga of many fleas (fig. 3). The sterna and pleura of the thoracic segments have become much fused and modified, and the degree of this fusion between certain elements is sometimes of importance in taxonomy. There has been difference of opinion among students of flea anatomy as to the identity of some of these parts. The writer has followed Snodgrass' work in presenting the following notes. In the prothorax, the sternal and pleural areas are represented by a single fused sclerite, termed the pleurosternal plate (sternopleura, prosternite of some authors). In some fleas a length-wise ridge may be present, separating dorsally an episternal area and ventrally an epimeral area. There is frequently a sinus on the anterior margin of the pleurosternal plate where the cervical sclerite articulates with it. The mesopleura and mesosternum are also always united into a single structure, the separate elements of which are usually fairly discernible. In most fleas it is possible to locate an episternal and epimeral area on the meso- pleurum by means of an inner vertical rod, attached dorsally and ventrally, and which probably represents a detached pleural ridge. This structure is of importance in classification. The metanotum bears two transverse selerified grooves, the anterior of which is the intercostal sulcus, and the posterior, the notal ridge, which usually gives off anteriorly a short longitudinal additional ridge. This merges into an anterior marginal thickening which continues around the ventral edge of the metanotum. In this manner a small area of the metanotum is separated away from the main body of the sclerite. This area has been variously interpreted as a detached portion of the metepisternum or as the episternum itself. In some fleas (e. g., PI. I, fig. 1) the notal ridge continues downward and terminates at the upper end of the pleural ridge in what appears to be a ball- and-socket joint. In others the union of notal and pleural ridges is not so complete (e. g., PI. XV, fig. 97), while sometimes the junction is so complete (PI. Ill, fig. 3) that the two ridges appear as one continuous structure. Anterior to the pleural ridge is an episternal area, fusing with the sternum much the same as in the mesothorax. Posterior to the pleural ridge is the huge metipimerum, which overlaps the abdomen and supplants the first abdominal sternite. In one subfamily (Rhadinopsyllinae) the lower lateral surface o{ the metepimerum bears a heavily striated area (figs. 90, 97, 101) which is used in classification. 41 I HI-: SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA This ma) have some use, along with spinelets or bristles of the hind coxae, .i^ a stridulating mechanism*. There are two pairs of thoracic spiracles, located as shown in the figures. While the soft internal parts of the flea are dissolved away by the action of the caustic, there are one or two sclerotized structures which remain. One of these is the lining of the proventriculus, appearing as a ball of spicules, and located usually in the region of the metathorax or anterior part of the abdomen (PI. 1 1, tig. 2). It is not used in systematics. 3. Legs Fleas possess three pairs of legs, of which the hind pair is usually greatly enlarged, although all the legs appear to be used when a flea leaps. The legs are composed of the following segments: a large flat coxa, a small trochanter, a large femur, an elongated tibia, and a tarsus of five segments. The fore coxae are attached at the anterior end of the pleurosternal plate, and hang beneath the head in a transverse plane. Their outer surfaces are well clothed with setae. The mid and hind coxae articulate with the meso-and meta-thorax in a nearly longitudinal plane, their bases being overlapped slightly by the flange-like lower margins of the episterna and epimera of those segments. These coxae are strengthened by outer and inner longitudinal ridges. The arrangement of setae on the mid and hind coxae and the presence or absence of a row or patch of short spiniform setae (used for stridulation ?) on the inside of the hind coxae is of taxonomic significance. The trochanter is small in all legs. The femur is large, and the number of lateral setae on femur I is of importance in classification. The tibia is elongated, especially in the mid and hind legs, and is variously aimed with stiff dorsal and apical setae. Sometimes, as in Leptopsylla and Peromyscopsylla the dorsal margin has a uniform series of setae, giving much the appearance of a comb. The relative lengths of certain tarsal segments is sometimes of generic significance. So also is the arrangement of plantar bristles on the terminal segment. There are typically five or six pairs of these, laterally placed, but one or more pairs may be shifted inwards in some genera, or some may be missing. The last tarsal segment terminates in a pair of claws or ungues. 4. Pregenital segments of abdomen The flea abdomen is now generally considered to consist of ten segments, although some authors have interpreted certain of the small highly specialized sclerites of the terminalia as vestiges of segments XI and possibly even XII. The first seven, which Snodgrass terms the pregenital segments, are re- presented by dorsal terga and ventral sterna, which are virtually unmodified. In counting the sterna it must be remembered that the first is missing (or at least membranous, and covered by the metepimerum) and that the first visible ventral abdominal plate is sternum II. The terga are saddle-like sclerites, each overlapping the one posterior to it, shingle-wise. The number of lateral rows of setae on the terga is of importance; so also is the presence and number of apical spinelets, which represent vestigial ctenidia. In one genus (Stenoponia) there is a well developed ctenidium on tergum I (PI. XI, fig. 55) and terga II — V have extensive series of apical spinelets. * Enderlein, 1930:77 1 -772, demonstrated that Pulex irritans "sings" by manipulating its hind coxae (armed with spinelets) against the finely striated basal abdominal sternum. 42 NOTES ON ANATOMY AS APPLIED TO SYSTEMATICS One genus of bat-fleas (Myodopsylla) bears "false ctenidia" (close groups of heavy setae) on the abdominal terga (PI. XLI, fig. 338). Another genus (Epte- scopsylla) has a comb on tergum VII (fig. 335). Near the dorsal apical margin of tergum VII there is (usually) on each side a group of from one to five conspicuous antepygidial setae. Rarely, tergum VII is produced posteriorly into a lobe or pair of lobes which extend between these groups. Posterior to the antepygidial setae is a sensory plate termed the pygid- ium or sensilium, which probably represents part of the tenth abdominal segment. Its function is not understood. It is very hairy, and contains a number of circular depressions (trichobothria) each of which contains a long seta. In form the pygidium is usually flat (lateral aspect) but in some genera (Hystrichopsyl- lidae) it is very convex. The sterna are the ventral counterparts of the terga. Sterna II-VI are of more or less uniform shape, and with the exception of sternum II, which may bear significant setae, are not much used in taxanomy. The contour of sternum VII is frequently of great specific or subspecific value in the females. It may be entire, or divided by a lateral sinus into upper and lower lobes. The shape of sternum VII is very constant in some species; in others it is highly variable. The diversity of form of this structure probably has some relationship to the shape of the claspers of the corresponding males, and has a function in the mating act. Abdominal segments I-VII have laterally placed spiracles. The spirally thickened tracheae can usually be traced to these. An occluding apparatus may be seen on the tracheal trunks, separated from the spiracle proper by a tubular atrium. The spiracles of segment VIII open into hairy fossae (stigma cavities of Jordan) on the inner dorsal margins of tergum VIII, on either side of the pygidium. These cavities may be shallow, or very large in different genera. The remaining abdominal segments will be described with the genitalia of each sex. 5. Male genitalia The tergum and sternum of segment VIII in male fleas are variously devel- oped in different families and genera. In the Vermipsyllidae these sclerites are virtually unmodified, resembling very much the preceding segments. With most fleas, however, one or both of these plates may be modified to form a more or less protective shield on either side of the external genitalia. In the bat-fleas (Ischnopsyllidae) both the tergum and the sternum are about equally expanded posteriorly, and, with the aid of strong marginal setae, effectively enclose the genital apparatus. The same situation occurs in three genera of fleas classified here in the Amphipsyllinae (Amphipsylla, Ctenophyllus and OdontopsyUus). In some genera of the Hystrichopsyllidae (e.g. Atyphloceras, HystrichopsyUa, Conorhinopsylla and Meringis) tergum VIII is virtually unmodified, but sternum VIII, while not developed sufficiently to afford much protection to the claspers, may be expanded posteroventrally to a greater or lesser degree, and may have special setae of characteristic form. With the remainder of the Hystrichopsyllidae (Neopsyllinae, Rhadinopsyl- linae, Ctenophthalminae, Anomiopsyllinae, and Nearctopsyllinae), tergum VIII is somewhat reduced, and sternum VIII distinctly expanded dorsally and posteriorly, to a degree sufficient to at least partly enclose the external genitalia. In the Pulicidae the above trend of development reaches an extreme, and tergum VIII is very much reduced, while the corresponding sternum is huge', and almost completely encloses the terminalia. In the Ceratophyllinae, the reverse is the case and tergum YIM is a huge sclerite, usually well armed with setae, and effectively protects the genitalia. 43 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Frequentl) the inner dorsal surface has a spiculose area. Sternum YIII on the other hand is reduced considerably, and in most eases exists as a slender rod which usually bears one or two apical filamentous appendages. In a few cases (as in Nosopsyllus and Malaraeus telchinutn) sternum YIII is reduced to the merest vestige. Tergum IX of male fleas is always small, and usually exists as a very slender sclerite arched over the abdomen just anterior to the pygidium, and merging on either side into the genital claspers. These claspers are a pair of broad plates, each with a ventrocephalad extension termed the manubrium. In many fleas, tergum IX has a broad apodemal plate extending cephalad above each manu- brium and fused with it. Posteriorly each clasper possesses one or more im- moveable processes and an articulated or moveable process, usually termed the moveable finger. The shape and vestiture of this structure is of extreme taxonomic importance. There are usually two (0-3) long acetabular setae inserted near the acetabulum or point of articulation. In one family (Pulicidae) there are typically twro moveable processes on each side and part of the clasper lobe itself is hinged. Snodgrass (1946:51) cites evidence that convinces him that the claspers of fleas are homologous with the parameres of certain other insects. Unfortunately the term "paramere" is already well-established in taxonomic flea literature with structures which he asserts should be known as aedeagal hooks or crochets. Sternum IX is usually boomerang-shaped in lateral view, with a pair of vertical or dorsal arms which extend upwards on either side, and a posteriorly projecting ventral arm. In most fleas the ventral arm is bifurcate, and may have ventral and terminal lobes of particular shape, or significant arrangements of setae and spiniforms. The apical portions may be articulated. At the angle of sternum IX, where the elements of the two sides come together, there may be an apodemal rod (apophysis of many authors) extending anteriorly (Ceratophyl- lidae, Ischnopsyllidae). The intromittent organ of fleas is a most complex structure and is treated at length by Snodgrass (1946:48-70) so that it is unnecessary to redescribe it here in detail, other than to explain some of the sclerified structures which remain in cleared specimens and which may have taxonomic significance. It is regretable that Snodgrass did not take into account some of Jordan's recent works, which also deal with the structure of the aedeagus (or phallosome). As it is, two different terminologies have resulted. Extending anteriorly into the abdomen is the large aedeagal apodeme ("plate of the penis" of various authors). Below this are the penis rods ("springs" or "levers" of penis) which in the living insect are contained in the endophallic sac, and are protracted from the aedeagus in the act of copulation. These rods may be short, or long enough to be coiled once or twice. The external aedeagus frequently bears one or a pair of apical hooks or crochets (not parameres) of significant shape. Certain researches upon the structure of the aedeagus proper, carried out by Major Robert Traub, indicate that considerable phylogenetic significance may be demonstrated by a comparative analysis of the complexities of this organ in various genera. This work, when published will undoubtedly elucidate many problems concerning the scope and relationship of flea families, and will open a whole new field of investigation. A small capsule-like organ with an internal network of spicules is seen in the vicinity of each basal arm of sternum VIII in males of the Ceratophyllus-type. This is known as the "X" organ or "gland of Wagner"; its function is not fully understood. The dorsal and ventral plates in the vicinity of the anus are regarded as being derived from the tergum and sternum of segment X. 44 notes on anatomy as applied to systematics 6. Female genitalia The posterior segments of the females are not so greatly modified. Sternum VII and its taxonomic importance has already been mentioned. Tergum VIII is very large (much as in males of fleas of the Ceratophyllus- type) and obscures the somewhat rudimentary elements of segment IX. Sternum VIII is reduced to a small ventral structure. As with the males, the anal flaps are derived from part of segment X. Attached to the dorsal flap, or anal tergum there is (except in the Vermipsyllidae) a small bristled appendage, the style or stylet. Some of the internal genital organs are of considerable taxonomic im- portance. The shape of the highly sclerotized structure known as the sper- matheca or receptaculum seminis is particularly significant. It is composed of a dilated portion, the head, which joins a (usually) more constricted portion, the tail or appendix. The proximal end of this may or may not project into the lumen of the head, and at the distal end, there is, in some genera, a small sclero- tized papilla or process. The spermatheca connects with the bursal copulatrix by means of a tube, the ductus receptaculi seminis. Sometimes the degree of sclerification in this tube, or in the bursa itself is a critical character in identi- fication. Ancestrally, fleas apparently had two spermathecae, and in three modern Canadian genera (Atyphloceras, Saphiopsylla, and Hystrichopsylla) there are two, but in all the remainder there is but one. A small blind duct, the ductus obturatus, leading into the bursa is apparently a vestigial remnant of the second ductus receptaculi seminis. These ducts, and other soft parts are usually difficult to trace out in over-cleared specimens. Rarely, a flea which normally should possess but one spermatheca, will have two (see footnote, p. 71). 45 THE PROBLEM OF FLEA TAXONOMY There is at the present time, unfortunately, no general agreement among siphonapterists upon a systematic classification of the fleas. The extreme modification of these insects, due principally to their parasitic mode of life, the meagreness of fossil material, and lack of intermediate forms between some widely separated modern groups (due probably to the dying out of certain mammal families and genera in the recent geological ages) makes their phylogeny difficult to interpret. As Dr. Karl Jordan stated in a letter to the writer, the problem suggests an attempt to assemble a jig-saw puzzle in which many of the more important pieces are missing. Baker's classifications of 1904-1905 are of course now hopelessly out of date, as the great bulk of the genera and species now known have been discovered since his time. Wagner at various times up to 1939 has published classifications which have much to commend them. Ewing and Fox (1943) published a paper on North American fleas which includes a classification of families and sub- families intended to accommodate the fleas of the world. Their radically different interpretations of family and other categories have been subjects of much controversy. The synopsis of families, subfamilies and genera listed by Jellison and Good (Index to the Literature of Siphonaptera of North America, 1942:3-4) groups related genera with but few exceptions, but some of the sub- families do not appear to be well placed. It is evident now that the arrangement is not entirely satisfactory, and Dr. Jellison has informed the writer that his own views on the location of certain families and genera have changed since the publication of the "Index". Hubbard's recent monographic work (1947) rearranges many of the genera in a different way again, but unfortunately the changes are not supported by adequate revisions of family diagnoses, so that some of his opinions appear illogical to the present writer. Dampf's (1945) limitation of the subfamily Dolichopsyllinae to contain only the aberrant genus Dolichopsyllus, and the erection of the subfamily Amphipsyllinae to accommodate certain other genera not closely allied to the Ceratophyllus-type, are, to the writer's mind, steps in the right direction. Still, it is apparent that there has not yet appeared a satisfactory natural classification of the fleas of North America, nor, for that matter, of the world. It is now evident that many of the important and significant structures denoting relationship may be relatively obscure. Some of the more striking characteristics, such as the presence or absence of ctenidia, eyes, and dorsal "sulcus" are of comparatively little importance, and rarely of more than generic value. Some writers have laid great stress on the "frontal tubercle" and, on the presence or absence of that structure, have separated genera into positions systematically remote, when a study of genital and other characters indicates that these genera are actually closely allied. The pattern of the male genitalia; details of the antennae; structure of the thorax; the internal skeletal structure of the head capsule (trabeculae and tentorial arms); presence or absence of female stylet; relative development of the elements of abdominal segment VIII of the males: these are among the main- characters that have been neglected by some recent workers, and which fre- quently bear great fundamental significance. In the writer's opinion, only men who have facilities for studying and comparing fleas from all parts of the world are in a position to pronounce author- itative judgment upon the scope of families and relationship of genera. Dr. Jordan, with his years of experience and access to the huge Tring collections 47 I III SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA occupies a unique position in this connection, and it is hoped by all students of the order that he will be able to publish a monograph of the fleas of the world. The primary purpose of the present paper is to provide a means for the identification of Canadian fleas, together with some observations on their geo- graphical ranges and host relationships, rather than to revise the taxonomy of the order. None the less, the writer does not feel that he can subscribe fully to any classification that has yet appeared. Dr. Jordan has been particularly kind in allowing the use of some of his unpublished ideas, and the classification to follow will be based to a considerable extent on these. The writer hopes that the discussions and definitions of the categories used will warrant the departure from arrangements adopted in recent works, and that they will help to clarify these difficult problems rather than add to the confusion already existing. It should be clearly understood that the definitions of families and sub- families given here apply to holarctic and nearctic genera only, as a number of genera, from other parts of the world, but belonging to these groups, differ in various respects, so that, if they were to be included, certain limitations of the diagnoses would be necessitated. Seven families of fleas (as here considered) occur in North America. Two of these, Tungidae and Malacopsyllidae, are not known from Canada. Of the five families occurring in this country, the Pulicidae is well set off from the others, having a number of very special modifications. The members of the small family Vermipsyllidae, too, are readily distinguished from all other fleas, having certain peculiar adaptations or combinations of characters not found elsewhere. Of the three remaining families, the Ischnopsyllidae have special characters, relating particularly to the head capsule. In addition, this family is strictly associated with the bats (Chiroptera). However, in many ways, these fleas are generalized and not far removed from the Leptopsyllinae, a subfamily placed here in the Ceratophyllidae. In recent literature there has been very little concurrence of opinion on the scope of the Ceratophyllidae (or Dolichopsyllidae) and the Hystrichopsyllidae. This, to a considerable extent, has been due to difference of opinion as to the fundamental significance of the fracticipit head as opposed to the integricipit type. As mentioned elsewhere, many genera are intermediate in this respect. Furthermore, others are proved to be close relatives by other characters, although one may be broken-headed while the other has the head capsule entire (as Stenistomera and Callistopsyllus) . The characters used here to separate Hystri- chopsyllidae and Ceratophyllidae pertain particularly to the terminal abdominal segments of the male, and the thorax. In addition, the former family tends to have more ctenidia, but there are many exceptions. 48 NOTES ON THE ILLUSTRATIONS As space in this paper does not permit of complete redescriptions of each individual species, conclusions drawn from a study of the keys and notes must be checked against the illustrations which show the more important diagnostic structures. The figures are plain line drawings, made with the aid of a camera lucida. Except where otherwise stated, or where illustrations are copied from previous works, all these drawings are made to the same scale (approximately X 93), so that some idea may be had of the relative sizes of corresponding structures in various genera and species of fleas. All drawings are prepared from the left lateral aspect. Internal thicknesses and underlying structures are usually represented by dotted lines, and sometimes by stippling. When eyes are well developed and heavily pigmented they are indicated in solid black. When reduced or vestigial, they are not shaded, but represented in plain or dotted outline. The drawings of the heads do not as a rule include the antennae or mouthparts except where these are specially mentioned in the keys. Setae ( — bristles of many authors) are usually unshaded. True spines such as those frequently on the head and pronotum and sometimes the abdomen are represented in solid black. So also are the pigmented spiniforms and heavy setae sometimes to be found on the male genitalia and other parts of the body. In comparing specimens with the drawings, it must be remembered that a certain degree of variation is allowable. In some highly variable structures as the sternum VII (9) of some species, several examples may be illustrated. Fleas lend themselves far more readily to illustration than to verbal description. 49 GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE KEYS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Abd. abdomen; abdominal Ac. acetabulum; acetabular Aed. aedeagus; aedeagal An. anus Ant. antenna Ant.F. antennal fossa Antp.S. antepygidial setae Ap. apodeme; apodemal B.cop. bursa copulatrix CI. clasper lobe Clp. clypeus Clp.T. clypeal tubercle Civ. clava Coll. collar of spermatheca Crc. crochet of aedeagus ("para- mere") C.Scl. cervical sclerite Ct. ctenidium Cx. coxa D.o. ductus obturatus D.P. dermal pits D.r.s. ductus receptaculi seminis PIphy. epipharynx Epm. epimerum Eps. episternum F. moveable process (es) of clasper Fm. femur Fr. frons; frontal G. gena; genal Gl.W. gland of Wagner G.P. genal process Jntc.S. intercostal sulcus Int.G. interantennal groove Jnt.R. Interantennal ridge L. labium ; labial Lc. lacinia Lb. lobe Lbr. labrum M. manubrium of clasper Mb. membranous appendage Ms. meso — pertaining to thoracic segment II M x. Mt. meta — pertaining to thoracic segment III maxilla; maxillary N. notum; notal (of thorax) N.R. notal ridge Oc. eve; ocular P. immoveable process(es) of clasper Pd. pedicel of antenna PL pleurum Pip. palpus Pl.R. pleural ridge Pl.St. pleurosternal plate Pn. penis Pr. pro — pertaining to thoracic segment I Ps.S. pseudosetae Pvt. proventriculus Pyg. pygidium Rd. rod(s) R.s. spermatheca or receptaculum seminis seta(e) scape of antenna sinus spiniforms spiculose area of tergum VIII apical spinelets spiracle sternum stigma cavity of tergum VIII anal stylet striated area of metepimerum or sternum 1 1 abdominal tergum; tergal tibia trabecula centralis tentorial arms thorax, thoracic trochanter tarsal segments plantar bristles of tarsus V S. Sc. Sn. Spf. Spic. Spl. Spr. St. Stig. Stl. Str. T. Tb. T.C. Tent. Th. Tr. Ts. Ts.S. Un. unguis I, II, III, IV, etc. segmental numbers 51 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Note: In the locality records of the various species discussed, the political divisions (provinces, territories) and larger islands of the Dominion of Canada will be indicated by the following abbreviations: X.S. Nova Scotia P.E.I. Prince Edward Island Y.T. Yukon Territory N.W.T. Northwest Territories V.I. Vancouver Island (B.C.) Q.C.I. Queen Charlotte Islands (B.C.) B.C. British Columbia Alia. Alberta Sask. Saskatchewan Man. Manitoba Out. Ontario Que. Quebec N.B. New Brunswick 52 KEY TO THE GENERA OF CANADIAN FLEAS As the families and subfamilies of fleas are defined by complex combinations of characters rather than by single peculiarities, a natural key separating the various categories of necessity becomes very lengthy and involved in order to be reliable. Even then, some of the fundamental characteristics are relatively obscure and not easily identifiable by the beginner, or sometimes may be difficult to interpret in individual specimens, which are damaged or not well prepared. From the standpoint of identification only, an artificial key, separating genera by means of more readily discernible characters, is far more satisfactory. Accord- ingly, the following key is designed to facilitate accurate generic assignment of specimens, without attempting to demonstrate phylogenetic relationships. 1 With pronotal ctenidium 4 Without pronotal ctenidium 2 2 (1) With one row of setae on abdominal terga II-VI. Antepygidial setae present 3 Anterior abdominal terga each with two rows of setae. Antepygidial setae lacking Abdomens of 9 9 sometimes considerably ex- panded (fig. 32) g. Arctopsyila, p. 69 3 (2) Pleural ridge present in mesothorax (fig. 26). On Rattus g. Xenopsylla, p. 67 Mesothorax lacking pleural ridge (fig. 23) g. Pulex, p. 66 4 (1) With genal ctenidium 5 Without genal ctenidium 24 5 (1) Abdominal tergum I with well developed ctenidium (fig. 55) g. Stenoponia, p. 78 Abdominal tergum I without ctenidium 6 6 (5) Anterior abdominal terga each with one row of setae 7 Anterior terga with two or more rows of setae 9 7 (6) Anterior abdominal terga with heavy sclerotizations. Apical spinelets present (fig. 137) g. Corypsylla, p. 103 Terga without sclerotizations or apical spinelets 8 8 (7) Genal ctenidium more or less horizontal, with sharp, slightly curved spines (fig. 11). On cats, dogs, and wild carnivores g. Ctenocephalides, p. 64 Genal ctenidium oblique, with blunt spines (fig. 7). On native Leporidae g. Cediopsylla, p. 60 9 (6) Genal spines represented as two flaps, located at anterior end of head (figs. 334, 337, 345). On bats or in bat roosts, caves, etc 10 Genal spines variable in form and number, but not as above. Not on bats 12 10 (9) Maxillae acuminate. Head pointed anteriorly (fig. 334). Termini VII distinguished by strong "false comb" (fig. 335) g. Eptescopsylla,) p. 179 Maxillae truncate; head more rounded (figs. 337, 345). Terga 1-YII much alike with regard to vestiture 11 53 NIK SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA 11(10) Abdominal terga l-YII with false combs (fig. 338). g. MyodopsyUa, p. 180 Terga without false combs, but with a few apical spinelets ( fig. 346) g. Myodopsylloides, p. 181 12 (9) Metepimerum bearing densely striated area (figs. 90, 97). Head not divided above antennal fossae. Males lacking antepygidial setae. . 13 Metepimerum not as above. Head more or less divided above anten- nal Males with antepygidial setae 14 13(12) Lower portion of metanotum divided by a transverse ridge (tig. 97) g. Rectofrontia, p. 91 Metanotum not divided as above (fig. 90). Chaetotaxy of head similar to above (figs. 89, 94) g. Micropsylla, p. 89 14(12) Genal ctenidium of more than two spines 19 Genal ctenidium of two spines only 15 15(14) Genal spines separate, not overlapping. Head "helmet shaped" (fig. 316) g. Peromyscopsylla, p. 1 75 Genal spines overlapping each other. Head not "helmet shaped" (example, fig. 71) 16 16(15) Tarsus V of some or all of the legs with the basal pair of plantar bristles moved subventrally (fig. 85). Row or patch of spiniforms on inside of hind coxae 17 All plantar bristles lateral. Spiniforms of hind coxae reduced to slender hairs 18 17(16) All tarsi V with four lateral pairs of plantar bristles and a basal submedian pair. No clypeal tubercle (fig. 84). Pygidium flat. g. Meringis, p. 88 Pro- and mesotarsi as above. Metatarsus with four lateral pairs only; no basal submedian bristles. Clypeal tubercle present (fig. 71). Pygidium convex g. Epitedia, p. 83 18(16) Basal abdominal sternum ventrally margined with setae. Large fleas (usually over 4 mm.). On eastern chipmunks (Tamias) g. Tamiophila, p. 88 Basal abdominal sternum without ventral setae. Medium size (under 3 mm.). On Citellus spp g. Neopsylla, p. 86 19(14) Genal ctenidium of three spines (fig. 104). Apical segment of labial palpus with hook-like seta (fig. 105) g. Ctenophthalmus, p. 93 Genal ctenidium of more than three spines. Labial palpus not as above 20 20(19) Genal ctenidium of four spines 21 Genal ctenidium of more than four spines 23 21(20) Two spiniforms near frontal angle. Genal spines arranged ver- tically (fig. 312) g. Leptopsylla, p. 174 No spiniforms. Genal spines arranged horizontally along ventral margin of head 22 22(21) Genal process visible above last spine (fig. 111). Tergum VI 1 with a pair of processes extending posteriori y between the two sets of antepygidial setae (fig. 112) g. Corrodopsylla, p. 95 Last genal spine nearly concealing genal process (fig. 108). No processes on tergum VII g. Doratopsylla, p. 94 54 KEY TO THE GENERA OF CANADIAN FLEAS 23(20) Genal spines five or more, long and slender, and in an oblique row (fig. 42). Females with two equal spermathecae. Large to huge fleas g. Hystrichopsylla, p. 73 Genal spines five, spatulate, and arranged vertically (fig. 140). Single spermatheca. Medium sized fleas g. Nearctopsylla, p. 104 24 (4) Anterior abdominal terga each with but one row of setae 25 Anterior terga each with two or more rows of setae 27 25(24) Eyes well developed (fig. 18). Abdominal terga lacking apical spinelets g. Hoplopsyllus, p. 61 Eyes vestigial. Apical spinelets present 26 26(25) Labial palpus 4-segmented. Pedicel of antenna forming a sheath around base of clava (fig. 116) g. Callistopsyllus, p. 96 Labial palpus 5-segmented. Pedicel of antenna not as above (fig. 122) g. Megarthroglossus , p. 98 27(24) Metepimerum with densely striated area (fig. 101). Males lacking antepygidial setae. On Aplodontia g. Trichopsylloides, p. 92 Metepimerum not as above. Males with antepygidial setae 28 28(27) Trabecula centralis visible as a pigmented elliptical or circular area in head capsule near anterior margin of antennal fossa, above eye (examples: figs. 3, 4) 34 Trabecula centralis lacking 29 29(28) Postantennal setae fairly numerous, and arranged in oblique rows. 30 Postantennal setae reduced in number, and not in oblique rows (fig. 134) g. Conorhinopsylla, p. 101 30(29) Patch of spiniforms on inside of hind coxa 31 Hind coxae lacking spiniforms 32 31(30) Preantennal region with two rows of setae (fig. 59). Labial palpus not reaching apex of fore coxa g. Catallagia, p. 79 Preantennal region with three rows of setae (fig. 68). Labial palpus as long as fore coxa g. Delotelis, p. 82 32(30) Pygidium convex. Numerous apical spinelets on abdominal terga. Females with two equal spermathecae 33 Pygidium flat. A few spinelets on anterior abdominal terga. Females with single spermatheca g. Amphipsylla, p. 108 33(32) Clypeal tubercle situated very low down, near oral margin (fig. 38). Western North America only g. Atyphloceras, p. 72 Clypeal tubercle situated higher up (fig. 35). Eastern North America g. Saphiopsylla, p. 71 34(28) Eyes vestigial, unpigmented 35 Eyes of medium to large size; pigmented 37 35(34) Sclerified tentorial arm clearly visible in genal region (fig. 166). On Aplodontia g. Dolichopsyllus, p. Ill Tentorial arms lacking (figs. 193, 198). On Thomomys 36 36(35) Hindtibia with more than 20 stout bristles on posterior and apical margins (fig. 194). First pair of plantar bristles on all tarsi V distally bent downwards and inwards g. Dactylopsylla, p. 124 55 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA 37(34) 38(37) 39(37) 40(39) 41(40) 42(39) 43(42) Hindtibia with less than 20 stout bristles (fig. 199). Plantar bristles all lateral g. Foxella, p. 125 Hind coxae with patch of spiniforms or hairs 38 Hind coxae without spiniforms 39 Preantennal region with row of pigmented spiniforms (figs. 158, 160). ( )n Ochotona g. Ctenophyllus, p. 109 Preantennal region without spiniforms (fig. 162). On Sylvilagus and Lepus g. Odontopsyllus, p. 1 10 One or no lateral seta on fore femur (Jordan's "group A") 40 A number of lateral setae on fore femur 42 Segment I of hind tarsus longer than II-IV together (fig. 238) g. Tarsopsylla, p. 143 Segment I shorter than II-IV 41 cf. F with 4 or 5 short equal spiniforms, directed upwards (fig. 221) 9 . Ventral margin of anal sternum distinctly angulate. near middle. Stylet not curved (fig. 222) g. Orchopeas, p. 135 d". F with 2 or 3 medium to long, unequal spiniforms, directed downwards or distad (figs. 214, 216, 218) 9 . Ventral margin of anal sternum not angulate. Stylet some- what curved (fig. 219) g. Opisodasys, p. 131 Anterior inner lateral surface of mid- and hind coxae with long thin setae from base to apex, aside from those fringing the anterior margin of coxa (Jordan's "group B") 43 Basal part of mid- and hind coxae with no setae except those along the anterior margin (Jordan's "group C") 46 9 9 F with long posteroventral arm (fig. 190) Stylet with numerous apical bristles (fig. 192). Head and tail of spermatheca not well differentiated (fig. 191). On Ochotona g. Amphalius, p. 123 F without such appendages Stylet with one long apical bristle. Head and tail of sperma- theca well defined. On Citellus and Marmota 44 44(43) 45(44) 46(42) Basal abdominal sternum with patch of lateral setae g.Opisocrostis, p. 126 Basal abdominal sternum without patch of lateral setae 45 cf. Sternum VIII not reduced to a slender rod (figs. 181, 187). 9 . Head of spermatheca broader than long (Plate XXIV) g. Thrassis, p. 118 cf. Sternum VIII a narrow rod, with apical setae (fig. 178) 9 . Head of spermatheca pyriform, or ovate, longer than broad (Plate XXIII) g. Oropsylla, p. 112 Third pair of plantar bristles on all tarsi V shifted ventrally (fig. 264) g. Dasypsyllus, p. 150 Plantar bristles all lateral 47 56 KEY TO THE GENERA OF CANADIAN FLEAS 47(46) Stigma of tergum VIII much enlarged (examples, Plates XXXV, XXXVI) g. Megabothris, p. 156 Stigma "normal" 48 48(47) Total of 24 or more spines in pronotal ctenidium (fig. 240). Usually on birds g. Ceratophyllus, p. 145 Less than 24 spines in pronotal ctenidium. On mammals 49 49(48) Eye somewhat reduced, its longest diameter shorter or barely as long as distance from eye to heavily incrassate protion of genal lobe (fig. 273) g. Malaraeus, p. 151 Longest diameter of eye greater than this distance 50 50(49) o71. Sternum VIII vestigial, without setae (fig. 310) 9 . Tail of spermatheca rolled about head. Apex of bursa copu- latrix rolled up as a spiral (fig. 311). On Rattus g. Nosopsyllus, p. 172 c?. Sternum VIII a narrow horizontal sclerite, with setae, and with or without an apical membranous appendage (fig. 1). 9 • Tail of spermatheca not rolled about head, and apex of bursa copulatrix not as above. LIsually on squirrels, chipmunks, mice g. Monopsyllus, p. 164 57 Order SIPHONAPTERA Latreille 1825 Apterous, laterally compressed insects. Small (1-8.5 mm., average approximately 2-4 mm.). Adults parasitic upon small mammals and birds. Simple eyes, present or absent. Mouthparts modified for piercing and sucking. Antennae short and located in fossae. Thoracic segments free. Tarsi 5-jointed. Coxae very large. Metamorphosis complete. Larvae cruciform, apodous. Pupae exarate and enclosed in cocoons. For further details insofar as Canadian Siphonaptera are concerned, consult sections on Life History (p. 19) and Anatomy (p. 39). Wagner (1939) recognized ten families of the Siphonaptera (Aphaniptera) of the World, but, as mentioned elsewhere, there is no general agreement as yet as to the number and scope of the families in this order of insects. Jellison and Good (1942) list seven families for North America. Ewing and Fox (1943) recognize but five, having reduced the remaining two to the status of subfamilies. In addition, the genera are shifted somewhat. Hubbard (1947) also gives but five families for North America. As here considered, there are seven valid families of Siphonaptera represented in North America. Five of these occur in Canada. The reader is referred to Jellison and Good (1942:5-15) for the synonymy of the order, families and sub- families up to July 1, 1939. Family 1. PULICIDAE Stephens 1829. Eyes large and well pigmented in Canadian genera. Vestiture of pre- antennal region reduced to two (rarely three) setae of the ocular row, one located near the eye, the other near the oral margin. Interantennal sclerotized suture present or absent. Antennal fossae ''closed". Segments of clava of antenna more or less fused on the anterior (ventral in retracted position) side. Mouth- parts well developed. Genal ctenidium present or absent. Clypeal tubercle absent, or represented as an angle on anterior part of head capsule. Trabecula centralis lacking. Pronotal ctenidium present or absent. Mesonotum without pseudosetae under the collar. Metepimerum extending far upward, with the spiracle far above the level of the metepisternum. Metanotum and abdominal terga without apical spines. Abdominal terga II-VII with at most one row of setae. Antepygidial setae present in both sexes. Patch of small spiniform setae on inside of hind coxae. Mid coxae without vertical sclerotized ridge from central articulation downward. Four pairs of lateral plantar bristles. Males normally with two moveable processes to the clasper, and part of the clasper lobe (P) hinged also. Tergum VIII somewhat reduced, but sternum VIII usually greatly expanded, enclosing the external genitalia. Sternum IX without apodemal rod. Females with single spermatheca. Stylet present. All these fleas have the abdomen proportionally shorter and deeper than is usual with those of other families. Most of the species are vigorous jumpers, and will bite man viciously. The family contains a number of genera of extreme economic importance. Ewing and Fox (1943:101-119) present a very different interpretation of the family Pulicidae to any other that has yet appeared. They include Anomiop- syllus, Callistopsyllus and Megarthroglossus, genera considered as belonging to the subfamily Anomiopsyllinae (fam. Hystrichopsyllidae) in the present paper. 59 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Wagner (1939:63-67) gives three subfamilies, and allocates the genera somewhat differently. The subfamilies (2) are given here as listed by Jellison and Good (1942:4) with the exception of the location of the genus Iloplopsyllus which appears to be misplaced. Sub-family A. SPILOPSYLLINAE Oudkmans 1909. With the characters listed for the family, but distinguished from other Pulicidae by the club of the antenna, which is uniformly elliptical, and with the divisions of the segments visible all around. The subfamily appears to be genetically associated with the Leporidae, although a group including Actenop- sylla Jordan and Rothschild 1923 (from California) and Ornithopsylla Rothschild 1908 (from Europe) have transferred their attention to certain sea-birds which nest in burrows. Two genera occur on Leporidae in North America. Both of these are known from Canada. GEDIOPSYLLA Jordan Genotype: Pulex simplex Baker 1895. Cediopsylla Jordan 1925. Nov. Zool. 32:103. Cediopsylla Jordan. Ewing and Fox 1943. U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:109-110. Head somewhat angulate anteriorly. Genal comb nearly vertical, and of five or more heavy blunt spines. Labial palpus 4-segmented. Maxillary laciniae large and heavily serrated. Pronotal ctenidium present. epus arcticus group l.epus americanus group Sylvilagus spr DOMINION OF CANADA A H. GLACIALIS GLACIALIS ▲ H. GLACIALIS LYNX MAP 1 Pulicidae:Spilopsyllinae. Locality records of Cediopsylla simplex (Baker) and C. inaequalis inaequalis < Baker), (superimposed on the ranges of cottontails, Sylvilagus spp., modified after Nelson 1909) and Hoplopsyllus affinis (Baker), H. glacialis lynx (Baker) and H. glacialis glacialis (Taschenberg), (superimposed on the ranges of varying hares, Lepus americanxis group and arctic hares. Leptts arcticus group, after Nelson. 1909). 60 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Two moveable processes distinct on male claspers; also dorsal part of clasper lobe articulated, and extending posteriorly and fringed with setae, and having one short pigmented apical spine. Posteroventral part of clasper produced as a lobe, fringed with setae (figs. 8, 10). Nearctic and neotropical, replacing Spilopsyllus Baker in the Old World, and, like that genus, infesting rabbits. Two North American species are recogn- ized. One of these, C. inaequalis is represented by two subspecies, one of which occurs in Canada. This species has been allocated to a new subgenus, Acediop- sylla by Ewing (1940:37) on the basis of the structure of the maxillary laciniae and the male genitalia. Key to the Canadian species of Cediopsylla 1. Maxillary laciniae not reaching apex of coxa I. Genal ctenidium of about 8 spines. . . .simplex Maxillary laciniae reaching beyond apex of coxa I. Genal ctenidium of 5 or 6 spines. . . . inaequalis inaequalis CEDIOPSYLLA INAEQUALIS INAEQUALIS (Baker) (Plate V, figs. 8, 9; Map 1) Pulex inaequalis Baker 1895, Can. Ent. 27:163-164. Both sexes from "cottontails'* (Sylvilagns sp.) and "Jackrabbits" (Lepus sp.) near Grand Canyon, Arizona. Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker). Kohls 1940, Nat. Inst. Hlth. Bui. 175:7-11; map 5; pi. I.B. Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C Proc. 37:10. Recorded from Waterton Lakes, Alberta, ex Sylvilagus nut t alii ssp. Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker). Brown 1944, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 37:208. Recorded from Orion, Alta, ex Jack-rabbit (Lepus sp.). While not yet recorded, it is highly probable that this flea occurs on Sylvilagus in southern British Columbia. Its distribution appears to be closely associated with the cottontail rabbits of the Sylvilagus nuttalli group. New Canadian records: Alta.: Elkwater, 18.VII.38, ex Sylvilagus nuttalli grangeri, 2d\ 2 9 (G.P.H.). 6.VI.40, ex 5. n. grangeri, 1 d", 2 9 (G.P.H.) Sask.: Climax, V.46, ex Sylvilagus sp. 4d", 5 9 (J-C) Specimens examined: 14 d\ 20 9 , including the types (U. S. N. M.) CEDIOPSYLLA SIMPLEX (Baker; (Plate V, figs. 7, 10; Map. 1) Pulex inaequalis var. simplex Baker 1895, Can. Ent. 27:164. From Michigan, ex "Lepus". Ctenocephalus simplex (Baker). Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:384,385,439. Michigan and Iowa, ex "Lepus floridanus' ' (Sylvilagus /.) . Cediopsylla simplex (Baker). Jordan 1925, Nov. Zool. 32:103. Cediopsylla simplex (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. 21-24; pi. Ill, figs. 6,7,10. Redescription of the species. C. simplex is a common parasite of Sylvilagus throughtout the eastern United States, being especially associated with S. floridanus ssp. It is recorded now for the first time, from Canada. New Canadian records: Ont.: Chatham, 11.40, ex European hare, Id* (G.M.S.) Electric, 24.1.44, ex Sylvilagus floridanus mearnsi, 1 d" (G.M.S.) Specimens examined: 5c? , 4 9, including the type d" (U. S. N. M.) HOPLOPSYLLUS Baker Genotype: Pulex anomalus Baker 1904. Hoplopsyllus Baker 1905. V. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:128,130,144. Hoplopsyllus Baker. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:105-107. No genal ctenidium. Labial palpus 4-segmented. Eyes large, round and heavily pigmented. Pronotal ctenidium present, the spines confined to the dorsal part of the sclerite, not extending to the lower margins (PI. VI, fig. 18). 61 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Occurring in the Old and New Worlds, most of the species infesting rabbits and hares. One species, the genotype, not known from Canada, infests ground squirrels. As this species possesses a number of characters, especially in the male genitalia thai set it apart from its congeners, Ewing (1940:37) has, with some justification placed it in a subgenus (Iloplopsyllus) by itself. The remaining species and subspecies (five in North America) he places in a subgenus Euhop- lopsyllus. The male claspers of the subgenus Iloplopsyllus have an articulated section extending posteriorly. As in Cediopsylla, this is marginally fringed with setae, and has a small pigmented apical spine. Below this, there are two moveable processes, of which the anterior is vestigial. In the subgenus Euhoplopsyllus, the shape of the articulated portion of the clasper lobe has become much modified, being formed somewhat like the letter "U", and armed on the apex of the anterior arm with a group of strong setae and on the posterior arm with a few setae and a blunt pigmented spine which almost certainly is homologous with the small pigmented spine found in the subgenus Iloplopsyllus and the genus Cediopsylla. The anterior moveable process has been lost, but the posterior one persists (figs. 19, 21). Two species of Iloplopsyllus (Euhoplopsyllus) are known from Canada. One of these is believed to exist as two subspecies. Key to the Canadian species of Hoplopsyllus 1. cf. Posterior arm of spined and bristled process of clasper about equal in length to anterior arm (PI. VI, fig. 19) 9 . Head of spermatheca subglobular, as broad as long (fig. 20) affinis cr. Posterior arm of process distinctly longer than anterior arm (fig. 21) 9 . Head of spermatheca elongate, and merging more or less imperceptibly into tail (fig. 22) glacialis ssp. — 2 2. See discussion of the subspecies of glacialis in the text. HOPLOPSYLLUS AFFINIS (Baker) (Plate VI, figs. 18, 19, 20; Map 1) Pulex affinis Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:378,382-383,435. Both sexes from Grand Canyon, Arizona, ex Lepus. Hoplopsyllus affinis (Baker). Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:130,144. Hoplopsyllus affinis (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S., pp. 14, 15, pi. IV, figs. 12,14,15. Redescription of the species. Hoplopsyllus affinis (Baker). Kohls 1940, Nat. Inst. Hlth. Bui. 175:15-17; map 6; pi. II, figs. C, D, G, J. This species, well known from both Lepus and Sylvilagus in all the mid- western states from Minnesota to Idaho, and south to Arizona and Texas, is now recorded for the first time from Canada. Its range will probably be found to be restricted to the southern prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. New Canadian records: Sask.: Estevan, 16.VI.44, ex Lepus sp., 50", 13 9 (W.F.). 15.VII.44, ex Lepus sp., 2 9 (W.F.) Specimens examined: 6cT, 16 9 , including the types (U. S. N. M.) HOPLOPSYLLUS GLACIALIS GLACIALIS (Taschenberg) (Map 1) Pulex glacialis Taschenberg 1880, Die Flohe, p. 76; No. 12, pi. Ill, figs. 17,17a. North Pole, ex "Lepus glacialis" (L. arcticus). Hoplopsyllus glacialis (Tachenberg). Jordan 1932, Fauna Arctica 6:117. Recorded from Greenland and Baffin Island, ex Lepus arcticus. Hoplopsyllus glacialis glacialis (Tachenberg). Kohls 1939, Pub. Hlth. Repts. 54(45) :2019. Iloplopsyllus glacialis is circumpolar in distribution, and has evolved into a number of recognizable subspecies. H. g. glacialis, described from the "North Pole", has been recorded from Greenland and Baffin Island (Jordan 1932). II. g. profugus (Jordan) occurs in Asia, while the hares of much of temperate North America are infested by H. g. lynx (Baker). 62 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Kohls (1939), comparing specimens of H. g. glacialis could distinguish no differences with H. g. lynx other than size, g. glacialis being the larger. Kohls tentatively regards H. g. glacialis as restricted, in North America, to the arctic hares (Lepus arcticus group) and their predators, and H. g. lynx to the varying hares or snowshoe rabbits {Lepus americanus group) and their predators, in regions to the south. We have the following material which is believed to be referable to Hoplop- syllus glacialis glacialis. As the bulk of these specimens are somewhat over- cleared, and not suitable for illustration, no figures are provided. New Canadian records: N. W. T.: Arctic Red River, 15. IV. 36, ex "bush rabbit" (Lepus americanus macfarlani?), 2d\6 9 (L.C.). 17.11.36, ex Lynx canadensis, 13c?, 30 9 (P.T.). 17.VI.37, ex L. canadensis, 8c? , 32 9 (R.C.M.P.). 8.1.36, ex "cross fox" (Vulpes sp.), 2 9 (R.C.M.P.). 10.1.36, ex. "cross fox", 1 d\ 7 9 (P.T.). 17. VI. 37, ex "fox", 19c?, 57 9 (R.W.C.) Baffin Is.: Lake Harbour, 23.V.36, ex Lepus arcticus ssp., 4c?, 6 9 (H.A.McB.). 1. XII. 34, ex Lepus arcticus ssp., lc?, 1 9 (H.A.McB.) Specimens examined: 58c?, 141 9 . HOPLOPSYLLUS GLACIALIS LYNX (Baker) (Plate VI, figs. 21, 22; Map 1) Pulex lynx Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:378,383-384,437; pi. X, figs. 7-11; p!. XI, figs. 1,2. Both sexes from Moscow, Idaho, ex Lynx canadensis. Hoplopsyllus lynx (Baker). Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:130,144. Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker). Jordan 1932, Nov. Zool. 38:253. Recorded from Atlin, B. C, ex Lepus ameri- canus macfarlani. Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :194-195. Recorded from B. C, ex Lynx fasciatus and Lepus americanus, but without locality data. Hoplopsyllus lynx (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. p. 15; pi. IV, figs. 11,13. Redescription. Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker). Kohls 1940, Nat. Inst. Hlth. Bui. 175:14; pi. II, figs. B.F.I; Map 7. Recorded from Dahl River, Yukon, ex Lynx sp., (and other localities, not in Canada). These fleas are apparently true parasites of the varying hares (Lepus amer- icanus group) and are widely distributed in North America. They are frequently collected in numbers from Lynx spp. This undoubtedly ties up directly with the predatory habits of these cats, which depend principally upon the hare population for existence. It may be, however, that the fleas are able to subsist directly on the lynx and bobcats as they are sometimes collected in such large numbers that it seems improbable that the total infestation is due merely to accumulations from the hare victims. New Canadian records: B. C: Aberdeen Lake (Vernon), 17 .V.31 , ex Lepus americanus columbiensis, 1 9 (E.H.) Alta Lake, 9.1.32, ex Lynx f. fasciatus, 1 9 (K.R.) Anarchist Mt., 27.V.41, ex Lepus a. columbiensis, Id", 2 9 (I. McT.C.) Grey Creek, 21.11.38, ex Lynx canadensis, 1 1 d", 29 9 (G.O.) Kamloops, 20.XI.46, ex "bobcat" (Lynx sp.) 6d\ 6 9 (N.M.C.) Lac du Bois, 10.VI.41, ex Lepus americanus ssp. 1 d" (I.McT. C.) Phoenix, ex Lepus americanus, 1 o71, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Rayleigh, 30. VIII. 38, ex Lepus americanus ssp., Id" (G.P.H.) Alta.: Cameron Lake, Waterton, 18. VI. 39, ex Lepus americanus bairdi, Id" (J.H.B.) N. B.: Scotch Lake, X.32, ex "hare", 1 9 N. W. T.: Rae, ex "bush rabbit", 2 9 (R.C.M.P.) Specimens examined: 23d", 42 9 . Sub-family B. PULICINAE Tirahoschi 1904 With the characters of the family, but distinguished from the Spilopsyllinae by the antennae which have an assymetrical club, showing but few if any traces of segmentation remaining on the fused side (see figs. 23, 26, etr.). Not associated with the Lcporidae. 63 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Four genera belonging to this subfamily occur in North America. All but one of these (Juxtapulex) are known from Canada. Two (Ctenocephalides and Xenopsylla) are not Indigenous, but importations from the Old World, being parasites of domestic animals. Pulex is evidently hoi arc tic, in fact nearly cosmopolitan, but its original range before being further distributed by the wanderings of man in historic times, is a matter for conjecture. CTENOCEPHALIDES Stiles and Collins Genotype: Pulex cants Curtis 1826. ( 'tenocephalus Kolenati 1850 (not Hawle and Corda, 1847), Jahresber. d. Marischen Gesellsch. z. Beford d. N'aturk. p. 65. Ctenocephalides Stiles and Collins 1930, Pub. Hlth. Repts. 45:1308-1310. Head evenly rounded anteriorly. Genal ctenidium horizontal, of heavy pointed spines. Genal lobe with apical tooth in the species recorded from Canada. Labial palpus 5-segmented. Pronotal ctenidium present. Male claspers somewhat modified. Dorsal part of clasper lobe articulated and extending posteriorly (figs. 13, 16). Below this, one moveable process. An Old World genus, probably originally confined to Africa. Two species today are almost cosmopolitan, having followed man and his domestic pet animals over most of the World. Both are common in Canada. Key to the species of Ctenocephalides found in Canada 1. Head relatively short and rounded. 1st spine of genal comb shorter than second (PI. V, figs. 11,12) cants Head quite long and pointed. 1st and 2nd genal spines of approximately equal length (figs. 14, 15) felis felis DOMINION OF CANADA MAP 2 Pulicidae:Pulicinae. Locality records of cat and dog-fleas, Ctenocephalides spp., and the "human flea", Pulex irritans Linnaeus. CTENOCEPHALIDES CAMS (Curtis) (Plate V, figs. 11, 12, 13; Map 2 (in part).) Pulex canis Curtis 1826, Brit. Ent. 3(114); pi. CXIV, figs. A-E. From Great Britain, ex Canis familiar is. Ctenocephalus canis (Curtis). Harvey 1907, Ent. Soc. B. C Bui. 7:1. Recorded from British Columbia, ex cats and dogs. Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis). Spencer 1936, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 32:14. Recorded from black fox, dog, tame rabbit, no locality data. Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:3-4. Recorded from Vancouver and New Westminster, B. C., ex Rattus norvegicus. Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis). Brown 1944, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 37:208. Recorded from Edmonton, Alta, ex "Felis calus" (F. domestical and Canis familiaris. 64 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA C. canis, the dog flea, and its close relative C.felis, the cat flea (which see) are each common parasites of cats or dogs, and in addition frequently become established in homes where, because of their painful bites, they are a great nuisance to man. In Western Canada, domestic infestations have become particularly common since the introduction of sawdust burners, the sawdust in the storage bins providing favourable conditions of humidity for the develop- ment of these fleas. While we do not actually have a great deal of data on file, there is little doubt that both these species are well established in most centres of population across the temperate part of the Dominion. Map 2 shows the distribution of the genus so far as has been definitely recorded. C. canis and C. felis occur not uncommonly on domestic rats (Rattus norve- gicus et at.) along with Nosopsyllus fascia'us and Xenopsylla cheopis. C. canis is rarely taken from any of our native mammals, but we have two records of it from the spotted skunk, Spilogale gracilis olympica. C.felis felis has been taken from a raccoon, Procyon lotor pacifica. Typical specimens of the two species of Ctenocephalides may be readily separated by the shape of the head and the character of the genal comb, as shown in the key, and the males may be further identified by the shape of the manubrium of the clasper, which in canis is expanded apically, (fig. 13) and not expanded in felis (fig. 16). There are, however, certain nontypical specimens, usually females, which are difficult to determine with certainty. Ewing and Fox (1943:109) believe that this may indicate hybridization. In view of this, the two species are treated collectively in the locality records which follow. Some of these records are extracted from the Canadian Insect Pest Review, various volumes and numbers. Records of Ctenocephalides spp. B. C: Harrison Bay, ex Spilogale gracilis olympica Kamloops, ex dog: households Ladner, ex red fox (farm) Vancouver, ex dogs: cats: households: Rattus norvegicus: Spilogale gracilis olympica: Procyon lotor pacifica Vernon, ex households Victoria: ex dog Ont.: Beamsville, ex dog Blenheim Chatham, ex households Georgetown, ex fox ranch Hamilton, ex households Ottawa, ex cat: dog: man: households Preston, ex households St. Catherines Thamesville, ex cat Toronto, ex dog Que.: Grand Mere Senneville Sherbrooke, ex household (entered in carload of coal) Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes. CTENOCEPHALIDES FELIS FELIS (Bouche) (Plate V, figs. 14, 15, 16, 17; Map 2 (in part).) Pulex felis Bouche 1835, Nova Acta Physico-Medica Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. 17:505, fig .2. Fioin Europe, ex Felis domestic n . Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche). Spencer 1936. Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 32:14. Recorded from cat, Uganda monkey, no locality data, presumably Vancouver. B. C. Ctenocephalides felis (Bouche). I. Fox 1940. Fleas of Eastern I J. S. 24-26; pi. VI, figs. 11, 1?>, 25. Redescription of the species. Ctenocephalides felis (BouchS). Holland 1941, Ent. Sdc. B. C. Proc 37:.}. Recorder! from Vancouver and New Westminster, B. C ex Rattus norvegicus. Ctenocephalides felis felis (BouchS). Brown 1944, Ent. Sdc. Amer. Ann. 37:208. Recorded from Edmonton, Alta, ex "Felis calus" (F. domestical. See discussion and records under C. canis. 65 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA PULEX Linnaeus Genotype: Pulex irritans Linnaeua 1758 [cosmopolitan) Pulex Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae. 10th Ed., 1:614. Pule* Linnaeus. Jordan and Rothschild 1908, Parasitology 1 ( 1 ) : S - 7 . Eyes large and deeply pigmented. Labial palpus 4-segmented Genal cteni- dium absent, or represented by a single inconspicuous tooth (PI. VI, fig. 23). Pronotal ctenidium absent. Pleural ridge lacking in mesopleurum (cf. Xenop- sylla). Male claspers with two distinct hinged processes, like a pair of pincers, and with part of the clasper lobe articulated and arched over the processes (fig. 24), recalling Cediopsylla. The genus contains only one species (P. conepati Cunha, not known from ( Canada) besides the genotype. Pulex irritans, the "human flea" is known from many parts of the world. PULEX IRRITANS (Linnaeus) (Plate VI, figs. 23, 24, 25; Map 2) Pulex irritans Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, 10th Ed. 1:614. "Habitat ubique in Europe, Leporibus imprimis molesta; in America". Pulex simulans Baker 1895, Can. Ent. 27:65, 67. Synonym, fide Jordan and Rothschild, 1908. Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:379, 436; pi. XI, figs. 3-6. Recorded from Queen Charlotte Islands (and elsewhere, not in Canada). Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Harvey 1907. Ent. Soc. B. C. Bui. 7:1. Recorded from British Columbia, no details. Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Jordan and Rothschild 1908, Parasitology 1(1):7-12. Redescription of the species. Many records, including, from Alberta, Lynx and Vulpes vclox. Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Spencer 1936, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 32:11-17. Records domestic infestations in Van- couver, B.C. Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Brown 1944, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 37:210. Recorded from Alberta as follows: Vega, Dewberry, Stanmore, Edmonton, Mirror Landing. Hosts: house; child; Taxidea taxus. Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Cowan 1946, Can. Journ. Research, D. 24:77. Recorded from "coast deer" {Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) , no locality data. Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Can. Insect Past Review (mimeographed) — various issues. Recorded in Canada as follows: Fanny Bay, B. C; Lac la Grande Fourche, Que. Mentions previous records from B. C, Sask. and P. E. I.; Pas Trail, Sask.; Mirror Landing, Alta.; Parksville and Victoria, B. C; Hedgeville, N. S.; Winnipeg, Man. Pulex irritans, the "human flea" is of widespread distribution in North America as well as in the Old World. While it has been thought that perhaps the North American stock was the result of introduction by civilized man in historic times (as with Ctenocephalides, Leptopsylla, Nosopsyllus, Xenopsylla and possibly Ceratophyllus gallinae) there now seems little doubt that the species is indigenous*, and it may be (as suggested by Ewing and Fox, 1943:117) that Pulex originated in the New World. Linnaeus of course listed it from America, but as he only recognized two species of fleas — there may be some doubt as to the determination. Ewing and Fox recognize Baker's dugesii, from Mexico as a subspecies of P. irritans. The nearctic and neotropical genus Juxtapulex is obviously derived from the same ancestral stock as Pulex. An eyeless Pulex has been discovered in Guatemala (Traub, MSS). Pulex irritans varies considerably, but up to the present the North American form has been considered identical with that of Europe and Asia. While termed the "human flea", and well known to become established in domestic households, this species has been recorded in nature from a surprising variety of hosts. Jellison and Kohls (1936:842-844) report it as well estab- lished in prairie dog towns (Cynomys ludovicianus ) ; from Canis latrans; dog; and deer (Odocoileus) in Oregon. They also quote Chandler (1926) who recorded this species from " Odocoileus columbianus" in northern California (cf. Cowman's record from B. C. coast deer, 1946:77). We have a number of records of this insect occurring in the nests of bur- rowing owls (Speotyto cunicularia ) , a surprising relationship, especially as P. *Evidence that domestic fleas (presumably P. irritans) may have been well established in coastal B.C. in the 18th century is to be found in the diary, now in the British Columbia Archives, Victoria, written in 1792 by George Goodman Hewett, assistant surgeon on board H.M.S. Discovery (Captain George Vancouver). Hewett states that during the investigation of a certain abandoned Indian village, Vancouver's men were driven out of the place by myriads of fleas which tormented them to such an extent that they rushed out into the water up to their necks! 66 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA irritans has been collected from no mouse or other small creature that could be construed as the prey of this bird. While distributed over the Dominion, P. irritans seems to be particularly well established in Vancouver Island, and besides domestic infestations, we have had reports of this insect occurring in myriads in lawns, in leaves, and on sea beaches, in the accumulated seaweed at tide line! New Canadian records: B.C.: Kamloops, 23.IX.36, ex household, Id1, 19 (T.K.M.). 26.VII.36, ex Speotyto canicular ia hypugaea, 5d\ 4 9 (G.J.S.); VI 1.38, ex S. c. hypugaea, Id", 2 9 (G.P.H.) New Westminster, 16.VI.30, ex household, Id1 (W.D.) Northlands, 28.VII.44, ex household, 1 d\ 1 9 (G.P.H.) Pemberton Meadows, VIII.45, ex man, Id" (J.R.) Port Alberni, 5.IX.41, ex man, 1 d\ 1 9 (G.J.S.) Tranquille, 2. VII. 34, ex Speotyto c. hypugaea, Id1 (G.J.S.) Victoria, 23.111.39, ex household, 2c? , 2 9 (T.W.B.) Manyberries, 2. VI. 40, ex Lepus townsendii campanius, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Allan's Lake, 20.VIII.40, ex man, 1 d1 (L.G.S.) Beacon Hill, XI 1.31, ex household, 4 c? Cochin, VI. 35, ex "campers", 2 9 (F.B.) Saskatoon, 10.111.44, ex man, 1 9 (K.M.K.). 15.VIII.35, ex man, 2 9 (K.M.K.) Brandon, 12. XII. 36, ex Canis latrans, 3c?, 8 9 (R.D.B.) Harperville, 16.VII.43, ex household, 2c?, 6 9 (A.V.M.) Temiscouata Co., 25. VIII. 34, ex man, lc?, 1 9 P. E. I.: Freetown, 14. X. 33, ex household, 1 9 Specimens examined: 35c?, 50 9 . Alta. Sask. Man.: Que.: XENOPSYLLA Glinkiewicz Genotype: Xenopsylla pachyuromyidis Glinkiewicz 1907 (a synonym of Pulex cheopis Rothschild L903). Xenopsylla Glinkiewicz 1907, Wien. Sitzber. Ak. Wiss. 116:381,385. Leomopsylla Jordan and Rothschild 1908 Parisitology 1(1) :15-34. Xenopsylla Glinkiewicz. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:103-104. Eye well developed. Genal comb lacking. Labial palpus 4-segmented. No segmentation visible on anterior surface of clava of antenna. Pronotal ctenidium absent. Mesopleurum with conspicuous pleural ridge (fig. 26). Claspers of male somewhat reduced and poorly sclerotized. Posterior articulated apical process of clasper simple, with setae. But one moveable process persisting. Females with large deeply pigmented spermatheca. An Old World genus containing many species, some of which are intimately associated with rats {Rattus spp.) and are of extreme economic importance in connection with the dissemination of plague. One species is well established in a number of areas in North America, including Canada, where it has been introduced, on Rattus. X. CHEOPIS ^ 6t h> » : .« . * M.\l> 3 Pulicidae:Pulicinae. Locality records oi the Indian ral flea, Kenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild). 67 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA XENOPSYLLA CHEOPIS (Rothschild) (Plate VI, figs. ><>. 27, 28; Map ! >is Rothschild 1903. Ent. M«>. Man. 38:2nd series, 14:85-86; pi. I. fins. .>>. <>. pi. II. iin>. 12, \'>. Described iKuii Shendi, Egyptian Sudan ex A corny s, Arvicanlhis, Dipodillus, Dipus, Genetta, and Gerbillus; also near Sue/ ex \1 u i gen tilts. LoemopsyUa ckeopis (Rothschild). Jordan and Rothschild 1908, Parasitology l(l):42 i.S: pi. I; pi. II. fin. 8; pi. IV. fig. 8; pi. VI fiji- '■ Supplementary description, etc Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild). Holland 1<>4(). Ent. Soc. B. C. Pro.-. 36:11 12. Recorded from Vancouver, B. C, ex Rutins norvegicus and New Wot minster. B. C, ex Rutins rattus alexandrinus. Xenopsylla ckeopis (Rothschild). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C Proc. M:2 5. Plague significance discussed and count- of specimens and indices provided for Vancouver, B. C etc. Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild). Ewing and Fox I'M.*, r. S. I). A. Misc. Pub. 500:104 io.s. Status in United States discussed. Xenopsylla cheopi s (Rothschild). Holland l'H4, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 41:5 12. Further discussions, and records from North Vancouver and Sechelt. Xenopsylla cheopis, the so-called "Indian rat flea" or "plague flea" is with- out doubt medically, the most important flea in the world. Undoubtedly a large percentage of the human eases of bubonic and pneumonic plague that have occurred during the many historical pandemics and epidemics of this disease may be attributed to the presence of this insect. Structurally, physiologically and temperamentally, it is ideally adapted to the dissemination of plague. Actually a flea of the tropics, it does upon occasion, become established in temperate regions, and wherever it occurs, its presence is a matter of grave concern. \Yu et al. (1936:290) remark "It may be taken as a general rule that a particular zone becomes potentially dangerous when the cheopis infestation reaches one flea or more per rat. This is referred to as the critical cheopis index of one". Accordingly, in 1939 (Holland, 1941:2-5) the rat flea samples collected by the British Columbia Plague Survey crews were examined and the numbers of the various species of fleas tabulated before testing by inoculation into guinea pigs. X. cheopis was found to be numerous in the Vancouver city garbage dump. Of 1403 fleas collected from 725 rats, 1021 were cheopis; a flea index of 1.94 and a cheopis index of 1.41. As most of these rats were trapped, and cold when picked up, it was felt that these figures might be below the true index. Sample lots of 30 and 26 rats were shot and bagged immediately, to prevent loss of fleas. These gave cheopis indices of 2.17 and 3.42 respectively. Subsequent surveys in the British Columbia coastal region have indicated a decline in the cheopis population, although it is still common, especially in the garbage dumps. This localization of these fleas may be explained by the relatively increased heat and humidity to be found in rat burrows in the vicinity of decom- posing garbage. X. cheopis has now been recorded from a number of localities in southern coastal British Columbia, and from all three of the imported domestic rats, Rittus norvegicus (Erxleben), Rattus rattus rattus (Linnaeus) and Rattus r. alex- ai'drinus (Geoffrey). New Canadian records: B. C: Matsqui Oakalla prison farm Port Moody Stanley Park (Vancouver) Steveston Surrey West Vancouver White Rock Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes. Family 2. VERMIPSYLLIDAE Wagner 1899. Genal and pronotal ctenidia lacking. Head not divided by "dorsal sulcus" above antennal fossae. Eyes large and well pigmented. Clypeal tubercle present; usually deciduous. No trabecula centralis. Xo tentorial arms showing 68 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA in genal or ocular region. Antennal fossae open. Clava of antenna distinctly marked, all the way around. Mesonotum with "pseudosetae" under the collar. Metanotum lacking pseudosetae or apical spinelets. No patch of spinelets on inside of coxa III. Four pairs of lateral plantar bristles on all tarsi V. Abdominal terga lacking apical spinelets. Terga II-VII each with two rows of setae. Antepygidial setae not differentiated in either sex. Abdominal segment VIII in males virtually unmodified. Single moveable process to each clasper. Angle of sternum IX without attached apodemal rod. Vestige of tergum IX visible in females. Single spermatheca. Anal stylet lacking. Abdomens of gravid females capable of considerable distension, the sclerites becoming widely separated (PI. VII, fig. 32). Medium sized to very large fleas. Two genera in North America, of which one is recorded in Canada. ARCTOPSYLLA Wagner Genotype: Pidex tuber culaticeps Bezzi 1880 (palaearctic). Arctopsylla Wagner 1930, Katal. d. Palaearktiseh. Aphanipt.:40. Arctopsylla Wagner. Jordan 1932, Nov. Zool. 38:291. Arctopsylla Wagner. Wagner 1933, Konowia 12:89-90, 94. Arctopsylla Wagner. Evving and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:18. General description as for the family. Labial palpus long and of seven to ten segments. (Chaetopsylla is separated by possessing less than seven segments in his structure). The genus is circumpolar, and its species infest various genera of carnivorous animals in the Old World and the New. Two nearctic species are known, both of which occur in Western Canada. Key to the nearctic species of Arctopsylla 1. o71. F very small, and inserted near the apex of the clasper (PI. VII, fig. 30) 9 . Head of spermatheca longer than broad (fig. 31) ursi o71 . F longer, and inserted near the middle of posterior margin of clasper (fig. 33) 9 . Head of spermatheca usually slightly broader than long (fig. 34) setosa j '^w; - © A. SETOSA • A . U RSI Vermipsvllidar. child). MAP 4 Locality records of the carnivore-fleas Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild) and A, ursi (Roths- 69 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA ARCTOPSYLLA SETOSA (Rothschild) i Plate VII, figs. 33, 34; Map I Chaetopsylla setosus Rothschild 1906, Can, Ent. 38:321 322; text figs. 41, 42. One female from Eagle River, Sicamous, Hi it i
  • 3r>, Proc. Ent. Soc. B. C. 32:14. Listed from "grizzly heat" id mis sp.) from British Columbia, specific locality not given. Chaetopsylla sp. {Ch. setosus Rothschild ?). Wagner 1936, Zeitsch. t. Parasitenk, 8:335 336; text fins. 2 4. Description .'i male from a single specimen collected ex "L'rsits horribilis btiirdt" . (According to Anderson, 1946:191, this race <>i hear is not definitely known in Canada) locality not given. (Author's note: locality actually was Mala- qua, B. C, the specimen studied by Wagner now being in the collection of the I Diversity of British Columbia.) Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild). Jellison and Good 1942, Nat. Int. Illth. Bid. 178:23. Wagner's description of male accepted. Species assigned to Arctopsylla. Arctopsylla setosa habitually infests the larger carnivores, especially bears, coyotes, lynx and sometimes cougars and wolverines. This flea is seldom collected, but when found at all, usually occurs in fair numbers. It appears to be confined to north western North America, only having been reported from B. C. and Montana. New Canadian records: B.C.: Azure Lake, 10.XI.39, ex Ursus sp., 1 d\ 1 9 (H.M.) Grey Creek, 1 1 1.40, ex Lynx canadensis, 1 9 (G.O.) Parson, winter 1943-44, ex Gulo luscus ssp., 3cT, 24 9 (C.H.) Specimens examined: So71, 26 9 . ARCTOPSYLLA URSI (Rothschild) (Plate VII. figs. 29, 30, 31, 32; Map 4) Pulex ursi Rothschild 1902. Ent. Record 14(31:62-63; p!. 2. Both sexes, from 45 miles west, of Calgary, Alberta, ex Ursus horribilis. Arctopsylla ursi (Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :195. "doubtless to be met with in British Columbia". Trichopsylla ( = Arctopsylla) ursi (Rothschild). Holland 1941, Proc. Ent. Soc. B. C. 37:10-11. Recorded from Wigwam, B. C, ex "Ursus horribilis" (Ursus sp.) and Azure Lake, B. C, ex "Ursus horribilis". (Ursus sp.). Arctopsylla ursi (Rothschild.) Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:18-19; fig. 4,D. Arctopsylla ursi is a larger species than A. setosa (some females up to 8.5 mm.), and like it, seems to be confined to northwestern North America. Jellison and Kohls (1939:2021) list it from Funny River and Anchorage, Alaska, ex " I'rsus americanus" (Euarctos a.). Bears, especially grizzlies appear to be the true hosts. In British Columbia it is the experience of hunters and collectors that bear fleas are rare. Most animals seem to be entirely free of them, but occasionally one is shot that is heavily infested. It is probable that these fleas are most profuse in the early spring, when the hosts have just come out from hibernation. The abdomens of gravid females of A. ursi swell until the terga and sterna are widely separated by the greatly expanded pleural integument (fig. 32). We have no new records. Specimens examined: 10cf , 40 9 . Family 3. HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE (Tiraboschi 1904) Baker 1905. Eyes absent, or more or less vestigial; never large and heavily pigmented- Antennal fossae open. Segments of clava distinct all the way around. Ctenidia usually present on head and pronotum, but one or both lacking in a few genera. Mesonotum with pseudosetae under the apical margin or collar. Meta- notum without apical spinelets, but pseudosetae similar to those of mesonotum present in Corypsylloides and Nearctopsylla brooksi. Anterior abdominal terga with apical spinelets. Antepygidial setae present except in the males of one subfamily. Pygidium usually convex (lateral aspect) and with the hair-like spicules between the pits slender or only very slightly expanded at base (cf. Ceratophyllidae) . Males with tergum VIII virtually unmodified, or slightly reduced. Sternum \ III variously expanded posteroventrally, in some cases partially enclosing the external genital apparatus. Claspers with but single moveable process. No typical acetabular setae. Posterior arm of sternum IX usually simple, rarely 70 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA bifurcate, and never with articulated lobes. Apodemal rod not attached to angle of sternum IX. Females with anal stylet. Single spermatheca except in three genera in which the organ is paired. A large family, the members of which infest the Insectovora and Rodentia (Simplicidentata) . There has been considerable controversy among various authors over the scope and subdivision of the Hystrichopsyllidae. As considered here, it is represented in North America, including Canada, by six subfamilies. Subfamily A. HYSTRICHOPSYLLINAE Tiraboschi 1904 Genal ctenidium present or absent. Pronotum with ctenidium. Stigma of tergum VIII with long channel extending forward and down. Paired sperma- thecae except in one genus (Stenoponia) which normally has but one, but a case has been recorded (Ewing and Fox 1943:84) of a specimen of 5. americana (Baker) with two*. Extensive vestigial ctenidia (apical spinelets) on anterior abdominal terga. One genus with major ctenidum on tergum I. Medium sized to huge fleas, associated with Insectivora and small Rodentia. Four genera in North America, all occurring in Canada. SAPHIOPSYLLA Jordan Genotype: 5. nupera Tordan 1931 (palaearctic). Saphiopsylla Jordan 1931, Nov. Zool. 36:227. Preantennal region with three rows of setae; postantennal region with four. No genal ctenidium. Eye small. Clypeal tubercle prominent, well up from oral margin (cf. next genus). Labial palpus reaching fore trochanter, and of five segments. Abdominal terga I-VI with short, pigmented apical spinelets, extending nearly to the spiracles. Male with posterior arm of sternum IX a simple rod with a few small apical setae. Females with two spermathecae, and a large pod-like bursa copulatrix. Two species known, one, the genotype, from southern France, with a sub- species described from the Dolomites, and the other (heretofore assigned to Atyphloceras) from eastern North America. MAP 5 Hystrichopsyllidae: Hystrichopsyllinae. Locality records of Saphiopsylla bishopi (Jordan). Atyphloceras artius Jordan, A. multidentatus (C. Fox), Hystrichopsylla tahavuana Jordan and Stenoponia americana (Baker), * Rarely, certain fleas of the family Ceratophyllidae, all of which normally possess but one spermatheca. and have only a vestigial duct to represent the other, will revert, and an individual may he produced hearing double spei mathecae. The writer (Holland, 1943:175-6) recorded such a case in Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) and has since seen it in Opisocrostis I. tuberculatus (Baker) and Monopsyllus vison (Baker). In all these instances, the second organ was smaller than the first. 71 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA SAPHIOPSYLLA BISHOP1 (Jordan) Plate VIII, figs. 85, 86, :i7; Map 5) Atypkloceras bishopi Jordan 1933. Nov. Zool, 39:63; texl tins. 11. 12. Moth sexes from Fairport, New York, ex Marina brevicauda (type host) and Microtus p. pennsylvanicus. Atypkloceras bishopi Jordan. Maker 1946. Jomn. Expt. Med. 84(1):47. Recorded from Grosse Isle, Que., ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus and Peromyscus »i. gracilis. While Bhirimi lias been designated as the type host, the records of S. nupera from Europe, and the host-relationships of the various species of the closely allied Atypkloceras would suggest that the genus is more closely associated with the Microtinae. S. bishopi appears to be a comparatively rare species. New Canadian records: Ont.: Smoky Falls, Kapuscasing, 31.X.37, ex Microtus sp., Id" (R.V.W.). L1.X.37, ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, 1 9 (R.V.W.) Port Abino, Welland Co., 20. IX. 46, ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides, 1 9 (E.W.J.) Specimens examined: Id", 2 9. ATYPHLOCERAS Jordan and Rothschild Genotype: Ceratophyllus nndtidenlatus C. Fox 1909. Atyphloceras Jordan and Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:59. Atyphloceras Jordan and Rothschild. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:38. Close to Saphiopsylla from which it may be distinguished by the location of the clypeal tubercle, which is close to the anteoral corner (fig. 38). Eye somewhat larger and more heavily pigmented than in the preceding genus. The labial palpus consists of more than five segments. The ventral arm of sternum IX (o71) is expanded into a more or less triangular lobe. A nearctic genus, apparently restricted to western North America, where six species are recognized. Two of these are known to occur in Canada. The status of one is in some doubt. True hosts are various native mice. ATYPHLOCERAS ARTIUS Jordan (Plate VIII, fig. 41; Map 5) Atyphloceras artius Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:69; text-fig. 19. Single female, from Kelowna. B. C, ex "Peromyscus (P. maniculatus arlemisiae) . This flea appears to be extremely rare. The only published record of its occurrence since the original description is by Augustson (1943:83) who collected females he ascribes to this species from Los Angeles county and Santa Barbara county, California, ex Peromyscus californicus insignis, P. eremicus frater cuius and Microtus c. californicus. The present writer has collected extensively at and near the type locality in the hope of securing further specimens, and especially the unknown male, but without success. Recently a single male which may be of this species has come to hand. This was collected on the west side of Okanagan Lake at Ewing's Landing, about twenty miles from Kelowna. The specimen is very close, if not identical, to A. multidentatus Fox, but final decision must await further series of both sexes. Major Robert Traub writes that he has a pair from California ( ?) in which the female has a shallow sinus in sternum VII like artius, but the male is typical multidentatus. It may be that artius is a synonym of multidentatus, or, if the sternum VII character is found to be consistent throughout a certain geographical range, while the males are virtually indistinguishable, it could be allowed subspecific status. New Canadian record: B. C: Ewing's Landing, 18.X.46, ex nest of Tamiasciurus hudsonicus streatori, Id" (W.H.) Specimens examined: Id" ( ?). Figure of female after Jordan. 72 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA ATYPHLOCERAS MULTIDENTATUS (C. Fox) (Plate VIII, figs. 38, 39, 40; Map 5.) Ceratophyllus multidentatus C. Fox 1909. Ent. News, 20:107, 3 text-figs. Both sexes, ex Microlus californicus and Neotoma, no locality given (but probably near San Francisco, Cal.). Ceratophyllus multidentatus Fox. C. Fox 1914, Hyg. Lab. Bui. 97:24-25; pi. IX, fig. 6; pi. XIX. fig. 51. Alyphloceras multidentatus Fox. Jordan and Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:59. A number of specimens that seem referable to this species are at hand. The shape of the bursa copulatrix in our females does not quite agree with that of the type female, but the details of the male genitalia tally closely. It is probable that there is a certain latitude of variation in the shape of the bursa. Our specimens also compare fairly well with two pairs of A. multidentatus from Alameda county, California, received from Mr. P. Quentin Tomich. The species is now recorded for the first time in Canada, where it appears to be restricted to the southern Pacific coast and lower Fraser Valley (unless A. artius is the same). New Canadian records: B. C: Chilliwack, 27.IV.40, ex Rattus norvegicus, Id71 (J.D.G.) Harrison Bay, 8.IV.41, ex Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. 1 9 (J.D.G.) Huntingdon, III. 41, ex Microtus oregoni serpens, 1 9 (I.McT. C.) Vancouver, 1.XI.40, ex Spilogale gracilis olympica, 3 9 (I.McT.C). 29.1.44, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 cf , 1 9 (H.D.F.). 29.1.44, ex Microtus oregoni serpens, 1 d" (H.D.F.). 20.1.45, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 9 (H.D.F.) Specimens examined: 7 c?1 , 12 9 including the types (U. S. N. M.) HYSTRICHOPSYLLA Taschenberg Genotype: Pulex talpae Curtis 1826. (palaearctic) Hystrichopsylla Taschenberg 1880, Die Flohe, p. 83. Hystrichopsylla Taschenberg. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:88. Large to very large fleas. Genal ctenidium of five or more slender spines. Eye vestigial. Trabecula centralis and anterior tentorial arms visible in head capsule. Labial palpus of five segments. Five pairs of lateral plantar bristles on all tarsi V. In the genotype, H. talpae, abdominal terga II, III and IV bear fairly well developed ctenidia. These are reduced to apical spinelets in the New World species. Males with abdominal sternum VIII produced posteroventrally. Ventral arm of sternum IX variously armed with pigmented spines. Females with two equal spermathecae. A holarctic genus in which five species and "subspecies" have been described from North America. Two of these may prove to be synonyms. Study of a fair series of these large fleas from Canada has led the writer to believe that five recognizable forms (in addition to the problematical " Pulex gigas') are represented. Two of these, from western British Columbia, are described as new. Jordan (1937:270) suggested that probably all Nearctic Hystrichopsylla should be considered as forms of II. gigas Kirby. However, the present writer feels that the differences between the known members of the genus are of suf- ficient magnitude that all should be regarded as full species until proved otherwise. With the exception of Hystrichopsylla gigas, which is not included (see discussion, p. 74), typical examples of the other Canadian species may be separated by the following key. Females, unassociated with males are some- times difficult to determine. Key to the Canadian species of Hystrichopsylla 1. Occurring normally on Aplodontia or its predators. Known only Iroin the lower Fraser Valley of B.C. Very large (cf's 5 mm. 9 's 8 mm). Four antepygidial setae in both m'xcs schefferi 73 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Occurring on various small insectivores and rodents or their preuators across the Domi- nion. Smaller. Three antep) gidial setae 2 2. Eastern Canada only. Genal ctenidium <>!' five spines. Male with lobe and about 5 spines or pairs of spines on apex of ventral arm of sternum IX (fig. 45) tahavwinu Western Canada. Genal ctenidium of more than five spines. Male without lobe on sternum IX and with more than 5 pairs of spines 3 3. Genal spines typically 6. Males with F distinctly longer than P. Sternum IX typically with 6 or 7 spines or pairs of spines 4 Genal spines typically 8. Male with F barely exceeding P. Sternum IX with 9 or 10 short spines or pairs of spines (fig. 48) occidentalis n. sp. 4. From Saskatchewan westward to central British Columbia. Males with longest spines of sternum IX as long as width of sternum IX near posterior apex. Sternum VIII with many setae, but without pigmented spines (fig 43) dippiei Known only from Vancouver, B.C. Longest spines of sternum IX not equalling width of sclerite at tip. Sternum VIII with a number of heavily pigmented spine-like setae at apex (figs. 50, 51 ) spinata n. sp. HYSTRICHOPSYLLA GIGAS (Kirby) Pulex uigas Kirby 1837. hi Richardson's Fauna Boreali-Amer. 4:318, No. 447; pi. 6, fig. 9. "Two specimens taken in Lat. 65°'*. (Author's note: This locality would be at Fort Franklin on Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake, along the Great Bear River, or on the Mackenzie River somewhere in the vicinity of Norman Wells, N.W.T.). Hystrichopsylla gigas Kirby. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:173-174. "Pulex gigas" was inadequately described and illustrated, so that the exact identity of the species has remained doubtful for years. Baker (1895:163) referred a flea now recognized as Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild) to this species, and the error was repeated by others. Jordan (1929) suggested that as Kirby 's illustration showed a well developed genal ctenidium, the species was more likely an Hystrichopsylla and was in all probability synonymous with //. dippiei Rothschild. However, until further specimens are collected from northern Canada, he suggested that dippiei be considered as a subspecies of gigas. There is no additional evidence on this matter at the present time. IPPIE H. SPINATA H. OCCIDENTALIS H. SCHEFEERI MAP 6 Hystrichopsyllidae:IIystrichopsyIIinae. Locality records of Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild, H. cidentalis n. sp. and H. spinata n. sp. 74 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA HYSTRICHOPSYLLA DIPPIEI Rothschild (Plate IX, figs. 42, 43, 44; Map 6) Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild 1902, p:nt. Rec. and Jour. Var. 14(3) :63; pi. II, fig. 2. Male from Alberta, Canada, ex "Putorius longicandatus" (Mustela frenata longicauda) and female from Chilliwack, B. C, ex "Lutreola ener- gamos" (Mustela vison energumenos). Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild. Jordan and Rothschild 1914, Nov. Zool. 21:260. Recorded from Vancouver, B.C., ex Peromyscus austerus (P. maniculatus a.). Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:174. Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild. Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9.1:205. Recorded "from different localities" (in B. C.), ex Sorex sp. "Spilogale phenax" (S. gracilis olympica) and Eutamias amoenus affinis. (Author's note. Some of the material ascribed by Wagner to dippiei is referred to other species described elsewhere in the present paper). Hystrichopsylla gigas dippiei Rothschild. Brown 1944, Ent. Soc. Amer. Annals 37(2) :209. Recorded from Stanmore Alta, ex Lepns sp. and "Thomomys fuscus" (Thomomys talpoides ssp.). While Alberta and Chilliwack, British Columbia have been named as cotype localities for //. dippiei, the present study would indicate the likelihood that the fleas of this group from these widely separated regions are specifically distinct. If the male from Alberta (illustrated by Rothschild) is taken to represent true dippiei, then our present series apparently includes no material of this species from localities west of Kamloops, B.C., all specimens of Hystrichopsylla which we have from the Pacific coast area being referable to schefferi, or to two other species, described here as new. It is possible, then, that the female from Chilli- wack belongs to one of these. Furthermore, the limited material from central British Columbia shows, in the males, a slight difference in the shape of the apex of sternum IX which distinguishes it from specimens taken east of the Rockies. Adequate population samples may demonstrate this to be a good subspecific character. A few diagnostic notes on dippiei follow. Genal ctenidium almost always of six spines, but a very few noted with either five or seven on one side or the other, never more. Pronotal ctenidium in males averaging 34 spines (30-37) ; females, 36 spines (34-39). Apical spinelets of terga II-IV variable, but approximately the same in the two sexes. Tergum II usually has 7 or 8 spinelets per side, but varies from 6 to 12; Tergum III, 6 spinelets (3-10); Tergum IV, 4 spinelets (1-6). Tergum V rarely has apical spinelets, but two individuals were found that had one per side. Three antepy- gidial setae in both sexes. Males with moveable process F long, and extending for a fifth or more of its length beyond the apex of the immoveable process P. Sternum IX with a row of heavy black spine-like setae on its ventral apical margin. These spines may be single or arranged in pairs in about six groups. If more than six groups (rare) some of the middle spines are somewhat reduced in length. Total spines average about 12 (10-13), and the longest are about equal in length to the width of sternum IX at its posterior apex. Alberta and Saskatchewan specimens all have sternum IX cut off at a blunt angle apically (fig. 43), whereas the British Columbia specimens have this structure nearly square at the tip. Posterior arm of sternum VIII expanded into a lobe on either side, each with many small lateral setae, directed ventrad or cephalad, and a ventral and apical fringe of long slender setae. A large flea, about equal to or very slightly larger than II. tahavuana to the east, but considerably larger than //. occidentalis to the west. Males (cleared and mounted specimens) averaging 4.2 mm. (3.6-5.2); females 4.9 mm. (4-6.1). New Canadian records: B.C.: Dempsey Lake, 10. VIII. 34, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (D.C.) Field, 11. VIII. 44, ex Clethrionomys g. saturatus, 1 9 (J.H.). 13.VIII.44, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, 1 c? (J.H.) Kamloops, 8.VIII.37, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 9 (G.J.S.). L4.III.41, ex nesl of P. m. artemisiae, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Kelowna, 8.IV.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 o71 (G.P.H. ). 1 l.V.4 I, c\ Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 o" (G.P.I I. > Rayleigh, 17. IX. 35, ex Tatniasciurus h. streatori, 2c? (T.K.M.) Terrace Mt., 18.X.46, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1c? (J.D.G.) Williams Lake, 14.IV.44, ex Peromyscus maniculatus ssp., 1 cT (G.P.H.) 75 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Alia.: Brooks. 30.VII.45, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 1 ? (S.P. Creu I Calgary, 29.VI.40, ex ('. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Cereal, 23.VI.45, ex ('. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (S.P.Crew i Elkwater, 18.VII.38, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 ? (G.P.H.) 7.VI.40, ex Zapus princeps minor, 19 (G.P.H.). Hanna, 1.VI.39, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (S.I'. Crew) Lethbridge, no host given, 1 d\ 1 9 (A.E.C.) Milk River. 9.VII.38, ex C. r. richardsonii, 2 d\ 1 9 (G.P.H.) Twin Butte, 30.VII.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 cf , 1 9 (S.P. Crew) S.i-^k.: Climax, 23.IX.42, ex C. r. richardsonii, Id" (S.P. Crew) Masefield, 2. IX. 44. ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (J.C.) Rock Glen, 2. IX. 44, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 1 d\ 1 9 (W.F.). 30. VIII. 44, ex C. r. richardsonii, Id" (W.F.) Specimens examined: 20d", 20 9. HYSTRICHOPSYLLA TAHAVUANA Jordan (Plate IX, figs. 45, 46; Map 5.) H ystrichopsylla gigas tahavnana Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:173-174; fig. 8. Described from Adirondack. Mts., New York, ex Blarina brevicanda and Microtus pennsylvanicns. Hystrichopsylla gigas tahavnana Jordan. I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 78-79; pi. XXI, figs. 106-108. Hystrichopsyllus (sic!) gigas tahavnana Jordan. Jameson 1943, Journ. Mammal. 24(2) :195. Recorded from Welland Co., Ont., ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides. On the average, slightly smaller than dippiei, and readily separated by the five genal spines, a character which seems to be constant. Also, fewer spines on the ventral arm of sternum IX, which is, in addition, produced into a dorsal apical lobe of unique and characteristic shape (fig. 45). True hosts appear to be insectivores. H. tahavnana is apparently confined to eastern North America. New Canadian records: Ont.: Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, June-Aug. 1934, ex Parascalops breweri, 3cf, 2 9 (C.H.D.C.) Mt. Brydges, 13. VII. 30, ex Parascalops breweri, 1 d" (E.D.) Port Abino, Welland Co., 20.VIII.45, ex Pitymys pinetorum scalapsoides, 1 9 (E.W.J.) Specimens examined: 3d", 4 9 . HYSTRICHOPSYLLA OCCIDENTALIS new species (Plate X, figs. 47, 48, 49; Map 6) We have a series of a small Hystrichopsylla from western British Columbia which shows sufficiently constant differences, in both sexes, to distinguish it readily from other members of the genus. General chaetotaxy much as in H. dippiei, but genal ctenidium nearly always of eight (rarely 7-9) fully developed spines per side. (In the very rare instances where we have specimens of dippiei with more than six spines, the additional one is always reduced). Pronotal comb aver- aging 33 spines (32-35) in males, 35 (32-39) in females. Apical spinelets of abdomen of both sexes as follows: tergum II, average number per side, 8 (6-11). tergum III, 4.4. (3-6). tergum IV, 2.8. (1-4), — somewhat fewer than in dippiei. Three antepygidial setae in both sexes. Male. Chiefly distinguished from the other species of Hystrichopsylla by details of the genitalia. The moveable process F barely exceeds the immoveable process P (much longer in all the others). The ventral arm of sternum IX is characteristic, being square-cut apically, and having a long series of short, pigmented spines (fig. 48). These spines are not so noticeably arranged in pairs as in the other species, and are more numerous. The five males available have an average of 19 spines (17-20), which are quite irregular in size. Sternum VIII is much the same as in dippiei. Female. Except for the smaller average size, and the increased number of genal spines, the females may not be reliably separated from dippiei. The smallest known member of the genus, males averaging 3.4 mm. (3-4 mm.); females, 4.3 mm. (4.1-4.9 mm.). 76 THE ORDER SILHONAPTERA Apparently the southern part of the range of this flea (in Canada) is restricted to the damp coastal areas of British Columbia, including some of the islands. It is unknown from the "Dry Belt". The most easterly records are from Mt. Revelstoke and Kinbasket Lake (Columbia Forest Region or "Interior Wet Belt"). As the females of Hystrichopsylla tend to be much alike, the more reliable diagnostic characters occurring in the males, some of the female specimens recorded here as of this species, but from points distant from the type locality, and without accompanying males, will not be allowed the status of paratypes. Preferred hosts appear to be various mice. While the eighteen collections of this flea available at the time of writing are from seven genera of mammals, the red-backed mouse, Clethrionomys gapperi is selected as the type host, as it is one of the most characteristic small mammals of the regions whence this flea is recorded, and on which it is known to occur. Holotype male and allotype female from Mount Seymour (3400'), near Northlands, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (type locality), collected June 14, 1947 ex Clethrionomys gapperi caurina by G. P. Holland, No. 5716 in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa. Paratypes, 4 males and 9 females, collected as follows: Mount Seymour, B.C., 27. VI. 44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi 1 9 (G.P.H.). 14. VI. 47, ex Pero- myscus maniculatus areas, 19 (G.P.H.). 14. VI. 47, ex Microtus longicaudus macrurus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Harrison Bay, B.C., 8.IV.41, ex Peromyscus maniculatus ssp., 1 9 (J.D.G.) Huntingdon, B.C., March, 1941, ex Microtus oregoni serpens, 1 9 (I.McT.C). 14. III. 43, ex Microtus t. townsendii, 1 9 (I.McT.C). 15. VII. 45, ex Scapanus sp., 1 9 (K.R.) Silver Creek, Hope, B.C., 31.V.41, ex Peromyscus maniculatus oreas, 1 o71 (J.D.G.) Vancouver, B.C. 27. III. 32, ex nest of Sorex sp. 1 9 (K.G.). 20.1.45, ex Peromyscus maniculatus austerus, 1 o71 (H.D.F.); ex Rattus norvegicus, 1 o71 (F.L.B.) Driftwood River, B.C., Feb., 1938, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, 1 o71 (J.F.S.F.) Three Brothers Mt., Manning Park, B.C., 2. VIII. 45, ex Phenacomys intermedins ssp., 1 9 (G.C.C.) Five other females, almost certainly of this species, but not listed here as paratypes, are: Mt. Revelstoke, 3000', 18.V.45, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Kinbasket Lake, B.C., 9. VIII. 45, ex Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. 1 9 (G.P.H.) Kungnit Is., Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., 9. VII 1.46, ex Rattus rattus, 2 9 (C.J.G.) Somerville Is., B.C., 10. VI. 45, ex Peromyscus sp., 1 9 (H.D.F.) HYSTRICHOPSYLLA SPINATA new species (Plate X. figs. 50, 51. 52; Map 6) We have one male and four females of a large Hystrichopsylla collected at different times at Vancouver, British Columbia, all from the little spotted skunk, Spilogale gracilis olympica. While this is in territory known to be inhabited also by 77. occidentalism these fleas are distinguished at once by larger size, six genal spines instead of eight, and, in the males, by the peculiar structure of sternum VIII. In most respects these fleas resemble true dippiei from central and eastern British Columbia, and Alberta and Saskatchewan, but in view of the fact that we have no specimens of typical dippiei from western British Columbia, and the vestiture of st. VIII is so different from that seen in any other member of the genus, this small series is considered at present to represent a species new to science. Genal ctenidium of six well developed spines per side. Frontal row of seven strong setae. Pronotal ctenidium of 31 spines in the single male, and usually 35 (35-36) in the females. Apical spinelets of abdomen averaging, tergum II, 7.6 (6-9); tergum III, 5.2 (4-6); tergum IV, 3.6 (?>-$). Three antepygidial setae in both sexes. Male. Genital claspers (fig. 50) with F much longer than P, and broader at midpoint than in dippiei. Ventral arm of sternum IX nearly square-cut at apex, and with 16 spines, of which 12 are large, and in pairs, whereas 4 are smaller. Sternum VIII quite characteristic, having a number of heavily pigmented spine-like setae at the apex. The two sides of sternum VI 1 1 in the single male available are not quite alike (see tig. 51). The right side has two Large, heavy, blunt spiniforms. The left side has but one, and below this, three or four pigmented setae of lesser magnitude. There is a ventral fringe of long slender setae, and some small lateral hairs. 77 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Female. Somewhal larger than average dippiei, and with larger spermathecae. Average length .Hid width of head of spermatheca 36.5 x 23.5 units (limiis of length, 40-34. width, 24-20.5). //. dippiei, 1>\ same scale of measurements (eleven examples I, average lengl b and w idt h, 30.7 x 20.6 (limits: length, 34-29; width. 21-20). A large flea, the male measuring 5 mm. Females averaging 5.35 (5-6.1 nun.). Holotype male and allotype female collected October 16, 1936, on the University of British Columbia campus (type locality), Vancouver, B.C., ex Spilogale gracilis olytnpica, by G. I*. Holland. No. 5717 in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa. Three female paratypes, all from Vancouver, and the same host, collected: 22. X. 36, 1 9 (G.P.H.). 24.X.36, 19 (G.P.H.); 17.11.32 (K.R.) (this last specimen badly overcleared in mounting). Two additional females, from Cowichan Lake, Vancouver Island, ex Maries caurina vancou- verensis, 22.11.41, and Mustela erminea anguinae, 16.1 11.41, collected by Jas. Hatter, may be of this species. It is unlikely that Spilogale, Maries or Mustela are true hosts of these fleas, as all other members of the genus occur on Rodentia or Insectivora. The present records almost undoubtedly may be explained by predation. HYSTRICOPSYLLA SCHEFFERI Chapin (Plate X, figs. 53, 54; Map 6) HystrichopsyUa schefferi Chapin 1919, Brookl. Ent. Soc. Bui. 14:50-52. Described from a single female collected at Puyallup, Wash., ex nest of "mountain beaver" (Aplodontia rufa ssp.). HystrichopsyUa mammoth Chapin 1921. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 23:25-27. Both sexes, from Mammoth, Mono Co.. California, ex "Aplodontia californica" {A. rufa c.) and Vosemite Nat. Pk., probably off Aplodontia. (possible synonym). HystrichopsyUa mammoth Chapin. Jordan 1937, Nov. Zool. 40:270-271; text-fig. 56. There is doubt in the minds of some students of western fleas as to the specific distinction of schefferi and mammoth. The separating characters, involving size as well as chaetotaxy, seemed adequate in the original small series. However, members of the genus HystrichopsyUa are somewhat variable and it is possible that mammoth should be considered as a synonym of schefferi. A female from British Columbia was submitted to Dr. Chapin for his opinion and he replied that, oddly enough, it tallied most closely with mammoth! We have too few of these large mountain beaver fleas in the Kamloops collection to make definite commitments with regard to synonymy, but on the basis of geographical considerations, it seems safest to the writer to regard the present small series as schefferi. Following are the first Canadian records of this interesting flea — the largest known in our fauna. It will be noted that neither record is from Aplodontia, but from animals apt to be its predators, or at least in close association. Aplodontia is known from the localities mentioned. New Canadian records: B.C.: Cultus Lake, 9. XI. 40, ex Mustela vison ener gumenos 3d, 19 (D.L.) Huntingdon, 8. III. 41, ex Spilogale gracilis olympica, lef (K.R.) Specimens examined: 4 c?, 2 9. STENOPONIA Jordan and Rothschild Genotype: HystrichopsyUa tripectinata Tiraboschi 1902 (palaearctic) Stenoponia Jordan and Rothschild 1911, Zool. Soc. Lond. Proc, p. 391. Stenoponia Jordan and Rothschild. Ewing and Fox 1943, t". S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:87; fig 9. A. Rostrum shorter than maxillary lobe. Labial palpus 2-segmented. Genal ctenidium of ten or more long spines per side. LZyes absent. Ctenidium of pronotum of many spines, fringing the whole length of the posterior margin of that sclerite. Thoracic nota each with four or more rows of setae. Abdominal tergum I with well developed ctenidium. Terga II-V with many apical spinelets (PL XI, fig. 55). Sternum VI 1 1 of male unmodified except for slight posterior expansion. No heavily pigmented spines on elements of male genitalia. Females normally with but one spermatheca. A holarctic genus, with one species recognized in North America. 78 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA STENOPONIA AMERICANA (Baker) (Plate XI, figs. 55. 56. 57, 58; Map 5) Histrichopsyua americana Baker 1899, Ent. News 10:37-38. Female from Orono, Maine, ex "Evotomys" (Cleihriono- mys sp.). Stenoponia americana (Baker). Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:30. Stenoponia welmorei Chapin 1919, Brookl. Ent. Soc. Bui. 14:52-54. Synonym, fide Jellison and Good (1943:133). Slenoponia americana (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S., pp. 81-84; pi. XXV, figs. 128,130,132. Stenoponia americana (Baker). Morris 1943, Acadian Nat. 1(1) :35. Recorded from New Brunswick and the Gaspe (specific locality not cited) ex Clethrionomys gapperi ochraceus. This large (4-5 mm.) and extremely bristly flea occurs chiefly in eastern North America, but has been recorded as far west as Montana (Jellison, Kohls and Mills 1943:6). Hosts are small rodents and insectivores. New Canadian records: Man.: Aweme, 19.X.13, no host given, 1 9 (N.C.) Ont. Algoma, 2v3.VII.35, ex Peromyscus m. gracilis, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Specimens examined: 1 d" , 4 9, including the type 9 (U. S. N. M.) Subfamily B. NEOPSYLLINAE Oudemans 1909. Eyes reduced. Head more or less divided by an interantennal groove. Clypeal tubercle well developed — reduced — or absent. Genal ctenidium present or absent. When present it consists of two overlapping spines directed ven- trocaudad. Coxa III with a row or patch of spiniforms on inner surface. In a few genera these are reduced to slender hairs. In the genera where the spinelets are well-developed, there is a finely striated patch on either side of the basal abdominal sternum (cf. Rhadinopsyllinae), suggesting that these structures may be used as stridulating organs (fig. 63). Terminal segment of some tarsi with the first (basal) pair of plantar bristles shifted ventrally, Antepygidial setae present in both sexes. No spiniforms on the upper clasper processes, although the apex of the ventral arm of sternum IX is frequently armed with heavy pigmented setae. Tergum VIII of male slightly reduced. Sternum VIII somewhat expanded and sometimes lobed. Females with single spermatheca, the tail of which may or may not project into the lumen of the head. Seven nearctic genera belong here. All but one ( Phalacropsylla) have been recorded from Canada. CATALLAGIA Rothschild Genotype: Typhlopsylla charloltensis Baker 1898. Catallagia Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:41-43. Clypeal tubercle present. No genal ctenidium. Two rows of setae on preantennal region of head (fig. 59). Postantennal region with three rows. Labial palpus of five segments, and not reaching apex of fore coxa. Coxa 1 1 1 with patch of spinelets. Stigma of abdominal segment VIII enlarged. Fifth segment of fore and mid tarsi with five pairs of plantar bristles, four lateral and a proximal ventral pair. Hind tarsus with but four pairs, all lateral. A nearctic genus, represented by nine or more species, of which three are known from Canada. These fleas are chiefly found on mice. Key to (he Canadian species of Catallagia Males. 1. Ventral arm of sternum IX with four short subequal spiniforms. Western British ( Columbia only 2 Sternum IX with three unequal spiniforms (PI. XII. fig. 66). Occurring only east of the Cascades (let i pirns THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA 2. OmI\ .1 lew setae <>n the ventral arm <>l sternum IX in addition to the spiniforms I fig. (>1 1 . . . . charlottensis Sternum IX with a thick ventral fringe of setae, of which the anterior three or four may he somevt hat thickened (fig. 64) chamber I ini Note: the females of Catallagia !• CANAD \ New Canadian records: B.C.: Berg Lake, Mi. Robson, 26.VII.44, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, lo" (G.P.H.); 25.VII.44, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, \d, 2 9 (G.P.H.); 26.VII.44, ex Phenacomys intermedins, \d (G.P.H.) Black Pines, S.I X. 2(). ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus streatori, 1 9 Blaokel Mi.. (6000'), 1.VIII.46, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Campbell Range, 3.VI.42, ex Thomomys talpoides /utensils, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Copper Creek, 8.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp. 3o" , 69 (G.P.H.). 8.V.42, Clethrio- nomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.); 8.V.42., ex Phenacomys i. intermidius, 1 9 (G.P.H.); 9.V.42, ex Ochotona princeps fenisex 1 9 (G.P.H.) Eagle Pass, 17.V.45, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae \d (G.P.H.) Glacier, \ 111.42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 9 (J. D.G.J Grand Forks, 13.VI.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Hanceville, 27. III. 41, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Kamloops, 14. III. 41, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 6d", 69 (G.P.H.); 12. IV. 44, ex Microtus pennsylvanicus drummondi, 2d, 2 9 (G.P.H.). 16.VI.45, ex Microtus montanus canescens, \d, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Kelowna, 8.IY.40, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, \d, 3 9 (G.P.H.); 12. 1 Y. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Kinbasket Lake, 9.VIII.44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., Id". 5 9 (G.P.H.); 6.VIII.43, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, \d (G.P.H.); 14.VIII.44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturalus, \d (G.P.H.); 9. VIII. 44, ex Zapus princeps idahoensis, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Lae la Hache, 3. VII. 42, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 2 9 (G.C.C.) Newgate, 7.YII.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Nicola, 23.VIII. 33, ex Eutamias amoenus ajfinis, 1 9 (E.H.) Okanagan Center, 5.V.37, ex Microtus pennsylvanicus drummondi, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Oliver, 24.V.45, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 d , 2 9 (G.P.H.) Paradise Mine, 25. VI 1 1. 44, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, 4 9 (G.P.H.) Paul Lake, 21.VIII.39, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, \d (G.P.H.); 19.Y.44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus ,1 d (G.P.H.) Quesnel, 19.VIII.43, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 9 (M.S.) Rayleigh, 25. IX. 39, ex Tamiasciurus h. streatori, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Redstone, 13. VI 1.44. ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 1 9 (L.J.) Roosville, 19.V.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, \d (S.P.Crew) Salmon Arm. 16. IV. 34, ex Tamiasciures h. streatori, \d (E.R.B.) Sugar Lake, 16.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Tulameen, 7.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 3d", 3 9 (G.P.H.) Vavenby, 9. IV. 40, ex Peromyscus maniculatus ssp., 6d\ 5 9 (J.D.G.); 16.IV.40, ex Mustela frcnata ssp., 1 9 (J.D.G.); 8. IV. 40, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 1 9 (J.D.G.) Williams Lake, 14. IV. 44, ex Sorex. sp., 1 9 (G.P.H.); 14.IV .44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 4d\ 7 9 (G.P.H.); 13. IV. 44, ex nest of Microtus p. drummondi, 2d , 6 9 (G.P.H.) Alta.: Banff, 14.VII.39, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 3 9 (J.D.G.) Blackfalds, 22. VI. 40, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2d, 5 9 (G.P.H.) Elkwater, 7.VI.40, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 1 d, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Twin Butte, 30. VI 1.40, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 1 d (S.P.Crew) Sask.: Ceylon, 4. VI 1.42, ex Onychomys leucogaster missouriensis, 1 d (G.P.H.) Estevan, 23. VII. 42, ex Microtus pennslyvanicus drummondi , 1 d (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: 70d\ 100 (plus) 9. DELOTELIS Jordan Genotype: Ceraiophyllus telegoni Rothschild 1905. Delotelis Jordan 1937, Nov. Zool. 40:267. Close to Catallagia, but with three rows of setae on the preantennal region of the head (PL XII, fig. 68). Labial palpus as long as the fore coxa. No genal ctenidium. Stigma of abdominal segment VIII not enlarged. Sternum VIII in the male with heavy ventral fringe of setae. Ventral arm of sternum IX with modified pigmented sub-apical setae. The original description states "hindtarsal segment V with one ventral bristle in between the first lateral pair". In our specimens of D. telegoni, this character is variable, there being sometimes one bristle, sometimes two, and sometimes none — just the four lateral pairs. Nearctic. Only one rare species known. 82 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA © D. TELEGON • M. SHANNONI A PEAOGNATHUS PARVUS MAP 8 I lystrichopsyllidaerNeoprfyllinae. Locality records of Meringis shannoni (Jordan), (superimposed on the range of pocket mice. Perognathus parvus ssp., modified after Osgood 1000 by I. McT. Cowan, University of British Columbia), and Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild). DRLOTRLIS TRLRGONI (Rothschild) (Plate XII, figs. 68, 69, 70; Map 8) Ceratophyllus telegoni Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:172-174; pi. 9, figs. 27, 30. Both sexes from Horse Creek. I'pper Columbia Valley. B. C, ex "Microtus drummondi" (M. pennsylvanicus f spiniforms on its inner surface. 83 IHK SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Tarsi V of tore and mid-legs with five pairs of plantar bristles, four of which are lateral, and one situated proximally, near the median line. Tarsus V of hind legs with four pairs of bristles, all lateral. Ventral arm of sternum IX in male with spiniforms. In the original description, the statement is made — "body of spermatheca longer than its tail , tail deeply projecting into lumen of body". These characters cannot hold in the generic diagnosis, if species now referred to this genus, and which differ in these respects, are to be included. A nearctic genus, containing seven known species, of which two have been recorded in Canada. Preferred hosts are mice. Key to the Canadian species of Epitedia 1. Found only in the extreme S. W. of British Columbia. c?. P not bilobed (PI. XIII, fig. 73) 9 . Tail of spermatheca not projecting into head (tig. 74) scapani Found from the east slopes of the Cascades, across the Dominion. o". P bilobed (fig. 76) 9 . Tail of spermatheca projecting deeply into lumen of head (fig. 77) wenmanni DOMINION OP CANADA MAP 9 Hystrichopsyllidae:Xeopsyllinae. Locality records of Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild), (superimposed on the range of eastern shipnumks, Tamias striatus ssp., after Howell, 1929), Epitedia scapani (Wagner) and E. wenmanni (Rothschild). EPITEDIA SCAPANI (Wagner) (Plate XIII, figs. 71, 72, 73. 74: Map 9) Neopsylla scapani Wagner 1936, Zeitsch. f. Parasitenk. 8(6) :654,657; text-fig. 5. Male, from Vancouver, B. C, ex Scapanus orarius. Epitedia (Neopsylla) scapani Wagner. Wagner 1940, Zeitsch. f. Parasitenk, 11(4) :465; text-fig. 4. Female described, from University of British Columbia campus, Vancouver, B. C, ex Scapanus orarius schefferi. Epitedia jordani Hubbard 1940, Pac. Univ. Bui. 37(2):10-11; figs. p. 9, synonym, fide Holland (1942:157-158). Epitedia (= Neopsylla) scapani (Wagner). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:13. Recorded from British Columbia, as follows: Caulfeild, ex Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. (auslerus); Chilliwack, ex Scapanus townsendii and Sorex sp.; Cultus Lake, ex Muslela sp. Epitedia scapani (Wagner). Holland 1942, Can. Ent. 74(9) :157-158. Synonymy of E. jordani Hubb. noted. Further British Columbia records: Agassiz, ex Scapanus orarius schefferi; Silver Creek (Hope), ex Peromyscus m. oreas and Sorex sp.; Gleneagles, ex Peromyscus m. auslerus; Vancouver, ex Neurotrichus g. gibbsii. Like a number of other species (Corypsylla ornata, Nearctopsylla jordani, and Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata), E. scapani appears, in Canada, to be confined to the extreme southwest of British Columbia. It is associated with the white- footed mouse, Peromyscus, and the Insectivora peculiar to the Pacific coast lowlands. 84 THE ORDER SIPHOXAPTERA New Canadian records: B.C.: Cultus Lake. 6. VI. 45, ex Microtus oregoni serpens, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Chilliwack, 15.VIII.44, ex Aplodontid "r. rufa, 1 9 (H.G.F.) Huntingdon, 14. III. 43, ex Sorex t. trowbridgii, 1 9 (I.McT. C. ) Manning Park, VI 1 1.45, ex Peromyscus sp., 19 (G.C.C.) Vancouver, ex Rattus norvegicus, 1 c? (F.L.B.) Specimens examined: 10c?, 26 9 , including the holotype c? and 5c? and 3 9 topotypes. Also two pairs of paratopes of Hubbard's "Epitedia jordani" (U. S. N. M.) EPITEDIA WENMANNI (Rothschild) (Plate XIII, figs. 75. 76, 77; Map 9) Ctenophthalmus wenmanni Rothschild 1904. Nov. Zool. 11:642-643; pi. XIV, figs. 75,77.79. Both sexes from British Columbia (no specific locality) ex "Peromyscus leucopus" (P. maniculatus ssp.) and Scotoma cinerea. Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild). Jordan 1938, Nov. Zool. 41:124. Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 96-98; pi. XXVII. figs. 139, 142, 144. Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild). Jameson 1943, Journ. Mammal. 24(2) :195. Recorded from Welland Co., Ont.. ex Tamias slriatus lysteri. Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild). Baker 1946. Journ. Kxpt. Med. 84(1):47. Recorded from Grosse Isle, Que., ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, Peromyscus m. gracilis and Condylura cristala nigra. The species is very widespread, ranging from the Atlantic seaboard westward to the Cascade Mountains of western British Columbia. It does not appear to occur in the Coast Forest Region or the Columbia Forest Region. On the other hand, we have records of it as far north as Great Slave Lake, and it has been taken as far south as New Mexico. While occurring on a variety of hosts, mostly small rodents, it appears to prefer the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus spp. New Canadian records: B.C.: Ewing's Landing, 15.X.41, ex Mus musculus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Kamloops, 14.1 1 1.41, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 6c?, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Jamieson Creek, 15. IX. 45, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, lc?, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Lac du Bois, 27.VIII.39, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 9 (G.J.S. ) Rayleigh, 5.1 1.41, ex nest of Tamiasciurus h. streatori, 1 c?, 1 9 (G.P.H.); 29. 1 1 1.44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 3c?, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Williams Lake. 8. IV. 44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 c?, 1 9 (G.P.H.); 13. IV. 44, ex nest of Microtus p. drummondi, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Alta.: Chipewyan, 2. IX. 45, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 4c? (W.F.) Elkwater, 7. VI. 40, ex Zapus princeps minor, 1 c? (G.P.H.) Milk River, 26.V.40, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, lc?, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Waterways, 22.V.46, ex Microtus sp., 1 9 (W.F.) Sask.: Crackingstone Point, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 2c?. 2 9 (W.F.) Emma Lake, 9.VIII.40, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 c? (L.G.S. ) Estevan, VII. 42, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 2 9 (G.P.H.); 28. VI. 42, ex Microtus p. drummondi, 1 c? (G.P.H.) Fond du Lac, 16. VII. 45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 c? (W.F.) Saskatoon, 18. IV. 44, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 1 c? (W.F.); 20. IV. 45, ex Eutamias sp. 1 9 (W.F.) Shepley's Is., 11.X.43, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Man.: Aweme, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (N.C.): 11.15, ex Mustela erminea ssp. 2 9 (S.C.) Ont.: Algoma, 19. VIII. 35, ex Peromyscus m. gracilis, 1 9 (C.H.I).C.) Bell's Corners, 25.11.39, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 1 c?, 1 9 (T.N.F.) Chatham, 2. IV. 41, ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, 1 c? (G.M.S.) Kawene. VII. 45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 2c?, 1 9 (A.C.B.) Smoky Falls, 8.X.36, ex Mus musculus, 1 9 (R.V.W.): 7. XI. 37, ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, 1 c? (R.V.W.) X.B.: Scotch Lake, host unknown, 1 9 N.W.T.: Caribou Island, Great Slave Lake, 26.VI.46, 2c?. 4 9 (H.T.F.) Fort Liard, III. 45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., lc?, 2 9 (R.C.M.P.) MacLeod Bay, Great Slave Lake, 17. VIII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 c? (P.L.) Reliance, 15. IV. 44, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 c?, 4 9 (R.C.M.P.) Specimens examined 45c?1, 509. 85 THE SIPllnXAI'TKRA < >F CANADA NEOPSYLLA Wagner Genotype: Typhlopsylla bidentatiformis Wagner 1X9:5. (palaearctic) Neopsylla Wagnei 1903, Horae Soc, Ent. Ross. 36:186.138. tylla Wagner. Rothschild L915, Ectoparasites L:80. Cephalic setae and genal spines much as in Epitedia. A few thin setae on inside of coxa 111. hut no spinelets. Tarsus V of fore and mid legs normally with five pairs of plantar bristles, and tarsus Y of hind legs with four. All these bristles are lateral in normal specimens. No ventral setae on basal abdominal sternum. No sinus where the cervical sclerite articulates with the pleurosternal plate (fig. 78). Sternum IX of male with ventral marginal setae, hut no pigmented spines. A holarctic genus, with one species known from North America. Ewing and Fox (1943:78) have tentatively relegated this species (TV. inopina) to Epitedia (although it does not conform to Jordan's or their own diagnosis of that genus) on the assumption that true Neopsylla is strictly palaearctic. They reserved final judgment pending comparison with the genotype of Neopsylla, N. bidentati- formis (Wagner). The writer feels that this action was unwarranted, and that there was not justifiable reason for questioning Jordan's exclusion of inopina from Epitedia. However, a large series of inopina has been compared with specimens of N. bidentatiformis and TV. setosa (Wagner), another palaearctic species, at Kamloops, and the writer sees no evidence to warrant an}* assumption that they are not congeneric. The genus is associated with the mammal genus Citellus in the Old World and the New. 10 • N. I NO PIN Citellus r. richardsonii Citellus c columbianus MAI' 10 Hystrichopsyllidae:Neopsyllinae. Locality records of Neopsylla inopina Rothschild, superimposed on the range of ground squirrels, Citellus r. richardsonii and C. c. columbianus. modified after Howell 1938 by I. McT. Cowan and the writer. 86 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA NEOPSYLLA INOPINA Rothschild (Plate XIII, figs. 78, 79, 80; Map 10) Neopsylla inopina Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:30-32; figs. 32,33. Both sexes from Calgary, Alta., ex "S pernio- philus richardsoni" (Citellus r. richardsonii) , "Putorius longicaudatus" {Mustela frenata longicauda) and "Evo- tomys saturatus" (Clethrionomys gap peri loringi). Neopsylla inopina Rothschild. Holland 1940, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 36:11. Recorded from Kimberley, B. C, ex Citellus columbianus. Epiledia inopina (Rothschild). Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:78. Neopsylla inopina. Rothschild. (Epitedia inopina (Rothschild) Brown 1944, Ent. Soc. Amer. Annals. 37(2) :209. Recorded from Waterton and Stanmore, Alta. Also, specimens recorded as Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild) from Stanmore, ex Citellus columbianus and C. richardsonii, examined by the writer through the courtesy of Mr. Brown, are, in his opinion, of this species. N. inopina is typically a parasite of the Richardson's ground squirrel or "prairie gopher" of the plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan. In British Colum- bia, we only have records of it from the Kootenay district, where it occurs on the Columbian ground squirrel, Citellus c. columbianus. New Canadian records: B.C.: Cascade, 8. VI. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 d\ 1 9 (S. P. Crew) Corbin, 8.V.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 4 c?, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Cranbrook, 24.V.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 o71 (S.P.C.) Crow's Nest Pass, 16.V.40, ex C. c. columbianus, lo71, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Eholt, 15.VI.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.C.) Fernie, 13.V.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 d\ 2 9 (S.P.C.) Ft. Steele, 1.V.40, ex C c. columbianus, 2 c?, 3 9 (S.P.C.) Galloway, 7.V.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 o71 (S.P.C.) Grand Forks, 17. VI. 40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 o71 (S.P.C.) Newgate, 9.V.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Osoyoos, 25. VI. 40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 d" (S.P.C.) Rock Creek. 21. VI. 40, ex C. c. columbianus, Id", 1 9 (S.P.C.) Roosville, 19.V.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Yahk, 24.IV.40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Alta: Acadia Vallev, 22. VI. 44, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, Id", 1 9 (S.P.C.) Aden, 13.Vlf.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 d\ 2 9 (G.P.H.) Blairmore, ex C. c. columbianus (S.P.C.) Brooks, 7.VI.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 o" , 1 9 (S.P.C.) Camrose, VI. 43, ex C. r. richardsonii, lo71, 4 9 (S.P.C.) Cereal, ex C. r. richardsonii (S.P.C.) Delia. 31.V.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, Id1, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Hanna, 31.V.40, ex Mustela f. longicauda, 1 d" (S.P.C); 1.VI.39, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 2d71 (S.P.C.) High River, 26.VII.38, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Lake Newell, ex C. r. richardsonii (S.P.C.) Medicine Hat, 9.V.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 d" (S.P.C.) Milk River, 15.V.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 o71, 1 o71 (G.P.H.) Oldman Lake, 29.V.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.C.) Red Deer, 15.VII.43. ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (G.P.H.). ex Mustela sp. (E.T.) San Francisco, 21. VII. 44, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 o71 (S.P.C.) Scotfield, 21.VI.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, lo71, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Suffield, VI. 43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 3c71, 3 9 (S.P.C.) Sunnynook, 8.VIII.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 o71, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Three Hills, ex C. r. richardsonii (S.P.C.) Vermilion, VI. 43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 9d", 7 9 (S.P.C) Wainwright, VI. 43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 5cf. 5 9 (S.P.C.) Wetaskiwin, 8. VII. 43, ex C. r. richardsonii, lo71, 2 9 (S.P.C.) Sask.: Beaubier, 24. VII. 43, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, lo71, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Big Beaver, 5.VIII.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 o71 (S.P.C.) Carlvle Lake, 18.VIII.44, ex Citellus franklinii, 1 9 (W.F.) Climax, 24.VIII.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.C.) Dundurn, 2. VII. 43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 3 071, 5 9 (S.P.C.) Estevan, VI 1.40. ex C. r. richardsonii, 7d\ 8 9 (G.P.H.) Gainsborough, 10. VI 1.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 2d", 1 9 (S.P.C.) Glen Ewen, 10. VI 1.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Govenlook, 4. IX. 43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (S.P.C.) Lake Alma, 25. VI 1.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.C.) Loomis, 1.IX.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 2 9 (S.P.C.) Maple Creek, 24.Y.44, ex Peroniyscus m. osgoodi, 1 d" (W.F.) Norburv, V.45, ex C. r. richardsonii, 5c71, 13 9 (S.P.C.) Outram, 14. VII. 44, ex C. r. richardsonii. 1 9 (S.P.C.) Prince Albert, 19.VI.43, ex C. r. richardsoni,, Lc? (S.P.C.) 87 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Regina, VI.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 d\ 4 9 (S.P.C.) Rock Glen, 9.VIII.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 o\ 3 9 (S.P.C.) Saskatoon. 6.VI.41, ex C. r. richardsonii, 17c?1, 22 9 (S.P.C.) Val Marie. 8.YII.42, ex Mustela f. longicauda, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: Large scries of both sexes including 5o" and 16 9 topotypes. TAMIOPHILA Jordan Genotype: Typhlopsylla grandis Rothschild 1902 TamiophUa Jordan 1938, Nov. Zool. 41:124. Nearest Neopsylla, with which it agrees in most essentials, -- tarsi V, general pattern of genitalia, reduction of spinelets on inside of coxa III, etc. Underside of basal abdominal sternum hairy. Size large (usually 4-5 mm. in length). Nearctic. One species known, occuring in the eastern United States and Canada. TAMIOPHILA GRANDIS (Rothschild) (Plate XIII, fig. 81; plate XIV, figs. 82, 83; Map 9) Typhlopsylla grandis Rothschild 1902, Ent. Ree. and Journ. Var. 14:62-63; pi. II, fig. 3. Both sexes, from Branchton Ont., ex lamias striatus. Neopsylla striata Stewart 1926, Insec. Ins. Mens. 14:124-126. Synonym, fide Jordan (1929:172). Xeopsylla grandis (Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :202. Recorded from Lennoxville, Que., ex Tamias striatus. TamiophUa grandis (Rothschild). Jordan 1938, Nov. Zool. 41:124. TamiophUa grandis (Rothschild). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 100-101; pi. 25, figs. 127,129,131. TamiophUa grandis (Rothschild). Jameson 1943, Journ. Mammal. 24(2) :195. Recorded from Welland Co., Ont., ex Tamias striatus lysteri and Sylvilagus floridanus mearnsi. TamiophUa grandis (Rothschild). Brown 1944, Ent. Soc. Amer. Annals 37(2) :210. Recorded erroneously from Alberta. Specimens were Neopsylla inopina (see). Wagner (1936:202) suggested that this species would be found in British Columbia, on Tamias. This does not seem probable to the present writer as the eastern chipmunk, which is undoubtedly the true host and principal distribution- controlling factor of this flea, does not occur this far west. Tamias is not known west of Manitoba in Canada. New Canadian records: Ont.: Buckshot Lake, 21. VII. 32, ex "chipmunk", 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Ottawa, 11. IX. 35, ex Tamias striatus ssp., 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Pancake Bay, Algoma, 3. IX. 35, ex Tamias striatus griseus, 1 d" (C.H.D.C.) Rockcliff Pk., 15.V.34, ex cottontail rabbit, 1 o" (H.L.) Specimens examined: 3d*, 3 9. MERINGIS Jordan Genotype: Phalacropsylla arachis Jordan 1929 Meringis Jordan 1937, Nov. Zool. 40:268-269. This genus and one other (Phalacropsylla, not recorded from Canada) are distinguished from all other Neopsyllinae by the lack of a clypeal tubercle, and having all tarsi V with four pairs of lateral plantar bristles and a proximal ventral pair (PL XIV, fig. 85). Meringis is further distinguished by the lack of apical spinelets on the abdominal terga, and the possession of a nearly flat pygidium. Coxa III with a row of spinelets on inner surface. Ventral arm of sternum IX in the male complex, and bearing some heavily pigmented spiniforms. Head of the spermatheca in the female inverted pyriform. The genus (strictly nearctic) of which there are eight species recognized to date in North America, is characteristically parasitic on Kangaroo rats (Dipo- domys spp.) and pocket mice (Perognathus spp.). One species is known at present from Canada, and it is recorded from the Okanagan valley in British Columbia only. It is quite probable that at least one more species (perhaps M. parkeri Jordan) will be found in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, where pocket mice and/or kangaroo rats occur. 88 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA MERINGIS SHANNONI (Jordan) (Plate XIV, figs. 84, 85, 86, 87, 88; Map 8) Phalacropsylla shannoni Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:38-39; pi. II, figs. 28,29. Both sexes from Ritzville, Washington ex "field mice" (Microtus) and Lind, Washington, ex Pevognathus and "big-eared mice" (Peromyscus?). Meringis shannoni (Jordan). Jordan 1937, Nov. Zool. 40:269. Meringis shannoni (Jordan). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. Brit. Col. Proc. 37:13. Recorded from Okanagan Landing, B. C, ex "Pevognathus I. lordi" (P. parvus laingi) and Peromyscus m. artemisiae. The species is known only from part of southern British Columbia where two races of Perognathus parvus occur. New Canadian records: B.C.: Anarchist Mountain, 28.V.41, ex Perognathus parvus laingi, 1 9 (I.McT. C.) Osoyoos, 21.V.41, ex Perognathus parvus lordi, 1 cT (I.McT.C.) Vernon, 3. VI. 41, ex Perognathus p. laingi, 2d\ 4 9 (G.C.C.) Specimens examined: 5d\ 8 9, including the type cf and a paratype 9 (U. S. N. M.) Subfamily C. RHADINOPSYLLINAE Wagner 1930. Eyes vestigial. Genal ctenidium of strong spines typically present, but lacking, or at most represented by vestigial spinelets in one genus (fig. 100). Metepimerum with a densely striated patch in all Canadian genera (figs. 90, 97 and 101). Anterior dorsal corner of metasternum acutely rounded, and directed upwards. Two rows of setae (one may be somewhat reduced) to each abdominal tergum. Pygidium convex. Females with two subequal antepygidial setae; males with none, or at most a single, thin, undifferentiated seta. Genitalia of males without pigmented spines. Preferred hosts are small rodents. Five nearctic genera, all but two of which (Actenophthalmus and Para- typhloceras) have been recorded from Canada. MICROPSYLLA Dunn and Parker Genotype: Micropsylla peromyscus Dunn 1923 (a synonym of Rhadinopsylla sectilis Jordan and Rothschild 1923). Micropsylla Dunn and Parker 1923, Pub. Hlth. Repts. 38:2767. Micropsylla Dunn and Parker. Jordan 1937, Nov. Zool. 40:270. Clypeal tubercle acuminate. Genal comb normally of 4 to 5 strong, blunt spines, but varying in individuals from 3 to 6. Metanotum not divided by transverse ridge (PI. XIV, fig. 90). Inside of hind coxa with patch of thin spinelets. The genus is known only from North America, west of the Rocky Mountains. Mice, especially Peromyscus spp. appear to be the true hosts of these very small fleas. From the limited collection data at hand, it would seem that the winter and spring months represent the principal season of activity. Most probably they are chiefly nest fleas in an}' case. Two species have been described, but a study of Canadian material leads the present writer to feel that the differences stated are not of full specific value, for individuals from the same locality may sometimes show considerable variation, making determination difficult, if the collection site were not known. Therefore, the two forms are regarded here as geographical subspecies or races of Micropsylla sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild), separated distributionally by the Cascade Mountains. Key to the subspecies of Micropsylla sectilis 1. Occurring west of the Cascade Mountains only. Genal ctenidium normally of 5 spines (4-6) (PI. XIV, fig. 94) o". Apex of F normally only very slightly notched (fig. 95) 9 . Sternum VII only slightly incised (fig. 96) sectilis goodi Hast of the Cascades to the Rockies. Genal ctenidium normally of 4 spines (3-5) (PI. XIV, fig. 89) cf. F a little longer and with the apical notch a little more noticeable (figs. 91, 92). 9. Sternum VII more deeply incised (fig. 93) sectilis sectilis 89 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA J^^v37=^T °>-, "\ ICTILIS SECTILIS © M. SECTILIS GOODI • R. FRATERNA ▲ T. OREGONENSIS MAP 11 Hystrichopsyllidae:Rhadinopsyllinae. Locality records of Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Roths- child), M. s. goodi Hubbard, Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) and oregonensis Ewing. MICROPSYLLA SECTILIS SECTILIS (Jordan and Rothschild) (Plate XIV, figs. 89, 90, 91, 92. 93; Map 11) Rhadinopsylla sectilis Jordan and Rothschild 1923 (Nov. 20), Ectoparasites 1:314-315; text-fig. 318. Kelowna, British Columbia, ex "Peromyscus sp." {P. maniculatus artemisiae) and Mies sp. Females from Micropsylla peromyscus Dunn 1923 (Nov. 23) 270). Micropsylla sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild). Micropsylla sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild). Micropsylla sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild). , Pub. Hlth. Repts. 38:2767-2768, 2775. Synonym, fide Jordan (1937: Jordan 1937, Nov. Zool. 40:270. Hubbard 1941, Pac. Univ. Bui. 37(10) :l-3; figs. Jellison and Good 1942, Nat. Inst. Hlth. Bui. 178:86. This flea is not common on host animals, even in the early spring, which seems to be the season of principal activity. New Canadian records: B.C.: Eagle Pass, Revelstoke, 8.V.46, ex Peromyscus, 3c? , 3 9 (G.P.H.) Ewing's Landing, 18.X.46, ex nest of Tamiasciurus huisonicus streatori, 1 c? (W.H.) Kamloops, 1.IV.44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 19 (G.P.H. ); 18.1.45, ex Mus musculus, I i Eastern U. S. pp. 34 88; pi. X. fi«s. 45.46,49. Clenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker. Jameson 1948, Journ. Mammal. 24(2):194-196. Recorded from Welland Co., Ont., c\ Parascalops breweri, Pitymys pinetorum scalajtsoides, Blarina brevicauda talpoides and Microtus p. pennsylvanicus. Clenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker. Baker 1946, Journ. Expt. Med. 84(1):47. Recorded from Grosse M<\ Que., ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, Temiasciurus hudsonicus gymnicus and Condylura cristata nigra. The species is widespread across temperate North America, from the Atlantic westward to the Rockies, which apparently limit the range westward. Mice and insectivores arc the favoured hosts. New Canadian records: Aha. Sask. Man.: Onl.: Blackfalds, 22. VI. 40, ex Peromyscus m. borealis. Id", 2 9 (G.P.H.) Calgary, 21.VII.43, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 1 d71 (S. P. Crew) Carlyle Lake, 19.VII.44, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2d", 1 9 (W.F.); 24.VI.42, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 3cf\ 2 9 (G.P.H.) Estevan, 23.VII.42, ex Microtus p. drummondi, Id" (G.P.H.) Aw erne, 19.X.13, ex Clethrionomys gapperi, Id" (N.C.) Algoma, 9. VIII. 35, ex Eutamias sp., 1 9 (C.H.D.C.); 22. VIII. 35, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., Id" (C.H.D.C); 30. VIII. 35, ex Condylura c. cristata, 2d", 5 9 (C.H.n.C); 2.IX.35, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (C.H.D.C); 1.VIII.35, ex Parascalops breweri. Id" (C.H.D.C); 12. IX. 35, ex Blarina brevicauda tal- poides, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Apple Hill, 2. VII. 38, ex Condylura c. cristata, 1 d\ 4 9 (G.H.H.) Bigger Lake, 24.VIII.35, ex Eutamias minimus, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Brule Lake, VII-VIII.34, ex Parascalops breweri, 15 o", 14 9 (C.H.D.C); 7. VIII. 34, ex Sorex cinereus, Id" (C.D.F.) Chatham, IV. 41, ex Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, 2 9 (G.M.S.) Kawene, VII. 45, ex Peromyscus sp., Id" (A.C.B.) London, 6.X.30, ex Parascalops breweri, 1 9 (E.D.) Specimens examined: 36 d", 35 9 . DORATOPSYLLA Jordan and Rothschild Genotype: Typhlopsylla dasycnemus Rothschild 1897. (palaearctic) Doratopsylla Jordan and Rothschild 1912, Nov. Zool. 19:62. Doratopsylla Jordan and Rothschild. Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:25. Doratopsylla Jordan and Rothschild. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:81-82. Genal ctenidium of four spines of which the most posterior is closely ap- pressed to the genal border, and partly covers the genal process (PI. XVI, fig. 108). Tergum VII not produced into processes extending posteriorly between the two sets of antepygidial bristles (fig. 109); cf. next genus, fig. 112). Labial palpus of four segments. Four lateral pairs and one proximal ventral pair of plantar bristles on all tarsi V. An holarctic genus, one species occurring in North America, including Canada. MAP 13 Hystrichopsyllidae:Ctenophthalminae. Locality records of Doratopsylla blarinae C Fox (superimposed on range of short-tailed shrews, Blarina brevicauda, as outlined by A. L. Rand. National Museum of Canada), Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild) and C. c. obtusata (Wagner). 94 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA DORATOPSYLLA BLARINAE C. Fox (Plate XVI, figs. 108, 109, 110; Map 13; Doraiopsylla blerinae C. Fox 1914. U. S. P. H. Hyg. Lab. Bui. 97:11; pi. 4, figs. 1-3. Male, from Washington I). C. ex Blarina brevicauda. Doraiopsylla blarinae Fox. Chapin 1919 Brookl. Ent. Soc. Bui. 14:54:55. Female described, from Plummer Island, Maryland, ex Blarina brevicauda. Doraiopsylla blarinae C. Fox. I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S., pp. 92-94; pi. XXVI, figs. 134, 135, 137. Doraiopsylla blarinae C. Fox. Jameson 1943, Journ. Mammal. 24(2) :195. Recorded from Welland Co., Ont., ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides. The short-tailed shrew, Blarina, is undoubtedly the true host of this flea, which is confined to part of the range of that mammal, in eastern North America. New Canadian records: Ont.: Brule Lake, Algonquin Pk., VII-VIII.34, ex Blarina brevicauda, 2d", 4 9 (C.H.D.C.); VII-VIII.34, ex Parascalops breweri, 2d" (C.H.D.C.) Long Lake, 24. VII. 33, ex Peromyscus sp., 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Pancake Bay, Algoma, VIII-IX.35, ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides, 5d", 3 9 (C.H.D.C). 31.VII.35. ex Sorex sp., 2 9 (C.H.D.C.) Specimens examined: lid", 13 9 , including the type d" (U. S. N. M.) CORRODOPSYLLA Wagner Genotype: Doraiopsylla curvata Rothschild 1915 Corrodopsylla Wagner 1929, Konowia 8:317. (used as subgenus). Corrodopsylla Wagner. Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :205. (raised to generic status). General structure very like Doraiopsylla. Genal process clearly visible above fourth genal spine (PI. XVI, fig. 111). Abdominal tergum VII produced posteriorly into a pair of processes between the two sets of antepygidial bristles (fig. 112). Holarctic. Two species recognized in North America. One of these, C. curvata (Rothschild) is represented by two subspecies, both of which occur in Canada. True hosts are the long-tailed shrews, Sorex spp. Key to the subspecies of Corrodopsylla curvata 1. Found east of the Cascade Mountains. d". F just equalling P, of the clasper (Pi. XVI, fig. 112) 9 . Lower margin of sinus of sternum VII with chitinous thickening (fig. 113) .curvata curvata West of the Cascades only. d". F exceeding Pi in length (fig. 114) 9. Sinus and lobe of sternum VII more extensively developed, and without the thickening (fig. 115) curvata obtusata CORRODOPSYLLA CURVATA CURVATA (Rothschild) (Plate XVI, figs. Ill, 112, 113; Map 13) Doraiopsylla curvata Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:25-27; text-figs. 28,29. Both sexes from Iowa City, Iowa (type locality) ex Blarina brevicauda. Also collected at Blackfalds, Alta, ex "kangaroo mouse" (Zapns sp.) and "shrew mouse" (Sorex sp.). Doraiopsylla (Corrodopsylla) curvata Rothschild. Wagner 1929, Konowia 8:317. Corrodopsylla curvata Rothschild. W'agner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :205. Recorded from Kamloops, B. C, ex Sorex. Doratopsylla curvata Rothschild. I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S., pp. 94-95; pi. XXVI, figs. 133,136,138. Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild). Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:81. This subspecies is apparently widespread in Canada, occurring from central British Columbia to Ontario. New Canadian records: B.C.: Osoyoos, 21.VIII.44, ex Sorex sp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Penticton, 14.V.42, ex Sorex o. obscurus, 4d\ 14 9 (G.P.H.) Sugar Lake, 16.V.42, ex Sorex o. obscurus, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Williams Lake, 14.IV.44, ex Sorex, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Sask.: Estevan, 23. VII. 42, ex Sorex cinereus haydeni, 1 cf , 2 9 (G.P.H.) Ont.: Brule Lake, Algonquin Pk., ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides, Itf, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Pancake Bay, Algoma, VIII. 35. ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides, 2F CANADA terga each with two rows of setae, of which the first row is much reduced. Male with one large antepygidial bristle and two minute ones. Female with three well developed bristles. Body of clasper of male elongated. Sternum IX curved rather than sharply angulate at the junction of dorsal and ventral arms. Sternum VI 1 1 with apical spinelets, setae and small membrane (fig. 135). Strictly nearctic. Two species known: one, the genotype, parasitic on squirrels; the other (C nidicola Jellison 1945) on Neotoma. One species, the genotype, is known from Canada. CONORHINOPSYLLA STANFORDI Stewart (Plate XIX, figs. 134, 135, 136; Map 12) Conorhinopsylla stanfordi Stewart 1930, Can. Ent. 62:178-179; pi. 15, figs. 3-5. Both sexes, from Ithaca, New York . ex "Sciurus hudsonicus" (Temiasciurns h.). Conorhinopsylla stanfordi Stewart. Jordan 1937. Nov. Zool. 40:267-268; text-figs. 51,52.53. Conorhinopsylla stanfordi Stewart. Kwing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:74; fig. 4,C. Conorhinopsylla stanfordi Stewart. Jellison 1945, Kans. Fnt. Soc. Journ. 18(3) :109-110. This interesting flea appears to be confined to eastern North America, where tree squirrels (Sciurus, Tamiasciurus and Glaucomys) are apparently the true hosts. It is probably a nest flea. Following is the first Canadian record, from the files of Dr. M. A. Stewart. New Canadian record: Ont.: Kerwood, 22.XI.21, ex "flying squirrel" (Glaucomys volans volans) (L.L.S.) Specimens examined: None from Canada. Id", 1 9 from Michigan, ex Glaucomys, received from Dr. Wm. L. Jellison • Subfamily F. NEARCTOPSYLLINAE, new subfamily. The genus Nearctopsylla Rothschild 1915 and its allies, Corypsylla Fox 1908 and Corypsylloides Hubbard 1940 form a small natural group rather remote from other Hystrichopsyllidae. In the past they have been associated with various subfamilies, including Hypsophthalminae by Wagner (1939) and Leptopsyllinae by Jellison and Good (1943) and Ewing and Fox (1944), but as Dr. Karl Jordan pointed out to the writer they are not closely akin to other genera allocated to these groups, and are best placed by themselves. Eye vestige high up on head, above genal ctenidium (this character occurs also in certain Old World fleas). "Clypeal" tubercle present or absent. Genal ctenidium of characteristic spatulate spines arranged vertically. Pre- and postantennal regions of head divided by a suture above the antennal fossae. Pronotum with ctenidium. Cervical sclerites long. No pleural ridge on pleurosternal plate. Metanotum of Corypsylloides and Nearctopsylla brooksi unique among North American Hystrichopsyllids in having a few pseudosetae located under the flange as on the mesonotum. All other species without pseudosetae or spinelets on the metanotum. Upper margin of metasternum (episternum) very broadly rounded (figs. 137, 141). Row of spinelets on inside of hind coxa, but no striarium visible on thorax or abdomen. Anterior abdominal terga without major combs, but with apical spinelets. Antepygidial setae present. Females with single spermatheca. Abdominal segment VIII of males not greatly modified, the tergum only slightly reduced and the sternum slightly expanded. Clasper plates broad and rounded. Genital armature without pigmented spiniforms. Contains only the nearctic genera Nearctopsylla, Corypsylla and Corypsyl- loides (this last not yet known from Canada), all of which are associated with the mammal order Insectivora. Most Nearctopsyllinae are restricted to western North America. 102 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA GORYPSYLLA C. Fox Genotype: CovypsyUa ornatus C. Fox 1908 Corypsylla. C. Fox 1908, Ent. News 19:452-455. Corypsylla C. Fox. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:95. Head rounded in front and bearing a tubercle in the one Canadian species (PI. XIX, fig. 137). Genal ctenidium of six spatulate unequal spines. Vestige of eye high up on head, above uppermost genal spine. In the females, some of the ventral spines of the pronotal ctenidium are pale and partly fused together. Meso- and metanota and abdominal terga I-VI with heavy dorsal incrassations. Terga I-VI with incrassations particularly deep, and with a few dorsal apical spinelets. Males with incrassations on terga VII and VIII also. No pleural ridge in mesothorax. Four pairs of lateral plantar bristles on all tarsi V. Typical abdominal terga each with one row of setae. Males with tergite VIII somewhat reduced; sternite VIII virtually un- modified. The genus, which is nearctic, is represented by three species, one of which is recorded from British Columbia. These fleas are normal parasites of Pacific coast moles, Scapanus and Neilrotrichus. ORNATA # N. BROOKSI © N. HYRTACI Scapanus spr MAP 16 Hystrichopsyllidae:Nearctopsyllinae. Locality records of Corypsylla ornata Fox (su peri m posed on range of western moles, Scapanus spp. after Jackson 1915), Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) and N. hyrtaci (Roths- child). CORYPSYLLA ORNATA C. Fox (Plate XIX, figs. 137, 138, 139; Map 16) Both sexes from San Francisco, California, ex "Scapanus Recorded from University of British Corypsylla ornatus C Fox 1908, Fnt. News 19:452-455 californicus" (S. latimanus) . Corypsylla ornatus Fox. Wagner 1940, Zeitsch. f. Parasitenk. 11(4) :463 Columbia campus, Vancouver, ex Scapanus orarius schefferi. Corypsylla ornatus Fox. Hubbard 1940, Pac. Univ. Bui. 37(1) :7-8; figs. Corypsylla ornata Fox. Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:13. Recorded from Vancouver and Agassiz, B. C ex Scapanus orarius schefferi. 103 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA The distribution of this interesting flea, in Canada, is limited to extreme' southwest British Columbia, where it occurs on moles, or animals in association with moles. New Canadian records: B.C.: Chilliwack, IY-Y.44, ex Scapanus orarius schefferi, 4d\ 8 9 (H.G.F..); 3.1.40, ex Scapanus townsendii, 1 9 (H.G.F.) Huntingdon, 14.11 1. 43, ex Microtus t. townsendii, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Vancouver, 29.1.44, ex Microtus oregoni serpens, 1 9, (H.I).F.) Specimens examined: 326", 60 9, including the type d" and 9 (U. S. N. M.) NEARGTOPSYLLA Rothschild Genotype: Ctenopsyllus brooksi Rothschild 1904 Xrarctopsylla Rothschild 1915, Nov. Zool. 22:307. Nrarctopsylla Rothschild. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:93-94. Close to Corypsylla, but genal ctenidium of five spatulate spines (PI. XIX, fig. 140). No clypeal tubercle. No fusion among pronotal spines. No dorsal incrassations on abdominal terga (fig. 142). Two rows of setae on each ab- dominal tergum. A nearctic genus, represented by four species, all of which occur in Canada. One species is considered to occur as two or three recognizable subspecies. Typical hosts seem to be various genera and species of Insectivora, although there are two species which seem to be regular winter parasites of Mustelidae in Western Canada. These interesting fleas are comparatively rare in collections. Keys to the species and subspecies of Nearctopsylla Males. 1. Pronotal comb of 24 or more spines per side. Metanotum with pseudosetae (fig. 141). Posterior half of ventral arm of sternum IX bent dorsally at right angles, and with a thick fringe of setae on its posterior margin (fig. 143) brooksi Pronotal comb of less than 20 spines per side. Metanotum without pseudosetae. Ventral arm of sternum IX not bent at right angles 2 2. Terminal portion of ventral arm of sternum IX bent upwards slightly, and somewhat sharply pointed 3 Whole of ventral arm curving upwards gradually, and cut off obliquely at apex (fig. \45)hyrtaci 3. Known from the southwest corner of British Columbia only. Ventral arm of sternum IX slender apically (fig. 153) jordani Known from the Great Plains region (limits of range unknown). F. proportionately wider than in jordani, and ventral arm of sternum IX much broader (fig. 148) genalis hygini Known from Ontario and the Maritimes, etc. (limits of range unknown). Anterior margin of F less incurved than in g. hygini; ventral arm of sternum IX narrower, and with fewer marginal setae (figs. 150, 151) genalis laurentina Females. 1. Head of spermatheca more or less globular, showing slight chitinous thickenings, and with a slight constriction at the point where it joins the tail 2 Head of spermatheca not so well differentiated, and merging more or less imperceptibly with the tail 3 2. Pronotal comb of 18-20 spines per side. Tail of spermatheca about 3 times as long as head (fig. 144) brooksi Pronotal comb of 12-14 spines per side. Tail about twice as long as head (fig. 146) hyrtaci 3. (See distribution in key to males) Sternum VII with sharply pointed lobe (fig. 154) jordani Sternum VII with rounded lobe and shallow sinus (fig. 149) genalis hygini Sternum VII with rounded lobe and deeper sinus (fig. 152) genalis laurentina 104 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA NEARCTOPSYLLA BROOKSI (Rothschild) (Plate XIX, figs. 140, 141, plate XX, figs. 143, 144; Map 16) Ctenopsyllus brooksi Rothschild 1904, Nov. Zool. 11:649-650; pi. XV, figs. 86, 88; pi. XVI. fig. 89. Both sexes from Calgary, Alta (type locality), ex "Putorius richardsoni" (Mustela erminea richardsonii) and "Putorius longi- caudatus" {Mustela frenata longicauda). Also taken at "Neresall", B. C. ( ? — not in Gazeteer of B. C.) ex ''Putorius richardsoni" (Mustela erminea r.) and Mabel Lake, British Columbia, ex "Mustela americana" . (Maries amesicana ssp.). Xearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild). Rothschild 1915, Nov. Zool. 22:307. TV. brooksi is the largest and most spectacular species of the genus, and is at present known only from British Columbia, western Alberta and Montana. While shrews are the hosts of most Nearctopsyllae, N. brooksi has only been recorded from Mustelidae, and it is possible that these small carnivores are the true hosts. Nearly all the specimens in the Kamloops collection have been taken during the winter months from marten and weasel by various fur trappers. New Canadian records: B.C.: Beavermouth, 11.41, ex Mustela sp., 2c71, 1 9 (P.B.); ex Maries americana ssp., 4d" , 6 9 (P.B.) Cultus Lake, XI.40, ex Mustela sp. 49. 23.1.41, 19; (D.L.) 22.1.41, ex Martes americana ssp., 1 a71, 2 9 (D.L.) Driftwood Valley (Takla Ldg.), 3. VI. 38, ex Mustela erminea richardsonii, 2 9 (J.F.S.F.) Fort Nelson (100 miles N. of), 2.IX.43, ex weasel, la", 19 (A.L.R.) Hazelton, 2. VI. 38, ex Mustela erminea richardsonii, Id", 2 9 (J.F.S.F.) Kinbasket Lake, 14. VIII. 44, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 1 cf (A.C.B.) Lempriere, XI.44, ex weasel, 6 9 (O.F.); XI.44. ex Mustela vison, 4 9 (O.F.) Paradise Mine, 26. VIII. 44, ex Mustela frenata oribasa, 1 d\ 4 9 (G.P.H.) Quesnel Lake, XII. 44, ex Mustela americana, 2 9 (E.S.K.); XII. 44, ex weasel. 4 9 (E.S.K.); XI 1.44, ex Mustela vison, 3 9 (E.S.K.) Alta.: Bashaw, 20.XI.34, ex "Mustela a. arctica" , 1 d\ 1 9 (G.L.C.) Edmonton, 21.V.43, ex weasel, 1 o71 (J.F.J.) Jasper National Park, 11.VI.45, ex Mustela frenata ssp., 11 d\ 19 9 (J.H.) Specimens examined: 22c71, 62 9. MAP 17 HystrichopsyllidaerNearctopsyllinae. Locality records of Nearctopsylla genalis genalis (Baker), .V. g. hygini (Rothschild), N. g. laurentina Jordan and Rothschild and N . jordani Hubbard. NEARCTOPSYLLA GENALIS HYGINI (Rothschild) (Plate XX, figs. 148, 149; Map 17) Ctenopsyllus hygini Rothschild 1904 (Sept.). Nov. Zool. 11:650-651; pi. XV, fig. 85; pi. XVI, tigs. 93, 94. Both sexes from Red Dear, Alberta, ex "Putorius richardsoni" (Mustela erminea richardsonii). Xearctopsylla hygini hygini (Rothschild). Jordan and Rothschild 1923, Ectoparasites 1:315-316; text-figs. 320, 322. Fox (1940:91) reduced Ctenopsyllus hygini Rothschild, Sept. 1904 to synonymy with Ctenophthalmus genalis Baker, Feb. 1904, but did not take into consideration, or at least did not mention, the fact that two well-defined subspecies of "hygini" are known. Ewing and Fox (1943:94) recognize Nearc- topsylla genalis laurentina as restricted to New Brunswick, and apparently 105 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA regard as true genalis all other fleas in this group occurring from Alberta to Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan, Massachussetts and New Hampshire. The two races of hygini were very clearly explained and illustrated in Jordan and Rothschild's paper of 1923, N. hygini hygini being listed from Red Deer, Alta., and N. //. laurentina from New Brunswick. Good characters, distinguishing both sexes were given. On the basis of a study of specimens in the Kamloops collection, including some from the eastern United States, bor- rowed from Major Robert Traub, the writer has for some time been of the opinion that Fox was in error in his declaration of synonymy, and that one of the following alternatives will ultimately prove to be true. Either (1) it is the race laurentina that should be considered a synonym of Baker's genalis, or (2) genalis, hygini and laurentina should be recognized as three distinct subspecies of Nearctopsylla genalis. In any case, hygini is quite different from true genalis. N. genalis was described from a single male from Agricultural College (Lansing) Michigan. Fox illustrated this in 1940, but not in sufficient detail. Major Traub was kind enough to prepare for the writer accurate sketches of the moveable process F and the ventral arm of sternum IX of the type at the United States National Museum. These are reproduced herewith (fig. 147) and shown alongside figures of hygini (from Saskatchewan, Canada) and lauren- tina (from New Brunswick) for comparison. It will be seen that while differing in small details, genalis corresponds more closely with laurentina, which is dis- tinguished from hygini (as stated by Jordan and Rothschild) by the straighter anterior margin of F, and the shape of sternum IX, which is distinctly narrower, and with fewer marginal setae. Fox's figure of the female of genalis too corresponds more closely with the characters illustrated by Jordan and Rothschild for the eastern race laurentina. On the basis of the above data, the writer feels that at present it would be best to allow these fleas to be considered as three subspecies, of which two, N. genalis hygini and N. genalis laurentina, occur in Canada. Map 17 shows the distribution of these fleas in North America so far as our records indicate. N. jordani (which see) from the Pacific coast is also a close relative. In fact, Wagner (1940:467) in the description of a synonym of this flea, considered it as a western subspecies of UN. hygini ". New Canadian records: Alta.: Bashaw, 20.XI.34, ex "Mustela a. arctica\ 1 9 (G.L.C.) Sask.: Pierce Lake, nr. Meadow Lake, 7. XI. 46, ex "Sorex sp. (arcticus?)" ', 4cf, 5 9 (W.F.) Man.: Aweme, 11.15, ex Mustda erminea ssp., 5 9 (S.C.) (labeled as lL°ptopsylla hygini", by N. C. Rothschild). Specimens examined: 4d\ 11 9 (figure of female after Jordan and Rothschild, 1923). NEARCTOPSYLLA GENALIS LAURENTINA Jordan and Rothschild (Plate XX, figs. 150, 151, 152; Map 17) Nearctopsylla hygini laurentina Jordan and Rothschild 1923, Ectoparasites 1:315-316; text-figs. 319, 321. Both sexes, from New Brunswick (no specific locality), ex Mustela sp. Nearctopsylla genalis laurentina Jordan and Rothschild. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500-94. The writer has examined specimens he considers to be of this subspecies (or true genalis?) from the following localities in the United States: Ithaca, N.Y., 1 o71 ; West Springfield, Mass., lcT1, 2 9 ; Lincoln, Maine, 1 9 and Mendon, Vt., 2 9 . New Canadian records: Ont.: Charlton, 18. XII. 34, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 1 cf , 1 9 (E.D.) N.B.: Scotch Lake, 18.XII.31, ex weasel, 1 d" (W.H.M.) Specimens examined: 4cf, 6 9 . 106 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA NEARCTOPSYLLA HYRTACI (Rothschild) (Plate XIX, fig. 142; plate XX, figs. 145, 146; Map 16) Clenopsyllus hyrtaci Rothschild 1904, Nov. Zool. 11:652; pi. XVI, figs. 92,95. Male from "Cariboo" (a district, not a specific locality) British Columbia, ex "Putorius energumenos" {Mustela vison energumenos) and both sexes ex Sorex obscurus, British Columbia, no exact locality. Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild.) Rothschild 1915, Nov. Zool. 22:307. This rare flea is at present known only from British Columbia. While usually taken on Mustelidae, it has occasionally been collected on Sorex. It is usually collected in company with N. brooksi. New Canadian records: B.C.: Beavermouth, 2. 11.41, ex Mustela sp., 3 9 (P.B.) Cowichan Lake, Vancouver Island, 22.11.41, ex Martes caurina Vancouver ensis, 1 9 (J.H.) Cultus Lake, 22.1.41, ex Martes amencana ssp., 1 9 (D.L.); 23.1.41, ex Mustela sp. Id" (D.L.). 12.11.41, 1 9 Driftwood River, 11.38, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, Id" (J.F.S.F.) Grey Creek, 1 1 1.40, ex Mustela sp., 1 9 (G.O.) Hazelton, 21. XI 1. 37, ex Sorex cinereus, 1 9 (J.F.S.F.) Lempriere, XI. 44, ex Mustela sp., 3 9 (O.F.) Quesnel Lake, XII. 44, ex weasel, 2 9 (E.S.K.); XII. 44, ex Mustela vison ssp., Id" (E.S.K.); XII. 44, ex Martes americana ssp., 1 9 (E.S.K.) Vavenby, 16.VI.40, ex Mustela frenata ssp., Id" (J.D.G.) Specimens examined: 3cf\ 23 9 . NEARCTOPSYLLA JORDANI Hubbard (Plate XX, figs. 153, 154; Map 17) N earctopsylla jordani Hubbard 1940 (April), Pac. Univ. Bui. 37(1) :3-4; figs. Both sexes, from Forest Grove and Cannon Beach, Oregon, ex Scapanus townsendii. Nearctopsylla hygini columbiana Wagner 1940 (May), Zeitschr. f. Parasitenk. 11(4) :467; fig. 7. Male, from Vancouver, B. C, ex Scapanus orarius schefferi. Synonym, fide Holland (1942:158). See note on this flea under Nearctopsylla genalis hygini. N. jordani appears to be confined in distribution to the Pacific coast lowlands, where it normally occurs on Neiirotrichus and Scapanus. New Canadian records: B.C.: Huntingdon, 14. III. 43, ex Neiirotrichus g. gibbsii, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Vancouver, 16.1.45, ex Neiirotrichus g. gibbsii, 5d", 8 9 (H.D.F.) Specimens examined: 7d\ 9 9, including the type of "N. hygini columbiana" . Family 4, CERATOPHYLLIDAE Dampf 1908 (syn. DOLICHOPSYLLIDAE Baker 1905)* Eyes usually well developed and heavily pigmented, but reduced to vestiges in a few genera. Antennal fossae open; segments of clava of antennae distinct. Head capsule with trabecula centralis and/or tentorial arms visible in eye region. Genal ctenidia present in one subfamily. Pronotal ctenidium present. Mesonotum with pseudosetae originating under the collar, and metanotum always with apical spinelets arising from the posterior edge of the sclerite (fig. 3, cf. Hystrichopsyllidae). Anterior abdominal terga with apical spinelets and two or more rows of setae. Antepygidial setae present. Pygidium always flat in lateral aspect, and with hair-like spicules between the trichobothria relatively broad at their bases (cf. Hystrichopsyllidae). * The name Dolichopsyllidae has priority by three years, and has been much used, especially in American literature on Siphonaptera. However, the International Rules do not rigidly specify the observance of priority in categories above genera, especially when a name is unsuitable, as this certainly is. As Dampf (1()4.S:5°) quotes, from letters received from Jordan "I agree with you in objecting to Dolichopsyllidae as the name for Ccratophyllidae. The name of a family must not be taken from the name of a non-typical genus, and Dolichopsyllus is quite evidently outside the mass of species formerly united in the one genus Ceralophyllus, unti' J. Wagner began to break the genus up". Also — "To have an aberrant genus as nomenclatorially typical for the family or the subfamily is very awkward, not to say absurd". 107 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Males with tergum VI 1 1 targe to very large, and sternum YIII large to vestigial. Claspers with single moveable process, frequently armed with pig- mented spine-like setae. Acetabular setae present in most genera. Posterior arm of sternum IX typically bifurcate and with more or less complex lobes. Apodemal rod always attached to angle of sternum IX, and extending anteriorly as part of the skeletal support of the endophallus. Females with anal stylet. Single spermatheca. Four subfamilies, all occurring in Canada. Subfamily A. Amphipsyllinae Dampf 1945. Eye present and pigmented, but may be somewhat reduced. Trabecula centralis present or absent. Anterior arms of tentorium visible in the genal area. Upper seta in ocular row at or near margin of antennal fossa, above level of eye. Pre- and postantennal regions of head always with oblique rows of setae. Tergum and sternum of abdominal segment VIII of males each expanded posteriorly, sharing the responsibility of protecting the external genitalia. Males lacking acetabular setae. Gland of Wagner lacking. Hind coxae with or without a patch of short hairs or spinelets on the inner surface. Chiefly an Old World group, but containing four genera in North America, of which all but one (Geusibia) have been recorded from Canada. AMPHIPSYLLA Wagner Genotype: Amphipsylla schelkovnikovi W7agner 1908 (palaearctic) Amphipsylla Wagner 1908, Mitteil. d. Kaukasisch. Mus. 4:196. Amphipsylla Wagner. Jordan and Rothschild 1913, The Zoologist 869:401-402. Preantennal region of head strongly rounded (PL XXI, fig. 155). Setae of antennal segment II short. Three rows of setae across pre- and postantennal regions. Eyes moderately pigmented, but distinctly reduced, semi-lunar. Labial palpus shorter than fore coxa. No trabecula centralis. Tentorial arms con- spicuous. No spinelets on inside of hind coxae. Moveable process of clasper of male with some pigmented spines. Basal pair of plantar bristles on all tarsi V shifted ventrally. Holarctic. Three species have been described from North America, but one of these, A. neotomae I. Fox 1940 seems to the present writer to be quite obviously generically misplaced. One Amphipsylla, regarded as a race of an Asiatic species, is recorded from Canada. Amphipsylla is typically a northern genus, and is usually found on microtines. AMPHIPSYLLA SIBIRICA POLLIONIS (Rothschild) (Plate XXI, figs. 155, 156, 157; Map 12) Ceratophyllns pollionis Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:171-172; pi. IX, figs. 28, 31, 32. Both sexes from Red Deer, Alta.. ex "Microtus drummondi" (M . pennsylvanicus d.) and "Evotomys saturatus" {Clethrionomys gappevi loringi) . Amphipsylla pollionis (Rothschild). Jordan and Rothschild 1913, Zoologist :405-406. Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis (Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :195. This flea may be commoner in the far north of Canada than in the vicinity of its type locality. One female from Lake Athabaska, northern Alberta, represents the only specimen collected since the original small series of 1905. New Canadian record: Alta.: Fort Chipewyan, 18. VI. 45, ex Clethrionomys gapperi athabascae, 1 9 (W.F.) Specimens examined: 1 9 (Figure of c? after Rothschild). 108 THE ORDER SILHONAPTERA CTENOPHYLLUS Wagner Genotype: Ceraiophyllus armatus Wagner 1901 (palaearctic) Ctenophyllus Wagner 1927, Konowia 6:108,112. Clenophyllus Wagner. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:70-71. Ctenophyllus Wagner. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:72. Eyes well developed and pigmented. Pre- and postantennal regions each with three rows of setae. Most of the setae (about 5 in the d* , 8 in the 9 ) along the frontal margin characteristically thickened and spine-like (PI. XXI, figs. 158, 160). Gena with tentorial arm showing as internal rod-like structure. Five lateral plantar bristles on all tarsi Y. Inside of hind coxae with patch of thin hairs. Male. Sternum VIII large and broad and reinforced on each side by a Y-shaped thickening of the chitin. F mostly concealed by the clasper, and not bearing spiniforms (fig. 159). Female. Sternum YII with a small ventral sinus (in the single North American species) and about four setae on each side. Head of spermatheca sub-globular (fig. 161). A holarctic genus, and like Amphalius, specific to pikas (Ochotona) in the Old World and the New. Four species are known, one of which occurs in the mountains of western North America. • C. TERRIBILIS ▲ A. NECO PINUS LLLA och OTONA PRINCEPS MAP 18 Ceratophyllidae:AmphipsylIinae and Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of the pika-fleas Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) and Amphalius necopinus (Jordan), superimposed on the range of Ochotona prince ps ssp.. modified after Howell 1924, by I. McT. Cowan. CTENOPHYLLUS TERRIBILIS (Rothschild) (Plate XXI, figs. 158. 159, 160, 161; Map 18) Ceratophyllus terribilis Rothschild 1903, Nov. Zool. 10:317-318; pi. IX. figs. 1-3. Both sexes from Banff. Alta. and "Canadian National Park" (Banff) Alta.. ex "Lagomys princeps" (Ochotona p. princcps). Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:70-71. Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild). Wagner 1936. Can. Ent. 68(9) :195. "doubtless its area extends into B.C.". Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild). Holland 1940, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 36:11. Recorded from Reno Mountain (nr. Salmo); Mt. Dunn; and from a rockslide 5 miles west of Salmon Arm. B.C., all ex Ochotona princcps ssp. Clenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild). Jellison 1940, Pub. Hlth. Repts. 56(49) :2341 -2349; figs. 1-2. Reviews the species, and gives additional British Columbia records: Robbin's Range and Tappen, ex Ochotona princeps brooksi: Okanagan, ex Ochotona p. cuppes. Also recorded from various races of O. princeps in Oregon, Montana, ("tali and Colorado. The species is probably coincident with the range of Ochotona in North America, although, as yet, it has not been taken from the Cascade pika (0. p. brunnescens) in British Columbia. These fleas are extremely active, and will leave a host animal within a minute or so of its death. 1()<) THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA New Canadian records: B.C.: Berg Lake, Mt. Robson, 26.VII.44, ex Ochotona p. princeps, la", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Copper Creek, 8.V.42, ex 0. p. fenisex, 5d\ 69 (G.P.H.) Emperor Falls, Robson, 29.VII.44, ex (). p. princeps, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Goodfellow Ck., IS.VIII.45, ex Ochotona, Id", 1 9 (G.C.C.) Kinbasket Lake, 6.VIII.43, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 3d\ 6 9 (G.P.H. ), 8.VIII.44, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 3d", 4 9 (G.P.H.) Mt. Begbie, 7.VIII.41, ex Ochotona princeps cuppes, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Paradise Mine, 25.VIII.44, ex Ochotona p. princeps, 1 9, (G.P.H.) Sicamous, 18.V.45, ex Ochotona p. brooksi, 1 d", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Sullivan River, 13. VI 1 1. 44, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 8d", 4 9 (G.P.H.) Aha.: Mt. Edith Cavell (Jasper), 1. VII. 44, ex Ochotona p. princeps, Id" (I.McT.C.) Specimens examined: 37d", 53 9 , including Id" and 4 9 topotypes. ODONTOPSYLLUS Baker Genotype: Pulex multispinosus Baker 1898 Odontopsyllus Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:129,131,145. Odontopsyllus Baker. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:25. Eyes well developed and heavily pigmented. Trabecula centralis and anterior tentorial arms visible in head capsule. Anterior row of setae on pre- antennal region not thickened and pigmented. Coxa III with a patch of spinelets on inner surface (fig. 163). A holarctic genus, containing one species from Spain and two from North America. Normal hosts are rabbits. The genotype occurs in the eastern United States and has not yet been collected in Canada. The remaining species, O. dentatus (Baker), a western flea, has been taken in this country. MAP 19 Ceratophyllidae:Amphipsyllinae and Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker), (superimposed on the range of western cottontails, Sylvilagus nuttalli ssp., modified after Nelson 1909 by I. McT. Cowan), and Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker). ODONTOPSYLLUS DENTATUS (Baker) (Plate XXI, fig. 162; plate XXII, figs. 163, 164, 165; Map 19) Ceralophyllus dentatus Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:386,390,441. Male described, from Moscow, Idaho, ex Lynx canadensis. Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker). Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:131,145. Ceratophyllus ponerus Rothschild 1909, Nov. Zool. 16:54; pi. VIII, fig. 5. Synonym, fide Ewing and Fox (1943:25). Odontopsylla (sic!) spenceri Dunn 1923, Pub. Hlth. Repts. 47: 2765:2766. Synonym, fide Kohls ;i940-20). Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker). Kohls 1940, Nat. Inst. Hlth. Bui. 175:3-4,20-24; map 8; pi. Ill, figs. C E. Odontopsyllus multispinosus (Baker). Brown 1944, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 37:209. (err. determ.). Recorded under this name from Alberta, ex cottontail rabbits, Sylvilagus sp. A specimen from Brown's collection has been examined by the writer, who regards it as dentatus. 110 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA The range of this large dark flea is probably coincident with that of the mammal genus Sylvilagus in the southern Prairie Provinces of Canada. New Canadian records: Alta.: Elkwater, 6. VI. 40, ex Sylvilagus nuttalli granger i, \d, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Sask.: Climax, V.46, ex Sylvilagus sp., 3 9 (J-C.) Specimens examined: 3d1 , 7 9, including the type d (U. S. N. M.) Subfamily B. DOLICHOPSYLLINAE Baker 1905. Restricted in the present paper, as recommended by Dampf (1945:59) to contain only the remarkable genus Dolichopsyllus. The name has been much used in the literature to include genera allocated here to the Amphipsyllinae and Ceratophyllinae. Eyes absent. Trabecula centralis and anterior tentorial arms visible in genal area of head capsule. Pre- and postantennal regions not moveable, separ- ated by a sulcus, but the fused suture clearly visible in both sexes. Head with oblique rows of setae. Tergum VIII of males large, partially enclosing the external genitalia. Sternum VIII reduced, membranous, and lacking "gland of Wagner". Males with acetabular setae. Tergum VII (especially in males) produced posteriorly between the two sets of antepygidial setae. Inside surface of coxa III without a patch of spinelets. DOLICHOPSYLLUS Baker Genotype: Ceratophyllus slylosus Baker 1904 Dolichopsyllus Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:127, 135 (as Dolichopsylla), 155. Dolichopsylla Baker. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:29. Size huge (99 up to 6 mm.). Characters as defined for the subfamily, of which it is the only known member. Moveable process of clasper of male broad, and armed with a number of marginal setae (fig. 167). Two acetabular setae. Armature of F etc. difficult to discern accurately unless the overlying tergum VIII, which has many setae laterally and marginally, be removed. Usually three antepygidial setae. Females usually with four antepygidial setae. Sternum VII with a pro- nounced lobe and sinus (fig. 168). Head of spermatheca not a great deal broader than tail. Strictly nearctic; only a single species is known. This is genetically as- sociated with the "mountain beaver" (Aplodontia), and like its mammal host, has no close relatives. DOLICHOPSYLLUS STYLOSUS (Baker) (Plate XXII, figs. 166, 167, 168, 169, 170; Map 12) Ceratophyllus slylosus Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,418,420,447; pi. XIV, figs. 1-7. Both sexes from Astoria, Oregon, ex Aplodontia rufa. Dolichopsyllus slylosus (Baker). Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:127,135,155. This large species is apparently a true parasite of the "mountain beaver" (Aplodontia), and its distribution is governed by the range of that peculiar mammal — along the Pacific coast lowlands of British Columbia, Washington. Oregon and California. It is now recorded for the first time in Canada. New Canadian record: B.C.: Huntingdon, 4.VI.42, ex Aplodontia r. rufa, 3d, 5 9 (K.R.) (I.McT.C.) Specimens examined: 3d, 5 9. Also the type series (I'. S. N. M.) Ill rill-. SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Si bfamily C. CERATOPHYLLINAE Dampf 1908. Nearly all the genera included here were split oil from the unwieldy Cerato- phyllus Curtis. While Wagner commenced the splitting up of this large genus, the greater number of the new genera were separated by Jordan in 1933. Eyes usually present. Trabecula centralis conspicuous, always appearing as an oval dark sj>ot at the anterior margin of the antenna! fossa (see figs. 3 and 4)., Anterior tentorial arms not visible in genal region. Upper ocular seta on a level with middle of eye (except if eye is vestigial). Head capsule without conspicuous oblique rows of setae in both pre-and postantennal regions (except in Dasypsyllus, Pleochaetis, Jellisonia and one or two species of Megabothris). Females with pre- and postantennal regions of head capsule completely fused, no sign of an interantennal suture remaining. Tergum VI 1 1 of males highly specialized, being expanded into a huge plate, almost completely enclosing the external claspers and aedeagus. Sternum VIII variously reduced: to a mere vestige in one or two genera, but more frequently to a slender rod-like sclerite which usually has characteristic setae and mem- branous appendages. Conspicuous fimbriated intersegmental membranes be- tween abdominal sterna VIII and IX in some genera. Gland of Wagner as- sociated with base of sternum VIII except in a very few cases, usually where this sclerite is vestigial. Males almost always with acetabular setae at or near the insertion of the moveable process of the claspers. Hind coxa without a patch of spiniforms on the inner surface. Jordan (1933:71) further divides these genera into three groups as follows: A. On outer surface ot tore femur, one or no lateral seta. B. A number of small setae on outer surface of fore femur. Longish thin setae on inner surface of mid- and hind coxae from base to apex (apart from those at anterior margin;. C. Fore femora as in B. No longish thin setae in basal half of mid and hind coxae. Twenty genera belonging to this subfamily are known from North America. Of these, fifteen are known to occur in Canada, Diamanus, Thrassoides, Pleo- chaetis, Jellisonia and Mioctenopsylla not having been recorded to date. OROPSYLLA Wagner and Ioff Genotype: Ceratophylhis silantiewi Wagner 1898 (palaearctic) Oropsylla Wagner and Ioff 1926, Revue de Microbiol, et d' Epidemiol. 5:86. Oropsylla Wagner and Ioff. Jordan 1933. Nov. Zool. 39:73-74. Aetheopsylla Stewart and Holland 1940, Can. Ent. 72(2) :41. Oropsylla Wagner and Ioff. Jellison 1945, Journ. Parasitol. 31(2):83-97. Eyes large and well pigmented. Clypeal tubercle small. Labial palpus long, extending beyond fore trochantera. Fore femur with a number of lateral setae. Inner anterior surface of mid and hind coxae with setae from base to apex. Basal abdominal sternite without a patch of setae on the side (cf. Opisocrostis, p. 126). Males with sternum VIII long and narrow (Plate XIII, fig. 178), with long setae, but without apical membranous appendage. Moveable process broad, with setae, but no spiniforms. One long and one minute antepygidial seta. Females with three or more antepygidial setae. Head of spermatheca longer than broad, pyriform. Tail of spermatheca with conspicuous terminal appendage. Sternum VII never deeply sinuate. 112 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA A holarctic genus, its species infesting Citellus and Marmota in Asia and North America. Four Nearctic species are known to date, all occurring in Canada. The genus in North America has recently been very completely reviewed by Jellison. Key to the nearctic species of Oropsylla 1. d". Normally with one acetabular seta on each side. 9 . Head and tail of spermatheca of almost exactly equal length 2 cf . Normally with two acetabular setae. 9 . Tail of spermatheca distinctly longer than head 3 2. Normal host Marmota monax ssp. &. F distinctly longer than P (PI. XXIII, fig. 172) 9 . Usually with 4 antepygidial setae on each side, or 4 on one and 3 on the other, .arctomys Normal host Citellus r. richardsonii. d". F barely exceeding P (fig. 178) 9 . Three antepygidial setae rupestris 3. Occurring on Citellus in the Arctic. o71. P broadly rounded and as high, if not higher than F (fig. 174). 9 . Posterior margin of sternum VII making a wide obtuse angle (fig. 175) alaskensis Normally on Citellus lateralis and C. columbianus, but known from the North on other Citelli. d". P more pointed, shorter than F (fig. 176) 9 . Margin of sternum VII usually sloping gradually, without marked angle idahoensis MAP 20 CeratophylIidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker), superimposed on t he range of arctic ground squirrels Citellus parryi, after Howell 1938), and O. arctomys (Baker), (superimposed on range of woodchucks, Marmota monax ssp., modified after Howell 1915, by I McT. Cowan). 113 I I IK SIPHONAPTERA ( >F CANADA OROPSYLLA ALASKENSIS (Baker) (Plate Will. figs. 174, 175; Map 20) Ceratophyllus alaskensis Baker 1(>04. I'. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:387,394-395,440. Both sexes from Point Barrow, Alaska, ex "Citellus barrowensis" (('. parryi barrowensis) . Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker). Wagner 1°2(>. Konowia 8:313. Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker). Holland 1<)44. Can. Ent. 76(12):246; pi. XVIII, figs. 8,y. Recorded from the Thelon Game Sanctuary, N.W.T., ex Citellus p. parryi and Baker Lake, N.W.T., ex Citellns p. parryi. Both sexes illustrated. Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker). Jellison 1M45, Journ. Parasitol. 31(2):94:95; plates I, II. Redescriptioti of the species. Repeats Holland's records (1(>44) and in addition records specimens from Baker Lake, N.W.T., ex" Muslela arctica" (A/, erminea arctica) and from Craig Harbour. Lllesmere Island, ex Alopex lagopus innuitis from material loaned by the Kamloops Laboratory. The species is not sufficiently well known for definite statements to be made with regard to its range and host affinities, but it seems probable that its distribu- tion will be found to be rather closely associated with the ground squirrels of the Citellus parryi group. New Canadian record: N.W.T. : Yathkyed Lake, Keewatin, 6.VIII.30, ex Citellus sp. (C. parryi parryi?) 1 9 Specimens examined: 2 cf , 9 9, including the cf and 9 types (U. S. N. M.) OROPSYLLA ARCTOMYS (Baker) (Plate XXIII, figs. 171, 172, 173; Map 20) Ceratophyllus arctomys Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,411-412,440; pi. XXII, figs. 1-6. Both sexes from Peterboro, New York, ex "Arctomys monax" (Marmota monax). Oropsylla arctomys (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9):198. Recorded from Vavenby. B.C., ex "black marmot" (Marmola monax petrensis). Attheopsylla septentrionalis Stewart and Holland 1940, Can. Ent. 72(2):41-42; text-figs. 1,2. Described from one female, collected at Wigwam Mine, B.C., ex Marmota monax petrensis. Synonym, fide Holland 1941 and Jellison 1945. Oropsylla arctomys (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. 45-46; pi. IX, figs. 40,41,43. Oropsylla arctomys (Baker). Jellison 1945, Journ. Parasitol. 31(2):88-92; pi. I, II. Redescription of the species. Many records, of which the following from Canada (provided by this laboratory) : Eagle River, B.C., ex Marmota caligata okanagana. Quick, B.C., ex Canis latrans. Wigwam Mine, B.C., ex Marmota monax petrensis Vavenby, B.C., ex Marmota m. petrensis. Big River, Sask., ex Marmota sp., and Kendal, Sask. ex man. Oropsylla arctomys is undoubtedly a true parasite of the "woodchuck", Marmota monax ssp. On rare occasions it has been recorded on Marmota flavi- ventris, and, not so rarely, on Marmota caligata. It should be mentioned that the ranges of M. monax and M. caligata overlap in certain parts of British Columbia, whereas M. flaviventris is seldom in contact with these other marmots. 0. arctomys is more nearly related to 0. rupestris than to other members of the genus. New Canadian records: B.C.: Horsefly, VI. 46, ex Marmota monax ssp., lcf, 1 9 (L.J.) Teltierone Lake, 5. IX. 44, ex Marmota monax, 1 9 (J. A.M.) Alta.: Byng Pass (Jasper), 24.VIII.43, ex Marmota caligata ssp., 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Sask.: Prince Albert National Park, 2.V.35, ex "bear", 7 9 (G.D.) Man.: Aweme, 15.1.14, ex Taxidia taxus taxus, 2cf, 2 9 (S.C.) (det. as Ceratophyllus bruneri by N.C.R.!) Ont.: Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, 11.IX.45, ex Vulpes fulva, 3c? , 9 9 (C.D.F.) Byron, 29. 1 1 1.30, ex Marmota monax rufuscens, 1 9 (E.D.) Guelph, 23.V.30, ex Marmota monax ssp., lcf Kawene, 2. IX. 45, ex Marmota monax ssp., 80 cf , 155 9 (A.C.B.) (total of 235 fleas from a single marmot!) Pancake Bay, Algoma, 16. VII. 35, ex Mephitis m. mephitis, 1 cf (C.H.D.C.) Polly Creek, Algonquin Park, 25.XI.38, ex Martes pennanti pennanti, 2 9 Pottageville, 29. IV. 34, ex Marmota monax ssp., 1 cf St. Thomas, 22.VIII.19, ex Marmota monax ssp., 2 cf , 2 9 York Co., 1.1.32, ex Sylvilagus sp., 1 cf , 4 9 Que.: Perce, 19. VI. 15, ex Marmota monax ssp., 5cf , 7 9 (P.A.T.) N.B.: Scotch Lake, ex Marmota monax ssp., 1 cf , 3 9 Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes, including the cf and 9 types (U. S. N. M.) 114 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA 2 1 ClTELLUS R. RICHAROSONII ClTELLUS C COLUMBIANUS ClTELLUS SATURATUS # O. IDAHOENSI5 O 0. RUPE5TRIS MAP 21 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of the ground squirrel-fleas Ovopsylla idahoensis (Baker) and O. rupestris (Jordan), superimposed on the ranges of Citellus c. columbianus, C. saturatus and C. r. richardsonii, modified after Howell 1938. OROPSYLLA IDAHOENSIS (Baker) (Plate XXIII, figs. 176, 177; Map 21) Ceratophyllus idahoensis Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,413-415,443; pi. XVIII, figs. 1-7. Both sexes, from Moscow, Idaho, ex Citellus columbianus. Ceratophyllus poeantis Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:155-156; pi. VIII, figs. 22-23. Both sexes from Banff, Alta.. ex "mountain chipmunk", "Say's Mountain chipmunk" (both Citellus lateralis tescorum?), "Mountain gopher" and "Spermophilus columbianus' (both Citellus c.?); Alberta, ex "Putorius longicaudatus" (Mustela frenata ssp.), Golden, British Columbia, ex "yellow-bellied marmot" (Marmota sp. ? (not flaviventris)- — or possibly Citellus columbianus — which has an orange belly) and some other records. Synonym, fide Jordan 1929:32. Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :198. Rutland "etc.", ex Citellus columbianus. Recorded from Birch Island, Blackpool, Roundtop, Oropsylla (Oropsylla) idahoensis (Baker). Brown 1944, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 37(2): new records from Alberta: Atlee, Manyberries, Camrose, Stanmore. Hosts: Citellus richardsonii, Speotyto cunicularia, etc. Author's note: records from such points as Manyberries and Stanmore, many miles from the range of the mountain Ciielli appear questionable, and should be carefully re-checked as they are out of line with all other available distribution data on this species of flea. Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker). Jellison 1945, Journ. Parasitol. 31(2):95-96; pi. I, II. Redesrription of the species. Many records, of which the following from Canada: British Columbia; Isaac Creek, ex Citellus columbianus, Mt. Begbie, ex C. columbianus. Alberta: Jasper National Park, ex C. colombianus; Banff, ex C. columbianus and C. lateralis. 0. idahoensis is a common parasite of ground squirrels in western North America and ranges from Alaska southwards to Arizona. Jellison (1945) has discussed the status of this flea fully. In Canada it is confined to British Columbia and western Alberta, and probably the Yukon, although we have no records from that territory. The common hosts are mantled ground squirrels, Citellus ( Call os per rnophil 'us ) lateralis group, which are rarely infested with any other species of flea, and Columbian ground squirrels (Citellus columbianus ) which have, in addition to idahoensis^ three other species, Thrassis petiolatus (Baker), Opisocrostis t. tuberculatus (Baker) and Neopsylla inopina Rothschild. 115 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Oropsylla idahoensis is chiefly a flea of the mountains, and ground squirrels collected at high altitudes arc rarely infested with any other species. At the lower levels, T. petiolatus is the dominant flea of Citellns columbianus, with 0. tuberculatum and N. inopina turning up not uncommonly in the extreme southeast of British Columbia, and the southern foothills of Alberta (see maps 10, 21 and 23). According to the findings of Eskey and Haas (1940), Oropsylla idahoensis is resistantjto plague infection. So also is T. petiolatus, the other common flea of Citell it s col it m bia n us. New Canadian records: B.C.: Athalmer, 17.VII.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 2d\ 1 9 (S. P. Crew) Barkerville, 18.VI.46, ex "striped gopher", 2 9 (L.J.) Berg Lake, 5500', 27. VI 1 1. 44, ex Citellus lateralis tescorum, 1 d\ 3 9 (G.P.H.) Canal Flats, 28.1 V.40, ex C. columbianus, 1 d\ 4 9 (S.P.Crew) Cascade, 8. VI. 40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf , 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Corbin, 8. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Cranbrook, 20. V.40, ex C. columbianus, lef, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Creston, 24. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Crow's Nest Pass, 16. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Dunn Peak, 7000', 10.VIII.37, ex C. columbianus, 1 d\ 1 9 (G.P.H.) Fernie, 10. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Field, 3.VIII.40, ex C. columbianus, Id1, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Foghorn Range, 60C0', 12.VIII.31, ex C. columbianus, 2 9 (T.K.M.) Galloway, 7. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 3 9 (S.P.Crew) Golden, 6.VIII.40, ex C. columbianus, 6d\ 5 9 (S.P.Crew) Grand Forks, 13. VI. 40, ex C. columbianus, 2d", 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Invermere, 11. VII. 40, ex C. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Kaslo, 19. IV. 40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Kelowna, 10. IV. 40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Lempriere, V.45, ex "gopher" (C. columbianus), 3 c/1, 4 9 (O.F.) Nakusp, 3. VI. 40, ex C. columbianus, 2 d\ 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Nelson, 29. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Newgate, 9. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Paradise Mine, 78CO', 25.VIII.44, ex Ochotona p. princeps, 2 9 (G.P.H.). 26.VIII.44, ex Mustela frenata cribasa, Id1 (G.P.H.); 27. VII. 44, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (G.P.H.) Princeton, 5. IV. 39, ex Citellus saturatus, 1 9 (J.B.P.) Radium Springs, 29. VII. 40, ex C. columbianus, 13d1, 14 9 (S.P.Crew) Robson, 16. IV. 40, ex C. columbianus, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Roosville, 14. V.40, ex C. columbianus, 3d1, 4 9 (S.P.Crew) Salmo, 2. VI. 40, ex C. columbianus, 2d\ 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Slccan, 5. VI. 40, ex C. columbianus, 2d1, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Timberline Valley, Manning Park, 2. VIII. 45, ex Citellus saturatus, 1 cf (G.C.C.) Vavenby, various dates, ex C. columbianus, 6cf , 10 9 Windermere, 14.VII.40, ex C. columbianus, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Winlow, 30. VI. 40, ex C. columbianus, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Yahk, 24.IV.40, ex C. columbianus, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Alta.: Canmore, 29. VII. 43, ex C. columbianus, 2 cf , 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Maligne Lake, 10. V.45, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, 1 cf (I.McT.C.) McLeod, 24. VI 1.40, ex Citellus r. richardsonii (S.P.Crew) Twin Butte, 29.VII.40, ex C. columbianus, 6cf , 4 9 (S.P.Crew) Waterton, 22. VI. 38, ex Thomomys talpoides andersoni, 1 cf (G.P.H.). 22. VI. 38, ex Citellus 13-lineatus ssp., Id1 (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes, including the cf and 9 types (U.S.N.M.) OROPSYLLA RUPESTRIS (Jordan) (Plate XXIII, figs. 178, 179; Map 21) Ceratophyllus rupestris Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:32; pi. I, figs. 8,9. Both sexes from Alberta: Calgary (type locality) ex "Pulorius longicauda" (Mustela frenata I.) and "Spermophilus richardsonii" (Citellus r.); "Blackfalls" (Black- falds) ex Thomomys and Canis; "Dorthy" (Dorothy) ex Thomomys. Female was described as Opisocrostis labis Jordan and Rothschild 1922. 116 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan). Holland 1944, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 41:10-11. Note on plague importance. Oropsylla {Oropsylla) rupestris (Jordan). Brown 19 44, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 37(2) :210. Various Alberta records, including Lethbridge, Stanmore, Atlee, Waterton, Camrose, and Sunnynook. New host record Taxidia taxus. Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan). Jellison 1945, Journ. Parasitol. 31(2):92-94; pi. I, II. Redescription of the species. Many records, including the following from Canada; Alberta, Calgary, ex C. richardsonii, Edmonton, ex Citellus, sp., High River, ex C. richardsonii. Saskatchewan: Estevan, ex Mustela sp.. Rock Glen, ex C. richardsonii, Saskatoon, ex C. richardsonii, Val Marie, ex Mustela sp. Oropsylla rupestris is the commonest and most characteristic flea of the Richardson ground squirrel. While taken on man}' different hosts, it has not been recorded outside the known range of C. richardsonii in Canada and the United States. As it has been proved to be an efficient plague vector, it is of considerable medical importance. The writer (1944:11) pointed out its occur- rence on rats (Rattus norvegicus) as well as on C. richardsonii at Estevan, Saskat- chewan, a matter a great potential significance in view of the occurrence of plague in ground squirrels in North Dakota along the Canadian border, only a few miles south of Estevan. The males are readily determined but it is sometimes possible to confuse the females with those of 0. idahoensis so that collections of fleas from areas inhabited by both Richardson and Columbian ground squirrels should be checked carefully. New Canadian records: Alta.: Acadia Valley, 27. VI. 44, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 4d\ 1 9 (S. P. Crew) Aden, 13.VI.40, ex C. richardsonii, Ac? . 3 9 (G.P.H.) Brooks, 21. VI 1. 44, ex C. richardsonii, 3d\ 4 9 (S.P.Crew) Corbin, 4. VII. 44, ex C. richardsonii, \ c? (S.P.Crew) Coronation, 1. VI 1 1. 40, ex C. richardsonii, 2d", 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Delia, 31.V.40, ex C. richardsonii, 1 d\ 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Drumheller, vS0.VI.44, ex C. richardsonii, 4cT (S.P.Crew) Hanna, 6. VI. 39, ex C. richardsonii, 2c? (S.P.Crew) MacLeod, 24.VII.40, ex C. richardsonii, 1 o\ 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Medicine Hat, VI. 43, ex C. richardsonii, 4d\ 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Milk River, 9.VII.38, ex C. richardsonii, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Orkney, 4. VI 1.44, ex C. richardsonii, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Oven, 27. VI. 44, ex C. richardsonii, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Red Deer, 16. VI 1.43, ex C. richardsonii, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) San Francisco, 21. VII. 44, ex C. richardsonii, 11 c? (S.P.Crew) Suffield, 4.VII.43, ex C. richardsonii, 1 c? , 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Three Hills, 30.VI.44, ex C. richardsonii, 2d1, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Vermilion, VI. 43, ex C. richardsonii, 4c71 , 1 9 (A.P.Surv.) Wainwright, 16. VI. 43, ex C. richardsonii, 1 d\ 1 9 (A.P.Surv.) Wetaskiwin, 5. VI 1.43, ex C. richardsonii, 2 cf (S.P.Crew) Sask.: Beaubier, 24. VII. 43, ex C. richardsonii, 1 d\ 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Big River, 5. VII 1.43, ex C. richardsonii, 1 o71 (S.P.Crew) Carlvle Lake, 18.VII.44, ex Citellus franklinii, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Cavalier, 22.IX.46, ex C. richardsonii, 17c?, 22 9 (VV.F.) Cevlon, 28.VII.43, ex C. richardsonii, 3c? , 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Climax, 24.VIII.43, ex C. richardsonii, 10P, 11 9 (S.P. Crew) Dundurn, 27.V.43, ex C. richardsonii, 2cf , 1 9 (A.P.Surv.) Frontier, 3.YIII.43, ex C. richardsonii, Ac?, 4 9 (S.P.Crew) Gainsborough, 10. VII. 43, ex C. richardsonii, 1 o71 , 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Glen Ewen, 10. VII. 43, ex C. richardsonii, 1 c? (S.P.Crew) Govenlock, 2. IX. 43, ex C. richardsonii, 9<>(> Dactytopsylla Jordan i<>m>. Nov. Zool. 35:37-38. Dactylopsylla Jordan. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:75. Dactyiopsylla Jordan. Ewing and Fox 1943, U.S.D.A. Misc\ Pub. 500:39-44. Dactylopsylla Jordan. Hubbard 1<>4.*. Pac. I'niv. Bui. 40(2):1-8; figs, and map. Eye vestigial. Preantennal region with two complete rows of setae (PI. XX Y, fig. 193). A number of small setae on outer surface of fore femur. Longish thin setae on inner surface of mid and kind coxae from base to apex. 1st pair of plantar bristles bent downwards and inwards. Hind tibia with more than 20 stout bristles on dorsal and apical margins (fig. 194). Hind femur with complete row of bristles on each side, (lose to Foxella (see). Sternum Ylll of male with apical lobe and ventral fringe of setae (fig. 196). F long and narrow, sometimes produced distad at apex. Spermatheca of female having head broader than long (fig. 197). As originally conceived by Jordan and Wagner, Dactylopsylla and Foxella were assigned full generic rank. I. Fox (1940:275) erected Spicata as a subgenus of Dactylopsylla to accommodate his new species D. (S.) vara. Ewing and Fox (1943:41) reduced Foxella to the status of a subgenus. Later the same year, Hubbard erected Foxelloides, a further subgenus, to hold D. comis Jord., which was previously known only from the female, and two new species. The char- acters separating these various subgenera pertain principally to details of the male genital armature. Prince (1945:15-20) apparently continues to regard Foxella as a full genus, but recognizes Hubbard's Foxelloides. In the present paper, Foxella is regarded as generically distinct from Dacty- lopsylla. The one species of Dactylopsylla recorded from Canada belongs to the subgenus Foxelloides. All these fleas are neartic, and are normal parasites of pocket gophers, Thomomys and Geomys. *3> • D. COMIS O F. IGNOTA ALBERTENSIS C) F. IGNOTA RECULA Thomomys talpoides MAP 24 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyl!inae. Locality records of the pocket-gopher fleas Dactylopsylla comis (Jordan). Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild) and F. i. recula (Jordan and Rothschild), superimposed on the range of Thomomys talpoides ssp., modified after Bailey 1915, by I. McT. Cowan. 124 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA DACTYLOPSYLLA COMIS Jordan (Plate XXV, figs. 193, 194, 195; plate XXVI, figs. 196, 197; Map 24) DactylopsyUa comis Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:38; pi. II, fig. 26. A single female, from Okanagan Landing, B.C., ex "Thomomys fuscus" (T. talpoides ssp.). DactylopsyUa (Foxelloides) comis Jordan. Hubbard 1943, Pac. Univ. Bui. 40(2) :3-4; figs. From the Siskiyou and Cascade Mts. of Oregon. Male described and figured. While the species was described from British Columbia, no Canadian specimens have been collected since. The writer and others have done con- siderable collecting of pocket gophers in the Okanagan valley and elsewhere in British Columbia, but have never been able to secure specimens of this flea. Specimens examined: 1 cf from "sage rat", Little Lava Lake, Oregon, kindness of Dr. C. A. Hubbard. Figure of 9 after Jordan. FOXELLA Wagner Genotype: Pulex ignotus Baker 1895. Foxella Wagner 1929, Konowia, 8:314. Foxella Wagner. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:75. Foxella Wagner. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:41. (used as a subgenus). Much like DactylopsyUa (which see, p. 124), but differing as follows: Smaller. All plantar bristles lateral. Hindtibia with less than 20 stout bristles dorsally and apically (Plate XXVI, fig. 199). Sternum VIII of male small, without extensive apical lobe, but with one very long seta (figs. 200, 202). Processes of clasper somewhat as in DactylopsyUa but F never turned backwards at apex. No acetabular setae. Head of spermatheca pyriform, longer than broad. Tail of spermatheca with apical papilla. Strictly nearctic. Two species recognized, of which one, F. ignota (Bak.), is represented by nine subspecies, two of which are known from Canada. They may be separated as follows: Key to the Canadian subspecies of Foxella ignota 1 . Known from the eastern foothills of the Rockies, eastward through Alberta and Saskatchewan. cf. Tergum VIII with 30-40 setae from the stigma downwards. P and F large. F with four long setae (PI. XXVI, fig. 202) 9 . Sternum VII and spermatheca as in fig. 203 ignota albertensis Known only from the Interior of British Columbia. cf . Tergum VIII averaging about 20 setae. P and F shorter than in albertensis. F usually only with three long setae (fig. 200) 9 . Sternum VII with fewer setae, and somewhat more variable in contour (fig. 201 a-e). Head of spermatheca proportionately smaller ignota recula FOXELLA IGNOTA ALBERTENSIS (Jordan and Rothschild) (Plate XXVI, figs. 202, 203; Map 24) Ceratophyllus ignotus albevtendis Jordan and Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:56; text-figs. 58,60. Both sexes from "Blackfalls" (Blackfalds) Alta., ex "Geomys sp." (Thomomys talpoides ssp.), Mustela sp. and Lynx canadensis. Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:12. Recorded from Waterton Lakes, Alta., ex "Thomomys fuscus ssp." (7". talpoides andersoni). DactylopsyUa (Foxella) ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild). Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pnb. 500:41. DactylopsyUa (Foxella) ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild). Brown 1944, Ent. Soc. Amer. Ann. 37(2) :208. Recorded from Camrose and Winterburn, Alta. New Canadian records: Alta.: Bashaw, 3.X.34, ex Thomomys sp., 3cf , 19 Lethbridge, host not recorded, 1 cf Pincher Creek, 17. VI. 40, ex Thomomys talpoides andersoni, 4cf , 1 9 (G.P.H.) Red Deer, 2. VI 1.42, ex weasel, 3 9 (E.T.) Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 26. VI. 42, ex Thomomys talpoides rufescens, 2c? , 1 9 (G.P.H.) Saskatoon, 26. VIII. 39, ex Thomomys sp., 8cf , 13 9 Specimens examined: 26 cf, 30 9 . 125 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA FOXELLA IGNOTA RECULA (Jordan and Rothschild) (Plate XXVI, figs. i(>x. 199, 200, 201; Map 24) ( eratophyllus ignotus inula Jordan and Rothschild 1915, Ectoparasites 1:58; text-figs. 59,61. Both sexes from Okana- gan Landing (type locality) B.C., ex "Putorius arizonensis" (Musiela frenata ssp.); Okanagan Falls, ex Tho- momys talpoides; Kelowna, ex Mustela sp. Foxetla ignotUS rectda (Jordan and Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68:(9):198. The following British Columbia records: Kamloops and Hedley, ex "Thomomys f. fuscus" ('J', talpoides incensus), Monte Creek and Peterson Creek (Kamloops). ex "Putorius arizonensis" {Mustela frenata ssp.) and Nicola Ranges, ex "Mustela suturata" (.1/. frenata nevadensis). Dactylopsylla (Foxella) ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild). Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. I). A. Misc. Pub. 500:42. This flea is very common on pocket gophers in the Interior of British Columbia. It seems to be most numerous in the very early spring, becoming increasingly scarce as summer progresses. A single pocket gopher collected at Cherry Creek, January 10, 1945 yielded 53 of these fleas. On the other hand, a series of three dozen gophers, trapped during July, yielded a total of onlv 27 fleas! New Canadian records: B.C.: Allison Pass, 30.VII.45, ex Thomomys sp., 8d\ 7 9 (G.C.C.) Campbell Range, 3. VI. 42, ex Thomomys talpoides incensus, (G.P.H.) Cawston, VI. 46, ex Thomomys talpoides ssp., 1 071 (G.P.H.) Cherry Creek, 10.1.45, ex Thomomys t. incensus, 25 o71, 28 9 (G.N.H.) Kamloops, 20.VII.42, ex Mustela frenata ssp., Id", 4 9 (G.P.H.) Okanagan Landing, 17. XII. 31, ex Mustela erminea sp., lo71, 2 9 (J. A.M.) Okanagan Valley, ex Thomomys t. ssp., 1 o71 (I.McT.C.) Rock Creek, 18. VI. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 9 (S. P. Crew) White Lake, VI. 45, ex Thomomys t. ssp., 1 o71 (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: 66c71, 86 9 including 5c71 and 8 9 topotypes. OPISOCROSTIS Jordan Genotype: Pulex hirsutus Baker 1895 Opisocrostis Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:73. Eyes well developed. Clypeal tubercle distinct. Bristles of pedical of antenna long in both sexes. Basal abdominal sternum with a number of slender setae on upper anterior half. Fore femur with several lateral setae. Mid and hind coxae with long thin setae on inner surface from base to apex. Sternum VIII of male long and rod-like with two long apical setae and a slender filamentous apical process. Moveable process with setae, but no pig- mented spines. Penis rods coiled up. One long and two minute antepygidial setae. Females with two antepygidial setae, the dorsal one longer. Head of sper- matheca sub-globular, higher than long. Tail of spermatheca without apical papilla. A small sclerification in the bursa copulatrix, at the base of the duct and the blind duct. A strictly nearctic genus in which eight species and subspecies are recognized at present, all normally infesting ground squirrels (Citellus) and prairie-dogs (Cynomys). Ewing and Fox (1943:50-51) treat Opisocrostis as a subgenus of Oropsylla. Four species are known from Canada. Three of them are confined to the Great Plains region, the fourth occurs in south east British Columbia as well. Future collecting may well reveal that the prairie-dogs (Cynomys I. ludovicianus) which occur at Val Marie, Sask., are hosts to Opisocrostis hirsutus (Baker), a true prairie-dog flea, and not yet known from Canada. Also, 0. washingtonensis Good and Prince, may be found in the extreme south of British Columbia. The known Canadian species may be separated by the following keys. 126 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Keys to the Canadian species of Opisocrostis Males 1 . F extending for half its length or more beyond P 2 F extending but little beyond P, crescent shaped, and pointed at apex, and with about 4 long setae on posterior margin (Plate XXVII, fig. 211) tuber culatus tuberculatus 2. F somewhat oblong in shape, with no posteriorly projecting apical process 3 F long and slender, and curving posteriorly at the apex (fig. 207) labis 3. F approximately 3 times as long as broad. Manubrium curved upwards apically (fig. 205) bruneri F less than 2l/2 times as long as broad. Manubrium straight (fig. 209) saundersi Females 1. Posterior margin of sternum VII smooth and bluntly obtuse 2 Sternum VII more or less indented 3 2. Approximately 4 long and 4 short setae on each side of sternum VII (fig. 210) . . . .saundersi, Sternum VII with about 7 long and 7 short setae (fig. 206) bruneri 3. Sternum VII with sharp lobe and very deep sinus (fig. 212) tuberculatus tuberculatus Sternum VII irregular, with one small lobe (fig. 208) labis DOMINION OF CANADA 2 5 MAP 25 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker), superimposed on the range of Citellus franklinii, modified after Howell 1938 by I. McT. Cowan. OPISOCROSTIS BRUNERI (Baker) (Plate XXVII, figs. 205, 206; Map 25) Pulex bruneri Baker 1895, Can. Ent. 27:130-132. Both sexes, from Lincoln, Nebraska, ex "Spermophilus 13-lineatus" (Citellus 13-1.) and "Spermophilus franklinii" (Citellus /.); and Fort Collins, Colorado, ex "Spermophilus 13- lineatus" . Ceratophyllus bruneri (Baker). Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,413,440; pi. XXV, figs. 1-5. Ceratophyllus bruneri Baker. McLeod, 1933, Can. Journ. Res. 9:111-112. Recorded from Manitoba, ex Citellus franklinii, C. richardsonii and C. tridecemlineatus . Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:73. Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern IT. S. 43-44; pi. XI, figs. 50,51,53. Redescription. Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker). Holland 1943. Can. Ent. 75(9) : 1 75-1 76; fig. 1. Description of a female from Black- falds, Alta., ex Citellus 13-lineatus, bearing two spermathecae instead of one. Oropsylla (Opisocrostis) bruneri (Baker). Brown 1944, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 37:209. Recorded from Sunnynook and Waterton, Alta., ex C. richardsonii, C. columbianus and C. tridecemlineatus. Opisocrostis bruneri seems quite definitely to be associated with the Franklin ground squirrel, although upon occasion it is collected from other species of Citellus in areas inhabited also by C. franklinii. Brown's record from Waterton, Alta (see map 25) is the only one occurring outside of the known range of C. franklinii. 127 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA New Canadian records: Aha.: Blackfalds, 21.VI.40, ex Eutamias minimus borealis, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Calgary, 6.VIII.43, ex Citellus sp., Id" (A.P.Surv.) Edmonton, 26.V.43, ex Citellus sp., 1 9 (A. P. Surv.) Vermilion, 4.VH.43, ex Citellus sp., 2d" (A.P.Surv.) Sask.: Big River, 5 . \ 1 1 1.42, ex Marmota monax ssp., 1 9 (L.G.S.) CarlyleLake, 24.YI.42, ex Citellus franklinii, 5d\ 19 (G.P.H.); 24.VI.44, ex Marmota monax ssp., Id" (W.F.) Dundurn, 28.V.43, ex Citellus sp., 2d", 1 9 (A.P.Surv.) Emma Lake, 27.V.40, ex "cat", 1 9 (L.G.S.) Norbury, YI.45, ex Citellus sp., 3d, 13 9 (D.V.) Pike Lake, 15.VI.32, ex Citellus franklinii, 1 9 (L.G.S.) Prince Albert, VI.43, ex Citellus sp., 8o strongly rounded and with but one complete row ot setae (PI. Ill, figs. 3,4) d". Tergum \ III without conspicuous process, but with mam' postero ventral marginal setae (PI. XXVIII, fig. 216) 2 2. d*. F with one long curved spiniform above, and a long and a short one below (fig, 218) 9. Sternum VI I with pronounced lobe and sinus (lig. 220 a-g) vesper alis cr\ F with one long spiniform above, and two short ones below (fig. 216) 9 . Sternum VI I not strongly lobed (fig. 217) pseudarctomys y^ ^y^ „ ^ 2 8 vVtifi ISLANDS \JQH .9* • • • * ^ i %\ k V MAP 28 Ceratopliyllidae:CeratophylIinae. Locality records of Opisodasys keeni (Baker). OPISODASYS KEENI (Baker) (Plate XXVII, figs. 213, 214, 215; Map 28) Pulex keeni Baker 1896, Can. Ent. 28:234. Described from both sexes from Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., ex "Silomys keeni" {Peromyscus maniculatus keeni). Ceratophyllns keeni (Baker). Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:400,444; pi. XVI, figs. 7-12. Opisodasys keeni (Baker). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:72. Opisodasys keeni. (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :198-199. Recorded from Vancouver and Aspen Grove, B.C. ex Peromyscus maniculatus. Opisodasys keeni (Baker). Jellison 1939, Journ. Parasitol. 25(5) :416; 3 figs. Peromyscus appears to be the true host of this common flea, which we have from many localities in the southern half of British Columbia, including the islands off the coast. It is not known to occur east of the Rocky Mountains. Its range closely coincides with that of Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild). New Canadian records: B.C.: Allison Pass, 28.VII.45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 3o" ,4 9 (G.C.C.); 28.VII.45, ex Microtus sp., 19 (G.C.C.) Ferg Lake, 26. VII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2d\ 2 9 (G.P.H.) Boslon Bar, 6. VI 1.35, ex Peromyscus sp., 19 (J.D.G.) Campbell River, V. I., 20.VIII.43, ex Peromyscus sp., 1 Ceratophy]lidae:Oratopliyllinae. Locality records <>f the Glaucomys-infesting species <>i Opisodasys, 0. pseudarctomys (Baker) and (). vesperalis (Jordan). ]?>?> I HE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA OPISODASYS PSEUDARCTOMYS (Baker) (Plate XXVIII, figs. 216. 217; Map 29) CeratophyUus pseudarctomys Baker i(><>4. U. S. Nat. Mua. Proc. 27:387,399-400,446; pi. XXIV, figs. 1-7. Both sexes from Newport, New York, ex "Arctotnys tnonax" (Marmota monax), CeratophyUus acasti Rothschild l'M.s. Nov. Zool. 12:168-170; pi. VII, figs. 19.20. Described from the female, from Quesnel, B.C., ex "Sciuropierus sabrinus" (Glaucomys s.). Synonym, fide Jordan, 1929. CeratophyUus Pseudarctomys Baker. Jordan 1929. Nov. Zool. 35:28. Questions the locality record of "acasti" (assump- tion being that pseudarctomys does not occur west of the Rockies). Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:72. Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker). Jellison 1939. Journ. Parasitol. 25(5):41S-416; 3 figs. Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker). Holland 1941, Knt. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:11-12. Recorded from Blackpool, B.C.. ex Glaucomys sabrinus alpinus. This species, a true parasite of flying squirrels (Glaucomys) is of widespread distribution, ranging from the Atlantic States to central British Columbia. Jordan (1929) doubted that this species occurred in British Columbia (where 0. vesperalis also occurs), but as we have since taken it in this province on a number of occasions, the record of acasti from Quesnel is probably perfectly valid. Sometimes 0. pseudarctomys and 0. vesperalis are collected from the same individual animal. New Canadian records: B.C.: Chilcotin, III. 41, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Lac la Hache, 3. VII. 42, ex Glaucomys sabrinus columbiensis, 1 cf (G.C.C.) Kootenay National Park, 17. VI. 43, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (J. A.M.) Rayleigh, 3. II. 41, ex nest of Tamiasciurus h. streatori, 1 o71 (G.P.H.) Alta.: Red Deer, 14. XI. 41, ex Glaucomys sabrinus ssp., 5cf, 4 9 (C.N.S.) Ont.: Algoma, VIII. 35, ex Glaucomys sabrinus macrotis, 36 cf, 63 9 (C.H.D.C.) ; 16. VIII. 35, Tamiasciurus h. hudsonicus, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Charlton, 18. VII. 34, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 (E.D.) Smoky Falls, Kapuscasing, 23. XI. 37, ex Glaucomys sabrinus ssp., 2d", 1 9 (R.V.W.) Still River, ex Glaucomys, 1 d", 14 9 . Specimens examined: 56 cf , 95 9 , including the type d" (U. S. N. M.) OPISODASYS VESPERALIS (Jordan) (Plate III, figs. 3, 4; plate XXVIII, figs. 218, 219, 220 a-g; Map 29) CeratophyUus vesperalis Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:28; pi. 1, figs. 1,2. Described from both sexes, taken at Okanagan and Okanagan Landing, B.C., ex "Sciuropterus alpinus" (Glaucomys sabrinus columbiensis). Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:72. Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan). Jellison 1939, Journ. Parasitol. 25(5) :415; 3 figs. Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker). Wagner 1940, Zeitsch. f. Parasitenk. 11(4):463. Recorded from Loughboro Inlet, B.C., ex "Glaucomys sabrinus alpinus" (G. s. oregonensis). This was a lapsus calami on the part of Dr. Wagner. The writer has examined the specimens from which he established this record, and they are vesperalis. As there were males present, this identification is positive. Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:12. Recorded from British Columbia as follows: Grey Creek, Paul Lake, Loughboro Inlet, and Tetana Lake, without host data. Records repeated in detail below. Opisodasys jellisoni Fox 1941, Ent. News 52(2):45-47; figs. 1-3. Described from Boise, Idaho, ex Glaucomys sabrinus bangsii. The author examined the types of this species at the United States National Museum, Washington, D.C., and found the male to be Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker). The female is Opisodasys sp., and shows no character whereby it may be distinguished from vesperalis. As the known range of vesperalis flanks Idaho east and west, having been reported from Montana and Oregon, there is no reason to regard this specimen as possibly distinct. New synonymy (in part). This species, like 0. pseudarctomys is a true parasite of Glaucomys. In Canada it appears to be confined to central and coastal British Columbia. The males are unmistakable, and the females too may be distinguished from those of pseudarctomys by the shape of the spermatheca and the characteristic (though variable) incision of sternum VII. New Canadian records: B.C.: Alta Lake, 4. IX. 44, ex Glaucomys sabrinus jidginosus, lef, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Bear Lake, 1 .1 1.38, ex Glaucomys s. alpinus, 1 9 (J.F.S.F.) Grey Creek, III. 40, ex "weasel", 1 d71 (CO.); III. 40, ex Lynx canadensis, 1 9 (G.O.) Kamloops (Paul Lake), 23.1 1 1.38, ex Glaucomys sabrinus ssp., 5cf, 10 9 (G.P.H.) Lac la Hache, 3. VII. 42, ex Glaucomys s. columbiensis, 6cf, 9 9 (G.C.C.) 134 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Manning Park, 12. VIII. 45, ex Glaucomys s. ssp., 1 cf (G.C.C.) Tenquille Lake, 1. VIII. 45, ex Glaucomys s. fulginosus, 3cf , 6 9 (G.P.H.) Tetana Lake, 11. V.38, ex Glaucomys s. alpinus, 1 cf (J.F.S.F.) Trinity Valley, 8.VIII.46, ex Glaucomys s. columbiensis, 2 cf , 4 9 (D.K.C.) Vancouver, 24. IX. 44, ex Glaucomys s. ssp., 2 9 (H.D.F.) Specimens examined: 25 cf, 40 9 , including a cf paratype (U. S. N. M.) ORCHOPEAS Jordan Genotype: Pulex howardii Baker 1895. Bakerella Wagner 1930, Magazin de Parasitol. 1:101,119. Orchopeas Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:71. Orchopeas Jordan. Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :199. = Bakerella Wagner, preoccupied. Related to Opisodasys in having fore femur with but one lateral seta, prox- imal pair of plantar bristles on all tarsi V and many other details as in that genus but differing in the modified segments of both sexes. Males with sternum VIII narrow, without setae, but with an apical mem- branous flap of various forms. Proximal lobe of ventral arm of sternum IX with conspicuous opiniform. Moveable process of claspers ham-shaped, being narrowest at the base, and armed on the posterior margin with 4-6 short, pointed, sub-equal spiniforms, which are directed upwards. Above these, on the apical margin of F, a long seta. Females with stylet not noticeably curved. Ventral margin of anal sternum distinctly angulate near middle (Plate XXVIII, fig. 222). Head of spermatheca barrel shaped, longer than broad. Tail of spermatheca with apical process. A strictly nearctic genus, containing seven or eight species, the status of one or two of which is in doubt. Most of these fleas infest tree squirrels (Tamia- sciurus and Sciurus) but one species regularly infests mice (especially Peromyscus) and another is a true parasite of woodrats (Neotoma). This last exists as a number of recognizable subspecies. While the males, although of much the same general plan, are readily determined (with the exception of the subspecies of 0. caedens), the females are sometimes difficult to identify with certainty, as they are much alike in some cases, and also as they tend to vary, especially with reference to sternum VII. Typical examples of the six species and subspecies known from Canada may be separated by the following key: Key to the Canadian species and subspecies of Orchopeas 1. Ocular and frontal rows of setae complete (PI. XXIX, fig. 226) 2 Only ocular row complete. Frontal row normally represented only by a single long seta (fig. 225) 3 2. Labial palpus not reaching apex of fore coxa. Normally parasitizing mice leucopus Labial palpus as long as fore coxa. On woodrats (Neotoma) sexdentatus agilis 3. Known only from southwest British Columbia; west of the Cascades; normally on Tamiascurus douglassi nepos East of the Cascades, on other species of squirrels 4 4. Normally on Sciurus carolinensis cf . F and P approximately equal (fig. 233) 9 . Sinus on sternum VII small, deep, and situated low down (fig. 234) howardii Normally on Tamiasciurus hudsonicus cf. F exceeding P (fig. 221) 9. Sinus on sternum VII of variable form (figs. 223-224) but not as above caedens ssp. — 5 5. Note: Males of the subspecies of caedens appear to be impossible to separate on morpho- logical characters — see text. 9. Upper lobe of sternum VII acutely to obtusely pointed; shorter than lower lobe. Lower lobe with conspicuous longitudinal ridge (fig. 223-a-h) caedens caedens Sternum VII incised or entire. When incised, upper lobe is usually bluntly rounded ; longer than lower. No ridge on inside of lower lobe (fig. 224 a-i) caedens duru s 135 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA \ • 30 Tamiasciurus douglassi Tamiasciurus hudsonicus sciurus cardlinensis DOMINION OF CANADA OO.NEPOS ® 0. HOWARDII MAP 30 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of the squirrel-infesting species of Orchopeas, O. caedens caedens (Jordan), O. caedens diirus (Jordan), O. nepos (Rothschild) and O. howardii (Baker), superimposed on the ranges of Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., T. douglassi mollipilosus, and Sciurus carolinensis ssp., as outlinediby I. McT. Cowan and A. L. Rand. ORCHOPEAS CAEDENS CAEDENS (Jordan) (Plate XXVIII, figs. 221, 222; plate XXIX, figs. 223, 225; Map 30) Ceratophyllus caedens Jordan 1925, Nov. Zool. 32:104-105; text-figs. 16,17. Both sexes from Banff, Alta., ex "Mustela americana" (Maries a.). Ceratophyllus caedens caedens Jordan. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:29-30. Orchopeas caedens (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:71-72. Orchopeas caedens (Jordan). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S.; 62-63; pi. XVI, figs. 80,81,82. Orchopeas caedens (Jordan). Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:33. In describing Orchopeas (then Ceratophyllus) caedens durus, (which see) Dr. K. Jordan remarked that all the Alberta material in the Tring collection belonging to caedens caedens and all the British Columbia specimens to caedens durus, the two subspecies being separated principally on the character of sternum VII in the female, which in the former was stated to be divided into a short upper lobe and a broader and somewhat longer lower one, the latter bearing a conspicuous longitudinal ridge on the inner side, whereas in durus, sternum VII varied from being entire to incision into two long lobes, but always lacked the ridge. Wagner (1936:199) expressed doubt that O. caedens existed as two separate races in the adjoining provinces of British Columbia and Alberta suggesting that "possibly we have to do here not with races, but with simple non-geographical variations". These words of Wagner were expressed as an opinion only, and were evidently not the result of a study of specimens. Irving Fox (1940:62) and Ewing and Fox (1943:33) followed Wagner's suggestion and listed durus as a synonym, apparently without studying specimens. The latter also cite a record of 0. caedens durus from Labrador (Eidmann 1935:100) the specimens of which were determined by Jordan — the inference being that such a record would not be probable for a geographical subspecies previously recorded only 136 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA from British Columbia. Jellison (1940:335) questioned Fox's reduction of durus to synonymy on the basis of study of specimens in the Rocky Mountain Labor- atory, Montana. Study of a fairly extensive series of these fleas (which are common parasites of the red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) from widely scattered Canadian localities, plus specimens from Alaska, Yukon and the United States, loaned by Wm. L. Jellison, and others from Labrador, the eastern United States and parts of Canada, loaned by Dr. Jordan, have led the writer to believe that Wagner and his followers are in error, and that the two subspecies should be recognized as distinct. Unfortunately there do not seem to be any reliable characters separating the males, but this is not new in the study of geographical subspecies of fleas (Monopsyllus w. wagneri and M. w. systaltus, for example, have reliable dis- tinctions evident only in the females). Jordan mentions in his diagnosis of durus that the "expodite" of the male usually bears four spiniforms whereas in caedens caedens there are usually five, with intermediate arrangements of four on one and five on the other being rare in either subspecies. This statement does not hold true in the light of the present study, nearly all of our males bearing four spiniforms on either side, any other arrangement being rare. However, in the females, we do find an almost perfectly constant situation in sternum VII, which character alone, in view of the association with geogra- phical distribution, appears to warrant subspecific distinction. Orchopeas caedens caedens has, as stated, sternum VII on each side divided into lobes of which the upper is short and acutely to obtusely pointed (see plate XXIX figs. 223 a-h, illustrating a series from Fort Liard, N.W.T.) and the lower, longer, and with a conspicuous sclerified ridge as shown. Very rarely a female will have an extremely short lobe and sinus, and lack the ridge, but in over one hundred examined, only six were like this, and all these were from the north in territory near the range of durus. Some females from Park Co., Colorado, are typical caedens. Orchopeas caedens durus has sternum VII extremely variable and ranging from deep incision to entirety, but typically with the upper lobe squarish or broadly rounded and longer than the lower (see fig. 224 a-i, a series from Quesnel, B.C.). The sclerified ridge, so typical of caedens, is lacking, but a very few had on the lower lobe a slightly darkened area caused by the running together of some of the contour-like surface markings of the sclerite. From the information at hand (see map 30) it appears that 0. c. caedens occupies most of Alberta, Saskatchewan, northern British Columbia and the southern part at least of Yukon and District of Mackenzie. Orchopeas c. durus is common in the southern interior of British Columbia, ranges northward fairly close to the coast, occurs in coastal Alaska, extends across the Northwest Terri- tories, meeting caedens caedens near Great Slave Lake, cuts through northern Saskatchewan, and occupies Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Labrador, the Mari- times, and eastern United States. In the southern part of British Columbia, durus and caedens are separated by the Rocky Mountains, but at Banff (un- fortunately the type locality of caedens caedens) both forms occur, and at Kin- basket Lake and a few other localities, we have caedens turning up sometimes on the same animal as durus. A small series from Atlin, B.C., and another from Blanchet Island, Great Slave Lake, contain both caedens and durus. These localities appear to be part of an intermediate area separating pure populations of the two subspecies. A hypothetical line of separation is shown on map 30. 0. labiatus (Baker 1904), described from a single female, may prove to be a prior name. I. Fox (1940:67; pi. IX, fig. 7) gave note's on this specimen and illustrated sternum VII which has a deep lobe and sinus. Dr. Jordan senl the writer a drawing of the spermatheca, which has a very globular head. A series 137 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA of 21 females from Moscow Mountains, Idaho (near type locality of "labiatus") loaned by Win. L. Jellison shows variable lobar development on sternum VII, although most of the specimens in this series have this sclerite more or less entire, and none is incised like Fox's drawing. Also the shape of the spermatheca is variable, although in none did it approach the extreme globular shape of that organ in Baker's type. New Canadian records: B.C.: *Atlin, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 (H.S.) *Bea vermouth. 11.41, ex "weasel", 1 9 (P.B.) *Chilcotin, 1 1 1.41, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) *Kinbasket Lake, 4.VIII.43, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Lempriere, 11. VIII. 44, ex "squirrels", 4d" , 3 9 (intergrades ?) (O.F.) Aha.: Blackfalds, 23.VI.40, ex T. hudsonicus preblei, 9d\ 18 9 (G.P.H.) Chipevvyan, 27. VII. 45, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 14d" , 24 9 (W.F.) Red Deer, ex Tamiasciurus sp., 19 (A.D.G.) Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 23. VI. 44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 d\ 2 9 (W.F.) Emma Lake, 5.VI.40, ex Citellus franklinii, Id", 1 9 (L.G.S.) N.W.T.: *Blanchet Island, Great Slave Lake, 7.VIII.46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Liard, 1.45, ex "red squirrel", 60*, 22 9 (R.C.M.P.) *Pearson Point, Great Slave Lake, 20. VIII. 46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Rae, 17.111.45, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id1, 7 9 (R.C.M.P.) Reliance, X.34, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2d\ 5 9 (R.C.M.P.); 25.XI.34, ex Vulpes fulva ssp., Id", 1 9 (R.C.M.P.); 1. XII. 34, ex Mustela vison ssp., 40* (R.C.M.P.) Wood Buffalo Park, 18. III. 33, ex T. hudsonicus preblei, 6 9 (J.D.S.) Y.T.: Lake Bennett, 3d", 3 9 Specimens examined: 50 d\ 110 9. ORCHOPEAS CAEDENS DURUS (Jordan) (Plate XXIX, fig. 224 a-i; Map 30) Ceratophyllns caedens durus Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:29-30; pi. I, fig. 3 a-g. Female (type) from Okanagan. ex "Putorius arizonensis" (Mustela frenata ssp.) and both sexes from Blucher Hall, ex "Sciurus richardsonii" (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus streatori) Mara Lake, ex "Sciurus hudsonicus" (Tamiasciurus h.), Kelowna, ex Mustela' and other localities in British Columbia. Ceratophyllus caedens durus Jordan. Jordan 1932, Nov. Zool. 38:253. Recorded from Atlin, B.C., ex "Sciurus hudso- nicus". Orchopeas (Bakerella) caedens durus (Jordan). Spencer 1936, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 32:13. Recorded from weasel, and red squirrel, localities not named. Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :199. Recorded "from different localities in B.C.", ex "Sciurus hudsonicus streatori" (Tamiasciurus h. s.), Eutamias amoenus and "Mustela sulurata" (M. frenata nevadensis). He also records a female from "Sciurus douglassi cascadensis" (Tamiasciurus d. mollipilosus) , no locality mentioned. There is a possibility of erroneous determination here, as in our experience, the Douglas squirrel is outside of the normal range of this flea. The status of this subspecies is discussed under Orchopeas caedens caedens, which see. New Canadian records: B.C.: Allison Pass, 30.VII.43, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 (G.C.C.) Bear Lake, 1 1 1.35, ex Glaucomys s. alpinus, 1 9 (J.F.S.F.) fBeavermouth, 11.41, ex "weasel", 1 9 (P.B.) Black Pines, 4.VII.29, ex Eutamias amoenus ssp., 1 9 (E.H.) Brilliant, 22. VIII. 44, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) tChilcotin, 111.41, ex T. h. hudsonicus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Clearwater, 8.X.37, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Copper Creek, 9.V.42, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Cranbrook, 23. VIII. 44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 (G.C.C.) Deadman Creek, VIII. 33, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 5 9 (D.C.) Dempsey Lake, 12. VIII. 34, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 3 9 Driftwood Valley, IX. 34, ex Eutamias minimus caniceps, 1 9 (J.F.S.F.) Ewing's Landing, 18.X.46, ex nest of T. h. streatori, 53 d", 50 9 (W.H.) Grey Creek, III. 40, ex "weasel", 1 cf (G.O.); 111.40, ex Lynx c. canadensis, lef (G.O.) Hanceville, 27. III. 41, ex nest of T. h. hudsonicus, 3o", 9 9 (G.P.H.) Kamloops, various dates, ex T. h. streatori, 100 (plus) o", 100 (plus) 9 ; also ex Mustela frenata ssp., and Glaucomys sabrinus ssp. jKinbasket Lake, 4.VIII.43, ex Tamiasciurus h. ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Lac la Hache, 3. VII. 42, ex Glaucomys s. columbiensis , 2 cf , 3 9 (G.C.C); 4. VII. 42, ex T. hudsonicus columbiensis, 7d" (G.C.C); 12.X.46, ex nest of T. h. colum- biensis, 23 o\ 46 9 (G.P.H.) Lac le Juene, 27. VI 1.34, ex T. h. streatori, 5 9 (T.K.M.) Manning Park, 26. VI 1.45, ex'Tamiasciurus sp., 2d\ 3 9 (G.C.C) * Records also of Orchopeas caedens durus (see), f Records also of Orchopeas caedens caedens (see). 138 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Monte Creek, 7. VI 1.29, ex T. huisonicus ssp., 2d\ 3 9 (I.McT.C.) Nicola, VI. 33, ex T. h. streatori, 3 9 (G.J.S.); 1.X.32, ex Mustela jrenata neva- densis, 1 9 (G.J.S.) Nulki Lake, V.45, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id", 2 9 (J. A.M.) Paradise Mine, 27. VIII. 44, ex T. hudsonicus streatori, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Pass Lake, VIII. 33, ex T. h. streatori, 3d, 12 9 Paxton Valley, 15. VIII. 31, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (E.H.) Puntchesakut, 12.V.44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id" (J.A.M.) Quesnel, 22.VIII.43, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 3d", 9 9 (M.S.) Quick, 25. XI. 44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 6d", 9 9 Quilchena, 10.VII.35, ex T. h. streatori, Id" (J.D.G.) Rayleigh, 27.IX.40, ex nest of T. h. streatori, 12 d\ 25 9 (G.P.H.) Redstone, 28.111.41, ex T. h. hudsonicus, 5 9 (G.P.H.) Riske Creek, 29.VII.43, ex T. h. hudsonicus, 5d\ 2 9 (G.P.H. Shumwav Lake, 28.1.41, ex nest of T. hudsonicus streatori, 24 9 (G.P.H.) Sorrento, 9.VIII.38, ex nest of squirrel, Id" (G.P.H.) Springhouse, 11.X.46, ex nest of T. hudsonicus ssp., 2d", 8 9 (G.P.H.) Takla Lake, IX.34, ex Eutamias, 1 9 (J.F.S.F.) Tatla Lake, 28.111.41, ex T. h. hudsonicus, Id" (G.P.H.) Tranquille, 20.VII.34, ex T. h. streatori, 3 9 (D.C.); 20. VII. 34, ex Mustela sp., 1 9 (D.C.) Vavenby, various dates, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., (T.K.M.) Alta.: fBanfr, 15. IX. 15, ex M. americana, 1 9 (from type locality of c. caedens, but this specimen resembles durus). Man.: N. Reindeer Lake, 4.XII.44, 1 9 Ont. : Bell's Corners, 25.11.39, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 2d", 6 9 (T.N.F.) Charlton, 13. VII. 35, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 (E.D.) Frank's Bay, 18. VI. 32, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 Kapuscasing, 3.IV.36, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 (R.V.W.) Pancake Bay, Algoma, VIII. 35, ex T. h. hudsonicus, 20d", 419 (C.H.D.C); 8.VIII.35, ex Mephitis m. mephitis, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) N.B.: 4d\ 2 9 (J.B.) N.W.T. : fBlanchet Island, Great Slave Lake, 7.VIII.46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) fPearson Point, Great Slave Lake, 20.VIII.46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 9 9 (W.F.) Snowdrift, 18.VIII.46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Also, 3 9 from Adiron- dack Lodge, Essex Co., N.Y., and 1 d", 4 9 from Metamek R., South Labroador ex Mustela erminea and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus tally closely with durus. Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes. MAP M Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of the Cricetid-infesting species of Orchopeas, 0. sexden- tatus agilis (Rothschild), (superimposed on the range of woodrats, Neotoma cinerea ssp., modified aftei Goldman 1910, by I. McT. Cowan), and O. leucopus (Baker). f Records also of O. caedens caedens (see). 139 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA ORCHOPEAS LEUGOPUS (Baker) (Plate XX IX, figs. 111. 22H; Ceratophyllus Uucopus Bakei 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:387,401,444. Female from Peterboro, New Vbrk. ex Pi , omysi its /<•;<< opus. Ceratophyllus aeger Rothschild 190S, Nov. Zool. 12:166 w>7; pi. VI, fin-. 5,7,9. Both sexes from Red Deer, Aha., ex "Peromyscus arclicus" (P. tnaniculatus borealis) and "Evotomys saturalus" {Clethrionomys gapperi loringi). Synonym, tide Jordan 1°2(>. Ceratophyllus leucopus (Baker). Jordan l"2(>, Nov. Zool. 35:28-29. Orchopeas leucopus (Baker). Jordan 1933, Now Zool. M):12. Orchopeas leucopus (Baker). I. Fox i<)4(). Fleas of Eastern U. S. 64-67; pi. XV, fins. 74-78. Orchopeas leucopus (Baker). Jameson 1943, Journ. Mammal. 24(2) :196. Recorded from Welland Co., Ontarii Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis. 0. leucopus is the only member of the genus that regularly parasitizes mice, although another species, 0. 6-dentatus occurs on Neotoma, another genus of Cricetidae. These two species are distinguished from other members of the genus (all of which infest squirrels) by the presence of two complete rows of setae on the preantennal region of the head. 0. leucopus is further distinguished by the relative shortness of the mouth parts, the labial palpus seldom, if ever reaching the apex of the fore coxa, and by the structure of the genitalia. The shape of the moveable process of the male claspers recalls 0. caedens, but the small size, and characteristic shape of the immoveable process (fig. 227), readily identifies leucopus. The sinus of sternum VII in the female is situated low down and is less variable in a series of specimens than is usual in the genus. 0. leucopus is the dominant flea of Peromyscus in eastern North America and occurs also in the Northwest Territories (see map 31). It is rare in southern British Columbia, but probably occurs fairly commonly from about Prince George northwards. New Canadian records: B.C.: Aleza Lake, 8. VIII. 43, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 4c/1, 5 9 (L.C.C.) Berg Lake, 28. VII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Tetana Lake, 6. IX. 41, ex "mouse", 1 9 (J.F.S.F.) Aha.: Blackfalds, 22. VI. 40, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2 c? (G.P.H.) Chipewyan, 12. VI. 45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2c?, 6 9 (W.F.) Lethbridge, 10. VI. 40, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 4c? , 5 9 (G.P.H.) Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 23. VI. 44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 9 (W.F.); 23. VI. 44, ex Clethrio- nomys g. gapperi, 2 9 (W.F.) Crackingstone Point, 12. VIII. 45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 5c? , 17 9 (W.F.) Fond du Lac, 16. VI 1.45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 3 9 (W.F.) Man.: Aweme, 7.IV.16, ex Peromyscus m. bairdi, lc?, 2 9 (N.C.) (These specimens labeled "Ceratophyllus nepos" by N. C. Rothschild!) Ont.: Algoma (Pancake Bav) various dates, ex Peromyscus m. gracilis, 30c?, 56 9 (C.H. D.C.); 3.VIII.35, ex Clethrionomys g. gapperi, 1 9 (C.H.D.C); 3.VIII.35, ex Microtus c. chrotorrhinus, 1 c? (C.H.D.C): VIII. 35, ex Glaucomys s. macrotis, 4c? (C.H.D.C); 6.IX.35, ex Ondatra z. zibethica, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Algonquin Park (Long Lake, Biggar Lake, Brule Lake, etc.) 27. VII. 34, ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides (C.H.D.C); various dates, ex Peromyscus sp., 16c?, 21 9 . Chatham, 2. IV. 41, ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, lc?, 1 9 (G.M.S.); 11. IV. 41, ex Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis, 2 9 (G.M.S.) Kawene, VII. 45, ex Peromyscus sp., 6c?, 15 9 (A.C.B.); VIII. 45, ex Microtus sp., 19 (A.C.B.); VIII.45, ex Tamias striatus ssp., 1 c? (A.C.B.); VII.45, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 3c?, 6 9 (A.C.B.) Smoky Falls, X.36, ex Mus musculus, 2c?, 4 9 (R.V.W.); ex Peromyscus, 1 c? (R.V.W.) Que.: Abbotsford, 18.V.37, under Maple bark, 3c?, 2 9 (G.S.) Y.T. : 104 miles N. of Fort Nelson, B.C., ex Microtus pennsylvanicus, 1 9 (A.L.R.) 213 miles N. of Fort Nelson, B.C., ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 9 (A.L.R.) N.W.T.: Great Slave Lake, 20.VIII.44, ex Peromyscus, 3c?, 7 9 (P.L.) Gros Cap, 28. VI. 46, ex Peromyscus, 4 9 (W.F.) Pearson Point, Great Slave Lake, 18. VI 1.46, ex Peromyscus sp., 19 (W.F.) Reliance, VI 1 1.44, ex Peromyscus sp., 2c?, 4 9 (P.L.) Wildbread Bay, Great Slave Lake, 21.VIII.46, ex Peromyscus sp., 1 c?, 10 9 (W.F.) Yellowknife, 19. VI 1.44, ex Peromyscus sp., 3c?, 3 9 (P.L.) Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes, including the type 9 (U. S. N. M.) 140 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA ORCHOPEAS NEPOS (Rothschild) (Plate XXIX, figs. 229, 230; Map 30) Ceralophyllus nepos Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12.168; pi. VII figs. 13,14. Both sexes from Chilliwack, B.C., ex "Spilogale latifrons" (S. gracilis olympica). Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:72. Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :199. Recorded from Abbotsford, B.C., ex "Sciurus sp." (Tamiasciurus donglassi mollipilosus). This flea appears to be a true parasite of the Douglas chickaree (T. douglassi ssp.) and is confined to territory occupied by that mammal. In Canada, this is the lower Pacific mainland, west of the Cascades. An error exists in Rothschild's illustration of the male clasper (1905, pi. VII, fig. 14). This shows process P short and slender, whereas it should be broad, and almost as long as the moveable process F (see fig. 229). A camera lucida sketch, sent to Dr. Jordan, has been compared with the type of nepos, and is in agreement with it. The moveable process usually has four spiniforms, but varies from three to five. New Canadian Records: B.C.: Alta Lake, 2. IX. 42, ex Tamiasciurus douglassi mollipilosus, 2 c?\ 3 9 (I.McT.C.) ; 6.IX.44, ex Mustela erminea fallenda, 1 d\ 2 9 (I.McT.C.) Chapmans, 20. VI. 39, ex Tamiasciurus d. mollipilosus, 1 d\ 8 9 (L.C.C.) Cultus Lake, various dates, ex Tamiasciurus d. mollipilosus, 5 9 ; 22.XI.40, ex "weasel", 2 d\ 1 9 (D.L.); 9.XI.40, ex Mustela vison energumenos, 1^,19 (D.L.) Gambier Island, 3. VII. 39, ex Tamiasciurus d. mollipilosus, 2d*, 5 9 (G.P.H.); 21.11.43, ex T. d. mollipilosus, 6d\ 14 9 (I.McT.C.) Harrison Bay, 14.X.42, ex Spilogale gracilis olympica, So71, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Howe Sound, VI 1 1.35, ex Glaucomys s. oregonensis, 1 9 North Vancouver, 30.V.41, ex Tamiasciurus d. mollipilosus, 1 cf\ 3 9 (J.D.G.) Vancouver, 24. 1 1 1. 43, ex Mustela erminea fallenda, 2 9 (H.D.F.) Specimens examined: 24 d\ 48 9 . ORCHOPEAS SEXDENTATUS AGILIS (Rothschild) (Plate XXIX, figs. 226. 231. 232; Map 31) Ceralophyllus agilis Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:167-168; pi. VII, figs. 16-18. Both sexes from Banff, Alta. and Carpenter's Mountain, Cariboo District. B.C., ex Xeotoma cinerea. Also from Banff ex Ochotona princeps. Red Deer Alta., ex "Sciurus richardsonii" (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus preblei); "Canadian National Park" (Banff) ex "Putorius longicaudatus" (Mustela frenata ssp.) and Penticton, B. C also ex "P. longicaudatus" . Ceralophyllus sexdentatus agilis Rothschild. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:30. Designation of Banff, Alta., as type locality and Neoloma cinerea as type host. Ochopeas sexdentatus agilis (Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :199. Recorded from Vavenby, Rutland, "Haneville" (Hanceville), Nicola, Salmon Arm, etc., ex Neotoma cinerea occidentalis. Also mentions single specimens from Ochotona princeps and "Mustela suturala" (M . frenata nevadensis). Orchopeas sexdentatus is a true parasite of the woodrat {Neotoma spp.) and appears to occur wherever that mammal is established. It is represented by six recognizable races, of which one, O. sexdentatus agilis is common from the Rocky Mountains westward in Canada. Dampf mentions (in litt.) that the race agilis is so different from other races of sexdentatus that he believes that it should be regarded as a full species. We have many records of this common flea. There is considerable variation in the degree of incision of sternum VI I in the females (fig. 232 a-g). Normally there is a long slender lobe and sinus. New Canadian Records: B.C.: Alta Lake, 26. VIII. 44, ex Scotoma cinerea occidentalis, 2 d\ 5 9 (I.McT.C.) Berg Lake, 25. VI 1.44, ex Microtus longicaudits mordax, 1 cf (G.P.H. ); 25. VI 1.44, ex Clethrionomys g. saturatus, Id" (G.P.H.) Birken, 31. VI 1.39, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 1 cf (L.C.C.) Black Mountain, 12.X.40, ex Ochotona p. brunnescens, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Chezakut 1.IX.41, ex Neotoma c. occidentalis, 3 9 (J.F.S. ) Copper Creek, 8.V.42, ex Ochotona p. fenisex, 2 9 (G.P.H. I Cultus Lake, 23.1.41, ex "weasel", 1 o* (D.L.) Dempsey Lake, 12. VIII. 34, ex N. cinerea occidental is, 10cf\ 3 9 Emperor Falls, 29.VII.41, ex Ochotona p. princeps, 2 d\ 1 9 (G.P.H.) Goodfellow Creek, 14.VIII.45, ex Neotoma cinerea occidentalis, 20 d\ 24 9 (G.C.C.) 141 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA (;.-r\ Creek, 111.40, ex "weasel", Id1, 2 9 (G.O.) Harrison Bay, 14.X.42, ex Spilogale gracilis olympica, 1 v (G.P.H.) Kamloops, 17.X.37, ex Mustela frenata ssp., 2 9 (G.P.H.) Kinbaskel Lake. 7.VIII.43, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp., 8d\ 19 9 (G.P.H.); 12A'III.44, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp., 2tf, 8 9 (G.P.H.) Lac la Hache, 4.\'II.42, ex Neotoma c. occidentalism 49d\ 86 9 (G.C.C.) Ml. McLenna, 12.VIII.34, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp., 1 cf" Nulki Lake, 14.V.45, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp., 3 9 (J. A.M.) Osoyoos, 21.V.41, ex Sylvilagus n. nuttalli, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Paradise Mine, 26.VIII.44, ex Neotoma c. occidental! s, 7d\ 12 9 (G.P.H.) Puntchesakut, 31. VIII. 44, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp., 1 d\ 5 9 (J. A.M.) Radium Hot Springs, 30. VI. 43, ex Neotoma cinerea occidentalism 2 c?, 1 9 Rayleigh, various dates, ex Neotoma c. occidentalism 53 d71, 105 9 Redstone, 13. VI 1.44, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 2d'', 4 9 (L.J.) Revelstoke, 25.X.40, ex Neotoma c. occidentalism 2d1, 17 9 Robbin's Range, 22.IV.40, ex Ochotona p. brooksi, 1 tf (G.P.H.) Silver Creek, various dates, ex N. c. occidentalism 73d1, 107 9 (J.D.G.) Sullivan River, 13.VII.44, ex Ochotona p. princeps, 3d" 1 9 (GT.H.) Tappen, IV-VIII.38, ex Ochotona p. brooksi, 4d\ 3 9 (G.P.H.) Tranquille, various dates, ex Neotoma c. occidentalism 22 cf, 41 9 . Trinity Valley, 31.VII.46, ex Neotoma cinerea occidentalism 5d\ 5 9 (D.K.C.) 1 ulameen, 7.V.42, ex Neotoma c. occidentalism 6d\ 7 9 (G.P.H.) Vavenby, ex Neotoma c. occidentalis , 1 d\ 1 9 (E.H.) Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes. ORCHOPEAS HOWARDII (Baker) (Plate XXIX, figs. 233, 234; Map 30) Pulex wickhami Baker 1895, Can. Ent. 27:109,111. Female, from Iowa City, Iowa, ex "Sciuropterus volans" (Glau- comys v.). Pullex gillellei, Baker 1895, Can. Ent. 27:109,111. Synonym. Pulex howardii Baker, 1895, Can. Ent. 27:110,112. Synonym. Pulex howardii Baker. Baker 1899, Ent. News 10:37. Indicates the synonymy and selected howardii as the name to stand. Ceratophyllus wickhami (Baker). Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:387,403,448; pi. XXVI, figs. 1-7. States "Later studies have convinced me that the three squirrel fleas which were described by me in the "Preliminary Studies" are one and the same. They were separated on characters, the value of which, at that early stage in the work and without precedent to follow, was impossible to correctly estimate. The above name, having priority over the others, is the one to be used". Orchopeas wickhami (Baker). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:71-72. Orchopeas howardii (Baker). Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:33. Revive the name howardii on the authority of Baker's 1899 paper. Orchopeas howardii (Baker). Jameson 1943, Journ. Mammal. 24(2) :195-196. Recorded from Welland Co., Ont., ex Tamias striatus lysteri, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus loquax, and Glaucomys volans. Orchopeas wickhami (Baker). Baker 1944, Journ. Expt. Med. 84(1) :47. Recorded from Grosse Isle, Que., ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus gymnicus. Baker's unfortunate treatment of this species has led to disagreement to the present day as to just what it should be called. The name wickhami has line priority and Baker himself in 1904 states that this name should be used. However, in 1899 he had expressed the opinion that the name howardii should stand. Ewing and Fox revived the name howardii on the strength of this. Dr. Karl Jordan, in answer to an inquiry from the writer as to his opinion on this matter stated "The name of the flea to which Baker gave three trivial names (wickhami, howardii, gillellei) is Orchopeas wickhami. The Code of Rules of Zoological Nomenclature does not expressly give priority to the name first printed on a page, but line priority is implied in the Rules and has generally been applied since the acceptance of priority. Baker had no right in 1899 to give priority to howardii. The original descriptions have nomenclatorially equal standing". Nonetheless, Article 28 of the International Rules stipulates that the name selected by the first reviser shall stand. Orchopeas howardii appears to be a true parasite of the grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis and is evidently limited distributionally by the occurrence of that mammal, although, upon occasion it is taken on other species of hosts. It is now well known in England and Ireland where grey squirrels have been artificially introduced. While there are no records at hand as yet, it probably also occurs at Vancouver, B.C., and other scattered localities in Canada (southern Manitoba, parts of Quebec, New Brunswick, etc.) where S. carolinensis has been introduced. 142 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA The shape of the processes of the claspers of the male is very characteristic, process P being pointed apically, and F as broad as it is long (fig. 233). The shape of sternum VII in the female (fig. 234) appears to be very constant, there being a small but distinct sinus, situated low down. New Canadian records: Ont.: Chatham, 9.X.44, ex Sciurns carolinensis leucotis, 5d\ 17 9 (A.A.W.) London, 10.VII.30, ex Sciurus c. leucotis, 7 9 (E.D.) Louisville, 14.IV.44, ex Sciurus c. leucotis, 1 9 (A.A.W.) Pottageville, 12. VII. 32, ex Sciurus c. leucotis, 2d\ 8 9 (C.H.D.C.) Rondeau, 21.X.43, ex Glaucomys v. volans, 2 9 (A.A.W.) St. Thomas, 22. VIII. 19, ex "black squirrel" {Sciurus c. leucotis) 1 9 (C.E.J.) Toronto, 29. IX. 36, ex Sciurus c. leucotis, 6 9 (E.B.) Specimens examined: 10 d" , 45 9 • TARSOPSYLLA Wagner Genotype: Ctenonotus octodecimdentatus Kolenati 1863 (palaearctic) Ctenonotus Kolenati 1863, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. 2:34. Tarsopsylla Wagner 1927, Konowia 6:108,110 (-Ctenonotus, preoccupied). Tarsopsylla Wagner. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:72. Tarsopsylla Wagner. Ewing and Fox 1943, U.S. D.A. Misc. Pub. 500:31-32. Eye well developed. No clypeal tubercle. But one lateral seta on fore femur. Segment I of hind tarsus longer than segments II, III and IV together. 1st pair of plantar bristles on all tarsi V shifted ventrally. There are dorsal apical spinelets on the anterior abdominal terga in both sexes (stated to be absent by Ewing and Fox 1943:32). Males with three antepygidial setae, the upper one minute. Apodeme of tergum IX as long as the manubrium. Inner dorsal area of tergum VIII with spiculose area. Moveable process of clasper long with a number of well developed marginal setae. Sternum VIII with a long apical seta and a membranous appendage. Females with three or four antepygidial setae. Head of spermatheca barrel-shaped. A holarctic genus. Three species are known, two in eastern Europe and northern Asia, and one in western North America. Tree squirrels of various genera appear to be the true hosts. TARSOPSYLLA COLORADENSIS (Baker) (Plate XXX, figs. 235, 236, 237, 238, 239; Map 19) Pulex coloradensis Baker 1895, Can. Ent. 27:110,112. A single male from Georgetown, Colorado, ex "Fremont's chickaree" (Tamiasciurus fremonti ssp.). Ceratophyllus coloradensis (Baker). Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,417,441; pi. 25, figs. 6-9. Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:72. Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker). Spencer 1936, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 32:13. Recorded from B.C., but without collection data, on information received from the British Museum, Tring. Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :199. Suggests that it might occur in B. C. Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C Proc. 37:11. Recorded from Tetana Lake, B.C. , ex Glaucomys sabrinus alpinus. Opi.sodasys jellisoni Fox 1941, Ent. News 52(2):45-47; figs. 1-3. Described from Boise, Idaho, ex Glaucomys sabrinus bangsii. Note: the author examined the types of this species in the U. S. N. M. at Washington, D.C. The male is undoubtedly Tarsopsylla coloradensis. The female appears to be identical with Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan) New synonymy. Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker). Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:32; fig. 6, B. The species is extremely rare in collections, and for many years the type male was the only specimen available for study in North America. Recently, further specimens, of both sexes, have been collected in British Columbia, Alberta and the Northwest Territories. The details of the male genitalia do not agree with Baker's illustration (1904, pi. 25, fig. 9), which shows a number of long setae on F which appear to belong to the overlying tergum VIII. Dr. E. A. Chapin and Major Robert Traub checked the type and compared it with a drawing of a British Columbia specimen prepared by the author. Since then 143 I 111-: SIPHONAPTERA ( >F CANADA 1 have personally examined the type and checked it with Canadian material with the male of "Opisodasys jellisoni"). They agreed. Accordingly, I am now able to present a correct* d illustration of the genitalia of the male ( PI. XXX, fig. 236). A redescription of the species, giving details of both sexes, is appropriate at this time. Male. Ocular row <>l three long setae. Frontal row of about two setae. About three medium setae situated near anterior margin of antenna! fossa. Postantennal region with three setae in addition to the marginal row. There are a number of small hairs bordering the anterior and posterior margins of the antenna! fossa. Setae of pedicel of antenna about half the length of clava. Pronotum with a ctenidium of about twenty-twro spines. Metanotum with a small apical spinelet. Abdominal terga I-YII each with two rows of setae. In addition, terga I-IV bear apical spinelets normally as follows: I, 1:1; II, 2:2; III, 1:1; IV, 1:1. Antepygidial setae three, of which the dorsal one is minute and the other two well developed. Tergum VIII bears dorsally about nine medium to long marginal and submarginal setae, as well as about eleven others, disposed laterally and postero-ventrally. Apodeme of tergum IX extending anteriorly slightly beyond apex of the manubrium. Immoveable process of claspers about twice as long as average breadth, and obliquely rounded apically. Moveable process about three times as long as broad, and extending well above P. In addition to some fine hairs and setae, it has on the posterior margin, four heavy setae of which the uppermost is very slightly curved, and equal to the width of F in length. The next two are about twice this length. The fourth seta, at the lower angle is short and hooklike. There are normally two long acetabular setae, but sometimes three, or two on one side and three on the other. Sternum VIII is broad with subparallel margins, and somewhat dilated distally. There is one long apical seta per side and a hirsute apical flap. Ventral arm of sternum IX with deep proximo-ventral lobe. Penis rods short and not completing a con- volution. Female. Chaetotaxy of head essentially as in the male. Setae of pedicel longer than the clava. Pronotal ctenidium of twenty-one to twenty-four spines. Abdominal terga I-IV with apical spinelets as in the male. Normally with three well developed antepygidial setae, of which the first is the shortest and the second, the longest. Two specimens in the present series bear three setae on one side and four on the other. Sternum VII divided by a broad sinus into two lobes, of which the upper is more or less sharply acute, and the lower, truncate. There is a certain degree of individual variation (fig. 239 a-e). The head of the spermatheca is barrel shaped, and approximately the length of, or sometimes a trifle longer than, the tail portion. Stylet about three or four times as long as broad, and with two apical setae of which one is longer than the other. Length, d1 average 3.1 mm. (2.7-3.5 mm.) 9 average ?>.3. mm. (2.8-4.1 mm.) There is evidence that Tarsopsylla is a nest flea, which may account for its excessive rarity in collections. We have collected a number of specimens from nests of Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp. In spite of its long legs, Tarsopsylla appears to be a rather sluggish flea, and no specimens were noted to jump vigor- ously. It is essentially a flea of the mountains and the northlands, like many another in our fauna having close Asiatic relatives. New Canadian records: B.C.: Bear Lake, 1.II.38, ex Glaucomys s. alpinus, Id1, 1 9 (J.F.S.F.) Chilcotin, II 1.41, ex Tamiasciurus h. hudsonicus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Hanceville, 27. 1 1 1.41, ex next of Tamiasciurus h. hudsonicus, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Lac la Hache, 12.X.46, ex next of T. hudsonicus columbiensis, 4 6", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Paradise Mine, 27.VIII.44, ex T. hudsonicus streatori, 2 9 (G.P.H.); 31.VIII.44, ex Glaucomys sabrinus fulginosus, 3cf\ 2 9 (G.C.C.) Puntchesakut, 9.V.44, ex next of T. hudsonicus sso., 2 9 (J. A.M.) Redstone, 28.1 1 1.41, ex nest of T. h. hudsonicus, 5 9 (G.P.H.) Springhouse, 11.X.46, ex nest of T. hudsonicus ssd., 2d", 5 9 (G.P.H.) Tatla Lake, 28. 1 1 1. 41, ex T. h. hudsonicus, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Alta.: Jasper, ex Maries americana ssp., 1 9 (I.McT.C.) N.W.T. : Caribou Island, Great Slave Lake, 26.VI.46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id1 (H.T.F.) Snowdrift, 18. VIII. 46, ex nest of T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Specimens examined: 13d1, 27 9 , including the type d" and the holotvpe of "Opisodasys jellisoni (U.S.N.M.) 144 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA CERATOPHYLLUS Curtis Genotype: Ceralophyllus hirundinis Curtis 1832 (palaearctic) Ceralophyllus Curtis 1832, British Entom. 9:417. Ceralophyllus Curtis. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:75. In the restricted sense, as now used, the genus includes a large group of species, nearly all of which characteristically infest birds. Eyes large. Pronotal ctenidium of 24 of more spines. A number of small setae on outer surface of fore femur. No longish thin setae in basal half of mid and hind coxae. Males with setae of antennal segment II reaching beyond middle of club. One long and two minute antepygidial setae. Tergum VIII with spiculose area on its inner dorsal surface (not greatly developed in some species). Sternum VI 1 1 rod-like, with setae and an apical flap. Pigmented setae, but no blunt or heavy spines on moveable process of clasper. Females with setae of antennal segment II exceeding club. Three ante- pygidial setae, one long and two shorter. Spermatheca differentiated into head and tail regions, both with conspicuous chitinous thickenings. In most species, the head of this structure is cylindrical throughout its length. In others it may be expanded in the middle. Holarctic. About fifteen species occur in North America. Ten are known from Canada. They may be separated by the following keys: Keys to the Canadian species of Ceratophyllus s. str. Males. Note: the male of C. adustus is not known, but could likely be distinguished by the character of its hind tibia — see key to females — . 1 . Apex of F broad 2 F tapering to a blunt point (fig. 256) petrochelidoni 2. F longer than P 4 F barely exceeding P 3 3. Inside of dorsal margin of tergum VIII only slightly spiculose (fig. 252) idius Tergum VIII with extensive spiculose area (fig. 261) tundrensis 4. Ventral arm of sternum IX with two pronounced and separate ventral lobes, each bearing a heavy patch of setae (fig. 259) riparins Ventral arm of sternum IX with anterior lobe pronounced but distal lobe more or less reduced, and appressed to it (example, fig. 246) 5 5. Acetabular setae inserted slightly above articulation of F 6 Acetabular setae inserted at or slightly below the level of the point of articulation of F. . . 7 6. Length of F more than twice P (fig. 248) gallinae F less than twice P (PI. IV, fig. 6) niger 7. Penis rods and apodemal rod not completing a full convolution 8 Penis rods and apodemal rod long, and completing a full turn celsus celsus 8. Sternum VIII narrower than F (fig. 246) diffinis Sternum VIII broad and tapering apically. Widest part almost as wide as F (fig. 250) garei Females. 1. 3rd and 4th dorsal bristles of hind tibia normal (Plate XXXI, fig. 243) 2 3rd and 4th dorsal bristles reduced to mere hairs (fig. 241 ) adustus 2. Head of spermatheca long and cylindrical 4 Head of spermatheca broader in the middle than at the ends ^ 3. Sternum VII entire (^rig. 251) garei Sternum VII with a broad shallow sinus. Upper lobe somewhat pointed (fig. 247). . .diffinis 4. Sternum VI I with sinus 5 Sternum VII entire 8 5. Upper and lower lobes of sternum VII of approximately equal length 6 Lower lobe distinctly shorter than upper (fig. 257) petrochelidoni 6. I'pper lobe of sternum VII bluntly acute (fig. 253) idius 1 pper lobe more broadly rounded 145 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA 7. Sternum \ 1 1 wit h about 1 5 setae per side dimorphic form of niger Sternum \ II with aboul 30 setae pt-i- side (fig. 260) riparius 8. Head of spermatheca nearly twice as broad as tail (fig. 249) gallinae Head of spermatheca only a little broader than tail 9 9. About 6 strong setae in frontal row tundrensis About 3 weak setae in frontal row 10 10. l>t and 3rd antepygidial setae very short, less than one quarter the length of the middle one dimorphic form of petrochelidoni 1st and 3rd antepygidial setae more than one quarter the length of middle one 11 1 1. Dark fleas. About 10 short setae on either side of ventral part of tergum VIII (fig. 254). .niger I'ale fleas. 10-15 short setae and some longer ones on ventral part of tergum VI 1 1 ( fig. 245) celsus celsus MAP 32 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of the bird-fleas Ceratophyllus aduslus Jordan, C. celsus celsus Jordan, C. diffinis Jordan, C. idius Jordan and Rothschild, C. petrochelidoni Wagner and Dasypsyllus galli- nulae perpinnatus (Baker). CERATOPHYLLUS ADUSTUS Jordan (Plate XXXI, figs. 241, 242; Map 32) Ceratophyllus adustus Jordan 1932, Nov. Zoo . 38:253-255; text-figs. 10,11. (probably Erethizon dorsatum myops). Female from Atlin, B.C., ex "porcupine' Known only from the type female. The species is unique in the reduction of the bristles of the hind tibia. Dr. Jordan believes that the porcupine may possibly be the true host, although Ceratophyllus is regularly a bird-infesting genus. The present writer has collected a number of porcupines and carefully searched them for fleas, but without success. Specimens examined: None. Figures after Jordan. 146 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA CERATOPHYLLUS CELSUS CELSUS Jordan (Plate XXXI, figs. 244, 245; Map 32) Ceratophyllus celsus Jordan 1926, Nov. Zool. 33:387-388; text-fig. 4. Males from Okanagan Falls, ex Riparia riparia. Ceratophyllus celsus celsus Jordan. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:75. Ceratophyllus celsus Jordan. I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 49-50; pi. XII, figs. 56,57, Redescription, including the female. Ceratophyllus celsus celsus Jordan. Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:12. Recorded from Kamloops, B.C. ex Riparia riparia. This species, like C. riparius appears to be a specific parasite of the bank swallow. We have no new records. Specimens examined: 9o", 11 9. CERATOPHYLLUS DIFFINIS Jordan (Plate XXXI, figs. 246, 247; Map 32) Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan 1925, Nov. Zool. 32:111-112, text-fig. 44. Male, from Okanagan Falls, B.C., ex "Colymbus holboelli" (C. grisegena h.). Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan. Jordan 1928, Nov. Zool. 34:182; text-fig. 7. Female described, from Boston, Mas- sachusetts, ex "Galeoscoples carolinensis" (Dumetella c). Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan. I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U.S., pp. 50-51; pi. XII, figs. 58,59. The species occurs on a wide variety of birds across the continent. New Canadian records: B.C.: Vavenby, 16. VI. 40, ex Bonassa umbellus, 1 cf (J.D.G.) Vernon, 21. VI. 41, ex next of Melospiza melodia morphna, 15 cT, 16 9 (C.D.F.) Ont.: Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, 6. VII. 45, ex Toxostoma rufum, 1 9 (C.D.F.) ; 6. VII. 45, ex nest of Turdus migratorius, 3c?1, 1 9 (C.D.F.) Specimens examined: 21 d\ 20 9 . « Pfr VJ "W-1" 33 DOMINION OF CANADA MAP 33 Ceratophyllidae:CeratophylIinae. Locality records of the bird-fleas Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank), C. garei Rothschild, C. niger C Fox, C. riparius Jordan and Rothschild and C. lundrensis Holland. CERATOPHYLLUS GALLINAE (Schrank) (Plate XXXII, figs. 248, 249; Map 33) Pulex gallinae Schrank 1803, Fauna Boica 3:195. From Europe. Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank). Rothschild 1900, Nov. Zool. 7:540-541; pi. IX, figs. 1,2,6,10,13,17,19. Ceratophyllus gibsoni Fox 1914, Hyg. Lab. Bui. 97:15; pi. V, figs. 4,5. Both sexes from Point Lepreaux, Ottawa, Canada, ex hen house. Synonym, fide Ewing and Fox (1943:69). Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank). Jordan and Rothschild 1920, Ectoparasites 1:70. Recorded from Barker, New York Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 52-54; pi. XIII, figs. 62-63. C. gallinae, known as the European hen flea, is a species of considerable economic importance, being a well known parasite of poultry in Europe, as well 147 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA as eastern North America. Harvey (1°()7) recorded it from British Columbia, but his specimens were almost undoubtedly C. niger (which see). C. gibsoni Fox, a synonym of gallitiae, was described from Ottawa, Ontario. The Canadian Insect Pest Review has at various times reported infestations of this species in localities in Eastern Canada as follows: Forrest, Ont., ex henhouse (1933, 11:35); HeniYville. One. (1934, 12:118); Roanoke, Sask. (1943, 21:232). Now Canadian records: Sask.: Plunkett, 7.VII.43, ex hen house, 3d\ 5 9 (F.H.C.) Man.: Aweme, 26.IX.13, ex Asia wilsonianus, 5d\ 1 9 (N.C.); 16.X.13, ex Clethrionomys zapperi, 2c? (N.C.); ex poultry, 1 o\ 8 9 (N.C.) Ont.: Kincardine, 19.IV.28, ex man, 2d" Phelpston, 18.V.39, ex ? 6 9 (C.L.) Strathroy, 15. VI 1.36, ex poultry, 3tf, 59 (H.F.H.) Tiverton, 10.V.30, ex man, 1 9 Que.: Victoriaville, 4. VII. 41, ex hen house and man, 2 d\ 4 9 N.B.: Fredericton, 16.VII.39, ex poultry, 1 d\ 1 9 (O.P.) Gaspereaux, 16. VII. 25, ex fowl, Id", 1 9 Specimens examined: 36 d", 67 9 . CERATOPHYLLUS GAREI Rothschild (Plate XXXII, figs. 250. 251; Map 33) Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild 1902, Ent. Mo. Mag., 2nd series, 13:225; pi. IV, figs. 1-3. Both sexes from Tring England, ex nest of Gallinula chloropus. Ceratophyllus utahensis Chapin 1919. Bui. Ent. Soc. Brookl. 14:60-62. Both sexes from Bear River, Utah, ex Sleganopus tricolor or Spatula clypeata. Synonym, fide Jordan and Rothschild 1920. Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild. Jordan and Rothschild 1920, Extoparasites 1:69. Recorded from Edmonton, Alta., ex "Oidemia deglandi" (Melanitta d.). Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:89,92. Recorded from Shoal Lake, Man., ex Telmalodytes palustris, and Edmonton, Alta., ex "goose". Ceratophyllus quebecensis I. Fox 1940, Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 42(3):65-66, figs. 3,4. Both sexes from St. Mary's Island, Que., ex "eider down". Synonym (fide Jordan, in a communication to the writer). This holarctic species is widespread across the northern part of North America, where it occurs on a variety of ground-nesting birds. Wagner described a subspecies C. garei islandicus, from Iceland. This would suggest the possibility that the North American form too would be distinct from European garei. How- ever, neither Jordan nor Rothschild were able to discern any differences and the status of C. garei islandicus is considered dubious. New Canadian records: B.C.: Kamloops, 10. VI. 45, ex Erismatura jamaicensis rubida, 1 9 (G.J.S.); 10. VII. 45, ex nest of E.j. rubida, lid1, 28 9 (G.J.S.) Alta.: Chipewyan, 12. VII. 45, ex Bonassa umbellus ssp., 1 d\ 3 9 (T.M.S.) Man.: Churchill, 12. VI. 30, ex nest of Zonotrichia querula, 2d\ 9 9 (H.E.McC.) (P.A.T.) Specimens examined: 15d\ 42 9 , including the types (cf and 9 ) of C. utahensis Chapin and C. quebecensis Fox (U. S. N. M.) CERATOPHYLLUS IDIUS Jordan and Rothschild (Plate XXXII, figs. 252, 253; Map 32) Ceratophyllus idius Jordan and Rothschild 1920, Ectoparasites 1:73-76; text-figs. 70-72. Both sexes, from Okanagan Landing, British Columbia, ex Iridoprocne bicolor. The species does not appear to be uncommon, although at the present there are no Canadian records available other than the types. Fox (1940:52) gives many records from the Eastern United States. While recorded from a number of species of birds, there is evidence that the tree-swallow is the true host of this flea. Specimens examined: 4d\ 4 9 (None from Canada. Figures after specimens collected from "nest", Clarksville, Illinois, and from nest of "Trachycineta bicolor" (Iridoprocne b.), Rock, Mas- sachusetts, received through the courtesy of Dr. Irving Fox, Dr. H. S. Fuller, and Dr. M. A. Stewart). 148 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA GERATOPHYLLUS NIGER C. Fox (Plate IV, figs. 5, 6; plate XXXI, fig. 243; plate XXXII, figs. 254, 255; Map 33) Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank). Harvey 1907, Ent. Soc. B. C. Bui. No. 7, p. 1. Listed under this name from British Columbia. Author's note: Specimens were almost undoubtedly C. niger. Ceratophyllus niger Fox 1908, Ent. News 19:434-435. Described from male, ex man and "Mus decamanus" (Raltus norvegicus), no locality mentioned. Ceratophyllus niger Fox. Jordan and Rothschild 1920, Ectoparasites 1:70-71. Recorded from "Essington" (Port Essington), B.C., ex "hen" and Okanagan Landing, B.C., ex "Planesticus migratorius" (Turdus migratorius propinquus) . Ceratophyllus niger inflexus Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:37; pi. II, fig. 25. Females, from Custer Co., Colorado. Dis- tinguished from true niger by an incised sternum VII. Wagner (1936:200-201) states that a series from a hen house at Abbotsford, B.C., shows both types — i.e. some specimens with sternum VII entire and some with it incised. Believes "inflexus" to be but a simple variation. Ceratophyllus niger niger Fox. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:89-92. Recorded from Alberta (undoubtedly from Blackfalds) ex Meleagris gallopavo. Ceratophyllus niger Fox. Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :200-201 . Recorded from "Acridotheres cristatellus" (Aethiospar c), no locality data (actually Vancouver, B.C.). The species appears to be confined to western North America, although there is one dubious record from New York (Stewart, 1928). It is found on quite a wide variety of indigenous birds, and besides has adapted itself to domestic fowls to such an extent that it is now an economic problem, and has earned for itself the name " Western hen flea". C. niger, as its name implies is a very dark species; it is very active, and bites man readily. New Canadian records: B.C.: Ballingall Is., 10.V.35, ex nest of Phalacrocorax sp., 18c?1, 24 9 (T.K.M.) Galiano Is., 11.IV.35, ex Phalacrocorax prtagicus resplendens, 2d1, 5 9 Kamloops, 3. III. 40, ex nest of Turdus (?) 2d\ 4 9 (G.P.H.); VIII. 45, ex nest of Passer domesticus, 30 d\ 30 9 (P.P.) Lulu Is., 25.IV.39, ex Otus asio kennicotti, 1 9 (K.R.); 7.1.43, ex hen house and household, 1 9 . Tatla Lake, 28. III. 41, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 cf (G.P.H.) Nulki Lake, 18. VII. 45, ex Cryptoglaux acadica, 1 9 (J. A.M.) Vancouver, 23.11.33, ex Otus asio kennicotti, 1 cf (G.J.S.); 11.IV.35, ex Vermivora c. lutescens, 1 c? (G.J.S.) Victoria, ex hens and household (W.D.) (G.C.C.) Specimens examined: 56 o71, 74 9 . CERATOPHYLLUS PETROCHELIDONI Wagner (Plate XXXII. figs. 256, 257. 258; Map 32) Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni Wagner 1936, Zeitsch. f. Parasitenk. 8(6) :655-656; text-fig. 2. Both sexes from Chilcotin (type locality), British Columbia, ex "Petrochelidon lunifrons" (P. albifrons). Also a male from Kamloops, B.C., no host data. The peculiar shape of F in the male (fig. 256) readily distinguishes this species from all others in the genus. C. petrochelidoni appears to be rare. The writer has examined many nests of cliff swallows (which are almost undoubtedly the true hosts) for further specimens, but without success. There are no ad- ditional Canadian records at this time. Recently Mr. P. Quentin Tomich of the University of California at Berkeley submitted a series of fleas from Calaveras Dam, Alameda Co., California, ex nest of Petrochelidon albifrons. These proved to be Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni, and a study of the females showed sternum VII to be dimorphic, being sometimes incised (as in the allotype) and sometimes entire. The extreme shortness of the 1st and 3rd antepygidial setae gives a good recognition character for the females of this species. Specimens examined: 5d\ 9 9 , including the holotype d" and allotype 9. CERATOPHYLLUS RI PARI US Jordan and Rothschild (Plate XXXI, fig. 240; plate XXXIII, figs. 259, 260; Map 33) Ceratophyllus riparius Jordan and Rothschild 1(>2f). Ectoparasites 16:71-73; text-figs. 67-69. Both sexes from Bay View, Milwaukee. Wisconsin. e\ nest of Riparia rip aria. i eralophyllus riparius Jordan and Rothschild. Jordan 1()2<>. Nov. Zool. 35:91. Recorded from Okanagan Falls, B.C., '■\ Riparia rip iria. 149 111K SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA As with C. celsus celsus Jordan, the bank swallow, Riparia, seems to be the true host of this flea. It is widespread across North America. Fox (1940:55) gives a number of records from the eastern United States. New Canadian records: B.C.: Kamloops, VII.39, ex nest of Riparia riparia, 12o", 11 9 (G.P.H.) Notch Hill, 18.V.45, ex nest of R. riparia, 1 d* (G.P.H.) Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 30.VI.42, ex nest of Riparia riparia, 1 9 (G.P.H.) N.S. : Lower Wedgeport, ex "swallow box", 1 9 (I.J. P.) Specimens examined: 20cr\ 22 9. CERATOPHYLLUS TUNDRENSIS Holland (Plate XXXIII, figs. 261, 262; Map 33) Ceratophyllus tundrensis Holland 1944, Can. Ent. 76(12) :242-244; pi. XVII. figs. 1-3. Both sexes from Baker Lake (type locality), Northwest Territories, ex "Mustela ardica" (M. erminea arctica), and Hanbury Portage, "Clinton, Golden Lake" (Clinton Colden Lake), N.W.T., ex Maries americana. While the type series of this flea was collected from weasel and marten, it seems unlikely that these predators are the true hosts, although C. lunatus Jordan and Rothschild 1920, an extremely closely related species from Switzer- land, is recorded from Mustela n. nivalis. The shape of the clasper (cf ) which is narrow and curved in both is very characteristic. The shape and vestiture of F also is similar, but F is much longer in lunatus. The apical flap on sternum VIII (o*) of tundrensis is much shorter than in lunatus. It is possible that tundrensis should be considered as a nearctic subspecies of lunatus. The contour of F in the male is not correctly delineated in the original illustration, the very pale anterior margin being misinterpreted. A corrected diagram, made from a paratype is shown on plate XXXIII, fig. 261. There are no new records at hand of this northern flea. Specimens examined: 3cf , 3 9 (the type series). DASYPSYLLUS Baker Genotype: Ceratophyllus per pinnatus Baker 1904 Dasypsyllus Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:129,146. Dasypsyllus Baker. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:76. Pre and postantennal regions each with three rows of setae. Eye large and very dark. Pronotum with a comb of 30 or more spines. A number of small setae on outer surface of fore femur. No longish thin setae in basal half of inner surface of mid and hind coxae. Six pairs of plantar bristles on all tarsi V, of which the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th are lateral, the 3rd pair shifted ventrally and its place taken by a pair of thin setae, and the 6th pair (distal) shifted ventrally between the 5th pair (fig. 264). Moveable process of males with a number of heavy pigmented spine-like setae (fig. 265). Apical appendage on tail of spermatheca in females. The genus is widely distributed *. D. gallinidae (Dale) is holarctic, being represented in western North America by a subspecies. DASYPSYLLUS GALLINULAE PERPINNATUS (Baker) (Plate XXXIII, figs. 263, 264, 265. 266; Map 32) Ceratophyllus perpinnatus Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:386,391-392,445; pi. XIII, figs. 1-6. Male from Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, no host designated. Ceratophyllus gallinulae Dale. Jordan and Rothschild 1920, Ectoparasites 1 :69. (C. per pinnatus Baker considered as a synonym). Recorded from "Sumes" (Sumas) B.C., ex Thryomanes bewicki. Ceratophyllus gallinulae per pinnatus Baker. Jordan, 1926, Nov. Zool. 33:386. * We now have a record of Dasypsyllus stejnegeri (Jordan) 1929 from St. Paul Island (Pribilof Group) Alaska, host unknown, but probably some sea bird. This constitutes the first North American record of this little known flea, described from Bering Island and Commander Island, Siberia. Specimen compared with type cf (U. S. N. M.). 150 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Ceralophyllus gallinulae per pinnatus Baker. Jordan 1929. Nov. Zool. 35:89-92. Recorded from: Queen Charlotte Islands, ex Sphyrapicus r. ruber; Massett, Q. C. I., ex Cyanocitta stelleri carlottae, Melospiza melodia caurina, Vermivora celata lutescens and Hylocichla u. ustulata; "Sweet Spring Island" (Salt Spring Is.), ex Lanivireo solitarius cassini. Dasypsyllus gallinulae per pinnatus (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :201. Recorded without details of locality from the following avian hosts in British Columbia; Cyanocitta stelleri, Hedymeles melanocephalus capitalis, Hylocichla guttata, Junco oreganus scheffeldtii, "Papilio" (sic!) maculatus oregonus (Pipilo m. o.), Penthestes atricapillis occidentalis and "Piranega ludoviciana" (Piranga 1.). He also recorded it from "Sciurus douglassi cascadensis" (Tamiasciurus d. mollipilosus) . Dasypsyllus g. perpinnatus is known only along the Pacific coast of North America where it occurs on a wide variety of passerine birds. While many suitable hosts occur east of the coast Mountains, the flea is apparently confined to territory lying to the west, limited possibly by special humidity requirements. (See also discussion on page 30). New Canadian records: B.C.: Comox, 21. III. 34, ex Regulus calendula grinnelli, 1 cf (H.M.L.) Spider Is., 7.VII.39, ex Hylocichla guttata, Id1 (I.McT.C.) Huntingdon, 11.IV.41, ex Zonotrichia coronata, Id1 (I.McT.C.) Langara Is., Q. C. I., 25.V.46, ex Melospiza melodia ssp., Id", 3 9 (C.J.G.) Queen Charlotte City, 2. VIII. 46, ex Empidonax d. difficilis, 2 9 (C.J.G.) Tofino, 12. VI. 26, ex Cyanocitta s. stelleri, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Vancouver, 1.V.40, ex man, 1 9 (J.D.G.); 20.X.46, ex nest of Turdus migratorius ssp., 9d\ 12 9 (GJ.S.) Victoria, 111.46, ex man, 2d\ 1 9 (G.C.C.) Specimens examined: 16 &, 26 9 , including the type o71 (U.S.N.M.) and 1 cf and 5 9 topotypes. MALARAEUS Jordan Genotype: Ceralophyllus telchinum Rothschild 1905. Malaraeus Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:76. Trichopsylla Kolenati. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:55-56. (partim) This genus and the succeeding two (Megabothris Jordan and Monopsyllus Kolenati) as well as a further genus (Pleochaetis Jordan, not found in Canada) have been the subjects of recent controversy. Irving Fox (1940:67) relegated all nearctic Monopsyllus to Megabothris, reserving the name Monopsyllus for palaearctic forms. Ewing and Fox (1943:55-56) went a step further and reduced Megabothris, Malaraeus and nearctic Monopsyllus spp. to synonymy with Tri- chopsylla Kolenati 1863. These three genera are further grouped together as a new subgenus, Trichopsylla. (Pleochaetis is regarded as another subgenus). Their reason for choosing the name Trichopsylla lies in Kolenati's listing of Pulex penicilliger Grube here, and Baker's (1904:371) designation of this species as the genotype. (Baker considered Trichopsylla a synonym of Ceralophyllus Curtis s. lat.). Ewing and Fox state that as Trichopsylla Kolenati 1863 antedates Malaraeus Jordan 1933 (to which genus Jordan allocates penicilliger) , the former name should be used. However, as pointed out by Jordan and Rothschild (1920:63-64) and later again by Jordan (1932 :293), Kolenati's generic diagnosis of Trichopsylla stipulated the lack of a pronotal ctenidium, and therefore his specimens could not have been penicilliger Grube. Jordan and Rothschild believed that Kolenati's material was Vermipsylla homoeus Rothschild, a widespread species, and, like Grube's penicilliger, also occurring on Mustelidae. On the strength of this, they sank Chaetopsylla Kohaut as a synonym of Trichopsylla. Wagner (1933:91-93) on the other hand, believed that Kolenati's error was due to the erroneous surmise that (aside from two dubious Ctenophthalmus spp.) only one species of flea, i.e. penicilliger, infested Mustela (sensu lato) and that as his specimens were taken from that or a closely related genus of mammal, they must, therefore, be penicilliger. Kolenati obviously had not consulted the description and diagrams of Grube, which indicate the presence of a pronotal ctenidium. Further, Wagner did not agree with Jordan and Rothschild that Kolenati's "penicilliger" was a Vermipsylla, but believed that it was more 151 II IK SIIMloXAITKRA OF CANADA probably Pulex irritans (var. fulvus Ioff), a flea common on Mustelids in south Russia. Therefore, in Wagner's opinion, Chaetopsylla should be reinstated, and the name TrichopsyUa be shelved until Kolenati's specimens be found. In view of the confusion surrounding this name, and Kolenati's obvious error in identifying penicilliger (ignoring for the time the possibility of Malaraeus , Megabothris and Monopsyllus being congeneric) the present writer does not feel that the revival of "TrichopsyUa" helps to clarify this systematic problem. Opinion No. 65 of the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature give no general ruling for the case of a genus based upon erroneously determined species. As regards the stated synonymy, here once more is the matter of the weighing of values, and of individual opinion as to just what constitutes a genus. According to Jordan's interpretation (1933:76-78) the three belong to his "group C", i.e., with a number of lateral setae on femur I and no long thin setae on basal part of inner surface of coxa II and III; all are of the generalized Ceratophyllus- type; F in the males of all bears heavy setae which tend to be pigmented and spine-like. But they differ as below; Malaraeus is separated chiefly on the character of the eye, which is distinctly reduced (PI. XXXIV, fig. 273) its longest diameter being shorter than the distance from the lower edge of the eye to the angle of the sclerotized portion of the gena1 lobe. In the other two (PI. I, fig. 1; pi. XXXIV, fig. 276), the eye is larger, and its greatest diameter is greater than this distance. Megabothris is separated from Monopsyllus and other genera by the greatly enlarged stigma cavity of tergum VIII (Plate XXXV). Ewing and Fox (1943:56) state that this may be so in the genotype M. walkeri (Palaearctic) but that it "is not so enlarged in some of the others and hardly makes a good distinguishing character". In the present writer's experience, there is no particular difficulty in discerning this huge cavity in males or females of the nearctic species usually allocated here (although he has not examined M. immitis or M. ponerus), but noting that its development does vary somewhat in different species, although in none does it approach the smallness of the stigma cavity in Malaraeus (see plate XXXIV) and Monopsyllus (Plate XXXVIII). Still, of course, the question of the generic value of such a character remains open to discussion and opinion. Certainly some of the species contained in "Megabothris" show striking affinities to certain species in "Monopsyllus" , especially in the shape of certain parts of the male genitalia, particularly the moveable process (F). Some examples are Monopsyllus exilis (Jordan), which resembles Megabothris acerbus (Jordan); and Monopsyllus cilia tus (Baker), which suggests Megabothris asio (Baker). The relationship of the whole group is very complex. Ewing and Fox regard palaearctic Monopsyllus as a valid genus, but believe that the nearctic species that up until now have been relegated to it are not con- generic, and should be included with Malaraeus and Megabothris in "Trichop- syUa". They consider true Monopsyllus not to occur in North America. On the other hand, Wagner (1936:199) points out the close similarity between the Nearctic Monopsyllus vison (Baker) and the Palaearctic M. sciurorum (Schrank) (the genotype of Monopsyllus!), remarking that the former replaces the latter in the New World, and like it, normally infests squirrels. Ioff (1936) regards Megabothris, Monopsyllus, Ceratophyllus, Malaraeus, Pleochaetis, Nosopsyllus and the Palaearctic Citellophilus and Callopsylla all as subgenera under Ceratophyllus Curtis. Each subgenus he further divides into "groups". The Nearctic species included in Monopsyllus and one Siberian species he designates as Group 3, and suggests the name Amonopsyllus for it. 152 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA In the present paper, Malaraeus, Megabothris and Monopsyllus are regarded as full genera as denned by Jordan (1933), pending further study of the situation. Eight nearctic species of Malaraeus have been described, are recorded from Canada. Of these, four Keys to the Canadian species of Malaraeus Males. 1. Sternum VIII a long slender sclerite, with a few long apical setae and a membranous appendage ; F of various forms 2 Sternum VIII vestigial, and covered by sternum VII. F with three subequal spiniforms on the posterior margin, and a long pigmented seta above and below (fig. 271) telchinum 2. F and P of near equal length. Sides of F subparallel with a number of pointed setae, some pigmented. Sternum VIII curving upwards posteriorly 3 F distinctly longer than P, and sub-triangular in outline, bearing two short blunt spini- forms at the posterior angle and two longer pointed ones spaced between here and the apex. Sternum VIII bent sharply upwards at the midpoint (fig. 274). . .penicilliger dissimilis 3. Basal process of sternum VIII vertical. Sternum VIII with two apical setae. Vertical arm of sternum IX without pronounced posterior hump (fig. 269) euphorbi Basal process of sternum VIII strongly leaning backwards. Sternum VIII with 4 or 5 apical setae. Vertical arm of sternum IX with pronounced posterior hump (fig. 267) bitterrootensis Females. 1. Sternum VII normally with well developed lobes and sinus 2 Sternum VII with slight lobe and shallow sinus (fig. 272) telchinum 2. Upper lobe narrower than sinus 3 Upper lobe much broader than sinus (variable) (figs. 275, 277 penicilliger dissimilis 3. Head of spermatheca distinctly longer than tail (fig. 270) euphorbi Head of spermatheca barely as long, or shorter than tail (fig. 268) bitterrootensis M \P 34 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records <>t Malaraeus bitterrootensis (Dunn), M, euphorbi ^p., (G.C.C.) Birken, 29.VII.39, ex "mice", 1 d" , 1 9 (L.C.C.) Boston Bar, 6.VII.35, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 2d" (T.K.M.) Caws ton, 25.V.45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 3 cf (G.P.H.) Copper Ck., ex Peromyscus m. ssp. (G.P.H.) Eagle Pass. 8.V.46, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 d\ 3 9 (G.P.H.) Forbidden Plateau, V. I., 24.VIII.43j ex Peromyscus m. inter dictus, 1 9 (G.C.C. I Gambier Is., 21.11.43, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Garibaldi Pk., 29VII.39, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 3 9 (G.I'.H.) 29. VI 1.39, ex Clethrionomys gapperi, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Graham Island, Q.C.I., 23. VI 1.46, ex Peromyscus, 2 9 (C.J.G.) Harrison Bay, 18.IV.41, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 9 (J.D.G.) Kamloops, 14. 1 1 1. 41, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 2d", 12 9 (G.P.H.) Kaslo, 31.V.40, ex Citellus columbianus, 1 d" (S.P.Crew) Kelowna, 8. IV. 40, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Kinbasket Lake, 4. VIII. 43, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 19 (G.P.H.); 6. VIII. 43, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, Id" (G.P.H.); 4. VIII. 43, ex Sorex spp., 19 (G.P.H.) Manning Park, VI 1 1.45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 2d", 3 9 (G.C.C.) Mariwood Lake, 1.IX.43, ex Peromyscus m. interdictus, Id", 1 9 (G.C.C.) Mt. Seymour, 27.VI.44, ex Peromyscus m. oreas, 1 d", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Nicola, 4.V.44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 o71 (G.P.H.) Nulki Lake, ex Peromyscus m. ssp. (J. A.M.) Okanagan Landing, 10.VIII.40, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 o71, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Osoyoos, 13.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Pitt Is., ex Peromyscus sp. (H.D.F.) Quesnel, 18. VIII. 43, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 4 9 (M.S.) Rayleigh, 29. III. 44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 2 o71, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Silver Creek, 26.1.40, ex Peromyscus m. oreas, 2 o71 , 2 9 (J.D.G.) Tulameen, 7.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., Id" , 4 9 (G.P.H.) Westbank, 19. VIII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, Id", 19 (G.P.H.) Williams Lake, 7.IV.44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 14 d", 32 9 (G.P.H.) Yellow Point, V.I., XII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 d" (A.C.B.) Specimens examined: 60d", 100 plus 9. MEGABOTHRIS Jordan Genotype: Ceralophyllus walkeri Rothschild 1902 (Palaearctic) Megabothris Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:77. Trichopsylla Kolenati. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:55-56 (partim). See diagnosis and discussion of this genus under Malaraeus, p. 152. The genus is holarctic. Eleven species and subspecies of Megabothris are known to occur in North America. Of these, nine are recorded from Canada. Keys to the Canadian species of Megabothris Males. Note: the male of M. immitis is not yet known. 1 . Process (P) reaching almost to apex of F 2 P only about half the length of F 3 2. Apex of F produced posteriorly, with two short blunt spiniforms. A long pigmented seta at lower angle asio ssp. 4 Apex of F only slightly dilated, and with one blunt spiniform and a long seta. A long pigmented seta at lower angle. Above this, a short seta which may be blunt and spini- form, or reduced to a slender hair (fig. 289 a-c) lucifer 3. F with two short blunt spiniforms at apex 5 F with at most one blunt spiniform at apex 6 4. Apex of F noticeably humped (PI. XLII, fig. 349). Eastern Canada asio asio Apex of F somewhat flatter, and produced posteriorly somewhat more. Western Canada. (PL XXXV, fig. 282) asio megacolpus 5. Long heavily pigmented seta at lower angle of F (fig. 285). Pronotal ctenidium of more than 25 spines atrox No such pigmented seta (fig. 280). Pronotal ctenidium of less than 25 spines acerbus 156 THE ORDER SIPHOIVAPTERA 6. Some of the setae on F short, blunt and heavily pigmented 7 Seta at lower angle long and heavily pigmented. Remaining setae slender and light coloured (rig. 291) quirini 7. Two pigmented spiniforms and long pointed seta all evenly spaced on posterior margin of F (fig. 278) < abantis Lower spiniform located just above long pigmented seta at lower angle 8 8. Tergum VII with a close group of apical setae, about seven per side (fig. 287) . . . .groenlandicu. Tergum VII without such group of setae (fig. 293) obscurus n. sp.s Females. Note: females of M. obscurus and M. groenlandicus not yet known. Latter might possibly be the same as M. immitis, also recorded from lemmings. 1. Pronotal ctenidium of less than 25 spines 2 Pronotal ctenidium of more than 25 spines atrox 2. Duct of spermatheca conspicuous, due to sclerotization 3 Duct not conspicuous 5 3. Sternum VII with deep sinus (fig. 290) lucifer Sternum VII without deep sinus 4 4. Sternum VII with pronounced upper lobe (fig. 288) immitis Upper lobe not as above (fig. 292) quirini 5. Sternum VI I with lobe and sinus 6 Sternum VII without pronounced lobe and sinus (fig. 279) abantis 6. Lobe usually pointed, sinus wide and shallow; tail of spermatheca expanded apically (fig. 281) acerbus Lobe variable; tail of spermatheca not expanded (fig. 283) asio ssp. 7 7. Eastern Canada — limits of range unknown. Lobe usually rounded, sinus relatively shallow (PI. XLII, fig. 350) asio asio Western Canada — limits of range unknown. Lobe varying, but usually blunt, sometimes squared, and sometimes with dorsal apical hook (PI. XXXVI, fig. 284 a-k) ; sinus deep asio megacolpus 9 M. ABANTIS © M. ASIO MEGACOLPUS MAI' 36 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) and M. asio megacolpus (Jordan). 157 THE SIPHONAPTERA < )F CANADA MEGABOTHRIS ABANTIS (Rothschild) (Plate XXXV, figs. 278, 27(), Map 36) ( eratophyllus abantis Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:164-165; pi. VI, fig. 10. Male- from "Canadian National Park" (Banff) Vita., tx "Putorius longicaudatus" {Mustela frenota ssp.) and Horse Creek, B.C., ex "Microtia drum' mondi" [M. pennsylvanicus .?o, Can. Ent. f)8(9):2()l. Recorded from British Columbia as follows: Rutland, ex "Sciurus kudsonicus" (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus streatori); Monte Creek, ex "Putorius arizonensis" (Mustela frenota ssp.); "Green Lake Mt. " (Greenbush Lake, nr. Revelstoke) ex either Eulamias or Ochotona. Megabotkris adversus Wagner 1936, Zeitsch. I. Parasitenk. 8:654,656-657; text-fig. 4. Female from Vancouver, B.C., e\ Peromyscus maniculatus. Synonym, fide Holland 1942:158. Megabotkris abantis (Rothschild). Good 1942, Kans. Ent. Soc. Journ. l5(l):7-9; fig. Female described. Megabotkris abantis (Rothschild). Holland 1942, Can. Fnt. 74(9) :158. Recorded from Waterton Lakes, Alta., ex "Mustela c. cicognani" (M. erminea c), and Cultus Lake, B.C., ex "rats" (Rattus norvrgicus?) M. abantis (see also discussion, p. 30) is a fairly common parasite of several genera of mice, particularly Clethrionomys, Microtus and Phenacomys, and is most frequently encountered in damp forested areas and at high altitude (sub- alpine forest, etc.). It appears to be confined to the southern half of British Columbia in Canada, not being known east of the foothills of the Rockies in Alberta. New Canadian records: B.C.: Aleza Lake, 8.VIII.43, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2 9 (L.C.C.) Allison Pass, 28. VII. 45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 5 9 (G.C.C.); 28. VII. 45, ex Clethrio- nomys gapperi ssp., 2 9 (G.C.C.) Alta Lake, 6.1 X.44, ex Mustela erminea fallenda, 1 d", 19 (I.McT.C); 1942, ex Microtus longicaudus macrurus, 1 9 (I.McT.C); 9. IX. 42, ex Zapus t. trinotatus, 2d", 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Berg Lake, Mt. Robson, 25. VII. 44, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, 1 d" (G.P.H.) Black Mt., ex Lepus americanus ssp., 1 9 (J.D.G.) Blanket Mt., 1.VIII.46, ex Zapus sp., 2 9 (G.P.H.) ; 1.VIII.46, ex Clethrionomys g. saturatus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Copper Creek, ex Phenacomys i. intermedius (G.P.H.) Cultus Lake, 6. VII. 45, ex Microtus oregoni serpens, Id", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Eagle Pass, 8.V.46, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 4 9 (G.P.H.) Field, 11. VIII. 44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, 4 9 (J.H.); 2. VIII. 44, ex Phenacomys intermedius, 1 9 (J-H.) Goodfellow Creek, 15.VIII.45, ex Microtus sp., 1 9 (G.C.C); 15.VIII.45, ex Pero- myscus m. ssp., 19 (G.C.C); 14.VIII.45, ex Neotoma c. occidentalis, 19 (G.C.C) Harrison Bay, 8.IV.41, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) KinbasketLake,6.VIII.43,ex0cfc0/0MG princeps ssp., 2d\ 1 9 (G.P.H.); 12.VIII.44, ex Neotoma c. ssp., Id" (G.P.H.); 6. VIII. 43, ex Zapus princeps idahoensis, Id" , 1 9 (G.P.H.); 9.VIII.44, ex Zapus p. idahoensis, 2tf, 3 9 (G.P.H.); 6.VIII.43, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, 2d", 1 9 (G.P.H.); 9.VIII.44, ex M. I. mordax, Id" (G.P.H.); 9.VIII.44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., Id", 1 9 (G.P.H.); 10.VIII.44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, 3>c?, 3 9 (G.P.H.); 10. VIII. 44, ex Phena- comys intermedius, Id", 2 9 (A.C.B.); 14. VIII. 44, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 2d" (A.C.B.) Manning Park, VIII. 45, ex "mouse", 19 (G.C.C) ; 21. VII.45, ex Eutamias sp., Id", 1 9 (G.C.C) Mons. 26. VIII. 32, ex Microtus richardsonii richardsonii, 1 9 (K.R.) Mt. Begbie, 8. VIII. 41, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Mt. Seymour, 27. VI. 44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 3 9, (G.P.H.); 27.VI.44, ex Peromyscus m. oreas, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Paradise Mine, 26.VIII.44, ex Phenacomys intermedius, 2 9 (G.P.H.); 27. VI 1.44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, 2c?1 (G.P.H.); 27. VIII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 19 (G.P.H.); 25.VIII.44, ex Ochotona p. princeps, Id" (G.P.H.); 26.VIII.44, ex Mustela frenata oribasa, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Peter's Lake, 28. VII. 43, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus. 2d", 1 9 (J.D.G.) Salmo, 27.V.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 9 (S. P. Crew) Silver Creek, 3.V.41, ex Peromyscus m. oreas, 2 9 (J.D.G.) Sugar Lake, 16.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Tenquille Lake, 30.VII.45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 19 (G.P.H.); 30.VII.45, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., Id", 4 9 (G.P.H.); VIII. 46, ex C. gapperi ssp., 2 9 (J.R.); 31. VII.45, ex Synaptomys borealis ivrangeli, Id" (G.P.H.); 30. VII. 45, ex Zapus sp., 19 (G.P.H.) Timberline Valley, ex Synaptomys sp. (G.C.C); ex Microtus r. richardsonii (G.C.C) Vancouver, ex Microtus oregoni serpens (H.D.F.); 24.IV.41, ex Rattus norvegicus, 1 9 (F.L.B.) 158 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Vavenby, 5.XI.37, ex Vulpes fulva, 1 9 (T.K.M.) Yahk, 24.IV.40, ex Citellus c. Columbian us, Id31 Alta.: Banff, 14. VII. 39, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 9 (J.D.G.); ex Phenacomys intermedins (I.McT.C.) Maligne Lake, 29. VII. 44. ex Clethrionomys g. saturatus, Id71 (I.McT.C); ex Microtus longicaudus mordax (I.McT.C); 24. VII. 44, ex Microtus p. drummondi, 19 (I.McT.C); 26. VII. 44, ex Phenacomys intermedins, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Specimens examined: 45 d\ 90 9 , including the type of M. adversus MAP 37 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of Megabothris acerbus (Jordan), M. atrox (Jordan), M. groenlandicus (Wahlgren), M. lucifer (Rothschild), M. obscurns n. sp., and M. quirini (Rothschild). MEGABOTHRIS ACERBUS (Jordan) (Plate XXXV, figs. 280, 281; Map 37) Ceratophyllus acerbus Jordan 1925, Nov. Zool. 32:111; text-fig. 43. Female from Canada (no exact locality) ex Tamias striatus. Ceratophyllus acerbus Jordan. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:170; text-fig. 5. Male described from Adirondack^, New York, ex Tamias striatus. Magabothris acerbus (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:77. The species is restricted to eastern North America, where it occurs on the eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus ssp. This mammal appears to be the true host, although all the other fleas of the genus Megabothris are more or less restricted to mice. New Canadian records: Ont.: Algoma, 24. VIII. 35, ex Tamias striatus prisons, 1 9 (CH.I).C) Brule Lake, 3. VI. 34, ex Tamias striatus griseus, Id71 (C.H.D.C); 6. VIII. 45, ex T. s. griseus, 1 9 (C.D.F.) Buckshot Lake, 21. VII. 32, ex "chipmunk", 1 d\ 1 9 (C.H.D.C) Simcoe, 22.VIII.34, ex "chipmunk", 1 9 (J.A.H.) Smoky Falls, Kapuscasing, ex "chipmunk", 3 9 (R.V.W.) Specimens examined: 3cf, 9 9. 159 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA MEGABOTHRIS ASK) ASK) (Baker) (Plate XI. II. fins. 349, 350) Ceratophyllus asio Baker 1<><>4. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,406-407,440. Described from the female, Wellesley, Massachusetts, ex "Megascops asio" (Otus asio). Ceratophyllus asio Baker. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:33; pi. 1. fins. 10, 11. Recorded from "field mouse", Ithaca, N.Y.. both sexes illustrated. Megabotkris asio I Baker). I. Fox 1939, Knt. Soc. Wash. Proc. 41 :47; pi. 6, fig. 3. Description of male. Trichopsylla [Trichopsylla) asio asio (Baker). Baker 1946, Journ. Kxpt. Med. 84(1):47. Recorded from Grosse Isle, Que., ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus. M. asio asio is confined to eastern North America, where it occurs on, and in the nests of, meadow mice. It is distinguishable from the western subspecies (M. asio megacolpus) by the shape of the moveable process of the male claspers. In the eastern race the apical expanded portion of this structure is more strongly rounded dorsally, and not produced posteriorly to the extent that is usual in a. megacolpus (cf. figs. 349 and 282). The females are more difficult to dis- tinguish, but in general, sternum VII is not so deeply incised in a. asio (cf. figs. 350 and 284). Aside from two females from Kawene, Ont., VIII. 45, ex Microtus sp. (A.C.B.) which may be of this subspecies or megacolpus, we have no new Canadian records. Specimens examined: .So71, 5 9. Figures from specimens received from Robert Traub (Vermont and Delaware). Type 9 examined (U. S. N. M.) MEGABOTHRIS ASIO MEGACOLPUS (Jordan) (Plate XXXV, figs. 282, 283; plate XXXVI, fig. 284; Map 36) Ceratophyllus megacolpus Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:33; pi. I, fig. 12. A single female, from Okanagan Landing, ex "Microtus drummondi" (M. pennsylvanicus d.). Megabothris megacolpus (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:77. Megabothris asio (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :201-202. Recorded under this name from Salmon Arm, B.C.. ex "mouse nest" (Specimen now in University of British Columbia collection.). Megabothris asio orectus Jordan 1938, Nov. Zool. 41:122; text-figs. 72,73. Both sexes from Ravalli Co., Montana, ex "mouse nest". Possible synonym. Topotypes from Oksnagan Landing, B.C., and a fair series of these fleas from other parts of the province indicate that megacolpus is a subspecies of asio Baker 1904, and possibly not different from asio orectus Jordan 1938. If topo- typical material of orectus shows no significantly constant differences from megacolpus then the former name will have to be suppressed as a synonym. Specimens from Saskatchewan and Alberta tally well with British Columbia material, and are listed here as megacolpus. The common meadow mouse, Microtus p. drummondi, appears to be the true host. Brown (1944:211) recorded u Trichopsylla asio asio" from Hanna, Alberta, ex Mustela sp. The writer examined, through Mr. Brown's kindness, the specimen, a female, from which this record was made, and feels that it is referable to megacolpus. New Canadian records: B.C.: Pemberton Meadows, VI 1 1. 45, ex Microtus sp., 19 (J.R.) Williams Lake, 7. IV. 44, ex nest of Microtus p. drummondi, 8d\ 12 9 (G.P.H.); 13.IV.44, ex nest of M. p. drummondi, 7d\ 16 9 (G.P.H.) Alta.: Chipewyan, 30. VIII. 45, ex Microtus sp., 1 cf (W.F.) Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 24. VI. 42, ex Microtus p. drummondi, 2rj\ 1 9 (G.P.H.) Estevan, 28. VI 1.42, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 1 9 (W.F.) Maple Creek, 22.V.44, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 1 9 (W.F.) Regina, 16.IX.43, ex Microtus sp., 1 9 (W.F.) N.W.T.: Fort Smith, 31.V.46, ex nest of Microtus, 1 cf (W.F.) Specimens examined: 21 cf, 36 9 , including the type 9 (U. S. N. M.), and 1 cf and 1 9 topotype. 160 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA MEGABOTHRIS ATROX (Jordan) (Plate XXXVI, figs. 285, 286; Map 37) Ceratophyllus atrox Jordan 1925, Nov. Zool. 32:112; text-figs. 45,46. Both sexes from "Blacktalls" (Blackfalds), Alta., ex Mustela. Megabothris atrox (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:77. This species is distinguished from all others of the genus by the large number of spines (26-29) in the pronotal ctenidium, this fact suggesting to Jordan that it might be a bird-flea. The male genitalia are very characteristic, the shape of the moveable process (fig. 285) suggesting affinity with M. asio. The lobe of sternum VII in the females is very slender and the sinus deep and broad, with a slight angle at about the midpoint of its contour (fig. 286). The species appears to be very rare. New Canadian record: N.W.T.: Big Buffalo River, Great Slave Lake, 27. VI. 46, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Specimens examined: 1 o", 2 9 (lcf , 1 9 part of the type series, presented by Dr. K. Jordan). MEGABOTHRIS GROENLANDICUS (Wahlgren) (Plate XXXVI, fig. 287; Map 37) Ceratophyllus groenlandicus Wahlgren 1903, Arkiv. for Zool. 1:183; pi. VII, figs. 1,2. A single male, from Kaiser Franz Joseph's Fjord, East Greenland, ex "Myodes torquatus" (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus). Megabothris groenlandicus (Wahlgren). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39: 77. Megabothris groeyilandicus (Wahlgren). Holland 1944, Can. Ent. 76(12) :244-245; figs. 6,7. A male recorded from Pangnirtung, Baffin Island, ex Lemmus trimucronatus. Redescribed and refigured. It is quite possible that the specimen described from Baffin Island is racially distinct from true groenlandicus, but Wahlgren's illustration of the male genitalia is not sufficiently detailed for certainty in this regard, and his specimen is not available for study. It is quite probable that groenlandicus or a subspecies of groenlandicus occurs on lemmings {Lemmus and Dicrostonyx) all across the arctic mainland of Canada, but at present, no collections from these mammals are available. The female remains unknown, but Megabothris immitis (which see) known only from the female, and collected also from a lemming may be closely related if not identical with groenlandicus. There are no new records of groenlandicus at hand. Specimens examined: Id". MEGABOTHRIS IMMITIS (Jordan) (Plate XXXVI, fig. 288) Ceratophyllus immitis Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:33-34; pi. I, fig. 13. A single female, from "Lat. 48045, Canada" ex "lemming, probably Dicrostonyx hudsonius" . Megabothris immitis (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:77. Dr. Jordan states (in litt.) that the collection site as quoted ("Lat 48045") is a typographical error and that the labels reads "Lat. 48° 45N., which would suggest the Adirondacks. However, as there are no true lemmings in these mountains, it may be that the label should have read Long. 48° 45', which would suggest Greenland. Possibly immitis is the female of groenlandicus. Subsequent collections from the Canadian northlands may unravel this mystery. Specimens examined: None, Figure after Jordan. MEGABOTHRIS LUCIFER (Rothschild) (Plate XXXVI, figs. 289, 290; Map 37) Ceratophyllus lucifer Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:170-171; pi. VI, fig. 12. Described from two females, from Red Deer, Alta., ex " Microlus drummondi" (M. pennsylvanicus d.). Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:77. Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Zeitsch. I. Parasitenk. 8(6):656; text-fig. 3. Male described, from Kamloops, B.C., ex "Microlus sp." (M. monlanus canescens). Study of a small series of males of M. lucifer in the Kamloops collection has revealed an interesting variation in the development of a certain seta on the moveable process of the claspers. 161 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Wagner's illustration of M. lucifer shows the moveable process as long, apically dilated, and with a long apical seta, and immediately below this, a stout, blunt spine. These features are constant in the specimens before the present writer. Posteroventrally the process is expanded, and has a strong, heavily pigmented spine located at the angle. Immediately above this is another seta, which, in our series, shows marked variation. It may be short and pointed as shown by Wagner (as in fig. 289 b) ; it may be heavier and pyriform like the upper short spiniform (fig. 289 a), or it may be reduced to a tiny hair (fig. 289 c). Expressing the development of this seta as a, b or c, as shown in the alter- natives illustrated, the left and right sides of the ten males of this species available to the writer may be expressed as follows: Locality Left Right Kamloops B.C. b— b — c+ c b- b " be Stanmore, Alta. c c " b b Estevan, Sask. a— a — a- b " a a " c c This type of variation is unusual in fleas, although Jordan (1938, Nov. Zool. 41:120) mentions and illustrates a similar case in Monopsyllus exilis. It is mentioned here as the point comes up again in the description of a new species, which follows. M. lucifer appears to be a rather rare species, and while it has been collected from a variety of mammals, the true hosts are probably microtines. In interior British Columbia it shows a special affinity for the grey vole, Microtus montanus canescens. New Canadian records: B.C.: Kamloops, 20. VII. 43, ex Mustela frenata ssp., 1 cf (H.D.F.) Alta.: Stanmore, V.40, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 2d" (S.P.Crew) Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 24. VI. 42, ex Microtus p. drummondi, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Estevan, 28. VI. 42, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 1 9 (G.P.H.) ; 28. VI. 42, ex Microtus pennsylvanicus drummondi, Id", 1 9 (G.P.H.); 23. VII. 42, ex M. p. drummondi, 2d" (G.P.H.); 28.VII.42, ex Citellus r. richardsonii, 1 9 (G.P.H.); 20.VII.42, ex Mustela frenata longicauda, Id", 2 9 (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: 10d" , 9 9 . MEGABOTHRIS OBSCURUS new species (Plate XXXVII, figs. 293, 294; Map 37) There are at hand two male fleas which apparently represent an undescribed species. They are from fairly widely separated localities and show certain small differences between each other which are ascribed to individual variation, cor- responding closely to the situation just described in Megabothris lucifer. Male. Quite distinct from all other known members of the genus, but showing closest relation- ship with M. quirini. Ocular row of four long setae. Frontal row of four or five short fine setae. Labial palpus slightly longer than fore coxa. Pronotal ctenidium with about nine spines per side. These spines are proportionately some- what shorter than is usual in the genus. Metanotum and abdominal targa I -1 1 1 with one or two apical spinelets each, per side. One long antepygidial seta on each side, and one or two rudi- mentary hairs. Immoveable process of clasper short and somewhat expanded apically, with about three terminal setae. Moveable process large, sub-rectangular. Two strong, pigmented spiniforms at the postero-ventral angle, the upper being short and blunt, and the lower, long and pointed. 162 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA At the posterior apical angle a long seta, and below this another seta, which in the holotype is short, pale and pointed (fig. 293) and in the single available paratype, pigmented, stout and blunt (fig. 294). The contour of F in the two specimens varies slightly too, as shown. The aedeagal crochets are characteristic, having a dorsal indentation, and tapering apically to a point. Sternum VII bears two or three long curved apical setae and a number of shorter ones along its ventral margin. From near the ventral apical margin of sternum VIII, on each side, arises a membranous appendage which extends dorsally and terminates in a fringe. A more extensively fimbriated portion of the membranous appendage extends posteriorly. The location of the marginal and lateral setae of tergum VIII (only the alveoli shown) as well as the shape of sternum IX and other details of the genitalia are shown in fig. 293. Holotype male from Yakima Co., Washington, ex burrow of Speotyto sp. (burrowing owl) received through the kindness of Dr. Wm. L. Jellison, and now deposited in the Collection of the Rocky Mountain Laboratory, Hamilton, Montana. Paratype male collected ten miles north of Stanmore, Alberta by the Sylvatic Plague Survey Crew (under the direction of John H. Brown) of the Department of Public Health of that province, source not recorded (probably either a mouse nest or a burrowing owl burrow) deposited in the Canadian National Collection. This specimen was not used as the holotype due to overclearing in the mounting, which resulted in distortion and the loss of certain setae. MEGABOTHRIS QUIRINI (Rothschild) (Plate XXXIV, fig. 276; plate XXXVI, fig. 291; plate XXXVII, fig. 292; Map 37) Ceratophyllus quirini Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:163-164; pi. VI, fig. 1. Males only, from Red Deer, Alta, ex "Evotomys gapperi" and "Evotomys saturatus" (both probably Clethrionomys gapperi loringi). Ceratophyllus querini (sic!) Rothschild. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:171. Mentioned trom British Columbia. Ceratophyllus querini (sic!) Rothschild: Jordan 1932, Nov. Zool. 38:253. Recorded from Atlin, B.C., ex "Microlus drummondi" (M. pennsylvanicus d.). Megabotkris quirini (Rothschild). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:77. Megabothris quirini (Rothschild). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern United States, p. 70; pi. XVII, fig. 87; pi. XVIII figs. 90,94. Female described. This mouse flea is widespread in North America, ranging from the Atlantic States to British Columbia, and northward into the Northwest Territories. Its distribution seems to correspond rather closely to that of Epitedia wenmanni, and like that species, it has not been recorded from the Pacific slopes, west of the Cascades. New Canadian records: B.C.: Lac la Hache, 7. VII. 42, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus columbiensis, 1 9 (G.C.C.); 12.X. 46, ex nest of T. h. columbiensis, 2cf, 2 9 (G.P.H.); 12.X.46, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, lcf (G.P.H.); 12.X.46, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Williams Lake, 7-13. IV. 44, ex nests of Microtus p. drummondi, 5d" , 5 9 (G.P.H.) Aha.: Aden, XI.40, ex Mustela frenata longicauda, 1 9 (J-G.) Chipewyan, VI-VIII.45, ex Clethrionomys gapperi athabascae, Id", 9 9 (W.F.); VI-VIII.45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 4 9 (W.F.) Elkwater, 6.VI.40, ex Sylvilagus nuttalli granger i, Id" (G.P.H.); 7. VI. 40, ex Zapus princeps minor, 4d" , 20 9 (G.P.H.); 7. VI. 40, ex Microtus p. insperatus, 1 d", 3 9 (G.P.H.); 7. VI. 40, ex Eutamias minimus borealis, lcf (G.P.H.) Sask.: Camsell Portage, 4. VIII. 45, ex Clethrionomys g. athabascae, Id" , 2 9 (W.F.) Carlyle Lake, 24.VI.42, ex Clethrionomys g. gapperi, 2d", 9 9 (G.P.H.); 23.VI.44, ex Microtus p. drummondi, 1 d" , 4 9 (W.F.) ; 19. VI. 44, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 19 (W.F.) Crackingstone Poinl, 12.VIII.45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 9 (W.F.) Cypress Hills, 12. VII. 42, ex Clethrionomys g. gapperi, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Emma Lake, 27.V.40, ex "cat", 1 a" (L.G.S.); 5.VI.40, ex Citellus franklmii, 1 a" (L.G.S.) Goldfields, 12.VIII.45, ex Microtus sp., 2 9 (W.F.) Regina, 18. IX. 43, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Ont.: Algoma, 16.VII.35, ex Mephitis m. mephitis, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.); 10.VIII.35, ex Ta- miasciurus hudsonicus hudsonicus, Id1, 1 9 (C.H.D.C); VIII. 35, ex Clethrio- nomys g. gappri, 2d", 3 9 (C.H.D.C); 1.IX.35, ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, lo* (C.H.D.C); 1.IX.35, ex Napaeozapus i. frutectanus, 1 d\ 1 9 (C.H.D.C); 5. IX. 35, ex Zapus sp., 2 9 (C.H.D.C); 8. VIII. 35, ex Eutamias minimus boredis, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, 29. VIII. 45, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (C.D.F.) Kawcne, VII.45, ex "chipmunk", 1 9 (A.C.B.) 163 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA \.\\ . r.: Big Buffalo R., 11. VI. 46, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Caribou Is., Greal Slave Lake, 26. VI. 46, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 cf1 (H.T.F.) Fori Smith, 31.V.46, ex m-st of Microtus, 1 9 (W.F.) Outpost Is.. Greal Slave Lake, 3.VII.45, ex Peromyscus, 1 9 (R.C.M.P.) Preble Is.. Great Slave Lake, 11.VII.46, ex Clethrionomys g. athabascae, 1 9 (W.F.) Specimens examined: 35 0", 80 9. MONOPSYLLUS Kolenati Genotype: Pulex sciurorum Schrank 1803 (Palaearrtic). Monopsyllus Kolenati 1857, Wien. Entomol. Monatschr. 1:65. Monopsyllus Kolenati. Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:78. Trichopsylla Kolenati. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:55-57 (partim). See diagnosis and discussion of Monopsyllus under Malaraeus, page 152. The genus is holarctic. Eight species, some of which have evolved into a number of recognizable subspecies are recorded for North America. Five species are known to occur in Canada. These, on the basis of the morphology of the spermatheca of the females are divisible into two groups, which also show dif- ferences in host preference. Three species (group 1) are common parasites of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus) and western chipmunks (Eutamias). The remainder (group 2), two species, one represented by three subspecies, occur on mice, particularly Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. in the western provinces and the far north. Most species of Monopsyllus will bite man readily. Key to the Canadian species and subspecies of Monopsyllus 1. Small pale fleas, usually on mice, especially Peromyscus d". F approx. same height as P, triangular, and armed with three black spines, two short ones above and a long one below, all grouped closely together. 9 . Spermatheca vermiform, and remarkable in that the tail portion is as wide, or wider than the head 2 Larger fleas, noticeably dark brown; on Tamiasciurus or Eutamias. a". F always much longer than P; variously shaped and armed. 9. Spermatheca proportionately shorter; head and tail well defined, the latter always narrower than the former 5 2. cf • Penis rods not completing a single turn ; spines of F pointed (PI. I, fig. 1, pi. XXXVIII, fig. 299). 9 . Sternum VII with pronounced lobe and sinus (fig. 300 a-h) thambus cf . Penis rods long and coiled up; spines of F blunt (figs. 303, 305, 307) 9 . Sternum VII entire, or with very small sinus (figs. 304, 306, 308) wagneri ssp. 3 3. Found west of the Cascade Mts. only. d". F broader than in the two following subspecies, and reaching well beyond P (fig. 305) 9. Constriction near head of spermatheca; tail much dilated (fig. 306). . .wagneri ophidius Found east of the Cascades only. cf. F and P of approximately equal length 9 . No marked constriction at anterior part of head of spermatheca; tail not so dilated. 4 4. Occurring from the Cascades to the Rockies. cf . Genitalia as in fig. 303 9 . Sclerotized portion of bursa copulatrix much longer than width of spermatheca (fig. 304) wagneri wagneri Found east of the Rocky Mountains only. d". F somewhat narrower, and the anterior margin more incurved (fig. 307) 9. Sclerotized portion of bursa copulatrix just equalling width of spermatheca (fig. 308) wagneri systaltus 164 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Found west of the Cascades only. d71. F produced backwards at apex, and armed with two short, blunt, stud-like spines (PI. XXXVII, fig. 295) 9. Head of spermatheca oval, and shorter than tail, Sternum VII with pointed lobe and deep sinus (fig. 296) ciliatus protinus Apparently occurring only east of the Cascades, cf . F sub-oblong, and without stud-like spines 9 . Head and tail of spermatheca of approximately equal length 6 Normally infesting Eutamias. d". F with three evenly spaced blunt spines, two short ones above a long one (fig. 297) 9. Head of spermatheca barrel-shaped. Sternum VII with pronounced blunt lobe (fig. 298) eumolpi eumolpi Normally infesting Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp. c?. F armed with three long, sharp, heavy setae (fig. 301) 9 . Head of spermatheca oval. Sternum VII with less lobar development (fig. 302) . .vison -> MAP 38 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of the squirrel-infesting species of Monopsyllus, M. ciliatus protinus (Jordan) and M. vison (Baker), superimposed on ranges of Tamiasciurus douglassi molli pilosus and T. hudsonicus ssp., as outlined by I. McT. Cowan. MONOPSYLLUS CILIATUS PROTINUS (Jordan) (Plate XXXVII, figs. 295, 296; Map 38) Ceratophyllus ciliatus protinus Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:34; pi. I, figs. 15,16. Both sexes from Sumas (type locality) B.C., ex Eutamias townsendii. Also other localities in B.C.; also from "Sciurus hudsonicus" {Tamiasciurus h, ssp., prob. Vancouver ensis) . Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:78. Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan). Wagner 1936, Can. Rnt. 68(9) :20(). Recorded from the following British Columbia localities: Gambier Island, "Joco" (loco) and Vancouver, ex Eutamias townsendii cooperi and "Sciurus douglassi cascadensis" {Tamiasciurus d. molli pilosus). While frequently taken on the various Pacific coast chipmunks, the present writer feels that the tree squirrels (Tamiasciurus) are more probably the true hosts of this flea, as it has been collet ted many times on Vancouver Island, where tree squirrels, but no chipmunks, occur. 165 THE SIPHOXAPTKRA OK ( 'AX ADA ex .C); 2. IX. 42, ex Tamiasciurus ; 15. IV. 40, ex Tamiasciurus sp., (J.D.G.) (L.C.C.) The type subspecies of ciliatus and another race ( M. c. mononis) arc not known in Canada. New Canadian records: B.C.: Allison Pass, 30.VII.4S, ex Tamiasciurus sp., 2d", 1 9 (G.C.C.) Alta Lake, 25. VIII. 44, ex Eutamias amoenus felix, 2 9 (I.McT.C.); 6. IX. 44, Mustela erminea fallenda, 1 cf , 19 (I.McT douglassi mollipUosus, 2d", 3 9 (I.McT.C.) Birken, 31. VII. 39, ex Eutamias sp., 2 cf (L.C.C.) ld\29 (G.P.H.) Black Mt., 5. VI 1.36, ex Lepus americanus ssp., 1 9 Chapmans, 20. VI. 39, ex Tamiasciurus sp., 2cf, 6 9 Cowichan Lake, V.I. , 16. 1 1 1.41, ex T. hudsonicus Vancouver ensis, 2 9 (J.H.); 16.1 1 1.41 ex Mustela erminea anguinae, 1 9 (J.H.); 22.11.41, ex Martes caurina Vancou- ver ensis, 19 (J.H.) Cultus Lake, 30.V.42, ex Eutamias townsendii, lc?1, 5 9 (D.L.); 1.XI.36, ex Tamia- sciurus douglassi mollipUosus, 3 9 (D.L.) Harrison Bay, ex T. douglassi mollipUosus (J.D.G.) ; 14.X.42, ex Spilo gale gracilis olympica, 2d1, 5 9 (G.P.H. ); 23.IV.42, ex man, 19 (J.D.G.); 14.X.42, ex Glaucomys sabrinus ssp., Id1 (G.P.H.) Hope, 24. VII. 35, ex T. douglassi mollipUosus, 1 9 (J.D.G.) Huntingdon, 1.X.40, ex T. douglassi mollipUosus, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Kew Beach, 23.VIII.37, ex T. douglassi mollipUosus, 2d1, 1 9 (J.D.G.) Malahat, V. I., 5. VIII. 34, ex T. hudsonicus Vancouver ensis, 2d1 (J.D.G.) Manning Park, 21. VII. 45, ex Tamiasciurus sp., 1 cf (G.C.C.) Nanaimo, V. I., 5. VIII. 44, ex Per omyscus sp., 1 cf (H.D.F.) New Westminster, III. 41, ex Eutamias townsendii, 3cf , 3 9 (I.McT.C.) Silver Creek, 3.V.34. ex Peromyscus m. oreas, 1 9 (J.D.G.); 4.V.40, ex "girl's ankle", 1 9 (J.D.G.); 19.X.45, ex Eutamias t. cooperi, 1 d\ 2 9 (J.D.G.) Steelhead, 6.VI.34, host not recorded, Id1, 1 9 (K.G.) Tenquille Lake, 1. VI 1 1. 45, ex Glaucomys sabrinus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Vancouver, 19.11.43, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 cf (H.D.F.); 1.XI.40, ex Spilogale gracilis olympica, 3cf , 1 9 (I.McT.C); 3.X.43, ex man, 1 9 (H.D.F.) Specimens examined: 45 cf, 75 9 . WW>: # Q DOMINION OF CANADA MAP 39 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of Monopsyllns eumolpi eutnolpi (Rothschild), super- imposed on the range of western chipmunks, Eutamias spp., after Howell 1929. MONOPSYLLUS EUMOLPI EUMOLPI (Rothschild) (Plate XXXVII, figs. 297, 298; Map 39) Ceratophyllus eumolpi Rothschild 1905, Nov. Zool. 12:161-162; pi. VI, figs. 2-4. Both sexes from Banff, Red Deer and "Canadian National Park" (Banff), Alta.. ex "Tamias borealis" {Eutamias minimus borealis); from Hospital Creek, Golden, B.C., ex "chipmunk" (Eutamias) , and Okanagan, ex "Eutamias quadrivittatus affinis" (E. amoenus affinis). 166 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Ceratophyllus eumolpi eumolpi Rothschild. Jordan 1932, Nov. Zool. 38:253. Recorded from Atlin, B.C., ex "Microtus drummondi" (M. pennsylvanicus d.). Monopsyllus eumolpi (Rothschild). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:78. Monopsyllus eumolpi (Rothschild). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :200. Recorded from British Columbia as follows^ Stump Lake, Pass Lake, Black Pines, Kamloops, Cold Creek, Nicola, "Green Lake Mt." (Greenbush Lake), all ex Eutamias amoenus affinis and Rutland ex squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus streatori). Monopsyllus eumolpi (Rothschild). Holland 1944, Ent. Soc. B.C. Proc. 41:8. Note on distribution, plague import- ance, etc. Two subspecies of M% eumolpi are recognized. These, and the closely related M. fornacis Jordan and M. eutamiadis Augustson appear to be true parasites of western chipmunks (Eutamias). Monopsyllus e. eumolpi is probably coincident with the range of Eutamias in Canada, with the exception of the lower Pacific coast mainland where, oddly enough, it does not seem to occur. These fleas are nearly black in colour. New Canadian records: B.C.: Allison Pass, 28.VII.45, ex Clethrionomys g. ssp., 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Alta Lake, 11. IX. 40, ex Eutamias amoenus felix, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Aspen Grove, 21. VIII. 34, ex Eutamias amoenus affinis, Id", 1 9 (G.J.S.) Berg Lake, 26. VII. 44, ex Eutamias amoenus ludibundus, Id*, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Birken, 30. VI 1.39, ex Eutamias sp., 2 9 (L.C.C.) Boston Bar, 6. VII. 35, ex Eutamias sp., Id" (J.D.G.) Brilliant, 22. VIII. 44, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Canford, 28. 1 1 1.40, ex Eutamias amoenus affinis, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Cascade, 8. VI. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 d\ 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Chapmans, 24. VI. 39, ex Eutamias, 1 9 (L.C.C.) Clearwater, 26. VII. 32, ex Eutamias sp., 2d1, 3 9 (T.K.M.) Copper Creek, 8.V.42, ex Ochotona p.fenisex, 1 9 (G.P.H.); 9.V.42, ex Eutamias sp., 5d\4 9 (G.P.H.) Cranbrook, 9. VI. 36, ex Eutamias sp., 1 d\ 1 9 (T.K.M.) Creston, 22.V.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, Id" (S.P.Crew) Douglas Lake, 1. VI 1.43, ex Eutamias a. affinis, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Eholt, 15. VI. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, Id" (S.P.Crew) Field, 1. VIII. 40, ex C. c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Heffley Creek, 8. VII. 37, ex nest of Eutamias a. affinis, Id1, 3 9 (J.D.G.) Invermere, 11. VII. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, Id" (S.P.Crew) Kinbasket Lake, 4.VIII.43, ex Eutamias sp., 3cf, 4 9 (G.P.H.) Knutsford, 21.VII.40, ex Eutamias a. affinis, Id", 2 9 (G.P.H.) Lower Arrow Lake, 3. VII. 34, ex Eutamias sp., 2d", 1 9 (D.C.) Manning Park, 21. VI. 45, ex Eutamias sp., 2d" (G.C.C.) Mt. Begbie, 7. VIII. 41, ex Eutamias a luteiventris, (G.P.H.) Nakusp, IX. 44, ex Eutamias sp., Id", 1 9 (G.C.C.) Nulki Lake, ex Eutamias sp., 2d1, 1 9 (J. A.M.) Osoyoos, 28. VI. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, Id", 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Paradise Mine, 25. VIII. 44, ex Eutamias minimus selkirki, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Rayleigh, 16. VII. 37, ex Eutamias a. affinis, 19 (G.P.H.); 5. II. 41, ex nests of Tamiasciurus h. streatori, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Rock Creek, 24. VI. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Roundtop, 13. VII. 31, ex Eutamias sp., 2 9 (T.K.M.) Sirdar, 23.VIII.44, ex Eutamias sp., 3d", 3 9 (G.P.H.) Sugar Lake, ex Eutamias sp., (G.P.H.); 16.V.42, ex Tamiasciurus h. streatori, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Tenquille Lake, 1.VIII.45, ex Eutamias sp., Id", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Tranquille, 20. VII. 34, ex Mustela frenata ssp., 1 9 (D.C); VII. 33, ex Eutamias a. affinis, 2 a", 12 9 (D.C) Trinity Valley, 13. VIII. 36, ex man, 1 9 (K.G.) Vavenby, ex Eutamias sp., Id", 1 9 (T.K.M.) Wasa, 4.V.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus Id", 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Wigwam, ex Eutamias sp. (G.P.H.); 9. VI. 39, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 d" (G.P.H.) Windermere, 24. VI. 40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Yahk, 24.IV.40, ex Citellus c. columbianus, 2 9 (S.P.Crew) Alta.: Blackfalds, 21. VI. 40, ex Eutamias minimus borealis, 7d", 12 9 (G.P.H.) Elkwater, 7. VI. 40, ex Zapus princeps minor, 1 d" (G.P.H.); 7. VI. 40, ex Eutamias m. borealis, 2d", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 23. VI. 42, ex Eutamias m. borealis, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Pike Lake, 20.VII.32, ex Eutamias sp., 1 9 (L.G.S.) Saskatoon, 20.IV.45, ex Eutamias sp., 6d", 8 9 (W.F.) 167 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Ont.: Biggar Lake, 24.VII.35, ex Eutamias m. ssp., Id", 3 9 Kawene, VIII.45, ex Eutamias sp., 7 d" . 15 9 (A.C.B.) Pancake Bay. Algoma, 14. VII. 35, ex Eutamias m. borealis, 19d\ 24 9 (C.H.D.C.) Specimens examined: Large series <>i both sexes. MAP 40 Ceratophyllidae:Ceratophyllinae. Locality records of the mouse-infesting species of Monopsyllus, M. thambus (Jordan), M. wagneri wagneri (Baker), M . wagneri ophidius (Jordan) and M. wagneri systaltus (Jordan). MONOPSYLLUS THAMBUS (Jordan) (Plate I, fig. 1; plate XXXVIII, figs. 299, 300; Map 40) Ceratophyllns thambus Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:36; pi. II, fig. 21. A single male, from Red Deer, Alta., ex Lynx sp. Ceratophyllus bakeri Wagner 1935, Mit. aus den. Zoolog. Mus. in Berlin 18(3) :352-353; fig. 13. A single female from Killinek, Labrador, ex "hausmaus" (Peromyscus?) new synonymy. Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:78. Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan). Holland 1944, Can. Ent. 76(12) :244; figs. 4,5. Recorded from Reliance, Northwest Territories, ex mouse "probably Mus musculus" and Pevomyscus m. borealis. Female described and probable synonymy with M. bakeri pointed out. Further collections of this flea from northern Canada confirm the synonymy with M. bakeri in the writer's opinion. Mice, especially Pevomyscus appear to be the true hosts of this flea, which is closely related to M. wagneri of more temperate regions. It is probably one of the commonest mouse-fleas across the Sub-Arctic of Canada. New Canadian records: Sask.: Crackingstone Point, 12.VIII.45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2d" , 3 9 (VV.F.) Fond du Lac, 16. VI 1. 45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2 9 (W.F.) N.W.T. : Gros Cap, Great Slave Lake, 17. VII. 46, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 9 (W.F.) N. shore, Great Slave Lake, 20.VIII.44, ex Peromyscus sp., Id" , 2 9 (P.L.) McLeod Bay, Great Slave Lake, 17.VIII.44, ex Peromyscus sp., 2 9 (P.L.) Outpost Island, Great Slave Lake, 3. VII. 45, ex Peromyscus sp., 3d71, 4 9 (R.C.M.P.) Fort Liard, 1 1 1.45, ex Peromyscus sp., 3d1, 6 9 (R.C.M.P.) Fort Rae, 27.IV.45, ex Peromyscus sp., 1 d\ 2 9 (R.C.M.P.) Pearson Point, 18. VII. 46, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 3c?, 4 9 (H.T.F.) Wildbread Bay, 21.VIII.46, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 4 9 (W.F.) Yellowknife, 19. VI 1.44, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 9 (P.L.) Specimens examined: 180", 39 9 . MONOPSYLLUS VISON (Baker) (Plate XXXVIII, figs. 301, 302; Map 38) Ceratophyllus vison Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,408-410,448. Both sexes from Peterboro, New York, ex "Putorius vison" (Mustela vison). Also from Orono, Maine, ex "Sciurus hudsonicas" (Tamiasciurus h.). Ceratophyllus lucidus Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388,410-411.444; pi. XX, figs. 5-9. Synonym, fide Jordan (1929:35). 168 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Ceratophyllns vison Baker. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:35. Mentioned as occurring in Alberta and British Columbia. Monopsyllus vison (Baker). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:78. Monopsyllus vison (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :199-200. Recorded from British Columbia as follows: Nicola Ranges, Riske Creek, Chilcotin, Rutland, "Fish -Lake" (Lac le Jeune), Pass Lake, Black Pines and "Green Lake Mt." (Greenbush Lake), all ex "Sciurus hudsonicus strealoris" {Tamiasciurus h. streatovi) and Monte Creek, ex "Putorius arizonensis" (Mustela frenata ssp.). Megabothris vison (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 72-73; pi. XIX. figs. 95,98,99. While named after a mink, the true hosts of this common flea are un- doubtedly the various races of Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. Its distribution appears to be very nearly governed by the occurrence of these squirrels. In Canada, M. vison is known from Ontario westward to central British Columbia, where it stops at the Cascade Mountains, like so many other fleas. Northward, it extends well into the Northwest Territories. The Vancouver Island squirrel (T. hudsonicus Vancouver ensis) does not carry this flea, but is infested with Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus, like the Pacific coast chickaree, Tamiasciurus douglassi mollipilosus. M. vison shows affinities with the Palaearctic M. sciurorum, which also infests tree squirrels. New Canadian records: B.C.: Allison Pass, 30. VII. 45, ex Tamiasciurus sp.. 4 9 (G.C.C.) Berg Lake, 25. VII. 44, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 1 o" (G.P.H.) Brilliant, 22. VII. 44, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., Id", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Chilcotin, 1 1 1.41, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 2d", 3 9 (G.P.H.) Cranbrook, 23. VIII. 44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (G.C.C.) Emperor Falls, Robson, 29. VII. 44, ex Ochotona p. princeps, Id" (G.P.H.) Field, 14.VIII.44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (J.H.) Hanceville, 27. III. 41, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 5 9 (G.P.H.) Kamloops, ex T. hudsonicus streatori (G.P.H.) Kinbasket Lake, 4.VIII.42, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2d", 7 9 (G.P.H.) Kootenay Park, VII. 45, ex Martes americana ssp., Id" (J.A.M.) Kuskonook, 23.VIII.44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id" (G.P.H.) Lac la Hache, 19. VI. 38, ex T. hudsonicus columbiensis, Id" (G.A.M.); 3. VII. 42, ex Glaucomys s. columbiensis, 2d" (G.C.C.) Manning Park, 21. VII. 45, ex Tamiasciurus sp., 2d" (G.C.C.) Nakusp, IX. 44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id", 1 9 (G.C.C.) Nulki Lake, V.45, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id", 1 9 (J.A.M.) Paradise Mine, 27. VIII. 44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id", 1 9 (G.P.H.) Puntchesakut, 12.V.44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id", 2 9 (J.A.M.) Quesnel, 23. VIII. 43, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2d", 3 9 (M.S.) Quilchena, 10. VII. 35, ex T. hudsonicus streatori, Id" (J.D.G.) Rayleigh, 21. IX. 39, ex T. hudsonicus streatori, Id", 5 9 (G.P.H.) Redstone, 28. 1 1 1.41, ex T. hudsonicus ssp.| 1 9 (G.P.H.) Riske Creek, 29.VII.43, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., \tf, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Salmon Arm, 7. VIII. 39, ex man, 7d\ 3 9 (E.R.B.) Springhouse, 11.X.46, ex nest of T. hudsonicus ssp., Id" (G.P.H.) Sugar Lake, 16.V.42, ex T. hudsonicus streatori, 1 d" (G.P.H.) Sullivan River, 13. VIII. 44, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., Id" (G.P.H.) Takla Lake, 20. XII. 37, ex Tamiasciurus h. columbiensis, 5 9 (J.F.S.F.) Tatla Lake, 5. 1 1 1. 41, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id1, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Tiltzarone Lake, 5. IX. 44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (J.A.M.) Timberline Valley, 2. VIII. 45, ex Phenacomys sp., 1 9 (G.C.C.) Tranquille, 30. VII. 33, ex T. hudsonicus streatori, Id" (D.C.) Vavenby, 20.IV.33, ex T. hudsonicus streatori, 1 9 (T.K.M.) Wigwam, ex T. hudsonicus ssp. (G.P.H.); 9. VI. 39, ex Citellus c. columbianus, Id" (G.P.H.) Alta.: Banff, 28. V.45, ex T. hudsonicus ssp. (I.McT.C.) ; 3. V.45, ex Citellus lateralis tescorum, 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Blackfalds, 23. VI. 40, ex T. hudsonicus preblei, 4d", 3 9 (G.P.H.) Chipewyan, VI-VIII.45, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 6d\ 16 9 (W.F.); 27. VII. 45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 9 (W.F.); 1.IX.45, ex Falco columbarius, 1 9 (W'.F.) Fidlcr Point, 21. VIII. 45, ex Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp., 4 9 (VY.F.) Jasper Pk., 1.VI.44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id" (I.McT.C.) Lake Athabaska, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2 9 (W.F.) Waterton, 24. VI. 38. ex T. hudsonicus richardsonii, Id" (G.P.H.) 169 I UK SIPIIONAPTKRA OF CANADA Sask.: Carlyle Lake, 18.VII.44, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Emma Lake, 27.V.40, ex cat, 1 9 (L.G.S.) Goldfields, 6.VHI.45, ex '/'. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Ont.: Algoma, L0.IX.35, ex Mustela v. vis on, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.); 8.VIII.35, ex Mephitis m. mephitis, 1 cT (C.H.D.C); 1(>.VIII.35, ex Peromyscus m. gracilis, 1 9 (C.H.D.C.) 3.VIII.35, ex Clethrionomys g. gapperi (C.H.D.C); VI 1.35, ex Tamiasciurus h. hudsonicus ssp., 28 c?, 35 9 (C.H.D.C.) Biggar Lake, 27. VIII. 32, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 cf (C.H.D.C.) Brule Lake, 16.VI.34, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id" (C.H.D.C); 28.VII.34, ex Blarina brevicauda talpoides, 2d\ 3 9 (C.H.D.C); 3.VII.34, ex man, 1 9 (C.H.D.C) Kawene, VII. 45, ex "chipmunk", 1 cf1 (A.C.B.) Pottageville, 12. VII. 32, ex Sciurus carolinensis leucotis, 2 c? (C.H.D.C) Que.: Lac le Grand Fourche, 25.VIII.34, host not recorded, 1 9 (C.R.T.) St. Anne de Bellevue, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2cf , 1 9 N.W.T.: Caribou Island, Great Slave Lake, 26. VI. 46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., Id" (H.T.F.) Jones Point, Great Slave Lake, 2. VI 1.46, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 2d", 4 9 (W.F.) Reliance, 16. VI 1.36, ex T. hudsonicus ssp., 1 9 (C.H.D.C) Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes, including the type d" (LT. S. N. M.) MONOPSYLLUS WAGNERI (Baker) M. wagneri is the dominant flea of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus ssp.) in many parts of western Canada, particularly in areas at low altitude. While Peromyscus occurs also in the sub-alpine regions of the mountains, it is usually infested with other species of fleas. As mentioned elsewhere, and shown in the keys, three subspecies of wagneri are recognizable, all occurring in Canada. MONOPSYLLUS WAGNERI WAGNERI (Baker) (Plate XXXVIII, figs. 303, 304; Map 40) Ceratophyllus wagneri Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:387,405-406,448; pi. XV, figs. 3-7. Males from Moscow, Idaho, ex "Peromyscus leucopus" (P. maniculatus ssp.) and "house mouse" (Mus musculus) . Ceratophyllus peromysci Stewart 1928, Can. Ent. 60:148-149; pi. XIII, figs. 1,2. Female from Cortez, Colorado, ex Peromyscus. Synonym, fide Stewart (1930:152). Ceratophyllus wagneri wagneri Baker. Jordan 1929, Nov. Zool. 35:35. From British Columbia. Monopsyllus wagneri (Baker). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:78. Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker). Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :200. Recorded from Aspen Grove, ex Pero- myscus and Monte Creek, ex "Putorius arizonensis" (Mustela frenata ssp.), both in British Columbia. Megabothris wagneri (Baker). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 71-72; pi. XIX, figs. 96,97. Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker). Holland 1942, Murrelet 23(2):60. Recorded from Penticton, B.C., ex Reithro- dontomys megalotis nigrescens. This, the type subspecies, is geographically restricted to the territory lying between the Cascade Mountains in the west and the foothills of the Rockies (east slopes) in Alberta in the east. To the west it is replaced by M. w. ophidius, which is the most readily recognized of the three subspecies, there being good characters in both sexes for identification. In the east it is replaced by M. w. systaltus, to which it is nearer akin. The females may be distinguished by the character of the bursa copulatrix, but the males are almost impossible to de- termine with certainty, although one may rely upon geographical distribution a great deal. All fleas of the wagneri complex seem to be commonest during the summer months. New Canadian records: B.C.: Birken, 29. VII. 39, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 2c?1, 6 9 (L.C.C.) Bouchie Lake, ex Peromyscus m. ssp. (J. A.M.) Cawston, 25.V.45, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 3d1, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Chapmans, ex Peromyscus m. ssp. (G.P.H.) Copper Creek, 8.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 7d", 16 9 (G.P.H.); 8.V.42, ex Phena- comys i. intermedius Eagle Pass, 8.V.46, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 15d", 27 9 (G.P.H.) Goodfellow Ck., 18. VIII. 45, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 2d" (G.C.C.) 170 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Kamloops, 14. III. 41, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 4c? (G.P.H.); IV.44, ex P. m. artemisiae, 26c?, 27 9 (G.P.H.); 19. VI. 41, ex Mustela frenata ssp., 2c?, 19 (G.P.H.) Kelowna, 8. IV. 40, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 5 c? , 14 9 (G.P.H.) Kinbasket Lake, 4.VIII.43, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 10c?, 10 9 (G.P.H.); 9.VIII.44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 14c?, 19 9 (G.P.H.); 6. VIII. 43, ex Microtus longicaudus mordax, 1 c? (G.P.H.) Knutsford, 21. III. 40, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 8c?, 5 9 (G.P.H.) Lac la Hache, ex Peromyscus m. ssp. (G.C.C.) Nicola, 27. III. 40, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 3c?, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Nulki Lake, ex Peromyscus m. ssp. (J.A.M.) Okanagan Landing, 10.VIII.40, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 2c? (G.P.H.) Paradise Mine, 25. VIII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 3 9 (G.P.H.); 27. VIII. 44, ex Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus, 1 c? (G.P.H.) Penticton, IV. 42, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, 1 c? (G.P.H.) Quesnel, 17.VIII.43, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 2c?, 3 9 (M.S.) Rayleigh, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae (G.P.H.) Redstone, 2. VI. 41, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., lc?, 2 9 (G.P.H.) 70-Mile House, 15. VI. 44, ex Peromyscus m. artemisiae, lc?, 4 9 (G.P.H.) Tulameen, 7.V.42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 17 c?, 28 9 (G.P.H.) Vavenby, 9.IV.40, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 c? (J.D.G.); 16.IV.40, ex Mustela frenata ssp., lc? (J.D.G.); VIII.43, ex child, 1 c? (T.K.M.) Williams Lake, IV.44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 33c?, 14 9 (G.P.H.) Alta.: Banff, 14. VII. 39, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 9 9 (J.D.G.) Waterton, 24. VI. 38, ex Mustela erminea cicognani, 7c?, 9 9 (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: Large series, of both sexes, including the type c? (U. S. N. M.) MONOPSYLLUS WAGNERI OPHIDIUS (Jordan) (Plate XXXVIII, figs. 305, 306; Map 40) Ceratophyllus wagneri ophidius Jordan 1929. Nov. Zool. 35:36; pi. II, fig. 20. Both sexes from San Francisco (type locality) and San Mateo, California, ex "Putorius xanthogenys" (Mustela frenata x.). This subspecies is apparently confined to the Pacific coast region, west of the Cascades, from California, north through Oregon and Washington, and now is recorded for the first time in Canada, from coastal British Columbia, including Vancouver Island. Just how far up the coast it occurs is not known at present. New Canadian records: B.C.: Allison Pass, 28. VII. 45, ex Peromyscus m. sso., lc?, 1 9 (G.C.C.) Alta Lake, ex Peromyscus m. oreas, 2 9 (I.McT.C.) Chapmans, 30. IX. 42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Chilliwack, 19.V.43, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 9 (I.D.G.) Cultus Lake, 6.VII.45, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 4c?, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Departure Bay, V. I., 10. IX. 44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., lc?, 4 9 (H.D.F.) Forbidden Plateau, V. I., 20. VIII. 43, ex Peromyscus m. interdictus, 1 9 (G.C.C.) Gleneagles, ex Peromyscus m. austerus (J.D.G.) Harrison Bav, 4.V.40, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, 1 c?, 9 9 (G.P.H.) Nanaimo, V.I., 7. VIII. 44, ex Sorex sp., 1 9 (H.D.F.) ; 5. VIII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 4 9 (H.D.F.) Silver Creek, 26.IV.40, ex Peromyscus m. areas, 7c?, 7 9 (J.D.G.); 31.V.41, ex P. m. oreas, 4c?, 5 9 (J.D.G.); 31.VI.41, ex Sorex sp., 1 c? (J.D.G.); 26.IV.42, ex P. m. oreas, 13c?, 7 9 (J.D.G.) Vancouver, 27.IV.33, ex Peromyscus m. austerus, lc?, 19 (G.J.S.); 1.XI.40, ex Spilogale gracilis olympica, lc?, 19 (I.McT.C.) Specimens examined: 53c?, 60 9 . MONOPSYLLUS WAGNERI SYSTALTUS (Jordan) (Plate XXXVIII, figs. 307, 308; Map 40) Ceratofihyllus wagneri systaltus Jordan 1029, Nov. Zool. 35:35; pi. II, fig. 19. Both sexes from "Blackfalls" (Blackfalds type locality) Alta., ex mouse, probably Peromyscus and Red Deer, Alta., ex "Peromyscus arcticus" (P. maniculatus borealis) . Monopsyllus wagneri systolus (sicl) Jordan. Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :200. This subspecies is of wide distribution in Alberta and Saskatchewan, extend- ing northwards into territory bordering the range of M. thambus (Jordan). An extensive series from Alberta and Saskatchewan shows the short bursa copulatrix character (fig. 308) very consistently. 171 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA New Canadian records: Alt. i.: Calgary, VII.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, lc?, 1 9 (S. P. Crew I Chipewyan, 12.VI.45, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, la", 2 9 (W.F.) Elkwater, 7.\'I.4(), ex Zapus princeps minor, 1 9 (G.P.H.); 7. VI. 40, ex P. m, osgoodi. 6o\ 2 9 (G.P.H.) Lethbridge, ll.VI.40, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 5d\ 4 9 (G.P.H.) Manyberries, 4. \ 1 .40, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 4 c?1, 5 9 (G.P.H. J Medicine Hal, 6.VI.40, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 3d\ 10 9 (G.P.H.) Milk River, 26.V.40, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 1 c?\ 13 9 (G.P.H.) Stanmore, V.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 4c? (S.P.Crew); 9. VII. 40, ex Speotyto, 1 cf (S. P. Crew) Sunnynook, 8. VI 1.40, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 9 (S.P.Crew) Waterways, ex Peromyscus m. borealis (W.F.) Sask.: Carlyie Lake, 25.VI.42, ex Peromyscus m. borealis, 1 d\ 2 9 (G.P.H.); 26.VI.42, ex Thomomys talpoides rufescens, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Ceylon, 4. VII. 42, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 3 9 (G.P.H.); 4. VII. 42, ex Onychomys leucogaster missouriensis, 4cf , 9 9 (G.P.H.) Dundurn, 28.V.43, ex C. r. richardsonii, 1 cf (S.P.Crew) Eastend, 11. VII. 42, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, lcf, 6 9 (G.P.H.) Estevan, 21. VII. 42, ex Mus musculus, 1 9 (G.P.H.); 28. VI. 42, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 3cf , 4 9 (G.P.H.); 23.VII.42, ex Microtus p. drummondi, 1 9 (G.P.H.) Indian Head, 31. VIII. 44, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 3 9 (S.M.) Maple Creek, 13. VII. 42, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 3 9 (G.P.H.) Regina, 18. IX. 43, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 2 9 (W.F.); 25. IX. 43, ex Pero- myscus sp., 1 c? (W.F.) Rock Glen, 10. IX. 42, ex Onychomys I. missouriensis, 1 9 (W.F.) Saskatoon, 3.X.42, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Shepleys Is., 11.X.43, ex Peromyscus m. ssp., 1 o71 (W.F.); 11.X.43, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., 1 9 (W.F.) Val Marie, 5.VII.42, ex Peromyscus m. osgoodi, 6d\ 9 9 (G.P.H.); 8.VII.42, ex Mus musculus, lef1, 2 9 (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: 56 cf, 118 9 , including 10c? and 4 9 topotypes. NOSOPSYLLUS Jordan Genotype: Pulex fasciatus Bosc d'Antic 1801 (Palaearctic: now cosmopolitan) Nosopsyllns Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:76-77. Eyes well developed. Fore femur with a number of lateral setae. Inside of bases of mid and hind coxae without long thin setae. Males with sternum VIII vestigial (PL XXXIX, fig. 310). A narrow sinus in ventral arm of sternum IX. No heavily pigmented spines on F. Females with long sclerotized duct on bursa copulatrix, the upper end of which is rolled up in a spiral (fig. 311). Spermatheca with large head, strongly rounded above; tail narrower, and curled up around the head. A palaearctic genus, containing several species, mostly normal parasites of Rattus spp. Two species have become introduced to North America. One of these, N. londiniensis (Rothschild) has been recorded only from California. The other, N. fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) is more widespread, and well known in Canada. NOSOPSYLLUS FASCIATUS (Bosc d'Antic) (Plate XXXIX, figs. 309, 310, 311; Map 34) Pulex fasciatus Bosc d'Antic 1801, Sci. Soc. Philom. Bui. 2:156. Cevatophyllus fasciatus (Bosc). Wagner, 1898, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. 31:559-562; pi. VIII, figs. 7,10. Ceratophyllus califomicus Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:387,395-396,440; pi. XVII, figs. 5-8. Synonym, fide Jordan (1929:33). Ceratophyllus oculalus Baker, 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:387; 396-397,445; pi. XIX, figs. 10-14. Synonym, fide Jordan (1929:33). Ceratophyllus canadensis Baker 1904, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 27:388; 407-408,440; pi. XX, figs. 1-4. Female, from Ottawa, Canada. Synonym, fide Jordan (1929:33). Ceratophyllus fasciatus (Bosc). Jordan and Rothschild 1921, Ectoparasites 1:178-184; text-figs. 165 a, b, 166. Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc). Jordan 1933, Nov. Zool. 39:76-77. Neopsylla (sic!) fasciatus (Bosc). Spencer 1936, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 32:14. Recorded from British Columbia, ex Norway rat. Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 37:2-4. Tabulation of sylvatic plaguelsurvey crew collections for 1939 in British Columbia. Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic). Holland 1944, Ent. Soc. B. C. Proc. 41:11. Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc). Baker 1946, Journ. Expt. Med. 84(1):47. Recorded from Grosse Isle, Quebec, ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus . 172 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA N. fasciatus, the European rat flea, is well established in Canada, where its occurrence is governed by the distribution of introduced European and Asiatic rats. The black rat, Rattus r. rattus and the roof rat, Rattus r. alexandrinus are still comparatively rare, and are chiefly confined to seaport towns. However, the common brown or Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus, is (unfortunately) well established over considerable territory, and quite definitely increasing. It is very common in the lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia, and all along the Pacific coast, including Vancouver Island and probably the Queen Charlottes, where it has followed man. While it favours garbage dumps, warehouses, restaurants and human habitations, it is not entirely dependent upon man by any means. The writer has seen these rats running wild in the woods near Chilliwack, in Stanley Park (Vancouver) and in the famous Butchart gardens in Victoria. R. norvegicus does not appear to have become established in the interior of British Columbia to any extent, or in Alberta, but the sanitation authorities of Saskatchewan have noted a steady influx of these undesirable rodents during the last two decades. They have entered the southeast of that province, from Manitoba, and are migrating and spreading to the west and north, following the railroads, and becoming more and more securely settled in the grain elevators and garbage dumps of southern prairie towns. At Estevan, Sask., the writer noted them in large numbers in a garbage dump just south of the town, and within ten miles of the plague focus discovered in North Dakota in 1941, in association with the Richardson ground squirrel, Citellus r. richardsonii (Holland 1944:5-12). In fact, ground squirrel fleas (Oropsylla rupestris) were collected on the rats here. Conversely, Nosopsyllus fasciatus, the rat flea, was found on native white-footed mice at Regina. Rats appear to be well established in most of the large centres of population in Eastern Canada, especially seaport towns, and it may be assumed that the flea N. fasciatus is coincident with their distribution. New Canadian records (from plague survey files): B.C.: Burnaby, ex Rattus norvegicus Chilliwack, ex R. norvegicus and Sorex sp. Courtenay, V.I., ex R. norvegicus Duncan, V.I., ex R. norvegicus Nanaimo, V.I., ex R. norvegicus Ocean Falls, ex R. norvegicus Port Alberni, V.I., ex R. norvegicus Port Moody, ex R. norvegicus Powell River, ex R. norvegicus, "mice", and Tamiasciurus douglassi mollipilosus Prince Rupert, ex R. norvegicus Roberts Creek, ex R. norvegicus Steveston, ex R. norvegicus Surrey, ex R. norvegicus Victoria, V.I., ex R. norvegicus White Rock, ex R. norvegicus Sask.: Estevan, ex Rattus norvegicus Regina, ex Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. Saskatoon, ex R. norvegicus Ont.: Ottawa, ex R. norvegicus Que.: Kirk's Ferry, ex "rat" Specimens examined: large series, of both sexes, including the types ( 9 ) of " Ceratophyllus cana- densis" and "C. calif or nicus'' (U. S. N. M.) Subfamily D. LEPTOPSYLLINAE Rothschild 1915 The genera included herein the Leptopsyllinae have usually, in the past, been associated with the Hystrichopsyllidae rather than the Ceratophyllidae. This has been due principally to difference of opinion as to the importance of the fracticipit head-capsule character. However, the presence of apical spinelets 173 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA on the posterior margin of the metanotum, the flat pygidium, and the presence of an apodemal rod, extending anteriorly from the angle of sternum IX, as well .is other characters, indicate them to be fundamentally more closely akin to the latter family, as considered here. Head "helmet-shaped" (figs. 312, 316), with a distinct interantennal suture evident in both sexes. Some of the setae along the frontal margin modified into "spiniforms". Eyes much reduced. A vertical genal ctenidium of two or four spines in the North American genera (many more spines in some Old World genera). Hind tibia (fig. 313) with an even, comb-like row of strong bristles along the posterior margin. No spinelets on inside of hind coxae. The subfamily is represented by two genera in North America, one in- troduced, one indigenous. LEPTOPSYLLA Jordan and Rothschild Genotype: Pulex musculi Duges 1832 (a synonym of Pulex segnis Schonherr 181 1 (palaearctic) Ctenopsyllus Kolenati 1863, Horae Soc. Ent. Ross. 2:37. Leptopsylla Jordan and Rothschild 1911, Nov. Zool. 18:85 (= Ctenopsyllus Kolenati 1863, preoccupied by Ctenopsyllus Kolenati 1857). Leptopsylla Jordan and Rothschild. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:92-93. In addition to the characters given for the subfamily — ; two heavily pig- mented spine-like setae at frontal angle. Genal ctenidium of four well developed spines. Four lateral and one proximal submedian pair of plantar bristles on all tarsi V. There has been controversy over the name Leptopsylla Jordan and Rothschild in preference to Ctenopsyllus Kolenati. Ewing and Fox (1943:93) review the situation. Palaearctic. One species is present in North America, where it was in- troduced many years ago with invasions of domestic rats and mice. ■ L. SEGNIS • P. HESPEROMYS PACIFIC © P. RAVALLIENSIS MAP 41 Ceratophyllidae:Leptopsyllinae. Locality records of Leptopsylla segnis (Schonherr), Peromyscopsylla hesperomys pacifica n. ssp., and P. ravalliensis (Dunn). LEPTOPSYLLA SEGNIS (Schonherr) (Plate XXXIX, figs. 312, 313, 314, 315; Map 41) Pulex segnis Schonherr 1811, Kong. Vet. Acad. Nya Handl. 32:98-101, with figs. Ctenopsyllus segnis ''Schonherr). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 88-90; pi. 24, figs. 122-126. Ctenopsyllus segnis /cch6nherr). Holland 1941, Ent. Soc. B. C Proc. 37:13. Recorded from Kelowna, British Columbia, ex Mus miisculus. 174 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA This introduced flea is well known in various areas of the United States, where it occurs on its true host ( Mus musculus) as well as on Rattus. While many hundreds of domestic mice and rats have been collected and examined for parasites in Canada, oddly enough, there have been no further records of this flea. Specimens examined: 4cf , 4 9. PEROMYSCOPSYLLA I. Fox Genotype: Ctenopsyllus hesperomys Baker 1904 Peromyscopsylla I. Fox 1939, Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 41:47-48. Peromyscopsylla I. Fox. Ewing and Fox 1943, U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 500:90. Like Leptopsylla but with two genal spines instead of four. These spines vary in relative size, according to species. Anterior margin of head with a series of setae of which two to four at the frontal angle are somewhat thickened and more heavily pigmented, and usually referred to as "spiniforms". Hind tibia with comb-like bristles as in Leptopsylla. Holarctic (in the original description considered as only Nearctic). At present about a dozen species and subspecies have been described from North America, although there is some doubt as to the validity of one or two of them. In Canada, five species are known. These may be determined by the following key: Key to the Canadian species of Peromyscopsylla 1 . Upper genal spine longer than lower 2 Lower genal spine as long as, or longer than, upper 4 2. Genal process short and concealed beneath upper genal spine (PI. XL, fig. 328). Two frontal spiniforms hamifer hamifer Genal process visible above, and extending more distad than upper genal spine (figs. 316, 319, 325, 331). Three or four frontal spiniforms 3 3. Saskatchewan and westward. cf • With about seven longish setae on posterior margin of sternum VIII (fig. 332) 9 . Normally three antepygidial setae selenis Ontario and eastward. cf. About two long setae on posterior margin of sternum VIII (fig. 326) 9 . Normally four antepygidial setae catatina 4. Frontal spiniforms three (fig. 319). d". Usually two long setae at upper apical lobe of sternum VIII (fig. 320) 9 . Sternum VII very deeply incised (fig. 324 a-e) hesperomys pacifica n. ssp. Frontal spiniforms typically four (fig. 316). c? . About four long setae at upper apical lobe of sternum VIII (fig. 317) 9. Sternum VII highly variable in contour; moderately to deeply incised (fig. 318 a- j) ravalliensis %J^ ^ DOMINION OF CANADA MAP 42 Ceratophyllidae:Leptop8yllinae. Locality records of Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan), P. hamifer hamifet (Rothschild) and P. selenis (Rothschild). 175 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA PEROMYSCOPSYLLA CATATINA (Jordan) Plate XL, (ins. 325, 326, 327; Map 42) LeptopsyUa catatina Jordan l <> 2 s . Nov. Zool. 34; 186-187: text fig. 10. Female, from Rolling Rock Club, Ligonier, Penna., ex Didelphis virginiana. LeptopsyUa catatina Jordan. Jordan 1°2(), Nov. Zool. 35:171; text-fig. 6. Male described. From Adirondack Mts., \rw York, i'\ Parascalops breweri, Blarina brevicauda and Microtus pennsylvanicus. Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan). I. Fox 1940, Fleas of Eastern U. S. pp. 87-88; pi. XXII, figs. 110,114.115. PeromyscopsyUa catatina (Jordan). Baker 1946, Journ. Kxpt. Med. 84(1 ):47. Recorded from Grosse Isle, Que., ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus. Err. det. sec P. h. hamifer. The species appears to be confined to eastern North America, where it is found on a variety of hosts. New Canadian records: Ont.: Algoma, 3.VIII.35, ex Microtus c. chrotorrhinus, 2 d\ 1 9 (C.H.D.C); 22.VIII.35, ex Tamiasciurus h. hudsonicus, 1 cf (C.H.D.C); IX. 35, ex Napaeozapus insignis frutectanus, 2d", 1 9 (C.H.D.C); 5. IX. 35, ex Clethrionomys g. gapperi ssp. lo" (C.H.D.C) Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, 29. VIII. 45, ex Clethrionomys gapperi ssp., Id", 19 (C.D.F.) Specimens examined: 7c? , 3 9. PEROMYSCOPSYLLA HAMIFER HAMIFER (Rothschild) (Plate XL. figs. 328, 329. 330; Map 42) Ctcnopsyllus hamifer Rothschild 1906. Can. Ent. 38:324-325; text-fig. 44. Male, from "Blackfalls" (Blackfalds). Alta., ex Mustela sp. LeptopsyUa hamifer hamifer (Rothschild). Jordan 1937, Nov. Zool. 40:265-266. LeptopsyUa hamifer hamifer (Rothschild). Jordan 1939, Nov. Zool. 41:319-320; text-fig. 271. Compared with L. h. longiloba. Sternum VII figured. PeromyscopsyUa catatina (Jordan). Baker 1946, Journ. Expt. Med. 84(1) :47. Recorded under this name from Grosse Isle, Que., ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus. Author's note: erroneous determination. Major Traub showed me the specimens on which this record was based. They are undoubtedly hamifer ssp. P. hamifer is distinguished from all other known (Nearctic) members of the genus by the fact that it bears but two frontal spiniforms; the concealment of the genal process; and the apically dilated moveable process of the clasper in the male. (In all other species, this structure is more or less straight on its anterior margin, and semicircular on the posterior margin). The subspecies P. h. vigens occurs in Montana, and may yet be found in southern Canada. P. h. longiloba (known only from females) was collected at Valdez Creek and Fairbanks, Alaska. It too may occur in Canada, in the far north. The speci- mens recorded here (tentatively) as belonging to the type subspecies should be compared with the types in the British Museum, as they may be racially distinct, representing an undescribed subspecies. New Canadian records: Ont.: Charlton, 18. XII. 34, ex Mustela erminea ssp., 1 cf (E.D.) Smoky Falls, Kapuscasing, 11. XI. 37, ex Microtus p. pennsylvanicus, 1 9 (R.V.W.) Specimens examined: ?>cP , 3 9. PEROMYSCOPSYLLA HESPEROMYS PACIFICA new subspecies (Plate XL, figs. 319, 320, 321, 324 a-e; Map 41) A series of nine pairs of fleas, all collected from Peromyscus in various localities in the southern coastal region of British Columbia, while very close to P. hespe- romys (Baker), known only from the eastern United States, show sufficiently constant differences in both sexes to warrant separation as a western subspecies. A pair of these fleas was submitted to Dr. Karl Jordan, to be compared with specimens of true hesperomys in the Museum at Tring. The differences pointed out by Dr. Jordan are found to be uniform in the series in the collection of the writer. 176 THE ORDER SIPHONAPTERA Somewhat smaller than P. h. hesperomys (about one-fifth smaller). Three (rarely four) of the setae along the frontal margin shortened and pigmented, becoming "spiniforms". Chaetotaxy of remainder of pre-frontal region as in fig. 319. Male. Moveable process of clasper a little less than twice as long as broad (holotype 28.5:14; paratypes from 31:17-27:14, average proportions 29.05:15.67). \n P. h. hesperomys the moveable process is more than twice as long as broad (three males from Ithaca, N.Y., are 40:17, 42:17, and 41.5:17 and with the tip somewhat broader (fig. 322). Sternum VIII more deeply sinuate in the new subspecies, the upper lobe bearing normally two (rarely three) long setae, rather than three or four as in true hesperomys. The lower lobe may have one or two subapical setae on either side. Details of sternum IX, etc., as shown in fig. 320. Normally three antepygidial setae on each side. Rarely three on one side and four on the other. Female. Sternum VII deeply sinuate (fig. 324 a-e), the upper lobe being proportionately broader than is usual in true hesperomys. The lower lobe is rounded at the apex, whereas in P. h. hespe- romys it is normally truncate-sinuate (fig. 324 f). Four antepygidial setae on each side. Holotype male from the University of British Columbia campus, Vancouver (type locality), 3.X. 43, ex Peromyscus maniculatus austerus (type host), coll. H. D. Fisher. Allotype female, same locality and host data, 31. III. 40, coll. G. J. Spencer, No. 5719 in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa. Paratypes: 1 d\ 5 9, same locality and host data, 31.111.40 (G.J.S.), 11.X.43, (J.H.), 29.1.44, (H.D.F.), 24.XI.44, (H.D.F.), 20.1.45, (H.D.F.) 2d1, 1 9 Harrison Bay, British Columbia, 3. XI. 40, ex Peromyscus m. austerus (G.P.H.) Id", Mariwood Lake, Vancouver Island, B.C., 1.IX.43, ex Peromyscus m. interdictus (G.C.C.) 1 9 , Mt. Seymour (near Vancouver), B.C., 27. VI. 44, ex Peromyscus m. oreas (G.P.H.) 4d\ 1 9 , Silver Creek (near Hope), B.C., 31.V.41, ex Peromyscus m. oreas (J.D.G.) Examination of two pairs of paratypes of Peromyscopsylla hemisphaenum Stewart (described 1940, from Monterey Co., California) leads the writer to believe that it too should be considered as a subspecies of hesperomys. Chaetotaxy and other essential character tally well. It is smaller again than P. h. pacifica, and the finger (F) still smaller and slightly broader in proportion to length (22:12 in both specimens, see fig. 323). In the females, the sinus of sternum VII appears to be shallower, and with the ventral lobe somewhat truncate as in P. h. hesperomys (fig. 324 g-h). Hubbard (1940) has recorded ''hesperomys11 from Washington, Oregon and California. These specimens should be checked with hemisphaerium and pacifica. PEROMYSCOPSYLLA RAVALLIENSIS (Dunn) (Plate XXXIX, figs. 316, 317, 318; Map 41) Ctenopsyllus ravalliensis Dunn 1923, Pub. Hlth. Repts. 38:2768:2770,2775. Both sexes from Tin Cup Creek and Spoon Creek, S. W. of Darby, Montana, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp. Ctenopsyllus rawailliensis (sic!) Dunn and Parker. Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :205; pi. II, fig. 10. Recorded one female from Vavenby, B.C., ex Neotoma cinerea occidentalis . Sternum VII and spermatheca figured. Woodrats (Neotoma) appear to be the true hosts of this species. We have a small series of both sexes from British Columbia, all from Neotoma, or other mammals collected in rockslides frequented by woodrats. There is apparently great variation in the contour of sternum VII in the female (fig. 318 a-j). Both sides of the specimen studied by Wagner (1936) are shown too, for comparison (fig. 318, i and j). The species is very close to hesperomys. New Canadian records: B.C.: Kinbasket Lake, 7.VIII.43, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp., 1 d\ 2 9 (G.P.H.); 12. VIII. 44, ex Neotoma cinerea ssp., 1 rj\ 3 9 (G.P.H.); 9.VIII.44, ex Peromyscus mani- cutatus ssp., 1 9 (G.P.H.) Paradise Mine, 26.VIII.44, ex Neotoma cinerea occidentalis, 2c? (G.P.H.) Sullivan River, 13. VIII. 44, ex Ochotona princeps ssp., 2? (G.P.H.) Specimens examined: 6 c? , 7 9, plus a series of 3c? and 7 9 from Montana, Idaho and Colorado, loaned by Wm. L. Jellison. 177 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA PEROMYSCOPSYLLA SELENIS (Rothschild) (Plate XL, figs. 331, 332, 333; Map 42) ClenoPsyUus selenii Rothschild 1906, Can. Ent. 38:322-324, text fig, 43. Male from H ■ >r -«- Creek, Upper Cplumbia Valley, 1-ir it ish Columbia, ex "Peromyscus canadiani" (Peromyscus maniculatus asp., probably borealis) and "Microtus drummondi" (M. pennsylvanicus «/.), Balckfalds, Alta.. ex "kangaroo mouse" {Zapus sp.). Females from Kicking Aforse Canyon, B. C, ex "Evotomys x/ipprn" {Clcthrionomys gapperi saturates) and Red 1 >eer, Alta.. e\ "Ecotomys £ 1 1 . Nov. Zool. 18:88. MyodopsyUa Jordan and Rothschild. Ewing and Fox W43. r. S. 1). A. Misc. Pub. 500:100. Preantennal region with a large clear unsclerotized area. Maxillae truncate. Ventral Baps truncate (PI. XLI, fig. 337). Metanotum and abdominal terga [-VU with false combs, formed by closely grouped stout dorsal setae (fig. 338). antepygidial setae present. Holarctic. Three valid species and one doubtful one are known at present in North America. Two of these occur in Canada, one of widespread distribution across most of the Dominion, the other apparently confined to British Columbia. Key to the Canadian species of MyodopsyUa Males. 1. F compact and roughly triangular. Clasper with two or three long marginal setae immediately below F (PI. XLII, fig. 343) gentilis F produced apically into a slender process. Posterior margin of clasper with fringe of about six curved, strong setae (fig. 340) insignis Note: the females of MyodopsyUa do not appear to have fully reliable distinguishing characters. See discussion of species. DOMINION OF CANADA MAP 44 Ischnopsyllidae. Locality records of the bat -fleas MyodopsyUa gentilis Jordan and Rothschild and M. insignis (Rothschild). MYODOPSYLLA GENTILIS (Jordan and Rothschild) (Plate XLI, fig. 339; plate XLII, figs. 343, 344; Map 44) MyodopsyUa gentilis Jordan and Rothschild 1921, Ectoparasites 1:152; text-fig. 131. Both sexes from Okanagan Landing, B.C., ex "bat". MyodopsyUa gentilis appears to be a fairly common species, and is well known in the western United States as well as Canada. In Canada it has not been recorded east of the Rocky Mountains. It is most frequently taken on My otis spp. According to the original description the female of this species is very close to that of M. insignis but "the head of the receptaculum seminis appears to be a little shorter and the tail slightly longer than in insignis". This character does not appear to be reliable in our material; in fact, sometimes the reverse seems to be the case. As the ranges of the two species overlap in part, definite determinations should not be made on the strength of females alone. The males are very distinct. 180 THE ORDER SILHONAPTERA New Canadian records: B.C.: Cowichan Lk., V.I., 3. VI. 39, ex Myotis sp., 2d\ 12 9 (J.H.) Duncan, V.I., 4 VI. 40, ex Myotis lucifugus alascensis, 1 o", 5 9 (I.McT.C.) Massett, Q.C.I. , 10.VII.46, ex Myotis lucifugus ssp., 1 9 (C.J.G.) Moresby Is., Q.C.I., 27. VIII. 46, ex Myotis yumanensis saturatus, 1 cf (C.J.G.) Tetana Lake, 3. VI. 39, ex Myotis lucifugus alascensis, 1 d\ 3 9 (J.F.S.F.) Vancouver, 3. IX. 40, ex "bat", 1 cf1 Vernon, 30. IX. 41, ex Myotis lucifugus alascensis, 2 ci", 1 9 (I.McT.C.) Specimens examined: 13cf, 27 9. MYODOPSYLLA INSIGNIS (Rothschild) (Plate XLI. figs. 337, 338; Plate XLII, figs. 340, 341, 342; Map 44) Ceratopsylla insignis Rothschild 1903, Nov. Zool. 10:319; pi. 9, figs. 8-10. Both sexes from Waterloo, Ont., ex "Myode lucifugus" (Myotis I.). Ceratopsyllus crosbyi Baker 1905, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 29:137. Synonym, fide Ewing and Fox (1943:101). Myodopsylla subulata Chapin 1919, Bui. Brook. Ent. Soc. 14:55-58. Synonym, fide Jordan and Rothschild (1921:151) Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild). Jordan and Rothschild 1921, Ectoparasites 1:151; text-figs. 129,130. Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild). Jameson 1943, Journ. Mammal. 24(2) :195. Recorded from Welland Co., Ont. ex Myotis I. lucifugus This appears to be one of the commonest and most widely distributed of the North American bat-fleas. In Canada it is known from Ontario to British Columbia. New Canadian records: B.C.: Exeter, 30.VII.46, ex "little brown bats", 11 6% 149 (L.J.) Meldrum Creek, VI.46, ex "bat", 1 d\ 2 9 (L.J.) Alta.: Blackfalds, 22. VI. 40, ex Eptesicus fuscus pallidus, 2d", 5 9 (G.P.H.) Sask.: Crackingstone Pt., Lk. Athabaska, 12.VIII.45, ex Myotis sp., 2d\ 3 9 (W.F.) Ont.: Brule Lake, Algonquin Pk., 19.VII.45, ex Myotis lucifugus, 3 9 (C.D.F.) Fletcher, 28. VIII. 35, ex Myotis keeni septentrionalis, 9d\ 15 9 (E.D.) Frank's Bay, L. Nipissing, VII. 35, ex "bats", 3tf, 3 9 (J.R.D.) Gananoque, 16. VIII. 34, ex "brown bat", 1 cf , 3 9 ; 5. VII. 35, ex Myotis lucifugus, 5 9 : 12. VII. 35, ex Myotis, sp., 9c?, 24 9 (G.C.T.) Spencerville, 6. VI. 35, ex Myotis lucifugus, 1 9 (G.H.H.) Specimens examined: 52 cf, 93 9 . MYODOPSYLLOIDES Augustson Genotype: Myodopsylloides piercei Augustson 1941 (a synonym of Ceratopsylla palposus Rothschild 1904) Myodopsylloides Augustson 1941, S. Cal. Acad. Sci. Bui. 40(2) :104. Like Myodopsylla, but lacking false combs on the metanotum and abdomen. Abdominal terga slightly incrassate dorsally, and bearing a few apical spinelets (fig. 346). A Nearctic genus, containing one known species, M. palposa, which, up to the present has been erroneously allocated to the genus Rhinolophopsylla Oudemans. Dr. Karl Jordan informs the writer (in litt.) that the species palposa does not belong to true Rhinolophopsylla, which is apparently strictly palaearctic, but is, in actuality, a Myodopsylla without abdominal combs, and that it could, with justification, be placed in a genus by itself. Augustson, in describing Myodopsylloides piercei, has provided a suitable name for this genus, but his specific name is a synonym of M. palposus. 181 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA MYODOPSYLLOIDES PALPOSUS (Rothschild) (new combination) (Plate XI.ll. figs. .U.S. 346, 347, 348; Map 43) eratopsylla palposus Rothschild 1904, Nov. Zool. 11:652-653. Described from the female, collected at "Cowicham, Demeans" (Cowichan, Duncan, \". I.). British Columbia, ex "brown bat". Rhinoiophopsylla palposus Rothschild. Wagner 1936, Can. Ent. 68(9) :206. Female recorded from Vancouver, H ( ex "Eptesicus i htscus" (£. /. barnardinus). Rh$nolophopsylla palposus Rothschild. Wagner ll>4(). ZeitSCh. f. Parasitenk. 1 1 (4):463-464; text-figs. 1,2. Description of male from Kamloops. B.C., ex " EptestCUS f. fuscus" (E. f. barnardinus). MyodopsyUoides pirrcex Augustson 1M41. S. Cal. Acad. Sci. Bui. 40(2): 104-105; pi. 7, figs. 1-5. (New synonym). Through the courtesy of Dr. C. Andresen Hubbard, the writer has had the opportunity of examining a pair of M. piercei, and comparing them with British Columbia specimens of palposus. There is no doubt as to the synonymy. The species appears to be confined to extreme western North America. New Canadian records: B.C.: Manning Park, 13.VIII.45, ex Eptesicus fuscus, 1 9 (G.C.C.) Trinity Valley, nr. Vernon, 24.VII.46, ex "brown bat", 5 ? (D.K.C.) Specimens examined: 2c?, 9 9, including the allotype (cf )• 1X2 HOST-FLEA INDEX The following index of the fleas infesting mammals and birds pertains only to Canada, and is limited to actual records, new or published, up to December 31, 1946. While there are, in addition, a number of cases where flea-host associations may be predicted with certainty, these are not included. For example, the only fleas listed from Aplodontia r. rufa are Dolichopsyllus stylosus and Epitedia scapani, even though Trichopsylloides oregonensis and Hystrichopsylla schefferi are known to occur in Canada, and to be true parasites of that mammal. The only actual records we have of these latter fleas are from a mink, which presum- ably had preyed upon a ''mountain beaver", or which had picked up the fleas while investigating the burrow of that animal. For further details on flea-host relationships, see p. 23. Host nomenclature is corrected, interpreted, or otherwise brought up to date in this list. Names as supplied in original records are mentioned under the discussion of each species of flea. Species considered to be true parasites of particular genera or species of host are marked with an asterisk (*); doubtful relationships are indicated by a query ( ?). Accidental records, obviously due to predation or habitat association, are not marked. Nomenclature and sequence of the mammals follows Anderson (1946); of the birds, Taverner (1934) and the American Ornithologists' Union Check List, Fourth Edition (1935). CLASS MAMMALIA Order INSECTIVORA Family Talpidae Townsend's mole, Scapanus townsendii (Bachman) *Corypsylla ornata C. Fox Epitedia scapani (Wagner) Scheffer's mole, Scapanus orarius schefferi Jackson Catallagia chamberlini Hubbard Epitedia scapani (Wagner) *Corypsylla ornata C. Fox ? Nearctopsylla jordani Hubbard Hairly-tailed mole, Parascalops breweri (Bachman) ? Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker ? Hystrichopsylla tahavuana Jordan ?Doratopsylla blarinae C. Fox Gibbs' shrew mole, Neiirotrichus gibbsii gibbsii (Baird) Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) Epitedia scapani (Wagner) *Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata (Wagner) * Nearctopsylla jordani Hubbard ?Corypsylla ornata C. Fox Star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata cristata (Linnaeus) ? Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker Family Soricidae Long-tailed shrews, Sorex spp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) *Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan) *Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata (Wagner) Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d 'Antic) ?Doratopsylla blarinae C. Fox Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Epitedia scapani (Wagner) * Nearctopsylla genalis hygini (Rothschild Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Cinereus shrew, Sorex cinereus ssp. ? Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker * Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) Hay den's shrew, Sorex cinereus haydeni (Baird) *Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild) 183 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA [Yowbridge shrew, Sorex trowbridgii trowbridgii Baird Epitcdui scapani (Wagner) Vancouver Island shrew, Sorax vagrans vancouverensis Merriam *Corrodopsylln curvata obtusata (Wagner) Dusky shrew. Sorex obscurus ssp. * Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) I hiskv shrew, Sorex obscurus obscurus Merriam *Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild) Short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda talpoides (Gapper) fCorrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) tCtenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) *Doratopsylla blarinae C. Fox Saphiopsylla bishopi (Jordan) ?Hystrichopsylla tahavuana Jordan Order CHIROPTERA Family Vespertilionidae Little brown bat, Myotis sp. * Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Rothschild * Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild) Mouse-eared bat, Myotis lucifugus ssp. * Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Rothschild * Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild) Common mouse-eared bat, Myotis lucifugus lucifugus (LeConte) * Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild) Pacific mouse-eared bat, Myotis lucifugus alascensis Miller * Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Rothschild Miller's mouse-eared bat, Myotis yumanensis saturatus Miller * Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Rothschild Trouessart's mouse-eared bat, Myotis keeni septentrionalis (Trouessart) * Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild) Silver-haired bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans (LeConte) *Eptescopsylla vancouverensis (Wagner) Big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus ssp. * Myodopsylloides palposus (Rothschild) Pacific big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus bernardinus Rhoads * Myodopsylloides palposus (Rothschild) Pale big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus pallidus (Young) * Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild) Order PRIMATES Family Hominidae Man, Homo sapiens ssp. (species of fleas recorded from man's person, or established in his home— Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank) Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild) Ctenocephilides canis (Curtis) Ctenocephilides felis felis (Bouche) Dasypsyllus gillinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Hystrichopsylla sp. Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) ?Pulex irritans Linnaeus X enopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) Order CARNIVORA Family Procyonidae Pacific raccoon, Procyon lotor pacifica Merriam Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche) Family Ursidae American black bear, Euarctos americanus ssp. *Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild) Grizzly bear, Ursus sp. *Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild) *Arctopsylla ursi (Rothschild) Thrassis spenceri Wagner 184 HOST-FLEA INDEX Family Canidae Fox, Vulpes sp. Hoplopsyllus glacialis glacialis (Taschenberg) Red fox, Vulpes fulva group Ctenocephalides cants (Curtis) Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Kit fox, Vulpes velox hebes Merriam Pulex irritans Linnaeus Continental arctic fox, Alopex lagopus innuitis (Merriam) Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker) "Canis sp." Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) Coyote, Canis latrans group *Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild) Pulex irritans Linnaeus Megarthroglossus sicamus Jordan and Rothschild Thrassis spenceri Wagner Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) Domestic dog, Canis familiar is * 'Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) * Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche) Family Mustelidae Pine marten, Martes americana ssp. ? Ceratophyllus tundrensis Holland Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) ? Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) Rectofrontia f rater na (Baker) ?Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) Vancouver Island Marten, Martes caurina Vancouver ensis Grinnell and Dixon Hystrichopsylla sp. ?Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Fisher, Martes pennanti pennanti (Erxleben) Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) Weasels, Mustela spp. Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild) Neopsylla inopina Rothschild Megabothris atrox (Jordan) Opisodasys keeni (Baker) Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) ?Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Nearctopsylla genalis hygini (Rothschild) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Nearctopsylla genalis laurentina Jordan and Rothschild Peromyscopsylla hamifer hamifer ? Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) (Rothschild) Short-tailed ermine, Mustela erminea ssp. Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) Foxella ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild) Nearctopsylla genalis hygini (Rothschild) Hystrichopsylla sp. Nearctopsylla genalis laurentina Jordan and Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Rothsch. Megabothris atrox (Jordan) Peromyscopsylla hamifer hamifer (Rothschild) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Vancouver Island ermine, Mustela erminea anguinae Hall Hystrichopsylla sp. Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Tundra weasel, Mustela erminea arctica (Merriam) ? Ceratophyllus tundrensis Holland Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker) Bonaparte weasel, Mustela erminea cicognanii Bonaparte Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) Southwestern British Columbia coast ermine, Mustela erminae fallenda Hall Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Richardson's ermine, Mustela erminae richardsonii Bonaparte ? Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) Long-tailed weasels, Mustela frenata ssp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) Foxella ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild) ? Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) ? Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Oropsylla idakoensis (Baker) 185 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) Prairie long-tailed weasel, Mustela frenata longicauda Bonaparte Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Neopsylla inopina Rothschild Malaraeus euphorbi (Rothschild) Opisocrostis labis (Jordan and Rothschild Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild) Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) ? Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) Thrassis bacchi (Rothschild) Nevada long-tailed weasel, Mustela frenata nevadensis Hall Foxella ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Bangs' long-tailed weasel. Mustela frenata oribasa (Bangs) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) ? Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) Mink, Mustela vison ssp. ? Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild) ? Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) Eastern mink, Mustela vison vison Schreber Monopsyllus vison (Baker) British Columbia mink, Mustela vison energumenos (Bangs) Hystrichopsylla sp. Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild) Hystrichopsylla schefferi Chapin Trichopsylloides oregonensis Ewing ? Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) Wolverine, Gulo luscus ssp. *Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild) Thrassis spenceri Wagner Pnget Sound spotted skunk. Spilogale gracilis olympica (Elliot) Atyphloceras multidentatus (C. Fox) Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) ? Hystrichopsylla spinata n. sp. Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan) Hystrichopsylla schefferi Chapin Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild) Megarthroglossus procus Jordan and Rothschild Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Northeastern striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis mephitis (Schreber) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) Puget Sound striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis spissigrada Bangs Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) American badger, Taxidea taxus taxus (Schreber) Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) Opisocrostis labis (Jordan and Rothschild) Pulex irritans Linnaeus Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) Family Felidae Domestic cat, Felts domestica * Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) * Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche) Lynx or bob-cat, Lynx sp. Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Megarthroglossus sicamus Jordan and Rothschild Pulex irritans Linnaeus Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan) Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis canadensis Kerr *Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild) Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker) Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild) Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan) Hoplopsyllus glacialis glacialis (Taschenberg) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Barred bob-cat, Lynx rufus fasciatus Rafinesque Hoplopsyllus glacialus lynx (Baker) Order RODENTIA Suborder DITLICIDENTATA Family Ochotonidae Pikas, Ochotona princeps ssp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) ? Megarthroglossus spenceri Wagner Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis (Dunn) Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) 186 HOST- FLEA INDEX Rocky Mountain pika, Ochotona princeps princeps (Richardson) *Amphalius necopinus (Jordan) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) * Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Shuswap pika. Ochotona princeps brooksi Howell * Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Cascade pika, Ochotona princeps brunnescens (Howell) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Bangs' pika, Ochotona princeps cuppes (Bangs) *Amphalius necopinus (Jordan) * Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) Ashnola pika, Ochotona princeps fenisex (Osgood) Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) ^Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Family Leporidae Arctic hares, Lepus arcticus group *Hoplopsyllus glacialis glacialis (Taschenberg) White-tailed jack rabbit, Lepus townsendii campanius Hollister Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) Pulex irritans Linnaeus European hare, Lepus europaeus europaeus Pallas Cediopsylla simplex (Baker) Varying hares, Lepus americanus group *Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Megabothris abantis (Bothschild) "Bush rabbits" (Lepus americanus ssp. ?) ?Hoplopsyllus glacialis glacialis (Taschenberg) Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) *Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker) British Columbia varying hare, Lepus americanus columbiensis Rhoads *Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker) Mackenzie varying hare, Lepus americanus macfarlani Merriam ?Hoplopsyllus glacialis glacialis (Taschenberg) *Hophpsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker) Hares, Lepus spp. * Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker) Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild *Hoplopsyllus affinis (Baker) Opisocrostis tuber culatus tuber culatus (Baker) "Tame rabbit", Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus) Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) Cottontail rabbits, Sylvilagus spp. * Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker) Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) *Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker) Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild) Mearns' cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus mearnsi (Allen) ^Cediopsylla simplex (Baker) Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild) Washington cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttalli nuttalli (Bachman) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Black Hills cottontail, Sylvilagus nuttalli grangeri (Allen) * Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker) *Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Suborder SIMPLICIDENTATA Family Sciuridae Marmots, Marmota spp. *Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) *Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) Woodchucks, Marmota monax ssp. Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) ?Thrassis spencer i Wagner *Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) British Columbia woodchuck, Marmota monax petrensis Howell *Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) ?Thrassis spencer i Wagner Rufescent woodchuck, Marmota monax rufescens Howell *Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) Pallid yellow-bellied marmot, Marmota flaviventr is avara (Bangs) *Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) Hoary marmots, Marmota caligata ssp. ?Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) *Thrassis spenceri Wagner Cascade hoary marmot, Marmota caligata cascadensis Howell *Thrassis spenceri Wagner 187 IIIF SII'HOXAPTEKA OF CANADA Okanagan hoary marmot, Marmota caligata okanagana (King) ^Oropsylla arctomys (Baker) *Thrassis spencer i Wagner Vancouver Island marmot, Marmota Vancouver ensis Swarth *Thrassn spencer i Wagner Richardson's ground squirrel, CUellus richardsonii richardsonii (Sabine) CatcUlagia decipiens Rothschild *Opisocrostis labis (Jordan and Rothschild) Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker *()pisocrostis saundersi (Jordan) Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) *Opisocrostis tuberculatus tuberculatus (Baker) ? llystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Megabothris asio megacolpus (Jordan) *Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) Megabothris Inciter (Rothschild) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) *Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) * Xeopsylla inopina Rothschild fThrassis bacchi (Rothschild) ? Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) Columbian ground squirrel, Citellus columbianus columbianus (Ord) Callistopsyllus terinus (Rothschild) Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) *Neopsylla inopina Rothschild Catallagia decipiens Rothschild *Opisocrostis tuberculatus tuberculatus (Baker) Foxella ignotarecula (Jordan and Rothschild) *Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild * Recto jrontia fraterna (Baker) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild) *Thrassis petiolatus (Baker) Hudson Bay ground squirrel, Citellus parryi parryi (Richardson) *Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker) Thirteen-striped ground squirrel, Citellus tridecemlineatus ssp. ?Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) ?Opisocrostis tuberculatus tuberculatus (Baker) *Thrassis bacchi (Rothschild) Franklin ground squirrel, Citellus franklinii (Sabine) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) ^Opisocrostis labis (Jordan and Rothschild) ?Neopsylla inopina Rothschild Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) ^Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) Say ground squirrel, Citellus lateralis ssp. * Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Hollister mantled ground squirrel, Citellus lateralis tescorum (Hollister) * Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Washington mantled ground squirrel, Citellus saturatus (Rhoads) * Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Black-tailed prairie-dog, Cynomys ludovicianus ludovicianus (Ord) Opisocrostis labis (Jordan and Rothschild) Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) ? Opisocrostis tuberculatus tuberculatus (Baker) Thrassis bacchi (Rothschild) Eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus ssp. * Megabothris acerbus (Jordan) *Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild) Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Gray eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus griseus Mearns ^Megabothris acerbus (Jordan) Lyster chipmunk, Tamias striatus lysteri (Richardson) Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) *Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild) Orchopeas howardii (Baker) Western chipmunks, Eutamias spp. Catallagia chamberlini Hubbard *Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) ? Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Thrassis petiolatus (Baker) Chipmunks, Eutamias minimus ssp. Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker * Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Northern chipmunk, Eutamias minimus borealis (Allen) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) * Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Grey-headed chipmunk, Eutamias minimus caniceps (Osgood) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Selkirk chipmunk, Eutamias minimus selkirki Cowan ^Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Chipmunks, Eutamias amoenus ssp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) * Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) 188 HOST-FLEA INDEX Columbian chipmunk, Eutamias amoenus affinis (Allen) Catallagia decipiens Rothschild *Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Tawny chipmunk, Eutamias amoenus felix (Rhoads) ?Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) *Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Hollister chipmunk, Eutamias amoenus ludibundus (Hollister) *Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Buff-bellied chipmunk, Eutamias amoenus luteiventris (Allen) * Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Townsend chipmunk, Eutamias townsendii ssp. ?Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Cooper chipmunk, Eutamias townsendii cooperi (Baird) ? Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Red squirrels, Tamiasciurus spp. * Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) *Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ssp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker *Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) *Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild ?Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) * Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner *Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Northern red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus hudsonicus (Erxleben) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) *Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) * Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan) Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) *Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) British Columbia red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus columbiensis (Howell) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) *Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) * Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner *Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) * Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Bangs' red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus gymnicus (Bangs) Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker Orchopeas howardii (Baker) Southern red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus loquax (Bangs) Orchopeas howardii (Baker) Preble red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus preblei (Howell) *Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan) Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Richardson's red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus richardsoni (Bachman) * Megarthroglossus divisus divisus (Baker) * Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Strea tor's red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus streatori (Allen) Atyphloceras artius Jordan ( ?) * Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) *Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild *Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild) * Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner Vancouver Island red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Vancouver ensis (Allen) * Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Northwestern red-bellied squirrel, Tamiasciurus douglassi mollipilosus (Audubon and Bachman) Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) *Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) ? Hystrichopsylla sp. Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) * Megarthroglossus procus Jordan and Rothschild Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) ( ?) Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard *Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild) Northern grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis leucotis (Gapper) ? Monopsyllus vison (Baker) *Orchopeas howardii (Baker) Flying squirrels, Glaucomys spp. *Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Small eastern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans volans (Linnaeus) ? Conorhinopsylla stanfordi Stewart Orchopeas howardii (Baker) Flying squirrels, Glaucomys sabrinus ssp. Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) ^Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan) *()pisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Richardson's flying squirrel, Glaycomys sabrinus alpinus (Richardson) *Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) *Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan) ?Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) 18<) TIIK SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Okanagan flying s [iiirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus columbiensis llouvll Monopsyllus vison (Bakei i *Opisodasys vespsralis (Jordan) *Opisoaasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Dusky flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus ful ginosus (Rhoads) Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner ?Tarsopsylla coloradensis (Baker) *Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan) M earns' flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus macrotis (Mearns) *Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Bachman's flying squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus oregonensis (Bachman) Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild) Family Geomyidae Pocket gopher*, Thomomys talpoides ssp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild *Dactylopsylla comis Jordan Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) *Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild) Thrassis petiolatus (Baker) *Foxella ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild) Anderson's pocket gopher, Thomomys talpoides andersoni Goldman * Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild) Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Shuswap pocket gopher, Thomomys talpoides incensus Goldman * Foxella ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild) Dakota pocket gopher, Thomomys talpoides rufescens (Wied) * Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) Family Heteromyidae Anarchist Mountain pocket mouse, Perognathus parvus laingi Anderson *Meringis shannoni (Jordan) Lord's pocket mouse, Perognathus parvus lordi (Gray) *Meringis shannoni (Jordan) Family Cricetidae Audubon grasshopper mouse, Onychomys leucogaster missouriensis (Audubon and Bachman) ? Catallagia decipiens Rothschild ?Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) Dusky harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys megalotis nigrescens Howell ? Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) White- footed mice, Peromyscus spp. * Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan) * Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) Doratopsylla blarinae C. Fox *Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) * Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) White-footed mice, Peromyscus maniculatus ssp. ?Atyphloceras multidentatus (C. Fox) Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner * Callistopsyllus terinus (Rothschild) *Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard * Catallagia chamberlini Hubbard * Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Roths- * Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) child) * Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan) ?Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) * Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan) *Epitedia scapani (Wagner) * Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) *Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) ? Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n. sp. *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) * Malaraeus euphorbi (Rothschild) *Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) * Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis (Dunn) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Silkirk white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus alpinus Cowan *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) Sagebrush white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus artemisiae (Rhoads) ? Atyphloceras artius Jordan * Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) *Callistopsyllus terinus (Rothschild) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) * Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) *Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) Meringis shannoni (Jordan) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild * Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Roths- * Malaraeus euphorbi (Rothschild) * Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) child) Puget Sound white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus austerus (Baird) Atyphloceras miltidentatus (C. Fox) * Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard * Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) ?Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) * Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan *Epitedia scapani (Wagner) *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) 190 HOST-FLEA INDEX ? Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. * Peromyscopsylla hesperomys pacifica n.ssp. * Malar aeus telchinum (Rothschild) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Michigan white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi (Hoy and Kennicott) *Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Mackenzie white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus borealis (Mearns) * Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) * Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) * Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker * Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan) *Epitedia wenmanni (Rothchild) * Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) * Malaraeus euphorbi (Rothschild) *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan *Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) * Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) LeConte white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis (LeConte) *Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) ? Saphiopsylla bishopi (Jordan) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) ? Stenoponia americana (Baker) *Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Big Vancouver Island white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus interdictus Anderson * Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) * Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) * Peromyscopsylla hesperomys pacifica n.ssp. *Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan) Queen Charlotte white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus keeni (Rhoads) *Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) keena white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus macrorhinus (Rhoads) * Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) Cascades white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus oreas (Bangs) * 'Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) *Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard *Epitedia scapani (vVagner) Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) ? Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. * Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan) *Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) *Opisodasys keeni (Baker) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) *Peromyscopsylla hesperomys pacifica n.ssp. Osgood's white-footed mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus osgoodi Mearns * Callistopsyllus campestris n.sp. Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild) ""Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) *Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) Neopsylla inopina Rothschild ? Hystr ichopsylla dippiei Rothschild *Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) * Malaraeus euphorbi (Rothschild) Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) Megabothris asio megacolpus (Jordan) Northern deer mouse, Peromyscus leucopus noveboracensis (Fischer) * Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker *Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Bushy-tailed woodrat, Neotoma cinerea ssp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan) Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) *Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) * Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis (Dunn) ? Megarthroglossus pygmaeus Wagner Drummond's bushy-tailed woodrat, Neotoma cinerea drummondi (Richardson) ? Megarthroglossus divisus divisus (Baker) ? Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) Western bushy-tailed woodrat, Neotoma cinerea occidentalis (Baird) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) *Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) * Megarthroglossus sicamus Jordan and Rothschild * Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis (Dunn) ? Megarthroglossus similis vVagner Lemming mouse, Synaptomys spp. Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) ?Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Richardson's lemming mouse, Synaptomys borealis borealis (Richardson) ? Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Wrangell lemming mouse, Synaptomys borealis wrangeli Merriam ? Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) "Lemming" (Lemmus? Dicrostonyx?) * Megabothris immitis (Jordan) Back lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus ssp. * Megabothris groenlandicus (Wahlgren) Rocky Mountain phenaconns, Phenacomys intermedins ssp. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Monopsyllus vison (Baker) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker* ? Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan ""Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) ? Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker) 1<)1 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Red-backed mice, Clethrionomys gapperi ssp. *Catallagia chamberlini Hubbard *Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) Ceratophyllus "all mac (Schrank) Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker Opisodasys keeni (Baker) *Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker) Epitcdia wenmanni (Rothschild) *Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) *Hystrichopsylla occidental is n.sp. ? Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan) Gapper red-backed mouse, Clethrionomys gapperi gapperi (Vigors) * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Monopsyllus vison (Baker) ? Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan) Athabasca red-backed mouse, Clethrionomys gapperi athabascae (Preble) *Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis (Rothschild) * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) * Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan * Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Kootenay red-backed mouse, Clethrionomys gapperi saturatus (Rhoads) ? Catallagia decipiens Rothschild *Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) *Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild) * Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) * Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Plains red-backed mouse, Clethrionomys gapperi loringi (Bailey) * Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis (Rothschild) Neopsylla inopina Rothschild ? Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) ? Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker * Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Meadow mice, Microtus spp. Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) Opisodasys keeni (Baker) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) * Megabothris asio megacolpus (Jordan) * Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) ? Saphiopsylla bishopi (Jordan) Eastern meadow mouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus pennsylvanicus (Ord) ? Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) *Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) ? Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan) ^Megabothris asio asio (Baker) * Peromyscopsylla hamifer hamifer (Rothschild) * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) ? Saphiopsylla bishopi (Jordan) Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) Drummond's meadow mouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus drummondii (Audubon and Bachman) * Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis (Rothschild) * Megabothris asio megacolpus (Jordan) ? Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild) ? Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker *Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) *Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) *Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) * Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Badlands meadow mouse, Microtus pennsylvanicus insperatus (Allen) *Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Grey meadow mouse, Microtus montanus canescens Bailey ? Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild) Townsend's meadow mouse, Microtus townsendii townsendii (Bachman) Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) ? Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. Corypsylla ornata C. Fox Opisodasys keeni (Baker) *Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) Olympic meadow mouse, Microtus longicaudus macrurus (Merriam) Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) ? Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. Cantankerous meadow mouse, Microtus longicaudus mordax (Merriam) ? Catallagia decipiens Rothschild Megarthroglossus divisus divisus (Baker) *Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Orchopeas 6-dentatus agilis (Rothschild) ? Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild) * Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Rock vole, Microtus chrotorrhinus chrotorrhinus Miller Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) ? Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan) 192 HOST-FLEA INDEX Richardson's Aater vole, Microtus richardsoni richardsoni (DeKay) ? Catallagia chamberlini Hubbard *Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Creeping meadow mouse, Microtus oregoni serpens Merriam *Atyphloceras multidentatus (C. Fox) ? Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. Catallagia ch'arlottensis (Baker) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata (Wagner) Corypsylla ornata C. Fox *Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild) Epitedia scapani (Wagner) Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard Opisodasys keeni (Baker) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) Northern pine mouse, Pitymys pinetorum scalapsoides (Audubon and Bachman) ? Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker "Mice" (no clue to genus) Malaraeus bitter rootensis (Dunn) Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Megarthroglossus divisus divisus (Baker) Muskrat, Ondatra zibethica zibethica (Linnaeus) Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Family Muridae Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus (Erxleben) Atyphloceras multidentatus (C. Fox) Catallagia charlottensis (Baker) Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche) Epitedia scapani (Wagner) Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Black rat, Rattus rattus rattus (Linnaeus) Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n.sp. *Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) Roof rat, Rattus rattus alexandrinus (Geoffroy) *Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) House mouse, Mus musculus domesticus Rutty Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) *Leptopsylla segnis (Schonherr) ? Hystrichopsylla tuhavuana Jordan Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Mega/throglossus procus Jordan and Rothschild Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan) Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard * Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic) Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan) Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild) *Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) *Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) YXenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild) Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) Orchopeas leucopus (Baker) Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild) Family Aplodontiidae Brown mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa rufa (Rafinesque) Epitedia scapani (Wagner) *Dolichopsyllus stylosus (Baker) Family Zapodidae Jumping mice, Zapus spp. Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild) * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Opisodasys keeni (Baker) Idaho jumping mouse, Zapus princeps idahoensis Davis Catallagia decipiens Rothschild * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Saskatchewan jumping mouse, Zapus princeps minor Preble ?Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild) Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild) ? Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) Northwest jumping mouse, Zapus trinotatus trinotatus Rhoads * Megabothris abantis (Rothschild) Wisconsin woodland jumping mouse, Napaeozapus ins ignis frutectanus Jackson * Megabothris quirini (Rothschild) ? Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan) Family Erethizontidae Alaska porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum myops Merriam ? Ceratophyllus adustus Jordan Order ARTIODACTYLA Family Cervidae Columbian black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus (Richardson) ?Pulex irritans Linnaeus 193 THE S1P1IONAPTERA OF CANADA CLASS AVES Order COLYMBIFORMES Holboell's grebe, Colymbus grisegena holboelli (Reinhardt) ? Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan Order PELICANIFORMES Cormorants, Phalacrocorax spp. * Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Baird's cormorant, Phalacrocorax pelagicus resplendens Audubon * Cera tophyl lus niger C. Fox Order ANSERIFORMES "Goose" Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild White-winged scoter, Melanitta deglandi (Bonaparte) * Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild Ruddy duck, Erismatura jamaicensis rnbida (Wilson) Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild "Eiderdown" Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild Order FALCONIFORMES Pigeon hawk, Falco columbarius ssp. Monopsyllus vison (Baker) Order GALLIFORMES Domestic hen, Callus gallus ? Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank) Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Ruffed grouse, Bonassa umbellus ssp. * Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan * 'Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo ssp. Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Order CHARADRIIFORMES California gull, Larus californicus Lawrence * Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Order STRIGIFORMES Kennicott's screech owl, Otus asio kennicotti (Elliot) Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Western burrowing owl, Speotyto cunicularia hypugaea (Bonaparte) Megabothris obscurus n.sp. ?Pulex irritans Linnaeus Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan) Rectofrontia f rater na (Baker) Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker) Long-eared owl, Asio wilsonianus (Lesson) Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank) Saw-whet owl, Cryptoglaux acadica acadica (Gmelin) Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Order PICIFORMES Red-breasted sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius ruber (Gmelin) ?Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Order PASSERIFORMES Western flycatcher, Empidonax difficilis difficilis Baird *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Tree swallow, Iridoprocne bicolor (Vieillot) * Ceratophyllus idius Jordan and Rothschild Cliff swallow, Petrochelidon albifrons albifrons (Rafinesque) * Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni Wagner Bank swallow, Riparia riparia riparia (Linnaeus) * Ceratophyllus celsus celsus Jordan * Ceratophyllus riparius Jordan and Rothschild Steller's jay, Cyanocitta stelleri ssp. *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Queen Charlotte jay, Cyanocitta stelleri carlottae Osgood *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) 194 HOST-FLEA INDEX Oregon chickadee, Penthestes atricapillis occidentalis (Baird) *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Bewick wren, Thryomanes bewicki ssp. *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Long-billed marsh wren, Telmatodytes palustris ssp. * Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild Brown thrasher, Toxostoma rufum (Linnaeus) * Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan American robin, Turdus migratorius ssp. * Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) * Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Hermit thrush, Hylocichla guttata ssp. *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Russet-backed thrush, Hylocichla ustulata ustulata (Nuttall) *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Sitka kinglet, Regulus calendula grinnelli (Palmer) *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Asiatic starling, Aethiospar cristatellus cristatellus (Linnaeus) Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Cassin's vireo, Vireo solitarius cassini Xantus *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Lutescent warbler, Vermivora celata lutescens (Ridgway) * Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) English sparrow, Passer domesticus domesticus (Linnaeus) Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox Western tanager, Piranga ludoviciana (Wilson) *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Black-headed grosbeak, Hedymeles melanocephalus melanocephalus (Swainson) *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Oregon towhee, Pipilo maculatus oregonus Bell *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Schuffeldt's junco, Junco oreganus schuffeldti (Coale) *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Harris's sparrow, Zonotrichia querula (Nuttall) * Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild Golden-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia coronata (Pallas) *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Song sparrows, Melospiza melodia ssp. *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Yukutat song sparrow, Melospiza melodia caurina Ridgway *Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker) Rusty song sparrow, Melospiza melodia morphna Oberholser * Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan 195 APPENDIX A. Notes on Collecting Methods Most of the fleas in the collection at Kamloops have been collected by shooting or trapping the hosts — shooting, in the case of birds and certain larger animals, and trapping, in the case of most of the smaller animals. At most of the animals collected are of medium to small size, the most satisfactory weapon has been found to be a double-barrelled .410 shot gun, chambered to take 3 inch shells. With a selection of 3, 2^2 and 2J4 mcn shells, loaded with a variety of sizes of shot from 5 down to 10 or 12, it is possible to kill a wide assortment of mammals from jackrabbitts down to chipmunks, without blowing them to pieces. If the collector is anxious to prepare study skins of some of the smaller species and finds that even the light .410 shells tend to injure the specimens unduly, a small auxilliary barrel, about 3 inches long and drilled to take .32 or .22 calibre dust shot cartridges will be invaluable. With this, tiny birds and mammals may be taken at very short ranges without being badly mutilated. Mammals such as weasels, pocket-gophers, moles, shrews and mice are best taken in traps. Small steel traps of sizes 00 to 1, judiciously set in appropriate spots in the damp woods of the British Columbia coast will usually catch weasels, spotted skunks, red squirrels or flying squirrels. In other localities, marmots ground squirrels, wood rats, etc. may be taken in a like manner. There are specially designed traps available for catching pocket-gophers and moles. Mouse traps of the variety known as "Museum Special" are most satis- factory for collecting shrews and the smaller rodents. They are stronger than ordinary mouse traps and have the advantage of being larger, thus tending to catch the animal across the back rather than smashing its head. This is a desirable feature if one wishes to save specimens for taxonomic purposes, for skulls should be retained as well as the skins. Anderson (1932) gives good hints on the shooting and trapping of birds and mammals, and the preparation of scientific skins. While live traps for collecting mammals have a certain advantage in that fewer ectoparasites are lost, they are usually bulky and undesirable for that reason. Some mammal collectors recommend burying deep smooth-sided tins, or glass sealers up to their necks in suitable spots in small mammal runways, under logs, etc. When shrews are collected in this manner there is usually trouble with cannibalism — the fleas of the victims finding refuge on the surviving victor! Once collected, the mammals or birds should be placed in paper bags, care being taken not to get specimens of more than one species in a particular bag, or the host records of the fleas will be mixed. The tops of the bags are then folded down once or twice and secured with a paper clip to prevent the loss of parasites. Upon return to the camp or laboratory, the bags may be opened, a small wad of cotton, soaked with chloroform or ether dropped in, and the bags closed again for a few minutes while the vapours stupify the fleas. The bags are then torn right open and laid out flat. The mammals are examined carefully by brushing backwards through the fur with a pair of forceps, and .ill the fleas (and other parasites) picked up and placed in a vial of preserving fluid (we use 70% ethyl alcohol with glycerol, 10% by volume, added). A pencilled label is placed in the vial giving catalogue number, locality, date, species and number of host animals, and the collector's name. These data are duplicated in a note book. If study skins are prepared, the same data go on the skin label, 197 II IK SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA with t he same number, and any additional necessary information such as the sex and measurements of the host. This system has been used for several years at the Kamloops laboratory, and works out very satisfactorily. When a large number of mouse traps is set out, it is best to examine the trap line several times during the night, to remove the catch and reset traps. This is an advisable procedure (unless one possesses live traps) as some fleas tend to leave the animals shortly after death. Failing this, the traps should be inspected as early as possible the following morning. As mammals are not always killed immediately when caught, it is necessary to have some system of anchoring each trap so it cannot be dragged away. Much time may be saved in setting out a trap line if some attention has been given to this beforehand. Each of our traps has a twelve inch length of pliable brass wire fastened through a hole drilled in its baseboard. The free end of the wire is twisted into a loop. A stake about eight inches long, and made out of heavy gauge wire with a point at one end and a loop at the other is used to fasten the trap down. Each trap is set carefully in a suitable spot and the brass wire secured by driving one of the stakes through the loop and into the ground. A bit of red cloth tied into the loop of the stake makes it easy to find again. Besides this, it is advisable to make a list, or "trap chart", in a field note book, recording the location of each trap. For instance: 1. Log at bend of road, R.side. 2. 10 paces, burrow L. 3. 12 paces, under stump, R. and so on. It is also of great value to collect the nests of birds and mammals whenever possible as these are excellent sources of fleas. These nests should be placed in paper bags in the same manner as the animals, until there is time to examine them for parasites. A white oilcloth or white paper covering for a table, and a good bright desk lamp facilitate the tedious business of searching nests. A small portion of the nest is taken, teased out over the white surface, and examined carefully. The movements of fleas are readily detected and the insects may be picked up by means of fine forceps before they hop too far. If flea larvae are noted, it is sound practice after examination to put the nest debris back into a glass container such as a large beaker. This may be covered with voile and placed in a moderately cool humid chamber, so that the young stages may be reared through to maturity. B. Mounting Techniques While most fleas may be determined when prepared only as temporary fluid mounts (at other times being kept in vials of preservative) it is, in general, more satisfactory to have the specimens mounted individually as permanent microscope slide whole-mounts. Many techniques for the preparation of fleas have been tried at this laboratory, with varying success. We have finally come to the conclusion that the standard KOH-balsam mount is the most satisfactory in the long run, and does, with care, produce uniformly perfect slides. Details of this method follow. 1. Clearing The fleas, with a tiny slip of paper bearing the file number (in pencil) are placed in a small vessel of 10% potassium hydroxide. In picking up a flea it will be found that if the forceps are not held too tightly, the insect may be lifted in a drop of fluid, and sustains no damage. Careless handling results in the loss of important setae. The fleas are allowed to stand in the KOH for about 24 hours, or somewhat longer in the case of heavily sclerotized species. It is 198 APPENDIX unnecessary to pierce the abdomens to allow the escape of opaque internal substances. If the vessels are placed in a warming oven, the clearing action may be speeded somewhat, but excessive heating is risky, as one is apt to overclear or distort the specimens. 2. Washing Once sufficiently cleared (details of the male genitalia, and spermatheca of the female having become clearly visible) the specimens must be washed in several changes of distilled water. The fleas may be transferred from one vessel to another, or the fluids may be changed by drawing off one with a pipette, and adding another. The washing should take at least an hour and preferably longer. The last wash should contain one or two drops of acetic acid. Specimens may stand overnight in water if desired. 3. Dehydrating The washed fleas may be transferred directly to 95% ethyl alcohol *, and left at least for an hour, and preferably overnight. Then they should be placed in absolute alcohol for half an hour or longer if necessary (thoroughly dehydrated fleas will have the sides of the abdomen collapsed together). 4. Mounting The fleas are then placed in oil of wintergreen (15 minutes) for a final clearing, and are then mounted directly onto slides. Each flea is placed in a drop of Canada balsam (or Clarite, if one prefers), a spot of xylene added, and a cover glass slipped on. It is good practice to have all the specimens oriented in the same manner for convenience of study. According to Dampf (in litt.) fleas should be mounted on their right sides, with the legs pointed away from the technician, so that they will appear right way up and facing left when examined under the microscope. As each slide is prepared, the collection number is written on it with a wax pencil, and this is left on even when the permanent slide label is placed over it. Two labels are used on each slide, one (which we place on the left side) with the collection number and pertinent data, and the other for the identification of the flea, after it has been determined. Once a slide is prepared, 24 hours in the warming oven will hasten the setting of the balsam. It is not good practice to place a male and a female on a single slide unless one is perfectly confident that they are of the same species. Frequently, in fact usually, several species will be present in a single collection, and nothing is so aggravating as to find that one has mounted up the male of one species and the female of another on the same slide. C. Glossary of Collectors A.A.W. A. A. Wood, Dominion Entomological Lab., Chatham, Ont. A.C.B. A. C. Brooks, Okanagan Landing, B.C., formerly of staff of Live- stock Insects Lab., Kamloops, B.C. A.E.C. Dr. A. E. Cameron, formerly officer in charge, Animal pathology Lab., Lethbridge, Alta. A.L.R. Dr. A. L. Rand, Division of Biology, National Museum of Canada, Ottawa A.P.S. Dept. National Defence, Army Plague Survey of Alberta, Saskat- chewan and Manitoba, 1943 A.V.M. Prof. A. V. Mitchener, Manitoba Agricultural College C.D.F. C. David Fowle, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Toronto C.E.J. C. E. Johnston, National Museum of Canada, Ottawa. * Direct transfer from water to 95% alcohol is considered rather drastic by some workers; however, the wiitei has noticed no distortion or other undesirable effects resulting from this procedure. 199 I III-. SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA C.H. C. Hynes, trapper, Parson, B.C. C.H.D.C. Dr. C. II. D. Clarke, Bureau of Northwest Territories and Yukon Affairs, Ottawa C.J.G. C. J. Guiguet, Dept. of Zoology, University of B.C. C.L. C. Lennox C.N.S. C. N. Snell, \K CANADA Curtis, John *1826. British Entomology, Vol. Ill, plate 114. *1832. British Entomology, Vol. IX, plate 417. Dampf, Alfonso 1945. Notas sobre Pulgas. Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, 6(1-2) :47-70; figs. 1-17. Dunn, L. H. and R. R. Parker 1923. Fleas found on wild animals in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana. Public Health Reports, 38(47) :2763-2775. ENDERLEIN, GtJNTHER 1929. Uber den Laut-Apparat der Flohe. Transactions of Fourth Inter- national Congress of Entomology, 2:771-772; figs. 1-3. Ewing, H. E. 1929. Notes on the Siphonapteran genus Catallagia Rothschild, including the description of a new species. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 42:125-127. 1938. Two new genera and one new species of Siphonaptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 40(4):93-95. 1940. New North American Siphonaptera. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 53:35-37. Ewing, H. E. and Irving Fox 1943. The fleas of North America. United States Department of Agri- culture, Miscellaneous Publication No. 500:1-142; figs. 1-13. Fox, Carroll 1908a. Ceratophyllus niger n. sp. (Siphonaptera). Entomological News 19(9):434-435. 1908b. A new genus of the Siphonaptera. Ibidem 19(10) :452-455; 2 figs. 1909. A new species of Ceratophyllus, a genus of the Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 20(3):107-110; 3 figs. 1914. The taxonomic value of the copulatory organs of the females in the Order Siphonaptera. United States Public Health Service, Hygienic Laboratory Bulletin, 97:19-25; plates 1-22. Fox, Irving 1939. New species and a new genus of nearctic Siphonaptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 41(2):45-49; plate 6. 1940a. Notes on North American Dolichopsyllid Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 42(3):64-69;pl. 9, figs. 1-8. 1940b. Siphonaptera from Western United States. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 30(6) :272-276; figs. 1-6. 1940c. Fleas of Eastern United States. Iowa State College Press, pp. 1-191; pi. 1-31. Glinkiewicz, Anna *1907. Parasiten von Pachuromys duprasi Lat. Wien, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Natur* wissenschaftliche Klasse, 116(3) :381-386; pi. 1-2. Good, N. E. 1942a. Megabothris abantis (Rothschild): description of the female. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 15(1) :7-9; fig. 1. 204 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1942b. Stenistomera (Siphonaptera) : a reevaluation of the genus, with the description of a new subgenus and species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 44(7) :131-139; figs. 1-5. Harvey, R. V. 1907. British Columbia fleas. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, Sept. 1907, No. 7, p. 1. Holland, G. P. 1940. New records of Siphonaptera for British Columbia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 36:11-12. 1941. Further records of Siphonaptera for British Columbia. Ibidem, 37:10-14. 1942a. On the occurrence of Reithrodontomys in British Columbia. The Murrelet, 23(2) :60. 1942b. Synonymy of some fleas from western North America. (Siphonap- tera). Canadian Entomologist, 74(9) :157-158. 1943. A remarkable instance of retention of a double spermatheca in a Dolichopsyllid flea, Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker). Ibidem, 75(9) :1 75- 176; 1 fig. 1944. Notes on some northern Canadian Siphonaptera, with the description of a new species. Ibidem, 76(12) :242-246; pi. 17-18; figs. 1-10. Hubbard, C. A. 1940a. West Coast crested fleas Corypsylla and Nearctopsylla (three new species). Pacific University Bulletin, 37(1) :1-12 ; 1 plate. 1940b. American mole and shrew fleas (a new genus, three new species). Ibidem, 37(2) :1-12; plates 1-2. 1940c. West Coast Catallagias (three new species). Ibidem, 37(3) :4 pp; 1 pi. 1940d. A review of the western fleas of the genus Malaraeus with one new species, and the description of a new Thrassis from Nevada. Ibidem, 37(6) :l-4; 1 pi. 1941. History of the flea genus Micropsylla with one new species. Ibidem, 37(10):l-4; 1 pi. 1942. A new Thrassis (flea) from California and Oregon, and fleas carried by some of the West's ground squirrels. Ibidem, 38(6) :l-4; pi. 1, 2. 1943a. The fleas of California. Ibidem, 39(8):1-12. 1943b. Our western giant pocket gopher fleas. Ibidem, 40(2) :l-8; 5 figs.; 1 map. 1947. Fleas of Western North America. Iowa State College Press, pp. 1-533; figs. 1-4: 95 plates. Jameson, E, W, Jr. 1943. Notes on the habits and siphonapterous parasites of the mammals of Welland County, Ontario. Journal of Mammalogy, 24(2) :194-197. Ioff, I. 1936. Zur Systematik der Flohe aus der Unterfamilie Ceratoph} llinae. Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde, 9(1):73-124; figs. 1-73. Jellison, Wm. L. 1937. A new species of Thrassis (Siphonaptera). Public Health Reports, 52(23) :726-729; figs. 1-6. 1939a. Notes on the fleas of prairie dogs, with the description of a new subspecies. Ibidem, 54(20) :84()-844; 1 pi. 205 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA 1(>3()1>. Opisodasys [ordan 1933, a genus of Siphonaptera. [ournal of Para- sitology, 25(5) :413-420; pi. 1-3. 1941. Siphonaptera: the genera Amphalius and Ctenophyllus in North America. Public Health Reports, 56(49) :2341-2349; figs. 1,2. 1945. Siphonaptera: the genus Oropsylla in North America. Journal of Parasitology, 31(2):83-97; pi. 1-3. JELLISON, Wm. P. and N. E. GOOD 1942. Index to the literature of Siphonaptera of North America. United States Public Health Service, National Institute of Health Bulletin No. 178, pp. 1-193. Jellison, Wm. L. and G. M. Kohls 1936. Distribution and hosts of the human flea, Pulex irritans Linn, in Montana and other western states. Public Health Reports, 51(26): 842-844; 1 fig. 1939. Siphonaptera: a list of Alaskan fleas. Ibidem, 54(45) :2020-2023. Jellison, Wm. L., G.M. Kohls and H. B. Mills 1943. Siphonaptera: species and host list of Montana fleas. Montana State Board of Entomology, Miscellaneous Publication No. 2: 1-22. Jordan, K. 1925. New Siphonaptera. Novitates Zoologicae, 32:96-112; figs. 1-46. 1926. New Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 33(3) :385-394; figs. 1-22. 1928a. Siphonaptera collected during a visit to the eastern United States of North America in 1927. Ibidem, 34(2) :178-188; figs. 7-10. 1928b. On some problems of distribution, variability and variation in North American Siphonaptera. Transactions of the Fourth International Congress of Entomology, pp. 489-499; figs. 1-11. 1929a. Notes on North American fleas. Novitates Zoologicae, 35:28-39; plates 1,2. 1929b. Further records of North American bird-fleas, with a list of the nearctic birds from which fleas are known. Ibidem, 35:89-92. 1929c. On a small collection of Siphonaptera from the Adirondacks, with a list of the species known from the state of New York. Ibidem, 35(2) :168-177; text-figs. 5-8. 1931. Siphonaptera collected by Mr. F. J. Cox in France. Ibidem, 36:225-229; text-figs. 1-4. 1932a. Siphonaptera collected by Mr. Harry S. Swarth at Atlin in British Columbia. Ibidem, 38:253-255; text-figs. 10-11. 1932b. Notes on Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 38:291-294. 1932c. Die aus der Arktischen Zone bekannten Flohe. Fauna Arctica, 6:115-118. 1933a. Two new American species of Siphonaptera. The Entomologist, 66:14-17; text-figs. 1-7. 1933b. Records of Siphonaptera from the state of New York. Novitates Zoologicae, 39:62-65; text-figs. 11-12. 1933c. Descriptions of Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 39:66-69; text-figs. 13-19. 1933d. A survey of the classification of the American species of Ceratophyl- lus s. lat., Ibidem, 39:70-79. 1937. On some North American Siphonaptera. Ibidem. 40:262-271; text- figs. 44-56. 206 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1938. On some nearctic Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 41:119-124; text-figs. 65-75. 1939. On some nearctic fleas. Ibidem, 41:316-320; text-figs. 266-271. 1945. On the deciduous frontal tubercle of some genera of Siphonaptera. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Series B, 14(9-10) :113-116; figs. 1-4. Jordan, K. and N. C. Rothschild 1908. Revision of the non-combed eyed Siphonaptera. Parasitology, 1(1):1-100; plates 1-7. *1911a. Some new Siphonaptera from China. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, fasc. 2:365-392; text-figs. 104-124. 1911b. Katalog der Siphonapteren des Konigichen Zoologischen Museums in Berlin. Novitates Zoologicae, 18:57-89; figs. 1-10. 1912. List of Siphonaptera collected in eastern Hungary. Ibidem, 19:58-62. 1913. On the genus Amphipsylla Wagner (1909). The Zoologist, 4th series 17(203) :401-408; plates 2, 3. 1914. Katalog der Siphonapteren des Koniglichen Zoologischen Museums in Berlin. Novitates Zoologicae, 21:255-260; 2 figs. 1915. Contribution to our knowledge of American Siphonaptera. Ectopa- rasites, 1:45-60; text-figs. 48-64. 1920a. On the species and genera of Siphonaptera described by Kolenati. Ibidem, l(2):61-64. ' 1920b. On American bird- Cer at ophylli. Ibidem, 1:65-76; text-figs. 65-72. 1921a. New genera and species of bat-fleas. Ibidem, 1:142-162; text-figs. 116-147. 1921b. On Ceratophyllus fasciatus and some allied Indian species of fleas. Ibidem, 1:178-198; text-figs. 165-194. 1922. New Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 1:266-283; text-figs. 258-275. 1923. New American Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 1:309-319; text-figs. 312-327. Kirby, W. 1837. Pulex gigas n. sp. In Richardson's Fauna Boreali-Americana, 4:318; pi. 6, fig. 9. Kohls, G. M. 1939. Siphonaptera: notes on synonymy of North American species of the genus Hoplopsyllus Baker. Public Health Reports, 54(45) :2019-2020. 1940. Siphonaptera: a study of the species infesting wild hares and rabbits of North America north of Mexico. National Institute of Health Bulletin No. 175:1-34; pi. 1-3; maps 1-8. Kolenati, F. A. *1856. Die Parasiten der Chiropteren. Brunn, Rohrer, 8, 51 pp.; pi. 1-4. *1857. Synopsis prodroma, der auf Vespertillionen Europas lebenden Cera- topsyllen. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift, l(3):65-66. *1859. Fauna des Altvaters. Jahresbericht der Marischen Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der Naturk. Separate, Brunn, Rohrer, 8:83. *1863. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Phthirio-Myiarien. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 2:9-109, pis. 1-15. Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae, 10th edition, 1:614-615. 207 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Liu, ( 'hi-Yim; 1935. Two new bird Ceratophylli from Minnesota (Insecta: Siphonaptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 28(1 ) :1 21-1 24; pi. 1, figs. 1-6. McLeod, J. A. 1933. A parasitological survey of the genus Citellus in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Research, 9(2) :108-127; pi. 1; text-figs. 1-18. Morris, R. F. 1943. The small forest mammals of New Brunswick and the Gaspe. Acadian Naturalist, 1(1) :27-42. Philip, C. B. 1938. A parasitological reconnaissance in Alaska with particular reference to varying hares. II. Parasitological data. Journal of Parasitology, 24(6):483-488. Prince, F. M. 1944. Descriptions of three new species of Thrassis Jordan and the females of T. bacchi (Roths.) and T. pansus (Jordan). Pan-Pacific Ento- mologist, 20(1):13-19; pi. 1, figs. 1-8. 1945. Descriptions of three new species of Dactylopsylla Jordan and one new subspecies of Foxella Wagner, with records of other species in the genera (Siphonaptera). Canadian Entomologist, 77(1) :15-20; figs. 1-7. Rothschild, N. C. 1900. Notes on Pulex avium Tasch. Novitates Zoologicae, 7 :539-543; pi. 9. 1902a. New British fleas. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine (2nd series 13) or 38:225; pi. 4. 1902b. Some new nearctic fleas. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation, 14(3) :l-2; pi. 2, figs. 1-3. 1903. Further contributions to the knowledge of the Siphonaptera. Novitates Zoologicae, 10:317-325; pis. 9, 10. 1904. Further contributions to the knowledge of the Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 11:602-653; pis. 7-16. 1905. On North American Ceratophyllus, a genus of Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 12:153-174; pis. 6-9. 1906. Three new Canadian fleas. Canadian Entomologist, 38:321-325; text-figs. 41-44. 1907. Some new Siphonaptera. Novitates Zoologicae, 14:329-333; text- figs. 1-7. 1909. Some new Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 16:53-56; pi. 8. 1915a. Contribution to our knowledge of the Siphonaptera Fracticipita. Ibidem, 22:302-308; figs. 1-6. 1915b. Further notes on Siphonaptera Fracticipita, with descriptions of new genera and species. Ectoparasites, 1:25-29; text-figs. 28-31. 1915c. On Neopsylla and some allied genera of Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 1:30-44; text-figs. 32-47. 1922. Siphonaptera collected by the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Zemlya in 1921. Report of the scientific results of the Norwegian expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921, No. 4, pp. 1-9; 5 text-figs. 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY SCOHNHERR, C. J. *1811. Pulex segnis ny Svensk species. Svenska vetenskaps akadamien Nay handlingar, Kongliga Series 2, 32:98-101; figs. SCHRANK, F. VON P. *1803. Fauna boica, 3(l):l-272. Snodgrass, R. E. 1946. The skeletal anatomy of fleas (Siphonaptera). Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, 104(18) :l-89; text-figs. 1-8; pis. 1-21. Spencer, G. J. 1936. A check list of the fleas of British Columbia, with a note on fleas in relation to sawdust in homes. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 32:11-17. 1938. Further notes on the fleas of British Columbia. Ibidem, 34:36-38. Stewart, M. A. 1926. Two new Siphonaptera from New York. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus, 14(7-9) :122-126; 1 fig. 1928. Two new Siphonaptera from Colorado. Canadian Entomologist, 60(6):148-151; text-figs. 1-4. 1930a. Notes on North American Ceratophylli (Siphonaptera). Ibidem, 62(7) :152. 1930b. New nearctic Siphonaptera. Ibidem, 62(8) :1 75-180; figs. 1-6. 1940 New Siphonaptera from California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 16(l):17-28; figs. 1-17. Stewart, M. A. and G. P. Holland 1940. A new genus of the family Dolichopsyllidae (Siphonaptera) from Canada. Canadian Entomologist, 72(2):41-42; figs. 1, 2. Stiles, C. W. and B. J. Collins 1930. Ctenocephalides , new genus of fleas, type Pulex canis. Public Health Reports, 45(23) :1308-1310. Taschenberg, O. 1880. Die Flohe. (Die Arten der Insektenornung Suctoria nach ihren Chitinskelet monographisch dargestellt). Halle; pp. 1-120; pis. 1-4. Traub, R. 1944. New North American fleas. Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological series, 29(15) :21 1-220. Wagner, J. *1903. Aphanipterologische Studien. V. Uber den gegenseitigen Bezug der Gruppen Aphaniptera und der Saugetiere und uber die Einteilung der Gattung Typhlopsylla Tasch. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 36:125-156; pi. 2. *1909. Beitrag zur Fauna der Kaukasischen Suctoria. Mitteil. d. Kauka- sisch. Museums. 4:194-202. 1927. Cber die Einteilumg der Gattung Ceratophyllus Curtis. Konowia, 6(2):101-113; figs. 1-4. 1929a. Uber die nordamerikanische Ceratophylli, welche auf Ziezeln und Murmeltiemi leben. Ibidem, 8(3) :311-315. 209 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA 1929b. Notiz Qber Doratopsylla curvata Roths, und D. birulai [off (Corro- dopsylla subg. n.). Ibidem, 8(3) :316-318; figs. 1, 2. 1930a. Katalog der palaearktischen Aphanipteran. Vienna, Fritz Wagner, pp. 1-55. 1930b. Keys to the Aphaniptera living on Muridae (in Russian). Magazin de Parasitologic du Musee Zoologique de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U. R. S. S., 1:97-192; pis. 7-15. 1932. Zur Morphologic der letzten Abdominal segmente der Flohe. Zoolo- gische Jahrbucher, 56:54-120; figs. 1-49. 1933a. Concerning Jordan's "Notes on Siphonaptera". Konowia, 12:89-94. 1933b. Aphanipteren-Material aus der Sammlung des Zoologischen Museum der Berliner Universitat. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoolog. Museum in Berlin, 18(3)338-362; text-figs. 1-21. 1936a. 23. Ordnung: Flohe, Aphaniptera (Siphonaptera, Suctoria). Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas, 6:1 fig. 2, abt. 17:1-24; text-figs. 1-84. 1936b. Einige neue oder wenig bekannte Floharten. Zeitschrift fur Parasi- tenkunde, 8(3) :332-350; figs. 1-22. 1936c. Neue nordamerikanische Floharten. Ibidem, 8(6) :654-658; figs. 1-8. 1936d. The fleas of British Columbia. Canadian Entomologist, 68(9) :193- 207; figs. 1-10. 1939. Aphaniptera. In Bronns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. Vol. 5, Arthropoda, part 3, Insecta. 13(f) :1-1 14; text-figs. 1-100. 1940. Beitrag zur kenntnis der Flohe von Brit.-Kolumbien. Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde, 11(4) :463-467; figs. 1-7. Wagner, J. and A. Argyropulo *1934. Aphanipterenfauna des Aserbeidschan (Oestlicher Teil Transkauka- siens) nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung Nosopsyllus Jordan. Ibidem, 7(2) :217-232; figs. 1-11. Wagner, J. and I. Ioff 1926. Materialen zum Studium der Ektoparasiten-fauna im S.-O. Russ- lands. III. Uber Flohe der Ziesel und der Springmause unter Berucksichtigung der Verbreitung der Pesterkrankungen in den Wolga-Steppen. Revue de Microbiologic et d'Epidemiologie et de Parasitologic, 5(3/0 :57-100; pi. 2, 22 text-figs, (in Russian). Wahlgren, E. 1903. Aphanipterologische Notizen nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. Arkiv for Zoologie, 1:181-196; pis. 7-9. Westwood, J. O. *1875. Description of a new Pulicideous insect from Ceylon. The Entomo- logist's Monthly Magazine, 11:246. B. Plague references (selected) Anonymous 1942. Plague infection in the United States during 1941. Public Health Reports, 57(24) :903-905. 1943. Positive plague and tularaemia specimens reported in Canada during 1942. Ibidem, 58(16) :646. 1944. Plague infections reported in the United States during 1943. Ibidem, 59(28) :911-915. 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY Brown, J. H. 1940. Sylvatic plague. Alberta Provincial Department of Public Health pamphlet. 4 pp. 1944a. Sylvatic plague: a note on the finding of large numbers of fleas on ground squirrels (gophers) in Alberta. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 39(3):80-82. 1944b. Sylvatic plague: a note on the probable relationship of flea index to epizootic plague in ground squirrels in Alberta. Journal of Entomology and Zoology, 36(3):70-71 1944c. Sylvatic plague: the recovery of fleas from the burrowing owl and its burrow in a plague area in Alberta. Entomological News, 55(1):15-18. Brown, J. H. and G. D. Roy 1943. The Richardson ground squirrel Citellus richardsonii Sabine, in southern Alberta: its importance and control. Scientific Agri- culture, 24(4) :1 76-197; figs. 1-5. Burroughs, A. L. 1944. Ceratophyllus telchinum as a vector of plague. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology, 55(1) :10-1 1 . Eskey, C. R. and V. H. Haas 1940. Plague in the western part of the United States. United States Public Health Service Bulletin, 254:1-183; figs. 1-61; tables 1-28. Gibbons, R. J. 1939. Survey of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and sylvatic plague in western Canada during 1938. Canadian Public Health Journal, April, 1939, 5 pp. Gibbons, R. J. and F. A. Humphreys 1941. Plague surveys in western Canada. Canadian Public Health Journal, January 1941, 5pp. Holland, G. P. 1941. A survey of the rat fleas of the southern British Columbia coast with relation to plague studies. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 37:1-5; table 1, 2. 1944. The distribution of some plague-important rodents and fleas in western Canada. Ibidem, 41:5-12; 1 text-fig. Ioff, I. 1941. Problems in the ecology of fleas in relation to their epidemiological importance. (Translation by Mary H. Garlin, O.S.R.D., Liaison Office, New York) Ordjhonikidze Regional Publishing House, Pyatigorsk. J ELLISON, Wm. L. 1939. Sylvatic plague: studies of predatory and scavenger birds in relation to its epidemiology. Public Health Reports, 54(19) :792-798. Mail, G. A. and G. P. Holland 1939. Siphonaptera of western Canada in relation to sylvatic plague. Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress, 5:125-128. 211 rilE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA M EYER, K. F. 1947. The prevention of plague in the light of newer knowledge. In The relation of diseases in the lower animals to human welfare, by Hagan et a/., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 48(6):429-467; plates 1, 2. Patton, W. S. and A. M. Evans 1929. Insects, ticks, mites and venemous animals, of medical and veterin- ary importance. Part I — Medical, pp. 1-785; figs. 1 -374 ; pis. 1-60. Patton, W. S. 1931. Insects, ticks, mites and venemous animals, of medical and veterinary importance. Part II — Public Health, pp. 1-740 figs. 1-388; pis. 1-57. Prince, F. M. 1943a. Species of fleas on rats collected in states west of the 102d meridian, and their relation to the dissemination of plague. Public Health Reports, 58(18) :700-708. 1943b. Report of the fleas Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker) and Thrassis bacchi (Rothschild) as vectors of plague. Ibidem, 58(27) :1013-1016; 1 fig. Spencer, G. J. 1937. The menace of rat parasites in Vancouver in 1936. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 33:44-45. Stewart, M. A. 1939. Present knowledge of the status of vectors of syl vatic plague in North America. Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress, 4:433-437. Wu, Lien-Teh, J. W. H. Chun, R. Pollitzer and C. Y. Wu 1936. Plague: a manual for medical and public health workers. Weis- hengshu, National Quarantine Service, Shanghai Station, China, pp. 1-547; figs. 1-103. C. References concerning hosts, faunal areas, etc. American Ornithologists' Union 1935. Abridged check-list of North American birds. 4th Edition, pp. 1-177. Anderson, R. M. 1932. Methods of collecting and preserving vertebrate specimens. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin No. 69, Biological series No. 18:1- 141; text-figs. 1-46. 1937. Faunas of Canada. The Canada Year Book, 1937, pp. 29-52; figs., charts. 1947. Catalogue of Canadian recent mammals. National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 102; Biological Series No. 31:i-v; 1-238: fig. 1. Anderson, R. M. and A. L. Rand 1943. A synopsis of the rodents of the southern parts of the prairie provinces of Canada. National Museum of Canada, Special Contribution No. 43-1:1-25; figs, a-m (mimeographed). 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anthony, H. E. 1935. Field book of North American mammals, pp. 1-625; pis. 1-48; text- figs. 1-150. G. P. Putnam's Sons. Bailey, V. 1915. Revision of the pocket gophers of the genus Thomomys. North American Fauna, No. 39, pp. 1-136; pis. 1-8; figs. 1-10. Carl, G. C. 1944. The natural history of the Forbidden Plateau area, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Province of British Columbia, Report of the Provincial Museum for 1943, pp. 18-40. Carl, G. C. and G. A. Hardy 1943. Report on a collecting trip to the Lac la Hache area, British Columbia. Ibidem, report for 1942, pp. 25-49. 1945, Flora and fauna of the Paradise Mine area, British Columbia. Ibidem, report for 1944, pp. 18-38. Clarke, C. H. D. 1938. A study of the mammal population of the vicinity of Pancake Bay, Algoma district, Ontario. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin 88:141-152; fig. 34. 1940. A biological investigation of the Thelon Game Sanctuary. Ibidem, 96, Biological series No. 25:1-135; figs. 1-4; pis. 1-25. Cross, E. C. and J. R. Dymond 1929. The mammals of Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum Handbook, No. 1, pp. 1-52. Goldman, E. A. 1910. Revision of the woodrats of the genus Neotoma. North American Fauna, No. 31, pp. 1-124; pis. 1-8; text-figs. 1-14. Halliday, W. E. D. 1937. A forest classification for Canada. Canada, Department of Mines and Resources, Forest Service Bulletin, 89:1-50; map enclosed. HOLLISTER, N. 1912. Mammals of the Alpine Club expedition to the Mount Robson region. Canadian Alpine Journal, special number, pp. 1-44; pis. 1-13. Howell, A. H. 1915. Revision of the American marmots. North American Fauna, No. 37:1-80; pis. 1-15; text-figs. 1-3. 1924. Revision of the American pikas (genus Ochotona). Ibidem, 47:1-57; pis. 1-6; text-figs. 1-4. 1929. Revision of the American chipmunks (genera Tamias and Eutamias). Ibidem, 52:1-157; pis. 1-10; text-figs. 1-9. 1938. Revision of the North American ground squirrels. Ibidem, 56:1-256; pis. 1-32; text-figs. 1-20. Jackson, H. H. T. 1915. A review of the American moles. Ibidem, 38:1-100; pis. 1-6; text- figs. 1-27. 213 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Miller, G. S. Jk. 1924. List of North American recent mammals. United States National Museum Bulletin No. 128:1-673. Nelson, E. W. 1909. The rabbits of North America. North American Fauna, No. 29:1-314: pis. 1-12; text-figs. 1-19. Osgood, W. H. 1900. Revision of the pocket mice of the genus Perognathus. Ibidem, 18:1-65; text-figs. 1-14; pis. 1-3. Preble, K. A. 1908. A biological investigation of the Arthabaska-Mackenzie Region. Ibidem, 27:1-574; pis. 1-25; text-figs. 1-16. Racey, K. 1936. Notes on some mammals of the Chilcotin, British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 50(2) :15-21. Racey, K. and I. McT. Cowan 1936. Mammals of the Alta Lake region of south-western British Columbia. British Columbia Provincial Museum Reports for 1935, pp. 15-29; 1 fig.; pis. 1-4. SOPER, J. D. 1942. Mammals of Wood Buffalo Park, Northern Alberta and District of Mackenzie. Journal of Mammalogy, 23(2) :1 19-145. 1946. Mammals of northern Great Plains. Ibidem, 27(2) .127-153. Stanwell-Fletcher, J. F. and T. C. 1943. Some accounts of the flora and fauna of the Driftwood Valley region of north central British Columbia. Occasional Papers of the British Columbia Provincial Museum, No. 4, pp. 1-97; pis. 1-5; 1 map. Taverner, P. A. 1934. Birds of Canada. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin 72, Biological series No. 19, ppl. 1-445; pis. 1-87; text-figs. 1-488. Williams, M. Y. 1934. Distribution of life around the Pacific. Proceedings of the Fifth Pacific Science Congress, pp. 3107-3114. 214 PLATES AND FIGURES THK SIPHOXAPTERA OF CANADA Plate I GENERAL ANATOMY Fig. 1. Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan). Male, (Reliance, N.W.T.), 216 ^r a a 217 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate II GENERAL ANATOMY Fig. 2. Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata (Wagner). Female, (Silver Creek, B.C.) 218 219 THE SIPHOXAPTERA ()K CANADA Plate III GENERAL ANATOMY Fig. 3. Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan). Detail of head and thorax of male (Lac la Hache, B.C.). Fig. 4. 0. vesperalis. Head capsule of female (Trinity Valley, near Vernon, B.C.). 220 & 4 CO 221 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate IV GENERAL ANATOMY Fig. 5. Ceratophyllus niger Fox. Detail of genitalia of male (Tatla Lake, B.C.) Fig. 6. C. niger. Processes of clasper (enlarged scale). 222 CD 223 THK SIIMloXAl'TKRA OK CANADA Plate V Family PULICIDAE Fig. 7. Cediopsylla simplex (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Electric, Ont.). Fig. 8. Cediopsylla inaequalis inaequalis (Baker). Clasper of male (Elkwater, Alta.). ' Fig. 9. C. i. inaequalis. Spermatheca of female (Waterton, Alta.). Fig. 10. Cediopsylla simplex (Baker). Clasper of male (Electric, Ont.). Fig. 11. Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis). Head and pronotum of male. Fig. 12. C. canis. Preantennal region of head of female. Fig. 13. C. canis. Clasper of male. Fig. 14. Ctenocephalides felis felis (Bouche). Preantennal region of head of male. Fig. 15. C.f. felis. Preantennal region of female. Fig. 16. C. f. felis. Clasper of male. Fig. 17. C. f. felis. Spermatheca of female. 224 Oc. S 225 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate VI Family PULICIDAE Fig. 18. Hoplopsyllus affinis (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Estevan, Sask.). H. affinis. Clasper and sternum IX of male. H. affinis. Spermatheca of female. Hoplopsyllus glacialis lynx (Baker). Clasper of male (Phoenix, B.C.). H. g. lynx. Spermatheca of female (Grey Creek, B.C.). Pulex irritans Linnaeus. Head and part of thorax of male (Harper- ville, Man.). P. irritans. Clasper of male. P. irritans. Spermatheca of female. Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild). Head and part of thorax of female. X. cheopis. Clasper and sternum IX of male. X. cheopis. Spermatheca of female. Fig. 19 Fig. 20 Fig. 21 Fig. 22, Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Fig. 25, Fig. 26 Fig. 27 Fig. 28 226 St. IX. PI. St Ms. St. £> 227 1 III-: SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate VII Family VERMIPSYLLIDAE Fig. 29. Arctopsylla ursi (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Azure Lake, B.C.). Fig. 30. A. ursi. Clasper of male. Fig. 31. A. ursi. Spermatheca of female. Fig. 32. A. ursi. Engorged female (reduced scale). Fig. 33. Arctopsylla setosa (Rothschild). Clasper of male (Malaqua, B.C.). Fig. 34. A setosa. Spermatheca of female (Grey Creek, B.C.). 228 Clp. T Mx. Pip T.VIII. Mt. Epm. St. VIII. Q& >T 22<) I 111- SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate VIII Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Hystrichopsyllinae Fig. 35. Saphiopsylla bishopi (Jordan). Head and pronotum of male (Kapus- casing, Ont.). Fig. 36. S. bishopi. Genitalia of male. Fig. 37. S. bishopi. Spermathecae and sternum VII of female (Port Abino, Welland Co., Ont.). Fig. 38. Atyphloceras multidentatus (Fox). Preantennal region of head of male (Chilliwack, B.C.). Fig. 39. A. multidentatus. Genitalia of male. Fig. 40. A. multidentatus. Spermathecae and terminal abdominal segments of female (Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 41. Atyphloceras artius (Jordan). Spermathecae and sternum VII of female (after Jordan). 230 T.VII. 231 THE SIPHONAPTERA < >I- CANADA Plate IX Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Hystrichopsyllinae Fig. 42. Hystrichopsylla dippiei Rothschild. Head and pronotum of male (Stanmore, Alta.). Fig. 43. H. dippiei. Genitalia of male. Fig. 44. H. dippiei. Spermathecae and sternum VII of female. (Elkwater, Alta.). Fig. 45. Hystrichopsylla tahavuana Jordan. Genitalia of male (Brule Lake, Ont.). Fig. 46. H. tahavuana. Spermathecae of female. 232 St. IX. #t 233 II IK SIIMIOXAI'TKRA OF CANADA Plate X Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Hystrichopsyllinae Fig. 47. Hystrichopsylla occidentalis n. sp. Preantennal region of head of female (allotype, Mt. Seymour, B.C.). Fig. 48. H. occidentalis. Genitalia of male (holotype, Mt. Seymour, B.C.). Fig. 49. H. occidentalis. Spermathecae of female (allotype). Fig. 50. Hystrichopsylla spinata n. sp. Genitalia of male (holotype, Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 51. H. spinata. Enlarged detail of ventral arm of sternum VIII. Fig. 52. H. spinata. Spermathecae of female (allotype, Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 53. Hystrichopsylla schefferi Chapin. Genitalia of male (Cultus Lake, B.C.). Fig. 54. H. schefferi. Spermathecae of female. 234 G. P. 235 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XI Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Hystrichopsyllinae Fig. 55. Stenoponia americana (Baker). Male (reduced scale. Specimen from Camden, Delaware, received from Robert Traub). Fig. 56. S. americana. Head and pronotum of male. Fig. 57. 5. americana. Clasper and sternum IX of male. Fig. 58. 5. americana. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Algoma, Ont.). 236 St. IX. St. VII. «& 237 THE SIPHONAPTKRA < >l- ( \\\l>\ Plate XII Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Neopsyllinae Fig. 59. Catallagia charlottensis (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Silver Creek, B.C.). C. charlottensis. Genitalia of male. C. charlottensis. Enlarged detail of ventral arm of sternum IX. C. charlottensis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Catallagia chamberlini Hubbard. Coxa III and abdominal sternum II, showing "stridulating apparatus" (Tenquille Lake, B.C.). C. chamberlini. Ventral arm of sternum IX of male. C. chamberlini. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Catallagia decipiens Rothschild. Ventral arm of sternum IX of male (Blackfalds, Alta.). C. decipiens. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Delotelis telegoni (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Kin- basket Lake, B.C.). D. telegoni. Genitalia of male. D. telegoni. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Huntingdon, B.C.). Fig. 60 Fig. 61 Fig. 62 Fig. 63 Fig. 64 Fig. 65 Fig. 66 Fig. 67 Fig. 68. Fig. 69 Fig. 70 238 Clp. T 239 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XIII Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Neopsyllinae Fig. 71. Epitedia scapani (Wagner). Head and prothorax of male (holotype, Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 72. E. scapani. Sternum IX of male (holotype). Fig. 73. E. scapani. Clasper of male (holotype). Fig. 74. E. scapani. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (topotype, Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 75. Epitedia wenmanni (Rothschild). Sternum IX of male (Kamloops B.C.). E. wenmanni. Clasper of male. E. wenmanni. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Neopsylla inopina Rothschild. Head and prothorax of male (topo- type; Calgary, Alta.). N. inopina. Clasper and sternum IX of male. N. inopina. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (topotype). Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild). Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Buckshot Lake, Ont.). Fig. 76 Fig. 77 Fig. 78 Fig. 79 No. 80. Fig. 81 240 tf# 241 THE SIPHONAPTERA ( )E CANADA Plate XIV Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAK Subfamily Neopsyllinae Fig. 82. Tamiophila grandis (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Pancake Bay, Algoma, Ont.). Fig. S3. T. grandis. Clasper and sternum IX of male. Fig. 84. Meringis shannoni (Jordan). Head and pronotum of male (Okanagan Landing, B.C.). Fig. 85. M. shannoni. Hind tarsal segment V of female. Fig. 86. M . shannoni. Sternum IX of male. Fig. 87. M. shannoni. Clasper of male. Fig. 88. M. shannoni. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 89. Fig. 90 Fig. 91 Fig. 92 Fig. 93 Fig. 94 Fig. 95. Fig. 96. Subfamily Rhadinopsyllinae Micropsylla sectilis sectilis (Jordan and Rothschild). Head and pro- notum of female (topotype; Kelowna, B.C.). M. sectilis sectilis. Metathorax of female. M. sectilis sectilis. Clasper and sternum IX of male (topotype). M. sectilis sectilis. Enlarged detail of moveable process of clasper of male. M. sectilis sectilis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Micropsylla sectilis goodi Hubbard. Preantennal region of head of female (Vancouver, B.C.). M. sectilis goodi. Moveable process of clasper of male. M. sectilis goodi. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. 242 Clp. T 243 rHK SIIMIOXAI'TKK A OF CANADA Plate XV Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Rhadinopsyllinae Fig. 97. Rectofrontia fraterna (Baker). Head and thorax of male (Rock Glen, Sask.) Fig. 98. R. fraterna. Clasper and sternum IX of male. Fig. 99. R. fraterna. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 100. Trichopsylloides oregonensis Ewing. Head and pronotum of male (Cultus Lake, B.C.). Fig. 101. T. oregonensis. Metathorax of male. Fig. 102. T. oregonensis. Clasper and sternum IX of male. Fig. 103. T. oregonensis. Spermatheca and terminal abdominal segments of female (Clastrop Co., Oregon, specimen received from F. M. Prince). 244 Ms. N. Mt. Epm. 245 THE SIPHONAl'TKRA OK CANADA Plate XVI Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Ctenophthalminae Fig. 104. Ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes Baker. Head and pronotum of male (Blackfalds, Alta.). Fig. 105. C. pseudagyrtes. Terminal segments of labial palpus (enlarged scale.) Fig. 106. C. pseudagyrtes. Clasper of male. Fig. 107. C. pseudagyrtes. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Algoma, Ont.). Fig. 108. Doratopsylla blarinae C. Fox. Head and pronotum of male (Algoma, Ont.). Fig. 109. D. blarinae. Tergum VII and clasper of male. Fig. 110. D. blarinae. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Algonquin Park, Ont.). Fig. 111. Corrodopsylla curvata curvata (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Estevan, Sask.). Fig. 112. C. curvata curvata. Tergum VII and clasper of male. Fig. 113. C. curvata curvata. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 114. Corrodopsylla curvata obtusata (Wagner). Clasper of male (Chilli- wack, B.C.). Fig. 115. C. curvata obtusata. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. 246 Clp. T 105 Lb. Pip. R. s. Antp. S. Pyg- T.VII. R. s. St. VII. Int. G Ant. F. Lb. St-g. St. VII. 247 I III- SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XVII Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Anomiopsyllinae Fig. 116. Callistopsyllus terinus (Rothschild). Head, pronotum and fore coxa of male (Revelstoke, B.C.). Fig. 117. C. terinus. Terminal abdominal segments of male. Fig. 118. C. terinus. Enlarged detail of processes of clasper and posterior arm of sternum IX of male. Fig. 119. C. terinus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 120. Callistopsyllus campestris n. sp. Enlarged detail of processes of clasper and posterior arm of sternum IX of male (holotype; Medicine Hat, Alta.). Fig. 121. C. campestris. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (allotype; Medicine Hat, Alta.). Fig. 122. Megarthroglossus procus Jordan and Rothschild. Head, pronotum and forecoxa of female (Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 123. M. procus. Genitalia of male (Gambier Island, B.C.). 248 Cx. I. St. IX. Acd. Ap St. VIII. St. IX. St. IX. Ant. F. Crc. 249 I III'. SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XVIII Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Anomiopsyllinae Fig. 124. Megarthroglossus procus Jordan and Rothschild. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Vancouver, B.C.). Megarthroglossus similis Wagner. Genitalia of male (after Wagner) . Megarthroglossus divisus divisus (Baker). Genitalia of male (Berg Lake, Mt. Robson, B.C.). M. d. divisus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Megarthroglossus divisus exsecatus Wagner. Genitalia of male (Ray- leigh, B.C.). Fig. 129. M. divisus exsecatus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (a Rayleigh, B.C.; b, holotype, Avola, B.C.; c, Nicola, B.C., a specimen checked by Wagner). Fig. 130.. Megarthroglossus pygmaeus Wagner. Genitalia of male (holotype, Nicola, B.C.). Fig. 131. Megarthroglossus sicamus Jordan and Rothschild. Genitalia of male (after Jordan and Rothschild). Fig. 132. M. sicamus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Rutland, B.C.). Fig. 133. Megarthroglossus spenceri Wagner. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (holotype, Nicola, B.C.). Fig. 125. Fig. 126. Fig. 127. Fig. 128. 250 St. IX. R. s. :5i TI1K SIIMIOXAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XIX Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Anomiopsyllinae Fig. 134. Conorhinopsylla stanfordi Stewart. Head and pronotum of male (Michigan; specimen received from Wm. L. Jellison). Fig. 135. C. stanfordi. Genitalia of male. Fig. 136. C. stanfordi. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Michigan; specimen from Wm. L. Jellison). Subfamily Nearctopsyllinae Fig. 137. Corypsylla ornata Fox. Head and thorax of male (Agassiz, B.C.). Fig. 138. C. ornata. Genitalia of male. Fig. 139. C. ornata. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Silver Creek, B.C.). Fig. 140. Nearctopsylla brooksi (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Beavermouth, B.C.). Fig. 141. N. brooksi. Meso- and metanotum of female (Cultus Lake, B.C.). Fig. 142. Nearctopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild). Abdominal terga I and II, show- ing apical spinelets. Male (Vavenby, B.C.). 252 B. Cop THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XX Family HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE Subfamily Nearctopsyllinae Fig. 143. Neardopsylla brooksi (Rothschild). Processes of clasper and sternum IX of male (Paradise Mine, B.C.). Fig. 144. N. brooksi. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 145. Neardopsylla hyrtaci (Rothschild). Processes of clasper and sternum IX of male (Vavenby, B.C.). Fig. 146. TV. hyrtaci. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Cultus Lake, B.C.). Fig. 147. Neardopsylla genalis genalis (Baker). Moveable process of clasper and ventral arm of sternum IX (Drawn from the type male, by Robert Traub). Enlarged scale. Fig. 148. Neardopsylla genalis hygini (Rothschild). Moveable process and ventral arm of sternum IX (Pierce Lake, Sask.). Fig. 149. TV. genalis hygini. Sternum VII of female (after Jordan and Roths- child). Fig. 150. Neardopsylla genalis laurentina Jordan and Rothschild. Processes of clasper and sternum IX of male (near topotype, Scotch Lake, N.B.). Fig. 151. N. genalis laurentina. Enlarged detail of male genitalia. Fig. 152. N. genalis laurentina. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Lincoln, Maine; specimen received from R. Traub). Fig. 153. Neardopsylla jordani Hubbard. Clasper and sternum IX of male (Huntingdon, B.C.). Fig. 154. N. jordani. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Vancouver, B.C.). 254 152 255 THE SIPHONAPTERA ( )E CANADA Plate XXI Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Amphipsyllinae Fig. 155. Amphipsylla sibirica pollionis (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of female (Chipewyan, Alta.). Fig. 156. A. sibirica pollionis. Clasper of male (after Rothschild). Fig. 157. A. sibirica pollionis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Chipewyan, Alta.). Fig. 158. Ctenophyllus terribilis (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 159. C. terribilis. Genitalia of male. Fig. 160. C. terribilis. Preantennal region of head of female (topotype; Banff, Alta.). Fig. 161. C. terribilis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 162. Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Burn, Ore.; specimen received from Wm. L. Jellison). 256 T. Ap. St. VII. 257 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXII Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Amphipsyllinae Fig. 163. Odontopsyllus dentatus (Baker). Hindcoxa of male (Elkwater, Alta.). Fig. 164. 0. dentatus. Clasper of male. Fig. 165. 0. dentatus. Spermatheca of female. Subfamily Dolichopsyllinae Fig. 166. Dolichopsyllus stylosus (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Huntingdon, B.C.). Fig. 167. D. stylosus. Processes of clasper of male. Fig. 168. D. stylosus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 169. D. stylosus. Tergum VII and antepygidial setae of male. Fig. 170. D. stylosus. Tergum VII and antepygidial setae of female. 258 Cx. Ill 259 THE SIIMK >\ W I !■ K,\ OK CANADA Plate XXIII Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 171. Oropsylla arctomys (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Quick, B.C.). Fig. 172. 0. arctomys. Processes of clasper of male (Kawene, Ont.). Fig. 173. 0. arctomys. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. (Big River, Sask.). Fig. 174. Oropsylla alaskensis (Baker). Processes of clasper of male (Thelon Game Sanctuary, N.W.T.). Fig. 175. 0. alaskensis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Baker Lake, N.W.T.). Fig. 176. Oropsylla idahoensis (Baker). Processes of clasper of male (Jasper National Park, Alta.). Fig. 177. 0. idahoensis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Paradise Mine, B.C.). Fig. 178. Oropsylla rupestris (Jordan). Genitalia of male (topotvpe; Calgarv, Alta.). Fig. 179. 0. rupestris. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (topotype). 260 Clp. T. St. VII. 261 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXIV Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 180. Thrassis bacchi (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Estevan, Sask.). Thrassis acamantis (Rothschild). Genitalia of male (Chase, B.C.). T. acamantis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female, showing variation (a-e all from Pritchard, B.C.). Thrassis bacchi (Rothschild). Clasper of male (Estevan, Sask.). T. bacchi, Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Thrassis petiolatus (Baker). Clasper of male (Kelowna, B.C.). T. petiolatus. Spermatheca and examples of dimorphic sternum VII of female (a-e all from Kelowna, B.C.). Thrassis spenceri Wagner. Genitalia of male (hototype; Granite Mt., 7000', Birch Island, B.C.). T. spenceri. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (N. Fork of Eagle River, B.C.). Fig. 181 Fig. 182 Fig. 183, Fig. 184 Fig. 185, Fig. 186 Fig. 187, Fig. 188 262 *v 263 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXV Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 189. Amphalius necopinus (Jordan). Head and pronotum of female (Brewster Creek, Banff, Alta.). Fig. 190. A. necopinus. Processes of clasper of male (Banff, Alta.). Fig. 191. A. necopinus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 192. A. necopinus. Anal stylet of female. Fig. 193. Dactylopsylla comis Jordan. Head and pronotum of male (Little Lava Lake, Ore.; specimen received from C. A. Hubbard). Fig. 194. D. comis. Hindtibia of male. Fig. 195. D. comis. Processes of clasper of male. 264 Oft 265 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXVI Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 196. Dactylopsylla comis Jordan. Sternum VIII of male (Little Lava Lake, Ore.). D. comis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (after Jordan). Foxella ignota recula (Jordan and Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (topotype; Okanagan Landing, B.C.). F. ignota recula. Hindtibia of male. F. ignota recula. Process of clasper and sternum VIII of male. F. ignota recula. Spermatheca and variations of sternum VII of female (a-e all from Cherry Creek, B.C.). Fig. 202. Foxella ignota albertensis (Jordan and Rothschild). Processes of clasper and sternum VIII of male (Pincher Creek, Alta.). Fig. 203. F. ignota albertensis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 204. Opisocrostis tuberculatus tuber culatus (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Saskatoon, Sask.). Fig. 197. Fig. 198. Fig. 199. Fig. 200. Fig. 201. 266 St VII. 196 Mb. R. s. 197 R. s. St. VII,. Clp. T 267 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Fig. 205. Fig. 206. Fig. 207. Fig. 208. Fig. 209. Fig. 210. Fig. 211. Fig. 212. Fig. 213. Fig. 214. Fig. 215. Plate XXVII Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Opisocrostis bruneri (Baker). Clasper and sternum VIII of male (Carlyle Lake, Sask.). 0. bruneri. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Emma Lake, Sask.). Opisocrostis labis (Jordan and Rothschild). Processes of clasper of male (topotype; Calgary, Alta.). 0. labis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (topotype). Opisocrostis saundersi (Jordan). Clasper of male (after Jordan). 0. saundersi. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (topotype; Saskatoon, Sask.). Opisocrostis tuber culatus tuber culatus (Baker). Processes of clasper of male (Saskatoon, Sask.). 0. t. tuber culatus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Opisodasys keeni (Baker). Preantennal region of head of male (Har- rison Bay, B.C.). 0. keeni. Tergum VIII and processes of clasper of male. 0. keeni. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (topotype, Queen Charlotte Is., B.C.) and (b-f) variations in sternum VII — specimens from various localities in B.C.). 268 269 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXVIII Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 216. Opisodasys pseudarctomys (Baker). Processes of clasper and ab- dominal segment VIII of male (Blackpool, B.C.). Fig. 217. 0. pseudarctomys. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 218. Opisodasys vesperalis (Jordan). Processes of clasper of male (Lac la Hache, B.C.). Fig. 219. 0. vesperalis. Anal segments of female (Tenquille Lake, B.C.). Fig. 220. 0. vesperalis. Spermatheca and variation in sternum VII of female (a-g, all from Tenquille Lake, B.C.). Fig. 221. Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan). Genitalia of male (Fort Liard, N.W.T.). Fig. 222. 0. caedens caedens. Spermatheca, sternum VII and anal segments of female. 270 271 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXIX Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 223. Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan). Variation in sternum VII of female (a-h, all from Fort Liard, N.W.T.). Fig. 224. Orchopeas caedens durus (Jordan). Spermatheca and variation in sternum VII of female (a-i, all from Quesnel, B.C.). Fig. 225. Orchopeas caedens caedens (Jordan). Preantennal region of head of male (Blackfalds, Alta.). Fig. 226. Orchopeas sexdentatus agilis (Rothschild). Preantennal region of head of male (Tappen, B.C.). Fig. 227. Orchopeas leucopus (Baker). Processes of clasper of male (Blackfalds, Alta.). Fig. 228. 0. leucopus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Kawene, Ont.). Fig. 229. Orchopeas nepos (Rothschild). Processes of clasper of male (Chilli- wack, B.C.). Fig. 230. O. nepos. Spermatheca and variations in sternum VII of female (a-d, from Vancouver and other localities in coastal B.C.). Fig. 231. Orchopeas sexdentatus agilis (Rothschild). Processes of clasper of male (Tappen, B.C.). Fig. 232. O. sexdentatus agilis. Spermatheca and variation in sternum VII of female (a-g, all from Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 233. Orchopeas howardii (Baker). Processes of clasper of male (Chatham, Ont.). Fig. 234. 0. howardii. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. 272 223 G. P. R. s 224 St. VII. 227 abc defgh i 233 226 229 T. C. R. s abc -^~~d R. s 228 234 St. VII. R. s R. s 273 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXX Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 235. Tarsopsylla color adensis (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Paradise Mine, B.C.). Fig. 236. T. coloradensis . Genitalia of male (Lac la Hache, B.C.). Fig. 237. T. coloradensis. Enlarged detail of moveable process of clasper. Fig. 238. T. coloradensis. Tarsus of hind leg of male (Paradise Mine, B.C.). Fig. 239. T. coloradensis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female showing variation (a-e, from various localities in B.C.). 274 St. VII 275 THE SIPHON'AI'TKKA OF CANADA Plate XXXI Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 240. Ceratophyllus riparius Jordan and Rothschild. Head and pronotum of male (Kamloops, B.C.). Ceratophyllus adustus Jordan. Hintibia of female (after Jordan). C. adustus. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII (after Jordan). Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox. Hintibia of male (Tatla Lake, B.C.). Ceratophyllus celsus celsus Jordan. Processes of clasper and sternum IX of male (Kamloops, B.C.). C. celsus celsus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Ceratophyllus diffinis Jordan. Genitalia of male (Vavenby, B.C.). C. diffinis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Vernon, B.C.). Fig. 241 Fig. 242 Fig. 243 Fig. 244 Fig. 245 Fig. 246 Fig. 247 276 St. IX. Tb. Ill 243 St. VII. R. s. Antp. S. P. F. St. IX St. VIII. R. s. 277 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXXII Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 248. Ceratophyllus gallinae (Schrank). Processes of clasper of male. Fig. 249. C. gallinae. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 250. Ceratophyllus garei Rothschild. Processes of clasper and sternum VIII of male (Chipewyan, Alta.). Fig. 251. C. garei. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 252. Ceratophyllus idius Jordan and Rothschild. Processes of clasper and portions of tergum VIII and sternum IX of male (Rock, Mass.; specimen received from Irving Fox). Fig. 253. C. idius. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Clarksville, 111.; specimen received from Irving Fox). Fig. 254. Ceratophyllus niger C. Fox. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Ballingall Island, B.C.). Fig. 255. C. niger. Variation of sternum VII (Jordan's UC. niger inflexus" , Lulu Is., B.C.). Fig. 256. Ceratophyllus petrochelidoni Wagner. Processes of clasper of male (holotype; Chilcotin, B.C.). Fig. 257. C. petrochelidoni. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (allotype; Chilcotin, B.C.). Fig. 258. C. petrochelidoni. a-b, dimorphic sternum VII of female (Calaveras Dam, Cal. ; specimens from P. Quentin Tomich). 278 279 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Plate XXXIII Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 259. Ceratophyllus riparius Jordan and Rothschild. Processes of clasper and sternum IX of male (Kamloops, B.C.). Fig. 260. C. riparius. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 261. Ceratophyllus tundrensis Holland. Processes of clasper and dorsal part of tergum VIII of male (paratype; Baker Lake, N.W.T.). Fig. 262. C. tundrensis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (after Holland). Fig. 263. Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus (Baker). Head and pronotum of male (Huntingdon, B.C.). Fig. 264. D. gallinulae perpinnatus. Hind tarsal segment V of male. Fig. 265. D. gallinulae perpinnatus. Processes of clasper of male. Fig. 266. D. gallinulae perpinnatus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 267. Malaraeus bitterrootensis (Dunn). Clasper, dorsal arm of sternum IX and sternum VIII of male (Ravalli Co., Mont.; specimen received from Wm. L. Jellison). 280 Ts. S. St. VIII. Vk s*. 281 THE SIPHONAI'TKKA OF CANADA Fig. 268. Fig. 269. Fig. 270. Fig. 271. Fig. 272. Fig. 273. Fig. 274. Fig. 275. Fig. 276. Plate XXXIV Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Malaraeus bitter rootensis (Dunn). Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Ravalli Co., Mont.; specimen received from Wm. L. Jellison). Malaraeus euphorbi (Rothschild). Genitalia of male (Kamloops, B.C.). M. euphorbi. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Malaraeus telchinum (Rothschild). Processes of clasper of male (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). M. telchinum. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female. Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan. Head and pronotum of male (Chipewyan, Alta.). M. penicilliger dissimilis. Processes of clasper and sternum VIII of male (paratype; Rapids, Alaska; specimen loaned by Wm . L. Jellison). M. penicilliger dissimilis. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, Alta.). Megabothris quirini (Rothschild). Preantennal region of head of male (Elkwater, Alta.). 282 B. Cop. 283 THE SIPHONAPTKRA OF CANADA Plate XXXV Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 277. Malaraeus penicilliger dissimilis Jordan. Variation in sternum VII of female (a, Reliance, N.W.T.; b, Arctic Red River, N.W.T. ; c, d, Tenquille Lake, B.C.; e, Chipewyan, Alta.; f, g, Maligne Lake, Alta. ; h, Arctic Red River; i, j, Reliance; k, Tenquille Lake; 1, m, left and right sides of allotype, Rapids, Alaska, loaned by Wm. L. Jellison). Fig. .-:78. Megabothris abantis (Rothschild). Parts of terga VII and VIII and process of clasper of male (Peters Lake, B.C.). Fig. 279. M. abantis. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (topotype; Banff, Alta.). Fig. 280. Megabothris acerbus (Jordan). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (Brule Lake, Ont.). Fig. 281. M. acerbus. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (Kapuscasing, Ont.). Fig. 282. Megabothris asio megacolpus (Jordan). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (topotype; Okanagan Landing, B.C.). Fig. 283. M. asio megacolpus. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (topotype). 284 An. abcdefgh i jkl m Ac. S. T. VII. Antp. S. T.VIII. R. s. T. VII. Antp. S. T. VIII. 285 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Fig. 284. Fig. 285. Fig. 286. Fig. 287. Fig. 288. Fig. 289. Fig. 290. Fig. 291. Plate XXXVI Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Megabothris asio megacolpus (Jordan). Variation in sternum VII of female (a-k, all from Williams Lake, B.C.). Megabothris atrox (Jordan). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (paratype; Blaekfalds, Alta. Specimen received from K. Jordan). M. atrox. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (paratype, received from K. Jordan). Megabothris groenlandicus (Wahlgren). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (Pangnirtung, Baffin Is.). Megabothris immitis (Jordan). Sternum VII of female (after Jordan). Megabothris lucifer (Rothschild). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (a, Estevan, Sask. ; b, Kamloops, B.C.; c, Estevan). M. lucifer. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (Estevan, Sask.). Megabothris quirini (Rothschild). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (Elkwater, Alta.). 286 287 THK SIPHON AI'TKK A OF CANADA Plate XXXV II Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 292. Megabothris quirini (Rothschild). Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (topotype; Red Deer, Alta.). Fig. 293. Megabothris obscurus n. sp. Genitalia of male (holotype). Fig. 294. M. obscurus. Moveable process of clasper (paratype; Stanmore, Alta.). Fig. 295. Monopsyllus ciliatus protinus (Jordan). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (Harrison Bay, B.C.). Fig. 296. M. ciliatus protinus. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (Cultus Lake, B.C.). Fig. 297. Monopsyllus eumolpi eumolpi (Rothschild). Stigma VIII and pro- cesses of clasper of male (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 298. M. eumolpi eumolpi. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female. 288 T. VII T.VIII. R. s. 289 THE SIPHONAPTERA <>K CANADA Plate XXXVIII Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 299. Monopsyllus thambus (Jordan). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (Reliance, N.W.T.). Fig. 300. M. thambus. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female. Variation in sternum VII (a-h, series from Reliance and other localities in N.W.T.). Fig. 301. Monopsyllus vison (Baker). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (Tranquille, B.C.). Fig. 302. M. vison. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 303. Monopsyllus wagneri wagneri (Baker). Stigma VIII and processes of clasper of male (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 304. M. wagneri wagneri. Spermatheca and abdominal segments VII and VIII of female. Fig. 305. Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius (Jordan). Processes of clasper of male (Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 306. M. wagneri ophidius. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Harrison Bay, B.C.). Fig. 307. Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus (Jordan). Processes of clasper of male (topotype; Blackfalds, Alta.). Fig. 308. M. wagneri systaltus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (topotype). 290 T. VIII Antp. S. St. VII. St. VII w 291 THE SIPHONAI'TKRA OF CANADA Plate XXXIX Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae Fig. 309. Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Bosc d'Antic). Head and pronotum of male. Fig. 310. N. fasciatus. Part of genitalia of male. Fig. 311. N. fasciatus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Subfamily Leptopsyllinae Fig. 312. Leptopsylla segnis (Schonherr). Head and pronotum of male. Fig. 313. L. segnis. Hintibia of female, showing comb of dorsal bristles. Fig. 314. L. segnis. Clasper of male. Fig. 315. L. segnis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. Fig. 316. Peromyscopsylla ravalliensis (Dunn). Head and pronotum of female (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 317. P. ravalliensis. Clasper and sternum VIII of male (Paradise Mine, B.C.). Fig. 318. P. ravalliensis. Spermatheca and variation in sternum VII of female (a-h, Kinbasket Lake; i-j, Vavenby, B.C.). 292 B. Cop. St. VII St. VII. St. VIII. Tb.III. St. VIII. abcdefghi j 2<)3 THE SIPHONAPTERA < >K CANADA Plate XL Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Leptopsyllinae Fig. 319. Peromyscopsylla hesperomys pacifica n. ssp. Preantennal region of head of female (allotype; Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 320. P. hesperomys pacifica. Genitalia of male (holotype; Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 321. P. hesperomys pacifica. Detail of moveable process of clasper (enlarged scale). Fig. 322. Peromyscopsylla hesperomys hesperomys (Baker). Detail of moveable process (Ithaca, N.Y.; specimen from R. Traub). Fig. 323. Peromyscopsylla hesperomys hemisphaerium Stewart. Detail of moveable process (paratype; Monterey Co., Cal.). Fig. 324. Peromyscopsylla hesperomys ssp.; spermatheca and sterna VII of females (a-e, P. h. pacifica; f, P. h. hesperomys, Ithaca, N.Y., from R. Traub; g-h, P. h. hemisphaerium, paratypes, Monterey Co., Cal.). Fig. 325. Peromyscopsylla catatina (Jordan). Preantennal region of head of female (Pancake Bay, Algoma, Ont.). Fig. 326. P. catatina. Clasper and sternum VIII of male. Fig. 327. P. catatina. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont.). Fig. 328. Peromyscopsylla hamifer hamifer (Rothschild). Preantennal region of head of male (Charlton, Ont.). Fig. 329. P. hamifer hamifer. Clasper and sternum VIII of male. Fig. 330. P. hamifer hamifer. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Kapuscasing, Ont.). Fig. 331. Peromyscopsylla selenis (Rothschild). Preantennal region of head of female (Kinbasket Lake, B.C.). Fig. 332. P. selenis. Clasper and sternum VII of male (Berg Lake, B.C.). Fig. 333. P. selenis. Spermatheca and sternum VI J of female. 294 T.VII. Antp. S. St. VIII| 295 THE SIPHONAPTERA <)K CANADA Plate XL I Family ISCHNOPSYLLIDAE Fig. 334. Eptescopsylla Vancouver ensis (Wagner). Head and part of thorax of female (topotype; Vancouver, B.C.). Fig. 335. E. Vancouver ensis. Genitalia of male (topotype). Fig. 336. E. Vancouver ensis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (para- type). Fig. 337. Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (Blackfalds, Alta.). Fig. 338. M. insignis. Abdominal terga II and III of male, showing "false combs". Fig. 339. Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Rothschild. Genitalia of male (Cowichan Lake, V. L, B.C.). 296 Int. G. Ms.N. Ps S. St. IX. 337 St. IX. Ap. Rd. 207 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Fig. 341. Fig. 342. Fig. 343. Fig. 344. Fig. 345. Plate XL 1 1 Family ISCHNOPSYLLIDAE Fig. 340. Myodopsylla insignis (Rothschild). Enlarged detail of apical portion of clasper of male (Blackfalds, Alta.). M. insignis. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female. M. insignis. Enlarged detail of spermatheca. Myodopsylla gentilis Jordan and Rothschild. Enlarged detail of apical portion of clasper of male (Cowichan Lake, B.C.). M. gentilis. Spermatheca of female. Myodopsylloides palposus (Rothschild). Head and pronotum of male (allotype; Kamloops, B.C.). Fig. 346. M. palposus. Metanotum and abdominal terga I and II of male, showing apical spinelets (allotype). Fig. 347. M. palposus. Genitalia of male (allotype). Fig. 348. M. palposus. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Trinitv Valley, B. C). Family CERATOPHYLLIDAE Subfamily Ceratophyllinae (continuation from plate XXXV) Fig. 349. Megabothris asio asio (Baker). Processes of clasper of male (Rutland, Vermont; specimen received from Robert Traub). Fig. 350. M. asio asio. Spermatheca and sternum VII of female (Newcastle, Delaware; from Robert Traub). 298 344 299 INDEX The following index contains all scientific names of Siphonaptera quoted in this paper, including former combinations and synonyms. Specific and subspecific names are listed alpha- betically under all the genera or species to which they are, or have been, assigned, with synonyms differentiated from the valid names by the use of italics. All page references are given, with those pertaining to descriptions distinguished by bold-face numerals. References to definitions of anatomical structures used in taxonomy are supplied. Hosts are indexed down to genus onlv, fuller data being available in the host-flea index pp. 183-195. abantis, Megabothris, 13, 15. 16, 30, 33, 157, 158 abbreviations, 51, 52 abdomen, 42 acamantis, Thrassis, 12, 16, 19, 23, 31, 38, 118, 119, 122 acasti = pseudarctomys, Opisodasys acerbus, Megabothris, 13, 17, 152, 156, 157, 159 acetabular setae, 44 Aetenopsylla, 60 adustus, Ceratophyllus, 12, 15, 145, 146 adversus — abantis, Megabothris aedeagal apodeme, 44 aedeagal hooks. See crochets aedeagus, 44 ae ger = \eucopus, Orchopeas Aelheopsylla =Oropsylla septentrionalis =arctomys Aethiospar, 195 affinis, Hoplopsyllus, 11, 16, 62 agilis, Orchopeas sexdentatus, 12, 16, 31, 141 alaskensis, Oropsylla, 12, 18, 113, 114 albertensis, Foxella ignota. 12, 16, 125 Alopex, 185 americana, Stenoponia, 11, 17, 33, 71, 79 Amphalius, 27, 35, 56, 123 necopinus, 12, 15, 16, 29, 31, 123 runatus, 123 Amphipsylla, 20. 27, 30, 35, 43, 55, 108 neotomae, 108 schelkovnikovi, 108 sibirica pollionis, 12, 16, 33, 108 Amphipsyllinae, 12, 27, 108, 111 anal stylet, 45 anomalus, Hoplopsyllus, 61 Anomiopsyllinae, 12, 27, 43, 93, 96 Anomiopsyllus, 59, 96 Anseriformes, 194 antennae, 40 antennal fossa, 39 antepygidial setae, 43 anus, 44 Aphaniptera = Siphonaptera apical spinelets, 42 Aplodontia, 193 Aplodontiidae, 193 apodemal rod, 44 apophysis. See apodemal rod arachis, Meringis, 88 arctomys, Oropsylla, 12, 16, 17, 31. 113, 114 Arctopsylla, 21, 24, 27, 35, 53, 69 setosa, 11, 15, 33, 69, 70 tuberculaticeps, 69 ursi, 11, 15, 16, 69, 70 armatus, Ctenophyllus, 109 Artiodactyla, 24, 26, 27, 193 artius, Atvphloceras, 11, 15, 72, 73 Asio, 194 asio. Megabothris, 13, 17, 152, 156, 157. 160 asio megacolpus, Megabothris, 13, 15, 16, 18, 156, 157, 160 asio orectus, Megabothris, 160 atrium, 43 atrox, Megabothris. 13, 16, 18, 156. 157. 161 Atyphloceras, 27, 36, 43, 45. 55. 71. 72 artius, 11. 15. 72, 73 bishopi. See Saphiopsylla multidentatus, 11, 15, 33, 72, 73 \ • -. 194 bacchi, Thrassis, 12, 16, 17, 38. 1 18. 121 Bakerella = Orchopeas bakeri — thambus, Monopsylhis bidentatitonnis. Wopsylla, 86 bishopi, Saphiopsylla, 11, 17.33. 72 bisoctodentatus, Ctenophthalmus, 93 bitterrootensis, Malaraeus, 13, 16, 153, 154 blarinae, Doratopsylla, 11, 17, 31, 95 bluei, Dactylopsylla, 124 Bonassa, 194 brooksi, Nearctopsylla, 12, 15, 16, 18, 33, 70, 102, 104, 105 bruneri, Opisocrostis, 12, 16, 31, 38, 71, 127, 129 bubonic plague, 5 bursa copulatrix, 45 caedens, Orchopeas, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 30, 31, 135, 136 caedens durus, Orchopeas, 12, 15, 16, 135, 138 californicus — fasciatus, Nosopsyllus Callistopsyllus, 27, 40, 48, 55, 59, 96 campestris, 12, 16, 33, 97, 98 deuterus, 97, 98 paraterinus — terinus terinus, 12, 15, 33, 96, 97, 98 Callopsylla, 152 campestris, Callistopsyllus, 12, 16, 33, 97, 98 canadensis = fasciatus, Nosopsyllus Canidae, 185 Canis, 185 canis, Ctenocephalides, 11, 15, 16, 17, 37, 38 64 Carnivora, 19, 24, 184 Catallagia, 27, 55, 79 chamberlini. 11, 15, 80, 81 charlottensis, 11, 15, 33, 79, 80, 81 decipiens, 11, 15, 16, 33, 79, 81 sculleni, 80 telegoni. See Delotelis catatina, Peromyscopsylla, 13, 17, 33, 175 176 Cediopsylla, 27, 31, 36, 53, 60, 62 inaequalis inaequalis, 11, 16, 61 simplex, 11, 17, 60. 61 celsus, Ceratophyllus, 12, 15, 31, 145, 146, 147 Ceratophyllidae, 12, 20, 24, 26, 27, 41, 44, 48, 70, 107, 173 Ceratophyllinae, 12, 24, 27, 43, 111, 112 Ceratophyllus, 21, 24, 27, 35, 57, 107, 112, 145, 152 abantis. See Megabothris acamantis. See Thrassis acasti — pseudarctomys, Opisodasys acerbus. See Megabothris adustus, 12, 15. 145, 146 aeger = leucopus, Orchopeas agilis. See Orchopeas sexdentatus alaskensis. See Oropsylla arctomys. See Oropsylla armatus. See Ctenophyllus asio. See Megabothris atrox. See Megabothris bacchi. See Thrassis bakeri = thambus, Monopsylhis bitterrootensis. See Malaraeus bruneri. See Opisocrostis caedens. See Orchopeas caedens durus. See Orchopeas californicus = fasciatus, Nosopsyllus canadensis = fasciatus, Nosopsvllus celsus celsus, 12, 15, 31, 145, 146. 147 charlottensis. See Catallagia ciliatus protinus, See Monopsylhis coloradensis. See Tarsopsylla dentatus. See Odontopsyllus diffinis. 12. 15, 17. 33. 145. 147 eumolpi. See Monopsyllus euphorbi. See Malaraeus fasciatus. See Nosopsvllus gallinae, 13. 16, 17. i<). 37. i i.s. 147 gallinulae, See Dasypsyllus gallinulae perpinnatus. See Dasypsyllus garei, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20. 33, U.S. 148 301 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA ( ei atophyllua (< ont'd, > garei islandicus, 148 fibsotti — t alliuae groenlandicus. See Megabothris idahoensis. See ( Iropsylla idius, L3, 15, 31, 145. 148 ignOtUS albei tensis. See Foxella ignotus recula. See Foxella immitis. See Megabothria isus = bitterrootensis, Malaraeus keeni. See ( )pisodasys labis. See Opisocrostis leucopus. See Orchopeas lucidus = vison, Monopsyllus Inciter. See Megabothris lunatus, 150 megacolpus. See Megabothris asio multidentatus. See Atyphloceras necopinus. See Amphalius nepos. See Orchopeas niger. 13. 15, 16. 33, 37, 145. 146, 149 niger inflexus, 149 oculatus = i'asciatus, Nosopsyllus penicilliger. See Malaraeus per omysci= wagneri, Monopsyllus perpinnatus. See Dasypsyllus petiolatus. See Thrassis petrochelidoni. 13, 15, 31, 145, 146, 149 poeaniis = idahoensis, Oropsylla pollionis. See Amphipsylla sibirica ponerus = dentatus, Odontopsyllus pseudarctomys. See Opisodasys quebecensis — garei quirini. See Megabothris riparius, 13, 15, 16, 17, 31, 145, 146, 149 runatus. See Amphalius rupestris. See Oropsylla saundersi. See Opisocrostis sexdentatus agilis. See Orchopeas silantiewi. See Oropsylla stylosus. See Dolichopsyllus telchinum. See Malaraeus telegoni. See Detotelis terinus. See Callistopsyllus terribilis. See Ctenophyllus thambus. See Monopsyllus tuberculatus. See Opisocrostis tundrensis, 13, 18, 145, 146, 150 utahensis = garei vesperalis. See Opisodasys vison. See Monopsyllus wagneri. See Monopsyllus wagneri ophidius. See Monopsyllus wagneri systaltus. See Monopsyllus walked. See Megabothris wickhami = hovj2ird\\, Orchopeas Ceratopsylla insignis. See Myodopsylla palposus. See Myodopsylloides crosbyi — insignis, Myodopsylla cervical sclerite, 41 Cervidae, 192 Chaetopsylla, 69, 151 setosus. See Arctopsylla chamberlini, Catallagia, 11, 15, 80, 81 chapini, Eptescopsylla, 179 Charadrliformes, 194 charlottensis, Catallagia, 11, 15, 33, 80, 81 cheopis. Xenopsylla, 5, 11, 16, 38, 68 Chiroptera, 19, 24, 26, 27, 184 ciliatus, Monopsyllus, 152 ciliatus protinus, Monopsvllus, 13, 15, 31, 165 Citellophilus, 152 Citellus, 188 claspers, 44 clava, 40 Clethrionomys, 192 clypeal tubercle, 39 coloradensis, Tarsopsylla, 12, 16, 18, 33, 143 columbiana = jordani, Nearctopsylla Colymbiformes, 194 Colymbus, 194 comis, Dactylopsylla, 12, 15, 31, 125 Condylura, 183 Conorhinopsylla, 27, 43, 55, 96, 101 nidicola, 102 stanfordi, 12, 17, 101, 102 Corrodopsylla, 27, 35, 54, 95 curvata, 31 curvata, 11, 15, 16, 17. 95 obtusata, 11, 15, 84, 95, 96 Corypsylla, 27, 40, 53, 102, 103 ornata, 12, 15, 31, 84, 103 Corypsylloides, 70, 102 coxa, 42 Cricetidae, i«>() crochets. 44 crosbyi = insignis, Myodopsylla Cryptoglaux, 194 Ctenocephalides, 53, 64 canis, 11, 15, 16, 17, 37, 38, 64 felia felis, 11, 15, 16, 17. 37, 38, 64. 65 Ctenocephalus canis. See Ctenocephalides simplex, See Cediopsylla ( tenonotus = Tarsopsylla octodecimdentatus. See Tarsopsylla Ctenophthalminae, 11, 27, 43, 93 Ctenophthalmus, 27, 35, 54, 93, 151 bisoctodentatus, 93 fraternus. See Rectofrontia genalis. See Nearctopsylla pseudagyrtes, 11, 16, 17, 33, 93 wenmanni. See Epitedia Ctenophyllus. 27, 35, 39, 43, 56, 109 armatus, 109 terribilis, 12, 15, 16, 29, 31, 109 Ctenopsyllus = Leptopsylla brooksi. See Nearctopsylla hamifer. See Peromyscopsylla hesperomys. See Peromyscopsylla hygini. See Nearctopsylla genalis hyrtaci. See Nearctopsylla ravalliensis. See Peromyscopsylla segnis. See Leptopsylla selenis. See Peromyscopsylla curvata, Corrodopsylla, 11, 15, 16, 17, 31, 95 curvata obtusata, Corrodopsylla, 11, 15, 84, 95, 96 Cyanocitta, 194 cynomuris, Opisocrostis tuberculatus, 130 Cynomys, 188 Dactylopsylla, 20, 27, 36, 55, 124 comis, 12, 15, 31, 125 bluei, 124 ignota. See Foxella rara, 124 dasvenemus, Doratopsylla, 94 Dasypsyllus, 21, 24, 27, 32, 35, 56, 112, 150 gallinulae, 150 perpinnatus, 13, 15, 30, 33, 150 stejnegeri, 150 decipiens, Catallagia, 11, 15, 16, 33, 79, 81 Delotelis. 27, 55, 82 telegoni, 11, 15, 33, 82, 83 dentatus, Odontopsyllus, 12, 16, 31, 110 dermal pits, 40 deuterus, Callistopsyllus, 97 Diamanus, 35, 112 montanus. Err. del. for Thrassis spenceri, 122 diffinis, Ceratophyllus, 12, 15, 17, 33, 145, 147 dippiei, Hystrichopsylla, 11, 15, 16, 74, 75, 76, 77 dissimilis, Malaraeus penicilliger, 13, 15, 18, 153, 154 divisus, Megarthroglossus, 12, 15, 16, 99 divisus exsecatus, Megarthroglossus, 12, 15, 99 Dolichopsyllidae — Ceratophyllidae Dolichopsyllinae, 12, 27, 111 Dolichopsyllus, 20, 27, 36, 47, 55, 107, 111 bluei. See Dactylopsylla stylosus, 12, 15, 31, 111 Doratopsylla, 27, 35, 54, 94 blarinae, 11, 17, 31, 95 curvata. See Corrodopsylla obtusata. See Corrodopsylla dasyenemus, 94 jellisoni — obtusata, Corrodopsylla curvata dorsal sulcus, 39 ductus obturatus, 45 ductus receptaculi seminis, 45 dugesii, Pulex, 66 Duplicidentata, 24, 26, 27, 186 durus, Orchopeas caedens, 12, 15, 18, 135, 136, 138 eggs, 19 Empidonax, 194 endophallic sac, 44 Epitedia, 27, 36, 54, 83, 86 inopina. See Neopsylla jordani — scapani scapani, 1 1, 15, 84 wenmanni, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 33, 83, 84, 85, 163 epipharvnx, 40 Eptescopsylla, 27, 43, 53, 179 chapini, 179 lM vancouverensis, 13, 15, 179 Eptesicus, 184 eremicus, Malaraeus, 155 Erethizon, 193 Erethizontidae, 193 Erismatura, 194 Euarctos, 184 Euhoplopsyllus, 62 302 INDEX eumolpi, Monopsyllus, 13, 15, 16, 17. 31, 38, 165. 166 euphorbi, Malaraeus, 13, 15, 16, 153, 154 eutamiadis, Monopsyllus, 167 Eutamias, 188 exilis, Monopsyllus, 152, 162 exsecatus, Megarthroglossus divisus, 12, 15, 99 eyes, 40 Falco, 194 Falconiformes, 194 false ctenidia, 43 fasciatus, Nosopsvllus, 13, 15, 16, 38, 172 Felidae, 186 Felis, 186 felis, Ctenocephalides, 11, 15, 16, 17, 37, 38, 64, 65 female genitalia, 45 femur, 42 finger. See moveable process Fissipedia, 26 fornacis, Monopsvllus, 167 Foxella, 20, 27, 36, 56, 124, 125 ignota, 23, 29, 31. 125 albertensis, 12, 16, 125 recula, 12, 15, 125, 126 Foxelloides, 124 Fractieipita, 39 fraterna, Rectofrontia, 11, 16, 21, 91 frons, 39 frontal tubercle = clypeal tubercle fulvus, Pulex irritans, 152 Galliformes, 194 gallinae, Ceratophyllus, 13, 16, 17, 19. 37, 145, 146, 147 gallinulae, Dasypsyllus, 150 gallinulae perpinnatus, Dasypsyllus, 13, 15, 30, 33, 150 Gallus, 194 garei, Ceratophyllus, 13, 15. 16. 17. 20, 33, 145, 148 garei islandicus, Ceratophyllus, 148 gena, 40 genal ctenidium, 40 genal process, 40 genalis, Nearctopsylla, 105, 106 genalis hygini, Nearctopsylla, 12, 16, 104, 105 genalis laurentina, Nearctopsylla, 12, 17, 104, 106 genital claspers, 44 gentilis, Myodopsylla, 13, 15, 180 Geomyidae, 190 Geusibia. 35, 108 gibsoni = gallinae, Ceratophyllus gigas. Hystrichopsylla, 11, 18, 73, 74 gillettei = howardii, Orchopeas glacialis, Hoplopsvllus, 11, 18, 62 glacialis lynx, Hoplopsvllus, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 31, 63 glacialis profugus, Hoplopsvllus, 62 gladiolis. Err. del. for Thrassis bacchi, 121 gland of Wagner, 44 Glaucomys, 189 goodi, Micropsylla sectilis, 11, 15. 89, 90 grandis, Tamiophila, 11, 17, 31. 74, 88 groenlandicus, Megabothris, 13, 18, 157, 161 Gulo, 186 hamiter, Peromyscopsylla, 13, 16, 17, 175, 176 hamifer longiloba, Peromyscopsylla, 176 hamifer vigens, Peromyscopsylla, 176 hatniltoni — fraterna. Rectofrontia head, 39 Hedymeles, 195 hemisphaerium. See Peromyscopsylla hesperomys hesperomys, Peromyscopsylla, 175 hesperomys pacifica, Peromyscopsylla, 13, 16, 175, 176 Heteromyidae, 190 hirsutus, Opisocrostis, 126 Hominidae, 184 Homo, 184 homoeus, Vermipsvlla. 151 Hoplopsvllus, 27, 35, 55, 60, 61, 62 affinis. 11. 16. 62 anomalus, 61 glacialis, 62 glacialis. 11. 18, 62. 63 lynx, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 31. 63 profugus, 62 lynx = glacialis Ivnx howardii, Orchopeas, 12, 17, 29. 31, 135, 142 hubbardi — oregonensis, Trichopsylloides hygini, Nearctopsylla genalis, 12, 16, 104, 105 hygini columbiana =jordani, Nearctopsylla hygini laurentina = genalis laurentina, Nearctopsvlla Hylocichla, 194 hypopharynx. See epipharynx Hvpsophthalminae, 102 hyrtaci, Nearctopsvlla, 12. 15, 33, 104, 107 Hystrichopsylla, 27. 35, 43. 45, 55. 73 americana. See Stenoponia dippiei, 11. 15, 16, 74. 75. 76, 77 Hystrichopsylla — fconi d.) gigas, 11, 18, 73, 74 gigas dippiei = dippiei gigas tahavuana = tahavuana mammoth — scheff eri occidentalis, 11, 15, 74, 75, 76 schefferi, 11. 15, 31, 73. 75. 78 spinata, 11, 15, 74, 77 tahavuana, 11, 17, 74, 75, 76 talpae, 73 tripectinata. See Stenoponia Hystrichopsyllidae, 11, 20. 24, 26, 27. 43, 70, 102, 107, 173 Hystrichopsyllinae, 11, 27, 71, 93 idahoensis, Oropsylla, 12, 16, 31, 113, 115, 117, 121 idius, Ceratophyllus, 13, 15, 31, 145, 148 ignota, Foxella, 23, 29, 31, 125 ignota albertensis, Foxella, 12, 16, 125 ignota recula, Foxella, 12, 15, 125, 126 immitis. Megabothris, 13, 152, 157, 161 immoveable process, 44 inaequalis, Cediopsylla, 11, 16, 61 inflexus — nxger, Ceratophyllus inopina, Neopsylla, 11, 15, 16, 21, 31, 87, 116, 128 Insectivora, 19, 24, 26, 27, 183 insignis, Myodopsylla, 13, 15, 16, 17, 180, 181 Integricipita, 39 interantennal groove. 39 interantennal ridge, 39 intercostal sulcus, 41 intromittent organ, 44 Iridoprocne, 194 irritans, Pulex, 11, 16, 17, 24, 37, 38, 66, 67 Ischnopsyllidae, 13, 20, 23, 26, 27, 39, 41, 43, 44, 48, 178 islandicus, Ceratophyllus garei, 148 isns = bitterrootensis, Malaraeus jellisoni = obtusata, Corrodopsylla curvata jellisoni = coloradensis, Tarsopsylla. Also see Opisodasys vesperalis Jellisonia, 1 12 jordani, Nearctopsylla, 12, 15, 104, 107 jor rfawi — scapani, Epitedia Junco, 195 Juxtapulex, 64, 66 keeni, Opisodasys, 12, 15, 16, 33, 131. 132 labial palpi. 40 labiatus, Orchopeas, 137 labis, Opisocrostis, 12, 16, 31, 38, 127, 128 labium, 40 labrum, 41 laciniae. 40 Larus, 194 larva, 19 Lasionycteris, 184 laurentina, Nearctopsylla genalis, 12, 17, 104, 106 legs, 42 Lemmus, 191 Leporidae, 187 Leptopsylla, 35, 42, 54, 174 catatina. See Peromyscopsylla hamifer. See Peromyscopsvlla segnis. 13, 15, 38, 174 Leptopsyllinae, 13, 27, 48, 102. 173 Lepus. 187 leucopus. Orchopeas, 12, 16. 17, 18, 33, 135, 140 Loemopsylla — Xenopsylla cheopis. See Xenopsylla londiniensis. Nosopsyllus, 172 longiloba, Peromyscopsylla hamifer, 176 longispinus = divisus, Megarthroglossus lucidus — vison, Monopsyllus lucifer, Megabothris, 13, 15, 16, 156. 157, 161 lunatus, Ceratophvllus, 150 Lynx, 186 lynx, Hoplopsyllus glacialis, 11. 15. 16, 17, 18, 31. 63 Malacopsvllidae, 48 Malaraeus, 20. 27. 35, 57. 151. 153 bitterrootensis, 13, 16, 153, 154 eremicus, 155 euphorbi, 13, 15. 16, 153. 154 penicilliger, 30, 33, 151 dissimilis, 13, 15. 16, 18, 153. 154 sinomus. 155 telchinum. 13. 15. 33, 31, 38, 43, 132, 151. 153. 155 male genitalia, 43 Mammalia, 19. 183 mammoth =schefferi, Hystrichopsylla mandibles. See maxillary laciniae manubrium, 44 Marmota. 188 Mattes. 185 mating, 19 maxillai y laciniae. 40 maxillary palpi. 40 Megabothris. 21. 27. 35. 57. 112. 151. 156 303 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA Mr,.ihi>tliiis i( ont'd.) abantis, 13. 15, H>. 30, 33, 157. 158 acerbus, 13, 17, 152. LS6, 157. 159 adversus= abantis asio asio. 13, 17. 152. 156. 157. 160 megacolpus, 13, 15. 16. 18. 156, 157. 160 orectus, 160 atrox. 13, 16. 18. 156, 157. 161 groenlandicus, 13, 18, 157, 161 immitis, 13, 152, 157. 161 lucifer, 13, 15, 16, 156, 157, 161 megacolpus. See Megabothris asio obscurus, 13, 16, 157, 162 quirini, 13, 15, 16, 17. 18, 157, 163 vison. See Monopsyllus wagneri. See Monopsyllus walkeri. 152, 156 megacolpus. Megabothris asio, 13, 15, 16, 18, 156, 157, 160 Megarthroglossus, 27, 33, 55, 59, 97. 98 divisus divisus. 12. 15. 16. 99 exseeatus, 12. 15, 99 longispinus = divisus procus, 12, 15, 98, 99, 100 pvgmaeus, 12, 15, 99, 100 sieamus, 12, 15, 99, 101 similis, 12, 15, 99, 101 spenceri, 12, 15, 99, 101 Melanitta, 194 Meleagris, 194 Melospiza, 195 Mephitis, 186 Meringis, 27, 36, 43, 54, 88 arachis, 88 parkeri, 88 shannoni, 11, 15, 23, 30, 31, 89 mesopleura, 41 mesosternum, 41 metanotum, 41 metepimerum, 41 Micropsylla, 27, 36, 54, 89 goodi = sectilis goodi peromyscus = sectilis sectilis, 33 goodi, 11, 15, 89, 90 sectihs, 11, 15, 89, 90 Microtus, 192 Mioetenopsylla, 24, 35, 112 Monopsyllus. 21, 27, 35, 57, 151, 164 ciliatus, 152 protinus, 13, 15, 31, 165 eumolpi eumolpi, 13, 15, 16, 17, 31, 38, 165, 166 eutamiadis, 167 exilis, 152, 162 fornacis, 167 sciurorum, 152, 164 thambus, 13, 16, 18, 30, 33, 164, 168, 171 vison. 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 31, 71, 152, 165, 168 wagneri, 21, 33, 64, 170 ophidius, 13, 15, 164, 171 systaltus, 13, 16, 137, 164, 171 wagneri, 13, 15, 16, 137, 164, 170 montanus. Err. del. for Thrassis spenceri, 122 mouthparts, 40 moveable process, 44 multidentatus, Atyphloceras, 11, 15, 33, 72, 73 multispinosus, Odontopsvllus, 110 Muridae, 193 Mus, 193 musculi = s*gnis, Leptopsvlla Mustela, 185 Mustelidae, 185 Myodopsylla, 27, 35, 43, 54, 180 gentilis, 13, 15, 180 insignis, 13, 15, 16, 17, 180, 181 subulala — insignis Myodopsylloides, 27, 54, 181 palposus, 13, 15, 182 piercei — palposus Myotis, 184 Napaeozapus, 193 Nearctopsylla, 24, 27, 55, 102, 104 brooksi, 12, 15, 16, 18, 33, 70. 102, 104, 105 genalis, 105, 106 hygini, 12, 16, 104, 105 laurentina, 12, 17, 104, 106 hygini. See genalis Columbiana = jordani laurentina. See genalis laurentina hyrtaci, 12, 15, 33, 104, 107 jordani, 12, 15, 84, 104, 107 Xearctopsyllinae, 12, 27, 43, 93, 102 necopinus, Amphalius, 12, 15, 16, 29, 31, 123 Wopsylla. 27. 35. 36. 54. 86 bidentatiformis. 86 grandis. See Tamiophila «aw»7tom'=fraterna, Rectofrontia inopina. 11, 15, 16, 21. 31, 87, 116, 128 scapani. See Kpitedia setosa, 86 striata = grandis, Neopsvlla Wopsyllinae, 11, 27, 43, 79 Neotoma, 191 neotomae, Amphipsylla, 108 nepos, Orchopeas, 12, 16, 30, 31, 135, 141 Neiirotrichus, 183 nidicola, Conorhinopsvlla, 102 niger, Ceratophvllus, 13, 15, 16, 33, 31, 145, 146, 149 Nosopsyllus, 44, 152, 172 fasciatus, 13, 15, 16, 17, 38, 57, 172 londiniensis, 172 notal ridge, 41 nupera, Saphiopsylla, 71, 72 Nycteridopsylla, 179 chapini. See Eptescopsylla vancouverensis. See Eptescopsylla obscurus, Megabothris, 13, 16, 157, 162 obtusata, Corrodopsylla curvata, 11, 15, 84, 95, 96 occidentalis, Hystrichopsylla, 11, 15, 74, 75, 76 occiput, 39 occluding apparatus, 43 Ochotona, 186 Ochotonidae, 186 octodecimdentatus, Tarsopsylla, 143 ocular seta, 40 oculatus — fasciatus, Nosopsyllus Odocoileus, 193 Odontopsyllus, 27. 36, 43. 56, 110 dentatus, 12, 16, 31, 110 multispinosus, 110 spenceri — dentatus Ondatra, 193 Onychomys, 190 Orchopeas, 27, 56, 135 caedens, 30, 31 caedens, 12. 15, 16, 17, 18, 135, 136 durus, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 135, 138 leucopus, 12, 16, 17, 18, 33, 135, 140 howardii, 12, 17, 29, 31, 135, 142 labiatus, 137 nepos, 12, 16, 30, 31, 135, 141 sexdentatus, 29 agilis, 12, 16, 31, 38, 135, 141 wickhami = howardii orectus, Megabothris asio, 160 oregonensis, Trichopsvlloides, 11, 16, 31, 92 ornata, Corypsylla, 12, 15, 31, 84, 103 ornatus, Opisocrostis, 130 Ornithopsylla, 60 Oropsylla, 21, 27, 35, 36, 56, 112 alaskensis, 12, 18, 113. 114 arctomys, 12, 16, 17, 31, 113, 114 bruneri. See Opisocrostis idahoensis, 12, 16, 31, 113, 115, 117, 121 rupestris, 12, 16, 17, 31, 38, 113, 116, 173 silantiewi, 112 tuberculata. See Opisocrostis ophidius, Monopsyllus wagneri, 13, 15, 164, 171 Opisocrostis, 27, 56, 112, 126 bruneri, 12, 16, 31, 38, 71, 127 hirsutus, 126 labis, 12, 16, 31, 38, 126, 128 ornatus, 130 saundersi, 12, 16, 126, 129 tuberculatus cynomuris, 130 tuberculatus, 12, 15, 16, 17,31,38, 71, 116, 126, 130 washingtonensis, 126 Opisodasys, 27, 56, 131 jellisoni = coloradensis, Tarsopsylla keeni, 12, 15, 16, 33, 131, 132 pseudarctomys, 12, 15, 16, 17, 21. 31, 132, 134 vesperalis, 12, 15, 21, 31, 131, 132, 134 Otus, 194 pachyuromyidis ^cheopis, Xenopsylla pacifica, Peromyscopsylla hesperomys, 13, 16, 33, 175. 176 palposus, Myodopsylloides, 13, 15, 182 parameres. See crochets Parascalops, 183 paraterinus — terinus, Callistopsyllus parkeri, Meringis, 88 Passer, 195 Passeriformes, 194 Pasteurella pestis, 5, 37 pedicel, 40 Pelicaniformes, 194 penicilliger, Malaraeus, 30, 33, 151, 154 304 INDEX penicilliger dissimilis, Malaraeus, 13, 15, 16, 18, 153, 154 penis rods, 44 pentacanthus, Rectofrontia, 91 Penthestes, 195 Perognathus, 190 peromysci = wagneri, Monopsyllus Peromyscopsylla, 27, 35, 42, 54, 175 catatina, 13, 17, 33, 175, 176 hamifer, 176 hamifer, 13, 16, 17, 175, 176 longiloba, 176 vigens, 176 hemisphaerium. See hesperomys hesperomys, 175 hemisphaerium, 177 hesperomys, 176, 177 pacifica, 13, 16, 33, 175, 176 ravalliensis, 13, 16, 33, 175, 177 selenis, 13, 16, 17, 18, 33, 175, 178 Peromyscus, 190 perpinnatus, Dasypsyllus gallinulae, 12, 15, 30, 33, 150 petiolatus, Thrassis, 12, 16, 33, 116, 118, 121 Petrochelidon, 194 petrochelidoni, Ceratophyllus, 13, 15, 31, 145, 146, 149 Phalacrocorax, 194 Phalacropsylla, 36, 79, 88 arachis. See Meringis shannoni. See Meringis phallosome. See aedeagus Phaneris = Trichopsylloides hubbardi = oregonensis Phenacomys, 191 Piciformes, 194 piercei = palposus, Myodopsylloides Pipilo, 195 Piranga, 195 Pitimys, 193 plaeoids, 40 plague, 5 plantar bristles, 42 Pleochaetis, 112, 151, 152 pleural ridge, 40 pleurosternal plate, 41 poeantis = idahoensis, Oropsylla pollionis, Amphipsylla sibirica, 12, 16, 33, 108 poner us = dentatus, Odontopsyllus Primates, 184 procus, Megarthroglossus, 12, 15, 98, 99, 100 Procyon, 184 Procyonidae, 184 profugus, Hoplopsyllus glacialis, 62 pronotal ctenidium, 41 pronotum, 41 prosternite. See pleurosternal plate protinus, Monopsyllus ciliatus, 13, 15, 31, 165 proventriculus, 42 pseudagyrtes, Ctenophthalmus, 11, 16, 33, 93 pseudarctomys, Opisodasys, 12, 15, 16, 17, 21, 31, 132, 134 pseudosetae, 41 Pulex, 27, 53, 64, 66 affinis. See Hoplopsyllus anomalus. See Hoplopsyllus bruneri. See Opisocrostis canis. See Ctenocephalides cheopis. See Xenopsylla coloradensis. See Tarsopsylla divisus. Sec Megarthroglossus dugesii, 66 fasciatus. See Nosopsyllus felis. See Ctenocephalides gallinae. See Ceratophyllus gigas. See Hystrichopsylla gillettei = howardii, Orchopeas glacialis. See Hoplopsyllus hirsutus. See Opisocrostis howardii. See Orchopeas ignotus. See Foxella inaequalis. See Cediopsylla var. simplex. See Cediopsylla irritans, 11, 16, 17, 24, 37, 38, 66 var. fulvus, 152 keeni. See Opisodasys longispinus = divisus, Megarthroglossus lynx. See Hoplopsyllus glacialis multispinosus. See. Odontopsyllus musculi = segnis, Leptopsylla sciurorum. See Monopsyllus segnis. See Leptopsylla simplex. See Cediopsylla simulans = irritans talpae. See Hystrichopsylla tuberculaticeps. See Arctopsylla u i si. See Arctopsylla wickhami = howardii, Orchopeas Pulicidae, 11, 24, 26, 27, 43, 48, 59 Pulicinae, 11, 27, 63 pupa, 19 pygidium, 43 pygmaeus, Megarthroglossus, 12, 15, 99, 100 quebecensis = garei, Ceratophyllus quirini, Megabothris, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 157, 163 rara, Dactylopsylla, 124 Rattus, 193 ravalliensis, Peromyscopsylla, 13, 16, 33, 175, 177 rawailliensis. Laps. cal. for ravalliensis receptaculum seminis, 45 recula, Foxella ignota, 12, 15, 125, 126 Rectofrontia, 27, 36, 54, 91 fraterna, 11, 16, 21, 91 pentacanthus, 91 sectilis. See Micropsylla Regulus, 195 Rhadinopsylla, 36 sectilis. See Micropsylla Rhadinopsyllinae, 11, 27, 43, 79, 89 Rhinolophopsylla, 181 palposus. See Myodopsylloides Riparia, 194 riparius, Ceratophvllus, 13, 15, 16, 17, 31, 145, 146, 149 Rodentia, 19, 26, 27, 186 runatus, Amphalius, 123 rupestris, Oropsylla, 12, 16, 17, 31, 38, 113, 116, 173 Saphiopsvlla, 27. 36, 45, 55, 71 bishopi, 11, 17, 33, 72 nupera, 71, 72 saundersi, Opiscocrostis, 12, 16, 127, 129 scapani, Epitedia, 11, 15, 84 Scapanus, 183 scape, 40 schefferi, Hystrichopsylla, 11, 15, 31, 73, 75, 78 schelkovnikovi, Amphipsylla, 108 Sciuridae, 187 sciurorum, Monopsyllus, 152, 164 sculleni, Catallagia, 80 sectilis, Micropsylla, 11, 15, 33, 89. 90 sectilis goodi, Micropsylla, 11, 15, 89, 90 segnis, Leptopsylla, 13, 15, 38, 174 selenis, Peromyscopsylla. 13, 16, 17, 18, 33, 175, 178 senisles. Laps. cal. for similis, Megarthroglossus sensilium. See pygidium septentrionalis = arctomys, Oropsylla setosa, Arctopsylla, 11, 15, 33, 69, 70 setosa, Neopsylla, 86 sexdentatus, Orchopeas, 29 sexdentatus agilis, Orchopeas, 12, 16, 31, 38, 135, 141 shannoni, Meringis, 11, 15, 23, 30, 31, 89 sibirica pollionis, Amphipsylla, 12, 16, 108 sicamus, Megarthroglossus, 12, 15, 99, 101 silantiewi, Oropsylla, 112 similis, Megarthroglossus, 12, 15, 99, 101 simplex, Cediopsylla, 11, 17, 60, 61 Simplicidentata, 24, 26, 27, 187 simulans = irritans, Pulex sinomus, Malaraeus, 155 Siphonaptera, 59 Sorex, 183 Soricidae, 183 spenceri, Megarthroglossus, 12, 15, 99, 101 spenceri = dentatus, Odontopsyllus spenceri, Thrassis, 12, 16, 31, 118, 119, 122 Speotyto, 194 spermatheca, 45 Sphyrapicus, 194 Spicata, 124 rara, 124 Spilogale, 186 Spilopsyllinae, 11, 27, 60 Spilopsyllus, 36, 61 spinata, Hystrichopsylla, 11, 15, 74, 77 spiniforms, 42 spiracles, 43 stanfordi, Conorhinopsylla, 12, 17, 102 stejnegeri, Dasypsyllus, 150 Stenistomera, 48, 96 St?noponia, 27. 35, 36, M. 53. 70, 78 americana, 11, 17, 33. 79 tripectinata, 78 wetmorei = americana sternopleura. See pleurosternal plate stigma cavity, 43 striarium, 41 Strigiformes, 194 style. 44 stylosus, Dolichopsyllus, 12. 15, 31, 111 subulata =insignis, Myodopsylla sylvatic plague, 5 Sylvilagus, 20. 187 Synaptomys. 191 305 THE SIPHONAPTERA OF CANADA systaltus, Monopsyllus wagneri tahavuana, Hystrichopsylla, 11 talpae, Hystrichopsylla, 73 Talpidae, 183 Tamias, 188 ramiasciurus, 189 Tamiophila, 27, 35, 54. 88 grandis, LI, 17, 31, 74. 88 Tarsopsylla, 2 7, 35, 56 coloradensis, 12, 16 octodecimdentatus, tarsus. 42 Taxidea, 186 telchinum, Malaraeus, 13, 17. 14.* 18. 33, 14.? 143 16, 7 I. 137. 1M. 75, 76 171 tuberculatus, Opisocrostis, 12. 15, 16, 17. 31, 38, 71. 116. 127. 130 13. 15, 33. 37. 38. 43. 132. 151. 153, 155 telegoni. Delotelis, 11, 15, 33, 82. 83 Telmatodytes, 195 tentorial arms, 39 terinus, Callistopsyllus, 12. 33, 96, 97, 98 terribilis. Ctenophvllus. 12, 15, 16, 29, 31, 109 thambus. Monopsyllus. 13, 16, 18, 30, 33, 164, 168, Thomomys. 190 thorax, 41 Thrassis. 21, 27, 56, 118 acamantis, 12, 16, 19, 23, 31, 38, 118, 119. 122 bacchi, 12. 16, 17, 38. 118, 121 gladiolis. Err. del. for bacchi, 121 petiolatus. 12, 16, 33, 116, 118, 121 spenceri, 12, 16, 31, 118, 119, 122 Thrassoides, 112 Thrvomanes, 195 tibia, 42 Toxostoma, 195 trabecula centralis, 39 tracheae, 43 trichobothria, 43 Trichopsylla, 151, 156 asio. See Megabothris setosus. See Arctopsylla ursi. See Arctopsylla Trichopsylloides, 27, 36, 55, 92 oregonensis, 11, 16, 31, 92 tripectinata, Stenoponia, 78 trochanter, 42 tuberculaticeps, Arctopsylla, 69 171 tuberculatus cynomuris, Opisocrostis. 130 tundrensis, Ceratophyllus, 13, 18. 145, 146. 150 Tungidae, l<>. 48 Turdus, l(>5 Typhlopsylla bidentatiformis. See Neopsylla cliarlottensis. See Catallagia dasycnemus. See Doratopsylla fraterna. See Rectofrontia grandis. See Tamiophila pentacanthus. See Rectofrontia ungues, 42 ursi, Arctopsylla, 11, 15, 16, 69, 70 1'rsidae, 184 Ursus, 184 ulahensis — garei, Ceratophyllus vancouverensis, Eptescopsylla, 13, 15, 179 Vermipsvlla homoeus, 151 Vermipsyllidae, 11, 19, 24, 26, 27, 39, 43, 45, 48, 68 Vermivora, 195 vesperalis, Opisodasys, 12, 15, 21, 31, 131, 132, 134 Vespertilionidae, 184 vigens, Peromyscopsylla hamifer, 176 Vireo, 195 vison, Monopsyllus, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18,31, 71, 152, 165, 168 Vulpes. 185 wagneri, Monopsyllus, 21, 33, 64, 170 wagneri ophidius, Monopsyllus, 13, 15, 164, 171 wagneri systaltus, Monopsyllus, 13, 16, 137, 164, 171 wagneri wagneri, Monopsyllus, 13, 15, 16, 137, 164, 170 walkeri, Megabothris, 152, 156 washingtonensis, Opisocrostis, 126 wenmanni, Epitedia, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18. 33. 83, 84, 85, 163 wetmorei = americana, Stenoponia u>if&/zaw*' = howardii, Orchopeas Xenopsylla, 53, 64, 67 cheopis, 5, 11, 16, 38, 68 pachyuromyidis = cheopis "X" organ. See gland of Wagner Zapodidae, 193 Zapus, 193 Zonotrichia, 195 306 CANADIAN AGRICULTURE LIBRARY BIBLIOTHEQUE CANADIENNE DE L AGRICULTURE 3 ^073 001M2fl3fl M DATE DUE AOUT 3 1999 GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S.A. OTTAWA EDMOND CLOUTIER, C.M.G., B.A., L.Ph. KING'S PRINTER AND CONTROLLER OF STATIONERY 1949