Found scandata at /var/tmp/autoclean/derive/sixconcertosinse00mudg/sixconcertosinse00mudg_scandata.xml. Will skip page 1 because it's a cover page. Will skip page 134 because it's a cover page. Seeking title page... Will skip the following pages as requested: 1,134 Title: "six concertos in seven parts, five for four violins, a tenor violin, and violoncello, with a thorough bass for the harpsicord, and one concerto for the organ or harpsichord, with instruments" Candidate pages: p. 6 122 total px 107.4 adj total p. 7 166 total px 142.8 adj total p. 21 1762 total px 1022.0 adj total Word details for selected page: six 220 px seven 133 px parts, 220 px five 132 px violins, 140 px tenor 102 px violin, 105 px ioloncello, 120 px bafs 105 px harpsicord, 198 px (organ 152 px concertos. 85 px inftruments; 50 px Selected title page: 21 Identified leaf 21 as title page. Marking leaf 21 as 'Title'. Scandata has been modified. Saving log...