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ONE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS Sd Poa DE Pr ba rere N DON Pepe PPP PCO TT ‘eon AN ¥ 1908 MOM MORRO ROMO KO MORO DADA DD DADA DDD D AAA IW a0 uO uO WAN a A 20 20 aca OAL AO mLOOROIOROION 2 am EF IIH IIS LIBRARY of CONGRESS! Two Goples wecelyos | MAY 16 1908 Dopyrigni ae OLASS A us ok \ 2-6 en QOFY Bei ay CopyRIGHT, 1908 By J. B. Lipprncorr Company Published May, 1908 Printed by J. B. Lippincott Company The Washington Square Press, Philadelphia, U.S. A. REMODELLING AND IMPROVING OLD BUILDINGS BuiItpDING NEw Houses CONTENTS CHAPTER I Sere Uae BON ER OMEE Se oon ee ee Pr) ae ee fe Advantages of Livingin the Country; Farming and Gar- dening for Pleasure or as a Business; The Home Owner and Home Seeker; Where Shall We Look for New Homes? Important Points to Consider: 1. Healthful and Pleasant Surroundings; 2. Good Schools and Churches; 3. Congenial Social and Political Conditions; 4. Suitable Soil and Exposure : 5. Suitable Buildings; 6. What are the Markets? 7. Good Roads; 8. Is there Woodland on the Place? g. The Capital Required. Summary. CHAPTER? TI First Make Buildings Healthful; Examine Sills; Roofs and Gutters; Shingles; Asphalt Roofing; Iron and Steel Roofing; Inside Conveniences; The Purity of the Water Supply; Sanitation; Improvement of Build- ings; The Tool House; Farming Tools; Poultry Houses; Barn, Stable and Carriage House, etc.; Shin- gling Old Buildings; Painting Old Buildings; Time to Paint; Kinds of Paint; Brushes and Painting. CHAPTER III 5) On SiGe 0, :O (oN dyna) ele mewe: alee) S..0 fe)ie oe! mom e leya see PaRrnl: Building Associations; A Definite Plan; Contract and Day Labor; The Most Important Points: Location; An Abundance of Windows; The Water Supply; Houses of Wood; The Frame; Cover Boards; Shin- gles; Finish; Floor Boards; Finishing Floors. 31 52 6 ContTENTS Parr Ef, Brick, Stone and Cement Houses: Brick Houses; Houses of Stone; Cement Buildings; Solid Walls; The Block System; The Cement and Sand; Mixing Cement and Sand; Cement for Outbuildings; Cement for Floors and Walks; Heating Country Houses: Hot- Water Heat, Hot-Air Heat, Steam Heat. CHAPTER IV THE: DECORATION OF HoME/GROUNDS.|...... «2.5002 One Preserve all Naturally Beautiful Features; Time for Pruning Trees; Some of the Best Street and Avenue Trees; Home Decoration; Grading About the Build- ing; Roads and Walks; Underdraining Road-bed; Concrete Drives and Walks; Planting Trees and Shrubs; Where to Obtain Ornamentals; Time for Planting; Planting Evergreens; Arrangement of Trees and Shrubs:: Fruit Trees as Ornamentals: list of Trees; Ornamental Shrubs; Grouping Shrubs; Pruning Shrubs; List of Shrubs; Climbing Shrubs; Removing Walls and Fences. CEUAP® EAR: Vi Tae LAWN AND: FLOWERMGARDENIC 4. oh 24k cee The Lawn; Lawn Grasses; Time for Sowing Seed; Seeding Lawns; Weeds in Lawn; Water a Necessity; Improving Old Lawns; Lawn Mowers and Their Care; The Flower Garden; Cultivation of Wild Flowers; Lawn Perennials; Lawn Annuals and Bedding Plants; Biennials; Dutch Bulbs; Winter Protection for Hardy Plants; Window and Veranda Plants. CHAPTER VI THe Fawity GARDEN. 2072.5. 04 eee eee Soil and Exposure; Mixed Planting; Plans of Gardens; Fruit Trees in Turf; Cultivation of the Family Garden; Summer Fertilization; Cold Frames and Hot-Beds; Starting Seeds; Poultry and the Family Garden. (igs 98 ELY ContTENTS 7 CHAPTER VII Reena ie NEMO Nts os Se ny ues hos = w 0 Boers Sha eh aos wae a 130 Equipment Required; Fruit Growing as a Business; Best Soil for the Apple; Selection and Arrangement of Trees; Cultivation; A Cover Crop; Cost of an Apple Orchard; Apple Trees in Turf; Renovating Old Trees; Pruning Fruit Trees; Varieties; Harvesting the Apple Crop; Insect Pests; Dwarf Apples. CHAPTER: VIII THE Pears, PEACHES, QUINCES, PLUMs, APRICOTS AND INE GRIN Gat cots a! igen ice Scot ne fades Wik a ote eae euene 156 The Pear: Kinds of Trees; Renovating Old Trees; Varieties; Harvesting the Fruit; Insects Injurious to the Pear; Fungous Pests. The Peach: Pruning for Planting; Marketing Peaches; Varieties of the Peach; Insects Injurious to the Peach; Fungous Pests. The Quince: Selection of Quince Trees; Marketing Quinces; Insects and Diseases. The Plum: Fungous Diseases of the Plum; Varieties; Marketing Plums. The Apricot: Varieties; Cultivation. The Nectarine: Cultivation;. Varieties. The Cherry: Cultivation; Varieties; Marketing; Insect and Fungous Pests. CHAPTER IX pene WGA rae cca tAceaiees wt vo aes has va SS Shae aN Ae » apes eee ane 182 Propagation; Pruning; Cultivation and Fertilization; Varieties; Marketing; Girdling; Insect and Fungous Pests. CHAPTER X BREE SS UME Rr eg Soke 2S a x Se created ala pegatiua tea 198 Propagation of the Raspberry and the Blackberry; Cul- tivation; Insects and Diseases; Varieties. The Cur- rant: Propagation and Cultivation; Varieties; Insect and Fungous Pests. The Gooseberry: Cultivation; Varieties. The Strawberry: Methods of Planting; Winter Protection; Harvesting the Fruit; Varieties; Insect and Fungous Pests. 8 ContTENTS CHAPTER XI Minmnr GARDENING ra.1c Ani el ee On whee ces Se ee 216 General Observations and Directions; Fitting the Land; Planting; Asparagus; Beans: Varieties: Beets: Varieties; Cabbages, Cauliflowers, Brussels Sprouts, etc.: Cultivation; Varieties; Carrots: Cul- tivation; Varieties; Celery: Cultivation; Varieties; Sweet Corn: Cultivation; Varieties; Lettuce: Culti- vation; Varieties; Melons: Cultivation; Varieties; Onions: Cultivation; Varieties; Peas: Cultivation; Varieties; Potatoes: Cultivation; Varieties; Rhu- barb; Squashes: Cultivation; Varieties; Tomatoes: Cultivation; Varieties; Turnips: Cultivation; Varieties. CHA PTR, Sckt POUR ABT IN Grit eon Nan. Ute Coen Caen ne ete) Rhee ee ee ee 241 General Observations and Directions; Location; Poul- try Houses; Care of the Fowls; Raising Chickens; Feed; Production of Eggs; Roosts; Nests; Breeds of Poultry; Pigeons. CHAPTER Xl DAIRVING, Tap BAMILY EIORSE,