ae coat av pt lena eee Sccaaste ‘ ‘ q 2 aI ' a) ee eiyet tiki oa Dy « ie att 4 4 A f i Ye. LA é i- ce ¥ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Ped - Vorees, = [i> =") om 5 Hn Gp cea PN eos obaan in See: ———L—— SESS ee eel “ ~ (SS ~---- : he ' aL © Te, 2 ? 5 ‘d be r>. any 7 Pa ~ 2 vt. - a ar a! ae *, ie ; . / x ‘ u ~ tp, | x . +s . De. ce. wf « J J LA 7 3 Y * f ' 4 i i* . af A , vA . ® . 4 : . a ’ _ ‘a 4 \ _- i F aot 5 F, 7 i . ows D ; = s ‘> ot s ' ‘ i ‘ Le 4 ay - af ie, 'tlee ‘ “yl ‘ j a | ’ ‘ ‘ Car ' i 1 . i Me a ane phe ¢ | oy SKETCHES any A at oy! oF i Pye Del Tue Puysica, Geocrapuy GEOLOGY OF ME DRASK A: BY a SAMUEL AUGHEY, PH.D., LL.D., ’ ofessor of Natural Sciences in the University of Nebraska, Corresponding Member of th« Buffalo Academy of Sciences, Correspondi g Member of the +4" St. Louis Academy of Sciences, Etc. i . LIBRARY iG f \ ain! mW TOR Sc opants \o\y BOTANICAL GARDEN Ps au A OMAHA, NEBRASKA : .- a DAILY REPUBLICAN BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. — a ; 1880. 5 Lo" —- _ \ ag 3 \3 i have provided me with specimens froin their localities. I am also under 2 great obligations to the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska, to the Union Pacific Railroad, to the Atchison & Nebraska Railroad, and to other roads for transportation and other favors. Without the aid thus re- ceived, it would have been impossible to make muny of the investigations 2) included in this work. Wherever I have gone in the State I have received all possible help from the people in making geological and other natural his- _ «tory examinations. Hoping that this work will help others to understand _ © the physical conditions of our State, and stimulate an interest in our natural o2 history, I submit it to the people of Nebraska. o> SAMUEL AUGHEY. UNIVERSITY OF NERRASKA, Januiry lst, 1880.. COM) ENS. PART FIRS TAP YielC Ageia OGdt Ae. Chapter. Page. I. Topography and General Character of Nebraska ; 5 Ges 3 II. Climatology of Nebraska . : ; ; : : : oy eee Ili. Moisture and Rainfall : 3 3 . 9 BA IV. Evidences of Increasing Tanta Seneces of Rainfall 2 heey V. Waters of Nebraska . : F ; . * 2 VI. Drainage of Nebraska, and Character: of its Water : 57a VII. General Flora of Nebraska 4 ' TF VIII. Forest Trees and Shrubs of Nebraska, wath Notas on “their Dis- tribution : 3 ‘ : ; ; 3 E 84 IX. The Wild Fruits of Nena . ; : - : é : 97 X. Wild Grasses : ; , : ‘ ; =i ( OS: XI. Fauna of Neb nsen= Venenene ; : ; ; : rte AIl. Insect Life : : : : ; ; z : oo het mL. The a ae d : ; : : : ; it ABs XIV. Healthfulness.—Reserve Forces and Probable Future of the Race in Nebraska . 5 : , : ; : : ; «~ Eh PART SECOND—GEOLOGY,. Chapter. Page. I. Carboniferous Age in Nebraska . : y : : : ~ ee II. Medizval or Mesozoic Times in Nebraska . ; : . Iie IlI. Medizeval or Mesozoic Times in Nebraska, Gontitnea : «ee IV. The Cenozoic Age in Nebraska.—Eocene Tertiary Epoch . - Oo V. The Tertiary Period, Continued—Miocene Epoch ? f . oem VI. Tertiary Period, Continued—Pliocene Epoch . F 232 VII. Quaternary Age—Glacial Period to the Tioees Setpeemicrl Dé: posits . : ; 252 VIII. The Quaternary Age and Sn erfiainl Deparita Continued Benne Period : : ; : : ; . “265. IX. Quaternary Age and ai peRaelale Henostke. Continued.—Terrace Epoch.—Alluvium.— Sand Hills. — Alkali Lands. — Timber, and Cause of Change of Climate . ; : : : os a X. Economic Geology . : , : : ; ; ; 08 Appendix . : : : : : ‘ * : . Pe 3 pane4 Ye FIRST. GEOGRAPHY. ong a oat ota are ts PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. CHAPTER I. TOPOGRAPHY AND GENERAL CHARACTER OF NEBRASKA. Position — Surface—Bottom Lands—Tables of Elevation—Average Ele- vation and Grade—How to gain a Conception of its Topography— Num- ber of Valleys— Exceptional Features of the Niobrara River Region— Sand Hills—Bad Lands. EBRASKA occupies a position near the centre of the Republic. The parallel of 40° is its southern boundary, and the Missouri River, the Niobrara and the Keya Paha rivers form the Northern boundary as far west as range twenty west of the sixth principal meridian. West of this point the parallel of 43° forms its northern boundary. Its eastern boundary is the Missouri, whose direction here is a little east of south. This brings the southeast corner of the State to the 95° 25’ meridian. The 104 meridian west of Green- wich marks its western boundary down to latitude 41°. Below this point a line a few miles west of the 102° meridian constitutes the western boundary of the State. This notch takes out of the southwest corner of the State, 7,300 square miles. Were it not for this offset the State in shape would approximate to a parallelo- . gram. The extreme width of the State from north to south is 208.5 miles, and its length from east to west is within a fraction of 413 miles. In area the State approximates closely to 75,995 square miles, or nearly 48,636,800 acres, Taking Ohio, which has an area of 39,964 square miles, as the type of a model sized state, it is seen that Nebraska contains almost twice as muchterritory. The area of Nebraska is 12,359 square miles larger than all the New England states combined. It contains 20,000 more square miles of territory than lowa. England and Wales combined have less area by 17,000 square miles than Nebraska. In extent of territory it is an 4 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. empire, and yet as we shall see hereafter, few states have really so little waste land as Nebraska. It lies in the same path in which the currents of emigration have been flowing—in the line of the great States of the Union, and must in the nature of things receive their overflow of population. SURFACE OF THE STATE. The surface of Nebraska is exceedingly varied. There are in- deed no elevations that can be dignified with the name of mountains, but in the northern and western parts of the State there are lofty hills of very varied character. Generally the ascent is gentle, though occasionally it is precipitous. Unlike the ridges of the east which are so generally the result of elevations and subsidences of the earth’s crust modified by subsequent aqueous agencies, the hills and rolling lands of Nebraska are mostly wholly caused by erosion. In the east the body of hills is mainly made up of massive rocks, here it is partly composed of loosely compacted drift materials, but mainly of Loess. In fact, Nebraska emerged so recently geologically from the waters of the Loess age, that it still exhibits as a whole many of the phenomena of a recently drained lake bed. The gen- tly rolling lands of three-fourths of the State appear very much like the suddenly petrified waves and billows of the ocean. Sometimes extensive stretches of surface are met with that appear to be level, but closer observation shows even these to be gently undulating. From these last mentioned forms to the few isolated sections of lim- ited extent,broken by canyons with precipitous sides, the transition is gradual. Every shade of form and surface connects the two varieties of relief. The Bottom LANDS are the most conspicuous modifying feature of the landscape of the State. In crossing the State at right angles to the direction of the streams, the bottom lands are met with every few miles. They are huge, generally shallow troughs, in breadth proportionate common- ly, to the size of the streams. They range in width from a quarter of a mile on the smaller streams to twenty-three miles onthe Platte andthe Missouri. They are frequently terraced, and the terraces like broad steps gradually lead to the bordering bluffs which in turn are very varied in height and form. Frequently the low terraces on the bottoms have had their edges so worn away that their charac- ter is concealed. What was once a terrace has becomea gentle slope. TOPOGRAPHY OF NEBRASKA. 5 A good example of this character are the slopes on the bottoms be- tween Crete and Beatrice,and between Ashland and Lincoln. The bottoms with their bordering lines of bluffs wind and vary in direc- tion as much as the serpentine movements of the streams them- selves. The bluffs are steepest and roughest on the Missouri, es- pecially towards the north line of the State. Onthe middle Nio- brara they frequently assume the exceptional character of borders to deep canyons. Evenon the Missouri there are very few that cannot be successfully cultivated. Occasionally it is hard to tell where the bottom ceases and the bluffs begin. This is owing betimes to the ter- races that ascend the bluffs, and sometimes to the lowness of the bluffs whose rounded outlines like the sides of a shallow basin merge gradually into the bottom. Sometimes the wind has worn the sides of a bluff into stair like forms. The observer not infrequent- ly meets portions of a bluff standing out in isolated, perpendicular walls like huge battlements. The innumerable tributaries that creep quietly and unexpectedly into the main bottoms compli- cate still further these forms of landscape. The traveler with poe- try and art in his composition is often tempted to ascend a bluff adjoin- ing avalley, which lying at his feet, enables him to trace it as farasthe eye can reach. The upland plain on the other side, whose inequal- ities are wavelike, gives a sharply outlined background to the pic- ture of the valley. He is at a loss to which to assign the palm of greatest beauty. The effect is intensified when upland and valley are dotted with homesteads and cultivated grounds. The quiet beauty that comes from human industry then blends with the sub- limity of nature. The dominant geometrical form observed in the forms of the sur- face is the curve. The observer never gets outside of curves. They intrude themselves everywhere. They are not uniform mo- notonous curves, but curves infinitely varied. Rarely is a straight line needed to relieve from sameness, but when it is needed it is there. The streams, the terraces, the bluffs, the valleys themselves all follow curves. There are short curves and long curves; regu- lar and irregular curves; infinitely varied, seemingly in confusion, but all full of profound expression—the expression of matchless beauty. ‘“ The curve is the line of beauty.” Here nature has put forth her best efforts to exemplify this law. No artist has yet suc- cessfully painted Nebraska scenery. It still awaits the master mind who can catch with his artist’s eye these superb forms of 6 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. quiet beauty and place them on canvass. A remarkable feature is the commonness of beautiful landscapes. Almost every mile along the river valleys affords them. The bottoms along the bluffs at every turn are sculptured with beautiful coves, which, sheltered from wind and storm, afford favorite building spots formany people. ELEVATION OF NEBRASKA. — The greater part of Nebraska is a plateau. This will be appar- ent by an examination of the following list of elevations above the sea level. For convenience the elevations are given, first in lines running along the Missouri,and then in lines running east and west. Those marked with a star were taken by myself witha barometer and are only proximately correct. Those along the Republican Valley from Orleans westward, were taken by D. N. Smith, Esq., of Burlington, Iowa, and I have reason to believe from observations taken with him that they are proximately cor- rect. The observations in northwestern Nebraska not marked with astar were taken by Captain W.S. Stanton, of the engineer corps, U.S. A. The remaining determinations of heights have been taken from the railroad surveys of the State. The e’evations are in feet. Southeast corner of the State on the bottoms at the mouth of the Nemaha BUUVGR ahe AN init oe Marini shes at oye ha S28 ve: Aatae ee aka Lo ae RN a *878 US TONUIVILMLGS sp owecers | 4) (an ehate kee aud aS Be ake Roe PORE Cs oe. 919 IN EASA CONEY Soden bs a5 ete pw ok aed BRS fp cece cee A eee Sor 64 Z ‘fat low water of the Missoudy.. 02/532 chwes pos eae 519 IPIBSLSUVO UGLY 5 A3 cn edeeskace = 1,502 Bitte a DNS SASS yw ipa d nt ats Mound als sted ain vee nwen aide a ela 1,657 I SER ets Sa ere ee ik ee gainiets «5.0 only alan e's ga e's esee we cs 1,815 i Re sara a Pole or. bce we wid pla Sea ds alas ale a's sins asia cee ata de s » 1,985 Ee Me SS Mats. oi5S apse mh ehaka'm 4(ace o disl'a a ‘sin'Aidiede 3.0 ube s!v winih 5'Se 2-0 2,064 JO ae MM Nh atelnis t Se dici a, ot de aaa gays dw © sgt See Rgoe's 2,086 EE 015 6.5 la isco aielo nn wat n'a) e un wns tn'a'S 6a Ais b wie’ =, Gains See 2,163 ELEVATIONS ON THE B. & M. R. R. From NEBRASKA CITY TO YorK, VIA LINCOLN. IRM ee tats Caste) Sibi eheae ean shee entua ta as oe 964 te lt eee re ee Lal es ak Due Morecid lev'dinie Gdaid aces vee x 1,069 Ee ear ne Pe wala elias Siateare six e's sla ebe J o.m aie bode. «ene 1,064 Terai OA, toe mami minis) Sicine ee ARG. « ane min aye ao w oan necks 1,154 Pa ere tae Seta eRe ee ys see ome foe pak bts oie bk + one Pascoe cae 1,154 A asi she Oe I meatal hoe in Waa cies sia diy diva o ais aj Yin yo 1,444 tas oa de clas ee Aunts ad Gielet? hid wisely #4 Pelanebisvcwee slants 1,164 I ee re os irae EL acer we ean As Sid SNS ago aie a Wand wim od eree eh 1,194 ESS EEE RAE IS Fo GR k OR REE ae ean ees PO 1,584 Ee Ere tel) at a ia fain aici a's wala ade e 440 p's W weed @ wees 1,449 RI So hw itieta'a ee dane aad 9 Roy a Menahem eel Des viel a'xSale aw Spine we wi *1,473 ELEVATIONS ON THE LINE OF THE ATCHISON & NEBRASKA RAILROAD. TI Ge MOE be ed a) oct ass wal in oidm nla 6 AD <=, dn ieee wing nme plan ae *887 8 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Raters os 5. 5G PAR ee ee eee eee ee 917 PPMP OIG. 5.5 s icacsa Fae {Paes BRC a oD eee ee ees. ere 989 ab he MR san ie a el Bir charles ead cepa AI GUE See ad Ee 1,036 RAMMCT S2FS Sissc wi 0S 22S as Bl Oe Os Ree ea ge oe ae 1,120 PUA RN AS eS ea osc 8h oF eA Oe A ot AO RIE CAR a i ae ee an oe 1,193 PUG 02 2 eS 3 ee Se hee Ss Rabat Bet eee OMe eee Fae 1,375 BMMCOIB 5. Ss 1 See cis hs bee Soetens pro Sie p DL te ee FE een ae 1,164 ELEVATIONS ALONG THE LINE OF THE UNION Paciric RaI_- ROAD. Omaha, Union Pacilic Bh. BR. Depot... che Gat BHb2 54. -.4 Sea eee 1,056 PPNOW ine chek sab kes a etek ele as eT oe ease ees Sik tint 1,009 POET 25s aes Spin ewe Wee & lo-8 otic tae eevee en one gt ae 1,187 PP CUAGN DE oii bbw oie on es eS CN ois Fo See > See eae ee AO Gh ae ae 1,220 SWEETS cree ews ses Pen. ae tam wee Shel sae Ue wat eat ane ke eee 1,372 ane eG os foe ee as PS OO ee eee Eee eee ee eee ee ae 1,469 PRAPES Se ioe ais Ae wwe wien ee eawy Lisle Ae Sita Sed ee ene ie ee 1,647 Eypae Tree \..°..s6. 2. 3s, wx Fo bata’ ip valle salam Boh aos ote de ee eer eer ea ber a 1,723 crane Isang oss 2252; eas hae Chee OP awe Mee ee ee i ee 1,887 WOO Bivel ioc so Sis oe ae eee We bee Bee Ee 2,011 RUPE oe sie cin Siew pik ww icteric ale a wine's Bande tavern, type ee Ee 2,083 MECOPHCY 2 icc ae om Gin wile so erase brea wl Ble ewe yaew ore tk) Sete Sve meaner ea Wl CPARE ge Ss EL ee S ae Ne eee ee oe eR ee eee neg: re 2,278 WARM AOTCRK hes oon sete oe se ooh eee Reon od bie ieee Breiele aa ee be a ane eae 2,406 Willow Island ........ SH mind plore Es wis Wave ie nls Os OS eae ira eaten 2,547 BRS os onan ed. Se eke Ca nis ae ae ie wb we Bilge Him ee es Corkins Die ec ee SER PE LRGGE 2, 9.0 sine ots n > 6 bse o Seg oe es when; Pia oe ene la 2,825 AF AUS oo ee swears eine oad 0 vee 4eitip ek bee cele ek ees oe ee 3,012 RINE Oita 2 oi a kG GL ep tshe Main sais Kee Se Rn + aioe eae ee 3,074 COonlaa ys 555 feraiinw ok Fins o0b bie Shs bh spe pee oe nee kee a ee 3,225 BS so eo eid es shite Stevia ede he Rakes wptne eee es’ Laser.) eee 3,901 SOIC GI soon 5 8 oo isin aw ojore odes win aye i oe apie eee n> Oe ee 3,535 Tupdie Pole 2 26) ek os inn't 2 asin cst ae Se ee nies aide ne ates oe eee 3,835 Gldaey o's <= ss ie Sape s oe vio bestest Sts ND ine cl inls Sk aie ee eee 4,108 IM CIODG 2:0 no cs EES en Sok atone eg antes, «ota hoe eee eke anaes ae ee 4,747 Pine Wigh Ss 3s Aldi tict ob bs Bole Wiebe ee bor sate Seca eee » +. 5,061 ELEVATIONS ALONG THE LINE OF THE FREMONT, ELKHORN AND Missourt VALLEY RAILROAD. WHOM... 5 xs witrm din > Biavere nin wets wlolw eiele ReIaiD SeiNte le eet eee ile ae 1,220 WiGkersOn ooo 5. ois's bere aes xigven bio Se eels’ ol ce ee ee ae ee 1,222 HORROR 565. xs. eRe se eth ake be Uae hes Sere re es iS oe wits ley te 1,248 oie L011) a Pate NO PER Rares greet omenrsa a tony te ET Ay OA ag 1,227 Caper os Sas Fe PASE ee Cr et EES OS Ps ete ee 1,296 Went Point < «<5. S03 joo d> tSi5 cone tee eee bob thule cee eee alee Se ee (Wi WHERERS cw ie cis cbbaac tae ccids toh euse ere heess essere reeeees cea oon 1,404 WMortolk 2.005 ie bov vere S82 b0s ad OFS eee TODO BEES OEE E EP TOT erat. Seen *1,428 TOPOGRAPHY OF NEBRASKA. 9 ELEVATIONS ALONG THE NorTH LINE OF THE STATE. re gs ale only ol Gis pm ha'e accu cake eaeuae coasts deasc. *1,240 NI ES 78 ina xh nid uietsone cance dred «bo one ds awe os *1,960 REN ee yd ie in gle Saint Sag cha Mickie aa wp adore eee *2,690 Camp Sheridan, Old Spotted Tail Agency....................2-.000- *3,490 Nr Sa cu eal'y aos Ome de Fae s (Ada tae eee 3,764 TIED MELAS WEAUCNED NEVE ones ards no Se pina «cule weed cwecesdesas 3,781 ecreck, norinwest corner of State. ....-.... 22... 0. 22c- en ccceee- 4,013 Scott’s Bluffs, thirty miles north of Pine Bluffs ..................... *(6,051 IIT ST BC) rk en or ee 3,707 Niobrara River, southeast of Fort Robinson.......................... 4,118 White Man’s Fork on State Line, south of U. P. R. R.............. . 3,188 From the preceding data it is estimated that the eastern half or the State along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad has an average elevation of 1,700 feet, the western half 3,525 feet. The average elevation of the whole line would be 2,612 feet. Along the south line of the State the elevation of the eastern half averages 1,200 feet; the western half 2,672 feet. Along the north line ofthe State the data given makes the eastern half beginning at Ponca 1,353 above the sea level. The western half averages about the same as that of the line of Union Pacific Railroad. It is proportionately greater along its middle and less along its western portion. This would give an elevation of 2,312 feet for the whole State. This is a much smaller elevation than is usually given for the State, but it is the more accurate because based on elevations along the north and south line, as well as through the centre of the State from the east to west. Estimates heretofore made place the mean elevations at 2,550 feet. For the first one hundred miles west from Omaha the ascent is at the rate of five and a half feet to the mile. The second hundred miles increases the ascent to seven feet; the third hundred, seven and a half feet, and the fourth hundred to ten anda half feet to the mile. The ascent on the last fifty miles on the west end of the State is eighteen feet to the mile. While these figures are not exact they are close approximations to the truth. The calculation has been made for the line of the Union Pacific Railroad, but the south line of the State differs very little from this. A similar gradual ascent characterizes the northern line of the State. It will be observed that the second and third hundred miles have almost the same gradual ascent. After this the ascent in- creases quite rapidly until it reaches eighteen feet to the mile. The 10 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. increase of elevation going north and west on the eastern boundary of the State along the Missouri is muchless. Taking the mouth of the Nemaha as our starting point, whose elevation is 878 feet, and comparing it with the elevation of the Missouri bottom at Omaha, which is 1,002 feet we have a difference of 124 feet, or a rise of one and a fourth feet to the mile. The fall between Omaha and Dako- ta City is even less than this. In western Nebraska the difference in elevation between the south line of the State and the Union Pacific Railroad approxi- mates to 352 feet. On the west line of the State the ascent con- tinues going north until at Scott’s Bluffs an elevation of 6,051 feet is reached. Although this is only approximately correct, as I took the observations witha barometer, yet there is little doubt that this is the highest point in the State. From here there is a gradual de- scending slope to the north line of the State with some intervening inequalities and depressions in the valleys of the Niobrara, the White Earth, and Indian Creek. From the Republican River on the West line of the State to Big Springs inthe same meridian on the Union Pacific Railroad there is an ascent of 352 feet. From this latter place there is a still further rise of 283 feet to the Niobra- ra River, or a total ascent along this line from south to north of 635 feet, against a corresponding difference of less than 200 feet along the eastern border of the’State. It will also be remembered that the lowest part of the State is its southeast corner, and the highest part is a point north of the Union Pacific Railroad on Scott’s Bluffs. Take the State therefore as a whole and it will be seen that it slopes mainly toward the east and ina minor degree toward the south. The only exception to this rule is the extreme western line of the State, where the Colorado notch has taken from Nebraska territory a section which legitimately should belong to her. Because of this shortening of our southwestern border, Pine Bluffs, the last station of the Union Pacific Railroad in Nebraska is near the south line of the State. From here the ascent toward the north continues only for about thirty-six miles to Scott’s Bluffs from which there is a grad- ual descent to Indian Creek near the northwest corner of the State. But eastward from this point the descent is generally south and still more east. As would be expected from such relief forms the great majority of the tributaries of the main streams, except those of the Niobrara, flow towards the southeast. Prof. Wilber has re- marked that lines drawn along the main divides of the State on any TOPOGRAPHY OF NEBRASKA. 11 map would enclose the drainage systems in forms resembling huge pays. The open end representing the mouths or lower ends of the rivers will face the east or southeast. How tTo GAIN A CONCEPTION OF NEBRASKA TOPOGRAPHY. Conspicuous as are the valleys of Nebraska no good idea of its topography can be formed by following them exclusively. Thou- sands pass through the Platte Valley from east to west without comprehending the physical features of the State. » In fact, I have met many old freighters across the plains who entirely mistook its character, because they had followed mainly the valleys. This, too, is one cause for the misstatements of tourists, who have described Nebraska as a monotonous, level plain. To gain a clear conception then of Nebraska topography, one must cross the valleys and divides nearly at right angles. In do- ing this it will be observed that the most rolling lands generally border the valleys or bottoms. Advancing, the rolling and some- times broken character gradually disappears when the divide is reached which separates the last from the next drainage system. Here the land swells out into a gently undulating plain that varies extremely in extent. The extent of such a divide may be limited to a half mile or may extend for thirty or more miles. These swells or long tongues of undulating lands are found on the divides between nearly all the rivers of the State. Occasionally between the lesser streams a single low bluff, a few hundred feet wide, and only slightly raised above the general level, marks the divide. Among the most conspicuous of these divides are the beautiful up- lands between the Republican and the Platte, between the Platte and the Blue Rivers, and between the forks of the Blue Rivers. Between the Blues and Nemahas, and between the forks of the lat- ter similar divides exist. North of the Platte, conspicuous for their beauty, are the divides between the forks of the Elkhorn, and at the headwaters and between the forks of the Logan, and between the Elkhorn and the Loups. In fact they are met with between most of the streams of the State. Some of these high uplands have great numbers of shallow basin-shaped depressions whose soil and grasses closely resemble those of the bottom lands. They are evi- dently the remains of lakes that until recently occupied their sites. Indeed some of them still retain this character, being filled with water the whole year round, varying from one to ten feet in depth. 12 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Between these last and swamps and bogs, every kind of transition form is found. Fillmore, Clay, York, Hamilton, Franklin, Phillips and Wayne Counties have a notable number of these old lake beds. NUMBER OF NEBRASKA VALLEYS. Nothing is more surprising to one who studies the relief forms of the State than the amazing number of valleys or bottom lands. Some writers have stated that there were several hundred. It would have been more correct to have reported several thousand. Take the region of the Republican as an example. On an average a tributary valley comes into the main bottom from the north side every two miles. Now as this river flows for two hundred miles through the State, it would give one hundred for this section alone. Counting, however, the streams that come in from the south side, and those flowing into its larger tributaries, this number should be multiplied by at least four, giving four hundred valleys great and small for this region alone. Now add to these valleys those that are tributary to the Platte, the Blues, the Nemahas, the Elkhorns, the Logan, the Bows, the Missouri between its larger tributaries, the Niobrara and the Loups, and it will increase the number to thousands. It is true that many of them are narrow, ranging from one fourth to a mile in width, but still they are valleys with living or extinct stream beds in the middle or towards one side of them, and having all the physical features of the larger river bottoms. As already intimated there are a few minor valleys among the smaller tributaries of the upper Elkhorns, Bazile, Loups, Niobra- ra and Republican, in the stream beds of which the water no long- er flows, but as will be shown further on many of them are regain- ing, and all of them willin time, their former supply of water. Thus can be seen why over the larger part of Nebraska the settler can have his choice between bottom and upland. The great body of these bottom lands, though composed of the richest mould and modified alluvium and Loess materials are perfectly dry. It is true that swamps are occasionally met with, but they occur at long in- tervals and are the exception. No one can gain any idea of the number of these bottom lands by looking ata map. Neither can they be found on the plats of the government surveys, though in the latter they are more fully given than in the former. In fact, counting in the small tributaries with their narrow bottoms, not less than twenty-five per cent of the TOPOGRAPHY OF NEBRASKA. 13 entire surface of the State is made up of bottom lands. This is a higher estimate than I formerly made, but I have come to it by in- creased study of the physical features of the State. ExcEPTIONAL FEATURES OF THE NIOBRARA RIVER REGION. The Niobrara River is the least known of all the drainage sys- tems of the State. It deserves to be better known, and in the near future will be visited and studied by the geologist and the artist. It holds concealed many unrevealed wonders for the student of na- ture and of art. For the first ninety miles from its mouth the Niobrara is not greatly different from other Nebraska rivers, save in the exception- al rapidity of its current, and its sandy flats and numerous islands. Its bottom is also narrower in proportion to the size of the river than other streams of the State. In going up the valley it is observed to change rapidly at about longitude 99° 20’. The bluffs contract and become lofty. In fact, the river here flows through a deep canyon. It retains this charac- ter for the next 180 miles or to about longitude 102°. The sides of the canyon are often three hundred and sometimes four hundred feet high. The walls are mostly composed of silicious, and yellowish, whitish and calcareous rocks. They are often capped with a hard grit which preserves their vertical character, and often causes them to be undermined and assume an umbrella form. In thiscanyon re- gion it is next to impossible to follow along the immediate banks of the river, owing to the numerous isolated buttes and walls that rise perpendicularly from near the water’s edge, making walls across the line of travel hundreds of feet high. No indication of the river’s existence is here given in approaching it from either side, except by the trees that sometimes rear their tops above the canyon, and which grow near the water’s edge. The sides of the canyon are worn into innumerable labyrinths by the numberless springs that have been, like the main river, chiseling the rocks for ages. These lateral canyons are exceedingly mazy in their windings. Nowhere else have I ever seen such cool, clear, strong and sparkling springs as here abound. Their number isastonishing. They are met with in places for miles every few hundred feet or yards. At the lower end of this canyon region the rocks are of cretaceous age. Towards the west end the cretaceous becomes covered with tertiary rocks. Vegetation in the canyons of the Niobrara is 14 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. prolific. In places pines and cedars abound. Near the east end of the canyon region the oak,ash, cottonwood and elm, and occasionally box elder are intermingled with pines—which sometimes, however, are entirely wanting. Grass,too, is abundant. Here formerly was the paradise for elk, deer and antelope, wolves and foxes. Food and shelter, the agencies most important to preserve brute life was spe- cially abundant. No wonder that the Indian tenaciously clung to this region. Here the chase always supplied him with abundance of food. To him it was also consecrated ground. Here in the laby- rinthine canyons among the trees, druid like, with the light of the sun shut out, he communed with the shades of his ancestors. Here he heard as he did nowhere else the voice of the Great Spirit in the rustle of the leaves and the sighing of the winds. Where the river enters the canyon it is about eighty-two yards wide, It narrows towards its source, and before the west line of the State is reached it is reduced in breadth to ten or fifteen feet. The water, however, is remarkably clear and cool. Above the canyon the valley is well covered with grass anda great abundance of rushes. Wood, however, in this part of its course is rare. A large part of the entire middle portion of the Niobrara River, as first observed by General Warren, flows lengthwise of an anti- clinal ridge. In the canyons, for example, the rocks dip away from the river on each side. In places where I had opportunity to measure the angle their inclination away from the stream amounted to from ten tofifteen degrees. Itis probable that the river has been outlined only since the close of the submergence that attended the gla- cialage. Flowing along this anticlinal ridge when it first emerged it has continued in its old rut as the continent was rising, cutting down its bed about as rapidly as the uplifting took place. It is probably a continuation of some uplift and break eastward from the mountains similar to the one seen near Camp Robinson. Over a portion of the western end of the Niobrara River this anticlinal ridge on top of which it flows is not visible. The cutting of the river still continues, but its rate is uncertain but probably about a foot to the century. As would be expected the tributaries of the Niobrara that flow into it from the north or south are very short. The larger ones in- variably flow parallel or nearly so toit. The Keya Paha and Snake River are the most conspicuous instances. I have no doubt that hereafter it will be found that the Keya Paha occupies a TOPOGRAPHY OF NEBRASKA. 15 depression beyond the anticlinal ridge along which the Niobrara flows. In the canyon region,in going to the Niobrara,when within twelve or fifteen miles of it I invariably found myself going up hill. It was rarely sensible to the eye, but the barometer noted it distinctly. When the river was reached it lay from one hundred and fifty to four hundred feet below. On the north side it was again down hill for a short distance. Some of the head waters of the Loup originate close to the Niobrara, because of this ridge on top of which it flows. This makes it impossible to drain much of the country from the south. For the exceptional meteorological conditions here the reader is referred to Chapter III. SAND HILts. South of the valley of the Niobrara and its canyons, and com- mencing about longitude 100° are the far famed Sand Hills. The sands of these hills are partially moveable. Where they monopo- lize the ground travel is difficult, both because of the inequalities of the ground and their shifting character. They vary in height from a few yards to several hundred feet. Their shape approximates the conical form. A curious character of these hills is the conical depression so frequently found on or near their summits which are made by the winds. Many of these have the form of craters. Sometimes these crater-like excavations occur on the sides of the sand hills. Indeed almost every kind of wind sculpturing occurs among them, and the observer is surprised at every step at the strange forms that meet him. It is a fine field for the study of the opposite effects on landscape of wind and water agencies. Such crater-like holes freshly formed are destitute of vegetation. Form- erly these “ barren holes” were abundant in the sand hill regions. Now the great body of them are grown over with grass, and new ones in process of forming are only met with at longer intervals. But by no means is so large an extent of country covered by them as is sometimes represented. In going southward from the Nio- brara after wandering among the sand hills for ten or fifteen miles they are found often suddenly to cease, and a grass-covered prairie of great richness to take their place. There are also extensive sand hills at the head of the Loups. Between these sections there is generally a gently rolling prairie with occasional sand hills dotted over them. There are also sand hills south of the Platte from Kearney eastward several miles in width, and on the upper Repub- 16 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. lican. The character and origin of these sand hills will be dis- cussed in the chapter on the superficial geology of the State. Suffice it here to say that these sand hills are being covered by the increas- ing rainfall of the State with nutritious grasses, and are becoming fine grazing grounds. While principally composed of sand they also contain a large amount of potash, soda and lime, and these fertilizers start vegetation as soon as there is a sufficiency of moisture. Bap Lanps. The bad lands run into northwestern Nebraska, but cover a very limited area mainly beyond the White River. They are made up of indurated sands, clays and marl, and occasional layers of thin hard rock. They have been cut up into deep canyons and ravines by atmospheric agencies. The sides, until the talus at the bottom is reached, are often vertical and sometimes capped at the top with a hard rock that projects beyond the sides. Often without a parti- cle of vegetation the isolated cones, columns and peaks look in the distance like towers, pyramids, cathedrals and obelisks, resembling the ruins of the cld cities of the Orient. The geological age and the character of the fossil plants and animals will be discussed in the chapter on the Tertiary Age. CLIMATOLOGY OF NEBRASKA. 17 CHAPTER II. CLIMATOLOGY OF NEBRASKA. Temperature—Tables of Temperature—Mean Temperature of Summer, Winter and Spring—Bulletins—Autumns—Mean Temperature of the Year— Extremes of Temperature—Winds—Storms of Winter—Purity of the atmos- phere—Ozone. HE factors that enter into the determination of climate are tem- perature, forms of relief, condition of the atmosphere, geo- graphical position and rainfall. Before giving the characteristics of the climate of Nebraska, it is important to look at the most im- portant facts that produce them. For this purpose the following meteorlogical tables are introduced. TEMPERATURE. There has been much misapprehension about the temperature of Nebraska. Sometimes it has been represented as possessing a semi-arctic climate; and again that its summers are of a torrid char- acter. To show the real facts in the case, the following tables of daily temperatures for a year are given from the reports of the Sig- nal Service. The stations are on the U. P. R. R., three hundred miles apart, and approximate closely to the mean temperature for the whole State. In addition to the tables of the Signal Service, no exhibit would be complete without the results obtained by Dr. A. S. Childs, of Plattsmouth, one of the most careful, conscientious and accurate scientific observers in any country. He has been constantly report- ing, first for the Smithsonian and then for the Signal Service, since 1866. Prior to that year he had also been reporting at intervals. The tables prepared by him follow these two from the Signal Service. 2 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. *A[U0 skvp APA Ly G .8¢ | 0°99 | T 8% | 6.98 086 G68 8 98 | T’ 1g 9°.99% , G&L O'.6L [tt StBe ATYQUOTT A Gueegr | a er 089 o6P oSP Bo off GF | ofP oOPF EP 2s sas. Rise EO Rim eele fare 6 o's osuey ao" ant) 1 ige ae lo er ee ie ue 0g | eg “Le 1 gg leg LOL 16 [trrtetr rte cc ee tte eeet eee ener eee org qq | 69 | 22 189 | $e | cr | °° | ** 193 | 9e | 92 | 78 19 Gee aes (BUS. a LO Ps LS mele meu ATGr ae LOn gAGOaei| e-ciees eum Aisha ene aerel 4a! 79% mgaip, ei aveieiy Seg 09 byD 6P GL Ge Cr oe of Lb 1g 1% PE V od cL 98 1g #9 98 89 #8 9 18 ey oe 2'tm © 69 see a ea ae (0 oe | Sb ae lath 1S. | er Sr | 19 es.-| ge ¢ 168 16 Oe ee be scat) | hSen | KOL er eer Tole Reeae rite ceuemigiece Shi s otek Sinleiejminls. ee eieye.e,9) 6a nls) Teena EDD WOte Poe he ol Soe IEG GP ol oe tee Won ese| oF TOD 28 “VOL tL. FRB BO m LB [eit se seis eis -staisieeialeaiRieoieiee sieusaree sp ee 6h | 82 |e | 29 | 0g | 08 | ez | og |e | Te jog | ze Jog [ze | 8h | 9 [29 | 2 | 99 | 98 | 99 | 68 frre Riki ft ome Daag LG el GP 89 9g 19 G +P 61 oe 1% Le Gg | $p oP 19 $9 | 6L 19 Vi 99 98 Sie, aes HPS CM ey eee ae eC C5 eg 08 Gt G9 GE gg 8% 9g 8% PP Lg ep OF | Lp | L¥ OL 19 | 08 69 6L o9 cg Some) ee eee eeeee eeereeweeeeerer eee 174 zy (82 |9r | go lor | Fz log lor lzt l9e lee 1 ¥¢ | ee | er | FF 199 | ¢ |e | eo [92 [84 1G frecee tet eect tee ee eee eee npg VO om ee ae, OG eGo: AG Oped Kom ee bCdeliOs GG "OP. 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OBE pote —. fet 2 Seine sioveinsereapieinme lela pie:0 a nip a OF 9Y ag 69 Ge 9g eg | ep 0Z Gf 1g 6P OF 19 tP 0g 9g 69 68 LL 99 Gg SS ey) 8 eS. 0/0616 wee en oe ea ara es yee eA Bc 9 sp | 09 | Sh | 28 | F | 89 Ae Na aN gia es RL 2 CRI RR lah i fo a) Pe a Ak) | Mla a ec ck aC aa | Ly | 09 | ¢F | SF | se | 99 | FE | GE | ZL | 6Z | TE | 6 | Th | oe | 8% | 9 | 19 16 ia a3) A gh LN AE La) i a iat eB male mink edie re tehae SBS Cre ees | Pee Bee) oe Oe OR. Bay) OG ER | ek 1 CR er | 285) Se OL Gh. | OS. 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(SLE cpa ORM MO i eInGe me KOG 81202 BOs EQ jeg i Gia] esi ce rise rele td ie) ate, solar scwis ea etre) ais) «ira I | pont sh OG | PR is |e. 8 Awe | ee PO eR OES PORE Le clap. Be" oo tt? Sets Se Ses etree s PIPE EIB/E BLE B/EBIEIE| FLEE 18 ‘Ame “yjuoy yo Aeq | 1g | 12 |S | 6g | og | $9 | 8% | ze | 08 | HF ‘GON ‘RYU ‘UOTRIG —*Sa.cnIDUadiia) UDEUL PUD ‘WUNUWIUIW “UNRULY CLIMATOLOGY OF NEBRASKA, 099 6 $9 If & bP oye. | 6 we | £08 ¥ 88 9 bP 9 9 8° AL q'CL soe rsess ss gigeur ATION _eb ee eo - BP ooe | ob 089 | of9 | Fi L of@ | oY abe mA) | CUE KMRL we we oe Cie Casa, te ‘esuey yh ee ae aie altel eaicee ae aaa leaw a> SPA be er ac oe 97 | 82 | 89 |] $8 | ZH | TL | 08 | 69 G2 | 8 | 6 -, 12 | 1 1g | 62 | 6 | Lb | $9 | oo | ZOT| Fo | 26 | ; iA nash shee eas g se ONS Lo 16 s¢ SL gp 9L 66 ce os oi GZ CP pr 0% OT-| &T a7 ah GP 16 e9 C6 19 C6 oe eee . eee ee eevees SERIE 1 zo | &8 | 98 | 98 | OF | OL | 9% | 6S | SZ} FF} GZ] 8%] OT | 22 / T Go| Tehlisth | Sh OS Le Ihea: | LG.) see ee ; me ROR | 2 $9 | 8 | LF | ZB | Sh | Gz | 08 | SF | Ze | 99 | ez | Gb | es | ge | IT | 40] 82 | 99 | 9/99 | pe | 9g |] To | 62 | svewrens Es 2 &9 | G8 | eh | 92 | G8 | BL | GE | HL | 8%} LE | HZ | OF | 2% | Ge | 8@ | 98 | Fe | 09 | eg | S81 eo | 28] gq | 86 . (reerve® aleweunees reeege Te | O8 | 2b] Gz | BB | eh | 88} 22] LT | LH | oz | 99 | 2% | Le! 6T | 9 | Og | 99 | 2a | O28 z9 | 26 | 19 | 68 TH enveeeuestrnrestesee se eceeecoogp 89 | 08 | LF | 92 | 98 | 99 | 96 | ZL | TG | SF | 08 | BF | G2 | SF | 8G | 8F | Be | 69 | a2 | 08 | F9 | Ga] BQ | GB] CTT ttt Teter e eer eeenne &9 | 66 | LY | GL | FB | 29 | PE | OL | 02 | Sh! HZ | OF | 92 | LH | 08 | 6h | 98] 89 | 24H | 98 | go | FB] ge | OB] TTT ts ste eee oe T9 | 06 | #2 | 18 | $8 | 89 | TH | FL | 8% | OF | GT | OF | O8 | 6B | 9% | 6F | 6% | 49 | Te | T8 | Fo | zz | Hq | 68 cubeee ie eer 74 Lg | 88 oF | 79. AF | 60: | TF | 68 | 6& | OF | ge | FF | OG | SH) TC | LP | FZ | TS | SP | 161 BP} Ge 1 0g | PB Tot eee meee aes C7 Samo ee een Re Oe RP | Ge Sk OR) ke Te WE Shee De SR ee OP. Bp LES) HO) TE’ Bat Goal” tA eee Me cee ners tie de te aie eg wee Z9 | 28 | ev | 69 | 78 | $8 | GS | BL | 6S | 99 | OF) GF | HC | LH | Co | Lo | $e | SP | HP | O8 | Go| ge | og | PL] Toth tte es Re eens Ss a Ly | $8 |.8# | F9 , OR | 88 | G8 | FL | ZB | O9 | OT | Sh | 92 | 6G | 62] TF | Ze +y | eb | 28 | 09 | 6 | e¢ | 18 Cove eeeveceneertes tee eeeeeeeee OT 89 | GL, ¥) 1 12 OF | LH «TE | 19 | 66 | LE | FT | 99 | 92 | SF | 62 | FF | SB | 29) OF | TL | 99 | FB] so] OB] “TTT va SR LEY fy 99 ¥2 | Fh G9 G2 | OL 88) 99 | F% | 22! IL | 68 | | 89 | Ze | 09 | ee | 4g | 2h) 19 | eo] es l|ee)48| “ct PRET Gas? ge 99 | 22 | 9h | 82 98! 89. gk 69 | 2% | LH} 2 | 88 | FZ! 69 | 08 | 29 | 82 | SF | BF | 62 | 99 | 8 | og | OB] “TT aT or to | 08 | 88 | 9 88 | OF ; 92 | 99 | TE] OF} 8 | 98 | 08 | La | ZB] 99 | oe | GF | 9a | FZ | TE | 08 | 99 | GOT] “TThTT TTT OOS 5 Pe SL. | 98 LP 7 OR a 88) OF ak FP. OP |. FS | OT. Oe Ob LR Te oe 29. T6.| oe | @8 |) go) COT) = ett c este ewes be eae ML 6S | I8 | #& | 2 zo] 69 G2 | Ih | eZ | OF | gz | 98 | g@ | Be | 8%] 89 | Be | 29 | 6¢ | G6 | 9¢ | e8 | 99 | 6 ceeeee TEC Ce Rene ee rere ence te crenge See ve | 20) 68 OR ae Ge OP SG FR eT) OR BE Bb Pe Be ome eer ee | Se-|. gge 0G) Ce. BE. fet ene ed wits eben “ot eee Sr hae ee | Ch. Grol Pe Oe | B8)) SL GP et | Oe) Ge.) BO Ob ae ee 1 SbU) Sh SG! Qo) 128 | Bot 9G | sen e ase trees rae 09 | 99 | Tt | 09 eR | 8b} 64) 28 ' OT | 9% | EL | TF | OT 2g | FL | PP |G e¢ | t¢ | #2 | 29 | 96 | g¢ | 06 Cece uTeRee VeeNeeereUBeteees ey RY 9L Le Ro | 6 th | Ge LS 0% Re | g Ge LI ra 2 £G Lg 6k 9) Gg L 69 68 +9 $g envece ieean abe es eecvas ee "19 Oe OP FP Be ee ee, SE OR Bb hi BoC) BL BP OR GP | oes ae! | eR OE 2) Sr ee |. age TOT, es eee Ree ener es ey go. | £9] 19 | PL | Be HL , Te.) 89 | 08 | OF | > Te lee Gh | 8% > | Ge | 19 | Ta |. 98 | 6G | SB 1 BG | POT] “ooh i thet tt tet e etter reece reerg Pe eee Os ie ee. Os AR be) BBO TOL IS | Bh al Ot: SR Oe ae. REPL OR. I ee: |, LON {Celt eee ene eres cent wes sees og Gb 94 (a 89 | ge Q) 8% z9 174 09 g 91 74 1g 2S ag GZ 8g 6P Gt 19 gL G9 Z01 eeeeeee eee ee ee er er Ee oy | OL gg | 6¢ ge | 69 | £2] 6 | 02] 08! 2@ G | 02 | Le | 8% | 9b | be | £9 | #29 :| $9 | GO | BB | eg | FE RaW SNES PNA An eek TOS ee Kae Cem oe oe ee ee. 00 Ge tome. CO Gr 1) 2h. PP le ES O68 | SE) Be CG. 6k ee eh) Get ae. 1.68 | 06 | op | PRT Some eee Cees seme aess se) wesede g9 | 28 aie 8% 19 | 28 | 68 | GZ 62 1 0 1Z It | 0¢ | 62 er | se!) 2ei)z2¢! a 19 16 | ¢¢ 6L a Gk OM Bie &|/e/ 8] 8/ & = = = =| & E = = iz E a PIR|FEIPIF(FIFIFIFIBIPIEIRIEIRIFIEI FIFE Be) e)e *oune | *£BIN "WWady | "yore “qoa ‘uel “00d "AON 90 ydog ‘nV “Ane? "yguou yo Av | *SL8T *LL8T | "GON ‘OVA UON SUOTRIQG—"8AUN DA Tutay HDI PUD MitindeurUl “NUD : qi" - | 19°04 6181 I" cg Ip |tZ' j00°e | 90°IS |98°S 0°89 |B 26°SL, |T9 IT 16 9L |696 68°99 8181 OLE Ors 96°88 JIT 2 Qo 6h [18% Prag 99h GL'TL [06% ch Sh |Ir 9 cP’ L9 LST PI'S 109°6 96° 1G {TAT 18°8h |80°2 98°29 |68°8 8b. |W sh Ig G4 |89'F €9°89 9181 10 0g" 99°0E [8 T 98 8b [¢9°¢ F829 =|OF'8 89°69 jeL°9 l'PL (89° ST 06° Th C181 ORT |GL°s Ig he 'IL'S PEt |el it 8 $9 OPT tL 8 10L tT ce°%@B GO BT Ie" PL PL8T i 6 98 |09 T jog QL 8F |0G°% Le19 |00'°T 86 12 OF 9 £a°GL 108 F 80° SL €L81 04° 16'0& [00°F 16°08 |OL F LE°S9 OF eg ph |OP' 2 AU 2 04°F 90° 2 GBT 03'S 00 FE =(06'T 69 &¢ l08°T 0e°s9 OEE 09°FL jOL FL OF 94 |0E & 09°92 LST 60° th [08S 09 &¢ |09°9 0e°'99 99° 06°69 |00°% OL @ (OLS 06° PL OL8T OFT 98°98 )oL° L0 Gh |08°S 00°@9 =|00°8 61°Sh 092 Oe 84 |G0°6 01°89 6981 06°T j09°9 | 26'S {06 T 19 6h |e 3 ge'ug joe 9 89°69 |00°¢ gy°88 |00°S GO" GL 8981 co GL n 8&8 |CO'T G@ @G ect ge'99 OL co's) |0L F e Gh [Q's GEL LO8T go oG2 88 80'S |¢9°S ot LG |B" CEL |08°S 082i |€6°S 10°89 9981 4 ‘UAANAAON ‘MATOLIOO ‘MAAN ALdsS “LSQADNV py fall ‘aNOe Ze 6S 8°99 ILTS | zee |et'e |co-9 | 82 0F |er'T [026 CO'.96 |G GBT 42 6 |¢9 eh’ @c'6T || 6L8T 43 GG 6r'4a | 10'P c6'eS j60°€ FL 9b 1ST og 9.78 169 L joc eT | OL LS |S4't [OS T L048 || SL8I 5 “Gh 96 68 |g8'¢ 46h |TOT (6@9 | OPE [er [Sb OFFS i168 |00'Si | PLT (20° OTT 08°91 LSI s 0) a eL°@9 (91 G |00'T cosh [60'S [09 GL | C628 |P6" ISL G3'8e 190° joe T 00 46 |OL'T |S@° SI BE 981 5] 86 & rh e9 |29 FP IB Ph RES [us el | IL 6B 06" SLL 92° IL |88° |16'% kh - (08° (ssp | 89 SZ GL8I 5 GI é 8P'49 60°F |06° G9 PP [IG @ \SS'OL | SL ee |SQ't |¢e Vt | 60°06 [89° [00'S 6'6E |09 T GB PST 00°61 Il 62 {06 ST Ge Sh 09° 18°98 |09° 60 €@ {09 T ELL jos Ors 80 9L F181 za OF F OL 4g 0F z OL LF OFT OLS = |OT 08°63 |08° |09°S 06°8T |G4° {80°24 FO 06 GL81 < OF'G 08°99 |08°T 06°99 |0F O8 eh j09'T og Te |S9° OSS [00 T 20" 8% LST oO 08 ¢ CO'L9 |OLS 9¢° FS |00'T 4g @& |00'T 8°38 [OPT BEF [06S G3" 8s OL8T an eg 9 62.09 (chs {GL 910g 09 [cee cgq'ze |Gh 3 |GS Ik | 12 248 (08'T |00°8 86°83 |OL'S |OS'St | S86 6981 Se 0@°8 2099 #098 Po°Sh [CLS [Sh IT cg'ep |GI'I 1909 | 00 F% |S8 |008 60 IT |¢8° |Geg C92] S98 ~ C%°8 4 |08% co cp (1G (0° 6 16°9L |#8°T |09'T 06°36 |0L% |OL'SL | 6h FI |S9°h |09°8 incr LOB a 88°% 200°09 61 o19 1G. 08'S IS8'h |.FP'6S (099 1099 1.94/88 oOP 9T |Gd" 2B" BS 998T | . . | | | | . | « “uley “MOUS sie “Uley ors ite! ‘uley | “MoUug oe ‘uTey “Moug | Sots “Uley Eatous | ae ‘uyey “Moug ae » SPO A RAT ON Ni ac aos Oe ec Ra er | EL “AVIK ‘Wud V “HOUVIN ‘AUVOANIAA "91.99, ‘AUVONVE 91.99, “0H E *soyour ul ‘A.OUS pe}jeur pue ‘ule “MOUS jo JunCWe oY} pure Sivak yovs jo a1nje13duis4 uvowl 9} : dAISN[OU ‘6Lo1 0} 9981 “ised sivah uoq jO SYJUOU [BIDAVS JY} JO ainieisduisy: uve su TL, R cWo AVL CLIMATOLOGY OF NEBRASKA, LABLE “B,” 2] In the following table we have the mean temperature of the seasons and years, as also the total snow and rainfall, including melted snow. Year. 1866 1868 1878 Temp. = Yearly Rain Seasons. at Gexsans: Temp. of Year.| Yearly Snow. and! Melied Snow, Winter 1933" ue inches. Spring. 47.038° m B es ; Summer. 72.78° of Re | aS Aas 11.95 Fall. 49 75° ‘. pay 7.31 31.70 oA ~ ‘Winter. 20.15° 6 14 Spring. 39 20° 4h 67° | 35 5b 13 Summer. 74 31 5 Falk): 52.57° i | a) Oe Winter. 20 83° | 4 3 Spring. oe 48 84° | 27.20 ee Summer. 75.13 6 ‘Fall. : 47 00° fs) 615 37.85 | Winter. 21 61° | 2 eA Spring. 47 75° AA is ! 39 00 Summer. 72 44° 47 42 39 24.55 Fall. 45 10° 3 li 7.35 47.35 Winter. 22 14° A Bs Spring. 46 17° ee 22 00 f Summer. 70. 00° 46 61 9.10 Fall. 47.64° a 890 32.10 Winter. 22. 28° mart Spring. 49 52° neers 18 00 2 Summer. 71.97° 46 82 a Fall. 2 42 94° I 5.70 32. Winter. 22 81° | ee Spring. 37 80° We 12 80 ; Summer. 74.22° coast m hh 1 Ales Fall. 47.71° | : 8 80 31.35 Winter. 17 75° / Net Spring. 46 92° 47.58° 10 06 4s a Summer. 76 22 | 0 Bis Fall. 48 79° Py.) 7.45 4945 Winter. 20. 88° . S Spring. 48 13° 1 38 35 5 Summer. 78 50° 49.8 | 4 20 52 6 Fall. 51 13° PR Ooh 15.04 49 1] Winter. 15 06° i A yi Spring. 45 55° z ° 29 26 . Summer. dleGit? | 45.09 28 70 Laan Fall. 47 31° | hs 6.96 5 f Winter. 29.17° | hs Spring. 47.77° 9 20° 22 00 Summer. 72 89° 49 2 20 41 iy Fall. 46 73° _ 9.88 4 4 o ‘Winter. 22 95° 1.81 Spring. « es, 47.77° 23 30 Lap S mmer. 70 88 3 17 oe Fall. 49 69° sles, 1] 18 0.62 Winter. aes ie H Spring. 52 73° 2 64° 17 60 I Summer. 72 85° 5 22.48 aie Fall. } ol 98° 4 i8 53.87 tg Winter. y eae Bee 1.89 Spring. 52 98° 29.45 10 26 1879 and February. The winter season in the above table includes December, January Spring, the next three, &c. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. TABLE ©.” Gives the date of each day, from 1861 to 1876, inclusive, on which the mercury of the thermometer has fallen below zero, as also the degree. December being taken as the first month of the succeeding civil year. The usual sign — denoting below zero. TABLE C. 1861 | 1862 | 1863 1864 | 1865 1866 | 1867 1868 Jan20 -20 Dec23 - 6 Jan 16 -10 Nov27 — 2 Nov22 - 2 Dec 5 -10 Deell1°- 1/Nov 9 -— 7 21 -24: 27 — 3 Feb 2 -10) 28 - 9 Dec 7 - 6 12 -6Jan 1 - 8iJJan 6-8 23 - 8 Jan 9 - 8) 5-5 29 - 4 8 -16 13 -20) 6-2 2 2-6 11-2 Decl4 - 4 9= 7% 14 -16 9259 8-6 25-13, 12 -13 20 - 2} *10 -10 15 -15 91-3 9-6 27-12) 13 -12 31-24" 11-14, 16-10) 26-4] 11-6 21 —'6 147 Jan 1 -23 Jan 22 - 1 21 -18 27 -10 12-4 Feb7-7 15-8) 2-15 4-10] 22-20) 29-1) 15 419 § -3 1% 17 es 25 -10 28 - &iFeb 8 - 3 16 26 18 - 2 Pee | 26 -10 Jan 16 -15 9 -1 17 -25 30 - 7 5 -10 (feet 7 -16 29 — 4 is 18 6 -15 a8 10)" 18. Sts 21 -1 %) -— 8 ¢ —2iMar 2-5| 19 -¢§ 93 - ¢ 9 =9 8.6 A- 6| 2-1 24 — | vA 3 9)—'§ 9-17, 21- '/Mar > -< 27 -16 11 10 L? omg gre: ae ag EO ae de Feb 4-06 14 - g 31-8 1245 16 - 1\kep > =5 14 -18 1-24 6 -12 15 -3¢ 2A 4 5-5 16 —4 | 9 -22 Maris - 10 -12 ch eee 28 -10) *December 10th, 1865, David Jardine froze to Death. TABLE C.—(Continued.) 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 Dec 8 - 9 Jan 8 - 7 Dec21 — 4|Nov29 — 6|Nov27 - 4/Dec 3 - 1/Dec28 - 3/Nov2] - 1 9-8 16-4 22 -11|/Dec 3 - 6 De ere Hy ag 29 -10 9-7 10 4) 7 23 -16 4 -12 29 - 5\Jan 4-3 Jan 2 - 5/Decl7 - 8 11-80). 18-13) 24-9 19 - 1)/Dec 9 - 3 14 - 6| 3 — ilgan10 — 2 23 ~5 Feb19 -8| ,.26-3 20 - 1 1p 15 -10) 4 -10|/Feb 1 -12 W”A-8 20 -i2 Jan 13 - 9 25 - 6 20-5 23 - 9) 5 -18 a 2 Jan25 — 2\Mar 8 - 2 14-4 26 - 4 21 -20 24 -14) 6=98 ree Feb 4 -10 14-5 17 - 4\Jan 23-10} 23 -20'Feb 9 - 1| 8 -19/Mar20 - 4 22-1 15-11! 18-7 24-2 24 -16 23 — 4! 9 -21 = 8 Feb 9-7 25 - 6 25 — 3 2.6) 40=8 Mar 4 - 2 10-2 23h VST Sl We ORE 8 ) ead 6.x 12 -10 28 -11/ 27 -10 | 13 -20 15-4 13-3 31 12Jan 8 - 3 Ue idee) Febi2 - 1! en) 15 -10 1 A SG ok a. 16°- 14 - 5) 16 - 8 che hes 7 | Ty 30 - 3 162.9 31 -10 Ai fe Feb 2-4 7 = 8 ¥=19 28 -23 4 -21 29 -14 6-6 Slats 7-7 Feb 1 -10 s- 3 | 2-4 9-2 | 20 - 3 , | eae | | 22 - 4 17-9 23 - 2 25-17 Mar 3 - 4 27 -1 | Mar 3-3 In these sixteen years only twice as low as 32°and four times to 30°. CLIMATOLOGY OF NEBRASKA. 23 During the same period of 19 years, embraced in table “C,” the mercury has risen to 100° and upwards as follows: 1857. July 15, 102°, August 5, 100°, August 13, 101°. 1859. July 14, 101°. 1860. July 15, 100°, July 20, 104°, July 24, 100°. 1861. August 3, 100°, August 4, 104°, August 5, 104°. 1866. July 23, 100°, August 6, 101°. 1868. July 18, 100°, 20, 106°, 21, 100°, 28, 101°. 1873. August 30, 101°. 1874. July 7, 102°, 8, 105°, 14, 103°, 18, 100°, 23, 104°, 24, 107°, 25, 113°, 31, 110°, August 9, 100°, 10, 111°, 19, 100°, 21, 102°. Dr. Childs’ remarks of the above last two months “that the heat was unparalleled on any record made in the United States.” During this period of nineteen years eleven have passed without raising the mercury to 100 degrees. The force or velocity of the wind is now generally rated ona scale of 10, as follows: Indicates a very light breeze of 2 miles an hour. Indicates a very gentle breeze of 4 miles an hour. Indicates a very fresh breeze of 12 miles an hour. Indicates a very strong wind of 25 miles an hour. Indicates a very high wind of 35 miles an hour. Indicates a gale of 45 miles an hour. Indicates a very strong gale of 60 miles an hour. Indicates a very violent gale of 75 miles an hour. Indicates a hurricane of 90 miles an hour. Indicates a most violent hurricane of 100 miles an hour. COND aA Rw DY =" ad This velocity is measured and registered by rather a costly in- strument named an anemometer. Without an anemometer, the observer notes the direction from which the wind comes, and estimates its force as 1, 2, 3, and 6. This observation and record is made three times a day—the same as with other meteorological instruments. In table “D,” I give a sum- mary of these observations for the year 1874. 24 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. TABLE $®).? Direction and force of wind for the year 1874. N. NES© |t 4a. | SE. | ee 8 | Ww NW Total. | | | | | | | | ! | Dec. 1873....... 14 2 bath ae yan ae ae orks 25 96 Jan. 1874....... 14 6 3 | Te SORE) 11 2 39 135 February. ....-. 21 7 5 | 1S 17 10 i 19 105 Maren.) G2. 3.;. 30 23 8 284 13 20 16 12 159 ey oe ae 13 30 6 54 >| 28 8 11 19 168 Miny 6.2. she ee 4 | 4 64 7} 68 5 8 15 182 JUNE Lessa eve 0 Zz 5 59 | 63 10 8 13 160 July... hive 8 6 Peet 26 | 74 15 10 6 172 AUGUBE: a0): ea | 6 55 37 | 26 7 1 4 157 September...... 14 5 16 25h ca 17 25 9 20 134 October..... .. 6 4 19 1 33 20 25 Lk | 128 November...... 25 2 6 5 43 22 | fl 31 141 Totals, 170 107 150 349 454 165 | 118 - 220 1733 By exchanging the totals of March and April, as also by trans- ferring 50 from the total of south, to the total of north, and this gives nearly the mean of ten years past. Tables “A,” “B,” “C” and-“D,” are‘all frome. Childe) ae following table of the direction and force of the wind is tiken from the report of the Signal Service. It shows how many times the wind blew from the eight cardinal points, from July, 1877, to July, 1878. | vie ieagn Seat | | | Stati Wind 5 | 2 o = § y, = | | he | eat .° TOO CO RLG |B UBB 0 eee ne es ee ee ee ed ee ee se a) Boe be Se a eS Be hot) eect ene eae Seltain| Ol“ |Arir |B lal?) protest against the needless destruction of birds. REPTILES. Owing to the large amount of time devoted to the other depart- ments of our natural history, I have been unable to do much with our reptiles and fishes. The following is therefore only a partial list of such as I have found in the State: Soft Shelled Turtle (Z7zonyx ferox). Missouri. Snapping Turtle (Chelonoura serpentina). In most of our rivers. Painted Tortoise (Emys picfa). Missouri and Platte rivers. Painted Tortoise (Zmys guttata). Widely dispersed. Wood Terrapin (Zmys tnsculpia). Widely dispersed. Geographic Tortoise (Emys geographica). Common. Pseudo graphic Tortoise (Emys pseudo graphica). Rare. Mud Tortoise (Kinosternon Pennsylvanicum). Rare. Musk Tortoise (Sternothacrus odoratus). Have seen but one in the State. Common Box Tortoise (Czstuda Carolina). Common. Blanding’s Box Tortoise (Cistuda Blandingi). Rare. SAURIANS. Blue Tailed Skink (Suncus fasciatus). Rare. Fine-lined Lizard (Lygosoma guinquelineatus). Fare. Horned Toad (Phrynosoma carnuta). West Nebraska. Brown Swift ( Zropidolopis undulatus). Niobrara region. Chiroter lumbricoides. Southeast Nebraska. Glass Snake (Ofiesaurus ventralis). South Nebraska. *Natural Food of Birds. 128 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. SNAKES. Black Snake (Coluber constrictor.) Common. Pilot Blacksnake Racer (Coluber Allegheniensis). Rare. Milk Snake. House Snake (Coluber eximius). Seen occasion- ally. Ring Snake (Coluber punctatus). Seen at long intervals. Grass Snake Coluber vernalis). Rare. Coluber testaceus. West Nebraska. Water Snake (77ophidonotus sipedon). Seen at long intervals. Striped Snake. Garter Snake (Zrophidonotus taenia). Rare. Yellow Bellied Snake ( Zo0phidonotus teberis). South Nebraska. Small Brown Snake (Zropiidonotus DeKayt). Some seasons rather abundant. Little Garter Snake. Ribbon Snake (Leftophis saurita). Rare. Only in timber. : Bull Snake (Pétwophis melanoleucas). Common. Northern Rattlesnake. Yeliow Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus). Sparingly. Most abundant in North Nebraska. Michigan Rattlesnake (Crotalophorus miliarius). Fare. Western Rattlesnake (Crotalophorus tergeminus). Rare. Massasaugua. Prairie Rattlesnake (Cvotalophorus Kirtlandt). Now supposed to be the same as the preceding. Formerly abun- dant.* Harlequin Snake (Zaps fulvius). Rare. AMPHIBIANS. Bullfrog (Rana pipiens). Common. Northern Bullfrog (Rana hariconensis). Kare. Spring Frog (Rana fontinalis). Rather numerous in favorite’ localities. Marsh Frog. Leopard Frog (/taxa palustris), Common and abundant. Shad Frog. Lopard Frog (Rana halecina). Common. Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica). Common in timber along the Missouri. Common Toad (Bufo Americanus). Common. Missouri Toad (Bufo cognathus). Occasional. Northern Tree Toad (Hyla versicolor). Along the Missouri. *For the use of the rattles of the Rattlesnake, see the writer’s paper, published in the ‘‘American Naturalist,’ Feb., 1872. a! FAUNA OF NEBRASKA. 129 TAILED BATRACHIIANS. Yellow-bellied Salamander (Salamandra symmetrica). Occa- sional. Violet-colored Salamander (Salamandra subviolacea). Rather common. Blotched Salamander (Sa/amandra fasciata). Common. Long-tailed Salamander (Salamandra longicauda). On the Ni- obrara. Striped-back Salamander (.Salamandra bilineata). Rare. Red Salamander (Salamanidra rubra). South Nebraska. Rare. Blue-spotted Salamander (Selamandra glutinosu). Rare. Banded Proteus (Wexzobrunchus latteralis). Rare. Allegheny L[lell-bender (A/axapoma Allezheniensis). Ovcca- sional. FIsHeEs. The following list of our fishes includes only the few that I have identified. For reasons already stated, | could not devote myself to a special investigation of our fishfauna. One-half of our species are not included in this list. The waters of Nebraska are eminently adapted to the artificial propagation of fish. Even the trout can be successfully reared in many of our streams, especially in some like the Bows, in north Nebraski. These Bow Rivers are largely made up of the most delicious springs along the greater length of their course, and where these are most abundant never freeze over in winter. The Bazile is equally well adapted to this industry. There are also many kinds that will flourish in the Elkborn and its tributaries, the Nemahas and their tributaries, and the Blues and Loups and their tributaries. There are other rivers and their tributaries that could be stocked equally well with choice fish. Bony Fisues. Many-lined Bass (Ladrax multilineatus). Missouri River. Pike Perch (Leuctaperea grisca). Occasionally found in the Missouri. The Growler (Grystes salmotdes). Rare. Missouri and Ne- maha. Black Bass (Centrarchus fasciatus). Elkhorn, Logan, ete. Centrarchus pentacanthus. Nemaha. Rare. Pond Fish (Pomotis vulgaris). Common in most of our streams. 9 130 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Three additional species of Pond Fish (Pomotis) not identified. Lake Catfish (Pimeloidus nigricans). Missouri, Platte. Common Catfish (Pzmelotdus catus). Common. forked Tail Catfish (Pimeloidus furcatus). Missouri. Brazen Catfish Prme/oidus deneus). Platte and Elkhorn. Blue Catfish (Pimeloidus celurescens.) Missouri, Republican, Ne- maha, Elkhorn. Yellow Catfish (Pimelotdus cupreus). Probably same as Brazen Catfish above. Channel Catfish (Pimelotdus pallidus). Missouri, Platte, Blue, Elkhorn, etc. Mud Catfish (Pimeloidus nebulosus). Common. Black Bullhead (Pimeloidus xanthocephalus). Missouri and Nio- brara. Four additional species of catfish I failed to identify. Chubsucker (Zadeo Sucker (Catastumus Black Buffalo Fish (Catastomus elongata). Common. Shiner (S7/be chrysoleucas). Platte, Missouri. Black-nosed Dace (Lenciscus abronascus). Same as above. Vermillion-eyed Dace (Lenciscus biguttatus). Platte, Bow, Blue, Elkhorn, etc. Chubb Big Head (Lenciscus cephalus). Bow Rivers. Minnow (“ydrargira ). Common. Muskallonge (Zsox ester). Missouri. Rare. Common Pickerel (Zsox reticulatus). In most of our streams. Missouri Trout (Sa4no Lewis?). I caught one in the Bow and one in the Iowa Creek, in Dixon County. Probably wandered down from the upper Missouri. Gar Pike (Lepidosteus ). Common. Western Mud Fish (Ama occidentalis). Rare. Common Eel (Anguilia tenuirostris). Elkhorn River. Rare. )- Only occasionally seen. ). Missouri. CARTILAGINOUS FISHES. Sturgeon (Aeciphensex maculosus). Missouri. Rare. Lamprey (Pteromyzon —). Elkhorn. Rare. INSECT LIFE. 131 CHAPTER XIL. INSECT LIFE. Number of Species.—Predatory species.—Chinch Bug—Army Worm.— Hessian Fly.—Potato Beetle.—Insects that prey on orchards and groves. a articulate animal life, the most important class is that of in- sects. Asin temperate latitudes generally, they are more nu- merously developed in genera, species and individuals than any other section of the animal kingdom. In fact, they dispute with man the empire of the world. During spring and summer they are omnipresent ; when the naked eye does not recognize them the microscope brings them to light. In Nebraska the number of species is very great, approximating to eight or nine thousand. About one-fourth of these are predatory and non-injurious species, leaving not less than six thousand, or two and a half injurious species to every species of plant in the State. This calculation is based on the original constitution of the State, and not on the con- dition into which it has been brought by civilization. The great body of injurious species are so few in number that they rarely do any damage that is noticeable. Here, as elsewhere, only excep- tional conditions, as a rule, develope injurious species to a tempor- ary and damaging multitude. Judging from observation for fif- teen years, the insects which we have most to dread are the chinch bug, army worm, Hessian fly, potato beetle, the insects which prey on our orchards and groves, and the locusts. THE CuincH Buc is the dread of the agriculturists of the Mississippi Valley. It some- times occurs in Kansas in enormous numbers, and the probabilities are that it is more to be dreaded on the plains of Nebraska than even thelocust. I fear it is on the increase. At least, during the last season more have been sent to me for examination than ever before. And although most persons are familiar with its gen- eral life-history, I will repeat it, because I believe that here it has slightly changed its habits; at least, some individuals RE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. have done so. The reports say that about June the eggs are laid on the ground or among the roots of plants, and _ that this process of egg-laying lasts fifteen or twenty days,and that they number about 500 for each female. In fifteen days the eggs hatch out. The bright red larve remain under ground, sucking at the roots of plants. The full grown insect is one-twelfth of an inch long, of a black color, with white wings, and appears from the middle of July to August. A second brood hatches out still later in the summer, and further south a third brood. Evidently some of the perfect insects survive the winter, harboring under rails, boards, leaves and grass. I found them frozen solid, apparently, during the last winter, when hunting for locust eggs, but they soon revived when brought into a warm room. Now here I have found the chinch bug vary from this history in this, that it occasionally de- posits its eggs on the lower part of the plant itself, as I ascertained by bringing such plants home an 1 observing their transformations. As the damage done by this insect sometimes in western States like Illinois reaches as high as $73,000,coo in a season, it is important to note the remedies that have been devised against them. Lady bugs (Coccinelidae) destroy them, as also lace-wing flies. During the last summer I dissected several quail, whose stomachs were filled with these bugs. The protection of quail, therefore, must have a salu- tary influence on restraining their increase. The methods devised against the chinch bugs are various. Among the best are ditching to keep them from traveling from one field to another, and keeping the ground constantly stirred. They appear to dislike ground that is yielding, or that dirties their bodies. By ditching, as many as forty bushels have been destroyed in one day. One plan is to drag a log through the ditch to kill them, and another is to dig pits in the ditches in which they are buried or otherwise destroyed. THe ArMy WorM (Leutcania unifucto,) as far as I know, has not yet done any injury to the crops of the State. I was at least three years in the State before I found a single moth of this insect. The first one I found was in the autumn of 1867. No more came across my path till 1869. The first autumn (that of 1871) that I spent at the Univer- sity, I found great numbers, and on the whole they have been in- creasing ever since. Here probably two broods are raised in a year. The eggs are laid near the roots of the prairie grass in June or July, and lie dormant till the next spring. INSECT LIFE. 13 Remedies.— Hence a successful method of warring against them has been the burning of plots of grass where they abound. Mr. Walsh, the former eminent entomologist of Illinois, after a long study of this insect, became confident that this is an infallible rem- edy. And of course, where the larve or worm makes its appear- ance, ditching must be resorted to as in other cases with marching destructive insects. And I have no doubt that our immunity thus far from occasional depredations from this enemy has been the yearly burning of large tracts of the prairies of this State. And just in proportion as this practice is abandoned for cther reasons will the dangers from this source multiply. I have received a few letters from different portions of the State complaining about the appearance of THE Hessian Fry. This is no indication that it will become troublesome, and yet, to be forewarned is often to be forearmed. I have had no experience to amount to anything with this insect. ffabits.—But it is said to deposit its eggsin the long slits of wheat, grass, barley and rye blades, etc., both in spring and fall. In from five to twenty days the eggs hatch. The larve crawl down be- tween the leaf and the stock until they reach a joint, where they rest and suck the sap. They mature in from four to five weeks. The pupa has a striking resemblance to a flax seed, and is found at the same place where the larvae was sucking the sap. In April, May or the first of June, the winged insect appears, and commences egg-laying. Remedies.—it is also said that large numbers of the pupze are de- stroyed by cleaning off all the stubble by deep plowing, but especi- ally by burning over the fields. Quicklime scattered over the fields after harvest has also been relied on in some places in the east as a remedial agent. Strewing the fields in April and May with wood ashes has also been found efficacious. The larve of the wheat midge (Diflasts destructor) has also been sent to me this season, but to what extent it prevails in the State I am unable to say. Fruir DESTROYERS. I have observed no indications of any special increase in the species that prey on orchards and groves, except in the case of plant-lice, which have been abundant for several years past. It is well known that the species are exceedingly abundant, 134 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. and that they increase with marvelous rapidity, a single pair being capable by the end of the season of producing millions. The con- ditions of their great increase during some seasons and their de- crease during others are not well understood. During this season they were abundant not only on the milkweeds, amorphas, and some few sun flowers, but were specially abundant on oak trees, on the willows, elms and cottonwoods, though I am not advised as to any particular damage that they have done. It is claimed by many that a moderate increase of plant-lice is an advantage where apiaries are kept, because of the heavy honey dew that some species produce. This is questionable, but it is one of those compensations of which nature is so full. Something at least is gained, if when the vigor of vegetation is impaired by the sucking of wood-lice, the bees pro- duce double their ordinary stores. For a few years, in many por- tions of the State, there has been an alarming increase of the CoTrtonwoop LEAF BEETLE, or, as it is known to science, the Plogivdera scritta. Nowhere has it done more injury than in Lancaster County, though it has been sent to me to identify from many other places. Some of the groves beyond the Antelope, and many of the cottonwoods on the State Agricultural Farm, were despoiled of their leaves by this insect. It prevailed as far north as Dakota and Dixon counties. I saw trees stripped of their foliage by it in Burt and Washington coun- ties. It has done more or less damage in at least twenty counties of the State. During this season, however, it has greatly declined in numbers, and in the damage it has been doing for several past years. What has caused all this decrease I am unable to say, but one element of the process has been the work of predatory insects. I have found ichneumons and chalcis flies at work on them. Rainy seasons alsoseem to be injurious to them. This, however, has been denied. The fears, however, that many began to entertain that this insect was going to place an embargo on the cultivation of the cot- tonwood, is proved to be not well founded. Prof. Culbertson I think has somewhere given an account of its life history, and the best methods of counteracting its work, and that, therefore, I need not here repeat. During this season, also, the various species of borers have not, so far as IT am advised, made any special inroads on the trees of the State. I have no doubt the increase of ourinsectiverous birds has had much to do with lessening the number of many of ourinsect enemies. ‘ INSECT LIFE, 185 Since the first settlement of the State, THe MATERIAL CONDITIONS IN RELATION TO INSECTS have greatly changed, and are still in process of change, and more rapidly than ever. Forests have been removed in some places, and planted in hundreds of others. Whole counties have been rapidly transformed from raw prairies to cultivated fields. The old balance between insects and plants has been disturbed. The natural food of the insects has been removed, but the insects themselves pro- bably remained. No alternative then remains but for the in- sects, in accordance with natural law, to adapt themselves to the changed condition. If man takes away their natural food, they will naturally confiscate, or try to,some of his. For the loss of the spontaneous vegetable productions of the State, they find compen- sation in corn fields, vineyards, orchards, gardens, wheat fields and clover and timothy and clover fields. If the new vegetable forms introduced into the State had only native foes to fight, the struggle for existence would not be so severe. But in addition, other foes, old enemies from their native climes, follow them. The apple tree and the vine, the peach and the pear,in their westward march, have gathered the foes of all climes and all lands, until their numbers are legion. Friends and Enemies.— Still with the enemies that have accumu- lated, came some friends, often in disguise. Vast numbers of insect parasites often make their appearance to re-establish again the broken harmony of nature. Thus ever changing man keeps nature in tur- moil in her efforts to adapt herself to the newly imposed conditions. Insect enemies sometimes make their appearance and increase with such amazing rapidity as to threaten the entire destruction of some horticultural or agricultural industry. Finally an enemy stealthily makes its appearance, sometimes from the native region of the plant, and sometimes from other lands. The abundance of food favors its rapid increase, until in a few years it has almost wholly destroyed the source of its food, when both fall back tothe narrow dimensions, and the obscurity from which they had emerged. This continued disturbance and readjustment of the relations between in- sect life, horticulture and agriculture must, in the nature of things, continue for a generation. This involves the continued need of watchfulness and special labor in the entomological field. Weneed for our State 186 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. A MANUAL oF Economic ENTOMOLOGY, —such a one as Harris prepared for Massachusetts—that is, one similar in plan, but very different in specific detail. For one-half of the insects that are troublesome in Massachusetts do not give us any concern here, while the great body of our injuricus species were unknown in Harris’ day. But while there is a great need for such a work, it cannot yet be prepared, because many of our in- jurious species are as yet neither known nor studied. But every friend of horticulture can aid in the preparation of such a work, by keeping a careful record and close notes of the habits and life-history of such species as come within his observations. CATA PH BE i: THE LOCUSTS*—MOLLUSKS. Nativity.—Spring History and Migration.—Numbers that Light Down.— Egg Laying.—Manner of Egg Laying.— Hatching.—Departure of Locusts.— Destructiveness of Locusts.—How to Combat and Destroy the Locusts. —Nature’s Methods of Destroying Locusts.—Invertebrate Enemies.—Ver- tebrate Enemies.—Extent of Locust Invasions.—Probable Future of Locust Depredations —Moliusks. OTHING in the natural history of Nebraska has excited such a general interest as the locust question. Where then, do they breed, how frequently do their visitations occur, and what is the amount of damage which they do? The migrating locust, (Caloptenus spretus,) is native to the high and dry regions of the Rocky Mountains. Its permanent habitat is the region between latitude 43° and 53° north, and 103° and 114° west of Greenwich. Even some portions of this section are sometimes deserted for a few years for other grounds, but always somewhere within this territory they will be found to exist. Ina majority of years some locusts will also be found to breed south of the above line, along the region west of longitude 105° 30’. The *The reader is referred for a detailed account of the Locust question to the Report of the U S. Entemological Commission for 1877, which includes the writer’s investigations and con- clusions on this subject at greater length and fulness. > THE LOCUSTS. 137 great interior region between the Wasatch and the Sierras over much of its territory will be found to harbor a few during most years. Whenever, therefore, over these regions the conditions are favorable they increase to astonishing numbers. These favoring conditions are exceptional dryness and warmth. If two such seasons follow each other in the native habitat of the locust they are sure to migrate. Their Spring History and Migration—After they hatch out in the spring it takes about seven weeks before they reach their full growth. During this time they moult five different times, and each time change slightly in color. Only at the last moult are full wings acquired, the thorax flattened and the insect ceases to grow. Where now they cover the ground in their native haunts from their abundance the scanty vegetation is soon exhausted. It is now that they manifest their peculiar instincts. They take short flights for several weeks, apparently to test and strengthen their newly ac- quired wings. The warm pleasant days with gentle winds are the favorable periods for flight. When all is in readiness they rise from eight to ten o’clock in the forenoon and move off with a rapidity dependent on the wind, varying from three to fifteen miles an hour. They do not move in broad sheets, but in columns like fleecy clouds from one to five thousand feet thick. They some- times continue their flight through clear, warm, moonlight nights, but more generally come down between three and five o’clock to feed. On the following day they continue their flight if the weather is favorable. A change of wind or fall of temperature brings them to the ground at any time. From their native habitat they move mainly in an easterly, southeasterly, and southern direction. Moving in this direction those that commence migrating from Montana by the middle of July reach Nebraska and Kansas some time in August or Septen.ber. They do not always deposit their eggs where they first light down. Frequently they remain from one day to three weeks and then move farther on before egg laying is commenced. The Numbers that Ligsht Down is often enormous. In 1866 in Cedar County, during July, they appeared in such numbers that the sun was darkened. The limbs of trees bent down and broke under their weight. It was exceedingly difficult for one to move threuzh the living mass. Others have had, and reperted similar experiences. It is true that such cases are extreme and exceptional, 138 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. and occur at long intervals over limited areas. It has been no un- common thing, however, for them to be so abundant as to entirely cover the ground. Lgg Laying—The time for the commencement of egg laying | varies somewhat in different years and localities. Generally it commences about the middle of August and continues to severe. frost, and lasts therefore from six to eight weeks. In 1876 the locusts were laying eggs far into October. The female generally lays three times, at intervals of from three days to three weeks. Each egg mass contains from twenty to thirty-five eggs. Place and Method of Egg Laying —The places for egg laying are not uniformly the same. They seem to prefer ground that is high and dry, and somewhat compact. Low lands, however, that are dry are much used for this purpose. Road sides are frequently honeycombed with holes, but comparatively few egg masses are found there. New breaking is generally fuller of eggs than any other kind of ground, The number laid is often simply enormous. I have often found sections of land where the eggs averaged from ten to fourteen thousand, and in rare instances to upwards of twenty- one thousand tothe square foot. ‘These enormous numbers are only reached during years when the locust swarms are exceptionally dense. Manner of Eeg Laying—When the female is about to lay her eggs she selects a spot and “ forces a hole in the ground by means of the two pairs of horny valves, which open and shut, at the tip of her abdomen, and which from their peculiar structure are ad- mirably fitted for the purpose. With the valves closed she pushes the tips into the ground, and by a series of muscular efforts, and the continued opening and shutting of the valves, she drills a hole until in a few moments (the time varying with the nature of the soil) the whole abdomen is buried. The abdomen stretches to its utmost for this purpose, especially at the middle, and the hole is generally a little curved and more or less oblique. Now with hind legs hoisted straight above the back and the shanks hugging more or less closely the thighs she commences ovipositing.” (Riley.) Before the eggs come out there exudes from the end of the body a mucous matter which fills the bottom of the hole and bathes the valves. The eggs separately, by convulsive throbs, are placed in order in the hole. The mucous matter binds all the eggs together. When the locust is through with this process, she fills the upper THE LCCUSTS. 139 end of the mass with the same mucous matter, and then shuts up the hole carefully. This mucous after hardening is only pervious to water under frequent changes of temperature and during long wet seasons. When severe frost comes the old die off rapidly and at the ap- pearance of permanent cold weather they have all disappeared. FTatching.—It often happens that during the long dry autumns of Nebraska, great numbers of the earlier laid eggs hatch out and soon perish with the cold of winter. Many eggs also become segmented in autumn and whether they survive till spring in a healthy condition is still with many a disputed question. My own opinion, derived from the closest observation, is that all such come out in the spring, if they come out at all, in a sickly condition and soon perish. Sometimes, too, as happened in 1877, there is much warm weather in January and February, during which great num- bers hatch out that invariably perish by the subsequent cold weather. During spring the great hatching months are March and April. In these months cold always interrupts the process. ‘This occurred in the Spring of 1877, when there were many cold days and chilly winds, and as a consequence hatching was not over till early June. Depariure of Locusts.—As already stated, a few days after the last moult on favorable days they are disposed to migrate. No ex- ception to this rule is known in the region of the plains. It is pos- sible that where they are few in number in their native habitat they do not always migrate, but even that is uncertain. In Nebraska, Iowa, Dakota, Kansas and Missouri they are disposed to return to their native regions. ‘They therefore move mainly northward and westward. ‘Their instincts seem to force them to dryer and higher regions, where they originated. Such was specially the case when countless millions left the State in 1876. During 1877, the spring of which was rainy, cold and chilly, the greater part of those that hatched out soon perished, and the few that survived seemed sickly and demoralized. ‘These survivors first mainly moved northward, and then moved southward, and finally were seen to move in all directions; often two columns, one above the other, moving in op- posite directions. ‘The greater part of this season’s product of lo- custs evidently ran out, and perished by too long a stay in a region unadapted to them. Destructiveness of Locusts—When the migrating locusts make their appearance in Nebraska, the cereal grains are already har- 140 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. vested. Wheat, oats and barley aresafe. Corn and the gardens are the victims, if they come before the former are sufficiently ripened to resist their attacks, which is not always the case. A swarm of locusts in July or August can ruin a field of corn in a few days, and sometimes in a few hours. Often the fields are only partially de- stroyed. Sometimes the silk and foliage is partially eaten off, and the ends of the ears bared, so that the crops cannot mature. If they leave at this stage of their proceedings, all is well, and if not, their eggs are deposited and the wheat crop endangered during the coming spring. The countless numbers that are hatched out, if the spring is favorable to them, become exceedingly voracious. As they soon commence to move by jumping in one direction, when abundant, they are apt to devour everything in their path. This continues until they are old enough to fly, when they depart for other regions. Generally some corn can be saved in spring, and late planting may entirely escape. Often the third planting of corn during locust years yielded a fair crop. The cereal grains, however, have in some places, and during some years, been largely destroyed during the time between the hatching out and flight of the locusts. How to Combat and Destroy the Locusts —No successful method has yet been devised to destroy the locusts on their first appearance in migrating swarms from the northwest. The injury, as already stated, which they now do is to the corn crops and the gardens, and sometimes to young growing fruit and forest trees. The eggs» however, which are laid in autumn, have been frequently destroyed by repeatedly harrowing the ground, breaking up the nests, and ex- posing them to the action of rain and cold and birds. Hon. R. W. Furnas, of Brownville, who first to my knowledge devised this method, found it to be very successful. Plowing them under very deep, also destroys great numbers. When they hatch out in spring in destructive numbers, the most vigorous methods need to be em- ployed. One of the most successful ways of destroying them is the digging of ditches around fields across the path on which they are moving. If the trenches are made from twelve to fourteen inches deep, and still deeper holes dug every few rods in the trenches, the young locusts first get into the trenches, then into the holes, where, unable to get out, they can be destroyed by piling ground on them. I have known many farmers to save their entire crops in this way in the very midst of the most infected districts. c= THE LOCUSTS. 141 Still others have saved their crops by a system very generally in use in the spring of 1877. Pans made of sheet iron, from five to ten feet long, low in front and high behind and at the sides, with cross partitions from front te rear, is the general plan of the ap- paratus used. A little coal oil is placed in these pans, and dragged over the fields by hand or horse power. The young locusts jump into or over the pans, and even the fumes are fatal to them. In this way I have known fourteen bushels to be captured in one day by one man. The combination of these two plans— ditching and coal oil pans—will save any farm in the spring from the ravages of the brood hatched in that locality, if commenced in time. Unfortunately, farmers too often simply look on until their crops are partly destroyed, before anything is done to protect them- selves. It requires energy and decision to do this, but when it is properly commenced and persevered in, it is successful. Nature's Method of Destroying Locusts —Nature has placed limits to the increase of the individuals of a species. When there is an undue increase from exceptional favoring conditions, either natural enemies soon proportionally increase or the need of food compels migration, which often forces to unhealthy regions. This is the case with the migrating locust. Its native habitat is a high, dry region, where the rainfall is from ten to twenty inches a year. It cannot long endure a combination of low altitudes and moisture, combined with extreme and sudden changes of temperature. Hence, the locust can never become localized in Nebraska. The memorable spring of 1877 is a notable illustration of this fact. In March and April immense numbers hatched out, and then followed cold rains, with sudden alternations of extremes of temperature. Countless millions of young locusts died. Many spots where the ground seemed to be covered with them, none could be found in a few days. Nothing often convinced me that death was the cause of their disappearance, until, getting down on my hands and knees and examining the groundjwith a huge magnifying glass, I found their dead carcasses. The young brood just hatched out disap- peared as if by magic from whole counties. The localities where much damage was done were exceedingly few. In fact, the brood was so impaired constitutionally that it fell an easy victim to the extremes of a moist climate in a comparatively low altitude. I also noticed, in previous locust years, that moisture accompanied by an extremely hot or cold day was always fatal to many of them. 142 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Invertebrate Enemies.—It is alaw of nature that the undue devel- opment of any animal is checked sooner or later by a like increase of itsnatural enemies. Were it not for that law, the slowest breed- ing species would soon overrun, to the exclusion of all other ani- mals, its own special habitat. Among locust egg destroyers, no insect equals in efficacy the An- thomyia egg-parasite (Anthomyia angustifrous). A few were noticed in 1874, and by 1876 it destroyed about ten per cent of the eggs in Nebraska, and Prof. Thomas reports an equal destruction in Kansas, Missouri, lowa and Minnesota. He also remarks that “ we never dug for five minutes among the locust eggs, anywhere in our travels during May, without finding this parasite, in various stages of development.” It is a small white magot, and is found in the locust egg pod extracting the juices and leaving nothing but dry dissolved shells. From this magot is developed a small gray two- winged fly, about one-fourth of an inch long. ‘The common flesh fly, many species of Ground, Blister, Soldier and Dick beetles, also prey on locust eggs. After the locusts emerge from the eggs, their greatest insect enemy is the Locust Mite (Zrombidium locustarium). It also preys on the eggs. The parent mite lays from three to four hundred eggs, and therefore increases at a prodigious rate. The young mite manages. to fasten itself on the locust, especially during and after rains, and mostly lodges under the base of the wings. Such numbers are often found lodged on single locusts as necessarily to produce death. During locust flights, | have frequently seen hundreds fall to the ground, which, on examination, proved to be partially destroyed by these mites. Ground beetles, Asilus flies, Flesh flies, Digger Wasps and Tachina flies, especially the latter, also feed on locusts and destroy great numbers. Hair worms, Spiders, Soldier-bugs and Dragon flies also prey on the locust. Vertebrate Enemies—Among vertebrates, no animals equal the birds as destroyers of insects, and especially of locusts. The num- bers of locusts which birds consume is simply incalculable. Many species in locust years live entirely on them, and most do so par- tially. Often each bird of aspecies capturesseveral hundred during each day. In fact, after many years’ study of this subject, and after dissecting more or less of several hundred species, I have been forced to the conviction that even the gramnivorous birds cannot be excluded from the list of locust enemies. The reader will find THE LOCUSTS. 143 the record of each case of dissection of over 200 species of our birds, which I made during many years, in the report of the U.S. Entomological Commission for 1877. It is clear to my mind that few as yet appreciate the great and commanding importance of protecting our birds. If this was properly done, few species of in- sects would ever increase to destructive numbers. Unfortunately, the savage is still dominant in man, and many calling themselves cultivated regard it sport to maim and kill innocent birds. Sucha course destroys the harmony of nature, and one of the consequences is the devastations of insects. Extent of Locust Invasions.—Unfortunately, the human mind has a tendency to exaggeration. Owing to this, during every lo- cust invasion, the damage done has been over-estimated. In 1874, 1876 and 1877, they did much damage, but by no means as much as was reported. The drouth, and human indolence and carelessness, did much more. Iknew men during these years that never touched their corn after it was planted, and of course, got none, as they did not deserve any, who yet charged the locusts with destroying their crops, though none had come within five miles of their home- steads. Sometimes there are many years between locust invasions. It rarely occurs that the whole State suffers at once. While the small visitations have been frequent, the destructive ones occurred at long intervals and over comparatively small areas. Future Locust Depredations—One reason for the destructiveness of locusts heretofore has been the small area in the thickest settle- ments under cultivation. The locusts seemed to select the corn- fields and gardens for their feeding grounds. When thearea under cultivation is trebled, the amount of damage which they can do will be more than one-half less) Another more potent agency against their increase and destructiveness is the increasing rainfall of the State. We have already seen how the wet season of 1877 de- stroyed the greater part of those that appeared that spring. Dur- ing each coming decade the number of similar seasons will increase. The instincts of the locust will also prompt it to remain away from a region so hostile to its existence. While, therefore, the presence of the locust in the trans-Missourj region is extremely undesirable, it is by no means the pest that it sometimes has been represented to be. Human energy and skill can in a large measure counteract their injurious effects. 144 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. MOLLUSKs.* Though not directly connected with the main question of this chapter, yet, for convenience, the following brief enumeration of our moluscan fauna is given. There being no sea-coast, only land and fresh water forms are native to the State. Of these, the air- breathers are well represented. The Vitrianz, a subfamily closely allied to the snails, are represented by seventeen species. Of the snails proper (//ediciv@), there are thirty species, the most abundant of which is the Spotted Snail (/Ze/ic alternata). ‘There have been classified of the Pupine twelve species, of Succiniz eight species, of Zonitine seven species, these last being distantly allied to the preceding group. The fresh water shells are even more abundant than the preceding land shells. Thus far, there have been found of these thirteen species of Limnza, eight species of Physa, two of Bullimus, twelve of Planorbis, one of Segmentina, four of Ancyclus, two of Valvata, three of Vinipera, three of Melantho, two of Amnicola, two of Pomatiopsis and five Melanians. These fresh water shells having but one valve in a spiral are often all popularly designated as water snails. But the most abundant of all our fresh water shells are the so-called clams (Unios and Anadontas). Of the Unios there are at least sixty-seven species, of the Margaritanas two, and of the thin-shelled, muddy-bottom loving Anadontas there have been fourteen species found in the State. These are the numbers that I have identified, but as I have examined only comparatively small sections of our rivers, it cannot be possible that all the species came in my way. Many more species must, therefore, be added to our list. In fact, I have often waded in our rivers for miles with- out finding a single shell, and then, coming upon a hard or solid bottom of limestone, the bed appeared lined with Unios of many species. Before we know what our rivers contain of our molluscan fauna, they must be closely examined along their whole length, a task too severe for any one investigator. *For a specific list of our Land and Fresh Water Shells, the reader is referred to the writer’s Catalogue of the Land and Fresh Water Shells of Nebraska, published in Bulletin 3, Vol. III. of U. S. Geological Survey. HEALTHFULNESS. 145 CHAPTER XIV. Healthfulness.—Reserve Forces, and Probable Future of the Race in Nebraska, S Nebraska a healthy region? That is a question which is more frequently asked than any other by many classes contemplating removal to Nebraska. Among the special questions asked are: Do fever and ague, dyspepsia, consumption, etc., exist here? No spot on the globe is absolutely free from disease, but this State is singularly exempt from its severe forms. Fever and ague are rarely met with. The fact is that less malarial diseases exist here than in any other western State. When they do occur it is owing to limited local causes, or extraordinary exposure, and they are generally successfully treated by the simplest remedies. The bad cases that have been met were invariably contracted elsewhere, and came here in the hope of having the disease cured by our climate. They never were disappointed if they here gave nature a chance to exert its full health-making power on their bodies. Every effect must have a cause, and the cause of this general exemption from this class of diseases is probably found in the peculiar climate and surface conditions of the State. The general drainage of the State, as we have seen, is the best possible. Its general slope is east and south, the southeastern corner being the lowest. The rivers with the smaller streams that flow into them have high banks, on top of which the flood plains begin, and extend to a greater or less distance back to the bluffs where there is another rise to the general plain above. The rivers themselves are gener- ally comparatively rapid, and their flood plains are rarely a dead level, but descend gradually in the direction of the main streams. And although often the flood plain is slightly higher next to the river than it is next to the bluffs, the water that tends to accumulate there is carried off by the lateral tributaries that join the main stream. As these smaller tributaries are met with every few miles, and often on an average every mile, the drainage of even the great majority of the bottom lands is complete. 10 146 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. besides these favoring conditions the soil is principally Loess and Modified Drift and contains from sixty to eighty per cent. of sili- cious matter, very finely comminuted, which readily permits all water from rains and snows to percolate through it. Beneath the Loess unmodified Drift occurs, and this being made up of sand, pebbles and boulders, all the conditions for complete drainage are completely supplied. Even the black, rich surface soil, so wonder- ful for its fertility, contains silicious material in sufficient quantities to produce good drainage. The consequence of such inclination of the land and character of the soil and subsoil is that over large areas in the State standing water is unknown. Indeed, many citizens of the State, who have not traveled much, fancy that there is no standirig water within its boundaries. There are, however, a few limited localities where swamps and bogs exist, such as a por- tion of the Missouri bottom in Dixon and Burt counties, and on small portions of the level prairies, in Clay, Webster,-Fillmore and Saline counties. Even here the general elevation of these counties, and the constant movement of the winds seems to counteract the conditions of the surface that favor malarial diseases. Not only does the atmosphere seem to be constantly in motion, but is also comparatively dry. In summer and autumn the prevailing winds are south and southwest. In winter the prevailing winds are from the north and northwest. In spring the winds, as else- where, are exceedingly variable, and seem to be nearly equally divided, between north and northwest, and south and southwest. Often in the spring the prevailing winds are from the northeast. The air is always remarkably pure and generally clear. All these are conditions that are unfavorable to the production and propaga- tion of miasmatic poisons. An additional reason for the healthfulness of Nebraska might be the presence of an unusual quantity of ozone in the atmosphere. I merely suggest this as a partial explanation of this fact, as no single cause, but many combined, produce the healthfulness of a region. In the section on the Atmosphere of Nebraska, 1 have shown that the atmosphere of Nebraska is exceptionally full of ozone, caused probably by its highly electric condition, and the constant movement of electricity through dry air.« As is well known, ozone is found in the east in perceptible quantities only after thunder storms, by which many suppose it to be produced. As here during much of the time, before as well as after thunde1 HEALTHFULNESS. 147 showers, there is a perceptible quantity of ozone in the atmos- phere, sufficient at least to respond to the Sheenbein test papers, it must have some effect on health. That its effects are salutary, especially in the destruction of malarial poisons, is the conviction of the best medical authorities. The bane of some otherwise favored localities in America, is consumption. In Massachusetts, for instance, the vital statistics of the United States show this to be one of the commonest causes of death. Now, whatever may be the cause, Nebraska has a singular immunity from this and kindred diseases. During a residence of nearly fifteen years in the State I have not known of a single case of consumption to be contracted in Nebraska. There may have been such cases, but I have not been able to find any after diligent inquiry, or even to hear of such.* Many indeed have died of this disease in the State, but so far as I have learned the particulars of their cases, they all came into the State in an advanced stage of the disease, and sometimes here succumbed to it, only because of a want of proper care and remedies. On the other hand, hundreds come here with the disease who are cured by the climate alone. I know, for example, one young lady who was sent here from Philadelphia, apparently far gone with consumption, and reduced almost to skin and bone, and too weak to walk. She immediately commenced to improve, and in a year weighed one hundred and forty pounds. I admit that this was an extreme case and that she had the best atten- tion and care, but it shows at least the possibilities in this direction of this climate with such adjuncts. This same lady was struck by cupid, got married, and is now the mother of three healthy, rosy children. Many more instances of a similar kind could be given. I have known a great number of asthmatic subjects to come here, and soon all symptoms of the disease disappeared. Some years ago _a young lady, a relative of my family, came to visit us from Penn- sylvania. She had not been able, from difficulty of breathing, to lie down in her old home for six months before she came here. The first nightin Nebraska she was able to lie down and sleep comfortably till morning. In afew months she seemed perfectly restored, which proved to be permanent for years after her return home. It is also curious that horses withthe heaves lose all traces of this disease when *Since writing the above, I have learned from Nr. Livingston of Plattsmouth, an eminent pliysician, that one case of consumption contracted in Nebraska came to bis professional knowledge. This, however, is exceptional. 148 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. broughtto Nebraska. Bronchitis also here readily yields to the influ- ence of the climate. Inflammation of the lungs seldom occurs, and when contracted, readily yields to treatment. A volume could easily be filled with cures wrought by this climate on this class of patients. Of course the climate cannot perform miracles. No one should ex- pect to be cured here whois in the third stage of pulmonary disease. Sick ones who come for health should be sure to go where they can get rest and be provided with home cemforts. When scarlet fever and measles appear they are generally in their mild forms. They rarely appear as epidemics. As to typhus and cerebro-spinal fevers they are comparatively rare. Physicians of eminence assure me that the mortality from these diseases in other States is compar- atively much greater than here. The chief complaint that I have heard from citizens of Nebraska concerning its healthfulness is that it tends to produce rheumatism and nervous disorders. On diligent inquiry, however, I have al- most invariably found that the great body of those complaining in this direction are such as have been insufficiently clothed during the colds of winter, or have exposed themselves to an extent or indulged in practices that would have produced these diseases in any climate. The tendency always is, in a new State, among the first energetic settlers, to great exposure. Many start for the West with barely enough to reach their destination. Often little is produced the first year on the homestead, and the old clothes are made to do duty the second year. Until the new homestead is fairly under cultivation (which sometimes takes several years), the new immigrant is often put to great straits for groceries and clothing. Of course, when the immigrant brings along money or stock to carry him over the first year, it need not be so, but thus far the majority have not been of this class. The circumstances, too, of a new country, stimulate to great risks and enterprises. Men will often start off on long journeys, through sparsely settled districts, ford streams, and in many other ways subject themselves unnecessarily to flood and storm. The consequence is that the principal diseases in some sec- tions and seasons, have been rheumatism and neuralgia. I was once laid up with rheumatism, but it was after working in the Elkhorn River, with the water above my middle, when the thermometer was fifteen degrees below zero, trying to extricate my team which had broken through the ice. For this I could not blame the climate. Turkish baths soon took the rheumatism out of me. And yet with HEALTHFULNESS. 149 all these circumstances favorable to contracting rheumatism, statis- tics show that most of the States have more deaths from this cause than Nebraska. Even California has double the number of deaths from this cause. It has sometimes been objected that the extremes of temperature and of other conditions in Nebraska, must be unfavorable to health. There is, however, a great difference between an extreme and ade- structive climate. That Nebraska has no destructive climate, is at once apparent, from the great variety of its vegetable forms and the exuberance of its natural animal life. Extremes of climate up to a certain point, while they may be injurious, and even destruc- tive to the weak individuals of a species, rather benefit the normally healthy and strong. There is a greater variety of vegetable and animal life in the extreme climate of Nebraska than in the more moderate and equatable climate of England. It even favors those gradual changes of specific characters that advance the grade of vegetable and animal life. Compare, for example, the extremes of climate in Massachusetts and Nebraska. In the former, a warm, mild day is frequently changed to a cold one by a moisture-laden wind suddenly blowing from the northeast. These winds blowing there from the cold currents of the Atlantic, that come from the Labrador coast, chill the body to an extreme degree, and too often sow the seeds of consumption and other diseases which are the bane of that region. The character, therefore, of the northeast winds renders the climate there a partially destructive one. The north- east wind, on the other hand, in Nebraska, is dry in autumn and winter, and even in spring and summer, until the June rains come. And then they become laden with the moisture of the already warmed up waters of the Missouri and the Platte. Our moist winds here come from the Mexican Gulf; and are south and south- west, rather than north, east and northeast, as in Massachusetts. Our climate is therefore extreme, without being destructive. Its health conditions are the reverse of those in the Eastern States. Our extremes can be comparable to the Turkish bath, which stimu- lates into activity the functions of the body. Nearly everyone who comes into the State feels a general quick- ening and elasticity of spirits. The appetite and digestion improve wonderfully. Mind and body are lifted up. All this occurs even with the execrably prepared food eaten in the most of the rural dis- tricts. For in most of the rural districts, hot biscuit, green with f50 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. soda, is still the form of bread usually eaten. Now this improve- ment in physical and mental condition cannot arise simply from change of locality. It must originate from our peculiarities of climate. I have myself felt in this State as I have never felt it elsewhere, especially when camping out, far away from settlements, and alcne with nature and God, how luxurious existence was, and how pleasant life was intended to be. One needs but to gothrough the fever and ague stricken districts of other States, and thet pass through the rural districts of Nebraska, to notice the contrasts be- tween the sallow complexions found in the former region, and the hue of health and glow of spirits found here. Owing to these facts, Nebraska must sooner or later become a health resort. In addition to the health producing properties of the climate, there are in various sections of the State mineral waters of high medicinal value. One of these is the artesian well on the Government square in Lincoln. It throws up a strong column of water from a depth of a thousand feet. It is used in two bathing establishments in the city. In the one at the Com- mercial Hotel, besides many others, over twelve hundred Turkish baths were given during the last (the first after opening) year. Some remarkable cures have already been performed here, es- pecially on rheumatic and neuralgic patients. This water is also believed to be specific in many cases of dyspepsia, constipation, incipient scrofula, skin and kidney diseases. The water is strongly aperient. The following substances I have obtained in making qualitative tests of the water. As the examination has not been completed, the results are only proximate: Chloride of sodium (common salt), oxide and peroxide of iron, iron sulphuret, magnesia sulphate, bicarbonate of magnesia, bicar- bonate of lime, sulphate of lime, sulphate of soda, sulphate of pot- ash, oxide of manganese, etc. There are other springs in the State containing various forms of sulphur, iron, magnesia, soda and lime. There is one, remarkable for its size and purity, near Curlew, in Dixon County. Unfortun- ately, our medicinal springs have not yet been systematically ex- plored and examined, and until that is done, we cannot even approx- imate to their*number and general quality, except in the case of the artesian well in Lincoln. HEALTHFULNESS., 151 RESERVE AND Now WASTED FoRCES IN NEBRASKA. Owing to the almost constant movements of the atmosphere it can be much more extensively employed as a motive power than has yet been attempted. Wind mills are in general use now for pumping water and for motive power where little force is required. That it has capacity to do much more than this is evident when we formulate its force. A wind, for example, of three miles an hour moves 4.40 feet per second,and produces a pressure of about thirty- eight pounds for every square foot directly exposed to it. But winds that constitute a stiff breeze, traveling at the rate of twenty- five miles an hour, are not uncommon in Nebraska. This rate of motion equals 39.67 feet per second and produces a pressure of about 2,641 pounds for every square foot exposed to its action. Between these two velocities lie the movements of winds that could be depended on to propel machinery. Now,remembering that the movement of the winds is almost constant, and is felt in all situa- tions, the amount of its wasted force is seen to be prodigious. Its use already, all over the west on farms and ruilroad stations for pumping water is a prophecy of its far more extensive employment as a propelling agent in the near future. Mechanical ingenuity will contrive a method by which the effect of the irregularity of the winds can be better overcome. The wind mills now used are al- ready immeasurably better than those contrived only a few years ago. This improvement no doubt will continue until, like water in a mill dam, the wind itself can be stored up for future use. The mechanical engineer is already familiar with similar contrivarces. Its intermittant character cannot always be an obstacle to its exten- sive use for driving machinery. It has one prime recommendation. It is cheap. Each year will therefore see a great multiplication of them. A still greater source of force and energy and the the fountain of all the complicated movements on the earth is the sun. All the ex- hibitions of force, organic and inorganic, chemical or physical, the production of winds, currents, rainfall, the intricate causes that operate to produce varieties of climate—all these are dependent on solar radiation. Pouillet calculated that the earth received every minute from the sun 2,247 billion units of heat, which quantity, if transformed into mechanical force, “‘would raise 2,247 billions x 774 pounds to the height of ore foot.” 152 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. On the ocean alone “ the sun raises during every minute an aver- age of not less than 2,000,000,000 tons of water to a height of three and a half miles—the mean altitude of the clouds.” In other words, to raise this quantity of water to the height of three and a half miles per minute, would require the continued exercise of the force of 2,757,000,000,000 horses per minute. Here then is a power enormous beyond conception. Now such engineers as Ericson, have announced the opinion that an engine run by solar heat is practicable. He has even constructed an engine that gives uniformly a speed of 240 revolutions per minute, and at this rate uses up only a part of the steam produced by his solar generator. His machine includes a concentrating apparatus by means of which the feeble intensity of the sun’s rays is increased to the degree that will answer to produce steam at a working pressure. He has also shown that such “a concentrating apparatus will abstract in all latitudes between 45° North and 45° South at least three and a half heat units for every square foot presented vertically to the sun’s rays.” ‘ With one hundred square feet of surface, eight and two-tenths horse power would be developed during nine hours between the above latitudes.” In the latitude of Nebraska it could be used for at least ten hours on-each day of sunshine. Monchat has advanced even farther than Ericson, and exhibited a solar engine at the Paris exhibition that attracted the attention of engineers from all lands. It received one of the medals of the ex- hibition. ‘* The time will come,” says Ericson, ‘‘when Europe must stop her mills and factories for want of coal. Upper Egypt, then, with her never-ceasing sun-power, will invite the European manufacturer to remove his machinery and erect his mills on the firm ground along the sides of the alluvial plain of the Nile, where sufficient power can be obtained to enable him to run more spindles than a hundred Manchesters.” Now it is true that the coal fields of the United States will not be exhausted for many thousand years, but the transportation of coal is costly, and there is no reason, if solar engines are possible, why the sections that are adapted to them should not use them, especially if their cost is much less than those run with coal. Now then, in Nebraska, as if it was a region specially reserved for the exhibition of the adaptability of the solar engine to the uses of civilization, there is a remarkable amount of sunshine. As we HEALTHFULNESS. 153 have seen, even most of the rainfall occurs at night. Only during portions of June and July, and occasionally the last weeks in May, are there any continuous rainy or cloudy days. During the re- mainder of the year, the sky is remarkably clear. All the stupen- dous sun force that is here exhibited is now wasted, except the minute portion that is used for the processes of organic life and the production of the winds and rains. These wasted energies must, in the nature of things, hereafter be utilized. Some time in the fu- ture, the manufacturing establishments of the East can be run here without coal or water power. Probably the East, because of its murky skies, can never change its motive power. Coal and water power will always be in demand there. Here the now wasted en- ergies of the sun will be utilized to produce the motive power need- ful to manufacture the cotton, woolen and other fabrics which a population of many millions will consume. PROBABLE FUTURE OF THE RACE IN NEBRASKA. This question often suggests itself in a newly settled country; what kind of an abode is this for humanity? Will the race here go into decay, remain stationary, or advance? It is taken for granted that that people is the most advanced where there is the greatest happiness of the greatest number. When the causes that produce a great people are sought, we invariably find that they are complex. Among them, however, we always find some of the fol- lowing: Good government, good climate, fertile soil and a good geographical position. Nebraska possesses all of these, as we have seen by the preceding discussions, in an eminent degree. That environment helps greatly to make character is now universally admitted. The Englishman of New England, the Dutchman of New York, and the German of Pennsylvania are all exceedingly different from their ancestors of two centuries ago, and from their distant kinsmen in Europe at the present day. The new world with its new conditions has made a new order of men. Wherever there is freedom character is multiform. In the older States the families that live on the ridges, on naturally barren soil, are inferior in culture and social life to those that live in the fertile valleys. The latter occupy lands that yield them a better return, more wealth, and as a consequence there is more time for study, more means for travel, and for the cultivation of the amenities of life. It requires more than mere physical labor to better the conditions 154 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. of a people—it takes money, leisure, incentives to study, anc good climatic conditions. ‘The mass of those communities that have been most distinguished for a high civilization, and for leading the thought of the world, have occupied regions highly favored by nature. Witness for example, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Egypt, Hindoostan, Greece, Italy, etc. As already observed Nebraska is the peer in many particulars of the best of these regions. It has no sea coast, but its soil is one of the best, easiest worked and most lasting in the world. It has no lofty mountains, but it has a variety of landscape which for quiet beauty is unequaled. Its atmosphere is exceptionally clear and’ pure, and the extremes of temperature are only such as are most promotive of good health and energy of character. While there are no great lakes, there is a superabun- dance of fresh water in creeks, river, springs, and rills. Its health conditions never lead to stolidity, but to intellectual activity. There has not yet been time for this climate to exercise its full influence on the people. That it will, in a marked and happy way, affect the people in the course of time, is as certain as any other fact in nature. The true Nebraskian does not yet exist, because even if born here he is yet too much affected by entailed peculiari- ties. And the great body of those that are living here were born and married in the east. Our skies, rivers, soils, surroundings are ‘all moulding the people, but they have not had time to perfect the work. Look for example at the type of people that the States bordering on the upper Mississippi have produced. ‘The true type of American character is no longer the east, but the west. And this is true because while in the east there is more wealth and outside polish, in the west there is more originality, more inde- pendence in manners and opinions, more freedom from restraint and more sincerity. The west has already so affected the life of the people that a young man coming here from the east will be more ambitious, more active, more successful, more courageous, and more of a man than if he had remained in his native State. Absence from the sea-board does not lessen but rather increases western energy. The railroad cultivates the mind, requires as high an order of character, to say the least, as the sea. As high an order of ability is needed to work a railroad train as to manage a ship. A brakesman in character is more than the peer of the sailor. The west is checkered with railroads which make the people sociable, as well as carry their HEALTHFULNESS, | 155 products to distant regions. And if, as some claim, there is less devotion to hard physical labor, there is, on the whole, more reading, more thinking, more intelligence. But the Missouri Valley is greatly different from the Mississippi. In its upper portions at least, there are still clearer skies, a dryer atmosphere, more freedom from malaria, and is more elevated. Here the American character is subjected to new influences and will be still farther specialized, and will necessarily reach a still higher stage. What then may we legitimately expect of the people in Nebraska in the future? We have a right to expect that our school system will reach the highest possible stage of advancement—that the great mass of the people will become remarkable for their intellec- tual brightness and quickness. Along with this mental develop- ment and synchronizing with it, there will be developed a.healthy vigorous and beautiful race of men and women. Art culture will then receive the attention which it deserves. Music, painting, and sculpture will be cherished and cultivated for theirown sake. The marvelous richness of our soils will give a true and lasting basis for prosperity and wealth. For be it remembered that agriculture in all its branches, endures the tests of time better than any other industry. It is also the best school of virtue for a nation. Happy the children that are trained to industry on a farm. More men and women of high character and endowments come from the farm, than from any other station. It is nearest to the heart of nature and nature’s God. Though yet in its infancy, all these agencies for the prosperity and well-being of Nebraska are steadily at work, and in the fullness of time will blossom into fullfilment of its early promise. PART SECOND—GEOLOGY. 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CHAPTER I. CARBONIFEROUS AGE IN NEBRASKA. Preceding Conditions.—Carboniferous Age Proper.—Age of the Nebraska Rocks.—A Different Opinion.—Section at Nebraska City.—Coal Features of the Carboniferous Age in Nebraska.—Vegetation of the Coal Age.—Animal Life of the Coal Age.—Climate of the Coal Age.—Permian Age.—Its Tran- sition Character.—Character of the Permian Rocks. PRECEDING CONDITIONS. T does not enter into the plan of this work to treat of the early condition of the globe, or even to discuss the earlier periods of Palzozoic times. Suffice it to say that our globe Was once companion star to the sun, and that after it had cooled down sufficiently, the oceans were at first probably universal. Then came a nameless period when lofty uplands were formed towards the far north that supplied the materials for the old sea bottoms that were afterwards uplifted and became known as the Archeon highlands of Canada and the United States. The two well marked divisions of these old deposits are known as Lau- rentian and Huronian rocks. As the rocks of these ages still left in Canada are forty thousand feet thick, and at least as extensive in the Rocky Mountains and the Sierras, and still greater in Bohemia and Bavaria, after being subjected to numberless ages of erosion, the time represented by their deposition was greater, probably, than the whole of geological history since their close. So far as wenow know, during all this immense age there was no dry land in Ne- braska. Then followed what the geologists call Palaeozoic times, because of the antique or old life form of all the animals and plants in the old world. The earlier portions are known as the Silurian ages, during which invertebrate life was dominant, and the continent was II 162 GEOLOGY. growing and extending southward from its Archeon nucleus. The next age, called often the age of fishes, and also known as the De- vonian, followed, but neither in this or in the preceding Silurian was any dry land in Nebraska. By the close of thisage, however, the continent in its southern extension had reached the south line of what is now New York, and many islands also existed still farther south, and in some places west. The Appalachian region seemed to have been rich in low islands, covered with a colossal vegetation. The sub-carboniferoos period, which had such a re- markable development in some sections of Illinois, Kentucky, lowa and Missouri, and which was the stage preparatory. to the carbon- iferous period proper, is not represented by any known deposits in Nebraska.* Even the millstone grit so common in the East, under the coal, has not here been found. Whether it exists at all in this region can only be ascertained when borings or shafts reach its geological equivalent. We come now to The Carboniferous Age Proper.—This is a geological age of the most absorbing interest, because of the general character of the time, and because during its progress the first dry land appeared in Nebraska. The carboniferous age was one of the most wonderful in all the history of the globe, for during its progress the thickest, most extensive and most valuable of all the coal beds were formed. It has excited the most profound interest alike of the political econ- omist, the statesman, the chemist and the geologist. To understand the probable history of geological events in Ne- braska during this period, let us look at the oldest coal beds that are nearest to us. These are the beds along the Des Moines River and some of its tributaries extending westward within from seventy- five to one hundred miles of the Missouri. The coal here, which Dr. White regards as of Lower Carboniferous age, is from one to seven feet in thickness. Worthen first, and then Dr. White to a much greater extent, investigated these beds. Meek also carefully re-examined them. Subsequently I passed over the same region, attempting as Meek and White had done before me, to estimate the thickness of the rocks that lapped over the coal bearing strata as far west as the farther or Nebraska shore of the Missouri. Meek’s objective point was Nebraska City, and mine was Plattsmouth. I shall therefore use Meek’s observations to supplement my own. *The opinion of Marcou and Geinitz (Bulleton Geological Society of France, XXI., etc., New Series), that some of our Nebraska rocks are sub-carboniferous, was shown long ago, by Meek, to be a mistake. CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 163 At and near Des Moines there is no millstone grit such as is found at this horizon farther east, and therefore the lower coal beds rest, as White and Meek have observed, on the sub-carboniferous rocks. West of the Des Moines River, as alsoshown by these ge- .ologists, the coal measures belong to a higher geological horizon, and most probably to the middle series, though there is no serious palzontological or physical break between these and the lower rocks of this age. On going southwestward from the Des Moines, in the deep valley of Middle River, which lies about two hundred and fifty feet below the plain, the rocks here dipping slightly to- wards the southwest. Here the increasing thickness of the upper coal measure beds can be distinctly seen. The upper bed of the middle series is last seen at Winterset, at the very bottom of the valley, and all the beds above for two hundred and fifty feet belong to the still higher series, consisting largely of heavy beds of light yellow limestone, sandy micaceous shale, black laminated shale, blue, drab and reddish clays, and occasionally a few inches of im- pure coal. In these upper beds are found almost identically the same fossils as on the Nebraska side of the Missouri. Among these is the curious fossil (Fwsilina cylindrica), which is so often mistaken for fossil rice or wheat. Twenty-three additional fossils are characteristic of these two sections. On leaving this valley, no more exposures of the middle series are visible, the inclination of the strata towards the southwest taking these beds below the deepest eroded valleys. At various points, however, between this place and the Missouri, opposite Plattsmouth, the upper beds are exposed, and can be readily identified by their contained fossils. Dr. White, also, who made a critical examination of the whole region, is confident that he can identify the upper members of the Winterset exposures in the Missouri bluffs on the lowa side between Nebraska City and Plattsmouth. However that may be, there is no doubt, judging from the evidence of fossils, and the physical character of the rocks, that the series on both sides of the Missouri, between thesouth line of the State and Omaha, belongs to the upper series of the coal measures. According to Dr. White, the nearest visible series of the middle coal measures to the Missouri is at a point in Iowa nearly due east from Blair, at a distance of about sixty miles. Having also myself gone over and carefully examined these exposures, the conviction was forced on me that White and Meek are proximately correct in their determinations of the horizons of these rocks. It is therefore definitely established that on the Nebraska side, as far as 164 GEOLOGY. the coal measures extend from above Omaha, near old Fort Cal- houn, to the southeast corner of the State, the rocks are of Upper Carboniferous Age. | A Different Opinion.—In 1866 Prof. Geinitz, of Dresden, made a report on carboniferous fossils which were collected in Nebraska _ mainly by Prof. Marcou, in which he expressed the conviction that the rocks along the Missouri belong in part to the Lower Car- boniferous and in part to the Permian. He evidently made this mistake, as Meek has shown, by examining an imperfect series: of fossils, and by a lack of acquaintance with the range of species in the Paleozoic of this country.* In order to exhibit the facts on which he bases these references the following section is given as taken at Nebraska City. Section Exposed at Nebraska City Landing. NATURE OF STRATA. i oe Pinar nae SReeeiRS Se ae Vine | Loess deposit, Grayish yenow ¢ ii. go. 2 ek ee ee eee ee | 90 feet. 1. Yellowish-gray micaceous, soft sandstone, laminated, | sometimes ripple-marked, except about 14 inches of some- times hard and compact stone at bottom, with fragments fs ME PPG ce se as eat aa sh Aue, 2 sete aa ae tay a strc ere a 10 feet. C. | Drab, ash, and lead-colored, and brownish clays and | near the middle a ten inch, hard bluish-gray, clayey, limey layer, becoming rusty on exposure. Fossils nu- | TRET ONG co oy sins a Sie Te Rae a RC e ie a eee | 389 feet. | B. | Several beds of hard light grayish, and yellowish lime | | stone in layers of from five to twenty inches thick, with soft, marly clay seams and partings. Fossils numerous | | especially fusiling, eb... .2a8 slab deaae oes bee Sige tl ke eee: | | A. | (a) Lead—grayish and greenish clay, four feet. (b) Reddish brown ferruginous, slightly gritty, indu- | rated clay, four feet exposed above high water.......... | -8 feet: Lotal below Grilé.'. shea. wise es 70 feet. * See Meek’s reportin ‘* Hayden’s Final Report on Geological Survey of Nebraska,’ p. 83. t This section is slightly different from that of Meek and Marcou, because taken a little below theirs. CARBONIFEROUS AGE. 165 Now the thirty fossils in bed 3, and the sixty-six in bed B, of this section are all of them in the Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri coal fields characteristic of the Upper Carboniferous and not of the Permian, though some of the genera are known to pass into it. They cannot therefore be Permian, as Marcou and Geinitz supposed. The beds, on the other hand, at Bellevue and Omaha which they re- ferred to the Sub-carboniferous, contained the characteristic organic forms that characterize the true Upper Carboniferous everywhere else in this country. These distinguished foreign geologists at- tempted to generalize on American rocks by the principles that interpret aright European geology, and hence they were led into a blunder. Here, almost universally the vertical range of species is much greater than in Europe. American geology must be studied independently of European systems, or at least cannot be interpreted by them. Coal.—Thus far no thick workable beds of Coal have been found in our carboniferous measures. The question rises whether there is any probability of any valuable beds being found anywhere in the State. Truth compels the admission that such a result is un- certain and even doubtful. Mr. Broadhead, one of the State Geologists of Missouri, has long since reached that conclusion with reference to the Upper Carbon- iferous measures of that State, where, owing to changes of level and numerous natural exposures a great thickness of these beds had early and easily been examined by him. He gives sections through these rocks extending to a depth of nearly two thousand feet before reaching coal two and a half feet thick, all above being only from a few inches to two feet in thickness. Dr. White’s numerous sec- tions observed in many places west of Winterset to the Missouri show clearly that the upper series thicken westward and south- westward, and not by the super-position of newer beds, but simply by the thickening of those seen at that place. At a few places a considerable thickness of these upper beds have also been examined in Nebraska along the Missouri, and with the same result as in Missouri and Iowa. Mr. Croxton, as early as 1865, made an arte- sian boring near Nebraska City, to the depth of three hundred and forty-four feet. Shales, limestones, micaceous sandstones and cal- careous sandstones constituted the materials passed through, but no indications of coal were met until at the depth of one hundred and eighty-nine feet, a bed fifteen inches thick was struck. None was 166 GEOLOGY. struck after that. An artesian boring has also recently been made near the west end of the Union Pacific Railroad bridge at Omaha, to a depth of seven hundred and fifty feet. This point, which is the lowest yet reached along the river in Nebraska, by borings, was struck without encountering any beds of coal. For this depth therefore these upper measures, at least at this place are barren. At Lincoln, on the public square, the artesian boring was put down to the depth of a trifle over a thousand feet. V. THE TERTIARY PERIOD, CONTINUED.—MIOCENE #POCH. Inauguration of the Miocene Epoch.—Formation of a Lake on the Plains. —Boundaries.— Where the Miocene is Exposed in Nebraska.—Extent.— Miocene Lakes farther West.—Basin Region.—Oregon Region.—An Age of Lakes.—Name of the Eastern Lake.—Kinds of Rock.—W hence the Materials were obtained.—Why the Miocene Beds are Thin on the Plains.—Length of the Miocene Epoch.—Bad Lands.—Flora of the Miocene.—Animal Life.— Insectivora.—Rodentia.—Horse Family.—Titanotheriums.—Symborodons.— Mastodons and Elephants.—Rhinoceros’.—River Horse.—Hog Family.— Camel Family.—Musk Deer.—Oreontidae.—Carnivora.—Hyaenodons.—Dre- panodons.—Quadrumanna in the Miocene.—Mammals in the Miocene, not Described nor Found.—Closing of the Miocene Epoch —Its Gradual Char- acters.—Lava Floods at the Close.—Formation of the Coast Range.—Farther Depression of the Plains.—Effect on life of these Changes. ‘HE Miocene Epoch was gradually inaugurated. During the Eocene Epoch the plains were an extended land surface, made up of the eroded materials of the Cretaceous and the Per- mian and Carboniferous rocks. There was free drainage to the sea, but of the rivers and their tributaries of that time, we know nothing. The upward movement of the plateau regions that event- ually drained the old Eocene lakes was accompanied by a subsi- dence of portions of the adjoining plains. The old mountain lakes were shifted eastward, the depressions in the plains making room for them. While the mountains went upward, the plains went downward, like the changing waves of the sea. As this movement was slowly in progress for ages before it was consum- 222 . GEOLOGY. mated, the probabilities are that the great Miocene lake of the plains commen-ed to form before Uinta lake had terminated its history. There probably were no great convulsive throbs of the earth’s crust, separating sharply the two epochs. The Eocene shaded into the Miocene epoch. This lake of the plains extended from near the north line of Kansas across Nebraska, a large part of Dakota Territory, west of the Black Hills, and northward to Manitoba. Its exact geographical extent has not been ascertained in Nebraska, owing to the superincumbent Pliocene, which overlaps it, and through which it only projects at intervals. The best exposures in Nebraska commence on the Niobrara River, about 300 miles west of the mouth of the Keya Paha or Turtle Hill River, and extend to the west line of the State, taking in the White Earth River re- gion and the space between the latter and the north line of the State. It is finely represented on and north of the latter river in Dakota Territory, constituting there a portion of the famous Ma- koo-si-tcha or Mauvais Terre of the French, which has been ren- dered into English by the term Bad Lands, although in the Dakota tongue it means simply a country hard to travel over. On the west the Miocene abuts against the undulating surface of the Lar- amie Group, and therefore did not extend quite to the foot-hills of the Colorado Range. The extent of this great fresh water lake has been variously estimated at from 100,000 to 130,000 and up- wards of square miles. The loeal subsidence of the plains on the east, next to the moun- tains, was accompanied by a somewhat similar depression between the Wasatch and the Sierras, forming also a large Miocene lake in that region. Another great Miocene lake extended from Wash- ington Territory through Oregon to Nevada and Colorado. In eastern Oregon, the deposits of this epoch are enormously thick, the depth reaching 5,000 feet, overlaid, however, by the lava beds, which were poured from fissures at the close of the Miocene. It does not fall within the plan of this work to discuss any of these old Miocene lake beds except the one covering a portion of Ne- braska. From the above it is seen that the Miocene was pre-eminently an age of great fresh water lakes. It is questionable whether on this continent any other geological epoch was represented by such a number and such large basins of fresh water. THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 223 Clarence King has suggested for the Miocene lake that extended through Nebraska the name of Sioux Lake. Hayden, who first studied these beds in this region, called them the White Earth River Group. Kinds of Rock.—The materials of these Miocene beds vary a great deal in character. This would naturally be expected in a lake bed which received the drainage, through countless ages, of the rivers that now have their outlet through the Missouri. Varying currents and other conditions.would naturally frequently change the character of the sediments deposited on the bottom. The rocks that supplied the materials that were carried into this Miocene lake evidently came from the Archean nucleus of the Rocky Mountains and the Black Hills, the Paleozoic, the Juro-Trias and the different groups of the Cretaceous. The eroded materials going seaward were stopped in these old lake beds. Erosion, however, through the Miocene, was by no means as rapid as at present. The height of the plateau region was much less than at present; the atmos- phere was moister, the rainfall much gentler and more constant, and a warm, temperate climate obtained. The extreme cold of winter, which is such a mighty-agent ia the disintegration of rock, and which now characterizes these regions, did not then exist. Hill, valley, plain, mountain and plateau, were also covered by dense * growths, in places, of grasses, and in places of mighty forests, which protected the land from the denuding agencies which are now constantly at work. As already stated, the extreme thickness of the Miocene in the West reaches its maximum in Oregon, where beds 5,000 feet in vertical thickness are found. Owing tothe causes alluded to above, onthe plains the Miocene beds are comparatively thin. Meek estimates their thickness at from 530 to 600 feet. Where I measured them, on the Upper Niobrara, they rarely ex- ceeded 400 feet. If we calculate the length of Miocene times on the same principle as Eocene, this epoch was probably a quarter of a million years long. It should be remembered, however, that there is no certainty about the length of geological periods. In Nebraska, on and north of the White Earth, and on the Upper Niobrara, the rocks of the Miocene have the following character: Indurated grit, of a reddish brown color, with occasional layers of concretions of silicate of lime, often shading into, first, a coarse and then a fine green sandstone. Above this occur, sometimes, im- 224 | GEOLOGY. mense masses of conglomerate, with occasional layers of tabular limestone. Then come coarse-grained sandstone, often loose and friable, and sometimes compact and heavy bedded. A limestone layer, followed several miles, often changes into a silicate of lime, then sandstone, and then conglomerate, and the opposite. The sections published by Meek, Hayden and Leidy correspond, in the main, to the above.* Bap LAaAnps. A portion of this old Miocene lake bed, on and north of the White Earth River, as already stated, now constitutes the Bad Lands. This is one of the most wonderful regions on the globe. Here, at present, there is very little, and in some places formerly there was no vegetation. Water fit to drink is exceedingly rare. This region is worn into labyrinthine canyons that wind around in in every conceivable direction. Occasionally only isolated, some- times almost perpendicular, portions of the original beds remain, producing the appearance of abandoned human habitations, or old desolated, forsaken oriental cities. Climbing some of the heights, far as the eye can reach, there seems to be an interminable array of towers, spires. cathedrils, obelisks, pyramids and monuments. ‘Not unfrequently the rising or setting sun will light up these grand old ruins with a wild, strange beauty, reminding one of a city illum- inated in the night, when seen from some high point.” The harder ° layers project from the sides of the canyons, or mimicked architect- ural forms, with such regularity that they appear like seats, one abve the other, of some vast weird amphitheater. Itis here among these strange, grotesque ruins, that the remains of the unique animals, described farther on, are found.”—(Hayden). To the geologist, no region is so inspiring, though in summer time he will often find the heat almost insupportable, as the sun heats up these bare walls like an oven. I have been among these ruins when the thermome- ter ranged from 108° to 115°. So great, however, is the interest that is inspired by this page in the earth’s history, that the natur- alist gladly braves the hardships of travel among these desola- tions. As can be inferred from the preceding, during the Miocene epoch the greater part of the eastern portion of Nebraska was a land sur- face. *See Leidy’s Extinct Fauna of Dakota and Nebraska, page 16. THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 225 Life of the Miocene.—The fossil remains which are found in this old Miocene lake bed indicate the life of those times. I can only point out by a few examples some of its salient points. Not the least remarkable was the flora of the Miocene. In my excursions to northwestern Nebraska, I found traces and impres- ' sions of many land plants, but unfortunately they were too fragile to remove them from the containing matrix, and all attempts to ac- complish it resulted in their destruction. Among those identified were cottonwoods (Populus), willows (Sax), magnolias, oaks ( Quer- cus), sweet gum trees (Lizguidaméer), sassafras, our southern cypress (Seguora), Glyphtostrobus, which is closely allied to the preceding, palms, fig trees (/7cws), lindens, birches, maples, pines, etc. Other observers in other regions have observed many more species, and have especially noted the vast abundance of the Sequoias and their congeners which abounded in Miocene times, not only in America, but over the whole of northern Europe and Asia, and even in Greenland, Iceland and Spitzenbergen.* The forms, however, that Heer describes from Greenland, Dawson supposes to be of the Eocene Age. However that may be, it is clear that in Nebraska there flourished in Miocene times trees of the same gigantic charac- ° ter and even of the same genus, and probably of the same species, as now grow in the sequestered vales of California. Some of the United States geologists have, indeed, expressed the conviction that in that age Nebraska was covered by a vast savanna. I take the opposite ground, because of the occurrence in the Nebraska Miocene beds of many species of trees. Besides these giant cedars that here loomed heavenward, there were species of palms and fig trees, as stated above, and these helped to give the vegetation that warm, temperate, or semi-tropical aspect which marked its facies as a whole. Animal Life.— Along with this warm, temperate flora, there ex- isted in Miocene times a still more wonderful animal life. Perhaps never have the conditions for mammalian life been so favorable as during this epoch. The few that can be noticed in this chapter can simply illustrate its general character and richness. The in- sectivora, which were represented by several genera and species, must be passed over. Among the rodents the rat family was al- ready represented by a species called by Leidy, Eumyselegans. A *See on this subject Gray's Address to the American Association, Gray’s Forest Geogra- phy, Saparta’s Anenne Vegetation Polaire, Heer’s Flora Arctica. ie 226 GEOLOGY. beaver (Palecaster Nebrascensis), was also abundant at this time. The squirrels of that time were large, as is indicated by the remains of Ischyromys typus, whose head was larger than that of a musk- rat’ The rabbit of the Nebraska Miocene was smaller than the common species of the State at the present time The horse family (Soddunguda), which is now represented by one genus (/7guus), whose characteristic species are the horse and the ass, was rich in genera and species during the Miocene. We have already seen that the family came into being in the early Eocene, the first known characteristic form being the Eohippus. In the early Miocene we already have the Mesohippus, represented by several species whose distinctive peculiarity was that the fourth toe had become a rudimentary useless splint. Next in the Miocene came the Anchitheriums, which were represented in Nebraska by one species, with three additional forms in Colorado. The peculiar feature of these horses was that they had three toes, all of which touched the ground, the two lateral, however, being comparative- ly small and weak. Closely allied to these were the Hyperions, several species of which lived during Nebraska Miocene times. “They also had three toes, but only the middle one touched the ground, the two lateral swinging not much unlike the two side toes of the hog, being, however, comparatively much smaller. Another genus, Merychippus, was closely related to the preceding. These Miocene horses ranged in size from an animal much smaller than the ass to animals about the size of a small modern horse. It is seen, therefore, that at least four genera of horses existed in Mio- cene times, each genus, however, being represented by from one to several species. They must have been exceedingly numerous, and doubtless roamed over our plains in countless numbers. Another peculiar family of odd-toed animals that existed in Mio- cene times were the Titanotheriums. Leidy first described and named them. So abundant are their remains at one horizon in the lower Miocene that it has given it the name of Titanotherium bed. Marsh afterwards described a closely related animal by the name of Brontotherium. Subsequently Cope described another of the same family by the name ofSymborodon. Megaceratops Coloradoensis, of Leidy, belongs to the same group. These animals had thesame bulk of body of the elephants, and united the characters of the rhi- noceros and elephants with more distant affinities to the Dinocer- ata of the Eocene. The head was extremely elongated, and be THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 997 cause of its depression in the middle, bore some resemblance to a pack-saddle. They probably had a small trunk about as long as that of the tapirs. They had two pairs of horns, one pair being above the nasals and another pair above the eyes, the hind pair be- ing powerful weapons ofdefense. They probably were the succes- sors of the Dinocerata of the Eocene. Of the Symborodons Cope has described five species. As two species of Brontotherium were also described by Marsh, it is clear that the number of species was great, and judging from the remains, there must have been a very great number of individuals. Along with the Symborodons the elephants and mastodons were already represented by several species. The remains of the one that I found on the White Earth, in Nebraska, were too much de- cayed to identify specifically. It bore the closest resemblance to the Mastodon merificus that appeared during the next or Pliocene epoch. Among the most unexpected of all discoveries in the Nebraska Miocene was the remains of rhinoceros’. One,the Rhinoceros oc- cidentalis, was about three-fourths the size of the Indian rhinoceros. R. Coloradoensis was found in the Miocene of the mountains. The curious European genus of river horses (Hyofotamus) was represented during those times by at least one species. It had af- finities relating it to the hog family. Genera closely related to the hog family (Su¢dz@) were abundant during this epoch. One of these genera (£/otherium), which was first described from the Miocene of France, was represented by several species during these times in Nebraska and Dakota. Its nearest allies among existing animals are first the hogs, and then the peccary and hippopotamus. One of these (Z£. Martont) was about the size ofa large hog, while another (Z£. zmgens) was at least one-third larger. The peccaries, which are now confined to South America and the southern United States were represented in Ne- braska during the Miocene by several species. Five other genera of the Suide occur in these deposits. During this period, there- fore, it is evident that suilline animals existed in great numbers all over the land. The most curious fact, perhaps, connected with the animal life of this epoch, was the presence of many species of the camel family. At present it is confined to Asia, Africa and South America. In the former it is represented by the camel proper, and in the latter 228. _-+: GEOLOGY, by the Auchenia or Llama. In Miocene times, however, they. were represented in Nebraska by several genera and many species. One of the first, described by Leidy, was called Pebotherium Wil- soni. It was only about as large as the domestic sheep. Protom- erys Evansi was closely related to the preceding, and about the same.size. A musk deer (Septvumeryx) Evansi, also occupied this territory at this time. It had many characters, especially in the form of its maxillaries, relating it to the deer. It was about the size of the musk ox of Thibet. No family of animals was represented in that epoch by more genera, species and individuals than the Oreontide. Leidy, who first described them, called them ruminating hogs. The skull ap- proached more nearly to that of the peccaries, though the upper part had some characters uniting them with the camels. The mo- lars were like those of ruminants, and resembled most nearly those of the deer, but unlike modern ruminants, they had incisors in both jaws. The canines resembled most nearly those of the hog. The teeth, as a whole, formed an almost unbroken arch, a condition found in few animals besides the quadrumanna. Like the hogs,,. too, they had four toes on each foot, two being functional, and the twoon the sides being too elevated to touch the ground. They were, therefore emphatically what Leidy called them, ruminating hogs. They were, judging from the abundance of their remains, more numerous than any animals of those times. They were gre- garious, and must have roamed over eastern Nebraska in countless millions. In size they ranged from an animal not larger than a rac- coon to one as large as a smallelk. The most abundant was Oreo- don Culbertsonii. It was slightly smaller than the domestic sheep. I have occasionally seen a stratum in the Bad Lands which in places was largely made up of their remains. The largest species. was probably O. superbus, whose skull was fourteen inches long.. Besides the many species of Oreodon at least five additional genera of this family are known. The number of species clearly defined of all the genera was not less than twenty-five. These animals were, therefore, among the characteristic features of the Miocene epoch, and during those times could probably have been found ey- erywhere in America. The herbivora, however, did not hold undisputed possession of the land. The happiness of these countless herds was interrupted by most sanguinary enemies. The carnivorous mammalia were THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 229 present in numbers proportionate to the herbivorous animals. Among these the most blood-thirsty were the Wyenxodentide. They were first described from the Miocene of France by Cuvier under another name. Subsequently four additional species were found and described by De Laizer and De Parieu under the above family name. The three distinct species found in the Bad Lands by Evans, Shumard, Meek and Hayden were described by Leidy. “The genus Hyznadon combined the characters of the wolf, tiger, hyzna, weasel, raccoon and opossum.”—(Leidy). It was, therefore, one of the most comprehensive types of carnivorous mammalian ani- mals that ever existed. The largest of the species was M. horridus, and was about the size of the largest of the black bears. The den- tition of this animal was the most formidable conceivable. ‘“ In addition to powerful canine teeth, three of its molars werestructured after the single sectorial tooth of other carnivorous mammals, though the last alone reached the full development of the corres- ponding tooth of the latter. The last of the series of molars were formed like those of the lion andtiger. These teeth—the strongest and broadest—combined the mechanism of the wedge and scissors, and were eminently adapted for cutting tissues and bones. Im- mense temporal fossz occupied the sides of the skull for the attach- ment of the powerful muscles that operated the levers that moved the lower jaw. The skull was about a foot in length. No animal living contemporaneously with this formidable creature could have resisted its power.”—(Leidy.) Next in size was M. cruentus, and smallest was M. crucinus. - Among the carnivora of the Nebraska Miocene the cat family {Felide) were well represented. Among the most remarkable of the family was a genus of saber-toothed lions (Drepanodon). Its re- mains were first found in Western Europe, afterwards in Greece and Asia,and finally in both Americas. The largest species equaled the lion and tiger in size, and judging from their terrible array of destructive teeth were even of greater ferocity. In comparison with the existing cat family they were characterized by a greater proportionate size and flattened form of the upper canine teeth, which has given these animals the name which they bear. Dre- panadon occidentalis was about the size of the existing panther. D. primevus was slightly smaller. Two of the skulls found by . Hayden exhibit marks of a conflict with some other carnivorous animal and probably the largest Hyznadon, as the canines of the 230 GEOLOGY. latter fit exactly into the depressions or holes found on opposite sides of the specimen. No doubt these animals had a fight in some of the beautiful valleys that drained into this Miocene lake, and then, after their death, their bodies were carried into it by some flood. Closely allied to the last was the saber-toothed weasel, so- called because the number and disposition of its teeth were the same as that of the weasel. Leidy called it Dinictis. It differed from the Drepanodon principally in the possession of two additional molar teeth to the lower jaw. This animal was slightly smaller than the panther, and about as large as the smaller contemporaneous Drepanodons, whose formidable upper canines it also possessed. Its remains were first found by Hayden in the Bad Lands of Dakota, but molars of the same I subsequently obtained from the White River, in Nebraska. Cope has obtained additional genera, allied to the above, from Colorado. He has also described from the Mio- cene of Colorado several species of the dog family (Canzde), mostly, however, of small size. I have found a few of their teeth in the Miocene of Nebraska, but from the paucity of the materials, I was unable to identify them specifically. If, as Cope supposes, the Leptocheerus of the Bad Lands was most closely allied to the quadrumanna, then the monkeys were here during the Miocene epoch. He has also described several species from the Colorado Miocene. One of these he has named Menotherium lemurinum, because of its close relationship to the modern lemurs. It was about the size of the common cat. I infer their presence in the Nebraska Miocene from the discovery on the White Earth of a molar referable to this species. No doubt, there- fore, that during these times the monkey family was present and chattered in the woodlands of eastern Nebraska during Miocene times. Many additional species of mammals have been unearthed in the Miocene of Colorado which have not yet been found in the plains, but which no doubt flourished here at that time. The preceding animal forms, however, are only a small part of the species that have been found, and all of those found probably are only a small part of those that flourished during Miocene times. During the whole of this epoch, which, as has already been stated, evidently was of long duration, there was a most happy combination of phy- sical geography and climate. Warm, temperate conditions existed almost to the poles. In Nebraska the magnificent savannas and * THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 231 forests that covered the land gave shelter and food to countless numbers of the mammalia that here enjoyed a happy existence. The conditions were most favorable, not only to the perpetuation and development of animal forms, but for the evolution of species that were only to be developed completely during the following epoch. Like the preceding epochs, the Miocene was destined to come to aclose. The changing conditions evidently were notsudden—they were of such a gradual character as slowly toalter the environment of the animal life of the times. With change of climate came change of flora, which in turn changed or destroyed the rich and wonderful Miocene forms of animal life. The final catastrophe came atthe close. It was one of the greatest revolutions that oc- curred in the history of the globe. At the end of the Jurassic, “the Sierras, which had been a marginal sea bottom, were crushed to- gether and folded into a mountain range. This transferred the coast farther westward, and the present coast range became the marginal sea bottom, and received an abundance of sediment, until, in turn, at the end of the Miocene, it also yielded to the lateral pressure from the Pacific, and was raised up into the coast range.”—(Le Conte). Coincident with this movement, great fissures were formed in the Cascade, and great floods of lava poured out, which in north California covered in wide sheets a great extent of coun- try, several hundred feet thick. The lava flood in Oregon, in places, was 3,000 feet thick. It extended from Washington Terri- tory to British Columbia. The area of this great flood of lava coy- ered at least 80,000 square miles, a space much larger than the whole of Nebraska. Richthofen has shown (Natural History of Volcanic Rocks), that this great lava flood could not have proceeded from the dozen extinct craters that cover this region, and that therefore, as stated above, it must have preceeded from earth frac- tures or fissures. At the same time the Plateau region was farther elevated, the Miocene lakes were drained or shifted eastward, and the region of the plains was still more depressed. This sinking of the plains extended far to the south, almost to the gulf, and to the east in its central portion about to where Columbus is located, on the Union Pacific Railroad, and for an unknown distance to the north. On the Niobrara its eastern line was near the mouth of -Keya Paha or Turtle Hill River. On the Republican, it was near the center of Harlan County. It thus changed the whole aspect 2 ‘GEOLOGY. of the western half of the continent. To the life then on the globe it must have been an event so appalling that the overthrow of Pompeii and Herculaneum, and the great Lisbon earthquake, in comparison with it, would have been an insignificant event. The throes of this event must have shaken the globe and affected all life, vegetable and animal. And as a matter of fact, the entire facies of the animal life of the globe was changed from this time forward, as we shall presently see. Thus was closed the Miocene epoch. CHAP TERM TERTIARY... PERIOD,, CONTINUED._PLIOCENE EPOCH. Inauguration of the Pliocene.—Extent of the Pliocene Lake of the Plains.— Other Pliocene Lakes.—Eruptions at the beginning and during the Pliocene. —Thickness of the Pliocene Beds.—Erosion of the Pliocene Beds.—Eleva- tion of the Pliocene Deposits.—Eastward Barrier of the Pliocene Lake of the Plains.—General Warren’s Explanation.—Materials of the Pliocene Beds.—Sections from the Niobrara, Loup and Driftwood.—General Character in the Republican Valley.—So-called Tripoli Beds, and their Geyser Origin. —Their Chemical Composition.—Nebraska Once a Geyser Region.—Length of the Pliocene Epoch.—Vegetable Life.—Animal Life-—Rodents.—Horse Famnily.—Camel Family.—Bisons.—Bear Family.—Cat Family.—Dog Family. —Favorable Conditions during the Pliocene.—Picture of the Pliocene Epoch. —Close of the Pliocene.—Convulsive Movements further West.—Gradual Character of its Close.—General Remarks on the Tertiary Epochs. T THE close of the last chapter it was stated how the Mio- cene epoch came‘to a close. At the opening of the Pliocene epoch, the great Miocene lake of the plains underwent further sub- sidence, but gently and gradually. There is no trace on the plains of the intervention of a period of dry land, as some have supposed. The Miocene lake here became the Pliocene by subsidence and extension in every direction. It became much deeper than it had been. ‘On the west it now reached the foot-hills of the Colorado Range; on the south it enlarged the borders of the Miocene lake from southern Nebraska, through Kansas, the Indian Territory, ‘far into Texas;'on the’ north it stretched over the: whole of ‘the * THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 233 plains into British America.”—(King). The Pliocene, therefore, in eastern Nebraska, overlies the Cretaceous. In south-west Ne- braska it lies on the Fort Pierre Cretaceous. Further west, the disturbance, as already stated, were much greater at the close of the Miocene. There severe crumpling and fissuring of the earth’s crust had taken place. The basin region subsided to such anextent that the Pliocene lake that was formed extended from the Wasatch to the Sierras, and northward to the Columbia, while its southward extension has not been ascertained. King believes that the ejection of trachytes occurred at the close of the Miocene, and that the ejection of rhyolites marks the beginning, in this region, of the Pliocene epoch. According to him, the basaltic eruptions occurred wholly within the Pliocene.* Still another Pliocene lake existed in North Park, (North Park Group of Hayden.) It only comes within the plan of this work to discuss the Pliocene lake deposits of the plains, which cover so large a portion of Nebraska. These deposits constitute the Loup Fork Group of Hayden, and the Nio- brara of Marsh. On the plains the Pliocene beds, wherever their point of junction could be observed, are conformable to the underlying Miocene. King, however, remarks that they are in places unconformable, which I have not observed. Often they shade so insensibly into each other that the line of junction could only be ascertained by the fossils which they entombed. Thickness of the Pliocene Beds.—Along the foot-hills of the Col- orado Range, the Pliocene beds average nearly 2,000 feet in thick- ness. They thin out eastward, probably because the mass of ma- terials was obtained from the mountains, the greater part of which was precipitated along, or near its western shores. In Nebraska, Kansas, and Dakota towards the east, the Pliocene beds become thinner; until they run out entirely. It is certain, however, that originally they were much thicker than at present. Owing to them being the upper rocks at the time, they must have been subjected to an enormous amount of erosion during the subsequent Quater- nary age. The monuments of this erosion are still visible in many places. In township 10 North and 26 West of 6th Meridian there is a Pliocene peak, nearly 300 feet high, that represents the original level of these deposits. In 13 North, 51 West, there are limestone cliffs 75 feet high, and similar ones all over this region in *See King’s Systematic Geology of the 40th Parallel,’ 234 GEOLOGY. far separated, isolated spots. The top of all these rocky cliffs, whose strata are horizontal, represent where the general level of the Pliocene once was. Perhaps the most remarkable monument of the original level of the Pliocene in Nebraska, is at Scott’s Bluffs, and at Chimney Rock, on the North Platte. These have long been noted landmarks. The country is here eroded into many forms, exhibiting some of the peculiar natural architecture of the Bad Lands. Chimney Rock is about 150 feet high. The strata here and at Scott’s Bluffs are horizontal, and therefore the general level of the country must have’been as elevated, at least, as the top of these crags. No doubt much material has also been removed from the top of the highest of these old monuments, as they have been subjected to erosive agencies ever since the commencement of the Glacial Age. From two to four hundred feet, therefore, must have been removed from the general surface of the Pliocene de- posits of the plains. Notwithstanding the immensity of this erosion, a considerable thickness of these deposits still remain. In Ne- braska they range from 10 to 7oo feet. King has remarked that at the mountains, where they are lofty and form powerful con- densers of moisture, the resultant streams have carried away in front of them all the Tertiary and exposed the Cretaceous. Elevation.of the Piiocene.—At Chalk Bluffs, the line of separation between the Miocene and Pliocene is 6,000 feet above the sea level. Near 41° 30’ the Pliocene reaches an altitude of over 7,000 feet. In the valley of the Loup Fork the contact plane between the Mi- ocene and Pliocene approximates to 3,000 feet. There is, there- fore, a gradual sinking eastward of the contact plane between the Miocene and Pliocene. Eastward Barrier of the Pliocene Lake —\t has been a question what barriers on the east held in the waters of the Pliocene lake of the plains. Two theories have been suggested. One is that the whole western shore line, with the mountain chain against which it abuts, and the present incline towards the east, was low enough, during Pliocene times, to hold the waters of the lake. This theory, however, is irreconcilable with the known facts concerning the ele- yation of the Rocky Mountain system during the Tertiary epochs*. Evidently this region near the eastern shores of the lake, and on the south, was once elevated into a rim, and it was the sinking of this border, towards the close of the Pliocene, and the transference *See Clarence King’s Systematic Geology of the 40th Parallel, Chapter VI. on Stratigraphi- cal Geology. et eee. ue = - 74 =? THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 235 of the geosynclinal of the continent to the Missouriand Mississippi valleys, that helped to bring the Pliocene toa close. It is not at all impossible that future investigation will show that the present divide between the Missouri and the Mississippi was a portion of this rim, and that the Pliocene deposits that once covered eastern Nebraska were removed by erosion during subsequent glacial ‘times. The Pliocene at least was deposited in a broad level lake between the Meridian of 98° and 105°, and subsequently this whole area of sub- sidence towards the east, accompanied by slight continued elevation towards the west, was transformed into an incline from the base of the foot-hills eastward. ‘ From the goth parallel region this dip of the Pliocene at present towards the east is equal to 4,c00, and to- wards the south of 7,000 feet.”—-(King). The original discovery of the eastern conditions of the shore line of this old Pliocene lake of the plains was made by Lieutenant (now General) Warren, in the annual report of Captain (now General) Humphreys, for the year 1858. No clearer statements of this theory, and the reasons for it, have since been made. I announced the same theory in public lec- tures as early as 1872, and had adopted it without being aware that Warren had long anticipated me. Clarence King, also, by inde- pendent study, without knowing ‘of Warren’s discovery, had come to the same conclusion. I mention these facts to show that students of geology, in studying the phenomena of this region, will be forced to make this explanation. One curious feature of this sub- sidence of 4,000 feet eastward over the Pliocene region, is that no faults, breaks or crumplings have yet been detected. As the sedi- ments of this old Pliocene lake are thickest next to the mountains, and thin out eastward, it is clear that the eastern rim was a low land, without lofty ridges or mountains. ‘The streams that drained into it from that quarter were of insignificant size. Materials of the Pliocene Beds of the Plains—Near the mountains the materials of the Pliocene beds are exceedingly coarse, and where they are in contact with the foot-hills they are composed of conglomerates made up of water-worn pebbles, feldspar and quartz in masses, and some small pieces or chips of all the Archean rocks which are represented towards the west. The fragments are of all sizes, from,a shot to a man’s head, and even larger. The coarser conglomerates form the upper beds, beneath which there are often much finer materials. The erosion of the upper strata has in many places cut through the coarse conglomerates and widened the bed below in the finer sediments, producing -over-hanging rocks. 236 Hi GEOLOGY. Beautiful illustrations of this kind of erosion can be seen along the streams flowing eastward from the Laramie Hills. South of the Union Pacific Railroad, west of Cheyenne, the Pliocene beds form irregular terraces, which often change or are prolonged into curious sharp escarpments. South of Cheyenne, and eastward, the upper beds are often made up of light, creamy limestone, sometimes ex- ceedingly brittle, intercallated with small veins of chalcedony. Still further eastward, north and south of the Union Pacific Railroad, the Pliocene beds become arenaceous, but fine-grained, beds of clay and marl being interlaminated. The Chugwater is bordered for a long distance with abrupt cliffs of Pliocene rocks, often forming escarpments which have been cut out by lateral ravines and small canyons. At Scott’s Bluffs, near the western line of Nebraska, there is a fine exposure of the Pliocene rocks, which are here made up of sandstones, marls and whitish and yellowish white clays. Along Lodge Pole Creek, the Pliocene rocks have assumed more the forms of bluffs. Here, and occasionally on the upper Republi- can, the thin, marly members sometimes contain thin masses of jasper-like rocks, which occasionally contain dendritic markings, produced by oxides of the metals. Among these, moss agates are occasionally found. On the Niobrara and Loup rivers there is, in many places, at the top, an immense amount of loose or at least in- coherent sand, or loosely compacted sand. The decomposition of these Pliocene beds in these regions has produced the famous:sand hills. Next below, are beds of compacted gravel and sand. Then come calcareous and arenaceous concretions, combined with or en- closed in whitish and yellowish grits. Greenish and greenish gray sand comes next. Arenaceous marl, shading from deep yellow to dull red, lies below the last. At the bottom is observed a grit of yellowish hue, often highly calcareous, and sometimes containing jimestone more or less concretionary, from one to seven inches thick. The following section, beginning at the top, I have taken about 75 miles above the mouth of the Keya Paha: | 1. Light brownish sand of undetermined thickness. 2. -Incoherent ‘gravel and’ Sands 3 Se. SPO ae sens © 3-5 ade ate ore ane 25 feet. 8. Yellowish white grit, with calcareous concretions ..........- 197 4,.. Greenish:and grayish sand: 406) Sess s8- See eee eet eae 5. Reddish and yellowish sandy marl............+eeeeeeeeeeereee Diy. ca 6. Yellowish gray calcareous grit, containing layers of concre- GiONATY LIMOESCORE i oc-ox 5) eca'aiajelem 0:5 niein poe Rigi abe Sate Ainley etm a was Cbs THE TERTIARY PERIOD. 237 The following is asection from the Loup, beginning at the top: 1. Light brownish sand, of undetermined thickness. Memosely compacted sand and pebbles... 2.0.0... 60... 08 vee cee’ 21 feet. SEES CUPEST 00) En a bey ofS IRC’ IONAPY LIMGSLONG. «../0.6 5 oe cick we ele ad ee ee vavea dower 1 OS ESCEC REIS T 0h ASC) dE: SASSI Eel en Se 1 TIICTOLIONALY NIMGEStONE....6 2. eke eee ele cee es cae beneeneeenn 8 aes meemor lime and Marl .. 2... ee eee ce ea oe sys Acetate fa a 8. Silicious limestone, with concretions of limestone containing COSTS TESTE CO Sila alee el hk he en EG) £4! 9. Fine loose sandstone, only eight feet exposed..... ........... But As PES era eran Aeron ai Devi ee ogee ok a Tee Rie aye, 6 ks 109) g**s South of the Republican Valley, in Nebraska, on the Driftwood there are some fine exposures of the Pliocene. The following sec- tion, which I took in the spring of 1877, is from township 1 North and 32 West, and on sections 12 and 14. Itis numbered from the top: 1. Loosely compacted sand and pebbles, with ebb and flow struc- ME eal ) ah DTS ae al Ue Salinge | Sol AN A A a a ee ‘GMs Pee Grtave wm eae ariel Crist DOMIGCTS. 6. oo Sis). Pec ble Sk ee a ble le wale we Bil, eer eel ettciet BOLE RMN ATLICINICO WOOK, o/s 2.5. 5550.d occ ooo ele Chic acd sis'ewenes 7 eae eM Or PR DMR PEP Soa oicie ela: orale hal eless ou 6 oye ace don ee o.a'e'e's 0,0 4 Peete Ur iee- Shawl AN CLAY. ow ood sn ween es e'sbn ees enesndee ee Oe: ee RNR ee Ie El acta a, aia a ain ist Sietss un 5 a°p)s wine Mss nceecerease 1 et 69 feet. Farther up the valley of Oak Creek a bed of blue clay exhibited the following characters. It lies on the deposits of the Dakota Group. SM cre tint et etd ee diate Siotsin: eal aie ates aa 'k vee pees ene os 5 feet. er NE olga is ata tate eM eipintelts it Alpi eatige Riaieicla'ths sien v's ee’ ea sls alee 1 ae NRW EN Coie eine 28d clatainiota’y oad eh aed domain's Kiaiais ad e'e eles wie'sisles 6.» 13 as em men MeMEIEE, GOAN. TRUCE E02. ct 5 dinini gis in wind din mm aie sie'sscles 9 oe d's 6 op ales Sahn San REN Wha sae ha a cig cee are cin sie neta tea sles We onl o wien oa anes Be LE: ae 8043 feet. 254 ‘ GEOLOGY. Often, though not always, this blue clay has intercallated be- tween its layers these thin strata of sand and pebbles. In Saline County where they occur the clay sometimes shades into sand and emerges from it the same way. This clay is a characteristic feature of the earliest deposits of the Quaternary over the greater part of south- ern Nebraska and over a considerable section of north Nebraska, In south Nebraska it occurs in at least three-fourths of the counties. It is brought to light more frequently in boring for water, but oc- casionally it alsocrops out in railroad cuts, ravines and small canyons. Its thickness ranges all the way from five to sixty feet. Where free from mechanical admixture of sand, it is exceedingly compact and hard. An augur penetrates it with great difficulty, and in such cases it almost bids defiance fo a pick. Occasionally it is full of pebbles, many’ of which lie lengthwise the direction of the glacial path, and, like the underlying rock, are marked by parallel strixa. At other places, instead of pebbles and small boulders, it is inter- mixed with sand in greater or less quantity. In such places it readily permits of the passace of water$ but where pure it is imper- vious. In most of these characters it bears a striking resemblance to the English till.* This. till Geike shows was first formed be- neath glacial ice (Moraine frofunde). A body of ice 3,000 feet thick moving forward a few inches or feet in a day would crush and pulverize everything beneath it. This thickness, at least of the glacial mass, can be inferred from the depth of the ice mass in the east, where valleys 5,000 feet deep were filled, as is known by the scorings that crossed them and were made at that height on the bounding mountains. Boulders are also known to have been car- ried across equally elevated mountains. It was nature’s mighty millstone to reduce to powder the stony fragments and organic ma- terials beneath it. On the final retreat of the glaciers this fine, im- palpable mud in part accumulated at the lower end, and in part was carried away by the rushing streams to be deposited in quiet waters. In some such way it became somewhat irregularly laid down over the land. The Erie clays described on the north side of Lake Erie by Sir W. Logan had, according to Newberry, who studied them so thoroughly in Ohio, a similar origin. All such clays, according to these eminent authorities, owe their character, physical and chemical, directly or indirectly to glacial action. In Ohio Newberry, however, regards the Erie clays as a result of the *See ‘‘The Great ice Age,” vy James Geike. QUATERNARY AGE. 255 flooding that followed immediately the first retreat of the glaciers. In Nebraska, however, they must have been formed at first be- neath a glacial mass and then modified only in part by the floods that followed immediately on their retreat. The reason of this opinion is that here I have frequently found the boulders imbedded n the blue clay lying lengthwise of the path of the glacier, and striated like the rock beneath as already stated. If this clay had been deposited from water this peculiar distribution and position of the boulders would have been impossible. The following analysis indicates the character of this blue clay. For purposes of comparison, I give also Wormly’s analysis of the blue clay of Ohio:* '|Nebraska, Ohio blue clay. |blue clay. Nn ern le ois coils o, 0 cla WOE, eka say kG ae A | Aigo eles 3 70 4 00 ES 0 sa Marilee Ba sD ne Pee | 6L 80 59 70 miwming 2.30)... Hhgct Wee SAGE ee Seer ane Le 13 90 14 80 fron Sesquioxide.......... yp Do Me nae ee | 5 O1 4 60 mime Carbonate ............ EC Se Eee NER aE UD ae kes | 91. 8 90 RT erie tcf atl Wore har hy ot I ge i 70 | 5 14 IE etree ee it Nahe ei hp nds aaiawlsnitan ek. 2|, 4 OL | 3 40 I MNES NICPE GS 22.201 5S ul wclipa aoa tl ae, soi oe Myaireie in, Said Biles Ge + loka’ | 77 | 1100 00| 100 54 The character, a; will be observed, of these clays, though so widely separated, closely resemble each other. It should, however, be remembered that other specimeas are widely different—some having more silicic acid, alkalies, iron or alumina. Above the blue clay, in a few places, a whitish clay occurs. I. have not ascertained what relation it sustains to the blue clay, or what its chemical composition is. Above these clays or till beds of boulder clay occur that occa- sionally exhibit true marks of stratification. Following this is or- dinary drift material, which lies directly on the country rocks, where the blue, white and boulder clays are absent, as often occurs, espe- cially in north Nebraska. This drift material is the most widely dif- fused geological deposit in the State, thouch in vertical thickness it is much less than others. Sometimes, ina few townships of some coun- ties, it constitutes the surface soil, but generally it is buried beneath later deposits. In rare instances it seems to have been removed from the uplands by denudation, before the Loess was formed. *Vol. I. of Newberry’s Geological Survey of Ohio, page 177. 256 GEOLOGY. Sometimes, where it is exposed at the surface, it is so mingled with the Loess, Alluvium, and organic matter as to escape the attention of any one save a practical geologist. It ranges in thickness from a few inches to seventy-five feet. It may be much thicker, but if so I have seen no exposures that indicate it. Nowhere does it come to the surface over wide areas. In the northern part of the State it occasionally constitutes the surface, in the southern part of Dixon County, inthe northern part of Wayne, and in portions of Cedar, Knox, Pierce, Antelope, and Holt counties. In townships 30 and and 31 north, range t and 2 east, in Cedar County, semicircular rows of Drift pebbles and boulders even yet extend across narrow valleys, that lie on the flanks of high bluffs in the form of terminal moraines of glaciers, the marks of which unnumbered centuries have not been able to efface. In this region some of the glacier- marked boulders are of great size, weighing many tons. One of the most remarkable lies near the quarter-section stone, between sections 25 and 36, in township 30 north, range 1 east. It lies on top of the highest bluff in this region, from which there is a mag- nificent view of the whole country around. It is a granitic quartz- ose rock, about four feet square. On the level top-surface there is a beautiful engraving of a child’s foot, a half-moon, a grape-vine, and other hieroglyphics. The engraving of the child’s foot is cut in its deepest part, three-fourths of an inch into the hardest rock, and for fidelity to nature it would do honor to the work of a Greek artist. Previous to my discovery of this relic of the past (1869), no one in that region had heard of its existence. It may have been ‘the work of the mound-builders, as their peculiar pottery and mounds are found near by, but what implements enabled them to carve these symbols in this hard rock, as well as the purpose of such a monument, at sucha place, will probably always remain a mystery. South of the Platte the Drift creeps to the surface on some of the hillsides of Lancaster, Saunders, Saline, Butler, Gage, Seward, Johnson, Pawnee, and Jefferson counties. In fact, there are few counties in the eastern part of the State where the Drift is not oc- casionally exposed by denudation. Four miles northwest of Ne- braska City, on the farm of Hon. J. F. Kinney, isa granitic boulder as large asa small house, on whose top smooth holes have been worn by the Indians in grinding or pounding corn. This boulder is imbedded in a Loess deposit, through which it extends from the QUATERNARY AGE. 257 Drift below. Here, as in most other regions,-the Drift varies a great deal in character. As already intimated, it has here been so modified by subsequent lacustrine agencies as generally to be ca- pable of high cultivation. Recently I have made a special exam- ination of the modified Drift in Johnson County. Where the ground was covered with pebbles, the spade showed that the soil beneath was composed largely of Loess materials, mixed with Drift sand and clay, and organic matter. Here it is often in layers, showing that it is genuine modified Drift. This modified Drift soil, during the last season, where it was well cultivated, yielded sixty bushels of corn to the acre. It is only inferior, if inferior at all, to the Loess, which will be considered in the next section. Where this Drift is the purest, it is composed of boulders, some of which are of large size, pebbles, gravel, sand, and a small per cent of alumina. In places the Drift contains considerable lime, which was, no doubt, produced by the disintegration during glacial times of the Niobrara division of Cretaceous rocks. Sometimes frag- ments of these Cretaceous rocks are found inthe Drift. Generally the pebbles and boulders are composed of the primary rocks, such as quartz, quartzose, granite, greenstone, syenite, gneiss, porphyry, actinolite, ete. Occasionally the year presence of the Drift is indi- cated by large boulders sticking up through soil composed of very different material. In such cases I have learned by experience to look for the modified Drift, which is so valuable in the agriculture of this State. Inthe few localities where all the finer matter has been removed by water agency, numbers of the different forms of variegated agates, carnelians, jaspars, sardonyx, onyx, opals and petrified wood, etc., are found. Agates and petrified wood are specially abundant. The latter is found almost in every exposure of the Drift. Some of the agates vie in beauty with those obtained from the most celebrated localities in the mountains. Judging from the remains of the matrix still attached to some of them, they were originally formed in the secondary rocks, from which they were separated by the disintegration to which they were subjected by the wear and tear of the elements in glacial times. A brief description of a remarkable section through the Drift on Oak Creek, Lancaster County, will not be out of place. A few miles from Lincoln the terrace on this creek, composed of Loess materials, approaches the creek very closely. In this well the Loess deposit was fifteen feet in thickness, then came two feet of | 258 GEOLOGY. — Drift, then two feet of compact peat, then clay and black soil, and then Drift and blue clay again. The lower Drift here probably represents the period of the first glacial advance. The upper clay, black soil, and peat represent the middle period when the glaciers had retreated and a néw forest-bed covered the State. The Drift, immediately on top of this, marks the second advance of the gla- ciers. The Loess on top represents the final retreat of the glaciers, and that era of depression of the surface of the State when the greater part of it constituted a great fresh-water lake into which the Missouri, the Platte and the Republicanrivers poured their waters. Old Forest Bed.—This is not observed in sections through the Quaternary in all parts of the State. Sometimes it is apparently absent from whole counties, and probably its removal was caused by a second advance of the glaciers, to be considered presently. In some of the canyons of the Loup region I have found the bed of black soil, but without a vestige of silicified wood. In other sec- tions of the same region it was sparingly present. It is possible that this may have been occasioned by a condition slightly resem- bling the present—that is, a condition of alternating forests and prairies. Thoughit is evident that the proportion of forest to prai- rie must have been much greater than at present, as east of the ggth meridian in 30 sections that I have examined through the Old For- est Bed, twenty-three contained silicified wood. West of the 99th meridian only three out of fifteen sections contained any. The fol- lowing is a section in a canyon running into the West Loup, where no wood was visible. I examined the exposure carefully for half a mile, and the most dilligent search failed to bring any to light: Sdriace soil ros. eeties 2 tye See ldo oe ee ee Witla 3 feet. TEQO8S nc iiod cea wis Pare i eealg ehe bn Shae Ee tp binge ela = age a eee a eee ee Dy 6% Galcareonus san@ and sravels...(5..:.0 oda ceweesuanes cae te pele eee er Boulders, flint and ‘gravel >... 220% code oa ee poe eee Be Carbonaceous, ehaly olay. 6.5. caer sees ates ane ee eee oo Black SOL. gcc. cwkeodwewninenic ce + 2 cee Sree ne Se Re 5 le eee , s titel eC! Aono inne ate One Serre payee SS So PLT ae Gravel and doulders, exposed ....3..0 0.3025 65 nes anit ees Irate Meee The black soil of the Old Forest Bed in color and constitution closely resembles the black surface soils of the State at the present time. This is particularly true of the lower half. The upper por- tion has probably been so modified by subsequent glacial and water agencies as no longer to exhibit its original character. As already observed in the eastern part of the State, specially large quantities QUATERNARY AGE. 259 of silicified wood are found in this Old Forest Bed. Of fifty speci- mens that [examined microscopically at different times, thirty-nine were conifers. A few oaks, a willow, a cottonwood and some other species that I could not determine also occurred among them. If these specimens are any indication of dominant type, then a con- iferous vegetation flourished here during those times. Here are also found the remains of the elephant, mastodon, the Bison lati- frons, a huge elk and deer, and the giant beaver (Castor Ohiaticus). Curiously enough, I found the molar of a horse in this same bed, but too much injured to identify specifically. An abundant animal life, a life remarkable for its gigantic character, ruled in these old forests. It was probably colder than at present in the same lati- tudes, but with conditions of moisture and temperature eminently adapted to the production of vast and sombre forests, whose soli- tudes were enlivened principally by huge herbivorous and carnivor- ous mammals. That the Forest Bed period was a long one is clear from the thickness of the bed that was formed, from its vast forests and the remains of its abounding animal life. Black soils form with excessive slowness, and as the Forest Bed is known, even in Nebraska, to have a thickness in places of ten feet, the time involved in its production is simply incalculable. Second Appearance of Glacial Drift——On top of the Old Forest bed materials, and where these have been removed, on top of the silicious clay floor of the Forest Bed, occur gravel, sands of various degrees of fineness, boulders and boulder clay. In places the boulders of various sizes constitute the principal portion of the over- lying materials. Sometimes these boulders are marked with par- allel striz, and beds and piles of them occur of enormous thickness. One such exists on the banks of Oak Creek, six miles from Lin- coln. Here I measured seventeen feet of vertical thickness of these boulders of all sizes, from a grain of corn to a hundred pounds in weight—some rounded and some angular, with sand also intermin- gled. In the upper portion of these beds there are signs, with greater or less distinctness, of stratification. Often it bears in its lower portions a striking resemblance to the drift materials below the Forest Beds. Above the indistinctly stratified materials are various beds in places where the stratification is undoubted. These beds are mostly made up of’variously colored gravels and. sands, the latter predominating. Kames.—On the Logan, Elkhorn, on tributaries of the Republi- and Loup, and in other places occur long rows of sometimes 260. . GEOLOGY. gravels and sometimes sands, very distinct from the Pliocene sands” of the Niobrara. The Loess deposits to be described hereafter abut against them, but often their tops have been blown over the Loess to such an extent that even geologists have been deceived in- to the belief that they are of very recent origin. They, however, antedate the Loess, as is evident from the fact that they extend be~ neath the latter. I am not sure whether any of them exhibit any: true marks of stratification. They bear some resemblance to the Kames of. Scotland and Asars of Scandinavia, and to them they are for the present referred, though doubtfully. Though their up- per portions are composed of sands, they often shade down into fine and then coarse gravels. ‘This is specially true in southwest Nebraska, where at long intervals canvons are found which par- tially cut through them. Calcareous and Stlictous Materials —Between the deposits which are doubtfully referred to the Kames, and lying on their flanks, oc- our, in many places, great beds of fine silicious matter, which in places is calcareous to a greater or less degree, and is especially rich in iron, mostly in the form of a sesquioxide. It is often mis- taken for Loess, whose character it often approaches. The best ex- amples of it are seen in the Republican Valley, from Harlan County westward, where the line of junction between it and the overlying Loess is sharply outlined, and is exposed for thirty miles. Its color is a darker reddish brown than Loess. Under the micro- scope, the silicious materials appear coarser than the Loess, with the addition, occasionally, of small water-worn pebbles. It also varies much more in character. The following analysis, only par- tially completed, indicates its chemical character: | Insoluble (silicious), matter...) \.:.. jini. staple yainniotee bebe ee cia eee 78.10 IBETTVG FOKIGE 5 oa he rocoto eur aioe aes A biptouciebWelcuca & Cietela: Cae tia hee oie a 5.98 Alaunitia 025 farsa cu hs sc ae cle Or oe = Bene Litite“earbonete. ocean 8 wos cele voc ed cieln's ap lat eters stein tele atarete Sede nna 11.01 Lime phosphate, undetermined. Magnesia carbonate, ‘ Potassa, is Soda, ms At other points in Nebraska this reddish brown silicious matter shades insensibly into the overlying Loe$s. Such examples can be seen along the Missouri River from Plattsmouth to the south line of the State. Along this same route beds of almost pure sand oc- QUATERNARY AGE, 261 casionally take its place. There are a few such points between La Platte and Omaha. Not unfrequently this deposit is highly cal- careous in its lower and upper portion. When it gradually shades down into gravel and boulder beds, the latter are often covered by incrustrations of calcareous and other alkaline matter. It is possi- ble that the alkaline matter that has been leached out of the over- lying beds was deposited on these underlying pebbles and boulders. I am, however, by no means sure that this explanation is the cor- rect one. The most remarkable, however, of the deposits at this horizon, are the strata of calcareous and other alkaline matters that are found in the upper portion of these silicious beds. ‘The amount of alkaline matter ranges from ten to ninety per cent and the beds vary in thickness from a few inches to fifteen feet. Between Ne- braska City and Brownville, along the Missouri bluffs, are some fine exposures of these alkaline beds, though they are more min- gled with sand and gravel than farther west. The calcareous concretions found here are, however, exceedingly abundant and beautiful. Samples are common which measure from one to five inches in diameter. Inside they are sometimes partially hollow, and portions of the mass being separated and loose, they rattle, on being shaken after drying. In Saline County there is a thin, almost pure snow white layer of this calcareous matter. Further west,in Web- ster, Fillmore, Hamilton, York and some other counties north, as well as south of the Platte, this alkaline material occurs at this hori- zon at various localities. It differs greatly in thickness and extent of beds, and in the proportions of the alkalies present and silicious materials with which it is combined. It has sometimes been used for mortar and plastering, and from the people has received the name of natural mortar. It does not, however, avail for outside work, as the rain softens and gradually removes it. Not unfre- quently layers of this alkaline matter are separated by layers of sand, and even higher up in the series, where it occurs in the Loess, as it sometimes does, it is separated into thin strata by the same materials. The following section, taken about five miles northwest from Fairmount, illustrates the mode of its occurrence: ECOMMAEREE 0 wets al trihihe GL trees RPE Gs « aie bisa eh vin Die’s we ode aeees 4 feet. I a C8 os) Fate wd aiehe CGAn ea nid pies 2 wall widow bes ce woe eA SS m “ 2. Calcareous and other alkaline earths cow voes hy i658 a SS RSI SOD IESE Se ACI Ne me ae oe 2 46 eee eerie rN OLNEY AIRMIING CATLOS. «2 on ccs oc a> cesceasanncans 7 = <> SsroOwiion CHICATCOUS BANG, EXDOSEE. ... 2.2... pace elccscasacees a 262 GEOLOGY. The following ‘analysis of these alkaline deposits show how they | vary in character. Both specimens were obtained from Fillmore County: INO.1.|NO. 2. Insoluble (eilictous) matter. asso e ee eee eee 21 00/55.11 AAGNINAT eS he et eee eet TPE PU a sae hits tebe 0 Coe oR ee eee 11 ae Peroxide. Gf irons, ouciiee 80. way yeh eet ee ae ee 1.80} 1.21 Soime: carbOnatesh< .<. goat iu gig soe ed ee ee ee 33.14,19.70 Lime . phosphate; ‘undetermined -* . tus... es cee on cee ee ee Magnesia carbonate, £6. sii See GA stage ee eink. wie mayest 2 11.33) 7.13 Potassa, Fw Oe ale ae ag eR ean Rots ee SO Ee Soda, Se, Sialae be ner epee ee ok ee Organic matter, Co [> alae Ri Re eee ee eee eee tee MoIstHTe sh 28 i eat ts 2b o See ee Dee ae eee ee el ee 3.80 4.01 These two specimens indicate the presence of a large quantity of magnesia and lime. Along the Missouri the alkaline concretions at this horizon are largely composed, in places, of magnesia. They are white in color and vary in size from a pea to from one to three inches in diameter. It is probable that a portion of the calcareous. materials that are present in these deposits came from the chalk rocks of the Niobrara Group that still exists in northeast Nebraska and Dakota Territory. I have sometimes found in the Drift, and also mingled with other alkaline deposits, small chalk rock. At one place below Plattsmouth one of these chips of chalk contained a fish scale characteristic of the Niobrara Group. Among the eroded calcareous materials that were carried down into this lake the chalk rocks must have constituted a large portion. Evidently the waters became supersaturated with alkaline matter either by excessive activity of the eroding agents—ice and torrents—or, which is more probable, by partial dessication of the lake. We have an exemplification of this kind of agency in the present and past history of the lakes inthe Utah basin. The analysis of its waters give a remarkably small per cent of carbonate of lime. And yet the rivers bring a large amount of it annually into the lake. King, however, has shown in the 4oth parallel survey that lime in the form of tufa or thinolite has been precipitated in im- mense quantities during some portions of its history. When the waters of Salt Lake, (Lake Bonneville formerly, King), receded below the line of outflow, but were kept at a high level for long periods of time, great beds of tufa were deposited, especially along the shore, and to some extent towards its interior. Lake Lahontan (west of Lake Bonneville) is still a more remarkable instance where QUATERNARY AGE. 263 calcareous tufas were produced. In reference to this, King re- marks: ‘The occurrence of such a tremendous formation of alka- line carbonates, necessitates a very long period, during which the surface of Lake Lahontan was some distance below its level of outlet. To account for the existing presence of the weak solutions of the residual lakes, it is necessary, after the formation of gay-lus- site and its pseudomorphism into thinolite, to suppose a flood-period during which the lake had free drainage over its outlet, and which continued long enough, practically, to wash out the saline contents of the great lake.” Now in a way somewhat similar, it is possible that in immediately pre-Loess times, the great Quaternary lake of Nebraska and western Iowa, may have become so reduced in vol- ume by climatic change as to lose more by evaporation than by overflow, and then through the interaction of other chemical agents, precipitated its alkalies to the bottom. That some such agency was here at work for a long time, is evident from the extent and great thickness of these alkaline deposits. When finally this condition of things was drawing to a close, the finer silicious de- posits commenced to form, which shaded into the Loess or next deposit above. As already observed, these transition beds can be seen in the Republican Valley, and with still greater distinctness in some of the small canyons in the region of the Loups, where often it is impossible to tell with exactness where.the Loess or next de- posit above begins. Resume of Geological History between the Glacial and Loess Pe- riods—We have seen that the retreating ice sheet of the Glacial Period left in its path huge beds of blue clay and other Drift ma- terials, which in their upper portions were modified by water agency. The land was flooded, and over the great lake or interior sea thus formed icebergs floated and dropped their loads of sand, gravel and boulders on the bottoms, and where they were stranded left this debris inenormous heaps. This period of depression and floods was followed by one of slow elevation, when the waters were drained off and a new forest bed was formed to the shores of the retreating lakes, or to the foot of the glacier mass. As the period of glaciation was a time of great relative humidity, this must also have been the character of the climate all through the flood and Old Forest Bed period. The ice sheet again advanced and' destroyed these magnificent forests before it. Newberry, who first directed attention to this Old Forest Bed, found no evidences 264 GEOLOGY. of this period of glaciation in Ohio. Here, however, it is clear. It has also been observed in northeastern lowa by W. J. McGee.* I attribute the absence of this Forest Bed in many sections of Ne- braska to the second advance of the ice sheet in these regions. It probably failed to advance so far south in Ohio and other sections of the Mississippi Valley. When this ice sheet commenced its re- treat, another period of depression came on, when the land was again flooded, and a lake of fresh water again occupied the plains. ‘This body of water for ages abutted against the ice sheet on the north, from which it received icebergs that floated over its waters. In these waters the materials left by the retreating glaciers were remodified in their upper portion, and new matter was brought down by torrents and icebergs. ~When the ice sheet retreated from the shores of this lake or interior sea, finer sediment began to be laid down. Fine sand took the place of gravels and boulders, and as the waters contracted in volume the calcareous matter held in suspension began to be precipitated. There is no evidence that the lake was entirely dessicated previous to the beginning of the Loess period. It was only reduced to smaller dimensions. When at last central and eastern Iowa became dry land, and the ice sheet had retreated to the upper Missouri and the Yellowstone, the Loess materials began to be laid down on the floor of the old lake bed. So important, however, are these Loess materials in historic and economic geology that they will be discussed in a separate chapter. *See American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 15, page 339, Nie pel RS) ios", oe , eaves SUG -n 2 Dp ORS & QUATERNARY AGE. 265 CHAPTER: VILLI. iit QUATERNARY AGE, AND SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS, CONTINUED. LOESS PERIOD. Name.—Extent.—Thickness.—Homogeneous Character.—Chemical Char- acter.—Analyses.—Drainage.—Physical Character. — Example.—Cause of these Peculiarities of the Loess.—Fruit on the Loess deposits.—Scenery produced by the Loess.—Origin of the Loess.—Richthofen’s Theory.— Recent Advocates of this Theory.—Facts bearing out this Theory in the Nebraska Loess.—-Objections to this Theory.—Root Marks and their depth in the Ne- braska I.oess.—How Explained on the Subaqueous Theory.—Facts learned from Sections in the Republican Valley and South of Plum Creek.—Changes of Level Proved, by Fossil Soils in the Loess.—Differences in the Present Level of Loess Districts, and its Causes.—Land and Fresh Water Shells in the Loess, and How Explained.—Stratification of Loess, and its Lessons.— True Origin of the Loess.—Resume of its History.—Missouri Mud, its Analysis and Identity with the Loess—Length of the Loess Period.—Re- mains of Man.—Climate.—List of Shells in the Loess. THE LogEss DEPoOsITs. The Loess deposits first received the name from Lyell, who ob- served it closely along the Mississippi in various places. Hayden frequently calls it the bluff formation, because of the peculiar config- uration that it gives to the uplands which border the flood plains of the rivers. He also frequently calls them marl-beds. This deposit, although not particularly rich in organic remains, is in some re- spects one of the most remarkable in the world. Its value for agri- cultural purposes is not exceeded anywhere. It prevails over at least three-fourths of the surface of Nebraska. It ranges in thick- ness from five to one hundred and fifty feet. Some sections of it in Dakota County measure over two hundred feet. At North Platte, 300 miles west of Omaha, and on the south side of the river, some of the sections that I measured ranged in thickness from one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty feet. From Crete, on the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, west to Kearney, on the Union Pacific Railroad, its thickness for ninety 266 GEOLOGY. miles ranges from forty to ninety feet. South of Kearney, and for a great distance west, along the Union Pacific Railroad as far as to the Republican, there is a great expanse of territory covered by a great thickness of this deposit. I measured many sections in wells over this region, and seldom found it less than forty, and often more than sixty feet in thickness. Along the Republican I traced the formation almost to the western line of the State, its thickness ranging from thirty to seventy feet. One section north of Kearney, on Wood River, showed a thickness of fifty feet. The same varia- tion in thickness is found along the counties bordering on the Mis- souri. One peculiarity of this deposit is that it is generally almost perfectly homogeneous throughout, and of almost uniform color, however thick the deposit, or far apart the speeimens have been taken. I have compared many specimens taken 300 miles apart, and from the top and bottom of the deposits, and no difference could be detected by the eye or by chemical analysis. Over So per cent of this deposit is very finely comminuted silica. When washed in water, left standing, and the water poured off, and the coarser materials have settled, the residuum, after evaporation ‘to dryness, is almost entirely composed of fine silicious powder. So fine, indeed, are the particles of silica, that its true character can alone be detected by analysis or under a microscope. About ten per cent is composed of the carbonates and phosphates of lime. These materials are so abundant in these deposits, that they spon- taneously crystalize, or form concretions, from the size of a shot to that of a walnut; and these are often hollow or contain some or- ganic matter, or a fossil, around which the crystallization took place. Almost anywhere, when the soil is turned over by the plow or in excavations, these concretions may be found. Often, after a rain has washed newly-thrown-up soil, the ground seems to be lit- erally covered with them. Old gopher hills and weather beaten hill-sides furnish these concretions in unlimited quantities for the geologist and the curiosity hunter. When first exposed, most of these concretions are soft enough to be: rubbed fine between the fingers, but they gradually harden by exposure to the atmosphere. This deposit also contains small amounts of alkaline matter, iron, and alumina. For the purpose of showing the homogeneous character and the chemical properties of the Loess deposits, I have made five new analyses of this soil. No.1 is from Douglas County, near Omaha; No. z from the bluffs near Kearney; No. 3 from the QUATERNARY AGE. 267 Lower Loup; No. 4 from Sutton, and No. 5 from the Republican Valley, near Orleans, in Harlan County: yi 2) — % ie) bho A o oo 7, ° Wa z e) on i .2..1) NO. 3: | NO. ry Insoluble (silicious) matter............ 81.28 | 81.32 | 81.35 | 81.30 | 81.32 EN Sc dhs Scns wey cas o> 3:86} 3.87 | 3.83 | 3.85 | 3.86 RI 2) Sais Dak Soo ..s oy? POs oe ee ee 75 Ad 74 184). Ai74 a CY a a | 606] 6.06] 6.03] 6.05; 6.09 Mumeimiosphate.........-..-...+-.++«- | 3.59] 359| 3.58| 3.57| 3.59 Maenesia, carbonate............ ..... | 1.28]. 1.28] 1.31 | 1.31] 1.29 eS eS eae ees Re 29 35| 84) .33 I eee Se ciao kt ad ote edie bac o @ shD 16 14 pel ake Es ee en ee ee ee 1.07} 1.06) 1.05} 1.06; 1.06 oe A ee eee 2.09 1° E08 [1.094 5-4.08.) 1.09 OS fo. ptt 53 551 47 100.00 10000 100.00 100.00 100.00 After making the above analyses I received from Dr. Hayden his Final Report on the Geology of Nebraska. This report, on page 12, contains two analyses of the Loess deposit from Hannibal, Mo., made by Dr. Litton. According to these analyses, from one hundred parts there were— ae ee eee een | 76.98) 77.02 Alumina and peroxide of iron................... 11.54 12.10 A ree a an kn ke en tele wn ein =o = 3.87 3.25 De MESS aS Ae ee See ee Pen i Rae ae 1.68 1.63 TIPE Sage LR ee ae er Aare Sere Not determined 2.83 eta Boe ike aon cas was @ cle ale 8 wis oar ee 2.01 2.43 According to these analyses the Loess contains more clay in Mis- souri than it does in Nebraska. The analyses that I made of two specimens of Loess from Richardson County also contained slight- ly more alumina than the above. For the purpose of comparison, I here reproduce, from Hayden’s report, Bischoff’s analyses of the Lacustrine or Loess of the Rhine: l NO. OF ANALYSIS. ie 2. s. 4. | 5. 0” A ee aa Bae es ee 58 .97|79.53 78.61! 62.43) 81.0 NINERS «05.00.03 ara 33 6 peel Ma atiroe ce abs 2 9.97/13 A 15.96| 7-51 75 Pee ME AVON nos kde asda ek sd wlee ae 4.25) 481 ; 5.14 .67 Rare Se NE cael il ce Pr Ee > al ee Paes aes Be tees At toh sth Gel, be KEE -+--| 0.04] 0.06 | 0.09} 0.21) 0.27 OS eee ot ee ane 0.11) 1.05 : wel ‘ Re ees ual 1 ae 8.31 Pee 2.27 Carmonate Of dime :534 3 siete! eh eae A ea 11.63)... Carbonate of magnesia................... “Sy eee Bee a 8 ee RR IO RPONRIRINIIE ais coin no cin 0,0. aw aie.nre coed Ly Rees 1 Oe Fs a ae 268 GEOLOGY. It will be seen from the above analyses of Bischoff that Nos. 3 and 5, in the quantity of silica and other elements that are present, come very near the Loess of Nebraska. The principal difference is the larger quantity of alumina present in the samples analyzed by Bischoff. Chemically the deposits of the Rhine Valley, as Hayden remarks, are not essentially different from those of the Loess soils along the Missouri. As would be expected, from the elements which chemical analy- sis shows to be present in these deposits, it forms one of the best soils in the world. In fact, it can never be exhausted until every hill and valley of which it is composed is entirely worn away. Its drainage, which is the best possible, is owing to the remarkably finely comminuted silica of which the bulk of the deposit consists. Where the ground is cultivated the most copious rains percolate through the soil, which, in its lowest depths, retains it like a huge sponge. Even the unbroken prairie absorbs much of the heavy rains that fall. When droughts come the moisture comes up from below by capillary attraction. And when it is considered that the depth to the solid rock ranges generally from five to two hundred | feet, it is seen how readily the needs of vegetation are supplied in the driest seasons. This is the main reason why over all the re- gion where these deposits prevail the natural vegetation and the well-cultivated crops are rarely dried out or drowned out. I have frequently observed a few showers to fall in April, and then little more rain until June, when, as will be considered farther on, there is generally a rainy season of from three to eight weeks’ continuance. After these June rains little more would fall till autumn; and yet, if there was a deep and thorough cultivation, the crops of corn, ce- reals and grass would be mostabundant. This condition represents the dry seasons. On the other hand, the extremely wet seasons only damage the crops over the low bottoms, subject to overflow. Owing to the silicious nature of the soils they never bake when plowed in a wet condition, and a day after heavy rains the plow can again be successfully and safely used. | The physical properties of the Loess deposits are also remarka- ble. In the interior, away from the Missouri, hundreds of miles of these Loess deposits are almost level or gently rolling. Not un- frequently a region will be reached where, for a few miles, the country is bluffy or hilly, and then as much almost entirely level, with intermediate forms. The bluffs that border the flood-plains of QUATERNARY AGE. 269 the Missouri, the Lower Platte, and some other streams, are some- times exceedingly precipitous, and sometimes gently rounded off. They often assume fantastic forms, as if carved by some curious generations of the past. But now they retain their un- changed from year to year, affected by neither rain nor frost, that they must have been molded into their present outlines under cir- cumstances of climate and level very different from that which now prevails. For all purposes of architecture this soil, even for the most mas- sive structures, is perfectly secure. I have never known a founda- tion of a large brick or stone building, if commenced below the winter frost line, to give way. Evenwhen the first layers of brick and stone are laid on top of the ground there is seldom such unev- enness of settling as to produce fractures in the walls. On no other deposits, except the solid rock, are there such excellent roads. From twelve to twenty-four hours after the heaviest rains the roads are perfectly dry, and often appear, after being traveled a few days, like a vast floor formed from cement, and by the highest art of man. The drawback to this _pic- ture is that sometimes during a drought the air along the highways on windy days is filled with dust. And yet the soil is very easily worked, yielding readily to the spade or plow. Excavation is re- markably easy, and no pick or mattock is thought of for such pur- poses. It might be expected that such a soil readily yielded to at- ‘mospheric influences, but such is not the case. Wells in this de- posit are frequently walled up only to a point above the water line; and on the remainder the spade-marks will be visible for years. In- deed, the traveler over Nebraska will often be surprised to see spade-marks and carved-out names and dates years after they were first made, where ordinary soils would soon have fallen away into a gentle slope. This peculiarity of the soil has often been a God-send to poor emigrants. Such often cut out of the hillsides a shelter for themselves and their stock. Many a time when caught out on the roads in a storm, far away from the towns, have I found shelter in a ‘“dug-out” with an emigrant’s family, where, cozy and warm, there was perfect comfort, with little expenditure of fuel on the coldest days. In summer such shelters are much cooler than frame or brick houses. I shall never forget one occasion in 1866 when, bewildered, by a blinding snow-storm, I came to a “dug-out,” and although all 270 GEOLOGY. the chambers were carved out of the soil (Loess), they were per- fectly dry. The walls were hidden and ornamented with Hargers’ Weekly, with the emanations of Nast’s genius made to occupy the conspicuous corners. My hostess, whose cultivated intellect and kindly nature made even this abode a charming resort, was a grad- uate of an eastern seminary. Her husband, after a failure in busi- ness in New York, came here to commence life anew on a home- stead, by stock raising. To get a start with young stock no money could be spared for a house. Eight years afterward I found the same family financially independent, and living in a beautiful brick mansion, but I doubt whether they had any more substantial hap- piness than when they were looking for better days in the old tem- porary “dug-out.” Thousands who are still coming into this land of promise are still doing the same thing. So firmly does the ma- terial of this deposit stand, that after excavations are made in it, underground passages without number could be constructed with- out meeting any obstacles, and without requiring any protection from walls and timber, CAUSE OF THESE PECULIARITIES. These peculiarities of the Loess deposits are chiefly owing to the fact that the carbonate of lime has entered into slight chemical combination with the finely comminuted silica. There is always more or less carbonic acid in the atmosphere which is brought down by the rains, and this dissolves the carbonate of lime, which then read- ; ily unites with silica, but only to a slight extent, and not enough to destroy its porosity. Though much of the silica is microscopically minute, and is water-worn or rounded, it still enters into this slight union with the carbonate of lime. Had there been more lime and iron in this deposit, and had it been subjected to a greater and longer pressure from superincumbent waters, instead of a slightly chemically compacted soil, it would have resulted in a sandstone formation, incapable of cultivation. There is not enough of clayey matter present to prevent the water from percolating through it as perfectly as through sand, though a great deal more slowly. This same peculiarity causes ponds and stagnant water to be rare within the limits of this deposit. Where they do exist in slight depres- sions on the level plain, it is found that an exceptionally large quantity of clayey matter has been accumulated in the soil on the bottom. In Clay, Fillmore, York, and a few other counties, there QUATERNARY AGE. 271 are considerable numbers of ponds, covering from a few acres to half a section of land, grown up around the border with reeds and coarse grasses and sedges, and where the water is deeper, with ar- row-leaves, pond-lillies, and other water-plants. In every instance where I had opportunity to examine them, there was a thin bed of clayey matter mixed with organic materials, from a few inches to a foot or more in thickness, lying on the bottom, and on top of the Loess deposit. This clayey matter was probably deposited. there before the waters finally retired from the old lake-bed in which this soil originated. In the stiller portions of the lake, or in eddies, - about the time it commenced to be dry land, when portions were already cut off from the main lake except in flood-time, in these isolated pools all the clay in solution would be precipitated to the bottom, before the next annual rise of the waters. This I propose as a provisional explanation of this phenomenon. FRUIT ON THE LogEss DEPosITs. In these Loess deposits are found the explanation of the ease with which nature produces the wild fruits in Nebraska. Sodense are the thickets of wild grapes and plums along some of the bot- toms and bluffs of the larger streams that it is difficult to penetrate them. Over twenty varieties of wild plums have been observed, all of them having originated either from Prunus Americana, P. chickasa, or P. pumillv. Only two species of grapes are clearly outlined, namely, Vzt#s estivats and V. cardifolia, but these have such interminable variations that the botanist becomes discouraged in attempting to draw the lines between them, and to define the range and limit of the varieties. The same remark could be made of the strawberries. Raspberries and blackberries abound in many parts of the State. The buffalo-berry (Shepherdia Canadensis) is common on many of the Missouri and Republican River bot- toms. Many other wild fruits abound, and grow with wonderful luxuriance wherever timber protects them and prairie fires are re- pressed. As would be expected, these deposits are also a paradise for the cultivated fruits of the temperate zones. They luxuriate in a soil like this, which has perfect natural drainage, and is composed of such materials. No other region, except the valleys of the Nile and of the Rhine, can, in these respects, compare with the Loess deposits of Nebraska. The Loess of the Rhine supplies Europe with some of its finest wines and grapes. The success that has al- 212 GEOLOGY. ready attended the cultivation of the grape in southeastern Ne- braska, at least, demonstrates that the State may likewise become- remarkable in this respect. For the cultivation of the apple, its superiority is demonstrated. Nebraska, although so young in years, has taken the premium over all the other States in the pom- ological fairs at Richmond and Boston. Of course there are ob- stacles here in the way of the pomologist as well as in other fa- vored regions. But what is claimed is, that the soil, as analysis and experience prove, is eminently adapted to grape, and especially to apple tree culture. The chief obstacle is particularly met with in, the interior of the State, and results from the climate. In mid- summer occasional hot, dry winds blow from the southwest. These winds, where the trunks of apple trees are exposed, blister and scald the bark on the south side, and frequently kill the trees. It is found, however, that when young trees are caused to throw: out limbs near to the ground, they are completely protected, or if that has not been done, a shingle tacked on that side of the tree prevents all damage from that source. Many fruit growers also claim that cottonwood and box-elder groves on the south side of orchards is all that is necessary to protect them from these storms. I mention this here to put any new settler, who may read this and who has not learned the experience of fruit-growers in this State, on his guard. SCENERY OF THE Loess DEposiTs. It has been remarked that ‘‘no sharp lines of demarcation sepa- rate the kinds of scenery that produce the emotions of the grand and the beautiful.” This is eminently true of some of the scenery produced by the Loess formations. Occasionally an elevation is. encountered from whose summit there are such magnificent views. of river, bottom, forest, and winding bluffs as to produce all the emotions of the sublime. One-such elevation is Pilgrim Hill, in Dakota County, on the farm of Hon. J. Warner. From this _ hill the Missouri bottom, with its marvelous, weird-like river, can be seen for twenty miles. Dakota City and Sioux City, the latter dis- tant sixteen miles, are plainly visible. If it happens to be Indian summer, the tints of the woods vie with the hazy splendor of the sky to give to the far outstretched landscape more than an oriental splendor. I have looked with amazement at some of the wonder- ful canyons of the Rocky Mountains, but nothing there more com- pletely filled me and satisfied the craving for the grand in nature QUATERNARY AGE. 273 than did this view from Pilgrim Hill. Another view, equally ma- jestic is on the Missouri, back of Iona, in Dixon County. My at- tention was directed to it by John Hill, Esq., who took me to a high point for observing the river, which can here be seen for a great distance. The alternations of lofty bluff and bottom, wood- land and prairie, give a picture worthy the pencil of the most gifted artist, and of all who love the grand and picturesque in nature. It is-true that such scenes are rare, but then there are many landscapes. which, if not grand, are still of wonderful beauty. This is the case along most of the bluffs of the principal rivers. In Northern Ne- braska these bluffs often reach two hundred or more feet in height, and this perhaps gives this portion of the State the most varied scenery. At some points these bluffs are rounded off and melt beyond into a gently-rolling plain. But they constantly vary, and following them you come now into a beautiful cove, now to a curi- ous headland, then to terraces, and, however far you travel, you in vain look for a picture like the one just passed. Numerous rounded tips, with strangely precipitous sides, are seen in every hour’s travel, and these, as they form bold curves,, stretch away into the distance and form images of the most impressive beauty. Indeed, the bluffs of the Loess deposits are unique, and Ruskin cannot exhaust the subject of the beautiful until he sees and studies the hills of Nebraska. Origin of the Loess Deposits.—Richthofen’s Theory.—In a paper on “ The Superficial Deposits of Nebraska,” which was published in the Hayden Reports for 1874, I attributed the formation of the Loess deposits to subaqueous agency. Since then renewed atten- tion has been given to the Loess, which has been stimulated by Baron Von Richthofen’s great work on the Loess of northeastern China. He took the ground, as a few American geologists had previously suggested, that the Loess was a subaerial formation. So cogent is his reasoning that some American geologists, who I am satisfied had never thoroughly studied the American Loess in place, have been converted to his views. An examination, there- fore, of this reference here, is not out of place, especially as this theory, if true, would have the most important application to the climatology of the plains. Richthofen’s theory is that the Loess of China, and the Loess everywhere, was formed on dessicated regions covered by scanty grasses, by the action through countless centuries of strong winds. 18 274 3 GEOLOGY. The exigencies of his theory. require that mountain chains should cut off the moisture from a contiguous, elevated, undrained region. The dessication of such a region exposed to dry, cold winds fur- nished the dust-like materials that filled up lower lands and became the Loess of this period. Prof. Pompally, contrary to his former views, now advocates this theory.* Clarence King now also lends to this theory a qualified assent. These eminent men would account for the Loess of Nebraska in the same way. | I admit that some facts concerning the Loess of Nebraska could be explained by this theory. One of these is the wind structure of some of the Loess hills on the Logan, Elkhorn, Loup and Repub- lican rivers. This structure is often found there as distinct as among the shifting sands of our sea coast. In every case, however, where I examined this structure in the Loess I found it to be su- perficial. Out of nineteen such hills none of them possessed this structure over ten feet deep, and few of them over five feet, and many of them only from two to three feet deep. In the deep can- yons where the Loess is exposed vertically from fifteen to one hundred feet I have never found this wind structure over ten feet deep. It occurs, therefore, only in the Loess that has been recently modified by the winds, and long after it was first deposited. Another fact which the theory of a subzrial origin would ex- plain, is that the terraces in the valley of Oak Creek and Little Salt are formed of Loess, but the high plateau or divides between these streams are Drift. There are other similar cases in the State, where the Loess is comparatively thin. It is natural to suppose that if the Loess had been a subaqueous deposit, it would have been laid down on the uplands as well as in the valleys—if formed subzrially, the valleys would have been filled up first. In other sections, however, the Loess covers with equal thickness uplands and the flanks of the valleys. West of Crete, as far as the Loess extends, it was probably laid down alike on hills and valleys, with only a few unimportant exceptions. In Dakota and Dixon coun- ties, in southern Cedar, and many counties west of these, the Loess frequently is as thick on the high hills as in the terraced valleys. The isolated uplands now devoid of Loess, on the theory of its subaqueous origin, must have been islands in this old Nebraska lake, or else it has been removed by erosion. There aresome facts that point to the former theory—the island origin of these spots de- *See American Journal of Science and Arts for January, 1879. QUATERNARY AGE. 275 void of Loess—as the correct explanation. One of these is that in such sections the Loess that borders on to an exposed Drift region is exceptionally full of the remains of elephants and mastodons. As if these animals had come down to the water to drink and to wal- low, and had become mired and perished. This is proposed, how- ever, as only a provisional explanation. Another observation depended on by Richthofen to substantiate his theory is the depth at which root holes are found in the Loess. He supposes these to occur at such a depth that the grasses that oc- ‘cur at the surface could not possibly have penetrated the Loess to such a depth, and that therefore they must have flourished when this deposit was thinner than at present. Subeerial filling up would account for their presence, as they would be growing during the whole period of the accumulation of the Loess. To this it may be replied that roots descend from the surface through the Loess to an enormous depth. In 1868 I measured the depth of a root of the Buffalo berry (Shepherdia argophylla), at the edge of the St. John’s timber, in Dakota County, and found it to extend fifty-five feet be- low the surface in undisturbed Loess. Near the same point, I traced another root from near the bottom of the Loess in a slide for thirty-nine feet to a stock of grass (Andropogon furcatus). West of old Fort Calhoun the roots of the common blue-grass have pen- etrated the Loess to a depth of from five to fifteen feet. A sumach { Rhus glabra) near by was found to send down roots to a depth of fifteen feet. South of Plum Creek, in the Loess canyons, roots of the lead plant (Amorpha canescens), can be traced in the Loess for from ten to twenty feet. Prof. J. E. Todd has also observed in the Iowa Loess the roots of other grasses to descend to depths of from six to twenty-five feet.* Moreover, these root marks inosculate in every direction, and become fewer the deeper we descend, with some notable exceptions. There are horizons in the Republican Valley, far below the present surface, where the old root marks oc- cur in exceptional numbers. As these fossil root marks are now more or less completely filled with either lime carbonate or oxides of iron, they are readily distinguished. To understand the probable reason for these phenomena, on the theory of the subaqueous origin of the Loess, the following sections are given. The first is taken from along the sides of a canyon leading into a tributary of the *Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Vol. 27, St. Louis Meeting, August, 1878. 276 GEOLOGY. Republican, in Township 27 West, 1 and 2 North. It is exposed for many 1uiles: R= TiOGSG: oo din wal WG ANAS Wo Sid wate ste Se eee ee ene) 2 ee 4 feet. 2.” Black Soil’) s.06i wah <'stag A ee? sels EN Ok se a ee Ole at Le eee pT eo 3. | Loess extending down to upper terrace ....-77 2550-6. e eee Eien) eae Ae) BRUGCK BOT: 5 250 nis ike ee Ags tant abe tnichicton ey Set Uslalt a tohel ts aan eee 144% Be AsOCSB is sou ais ope wla'y x apis ware Sie eh evaleiege ona, SPR days Teka ter eee eee BES GO. Black SOs Oca ee. Sak Se ee ee 14s 7. Stratified loess i). ads svdales even sedate ep Bee eee eee Cee oe eek Another section, taken two miles above the Republican Forks in Dundy County, from the sides of a small tributary, showed the following characters: } i Black sol.) iis Tas eee isaw) bee rere kk ESI Ee ce ee ee 1 foot. De tN POS 3 Fo elit s So oes Shs a Ew Ben mtn oe jee oe oie tol. ee 5 feet. Bo) BBCK SOM: - ic ieis 6. 0 ih toin vale 6 mielaiced, ok: s Sede oie: ape, Mae ee eee 1 foot. F ey OF GY ee a ee Un er ee She SREY dr Eee ete oe gle 15 feet. The following section was taken near the Arickeree, about six miles east of the west line of the State. This section can be dupli- cated in any of the numerous small canyons in this region: he 5 Bisel SOIL 20550. 5 ein eovig's SS ee wo hes the eee ee eee 14 feet. ae Fs. rs eee are rnin ON FYE Cee UR eRe lek Be Ka 15 ae 9) Pe SOU ries se cn aie S sax ete ar ale keke mite tone Peete ecae ee 2 6c 1°. Poess asfar as- exposed sss. sehr OR. Se ie eal ee eee 15 a: Now, in all these sections the Loess next to the Black soils from below is specially full of root marks—the Loess at the bottom of the sections as well as atthe top. This indicates that during the ‘progress of the Loess period there were many changes of level, during some of which these regions became level surfaces, similar to the present, and covered with a rich black soil. These old land surfaces became covered with grasses, whose roots penetrated far into the underlying Loess. Changes of level, and lake conditions came on again, and deposited more Loess, and these changes, con- tinuing through interminable centuries, have gone on till the present. To show that the Republican region was not exceptionable in this respect, the following section is given, from the canyon region south of Plum Creek, on the road to Arrapahoe. It is near the divide between the Platte and Republican: 7. Beek WOU PT Ee oaks neta on apt ai tiara aie Rom tal tee a ee ee eee 3 feet. De} TOSS aha o bie 5S Shab owned ian! 5 le ce hs aint. l sd in len'e te: alia biheitlte ope) AR Sear 40 ‘ B- Black Oil Lo cists cos ai eisids Sincagh culeesl > wppcayeinre bee bs ip inintaars alot atte fa) = alae 2758s A (MUOOSG eich iaic oie Waleter, leis slam: v-2ye cee emi ine bet he ialg Oct ole aoa siete 1" 5. Clay with calcareous concretions .....-... 1. eee ee eee cere cence ies 6. Reddish sandy deposit, with a few calcareous concretions, only two feet EXPOSE .4.0 6 4us be ce sw td oyu win yine pains wal agaye one mele eile 2... 3% QUATERNARY AGE. 24a Here, as in the Republican Valley, the Loess at the bottom of?’ the section (No. 4) has a great many more root marks than the lower part of the Loess above (or No.2). The same explanation is applicable here as in the former case, namely, that these fossil black soils represent conditions of land surface like the present, when the vegetation of the time penetrated from them into the underlying Loess. Now it is probable that these black soils may have been removed in some districts by erosion at the beginning of the re- newed lake conditions, and left no sign of their former presence, except the fossil root marks below. However abundant, therefore, at some horizons these root marks may be in the Loess of this country or Asia, its origin can easily be explained on the theory of its subiqueous origin. Again, itis questionable whether these black soils filled with organic matter are ever formed except in the presence of water. The most probable explanation is that the black soils on top of the Loess have been formed when this lake gradually ap- proached dessication or a drained condition. When it approxi- mated the condition of a peat bog the organic matter was retained (as a large portion is always retained when it decays under water), and mingling with the Loess bottom became a black soil when the drainage was completed. This semi-boggy condition endured for ages—long enough at least to form a black soil from three inches to ten feet thick. In accordance with this view the highest knolls where the land is rolling have in géneral the thinnest covering of black soil. This process is still going on in the bogs of the Mis- souri and many of its tributaries in the Loess region. If the Loess was formed, as I maintain, by subaqueous agency, then it is appar- ent that this old lake became dry land gradually. It surrendered its bottom little by little, until modern conditions prevailed. Another fact depended on by Richthofen to substantiate his theory, is the difference in level between various points of con- nected Loess regions, This objection is based on the assumption that the Loess districts lie at the same level now as during the deposition of this peculiar sediment. No geologist, however, doubts that during Glacial times the continent towards the north laid relatively far above its present level. It is also conceded that ’ during the Champlain Epoch the level of a large part of North America was below what itis now. It is admitted that, partly owing to this depression, and partly to melting ice sheets, temperate latitudes were flooded. The re-elevation of the land drained it. 278 GEOLOGY. Probably the huge terminal morraines helped to confine the water and produce the great lakes of the time. Now it can easily be seen that a certain stage would be reached in the re-elevation of the land when the surface conditions would be precisely such as is claimed for the great lakes of the Loess period. Confirmatory of this induction is the fact that the Loess valleys running proxi-- mately east and west through Nebraska have almost universally long gentle slopes on the north side and steeper bluffs on the south. As the continent rose towards the north slowly and gently, the streams retired gradually towards the south side of the valleys and produced this peculiar configuration. It is true that here the Loess. in southeast Nebraska is over 3,000 feet below the highest point on the west line of the State. At other points the difference of level in the Loess of Nebraska is over 3,500 feet. But this is more than paralleled by the remnants of the old Pliocene lake of the plains, where the present difference of level between its eastern and western shore is over 7,000 feet. No geologist, however, doubts. that in Pliocene times it occupied about the same plane. The change in level, therefore, on the theory that the Loess was formed in a lake, since the close of that period, is only about half as great as that which-occurred since the close of Pliocene times. The assumed fact that fresh water shells are absent and land: shells abundant in the Loess, is also depended on by Richthofen to prove his theory. However it may be in China, here fresh water shells are quite abundant at some horizons. The species of land and fresh water shells that I have thus far identified from the Loess of Nebraska are appended to the end of this chapter. It will be seen that large numbers of them are fresh water shells. They are not found merely near existing fresh water streams, as has been suggested—they are equally abundant on the divides wherever there are well shafts to bring them to light. It is an interesting analogous fact that in the eddies and in the sand bars and silted up. hollows of the Missouri, at the present time, about the same rela- tive proportion of land and fresh water shells are found as in the Loess. For example, four miles below Dakota City, on a sand bar, I have on several occasions examined the exposed silt after flood time for shells. In 1871 I here obtained of existing kinds. brought down by the river, thirty-five species of land and twenty of fresh water shells. Three years afterwards, at the same point, I obtained five less of the former and six of the latter. The Mis- QUATERNARY AGE. 279 souri, in its upper portion at least, is not rich in fresh water shells, neither its bottoms nor waters being highly adapted tothem. This evidently also was the case with the Loess lake of this region, which was fed, as we shall presently see, by the Missouri and the Platte. I do not adopt the views suggested by Hilgard that the waters of this lake, probably from its alkaline character and the constitution of the Loess itself, destroyed the more fragile shells.* As in the Missouri at the present time, there were comparatively few shellsin this oldlake. Evena large part of the fresh water shells now found in the Loess were probably carried into this lake from its smaller tributaries. Richthofen also claims that the Loess exhibits no marks of strat- ification, and that therefore it could not have been formed by sub- aqueous agencies. In my earlier studies of the Loess it also ap- peared to me to be without stratification. Since my earlier pub- lished papers on this subject, I have found the most convincing evi- dence that the Loess, at least in some sections, is as distinctly strati- fied as the modified Drift beneath it. The following section is given from the new railroad cut at Plattsmouth, to show the hori- zon of stratification. The section is taken from the east end of the cut: a a Sa EE TRS 0 a Sane ae 2 feet ie SIE iS ee ear ey a i ee a £0.54 Deeened et, Oess, Hhely laminated . ... 6. 6 weeds w i cee acne Taeseess.00 4, Reddish brown, impure Loess, mingled with silicious streaks....15 ‘ 5. Small boulders, gravel and lime concretions. Small boulders, sometimes covered with lime. Someclay. Colors, various. ME eas dee et iat ee ianiersie ta Seo wip 5 com k aie koe wae fis eis In this section No. 2 is clearly stratified. A similar laminated appearance is seen in some of the Loess at the west or Plattsmouth end of this cut. In the Republican Valley the lower sections of the Loess are now found to be distinctly laminated and occasionally stratified. Here the strata of Loess are sometimes separated by strata of sand, and even, sometimes, on the upper Republican, by layers of sand and gravel. Similar sections can be seen in some of the canyons through the Loess southwest of Plum Creek. At Plattsmouth, and on the Lower Loup, beds of light are often sepa- rated by beds of darker colored Loess. Along the bluffs of the Republican Valley this condition can be observed for many miles in a stretch. Conspicuous examples can be seen going west from *American Journal of Science and Arts, for April, 1879. 28() GEOLOGY. Orleans. I find, also, that almost any section of our Loess, when saturated with moisture and then frozen and shaved smooth with a knife, will show fine lines of stratification seroma looked at through. a large magnifying glass A fact often overlooked is the transition character of some beds of sand, as they shade into the Loess. As beds of Loess and strat- ified sands at the bottom of Loess sections often alternate, and even sometimes with strata of clay, it is not easily conceivable how. subaqueous agency should have formed the one and eolian agency the other. The preceding discussion disposes of the most important objec-. tions to the theory of the subaqueous origin of the Loess. The ' theory of Richthofen is not tenable, in my judgment, for the Ne- braska Loess. I have no doubt that future investigation will show it to be untenable for China. We are now ready to state connect- edly the history of the origin of the Loess. True Origin of the Loess Deposits —Geological events have already been traced to the beginning of the Loess period. According to Newberry the whole of the Old Forest Bed area now less than 1,100 feet above the level of Lake Erie was flooded by the changes of level and-thawing of retreating glaciers that followed its disap- pearance. In Nebraska during this time icebergs again floated over the waters. The farther retreat of the glaciers and the eleva- tion of eastern Iowa reduced the area of this great lake. What had been a great interior sea of turbulent waters had now become a system of placid lakes that extended from Nebraska and western Iowa at intervals to the Gulf. The Missouri drained through them all along its length. The Missouri, and sometimes the Platte, have been amongst the muddiest streams in the world. If we go up the Missouri to its source, and carefully examine the character of the deposits through which it passes, we cannot be surprised at its character. These deposits being of Tertiary and Cretaceous ages, are exceedingly friable and easy of disintegration. The Tertiary, and especially the Pliocene Tertiary, is largely silic- ious, and the Cretaceous is both silicious and calcareous. In fact, in many places the Missouri and its tributaries flow directly over and through the chalk-beds of the Cretaceous deposits. From these beds the Loess deposits no doubt received their per cent of the phosphates and carbonates of lime. Flowing through such de- posits for more than a thousand miles, the Missouri and its tribu- QUATERNARY AGE. 281 taries have been gathering for vast ages that peculiar. mud which filled up their ancient lakes, and which distinguishes them even yet from most other streams. Being anciently, as now, very rapid streams, as soon as they emptied themselves into these great lakes, and their waters became quiet, the sediment held suspended was dropped to the bottom. While this process was going on in the earlier portion of this age, the last of the glaciers had probably not retreated farther than first a little beyond the boundary of the Loess lake, and then gradually to the headwaters of the Platte, the Missouri and the Yellowstone. The tremendous force of these mighty rivers was, for a while at least, aided by the erosive action of ice, and therefore must have been vastly more rapid at times than anything of the kind with which we are now acquainted. The following analysis of Missouri River sediment taken at high staze will show, by comparison with the analyses of the Loess deposits, what a remarkable resemblance there is even yet between the two substances. In one hundred parts of Missouri River sediment, there are of— NCIS | MUMULCE . os s\n cis se ae ee Sn cise hows wolnee Sere dins'ees 82.01 ae ened 5-21 GS to ola s Aenea A phat gam dk ve wianen Wb a bs eis leldte e/e 3.10 a Se eG a Sit 6 fo ict sa 2 Jal wi dng SUR mp, Sig aCalot Bl'y oS R pid pense sie Bis G8 jy fi RT Rn hale. ia Wiles, occ 61a) Sorc a8 Wo lis, Wide aig wed vn, eae daa ged « 6.50 Time, phosphate........... We rs othe Se Pie Song stew x 2 We Ss 3.00 SD Ba lg Bd 10) ding (PCE et ea vee Scat eke nce tate Seo un e we eeprom ae eee 2 feet. 3: ATTUVIGNE, «coho 6k eo ete ceo ake elo Biateiet son mist ance ence ee de EBACE SOU ee oe aa cc ees ae ae re hc io Bo Abboviain os ae Fa ates satis nee el eae are eet eee i eee 4 + 6. COS zc cs Bete aes Aa eRaiein Be DARN ie ee a ee ee es peel a eer re 7. va io lee eee ess he 0 we eee ee a eee ee + . Bo Bleek Oil 2 3 cic ed wise the oes stn oreo state ee ahdette eeren teeta een 1 foot: 9;'\Leess and Drifters oe oo ee eo este ae tene eee ee eee . 4 feet. 10! ‘Black: soil... a Sy set eee fens oe eee eee 1.25*¢ This section tells its own story—a history of frequent changes of level. After the last Loess was laid down, river alluvium was de- posited, on top of which appeared a black soil, which was again flooded and covered with alluvium. On top of the last, Drift ma- terial, which most nearly resembles glacial Drift, was formed, which in turn gave way again to the present black soil of this re- gion. It would not be surprising if further investigation should confirm the explanation suggested above—that the upward move- ment of the Terrace Epoch continued until a much higher level than the present was reached. Local glaciers might then readily have been formed in the extreme western sections ot the State, or at least in Colorado, the movements and melting of which pro- duced the drift and gravel beds that are found in so many places. overlying the Loess. The rivers might then have been worn down much below their present level, and even, in places, to bed- rock. After the opposite or descending movement commenced, the rivers again silted up their beds. This silting up continued to recent times. At present the indications are that there is a slight QUATERNARY AGE. 293 upward movement of this portion of the continent, amounting to perhaps one or two feet to the century. The terraces made during this epoch occupy various heights above the flood-plains. The one next to the rivers in the interior ranges from three to six feet above the lowest bottom. The next is from twelve to twenty-five feet above the first, and a third at varying heights above the last. Often terraces intermediate be- tween these are detected. They vary so much in height that the system ascertained to exist at one place is no guide for the next river. This variation, no doubt, is partly caused by one or two or more corresponding terraces being removed by subsequent erosion. They are the memorials of the rivers’ former stay for an indefinite time at that level. It is possible that this Terrace Epoch was as long as the Loess period, but of this there is no certainty, as it partakes in part of the character of a lost interval of geological history. Alluvium.—Next to the Loess deposits, in an economical point of view, the Alluvium formations are the most important. The val- leys and flood-plains of the rivers and smaller streams, where these deposits are found, are a prominent feature of the surface geology of the State. All the rivers of the interior, such as the Platte, the Republican, the Niobrara, the Elkhorn, the Blues, the Nemahas, and their tributaries, have broad bottoms in the center or on one side of which the streams have their beds. The width of these bottoms seem to be dependent on the character of the underlying reck-forma- tion. Where this is soft or yielding, the bottoms are broad, but where it is hard and compact they contract. This is, no doubt, one reason why the bottoms on the middle or upper courses of some of the rivers are wider than farther down.* These broad bottoms, as we have already seen, represent the ancient river-beds toward the close of the Loess age. It required many ages to drain the mighty ancient lake-bed; and when the present rivers were first outlined, the greater part of it was yetavastswamp orbog. But, gradually, as the continent rose to a higher level, the rivers cut deeper and ceeper, filling the whole ftood-plain from bluff to bluff. Not until the drainage of this region was completed and the continent had reached nearly to its present level, was the volume of water so much diminished that the rivers contracted their currents and cut new beds somewhere through the present bottoms. The terraces, which are so numerous along many of the river-bottoms, indicates *See on this subject Hayden’s Report for 187). 294 GEOLOGY. the slowness with which the land assumed its present form. The upper terraces were dry bottom when all the rest of the valley was yet ariver-bed. It is probable that some of these bottoms were ex- cavated during sub-glacial times, and afterward were filled up with debris when the continent had reached the lowest level. The great depth of sand and mud at the bottom of the Missouri, being from forty to one hundred feet below water along the Nebraska line be- fore solid rock is reached, indicates an elevation of this region, when this was accomplished, far greater than it reached at any period during or immediately after Loess times. When this great lake commenced to be drained, the waters naturally took the direction and place of least resistance, which was the original bed of the river. If the Rocky Mountain system continues to rise, as it is be- lieved to be doing, at the rate of a few feet to the century, although degradation may be equal to elevation, a time must come in the dis- tant future when the Missouri will again roll over solid rock at its bottom. As typical of the river-bottoms, let us look at the formation of ~ the Platte Valley. The general direction of this great highway from the mountains to the Missouri is from west to east. This val- ley is from three to twenty miles wide in Nebraska, and over five hundred miles long. All the materials that once filled up this trough, from the tops of the highest hills on each side, have been, since the present rivers were outlined, toward the close of the Lo- ess age, transported by the agency of water to the Missouri and the Gulf.* Here, then, are several thousand miles in area of surface en- tirely removed by denudation. Now the Platte comprises only a fraction of the river-bottoms of Nebraska. The Republican, alone, for two hundred miles has a bottom ranging from three to eight miles in breadth. The combined length of the main bottoms of the Blues, Elkhorns, and the Loups, would be over a thousand miles, and their breadth ranges from one to ten miles. The Nemahas and the Bows, and portions of the Niobrara, also add a great deal to the area of bottom lands. All these rivers have numerous tributaries, which have valleys in size proportionate to the main rivers, and these more than double the areas of bottom-land. The Missouri has, also, in some counties, like Dakota and Burt, con- tributed large areas of bottom-land to the soil of the State. These Missouri bottoms in Nebraska are exceptionally high, so that few *See Hayden’s Report for 1870. QUATERNARY AGE. 295 of them have been overflowed since the settlement of the country. The one element of uncertainty about them is, when located near the river, the danger of being gradually washed away by the un- dermining action of the water. Sometimes during flood-time, when the current sweeps the bank, it is so insiduously undermined that, for several rods in length and many feet in breadth, it tumbles into the river. This cutting of the river is greatest when it com- mences to fall. Where the bank is removed on one side it gener- ally is built up on the other. The old town of Omadi, in Dakota County, is an instance of this kind. So rapidly did the river cut into the bank, that many of the houses could not be removed, and fell victims to the flood. The river cut far enough to the west of the old site to leave it and its own bed, after being blown full of sand, to be grown up into a forest of cottonwood. When now we bring into our estimate all the river bottoms of Nebraska, and the tributaries of these rivers, and reflect that all these valleys were formed in the same way, within comparatively modern geological times, the forces which water-agencies brought into play almost appal the mind by their very immensity. So well are these bottom-lands distributed that the emigrants can, in most of the counties of the State, choose between them and the uplands for their future home. Insome of the new counties, like Fillmore, where bottom-lands are far apart, there are many small, modern dried-up lake beds, whose soil is closely allied to that of the valleys Not unfrequently is the choice made of portions of each, on the supposition that the bottom-lands are best adapted for the growth of large crops of grasses. But all the years of experience in culti- vating uplands and bottoms in Nebraska leave the question of the superiority of the one over the other undecided. Both have their advocates. The seasons as well as the location have much to do with the question. Some bottom-lands are high and dry, while others are lower and contain so much alumina that in wet seasons they are ‘difficult to work. On such lands, too, a wet spring inter- feres somewhat with early planting and sowing. All the uplands, too, which have a Loess origin, seem to produce cultivated grass as luxuriantly as the richest bottoms, especially where there is deep cultivation on old breaking. Again, most of the bottom-lands are so mingled with Loess materials, and their drainage is so good that the cereal grains and fruits are as productive on them as on the high lands. The bottom-lands are, however, the richest in organic 296 GEOLOGY. matter. The following analyses of these soils will give a better idea of their physical character. The samples were taken from what are believed to be average soils. The first is from the Elk- horn, the second from the Platte, the third from the Republican, and the fourth from the Blue River. The fifth is from an excep- tionally wet and sticky soil, about two miles southeast of Dakota City. No 1.| No 2. | No.3 | No.4.|] No.5. Insoluble (silicious) matter............. 63.07) 63. 3.70 63.01! 62.99) 61.03 Perric: OXIUP .3)) ) oo steed te telene eee 2 85| 2.96 .2.40| 2.47) .25e2 Alarmag ee a eee 8.41] 7.76| 8.36] 8.08] 10.52 jaime: canbotiate safe) ae se ee 7.08} 7.99, 8.01] 7.85! 7.09 Dilime-PHoOspuate. 3.5 Y\s/c.las ene ae wee .90 .85) .99 94 .98 Magnesia ‘Carponate’ ...... 2 s4 aise sete 1.41) Pts) 2.39) 1.40) Tones Potash ad eke Oa oe eee .50 .54 .61 .67 .60 OE oo ies hers c Bik btm nis oes pe ee .49 ~52 54 .58 57 SUL UATIC BCI |. oc.3) vce ea ee eke .79 .70 71 .79 .69 Oraeanic matter. . tec ds7k Sbies te ee 14.00, 13.45] 18.01] 18.27] 18.40 AGRE AW BUBIVSIS® 5 a5 Slavia a the olevee sce aiateen 250) | 299 97 .96 -92 Totaly, .aihanes URS ale h iota stele Mdangiene aleve iat ts 100.00, 100.00'100.00 100.00,100.00 It is well known that many soils vary a great deal in chemical properties that are taken only a few feet apart, and therefore anal- yses often fail to give a correct idea of their true character. But from the above analyses, taken from widely distant localities, it is at least evident that chemically, alluvium differs from the Loess de- posits principally in having more organic matter than alumina, and less silica, The depth of the alluvium varies greatly. Occasionally sand and drift materials predominate in the river bottoms, especially in the subsoil; sometimes the alluvium is of unknown depth, and again in a few feet the drift pebbles and sand of the subsoil are struck. This is especially the case in some of the western valleys which were worn down to the drift, and were not again subse- qently filled up, though such cases are not often met with. There must have been a period of longer or shorter duration, when the bottoms were in the condition of swamps and bogs; and during this period the greater part of that organic matter, which is a distinguish- ing feature of these lands, accumulated inthe surface-soil. It would be easy to select isolated spots, where the soil has forty per cent of organic matter; where, in fact, itis composed of semi-peat. When we reflect that this black soil is oftentwenty feet thick, it is appar- QUATERNARY AGE. 297 ent that the period of its formation must have been very long. There are still some few localities where that formative condition has been perpetuated to the present time—as, for example, the bogs that are yet met with at the head-waters of the Elkhorn and the Logan, along the Elk Creek, on the Dakota bottom, and on the Stinking River, one of the tributaries of the Republican. In fact, along these tributaries all the intermediate stages from perfectly dry bottom to a bog can yet be found. But, so much has the volume of water been lessened in all the rivers of Nebraska through the influence of geological causes, that there are few places where now, even in flood-time, they overflow their banks. A curious phenomenon, il- lustrating through what changes of level and other conditions these river bottoms have passed, before reaching their present form, is the occurrence at various depths, of from ten to fifty feet, of great masses of timber ina semi-decayed condition. One such deposit on the Blue River bottom, near the mouth of Turkey Creek, success- fully interrupted the digging of awell. So many thicknesses of logs occurred that it was found best to abandon the work already done for a new place. I have frequently observed trees, with trunks twenty to sixty feet long, sticking out from under the banks of the Mis- souri, where the soil had been freshly removed. It is possible that this timber accumulated in these places during the period when the rivers yet covered their entire bottoms, and when numberless trees must have been carried down during flood-time, and either stranded on the ancient sand bars and mud-banks, or sunk to rise no more in the deeper pools and eddies which were rapidly fitled up. The species, so far as I have yet been able to determine, from an exam- ination of the half-decayed wood, are the same as yet grow in this region. _ They are principally cottonwood, elm, cedar, maple and walnut. THE Sanv-HILts. The sand-hills are an often-mentioned portion of Nebraska. ‘They are found in certain sections of the western portion of the State. South of the Platte Valley they run parallel with the river, and are from one-half to six miles in breadth. A few are also found on the tributaries of the Republican. Occasionally slightly sandy districts are found as far east as the Logan, but they rarely approach even a small hill in magnitude. A few sand ridges are also fuund on the Elkhorn. North of the Platte, from about the mouth of the Calamus on to the Niobrara, they cover much larger 298 GEOLOGY. areas. They are also found over a limited area north of the Nio- brara. Hayden (Report for 1870, p. 108) estimates the area of the sand-hills at about 20,000 square milas. From exploring the same region, I should not estimate them as so extensive, unless the fact be kept in mind that they are not continuous over the whole region. They are indeed found all the way for 100 miles west from the mouth of Rapid River, but in many places from eight to twenty miles south of the Niobrara there are spots where the soil seemed to be a mixture of Drift and Loess, and of high fertility, as was in- dicated by the character and rankness of the vegetation. Some- times these hills are comparatively barren, and then again they are fertile enough to sustain a covering of nutritious grasses; so that this region is by no means the utterly barren waste that it is some- times represented to be. It has been a favorite range for buffalo, and still is for antelope and deer; and, judging from their condition, the conclusion would be natural that this region could be used for stock-raising. In fact, already large herds of cattle are kept here. A great deal of the vegetation is peculiar to sandy districts. Some of the hills seem to have their loose sands held together by the Ucca angustifolia, which sends its roots down toa great depth. It _ probably marks a certain stage in their history. After this plant has compacted and. given to the sands organic matter, the grasses come in and partially clothe the hills. The materials of these sand- hills are almost entirely sand, pebbles, and gravel, of varying de- grees of fineness. The sand always predominates. Occasionally it is more or less modified by the presence of other materials, such as lime, potash, soda, alumina, and organic matter. These hills are in some places stationary, and so covered by vegetation that their true character is not suspected until closely examined. In other places again, especially in portions of the Loup and Niobrara region, they are so loosely compacted that the wind is ever changing their form, and turning them into all kinds of fantastic shapes. The most common appearance is that of a plain, undulating or hilly re- gion, covered with conical hills of drifting sands. The smaller ele- vations frequently show a striking resemblance to craters. One such curious hill I found south of the Calamus, where the crater- like basin seemed to be compacted at once, and grown over with a species of wire grass. With the increase of rainfall and vegetation, the remodifying effects of the winds disappear. QUATERNARY AGE, 299 Some eminent geologists have sought to account for these hills by the theory that the winds in the course of ages have blown the sand from the bars on the rivers until their accumulation caused these peculiar elevations. There are many difficulties in the way of this theory. East of Columbus no sand-hills are found, and it is hard to conceive how they should come to be limited to the west- ern portion of the State if they were formed in this way. In some places at least the hills are partly composed of large pebbles and stones that could not have been moved by the winds. This is espe- cially the case in some of these hills south and east of Kenesaw, in Adams County. I suggest, as a provisional explanation, the prob- ability that, south of the Platte, the lines of sand-hills show the track of a current in the old lake that produced the Loess deposits. It is well known that fine sediment is deposited in still water, but coarse materials, such as sand and pebbles, in the borders and in tracks of currents. As the whole country rises toward the west, the water here may have veen very rapid, and the land in process of drying up when it was yet deep at its lower levels. Both causes, the currents and the winds, may have co-operated to pro- duce these deposits. I am also satisfied that in some localities the sand-hills are nothing more than modified Loess deposits. They are Loess deposits, with all the alumina, organic matter ard finest sand washed out of them. This at least seems to be the origin of some of the sand-hills on the Lower Loup, where they occupy a lower level than the Loess deposits. These two deposits so often shade into each other in the vicinity of the sand-hills, rendering it impossible to tell where the one begins and the other ends, that the theory of their common origin best explains the phenomena of these formations. After the western portion of the Loess deposits first became dry land, water-agencies were yet so powerful espec- ‘ially in flood times that much of it must have been remodified, and the coarser materials left to form sand-hills. And as we have already seen in another chapter, some of the sand and gravel hills partake largely of the Old World Kames, and may have been formed in the same way, especially as against these the Loess de- posits abut. The sand-hills on the Upper Loup and the Niobrara probably derived the bulk of their materials directly from the Plio- cene Tertiary deposits, which were mainly loosely compacted sands. This old Pliocene lake was probably perpetuated here down through Loess times to the borders of our own era. Even 300 GEOLOGY. yet lakelets are numerous over portions of this region, some of of which are alkaline and others fresh water. The latter can easily be distinguished from the former at sight by the thick vegetation growing around their margins, of which the former have very little, and sometimes not atrace. It is at least evident that these fresh-water lakes have had some common origin. Their fauna would prove it. The same species of fish and fresh-water mollusks are found in most of the large ones, even where there is no perceptible present outlet. Althouzh opposed to the views of eminent scientists, I have no doubt that many of these hills are capable of cultivation, and some day will be cultivated. In fact already many of them, that ten years ago were barren of vegetation, are now covered by a vig- orous growth of grasses, and some that are favorably located are ‘successfully included among the cultivated fields of adjoining farms. Notable examples of this can be seen south of Lowell. The trans- formation has been caused by the increasing rainfall of the State. Not all of them, indeed, will be utilized until the rich lands that border them are improved. But when better lands become scarce and costly, advances will gradually be made on the sand-hills. Already it has been proved that they produce corn, sweet pota- toes and other root crops equal at least to the New Jersey sands. The rich marl beds in their vicinity will supply an inexhaustible source of fertilizing them. Much has been done by geologists in exploring these sand-hills, still much more remains to be accomplished before all the causes that produced them are thoroughly understood. ALKALI LANDS. Every one in Nebraska will sooner or later hear of the so-called alkalilands. They are not confined to any one geological forma- tion, but are found sometimes on the Drift, Alluvium, or the Loess. They increase in number from the eastern to the western portions of the State. Yet one-half of the counties of the State do not have any such lands, and often there are only a few in a township or county. Where they have been closely examined they are found to vary a great deal in chemical constituents. Generally, however, the alkali is largely composed of soda compounds, with an occa- sional excess of lime and magnesia or potash. The following an- alyses of these soils show how variable they are. ‘The first is taken QUATERNARY AGE. 30t from the Platte bottom, south of North Platte; the second from near old Fort Kearney, and the third two miles west of Lincoln: | No. 1. | No. 2. | No. 3. See teilicious) Matter... ...--...-- 66sec eensse- 74.00 73 10 73.90 I ee le ee cuces neon ne | 3.80 3.73) 3.69 ESS I re eee | 2.08 2.29} 2.10 Ne Sain wie vine wie aie ie wie sive o's ween om hes OE 4.29) 3.90 oe pyc) r ain sae aire » = Si6,0 ess6 sp oa © 2 ‘ete es ied ae ee IERIE fa 8c Sy Sa Sie) Soin ce alee es 2 of 189)" £1.29) Dias EE ee eee a ee 1.68 1.80) 3.69 Soda carbonate and bicarbonate................. Gea Oral) 7.33' 4.91 RRS i eT ae ee Pe | .70} © .89 .89 I acces eg shia ald = xvpon glenn mins, «\ava's, a's +008 |; ,.99),.98] .98 oA es ole ow hin sin ae ec we wn'e ahs wie ap | 1.20; 2.10) 2.10 NIRA ea eee eds tee deca dan 2 PO .78| 80] .88 Me Chae SoS aaa S dite Pape <9 54 ope dine 50 0.6 100.00 100.00 100.00 The specimens for analysis were not taken from soils crusted over with alkaline matter, but from spots where the ground was covered with a sparse vegetation. Many of the alkali lands seem to have originated from an accu- mulation of water in low places, where there is an excess of alum- ina in the soil or subsoil. The escape of the water by evaporation left the saline matter behind, and, in the case of salt (sodium chlo- ride), which all waters are known to contain in at least minute quantities, the chlorine, by chemical reactions, separated from the sodium; which latter, uniting immediately with oxygen and car- bonic acid, formed the soda compounds. These alkali spots are often successfully cultivated. The first steps toward their renovation must be drainage and deep cultiva- tion. The next step is the consumption of the excess of alkali, which can be effected by crops of the cereal grains in wet seasons. In such seasons these alkali lands, if deeply cultivated, often pro- duce splendid crops of grain. Wheat is especially a great con- sumer of the alkalies; and these being partly removed in this way, and the remaining excess mingled with the deeply cultivated soil, renders it, in many instances, in a few years capable of being used for the other ordinary crops of Nebraska. Treated in this way, these alkali lands often become the most valuable portions of the farm. There are comparatively few alkali lands in the State that cannot be reclaimed in this way. 302 GEOLOGY. Hird Pan.— Gumbo Soit—One of the peculiar deposits of the State is known among the people as hard pan, and in some places as gumbo soil. It never occurs in this State over extensive areas. In some few counties and townships it occurs in spots—sometimes on bottoms and sometimes on level uplands. The areas covered by it range in extent from a few yards to several acres. Sometimes these spots lie slightly below the general level of the land, and in places shade insensibly into what are known as clay and wet lands. There are,a few townships in the south part of Cedar, Knox, and the north part of Pierce counties where occasional sections occur that have a spotted appearance which is produced by these “ gum- bo soils.” They are easily recognized by the paucity of the pecu- liar blue and wire grasses that cover them. More rarely they are covered by from two to six inches of alluvium or ordinary upland soil, and only give indications of their presence when an attempt is made at their cultivation. They “ bake” and become exceedingly hard when dried. The most compact of these soils are plowed and cultivated with great difficulty. The following analyses indicate their composition. The first is taken from a specimen on Salt Creek bottom, and the second from the lower Nemaha: Tasoluble: (siHiciolis) Arbors si a. wea eats eee see ee Sree a7 11) 207Gi WOPFIC OXTGGE)....j topercss gavin ic aieere sein Bt end pian phe Basan Ghee” nena anna 4.32) 2.83 Alinta, JC1BY 2 eros a 3 em) ace a cy a oh ae ee Pe te 5011) Sica LAME: Carbonate, oc oath ce /5 2 ee oem, eaten sentra mes 8.21} 9.08 Lime phosphate... oiisi25. A 3 Artesian borings in Laramie Gr oup . - 203 Fy LIGICOIM GU fe - 166 ee ‘© Omaha : 5 - 166 Artesian well in Beatrice and Omaha sy OD ae ee TAM COL ~2 c =)... 104 Ds ss chemical consti- of water Pa 510) aie wells : : - - 31s Arickeree, Pliocene beds on . - 238 Asthmatic subjects cured in Nebraska - 147 Atlantosaurus beds . : . r ee Mibyhe Atmosphere, a motive power . ula = purity and clearness of atk real Authorities on Nebraska Geology and Natural History . ; . ee) Bad Lands 5 4 > Sel a agricultural character - 9303 te geological at . 303 aes of Furt Bridger. E APUG. ie of Miocene age 2 - eet Bathmodontidxe - 2 > 218 Batrachians, tailed . FE era 743) Beatrice, hydraulic limestone at : 514 | Beetle, cottonwood leaf . P ‘ . 134 Big Horn Mountains 2 “ “ « 200 Birds, fossil in Pliocene beds . ; a 242 ‘* reptilian in Niobrara Group . = 06 ia) modern . - - * Seley, ‘+ Anserine - : : : a) 26 Ae) NCarnivOorous, ... - - : oe SUED ‘s chimney swallows ‘ Pf! bes) Sia. (Crowiaemnily: ... - 5 s a) aoe: = Giving birds. - * ; Spe pe a ‘* belted kingfisher . E - 125 ‘+ buntings 5 5 _ Z - 124 1A 322 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Carboniferous age, fossils of . - - 165 | Dinosaurs . 2 F wel 76 SC TOCKSIOL - - 163-164 © os sin Niobrara Group : : Se lke Vs ‘* sections of rocks 164 ne in Laramie Group . - a 205 ve rocks for building . - 313 | Dinocerata = OLF 8 age, vegetation of . - 168 | Divide between Missouri and Mississippi a Soe Carnivora in Nebraska 5 - = - 119 | Dog family ; 230-247 he of Fort Bridger Eocene . - 219! Drainage, general character of 5 70 ra of Miocene $ i 2) Drift materials ; - 255- 256-257 Cat family in Miocene i - 229 mingled w ith alluvium - 256 Lat in Pliocene c - - 246! oe sections of = 257 Cats, father of . ‘ > c - 219 Eaton on coal in Lincoln . 5 A 166 Charts of rainfall : : ° F - 37 Eccentricity. the earth’s changes of - 3807 Chalk blutis E > : : : - 188 Economic geology . - 39 es rocks from, for building 313 Ehrenberg : “4! -189- 210 Cherries. wild é 5 . A - 100, Elevation of towns and stations in Ne- Childs, Dr., meteorolegical tables of braska 5 : 6 20-21—22-23 Elevation, average of east half. of State : 9 Chinch bug, history of ete. 2 c otal one of west half of State . 9 Climate of Carboniferous age 170 Bie lee of going west E 4 9 ‘¢ future effect in Nebraska 154 ot biel fot whole State - 9-70 ‘¢ extreme effects in Nebraska 149 | Elkhorn River, where it rises, length, Climatic conditions in Quaternary 305 character and tributaries . . oh balGex ee Lyell’s theory . 3806) Elevation of Pliocene beds 234 ss art Croll’s and Geike’s Elephants, earliest forms of : = vA § theories 307 < in Pliocene 244 Climatology of Nebraska c 17 | Elk, numbers of, etc. ; 118 Clouds, sharp outlines of . 3 oe toe Emmons, Prof., analysis of Missouri wa- Coal, artesian borings for P 167 ter Aye Biss ‘* fields of Tria Juro deposits 175 | Endlich, Prof. “ analy: sis of gey serite, by . 245 ‘¢ jin Carboniferous of Nebraska - 165 Enemies to injurious insects a . Js ‘¢ in Cretaceous of Nebraska 206 | Eocene Epoch . F : : 2 2 2) ‘* jn Lincoln artesian boring 166 ae groups of . os oe ‘¢ in Upper Carboniferous ; 166 ah life of "219- 213-214- 215 Colorado Group, how forined, by King 198 &S length of 216-218-ete 2 Range, Pliocene beds of . . 249 | Epoch, Niobrara : 187 Columbine : a A : é api le: 3 Miocene ; E - 221 Composite family - 80] Erie clays . : s 6 254 Conglomerate of Pliocene beds . 238) Erickson on solar engines” 152 Consumption discussed. : ° - 147} Erosion during the Miocene . . - 228 Convolvulus family - 5 81 | Estimates comparative of rainfall with Convulsive movements in Plioe ene . + 2p other regions : “ ri eed Cope. Prof. 190-192-194-217-219-226-230 | Europe, rainfall of . Pe tes: 1 Cottonwood leaf beetie - » 134) Evaporation from rivers of Nebraska ~ PPh Ag Coyote ; = - 119} Experiments on absorptive power of soils 45 Cretaceous deposits represented : - 178| Faunaof Nebraska = 3 - peg! bi 7 os ee divisions . 5 - 179 | Kerns : : : é a?) ABE a groups in Colorado - - 180} Ferret, black- footed : : 5 119 Bie period. ; : : 5 pedlires) Figwort family . ‘ , : aL 180 ae e Glose of ° Ota Fire clay, where found, etc. y . 3814 Crinoids : . 169 | Fishes, bony 5 5 a = ary le Crocodile in Green River beds ° 215 6 Carthy agenous. : 130 Crowfoo: family : 78 | Flora of Nebraska, general character of 77 Croxton’s artesian boring 165 me ie origin of . - a) 105 Crustacians of Carboniferous Age 170 ‘¢ Eocene . 3 ( 212-214 Curlew spring at : . 5 F 150 ‘¢ Miocene . ; ; 4 ; eo 22p Currants, wild . : = oo, SLs ‘¢ Pliocene . ‘ = . 241 Curves dominant form of ‘surface ; - 5 | Floras, Gray’s Manual, " -Wood’s Class Cycads fF 176 Book . z i : ath OE Dakota Gr oup, climate of epoch 186 | Flowerless plants é : ae Se discussions in regard to 182 | Flowering plants of Lignitic - 204 ae extent of . ; 181 | Flood- plains of Nebraska rivers : - 282 oe flora accounted for + 186 | Fly, Hessian . : = a a) 18S iy flora disconnected . - 185 | Forest trees of Nebraska : 4 a . 84 x2 first published reports of 184) For ‘est bed, old. : E - - 258 aC how recognized 172-176 Oe vegetation OLi. - w 259 ag Lesquereux’s report on 185 | Forests formerly and now of Nebraska . 84 ze opinions of Marcou and ‘* of Jurassic period P ee Li 4 Capellini : - - 182] Food, kind of in rural districts - 149 ee origin of . a he Fort Benton Group where found é) Le? + source of salt at Lincoln oD sir how originated « 18 ie shallow sea deposit 182 213 iG length of epoch « Lez Dams, how best built . 4 F Spigy Ae e life(ofy— “<. a «) Se Dawn horse = le Fort Bridger Group . 5 : : ee Deer number of species in Nebraska a LS ‘* animal remains «2S Destructive climates . - . a - 149 Fort, Pierre Group . : - a LOT Devonian age . . > « 162 a gypsum in Pes fe Des Moines River coal beds 162-163 ae fe sea : . 3 - 198 INDEX. 323 PAGE PAGE sits absent in Nebraska 173 eee Soh: eet 200 | Juro~Trio period 173 Foxes soho : < ED | Jurassic beds, where found pe . 5 A f Passi iod, close of : lls Grou ; . . . 200 | Jurassic period, 59-998 gem ve P not found in Nebraska mn Searmes! 1S 259 aE aa ‘¢ ~-vegetable remains of eae ae he ve Z E * ms E ee Pex atiek. interes | "1 74-198-215-249-ete. ee erace ‘ 133 Labyrinths on the Niobrara. 13 ee rovers : : : be | Lake Bonneville ; 262 Fruits, wild. of Nebraska ai | Lake Lahontan 263 es emily - . 5 | Lake, Miocene ’ 222 fee eal forms of surface 254 | L: akes number and extent in Nebraska 5 52 Geike James. on origin of till war Gar sols udu | ' 201 Gervais M. of France an / + wotiwalitiee of 204 Gigantic reptiles Ae y Paneer 202 Glacial Drift, second appearance of. mie :. isin dta at 203 ay period ations of. fe i eee | os sediments of . Pa ; 253 | es vegetable life of : - u elses cae rock pi | Lancaster County “section in 257 Glaciers, local during Terrace Epoch al eateecce y; ; 78 dee oR ’ : [ ; 103 Laurentian rocks : 161 cohen A : t 120- 121 | Lava flood at close of Mioc ene . : or ophers . . : Grapes, where finest flourish - sec] re. ik 191-015-991--986_944-957-etc. es , ai) . 6 tam ar. ete : 104 | Lesquereux, quoted . 184-203- 214-etc. icra pat Maca 108 | : Level, changes of during Loess serine 282 ay omeindat i 109 | Lewis and Clarke . - 203 ” i baie ies 1i4 AG Eos On buffalo grass oy Ee fw Batialo disappearance e 51 ce ** on temperature of Mis- Griffith Mountain J i tps igs 48 Group, Dakota . a pent a ; : ? , ES ER SE tt 3 br eee errs af Fort =i gel ; ; . 197 Lithographic stone 316 : ; eo ey 201 | Lobelia family ; : 80 be ee ins 2353 | Locusts, egg layi ne: z 2 y | Me rture of swarms 3! Green River Group, flora of 203- poet | ‘i departure of sv ee 139 Siewlbons 306 | 2 future depredations of 143 ARLES Land, former climate of yd | a Facet leceiabanbin 140 Gumbo soil, analysis Of 1%; : ee ee ye a “Raed. dar 139 Guyot’s table of rainfall i | bs eal ers vote 143 Hares : ne ise REE ate enemies of 142 Harlan County, charac ter ‘of Pliocene non 2 ahi enemies ¢ a Hard ea Rare j . 302 | ‘ nature’s method to destroy 141 f aes , i 182 | 2 numbers that light down 187 = plinecbaty 12 ' a spring history and migration 187 Hare roe ™ 108 | a vertebrate enemies of “i azel nu : ; . 1) 26 Hayden quoted, ‘ete. . 178-181- "188-203-224-244 | Loess deposits, ase of . * 967 pe eitulnees Of "Nebraska ‘ he es adaptability to ‘fr uit 3 QEE Heat, amount receiv ed from the sun ri Pr aecHITCaiirat papperties 269 ess che. 295 vee ve causes of peculiarities 270 2, col Siebeeeeeae 183-225 80 “6 close of period 286 eee 213 3 human remains in 283 Hoofed animals : 4 é 3 Gt ae bf lanaebes 283 Horse family in Miocene . : 226 i eo at ; ; 284 rs eae ; 5 wr | s mollusks of : ~ 287 daar ce La , " ; ; 35 Pie phy sical properties of 267 Humidity, annualand mean . ° ne ¥ Hise bacatecainis 281 ere ee 5 : J 313 | i. Rhine Loess, analysis of 267 Eeemiic copia es ; z 256 ce Richthofen’s theory con- Hieroglyphic on boulder . Fs 256 acca "978 Ice sheet—retreating : 268 | nt B= saute 272 Impurities of water, source of a | i bane ectittiwat ; 280 a ee } , 79 Logan River, character of, ete. : 64 a . ; 3 . 122 Loup: Riv er, head waters of . ; 15 Insectivora . ; ess oneal orilaaat. Bie, ; "66 Insect life, number’o species, ir, - 131} a naka "306 Insect, material conditions in relation to a a cata on changes of ae = Insects, enemies to “ P 3) . ‘ a 117 Infusorial earth in the Pliocene ; a _ Mammals, wild of Nebras aes a8 areca ; i : ; ; 316 | the of Vermillion Group ‘ ¥ F aae hpn dee ; 700° . enn mology neede Isotherm aiinmer of 72 °, “76 } 25 ee Economic Entomology ay Isochimal, winter of 20°’, : . : hd / rea 191-194-213-943-245-etc. June berry : ; 5 F ; ie ar: ae 3 oie J £ - 244 June rains P 3 Z ; 34 | Mastodon of Pliocene 324 INDEX. PAGE PAGE McGee, W. G. . 264 | Nuts . : ; 107 Meek, opinions of on Nebraska Geology Oak Creek, section of blue clay on 253 162-164-179 | Ochre : g 315 Mediteranean sea during Cretaceous 209 | Orchis family . = 4 é $2 Mesozoic times in Nebraska 173-197 | Oreodons . : . . 245-223 Mexico, Gulf of source of moisture 47 | Owen, Prof R pi ; : 194 Mice 3 121-122 | Oysters in Lignitic Group. 205 Microscopic infusorial earth 239 | Oysters in Niobrara Group . 190 Milkweed family 3 . A . 82) Ozone in atmosphere 5 : 52-146 Mint family : ‘ z > 81 | Paint, mineral 315 Miocene Epoch, bad lands of 224 | Palmer, Captain, owner of molar of mas- Ay camel family in : 227 todon . c 5 : ¢ 244 oe carnivora of . 228 | Papaw ; 2 p : : 107 ts close of . ‘ : . 231° Parasite, insect 4 3 s 4 =% hoe a deposits of : 223 Paris, rainfall of : f - ; . 40 Ee elephants of . : . 227 Peak-toothed animals : ‘ 213 Je extent of lakes of . 222 | Peat . 2 r 309 21 flora of . 5 5 > 225, Peat, extent and character OL. 339-310 Bes horse family in 226 Penstemons - 5 : : 80 ae inauguration of 221) Perchers . 2 «) 1s He length of : 223 | Permian Age, character of its rocks sy MLZ pe life. animal of js sno 2 how caused, effects . Parr) Writ Missouri River, at close of Loess period . 282 ele last portion lost , Barb oe character of _. : 58-56 he: where its deposit occurs nef i character during Loess Petrified wood in Pliocene 5 241 . period . : «| (282 on aie in Drift : Pham 4337 ee sediments analyzed . 281 | Pine forests formerly in Nebraska : - 304 ae valley different from Mis- Pink family is sissippi . . ‘ - 155 | Planting of trees, supposed effect on rain- le traffic on . é F 58 fall , 44 Moisture in atmosphere . i i . - 34 | Plant lice, habits, increase, ete 133 ee a relative amount. 35 | Platte drainage into Republican 59 ‘¢ how much absorbed by the soil . 45 ‘* Jength, origin, character 'B8- 59 Mollusks, Jand and fresh water 144 ‘¢ North Fork of, level of, ete. . 59 Se in Lignitice deposits 205 ‘¢ temperature of waters at its mouth oe of Carboniferous age 169 and at North Platte 49 Monkeys, earliest of . : , 219 Pliocene Epoch, analysis of geysers 280 oe of the Miocene 290 animal life of 242 Monchat’s solar er : 152 a beds conformable to Mi- Mosses : é : Reece m ocene . 5 233 Mountain horse ‘ Palys oie birds of . 242 ae regions, supposed drying up of 49 es bisons in : 246 Mudge, Prof. . i 183-238 me calcareous character of . 238 Mulberry, wild : A : a ley oe camels in 245 Muskrat Na Slee he eat family 246 Nebraska affected by "the pr ecipitation in Ky close of 249 the mountains ; : F 49 ke dog family 247 Nebraska a health resort P Bast) Pe elephants in 244 es future of the race in. 153 os elevation of 234 oe partly a land surfacein Miocene 224 ve extinct geysers in . 239 She reserve and now wasted forces of 151 ca favorable conditions for Ee sun power in ; 151-153 animal life in 247 of what to be expected from its ee horse family in 24: people 155 =i how inaugurated 2352 aie when second time a land surfac e 208 ote lake, eastward barren of 234 Nemaha, noted character, character of,ete 64 ar length of 241 Neuralgia, cause of in Nebraska 148 oe materials of in Nebraska 235 Newberry : : 263 te Oreodons 245 Night-shade family ; $1 ig origin of the above. xe 23k Niobrara Group, animal life of. : 189 ‘ picture of, character of 247 birds of 4 195 “is polishing powder, infuso- Ae fossil wood of : 189 vial earth, geyser flo- fishes of = : 200 cula 238 cle reptilesin . 5 Sein a Rhionoseros in 244 oie vegetable life of 189 i ruminants in. 245 ait vigorous life of 196 ee thickness of . 233 Niobrara River, exposures of Miocene on 222 ae section of 236-237 2c region, Sake ay fea- di vegetable life of 241 tures of 13 | Pliocene lake, where perpetuated 299 oe region, exceptional 1 mete- Plum, ground . . ; , : 78, orological conditions of ett AWwAlalor Nebraska 97 38-39 | Polemonium family : s SL vs source, elevation above Polishing powder in Pliocene . : 2, 2389 the sea, Jength, cafions aH origin of 239 of, tributaries, ete 61 oe section of bed 239: Niobrara and Loup, character of Pliocene 236 Pouillet’s solar physics : 151 North Park, Pliocene lake 233 | Position of Nebraska : F : ; 3. 2A INDEX. 325 PAGE PAGE Potters’ clay, where found, and analysis Stanton, Captain W.S.,U.S.A. . 39-65 of : ; F : p 3 . 9814) Strawberries, wild 201 Prairie, its natural compactness 44 | Stone, building ; 311 es —clover | ; : : f - 79| Stout, W. B , stone quarry OL. ~ OL © dogs 120 Streams, increasing size of in Nebraska 42 Pulse family 78 | Subsidence of Basin region 233 Quaternary Age, changes of climate in 306 ee of Pliocene lake 235 a periods of 253-265-291 | Superficial deposits ; 253- 265-! 291 cs inauguration of 253 | Surface deposits, fuel in : . B04 Rabbits : : : 122 | Swift, the . : Set ee Raccoons 119 | Swallows . d 3 ; 182- 161-162 Race, probable future of in Nebraska 153 | Squirrels : 120 Rain. when most apt to fall . 47.| Tables of annual and mean humidity be Oe Rainfall, areas of equal 36-37-38 ‘* of temperature 18-19-20-21-22-23-24 ; se average amount of 35-36 Temper ature above 100° in ten years 23 Fe cause of increasing a4 below zero : 22 ve increasing . 41-43 the different estimates of arf ide increase in west Nebraska ; 46 ~e extremes of 29 Si6 originating from rivers 45 oe mean of years ; ee | a west of 100th Meridian 35 e= ‘* for the seasons . 25-28 Rainy season 34 be ‘* for the whole year 29 Rapid Creek 62 dz of the Missouri . : aris Raspberries 102 ae of the Platte 75 Rats Zé 121 “e of the Missouri and its effect Reptiles in Niobrara Group 191 on evaporation = Republican River origin of, ete. 63 ie tables . : 18-19 Resume of geological histor vy 262 | Terrace Epoch : ; 2 29 Revolution. “geological at close of Laramie ‘is in Europe . 292 Group . : 2 . 207 | Terraces, number and height of 293 Rheumatism in Nebraska . 48 | Tertiary ages, their character and condi- Rhinoceros in Pliocene 244 tion : 248 Richthofen’ 8 theory on origin of Loess 273 ‘© epoch : 209-221- 223-ete. what it explains 274 ‘¢ generalremarkson . 252 he objections to Thompson, 8S. R., head of Nebraska 274-275-276-etc. weather service ‘ 26 of his assumed absence Timber in modern geological times . 304 of shells . 278) Titanotheriums ; > - 226 EF his assumed absence Tortoises in Nebraska 127 of stratification 279 Py in Niobrara Group 194 Rivers of Nebraska 56 ce in Pliocene beds 242 Roads, nature of Nebraska 70 | Transition bed between Eocene and Mio- Rocky Mountains, when formed, ete. 208 cene 220 Rose family 79 | Transition per iod betw een Cr etaceous and Ruminating hogs—or eodons—in Miocene . 228 Tertiary : 207 Sable American 119 | Trees covered by alluvi ium 297 Saline Springs, where loeated . = 53 ‘+ inerease of young in Colorado 51 Salt. 316 ‘* supposed dy ing out of in the moun- Salt Creek, name, character of, ‘ete. 55 tains . : : . 50 Sand Hill cherry : 99 Triassic deposits absent fro om Nebraska 173 Sand Hills, area of 298 | Trio-Juro Periods : : 173 atk character of 298 ae animal life of 176 ae cultivation of . 300 sat deposits of 174 42 location and description of 15 ue length of 174 “i origin of . ; 299 se vegetable life of 175 os where located . 297 | Trilobites of Carboniferous 170 Saurians . 127 | Uintah Group . 220 Scott’s Bluffs, Pliocene origin of : 236 | aie animal life of 220 Sections, geological 164-236- 237-239-253— | Uintah Range, when formed 207 258-260-261-262-267-276-279-281-292-317 | Valleys, how to gain a conception of the Section showing potters’ clay . 3814 | number , “ Ht ap pl Sediment of Missouri River water 73-74 | Vegetation, changing character of 42 Sensitive River 79 | Verbenas - 81 Sharks of Niobrara Group 191 Vertebrate fauna of Nebraska : wT Shell bark hickory ; 107 Vermillion Group—Eocene 212 Showers in spring 34 | . life of 212 oF on Niobrara , 39 -Violets 78 Shrubs, list of in Nebraska 91 Von Meyer ‘ 194 Silica . 315 | Walnut, black . 107 Silting up of riv er beds 292 | 66 white 84-88 Sioux Lake : 228 | Wi arner, Hon. J. T. 3 189 Skunks 120 ae stone quarry of 312 Snakes jn Nebraska 128 Warren, Lieutenant, discovery by . 235 Soap plant 83, Water, character of in Nebraska 71 Springs, appearance of new 41 | ae riv er, character of the Bow 78 Springs on Niobrara . 13 | ce 93 *¢ Niobrara 75 ‘* where found 53 AE xs re *¢ Republican 75 Spurge family 82 die RS is ‘¢ Missouri 74 326 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Water, river, character of the Platte 75 | White, Dr. : 162-163-165-178 Waters of Nebraska . 52] White River, character of, etc. Z 62-63 Wayne County, bow affected by the Lo- Winds of Nebraska . : : Sr cee gan River . - , . 64} Winter, storms of * : . d = eae Weasels. : : ‘ oe Wood chucks. : . : > ~ 120 Wells, artesian and common s 2 : Wolverines : : EO Western Nebraska, future increase of Wolves, number of, ete. : : <" SETS rainfall : t : 5 3 - 48|Worm,army . : ; ‘ Pees i '5- Wild Cat . t mie BY, Zinc . : . : : 3 : . 316 Wind, direction. and force of, ‘ante sy oe: 2 \ 4 i << oo . ies! "eh ‘5 nite wean we bs] _/ Samanta ti iy 8833 eres. N2 AB Ti . as =* :> ~ eee bs : ne : oe eee ee eld dk a a ese it or eae a ie seat < wr ne ke eee : : 6 es Ei} Cire rey pete ae = Ee Sree eae Cm « et Aone sete: ye Eh ro 2 ete . ~ epee Niet: Wada wy ore — “2F ates ea tfit se nes a oe “ = A ons +e aN! 1 oe wo Pea 7 rs (et rn Be Oe pete rere get Aro ; coeegemtmnet +. ar tet ete Cade eae we ee Ord oy 7 J ae Ws ‘ Coe ay, sat AAR ry ACN ARAYA PNY yates ACY SEU 43S ; Sey pains bas be carta } 4 Pat ’