t a a A iat x on raya yi ' Cae) 4 x. (hy hain . vi 44 WOR Ton ain , RS EY me i atta mi rin ine i A se mt " Hy siti . i ‘ : i ‘ me Wy K si Y TSAR ENON WLAN A ; WO) stays My ater at mst ilacalgne Frectonten rahi’. Sait POO Vea ty May ate " si) nis a si hy i MW Wala ey , a's yi BOOED RY as 0 We " : aera i ‘ atta atta at 1a Wary CR iayatetanntntet ala ty ‘i in i oat tahiti Ad satya i Hoek A 1a aS Bhat i SARIN ENMC RTI eae aaah PCr aT ‘ * hy wei ert ducati Nis ge ‘e ‘ yo" Bhan 0 ay al Vee ojala) Ont he ev 4 nae ease sie" oh mearnrane astiaun ha HAM ere ARR eciehaans Seat es wee N ‘ iis ‘i BERKS ry \ ye hy at i) Kane tol hh grscar Oban Naas hace ai ley fi Viesne Pry Vury AN) nal ey i Apa i ibaa Oh i Ay de me CORA PARMA Wn i ‘ Bupa hts nie soenlt epi tAD aa ta Bd Ti tn Pi Wid ee sh tet Pi dat bye Me ard Coty Aan ie ite ay ny i Cee OL! ens ra ae ze ec tara es fat ee Wy aby, ‘ mee | > ae, i nde ry a1) ' ir y or vir. P} Mi S's j SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. NEO xT. EVERY MAN IS A VALUABLE MEMBER OF SOCIETY, WHO, BY HIS OBSERVATIONS, RESEARCHES, AND EXPERIMENTS, PROCURES KNOWLEDGE FOR MEN.—SMITHSON. CLIEY “OF WASHING TON: PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. MDCCCLXIII. FEN ea a tia ae ate ide aie oy. sg Nagle ecole ae ce EE obihe PERM Rat ge 3“ es . x et . % Ps — Z Pr. fia ¥ Re Ly ~_ c . i ts # * y ; q \ ¥ ee % en ~ 1 w - a > Com i : P p ’ ; P ior ¥ . 7 . , : = Tone a ot 9 URa - . ‘ can : _ 6 - * i aah @ ¥ en % a is _ a = € vf Lee . ; Ps = i sa 7 boy : Le a eo y 7) ; ae 4 we A i _ Pani, — _ 7 ! : 7 - = - 7 —-) or) oar oe " : : 7 i : i ie - taal, eo ‘ . r Fa Ag 5 : wis teal ‘4 o . . Pw y } ij : : sien) L 6s : - i ‘Ser im : 7 “my 4 ® ' * F 7 4 - ’ Pm) ouch? y in ya - ; * ifs = a . Ne) ’ ’ . yo 02 , } : mid aa gp eure oe eis nse Abs meaadod ie Laelia a6 ‘abisenns , Me : 7 reat: \ i repieom Rak aye aia ee ‘ Ps wee ‘ ; - = . i | oe? ; 2 . . 4 ’ Pare ey, AWA a le ‘ ; a _ 7a j ie. a ee A 1. day aye 1 baad : ee 2 ; 4 \ Lin rert Yn? Ragan » x 7 ADVERTISEMENT. Tus volume forms the thirteenth of a series, composed of original memoirs on dif- - ferent branches of knowledge, published at the expense, and under the direction, of the Smithsonian Institution. The publication of this series forms part of a general plan adopted for carrying into effect the benevolent intentions of JAMES SMITHSON, Esq., of England. This gentleman left his property in trust to the United States of America, to found, at Washington, an institution which should bear his own name, and have for its objects the “increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” This trust was accepted by the Government of the United States, and an Act of Congress was passed August 10, 1846, constituting the President and the other principal executive officers of the general government, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Mayor of Washington, and such other persons as they might elect honorary members, an establishment under the name of the “SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION FOR THE INCREASE AND DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE AMONG MEN.” The members and honorary members of this establishment are to hold stated and special meetings for the supervision of the affairs of the Institution, and for the advice and instruction of a Board of Regents, to whom the financial and other affairs are intrusted. The Board of Regents consists of three members e. officio of the establishment, namely, the Vice-President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Mayor of Washington, together with twelve other members, three of whom are appointed by the Senate from its own body, three by the House of Representatives from its members, and six persons appointed by a joint resolution of both houses. To this Board is given the power of electing a Secretary and other officers, for conducting the active operations of the Institution. To carry into effect the purposes of the testator, the plan of organization should evidently embrace two objects: one, the increase of knowledge by the addition of new truths to the existing stock; the other,*the diffusion of knowledge, thus increased, among men. No restriction is made in favor of any kind of knowledge; and, hence, each branch is entitled to, and should receive, a share of attention. iv ADVERTISEMENT. The Act of Congress, establishing the Institution, directs, as a part of the plan of organization, the formation of a Library, a Museum, and a Gallery of Art, together with provisions for physical research and popular lectures, while it leaves to the Regents the power of adopting such other parts of an organization as they may deem best suited to promote the objects of the bequest. After much deliberation, the Regents resolved to divide the annual income into two equal parts—one part to be devoted to the increase and diffusion of knowledge by means of original research and publications—the other half of the income to be applied in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress, to the gradual formation of a Library, a Museum, and a Gallery of Art. , The following are the details of the parts of the general plan of organization provisionally adopted at the meeting of the Regents, Dee. 8, 1847. DETAILS OF THE FIRST PART OF THE PLAN. I. To incrEASE KNowLEenGE.—It is proposed to stimulate research, by offering rewards for original memoirs on all subjects of investigation. 1. The memoirs thus obtained, to be published in a series of volumes, in a quarto form, and entitled “Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.” 2. No memoir, on subjects of physical science, to be accepted for publication, which does not furnish a positive addition to human knowledge, resting on original research; and all unverified speculations to be rejected. 3. Each memoir presented to the Institution, to be submitted for examination to a commission of persons of reputation for learning in the branch to which the memoir pertains; and to he accepted for publication only in case the report of this commission is favorable. ; 4. The commission to be chosen by the officers of the Institution, and the name of the author, as far as practicable, concealed, unless a favorable decision be made. 5. The volumes of the memoirs to be exchanged for the Transactions of literary and scientific societies, and copies to be given to all the colleges, and principal libraries, in this country. One part of the remaining copies may be offered for sale; and the other carefully preserved, to form complete sets of the work, to supply the demand from new institutions. 6. An abstract, or popular account, of the contents of these memoirs to be given to the public, through the annual report of the Regents to Congress. ADVERTISEMENT. Vv II. To rnorEAse KNnow.enGe.—Z/t is also proposed to appropriate a portion of the income, annually, to special objects of research, wniler the direction of suitable persons. 1. The objects, and the amount appropriated, to be recommended by counsellors of the Institution. 2. Appropriations in different years to different objects; so that, in course of time, each branch of knowledge may receive a share. 3. The results obtained from these appropriations to be published, with the memoirs before mentioned, in the volumes of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 4, Examples of objects for which appropriations may be made :— (1.) System of extended meteorological observations for solving the problem of American storms. (2.) Explorations in descriptive natural history, and geological, mathematical, and topographical surveys, to collect material for the formation of a Physical Atlas of the United States. (3.) Solution of experimental problems, such as a new determination of the weight of the earth, of the velocity of electricity, and of light; chemical analyses of soils and plants; collection and publication of articles of science, accumulated in the offices of Government. (4.) Institution of statistical inquiries with reference to physical, moral, and political subjects. (5.) Historical researches, and accurate surveys of places celebrated in American history. (6.) Ethnological researches, particularly with reference to the different races of men in North America; also explorations, and accurate surveys, of the mounds and other remains of the ancient people of our country. I. To pirrusE KNow.enGE.—Zt is proposed to publish a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made from year to year in all branches of knowledge not strictly professional. 1. Some of these reports may be published annually, others at longer intervals, as the income of the Institution or the changes in the branches of knowledge may indicate. 2. The reports are to be prepared by collaborators, eminent in the different branches of knowledge. vi ADVERTISEMENT. 3. Each collaborator to be furnished with the journals and publications, domestic and foreign, necessary to the’compilation of his report; to be paid a certain sum for his labors, and to be named _on the title-page of the report. 4. The reports to be published in separate parts, so that persons interested in 4 particular branch, can procure the parts relating to it, without purchasing the whole. 5. These reports may be presented to Congress, for partial distribution, the remaining copies to be given to literary and scientific institutions, and sold to indi- viduals for a moderate price. The following are some of the subjects which may be embraced in the reports :— I. PHYSICAL CLASS. Physics, including astronomy, natural philosophy, chemistry, and meteorology. Natural history, including botany, zoology, geology, &c. op bo . Agriculture. rw . Application of science to arts. Il. MORAL AND POLITICAL CLASS. or : Ethnology, including particular history, comparative philology, antiquities, &. . Statistics and political economy. “I o . Mental and moral philosophy. ioe) . A survey of the political events of the world; penal reform, &c. Il]. LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. 9. Modern literature. 10. The fine arts, and their application to the useful arts. ° 11. Bibliography. 12. Obituary notices of distinguished individuals. Il. To pirruse KNowLEpGE.—/t is proposed to publish occasionally separate treatises on subjects of general interest. : 1. These treatises may occasionally consist of valuable memoirs translated from foreign languages, or of articles prepared under the direction of the Institution, or procured by offering premiums for the best exposition of a given subject. 2. The treatises to be submitted to a commission of competent judges, previous to their publication. ADVERTISEMENT. Vil DETAILS OF THE SECOND PART OF THE PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. This part contemplates the formation of a Library, a Museum, and a Gallery of Art. 1. To carry out the plan before described, a library will be required, consisting, Ist, of a complete collection of the transactions and proceedings of all the learned societies in the world; 2d, of the more important current periodical publications, and other works necessary in preparing the periodical reports. 2. The Institution should make special collections, particularly of objects to verify its own publications. Also a collection of instruments of research in all branches of experimental science. 3. With reference to the collection of books, other than those mentioned above, catalogues of all the different libraries in the United States should be procured, in order that the valuable books first purchased may be such as are not to be found elsewhere in the United States. 4, Also catalogues of memoirs, and of books in foreign libraries, and other materials, should be collected, for rendering the Institution a centre of bibliogra- phical knowledge, whence the student may be directed to any work which he may require. 5. It is believed that the collections in natural history will increase by donation, as rapidly as the income of the Institution can make provision for their reception ; and, therefore, it will seldom be necessary to purchase any article of this kind. 6. Attempts should be made to procure for the gallery of art, casts of the most celebrated articles of ancient and modern sculpture. 7. The arts may be encouraged by providing a room, free of expense, for the exhibition of the objects of the Art-Union, and other similar societies. 8. A small appropriation should annually be made for models of antiquity, such as those of the remains of ancient temples, Xc. 9. The Secretary and his assistants, during the session of Congress, will be required to illustrate new discoveries in science, and to exhibit new objects of art; distinguished individuals should also be inyited to give lectures on subjects of general interest. In accordance with the rules adopted in the programme of organization, each memoir in this volume has been favorably reported on by a Commission appointed Vlil ADVERTISEMENT. for its examination. It is however impossible, in most cases, to verify the state- ments of an author; and, therefore, neither the.Commission nor the Institution can be responsible for more than the general character of a memoir. The following rules have been adopted for the distribution of the quarto volumes of the Smithsonian Contributions :— 1. They are to be presented to all learned societies which publish Transactions, and give copies of these, in exchange, to the Institution. 2. Also, to all foreign libraries of the first class, provided they give in exchange their catalogues or other publications, or an equivalent from their duplicate volumes. 3. To all the colleges in actual operation in this country, provided they furnish, in return, meteorological observations, catalogues of their libraries and of their students, and all other publications issued by them relative to their organization and history. 4. To all States and Territories, provided there be given, in return, copies of all documents published under their authority. 5. To all incorporated public libraries in this country, not included in any of the foregoing classes, now containing more than 10,000 volumes; and to smaller libraries, where a whole State or large district would be otherwise unsupplied. OFFICERS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Ex-officio PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE INSTITUTION. THE VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Ex-officio SECOND PRESIDING OFFICER. ROGER B. TANEY, CHANCELLOR OF THE INSTITUTION. JOSEPH HENRY, SECRETARY OF THE INSTITUTION. SPENCER F. BAIRD. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. W. W. SEATON, Treasurer. ALEXANDER D. BACHE, JOSH? GG» ROWE HIN. - Executive CoMMITTes. RICHARD WALLACH, | HANNIBAL HAMLIN, Roger B. TANEY,. . RicHARD WALLACH, . WILLIAM P. FESSENDEN, LymMAN TRUMBULL, GARRETT DAVIS, . . ScHUYLER CoLrax, Epwarp McPuerson, SamuEL S. Cox, . WituiAm B. Astor, WiturAm L. Dayton, . THEODORE D. Woo.sry, Louis AGASSIZ, ALEXANDER D. Bacue, JosrrH G. Torren, REGENTS. Vice-President of the United States. Chief Justice of the United States. Mayor of the City of Washington. Member of the Senate of the United States. “cc 79 79 “ “ “ee “cc “ce “ce ee ce oe Member of the House of Representatives U.S. “ce “ee 6e ce “ec ee ce ce oe “ “ee os Citizen of New York. “of New Jersey. “of Connecticut. “of Massachusetts. “ of Washington. “ of Washington. MEMBERS EX-OFFICIO OF THE INSTITUTION. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, TIANNIBAL HAMLIN, Wittram I. Sewarp, Satmon P. CHAse, Epwin M. Stanton, . GIDEON WELLES, Montcomery Barr, . Epwarp BAtEs, Roger B. Taney, . Davin P. Hottoway, Ricnarp WALLACH, President of the United States. Vice-President of the United States. Secretary of State. Secretary of the Treasury. Secretary of War. Secretary of the Navy. Postmaster- General. Attorney-General, Chief Justice of the United States. Commissioner of Patents. Mayor of the City of Washington. HONORARY MEMBERS. BenJAMIN SILLIMAN, Joun P. Upsnur. A. B. LonGstTREeEv, The Secretary of the Interior. oN y DEB BP OEM CON PE NT Si PAGE ARTICLE I. Inrropuction. Pp. 16. Advertisement : : : 3 : : 5 3 iii List of Officers of the Smithsonian Institution ; : . . ix ARTICLE II. Tipan Osservartions in THE Arctic Seas. By Evisoa Kenr Kane, M. D., U.S. N. Mab purine THE SECOND GRINNELL EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF Sir JoHn FRANKLIN, IN 1853, 1854, AND 1855. REDUCED AND DISCUSSED BY CHariEs A. Scuorr, Assistant United States Coast Survey. Pp. 90, and 4 plates. (Published October, 1860.) ARTICLE Tf. MerrrorotocgicaAL OpseRVATIONS IN THE ARcTIC Sras. By Sir Lropronp McCrintock, R. N. Mapr on BoArp THE ArcTIc SEARCHING YACHT “ Fox,” IN Barrin Bay AND PrRINcE Recent INLET IN 1857, 1858, AnD 1859. REDUCED AND DISCUSSED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE SMITHSONIAN InstiruTion By Cares A. Scnorr, Assistant U. 8. Coast Survey. Pp. 160 and one map. (Published May, 1862.) ARTICLE IV. Ancrent Mrntna on TOE Suores or Lake Superror. By Coartes Wuir- TLESEY, Pp. 32 and one map. (Published April, 1863.) ARTICLE Y. Discusston oF THE MAGNETIC AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE GIRARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY, PHILADELPHIA, IN 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, AND 1845. Part If. INvesriaarion or THE So“aR-DiurNAL VARIATION OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION AND ITS ANNUAL INEQUALITY. By A. D. Bacus, LL. D., F. R. S., Mem. Corr. Acad. Sc. Paris; Super- intendent U. S. Coast Survey. Pp. 28. (Published June, 1862.) ARTICLE VI. Discusston or tHe Maaneric AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE GIRARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY, PHILADELPHIA, IN 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, and 1845. Part III. INveEsTIGATION oF THE LUNAR EFrects ON THE Macnetic Decnination. By A. D. Bacne, LL. D., F.R.S., Mem. Corr. Acad. Se. Paris; Superintendent U.S. Coast Survey. Pp. 16. (Published June, 1862.) ' Each memoir is separately paged and indexed, xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. ARTICLE VII. Discussion oF THE MAGNETIC AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE GIRARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY, PHILADELPHIA, IN 1840, 1841, 1842, 1848, 1844, anp 1845. Second Section, comprising Parts IV, V, VI. Horizontat Force. INVESTIGATION OF THE TEN OR ELEVEN YEAR PERIOD AND OF THE DISTURBANCES OF THE HorizoNTAL COMPONENT OF THE Mac- netic Forcek; INVESTIGATION OF THE SOLAR-D1uRNAL VARIATION AND OF THE ANNUAL INEQUALITY OF THE HorizonrAL Forcr; AND ofr THE LUNAR Errect oN THE Same. By A. D. Bacuz, LL. D., F. R.S., Mem. Corr. Acad. Se. Paris; Superintendent U. 8. Coast Survey. Pp. 78. (Published November, 1862.) ARTICLE VIII. Recorps AND Resutts oF A MAGNETIC SuRVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA AND PARTS OF ADJACENT STATES IN 1840 AND 1841, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL REcORDS AND RESULTS OF 1834, 1835, 1843, AND 1862, AND A MAP. By A. D. Bacus, LL. D., F.R.S., Mem. Corr. Acad. Sc. Paris; Prest. Nat. Acad. Sciences; Superintendent U. 8. Coast Survey. Pp. 88 and one map. (Published October, 1863.) ARTICLE [X. ResEARCHES UPON THE ANATOMY AND PHysIo0LoGy OF RESPIRATION IN THE CurtoniA. By S. Wer Mircnern, M. D., and Gzorar R. Morenouse, M.D. Pp. 50. (Published April, 1863.) ame ee ee ete FIVDAE -OBSHRVYATIONS We Cre wks Ss. BY ELISHA KENT KANE, M.D., U.S.N. MADE DURING THE SECOND GRINNELL EXPEDITION IN SEARCH OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, IN 1853. 1854, AND 1855, AT VAN RENSSELAER HARBOR. REDUCED AND DISCUSSED, BY CHARLES ASC HOTT, ASSISTANT U. S. COAST SURVEY. [ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, JULY, 1860.] » ‘ < - ; . f - 7 Shas cuales hiro Oh a ae ts ‘ a= 7 : ; : —- j = ay i} t i 7 7 £4 AL awit, WR OTM a : COLLINS, PRINTER. PHILADELPHIA. CONTENTS. PAGE Inrropuctory LETTER. : . : : ; : . : : Vv Explanatory and introductory remarks. ; F : : ; : : 1 Record of tidal observations at Van Rensselaer Harbor, 1853-45 j ; : E 5 Discussion of half-monthly inequality in time and height . : : : ; 5 (8 Effect of changes of the moon’s declination and parallax . : ; : : 5 Discussion of the diurnal inequality in height and time. ¢ ; 5 : eee! Investigation of the form of the tidal wave ; A é 3 : . eS Note on the effect of wind on the tides. ; 5 : : e : 5 SL Note on the progress of the tidal wave and depth of the sea : 3 > ; 5 tll Record of soundings : : : : : : , : é . 82 Apprenpix—containing a tidal record at Wolstenholm Sound, Commander Saunders, 1849-50, with four plates : : ; : ; : : ; : 5 tele ee ‘ » + “2 1 Py 2 seq et } cs 7" : . , 2. etlith » +0 ORD WN Rae reap laa? i Z INTRODUCTORY LETTER. WASHINGTON, July 4th, 1860. Proressor JosepH Henry, LL. D., 7 Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution : Dear Sir: The records of the tidal observations made under the direction of Dr. Kane, in the second Grinnell Expedition to the Arctic Regions, were placed in my hands by his late lamented father, Judge Kane, in December, 1857. Dr. Kane had selected Assistant Charles A. Schott, of the U.S. Coast Survey, for the reduction of a considerable portion of the observations made on that expedi- tion; and I, therefore, placed them in Mr. Schott’s possession for reduction, and recommend his paper for publication in the “Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.” It is proper to state that the computations were at the expense of the Smithsonian Institution. This is the sixth and last paper of the series. Very respectfully, yours, A. D, BACHE, Superintendent U. 8. Coast Survey. zt Tau Tun guna == 4 ee Ro) fine ole Sultagi ye We ; . 2 Saal rave a) ea wheal i phys tn, Alem. Sie, iM cva)e oh Ss oped. hoe Og ae nde ha de r hei Sie aT, alone Med helicher ayn Yer speed? il ep eigias get re ie eed FART yA ee _ aiiegey tvll_ de shpat se Uiaingta adh pe ro hae ee ee ey) frye ob eon rertohek: solidi’ tenth Bs mitoail Ft weg | ee weths, Pcoth-tn Wend artiltnlinipitnony Ace badteetoh. val natin nine ple S) Ay hae pi Hike willed dah oni Chale Aue. ss xorg t aon : lig A cy NOS Me LP ~atinerqwaglt Te 7 Pay y, er | wa ee RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Tue observations and discussion of the tides at Van Rensselaer Harbor, the winter quarters of the Advance during 1853-54 and 1854—55, will form the last of the series of papers on the results of the expedition, prepared by me for publication. Occasional tidal observations were made after passing Smith Straits, when, owing to the peculiar navigation through the narrow openings between the coast and the bay ice, the vessel was much exposed to the tidal action, frequently grounding at low water, and otherwise, by taking advantage of high tides, slowly advancing to her winter quarters. The bay, near the head of which the Advance was laid up, and used as the winter quarters by Dr. Kane’s party, is freely exposed to the north (true) and northwest; the indentation of the shore line is about five miles; some rocky islands are situated within the bay. Shortly after the vessel entered the harbor a tide staff was arranged, and a series of tidal observations was commenced on September 11, 1853, and continued, with occasional interruptions (partly owing to defects in the pulley-gauge, after- wards rigged up, and partly owing to other unavoidable accidents) till the 24th of January, 1855, on which date the regular log book appears to have been discon- tinued. The several series of observations during this period are of very unequal value, as will appear in the detailed examination and discussion of the results. The difficulties to be overcome in the attempt to secure a reliable set of observations were considerable, those of a physical nature being the greatest. ‘The observations with the staff or sounding line are subject to irregularities from a slow movement of the vessel, which, though imbedded in ice during the greater part of the year, is yet not stationary; these observations may also be affected by the softness of the bottom; the observations by means of a pulley tide gauge may be defective, on account of a slow drift of the vessel and motion of the ice field, also in consequence of a lengthening or shortening of the rope, or it may be in consequence of slipping of the rope on the circumference of the wheel. The latter défect, or one similar in its nature, has been a source of much annoyance, requiring the application of corrections to the readings, in order to refer all observations to the same zero of the scale. There is another defect to which pulley-gauges are subject, namely, the gradual rise of the vessel, in consequence of the consumption of provisions and fuel. Notices of these defects will appear in the subsequent discussion. The pulley-gauge is described by Dr. Kane, in volume I of the Narrative, p. 117, as follows: “ Our tide register was on board the vessel, a simple pulley-gauge, 1 2 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. arranged with a wheel and index, and dependent on her rise and fall for its rotation.” In order to ascertain the nature of the tides, as well as the degree of accuracy of ‘the different observations, the readings were roughly plotted for a first examina- tion; the following series were found suitable for discussion :— Series I. From October 10th, 1853, to December 28th, 1853.—This series, with the exception of three days, is complete; the observations in the latter part of December appear to be of less reliable character. The observations between Sep- tember 11 and October 4, 1853, are too fragmentary to be used. The pulley-gauge observations between October 4 and October 9 seem to have been only experi- mental. The hourly readings are superseded by half-hourly readings on November 8, and continue half hourly, day and night, to the end of the series. After November 28, corrective soundings were taken at noon each day. In order to make use of these soundings, the mean depth of the water at the anchorage was deduced from them as follows :— Mean reading. December, 1853. 43.8 feet, from 31 soundings (at noon). January, 1854. 44.9 21 February, ‘ 443 17 March, ee 43.3 19 April, seeds 20 May, i) 43.5 9 The individual soundings will appear in the record following. Mean depth of water at anchorage, in winter, 1853-54, 43.6 feet, as obtained from 117 soundings. The monthly mean values for the tidal level accord well, and show that no lateral change took place in the position of the brig (or else that the bottom was level). It will be seen that for Series I the reading 7.0 was adopted to express the mean level, the zero of the scale was, therefore, at an eleva- tion of 36.6 feet from the bottom. The readings of the pulley guage are expressed in feet,’ as I have been informed by Mr. Sonntag. Serres Il. From January 28th, 1854, to April 7th, 1854.—The double half-hourly readings of the pulley-gauge are continued. ‘The series is complete with the exception of ten days, which had to be omitted. The register broke January 22d; observations commenced January 24th, but were not sufficiently regular for use + The following note is appended: One end of the cord represented a fixed point, by being anchored to the bottom; the free end, with an attached weight, rose and fell with the brig, and recorded its motion on the grooved circumference of a wheel. This method was liable to objections, but it was corrected by daily soundings. The movements of our vessel partook of those of the floe in which she was imbedded, and were unaccompanied by any lateral deviation. ? The following is an extraet from Mr. Sonntag’s letter to me, dated New York, March 23, 1860: “The circumference of the wheel (of the pulley-gauge) was divided into feet and tenths of a foot, and the records by the sounding line are also expressed in feet and decimals. The records of the wheel are very uucertain, as often the rope slid over the wheel without turning it, owing to the ice which surrounded the axis.” RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 3 until January 28th. The corrective soundings at noon are continued, with occa- sional omissions, throughout this series. After April 7th there is a break in the observations, those between the 14th and 20th appear to be irregular. Series IIT. From April 20th, 1854, to August 3d, 1854.—The double half-hourly readings of the pulley-gauge continue to May 5th, after which date single half- hourly readings are recorded. The corrective soundings cease on the 12th of May. Interruptions occur between May 4th and May 7th, also on July 8th, also between July 15th and 18th, and between July 20th and the 28th. On the 8th of August the brig was released from her ice cradle, and rose two and a half feet; occasional warpings of the brig after this date render the observations worthless. On the 23d of August the brig was in but seven feet of water, and grounded. Series IV. From September 7th, 1854, to October 22d, 1854.—The hourly obser- vations assume again a more regular appearance on the 7th of September; they were taken with the sounding line, and are expressed in fathoms and feet (as stated in a note, August 12th). The following note is of October 21st, 1854: “The tide register as yet not rigged, observations very faulty by sounding line.” The irregu- larities increase after this date; on the 15th of November following, the tide register was arranged, and observations (hourly) commenced on the 17th; the slip- ping of the rope, however, was of so frequent occurrence and of so great an extent, that it was considered better to take no further notice of these observations; the record continues to January 24th, 1855, when the strength of the party no longer permitted due attention to the tidal phenomena. It was apparent that before any closer insight into the nature of these tides could be obtained, they must first be reduced to the same zero or mean level of the sea. To effect this in a manner apparently best suiting the case, and otherwise unobjectionable, two curved lines were traced on the diagrams, the upper one enveloping the highest high water of each day, the other enveloping the lowest low water of each day; in tracing these lines some allowance was made, when necessary, for disturbing causes, so as to obtain tolerably smooth curves; cases of abrupt changes were, of course, treated accordingly. A line, equidistant from these curves, was assumed as representing the mean level, and when straightened out was adopted as axis of the mean level of the sea. ‘The corrections to refer each observation to this adopted mean level; or, in other words, the corrections required to refer each observation to the same zero of the seale, so as to make them comparable with each other, were taken from the projection, and are given in the column headed “ reduction,” in the following record. This method of treatment excludgs necessarily in Series I, IT, and IIT, any dis- cussion of the variation in the mean level of the sea, the oscillations of which have been found small at other places. As an illustration of this, the tides at Singapore might be referred to; the Rev. W. Whewell (7th series of researches on the tides, Phil. Trans. of the Roy. Soc., Part I, 1837), finds for these tides that, if a line is drawn representing the mean height (midway between high and low water each day) it is very nearly constant, though the successive low waters often differ by six 4 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. feet (on account of the diurnal inequality), the mean level only oscillates through a few inches. It appears from Mr. Lloyd’s paper (Phil. Trans. of 1831) that the mean level at Sheerness is higher in spring tides than in neap tides by seven inches nearly; also there seems to be no doubt (as shown by Mr. Whewell, Phil. Trans., 1839 and 1840) that the mean level increases as the moon’s declination increases, amounting to three inches at Plymouth, when the moon’s declination is 25°; at Petropaulofsk and Novo-Arkhangelsk the mean level rises as the moon's declina- tion increases. The use of the soundings intended to furnish corrections to the readings of the pulley-gauge is in many cases a doubtful remedy, on account of the continued change in the zero of the wheel’s index; in fact, it would have required numerous soundings at other hours than noon. As it is, a combination of the corrections by enveloping curves and soundings had to be adopted. ‘Thus, for December 5th, soundings at noon 43.0 feet (see record further on), mean level 36.6, hence reading of scale at noon 6.4; reading of pulley-gauge at that hour 19.0, correction by curve —12.5, corrected reading 6.5, which agrees with the first number; this is, however, a very favorable case. For intermediate hours the correction as given by the curves serve as guides. The reduction to the same level affects the times generally very little. The following table contains the soundings taken at noon between the interval of the first and second series, those taken during the series being given in the record. Sounpines At Noon. 1853. Fath. Feet. Inch. Register. 1854. Fath. Feet. Inch. Register. December, 29. 7 3 0 January 13. 7 3 6 30. 8 0 0 18.1 (changed. ) 14. --- --- --- 3l. 8 2 0 ie {3} 1 0 1854. Jan. 1. 8 1 6 Leesa 2 6 Pe 8! ul 6 17. --- --- --- Sh if 5 6 wee 3 9 4, oil 3 0 Changed to 16.0 nO Sea 5 6 Seal 1 6 20. 6 3 0 G56 4 6 Changed to 10.5 21. 6 4 0 Changed to 10 Ne 0 3 0 22. Tide register broken. rete eae ae sree 93. “ “ce ae 9. 6 4 2 24. H > a LOT 0 0 25. --- --- --- I]. --- --+ --- 26. --- --- --- AY 1 0 Zils MC 1 9 The following soundings were taken between the second and third series :— 1854, Fath, Feet. Inches. 1854. Fath. Feet. Inches. April 8. 6 5 6 ‘ April 16. 7 5 6 Sh 6 4 0 (Fall 15 feet 8 inches.) 10s sat 0 6 icy a6 BivprleyO tile 6 5 6 at 20 minutes to 5.) 13. 1 4 0 qs. 6 0 0 1447 5 6 at 8" 15" P. M.) 15. 8 0 0 19. 6 2 0 (Low water to high water 14 ft. 8 inch.) * For the past ten days the tide register has not been reliable on account of the rope slipping. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 5 The note of February 3d, 1854, is very instructive in regard to the effect of the tides on the ice floe, viz: “The enormous elevation of the land ice by the tides has raised a barrier of broken tables seventy-two feet wide and twenty feet high between the brig and islands. This action has caused a recession of the main floe; our vessel has changed her position twenty feet within the last two spring tides, and the hawser connected with Butler Island parted with the strain.” The cutwater of the brig was then 280 feet from the margin of the ice. (Note of February 4th.) The mean of all the soundings taken during the fourth series is very nearly fifteen feet, hence the constant index error, to refer the observations to the level previously adopted, is eight feet, which correction was applied, converting at the same time the record of fathoms into feet. The following tidal record extends, therefore, over about nine and a half luna- tions between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854, during which interval the time and height of nearly five hundred high and as many low waters were secured. Record of the Observations of the Tides at Van Rensselaer Harbor, North Greenland, in 1858, 1854, and 1855.- PosITION OF THE WINTER QUARTERS, Latitude 78° 37’ north, and longitude 70° 53’, or 4 43.5 west of Greenwich.* The first column for each day is copied from the original log-book, the second column contains the reduction to the adopted zero of scale found graphically as explained, and the third column contains the observations referred to the same mean level. 1 See my discussion of the astronomical observations of the expedition in vol. XII of the Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1860. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. io) 1853. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. oO a a i) iss] = s i] is} & A ° is oo 19 ea) re = a a= a =) ‘S) a 5) io) si e) =} fa D Zz ° = iS = > i=} a nm =) io) 8 = i=) = H KH nm eI = a mM Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. of the scale. October, 1853. Ref. obs. 12 'ADomrr ait Ref (14th. Reds || obs. | Ref. |13th.| Red. | Red. to level. 17th. Ref. obs. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' 1G ‘ ' ' ' teas ‘ ' Le a | Sted SO en fee ete Sa coke eet IN 2 i= OG ASSCMMMAMMmArMAIwNA $9 0) OD rt Red. | Ref. obs DOMADHMNMAOCMOMHOAHONDAMARMA to level. | 23d. | Ref. to | level. Red. | obs. to I= OO 2 G2 SO SH OD OD 0D OD OD SH SO Pe 0 Oe OO Pe Oi Hin 1G Sderot a Sa Sih on SG OC CHISH ry ror OR eae oe ' oO st = Oy Oxs O sa ri i) Stoic apr to | level. Bais nse oh eeiiel loses atsionlG [coon Moe, oon oe Ref. | 22d. obs. SSSCHAOMMRHNWOr EE AADOinmoas ! meer od 1A OOO 1G Red. to obs. MOBBNBADASSCSCANGGHSCHOHANAS Sete meeeaie re SS ON 2) SA oS CeO OOOO Ser Gn Caer 2S to level. October, 1853. 21st. Ref. obs. 11.6 fr sc Oh | inn Sees 1 CAHN AAN SOig isis isso sSonne ! N19 SH 90 62 CY Stitt 10. Ae to level. “ —2.3 |11.5 Ref. |12th.| Red. obs. SSASCOWAA! Dr ONIN tnac oD CO I= OD IIIB SRAHAH' Koide HSE anna iS oo Bh Se SACRO ree ao TG ed ory ners Ohler 20th.| Red. Ref. obs. HOBWOAASINNASSS rorAwnronso to level. Ref. {11th.| Red. obs. epee eo ORAS Bee Oe ee Sak ood etree eustitn ie es een Reseed Red. ROT STDS BOD GOR iB Tse Ge Sa HS AIS) Si Hs HE Calles Hat) ric Ces es en es es Lo onl OAnriDMOAMDGrimM i: 6 Oc} o IS HOS Tepe Red. to | level. Mean |10th. solar hour. | :2 CRs Ga eins Ria een AA Wino Os Red. | Ref. }19th. Mean j18th. solar hour. BOSeASO MAM Wis ore DAO cre Regular observations commence October 10, 2 A. M. ations on this day had to be omitted. ad lost through the ice hole. , on account of obstruction by the ice. ; hence most of the observ Slack water [stand] at 8 o’clock, flood commences. Tide rope found broken at 10 A. M., and the le Tides irregular, index changed 12 units The observation for 10 A. M. is incorrect, Flood [rise] commenced at 8 P. M. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 1853. 1853, ro DECEMBER 28, ’ Serres I.—Trmat OpservATIONs FROM OcroBeER 10 Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. nm 8 = rs oO nm nm 2 =>) a o S = Oo =H BW AA Wim oie oN sH om =H so [sli Mee en 8.1 oD a , 5 mss | 8.1} 9.5 9.5 Te7 11.7 10.5 /10.5 “ 1.5 1.4 10.9 30th.| Red. | Ref. | Mean solar hour. wDINOOCMAAW Wet tAor sod aio SHOSSSNHBG co tre o8 I 1S rat GY 6 SH im So r= Aa Hag sor nD 925. 10.5 10.3 9 10 11 Midn’t} 9.0 [stand] of ebb at 4" 30™ A. M. Slack water 29. Octosl: Noy. near high or low water they are omitted in the above. Oct. 5 A. M. Slack water [stand] of ebb at 2 to Nov. 6. Be there are occasionally half-hourly readings, but unless they occur tween these dates 8 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Series I.—TmAt OBSERVATIONS FROM OcrobER 10, 1853, to DECEMBER 28, 1853. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units < of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. November, 1853. = = uae b Mean | 5th.| Red. | Ref. |6th.| Red. | Ref. | 7th. | Red. | Ref. | 8th. | Red. | Ref. | 9th. | Red. | Ref. |10th.| Red. Ref. solar to obs. | to obs. to | obs. to obs. to obs to obs hour. level. | level. | level. | level. level. level. | 4.3) | 3.8] 3.8) +0.2] 4.0] 4.5|—0.2) 4.3 1 {11.5) —1.4 10.1] 9.0 —1.0} 8.0} 6.6) —0.6| 6.0} 5.3) —0.5 4.8} 3.9 ef 4.1] 4.5 ca) a3 | | 5.6 3 §.1| 4.2 9.5 6.9 9.1) —2.6 | 6.5 {1 —2.7 | 5.1 9.1 {11.0 | —3.3 | 7.7 5 13.7 | —3.4 10.3 10 314.4) —3.6 |10 1|14.5 | —3.7 |10 5 |14.8 | —3.8 |11 14.4} —3.9 |10 1 10 Red. to level. 1.8 1.4 |11 cc 12th. Ref. obs. 6.0} —0.9 | 5.1] 8.8 TsO OMrS Stocco a me a © oS SHadaada [een on Bee oes on Awowrwmowand i > oO a w ACRES 1910 CUA re oe) 10.4 to level. Mean |ilth.) Red. solar hour. 10 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Serres I.—Tmat OBSERVATIONS FROM OoToBER 10, 1853, TO DECEMBER 28, 1853. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. November, 1853. UbbHwhst SWmDioHS MONIDPDSDOO & Mean |I7th.| Red. | ree. listn. Red. | Ref. |19th.| Red. | Ref. loot. Red. | Ref. |2lst.]| Red. | Ref.|22d.| Red. | Ref. solar to obs. to obs. to obs. to obs. to obs. to obs. hour. | level. | level. level.) level. level level rs — — = — = i 7.8| —7.2 |10.6] 1.4|4-12.3|13.7/16.5 | —6.7 | 9.8|16.5} —8.2 | 8.3 Ty e|L20)) Cee POSS EO) s Sidaes aon) ea 9.8|17.0| “ | 8.8]17.3}—9.6} 7.7| 3.5|-+3.2| 6.7 20:3) 7:6 Moerilerb | | EBT Ba) Bek yep) 8) SO Se O)) te Bie 2 16.0) —7.3| 8.7|20.0| —7.5 |12.5|16.0| “ | 9.3]16.8) “ | 8.5|17.6] “ | 8.0] 4.3}43.1)| 7.4 17.6| “ | 8.0] 4.4) -+3.0] 7.4 3 114.9| —7.4| 7.5|18.0| © |10.5/15.1/—6.8]8.3]160| | 7.7117.6|—9.7}| 7.9] 4.5|+2.9) 7-4 720) MON pesos bees 7.4 4 |12.0! —7.5| 4.5]16.5} « | 9.0113.8| “ | 7.0/14.5|—8.4] 6.1]16.5| “ | 6.8] 4.0) 42.8/ 6.8 | 5 |10.4| “« | 2.9|14.3|—7.4| 6.9|11.4] —6.9] 4.5112.7) “ | 4.3]18.6| “ | 3.9] 3.2) 42.6) 5.8 g | 9.8| —7.6| 2.2113.5| « | 6.1/10.2| “ | 3.3/12.0| —8.5 | 3.5/13.4|] —9.8| 3.6] 3.5] +2.5 | 6.0 Shy] CBE | Tee] 9.5 | —7.0 | 2.5 1322) ee oe: 7 | 9:0) — 7277 1-3)|\ '7-2!|| —¥.8"\20-1)| 9:0) yin) Agave BL TST0N 98.2) 33) 2.4 10.0) « 223) obi | (FOS MONON Vem NS Tee fe EO DST S=0) |) one 2i1320) || eee toe g |iz.o] « | 3.3] 7.8] “ | 0.5}10.2| —7.3| 2.9111.2] —8.6 | 2.6]13.0| | 3.2) 3.0) 42.3) 5. 956)|| Eas Tae |). Cee RBeONTS (0) wee oeail- Sill cealaDe 9 (135) © | 5.8417.9 | 7.2) 4.7 |10) © 47 roa) sey B27 3.1) B.S 2.91) 7 Se be | 3.0) +2.2| 5 40) 16.4) 728 Wen « | 7.3114.9 | —7.4 | 7.5 114.5 ||—8.8 | 5.7 (16.7) “ | 6.9] 3.5) * 5 41 «(l9-3|) © (|0.5 117.0) —7.1'|9.9)]1'7-3) © | 9.9)]1'7.5 | —8:9 | 8.6]19.1) 19.3) 4.3) © 16 20%0)|| see aa Noon |20.8| “ |13.0/18.5| —7.0 |11.5|19.2| —7.5 |11.7|19.5 | —9.0 |10.5 |19.5 | —9.9 | 9.6] 5.6) 42.1) 7. 20.8/ “ |13.0/19.0| « |12.0119.5| |12.0]20.0} “ {11.0 1 |20.6| “ |12.8/19.0] —6.9 |12.1|20.0] 12.5 }20.5 | —9.1 11.4|20.0) ©“ 10.1] 7.2] 4-2.0 | 9 20.5| “ |12.7]18.9] « |12.0120.5| “ |13.0]20.5) “ {11.4 2 |19.0| —7.9 |11.1|18.5 | —6.8 |11.7|20.0| —7.6 |12.4]20.6] [11.5] 1.0] -+-9.6 10.6] 8.0) 41.8} 9.8 19.6| ‘ |12.0120.5}) —9.2 |11.3] 3.5] +-7.2 |10.7 3 |17.0| « | 9.11163] “ | 9.5]19.0) “ |11.4]20.2] “ {11.0} 5.2) +4.9 |10.1] 8.4) 41.6 |10. 5.2] “© {20.1) 8.5] “ 10. 4 {16.0| « 8.1|14.4] « | 7.6|17.4| —7.7| 9.7118.9| —9.3 | 9.6] 5.0] +4.8 | 9.8] 8.5|41.4[ 9 EEN EE BCU ea) Ge GY 5 (12.0; “« | 41\1l.o| « |4.2115.4) © | 7.7\17.0| “ | 7.7) 3.9}+4.6] 8.5) 8.5) 1.3) 9 11.4) « 3.5 8.0| “& 19 6 sa « |3.11'10.0| « | 3.2113.0/ —7.8| 5.2|15.2|—9.4| 5.8| 3.2|/+4.4] 7.6] 4.8] 41.2) 6. 50)|) sean eal 7 |il.o| « | 3.1) 9.0] © | 2.2/12.0| —7.9] 4.1]13.5] “ | 4.1] 1.6)44.2) 5.8) 5.6) 41.1] 6. 11.4) © | 3.5) 8.7] «© 1.9]11.0] “ | 3.1 1.0] « sy RN C3 ETM) HVE 3 1.2}10.3| —8.0 | 2.3/13.2] —9.5 | 3.7] 0.3) 14.0 | 4.3] 4.6] 41.0] 5. TOS Kem | SS TCO ee ASCO TS Tis = a TS) oo to bo hobo po bobo © Di Ow SS oll oa OO OT OT UbrRO Comers = -_ pos ao mw 15.2 15.7 10 |15.8 15.8 11 {15.3 bo ra bo TS) SE our MPM MPO 1 PP wwe =I bo Oro G2 Co =T -~I ggg gogo tm Wht wr Coo Wb “Inwoome oe Fath. et. . Reg. . 11. Sounding at noon 6 2 13.3 12. 6 1959 13. : 13.3 (Changed from 26.8) 14. 19.4 15. 21.2 16. ‘ 5 27.6 mae cect RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. il Series I.—Tmat OssEerVATIONS FROM OctToBER 10, 1853, To DECEMBER 28, 1853. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the seale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. December, 1853. Mean |17th.| Red. | Ref. |18th.| Red. | Ref. |19th.| Red. | Ref. lootn. Red. | Ref. |21st.| Red. | Ref.|22d.| Red. | Ref. solar | * to obs. | * to ebs.| * to obs to obs. to obs. to obs. hour. level. level. level. level. level. level. 24.0 '—16.5| 7.5 123.4 |—17.6| 5.8] 4.1} +3.0| 7.1 1 123.7 |—16.6] 7.1]23.4] “ 5.8] 4.2; 42.9 | 7.1114.5 | —3.9 10.6 |20.4 |—10.7| 9.7 |20.6 |—13.7]| 6.9 PSH ae vel! 5.8} 5.0| +2.7| 7.7 2 {23.8 |—16.7| 7.1]23.2) “ 5.6] 5.7] +2.5 | 8.2)15.1) —4.2 10.9 |21.4 |—11.0 10.4 {21.6 “ 7.9 22.6 & 5.0] 5.7) +2.3 | 8.0)15.3) —4.4)10.9 )22.4 |—11.1 |11.3 37 2239)" 6 6.2 |21.7 cS 4.1} 5.0} +2.2 | 7.2|15.2} —4.5 |10.7 |22.9 |—11.3 |11.6|22.2) « 8.5 14.2] —4.7| 9.5 122.3 |—11.4/10.9|22.4) « | 8.7 4 /21:5 —16.8} 4.7|20.2| 2.6) 3.7| +2.0 | 5.7)13.5| —4.8| 8.7 ]21.3 |—11.6| 9.7 22.5 |—13.8| 8.7 22.9 ae 9.1 5 |20.5 se 3.7 {21.3 ce 3.7] 2.1] +1.8 | 3.9 12.2) —5.2| 7.0}21.0|—11.9)| 9.1 |22.3 8.5 WEES) te 3.1 6 |19.6'—16.9| 2.7 |20.0 e 2.4] 1.4) 41.6 | 3.0/10.5| —5.5) 5.0119.3 |—12.2) 7.1/21.7 “ 7.9 19.7 2.8 119.3 oe 1.7] 1.1) 41.4] 2.5 KE A PAUP ptt 3.3 18.5 < 0.9) 1.1] +1.3 } 2.4)10.1) —5.8| 4.3]18.3 |—12.4| 6.9]20.9 “ Mesl: BATA ALY 2.6] 0.9|/+4+1.1 | 2.0 8 21.7 —17.0| 4.7|20.4|—17.6] 2.8] 1.6] 41.0 | 2.6] 9.6). —6.1] 3.5/17.8 |—12.6) 5.2/19.3 |—13.9)| 5.4 7.7| —6.3| 1.4]17.2|—12.7| 4.5 |19.4 5.5 SP i25-0))/) 64 8.0] 4.3 ? ---| 2.9] +0.8 | 3.7} 8.0| —6.4) 1.6]17.4|—12.8] 4.6]19.0 “ 5.1 8.7} —6.5| 2.2117.8 |—12.9| 4.9 |19.0 5.1 10 (27.7 —17.1)10.6} 7.8 eo ---] 5.0} +0.6 | 5.6] 9.5] —6.7| 2.8]18.3 |—13.0| 5.3)19.3) « 5.4 TAP 2858 ET SLB tee ---| 7.1] +0.3 | 7.4/11.3) —7.1]} 4.2]19.5 |—13.2} 6.3/20.3] « 6.4 29.7 —17.2 |12.5 Noon |23.0 ? ---|10.9 ig" Sen Wits 0.0 | 8.2'13.1} —7.5] 5.6|21.2|—13.4| 7.8}21.7|—14.0] 7.7 22.6 Ci --- 27.8 ? --- 1 [21.8 os ---|12.4 « | ---|10.4| —0.2 |10.2}16.9) —7.7| 9.2)27.7 D --- |23.0 U2 9.0 12.5 « \--- 10.7} —0.3 |10.4 Zeat2e0)|) ese ---|12.5 « )--- 10.7 | —0.5 |10.2|18.2] —7.9 |10.3 |24.4 |—13.4 [11.0 [24.5 |—14.1 |10.4 10.7 | —0.6 |10.1 /18.4| —8.0 |10.4 3 |18.6; “ |---]--- --- {10.6 | —0.8 | 9.8}18.5| —8.1 /10.4 124.7 |—13.5 |11.2|25.3 |—14.2|11.1 lis:s —8.2/10.3}25.0; <“ |11.5/25.0) “ 10.8 4 |18.5 —17.6| 0.9|--- ---]| 9.0] —1.0 | 8.0)17.9} —8.3] 9.6]25.0) |11.5)25.8 |—14.3/11.5 18.3 ee 0.7 | 24.4 110.9 |25.9 “ 111.6 5 82) 0.6] --- ---}| 8.2} —1.2| 7.0/17.0| —8.5| 8.5 |23.5 {10.0 |25.6 |—14.4 11.2 SLB) ese 0.6 16.2} —8.6) 7.6 25.1 2 MOE 6 8-3) « 0.7)--- ---| 8.5 | —1.5 | 7.0/15.6| —8.7| 6.9 }22.1 Ge 8.6 |24.3 |—14.5| 9.8 18.4) « 0.8 16.0} —8.9}| 7.1 7 (18.3 ? --- {15.2 2 ---| 7.7| —1.7| 6.0)16.6| —9.1)| 7.5 |20.2 Ss 6.7 |22.5 |—14.6| 7.9 HERG OS See 7.6 |——1.9)| 5.7 8 {18:3 Gg: --- {15.4 “|---| 7.6) —2.0 | 5.6|17.0) —9.4| 7.6]19.3 |\—13.6)| 5.7/21.0 |—14.7| 6.3 18.8; « Se 9.8 | —2.2 | 7.6 SES yp 4.7 Orga Tse Se G50 aa ---|10.4| —2.4| 8.0|17.0| —9.7] 7.3]18.0] 4.4 }20.8 |—14.8]| 6.0 TEE ee 4.4 LOY 12076)" 56 ---|17.6 ue --- 11.6) —2.8 | 8.8}17.6|—10.0| 7.6]18.0 6: 4.4/19.8 |14.9} 4.9 Tiseshy| 4.7|19.4| « 4.5 TT eG PAS, tt ---/20.2|° & --- {13.6 | —3.2 |10.4}18.2 |—10.2| 8.0]19.2 os 5.6 19.2 /—15.0| 4.2 19.4 oe 4.4 ema —17.6} 5.7}23.2|—17.0] 6.2/15.7?) —3.6 |(2.1)}18.9 |—10.4] 8.5 |19.5 |—13.7]| 5.8]19.8 |—15.1| 4.7 Fath. Feet. Inch. Register. Dec. 17. Sounding at noon 7 5 0 30.0 changed to 23.0, * Results doubtful. US AI ws ts 7 5 3 31.3 (=11.5). Tide register broke down at 2} P.M.; was re- “ 19. No sounding taken. [paired and observations commenced at 7 P. M. “ 90. “ “ «“ 21. Sounding at noon 7 3 6 21.5. Correction at noon by soundings 12.3, by curves 14.5, V7) uu Ut i 3 6 21.7. Mean correction —14.0. [mean adopted. The heights on the 18th and 19th have been rejected. 16 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Serres I.—TimaAt OBSERVATIONS FROM OcToBER 10, 1853, TO DECEMBER 28, 1853. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge: Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. of the December, 1853. Jy fo) aH bo bo bo bo bt Co bo Go So = a > or bo io bo bo bo Nwwwhy bo bw wh twp ty or Ca ve to re ee Cor = bo bo Go Co Go oO or or TWWAITS bo oo OHA qa Ol 1 OO _— Hop op co CO CH OD 10 i 3 122.6 |— —16.0 —16.1) —16.2 —16.3 \—16.4 23.1 —16.5 obs. 3.1 oO ao 52 ra SP TS START HT 2 ANN So cr for} ~T Oo Oo bo ~~ or moo OO =T Or wmNwwwr Dmwwbp be “ mor mOwb ° Se =10:3 —10.4| 2. 1005 —10.6| 3 —10.7 Begs m-=-19 $2 to bo bo G2 Ge i>, Wo silo sites] rary — co 1 co co o> On =) S wo St Oo =) Se aS 5 a H ¢ —10.8 =] oOo or =T oS —10.9 10.0 co LOSS —6.0}10 5 10.1 | sal —11.1 Pee Orroy ono he —11.2 Pee ee eee aHop eH ro) “I ra me x = iv) [=] e me oO o da Ll ao ioe) Row wp oa PH © brits ho ocoomonm ocooomonuw ito} Wee Ree PD lal bo ie) wot we Ouson on obs : TSK bho em ww errr oOaoamh Lae to on Re) %© = es Se tn for) o ww Pee | oe or) 10 12.4 im ia 11 (12.3 12.6 Midn’t}12.4 | Lm We) fa WS (hoe ~1 bo & Moms w gett PRBS Pee 1 1 60 6 00 maaein ww on lor} 9. No sounding. Fath. 10. Sounding at noon 7 ( Corrected by sounding —6.6, by curves —6.6. bale G - 12. - Ebb tide at 6 P.M. Corrected by sounding —6.6, by curves — 6.0, mean —6.3. 13. Corrected by sounding —6.6, by curves —7.6, mean —7.1. 14. No sounding. 20) RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Serres IT.—Tipat OBSERVATIONS FROM JANUARY 28 To Apri 7, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.9, expressed in units of the seale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. February, 1854. Mean |15th.| Red. | Ref.|16th.| Red. | Ref.|17th.| Red. | Ref. 18th.| Red. | Ref. |19th.| Red. | Ref. |20th.| Red. | Ref. solar to | obs. to | obs. to | obs. to | obs. to | obs. to | obs. hour. level. | level. level. level. level. level. 23.6 |—11.8|11.8 |22.2| —9.1|13.1]20.7| —9.7 11.0 1 23.6 {11.8 }22.2| —9.2/13.0]21.2| —9.6 |11.6]16.5| —8.0| 8.5]17.8} —8.2| 9.6]11.3| —5.4 | 5.9 23.5 « /11.7 }22.1 | —9.3 |12.8 |21.6 Oi (PAT) 2 |23.5 |—11.9 |11.6 /22.1| —9.4 12.7 |21.8| —9.5 12.3 |18.0 « 110.0 |18.6 “ }10.4 13.7 ce 8.3 21.8 “ (12.3 ]18.4| —7.9 10.5 | 3 123.5 “111.6 (20.9 |} —9.6 |11.3|21.9 | —9.4)12.5 /18.5 « 110.6 ]19.4} —8.3/11.1]15.5 ce OSL 21.9 “ /12.5 18.5 & {10.6 |19.6 fLd.3|15-9 TOLD 4 {19.7 U3 7.8|19.0| —9.8} 9.2/21.9) —9.3 12.6 ]18.2| —7.8|10.4]19.6 | —8.4)11.2/16.2 ae ip tuy) | | 19.6 «11.2 14.9 “: 9.5 5 |17.7|—12.0| 5.7|16.3] —9.9| 6.4]19.0] —9.2) 9.8|16.3| « 8.5 {19.3 ee 110.9 14.0 | —5.5 | 8.5 6 {16.1 |—12.1) 4.0/14.7 |—10.1] 4.6]16.4| —9.1| 7.3]15.0) —7.6) 7.4]17.7| —8.5| 9.2]12.7 Ls 7.2 7 (15.3) “ | 3.2/13:2|—10.3} 2.9|14.3| —9.0| 5.3]11.8| « 4.2|15.8; & 7.3)1l.4) © 5.9 12.9|—10.4| 2.5/12.9] “ | 3.9 , 8 {15.5 |—12.2| 3.3/12.7 |—10.5| 2.2]12.9| —8.9| 4.0/10.6 3.0}14.2| —8.6) 5.6]11.0 ~I on © bo P _ OS wirHore toh 2 Feo Ro oon Wit RAH S PSSSS2° > oPOCOCOCNh 10 /11.6 ry DP DA MAMNT a mOoWW ND Rb 11 /13.8 14.7 ae ag a ~ NRR Rew eee —T-T or oon oa wo SR) actor Fath. Feet. Inch. Sounding at noon 7 5 6 Mean correction by sounding and curves adopted, the latter No sounding. {showing weight 2, No sounding. ‘ . Sounding at noon 7 Corrected reading by sounding 11.0, by curves 10.2, mean 10.6. : ss ee 7 j Corrected reading by sounding 7.0, by curves 8.0, mean 7.5. . No sounding. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 9 Series IT.—Timat OBSERVATIONS FROM JANUARY 28 TO AprRiL 7, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. March, 1854. Mean | 5th. solar hour. = a nD a) Pee eeee Pee Ee wmbaaTO8 MMT i=) 5 Wan awma ww co 8 7. 6. 6. 6 6. 7. 9. 0. | 5 | ey var Red. | Ref. | 6th. | Ref. | 7th.| Red. | Ref. |10th.| Red. | Ref. |11th.)| Red. Ref. 15th. Red. to | obs. obs. to | obs. to | obs. to | obs. lento level. | level. level. level. level. —6.9| 8. 763|) =—=one —3.8) 6.7}10.7 3. -2) 9.7| —4.1 -5| —6.5 co Ww OMOODSCODOOED —4.7 | cb 8.0]12.1 —4.8 —7.0} 6. -7| —6.7 “ —3.7| 9.0)13.2 “ —3.6 “ —3.5 “ —4.9 se —5.0 m2 nn CO Se MHRHOR BD © WRDSSHOHHERPS eee alanine! aon SPwwwewon wns c™ i fo oie se —) Sl eld ale mae oorFK So =r eR SR RR bo to bo bo bo bo bo bo bo Oo OR RR RB SEO OFS SES ot Go G7 i Ho ton ro co WT a = to } - = ao = RNR RNRNRNNNN - cy to ~T bo aS w RMaTOOCO COCO OOOOH J 99 90 Go Gp Go GO G0 9 G0 gO = r—) 2 —) ies) Daope eB © Aah Wh See ee ee [=i essososcos Wb to om © B92 99 92 oo ot wo PROSOOH Pee S22 oun Se es oe) ww or orc bo Www AT = = bo DOmwWwW Deyn eY = aI NoOOHHbY a & =o pa) = = ft bw wo é GS OD WT ARRABAG DoD © WwW Poke eeb f = os on bb 2 ARAMA to a = =) nm oO © o Oo ‘ ‘ i Sl GIG ea to rey ri EV OUST ST RWwWoOoOoOrNwW go 99 99 oO PORE s a PHROOwW a = te SS b a BREN hh SCWWwWWWR bo bo po bo 99 69 WITH OO or BO EO et oO © a or Observations become irregular. Observations become irregular. rary Se. a 19.1 20.5 —10.0/ | mc cpcco so aS RRR bh “3109 OMS o March 5. “ 7 9. 10. ll. Soundings at noon 6 fath., 3 feet, 6 inches. Correction from curves. March 6. No sounding. . Tide register broke at 9 A. M., was repaired immediately. No sounding. March 8. No sounding. Fath. Feet. Inch. Sounding at noon 6 4 0 He 7 0 0 “ —- — March 12. No sounding and but a few observations taken. 5 6 “13. But few observations taken. _- — The corrections after March 7 are derived from curves. 24 Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. of the scale. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Serres IT.—Tipat OBSERVATIONS FROM JANUARY 28 TO APRIL 7, 1854. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. March, 1854. Mean solar hour. wa ate 16th. | 13.5 13.2 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 1353 14.8 15.8 18.3 Co 299 8 kg oO bw -~I or bo © | © PORE 6. 8. 8. 8 8. 8. 8. 4, 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 5. CREP RRERHE SOW wn oO on oO Ref. |18th.| Red. obs. to | level. 11.8 /19.5| —8.8 12.0 \20.3 Mt 12.0 }20.9 | 11.4 |20.8 | 10.3 }19.5 8.0}17.7 7.3 115.9 §.4|12.4 3.3 11.2 0.9 110.7 0.7 |10.5 1.9 10.3 10.3 6.7 |10.3 10.4 }13.3 --- {14.6 10.4 |16.9 10.3 }18.2 18.1 9.5 18.1 8.1/16.0 7.7 14.6 nN wo = - ih gS ya Be who —9I.1 —9.2 —9I.3 —9.4 —9.6 CoURQH —9.8 —10.0 2 /—10.2 Ref. |19th.| obs. Pee ee SeNHS =) TOR UAT © ® BEE RO bo ee GR > BUR c=) S) iz am | bo bo bo bs bo rwpwrp bo TT ~1 bo a) at 5S —) bobo WP RRR eRe He > 2 > OH ee wp 2 aS oo bo So = tr on Or Te EE eee S 9 sR G9 G2 Go co ve) ns S bo i=) Ref. obs. = ay i) RRR ee PRNIE oOnnw@ www wry oa ‘ Bet RIC SHOR) G2 - BP ORATERW Ww PP Ss oo SE Se) 8 go bo bobo bo to mos O32 SG CO Shi o =) se] 20th. POIRODSS ateaoge bo He He ST Go rary x \1 \1 1 1 Sh ~e ~ eSSSsss on a acoococoso Ge eth WE eo poke elie sollte i=) w SON COO ew WEBSwo a Ro a9 So S a Ge eo in ~I a ot) SS S r=) io 10.3 =t wow Sd io Annan oa 12.2 peepee _o°o°oco SHAN © © woOmmm wo » OD Or, WW wo oO SAP ARERR RM @ woDeN 4 NOW NWh oO uo ~ ww CNW se PUT STI 90 WW <1 or Stor Oo bb oor or or Sur Suave OO aT-I-1 +1 eae th Ha ne i) a Midn’t/13.1 | Fath. Inch. March 30. Sounding at noon 7 6 Correction by curves preferred. «31. No sounding, April 1-3. “ cS us 4. Sounding at noon af of: r . . : . . Corrections derived from curves, readings (heights) not reliable, see preceding note of April 14. WS bt bt 0 RECORD AND REDUOTION OF THE TIDES. oF Serres IIJ.—Tmat OpservATIONS rrom Aprit 20 ro AuausT 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the seale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. April, 1854. | Mean |20th.) Red. | Ref. | 21st.) Red. | Ref. 22d. | Red. | Ref. |23d.| Red. | Ref. 24th.) Red. |Ref. |25th.! Red. | Ref. solar to | obs. to |obs to | obs. to | obs. | to |obs. to obs. hour. | level. level. | level. | level. | level. level. | 6.7| —2.2| 4.5| 7.8) —3.5| 4.3 7.3 Cs 5.1] 7.5 M3 4.0110.0} —4.2| 5.8] 9.4) —4.0] 5.4111.1| —3.5| 7.6 7.5 u 4.0 7.9| —2.3] 5.6| 7.7) —3.6| 4.1] 9.9) © 5.7 5 ee 3.5] 8.8 he 5.3 Ssh ace 4.3 | 9.0) —2.4| 6.6] 7.9 3 4.3) 8.3) 4.1) 6.7 oe eri Als) c 4.0 f 8.5) of 4.3] 6.5 ce 2.5 | = papal ety 7.8} 8.9) —3.7| 5.2] 8.7) “ 4.5| 6.5| —3.9| 2.6] 6.4| —3.4| 3.0 3B 6.7 oe 2.8] 5.8 Ory | 24 2 (Lee 4) | ASO) Sadi mace eel SI mT a TT ArOwON Bee ee SrNNN Ore w WD al S rer) Lol S rPoOonNNNOF co wwe a to wo ae ed oo ww Annny a @ IS WH RRR = = co Lene tipe re SH) bb o. = or OF mh EPP S Prist9 © bo Oooh © ot) oO Spay to bo bo to ater cee o b 7.8 {11.8 = ES = 10.0 }19.5 : 4 x 10.7 }14.7 20.0 10.9 }20.0 9. 13.6 {18.2 5116.5 | —6.9 11.6 |19.6 3: Y 13.4 | /11.8]18.8 5 /13.4 |20.2 3.5 |19.0| —7.0 \ | | —6.8 ot i a May 10 and 11. No sounding. “12, Sounding at noon 8 fathoms (last sounding recorded). Correction by sounding and curves. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 31 Serres IT].—Tmat OpsERVATIONS FROM APRIL 20 ro Avausr 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. May, 1854. | | Mean | 16th.| Ref. | 17th.| Ref. | 18th.) Ref. | 19th.| Ref. | 20th.| Ref. | 21st. | Ref. | 22d. | Ref. | 23d. | Ref. | 24th.) Ref. solar obs. obs. obs. obs. obs. obs. obs obs. obs. hour. 19.6 12.4 12.0 | 5.2 10.3 | 3.4 1 119.6 12.4 | 18.0 {10.8 | 17.6 |10.4 | 14.0] 6.9 |12.3] 5.5 [12.0] 5.2 | 10.3 | 3.4 |13.0| 6.6 116.2) 7.5 19.0 |11.8 11.6] 4.8 |10.3) 3.4 9 118.5 111.3 |19.4 11.2 |19.0|11.8 | 15.0} 7.9 | 13.2) 6.4 | 11.2 4.4 |10.3| 3.4 |12.2) 4.8 | 15.1 6.3 20.0 |12.8 | 19.7 |12.5 11.2| 4.4 }10.3) 3.4 |11.3) 3.8 3 117.0) 9.8 | 20.0 12.8 | 19.7 |12.5 } 16.4] 9.3 114.1] 7.3 112.5) 5.7 | 10.8 | 3.9 |11.0| 3.5 |14.2|] 5.4 18.9 |11.7 | 19.7 |12.5 11.5| 4.0 ]13.8; 4.9 4 116.0] 8.8 |18.0|10.8 | 19.7 |12.5 ]17.7]10.6 115.2) 8.5 |14.2| 7.4 11.5 | 4.6 }12.0| 4.4 113.0) 4.1 19.7 12.5 | 18.8 |11.7 13.0) 4.0 5 114.4) 7.2 116.2] 9.0 ]19.7 |12.5 |18.8]11.7 | 15.5] 8.8 | 15.6) 8.8 | 13.8 | 5.9 |13.7] 6.1 |13.0} 4.0 18.6 |11.4 | 18.8 |11.7 | 13.5] 4.5 6 112.5) 5.3 }14.3| 7.1 |17.8 |10.6 | 18.8 11.7 [15.5 | 8.8 | 16.8 |10.0 | 15.2 8.2 |15.2| 7.5 [14.2] 5.1 18.0 11.0 |16.5 | 9.8 | 17.4 |10.6 | 16.5 | 9.5 7 110.0) 2.8 }12.6| 5.4 }15.8| 8.6 }17.4|10.4 | 16.5] 9.8 ]17.9 |11.1 | 17.6 10.6 17.2| 9.56 |16.6| 7.5 9.5) 2.3 16.5] 9.8 |17.9 |11.1 ]17.6 10.6 [18.2 |10.4 |17.8| 8.6 8 9.0| 1.8 111.3] 4.1 }14.3] 7.1 ]16.0| 9.0 |16.5| 9.8 | 17.9 |11.1 |17.6 10.6 | 19.1 11.3 |18.6|) 9.4 9.7| 2.5 |10.2) 3.0 15.8] 9.1 ]17.6 |10.8 | 17.6 10.6 | 19.1 |11.2 | 18.1} 9.9 9 110.0) 2.8 | 9.0] 1.8 }13.0| 5.8 | 14.4) 7.4 ]14.9) 8.2 |17.0 10.2 117.0 10.6 | 18.7 |10.8 |17.8| 8.5 10.2] 3.0 | 10 110.9) 3.7 ]11.1) 3.9 | 10.0] 2.8 ] 12.4] 5.4 113.6] 6.9 | 15.7 8.9 }16.5) 9.5 |17.5| 9.5 |16.7| 7.4 9.0} 1.8 11 [12.4] 5.2 113.4] 6.2] 9.0) 1.8 [11.7 | 4.7 112.8] 6.1 114.6] 7.8 | 15.1] 8.1 |16.0) 8.0 | 15.1 5.8 10.3| 3.1 ]10.6/ 3.6 Noon | 14.3] 7.1 |14.6| 7.4 |11.6] 4.4 | 10.0} 3.0 | 12.1) 5.4 | 12.8 6.0 | 13.7] 6.7 |15.3| 73 |145) 5.2 10.5} 3.5 1 |16.2) 9.0 |15.9| 8.7 [14.0] 6.8 |10.8) 3.8 | 11.5) 4.8 | 11.2 4.4 112.0] 5.0 |14.2| 6.2 |13.8] 4.5 17.0} 9.8 10.8 | 4.0 9 117.6/10.4 | 17.6 |10.4 |15.2| 8.0 |11.8) 4.8 11.0) 4.3 [10.5 3.7 111.0} 4.0 |13.0} 5.0 [13.1] 3.8 17.6 |10.4 | 17.8 |10.6 10.5 | 3.8 }10.5) 3.7 | 10.4) 3.4 3 117.6 /10.4 117.8 |10.6 |16.3) 9.1 |12.8| 5.8 | 10.5 | 3.8 | 10.5 3.7 | 9.5] 2.5 1/120) 3.9 | 12.4 2.8 16.7| 9.5 |16.8| 9.6 10.5 | 3.8 |11.0| 4.2 | 9.5) 2.5 111.5] 3.47121] 2.8 4 116.3] 9.1 116.0] 8.8 16.8] 9.6 | 14.2) 7.2 )10.8) 4.1 | 11.7 4,9 }11.0| 4.0 }11.5| 3.3 ;11.3] 2.0 15.8) 8.6 | | HIS | deo | ads) 2:0 5 114.4) 7.2 |14.0| 6.8 | 15.6] 8.4 }15.7| 8.7 | 12.7] 6.0 | 12.6 5.8 {11.7| 4.7 |12.4] 4.0 712.5) 3.2 16.5| 9.5 6 |12.0| 4.8 ]12.8| 5.6 114.0] 6.8 |17.2 10.2 }14.3 | 7.6 [13.7 6.9 |13.1] 6.1 }14.0] 5.6 |14.2| 4.9 10.8) 3.6 17.2 10.2 | | 7 9.5} 2.3 |10.6| 3.4 ]13.3) 6.1 |16.5) 9.5 14.9} 8.2 }14.5| 7.7 |14.1| 7.0 |15.5| 7.0 ]16.5| 7.3 9.5} 2.3 |10.0| 2.8 | 15.2] 8.5 115.0) 8.2 8 9.8| 2.6 | 9.2| 2.0 }12.4] 5.2 |15.7) 8.7 ]15.4) 8.7 | 15.4) 8.6 16.4| 9.3 [16.6] 8.1 |18.4] 9.2 | 9.2| 2.0 | 12.0] 4.9 15.4) 8.7 }15.4| 8.6 | 16.5) 9.3 9 119.7) 4.5 | 10.4] 3.2 ]11.3] 4.2 |15.0) 8.1 115.4) 8.7 15.4| 8.6 |16.5| 9.3 ] 18.3] 9.7 | 19.4] 10.2 11.3) 4.2 | 14.6) 7.9 }15.2| 8.4 ]16.5| 9.3 | 19.4 10.8 10 1|13:5| 6.3 112.0] 4.8 |12.5| 4.4 114.0) 7.1 |14.2) 7.4 14.7) 7.9 |} 16.5) 9.3 | 20.0 |11.4 | 20.1] 10.9 11.8} 4.7 16.5] 9.2 | 20.0 |11.4 11 115.3] 8.1 |13.6| 6.4 ]12.4] 5.3 [13.0 6.1 113.3] 6.5 | 14.0} 7.2 116.3] 9.0 | 19.2 |10.6 | 21.4] 12.2 } < } 22.1} 12.9 Midn’t| 16.7) 9.5 ]14.8] 7.6 |12.8| 5.7 |12.5) 5.7 12.4) 5.6 |12.6| 5.8 |15.0] 7.7 | 18.0] 9.3 | 22.1] 12.9 | | | From about the middle of May to the end of the series the corrections change very little from day to day, and are given below :-— May 16. Correction —7.2 May 21. Correction —6.8 Boas & —7.2 2 be —7.0 O55 URE ve —7.2 23: iG —8.0 Luts st —i7.0 “24. —9.3 ‘ 6 « 91), “ 3G RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Serres I1J.—Trpan Oxpservations From Aprit 20 ro AvausT 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. May, 1854. June, 1854. | } | Mean | 25th. Ref. | 26th. Ref. | 27th.! Ref. | 28th.| Ref. | 29th.| Ref. | 30th.| Ref. | 31st. | Ref. | Ist. | Ref. | 2d. | Ref. solar | obs. obs. | obs. obs. obs. obs. | obs. obs. obs. hour. 19.8 |10.6 }17.4| 8.5 | 21.2 12.5 19.0 |10.7 19.0 |11.5 1 119.0] 9.8 }16.6| 7.7 | 21.2 |12.5 |19.0 /10.7 | 18.4|10.8 | 19.5 |12.0 | 16.4| 8.9 | 18.2)/10.7 |15.4| 8.0 | 19.6 10.9 | 18.6 |10.4 18.6 jl1.1 18.4 |10.9 2 117.0) 7.9 [14.3 | 5.4 |18.7|10.1 ]17.3) 9.1 |16.4| 8.8 | 18.1 |10.6 | 17.9 |10.4 | 18.5 /11.0 | 16.1) 8.7 18.5 11.0 | 18.5 /11.0 3 114.5) 5.4 [12.4] 3.6 |16.0) 7.4 |15.5] 7.4 |14.3) 6.7 | 17.2) 9.5 |19.0 11.5 |18.2 |10.7 | 17.0] 9.6 11.8) 3.0 19.0 11.5 17.2) 9.8 4 12.0} 2.9 }11.5) 2.7 }14.7| 6.1 |12.4) 4.3 }12.1) 4.5 | 16.1] 8.6 | 18.2 /10.7 | 17.8 |10.3 |17.2| 9.8 §9°0)|) 220 PLV5)) 207 17.2} 9.8 5 711.0} 2.0 11.5) 2.7 112.5) 3.9 |10.8) 2.8 | 10.0) 2.5 |} 14.3) 6.8 |17.2) 9.7 | 16.2] 8.7 |17.0| 9.7 11.0} 2.0 |11.5) 2.7 }11.2} 2.6 | 10.0) 2.0 | 9.0) 1.5 6 |11.5) 2.5 |11.5] 2.7 11.0) 2.4] 9.5) 1.6] 9.0] 1.5 |12.4) 4.9 |14.9) 7.4 |14.3] 6.8 |15.6) 8.3 11.8] 3.0 | 11.0} 2.4] 9.5) 1.6 | 9.0) 1.5 7 113.5) 4.5 |12.5| 3.7 }12.4| 3.8 | 9.5] 1.6 |] 9.0] 1.5 | 10.2] 2.7 }12.9| 5.4 |13.4] 5.9 $14.2) 6.9 9.5} 1.6 | 9.0) 1.5 | 10.0) 2.5 8 |15.1} 6.1 14.3] 5.5 [14.1] 5.5 ]10.1) 2.3 | 9.0) 1.5 |10.0} 2.5 ]12.0] 4.5 |}12.6] 5.1 [12.8] 5.5 | 9.0} 1.5 | 10.0) 2.5 } 11.2] 3.7 | 12.0) 4.5 9 |17.4| 8.4 |15.2) 6.4 |15.2| 6.7 |11.7] 3 10.2) 2.7 | 10.0} 2.5 | 10.0} 2.5 |11.5| 4.0 |12.0| 4.7 18.2| 9.2 | 11.3} 3.8 ||10-0)) 2:5 | 2125) 4:0 | 11-3)| 470 10 |19.0 10.0 | 16.3] 7.5 |17.3) 8.8 [13.0] 5.2 |12.4] 4.9 }12.4/] 4.9 ]10.5 | 3.0 }11.5] 4.0 ]11.0| 3.7 19.0 |10.0 18.2) 9.7 115) 4:0 [/d0)) S29 11 |18.4| 9.4 |17.2| 8.4 |18.2| 9.7 |14.7] 6.9 |14.4] 6.9 |13.8] 6.3 |12.6; 5.1 |12.0] 4.5 |11.0| 3.7 18.0} 9.5 |15.4| 7.6 11.5] 4.2 Noon }16.0| 7.0 |18.4| 9.6 ]17.5/] 9.0 | 16.5] 8.7 [15.5] 8.0 |14.9] 7.4 [13.7] 6.2 }13.0] 5.5 11.8] 4.5 18.5 9.7 15.7} 7.9 |16.0| 8.5 1 |15.0] 6.0 |18.5| 9.7 |16.6| 8.1 |15.1,) 7.3 ]16.0] 8.5 |15.3] 7.8 |14.8| 7.3 |14.5| 7.0 [12.4] 5.1 17.7| 8.9 15.6) 8.1 | 16.0] 8.5 |] 15.4] 7.9 2 114.0) 5.0 17.1} 8.3 | 14.2) 5.7 | 13.5] 5.7 [15.1] 7.6 [16.0] 8.5 }16.0} 8.5 |14.6) 7.1 }12.8| 5.5 16.0] 8.5 |16.0| 8.5 3 13.2] 4.2 ]16.0) 7.2 |12.3] 3.8 | 11.7] 3.9 114.2] 6.7 ||16.0) 8.5 | 16.0) 8.5 |15.0) 7.5 13.5) 6.2 9.6) 1.1 | 10:8) 3.1 15.2| 7.7 |15.4) 7.9 |15.5) 8.0 4 |12.0; 3.0 ;14.8] 6.0] 9.0) 0.5 }10.0|] 2.3 ]12.3|] 4.8 }14.2] 6.7 | 15.0) 7.5 15.5) 8.0 |14.4] 7.2 11.4] 2.4 9.0| 0.5 | 10.0) 2.3 15.5| 8.0 |15.0} 7.8 5 111.0] 2.0 ]13.6] 4.8 | 9.5] 1.0 |10.0) 2.3 ]11.6) 4.1 }12.8] 5.3 | 13.5) 6.0 |15.5] 8.0 |15.0) 7.8 11.0} 2.0 | 13.0) 4.2 | 10.0} 2.3 11.2 | 3.7 15-2) Wet | 1453) 71 6 ]11.0] 2.0 | 12.2} 3.4 |10.0} 1.5 }11.3) 3.6 |10.2) 2.7 |10.0} 2.5 |12.7|] 5.2 |15.0] 7.6 |14.0| 6.8 12:1 | 3.1 /12.2') 3:4 9.5] 2.0 |10.0) 2.5 7 113.3) 4.3 |12.2| 3.4 |10.4) 1.9 |}12.3] 4.6 | 9.1] 1.6 |10.0} 2.5 |11.7| 4.2 |14.2) 6.8 |13.4| 6.2 | 12.6] 3.9 | 9.1) 1.6 }10.0] 2.5°]11.5} 4.0 8 |15.7] 6.8 | 13.2} 4.5 |12.0| 3.6 |14.2) 6.5 | 9.1| 1.6 | 11.0} 3.5 |11.0} 3.5 | 13.0} 5.6 |12.8) 5.6 10.2} 2.7 11.0) 3.5 9 |17.4| 8.5 ]15.3) 6.6 }14.2! 5.8 |15.0| 7.3 |11.3] 3.8 13.0) 5.5 [11.0] 3.5 | 12.0) 4.6 |12.4| 5.2 11.5| 4.0 | 11.4] 4.0 |12.0| 4.8 10 | 19.5 |10.6 | 17.6] 8.9 [16.4] 8.0 |} 16.1] 8.4 ]13.7] 6.2 [14.4] 6.9 |12.0| 4.5 |11.0) 3.6 12.0] 4.8 19.7 |10.8 11.5] 4.1 ]12.0| 4.8 11 | 19.7 |10.8 | 19.4|10.7 | 18.1] 9.8 | 17.4) 9.7 |16.2] 8.7 ]15.1| 7.6 |14.2| 6.7 |12.2| 4.8 |} 12.0) 4.8 20.1 11.4 18.7 |10.4 | 18.0 /10.3 12.3 | dl Midn’t} 19.7 |10.8 | 20.1 11.4 | 19.0 |10.7 | 18.6 |10.9 | 17.4) 9.9 | 16.2) 8.7 | 15.8) 8.3 [14.3] 6.9 ]12.7| 5.5, May 25. Correction —9.0 May 30. Correction —7.5 AG us —8.8 Oo anils cf —7.5 27 Ws —8.5 June 1. rf —7.5 cog “ —7.8 de 245 # —7.3 e129 if —7.5 Gell RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 35 ee __.. | eal Serres III.—Tmat Oxnservatrons rrom Aprit 20 ro Auausr 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. Tune, 1854. Mean | 3d. | Ref. | 4th. | Ref. | 5th. | Ref. | 6th. | Ref. | 7th. | Ref. | 8th. Ref, | 10th.) Ref. 1ith.| Ref. solar obs. obs. obs. obs. obs. obs. hour. | | 13.0] 6.3 | 12.4 5.6 | 12.8 eerer= "| lose 14.0} 7.4 | 12.8 5.8 3 14.9 eo Wo RD bo LS bo Amore Ue 1.4 Abe = oF [os] bo ry or oO — or ig) o oe cr 19 a) Ke o on Ce) i rr) 13.5 Se x Bee eee See Wwe e Rin Lohans morwtT-~T-T rei O-Tb 14.0 -I Oo SCHHEG oO aera tb ~ nS 14.5 15.0 15.0 | 15.0 14.8 DOM MT ies ee OR St Oo TORRE © NIST ora = Tt on 14.6 ot 14.0 = bo 13.4 | o oet am Tm ff w bw ra 13.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 | il 412.3 be o SYST SN SN oO 9.9 ® abit Midn’t} 13.0) 6. 6.7 pose 10.2 June 3. Correction —7.0 June 4. Correction —6.4 June 5. Correction —6.4 6. —6.4 Vi ifs —7.0 Os ss —7.6 9. —8.0 The record on this day is defective. —8.3 Readings between the full hours are less frequent than before, and are generally —8.6 [given only near high or low water. 34 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Series ITJ.—Tipat OBservations FRoM ApRIL 20 To AuGusr 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. June, 1854, Mean | 12th.) Ref. | 13th.) Ref. | 14th.) Ref. | 15th.) Ref. | 16th.| Ref. | 17th. Ref. | 18th.| Ref. | 19th.) Ref. | 20th.) Ref. solar | obs. obs. obs. obs. s hour. | | | Die ; 19.2 |10.4 22.0\13.2 40) er | eats -1 | 20.1 /11.3 | 16.0 27.5 |12.7 ' 19.8 11.0 17.2} 8.5 |18-6| 9.9 Sr our or en Wrpwoa 9.7 }18.2| 9.3 | 20.2/11.3 |5 ) 1. | ie 19.2 10.5 | 21. 19.0 10.3 | 20.0 11.4 | 17.0) 8.7 | 15.9) 8.2 | 20.9 |12.1 | 20.0/11. | | | 6.4 118.0) 9.1 | 19.6 |10.7 20.5 20.4 |11.7 | 19.9 |11.3 3.2) 9.9 | 16.2) 8.6 o> ~1 3.7 | 13.2 .3 | 15.3) 6.4 =T ao 1vN) 17.6 | 9.0 | 18.4 |10.2 | 18.0 |10 | 7.8 -0| 9.8 | 18.1 on ~I a a a i= 1.6 11.6} 2.7 | 12.2 | 1.6 f Be PLOeD bo o a = i bo 5.6 117. is 18.0) oo ho Et bo WwWwo-Te ie rar RRR mR bo Ho ho bo bo ocr -sT = to bo on ow pe wo © for) ies SS IS lies Sis iv) Ocroerororm or for TID mH wT = os fe baba S060 we ee is G0 SG ox 09 ye) = to o | el et a maT OO Or cr on et bo bo po bo co =T Or Go Orc io 4.9 | | 21.0 |12. 8.0} 9. D. 3.2 5.0} 6.8 -0) 5.3 113.0) 4.6 | Midn’t} - - - 20. a 6.0) 9.2 | 5. 3.5 713.0 4.6 June 12. Correction of The record on this day is defective, the times being uncertain. 13. 4 ae June 14. Correction —8.9 15. Ww i cee 6 2 oe —8.7 aT. ( 6 18s 33 —8.0 19. ae .6 “ 90, & ie RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 35 Serres III.—Tipat OxBserRvaTIONS FROM ApriL 20 To AuausT 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. June, 1854. Mean | 2ist.| Ref. | 22d. | Ref. | 23d. | Ref. | 24th.! Ref. | 25th.| Ref. | 26th.| Ref. | 27th.| Ref. | 28th.| Ref. | 29th.| Ref. solar | obs. | obs. obs. | obs. | obs. obs. | obs. | obs. obs. hour | | | | 21.0 10.6 21.4) 11.4 1 | 14.5) 6.5 |15.2| 6.6 ]16.5| 7.0 | 20.5 /10.1 {19.0} 8.3 | 22.4 |12.1 | 20.2 |10.1 | 21.4 /11.4 | 21.4) 11.4 14.2} 6.2 | 22.4 12.1 lees) alae! 2 113.8] 5.8 |13.9| 5.3 |14.7| 5.2 | 18.0] 7.6 | 17.0] 6.3 | 20.0] 9.7 | 20.2 10.1 | 21.4 /11.4 | 21.4) 11.4 13.8| 5.8 | 3 |13.8| 5.8 |11.5| 2.9 }13.8| 4.3 |15.8| 5.3 |16.0| 5.3 | 17.6] 7.3 |18.5| 8.4 |19.1| 9.1 | 20.0] 10.0 13.8] 5.8 |13.3| 4.7 | 13.4] 3.8 }15.0| 4.5 4 |14.9) 5.9 | ---| ---]13.2) 3.6 [14.2) 3.6 |14.1]| 3.5 | 15.0] 4.8 |17.0) 6.9 | 16.3) 6.3 | 18.0). 8.0 | 5 |14.4] 6.3 | ---| ---|14.0| 4.3 [14.2] 3.6 | 13.0) 2.4 |12.2) 2.0 |12.0] 1.9 115.3] 5.8 16.6] 6.6 | 6 |15.7| 7.6 |---| ---|14.6| 4.9 }15.1| 4.4 |13.4| 2.8 }13.4| 3.2 [19.2] 2.1 [14.4] 4.4] 15.5] 5.5 7 Hele ===} =--|95.0)| 5.2 15.31) 4.6 ||14.0)) 3.4 | 18.8)) 3.7 ||12.8 | 2.7 13's" 3.8 | 13:9) 3.9 8 |17.2) 9.1 |16.7| 7.6 |15.6| 5.8 |15.5| 4.7 [14.5 | 3.9 | 14.4] 4.3 |13.4| 3.3 |13.2] 3.2 |13.6] 3.6 17.2 9.0 13.5] 3.5 |13.9| 3.9 9 |17.6) 9.4 |17.6| 8.5 |18.4| 8.5 116.4] 5.6 |16.2| 5.6 |16.0/ 5.9 |14.6| 4.5 |14.0| 4.0 ]14.4| 4.4 17.2| 9.0: ]19.0| 9.9 | | | 10 | 16.2) 8.0 |18:5| 9.4 | 18.4] 8.5 | 17.5 | 6.7 |17.0] 6.4 |17.2| 7.1 |16.4| 6.3 |15.5| 5.5 |16.2) 6.2 | 11 15.8) 7.6 |17.5| 8.4 | 18.1] 8.1 |18.3)| 7.5 |18.1| 7.5 | 18.8] 8.7 | 18.0] 7.9 |17.8) 7.8 |18.0| 8.0 18.5| 7.7 |18.8 | 8.2 | | Noon |14.6} 6.4 }16.5| 7.4 |17.8| 7.8 |18.9| 8.1 |18.9| 8.3 |19.8| 9.7 |19.4| 9.3 |19.1) 9.1 |18.4] 8.4 18.9| 8.1 19.9] 9.8 ]19.2! 9.2 1 |14.0] 5.8 }16.0| 6.9 }16.0| 6.0 |18.5) 7.7 |18.2| 7.6 | 20.0] 9.9 |19.0| 8.9 |19.2| 9.2 ]19.0] 9.0 19.0} 8.9 19:2] 9.2 19.1) 9.1 2 |13.0| 4.8 [15.4] 6.3 |15.5| 5.5 [15.9] 5.1 | 16.5) 5.9 |18.2/ 8.1 |17.6) 7.5 |18.6| 8.6 | 19.1) 9.1 12.4) 4.2 | | | 18.8| 8.8 3 |11.2] 3:0 | 14.4) 5.3 |14.0| 3.9 |14.7| 3.9 |15.7| 5.1 | 16.4 6.3 |16.8| 6.7 |17.5| 7.5 | 17.5] 7.5 11.9| 3.7 | | A |13.9| 5.6 |13.2) 4.1 113.6] 3.5 13.9| 3.1 | ---| ---]15.0| 4.9 |16.0) 5.9 |17.2| 7.2 |16.4| 6.4 | 12.8| 3.7 |13.5| 3.3 | | 5 |14.6| 6.3 |12.5| 3.3 | 13.2] 3.0 [13.2] 2.4 |---| ---|14.0] 3.9 ]14.8] 4.7 |16.8] 6.8 |13.4] 3.4 | 13.0| 3.8 | 13.2] 2.9 |12.8| 2.0 | 6° |16.5)| 8.2 |14.6| 5.4 | 13.2] 2.9 | 13:5) 2.7 |13.7| 3.2 13.3] 3.2 | 18.8) 3.8 }15.1) 5.1 12.1) 2. | 14.2,| 3.9 12.5} 2.4 TOO 20 7 |18.4/10.0 |17.2)| 7.9 }15.0| 4.7 | 15.0] 4.2 | 13.6) 3.1 | 13.0] 2.9 |13.8| 3.8 }12.8| 2.8 |12.6| 2.6 | | | 13.0] 3.0 } 12.5] 2.5 8 | 19.5 |11.1 18.0| 8.7 16.0| 5.7 [17.0] 6.2 |15.0) 4.5 |15.0) 4.9 | 13.2] 3.2 |13.1] 3.1 ]13.5] 3.6 9 | 20.0/11.6 |19.0| 9.6 |19.0] 8.7 ]19.0| 8.2 |18.0| 7.5 |19.4| 9.3 | 15.0) 5.0 15.1] 5.1 |15.2| 5.3 21.5 |18.0 | 19.5 |10.1 | 10 | 20.5 |12.0 | 20.0/10.6 | 21.0 /10.6 | 21.0 10.2 | 20.2} 9.8 |22.2)/12.1 | 17.5] 7.5 |17.2| 7.2 |16.7] 6.8 20.0 10.6 21.5 |10.8 | | 11 |18.5|10.0 | 19.8 {10.3 | 21.4}11.0 | 22.0 |11.3 | 21.5 |11.1 | 22.4 |12.3 | 20.0 |10.0 |19.2) 9.2 ]17.8] 8.0 | 21.4|11.0 | 21.8 11.1 ‘Sta 5.6 |19.4| 9.9 | 21.4/11.0 |20.6 9.9 | 22.0 11.6 a ea 21.4 |11.4 | 21.3 |11.3 |19.5| 927 | | June 21. Correction — 8.2 June 22. Correction — 9.1 “ 93, “« =aT00 “ 24, “ Sais “95, “ —10.6 “96. «“ —10.1 21s us —10.1 Some doubt about the time record in the afternoon. “ 98, “« —10.0 —10.0 bo 36 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. DN aac, Series [1J.—TipAL OBSERVATIONS FROM AprRiL 20 to AuGusT 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gange. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the seale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. June, 1854. July, 1854. | rae = | | Mean | 30th.| Ref. i. | Ref. | 2d. | Ref, | 3d. 4th. | Ref. '| 5th. | Ref. | 6th. | Ref. } 7th. | Ref. | 9th. solar | obs. obs. obs. | obs. obs. hour. | ———— ff | | ce ————— ior 15.7 18.5 | 9.0 | 20.6 : -3,| 7-6 | 15.2) 6.5 | 15.0 15.0 19.8 |10.3 | 21.0 | FAL : 6) 6.9 | 15.0 15.0 | 20.7 11.2 | 21.4 Be | as -7 | 16. 15.0 20.9 |11. -6| 8.9 15.6 21.0 /11.5 | 21.4 |11. .8| 9.1 | 18.6] 9. 3) 15.6 21.0 |11. 21:0 |11.6 20.7 |11.¢ 19.5 |10. 1 19-0. < b _ am o 20.8 | 21.0 22.0 20.4 | PSSSESSS aAnooocoeo-=! a) We SCrer or St St ST 10.0 ra S an a co on ros) D nop PRAT ioe on “1 ra) 10.0 10.2 10.2 9.8 9.0 (oe co -~I or © so = has a o mT 17.1 oe ay or “I (a bo “I = =) \ 6.4 ~I oppo, i> i ran tw bo = ml ORISO SOS So eb Re Pot o0 ~ aa Ge ors) iy on Oo o co Ww W © WoNne i je bo be by Go oops ~T ar oO ou SII Mw Pople ao a ye ee a oft SG Say SG SG Ga] g2 POL 1 by 99 99 “Tb bot bow Toe PR oS Inmmomrrb Wwwocn ps ao ~ a cr co Ht Hw ~ hoi ih oo = a ih - to oo to 1 O55 3 fo: 2 = —J b = ‘<) to > ~I i Ine eo fa a oo is mo a HS CO Go CO STO Pw wos ww os oo i $2 G2 S209 0 So BRR rR wo Pn Ngee times i Se 92 59 So G9 9 We Ce en) > b = oO wo rer] — bo 14.3 | c = (92) (J) for) o 2) osooocr — a ge ¢ BK ~I ) ee ~T On 17.3 x SUS 09 GO 09 09 Co OO aya SISt iv\ io ok f uo a ps es pe es So 8 &® Whthhllt AF Fa y SN eee oH BROWWAD ww 18.3} 9.1 a oO oD = 7) O~T-t sow bk DWaaabE pS ns bo 19.5 10.3 19.9 10.7 20.4 |11.2 20.4 /11.2 20.4 |11.2 20.4 |11.2 20.4 |11.2 20.1 |10.9 19.7 10.5 a) fo ay sD a oO 7 bo oO a > i=) =I wn uo SSSSSSSO oa 4bRRRR BRIS Say =o 9 = ae DMwWOnrnngn sr 10 bor irregular. 11 — ee CECI ok eS ar oe Readings top $2 09 Go IB Go moaonow ao w Midn’t! 16.7 17.1 7.9 June 30. Correction —).6 July 1. Correction —9.4 July 2. BS —9.5 before 8 A.M., and —8.2 after 8 A. M. eros ne —8.8 —8.6 Lie qs —8.8 Us —9.2 C a —9.2 Tide register out of order at 2 o’clock, changed index 1 foot; correction after . The readings appear irregular. Correction at noon —7.0, at midnight —6.2. [2 A.M. 10.2. oo RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 87 Serres ITJ.—Tipan OBserVATIONS FROM APRIL 20 ro AvGustT 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. ‘ July, 1854. Mean | 10th.| Ref. | 11th. Ref. | 12th.) Ref. | 13th.! Ref. 14th. | Ref. | 15th.| Ref. | 18th.| Ref. | 19th. Ref. | 20th.) Ref. solar obs. obs. a obs. obs. obs. obs. obs. obs. hour. 18.4 |12.3 | 19.3 ]13.4 | 19.3 |13.3 | 19.5 |13.5 16.8 |10.7 | 19.0 |13.1 | 19.3 |13.3 | 19.6 |13.6 | 17.0 |11.0 |18.1] 2? 19.3 13.3 |19.6 13.6 |18.0|12.0 |16.1] « 14.1} 8.1 }17.0/11.0 | 19.0 |13.0 | 19.0 |13.0 | 18.6 12.6 |13.2] « 12.5] 6.5 |14.0} 8.0 | 16.5 |10.5 | 17.8 |11.8 | 18.4 |12.4 ry i) ~I BOOCNNNNDOS 12.1; 6.1 [12.0 6.0 | 16.3 |10.3 | 17.3 |11.3 Hl Se ay 14.0 iss) o 9.0 go bo bs bo bo go - bo counnwmwoo oSpounwwwoeo bo to Sob mig ae counnoe Oat wwor co oaont oa on BP wW bw He bo o n a S al Dee ee b OorFoon aa omMmn <1) tS So wb 4 S wo £2. o is ho ibibo n> oo = = a ae ey) bow for} se v2 ou nmnmoe es) Ted 8.2 8.4 7.3 6.3 © NWHOSSOD & Je) lo @) ROBDDOOM orn pe BR oat conn - RRS ha ns mows oS whNyNNRe —t > or i ~I Readings become very irregular. = Sf I y et bo bo TWwonh io) ~I compan i io ta el It] apwonw > i bo co > =1 to S POO Ds nit Oo & Bow Peet i wWwwbyhyper bo wo Oo ww ows 15.0] 9.1 | 10.5 [e.6] OOS so SO aT wb 10 |17.0/11.1 | 13.9 Readings irregular. bo bo ute mF aT =I o 11 | 18.6 |12.7 | 16.8 19.0 |13.1 eee 19.0 oo “I on o for) a July 10. Correction — 5.8 July 11. Correction — 6.0 12. i — 6.0 Ce Nariel A — 6.0 14. — 6.0 alte if 2 18. —14.3 oii} ce —14.6 20. —14.9 38 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Serres IIJ.—Tmat Opservatrons From Aprit 20 ro AuGusr 3, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the seale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. July, 1854. August, 1854. Mean | 28th. | Ref. 29th. | Ref. | 30th. | Ref. 31st. | Ref. Ist. Ref. 2d. Ref. 3d. Ref. solar obs. obs. obs. | obs. obs. obs. obs. hour. 1 ‘ 10.6 | 10:1 | 10.6 | 10.5 | 8.3 | 8.3 | 8.0 8.0 6.8 7.0 5.3 5.7 sl Tele Dea elite: 5.5 5.9 2 5 1123) | 10S. |) WIRD ae Sebu leaccOr lease: 8.4 8.0 8.2 6.0 6.4 g 1253 4) 2158) | dee | aa abil 9.1 3 x OR || APA) | ats}. |) stale 9:3) ||" .9:3' |) 9:3 9.3 8.7 8.9 6.5 6.9 | TES HW LOVSS | elie O) wale) 4 2 TOL2, |) (O71) 10:8 || TOS | 1056") Lore 923 9.3 9.0 9.3 73 7.7 PS 9.2 9.2 32 8.6 5 5 8.4 O° | 10:2’ || 102 |\F===" | == or 910) e022 025 8.4 8.8 3 9.0 9.0 8.4 8.8 6 a (bebe || RMS GH |} ese] oo5. |} GH) 9.0 9.1 9.4 8.4 8.8 Sp 8.4 8.8 il 5 00 | 2.6 | 64 | 64] --- | --- | 7.5 Ted 7.4 7.8 8.4 8.8 3 23) ||| 129) ||) “de 5.1 8 2 BA || alee) Be) Bb loss || soe 5.5 5.5 6.4 6.8 7.7 8.1 2 PSU alee) Bee) BED 9 A DOT, Mee See Seo) ALO EATON 4-6 4.6 5.0 5.4 6.0 6.4 ao} 3.3 | 3.3 4.4 4.4 10 S SE | Sey || Sea GR abe AS || SAA rs SEV a aoc Peek |) aes BE 4.4 | 4.4 4.1 4.5 11 3S 4.8 ALB) aso ease abe 5.5 | 4.4 4.4 4.1 4.5 3.4 3.8 4.4 4.4 4.1 4.5 3.4 3.8 Noon}, 829 je erebe|) velo) 16298 |) esd: Gal | Gs2" 16r2) |) 44 4.4 4.1 4.5 3.4 3.8 9.1] 8.4 5.0 5.0 4.3 4.7 3.2 3.6 1 OSA Se eroean | SEG |r Gli ameQ) |e aveDll eb decDen 5.7 4.8 5.2 3.2 3.6 9.3 | 8.6 8.0 | 8:0 3.2 3.6 2 OFS )| Ska Ore |) 1989!) Ses) B8e3 SIO)" SFO azo 7.0 5.9 6.3 3.2 3.6 9.3 | 8.6 8.5 8.5 | 9.0 | 9.0 4.0 4.4 3 SAN ey PAGEEY aloe eae) PE GEO | OP ay 8.7 6.4 6.8 4.5 4.9 Teas | 50) i 7950011) 920) I S200 985 9.5 4 Weds (G25 Ve Ue) | eS S23) 82S a lO} OKO Tao OD 6.8 7.2 6.2 6.6 11.0 | 10.8 : 10.4 | 10.5 5 Bool e4e9) | SLOSO) |! TOSGH|e eon eaveaile Onl 9.1 | 10:4 | 10.5 7.0 7.4 7.4 7.8 10.4 | 10.5 8.2 8.6 6 3.7 Syiy | eae8 le eG 620i! G.0 |eeSeOnt ese O! Ola) eLOES 9.1 9.5 Sz 8.6 9.0 9.4 7 SAO ES deo ae Abdi mete 5s 1u||| e626 miGeBemos0) 9.1 9.0 9.4 8.8 9.2 PETp a Beal 43 | 4.3 9.0 9.4 8 QuG' ||, e250) S54 |) Ses Aedes |) s4ee | beet ea: 7.4 7.5 9.0 9.4 9.0 9.4 3.0 | 2:4 4.1 41] 48 | 4.8 9.0 9.4 9 S12 | 27 SS alloy aed | ase ACS i eas tele 6.3 7.4 7.8 9.0 9.4 AA BRET TR) GT) |) eS | GE) 6.1 9.0 9.4 10 BVA |) e429) 1 V0 |) “SISH| bez | bez Ata Aree TeK0 6.1 6.2 6.6 8.2 8.6 4.8 | 4.8 | 6.0 6.1 11 6.4 | 5:9 | 6.0 | 5.9 | 6.4 | 64] 4.8 | 48 | 6:2 6.4 5.8 6.2 7.3 "bel | Bil Weibel Midn’t|) Sel) wee Dee es0 8 mereOn i mes sren tila == 5.6 | 5.6 | 6.5 6.7 5.6 6.0 6.0 6.4 | | a = Se a —— = — > — Between the 20th and 27th of July the observations do not appear sufficiently regular to promise any reliable results. July 28. Correction —0.7 July 29. Correction —0.3 July 30. Correction 0.0 Ne ue 0.0 ; Aug. 1. « —0.0 Aug. 2. ee +0.4 Aug. 3. ay +0.4 After this date the observations are irregular. On the 5th the rope slipped off the wheel. Aug. 8. The brig was released from the ice cradle at 10 A. M., rising suddenly 2} feet. She resumed this position upon very slight disturbance of the external ice, and is now on an even keel for the first time in eleven months. The brig was frozen in and fast since the 9th of September, 1853. Aug. 10. The high-water mark was cut on the island by Mr. McGary. Aug. 11. The warping of the ships was commenced. Tidal observations were resumed on the 12th. The register is kept in fathoms and feet. | i | 1 } | _ ee * RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 39 Series [V.—Tipan OBSERVATIONS FROM SEPTEMBER 7 TO OcTOBER 22, 1854. Hourly observations on the pulley-gauge. Adopted reading of mean level 7.0, expressed in units of the scale. Increasing numbers indicate rise of water. September, 1854. | | | | | Mean | 7th.} Sth. | 9th. 10th./11th. 12th, 13th. 14th./16th.)17th. 18th./19th. 20th.) 21st.) 22d.) 23d. 24th. 25th.|26th.. 27th. solar | | | | hour | | | | | 1 |---} 10.0) 13.5) 13.0/10.0 10.0) 8.0) 6. 0|---| 5.0] 7.0] 9.0 9.0|10.0|11.2| 12.0/11.0 /13.0|13.0| 2 |---| ©5.0) 13:5) 11.0/11:0/14.0] 9. 0| 7.0|---| 5.0} 6.0) 8.0) 7.5] 8.0] 9.0} 10.0/10.0|14.0/11.0 3 |---| 2.0) 11.0} 7.0/11.0|11.0/10.0| 4.0|---| 6.0] 6.0] 7.0] 5.0] 6.0] 4.0) 7.0] 8.0/10.0/10.0| 10.0 4 |---|—1:0| 7.0] 4.7] 9.0] 9.0) 9.0) 3.0)---| 7.0] 5.0) 5.0] 3.0] 5.0] 3.0] 3.0) 6.0) 7.0] 8.0] 5 |---|—1.7] 5.0) 3.0 7.0, 6.0| 6.0| 4.0|---| 8.0} 6.0) 5.0} 2.0) 4.0} 2.0] 0.0) 3.5] 4.0) 6.0) 6 |2--|—1.7} 3.0] 1.0] 5.0) 4.0] 4.0) 5.0)---| 9.0) 7.0) 7-0] 4.0) 5:0) 3.0|—0.7) 2:0) 3.0) 3.0} 7 |---|—1.0) 2.2 —1.0) 3.0. 2.0) 0.0| 6.0|---]| 9.0] 9.0] 8.0] 6.0] 6.0] 5.0} 2.0] 2.0] 2.0) 0.0} 8 |---| 0.0) 1.0—1.0/ 0.0} 0.0/ 1.0] 8.0|/---] 9.0] 8.5|10.0} 7.0) 7.0] 6.0} 4.0) 2.0} 0.0} 1.0'—1.0 9 |---| 2.0] 4.0] 0.0} 0.0) 1.0) 2.0] 9.0/---| 8.0] 7.5'10.0] 8.0] 8.5] 8.0} 7.0} 5.0| 1.0] 3.0] 1.0 10 |---] 9.0) 5.0) 4.0) 2.0] 3.0| 3.0|10.0)---| 6.0} 9.0) 9.5] 9.0|10.0/10.0| 10.0)10.0/ 3.0} 4.0] 3.0 Ii |---| 14.0] 6.5] -=-| 4.0] 4.0) 5.0} 4.0) 4.0] 5.0] 7.0} 8.5) 9.5 |11.5|12.5) 11.0)12.0} 6.0) 7.0] 6.0 Noon |---| 12.0} 11.0} ---| 7.0| 7.0| 6.0 4.0| 5.0] 6.5! 8.0} ---|10.0/13.0] 13.0,13.0)12.5 |10.0} 9.0 1 |---| 11.0) 13.0] 9.0! 9.0] 3.0] 8.0] | | 5.0] 5.0) 6.0 1.5) --=| 9.0|10.0| 11.0,12.0 |13.0|12.0) 10.0 14.0 | a ; 2 |---| 10.0] 10.0] 11.010.0| 4.0| 9.0] & | 7.0| 6.0) 5.5| 7.0/---| 6.0| 8.0 10.0'10,0112.0|13.0| 12.0 3 |---| 8.0] 7.0} 9.0, 8.0) 9.0] 9.0) # | 8.0] 7.0] 5.0] 6.7| 4.0) 0.0] 6.0] 7.0) 9.0)11.0/11.0| 13.0 4 |---| 6.0} 4.0) 6.0) 9.0)10.0! 9.0) & | 9.0} 8.0} 7.0/6.5] 2.0} 1.0] 3.0] 5.0) 6.0| 7.0] 9.0) 10.0 5 |---| 4.0) 2.0] --- 10.0] 8.0] 9.0] & | 8.0] 9.0] 8.0] 6.0/ 3.0] 1.5] 1.0] 1.0) 3.0] 6.0] 6.0] 9.0 6 |---| 2.0] 0.0] --- 10.5] 4.0] 6.0) 8 | 7.0|10.0) 9.0) 5.0] 4.0} 3.0] 2.0] 0.0) 2.0] 4.0] 4.0) 7.0 7 |---| 1.0\—0.5] ---| 9.0] 1.0] 4.0] 3 | 8.0/10.0 10.0| 8.0| 6.0| 4.0] 3.0 0.0, 1.0| 2.0 3.0| 3.0 8 |---| 0.0|—0.5] ---| 5.0] 0.0] 3.0) & | 9.0/10.4/10.5|11.0) 8.0] 7.0] 5.0] 4.0] 2.0] 0.0] 0.0] 0.0 9 }11.0] 5.0) 4.9] 2.0 1.5) 1.5] 4.0} 2 |10.0/10.0|10.5)11.5 |10.0] 9.5] 7.5] =--| 5.0] 5.0] 1.0] 1.0 10 13.0] 8.0} 6.0] 1.0 3.0] 3.0] 5.0] S | 9.0/10.0 |12.0/12.0 |12.0|12.0|11.5 -| 8.0| 8.0] 4.0] 4.0 11 | 14.5} 11.0] 10.0) 7.0 7.0] 5.6] 5 4| 8.0 |10.4 11.0 |12.6 13.0 14.0 )10.0 --| 9.0|11.0| 7.0] 6.0 Midn’t/ 14.2) 13.0) 12.0) 10.0 8.6) 7.0) 7.0 6.6| 9.0 10.0 |11.6 11.0 13.0) 9.0 as 12.0] 9.5] 8.0 Sept. 1854. October, 1854. | | | | ; | | Mean 28th.|29th. 30th} Ist. P & . | Tth. | 8th. | 9th. |L0th.| 11th. 12th, 15th. 17th. 1Sth. 19th. 20th.) 21st. | | i} | | | | rea eis a8 fcr ds Ped ‘| "noth 189 #0 igo ass, polo 7.0:10. 0} 12.2) 7.0 /12.0) ---|14.5| 7.0} --- 4.0} 7.0 7.0, 4.0/10.0| 9.0/10.0| 8.0] 3.0) 3.0) .0 .0} 2.0} 7.0] 8.0} 7.0/10.0] 4.0] 4.0} | 1.0] 4.0] 4.0] 5.0] 9.0] 5.0) 6.0 | 0.0; 0.0} 2.0) 4.0) 8.0) 6.0) 6.4) .0} 0.0} 1.0} 1.0 7.0| 7.0} 7.0 | 0.5] 1.5! 0.0 | 6.0! 8.0| 8.0 7.0| 2.5| 2.0] 3.5] 5.0] 9.0/11.0| 5.0] 5.5 | 4.0 .010.0 11.0 3.0 13.0 | 4.0 14.0|16 5.2 | 13.0 5.0 | 12.0/1: .0| 6.0} 10.0 14.0} 7.0) 40| 9 .0| 8.0 4.0) 9.0 3.0 9.0 2.0) 6.0 10. 0 3.0| 4.0| 8.0) 4.0) 6.0 7.0} 8.0 5.0 10.0)10.0) 7.0 > c=} 1 ' 1 = ' 1 ' 1 ooo ooc o TW eH COOF, coonsee The Seooouncs': ee DS ge po go Sooooooonos 75) COIS PID SEwSawwor! oS See ee oe ee Was o¢ ehh hm) POS Serie Whe el ol He oF i=) ce 2 ae oo ar bo =) 2 === 9) PISLEEMawNHooRs Ssoooceooooo ei eet od bow So ooo <>) ooocooun Ree Re L Pwoso kwh oO: So Sea Shes (—) Soundin O° —— gs irregular, ee oS oo CEA ES She elie aS ei io omnt¢ oooo on [ Bee DDH HEROD TID ENWKEOGNDDOOD SoooNoSo | con im) =e) Seococososse ra) b 10.0 ih 0 5.0 12.0 13.0 9.0 7.0] 13.0| 13.2) 12.0,10.0 14.0| 14.0] 14.0 13.6 i 13.0} 14.0) 13.6/14.0) 10. Nore.—The above ees were stakes from the eel converting mine fathoms into feet and deducting 8, in order to reduce the mean level of 15 feet to the adopted Tevél of comparison of 7 feet. The observations are taken with the sounding line; bottom weedy. Sept. 8. Some doubt about the time between 1 and 5 P. M. After October 22 the soundings are too irregular, and later observations with the pulley-gauge too much affected by changes of the index. This last series is considerably inferior in accuracy to the three preceding series. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO DSS IONS NR aT i=) oo Peds eepepeeSeeue SET Rw NASH oonooooooco°oS Seayrom S Oo ON PRO SNE ONSAPNE WHS SI POs aod We oS oOo oO = > 9.0 12.0 | 13.0 11.0 11.0 | 11.0 oc 11 i 0 Midn’t} 6. 0} I oop oo Pee. S 3 oon lo 00 OV 09 oom 10) RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Reduction of Tides, Van Rensselaer Harbor, 1853-54. Having given the tidal record in a form ready for use, the observations next require to be properly tabulated for the purpose of deducing empirically their laws, and for comparison with theory. In the United States Coast Survey two blank forms are in use for this tabulation; they have in their essential part been adopted as suitable for the Van Rensselaer Harbor tides, and were used with permission of the Superintendent of the Survey. They are strictly applicable only for such cases where the diurnal inequality is comparatively small, or is at least not approximating to the production of single day tides. In order to show, at a glance, the general character of the tides under discussion, they were plotted a second time, and are given in Plates I, II, and III; the observations having previously been referred to the same mean level. From these diagrams it appears that the diurnal inequality is not of so great an effect as to render the use of the ordinary method of reduction unavailable; on the other hand, it is sufficiently large to require a special discussion for time and height. The extension of the series of observations over a whole j year must be considered as a fortunate circumstance, since the results thereby gain ; considerably in accuracy over others deduced only from a few disconnected lunations. The tidal record would not be complete without the observations for direction and force of the wind, and for atmospheric pressure; the reader will find these 1 records in my discussion of the meteorological material of the expedition, in Vol. XI, Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1859. The following pages contain the first tabulation of the preceding record, viz: column 1 contains the date, civil reckoning, adopted for convenience sake. Co- ‘ lumn 2 gives the apparent time (civil reckoning) of the moon’s superior and inferior transit over the Van Rensselaer meridian, obtained by adding nine minutes to the time of transit at Greenwich, allowing for a difference of longitude of 4" 433" W. The mean time was converted into apparent time by applying the equation of time. The time for the lower transit was obtained by taking the mean of the time of the preceding and following upper transit. Columns 3 and 4 contain the apparent time of high and low water, taken from the record; in some cases a graphical method was resorted to, to obtain the instant of these phases with greater precision. The equation of time has been applied to the mean time in which the observations are expressed. Columns 5 and 6 contain the lunitidal interval between the time | of high water and low water, and the time of the transit of the moon immediately preceding, though in some cases, owing to the half-monthly inequality, it may be the second preceding, the establishment being about 11% hours. This transit of comparison has been called transit #’ by Mr. Lubbock.’ The next columns, 7 and 8, give the height of high and low water, extracted from the preceding abstract. The remaining columns contain the moon’s parallax and declination at noon. 1 See an Elementary Treatise on the Tides, by J. W. Lubbock, Esq., London, 1839. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 4] TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION or TipEs.—No. 1. Showing the times of High and Low Water, and the Heights of High and Low Tides; together with the time of the Moon’s passing the Meridian of the place, and the Lunitidal Intervals, at Van Rensselaer Harbor during the months of October 10, 1853, to October 22, 1855. ix Series I.—From Ocroser 10 tro Decemper'28, 1853. Moon passes Apparent time of | Lunitidal interval. Height of the meridian. Moon’s Moonta DATE. od aa cal DEE Se ae parallax declination Appar. time. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. | WH. water.| L. water.| ®t noon. at noon. 1853. = = zs ay —, —— | ——_—_ He M. Hi. M. | H. | M.| H. M.| H. | M.| Ft. | Dec. Ft. | Dee.| Min. | Dee. Degree.| Dee. Oct. 9 6 28 = oneal |hee=bal seta fiecenal aesenl|h eee cer 3S il) 6 57 8 | 13 | 11 | 13 |] 13 | 45°| 16 | 45 Selon bball ved 58 4 58) g 7 26 Gam een tensil | ella SL Oi iyascull tees PN el eee eget 7 54 7 | 58 1 | 43 | 12 | 32 | 18 | 46 Gal ovat) Ae) eA BY, 8 —20 9 8 22 7 | 43 Sa SOE SL ray, Dale bal Lai 8 aii | 11P) 8 47 8 | 13 1} 43°} 14 | 51 | 17 | 49 7 9 4) 0 reals 8 aly 0 9 12 9 | 29 2| 43] 12] 42 |18/ 21] 10] 0] 4] 2 S811} 9 37 9 | 59 3 | 14] 12 | 47 | 18 | 27 yl al 3 7 56 7 —12 3 10 O02) |p LON | 4s) 135) 59h 12) Be ta 47 Lou 9) 3) 1 “ 14 10 24 110) 14) 4] 14] 12 | 12] 18 | 37 () LSP eae hae yi 56 2) —i7 st HORS) ATE |LOG 44a Sel bO eae 20) | ize Si) el Sal) 2h) 7 is sly 0 il) S58 4 Nyaa ode (heed lancet laceeal [eeu] I@ece | mesa | eet lanes 54 9 + 8 9 0 35 LS On On Ou Omaha O2e) LOM Lena) el 5 « 18 0 57 a | bea Gia OOD econ ircerte |ielciell econ Laree agli) vex 1 8 54 5 +13 7 Th fNPTRSN 0 PS: Maree (UE (SEY | PMCS cae | eatiyel sy Minto ey I ona | Gale) 1 40 0 | 30 6 | 45} 11 | 12) 17 | 27 | I 5 1} 6 54 3 +17 | 9 2 02 Te alls fe LOR UTS Shp id Bisson! 9) e720 2 25 1 | 15 i) Gy) cathe Palsy | SU y= Be aia 5 Sa ye 54 2 +21 3 2 48 1 | 45 9 | 00 | 11 | 20 | 18 | 35 | 11 9 2) 7 ON PAN 3 12 1) 30] 7 | 45 | 10 | 42 | 16 | 57 9; 9 2} 8 54 1 +23 8 3 36 3 | 15 SrRoON La NOS Liars) ein 1 4,4 | “22 4 00 SLSR 29 LG 9 | 39 | 17 | 40 | 10 5} 3] 4] 54 2 +25 | 2 4 25 3 | 16 8 | 46 | 11 | 16] 16} 46) 9 9} 4) 5 «23 4 51 Sa UGE Steal LO Die ES OG i tO) 03! |) 23 9 54 4 +25 5 5 16 4.) 16) 10) 16 | 11 | 25°) 17} 25.) 10) 4) 5) 2 « 24 5 42 3 | 31 8 | 31] 10 | 15 | 15 | 15 8 pl Aral 5 54 8 424 7 6 O7 | EXO [ited Neos FA ye OE Sess lls ees 9 dig | esc lines « 25 6 32 at OLS) 10s)! £65) 10) a4) L834 1 5 | 41 55 4 +422 6 6 57 8 | 16) 10 | 46} 13] 44|16)39] S| 5] 5] 2 & 26 7 22, 7 | 46°) 0 | 32 | 12>) 49 | 17 | 59 alee Qa Dolmen oa so 1 +19 5 7 46 8 | 46 | 0 | 46] 13 | 24 | 17 | 49 9 26 1 el 8 11 Se) U6) i) 46s) a 30) | 18) ), 24.) 28 Le} Aen eS, Sim a0 +15 3 8 35 8 | 46] 0 | 46] 12] 35 | 17) 00] 9 8 5 5 28 8 59 tell oc JOU Be Maa WEE eGo | St) BM Ze Bs 57 9 +10 3 9 23 9) 46) 37] 467) 12) 47°) 19) JV flo | 8 Sy eek ph) 9 47 9 | 46! 4] O1 | 12 | 23 | 19 | 02 |} 10 7 3:| 4] 58 8 + 4 6 10 uT HOOF 46")) 14.) 16 220) 599) 18) 53, |) 11 4/ 4|] 9 “ 630 10 36 12} 01 | 3 | 46] 1 50 | 17 | 59 | 11 6 Z| “9 59 7 —1 5 11 Ol -} 10 | 46 | 5 | 16} 12} 10) 19 | 05] 11 ‘is Ba 9 Sol 11 26 11} 31) 4] 16) 12) 30/17) 40]12) 0} 1 6 60 4 —7 7 11 52 | 12) 16] 5} 01) 12] 50) 18 | 00)12) 2) 1 9 Nov. 1 on eri MEAG esa eon Ant Let 2On dan aoe |) a2 il) az 60 8 —13 6 0 LO ae Gs S73) 202} LO} 57 3) 298) 098 |e 17 GaSe) ao. so 2; 0 48 sail Ror TM AO a Sel ea SUtshel| oe a ee ee on) 61 0 —18 7 1 16 OLS eT LON aL eh Las) es 14) V3 ) Wo) al Has 18) 1 46 1) 16) 7 | 16} 12] 00 | 18] 00] 11 Bi OM a) 60 9 —22 7 2 16 Desh) 98)| 46) | nr | 45") 299) 00) | 14) 2°) 1 5 Ski si 2 47 1 | 16 8 | 01 | 11 | 00 | 17 | 45 | 11 6), SOM a, 60 5 —25 0 3 19 core || Bos ESI ALO et [ee eae WLC EI ath © pene eee ab 6 ce 4D 3 50 UU SRG) are Ue i aA TI) Sa 0 @] 59 9 —25 6 4 22 2 | 46 8 | 46] 10) 56 | 16) 56]13] oO| 1 8 coer G 4 52 4/01) 9] 01} 11} 39)16)39] 9] 1] 2) 3] 59 1 | —%4 | 5 5 23 4| 46 | 10") 31] 11 | 54) 17) 39|10}] 9) 2) 6 ee ws 5 52 3 | 46 | 10 | 16 | 10 | 23 | 16) 53] 8 Ais! eu) ean | OS 4 —21 9 6 21 COV BHM el licas (MOR) I ese Rees (a I i eee | oe 42 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Series I.—F rom Ocrosper 10 To DECEMBER 28, 1853. Moon passes Apparent time of Lunitidal interval. Height of the meridian. . Moon’s ke = ———— soe parallax at noon. Appar. time. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. | L. water. | H. water. Moon’s declination at noon. .| Ft. |Dec.}| Min. | Dec. 48 14 38 57 48 31 52 13 34 mMmweow Poo or co oO ke Or 15 37 WMmMTIONIAMINW HN T1H CH hw Voor a) ATAIMIAMAIAINIAPLwWRWHNOHOOS WE WOWONNNNWNHRN OR Ee OO AOwoawwwnwmnNwmreeHo a oP H H wMOre-19N 0 K-18 =I ASM ANAAWON HH WH Pp oAT i) mmo OM OaTAIAAOAaovrrhhPwWOWWNWNRRH i — o for) wT wo © wo Re = _ fo) TWIDMNONWDOORPWHOUNSHHE PAISCTMHOMH-T10: PORPCNNUWUNHREOQ&U Ww: —J —_— CAMATATAAUTPPE PEP PODe To fF OC FPF HF Oo OH I SCWOWRHEH POP WNP NATO hPa N OAT AT: DP RW ee Hmo eM Doe De Ooro: =) ARWDWHHH-TWDEOAUIDD: @o-~I-1 +1 eon: or or Or Go OOO GO > 09 09 bo SO OT: on bob Degree. ~1 ° bo bo o oc FF oO 068 FF DO YH TA wo YF x 8b 6b NH OSG Ww 6 TF HH RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 43 Serres I.—F rom Ocroper 10 To DecempBer 28, 1853. Moon passes Apparent time of | Lunitidal interval. Height of the meridian. Moon’s Moon's Darter. ae ] - as — i —S parallax declination Appar. time. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. | Hl. water. L. water.| 9% 200n- uO OX: ISD SS | bee oe eee | = : i H. | M. | H.|M.| Hu. | M.| u.|M.| a. | M. | Bt. |Dee.| Ft. | Dec.| Min. | Dec. | Degree. | Dec. Dec. 11} 9 | 06 9) 51} 3/36/13) 05)19)/11} 9] 5) 1) 7] 54 5S) 10, |) | & 27 9] 36) 3] 36) 12 | 30/18) 50} 7} 8] 1} 8 | a gl? Dy) ort W065); 4) O65), 139/539 | 191"00 7} 9 98) OF} Bi] 54 Qt eae | ey | 10 LO UL 06a 4a (SG al ae Lal) TONNOS) Helou ea FI 8 Cals} 4) SG) 3 LOM PSH a 4a) Ode LASS HM LS aCe cae Onl s8el 5 54 0 | +19 | 6 10 54’ | 10) 20] 4/35) 11 | 49/18/25) 8] 6] 2] 8 eT ake) il 17 | 11] 05] 4) 35) 12) 11) 18 | 04) 12) 5 | 2] 3] 53 Opal 22 / ull ALG UI OGM NG), OOS Aaa TG aN TB al Oi an 4 co PSY ee erie) cosas Dal Ooaleeelinecollt Lnen4e Alb Seat emia co tie ca Se5S 9 | +24] 7 | 0 06 104) 6h] OLN TS a3 Teaos Sw oe 16 6 <6 0 3 OOS Sa OA TESS Te SSaton ll Se 4a 5: oO | +25 | 6 "0 55 On) LON a Se RAS Silage TDs 1 6 CoM ao), aa 20 ON/eS40) Gal OSMAT Weao 7 OS zak bale a Talib 2 Ne 4-25) || 2 Wri 445 heal eet bal Teulon Sul eibUlN panne ae! OME 6 a}, 0) w) 1 OSE TOS ELIE TOM 7h OM [permite | ceili -) 10) 13) 8) 28) 12)/27 | 48 | 10; at | 6) 1} 9) 61 2) ee 9) 10 48 | 10/58] 4 | 58 | 12) 42/19] 12/10) 6 | 4/9 | Series II.—From January 28 ro Apri 7, 1854. See? 7 Oo CUR a: a ee Pe Oe een pace dliaeeth di COM aly che 201 4050 CD Beles Ss Le Ba Paseo) as Neto) | WOM 6h) a Onl) “60 4 ee 5 0 01 OMSL Gere eta Ayer Geez elon) eA nee Dy lang “ 99 0 31 CHA GU eG PSs GA eS te Sih f59 Gy | aki |e 1 01 OUP Qn Saw Oze tire Sih elon NST eT Salesian. 8 “ 30 1 27 fa) OR | aT STS ae WTO || Be) SON | They || a ee 1 55 1/16) 7) 46|11 | 49] 18|19}13] 9 |—o|. 4 « 31 2 20 0/46) 71|16| 10} 51] 17 | 2 De TO) |e Sip 8s Bip 1st || 2 45 TEAS) GPO Soule oe its law } LT ies | Feb. 1 3 08 2} 46| 8 | 46|12/]01)18)01)11]/ 1] 1] 3] 57 SY |) ce Boll 3 32 2/46) 9] 01|11)38)17|53|12| 9| 2] 1 ae ae) 3 54 AOU 19) COL |p 020162937 29) 1710) |p OU) Zi) 10)))) 56 4 ete Sh iis 4 16 2/46/10] 01] 10} 52])18/] 07/10] 6] 0} 3 aires) 4 38 4/01] 8/46] 11 | 45/16) 30] 8} 5] 3) 4] 55 Wl ete ey |W 5 | 00 Saou lecd) (patel tie OS LOM Salesul 1G | 2} 2 Geel |) al 4/46| 9101] 11 | 46|16] 01] 9} 2] 3] 8] 55 Oh 1356 5 | 43 5 |16]12|16])112]55|18|)55| 8] 9] 3) 8 «5 6 06 6] 16] 12 | 16} 12) 33|18]33|10] 5| 5) 0O| 54 | Si 6 28 5 || 16 fil 46 ae oP Aon ton 7:|) 4 5 | “© 6 6 | 51 SEG IU |e46s TS a en 7 etSe|e9) We By |) Sole Ship bd: Bio) Lay || og |) 314 SHOhel tie Toad tan LON! 16s |e 2bule owe cael Ouleed | e838 TE WWAGH| cet esse flee ROOM eecculoct (yc Onley Arlee eos |meotem|ieds o|petegoeal (9 8 02 7 | Sie Bie OLe le 5a) |) LON eA) lke Se tes 2h ee ies 44 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. Serres IJ.—From January 28 tro Aprit 7, 1854. + Moon passes Apparent time of | Lunitidal interval. Height of | the meridian. Moon’s Moon’s Ae parallax declination Appar. time. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. at noon. at noon. 1854. |— Sala = = | H. M. | H.| M.| H. | M.| H. | M. | H. | M. | Ft. | Dec.| Ft. | Dec.} Min. | Dec. | Degree. | Dee. Feb. 8| 8 | 26 | 10/01} 2| 46/13|59|19|08]) 9| 5] 4] 7] 54 | 1 | 425 | 4 es 50 Ca ey Ne eh N TI eG) Gy WaIB A || a ee 8} |e © Oly Of E5| 20h) I | 3) 15 | 185 Ls | Ag eo he | US Sesh ol faa) etal i) 29 41 9 45) 4) 45) 12 1)30)) 19 }55 4 7) 2] 3) 3 ce Pl) | 10 06 Oh) 15) 65 aaa |r NOON 9h 25 Sila o4 6 | +24 9 | 10 32) 2045) |) 5 TE 13) 39) 19 Sa Veh VG) 2) 5 TL 20 BY | AM Ad 155) CO) || TS Se Sa baa Os |emoni eye Sy) 54 9 | -Eo2 ss eat 22) Weld 45) |) AR 4b aos Pas nS TSW eve leu) 8 (Gap alt 46 | 10] 45] 5] 00] 11) 23/18] 03)11) 5) 2! 8| 55 a Seta 8 ees: Pes | ee eb Mea lisyet Meee eeXoyrl PTE AP OTN | SIG) | CEY | al Ie: “« 43 0 10 | 11/15 | 5) 45/11/05} 17) 59)}12) 6| Oy 7] 55 8 | +15 6 no) 3 LO 45) |) a) Lee) ea azn OB eG pels eres aed 14 0 BBy wifi wosui|iase, |) 1 aleed Gall ten al ieecen esl Spe cl So meee eee (ee Del mean heuer 3.) 10! 4 1 21 O46) 27, | TG ea Shai ae asa Gl) el 15) A 44 0/31 | 6/46) a0 tO 7 25s tie) 8) |) 3.) 2h) 956 A StS Gy 2} 06 DRG ee 46 A So Sin OD a eS) all eed © 6G 2 29 Q | 26) 7) 46] 20) P10 WL AO tS Se) 2) 2a ay 3 | —0 3 2 51 2) 01 S| Len Th Weson | ela Ame ll see le legal eS aT 14 S516 i || ENT es NG: P2on Tae G | Seo) ea 7 |=—6] 0 3 ST see |oeee || Vi Qiel LOM eee Mees (Linn aaa lie Ou limes “« 18 4 00 BOL | 9 OL) Ae 2a Ty W245 TO 6 | 2 Zi as 2 —l1 7 4 24 2106 | 9) 16 P10 T60N1y HA PO 2 3 i) oO “ 19 4 49 3] 16! 10 | 46] 10 | 52}18]22)11) 3] 4] 5] 58 7 — Gia a8 5 16 3 16 | 10:16 | 10), 27 17 | 27 | to) 7 1 3 | 0 “20 5 42 3 | 46 9 |16]10/] 30/16] 00]10) 8 5 | 5 |, 59 1 —20 9 6 10 S146: Nprcoee | eecea pL lH Oy eee ee -oaf aeC |he7p | een ne cy 6 SOL eh ieee al cet Ih Se meet eel || ell renee elt gates |e oun Fey aot | at 7 09 a1 RACH cece eLzAlles so bet lees “ 92 7 PT Eee iets ami | ecesp-a| | Rep | ieee olf sak HNN eset VIPER See ee BR) 3 || 7 8 10 TW AGH | 4s NG Ne 2k O Ge ele Oza Ge eed |e ne “ 93 8 41 | 10) 16 | 27 46|14) 06] 19 | 06) 10) 7| 4) 1} 59 9 | —25 6 9 12 8| 41 | 4] 46]12)| 05] 20] 36] 8| 9| 5] 7 “ 24 9 45 Beh saize4|) eee a ala) |eLiGu les Baliel On lesan Salles | eer 9 | —23 | 7 10 15 {10/17} 3] 47] 12] 32) 18) 35} 9) 7| 2] 8 | e325 1) 10 45 LO LTE) SNAG EAC O2 aT eb 2a eS Sse ee eaog, 6 —20 3 | al Gy |) MO ee) ZN ali aps Th abs | aes |) ap 2 lh 3 pe )) at 41 | 12) 47] 4 | 47] 13 | 34/18) 02/11) 9] 2] 0} 59 ANS oy aie ee |e | 6) 02) T2006) 189) 49ul tales) |e suo O53 ON 0 OF 1S ATE eb ODN Le eo EN 7a eA a On ees 6 | —l0 | 3 0 Sey ye Gaby Nah |) ai rie eis |) Tiel Sy Een). |) G) « 298 0 Bi S20) Gui dea Soa aT Se Onl On| ekelegon 9 —4 5 1 22H) LEAT WP 7 ODN LOn| 25 Nel @y | nOo ideally eth |e March 1 1 CATE | eal SrA Be Ih Se Hat ll Aa Se ce |e tt Gil By Toph | 4 Iker 09 10 || Bea Ee ae | ait eee aise Gps |) Be PSB) |) al |] 83 CF Atee 2 31 ZT |aS) |) 7 W489 09) Waly SH aa TO Bel wae SG 4 | + 7%) @ 2 53 T3310 (9) eS LL 02) | TSS eo eS 3 3 15 D038) || S eLS) | eLO eal eon eLOa a Gee aale neo: 1 A i 3 38 2) 18 | 9! 03) 412 | 03.) 17 | 4810) 9} 1] 5 com 4 00 3 103 |b 7 48 UT 2b TG TON DE od | Se gy 55 0 | 4286) | 4 4 23 248) |) 8: F485) LOMAS MGA Fase a 0 te 5 4 46 3 | 48] 8 | 48 | al | 25 )-16 125) 9) at 3 54 6 | +20 | 5 5 09 3 (03 |} 91/48 tro) 17 2% 02) 10) 2) 3) 9 “ 6 5 32 4]/18]10] 03}11| 09/16] 54]10] 5| 6| 1] 54 3 | +23 | 4 5 56 SLD LO) SA AL 7a OZ eS iim) We Aiea Ct 6 22 4/49/10] 49]10] 53/16/53] 8] 8} 5] 8] 54 2 | +25 | 3 6 BT || Econ lesseh | he cstsl Wool Gea [Reteciy | Meet iescte eee (PAS. a! een eee “ 9 8 CORT ese || eee (occ a (ee || ea ell cael [tera acer | eo] corbal | ceed] coe +25 5 8 DB ANE ccculliiccsst, |lozas: llae cof Me ccectl| Reesecys eect (can | een | eect | mee eee “« 40 8 53 9 | 49} 4] 21]13] 21) 20])18} 9) 9) 3) 9} 54 9 | +23 | 8 9 18 }/10 | 50) 4/35 |13') 67) 20 | 07) 8} 8} 5) 0 CT ht 9 42 |10/ 50] 4) 35]13] 32/19] 42]10] 6] 5] 4] 55 Bape |W | Co A a 3 Paria eer areal |oeAs, | (eco tse Fife roay Al cao acee ||P ace + 7 1 0 Coie Pa OR RR eau Pai FG |) a eee al | ah |) RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 45 Srrizs IJ.—From JANvuARY 28 To ApriL 7, 1854. Moon passes Apparent time of | Lunitidal interval. Height of the meridian. Moon’s Moon’s DATE. — — —| parallax declination Appar. time. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. at noon. Ey oT05 1854. = = - = = SS H. M. ai lelutts 3 a a bat © A i 1 | M. | Ft. | Dec.| Ft. | Dec.! Min. | Dec. | Degree. | Dec Mar. 15 0 29 | 11 | 21 CN AULO S25 US aA a Qe Bay 57, 6 +1 2 0 52 mat i oae Ch CUE Gace has Reyes] Gos. || lore 2 7 6 1G L 15 0 | 36 8 | 21 | 11 | 44 | 19 | 29 | 10 5 3 2 58 1 —4 6 1 38 1 | 21 6 | 36 | 12 | 06 | 17 | 21 8 b 3 0 ST a br 2 02 1 | 36 8 | 21 | 11 | 58 | 18 | 43 | 12 0 9 7 58 5 —10 5 OP cae ake Weel (Bah SIGNt asp cal AB OMELOM eC All “ai 2 1s 2 52 P52 9 | 22 | 11 | 26 | 18 | 56 } 12 1 1 6 58 8 —15 8 3 18 1 | 52 8 | O7 } 11 | 00 | 17 | 15 9 5 3 1 1g 3 44 D2 ey | SAS OL MENS Nea eS: 2a al) 159) 0 —20 4 4 12 2 | 37 BS Lon ROS lo! Woon he 7 2 6 20) 4 40 RCRA Nery A Rcosel deta KOs obs is MD AS || eee) | isae 59 2 —23 8 ° USS PP i 11 ess || eel eco pate mde ceed Mince fracce |hAass. || eteae Ith aco —26 0 23 % 42 iol P| es eee | WPA Pe eta cers OMe DO Alccillt eas 59 2 —2 6 8 12 8) 235) LA 5a PLA AL | D8 42s Bae by bal 3 “24 8 42 7/54) 2/09) 11) 42)18) 27) 10) 2) 4) 8} 59 0 —21 6 Ce eat 10 | 39 2 | 24] 13] 57 | 18 | 12 9 2 5 3 © 25 9 318) Se S4a SS DAL ANAS OAL LOR Sa “One La bs 7 —17 5 10 05 Geb4qh Sc ba 12 Lb P89 6 Aas (26) ee LO 31 9/24) 4) 24)11/19)18|}45}11) 7) 3) 8] 58 3 -—12 4 10 55 | 11 1}24) 4) 39 }12) 53) 18 | 34 )11) 4] 3) 4 Teeth oS FSA LON Sac AM DAN SG) Wel Saie2S spot ee 9) |) 2 a i b7 8 — 6 fi 12} 43 | 11) 25) 5 | 25)12)06]/18|30)/10] 9/ 1) 8 e285 oe ots 11 | 25 5 | 55 | 11 | 42 | 18) 36 | 12 0 2 0 57 3 —0 8 0 07 cee || WBS Go 25 etese lees Healt AZ tsewe|f poner dt—l 3 GPA) 0 29 0 |. 40 6 | 25 | 12 | 33] 18 | 18 | 12 Q 3 5 56 7 +4 9 0 52 0 | 40 6 | 25 | 12} 11)17) 56 | 14 5 |—0 2 wai 1 14 2.55 bb WLS) 05 pel9e 03) )) 22 5 3 3 56 1 +10 4 Dee Soa | PeOM RON |e Tele 4be Onl 4G: US MAT aletoa ol bal eS é ce tol Ek 59 1 | 41 7 |} 56 | 12 | 05 | 18 | 20} 11 5 1 5 55 5 +15 3 2 | 22 POG ch IPDOM nor WW Looe pAouIee OF tc Sita. April 4 5 ll Soe sere | eae al |esco a] |p all) cooley nse | Lacon s| fecos bl Mi cece eect ecw 54 3 +26 1 5 36 3 | 57} 10} 12] 10 | 46 | 17} O01 So hesil, Agi G 5 6 01 BAe PLO Aa eA OG A OG 9 7 | a ONp a4 3 +26 1 6 27 BPS A LO WADE | TEs eG AS Git 90), Si eG ce 6 6 52 Gye ieee felicr lO Noei|ideest fuser ESS SW cee I nas 54 6 +424 8 7 17 §) |. 58 |, 2 | 28) $141.06 |, 20) OL G} 7) 6) 0 se 7 7 41 8/13} 0; 0] 12) 56)17) 08} 8} 5) 5] 5} 55 0 +22 3 8 07 9 oS 18 2) 28) HUE A LO ead eS 5| 5 Series IJJ.—From Aprit 20 ro Auausr 3, 1854. April 19 6 17 coe “oo alae Sop likagc yi, Cee [bcos «20 6 CE} ese lea | eee eeeere bce leer el) eeeaalih cera | pecope| ce. |feccces 4p cos) |) tals) 8 | —22 | 6 7 13 GOL LO LGM Ee HSS NT eb Sve Sek ae ae 7 41 7 | 3L} 0} 31. /'12)) 18) 1% | 46) 10 |) 0}; 4) 5} 58 4 —18 7 8 07 7 | 46 1} 31 | 12 | 05 | 18 | 18 7 2 4 0 (Os 27) 8 35 S02 tel I obe La SOM eLOn aa ih ae OU of, 9 —13 8 8 59 9 | 47 Soph tleeh) eal 8| aaa Sate bea) 9 8 4 0 U3 BB) 9 24 SET or POZA: TS LS TALON eh 4 te a7 4 — 8 5 9 AT UN LA Ae S22 53) TO ssy 9 | GP Ly 8 “ 24 10 10 9 02) 3} 32 fab | 15) | 18! |)08 | LE 1 2 5 57 0 —2 6 10 “32 9 | 32 4) 32 | 11 | 22) 18 | 45 9 9 1 7 fo PA 10 54 pope (04 5 | 32] 11 | 80) 19 | 22} 12 2 1 6 56 4 + 3 1 11 16 parallax declination | Appar. time. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. | L. water. Boon: at noon: 1854. | ——|—— H. M. H. | M./ H. | M.| H. | M. | H. | M. | Ft. | Dec.| Ft. | Dec.| Min. | Dec. Degree. | Dec. April 30 2 20 0 | 03] 5 | 33] 10) 07} 15) 37) 12) 9 {a 9] 54 4 +24 5 2 45 OM SBP bi eli eLON LS A Gi ae ast: 7 May 1 3 09 DLS Hh SOS LO NSS RLS LS seas G1 Se ON oe 2 +26 0 3 34 OSH 7) OS yea STD Oa Saeed | oi) 93) | BO) ess) “SMPOSMLO eo fel (Peo ele tame sil) SA a ee oo es 4) 25 2/33) 8 | 33] 10 | 34/16) 34)10) 3] 4) 3 s“ 3 4 50 3 | 48| 9 | 03] 11] 23) 16] 38] 9 GS ie oi) 64 3 +25 4 5 | 15 3/03] 9|03]10)13/16| 138] 9] 1] 6] 5 9 4 Bat) 39 4 | 33. S| 2 Pau as Th cee: |) EO) 1 NN ore 54 6 +23 4 6 04 209. | oe 20d aco |} cee “« 6 7 14 for ie ono | gentle 55 6 +16 3 &“ fas 02 6 | 34) 0] 494]10!| 56)17 |) 35) 8| 9} 6) OF} 56 4 +11 4 8 25 9 | 34) 2) 04] 13) 32) 18) 26) 7} 9) 3) 6 “ Stile 8 48 BSE Le O42 OS ZO | LO Sl Da eee 3 + 6 0 yy ee 10 | 10) 19} 4) 04) 23) 32/19) °39 )) 8) 2) 2) 7 « 9) 9 33 8 | 34) 2) 04] 11 | 24) 17] 16) 11) 3) 4) 4) 58 1 0 0 i) 29 56 9| 04) 3] 19) 11} 31 | 18 | 09 Sy 2 lm 5 Ko ON eeLO 19 10 | 49 | 5 | 34] 12) 53 | 20) 01 8; 9} 2) O]} 58 5 — 6 0 | 10 43 | 12 | 04 |) 3) 84) 43)| 45) 97 ) 38 17) 8 | 2) 2 fat |] at 09 11 | 04) 4] 34] 12) 21) 18) 15];10) 5) 1 9: |) 59 7 —12 0 11 35 10 | 49} 5 | 04) 11) 40] 18) 21])13) 7) 1) 3 CL eee 02 | 12) 04! 5 | 49] 12] 29) 18 | 40] 11 OQ} ty) <0 60 2 Sl 4 eee 00 11 | 34! 4] 34] 11 PA ee as) |ipakssal) Se) Coe 8) sales ay = W) 80 | 10/49} ... |. J] TO} 19} cy. da) 4) oe | oe 60 5 —22 0 1 Oh | VLE NOS eben LOR OAS Gs zoe Se Gre teeliers: 2s rae! 1 RYO) |] ees cee lt cee dj cena |] face eee | Gece || o00 |) Geol] esa leah ceo || tata 6 20 ne 2 01 OF) Aly Gr OS Os SE SUG a AON ei Sa) Ones Ge ally 2 33 (OC Sef ee ey allen) Chswely alr Ay SBI ales |) Sy |) ad 7| 60 4 —26 3 3 05 T | 49} 8 | V9 aa) a6) | 7 46 | ta 8) 0 | o : wowane | ¢ M. H. | M. M. | H. | M. | H. | M. | Ft. | Dec. LD) 64) 17 10 12 | 30] 18 10 11 | 50] 18 9 12 | 38 | 17 11 11 |} Lo : 9 ae attene tees na a Dec.| Min. | Dec. Degree. 6 5 58 51 7 18 7 8 7 8 7 45 se OOOO MO =TeT 18 17 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 at eer + MOWTWUMIAABAHAATP AW: ! wenn | > DE NDHE HEHE boeb: > aMpowonmanpnwne~: } 18 18 | 08 24 19 | 01 ee Ba eae fe Als + MMO=15IR PhwWwohtDeEHo! 04 28 | 17 | 28 54 06 | 17 | 21 45 | 17 | 45 39 | 16 | 54 54 03 | 16 | 33 48 30 51 13 34 56 19 43 tbwpr: : 39 9]: 05 | 17 | 05 10 | 39 28 | 17 | 43 39 9 | 54 20 | 16 | 35 54] 11 | 09 11 | 17 | 26 eg ead iiew iC) ceo || Gea 59 54} 0 | 54 22 | 18 | 47 5 27 24; 11] 09 25 | 18 | 37 3 6 a Ee a EE Ne JN V.—From SepreMBer 7 To OcToper 22, 1854. Aon RB Boo tb bob > Ae ROOM bb=10: ¢ > PoORAR BUH DO: : 32 rc POUAUIMWORDNHWOG: : OOTP Boh! Po ord TOM RAB ances 9 | 50 | 16 11 | 56 11 | 31 10 | 39 11 | 16 11 | 23 10 11 | 41 10 | 10 8 | 29 > WIMDMOMST-1H ON: ; a lo So WAGATANAR WOW DDH HOS RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDRS. 49 Series [V.—F rom Sepremper 7 ro Ocroprr 22, 1854. , on mo for) ~I Moon passes Apparent time of | Lunitidal interval. Height of the meridian. Moon’s Moon’s ire Sa iz - parallax declination | Appar. time. | H. water. | L. water. | H. water. L. water. | H. water. | L. water. at noon. at noon. i. M. | H./M./ a. /u.] a. | | Hw | Fe. |Dec.| Ft Deo. Min. | Dec. | Degree. | Dec. 7 43 aS Sou lOO eereu leceen lanl |ehoalbresen ieee 5 0 54 2 +26 1 Os PCS |Moven isvceslh) erty|ieccweell| eee) Semel inceaes lees TOI (Ol) ceealip ee 8 34 7 06 1} 36] 11 | 58 | 17 | 53 9 0 5 0 54 3 +24 4 8 58 8 | 06 0} 06 | 11 | 32) 15 | 58 | 10 4 5 0 9 22 roe ly ees AOC lecee sleceensl Oe 3D 9 0 5 0 54 5 421 5 9 47 | 10) 06; 3) 06/12) 44])18] 08 |121 o bl 50) 10 09 So SG 36) LO 496) UO a0! 0) 5 |) 00], 54 9 | 417 | 7 10 33 11 | 06 6 | 06 EZ Oia) 20) U9) 2 6 5 0 10 55 wa BOW aces loees [Oley cose seo lace 2 0 55 3 +13 1 11 1 11 | 0 4/07} 12) 12) 17 | 341 13 0 2 0 11 39 LI) 07 5 | 07) 11] 50] 18} 12 | 11 5 4 0 55 8 + 7 8 or0 ae 11 | 07 3 | 07] 11 | 28 | 15] 50] 14 0 0 0 12 00 erealliness BRO galpecoult neon aillva' eee | meena ence 2 0 56 4 + 2 2 0 2 0 | 07 Day cOceeea Ogee ky, | Ole 0 1 0 0 45 1 08 6 | 08 | 12] 46 | 17 | 46 | 12 0 |—0 a 56 9 —3 6 1 07 0! 08 61-38} LE | 230) 27 1537) 138 0 0 0 1 29 1; 08 7 | 08 | 12 | 01 | 18 | o1 | 11 0 2 0 57 4 — 9 5 1! 52 0 | O08 7 | 08} 10} 39 | 17 | 39 | 13 0 1 0 2 15 2/08] 8 | 08} 12] 16/18}16)14] 0} o| ol 57 OF eee ieg 2 39 Dy ROSH 80/08 |e10) | ssheiviss) 1113" | or | onl 0 3 06 1} 09 7 | 09 | 10} 30} 16] 30 | 13 0 0 0 58 3 —19 (i 3 32 2 | 09 8 | 09 | LE} 03' | 17 | 03 | 13 0 0 0 3 59 2) 09 8 | 09 | 10 | 37 | 16] 37 | 12 0 |—1 0 58 6 —23 5 4 27 3] 09) 8] 09] 11) 10)16)10/13) 0; 0} oO 4 56 3 | 09 8 | 09 | 10} 42 | 15 | 42 | 13 0 1 0 58 9 —26 0 5 25 4 | 09 9 | 09 | 11 | 13 | 16 13 | 12 0 2 0 5 57 2] 10/1} 10] 10 8 | 45 | 16 | 45 | 10 0 2 0 59 2 —26 8 6 28 4/10 Sy OF 10813 | 15 | 13 | 11 ‘a 3 0 6 59 4/10] 11 | 10 Oe PAZaetGy | e42) 9 0 3 0 59 4 —25 8 7 30 5 | 40 | 12 | 10] 10} 41 | 17 | 11 | 10 0 4 5 10 20 Sam use ne |! osu ancl lm seoel [Rcoxath | knees Ihiteas yi iloastallliwus wen —14 2 10 45 Sie es EL reeaiea | Perec |e | eT veel Ween be) ON tecsgiiess 59 0 — 8 3 afi 10 I ad 4 41 | 12 | 26] 18 | 21} 14 0 0 0 i 36 12 | 12 4) 11] 13} 02 7 | 26%) 13 () eal 2 58 6 —: 0 11 59 1l | 42 5 | 12] 12 | 06 | 18 | 02) 14 0,2 0 0 22 12 | 12 5 | 12] 12] 13 | 17 | 36 | 12 (), jal 0 57 9 + 4 3 : ae Piya TN D2 LOM SON LOM eisai 14: OL) 5 0 46 ve | ee | 6 PAs | Ree fee | Ps) | 20 | ... ef 0 57 3 +10 2 1 09 0} 12 5 | 42] 11 | 26 | 16 | 56 | 14 0 0 0 al 33 0): | 12 8 | 12} 11 | 03 | 19 | 03 | 14 0 |—1 0 56 6 +15 5 1 57 OF e4Se|) wells) TL ON ny, e403 0; 0 0 2 21 0 | 13 6 | 43 | 10 | 16 | 16 | 46 | 10 0 0 0 55 9 +20 0 2 45 2] 13 RS i ES lire (ait 0 0 0 3 10 1 age Cole Sap eo! eZS alo eee ele 0 0 0 55 S| +23 4 3 35 2) 13 SF PLS de MOST Ure) Ossie 0 0 5 4 00 1] alB} 8 | 13 9 | 38 | 16 | 38 | 10 0 0 0 54 8 +25 7 4 25 a Sse Ses EAT Asya ase aes | aes 0 2 0 4 51 2/13} 8] 13] 10] 48 | 15 | 48] 14 5 2 0 54 5 +26 8 5 17 3 | 44 9 | 14] 10} 53 | 16 | 23 | 14 0 4 0 6 58 Feallacs spell cos|| cool] coo |) Goll noe | oe ey fleets |] 7 23 eee (eae Aelocer |i ccoulleliOuledent| 10 0 3 0 54 4 +22 7 u 47 So) Ta LD Ta 2 ) b Lb |) 5 I 10 0 5 0 8 01 cert eee S| Merah bes | eee leet ace apis thee lh 9 By | 25g || o 8 Sie LOn Ube esa ou else Pale nom eran | On msOnl SulnmOnll ene 2 +14 8 9 19 10 | 15 3 | 15] 13} 18 | 18 | 41 | 12 OF es 0 9 41 9 | 15 3) | 151) LE 56) | ssi eat 0 3 0 55 7 +9 ut 10 02 9 | 16 3.) 450) Be 34s | 18 26) Oil oD 0 10 24 9 | 25 cinatey [fat fale yap ee | ate 0 0 0 56 4 + 4 2 10 cA Meco versed Beye cos | em Ue izes | atl OI ah |) 11 08 11 | 15 5 | 15 | 12 | 29 | 18 | 51 | 12 0 1 0 57 0 —1 11 3I 12 | 15 Eales |) iss || ye qt ale 4) || ala 0!) 0 0 . 11 53 11 | 45 ANS eLanel oy eli Oi ie 0; 0 0 57 uf —i7 6 ae Sse {eee feelin sale oy tle 220 Taide onl ONION 0 0 17 11 | 45 4) 15 | 11 | 28 | 16 | 22 | 13 0| 0 0 58 3 —13 4 0 41 11 |} 45 5 | 15] 11 | 04] 16) 58 | 13 0 0 0 50 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. The second form, or Table No. 2, for reduction of tides, is specially arranged to obtain the establishment and the half-monthly inequality in time and height. The first part is arranged in reference to the observed high waters; the second part, in reference to the low waters. That the inequality in time and height should also be made out from the low water, is specially important for stations where either the observations are of short extent, or else where difficulties tend to render the observations less accurate. ‘The discussion of the low waters could not be omitted in our case. The headings to the columns of Table No, 2, explain the arrangement sufficiently. The results from the upper and lower transit of the moon are kept separate. (It need hardly be remarked that, in certain months, the sun’s or moon’s lower transit can be observed at Van Rensselaer Harbor.) — RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 51 TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION OF TipEs.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. OP tora 1 took 2htorss j j Moon's | Lunitidal transit. interval. | Heichtof | | be | ee eee ewater: | Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Height of A water. Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Height of |- ———| H. water. | App. time. H. water. | App. time. H. water. Ss H. ol) ee aan en | App. time.) H. water. | | H. | M. | Ft. | Dec.} No. of observa- tions and series. No. of observa- tions and series. No. of observa- tions and series. H. | M.| H. | M. | Ft. 25 | 11 | 20 | 11 LG ella COR cil | 44 | 11 | 00 58 | 10 | 34 Saba [35/12] 4 | 10 | 57 | (aD ral (12 | 09 | lias 23 | 13 | rit] a yg ea | | 55 | }41 | 49 | 2: | Bi 12 nm mwbwp He ob Ww 45 | 12} 01 He29n |) Chie Se 09 | 11 | 09 230) LL Poo 15 51 32 12 | 16 11 | 05 11 | 48 ail) a! 10 | 52 07 | 12 | 33 52 | 13 | 03 30 | 10 | 19 39 | 11 | 54 10 | 10 | 21 10 | 13 | 03 LACT A essay csc DPhwNwbl bp om OATS | Le) 00 | oooocoso oococeo NAOWW AO to 33 | 16 44 39 | 35 | Wseye | 2} 06 | 31 16 30 52 i] ooo o bo bo bo bbb S | 12 | 46 46 | 11 | 26 | 41 | 11 | 04 | Storey So 99 2a oS f=) so5| mim Bm co OO OD bpp pern| Ha | Bee eee At | PAO! |S. uo 2 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION OF TIDES —No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. Suton AMtomp?s 5 toes Moon’s | Lunitidal 4 2 | Moon’s | Lunitidal Iles % | Moon’s Lunitidal 32 transit. | interval. | Heightof| 2°E | transit. | interval. | Heightof| 2° | transit. | interval. | Height of a | H. water.| & = Hwalena le —————— _|H.water.| § @ | ad as as App. time. H. water. = & |App. time. H. water. Ps = |App. time. I. water. % 8 | = a -A - -s H. | M.| H. | M.| Ft.|Dec.) 5-9 | H. | M.| H. | M.| Ft.|Dec.| £3 | nu. |M.| H.|M. | Ft.|Dec.| 2.2 3 | 12) 12 | 03 } 11 i 4 | 00 | 11 | 16 9 9 5 | 42)}12)04) 9) 7 BL ey || 26) aye |) ai) |) al 4 | 51} 11 | 25 | 20) 4 5) | 23) LOR R23 ae Sal 2 3 | 34 | 10 | 40} 11 5 I. 4) 22 | 11 |} 39 9 1 I 5 | 14} 10} 29 |i 10)} 1 I Salome LON ola mao tate, 4 | 24/10] 20} 10)| 7 5 | 00s On OQ Teal) asl : 3 | 46/11/01) 10) 4 4 | 03 | 10 | 36 9 1 5 | 52 | 12 | 46 6] 8 — -— —_ —_ — ool eel Lal ALE: 5 Bin fee ects ak TG 3 | 32 | 12 | 29 | 10| 0 — = | | — 3/14]... ]../11) 7] x | 4/16| 11} 45) 8) 5 5 | 00/11] 46} 9} 2 3 | 38>) EL) 25) )) 1 1 ~ 4|00]10}16)10) 2 II 5 | 43 | 12) 33) 10} 5 3 | 44 | 10) 53] 10] 7 4| 49 |) 10) 27)10) 7 : 5 | 42|10) 04/10] 7 iat |____ ——_ —— —— 4 | 23 | 11 | 25 9} 2 5090) Te OS Oni ‘ 3 | 34/10) 59)12] 4 — — —— —|; 5!56}10) 53] 8] 8 3 | 38 | 10 | 56} 10] 4 4] 25 | 11 | 23) 9 6 5 | 36 | 12 | 06 fH) Yl uh 3109 | 12] 09)11} 5 4| 41} 10] 08]10| 6 ——— — —_|—_|_——_ 3509) LO Oe eh 0 4| 47 | 11] 15 9 8 y\fetley |i oa tak yy assy) alfa) }) a) Saale) Oe) O68) LON) Sh) DEES A230) SOR OMe coal 2D I 5 | 40 | 10 | 09 9 6 3 | 24.) 12; | 03) 12) 3 4] 08 | 12 | 34] 11 6 s G9, | SPAN eta. || A535 9 6 | om i; 3/00/10) 25/10) Oo 4|52)10) 34) 11) 7 5116] 8| 44] 8} 9 : 3 | 52 | 10 | 32 9 2 eS ats} | cea i] co || UW) 6 — | 33 | 10 | 38 9 uf SPS Gy Mabe ai |) at 4 | 56 | 10 | 28 9 | 3 5 | 43 te eat ey ata) 5 a coer 2 a a ee ee ee ae ees 3 | 33 | ora LOn no 4} 22/11/41] 10] Oo 5 | 11 }.10 | 23) 9] 0 IV 3} 32) 10 | 37) 12} 0| IV 4 27 | 10} 42) 13) 0 Iv 5/25] 8 | 45/10] 0 : 3 | 10 | 11 | 03) 14) 0 4°| 00") 9) 13) 145), 10 : | 4] 51 | 10 | 53 | 14] 0O MEANS. SiS 0u | (LOM Dia |e ete oneal eG 4 | 27 | WO BPA) ass || ec 21 5 | 27 | 10 } 53 | ap | 19 3 | ZA) Wicca If Goo |p 1G) fF) Pail 4 | 27 | wee | aoe LON soul 22 | 27 | sal 9 | 5 | 20 The highest and lowest value of The criterion rejects no value of the interval balance nearly. the interval, the two high and two low values balance nearly. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 53 TABLE FOR THE Repucrion or TiwEs.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. 6M tort. tors Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Meight of ——— Hi. water. Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Height of s | H. water. Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Height of I. water. .| H. water. M. 45 44 55 42 55 45 29 43 48 01 App. time.| TH. water. App. time.| H. water. No. of observa- tions and series. No. of observa- tions and series. No. of observa- tions and series. | Fe [ean cea owas | 22 | 11 | 51 11 59 | 12 | 47 02 | 12 | 44 48 | 13 | 13 20 | 12 | 04 | 13 | 33 | 46 | 13 23 | 11 | 51 13 | 59 13 H. | M. | Ft. | Dee. o o ° 13 12 11 13 11 eaten = whpwreb-=T ra De 12 12 12 12 coal foto eco Noor oo P=) 10 13 13 13 il 11 11 13 13 | 21 13 | 13 | [ojo Wo 2) H Hee wooo oonmm=1 mmr S 12 | 12 | 12 13 12 alge 11} 13 6 6 6 | 6 6 6 6 6 2 | mastseiomner| we wmrmnonne o ray oO 20 | WO RH Or -AT=ATS bo e I ~I-r | STAT Ad 0-0 7-7-1 3 | t-1-3-7 12 i S | Bian ener eee| Pere 4 on Gente soe| boc coat MEANS. Tae ; Tea ) mae eemellee ls SB alelo (e260 | ieee es s | 32 | 12 | 42 9 | rh | a eel es 7 Peirce’s criterion rejects the value 8h 26™, new mean— 6 | 31 | ral | 45 ee | -~ | 17 54 | Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION OF TipES.—No. 2. RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 9° to 10". LOM to ml: Peto Moon’s | Lunitidal 22 Moon’s | Lunitidal 23 Moon’s | Lunitidal | | 32 transit. interval. | Height of | aa transit. interval. | Height of a transit. interval. Height ef) a ss | PE na bole a PA WALOK z ae | ie App. time.| H. water. <3 |App. time.) H. water. < & |App. time.| H. water. es © n ° n 2° nn es — shee -s z | 1, Reais H. | M.| H. | M. | Ft.|Dec.| 5.2 | H. | M. | H. | M.| Ft. |Dec.| 5-2 | H. | M.| H. | M.| Ft. Dec.) 3.2 9 | 12 | 12 | 47 9 | 1 10 | 02 | 12 | 12 9 8 11 | 26 | 12 | 50 | 12 2 9 | 47 | 12 | 59 | IL 4 10 | 36 | 12 | 10 | 12 7 Ue UL liek 4 ale} 3 Cy ees are esti) |b) | 2 10 | 13 | 12 | 03') 11 5 11 | 50 | 12 |} 21 | 10 8 I. 9 | 08 2 | 04} 11 2 1 10 | 54} 11 | 51} 12 7 I AS AS SSF 2S aS 2 9 | 58 | 13 | 13 | 12 5 10 | 51 | 12 | 05 |} 10 7 . [||| |—_—__ —— 9 | 27 | 13 | 39 b) 9 TO) aie4, | 245) | ala 0 Tes SL 2B} al a 9 | 18 | 12 10 9 1 10 |.54 | 12} 11 | 12 5 DY, At Le A065) ee 3 Il. — —|——_|—_—__|___—__| 10 | 16 } 12 | 42} 10 6 LD | 19) 1) 12) 06") 10 9 | 9 | 41 | 12 | 34 9 | 2 ——— — — | —_ |—_—_ — —_ —_ — 9 | 45 | 12 | 32 9 7 I 10 | 58 | 13 | 19 | 10 6 BD S8e ELS! 2a) aa 5 | 9 | 18 | 13 | 32} 10 6 z 10 | 32 | 13 | 13) 10 5 a TE | 935) 2) 29) 0 9 | 39 | 12 | 15 9 6 10 | 45 | 12 | 02 | 10 4 ‘ 11 | 05 | 11 | 58 | 10 8 | == ft) (a) |) SL |] I) || BY | TE | DD | 500 S125) SA eb etre 9 | 24/12/53) 9] 6 — — ————|_____] 1] | 07 | 10 | 54) 11 | 7 9110) | ade 24) 6) TO) LON Meise R22: 9 9 Haw) aI) Ap ali sh) ff ata 3 9 | 56 | 12 | 53 8 9 Ul 10 | 43 | 12 } 21 | 10 5 11 | 54)12)51 | 8] 4) 9 | 38 | 12 | 41 | 11 4 Sm LO! iQ WSs eZee O71 il. | —— —— — 9 | 18} 10 | 43 9 3 aK ehh iailey 1) Gye/ || ala 0 11 | 39 | 11 | 28 | 14 0 | 9 | 44) 12/ 29) 10) 6 LON TAT PLES oS 8 5 11 | 10 | 13 | 02: 13 0 | — —— — ——|_——— ——|/——— 11 | 59 |} 12 13 | 12 OF) Lie 9 22 | 12 | 44 | 12 0 Iv 10 | 09 | 12 | 57 | 12 6 1r |} 08 | 13 | 07 | 11] 0 9 | 41 | 11} 34] 12 0 © || LD gas yy | ies |e} 0 Iv IT | 53 | 11 | 22 | 12 0 | | 10 | 20 | 11 | 21 | 10 0 J | 10 | 2A | Sreeeiel|fesestal || Lie 0 | | | | | fe od MEANS. 9 | 31 | 12 | SOM reps | lees | 19 10 | By lbX| 2BS lcs | so |r) 2A) a Li es io 0d he Uf | eee 19 9 | 31 | ss | moe |) LC) | 4 | 19 10 | Bi ess | li | 1] 21 11 SVAN Aoi. cee, 1) aT 7 19 | | | | The value 105 43™ is rejected by Peirce’s criterion, and there is no corresponding high value to balance it; the new mean becomes— 9 | 32 12 | 36 | -. | ze | 18 | | RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 55 TABLE FOR THE Repuctrion or Tipes.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Inferior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. Ofetomes ome otolos | | | | | Moon’s Lunitidal | | $3 Moon’s | Lunitidal | 43 Moon’s | Lunitidal | 22 transit. | interval. Height of £75 transit. | interval. | Height of rE transit. | interval. | Height of) 2 °E Bae I He waters |) exe ee | | eraters| ier eee = | Se | water: || “Som or =e | as App. time. H. water. | | & = |App. time.) H. water. % = |App. time.) H. water. | Sag Sa Sb 8 |= at l= = = Ze) | H. | M.| H. | M. | Ft. | Dec] 2.3 | H. | M.| H.| M.| Ft. /Dec.| 2.2 | H. | M. | H. | M. | Ft. |Dec.| cs SS ————————_ | a | 0/35/11] 10) 10) 7| ae) ake} eri | a1 pals og} PA foe) 9) trl | PSIES | aT 0 | 48 | 11 | 28 | 14 | 3 | 1| 46) 11/45] 14| 2) 2/48/10) 42) 9) 9 0| 44) 11/01} 10} 9] , TE HS) stl yf eI ie ae 25/20) ||tON | oAa ie OMe Sa eT Cua tacos eal Sal ae 1 | 25 | 11] 45) 13) 6 | 2) 30] 11 | 25) 12) 8 0] 06 | 11 | 58 | 12] 5 1 | 44] 11} 19 ma tual 2 | 34 | 11 | 29 | Os oboe dSoN oT) 5 —— ||} — — —__}_ —_|_|__}_)__/__|___ wee fee ——|—————} 1 | 27] 11 | 49 | 13) 9 2) S200 LON Ba 13h. i OV Sie ay psee sce Ss ah Hea 1) shit peal ast, |G | 2 | 06 | 10 | 10|13) 1 0| 33/10] 12/10] 6 1] 45} 41] 47| 12) 9 | = 20) 51 | 12"). 25) 12" 6) IT. 0| 07 | 11 | 40/12] 7 | ey Bt (eal | GN Te CO ea | Sai att 1 es al} 5 a)| OCS a Sor) sa) Ore Tre Hea ee) on age ssh) *5 26h Le | 26e12n|) e 0/06|12)15|11| 2 | P59) | a bia) toe a0 — Se) ee a ae 0| 52] 11 | 44/10! 5 o— pla) |) GI | aa (1) gf] A) )| TEE ala ya 1 eS5u LOM sO elzaieOu 2| 01 | 10 | 48/13] 9 | == ———— en OUR e LON KOA eel Selena 2/44/11] 34] 8] 5] ©) 00) |e) 325) 02) 2 1/|/04/10/59| 8] 7 29852) PLO eS Ean ze eta) Me Tre 0| 45/12/18] 11; 6 UW / 54) 10) 54) 28) 5) ar ||) 2) 18) | 10) 44) )) v9.) 2 0 | 02} 11 | 32) 13) 1 ip WA || Pear enna LB 2 2| 31 | 10) 39) 13] 6 | 0|15| 10/33] 9 PS) ami |} 2 PB eee) PA AS || aid) OX} || HS fs | 0 | 43 | 12/18 | 13] 2 1| 31 | 11 | 24] 13] 3 |—|—_— = 0) 35 | 12) 22) 9) 9 —— —— —— \——|———| 2} 24/10| 39!13) ¢c| ON27) ot 28a) 131,76 1) 36) 11 | 56/13) 5 2/15 | 10} 53/13) 0] Iv. — — —/———— 1 | 29| 10 | 39] 13) 0} 2) 45] 10) 28| 13] 0 0| 47/10) 15|)14! 5} 1/ 09 | 11 | 03] 14) 0 : | 0 | 00 | 12 | 07} 13 | 0 1| 57) 10]16|10) 0} Ones iit | 23 a3 Onl Tv. | | 0 | 22 10 | 50| 14] 0 | | OM eR ale [E230 A310 | | MEANS. o| 29 | 11| 34| ... Daal (ae (SU |e | NSe | em lhe kad ee eam eon ieee Silica 0 | 29 | paella | 12] 2] 25 1| 81)... ] ... | 12 | 3). 21 Di) Bay | es te Sale te 56 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION OF TiDES.—NO. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Inferior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. Setobs 4" to 5}, 5» to 16" Lunitidal | interval. | Height of ——1|H. water. | Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Height of a en water. Lunitidal interval. | Height of ——— | Ae wakers ] App. time.) H. water. .| H. water. No. of observa- tions and series. M. | H. | M. | 51 | 11 | 54 | o © ° H. | M. 10 | 15 | 10 12 | 36 10 | 58 52 =] o o No. of observa- tions and series. No. of observa- tions and series. Ft. | Dee.| 10 | 13 | 9 8 13 10 12 10 10 10 12 J | = om] ¢ o- 11 10 11 11 10 10 | eerie a oon ooo om eT | ee ee eee: 55 47 46 39 = = cor or or 9 10 12 8 12 9 9 1 = i Hon] omoMm] =I a ov-t | oo or or ot or a5] Sere wo mo ran Rar 11 9 11 14 13 13 see ee e| eee Roar ROO | sese| coeaewie as oeee| (Jo) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3) 3 w (=) 31 | 10 Pe eel | ele seid] seem, |p 20M ae Bal g20) 1, LO), |G601 ene acral ae STi) 5 (eS Nt 26 33 |. | | 5| 20,} 5 | 30 9] 4| 18 The two greatest deviations from The criterion rejects no value of the mean, viz., 8" 26™ and 12" 45™, the interval; the low value 8" 29™ nearly balance in the mean, hence is so near the limit of rejection and no value was rejected. not balanced in the mean that I prefer to reject it. 5|30|11|o4|..| | 17 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 57 TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION OF Tipes.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Inferior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 18538, and October 22, 1854. 6" to 7". T= to s& 8 to 9". Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Height of | ———— | Hl. water. | Moon’s | Lunitidal | transit. | interval. Height of — | ee) WUtON. | Moon’s | Lunitidal) transit. | interval. | Height of _, Tf. water. 2 App. time.) H. water. | App. time. H. water. App. time.| H. water. | a | M.| H. | M. 54 | 11 46 | 38 53 11 37 56 | 42 2 | 25 10 2 | 50 | | 59 | tions and series. No. of observa- tions and series. No. of observa- No. of obser¥a- tions and series. Me oe) | 47 2 WeBtill cee 25 | 44) 1 58 25 50 et o oO ° | Sata | ae ee i Sey DANRORD | 2 tot o o oO a o o ° M. 16 54 49 58 48 39 36 = NWwo-Tt RAAADAWD HH i Hn onrmMno| s ASHmHPOWOOR 26 10 53 | 12 10 10 4] 06 | 38 | 11 41 13 AT 22 11 54 26 16 Aaa oro bo 07 59 02 12 | 20 54 32 leit 47 ¢ 25 99 a 54 aSAawornres 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 He S100 bo os WD aT 18 | OL | | Al | an mom 33 Bas eee age) Spa aes esac) Mie BH) | | 9) 1) 20 Bale eee 18 There are two high and two low The high and low values in the values, viz., 14" 06™, 135 48™, and | interval balance. 108 32™, 10" 41™, nearly balancing each other; there was, therefore, no rejection required. 8 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION or TipEs.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Inferior Transit and the Time of High Water, and also the Heights of High Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. SEttonlae: 110® to; E12. 11" to 125. | Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. Height of | SS | Pr raters | | Moon’s | Lunitidal | | transit. | interval. | Height of esse H. water. . H. water. } Moon’s | Lunitidal transit. | interval. | Height of _—————— water. App. time.) App. peal H. water. H. | M.| H. | M. H. |u| H. | w. 10 | 24 | 12 | 20 11 | 01 | 12'| 30 10 | 13 | 50 11 | 52 54 10 | ¢ 41 19 aS 30 | 10 | 24 | 13 | 17 11 || 59 | 01 10 | 31 | 11 | 49 11 | 20 | 36 | —_ —_|—_|—_ ——| 11 | 17} 11 | 48 10 | 06 | 13 | 39 10 | 57 H. water. No. of observa- tions and series. No. of observa- tions and series. No of observa- tions and series. o ® ° aSmnonw Ua | Bie) |) WA ey 10} 15 2 | 02 II. | 11 | 46 | 11 10 | 05 11 | 13] 13 | 34 10 | 55 11 | 43 | 11 10 | 32 TANG) say pale, 10 | 19 45 | 11 | 09 | 11 10 | 43 11 | 28 | 13 | 17 10 | 38 23 11 | 38 | 13 |} 53 10 | 07 21 11 | 44 12] 14] 10) 55 3 | 18 11 | 20 | 12 10 | 45 26 AEA) lef jf aint 10 | 02 13 11 | 36 | 12 | 10 46 2 | 29 | Ti | 30; 12 AAmAmMmowm=T¢ oe fis kor) wr = Sasene | a to bo more | or | ee So i=) o f=) oo S f—) MEANS. 2 19 : | 10 4 19 There being three low and but one high value in the interval, it seemed preferable to adopt a mean resulting after the rejection of 10" 48™, viz:— 9 | 30 | 22 | 07 [Ss | ie | 18 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION Or TipEs.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of Low | Water, and also the Heights of Low Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1858, and October 22, 1854. Gta: 1® to 2". Day Ba Moon’s | Lunitidal | as Moon’s | Lunitidal fe a Moon’s | Lunitidal Bi % transit. | interval. | Heightof| £5 | transit. | interval. | Meightof! & ‘& | transit. | interval. | Height of a SSS | a ey waters) lice -2 |. water: 2 a —_—|L. water. 2 App. time.) L. water. | % & App. time.| L. water. “ 3 |App. time.) L. water. c= Ee 3 1 1 - Te ie = ss er ag T, - A =F Fae = - H. | M. | H. | M.| Ft.|Dec.) 23 | H. | M.|H.| M.| Ft. |Dec| 22 | H. | M.| H. | M. | Ft. |Dec.| 22 oes ial: (ods) ae 1 | 40 | 17 | 35 9 9) a5. | We | Sah) aN % O! | s5Y) Us: | ae 2 0 1} 16} 18) 00} 0 0 2) 16 | 17-) 45 OR 3 I 0 | 19 | 18} 42} o| 9 I TO Ot Lie eSBs as; De Aaa eae SOs eel 8 3 0] 21/18 }54) 3) 1 3 T | 55u| 1s, (o0n |e We |e : FSB | De OAS eee CT) Fs 1) az |) lyr) SN ar | 58) ely | 12) | on) - 4 | aes ee ee 0| 30/18 | 49} 1] 6 1|20)15|58 | 0| 6 Dela be Sm OR ee! es —— |__| — a ee ee == Se SO N2On aL TeeAare ero | Q | 01 | 18 | 16 | 3 1 | 01 | 17 | 00 0 5 2) 09) 17 | 39 2) 6 II On ELON el) Obra as | aa P55» |ebr))| 2ile|=—On les 9 58) | 27 | 25) || 2h) 5 2 OU c58e | Leu ee) 2h 6 1/44/18 /02| 4) 1] yy Da O2e Sas | 19M) stele A Bes atl) CEC eee Meas 0g A) P22 alist |C40M ie ON led ; pa straldam oN a 0/29) 19) 37) 2) 7 Tel) Bele eae ek ie) —_- — — —— 0) 07} 18] 18] 3] 5 1) ($369) 18) Qo)" ele sb 2/45 | 18 | 18) 3°) 9 0/52/19) 03) 3] 3 Se | a ee 2) | 384 |e lvelan|: Oul G — eT 09) a an ea ae 2 Oia ESO Ne ezel 1b GO) P22 UG) | rae SF 100 DSH |ipTbs | Sah) WE) 9 BAPE est | tee all abe 0| 30/16] 49) 1/ 3 1/30/16} 49] 0} 8 2| 37/17] 20) 3) 6 0 | 39] 18 | 09} 1] 6] a, Tf 929) ye) B45 1s) be EEE 2) 02)17/ 08) 1) 2 ON LON Plea cots) aeRO : D | V6. e07! lee |) 0.) 4 AN IA POLI) et || a) 0|10/16|]48/ 2] oO 1|49|18|08| 3] 2 —— —— Pao 0} 59|)15|58} 1] 9 VOOR ize LOR |e tah te 2} 01 | 17 | 31 |—0| 5 ss jes —|——|—_| _'__|_|_|_ 2] 47 | 19] 16 | 1| 0} yw 0 | 22/17] 46 —0) 7] Ww TPO ak eso) OA Ee 2139116) 30] 0| 0 2 0| 46/16/56} 0] oO HL MOy | 184 0b | 2aOr Da PAL (aly apt SG) (8) Te N52e tere om| mom TW eS30 e420) eOule 0 | i MEANS. o|30la7|49|..{1..!/ 2 | 1] 29 | 47 Weg | excel ell ee LIMA Rot laa: Sabne/e alle cul a 0 | 30 | Be | sce bre Vili 2a TAN OR AD Beart sos salad Git) em Sy Ne BM Te eel ee } | | | | | The highest and lowest value of the intervals balance in the mean, hence no value is rejected. The low value 15" 37™ is rejected, hence new mean— 1 | 28 a7 39 | ¥: | oe: | 22 60 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. TABLE FOR THE REDUCTION OF TipEs.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of Low Water, and also the Heights of Low Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. Sito yas: Atonoe SPtoror Moon's | Lunitidal a Moon’s | Lunitidal 4 2 Moon’s | Lunitidal 42 ev eo eo transit. interval. | Height of | a transit. interval. | Height of | a transit. interval. | Height of | Par — : —| L. water. 2 © == L. water.| 2% L. water. | ae App. time.) L. water. % = |App. time. L. water. a2 E App. time.' L. water. SAG na | on | on =i - a [7 ] aN =a F - 5 H. | M.| H. | M.| Ft.|Dee.| 3-3 | H. | M.| H.| M.| Ft. |Dec.| 43 | H. | M. | H. | M. | Ft. | Dec ws 3/12 |W |as| 4| 4| 4|/00|16| 46] 4] 5 | 5| 42118 /34| 5| 4 3) 1/89 17} 12 0 7 4] 51 | 17 | 25 5 2 | 5 | 23] 16 | 53] 3 2 3 | 34 | 17 | 25 3 6; I. 4 | 22 | 16 | 39 2 3) I By ae ale aye) 3 u I 3 | 03 | 15 | 36 0 ie 4 | 24/18 | 50 3 6 : 5 | 00 | 15 | 24] 2 3 i 3} 46) 14/16] ..] .. A (03) | M6 yP bag an 13 5 | 52) 18/16] 3) 4 —} == ——|——_| 4 | 32 | 16 | 59 4} 4] 5 | 17 | 17 | 44 4 2 3 | 32 | 17) 29 2 0 | ——— 3] 14] 18 } 02 0 3 int 4/16] 16 | 30 3 4 5 | 00 | 16 } 01 3 8 3 | 38 | 16 | 10 3 9 E 4 | 00) 17] 16 3 0 II BalASHELSa Sol ob t oO 3 | 44) 16 | 53 2 6 4] 49 | 17 | 27 3 0 | . 5 | 09 | 16 | 54 6 1 Il. —_ | | — | —_] 4 | 23 | 16 | 25 3 il 5 | 56 | 16 | 53 5 8 35/345) 070029 |) a8 — — ——|——| 5 | 36/17 | 06] 5] 0 f 3 | 38 | 15 | 41 2 3 4 | 25 | 16 | 38 5 33 | —— — — — — 309) | asi n09 2 5 4 | 41 | 15 |} 38 2 0 5 | 40 | 15 | 39 4 2 3 | 59 | 17 | 48 4 0 4 | 47 | 17 | 45 3 if Be SPA leas pas 4 5 3 | 24 | 16 | 36 1 3 | It. 4} 23 | 15 | 37 2 3 Ill 5 | 16 | 15 | 44 3 7e\| TI. 3) 24 | 17 | 33 3 9 4) 08 | 17 | 49 2 6 i 5 | 33 | 16 | 53 4 8 3 | 00 | 16 | 55 2 4 4| 52/17 | 49 2 2 5 | 43 | 17 | 26 4 5 3 | 52 | 17 | 02 2 5 eS MS esa) II Boe 4 0 ae SS 3 | 30 | 16 | 54 3 2 4 56 | 17 | 43 4 4 5 | 11 || 14 | 53 3 0 ca i ea |e Fas ee | a aoe ea 5|25|16|45|} 3| o| 1Y- 3 | 33 | 17 | 30 a 5 4 | 22 | 15) 41 0 0 3 | 32 | 16 | 37 |—1 0 | IV. 4 | 27 | 15 | 42 1 0 IV | 3 | 10 | 17 | 03 0 5 4 00 | 16 | 13 2 0 ; 4} 51] 16 | 23 4 0 MEANS. | | 3 | 28 | 16 | 56 | ... 21 a A\27 |G |e6 del ..col a] St 5 | 27 | 16 55 on Iyer 17 Di |) 27) j| ssn |) cas 2 1 20 CN PAL cca: ||) aoe 3 | ul 22 5 | 27] ... | see 4 1; 18 The low values 14" 16™ is reject- ed, hence new mean— 3 2817 | 04|... |... | 20 The high value 18" 50™ is ina measure balanced by two low va- lues, 15" 37™ and 15" 37™, The low value 14" 53™ is rejected, hence new mean— 5 27 | 17 | 02 . | 16 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 61 TABLE FOR THE Repucrion or TipEs.—No. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of Low Water, and also the Heights of Low Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. Gitomn: Tsong: 8? to 9%. Moon’s | Lunitidal | 4% | Moon’s | Lunitidal 4% | Moon’s | Lunitidal | a3 transit. | interval. Height of EE transit. | interval. | Height of a transit, | interval. | Heightof) £5 eS | ee aon euters, || = —__|L. water.| 2™ |— es ee NT weber. )|( ued : | 3 . on : we App. time.) L. water. ae App. time.| L. water. e & |App.time.| L. water. ls ie) 58 ales a Set Saal ee H. | M.| H. | M.| Ft. |Dec| $2 |u. | m./H.| M.| Ft. [Dec] £2 |u.| M.| H.| M.| Ft. |Deo) 22 6|298|16|45| 4) 7 7 [p26 ar |vavelt tae g|22/18|21| 4] 2 Ga eS2) ERT | D9) soy) 2 7 |22)18| 24) 4) 8 Si SUL PIS UIESO) 40) 45 Greed Wel eoon| oA) (9 ET PLA RS O26 Aas 8 | 59} 19 | 02) 3) 4 6|01)18| 32] 3) 7| , 7|34|17|38| 4| 2 8 02 18 |-29)| 5 |? 5 648) 17| 55) 3) 7) * | 7] 2 18 | 45| 5| 2 | g| 48/18/43) 4] 2] 1. 6 | 38 | 18 | 00; 2; 9 7 | 34) 18 | 10 3 2 8 | 20 | 19 | 22 21 7 6 | 01 | 17 | 29| 2 9 —— | —— NS ES | UE ES) 3 6 | 47 | 18 | 28 2) 4 7} 14} 19 | 47 5| 8 8 | 46 | 18} 50; 1 8 —}| a 7| 40/19) 06) 4) 1) 8 | 23 | 17 36) 1} 8 6|28/17}18| 3| 8| x 7 | 42118 |27| 4] 8 o |e j—— | | fe 6 | 27} 20 | 01) 6 0 7 fy pale alt Dy |) eb 8 | 02] 19 | 13 3 3 ——|—— —-- —— SSS ee en |e 6 | 45]17| 46) 4 5 Y fa) fe: 3 EP by aX 4; 0 8 | 41 | 16 | 36) 3 3 Il. 6 | 34] 18 | 00] 5 2 7 | 38 | 18 | 26 ay 8 | 28 | 20 | 07] 5 0 6 | 04) 17) 25 | 4] 6 7|24|18|55| 4) 4 a) a) eae is al 6 | 49 | 17 | 10 5 Gul) TIT. 7 | 00 | 17 | 32 4 7 — | —|—_ | Coy alfa) AS) | ea ac a es 7 | 44! 18 | 48 4 ee 8 06 g|35|18|27| 4 1 6) |S: II! ast |i Sece 4 6 7 | 33 | 18 | 41 5 2 8 | 25 | 19) 39) 2 tf 6 | 32/18 | 37] 3] 6 TOS [PTS s 24.) 40). 73 8|10|17|24| 3| 4 —_— ——_——_ _—_ — | of |) ab Pale) Bis | Be 8| 55/18/09} 3] 5) ay 6|28)16) 42) 3] 0] IV. | 7/88/19] 01] 5) 6 8 | 30) 18! 32] 3] 4 ; — — § | 16) 18 | 28 | 5) 8 7 | 43 | 17-| 53 5 0) 1V 8 | 59 | 17 | 59 | 2 9 7 | 23 | 15 | 51 5 0 ; 8 | 45 | 18 | 25 3 0 8 | 34/19 |32| 5] 0 Bel nOly LON aaron Onl ebvis 8 | 57 | 18 | 18 | 3| 0 MEANS. l l Nl l l Nl 6 PASS ah i Ye coil te oec 17 7 | 29 | Si elias | Pesenll tene 21 BE POON el Seam eee | ans 25 6 | 29 | silt i 42 18 vi | OT coma hea 4 | 6 21 8 | 30 3 % 25 | { ell l — o: . The high value 20" 01™ is reject- The low value 15" 51™ is rejected, ed, hence new mean— lence new mean— 6 | 28 | a7 | 42 ees | | 16} 7 29 | 18 24 | -- | | 20 9 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. TABLE FOR THE ReDucTION oF TipES.—NO. 2. Showing the Interval between the App. Time of the Moon’s Superior Transit and the Time of Low Water, and also the Heights of Low Water, at Van Rensselaer Harbor, from Four Series of Observations made between October 10, 1853, and October 22, 1854. 9" to 10". 10" to 11". 1 tone Moon’s | Lunitidal | 4 2 | Moon’s | Lunitidal 24 % | Moon’s | Lunitidal 23 transit. | interval. | Height of} £°& | transit. | interval. | Height of FE | transit. | interval. | Weight of) £5 —|———— | L. water.) 2 © — L. water.) 2 % S| SS ie winter 22 App. time.| L. water. | De = App. nel L. water. pe — App. time.| L. water. % 5 — —— SE — Se | : -B H. | M.| H. | M.| Ft. |Dec.| 3-2 | H. | M.| H. | M.| Ft. | Dee.| S2|un.|M.| Ho. | M. | Ft. |Dec.| 4-2 9/12/18 |47| 3| 1 10 | 02 | a7 |'57) 2 7 11} 26|17|20| 2| 7 9 | 47 | 17) 59) 2) 9 10 | 36|17|40] 1] 6 11 | 37) 18/53) 3) 5) | 9 | 31|18 | 00) 3] 8] 10 | 13 | 20]02] 2) 5 ria |i) |) tly? 4) Bil |e |, || 9) 08 |19 | 04) 2) 2] 1 | 10] 54/18/36] 2) 9) TL | 11 | 41) 18 | 23) 5 || 5 CVs |Pak yeBANON 7 || HO) || Go| 7/50 Ons — oes — 9 | 27/19 |09}) 2] 8 | 10 | 10/18/25] 2] 8 TT] 92.2) |e OS ee Oy |eLGeLSi| #10 | Meter) 10 | 54/19 |11| 2] 4 ala, |), 251, |) 1he/ |) Pi JEG} |) eh iu poet a a SS Bee ae ee | eee |) a | 19) ee reeoe eel ON 9 | 41 | 19 | 34) 1] 5 10 | 58 | 18) 19} 1) 0 |__| Ee g>| 45e| 2%>| 525 2] 8) me |, 10] 32)| Tess) WN) 8) a By ae | 38 ate) Ode) a | 9|39|18 | 451 3) 8} 10 | 45 | 18 | 02] 1) O Sel 35p | aloe | bon OC niae: ——|—|—_ S| UG) |] GAIL |) US |] ZBI) Pl) DA O51 |u| eal ia 9) 24) 18 08) 927] by — | isl |p aly eas ep |] help oe | ets 9 | 10 | 18 | 09 | 1] 8 | 1O))|/ LON 198 | 225) 1) 96 11 | 07 | 18 | 54) O| 6 9|56|17|38| 2) 2) 5, | 10| 54/17 | 08) 2) 6 yO Wao ks) ly VD Pe I Seale) SUE eu Oj) ees | ZEB alish |) BAL a ie | SAN, || 26a) all ae yy ass PEARCE NTRS ally dhe 10 | 21.) 18 | 42) 2] 0} IT. a pees 9|44|18|14/] 8] 6| 10) LOM) TEN by) ae 11 | 39) 17 || 285) -25)) <0 == —_— ty | I) ae WE BI 11 | 10 | 18 | 02 |—2} 0 9/22|19|14|) 5) 0| yy | 10/47/17) 38) 1| 2 11 | 59 | 19 | 13 |=0) 5] Iv. 9 | 41 |18 | 34] 0} 0) -** /——— Sa a OEY |) ate || Orel, Dil | 10 | 09 | 18 |58| 2| 0 11 | 53] 16/22] 0| o | 10 | 55|18|12| 4] 0} yw | 10 | 20| 18] 21} 0} O : | 110) |) 2] ake |) Gaby) | MEANS. 7 | | ; | | 7] | ca 9032) S| 28) ee lees |) WS) | TONE 32 5 | See Lo el) ay | unsleea Nees aie) ele) at 9 = | 2| 6] 18 }10| 32)... |..| 1) 9| 22 | 11) 32 |ecoa'l) exp |) ey) ie) ale) | | \ 0° 12 21 25 22 13 0 LES I Sw bh sinjn 9 to bo to bo WR Ree TP Ob SryNprs Slot i NONNP —SoWworn eonTWwo wk © a o o Se eS og tf (SSO 1 (Ow © ed + ie ee eee eee RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. ii) The mean declination corresponds to an epoch 1.6 days anterior, which remark applies also to the formula dh = C sin. 2 \', representing the diurnal inequality dh ) g 1 in two successive high or low watérs, ’ being the moon’s declination. For the fo) ? 5D value of C we obtain 3.3, which gives us the following comparison :— DIURNAL INEQUALITY IN HEIGHT. (Epoch 1.6 days.) Moon’s declination. Observed dh. Computed dh. Difference. Feet. 0.0 1.4 The diurnal inequality in time I have tried to exhibit by numbers as well as by diagrams; it seems, however, that the incidental irregularities in the observations themselves, coupled with the fact that the observations generally were only made half-hourly and at other times hourly—so far exceed in magnitude the inequality itself as to make the effect of the changes of the moon’s declination exceedingly obscure. ‘The lunitidal intervals (for high and low water) between Oct. 17 and Dec. 28, 1853, between Jan. 28 and March 7, 1854, and between June 1 and July 7, 1854, were tabulated in vertical columns; the means of the alternate values were tabulated in the 2d column, and placed in the horizontal line opposite the intermediate value of column one. The numbers in the first column were next subtracted from the corresponding numbers in the second column, if the interval belonged to the inferior transit; if belonging to the superior, the values in the second column were subtracted from those in the first. The moon’s declination, for noon each day, was also set down. ‘The 276 values for diurnal inequality in time, thus obtained, were plotted. After attempting to deduce an epoch and arranging the values for different assumptions for epoch, no satisfactory result could be obtained in any way according with the expression dy = __g tan. 8 _— (see Lubbock, Phil. Trans. 1837), 1 + A cos. “> and the results of the investigation must be confined to the following general remark. The diurnal inequality in time is in maxima probably not exceeding two hours ; it seems to be less in amount for the times of high water than for the times of low water, a result the reverse of that belonging to the inequality in height. A. similar conclusion was arrived at in the discussion of the tides at San Francisco, Cal. (Prof. A. D. Bache in Coast Survey Report for 1853, p. *81), when the smaller inequality in height of high water (when compared with that for low water) cor- responded to the greater inequality in time of high water (when compared with the inequality for low water). Whether the inequality of the height for high or low water is the greater or smaller depends only on the epoch of the diurnal wave compared with the epoch of the semi-diurnal wave. There is no regular increase 78 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. of the inequality corresponding to an increasing (irrespective of sign) declination of the moon, but the curve appears double-crested about the time of maximum declination, there being a sudden diminution in the inequality, preceded and fol- lowed by high values; about the time of the moon’s crossing the equator the inequality is very irregular, On Plate IV, the actual separation of the semi-diurnal and the diurnal wave has been effected graphically, for which purpose a part of the best observations was selected ; these observations extend over the period from Oct. 30 to Novy. 22, 1853. The process of decomposition in use-in the U.S. Coast Survey was at first an analytical one, by computing sine curves; since 1855, however, a graphical process, equivalent thereto, was substituted; this latter method, as introduced by assistant L. F. Pourtales, may be briefly explained as follows: After the observations are plotted and a tracing is taken, the traced curves are shifted in epoch 12 (lunar) hours forward, when a mean curve is pricked off between the observed and traced curves; this process is repeated after the tracing paper has been shifted 12 hours backward; the average or mean pricked curve thus obtained represents the semi- diurnal wave. On an axis parallel with that on which the time is counted, the differences between the originally observed and the constructed semi-diurnal wave were laid off; this constitutes the diurnal curve. In the case in hand I have simplified the process of separation by blackening the under surface of the tracing paper with a lead pencil, and running in with a free hand ; the intermediate curves by the pressure of a style, an average of the two traces thus left on the lower paper, gave the semi-diurnal wave in quite an expeditious manner, On the diagram, the diurnal curve with its epoch of high water nearly coinciding with that of the semi- diurnal wave, appears plainly with its variation in size depending on the moon’s declination. Investigation of the Form of the Tide Wave.—The shape of the tide wave has been ascertained in the manner described in art. (479) Tides and Waves, and depends on the hourly observations of 60 tides, 30 during spring tides and an equal number during neap tides, that is, the observed heights on the day of the syzygies and quadratures and on the first and second day after, were tabulated, forming ten groups of three columns each, from low water to low water. The columns of an equal number of hours (they vary from 16 hours to 11 hours) were united inamean. In order to combine these it was assumed that the interval from the observed low water to the next following low water corresponds to 360° of phase, and the time of every intermediate observation was converted into phase by that proportion. In order to render the observed heights comparable, the range from high to low water in every half tide (the reading of low water for phase 0 generally not being identical with the reading of the succeeding low water or phase 360°) was supposed to correspond to 2.00, and the elevation above the low water was converted into number by that proportion, thus furnishing a series of ordinates for equidistant abscissee. The means of all the phases and corresponding converted depressions within every 30th degree of phase were then taken with proper regard to the weights, depending on the number of columns, of equal hours, united at the commencement of the reduction. By observation of the progress of the numbers, RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDBS. 79 it was easy to alter the latter so as to make them exactly correspond to the phases 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, ete. In this manner the following numbers have been obtained :— FOR THE SPRING-TIDE WAVE OCCURRING ONE AND A QUARTER DAY AFTER FULL AND NEW MOON. Phase of groups. Proportional height above low water. | Mean. 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 | 0.23 | 0.24 | 0.27 | 0.10 | 0.21 0.32 | 0.68 | 0.90 | 0.70 | 0.46 | 0.71 0.91 1.13 1.36 | 1.32 1.17 | 1.24 TeS9 RGR alaro i levo: | debe) | Len 1.84 2.04 1.98 1.93 2.00 Igo 1.94 1.98 2.00 2.00 1.88 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.84 1.56 1.23 1.88 1.84 1.84 1.45 1.15 0.70 | 1.46 1.58 | 1.23 | 1.00 | 0.65 | 0.41 | 0.97 1.14 0.79 0.27 0.25 0.00 0.37 0.60 0.40 0.17 0.00 i Osaiy 0.15 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 Weight | Weight 5 4 13 7 1 The columns headed “mean” show the ordinates of the waves for (nearly) equidistant intervals of time. The following table contains the corresponding numbers for the neap tide wave occurring 14 day after the first and last quarter, and as derived from 30 tides observed hourly from low to low water :— Phase of groups. Proportional height above low water. | 0.00 | 0.07 0.26 00 | 0.49 | 0.55 | 0. 0.00 0.89 | 1. -59 | 0.20 1.19 | 1.53 | 0.93 | 0.50 1.55 | te 05 0.82 60 2.00 85 92 | 00 64 00 25 84 | Boll, oconoop Pepper 80 0.32 | 0.79 0.04 | 0.42 0.00 | 0.00 NOOO RANR OWS WAND > S S Weight | | Weight | 3 | 8 | 13 | | The results are represented in the annexed diagram. The result for the neap tide curve has also been multiplied by 5';7,, the ratio of neap and spring tide range as found on a preceding page, and was increased by 0.5 to refer it to the same level. 80 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. ADEE Peer EEE EERE Reee Fp fn ee fe fsa 2.00 [LL az os BSCE 80 BERBER ED s CoS Yee is ABH HAASE RNC EEE EE | 7 il A Sie a NEEGBEen ap Se CI] -20 NE 1.00 + an 5 Seeme \enee a mv CONAT TT pag BIE CA -60 40 Hh BEEaa Ha EE ae t 0° 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360° The full curves in the diagram show the form of the spring and neap tide wave (the scales being arbitrary), to which has been added for convenient comparison the dotted curve representing the neap tide wave on the same relative scale as the spring tide wave. It is apparent that the spring tide wave is slightly steeper between low and high water than between high and low water, and that the neap tide wave is very nearly symmetrical in respect to rise and fall. We have seen that the duration of rise is 6" 04".7, hence the duration of fall will be 6" 19."7; or in making ebb the time is 15 minutes greater than in making flood, a circumstance in conformity with the shape of the curves of rise and fall. This holds good for an average tide; according to art. (510) Tides and Waves, if the place of observation is not far from the sea, or, as in our case, in a bay, the water will occupy a shorter time to rise than to fall, and the inequality will be greater at spring tides than at neap tides; this is fully illustrated in the preceding diagram, the spring tide wave being the steeper of the two. The form of the tide waves will be found closely represented by the following expressions :— For the spring tide wave— 5.83 + 5.58 sin. (0 + 278°) + 0.20 sin. (2 6 + 281°); For the neap tide wave— 2.42 + 2.25 sin. (0 + 269°) + 0.09 sin. (20 + 290°); in which expressions the angle @ counts from low water to low water, from 0 to 360°, and the height of the wave is expressed in feet. The relative numbers, given above, as the ordinates, have been changed in the proportion of 2 to 11.1 for the higher and of 2 to 4.7 for the lower wave. The following table shows the agreement between observation and the numerical expressions, in which the 3d and higher terms are zero :— > gta? —aee eer a ee ee ee Ee ———— lee RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. 81 FORM OF THE TIDE WAVE AT VAN RENSSELAER HARBOR. Height of Spring tide, in feet. Height of neap tide, in feet. Phase. Observed. Computed. Observed. | Computed. —— a SS ee — | a 0 0.0 0.1 0.0 | 0.1 30 1.2 1.4 0.5 0.4 60 3.9 3.9 1.3 1.3 90 6.9 6.8 2.5 2.5 120 9.4 9.3 Ben) Be) 150 10.7 10.9 4.3 4.3 180 alae uate 4.6 4.6 210 10.4 10.2 4.3 4.4 240 7.9 | 8.0 Dot Bull 270 | 5.4 as) 2.5 2.5 300 mT 2.4 1.3 1.3 330 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.1 360 0.0 0.1 Respecting the effect of the wind and ice on the tides, it may be remarked that the former can only be slight, since the sea is protected from the direct action of the wind by its icy cover for the greater part of the year. When the sea is par- tially open, the effect becomes sensible, as may be seen by the following note extracted from the log-book :— “ August 17, 1853. The above records show a heavy gale from the southward gradually hauling to the eastward; the effect of this gale on the tides was very marked ; our flood rose two feet above any previous register, overflowing the ground ice, and our last ebb or outgoing tide was hardly perceptible.” The ice crust can- not sensibly affect (by friction on its lower surface) the progress of the tide wave, and will certainly not sensibly interfere (by friction on the ice foot and breakage of the ice fields) with the rise and fall of the tide. Progress of the Tide Wave.—The tide at Van Rensselaer Harbor may be taken as a derived tide, and transmitted to it from the Atlantic Ocean, and in part modi- fied by the small tide originating in the waters of Baflin’s Bay; which latter tide, however, must necessarily be small, particularly on account of the general direction of the bay, which is very unfavorable for the production of a tide wave. That the tide wave is travelling up along the western coast of Greenland, or, in other words, reaches Van Rensselaer Harbor from the southward, may be seen from the follow- ing observed establishments — Holsteinborg Harbor, latitude 66° 56’, longitude 53° 42. High water at F. & C. 6" 30". Spring tides rise 10 feet—Capt. Inglefield, 1853. Whalefish Islands (near Disco), latitude 68° 59’, longitude 53° 13’. Time of high water F, & C. 8" 15". Highest tide 72 feet—Parry’s 3d Voyage of Discovery. Godhavn (Disco), latitude 69° 12’, longitude 53° 28, Tidal hour 9". Rise and fall 74 feet—See Map in Narrative of Kane’s First Voyage. Upernavik, latitude 72° 47’, longitude 56° 03’, High water at J esal Oe lal Rise 8 feet.—Capt. Inglefield, 1854. Wolstenholm Sound, latitude 76° 33’, longitude 68° 56.’ High water at F. & C. 11° 8". Rise, both at spring and neaps, 7 to 7+ feet.—(See Admiralty Chart of Baffin’s Bay, sheet 1, 1853, corrected to 1859.) The observations themselves, taken by Captain Saunders of H. M.S. North Star, in 1849 and 1850, were kindly fur- 11 82 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE TIDES. nished to Prof. Bache by the Hydrographer to the Admiralty, Captain J. Wash- ington, R. N., and are given in the appendix to this paper. And finally, Van Rensselaer Harbor, latitude 78° 37’, longitude 70° 53’. High water at F. & C. 11" 50", as derived from the preceding analytical expression. Rise and fall at spring tide 11.1 feet, at neap tide 4.7 feet, average range 7.9 feet. By means of the difference in the establishments. of Holsteinborg and Van Rensselaer, we can obtain an approximation to the depth of Baffin’s Bay and Smith’s Straits, viz:— Tidal hour. Longitude. Sum. Difference. Holsteinborg 6" 30" 3° 35" LOBOS one { Difference corrected for the Van Rensselaer 11 50 4 43 16 33 a | moon’s motion 6" 26™. Assuming the distance along the channel to be 770 nautical miles, we have a velocity of the tide wave of about 202 feet in a second, which, according to Airy’s table (174), Tides and Waves, would correspond to a depth of nearly 1300 feet, or about 220 fathoms—a result probably smaller than the true value, since the other observations indicate a greater depth, it may. be taken as an inferior limit; in the same manner we find from the co-tidal hours of Upernavik and Van Rensselaer a depth of near 800 fathoms, and a similar result from the Wolstenholm observa- tions; this last result may perhaps he taken as an upper limit. Soundings.—The following soundings have been copied from the log-book :— June 19, 1853. Lat. 51° 12’, long. 52° 8’ (government sounding twine and 32-pound shot). Chronometer time. Mark. STE 0s Red, started. 49 10 White. 52 10 Bottom, with 178 fathoms; shot brought up with gray mud and fine sand. he line was afterwards measured. June 26, 1853. Lat. 59° 48’, long. 50° 3’ (government sounding twine and 32-pound shot). Chronometer time. Mark. Chronometer time. Mark. Bae Bay Started 75 fathoms from the next mark. NOME sy White. oT 25 Red. 25 10 Red. 58 50 White 29 15 White. 4 00 37 Red. 33 25 Red. 2. 48 Black. 37 «30 Black. Dele White. 42 0 White. 8 oO Red. 46 30 Red. 0) White. Dile al White. eL 6) Red. 56 «(OO Red. » D = Bottom with 1817 fa- thoms, line cut. socse Missed the mark. August 1, 1838. Melville Bay, lat. 75° 40’, long. 62° 12’ (government sounding twine and 32-pound shot). Chronometer time. Mark. 5. 47™ 6 Started. 48 8 Red. 49 40 White. 51 40 Red. 04. 0 Black. 54- 45 Bottom with 429 fathoms; shot brought up with dark green sand (specimen preserved). APP Bae Dal xs TipAL OBSERVATIONS MADE ON BOARD H. M.S. Norru Srar, CoMMANDER SAUNDERS, AT THE WINTER QUARTERS IN WOLSTENHOLM SounD. (F Rom THE Surp’s Loa.) Tyee High water. | Low water. TARE. | High water. | Low water. | | | ) 1849. Time. | Height. | Time, | Height. 1850. | Time. | Height. | Time. | Height. | Ft. In. | Ft. In. Ft. In. | Ft. In. Nov. 16, A.M. | 12 0m | 78 0 | 4» om | 69 4 Mar. 13, P. M. 65 0m | 69 0 Tee ieant| | | By G0) 70 11 SO Ace es oe CEU la ioe 16 | Cay Cee Ip | 0 30 78 6 OT eS is 11.0) 5 |x0e0 DPA Mette Qh tion /D: bs 0 (Aue! CS Vee 10 Xt) 76°02) 25 30) 167 19 ee SOPASM.§ |, 10> 0 Coed 4 30 70 0 April 4, A.M. oa} 12 0 | 69 9 Dec. 14,P.M. |} 11 0 | 69 6 6 0 65 2 cc ae Mi 4 0 72) 2 | oe NEeing 4s Ol fer! °9 10 30 | 65 4 Sel A Moll 30) *1) (70) aL Be) |) ta Ce oeAciMem ml Taw Ol son d Om ee SsOl sGSeec0) te Ne ANGIE MTU, 9 a) 8} 5 0 | 69 2 1850. | May 4,P.M.| 5 0 | 75 0 | | Jan. dio, ACM. |-12) 0 | 71 6 | 5 30 64 2 elon ACM, sO lei 2 SES 2b Ne es: 0) | 70 4 | 10 30 65 1 TIGR TSG | | 11 30 72 6 SAG Ae Me eu O) iia) | DroOl 64, 82 « 96 A.M. | 1 0 | 75 10 6 0 | 69-0 Feb. 3, P. M. 3 30 | 700m |) 90 63 10 June 2, P. M. | i) 68 11 AGP Ma 4. 10! 3) 70) (S29 s 9) 30 66 8 WS REA e iis | ealit 0) 74 4 March 5, P.M. | 430 | 70 0 | 10 0 66 10 July OEM) Tr 0 A100 ema 66 1 “18, A.M. | 11 30 | 76 0 | From the rough manner with which the above observations appear to haye been made, an approxi- mate establishment and rise of tide only can be deduced from them. H. W. F. and C. appears to take place between XI* 0™ and XI" 15", say XI" 8", and the rise both at springs and neaps from 7 to 74 feet. (Signed) JNO. BURWOOD, Masrer R.N., ( Tide Computer). Apmiratrty, 3d July, 1860. , ; a ~ Y ‘ - F oS ee ee ‘ . > ‘ _ Fs r > a y a a . s - he : ‘ ma . eo x 4 oo ; Se SS SONIAN INSTITUTIO ee ¥ irs eae S ee ea ie nt ies te cee el pages Pr. ele Sibi = Plate I. Octaber 1853. November 1853. 7 y. & 6 7 2¢ K < ab 74 A ae HH Series. ecember 185 15 feet —t Peruasy 1854. February 29 30 oh 1 2 15 feet Me Semmes. ——s Au | | yy es a on 1 qe saa etree etn ae ett RNR hs ey ag USN IN ae IN re FOR —<— ——— 4 SS am Sa jewt aE lpas me Sta ol ae ly . ohne 5 q a Op er ee es obs 4 S Hfarch 1854. 16 16 W 18 19 *20 2 [15 feet Second| Series | O feet 20" 2 22 2 “Am 25 26 % Z y é 1 z : k 2 y p 27 28 28 30 31 { 2 3 |15 feet prune 1654. July 1854. 5 6 ‘ 3 ? 28 29 2 28 5 feet ird Series. Ai + O feet (ie a ped Sept Vw ~ Pe fr To a — ——— WR Le thee ee We ye he ee ry a Re a er Plate I. Tuly 1854 Angi 1854., B 19 20 2h 22 23 2 25 26 27 28 29 ab si 1h 3 concluded. Third | Series eptember ae ctober 1854 8 9 lh 2 E 5 ‘ y y che I y 8 29 30 2 3 4 5 5 7 18 IB 20 21 a i iurnal Inequality in the| observed hleight of the) highwaters. ovember 1853. December ABE 2 ZY 2 23 2 26 27 ob 29 30 2 3 Us ded? eres. July 1854. 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 2B 29 30 4} 2 3 ail D Mo Clelland sc. fart ae 7 ae aa be e ae a : : 4 -_ : Sa i : = ’ a oP - se t { - at, 4 >. oe iy 15) j 7 ‘ 7 i Bay ; . ht aa ; ; j i T i] ' ¥ a : . 3 } hai ' a ‘ Pt 4 a; ) Staal i} > ‘ 4 t ; ’ pay f ‘ | } ‘ 4 ; 2 1 5 ae er ee ee ee eee (be Cee rem anynte Ne prt tee mn SYR ae forint mere et bare - : “ ty i’ M mee eee +" ee a eta nae a oi ci ya hars en ee ee ae a ta Ae nee A eee Sm LSS ae 4 Oct. 3/0, 1853. No} d Plate IV, 15 feet 4 Dect + Nopr 15 feet 7th 0 feet 15 feet "D Clelland #6. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. a Ne eee BP eel ee eee METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ARE TC Stk As: BY SIR FRANCIS LEOPOLD M°CLINTOCK, R.N. MADE ON BOARD THE ARCTIC SEARCHING YACHT “FOX,” IN BAFFIN BAY AND PRINCE REGENT’S INLET, IN 1857, 1858, AND 1859. REDUCED AND DISCUSSED, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. BY CHARLES A. SCHOTT, ASSISTANT U. 8. COAST SURVEY. [ ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, APRIL, 1861.] a COLLINS, PRINTER. PHILADELPHIA. CON TEN Tis: List oF ILLUSTRATIONS . z : , ms , F PREFACE © . 4 c 5 - é é < ‘ Part I.—TEMPERATURES. Record and discussion of the temperature Tabulation of record. “ = c : . . ° Discussion of the annual variation of the temperature of the air : Discussion of the diurnal variation of the temperature of the air Table of hourly values of the variation of temperature Connection of the lunar phases with the changes of temperature Effect of the winds on the atmospheric temperature Temperature of the soil . me Temperature of the sea : : : : : Table of monthly means of temperature registered by modern Aretie expeditions, by Captain MeClintoek Parr {I1.—WINDS. Record and discussion of the direction and force of the wind—Introductory remarks Record of the observations Method of reduction Average velocity of the resulting wind Average velocity of the winds Relative frequency of the winds . Relative quantity of air passed over the place of observation Rotation of the winds Oceurrenece and duration of storms Parr IT].—ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Record and reduction of the observations for atmospheric pressure—Introductory remarks Record of the observations é d Comparison of the readings of the aneroid and mercurial barometers Resulting mean 4-hourly and mean monthly readings of the mercurial barometer in the months of September, 1857, and February and April, 1858 . 3* Ne SNe bee aoaarnwnwnt ish) to 39 40) 62 66 67 69 70 71 73 19 81 99 . 100 CONTENTS. Diurnal variation of the atmospheric pressure Annual variation of the atmospheric pressure a : 5 : Des = - 104 Diurnal extremes : : " ; ; ; 5 3 106 Monthly and annual extremes’. c 5 b : E oe - 106 Relation of the atmospheric pressure to the direction of the wind Z “ é 107 - ’ APPENDIX. Record of the weather kept on board the Yacht “Fox,” from July 2, 1857, to September 18, 1859; with notes of the specific gravity of sea water, on the state of the ice, appearance of animals, ete. ete.; on the aurora borealis and atmospheric phenomena . —. ‘ 111 Tabulation of auroras, with observations and notes, by Dr. David Walker [ILELUSTRATIONS. PLATES. . PAGE Chart showing the tracks of the yacht “ Fox” in the Arctic regions under command of Cap- tain (now Sir) Francis L. M’Clintock, R. N., 1857—1859. Newly projected for thie Smithsonian Institution, by Charles A. Schott, Assistant U. 8. Coast Survey, 1861. Seale 1 : 15,000,000. (Frontispiece. ) WOODCUTS. Figure A. Diagram showing the annual fluctuation of the temperature of the air at Port Kennedy : : 4 21 Figure B. Diagram showing the diurnal amplitude of the temperature 24 Figure ©. Diagram showing the diurnal variation of the temperature ; é 26 Figure 1. Diagram showing the mean velocity of the winds in Baffin’s Bay, at Port Ken- nedy, and at Van Rensselaer’s harbor . , ; 68 Figure 2. Diagram showing the relative frequency of the winds at the same places . 70 Figure 38. Diagram showing relative quantity of air passed over at the same places . z 71 Figures 4—8. Diagrams illustrating five storms at Baffin’s Bay . : : 74, 75, 76 Figure 9. Diagram showing the diurnal variation of atmospheric pressure in Baffin’s Bay . 103 Figure 10. Diagram showing the same for Port Kennedy. ; 104 Figure 11. Diagram showing a halo and paraselenz, December 4, 1857 ae AY, Figure 12. Diagram of a halo, March 7, 1858 : : : : ; , 123 PREFACE. Tue following series of reduced meteorological observations have been prepared from the records kept on board the yacht “Fox,” in 1857, 58, °59, during the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, under the command of Captain M’Clintock,' R. N. The records of these observations were presented by the commander of the expedition to the Institution, to be used in such manner as might be deemed best suited to advance the science of meteorology. ‘They were accordingly placed in the hands of Mr. Charles A. Schott, of the U. S. Coast Survey, to be discussed in accordance with the plan proposed by Sir John Herschel in his work on meteor- ology, and which was adopted in regard to the records made during the voyage of Dr. Kane in the Arctic regions. ‘These reductions form a part of a series of articles on the climatology of the Arctic portions of the North American continent, which are in the course of preparation and publication by the Smithsonian Institution. Of these the investigations relative to the winds of the Northern Hemisphere, by Prof. Coffin, the observations by Dr. Kane, and those by Dr. Hayes, form portions. It is to be hoped that an opportunity will be afforded for a thorough discussion of all the observations which have been made by the different Arctic explorers on a similar plan, since such a work would not only throw much light on the climatology of the continent of North America, but also on the meteorology of the globe. The following brief account of the expedition of “the Fox,” compiled from the narrative of the commander, and other sources, will perhaps be of service in ren- dering the observations more easily understood, as well as of interest to those who may not have ready access to the works from which the compilation has been made :— Sir John Franklin was appointed in 1845 to the command of an expedition consisting of two ships, the Erebus and Terror, fitted out for a further attempt to discover a northwest passage. The expedition sailed from England on the 26th of May, 1845, and was last seen by a whaler in Baffin’s Bay on the 26th of July fol- lowing. In the autumn of 1847 public anxiety began to be manifest for the safety of the explorers, from whom nothing more had been heard, and several expedi- tions were sent from 1848 to 1854 in search of them. In these active exertions * Now Sir Francis Leopold McClintock. Vill PREFACE. Lady Franklin took the lead, and by her unwearied labors and sacrifices aroused the sympathy of the whole civilized world. Aid was offered by France and even by Tasmania. Citizens of the United States replied to her call by equipping two expeditions, the expense of which was principally borne by Mr. Henry Grinnell, of New York. In August, 1850, traces of the missing explorers were discovered, where they had spent their first winter, but no further tidings were obtained until the spring of 1854, when Dr. Rae, of the Hudson’s Bay Company, ascertained that they had been seen by the Esquimaux on the west coast of King William’s Island, in the spring of 1850, and it was thought that they had all died on an estuary of the great Fish River. The attempt, in 1855, of the Hudson’s Bay Company to explore this river resulted in obtaining but little additional information, and a few relics from the Esquimaux. | It was at this time that Lady Franklin, who had previously sent out three ex- peditions at her own expense, again earnestly urged the renewal of the search, that the fate of her husband and his companions might not be left in uncertainty, and in the spring of 1857 commenced the preparations for another expedition as a final effort to trace “the footsteps of these gallant men in their last journey upon earth,” and, if possible, to rescue from entire loss some of the scientific results for which they had sacrificed their lives. The small steamer Fox, of 177 tons athe. was purchased for the service, and Lady Franklin was highly gratified in obtaining the willing service of Captain M’Clintock as commander of the expedition. This officer had signally distin- guished himself in the voyages of Sir James Ross and Admiral Austin, and espe- cially in his extensive journeys on the ice when associated with Captain Kellett. The voyagers sailed from Aberdeen, July 1st, 1857, and after a favorable run across the Atlantic, passed Cape Farewell, the southern point of Greenland, on the 13th, and arrived at Fredericshaab on the 19th of the same month. After stopping to take in coal at Waigat, they reached Upernavik, the most northerly of the Danish stations in Greenland, and then bore away, on the 6th of August, directly westward for the purpose of crossing Baffin’s Bay; but, on the evening of the 8th, their progress in that direction was stopped by impenetrable ice in Latitude 72° 40’ and Longitude 59° 50’ west. They then steered northward with the hope of finding a passage westward in a higher latitude, but in this they were disappointed, and, on the 19th of August, became entangled in the ice, and thus remained two hundred and forty-two days, until April, 1858. During this period, the “Fox” drifted from Latitude 75° north and Longitude 62° west, eleven hundred and ninety- four geographical miles in a southerly direction, almost to the lower extremity of Greenland. (See the accompanying map.) On the 26th of April, the ice suddenly and almost entirely disappeared; the ship was again headed northward for another attempt, and arrived on the 19th of June in Melville Bay. They then again steered westward across Baffin’s Bay, and, finally, entered Lancaster Sound in the beginning of August. They next sailed westerly and southerly until they reached the Longitude of 96° west, and about Latitude 73° north. From this point, they returned eastward through Barrow’s = PREFACE. ix Straits, which they found clear of ice, and went southerly down Prince Regent’s Inlet to the mouth of Bellot Straits, where they arrived on the 20th of August, and near which they were destined to remain for more than a year. Bellot Strait, which is near Latitude 72° north, is the water communication between Prince Rupert’s Inlet and that part of the western sea now known as Franklin Channel. It separates the extreme northern part of the continent of North America, or Boothia Felix, from North Somerset. ‘The shores of this strait are faced in many places with lofty granite cliffs, and some of the adjacent hills rise to fifteen or sixteen hundred feet ne the level of the sea. Through this channel the tide runs at the rate of six or seven knots an hour, and also frequent stormy winds blow from the- west which probably affect the local meteorology of the country immediately around the eastern entrance. At the time of the arrival of the expedition, this strait was choked up with masses of ice, but as the season advanced these obstacles so far gave way that the voyagers were enabled to work the ship through to the western outlet. But beyond this point they were unable to advance further in the same direction, and on account of the exposed position they were obliged to return and seek for safer winter quarters. These they found near the eastern entrance’of the strait in a commo- dious harbor named Port Kennedy. At this place they remained frozen up from the 27th of September, 1858, until the 9th of August, 1859. Early in the spring, three exploring parties set out from Port Kennedy in dif- ferent directions, severally under the command of Captain M’Clintock, Captain Young, and Lieutenant Hobson. The routes traversed by these parties included the southern portion of the coast of Prince of Wales Island—the western coast “OL. Boothia Felix, and the entire circumference of King William’s Land. These explorations furnished important additions to the map of the Arctic regions as well ‘ as definite information relative to the fate of Sir John Franklin and his devoted companions. On the western coast of King William’s Island, several relics of the lost mariners were found, and among the number a tin-case containing a record of the unfortunate explorers. From this record, the following facts were obtained, ately the Franklin Expe- dition spent the first winter after fleas ing England at Beechy Island near the south- western poiht of North Devon (see map). From this place it passed down Frank- lin Channel to within fifteen miles of the northwest coast of King William’s Island (see the spot indicated on the map), where the ships were frozen in the ice, and finally abandoned on the 22d of April, 1848; Sir John Franklin died on the 11th of June, 1847, and several other deaths had oceurred. ~The survivors, one hundred and five in number, under the command of Captain Crozier, landed on King Wil- liam’s Island, where all knowledge of their subsequenit journeying ceases; they pro- bably, however, all perished in their endeavor to reach a less inhospitable region. Although the whole shore of King William’s Island“was three times patiently examined by Captain M’Clintock en Lieutenant Hobson; Ho vestige of the wrecks was seen, and it was doubted whether any portion of themr-remained Above water. After making the explorations above mentioned, the object of the expedition having been measurably attained, the explorers in the Fox-Waited for the advance b x PREFACE. of the season to be released from the ice, but though the summer at Port Kennedy was a warm one, they were not able to move before the 9th of August. At this time they commenced their homeward voyage and arrived at Portsmouth on the 23d of September following. During the whole time of the exploration of “the Fox,” a regular series of obser- vations was made upon the temperature, the pressure and movements of the atmos- phere, as well as upon the variations of the elements of terrestrial magnetism, the tides, &e. The meteorological observations were under the care of Dr. David Walker, of Belfast, and were made at equal intervals of time during day and night. In winter they were generally taken at intervals of two hours; cae in summer of four hours. Occasionally, there are found some irregularities in the time of observation, and omissions noted in the records, but these are of rare occurrence, and are corrected approximately in the reductions, The reductions have been made at the expense of the Smithsonian Institution, by Mr. Schott, whose previous labors in the reduction of the observations of Dr. KKane have met with general approval. The series of observations is divided into three parts, relating to the following subjects, namely :— 1. The temperature. » . The direction and force of the winds. 3. The pressure of the atmosphere. To these are added, in an appendix, miscellaneous phenomena, such as the face of the sky, appearance of plants and animals, auroras, &c. The following remarks relative to the observations are from communications addressed by Captain M’Clintock to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution :— “| have much pleasure in transmitting to you the meteorological records of my whole voyage in the Fox. I have had my two-hourly observations for the tempe- rature and pressure of the air reduced according to the method adopted in Kane’s observations, but they have not been published in any book, nor do Ef think they will be, the time required and the expense being an objection. Admiral Fitzroy has published in the fourth number of the Meteorological Papers of the Board of Trade a part of my observations [the temperature for noon, the face of the sky, and the specific gravity of sea water, &c., without reduction], which I fear will not be sufficient for your purpose. You are at full liberty to make any use you may think fit of the observations, and should you deem them worthy of publication, it would afford me much pleasure.” “J think it better to send the whole record than to make extracts which would increase the chance of error and perhaps not be sufficient after all. You will thus be able to trace my drift down Baffin’s Bay and Davis’ Straits and to compare it with De Haven’s drift. “My magnetical observations are in the hands of General Sabine. In the PREFACE. xi appendix of the second edition of my narrative, now published, you will see an article on the Tides, as also one upon the Geology, by Professor Haughton. Observations upon Halos, &c., with the Polariscope, have been sent to Professor Stokes; a séries of earth temperatures, to Dr. Jos. Hooker, of Kew Botanic Gardens, as also the specimens of dried and living plants. Natural history specimens have also been made over to scientific friends of the Expedition, my sole object being, to render our labors subservient to scientific ends, and with the least possible delay.” «“T quite agree with Kane’s remarks as to the increase of cold during full moon. The fact was noticed as far back as 1829-30, by Sir John Ross, in the Victory. “TJ also agree with you in opinion that the apparent quantity of ozone depends upon the velocity of the air which has free access to the box containing thé pre- pared paper.” “TJ likewise think that when you have fully examined my, data now in your posses- sion you will in a great measure subscribe to my opinion as to the ice-movement fas connected with the wind]. I referred in my letter only to the winter move- ments of the ice when there is no discharge of water whatever from the land, and when the precipitation in the northern regions is reduced to its minimum. The _ Barrow Strait stream is almost lost in the vast expanse of Baffin’s Bay, but its line is tolerably well indicated by De Haven’s drift. The entire current which brings such quantities of ice round Cape Farewell, and up to about 65° N., appears to be deflected off shore to the westward by banks which lie in about the latitude of 67°. It sweeps very swiftly past Cape Walsingham, curves southward, and having united with Barrow Strait current continues its course downward along the Labrador coast; so that the Labrador current is not due, in my opinion, so much to water flowing from the upper part of Baffin’s Bay as to the Arctic current which sets around Cape Farewell from the East.” “The long drift of the Terror through Hudson’s Straits in 1836-37 appears to me to be another instance of the effect of wind upon the ice, as in this case it does not seem possible that any considerable current could always, that is to say all winter, set out of Hudson’s Bay. But it is my anxious endeavor to bring to light facts instead of advancing hypotheses, and I do know from repeated observations in the Fox, in 1837, and in H. M.S. Bulldog during the past summer, that the Arctic currents [from around Cape Farewell] flow northward along the coast of Greenland—off Frederickshaab, for instance, at from eighteen to twenty-four miles daily, and that West India seeds have been borne by it as far north as Egedesminde, which is in about 68° of north latitude. Our observations, there- fore, upon the volume of water setting out of Baffin’s Bay [on the west side] should not be extended south of this point without making considerable allowance for the current which flows around Cape Farewell, and northward up the coast.” In one of his communications, Captain M’Clintock states that the beams of the aurora were most frequently seen in the direction of open water, or else in that of places where vapor was rising. In some cases, patches of light could be plainly seen a few feet above a small mass of vapor over an opening in the ice. This observation is in accordance with a deduction from an examination of a large number xii PREFACE. of notices of the aurora in the voyages of Arctic explorations by Peter Force, Esq., of Washington; published in Vol. VIII. of Smithsonian Contributions (in 1856), namely, “ that on the Atlantic Ocean, and other open water, the aurora is most fre- quent and most brilliant.” ‘These facts would appear to favor the hypothesis that auroral displays are due to electrical discharges between the air and the earth, since such discharges would, at least in part, be interrupted by a stratum of® non- conducting ice. The accompanying map, to illustrate the voyage of the Fox, is drawn by Mr. Schott on the plan of the projection known as the polyconic, which is a develop- ment of the earth’s surface on cones tangent to each parallel of latitude; the radius — being the distance between the arc of the parallel and the earth’s axis. Points of intersection of the parallels and the meridians are, according to Mr. Schott, readily computed by substitution in the following formule, in which a and y ave the co-ordinates for any difference of longitude, m, on any parallel of latitude, L, and N the normal ending at the polar axis. oa Neos L(u—" sin? L fsa) Hf — NEC OS ely (cs sin L —™ sin’ L+...) This projection is used in the United States Coast Survey, and is described in the Report of the Superintendent, Dr. Bache, for 1859, Appendix, 33. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. I. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, ° Wasninaton, December, 1862. RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF TEMPERATURES. « Tue registers herewith presented include observations extending over twenty- seven months, and amount to a total number of upwards of seven thousand. The time is given in civil reckoning, and the latitude and longitude refer to noon each day (unless otherwise stated). All necessary explanations are contained in the notes accompanying the tables in which the observations are given. The following statement is made in the preface to the Record: The registering thermometers were frequently compared with the standard thermometers supplied from Kew Observatory, and may be considered as free from sensible error. The corrections were deduced from the following table, furnished by Captain McClin- tock :— “A TABLE SHOWING THE COMPARISONS OF SIX THERMOMETERS, MADE AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES, ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox. The Kew Standards were most beautiful instruments, too valuable to leave exposed. Newman’s, being filled with colored spirit, were more easily read off during winter. No. 16 having been used in 1850-51, enables us to compare the temperatures of that winter with those of the Fox. THERMOMETERS COMPARED. 10th March, 3d March, 1858, 1858 27th Feb. 1858 Same day. Py [Sage _~ su Kew Standard (mercury), No. 19 Kew Standard (white sp’it), No.8 Kew Standard (white spit), No.6 i) > = | o spirit), No. 11° Newman (colored spirit), No. 74 Newman (colored NS 168 } Newman (colored j j spirit), 1 This thermometer was used throughout the winter of 1857-58 as the “registering thermometer’’— subsequently broken. 2 This thermometer was used from September, 1858, to August, 1859. It has been brought home. 2 This thermometer was used on board H. M. 8. Assistance, at Griffith’s Island, during the winter of 1850-51; has been brought home. 4% RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF TEMPERATURES. “On February 8th, 1858, the mercurial standard No. 19 fell steadily to —40°.2; then the mercury appeared to freeze, and descended into the bulb. Had the stem been graduated down to the neck of the bulb, it would then have indicated —70°. A globule of mercury corked up in a small test-tube remained fluid. Two other mercurial thermometers (good instruments) were exposed; one fell to —42°, the other to —40°.5. This was a very fair set of observations; the thermometers were taken to a distance from the ship, and freely suspended at five feet above the snow.” Taking the mean of the three Kew standards, Nos. 19, 8, and 6, and comparing the same with the readings of Newman, Nos. 11 and 7, we obtain the following corrections to each of the registering thermometers :— | * 1858. th Feb. 1858. 16th Jan. 1859 1858. 29th Jan. 1858, 80th Jan. 10th March, 19th Feb. 18th Feb, 1858. TtliPeb. 1858. | | | 28th Jan. 2) > aa ee =I | 34.4 36.9 38.1 -4/41.0 41.2 ie ll Mean of Nos. 19, ) 91.4 | 2.3 4 |10.6| 12.8 8, and 6 ier Sel : : yethay 7 } | | Corr’n to New- Ey 7/+0.1—0.1 Ee l= 3h teed | | o a man, No. 11 Corr’n to New- man, No. 7 | Wal el oe eo Se) oo) O08) S55 1) 5c —21—17) .. From the above, it appears that the following small corrections may properly be applied, viz :— For thermometer, Newman No. 11, used in winter 1857-58— Between 0° and —39°, {if 2 “ —39 «2 — 48) —1.6 For thermometer, Newman No. 7, used from Sept. 1858 to Aug. 1859— 3etween 0° and —39°, —09%5 “39 “ —48, —1.8 As remarked above, no correction is applied to the record, and to the results only when specially stated. — There were a number of other thermometers on board; but, since the numbers of these instruments are not given in connection with the observations, it suffices to show that their corrections are small. The following table is copied from p. 3 of the Meteorological Register in the fourth number of the papers published by authority of the Board of Trade :— Sprrir THERMOMETERS. CoRRECTIONS AT A: 32° 52° “728 Newman, No. 16, +0.5 +0.7 + 0.4 ) Pastorelli, No. 19, +1.9 +1.2 +0.1 Compared at Kew, Nov. 1859. A: No, 23; +0.7 +0.3 _o2) . RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF TEMPERATURES. 5* MercurtAt THERMOMETERS. CORRECTIONS AT a ~*~ 82° Negretti, A 499, —0.1 —0.1 —0.2) 5 " 500, 0.0 —0.2 —0.3] & “ 5 i= f oe The ne ae | = Compared at Kew, Feb. 1857. s 5038, —0.1 —0.3 —0.5 | = My 504, 0.0 —0.2 —0.3 Negretti, A 500, =(),8) —0.3 —0.4 ; ¢ 501, —0.1 —0.4 —04| — ss 502, —0.4 —0.4 —0.1 > & Compared at Kew Observatory. Hs 503, —0.4 —0.5 | = 504, —0.2 —0.3 —0.4 The corrections in regard to the barometer are explained in the third part of the series, on page 79. os : ; ; ty j 2 is ‘ 2 7 . ra | ' ‘ f 7 ‘ . - ef . > : 7 A + irs TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) } Longitude July, 1857. Dey Latitude | Deduced of the ae west of h h Noon. 4h h Midn’t. | Mean. | ~°Cuce' month, | north. Greenwich, : 5 : | AC 1 Aberdeen Bic che A bis -- 2 58° 19/ 2° 35/ we Ae 57° c ae 57.2° 3 58 56 4 13 AD 57° ane 57.5 “ Ole 57.7 4 59 45 16 al6 54 49 a 52.0 5 60 18 13 49 re 49.5 are ox 53 ais a 51.7 6 60 1 LG) ot che 53.5 56° 60° 56.5 55° ate 56.1 uf 60 «6 15 42 §4° 58 61 61 57 57 58.0° sé 8 60 38 19 20 59 59 59 59.5 56 55 57.9 ove 9 61° 17 25 40 55 55 57 57 55 51 55.0 10 61 16 28 56 52 53 55 54 54 54 63.7 11 61 3 32 49 53 54 56 53 52 51 63.2 12 59 37 38 44 50 50 50.5 50 48 47 49.3 13 59 19 41 38 46 48 48 46 44 46 46.3 14 59 24 44 48 44 40 44 47.5 4H 44 43.9 15 60 6 48 19 44 43 41.5 43 41.5 41 42.3 16 60 24 |; 49 40 43 41 43 44 39 41 41.8 17 61 22 50 36 35 36 37 36 33 33 35.0 18 61 57 50 11 32 32 34 35.5 37 36 34.4 ae 19 Frederickshaab 40 aie aie a5 Ao ore ae 40.5 20 a 44 40 41 40 41 36 40.3 ae 21 = =|. --- 36 41 43 43 elie 31 oc 38.8 22 62 26 61 5 34 35 36 36 37 37 35.8 atc 23 Fiskernaes 38 41 42 54 49 45 44.8 24 63 30 52 10 43 40 41 41 41 39 40.8 25 Off Goodhaab 38 38 40 41 41 38 39.3 26 64. 7 53 15 39 41 41 41 40 39 40.2 27 64 34 55 0 40 38 40 39 | 36 38 38.5 28 Gop ol 55 20 36 37 39 39.5 40 39 38.4 29 67 23 55, -30 38 39 38 42 39 39 39.2 30 68 29 55 12 38 42 42 41.5 40 41 40.8 31 Lievely 44 45 45 45 43 42 44.0 Mean 62.0 39.1 +44.78 | +45.24 | +46.46 | 447.24 | 445.36 | 444.26 +45.56 Correction to refer to mean from 24 observations in a day = —0°.03. August, 1857. Da “ Longitude of ie Teagibade wat of 4u 8h Noon. 4h gh Midn’t. | Mean. month. morta: Greenwich. 1 In Disco Fiord "42° 45° 44° 44° 44° 43° {443.7 2 6925 ir 52° 58/ 45 44 45 46 45 45 45.0 3 Off Issung Point 43 44 45 46 48 51 46.2 4 At Rittenbenk 51 50 51 47 40 39 46.3 5 (fk ey || 55 25 38 39 41 43 40 40 40,2 6 Off Upernavik 4) ae oe 44 40 37 41.2 7 72 42 58 1 34 33 33 + 34 34 31 33.2 8 72 34 59 47 29 30 34 35 37.5 40 34.2 9 UB we) 58 43 38 33.5 35 34 34 34 34.7 10 74 29 58 38 36 35 35 33.5 33 32, 34.1 11 74 45 59 26 32 33 36 36 34 32 33.8 12 (one 59 20 28 30 34 36 36 33 32.8 13 75 11 59 #4 32.5 35 46 37 37 32 36.6 14 75 9 59d 34 34 36.5 37 38 33 35.4 15 75 9 59) 1 33 35 39 36 34 32 34.8 16 (Le Ot 59 29 31 34 36 36.5 32 31 33.4 lyf 75 10 61 18 31 31 31 33.5 32 31 31.6 18 Ue aly 62 8 29 30 33 35 32 29 31.3 19 wo) 16 62 16 29.5 30 34 31.5 27 27 29.8 20 75 LZ --- 27.5 29 30 31 29 28 29.1 21 (onli 62 16 28 29 32 35 33 31 31.3 22 75 22 62 41 30 31.5 35 35.5 32 29 32.2 23 75 22 62 41 30 31 33.5 33 33 27 31.2 24 75 20 (BY 4) 25 27 30 31 27 26 27.7 25 aac = aie 23 28 34 35 34 34 31.3 26 75 -23 63 12 32 32 31.5 32.5 31.5 33.5 32.2 27 75 26 63 15 34 35 37 35 35 34 35.0 28 ayes See 34.5 35 34 35 34 33 34.2 29 75 26 63 55 31 29 33 33 28 26 30.0 30 iar = = 24 27 32.5 33 34 34 30.7 | 31 75) ~30 64 4 32 32.5 34 32 29 25 30.8 Mean 74.0 59.8 +33.16 | +33.99 | +36.39 | +36.32 | +34.74 | 433.31 | 4-34.65 | Correction to refer mean of 6 observations to mean of 24 observations, 0°.00. 2 RECORD AND REDUCTION TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) September, 18577. | | Day | fat, | Lone: Mean | Mean of the | (ah |west off 2h | 4h ran gh 10" | Noon. | 28 4h 6h gh 10% | Midn’t.| of 6 | of 12 month. *| Green. obs’ns. | obs’ns. 1 | 75°28//---] .. DOME Bie alieesea 29°.5) .. Bre (Ge BISWA. 29 |427°.6/4-27°.5 A, ila SSS sil Se 31 Ae |e ae Sb 36 a S25 ae 28 32.7 | 32.5 By PS Sees tno s 28 an OH || oe 30 ai 32 at 30.5 5 29 29.2 | 29.1 ZA | ies t= SIS ol aa HE |) So | BS PET I) SG 26 oe 26 Be 25 27.0| 26.8 5 |75 27) 64°21 .. 28 am 29 31 = 31 sia 31 ae 30 30.0} 29.9 6 | 75 26] 64 31 , 29 4 30 : 32 bes ie || So 26 = 18 27.1| 26.9 7 |75 24/64 31] .. 20 ae 24.5 | . 2515) |= ate 28 a VED) 6c 33 26.9| 26.8 Wy | [ease eM [ae 27 ae 26.5 | .. 30 ie 32 ie 29 nt 28 28.8| 28.6 9 |---|---] °. 98.5] .. 32 an 33 ie 33 ie 33 an 33 32.1] 32.0 TOP ho to salerceea che 32 Ss 34 as 33.5] .. 35 Se 31.5] .. 30 32.7 | 82.5 SOY | ee ee les B 30 es AH ||) vo 33 Ay 34 oe 34 = 31 32.1] 32.0 iy MU SU oll a 6 23 Ly 23 ; 22 a 21 , 16 xe 16.5 | 20.2] 20.0 13 |75 32/65 32] .. 17 a 7 be 17 Ri 15 5s 18 a 18 15.3] 15.2 Bae Setore || ene ell eh 20 is 24 ae 31 Hae 28 oes 19 La 6 D1 Siealat 15 |75 33/64 52] .. 5 ae 1th || Ge 10.5 | . 19 Ne 13 < 6 10.7} 10.6 AIC * | PR cl [Me 9 At 16/57 ioe 22 af PHF |) oc TWA | as 11 16.4} 16.2 cup Ase alll! Ae Sb | A 3 3 10 ne 16 oe 12 55 | ee lel ao 18 |75 30/65 39] .. 4 = 8 : 7 Ar 14 ae 1325 ier 11.5 9.7| 9.5 19 |75 23/65 32) .. AE) Oo WS bc URIS I ao 17 a 9 of 7 11.4} 11.39 20 |75 21/65 24] .. 5 eke 6 i 13 Ne 16 ate TOS! Be 10.5 | 10.2] 10.0 21 175 17|65 21) .. BH || So 17 oe Dae yo IX PY 21° 21 20.7} 20.3 22 175 12/65 12} 23°.5| 23 23° B15) |) oe m7 17 16.5 | 15 16 ryeiy |) iG} 18s7)| dete 3 |75 10/65 5| 17 17 13 19 15.5 | 17 18 17 8 5.5 6 5 13.4] 13.2 24 175 8/165 20) 6 6 5 9.5 | 10.5 | 10 12 13 8 6 3 4 Sitters 25 |75 5/65 20) 5 5 6 9) 12 14.5 | 16 16 10.5 8 8 6 9.8] 9.6 26 |75 4/65 23) 3 5 6 (Ae | tule) ||) ab} 13 14 it 8.5 9 9 9.3} 91 27 |75 1} - - - 8 7 8.5 | 12 14 14 15.5 | 20 20.5 | 21 19 18 15.3] 14.8 28 |---|---| 18 10.5 | 10.5] 10.5 |] 15 19.5 | 21.5] 19.5] 15 15.5 | 18 19 15.7| 15.6 We Ses) a8) 18 17 18 19 20 20.5 | 19 14.5 | 12 11 11 16.3| 16.6 31) || soo |lsos|) 1 12 11 15 18 19.5 | 18.5] 16 16 16 15 12 15.1] 15.1 Mean | 75.3 | 65.5 |417.15|4+-17.23|4-16.75|+-18.78|-1-20.42|-4+-22.07|-+-23.16|+-23.10|4-20.16|4-19.63|4-18.63/417.38] .. |419.54 Correction to refer to mean of 24 observations = —0°.04, October, 1857. Day | fat. Long. of the north. | West of Qh 4h Gh gh 104 | Noon. On 4h 6h gh 10» Midn’t.| Mean. month. Green. | LQ) =) eter e6e*)) 4-5" 2° 1439.5 |4+ 6° |413° |4+18% |+18° |4-18°.5|4-20° |4-20°.5 |4-21° |412°.6 CAs | Weer esac | | ts 17.50) L765 |) 20 PPh || Oi) 19 11.5 8 12 7 9 |+15.4 3 | 74° 58! 65° 52/) 6 8 10 9 9 9.5 | 10 10 5 3 2 4 |+ 7.1 Ad t4 0G) x 5.5 8 8 11 15.5 | 17 19.5 | 16 16 12 12 6.5 |+-12.2 OB Ge Melee 8.5 7.5 7 11 14 12 12 9 3 1 1 2 eens 6 [74 52/65 45) —2 =i 10 14 16 17 13.5 | 145 | 13 3.5 1 = 6 Bo 7 74 52/65 42] —5 =i —6 ey | eats HW) 3 4 1 3 1 1.5 |— 0.9 Sa see ih ce 2 2 2 1 4 4 3.5 4.5 4 3.5 3 —8}) [fe Buh Be | iedeend faa-=- = —315 | —3 8 12 13 14 14 12.5 | 10 10.5 8 Py ee ier A iced |e = —3 a = 2 0 0 aly || 4 |] SB |) a 1 |— 20 2 194 \va a gell) lee al —l —2 —3 —5.5 0 Zz = —1 —2 0 5 |edit ae leper ec 6 9 9 9 14 15.5) ||| 5.5 ely UBsbialh bes |) LS 2 5 |+10.8 “(lagen es 8 pal 9 9 8.5 8.5 10 10.5 18.5 23 26.58 || 228 +13.9 | © eel cs ee a0 29 28.5 | 30 32 32 29 26 21 23 24 26 |+27.4 LR Wate isn 27 28 29.5 | 30 30.5 | 31 30 27 25 25 24 24 |+1-27.6 TER ee eral ae 27 28 28 28.5 | 29 28 27 26.5 | 26 25 27 21.5 |4+26.8 .| oh 69 30] 12 8 7 11 13 11 19 18.5 | 19 19 19 20 |+147 4 9 aoe aae | aa 21 21.5 | 19 17 14 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 |+14.5 : a Ve 18/69 30) 12 u 9 7.5 6.5 7 7 5.5 6 6.5 6 6 |+ 7.5 ¢ pra lhe san neers 6 7 9 9 10.5 | 10.5 | 11 10.5 | 10 11 10.5.) 11 |+ 9.7 re VIE 1 el 10 12 alley |) a 8 9 9 11.5 | 15 16 13 |---11:3 4 ot eae ge 12 | 1 9 6.5 2 1.5 4.5 4 4 4 2 1 |+5.1,> 33% 38) --- |—2 |-3 |-4 |-4 |-8 |—s8 |-95)-1 |-1 | |—1 |—8 |— 757 Ze | 3 oo. || = —i —3 a9 =i 26 VA) |) hy |) ey |) Sal) -11.5 |— 6.59 20) |) 75°27 )68) 40) —12\5 | 13 | —9 15 25) | as |) 3150) Sa) Sa toe) Sto 8 | = 15,727) 68: 160), =F ~ 8.4) S55) Se ey ee a ee ee ee oe Sebi ie pally aaa —T |—7 =i =f) | 83/9) ||, 2G) = = = =i 0 =—1 |— 3.4) 29 |75 al... all —1 |-1 —0.5 0 A = == -10 =I 11 |— 45 iy Cae a =13)5 | =12," || 19 -10 | -10 —9 -10 -11 —8 —7 —7 |-10 |—10.0f — 2G ine’ 68 40] -10 = -10 = Ss |). 238 =G -10 -12 =12.5 | 12.5 |— 9/3) : Tot str pes | 9) [7 | 6 [55 |}—4 | 4 |-4 |-6 |—65|—5 |—6 |—62 4 7 "FO phe Q QM « I | | Mean} 7.52 | 67.9 | +4.37 | +4.31 | +5.29 | 46.29 | +6.86 | +-7.39 | +7.32 | +6.55 | 15.68 | 5.29 | 44.81 | 4.4.31 |4-5.71 "f Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24 observations in a day = +-0°.02. 8 te: * OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YAouT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) November, 18577. Day Dat Long. | of the north. | West of 2h 4h gu §h 10" Noon. Qh 4h 6h gh 10" | Midn’t. month. * | Green. | | 1 | 75° 134 68° 50’) — 4° | — 7° | —10° | —10° | — 8° | — 4° | — 1° | + 2° | — 3° | — 3° | — 5° | —5°.5 a 2 --- | --- |]—45|—3 |—4 — 7.5) —7 —7 —5 —3 —4/;+2 43 |—5 |—3.8 3 |75 10/69 30) — 7.5} — 8 |— 8 —l11 11,5} — 7.5] —10.5]— 8 |—4 | — 3.5; +1 | + 1.5]/— 6. 4 Sic ||| mie 2/+3 |;4+4 /+4+3 +4 /)+5 + 4.5)+3 )/+3 |+3 |+2 }41 |+4+ 3.1 5 Sor West etal Ne 1S gee — 6 —5 — 3 —5.5|—7 |—7 — 8.5 —8 |—6 |— 5.7 6 ---/]---/]/—6 —5 —2 |—1.5)/+ 1.5|—4 |—1 —1 —2 |—45|/—6 |—8 |—3.5 7 |74 57/69 20] —7 —8 —8s& |—8 —7 —i7 — 8 —7 — 3 —4 |—3 | — 2.5| — 6.0 8 --- --- |—3 —4 |}—4 |—4 |—4 |—5 —4 |;—5 —3 |—1 |;—1 /—1 |—3.3 See ee=se as |) |) — || NN be eniie — B —Ae g |e eae) a6 i 10 |74 42/68 6|/—8 — 8.5) — 6 — 6 —9 —l1 —11.5|} —13 | —16.5| —15.5| —15 —14 |—11.2 11 --- --- |—12 |—9 —8 —i7 —4 |)|—7 —8 — 8 7 —8 |—7 — 6 |— 7.6 12 |74 34) --- |—7 —7 |—8 — 8.5| — 9 — 8 —9 —9 —10 | —10 | —11 —— 9) i —— 28 13 |74 34) --- | — 6.5) —6 —i7 —6 |—7 — 9.5|— 7 |—8 | —10 | —12 | —10 | —11.5]/— 8.4 14 --- --- |—10 | — 6.5} — 5 —3 —l1 al Oo |}—1 +1 —1,|—1 —1 |—2.4 15 --- ---|]—1 = + 1.5) 4+ 3.5) 4 7 + 7.5) + 6 +6 /+ 5 + 65,+8 |+ 7 |4+ 46 16 --- | ---}401 +16 +13 +15 +16 +16 | +16 | 414.5] 412 |+11 | O |} —2 |+411.5 17 ==] === | — 5 —3 |}—4 |}—3 —2 |—3 —4 |—5 —6 |—5 — 6 —s8 |— 4.5 18 --- | --- | —10 | —10.5|) —11 12 | —12 |—5 — 5.5| — 5 —7 |—8s8 |—8 —9 |— 8.6 19 |74 47) --- |—9 |—8 | — 9.5] —10 | —10° | —11 —12 | —ll — 9.5|/—8 |—8 |—8 |— 9.5 20 == sea |) us —9 —10 | —11 —l1 —1146/ —13 | —11 —10.5]—10 |—7 |—5 |— 9.8 21 |74 47/68 54] — 5 —3 —2 |}—2 | — 2.5 Oo |—2 +2 )+5 +9 | +19 +15 |+ 2.8 22 --- --- | +178 | +20 | +22 | +25 +30 | +31 +30.5| +30.5| +28.5) +25 +21 +19 | +25.0 23 --- --- | +16 +13 | +11 +10 }4+ 8 +7 |/+4 0 —4 );—5 |—7 ;—8 |4+ 3.8 24°75 21°70). 22) — 5 —4 |—6 —9 |—6 — 3 —i1 + 2 o;—1 {)—1 —3 |—3.1 25 °/75 2|70 22)4+ 3 + 6 +8 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 5 +3 |;—1 —4 |+ 4.6 26 --- | ---|]—7 —i7 — 8 —10 |—10 | —9 —10 |—8 | — 4.5) — 4.5) — 5 —6 |— 7.4 27 --- |] --- |—7.5| —8 | —10 | —10 | —11 —12 | —12 | —12.5| —15 —16 | —16 —15 |—12.1 28 |74 48/69 36] —16 —17 | —18 | —18.5| —19 | —20 | —20 | —2]1 —22 | —22 | —23 9 —20.0 29 --- --- |—20 | —21 —22 | —20 | —20.5| —21 —20 | —21 —21 —22 | —23 | —26 | —21.5 30 --- | --- | —26 26 | —27 | —26 | —30 | —30.5| —30.5| —31 —30 —29 | —30 | —32 | —29.0 Mean | 74.8 69.1 | —4.93 | —4.58 | —4.98 | —4.98 | —4.63 | —4.42 | —4.62 ; —4.38 | —4.82 | —5.00 | —5.17 | —6.07 Correction to refer the mean of 12 to the mean of 24 readings = +-0°.12. December, 1851. | | Day Lat Long. of the north west of Qh 4h 6h 8h 10% Noon. Qh 4h 6h gh 10" | Midn’t.| Mean. month. * | Green. 1 | 74° 41 69° 10//—32° |—31°.5 |—33° |—31° |—31° |j—31° |—30° |—81° |—31° |—30°.5 |—32° |—33° —31°.4| 2 --- --- 32 32 | «(33 33 SB} 33 35 33.0 33 33 33 33 —33.0 jj 3 --- --- 35 35 34 33 30 23 21 21 21 20.5 22 29 —27.0 4 --- --- 27 28 29 26 26 29 28 27 27 28 31 32 —28.2 5 ---|--- 31 30.5 29 29 28 25 23 21 21 19 15 16 —24.0 6 --- --- 17 17 14 14 17 17 20 21 22 22 23 23 —19.0 7 = |74 30/68 43] 23 29 28 28 28 30 27 27 27 26 26.5 27 —27.2 8 --- --- 26 23 21 19 19 22 22 22 21 20 18 21 —21.3 9 --- --- 25 26 27 27 26 26 24 26 28.5 29 26.5 29 —26.7 10 |74 31;68 21] 27 28 28 28 27.5 27 28 29 29 28.5 28 29 —28.1 11 --- --- 29 29 26 18 14 16.5 20.5 20 21 20 20 19 —21.1 12 --- --- 17.5 26 15 15 17 14 14 12 12 10 12 12 —14.7 13 --- --- 12 12.5 12 14 13 12 14 15 16 17 18 18 |—14.5 14 |74 12/67 10] 20 21 21 21.5 21.5 22 22 23 22 25 24 24,5 |—22.2 TS eee Gu nel) 28 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 27 28.5 28.5 |—26.9 16 --- --- 27 27 27 27 27 25 25 18.5 14 13 14 12 |—21.4 uy --- --- 9 11.5 14 15.5 16 18 19 20 19:5 18 20 21 —16.8 18 === | =-- 20 21 22 22 22.5 22,5 21 21 22 24 24 23.5 |—22.1 19 ==) | <= ~ 23 18 15.5 16 14 TED 20 23 25 24 26.5 20 —20.2 20 |74 5/66 27] 17 16 14 13 11 - 10.5 11 12.5 9 8 8 7 —11.4 21 --- --- 8 10.5 14 18 23 25.5 27.5 29 30.5 31 32 33 —23.5 22 --- --- 28 26 24 22.5 22 23 23 22 20 17 16 16 —21.6 23 --- --- 16 16 12 11 Te 9.5 7.5 eo 10 12 14 18 —12.1 24 --- --- 21 20 20 21 20 20 20 21 22 22 21 20 —20.7 25 === | - = 21 21.5 19 17.5 18 17 20 18 17.5 17 19 18 —18.6 26 eam | erm 18 17 16 15 16 17.5 17 19 19 20 18.5 19 —17.7 27 |74 4/66 32] 16 16 13 10 9 8 6.5 5 4.5 4 4 4 — 8.3 28 --- | --- 4 3 3 2.5 2 1 1 1 + 2 5 6 7 — 1.8 29 --- --- 9.5 8.5 12 15 16 21 22 24 25 26 28 28 —19.6 30° |73 55/66 5] 28 28.5 29 29.5 30 32 34 34 33 34 34 34 |—31.7 31 --- | --- 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 35 35 35 —35.5 Mean| 74.3 67.4 |—22.00 | —22.23 |—21.47 [21.10 ]—21.00|—21.21 |—21.48 |—21.45 |—21.44|—21.14|—21.86 |—22.24 |—21.55 Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24 observations = 0°.00. { RECORD AND REDUCTION TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) January, 1858. 4h Gh | oR | fi | 27 2 : 200 airere9 5 eo 8 3 27 pi || 21. 20.5 | 22 73° 49!) 65° 47! 23 TE ies 5 Seo lee Se ; 10 0) =|) GG) = 20 5 17 17 16.5 Be Ee ‘i ; 15. 5 | 16 14 | 15 Bh ee || ees t 18 18 18.5 | 18.5 See ts AE 3. 19 20 23 24.5 73 30/64 9 3 26 f ‘ 23 22 22 Cy ga) (eles 18.5 | 18 18 21 21 24/63 54 28 27 2 2 21 26.5 | 27.5 Saas ale | Py 26 28 28.5 32.5 | 33 | 36 34 33 27.5 yin | ales 13 8 8 9 13 12 11 12 14 15 16 16 19 19 22 25 Pi 29 35 35.5 | 36 36 36 37 36 37 37.5 | 35 34 34 32 25 8 9 9 8.5 9.5 | 12 ike 13 14 16 16 16 nS ee 19.5 | 20 25 27 30.5 | 31 30 29 29 28 28 30.5 | 32 32 3) Bi 36 36 35 35 35 35 33 32 28 22 22 22 23 21 22 24 26 27 26 24.5 | 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 25 25 24 23.5 | 26 28 31 31 33 37 37 38 38.5 | 39 38 35 37.5 | 39.5 39 39 39 39 41 41 45 43 45 41 41 40 37 36.5 | 36 34.5 | 35 33.5 33 34 34 34.5 | 31.5 | 28 28 24 23 Mean| 73.2 | 63.7 |—25.01|—25.07 |—24.92|—94.72|—94.39|—94.16|—24.52|—25.08 |—24.97 |—25.21 | 25.08 | Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24 readings = —0°.03. February, 1858. Lat. | = novi 5 108 Noon. 2h 4h 6b Midn’t. Se —19° |—19° |—21°.5 |—22° |~21° |\—20° 72° 287 3 1 10 11 8 12 19 =S¢ |) see i 2 ‘ 23 PY iy || OA 25 23 23 72 25/61 10 : 25.5 26 27 28 29 CP al eae 26 25 24 24 20 See = oe 16.5 15.5 15 14 23 Sso2 || oo = : ‘ 34 : 32 35 36 : i 35 61 26 : 39 39. 38.5 | 39.5 | 38 35 : 32.5 28.5 | 27.5 | 26 23 16 13 11 10 6 10.5 11.5 | 16 18 “10 : } 8.5 13 17 16 17 15 10 g 10.5 : 8 6 7.5 10 HK ; 11 11 11 9 ; 9 10 12 ‘ 2 13 12 13 i 10 10 8 : . 3 13 10 : 3. 1 5 6 ii 3 : 19 15 18.5 | 17 17 : 15 14 15 15 14.5 ‘ 16 16 12 12 13 Ph 3 12 13.5 13 15 15 16 16 16 15.5 12 15 20 23.5 ; 26 25 22 19 2 6.5 9 3 + 85 + 85 |410 |411 a 2 0.5 60.9 |—16.55|—16.18 5.98 |—15.55 |—15.14|—14.11 |—13.95 —14.66 |—15.43 —15.04 |—15.43 |—15.70 Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24 observations = —0°.03. OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 5 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YAcHYT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) March, 1858. | ] Da. Lon | Grike iat means | aoe 1a gh gh 10" | Noon. | 2h 4h 6h gh 10" | Midn’t.| Mean month.) °F": | Green 1 so === |— 2° |— 2° |= 4° | + 5° | + §°.5] 4+ 89.5] +10° | 4129.5) 4+-16° | +15° + 6° |+ 3° |+7°.0 ore ee eee Sia Dated. peter Ria ite WN Bh | ETS ta aap et te | ted O Woe | oa 3 --- ---|—7 —7 —l1 — 4.5|— 5 —1 —5 0 +3 |4+5 +8 +18 — 0.5 4 --- | --- 122 }+7 |/4+4 |4+1 1 ON = 2 OY a) 8-51) 7 5 |70° 4/) 59° 29 —12.5 | —12.5 | —10 —12 —12.5 | —10 —8 9 —13 —16 —19 —22 —13.0 6 0 Lise S | —aa —25 —25.5 | —23 —158 —16 —14 —15 —18.5 | —22.5 | —23 —25 —20.5 7 |69 55)59 11] —25 —26.5 | —25 —22.5 | —20 —16 —15 —15 —19 —19.5 | —19 —19 —20.1 8 |69 49] --- |—18 —18 —18.5 | —18.5 | —15 —14.5 | —12 —11.5 | —17 —20 | —19 —17 —16.5 Oi tae ae ye eg et |e) | gem = Des SES BP OG ise Dee | ea ey || ea, TES alg 10) (69 41)|) 42 2 4/42 /4+9 |418 |+428.5/+25.5/+22 |421 |+20 |+18 {+20 |+26 |417.4 11 --- | --- {$25.5 |4+25.5/+30 |4+29 /|+31 |+32 |+432 |+4+30 |+24 20 |+17 |+17 |+26.1 12 --- --- |-+19 +22 +18 +20 +26 +31.5 | +27.5 | +15 +13 +11 +11 +8 +18.5 18 at ae = | IOe | -PIL eT | eb) eo se) E10 beget | 6. | — 6. | — 8)’ | 30. Jeb 5i9 14 |69 55/60 5;/—8 —8 — 9 —7 — 7 — 6.5|— 4 — 5 —12 —14 |—15 —l7 — 9.4 15 --- --- |—20 —20 —19 —18 —15.5 | —13 —l4 —15 —18 —19 |—19 —18 —17.4 16 |69 38/59 14]—18 —20 —20 —18 —14.5|/—12 |—10 —10 —11.5 | —12 —Il1 —l1 —14.0 17 |69 31) --- |—11.5 | —10.5 |— 9 —85/—85|/—6 |—3 — 6 — 8.5|/—10 |—11 —13 — 8.8 18 |69 28/58 55);—13 |—12 |—12 |;—12 |—7.5/—5° |—3 |—3 |—5 |—5.5|/—6.5/—7 |— 7.6 19 |}69 20) --- |—8 —8 —9 |—8 —5 —4 — 2 — 2. |— 5.5|— 9 0) — 8 — 6.6 20 |69 14/58 483;)—4 |—5 |—9 |—4 |—5 |+1 + 3.5 | + 3.5 0 |—3 |—9 |—11l |— 3.5 21 |69 14) --- | —11.5|—11 —l1 —10 —4 — 3.5|—1 +3 — 6 —2 0 0 — 4.7 22 ---} -=-/+17 |+2 |+4 |+ 9 +9 |413 |414 |414.5|}+17 | +19.5 22 |+25 |+12.5 23 |---| =--|+25 |424 }429 |+295/t299 |+30 |4+20 [415 |411 |+95/4+ 85/4 8 |+19.9 24 ---}| ---]/+7 70 jae |e 8d) 10 9) 10) | Ob 8b) i 6 i 6) 6 7.6 25 |69 16/58 50/+ 1 —1 |j—1 |/4+3 /4+4 /4+4 {/4+5 |+ 3.5/+ 1.5 0 0 |—1 |4 1.6 26 |68 59} --- |—1 — 3, fo 6. | ee 7655 | 9) | 1 18) a za 27 = |68 44,58 37|)—15.5/—16 |—17 —1l4 —13 —11.5 | —11 bl —12 —14 —16 | —17.5 | —14.1 28 |68 34] - -- | —16.5 |—15.5 —14 —l1 — 8 — §.5|— 5 —4 —7 —7 —9 —12 — 9.8 29 |68 27/58 29) —12 —12 —15 |—7 — 7 —5.5)/—6 |—8 —10 —12 —14 —15 —10.3 30 |68 25/58 31]—14 —13.5 | —11.5 | — 5 + 3.5/+ 45/+ 4 | 2 —4 —10 | —14 —18 — 6.7 31 |68 20) --- | —22 —25 —25.5 | —23 —21 —20 —19.5 | —18 —19 —20.5 | —25.5 | —27 —22.2 | Mean 69.4 59.1 | —5.48 | —6.03 | —5.60 | —3.44 | —1.34 | +-0.47 | +0.74 | —0.13 | —2.49 | —4.79 | —5.57 | —6.01 | —3.31 Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24 observations = +0°.02. April, 1858. Day | {at Long. | | Mean | Mean of the north west of} 28 4h 6h | gh 10% Noon. 2h 4h 6h 8h 105 | Midn’t.| of 6 | of 12 month. *| Green. | obs’ns.| obs’ns. 1 |'68°17/'58°15"| —26° | —26° | —=26° | —73° | — 8° | — yo | —4°.5] — 5o | —8°.5| —17° | —17° | —17° |—14°.2|/—14° 6 2 |68 17; ---|—19 |—20 |—18 | —12 | —10.5|}— 9.5)—9 | — 9.5} —12 | —15 —16 —16 |—13.7| —13.9 3 |68 9/58 25}—16 | —15 —13.5;—10 |}—9 |—7.5}—8 |—9 | —11.5)—12 |—14 |—14 |—11.5}—11.6 4 ---j;---]/—15 |—15 —15 —14.5} —13.5;—11 |— 8.5}— 8 |—10 |—11 —11.5 | —12.5 | —12.0) —12.2 5 ---|--- ]—12.5)—12 |—ll |—6 |—4 |—1 |+1 |—4 |—7 |—85|/—9 |—10 |— 6.9|— 7.2 6 |6718/5817;— 8 ;|—8 |—8 |—4 |—3 0 j/+2 /4+ 45/—3 |}—8 |—9 |—9 J— 4.1/— 4.5 @ |---|==-j/—8 |—5 |—3 |+ 3 |+413 |--165)4+15 |4+ 9 |+5 |—4 |+ 4 |/4+ 4 |+ 6.2/4 48 8 |---| ===) -- 4 ye 4 | 2b) 4 Sl pee aA Pm pS 2 HS OH SO) = 9-5]— 0.4) ~~ 9 |66 53/58 31] — 9 |—10 |—6 |— 3.5 Oo }+1 )/4 1.5 0 };—2 |—4 |—5 |—6 |— 3.7/— 3.6 10 | 66 45/58 20} — 6 |—7 |—5 —1 +6 |+9 +10 /+ 9 + 2.5)+ 2 |— 1.5) — 1.5/4 1.7)/+ 1.4 11 |66 40)=---;—2 }—2 }|—1 |4 6 |+411 |+420 |+19 |+18 |414 |/+ 5.5)+1 |+ 4 |+ 8.6/4 7.8 12 |66 33/58 8 0 };—1 |—2.5;— 3 |— 2.5)—1 O |}— 1.5} — 5.5} — 7.5}— 9 |—10 |— 4.0/— 3.6 13, | 66 26/58 12) —10.5)—10 |—5 |—3 {|+1 /+5 |+ 8 |+10 |+ 85/+ 5 |+ 1.5/—2 |+ 0.8/4 0.7 14 |66 23/58 4;—5 |—3 {+1 |+ 6 |+10 /+12 |+12 /411 |4+9 |4+4 /+1 0 |+ 5.0/4 4.8 15 |6617)57 55)+ 1 |4 1.5) + 2 |4 2.5/+ 3 |+4 5.5)4+ 5.5/4 45/44 |+4 1.5 O |— 0.5/4 2.5/4 2.5 16 | 65 58} - - - O j;—1.5/+1 |4+ 45)/+ 8 |+10 |+411.5)4+14 |+16 |+9 |4+ 8 |4+ 8 |+ 7.3)+ 17.4 17 | 65 28/58 24)+ 7 |4 6.5)/+ 7 |+ 9 |+414 /+416 |+18 |4+18 {+15 |415 |+14 |414 |+413.1/+12.8 18 |64 50/58 35] .. +11 eo. {+11 aie +19.5) .. | +18 c +17 Pac +15 |+15.2)415.1 19 | 64 16] = = - 5 SSE esse SS bh erga! +15 S ESO) oo Vo) |ASeo soem 20 | 64 22/58 45 : + 8 ite +16 Sc +16 one +14 0 +12 site +10 |+12.7)/ 412.6 21 | 64 10|58 44 ° +12 ie +13 oe +17 Out +17 é + 9.5} .. + 7 |+12.6/412.4 22 | 63 51/58 54 > + 3 te + 5 - +15 ite +15.5 : +13 5 + 7 |+ 9.7/+ 9.6 23 | 63 41/58 59 : +8 - |+12 C = 19251] ow. | +21 a $19.5] .. +19 |+414.8) 414.7 Pde hes Salle Fe F +17 . +26 ° +28.5; .. | +33 - +33 ae +30 |+27.9|+27.8 25 |63 40/58 24 +26 ; +30 +34 : +31 . +25 aie +22 |+28.0)+27.8 26 | 63 47/56 36 é +23 2 +26.5] . +-30.5 é +28 A +25 a +24 |426.2) 426.1 27 =| 65 14/53 41 +28 3 te2b 5 +29 2 +30 A +26 oe +23 |+26.8)+26.7 28 | 66 28/53 30 +26 5 +25 +29 +28 +25 p +25 |+26.3)+26.2 29 | 66 28/53 30] .. +21 - | +23 50 +28 +26 oe +25 ne +22 |+24.2) 424.0 30 | 66 28/53 30] .. +27 oo | +31 +35 ue +38 me —36 + | +384 |+435.5)+33.4 Mean | 66.0 | 57.7 |+3.03 | +-3.35 |--4.13 | +-7.50 |+-10.14|4-12.62/4-13.37|4-12.45 +10.38) +7.77 | +6.14 +5.63 |+8.04 Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24 daily readings = +0°.02. a eee 6 RECORD AND REDUCTION TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YacuT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) May, 1858. Day é Longitude afathet,|, astute west of , gh Noon. 4h gh Midn’t. } month. | north. Greenwich. Holsteinborg ‘ ; 34° 28° 27° 25° +30°.2 “ 50 36.5 31.5 30 31.6 24 26 24 21 23.8 26 28 28 27 26.7 27 20 14 13 20.4 16 3 18 15 10.5 14.2 16 23.5 17 12 16.6 15 15 14.5 13 16.6 67° 22/ 53° 55/ 13 17 aly 17 15.3 68 10 53 55 18 21 18 23 19.3 Whalefish Islands 27 29 27.5 28 27.4 a 30 29 28 26 28.7 === 30 34 34 34 32.3 aa : 37 39.5 37. 35 37.2 MISO wWhe Si : 39 37 35 31 Ae == 3s 35 30 29 27 Upernavik Bay 29 9. 30 32. 30 “ “ 33 45 35 31 31 39 34 30 32 : 40 34 30 40 40 38 32 34 35 35 34 34 44 38 36 Godhaven B 34 41 41 31 Sten | SF y 35 36. 34 33 Off the coal seam 3: 33 35 39 35 70 2 52 50 ‘ 37 36 37 34 70 32 54 9 3t 36 42 35 34 71 19 55 37 e 32 i 32 32 33 Wea al 55 40 f 30 : 31 32 32 Off Upernavik 3 33 37 37 32 683.7 | 63.7 +27.60 | +29.69 | 4-32.28 | +32.10 | +30.02 | +27.73 | +-29.90 Correction to refer the mean of 6 to the mean of 24 observations = —0°.07. June, 1858. Longitude west of 3 Noon. Greenwich. Latitude north. Off Upernavik : 39° 42°.5 ? +40°.3 “ 49 44 44.2 “ - 3s 40 2 41 40.3 Pace E 37 35 36.7 56° 3k 33 33 34.2 56 36 | 40 ; 44 39.1 56 41.5 44 40.9 56 3t 38 ‘ E 37.3 57 i : 40 38 37.2 57 j c 37 35 36.5 38 35.8 38 33 34.4 36 32 32 31.0 36 35 31 33.0 38 35 34 35.5 35 37 37 34.0 35 33 35 Bhi 40 35 38 4 36.2 44 38 38 38.2 37 40 35 36.6 34 34 34 32.3 35 3 36 2, 34.0 35 34 35 34.5 36 38 36 35.3 63 36 39 36 36.3 32 i 36 36 35 37 36.0 68 U 3 36 34 32 34.0 67 50 £ 38 34 BBY) 34.2. 67 15 39 34 33 34.8 67 28 yA 37 39 35 . 34.7 IT =I -1 | 60.1 434.52 | +35.92 | 4:37.90 438.05 | +36.32 | +-33.50 | +36.04 Correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 observations = —0°.07. OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. July, 1858. TEMPERATURE oF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YAouT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) Da . Longitude of thre Tasiinde west of 4h gh Noon. 4h gh Midn’t Mean. month. BAO aN Greenwich. 1 ie py 67° 28/ 33° 36° 37° 41° 34° 33° +35°.7 2 75 53 67 11 32 34 41 49 34 31 36.8 3 75 31 70 42 32.5 33 34 34 31.5 31 32.7 4 75 34 70 34 32 32 Bae 34 31.5 32 32.1 5 75 44 70 28 34 36 36 35 36 37 35.7 6 via aly’ 73° 35 33 32 34 33 31 33 32.7 | 75 25 75) 12 34 35 37 36 36 34 35.2 8 75 20 1 37 35 31.5 36 35 36 34 34.6 9 to LT 75 AT 33 35 38 36 34 34 35.0 10 75 26 76 58 35 37 39 39 38 36 Sieo 1 TES) 78 46 35 37 39 40 35 34 36.7 12 74 41 79 34 33 33 39 35 32 32 34.0 13 74 35 80 40 33 31 33.5 33 35 34 33.2 14 --- === 35 36 40 38 35 32 36.0 15 74 33 80 57 35 38 37 39 33 36 36.3 16 74 24 81 59 33 36 35.5 38 36 34 35.4 17 74 2 82 0 36 37 +H 37 34 33 36.8 18 73 46 79 10 32 38 38 38 32 31 34.8 19 73 49 78 26 32 35 37 38 36 34 35:3 20 iB XS 78 32 35 39.5 45 45 39 37 40.1 21 73 58 78 25 36 34 44 43 38 38 38.8 22 74 0 7s 5 39 40 45 44 39.5 38 40.9 23 W485 77 43 34 38 41 39 41 37 38.3 24 73 54 76 54 37 41 43 44 42 39 41.0 25 73° 38 wa 10 38 40 47.5 42 42 39 41.4 26 1 8) 75 49 36 45 49 46 40 37 42.2, 27 --- =-- 37 38 41 42 42 36 39.3 28 72 50 She 35 38 43 38 36 35 37.5 29 72 51 76 13 34 36 35 35 38 34 35.3 30 72 51 76 13 36 38 35 35 35 | 36 35.8 31 72 37 =e gt 37 38 40 36 Be hel eg 37.5 Mean 74.4 76.4 +3457 | +36.39 | 439.18 | 438.64 | 436.14 | +34.74 +36.61 Correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 observations = —0°.01. August, 1858. Da: a Longitude of the Tatitare west of 4b gh Noon. 4h gh Midn’t. Mean. month. noxthe Greenwich. 1 72° 47! Wi «9 34° Si 38° 40° 39° 33)? +36°.8 2 72 48 76 54 pil 38 38 40 36 37 eiiar) 3 72 45 76 24 36 38 38.5 39 37 36 37.4 4 72 48 --- 37 37 39.5 40 st) 38 38.4 5 72 48 76. 39 37 38 40 37 36 36 37.3 6 72 54 ia, 50 3h 39 38 40 37 36 37.5 7 73 40 77 16 38 37 36 36 35 34 36.0 8 (ey bs 84 22 33 32 35 35 35 35 34.2 9 74 14 87 00 34 36 38 36 34 34 35.3 10 74 18 88 20 36 34 34 35 36 35 35.0 11 a Stem 35 34 38 38 38 38 36.8 12 = =--= 38 39 41 44 43 35 40.0 13 eae == 5 35 43 40 38 38 38 38.7 14 --5 --- 38 40 41 40 38 38 39.2 15 --- --- 39 39 40 38 35 33 37.3 16 --- --- 32 32 33 35 36 34 33.7 17 74 15 94 58 33 34 36 33 32 31.5 33.3 18 74 10 92 26 Billets) 31 31 35.5 36 36 33.5 19 Port Leopold 36 32 33 32 33 32 33.0 20 72 41 91 58 32 32 33 33 33 ao! 32.7 21 72 00 94 9 32 35 Be 34 32 31 32.8 22 In Depot Bay 32 31.5 34 35 32 33 32.9 23 In Bellot Straits 33 34 35 35 36 33 34.3 24 71 54 94 26 31 32 32 33 33 34 32.5 25 72 00 94 9 32 35 35 34 30 31 32.8 26 71 54 94 12 30.5 30 32 31 32 32 31.3 27 71 34 ee aly 32 35 33 31 30 29 31.7 28 “50 93 12 30 28 30.5 30 29 30 29.6 29 Depot Bay 32 29 33 32 31 30 31.2 30 WZ, 0lS si 394 14 24.5 26 29 32 31 27 2852 31 Port Kennedy 28 30 30 30 29 28 29.2 1 i | ee — —— Mean 73.1 | 88.5 433.66 | +34.44 | +35.40 | 435.53 | 434.55 | 133.57 +34.52 The correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 observations becomes zero for this month. 8 RECORD AND REDUCTION TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) September, 1858. Day : Longitude of the Latitude west of gh Noon. north. = month. Greenwich. Head of Port Kennedy 2 29° 32 i =130°.5 “ “ 30 ¢ 27.0 29 27.8 30 © 28.7 23 27.0 Near Pemmican Rock 27 “ “ 37.5 “ “ 236 35 71° 58! 95° 10/ f 29 71 58 95 10 30 Port Kennedy 32 30 01 94 14 26 01 94 14 y 22 ol 94 14 19 01 94 14 : 23. O1 94 14 22 01 94 14 27 Bellot Straits 28 ae | ae = Se 17 | 21 31 18 5 18 32 2. 8 14 15 } 17 --- 19 5 18.5 71 58 | == 16 12 Port Kennedy 23.5 27 “ a1 20 “ 92, . » 25 i ovens Oooh ONPre He Noe ll ell coed MI 1 Cote J 1-1 ~1-1 Nwhbyw ty be © DH DHHS he who tor bs eS IC EIEN ISS S o ISIS aa USI TSSE Seltatpge by MODONNABDASCTHNWA 94.4 4-24.95 | 124.68 | 4-26.45 | +26.83 | 425.63 Correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 readings = zero. Longitude west of Greenwich. | Latitude | north. Port Kennedy 72° Ol’ | 94° 14 Winter Quarters “ oe an . — Bor Saas onaN SHIP E OnE RHO ENE WONTTISCAOBDNNOUNEN CCN AMON sTTINW IN WoOb CONIA RWONe 7 ray ee ++] 1 LLFEEI FEEL +HEt Ltt ttt 94.2 | 47.52] +7.37 | 419.03 Correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 readings = +0°.05. Salalah OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 9 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YaAcuT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) November, 1858. Day Tae Long. of the rh west of 2h 4h gh gh 10% Noon. Qh 4h Gh gh 10" | Midn’t.| Mean. month, | "| Green. 1 Port Kennedy | + 4° | + 5° | + 5° | + 8° | 410° | +12° | +12° | + 9° | + 2° | 411° | 411° | +-11° | + 8°.3 2 | 72° O1/| 94° 14) +12 +12 +12 +10 + 3 2, — 8.5) —11 —12 —12 — 8 —7 |}—1.0 3 |Winter Quarters] —5 |—5 |—5 |—5 |—8 | —15 |—16 |—8 |—4 | —15 | —15 | —15 |— 9.7 4 us % —l4 —l4 —l4 —1l4 | —13 —14 —l1 —l1 —l1 —l1 }—1l0 —ll1 —12.3 5 « ce —ll1 —12 —l4 —12 —15.5| —15 —14 —16 —16 —15. | —15 —ll |—14.0 6 v- cs —10 —s8 —5 —2°|4+8 + 8 +8 + 8 —4 —4 —4 —2 |— 0.6 7 x us —15 —16 —16 —16 —15 —I15 —l4 —12 +1 —8 —12 —12 | —12.5 8 fe Mis —12 —12 —13 —12 —12 —10 —l1 —l1 —l1 —11 —l1 —ll1 |—11.4 9 ce Oe —l4 —l14 —14 —12 —ll1 —9 — 8 —i7 —i7 —i7 — 8 —12 | —10.3 10 Wo Lt: —12 —l4 —16 —17 —16 —17 —20 —21 —18 —17 | —17 —17 |—16.8 11 a Us —16 | —15 —14 —14 —13 —13 —12 —12 —9 — 9 —7 — 7 |—11.8 12 ss M3 —7 —i7 —10 —12 | —10.5} —12 ihe |) Sale: —13 —13 —15 —15 | —12.0 See ss ut —13 |—10 |—9 |—8 |—7 |—7 |—7.5)—9 | —to | —ll —10 |—9 |—9.2 d4 ee ce —i7 —i7 —l1 —5 —l1 —13 —16 —l7 —26 —27 | —3l Sone 70 15 as cs —30 —29 —31 —31 Sai eas 9 —29 —30 —sl —=al —30 —28 | —30.1 16 ne Ss —26 —26 —22 —22 —20 —20 —18 —18 —16 S12 —ll |—18.8 17 « ce —5 —2 +1 +4 + 4 + 2 —5 — 8 —4 1/);+3 +5 |— 0.3 18 § i + 6 + 7 +9 +11 +11 +10 + 9 +9 +10 +10 +10 +7 |+ 9.1 19 ae ce +8 +7 +12 +12 +13 +13 +13 +12 +13 +12 +9 +8 |-+11.0 20 re ce + 7 + 9 +11 | +10 +12 +12 +4 /)+4+2 —5 —3 |—5 — 8 |+ 3.8 21 Ke 43 —8 —5 + 2 —1 —z +3 + 4 +4 + 4 + 2 —1 —5 |— 0.3 22 ae Ms —i7 —10 —10 —16 —16 —17 —l7 —18 —21 —22 —22 —23 | —16.6 23 a Qs —21 —22 —21 —20 —19 | —21 —23 —23 —22 —25 —21 —25 | —21.9 24 sk cs —24 25 | —27 —27 —29 | —29 20) | et) —33 —34 —35 —3 —29.7 25 ue U3 —26 —23 —23 —24 —23 —23 —23 —25 —25 —26 —26 —28 | —24.6 26 w M3 —26 —26 —26 —26 —28 —28 —28 —27 —2 —27 —26 —26 | —26.8 27 ae cs —25 —22 —21 —21 —21 | —21.5| —22 —27 —27 —27 —26 —25 | —23.8 28 Ls cs —25 —25 —22 —20 —20 —20 —19 —19 —l7 —16 —16 —16 |—19.6 29 pe ss —16 —16 —16 —16 —14 —ll1 —10 —10 —10 —9 — $8 — 8s |—12.0 BOe 5) xe —8 —9 —10 —9 — 7 — 7 —i7 —i7 —i7 —-7|-—9 —l1l |— 8.2 72.0 94.2 |—11.53 |—11.20 |—10.60 |—10.33 |\—10.03|—10.32 —11.07 [41.57 —11.87|—12.17 \—12.23 —12.57|—11.29 Correction = 0°.12. December, 1858. Day THe Long. of the | th west of Qn 4h 6h gb 10" | Noon. 2h 4h Gh gh 10" | Midn’t.| Mean. month.) 7°T':| Green. 1 Port Kennedy | —16° | —18° | —18°.5| —19° | —18° | —17° | —17° | —22° | —21° | —21° —20° | —20° |—19.°0 2 | 72° OQ1/| 74° 144 21 21 23 25 27 28 30 31 33 32 30 28 27.4 3 |Winter Quarters Oe DET, 26 25 26 25 25 28 28 28 28 28 27.0 4 as id 28 | 28 30 35 39 40 39 38 37 37 37 37 35.4 5 oa a 36 | 34 35 32 32 31 2 32.5 30 32 33 31 32.5 6 a M3 28 28 30 32 32 32 32 30 33 31 30 32 30.8 7 ty iS) 30 30 31 31 chhseullie nebo 30 31 28 33 33 34 31.2 8 fc G3 29 29 29 PA WA 26 21 21 27 32 34 34 27.8 9 pe 3a | 32 33 37 Brn My mica 29 28 26 23 23 20 29.0 10 os f 23 23 20 iby, Ne = aby 18 18 21 23 25 27 30 21.8 11 se Mh 31 32 32 34 33 33 35 Se 41.5 40 40 | 40 35.9 | eee ce Bien | ey 37 38 36 | 36 36 36 36 35 37 36 36.5 13 zs a 38 37 39 39 38 36 37 38 36 37 35 37 37.3 14 of Hh 36 | 36 36 34° 35 36 30 33 33 28 28 | 30 32.8 15 ce a 31 él 33 33 a) 32 2 32 37 38 38 39 34.1 16 se oY 39 40 42 43 42 | 44 * 43 43 42 41 42 42 41.9 17 LU a 43 43 42 41 38 38 38 38 39 37 32 | 31 38.3 18 4: Es 32 33 32 33 34 34 34 33 35 33 3 34 33.4 19 as U: fie |) BR 33 33 30 28 28 29 31 35 33 32 31.7 20 oe Us Sa Wh ao 30 32 27 23 21 18 16 15 16 16 23.5 21 a 6 13 14 19-9 24 28 29 32 35 33 34 Bhi | Bie 27.7 22 i u 37 36 34 32 32 34 35 31 30 29 29 | 29 32.3 23 Es Wo 29 i, 30 30 33 33 35 34 35 35 37 3D) |) oD 33.4 24 ce O 38 38 39 40 41 43 Ad 4 44 44 4 45 42.0 25 Cs M3 44 45 45 45 44 45 44 | 42 44 45 45.5 47 44.6 26 a ¢ 47 47 46 44 44 44 45 45 40 36 Small mee 42.3 27 se uy 32 32 30 33 32 30 32 | 32 30 33 32 30 Slee 28 a MY 33 32 29 32 32 31 32 | 30 30 30 3 31 31.1 29 ee us 29 31 30 36 34 36 37 39 36 35 Son i eeoo 34.6 30 a cs 37 37 39 40 36 36 Sup oi) eats 41 42 43 | 483 39.1 31 ee Si 39 37 38 35 34 34 36 | 36 36 36 39° | (36 36.3 Mean | 72.0 | 94.2 |—32.52|—32.41 |—32.60 |—33.32 |—32.778 |—32.81 | 32.74 |—33.18 |—33.27 |—33.35 —33.40 —33.29|—32.97 Correction to refer to mean of 24 observations in a day = 0°.00. wo a a = Se 10 RECORD AND REDUCTION TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE Yacut Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) January, 1859. | a Be PA 5 ; ho} : 2 | 10" Midn’t.} Mean. * | Green. | Port Kennedy 38 37° byt — —38° | —38° | —38° | 72° 01/| 94° 14! : é - 39.5 40 40 Winter Quarters]* 33 3: t E | BPs 32 29 “ “ 30 Bie || 35 37 38 45 : 40 40 40 aia | aby | 32 33 36 35 3 < 40 40 og: 33 ae : 35 34 35 35 36 2 26 Uf | Perf 34 3: 3 36 36 36 36 33 2 3 26° | 26 | 27 26 Z | 24 23 21 24 21 OR 22 | 20 18 18 é i 15 14 19 39 39 38 37 36 36 32 30 28 6 28 28 27. 35 36 35 35 34 36 39 } 43.) 42 41.5) 43 46 | 4 43 41 38 | 40 _ 40 ; 43 44 | 42 | 42 23 38 | I\F OD TC? Or CO LO Mean! 72.0 94.2 |—36.64|—36.32|—36.32 -97|—35.86|—35.25 | —35.25 —35.82|—36.28 |—36.07|—35.96|—36.59|—36.03 Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24 observations = —0°.03. Correction to refer observed mean to mean from 24 observations == —0°.17. OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 11 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheitjs scale.) March, 1859. Day Lat Long. | Mean } of the rth west of Qh 4h 6h gh |) 10h Noon. Qh 4h 6h gh 10" | Midn’t.); Mean. | of 6 month.| 2°") Green. | obs’ns. 1 | Port Kennedy] —31° | —28° | —31° | —33° 28° | —26° | —26° | —27° | —30° | —29° | —29° | —28° |28°.8] 2; 2 |'72°01/|94°14) 29 31 32 35 26 22 23 25 25 23 23 26: |—26.7 | ar 3 Winter 25 24 25 24 21 20 20 22 24 25 DR Sopy) Got | es 4 Quarters 24 26 25 Qi Toe ale nG 6 11 30 31 32) |e oe i—soeaal co” || 5 « 31 30 2 25 22 9 8 24 5} 32 30 30 |—24.9 | ‘ || 6 “« 29 27 25 23 19 | 19 19 21 23 22 22 25.5'—22.9 | 8 Yi “ 24 23 26 27 21 20 21 20 19 16 16 15.5 |—20.7 | 22 8 Us 11 9 7 4 2 0 2 | 172 3 2 3 1.5|— 3.2 | Ba 9 “ 2 4 8 11 6 4 2a a8 14 14 13 Gy ER |) REE, 10 “ 20 20 29 24 21 27 14 16 38 26 22 24 (93.4) 2 5 itl “« 24 26 25 25 24 23 24 25 27 29 29 29 |—25.8) 5s 12 “ 29 28 25 22 16 13 15 16 21 24 26 Dn —2e,0mles 13 “ 29 30 29 28 27 26 24 24 25 26 24 | 23 |—26.3 | 24 14 «& 22 24 29 25 13 4.5 12 13 25 »BYD) 32 | 30 |—21.6] #8 15 “ 30 26 26 21 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 PP) |= GB) || Sis | 16 &“ 22 19 17 15 14 11 20 12 11 12 13 13. |—14.9 |-13°.7 17 “ 16 21 24 CN | bee 24 24. 27 26 30 31 33 |—25.3 |—26.5 18 ge 33 32 39 30 26 23 23 24 30 Sat 32 32 |—29.6 |—28.7 19 “ 32 31 32 31 24 21 21 22, 28 29 31 30 |—27.7 |—27.3 20 «“ 30 29 28 17 14 12 16 17 25 26 28 250 ——20eba =o lep 21 se 29 29 35 25 20 20 21 22 26 29 27 28 |—25.9 |—25.5 22 “ 29 32 30 28 28 | 20 19 19 2 22 22, 21 |—24.3 |—23.7 23 &“ FD jj PAO 20 21 Teele. 0 6 By hal 0 1 A |e Bus) |e EER 24 Ce 4 3 6 +9 12 | +11 9 8 6 -4 ue 53 3 6.5 6.3 25 “« 3 3 4 5 GB seg | seo i 4 wo i 1 4.5 4.5 26 « 2 5 5 4 3 Bical 1 1 0/4 | 10 |—24)— 3.8 27 “« 10 11 14 11 5 3 3 a 14 19 21 | PAL TL [SOD 28 UG ee 21 ate Ly) as 5 Sie 9 os iy «. | 22 |—15.4 |—15.2 29 Se one 19 aad 13 é } 4 1 : 12 5 17 |— 9.9 |— 9.7 30 “« nie 16 é 9 aie I il 2 ‘ 14 a) | eB e392. 0ul ge eit} “ sia 16 3 10 3 ai 6 é li OR |meaailayy | aalitty i] | Mean | 72.0 | 94.2 |_21.06|—21.00\—21.57|—19.45—14.79|—11.89|—12.03|—13.77|—18.43'—19.22|—19.52 —20.66|—17.78 Correction to refer mean to 24 observations = -+-0°.02. April, 1859. - Longitude Day of Latitude eae the onthe north. fave Ries 5h 8h Noon ae 8h 11" Mean. 1 Port Kennedy —11° — 9° — 6 — 8° —11° —13° — 9°.7 2 722 017 | 94° 14 = ® 2 Joy) 6 aL D 2 2.0 3 Winter Quarters +1 4.5 8 11.5 5 BE ee 5.6 4 a 13 + 5 6 ai 6.5 3 — 2.5 4.7 5 Ws a —5 —9 0 — 8 —13 —15 — 8.3 6 ce Re —20 —20 —19 —18 —22.5 —22 —20.3 a Ss ss — 6 — 8 — 2 — 6 —18 —2. —10.7 8 ac 3 —23 —11.5 — 8 — 9 —12 —ll1 —12.4 9 ef et —l1 —9 — 8 0 — 6 —10 — 7.3 10 “ “ = (3 a lil il) ==i18) = 2) 13 11 ae We —21 —14 —13 —16 —23 —27 —19.0 12 “ “ —16 —15 118} —15 ills oil —16.3 13 “ “ —19 —4 —10.5 ie, i —i|/5 lial 14 “ “ —13 ail —10 ad alt) =i? —10.8 15 “ “« —9 —1 8.5 ak & ay! =! ele 16 ct a —6 —i7 0.5 — 2.5 — 8 — 6 — 4.8 17 «“ «“ =16 0 6 10 A 4 3.2 18 “ “ 14 15 20 22.5 +21 Te 18.1 19 as « 6 5 5 0.5 — 3.5 —4 15 20 We “ —i7 — 7 —4 — 6 — 8 — 4.5 — 6.1 21 « “ =i arene, 6 1 =i + 5 + 2.0 22 “ « +11 +14 ae sling 10.5 SL ue +11.3 23 “« &“ 0 = il 0 ete — al 0 = (I 24 as BE —8 —9 —5 0 — 8 —11.5 — 6.9 25 “ “ aly, —=10) 6 —(s iil —15 —10.0 26 «“ « = = 1 0 i + 0.5 iG 27 Wy Ss — 2 2.5 11 15 10 +11 + 7.7 28 an we 12.5 13.5 15 14.5 12.5 10.5 13.1 29 « “ ita 12.5 13 16 15.5 15 13.8 30 “ “ -+18 18.5 31 17 9 JL 16.4 Mean 72.0 94.2 —4.38 PON =e2p 10.60 —4,07 —5.82 —2.45 12 RECORD AND REDUCTION TPMPERATURE OF THE ATR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) May, 1859. Day of the month. SMI Pw bo Longitude west of Greenwich. Latitude north. ee) Noon. or zt % | | 4° 11 9.5 5.9 19 re) S °o 3 o are) Port Kennedy 72° Ol’ | ga° 14! Winter Quarters oc “ men os o o Re Go he Sel on — ABramwoontrwmr oa > Tho S100 OO 09 or = 2 on Re BB IR 0109 0c: G9 OHH OUUH, bo bo as a ai EERSZES | We4RUwiUd dw bo to bo bo bo ree Sh45: Day of the month. | 1 OMT Q Oe Ob Dis 29 30 Mean Latitude Longitude ; north. west of 8h Greenwich. A ° ° S oe or Port Kennedy 72°. O01’ | 94° 14) 21 Winter Quarters 5 36 “ “ ¢ 38 33.5 25.5 34.5 27.5 36 ‘ 26 37.5 g 2.5 31 36.5 39. OL.5 36 29.5 33.5 34 48 31 44 29.5 37 80.5 48 ‘ 35 39.5 2 35 47.5 Hi . 33 38. wt j f 34.5 42. ¢ 32.5 43 33 37.6 34.5 39 33 35.6 Hi 33 38 § $2.5 41 32.5 36.5 f 34 35 7 30.0 40 39. 34.5 40 ‘De : 37 44.5 35.5 34 94.2 33.33 | 438.05 | 439.82 | 436.92 | 433.93 | 431.08 me bo bo bo or cred oo Go eskB: ren Cre A we) rs See OUT Correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 observations = —0°.41. +4+35.52 OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 13 TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YAcur Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) July, 1859. Long. 11» Mean north, |West of} 2" gh 10 | Noon. 4 —_ Mean. | of 6 : “|Green.| « Midn’t. obs’ns. He 43° Swe 43°.5 ‘ 40° oe are 40° 40°. 6|+4.40° g 50 Re 44 ae 45 ate SE : By ease Basis 40 ae 41.5 A 38 oie 36 BEE 37.6 37.8 42.5 as 41.5 : 40 aE : Bk 38.9 39.1 42 nae 44 $ 40.5 ; 3 34. 39,9, | 37.5 40° 42, 38.5 38.5 : 36 37.9 38 40.5 4], 41.5 37 , 38.2 42 40.5 39. 39.5 rfl Vie Site 35 Bi 36.5 36 37 43 38 exe) I B18 f 36.7 35.5 40 40 35.5 35 5 t 36 35.4 39 39 39 41 41.5 40 : 35. 38.0 36.5 38 37 39 38 3A : 36.7 40 39) 42 38 37 40.5 BE é 38.7 43 43 42 42 39.5 | 40 5 34 34.5 38 42 38 38 35 42 42 40 39 37.5 46 44 43 45 42, 39 37 37 37 37.5 37 37 : 37 40.5 | 40.5 39 39 38 37 42 47.5 | 42 42 42.5 42 38 38 33 40 41 40 40 41 40 42 45 49 49 49 50 46 5 44 45 46 48 46.5 | 47 46 43.5 43 Syl 39 43 44 49 §2 AT 47 45 42 ‘ 39 42 44 42 44 42 42 43 41 40 26 : 42, 45 44 50 52 49 46 46 43 42 27 39 42 42 43 49 41 41 41 d 44 37 28 é 40 44 49 49 42 42 47 43 : 41 37 29 Off Observa- | 38 38 38 40 50 55 53 54 55 45 41 30 tion Point 4l 40 | 42 |e 45 45 48 47 | 50 49 45 47 49 31 wc 43 39 45 45 46 46 49 50 46 47 47 | 4d. | Port Kennedy} .. | 72° 01/| 94° 14’ Winter Quarters « So} G2 G2 OS He CO m} “TOO OO bo =I 2 or OMIS A RwWrhe PRESEESESSSSSSS fe: ye Mean | 72.0 | 94.2 [436 51|437.24'139 241.41 29| 449.90 1-43.48|149 34 141.98'141 07 1-40.02\-438.56 136 98|-440.13 Correction to refer mean of 12 to mean of 24-observations = —0°.01. August, 1859. Longitude west of gh Noon. 4b Midn’t. Mean. Greenwich. Day of Latitude the month. north. Port Kennedy 45° 45° : 40° =4920.5 ‘“ “ F 36 35 35 36.2 36 41 39 37.5 41 41 34 39.2 39 39 38.2 40 38 38.3 41 33 36.9 2 37 é 3: 34.7 Long Island 37 33 34.5 Adelaide Bay E ¢ 36 39 j 33 35.2 =e --- E 39 j 40 37.8 as S DEE 39 9. 38 39.0 se. 3 | fe 8. 38. 40 38.8 — a 38 42 40.1 Off Fury Beach 35 31 35.7 Off Elwin Bay : 32 31 33.1 Jo Hie oot Mori e~id \ Hla 72° 55! 87° 16/ 2 “ 34 ft 36 00 79 40 y 30 ; 33 31 12 76 40 2, 2 : 34 31 43 72 «#6 | 31. 34 OL 67 17 ‘ : ol 3: 31 19 60 15 38 36 7 aR) ts) ‘ 37 37 40 iy, a j 35 36 39 55 30 8 37 : 37 Godhaven ¢ 36 37 36 “ 36 40 36 38 ; 42 33 39 44 40 38 38 42 39 37 79.8 | +3485 | 43637 | +4237.97 | 43765 | 437.10 The correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 observations becomes zero. 14 RECORD AND REDUCTION TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) September, 1859. : Longitude 0 Latitude Sv aRbOt gh Noon. 4h gh Midn’t. Mean. north. Greenwich. Day of the month. | 68° 53/ 54° 06! 40° 47° 43° 47° 1429.3 67 20 57 22 39 : 40 37 35 37.7 64 51 57 05 33 | 34 35 37 37 34 : 63 47 56 Ol ‘ 39 40 40 39 62 38 55 00 ‘ 43 42 39 39 62 33 54 56 38 40 : 41 39 38 61 22 53 47 3 38 38 37 60 20 52 31 40 40 39 37 58 41 | 48 21 : 39 42 39 58 08 44 51 42, 44 42 57 27 40 13 42 42 45 44 45 56 14 34 1s 45 45 46 47 46 34 31 08 46 52 E 54 | «#54 54 54 2 | 26 ! 55 56 5 54 52 49 53 25 22 § 55 57 E 57 56 55 05 18 54 59 64 69 59 51 18 16 25 58 59 62 61 60 | 28 12 30 58 58 59 59 59 40.9 | 443.6 | 145.7 |t47.6 | 447.3 | 445.6 | Correction to refer mean of 6 to mean of 24 readings = zero. Notes to the preceding Abstract of the Temperature Record. July, 1857. The column headed “mean” contains the mean daily temperature derived from six equidistant observations; the figures in the next column of “ de- duced mean” were obtained as follows: Suppose the mean temperature of July 5d be required from the observations at 8 A. M. and 8 P. M., the observations at each of these hours in the full series were compared with their respective mean, as given in the preceding column; thus, from 23 values, we find the correction to the 8 A. M. reading, to obtain the mean reading of the day, +0°.8, and in a similar manner, for the 8 P. M. reading, +0°.2. Applying these corrections to 57°.0 and 57°.5 respectively, and taking the mean, we find for July 5d the mean temperature 57°.7. The following table contains these corrections to each observing hour in the month of July, in order to produce the mean of six readings a day, viz :— For 4 A. M. +0°.5 For 4 P. M. —1°.5 WISP INS iE +0.8 see ME 4-0.2 “noon —0.8 «midnight +1.0 The means require a further small correction to refer them to what they would be if hourly observations had been made. For this purpose, I have made use of the tables of hourly corrections for periodic variations for Boothia Felix and Dront- heim, as given in the Smithsonian collection of meteorological and physical tables by A. Guyot, and also of a similar table given in the discussion of Dr. Kane’s meteorological observations for Van Rensselaer Harbor, in Vol. XI. of the Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge. For these localities, to which has been added Leith, we have, for the month of July, the correction to the mean of six observa- OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 15 tions at 4", 8", 12", A. M. and P.M., to obtain the daily mean from twenty-four observations :— Latitude. Longitude. Fahrenheit. Boothia Felix . : : a (age axe} GPIIe al 0°.00 Drontheim ‘ : ; . 63 26 —=11(N) Yas —0.09 Van Rensselaer - : Swiss! Bir’ 70: 53 —0.06 Leith : 3 : 5 » 05 59 = 8) ll) +0.06 Adopted correction : 5 : ; 6 ; . —0.08 The resulting mean temperature for the month of July, in latitude 62° N. and longitude 39°.1 W. is, therefore, +45°.56 —0°.03 = +45°.53, as given in the general table of results. The means for the hours 4, 8, and 12, are derived from the observations between the 6th and the 3lst, omitting those on the 19th, and taking 53° for the interpolated value at 4" A. M. on the 6th.’ For the sake of uniformity, the quantity +1°.26 has been added to each of these hourly means, so that the mean of all may again produce 45°.56. The correction to refer the mean from the observations at certain hours of the day to the mean derived from twenty-four readings a day, for the remaining months, has been deduced from the observations at Van Rensselaer Harbor and Boothia Felix. The following table contains these corrections :— Correction Depucep. ' Month. Observed Hours. | | | /Van Rensselaer! Boothia M y Harbor. | Felix. can. August 5 : 59 4,8, 12, A. M. and P. M. —0°.01 0°.00 0°.00 September 2, 4, G, 8, 10, 12, A. M. and P. M. —0.01 —0.07 —0.04 October fs i ee 10.04 0.00 10.02 November 8t 10.02 nonce +-0.12 December 0.00 0.01 0.00 January —0.05 —0.01 —0.03 February s —0.05 —0.01 —0.03 March : as 10.04 0.00 +0.02 April 0.02 0.01 0.02 May —0.13 —0.01 —0.07 June —0.16 10.01 —0.07 July —0.03 0.00 —0.01 September ‘ 0.01 —0.01 0.00 October Tino 0.00 10.05 April G 4, 8,11, P. M. —0.26 —0,13* —0.17 May oy S —0.42 —0.36* —0.38 June us rs —0.44 —0.39* —0.41 * Indicates that the weight 2 has been given to the correction derived from the Boothia Felix station, as being the nearer one. August, 1857. The two omissions on the 6th were supplied by 42° and 45°. September, 1857. The values for the 21st were interpolated as follows: 2 A. M. 12°.0, 6 A. M. 15°.2, and 10 A. M. 21°.2. From the observations between the 21st and 30th, we find that the mean of twelve observations a day is 0°.15 smaller than that derived from six observations a day; the second column of means between the Ist and 21st, therefore, is derived from the preceding column by subtracting 1 The interpolated value for 8 P. M. on the 21st is 38°.6. 16 RECORD AND REDUCTION 0°.1 and 0°.2 alternately from the successive daily means. The monthly mean temperature at the hours 4, 8, noon, 4, 8, midnight, was first made out (if dimi- nished by the above constant 0°.15, their mean would exactly give 19°.55). To obtain the intermediate values for 2, 6, 10, A. M. and P. M., the observations be- tween the 2lst and 30th were used as follows:— Mean temp. at midnight-for last 10 days. : 5 RSS) Same for 30 days, 17°.38 ef 2 A. M. BD c : : . 11.85 Difference . : . —0.45 which, applied to 17°.38, gives 16°.93; in the same way, we obtain from the fol- lowing hour, 4 A. M., the value 17°.38. The mean, or 17°.15, has consequently been adopted as the mean monthly temperature at 2 A.M. ‘The remaining values were derived in a similar manner. February, 1858. On the 11th and some following days, there are occasionally pencil figures inserted between the lines. These are neither used nor explained. April, 1858. The daily mean from six observations differs from the daily mean from twice this number of observations by 0°.13, as found from the values between the Ist and 17th; a correction of —0°.15 has, therefore, been applied to the de- duced means on and after the 18th, in order to refer the same to the result produced by twelve observations. The hourly means at the bottom of the page were ob- tained in the manner explained in the note to the hourly means of the month of September, 1857, viz: through a comparison of the hourly means of the fuil series, and applying the correction (the mean found from the preceding and following column) to the monthly mean at the hours 4, 8, 12, ete. May, 1858. The temperature at 8 A. M. on the 2d was assumed to be 30°.5. March, 1859. ‘The correction to refer the mean from six observations on each of the last four days of the month to the daily mean as resulting from twelve ob- servations, was found by comparison of the respective means on the twelve days preceding; it was found —0°.16. The mean hourly temperature for the hours 2, 6, 8, 10, was obtained by the process applied on two former occasions. April, 1859. The bar in the column for 4" and in the column for midnight, indicates that the observations were taken one hour later and one hour earlier, or at 5" and 11” respectively. This practice was discontinued on the 5th of July following. July, 1859. For the temperatures of the 5th, at the hours 2, 4, 6, 10, A. M., I have adopted the interpolated values 36°, 36°.5, 39°, 43°, respectively. The correction to refer the mean of six observations (hours 5, 8, noon, 4, 8, 11) to the mean of twelve observations (hours 4, 8, 12, A. M. and P. M.), was derived from the tables constructed for Van Rensselaer and Boothia Felix; the latter value having the weight 2, it was found = —0°.21, which quantity was applied in the first column of means, July Ist to July 4th inclusive. To obtain the correct hourly means for the month, the numbers in the column for 5" (first four days) were first referred to the reading at 4” by subtracting 0.5. The same correction was applied to refer the readings from 11 P. M. to midnight. The monthly means for the hours 4, 8, 12, A. M. and P. M., being known, the means for the interme- OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. ei diate hours were found by comparison of the respective readings on the last twenty- seven days of the month, as has been explained in similar cases. August, 1859. The value 34°.0 for the mean temperature on the 17th was interpolated, which required a corresponding diminution of 0°.08 for each of the hourly means, in order to produce the same monthly temperature of +36°.58. September, 1859. The means of this month are of little value, the month being incomplete, and the change in latitude (and longitude) very considerable. The two following tables contain a recapitulation of the results of the preceding abstracts. Table I exhibits the mean monthly temperature at the locality indi- cated by its latitude and longitude, also the relative maxima and minima, and rela- tive monthly extreme range, as observed in either the bi-hourly or the four-hourl y series. The absolute maxima and minima were not recorded. Table IT contains the mean monthly temperatures for each observing hour, and is intended to serve as the basis for the discussion of the diurnal variation, while the first table fur- nishes the means for the discussion of the annual variation of the temperature. The column headed “mean,” in Table I, differs from the corresponding column in Table I, for this reason: that, in Table II, no correction has been applied to refer the mean of six or twelve observations in a day (as the case may be) to the read- ing of twenty-four observations. 4 TABLE I.—RECAPITULATION OF ResuLrs oF MonrHty MEAN TEMPERATURES OF THE AIR IN SHADE OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. (Expressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale.) | Correction for index error (to mean temp.). | Latitude | Longitude Mean | Relative Relative Relative Month. ri : y s are north. west. temperature. | maxima. minima. range. |__| ee July 62°.0 39°. 45°53 nei 31° 30° August 59.8 34.65 51 23 28 September 65.0 19.50 36 —2 38 October 67.9 5.73 32 —13.5 45.5 November 69.1 — 4.76 31 —32 63 December 67.4 —21.55 5 —36 41 January 63.7 —24.87 — 8 —46 38 February 60.9 —15.34 11 —39.5 50.5 March 59.1 — 3.29 32 —27 59 April 57.7 8.06 38 —26 64 May 53.7 29.83 45 10.5 34.5 June 60.1 35.97 50 28 22 July 76.4 36.60 49 31 18 August 88.5 34,52 +24. 19.5 September 94.4 25.43 37. +s | 29.5 October 94.2 7.59 28. —21 49.5 November 94.2 —11.17 : —35 48 December 94.2 —32.97 —47 31 January 94,2 —33.57 —48 34 February 94.2 —36.06 —4s8 36 March 94.2 —17.76 —39 51 April 94.2 — 2.62 —27 58 May 94.2 15.04 — 0.5 SDL June 94.2 35.11 19 31.5 July 94.2 40.12 30 25 August 79.8 36.58 7 30 17 September 40.9 45.79 From 18 days’ observations ~I i=) pon oS Cola esa He 2 TS I bo ho wo STATO OD aT aT at at agg ~I-t te al OP NNNRNNNNRNE wmomoocnoeceocoeocoe ON aT dS 9 TT TT 18 RECORD AND REDUCTION TABLE IT.—D1urNAL VARIATION OF THE TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE. Recapitulation of the preceding mean hourly values for each month, and of their monthly mean temperature. ere Lat. ODE Qn | ( gh | gh | 1gh Noon, 2) Av Gh gh 10" | Midn?t.} Mean. | north.) west. | Bul 5 ° ° ° ° ° | ° 1857| July is 46.46 47.94 45.36] .. |+44.961145.56 “Ph by ya a Ss $6 33.99] .. 36.39| .. 36.32| Bye 33.31 |+34.65 | Sout. | 75-3 | 65.0 4a7.15 117.2% pie 118.78 +-20.42|-122.07|-123.16|123.10/1-20. 19.63'+18.63'117.38 4.: 5.28 Oct. | 75.2 | 67.9 |4- 4.37 GIL 7.39/42 7.35 6.55 /-- 5. 5.29|1 4.81 |Nov. | 74.8 | 69.1 |— 4.93 §|— 4.98 Ke 4.63|— 4.42 .62|— 4.38 592) == 00) onlay 4 Dec. | 74.3 | 67.4 |—22.00 —22.23 |—21.47 .10| -00)}—21-91 48 |—21.45 .44|—21.14|—21.86|— 22, 24|—91.55 Jan. 3.2 | 63.7 |—25.01 —24,92 A, 39 |—24.16 .52,|—25.08 97 |—25.21 |—25.08|—25.00|—24.84 Feb. | 71.5 | 60.9 |—16.55|—16.18 |—15.98 a 5.14 |—14.11 |—13.95 |—14.66 43 |—15.04|—15.43 | March! 69.4 | 59.1 |— 5.43\— 6.03|— 5.60 : f 0.47|4 0.74|— 0.13|— 2.49|— 4.79|— 5.57 April | 66.0 | 57.7 |-4- 3.03 + 3.35 |4- 4.13 -50 I 12.62 37 |412.45 4-10.38 + 7.7/4 6.14 May | 68.7| 53.7] .. 27.60 ¢ Ash SOIR ie ee 32.10 30.02 June .6|60.1| .. 34.52) +. 35. ab 37.90 : 38.05] .. 36.32 July ee lee 34.57) .. 36.39| . 39.18} . 38.64 : 36.14 Aug. PEGHA]| oe 33.66| .. ‘ he 35.40) -.. 35.53] .. 34.55 Sept. NO AtAl eon to24-obl eee 6 a 26.45)... 26583i| wee 25.63 Oct. ROH es BPA as i ee 9.08; .. ADDI oe WRG eae Nov. 94.2 111.53 —11.20|—10.60 -33 '—10.03 |—10.32 |—11.07 |—11.57 |—11.87 |—12.17|—12.23 | Dec. 94.2 |—32.52 —32.41 |—32.60 13232178 |—32. 81 |—32.'74|— 33.18 |—33.27 |—33.35 |—33.40 9) Jan. 94.2 |—33.'78|—34.26 |—33.97 .97 |—33.52|—83. 31 |—33.55 |—33.26 |—32.85 |—33.10|—33.11 | Feb. 94.2, |—36.64!—36.32 |—36.32|—35.97 |—35.86|—35.25 |— 35.25 | 35.82 |—36.28 |—36.07 |—35.96 March 94.2 |—21.06 —21.00 |—21.57 45 |—14.79|—11.89 |12,03|—13:77|—18.43 |—19.22|—19.52 April 94:9] 3. | =2peaa ile sel Boke G60) ee oul) ee « | May 949] -.c \Qagis4 2: 3.50| ee ese BER es Bei 2 e « | June | }oa.2) .. [433.33] oe LE 36.92; .. 33.93] .. « | July ) | 94.2 14.36.51 4+37.24|439.24|141.29 449. tian 142.34 ters 1-41.07 ters 438.56 he i: coos € Ss “IT 1-0-0 -T-7 -1 7 1-1 -1 1 1 IE NNN NNNNNIt oe « |Ang. |71.9| 79.8] .. |-34.85 +36.37 37.97 37.65 37.10 40.9] .. |443.60] .. [445.70 47.60| .. |447.30 5.60 co “ oO Oo Zo) Sept. | 58. Discussion of the Annual Variation and of the Temperature at Different Seasons . of the Year. The monthly means brought out in Table I refer to different localities and years, and require to be combined with reference to these changes. The “ Fox” remained stationary at the winter quarters for nearly a whole year—between August, 1858, and August, 1859—and we will, therefore, first examine the annual variation, the | mean temperature of the seasons and of the whole year, for-Port Kennedy, in north latitude 72° 01’, west longitude 94° 14’, near the eastern entrance to Bellot Straits, which separates North Somerset froom Boothia Felix. Our monthly means for August, 1858 and 1859, require to be corrected for difference of position. For this purpose, I have projected on a suitable chart the two isothermal lines for the month of August, constructed by me on the basis of Dove’s investigation, and published in the 2d volume, Appendix No. XIII, of Dr. Kane’s Narrative ofthis Arctic Ex- pedition (north of Smith Straits), in the years 1853~-54—55. By means of these curves, we find that the positions of August, 1858 (viz., latitude 73°.1, longitude 88°.5), and of August, 1859 (viz., latitude 71°.9, longitude 79°.8), can be assumed as lying nearly on the same isotherm, with a temperature of 1°.4 Fahr. relatively colder than the isotherm passing through Port Kennedy in that month; the nor- mal distance between the isotherms differing 4°.5 in temperature being nearly 6° of are. In the following table, the temperature for the month of August is derived from the mean of the respective observations of 1858 and 1859 increased by 1°.4, in order to refer the value to the locality of Port Kennedy. OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 19 Taste III.—Meran Monruty Temperature or run Air iN SHADE OBSERVED AT Port KENNEDY, bh IN LarirupE 72° 01’ N., anp Lonarrupe 94° 14’ W., IN THE YEARS 1858 AND 1859. 1858-9 | August : 36°.95 February —36°.06 —17.76 a “ October 7.59 | April November Sail May | tin — 2.62 1858 | September 25.43 March December —32.97 June 35.11 January —33.57 July 0.12 To express the above and other periodic results in an analytical form, Bessel’s formula of interpolation for periodic functions, and depending on the method of least squares,’ will be made use of throughout the discussion; a practice which has now become almost universal in meteorological and many other physical inyesti- gations. The above numbers will be found represented by the formula— T= +2°.17 + 38°.70 sin (9 + 248° 4") + 0°.58 sin (29 + 279° 57) + 19.14 sin (39 + 275° 53") T representing the monthly values of the annual variation, and the angle @ count- ing from January Ist at the rate of 30° a month. According to this expression, the mean annual temperature at Port Kennedy is +2°.17 Fahr. The strict application of Bessel’s formula requires the intervals between the successive observations or means to be of equal length, and a small correction, therefore, becomes necessary on account of the unequal length of the months. This correction, generally too small to be noticed in low latitudes, is of sufficient magnitude in very high latitudes not to be neglectable. The following numbers show the quantity, in days and fractions of a day, by which the middle of each actual month differs from the mean of each month of average duration (30.4 days for a common, and 30.5 days for a leap, year), and for which interval a correction, —depending, also, on the magnitude of the variation of the temperature—is to be applied. A positive sign indicates that the middle of the actual month occurs earlier than the middle of the normal month; a negative sign indicates the reverse. Commencing with January, and proceeding in regular order, these intervals are as follows :—* Sligo}, SR = SCE as ery Eales Te SER +0:7 +06 +05 +04 +043 —0.2 0:25 +08 7-08 =F 0:8 -F 0:8 £018) 509 =F09 oo 0.9 +0.2 The upper line is for a common year, the lower line for a leap year. These num- bers suppose the angle 6 to be zero for the commencement of the civil year, and that the daily mean temperature, so far as the annual fluctuation is concerned, refers to the middle of the day. The corrections become greatest for the spring and autumn months, when the annual variation is most rapid. To obtain an ap- * Explained at length by Sir J. Herschel in the article “Meteorology,” Vol. XIV, 8th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. * These numbers were given in my discussion of the meteorological observations of the second Grinnell Expedition, under command of Dr. E. K. Kane. See Vol. XI of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1859. 90 RECORD AND REDUCTION proximate value for the diurnal change for the middle of each month, the above formula was used, the increase in the value of @ for one day being 59’.2. Multi- plying the daily change into the above intervals, we obtain the following mean monthly temperatures corrected for unequal duration, to which numbers the cor- rection for index error has been added, as given in the third column of the table. Port Kennepy. MEAN TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR IN SHADE IN EACH NoRMAL MonrH. Month. Mean temp. Mean temp. | Corr’d for index. | Month. Corr’d for index. January . February . March . April May —33°.61 —35.87 —16.98 — 1.68 15.87 —34°.44 —36.89 —17.44 1.98 July . August September October November 39°.98 36.76 25.13 7.27 —11.43 39°.98 36.76 25.13 7.12 —11.86 | 15.87 35.67 | The maximum corrections for inequality in the length of the month were +-0°.94, in April, and —0°.32, in October. The above monthly means, as corrected for index error, will be found represented by the expression (II)— T = 4+2°.02 + 39°.20 sin (6 + 249° 5’) + 0°.80 sin (26 + 256° 56’) + 1°.06 sin (39 + 274° 43’). June . 35.67 December . —33.09 —33.75 The numerical coefficients differ but slightly from the corresponding values in the first expression. The observations are represented as follows (the hundredths have been omitted as having no real value) :— Mean Mean cor- corrected | rected for} for index | index and) error. ‘inequality. Mean Mean cor- corrected | rected for for index | index and | error. | inequality. Differ- ence. Same by Form. II. Same by Form. II 40°. 92 36.81 24.94 + 7.65 —13.12 51143 +4 2.02 | Month. Month. —38°.42| +.4°.0 —33.13 | —3.8 —19.74 | 42.3 Oui 0.1 75216 34.01 | -+1.7 —34°.40 —37.08 —18922 — 2.92 15.04 35.11 —34°.44 | —36.89 —17.44 — 1.98 15.87 | 4-35.67 40°.12 36.95 25.43 7.44 | —11.60 —33.63 January February March April May June +39°.98 36.76 25.13 7.12 —11.86 —33.75 July August September October November December Mean + 2.02 aos 13 The differences between the observed and computed mean monthly temperatures are greatest in winter, which is due to the greater fluctuations of the temperature in that season. The same result was found from my reduction of the Van Rensse- laer Harbor temperatures, as observed by Dr. Kane. The average probable error of representation of the mean. temperature of any one month is accordingly +2°.1, and of the result for the mean annual temperature +0°.6. The following table contains the temperature of the several seasons at Port Ken- nedy; December, January, and February being reckoned as winter months (and so on for the other seasons), in accordance with meteorological usage. The results by Formula II refer to the corrected normal months; the results headed “by ob- servation,” are corrected for index error. OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. | > narra e MEAN TEMPERATURES OF THE SEASONS. Ar Port Kennepy, Lar. 72° 1’, Lona. 94° 14’. | Ar VAN RENSSELAER Harzor, Lat. 78° 37’, Lona. 70° 53’. 2 — —— ee ee | : = ~ le aimoared pe ine | By observa-| By F =e | By observa y Form. q y observa y Form. Seasons. tion. | Te lyse lDle tion. Te Winter | —35°.04 | —34°.93 \odWinten. © (cae | —28°.59 | —29°.1 DDL Ge rel es — 2.04 — 1.45 Spring . . ; —10.59 — 8.8 Simmer’: . - = 37.40 37.25 | Summer. . =| 33.38 +33.5 AWE <)) % ei) =| 7.09 6.49 |, -Antomns ea. — 4.03 aa Wear! ee es dSp Et 2:02) | E06 || Wears) iy). | — 2.46 — 2.20 | +0°.7 | | The corresponding values at Van Rensselaer Harbor have been inserted for com- parison, and show a remarkable difference in the temperatures of spring and autumn, at which seasons it was much colder at Van Rensselaer Harbor than at Port Kennedy, whereas the mean winter temperature was lowest at Port Kennedy. The observations give the range between the summer and winter mean at Port Kennedy 72°.4, and at Van Rensselaer Harbor 62°.0. According to Formula ai, we find, as a close approximation, the warmest day July 20th, with 7— +41°.0, and the coldest day January 19th, with 7— —38°.4; hence, the range of the annual fluctuation 79°.4. The mean temperature of the year is reached on April 23d and October 22d, The annual fluctuation of the temperature, or the observed and computed month! y (normal) means (corrected for index error), are represented in the annexed diagram (A). The curve shows the computed, and the dots the observed, tem perature. (A.) ANNUAL FLUCTUATION OF THE TEMPERATURE OV THE AIR aT Port KENNEDY. ys. j . — ao » : bt > a ile) b&b 5S dSSRGEPERSE SS SRATA RRM NMROAASKB At middle of each month. 99 RECORD AND REDUCTION By means of Table I, we can make the following combinations of mean tem- peratures of the seasons of the year at different localities, which tabular numbers and combinations may be useful in future investigations of the course of the monthly isothermal lines, and of the isotherms of the several seasons. Corrected for index error. + 6°.74 —20.79 11.47 +35.70 North | West | Mean latitude. longitude. temperature. | + 6°.82 —20.59 411.53 +35.70 Autumn. 5 ‘5 5h : 75°.1 67°.3 Winter . A : 5 5 73.0 64.0 Spring . . Qj : 4) 68.0 56.8 Summer : : 3 . 74.0 75.0 The last three (but one) columns of Table I, exhibit the observed monthly maxima and minima of the temperature, and the extreme monthly range. These numbers are only relative, since the absolute extremes were not found recorded. The highest temperature observed near Port Kennedy was -+-99°.0, on July 29th, 1859, and the lowest, —49°.8 (the index correction having been applied), on January 21st, 1859, and February 15th and 18th, 1859. Extreme range recorded at the winter quarters of the “Fox,” 104°.8 of Fahrenheit’s scale. ‘To compare with the above numbers, Dr. Kane recorded at Van Rensselaer Harbor a maximum temperature of +51°.0, on July 23d, 1854, and a minimum temperature of —66°.4, on February 5th, 1854, and of —65°.5, on January 8th, 1855; observed absolute range 117°.4 Fahr., exceeding the Port Kennedy range by 12°.6. The monthly range is greatest in March and April and in October and November ; its value may be set down as 52° at Port Kennedy. This range is least in Decem- ber and January and in July and August, when it does not exceed 27°. The ex- treme monthly range occurred in April, 1858 (viz., 64°), and in August, 1859 (viz., 17°), Diurnal Variation of the Temperature. The material collected in Table II furnishes the basis for the discussion of the diurnal fluctuation of the temperature. ‘The hourly means (at certain observing hours) recorded there do not present the true daily fluctuation of the temperature in each month, on account of the disturbing effect of the annual change during the interval of a day, an effect which cannot be neglected in a locality where the annual fluctuation amounts to the excessive quantity of 79°.4. The tabular num- bers, therefore, must first be cleared of this disturbing effect. This is best done by computing, by means of our expression for 7; the change of the annual variation in a day for the middle of each month, and by correcting the means for the hours 0 A. M. and 12 P. M. by one half of this change, with opposite signs. There is no correction for noon, and a proportional one for the intermediate hours between morning and noon, and between noon and midnight; the signs in the second in- terval being the reverse from those in the first. The diurnal fluctuation during the long arctic night is so small as to be almost effaced by the overpowering effect of the annual fluctuation during a day. Confining our attention for the present to the diurnal variation of the tempera- a OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. f73} ture in each month at Port Kennedy, we find an anomaly in the table of results in April, May, and June, 1859, when the symmetry of the observing hours is interrupted by observations being taken at 5 A. M. and 11 P.M. To remedy this defect, I have first established an approximate equation of the diurnal varia- tion, and, by means of it, computed the difference between the mean at 4" and 5", and also between 11" and 12". These differences were applied respectively to the mean for 5" and to the mean for 11”, which gave the deduced means for 4" and 12”. The maximum corrections for diurnal effect of the annual BTSs occur at mid- night, and are as follows :— In January : : : 0°.00 | In July . : : 5 0.°00 February. : . —0.15 August 3 : . +0.14 March ‘ ; . —0.26 September . : - +0.25 April . : : . —0.32 | October : : » +0.32 May . : : . —0.30 | November + . ~~ +0532 June . : : . —0.22 | December. A - +0.20 At 0" A. M., the corrections are the same with the sign reversed; at noon, they are zero; at eared hours, proportional values were applied. The monthly mean is left unchanged (or very nearly so). For August, I have combined the means of August, 1858 tte 1859. Accordingly, we have the following table of the diurnal variation of the tem- perature for each month of the year :— TasLE 1[V.—DIvRNAL VARIATION OF THE TEMPERATURE AT PorT K PNNEDY. 2h 46 Gh gh 10% Noon. | 2 6b 8b ° ° ce} ° ° ° [o} [e} January |—37.78|—34.26|—33.96 |—33.97 |—33.52|—33.31 |—33.55 | 33.26 | 32.85 | 33.10 February |—36.52)—36.23 |—36.25 |—35.93 —35.84)/—35.2 25 | —35.27 \—35.§ § —36.37 |—36.16 March —20.85 | —20.83 |— 21.44 |—19.37 |—14.75 |—11.89 |—12.07 |= 13.8 .56/—19.39 April ~. |— 4.82} .. |— 2.17 -- |4f 1. Di) oer i+ 0. -. |— 4.28 May ye (eGR PEUAGO = age (EMSs Erte .. (414.06 June -. |+81.94 +38.11} .. |439.82) .. |4+36.86) .. |+33.79 July +36.51 137.24 430. 24 |4-41.29 +.42.90/+4-43. 48|+-42.34|4-41.98 |4-41.07|+-40.02 August 2. |+34.16| +35.36| .. |436.68) .. Ha Hil) ae (BESO September -« [$24.08] .. |424.60) .. |+26.45| .. |+26. -. |+25.80 October Ch ee eeu a eo CePA Sc ou tS EUS) + 7.6 we [ote ad November .79 |;—11.41 AY —10.43 —10.08 —10.32 Tah 02 —11. 47 —11.71|—11.96 December 2.69 |—32.54 2.70 | —33.38 | —32.81 |—32.81/—32. ees 12 |—33.17 |—83.22) For the purpose of making full use of all the bi-hourly observations, it was thought advisable to express the values for the months of April, May, June, and August, September, October, analytically, and to supply by interpolation values for the hours 2, 6,10, A.M and P.M. The values thus computed were derived from the following expressions, in which the angle @ counts from midnight, and is reckoned at the rate of 15° an hour :— For April, t = — 9°54 + 3°.67 sin (9 + 255°) + 0°.70 sin (20-4 27°) «May, t= +15.16 + 4.09 sin (6 + 255 ) + 0.24 sin (20 4 257 ) “ June, t= +35.17 44.65 sin (0 +267 )+ 0.90 sin (26 4181 ) For August, t = +35°.57 + 19.32 sin (0 + 228°) + 0°.18 sin (26 + 142°) “September, = +295.47 +1.39 sin (9+ 213 )4 0.31 sin (204 55) “October, = + 7.59 + 0.77 sin (6 + 258 )+ 0.35 sin (20+ 80 ) ~~ 24 RECORD AND REDUCTION The following table (IV, 4) contafms the interpolated values, by the insertion of which Table IV will be rendered complete :— Taste LV (b).—Apprri0onAL Hourty VALvEs oF THE DiuRNAL FLuctuaTION AT Port KENNEDY. Ohoae at | 105 20 Pp, M. Mean. ° Ds orm _ April . May . June . wre Sto te ry August September . October +++ +41 The two preceding tables furnish the following values for the amplitude of the diurnal fluctuation in each month of the year, also in each season, and for the whole year, together with the hours of maximum and minimum temperature, and the hours when the mean temperature is reached, for each of the periods. Taste V.—Datty Extremes, RANGE, Hours or MAXIMA AND MINIMA, AND CrITICAL INTERVAL, ror EACH MonrTH OF THR YEAR. Month. Maximum. | Minimum. | Range. | Hour of max.) Hour of min. ‘Critical int. 1°41 | 6P.M. 4A.M. | 1gh 1.49 Noon Midn’t 12 9.55 Noon 6 A. M. 6 7.42 2'P. M. Midn’t 14 May 7.94 fe PAE AN 2A. M. 12 June 3 : . ; z 9.60 10 A. M. 2 A.M. 8 July - - c 5 43.48 36.5 3.97 | Noon 2 A. M. 10 August . = n A - 36.75 34.16 | e683) ||P 2 eae 4 A.M. 10 September 5 5 26.9 24.05 | 2.94 2P.M. 6 A.M. 8 October . Z f 6 9.08 3.8 2.18 Noon Midn’t 12 November 5 5 -08 2.5 | wey, 10 A. M. Midn’t 10 December 5 r : A 32.5 | 33.38 .84 4 A.M. 8 A. M. —4 Or January February March April > THON 5 CtesT bo ON ye The annexed diagram (B) exhibits the monthly values of the diurnal range :— (B.) Drurnat AMPLITUDE. 10s 9 8 ry ‘ 6 5 4 3 9 1 u| 0 | i 1 = fe o s a ek AE IP ee icy Pr ieacr ee oa ieetes es 3° 5S Bee eo abe sion merome nes a Ry ee DS ek) ites) eo ed etre On se ies The autumn and winter months have a range of less than 3°, whereas the months of March to July exhibit two and a half times that amount. The maximum value was observed in June, amount 9°.60; the minimum value occurred in December, value 0°.14. For comparison, I may add that the corresponding values at Van OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 25 Rensselaer Harbor occurred in April, amount 9°.09, and in November, amount 1°.00; showing a correspondence in amount but not in time. The diurnal variation never disappears altogether, and even during the long arctic night there appears to be a daily propagation or existence of a thermal wave producing a range of about 1°. The amount of the amplitude changes tolerably regular from month to month ; the high value in March, however, cules presents a distinct feature or is due to some anomaly. Mice ee the curve indicates no secondary maximum, such as was found in September at Van Rensselaer Harbor. On the average, the maximum SESE is reached between noon and 1 P. M., and the minimum between 2 and 3 A. M.; whereas, at Van Rensselaer Harbor: these hours were respectively 2 P.M. and 1 A. M. The following table contains the hourly values of the diurnal variation for each season and the whole year :— TABLE VI.—DrIuRNAL VARIATION IN EACH SEASON, Season. 2h 4 gb | 105 | Noon. 2h 4n 6h 8b 10% | Midn’t. Winter I ga 33 —34.34 —34.31|\—34.43 —34.06 —33.79|—33.84 —34.08) —34.13| 34.16 —34.14_—34.54 Spring |— 5.07|\— 4.43/— 3.64|— 1.654 0.84/4 2.72/14 2.874 1.59|— 1.34/— 3.20\— 4.29|— 5.19 Summer +33.66 434.45 436.29 438.25 439.63 +39.99| 439.22 +.38.49|4-37.61/4+-36.57 4+35.31/434 05 Autumn |+ 6 604 6.66/-+ 6.804 7.15|4+ 7.91\4+ 8.39/+ 8.174 7.70/4 7.36|4 7.104 684+ 6 4.0.58] 41.2 | +2.33| 4-38.58] +-4.33] 44.10) 43.42] 12.37] 41. 58) +0.95| 40.21 | | +0.49) 41.30, 4.2.42) +3.63) 44.33] 44.08) 43.2: 42} 4.1.72) 0.95] 0.27 i | ° i) ° ° ° ° ° royal | ° ° Year 40.21 Same by | formula) +0. 10) 0.11 0.09} —0.02) —0.09 —0.05/ 0.00 0.02) +0.17 : 0.14) 0.00} +-0.06 | | The computed diurnal variation for the whole year is derived from the expres- sion given below. Comparing the means as stated above with corresponding values derived in the preceding discussion of the mean temperature of the seasons, we may add to each horizontal line the following corrections: to values for winter, —0°.05; for spring, +0°.30; for summer, +.0°, 29; for autumn, —0°.78; for the year, —0°.06. These bine renee arise from changers in the observing Hoaes, and consequent necessity of interpolation. TABLE V (8). Season. Maximum. Minimum. . | Hour of max. | Hour of min. |Critical int. | Winter . é ‘ : —34°.54 1 Noon Midn’t Spring . : . : bY — 5.19 -06 2 P.M. Midn’t Summer : 5 | oes +33.66 I Noon 2 A.M. Autumn n C : + 6.53 d Noon Midn’t Year : 2 5 : + 0.21 5 Noon 1 A.M. | ; +0 By formula -09 22 0% 28™ P. M. | 1°38™ A. M. The mean temperature of the day is reached at 7" 24" A. M. and at 6°56" P. M., by formula. The diurnal variation of the temperature during the whole year is represented by the formula :— t= +2°.08 + 2°.02 sin (6 + 252° 57’) + 09.25 sin (28 + 117°) + 0°.09 sin (39 +- 251°). 4 26 RECORD AND REDUCTION If we supply the constant term, and change the epoch from noon to midnight, as in the above expression, the diurnal variation at Van Rensselaer Harbor has been represented by { = —2°.91 + 1°.85 sin (6 + 244° 55’) + 0°.08 sin (20 + 97°) 4 0°.03 sin (39 + 308°), which is here added for comparison. In either expression, the constant term might be omitted, as not essential in the inquiry of the diurnal fluctuation; or the values +2°.02 and —2°.20, which are the true mean annual temperatures respectively, might be substituted in their place. The maximum and minimum value is given by the formula:— 0 = +2°.02 cos (6 + 252° 57’) + 0°.51 cos (20 + 117°) + 0°.28 cos (36 + 251°). The following diagram (C) exhibits the diurnal variation during the whole year -— (C.) Drurnat VARIATION. Midnt 22 4" Ge 82 10% Noon 2% ; sh 10" Midn’t Hourly Corrections for Periodic Variations.—Under this head, a number of tables have been given by Prof. Guyot in his meteorological and physical tables, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. These tables furnish the means of correcting other incomplete material at stations in the vicinity. A similar table was prepared by me for Van Rensselaer Harbor. The following table for Port Kennedy is directly derived from the values in Table IJ, in connection with Tables IV and IV (8). For those hours requiring interpolation in the latter case, the small corrections for the effect of the annual change during a day has again been deducted. Arctic AMERICA.—Port KENNEDY, Lat. 72° 01’ N., Lona. 94° 14’ W. oF GREENWICH. CoRRECTIONS TO BE APPLIED TO ANY BI-HOURLY OR SET OF BI-HOURLY OBSERVATION TO OBTAIN THE MraAn TEMPERATURE OF THE Day. Degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale. Hour. | Jan. | Feb. | March. s Dec. | > ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 2. A. M.| -+-0.24 | +-0.61 | 4+-3.28 | 43.16 | +-4.41 | 1.5.12] 4.3.62 | 41.23 4.0.74 | 4.0.22 4.0.24 —0.45 +0.72 | +0.29 } 43.2: 2.47 | +3.03 43.39 | +-2.89 | +1.31 | 41.21 | 4+-0.05 | —0.09 | —0.56 +0.43 | +0.29 | +3.75 45 | +1.01 | +-0.34 | 0.89 | +0.91 | +1.28 | +-0.31 | —0.69 | —0.37 +-0.43 | —0.12 6 .24 | —1.31 | —2.86 ) —1.16 | +0.16 | --0.78 | 40.20 | —0.96 | +0.35 | —0.02 | —0.23 eae 15 | —2.35 | —4.61 | —2.77 | —0.61 | —0.09 | —0.77 | —1.26 | —0.19 Noon | —0.23 | —0.78 5.85 3.76 | —3.62 | —4.63 —3.35 | —1.12 | —0.99 | —1.46 —0.97 | —0.16 rig M.) +0.01 | —0.78 8 | —3.83 | —3.38 —1.21 | —1.49 | —0.92 —0.22 | —0.23 ) ° 21 | —0.28 | —0.21 : -11 | —3.02 | —1.73 | —1.85 | —1.03 —1.37 | 40.02 +0.28 | +0.21 —0.69 | -+0.25 -68 . —1.41 —0.34 | —0.94 | —0.71 —0.80 | +0.33 | +0.58 | +0.30 6 8 —0.44| +0.04| 41. 56 | +-0.93 | 41.26 | 4+-0.12 | —0.27 | —0.17 | +-0.31 | +-0.88 | -+-0.38 | 0 —0.43 —0.07 | 41. .75 | 4+-2.35 | 42.98 | £1.57 | +-0.35 | +-0.19 | +-0.71 | +-0.94 | 4.0.43 1 Midn’t | +0.24 | +-0.56 | +2.87 3.84 44.47) 43.15 1.02 0.73 | 1.04 | 41.28 | +-0.32 | 1.87 —0.13 | 4-0.27 | 4+-2.22) +-0.34 | —0.20] 0.00 | —0.02 | +-0.10 | +-0.24 | +-0.32 | —0.05 —0.08 | 4.0.25 0.00 | —0.04 | 41.55 | +-0.66 | —0.19 | —0.80 | —0.52 | —0.05 | +-0.31 | +0.25 | —0.04 +-0.37 | +-0.12 —0.22 | —0.15 | —0.62] 0.30} 0.00 —0.81 | 6, 2,10} 0.00 —0.19 0.07 0.03 0.16 0.02 | 0.08 | +0.02 —0.01 | +0.03 40.01 -0.60 | —0.13 | +-0.05 | —0.03 | —0.16 | +-0.12 | —0.18 —0.06 | —0.03 a OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. a7 Owing to the fact that the observations extend over one year only, the table, in some instances, must necessarily contain some small irregularities. The closest results are obtained from the hours 6, 2, 10, which was also the case at Van Rens- selaer Harbor. Connection of the Lunar Phases with Low Winter Temperatures. The apparent connection of the lunar phases with the observed temperature of the air during the Arctic winter, the thermometer being below the zero of Fahren- heit’s scale, was long ago noticed by Arctic explorers, and was again independently observed by Dr. Kane, in the discussion of whose observations I have attempted an explanation of the phenomenon. In that paper, the connection of the lunar phases with the serenity of the sky and the fall of snow was also discussed ; for the observations now on hand, the numerical relations alone will be represented. Dividing the daily means of the temperature into penthemers (or periods of five days), a table was formed showing the time of full and new moon and the mean temperatures; and, by means of differences of the alternate means at these periods, the amount by which the mean temperature is lower at full moon than at new moon is exhibited in column headed A. First Winter, 1857-’58. | Seconp WINTER, 1858-’59. Barrin Bay. Port Krennepy, BeLior Srratr. Between lat. 74°.8, long. 69°.6 and lat. 69°.8, long. 59°.8. Lat. 72°.0, long. 94°.2. | Moon’s | phase. Moon’s Alt. means. phase. Penthemer. Alt. means. Penthemer. . 23-27 2°. Nov. 2-6) 5th @)| 28-32 | Ist O 27. - 2 (al 3- 7 5 12-16 8-12 2 17-21 | 20th QO | 13-17 | 16th @ 20.2 5 A | 22-26 18-22 96 | 27-31 23-27 : | . 26)! 5th@| 28-32 | 30th O 24, | 7-11 2- 6 8| | 12-16 7-11 9.6 17-21 | 20th ©} 12-16 | 15th@ 2.04 | r-—29. -6 22-26 17-21 23.2| | 27-31 } 22-26 —28.( 1-5 4th @ | 27-31 | 29th © 34.8 ¢ | i : 6-10 1-5 8 11-15 6-10 26. | 16-20 | 18th O 11-15 | 13th @ 0. y 21-25 16-20 : 26-30 21-25 3. 31-35 | 3d @ 26-30 | 27th O 3s (+6.7) | - 5-9 10-14 | | 15-19 | 17th © Omitting the first and last (incomplete) values of 20-24 | A, we find its average value = —8°.8. 25-29 | | March2- 6 | 4th @) 7-11 | 12-16 17-21 | 18th © 22-26 | 27-31 April 1-5 | 3d @ 6-10 | The temperature between Noy. 17-21 is anomalous, | and affects also the following value (17.5) of a; these values, as well as that of April 1-5, have been omitted in the mean. For the period Noy. 17-21, the wind was N. E.; weather misty, with occasional snow, and variable. Average A, winter 1858—’59 = —5°.7. 28 : RECORD AND REDUCTION The average fall of the temperature for the period from new moon to full moon, from the above comparisons, is 7+°. The separate results may, perhaps, not ap- pear as conclusive as those obtained at Van Rensselaer Harbor (lat. 78°.6); still, the general deduction is confirmed. The following account of the weather for each day, the day preceding and the day following, of the full and new moon, is copied from the record and refers to noon. Beaufort’s signification of letters is used. Fut Moon. | New Moon. 1857 Dee. 5 lo .v. save 2 Vie 1857 Dec. 16 Dectncu ae aan onze Paves - Ce L858 Jane Lo se TSb8 Jansson = b as eyOe Reps oie. 1858 Nov. ae seat sails S. » Mm. 1858 Nov. 5... Dee. Ste IG - c. Mm. Bs 75 auinle he Dec. 5 Boe c 6 |) 19 1859 Jan. 18 . . «| Ss : Ler. Spe) dina ZB Gb b. c. nr Feb. Oro 0 pms aise .-m. Feb. 3 | a. ive SE} pe Goo nC aze ae -m. March4 . . m. PN ntl, eB} Von og b. b stands for blue sky. e stands for clouds, detached. m stands for misty, hazy. 0) £ overcast. 8 us snow. Vv Ke visibility, transparency. Zz a snow drift. In the first winter, the weather appears to have been finer and clearer at full moon; whereas, in the second winter, there is little or no difference, a misty weather and snow drifts characterizing the locality; under these circumstances, the lunar effect could hardly be expected to show itself as distinctly as brought out above. Captain McClintock makes the following remark (page ix of the 4th number of meteorological papers published by the Board of Trade): “The dense and con- tinued mist over Bellot Strait, caused by considerably warmer water than the air above it, and the strong local winds, perhaps partly caused by this speedy evapora- tion and condensation, are special features.” No recurrence of cold was noticed, either in 1858 or in 1859, about May 11th— the period Dove has called attention to. ; Temperature of the Winds.—To ascertain the elevating or depressing influence of the various winds on the temperature, the following method of investigation was adopted :— The normal temperature of each day was made out by taking the mean of the temperature of that day, the two preceding and the two following days. The ob- served temperature at the hours 6 A. M. and 6 P. M., and at noon and midnight, were then compared with the respective normal temperature (the mean of five days); the differences thus obtained were tabulated according to one of the eight winds (or calm) N., N. E., E., S. E., etc., blowing at the respective hours. The mean difference for each wind, and for a period extending over a season, very nearly indicates the elevating or depressing influence of each wind, and at each season, on the temperature of the air. The + sign indicate warmer, the — sign colder, than the average. The diurnal variation being generally small, and in the absence of any regularity of a certain wind blowing regularly at certain hours, the effect of OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 29 this variation will disappear in the resulting average values. In the exceptional case when no observations are recorded at 6 A. M. and P. M., the mean of obser- vations at 4 and 8 A. M. and P. M. were substituted. For notes referring to the observations of the winds, see the record or Part II of this discussion. The direc- tions of the wind are “true.” This method of investigation is less laborious than that followed by me in a similar-discussion of the temperature of the various winds at Van Rensselaer Harbor. All results in Baffin Bay have been united, and a second group has been formed from the observations at Port Kennedy. The seasons and localities for Baffin Bay, for which results were deduced, are as follows :— Season. Months. Between latitudes Between longitudes Autumn—Sept., Oct., Nov., 1858 . ; Eero ann Accs 65°.0 and 69°.1 Winter—Dec., 1858, Jan., Feb., 1859 . a Ss} Ales 67.4 60.9 Spring—March, April, May, 1859 : . 69.4 68.7 59.1 53.7 Summer—ZJune, July, August, 1859 : be 46 73.1 60.1 88.5 Mean . F : , ; 722-5) N. 65°.8 W. ELEVATING OR DEPRESSING EFFECTS OF THE WINDS ON THE TEMPERATURE OF THE AIR. + warmer, — colder, than the mean temperature. N. N. E. : 8. ES | — Autumn 1857 —0°.2 3°.1 -6 | +4°.1 Winter 1857-8 5 —0.1 —0.3 < +0.8 Spring 1858 i Seni) 1) Series ech Summer 1858 : +0.5 A —0.3 Mean | 41.1 0. +3.3 Result for year A - He=tEOz0 me lin=t=0: +3.1 The results in the last line, obtained after deducting 0°.2 from the preceding line, show that the S. E. winds are the warmest, and the 8. W. winds the coldest; also, that during calms the temperature is lower. At Van Renssélaer Harbor, the depressing effect of the calms amounted to 3°.4. The following table shows the results for Port Kennedy :-— N. eps : |p Serius Autumn 1858 +0°.9 5 +2°.4 Winter 1858-9 +2.0 2. --- Spring 1859 +0.4 -6 --- Summer 1559 —0.4 of —1.2 Mean +0.7 3 +0.6 Result for year | +0.2 3 | +0.1 The results for winds from the 8. E., 8., and S. W. are not very reliable, on account of the scarcity of wind from these directions. At Port Kennedy, the E. winds are the warmest and the N. W. the coldest; during calms, the mean tem- 30 RECORD AND REDUCTION perature is depressed 0°.5. The local configuration of the land, and the peculiar situation of the port, may possibly affect the results deduced. e The following recapitulation of results shows a tolerably fair agreement between the localities—middle of Baffin Bay, Van Rensselaer Harbor,’ and Port Kennedy. Baffin Bay. Van Rensselaer Harbor. Port Kennedy. True direction Lat. 72°.5 N. Lat. 78°.6 N. Lat. 72°.0 N. of wind. Long. 65°.8 W. Long. 70°.9 W. Long. 94°.2 W. N. : : ; : . —0°.8 —1°.4 +0°.1 WED, sc : 2 : . +0.7 0.0 —0.4 Bich. Se ad Oe eOal 6H 41.2 Shige: : : : . +3.0 +0.9 +0.1 S. 5 ; ; - . +0.4 + 0.6 +1.0 SaaWieee - : : . —1.7 +0.4 +0.5 W. ; : < : . —0.9 +0.1 —1.0 ING Ve. o - : : . —0.8 —1.4 —1.5 (The positive and negative values have been made to balance, after omitting the value for the calms. ) Counting @ from the north (or belonging to a true north wind), in the direction east, south, ete., to 360°, the above tabular numbers can be expressed by the for- mulae— Lat. Long. Middle of Baffin Bay, 72°5 65°8 T=+41°.5 sin (6 + 338°) + 0°.8 sin (26 + 173°) Van Rensselaer Harbor, 18.6 70.9 T=+1.0 sin(o+ 286 )+ 0.3 sin (20+ 335 ) Port Kennedy, 72.0 94.2 T=+0.9 sin (96+ 320 )+0.4 sin (20+ 26 ) The second terms are of subordinate value; the first, or significant terms, cor- respond upon the whole very close, considering the peculiarity of each station, in reference to free exposure to the various winds. From the 4th number of the meteorological papers published by the Board of Trade in 1860, I extract the following remark of Captain McClintock’s: ‘“ The Danish settlers at Upernavik, in Northwest Greenland, are at times startled by a sudden rise of temperature during the depth of winter, when all nature has been long frozen; rain sometimes falls in torrents. It is called the warm southeast wind.” In reference to a warm northwest wind in Upper Baffin Bay, alluded to in the same paper (p. iv), the above table for that locality shows that, although this wind is warm in winter, it is considerably colder in spring, and also colder, on the average, for the whole year. Temperature of the Soil.—The following is copied from p. 309 of the record: “On 14th September, 1858, as soon as it appeared probable that we should winter at Port Kennedy, I sunk a brass tube two feet two inches vertically in the ground, and inserted a padded thermometer. The ground, at time of sinking the tube, was frozen from six inches below the surface, and it was with great difficulty I could get the tube sufficiently far down. ‘The surface soil was similar to that * See results given on page 111 of my discussion of Dr. Kane’s meteorological observations, Vol. XI of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. As explained elsewhere (and confirmed by Mr. Sonn- tag and Dr. Hayes), the true direction of the wind was actually observed at Van Rensselaer Harbor; hence, the results given in the paper cited above required a corresponding change. OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 81 strewn over the land, but from below six inches it was of a yellowish mud. The thermometer used was one of very small bore, with a long stem finely graduated (it had been prepared for taking temperatures of trees). From 18th to 29th Sep- tember, 1858, no register was made, as the ship was not in port; also from 18th to 28th March, 1859, as I was absent from the ship travelling. The minimum temperature registered was +0°.5, on March 10th, 1859; the lowest may be as- sumed as at zero, on March 16th. The register was continued until June 18th, when water entered the tube, and the thermometer was frozen to the side so that it could not be detached. Column No. | gives the register of this thermometer. Column No. 2 gives the depth of overlaying snow, which was always greater than the average on the land. On 17th January, 1859, a tube was placed one foot one inch deep in a mixture of shingle and earth; in this a thermometer was placed. The position of the ground was such that scarcely any snow lay upon it, the strong wind constantly blowing removing it almost as soon as deposited. Column No. 3 is the register of this thermometer. February 12th, 1859, a tube was placed hori- zontally on the surface of the ground, beneath the snow lying on the ground, where thermometer No. 1 was sunk. The temperature as shown by this thermo- meter (Column No. 4) was registered until the snow all disappeared. Column No. 5 gives the mean temperature of the air for the day on which the registers of the different thermometers were taken. Column No. 6 gives the mean temperature of the air for the number of days or hours intervening between the registers of the thermometers. All the temperatures of the different thermometers are corrected so as to reduce them to the standard of the air thermometer, comparisons having previously been made as opportunity offered.” (Signed) DAVID WALKER. 32 RECORD AND REDUCTION 1858 Sept. 30 Oct. “ ° bo Between Sept. 30 and Oct. 3 Oct. 1 # “ 4 7 9 13 16 19 23 28 6 13 bo bo bo bo bop PONONW OBS SS SPREE DB! He bo bo FG or . +l lett NoORrNOUPAR ND NOSS A: a bo bobo = bo LL lth +4++++ GAL 27 4 11 AL AT ae SSSAISWOW . 18 i 8 18 21 27 1 c1c82 x to bo rT RAT OOor o' P!' Pore (i en SA 1 be bo ise eee rll 1 Ode e 1° So 17 26 March 4 i -~10 bo Be as se I NT Say te SOTO, oe. ca | t nme? SENON SBN Ove Wp bo S : b bow: 1 aJet! af 1 ateat! op AWHOWHONMoOUNSNUSSON ; WNWNere b WSS wWKwstty wo 'om 1mm Sats O11 AW: =1 00 Bae Ot ++ 44+ t+ 1,11 SUR wR 1 ps wg No Lise RIE o Neee +tt+4++/41 bo s7T co +4+44+4++ | | +4+++++ frozen frozen frozen be RAE SE pPOOD KNORR w ww wwWNrPee NowNWnwno wooo ! PS SoS cles orw aon BPRowWtws F4+444+-444++ | | | +++ +++ +4+4+4++ Ww RP woh The thermometer sunk two feet two inches, and the ground above covered with | snow, gave its lowest indication on March 10th, when it reached +-0°.5, and may be assumed as having reached zero about March 16th. The temperature of the air was lowest about January 19th (7 = —38°.4); hence, the greatest cold of the soil at that depth occurred 57 days later. The thermometer sunk one foot one inch, and the ground free of snow, reached its lowest indication already on Feb- ruary 26th (7’=—25°.7); hence, 38 days later than the time of the lowest atmo- spheric temperature. Temperature of the Surface of the Sea.—Frequent observations (at irregular hours of the day) were made for temperature of the surface of the sea, between July 2d, 1857, and September 12th, 1857. It suffices, however, to give an abstract of these observations, and the following record contains the maximum, minimum, and mean temperature observed each day. The observations were resumed April OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 18th, 1858, and continued till September 11th, 1858. August 21st, 1859. Some other observations will be given below. tude and longitude, see preceding abstract. 33 They were again resumed For the lati- TEMPERATURE OF THE SURFACE OF THE SEA. JuLy, 1857. Avugeust, 1857. | SEPTEMBER, 1857. | Date. Max. Min. Mean. Date. Max. Min. Mean. Date. Max. Min. Mean. 1 ane Oe ce 1 46° 44° 44°.8 | 1 30° 29° 29°°5 2 ad ric 54° 2 46 44 44.2 2 31 29 30 3 a te 55:5 || 23) |) 44 42 42.2 3 30 29 29.3 4 o0 O8 55 don Sw 749 38 42.3 4 32.5 29 29.7 5 6 = 54 5 41 38 39.7 5 80.5 29 29.7 6 58° 55° 56.4 Gea 43 37 39.5 6 30 28 28.8 7 61 56 57 7 35 31 34 7 30 28 28.5 8 59 56 57.8 8 37 30 32. 8 30 29 29.2 9 55 53 54 9 36 31 33 9 32 29 30.7 10 54 53 53.2 10 35 30 32.3 10 32 30 31 11 55 51 53 11 35 32 32.5 11 31 29.5 30.6 12 51 47.5 49.9 12 35 29 32.7 12 30 28 28.3 13 47 40 44.3 13 38 32 35 13 at ake 14 44 35 38 14 38 33 35.5 14 : 5 15 43 42 42.2 15 37 32 33.7 15 16 3 Bt) 41.3 16 36 30 32.7 16 17 38 33 35.6 17 32 29 31 17 18 36 33 34.7 18 35 29 30.7 18 19 ne ae 36 19 30 29 29.6 19 20 6 eae ale 20 30 29 29.7 20 21 oe os 36 21 32 29 3L 2 22 38 36 37.1 22 33 30 31 22 23 34 37 os 23 33 29 31 23 AD 2 40 38 39 24 31 28 29.5 24 : 25 40 37 38.3 25 32 30 31 25 26 40 37 38.7 26 3L 30 30.5 26 27 ao 37 38.2 27 33 30 31.2 27 28 40 37 38.5 28 33 31 31.7 28 29 43 38 39.5 29 32 29 31 29 30 43 39 41.5 30 30 29 29.5 30 ° 31 46 42 43.8 31 32 30 30.9 Notes.—Juny, 1857. : Nores.—Aveust, 1857. Norres.—SEPremBeEr, 1857. 16th. Pack ice in sight. 2d and 3d. Many icebergs in sight. || 5th. At 10 A.M.— 17th. 18th. Sailing through the ice. Bergs and pack ice. 23d. In harbor. 28th. Surface temp. 38°, and at 110 fathoms depth 31°.5. 28th-30th. Icebergs in sight. 1857 Noy. 9th. Temp. of sea surface, 28°.0 | 1858 Feb. 2d. Temp. of sea surface, 28.5 “22d. oF u- 29.0 Temp. at 5 fath’s 29.0 US 1X0) 32.5 March Ist. “ UPA = 34.5 st Dew 29.5 5 Mar. 20th. « “ 34.0 | « 4 & 9955 | | Mar. 29th. “ 120 « 38.0 | “ Aly 33085 | April 7th. no 4 3420 | 16th and 17th. Fast to a floe. llth. Fast to a berg. 13th. At 1 P. M., temp. in shade, thermometer freely suspended, 46° ; against iceberg, receiving its reflected rays, 53°; against ice- berg in the sun, 63°; against a black surface in the sun, 82°. 14th. Deep sea thermometer :— At 114 fathoms, 30° 50 ue 29.5 Ga Ps ce 31.5 “ surface 38 Fresh water on berg, 32.2 15th. Temp. 3 feet in the iceberg, 29°.15; its surface, 32°.1; temp. of the air 41°.6, at 9 A. M. NOTES. 1858 Mar. 10th. Temp. at 120 fath’s 30°.5 | -e TOOT) F310 ae PAY) 90 88 fathoms, temp. 29°.5 50 u: 29.0 25 oh le ae 39°.8 | 22 | 399.5 | 39.0 23 36.5 36.8 24 | 37.8 | 38.5 25 «| 38.2 | 38.5 26 38.5 39.8 OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. 35 TABLE OF MEAN RESULTS FOR TEMPERATURE OF THE SURFACE OF THE SEA. | LocaLiry. Date. Temp. REMARKS. = of sea. Between N. lat. | Between W. long. 1857 2—15 58°.3—60°.1 2°.6—48°.3 Aberdeen to off Cape Farwel. 16—31 60.4—69.2 49.7—53.3 Off Cape Farewell to Lievely. 1—15 9. 5. 53.0—59.3 Lievely to near Melville Bay. 16—31 5. 5.f 59.3—64.1 we se 1—12 : : 64.0—65.5 9.6 oe ss 65.3 * “ i k 74.8 68.5 is 72.5—70.7 61.2—60.7 March 1—29 69.8—68.5 59.7—58.5 April 7—21 67.0—64.2 58.4—58.7 « 18928 64.8—66.5 58.6—h3.5 May §s—ll1 66.8—69.0 53.3—53.3 Ge Gh ei Tees 55.6—55. 1—15 72.8—74.2 55.8—58. 16—30 75.0—75.9 60.1—67. 1—15 75.9—74.6 67.5—80. 16—31 72.6 82.0—176.: 1—12 : 77.2—89.( 16—31 94.0—94.5 Talal 942 27 94.0 1859 Aug. 21—26 Sept. 2— 9 © 1017 Baffin Bay. Near Davis Strait, at 4} fathoms depth. Davis Strait 4 fathoms. Davis Strait. Holsteinberg to Whalefish Islands. Omenak Fiord to off Upernavik. Off Upernavik to south of Melville Bay. Melville Bay. Upper Baffin Bay. Baflin Bay. Near Lancaster Sound and Barrow Strait. Prince Regent Inlet, Port Kennedy. Near Port Kennedy. “ “ so CTS O&O f I~ | - iS) SW ADEPUISOHUUNRAOAD | ~I bo oS bo on at tt -1 1 ~ bop ep cv SOuUnM epee conta 72.1—55.5 8. Lower Baffin Bay. 57.3—48.3 0 Off South Greenland. 44.9—16.4 2. oro =T Soa fee wos The lowest temperatures of the surface of the sea were observed in November, 1857, near Melville Bay, and in September, 1858, at Port Kennedy (viz., 28°.0) ; the highest temperature, north of Davis Strait, in May, 1858, off Swarte Hook Peninsula (viz., 35°.5). The following table of monthly mean temperatures of the air (in shade), ex- pressed in degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale, has been prepared by Captain McClintock, and is here appended as forming part of the most valuable material for the con- struction of the isothermal lines, and for the investigation of the climatic relations of this portion of the Arctic regions. I have added two columns, containing the results from the Second American Grinnell Expedition, under command of Dr. E. K. Kane, from my discussion of the observations, as published by the Smithsonian Institution, and the results for Port Kennedy as made out by me in the preceding discussion. This last column may be substituted for that given by Captain McClintock in his general table. "6F-RFSE ‘astadsoqugq ‘SW H ‘NAS off T “a10d0a'T LUOT “GC-PO8L_ 'N APT of2 “98T ‘NOTMOG LUOg *[e-NGgL ‘1ojwsyseauy ‘S'W‘H ‘NAF dL 38T *LIVULS SHIVAA 10 AONIUG ‘oBufoa 8 f1ivg *poredur0d 10 paqse} 4OU IojemMourLey J, *saded Zarpeoesd uo peonpep sv sq[nser SHoowUNOW “TT ed polAouy 0} su.quUOD U.qIIMg {x "JOA ‘euRy “YL ‘udxg [[2aUNy PZ “6O-REQl “XOg 7qouR *M FLoF6 3007 “N To6L 981 “ACANNAY LUOg *Go-F9-E081 ‘eouuApY SM “M (£9 002 “SU0'T “N (LE o8L “3UT “HOdUVEAL UAVIASSNAY NVA 78 |4+15 76 |+35 18 |+39 59 |+36 *9[qQv} Surpaoerd 0} suOIyIppe oIB SUTINIOO SurMoyloy ey, “69-8081 "XO MOK “GL WT “ACANNAY LUO EE as) | EY —36.06 |—37 —17.64 |—28 = bias |Z 4 .50 |4-36 “gas 07 ynd neq} drys 04} sv ‘6981 ‘Sny ut sKup 6 Aja9 *jauuvyy U0saI] JM Ur zepmiunres ey} ‘1oqivy at quods Aine jo skup ¥ A009 "E0-ZOSl ‘loouolg “g “WH “M oL6 “B00T “NZS 091 “WT “aND0g ONY THUAN OALUON ° 29 | —35 — 0.59 435 "SO-1G8 ‘estadequg. ‘SW H ‘N98 ok 3°T “AVG UAHIV A 85 | 15.41 |-18 23.29 28 + 8.07| + 2.29 |4-1.00] +-4.03 | +-1.09 “ABq Siqy UL Ayyenqow ‘3g, “any urskup ZT pus “Td, deg ur sfup op AjuQ ‘PS-EG8L “AeAOTT ‘S°W'H ‘N08 ofk 3°T *MOUUVE LNIOT .6| +3 A| 441 + + 2. 0. 2 8 7.0 23.5 0.9 7.7 1.0 “ES-GG8l “AOAOTT ‘S°W'H ‘N .0€ ofh 3°T “MOUUVE LNIOG uae D eH 19 09 CO =H Fig roo on SN +444+ | | 8 |—27.7| —16.89 4.2, |—13.3| —19.29 uf \—17.0 = 2 Both years 427.31 ‘0S-6F8T "18S THON ‘S WH 'N of9L 398T "CNOOG KIOHNALS TOM | 4) —25.07 | —40 2 67 | +33 9.73 | +29.8 5 76 | +18 32 60 ° 34.02 2] +33 0| +26 5| +11 3,—18 “(pez 09 4ST) weyBy eB FORT “Sny ursdep ¢z Alu “Po-898L “Aeouorg ‘SNH ‘N/E oS) 387 “TENNY HO) NOLDNITIE M \4-36 +9 70 '—18 50 \—28 80 |+-17 | 13|—37 42|—40 i+ 9. + 42|-438 10 56 "eS-ZO8L ‘pideaquy ‘S°W'H ‘N99 oFL 3UT ° —36 Ser) Ea "PO-ECRL ‘ostiduojag ‘SNH ‘N 8 004 3°T "AVG NACKYO 90| +4 5 2.99 | + 2.37 “ANVIST ATV | “O@-6I8T “M /8¢ oOLL “SU0T “N LF oFL “IVT ea ad UAINI A 19.5 |—19 seiefoa 8 L1ivg ° +0.41 |+ 0.86|—1.80| 4+ 4.32 Spi o 416.7 |4-16 +-49.4 |4.36 32:7 |4.33 =D) “TS-Of8T 'N oOL “98'T ‘UOHUVET §,adIUAaHS “£10}0TA OY} JO 038 -£OA Ssoy UYOr 11g ‘Po-EC8 “prdeaquy ‘SNH ‘NUP ofh °T *NUNAMIOD AadVvO ) 12} —34.9 |—30 O65 — 13 7 93 | —22.0 |—26 60| — 4.9 88| 422.5 2.2 ° Arctic REGIONS. 9) —32 0'—31 “O&-6Z8T ‘N69 069 “3R'T “UOMUV |T XIIAT Hm Mcataod 29 1 15. 36. a | Tete e+ | *£IOJOLA 94} JO 00 -£oa ssoy uyor Jig "PO-eegl “ANG YIAON ‘S°W'H ‘NP oF 381 “ONVIST OE! —31.4|—36.71|} —32. |\—34.3 |—41 —23 +0 “gC-ZgQT “estadsozugy ‘SW 'H ‘'N ££ 069 3T “AVEL HOCIUaNnVD AD 10 OD OG be I~ a DMw.ann -58 |\—20.9| —34 0, 8 4 2 —37.75 |—27.2) —25 9 “S3-ZE8T “N oi69 “38T “MIIOOTOT *Avq siqy ut queds ATjenzow e1oMm ‘ge, “any UL OT pus ‘ZG, “qdag ut sdep AjuGQ © Ba 0.85| — 3.43 5.14| +-18.03 2: RECORD AND REDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE. TABLE OF MEAN MontHLy TEMPERATURES REGISTERED BY MODERN EXPEDITIONS TO THE AMERICAN 36 “LY-OV8L ON (BE 099 “FBT “AVG AS Today ‘BS-1Z8L CN 0199 3° T *ANVIST UALNT AL 29.32 |—16.13 3 28.57 |+-25.10)| + ‘odvhoa 8 A11vg ES-CS8L “AUIS WON ‘'S ‘WH ‘N &P oh 38T “GNVIS]T AUHOdaG fs | | 9.0 +36 +39 —35.8 —19.0 —13.0 — 1.8 usajeq WO1zDeLI0H 70| +34 20 ‘I¢-0S8T ‘“s0uBysissy ‘S°W'H ‘NPE ofL 3°T “GNVIST § Beha 33.00) “1-97, ‘Aug ospudayy 4B IOJULA B JO BAly -BLIBN 8,eUy Wo. *90-ZC8T OAT REO AUy ‘S°W'H (N19 ofl “HT “AVG, AOUSTY 2 |+-33 1 |+-20 0 “W9yb} IU ‘GOST ‘Keyy ur ‘Xju0 skup iyaumes eulug 3.9 |—31.90 — 6.5 |\— 7.03 FL 8+ 16 |4-31.38|4-32.16| +32 3.88 |-1.46.32|4-33.88| +36 15 |4-12.56|4-13.72| + : 80|4+ 0.68\—18.66| — 24 |—19.27|—28.25 5.33 |+-41.46/438,58| +43 62 1078 oe O— 1900 — ty 2319) 94 01 |— 4+ 6.50|— 3.9% 4-23.31 |4-17.88 433 4-35 +13 + 9.63/4+ 5.96|4 5.51| + 2.85 |4-5.97| +-2.48 ‘odufoa s,A11vq Woy ueyRy, September|+-31 January February March April May June July August October November|+ 7 December |—14 Mean an- nual temp. | —25.4 —25.70 "‘ZG-1GSl “A0pUASeAuT ‘S ‘WH (NO ofh 3°T “AVG A0UaTY “pared 100 10 paysoy jou JojeMouIIeY J, +2.15 | February March April May June July August September] + 24.6 October Mean an- nual temp. EeACEy hes Ir, Wis oleae Si RECORD AND DISCUSSION OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. Tue direction and force of the wind was recorded at the same hours as those given in the preceding record of the observations for temperature, and are the same at which all other meteorological observations were made. In the preface to the journal containing the original record, Captain McClintock states—“The true direction of the wind is given throughout;” and “the force of the wind is indicated according to the Beaufort scale of notation, 0 to 12, see Ad- “miralty’s Manual.” Comparing the direction of the wind given in the fourth num- ber of Meteorological Papers published by authority of the Board of Trade, 1860, I find that for a part of the cruise the magnetic direction is given, which in Cap- tain McClintock’s record is already converted into “true,” the magnetic variation having been applied; I have, therefore, added to the record of the wind the ob- served variation of the needle to show the amount allowed for in the conversion of the directions. The proper reduction of the winds requires a knowledge of the velocity of the air corresponding to each number expressing the force according to Beaufort’s scale; this I have derived from the following table :— Estimated Pressure in Velocity in Denomination of wind. number of pounds per miles per force. square foot. hour. Calm) ~ >: : : ‘ : a 0 0.000 0 Light air ; A : - ° 1 0.005 1 Gentle breeze . 2 0.08 4 Moderate breeze 3 0.9 13 Fresh breeze . 4 2.6 23 Strong breeze ‘ : : ; 5 5.1 32 Fresh gale. : : : : 6 (ee 40 Strong gale. A 3 : : 7 12.0 50 Storm . : ; : : : 8 18.0 60 Tempest 3 : : - : 9 31.0 80 Hurricane : ‘ 4 F : 10 49.0 100 The relation of the tabular numbers of pressure and velocity is in accordance with Smeaton’s table, and also agrees with that following from Dr. Bernoulli’s for- mula. By simple proportion, or by means of a diagram, we obtain the following velocity number corresponding to Beaufort’s scale, or to a graduation from 0 to 12. 40) RECORD AND DISCUSSION Force according Corresponding Force according Corresponding to Beaufort’s adopted velocity to Beaufort’s adopted velocity notation. in miles per hour. notation. in miles per hour. 0 0 7 40 1 1 8 48 2 4 9 56 3 10 10 67 4 17 11 82 5 24 12 100 6 32 The force of the wind being obtained by estimation, a moderate accuracy in the velocity numbers suffices. Record of the Observations for Direction and force of the Wind. This record may be divided in two parts; the first part comprising the period from September, 1857, to August, 1858, when the ship was in Baffin’s Bay, and the second part between September, 1858, and August, 1859, when she was at Port Kennedy. These two periods will be discussed separately. The daily and mean monthly positions of the Fox are given in the record of the temperatures ; those for the several seasons are as follows :— * Between mean lat’s— and Mean long’s— Autamn—Sept., Oct., Nov., 1857 . . 15°.8and 749.8 N. 65°.0 and 69°.1 W. of Gr. Winter—Dec., Jan., Feb., 1857-8 . 4.3 Meo 67.4 60.9 Spring—March, April, May, 1858 . a. (aut! 68.7 59.1 53.7 Summer—June, July, Aug., 1858 ; . 4.6 73.1 60.1 88.5 Whole year—average position, Baffin’s Bay 72°.5 N. and 65°.8 W. of Gr. Second year—at Port Kennedy . ; : 72.0 94.2 Remarks relating to winds are given in notes. 4 E WIND E OF TH N AND FORO OF THE DIRECTIO 4 =) & a jo} 13) < a) I jee & a ==} a i==) Zz ° a = = iS | 2 a —) a Z E it <2] & & ° 8 ==] 9 ics a Zz < amy ical Pp =| cS Zz =} = & 3) =| =} =| A s e i=] cc) 3) = jes) Ge ° = cl a o or) ep a = 4A se) a © pe} So 4 iS) = ° =) a oS o 7 > ite) ice] ei cal = t= | Lr) REMARKS. Current applied, variation tween the 19th 19th, N. N. W. 18’; va- riation The applied for the 2d, be 3d, 4th, and 5th is & 26th not stated. not given. Varia’n allow’d Midn’t. bait er: : aud Bs a gaigecl eda: pegeedand MCSE ot DSS hein Gh A I eas . ZA BAe iS AEE Fac Aris Le wee ava pes B22 3 B PAZ msZEBBEBEEEE CH BOZEE Sade ee eee st iE SRI OS EOE HIS SOE Oe e See Z Saga : SEE :. . son ea cane a cere eer ia Bedddaas AB ie Z > Ss a Be es} nee ee E wa wae AseeE FORE AG tl aa TWoOotn HOM DOHA HHAOM Zi < x pl nr 2 2 fea Bay Boe E ase C) ee PoC ee eer an anal Atisod Cette n en A tH A ad a2 August, 1857.—Mean position: Lat. 74° N.; long. 599.8 W. REMARKS, 4th. Baffling winds with strong gusts, Varia’n allow’d. 76 Var'n observed. driving Sist. Varn obs. N.N.W.&8.E. Ice stationary, af- terwards 87 38" Var’n observed. 92 38] Varn observed. “/to Midn’t. 5S. E. by E.| W. Calm a 1N. E. by N.| 90 OID Oe idn B cba ol ane ede cd Pt rt 09 we wd CF AT H 00 65 nn ba : ae eee Si > ie Be Bnj B b seb ca “2 b Eee Ach wins RSee cd Flot pa su bb, bh. aed Be A mt AN Hod co eo Variation allowed. Midn’t. D1] =) bo) Lan! ri =H ive} b>) o a ao . We ete mF A ted E see Bn BE bone e ee Asbo seam ig Bee BG EGEGAEE CASE Sea ESS EE GGA CII IOI OR IGIGIAGI SIGS wtriod oD aa gh. BORO RA ai vi Ze Ee - ol pat E b> wa eh Ee secs Peieeute Paewby aa EGE d eae sean ae eae an ees W. N. W. Nato m AOA MOM HR IOAN HO ATM FIO 10h. E. BE. oo aa a a wa S. W. and 8. WN. and §. E. 8. E., N. E., and S. W. E. and §. Ss. W. 6h. 5. 5S. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ee EE ze = u be ana aw 2 nie ee eee th. oh. 16th. Ice drift to S. W. 17th. 18th. 19th. 20th. 21st. 23d. 24th. 25th. 26th. 27 28th. 29th. 30th. Noon. er oe: ae > i ieee BEE a= Ee WA SEE weaecEes @e HP didi be iniAdaAAeadrade dA RECORD AND DISCUSSION Sh. dandddbaddadd daaneenunreebese e September, 1857.—Mean position: Lat. 759.3 N.; long. 65° W. DIRECTION (TRUE) AND Force OF THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. 4h. Pecvitery erent) ies AGAZieneZeanneeseas eens eedeesc AMAMAM ODM woAAAGOAAAAOAAAN Mon _ AN Hin oe DS 42 DATE. REMARKS. 10h. 2N. W. by W.| 4 N. W. by W.| 4.N. W. by W.| 2 W.N. W. Gb. 1N. W. Ice drift toS., N. W., & S. W. E. and N. W. E., 5S. W., and W. and N. W. and N. Ice drift to westward. N. and N. W. E. Ss. eastward and westward. N. E. and N. W. 5S. W., N. E. and E. westward. westward and N. W. No Wis westward. northward. “ “ “ oh. Calm “ “ “oe “ “ “oe o o “ Var'n observed. Ist. Ice driving to S. W., and afterwards to N. W. Ice drift to 8. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. 3th. 14th. 15th. 30 43 OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. Be is Hiageia ein i ES eres tees | | ares Bae Eien. OSS mp SSIS eta ct 3 Bz . BA bui . B sie giweeeeeen Fete oe Bee Eee ee | | ale ee oe are adh abe it eet teal S aR ae . rapcigst (areata NG JaNO eave 0 =) i °° Oo mb go ° mb ea ZEEE Baas oo SH POE a IBAA Ee BEE ss S | a Bee fee zo A Ba Ee 1g SRE SE ERE oz. | re} | id wa . = 2 . » rn es . . . . . a b ev ay. One am oF | HaaPeedisa PEP aside edn eiPadaaaa HEAP eA Side EEE aside died bdaOnaade & Ae NANBA AA OANNANDEHOMANAAANTDANMNAANANM HMOMAA BM HNAN Er ANRA Mr Hoo ro Orton o | g : : | fet 5 Q 10 . 2 ae mts Bs a a te BEE ai : : : Gyo (EIS Ss ean ; ; Sieg elas s a red ras) ae Bad aac ales ne Be Kens 2 i ale [ea] Ba ne et E-leslesl chee SESE mB OQ S 5 Sey Selsey “2 Oy cle aH Sta sere ste 5 5 : : , A 5 "bs ob bh Be | ole BaP Sb Sdits-codGd Aba Ba es ERz A 4 | deere Bae Aik BE Eo PAE SORE AEE 7 . Cane eon BS oh, bike saree a2c as ° Oy] oe SL tL) Se S| Se ery ene (] o Fe l E 4 ae oe ey : : EE ee . é BSc >A : isa] eye cits nm Pa fee] Ss = Breet eee oe agate eels ee Oe Ula mise cy 2 erent tee ua ite) 7 | «PR oe eG oe ereoree ° = Me iS . or slip Ong of craat oats) potpe= Treen cs . - SS , e . OSS 4 © | | 2 ,2B EE SG SARA SS Pea be ipE aE Ye Sea HAE CoEE BS NOG te eee a | rela mire os . Padi dap p Ral een ney th are seks, wlaesinin Oieyae) Me Veh ibe cif 20 il) ROR. Sebo fie parallel Eee e alan tae Mtn tls 3 ee \ pus) wre) ne a a ESbere SBa bebe added acoA anae Sie PeaidseeEdoaddsikuckucdusdenz =) a | AAACN BA HANAtHAOrtteottoto ANNONA BAANMARAANMAM OMAN MINNON ADA AN low a 2 5 : mee | aie Ee E rae eae EEE Zz 5 ae eae ieiee Plummet cers A panei: chi Re 6 bs a ca - ad . atfeue te ae = © 2 BPS Bae er ots. sul SAS A 2h gy 2 ; Be BEE a PRRs j juae ae ae Pa 5 4 Alien Gears 8 Ge oo soya leslie Nea enol Mee ten eo ae Re & Go ai eal appeal ss ahaa l-ah ce may cay Oya ae ES SN | A ;4E ee ao PABA ee yeeros ABP ea BEBAA SE Pyee ee PP eee Pye eez Cen eee pm OM] Gaal sl beech eek oe 1: ROP eC aCe (oy | un Pa Uriel <1 a enya Sl se Sek gy ry Cy = SOP GO| > Seay > ath ee EAE oO) = EPs Pea noe eee ead dada Pond AMAA aezPeeainten bee da oidddti bin ibadAaaaee | A RONAN AnANTHHRORHONNHONOW AnwoMmMNNA AAANMHA RA TRANAAAATEMMOMMMNMAAHHAHAMAAN TH a * Be I = P ER | TAIGN C06 TO MOS Es NIC ATA [GLC [St SI IGS Teh IJ Io hs OS Ca a ESS IGRUGICS RIGOCS a A D DISCUSSION CORD AN RE 44 4 o tal & ion o <4 al i) is3) is) a & < ° i==) Zz °o 8 ial > a=] ial nm i=) ° a a ic a =) & f=) 2 o & i=) ey a ai < = Sal Pp ==] is) ~~ Zz ° I & o & iS = E 4 oF a co tb i=] AS} A (o'e} G = i pe} 3 4 S ° 5 ‘a °o [=¥ =I oS o 7 C 10 fe 9) et Pi oO 5 o > Z a = Ag baee BBs Fie agh ee babes dAtidiameaL tice pe ghee es carb ata esl eae Fue 4a ghEE ne ale Sees ABC Cia Middda (Sade e ee oasbeasdabe AnAnnAEAEAZ ~ AMANDAMMNAMNMAPOCHDNRNHRNDOCMA MOM hr : aa Ae .be. WaT tele eae Sie . AACE ER AAS SA AER SA AdARE BEBE AtnCnrenrANntWoANn MoOAamnoowotees wa oat : fie a . at ls eo we BF Peas Breall he Nadie ete Ss OE eso Reale Ah cea BAN MOH HINA ot art QnA NOrAotoworna E Ge hS Sae : ae oe ee b i Fdsd ees BAeee 5 “aa PEEWGMES Sige ce ZEEE Aiea aoe ak MAMA DmAIOINOOON | 4E. by N. Calm 2N.N. E. 4E.N. E Ea na ees et zBuseacee Pee acdak see nate Anne re 1 oD Dm rt 1 18 9) tO 1h Oh an NN PAIR OON 6 16 Hin et W. by W. by N. 5 N. W. by W. | 7 W. by N. 5 W. by N. 4W. yee Q A alae alsa E.. Bea Ab oT Weide tise ce Ale ARCS arm a ee L AnANRONMHTEAAOAOAA OAR A oat by E. . E. 8. W. by S. Calm by N. 3 N 6 W. by N. 1N. W. by N. . Ww. Calm 3 N. W. by W. 7 W. by N. 4 W. by N. 4W. N 6 1N. W. | 4E eh ou, 00 AB eit Calm 3 N. W. by W. 7 W. by N. 5 W. by N. 5 W. by N. Ww 6N ENA is 45 OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. A CS) is q 2] 13) < a is ie & a & = 3° a Zz 3° a a > =] | n re) ° =) Z — Se io) is a & ro) | 1S) & ) cm) A Z < aw 2) p im) = = Zz ) = = is) 2 [==] — A = a = ie} = oc 0 i=] = Z oe oO x = a3 S — J So Set a S i) 3 = > ite) o ei Rie o E Oo o A Variation. 1 N. W. by W. NONE Ke LNW byayie 1N. » EK . 8. E. N. W —4 2 2W.S. W. 3S. by W. 6 W. by N. 35 Usb ih 5 . By Am BE EE i Heed. | 3S. by W. Wty wil W 1N. W. by N. 5 W. by N. Eau 1 Bae BR - Au adc Bank Be dace ete V. by W. 1N. W. by N. by W. W. by N. <2] aduk C4 IO s. 7 NW Wi) 8 58a 158.8. W. 9 2 4 een oOon~re BOMmMAtR- otAoONoMmoAA b pbbe Boy ud BREE Pt telat ele SGIGISIGES rnAnorn RANMA COM Nn HAS Hes Eee ie - bap PA & aaa peetest <6 = 5 BE EEE Seay pesca 3 AEE b A>] Eau Ss Bae PEE VICI ICO ETAT Gao Taf ca al ne ee eR Ea -F B Bee. PEE PREGHEERSeEa a BBBGweBRsuh Peete Cone eee oe nice ace oe BAA MADOANH A HORMN FAWN HIOANMAMA MO HeNN Eeaneeer - Z BE Re Lie Epes sed [es ae BE andb Be e jagbaa ZERO Bade ppp he Be 2ebuibddadeeeaiPeeaGeeaucss ZAAwaae MMA MNANAOT WHR HANDS AA OMatAMH OWA OMMAN Fe F BF ag. 2 SE 5, © SEE = EEE DP TEER re Eee ene Gee PEC EEC eer ee scaneeeraue MAA OA ib OR ri cor oD malo OO Heid ON ON SH tH co on oD mA oh Hin OOo * At Sh. 45m. wind veered from N. by E. to 8. E. by 8S. RECORD AND DISCUSSION DIRECTION (TRUE) AND ForcE OF THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. = Fe Gr) oO 80 [=] i) a iD (o) mir) ne re} a 4 ° aS 7 = g eo _— a oa) 10 oO et 3 3 q od Lar) Variation. S i=r) ror) Da Noon. Sear hen ra A ESEEE SPB: ge att lace. ebaneenaeee see EE eauciBB ea azed lalat A eichchcl al act tell tet lal tal act stac cha StaE . Z a : be Be 8 pee bag Pes Pyncigetl S . wy Ae eae 22 Be batty Bad Be AdeanerBranee nee asiee MAMONMNARARHAH OR AROMA ‘N. Ww. LWWicNS VV .= 4W.N.W 5 N. wa Wb. EEE me > Chad EPAPPEEE ZAP E aie Pee E EEE EUAGAZEe? ae BS CUE NE ee SS ne Oe ee A TSS Seneeeti= Sia | 1 W. by N. BE a BAe ae alee he) Psy en Pa OEE nAaa ,2& ASCE A Sy AEC ECE E GREE GEA MeOH ANANDARAAH OMA ° me sig bbhe ZEaAuiniAaaae ABE b emer MAC LoS as ieeetee ANDAR CSSA ADM SSAA GAA He E 4 W. by N 4N.N. W. 38. by W 58.58. E. 4N. by W. 8 N. W. 7N. W. 6 W. 4N.N. W. 3 W.N. W. 158. by E. | 4N.N. W.- 2 W. by N. 3 W. by N. Ww. Ww. . by W. N. Ww. pa 5S. by E. 5N 8 N. W. Sineee SMa tte ae Hm OSaandes 38. by W. 4N.N. W. N. NEW 3 W. avis Fy b ) wn cal 4N.N. MAM tin or aon IDO OAGAorH ANAANAN AAO oO 10 11 12 13 14 N. by W. 5 a 47 OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. February, 1858.—Mean position: Lat. 719.5 N.; long. 60°.9 W. DIRECTION (TRUE) AND ForcE or THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. Sift 2 aelnee S 5 | DOOD DODD Shimicoe weneaes % ‘ s Zz 7 Be Ze . : Fak Ee ah : SN eres bb bo bpp bbe . : : - are Sree 5 cy iPS tt ee Pas Peete sect eee et eee ese ee eee eee S ZEEE ag SE yj 2a ae Boba sceeoe iz ZAEAdse dae abe e Sex BEER AZ ESE Pod eee tie eee tei AZPSSESAAAAAAAAAAAUAOAAAAUA HORA SAA HDOHANAMOMOMiot ONE BHOTAAH 10 oo OO Are He 6 tO Or rH Ee ES rsicG soir ? ratte: fuer one Seas 4 S90 yee Fe a _ |e E Pe gore ee fay hare 2 Siro 2 4 = A BE - EE 2 HOR SEE B a aC be b helps 3 Oo ach ae = ®loPEs - See PRESS SEABE EBB Bu Slope PPS a ee PEP PP Paseo ebb ZAAEZAGE CAAA RAAEAAA PAAR Tee eee eee eee ia eee OHNANAR AO MDin tt OM OOMOMr MMOH AAMAD mona oO OI So 10 =H GN HO 10 65 19 20 HO SCS Cashes EB F SE PEGSER BRE Fa Sica b B sagt BS FEF Bae BSESS PEP a Re es tah Re Pb bebe ue : Fa Hs ap Seerenee be S|ABBA Sak bab Se SASEAEE BEE Boi S|AEB SEO ERERE BRP ARaEEE sani 2222222452 4Z0UA ZEAE Aee Ee aOaaaaon AAuiane tance azeZaac ane aAeZeAZeeaeeZ DOHANHAATA NMRADHDArPrOBMODAS Ee Sen ed SMSO CM retirstisstiirtir tierce AM Oin nw OoMcoHAMtOrate say a= ZaAe & Z 2 ee : . Q : ass saree ba . bbb : c : ah R |B. B. @ aBeePe BEp Faduosiy p Eig PEGGEE PEGE EpE SEPP pe ze | i Pac SOR |e Sy esp) aoe | es a eee a aRte b a |ezPEe es dee eee SEZBaR AEB ES + | 2Be SD EE BU BRERE eltelciaidicletel zeaeSSeEazaziAaZaaZaaaeaeaaazaun AAUAnE EEE AA EP AZa eae ae aE AAaAaUaS AtaAaAN a GED 28) sp Pe CCU SEUSS oa Snot HWHANHANANTODAMMDOAAOMOMOALPANMAOnMNH Zz ae ae 4 bes a FA E a c 2 - R Piel aibsbs | gobi Pala. : aay [bP WBE E RS : Ee gece ere as A ldetelt , |B. Ae aaeiiddde cate: pee aD ZeEaasO ara Seas PSaPeBEasee Bay SI la del ei eleld ealelelel Eae Po tae Boies ZAZASS&ESAZAZRAAZAAZAZAZAAZOAGAAZAA GS AauaikecaeuPAe eae Ae aaAeaaone anan on GPE a road OS 1 SS OO Tr NSE rE Ca CIC ES HHANTDR HHH ODN MEHOMMOALPANROAE AA gj 5 Pr a 7 Re ase ee eS fea oo fea GRIGNIGNICMCU GalORICTICG Be RICCI Sa cafe OS A SO BOS Se REN eu cn MG eu i=} A RECORD AND DISCUSSION 48 ORCE OF THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. March, 1858.—Mean position: Lat. 69°.4 N.; long. 59°.1 W. DIRECTION (TRUE) AND I a Q = a > > 3 E S 3 3 3 5 9 3 3 3 & is a) o ~ iS ~ > Dé is IG Le q | PSkeo Boi. be Saas Bee E aj bee Boe a [aS Paes po PSE oy PPE SEE E RES 3 bb bo bb QO 5 ORO On [yO OES = HBSSEE BRuge BEA Banh Ew Ba gq | SCeEEES 4 ug Fees PA et eeanndan AdAniiAAasddndiniaaelaaa ooneeee oe ae nEAiAAAaananPAAAZaAaaAanuPAAZaaaaae AAA AMOHANMOAAMEMHANMMHAMHODOEMHAWH CARMA TAHROMANAHANA MH MANMrROOMDMDWMOMAION i a a ze Ati E fl Z elas op giles = ey ot : 5 : Sf wes be Sth b>. EE bh EP g|SBESP Euupapeete Epratd Bee e | | alate EEE azn BEEBE By pPE Spee BP Oo . oS ‘e bm ae b = ba oan % b ape . b = | a PSE BEE Saadtatees Ease Beck 2 =| P°ag sabe 2oyP°PERS Baswasbada oF DO 2025 SO 2A ES |S eR CO Se, SOME INO Rect erp atc) SS espa eters bare eel eee eee erie eee ee a er a ea rece a a ee nPAZoPaaaannidPaaaeaeeOuPAZAZaaaaae ANHAHMNHHAMMOANMMIOHMMOAAMAOWOOMmMAHAwW = Tarior} AR ECA RIGAS GIG ICORO CG) COTA DtienDDreaanr~a ~ {| taee EE Phd ge BBE hae A SEEE A : PERS ESEE tr PES SESE a sAi EF SEEE EE a Sis = Dee . | chap weve anoraic Saco nS clas Np ae a GER EEE PSaGG Stee ES Faunips © Eeaa ©) uPeBBE San Sup BBES Ba bboseeae 2F AunninAAaAzanunianPZczacaaauniZzaseaZes RAZA AZARMAPAZAZAZAZAZEAME AAA AND MHHHOMOAAHOHHN SCH Aap Oo oOrntnAND ODP AMOHAANHONM EMM HANAR Ee Hn noratanon a F Ba oes ze aA a A AsraeA ge AAA A wg Zi A . bE bb . bb O10).0 aS SSSR wo. S Mase oe pees ae ? A Pa Se PEEP mpi 8 [2 Ep wh EBEEEEZA _|AP bese Ear be SSa5 44 bit ESE EES = Pi sera Stein) Poche ae bx : biwisree ‘. a wie “00 = 20 cipsibalibs. IKoaene Pace ene © Bid ddl eet ade EE as Ba sanaZ2c © | BES EEE aaeuk FERS Exabe skank & AUnnnAaAaAaannnaniP-AZZZaczeczeuZZ2ZZ2Z8z LAA AACA Wet tA alo lo SII Bul COC ECO ONG Cota lta CIC CIO OIC 60 6 SHON SH OD SH ON Vin 60 00 00 SH 0 HO CT OS OI MN I rj Zo ee zee Zs Z 42k Eeuka ZZ A ae A y Ory a bbb IETS Ra ste by coe (ee bp bbb wa bbe Se is os fepeay | Bes E Pera San S SSE RSP RSE SEE bo |aebeaa Biz bol aa Ss bps BEE AaS 4 A ars OSS Oa oe So RSS ESE te es Peele Sonos 4 OR Oc Sis Sie Spent payee ees THe 2s @Peadgash ERR SSsba ge seaaade S|) EEARBE 2 byb BEen Pause aaabae AnkunrAanaazanininE-AazaaazZaaueZZZZZaae HARA AAZARW AZ AAAAUUAAAAAAAZE Mm ASMA DMON MM MIN MNHOMmMNeNN HOD ODDOMNY HAMMAM MOA AAM OAM AN AtteaiOAIoawor~naniaw — = - = — vet. =i = Pe ha = — — — —_— — a 3 4 Aci pA al Agwaa A = Ee ££ Zz Zz Paris ae bp . Bae oh Passi Pace asia a4: by b 2st Py bib , | Pate SSE bei SSSF Eo bp ee SE EE RE la em 6 a E SSe ope a ery ney ; Soe lee al Facies aS od bs pose Sse a SS are 2 S a OO) Sa 7 Sle bes BES sinae PRES azPai vb eeeeand S a | SESE ae & Baek ZaikdducaaZaiunsPaaaaceZssuecZeaZeez HAAzdAAz AZAAZAZZAZAZAAUe AEA on ria CANMMANMH Ee AAOMARMOCD OHM MO OHNE SIGS GIGS II SII aCe PInMODOreHMAW —— nS re =— = I I « => oy o na 2tOMé~nD Oo | a ae aU ed patil rad rat aioe eed GR EWIGN IGG cw IGN Gace Giga oR hfe IG Naf ON ACP RS EES SESS Thos ths GEG | a March 4th. Wind shifted from N. E.-by E. through E. to S. S. W. between midnight and 1 A. M. 49 OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. 73 31/ 72 Variation. EEGEEad of EE Golalalatolal eee SE ail See es es eee eee eaaes Signe Slate 15. W. by W.| 74°W.* 3.N.N.E. 8 N. W. by N. 3 .W. by 8 8 N. 10 N. by W. a ae BRE Bea besin. BBE A BEBE BER FOR AaaoAo aaa SIRS Te Ue lm Calm 4N. by E. a 7 N. W. by W. 9 N. by W. 110 N. by W. : ipEeid of BEE LEEE ini ie “MW ZB EEEE Sa en CE A re } Experienced a S. W. current. Calm A b 2 = A oe) 4N. by E. 9 N. by W. 10 N. by W 6 N. W. by W. BSS bp bh ae a AAAe 12 09 f=] i] 2 ==) ° A Zz Ln i a i=] is & & o 2 oO & S & a Zz < “Ss iS} i=) a=} & ~ Zz Oo Lan! & oO il at lanl A RAAB Ae ONAMHAAAME 2 W. by N. 3N Oe 50 RECORD AND DISCUSSION DiREcTION (TRUE) AND ForcE OF THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. May, 1858.—Mean position: Lat. 68°.7 N.; ; Long. 539.7 W. los) ae gh. Noon. Midn’t. Va 3. E. S. W. E. 8. E. W. by W. N. W. bo . 2] Pag A2AZPRES AgV Ary, q Pers Alo) mS W 4 AAD Om Ouam EAA: =) S =} =) a AAMAS Ags Asc fal ae ZZ DAI whe AT N. W. by 8. N.E. 8. E. E. by N. SSB AVS & Hd = amas ain a"4 244 DHE AAAAMN AAR Oe be be BA 2 ohh Se) Boe L =| He Oa om OO FR CO OI be Or ZI PAS WROATNWEEODNW ES OWI Pw Roane eZ = = te WOARAGAANAWWOwO WP {OgzUrEuaaaaay mn Woukhnr-tw hE ROMOWE Se Be te 2, a as B 3 RH bo eas voum A as: E. S. E. ‘alms and li Calm 5 K. N. E. 1 0S bo 02 DS bo OTD Ob GO bE OO i bo WT el Ae pene eet eee bor bo co bo st = Peon: ™m* » ig Pes Si gy wnwhy rR ; DITO MuBQuUsoan4 4444g77 Pare AVR nan 4° cht v ariable N. E. Q vce bo bo N. E. 5. E. W. E. . 8. E. E. alm E. ariable 5S. E. 5 ‘s. alm Salm . 5. E. 55. bo He bo bo & 4 b 73 (ab’t) 73 30/ 79 oF bo oo bo BH bo Or or Or 00 Boe gees =a S aS pore June, 1858.—Mean position: Lat. 749.6 N.; Long. 60°.1 W. 4h. Sh. t : Sh. Midn’t. Variation. W. N. E. by E. . W. by N E. by 8. N. E. . W. by N. Calm W. ese BING Mia 1E.N. E. W. . E. . E. Calm by E. > 5 Se AE 3. Calm W. by N.| 4.N. W. by W. 78. E. by S. 2 E. by S. | 38. E. by S. } 4N. : 83° W. _W. by N.| 3S. W. by S. | 3. E. 2N.E. E. by 8. Calm 258. E. by S. Calm g 84 E. by E. | 3.N. W. by N. _W. by N.| Calm N.E. 85 We Oe Bm be AADAN EA Re Oo Oo oO bo Calm 18. W. 1S. E. alm alm aaINS TS hagas Ss Calm eLiSeayvs Calm Ibish MY Calm 85 Calm 3 W. by S. : 5 N.N. W. 5N. W. by N. . by W. | 3N. W. .N. W: 1 Nily Ww. 4.W.N. W. Ww 5 S.E. 2.8. E. 1 E. by S. _N. W- 2.N. W. by W. | 3. W. 2N. by E. | 4 W.N. W. Calm 3.N. by W. | 3N.N. W. | 3 W.N. W. 3 5S. E. 3 E. by N. 2N. E. 4. by W. 4. W. by N. 1N. by E. 4W.N. W. a2 e444 4 rs \eatenta Rpownp RoR eRe | tS, = ms o SES: = 4 oR WE oa ie km ww WRNANNFERWNNNME ERR wOo ies} gla led hc losis ladisicelg RFPONOWONNWHERWWNNwWhe Pp OP be Pd 2 ba iat tO low < | NWaNWoONWRNWh We bd ANNA AR AANNORM bo ot Ordo bo be Aw E. 8. Ss. 5. 1 6 2 | 2 3 OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. 51 Direction (TRUE) AND Force oF THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. July, 1858.—Mean position: Lat. 749.4 N.; long. 76°.4 W. es) tion, Noon. 4h. Midn’t. Wowie REMARKS. I W.s Ww. 95° aie w. 1S. WwW. 98 |(about) 2N. i. a 1 e E. eee N. W. Ww. byW. i=) Qnn'A Spice nA ¢ io” ce 100 m SI reolles iow a za “W.byW. W.byW.| ¢ . WwW. .W. by N. wom Aoe Pw 425 a a ion Saas MCE 44242222 Azazzzrz nee s3 QagmAZzAanw >| GAB SAB) mE zaSS: Big ARAAAaa ra Az ey ae BADAAAAZ a aA At 2 P. M. wind suddenly became light and vari le. (about) 4 . by N. HOH WWE REO Re | 2A us = 3 ae eI wa aba Zz ts MmaQ Palos ANGIE ee SI dre oe By ey BZ Astrong easterly current; the ship drifting with it. me bo bo Re An nmr nid: y ma moO tr ee Mes] S oo Py) S Zn a) ans weer i = He WONHE AORN HE ONADH Ph PWWS Sw = 4 4 se "4a ouddus me Co tO SMas nae ee 474" Am 3 ic) Calm if 5 W. byS.| 2.8. E. by E. Calm Jalm 4N.E. by N. -E. by E. Calm . KE. E. by E. A strong set to the southward. oH 2 . f ary Fig Me rMnnnins 4a4O A 2 AARP Weh wo D 4 Ww. SERS: 1858.— Mean peainene Lat. oe NG; ieEe 88°.5 W. I gh. Noon. : : Midn’t. Varia-| REMARKS. tion. 45S. W. 5 S.W. by W. 6 W. by S. |6 W.S. W. Calm Calm Calm Calm Calm 3 W. by 8. 108° | Calm W. Calm 1E.S. E. Calm .| 258. E. by S. = bo bo bo or | HORE MO bt (about) A heavy gale. CHOTA PRwWhH RH osaTH EH oar dean ia o Bog = ee Q S eg. 1 Variable (about) Calm > 344 4 Ss Zi BAO bi oc | yy a ° CAE: 4 ee <>] 2° WOK OO OO 442 4433 onZ ES YB ini a 44" AZ: a 4 A WNWNERARAADAWATRARADUIN EH a 3 = eae ae iS aa ™m | sogzgurguzze Bus 4 andi mpage (ok ea = Act m° 44: AMANWARARABRARE 4 4 VAN AOAARM aad sae e4nP Carey? PAAsg AZ oe ae) aa <4 47 #3 Ageg4zgr ang? araa Py ro) Ios (e-} BaedaaA PrP Ai“Z: 4 2 oA ar:) WNARAAMAWPRWDERIDON 424 g44graqqareuury A “Bazz2A i) Be ® & Ha TWWRARDENANAANNAWAANK qe a Bs el oT Tora CUR CO OB Oro AA diam WNwwa anda 2 4 RECORD AND DISCUSSION Dr1rEcTION (TRUE) AND FORCE OF THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. . September, 1858.—Mean position: Lat. 72° N.; long. 94°.4 W. & yen ben & Ripe a2, i Epi Be 3 AA PE Bos fF eee EEEEEES Ee pea Ser eee eee ce pee are HHoMmodtmastMOANH NMOigatWoOwmH Orr DONWON SEGA : Estee Slane A Be ie Bene paid Eid nace EEE SS Sans (sl Fe ee lcci ee were ee aGice SEP aie SintoodttdtayMtAMowowtowowrPrroAawons Wp Si. | > 5 > Tae E be ig Agi es) aid feng paar Oa. Verses Je BGEEE uiab GceumeeecPe ob BEEP undue OO SH acd Les Agi clad lelslelel isleldgl deine GLa CAAA le a a od lal es he nee tO Pe UUs CO OG ae pe leo or 18 om so oD : - mw Se B HAM OR DA CHAMHBORDASCHAMHROR HAS 4 MASA AHMAR NNNNNANAAN A October, 1858.—At winter quarters: Lat. 72° N.; long. 949.2 W. 5 ; : ence ai Ee ae Sdicicve 84 bead ERZEBS PeEuScbe ae labels Mnmatery ts ae ote Be [5c Oormr~misncs Fed ral 109 £0, 10!) X00) 109 GN) CY 109) 1109 O'S Ht corn Midn’t. a OE 30 Z ares SPIE a el ce aaa aislelet lA dGelcteleiald Te Adasen aaa gh. es} A : By I ‘ae Sear ee ee Seley ee slslelslgle PEE state celeas| sac 4h. ayn Noon. eel aU aeren was coc eds ale inZePAZZaaa INI OOM AAI Aan HOD NI SO I i GE oD OO fst are a a oa pi fae ed are sg te et Hsinianigesé . nz aABEAE SBE fea) A SEZ, Zee eaZeacease ahaa RB RRAA A 1d I= P18 02 NI oD (SIS Mor SA VSS Preyer aa os FOC |=) F nV = 2) Sh. Ah. i by B V W. W pe ¢ ; Bees poi ui ;2 BAss oS ty AZAZAAnainoronkaw Orr tA i> | co oD | | MAM His ornag DATE. * Went into winter quarters, Port Kennedy. ~~ OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. ¥ o & & is" 3) < al 2 i>) a A =) = ° rea) Z ° a a > ==] a na roa) ro) =] Zz =| = i= is] i) fx ° =| iS & cc) =~ a Z a “_~ a p =] a ~~ Zz ° - a oO rs) & =} A November, 1858.—At winter quarters. an 3.N. W. 7 W. N. W. W N. W. , E. 2 BEEP EEE DEE uy eeauee Erie zs Bich hich Clea Cae a eO ca Ce RS ee Calm 3 N. W 8 W.N ral 9 W. 4 SEEBEB? se PRrrE ABE AZAZAAZZAZAZASZ MADRDOntHtn HMR N EPR CUBE eI USIO TOSS [o ole ole a) i ee e dactiaddaaad icteeceiise EE svinisi BA Sa See cans Fea cae aoe DAD Jee eae EN Aglddda adcliddel! leiddd aisle SABE SARAAAOABPAAAS CeO Hl Pie Han we OE ESEEE SHE BaeceeEcedc ee ae Efe paeceuducudddrereseed aackesead [ve re sti 09 so am Of 16 mmtoNon,MNsS N Ves te ote lian) e ‘€ ; ee Se sisi eee PEEEEE SHER A> EBB CHSEE AE FE 88 COMIC Ariat hoC ute Ch iCiG RO OL Ome ny cOy OO a . 23 AAAZAZOAZEOS AZZAM AAA OAEAEESS st rm st oo st cm so ANC Oe eA ORT Ch i= CO r= oD a foo) <>] & z (oe) apes . rn A (dsb dent ‘ s PEPEEE SEP AM-EPE PASSER APORE ne ee aC bp turea ted nese 6, ie) hél ve) e Cf} ee i ey = o toi> - 3a ZAZABAOAAZOARAZAROORANOAPAZAEAO Sttme~ ocr st SHoOoridt mare ttre opvred : bale a si lhe meh Og: ames Moe Fe ee ~ |BBREEBESEE Ein BAP ExezEEHEY & GEE Oncol, COnIO G3) a eenehy 18) a ose 2 8 On oecred Lane ZAAZAZBAOAALZOAHOAAZONAMAUIAArEAEOO 691 6 OD ON on I 6 A st 651 OD OD SH SH et ai SH Hr co oH a 5 5 F wae Ne : “ | BEEBE Baue B ani iz fAEE Zace ped df se 5 . 8 rece 4 fo eae PEE EEA OEE OE MOA A Zea EEESZ sH 1 18 =H oD ston co N = AwnitMoontnoneret in. 5d OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. 4 i=) i 2) | 3) <4 mH cal & is) a =} =a ro) i) z °o a iol - 2 aI nD i] ° a A E i= jen] & =] ° i] 3) i=] i=) & A Zz a -_ (=) Pp ==) & wa Zz 2° _ & 2) I [=] = A A 3 Ld Ss =] a BS 2 = ~- i or) Te) © et P het 3 3 A 3 ar) ae eae Aa cada cade Se aS Saal Aenea SY ln See A eeltddddele coo st soc Or RIGISISIRINICO SHO Sete kee tcatad 2 Fleets lade daadatddaladee ZAZLAAZa4a4a4e 1D SH SH His tH ION oO CO re Ont SCAG SEI BE iui Widdeid vice eid tle Alda iz E SZUBEEE ME MEEEEE SEES Sees ZEAE ODAG mcoc ddtideldslddtaadadé = SEEES ZAneaaea a Nagel Sa USN arg NA lig cheat ZAZAZBZOEZaAAA MAN Hin orange GB € Siete STCatea tea ra oD Hag © I> D DISCUSSION RECORD AN 3 i) a is=} oO : oan 4 aa Piccetyy: 4 SS 6 nae 5 ects ma | Sede dda ABB a gud EE 5 Beis epee) Bote Fa | sais ssicze BERBER Ee BEEP a aE ping ' ' 3 STC bal [PERCE PME = CIR T (ROBE MEIC) o . A . Reset toe Penton cele hls. te ipethat iia OnLine G ae ocr simeeaace aad SonZeaaa Er acoéendaaaanoeoPeaoaeoesee tf st HOARY woo 1m sH Oun A NAMOeaioa atc ASAANS OH boi not cos mist ood mi [cafes] FE & [cafes . Re = Aus gede aie ee aE EP eal BP eo ©! pwd Pade ERP EP SAS EEE sain Bain Seb aS Pcs Met eon Sir cs ete: rove Ste Bae tevicd oie mlar vet lohey os Sian ee meyers wis Cele iit-fuil ioc) eet PRL OTe Tay EO) TOA CREC at) ODT) a «8 8 Be e Pere SSend ze ea eee ee eeeeeeerGesd Eee SSAAA AS ZAZA AAO EASA zZOSaa5 oO Ha HON Ht 1d SH rH 19 OD aq mOnaan| re Qo AAtMOANOE- AAs tewotea ce AN O&O an alee ie EE aaa é Bs sti dene iar C=) J abso art Shake! rasee o vine 4 4S 7 F dnini 8 8 Bice g2AE eae Bassas dog | pa © | Sie ese SES EEE ESSERE See ea 21S, RE a Seen Ge Fae) eh Le ES UCR atten icone iain lie OmEai ey in cle olen, oe | ASze8ocndn GER aGee nee eeeeGaes Pe SEAS AA EAA OZAA AZO OZEAZEZ > OOMN toon I-18 Ad OD I~ co OD boi oO =H ole AtAtS Ome w stHreowr AN ANAS 4 |. ia FP a i E Henle elstctietl adalat BASss Ss een oid i Sig ddd Se EEE SHEEP Se eS : Dy eULr jf Pecemcmry eo Ss als

. EE Cine) Oe ak bo a fesffeo} 5 . is oo toy a 5 fa 0 4 Eo dsfede ci AaB eae ESSE eae S asi aoneee PEEP ES GEEE S SAME EG . aiale a Brit. PEC eer acl THREATS BE CIRCE OS Dal a eC at PMC ROO ROT - PO RCCL EOE Og CHO ZB AzG eens c EE ae eae eee anes ESs Cae 2c ec eal eimef alc ie ANNAN CD 09 OD ra 1d Co HH oH id 6 SO CD meio cata 1 on mwas Orso Py & © 6 oD MAN ROR of ; : § Sete eae oa ne cada aanaen Grate Se A als Shee a tee aes i=) A RECORD AND DISCUSSION 58 Direction (TRUE) AND Force or THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. April, 1859.—At winter quarters. e ‘ pie eed wb Ee ee: a aye oni eee tte Elie Eta la telalalane oP aaa OnSPOPAmind ed aa Are onaeee ~M i eioo nN Lal A OO SH Hin Soro Hin Rt oo HAA AHS e 4 a = F aj aaa Ewa ai es mi Ab Ew Bele ee et Aae sess . : Ce let OR) eee cet ay Pete alenAels)) calnitelh see tets vale atlas EE SAEZ GcGE GE cenit ded ee eee eee Tondo | MN co Ht oD o> | CTT 69 19 9 Hain AI oD SH SH co oD CO NI ri =H oo 2s ' cue 4 vi 3 aes : i E APaig S. ashe Zz ES Asi Beinicd ial Argnizs Al rEEAP EAA ESE GAS area AP ede SE IO retin tt No tH L's} oO Sin AASNMMOMA A oD aw : = : : A= 8 : Adaee a a ga 27 Seidel 2s i Ha2ges AF Be A AgdddA dee H PEZEES ede SESS LOM AAA AA ESAS Seen x xt MOON MO OHH ONR Ono : : . 2 . a ae A a al 2 & aaa Ain io BY abe SASSER eS seddude Ben eriinial PEPSEEEOROSeeeCeE EHR eeeseeeee CONN OD 09 10 OD it~) anna Hin mh st? A 60 io co HH Krag a 1 a os Eee se Aol lake - -| ...4.... SRS saee EP ee See eeed Be ee b b OF oat PRE Hegre ty TPT Sn a ech Saar $0 HOE | EEBEEEEE ZESASZSAZSSAzP HR a Me ZESSSZA | APMSANHAN woe oO a ri AAANH dco oO A = Aa oe ee F anid E - ‘e Pte ee seed Agence eee ry Sa Ae oh Be BS eo Be eh 2s se eh eh a Ss BEBBBEBEr ee Seo ao eoazPHeaearaood AOMm~OwAN = ON ior) oO st AMMON et OD Ore 7 Fs Eales poo: 5 AAMW NOMAD SMAG ECR OGCINeA aa RaaSn a OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. 59 DiREcTION (TRUE) AND Force of THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. June, 1859.—At winter quarters. COTA PWDe 5h. 4N. W. 9N. W. 4N.N. W. 4N.E. 2N. E. 2N. E. Calm E. aN . by E. W 3N. 3 N. 4N. 6 W 2W 3 N. 5 N. 2W. 2 eo Pees] mee EA & oo bo . B = a Hazzzsoud Whe SOI 60 SE EE: Q a B es) A ° re) =] 4h. ee jh. W. N. ae NE RH AMAMTeE phHY Se a4 fest Se ael| & BoB | Z WDONEA Oh RWW peo; = at Fazzgauznn BA = le>flep} s AAAAzLPAS Ana te 4 Pit x Yee Ss -~I a4 P| x o Zao mwa | Hi oS ob 2 He an As ie Calm 5 N. W. 5 N. W. 7-9 N. W. 6 N. W. 5 N. W. 2 E.N. E. 3 E. N. E. 4wW.N. W. 2N. W. 6-8 N. W. 7N. W. 1N. N. W. Calm 4N. W. Calm 4N.E. by E. 7-9 N. W. 2N. E. 4N.E. 6 N. W. 5 N.N. E. 1N. W. Calm Calm 1N.E. Calm 5 W. 4N.E. Calm 18.5. W. 5 N. W. 6 N. W. ht tt th Soi ho Tb Oo bo bo 6 0 2 = on A 44424 442 F422 | me oe co BR bo PE ZAe eed eawomaaaa: WHNPTHARDNIN DP Pe T Heaa S x Pe] — b aBAA 3 mA 4 Be 10 N. N. W. 9 N. W. 3N. E. Calm 3 N. 3N. E. 2N. E. by E. 3-7 N. W. 3 N. E: Calm 2-5 N.N. W. 3.N.N. E. 5 N. W. 1N. by W. 2N. W. Calm RECORD AND DISCUSSION 60 re ) i] =) is] iS) 4 ial | is} a 8 = <4 ° roo} Zz ) fa} A is i=] 3) nm =) ro) a ‘i E io] ise] =) is) ° | iS} S iS) & a Zz < oN =) p a = Ls Z ° - = iS} a & i=) a i 2 S 5 ao fa 2 dz = — fl ron) ie) ice) ei > a =} > seubeeee eee & 2 BE FE AA LAE delddddel lel adds: lee SBEZSECE SNe AMEaIES OMT Ge Sat Chics IGE CN On cs SI ANS eee a BEE ida 4 EBa E ‘EE See Ge ce Goma werent 1m NI oD CD = HO 69 MH 1 0 SO 61 1 GY XH ort MI oD oD Rit eae ble ae E EE Raee Ea wi EA aie HAA SEER diane geo Pee BERUPEEE SSE ALZAEAAZaeEHOaaa CD OD CY 19 1 3 109.10 SH oH HOY 60 OF) 09 1 I OD 6519 19 M1 oO oD 1 =H 2 o fe a Ra ete ee eit E. Calm Calm 6 N. W. Light 3 N. W. 2N. E. 5 W.N. W. 6 W.S. W. 1E 4N.E. oyu lt u alm alm C 4N. = Wie 4N.W N. E. DAWioN W. 6 W.S. W. 9 Calm Calm Calm as 4W.5. W. Wis 3 N. W. 2W.N. € a AAAEAAOZEMOE AA © rig 10 oD oon I Ios | MAA OD His Om O Peee oe eae nae Ooo roi AMaSEEE ERS SEEEES SEs eee ee eese MOMNINM re Hin wn iw inet ooNON mA Hin or Oo 61 OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. DIRECTION (TRUE) AND ForcE oF THE WIND OBSERVED ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. Lat. 719.9 N.; long. 79°.8 W. August, 1859.—Mean position: : E 3 ‘ >) cooman 2 aSasnrrt > Fe : = sii = fe puch oon EY ied is} Cra i OSS po ° Enyce iS o|bigd BE gy aeesl A. ow weze 22kgs a) see See ree rae we PS fES 20 3G Sn ao Os Rao Gt Ces | RAROF AA 2 seizes ease FARNAAnARAOUCD || enc ANHe rR Ae SHS Wt SR CAS USCS AGN'SY ay oO : b = ann ie) h Hac s a 5 U2 UA U2 rp bases sid A b 3 es pa RU OF a © | dcini BE AEH SESE RE . main ZeeaZaes (eo ered ay BE Sediddaar ees Oy a Ra erty: Gall SZAZZEaZZPSOZA AAA eran n Re ANAaR AAO Aan wea stata DOP DiQ OA MIN IWIMIDOMDONOMAN a . = . . ‘ : : - i Be : = gui oi oi el Ee ae aaeae . . <4 aes inte ee ote ~s AnH <2] EE Zan eset Se v2 na Bez2aae Buseck cee eGndndbaceeeobscieeeae ref st co co Ho oH oH OD INN HOM MoMA MOM PAM AAtAT a ee ; A : is ae > > : FI pA ote 2 fe wa Ls = ah es = tos Uys aa 2 . 05 2 Saini EE PEESer Aba oe Bad SoA a ares oa Seige deere) a HHO MADMIN AHMWOOONDAHANMONWDOMONA Ho ean} : EEE : SPag ieee a ae nnn Ee ah Bee 2 > b ne Pea Co BEER Blu BEE Ee BE # Aa wan ez Eaneace peo corso se eareeecete 0) OVS Pe oO AMtAM Ar DHANAAY oO 60 19 SO 62 00 OO rt i> | 5 A “a ia 2 F BRO ; ne Lae es , IBEs RIS a s tar = . 3 . é) Ss I pew eee Pubebe ast EAA 2282 AeUpao ee tlsaiesies {= [ag ao eee oe Get St C552, Bien GOEEE AusinitdG Oz FEBrEaaaraadod oh on OI SO FHNDOMOCRONG™ AOAC MHTNMNIA A a 4 * G | Hnmwccradonqetesn er gaRRagaiaase a Variation. In AS S35 i wa Se 0S 1d 18 SH St St tt cd Midn’t. E B BEEE PEES EF E Eve & puis a AAAS AR so. vo aaPabebEEBabesak IND AONAH Om Horie re De OW gh. a Ba Ee aPEEE E pe Fag Bu. Meee agli Zaddeaiboe SEE ibaa visi 09 SO Mim 6 SH oD 1 8 SO CO SO OOOO 4h. . . . wa ial a dee AE a i Mel AAA BS EAGE eee eseeadeaada Aonnortotoorwuwtre-onwoso Noon. es alls 75) Es ZEAE AE Beans ABBE AA AeduadbeekRod sede OSHA CHGIC IS PCIe Cora IG September, 1859.—Mean position: Lat. 58°.9 N.; long. 40°.9 W. gh. 4h. ie) cmd > aeE BA Ee Es ZAAE GE iam BEaak HAAG Ee aAe PwinidiaAadn SH SH 00 I OO SH OD 1G Chine at Zi sees ns fice Pees P Psy SEAL Aaya BAGGY eB is eons oa ee” 1916 HOR oO rte ener ewe DATE. AAMHIQDAoOrNDRoO OF SH us SO Pe me ms Se Oro Boe ne! if * Steamed out of Port Kennedy. 62 RECORD AND DISCUSSION Method of Reduction —The method of reduction used is the same as that em- ployed in the discussion of Kane’s observations—it is by Lambert's improved formula, so as to include the velocity of the wind, and not the relative frequency alone. It is given in its outline in the article “ Meteorology,” in the 8th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Tet: 0) 0a dsr hae be the angles which the directions of the wind make with the meridian (true), reckoned round the horizon, according to astronomical usage, from the south, westward to 560°, a direction corresponding to that of the rotation of the winds in the northern hemisphere; and v7, 2%,0v;..... its respective veloci- ties, which may be supposed expressed in miles per hour; and let the observations be made at equal intervals (for instance, hourly). Adding up all velocity-numbers referring to the same wind during a given period (say one month), and representing these quantities by s,%5,..... , the number of miles of air transferred bodily over the place of observation by winds /rom the southward is expressed by the formula R, = 8, cos 0, + 8 cos 0. + 8,c08 0, -+..... And for winds from the westward R,, = 8, sin 0, + 8, sin 6, + 53 sin 03 + ..... The resulting quantity 2, and the angle @ it forms with the meridian, is found by the expressions —— ft 5 R= VRI+ RZ, and tan 9 = 52 The general formule, in the case of eight principal directions 6, assume the following convenient form :— R, = (S—N) + (S W—N E) vi —(N W—S-B) Vt R,, = (W—E) + (S W—N EB) /3 + (NW—SE) V4 Where the letters S, S W, W, ete., represent the sum of all velocities during the given period, or the quantity of air moved in the directions S, S W, W, ete., respectively ; /?, represents the total quantity of air transported to the northward, and F,, the same transferred fo the eastward. These formule, for practical working, may be put in the following shape :— Put S—N=a S W—NE=c Then R, = R cos p = a + 0.707 (c—d) RL, = R sing =b + 0.707 (c+d). Since &,, £,,, R, represents the quantity of air passed over during the given period in the direction 0°, 90°, @°, respectively, we must, in order to find the mean velocity for any resulting direction, divide by n, or by the number of observations during that period; we then have 2 ve Fy a— fe and V= = n n n A particle of air which has left the place of observation at the commencement of the period—of a day, for instance—will be found at its close in a direction 180 + , and at a distance of 2 miles, equal to a movement with an average velocity of OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. 63 ta ER ' : 5 --; this supposes an equal and parallel motion of all particles passing over; the nme length of the path described by each can be found by the summation of all the v's (for each hour) during the period. The great variability in the direction and force of the atmospheric motion ren- ders the taking of resulting values for short intervals unnecessary, and a subdivision of the reduction into monthly periods has been found convenient. To include more than eight directions into the discussion would not only render it very tedious, but would give no materially increased accuracy. Observed direc- tions, intermediate of the eight directions, are referred to the nearest principal direction ; and if midway, and occurring more than once, they are referred to the nearest preceding and following direction alternately. The winds observed during July and August, 1857, and in September, 1859, cannot well be combined with the body of the observations, and have, therefore, not been reduced. To illustrate the process of reduction, the working up of the observations for direction and force of the wind in the month of September, 1857, is here given as an example. ABSTRACT OF THE QUANTITY OF WIND REFERRED TO THE EIGHT PRINCIPAL DIRECTIONS AND OBSERVED IN THE MontH or SEPTEMBER, 1857, BETWEEN LatirupES 75°.5 AND 75° N., anp LoneirupEs 64°.1 AND 66° W. Observations at 4, 8, 12, A. M. and P. M. (The few intermediate observations on the last day of the month were not taken into account.) | | True direct’n. | Ist. | 2d. | 3d. | 4th. | 5th. | 6th. | 7th. | Sth. | 9th. |10th./ 11th. 12th.| 13th.) 14th.) 15th. ipo | = — | 2p eee ae S. Se eee Oud merle 20g || [nbn ellos |iertis: ers Gu meee inl OMINGG 4 N. ee leet le OM eee FAO Ta eas, | eMN NY es |/ Aiea etter ey at Pa ae Ce Witia ccom are: Sp eee eps san Brena; ROde AGO | ae PM he Rei SEMEN soy PD eal [Ete eae eo Ne uy Asal Se eset an Gal A | te Arles tac Svehla a [narrow anal fap teon lin Leal eee aa Saw ore cai Bs Bec eeety [ae teal octane (Pere Sa ae lemme A SPL gece) REPT ea | Meee | aie (> Beet Soak Dis eg Fn a see |e on ale a cL 4 INES oe anit 1 TM pet |‘ geal OU pe sBellt So Neel eee lee dee 4 4 BEDS Soi LOS EO |) eS Sal SO sae Oe ea ea) ee 1 Sum . 27 | 22) 61|103| 17| 54/117 | 224/176] 41] 149| 31] 59 | 132 | 15 True direct’n. | 16th.| 17th.| 18th.| 19th.| 20th.| 21st. | 22d. | 23d. | 24th. 25th.| 2W6th.| 27th.| 28th.| 29th.| 30th. |Sums. ae S uc fis 385 Niemen le =) ey tee: Ages a 86 Wee t ie teal eecey (eae Mee lee moot guit esac || ssletdall Pen elk oe ullo nm E. pee a7 |ieeseal feed eee | eal ek (ee ATION wee lumenal UV eel oe lhe sc OBB INS Hare sla ee Ph Agee Rill Wee Ae nee ee lta allel Geulllawe call) 07 2! each hh yee ere |S INGE oon or ton | 4d | arate Seema! vba) e400] 1140 Sal tl |) zon eaRe Sum. . .| 75/ 12] 63| 47/] 5é¢|111/170| 13| 97] 59| 481 68] 9} 111} 70 l2082 EPR I IN EO ee er OR By preceding formulz we find— e = —145 0.7 (e—d) = —190 R, = +109 d = +126 0.7 (e+-d) = — 13 Ry= + 83 c—d = —271 a = +299 k = +13 e+d=— 19 b= + 96 @ = 37° equivalent to a resulting direction of the wind S. W. 2S. 64 RECORD AND DISCUSSION The following table shows the velocity-numbers for each of the principal eight winds, as well as the resulting direction of the wind, for each month between Sept. 1857, and Aug. 1859, as deduced by application of the preceding formule. 1857-58. True direction. SperremBeR. Mean Lat. 75°.3 Long. 65.0 6 obs. a day. OcToBER. Mean Lat. 75°.2 Long. 67.9 246 108 476 377 212 668 1327 968 176° 12 obs. a day. NoveMBER. Mean Lat. 74°.8 Long. 69.1 220 0 1121 687 700 417 1846 1024 98° 12 obs. a day. DecemBenr. Mean Lat. 74°.3 Long. 67.4 449 331 388 21 135 174 2036 660 124° | 12 obs. a day. JANUARY. Mean Lat. 73°.2 Long. 63.7 12 obs. a day. 145 531 993 118 93 192 2904 151 131° Feprvary. » Mean Dat. 71035 Long. 60.9 12 obs. a day. 1858. True direction. Marca. Mean “Lat. 69°.4 Long. 59.1 12 obs. a day. 395 1465 137 239 361 304 3112 764 149° 0 3366 51 52 23 246 1135 APRIL. Mean Lat. 66.°0, Long. 57°.7. From Ist-17th F’m 18th-30th 12 obs. a day. | 6 obs. a day. 105 416 38 0 255 57 499 215 May. Mean Lat. 68°.7 Long. 53.7 221 138 1 251 131 424 487 593 264° 6 obs. a day. JUNE. Mean Lat. 74°.6 Long. 60.1 6 obs. a day. 83 126 48 311 35 82 457 298 224° JULY. Mean Lat. 74°.4 Long. 76.4 6 obs. a day. 11 136 119 154 368 460 383, 165 172° AvGUST. Mean Lat. 73°.1 Long. 88.5 6 obs. a day. Port Kennepy. 1858-59. True direction. SEPTEMBER. 134 167 1071 27 563 416 796 369 99° 6 obs. a day. OcToBER. 85 38 59 25 87 1512 2132 90 169° 6 obs. a day. | NovemBeER, | 12 obs.a day. 0 21 106 4 0 2193 4610 17 160° DECEMBER. 0 10 773 0 199 780 3721 10 136° 12 obs. aday. JANUARY. 12 obs. a day. 0 369 200 0 0 460 4406 0 142° Feprvuary. 12 obs. a day. Port Kennepy. 1859. True direction. its PAAR AA = =a Fans eo Marcu. | 12 obs. a day. | The numbers for the last 4 days were doubled. 0 0 288 0 4 1234 2152 0 159° APRIL. 6 obs. a day. The two odd hours were treated like even hours. 0 103 308 34 212 1341 313 26 196° May. 6 obs. a day. Odd and even hours treated alike. JUNE. | 6 obs. a day. Odd and even | hours treated alike. JuLy. 12 obs. a day. Numbers for the first 44 days were doubled. 1 48 233 159 563 1438 3027 14 151° Avueust. 6 obs. a day. OF THE DIRECTION AND FORCE OF THE WIND. 65 The above results for the resulting direction of the wind in each month, when expressed to the nearest half point, are contained in the following table :— Resvuttina Drrecrion or tHE Wrnp. First year. Second year. 1857 September. . . S. W. 2S. 1858 September. . . W. 2N. October . . 2 N. 2 W. October”. IN. by We November . . . W. 2N. November. . . N.N. W. EN, December . . : N. W. by W. December . . . N. W. 1858 January ... N.W.iW. 1859 January ... N.W.42N. February . . . N.N. W.3W. February . . . N.W.LW. March N. N. W. 3? W. Marchi... 4 JNevNe We » April INESN Wie NG ADIL eee) NE NGC ONG May KH. iN. May a ape) ay Waa) &NG June N. E. JING 5 ho NE Wel we July N. 2 W. July Pe a Siteea-ig NNW Wi August . W.N. W. AULUSE 28.5 +0.007 28.5 +0.005 28.0 +0.008 28.0 +0.005 This mercurial barometer had been used by Professor Piazzi Smyth at Teneriffe, and is highly thought of by Admiral Fitzroy, in whose office it is now in use. It is specially stated in the reduction whenever the above correction was applied. Comparisons of the readings of the mercurial and aneroid barometers will be found in the discussion. The cistern of the mercurial barometer was four feet above the level of the sea (in reference to the position of the aneroid, no statement is given). The barometric 80 RECORD AND REDUCTION readings recorded give the combined pressure of the dry air and aqueous vapor ; the latter, however, is very small: no hygrometric observations were found recorded. The following tables commence with the aneroid readings, and conclude with the readings of the mercurial barometer and its corresponding temperature. A few occasional omissions in the record were supplied by interpolation; such figures are distinguished by being placed between brackets. The mean position of the “Fox” is given for each month (the daily position is already given in the preceding temperature paper). had ed |. fae OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 81 RECORD OF THE OBSERVATIONS OF THE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE MADE ON BOARD THE YAcut ‘ Fox,” UNDER COMMAND OF F. L. McCrrnrocx, R. N., In tHE Anrcric Seas, IN 1857, 758, 759. July, 1857. READINGS or ANEROW BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YAcHT Fox. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 62°.0 N., Long. 39°.1 W. of Greenwich. DAY. 4h. gh. Noon, 4h. gh. Midn’t. Mean. 1 ---- ---- Sms < ---- ---- ---- Inches. 2 (1.50) 1.50 1.50 1.15 95 (.92) 1.25 3 (.88) 85 (.87) (.89) 91 (.91) 0.88 4 (.91) 91 (.94) (.98) 1.01 (1.05) 0.96 5 (1.08) Ted (1.11) (1.12) 1.12 (1.12) a abi | 6 (1.12) 1.12 1.12 weil 1.18 1.20 1.15 7 1.20 1.22 1.23 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 8 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.08 1.02 -96 1.08 9 -92 90 -86 85 .83 -80 0.86 10 72 -66 259 -52 -52 -52 0.59 11 A8 46 44 -40 40 44 0.44 12 46 -50 .54 -61 -70 “78 0.60 13 82 «85 | 92 94 -96 -98 0.91 14 -98 -96 -92 .89 -90 -92 0.93 15 -90 92 94 -98 Asif -94 0.94 16 -90 89 85 82 -89 92 0.88 17 -96 Hh) -98 ooh .98 -97 0.97 18 92, -90 84 82 -82 .84 0.86 19 80 (.78) (.76) (.74) (.72) -70 0.75 20 -74 -74 .74 74 .74 80 0.75 21 82 82 84 82 -88 88 0.84 22 .86 82 .80 .82 .84 «84 0.83 23 -86 286 .84 -85 -84 .84 0.85 2+ -84 -76 i183 -76 .80 .90 0.80 25 -96 (.95) 94 94 90 .89 0.93 26 -70 -60 .54 .60 -56 54 0.59 27 34 50 48 50 50 -48 0.47 28 52 -58 .60 -62 .60 -64 0.59 29 .69 -65 -68 68 72 ate 0.69 30 -70 .68 -66 -65 64 -66 0.66 31 12 80 84 -90 92 94 0.85 Mean 29.849 29.847 29.841 29.834 29.834 29.844 29.842 August, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 74.00 N., Long. 59°.8 W. DAY. 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. Sh. Midn’t. Mean. it 94 99 -98 96 94 94 0.96 2 -90 92 .90 -96 -98 -96 0.94 3 .96 .98 (94) (.90) (.86) (.82) 0.91 4 -78 74 -70 42, 84 aC 0.78 5 1.02 1.12 1.15 1.24 1.24 1.23 a Ua ly 6 1.16 1.08 1.00 -98 | -90 -96 1.01 7 -96 1.08 LG ileal ilgili) 1.15 1.10 8 1.18 1.12 1.02 94 -86 .80 0.99 9 ri -76 81 .88 -90 -90 0.83 10 -92 -92 94 1.00 1.06 1.04 0.98 11 1.10 1.00 ed 94 -92 -89 0.95 12 | .88 .87 .89 -92 | “oo -98 0.91 13 1.00 1.04 1.06 1.02 i 1.02 1,02 1.03 14 96 -90 .86 82 -82 .80 0.86 15 80 81 -80 (.73) (.67) (.60) 0.74 16 .54 43 -45 -50 52 52 0.49 17 -48 -48 -48 51 A}s) -60 0.52 18 64 68 02 76 -78 .80 0.73 19 -82 -85 -90 94 -95 -98 0.91 20 98 1.00 1.02 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.03 21 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.00 98 1.02 22 -96 96 94 -96 -98 -94 0.96 23 92 -92 90 -90 .83 84 0.89 24 78 at -61 56 -54 54 0.62 25 -56 61 62 61 -62 54 0.59 26 -51 54 64 .68 .67 .62 0.61 27 -62 .65 -65 62 -62 -66 0.64 28 -76 82 92 1.00 1.04 1.10 0.94 29 1.06 1.20 1.20 1.06 -90 .69 1.03 30 -50 48 -44 -58 -66 -78 0.57 31 86 97 ch) 75 -50 44 0.75 Mean 29.850 29.860 29.858 29.860 29.852 29.842 29.854 82 RECORD AND REDUCTION READINGS OF ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. September, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 75°.3 N., Long. 65°.0 W. 2h. 4h. 6h. gh. 10h. | Noon.| 2h. 4h. - §h. 10h. |Midn’t.| Mean. =] > ” (0.41) | .41 | (0.43)| 44 | 42 | (.40) : 46 62 | (0.66) -70 | (0.72) 4 5 -81 (.82) 84 5 -83 8: .84 (0.83) | .82 | (0.84)] .85 87 -90 | (.92) : 1.00 : 1.04 (1.05) -0O7 | (1.09) 3 1.12 | (1.13) : 1.14 : | (1.11) | 1.08 | (1.07)] 1. -98 | (.96)] . a 91 x 91 (0.92)| .94 | (0.95)| . -96 | (.95) 94 8 84 i (0.61) -52 | (0.50) 4 48 49 (.49) Z AL 42 (0.40) 246 | (0159))|) 72 aie TA WC 6 3 72 (0.77) <77 (| (0.76) | .76 i : (.87) | .8 : -9C (0.84) | .76 | (0.75)| .74 stt S20) iain -70 72 (0.92) -98 |(1.00)] 1.02 -02 | (1.00) .§ -96 94 (1.03) | 1.07 | (1.10) } 1.12 16 | (2.17) é 1.20 (1.30) -37 | (1.41)| 1.46 “ (1.56) : 1.46 (1.42) .50 | (1.48)} 1.46 -38 | (1.39) | 1.40 z 1.32 (1.18) 10 -09)| 1.08 5 (1.21) | 1.26 .32)| 1.38 (1.38) 34 | (1.32)} 1.30 “ (1.31) | 1.31 «de 1.36 (1.36) -36 | (1-28)| 1.21 : (2.18) | 1.20 ; 1.22 (1.22) 18 -12)| 1.06 -06 | (.98)] .90 85 -80 (0.75) | .74 .86)] .98 ‘ (1.00) | 1.04 : 1.16 (1.22) | 1.22 | (4.25) | 1.28 26 | (4.23)]|| 1:20 : 1.10 (0.88) -78 -71) .64 62 6 -62 64 . -70 64 60 61 -62 3 aye 74 -80 : 86 86 “86 a0 -90 . As 1.06 1.06 1.14 19 SAW alate Sica 3 : 1.12 | 1.08 : -98 79 74 -70 69 A 7 ork) -82 : -87 -90 -86 84 .88 8 5 84 84 E -84 82 80 .80 -78 8: 5 -86 84 . -84 83 -80 -80 «80 . : -86 -90 . -92 94 92 -90 -89 92 5 94 -94 a 5} 5 84 82 19 =) . ayy Ole -66 6 -62 -59 Ont OR he oeessosress DOF OTIOOM DD Oo bo OO ee Ww oon Ps TSMDOTSOSMIGH SOS RPNAWADONRODOMW ee Sa b- be Ga ee ES 0.936 | 0.925 | 0.928 | 0.933 0.949 | 0.950 | 0.951 | 0.952 | 0.953 | 0.954 | 0.956 | 29.943 October, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 759.2 N., Long. 67°.9 W. 4h. 6h. gh. 10h. | Noon. | 22- 4h. 6h. gh. 10h. |Midn’t. ] > i 71 74 -76 -78 3 -90 -94 | 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.16 1.14 1.16 1.08 1.05 1.04 -88 .88 86 -78 80 80 -81 91 -92 92 1.02 | 1.04 1.04 1.20 1.25 1.16 1.10 1.09 ‘ 1.04 : .82 : -80 81 3 .80 . -75 .38 3s 42, -60 -60 64 A : 12 ; 74 76 act) .06 i 10 1 12 1.06 1.05 06 ’ : .0¢ -06 1.05 1.05 -78 sil: -68 -68 -70 -68 -69 -74 é -76 8 .86 -88 -90 96 .$ 4 BS 92 -92 -87 -43 ef -26 2 24 -28 7 -73 : -75 : .80 -82 .83 -74 -76 82 93 -99 .07 ded 36 .36 .35 AE 1.46 -48 1.50 62 y .63 -64 1.70 -70 1.69 64 <5 -AO AE 1.44 .38 1.33 10 é 07 -06 1.13 «12 BIL 29 18 18 19 l$ 1.22 20 1.14 30 .88 83 -718 -76 -80 .83 -86 31 86 .82 -80 < -86 -88 .88 OMIA Pwpe et eS ea Se oe em Boe Ce HT eee oe eR ES DoH WO ROMO OISOMDORADOH NOD MHOHOA WR WAIDSHHNNGNSODOADWWHHANBDNORPIGH : “= — : Mean 0.944 | 0.930 | 0.916 | 0.95 0.956 | 0.958 | 0.961 { OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 83 READINGS oF ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. November, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 74°.8 N., Long. 69°.1 W. 6h. Sh. 10h. | Noon. 2h. 4h. Gh. gh. 10h. |Midn’t.}| Mean. -88 .88 -94 .94 94 .94 -96 94 -98 8S 0.92 81 80 87 87 88 90 86 84 88 86 0.85 81 81 -90 84 84 E98: || TkOL 1.08 F 0.92 DOS OR Gone ap APRA GORY ea leots) 1.29 22 1.19 1.25 | 1.24 | 1.28 | 1.31 “Ba, | abe34. i) 136) 1) Bz || ae86 “ 1.30 1.28 | 1:28 | 1.34 | 1.32 aoe oor || leon |erde 1.12 : 1.25 -84 -82 -88 -90 94 94 95 ; } .99 ‘ 0.92 -96 97 1.00 1.02 -05 1.12 1.18 is 1.26 28 1.08 1.28 | 1.26 | 1.26 | 1.19 MUGe | leon |) de0pe 1: 1.03 5 1.16 Teb2 ie ediGe: |) devo) |e 122: waar eee ||) LIAS | eal, 1.24 23) 1.19 1.03 -98 98 92 82 81 76 -73 -78 0.90 79 Ae 82 85 -89 91 92 : 91 a 0.84 -78 12 -72 312 -69 -69 .69 . -67 68 0.72 69 70 -76 -74 75 5 80 81 SOM 8 0.75 -80 74 74 61 -60 52 50 42 .40 0.61 27 .24 .24 A) -16 -10 04 03 -09 3 0.18 -40 42 44 47 -50 -58 -60 .64 -68 ‘ 0.51 87 92 1.00 | 1.06 1.06 1.16 1.20 1.24 1.26 -26 1.05 DUG See etre ni 9) LG aay eh sole m2 0re|| en9 é 1.18 LG. MeO ety stem a Oh aerg, | eaG) hed) ele cleo, .0 1.15 98 94 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.01 1.01 -87 -78 6 0.95 -O1 42 -42 .38 42, 45 46 48 49 ede 0.47 -68 -78 82 87 91 94 -96 eal 97 z 0.83 -90 90 96 | .96 980 00) | eeO8. |) sledae | ato 74 59 50 37 26 ily 12; aks 14 10 12 a2) .10 09 a) 15 21 25 +30 34 38 .39 44 47 51 55 59 -62 «62 -70 -70 72 72 ait -78 -80 3 90 BOA Nt Oleg rte Seen sll Oiee Keraea ia ela enh een ado, ee led) R26 7) BO TBP) | DBS | S65) 189.) so) | Ao Sata nkwbe 0.842 | 0.840 | 0.833 | 0.869 | 0.861 | 0.864 ear 0.888 | 0.890 | 0.895 December, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 749.3 N., Long. 67°.4 W. 1 Loh. 3 . 4h. 6h. gh. 10h. |Midn’t. 1.40 1.35 1.32 1.15 oike é 1 04 1.01 -88 : 8: 2 - -75 +73 -66 < 4 -68 -67 «64 52 5 ae 40 op -30 -29 25 A = 3E é ‘ -49 55 -82 86 J 92 : 5 1.04 1.08 -08 : : 1.22 1.30 . .94 | (¢.95)| .96 1.00 Mean | 1.149 1.148 | 1.153 | 1.146 | 1.142 | 1.144 | 1.154 | 1.166 | 1.168 | 1.164 | 30.151 1.138 Sie * Refers to 28 inches. 86 RECORD AND REDUCTION ReavrnGs or ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE Yaour Fox. May,1858, 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 68°.7 N., Long. 53°.7 W. DAY 4b. 8h. | Noon. 4h. gh. Midn’t. 1 -93 -90 -95 1.04 1.16 1.20 1.03 2 1.16 (1.06) -96 -79 73 -74 0.91 3 ti -88 -96 1.06 1.08 1.10 0.97 4 1.05 1.04 1.02 =99 -96 94 1.00 5 .84 -85 87 -98 1.07 nal 0.95 6 1.11 1.14 1.09 ipiae 1.16 ao 1.12 7 1,12 1.15 1.21 1.21 1.23 1.21 1.19 8 1.16 xB ly / 1.22 1.24 1.25 1.22 1.21 9 1.18 | 1.16 1.10 1.08 1.08 1.08 ue iE 10 1.10 1.06 1.11 eis} uA} 1.18 1.12 11 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.19 1.12 1.14 1.16 2 1.13 1.16 1.24 1.38 1.50 1.59 1.33 13 1.58 1.58 1.60 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.62 14 1.64 1.66 1.70 1.68 1.68 1.66 1.67 15 1.65 1.74 1.76 1.70 1.70 1.62 1.70 16 1.56 1.58 1.51 1.50 1.56 1.54 1.54 17 1.50 1.48 1.42 1.40 isi 1.34 1.42 18 1.34 1.40 1.36 1.35 1.34 1.30 1.35 19 1.30 13} 1EBB} 1.26 1.22 1.16 1.26 20 (1.15) (1.14) (1.13) (1.12) (1.11) (1.10) nae} 21 1.08 1.10 1.14 1.18 1.18 1.17 1.14 22 1.18 1.2 1.29 1.26 1.23 1.14 1.22 23 1.19 ats) 1.16 1.16 1.14 1.18 fT Wy 24 1.20 1.32 1.30 1.25 1.22 1.17 1.24 25 V5 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.15 1.18 nu 26 1.24 1.31 1.34 The 1) 1.40 1.38 1.34 27 1.39 1.45 1.42 1.44 1.34 1.35 1.40 28 1.30 Ton 1.30 1.10 1.09 1.00 1.19 29 96 98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 0.99 30 1.06 1.07 1.10 1.13 1.14 1.16 1.11 31 1.16 1.16 1.20 1.18 1.14 1.12 1.16 Mean 1.204 1.223 1.229 1.225 1.230 1.222 30.222 June, 1858. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 749.6 N., Long. 60°.1 W. DAY. 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. gh. Midn’t. 1 1.08 1.08 1.09 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.07 2 -99 -92 -90 -85 -88 -89 0.90 3 «99 1.08 1.20 1.18 1.15 is 1.12 4 1.00 94 -92 92 1.03 1.16 0.99 5 1.20 1.24 1.30 1.32 1.34 1.29 1.28 6 117A 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.28 1.25 7 1.24 1.31 1.34 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.29 8 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.20 1.18 1.14 1.22 9 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.05 1.00 «95 1.05 10 -94 -90 -90 -90 -95 -90 0.92 ll 97 -99 1.02 1.06 1.08 1.08 1.03 12 1.10 1.12 1.16 1.22 1.24 1.25 1.18 13 1.23 1.21 1.18 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.18 14 1.12 a bea) 1.22 1.24 1.24 1.20 1.20 15 1.18 1.22 1.19 1.18 1.25 1.23 1POXL 16 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.04 1.00 -96 1.07 17 -90 94 96 99 1.00 1.04 0.97 18 99 99 1.01 -98 197 97 0.98 19 94 91 91 -88 -87 .86 0.89 20 84 .84 -84 87 .86 -83 0.85 21 -80 aff 82 -86 91 92 0.85 22 91 94 1.01 1.06 ileal 1.10 1.02 23 1.10 1.10 1.08 1.16 1.10 1.10 1.11 24 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.07 1.02 94" 1.05 = Bs 84 .88 87 -86 86 82 0.86 20 18 -78 -78 68 64 -56 0.70 27 -48 42 =D -52 -55 -57 0.51 = 59 .65 74 -76 .81 84 0.73 oe 86 91 1.00 1.06 1.20 1.18 1.03 30 1.20 1.26 1.29 1.29 1.21 1.12 1.23 Mean | 30.005 30.015 30.035 30.032 30.039 = | 30.025 OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 87 READINGS Or ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YaAonT Fox. July, 1858. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 74°.4 N., Long. 76°.4 W. DAY. 4h gh. Noon. 4h. §h. Midn’t. Mean. 1 1.12 HIRI Ay 1.25 1.2. 1.21 1.08 1.18 2 111 1.09 1.12 1.19 1.20 1.18 1.15 3 1.07 1.10 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.07 4 1.08 Let 1.14 1.12 1.13 1.12 1.12 5 1.04 1.00 -94 -92 86 «18 0.92 6 72 81 .86 89 90 91 0.85 7 .84 84 86 -82 -80 .80 0.83 8 ot! -76 76 17 Siti -74 0.76 9 74 -74 70 66 -69 -64 0.70 10 64 -68 -69 -70 -71 -67 0.68 11 -70 -69 -69 -70 72 -70 0.70 12 -68 -70 .69 anh) 12 -62 0.70 13 -58 Riv -56 -62 -66 -62 0.60 14 64 -63 -68 -68 «72 ne 0.68 15 -74 74 -72 -66 -69 -66 0.70 16 -60 -61 -64 .68 -73 74 0.67 aliz/ 79 19 .84 -89 -98 1.02 0.89 18 1.06 1.22 1.24 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.22 19 1.30 1-36 1.38 1.40 1.44 1.42 1.3 20 1.42 al 1.44 1.43 1.48 1.45 1.44 21 1.46 1.48 1.48 1.46 1.48 1.46 1.47 22 1.44 1.47 1.48 1.48 1.45 1.42 1.46 23 1.40 137 1.36 1.30 1.28 1.19 1.32 24 1.14 1.20 1.12 1.10 1.04 1.00 1.10 25 -99 Bc | -98 96 “Bi 90 0.95 26 -88 -89 -94 94 94 -91 0.92 27 -90 90 87 | 91 90 .89 0.90 28 86 84 84 84 .88 .86 0.85 29 89 293 92 397 -90 -90 0.92 30 -90 -90 82 -78 -78 ae) 0.83 31 -80 -81 82 -89 -86 84 0.84 Mean 29.945 29.961 29.965 29.971 29.974 29.949 29.961 August, 1858. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 73.°1 N., Long. 88°.5 W. DAY. 4h. 8h. Noon. 4h. 8h. Midn’t. Mean. nt -80 -88 -90 94 1.00 1.05 0.93 2 1.07 ea oy 1.15 ily 1.19 1.14 3 1.18 1.16 1.16 Asis; 1.16 1.12 1.15 4 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.18 1.16 5 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.28 1.27 1.26 1.25 6 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.20 1.24 ¥ 1.15 ab 1.00 .86 80 oko: 0.95 8 .58 54 .55 58 -59 -62 0.58 9 -60 -66 -76 .73 -78 80 0.73 10 82 82 .88 -90 -90 89 0.87 11 -82 -92 -89 -85 85 89 0.87 12 .89 .89 87 87 .89 83 0.87 nS) 87 -92 84 -83 74 74 0.82 14 72 -70 -70 12 72 74 0.72 15 -74 -76 -80 -95 -98 98 0.87 16 -98 -98 1.00 1.00 -94 -78 0.95 17 .74 «80 aR} -99 1.04 1.04 0.92 18 94 -90 .90 89 -86 84 0.89 19 .86 91 98 94 1.00 -99 0.95 20 1.01 1.02 1.08 1.14 1.18 1.20 1.10 21 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.22 1.12 1.19 22 1.04 94 90 -86 -90 88 0.92 23 87 .88 .86 «85 -80 .67 0.82 24 .60 -60 -58 -60 -60 64 0.60 25 .68 -69 -76 -81 81 -78 0.75 26 -78 .84 -88 -90 -92 .88 0.87 27 -78 -70 -74 -98 -98 -92 0.85 28 -98 1.03 1.08 1.11 1.08 1.04 1.05 29 -96 -98 -90 1.05 1.05 1.08 1.00 30 1.07 LOLS, itil: 1.14 1.14 1.10 1.12 31 1.10 1.10 et 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.13 Mean 29.917 29.931 29.941 29.963 29.966 29.947 29.944 88 RECORD AND REDUCTION XEADINGS OF ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. September, 1858. 29 Inches+. Mean Lat. 72°.0 N., Long. 949.4 W. DAY. 4h. 8h. Noon. 4h. gh. Midn’t. Mean. 1 1.12 1.12 1.19 1.25 1.26 1.28 1.20 2 1.24 1.25 1.25 1.24 1.35 1.30 1.27 3 1.26 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.34 1.30 1.30 4 1.30 1.29 1.32 131 1.30 1.23 1.29 5 1st 1.30 1.23 1.14 1.18 1.16 1.22 6 1.20 1.10 1.12 (1.06) (1.00) (0.94) 1.07 7 88 84 -87 -86 -92 90 0.88 8 -90 .90 94 97 94 -96 0.94 9 -97 1.02 1.10 1.14 15 1.18 1.09 10 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.20 1,24 1.22 1.21 11 1.2 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.24 1.21 12 1.16 1.13 1.17 1.17 7, 1.15 1.16 13 1.12 1.12 1.16 1.17 1.16 1.21 1.16 14 1.20 1.24 1.28 1.28 1.22 1.22 1.24 15 1.26 1.25 1.29 1.29 1.34 iRSy; 1.30 16 1.27 1.32 sil 1.36 1.33 1.29 Lot al 1.25 1.28 1.23 1.26 1.23 a Matt) 1.24 18 1.14 1.16 1.12 1.19 1.20 1.12 105 19 1.10 1.18 1.18 1.20 1.18 1.09 1.16 20 1.00 1.09 1.06 -98 -94 -80 0.98 21 «72 ~72 -74 ~72 -78 .84 0.75 22 -88 1.00 1.04 1.03 -90 .68 0.92 23 -52 .33 32 -28 -48 -69 0.44 24 -75 -90 .88 .98 -98 -96 0.91 25 .90 1.02 1.02 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.03 26 1.10 1.20 1.12 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.19 27 1.20 1.20 1.30 ileal 1.30 1.30 1.27 28 1.15 1.20 1.10 1.04 1.14 1.12 1.12 29 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.20 1.18 1.19 30 1.12 1.10 1.06 1.04 1.02 -98 1.05 Mean 30.084 30.105 30.110 30.118 30.127 30.107 30.108 October, 1858. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 729.0 N., Long. 94°.2 W. DAY. 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. §h. Midn’t. Mean. 1 .88 .88 -86 85 -80 -70 0.83 2 -64 : 62 12 “12 72 -90 0.72 3 -68 72 74 «80 -80 -70 0.74 4 -61 -66 82 94 -98 1.00 0.83 5 1.10 1.22 1.30 1.38 1.42 1.46 Toi 6 1.46 1.54 1.60 1.62 1.66 1.66 1.59 7 1.64 1.68 1.70 -68 1.63 1.56 1.48 8 1.45 1.45 1.48 1.48 1250 1.46 1.47 9 1.44 1.44 1.40 1.38 1.37 1.29 1.39 10 1.20 1.16 1.11 -78 -63 48 0.89 afi -42 -45 46 -41 44 42 0.43 12 -42 .50 55 -67 -73 By ti) 0.60 13 74 84 -85 86 88 .88 0.84 14 .88 -88 1.04 1.08 1.18 1.20 1.04 15 1.18 1.24 1.20 uUsilit 1.08 94 1.12 16 82 -78 -70 -66 -66 -60 0.70 17 -56 62 .60 -70 -73 -82 0.67 18 82 .90 -98 .98 -92 -98 0.93 19 -79 -76 -70 -68 -60 46 0.67 20 -38 44 48 -52 -58 -60 0.50 21 60 -70 -80 94 1.06 1.14 0.87 22 1,21 1.20 1.32 1.37 1.36 1.36 1.30 23 1.30 1.38 ist) 1.28 1.23 1.14 1.28 24 1.06 1.00 -86 .80 -79 -74 0.87 25 “72 90 96 1.04 1.04 1.24 0.98 26 1.26 1.32 1.40 1.38 ssi 1.36 1/35 27 1.34 1.44 1.46 1.46 1.42 1.34 1.41 28 1.24 1,24 1.22 1.18 1.22 1.16 1.21 29 1.10 1.10 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.00 1.05 30 96 96 92 96 96 1.04 0.97 31 1.07 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.18 1.12 1.16 Mean 29.967 | 30.007 30.026 29.998 30.031 30.016 30.007 OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 89 READINGS oF ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox. November, 1858. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 72°.0 N., Long. 94°.2 W. | pay. | 2h 4h. gh. gh. 10h. | Noon, | 2h. 4h. Gh. gh. 10h. |Midn’t.] Mean. 1 1.10) |) 1208" | os | Was) |) Wea5! ||) W104) | 1-026) 1502 .98 97 94 | 94 1.04 2 86 86 85 .93 .96 | 1.00 | 1.08 | 1.14 | 1.10 | 1.14 | 1.16 | 1.20 1.02 3 Tost | OG pow | ese gE) |) dade dead || ees he qe4on 140") 136 |) 130 1.32 ZA NaI) | APRA I ALGIOS Ne TSH trees Nie tea) jalan rly Ih IPAS | epi) 9) alc! 1.19 5 ETO MIGn eter le tere) |) aeose) hon mean aeiah |: Aieaeelt ie0Gh ils versie |) lee 1.17 6 TES) UCN || 1825 ie Leeer |) ee Tee oa) eiesdelh IPSS Teas) |i 12341) 130 1.27 7 1.28 | 1.28 | 1.32 | 1.34 | 1.38 | 1.38 | 1.42] 1.46 | 1.48 | 1.48 | 1.50 | 1.50 1.40 8 edge lease | eteaee ll eho) aebOn|) Ta4se |) eae) Poon) tepgel tes 2 | Webel ee 1.50 9 1.48 | 1.48 | 1.48 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.58 | 1.58 | 1.60 | 1.60 | 1.62 | 1.60 | 1.60 1.55 10 | 1.62 | 1:62 | 1.58 | 1.60) || 1.64 | 1.68 | 1.66) | 1:66 || 1:66 | 1.66 | 1.66 | 1.60 1.64 11 1.57 | 1.52 | 1.58 | 1.58 | 1.52 | 1.50 | 1.48 | 1.46 | 1.48 | 1.46 | 1.46 | 1.44 1.50 12 1.44 | 1.44 | 1,43 | 1.42 | 1.50 | 1.46 | 1.48 | 1.48 | 1.48 | 1.48 | 1.48 | 1.48 1.46 13 TeAae le eAO! eae 4a tesa; | Iessyl|p deseni toon |p kote e Ted Bel: Tere || olen 1.31 Tal eos deo4n |) a2) |) Ikon |) tog) | v0; 4108) | aes PF evs, || 20)" Wa) |) 20 1.12 15 Toots lo oay.| sieod WeoDe |) Ashe) WS4e | SS esh 4a Tae gon ih a5 1.37 16 | 154 ) 1.54 | 152 | 1-57 | 1:56 |) 1.52 | 1.50) | 1.45 | 1.40 | 1-54 | 1-30 |) 1.26 1.47 17 TOA) | TNS) Nea) SIZ) IP STIG aR) | TN aISPX) hy alee4a) |) ay |) ale; 1.18 18 TOMO Gee ROE nee OOM to) estan Teds edb etGn |) LalGm |e Tenet iededs 1.12 1G). | Seay palate WSU TES NN TUE | UBT) || AST) 4) SGPC eal) TESS algae) hea! 1.17 Dome eos LeOGn) te01 ||) 1s03e) = 1k00) |) 108 .98 299m |) 1008 |peleODu |e eo mee Os 1.03 21 TeIKD) |p TUetUCA) If) aUeCoeey |] eal IP SSIS IP TUS TIGA aE Sate aia ates} ) alsa Teil) Soe eon eon leat eke On lualelou iy Ueoon |i de oeul tenon |p sMezOnin deSOMn IeS4a0 sated 1.23 23 1.33) | D31 | 130 | 1.36} 1:35 | 139 | 1-39 | 1.40) | 1.45) | 1.49 | 1-50 | 1-50 1.40 24 | 1.50 | 1.50 | 1.55 |] 1.65 | 1.65 | 1.63°| 1.64 | 1.68 | 1.66 | 1.66 | 1.65 | 1.64 1.62 25 160) |) Debye |) -a256) |) debe) WesSiy) 153) | e542 |) ae60 |) Tb8 |) We56) |) eb) 58 1.57 26 1.56 | 1.56 | 1.56 | 1.60 | 1.56 | 1.56 | 1.54 | 1.52 | 1.52] 1.44 | 1.40 | 1.40 1.52 27 ISH Leon eos eG nn Te2OM eth. a 1eObn |) tk06) \\) HOS 1 1e02 94 .91 mail) 28 .86 -80 73 75 74 14 a2 -70 .68 68 | .68 69 0.73 29 .66 65 64 a2 -76 74 MP 74 .78 .80 Sl 81 0.74 30 82 84 .90 97 .98 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.02 | 1.00 | 1.01 .99 | 1.00 0.96 | Mean | 1.243 | 1.231 | 1.224 | 1.263 | 1.273 | 1.270 | 1.263 | 1.280 | 1.278 | 1.283 -| 1.270 | 1.264 | 40.261 i | December, 1858. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 72°.0 N., Long. 949.2 W. DAY. 2h. 4h. 6h. Sh. 10h. Noon. Qh. 4h. 6h. Sh. 10h. |Midn’t.}| Mean. 1 1.00 BOOM mee COM ele Gia! eal OSms ate OO)y|) alent ate (Gh ie tlet Sh jeter Sim |e 2000 ele 20 1.10 2) TOON cTeLSei) ely | Ie2O | Ae20) |) dallsi |: eral) Tene) ty Teton |) TON 10405) 1d0 1.14 3 .98 94 NGG yy LOO Ns eNO Sy pele@omn) le Tt cleans ie 04a mete Ol 98 .97 1.08 4 96 .94 90 .98 .96 ‘96- ||| 100) | Om |) 104) aco |) 108) | 0 1.00 5 Te |) Tes) || Tei aU) [Sato aes I Is) aN) |) ates) airlines |) ang 1.14 6 TEMG MON eedde yp TeMGe | lenge date, |) el2e|) Lio IOS | eGhn |)" 100 .98 1.10 7 .94 94 .92 .99 | 1.00 | 1.01 | 1.04 | 1.06 | 1.06 | 1.06 | 1.04 | 1.03 1.08 8 1.02 | 1.00 .98 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.01 |. 1.04 | 1.08 | 1.09 | 1.09 1.03 9 1.09, | 1.09 | 1.09 | 1.12 | 1.10 | 1.06 | 1.04 | 1.06 | 1.01 .98 .96 92 1.04 10 289 86 .§8 84 .82 .78 74 75 74 72 .70 -70 0.78 i .68 .67 69 74 75 74 74 .78 .78 .80 82 85 0.75 12 84 .84 -81 -89 .90 .90 -92 .94 -94 «OT 1.00 1.00 0.91 13 TEGQE | OAM ROG) lela) e200) 20 alo? 0226 | TkoRe 2b) a26 al) aoa 1.18 14 24) CDE ESO ee eG Gs) Te2be | 28h) e220 285) tae) 22 1.24 15 TOON SMROOM IE eTGH | ROO OoN OOM IEG IIS lets ulte20u lh de20n\) amg 1.19 16 TAO eM teSe ieeOn eo a OMe TeTON) el2e\08e)) mOsm aeOs, |) dey 1.10 17 1.05 | 1.04 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.05 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.06 | 1.06 | 1.06 1.06 18 TOG AeOG | SIROSH LIA eae OM mi On D2 STOLL ON 08h), 1206 1.10 19 1.04 1.04 98 1.02 1.01 99 98 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 20 .98 98 .92 .96 .90 .86 82 .79 72 65 59 54 0.81 21 A8 .45 .46 50 53 .56 62 .66 70 76 76 .80 0.61 22 82 84 87 95 LOS OOr tt leds. 04) )| hOB) aeOsia| TeLO} A teT0 0.99 23 1.08 | 1.06 | 1.06 | 1.12 | 1.13 | 1.10 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.08 | 1.06 | 1.04 | 1.03 1.08 Fai |S Teaye oe SuCAOellaa eine jelly |f alee) NT Tee) 1) Sree) |) Salat origin |) alates leat) |) ali 1.08 25 Tea fo TAK Weal Pd feat |) sealers || sais | Sate |) abe |) alg |) SETI) |) GIGriG)" |i) ala) 1.13 26 TGA TeOON | 09 de Ose) eons Merial) too stom etal GeiecedGm|| WekSani eas 1.13 27 gon | 20n |) we34. |) 13800 TSS4) es | esse) as ea abo) 1554 153 1.37 28 pan eeeeSal kes) NeezOL | Devaar) eleziiea cierae elec! eO7On |) akG8 1.68 29 ek | ese eee ||) We54) |) 1.48" |) aeaae ||) kao} ||) 1739) | ess) | es2) |) S08 |) 1.29 1.44 30 io At TGA) eae |) alee) STR |) LSU ATT |! ace Andes TIRR YO) |p alae || walabat | salad) 1.19 31 MOOR MeeTSe erm test) cleo) ea) || Teel veniec teen pelsloel dette 100 1.16 s | = — Mean | 1.064 | 1.049 | 1.053 | 1.070 | 1.094 | 1.085 | 1.092 | 1.105 | 1.095 | 1.094 | 1.090 | 1.081 | 30.081 12 90 RECORD AND REDUCTION READINGS OF ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. January, 1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 729.0 N., Long. 94°.2 W. | | | 6h. gh. 10h. | Noon. 2h. 4h. jh. 8h. 10h. |Midn’t.| Mean. -92 -88 .84 1.04 -98 1.34 1.44 1.20 1.24 -86 1.20 1.40 1.38 1 1 -80 78 -76 0.89 92 -90 -90 0.83 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.00 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.44 1.44 1.46 1.28 1.36 1.30 1.28 1.41 1k / 1.14 1.20 1.24 1.24 1.22 1.21 -88 -88 88 0.92 -26 3 1.34 1.14 44 1.46 1.40 +35 -16 -20 42 32 26 09 22 =< ww ob -76 -92 00 -06 46 atl) wile 94 -96 +38 25 -08 42 24 otis 21 14 -20 -98 -98 ‘ ~§ -96 97 02 : d 0% o c -96 -88 92 a : i 89 é 2 87 84 -90 . BS i OF 1.02 1.04 10 . 3 5 é 1.15 1.16 20 26 26 1.28 34 27 +26 2 1.21 -26 28 -26 -26 1.26 28 29 : : 1.40 46 30 «39 ce 1.40 31 5 : 1.50 _ +76 egies Fay Sears sSERRE bo bo bob 16 46 Bee eee eee CWHebPwWwHhwWhHobmRIY OOM et AOCVMGorkFEROmONNUONWNNnHONS 18 e SeMTIHAM ROH eH wo} oe 38 See ems Wo i is to | ies) <1 an ooo -20 -16 1.36 1.34 1.27 1.12 1.19 oy) 9 a +26 -38 26 —rPAAOAWNWRAT ON DOGO W Rigw eb how bio mii Soh & to eo oo ki bo Bee eee fe ee Ree Re iat J PRP RP eee eee WwWNWoOrROMOA-T LPR RE eRe SNe Nw he bc = 5 1.34 1.30 | 1.29 1.26 1.25 -40 1.40 4 1.40 0 wo 5 1.52 5 1.53 —o PRE RP EEE HOOP ORR ESE APRWNWwWHHoDoDH LU i WaNWONRWADSOTHANTISWOD ee Or or Be OO BO OO GO. OF, SCDON SO -56 Mean | 1.17: Sub 1.148 | 1.180 bo = iJ~) 1.201 | 1.200 February, 1859. - Mean Lat. 72°.0 N., Long. 949.2 W. <] & n 4h. 6h. Sh. Oh. Oh. 4h. Gh. : - |Midn’t.] Mean. 1.46 1.20 -80 “12 20 20 22 BE -26 -20 .00 Ay | -48 48 -62 -68 96 .10 .25 .38 52 30 -26 AG AaB} 49 99 prs) 1.25 92 Hoa ep No PND oO obo DOTHAN Bw oho bo oT ee SRNISSENON b H = ies) AT i é bo 09 Go 02 21 2 sot .46 25 25 .38 44 55 .20 21 BO .28 27 | .16 Rite .06 28 8! j 75 82 85 .82 .8 3 : is 5 : 0.83 foal 4) .48 45}5) 5 E 24 fed Bt pd fk fed pet pet pd pe pe a ee ee eer ee eee ery errer erie ho in: oo bot i A Fe pe pp pp pp fet pet pe pk pe pe ep Fak fe fed fe peek pp ge pp a pe Paton : a Pe ee pp ppp Sho on Go > oD hob | | | Mean 1.135 1.110 | 1.146 | 1.149 | 1.146 | 1.1: 155 | 30.142 ' | OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 91 Reapines or ANERom BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox. March, 1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 729.0 N., Long. 949.2 W. DAY. 2h. 4h 6h. gh. 10h. | Noon. 2h 4h Gh. Sh. 10h. |Midn’t.| Mean. 1 -90 -92 -98 1.10 1.14 1.14 1.15 1.17 vei ly) 1.18 1.20 1.19 1.10 2 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.27 1.25 1.24 1.22 1.22 1.20 1.23 3 Vs 1.15 1.12 1.18 LBL ua ly 9 1.15 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.12 1.12 1.15 4 1.12 1.10 1.10 1.16 1.18 1.19 1.22 1.26 1,28 1.29 1.30 1.32 1.21 5 1.32 1.31 1.30 IES Yi 1.40 1.40 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.465 1.46 1.49 1.41 6 1.47 1.46 1.44 1.50 ies} 1.52 Los 1.53 1.54 15S) 1.53 1.54 bd i 1.50 1.47 1.46 1.48 1.46 1.47 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.39 1.36 ow 1.44 8 1.26 1.22 1.16 1.18 Ly 1.16 1.16 a ea ty 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.14 1.18 9 1.10 1.06 1.06 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.09 1.10 a Ti la 1.14 1.15 1.13 1.10 10 staal 1.08 1.06 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.04 1.00 -96 93 -90 -86 1.01 11 82 -76 .94 -82 .80 80 79 Si) -79 -81 82 -80 0.81 12 80 78 -80 92 92 94 1.02 | 1.05 gaa) {}) alsals} 1.17 1.21 0.99 13 1.22 1.20 1.22 1.22 1,32 iis 13238 1.42 1.43 1.40 1.41 1.32 14 1.43 1.44 1.39 1.40 1.45 1.42 1.42 | 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.40 1.43 15 1.38 1.34 1.31 1.36 1.32 1.34 1.29: | 1.30 1.24 1.24 1.23 1.19 1.30 16 1.14 1.10 1.10 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.06 1.10 17 1.06 1.04 1.08 1.14 1.14 iets 1.16 1.22 1.26 1.30 1.32 1.32 1.18 18 1.30 1.31 isi 1.36 1.38 1.42 1.40 1.44 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.44 1.40 19 1.44 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.50 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.56 1.50 20 1.56 1.59 1.58 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.72 1.70 1.70 1.72 1.72 1.67 21 1.70 1.70 1.78 1.76 1.76 1.76 1.75 1.78 1.80 1.82 1,81 1.80 1.77 22 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.80 1.82 1.82 1.82 179 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.74 1.79 23 1.70 1.66 1.64 1.68 1.64 1.61 1.58 1.56 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.52 1.60 24 1.48 1.42 1.42 1.46 1.46 1,44 1.40 1.40 1.39 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.42 25 1.32 1.30 1.30 1.38 1.40 1.40 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.50 1.54 1.54 1.42 26 1.54 feos 1.54 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.56 1.58 1.58 1.56 1.58 1.58 P57 27 1.54 1.50 1.50 1.54 1.58 1.59 Lay) 1.62 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.60 28 (1.69) | (1.70) | (1.71) | 1.72 | (1.70)| 1.68 | (1.67)| 1.66 | (1.68)| 1.70 | (1.67)| 1.64 1.68 29 | (1.59)| 1.54 | (1.56)| 1.58 | (.56)| 1.54 | (1.56)| 1.58 | (1.59)| 1.60 | (1.60)| 1.61 1.58 30 | (1.60)| 1.59 | (1.62)| 1.66 | (1.66)! 1.66 | (1.68)| 1.70 | (1.70)| 1.72 | (1.72)| 1.74 1.67 31 | .73)| 1.72 | .73)| 1.74 | G.74)| 1.75 | (.73)| 1-72 | G.71)| 1.70 | @.67)| 1.64 1.71 Mean | 1.354 | 1.335 | 1.345 | 1.380 | 1.386 |1.386 | 1.386 | 1.397 | 1.400 | 1.406 | 1.407 | 1.396 | 30.382 April, 1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 729.0 N., Long. 94°.2 W. DAY. 6h. Sh. Noon. 4h. Sh. 11h. Mean. 1 1.56 1.59 1.52 1.52 1.44 1.40 1.50 2 1.27 1.28 1.22 1.19 119, 1.16 1.22 3 1.17 1.14 1.08 1.06 -99 «94 1.06 4 .87 92 94 1.00 1.03 1.04 0.97 5 1.07 1.09 1.07 1.07 1.09 1.06 1.07 6 1.07 1.09 1.02 1.07 1.06 1.03 1.06 ai -96 1.02 .98 1.00 1.06 1.07 1.01 8 1.07 1.13 1.14 1.19 1.25 1.27 Dedeg 9 a ey 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.61 1.63 1.51 10 1.67 1.69 1.76 1.80 1.88 1.91 1.78 11 1.96 2.00 2.02 2.07 2.11 2.11 2.05 12 2.16 2.19 2.27 2.24 2.27 2.24 2.23 13 2.17 ral Bf 2.16 2.14 2.15 pa UE 2.15 14 2.04 2.07 2.04 2.01 1.99 1.95 2.02 15 1.87 1.76 1.66 1.59 1.52 1.48 1.65 16 1.37 Tow 1.37 1.30 1.29 1.27 1.33 17 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.37 1.34 1.3L 1.30 18 ale by eh, 1.10 1.11 1.10 1.12 1.13 19 1.27 1.36 1.42 1.46 1.54 1.53 1.43 20 1.57 1.57 1.60 1.62 1.66 1.61 1.60 21 157 U5 1.48 1.40 1.29 1.15 1.41 22, ay! 1.07 -99 97 -93 .98 0.99 23 1.06 alethe/ 1.16 1.14 1.10 1.03 anil) 24 1.07 1.09 1.16 1.17 1.22 1.22 1.15 25 D7 1.17 1.16 1.12 1.10 1.04 1.13 26 sod 1.07 1.10 ale) 1.25 1.25 1.14 27 1.27 tPA 1.24 1.23 1,28 1.26 1.26 28 Cay, 1.38 1.40 1.47 1.48 1.45 1.43 29 1.47 1.47 1.46 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.45 30 neh’ 1.47 1.41 1.43 1.43 1.40 1.42 Mean 1.374 1.401 1.389 1.396 1.403 1.381 30.391 (1.363) (1.374) 30.388 At 4h. At 12h. 92 RECORD AND REDUCTION READINGS OF ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. May,1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 729.0 N., Long. 94°.2 W. DAY. 5h. | gh. Noon 4h. gh. 11h. Mean. 1 1 BY / 1.39 1.40 1.40 1.39 1.37 1.39 2 1.27 1.29 ilsy/ 1.30 1.36 Peal 1.32 3 1.35 1.37 1.39 1.35 1.38 1.33 1.36 4 1.28 1.30 1.28 1.26 1.26 1.24 1.27 5 1.18 1.22 1.25 1.22 1.26 1.22 1.22 6 1.20 1.24 1.26 1.26 1.27 1.26 1.25 7 1.25 1.28 1.30 1.29 Sy 1.32 1.30 8 1.30 Ike B! 1.30 1.26 1,22 1.18 1.27 9 1.16 1.17 1.26 1.56 ales) 1.29 1.26 10 ii) 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.18 1.21 11 1.08 1.12 1.09 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.08 2 96 -97 1.00 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.02 13 1.00 1.02 1.00 -98 1.00 98 1.00 14 90 92 95 98 97 98 0.95 15 94 -97 -93 -90 88 87 0.92 16 81 -82 .84 83 .83 81 0.82 17 76 78 82 -82 -87 85 0.82 18 .80 85 -90 97 1.02 1.06 0.93 19 1.07 1.09 1.16 1.19 1.24 1.27 aby 20 1/25 1.29 1.32 1.32 reB} 1.35 1.31 21 1.28 1.28 1.26 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.25 22 1.13 1.15 1.17 1.20 1.23 1.23 1.19 23 1.20 1.23 1.26 1.29 Behl 1.32 1.27 24 1.25 a 1.32 1.36 1.38 1.35 1.32 25 1.28 1,29 1.30 1.30 1.28 1.28 1.29 26 1.28 1.28 1.29 1.29 1.30 1.28 1.2 27 1.19 1.19 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.27 1.24 28 1.29 1.29 1.38 1.41 1.42 1.43 UR 29 1.40 1.42 1.47 1.49 1.54 1.56 1.48 30 1.58 1.58 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.62 31 1.65 1.65 1.72 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.69 Mean 1.182 1.203 1.229 1.233 1.245 1.235 30.222 (1.175) (1.231) 30.219 At 4h. At 12h. June, 1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 729.0 N., Long. 949.2 W DAY. 5h. 8h. Noon. 4h. 8h. 11h Mean 1 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.68 1.67 1.55 1.66 2 1.52 1.50 1.44 1.36 1.29 1.21 1.39 3 D5 1.15 1.23 1.2 1.32 1.33 1.24 4 1.32 1.34 1.38 1.39 1.39 1.40 1.37 5 1.44 1.46 raspy 1.55 1.56 1.58 1.52 6 1.54 1.58 1.60 1.62 1.64 1.62 1.60 7 1.58 1.56 1.56 1,52 1.52 1.45 1.538 8 1.36 ile} 1.29 1.24 1.18 1.16 1.26 9 1.09 tala ilgnies 1.18 1.22 1.22 1.16 10 Tag 1.21 1.24 1.26 1.26 1.22 1.23 11 1.19 1.19 1.20 1.26 1.22 1.22 1.21 12 1.11 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.06 1.09 13 1.01 1.00 1.02 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.01 14 .98 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 94 0.99 15 -85 84 -86 85 -86 85 0.85 16 85 82 89 90 92 91 0.88 17 92 96 -96 96 96 91 0.95 18 -75 72 -65 -73 -85 92 0.77 19 1.04 1.06 1.06 1.09 1.14 1.16 1.09 20 1.19 1.21 1.18 1.14 1.07 1.08 1.15 21 1.15 1.16 1.10 1.02 99 -96 1.06 22 98 1.02 1.03 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.03 23 1.05 1.02 1.03 1.01 4h) -99 1.01 24 1.00 1.04 102 1.06 .98 92 1.00 25 -86 -88 86 .88 84 84 0.86 26 .78 .78 -81 .79 orth 7 0.78 27 -74 -78 -80 #85 .83 84 0.81 28 .88 91 .98 1.04 1.11 1.10 1.00 29 1.08 1.11 1.04 1.00 1.08 1.08 1.07 30 1.14 allie} 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.06 1.12 Mean 1.114 1.122 1.127 1.131 1.130 1.114 30.123 (1.111) (1.109) 30.122 At 4h. At 12h. OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 93 READINGS OF ANEROTD BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox. July, 1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 72°.0 N., Long. 949.2 W. 2h. 4h. 5h. 6h. gh. 10h. | Noon. } 2h. 4h. 6h. 8h. 10h. Midnt.|Mean. (1.00) |(0.96)| .95 | (.93)| .90 | ¢.90)| .91 .96 | (.98) (.98) | . (.97)| 0.95 (.96)| (.95)| .95 | (.95)| .95 | (.95)| .94 | (.97)| 1.01 |(1.03) | (1.04) |1. (1.06) } 0.99 J (1.07) |(1.09) | 1.10 | 1.12 '(1.10)| 1.07 |(1.05)| 1.04 |(1.02) (1.00) | . 98 1.05 (-98)| (.98)| .98 | ¢.98)| .99 | (.97)| 95 | (.94)] 93 | G92)) . (.88) | . .8 0.94 (.83) | (.80)] .79 | (75 SSE (RED) || oe |) SeHE oe HE : -72 | 0.76 -70 “70: | --= 6 -74 AY ye at) 82 .84 .88 92 98 - 0.82 g 99 |--- ; .02 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.04 -02 -99 : a 2 1.00 SGDm kan = 6 -76 -76 -76 -74 72 -68 6 6% “ 0.69 47 At 42 oe) .38 34 -o2 29 a ry ae 0.35 -20 é 04 -00 00 .98 98 97 4 A 02 0.04 .09 : 2 .30 .36 43 -48 -58 6: 6 -66 0.38 -70 ia ak 82 .83 .85 .88 .88 8 8 78 O.81 74 72 - -70 .68 64 -60 -56 < of .48 | 0.63 Ai} i < 68 74 Sa “17 Ariel . one s 0.68 -70 -70 -78 -78 74 3 12 Ap 0.72 84 82 82 80 .78 é 76 ald |) OE) .80 80 82 -79 -79 5 0 68 0.78 -67 .66 | .68 70 -76 5 aut : 0.70 -88 94 | 1.02 | 1.06 | 1.04 | 1 1.02 -02 0.93 Te Nien alte lee Al kale sisalce eal 1.12 i 1.12 1.19 | 1.26 } 1.34 | 1.36 | 1.34 | 1. 1.34 de 1.26 USO leo ele ShameleoO) sles alas 1.44 At 1.46 al 1 il, 1 = ~~ ry Gi) fem) BaSArAmDRPROOCSNOAANHWhk 1.48 | 1.46 | 1.49 | 1.40 | 1.44 1.39 136 | 1.43 1.44 | 1.44 | 1.42 | 1.36 1.31 : 1.38 1.25 | 1.26 | 1.26 | 1.20 | 1. 1.14 3 1.23 1.12 | 1:18 | 1.44 | 1:06 | 1.06 | .98 ; 1.09 94} 95 | .91 | .94 | (94 | 91 “91 | 0.92 1.12 | 1.14 | 1.12 | 1.08 | 1.05 | 1.00 ; 1.04 bel Med ss | Teds | Wel Detar | ted | 1.08 | 1.09 Teo) fries || ateeloy | alanis) |) alent |) aaa 13 | 1.16 1.15 | 1.12 | 1.12) | 1.10 | 1.08 | 1.01 : are Hee ee Pro oDHE WN ES PDD Bee MOWan RPNroOmOrN eR oS Bee He ee 1c 1.12 0.885] ... | 0.887 | 0.912 | 0.924 0.933 | 0.948 0.940 | 0.930 | 0.924 | 0.903] ... | 0.892 29.913 | August, 1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 71.99 N., Long. 79°.8 W. 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. gh. Midn’t. Mean. -99 1.08 1.02 1.06 1.00 - < -80 0.95 84 6 62 5 -70 0.69 -72 C -88 3 89 0.85 -89 -96 92 “i 94 0.93 A -f 94 90 : 18 0.90 74 . 72 é -81 0.77 5 88 -86 -76 0.83 74 .88 =e 94 0.87 a OT 1.06 1.06 1.05 edu .98 1.08 AS} b 3 90 0.93 94 87 0.92 -69 «6! -68 0.71 -87 1.12 0.93 1.02 1.10 .64 0.84 -62 0.65 -61 0.61 -61 -64 -70 1.30 1.04 1.13 1.10 1.20 1.49 1.46 1.22 1.24 oo os . an o- boo mil SCOCOMONNC Mw: PH Hee ee eee Nei > NAMINWAWAHS Bee eee eee SO St Sl lll Oo) bhkwHee et WONG RW whe = So) oo bo bo o to nt i) 0.944 * Refers to 28 inches. 94 RECORD AND REDUCTION | READINGS OF ANEROID BAROMETER 17701 ON BOARD THE Yacut Fox. September, 1859. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 58°.9 N., Long. 40°.9 W. DAY. 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. gh. Midnight. 1.27 1.23 1.20 1.20 od 1.20 1.16 1.08 -04 -98 -90 “17 8 -81 -80 -66 ---- -68 : -70 85 8 -88 85 82 94 -90 8 80 . 84 94 DIAMAR Whe 9 fat et es ae Whe > a 1 Additional Readings of the Marine Mercurial Barometer, between September, 1857, and April, 1858. : A description of the Marine Barometer adopted by Her Majesty’s government, on the recommendation of the Kew Observatory Committee of the British Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, will be found in the appendix to the fourth number of meteorological papers, published by authority of the Board of Trade. London, 1860. Reapinas or THE Marie Mercurtan Barometer, Avie No. 208, ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox. Height of cistern above the level of the sea, 4 feet. September, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 75°.2 N., Long. 65°.3 W. 4h. 8h. Noon. . : Midnight. Mean. Mean. Bar. Th. Bar. : Bar. | : ar. 5 ar. | Th. Bar. | Th. At 32°, Inch. -920 439 -516 -812 .854 573 «651 601 -626 -703 -495 | Inch. Inch. | Inch. 2) ch, 2 Inch. 20 | (1.033) | (55) | 1.093 | & 1.106 | 58 : -787 | 62 | 1.000 21 | (.640) | (62) | .500 | 6: 453 | 61 : cl 549 | 66 | .527 22 | (.421)|(45)| .441 | 4: 556 | 52] . 54]. are 581 23 | (.732) | (45)| .772| 45 | .854) 53) . .967 | 58 | 1.049 | 68 | .879 24 | (1.042) | (60) | 1.032 | 6 -006 | 56 : . BYE i -931 25 (.581) | (88)| 5381 | 38) .531 | 47) . Ves Q) 4s .626 26 | (.720) | (48)| .740 SPAS GD || ; .680 | £ ayia 27 (.640) | (57) | ~—.620 -676 | 51 : bom -696 -671 28 (.628) | (52) | -628 | { ASIC || EAI) 762 78 j 696 | 29 (.740) | (46) | .710 | 46 -789 | 54 oth! Baler 76 -765 30 | (.666) | (49)| .636 | 4s 588 | 47 | .513 | £ .AT5 | 435 552 we C1 OT Ol Or OF OV Or cs Or SPAAE SARE & 9 Inwwowmwo-0r Mean! .713 | 50.6] .700 |50.6| .723 |53.0) .739 \53.8| .733.|57.0| .724 | 722 on ie bo At 32° 29.656 29.643 29.657 29.67: 29. -6 29.654 29.654 The column for 4": A. M. was obtained by interpolation, the difference in the aneroid readings of 4" and 8" was applied to the reading of the marine barometer at 8" to get the value for 4”. The reduction to 32° was effected by means of Table XVII, C., of Guyot’s Meteorological Tables (Edition of 1858). The reading for 4 A. M., between October 1 and 20, being wanting, they were supplied by means of differences of the aneroid readings, as stated above. OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 95 READINGs or THE Marine Mercurtan Barometer, Apre No. 208, oN BOARD THE YAcuT Fox. October, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 759.2 N., Long. 679.9 W. 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. §h. Midnight. Mean. Mean. DAY. a : Bar. Th. Bar. | Th. Bar. | Th. Bar. | Th Bar. | Th. Bar. Th. Bar. Th. At 32°. Inch. s) Inch, o Inch a Inch. 9° | Inch. ©) Inch. C) Inch. ° Inch. 1 (.422) | (45) 472 | 45 605 | 50 -663 | 49 | .676) 54 -740 | 58 .596 50 2039 2 (.768) | (46) | .798 | 46] .860) 50} .920 | 49] .947] 53 | .980 | 54] .879 | 49} .825 3 (1.010) | (51) .980 | 51 | 1.002 | 47 | 1.028 | 52 | 1.033] 58 | 1.013 | 56 | 1.011 52 948 4 (.954) | (44) 914 | 44 906 | 49 -909 | 49 -899 | 52 -821 | 52 -900 48 -848 5 (.760) | (45) -720 | 45 -716 | 50 621 | 48 -573 | 52 556 | 52 -657 | 48 -605 6 (.514) | (47) | .594 | 47 -650 | 49 -703 | 49 -739 | 54 727 | 51 654 50 097 if (.700) | (47) -700 | 47 754 | 45 -788 | 44 -813 | 49 .819 | 54 «762 47 -713 8 (.762) | (49) -822 | 49 -850 | 50 -901 | 49 -937 | 51 -950 | 49 -870 49 -816 9 (.948) | (45) .948 | 45 | 1.079} 50 | 1.138 | 50 | 1.161} 53} 1.181 | 50] 1.075 | 48 | 1.023 10 (1.108) | (47) | 1.0388 | 47 -980 | 45 .969 2) .967]| 49 -930 | 48 981 46 -934 11 (.892) | (40) | .872 | 40 .932 | 44 880 | 44 -866 | 49 -808 | 51 875 | 44 834 12 (.716) | (89) -666 | 39 .670 | 44 .680 |; 45 -684 | 50 -687 | 50 -684 44 .643 1S (.660) | (47) -650 | 47 -618 | 50 544 | 48 -460 | 56 400 | 57 «555 50 -498 14 (.3822) | (53) | .212| 53 -270 | 52 .o44 | 51 -440 | 58 -482 | 57 344 54 277 15 (.402) | (51) 452 |) 51 -470 | 53 -539 | 56 -615 | 60 -591 | 59 -520 54 -453 16 (.552) | (51) +552 | 51 -602 | 53 -680 | 50 -756 | 58 «187 | 59 655 54 -598 17 (-882) | (57) “922i |B. .898 | 52 .884 | 51 -900 | 59 -896 | 60 -897 4} 55. 827 18 (.858) | (52) -858 | 52 -876 | 58 .846 | 59 Aare) Oe) -690 | 59 -818 56 ~745 19 (.562) | (53) 512 | 53 -536 | 50 -549 | 53 -597 | 57 .604 | 58 Aaya!) 54 492 20 (.606) | (50) -676 | 50 -700 | 56 -722 | 54 -761 | 59 -786 | 59 709. 54 642 21 «782 50 -752 | 52 “750 | 54 -752 | 56 -522 | 58 350 | 60 -651 55 -d81 22 178 59 -058 | 50 16 | 55 -278 | 54 416 | 58 .530 | 56 «264 | 55 194 23 -580 50 -598 | 50 -656 | 54 -652 | 58 -620 | 5S -592 | 56 .616 54 -549 24 -600 dt ~752 | 45 .906 | 46 | 1.030 | 47 | 1.136 |*49 | 1.201 | 53 937 AT 888 25 1.218 40 1.258 | 42 | 1.302 | 44 | 1.396 | 50 | 1.424] 50 | 1.471 | 53 | 1.344 46 | 1.297 26 1.480 42 1.492 | 42 | 1.550 | 43 | 1.536 | 47 | 1.564) 51 | 1.530 | 55 } 1.525 46 | 1.477 27 1.410 43 1.272 | 44 | 1.220 | 44 | 1.176 | 52 | 1.068] 55 | 1.020 | 50} 1.194 48 | 1.142 28 -966 42 -932 | 45 -966 | 48 | 1.048 | 54 | 1.086} 59 | 1.046 | 51} 1.008 49 ~955 29 1.010 40 1.042 | 45 | 1.060 | 49 973 | 53 -878 | 55 «770 | 55 955 49 -900 30 -670 44 -595 | 48 -640 | 51 | 650 | 54 -650 | 53 -700 | 56 -650 51 2090 31 656 43 -652 | 49 -724 | 53 | -684 | 56 +126 | 58 -728 | 50 -695 51 -636 Mean «774 47 -766 | 47 -802 | 49 -822 | 50 -828 | 54 .818 | 54 -802 (90.2 At 32° 29.724 29.716 29.748 29.764 29.760 29.750 29.744 29.744 November, 1857. 29 Inches +. Mean Lat. 74°.8 N., Long. 69°.1 W. 4h. | gh. Noon. 4h. Sh. Midnight. Mean. DAY. Bar. Th. Bar. Th. Bar. Th. Bar. Th. Bar. | Th. Bar. Th. Bar. Th. Tnch. 2 Inch. oS Inch. cI Inch. 2 Inch. e Inch. G Inch. 2) 1 «702 42 -738 | 47 -782 | 49 -778 | 56 .806 | 54 -744 | 50 | 0.758 | 49.7 2 -664 48 +654 | 43 -708 | 50 -742 | 58 -696 | 59 -671 | 58 | 0.689 | 52.7 3 -650 44 -620 | 46 -680 | 50 -794 | 52 .836 | 57 .912 | 58 | 0.749 | 51.2 4 -920 45 -922 |(54)| 1.027 | 62 | 1.060 | 57 | 1.100} 61 | 1.098 | 58 | 1.021 56.2 5 1.096 49 | 1.102 |) 49 | 1.1748 | 52 | 1.160 | 59 | 1.175 | 59 | 1.166 | 57 | 1.141 | 54.2 6 1.096 44 | 1.070 | 46 | 1.138 | 52 | 1.065 | 52 -970 | 58 -882 | 58 | 1.037 | 51.7 ul “784 45 sfo2 | 45 -820 | 54 194 | 53 -848 | 57 -828 | 58 | 0.801 | 52.0 8 814 45 .832 | 49 -866 | 49 .940 | 54 | 1.050 | 57 | 1.111 | 58 | 0.935 | 52.0 9 1.110 48 | 1.128 } 48 | 1.020 | 50 -916 | 51 -872,| 55 .882 | 52 | 0.988 | 50.7 10 932 44 | 1.012 | 47 | 1.044 | 51 | 1.038 | 53 | 1.038 | 58 } 1.002 | 58 | 1.011 | 51.8 11 -880 48 -840 | 50 -782,) 55 .658 | 59 -518 | 59 -550 | 55 | 0.705 | 54.3 12 -551 45 -600 | 47 -700 | 50 700 | 58 =160 |} 57 744 | 58 | 0.684 | 52.5 13 -650 45 -592 | 48 -552 | 52 475 | 55 500 | 55 -528 | 57 | 0.550 | 52.0 14 -526 48 Bae Sey: 4 -580 | 54 .600 | 58 650 | 50 -650 ' 58 | 0.593 | 53.3 15 -650 47 -614 | 50 sDowe || De .554 | 55 | .274) 58 -199 | 58 | 0.470 | 53.8 16 152 48 134 |-48 | .074 | 57 -968 | 56 -872 | 59 -012 | 62 | 0.369 | 55.0 17 162 49 298 | 48 .300' | 56 448 | 57 e478 | 55 EDOM DMI Osavan Wades: 18 -656 47 -762 | 49 -870 | 52 -946 | 56 | 1.050) 57 | 1.070 | 61 | 0.892 | 53.7 19 1.044 52 |} 1.022 | 567] 1.012 | 56 | 1.000 | 57 | 1.028 | 59 | 1.026-} 59 | 1.022 | 56.5 20 -956 49 BS AO ies | -996 | 52 970 | 55 -950 | 56 .880 | 52 | 0.954 | 52.5 21 .848 45 -(76 | 50 -840 | 56 -836 | 59 -668 | 60 -484 | 57 | 0.742 | 54.5 22 346 46 -270 | 48 -230 | 52 -268 | 57 -294 | 55 .368 | 57 | 0.296 | 52.5 23 -418 45 -610 | 50 -700 | 53 -156 | 58 819 | 55 -816 | 53 | 0.687 | 52.3 24 «734 45 -754 | 50 -78) | 55 .824 | 58 -933 | 61 -880 | 54] 0.817 | 53.8 25 «652 48 -442 | 50 -220 | 56 -O11 | 56 | *.986 | 57 .004 | 60 | 0.219 | 54.5 26 *,998 49 | *.998 | 51 | *.958 | 52 | *.976 | 54 028 | 59 156 | 60 } 0.019 | 54.2 27 -150 48 184 | 54 .220 | 55 004 | 57 0:20 0.16 0.26 0.21 March : ‘ 0822; 0.12 0.17 0.17 April ; 5 SUR) 0.16 0.12 0.16 May . : : . 0.10 0.07 0.14 0.10 June . : ; re Un} 0.10 0.10 0.10 July . ; : . 0.08 0.14 0.09 0.10 August. : 5 (pili! 0.12 0.10 0.10 Mean : 5 (bila 0.13 0.15 0.15 In Baffin Bay the progression is more regular than at Port Kennedy; the mean from the two stations compares very favorably with the result deduced from Dr. Kane’s observations. The oscillations in the winter months are twice as great as those in the summer months. The larger variations in the atmospheric pressure have already been noticed in the discussion of particular storms in the preceding part of the paper. Monthly and Annual Extremes. The following table contains the observed maxima and minima of the atmos- pheric pressure in each month, as observed by or referred to the mercurial marine barometer. (At 32° Fahr.) OF THE OBSERVATIONS FOR ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 107 For COMPARISON : Barrin Bay, 1857-58. Port Kennepy, 1858-59. Van Rensse,arr HArnor, Monru. 1853, 754,755. Min. Min. | Range. Max. Min. Range. Range. Max. September | 29.12 ey 30.15 29.06 | 1.06 30.15 29.04 1.11 October 30.50 98 52 30.48 29.16 1.32 30.33 29.05 1.28 November | 30.19 3.81 .38 30.46 29.42 | 1.04 30.33 29.03 1.30 December | 30.19 72 AT BOLoE 29.25 1.32 30.43 28.95 1.48 January 30.92 28.67 2.2% 30.34 29.8 0.83 30.44 29.08 1.36 February 30.30 9.00 of 30.38 29.2% 1.15 30.45 28.84 1.61 March 30.78 8.63 2.15 30.6 29.! 1.03 30.49 29.18 1.31 April 30.66 9.18 48 31.05 29.65 1.40 30.37 29.28 -09 May 30.54 29.51 ‘| 30.5 29.5 0.96 30.49 29.19 -30 June 30.12 29.20 S 30.48 29.43 1.05 30.19 29.41 78 July 30.26 29.34 . 30.36 28.75 1.61 29.97 29.40 0.57 August 30.06 29.32 7 dt 29.26 1.01 30.05 29.22 Mean 30.40 29.04 “ 4 1.15 30.31 29.14 The monthly range is greatest in wiater and least in summer in Baffin Bay and at Van Rensselaer Harbor; at Port Kennedy the amount of range is rather irre- gularly distributed over the year. Absolute observed maxima and minima and extreme range (corrected for index error and referred to the level of the sea by the addition of 0.01). Locautry. Max. ate. in. Date. Range. Baffin Bay 30.93 - 30, 758. 28. Mar. 11, ’58 Port Kennedy 31.06 -76 July 10, 59. Van Rensselaer Harbor. 30.97 Jan. 22, ’55. .84 Feb. 19, 754. Relation of the Atmospheric Pressure to the Direction of the Wind. In this investigation the aneroid readings alone have been employed. For this purpose the daily readings at the hours 6 A. M. and 6 P. M., and at noon and midnight, were compared with the corresponding mean of five days (two days before and two days after the day in question). This substitution of the penthe- mers for the monthly means, as normals, was considered a desirable improvement. Each difference was inserted in the column for the respective wind (eight in all with a column for calms). In the exceptional case, where no observation was made at one or the other of the above hours, the observation at the nearest hour adjacent was substituted. A + sign indicates a pressure higher than the mean, a—sign apressure lower than the mean. The following table contains the results arranged for two localities of one years’ observations for each (commencing with September); the results at Port Kennedy for the S. E., 8., and 8. W. winds, are contracted in one mean on account of the scarcity of wind from these directions. The results for Van Rensselaer’ have been added for comparison. * 1 Exchanging the magnetic for the true direction, on page 111 of Dr. Kane's meteorological record and discussion ; a correction already referred to before. 108 RECORD AND REDUCTION OF THE OBSERVATIONS, ETC. Direction (true) 1857-58. 1858-59. 1853-4-5. of the wind. Baffin Bay. Port Kennedy. Van Rensselaer. Lat. 72°.5. Lat. 72°.0. Lat. 78°.6. INE : : + 0.031 inches. + 0.004 inches. — 0.022 inches. N. E. : ; . + 0.009 — 0.024 | eee 0.014 E. + 0.007 — 0.016 ) Ss. £ — 0.036 0.000 Ss. —— 02005 + 0.015 + 0.0388 Ss. W. ; : — 0.007 + 0.045 \WVcmer 5 c . —0.010 + 0.005 — 0.031 N. W. n 6 108022 + 0.003 — 0.031 Calm . a 6 . + 0.0385 + 0.012 + 0.005 The maximum effect of any one wind (or calm) does not exceed 0.04 of an inch, and, considering the short period of observation, and the probable irregularity in the phenomenon itself, the above figures for any one locality show a tolerable degree of progression. During calms the barometer is higher on the average 0.017 inch. The above tabular quantities (after omitting the calms and making the algebraic sum of the results for each place equal zero) are contained in the expressions— Inches. For Baffin Bay 8B = + 0.015 sin (6 + 27°) For Fort Kennedy § = + 0.015 sim (0 + 181) For Van Rensselaer 8 = + 0.018 stn (0 + 246), The angle @ counting from the north. These expressions give nearly the same amount (0.016 inches) of elevating and depressing effect of the winds on the average, but do not correspond in the direction; thus, in Baffin Bay, according to the above, the barometer is higher with the wind from the N., N. E., and E., and lower with the wind from the 8S. W., W., and N. W.; whereas, at Port Kennedy, where the wind is much subject to local influences, nearly the opposite law would hold good. . The changes in the atmospheric pressure during the more violent storms have already been noticed, and were illustrated with diagrams. t PEE He An Xe, APPENDIX. REcORD OF THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcHT “Fox,” From JULY 2, 1857, ro SeprempBer 18, 1859; wirH Nores on THE Speciric GRAVITY or SEA WATER, ON THE STATE OF THE Ick, A PPEAR- ANCE OF ANIMALS, ETC. ETC.; ON THE AURORA BOREALIS AND ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA. Tue state of the weather is indicated by the following letters (Beaufort’s notation) :— 6 Blue sky. p Passing showers. ec Clouds (detached). q Squally. d Drizzling rain. ry Rain. Sf Foggy. s Snow. g Gloomy. t Thunder. h Hail. u Ugly (threatening) appearance. 1 Lightning. v Visibility, objects at a distance unusually visible. m Misty (hazy). w Wet (dew). o Overcast. z Snow drift. A bar (—) or a dot (.) under any letter augments its signification. The sign (“), in the record of the state of the weather, indicates the same entry as that of the hour immediately preceding. The position of the vessel is given in the preceding record. The specific gravity of sea water was determined by Twaddel’s hydrometer, that of distilled water being 1.000. water and atmospheric pressure have already been stated. _ The specific gravity of sea water, in the last column, is given in units of the fourth place of decimals, as indicated by the heading of the table. For reasons stated by A. Mitchell, A. M., M. D., in the July number, 1860, of the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, it has not been deemed advisable to publish the observations for amount of ozone in the atmosphere. It is evident that the amount of discoloration of the papers exposed depends, in a great measure, on the air passed over, and, therefore, presents the combined effect of the quantity of ozone and the strength of the wind. The temperature of sea APPENDIX. July, 1857. Recorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcuT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Noon. : | | Sh. Specific Grav. of Midnight. Sea Water, 1.0. Tm OO hoe a-a-Ic cm P dm mor b m mod be b ss bm St r d m cd d iF ie “ }b ~ m ip b b NOTES TO JULY RECORD. Ist. Aberdeen. ith. Porpoises going east; a shearwater and two loons seen; fulmar petrels constantly in sight. 8th. A shearwater, an Arctic tern, and several fulmar petrels seen. 9th. A whale seen. 11th. Fulmar petrels constantly in sight. J bm 04 “ be em P 295 297 292 295 292 294 295 295 300 300 302 300 302 13th. Mountains of South Greenland seen; Cape Farewell, N. 66°, W. 74’; fulmar petrels, kitti- wake gulls, also strange petrels in sight. Fulmar and strange petrels, and kittiwakes in sight; several hours in sight of the ice. 14th. 16th. 17th. 18th. 19th. 23d. 25th. 26th. 27th. 28th. 31st. Loons are not uncommon. Sailing through heavy pack ice. Sailing through heavy pack ice. At noon in harbor of Frederickshaab. Anchored at 1 30™- P. M. in Fiskernaes Harbor. Hove to off Goodhaab 8 A. M. One rorqual seen, mollymauks, and an occasional skua gull. Mollymauks as usual. A skua gull shot; considerable number seen; one black whale seen. water in 110 fathoms 1.0275, temperature 319.5; at surface 1.0275, temperature 37°.0. In Lievely Harbor. Specific gravity of Oe dmese a an ne APPENDIX. 113 Aucust, 1857. Record or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. ? , _ A Specific Grav. of 4h. gh. Midnight. Sea Water, 1.0. c 280 oc 285 ‘285 285 285 280 Sie d “ be mor ip, be m Oo bm uf b NOTES TO AUGUST RECORD. Ist. In Disco Fiord; eider ducks abundant. 2d. One black whale and several rorquals seen. 3d. Off Issung Point; immense flocks of ducks. 4th. At Rittenbenk. 5th. A few rotchies seen. 6th. Off Upernavik; took on board six dogs at Proven, and fourteen at Upernavik. 7th. Several rotchies seen. 8th. Sailing amongst loose ice. 10th. Off the Devil’s Thumb. 12th. Steaming through ice. 13th. Specifie gravity of fresh water on the iceberg, 1.001. 14th. At midnight (14th to 15th) fast to a berg south of Brown’s Island. 16th. Running through lanes in the pack. 17th. Running through lanes in the pack and beset. 18th. Beset in Melville Bay. 1 Specific gravity of sea water marked with an asterisk (*), taken from the fourth number of Meteorological Papers, published by the Board of Trade. London, 1860. At 8 P. M. at anchor in 7 fathoms water, one-third of a mile off shore ; bad holding ground; coaling at Rittenbenk. 2 The specific gravity of the surface water fell from 1.0270 on the 9th, to 1.0208 on the 10th. The yacht is said to have been off the glacier, and was surrounded by bergs, the fresh water from which probably caused the dimi- nution in the specific gravity at the surface. The specific gravity of the fresh water on a berg was 1.0010. 3 Specific gravity in 114 fathoms . ° 0 - 1.028 Temperature . C = 0A) as Kame RON 1s wee ee Yao, | eee leas « She P| eokgeadse . c «25 c 5 : 2 - 1.024 a : 5 : - 31.5 4 Cape Walker, N. 60° E. (true) ; Cape Melville, N. 14° W. (true). 15 114 20th. 21st. 24th. 26th. 27th. 28th. 29th. 30th. APPENDIX. Three seals seen. Two seals shot. One seal shot. Two glaucous gulls shot. Three seals and a turnstone shot; warping through the ice; ship nipped. Two seals shot. Cape Melville N. 8° 19’ W. (true). Cape Melville N. 10° 30’ W. (true). —— ———_—ananEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEenintnemnneeeneeneeeeemnnnenennnemeeaammmmmmmmmmammal, September, 1857. Rexcorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcuT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Specific Grav. of DAY. 4h. §h. Noon. 4h. Sh. Midnight. | Sea Water, 1.0. 1 b b c “ “ “ Cc 2 ip “ “ “ “ “ *260! 3 ie bf if fo mo ihe *261! 4 ie m oO OG 0 Ws ii #260! 25 0 a co c 0) c F260" 36 Aye os 0 c be c #288" 7 c co “ os s se 48 os co s St c 0 59 Ss rs Gs Us i fitre, *10 s ijt [3 0) m oO s citat os m TS is s hi 2 hi m be St OS ae 13 be “ “ “ce i oO if 14 go shi s se ue b 15 b ¢ “ “ “ “ “ 516 7) e co 0 of € aby b “ “ “ “ “ 18 b “ “ “ “ “ 19 b “a “ “ “ “ 20 b “ cc “ “ “ 91 b “ “ ia b c oc 22, c us be 0 be c 23 ih be b be c st 24 b be b ce be b 25 € b be b St m 26 b “ “ “ ae o 27 v m be Us S f 28 af be 7) c wD c 29 if: G bem c of oS 30 f c em c Me be NOTES TO SEPTEMBER RECORD. Ist. Four seals shot; beset in Melville Bay. 2d. Three seals shot. 3d. Three seals shot. 4th. Two seals shot. 1 Specific gravity of sea water, from record in fourth number of Meteorologicals, Board of Trade. 2 Specific gravity of sea, at surface . C ° - 1.0265 Temperature . : 2 - 28.8 s ee « in 25 fathoms 5 5 - 1.0290 a . . 5 . 29.0 “ “ « & & 59 “ M E . 1.0292 “ x ‘ é - 29.0 te “ «& 6 & Bg “ fi . 1.0302 “ F 7 . >» 29.0 3 4 6 5 At 9 bulb, 32? Cape Melville, N. 10° 48’ EK. (true) ; two black whales seen; four seals shot. A slight swell perceptible; a sea snipe shot ; a young burgomaster and a kitchie seen ; also several mollymauks. Two burgomaster gulls shot; a white falcon seen. A. M., dry bulb, 23°.0, wet, 22°.5; five seals and a burgomaster shot; at 10 P. M., dry bulb, 327.5, wet 435 : 7 Snow buntings seen; a ring dotterel shot. * Lower deck, wet bulb, 58°, dry bulb, 64°; at 9A. M., dry bulb, 20°.0, wet bulb, 20°.0; aseal and a burgomaster shot. APPENDIX. 115 5th. A black whale seen; sounded in 88 fathoms ; yellowish mud; six seals obtained. 6th. Soundings in 88 fathoms; yellowish mud. 7th. A Zringa shot. Sth. Soundings in 86 fathoms; same bottom. 9th. Soundings in 94 fathoms; mud, shells, and stones. 10th. Soundings in 834 fathoms; stones and mud. 11th. Soundings in 83 fathoms; stones and mud. 12th. Soundings in 80 fathoms; soft mud. 13th. Strong refraction in N. W.; three ravens, one burgomaster, and one turnstone seen. 14th. Soundings in 78 fathoms ; a sea snipe shot ; dry bulb 299.0, wet 28°.8 at 9 A. M. 15th. Soundings in 79 fathoms; two ravens, a few snow buntings, and a burgomaster seen. 16th. Soundings in 69 fathoms; stones. 17th. Soundings in 94 fathoms; mud. 18th. Longitude by Jupiter’s first satellite 65° 5’ W. 19th. Faint aurora at 2 A. M.; sounded in 114 fathoms; stones and mud. 21st. No bottom with 120 fathoms; wet bulb 25.5, dry bulb 26.5. 22d. Sounded in 135 fathoms; mud and sand; two bears seen. 23d. Sounded in 130 fathoms; soft mud. 24th. Specific gravity of surface of sea 1.0250, at 29° temperature ; two bears seen ; faint aurora in the 8. E. 25th. Faint aurora from N. N. W. to S. S. W; two seals and a glaucous gull seen. 26th. A raven shot. 27th. A raven seen; at 2 A. M. a slight aurora in the E. S. E. 2sth. No bottom with 140 fathoms. 29th. Two bears seen. 30th. Many shooting stars at midnight (30th to Ist). October, 1857. KEcoRD OF THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WItl GENERAL REMARKS, 10. | Noon. 2h. : 5 . | 10b. |Mia’t. o e Lt | mo 116 AYE PAB IN| DEX NOTES TO OCTOBER RECORD. Ist. Ice drift N. W.; a ptarmigan caught by the dogs; a flock of eider-ducks and a raven seen. 2d. Dusk at 7" 3d. Dawn at 5" 10™-, dusk at T*- 4th. Dusk at 6» 30™-; at 11 P. M. an aurora in W. N. W. 5th. Dawn at 5% 30™-, dusk at 6" 30™-; at midnight longitude*by chronometer and Jupiter 65°45’ W. 6th. Dawn at 54 20™-; tried for emcees with 140 fathoms; dusk at 62 30™- Tth. Dawn at 55 35™-, Rarer at 62 25™-; two bear tracks near the ship. 8th. Dawn at 5® 35™-, dusk at 65- 10™- 9th. 2 A. M. aurora seen from S. 8. E. to E. S. E.; dawn at 5% 30™-; a raven seen; dusk at 6%. 0™- 10th. Dawn at 5" 35™-, dusk at 54 55™- 11th. Dawn at 62 0™-, dusk at 5 10™- 12th. Dawn at 5% 30™, dusk at 5% 40™-; a flock of eider-ducks passed to the southward ; fox and bear tracks seen ; between 8 and 10 P. M. some shooting stars. 13th. Dawn at 5% 35™-, dusk at 55 30™- 14th. Dawn at 6". 0™, dusk at 5" 30™-; the young ice opened for some miles in length; a slight swell observed. 15th.t Dawn at 5% 30™-, dusk at 5». 30™- 16th. Dawn at 6» 30™-, dusk at 5» 30™; seals in the Jane of water; tried for soundings with 165 fathoms. 17th. Dawn at 6% 15™-, dusk at 5" 15™-; high land seen from north to N. E. by E. (true); seals in the lane of water, also narwhals ; tuceness of young ice one month old, 1 foot 3.8 inches ; overlying snow, 24 inches. 18th. Dawn at 6". 30™-, dusk at 5. 0™- 19th. Dawn at 6": 45™., dusk at 42: 30™: 20th. Dawn at 6» 50™-, dusk at 45- 25m- 21st. Dawn at 6% 50™-, dusk at 4. 15™-; distant land bearing EH. N.E., true; a large seal seen. 22d. Dawn at 6% 45™-, dusk at 4% 10™. 23d. Dawn at 7" 50™-, dusk at 4". 35™-; a fox track near the ship, and a seal seen. 24th. Dawn at 7» 0™-, dusk at 45. 30™- ) 2 th. Dawn at 6" 35™-, dusk at 44 20™- th. Dawn at 7 50™-, dusk at 4" 15™-; Cape York N. 38° E. (true); Cape Dudley Digges N. 50° E. (true). 27th. Dawn at 7» 0™-, dusk at 4» 30™- 28th. Dawn at 7»: 10™., dusk at 4" 15™-; the ice opening and in motion near the ship. 29th. Daylight at 7% 20m. ; ; a lane of mater crossing the bows and distant two hundred yards; a long lane on port beam distant one mile, and extending east and west two or three miles; dusk at 4"- 30th. Ice movement and pressure all preceding night within two hundred yards of the ship; at 4° 30™- A. M slight aurora from S. to S. 8. E. (true) ; dawn at 7" 15™-, dusk at 4" 0™; at 10 P. M. ice in motion. 31st. Dawn at 7» 20™-; wide lane of water, covered with thin bay ice in all directions; dusk at 3»- 40™-; ice in motion and water space increasing. 5) 6 ' Thickness of snow falling during three or four weeks, 2} inches; thickness of ice one month old, 15.8 inches. APPENDIX. 117 November, 1857. Recorp or THe WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YacuT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. o > i 6h. | gh. | 10h. | Noon. . - | 10h. |Mid’t. be ss bem ms ce be eT ™ c iL v “ c “ bz cmo . m m be “c CoOTIANPwOh eH NOTES TO NOVEMBER RECORD. Ist. Dawn at 7" 30™-, dusk at 22. 50™- 2d. Dawn at 7" 40™, dusk at 3" 30"; 8 P. M. a bear came to the ship and was shot; length 7 feet 3 inches. 3d. Dawn at 7" 30™-, dusk at 35. 30™- 4th. Dawn at 8 0™-, dusk at 3% 15™-. 5th. Dawn at 7» 30™, dusk at 3% 15™- 6th. Dawn at 7" 45™, dusk at 3" 15™ ice in motion; lanes of water in the S. W. and N. W.; two seals seen. Tth.t Dawn at 7 45™, dusk at 3 15™-; lanes of water in all directions ; two dovekies shot ; slight streak of aurora near horizon in the S. E. after 6 P. M. 8th. Dawn at 8" 10™-, dusk at 3". 0™-; several seals seen; 8 P. M. faint aurora in the W. N. W. 9th.? Dawn at 8" 30™-, dusk at 2. 55™-; ice in motion, opening and closing; several seals seen; at 10 P. M. several shooting stars, and a faint lunar rainbow. 10th. 2 A. M. faint streaks of aurora from south to west, near horizon; dawn at $»- 30™-, dusk-at 2». 55™-; several seals seen. ’ Notices of auroras inclosed within brackets were taken from the fourth number of Meteorological Papers of the Board of Trade. (7th, midnight. Faint in S. W. (true) horizon, 25/ in breadth, and about 28° in extent, of a pale yellow color at times, oscillating and decreasing in extent to 149; again on following night in N. N. W. horizon. ] ? [9th, midnight. In south to east (true) pale yellow to pale green, with rays streaming towards the zenith, about 7° above horizon, and rising apparently just above a bank of fog, which gradually overcame and obscured it. There were no vibrations or scintillations, but at times it appeared broken up in detached pieces. It continued for an hour and a quarter. ] 118 APPENDIX. eS oe 11th. A dovekie seen; two seals shot; dusk at 2" 50™-; 8 P. M. slight aurora in S. W.; several falling 12th stars. . Dawn at 8 20™-, dusk at 2"- 40™-; a dovekie seen; three seals shot. 13th. Dawn at 8» 45™-, dusk at 2”. 35™-; motion perceptible in the ice; a few seals and a dovekie seen. 14th. Dawn at 8" 30™-; ice in motion, the old ice crushing up the new ice; dusk at 2»- 23™- 15th. Dawn at 8" 45™-; ice moving; several large pools of water; a narwhal and many seals scen, one shot; dusk at 2%. 30™- 16th . Dawn at 95» 15™-; a seal shot and a dovekie seen; dusk at 2": 15™- 17th. Dawn at 9% 30™-, dusk at 2h Qm- 18th 19th 20th 21st. 22d. . Dawn at 92 35™-, dusk at 2" 5™-; a few seals and narwhals seen. . Dawn at 95 30™-, dusk at 2). 0™; two or three seals seen. . Dawn at 9 45™-, dusk at 2" 0™; one seal seen. Dawn at 9» 45™. dusk at 2" 15™- Dawn at 92- 50™-, dusk at 12. 50™- 23d.* Dawn at 9" 45™; one seal seen; 8 P. M. aurora near the horizon in the S. E. ; at midnight, aurora 24th. 25th. 26th. 27th. 28th. 29th. 30th. from N. W. to S. W. and S. E. 2 A. M. aurora at the S. E. horizon ; dusk at 1% 45™- Dawn at 9» 50™-, dusk at 12 35™- Dawn at 10"- 0™, dusk at 1» 50™- Dawn at 10%. 5™., dusk at 15. 35™- Dawn at 10". 0™, dusk at 1. 35™- Dawn at 102: 15™-, dusk at 1*- 10™- Dawn at 9" 50™-, dusk at 1* 40™-; a small lane of water near the ship; only one seal seen. December, 1857. Recorp of THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FOX, WITH GENERAL i] a iat REMARKS. 10h. Noon. Mid’t. COIS Whe ' (11th, midnight. Slight in S. E. (true).] ® [23d, midnight. Very bright till 2. A. M. in N. W. toS. E. (true).] [On the 16th, thickness of ice 2 feet 4 inch; increase since last month, 8 inches. —B. of 7. Papers. a) ACP REN DLs. 119 NOTES TO DECEMBER RECORD. Ist. Dawn at 10". 30™, dusk at 1" 5™-; ice crushing up at the edges of the floe. 2d. Dawn at 10%» 30™-, dusk at 1%. 10™- 3d. Dawn at 10% 30™., dusk at 1" 0™- se SUE 4th. Dawn at 11". 0™; a well-marked halo and several para- > selene, 7" to 10" P. M., consisting of five false moons, three ares of halos, and a horizontal belt of light round the heaven and passing through the moon. 5th. Dawn at 104 30™-, dusk at 0% 50™- 6th. Unable to read by light of the sky. 7th. Dawn at 11" 0™; several cracks near the ship; one seal seen. Sth. Dawn at 11% 0™-; dusk at 0% 30™-; the cracks nearly closed. 9th. Dawn at 11% 5™-; dusk at 0% 45™-; midnight (9th to 10th), aurora from E. N. B. to B.S. E. (true), also several shooting stars. 10th. Dawn at 11" 0™, dusk at 1" 30™-; 9 P. M., faint aurora in the south, streaming towards the zenith. 11th. Dawn at 112 30™-, dusk at 02. 30™- 12th. Dawn at 11 15™-, dusk at 0» 20™-; [2 A. M., slight aurora to southward ;] 10 P. M., faint aurora in N. W. . 13th. Dawn at 11" 0™, dusk at 0% 50™-; 6 P. M., bright aurora in S. E.; 10 P. M., aurora from the S. KE. to N. E. [part of an are], with rays shooting up towards the zenith. 14th. 2 A. M., faint aurora towards the southern horizon; dawn at 11" 10™-, dusk at 02 15™.; found a perceptible divergence in the gold leaves of an electrometer when attached to a masthead wire and passed down to the sea; 8 P. M., faint aurora in the N. EH. (true). 15th. Dawn at 11" 10™, dusk at 0% 30™-; several shooting stars between 5 and 6 P. M.; midnight (15th to 16th), faint aurora to southward. [Thickness of ice 3 feet 0 inches; increase since last month 112 inches.—B. of 7. Papers.] 2 16th. No daylight. [6 P. M., aurora slight from E. to N. E., and at 10 P.M. bright from S. to N.E., continuing till 10 A. M. next day, at 6 P. M. again for one hour, across the zenith from E. to W. and N.W.; the electrometer was sensibly affected. ] 17th. Dawn at 112 30™, dusk at 0* 30™; 6 P. M., slight aurora HE. to N., 10 P. M., bright aurora 8S. to N. BE. 18th. Thickness of September ice 3 feet 0 inches, overlying closely packed snow 64 inches; 4 A. M. aurora still visible, 98. 45™- A. M. aurora disappeared; dawn at 11. 15™, dusk at 0" 30™-; 4 P. M., faint aurora from EH. to W. and N. W., passed through the zenith; 10 P. M., aurora S. S. E. to S. S. W., near horizon. 19th. Dawn at 11% 45™-, dusk at 0% 35™-; a wide crack, N. W. and 8. E., half a mile from the ship. 20th. No daylight. 21st. Daylight at 112. 45™-, dusk at 0% 15™- 22d. No daylight. 23d. No daylight. 24th. Dawn at 11% 45™, dusk at 0% 20™-; narrow lane of water recently opened to the S. W. and N. W. of the ship, and distant from one-quarter to one mile. 25th, 26th, 27th. No daylight. 28th. Dawn at 112. 25™-, dusk at 02 45m. 29th. Dawn at 11 0™, dusk at 112. 45™-; small lanes of water, and several fresh cracks near the ship. 30th. Dawn at 11% 15™., dusk at 08 45m. 3ist. Dawn at 10. 30™, dusk at 0% 50™ [No birds seen and only one seal.—B. of 7. Papers. | ' Hard packed snow 6} inches thick. 120 APPENDIX. January, 1858, Recorp or rae WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. 10h. Noon. 2h. . jh. : . IMid’t. “ be NOTES TO JANUARY RECORD. Ist. Dawn at 10". 45™-, dusk at 1". 0™-; temperature in snow-hut —16°. 2d. Dawn at 10" 30™-, dusk at 1» 30™- 8d. Dawn at 112. 10™- 4th. Dawn at 11» 10™-, dusk at 0". 35™- : 5th. Dawn at 11. 15™-, dusk at 1 15™-; a lane of water in the west extending N. EB. and S. W. (true) ; one seal seen. 6th. Dawn at 10" 45™-, dusk at 12. 15™ Tth. Dawn at 10% 45™-, dusk at 1" 30™- 8th. Dawn at 10% 35™-, dusk at 12. 30™. 9th. Dawn at 10" 15™-; at 8 P. M. bright aurora from west to east (magnetic) passing through west; 10 P. M., slight aurora occasionally visible round the horizon; 11 P. M., same. 10th. Dawn at 10% 5™-, dusk at 1» 15™- 11th. Dawn at 10> 30™-, dusk at 2" 30™-; aurora near the S. W. horizon at 9 P. M. 12th. Dawn at 10" 30™-, dusk at 1% 45™ 5 at 8 P. M. a patch of aurora 8° above horizon 8. by E. (true). 13th. Dawn at 9". 50™., dusk at 2 10™. 14th. Daylight at 9% 40™, dusk at 2%. 5m. 15th. Dawn at 10": 15™-, dusk at 20. 10™- 16th. Dawn at 10" 0™, dusk at 2h Om. 17th. Dawn at 9» 50™, dusk at 2" 30™-; a bear supposed to have alarmed the dogs; 8 P. M., aurora near horizon being S. and HE. from 8 until midnight. . 18th. Dawn at 9% 15™-, dusk at 20. 40m. 19th. Dawn at 95 40™, dusk at 2% 45m. 20th. Dawn at 9" 30™-, dusk at 2 45™-; temperature in snow-hut, 6 hours after it was built, 7° above the external temperature ; these huts were built by 8 men in 45 minutes. APPENDIX. 121 21st. Dawn at 9". 80™., dusk at 3%. 0™- 22d. Dawn at 9" 10™-, dnsk at 3% 15™; much refraction in the S. BH. 23d. Dawn at 9% 30™, dnsk at 35 0™- 24th. Dawn at 9% 0™, dusk at 3) 15™- 25th. Dawn at 9" 0™, dusk at 3% 15™ a halo round the moon at 7" P. M. 26th. Dawn at 9% 0™-, dusk at 3 30™- 27th. Dawn at 8 45™, dusk at 32 20™- 28th. Dawn at 8" 25™-; sun’s upper limb appeared at 11" 25™-; refraction 59’ 55’’, neglecting the height of the eye (5 feet); sun’s upper limb disappeared at 1" 0™ m. t.; dusk at 3% 45™ 29th. Dawn at 8" 15™-; sun’s upper limb appeared at 11" 10™ m. t., disappeared 1 25™-; dusk at 3%. 45™-; 10 men built two houses in 30 minutes ; mercury froze at about —41°. 30th. Dawn at 82 30™; sun’s upper limb appeared at 10" 30™-, disappeared at 1»50™-; dusk at 34. 50™-. two seals and a dovekie seen in a large crack three or four miles east of the ship. 31st. Dawn at 8* 15™-; sun’s upper limb appeared at 10 40™-; a seal and several dovekies seen in a lane of water; suu’s upper limb disappeared at 2" 0™-; dusk at 42 0™ February, 1858. MRecorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. 10h. Noon. Qh. : gh. Mid’t. be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 bo cmz MS z c Us bez bez Oy bcz oqmz oqmz bez cmz be be cs ms a 0 NOTES TO FEBRUARY RECORD. Ist. Dawn at 8- 0™-; sun’s upper limb appeared at 10" 25™ m. t.; a sooty fox shot, small and fat, weight 7 lbs.; sunset at 2" 5™-, dusk at 4% 10™: 2d. Dawn at 8" 0™-; sun’s upper limb appeared at 10" 10™-; no sounding with 170 fathoms ; several new cracks ; cirro-stratus moving to S. E.; dusk at 4 10™-; 9 P. M. aurora faint in the 8. E. horizon for about ten minutes; 10 P. M. an auroral arch in the 8. E., visible for one hour, faint from S. E. to E. N.E., the extremities of the arch touching the horizon; the S. E. extremity was the brightest, with an occasional stream towards the zenith. 3d. Dawn at 7 50"; sun’s upper limb appeared at 10" 5™; dusk at 4% 20™; at 11 P. M. an arch of an aurora from 8. E. (true) horizon to the zenith; ice in motion. 16 122 APPENDIX. 4th. Dawn at 7" 50™-; the ice has opened in several places; some seals and dovekies seen; dusk at 4». 30™-; 8 until 12 P. M. ice in motion near the ship. 5th. Dawn at 72 50™; sun’s upper limb appeared at 10” 5™: m. t. ; six dovekies shot, a few seals seen; at 2 P. M. the floe cracked ten yards astern of the ship, many cracks running N. E. and 8. W., and considerable motion in the ice; built snow huts in 40™ 6th. Dawn at 7» 45™, dusk at 4" 20"; 11 P. M. a slight aurora in the N. E. [Thickness of old floe ice 4 feet 6 inches. | th. Dawn at 7% 30™; sun’s upper limb disappeared at 2 40™; dusk at 4h. 30™-; 11). 15™ P. M. until midnight pale streaks and patches of aurora near horizon between 8. S. E. and north (true). Sth. Dawn at 72 30™-, dusk at 42» 40™- 9th. Dawn at 7 25™, dusk at 4" 40™; at 11 A, M. a faint parhelion; 10 P. M. aurora from N. E. to 8. E. 10th. 2 A.M. slight aurora from N. to S., passing through the zenith ; dawn at 7" 30™-, dusk at 4b. 45m. 11th. Dawn at 7 20™, dusk at 4": 50™-; a broad line of water one mile astern of the ship running BE. N. E. and W. S. W. 7 12th. Dawn at 72 20™-, dusk at 5% 0™ 13th. 4 A. M. a slight aurora in the west; dawn at 7 15™.; prismatic halo round the sun; several seals seen; dusk at 5" 10™-; 11 P. M. aurora near horizon between S. 8S. E. and E., with vertical rays or streamers half way up to the zenith, arch about 14° above the horizon. 14th. Dawn at 7" 5™; two dovekies seen; 1" 30™ P. M. an ill-defined halo about 18° diameter, its extremities at the horizon prismatic; ice opening in a lane two miles N. W. from ship ; dusk at 5h. 90m. 15th. Dawn 7": 20™-; an imperfect double halo around the sun, diameter about 18° and 36°; dusk at 5% 20™:-; 7% to 9" P. M. pale aurora near horizon between 8S. 8. E. and E. N. E., with vertical rays towards the zenith, arch 4° above horizon. 16th. Dawn 6" 50™-; an imperfect halo slightly prismatic; dusk at 5% 20™; at 8 P. M. bright, pale yellow aurora along the horizon between S. E. and N. N. E., with vertical streamers towards zenith, forming at times an are, double and even treble, from 6° to 8° above horizon. 17th. Aurora continues until 2 A. M., when it disappeared ; thickness of ice 3 feet 9 inches, of snow 93 inches; dawn at 6% 45™-; at noon imperfect prismatic halo, diameter 45°, luminous spots at horizon 45° E. and W. of the sun; several seals seen; dusk at 5" 20™-; halo round the moon, diameter 46°; 10 P. M. aurora near the south horizon, are from 8. 8. W. to N. N. E. about 4° above horizon. 18th. Midnight until 4 A. M. aurora between S. W. and E.; dawn at 6" 50™, dusk at pa 20m: gh. 30m. P. M. auroral arch about 15° above horizon, between S. S. E. and E.; 10 P. M. aurora ceased. 19th. Dawn at 6" 40™, dusk at 5" 35™-; at midnight (19th—20th) arch of aurora 9° above horizon, between S. S. E. and N. E. 20th. Dawn at 6" 40™-; a wide lane of water two miles north from the ship, and extending E. N. E. and W. S. W., the terminations not visible; 6 P. M. prismatic halo round the moon, diameter 4° 20’. 21st. Dawn at 6" 30™, dusk at 5% 30™- 92d. Dawn at 6" 30™-; tried for soundings with 180 fathoms; several seals and dovekies seen in wide lane to the north of the ship, also a bear; dusk at 5" 40™-; at midnight (22d—23d) halo round the moon. 23d. Dawn at 6" 15™-, dusk at 6% 0™- 24th. Dawn at 6 10™-, dusk at 55 0™ 25th. Dawn at 62 0™, dusk at 6". 0™- 26th. Dawn at 6%. 0™, dusk at 6" 10™- 27th. Dawn at 5» 55™ dusk at 6" 15™; snow melted against ship’s side in the sun at 9 A. M., temperature in shade —22°; a seal shot; dovekies seen; at noon black bulb thermometer —7°, in shade —17°.5. 28th, Dawn at 6" 0™; no water in sight; dusk at 6" 15™; midnight (28th—Ist) halo round the moon, diameter 43°; altitude of moon 192°. APPENDIX. 123 March, 1858. Recorp or tut WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. 10h. Noon. 2h. : : gh. 10h. |Mid’t. be “ce “ bez co v P Pn he “ mo - 30m. A. M. (3d) [patches, arches and streamers ]. 3d. Several lanes and cracks in the ice north of the ship, in which some narwhals and dovekies and several seals were seen; hail fell from 10 P. M. until 11. 4th. 10 P. M. Auroral arch in the N. E. at a low altitude. [A broad arch reaching nearly to the zenith. | 5th. At noon, black bulb thermometer in the sun zero, temperature in shade, —10°; at 2 P. M. the ice suddenly detached itself from the ship’s bows and sides allowing her to rise eleven inches forward. 9 P. M. Aurora in clouds and streamers between N. W. and S., visible throughout the night; the sound of erushing or cracking ice distinctly heard during the night. 6th. 8 P. M., bright aurora between S. S. W. and E. from 8° to 50° above horizon, ceased at 10": 30". [Bands and arches with streamers towards the zenith. } ith. 6 A. M., appearance of high land supposed to be Disco bearing east (true) ; from 11 A. M. until 2 P. M. a double prismatic halo (red external) about the sun, diameters 45° and 90° nearly ; occasional parhelia or inner halo in same altitude as the sun; a portion of inverted arch above outer halo; sun’s altitude 16°. 8th. At daylight appearance of land bearing E. by N.; a lane of water northwest of the ship in which seals and narwhals were seen; 10 P. M., faint aurora in 8. EH. 9th. A bear passed near the ship; many seals, some dovekies, and a black whale seen. 10th. Two small seals shot and some narwhals seen; several lanes and pools of water in the north- ward. 11th. Ice much broken up, also lanes and small pools of water northward of the ship. 194 APPENDIX. 12th. Water in lanes and pools insight all around; a slight swell perceptible in the lanes and cracks. 13th. A seal shot. 14th. Several small lanes and pools to the northward. 15th. At 1030" P.M. a bank of aurora between S. and S. E. (true) about 8° elevation, with occasional vertical streamers ascending. 16th. Ice 4 feet 34 inches thick, increase for the month 63 inches; snow 94 inches, no inerease ; ice opened 120 yards west of the ship and a w ide lane of water formed, extending N. and S.; its extremes not visible; 8 P. M., aurora from S. W. to N. E. near the horizon and with vertical reaniens [lasted till midnight]. 17th. Several seals seen, three dovekies shot ; the ice much broken up and wide lanes of water rnn- ning N. and S.; 10 P. M., bright aurora heuyeents S. W. and E. N. E. 18th. A seal shot; the ice closing; the tracks of three bears seen; 4" 30™ P. M. ice erushing np with great force, that in which the ship is frozen appears setting southward of the western ice; 11 P. M., aurora between S. with E. N. E. [10° above horizon with streamers towards zenith]; the ice opening. 19th. Several seals and dovekies seen; at noon, a faint halo with parhelia; 6 P. M. ice in motion, afterwards stationary. 20th. Sounded in 150 fathoms, soft mud. 21st. Noon, the lane opened to the westward of the ship. 99d. A seal shot; six dovekies shot; 10". 30™- P. M., the ice detached itself from the ship and she heeled over to the gale. 23d. A seal and a dovekie shot; a large pool of water 68 yards west of the ship; mnch water in sight to the southward; many narwhals seen swimming northward. 24th. The ice apparently drifting southward and opening in different directions; 10 P. M., ice in motion and pressing against the floe edge 70 yards west of the ship. 25th. 1% 45™. A. M., ice slacked off and the crack opened; from 6 until 8 P. M. the ice in motion and ernshing up with ene pressure in the erack W. of the ship. 26th. 9 P. M., halo around the moon, diameter about 44°; altitude moon’s centre 28°; slight motion in the ice. 27th. 8 P. M., ice opened in lane W. 50 yards from ship. 29th. 8 A. M., got bottom with 180 fathoms, mud, supposed depth 170 fathoms. 30th. Two seals and two dovekies shot; 11 P. M., Paraselena on each side and above the moon, distant about 23°, moon’s altitude 11°. 31st. Three seals shot; a fresh bear track close to the ship. APPENDIX. 125 April, 1858. Recorp or rue WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcHT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Sh. | 10h. Noon. : . . sh. Mid’t. “c b “ be cmz bmz “ “ “ co be Us “ oe “ be “c q mSz OnaIATPwWwe bmg mos be be bv be c be bm co NOTES TO APRIL RECORD. 1st. A wide lane opening two miles N. E. of the ship; 9 P. M. a streak of aurora 8° above horizon between S. 8. BH. and S. W., with streamers towards the zenith. 2d. Two black whales seen. 4th. At noon our old floe cracked ina N. N. HE. and 8.8. W. line about thirty yards from the ship; it widens to about sixty yards. 5th. At 2. 20™- the old floe cracked in line with ship, that on the port side drifted off abont fifty yards; secured ship to fast ice, head to wind. 6th. A whale and many narwhals seen ; four seals shot. Tth. Tried for soundings with 170 fathoms. 8th. Ice quiet, but drifting rapidly before the wind. 9th. A walrus seen; before sunset the western land became visible, supposed Cape Dyer, 8. 88° W. (true); 11 P. M. anrora between E. and N., and from 10° elevation stretching up to the zenith. 10th. A large iceberg bearing E. (true); tried for soundings with 180 fathoms; Cape Dyer visible 8. 89° W.; another cape S. 83° W.; midnight faint aurora from 8. to E. (true). 11th. A bear’s track within eighty yards of the ship; a fog bank in 8S. E.; 9 to 12 P. M. a pale aurora between E. and 8. E. 12th. A lane of water opened astern in the direction of a large berg in the E. N. E.; much mist and vapor in the S. E.; eight dovekies shot; 11 P. M. aurora to the southward between H. and W.S. W. [about 15° above horizon, with streamers towards zenith, and numerous nebular spots of light at intervals in arch]. 13th. 6 P. M. distant land seen bearing S. W. 4 W. (true); 11 P. M. aurora similar to last night. 14th. A large flock of ducks flying N. W.; tried for soundings with 170 fathoms; 10 P. M. a bright aurora in the east (true) ; midnight, faint to the southward at 18° elevation. 15th. 1». 30™- A. M. a bear came close to the ship; thickness of ice 3 feet 11 inches, decrease for the month 1 foot 23 inches; snow 10} inches, increase 14; a number of mollymauks seen; 10% 30™- P. M. aurora to the southward, appearing over a fog bank [afterwards forming an arch from E. to S., disappeared at midnight]. 126 APPENDIX. 16th. At 3 P. M. ice cracked and opened alongside ; secured ship by the stern with three hawsers. 17th. Pieces of our floe began to break off, and at 11 A. M. the ship went adrift with them ; 3 Peo: shipped rudder and stood to the eastward under double reefed mainsail and flying staysail. 18th. The ice closed about the ship at 3 A. M.; sludge and bay ice only visible; several bergs in sight; at 6 P. M. ship fast in young ice; many mollymauks about, and a snow bunting seen. 19th. Three bears seen; several bergs in sight. 20th. A considerable swell; unshipped rudder at 3 A. M.; the lofty clouds going to the westward at P. M.; a bear and a seal killed; several small bergs in sight. 21st. Tried for soundings with 170 fathoms. 22d. Many small bergs near; they change rapidly their bearings, as if the ship and pack were drifting past them to the S. W.; experienced a S. W. current. 23d. A large black whale seen, also a seal; experienced a westerly set ; several large seals lying on the ice. 24th. 8 P. M. a swell from the S. E., and ice commenced to break up. 25th. Swell rapidly increasing; ice striking against the ship; proceeded under sail and steam to the eastward: noon, swell ten feet high; ship receiving very violent and frequent shocks, and proceeding, head to swell, through close heavy ice; 6 P. M. swell thirteen feet high, ice less close, shocks still more violent; 8 P. M. cleared the ice, stopped engine, and made sail. 26th. Mollymauks and kittiwakes abundant. 27th. 7 A. M. saw the land about Sukkertoppan N. E. by N. (true). 28th. Anchored at Holsteinberg at 7" 30™- P. M. in seventeen fathoms water, moored with hawsers to the rocks. 29th and 30th. In the harbor of Holsteinberg. [Specific gravity of sea-water:— On the 7th, in 110 fathoms, 1.0295 (temp. 34°); in 5 fathoms, 1.0275 (temp. 30°). se 10th, ‘* 120 * 15029 Oca s 4cusmcnees se sMehysy BYE ivkn, hay) IBY Pz 1.0278 ‘ 30.59. vile, any 1.0280 ‘“ 31.59] May, 1858. RecorpD oF THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE Yacut Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. ee ee Noon. 4h. 8h. Midnight. i=] > la] . Gs co be Us “ ms mos oe m § ms be eqs cm em be s oms be bms mos “ “ “ enwTIAonPwOWe mos bem be ms be “ b b h eS . APPENDIX. 127 NOTES TO MAY RECORD, Ist. At Holsteinburg. 8th. Sailed from Holsteinburg at 7" A. M. 9th. Much ice about; white whale seen; specific gravity of sea water, surface, 1.0270. 10th. Midnight (9th—10th) off Northstrom Fiord; icebergs and ice about; noon, off Rifeal; at 7 15™ when 8 miles from Godhayn, stopped by ice extending in to the land; thick fog and snow came on; very narrowly escaped running on the N. W. of the Whalefish Islands. [Passed more than 500 bergs. ] 11th. Anchored at Whalefish Islands in 124 fathoms. 15th. 6 P. M., prismatic halo around sun about 45° diameter, two lateral parhelia, some polarization; also an arch 15° above horizon, apparently of a circle of same diameter as halo, opposite the sun. 16th. Godhavn Harbor and entrance filled with packed ice. 17th. 7": 30™ P. M., anchored in Upernavik, Back Bay, in 104 fathoms. 24th. Left Upernavik, and steamed to Godhayn. 25th. Steamed out of Godhavn at 4" 30™ A. M. 26th. 6 A. M., entered the Waigat; 4% 30™-, anchored off the coal seam in 7 fathoms; one-third of a mile off shore. 27th. Proceeded under steam northward at 11). 50™- P. M. 28th. Passed out of the Waigat, steering for Black Hook. 29th. At 55 30™ P. M. off Black Hook, Sanderson’s Hope ahead; many bergs in sight. 31st. 7 A. M., hove to off Sanderson’s Hope; 10": 30™ A. M., bore up for Upernavik. June, 1858. ReEcorD oF THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. eb Specific Grav. of Noon. 4h. . | Midnight. Sea Water, 1.0. S) > m be “ se be m emo co c ic co be b “cc “ fs “cc wCmIAMThRWhNe 128 APPENDIX. NOTES TO JUNE RECORD. 4th. Started under steam at 5 30™ A. M.; west point of Great Dane Island (Narsak), north one and a half mile; 3% 30™ P. M., made fast to land ice in a bay on sonth side of Upernavik Island; the ice closed in and beset the ship. 6th. Started under steam at 5% 50™ A. M.; at 10% 20™ made fast to a grounded berg in 25 fathoms, half a mile west of a rugged island having a large cairn on the summit of its S. W. extreme; Buchan Island west three and a half or four miles. sth. Passed south of Buchan Island, and close along its west side; at gh. 30™- A. M. struck and remained fast on a reef of rocks, tide falling; extremes of Buchan Island 8. 36° W. and 8. 18° E., distant about oue mile; at 12 30™ P. M. low water. Sth. At 11% 40™ A. M. observed a rock above water bearing from noon position S. 28° E. (true) three miles; passed inside Horse’s Head; 2. 40™- passed another rock ; Horse’s Head 8. 15° EH; Cape Shackleton (North Bluff) N. 46° E. (true). 9th. Steamed at intervals for about three hours. 11th. Made fast one mile N. of the Duck Islands. 12th. Tried to reach a lead elose to Cape Wilcox but failed and returned; new moon at 2 Pei high water at 11" 6™ A. M.; rise 3 feet 8 inches; flood sets N. N. W., ebb sets S. 8S. E., about 2’ an hour between the islands. 13th. At 102. 40™. P. M. steamed to the northward, and made fast to laud ice; 4’ N. 2 W. from Bastern Duck Island. 17th. 4 P. M. saw the Sabine Islands bearing N. E. (true), and distant seven miles. 18th. Passed through and steamed along the land ice. 19th. Made fast at a nip; four bears seen, many seals and birds; 10 A. M.; until®3® 30™ P. M., under sail, working to westward ; unable to distinguish the land ice from the loose ice. 22d. Advanced one mile to the N. W.3; progress impeded by nips. 23d. At 9 P.M. got through the nip and made sail to the N. W.; three bears seen. 24th. At 11 A. M. came up to a nip and made fast; about 500 little auks shot. 25th. Nip opened; proceeded under steam and sail; two bears seen; at 4h. 30m. P. M. stopped at anip; 5’ S. E. of Bushnan Island. 26th. 7 P. M. made fast to laud ice; Cape York N. W. 4’; 9 P. M. proceeded to the westward ; shot a walrus. 27th. Blowing strong and very thick; 2"-15™ P.M. made fast to a floe ; when clear saw Conical Island N. W. 18’ or 20’; off shore six miles. 98th. Find this floe is held fast by grounded bergs near us; 42 fathoms; mud and stones; shot rotchies; many rotchies’ eggs picked up. 29th. The ship in a large space of water; no lead visible; considerable movement in the loose ice caused by current and wind. 30th. 8 A. M. tying to a floe three miles off shore. [The specific gravity of the surface water is copied from the fourth number of the Board of Trade Papers. | APPENDIX. 129 July, 1858. Recorp or tHE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Specific Grav. of Noon. 4h. . Midnight. Sea Water, 1.0. fo be bm 285 bm St co 275 fo fi os 270 ss ce be 270 co or 275 & ; 275 “ co . “sé Coto Rwhe NOTES TO JULY RECORD. 1st. Noon, the ship received a considerable nip, the floes being checked by a grounded berg ; rudder damaged. 2d. Several large seals on the ice; 4 P. M., water visible, started under steam and reached at 8 P. M.; made all sail; midnight lost sight of the pack. 3d. Passing through loose ice; a seal shot. 4th. At midnight (4th-5th) fog cleared off, the pack close to leeward of us. 5th. Sailing along the pack edge. 9 P. M., about 15 miles from Conical Island; bore up through lane in the pack. 6th. Sailing through heavy ice, thick fog at midnight. 7th. Lying fast to a large floe in a confined space of water; Cobourg Island visible to the north- ward. 8th. Noon, steamed about four miles to the west; land visible from H. N. E. to N. } W. (magnetic.) 9th. From 2 P. M. until 7 P. M. working through nips. 10th. Noon, Cobourg Island in the N. W. 15’ or 18’; a seal shot. llth. 2 A. M., reached a large space of water with ice in shore; no ice in sight towards Jones’ Sound; found the pack to rest against the land; a black whale seen; 11 P. M., rounded Cape Hors- burg two miles off shore. 12th. Made fast to land ice off DeRos Island and communicated with natives; proceeded four miles further into a large space of water; found ice all around; kept ship between the pack and the land westward of Cape Osborne. 13th. At 2. 20™. A. M., made fast to land ice } mile off shore in seven fathoms water; the pack fast driving up the sound and closing in. 14th. The pack in the offing moving with the wind and tide; found a high water mark, a piece of an oaken ship’s timber 7 < 8 inches, with three nails and an iron bolt through it, much bleached. 17 130 APPENDIX. 15th. Proceeded to Cape Warrander ; ice all round. 16th. Lying to in a space of water off Cape Warrander. lith. The ice is very loose; stopped when within four miles of Cape Hay; many narwhals aud two black whales seen. 20th. Commenced boring through the pack to the S. E. 21st. Attempted to bore through the pack; a seal shot. 22d. Attempted to bore through the pack ; a very large bear shot. 24th. Steaming through loose ice from 7 until 10 P.M; 8 P. M., off Possession. Bay. 25th. Made fast to the land ice; a bear seen. 26th. 4 A. M., ship drifted to a loose floe in order to drift to the southward with it. 27th. Made fast to land ice off Button Point; at noon one mile off shore; shooting party brings back 312 loons. 28th. Captain and interpreter left the ship to visit the natives up the inlet; shooting party returns with 301 loons. 29th. The ice in the inlet broke up; shifted ship to the land ice 14} mile N. E. of Button Point ; Captain and party returned. 30th. 9 P. M., commenced steaming up Pond’s Inlet with two natives on board. 31st. 8 A. M., came to fast ice 17 miles up the inlet, found it too weak to make fast to; astrong lea current. (Numerous unicorns were seen this month.) [Notes on specific gravity of sea water are from the 4th paper of the Board of Trade. ] August, 1858. Record or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcHT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. = 2 2 Specific Grav. of Noon. . . Midnight. Sea Water, 1.0. be “ i) wmMaIawee beq mod mog mo m Oo os re “ dj =) Rot 12 jae cca com NOTES TO AUGUST RECORD. Ist. 5}- 45m. A. M., Captain and party left the ship to visit the natives at Kaparotolik; many seals were seen; ice broke adrift; got the ship clear when within her own length of a rock. - AVP PAB ING DSLR. 131 2d. Beating to the westward through drifting ice; 6 P. M., Captain and party returned; bore up to the eastward. 3d. Midnight (2-3) four natives came on board; endeavoring to beat out of Pond’s Bay. 4th. Found the current to set westward along the north shore; whales seen. 5th. Steaming from 4 until 7 P. M.; then made fast to land ice, three miles southeast of Cape Graham shore; whale seen. 7th. A bear shot. Sth. A heavy gale with very heavy sea. 10th. Many walrus seen; passed through a few streams of ice; 9 P. M., rounded Cape Hurd in thick fog; grounded in the mouth of Rigby Bay; floated off; a bear shot. 11th. A bear shot; anchored inside Cape Riley and commenced taking on board coals. 12th. Loose ice in motion with the tide; coaling from C. Riley and receiving stores from Beechey Island. 14th. Proceeded to Beechey Island; anchored off the house in five fathoms. 16th. Sailed for Cape Hotham at 6 A. M., at 7" 30™ off Cape Hotham depot, landed and brought off two whale boats; proceeded to the westward. 17th. Steered for Peal Sound 9 P. M., Cape Granite N. 73° E., and Cape Lyons N. 56° W.; observed fast ice extending across the straits from about Cape Briggs to McClure Bay; bore up for Narrow Straits. 18th. At 2% 15™. A. M., passed Limestone Island; 4 P. M., off Cape McClintock; 9 P. M., steam- ing against a head-wind round N. E. cape; midnight anchored in Port Leopold in seven fathoms; L’ N. N. W. of Whaler Point. 19th. Examining stores on Whaler Point; 5" 30™ P. M. made sail to the southward. 20th. 10 30™- A. M., passed Fury Point in a snow shower; 4 P. M., off Cape Garry; 8" 30™, rounded the north point of Brentford Bay; observed a small cairn upon it; 10". 15™-, anchored in a bay four miles further west. 21st. A bear shot; made an attempt to pass through Bellot Straits, found it full of loose ice in rapid motion with a very strong tide; returned to Depot Bay ; erected a cairn and landed a depot of 15 days provisions. 22d. A bearded seal shot. 23d. Made another attempt to pass through Bellot Straits, found it choked; ran to the southward until stopped by fast ice; anchored in a harbor on east side of Levesque Island at 4 P. M; a herd of reindeer seen on north shore of Bellot Straits, and two seen on shore here. 24th. Made another attempt to penetrate Bellot Straits; anchored in a small bay on the north shore, about half way through at 115. 15™- P. M., a very unsafe position. 25th. At 32 30™. A. M., left anchorage and steamed west 4’, but being unable to get further returned to Depot Bay and anchored there at 8 P. M. 26th. At 9 A. M., ran to the southward, anchored in Stillwell Bay? 7 fathoms soft mud; landed 120 rations in casks in lat. 71° 21’ N.; heavy streams of ice in the offing. 27th. 9 A. M., made sail for Depot Bay ; working to windward between the streams of ice in the offing and the land. 28th. Very little ice seen this day. 29th. Noon, anchored in Depot Bay in 10 fathoms water. 30th. At 5 A. M. steamed into Bellot Straits, finding it still full of loose ice; anchored in a harbor at the head of Port Kennedy at 10"-30™ A. M. in 11 fathoms; at 6 P. M. Captain and boat party left the ship to examine the ice in Victoria Strait from the western hills; a herd of deer seen and a bearded seal shot. 31st. Several deer seen inland. [Several Brent geese and Peregrine falcons shot on the 23d and 29th; from the Ist to the 5th whales were very numerous.—JZ. of 7. Papers. | “Ty. = 132 APPENDIX. September, 1858. Recorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. DAY 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. 8h. Midnight. 1 b be b ee be “ « 2 be “ “ “ b “ 3 m ci be “ “ “ 4 P 0 aie “ “ “ 5 b« c J be CG “ 6 re AG “ “ “ “ 7 elo “ “ r co “ 8 co ce ce r or rT 9 or Ci be ae wu b 10 co ti be cs € i 11 cs bem cs 7) os as 12 2 “ 0 a “ “ 13 be b Ww ce be b 14 “ “ “ t7 “ c NOTES TO SEPTEMBER RECORD. Ist. One reindeer shot. 2d. Captain Young and boat party left to explore the S. W. part of Brentford Bay. 5th. Party returned ; several deer seen. 6th. 6 A. M. steamed into Bellot Straits; high water at 11" A. M.; flood tide running east; 1" 30™. P. M. passed into the western sea; found the main pack resting upon Capes Bird and Hopkins, and extending as far west as visible; made fast to the edge of the ice; 1’ south of Cape Bird. 10th. Two seals shot. 11th. Returned to Port Kennedy and anchored in the entrance in 10 fathoms; a few deer seen, and a hare shot. 12th. A hare shot. 13th. [Observed a comet. | 18th. Steamed through Bellot Straits and made fast to the ice near Pemmican Rock ; sent an officer and dog-sledge to examine the ice between us and Separation Island. 20th. At 8% 15™ P. M. a vivid flash of sheet lightning was observed. 2ist. Dogs and parties carrying provisions to the southward. 23d. 8 P. M. observed the comet, increased in brilliancy. 25th. Lieut. Hobson and parties started with thirteen days’ provisions to carry out southern depots; placed a boat and gear upon Pemmiecan Rock. 27th. Placed a depot of 100 rations on Pemmican Rock; cast off at noon and steamed for Port Kennedy; when 4} miles within western end of Bellot’s Straits, sounded in 75 fathoms; rock and sand ; tide about to commence setting west; boring through young ice, and sledge ran into the fast ice in the entrance of Port Kennedy at 10 P. M., and, being unable to penetrate further, made fast; 13 fathoms water; off shore one-fourth of a mile; 12 fathoms at Winter Quarters. 29th. Two reindeer shot; their weights, exclusive of the entrails, are 354 and 139 Ibs. 30th. Reindeer seen. [Specific gravity of sea water 7th, 1.0215; on the 27th, 1.0230; at 65 fathoms, 1.0270; temp. 31°. Jey of Ah Papers. ] APPENDIX. 133 October, 1858. Mecorp or tur WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Noon. . jh. Midnight. “ “ oms os “ 0 be “ “ “ aS y RBoOVONAORWNe oI oms be — bo 13 14 15 ° NOTES TO OCTOBER RECORD. Ist. Four reindeer seen; 8 P. M., the crack running up the harbor widened; hove the ship eighty yards further ahead. 2d. Two small herds of deer seen. 3d. 10" 30™ P. M. lightning observed. 4th. Three ptarmigan seen. 5th. Two herds of deer seen. 6th. Reindeer seen. 7th. A few reindeer and ptarmigan seen. 8th. A reindeer shot; 10 P. M. comet visible. 9th. 10 P. M. comet visible. 10th. Four reindeer seen. 12th. One reindeer seen. 13th. Built an ice-house for magnetic observatory. 15th. Thickness of ice formed since the third, 92 inches. 19th. Lieut. Hobson and party started to carry depot down the west coast of Boothia at 8 A. M. 20th. A hare shot; many seals seen in the open water in the straits; 8 P. M. halo round the moon, diameter about 45°. 22d. 8 P. M. Prismatic halo around the moon. 28th. 8 P. M. aurora in the S. E. [about 20° above the horizon ]. 29th. From 8 P. M. until midnight, faint aurora between S. and N. W. [about 25° above the horizon, the extremities being joined by a narrow band stretching across the zenith.—D. of 7. Papers. | 30th. A hare shot, two deer seen; 8 P. M. faint aurora in the 8. W. 3ist. Two ptarmigan shot; 10 P. M. faint aurora in the N. W. 134 APPENDIX. November, 1858. Recorp or tHE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Qn. : ph. 3h. 10h. | Noon. | 2h. ms se | AS m bez bz bm bm moO be “ “ “ “ o “ “ “ oe “ “ a bem “ oe “ “ bem | b : bem bm | be s bem bm se & b b b c ‘ “ ms oe : |bmz| mz Mm z Ws u bem bem ‘ a } ue MsSz ms | b ms | mos mos E a bem bem | ue |}ems\bem bem | Se ‘ m | bm Us m Oo a bem Us em «“ “ bm “ b cm “ b “ “ “c “ “ “cc “ “ bem bm “ “ “ ar bmz ae h Cc “ “ ‘ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ G3) || “ “ bmz) bm NOTES TO NOVEMBER RECORD. 6th. Lieut. Hobson and party returned; a recent deer track seen. 9th. [10 P. M. faint aurora from 8. by E. to W. 8. W.] 7th. and 8th. [10 P. M. aurora faint in S. W. ] 9th. Faint aurora between S. and W. 10° above horizon, 10 P. M. 12th. 10 P. M. a pale streak from the northern horizon to the zenith. 14th. 10 P. M. faint aurora between S. W. and W. N. W. 16th. A deer came near the ship; three ptarmigan seen; [thickness of ice 1 foot 93 inches. | 21st. A ptarmigan seen. 23d. 10 P. M. a halo around the moon. 24th. Three ptarmigan seen. 26th. 8 P. M. several willow grouse seen ; two deer seen. APPENDIX. 185 December, 1858. Recorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. 10h. Noon. : Bh. Sh. Mid’t. b “ Mm z bmz “ be “ “ bm OMmMAIAITLWNe bmz ™m “ : | “ec “ bmq bez “ NOTES TO DECEMBER RECORD. Ist. Four ptarmigan seen. 3d. 11 P. M., pale aurora in 8. W. (true), about 18° above horizon. 4th. 10 P. M., aurorain S. W. [Bright from E. to W. N. W. (through south), about 25° above the horizon.—B. of T. Papers. | 5th. A ptarmigan seen; from 8 P. M. until midnight aurora from horizon between S. E. and W., extending upwards nearly to the zenith. [6 to 7": 30™- P. M., flashing from S. E. to N. W. across the zenith; at 10 P. M. faint in the westward, and at midnight in W. N. W. and across zenith from N. W. to 8. E.—B. of T. Papers. ] 6th. 8 until 9 P. M., pale aurora between W. and S. E., about 35° above horizon. 8th. A fox caught; 8 P. M., aurora in the S. EH. [about 40° above horizon ]. 9th. A fox caught. 10th. A fox caught. 11th. 10 P. M., several shooting stars. 12th. 5 to 7 P. M., bright aurora between E. by S. and N.W. [Bright from N. W. to S. E. (through S.) about 60° above horizon.—B. of 7. Papers. | ; 13th. 6 to 7 A. M., light aurora between S. H. and N.; 9 P. M., aurora from 8. 8. E. to W. N. W., about 20° above the horizon [and continuing until midnight]; several ptarmigan seen. 14th. 4 A. M.,, bright aurora from 8. W. through E. to N. W.; 10 P. M., aurora between 8S. E. and S. W. near the horizon. [20° above horizon.—B. of 7. Papers.| Ptarmigan seen. 15th. 5 to 8 A. M.; bright aurora from EH. through 8. to N. W. [30° above horizon.—B. of T. Papers. | : 18th. 6 P. M., a lunar halo, diameter about 45°. [Thickness of ice, 3 feet 1 inch. | 19th. A covey of ptarmigan seen. 20th. 8 P. M., a lunar halo, diameter 45°. 136 ASP PEN EDA 23d. A ptarmigan seen. 24th. 11 P. M., bright aurora all over the heavens [causing the magnetometer to oscillate consider- ably.—B. of T. Papers]. 28th. Aurora between 8. S. E. and W. by N., about 20° above the horizon. 29th. A ptarmigan, and the recent track of a deer, and one or two hares seen. 30th. 5 P. M., aurora to the southward, about 35° above the horizon. 31st. A ptarmigan seen. January, 1859. Record or tr WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Doh. 5 : Sh. 10h. Noon. : : Gh. Sh. 10h. |Mid’t. 4 > id mz : be C bmz} bm bm o UD U2 be be sé be b z b c “ bm c m bmz we bmz b be b co b ms m U2 be 5 cms bm b : a bm bm ce bem cms af bemibemz 0 Gs b em Ww bm b bm a b bm m “ “ “ “ b be “ ; “a “ CHOMISTMPRwObe “ its ™m “ “ “ ae NOTES TO JANUARY RECORD. Ist. 8 P. M. aurora from 8. to W. about 40° above the horizon. 2d. 8 P. M. faint aurora in the 8. W. about 40° above horizon, just above fog bank. 3d. 5 P. M. faint aurora in the east from horizon to zenith; 11 P. M. narrow band of aurora from . 8S. E. to zenith. 8th. 10 P. M. faint aurora between S. E. and W. S. W. near the horizon. 9th. 6 to 7 A. M. bright aurora between W. and N. W; 10": 30™. P. M. a narrow band of aurora from S. to W., passing through the zenith. 10th. 5 to 7 A. M. slight aurora from 8. HE. through 8. to N. W.; 8 P. M. until midnight, strong auroral bands from 8. to N. through the zenith. 11th. 9 P. M. until midnight, aurora between 8. E. and W. about 15° above horizon. 12th. Some ptarmigan seen. 13th. A ptarmigan seen. 14th. 10 P. M. a lunar halo, diameter 45°. 16th. A ptarmigan shot. 17th. A fox eanght; 6 P. M. a lunar halo. I ic) APPENDIX. 137 18th. A fox caught; 6 P. M. a bear’s track seen in Depot Bay. 19th. A hare shot; 10 P. M. a halo round the moon. 21st. A ptarmigan shot, and a hare seen. 22d. A raven seen. 26th. Sun’s upper limb appeared at 11 A. M.; fresh tracks of two reindeer seen. 30th. Three ptarmigan shot, 3 A. M. 3st. 3 A. M. bright aurora between 8. E. and N. W., passed through 8S. W.; 6 P. M. pencils of auroral rays from horizon to zenith between S. EB. and W.; electrometer strongly affected; two ptarmigan shot. $e ec eenecennreeennrneer February, 1859. Recorp or ruz WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. | 10h. | Noon. | 2h. . jh. : 10h. |Mid’t. o > at bz “ oe os Moran on iol NOTES TO FEBRUARY RECORD. Ist. 3 A. M. aurora between S. E. and N. W., passing through south. 2d. A ptarmigan shot. 3d. Two reindeer seen; ascertained the water space in Bellot Straits for one mile east and west. 4th. A seal and a dovekie seen in the open water. 8th. 8 P. M. aurora in the S. W. 9th.’ Some ptarmigan seen. 12th. Two reindeer and several ptarmigan seen ; a sooty fox caught ; halo round the moon. 13th. Two ptarmigan seen; halo round the moon. 17th. 8 A. M. the early travelling parties left the ship; fifteen ptarmigan shot. 19th. 10 P. M. aurora from south to north through the zenith. 20th. Nine ptarmigan shot; 11 P. M. faint aurora from south to zenith. 21st. Thermometer against a black surface exposed to the sun showed zero; [exposed against the ship’s side, —0.5°. ] 23d. 2 A.M. very bright aurora from N. E. to S. W.; at 4 A. M. slight aurora in the east; four ptarmigan shot; one white fox caught. 24th. Two white foxes caught. 25th. A white fox caught. 26th. A hare seen; 11 P. M. until midnight, aurora from north to south through zenith. 27th. A fox caught. 18 e 138 APPENDIX. March, 1859. Recorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FoX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS, 10h. Noon. “ “ m b DATO: OU OD BO NOTES TO MARCH RECORD. 2d. Seven ptarmigan and one hare shot. 3d. Noon, Captain Young and party returned. 4th. Twelve ptarmigan shot. 5th. Frost smoke in Prince Regent’s Inlet. 10h. Mid’t. cm “c bemzq bmq “ “ bm “ bme “ 6th. A white fox caught, a reindeer seen, a ptarmigan shot; 9 P. M. a narrow band of aurora from N. N. W. to S. 8. E. through zenith—a well-marked divergence of leaves of gold electrometer. 10th. Nine ptarmigan shot; one hare seen. 14th. Noon, Captain McClintock and party returned. 15th. 2 A. M. a lunar halo; two ptarmigan shot. 18th. 9 A. M. Captain Young with two dog sledges left for Fury Beach; 1 P. M. Dr. Walker with a party started to bring in depot from Cape Airy. 19th. Two bears seen, and two ptarmigan shot. 20th. A hare seen; a white fox caught. 21st. A hare seen. 22d. A hare seen and a white fox caught; several ptarmigan scen. 23d. A hare seen and a ptarmigan shot; a lemming caught; Bellot’s Straits entirely free from vapor. . 24th. A ptarmigan shot; a white fox caught; a bear seen. 25th. 10 A. M. Dr. Walker and party returned. 26th. Two hares seen. 28th, A hare and a ptarmigan shot; 8 P. M. Captain Young and party returned from Fury Beach. 30th. A parhelion on each side of the sun; a ptarmigan shot and a hare seen; at midnight aurora seen between land to W. and S. W. and observer. 3lst. 11 P. M. aurora in west seen between land and observer. APPENDIX. 13! April, 1859. Recorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YAcuT Fox, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. DAY. 5h. gh Noon. 4h. 8h. 11h. 1 be | U bz bez bqz ae 2 bqz be b “ % “ 3 bs b be c cms oe 4 ems cs a c s be 5 cm f be b if be 6 bez bc bezq be « aS a 4 ec “ “ 4 “ “ 8 bv b Be be se b 9 be NOTES TO APRIL RECORD. Ist. A fox caught; 10" 20™- P. M.; Captain McClintock and party left the ship, also Lieutenant Hobson and party for long spring journey to the southward. 4th. A white wolf prowling about the ship. 6th. Travelling party detained by weather. 7th. A hare seen; 9 A. M.; Captain Young and party left ship for search of Prince of Wales’ land; a lemming caught. 8th. A hare seen; Bellot Straits quite free from vapor; two ptarmigan shot. 9th. Noticed a second space of water in Bellot Straits, smaller and about two miles further west than first. 10th. A hare seen. 11th. A hare seen; thickness of ice formed since Oct. 3d, 6 feet 2 inches. 13th. A raven seen. 15th. Bellot Straits entirely free from vapor throughout the day. 20th. A hare seen. 21st. A hare seen; prismutic parhelion and part of halo on each side of the sun distant about 22° 30’. 23d. A raven seen. 26th. Two hares seen. 27th. A hare seen. 28th. A bear and two cubs seen. [No aurora reported. | 140 May, 1859. APPENDIX. RECORD OF THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. 5h. Noon. 4h. bz bez Oz bez MOSZQ bezq bo os bes be osz be boc bo oc 0 Os om moze 0 mo AIAN PW | NOTES TO MAY RECORD. Ist. Prismatic parhelion and part of halo on each side of the sun, distant about 23°. 3d. Two ravens seen. The water space in Bellot Strait much increased in extent. 4th. A white wolf seen. 5th. Parhelion and part of halo on each side of sun. 6th. Prismatic parhelion and part of halo on each side of sun distant 22° 20’ (observed). 9th. Two hares seen; also recent tracks of a small herd of deer, 10th. 11th. 12th. Five hares seen. Ice formed since Oct. 3d, 1858, 5 feet 4 inches; several hares seen, Four hares seen. ‘Iwo small pools of water noticed in the strait between Fox Island and south shore. 13th. 14th. 15th. 16th. 17th. 18th. 19th. 21st. 92d. Two hares seen; 8 P. M., fine snow falling. A young bear shot; tip to tip 6 feet 1 inch. Two hares seen. Two hares seen; part of Captain Young’s party returned. Two hares seen and two snow buntings shot. Two hares and some buntings seen. Three seals and one wolf seen. A snow bunting seen; a long lane of water seen to the E. N. E. in Regent’s Inlet. Ice loosened from ship’s sides, allowing her to rise 2 feet 4 inches forward and 3 inches aft; two hares seen; also recent tracks of seven deer going northward. 28th. 29th. 30th. A deer seen; two others crossing ice to northward. A fox seen; also several buntings shot; three burgomasters seen flying north. One bunting seen, one finch shot; four men and sledge started for Pemmican Rock to join Captain Young. June, 1859. APPENDIX. REMARKS. 141 ReEcorD OF THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FOX, WITH GENERAL <] > a Noon. 11h. | CoS PWONe | mOS2zZ bez be “ be oc oc tig bo 0 oc q mor b beg “ cc bemz 0c fe bo mo q be « bevg 5 “ 3 oc “ of moe b ec “c moc “ NOTES TO JUNE RECORD, 2d. A bunting seen. 3d. Some gulls, a bunting, and a raven seen; black bulb thermometer in sun’s rays, 93° in maximo. 4th. Some geese, gulls, and bunting seen; a bear came near the ship; a fox shot alongside. 5th. Some bunting and a gull seen; some small pools of water to eastward of Fox Island, in the course of current of straits; several pools of water to H. N. E. and N. EH. in Regent’s Inlet. 6th. Measured height of mountain ahead of harbor—1120 feet (aneroid) ; a small cairn on top. 7th. Captain Young returned on board; a raven, several ducks, and bunting seen; three reindeer crossing the ice to northward; remainder of Captain Young’s party returned. 9th, A deer, a hare, and a fox seen; also some buntings and sandpipers. 10th. A deer, some gulls, buntings, and sandpiper seen; some buntings and sandpiper shot ; Captain Young and party left the ship. 11th. Several buntings and gulls seen. 12th. Two sandpipers shot. 13th. First plant in flower (Saxifraga oppositifolia) ; a fox caught, and some buntings shot; a deer, a hare, some geese, gulls, and duck seen; ice formed since Oct. 3, 4 feet 6 inches. 14th. Lieut. Hobson and party returned on board, bringing documents and relies of Franklin’s expedition from west side of King William’s Land; some duck and sandpipers seen. 15th. Maximum, black bulb thermometer in sun’s rays, 96°.5; three sandpipers shot; some gulls seen. 16th. Two long-tailed ducks and two sandpipers shot ; some ducks and gulls seen. 17th. Many ducks and gulls seen, also one seal; one king and two long-tailed ducks shot. 18th. Several ducks and one seal seen. 19th. Captain McClintock and party returned on board, bringing relics of Franklin’s expedition obtained from natives on east coast of King William’s Land, and picked up on Montreal Island and south shore of King William’s Land; a bear, seal, and some duck seen. 142 APPENDIX. 20th. Two ducks shot. 21st. One seal shot. 22d. Twelve ducks and one hare shot; seal seen. 23d. Five ducks and one red-throated diver shot; a seal seen. 24th. Four ducks and four deer seen. 25th. One duck and one diver shot. 26th. One duck shot. 27th. One duck and one plover shot; two deer seen. 28th. Four plover shot. 29th. One deer seen; two ducks shot; one ermine caught. 30th. Several geese seen, and a duck shot. July, 1859. Record or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS. Noon. : : . : 10h. |Mid’t. u b io be be “ “ CaoaISOhwpre NOTES TO JULY RECORD. 2d. Two ducks and two divers shot. 3d. Four ducks and two gulls shot. 4th. Three ducks and one seal shot. 5th. Commenced tide observations; one duck, one diver, and a silvery gull shot; an ermine seen. 6th. Two hares seen. 13th. One seal shot. 14th. One hare shot, and an ermine seen. 15th. Three seals shot. 16th. Two ducks shot. : | / 7th. A gull shot and lemming caught; several seals seen on the ice. x 4 11th. A seal and a duck shot; the water has much increased in Bellot Straits. 12th. Several lanes of water seen in Regent’s Inlet; two seals shot. . | 17th. 18th. 24th. 25th. 26th. 27th. 28th. 29th. APPENDIX. : 143 A fox seen. A seal shot, and another taken from a bear; a gull and a duck shot. An usuk seen. Several flocks of ducks flying eastward. Bellot Straits clear of ice as far as Western Head. Ice breaking up around the ship; 11 gulls shot. A large extent of harbor ice commenced driving out. Drifted with harbor ice, to which the ship is attached, between the Fox Island and the main, until 2 A. M., when the ice was brought up by the land and shoals; 4 A. M., western current ceased ; 5 A. M., ice commenced drifting eastward; 9 A. M., made sail to a light S. W. breeze; 9" 45™- got clear of the ice, and proceeded into Port Kennedy ; 11 A. M., anchored in 64 fathoms off Observation Point. 30th. Ice breaking away from head of harbor; outer harbor almost clear; 115. 30™-, harbor ice drifted foul of the ship; several gulls shot. 31st. Two gulls and one duck shot. August, 1859. Recorp or THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT Fox, WITH GENERAL ) S = REMARKS. Noon. . | : Midnight. Ist. o oc “ oc be oc be ee “ CotaunPwhe bs bem be oc Cc ocqr “ mr beg f “ NOTES TO AUGUST RECORD. One seal and fifteen ducks shot; also two gulls. 3d. 4" 30™- A. M., thunder. 4th; 5th. 6th. ith. 8th. Bellot Straits and Port Kennedy clear of ice. A seal shot. A deer and two seals shot. Harbor full of drift ice. Ice stationary ; 8 P. M., ice setting into the harbor. 144 APPENDIX. 9th. 10%. 30™- A. M., weighed and proceeded out of the harbor under sail and steam; noon, passing south end of Long Island; 1", passed between Brown’s Island and off Lying Islet southeastward ; 2. 30™-, off Hazard Inlet; 8"-, off Mt. Oliver; 8 to 12, steering between pack and land. 10th. 4 A. M., steaming past Cape Garry ; Creswell Bay clear of ice; 11" 25™- A. M., made fast to grounded ice in 3 fathoms, 3 cable lengths off shore of Adelaide Bay; Fury Point 2’ E. by N. (true); a seal and several dovekies shot; white whales, ducks, and mollymauks seen; pack closing in; low water 3 P. M.; ebb sets to S. W. along land; high water near midnight; rise 74 feet. 11th. A white whale shot, 13 feet 2 inches long; pack closing in Cresswell Bay. 12th. Ice driving to southwestward ; no water visible in Cresswell Bay or in N. E.; a seal seen; tide flowed until midnight; water rose 10 feet. 13th. Pack in offing driving southwestward; (4 A.M.) no water visible from mast-head, except inside the space into which we are lying; a small seal and some dovekies shot; many king ducks flying northward; high water at 12". 30™- 14th. 4 A. M., pack driving to southwestward ; many ducks flying northward. 15th. Tide flowed until about 1" 20™ A. M.; at 5% 45™. P. M. Fury Beach bore W. (true) three miles distant. 16th. 2. 45™ A. M., off Batty Bay, free from ice; 9 A. M., off Elwin Bay; 3% 30™ P. M., Cape Sepping N. W. 4 W., distant 6’ ; ice seen extending from Leopold Island eastward. 17th. A black whale and some narwhals seen; Barrow Strait clear of ice as far as visible; 8 P. M., passed a small sheet of ice. 18th. Many narwhals about the ship; passing stream of loose ice; 9 30™ P. M., passing Admiralty Inlet ; some pack or stream ice seen in shore. ; 19th. 4 A. M., two miles off Wollaston Island ; running among loose ice; midnight (19-20), passing round Cape Byam Martin, distant 4’. 20th. Noon, off Cape Burney, distant 13’; a bear and two cups shot; 6 P. M., off Cape Graham Moore. 21st. No floe ice visible. 22d. Some rotchies seen; passed several bergs. 23d. 75 bergs in sight; saw some stream ice in eastward. 24th. A few bergs in sight; 9 P. M., saw the land about Swarte Hook. 25th. A finback whale seen; rotchies seen. 26th. Saw the land about Mellem Fiord; 4 P. M., off Disco Fiord. 2ith. 2 A. M., anchored in Godhayn Harbor in 7} fathoms. Specific gravity of sea water— 21st. 1.0278. 24th. 1.0270. 22d. 1.0275. 25th. 1.0265. 23d. 1.0262. 26th. 1.0275. 81st. [Aurora slight in S. W. (true) at 11 P. M.—B. of 7. Papers. ] September, 1859. Recorp of THE WEATHER KEPT ON BOARD THE YACHT FOX, WITH GENERAL REMARKS, DAY. 4h. gh. Noon. 4h. Sh. Midnight. "hes Wetnes 1 be “ b be Us c 2 oc c be US ca Ce 280 3 oc c be oc om oc 272 4 o oc £6 oc 7 268 5 be oc LS ¢ be b 268 6 em oc ocr ocqd be SS 282 7 P “ 6 be a Us 282 8 be & & Wo c be 285 9 och | c be c be ae 300 10 beh | “ “ gs be We 300 11 be beh “ us he b 290 12 or | org “ om G be 275 13 of | ofr ~ fr Onyar: jar 275 14 Om | ee “ 0 m “ c m 275 15 oc c be oc ocqg Dich 285 16 | beq be oc be c be 290 Li om oc | ce | U3 c oc 18 or or ze omr org oc pe: APPENDIX. 145 NOTES TO SEPTEMBER RECORD. Ist. Proceeded out of Godhayn; two whales seen. 2d. Passed several bergs. 3d. Bergs seen. 4th to 5th. Midnight; six bottle-nosed whales seen, 6th. Bergs in sight; passed a drift pine log; midnight, slight aurora in 8. BH. Tth. Bergs passed; a finner seen; midnight, aurora in 8. W. Sth. Bottle-nosed whale seen. 9th. Passed piece of drift pine. 10th. [Anrora, 10 P. M., in N. E.—B. of 7. Papers. | 15th. Porpoises seen. 18th. 8 P. M., sounded in 86 fathoms. TABULATION OF AURORAS, WITH OBSERVATIONS AND Norges, By Dr. DAvip WALKER. (Copied from the log-book.) DATE. True Direction of Aurora. DATE. True Direction of Aurora. DATE. | True Direction of Aurora, 1858. 1858. 1857. March 2 | *5. W. by §. to E. Dec. 8 | S. Ed. Oct. 30 S. to 8. 5. E. 4 5. to W. N. W. 12 | *N. W. toS. E. through Nov. 7 | *S.E. 5 5. W. by 5. to N. W. 5. 8 N. N. E. to N. N. W. 6 5. 5. W. to E. 13 | *S. S. E. to W.'S. W. 9 | *E. toS. 8 S. E. 14 | *E.S.E. to N. W. 9; 5.5. 16 | *S. by W. to N. E. 15 | N. W.throughS. to E. ll | *N.W. toS. E. 17 | *S. W. to E. N. E. 24 | All over the heavens. Dec. 9 E. N. E. to E.S. E. 18 | *S. by E. to E. N. E. 28 | * W. by N. to S.S. E. 10 S. to zenith. April 9 | *E. to N. 30 S’d. 12 N. W. 10 | *S. to E. 1859. 13 N. E. to S. E. 11 | *E. toS. E. Jan. 1 | * W. toS. 14 E. to N. E. 12 | *E. by S. to W.S. W. 2 | *S. Wd. 15 S’d. 13 | * E. to W. 5. W. 3 S. E’d. 17 | *S. toN. E. and E. to N. 14 | *#. toS. 8 W.5. W. toS. E. 18 E. to W. 15 | *E. toS. 9 | * W. to N. W. 1858. | 9 N. to8. through zenith. Jan. 9 N. W. toS. E. and all} Oct. 28 | *S. to W. 10 | *N. W. to S. E. by 8. round horizon. 29 | *S.S.E. to W. N. W. 10 N. toS. through zenith. 11 S. W. 30 | *S. W'd. 11 | *S. E. to W. 12 5S. to E. 31 | *N. W’d. 31 | *N. W. to S. E. by S. 17 5. to E. Nov. 6 S. by E. to W.S. W. 31 | W.toS. E. to zenith. Feb. 2 | *5S. E. to E. N.E. (dan eae Feb. 1 | *N. W. toS. E. by S. 3 S. E. to zenith. Sy | a8- We 8) Ss. Wed. 7 | *S.S.E. to N. 9 | *S. to W. 19 N. toS. through zenith. 9 | *N.E. to S. E. 12 N. to zenith. 20 S. to zenith. 13 5.8. E. to E. 14 | *S. We to W.N. W. 23 N. E. to 8. W. 15 8.58. E. to E. N. E. Dec. 3 | *S. W’d. 26 N. toS. through zenith. 16 S. E. to N.N. E. 4 | E. through §S. to March 6 N..N. W. to) S:'S. i. Ly 8.5. W. toS.S E. | W.N. W. through zenith. 18 8.5. E. to E. Bi) * 1S. Be to Ne WV. 30 | * W. to S. W. 19 5. £. E. to N. E | *S. E. to W. BL | We “During our drift down Baffin’s Bay and Dayis’ Straits (1857-’8) the aurora was noticed on 43 nights; of these, 13—marked with an asterisk—were observed in a direction where water or water sky had been seen during the day. The general direction of the remainder was between N. E. and S. E. None were particularly bright but two or three, and even these scarcely equalled the brilliancy of those seen at times in the north of Scotland. On some occasions the aurora was from horizon to zenith, but generally from 10° to 40° above the horizon, with occasional streamers; these latter were generally present towards the zenith, but only sometimes reaching so far. At times pulsations were noticed in the patches and bands of light; these were often contrary to the surface wind. On the whole stars of all magnitudes were dimmed when viewed through the aurora, but only those of small magnitude 19 146 APPENDIX. were rendered invisible. Once only was there noticed a connection between cirrous clouds and the aurora. “ Of the 42 auroras observed during our winter at Port Kennedy (1858-9) 24—marked with an asterisk—were in a direction of a space of water, open throughout the winter, or of the vapor rising from it. More than this number might be traced to it, but of these 24 Iam certain. On the nights of the 30th and 3lst March, 1859, I noticed the aurora between myself and the land; the patches of light could plainly be seen a few feet above the small mass of vapor arising from the water. The opposite land was from two and a half to three miles distant, and I am confident, if this land had been sufficiently high, the most of these 24 auroras would have been seen suspended but a short distance above the surface of the water orice. On five occasions the aurora was observed to cause agitation of the magnectic needle; on one of these, Dec. 24, 1858, I noticed a vibration of 15°; on the other four times the vibration was not much more than a degree; four of these five occurred when the aurora was from south to north, passing through the zenith. A fine wire was attached to the fore yard-arm by insulated supports and led to a snow house with a connection through the floe to the water beneath. Here the gold leaf electroscope was at times applied, and I was enabled to observe the presence of the electricity in the atmosphere and also the influence of the aurora on the instrument. There appeared to occur two periods of minimum electric intensity about 9 P. M. and noon; the instrument not being sufficiently delicate I could not be satisfied about the time of the maximum. On the whole there seemed to be more fur electricity present in the air at Port Kennedy than Baffin’s Bay or Davis’ Strait. On six occasions in 1857-—’8 I observed a well-marked effect on the electroscope by the presence of aurora, the gold leaves diverging with greater force and remaining so for a longer time than usual. On three occasions at Port Kennedy, when the aurora was from horizon to zenith, the electroscope was strongly affected; on all these occasions the electricity was positive.” [D. W.] PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON CITY, MAY, 1862. CHART Showiog the treenwich an TRACKS OF THE YACHT FOX" y hla IN THE ARCTIC REGIONS ( ral arty! TT] Under con CAPTAINwowSIRIFRANCIS L.MSCLINTOCK,.R.N. 1857 to 1859. CHARLES A.SCHOTT eAdssrstane, 18, (ast SUVA 1861. JL ECLIPSE = Fox | CHANN L ' a ne MURCHISON PROMONTARY ~ Stat. Miles 1 , > North Cape of the Con é b f he = : at N5" finent tb America eae: ‘ J ; 500, an | hao SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. Sh ANCIENT MINING Se Uh oO LAK SU. PRO. BY CA Rebs We EP es BY. [ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, APRIL, 1862. | AV ar, e@ La 7 vy ‘ERENT i a _ CVT RATA AN, . | ORG ie oe ret4 we | 4 ia “ Guin iepabe bh Se i gin vival yell a — eh Fy ea Ve iadlaideate Neh ae 7 y+) awiln COMMISSION 03h Sahel ) Lowell Sgr »4oypoaty four) ue P . TO WHICH THIS PAPER HAS BEEN REFERRE i mite en Die Doll Va ety seo D. Wrson, LI Dj ee : §. H, Days, MoD a, eae “a aie it -oddiosera(Bierrsadile leet ar 7 cri , (Seereary S: Luli ithe’ 2 woe P sale iateend ehdiel a ery « «mil: 4 ‘ W Jin, le dnedt. yeas? iit wiaegi@ i b 1 tet TD vie reg 7 ; . shine Cap ASI Sales eee ys wigs Pane F Lf ie Jeno OMe eiagt ovstl.. (vy V owioVUedtiat 7 | ie,’ Are A ea septs oo ae 7 ” hee 48 DOT ee ee COLLINS, PRINTER, PHILADELPHIA. ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE: Outline Map showing the position of the ancient mine-pits of Point Keweenaw, Michigan, by Charles Whittlesey. (/rontispiece.) Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. W:O'O.D- CU Ss: Waterbury Mine—artificial cavern . Wooden Shovel—Waterbury Mine . Section on the Copper Falls Vein . : : ; : Stone Hammer or Maul, with one groove, and broken by use—Copper Falls Mine . Copper Spear-head—Copper Falls Mine : : Central Mine. Section of the vein and old pit. East and west Broken Maul, without groove—Central Mine Ancient Pits in the Boulder Drift or Gravel—Quiney oe : Minnesota Mine. Section across the Vein, looking from the easterly quarter Stone Maul, with double grooves—Minnesota Mine Copper Chisel, full size—Minnesota Mine : ; F ; Spear-head, half size—Ontonagon. From drawings of John F. Mullowney, Esq., Surveyor ; s Copper Gad, full size—Minnesota Mine Chisel, half size—Ontonagon : Rude Copper Knife, full size—Carp River . Pointed Tool with a Socket, full size—Carp River . Copper Instrument, full size—Fort Wilkins Copper Hook, full size—Sault St. Mary’s . : Outline of a Copper Tool, full ee River, Canada ‘ Orchard, Oconto cite Wis- consin Copper Knife, full s size PAGE oo © = 11 12 13 14 lj 19 19 bo ow eo bo po Ww nb Cd on on bo po co - > nee * : ar TARP aaa : 7 PAREN iP 7 f é ry co ? pert & sh ti eae Fajyole Sek PERS Ragimrgs be ieee ne = axe ir. . : ¥ Lats i 4 f ae al if ro 4 ai on ya f - ry , ie i» é wey i an y "ir ( eli Pry ive nw aire Pe . 5 i ’ 0 ri Peg La one CF ‘ ae, re Le ae + 3 ‘ ; coe aT Sage abet ‘se us wen 2 ' fad a a fi reste 7 i rid Tals ARK tae De ie A ade ae h a A F r=, ls Ss yf var : i : aC ’ Ay ry jel ly ; ‘ y ae j Pr” « hat Seah WelOT® AONE i , 4 STAa/ . 7 . iF , . | jo ane wns ea , 7 : v0 $0 ALE AD oekt tae Bk i H ) ie @ Perv Toda i a an & ‘e taka Fines i é ni? Ge te many). } Thx 1 4 sh hig tellipen a s ANCIENT MINING ON THE SHORES OF LAKE SUPERIOR. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. THE evidences of ancient mining operations within the mineral region of Lake Superior were first brought to public notice in the winter of 1847-8. Although the Jesuit fathers frequently mention the existence of copper, and even use the term mines, it is clear, from the general tenor of their narratives, that they neither saw nor knew of any actual mining in the technical sense of that word. ‘They announced as early as the year 1636 the presence of native copper, and refer to it as having been taken from the “mines.” This was prior to the time when they had themselves visited the Great Lake, and their information was derived from Indians. At the same time they speak with equal certainty of mines of gold, rubies, and steel ; but it must be borne in remembrance that the French word is not equivalent to our English mines, but may be more correctly rendered veins or deposits of metals or ores. In the “Relacions” for 1659-60, after missions had been established on Lake Superior, the region is reported to be “enriched in all its borders by mines of lead almost pure and of copper all refined in pieces as large as the fist, and great rocks which have whole veins of torquoise.” It is probable that these accounts are second hand and such as the Chippeways gave when they exhibited to the fathers specimens of native metal in the shape of water-worn pieces and small boulders. Boucher, in the “ Histoire veritable,” &c., in 1640, asserts that ‘there are in this region, mines of copper, tin, antimony, and lead.” He speaks of a great island fifty leagues in circumference, which is doubtless the one now called Michipicoten, where “there is a very beautiful mine of copper.” Copper was also found in other _ places in large masses “‘all refined ;” in one instance an ingot of copper was discovered which weighed more than 800 pounds, and from which the Indians cut off pieces with their axes after having softened it by fire. All this information Boucher obtained from some French traders, and not from his own observation. Such is the tenor of the historical accounts from the time of Lagarde in 1636 to Charlevoix in 1721. Detached and water-worn lumps of copper have been found in great numbers in the gravel, clay, and loose materials that cover the rocks, from the days of the Catholic fathers to this time, not only in the mineral region but over a large space to the southward of it, All these pieces were originally from veins, but have 1 2 ANCIENT MINING probably been separated by the same cause that gave rise to that formation which geologists call the “ drift.” The agent, whatever it was, that broke off fragments from the rocks, not only on Lake Superior but further north, and transported them in the shape of boulders, sand, and gravel, as far south as the valley of the Ohio, also bore along the con- tents of the mineral veins which those rocks contained. Pieces of native copper are well calculated to resist the severe attrition to which transported materials are subjected. Masses of it have been found not far removed from the mineral range, weighing 3000 lbs., and others at a greater distance have been taken from the beds of rivers and from the beach of the lake weighing 1500 and 800 pounds. Others again of less size have been recovered from the gravel of the Menominee River, near the shores of Green Bay, and at Sheboygan Falls near the town of Sheboygan on Lake Michigan. Professor J. Brainard, of Cleveland, has a piece weighing five or six pounds which was found five feet bencath the surface in the drift gravel of Rocky River, Medina County, Ohio. Had the Indians, the French, or the Jesuits of early times, discovered copper on the shores of Lake Michigan or of Lake Eric, not knowing or supposing the metal could exist except in mines, they would probably have spoken of it as having been found ina mine. ‘The attention of the fathers was not particularly called to the subject of mineralogy, and although they were learned men, their knowledge of geology must have been very limited, for this science had not at that time assumed a place in the schools. As to the accounts given by savages, every one who has had much intercourse with them, knows that great allowance must be made for their want of knowledge and their tendency to embellishment and exaggeration. I have listened to many wonderful tales concerning distant mineral riches. An aged Chippeway, by the name of Kundickan, whom I met on the Ontonagon in 1845, stated that as he was one day sailing along the western shore of the Gogebic (or Akogebe) Lake, at the head of the west branch of that river, he heard an explosion on the face of a rocky cliff that overlooked the water, and saw pieces of something fall at a dis- tance from him, both in the lake and on the beach. When he had found some of them, they proved to be a white metal, like “Shuneaw” (money), which the white man gives to the Indians at La Pointe. ‘There are good reasons why the old missionaries should have had greater confidence in such stories than we have, and thus have given them a place in their reports to the Propaganda. But with all the influence possessed by them over the Indians, and the closeness of the ties that could not fail to exist between a priest and his converts, no instance is referred to where they were shown mining operations upon the rocks or veins. There is nothing to show that the Indians wrought copper in mines at that time. They had no implements proper for the purpose; nor did they produce samples of metal taken from its position in sit@. The Indians had neither copper kettles nor axes when the French came among them; but only rudely fashioned copper knives, that were evidently beaten out from small boulders. Instead of viewing copper as an object of every day use, they regarded it as a sacred Manitou, and carefully preserved pieces of it wrapped up in skin in their lodges for many years; and this ON THE SHORES OF LAKH SUPERIOR. 3 custom has been continued to modern times. I am well aware that they have a superstitious dread of showing a mineral mass or locality to a white man, believing that the Manitous will visit them with some calamity if they do so. ‘The missionaries, however, frequently overcame this feeling im regard to copper boulders, and could as easily have done so in regard to mines, if any such had really existed. If the Chippeways had been cognizant of the ancient works that have been recently discovered, they would have communicated this fact to their spiritual fathers, who would not have suffered so interesting a fact to be lost. If the Indians possessed traditions from their ancestors relating to ancient mines, or the people who worked them, those must also have come to the ears of the Jesuits. With the exception of an old Chippeway chief who resided some years since at Fon du Lac (Lake Superior), I have known of no one pretending to such knowledge. ‘The story he gives is sufficiently imaginative, and relates to mines wrought by his tribe on Isle Royale, in times long past, when his fathers were much happier, and had larger canoes than his cotemporaries have now. | place his narrative in the same category with those above noticed, as having refer- ence to boulder copper, and not to that obtained from mining 7 siti. From evidences which I shall give, in describing the works in detail, it will appear that they were abandoned several hundred years before the French became acquainted with the northern tribes; no mines having been found that could have been wrought as late as the time of the earliest Jesuit. If such were wrought by Indians, it must have been at a period very remote, such as Loons Foot describes. But could the natives have lost the recollection of such a state of things? Had they ever worked mines, they must have possessed the skill to fashion the metal extracted from them into various useful forms, without which it would be of no value. Neither the skill nor the implements themselves would have been lost in a few hundred years, by a people having the same wants, and residing in the same country. It also seems to be highly improbable that their ancestors either knew of ancient mines, not worked by themselves, or the people who wrought them. ‘Tradition is the only history of savage nations, and the fault of this species of knowledge is not in the absence, but in the excess of materials such as they are. Among thousands of legends which the Indians have related, nothing positive or consistent has come to my knowledge respecting the people who preceded the present Aborigines, except a tradition communicated to Major Long, in 1819, upon the Great Miami River, by an Indian chief, during his Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi. Aside from this, I have heard of nothing coming from the Western tribes concerning the origin of the tumuli and earthworks that are so conspicuous in Ohio, Kentucky, and other Western States. As a people, if we may judge by their silence on a subject on which they may be supposed inclined to be communi- cative, if they had anything to tell, the aborigines have no traditionary knowledge of their predecessors, the race of the “mound builders.” Neither do we find in the record of English travellers who succeeded the French in 1763 any notice of ancient mines. 4 ANCIENT MINING Description of the Locality of the Remains of Ancient Mining Operations, &e. In casting the eye over a map of Lake Superior, a remarkable projection, in the form of an immense horn, will be observed jutting out from the south shore, and curving to the northeast until it ends in an irregular point. This peninsula, which is called Keweenaw Point, is about eighty miles in length, and at the place where it joins the main land forty-five miles in width. Through the whole extent of this projection a belt of metalliferous trap formation extends, differing at various points in structure, and in the character of its contents. Along this belt, which is designated on the map by dotted lines, there are exhibited, through- out nearly its whole extent, a disturbance of the strata, and upheavals comprising a series of bluffs, rising abruptly from the two streams, Eagle and Montreal Rivers. Within this belt, all the mining operations, ancient and modern, have been chiefly confined, The most remarkable feature of the district is the character of its metal- liferous products, which occur, not in the condition of an ore of copper, but exclu- sively as native metal. This is met with in immense masses, in veins of smaller size, and in rounded nodules. The cutting of the masses is a tedious and costly process, and in some instances, even with all the appliances of modern art, requires several months before a single mass is entirely removed from the mine. The metal is sometimes almost entirely free from foreign matter, yielding when melted down in the furnace from 90 to 95 per cent. of copper. The first actual mining operations, within historic times, were commenced near the forks of the Ontonagon, in 1761, by Alexander Henry, but under the peculiar circumstances they proved entirely abortive. In 1841, Dr. Douglas Houghton made a report to the Legislature of Michigan, in which the earliest definite information in regard to the occurrence of native copper on Lake Superior was given to the public. Shortly after this, mining operations were commenced in this region, explorers and speculators flocked to it from all quarters, and in 1845 the shores of Keweenaw Point were whitened with their tents. In 1846 the excitement reached its climax, after which a reaction took place, and finally only half a dozen companies out of all that had been formed continued the operation of mining in good earnest. The first public announcement, so far as we are aware, of the remains of ancient mines in the copper region is that by Mr. 8S. O. Knapp, agent of the Minnesota Mining Company, in 1848. Dr. Chas. 'T. Jackson brought forward the subject in his Geological Report to the United States Government, in 1849, and gave some interesting details of what had been discovered up to that time. Further mention of it was made by Messrs. Foster and Whitney, in their report in 1850, and several illustrations were given. Since then our knowledge of the subject has been much enlarged by the prosecution of mining operations on the very sites of the ancient works. It must not, however, be supposed that our information is now complete. It is by no means an easy task to discover remains buried, as those of the ancient mines of ON THE SHORTS OF LAKH SUPERIOR. 5 Lake Superior are, in extensive and dense forests, where the explorer can only see a few rods, or, perhaps, yards around him, and where there is seldom anything which rises sufficiently high above the surface to attract the eye. They are, for the most part, merely irregular depressions in the soil, trenches, pits, and cavities; sometimes not exceeding one foot in depth, and a few feet in diameter. Thousands of persons had seen the depressions prior to 1848, who never suspected that they had any connection with the arts of man; the hollows, made by large trees overturned by the wind, being frequently as well marked as the ancient exca- vations. Besides this, there are natural depressions in the rocks on the outcrop of veins, formed by the decomposition of the minerals, that resemble the troughs of the ancient miners, as they appear after the lapse of centuries. ‘There is not always a mound or ridge along the side of the pits, for most of the broken rock was thrown behind, nearly filling up the trenches. A mound of earth is as nearly imperishable as any structure we can form. Some of the tumuli of the west retain their form, and even the perfection of their edges at this day. But mere pits in the earth are rapidly filled up by natural processes. Some of those which have been reopened, and found to have been originally ten feet deep, are now scarcely visible. Others that have a rim of earth around the borders, or a slight mound at the side, and were at first very shallow, are more conspicuous at present than deep ones without a border. There are, however, pits of such size as could not fail to surprise one at first view, were not the effect destroyed by the close timber and underwood with which they are surrounded. A basin-shaped cavity, 15 feet deep and 120 feet in diameter, would immediately attract the eye of the explorer were it properly exposed. But it is not unusual to find ten and twelve feet of decayed leaves and sticks, filling a trench, and no broken rock or gravel. In such cases a fine red clay has formed towards the bottom, a deposit from water, which indicates the long period of time since the excavation was made. From the accompanying map it will be seen that the positions of the principal ancient mines correspond to those which are worked at present. 'There are three groups or centres of operation in both cases, one a little below the forks of the Ontonagon River, another at Portage Lake, and a third on the waters of Eagle River. Other works are known to exist, and more will probably be found; but we have probably discovered the most important ones within the district embraced by the map. Although the old works are not always situated upon what would be considered good veins, yet they are regarded by practical miners as pretty sure guides to valu- able lodes. In the opening of our principal mines, we have followed in the path of our pre- decessors, but with much better means of penetrating the earth to great depths. The old miners performed the part of surface explorers. In giving detailed descriptions of the antiquities of the mining country, we shall commence with those most easterly, near the extremity of Point Keweenaw, and proceed along the mineral range in the order of position to the southwest. ‘There are, however, ancient works found over a much greater space than is included in the map. 6 ANCIENT MINING The veins on Isle Royale, and near the north shore, opposite Point Keweenaw, were extensively wrought in olden times. In the other direction, sixty and eighty miles to the southeast, in the iron region near Marquette are remains that are also ancient, and which will be noticed here- after. No doubt future examinations will bring others to notice on the continuation of the mineral range to the southwest, as it extends in that direction into Wisconsin. DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL WORKS. Ist Grovr. The Agate Harbor Company has an extensive property on the range south of Agate Harbor, on which there are reported to be Indian diggings, as these excava- tions are frequently called by the miners. They are well developed at the works of the Native Copper Company, on the northern slope of the range, and on the Northwest Company’s grounds at their mines, south of the “Greenstone” cliffs. The same veins extend across both these locations, a distance of a mile and a half, indicated by the presence of old works. At the Northwest Mine the pits are conspicuous, showing on the surface the position of ihree veins that have since been wrought. Stone mauls were abundant in them. Some of the pits had been made in a band of red conglomerate, which lies between the strata of greenstone (or crystalline) and amygdaloid trap. This conglomerate is composed of pebbles and boulders principally of red trap, cemented by argillaceous red sand, forming a very compact stratum, twelve to twenty feet thick. It here carries copper in small grains or pieces, near the veins; also crys- tallized calcareous spar and epidote. The ancients did not neglect the most trifling indications of metal, but appear to have instituted a thorough investigation as to whether the copper existed in true veins, in metalliferous bands, or in detached nests. ‘There is nothing remarkable in their operations at the “Native” Copper and the “Northwest” mines, except this closeness of pursuit, through all the veins and branches to their most minute extremities. Waterbury Mine.—The works of this Company are situated about one mile and a half west of the Northwest Mine. A person passing to the interior from Eagle Harbor or anywhere along the northern shore of Point Keweenaw, and crossing the mineral range to the valley of the Little Montreal, witnesses everywhere the same topographical features. ‘The mountain range rises from the lake level, in the distance of a mile, to an elevation of 500 and 600 feet; in the next mile the ascent is less precipitous, but the ground continues to rise from one to two hundred feet more. From the summit of the range there is along the whole line, from the extremity of the point to the Albion location, two miles west of the Cliff Mine, a vertical wall of naked trap rudely columnar, the upper edge, or crest, of which forms the summit of the range. This mineral front has the appearance of a vast upheaval from two to three hundred feet high facing the south, and about thirty —_ ON LEE Siormbhs OR LAKE SUPERIOR. 7 | miles in length. The ground from the bottom of this wall rises gradually to the south until it reaches another range of about the same clevation, thus forming a long narrow valley, through which flow, in opposite directions, the Montreal and Eagle Rivers. From the summit of the perpendicular cliff at the Waterbury Mine this valley presents a view extremely picturesque, and such as is seldom seen by the traveller in other regions. ‘The general contour of the valley is curvilinear, so that the eye, placed at the middle of an are in the position above mentioned, takes in the boundary ridge on each side as well as the whole inclosure. At the Waterbury Mine, which is situated near the middle of the length of the valley, there is in the face of the vertical bluff an ancient artificial recess or cavern, which is twenty-five fect in horizontal length, fifteen feet high, and twelve fect in depth. - In front of it is a pile of the excavated rock, on which are now standing, in full size, the foresf trees common to this region. Some of the blocks of stone which were removed from the recess would probably weigh two or three tons, and must have required the use of levers to dislodge them from their original position. Beneath the surface rubbish the remains of a gutter or trough composed of cedar bark were discovered, the object of which was clearly to conduct off the water which was baled from the mines by wooden bowls, of which mention will be made here- after. Portions of fine or pulverized copper scales remained in the wpper end of this trough. After removing the water and decayed leaves at the bottom of the excavation a piece of white cedar timber was found, one end of which exhibited the marks of a cutting instrument like those of a narrow axc. > Tig. 1, Warersery Ming, artificial cavern.—A. Crystalline or greenstone trap, dipping N. 28°.—6. Amygdaloid trap.— C. Talus of the bluff and drift.—a.-Ancient rock excavation.—b. Rubbish thrown out of a.— d. Conglomerate bed.—c c. Jointed chloritic bed.—e e. Inclined shaft of Waterbury Company.—2. Little Montreal River or creek. The above profile is made at right angles to the bluff, and shows the geological structure as seen from the western side. It would answer equally well for the North, West, North Western, Eagle River, Clif’, ov any mine situated on the southern face of the coast range of Point Keweenaw. 8 ANCIENT MINING The copper bearing amygdaloid (B) is separated from the crystalline or “ Green- stone” trap (A) by a parting of conglomerate (/), which is however sometimes wanting, and its place supplied by a thin bed of red clay called “jlucan”overlaid by a layer of quartz carrying specks of copper. ‘This parting, whether it be of red conglome- rate or of flucan and quartz, is known as the “slide,” and sometimes (though improperly) is called a cross-course. ‘The beds all dip northerly and at an angle of 28°, Resting immediately on the slide, and composing the inferior face of the greenstone stratum, is a bed of blackish-green chloritic rock (¢ ¢) very much jointed, which contains between its joints, in a leafy state and in its mass in a state more solid, scales, particles, and lumps of copper. ‘This chloritic bed is from 12 to 15 feet thick, and in it the ancients worked forming this cavern. ‘They did not operate on a vein at this place. The Waterbury Company, encouraged by the labors of their predecessors, followed from the bottom of “a” along the surface of the conglomerate by an inclined shaft “EH E” to a depth of 300 feet, measuring on the slide. “In removing a part of the old burrow B, Dr. Blake discovered several shovels, of white cedar, resembling the paddles in form now used by the Chippeway Indians in propelling their canoes. Had these been found elsewhere, they would have been regarded as ordinary paddles, but in this place they had evidently been used as shovels. This is also evident from the manner in which the blades are worn, as shown by the lines wa, 66, cc, in the annexed sketch. Fig. 2. a a Wooven Suoyet, 3} feet long—Waterbury Mine.—a aa. Original form.—b b. Partially worn.—c c. Worn obliquely. The blades are more worn on the under side than the upper, as if the mineral had been scraped together and then shovelled out, as is the practice of the miners of the present day. ‘The shovels which were found beneath the water level were sound in appearance, and the strokes of the tool by which they were formed remained perfectly distinct, but on being dried they shrunk very much, opening in long cracks, the wood retaining little of its original strength or hardness. A birch tree, two feet in diameter, grew directly over one of these paddles. A portion of a wooden scoop, or bowl, was found in the pit, evidently intended to dip up and to pass water. Its edge had been worn, like the shovels, by scraping over the rock; but it was so much decayed that it fell to pieces when it was taken out. I examined the walls of, this cavern minutely, hoping to find the marks of some tool of metal. The effects of blows of stone mauls were visible, and such is the hardness of the rock, that if drills or picks had been used upon it, I think the marks would be easily seen, particularly on that part which was protected from the atmosphere by water. At one place something resembling the impression made by the point of a light sharp pick was discernible, but not very plain, and only in a single instance. ON THE SHORES OF LAKE SUPERIOR. 9 In the Porcupine Mountains I have seen works made by the English miners in the years 1769 and ’70, where an adit or open cut made in the face of a cliff has been always exposed to the frost and rains. But here the marks of picks and drills appear as fresh and as perfect as if they had been recently made, althougn in some places the sides of the cut are*covered by old lichens and mosses, + Copper Falls Location.—The ancient miners made very extensive excavations on the property of the Copper Falls Mining Company, both upon veins and metallife- rous bands, which run parallel with the formations. By the profile and explanations here given the geological structure of the place will be well understood. Fig. 3. . = ioe = SECTION ON THE CopPER Fauus Vein. Explanations.— Es = Trap rock. |6°3°5'.s9| Conglomerate beds. Sandstone.—a aa. Ancient pits on the vein.—d 6 b. Shafts and galleries of the mine.—c. Sand dunes.—d d. Copper bearing bed of trap. Scale—horizontal and vertical—2 inches to the mile. 1, 6, 7, Nos. of the shafts. This sketch illustrates the geology of the northem part of the range, or of all mines described under the head of Copper Falls Location. From this it will also appear that when we use the term extensive, as applied to “Indian diggings,” it is only in a comparative sense, and in reference to other works of the old miners. he levels and shafts constructed by the Copper Falls Mining Company, since 1851, cause the mining of the ancients to appear like mere exploratory pits. On looking at the map, the pits will be seen to occupy a total length of several miles on this location; but none have been reopened that had a greater depth than twenty-four feet, while the modern shaft has already descended more than 250 feet, and the mine has rock galleries of greater total length than all the old trenches of the ancients. In the profile their pits are shaded, and represented at a aa, occupying about half a mile on the “East Vein,” or as it is sometimes called, the “* Copper Falls Vein.” Before they were obliterated, as they are in part now, the surface appearance was that of an irregular channel or trough ascending the mountain from the edge of the sandstone beds to the band d d, which carries copper. Here a system of basin-shaped cavities, broad, circular, and deep, crossed those made on the vein. They are denoted by heavy black dots on the map. The first named series were from two to five feet deep and five to ten broad, and the latter five to eighteen deep, with a diameter of twenty to 120 feet. Forest trees and underbrush stood alike within and without them. 2 10 ANCIENT MINING There is a heavy vein half a mile west of the East Vein, which is styled the West or the “Hill Vein,” where the old works are similar in all respects to those above noticed and sketched on the East Vein. Those on the “Owl Creek” Vein are not so extensive, because the creek occupies the “back” of the lode. Still further cast other veins are seen with pits, not only on this location, but on that of the Eagle Harbor Mining Company. Broken stone mauls are common in all of © them. About the point where the Owl Creek crosses the “scoriaccous” or metal bearing bed dd, the excavations on that bed near the creek are very marked. Here is something similar to the cave on the Waterbury Location. A very large pit to the east of Owl Creek was partially explored by S. W. Hill, Esq., the Superintendent of the mine, in 1852. By running in an adit on a level eighteen feet below the edge of the depression, after passing some distance in the gravel, rock was met in place; cutting through this at a distance of 100 feet, the miners discovered loose fragments and rubbish that had been handled, and pieces of timber still in good preservation. The adit was not deep enough to drain the pit to its bottom, and its depth was not ascertained. I have im my possession a portion of a pine tree from the end of this adit, in complete preservation, except a part which was charred by fire. The adjacent rock contained sheet copper, and small lumps, being a part of the metalliferous band. By examining the section, it will be seen that the order of succession in the strata is as follows:— Beginning at the shore of the lake first, a bed of trap, that dips northerly. It rests upon a stratum of red conglomerate of great thickness, dipping conformably under the trap, and is succeeded by conformable and alternating beds of trap and red sandstone, known by the geologist as the ‘‘ Potsdam” red. In these beds the mineral veins are not rich enough for working; a fact which the ancients knew full well, for it was only on the regular and uniform strata of trap underlying the variable beds that they expended their labor. < On clearing out some of the old pits, Mr. Hill found wooden shovels like those at_ the Waterbury Mine, more or less worn and of the same size and shape. In the bottom of trenches, and among the rubbish, the workmen saw continually ashes and charcoal, with other traces of the presence of fire. They threw out frequently broken hammers or “mauls,” with a groove around the middle. ‘These mauls weigh from five to fifteen pounds, and are merely oblong water-worn boulders of hard, tough rocks. Nature has done everything in fashioning them, except the groove, which was chiselled around the middle. They were collected from the smooth boulders of the lake shore, and from banks of coarse gravel that abound in the country. Most of them are trap; but the hornblende, sienitic and granitic rocks furnish some. The ring or groove appears to have been cut for the purpose of attaching a withe, to be used as a handle, wherewith to swing the maul. In one of the trenches on the Cliff Mine, north of the upper engine, one was found with a root of cedar still twisted in the groove, but so much decayed that it fell to pieces and was not brought away. Dr. M. D. Senter, of the Cliff Mine, states that he saw it before being disturbed, and it was evidently the intention of the operators to use the twisted root or withe for a handle. es _— ON THE SHORES ‘OF GAKE SUPERIOR. ll Most of these hammers are fractured at both ends, and the peculiar sharp cut character of the fracture in many cases indicates that the imple- ment had been used to drive metallic wedges, such as quarrymen call a “gad.” Copper gads of this kind have been found in old pits at the Minnesota Mine. It will be seen also that there are heavier Fig. 4. mauls with double grooves, probably to be handled — groxz Hasner on Maur, with one groove, by two men. and broken by use; length i Copper Falls Mine. In the description of works at the Central Mine, a class of hammers will be noticed without a groove. ‘The one here figured was taken from a pit near Shaft No. 1 of the section above given. Not far to the south of the same shaft was found a copper spear or javelin head, in the rub- bish near the bottom. ‘Three others were found by Mr. Hill on the surface. One of them was so much corroded that the socket was nearly gone. The other I have sketched of natural size and thickness, from the original in the pos- session of Mr. Hill. It was evidently formed by beating the metal while cold, probably between stones, having a rough and not a polished exterior; it is not much decayed. ‘The section of the blade B shows that its two faces were not symmetrical. A piece of decayed wood was found in the socket of one of them, being apparently the remnant of the shaft, by which it was hurled. As the edges of the “shank” or socket are not soldered together, but*only bent around the shaft, it was probably wound with some ligament to give it strength. It is too large and heavy for an arrow-head; neither has it the shape proper for that purpose. The description here given of the pits of the east vein will answer for almost all others. In working the surface of the vein, or of the copper-bearing bed, the ancient operators must have wrought open to the day. They no doubt commenced as low down the slope of the range as the copper appeared to them worth being taken out, and worked upwards towards the south, in order to keep their drainage. From their rude and tedious method it was of the highest consequence to cause the water to flow away behind them, without the necessity of baling. The “attle,’ or broken rock, was generally thrown back into the vacant space whence it had been taken: but little of it was cast out to right and left along the margin of the vein, which explains why the pits are so shallow at the present time. In many places on this location, the vein is wide enough to allow men to work between its walls. 7 inches. Fig. 5. — SN Copper SprAR-HEAD—Copper Falls Mine.—B. Section of blade at ed. A. Section of shank at al. Seale, full size. 12 ANCIENT MINING ‘Thin sheets of copper were left standing at the bottom of the ancient excavation, which might readily have been extracted, and it seems singular that they were not. Central Mine.—Near the road from the “North Western” to the “ Winthrop” Mine, in an open grove of sugar trees, a depression was observed about five feet deep and thirty feet in length. It was generally free from water, and differed so little from cavities that are not artificial, but which are due to geological causes, that it did not attract much attention. Mr. John Slawson, the agent of the North Western Mine, after a careful surface examination, concluded that this pit was not wholly due to nature, and the tract was on that account purchased for mining, in the fall of 1854. Fig. 6. CenTRAL Mine, Section of the vein and old pit. East and west.—A A. Trap rock wall of the vein d d.—a. Ancient excavation partly filled.—c c. Masses of native copper in the vein.—bt 6. Drift gravel covering the rocks. The Central Mining Company having been organized, a drain was constructed to take off the water, which was no sooner done than all doubts were removed; about five feet in depth of leaves and rotten sticks had accumulated at the bottom, among which a hard substance could be felt with a stick. This proved to be a flat piece of native copper C, from five to nine inches thick, ‘and nine feet in length, forming part of a large vein d d, as shown in the profile. The vein material had been worked away from one foot to eighteen inches along side of it, and it extended forward as well as downward im the vein. Its upper edge had been beaten by the stone mauls so severely, that a lip, or projecting rim, had been formed, which was bent downwards, over the sides. A large number of broken mauls were found in the place, and around it on the surface, all of them without grooves, of which the annexed woodcut is an illustration. I have seen similar ones on the Humboldt Location, next west of Copper Falls. Where this class of stone hammers is found, those with grooves are wanting. The grooveless ones appear to have been used for percussion only at one end, as though the manner of holding them was such that a blow was not given on the other. The Peruvians have a copper axe without an eye, or a groove, to which, how- ever, they attach a handle in the form of a split stick, bound with thongs. The ancient miners, probably, had some such mode of tying a handle to these smooth ON THE SHORES OF LAKE SUPERIOR. 13 oblong stones. Different parties of men may have preferred tools of different kinds, which would account for mauls, which are seen at one mine, being among them- selves alike, but dissimilar to those at other places. Fig. 7. Broken Maou, Cenrrat Mixe.—Without groove, } size, weight £4 lbs. The usual remains were here thrown out, consisting of charcoal, ashes, and broken wall rock. The general bearing of the vein is 10° or 12° west of north. The section is made across it, east and west, looking south, and is vertical. As the labor of uncovering the mass of copper progressed, another one was met with, overlapping the first, and adhering to the east wall. Further on, in the adit, a third mass was found, attached to the western wall, partly overlapping the one which the ancients had left. By stoping out a space about sixty feet in length by twenty deep, on the vein, the Company took out fifty-three tons of mass copper. Such unwieldy pieces appear to have been beyond the control of the old miners. ‘Their object seems to have been to secure small lumps, such as could be fashioned without melting. Whatever pieces might have been detached, by diligent pounding with their stone mauls, were broken off, and the remainder was abandoned. It was impossible for them to cut into pieces, reduce by melting, raise from the pit, or transport blocks of metal weighing many tons. There are neither marks of a cutting tool upon them, nor of the action of fire. It is quite singular that they had not discovered the art of melting copper, which can be effected so easily in an open fire made of wood, but no evidences have fallen under our notice that this was done by that ancient race. 14 ANCIENT MINING 2p GROUP. Portage Lake Region. Quincy and Pewabic Mines.—Portage Lake resembles in form the lang, narrow, and crooked Scottish lochs. Like them its quiet surface reflects the outlines of most exquisite scenery. It connects with Lake Superior through the channel of Sturgeon River, which has so little descent below the point of junction, that all material changes in the level of the great lake are felt throughout this land water. The Quincy landing is situated on the north side of Portage Lake, about twenty miles from Keweenaw Bay. ‘The northern shore, which is nearly east and west at the landing, does not show rocks at the water level. A succession of drift, knolls, points, and headlands, rising about 200 feet above the surface, overlook this shore. Above this elevation, and attaining a height of 500 to 600 feet, are seen projecting ledges and bluffs of trap rock, inclosing mineral veins. ‘This rock is also visible at the heads of ravines where rivulets fall over low precipices forming small cataracts. The first signs of ancient excavations occur near the lake level, and what is remarkable, are not in the rock, but in the sand and boulder “ drift.” Fig. 8. & SULAG Oo ft. Tile Bae LeveL < AN RU nl NS yr, ve i; NN = = 4 4 AN \ \S = a pul Wiyy i S§ liyy Z E g” hi, > Ryyys 9” ‘reap = = = Z i Portage = ; >) k Ee SSN SE, hake Seperis, SS res Near the place where the detached mass m was found Mr. Hill discovered a tool of which the following is a sketch, and near it a copper maul or sledge weighing from twenty to twenty-five pounds. Like all the other implements found this maul had been fashioned by pounding in a cold state. Originally the mass appeared to have had the shape of the letter 'T', the cross head at the top being about an inch thick and two or three inches broad, tapering towards each Copper Cutsen. Full size.—Length 7} in.; breadth 1} in.; thickness wise. S end. These two prongs had been folded in. Minnesota Mine. over each other and beaten into a shape rudely resembling a man’s fist, but larger. This lump of copper had evidently been battered either by pounding, to make it more compact, or by use as a maul, The handle of the maul was eight or nine inches long, View edge- 290) ANCIENT MINING ‘The chisel above figured was somewhat bruised at the upper end, as though it had been used. ‘Towards the upper end the corners are taken off, apparently for the purpose of being held in one hand, while it was struck by a mallet with the other. It has a rough surface, common to these relics, but is symmetrical in form, with a bevel at the cutting edge on both sides. None of the tools show signs of having been ground to an edge on stone, but are beaten down roughly by hammers. Artificial Caverns.—On the Aztec, Ohio, Adventure, and Ridge locations, in addition to the pits which are so common along the range, there are cavities in the mural faces of trap at various elevations, which are ancient and belong to the old copper works. The bluffs are sometimes as high as three hundred feet above the valley. There are also breaks or gaps in the range formed by dislocations of the strata or faults, enlarged by the wearing action of the drift forces. The ends of different beds of trap are thus presented to view, rising on either side of the gorges, with precipitous fronts of different heights. One of the strata, and perhaps more than one, is metalliferous, like the scoriaceous bed worked at Copper Falls and at Pheenix Mines, on Point Keweenaw. At the Adventure the metal bearing stratum is very thick and highly charged with copper, disseminated irregularly through it. The ancients wrought upon it extensively, seeking with assiduity for the rich portions, no matter how difficult of access. Some of their excavations on the side of the bluff are scarcely large enough to shelter a bear. Others are more extensive, formed in all conceivable shapes, extending wherever indications of minerals were apparent. The agents of the Adventure Mine have followed the example of their predecessors, but on a larger scale, pursuing the strings and bunches of copper in all directions, till they disappear. When the mineral fails, like the ancients they strike off at random, and seldom proceed far without encounterimg other lumps or small masses. Hitherto the true veims near the copper bearing stratum have not proved profit- able. ‘The ancients, exercising their usual skill, expended very little labor upon them. They showed in this very considerable knowledge respecting the different systems of veins, and also in regard to those anomalous deposits in which the caves are situated. horest Mine, Evergreen Blufis—On the ground known by the name of the Ever- green Bluffs ancient pits have been opened southeasterly of the Minnesota works. Some prominent ones have recently (1855) been cleared out on the “Johnson preémption,” which disclosed in a few days several tons of copper. Masses had been partly uncovered in the vein, as at the Central Mine, and thus left. On the Nebraska location and on the Rockland, the old excavations are numerous, and wherever they are reopened valuable lodes are exposed. They are not wanting on the west of the river. At the Forest Mine the present works were commenced upon the site of earlier and ancient operations. A wooden bowl was found near the bottom of one of them, that had been used for baling. Doubtless many others in the vicinity of the Ontonagon exist that are not yet discovered, SHORES OF LAKE SUPERIOR. ON THE Fig. 14. 2. in. Section on c d, full size. z Lee PALE Ly Fis Li eZ Vig. 12. Section on a db, full size. Copprr Gap, full size, Sd ee Minnesota Mine. Ee EZ Di ep AGEL AL, CursEu.—Half size. 13 inches long. Ontonagon, Zz LOSS Le Spear Heap.—Half size. 14 inches ings of John [’, Mullowney, long. Ontonagon. From draw- Esq., Surveyor. 29 ANCIENT MINING Copper Implements, Ontonagon.—Some laborers in the employ of Mr. Greenfield were levelling the ground for a brick yard on the east bank of the Ontonagon River, half a mile above the village, in the year 1854, when they perceived some pieces of copper, which were well fashioned implemeuts. ‘They are said to have been found upon a bed of clay in a ravine, and covered about two feet with alluvial earth, a large cedar tree growing nearly over the spot. ‘They consist of two imple- ments, which may be described as spear or javelin heads, though more probably designed as miners’ tools; and two cutting instruments that may properly be called chisels, as shown in the annexed sketches. ‘These show the form and size better than any written description. The socket of the spear is small, and not of the best shape to give a good fastening to a staff, which may perhaps favor the idea that it was a weapon for the use of one hand, like a dirk. ‘The blade is symmetrical and strong; it apparently had not been much bruised or injured by use. If it was to be thrown like a javelin, the stock or staff must have been fitted on around the shank and driven down over the blade some distance, to make the wooden attach- ment proportionally strong with the metal part. The chisel also had not. been used, since neither the cutting edge nor the head is battered. It is bent up longitudinally from near each end in the manner shown by the cross section ined. The object in giving it this form must have been to stiffen it and thus save metal. This contrivance speaks well for the inge- nuity of the maker. Those instruments have better proportions than similar ones found in Ohio. They were probably fresh from the hands of the workman when they were lost upon the banks of the river. Although I have myself examined these implements, I am indebted to Messrs. Emerson, Coburn, and Mullowney for facts respecting them. Both are represented to be more hard and less malleable than the native copper of the mines, from which it has been inferred that they have undergone a hardening process. Like those found at Marquette and elsewhere, I suppose the hardness is due only to prolonged hammering, by which the density is increased. The copper of the ancient inhabitants of Europe was hardened by alloying it with tin. Copper Implements, Carp River, (Not on the Map.)—In August, 1854, while workmen were engaged for Mr. John Burt in making a dam across the Carp River near Marquette, signs of copper were discovered in gravel. They were wheeling earth from the banks of the stream, and did not at first preserve the remains that were visible in the form of spots of green carbonate, which on exam- ination presented a core of unoxidized metal. Mr. Burt states that there were numerous thin chips of copper not entirely decayed, which appeared to have been cut from a piece of native metal by a sharp and thin tool. There was also found a rude copper knife, the shank two and a half inches, and the blade four and a half in length, making seven inches. The blade resembles in shape a short butcher knife very much worn. It has spots of native silver imbedded in it like those frequently seen in Lake Superior specimens of copper. Another tool resembles a bodkin, with a socket for the insertion of a wooden handle. There were also arrow or spear heads of copper, which were probably made upon the spot. ‘These relies were lying upon a bed of water-washed gravel, ON THE SHORES OF LAKE SUPERIOR. 23 which Mr. Burt conjectures once formed the bed of the river, but the channel of this time is ten feet lower. Soil had accumulated over the tools to a depth of two feet, and on it were pine trees, considered to be at least one hundred years of age, The knife was harder than the chips, and does not bend so easily. This hardness is probably due to the process of hammering which the mass underwent while it was in a cold state, and not to any tempering. If the bodkin-like implement had not been of this parcel the others might have been referred to the present race of Indians. They pos- sessed knives and other implements made of copper when the French came among them, but these were very rude. Mr. Baily, of Eagle Harbor, has one which resembles somewhat the semilunar knife used by saddlers. There is a notch in the middle by which to attach a handle. Mr. B. thinks it was used in dressing and work- ing skins. It was found in the gravel within the pickets at Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor. Near the mouth of Carp River there are remains of cabins, placed in a row like the houses of a village. This is shown by a line of heaps of stone and clay, like the remains of chimneys, and connected with them slight ridges of clay, resembling the low embankments around a log building after the timber has decayed. They may have been formed of clay which was used to daub the chinks. |son2 | © | soso Gee gee (espAbe| ee | Grew. 566.0 tee 568.4 | 576.6 5659) | ich 15682 | 574.2 548.4 | 549.4 | 551.0 | 554.3 | 556.9 eee eee - eee | eee Mean 38. 555 567.86 “ct E 570.28| aeepan oiiGe $76.82 Samerefer’d | to its mean é 563.26) 561.15) 562. 563.60) 567.16 570.02 b é 567.61 epoch yEAR. | Noon. 3h. : - | 16h. : 18h. | ‘aves a. : E : d. : a. 1840 | 577s || ... ; EG s582101)|) eee alsb86°6 1841 | 558.9 * 557. aa 562.3 aa 567.2 1842 | 556.3 cen | Dé 3H cers 558.5 neo 562.4 1843) P2555 o 10) ee ; EEG 5OY5 Nl ee lc 656 1841 538.3 | 535.5 | 536.3 | 538.8 | 541.9 4.5 | 545.8 1845 | san cea aan A55 | aoe are a5 Mean | 557.28 | y 555.76| .. | 560-84) 9... Wbe5.12 Same refer’d } | to its mean +550 65, 548.05) 549. -33| 554.22 Be 558.43 epoch If Hourty DECLINATION. Observations 19} minutes later than indicated. One division of scale = 0.453. NokMALS For Avaust. AMPLITUDE OF THE SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION YEAR. Oh. qh. Qh 3h. 4h. 5h. gh. 7h. gh gh. 10h. 11h. | Taran | anemone: apelec d. a. a. a. d. a. 1840 BSS: Oe | et-cs 589.0 xh §92.1 : 599.7 F 602.4 eee 582.7 an5 1841 | 568.4 | 570.3 “6 571.6 580.1 583.9 one 568.9 5 1842 564.8 566.0 act 568.5 573.7 575.0 nae 560.0 oS 1843 564.2 =a ||WobSeD =e 267.2 = 573.5 oD §72.7 eae 560.5 a5 1844 | 548.6 | 547.8 | 547.3 | 547.4 | 550.9 | 552.4 | 557.5 | 560.3 | 558.2 | 551.8 | 543.3 536.4 1845 | wee lees awa a5 “co a5 coe op orn =0 — Mean | 566.92) 567.42 570.06 576.90 578.44 563.08 Same refer’d | to its mean }+560.40) 559.85] 560.60) 560.80! 563.40) 565.00) 570.20) 573.35] 571.60 565.01) 556.32 549.14 epoch | = | | YEAR. Noon. | 13h. | 14h. 15h. | 16h. 17k. 18h. 19h. 20h. 21h. 22h. 23h. Gye ih an ie a a. d. a. a. a. d. 1840 573.8 eee | OD ein) | arene Dodo 586.5 oc 588.2 a0 589.4 “80 1841 558.3 ss | 096.9 are 564.0 566.8 ace 568.6 oon 568.9 1842 | 552.3 os. |) BBE «. | 561.5 562.2 a6 564.1 ane 564.5 1843 BS Della] eee |b 4 0m |memece 561.2 505 563.6 ap 562.3 oo 564.2 oo 1844 §31.8 | 532.0 | 5384.3 | 538.7 | 542.1 | 544.3 | 546.0 | 546.5 | 546.7 | 546.6 | 547.8 | 547.7 Mean 554.26 25 554.94 562.06 565.02 565.98 566.96 Same refer’d) | | to its mean| +547 05) 546.49| 548.03) 552.15) 555.27) 557.12) 558.38] 558.99] 559.30) 559.15) 560.30) 559.85 epoch i | . Hourty Dectination NorMALS FOR SEPTEMBER. Observations 19} minutes later than indicated. One division of scale = 0/.453. YEAR. Qh. 1h. 2h. Sh. 4h. 5h. 6h. 7h. gh. gh. 10h. 11h. a. a. d. d. nee er a. a. d. a. d. d. 1840 585.8 x0 588.5 e 590.2 596.5 59 595.8 200 584.1 535 1841 565.1 “oe 564.5 565.5 569.4 aa 571.1 564.1 1842 567.4 oon 567.8 570.0 576.8 on 574.9 561.2 1843 560.4 ae 560.4 0 560.3 “59 565.7 an! 566.6 cee 554.6 on 1844 543.3 | 543.1 | 544.1 | 546.0 | 546.5 | 547.1 | 550.0 | 552.9 | 552.4 | 545.8 | 538.3 | 532.5 ee ae ae Se (SU ears 2! =| Mean 564.40) ... 565.06 | 566.50 571.68 572.16 560.46 Same refer’d)) if eee |i | . to its mean| +557 42) 557.16) 558.10) 559.60) 559.70| 561.00| 564.60) 566.70) 565.40| 559.80) 553.30) 547.47 epoch | YEAR. Noon. | 13h. | 14h. 15h. 16h. 17h. 18h. 19h. 20h. 21h. 22h. 23h. —— | | d. d. da. d. | d. d, | d. d. da. d. d, d. 1840 570.6 ree 572.8 ce 581.7 Bo, ih aks) ate 586.6 ae 585.9 Ang 1841 553.6 |... 554.5 559.5 | 562.9 Feo 563.8 a4 564.0 1842 556.0 mae 555.4 562.0 565.7 oe 565.7 se 566.6 1843 547.5 «- | 590.5 -. | 556.8 x0 558.0 Sa || eet) aes 558.7 nc i | 529.3 | 530.0 | 534.1 | 538.3 | 539.4 | 541.9 | 542.4 541.9 | 543.0 | 544.6 | 543.7 | 543.3 Mean 551,40 | 553.46 | 559.88 | 562.44 i| 564.02 563.78 Same refer’d ) | a : | -| | c to ite mean laa 543.81 546.77) 551.44) 553.00) 555.31| 555.63) 556.04 557.05) 558.26) 556.97) 557.00 epoch | | | | Bok fB'! OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. ur Hourty Decrrnation. NorMALS FoR OcTOBER. Observations 19} minutes later than indicated. One division of scale = 0/.453. YEAR. Oh. jh. Qh. Sh. 4h. 5h. 6h. 7h. Sh. gh. 10h. 11h. a. FG Soa tie | sane a. d. a. d. a. d. d. 1840 585.8 “0 583.7 ae 584.4 582.4] ... 582.5 cee 577.4 ee 1841 566.8 566.3 oc 565.5 567.6 569.4 re 568.2 1842 563.1 => 563.1 “0 564.4 ae SEBO) |) vse 568.8 an 564.0 her 1843 559.6 | 560.2 | 559.6 | 559.1 | 559.9 | 560.6 | 562.1 565.1 566.0 | 565.0 | 560.8 | 556.5 1844 545.1 | 545.3 | 544.2 | 546.1 | 545.8 | 544.4 | 548.6 | 550.9 | 551.5 | 548.7 | 545.3 | 540.8 Mean 564.08 563.38 564.00 565.34 567.64 563.14 Same refer’d ] to its mean} -557.45 557.71) 556.72] 557.33] 557.50) 556.67) 559.08| 561.23] 561.48) 560.04| 556.70] 552.36 epoch J YEAR. Noon. | 13h. 14h. 15h. 16h. 17h. 18h. 19h. 20h. 21h. 22h. 23h. d. a. Forelheare qalowa aera Aub cont ns a. 1840 571.7 coc 570.6 eS 575.2 co 579.6 eee 579.0 oe 586.4 ace 1841 564.0 562.3 564.7 = 573.5 | 568.6 oct 569.3 awe 1842 556.0 fire 555.0 a5 558.2 507 DO4:3))|) ec. 565-0}... 565.3 oe 1843 553.6 | 552.6 | 552.7 | 554.2 | 556.2 | 557.0 | 558.2 | 559.7 | 560.1 | 561.1 | 559.7 | 560.7 1844 541.1 | 539.5 | 541.4 | 544.0 | 545.7 | 545.4 | 545.6 | 545.0 | 644.9 | 544.6 | 544.5 | 544.6 1845 “on nee ae Ae aed co Eto, FN oo ean I ede oe Mean 557.28 so 556.40 560.00 oo 564.24 | 963.56 | 565.04 Samerefer’d to its mean] -551.12) 549.62) 550.43| 552.39) 554.15) 555.68| 557.67) 557.47) 556.98; 558.12) 558.15] 558.22 epoch Hourty Dreciination. NorMAts ror NOVEMBER. Observations 19} minutes later than indicated. One division of scale = 0/.453. YEAR. Qh. jh. | Qh. 3h. 4h. 5h. 6h. 7h. gh. gh. | 10h. jh. Gould: d. hele aa d. a. a. d. ciple d. 1840 574.4 mo ane) etter as 577.0 : 579.7 co | TD 285 1841 557.2 =05 558.5 sean P5585 0 557.6 | 561.7 MDD TAL sn5 1842 564.2 --- | 563.8 << 565.6 bas 566.9 a6 569.2 cco RESIS 265 1843 556.3 | 556.7 | 556.6 | 556.6 | 557.4 | 557.4 | 559.1 | 561.8 | 561.3 | 560.1 | 556.2 | 552.6 1844 546.8 | 546.8 | 548.3 | 548.6 | 547.4 | 548.5 | 551.5 | 549.2 | 548.4 | 547.9 | 546.2 | 542.8 Mean 559.78 560.22 561.02 562.42 | 564.06 | 559.56 Same refer’d | to its mean) -554.15) 554.21) 554.77) 555.20) 555.25) 555.30) 557.13) 557.98) 557.98| 556.90) 553.87) 550.00 epoch } YEAR. Noon. | 13h. 14h. 15h 16h. 17h. 18h. 19h. 20h. 21h. 22h 23h. cee d. a. d. d. d. a. d. d. d. d. d. 1840 567.5 ase 565.8 ae 570.8 ee 574.1 mee 576.9 2c 576.0 aes 1841 551.8 549.9 553.4 sae 554.9 2 558.0 558.6 as 1842 556.6 cco 557.3 tor 561.2 «ae 1064.0 565.5 = 565.0 0 1843 550.4 | 550.0 | 551.1 | 552.6 | 553.8 | 554.9 | 556.3 | 557.5 | 557.5 | 557.7 | 557.3 | 557.4 1844 542.8 | 541.7 | 544.5 | 546.1 | 545.6 | 547.9 | 548.8 | 548.2 | 548.3 | 549.6 | 548.0 | 548.0 Mean | 553.82 | | 553.72 | 556.96] ... | 559.62| 561.24 | 560.98 Same refer’d | | to its mean }-548.52) 547.32) 548.72) 550.76) 551.60} 553.25 ae | 555.26) 555.62) 556.36) 555.35) 555.35 epoch J 8 AMPLITUDE OF THE SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION Hourty DEcLINATION. NORMALS FOR DECEMBER. Observations 19} minutes later than indicated. One division of scale = 0/.453. jh. Qh. : 4h. : 6h. 7h. gh. gh. d. d. . d. d. d. d. 0 568.5 as 573.1 oy nc0 573.8 < 559.3 aes 560.5 ca eve 560.1 560.7 eee 562.1 cee nes 565.5 see 557.4 | 558. 557.8 5 s 561.9 535.4 35. 536.8 37. A 539.3 556.26 | See 558.06 Same refer’d| toits mean p 551.05 i 553.75| 551.25] 547.78 epoch 16h. : 18h. : : : 2gh. 23h. d. d. : - d. 566.0 xo 571.8 = : act 574.5 555.8 on 559.6 50 53. ose 561.6 ene An 560.1 a 562.0 0 jo. oo 563.8 553.1 | 554.6 57. 558.2 58. 59: -0 | 559.9 | 559.5 | 582.1 | 533.2 | 534. 535.9 37. 36.8 4 537.8 | 537.1 d. Mean 551.40 cee 550.62) ... 553.94)... 557.50]... sos 559.52 Same refer’d to its mean) -544.47 543.62) 546.35) 547.02 550.43 c fi 552.43| 551.60 epoch The following table contains the recapitulation of the monthly normals for each hour of the day, and for the mean epoch 1842 to 1843, and forms the basis for the discussion of the diurnal variation and its annual inequality. The table exhibits at one view the mean hourly readings for each month, unaffected by the larger dis- turbances. OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 9 ReEcaprfuLAtion.—Montaty DrecninaTion- NORMALS FOR EACH Hour OF THE DAY, AND FOR THE Mean Epoon 1842-43. Increasing scale divisions denote an easterly movement of the north end of the magnet. The readings belong to an hour 19} minutes later than indicated by the figures at the head of the columns. Value of a scale division = 0/.453. Readings derived from five years of observation between 1840 and 1845. PHILADELPHIA MEAN Time. MEAN Epoce 9 6 1842-43. Oh. | jh. Oh. 3h. 4h. 5h. 5 7h. Sh. gh. 10h. 11h. d. | da. da. d. d. d. da. d. da. d. d. da. January 565.25 | 564.80 | 564.35 | 565.62 | 565.70 | 564.66 | 565.47 | 567.74 | 569.27 | 569.51 | 566.65 | 561.88 February | 563.88 | 563.10 | 563.13 | 563.90 | 564.23 | 565.25 | 565.93 | 567.88 | 568.53 | 567.97 | 565.42 | 561.47 March 565.60 | 565.72 | 566.C3 | 565.75 | 567.82 | 567.53 | 569.20 | 572.11 | 573.37 | 571.95 | 567.32 | 562.02 April 565.93 | 566.42 | 567.05 | 567.12 | 567.85 | 568.31 | 571.17 | 569.90 | 573.32 | 570.98 | 565.18 | 559.76 May 563.95 | 565.16 | 564.27 | 564.72 | 566.47 | 569.28 | 572.10 | 574.01 | 572.67 | 569.07 | 562.42 | 557.72 June 561.70 | 561.81 | 561.78 | 561.91 | 564.58 | 567.38 | 571.32 | 572.42 | 571.03 | 567.46 | 561.38 | 555.22 July 561.77 | 563.26 | 561.15 | 562.07 | 563.60 | 567.16 | 570.02 | 572.67 | 571.23 | 567.61 | 561.00 | 553.47 August 560.40 | 559.85 | 560.60 | 560.80 | 563.40 | 565.00 | 570.20 | 573.35 | 571.60 | 565.01 | 556.32 | 549.14 September | 557.42 557.16 | 558.10 | 559.60 | 559.70 | 561.09 | 564.60 | 566.70 | 565.40 | 559.80 | 553.30 | 547.47 October 557.45 | 557.71 | 556.72 | 557.33 | 557.50 | 556.67 | 559.08 | 561.23 | 561.48 | 560.04 | 556.70 | 552.36 November | 554.15 | 554.21 | 454.77 | 555.20 | 555.28 | 555.30 | 557.13 | 557.98 | 557.98 | 556.90 | 553.87 | 550.00 December Er eB 549.32 | 550.38 | 551.05 | 551.35 | 551.45 | 551.75 | 552.60 | 553.75 | 551.25 | 547.78 Mio o | Noon, | 13h: 14. | 15h. | 16h.) 17h. | Ish. | 19h. | 20h. | 21h. | 22h. - | Mean. a. d. eae |ond a. a. yo Ge a. cipal |poecis) ier a. January 557.72 |557.31 |557.55 558.97 |561.20 | 562.41 | 563.38 | 564.82 | 565.90 | 567.00 | 567.20 | 566.35 | 564.20 February 557.33 /555.85 557.17 |558.30 |559.43 | 560.25 | 562.13 | 562.25 | 564.42 | 565.02 | 564.77 | 564.00 | 562.98 March 557.52)555.75 555.97 557.75 |559.63| 561.85 | 563.68 | 565.31 | 565.75 | 566.04 | 566.08 | 566.94 | 564.86 April 555.25 |552.54 552.92 555.13 |558.18 | 562.05 | 562.88 | 563.16 | 564.50 | 564.59 | 565.08 | 567.50 | 564.03 May 553.28 |551.62 552.77 |555.23 |558.80| 561.94 | 562.28 | 563.44 | 563.10 | 563.94 | 564.09 564.04 | 563.18 June 551.77 |549.42 550.47 552.80 |555.57 | 558.76 | 559.70 | 560.26 | 560.17 | 560.58 | 560.95 | 561.65 | 560.84 July 550.65 |548.05 549.05 551.33 |554.22| 556.98 | 558.43 | 559.05 | 559.67 | 560.18 | 561.28 | 561.97 | 560.24 August 547.05 |546.49 548.03 552.15 555.27 | 557.12 | 558.38 | 558.99 | 559.30 | 559.15 | 560.30 | 559.85 | 559.07 September [544.25 |543.81 546.77 551.44 553.00 | 555.31 | 555.63 | 556.04 | 557.05 | 558.26 | 556.97 | 557.00 | 556.07 October \551.12 /549.62 550.43 552.39 |554.15 | 555.68 | 557.67 | 557.47 | 556.98 | 558.12 | 558.15 | 558.22 | 556.43 November |548.52/547.32 548.72 550.76 |551.60| 553.25 | 554.35 | 555.26 | 555.62 | 556.36 | 555.35 | 555.35 | 553.97 December 544.47/543.45 543.62 546.35 547.02| 549.40 | 550.43 551.50 | 551.92 | 552.35 | 552.43 | 551.60 | 549.82 Mean are ee | “a5 | The act or ono soe oes ] “6 | Ko | owe | 559.64 This table shows plainly the relation of the mean hourly position of the magnet of each month to its general mean position, after the separation of the larger dis- turbances, and also, by running the eye along any horizontal line, the solar-diurnal variation for each month. It does not, however, show distinctly the annual in- equality, on account of the changes in the numbers by the secular change. To eliminate the effect of this change, each hourly normal has been compared, in the following table, with the corresponding mean monthly value, as given in the last right-hand column; the sign + indicating a westerly direction, and — an easterly direction,’ of the north end of the magnet from the mean monthly position. The scale divisions have been converted into minutes of arc. 1 The sign + being generally taken to signify west declination, it has been retained to indicate a movement of the north end of the magnet to the west. 10 AMPLITUDE OF THE SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION TABLE OF THE SOLAR DIURNAL VARIATION OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION FOR EACH MONTH OF THE YEAR, SHOWING THE ANNUAL INEQUALITY. Observations 19} minutes later than indicated in the headings. PHILADELPHIA MEAN TIME. Mean Epocn 3 € 2 F 5 oh. : h, h. 1842-43. = | 5 2 January .47 | —0/.27 | —0/.07 | —0/.64 -68 | —0/.21 | —0/.57 .61 | —2/.29 | —2/.40 February | —0. .06 | —0.07 | —0.42 | —0.56 | —1.03 | —1.34 | —2.22 | —2.51 | —2.26 | March 2 0.39 | —0.53 | —0.40 -35 || —=1/21 | —1.97 .28 | —3.85 | —3.21 | April 0.86 09 —1.37 | —1.40 .73 | —1.94 | —3.24 65 | —4.21 | —3.15 | May .35 | —0.90 | —0.49 | —0.70 | —1.49 | —2.77 | —4.04 -90 | —4.30 | —2.66 June .39 | —0.44 | —0.43 | —0.48 | —1.70 | —2.97 | —4.75 -25 | —4.62 | —3.00 | July .68 | —1.37 | —0.41 | —0.82 | —1.53 | —3.18 | —4.44 | —5.63 | —4.98 | —3.34 August .60 | —0.36 | —0.69 | —0.78 | —1.96 | —2.68 | —5.03 | —6.47 | —5.68 | —2.69 | September | —0.61 | —0.49 | —0.92 | —1.60 -64 | —2.23 | —3.86 | —4.81 | —4.23 | —1.69 | October 46 | —0.58 | —0.13 | —0.41 | —0.48 | —0.10 | —1.20 | —2.17 | —2.28 | —1.63 | November .09 | —0.11 | —0.36 | —0.55 | —0.59 | —0.60 | —1.44 .81 | —1.81 | —1.33 December .34 | —0.05 | 0.23 | —0.26 | —0.55 | —0.69 | —0.73 | —0.87 | —1.27 | —1.78 | 23 —4.67 | —2.76 22 -99 | —2.33 | —2.10 72 7 | —3.50 | —2.43 a Cel ne a ea oe ra ee eS Winter | —0.35 | —0.24| —0.16 | —0.45 | —0.70 | —0.64 | —1. Year —0.47 | —0.51 | —0.44 | —0.71 || 1.19 | =1.64 | 22. Meas SECCHG EN Oonta melon: | 14h. . - | 17h. | 18h. | 19h. | 20h. | 21h. January | +2/.94) 3/12 43/01 +-2/. .36 | +-0/.81 | +-0'.37 | —0/.28 | —0/.77 | —1/.27| February | +2.55 | 43.23 | 42.62 | +2. 61 | $1.24 | +0.38 | +0.33 | —0.65 | —0.93 March 43.33 | +4.13 | +3.02 | +3.22 | 42.36 | 41.36 | +0.53 | —0.20 | —0.40 | —0.54 April 43.98 | +5.20 | +5.02 | +4. 64 | +0.90 | +0.52 | +0.39 | —0.21 | —0.26 May 44.49 | 45.24) 44.71 | 43.60) 41.99 | +0.56 | +-0.41 | —0.12 | 4.0.04 | —0.35 June 44.11] +5.16 | 44.70 43.6: 8 40.95 | +0.51 | +0.27 | 40.30 | 40.12 July 44.35 Bee ae 07 | +-4.03 | 42.73 | 41.47 | 0.81 | +-0.53 | 4.0.26 | +-0.03 | August — | 5.45 1| 45.00 | +3.14 | +1.72 | 40.88 | 40.32 | +0.04 | —0.10 | —0.04 September | 45.35 | 44.17 4+2.09 | £1.39 | 40.35 | +0.20 | +0.01 | —0.45 | —1.00 October | +-2.40 8 | +2.72 | ap 83 | +1.04 | +0.35 | —0.56 | —0.47 | —0.25 | —0.76 November | +2.46 ol $2 3 | —0.18 | —0.59 | —0.74 | —1.09 ( | | December | +2.42 —1.15 2, ‘27 | 40.19 | —0.27 | —0.76 | —0.96 | = —_—_—_ Summer | +4.62| 45.40 | +-4.78 | +3.42 | 42.14 | +0.85 | 4+-0.46 | +-0.19 | —0.03 | —0.25 Winter 42.68 | +3.24| +2.76 | +2.09 | +1.46 | 40.71 | +-0.05 | —0.33 | —0.63 | —0.95 Year +3.65 | +4.32| 43.77 | 42.76 | +1.80 | -+0.78 | 40.25 | —0.07 | —0.33 | —0.60 The distinctive features of the above table are next to be considered analytically as well as graphically. The inequality in the diurnal variation is most conspicuous when the tabular numbers in the horizontal lines for the months of February and August are compared. The annual variation appears plainest by carrying the eye over the vertical column at the hours 6 or 7 A. M. The annual variation depends on the earth’s position in its orbit; the diurnal variation being subject to an in- equality depending on the sun’s declination. The diurnal range is greater when | the sun has north declination, and smaller when south declination; the pheno- menon passing from one state to the other about the time of the equinoxes. To show the diurnal variation at these periods, the summer and winter means, as well as the annual means, were tabulated. The months from April to September (in- clusive) comprise the summer period, and from October to March (inclusive) the winter period. The first diagram (A) shows this variation, and contains the type curves for these half yearly periods. We find for the summer months a diurnal range of nearly 104 minutes, and for the winter months of but 53 minutes. These and other curves will be further analyzed hereafter. OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 11 (A).—Mean Sorar-Diuryan Variation or THE DecrINATION FOR SUMMER, WINTER, AND THE WHOLE YEAR. West 5f 4 bo F ape East Ob. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011N'n1314 15 161718 19 20 21 22 23 4ah. Philadelphia mean time. The second diagram (B) exhibits the same phenomenon in a different way; the yearly curve of the first diagram being straightened out and forming the axis of the second diagram, which thus shows the deviations from the annual mean value for the two seasons when the sun has north and south declination. The ordinates are obtained by subtracting the annual mean from either the summer or winter mean in the preceding table. This diagram exhibits, in quite a characteristic manner, the course of the annual variation at the different hours of the day, at (B).—Semi-Annvat IRREGULARITIES OF THE SoLAR-DivRNAL VARIATION OF THE DECLINATION. \ a 0 d z MOT East 2 poy t f 4 eee oh.1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 1611N’n13 1415 161718 19 20 21 22 23 24h. Philadelphia mean time. 12 AMPLITUDE OF THE SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION the season for which the diagram is constructed. Thus, at the hour of 6 or 7 in the morning, the annual variation is a maximum, disappearing at a quarter before 10 A. M., and reaching a second (secondary) maximum value at 1 PM ee almost disappears soon after 5 P. M., and a third still smaller maximum is reached after 9 P. M. Half an hour before midnight, the annual variation again disap- pears. At (and before and after) the principal maximum, between 6 and 7 in the morning, the annual variation causes the north end of the magnet to be deflected to the east in summer and to the west in winter; at 1 P. M., the deflections are to the west in summer and to the east in winter. The range of the diurnal motion is thus increased in summer and diminished in winter; the magnet being deflected in summer more to the east in the morning hours, and more to the west in the afternoon hours, or having greater elongations than it would have if the sun moved in the equator. In winter, the converse is the case. The range of the annual variation from summer to winter is about 3/.0, and its daily range about 2’.6 at Philadelphia. (C).—ComPaRATIVE DIAGRAM OF THE SemI-ANNUAL DEFLECTION OF THE Sotar-DiurNAL VARIATION. Sun { no \ of the equator { \ oh 3 6 9 Non 15 18 21 241 Ob 3 6 9 Noon 15 18 21 24h. Mean local time. Mean local time. The next diagram (C) has been projected in order to illustrate the semi-annual inequality of the diurnal variation at four principal magnetic stations." The general features of the Philadelphia curve most nearly resemble those exhibited in the St. Helena curve; and, relatively, the Toronto and Hobarton curves appear to represent rather extreme than normal shapes. The Philadelphia and St. Helena * The annual variation of the diurnal motion has been made the subject of a particular discussion by General Sabine, in papers presented to the British Association and the Royal Society. See Reports of the British Association, 1854, pp. 355-368, and Transactions of Royal Society, May 18, 1854, pp. 67-82; also, article XXVIII, Philosophical Transactions, 1851. OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 13 curves have another feature in common: the amplitude at its maximum value, shortly after 6 A. M., is less than the amplitude at Toronto and Hobarton; and, upon the whole, the Philadelphia type confirms the idea that all forms partake of the same general character, more or less affected by incidental irregularities. In reference to the annual variation, General Sabine, in the “rectifications and additions” to the last volume of Humboldt’s Cosmos, expresses himself as follows: “Thus, in each hemisphere, the semi-annual deflections concur with those of the mean annual variation for half the year, and consequently augment them, and oppose and diminish them in the other half. At the magnetic equator, there is no mean diurnal variation, but in each half year the alternate phases of the sun’s annual in- equality constitutes a diurnal variation, of which the range in each day is about 3’ or 4’, taking place every day in the year except about the equinoxes; the march of this diurnal variation being from east in the forenoon to west in the afternoon, when the sun has north declination, and the reverse when south declination.” According to the same authority, the annual variation is the same in both hemi- spheres, the north end of the magnet being deflected to the east in the forenoon, the sun having north declination; when in the diurnal variation, the north end of the magnet at that time of the day is deflected to the east in the northern hemi- sphere and to the west in the southern hemisphere. In other words, in regard to direction, the law of the annual variation is the same, and that of the diurnal variation the opposite, in passing from the northern to the southern magnetic hemisphere. I next proceed to consider more in detail the annual variation at the hours of 6 and 7 in the morning and of 1 and 2 in the afternoon, these being the hours of the principal and secondary maxima respectively. By subtracting the annual mean from each monthly value at the respective hours, we obtain from the preced- ing general table the following columns :— ANNUAL VARIATION AT THE Hours OF THE PRINCIPAL AND SECONDARY MAXIMA OF RANGE. of: ' indicates { bi } deflection from the mean annual position. Gh. A.M. 7h. A.M. Mean. | Ih. p.m. 2h. Pp. M. Mean. January . 8G +:2/.15 +1/.86 +2/.01 —1/.20 —0/.76 —0/.98 February. . a +1.38 +1.25 +1.31 | —1.09 —1.15 —1.12 March. . ay Portia ec +0.75 -+-0.19 +0.47 —0.19 —0.75 —0.47 April. . Det teeetlll OE +0.82 +0.15 40.88 +1.25 41.06 May < « bara. id —1.32 —1.43 —1.38 | +0.92 +0.94 0.93 June. « © sisal 2-03: —1.78 —1.90 +0.84 +0.93 +0.89 July). age te, Ne —1.72 —2.16 —1.94 +1.21 +1.30 1.25 Graces Be || AEB —3.00 —2.66 || +1.39 41.23 41.31 September ie vohste —1.14 —1.34 —1.24 +1.24 +0.40 +0.82 October . ipso 6 +1.52 +1.30 +1.41 —1.24 —1.05 —1.14 November Fito. cm +1.28 +1.66 +1.47 —1.31 —1.40 —1.35 December So 6 +1.99 +2.60 +2.30 | —1.43 —0.96 —1.20 Maximum range at the above hours, Range at the hours 1 and 2 P. M., 2/.7; 5/.0; the easterly deflection being greater | the eastern and western deflections being by 0/.4. than the westerly. equal. A general inspection of the above columns containing the mean values shows that, approximately, the solstices are the turning epochs of this annual variation, 14 AMPLITUDE OF THE SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION the signs changing at the time of the equinoxes. To ascertain how nearly this is true, and in order to obtain a more precise expression, the means of the two columns (after changing the signs in the second) for each month respectively, were put into an analytical form, using Bessel’s well-known formula for periodic functions— Aa = +1/.78 sin (6 + 90°) + 0/.32 sin (29 + 180°); or, Ag = +1’.78 cos 6 — 0/.32 sin 26; the angle 9 counting from January Ist. The maximum values will occur on the first of January and the first of July; and the transition from a positive to a negative value, and the reverse, will take place on the first of April and the first of October, the equation 1.78 cos 6 = 0.32 sin 20, being only satisfied for 6= 90° and 270°. That the angles C, and CG should be exactly 90° and 180° is remarkable. The monthly values are satisfied as follows :— Middle of By observation. By calculation. January : : , ; , ; . +1/.50 +1/.56 February ; : ; : ‘ : . +1.22 +0.94 March . ; : - 2 é ; . +0.47 +0.30 April. : : : : : : . —0.46 —0.30 May . ; : : : ; » =. —116 —0.94 June . : : : : 3 é . —1.40 —1.56 July . : 5 ; ; ; : . —1.59 —1.56 August : ; : : ; : . —2.00 —0.94 September . ; : ; : ; . —1.03 —0.30 October : ; : : : : . +1.28 +0.30 November . ; ; ; j ; . +141 +0.94 December. : ; +1.76 +1.56 The regular progression of the monthly values is a feature of the annual varia- tion deserving particular notice. There is no sudden transition from the positive to the negative side, or vice versd, at or near the time of the equinoxes (certainly not at the vernal equinox); on the contrary, the annual variation seems to be regular in its progressive changes. The method here pursued is entirely different from that employed by General Sabine for the same end, but the results are, never- theless, in close accordance. He remarks (in the British Association report above cited): “When a mean is taken corresponding to the 10th or 11th day after the equinox, the transition from the character of the preceding six months has already commenced and advanced very far towards its completion, and, by the middle of October, is quite complete; apparently, the progress of the change is somewhat more tardy in the March than in the September equinox.” From the above an- alysis, we have found that the transition took place ten days after either equinox, and also that the turning points occur ten days after the solstices. For the more precise determination of the law of the phenomenon, and in order to render the results of similar investigations comparable with one another, the regular solar-diurnal variation is now to be expressed as a function of the time. The pre- ceding tabular values, given in minutes of are, when treated as required by Bessel’s' periodic function, furnish the following expressions for each month of the year:— ‘ For another development of the formula, see Rev. Dr. H. Lloyd, “On the Mean Results of Obser- vations,’ Transactions Royal Trish Academy, 1848, Vol. XXTI, Part I. Dnublin, 1849. OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 15 For January, Ag = +1/.423 sin (15 n + 225° 09’) + 1/.491 sin (30 n + 16° 38’) +0/.579 stn (45 n + 220° 23’) + 0/.548 sin (60n + 53° .. ) For February, Ag = +1/.469 sin (15 n + 211° 09’) + 1.456 sin (30 + 20° 50’) +0/.472 sin (45 n + 231° 59’) + 0/.352 sin (60n + 60° .. ) For March, Aa = +2/.098 sin (15 n + 206° 46’) 4+ 1/.827 sin (30 n + 26° 34’) +0/.693 sin (45 n 4+ 230° 10’) + 0/.413 sin (60 4+ 84° .. ) For April, Aba = +2/.906 sin (15 m + 213° 21’) + 2/.001 sin (30n + 34° 01’) +0/.926 sin (45 n + 223° 29’) + 0/.245 sin (60n + 80° .. ) For May, Aa = +2/.746 sin (15 n + 210° 38’) + 2/.377 sin (30 n + 45° 50’) +0/.970 sin (45 n + 251° 57’) + 0/.100 sin (60 +161°.. ) For June, Aa = +2/.883 sin (15 n + 204° 09’) + 2/.488 sin (30 n 4+ 44° 15’) +0/.941 sin (45 n + 254° 03’) + 0/216 sin (60n +114°.. ) For July, Aa = +3/.310 sin (15 n + 204° 19’) + 27.465 sin (30 n + 38° 487) +1/.047 sin (45 n + 251° 38’) + 0/.092 sin (607 +176°.. ) For August, Ag = +3/.161 sin (15 n + 211° 37’) + 2/.849 sin (80 n + 52° 16’) +1/.375 sin (45n + 265° 49’) + 0/.201 sin (60n+ 51° .. ) .For September, Ag = +2/.706 sin (15 n + 220° 05’) + 2/.372 sin (80n + 55° 54’) +1/.126 sin (45 n + 261° 14’) + 0/.414 sin (60n+115° .. ) For October, Aq = +1/.271 sin (15 n + 226° 29’) + 1/.325 sin (30n + 38° 12’) +0/.727 sin (45 n + 230° 52’) + 0/.150 sin (602 + 47° ..) For November, Ag = +1/.259 sin (15 n + 229° 06’) + 1/.257 sin (30 + 39° 15/) +0/.390 sin (45 n + 236° 30’) + 0/.242 sin (60n + 87° ..) For December, ag = +1/.212 sin (15 n + 231° 46’) + 17.321 sin (80 n + 23° 84’) +0/.367 sin (45 n + 205° 46’) + 0/.418 sin (60n + 82° ..) In like manner, we obtain for the summer half-year (from April to September inclusive), for the winter half-year (from October to March inclusive), and for the whole year, the following expressions for the diurnal variation :— For summer half-year, Ag = +2/.936 sin (15 n + 210° 36’) + 2/.404 sin (30n + 46° 07’) +1/.031 sin (457 + 253° 87’) + 0.178 sin (60 n + 132° 20) For winter half-year, Ag = +1/.420 sin (15 n + 220° 41’) + 1'.399 sin (802 4+ 26° 39’) +0/.520 sin (45 nm + 227° 26’) + 0.310 sin (602 + 61° 17’) For the whole year,' Aad = +2/.167 stn (15 n + 213° 55’) + 11.875 sin (802 4+ 388° 52’) +0’.759 sin (45 n + 244° 40’) + 0/.198 sin (602 + 83° 05’) t For the purpose of showing the correspondence when the above equation is deduced independently, from the observations at the even and odd hours, I add here the values for the two cases :— From even hours, Ad =-+2/.170 sin (15 n+ 213° 27’) + 1/.888 sin (30n + 38° 59’) +0/.729 sin (45 n + 244° 57/) + 0/.183 sin (60.n + 83° 26/) From odd hours, Aa = +2/.159 sin (15 n + 215° 19’) + 1/.835 sin (30n + 38° 31’) -++.0/.848 sin (45 n + 243° 49’) + 0/.242 sin (60 n + 82° 01/) The relative weights of the results by the even hours and the odd hours are as 3 : 1. Tf, for the purpose of comparison with the previous results in Part I of this discussion, and with other similar expressions, we change the angles C,, O,, C,, C,, by 180°, which is equivalent to an easterly deviation from the mean for positive results and to a westerly deviation for negative results, we find— For Philadelphia, Ad = +2/.167 sin ( 6+ 33° 55’) + 1/.875 sin (26 + 218° 52/) 4.0/.759 sin (3 -+ 64° 40/) + 0/.198 sin (44+ 263° 057) For Dublin, Ad = +3/.519 sin ( 6+ 64° 18’) + 2/.127 sin (28-4 225° 22/) +.0/.688 sin (36+ 70° 40’) + 0/.322 sin (46+ 242° 27/) This latter expression is copied from the Rey. H. Lloyd’s discussion of the Dublin observations in 1840-43. For a comparison of the monthly equations, the reader may also consult similar expressions obtained 16 AMPLITUDE OF THE SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION In determining the least square coefficients in these equations, allowance has been made for the different weights due to the readings at the even and odd hours. @ is reckoned from midnight at the rate of 15° an hour. To compare the numerical quantities of the angles CG, C2, C;, C,, in the general expression— A, = B, sin (0+ G) + B sin (260 + GC) + B, sin (30 + C,) + B, sin (40+ CG), with the same quantities in the formula of the diurnal variation (pp. 8 and 9 of Part I), 180° must first be added or subtracted from each angle given there; since, in the discussion of Part I, increasing numbers correspond to a decrease of western declination, the scale being thus graduated, whereas, in the present case, increasing positive numbers correspond to an increase of western declination, as stated above. The following table exhibits the close correspondence of the computed and ob- _served mean annual value of the regular solar-diurnal variation :— DiuRNAL VARIATION. | DIURNAL VARIATION. Philadelphia 0. Philadelphia mean time. mean time. Computed. Observed. Computed. Observed. Qh.194m. | —0/.49 —0!.47 —0/.02 Noon 193m. +3/.69 +3/.65 194 |} —0.48 —0.51 +0.03 13h. 194 +4.28 +4.32 193 —0.51 —0.44 —0.07 14 194 +3.81 +3.77 194 —0.67 —0.71 +0.04 15 194 +2.77 +2.76 194 —1.09 —1 19 +0.10 16 194 Sei +1.80 194 —1.82 | —1.64 —0.18 17 (193 +0.88 +0.78 194 —2.77 —2.72 —0.05 18 194 +0.33 +0.25 193 —3.49 —3.47 —0.02 19 193 —0.07 —0.07 —3.44 —3.50 +0.06 20 193 —0.38 —0.33 —2.29 — 2.43 +0.14 21 3 —0.57 —0.60 —0.24 —0.19 —0.05 22 193 —0.62 —0.64 +2.03 42.17 —0.14 || 23 193 —0.57 | —0.71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Re The maximum difference at any one hour is less than 11”, and the probable error of any single hourly result is +0’.05. The probable error of any single computed value from a monthly expression is +0'.19. By means of the preceding equations, the hourly values of the diurnal variation for each month of the year have been computed; and the results, projected in curves, are given in Diagrams D and E. The first contains the curves for the six months of the summer half-year, and the second those of the winter half-year. Positive ordinates correspond to a westerly movement, and negative ordinates to an easterly movement, of the north end of the magnet. The diagram following (F) contains the type curves for summer, winter, and the whole year, all being upon the same scale. by Mr. Karl Kreil from his discussion of declinometer observations at Prague, extending over ten con- secutive years (1840-749), and selected from a thirteen years’ series, in order to obtain mean results unaffected by the smaller inequality of the ten or eleven year period with which our results are still affected. Part I of the present discussion, however, affords ready means of changing slightly the numeri- cal values of the coefficients B,, B,, B,, B,, in our equations, in order to obtain the values we would have obtained, had we discussed a consecutive eleven year series of observations or one extending over a series of years corresponding to the actual length of the solar period then observed. Mr. Kreil’s discussion will be found in Vol. VIII of the proceedings of the mathematical and physical section of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Vienna (1854). OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. Reeutar SoLrar-DivRNAL VARIATION OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION, SUMMER HALF YEAR. T tad Tipline 7 T Sain Trensie sens T | a) eer se 6/ April, West => (=r) ~ -—1 -—2 -—3 eal May, - = June, == Teh at aa ae epee -~T CormNnNwRN ih / N : aM , : August, a, \ 5 | September, e 10 Noon 14 Philadelphia mean time. East I 16 18 20 2 <2 —1 —2 —3 —4 —5 SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION ReGuLAR SoLaR-DivRNAL VARIATION OF THE MaGNetic DeciINAtIoN, WINTER HALF_YEAR. i October, November, December, January, February, March, re ee See es os es ee Oe i ond 1 _t se tt 3 i} ok) Gale al be: us) fol mNoon Mie EMiGmeCIR” Jon" ecoe ean Philadelphia mean time. if OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 19 Tyrs-CuRVES oF THE REGULAR SobAR-DivRNAL VARIATION OF THE DECLINATION. tie tS 0 Pv ony vale Ah og) [ay Lomi oe ot 6/ | ‘cae L te iE fe 3 He i - 1 Summer | 0 ==] 4 i) 6) ae 2 a4 1 Year Sete 0 —1 3/—2 2—3 1 —“’ Winter 0 ahs ae BS —2 Sor58 D’s Upper transit. Moon’s hour-angle. 1840. Qh. ' : : 4h. 5h. 6h. : gh. : 0h. d. d. d. d. d. d. June! —0.23 —1.09 | +0.11 | —0.21 —1.12) —0.02 July? +0.52 —1.98 | 41.60 | —1.34 —0.21 : 0.11 August gil re 41.05 | +1.20 | —0.50 0.10 .86 | +0.20 September? | +-1.74 —0.40 | —2.05 | —0.67 10.49 .28 | 10.52 October | +0.77 4.0.25 | 41.23 | —0.01 Os —0.68 November | +1.11 41.07 | +1.44 | —0.39 —1.44 —0.08 December | —1.43 | +0.16 | —0.90 | —0.73 —1.03 —0.81 >’s Lower transit. 1840, 12h. 3h. 4h. 15h. d. d. d. June! -+-0.50 | +0.38 | +0.86 July? +1.15 —0.41 | +0.32 August | +0.18 —0.91 | —0.65 September? | +-0.64 +0.63 | 42.25 —0.61 | —0.01 October -++0.53 +-0.30 | +1.18 —0.31 | —0.99 November' | +-0.75 +0.02 | —0.82 —0.02 +1.09 ; December | +0.91 —0.67 | —1.82 —2.57 | +1.21 1 The tabular values for this month are expressed in parts of the new or observatory scale, the quanti- ties having been converted from parts of the old or college scale into parts of the new scale. 2 The tabular numbers refer to the new scale, the values for the first eighteen days of the month having been converted as above. ® Attention was paid to the half-monthly normals for the hour 8". 195™- (mean observatory time). * The index correction, on and after the twenty-third day of the month, was applied before the differences were taken. D’s Upper transit. ON THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 1841. January February March April May June July August September October! November December D’s Lower transit. 1841. January February March April May June July August September October November December Oh. 40: Iii 48 eIKeY 41.57 +0.19 —0.56 40.84 41.95 11.05 —1.15 +0.01 —0.41 1h. d. —1.07 —2.17 +0.82 +1.01 +2.11 $1.77 +1.86 +1.31 +0.10 -+-0.26 —0.08 +0.10 Moon’s hour-angle. co 4h. 5h. d. d. +0.50 | —2.01 +0.49 | +0.10 +0.61 | +-0.40 -+-0,20 | +-0.12 —0.05 | +0.92 2.18 | +-1.25 —0.62 | —1.52 —1.17 | —1.46 —3.50 | —0.54 —1.31 | —0.82 -+-0.23 | —1.08 —0.94 | 40.55 Gh. d. 0.89 —0.10 —0.39 +0.39 | —0.39 115 —0.80 —1.48 —0.55 —0.66 41.54 —0.51 | —0.27 Sh. | gh. d. —1.52 —1.21 | +0.69 i == 0073 Oe20 —2.40 —0.88 | —1.71 —2.06 | —2.24 —1.47 | ---0.86 eons +1.39 | +0.02 +0.62 | —0.47 40. 48 | O38 | +0.3 32 | | +0.48 ==1113) 10h. d. —0.12 +0.92 —0.65 —0.94 d. 1.33 —0.03 40.15 1.35 +0.42 +0.11 +1.26 2.28 -L0.37 Se +1.01 -40.73 d. —0.50 SiGe —0.15 —0.02 Spi 1.18 +0.32 10.62 —1.66 +0.18 | 1.89 +0.71 d. d. —0.07 0.00 +0.56 | +-1.07 +1.89 | +-0.35 —0.63 | +0.02 +0.96 | +0.90 —0.22 | +0.80 —0.87 | +0.44 +0.06 | +1.20 -+-0.85 | +0.44 —0.61 | —1.54 +0.79 | —0.27 +1.76 | +0.83 D’s Upper transit. 1842. January February March April May June July August September October November December Qh. d. —0.30 Dye 0.72 Sour —0.57 +.0.38 +0.78 40.88 40.71 43.46 —0.05 —0.59 Moon’s hour-an gh. Ah. 5h. d. 10h. J1h. d. +0.26 yi +0.46 E721 —0.43 0.38 —1.04 0.17 +0.62 +0.52 10.14 +0.87 >D’s Lower transit. 1842. January February March April May June July August September October November December | —0.96 | (10.40 20h. | 21h. d. d. +0.72 | +0.66 —0.12 | 4-0.14 +0.47 | —0.39 —1.22 | +0.19 —1.05 | +0.15 —1,04 | — 1.43 —1.22 | +0.09 —0.26 +2.14 —0.25 +0.68 +0.57 —1.70 | —0.16 4.0.05 d. +0.62 +0.84 —0.35 aia +1.01 Seyi +0.68 +0.81 40.96 —0.56 | 1.58 | 0.07 1 At 14%. 194™. (observatory time) the difference from the half-monthly normals was used. 9 a D’s Upper transit. LUNAR EFFECT Moon’s hour-angle. Oh. 1843.1 yh. Qh. 3h. 4h. 5h. Gh. 7h. gh. gh. 10h. 11h. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. April 0.87 | $1.47 | 41.66 | +0.39 | —0.42 | —1.30 | —2.64 | —1.72 | —1.99 | —0.12 | —1.63 —0.48 May 40.94 | +0.89 | 41.54 | 10.45 | 4-0.27 | +0.38 | +0.23 | —1.02 | —0.79 | —1.01 | +-0.47 +1.08 June —0.13 | —1.58 | 0.18 | —0.81 | +0.67 | +1.21 | —0.31 | +-0.83 | 0.16 | 40.61 | —0.10 | +-1.30 July +2.10 | +0.91 | —0.71 0.65 | +0.69 | +0.54 —0.62 | +0.56 | —0.39 | —2.29 | 41.05 —0.16 August? —1.56 | —0.81 | —2.28 | +-1.17 | —0.05 | —1.12 +0.32 | —1.24 | +-0.26 —0.22 | —0.69 | +0.46 September | —0.71 | +-0.26 —0,58 | —0.85 | —1.08 | —0.23 | —0.30 | +1.74 | —0.74 | +-0.37 —0.42 | +0.58 October’ | 41.05 | 10.14 | 0.28 | +-0.17 | —0.03 | —0.93 | +-0.19 | —0.52 | —1.16 | +-0.27 | +-0.33 | +-0.33 November | +0.52 | +0.16 | —0.72 | —0.47 —0.80 | —0.84 | —0.57 | —0.72 | —0.02 | +-0.23 | —0.17 | +-0.72 December | —0.41 | —0.24 | —0.64 | —1.15 | —0.88 | —0.41 | 4+-0.07 | +-0.08 | +-0.39 | 4-0.99 | 4-1.09 | +-1.28 D’s Lower transit. 1843. 1Qh. 13h. 14h. 15h. 16h. 17h. 1gh. 19h. 20h. | 21h. 22h. 23h. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. April +0.79 | +1.92 -+0.72 | —0.06 | +-0.53 -0.05 | —1.10 | —1.05 —0.22 | —1.06 | —0.56 | 41.58 May +0.67 | +0.74 | +1.01 | —0.58 —1.01 | —1.03 | —1.43 | —0.27 | —0.52 | —0.49 | +-0.70 | +-0.08 June +0.94 | 41.46 | —0.55 | +-0.29 | —0.99 | —0.05 | —0.63 | +0.07 | —0.38 | —0.22 | +-0.74 | —0.20 July —0.25 | 0.61 | +0.66 | +0.66 | —0.43 | —1.10 | —2.00 | —1.05.| —0.20 | —0.06 | —0.54 | +-1.73 August? +0.91 | —0.59 | —0.77 | +0.59 | —1.85 | +0.01 | —1.00 | +-1.37 | —0.92 | +-0.74 | +-0.49 +0.06 September | +1.63 | 41.85 +0.78 | +2.32 | +1.15 | —0.29 | —0.86 +1.08 | +0.65 | —0.37 | —0.90 —0.78 October? | +0.76 | +1.50 | +1.30 | +0.53 | —0.71 | —0.92 | —1.76 | —0.70 | —0.08 | +-0.50 | —0.37 | +-0.78 November | +0.67 | +0.45 | —0.33 | —0.25 —0.54 | +0.04 | —0.24 | +0.17 | 41.06 +1.00 | +0.27 | +0.50 December | +0.83 | +0.51 | 4+-0.60 | +-0.62 +0.28 | —1.14 | —0.59 | —0.74 —0.46 | +0.46 | +0.24 | —0.42 D’s Upper transit. Moon’s hour-angle. 1844. Oh. jh. Qh. 3h. 4h. 5h. Gh. 7h. gh. gh. 10h. 11h. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. January’ | —0.79 | —0.18 | —0.26 | +0.07 | 4.0.20 | 4.0.94 | 40.58 | +-0.19 | +-0.22 | 40.37 | —0.46 | +-0.43 February | +1.43 | +0.87 | 0.67 | —0.52 | —0.69 | —0.82 | —0.56 | —0.74 | —0.29 | +0.77 | +1.03 | +-0.96 March +1.10 | 41.06 | +0.42 | +0.04 —0.72 | —0.55 | —0.69 | —0.16 | +1.18 | +0.05 | 4+-0.93 —0.02 April —0.52 | +0.08 | 40.23 | +0.54 | +0.09 | +0.35 | —0.49 | —0.12 | —0.55 | —0.41 | +-0.16 —0.04 May +0.76 | +1.17 | 0.88 | +-0.27 +0.02 | —0.49 | —0.18 | —0.60 | —0.35 —0.10 | +0.14 | +0.27 June 41.11 | 0.68 | +1.07 | +0.44 | +-0.09 | —0.64 | —0.24 | —1.33 | —1.58 | —1.47 | —0.40 | +-0.22 July +1.09 | +1.27 | +-0.78 | +-0.97 | +0.18 —0.73 | —1.05 | —1.77 | —0.17 | —0.13 | +0.68 | +-0.37 August +2.30 | +0.93 | +0.19 | —0.14 | —0.16 | —1.55 —0.78 | —0.69 | —0.38 | —0.66 | +0.45 | +-0.45 September | +1.13 | +1.47 | —0.21 | —0.05 | —0.61 | —1.15 | —0.31 | 41.05 | +-1.10 | —0.18 | +-0.12 —0.34 October —0.22 | 0.42 | —0.02 | +-0.22 | —0.41 | —0.59 | —0.78 | 40.38 | —0.02 | +1.04 | +-1.10 | +-1.01 November | —0.91 | —1.12 | —0.71 | —0.57 | —0.76 | +-0.03 | —0.01 | +-0.45 | —0.77 | +-0.06 | 40.62 | +-2.57 December® | —0.26 | —0.74 | —0.21 | —0.44 | —1.14 | —0.33 | —0.41 | —0.18 -+0.14 | +0.33 | +0.36 | +0.60 Oe | ee ee ee a I ——————————E D’s Lower transit. 1844. 12h. 13h. 14h. 15h. 16h. 17h. 18h. 19h. 90h. Qh. 29h. 93h. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d, d. d. ad, d. January* +0.32 | +0.10 | +0.31 | —0.09 | —0.61 —0.17 | +-0.84 | +0.95 | +-0.32 | —0.10 —0.80 | —0.48 February |+0.44| 0.00 | +0.54 | —0.26 | —1.10 | —0.49 | —1.13 | —0.39 | —0.02 | —0.05 | —0.02 +0.84 March -1-1.33 | 0.52 | —0.50 | —0.21 | —0.21 | —0.68 | —1.60 | —0.50 | —0.31 | —0.48 | +-0.35 | —0.10 April 0.87 | +0.70 | 0.37 | +0.64 | 0.22 | —0.54 | —0.50 | 4+0.05 | —0.66 | —0.42 | —0.02 | —1.63 May 0.46 | 0.09 | +0.'74 | +0.43 | +-0.62 | +0.06 | —0.19 | —1.10 | —0.85 | —1.17 | +-0.10 | +-0.06 June 40.19 | +0.48 | —0.30 | —0.36 | —0.01 | +-0.35 | +-0.31 | +-0.29 | +0.25 | +-0.20 | +-0.11 | 0.00 July +1.27 | +0.36 | +0.46 | —0.70 | —0.51 | —0.70 | —1.03 —0.13 | —0.31 | —0.57 | —0.12 | +-0.78 August 40.50 | +0.22 | +0.84 | —0.30 | —0.19 | —0.77 | —1.06 | —0.75 | —0.34 | —0.14 | —0.43 | +-0.76 i September | +0.25 | +-0.04 | --0.73 —0.20 | —0.03 | —1.20 | —1.89 | —1.27 | —1.33 | —0.62 | +-0.13 | 4-1.15 October 40.56 | +1.19 | +0.78 | —0.10 | —0.36 | —0.32 | —0.03 | —0.83 | —0.58 | —0.55 | +-0.06 | +-0.06 November | -+0.36 | +1.09 | +0.67 | 0.43 | 0.05 | +-0.40 | +-0.07 | —0.77 | —0.68 | +-0.41 | +-0.15 | —0.11 December’ | 0.48 | +0.64 | +1.06 | —0.12 | —0.12 | —0.64 | —0.22 | 4-0.23 | 4-0.26 | +-0.68 | +-0.17 | 4-0.42 1 There are no observations in January, February, and March, of this year. 2 Attention was paid to the shifting of the zero of the scale between the 9th and 10th. 8 Commencement of the hourly series of observations. * Proper attention was paid to the change in the zero of divisions after the 10th. 5 The half-monthly normals were used. ON THE MAGNETIO DECLINATION. 7 D’s Upper transit. Moon’s hour-angle. 1845. Oh. Qh. Sh. 4h. 5h. 6h. 7h. d. d. d. d. d. d. a. d. January | —0.46 -65 | —1.52 | —1.65 | —1.63 24 | +0.11 | $1.41 February | —0.13 } —0.26 | —1.15 | —0.56 2 —0.39 | —0.28 March —0.42 | . —0.26 | —0.48 | —0.25 -75 | —0.81 | —0.25 April +0.45 | +0.54 | +-0.07 | +.0.52 | —0.21 47 | —0.27 | —0.07 May +0.53 | +0.49 | +0.01 | +0.16 | —0.21 .22 | —0.66 | —0.25 : June --1.77 | +1.63 | +0.90 | +-1.24 | +0.86 54 | —0.66 | —1.09 .75 | —0.93 D’s Lower transit. 1845. 12h. . . 15h. 16h. 17h. 1gh. | 19h. 90h. Q]h. l | da. a. ‘ Ce ia | aan d. d. January +0.02 2; “ —0. eo | 30 | 40. 14 | +1.09 | +0.29 | +0.86 | +0.34 February | +1.70 6 : +0.40 | +-0.03 | —0.76 | —0.92 .26 | —0.46 | +0.17 March +1.15 B -79 | +0.35 | +0.86 | —0.08 | —0.83 | —1.27 | —0.56 | +-0.87 April +0.54 56 .00 | +0.76 | +-1.01 | —0.30 | —1.00 a6 —=1.62)|'—0.9'7 May +0.53 .08 .63 | —0.01 | —0.24 | —0.48 | —0.70 .30 | —0.40 | —0.53 June +0.01 .86 -30 | +0.18 eS et —0.82 .59 | —0.92 | +0.05 Value of a scale division 0/.453. One of the first questions to determine is how many of these residuals must be used to give a definite result, and another one is whether numbers deduced from different parts of the series would give harmonious results. To test both of these the observations were formed into three groups—one containing 4,900 in 19 months of 1840, 41; another, 6,715 results in 21 months of 1842, ’43; and a third, 10,029 results in 18 months of 1844, 45. In all, 21,644 results. The following table contains the result for each group. Group II includes three months of the hourly series of observations treated as if only equal in weight to the bi-hourly series. The sign = indicates the algebraic sum of the values in the preceding tables for the months comprised in each group, and for every hour-angle of the moon. The lines headed I, II, III, contain the preceding values divided by their respective number of months and expressed in minutes of are, or the lunar diurnal variation. D’s Upper transit. hour-angle. Qh. 1h. “1 : > s ; Th. iS gh. | 10h. a. d. d. d. é . a. d. : a. ‘i a. a z of group I|-+10.27| +-8.07 | +7.52 |4-11.17| —4.32 | —1.46 |— 7.06|— 5.49|—14.63] —1.61 | —1.70 |+ = “ Il}+ 6.59) +7.35 | —0.23 |— 2.38 i —5.95 |—10.90|—10.83 .35 | —2.78 | +2.48 = * T+ 7.96) +6.93 | 41.77 |— 0.53| —5.91 | —7.48 |— 7.60|— 4.05 |— 2.01} +2.00 | 7.77 |+-10.98 I +0/.24 +0/.19) +0/.18) +-0/.27 F —0/.04) —O0/. 17 —0/.13 0.35) —0/.04) —0/.04 0 +0.14 | 0.16 | +-0.00 | —0.05 | + —0.13 | —0.24 | —0.23 | —0.14 | —0.06 | 4-0.05 Ill +0.20 | 4+-0.17 | +0.05 | —0.02 } —0.19 | —0.20 | —0.10 -05 | +0.05 | +-0.20 )’s Lower transit. Moon’s hour-angle. 19h. 20h. 21h. 12h. 3h. : : 16h. 7h. 1sh. d. d. d. ee |) d. d. 46.00 | —7.22 |— 3.54|— 9.43] —8.71 | —0.71 | +3.14 43.86 | —6.64 |—11.24 Sec —6.90 | +2.79 — 9.61 -+0.24 | —1.66 |— 7.45 —9.02 | —7.35 | —3.38 -0/.14} —0/.17| —0/.09] —0/.23] —0/.21] —0/.04) +-0/.08) +-0.04 | +.0/.18 +0.08 | —0.14 | —0.24 | —0.32 | —0.10 | —0.14 | +-0.06 | +-0.03 | +-0.19 0.00 | —0.04 | —0.19 | —0.24 | —0.23 | —0.19 | —0.08 | +-0.05 | +-0.05 + indicates west, — east, deflection from the normal position. 8 ‘LUNAR EFFECT These results, 1, II, II, when expressed analytically by means of Bessel’s form of periodic functions, and when treated by the method of least squares, are repre- sented by the following equations, in which the moon’s hour-angle 6 is reckoned from the upper transit westwards at the rate of 15° to each hour. A¢ represents the lunar diurnal variation. Group I, 1840741. Ag = +0/.003 + 0/.068 sin. (9 + 92°) + 0’.189 sin. (29 + 67°) “TT, 1842-743. A ¢ =—0'.006 + 0'.030 sin. (9 + 263°) + 0'.282 sin. (20 + 63°) “THT, 184445. Ag = 0/.000 + 0'.075 sin, (9 + 292°) + 0.219 sin, (29 + 88°) The numerical results from these equations are presented graphically on the following diagram. Lunar-DIvRNAL VARIATION OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. +0/.50 45 -40 West. Ls) East. Oh. 123 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112131415 16171819 20 21 22 23 24h. U. C. i. U. C. from 4,900 observations in 1840, 741. from 6,715 observations in 1842, °43. mentdraacos from 10,029 observations in 1844, *45. The curves all agree in their distinctive characters, and show two east and two west deflections in a lunar day, the maxima W. and E. occurring about the upper and lower culminations, and the minima at the intermediate six hours. The total range hardly reaches 0’.5. These results agree generally with those obtained for Toronto and Prague. From 8,000 to 10,000 observations seem to be required to bring out the results satisfactorily, and the best results are derived from the use of all the groups. The following table contains annual sums of deflections for each hour, and the resulting lunar-diurnal variation from the 21,644 observations available for the purpose :— ON THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 9 Upper curve. Westerly hour-angles. Be : : Qn. gh. | an. | 5h. +h. ; gh. gn. | 10h. | 11h. d. . : d,. d. d. dy d. d. d. d. z for 1840 ; } 7 |4+-4.97|—0.94|-++2.63 |—3.85 2: 18| —3.99 |4+-1.56|—0.'76|—0.40 1841 5 3.05 5 |+6.20|—3.38 |—4.09 |—3.21 3.31 |—10.64 |—3.17 |—0.94 |-+0.70 1842 3.92 | +6. |—1.93|4-2.50|—3.25 |—'7.27 |—8.82| —2.07 |—1.61|4-2.55 |-+-2.54 1843 (a) 5 : .19 |4-1.00|-+0.08 |—0.52 3,32 |0.85| —3.49 |—2.66|1.32 42.78 1843 (b) ; .06 “08 (1.45 |—-1.71 | 2.18 |0.31 1.16] —0.79 41.49 |-4-1.25 |-+-2.33 1844 5.22 { 2.83 |4+-0.83|—3.91|—5.53|—4.92 |—3.52| —1.47 |—0.33|+-4.73|+6.48 1845 7 02 .06 |—1.36 |—2.00 |—1.95 |—2.68 |—0.53 | —0.54 |4-2.33|4-3.04|4-4.50 = ‘ 7 ‘ Mean 79 A s -12 |+0.08 |—0.21 |—0.31 |—0.42 |—0.32| —0.33 |+-0.01 $0.28 40.41 Same in are . +0.17 .05 |+-0.04|—0.10|—0.14|—0.19 0.14; —0.15 |+-0.01 |-0.10 |+-0'.19 Lower curve. eo hour-angles. 12h. 3h. Sulaathh. 16h. 17h. | 18h. ign. | Qh. Qh. | gon. | 23h. | a. ; a. a. d. a. a. d. d. my ; d. = for 1840 +4.66 Y H +1.32 |—3.57 |4-3.85 |—4.02|—0.81 | —0.16 .89|+3.36 1841 +7.25 . 5.20 |+4.68 |—3.65 | —7.39 |—5.41 | —7.90 | —0.55 +4.24 1842 +6.51 oro , —0.26 |—3.07 | —6.81 | —5.06 | —3.56 | —5.83 49. 29 | aig 46 +5.40 1843 (a) | +4.69 : .85 |4-3.22|—2.60|—2.41 |—7.02/-+-0.15| —1.59 |1.46|—0.07|+2.47 1843 (b) | $2.26 lan 7 |4-0.90|—0.97|—2.02|—2.59 |—1.27| 40.52 |4-1.96|+0.14|-+0.86 1844 +7.03 —0.84 |—2.69 = 70|—6.43 | 4.22) —4.25 |—2.81 |—0.32 ei 75 1845 +3.95 3 |4-1.08 |+1.03 |—2. 75 |—3.18 |—4.80 —3.10 |—0.57 |--2.22 |+-0. 05 | | ; | Mean a 40.63 | +-0.42 | +-0.29 |4-0.14|—0.23 |—0.40|—0.58 |—0.42 —0.27 |+-0.01 -+0.09 |-+0.26 Sameinare |-0/.29} -40. .13 |+-0.06|—0.10|—0.18 |—0.26 |—0.19 | —0.12 |--0.01|-+-0.04|-+-0.12 | The two values for 1843, marked (a) and (6), exhibit the separate sums for the bi-hourly and the hourly observations, and were required to give proper weights to each. There are 37 months of bi-hourly, and 21 months of hourly observations —the latter having double weight, as found from a consideration of the probable errors derived respectively from all the results of the years 1842 and 1844. The probable error of any single monthly mean for any hour in the year 1842 was found = + 0*.60, and the same for the year 1844 was = + 0*.40. Hence the weights for a resulting value in the bi-hourly series is to the weight for a value in the hourly series nearly as 1:2, or the weights are nearly proportional to the number of observations—a result which indicates that no constant errors influence the result. The accordance among themselves of the values for the easterly hour- angles is somewhat better than the corresponding values for the westerly hour- angles—a circumstance which seems to connect itself with another phenomenon to be Sreeniend presently. Giving, therefore, double weight to months of the hourly series, the lunar-diurnal Parca resulted as given above. When expressed analytically, it takes the form Ac = +0/.001 + 0/.029 sin (6 + 295°) + 0/.207 sin (29 + 85°) which may also be written Ag = 0.0 + 1.7 sin (Ldn + 295°) + 12//.4 sin (30n + 85°) where 6 represents the moon’s hour-angle, reckoned from the upper culmination, or n the number of hours after the same epoch: + indicates west, and — east deflection. 10 LUNAR EFFECT The constant in Bessel’s formula comes out zero, and hence it is inferred that the moon has no specific action in deflecting the magnet by a constant quantity. The coefficient of the first term of the formula is small, and it is from the second term that the distinctive features of the double-crested curve result. These results are all represented by curves. Both the east and west deflections are well marked, those occurring when the moon is east of the meridian being greater than those when west. It is not at all necessary to take in the third or higher terms. The progression of the hourly values is systematic, and the agreement between the computed and observed values is deemed satisfactory. The following diagram represents the curve resulting from the above equation, the observed values being indicated by dots. Luwar-DiorNAL VARIATION. East. 0h.1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111213141516 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24h. U. C. L. C. U. C. From 21,644 observations at Philadelphia, from 1840 to 1845. The principal western maximum occurs 6 minutes after the lower culmination of the moon, and amounts to 0'.23. The secondary maximum occurs 14 minutes after the upper culmination, and amounts to 0’.18. The principal minimum occurs at 6" 17™ after the lower culmination, the easterly deflection being 0'.22. The secondary minimum at 6* 03™ after the upper culmination, with a deflection of 0.19. The greatest range is 27’, and the secondary 22”. The epochs of the maxima and minima are found from the formula to be at a mean 10 minutes after culmination. The probable error of a single computed value of the lunar declina- tion is + 1’.32. The Toronto observations gave + 1’.37 from more than twice the number of observations, so that the Philadelphia results are worthy of every confidence. At Toronto, from the second investigation, embracing about 44,000 observations, the western and eastern deflections balanced, giving for the range 38’.3. The ON THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 11 Prague observations also confirm the nearly equal deflections (mean) to the west and east. The epochs of the maxima and minima were found from the four roots of the equation 0 = 0.029 cos (6 + 295°) + 0.414 cos (20 + 85°), which gave 10 minutes as the mean time elapsed between the moon’s passing the meridian, and the time of maxima deflections. If we take the four phases into account, the lunar action seems to be retarded 10 minutes, which quantity may be termed the /wnar- magnetic interval for the Philadelphia station. At Toronto the intervals are not so regular. The secondary range exists at Toronto, and is a marked feature in the Prague result. The following table contains the observed and computed values and their dif- ferences :— Upper Curve. Lower Curve. Observed. Computed. Difference. Observed. Computed. Difference. +0/.19 +0/.18 +0/.01 2h. +0/.29 -+0/.23 +0/.06 0.17 +0.17 0.00 +0.19 +0.21 —0.02 +0.05 +0.10 —0.05 +0.13 +0.13 0.00 +0.04 +0.01 +0.03 -+0.06 +0.03 0.03 —0.10 —0.09 —0.01 —0.10 —0.08 —0.02 —0.14 —0.16 +0.02 —0.18 —0.18 0.00 —0.19 —0.19 0.00 —0.26 —0.22 —0.04 —0.14 —0.17 +0.03 —0.19 —0.21 +0.02 —0.15 —0.09 —0.06 —0.12 —0.14 +0.02 +0.01 +0.01 0.00 +0.01 —0.05 +0.06 +0.10 +0.12 —0.02 +0.04 -4-0.06 —0.02 -+0.19 +0.20 —0.01 +-0.12 +0.14 —0.02 Bs RPOCOODMDNTIAMRWNHS Pe The formula or curve enables us to divide the observed curve so as to show the diurnal and semi-diurnal part of the observed variations. The decomposition of the curve is made on the diagram where the resulting curve for the diurnal period is given. The lunar-diurnal variation seems to be subject to an inequality depending on the solar year, for the investigation of which the preceding results were rearranged in two groups, one containing the hourly values for the summer months (April to September), the other the values for the winter months (October to March). For the summer season we have 11,087 observations, and for the winter 10,557. Hovurty Sums oF THE LUNAR VARIATION FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. Moon’s hour-angle. Oh. jh. Qh. : 4h. 5h. Gh. ; ; gh. | 10h. | 11h. = 1840-3 | +9.29 |4+14.15|+-3.45 —2.93 |—2.23|—15.73 —1.49|4-12.38 | 51844-5 | 48.62] +8.26 |+3.92 +.0.05 |—4.36| —4.64 7|4+1.51| +2.13 >> a -40.66 | -+0.77 |+-0.28 —0.07|—0.27| —0.63 .31|-++0.04] 4.0.42 Same inare | +0/.30| +-0.35 |--0.13 —0.03 |—0.13] —0.28 +0.02) 0.19 | 12h. 13h. 14h. 15h. 16h. | 17h. . 19h. 22h. +17.02|+-11.44|-+-5.18 |4-13.14 |—4.94 | 3.72 |—10.27 —5.49 +4.62 | +3.32 |4+2.51| 4+0.44 |+-0.10 3.88 | —5.47 | 2.04 0.66 | +0.45 |+-0.26] +0.35 |—0.12 .76 | —0.53 —0.04 Samein arc| +0/.30| +0.20 |-++0.12| +-0.16 |—0.05 .34| —0.24 —0.02 12 LUNAR EFFECT Hovurty Sums oF THE LUNAR VARIATION FOR THE WINTER SEASON. Moon’s hour-angle. Oh. jh. Qh. 3h. 4h. 5h. Gh. +-6.42 -21 |+-4.92| 43.04 |+1.19 +0.50 -27 |—3.23 | —5.93 |—7.67 +0.19 .04 |—0.04} —0.23 |—0.36 Samein are | +0/.09 .02 | —0.02] —0.10 |—0.16 12h. | 13h. . | Jeb | 17h = 1840-2 | +6.09 | +0.09 |4-2. .18 |—7.95 |—-4.79 = 1843-5 +8.62 | +7.34 4 -70 |—2.73 |\—4.62 + 0.60 | +-0.38 |-4-0.32] —0.07 |—0.35 |—0.37 ame in are | +-0/.27 | +-0.17 5 .03 |—0.16 |—0.17 3 iS) Expressed analytically, the Junar-diurnal variation in the two seasons is as follows :— In summer, A ¢ = —0!.006 + 0/.028 sin (9 + 18°) + 0/278 (29 + 67°) In winter, Ac = +0/.005 + 0/.058 sin (6 + 264°) + 0.173 (29 + 115°) The characteristic feature of the annual inequality in the lunar-diurnal variation is, therefore, a much smaller amplitude in winter than in summer. Keil, indeed, Lounar-DivRNAL VARIATION. In summer In winter —— — — West. o 0.00 -05 10 15 -20 25 — 0.30 East. oh 12345 67 8 9 10 11121314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24h. U. C. L. C. U. C. Summer curve from 11,087 observations (.) Winter “ CeO oo ab ce) ON THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. 13 inferred from the ten-year series of the Prague observations, that in winter the lunar-diurnal variation either disappears, or is entirely concealed by irregular fluc- tuations, requiring a long series for their diminution. The method of reduction which he employed was, however, less perfect than that now used. The second characteristic of the inequality consists in the earlier occurrence of the maxima and minima in winter than in summer. The winter curve precedes the summer curve by about one and three-quarter hours. Both these features are well ex- pressed in the above diagram. At Toronto, the same shifting in the maxima and minima epochs was noticed, but the other inequality in the amount of deflection is not exhibited. It seems probable that the Philadelphia results are more typical in form than those either of Prague or Toronto. It is also apparent that the smaller deflection at the upper culmination in the annual mean, when compared with the deflection at the lower culmination, is entirely produced by the feeble lunar action in winter. The maximum west deflection in summer occurs actually near the upper culmination. At the same season the maximum east deflection is still retained (as in the annual curve) about six hours after the lower culmination. In the winter season this last mentioned maximum east deflection is actually the smaller of the two. We have— Maximum summer range . : 5 5 pooled, Secondary, 31’7.8 ce winter se . é : : 5 ay, Be ss 15 4 Difference . : 2 5 ze Oe. 2! 16 .2 At Prague the maximum summer range was 44”. Next I proceed to examine whether the phases of the moon, the declination, or parallax, have any sensible effect upon the magnetic declination. Mr. Kreil found, from a ten years’ series of observations at Prague, that there was no specific change in the position of the magnet depending upon the moon’s phases and parallax, but that the declination was 6”.8 greater when the moon was at the greatest northern declination than when at the greatest southern declination. On the contrary, Mr. Broun, from the Makerstoun observations, a much shorter series than the one at Prague, inferred that there was a maximum of declination two days after the full moon. He also found a maximum corresponding to the greatest northern declina- tion of the moon, but does not appear to have investigated the effect of distance. The residuals which we have been treating enable us at once to examine these several points. Beginning with the lunar phases, the daily means for the day of full and new moon, and for two succeeding days, were compared with the monthly mean declina- tion. In case any of the hours were disturbed, the monthly normal for the hour was substituted for the disturbed observation before the mean was taken. If one- half or more of the hourly readings were disturbed, the daily mean was altogether omitted. Accidental omissions of hourly observations were supplied by the hourly normal. The halfmonthly normals were then compared with the half-monthly means. In the table of differences thus formed, equal weight is given to the bi-hourly and hourly observations. The daily mean having been subtracted from the monthly mean, the positive sign indicates a western deflection, and the negative sign 3 14 LUNAR EFFECT OF THE MAGNETIC DECLINATION. an eastern one, as compared with the normal position. The following table con- tains the result :— Sum of deflections. Number. Deflection. Full moon © - . ° +11.6 52 +04..22 +0/.10 +0/.07 Ist day after . * ° - | —i7.1 51 —0.14 | —0.06 = 2d day after . . . . —9.3 48 —0.19 | —0.08 Nawioon mits =k to al ; 43 —0.27 —0.12 +40/.09 1st day after . : . 9 - 47 +0.03 +0.01 ar 2d day after . z ° * 4 49 +0.09 +0.04 The effect is very small, scarcely much beyond the probable error, but the table indicates that the north end of the magnet is deflected to the westward 0/.1 at the full, and as much to the eastward at the change day, the range between full and new moon being 0’.2. A more definite result could hardly be expected from a series of observations extending over but five years. Treating the subject of the effect of the moon's variation in declination in pre- cisely the same manner, we obtain the following result :— Mean deflection. One day before . : : . —0/.20 from 54 days of observation. At moon’s max. declination . . —0.10 « 53 s ss One day after’. . : 2 0509 55 yy c Mean . . —0'.13 “ 162 as et One day before. - : . —0'.04 “ 54 & a At moon’s min. declination . - —0.0T «52 Ww s One day after. : - vo yp 0H), ££ 152 ke Mean . 2 - +0/.01 G3 i l5¥33 & ce These results do not positively fix a deflection of the magnet as depending on the moon’s greatest north and south declination, the amount resulting from the comparisons being of nearly the same magnitude as its probable error. A similar investigation, with respect to the moon’s distance from the earth, gives the following results :— Mean deflection. One day before. : ; . —0/.18 from 50 days of observation. At moon’s perigee. : OSS) ne Al . i One day after. : : : OL00 a9 e ct Mean . : . —0.12 “ 150 e One day before. : : 0202 ee OO a: us At moon’s apogee. : - —0.20 “ 53 es © One day after. 5 4 - —0.13 j“ 47 ae Mean . 2 012 se 5d ‘¢ us The differences being of the same order of magnitude as the probable errors, no conclusion as to the effect of distance can be drawn from them. I propose hereafter to extend the discussion of the moon’s effect on the declina- tion to the effect on the earth’s magnetic force. a . . re? |) CES rY. 2 Tee eu Se 10 iD ’ Pa ial 2 fe vy . ters ut Phar! Pa Oo ET G42 09 ‘ Dt ep ey h9 ; ho & road bau ts, ‘ % ‘ly est do SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE DISCUSSION OF THE MAGNETIC AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE GIRARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY, PHILADELPHIA, IN 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, AND 1845. YAT a th Te SECOND SECTION, COMPRISING PARTS IV, V, AND VI. HORIZONTAL FORCE. INVESTIGATION OF THE ELEVEN (OR TEN) YEAR PERIOD AND OF THE DISTURBANCES OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE, WITH AN INVESTIGATION OF THE SOLAR DIURNAL VARIATION, AND OF THE ANNUAL INEQUALITY OF THE HORI- ZONTAL FORCE; AND OF THE LUNAR EFFECT ON THE SAME. BY Bel as DeACCH Py: Dias, «hs Rs Ses MEM. CORR. ACAD. SC, PARIS; SUPERINTENDENT U. 8. COAST SURVEY. [ ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, JUNE, 1862, ] ea dc eas INV EST LG AT LON ELEVEN (OR TEN) YEAR PERIOD AND OF THE DISTURBANCES OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. INVESTIGATION ELEVEN (OR TEN) YEAR PERIOD, AND OF THE DISTURBANCES OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE, VotumeE XI of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge contained a discus- sion, in three parts, of the observations for magnetic declination. ‘The first part referring to the eleven (or ten) year period in the amplitude of the solar diurnal variation, and of the disturbances of the magnetic declination; the second, to the annual inequality of the solar diurnal variation, and the third, to the influence of the moon on the magnetic declination. The present discussion refers to the changes of horizontal force, and will be carried on in the same order as the former, so as to dispense with explanations in the mode of treatment, unless in those por- tions involving the peculiarities of the horizontal force instrument and record. Charles A. Schott, Esq., has rendered me the same assistance in this work, stated in the introduction to Part I. The horizontal force instrument was one of Gauss’s large bifilar magnetometers, made by Meyerstein, of Gittingen, the weight of the magnetic bar being about twenty-five pounds, and its length being thirty-six inches and five-eighths. The suspension wires were slightly inclined, the smaller distances between them being above the larger. The value of one division of the scale in parts of the horizontal force was determined to be :— in May, 1840, : 5 : : 0.000035 in June, 1841, é ‘ : j 0.000088 ee The mean, or 0.0000365 is the value used throughout the series. The sensibility of the instrument was thus very considerable. ‘The instrument having been pro- perly adjusted with the bar at right angles to the mean magnetic meridian, the torsion angle Z was found to be 71° 43’. The relation & = a cotan. Z expresses the value of one scale division / in parts of the horizonal force, a being the value of a scale division in parts of the radius, or 0.00011 = 0'.38, and Z the angle of torsion. Increase of readings on the scale corresponded to decrease of horizontal force. The instruments were placed in position by the equations deduced by Professor Lloyd, for the case of the declinometer in equilibrium with the horizontal and vertical force magnetometers, the position of instable equilibrium being taken 4 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT necessarily from the form and position of the observatory. The effect of the small vertical force bar at first used, upon the bifilar was quite imsensible, and that of the declinometer bar affected the value of the scale but slightly, the effect of both instruments changing the value of the scale divisions only in the ratio of 1 to 0.9956. A thermometer, by Francis, of Philadelphia, divided to half degrees of Fahren- heit’s scale, and easily read to tenths, was placed in the box of the horizontal force magnetometer and as near as practicable to the bar. After the bifilar was set up, a motion commenced in the direction indicating ~ decrease of force ; it was progressive though not steadily so, After a time an extra scale was required on occasions of auroral, or other disturbances, and finally the ordinary readings were wpon this extra scale. On the occasion of the change of the vertical force magnetometer, in January, 1841, by the substitution of Saxton’s balance magnetometer for Lloyd’s, the magnetism of the horizontal force bar was examined and found to have sensibly decreased; its force amounted to 0.9601 of its original force, in May, 1840. The experiments were made by means of deflec- tions with a subsidiary declinometer bar, the only means then available. A further experiment of the loss of force was made in June, 1841, when the instrument was accidentally disturbed by one of the observers. The loss of magnetism then found, by means of a new determination of the angle Z, was 0.0314 of its amount in January, 1841. To ascertain the change of magnetism of the bars of the mag- netometers, vibrations were also made use of, but they led to no satisfactory result. ‘The progressive change of the scale readings from the change of the horizontal force and loss of magnetism of the bar, will be investigated further on. The observations, between June, 1840, and September, 1843, were made bi-hourly, and from October, 1843, to the close of the series, hourly. The series extending over five years is not quite continuous; no observations were made on eleven days in January, 1841, on the occasion of the introduction of a new vertical force magnetometer, and the consequent necessity of readjusting the instruments; in January, February, and March, 1843, the work was reduced to but a single reading a day, by circumstances elsewhere stated; there are also some minor disturbances at other times when the difference in the readings, however, were ascertained and allowed for. Full statements bearing on the continuity of the series will be given in subsequent pages. The reduction proper, necessarily commences with the operation of bringing all the readings to the same standard temperature, to render them comparable among themselves. Correction of the Readings of the Bifilar Magnetometer for Changes of Temperature. The care bestowed on the experiments to ascertain the effect of the temperature on the instrument, and the perseverance with which they were carried out were not rewarded with a corresponding degree of agreement in the results obtained, by the various processes employed. This it will be recollected was also the case at other observatories. The subject of the co-efficient of temperature for the bifilar magnet is fully treated in the preface to the three volumes containing the record, OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 5 and it will, therefore, in this place only be necessary to recapitulate in results and to state the nature of the experiments there described. The first observations for the temperature co-efficient were made on July 16, 1840. Oscillations were observed alternately at the ordinary temperature and near the freezing point, obtained by surrounding the box containing the magnet with ice; at the same time comparative oscillations of a bar in another building were observed to furnish the necessary data to correct the bifilar results for any change in the horizontal force during the progress of the experiments. The value deduced was 2.8 scale divisions for a change of 1° Fahrenheit. No reliance was placed on this result on account of the comparatively rude indications of the subsidiary instrument, and also on account of an irregularity at a certain point in the curve general the representing the connection of change of force with change of temperature. The method of deflections was tried, and abandoned on account of the small amount of deflection at a distance sufficiently great to prevent the chance of per- manent changes from the mutual action of the bars. On the 22d of February, 1841, comparisons by vibrations were again resorted to, but with no better success, the correction for change of force during the interval being unsatisfactory. ‘The result deduced was 3.0 scale divisions for 1° Fahr. Applying the results to the readings of the bar when mounted on the bifilar suspension wires in the observatory, they were so little satisfactory that it was determined to get the change of intensity of the bar by heating and cooling the observatory while the bar remained in situ. In January and February, 1842, a continuous series of observations was made by allowing the observatory to attain the winter temperature on one day, and obtaining thus a result by comparison with the preceding and succeeding days, when the room was artificially warmed. The value found was 1.55 scale divisions for 1° Fahr, At this time the observatory was warmed by a soap-stone stove with copper fixtures. About the close of the year 1842 an efficient set of subsidiary instruments was mounted in one of the College buildings, the bifilar magnet being about nine inches in length. After the relative value of the scales of the instruments had been ascertained, comparative observations were made, six each day, in the morning and afternoon. ‘These observations and results are given in a table extending over eleven months, in 1843, and over eleven months, in 1844. The results were fluc- tuating, and the discrepancies proved conclusively, that other causes were at work which would not be accounted for. ‘The changes in the force were generally small. In the course of these experiments I found, beyond a doubt, that instruments of the same dimensions were required to give comparative results. During an aurora the small instrument in the College gave by no means the same results as the large instrument in the observatory; there were numerous comparisons determining this. I had reason also to believe that the large bar had its induced magnetism easily disturbed, and not regularly renewing itself, so that the correction for temperature may be supposed compound, one part permanent and cne part temporary. The following results were obtained :— 6 DETERMINATION OF THE TEMPERATURE CO-EFFICIENT Observations between February and June, 1843, 2.50 seale divisions a July and December, 1848, Di2By i ae ae January and June, 1844, eu) ot a ae July and December, 1844, 200), ** Ue for 1° Fahy, It may also be stated that no reasonable supposition in regard to differences of temperature between the indications of the thermometer and mag- netic bar, or to changes in the co-efficient varying with the temperature, will explain all the cases of discrepancies. In these comparisons, always near each other in time, small differences in intensity, as shown by the subsidiary instrument, were allowed for, but the corrections for temperature of this latter instrument were neglected, as the changes of temperature in the building where it was placed were small. Another method, not quite so unobjectionable as the preceding one, was tried ; it consisted in taking the results corresponding to the highest temperatures during each winter, and comparing them with those corresponding to the lowest tempera- tures, a correction being made to reduce the changes of force by means of the secondary instrument. ‘These comparisons were liable to be affected by the unequal distribution of the results used over the different parts of the month. ‘The result was: for combinations and comparisons, from January, 1844, to June, 1844, 2.03 July, 1844, to December, 1844, 2.29 scale divisions for each degree of Fahrenheit’s scale. The mean value of all the results obtained by the various processes explained, is 2.6 scale divisions, and as a preliminary measure, it was supposed that the co-effi- cient was changeable, and hence a correction for change of temperature was applied, varying from 3.2 scale divisions, in 1840, to 2.0 seale divisions, in 1844. On resuming the discussion it was thought desirable to deduce a value for this co-efficient directly from the entire mass of observations, as this could not fail to satisfy the whole series. For this purpose it was indispensable to make the series of observations continuous, or, in other words, to refer the readings, extending over five consecutive years, to the same initial division of the scale. ‘This is, therefore, a proper place for stating all cases when the instrument suffered any disturbance and the amount of scale correction required. All necessary explanations are given in the record. The first break in the series occurred August 27, 1840, at 12" 22" (Philadelphia time), when the mirror was accidentally deranged. The observed numbers from this date to September 22, at 12" 22" have been brought to comparison with former numbers by the mean position of the bar for six previous days (in some cases seven) and by the hours, from 0° 22" to 22" 22™ inclusive. This correction is already applied in the record, its probable error is given as 3.3 scale divisions. On September 22, 1840, the instrument was readjusted, An interruption of eleven days occurred, in January, 1841, owing to the intro- duction of a reflecting vertical force magnetometer, and requiring a new arrange- ment of the instruments. The horizontal force magnetometer was left in its place. The mean values for January, viz:, 944.6 divisions for the bifilar, and 36°.5 for the OF THE HORIZONTAL DOR CE 1) corresponding temperature, as given in volume I of the rec ord, may be reduced to the true mean by the interpolation of values, between December 31 and January 12. The daily mean (at 32°), on December 31, was 842.3, and on January 12, 913.0, hence, omitting the rei adings for January 3d, and 10th, as Sundays, the com- plete monthly mean should be 18.6 divisions less or equal 926.0. The observations were resumed on the 12th, and continued to Fe ‘bruary 8th at 22" 493", when the wires were found to have been slightly deranged, two days previously, February 6, 18" 22" (Philadelphia time), a great change in the position was noticed ; on fee the instrument it did not retwm to its former read- ings. A correction of + 116 has been applied (in the record) to the previous mean readings only in this month, and in consequence + 116 divisions should be added to each individual reading from the commencement of the series; but on account of another disturbance of me instrument, on the 22d, at 16" 22" (Pitadelphin time), a further correction of + 92.8 scale divisions should be applied. ‘The total corree- tion is therefore + 208.8. Besides these corrections the readings on the 22d from 0" 22" (Philadelphia time) to 10" 22" (Philadelphia time), inclusive, should be increased by + 25.1 divisions, the alhidade of the instrument having been dis- turbed." On the 2d of June, 1841, the suspension wires were struck accidentally, derang- ing the instrument; the readings were then near the end of the subsidiary scale, as in rearranging ne instrument the new readings were brought near the middle of the scale. The total difference between the old and new scale readings, the latter commencing with the first of the month, is 900 scale divisions. The means between June ks and 5th are already corrected in the record, but the individual bi-hourly readings require a correction of + 213? scale divisions to produce these means. It was thought best not to apply this correction of — 900 divisions to the observations between June, 1840, and June, 1841, but simply to state the quantity since it can be applied easily to any result hereafter. At the close of 1842 the regular observations were discontinued for three months, during January, February, and March, 1843; a daily reading was taken at 14° 22” (Philadelphia time), in order to keep up a continuity in the series. By means of the reduced readings in the same months in the other years, it was found that a correction of — 3°.4 — 3°.7 and + 1°.5 for January, February, and March, respect- ively, was required to refer the mean at 14" 22™ to the mean of a complete bi-hourly daily series. Applying these corrections, the corrected monthly means become :— + The corrected daily means for the month of February, 1841, should, therefore, read as follows :— Ist + 2. 1068.50 | thw | SL | th. Ow. Megs tae pele Ry ih yl AAS Wy. d Mlads.sry |? -20emOy! ..Pe cies Deatisad Bg a Bicone sD Dele TOG eg oe LORD Sak Moe Ddig tie ot Ba ddeseel ONG Aine eaats ah erage | eric te te tosses TY Sota toe Oe Migoe Bihee ith by nussiala Aes ere eee Uti T00%0 Bathe Sern ho ST eee ass 6 Gite, ge, Te WSR Ois Bl ST eth Wl re vans Cena Ia «lyons Wy Wai pes ane ron Sie. orks 1LTL2 | Tithuale rac, 2b13937 ne Octhwe sale a neem Ta41G Steer arte Fs 1ingg?. (eikin’ eee ee sO el othe al we. odeorS Mean f ; ; eee Gan! = tshc7 * For the first day aay fa 149, Recordin s the mean in eile deodid 8 DETERMINATION OF THE TEMPERATURE CO-BFFICIENT For January, 1843, . : ; 2 ; 803.7 at 59°.2 For February, 1843, ; , : : 7987.9 at 51°.9 For March, 1843, . , : é : 8151 at 48°.7 On the 15th of April, 1843, the instrument was carefully examined and found in adjustment. At 6" 50" on May 4, 1848, the bifilar was disturbed, but readjusted on May 5, before the regular observation at 2" 21" P. M. A correction of — 16 divisions during the interval is to be applied to the readings. After this date the instrument remained undisturbed. We have, therefore, for discussion the following continuous series of monthly means of the readings of the bifilar magnetometer with its corresponding mean temperature. The series extends over five years and one month. ‘To obtain a better view of the series, the correction of — 900 divisions for the first twelve months has been applied, it gives a negative value to the June mean of 1840. TABLE I.—RECAPITULATION OF MONTHLY MEAN READINGS OF THE BIFILAR MAGNETOMETER, CORRECTED SO AS TO PRESENT A CONTINUOUS SERIES. 1841-42, | 1942-43. | 1843-44. Jitu], siacinee ls 35.4 4432.3 | -1.663.5 4901.0 +41092.0 Silyeere cee io 6 0. 463.9 710.2 946.5 1126.6 August ... “2 511.6 } 718.1 956.3 1149.5 September . . 2. 537.9 | 740.3 985.4 1124.8 October .. . 9. 515.6 | 768.8 | 988.6 1140.7 November . 36. 503.1 777.8 983.7 1135.1 December. . 56. 535.4 775.9 986.1 1191.3 January . 34.8 561.0 803.7 988.3 1227.2 February. . 35. 576.4 798.9 1018.1 1221.6 March. . . 572.1 815.1 1052.1 1235.3 Aprily wie el) isi ke 266.5 606.7 869.5 1067.6 1257.3 May) cam oom 6 307.8 625.1 373.6 1072.4 1250.8 June coo os wed 600 1291.7 Temperature of the bifilar magnet. Sa SIA DOIN I GS Gs ST AT 1 We Be Wh 00 C2 00 Tt OD Sr aT bo JUNE ei te July .. August September October . bebe November 47.1 0 +74°.1 +719.3 December : 55.4 77.3 76.8 75.4 74.7 70.6 January . 61.5 February . 60.5 March. . 64.1 April . . 65.5 May .. 68.3 June . . “cn DD DAWMIHwWHe i we i 1 & bot tom « B2ODONNS Sa -T-3 -T P PON BREISAWaIAN - AAkRoanaae-I Bam H Oa IP DWE RD RN DN Dw Under the supposition of a uniform progression in the change of the mean monthly readings (due to change in the horizontal force and loss of magnetism of the bar) the bifilar readings for a given period may be represented by the form :— B=B,,+ Sext Aty where B,, a mean bifilar reading for the period. x the change during a period. y the change in the reading due to a change of 1° Fahr. On THE HORIZON DAL LOR CH: 9 Ae = difference between any single period and the mean epoch. i es me any temperature and the mean temperature. The formula was first applied to the monthly means resulting from five years of observation; it gave y = + 1.0 scale division ; but the remaining differences showed that the irregular changes between June and July, and December and January, of the years 1840-41, had an undue effect on the result, the first year’s observations were, therefore, omitted, and the process repeated for the remaining four years. ‘The twelve conditional equations gave the normal equations :— ’ + 2143.15 = + 143% — 200.4 y, — 2549.73 = — 200.4e+ T11.iy. whence x= monthly effect of the progression = + 16.5 scale divisions. y= temperature correction for 1° Fahr. = + 1.8 ‘ ‘ An examination of the observed and computed values showed that the introduc- tion of a term Ae’z would improve the agreement, solving the three normal equa- tions we found a= + 17.6 y= + 1.62 z=— 0.31 The following table shows the comparison of the observed and computed monthly mean readings of the bifilar :— 1841-1845. Mean temperature, |Mean observed bifllar) yfean computed | reading. June | 73.3 772.2 779.2 SVP +10. July 77.2 811.8 806.2 — 5.6 — 2. August 76.5 833.9 824.7 — 9.2 — 5. September 71.9 847.1 837.0 —10.1 | — 6. October 64.2 853.4 843.3 —10.1 | — 6. November 57.7 849.9 851.4 + 1.5 | + 5. December . 57.0 872.2 867.8 — 4.4 — 0. January .. 57.8 895.0 886.0 — 9.0 — 5. February . 55.2 903.8 897.9 — 5.9 — 2. March . 58.5 918.6 919.3 + 0.7 + 4. April 65.2 950.3 945.4 — 4.9 | — 1. May 67.5 955.5 963.5 + 8.0 +11. Mean 65.17 872.0 a Adding + 3.5 scale divisions to the mean value of B,, the above differences will balance. According to the above results, the annual progressive change is + 17.6 x 12 = 211.2 scale divisions, and the change in magnetic moment of the bar for a change of 1° Fahr. in the temperature, or g= + 1.62 x 0.0000365 = 0.0000591. This agrees with the best direct determination, being the one in which the observa- tory was alternately heated and cooled. To test these results, a combination of the six warmest months with the six coldest months, by alternate means furnished several values for g depending merely on the assumption of a gradual regular progressive change during each year and a half, for which separate results were deduced; this series commences with May, 1841, and ends with April, 1845, and contains, therefore, the same number of months as the first combination, excluding at the same time the two defective portions noticed above. ‘This combination also possesses the advantage of showing the variations in the values of g. 2 10 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT ComBINATION BY ALTERNATE MEANS OF THE WARMER MONTHS, FROM May ro OcroBER INCLU- SIVE, WITH THE CoLDER MontTHs, FROM NOVEMBER TO APRIL INCLUSIVE. | + | Bifilar. | Temperature. Alternate Means. At ganiRcele May, 1841 to Oct., 1841 461.5 68.57 Nov., 1841 to April, 1842 559.1 59.05 582.9 70.25 May, 1842 to Oct., 1842 704.3 71.92 683.0 58.38 Nov., 1842 to April, 1843 806.8 57.72 823.1 72.37 May, 1843 to Oct., 1843 941.9 72.82 911.4 58.12 Nov., 1843 to April, 1844 1016.0 58.52 1029.8 72.72 May, 1844 to Oct., 1844 1117.7 72.62 58.72 Nov., 1844 to April, 1845 1211.3 58.93 +4+4t+t+ SPyPrrp woeHear Sum d The result from this combination + 1.3 confirms the preceding value, the result, according to weight or + 1.5 scale divisions or g=0.0000548 in parts of the hori- zontal force has, therefore, been adopted in the reduction of the bifilar readings to a standard temperature, for which + 63°.0 Fahr. has been determined upon as the mean temperature of the magnetic bar during the five years series of observations. The difference in the resulting value for g, when obtained from deflections or vibrations, and from combinations of the bifilar readings themselves, has been re- marked before, and no satisfactory explanation has as yet been given of it. ‘Thus, for instance, at Toronto, the two respective values were 2.69 and 1.63 scale divi- sions, as shown in General Sabine’s remarks (Vol. HII.) The existence of a similar discrepancy in the case of the Makerstoun bifilar has been detected by Mr. Broun. Whatever may be the cause of the difference, there can be no hesitation in saying that the result derived from the bifilar observations themselves is the one to be pre- ferred. At St. Helena (Vol. II., London, 1860), the two values were 1.45 and 0.98, the half yearly comparisons at this station even show a less value, viz., 0.88 scale divisions ; 0.98 (for convenience 1.0) was adopted in the reduction. Dr. Lamont, in his Handbook of Terrestrial Magnetism (p. 206, edition of 1849), says: “ It de- serves to be remarked that the value obtained by comparing monthly mean readings of the bifilar at high and low temperatures is smaller than that obtained by direct observation.” In the present discussion the value dex) 00000525 = 1.5 has been adopted. At kk 0.0000365 3 vy) Toronto this value was Z 000012 = 1.63, and at St. Helena q 0.00019 i: 0.000087 k 0.00019” It will be seen from these values that the Philadelphia bifilar magnetometer was very sensitive; its scale value in parts of the horizontal force is but four-tenths of the Toronto value, and only two-tenths of that of the St. Helena instrument. In the computations which follow the tenths of scale readings have been omitted (keeping only the nearest unit) as contributing nothing to the accuracy of the results, and merely increasing the labor of reduction. The uncertainty in the readings arising from the uncertainty in the value of g probably affects the units, and the same may be said of the declination changes, so that im extreme (individual) cases the next higher figure may be affected. OF THE MAGNETIC FORCKH. 11 The next step of the reduction consisted in transcribing the whole body of the observations after correcting them individually for differences of temperature; the adopted standard temperature being 63° Fahr. The following table contains the monthly means of the bifilar readings reduced to the standard temperature; the series has been made continuous by the application of certain corrections explained before. The readings are in scale divisions of 0.0000365 parts of the horizontal force; increasing numbers denote decrease of force. The time is Observatory mean time, counted to twenty-four hours for convenience sake. TapLE II.—Monvunty Me&ANs or THE BirFILAR READINGS TAKEN AT INTERVALS OF TWO HOURS AND REDUCED TO THE STANDARD TEMPERATURE 63° FAHRENHEIT. Philadelphia time (A. M.) (P. M.) | ] v7 18% 22m| ZO 29m) g9n 990 | ie | Qn 99.m Qh 99m 4b 99m Ge 292.m | gh 29m 10» 99m 12 99m 145 99m 16 99m | 1840. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. June | —96 | —98 |—101 |—113 |—102 |—79 |—94 |—115 |—117 |—96 |—88 |— 90 Joly | +74 | +67 |4+63 |+60 |+86 [4100 |481 |452 |441 |4 74 |+79 |+ 79 Anposty | c29 ql. | dale | o 13 148 157 TS |e!) ssa OIN | ee 200 lee brn ents Sener | vase wie 4 143 | 138 169 | 201 tee salty [Poa hade snipes eae | ue October | 155 | 149 137 | 140 153 | 179 Tae lye elo 157 | 158 | 152 Nov. | 160 | 167 | 149 | 141 153 171 179 165 | 167 159 | 160 | 164 Deo. | 203 | 192 | 184 | ive |.184 | 210 | 218 | 206 | 192 | 196 | 202 | 202 Ol | 1841. Qh 22m |} Qh 220 | 4b 99m ) gh 29m ) gh 99m | 10h 29m) 12h 99m 144 99m | 16 22) 18h 29m Qh QQm| 2b 29m 296 287 | } 276 272 | .294 322 306 289 298 294 298 279 70 | 256 261 | 286 303 295 276 283 289 275 March | 276 273 | D 260 272 | 298 299 272 | 279 281 282 280 April 285 | 278 5 265 287 312 314 282 | 273 280 289 | 286 May fesddl 1 So 303 318 | 335 e238 | 304 298 307 312 315 June 420 417 405 418 427 406 | 402 ; 408 416 426 427 July | 444 440 436 447 457 449 | 429 430 442 | 453 448 August 490 | 490 | 481 499 | 515 500 479 481 496 501 497 Sept. | 517 520 | 514 534. | 561 538 522 | 521 528 523 524 October 528 520 518 532 540 §45 535 | 529 530 | 531 530 Nov. | 528 529 : 515 525 535 539 525 523 525 | 528 529 Dec. 545 541 534 539 5d 562 | 550 547 553 | 653 551 — —————— — = —|— af 1842. | Qb a1 4m PAL 214" 4h 213" | 6b 213" gh 213™ {10 DAL zm 12» 213" 14h 213" 16» 213" 18 213™ 204 91 ymy22h 214° January| 560 | 558 | 557 | 554 553 575 579 | 564 559 568 | 565 565 Feb. | 582 576 | 574 568 570 580 593 | 582 578 583 589 | 582 March 573 564 561 | 561 567 580 577 567 568 574 | 576 | 577 April 605 599 598 593 601 618 612 596 592 605 607 607 May 618 614 609 609 624 632 622 | 607 609 618 620 622 June 652 655 649 641 652 664 654 642 639 652 655 656 July 684 | 689 682 683 695 710 698 681 674 687 693 697 August | 702 695 | 695 693 712 722 703 689 690 700 704 703 Sept. | 721 723 | 719 712 732 746 734 722 718 729 730 727 October 757 750 747 747 755 77 778 772 766 764 765 | 762 Nov. | 780 774 V2 769 778 791 786 | 782 778 77 781 785 Dec. | 783 780 Mikel | cao 779 793 800 | 791 780 781 784 | 785 1843. (0 21}=) 2" 2144» 214" gH 2148 | gh 214™ |10"214m)1262] dm 14>214™ 16> 214m/18% 214m 20% 21 pm 92" 2] 20 January | 813 Feb. | | ete March | | | | 835 April | 860 May 855 | Jane 873 July 920 August 924 Sept. 966 | | | | | 12 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT Hourly Series. | | | | o> 219™|15 219™/ 2h 214m| 35 213m | 4m 214m) 5h 215m) 6» 214m) 7> 219m) sm 214 | 9h 214 [10% 21 3m/11421 ym 1843. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. October | 983 978 980 978 976 978 977 980 984 987 991 992 Noy. | 988 987 986 984 | 983 981 981 984 988 992 994 994 Dec. | 996 994 993 992 | 990 988 988 988 992 992 993 998 12h 214/13" 213m 14" 214m/15" 214" 162213" 174213™)184 21 3™/19h 214m) 20> 214/21» 214m/2.2h 21 3m/23" 214m October 991 989 | 985 983 983 983 | 985 985 985 984 983 984 Nov. | 992 | 990 | 988 | 987 | 985 | 986 | 987 | 987 | 988 | 988 | 989 | 989 Dec. | 1000 | 999 | 997 | 994 | 992 | 991 | 993 996 | 996 | 996 | 998 | 999 1844, | 0% 214™|1 21gm Qn 21}m) 3h 214m 40 21Jm | Ge 214m | 6 214m) 7 21pm |r 21go | 9» 21}m/10% 21 ge) 114214 January | 1009 1007 1006 1004 | 1002 1002 1001 1001 1004 1007 1010 1013 Feb. ! 1031 1031 1031 1029 1026 1026 1026 1028 1029 1030 1034 1036 March 1050 1048 1047 1046 1045 1044 1045 1046 1051 1058 1060 1062 April 1067 1066 1065 1062 1059 1059 1062 1062 1067 1075 1079 1079 May 1066 1066 1064 1063 1063 1062 1062 1065 1069 1075 1076 1071 June 1080 1079 1078 1079 1079 1077 1075 1079 1082 1084 1086 1083 July 1103 1104 1106 1107 1107 1106 1105 1105 1110 1117 1119 1115 August | 1129 1130 1130 1130 1129 1127 1126 1131 1139 1148 1149 1143 Sept. 1108 | 1108 1108 1109 1105 1107 1106 1113 1123 1129 1133 1129 October | 1132 | 1128 1127 1123 1122 1124 1125 1130 1137 1143 1146 1141 Noy. 1136 1135 1133 1132 1131 1127 1128 1129 1134 | 1141 1147 1149 Dee. 1203 1201 1198 1196 1194 1192 1188 1191 1192 1196 1207 1215 12» 21 $m), 13% 21 4/1421 3m/15% 21m 16% 21 3/1721 3") 18 2] pm 19 213m 20 21 4] 2121 pm) 2" 21 mi 23h2] Jw January | 1011 1008 1005 1001 1000 1002 1004 1005 1005 1006 1007 1009 Feb. 1035 1032 1028 1028 1032 1031 1032 1033 1034 1033 1034 1033 March 1067 1063 1056 1049 1052 1054 1054 1053 1051 1052 1052 1051 April 1074 1069 1063 1059 1061 1059 1065 1067 1068 1069 1066 1069 May 1065 1058 1054 1054 1052 1055 1060 1064 1065 1065 1064 1064 June 1079 1074 1069 1067 1067 1069 1073 1075 1677 1079 1079 1080 July 1107 1101 1097 1094 1093 1094 1097 1100 1102 1103 1104 1105 August | 1134 1125 1117 1115 1117 1123 1130 1131 1132 1131 1132 1131 Sept. 1119 1108 1102 1100 1101 1105 1108 1110 1111 1111 1112 1116 October | 1139 1134 1128 1129 | 1128 1132 1133 1133 1135 1132 1133 1130 Nov. 1146 1145 1139 1137 =| 1138 1138 1138 1143 1141 1138 1135 1139 Dec. 1215 1210 1205 1200 1195 1196 1197 1197 1197 1201 1201 1201 1845. |O" 213=| 1» 21jm| 9% 214m 3> 21} | 4» 213m|5% 213m / Gr 21}m|7> 21}m Sr 21jm) 9» 214m)10 214/11" 21 40 January | 1233 | 1230 1231 1229 | 1227 1225 1224 12; | 1230 1238 1244 1248 Feb. 1232 | 1234 1232 1230 1230 1227 1224 1298 | 1234 1238 1246 1249 March 1237 1237 1235 1236 1235 1235 1231 1234 | 1242 1250 1256 | 1262 April 1253 1250 1249 1247 1245 1243 1241 1247 | 1255 1270 1280 1279 | 26 May 1249 1248 1246 1245 1241 1238 1235 1242 1254 1264 1265 1263 June 1274 1274 1274 1273 1268 1267 1262 1266 1273 1284 1290 1289 16" 214™/1'74 21 )™/18"213m 19" 214" 20h 21 }m|21» 214/220 21 pm/I3r 21 Je | | | 12" 214/13 214/14» 213m/15" 214m January | 1245 1241 1238 1235 1233 | 1236 1237 1233 | 1232 1231 1231 1229 Feb. 1251 1247 1240 | 1236 1235 | 1233 1234 1236 | 1236 1232 1232 1233 March 1261 1254 1246 1240 1241 1243 1245 1242 | 1241 1238 1241 1240 April 1271 1267 1255 1253 1249 1251 1254 1257 1257 1254 | 1251 1252 May 1256 1248 1242 | 1242 1242 1246 1251 1251 1251 1253 1251 1245 June 1282 1278 1269 | 1267 1266 1269 1274 1278 1277 1276 1275 1275 OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 13 The monthly means are contained in the following table :— SS A A A SR SC TaBiLe II].—Monrnuny MEANS OF THE PRECEDING BrrILAR READINGS REDUCED TO THE 1840-41. 1841-42, 1842-43. | 1843-44. 1844-45 Div’s. Div’s. Div’s. Div’s. Div’s. henry a 6 ee — 99 Ch 2 oh Be hatte + 71 443 689 926 1104 August syc. 127 493 701 935 1130 September . . 159 527 726 970 1112 October . . . 156 530 761 “984 1132 November . . 166 527 780 987 1138 December. . 197 547 784 994 1199 January . . « 1274 563 5808 1005 1233 February. . . 278 580 3814 1031 1235 IMSFOM sc) aayck 278 570 3835 1052 1243 Whit) ae acl CVE 285 603 863 10 6 1255 Miavamrc) amet as || 312 617 865 10 4 1249 UMIGIN SH -salicte- « 2415 651 883 10.7 1274 Correction for progressive change in the readings.—The observations having been referred to a uniform temperature, still require a correction for the effect of the progressive change during each month before Peirce’s criterion can be applied for the purpose of separating the disturbances. We have seen that the mean monthly value of this change due to loss of magnetism of the bar and to change in the horizontal force itself, was 17.6 scale divisions; on the average, therefore, a correc- tion must be applied to the observations on the first and last day of each month of + 8.8 and — 8.8 scale divisions, and in proportion for the intermediate days. At Toronto, also, the progressive change in some months was so great as to present a practical difficulty by its interference with the proper comparability of the observa- tions, and in these cases new means at shorter intervals than a month were taken. 1 The actual mean of 17 days was 293; to reduce this to the mean of 27 days, 19 scale divisions were subtracted, resulting from an interpolation between January Ist and January 12th; the mean of 7 days preceding and following the gap was made use of. 2 Owing to causes already explained, the means of May and June differ so much as to affect the continuity of the series; the same is to be said of the differences between June and July, 1840, and between December, 1840, and January, 1841; the corresponding differences between the same months in the other four years furnish us with the means of correcting the series for the first year, as will be seen hereafter; it also appeared advisable to omit the readings in June, 1840, altogether, the instru- ment not having then been in stable adjustment. 3 The numbers in table II have been slightly changed, to refer the mean of the hour of observation to the mean resulting from observation of 12 hours a day. Comparing the mean at 14” 22™ in each month with the respective monthly means in the other four years, the above corrections became —4, —5 and 0 for January, February, and March. The bar between September and October, 1843, separates the means from the bi-hourly and the hourly series. . In the application of the reduction for temperature no attempt whatever has been made at inter- polation in the magnetie series, but whenever a temperature reading was accidentally omitted, it has been supplied by comparison with the observed temperature immediately preceding and following. No magnetic reading can be supplied by interpolation, however short the interval, as long as the law of the occurrence of the disturbances remains unknown. 14 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT At Philadelphia the progressive change is so large as to require a systematic correc- tion throughout the series. In the manuscript tables used for the preparation of the monthly normals and containing the observations reduced to 63° Fahr., the readings corrected for progressive change were written in blue ink underneath each observation. If the monthly differences are taken from Table No. IIL., it is appa- rent that the change is irregular, and in three cases at least it is certain that other causes were in operation, which produced larger monthly differences than could be attributed to the gradual loss of magnetism. ‘These cases are the following (already noticed in the preceding temperature discussion): between June and July, 1840, a difference of 170 divisions; between December and January, 1840-41, a difference of 77; and between May and June, 1841, a difference of 103 divisions. They require separate treatment, as will be presently explained. For the correction of the progressive change the mean reading from one month’s series was made out for the first, middle, and last of each month. By this process of taking the mean from 14 days preceding and 14 days following each of the epochs the lunar effect on the solar variation is practically eliminated from the resulting mean value.’ These means corresponding in time to the beginning, the middle, and the end of each month, furnish the rate of change for the first and second half of the month, and by simple interpolation give the correction for progressive change for each day. If the rates for the first and second half of the month are different, the monthly means of each hour (from the blue figures) will differ by a small but constant quan- tity from the former monthly means. Thus, for instance, for the month of June, 1842, the monthly mean is 651 divisions, corresponding in time to the middle of the month, the mean of the readings (at 63°) for the second half of May and the first half of June is 641, corresponding in time to the first of June, and the mean of the readings (at 63°) of the second half of June and the first half of July is 673, corresponding in time to the last of June; the correction applied to the bi-hourly readings (at 63°) on June Ist was + 10, and to the readings on June 30th was — 22 divisions. At the middle of the month the correction is zero, and for the intermediate days it is in proportion to their respective distances from the middle. ‘The algebraic sum of the daily corrections divided by the number of days of observation is — 3, which gives the new monthly mean 648, as corrected for irregularity in the progressive change. In the exceptional case of a break, or beginning and termination, the required rate of change for half the month was found by a similar process, using half monthly and quarterly means. The following table, No. IV., contains the monthly means of the bi-hourly and hourly readings of the bifilar magnetometer referred to a uniform temperature (63° Fahr.), and corrected for irregularity in the progressive change. It is here inserted for the purpose of comparing it with the monthly normals, showing the change pro- duced by the exclusion of the disturbances. ‘The means in the month of June, 1840, are suppressed, and the readings between June 1 and June 5, 1841, were not used. * In connection with this subject, the first part of an interesting paper by Mr. Broun may be consulted, viz.: “On the lunar diurnal variation of the magnetie declination at the magnetic equator.” —Proceedings Royal Society, vol. X., No. 39, 1860. a OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 15 TasLe TV.—Monrurty Mrans or rue Bi-HouRLY AND Hourty READINGS OF THE BirILAR Maa- NETOMETER, REDUCED TO A UNIFORM TEMPERATURE AND CORRECTED FOR IRREGULARITY IN THE PROGRESSIVE CHANGE, Philadelphia time (A. M.) (Pau) Ob 22m | Qb 99m | 4 22m | gh 29m | gh 22m | 1Oh QQm| 19 99m | 14h 99m | 164 22™ | 18h 22m | 90h g9m |Q9b 99m ) | | | 1840. Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. July 180 83 79 76 102 116 97 68 57 90 95 95 August 130 | 118 118 114 147 158 139 115 112 130 127 134 Sept. 161 150 146 141 172 204 186 160 155 156 160 | 156 October 153 147 135 138 151 177 175 159 153 155 156 | 150 Nov. 155 152 144 136 148 166 174 160 162 154 155 159 Dec. 202 191 183 177 183 209 217 205 191 195 201 | 201 1841. Oh 22m | 2h 22m) 4h 22m | 6h 22m | Bb 22m | 10% 22" | 12h 99m | 140 29m | 1gh 22m | 18h 29m | 20h 29m | Q9n 29m _ \—————_—| So — ee | —. ——— ee | - January | 300 291 290 280 276 298 326 310 293 | 302 | 298 302 Feb. 279 270 265 256 261 286 303 295 276 233 289 275 March 276 273 267 269 | 272 298 299 272 279 281 | 282 | 280 April 283 275 265 262 284 309 311 279 270 277 286 | 283 } May 307 308 307 299 | 314 331 319 300 294 303 308 312 PJune 392 390 389 383 | 400 406 390 380 386 392 402 | 400 July 445 441 436 437 | 448 458 450 430 | 431 443 454 449 August 492 492 487 483 501 517 502 481 483 498 503 499 Sept. 519 §22 519 516 536 562 540 524 523 530 §25 526 October 527 519 516 517 531 539 544 534 | 528 529 530 | 529 Nov. 525 526 519 §12 522 532 536 522 | 520 §22 | 525 526 Dec. 546 542 538 535 540 §52 563 551 | 548 554 | 554 | 552 1842. | 02 213™) 2h 214m | 44 215m | 6h 21h) Bb 214m }1 0h 214/19 2157/14" 213™) 16" 213™/185 212m 20" 215m) 226214" pul ba = ee ee ce eS ee ee eo =) January) 558 556 555 652 551 573 577 562 557 566 | 563 | 563 Feb. 585 579 577 571 573 583 596 585 | 581 586 | 592 585 March 569 560 557 557 563 576 573 563 | 564 570 | 572 573 April 610 604 603 598 606 623 617 601 | 597 610 | 612 612 May 614 610 606 605 621 629 618 604 | 606 615 617 | 619 June 649 652 645 638 649 661 651 639 636 649 | 652 653 July | 687 692 685 686 698 713 700 684 677 690 696 700 August OL 694 695 692 711 72 702 688 689 699 703 702 Sept. 723 725 720 713 734 748 736 724 720 et N © 7sP4 729 October 761 754 751 751 759 778 782 776 770 768 | 769 766 Noy. 779 773 771 768 T717 790 785 781 777 777 ~+| 780 784 Dec. 780 777 775 773 776 790 797 788 Ti7 778 | 781 782 1843. | 0% 213™) 25 213m) 45 214m | 6b 214m | 8» 214m |10" 2140/1» 213™)14h 214/17 6b 214/18 21 4™ 20% 21 3m) 226 2140 January 818 Feb. 819 March 831 April 863 862 856 856 870 883 878 863 | 862 866 869 862 May 865 863 861 859 874 — | 876 861 854 | 855 862 | (872 869 June 881 880 876 873 883 | 892 884 870 | 870 881 | 884 | 885 July 927 924 924 923 936 | 943 935 923 919 924 | 93 932 August 931 930 930 927 949 | 956 943 923 924 929 935 934 j Sept. 971 970 | 965 | 960 | 980 | 993 | 984 969 971 973 973 | 969 1 The mean of 17 days is given; to refer it to a complete month subtract 19 divisions. 2 The mean of 19 days is given; to refer it to a complete month add 8 divisions. 16 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT Hourly Series. | 06 213™ | 15 213m) 2h 214 | 3 214m | 4b 91} | 5h 213m] Gh 213 m | ‘7h 213™ gb 213™ gh 213™ | Div’s. Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s.} Div’s.| Div’s. | Div’s. 10"215™ 11h 213s 984 987 991 992 October | 983 | 978 | 980 | 978 | 976 | 978 | 977 | 980 | Nov. 987 | 936 | 985 | 983 | 982 | 98d | 980 | 983 | 987 | 991 | 993 | 993 Dec. 995 | 993 | 992 | 991 | 989 | 987 | 987 | 987 | 991 | 991 | 992 | 997 ————— 12" 215m/13%213™ 1421 5/1521 gm|16"21}™ 17%214m|18"214m|19% 21 J! 2021 pm| 21 21 pm] 29 21 mig 214 October 991 | 989 985 | 983 983 983 985 985 985 984 ; 983 | 984 Noy. 991 989 987 986 984 985 986 986 987 987 988 988 Dec. 999 | 998 996 993 991 990 992 995 995 995 997 998 Om 214™ | 1% 21}™ | 2 21pm | 3 214m) 4 Q1Jm | 5» 21}m | 6% 219m) 7 21}™ | 82 213m | gu 214m 10»214|11"214 | ri January | 1007 1005 1004 1002 1000 1000 999 999 1002 1005 1008 1011 Feb. 1031 1031 1031 1029 1026 1026 1026 1028 1029 1030 1034 1036 March 1051 1049 1048 1047 1046 1045 1046 1047 1052 1059 1061 1063 April 1070 1069 1068 1065 1062 1062 1065 1065 1070 1078 1082 1082 May 1065 1065 1063 1062 1062 1061 1061 1064 1068 1074 1075 1070 June 1078 1077 1076 1077 1077 1075 1073 1077 1080 1082 1084 1081 July 1102 1103 1105 1106 1106 1105 1104 1104 1109 1116 1118 1114 August | 1133 1134 1134 1134 1133 1131 1130 1135 1143 1152 1153 1147 Sept. 1102 1102 1102 1103 1099 1101 1100 1107 1117 1123 1127 1123 October | 1136 1132 1131 1127 1126 | 1128 1129 1134 1141 1147 1150 1145 Nov. 1132 1131 1129 1128 1127 1123 1124 1125 1130 1137 1143 1145 Dec. 1205 1203 1200 1198 1196 1194 1190 1193 1194 1198 1209 1217 12 21$™/13% 213™ 145 214™|15% 213™)16" 214™ 174213" 18h 214/195 213™ 20"213™ 21h 214" 99h 21 ™)/23h 213" January | 1009 1006 1003 999 998 1000 1002 1003 1003 1004 1005 1007 Feb. 1035 1032 1028 1028 1032 1031 1032 1033 1034 1033 1034 1033 March 1068 1064 1057 1050 1053 1055 1055 1054 1052 1053 1053 1052 April 1077 1072 1066 1062 1064 1062 1068 1070 1071 1072 1069 1072 May 1064 1057 1053 1053 1051 1054 1059 1063 1064 1064 1063 1063 June 1077 1072 1067 1065 1065 1067 1071 1073 1075 1077 1077 1078 July 1106 1100 1096 1093 1092 1093 1096 1099 1101 1102 1103 1104 August | 1138 1129 1121 1119 1121 1127 1134 | 1135 1136 1135 1136 1135 Sept. 1113 1102 1096 1094 1095 1099 1102 1104 1105 1105 1106 1110 October | 1143 1138 1132 1133 1132 1136 1137 1137 1139 1136 1137 1134 Nov. 1142 1141 1135 1133 1134 1134 1134 1139 1137 1134 1131 1135 Dec. 1217 | 1212 1207 1202 1197 1198 1199 1199 1199 1203 1203 1203 1845. | 0 214m| 1» 214m | 20 914m | 3h 21gm| 40 214m | 5» 21}m| Go 21Jm) 7% 213m | S¥219™ | 9» 21}m 10" 21}™/11 2140) January | 1234 1231 1232 1230 1228 1226 1225 1227 1231 1239 1245 1249 Feb. 1231 1233 1231 1229 1229 1226 1223 122) 1233 1237 1245 1248 March 1236 1236 1234 1235 1234 1234 1230 1233 1241 1249 1255 1261 April 1255 | 1252 1251 1249 1247 1245 1243 1249 1257 1272 1282 1281 May 1244 1243 1241 1240 1236 1233, 1230 1237 1249 1259 1260 1258 June 1281 1281 | 1281 1280 1275 1274 | 1269 1273 1280 1291 1297 1296 —————— | eee ee = SS ——| ee 12621} ™|1 321 4™| 140 21 3m) 15% 21 4m) 16h 21g 17421 4m 18r-21 4m|19% 21 ¥e}20"21}m/21M-21 pm) 2" 21pm 23 21 bm January| 1246 | 1242 | 1239 | 1236 | 1254 | Feb. 1250 | 1246 | 1239 | 1235 | 1234 He | 1237 | 1238 | 1234 | 1233 1232 1232 1230 1233 | 1235 1235 1231 1231 1232 March 1260 1253 1245 1239 1240 1242 1244 1241 1240 1237 1240 | 1239 April | 1273 1269 1257 1255 1251 1253 | 1256 1259 1259 1256 1253 2 May 1251 1243 1237 1237 1237 1241 1246 1246 1246 1248 1246 | 1240 June 1289 1285 1276 1274 1273 1281 | 1285 1284 1283. 1282 1282 a Sj a rs 1276 OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. TABLE V.—MonNtTHLY MEANS OF THE PRECEDING BIFILAR READINGS REFERRED TO A UNIFORM TEMPERATURE AND CORRECTED FOR IRREGULARITY IN THE PROGRESSIVE CHANGE. The column 1840-41 contains a double set of figures, the first are the monthly means directly obtained from Table IV, the second contains the means when the series is made continuous for the two breaks already noticed. The mean difference between May and June (from four years) is 25 seale divisions, and between December and January it is 22 scale divisions ; these corrections were applied in the second set of figures. July August September October November December January February March April May June Annual Means 1840-1541 Div’s. 87 128 162 154 155 gly aay 297—19 278 278 282 308 393+8 Div’ | 1541-1542 ae | 215 256 290 282 283 324 346 346 346 350 376 401 318 Div’s. 444 495 529 529 524 548 561 583 566 1842-1843 Div’s. 692 700 728 765 779 781 813 814 851 866 864 880 793 1845-1844 Div’s. 929 934 973 984 986 993 1003 1031 1053 1069 1063 1075 1008 1844-1845 Div’s. 1103 1134 1106 1136 1134 1201 1234 1234 1242 1257 1244 1281 1192 Monthly Means of Series 677 704 725 739 741 769 79] $02 808 830 $32 857 773 The differences in the successive annual means indicate that the progressive change may be assumed to have been uniform from year to year, and applying the usual method we find an annual progressive change of 220 scale divisions, Introduction of the Horizontal Intensity in absolute measure and separation of the effect of the loss of Magnetism of the Bifilar bar from the effect due to the secular change of the Horizontal Intensity Although some experiments were made to determine the gradual loss of magnetism of the bar, as, for instance, in J anuary, 1841, when the amount was found to be 0.9601 of the force in May, 1840, and again in June, 1841, when the amount was 0.9686 of its amount in January, 1841, yet the experiments do not extend over the whole period of observation, and con- sequently we are obliged to deduce the effect of the secular change of the horizontal intensity from other independent means, and, after converting it into scale divisions, we can assign the proper proportion of what is due to secular change and to loss of magnetism, in the whole progressive change of 220 scale divisions in a year. In connection with the operations of the U. 8. Coast Survey, Assistant Schott has investigated’ the secular change of the horizontal intensity at a number of stations on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. At several stations the results were subsequently improved by a discussion of my observations for intensity, made in part in connection with a magnetic survey of Pennsylvania, and also extending into adjoining States, and, in one of the journeys, into Canada. From the complete material the values in the following table of observed horizontal and total intensities have been collected. ‘The horizontal intensity Y and the total intensity @ are expressed in absolute mea- sure (grains and feet). * Report to Superintendent, dated January 19, 1861. 18 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT No. Dbearecr Reference Peo Se Dh oe iues were axe g. Bache and Courtenay. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., Vol. V, 1837. 4.195 13.58 Bache. 4.159 13.46 1839.5 Loomis. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., Vol. VIII. 4.149 13.41 1840.9 Bache: gee oe ee oe eT eT ies ee em eee eres 13.41 1841.5 Locke. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1846. 4.172 13.51 1841.8 Bache: "5 pa yp ieee aig es a SBE Le Pe (| eee 13.46 | 1842.5 Locke. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1846. 4.174 13.52 } 1842.8 Lefroy. 2 i U: u 4.176 13.50 1843.6 Bache. 4.172 13.46 1844.5 Locke. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1846. 4.162 13.47 1846.4 Locke. U. 8. Coast Survey Records. 4.143 13.42 1855.7 Schott. ¢ - ce oe 4.226 13.89 1: 1862.6 Schott. a ch € s 4.088 13.30 The first three observations were not made at the Girard College grounds; and it appears from Prof. Loomis’ observation when compared with Dr. Locke’s, that a correction of 0.023 in the value of X should be added to these; to the twelfth observa- tion I have assigned only half weight; it was probably made during a disturbance. From the general discussion an annual diminution in the horizontal force of 0.0011 parts was deduced for a number of stations on the Atlantic coast. At Toronto (vol. LIL of General Sabine’s Discussion) the annual decrease was found 0.0010 in parts of the horizontal force. Being somewhat guided by these results, after several trials, the following combination of the results in the table has been adopted, as perhaps best representing the values for the time during which the Girard College observations were made, these latter being merely of a differential character:— Combination. Mean epoch. Mean horiz’l int. X. ey 25. 13. 1837.1 4.191 Bye iy aksipmec 1842.6 4.174 OV als 1852.3 4.145 The annual diminution of XY is 0.0030, or, when expressed in parts of the hori- zontal force, = 0.0007; its equivalent in scale divisions is 19.2. The total annual change was found to be 220 scale divisions; hence, 200.8 scale divisions of annual change is due to loss of magnetism of the bar. The mean epoch is 1844.0, and the corresponding mean Y = 4.170; the mean epoch of the observation taken at the Girard College, is January, 1843, for which, therefore, the mean value of XY = 4.173. ‘This value has been adopted whenever it was desirable to introduce the horizontal force in absolute measure. Separation of the Larger Disturbances.—The observations having been referred to a uniform temperature, and corrected for progressive change, Peirce’s criterion was applied separately to each month, For this purpose, a systematic application was made extending over the whole series of observations, commencing with the hour 0 and the month of July, next with the hour 2 and August, followed by hour 4 and September, and so on in regular progression. ‘This process eliminates from the result the diurnal variation and the annual variation of the disturbances them- selves. The value for 0" in July, 1840, was omitted as affected by two very large disturbances, The following table shows the limiting value of difference from the + Added while this paper is passing through the press. | OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 19 mean (the monthly mean for the respective hour), also the number of observations in each year subjected to the precess:— LIMITS OF REJECTION BY PEIRCE’S CRITERION. Div’s. 1840-41 ex = 53 nm = 24) 1841—42 oe 44 312 1842-43 ss 37 309 1843-44 # 28 313 - 1844-45 _ AB: ole Mean value 39 Sum 1488 The limiting value derived from nearly 1,500 observations is 39 scale divisions, and the separate annual values show plainly the effect of the eleven (ten?) year period, the year 1843-4 being a minimum year. Certain limits in the adoption of a separating value are allowable, and upon trial as to the actual number of disturb- ances separated, the value 33 scale divisions was finally adopted. Any observation differing 33 divisions or more from its respective monthly mean, was therefore marked and excluded from the mean. 33 divisions equal 0.0012 parts of the hori- zontal force, and in the value of the absolute scale it amounts to 0.005. At Toronto the limiting value was 14 divisions, = 0.0012 parts of the horizontal force, equal to 0.004 in the absolute scale. (Vol. III of the ‘Toronto Obser’s.) TABLE VI.—SuHows THE NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS AND THE NUMBER OF THE LARGER DIs- TURBANCES SEPARATED BY THE VALUE 33, AS THE Limit, For EACH Montu, YEAR, AND THE WHOLE PERIOD. 1840—1S41. 1841—1842. 1842—1843 1843—1844. | 1844—1845. Obser’s. Dist’s. Obser’s. Dist’s. Obser’s. Dist’s. | Obser’s. Dist’s. | Obser’s. Dist’s. Se eS SS SS July, 1. | 6, Hey © 323, 165 323 26 308 24 i wale 648 August ss) |) 9a08 73 312 17 321 3 324 | 648 September | 312 54 310 41 308 44 312 ] 600 October . |} 323 68 308 28 310 53 624 648 November . 293 49 312 32 312 15 624 624 December . . 321 120 323 | 26 323 5 624 624 January - 7 201! 23 311 14 263 0 646 648 February .- | 288 50 287 37 24! 1 600 576 March . . } 320 62 323 26 275 1 624 624 April. . - | 309 48 309 38 300 14 624 624 May... - 310 46 300 29 324 25 648 : 648 | June . athe ee eerste Pe ats 311 | 16 312 4 600 600 | 56 - | 3533 770 3729 | 330 2895 189 | 6562 | 2 7512 | 307 1 dist. in 4.6 ob’s.|1 dist. in 11.3 ob’s./1 dist. in 15.3 ob’s. 1 dist. in 64.3 ob’s.|1 dist. in 24.4 ob’s. { Total number of observations . ; f 5 . 24931 Total number of disturbances . : ‘ : : 1,698 The limiting value separated, therefore, one in every 14.3 observations. At Toronto one in every 12.5 was marked as a disturbance. 1 In 17 days. 3 One observation a day. 5 One observation a day. 2 In 19 days. * One observation a day. 20 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT The larger disturbances having been excluded, new monthly means were taken, and the process was repeated several times, when required, until all readings differ- ing 33 scale divisions or more had been excluded; the final means constitute the normals as given in the following table :— TasBLe VII.—Monraty NorMAL or THE Bi-HOURLY AND Hovurty READINGS OF THE BIFILAR MAGNETOMETER REDUCED TO A NORMAL TEMPERATURE AND CORRECTED FOR [RREGULARITY IN THE PROGRESSIVE CHANGE. Puiledsiehia tne Ca (P. M.) ob 29m | 2h 29m | 4x 290 | ge 22m | gn 22m | 10% 22m) 12% 22m | 14s 22m | 16> 22" 18h 22m | 20h 99m) 99 92m | 4940. Div’s. | Div’s. inom ee: | Div’s. ‘Div’s. Div’s. | Div’s. yee | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. July 113 97 | 89 | 50 112 | 116 | 94 59 | 52 | 92 | 93 108 August 108 112) (ey) | OG essen lbs eee St en eos ea te 114 | 121 | 126 September| 155 | 147 | | 153 | 158 | 157 | 150 October 142.) 18% |) 123) |1S84) 153 | U6G ei) Sagi) 1b TAB eas ee November 155 150 144 133. | 144 | #154 | 175 157 | 151 148 ~=s«144 160 December | 196 188 | 176 | 166 | 178 | 208 | 217 | 193 | 182 185 | 200 | 194 1841. 06 220 2h QQm 4b 990 62 22m | 8b 22m 10%: 2m | 128 22m) 145 22m 16% 3am | 185 22m 9b QQm | 99h Q2m | Cai el Ree ee | Se | ender 139 141 180 202 | 177 155 January! 298 300 294 284 281 | 302 |} 326 311 289 296 301 302 | February 269 261 264 | 257 265 288 297 | 289 275 | 24 275 272 March 268 272 | / 267 257 271 294 286 267 266 | 282 | 264 272 April 273 271 | 262 262 | 283 Bil |) als) 279 268 | 271 | 283 280 May 311 305 306 | 297 306 323 313 301 294 306 309 313 June? 392 390 392 | 386 400 401 395 382 | 385 | 392 402 392 July 442 | 449 | 435 435 447 458 | 449 | 428 | 430 | 444 | 448 | 439 August 490 494 487 | 482 501 | 518 | 502 483, 483 497 500 495 September 510 514 515 | 508 531 542 537 516 519 520 515 515 October 521 517 518 514 526 537 | 547 h30 | 525 527 529 | 528 November 519 517 515 509 518 529 | 531 514 518 513 | 516 | 518 December 546 541 BSomiposD 537 548 | 562 549 545 547 550 552 1842, | 0% 21}m| 2h 22hm) 4h Q1d| gr 21.4m| gh 214™/ 1021 4m!1221 Jom) 14¥21 $1. G21 bm| 1842] 3m 2021» 22021 4uf January 561 | 556 555 | ~ 558 553 | «(573 | 5i7 | =~559 554 564 563 564 February 580 | 573 572 | 567 568 | 582 | 589 | 578 578 | 580 590 578 March 565 | 559 557 | 554 563 574 575 | 561 565 571 567 566 April 595 598 597 594 604 | 620 618 603 598 607 608 611 May 614 610 611 | 605 621 | 630 | 622 606 607 615 618 619 June 649 652 | 646 | 638 | 649 | 659 | 650 | 639 | 638 | 649 648 | 650 July 692 686 682 678 695 | 708 700 | 680 677 690 694 700 ; August 699 694 695 | 692 711 | 721 700 688 689 | {ol 703 | 702 f September 726 | 733 Yea |) ee 739 | 750 (EH |) MORI I Pal |p BY 737 | ‘734 ; October 764 | 759 757 =| 757 764 | 781 |) 783 776 776 } 768 769 764 ; November 774 | 770 771 768 dae) EB Se |, ee deh | otitis) 776 776 | December 780 | 777 775 773 776 | 790 | 795 | 786 io |) dn 781 782 . — = _— _ —— -——- —_- —+— = -| - . 1843. | OX 214m) 2h 214m) 4" 215m! 6h 214™) 84 21.}™)10213™ 12"214")14021 516215 )189213™ 2.0%214™|22h21 3m = = = ————— oe | oe ( January | | gis | February | 817 | March | } | 829 | April 861 861 854 854 868 | 883 878 863 860 | 861 865 859 May 864 862 858 857 875 872 864 $55 856 862 867 | 863 June 851 879 876 873 883 894 884 870 $870 | 881 881 885 July 927 924 924 923 935 941 934 923 916 | 221 928 931 August 931 930 931 | 927 947 954 938 921 924 | 929 932 | 933 September, 974 967 965 960 | 980 992 985 972 972 | 975 974 973 | 1 The mean of 17 days. 2 The mean of 19 days. OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE, 21 Hourly Series. | ie |e ae ae OM 214m) 1h 214) Qe 214m) Zh D1 Jpm) 4h 214m) Hr 21} Gh Q1J4m 7h | Jm/ gn 2140! gh 214™|100214m 11021 gn 1843. Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s.’ | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. | Div’s. October 983 978 983 978 976 978 977 980 983 | 987 | 991 992 November | 987 986 985 983 982 | 980 | 980 | 983 987 991, "| 992) |) +998 December 995 993 992 991 989 987 987 | 987 991 | 991 992 997 | 1221 J) 13214114021 $1521 Jom] 160214117091 4 1821 $m 191 4m 20214 211 jm) 22021 4m 23097 Ju | jm } } October 991 989 985 983 983 983 | 985 985 985 | 986 983 984 November | 991 989 987 986 984 985 986 986 987 987 988 988 December 999 998 996 993 991 990 | 992 995 995.) 996 997 998 1844. Ou 2) lm Tt 214” pA 215" Bh 213m Ab 213”) 5h 214m! 6h a1" vie 214m gh 14m gh 213 m| 1O'214™ 1162140 2 2 | 2 2 2°] ra | 2 January 1006 1005 1004 1002 1000 | 1000 999 999 1002 | 1005 | 1008 1011 February | 1031 1031 1031 1029 1026 | 1026 1026 1028 1029 1030 | 1034 | 1034 1152 1145 1138 1142 1209 1217 March 1048 1047 1046 1046 1046 1043 | 1043 1047 1050 1054 | 1057 | 1063 April 1070 1069 1068 1065 1063 | 1062 | 1064 1061 1067 1074 | 1078 1078 May 1065 1065 1063 1062 1062 | 1061 | 1061 1064 1068 | 1076 | 1077 1070 June 1078 1077 1076 1077 1077 | 1075 | 1073 1077 1080 1082 1084 1081 July 1102 1103 1105 1106 1106 | 1105 | 1104 1104 | 1109 | 1116 1118 1114 August 1133 1134 1134 1133 1133 | 1131 | 1130 1135 1143 1152 | 1153 | 1147 September | 1106 1104 1107 1105 1101 | 1101 | 1100 1107 1117 1125 1128 1125 October 1133 1132 1131 1127 1124 | 1125 1129 1134 | 1141 | 1149 November | 1131 1130 1127 1126 1126 «| 1123 +=} 1122 1125 | 1130 | 1135 December | 1213 1202 1200 1198 1196 | 1194 | 1190 | 1193 1194 | | 1197 | [| |_| = | = 12521$™)13521}™ 1421 }™| 1521 4m|16021 3m 175214™\185213™ 19%21 4m! 20%213™|21421 4m '99h9] pm 23213" 3 Ss al z z | : Z ae pemart oeae } January 1009 1006 | 1003 999 998 | 1000 1002 1003 1008 1004 | 1004 1005 February | 1035 1032 1028 1028 1030 | 1031 1032 1033 1034 1033 | 1032 1030 March 1063 1061 1057 1050 1051 | 1050 1050 1052 10506 1048 1050 | 1048 i April 1077 1071 1066 | 1062 1064 1062 | 1068 1068 1071 | 1071 | 1068 1069 May 1064 | 1057 1053 | 1053 1051 1054 | 1059 1063 1064 1064 | 1065 | 1063 June 1077. (| 1072 1067 | 1065 1065 1067 | 1071 1073 1075 1077 1077 1078 July 1106 1100 | 1096 1093 1092 1093 1096 1099 1101 1102 1103 | 1104 August 1138 1129 | 1121 1119 1121 1127 | 1134 |} 1135 1135 | 1134 1135 1135 September] 1115 | 1104 | 1097 1095 1095 | 1100 1102 | 1104 1104 | 1108 1107 1108 October 1145 | 1137 1134 | 1130 1132 | 1134 1135 1137 1138 1134 1137 1135 November | 1136 1133 1129 1127 1124 1131 1128 129 1130 1130 1131 1131 December | 1220 1212 1209 1202 1201 1201 1203 1198 1200 1204 1206 | 1206 1845. Qh Qiu) 1h 214m) 2h 213m/ 3h 213m) 4b 214m! Hm Qi dm) Gh 213m] 7h Q1 Am) Sh 21pm) Oh 21 Fm 1021 9m 1IH21 4A” s = = eal ? x 2 = iy = January 1233 | 1228 1231 | 1230 1228 | 1226 1225 1226 1231 | 1241 | 1248 1252 February | 1230 1230 1231 1229 1229 | 1226 1223 1227 1231 1236 | 1243 1244 March 1236 1236 1234 | 1235 1234 | 1234 1231 1233 1241 1249 | 1255 | 1261 April 1252 1250 1249 1247 1245 1243 1241 1244 1253 1268 | 1278 | 1281 May 1244 | 1243 1241 1239 1236 1233 1229 1236 1251 1261 1262 | 1258 June 1280 1281 1281 | 1281 1275 1271 1266 1273 1282 1293 1295 1292 12214 13021} 14091 Ja 15021 jm 16214 17214 18>214™]1 921 4/2021 2m 21021 4m/ 2591 m 93021 4m January 1249 | 1242 | 1239 | 1233 1229 1230 1233 1231 1230 1230 | 1229 1229 February | 1250 1242 1238 | 1231 1233 1229 1231 1233 1235 1231 1231 1232 March 1260 1253 1245 1239 1240 | 1242 1244 1240 1239 1237 1240 | 1239 April 1268 1267 1255 | 1252 1248 | 1253 1256 1254 1254 1253 | 1250 1254 May 1253 1244 1238 1236 1237 | 1239 1245 1246 1246 1248 1247 | 1242 June 1286 | 1280 1272 1269 1269 | 1273 1278 1281 1280 1277 1279 | 1280 Increase of scale readings corresponds to decrease of force. Value of one divi- sion of the scale = 0.0000365 parts of the horizontal force, or in the absolute scale equal to 0.0001523. Investigation of the Eleven Year (also called Ten Year) Period, as shown in the Changes of the Amplitude of the Solar Diurnal Variation of the Horizontal Force.— The variation in the amplitude of the diurnal motion of the horizontal force is 99 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT ~ . subject to the same inequality of about eleven years as the declination, and the means of investigation will be analogous to those used in Part I of this discussion. For greater convenience, the preceding monthly normals were united into annual means and the results put into an analytical form, using Bessel’s function applicable to periodical phenomena, and determining the numerical quantity by the application of the method of least squares. In the following table of the regular solar diurnal variation of the horizontal force the means for 1842-43 depend only on nine months of observation; the correction given to refer them to twelve months of observation depends on the mean difference between the results of the same nine months and twelve months of the preceding and following year; this correction is nearly constant and the same within one scale division for the adjacent years. In the second corrected column for 1842-43 the effect of the annual inequality is thus eliminated. In the year 1843-44 the results from nine months of observation at the odd hours were reduced to twelve months by means of corresponding differences in the series of even hours; thus (omitting the minutes) at hour 2, mean of 12 months = 1006, mean of 9 months = 1028; at hour 3 for the same 9 months, mean = 1026, or 2 divisions less; at hour 3 for 12 months the mean is therefore 1004, and the same result is found by comparing with the following hour 4; the mean is given in case of a difference in the two results. TaspLte VIIL—ReGuiar Sonar DiuRNAL VARIATION OF THE HorizoNTAL FORCE FOR EACH YEAR OF OBSERVATION EXPRESSED IN SCALE DIVISIONS. Increased numbers indicate decrease of force. The minutes at the head of each column are to be added to the hours given in the first vertical column. Each year commences with the month of July. | 1840-41. 1841-42. 1842-43 (9 m’ths).| Gorrec- 1842-43, 1843-44. 1844-45. Hour of the 22m 21 ae 213™ tion. 213™ 214™ 214" day. ————— ——-—-— a eee ee ‘ Div’s. Div’s. Div’s. Div’s. | Div’s. Div’s. Div’s. So ==) ———— OO 0 (A. M.) 223 549 782 +6 788 1008 1191 ] 1007 1189 2 219 548 780 +6 786 1006 1189 3 1004 1188 4 214 545 T77 +6 783 1003 1186 5 1002 1184 6 206 542 774 +6 780 1002 1182 7 1005 1186 8 226 552 788 +5 793 1010 1194 9 1013 1202 10 244 564 799 5 804 1017 1206 11 1016 1207 12 (P. M.) 241 563 792 +6 798 1014 1202 13 | 1019 1195 14 221 547 781 tu) 788 1005 1189 15 1002 1186 16 215 547 778 +7 785 1002 1185 17 1004 1188 18 222 553 783 +7 790 1006 1190 19 1008 1191 20 225 554 786 +7 | 793 1008 1191 21 | | 1009 1191 22 227 553 785 +6 791 1008 1191 23 | 1008 1191 Mean. 223.5 551.5 789.9 1007.4 1191.4 (Philadelphia local time, counted from midnight to midnight, 24 hours.) TT OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 23 The preceding mean diurnal variations were put in the following analytical form, in which the angle @ counts from midnight at the rate of 15° an hour. Year 1840-41 H = 2234.5 4 54.98 sin (6 + 252° 14’) + 114.68 sin (2 6 + 121° 16) + 5%.89 sin (3 6 + 314° 42’) “ 1841-42 H= 551.5 + 4.03 sin (64+ 244 07) 4+ 6.58 sin (26-4 131 32) 4 4.48 sin (384 312 19) “ 184243 H= 789.9 + 4.14 sin (64 250 06) 4 7.07 sin (264132 24) + 3.74 sin (34+ 323 06) “ 1843-44 H = 1007.4 4 2.14 sin (@4 273 55) + 5.09 sin (264128 58) + 2.35 sin (364317 58) “ 1844-45 H= 1191.4 + 4.40 sin (4 271 13) +4 6.86 sin (264123 25) 44.11 sin (36+ 321 26) To show the degree of correspondence in the formule when deduced from the observations of the even and odd hours separately, the results for the last year have been added, viz:— Even hours H = 11914.3 + 4.20 sin (@ + 271° 28’) 4 61.98 sin (2.6 + 122° 36’) + 44.11 sin (3 6 + 322° 35’) Odd hours H=1191.5 + 4.60 sin (64+ 270 59) + 6.73 sin (26-4124 13) 4 4.12 sin (3 6 + 320 17) The close agreement between the observed and computed values is shown gene- rally in the annexed diagram. (A).—Ingquality in THE DivrnaL VARIATION oF THE HonizonTau INTENSITY. 204 div. ] So aa = od 16 Bs ps 3 224 1840-41. —535 28 39 32 43 36 47 40 551 44 1841-42. 55 248 774 59 78 63 82 67 86 571 790 1842-43, 94 98 999 802 3 06 1007 1843-44. 11 15 79 1019 83 87 1191 1844-45. 95 Ss 99 25 i203 Bat 07 Aa o412345 6 7 8 910 11 1213 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24" A. M. P. M. Philadelphia local time. The following table exhibits the differences for the year 1842-45, as an example of the numerical correspondence. DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT A.M Computed. Observed. | c—o. P. M. Computed. Observed. c—o. om 214 788.7 788 | +0.7 | 12m 213 799.5 798 =e-5 2 « 736.6 786 | -+0.6 lw ee 787.6 788 —0.4 4 « 781.3 783 | Sa ly page se 784.5 785 (55 6 « | 781.2 780 | -+1.2 | ig « 790.2 790 +0.2 gs « 792.5 793 —0.5 20 « 792.9 793 = (ed 10 « | 803.3 | 804 | =H | PA 720.5 791 | ==0)5 The differences, using three terms in the equations, are within the uncertainty of the observed values. ‘The probable error of a single representation is + 0.6 scale divisions, or + 0.00009 in the absolute scale. The curves show a double progression in the daily motion, with a principal maximum of horizontal force in the moming, a principal minimum before noon, and a secondary maximum in the afternoon; the precise epochs (to the nearest five minutes) and extreme values were computed by means of the preceding formule. TT ] : : | Principal A. M. Maxi-| Principal A. M. mini- | i ; Ss d P. M. i- Year. saat hor. (orem ain of hor. facies ESRC ID A | ee aaTor hor. ream Less than From July to | | = = — A.M July. | | | | | ] max by Epoch. Amount. | Epoch. Amount. | Scale | Parts of hori-| Value in | Epochs. Amount. div’s Divy’s. | Div’s. | diy’s. | zontal force. |absol. scale. iv’s. 1840-41 5h 45™ 2023 8 | 20e 246.1 38.8 | 0.00142 | 0.0059 40 05™| 213.5 6.2 1841-42 BOs ently) abe | 565.5 23.8 | 0.00087 0.0036 3 50 | 545.1 3.4 1842-43 5 30 779.8 10 55 | 803.9 | 241 0.00088 0.0037 3 50 784.0 4.2 1843-44 5 40 1001.7 | 10 50 1016.9 | 15.2 | 0.00055 0.0023 4 0 1002.0 0.3 1844-45 5 40 1182.4 | 10 50 1206.6 24.2 | 0.00088 | 0.0037 | 4 0 1184.8 | 2.4 | | Mean 5 41 | 10 56 | | 0.0038 | 3 57 | | | | The secondary maximum is reached about 8" 30" P. M. with a comparatively small range. The mean value of the force is attained about 7" 55" A. M., and again about 1" 55" P. M., with considerable regularity ; it is again reached at 6{" and 11iP PM though with less regularity. At Toronto (see Vol. Il. of the Toronto Observations) the diurnal variation of the horizontal force has a principal maximum at a little after 4 P. M., and a prin- cipal minimum at 10 or 11 A. M.; the secondary maximum occurs about 6 A. M. There is, therefore, this specific difference in the diurnal motion at these two stations: in that at Philadelphia the morning maximum is the higher of the two, while at Toronto it is the afternoon maximum. ‘The difference between the two maxima, as shown above, is almost nothing in the minimum year 1843-44, but increases before (and after) this epoch in proportion to the interval. At Toronto the daily range seems to be slightly greater. The secondary minimum at Toronto occurs about 2 or 3 A. M., or about six hours later than at Philadelphia; this is a second though less significant point of difference. The minimum daily range occurs in 1843-44 ; its value is then less than one-half what it was in 1840-41. The following equation expresses the mean diumal range in scale divisions: — R = + 19.68 — 3.78 (¢ — 1843) + 2.77 (f — 1848)’. It represents the observed values as follows:— OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 95 Observed range. Computed range. January, 1841 5 r : - - 2 . 38.8 38.3 se 1842 : : : c : : . 23.8 26.2 = 1843 é : : ; f . 24.1 19.7 oe 1844. : ; ‘ : ‘ weadlifs2 18.7 BM 1845 ; ; : ; 3 : » 94.2 23.2 The minimum range as given by the formula is in September, 1843. In Part I. of the discussion we found the minimum range of the declination in May, 1843, and the minimum from the disturbances of the declination in August, 1843, Before proceeding to the discussion of the disturbances in the horizontal force, the formule given for the diurnal variation require to be put in a different form for future use and for convenience of comparison with other places. The scale divisions were multiplied by the value of one division of the scale (0.0000365), and again by the value of .V found for the year; the numerical constant was replaced by Y and the angular quantities were changed by 180° so as to make increasing numbers correspond to increase of force; we then obtain in absolute measure the following expressions for the regular solar-diumal variation of the horizontal force at the Girard College :— Year 1840-41 H = 4.178 + 0.00091 sin (64+ 72°14’) + 0.00178 sin (2 64 301°16/) + 0.00090 sin (3 8 + 134° 42’) “ 1841-42 H—4.175 + 0.00061 sin (@+ 64 07) + 0.00100 sin (29+ 311 32) + 0.00069 sin (3 8+ 132 19) “ 1842-43 H= 4.173 + 0.00063 sin (8+ 70 06) + 0.00108 sin (294-312 24) + 0.00057 sin (3 8+ 143 06) “ 1843-44 H = 4.170 + 0.00033 sin (8+93 55) + 0.00078 sin (24+ 308 58) + 0.00036 sin (3 6+ 137 58) “ 1844-45 H = 4.168 + 0.00067 sin (@4+ 91 13) + 0.00104 sin (26+ 303 25) + 0.00063 sin (3 6+ 141 26) The angle @ counts from midnight ; the middle epoch to which each equation refers is January. Investigation of the Eleven (Ten?) Year Inequality in the Disturbances of the Horizontal Magnetic Force—In Table VI. the number of disturbances in each month has been given as found from the observations; these numbers are, however, not directly comparable with one another, first, on account of some omissions in the record, and secondly, on account of the change from a bi-hourly to an hourly series. For any incomplete month the number of disturbances for the whole month is obtained by simple proportion from the number during the part of the month re- corded; for January, 1841, the total number becomes 35, for June, 1841 the total number is 18. For January, February, and March, 1843, the mean total number of the disturbances, as found in the same months in the preceding and follow- ing year, was substituted; this mean gave 8, 20, and 20, respectively. ‘The num- ber of disturbances after October, 1843, were halved to make them comparable with the bi-hourly series. There were two anomalous months, July and December, 1840, in which the disturbances amount to 165 and 120, with an annual mean of 64, whereas in the same months in the following year they only amount to 26 and 26 respectively, with an annual mean of 27; the mean annual difference 37 was applied to the numbers found in 1841, which give 63 and 63 as a substitute for the anomalous values in July and December, 1840. This anomaly does not exist in the phenomenon itself, but is unquestionably due to the irregularity in the pro- gressive change. Table IX. contains the number of disturbances as distributed over the several years and months, all referred to a uniform series of bi-hourly observations. ‘To 4 26 DISCGUSSTON (Ol PE ESD Sythe BANC Bs this table the monthly means and their ratio, when compared with the annual mean, have been added; also, for comparison, the corresponding ratios found in Part I. of the discussion of the disturbances of the declination. MONTH. 1840-41. | 1841-42. | 1842-43, | 1843-44. | 1844-45. | Mean. | Hor. force. Declination. Ratio. Ratio. July thee cecee eel (OS) 26 Or We aie PIO IP 2h 1.09 0.86 Angust; wepecmete ce Se nmr 17 3 11 yl Bat ED) 1.59 September . ....| 54 41 44 | 16 13° i 34 1.43* 1.36 October arisis erie. aaeken || ao l6S Ay |) GR 2 16 33 1.39 2.12* November .... . 49 32 ie | 0 21 24 1.00 1.08 December . . . = « (63) 26 | 0 2318 Hiengco 0.97 1.00 Januaryon, ckenteer ere 35 14 8 1 13 14 0.59 0.77 February. .... . 50 37 ZO 0) phe 8 VEY As ta 1.00 0.52 Marchifnce ine aaeirticstic). peal lank OL 2 | 20 14 leer 25 1.06 0.68 elope es at Mon eas 38 14 a Fi erele line os 1.06 0.91 SER) Rist Sa eons sae o 46 30 25 | Dye WV Posty PE 0x3 0.97 0.58 Wanere ge see wee ull, 8 16 rh Ts PR |) 183 0.55* 0.53* 628 In the columns of ratios the principal maxima and minima are indicated by an asterisk. The annual means exhibit plainly the eleven year inequality; they have been represented by the formula :— N = + 14.4 — 10.2 (¢ — 1848) + 4.8 (¢ — 1843)”. Observed N. Computed N. January, 1841 : , . é : 5 OY 54 e 1842 5 A : - : ; . 28 29 ef 1843 4 ‘ : : 5 : . 20 14 se 1844 : 5 : - - 2 y 9 a 1845 : : : : : 5 aes} 13 According to the formula, the minimum occurs in January, 1844. We have next to consider the eleven year inequality in the magnitude of the disturbances of the horizontal force. Table X. contains the aggregate amount of the disturbances expressed in scale divisions, and also their mean amount obtained by application of the number of disturbances already given in ‘Table VI. For reasons already explained, the amount of disturbances in July, 1840, equal to 10761 scale divisions, has been diminished in the ratio of 165 : 63. The ratio of each monthly mean to the mean amount of the year is also given, together with a column of corresponding ratios derived from the disturbances of the declination, as made out in Part I. of the discussion. OF DHE HORIZONTAL FORCE. 07 TABLE X.—AGGREGATE AND MEAN AMOoUN'’? OF THE DistURBANCES OF THE HorizonTAL Force. EXPRESSED IN SCALE DIvIstons. | | | MONTH. 1840-41. | 1941-42. | 1842-43. | 1843-44. | 1844-45. Mean | Hor. force Declination Amount. | Ratio Ratio AS? oye. Aha BE aa Wsey) ll saulkyy 1295 659 0 56 1.10 0.87 August earch storey Soe] he 406 755 13 |) 471 142 5200 |) 103 1.61 September . . . . .| 3092 | 3075 | 2099 660 1228 56 1.11% 1.56 October! Mars swe seen e20. 1284 | 2399 169 1412 49 0.97 2.06% November ... . .j| 2390 1991 | 915 | 34 2173 54 1.06 1.06 December . |/6515 | 1225 | 239 0 2283 52 1.03 1.00 January Semel Soni) 60! (eo) aati 1402 49 0.97 0.72 February. . . . | 2664 | 1822 44 200 806 50 =| 0,99 0.54 March . cre esto: a eG 39 1412 127 49 | 0.97 0.66 Apne frees. hue else 2075 676 861 1604 49 0.97 0.94 Mary ch Sak cuio ns ulied| P2456 1211 1187 131 789 47 0.98 0.56 Joram s 4, ten te tc, 20 560 794 164 0 2390 44 0.87* 0.42* Mean amount 53.9 52.0 48.6 46.3 46.8 50.6 | 1.00 1.00 Maxima and minima in the columns of ratios are marked with an asterisk. The inequality in the mean amount of the horizontal force disturbances in each year, indicates the year 1843-44 as the minimum year. From the preceding results, we may assume the month of November, 1843, as the epoch for the minimum of the eleven (ten?) year inequality, as far as indicated by the differential observations of the horizontal force. Further Analysis of the Disturbances of the Horizontal Force.—The distribution of the disturbances in number and mean amount over the several months of the year has been given in Tables IX. and X. From Table IX. we learn that the disturbances are greatest in number in September and March or April, or about the time of the equinoxes, and least in number about January and June, or about the time of the solstices. At the autumnal equinox the numbers exceed those of the vernal equinox ; the same law was found at Toronto; also the numbers are smaller at the summer solstice than at the winter solstice, in perfect accordance with the result found at Toronto. These results are shown graphically on the annexed dia- gram, which contains also the ratio of the disturbances for the declination in which the same law is apparent. (B).—Distrisution or THE NuMBER OF DisTURBANCES IN THE SEVERAL MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Full line for horizontal force. Dotted line for declination. r 1 cama cael ltl .80 - ab | 60 - j 40 - £20 - | 1.00 = SSse aa as -60 | : LW | 40 | 20 ;] (0) (fay) et Le alle So he fae sae 28 - DISCUSSION OF THE DISTURBANCES Table X. shows that, in reference to the average magnitude of the disturb- ances, the same law holds good, viz: the greatest relative magnitude occurring about the time of the equinoxes ; the greatest amount corresponding to the autumnal equinox, and the least to about the time of the solstices, the smaller amount occur- ring near the summer solstice. The average magnitude of the disturbances of the declination was found subject to the same law. If we separate the disturbances which increase the force from those which decrease it, we may form the two following tables of the distribution of the disturbances in number and average amount over the several months of the years. TABLE XI.—ANNUAL INEQUALITY IN THE NUMBER OF DISTURBANCES, INCREASING AND DECREASING THE Hortzonrat Forcer. isio-41. | assi-4e, | s4243, | 1843-44, 1sd4-45, Sum. | rations Inc. | Dec. | Inc. | Dee. | Inc. | Dec. | Inc. | Dec. | Inc. | Dec. | Ine. | Dee. | Ine. | Dee. July (38) | (25) | 6 | 20 5 | 19 1 | 14 0 0 50 Ne aa ao August 18 55 | 6 11 1 2 2 9 0 2 27 79 | 0.7 | 1.0 September, 25 29 5 36 | 38 6 11 5 9 4 88 SOP a e2elee| Mie October 18 50 11 17 37 16 Lilies eels ila 38 8 75 92 Be ]) al) November) 13 36 1 51 4 il Os Mee Oed\) e20) 21 18 99 0.4 1.3* December | (25) | (38) 8 18 Oo} 5 0 0 15 8 48 69 Tea | 102) January 19 16 6 8 3 5 0 1 3 10 31 40 | 0.8 | 0.6 February 15 35 4 33 2 18 0 3 0 S| Al 98 0.5 | 1.2 March 17 44 10 16 3 17 0 14 1 1 31 92 | 0.8 1.2 April 18 30 14 24 1 AS ier og 7 ON) als prs 90 0.8 1.2 May 6 We Vs al ale an fda bth es | bap ja ms 5 | 56 | 56 | 13 | 07 June “) 9 GiomtgO a hl Re aaaeS, 0 Opn Wz 21 | 23 43 | 0.5% | 0.6% Sum 239 389 | 93 237 105 | 130 | 17 | 55 | 48 105 502 916 | 12.0 {12.0 } | In each year the number of disturbances increasing the force is less than the number which decreases it; the numbers of increase are to the numbers of decrease as 1:1.8. The numbers of the monthly ratio for the increasing disturbances exhibit the same law as found in Table IX.: with respect to the numbers for the decreasing force the law is apparently less distinctly marked ; the maximum seems to occur about two months later (before the winter solstice), at a time when the number for increasing force is apparently at its minimum. ‘This indistinctness in the law may possibly be due to an irregular distribution in reference to the hours of the day, and could only disappear through a longer series of observations. OF THE HORIZONTAL FORCE. 29 TabLE XIT.—ANNuAL INEQUALITY IN THE MeAN AMOUNT OF THE DISTURBANCES OF THE Hort- ZONTAL Force, AGGREGATE AMOUNT roR INCREASING AND DECREASING DISTURBANCES, EX- PRESSED IN SCALE DIVISIONS. 1840-41. 1841-42. 1842-43, 1843-44. 1840-45. Aver. am't.| Ratios. Month. Inc. Dec. Ine. Dec. Ine. Dec. | Inc. | Dec. | Inc. | Dec. Inc. | Dee. Inc. | Dec.) Ine. | July |(2202)|(1887)| 214 | 943 | 292 1003 | 41 | 628 0| 0 | 2749 | 4461 | 55¢| 574 August | 794 | 3290 | 261 | 494] 51 | 80} 69 | 402] 0 | 142 | 1175 | 4408 | 44 | 54 Sept. 1082 | 2010 | 186 | 2889 |1857 | 242 | 452 | 208 | 873 | 355 | 4450 | 5704 | 45 | 56 October | 726 | 2994 | 421 | 863 1685 | 714 41 | 691 | 721 | 3651 | 5333 | 44 | 53 Nov. 520 | 1870 | 35 | 1956 | 185 | 730 | 0} 34| 0 |2173 | 740] 6763 | 41 | 56 Dec. 2204 | 4311 | 289 936 0 | 239 0 0 |1483 | 800 | 3976 | 6286 | 47 | 56 January | 723 | 463 | 231 | 370} 0] ©| 0 | 111 | 302 |1100.} 1256 | 2044 | 48 | 50 Feb. 649 | 2015 | 140) 1682! 0] 44! 0] 200} 0 | 806} 789) 4747 | 42 | 52 March 643 | 2469 | 415 | 761| 0| 39| 0 {1412} 37| 90| 1095 | 4771 | 39 | 52 April 732 | 1406 | 550 | 1525 | 54 | 75 | 786 | 41 |1563 | 1452 | 5902 | 40 | 52 May 1456 | 696 | 515 | 412 | 775 | 83) 48 | 398 | 391 | 2589 | 3185 | 42 | 52 June 253 | 284 | 510] 50 0 | 0 | 604 |1786 | 1245 | 2663 | 44 | Sum 24424 |3722 13444 4586 |4602 | 848 (5870 |4429 /9927 25167 |56267 12.0 | 12.0 Number 414 | 93 | 237 | 97 | 92 | 20] 82 | 96 | 211 | 560 | 1036 Mean 5 59 | 40 | 57 | 47 42 | 47 | 46 | 47 | 45 | 54 The average amount of a disturbance increasing the horizontal force is 45 scale divisions, or 0.0069 in absolute measure; the average amount of a disturbance decreasing the same is 54 scale divisions, or 0.0082 in absolute value. The ratio of these numbers is as 1: 1.2, whereas at Toronto the ratio is 1: 6.4. The law of the monthly inequality for amount of increasing or decreasing dis- turbances is, as in the preceding case, very indistinct and further obscured by the small absolute amount of variation. In the following Table, XIII., the larger disturbances have been distributed over the different hours of their occurrence; in this combination the bi-houtrly series (of the even hours) of observation has been used throughout. Aggregate amount in) Number of occur- P Hour. BE See div. rence. Average amount. Ratio of numbers. 6 (Midnight) 8116 142 57 1.12 2 5967 109 55 0.86 4961 93 53 0.73* 4751* 94 51 0.74 5562 104 53 7T721* 146 53 6825 161 42 6636 127 52 6634 135 49 132 52 139 55 139 53 Directing our attention to the columns of aggregate amount and of ratios of number of occurrence, we find a principal maximum about 11 A. M., which seems to correspond to the secondary maximum of corresponding ratios at Toronto occur- ring about three hours earlier; the principal minimum occurs about 5 A. M., which corresponds to the secondary minimum at Toronto occurring between 5 and 6 A. M.; again, at Philadelphia, the secondary maximum at midnight is about two hours satlier than the principal maximum at Toronto, and the secondary minimum about 30 DISCUSSION OF THE DISTURBANCES 4 P. M. corresponds in time to the principal minimum at ‘Toronto occurring between 2and6 P.M. ‘Thus, the curves at the two stations, representing the diurnal vari- ation of the disturbances (irrespective of increase or decrease) of the horizontal force, is double crested with an exchange of the principal and secondary maximum and also of the principal and secondary minimum. In the next Table, XIV., the diurnal variation of the disturbances is exhibited separately for disturbances increasing and disturbances decreasing the horizontal force. DIsTURBANCES INCREASING HorizontTAaL Force. , DistcRBANCES DECREASING HORIZONTAL FoRCE. | | Excess of aggregate Hour. j 7 decrease over Number rerega - N Aggregate 5 aggregate increase | eae, paras Ratio: spams: ee tra Ratio. 0 (Midn’t) 57 2878 1.28 85 5238 1.21 2 | 44 2173 0.97 65 3794 0.87 4 | 42 1998 0.89 51 2963* 0.68 965 6 28 1213* 0.54 66 3538 0.81 | 2325 8 48 2345 1.04 56 3217 0.74 = | 872 10 61 2732 1.22 85 4989 1.15 2257 12 (Noon) | 74 3134* 1.39 87 3691 0.85 557 14 48 2239 1.00 79 4397 1.01 2158 16 49 2200 0.98 86 4434 1.03 2234 18 45 2005 0.89 87 4889 1.13 2884 20 39 1758 0.78 100 5816* 1.34 4058 22 50 2296 1.02 | 89 5062 1.18 2766 Sums. 26971 936 52028 12.00 The disturbances increasing and those decreasing the horizontal force evidently follow different laws; at Toronto they were found completely opposed; they are less so at Philadelphia. The principal maximum of increasing disturbances (at noon) seem to be contemporaneous with a secondary minimum of the decreasing disturb- ances; again the principal maximum of the decreasing disturbances (at 8 P. M.) corresponds to a secondary minimum of the increasing disturbances. In reference to the main feature, the maximum disturbance of those increasing the force and of those decreasing the force, the Philadelphia ratios show even a greater resemblance to the results at St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope than to those at Toronto. At the two southern stations the maximum in the disturbances which increase occurs at 11 A. M. and the maximum in the disturbances which decrease occurs about 6 or 7 P. M. (See Vol. II. of the St. Helena Observations.) Table XIV. contains also the hourly excess of the aggregate amount of the dis- turbances which decrease the horizontal force over those which increase the same. If we divide the numbers by the whole number of days of observation (nearly 1500) we obtain the diurnal disturbance variation expressed in scale divisions. TABLE X V.—DiIvURNAL DISTURBANCE VARIATION. | Honr. Ss In absolute measure || Hour. In absolute measure. 0 (Midn’t) | 6 0.00024 | 12 (Noon) 2 ; 17 14 0.00006 21 30 43 29 | 24 | 18 20 99 oo 11 16 | } i | 23 OF THE THORIZONTAL PORCH: 31 a The average amount by which the disturbances tend to decrease the diurnal variation of the horizontal force is 1.4 scale divisions or 0.00021 in the absolute scale. ‘The maximum effect takes place at 8 P. M., at exactly the same hour when the declination disturbances reach their greatest effect. In the preceding Tables, XIII., XIV.,and XV., to the hours indicated 21} minutes should be added, the observations being made so much later than the even hours. The preceding discussion shows that for two stations, even at a comparatively short distance, as for Philadelphia and 'Toronto, there are, generally speaking, some close coincidences in the laws derived from independent observations; but there are also certain differences in other results; yet it must not be forgotten that for a strict comparability we require, if not simultaneous observations, at least observa- tions extending over similar parts or the whole of an eleven year period. The Philadelphia series includes a minimum year of that inequality, with the greater extent of observations before that epoch, whereas at ‘Toronto the series begins after the minimum epoch and barely extends to a maximum year. For the purpose of obtaining a better view of the absolute amount of the disturb- ances and their frequency of occurrence,’ they were classified in nine groups of equal differences of 20 scale divisions; the number of disturbances in each was found as follows :— Limirs ADOPTED. In scale divisions. In parts of horizontal force 0.0012 to 0.0019 0.005 MS 27 | 08 27 34 11 34 4) 14 4) 48 17 4g « Hi) 20 55 62 23 62 70 26 0.0070 0.0077 0,029 The numbers in the last column cannot be considered as entirely independent of the eleven year period, and in attempting to apply the theory of probabilities in + A table analogous to that given above, showing the distribution of the disturbances in declina- tion, is here added for comparison :— Limits ADOPTED. — — ——— Number of disturbances. In minutes of are eisces | In scale divisions. | 8 to 16 3/.6 “2 1856 UBice fo 24! 7.2 : 333 24 32 10.8 : 105 32 40 14.4 3. 42 40 48 18.1 21. 16 48 56 21.7 56 64 25.3 64 Beyond 32 DISTURBANCES OF THE HORIZONTAL FORCE, ETC. reference to the number of disturbances which ought to occur between the assigned limits, it became apparent that the larger disturbances greatly preponderate, a fact no doubt intimately connected with the difficulty in correctly allowing for the pro- gressive change during the first year of observation, doer oe aye ere ie INVESTIGATION SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION AND OF THE ANNUAL INEQUALITY OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE 5 ( 33 ) — a_i se - = & 4 = J _ ry OD = . - - <@# t ’ é i ' i ' ! 9 . INVESTIGATION SOLAR-DIURNAL VARIATION, AND OF THE ANNUAL INEQUALITY OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE, Tue discussion of the diurnal and annual variations of the horizontal force is based on the resulting monthly normal values for each observation hour as given in the preceding part (IV.), in which the horizontal force has been discussed in relation to the ten or eleven year period, and which also contains the investigation of the disturbances; in the same part all necessary statements are given relating to the instrumental data and the absolute values of the horizontal force. The normals, as has been shown, are referred to a uniform standard temperature ; they are corrected for irregularity in the progressive change, and are necessarily freed from all the larger disturbances. ‘The use of the normals instead of the sim- ple means of the readings (corrected for difference of temperature) will insure greater regularity in the variations of the horizontal force, now under consideration. ‘The diurnal variation requires an arrangement of the five year series of monthly normals according to the months of the year and hours of the day; in general, the method of interpolation for an occasional omission in either a month or hour, is the same as that used in Part II. of the discussion of the Girard College observations ; there is, however, this difference in the tabulation of the monthly values, that in the present case the results are consolidated in a five years’ arrangement, and in consequence the year commences with the month of July. This arrangement was preferred, particularly since it was found desirable to make no use of the observa- tions in the first month of the series. Tabulation of monthly normals for each observing hour and each observing year, beginning and ending with July. The individual values are taken from Table VII. of the preceding Part IV. After applying the corrections of — 19 scale divisions to the normals for January, 1841, and of +8 scale divisions to those of June, 1841, to allow for defective num- ber of observations in these months, a further correction of +68 scale divisions was applied to all values between July, 1840, and May, 1841, inclusive, and of + 60 to all values between July, 1840, and December, 1840, inclusive, to allow for defects in the regularity of the progressive change, thus making the total correction for the latter months = 128 scale divisions. The above corrections, when divided by 5, (35 ) 36 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT in order to give the correction to the means derived from five years, become, there fore: for months between July and December inclusive, + 26; for January + 10; for February, March, April, and May + 14; for June + 2. These corrections are constant for each hour of the day in any one month, and consequently do not affect the diurnal variation; but they have nevertheless been applied at once to facilitate subsequent deductions. Their origin has also been explained in the remarks accom- panying Table V. of the preceding part. The following example of the process of interpolation for the odd hour values will suffice for all similar cases: Required the mean normal from the 5 year series for 5" 214" A. M. in June (sce tabular values and results below). The mean nor- mals for the two last years at 4" 213", 5" 215", and 6" 214", are 1176, 1173, and 1169 respectively; the mean at 5" 215™ is therefore 3 divisions less than the mean at 4" 214™, and since the mean of the 5 year series at 4" 214™ is 853, the result for 5" 214™ becomes 849; again, adding 4 divisions to 847, the mean at 6” 215", we find 851; the mean of the two values, or 850, is that given in the table, to which + 2 has been added, making the final result 852. The means of the odd hours, thus found from the adjacent even hours, in general, do not differ by as much as a scale division, The time given in the tables of the normals is mean local time, counting from midnight to midnight to twenty-four hours. The observations were taken (on the average) 214 minutes after the full hours, as indicated in the tables. Increase of scale readings indicates decrease of horizontal force; the value of a scale division equals 0.0000365 parts of the horizontal force, or 0.0001523 in absolute measure, the mean horizontal force being 4.173 (in absolute measure). Proper weights have been given to the normals of the even and odd hours, in proportion to the number of observations, as will be seen hereafter. Other special remarks will be found at the end of the month to which they refer. Tabulation of the hourly normals for each month and the mean of the five year series, expressed in scale division readings and reduced to the standard temperature of 63° (Fahrenheit’s scale), also corrected for all irregularities in the progressive change. ‘The regular progressive and secular change, therefore, remains in the tabular quantities. OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 37 NorMALS OF THE HorizonraL Force ror JULY. r : | | | Year. Qh jh Qn | gh | 4n | bh 6h 7h Sh gh 10% 11" |-}- 214” ii Nd ee ae ea se 97 | 89 | 50 112 74 eel BAU) 3) sesootbisdy ce te hMAM2 442 | 435 | 435 447 458 TSAO eM ise ee OOD 686 | 682 | 678 | 695 708 SAS eM estes tick ion 924 | 924 | 923 935 94) 1844. . . . . . « {1202 {1103 |1105 1106 [1106 1105 1104 [1104 j1109 1116 1118 1114 ee; ee en = Nes —————— Ee ee pe Moana sy. trop nisi obec ei OUD 651 | 647 | 638 660 | 618 Referred mean . . . . 653 | 649 | | 642 647 | | 666 664 ee —-—--- +s ete Le i} | Constant correction + 26 | onmalsinrrenmce i aeerere 681 | 679 | 677 675 | | | | | 673 | 668 | 664 | 673 | 686 | 692 694 | 690 | | | | | Year. yan | 1g» | 14m | 15 | 16» | 17m | 1g» | 19» | gon | gan | gan | ogn |4 oy) m | Noon. | | | | | | 7 ne — — | | | | a fs IGLOS Rei: came caries 94 59 | 52 | | 92 | 93 108 | RAMS cc cheese: cm 124401 28 | 430 444 448 439 USAARES eu nine ere toy | cOCs| 680 | | 677 | 690 694 700 | IEE) ey fac Bop cep cn el eet 923 | 916 | | 921 | 928 | 931 | 1844 . . . . . . ~ /1106 1100 /1096 |1093 |1092 /1093 |1096 |1099 |1101 |1102 |1103 |1104 | ck — _ —— —._— + -—— | ---— _-_o err Mea eae Siken ry 637 633 | 649 653 | 656 Referred mean. . . . 646 | 634 | 640 | | 651 | | 655 | 657 Constant correction + 26 : Normals Be 0 683 | 672 | 663 | 660 659 | 666 | 675 | G77 | 679 | 681 | 682 | 683 Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+ 21}™) 676.3, weight 5. as ue Je odd‘ us i BHe 9 Ale Year. Ob 15 Dh Bh | 4h ph 6h 7h gh | gh | 10% 1h | 21im pa [Ba eI mee Se eee ers ote te 11.08 | 112 [a7 | 138 | 153 | Tea) See tio 400 | 494 | | 487 482 501 | | 518 TQ iONs Seether tte: |P 699 ce | 695 692 | 711 | 721 RAB Nese Nias tapers | NOBL 930 | | 931 927 | 947 954 1844 5 eo ee ve = (L133 TBE 34) 1133 /1133 1131 1130 1135 1143 1152 1153 1147 Mop 6. oo Jol) Poe RGR | 673 | 673 667 | 688 | 700 Referred mean. . .. | 673 | 672 669 | 676 698 | 692 se Fe eo i tl i a ea A ple Constant correction + 26 | | | | Normal sige voles! vent 698 | 699 | 699 | 698 | 699 | 695 | 693 | 702 | 714 | 724 | 726 | 718 | | | | } oan = — = = Year. 12) 13") 14h | TbR |) DOS Le else | 9» | gon } 215 | 22h | 23h | 214m Noon. | | | | | {RO ee oe ae aaa | 103 | | 111 | 114 | 121 | 126 | Ga iNig ss de he 502) 483 | | 483 | | 497 500 | 4965 | 1642) cots tee tee ele OO) 688 | 689 701 703 | 702 TSAS{y Cidee Pomees eee ae a[L OBST | 921 | | 924 | 929 | 932 933 | 1844 . . . . . « « {1138 |1129 [1121 1119 |1121 1127 |1134 /1135 1135 |1134 1135 [1135 tea gee ees ees | MOE De 663 | 666 | 675 678 678 Referred mean... . | 672 662 | 670 | B77 677 676 Constant correction + 26 | | | NGrMaISie =) ehote bie a 708 | 698 | 689 | 688 | 692 | 696 | 701 | 703 | 704 | 703 | 704 | 702 | Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+ 21}™) 702.2, weight 5. “ “ “ odd “ “ 702 9 “ il Ae dy a TE LOE DLT LL ILE LL 38 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT NorMALS OF THE HortzonvaL FORCE FOR SEPTEMBER. sh 11m + 214" W8400 4. « ten wo! ey ne 55 : | 141 PSA sce Se Ser ne tee ie i | 508 ine «2 2 eee ee 26 | 3: 722, | 717 US43 e een m coae eee Me | 965 | 960 TS44" eter ke et eet j 1104 1107 1105 1101 1101 1100 = ee ee ee Mean ee a ¢ 685 | Referred mean . . ve ||| 592 p92 687 95 | 718 Constant correction + 26 | | Normals?) <7 5) s5 = 718 | 720 |°718 | 714) 713) 711 735 | 7 ya» | 136 | 14m }5m | er | a7 | iss | 19m | 20m | 21m | 29m | = | Noon. WSA0T o- ret eine te ta. 177 155 153 158 | 157 | 150 7 eee ae Sm EY, | 516 519 520 | 515 | 515 LSS Pa A. Be 56 opens 737 | 730 727 737 inion | 734 CE bs ae chee eoead 985 | 972 972 975 974 | 973 SSA ae Pete.) We be hie a ge 1104 (1097 1095 1100 1102 1104 |1104 1108 1107 MWeaniine, 97) hcamichte) oat Te 694 693 698 | 697 696 Referred mean... .- 395 697 699 699 | Constant correction + 26 | | | Normals. (Geet tee 2 726 | 720 719 | 723 y 725 2 725 Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+ 21}™) 724.4, weight 5. Ee odd * ue PE ee eS ale NORMALS OF THE HorizonTAL Forcr FoR OcToBER. Year. | gh qh j gh | 3h Ah 5h 6h yh | gh | gh 10> | 41» 4 214 W840 Ger wr Me eke ore Lae 137 122 138 153 166 | be eS eae 6 521 byl by | 518 514 526 537 Se eee Mey ad ae ete 764 | "759 Noe 757 764 781 1843... . . » . | 983 , 978 | 983 | 978 | 976 | 978 | 977 | 980 | 983 | 787 991 | 992 | We 5 is on ch NIB) allo), platen )1127 1124 1125 (1129 1134 1141 1149 1152 (1145 | Mean) 3 6 eae ee er 705 | 699 | 703 713 725 Referred mean... . 705 701 702 708 720 724 Constant correction + 26 Normals 735 731 | 731 | 727 | 725 | 728 | 729 | 734 | 739 746751 | 750 | | eal . | Year. 128 | 13 | 145 | 15» | 16m | 17» | 18h | 19» | 20m | 2am | 22m | BBn | Noon. | } | | see ig eae og Aeon | | 158 | 148 | | 146 148 | 151 S41 ee ee ee neo 530 525 | 527 529 528 | 1842) 2c eae cs BOR 776 776 | 768 | 769 | 764 | 1843... . . . « | 992 | 989!) 985 | 983) | 983: ) 983: | (985) | 985 1344 2 2 0s ce LASS ISA SO) TS2" 34) S507 5 | 985 | 986 | 983 | 984 37 1138 )1134 1137 (1135 Mean 725 717 713 seria | 712 | | 714 | | 713 Referred mean. . . . 721 714 | 713 713 | 713 712 Constant correction + 26 | Normals . . . . . . | 751 | 747 | 743 | 740 | 739 | 739 | 738 | 739 | 740 | 739 | 739 | 738 Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+ 214™) 738.3, weight 5. a “ odd e Wase2,) <2 OR THE MAGNETIC: FORCH By) NORMALS OF THE HORIZONTAL FoRCE FOR NoyEMBER. Year. | Qh The) Bee} gh] 4h} 5h] gh} 7h | gh | gh | aan | gah i ange TREO ure ee ce ke hOB Es, | 150 144 33 144 154 TOME oy Sere oe 2 eam 517 515 509 518 529 Uy | PP oe a 774 | | 770 alist 768 777 789 NGA S eet Geel ta. Man Po 987 | 986 | 985 , 983 982 | 980 | 980 | 983 | 987 | 991 | 992 | 993 Is44 . 2... «1081 (1130 (1127 1126 1125 1123 1122 1125 1130 1135 /1138 |1142 Meany (ime) sie te pe tebe || CS | 710 707 | | 702 | 711 720 Referred mean... . | 712 | | 708 | 704 | 706 | val 725 Constant correction + 26 | Normal ster, cise) ets) 739 | 738 | 736 | 734 | 733 | 730 | 728 | 732 | 737.| 743 | 746 | 751 | | | | Year. 12 | 13" | 14" | 15 16") 17» age 19m | gon | gam | aan | a3m |4 21ym Noon | | | | ri Ea a ep elle a ee Le UA) PAN es eee | ca 157 151 148 | | 144 | | 160 GEN) Cae Se CaM a! aor 514 | | 518 | 513 | | 516 518 | | SAR) oes a CST 781 778 | 775 | 776 776 | | 1848... . . . . | 991 | 989 | 987 | 986 | 984 | 985 | 986 | 986 | 987 | 987 | 988 | 988 | 1844S ee ss (I186 11133) 1199" 127 ed TB 1128 11729: 1730. 1930 |1131 [1131 | | | | | Maan teh tere: [si a.cep socal 724 714 | 711 710 | 711 | | 715 Referred mean. . . . | 720 | 712 713 710 | 713 | 714 Constant correction + 26 | | | | | Normals | 750 | 746 | 740 | 788 | 787 | 739 | 736 | 736 | 737 | 739 | 741 | 740 | Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+ 214") 738.3, weight 5. ac “ “ odd “cc “ Pease “ os NORMALS OF THE HortzoNTAL Force ror DECEMBER. 104 11 + 214" RAO eed PIF =E 188 3 | | 166 | 208 TEVA es eee - te oe ore 541 538 | | 535 : 548 GAD Pope cah pe teers | 777 | 775: | 773 5 790 TEE BS 8 eee ed ee oe Se 993 | 992 | 99 989 | 987 | 9s 992 ee es Sis i iene {1202 |1200 98 |1196 |1194 |1190 3 1209 = ee _ Se | a |= eee Mean nie te | 740 irae 730 : 749 Referred mean... . | 741 738 Constant correction + 26 Nora Chewy Sau ecie a) beinesd 2 | 767 | 766 | 764 | 12h | 13h bh 15") 16" | 174 | 18h | 19" | 20% | Noon. | TE Se sceteiog ra a CA 193 8s 185 | 200 1841 | 549 545 547 | 550 LSS pk rae suk eer all 786 ik 776 | 781 USA eketes dias uae eres 999 |: 998 | 996 ; 993 | 991 | 990 } 992 | 995 | 995 | 995 | 997 998 VS4A Te ae ee ce PRO E22 09) (3202 1201 1201 Ee 1198 (ee 1204 1206 1206 SS SS Se See = Ss ==! Mean .. See: Rte 759 | 738 Referred mean . . . . 52 74: | 739 | | Constant correction + 26 764 | 765 | 767 Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+ 21)™) 768.6, weight 5. ‘“ odd “ ‘“ 768.2, «“ 40 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT NorMALS OF THE HortzontaL Force ror JANUARY. } Ob jh PAN 3h 4h 5h 6" 7h gb Gh VR4 oe eee ee tee 298 300 294 284 1A OPE SEI oy Fy BS 561 556 555 558 | 553 gage. ee SS 8(820) (817)| (814) (815) 1844) SN cee ect cent COG 1004 |1002 1000 \1000 999 | 999 1845 . . . . « « + 1233 |1228 |1231 |1230 |1228 )1226 1225 |1226 Menuless 1c ssctiren Keim - 778 776 Referred mean. . - UT | 774 Constant correction + 16 | Normals . . . - 2 788 | 787 | 786 | 784 16s | 17 | 18 | 19» | 20» | 21m | 22e + 214" ISA vite! Se este 26 311 289 | 296 | 301 302 SAD race k pees Uneasy fe | | 559 | 554 | | 564 | 563 564 CE Boe oot cea : | 818 (813)| (820) (820) |(821) 1644" Milas 2apeee Oe 6 1006 |1003 998 1000 |1002 |1003 1003 1004 |1004 | SAS) epee eee . . |1249 |1242 |1239 1229 |1230 |1233 |1231 |1230 1230 |1229 /12 Meant eae bore 786 | in| Mase) 2 rssh Referred mean... .- 791 | 780 780 784 | 784 | Constant correction + 10 | | | | | Normals . . .« Spe 3 | 801 | 796 | 790 | 787 | 790 | 793 | 794 | 793 | 794 | 794 Monthly mean normal from the even hours 793.3, weight 4. | 17 | 1g | g2n | 23h 4 214m Noon. | ic Cone aoe Serta | 267 | 266 282 | | 272 | TRADES ka atc was. MOPARS | 561 565 571 566 | 1943... 1. ica) 829 '(828) | (831) (828) (828)| 1e4a- oe 5) ee toeseiont NOY 1051 |1050 '1050 |1052 1050 {1048 | 1845 ; . j2260 [1253 (1245 1240 1242 1244 1240 1240 11239 | Moantcc ds, Gua em nsos 790 | 796 790 Referred mean... . 800 | 793 | 794 Constant correction + 14 | } | | ROMS 6 9 tte eb 819 | 814 | 806 804 | 807 | 810 | 808 | 804 | 803 | Monthly mean normal from the even hours (++ 215™) 805.6, weight 4. Geriakst ef (SIU): a1 NORMALS OF THE HortzonTAL FORCE FOR APRIL. Year. ob}, a2 2h 3h 4p 5h 65 7 gh g» | 10" | 11 | Ted ee Goes a con S 271 262 262 283 317 1640 Spine nt 9b | 598 597 594 604 620 1849.5 cee wee eee en OGL| 861 854 854 868 883 1844 . .. . . . « « {1070 1069 |1068 1065 |1063 |1062 |1064 |1061 |1067 |1074 |1078 1078 | 1845. . . . . « . [1252 (1250 [1249 1247 /1245 1243 |1241 |1244 /1253 1268 \1278 1281 Moanc se trees. 3. 4) Se hSO 809 804 | 803 | S15 | $35 Referred mean. .. . 809 | 806 | 803 | | 806 827 837 } ———- - > | - Constant correction + 14 | | Normals... . . . | 824| 823 , 823 | 820 | 818 | 817 | 817 | 820 | 829 | 841 | 849 | 851 | | Year. 12h | 13h | 14> | 15» | a6 | a7 | 18h | 19m | 20m | 2a» | 228 | a3n ly 213%) Noon. | i 1B4lee 0p ee Waa TTS | 279 268 eal | 283 | 280 | 1842097 Sa oy ce ee Oe 603 598 607 | | 608 611 1843.0 200s «Se eee 878 863 | 860 861 | | 865 859 1944. . . . . . . 1077 [1071 |1066 /1062 |1064 |1062 1068 |1068 [1071 1071 |1068 |1069 1845 . . 2. . . ~ (1268 |1267 |1255 |1252 |1248 [1253 1256 1254 |1254 1253 |1250 (1254 | Meda, so tae | 88 §13 808}. | 813 816 | 814 Referred mean. . . 825 810 808 | | 813 816 813 Constant correction + 14 | | Normals . . . . . . | 845 | 939 | 827 | g24| a2 | go2 | s27 | 827 | 830 | 830 | 828 827 | Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+ 214™) 828.2, weight 5. “ “ “ “ “ odd “ “ 828.4, “ 24s Or THE MAGNETIC PORCH. £y — NorRMALS OF THE HorizonraL Force ror May. | | | Qh | on | 3h Gh Rb eval 6) Bee oe) Bt 311 305 306 297 306 TCP SS oh ec GI ac 614 610 611 605 621 UGE Gr ae eb» Done i 864 862 858 857 875 1844 . 2... . ~. . |1065 |1065 |1063 |1062 1062 1061 1068 |1076 \1077 |1070 1845 . 2. . we ew ff) 61244 11243 11241 11239 11236 1229 1251 }1261 |1262 |1258 Wiech ge l6! Po ical ote LG 820 816 | $15 810 82 833 Referred mean . . . . 8 By 829 Constant correction + 14 | Normalsieeee a0 wens 85 : 3 824 16" Sh | LOR |} 208 22h Heres operas shee vate °c 3 294 306 309 313 USS 2e ey rete s 0 607 615 618 619 1843. Jin, Goce tel} E 856 862 867 863 1844 : AS <0 1057 | 1051 1059 |1063 |1064 |1064 |1065 |1063 135) pb ee Oho Dale 1244 | 1237 1245 |1246 |1246 |1248 |1247 |1242 WIT aia ealeg 809 817 821 621 Referred mean . . . . 816 818 2 Constant correction 4+ 14 | oyeteM 4 Ss gg 6 5 837 | 830 | 825 823 | 831 | 832 835 | 836 | 835 | U Monthly mean normal from the even hours (+- 213™) 832.3, weight 5. “ “ “ “ “ odd “ “ 832.1, “ec OK NorMALS OF THE HortIzONTAL FORCE FOR JUNE. (a jb gh 4h 5h Th gh ¢ 108 NS OT ia so Rove epee 390 | 392 | | 400 401 1842. .... Senora? 649 652 646 | 649 659 SAS wee oaacs Mi cemeuirsh wets 879 \ 876 883 | 894 SAAS ch Pete th net ass. 1076 |1077 |1077 |1075 | 1077 |1080 |1082 1084 Saar) 7-1 ages | 1281 1281 |1275 |1271 | 1273 |1282 |1293 |1295 Moana teicos 30 L 15/7 0.00000 15 / 30/7 ‘ 45 [ 60 75 — 0.00090 (Absolute measure. ) ~- 4__f —— — Oh 123 45 6 7 8 9 101112131415 1617 1819 20 21 22 23 24% A. M. P.M. Philadelphia mean time. This diagram (B) may, with advantage, be compared with the analogous one representing the annual change of the diumal variation of the declination as given in Part II. of this discussion. The construction is the same in either case. At 6 A. M. there is hardly any change throughout the year. The maximum variation, in the course of a year, takes place at 9 A. M. (range 0.00194 in absolute | measure); about 114 A. M. there is an epoch of no variation; at 2 P. M. a second maximum is reached (range 0.00167); again at 7$ and 11 P. M. points of no 48 DISCUSSION OF THE HORIZONTAL COMPONENT variation are reached, Owing to the prominent annual variation near 2 P. M., the range of the diurmal variation between the morning minimum at 11 A. M. and the afternoon maximum at 34 P. M. is of more interest in the discussion of the diurnal fluctuation of the horizontal force than the 6 A. M. and 11 A. M. range, which latter range, as we have seen, is slightly greater than the first one. To find the turning epochs of the annual variation, the monthly values for the hours 9 A. M. and 2 P. M., when it is best developed, were taken from Table IV., and each value was again fenee with its annual mean. TABLE V.—ANNUAL VARIATION AT THE Hours 9 A. M. anv 2 Pav: MONTR. | 9 A. M. Differences. | 2P. M. Differences. | Mean difference. 0.00 0.00 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 January : 6 5 4 —()25 +116 —(041 —081 +099 February 5 5 5 +009 +150 —052 —092 | +121 Mareh . 4 5 5 3 —U96 | +045 —005 —045 +045 April. = é . 7 || —193 —0(052 +020 —020 | —016 May : 3 3 5 Peal —210 — 069 +109 +069 —069 June Sie ee eee as —014 1134 4094 || —054 July . : , ‘ eo —239 —098 +203 +163 i} —130 August : ; ; ; — 332 —191 +201 +161 —176 September . a 5 : —296 —155 +070 +030 | =092 October ; A 5 5 —li9 | +022 —073 —113 +046 November . z A | —068 | +073 —022 | —062 +068 December - - + + | 4087 | +178 —070 | —no | 4144 MEAT Gee Less a-ak —141 | +040 | | Casting the eye over the columns headed “differences,” we see by the change of sign and the magnitude of the values that the transition from a positive to a nega- tive value occurs some time after the equinoxes, and that the maximum variation ;s reached about the time of the solstices—a result in close correspondence with the conclusions reached in the discussion of the annual inequality in the diurnal varia- tion of the declination (Part I. of the discussion). For convenience in the analy- tical treatment, a column headed “mean difference” has been added to Table V., obtained by changing the signs of the 2 P. M. differences (the annual variation being then opposite to the morning values), and taking the mean of the 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. differences. Ha values in this column are tolerably well répresented by the following formula: — A, = +0.00129 sin (6 + 79°) + 0.00018 sin (20 + 191°), the angle @ counting from January 1, at the rate of 30°.a month. Accordingly, we find the transition to take place shortly before the middle of April and October, or about twenty-two days after the equinoxes. This is about twelve days later than the epoch found in Part II. for the declination. Analysis of the Solar-Diurnal Variation of the Horizontal Force.—¥ or convenience of investigation and proper comparison with similar results at other localities, the values given in Table I. have been put in an analytic: al form, and are represented by the following expressions. It will be seen that the difference between any monthly normal mean and the corresponding mean in Table V. of Part IV., which latter mean is affected with the disturbances, does not exceed 25 scale arisen This small difference includes also a small effect due to the necessity of different OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 49 methods of interpolation in the construction of the two tables. In the determination of the numerical quantities (by application of the method of least squares) in the monthly equations, due attention was paid to the relative weights of the values for the even and odd hours. The coefficients are expressed in scale divisions (increasing numbers denoting decrease of force), and the angle @ counts from midnight at the rate of 15° an bour. For January, A, = + 793°.3 + 3°77 sin ( 9 + 236° + 3°99 sin (3 0 + 282° For February, A, = + 8007.6 + 51.50 siz ( 0 + 218° + 3°97 sin (8.6 + 282° For March, A, = + 805.7 + 67.56 sin ( 6 + 248° + 4°98 sin (36 + 316° For April, A, = + 8281.3 + 7°65 sin ( 0+ 257° + 5°15 sin (36 + 306° For May, A, = + 8321.2 + 2°94 sin ( 6 -+ 314° + 4140 sin (30 + 330° For June, A, = + 85678 + 2°12 sin ( @ + 356° = + 4°48 sin (3.6 + 327° For July, A, = + 67643 + 3142 sin( o+ 4° + 67.14 sin (3.9 + 330° For August, A, = + 7024.2 + 5232 sin ( 6 + 810° + 6°79 sin (3 6 + 335° For September, 4, = + 724°.6 + 8°02 sin ( 0 4+ 271° + 7°08 sin (89 4+ 345° For October, A, = + 738°.2 + 8°06 sin ( 6 + 237° + 1°34 sin (3 6 + 825° For November, A, = + 738°.5 + 41.13 sin ( 6 + 237° + 1193 sin (36 + 310° For December, A, = + 768°.4 + 57.03 sin ( 6 + 212° + 34.98 stn (3 6 + 269° We have also: For summer half year (April to half year (October to March inclusive), and for 52’) + 61.56 sin (20+ 96° 52’) 13’) + 24.00 sin (404+ 97°) 26’) + 4°57 sin (20 + 102° 29’) 40’) + 1°66 sin (404+121° ) 31’) + 5".35 sin (20 + 114° 04’) + 1.91 sin (46 + 118° 37’) + 91.55 sin (26 + 123° 44’) + 1.18 sin (46 + 163° 31’) + T°.81 sin (20 + 140° 05’) + 1°34 sin (40 + 214° 03’) + 6.40 sin (20 + 140° 14’) + 04.92 sin (40 + 216° 11’) 4114.50 sin (26 + 139° 15’) + 0.78 sin (46 + 210° 58’) 4104.37 sin (20 + 153° 46’) 55’) + 2°88 sin (49 + 208° +) 57’) + 9°59 sin (29 + 137° 257) 11’) + 14.99 sin (40 4 215° +) 51’) + 64.40 sin (26 + 123° 37’) 20’) + 04.29 sin (404+ 174° +) 36’) + 64.08 sin (20 + 100° 01’) 45’) + 0°46 sin (40+4211° +) 48’) + 8407 sin (20+ 94° 14’) 17’) + 1°31 sin (46+ 88° ) oo or S = to i) ord ~ wa“ a Sa aS a _ i ~ September inclusive), for winter the whole year, the following expressions for the regular solar diurnal variations :— For summer, aA, = + 770°1 + 3°79 sin ( 0 + 293° + 5".36 sin (3.0 + 829° For winter, A, = + T7411 + 5°36 sin ( 0 4+ 231° + 21.88 sin (3 0 + 293° For year, A, = + T7241 -+- 3°95 sin ( 0 + 256° + 37.96 sin (80 +4 317° 49’) + 9411 sin (20 + 139° 10’) 17’) + 14.42 sin (40 + 202° +) 36’) + 6404 sin (26 + 104° 46’) 54’) + 14.11 sin (404 108°) 19’) + 7.25 sin (26 + 125° 05’) 31’) + 0°86 sin (494 165° ) The following expressions for January may serve as specimens of the agreement of the result derived from the even and odd hours independently :— From even hours, 4, = 7934.3 + 3°81 sin ( 6 + 238° 01’) + 67.56 sin (26 + 94° 32/) + 4110 sin (3 6 + 280° From odd hours, A, = 7934.4 + 3°71 sin ( 6 + 234° + 3°.76 sin (30 + 286° 19’) + 24.08 sin (494+ 86° ) 35’) + 64.56 sin (20 + 101° 32’) 00’) + 1°.85 sin (46 + 119° ) giving to the first equation the weight 2 and to the second the weight 1, we obtain the equation as given above. 7 50 DISCUSSION OF THE DIURNAL VARIATION The following comparison will show the agreement of the observed and computed values we have for August:— Observed. (P. M.) Compated. Observed. 698 12 213™ 707.7 708 698.3 699 Psu 695.1 698 699.6 699 14 688.4 689 699.7 698 15 888.7 688 697.6 699 692.5 692 694.3 695 17 697.1 696 694.5 693 : 700.3 701 701.2 702 702.6 703 712.7 714 704.5 704 723.6 724 704.8 703 7271 726 ] 703.3 704 720.4 718 2 : 700.6 702 Diagrams C and D exhibit the regular solar-diumal variation of the horizontal force; the dots represent the observations directly taken from Table 1; the curves give the computed values from the preceding equations. These diagrams also exhibit the general agreement between the observed and computed values. The summer months are represented on diagram C, the winter months on diagram iD; their comparison shows plainly the much greater range of the diurnal variation when the sun is north of the equator than when south of it, as was also the case with the magnetic declination. OF THE HORIZONTAL FORCE. 5 (C.)—Sotar-prurnat VARIATION oF THE Hontzontan Force; Aprit to Srpremper, 1840 ro 1845. Seale divisions. 1' = 0,0000365 parts of the horizontal foree. of Increase horz. force. — April 23 26 29 832 May. 35 48 38 51 41 54 44 857 47 June. 60 63 66 69 87 July. 90 93 96 99 10 702 August. 13° (05 16 08 Ug} a Gt 22 «14 725° «17 September. 28 20 31 «23 34. 26 37 40 43 46 49 Decrease of horz. force. -—S 1 1 ! ‘ — 1 —S— = 4_t 1 1 1 0®h1 23 45 6 7 8 91011 N.13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24n Philadelphia mean time. 52 DISCUSSION OF PLE DIURNAL AY ARLAT TOWN (D.)—Sonar-pivrvaL VARIATION OF THE Horrzontan Force; OcToBrR To Marcn, 1840 To 1845. Scale divisions. 1 = 0.0000365 parts of the horizontal force. 23 — 4 36 26 2 5 29 aee 32 EE 35 738 October. 27 «41 30 44 3308 47 36 650 N39) Beb3 November. 56 42 59 45 62 48 65 51 768 December vat 74 84 77 87 80 90 83 793 January. 86 89 96 92 99 95 02 =z 5 98 -0be SOs 08) === ez = — : February. 94 O04 L = a 97 (07 : | 00 610 . = B 03 «13 es 806 = c e March. 09 =a caf 12 15 ioe. Is me Sg a = gE] 24 id a aie af cas eS Sa Lt Yee aa 06123 45 6 7 8 9 10 11N.13 1415 1617 1819 20 21 22 23 24" Philadelphia mean time. Table VI. contains the coefficients B, B, B, B, of the general equation: — A, = A+ B, sin (0+ C,) + B, sin (2 0+ GC.) + B, sin (8 0+ C,) + B, sin (40+ C)) expressed in parts of the horizontal force, by multiplying the corresponding quan- tities in the preceding equations with the value of a scale division. The angles 1 OC, CO, C, will be found in Table VII.; they are the same as given before, increased by 180°, so as to make a corresponding change in the direction of the scale readings; increasing numbers will now indicate increasing force. OF THE WORIZONTAL FORCE. 5s The first three decimals (0.000) have been placed in front of the table. Tasie VI. | | | Monta. | B, B, B, B, January, 2. 2. << | 138 239 146 073 Mebraany) 0 -) sce se | 202 167 119 060 Marche tes: “ec eet, 239 195 154 070 Aprils com ras? “stu eheo) art 279 349 188 043 WEN 2 OME Baa, Ctlocy Sema Pe 082 285 161 049 June Sie) Sigel Wen 077 234 164 034 JUlymy se ohare call ee 25 20 224 029 August A ato, Sennen Ie a 194 379 248 105 September ... . 295 350 258 073 OGTGbeNs wetiici cei rs 294 234 048 011 November tc: Wein 151 222 | 071 017 December... “<) s)- s 184 295 | 145 048 SUMAN) ecard 138 333 196 052 Winter Oe reads SRE 196 220 105 040 Galt ser Cates 144 265 145 031 In Table VII. the same quantities are given in absolute measure; the first two places of decimals (0.00) are placed at the head of the columns. (Increasing num- bers denote increase of force.) The numerical values of A will be found in con- nection with the discussion of the annual variation of the horizontal force. TABLE VII. c a B c B, Monta. 3 0.00 0.00 January . aes 560 52/ 276° 52/ 061 102013’ | 030 February. .. . 26 282 29 050 102 40 025 March. . 56 0 63 31 294 14 064 136 04 029 PADYL ey te ois 2 37 303 06 | 079 126 44 018 May te cs igus : 34 81 | 320 53 087 150 05 020 NETO oes) > By 03 | 20. 32 068 147 14 014 Joly << hates 5% 84 11 319 14 | 094 150 15 012 August . 5 8 3 ¢ 58 | $333 46 104 155) 55 044 September . . . 25 57 317 25 108 165 17 030 Mctaber\(s 2) (Flr 2: f 57 30337 020 145 20 005 November ae je 36 280 O1 029 130 45 007 December wane 2 48 274 14 061 89 17 020 Summer . . : Bi 113 49 | 319 10 082 149 17 022 Winter oes. 51 36 984 46 044 113 54 017 Voareh he ee 7 76 19 305 05 060 137 31 013 On diagram E the average value of the diurnal variation throughout the year, together with the summer and winter value, has been represented as resulting from the numerical quantities in the above table. It exhibits the noticeable feature in the annual curve of a greater morning maximum (about 6 A. M.) than afternoon maximum (about 35 P. M.), whereas in the summer curve it is the afternoon maxi- mum which is the greater of the two.’ In the winter season the contrast is more 1 The same is the case at Prague; in May, June, and July, the afternoon maximum was the greater of the two. Karl Kreil, in vol. VIII. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Vienna, 1855: “Resultate aus den magnetischen Beobachtungen zu Prag.” DA DISCUSSION OF THE DIURNAL VARIATION marked, the morning maximum being considerably greater. ‘These eurves also show the gradual shifting of the maxima and minimum to a later hour in winter than in summer, a phenomenon also well exhibited in the preceding diagrams C and D, The numerical values of this change of hours will be given in tabular form further on, ‘The small afternoon minimum about 9 P. M, is less distinctly marked than any other feature of the diurnal curve. (1.) —Reavnan SonanDivenan Variation or tit Hontzonran Foner von Sommer, Winten, AND WItOLE Yuan, (Tn absolute measure.) =a prmipess s apse ti} Took, tet Sein es at | 602 566 a 510 3 Abd oO N: 4 4s 4.17520 ooo — S| AATSTS 448 827 437 282 an } ~ 236 846 eg 190 i —f- -|——$—$~_ | ——_«—- 144 254 | no 200 | 364 1038 ga 318 Nl ard 273 4.17071 ——<$<$<$< | 4.17227 181 136 ooo dd ey VR | my SS FRE Pn ee PN RS eT Va {JOS ES POPE ae es | 90s o}123846 67 8 91011Nn1 23 46 6 7 8 9 1011 12 A.M, YM. Philadelphia mean time, Table VITL, contains the computed values of the time and amount of the morning maximum and minimum, and of the afternoon maximum, ‘The values for the secondary afternoon minimum are taken from the diagrams. ‘The time of the A.M, maximum and minimum is within the nearest cighth minute; that of the P.M, maximum within the nearest tenth minute, ‘The time for the DP. M. secondary minimum is within the nearest hour, ‘The amount of change of horizontal foree is expressed in seale divisions, OF THE MORIZONTAL FORCE. 55 Tanie VIII. | eon Raa ; | Interval MONTIL, Morning maximum, Morning minimum. Afternoon maximum, | Secondary afters | 4 Mf min. to hoon wiuimurn, P. M. max January .. . 710m | — 94,2 11" 50™ f 410m = Fobruary . <0. 715 9.6 11 40 2. 00 March... . . 6 15 9.3 11 30 i. 3 20 ATU feu cs. sas 6 00 He 11 20 22.5 3 55 te 4h 20m 20 50 Maly atuieiete) sis iy« 5 50 A 10 25 5.! 3.10 MUG eh it, ee 5 50 ae 10 30 2.6 3 20 JULY sie se 5 35 ' 10 30 9.¢ 3 26 55 August. . . » 5 55 3 10 10 ‘A. 2 45 35 September. . . 5 35 BS 10 20 D. 3 05 iE 45 October Ah 5 00 2.6 11 15 3. 10 § 2 | 55 November . - 6 00 9. 11 25 4 6 15 50 December. . . 05 H 05 je 35 30 Summer ... 5 50 9. 30 9.6 3 25 Winter. . n 3 15 : 45 3.$ 10 NGAI) cas 5 55 6 00 5.6 3 35 45 50 tttt¢tt+ wCawhocks pS The extreme variation in the epoch of the A. M. maximum is therefore 2" 15™; the variation for the A. M. minimum is 1" 55"; for the P. M. maximum it is 2" 30", and for the secondary afternoon minimum between 3 and 4 hours. In all cases, the earlier hours occur in the summer season. Table IX. shows the diurnal range, expressed in scale divisions, parts of the horizontal force and in absolute measure. In the second column the range between the A. M. maximum and minimum is given; in the third column that between the A. M. minimum and the P. M. maximum, ‘These two amplitudes for A. M., and for A. M. and P. M., are further illustrated in diagram F, which shows the curve to be double crested, with maxima near the time of the equinoxes, and the greater of these near the autumnal equinox. A RT AED MRR TA A RENEE ER A A I NAN TABLE 1X.—AMPLITUDE OF THE DIURNAL VARIATION OF THE HorizonTAL Force. HON TH: For A.M. jy a and pew) FORA MT a a and Pot Lon a ae and P.M WANUATY) “ay 050, ves 241.9 214.0 0.00091 0,00077 0.0038 0.0032 February... . + 22.3 13.6 O81 050 34 21 Marois oy fala ce oie 25.6 18.7 093 068 39 29 ApYilvees ge io ton totes 84.8 29.1 127 106 53 45 May ine re Cov eo 23.4 25.3 085 092 36 38 OD GDh cy taniees eich see 18.8 22.9 069 084 29 35 July Fao) onto!) ol eys 29.2 36.8 106 134 45 56 AGO te eieis =! oe ee 33.3 39.0 122 142 51 59 September ... . 40.8 32.6 149 119 62 50 October Feat OD 26.3 13.6 096 050 40 21 November... 2. = « 20.8 14.0 076 051 32 21 December. . . + «| 28.2 21.2 0.00103 O77 0.0043 0.0032 Summer 30,1 0.00107 0.00110 0.0045 0.0046 Winter 16.1 0.00085 0.00059 0.0036 0.0025 Year 21.6 0.00092 0.00079 0.0038 0.0033 In seale divisions, | In parts of the horizontal force In absolute measure DISCUSSION OF THE DIURNAL VARIATION [ebay lor) (#.)—Sovan-Diurnat Rance or roe Horizonran Force ror eEAcH Monti oF THE YEAR. Absol. scale. — 0.0060 56 40 36 32 28 24 0.0020 ”) Sept., ’ Jan’y, June, July, Aug Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan’y, Feb’y, March, April, May The next table contains the epochs when the mean horizontal force is reached in each day, as computed by the preceding formule. The diurnal curves intersect the axis of abscisse four times, of which the table contains only the A. M. and first P. M. intersection: those later in the afternoon and near midnight occur in summer, winter, and whole year at 7 P. M., 53 P. M., and 63 P. M. respectively, and at 114 P.M., 12 P. M., and 112 P. M. respectively. TasLe X.—Princrpat Epocus or Mran Horizontan Force. MONTH. A. M. Pp. M. January . : 9220m 2>36™ February . 0 : < 9 23 58 March. . é eal 42 28 April ¢ 3 5 4 14 19 May A 2 5 . 44 59 June - : 0 5 47 48 July : 4 - - ; 57 53 August. 5 4 : - 28 Ad September 5 : 5 5 42 29 October. . 5 : i 3 08 5 00 November : 5 : 3 40 28 December ci : 6 34 3 03 Summer . : : , 7245" 14) 2" Winter. 9 : . 9 00 3 07 Year 5 é 8 14 1 54 The above times are generally correct within two minutes (according to the formule). ‘The morning hour of average daily horizontal force is less variable in the course of a year than the afternoon hour. The following table contains the computed diurnal variation of the horizontal force. The values have been expressed in absolute measure. It compares directly with Table IV., which contains the observed values. It will be useful for the interpolation of observations, or for their reduction to the mean value of the day from observations taken at irregular hours. The table also forms the basis for the construction of diagram G, OF THE HORIZONTAL FORCE. NT TasLe XI.—Compurep Sonar-DiurRNAL VARIATION OF THE HorIzZONTAL Force IN ABSOLUTE MEASURE, The first two places of decimals (0.00) are placed in front of the table. : : whe? 1840-1845. | oh 3h 4h 5h | 6% MP Te Sh eal Ses |) LORS A aaa July —061 30 | +015 | +091 | +137 | +137 | +-046 | —107 | —244 | —290 | —244 August | 4-122 +030 | +030 | +061 | +122 +122 | +015 | —167 | —335 | —381 | —274 September | +061 31 | +107 +229 | +198 | +061 | —152 | —320 | —381 | —320 October +046 +122 | +167 2| +182 | 4-137 | +076 | —030 | —122 | —182 | —213 November 000 30 | +061 +152 | +152 | +122 | +030 | —061 | —137 | —167 December | —046 : 5 +137 | +-167 | +182 | +-122 | +015 | —122 | —229 January —030 5 | +061 | +091 | +107 | +122 | +091 | —015 | —137 | —229 February | +030 3 5 +107 | +-137 | +-162 | 4-187 | 4-015 | —107 | —182 March +046 1 +137 | +137 | +122 | 4-030 | —076 | —198 | —244 April +061 +167 | +182 | +-122 | —015 | —198 | —320 | —351 May 000 000 61 | +107 | +107 | +046 | —076 | —198 | —244 | —182 June —015 +091 | +091 | +-046 | —061 | —152 | —182 | —305 1840-1845. 5 Wes 18" 19» | 20» | 2m | 29m July +076 | +213 | +229 | +152] +046 | —015 | —061 | —091 | —076 | —076 August +107 | +213 +152 | +076 | +030 | —015 | —030 | —046 | —015 | +-015 September —015 | +091 | +076}/+046/+015| 000} +030) +030 | +046 | +076 October | —1387 | —076 —015|} 000 000 | —015 | —015 | —030 | —015 | 4-015 ,| November —091 | —046 +030 | +046 | +046 | +030) +4015} 000) —015 | —015 - | December | —182 | —076 +061} +061 | +015 | —015 | —046 | —061 | —076 | —061 January ~2 —137 | —030 +076 | +046 | +015 —015 | —030 —015 | —015 |! —030 February —107 | —030 +015 | —015 | —030 | —030 | —030 | —015 | —-015 000 March —107 000 +015 | —015 | —046 -—030 | 4-015 +046 | +-046 | +046 April —137 000 +091 | +061 | +030 BOD Pe0 —030 000 | 4-030 May +046 | +122 52! +122 | +076 | +030 | —015 | —046 | —061 | —046 | —015 June +061 | +137 +137 | +076 | +030 | —015 | —030 | —046 | —030 | —015 | Diagram G exhibits the changes in the horizontal force (in absolute measure) from the monthly normal value for each hour of the day and for each month of the year. The three variables are: the hour of the day, the month of the year, and the difference of the horizontal force from the normal. The contour lines of the magnetic surface differ 0.0005 of horizontal force in absolute measure. Full lines indicate greater value, lines of dashes less value than the mean; dotted lines repre- sent the normal value. 58 DISCUSSION OF THY WORTZONTAL COMPONENT (G.)—Cuances or THE HorizonTaL Force From 17s NormAL VALUE, FoR EACH Hour or THE Day axp MonTH OF THE YEAR. Expressed in absolute measure. 0.00 January, February, asa Traeemtenennanese® March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, ONL 253) Ory W708 19) 10) TNS A. M. P. M. Philadelphia mean time. Annual Variation of the Horizontal Force-—For the discussion of the annual variation we make use of the monthly normal readings of the horizontal force as given in Table II. If m equals the monthly effect of the total progressive change, we obtain from the twelve equations by the usual method the value m= + 15.49, and the correction for progressive change for July and June, for instance, becomes + 5.5 m and — 5.5 m respectively. ‘The following table contains the monthly normals uncorrected and corrected for progressive change; also the differences from the mean for each month, constituting the annual variation. OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE. 59 TABLE XII. Differences, or annual variation. Corrected for Corrected - : — progressive change. normals, | MONTH. Normals. | | 0.000 0.00 July PY Es arty bs 76.5 +85.2 761.5 +10.6 | +39 +16 AUpUsE A : 172: 4.1719 March. : . - - : 4.1733 April c ; 5 c : 5 4.1720 May . : : . . 174! 4.1735 June - 3 : 3 : slide 4.1718 Mean : a = : 2 4.1730 - Pak Ree vel: " 7 Pas ENV ES 1GATIO N ‘) | ae , OF THE ’ LUNAR INFLUENCE ON THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL FORCE, ® 2 3 \ om — . : 3 Ss (61) EN YES PiGear ron INFLUENCE OF THE MOON ON THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL FORCE. TuE method pursued in the investigation of the lunar effect on the horizontal force is, in gencral, the same as that explained in Part III. of the discussions of the Girard College observations. The process may be briefly recapitulated as fol- lows: Each horizontal force observation, after it had been corrected for the effect of difference from the standard temperature and for progressive change, the dis- turbed readings being omitted (as fully explained in Part IV.), was marked with its corresponding lunar hour; the observation nearest to the time of the moon’s upper transit over the true meridian of the observatory was marked 0", that nearest to the lower transit was marked 12", and the observations between, for western and eastern hour angles of the moon, were marked with the proper lunar hour by inter- polation. In the hourly series where thirteen observations are recorded in twelve lunar hours, that observation which is nearest midway between any two consecutive lunar hours was omitted. Each observation and reduced reading thus marked with its corresponding lunar hour was subtracted from the monthly normal belonging to its respective hour, and these differences were set down in tabular form, arranged according to lunar hours and keeping each monthly result separate for future com- bination. Let 2 = any normal belonging to any reduced reading 7, the following tables contain the mean monthly values of the differences x — 7; a positive sign, therefore, indicates greater force, a negative sign less force than the normal. It need hardly be repeated that in the original record of the horizontal force increasing numbers denote a decrease of the force. The greatest possible difference is 33, the number of scale divisions, which, according to the criterion, separates a disturbed from an undisturbed observation. For the formation of these differences which amount to more than 22,000, the manuscript tables of the reduced record were used: these tables have already been referred to in the preceding Part IV. The units in which the differences 7 — 7 are expressed are scale divisions, one division being equal 0.0000365 parts of the horizontal force, or equal to 0.000152 in absolute measure, the mean Y being = 4.173 (in units of grains and feet). The lunar effect on terrestrial magnetism being excecdingly minute, the process required for its elucidation is proportionally delicate; all the regular and irregular ( 63 ) 64 DISCUSSION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOON deviations arising from other sources must first be eliminated. In the method, as indicated above, the magnetic disturbances (as far as they could be recognized as such), the diurnal and annual solar variation, as well as the eleven (or ten) year inequality and secular change, are all eliminated, leaving numbers fitted for the lunar research. The readings taken in the month of June, 1840, have not been used in this discussion (these had likewise been rejected in the two preceding parts), on account of the imperfect manner in which the allowance for the progressive change could only be made at that time. For the lunar hour 21 in July, 1840, the number of differences is so small that the mean had necessarily to be reduced; one-fourth of its amount was set down in the table. In January, February, and March, 1843, the observations were discontinued, excepting a single daily reading. These months, therefore, do not occur in the lunar discussion. The number of observations used are distributed over the several months and years, as shown in the following table. TABLE I.—NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS FOR LUNAR DISCUSSION. 7 ] MONTH. 1840-1841. 1841-1842. 1842-1843. 1843-1544. 1844-1845. Sum. July . 2 2 6 5 157 297 284 294 627 1659 August 0 : 2 235 295 318 313 622 1783 September . : 5 258 269 265 296 556 1644 October. 4 ~ 255 281 257 *602 597 1992 November . C 245 279 297 603 564 1988 December . : 199 297 318 603 559° 1976 January . 5 5 5 179 298 ---- 621 601 1699 February . 3 . 5 238 250 ---- 575 541 1604 March 5 c . 260 297 ---- 576 601 1734 April . . * 262 271 286 586 575 1980 May . ° 5 : 5 264 271 299 623 612 2069 June . . -~ A - 212 295 309 579 522 1917 2764 3400 2633 6271 6977 22045 TABLE I],.—DIsTRIBUTION OF THE NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS ACCORDING TO WESTERN AND EASTERN Hour ANGLES OF THE Moon. YEAR. Western hour angles. Eastern hour angles 1840-41 1371 1393 1841-42 1688 1712 1842-43 1320 1313 1843-44 3138 3133 1844-45 3499 3478 Sum 11016 | 11029 Tables IIL, 1V., V., VI. and VII. contain the monthly and annual means of the lunar diurnal variation for the years 1840 to 1845. The numbers are expressed in scale divisions. * Commencement of the hourly series. OR EEE, MeAIGN Bebe? ERO UR eZ OW A Ty BORIC Hy. 69 TaBLE I1].—DirrereNnces rromM THE Montuty NorMats, 1840-41, Western Hour ANGLES OF THE Moon. 1840-41. | 0b 1 2h gh} ah) ph | ga 7 gh 9» | ao | qs Up. eul. | | | | } | —<—<—S}s a | et a | -_ — =e my July | ky eT] =3 9 3 +7 | Stl) aly |) tea Ae Shi ang August | 0 —t +3 —5 srl || sre | : —4 —2 +2 +5 —1 September, —2 0 +8 +1 OR ate Dee le en +8 |+4 October =|) al =i +} ee ee he at ape A Ey +4 | +10 November | —6 +3 0 rn SI Naf gl) Ste ey | el +1 SS al December —4 —3 +3 | +4 +2 —7 | —5 |—3 | 0 +3 —s8 |4+9 January =r SEB eal |e easy. |) bey Neer | Ue Is Gye] Le (i) aoe February | +7 +5 0 +6 a8) | tet Oe ea oO ae 0 WarcHne a e==4)\je-te4) 0) 1-1 | Se eS Steep sensi 3) ee April @) ]|- SSR" 4)" ei Sees | a Tite Sh Wea =O) i) ahi |) a May Se eae =I —=§ $2) —1 |—1 |—6 | 0 | 42 | —5 June sal SG 0 | —3 4) 4) ee Ee 8 Sa cea fee —0.4 Site) Ti ay) yl Shay) al | | 1840-41. | 128 13h 14h 15h 160 17h 1s 198 20h | Qin 22h | 93h Low. cul. | dae a -| . e zs = a July 25h Lane = | Soe +6 0 Ja P| ag SE 6) alr 25) ee August SS eG ee ome pete +5 a) |) SEBS |) ay |) ery en Cr 9 September} — 2 | — 1 So Poe & +5 aes | |) Sa) =) = By) |f eail are Oitieigae |) NR || TEA 9) ety |) Se SEB} STI Oh feat Se G —3 [5 November | — 2 | + 1 —3| || de a 6 o {+1 ;/—1 AEG SG || oe Bicoeribers ie laGee Petar Ores eon eta eieer—=—3 en tao Ge Wet el ewe—=—3 On ING Sey | ks Bi January |—2 |—4 ats eae +1 —1 |/+4 |—2 =F} |) alles 3. | 07 February |— 5 |+ 4 | —4 |—7 | —6 +5 }/+1/+2 | +1 |—5 SR |e ZI March = 0} —5 |}+2 | —1-) +4 ;-10 }42 |--2 |—2-|-42 |4+2 April =) heey] See ae —3 | —4; oO |}+2 | -2 |+2 auf) |) 2k May EGY |) 8 Dsl cere) 0 (Gite arch eetterg sts; | == Y —2 |+2 June '+§s§ |—4 +6 —5 4-7 —8 |—5 —i7 0 —7 +1 | —11 Moon 4 1.0] $0.8) 40.1) + 0.4) —0.2) +06) — 2.3) — 1.3) +0.6) — 21) +0.6/ + 1.2 ' | 66 DISCUSSION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOON TABLE [VY.—DIFFERENCES FROM THE MonvTuLy NORMALS, 1841-42, WESTERN Hour ANGLES ? oF THE Moon. =! e = 1841-42. Ob 3h Up. ent. July ++ August | September, —3 October | +7 November | 0 December | +8 January —2 j February | —)d March -t-4 April 0 +8 Ha =52 —1 0 e ono 44 0 aii | =) |) al Ap} |} eal = || 4 =a) | be 0 0 aun, |} iL De) Se8 0.9) 0.3 EEE owe i ond WwWOorNRrN NWRNNO May 0 June +1 +4 | | + | | | I+ wre Oho ~ Mean +1.1 1841-42. 124 |Low. cul. July | August September October | November December January February March April May June Mean ON THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL FORCE, TABLE V.—DIFFERENCES FROM THE Montuny NorMAts, 1842-43, Western Hour ANGLES OF THE Moon. 1842-43, | Qn 1» b 3h | ¢ | | gh | Up. enl. July ; 3 2 | 49 | ¢ Ty August : | ‘ 2) +1 September 2 ¢ | | 0 ID) October : 3 |] —3 +5 November y aa =| December l jo el 7 January | --- February ae vee March | a acim ere April | —l +1 , —3 —1 May : 2 | + oni —l +9 —1 +1 June ; 0 Al 225 Mean +0.7 | | | 1842-43. 12h 4h gh} gh Low. cul. | July } —l | August —5 —1 September | < —1 —2 October : | +44 +44 November +6 0 December : ; 2 January eee loose February = ase March = SAS April ¢ 5 | 0 —3 May | —l —1 June ‘ : 2 | 5 —3 +2 Mean | | | 4 -$ -9/ -+-0.1] —0.3 | —0.8} 68 DISCUSSION OF THE INFLEVENCE OF QE MOON TapLE VI.—DIrrERENCES FROM THE Monruiy Normats, 1843-44, WESTERN Hour ANGLES or THE Moon. 1843-44. | o» | as | 2 3e 4p | 5h | 6h 7 | gh | gn 1ou | 1h | Up. enl. | | | | | | July SL mere fr ep tty | aU | S| ee | ea SET eo es August +2 +2 | o | —1 +2 +1 —3 +4 0 —l —2 —2 September) -+1 —1 | -3 +6 Oo — —l —4+ —1 a ae 0 L October | —1 | +4. | 43 | +5 | 42 | +3 | 42) -1 i) SP) |) |) Ss November| +1 | +1 Oe a) 0 | Oi = 3e =) 0 0 +1 | +1 f December | +2 | +1 2 | De 0 —2 —l1 | —1 | -1 —2 +1 —l January SH 0 Oy Oe ah |) it) fe SN Ee i Bi le ~ @ February | —1 | —1 +1 2 |) tt a | 0 0 | +3 | 0 jl} Sky March cy (| Seg Sata ET eae | eve alate | 42 rs pee i ee i fg April EE eee EE EES | Sey) || abil | SP OES hb May Oe eee) Qo] a | cea th gl Geate ail aia ae o | June o | —2 aye || Oo | +2 +2 +2 | +2 +1 | —1 —2 | 0 Mean | +0.9| 40.4) +0.8) +1.5) +0.9| —0.3) +04) +0.3) +01 1843-44. elias 146 155 | 16 | 17 18" as) 205 21h 22h 235 Low. cul | | | July —2 —T —2 —3 | +3 —1 | +4 | —2 Ii —1 | +2 2 August +4 — 0 +2 —1 —2 0 +2). +1 ) +1 | =2 | +4 0 Saptentbor! foal {0 Al, 3) g| 28 al 8 gH a) oO et See ee ee 0 October earn eal aaa, deel oe 0 Oca) ot Al ete al Ste a November) +1 2 +: +2 +2 oO | —1 —2 |; =—1 al 0 =! December 0 +1 +1 Oo | +1 —1 |} -3 —4 a |) 8} | —2 0 January | +1 +2 —1 —1 —l | —2 0 —1 ; +1 +2 +1 +2 Febroarye{ fs2e) tok I pm fe SF Le Sp) Poet | eno neal ae March +1 | 0 —1 0 | 0 0 —1 —l1 —l1 | —1 ; -+1 —3 April ay 0 0 iy |) ep (|) Maye Sen Ono 60s 0 May OMe Oa |p a=2 0) 0 | —2 | 8) aa pet | a) sea ee June o | +2 | +12 | +3 | +2 orn = Oto) Se hiee 0 Mean 40.3) —0.2] $0.2) 40.3) 41.3 —0.6| —0.9| —0.7) —0.9) —0.8 0.0| —0.2 | Equal weight has been given to each monthly result in the formation of the annual mean. ON THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL PORCH. G9 i * r "pp yA ODe _ a” . + , us =< y Taste VIT.—Dirrerences rrom tue Monruty Normans, 1844-45, Wesrern Hour ANGLES ‘ 1844-45, | on | or rae Moon. SAL tee 4 EF = a CRPSIVEN Te 8h gu 10" | a July Tig Mee ees ae eee arg ey ere a ee y ites | August —3 +1 —1 a 4-2 a +] 133 4 ag: 2 a4 September) —2 0 —l 0 —2 Pa 0 +3 | +2 2 42 ar Gnigbar Dal wecdeal ees A Ones a MR 2a Fk Dialer alae November | —1 shi dial BS aa lk ee | eg a a 2 rg a ide 1 December, |” —=1 PR pee a SR eS eT aR a eg eh er January JL | 2 sea 2 oe | 4 1 —_ % February +1 | ei 0 | 0 +75} -b1 +1 ; 6 | ae ar 2 4 Mareh BE Scie ee ae 0 OP -seaal tee by nO nee eae *% April —4 | +2 +2 | 2 0 +2 0 Broth Ho¢ei tag 1 1 May +2 | 0 | 42 | 42 (igal E Galata al tel ay ay June Chal eae —4 —3 | —1 0 +3 =I +1 +1 0 =F a = a = ae A SAAS 12S es = sj MS TS Mean a +0.6 10-5) +0.3 6.0) +0.6 +0.6 70.9) +0.1} —0.3 0.0) +0.2 1844-45. | 12h 138 | 148 15" | 16h 17h 1gh 19! 2on | gin yh | agh Low. cul | July 0 0 Je yy O- o- Fry ee ee Be fear August LE ol) Sep MM EC Ne Ore =o 0 3 0. lone September 2 | +3 +1 ; 41 —l] ; —2 —3 ) —4 24 October +1 2 +1 +2 0 —2 —2 5 0 ee November) —l | —4 | 0 Ne) Wea hacer sap) Se a | a | 0 —1 +2 | 0 | 2 | +2 | 2 0 January A | 0 +2 —1 | —5 | —4 —4 2 Mebruaryae |) ele we {Qe tie He | ane Spee | eo iy we March SH | EOL Il ol Onn eet ees Ze | =i | =f April Sip ifrercay 0 Slee Nese Crea hanes | Beal eo May +1 | —2 2 — =o Ol) ecto | 0 nD) June Jeg) ail cil SEG} |e eat fon |) te oO | =4 Mean | +10] +04) +0.5| 0.0] —0.7) —0.1| —0.3| 1.0! 1.5 TapLe VIII.—RECAPITULATION OF THE ANNUAL MEANS EXHIBITING THE LuNAR-DIURNAL VARIATION, FROM 22,045 OBSERVATIONS BETWEEN 1840 AND 1845, EXPRESSED IN SCALE DIVISIONS. | July toJuly.) 0" Up. ent. 1840-41 1841-42 1842-43 1843 -44 1844-45 Mean 410.3 | +05 | 1h 40.5 | +2.0 —0.9 | +0.4 | 10.6 July toJuly. 12 Low. eul 1840-41 1811-42 1842-43 1843-44 1844-45 +1.0 | 41.2 +0.1 +0.3 +1.0 Mean 40.7 - 134 | 40.8 ; —0.1 +0.1 } —0:2 0.4 +0.2 14" +0.1 — (a4 +1.4 +0.2 --0.5 $0.4 0.4 | —1.5 —0.6 +0.3 | 0.0 —0.3 Hh ate +1.6 —0.3: 40.7 = —( SO) On +0.8 +1.3 —0.7 -4.0.3 8 lad | +0.7 | +0.4 | +0.6 | +0.6 0.0 | +0.1 2.4 | md 9 —0.2 —1.3 | 0.7 —0.8 —0.3 Sua: —0.2 —1.0 —1.2 0.0 90h | 21h 29h +0.6 —(.3' | ==083 —0.9 — as gn | 10% | 1] —().1 +1.0 0.0 —0.6 40.2 +0.1 70 DISCUSSION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOON If we give weight to the annual means according to the number of observations, they would be; one for the first and second year, three-fourths for the third year, one and three-fourths for the next year, and two for the last year: a general exam- ination, however, shows that, owing to the disturbing effect of the progressive change, the monthly means are very nearly of equal value, derived either from the bi-hourly or the hourly series. It will also be shown in the sequel that the lunar diurnal variation is nearly the same in the summer and winter seasons; the means of Table V. and the final means of Table VIII. have therefore been adopted with- out reference to combinations or weights. A comparison of the values of ‘Table VIII. among themselves shows them to be very irregular, although derived from many thousand observations; a five year series of observations seems barely sufficient to exhibit a tolerably regular progression. In the following table two. groups have been formed, one of results from three years, 1840 to 1843, comprising 8,797 observations, the other from the remaining two years comprising 13,248 observations. From these it appears that the lunar diurnal variation during these two periods exhibits the same gencral character. LuNAR-DIURNAL VARIATION DURING THE PERIODS 1840-43 AND 1843-45. Groups. | on | 1: | 2h | an | 4 5h 6» | te | gh ge | aon | qs 1840-43 | 0.5 | +0.5 | +1.0 | 41.2 | +0.1 | 41.0 | —0.3 | —0.2 | 1.0 | —0.3 | 0.0 40.3 | 1843-45 0.0 | +0.5 | +0.7 | +0.9 | 40.4 | +0.3 | 40.5 | +0.6 | +-0.1 | —0.6 | —0.6 | —0.2 Groups. 12h 13% | 14" 155 16" lyfe 18" | 19» | 208 | 21 22h 23h 1840-43 | 10.8 | +0.3 | 40.4 | —0.6 (Vt) | LOE | eset el OG: 0.0 | =1.2 | 4-02] 40.9 | 1843-45 | 10.7 | 40.1 | +0.4 | +0.2 | +0.3 | —0.4 | —0.6 | —0.7 | —1.3 | —1.0 | —0.5 | —0.9 } Before proceeding to the analysis of the final result of Table VIII. the separate results have been combined into summer and winter groups; the first group com- prising the months from April to September, the second group the months from October to March. Table IX. exhibits the lunar diurnal variation of the horizontal force during the summer and winter seasons. ON THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL FORGE. ii TABLE [X.—LuNAR-DIURNAL VARIATION IN SUMMER. (In seale divisions.) Apr. to Sept.| 04 1h 2 4y | eee | oy | ng | on | 1 | am Up. cul. | | 1840-41 | +0.7 | —0.9 | +2. BE || SUG), Sse ay | ie) isle |) Seay || Shas) if Sie et Se Fe eeour Lb ore 1842-43 | +0.8 | —0.2 7 3.6 | + 1843-44 | 41.5 | +0.5 f ; ; Bie) Saal) Si nes Pi Web) Ye le SE) 1844-45 | —2.0 0.0 | +0. 0.0 0 | $0.7 | +1.7 } 0.0 | "| 42.0 | —3.2 | (sb etatep = 19) 21 = E315 Tei Petree RT | eT A Ven) ty Oy) SO) ane 1. iil Oty —0.8 | —0.3 Mean SEE} |) Sey 0 | +0.4 | 0.4 | —0.4.) —1.3 | 0.6 | —0.7 Tae) Ese 19h | 20% 21h | 1840-41 | +5.8 Sasol AON) “10 1842-48 | +1.2 | -40.5 ; 1843-44 | +0.2 | —0.8 | +0.: 1844-45 | +0.8 | +0.5 | Mean +1.7 | —0.6 | +1.1 | Bi |) seal STi) PS Ree ats | ae, 22910 ean) eaten? == | OT | |) Oye ND ay 0.0 | —0.5 E012 | -4015-| —0.2) | —1.5 —2.3 jpeeee woos si wob i) PS ee Se | See | LuNAR-DIURNAL VARIATION IN WINTER. (In scale divisions.) Oct. to Mar.} 0» | LA 5b 10h | Jb | 40.5 | + i | +0.2 ) 4+ + 1840-41 0 0 i : 0. 3 z , FON | ——Cozal| if 2 1841-42 1842-43 1843-44 1844-45 bo SOrRHS bo & Co bo 0 5 0 0 7 ) E . iP 0. 0.0 | : 2 +0.8 $0.2 | cs bhwon ++) ++ la bo oo Oo bo l++++ = 3 aT 0. il, aly +0. 0. -L0 0. ++++ | scoonre Mean + ° bo + = zi ° 225 23h 1840-41 1841-42 1842-43 1843-44 1844-45 1.5 Eis +3.0 —0.5 e=087 +0.5 lhe ae Spr rr wow coh | 2 a Mean The results are exhibited in the annexed diagram. The number of observations (about 11,000 for each group) is evidently too small to eliminate the greater irregu- larities. ais DISCUSSION OF THE INELUENCHE OF THE MOON (A.)—Lvnar-Divryan Variation of THE Hortzontan Force iy SUMMER AND WINTER. pen Scale divisions. 0.0000365 parts of the horizontal force. 1 div. | oh 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24" U. C. (Western hour angles of the moon.) L. C. (Eastern hour angles of the moon.) U. C. summer deflection. ------- winter deflection. If there is any marked difference in the lunar diurnal variation in the summer and winter season, the summer range is slightly greater than the winter range; as to the epoch, there is no doubt that in winter the lunar maxima and minima are earlier than in summer. It is a remarkable fact that we have found the same fea- tures in the lunar effect on the declination, viz., a greater amplitude in summer and an earlier occurrence of the maxima and minima in winter; the amount of the shifting of the two curves appears to be nearly the same. From the ten year series of observations at Prague (1840-49) Mr. Karl Kreil found a larger lunar effect in the summer months than in the winter months. Recurring to the final values of the Imar-diurnal variation of the horizontal force, as given in Table VIII., they can be represented by the usual Besselian form of periodic functions. The angle @ counts from the moon’s upper culmination westward at the rate of 15° to an hour; a + sign indicated greater, a — sign, less force than the average normal. ‘The observed values are represented by the following expression :— H¢ = — 0.01 + 0.40 sin (6 + 13° 29’) + 0.60 sin (26 + 38° 43’) + 0.155 sin (3 6 + 244° 31’). The three coefficients are expressed in scale divisions; if expressed in parts of the horizontal force the equation may be written as follows: (J/ signifies millionth parts of the force.) M M M M Ho = — 0.36 + 14.60 sin (6 + 13°.5) + 21.90 sin (20 + 38°.7) + 5.64 sin (30 + 244°.5,) If expressed in absolute measure and if x = number of hours after the upper cul- mination, it may be written M M M M Hg = —1.5 + 61.0 sin (15 n + 13°.5) + 91.5 sin (30 n + 39°) + 23.6 sin (450 + 244°.5.) ON THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL FORCE. 73 The curve is double-crested and is exhibited, together with the observed values, in the annexed diagram. It presents two maxima and two minima, which are found from the equation dit mo 0 = + 0.40 cos (6 + 13°) + 1.20 cos (2.0 + 39°) + 0.45 cos (3 0 + 245°). The lunar effect on the declination we have found likewise to present two maxima and two minima. (See Part III. of the discussion.) (B.)—Lowar-Divrnat VARIATION or THE Hortzonran Force Osservep AND CoMPUTED. +1.5 ® zg o +1.0 i] 8 +0.5 > to} P a n Qo r= a 0.0 a a % = = cs —0.5 2 Ds) 3 = ~ So ir] ey fe) 3 S > S o =) 2 r3 ct ie a eee er L 123 45 6 7 8 9 101112 131415 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 24n U. C. L. C. U. C. We find: Principal maximum 2" 52™ after Upper Culmination; + 0.87 scale divisions. Secondary “ 1 Te Se ower se + 0.51 “ a Principal minimum 6 41 “ if ae — 087 “y Secondary “ Sy oy Upper ss —0.45 “ ss The epoch of the horizontal force tide for the high values is nearly 2 hours after the culminations, and for the low values it is 74 hours after the same phases. For Makerstoun, in Scotland, at General Sir Thomas M. Brisbane’s observatory, in 1843-46, Mr. J. A. Broun found (Trans. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. XIX. p. 11, 1849) the smaller maximum of the horizontal force 2 hours after upper culmination, the greater maximum 1} hours after the lower culmination, the smaller minimum 8 hours after the upper culmination, and the greater minimum 9 hours after the lower culmination. At Prague all extremes appear from 2 to 3 hours later. Mr. Karl Kreil (Denk- schriften of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, at Vienna, Vol. V. 1853), found from the ten year series at Prague (1840—49) maxima of horizontal force between four and five hours after the upper and lower culminations, the latter being the greater of the two; and minima between ten and eleven hours after the same epoch, that after the upper culmination being the greater of the two. From the Toronto observations, continued for five years, Major-General Sabine deduced the formula (see Vol. III. of the Toronto Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, London, 1857). A, = + 0.05 + 0.215 sin (a + 353°.6) 4+ 0.3324 sin (2a +4 13°.5). 10 74 DISCUSSION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOON The coefficients are in decimals of scale divisions (1 div. = 0.000087) parts of the horizontal force); the angle a counts from the superior culmination, giving a curve of which the general features are in exact accordance with those deduced from the Philadelphia observations, viz: a principal maximum after Upper Culmination, fol- lowed by the secondary minimum; the secondary maximum after the Lower Cul- mination, followed by a principal minimum. ‘The times and amount of these values are compared in the following Table X. TABLE X.—COMPARISON OF THE LUNAR-DIURNAL VARIATION OF THE HorIZONTAL COMPONENT OF THE MAGNETIC FORCE AS DEDUCED FROM 22,045 OBSERVATIONS BETWEEN 1840 AND 1845 AT PHILADELPHIA, AND AS DEDUCED FROM 34,303 OBSERVATIONS BETWEEN 1844 AND 1848 (A FIVE YEAR SERIES) AT TORONTO, CANADA. Philadelphia. Toronto, Time of principal maximum . . ... ..-. - 25.9 after up. cul. 3" after up. cul. « © secondary minimum c Bish o 9 « “ « “secondary Maximum. . © =» «© « » « « 1.1 “ low. cul. 2 * Jow. cul. ¢ principaliminimimm ye «, ts 1s fe) =f fe (ry “ gg «6 “ } Pp In parts of horizontal force. Amount of principal maximum ....... . +0.000032 +0.000046 <9) SeCcOnGATY, MINI MN yeh fe es) ee) ee —0.000016 —0.000010 « < secondary maximum. . . . . / . « +0.000019 +0.000024 <> (eyrincipal minimum, = ie) =) b<) =) es —0.000032 —0.000041 In absolute measure. Amount of principal maximum ....... . +0.000133 «© secondary minimum . ... +. .. =» —0.000068 «© secondary maximum. . 5 . +0.000078 « © principal minimum ... .. <« « « —0.000133 Probable error of any single representation of the Philadelphia values = + 0°.25 = + 0.000009 parts of the horizontal force = + 0.000038 in absolute measure. Investigation of the Horizontal Force in Reference to the Lunar Phases.—The fol- lowing process of reduction has been adopted: After marking the days of the full and new moon, and also the days preceding and following, the daily means of the horizontal force readings were taken (already corrected for difference of tempera- ture and progressive change.) In the place of any disturbed observation, the monthly normal, belonging to the respective hour, was substituted before taking the daily mean. All accidental omissions in the record of the hourly or bi-hourly series were supplied by the hourly normal of the month. The means thus obtained are independent of the solar diurnal variation. The monthly normal was next compared with each daily mean and the differences (normal minus mean) were tabulated. A positive sign signifies a greater; a negative sign, a less force than the normal value. As the results deduced from a single year are yet too much affected by the incidental irregularities of the observations, the collective results from the five year series (1840-45) are herewith presented. ON THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL FORCE. -! TABLE XI.—INFLUENCE oF THE LUNAR PHASES ON THE HORIZONTAL FORCE. Scale divisions, Parts of the hor. force Tn ubsolute measure. One day before fullmoon .°. . 2. 1... . —1.0 | — 0.000036 —0.00015 On the day of fullmoon . . . . 2. «© ss —1.5 —0.000055 —6.00023 One'day after full moon . . . ..:. « « —0.2 | — 0.000007 — 0.00003 One day beforenew moon. . ..... ~. -+-0.0 --0.000000 +-0.00000 Onthe day of newmoon ....... . +2.4 +0.000091 | +-0.00038 One day afternew moon ... .... . +0.9 i + 0.000083 +0.00014 Difference for new-fullmoon . . .... . 3.9 | 0.000146 0.00061 The average number of observations from which any one of the above six means were deduced, is over 800, and the probable error, in scale divisions, of any one of the results is + 0.7 (nearly). From the Makerstoun observations, Broun found for the years 1843-46, a minimum at the time of the full moon, and a maximum at the time of the new moon; Kreil, from the Prague observations, between 1843-46, found the same result, all in accordance with the Philadelphia results, as given above. It must be remarked, however, that after the year 1848, Kreil found that the signs were reversed and consequently it appears that the lunar influence on the horizontal force is subject to a cycle of short period. ‘This last remark does not apply to the effect of the moon’s declination and variations in distance. Influence of the Moon’s Changes of Declination on the Horizontal Force.-—The method of investigation is precisely the same as that adopted for the phases. We find :—— TABLE XII. Seale divisions. | ‘ One day before the greatest north declination +0.8 On the day of “ x U3 ‘ | +-0.6 (vars One day after “ iC 123}? | Mean -+-1.1. Two days after “ sé ff ou 0.5 On the day of the moon’s crossing the equator —1.2 Probable error of any one result +0.9. One day before the greatest south declination On the day of “ % i o S Moan 006" One day after “ Two days after “ . It seems probable that the greatest effect takes place rather a day after than on the day of the moon’s greatest declination. Taking means, as indicated in the above table, we find about the time of the maximum north declination an increase of horizontal force of 1.1 scale divisions (or 0.000040 parts of the horizontal force) ; at the time of the moon’s crossing the equator the force is decreased 1.2 scale divi- sions (or 0.000044 parts of the horizontal force); the horizontal force also appears decreased about the time of the moon’s greatest south declination; the amount is about half that of the other two cases, and is somewhat doubtful, from an apparently excessive value on the preceding day. 16 DISCUSSION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE MOON According to Broun, there is at Makerstoun a maximum horizontal force at the time of the moon’s greatest north and south declination, with a minimum force at the time of her crossing the equator; in two cases, therefore, viz: for north decli- nation and no declination, the Makerstoun and Philadelphia results agree; while in the third case they disagree or-remain doubtful. Kreil’s results, from the Prague observations, do not appear to me sufficiently decisive and regular to admit of com- parison. Influence of the Moons Variation in Distance on the Horizontal Force.—By a process of reduction similar to that followed in the preceding investigation we find :— TasLE XIII. Scale divisions. One day before perigee On the day of s One day after “ s. d. } Mean —1.8. On the day of x “ Mean —2.4. | | | | | One day before apogee . . : b | One day after The probable error of any one result is about the same as in the preceding re- sults (Tables XI. and XII.). The results for variation in the moon’s distance are more consistent and satisfactory than those depending on the phases and declination changes. The lunar effect is to diminish the horizontal force by its 0.000066 part in perigee, and to increase it by its 0.000088 part when she is in apogee. The Prague results are the same, viz: a greater horizontal force at and after the moon’s apogee than at and after her perigee; a three years’ series of observations at Milan, however, do not agree therewith. In no branch of magnetic research would additional results from imdependent observations, particularly at stations widely apart, be more acceptable and valuable than in the study of the lunar effect in its various manifestations, PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, We ass NIGet ONG Tenaye: NOVEMBER, 1862. ; { SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. ~ 166 —- ——___—— RECORDS AND RESULTS MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA AND PARTS OF ADJACENT STATES, 1840 AND 1841, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL RECORDS AND RESULTS OF 1834-35, 1843 AND 1862, AND A MAP. BY Ae De BACHE DLSD., Pakas., MEM, CORR, ACAD. SC. PARIS; PREST. NAT. ACAD. SCIENCES; SUPERINTENDENT U. 8S. COAST SURVEY. [ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, FEBRUARY, 1863.] C-OoN EN P PAGE INTRODUCTION . \ Abstract of record of the magnetic tour of 1840 F : j : : “ ] Abstract of record of the magnetic tour of 1841 ‘ : : : c ; § Abstract of record of the magnetic tour of 1843 : 5 : : - 3 17 Reduction of the magnetic declinations é . : : : é : 25 Distribution of the magnetic declinations : : . ° - c = 45 Reduction of the magnetic dip and intensity . - - . : : : 48 Distribution of the magnetic dip : : : ; ; : é 64 Distribution of the magnetic intensity . . : - ; : 73 Ci) - € 7 - aad . é . ‘ + re ai . ‘ £ d . | + ' ‘ } ‘ ‘ ’ u Fs = - «) Pa ~ é > - i P é ‘ i } 1 INTRODUCTION. In the years 1840 and 1841, I made a detailed magnetic survey of Pennsylvania, and adjacent parts of New York, Ohio, and Maryland, determining at a number of stations, suitably selected with regard to the course of the iso-magnetie lines, the magnetic declination, dip, and intensity; to these I added some dip and intensity observations in 1843, while on a tour through Western New York and Canada. The total number of declination stations is 16, and of dip and intensity stations 48. On assuming the duties of Superintendent of the U.S. Coast Survey, in 1843, I could not find the necessary leisure to work up these observations, although Mr. J. Ruth and Mr. G. Davidson had commenced preparing, under my direction, a partial abstract confined to dip and intensity observations, and to relative results. In the spring of 1862, I availed myself of the services of Charles A. Schott, assist- ant in the U. S. Coast Survey, who reduced, under my direction, the observations, discussed the distribution of the three magnetic elements, presenting the latter results also graphically, and prepared this report for the press. In the summer of 1862, Mr. Schott visited six of the stations previously occupied by me, and redetermined the magnetic elements. Three of these stations falling within the scope of the operations of the U.S. Coast Survey were at the expense of the Coast Survey, the observations at the three Western stations were secured by the liberality of the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution who, at the same time, offered to publish the observations and results in the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. The observations of 1862 greatly enhance the value of my older operations, and furnish the means of presenting results for two epochs about 20 years apart, thus not only giving the most modern values, but also determining, by the known secu- lar change of the three elements, any intermediate results. The fruit of these labors, undertaken for this continent, at a comparatively early period, and comprising the three elements, and the whole conducted systematically, with instruments well constructed for the time, will no doubt afford adequate means of watching, hereafter, the secular changes of terrestrial magnetism within the geographical extent of this survey. (> we INTRODUCTION. The declinations were determined with a new Gambey declinometer belonging to the Girard College, the astronomical observations were made with a sextant and vertical cirele and chronometer (Grant, No. 3861). The dip was determined with a portable circle by Robinson, the total intensity with Lloyd needles by Robinson, and the horizontal intensity by a magnetic bar and cylinder according to the method described by me in the American Phil. Trans,, Vol, V, 1837, in which the vibrations are made in a rarified medium. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (INCLUDING PART OF OHIO AND MARYLAND.) FIRST MAGNETIC TOUR OF 1840. Abstract of Results for Relative Intensity and Dip at 16 Stations. Philadelphia. Date. | Time. | Needle. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. | No. of Time of | Corr’d. Horizontal | vibrations. | 10 vibrations. intensity. July 16 | 9*30™ | Cylinder] 16°.5 2 | 360 34°.51 34.480 | 1.0000 On SO Bar 77.5 2 | 450 36.85 36.775 1.0000 Date. Time. | Needle. | Dip. eS —— July 21 No. 1 | (Or See No. 2 (il elle | | Mean . : Pala Gewese I Cumulus, wind N. W. Date. | Time. Needle. eal Be Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded. Dip reduced. Relative total 6 d intensity. July 21 [le wey GPES SDC) oy hey: 1.0453 ame Ne : 71 ial | 77.0 aril Web 57.4 1.0586 | | z= Mean . . . | 71 544] 1.0520 Lloyd Needle No. 1, weight in third hole of S. pole, or end B. No. 3, Weight in last hole. (Old weights. ) Relative total intensity = ——— ee aee Pa.—(In middle of eeaxerars of Wee ea Church. ) Goudy’ wind E. of 8. Date. Time. | Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total | | | 6 S intensity. July 23 | No.1 | 72°29" | 869.7 | —2° 19/4 | 72° 25/3 | 1.0356 wou | No.3 | 72 319 | 840 | +0 36.6 | 72 39.2 | 1.0519 1 et he | 72 32.2 | 1.0434 9 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYUVANIA- Harrisburg, Pa.—Opposite avenue, between Capitol and State-house to E., near centre of grass plot, say 100 feet from building. Clear, wind N. W. Date. | Time. Needle. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No. of Time of Corr’d. Horizontal vibrations. | 10 vibrations. intensity Phil. 1.0000 July 25 Cylinder | 75° 2 300 34°.860 | 34°.833 0.9805 we Bar | 76 250 | 37.220 | 37.150 | 0.9802 Mean = : ; : | 0.9803 Date. | Time. | Needle. Dip. July 25 No. 1 72° 14/4 i No. 2 72 23.3 Mean . : : | 72 18.8 Date. | Time. | Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. Dip when jpadea Dip reduced, Relative total | | 6 J intensity. July 25 | No. 1 N22 O73 78° PSDB WIA 1 (242 O14) 1.0347 ae No.3 | 72 17.8 78 —0 13.9 72 246 | Lo4s77 Mean . : .| 72 93.8 | 1.0412 Dunean’s Island, Pa.—About 15 miles north of Harrisburg y re, In field E. of barn, under large walnut tree, 400 feet from N. E. end of barn Date. | Time. | Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded. Dip zeigt: Relative total | 6 | intensity. 72° 36/9 85°.5 | —3° 477.0 | 72° 81/8} 1.027 72 30.9 | 0° 93.9 | 7 38.2 | 1.045 July 27 | No. 1 a | No. 3 0 5 Merl ; 5) 2 Silt) 1.0362 Lewistown, Pa.—Across creek to south of town, about 100 yards to west of road, and along a street or road. Date. | Time. Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip ae loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total | ; intensity. July 29 530" A.M. a No. 72° 34/.4 | ee —3° 16/.4 | 72° 30/.0 | 1.0300 pw No. ; —() 47.6 1.0440! Mean. . .| 72 30.0 | 1.0370 Clear, wind N., slight aurora last night. 1 Using dip 72° 30/.0 MAGNETIC Time. July 30 | “ “ | Needle. Cylinder | Bar SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Huntingdon, Pa. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series, No. of Time of | vibrations, 10 vibrations. | T9L%0) | 2 400 350 | 34.716 | Corr’d, 34°, 682 37.119 | 37.042 | Horizontal intensity Phil. 1.0000, 0.9896 0.9861 Mean 0.9878 July 30 Date. “ it; Time. | No. Breas Needle. | | No. Dip. 1) fom er 2 1.72 142 (4 Mean . 72 Date. Time. Temp. Fahr. July 30 Seer Dip when loaded. old weight | —3° 21.3 new weight aS GR) old weight | +0 14.3 new weight =| V1.4 | Dip reduced. Relative total intensity. 1.03805 1.1551 1.0507 1.1639 Mean | | 1.0406 1.1595 N. B. The angle ¢ produced by the new or pin weights is always +. Armagh, Pa.—Field in rear of Inn. Needle. | Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded.| Dip reduced. § S 67°.5 68.5 IES) AGI EGN 16 42.9 Clear, enmulus, fog in Mean Relative total intensity. 1 New or pin weight. 4 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Economy, Pa. Date. Time. Needle. | Dip. | Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded.| Dip reduced. Relative total | 6 é intensity. Aug. 8 No. 1 Cie et No. 3 Ue PAT aN 86° TOG VEG WN pe S28) 1.1662 ; = = : Mean 72 35.0 1.1662 Cloudy, wind S. W. Homewood, near Pittsburg, Pa.—Six miles 8. H. from Pittsburg, under trees near gully in front of house, nearly N. of it. Date. Time. Needle. | Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No. of Time of | Corr’d. Horizontal vibrations, 10 vibrations. intensity Phil. 1.0000. Ang. 13 | 6" P.M. | Cylinder | 72°.7 2 310 35°.017 | 345.994 | 0.9732 £6. et | af Bar 66.5 2 360 37.320 | 37.292 0.9733 Mean . 3 : : | 0.9732 Date. | Time. | Neale. es eee Dip. Aug. 10 Noon No.1 | 72° 32 ae “c “i oe No. 1 "2 9.4 Mean 72 32. 6 Cloudy, cumulus, and cir-cumulus. Date. Time. Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total 6 S intensity. old weight | Aug. 10 Noon No. 1 72° 34/3 ise +3° -34/.7 | 72° 297.9 | 1.0696 new weight 16) Arial 1.1550 old weight gs se ¥ No. 3 72 24.9 19s +0 45.9 | 72 32.2 1.0529 new weight 18 25.8 Wei iepluil Mean 72 31.0 1.0612 1 1630 Steubenville, Ohio.— os 1s | 11° 57204] we.0. |) 15° Berm || me bar6 |) 11681 eh as | No. 3 | T1 42.5 74.5 | 18 02.5 | 71 49.8 1.1784 Mean 71 51.2 1.1682 Frostburgh, Md.—On national road, east of mountain. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. | | Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total | | | § t intensity. Aug. 20 |0"10™ P.M. NGn lord O/ 6m w9° | UGC S23 ile tsar. 1.1723 Sones goed No.3 | 71 200] 78 Hf 18 43.1 | 71 27.3 | 1.1900 Mean. | Tl 82.3 | 1.1811 Cumuli, wind 8. by E. 6 Irwin’s Mill, near Mercersburg, Pa.—Ten miles from Clear Spring, Md., and six miles MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. from Mercersburg. Field (limestone) to N. W. Date. | Time. | Needle, Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No. of Time of Corr’d, Horizontal | vibrations, 10 vibrations, intensity. | Phil. 1 0000 Aug. 24 | Noon Cylinder | 78°.5 2 160 34°45 | 34.419 1.0068 soe e 76.0 | 2 160 34.45 | 34.419 | 1.0068 “ “ Oh / ar 5 | e LO « >¢ | ejected 2PM. Bar g20 | 1 36.62 | 86.482 | toca Mean 1.0068 Cumuli, wind brisk. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. Aug. 24 | No. 1 fle ey Ua eae Nos opa giants Mean | Rl 4902 Date. | Time. Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total | | 6 ey intensity, Ang. 24 | No.1 | 71°°50"5) 81°0 VO S163.) To 4aen dy Aya io see | No. 3 1 34.2 81.5 19 41.5 71 41.5 1.1948 Mean .| 1 43.8 | 1141 Baltimore.—Second square N. E. from Washington Monument. Date. | Time. Needle. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No. of Time of Corr’d. Horizontal : | vibrations. 10 vibrations, intensity Phil. 1.0000. Aug. 27 Bar HISD) 2 150 36°.39 36%.342 1.02 a Bar 71.0 2 150 36.39 36.342 1.0252 Mean | 1.0259 Hazy, wind brisk. Date. | Time. | Needle. Dip. Aug. 27 No. 1 (loaner che» OEE No. 2 (fl Sybil 7 = Mean | m1 35.4 Date. | Time. | Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded.| Dip reduced. Relative total 6 é intensity. Aug. 27 No. 1 (PE Bs Cl 16° O6r3" Le Say 1.1736 oes No. 3 71 22.0 19 08.5 71 29.3 1.1933 Mean : | 71 31.0 | 1.1834 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 7 ew—rrrreeee eee — Frenchtown, Md.—Frenchtown Landing. Under oak tree, about 200 yards S. E. from brick tavern. Date. | Time. Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dipwhen loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total | § és intensity. 2 Nov te HL 4a? 8° I), 93° 18° 33.3 | 71° 40.4 | 1.1852 ? No. 3 | Tl 32.8 | 83 | 20 31.6 Tl 40.1 1.2035 Mean . e | 71 40.2 1. 1943 Cumulus and cirro-cumulus, wind S. BE. Girard College, Philadelphia. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip when lpatledl | Dip reduced. Relative total 6 t |} intensity. old weight | Oct. 28 Noon No. 1 72° 017.8 52° = 289 Te bad: | 1.0606 | new weight | En” bs3 1.1701 old weight ees se No. 3 Atte 50 +2 30.2) | TL 54.7 1.0680 | new weight | | 19 23.0 1.1886 Mean . eG lsp 6x0 1.0643 1.1793 N. B. Old weights in third hole; new or pin weights in third hole. Date. | Time. | Needle. Dip. Oct. 28 | Noon Now US Lee Nov. 3 | No. 2 (ab BUD Mean . * : me. 51.6 =F T 7 Date. Time. | Needle. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. | No. of Time of Corr’d. Horizontal | | vibrations. 10 vibrations. intensity. Noy. 3 | 2*P.M.| Cylinder}! 54° | 9 350 34°.630 | 34%641 | 1.0000 a Bar 54 2 340 36.815 36.841 | 1.0000 ' Probably end of August. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (INCLUDING PART OF OHIO AND NEW YORK.) SECOND MAGNETIC TOUR OF 1841. Abstract of Relative Intensity and Dip at 20 Stations. Girard College, Philadelphia. Date. | i | 4) P.M. | Time. | Needle. Dip. April 26 ae “i No. 1 No. 2 (il? BOLE 71 57.1 “ce Mean . : : | "1 58.1 Sky covered, light fleecy, cirro-stratus, and cirrus. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. Relative total Dip reduced. ce intensity. | Temp. Fahr. Dip nee loaded. 44 Pp. M. No. 1 72 a“ ae No. 3 { 68° UMS |) 1h OSU 1.1778 68 13 55.9' | 72 LOT 1.1415 9° | | rejected 0/.4 April 26 0 00.4 “ ae Mean (eb Orieil 1.1778 N. B. Needle No. 1, new or pin weight in last hole of end B. 5c No. 3, ee ss hole nearest to end B. Philadelphia. = - No. of series. | No. of Time of 0. 0 Horizontal | vibrations. | 10 vibrations. Corr’d. intensity. 345.741 | 1.0000 1.0000 34°.770 36.918 75°°8 79.1 Bar 500 36.836 Date. | Time. | Needle. | Temp. Fahr. | | | | Cylinder | 500 | | | Date. July 20 “ “a Needle. No. 1 No. 2 Dip. (leer ay) 71 59.6 Time. | Mean | TAD eS Clear. 1 This observation is defective, should be about 20°, The record says L. Needle, No. 2, but no such Lloyd needle is used elsewhere. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 9 Philadelphia.— Continued. | intensity. July 20 /2"10"P.M.| No. 1 71° 5874 | 999.5 “ (pe No.3 | 7 16.8 | 87.6 Date. | Time. | Needle, | Dip. | Temp. Fuhr. | Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total § d 17° 54’.5 | 71° 5471 | 1.1769 19 381.4 | 71 6.5 | 1.1893 Mean . | Doo | 1.1827 N. B. Needle No. 1. Weight in last hole of end B. No. 3. oe hole nearest to end B. a = Doylestown, Pa.—Twenty-four miles N. of Philadelphia, by turnpike. 150 feet N. 50° W. of middle of back of Methodist Epis. Church, on west side of a crooked epee tree. Dip ae loaded. | Dip reduced. my Relative total Date. Time. | Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. | pane ¢ intensity. SD ee | 1.1602 s 2° is No. 3 (ea UT 81.8 19 20:7 | aa Pyveley 81°.0 16° 50’.1 | 775 i 1.1814 July 22 4 No. 1 “c “ec | Mean . F -| 72). 2371 Clear, cirro-cumulus, wind fresh from S. W. Easton, Pa.—Yard S. of Lafayette College. Dite. | Time. Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahy. | Dip when loaded | Dip reduced, Relative total | 4 | S intensity. —— | =o July 22 4h 40" Pe M. Nos! | 72° 437.3 87°5. 17° 027.2 | 72° 447.0 TUS T2 eats $ | " No. 3 | 12 24.3 85.5 19 35.2 | 72 34.0 1.1800 Mean . ‘ ae 72 39.0 | 1.1686 Wilkesbarre, Pa.—On a small knoll to N. E. of town. Under a chestnut tree near river bank, same side as town. After completing observations with needle No. 1, wind too high, moved into valley to N. E. New station bears from steeple of Presbyterian Church N. 54° E., and the old station from the new bears N. 55° W., about 120 feet. Date. | Time. | Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip ilar loaded. | Dip Hees | ma ete July 26 Nos =|7820808 66° | 16° 35’.4 | 73° 09/.5 | 1.1483 sem iss No.3 | 73 00.7 | 68 | 18 57.3 | 73 10.4 1.1658 x : _ —_ ; Mean . 73 10.0 | 1.1570 10 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANTA. Waitara sp oxty Pa.—From the academy S W. by 8. 350 feet, in the angle of a road. Time of Date. Time. Needle. Temp. Fahr. No. of series. | No. of Corr’d. Horizontal | | | vibrations. 10 vibrations. intensity | | | eek ie | | Phil. 1.0000, July 28 Cylinder ee eOccu 2 400 | 35°.560 35°.540 | 0.9560 a | Bar 73.2 2 392 37.740 | 37.682 0.9559 Mean | 0.9560 Date. Time. | Needle. | Dip. July 28 /3"40™P.M.| No. 1 | 72° 52/.2 Ce as RN SY No. 2 | 72 58.8 Mean . | 72 55.5 Date. Time. | Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr Dip when Westy Dip reduced. Relative total | 1 4 Jd intensity. ae (een a = Tears | July 28 103 30" A A.M No. | E66) 74°.8 MSO ESRD) I) iP iR AO 1.1473 « « 1310 P.M| No. 3 | 72 41.6 77.6 18 41.2 | 72 51.3 | 1.1684 | | Mean. | 72 52.3 | 1.1578 — Bellefonte, Pa—Graveyard near 8. E. corner. Steeple of Presbyterian Church bears W. 8° S. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. | Temp. Fuhr. |Dipwhenloaded.| Dip reduced. Relative total | 6 dt intensity. seni eee —s eee July 30 |11"15"A.M.| No. 1 O° AI 9 as || TG GRAS) || Fei ARIAS 1.1492 “ou “ No.3 | 72 382.2 45 38 18 09.2 | 72 41.9 | 1.1665 Mean 72 42.3 1.1578 Clear, a few ¢ cirro- -cumuli. IW. ind, a gale from W. SNe Curwinsville, Pa.—West branch of Susquehanna, in a meadow above dam, which is less than ith of a mile from Ross’s Tavern, under tree by river side. Date. | Time. | Needle, Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No. of Time of Corr’d. Horizontal vibrations, 10 vibrations. intensity Phil. 1.0000, Aug. 1 | | Cylinder | 71°.5 2 400 35°.501 35°.479 0.9595 wo a | | Bar 13.5 2 400 37.655 | 87.595 | 0.9604 | Mean | 0.9600 Date | Time. Needle. Dip. Ang. 1 |11"15™A.M.| No. 1 |. 72° 49/.9 ae BS fay 5 BAM: Niow2 72 44.7 Mean aA 72 47.3 MAGNETIC SU RVEY Or PENNSYLVANIA. ete ies Ee once Time. | Needle. gh 45™ A.M.) ne | No. 3 No. 1 | 7 72 40.1 Dip. | Pi) rH) Temp. Fahr, | Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. 6 é | | 72° 53/.0 | 17 48.5 | 72 49.8 | | 15° 277.3 Mean 1.4 | 11 | Relative total intensity 1.1436 1.1620 1.1528 Wind 8. E., cloudy, drizzle. Berlin Tavern, Pa.—Near road from Clarion to Franklin; 19 miles from Franklin by account. Place of observation in woods to E. of N. of house, about 150 yards from turnpike, under dwarf oaks. | Date. | Time. | Dip. 722 5143 72 43.9 Temp. Far. (ese) 80.0 } Dip when loaded. Dip reduced. | § | cy 15S 67A 2952410 18 30.7 72 53.6 | Relative total intensity. 1.1475 1.1665 SDs | 1. 1570 Calm, clear, very warm. Mercer, Pa.—Forrest Inn, ,°,; of a mile from Mercer court-house, in centre of field. Farthest cupola to W. reads Next of brick (more ornamented) N. E. corner of tavern se Bt barn 238° 387 229 48 241 25 279 1 b) 2 76 paces. | Time. Needle. Bar | | | } | eee Cylinder Temp. Fahr. FGON5 F 2 79.5 2 No. of series Time of Corr’d. | 10 vibrations. Fe No. of ecu Vibrations. | | 35°.499 37.571 Horizontal intensity Phil. 1.0000. 0.9586 0.9618 | 0.9602 | Time. NP tan 0+ P.M. | Needle. No. 1 No. 2 Mean ReAY Tim | het eee) ee | Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded. | 6 Dip reduced. | d "3 | 12° 551.3 00.6 11 33.8 | 73 Toe 17 Relative total intensity. 1.1413 1.1576 Mean . : Pa | 58.0 Cloudy, showery, wind 8. E., light. 1.1494 12 MAGNEYIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Warren, Ohio.—In a field N. of town, under walnut tree, about 3 of a mile from American Hotel, and 4 of a mile from brick house (white). Centre bears S. 153° E. N. W. end of American Hotel bears 8S. 174° E. Wooden church (4 points), N. W. corner of steeple bears 8. 153° W. 512 paces from walnut tree to back of American Hotel. Date. | Time. | Needle. | Dip. | Temp. Fahr. ee Dip meter Relative total | | intensity. 15° 207.2 17 +55.0 | 73° 01/.0 | 73°.5 72 48.3 13.5 Reson Olea 1.1410 Aug. 6. |11"50™A.M.| No 72 58.0 1.1609 baal oY ei 005 P.M.| No. 3 Mean. . ..| 72 59.9 | 1.1510 eee ———————————————————————————— Ashtabula Landing, Ohio.—Near the shore of the lake, 2} miles north from Ashtabula, under an oak in a glen. Date. Time. | Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total § é intensity. Ang. 7 | 0}"P.M.| No.1. | 78°28 | 78°5 13° 47/.9 | 73° 24.4] 1.1958 LE, | s | No. 3 ou L289 73.5 16 40.9 73 22.6 1.1461 Mean. iy 73 93.5 | 1.1859 Clear and warm, wind W. Erie, Pa.—Residence of Rey. Mr. Reid, in field about 40 feet to the S. E., near the road, under elder bushes. Date. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No. of | Time of | Corr’d. Time. | Needle. Horizontal vibrations. 10 vibrations. intensity | | Phil. 1.0000. Aug. 9 Cylinder | 72°.0 2 450 36°.457 | 36°.437 | 0.9102 Ene Bar 69.2 2 430 41.079 | 41.035 0.8067 rejected 0.9102 Date. Time. Needle. | Dip. Aug. 8 No. 1 73° 44.0 “ ““c No. 2 Date. | Time. | Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr, Dip when loaded. |} Dip reduced. | Relative total . 6 J | intensity. Aug. 8 |3°07"P.M.| No. 1 ee i633 72°.0 14°°90'°9) | 139 48"0 1.1250 Ee “ | No. 3 73 40.7 69.5 LG si bi tel 73 50.4 | 1.1436 Meant, . 0% | 13 49.2 | 1.1843 Clear, cumulus, wind S. of W., brisk. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA: 13 Dunkirk, N. Y¥.—In front of house of Major 'T. S. Brown. S. edge of beacon-light from station reads . 90° 27° 50” S. E. corner of Brown’s house : : : - 144 05 30 S. E. corner of hotel : 158 37 30 Middle and upper bar of middie and upper marti of large brick house (McDonald’s) . g ee LS Olea Say Station in woods 8. of Brown’s house, marked with cedar post. Date. Time. | Needle. Dip. | Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded.| Dip reduced. Relative total tel | 6 intensity. Aug. 13 | 43" P. M. No. 1 T4° 177.6 | 13°. 2 14° 56/.9 | 74° 187.3 | 1.12380 amcor ak No.3 | 74 064 | 725 | 17 959 | 14 161 | 11307 | | | Mean . . .| 74 17.2 | 1.1313 | Clear, gentle breeze from N. W. Ellicottville, N. ¥.—Near Valley Creek, 100 yards S. E. from Episcopal Church. Station 113 chains nearly E. from transit meridian line, Aug. 15. Aug. 16, station 8. of former under an elm tree near the creek (Se ayatey): = : Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. Date. | Time. | Needle. No. of Time of Cor7’d. | Horizontal vibrations. 10 vibrations. | intensity | | Phil. 1.0000. Aug. 16 | 14" P.M.| Cylinder | 77°.5 2 420 36.819 | 36°.787 | 0.8933 Ce “ | Bar 80.7 | 2 360 | 39.034 | 38.939 | 0.8958 Mean . , , ; , | 0.8945 Date. Time. | Needle | Dip. Aug. 16 10"10™A.M.| No.1 | 74° 207.2 Oe ee As | No. 2 74 20.2 | Mean | 74 20.2 Date. Time. Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. |Dipwhenloaded.| Dip reduced. Relative total § od intensity. Aug. 16 | 8 A.M. |- No.1 | 74° 1945 | 67° 13° 10/7 | 74° 187.2 | 1.1128 clea aa re) Se No. 8 | 74 02.9 | "T 16 00.6 | 74 126 | 1.1310 Mean. . «| 74 12.9 | 1.1219 Belvidere, N. = —Residence of Judge Church. In orchard 8S. of the house. Fins i | y Time. | Needle. | Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded. | Dip eae Relative total 6 intensity. Aug. 17 No.1 | 74° 10/2 geo | 15° 307.6 | 74° 107.9 | 1.1981 cate No.3 | 73 58.4 86 18 00.3 74 08.1 1.1454 Mean 74 09.5 1367 14 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Bath, N. Y.—Observations for latitude in field S. W. from court-house. Aug. 19, place to W. of former, and about 130 feet from it. vibrations. 10 vibrations. intensity 7 3 ' Date. Time. Needle. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No of Time of Corr'd. Horizontat Phil. 1.0000. “ec “cc Aug. 19 | Cylinder | 80°.5 g) ah) Engg 36°.969 | 36%.931 | 0.8865 Bar 80.5 2 | 350 39.410 | 39.315 | 0.8788 Mean . , F j p | 0.8826 Date. Time. Dip. Aug. 19 : eS CRY) ae 74 33.2 Mean Date. | Time. | Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total 6 Ss intensity. Aug. He) | 10" A. M. No. 1 T4° 24.9 190 13° 1041 | 74° 257.6 1.1105 ss | cs No. 3 74 15.6 79.9 15 34.7 74 20.3 1.1256 "4 25.5 | 1.1181 Cloudy and clear by turns. Owego, N. ¥.—Near Owego Hotel, on bank of river. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded.| Dip reduced. Relative total 6 é intensity. Aug. 21 | 108 A. M. No. 1 74° 11/.0 76°.0 IBS SRy ea {ich SY 1.1155 | intensity. Aug. 7 |10"34™A.M.] No.1 | 75° 197.0] 77°.5 12° 30/.9 15° 13/.6 | 1.0985 fa ie ¥ No. 3 15 03.3 | 78.0 LGioval Ne Ope lone 1.1249 | Mean... Te 13.5 | 1.1117 Oswego, N. ¥Y.—On river bank, 120 yards above bridge on left bank, under three trees grown together. Date. Time. | Needle. | Dip. | Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total | | j 6 | S | intensity. Aug. 8 4° P.M. No. 1 (UY) (Gaal Se 2OE2™ Toon sor hemlesg ce in “ No.3 | 74 56.7 | 57 | 19 57-4 | 75 O67 | 11458 | Means. << -*. 18 O71 | 1.1306 Cloudy, cumulus. Ogdensburgh, “al LE —At Mile Point, under small pine tree, on river bank. Needle. Temp. Fahr. Date. Time. ae No. of series. No. of Time of | Corr’d. Horizontal fo vibrations. 10 vibrations. | intensity ot | Phil. 1.0000. Aug. 9 |5™ 277 P.M. Sa 2 500 399.550 398.514 O.TSTT Selec P04 |G Mllifereeacl Bar Ae af 2 400 41.585 41.505 0.7915 } | Mean . : ‘ ; | 0.7896 Date. Time. | Needle. | Dip. Aug. 9 No. 1 75° 59’.5 Sed ay SE No. 2 76 15.3 Mean 76 07.4 | Date. Time. Needle. | Dip. | Temp. Fahr. | Dip when loaded.| Dip reduced. Relative total | § d intensity. Aug. 9 No. 1 76° 05'.0 Mioso 13° 57’.0 | 76° 067.6 1.0976 No. 3 75 58.5 | 17.0 18 23.7 76 08.5 1.1221 Mean 76 07.6 | 1.1098 5, MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Quebec, Canada.—In the Governor’s garden, side of alley from gate to Wolfe’s battery, 20 military paces from entrance gate. Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dip ga loaded.) Dip sive Relative total Date. | Time. Needle. e | intensity. T° 087.5 Ht al) 6 ae a it LOT 1.1019 2 Aug. 14. {10°00 A.M.| No. 1 No. 3 ie (Wie TT. AL eG Tie Malia 1.1245 “ce “ 10 22, “ MGan ee 13.9 | 1.1132 Date. Time. | Needle. | Dip. Aug. 14 10" 43" A alae eed | 77° 09.8 ONE } 2 No. 2 77 M2 Mean . . : | 12.0 Out of the city of Quebec, on the St. Louis Avenue ; second house on avenue near road on city side from Wolfe’s Monument. In garden of Mr. Sampson, 8. W. of house, under small apple tree. Date. | Time. | Needle. | Dip. | Temp. Fahr. | Dip ee loaded.| Dip ronacet: Relative total intensity. No. 3 TT 07.3 86.2 21 25.9 “ce “ec “cc Ang. 14 |0"55™P. is No.1 | 77° 13’.9 | 869.4 16° 52'.3 Mean... | 16.4 | 1.1197 Montreal, Canada, St. Helen’s Island. South shore of island, at foot of hill, just below two large elms growing close together, one rod below elms. | ] Date. | Time. | Needle. Temp. Fahr. | No. of series. No. of Time of rd. Horizontal vibrations. | 10 vibrations. intensity Phil. 1.0000. Aug. 15 /4*12™P. M.| Cylinder | 72°. 40°.700 | 40%.674 «« 1503 “ | Bar 2. 42.800 | 42.740 | Time. | Needle. Dip. 1 76° 417.9 Bye ae No. 2 76 55.0 Date. “cc “ Aug. 15 24r PM, ete eee M.. No. Mean . F F | 76 48.4 | Time. Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded. Dip reduced. Relative total 6 dS intensity. Aug. 15 |2"05™P.M.| No.1 | 76° 447.8 | 73°.0 16° 21.5 | 76° 46.4] 1.1084 oo 19 95 No. 3 | 76 37.1 72.0 21 09% | 76 447.7 | 1.1298 7 ele 47.1 | 1.1166 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 93 Troy, N. ¥.—In orchard of Mr. Albert P. Heart, under apple tree, third from yard fence, 65 paces S. W. from house; above river 230 feet. Relative total D: 4 oe; | ' ate. Time. Needle. Dip. Temp. Fahr. | Dipwhenloaded.| Dip reduced, | § | inteusity. Aug. 18 1030" A.M. NO Ta SSG eSiiee5 | 1G RAE 33 He (Bo) ne ee ies fa ai) No. 3 | 74 39.6 81.0 | 20 54.2 yee 2 | 1.1288 | | i Eocbames Garces Mean ae Coneee SMCS Time. | Needle Dip. | Temp. Fahy. Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total | | § d intensity g.26 | 6 P.M.| No.1 | 71° 54’. 71° 55/.6 | eel Now's 5 82°. 4 | 21° 497.9 | 72 01.2 | 1.9074 | | Corr’n. ee 0141 reas of both needles : rf al T1 58.4 1e 1.1933 Difference No. 1 and No. 3, July 20, 1843 F - 7 . +0.0281 Se i; “ Sept. 5, 1843 E R 2 . +0.0284 Mean difference . : s ¢ : : ; . +0.0282 Corr’n = half difference. : Sat OLO Me For these observations, see Vol. If. of Girard College iMac and Meteorological Obser- vations, p. 1540. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. ce “ce 9 4 Sept. 5 S A. M. : No. 1 oe 71° 59.6 { See Vol. IT. of Girard College Magnetic and Meteorological Observations, p. 1542. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. . Fahr. Dip when loaded. | Dip reduced. Relative total § J intensity. | Sept. 5 ACME | No. 1 US BRIE) as 18° 36/.0 | 72° 00’.5 | 1.1804 vf ss No. 3 T1 49.3 82. 21 48.7 il 59.3 1.2088 ‘| "1 59.9 | 1.1946 See Vol. I]. of Girard College Magnetic and Meteorological Observations, pp. 1542-43. Date. | Time. Needle. Dip. Sept. 12 | 10A.M.| No.1 | 71° 58/2 Ces tall Gin No. 2 55.9 Mean _ IL. of Girard ‘College Magnetie and Meteorological Observations, pp. 1543-44. oF MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Girard College, Philadelphia.—Continued. Date. Time. Needle. Dip. | Temp. Fahr. Dip when loaded.| Dip reduced, Relative total a8 ry intensity. Sept. 12 | 1° P. M. No. 1 TOMS CRIES GRIST E TCE SAT i | Dien No. 3 ile ase 62.6 OTCTSA720) Lb os4ai) ele20G9 Corr’n. —(0, 0141 Mean of both needles : : - | T1 58.6 1.1928 See Vol. IT. of Girard College Magnetic and Meteorological Observations, pp. 1544-45. ABSTRACT AND REDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS FOR DECLINATION. OBSERVED IN PENNSYLVANIA AND ADJACENT STATES IN 1840 AND 1841. THESE observations were made with a Gambey Declinometer belonging to the Girard College. One division (small) of the scale was found equal to 14.54, as determined in 1844, at Sandy Hook, by Lieut. G. M. Bache (See Coast Survey records). 1 large division = 60 small divisions, The observations were made with telescope direct, with slit to the right hand or E., and with telescope inverted, with slit to the left or W. ; also with needle direct or hairs wp, and with needle inverted or hairs down. With needle north, W. readings are +, E, readings —; with needle south, west readings are —, east readings +. Throughout the record the apparent direction (E. or W.) is given, the same is to be understood in this reduction; apparent E. is real W., and when the angle is west of true north, apparent east is + for the north end of the needle, but as the azimuth circle reads from north to east this sign is to be reversed if we apply the correction directly to the circle reading. The accompanying papers contain also the reduction of the observations for time, for azimuth, and for latitude. DECLINATION STATIONS OF 1840. 1. Harrisburg. 4. Johnson’s Tavern, near Brownsville. 2. Huntingdon. 5. Irwin’s Mill, near Mercersburg. 3. Homewood, near Pittsburg. 6. Baltimore. Chronometer, Grant No. 3861, London (Pocket Chr.). For chronometer error and rate. Chron. fast, Philadelphia time, July 21 : : 5® 01™ 25%.0 “ Pittsburg io Nutr fay : . 5 21 23.9 Diff. long., 5" 20™ 08°—5" 00" 40°. : : : 0: 19 28 Chron. fast, Philadelphia time, Aug. 5 . : : 5 OL 55:9 Gain in 15 days : : : : 30.9 Daily rate = 2°.06 (travelling rate). Between July 15 and July 21, the daily rate was 3°.3 (stationary rate). 26 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. 1. Harrisburg.—Lat. 40° 16’; long. 76° 53’. Declination Observations. NEEDLE DIRECT. July 25, 1840. NEEDLE INVERTED. Tel. direct. 0 58 E. 0 56 0 52 0 55.3 Tel. reversed. bo bo bo GS GO Tel. reversed. S. end. bo bo bo ooo Or or or | Fil to cm) or E. 0 40 0 36 0 34 0 37.8 0 50.6 6.4 EH. 52W.| 1 385. 2 48 1 38 2 48 1 38 2 49.3 1 38 30.6 W. Vernier, 296° 32’ 20/” Rca SR ES | mROS A x OO oe rl aore & bl bl bt coco | o to ee S. end. 0 40.1 W. 0 35.6 W. 1 38.3 W. 2 03.0 W. —1 14.2 ——() 4951 Mean of verniers, Magnetic meridian reads, Observations for azimuth of Polaris. Tel. direct. Chron. time. 1" 48™ 465.0 51 53.8 54 52.0 1 51 50.6 Circle reads. SOLO MS ala 16 15 17 10 301 16 13 Mean of times, Mean circle reading, 296 20 24 & coco} He OD bo = 00 5a 296 32 18 Tel. reverse. Chron. time. 28 04™ 06°.4 08 13.6 2 06 10.0 1 59" 00"3 301° 17’ 54/” Circle reads. 301° 19/ 00’ 20 10 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. July 21, chron. fast, Philadelphia time 3 = : BR OD 250 Rate for 4 days (daily rate 2.1) ; : : +8.4 July 25, chron. fast, Philadelphia time : @ 5 01 33.4 Diff. long... : : ‘ : : - 6 52.0 Chron. fast, Harrisburg time 5 08 25.4 Chron. time of observation . 1 59 00.3 Mean time of us = : 8 50 34.9 Corresponding sidereal time . 2 . C > 17.05 64:8 R. A. of Polaris 5 2 i : . 1 02 18.6 Hour angle . : : : 5 - «| 26" 03: 36:2 *Azimuth of Polaris (E. of N.) . 2 : : 19° 45’.0 Reading of “ : ‘ : : 301 17.9 = astron. meridian : 2 : , 299 32.9 f magnetic meridian é 2 : : 296 20.4 Magnetie declination W. . : : 3 : 3 12.5 No. 2. Huntingdon.—Lat. 40° 30/.5; long. 78° 02’. July 30, 1840. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. 8. end. 0 30 E. 0 25 0 —0 27.5 9 —0 13.2 = —0 03/2 Azimuth cirele reads, T4 54.2 Magnetic meridian reads, 74 51.0 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Tel. direct, set 1. Set 2. Chron. time. Circle reads. Chron. time. Circle reads, 12572 0621 T8840 Batt Qh O7™ 492.6 7(82°32/00!7 Ist set. 2d set. July 30, chron. fast. : , B= HIS OEE) Chron. time of observation . ‘ IT, OGsT 28 07™ 495.6 Mean “ ce 2 5 Smear aes Se oe eStiat Corresponding sid. time ; 5 AN EY GG Die 19) 169 R. A. of Polaris ‘ a : 1 02 29.4 Hourangle . : : = 16 U6 3429 16 27 19.5 Azimuth of Polaris . : 3 ORAS ey TOV 50) Reading of Polaris. C ; 78 34.4 78 32.0 a) ast. meridian 3 ; 76 45.7 76 41.0 .s magnetic meridian : 74 51.0 76 51.0 Magnetic declination W. : ; 1 54.7 1 50.0 Mean A 2 : , 1° 52/3 ! The azimuth of Polaris is computed hy Struve’s method. (See Sawitsch’s Astronomy, vol. 3.) 28 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. {o. 3. Homewood, near Pittsburg.—Lat. 40° 28’; long. 79° 59’.5. Aug. 10, 1840. L Abstract of Declination Observations. Set I. Set II. N. end. §. end. N. end. §. end. 2) 55.3 E- 5 23.5) E: 3 27.9 E. 4 33.5 E. Sealygasiel dt 5 28.8 E. 4 34.7 B. 3 38.2 KE. 2 17.0 E. 5 51.0 E. 2 20.1 E. 5 48.3 E. —2 42.5 +5 37.9 —4 01.3 +4 05.8 =e 1.7 = --0° 2173 +0 02.2 = +0° 00’.5 Circle reads, 984 31.9 984 49.8 Magnetic meridian reads, 284 53.2 284 50.3 Giving double weight to set I. Magnetic meridian reads, 284° 52’.2. Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times ; : é : : é 6" 32™ 25°.8 Mean circle reading . : - : : . 286° 16’ 32/7 Aug. 10, chron. fast . c ; A : 2 poh 2a Chron. time of observation . : : 5 é 6 32 25.8 Mean ss as 2 C ; Silay lt bye Corresponding sid. time - c - : . 22 30 13.0 R. A. of Polaris. : : 6 : : 1 02 30.2 Hour angle . . : 2 : - . 21 27 42.8 Azimuth of Polaris . é : ; : : 1° 16/.3 Reading of Polaris . ¢ . - : : 286 16.5 wy astron. meridian - : 5 ; 285 00.2 ne magnetic meridian - - ; 0 284 52.2 Magnetic declination W.- : : ; : 0 08.0 No. 4. Johnson’s Tavern, near Brownsville.—Aug. 17, 1840. Lat. 89° 591.5; long. 79° 47’8. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. S. end. 0 0.2 W. 2 12.5 B. OP Loe: 2 6.0 BE. Ono s00 We 2 43.3 BE. 0 46.0 W. 2 17.5 E. +0 12.4 +2 19.8 +1 16.1 = +0 187.5 Azimuth circle reads, 138 41.8 Magnetic meridian reads, 139 00.3 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Set I. Set IT. Mean of times . : : : 1® 14™ 10°.6 4" 35™ 48". 0 Mean circle reading. . 5 ESSE re BY Lalo ar War? Aug. 17, chron. fast . ; : 5 90™ 522.3 5® 9055983 Chron. time of observation. : 1 14 10.6 4 35 48.0 Mean 6 sf = ; 7 53 18.3 hy 4! BD Corresponding sid. time : BOLTS SOeLarS 21 01 29.0 R. A. of Polaris 7 p : 1 02 34.8 102 34.9 Hourangle . ; 5 we k6r S6m 36r7r 19 58 47.1 Azimuth of Polaris . : : 10.59/51 19° 467.1 Reading of Polaris. ; : 141 17.0 141 12.2 os ast. meridian : 0 139 24.9 139 26.1 as magnetic meridian ; 139 00.3 139 00.3 Magnetic declination W. : : 0 24.6 0 25.8 Mean : , : - 02 2549 No. 5. Irwin’s Mill, near Mercersburg.—Aug. 24, 1840. Lat. 39° 47’; long. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. S. end. 0 L7.1 W- 0 21.5 B. 0 21.1 W. 0 12.4 EB. 0 38.9 E. 0 34.2 EB. 0 31.1 EF. 0 31.2 E. —0 8.0 +0 24.8 +0 8.4 Azimuth circle reads, Magnetic meridian reads, = +0° 02/.0 323 19.9 323 21.9 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times ; : : 5 5 Mean circle reading . 5 5 5 < Aug. 24, chron. fast . : 2 5 . Chron. time of observation Mean “ x - . . Corresponding sid. time E 5 . Ry A. of Polaris, ~ =. ° Hour angle Azimuth of Polaris . Reading of Polaris . ss ast. meridian a magnetic meridian Magnetic declination W. TENIS2 3540 326° 13’ 29! 5? 13™ 39%.8 1 13 35.0 7 59 55.2 18 13 24.3 1 02 38.9 17 10 45.4 May FN 326 13.4 324 16.3 323 21.9 0 54.4 29 30 MAGNETIC SUBVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. No. 6. Baltimore.—Aug. 27, 1840. Lat. 39° 17’.8; long. 76° 36’.6. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. S. end. 0 47.6 E. 0 18.0 E. 0 32.0 E. Oly i= GRE: 1 25:7 EF 2 22.0 E. 1 01.2 E. 2 20.5 BE. —0 56.6 +1 17.0 +0 10.2 =0° 02/.5 Azimuth circle reads, Sl) aye Magnetic meridian reads, 210 59.6 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times : : < : : > IPAS (he) Mean circle reading . : 5 : 5 o) BISS a! rae Aug. 27, chron. fast . 3 5 : 2 : 5" 08™ 28%.5 Chron. time of observation . ; - C se) easy GEE) Mean c . : - “ : 7 50 36.4 Corresponding sid. time : : * a SE lomozon R. A. of Polaris c < : C - : 1 02 40.6 Hour angle . ; 5 - A : ate algye pu Azimuth of Polaris . r C : . is 1° 56/.6 Reading of Polaris . : c 2 : 2 215 12.7 x astrom. meridian : - 2 2 213 16.1 G: magnetic meridian “ = : ; 210 59.6 Magnetic declination W. . - : . 5 2 16.5 RECAPITULATION OF REesuLtTs ror MAanetic DECLINATION, 1840. 1. Harrisburg : : : . duly 265, 3° 125 0We 2. Huntingdon : : : . duly 30, 1 52.3 3. Homewood, near Pittsbur: : : Aug. 10, 0 08.0 4. Johnson’s Tavern, near Brownsville ‘ Aug. 17, 0 25.2 5. Irwin’s Mill, near Mercersburg . A Aug. 24, 0 54.4 6. Baltimore 5 : ¢ . Aug. 21, 2 16.5 DECLINATION STATIONS OF 1841. 1. Philadelphia. 6. Erie. 2. Easton. 7. Dunkirk. 3. Williamsport. 8. Ellicottville. 4. Curwinsville. 9. Bath. 5. Mercer. 10. Silver Lake. Chronometer Grant No. 3861, London. For chronometer error and rate. Chron. fast. Daily rate gaining. July 19, Philadelphia time . E : 0" 00™ 06%.0 28.03 Aug. 30, t roars : : Ol 31.4 2.11 Sept. 14, i nae ; : 02 01.0 (Previous to July 19, the chron. was gaining 2*.0 per day.) The longitude of the State house, to which the above refers, is 75° 08’ 41/’.9, or in time 5" 00™ 34.*8. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia.—July 20, 1841. Lat. 39° 58’.4; long. 75° 10/ 0. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. 8. end. 1 40.9 HB. 1 48.2 HE. 2 03.2 B. 1 49.4 B. 0 31.8 EB. 3 10.1 B. 0 13.1 E. 3 13.5 E. —1 07.3 +2 30.3 +0 41.5 = +0° 10/1 Azimuth circle reads, 218 52.9 Magnetic meridian reads, 219 03.0 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times : ; : : : , Soa SOT Mean circle reading . : : ; : . 2249°33! 95/7 July 20, chron. fast . : : : : : OF 00 1389 Chron. time of observation . : : 5 , 8 34 52.7 Mean sé as : ; ; 5 : 8 34 39.5 Corresponding sid. time : ; ; 7 be OR 6s R. A. of Polaris . , : ‘ c ’ 1 02 34.2 Hour angle . : 3 : : : - 15 26 39.6 Azimuth of Polaris . : ; : : : Lome Reading of Polaris . 3 ; : ¢ : 224 33.4 is ast. meridian. é : : : 223 00.1 ss magnetic meridian : : : ; 219 03.0 Magnetic Declination W. . : : 5 5 3 57.1 Easton.—July 23, 1841. Lat. 40° 42’; long. 75° 15’. Abstract ef Declination Observations. N. end. | 8. end. 0 30.0 W. Teas 0 22.1 W. 1 14.8 W. 0 28.4 W. 1 22:7 W. 0 02.4 W 1 36.4 W. +0 20.7 —l1 22.4 —0 30.8 SF SNE Azimuth circle reads, 332 61.9 Magnetic meridian reads, 332 44.4 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times : : ; ; : : 8 538710550 Mean circle reading . 5 j ; ; - B880105" 417 July 23, chron. fast . : : : ; , 0°00" "345.8 Chron. time of observation . : : : : 8 53 05.0 Mean : : ; , : 8 52 30.2 Corresponding sid. time : : 5 bee # UG! (D8 o9s3, R. A. of Polaris ; : : ; ; : 1 02 39.5 rc Hour angle . : ‘ “ : C oe Eat URES dl 32 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYUVANTIA. Azimuth of Polaris . , - E 3 : 1° 43/.3 Reading of Polaris . : c : 3 : 338 05.7 x ast. meridian. ~ : . : 336 22.4 ae magnetic meridian - : - 332 44.4 Magnetic declination W. —. : : : : 3 38.0 Williamsport.—July 28, 1841. Lat. 41° 147.0; long. 77° 087.5. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. S. end. 0 54.6 W. 0) 2179) W. 1 01.8 W. 1 02.6 W. 1 31.6 W. 0 15.0 W. 1 36.7 W. 0 18.7 W. +1 16.2 —0 29.6 +0 23.3 = +0° 05/.6 Azimuth circle reads, 241 22.2 Magnetic meridian reads, 241 27.8 Abstract of Observations on the Sun for time. Set. | Chron. time. Obs’d double alt. of True altitude. Computed mean time. Chron. fast. sun’s centre. | PAS BY Ee! 104° 12/ 28// 52° 05/ 31” 9» 30™ 162.6 7™ 45°.8 2 DEB SAE) 99 58 15 49 58 20 9 42 34.4 1f BPI 3 3 03 59:2 95 13) 13 47 35 46 2 56 02:4 7 56.8 Mean 2 5 5 i (04.0 The weight 2 is given to the Ist and 2d sets. Abstract of Observations on Polaris for Latitude. Set I. Set II. Chron. time . : : : SS ce Ps 9? 59™ 342.7 Observed double alt. ‘ : . 81° 39! 06” 81° 51’ 50”” True altitude 5 A 4 . 40 48 23 40 54 45 Mean time . ; ; : A SSBB OBL) 9» 51™ 408.2 Corresponding sid. time. : -17 59 42.8 18 18 03.0 R. A. of Polaris. ; : - 1 02 4239 1 02 42.9 Hour angle . : 5 - 16 56 59.9 17 15 20.1 Latitude : A Q : . 41° 14/7 26/7 41° 13/ 40!” Mean, 41° 14’ 03/" Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times é ; : 4 : : 88 517 114.8 Mean cirele reading . : : : 2 . 246° 46/ 00!” July 28, mean time of observation . - A : 88 43™ 175.3 Corresponding sid. time ; - : E 2 209) (2838 R. A. of Polaris F : : : : : 1 02 42.9 Hour angle . : : 5 : , . 16 06 45.9 Azimuth of Polaris . ; ‘ : 3 : 1° 47.0 Reading of Polaris . ; ; : , : 246 46.0 a astron. meridian : : : : 244 59.0 ag magnetic meridian : : . ; 241 27.8 a Magnetic Declination W. : : ; 3) BL MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Curwinsville.—Aug. 1, 1841. Lat. 40° 57’.7; long. 78° 35’. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. 0 59.2 W. 1 04.6 W. 0 56.2 W. 057.5 W. +0 59.4 Magnetic meridian reads, . +0 04.8 Azimuth circle reads, 8. end 0 51.2 W. 0 54.0 W. 0 46.5 W. 0 47.1 W. —0 49.7 =-+0° 01.9 207 56.0 207 57.2 Abstract of Observations on Arcturus for time. Chron. time Observed double alt. True alt. Computed mean time . Chron. fast gt 34™ 908 73° 14’ 2977 36 35 50 gh 19" 56" 0 14 24 Abstract of Observations for Latitude. Chron. time Observed double alt. True altitude . Mean time : Corresponding sid. time R. A. of star’. Hour angle Latitude Mean Abstract of Observations for Mean of times Mean circle reading Aug. 1, mean time of observation Corresponding sid. time R. A. of Polaris Hour angle Azimuth of Polaris Reading of Polaris as ast. meridian Hc magnetic meridian Magnetic Declination W. Polaris, 9" 57™ 39" 0 81° 26" 31” Jupiter. gh 35™ 398 54°25! 25/7 27 10 46 40 42 04 Shr 153 iid oS Oe 17 03 10 18 25 39.0 16 33 58 1 02 46.4 0 29 12 17 22 52.6 40° 57/26” 40° 58’ 00’ 40° 57’ 43” Azimuth of Polaris. 8" 43™ 199.5 QIT° 29% 05” 8» 98m 558.5 We a) 4 1 02 46 16 08 06 1° 46.8 ID i baa 209 42.9 207 57.2 i Gea | 33 Bt MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Mercer.—Aug. 4, 1841. Lat. 41° 13’.8; long. 80° 16’. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. S. end. 0 40.1 W. 0 56.0 W. 0 38.6 W. 0 53.0 W. 1 01.4 W. 0 42.7 W. 1 05.2 W. 0 43.0 W. +0 51.3 (asin +0 01.3 =+0? 00'.3 Azimuth circle reads, 220 31.3 Magnetic meridian reads, 220 =31.6 Abstract of Observations on Jupiter for Latitude. Chron. time . : ‘ ; : : 6) SAME Observed double alt. . - : : . » 02230! 4874 True altitude : : S 6 4 . 26 13 23 Mean time. , ‘ ; : . : 8" 29™ 35% Corresponding sid. time , 5 > 2 5 Wy Pay ee R. A. of Jupiter. 3 : a : - 16 33 50 Hour angle . : : : : : : 0 49 32 Latitude : : : : : é . 41913" 45!" Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of the Sun, Aug. 5. Set I. Set II. Mean of times : : : ESTE TO10 1® 05™ 23.0 Sun’s centre reads. : - 292° 39’ 30’’ 241° 14’ 40!’ Mean time of observation. : 112 35™) 450 0" 44" 078.0 App. time. : : ; 11 30 05.6 0 38 28.0 Azimuth of Sun (from 8.) . . 17° 02’.2 21° 35.7 Reading of Sun Z 3 . 202 39.5 241 14.7 is ast. meridian. 5 219 41.7 219 37.0 Mean : : : 5 BU) B83 Corr’n for adjustment, Aug. 5 é ; 3 +1.1 Reading of ast. meridian, Aug. 4. - . 219 40.4 f magnetic meridian, Aug. 4 : - 220 31.6 Magnetic declination HE. : : : : 0 51.2 Erie.—Aug. 9, 1841. Lat. 42° 07’.5; long. 80° 06’. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end 4 S. end. 0 44.1 W. 0 50.8 W. 0 40.3 W. 0) 59:5 W: 1 O1E2 ae : 0 59.1 W. 10336 Wie 0 48.8 W. +0 52.3 —0 54.5 —0 O11 SSNS Azimuth circle reads, 192 02.0 Magnetic meridian reads, 192 01.7 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Abstract of Observations for time, equal double Altitudes of Sun. Chron. time : Observed double alt. . True altitude Mean time. ‘ Correspond’g sid. time Rie Ae of: Hour angle Latitude Set A. M. P. M. Elapsed time 1 gh 99m 498 3 3" 99" 19%7 6" 06™ 37%.4 2 LOM US 2352: 2°33 53:4 4) 15 80g 3 10 38 39.8 238" BOT 3 34 59.9 Mean 1006" 5.2 2 45 37.6 4 89 02.5 Middle chron. time 08 26™ 06°.3 Equation of equal alts. +8.0 Equation of time —d 10.3 Chron. fast 0 21 040 Abstract of Observations for Latitude. } Jupiter. 8 19" 335.0 51° 39/ 96! 44 08 T® 58" 292.0 117 11 54.6 | 16 33 0 38 | 42° 08/ 2877 25 star 52.0 | 02.6 | Saturn I. Saturn II. Saturn IIT. Polaris. Bt 32" 398.2 50° 287 13/7 257 Ut 458 Bh 11™ 354.2 17 25 03.0 17 46 19.3 23 38 43.7 42° 08' 45!” 9" 02™ 025.8 | 50251!” 2077 95 23 33 8) 40" 582.8 ay Bales, 17 46 19.3 0 08 12.9 42° 06’ 43’’ | 95 18 00 17 9° 08™ 08%.0 50° 43’ 57" Up) ta 8" 47™ 045.0 37.1 19.3 17.8 46, 0 14 42° 07’ 00" | | | | | | | 84° 14! 93"¢ | 42 06 O1 9 50™ 538 | 19 04 87 | 1 02 52 | 18 01 45 42° 06’ 26'' Mean Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Aug. 9, mean of times Mean circle reading Mean time of observation Corresponding sid. time R. A. of Polaris . Hour angle Azimuth of Polaris Leading of Polaris e ast. meridian “ Magnetic declination W. . Mean Dunkirk.—1841. magnetic meridian Set I. Set II. gh ba" bee Sanyo Uo 14° 38/ 29” 14° 42’ 20’' 8" 32™ 48° sh age 28h 146" 29 LS LO Ls 1 02 52 1 02 52 16 43 27 17 OF 26 LOS Gan 2° 00'.5 14 38.4 14 42.3 12 41.7 12 41.8 We eG ere alee 0 30.0 0 30.1 0° 30'.0 Lat. 42° 29’.3; long. 79° 22’. Abstract of Observations for time, equal double Altitudes of Sun. Set. A.M. Aug. 11 Ll 98 49™ 537.8 2 10 11 42.1 3 10 28 09.3 Mean, 1009) 55:1 Middle chron. time Equation of equal alts. Equation of time Chron. fast P. M. 2" 55™ 45.6 2 34 04.0 2 17 33.9 2 35 47.8 Elapsed time 5205 O18 4 22 21.9 38 49 24.6 4 25 52.8 ot 29" 5154 + 08.4 —4 52.6 018 07.2 LOM Sa 36 MAGNETIC Aug. 12 Middle chron. time Equation of equal alts. Equation of time Chron. fast Aug. 13 Middle chron. time Equation of equal alts. Equation of time Chron. fast Abstract of Observations for Latitude. Chron. time . Observed double alt. . True altitude Mean time. : Corresponding sid. tim R. A. of Polaris Hour angle Latitude Mean Chron. time . Obs’d double alt. Trne altitude Mean time . ‘ Correspond. sid. time R. A. of Polaris Hour angle Latitude Mean Chron. time . SURVEY OF A.M. 9" 21™ 04°.7 A. M. 9" 16™ 25°.9 Pp. M. BEM bia by CBr Uh 3" 28" 365.9 Polaris, Aug. 11. Set I. 10" 10™ 53°.8 852.06) 09% 42 32 10 9" 52™ 465.6 19 14 22:9 1 02 53.4 18 ll 29.5 42° 98" 41" PAB ENN S Sei ViceuNaeAe Elapsed time. 6" 03™ 135.0 0b 22™ 41°.2 +09.4 —4 42.8 0 18 07.8 Elapsed time. (aia tA) 0 29" 31°.4 +09.7 —4 32.6 0 18 08.5 Set IT. 10" 22™ 24° 2 85° 16’ 48” 42 37 30 10° 04" 17°.0 19 25 55.2 1 02 53.4 18 23 01.8 42° 99’ 19/7 42° 29’ 00'" Polaris, Aug. 13. Set I. 8" 57™ 355.2 84° 13’ 52” 42 05 20 8" 39™ 26°.7 18 08 44.1 1 02 54.5 17 05 49.6 42° 25' 53”’ Set IT. OF 14" 3155 84° 30’ 18”’ 42 13 33 8" 56™ 23°.0 18 25 43.2 1 02 54.5 17 22 48.7 49°97’ 997" ” Set III. g® 31™ 2143 84°49" 97" 42 19 38 9t 137 1988 18 42 35.6 1 02 54.5 17 39 41.1 42° 26" 41" 42° 26/ 3g! Aquile, Aug. 13. Observed double altitude True altitude Mean time Corresponding sid. time R. A. of Aquilae Hour angle Latitude Mean Set I. 9” 51™ 31.6 109° 40’ 49/7 54° 49 08 9" 33™ 23°11 19 02 49.2 19 43 05.3 23 19 43.9 42° 30! 27/7 - Set IL. NOS Mp Weiss USES Zales 5d 44 56 9 59™ 04°.8 19 28 35.2 19 43 05.3 23 45 29.9 49° 33! 43” 42° 39) 05// ee ee ere ee ee eee MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Latitude. Aug. 11, Polaris . : : 42° 29/ 00/7 “13, Polaris 5 : = é is ; 26 39 ON I3 oa Aquila! - : é : : : 32 05 Mean - : : - , 42 99° 15 Aug. 12, 1841. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. S. end. 1 20.4 B. 0 48.6 E. 1 10.2 E. 0 46.7 E. i (Milene Dy 0 58.4 E. 1 01.2 E. 0 47.3 BE. —I 08.4 E. +0 50.2 =—=0 09:1 = —()° 02’.2 Azimuth cirele reads, 101 01.5 Magnetic meridian reads, 100 59.3 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times ; : é > ni : teats} Es) Mean circle reading . : . : : . / 2880 15dee od? Mean time of observation. : P : : SPOT 0527 Corresponding sid. time 5 4 . = N8P22-"29!5 R. A. of Polaris : : : : ; ; 1 02 53.9 Hour angle . : : A = NLSNaSs5.6 Azimuth of Polaris . : , 4 5 F 2° 02/.6 Reading of Polaris . : ; - - : 283 54.4 ee ast. meridian. : 5 “ : 931 “51-8 Hy magnetic meridian : ; C : 280 59.3 Magnetic declination W. : : : : ; 0 52.5 Ellicottville.—Aug. 14, 1841. Lat. 42° 18’.1; long. 78° 49 Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. | S. end. 0 47.2 W. 0 55.2 W. 0 45.7 W. 0) STEZEWW J TOSS W 0 46.7 W TE MSEY (MAE 0 46.1 W + 1 02.7 —{t) ies +0 05.7 = +0° 01.4 Azimuth circle reads, 933 39.9 Magnetic meridian reads, 233 41.3 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times : 5 : : ; A Osorno 6 Mean cirele reading . i : : : ae238. 09" 13! Mean time of observation . é : : LOR IE 297-0 Corresponding sid. time - ; - : . (19 54 59.1 R. A. of Polaris .- , : - : ‘ 1 02 56.2 Hour angle - r . 18 52 02.9 37 38 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Azimuth of Polaris . Reading of Polaris . as ast. meridian ss magnetic meridian Magnetic declination W. Abstract of Observations for time. Aug. 10. Arcturus. 98 93™ 015 Ri BY Bl” 98° 34! 39/7 4" 36™ 21°.3 Mean of chron. times be observed double alt. True altitude Hour angle 2° 02/.2 238 19.2 236 17.0 233 «41.3 2 35.7 a Androm. 9» §1™ 32°.3 63° 02’ 16” 31° 29/ 03/4 —4>47™ 0084 R. A. of star 14 08 26.9 0 00 14.4 Sid. time - 18 44 48.2 19 13 14.0 Corresponding mean time 9 OT 33.7 9 35 54.8 Chron. fast . ¢ 2 : 0 15 27.8 0/15. <3i-p Mean j : ; OPIS 256 Abstract of Observations for Latitude. Aug. 15. Jupiter. Saturn. a Aqnile. Chron. time . Observed double alt. True altitude Mean time Correspond. sid. time R. A. of star Hour angle . Latitude Mean 8" 02" 00°.7 50P D4” 097 25 09 31 7" 46™ 30°.2 17 23 31.4 16 34 19.8 0 497 11°6 42° 6p 82 23" 525.7 50° 31’ 2477 25 13 08 8" 08™ 228.2 17 45 27.0 17 45 34.6 23 59 52.4 42° 18) 077” 10" 11" 55°.9 BPO AY BYR 56 04 08 9" 56™ 25°. 4 19 33 47.8 19 43 05.3 23 50 42.5 49° 19" 15! 49° 18’ 06” Bath,—Aug. 19, 1841. Lat. 42° 207.8; long. 77° 21’. Abstract of Declination Observations. N. end. S. end. 0 47.9 B. 1 23.7 E. 0 43.2 E. 1 21.9 E: 0 26.6 E. 1 25.4 E. 0 26.6 E. 1 27.5. E. —0 36.1 se We ee +1 24.6 +0 24.2 = +0° 05/.8 Azimuth circle reads, 312 47.2 Magnetic meridian reads, 312 53.0 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times Mean circle reading . Chron. fast Mean time of Observation Corresponding sid. time R. A. of Polaris Hour angle gh 26" 37%.4 318° 29’ 10! 0" 10" 168.6 9 16 20:8 19 09 22.1 1 02 58.6 18 06 23.5 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Azimuth of Polaris . Reading of Polaris ae ae ast. meridian magnetic meridian Magnetie declination W. 2° 04/.8 318 29.2 816 24.4 812, 53,0 8 31.4 Abstract of Observations for Latitude. Aug. 18, 1841. Chron time , Observed double alt. True altitude Chron. fast Mean time é Corresponding sid. time R. A. of star Hour angle . Latitude Jupiter. 7h 55™ 06".3 49°99" 00/7 Gi s8 “23 OPO aes 4h S17 Lt se) 42d 16 34 44.5 0 58 57.0 AQS OOF aGi? Silver Lake —Aung. 23, 1841. Tat. 41° 56’.6; long. 76° 05’. Abstract of Observations for time, equal double Altitudes of Sun. wpm es Mean. Middle chron. time Equation of equal alts. Equation of time Chron. fast A. M. P.M. Elapsed time. 8) 59™ 505.8 3h 1387 50*.9 6) 14™ 008.1 9 04 43.1 3 08 56.9 6 O04 3.8 9°09 LO ShOdee ole: 5.55 21.2 9 04 34.7 3 09 06.4 6 04 31.7 0" 06" 503.5 + 11.0 —— ee 0 04 39.6 Abstract of Observations for Latitude. Saturn. Polaris. Chron. time . : Observed double alt. True altitude Mean time c Corresponding sid. time R. A. of star Hour angle . Latitude Mean Abstract of Observations for Declination. N. end. 0 46.3 W. 0 44.6 W. 0 01.2 E. OnOLaTs We +0 22.8 8" 52™ 25%:9 83° 48 15/7 82 36m Laz 48° 41% 307 24 18 03 41 52 32 8 317 31°.6 8" 47™ 465.3 18 40 10.3 18 56 27.7 17 44 57.0 1 03 00.7 0 55 13.3 17 53 27.0 ANS G0 5a!” ANO"OG Lit 41° 56/ 36/’ §. end. TOON Wi. ea OW il BERN WE We SBeie VE —l 23.1 —0 30:1 Azimuth circle reads, = —0° 07/.3 299 31.5 Magnetic meridian reads, 299 24.2 39 40) MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times ay tees ‘ - : : 9 33™ 59%.4 Mean circle reading . ; s : : - 3805957! 32/7 Mean time of observation . - 5 : ; 9 997 11988 Corresponding sid. time 5 - S - . 19 38 088 ; R. A. of Polaris : 4 . > 5 : 1 03 00.8 Hour angle . 2 = - : : . 8 35 (08:0 Azimuth of Polaris . : a : : ; 2° 03/.1 Reading of Polaris . : : - ¢ : 305 57.5 sf ast. meridian. : > c : 303 54.4 cs magnetic meridian - : ; : 299 24.2 Magnetic declination W. : : : : . 4 30.2 Girard College, Philadelphia —Nov. 1, 1841. Lat. 39° 58’.4; long. 75° 10’.0. Abstract of Observations for Declination. N. end. S. end. 0 10.7 E. 2 24.5 W. 0 02.9 E. 2 07.5 W. 0 38.2 W. 2 18.4 W. 0 38.8 W. 2 03.8 W. +0 15.8 —2 13.5 —0 58.8 i) Ase Azimuth cirele reads, USD 835.15) Magnetic meridian reads, 130 21.2 Abstract of Observations for Azimuth of Polaris. Mean of times j 7 5 : : 8" 08™ 508.6 Mean circle reading . : : : > SD OST wal Chron. fast . : : : 5 A 6 OF 01™ 345.0 Mean time of observation . - : : 8 07 16.6 Corresponding sid. time : c c . piece oe ORD R. A. of Polaris . - c : : : IOs elas Hour angle . : é c c 5 . 21 48 34.5 Azimuth of Polaris . ; . 9 5 6 1° 06/.2 Reading of Polaris . : ‘i - 5 6 135) iy 4 a ast. meridian. : - 5 < 134 11.5 ce magnetic meridian ; - c : 130 21.2 Magnetic declination W. . : : : : 3 50.3 RECAPITULATION OF RESULTS ror MAGNETIC DEcLINATION, 1841. 1 Philadelphia ; 3 : July 20, and Nov. 1, 3° 537.7 W. 2 Easton : : : f July 23, 3) 38:0 W. 8 Williamsport . 5 , July 28, Seo lec Wie 4 Curwinsville , ‘ : Aug. 1, 45a Wis D Mercer) = : : : Aug. 4, Onvo 2 E: 6 Erie : : : é Aug. 9, 0 30.0 W. 7 Dunkirk. : = : Aug. 12, 0 52.5 W. 8 Ellicottville : : : Aug. 14, 2 35.7 W. 9 Bath : : : : Aug. 19, 3 31.4 W. 10 Silver Lake , : : Aug. 23, 4 30.2 W. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PEN NSYLVANIA. RECAPITULATION OF OBSERVED Larrrupes, 1841. Williamsport 41° 14.0 Curwinsville 40 57.7 Mercer 41 13.8 Hrie : : : : : - ‘ ‘ 42 07.5 Dunkirk : : : : : ; : 42 29.3 Ellicottville : ‘ ; : : : 4 42 18.1 Bath . : : : : : : : 42 20.8 Silver Lake ; ; : ; : ; i 41 56.6 Comparison of Declination for Secular Change. Results of 1840-41, and of 1862. 1862 (Schott). Aunuual increase. Philadelphia, Girard College, Julyand Nov., 1841, 3° 537.7 W. 5° 00/.0 W. Bee.’ Harrisburg, July, 1840, 3 ne ctage 44.D 1.5 Williamsport, July, NSA oe Blea sos A Db 2.6 Johnson’s Tay., near Brownsville, Aug., 1840; 0° 25.2“ PS 6ns 2.2 Erie Aug., LS4i5 0) S0s0F ess) Ome 3.0 Bath Aug., ISVS. a) SBN ee pS fo 3.6 Mean QENG Harrisburg was occupied in July, 1862, and all the other stations of 1862 in August. Chronometric Results for Longitude. In the tour of 1840, the error and rate of chronometer determined at Philadel- phia was depended upon for time. ‘The longitudes of the stations were taken from the best authorities. In the tour of 1841, observations for time were made at stations, and the error of the chronometer was determined at Philadelphia, before setting out, and after return. Daily rate. July 19. Corr’n to chron. . —0" 00™ 06%.0 95 03 Aug. 30. i cs —0 01 31.4 WiuiiaMsporr.—July 28, obs’d corr’n to chron. —0" 07" 545.5 Corv’n to chrou., by rate Philadelphia —0 00 243 Diff. of long. : 0 07 30.2 Long. of Williamsport “ chron. (a(S EES: CuRWINSVILLE.—Aug. 1, obs’d corr’n to chron. —0O" 14™ 24*.0 Corr’n to chron., by rate, Philadelphia —0 00 32.4 Diff. of long. P ‘ ; OF tsr 51-6 Long. of Curwinsville by chron. 78° 36/.6 Enin.— Ataos 10) 0 08.0 o 0 320 4 “Brownsville . : : 5 TANTRA IU TY 0 25.2 a 0 29.2 5 «Mercersburg ; : : “Aug. 24 0 54.4 gs 0 58.4 6 | Baltimore. F : : : Ao, 2 16.5 Us PAU , 9 7 | Philadelphia . | 1841, 907 an 3 537 | +407 | 3 544 8 | Haston . ¢ 3 ; : 3 «July 23 3 38.0 +1.3 3) odse 9 | Williamsport «July 28 3 31.2 Lf 3 32.5 10 | Curwinsville . Se PATO 1 46.1 us 1 46.4 11 | Mercer . 6S Aig 4 —Q 51.2 & mend 12 | Hrie Gees: Yikes) 0 30.0 Me 0 31.3 13 | Dunkirk aes 118) 0 52.5 | se 0 53.8 14 | Ellicottville Aue 14 2 35.7 | 2 37.0 15 | Bath : DNS IG) 3 34 | a 3 32.7 16 | Silver Lake . «Aug. 23 4 30.2 : 4 31.5 46 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANTA. No. | Station. Latitude. | Longitude. Decl. W. 1812.0. 1 | Harrisburg. : 3 : ; ; 409.27 | 76°.88 Boi 2} Huntingdon. ; : : : ; 40.51 | 78.08 1.94 3) Near Pittsburg ; 4 : ; ; 40.47 (eae 0.20 4 «Brownsville . - : o . 39:99 79.80 0.49 5 | “ Mercersburg : : 5 ; : SONG sale Uilenes 0.97 6 | Baltimore : 3 ; P ot S930 76.61 2.34 7 | Philadelphia . = - : : : 39.97 79.17, 3.89 8 | Easton - : 2 : - 40.70 fo.20) |} 3.65 9 | Williamsport . ; “ : 2 : 41.23 {At UE 9 3.54 10 | Curwinsville . % ; 5 . ‘ 40.96 78.60 1.77 11 | Mercer F 2 5 ; : 41.23 $0.27 | —(. 83 12 | Erie . 5 5 5 - 5 : 42.13 80.10 0.52 13 | Dunkirk : A < : 5 : 42.49 79.38 | 0.90 14 | Hllicottville . : 2 3 - : 42.30 | 78.73 2.62 15 | Bath . F 5 5 = - 42.35 iteoo 8.55 16 | Silver Lake. ; : : ; ; 41.94 | 76.03 4.52 Mean : 2 : 40.98 | 77.95 2.08 The small extent of the survey, as well as the comparatively small number of observations, will not permit the introduction of curvature in the isogonic lines; they are therefore treated as straight lines. ‘This assumption also serves for the recognition of any local disturbances as indicated by the differences of observed and computed values. Let D= 4+ 2°.08 + adL+ydM cos L Where dL = Lat. —40°.98 : dM = Long.— 77.95 The 16 conditional equations have been formed, and the values of « y & D found from the normal equations, are as follows :— y = —- 1.206 D= + 2°.08 + 0.5102 d£—1.206 di cos L. A comparison of the observed and computed declinations shows the necessity of introducing a term involving dL dM cos L; this has been done and the solution of the normal equations gives us the following expression :— D= + 2°.14 + 0.513 dL — 1.231 dM cos L — 0.203 dL dM cos L. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 47 Comparison of Observed and Computed Values. Station, Harrisburg . Huntingdon Near Pittsburg * Brownsyille “Mercersburg . Baltimore Philadelphia Easton Williamsport Curwinsville Mercer Erie Dunkirk Ellicottville Bath , Silver Lake Observed declinution, Computed declination. Observed — computed { | 39.27 | +2°67 | +86! 1.94 | 1.82 | + 7 0.20 0.13 | + 4 0.49 0.16 +20 0.97 1.54 een od 2.34 2.91 rt-8 3.89 3x8 Meee 3.65 4.41 | —=46 3.54 | 3.16 +93 ei | 1.51 +16 0.83 | 0.04 {it a5 0.52 | 0.44 + 5 0.90 | 1.99 —23 2.62 | 1.96 +40 3.55 | 3.50 + 3 4.52 | 4.66 — 8 The curves of 0° 2° 0° lat. 41° 00/ long. 80 15 29° lat. 41°00" long. 78 07 4° lat. 41° 00/ long. 75 56 These curves have been finally adopted. The probable error of any single representation is + 19/.4 Jat. 42° 30! long. 80 33 lat. 42° 30’ long. 78 46 lat. 42° 30/ long. 76 59 4° pass through the following positions :— lat. 39° 30/ long. 79 54 lat. 39° 30/ long. 77 05 Jat. 39° 30/ long. 74 17 DETERMINATION OF THE MAGNETIC INTENSITY AND DIP, 1834-5, 1840, 1841, AND 1843. Determination of the Magnetic Intensity. A. Rexattve horizontal intensity by vibrations of a bar (needle A), and of a cylinder (needle C). B. Relative total intensity by deflections of Lloyd needles with weights. C. Magnetic inclination. Correction for Temperature to the observed Time of Vibration. The coefficient of temperature m has been determined by special experiments which, together with the result, are published in the Trans. of the Amer. Phil. Society, Philadelphia, Vol. V. new series, Part III. 1837, Art. XXVIII. “On the relative horizontal intensities of terrestrial magnetism at several places, by A. D. Bache and E. H. Courtenay.” The bar is called in that paper needle A, and the cylinder needle C; on page 443 the value of the temperature coefficient is stated as follows:— For the bar, m = 0.000117 For the cylinder, m = 0.000052 Let 7’ = time of oscillation at temp. ¢ AB = “ce “cc “ Ff then 7 = 7” : 1—m(t —?) } The above numerical values were used in reducing the time of 10 vibrations to the adopted standard temperature 60° Fahr. log m for the bar, 6.068186 log m for the cylinder, 5.716003 ( 48 ) MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 49 Magnetic Survey of 1840-41. Recapitulation of Magnetic Results at Girard C ollege, Philadelphia. Time of 10 vibrations, reduced to temp. 60°, and correction for loss of magnetism. Duration. Daily change. Cylinder. | aur, Cylinder. ee July 16,1840. : ; : 34°.480 | 365.775 Noy. 3, 1840 4 : : : 34.641 36.841 + 0.001464 July 20, 1841 : : é 34.741 36.836 Nese + 0.00060 Noy. 1, 1841 - c : : 34.854 36.907 + 0.001086 | -+ 0.00068 The daily change being known, we can compute the time of 10 vibrations at Philadelphia corresponding in time to the observations made at any of the other stations in 1840 and 1841, and thus obtain, by comparison, the relative horizontal intensity at each station, Philadelphia being 1.000; and introducing the horizontal intensity in absolute measure for Girard College, Philadelphia, we can express the magnetic intensity, at all the stations visited, in the same measure. The secular change in the horizontal intensity has been shown by Assistant Schott (U.S. Coast Survey Report, 1861, Appendix, No. 2: 2) to be small. He found, for a number of stations near the Atlantic coast, the annual secular change to be on the average —0.001 (in parts of the horizontal force, the ne gative sign indicating a aumaarouiy The effect of the secular change may, therefore, be safe ‘ly considered as imperceptible during the interval of the magnetic survey in 1840 and in 1841, each trip extending over a period of but little more than a month. The lignans table contains the duration of 10 vibrations reduced to 60° Fahr. observed at stations in 1840 and in 1841, together with the corresponding duration as it would have been observed at Girard College and the deduced horizontal intensity, Philadelphia being 1.000. T2 12 where 7’ = time of 10 vibrations (at 60°) at Philadelphia, and 7, = es oe a at any other station. Relative horizontal intensity 1 = 50 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Station. | Date. Cylinder | Observed time of 10 | Corresponding time | Relative horizontal or bar. | vibrationsreduced | of 10 vib’ns (at 60°)| intensity, Phila- to temp. 60°. at Philadelphia. delphia = 1.0000. Harrisburg : : . | duly 25, 1840 C 345.833 | 34*.499 0.9805 3 37.150 36.780 0.9802 Mean 0.9803 ILuntingdon 3 : . | July 30, 1840 C 34.682 34.500 0.9896 B 37.042 36.783 0.9861 Mean 0.9878 Homewood 3 A . | Aug. 13, 1840 C 34.994 34.521 0.9732 B 37,292 36.792 0.9733 Mean 0.9732 Johnson’s Tavern : . | Aug. 18, 1840 Cc 34.332 34.528 1.0114 3 36.596 36.795 1.0109 Mean 1.0112 Irwin’s Mill : 5 . | Aug. 24, 1840 C 34.419 34.537 1.0068 B 36.482 36.798 (1.117) Rejected, temp. doubtful. Baltimore . : : . | Aug. 27, 1840 C Satie eo Pn Base she B 36.342 36.801 1.0252 Williamsport —. : . | July 28, 1841 Cc 35.540 34.750 0.9560 B 37.682 36.841 0.9559 Mean 0.9560 Curwinsville : , . | Aug. 1, 1841 C 35.479 34.753 0.9595 3 37.595 36.843 0.9604 Mean 0.9600 Mercer ; 3 : - | Aug, 5, 1841 C 35.499 34.757 0.9586 3 37.571 36.846 0.9618 Mean 0.9602 Hrie . : : : - | Aup. 9) 1841 C 36.437 34.762 0.9102 3 41.035 36.850 (0.8064) Rejected, some error in the observations. Ellicottville > ; . | Aug. 16, 1841 @ 36.787 34.769 0.8933 3 38.9359 36.854 0.8958 Mean 0.8945 Bath . > : ‘ . | Aug. 19) 1841 (G} 36.931 34.772 0.8865 B Soto LD 36.856 0.8788 Mean 0.8826 ee | Silver Lake : : . | Aug. 23,1841] C 36.530 34.778 0.9064 eo 83 38.654 36.858 0.9092 Mean 0.9078 Milford ‘ : : . | Ang. 26, 1841 ¢ 36.582 34.781 0.9039 fea 83 38.738 36.860 0.9054 Mean 0.9046 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Or _ Magnetic Survey of 1843. The trip in 1843 occupied less than one month, and since the necdles were not again vibrated after returning to Philadelphia, we adopt the same rate of change as found in 1840 and 1841, viz.: for the cylinder + 0.00127, and for the bar 4+ 0.00064. We have at Philadelphia— Time of 10 vibrations, reduced to 60°, cylinder 35°.045, July 20, 1843. bar 36.914, Station, Date. Cylinder | Observed time of 10 | Corresponding time| Relative horizontal or bar. vibrations reduced | of 10 vib’ns (ut 60°) intensity, Phila- to temp. 60°. at Philadelphia. delphia = 1.0000 Union College, Schen. ~ | duly 2) 18435)/ 38°. 220 35°.046 0.8408 GB 40.523 36.915 0.8381 Mean | 0.8394 Syracuse . P : d 29, 1843 35.056 5 919 Mean Geneva ; : ; , 31, 1843 7.548 35.059 9,568 36.921 Mean |} Niagara Falls. : . . 3, 1843 Toronto. : : F . 1, 1843 Ogdensburgh —. 5 3 9, 1843 Montreal . F ; : » 15, 1843 ! Observations imperfect. In 1843, at Toronto, the horizontal intensity in absolute measure was determined by Licuts. Lefroy and Younghusband at the magnetic observatory (see Mr. Schott’s report of Jan, 19, 1861, U.S. Coast Survey Report, 1861), and found to be 3.537, hence by the above proportion Philadelphia becomes 4.172, a value in excellent agreement with the other determinations at this place. rahe If we compare with Montreal, we have Licut. Lefroy’s determination at St. IIeclen’s in 1843, 3.083, hence Philadelphia becomes 4.138, a value not quite so accordant as that found from the comparison with ‘Toronto. For the introduction of the absolute value for the stations visited in 15840, we 52 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENN SY YAN TAS have, from Dr, Locke’s observations at Baltimore in 1541, at St. Mary’s, 4.261; at the city, 4.238; mean, 4.250; which gives for Philadelphia 4.146. At Philadelphia we have Prof. Loomis’ determination in 1839, 4.149 (Chestnut Street), and Dr. Locke’s, 4.172, at the Girard College, the mean of which will be 4.160. ‘This value may be adopted for the 1840 series. For the stations occupied in 1841, the mean of the absolute values used in 1540 and 1843 for Philadelphia, viz., 4.166, has been used as the base number. Accordingly, we obtain the following magnetic horizontal intensities, expressed in terms of the absolute scale (British units) :— 1840. x. Harrisburg : : . : . July 25, 4.078 Huntingdon. ; ; : . July 30, 4.109 Homewood ‘ : . é . Aug. 13; 4.049 Johnson’s Tavern : < : . Aug. 18) 4.207 Irwin’s Mill. : ; : . Aug. 24, 4.188 : Baltimore = : F : ies HG 4.269 Philadelphia (base). 5 - . July 16 and Nov. 3, 4.160 1841. Williamsport . 2 : : . duly 28, 3.983 Curwinsville . : ; : SAT OS alls " 3.999 Mercer . : ; : ; ~ Aug.” 9; 4.000 Brie. : : : é 5 Re 3.7192 Mllicottville . ; : ; 5 a ae. 3.726 Bath . : : : : 2 Amps 19; 3.677 Silver Lake . : : : . Ang. 23, 3.782 Milford ; . . , . Aug. 26, 3.769 Philadelphia (base) —. : - . July 20 and Noy. 1, 4.166 1843. Philadelphia —. : July 20, $172 Union College, Schenectady. , . duly 21, 3.502 Syracuse : ; , “ . duly 29; 3.996 Geneva . : 7 : ; . July 3l, 3.635 Niagara Falls . ; ; ; 5» eshtl ey 3.565 Toronto (base) . ‘ : > . Amey t; 3.537 Oedensburgh . . : : 2 Apso) 3.294 Montreal : : : : ~ Ane 1d; 3.109 Connection of the European and American Series of 1836, 737, °38, and 1840." The series of observations made in Europe in the years 1836, 37, and 738, when the same cylinder and bar magnets were used, previously and subsequently used at Philadelphia and other places, give us additional means of introducing the absolute measures of the horizontal force, though in a somewhat circuitous way. According to General Sabine, the total force at Woolwich, in June, 1846, may be taken at 10.388; Dr. Lamont thinks that the total foree in Europe has but a small, if any change; we may therefore take 10.358 to represent the total force in 1 Art. IX, Transactions American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Vol. VII, new series, Part I, 1840. Observations of the Magnetic Intensity at twenty-one stations in Europe. By A. D. Bache, LL.D., President of the Girard College of Orphans. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 53 1836 and “37; the dip was observed by me at London (at Westbourne Green) and found to be 69° 17’.8 in June, 1837. ‘The adopted annual decrease of the dip being 2’.4, we have the dip at London, in Nov. 1836, 69° 19’,2, and in Feb. 1837, 69° 18.6. The horizontal intensity at London (Woolwich) becomes therefore in Noy. 1836, 3.669, and in Feb. 1837, 3.670, and in June, 1837, 3.672. From the general table of results we have further the relative horizontal intensities at Edin- burgh (Feb. 1837), at Dublin (Nov. 1836), and at London (June, 1837), 0.841, 0.579, and 0.939 respectively, whence the horizontal intensities, in absolute measure, at these localities and times, are for Dublin 3.436, and for Edinburgh 3.287. At Philadelphia, the vibrations of the bar magnet and magnet B were observed in Sept. 1836, and also afterwards at the above European stations from which, in my manuscript record, the relative intensities were deduced as follows: Philadelphia 1.0000, Dublin 0.8300, and Edinburgh 0.7957. Using the above absolute values for Dublin and Edinburgh, Philadelphia becomes, from comparison with Dublin, 4.140, and from comparison with Edinburgh 4.131, mean of the determinations 4.136. The difference in the intensity at Girard College and the house in Chestnut Strect we find, by comparison of Prof. Loomis’ observations in 1839 (4.149), with Dr. Locke’s in 1841 (4.172), is 0.023, hence the magnetic intensity at Girard College in Sept. 1836, from comparison with the European stations, becomes 4.159; the value actually used for the survey in 1840 was 4.160, and since the effect of the secular change for this interval of four years must be small, there is no reason for changing the value adopted, it being correct within the limits of uncertainty of the several comparisons. For comparison and the effect of secular change in X, we have the following collection (from Mr. Schott’s report of Jan. 19, 1861, U.S. Coast Survey Report of 1861):— At Philadelphia. Re, 1835.0 Bache & Courtenay . : 3 é : 4.195 1836.7 Bache. : ; : , : : 4.159 1839.5 Loomis . u , F : y . 4.149 1841.5 Locke . é : ; : : ; 4.172 1842.5 Locke 4.174 1842.8 Lefroy 4.176 1843.6 Bache. . . ’ F , : 4.172 1844.5 Locke . ; 3 , 3 ; : 4.162 1846.4 Locke 4.143 1855°7 Schott 4,296 1862.6 Schott 4.088 At Baltimore. 1840.7 Bache 4.965 1841.5 Locke 4.26] 1841.5 Locke 4.938 1842 8 Lefroy 4.938 1856.7 Schott 4.203 5A MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA: At Montreal. 1842.7 Lefroy . : : ; : - ¢ 3.064 1843.3 Lefroy . , F ; j ‘ : 3.083 1843.6 Bache . ; 3 : , - 5 3.109 1845.5 Younghusband . ; : : : c 3.011 1859.6 Schott . ¢ - . A : : 3.111 Magnetic Tour of 1834 and 1835, in the Northeastern States. (In connection with Prof. Courtenay.) The results of the observations for horizontal intensity, as published in Vol. V (new series) of the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Part HI, 1837, are expressed in relative measure, Philadelphia being taken as unit. It seems to be desirable to present these results, expressed in terms of the absolute scale, and I have, therefore, inserted them here in connection with my other deter- minations. From Mr. Schott’s collection of intensities we have, at New York (Columbia College), in 1822, the intensity 3.981 (Col. Sabine observer); and in 1841, in the same locality, 4.018 (Dr. Locke observer); whence the horizontal intensity in 1835 is 4.006, from which we obtain for Philadelphia, in 1835, the value 1.00000 In 1836, the value found was 4.16; the mean of these determinations I have adopted as the nearest value that can at present be assigned, viz., 4.199. We have, accordingly, the following table of results :— 18384—35. Relative hor. intensity. Hor. intensity, absol. scale. Philadelphia, 1834-5 : : : 1.00000 4.195 West Point, fs ; : ; 0.92156 3.866 New York, = : : : 0.94705 a4 e)033 Newport, R. L., 1835 : ; ; 0.90086 3.9 Providence, R. 1., “ ; : : 0.89869 3.770 Springfield, Mass., “ ; : ; 0.88711 3.721 Albany, N.Y., U3 ; ; . 0.85290 3.578 That the value adopted for Philadelphia is very nearly correct (and will not bear diminution), may be inferred from the following comparison and the known law of secular change of the horizontal intensity. ‘The comparison is obtained from Mr. Schott’s collection :— At West Point. X. 1835.0 Bache & Courtenay ; : : , 3.866 1842.5 Lefroy . : : : : : : 3.881 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANTA. 55 At New York. X. 1822.5 Sabine, 3.981 4 : Columbia College. 1835.0 Bache & Courtenay, 3.973 - : a 1841.5 Locke, 4.018 ; : 2 1841.5 Locke, 4.015 : 3 Lunatic Asylum. 1842.7 Lefroy, 4.008 ; , ae 1844.5 Locke, 4.010 x : Columbia College. 1844.5 Locke, 4.007 : : Lunatic Asylum. 1844.5 Renwick, 4.071 : : Columbia College. 1846.3 Locke, 4.009 F : Bloom. Asylum. 1846.4 Locke, 4.053 5 ; Mt. Prospect. 1855.7 Schott, 3.920 , ; Bedloe’s Island. 1855.7 Schott, 3.926 ; ; Governor’s Isiand. 1855.7 Schott, 3.938 : : Receiving Reservoir. 1860.8 Schott, 4.052 : . Mt. Prospect. At Providence. Ke 1835.0 Bache & Courtenay 3.770 1839.5 Loomis . 3.726 1842.7 Lefroy 3.715 1855.6 Schott 3.590 At Springfield. 1835.0 Bache & Courtenay 1859.6 Schott oo GH -! to — et At Albany. 1835.0 Bache & Courtenay 1842.8 Lefroy 1844.5 Locke 1844.5 Locke 1855.6 Schott 1856.7 Friesach 1858.4 Dean test) on oO oO mT 1 ¢ or or or or =< 0 wo 99 99 09 oo oo OO : bas wT on — os Reduction of the relative Total Intensity Observations by Lloyd's Needles. Let $= true dip, ¢ = dip by a Lloyd needle when unloaded, € = correction to ¢, then 6=€ +e, ¢ may be assumed as constant for each tour. For finding the value of ¢ we have the following results :— 56 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. For 1840. | 3 g € Station. | Lloyd 3. Lloyd 3. ° ~ Philadelphia Harrisburg Huntingdon Homewood Johnson’s Tavern Irwin’s Mill Baltimore . Philadelphia ~ an > Ss boa WaT oO _— ~ =T =T =-T ¢ -T -T | Mean | re i }+| * co For 1841. Philadelphia. 5 . | April26 | 71 58:1 -1 Lo -I bo bo eo ao — a ; : . | July 20 Williamsport. - . | July 28 Curwinsville . : =| eA aT Mercer. i : S| 2Ninee 5) Erie . ; Z : . | Aug. 8 Ellicottville ; ; . | Aug. 16 Bath : : 3 . | Aug. 19 Silver Lake . ‘ 5 || elu Milford. : : . | Aug. Octss 9i) Nov. 15 — Re -—T -T -—T -T -T | ll cael sO Tho To VT B to aT et 7 -T = -T -T TT CO em Hm OO bo to be aT aT aT eT Tt TT Tt tT Re WW He Re OO bo ble be hm em bo Re ee Or Or Or Or SR wR Bm boo Ort Sw OTe OS GO He He Co lO bo Lo +|+4+]+]++ S RO oD = O9 ko Or Oe CO Wr aOTWNoo fF ++4+++4++4++ Sco wwwonconc:s -T -—T -T -T Philadelphia -T on oo oO Mean a, S For 1843. Schenectady. : 5 y 55.4 Syracuse . : : oil 50.9 Geneva . : ‘ ; 3 4 34.5 Toronto . : - 5.1 : | ay es} Ogdensburgh . : : Sey le Opec! Quebec. ; : = | : TH ©1220 Montreal’ Gee) : 76 48.4 | Philadelphia. ; e ; a DONG u : 5 : ; Slr ia pan coon _ SP WTS ++++] ++] SWWI HAO ono UP TOW LW —a— ++4+4+44++4+ Dott oOOmDaN S oO | | + = a a | _ Ss c—) We have, therefore, the following values of ¢:— For 1840, Lloyd Needle, No. 1, —4’.4+0/.8 Lloyd, No, 3, + 743+ 17.0 1841, Wy a +0.7 + 1.3 on ah ae WAI 1843, Ly 4 +1.6 + 0.7 3 +10.0 + 0.8 Correction for loss of magnetism—In my paper on the magnetic observations and results in Europe, during 1836, °37, °38, I have shown that during the short ' Dip by needle No. 1. ? Mean by two needles, viz., No. 1, 71° 58/.2, and No. 2, 719 55’.9. MAGNETIO SURVEY OF PENNSYLYANIA. 57 interval of a month, the loss of magnetism of the Lloyd Needles is too small to require any correction. Table of Resulting Dips. At those stations where the Lloyd needles were used, the dip was obtained by applying the correction ¢ to the results by the needle when unloaded; when the dip was also observed in the ordinary way, the result by the Lloyd needle was allowed the weight one-half, as it depends on half the number of observations. Results for dip in 1840. Station. | Date. Needleland2.| Needle Dip by | | Ll. 1 and LL 8 combination. Philadelphia. : . | duly 21 | 71° 51.7 | 719 54/.4 | 71° 597.6 Reading : : : : . | July 23 32.2 Harrisburg 5 ; : é . | July 25 | 72 18.8 23.8 Dunean’s Island : : : - | duly 27 35.0 Lewistown , » : : . | duly 29 30.0 Huntingdon. : : : . | July 30 19.6 Armagh : ; : : |) Aug. 2 Economy : , - 5 . | Aug. 8 Homewood : < : ; . | Aug. 10 Steubenville . ; : : . | Aug. 15 Wheeling ; : ; é . | Aug. 16 Johnson’s Tavern ; ‘ : 2 Aes 1S Frostburgh : : : ‘ . | Aug. 20 Irwin’s Mill. 3 : P . | Aug. 24 Baltimore : : : ; ae erage 2 Frenchtown : 3 Aor 5 , Philadelphia. : F ‘ . | Aug. 28 ~ cr Set) el a at al et ee ee) nl eT el et St ODO bb bo bo bo bo bo b Results for Dip in 1841. Philadelphia. : : ‘ . | April 26 sf : : ; : | July 20 Doylestown. : : F . | July 22 Easton . : ‘ : : : | July 22 Wilkesbarre . ; - ‘ . | July 26 Williamsport . : : - . | July 28 Bellefonte , : : . | July 30 Curwinsyille. : ; : oie |e ACE Es Berlin’s Tavern : ; : Do) Aare: Mercer . : ‘ : : : Aug. Warren ; : ; : Se AS: Ashtabula Landing. 5 5 A eeu Erie . : : ; i . | Aug. Dunkirk : é ; : . | Aug. Ellicottville . . . : | os: Belvidere : - : A el Age Bath . ¢ ‘ : : . | Aug. Owego. . : : : . | Aug. Silver Lake . : ; ‘ . | Aug. § 3 Milford. ; ; : E . | Aug. £ Bushkill : : ‘i é 5 Ate Philadelphia. : : ; = | Oct. 79 us : ; : : Noy. 1 fe) OO SrO1S bo bo Oe 58. 59. TO mt mt mt tt at tt a tt at at at tt tt tt a mer Oo OO CO He He OO 2 bb bo bo bo G&S bo = 1 SD He OO ! By Lloyd 1. 2 By Lloyd 3. 3 By 1, equal weight with LI. 1 and LI. 3. 8 58 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Results for Dip in 1843. Station. Date. Needle 1 and 2. Needle Dip by LL land Ll. 3. | combination. ‘Philadelphia. : : : . | July 2 7195675 Princeton : : - - . | July 2 : 72 38.3 West Point. : . 5 . | July 73 12.2 Schenectady . : : : . | duly "4 74 53.6 74° 54/.8 Utica . : : ; - . | July 74 ) Syracuse - : : : . | July ! 74 518 74 Geneva. : : ‘ 3 . | July : 74 30.7 74 Rochester : : ; : > | Ame. 74 43.5 Niagara Falls . : . . * |yeacne: 74 48.9) & : F : ‘ . | Aug. 74 53.2)f Toronto : , : : 4 | i i 15 Oswego : : : ‘ = | |eeAtage 75 Ogdensburgh . . : : | Aug: 4 | 76 Quebec . : : : : . | Aug. 2. 17 ie ae : s . | Aug. 14 | TT Montreal , ; ; : . | Aug. : 76 AURA > . ; : : . | Aug. 74 *Philadelphia —. : - . . | Aug. age Sept. . ipl os ‘ ; ; : . | Sept. 7 ; 71 Recapitulation of the observed Dip at Philadelphia. Means. July 21, 1840 , ae (alte eae) Oct. 28, 1840 : 5 aha fale bre Dec. 1840 April 26, 1841 ; = TAG ORG ) July 20, 1841 : 6 kL Bie ) Oct. 9, 1841 : 2. Wk 58225 ~ Gimosal Oct. 1841 Noy. 1, 1841 : 5 pk pee ) July 20, 1843 : » dd) 06:5 ) Sept. 5, 1843 : eS OUT (al Bee) Aug. 1843 Sept. 12, 1843 ‘ 5 tel BeG ) By means of the preceding results for horizontal intensity X, and dip 6, we find the total intensity , as follows :— o = X sec 0. 1840. 3 1841. $ Philadelphia, July, 13.37 Philadelphia, April, 13.49 Harrisburg, e 13.44 re July, 13.45 Huntingdon, 13.51 Williamsport, “ 13.55 Homewood, Aug., 13.49 Curwinsyille, Aug., 13.55 Johnson’s Tav., “ 13.54 Mercer, w 13.64 Irwin’s Mill, 43 13.40 Erie, a MEH Baltimore, Us 13.49 Ellicottville, a 13.77 Philadelphia, Oct., 13.38 Bath, a 13.72 Silver Lake, 3 13.47 Milford, de 13.50 Philadelphia, Oct., 13.46 ue Noy., 13.47 ! From the 2d Vol. of the Girard College Magnetical and Meteorological observations, we find the dip at Phila- delphia as follows :— ARI Qa. O65 5. 19 45 1° 56/ Ll. 1, 719 55/.2, and LI. 3, 719 hence resulting dip, 7 ? Dip from 2d Vol. of Girard College observations. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 59 Recapitulation of p at Philadelphia. 1813. ? Means, Philadelphia, July, 13.46 July, 1840, 13.37 Schenectady, f 13.45 Oct., 1840, 13.38 \- 13.41 Syracuse, te 13.61 April, 1841, 13.49) Geneva, ce 13.63 July, 1841, 13.45 Niagara Falls, Aug., 13.64 Oct., 1841, 13.46 }- 13.46 Toronto, ss 13.84 Noy., 1841, 13.47 Ogdensburgh “ 13.74 July, 1843, 13.46 13.46 Montreal, a 13.62 The above values of @ will fwmish the means for the introduction of the total intensity at the remaining stations where the Lloyd needles alone have been used. Comparison of values for p, with determinations by other observers. Philadelphia. e 1835.0 Bache & Courtenay ; : : é . 13.585 460789 00" 1836.7 Bache . | Lee eae 1839.5 Loomis . 5 : : : = 2 p44 1840.9 Bache . : : A : : . 13.41 1841.5 Locke . : 7 : ; : Seg at) 1841.8 Bache . 5 é : ; a oP Los 1842.5 Locke . 5 Z “ : , ~ 2352 1842.8 Lefroy . : : : . : - 13.50 1843.6 Bache . ‘ : . : : s» Lok 1844.5 Locke . ; ; : é F a aA 1846.4 Locke . ; F : / : . 13.42 1855.7 Schott . P é : : : 2 13289 1862.6 Schott . A é - - - Reus eat!) Baltimore. 1840.7 Bache . : ’ ‘ : ; a ley 1841.5 Locke . ‘ : : F é PLS AT 1841.5 Locke . : : : ¢ = + a:50 1842.8 Lefroy . : : ‘ : 7 . 13.49 1856.7 Schott . : : ‘ : . . 13.43 Montreal. 1842.7 Lefroy . : : : : : a wilbhis 1843.3 Lefroy . . 5 . ; : . 13.80 1843.6 Bache. : 3 : “ 5 - eos62 1845.5 Younghusband . : : 3 : . 13.53 1859.6 Schott. = 5 . 5 . 13.68 Toronto. 1843.0 Lefroy & Younghusband : ; : . 13.90 1843.6 Bache . : . : : } . 13.84 1845.5 Lefroy . : - : : : . 13,93 60 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Relative Intensities by the Lloyd Needles. Temperature correction.—For the old London weights. No special observations to determine the temperature coefficient have been made, we may deduce it, however, from the following combination of observations at the Girard College Station, Philadelphia :— For Lloyd Needle No. 1. July 21, 1840, t = 76°.5 6 =—1° 09’.9 (weight in third hole). Oct. 28, 1840, 52.0 +1 28.9 ef a At=24.5 Ag=—2 38.8 hence Ad =—6.5At In Vol. II of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observations at Girard College (p. 1537), we find the additional observation :— July 20, 1843, ti— oo 9=-+ 0° 42’.7 (position of weight not stated). For Lloyd Needle No. 3. July 21, 1840, t= 71°20 6=+1° 09.1 Oct. 28, 1840, 50.0 +2 37.2 INS PUG) Ag—=—T 28:1 hence A@=— 3.3At In Vol. II of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observations at Girard College (p. 1537), we find the additional observation :— July 20, 1843, t =75°.8 6=-+ 4° 48.0 (position of weight not stated). The mean of both needles gives § = 6’ ; 1—4'.9 (¢—?’) The mean temperature would have to be taken as the standard temperature to which all observations for relative horizontal intensity are to be referred. N.B. For the old weights the sign of the angle @ has significance. These weights were also used in Europe. We may safely assume that within the interval of the survey the needles have not perceptibly lost in their magnetism. ‘The total intensity is also very nearly constant for any one place. Temperature Correction.—For the new or pin weights. Lloyd Needle No. 1. Oct. 28, 1840, t= 52°:0 (Pa iS G83 (pin in third hole). April 26, 1841, 68.0 18 06.7 a us July 20, 1841, 92.5 17 54.5 Us ee Lloyd Needle No. 3. Oct. 28, 1840, t= 0220 § =19° 237.0 (pin in third hole). April 26, 1841, 68.0 13\ 55:9 s 4 July 20, 1841, 87.6 19 31.4 “ «“ From these observations it would appear that the incidental errors of observation, or other accidental causes, exercise a greater influence on the resulting angle than the change due to changes of temperature within the above range. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 61 I have therefore concluded to apply no temperature correction to the observations in which the old London or the pin weights were used, which in any case would necessarily be small, In Vol. II of the Magnetic and Meteorological Observations at Girard College, we find the following additional observations! (see pp. 1557-8, 1540, 1842-3, 1545) :— Lloyd Needle No. 1. July 20, 1843, t= 75°.2 9 = 18° 26’.1 (position of pin not stated). Sept. 5, 1843, 82.§ 18 56.0 (pin weight in third hole). Lloyd Needle No. 3. July 20, 1843, t= 73°.3 # = 21° 34’.1 (position of pin not stated), Aug. 26, 1843, 82.4 21 42.9 (pin weight in third hole). Sept. 5, 1843, 82.9 Q1 48.7 “ “ Sept. 12, 1843, §2.6 21 34.0 a a These observations tend to the same conclusion arrived at above. Considering the results of 1840 and 1841, and comparing them with those of 1843, it seems, upon the whole, preferable to apply no temperature correction for either needle or weight. Computation of the Relative and Absolute Total Intensity by Dr. Lloyd’s Statical Method. (See Trans. Royal Irish Academy for 1836, also Report of the British Association for Advancement of Science for 1835.) Let 6 = magnetic dip, ¢ = the inclination of a Lloyd needle when unloaded, 6 = iD « loaded, p = ratio of moment of needle to added weight, ’ C08... d=C+e, sin e= 9 A sin (¢—6), = total magnetic force, 2 = a coefficient, o= an ty for any other station Q, = ie ay Hence for the ratio of total force at any two stations— @ cos sin (d,—4,) cos 0," sin (6—6)° cos @ . In what follows, the relative total force OL) was computed for each place of observation. The mean of these values was taken at all the stations where the total force was also determined by the vibrations of the cylinder and bar in connection with the dip. ' Made about 20 feet from 8S. E. angle of observatory. 62 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The total force in absolute measure for each station where the Lloyd needles alone were used, was then obtained by comparison of its value with this mean value. The final horizontal force was found by the formula X = ¢ €038 8. Relative ¢ by Lloyd Needles, 4 oa eras Station. by vibrations By the old By the new and dip. London weights.| pin weights, Philadelphia. ; s : : : 13.37 | 1.052 | Harrisburg E c ; ; : he 13.44 1.041 | Huntingdon é c 3 : - : 13.51 1.041 | Homewood : . : ae es . 13:49 1.061 | Johnson’s Tavern : ; 3 : fi 13.54 | Irwin’s Mill : : : : : ; 13.40 Baltimore ; : 7 ? c : 13.49 Philadelphia. : . . : : 13.30 samt | Mean of .1, 2, 3, 4, 8 13.44 Mean of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8| 13.47 Station. Old London Absolute Dip from Deduced weights. total intensity. | preceding pages. x. 0 4 P 3 ; ‘ 1.043 ‘Bie 72° 32/2 4.000 Dunean’s Islanc 5 4 A é 1.036 13.24 (4 Si) 3.963 Lewistown 3 s : 4 3 1.037 13:25 72 30.0 3.984 new pin weights. - Armagh c . . . : 1.157 13.29 72 18.7 4.038 Economy . : : : ; 1.166 13.39 72 35.0 4.008 Steubenville . s é : : 1.146 13.16 72 32.8 3.947 Wheeling : E : 5 : Ely 13.22 72 08.9 4.053 Frostburgh ¢ : : : : 1.181 13.56 71 31.3 4.298 Frenchtown : A é 5 ; 1.194 13271 71 40.2 4312 Station. Relative @ by vibe &dip.| Pin weights. Philadelphia. é : : : A ; - 13.49 1.178 ef ; F : : : é ; : 13.45 1.183 Williamsport . : é é ¢ ; : : 13.55 1.158 Curwinsville . Z : : A ; é : 13.55 1.153 Mercer . j 5 : : : : . 4 13.64 1.149 Brie) a: : : P ; ; : . P 13.57 1.134 Ellicottville . : : : : é ; : BY Tl 1.122 Bath. : : : : : : ; é 13.72 1.118 Silver Lake 5 ; ; : : : é , 13.47 1.144 Milford . , : . : ¢ : : ; 13.50 1.144 Philadelphia. : : : : : . ; 13.46 ies Ax se : 13.47 ies Mean . , ; 13.57 1.148 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PEN NSYLVANIA. 63 Relative ? pin weights. Station. Doylestown Easton . Wilkesbarre Bellefonte Berlin’s Tavern Warren. : Ashtabula Landing Dunkirk Belvidere Owego . Bushkill par ge | 10.0 42.3 52.8 59.9 23.5 17.2 13.9 39.0 | 09.5 31.4 3.961 4.069 4.026 3.978 3.838 3.621 3.669 3.614 3.866 1843. Station. Philadelphia Schenectady Syracuse Geneva . : Niagara Falls . Toronto Ogdensburgh Montreal Philadelphia @ | by vib’ns & dip. | 13.46 13.45 13.61 13.53 13.64 13.84 13.74 13.62 13.46% Relative ¢ Pin weights. .194 .146 132 134 .125 112 110 SL by, 194 ee ee ee Mean . 13.61 | 1.140 Station. Relative ? Pin weights. Princeton West Point Utica Rochester Oswego fF Quebec . | Troy -185 169 134 .132 131 113 .142 i ' Mean of 3 determinations. Dip. 72° 38/3 | oy algeo "4 50.3 74 48.5 Hi) Wyeil A UBS 74 47.9 DISTRIBUTION OF THE MAGNETIC INCLINATION. Distribution of the Magnetic Dip and Construction of the Isoclinal Lines for 1842. For the more convenient application of the usual analytical expression for the representation of the observed dips, and for their interpolation, the stations have been divided into six groups, as follows:— Grove I. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Date. Observed dip. 1 | Philadelphiat . : : . | 89958'.4 | 75°107.0 | Feb. 1842 | 71°5%/.1 2 | Doylestown 3 : : . | 40 18 75 10 July 1841 | 72 238.1 3 | Easton . : : : . | 40 42 orp July 1841 | 72 39.0 4 | Reading ; : ; 5 |) eto) ate) 15 55 July 1840 | 72 32.2 5 | Frenchtown ; ; : . | 39 35 omen Aug. 1840 | 71 40.2 6 | Baltimore ‘ : - . | 39 17.8 | 76 386.6 | Aug. 1840 | 71 33.9 7 | Washington? . : é . | 88 53.1 | 77 00.2 | Sept. 1841 | 71 15.9 8 | Harrisburg 3 é . 5 Il 2400 1S 76 53 July 1840 | 72 20.5 9 | Dunean’s Island : . . | 40 25 77 Ol | July 1840 | 72 35.0 10 | Near Mercersburg : : 5 | ok 25y 77 56 | Aug. 1840 | 71 47.3 Mean . : > || ee) cial 76 16.8 1841.0 72 04.4 Grovp II. 1 | Armagh : j 5 . | 40°.297 79° 04’ Aug. 1840 | 72°18'.7 2 | Frostburgh F ; ; 5 ease) Zl 78 56 Aug. 1840 | 71 31.3 3 | Near Brownsville : : . | 389 59.5 | 79 47.8 | Aug. 1840 | 71 53.5 4 | Near Pittsburg . ; ; . | 40 28 79 59.5 | Aug. 1840 | 72 32.1 5 | Economy : . : . | 40 37 80 16 Aug. 1840 | 72 35.0 6 | Wheeling : . 3 . | 40 08 80 42 Aug. 1840 | 72 08.9 7 | Steubenville . c : - | 40 25 80 39 Aug. 1840 | 72 32.8 Mean . - or leO) Ward. so) 5409 1840.6 72 13.2 ! The dip is the mean from groups of Dec. 1840, Oct. 1841, and Aug. 1843. 2 This station has been added to the discussion as we have observations in 1840 and 1841; see Appendix, No. 26, Coast Survey Report of 1858. Mean dip from several observers in 1841.0, 71918/.3, and in 1842.5, 71° 13/.5: mean 71915/.9, in 1841.8. ( 64 ) MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Group III. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Dat a aimee dip. 1 | Warren. EON yt 80° 50/ Aug. 1841 T2°-59/59 2 | Mercer . : 41 13.8 | 80 16 Aug. 1841 72 57.2 3 Ashtabula Landing Al 54 | 80) 47 Aug. 1841 | 42 93.5 4 | Erie. : 42 07.5 | 80 06 Aug. 1841 | 73 46.6 5 | Dunkirk 42 29.3 | 79 23 Aug. 1841 | 74 17.2 6 | Ellicottville 42 18.1 | 78 44 Aug. 1841 TA UES 7 | Berlin’s Tavern 41 16 | 79 36 Aug. 1841 | 72 52.8 A ; _—— = = — ae Mean .| 41 48.0 | 79 574 | 18416 | 13 30.7 Group IV. eee : - 1 | Curwinsville 40° 57.7 | 78° 36/ Aug. 1841 | 72°49/.7 2 | Belvidere 42 13 78 06 Aug. 1841 74 09.5 3 | Bath 42 20.8 (i eo Aug. 1841 74 27.5 4 | Owego . 42 08 76 17 Aug. 1841 | 74 13.9 5 | Silver Lake 41 56.6 | 76 02 Aug. 1841 | 73 41.5 6 | Wilkesbarre 41 14 75 58 July 1841 | 73 10.0 7 | Williamsport 41 14.0 | T7 02 July 1841 | 72 54.4 8 | Bellefonte | 40 55 TT 49 July 1841 | 72 42.3 9 Lewistown 40 35 TT 36 July 1840 | 72 30.0 10 | Huntingdon 40 30.5 | 78 02 July 1840 | 72 17.8 Mean 41 24.5 | 717 16.9 1841.4 (fo ir’ Group V. a at ease = a's ———— z 1 | Niagara Falls : | 43° 04/ WY, Aug. 1843 | 74°51/.0 2 | Toronto Observatory . | 43 39.5 | 79 21.5 | Aug. 1843 | 75 11.4 3 | Rochester ; | 43 07 INO e388) Aug. 1843 | 74 43.5 4 | Geneva . . | 42 53 Tin 02 July 1843 | 74 33.2 5 | Syracuse =| 43 03 | 76 09.8 | July 1843 | 74 51.2 6 | Oswego a 43 26 | 76 35 Aug. 1843 75 07.1 Mean : | 43 12.1 | 77 38.6 1843.6 | 74 52.9 Group VI. 1 | Utica 43°05’ | 75°14’ | July 1843 | 74°50/.3 2 | Schenectady 42 48 13 57 July 1843 | 74 54.8 Glia Ped Mota hte 42 43.7 73 40.7 Aug. 1843 74 47.9 4 | West Point 41 923.4 | 73 57.0 | July 1843 | 73 12.2 5 New York? 40 46.1 73 56.3 Dee. 1841 | 72 39.6 6 | Milford . 41 19 ee BIS) Aug. 1841 | 73 47.6 7 | Bushkill 41 07 75 02 Aug. 1841 73 31.4 8 | Princeton 40 20.7 | 74 39.6 | July 1843 72 38.3 | Mean 41 41.6 | 74 24.8 1842.9 | 73 47.8 ! See Appendix, No. 32, C. S. Report of 1856. taken in this locality. (At Lunatic Asylum, dip 1841.3, 72° 41/.0, in 1842.5, r This station was added owing to the numerous observations 720 38.’3.) 66 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. eee eee ee ————————————————————— RECAPITULATION.—Number of observations 48. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Date. Observed dip. ——————= ———————— ——_—_—_. Group I, No. 1 0 S9° ales) oe oes 1841.0 72° 04/.4 ss Ls hes 7 40 15.4 | 79 54.9 1840.6 72 13.2 tp AD ee era : : : . | 41 48.0 | 79. 57.4 1841.6 73 30.7 ie SLY te 0 c hoe: - S eA 24>. tt L659 1841.4 To” Lit " Viv SSigG sn 43) al TT 38.6 1843.6 74 52.9 ioe RVs See 41 41.6 | 74 24.8 1842.9 73 47.8 Mean . . | 41 931 | 77 849 | 1841.85 | 73 17.8 a By comparing the differences in latitude and the corresponding differences in dip for each place with the mean values of the group, their general accordance was ascertained. None of the differences were large enough to require an exclusion from the series. It need hardly be remarked that a slight consideration shows that the dip depends almost exclusively upon the latitude; the longitude factors will, therefore, necessarily be very small. Method of Discussion.—The interpolation formula, proposed by the Rev. H. Lloyd in 1838 (see the eighth report of the British Association, Vol. VII, p. 91), will be used here in a slightly altered form, to allow for the convergence of the meridians. Let J = resulting dip or inclination. I,= assumed mean dip for the epoch adopted (1842.0), and the mean lati- tude and longitude, 7 its correction. dL — difference of latitude, 7M = difference of longitude, x, ¥, z, p, g, as well as i are to be determined by application of the method of least squares, from the observations themselves. I=[,+i+adL + ydM cos L + 2dL dM cos L + pal? + qdM? cos’ L. Correction to epoch.—The mean epoch of the six groups is November, 1841, for which we can substitute without material loss of accuracy January, 1842 (or 1842.0). Comparing the observations made by Mr. Schott, in July and August, 1862, with the corresponding observations about the epoch 1842, we have the following table of differences of results for an interval of nearly 20 years :— | Dip. Date. Dip. | Average annual | increase. Washington . : : : WIS 15/.9 | Auge. 1862 | T1197 0 +0/.15 Harrisburg. : ; 72 20.5 | July 1862 | 72 .31.6 + 0.50 Near Brownsville : : : "1 53.5 | July 1862 | 71 56.9 +0.15 irie . : s : 2 73 46.6 | Aug. 1862 | 73 52.2 +0.27 Bath . : 5 : , 74 27.5 | Aug. 1862 | 74 26.2 —0.06 Williamsport . : : 72 54.4 | Aug. 1862 | 72 51.0 —0.16 | Philadelphia . , 5 "1 57.1 | Aug. 186%) “75 +0.45 Mean Mean total change in 21 years MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 67 The increase in the dip is therefore very slight, and if we consider that, accord- ing to Mr. Schott’s investigation (Appendix, No. 32, Coast Survey Report for 1856) the dip near the Atlantic coast, about the years 1841—1844, was at its minimum value, and hence could not have changed sensibly for several years, we can without any sacrifice of accuracy in our reduction, use our results as if all belonging to the mean epoch 1842.0. No reduction to epoch has therefore been applied. It is pro- bable that the present annual increase amounts to about 1’. At Toronto, between 1844 and 1855 (see Vol. ITI), the annual increase was 0.8. In the formula of interpolation, I retain the factor cos L, thus making it com- parable with similar expressions, for other localities, where the introduction of cos £ may be more important: The value of the magnetic survey of Pennsylvania is increased from the fact that the isoclinal lines are presented for an epoch at which the dip was probably near its minimum value. The conditional equations are of the form— 0=—L—I+i4adL + ydM cos L + 2d dM cos L + pd? + gd? cos? L. We find from the solution of the normal equations, the expression, [= 73°.26 4 0.876 dL—0.076 dM cos L—0.023 dL dM cos L + 0.007 dL? + 0.013 dM? cos’ L where dL = lat. —41°.38 dM = long.— 77.58. This equation represents the mean values as follows:— Latitude. Longitude. Observed Computed Observed dip. dip. — computed Group I é 5 : 392595 16°.28 729.07 72°.06 +0°.01 ee II 5 : 5 40.26 79.92 72.22 72.22 0.00 « iit - . : 41.80 79.96 73.51 73.52 —0.01 B IV c é S 41.4] eet | 73.30 73.30 0.00 sf Vi 0 . : 43.20 717.64 74.88 74.87 +0.01 « VI ; > 5 41.69 74.41 73.80 73.80 0.00 The preceding investigation was made for the purpose of ascertaining what terms should be finally admitted in the discussion. Next, nine groups of five or six observations in each, arranged, in regard to their geographical position and area, with as much regularity as the nature of the case admits of, give, — a aameinnaeeniaen naa Group I. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Dip. 1 | New York : : 3 : 40°.77 3°.94 72°.66 2 | Easton . : - : 2 40.70 75.25 72.65 3 | Princeton : , : ; 40.35 74.66 72.64 4 | Doylestown : ; : : 40.30 79 17 12.8: 5 Reading : - : 5 40.32 15.92 12.54 6 | Philadelphia. : ; : 39.97 ely 71.95 Mean . : 5 40.40 | 75.02 72.47 68 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANTA. Group II. | Station. Latitude. Longitude. Dip. 1 | Frenchtown 89°.58 (Geb) WACL6T 2 Baltimore 39.30 76.61 1.57 3 | Washington 38.89 77.00 71.26 4 Harrisburg 40.27 76.88 72.34 5 | Near Mercersburg 39.78 77.93 71.79 Mean 39.56 76.85 (Hler(3} Group III. 1 | Frostburgh 39°.68 78°.93 T1e52 2 | Near Brownsville 39.99 79.80 71.89 3 | Wheeling 40.13 80.70 72.15 4 | Steubenville 40.42 80.65 72.56 5 | Near Pittsburg. 40.47 79 99 72.53 6 | Eeonomy 40.62 80.27 72.58 Mean 40.22 80.06 72.20 Group IY. 1 Berlin’s Tavern ACTON 79°.60 72°.88 2 Mercer . 41.23 80.27 72.95 3 Warren. 41.28 80.83 73.00 4 Ashtabula 41.90 80.78 73.39 5 Erie 42.13 80.10 73.78 Mean 41.56 80.32 73.20 Group V. 1 Dunean’s Island 40°. 42 iho?) 2208 2 Lewistown 40.58 77.60 72.50 3 Huntingdon 40.51 78.03 72.30 4 Armagh 40.48 79.07 72.31 5 Bellefonte 40.92 77.82 72.70 6 | Curwinsville 40.96 78.60 72.83 Mean 40.65 78.02 72.54 Group VI. 1 Belvidere 49°. 29 78°.10 74°.16 2 Ellicottville 42.30 ishie 74.30 3 Dunkirk 42.49 79.38 74.29 4 Niagara Falls 43.07 79.08 74.85 5 Toronto 43.66 | 79.36 TOL Mean 49.75 MAGNETIC Group VIL. SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 69 Station. Latitude. Longitude, Dip Bushkill 41°19 45°03 73° 59 2 | Williamsport 41.23 17.03 72.91 3 Wilkesbarre 41.23 15.97 TUT 4 Silver Lake 41.94 56.03 73.69 5 | Owego . 42.13 76.28 74.23 Mean 41.53 | 76.07 73.50 Group VIII. 1 Bath 42° 35 Riera 74°.46 2 Rochester 43.12 77.65 74.72 3 Geneva . 42.88 77.03 74.55 4 Syracuse 43.05 76.16 74.85 5 | Oswego 43.43 76.58 75.12 Mean 42.96 76.95 74.74 Group IX. 1 | Westpoint 41°.39 73°.95 73°.20 2 Milford . 41.32 74.86 (YE 3 Utica 43.08 75.23 74.84 4 | Schenectady 42.80 73.95 74.91 dy) | kroy, 42.73 73.68 74.80 Mean 42.26 | 74.33 74.31 RECAPITULATION OF MEAN VALUES OF GROUPS. Group. Latitude. Longitude. Dip. I 40°.40 75°.02 729.47 Il 39.56 76.85 lentes Tl 40.22 80.06 72.20 IV 41.56 80.32 73.20 V 40.65 78.02 72.54 VI 42.75 78.93 74.56 VII 41.53 76.07 73.50 VIII 42.96 | 76.95 7474 De 42.26 74.33 74.31 Mean 41.32 77.39 73.25 The trial of an equation of the form, T=1[, +i + cdL + ydM cos L 4 2d L dM cos L; and of the form, I=I,4+ i+ adL + ydM cos L + qdM? cos’ L showed that the extent of the survey is not sufficiently great to admit of the deter- 70 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. mination of curvature of the isoclinal lines; and, finally, the following expression was adopted :— I= 73°.25 + 0.912 dL —0.069 dM cos L. ‘This equation represents the observations as follows :— Group. Il il Vi V Ver Vil VIII . 1x Observed dip. 72°. 47 71.73 72.20 73.20 72.54 74.56 73.50 74.74 74.31 Computed dip. Diff. observed — computed. —0°.07 + 0.05 +0.09 —0.11 —0.07 +0.09 —0.01 —0.02 +0.05 The isoclinal lines of 71°, 72°, 73°, 74°, and 75°, pass through the following positions :— [floes . Long. 77° 00’ Lat. 38 49 72° 5 . Long. 75° 00/ Lat. 39 49 73° . Long. 74° 00/ Lat. 40 50 74° . Long. 74° 00/ Lat. 41 57 (O2 o 5 . Long. 75° 00’ Lat. 43 07 These lines have been finally adopted. 78° 00’ 39 59 78° 00/ 41 05 78° 00’ 42 11 77° 00° 43 13 Comparison of the Observed and Computed Dip. 81° 00’ 40 10 81° 00/ 41 15 81° 00’ 42 22 79° 00/ 43 20 . (All stations where the dip has been found indirectly only, by means of the Lloyd needles, are marked with an Total number of stations, 48.) or asterisk ; 27 in number. Grovr I. Station. Observed dip. Computed dip. Diff. observed. — computed. New York 72°.66 72°.93 — 027 * Haston 72.65 72.80 (Quo) * Princeton 72.64 72.51 +0.13 *Doylestown . 72.39 72.44 —0.05 * Reading 4 72.54 72.42 +0.12 Philadelphia W195 72.14 —0.19 Group ITI. *Frenchtown . : 71.67 yOley() —0.08 Baltimore ‘ 71.57 71.45 +0.12 Washington . P 71.26 71.06 +0.20 Harrisburg ; | 79.34 72.32 +0.02 Near Mercersburg Ti 71.88 —0.09 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Grou P III. 71 *Troy . Station. Observed dip. Computed dip. | Diff. observed | — computed, *Frostburgh 7 10.59 hal 71°.67 —0°.15 Near Brownsville 71.89 71.91 —0:02 hs heeling - : 4 j 72.15 71.99 +0.16 Steubenville . 5 : f ml 72.56 72.26 + 0.30 Near Pittsburg 72.53 72.94 +0.29 *Economy 2558 72.46 +0.12 Group IV. : *Berlin’s Tavern 72.88 73.09 One t Mercer 72.95 73.02 —0.07 *Woarren 3 , : . 73.00 73.03 —(0).03 *Ashtabula . - - : aay | 73 39 73.60 —0.21 Erie . 73.78 43.85 —0.07 Group V. *Dunean’s Island , | 72.58 | 72.45 +0.13 * Lewistown : 72.50 12.57 —0.07 Huntingdon . ; | 72.30 72.48 —0.18 * Armagh - | 72.3 72.40 —0.09 * Bellefonte F 72.70 72.86 == (0G Curwinsville . ; | 12.83 | 72.86 —0.03 | = Group VI. *Belvidere . 44.16 74.03 +0.13 Ellicottville . 14.30 74.05 +.0.25 * Dunkirk 74.29 74.21 +0.08 *Niagara Falls 74.85 | 74.76 +0.09 Toronto 75.19 75.28 —0.09 Group VII. *Bushkill x 73.52 13-19 +0.33 Williamsport: 72.91 73.19 —0.28 *Wilkesbarre . fisoue 73.24 —0.07 Silver Lake . 73.69 73.88 —0.19 *Owego 74.23 74.05 +0.18 Group VIII. Bath . 74.46 74.19 +0.27 * Rochester 74.72 4.87 ——() 15 Geneva 74.55 74.69 —0.14 Syracuse 74.85 74.89 —0.04 *Oswego 75.12 75.21 —0.09 q ~ - Group Tx. i *Westpoint 73.20 73.49 —0.29 Milford 73.79 73.38 +0.41 maximum difference *Utica 5 5 : A : 74.84 74.96 - fra Schenectady . c : : ; 74.91 vale +0.14 f é F ; ; 74.72 74.80 40.08 72 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The probable error of any single observation is + 0°.12 — + 1'.2; the pro- bable error of any observation with the regular dip needles, and the Lloyd needles combined, is + 0°.13: with the latter needles alone, + 0°.11. This shows that the irregularities in the observed dip are due to local attractions rather than to imper- fections in the needles employed. It is proper, therefore, to assign equal weights to results by the direct and indirect method of observing. If we apply Peirce’s criterion for the rejection of observations differing too much from the regular value indicated by all other observations, we find the limit of rejection to be + 0°.46, or + 28’; the maximum difference in the preceding table is 25’; hence no observation is excluded. General Sabine’s resulting isoclinal lines, in his seventh contribution to terrestrial magnetism (Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Part III, 1846, p. 237), refer to an average period between 1840 and 1842, and correspond in their position very closely to those now presented; they are deduced from independent data. DISTRIBUTION OF THE MAGNETIC HORIZONTAL FORCE AND TOTAL FORCE. Distribution of the Magnetic Horizontal Intensity and Construction of Isodynamic Lines for 1842. If we group the observed intensities in the same manner as the dip, the mean epoch 1842.0 may likewise be assumed, and all observed intensities be reduced to that date. , Correction to Epoch.—We have the following direct comparisons :— xX—X,. Annual decrease. 0.065 0.0033 0.066 0.0030 0.069 0.0031 0.064 0.0030 0.038 0.0018 0.059 0.0028 0.078 0.0039 Washingtont . . 4.320 Aug. 1862 Harrisburg : . 4.078 July “ Near Brownsville : . 18: 4.207 July Erie . : : : ; 3.792 Aug. Bath . : : . : 3.677 Aug. Williamsport . : 3.983 Aug. Philadelphia? . . : 4.166 Aug. 09 00 CO i ose fQaTr- oc ro Dwwowwen OOH > COCO LO Mean . ; ; 0.0030 The average annual decrease in the value of X between 1840 and 1862, is, there- fore, 0.0030, or, when expressed in parts of X, equal to 0.00076. This result agrees tolerably well with that deduced by Assistant Chas. A. Schott in the Coast Survey Report of 1861, where 0.00110 was found. Supposing the dip to increase at the rate of 1’ a year, and the total intensity to remain constant, the corresponding decrease of the horizontal intensity would amount to nearly the quantity found above; we cannot, therefore, as yet decide whether the total intensity remains stationary, or is slightly changing. ! ¥rom Coast Survey Report of 1861 (yet in manuscript). 1842.5, X = 4.347, Captain Lefroy. 1843.5, = 4.292, Dr. Locke. Mean, 1843.0, = 4.320 2 In July and Noy. 1840, X = 4.160 In July and Nov. 1841, = 4.166 Mean, 4.166 for 1842.0. In July, 1843, = 4.172 10 gig 2 N 74 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANTA. At Toronto (See Vol. ILI) the annual decrease of X between 1845 and 1852 inclusive, was 0:0037 (in absolute measure), or when expressed in parts of X, 0.00105. Formation of groups for the analytical expression of the distribution of the mag- netic horizontal force, referred to the epoch 1842.0. At stations marked with an. asterisk, the horizontal force was determined by vibrations; at those not so marked, the horizontal force was determined by Lloyd’s statical method. Group I. Date. x. Correction to epoch. X. 1842.0. * Philadelphia . : . : 1842.0 0.000 4.166 Doylestown . : ; - 1841.6 —0.001 4.188 Easton ; ; 4 : 1841.6 —0.001 4.120 Reading : : ; . 1840.6 —0.004 3.996 Frenchtown . 3 : : 1840.6 : —0.004 4.308 *Baltimore . 3 : 5 1840.6 —0.004 4.261 Washington . . 3 . 1843.0 +0.003 4.323 *Harrisburg . 3 ; ‘ 1840.6 : —0.004 4.074 Dunean’s Island : ; : 1840.6 —0.004 3.959 *Near Mercersburg. : : 1840.6 —0.004 4.184 4.158 Group II. Armagh : ; : 1840.6 4.038 —0.004 Frostburgh . : - : 1840.6 4.298 —0.004 *Near Brownsville. i , 1840.6 4.207 —().004 *Near Pittsburg 4 : : 1840.6 4.049 —0.004 Economy. - 2 . 1840.6 4.008 — 0.004 Wheeling. ‘ ‘ P 1840.6 4.053 —0.004 Steubenville . : : : 1840.6 3.947 —0.004 Mean Group III. Warren p , : : 1841.6 3.978 * Mercer E : - . 1841.6 4.000 Ashtabula Landing . : : 1841.6 3.838 *Hrie . ; : : : 1841. 3.792 Dunkirk : 4 : ‘ 1841. 3.621 *Ellicottville . 3 ‘ ‘ 184]. : } Berlin’s Tavern 3 P : 1841. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. -! t Group LY. Date. *Curwinsville . : . : 1841.6 8.999 8.998 Belvidere. ‘ : : 1841.6 | 3.669 —0.001 3.668 *Bath . a . s Z 1841.6 3.677 —0.001 3.676 Owego : : ‘ : 1841.6 3.614 —0.001 3.613 *Silver Lake . ‘ _ = 1841.7 3.782 —0.001 3.781 Wilkesbarre . 2 : : 1841.6 3.961 —0.001 3.960 * Williamsport : : : 1841.6 3.983 —0.001 3.982 Bellefonte , a : : 1841.6 4.069 —0,001 4.068 Lewistown . A : : 1840.6 3.984 —0.004 3.980 *Huntingdon . ; : : 1840.6 4.109 —0.004 4.105 Mean . , self 3.883 Group VY. *Niagara Falls : ; : 1843.6 3.565 + 0.005 *Toronto Observatory 3s : 1843.6 5387 +0.005 Rochester. - - ‘ 1843.6 3.560 +0.005 *Geneva ‘ ; 5 1843.7 3.635 + 0.005 “*Syracuse ; : : : 1843.6 3.556 + 0.005 Oswego ; : , 4 1843.6 3.467 +0.005 g2 99 G2 go G9 G0 OI Non om -T i) TS pr oS ob Mean Group VI. Utica ‘ : : ‘ 1843.6 *Schenectady . : : : 1843.6 Troy . c . : : 1843.6 West Point . ; ; : 1843.6 New York’ . eve $ 2 1841.9 * Milford 3 ; : A 1841.7 Bushkill : : 3 1841.7 Princeton ‘ : < 1843.5 on a bo So SS Hh CO OI bo +0.005 3.546 +0.005 3.507 +0.005 3.580 +0.005 4.038 0.000 4.014 —0.001 3.768 —0.001 3.865 + 0.005 4,297 or on ¢ | vr WT Bee eo COT nO C9309 bo O-TO OS to Mean . ; “ 3.818 Group. No. Latitude. 89s biral He 40 15.4 41 48.0 41 94.5 45) 1991" © 41 41.6 Mean . : : 41 93:1 1 At New York we have: 1841.5 Dr. Locke, 4.015. 1842.7 Dr. Locke, 4.008 ; 1842.7 Capt. Lefroy, 4.010. Mean 4.014 for 1841.9. ———————————————_.. | | al 76 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Let X = resulting horizontal force, X,= assumed mean horizontal force for 1842.0 at the mean latitude and mean longitude, x its correction. dL — difference of latitude, df = difference of longitude, Ly Ys 2s Ps J Md x to be determined from the observations X=X,4+y4 4+ cdl + ydM cos L + 2dL dM cos L + pdL? + gdM* cos* L. Forming the conditional and normal equations we find the expression X — 3.890—0.1787 dL + 0.0085 di cos L + 0.0161 dL dM cos L—0.0017 dL? 40.0027 dM? cos* L. where dZ = Lat.—41°.38 dM= Long.—17.58. This formula is applied for determining the relative weights of the observations from vibrations and by deflections of the dipping nvedle; for this purpose the hori- zontal force was computed by the formula, and the results compared with observa- tion. From the differences we find the probable error of an observation (and local irregularity) — + 0.036 for the bar and cylinder vibrations, and + 0.062 for the Lloyd needle deflections and dip; the relative weights, therefore, become 754 for the former, and 257 for the latter, or nearly as 3 to 1. These weights have been adopted. Formation of nine groups of five or six observations in each, with weights. ‘The arrangement is the same as in the case of the dip. The sum of the weights for each group is, as near as may be equal. Grovpr I. Latitude. Longitude. 2G New York . : : 5 40°.77 73°.94 4.014 Easton : : ; : 40.70 75.25 4.120 Princeton : ; 5 - 40.35 74.66 4.227 Doylestown. : E ; 40.30 75.17 4.188 Reading : - : : 40.32 75.92 3.996 Philadelphia . c : : 39.97 only; 4.166 Mean by weights ; ‘ 40.39 74.83 4.107 zw = 10 Group II. Frenchtown . , : : 39°.58 4.308 Baltimore 2 F : . 39.30 | 4.261 Washington . : : ’ 38.89 | 4.323 Harrisburg. . ; : 40.27 4.074 Near Mercersburg 5 : : 39.78 i 4.184 Mean by weights : ; 39.68 | 4.199 =7i— ail MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA 717 Group IIT. Latitude, Longitude, 2% | Weight. Frostburg ; 39°.68 78°.93 4.294 I Near Brownsville 39.99 79.86 4,203 3 ; W heeling 5 Pi ‘ ; 40.13 80.70 4.049 J Steubenville Y ; . 4 40.42 80.65 | 3.943 1 Near Pittsburg 40.47 79.99 4.045 3 Economy 40.62 80.27 | 4.004 1 Mean by weights | 40.22 9509 | 4.103 | zw = 10 Group I\ Berlin’s Tavern FAS 79°.60 4.625 Mercer ‘ ; al 41.23 80.27 | 3.999 3 Warren ‘ ae ae 5 : 41.28 80.83 3.917 ] Ashtabula ; : ; 41.90 80.78 3.837 1 Erie 42.13 80.10 3.191 3 Mean by weights | 41.61 oat 3.912 | > — 9 Group V. Phi ety ae Pane, Fea wn oie et abn Duncan’s Island F 5 - 40°.42 77°.02 8.959 1 Lewistown . 5 ; ‘ 40.58 77.60 8.980 1 Huntingdon . ‘ : F 40.51 78.03 | 4.105 3 Armagh : A . = 40.48 79.07 4.034 1 Bellefonte ; ; 40.92 "7.82 | 4.068 1 Curwinsville ; Sule ow NSLS 78.60 | 3.998 3 Mean by weights : : 40.68 78.14 | 4.035 >w = 10 Grover VI. Belvidere ; 5 : . 42°, 29 78° 10 3.668 1 Ellicottville . : £ ; 42.30 78.73 3: 125 = Dunkirk i : : ; 42.49 79.88 3.620 1 Niagara Falls. - : ¢ 43.07 79.08 3.570 3 Toronto F z j & 43.66 79.36 3.542 3 Mean by weights : - 42.89 79.00 3.618 > 1 Group VII. =e sees ad — — Bushkill . : “J , 41°. 12 T5035 3.865 1 Williamsport . . : : 41.23 77.03 3.982 | 3 Wilkesbarre . : = : 41.23 75.97 3.960 | l Silver Lake . ; : : 41.94 76.03 3.781 8 Owego ; : , : 42.13 76.28 3.613 | 1 Mean by weights : : 41.56 76.27 3.858 | rw=9 78 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Group VIII. Latitude. Longitude. Weight. SS Bath . : . : . 429.35 Rochester : é F s 43.12 Geneva : - A : 42.88 Syracuse : - : : 43.05 Oswego ; : : : 43.43 Mean by weights 5 : 42.85 Group IX. West Point. 5 : : 41°.39 Milford ; i : : 41.32 Utica . ; : : Fi 43.08 Schenectady . , : 5 42.80 Drove : : : : 42.73 Mean by weights 5 5 42.17 RECAPITULATION OF MEAN (WEIGHTED) VALUES OF GROUPS. Group. Latitude. Longitude. 40°.39 74°.83 39.68 77.01 40.22 (L819) 41.61 80.26 40.68 78.14 42.89 79.00 41.56 16.27 42.85 TOL 42.17 74.37 41.34 17.45 X= X,4+4%4+0dL + ydM cos L + 2dL dM cos L + pdl’ + qdM? cos’ L dL = Lat. —41°.34 dM = Long.— 17.45. Forming the conditional and normal equations, we deduce :— X— 3.920—0.1936 dZ + 0.0146 dM cos L + 0.0203 dL dM cos L —0.01587 dL? — 0.0005 dM? cos* L, It is, however, preferable to shorten the formula, and use instead, the following:— X = 3.900 — 0.1934 dL + 0.0134 dM cos L + 0.02 dL dM cos L. MAGNETIC SURVEY Comparison of Observer The next and last hypothesis, “X = 3.900 — 0.1934 dL + 0.0134 df cos L, in which the isodynamic lines are treated as straight lines presents, perhaps, the best and most simple expression of the irregular distribution of the horizontal force. ‘These lines run nearly parallel with the dip lines. PENNSYLYV 1 and Computed Values. Observed. 3.665 Comparison of Observed and Computed Values on this hypothesis. TANIA. x | computed. 4.095 4,297 4.100 3.887 4.028 3.651 3.842 3.599 3.670 Observed — computed + 0.012 —(),028 + 0.003 + 0.025 + 0.007 —0.033 +0.016 +0.007 —0.005 II III VE Velie e Vale. Wallin: Ix ST A NR STN STE ETS BA PA I SS TR EEO observed, 4,107 4.199 4.103 3.912 H 4.085 | 3.618 8.858 i 3.606 3.665 Re computed. 4.057 | 4016 | 4.143 3.876 4.035 3.616 3.846 3.605 | 3.708 — computed, Observed + 0.050 =0/01'7 —0.040 + 0.036 0.000 + 0.002 + 0.012 +0.001 —().043 The difference between the lines of this and the previous hypothesis shows the large amount of local irregularity. The lines of this hypothesis pass through the following positions :— 4.2 Long. Lat. Long. Lat. Long. Lat. Long. Lat. 81°.0 39° 58’ 81°.0 41° OL’ 812.0 49° 02! §1°.0 43° 04’ (ISAS Soe aie Long. 77°.5 Lat. 40°49/ Long. 779.5 1 Tot Lat. PAVED Fy be Long. Lat. Lone. .o 7 Lat. 4¢ 2 53 L Long. 74°.0 Lat. 39°36’ Long. 749.0 Lat. 40°39/ Long. 74°.0 Lat. 41°41’ Long. 749.0 Lat. 42° 43/ 80 MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The observed and computed values of X by the previous and last hypotheses, compare as follows :— Station. | x X by previous 4 X by last observed. hy pothesis, hy pothesis, *Philadelphia J) AY | 4.19 —0.02 | 4.14 Doylestown : : : 4.19 4.11 +0.08 4.08 Easton. : ° : 4.12 4.02 +0.10 4.00 Reading . 3 , - 4.00 4.10 —0.10 4.08 Frenchtown : ; : 4,31 4.27 + 0.04 4,29 *Baltimore . : : : 4.26 4.32 —0.06 4.29 Washington : : ; 4.32 4.38 —0.06 4.37 * Harrisburg : é : 4.07 4.11 —0 04 4.10 Dunean’s Island . é : 3.96 4.08 asi 4.07 *Near Mercersburg 3 - 4.18 4.21 —0.03 4.20 Armagh . > : és 4.03 4.06 —(i),(UB3 4.08 Frostburg ‘ 4.29 4.20 +0.09 4.24 *Near Brownsville. 4,20 4.14 +0.06 4.19 *Near Pittsburg 4.05 4.06 —0.01 4.09 Economy . 4.00 4.04 —0.04 4.07 Wheeling . 4.05 4.11 —0.06 4.17 Steubenville 3.94 4.07 —0.13 4.11 Warren 3.98 3.94 +0.04 3.95 * Mercer 4.00 3.94 + 0.06 3.95 Ashtabula 3.84 3.80 +0.04 3.83 *Hrie 3.19 3.81 —0.02 3.17 Dunkirk . 3.62 3.70 —0.08 3.70 *Bllicottville 3.72 3.09 —0.03 3.73 Berlin’s Tavern 4.02 3.93 + 0.09 3.94 * Curwinsville 4.00 3.98 + 0.02 3.99 Belvidere . 3.67 3.75 —0.08 3.74 *Bath 3.68 3.70 —0.02 3.70 Owego . 3.61 3.73 —0.12 3.74 *Silver Lake 3.78 3.76 +0.02 3.77 Wilkesbarre 3.96 3.93 +0.038 3.91 *W illiamsport 3.98 3.92 +0.06 3.92 Bellefonte . 4.07 Beek) +0.08 3.99 Lewistown 3.98 4.05 ONT 4.05 *Huntingdon 4.10 4.06 +0.04 4.07 *Niagara Falls : : 3.57 3.62 —0.05 3.58 *Toronto . 2 ; ! 8.54 3.53 +0.01 3.47 Rochester. ; : , 3.56 BHAT) —0.01 3.56 *Geneva . : ; ‘ 3.64 3.59 +0.05 3.60 *Syracuse . s s . 3.56 3.53 +0.03 3.56 Oswego . C : : 3.47 3.46 +0.01 3.49 Utica ; - : 5 3.55 3.49 +0.06 3.54 *Schenectady . : . 3.51 3.51 0.00 3.58 Troy c 5 ; , 3.58 3.52 +0.06 3.59 West Poin : ; : 4.04 3.85 +0.19 3.86 *New York - A , 4.01 4.01 0.00 3.97 *Milford . : 5 : 3.01 3.88 ——() en ses Bushkill . : : : 3.86 3.92 —0.06 3.92 Princeton . ; : : 4.23 4.07 +0.16 4.06 For the last hypothesis (straight lines) we find the probable error of an obser- vation and local irregularity from the bar and cylinder vibrations, + 0.029; and from the Lloyd needle deflections and dip, + 0.062. For the previous hypothesis, these quantities are respectively, + 0.030 and + 0.059, showing but little gain in the representation of the observations by the additional term dL dM cos L. For the general representation, the probable errors are + 0.050 and + 0.051. MAGNETIC SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANDA, s] Representation of the Total Force. From the expressions A= 3.900 — 0.1934 dL 4 0.0134 dM cos L, T= 73°.25 40.912 dL—0.0690 df cos L, we have to deduce the total force @ = X see [. In the expression for XY, dZ = lat. —41°.34 and dM — long. — 77.45. In the expression for J dZ = lat. — 41°.32 and dM — long. — 77.39. We have in Long. 81°.00 AX = 4,200 Lat. 39.97 f 1.828 Long. 77°.50 AX = 3.600 Lat. 42.89 ft 12.616 Long. 74°.00 A = 4,200 Lat. 39.60 e—siliesol Assuming in the expression for the total force, o=¢,+/+4 dL + ydM cos L, dL and dM as in the expression for XY we find :— g = 13.55 + 0.0451 dL — 0.00682 dM cos L. The lines of equal total force of 13.45, 13.5, 13.55, and 13.6 pass through the following positions :— } p = 13.47 \ p = 13.62 bo= 13.49 13.45 : . . Long. 81° Long. 77°.5 Tat. (39°31! Lat.. 39° 07’ 13.50 ; + - Long. 81° Long. 77°.5 Long. 74° Lat. 40°37’ Lat. 40° 13’ Lat. 39° 49’ 13.55 3 , . Long. 81° Long. 779.5 Long. 74° Tiat. 41° 43/ Lat. 41° 19/ Lat. ~40°)55/ 13.60 - ; . Long. 81° Long. 77°.5 Long. 74° Lat. 42° 49/ Lat. 42° 25/ Lat. 42° 01’ The observed and computed values of @ at the stations where the bar and cylinder were employed, compare as follows :— 82 MAGNETIC SURVEY Station. Philadelphia . Harrisburg Huntingdon Homewood Johnson’s Tavern Irwin’s Mill Baltimore Williamsport . Curwinsville Mercer Erie . Ellicottville Bath . Silver Lake Milford Schenectady Syracuse Geneva . Niagara Falls Toronto The probable error of any representation OF PENNSYLVANIA. ? observed. 13.45 13.44 13.51 13.49 13.54 13.40 13.49 13.55 13.55 13.64 13:57 13.77 13:72 13.47 13.50 13.45 13.61 13.63 13.64 13.84 is + 0.066. ? computed. 13.50 13.50 13.51 13.50 13.48 13.48 13.46 13.55 13.53 13.53 13.57 13.59 13.60 13.58 13.56 13.63 13.63 13.62 13.62 13.65 PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. ocToBER, 1863. Observed — Computed. —0.05 —0.06 0.00 —0.01 +0.06 —0.08 +0.03 0.00 +0.02 +0.11 0.00 +0.18 +0.12 =0 ii —0.06 = 18 —0.02 +0.01 +0.02 +0.19 CHART OF ISO-MAGNETIC LINES | | "PSs ah Weer OF PENNSYLVANIA 2 mt FOR 1849. ~ NIAGARA FALL BY A.D.BACHE,SUPDT. = ——= U.S. COAST SURVEY ($62. yO = K ~ a . “¥ thicorrvin A ee ; {42 3 ASHTABULA fe? = t 1 1 se ' 1 1 ’ ‘ WHEELING‘ <@PRINCE TON= 9) MERCERSBUM RGB MAGNETIC STATIONS DECLINATION 1842 DECLINATION 1862 INCLINATION ~ WASHINGTO oe 77° SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, —- 159 RESEARCHES UPON THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF RESPIRATION Cai sBrkOo Ne Pie. BY S. WEIR MITCHELL, M.D. AND GEORGE R. MOREHOUSE, M.D. [4ccEPTED FOR PUBLICATION, MARCH, 1863.| - oe 2 -_ - . - = 1 - 1 : » 4 raga we Pala en 2, - * Pe en ny ; A Tals) * th ered ilvaite tivd #41 ota’ Alder denen lt ate) vee pol OOM MES Ssh OiMNeryer shane ore cn rete é wut shel in dbom ae sib ot TO WHICH THIS PAPER HAS BEEN REFERRED. : ‘ ; oh Cen Par ea al eotluntll VF feng egies Prof. Jerrrres WYMAN, 7 Prof Jomenikemy ed) inl! ee ea j r eF Josepu Henry, y Lor riretwei eiinthyarer Secreiary {Sol Sa ee gid COLLINS, PRINTER, PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE. Wiru certain slight exceptions, which we have pointed out in the text, the following essay is in the strictest possible sense the joint production of its two authors, who are equally responsible for all of its statements. The woodcuts owe much of their accuracy to the skill of the engraver, Mr. Wilhelm, to whose experience as an anatomical draughtsman the authors are under obligation. They entertain the wish that the novel views of the present paper may induce comparative anatomists and physiologists to examine afresh the respiratory mechan- ism of other reptiles, and also of birds—a labor in which they indulge the hope of sharing. S. WEIR MITCHELL, No. 1226 Walnut Street, Philadelphia GEO. R. MOREHOUSE, No. 227 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE i A Z : : F : ; Z é < iii List oF Woop-cUTS ; : : ; ; - - ; : ix CHAPTER I. ANATOMY OF THE RESPIRATORY APPARATUS OF CHELONIA. Introductory remarks Anatomical history Dissertation on the respiration of the tortoise, _ Robert Townson Bojanus, ‘“ Anatomia Testudinis Europee”’ Cuvier on respiration in turtles His criticism on Townson - : Dumeril and Bibron, “mechanism of ieanation in eycloiaae Anatomy of respiratory organs in chelydra serpentina Hyoid bone, description of Laryngeal cartilages Trachea Relations of lungs Absence of striated muscular fibre i in aes Chelydra serpentina, the typical turtle of our researches a | Seqcocoeoaounesee 8 oO orang tM = General plan of respiratory apparatus. : : r Respiratory myology : Peculiarities of, in different genera : ; ‘ F : . Chelydra serpentina, description of : - 2 : Respiratory act . ; 5 ; : . : : ; ; 10 Bepiratory muscle ; ; : : : A : ; 10 Dissection to expose the muscle of Scptalion : f : : ; E 10 Appearance of expiratory muscle : : é ‘ p ‘ IL Origin and insertions of the anterior and posterior bellies of ‘ : ‘ F Il Tendon of j ; 2 ‘ ; ; ; : : 11 Relation of this sausclot to the rae ; : - : : x . ; 13 Inspiratory muscle - : : A - : : : - : 13 Position of : ‘ ‘ ; ; - ; f : : : 13 Dissection to expose it . : : 5 - - - - , 13 Description of . : : - : . . ‘ - : ; 13 Tts muscular fibres : ; : : : “ : : ; ; 13 Origin and insertion of . : ; - : : . ; : ‘ 13 Central tendon. : : Z : 5 - ; : , 3 Homologue of Poupart’s Semone ; : - ‘ - - ‘ ; 13 Relation of inspiratory muscle to expiratory muscle - . . ° - , 13 Glottic muscles s , : : 3 4 f - ; ‘ 14 Crico-arytenoid . : : ‘ ‘ : : : : P f 14 v1 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Crico-hyoid ; . . . . . 7 . A Origin and insertions of A 5 : : . : : Respiratory muscles in Chelonioide - 4 : A - In Chelonia mydas : - - 4 : . ° : Respiratory muscles in Emydoide : . : . ° - In Nectemydoide. Ptychemys rugosa . ; - - - . : - Ptychemys mobiliensis : - : . . : 5 Graptemys geographica : : ° ° ° 4 Malacoclemmys palustris. - - - : - 6 Chrysemys picta. - : ; ; 2 : In Clemmydoide. Nanemys guttata . - . . . : 3 . Calemys Mihlenbergii 5 : ° - : : - Glyptemys insculpta In Cistudinina. Cistudo Virginea Table of origin of respiratory muscles of Emydoidw with dimensions of species Peculiarities of origin of the expiratory muscles in connection with the habits of Neural apparatus of respiration in Chelonians Medulla oblongata Par vagum 2 . : ‘ : . c Origin and course of —. - : : ¢ ; : > Superior laryngeal nerve : ; : 5 - : 5 Communicating branch of : : 5 5 3 : Branch to crico-arytenoid muscle Branch to crico-hyoid muscle A Dissection to expose chiasm of superior Teneo nerve : : : Sensitive fibres of superior laryngeal nerve Inferior laryngeal nerve Origin and course of : Distribution to crico-arytenoid muscle. : j : : < CHAPTER II. Emydoide PHYSIOLOGY OF THE RESPIRATORY APPARATUS OF CHELONIA,. History of theories of Chelonian respiration X. Townson on : : ; : - 5 5 Malpighi on Milne Edwards on T. Rymer Jones on Miller, Carpenter, Agassiz, on Perault on : : ; os Tauvry, Haro on Townson’s views most correct, ; Views of one of the authors in previous paper Division of subject for study —. - : - D Externally visible phenomena of respiration Number of respirations per minute Elements of the respiratory act Appearance of glottis. : : : = Function of hyoid apparatus 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 — mnonnwnwwwnbd nw Ww WwW WW ww ee a a Oo oS Sc TABLE Ob CONTE NDS, Inspiration described. : é é Expiration described —. Pause ; Absence of pratoey nse riactanen me C figionien eration Obvious objection to the view usually entertained Previous experiments of one of the authors 5 Direet observation of the inspiratory muscles during life. Galvanization of : 5 Function of, tested by their removal Expiratory muscle Direct observation of Function of, tested by other means Third period of respiratory movement Partial expiration . Simplicity of plan of eaten in Chelan us. Glottie muscles . Function of Opening and closing muscles Movement of hyoid arches . : ; : : . Necessity for firm closure of glottis : ‘ : Curious instinetive provision for holding air in the lung . Physiology of pneumogastric nerve and its branches General remarks 5 Experiments on laryngeal nerves : : Superior laryngeal nerve distributed to both Alice muse ses Tuferior laryngeal to the opening muscle only Their distribution explains the phenomena observed The superior laryngeal the nerve of sensation to the larynx and Pioui Hypoglossal nerve ; Supplies the tongue only Experiments. : 2 : ; : ‘ : Result of experiments, discovery of a true chiasm of the superior laryngeal nerves No interlateral communication between the recurrent laryngeal nerves Experiments proving this ; Discussion as to the reasons for this oie Bseripttion of nerves Glottie function in turtles of great importance to their life Hence integrity of, guarded with great care j All the nerves but one may be destroyed, and the Abe continue to act . Importance of the chiasm in this connection : Arrangements for protecting the neural apparatus of ‘ite elottis No chiasm in birds or mammals . , : Still to be looked for in Batrachians, and Gpnidi um and Sannin Rentite s Section of pneumogastrie nerves in turtles Sensibility of pneumogastric Its relation to cardiac movements Spinal respiratory nerves Respiratory centre : z Rhythmie repetition of habitual aaeiente in the feeeatory muscles after’ section of the spine . Continuance of glottie movements after séction of cervical spine . Cause of Final conclusions . : Appendix. Respiratory muscles in Trionychidse 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 9 0 35 30 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 o4 ol LIST OF WOOD-CUTS. PAGE Figure 1. Hyoid bone 2 : : : 5 - : 5 ‘ 8 Figure 2. Laryngeal cartilages:— A. Cricoid cartilage with arytenoid cartilage superimposed. B. Cricoid cartilage : ; oF Figure 3. Muscles of inspiration and expiration . : > : 2 5 12 Figure 4. Glottie muscles and nerves. : é ° 5 ° : : 14 Figure 5. Diagram of origin of expiratory muscle 5 5 . : : : 15 Figure 6. The intereommunicating nerve seen from below : : : 5 ; 19 Figure 7. Appearance of the glottis when closed (A), when open in respiration (B) . 5 25 Figure 8. Diagram of the intercommunicating nerve. 5 F 5 5 : 35 RESEARCHES UPON THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONTA. CH APADE nh We In the whole animal series there is scarcely a creature that would be less likely to suggest itself as a field for discovery than the Turtle. Its temptingly curious form, its world-wide distribution, its limited means of escape and of defence, would seem to combine to render it an easy and early object of investigation to the naturalist. And yet the history of Chelonians is full of discordant observations; functions have been misinterpreted, and even important parts of structure have been asserted to exist by some, and again denied by others, until at the present day the uncertain record has forced opinion into error, and permitted the conduct of one of the most important processes of life, that of respiration, to remain misunderstood, and the means of its accomplishment neglected and in part unknown. The view now entertained by the leading authorities upon the subject, that Turtles inspire by an act of deglutition, as do the frogs, has prevailed from the first, and doubtless arose from the panting movements of the under part of the throat, common to both orders, and among turtles, especially observable in marine species. It will be the object of this paper to show that this view is incorrect, that turtles do not swallow the air in breathing, but that their respiratory act is effected by inspiratory and expiratory muscles situated within the trunk. ‘The solid thorax clearly indicates that Chelonians do not enjoy the perfect respiratory mechanism of the highest vertebrates. The ordinary tranquil respiration of mammals, when the ribs are at rest and the cavity of the thorax is enlarged by the descent of the diaphragm alone, is, however, very strikingly analogous to that of turtles, in which the cavity of the shield is enlarged by the contraction of the muscles of the flanks. In tracing the anatomical history of the organs of respiration in Chelonians, the earliest work to which we have had access is a “ Dissertation on the Respiration of the Tortoise,” by Robert Townson, LL. D., written at Gottingen, May, 1799; and as we find in it a brief review of all that was known previously upon the subject, we have taken the privilege of embodying this rare and interesting paper in the present sketch. This we do more cheerfully as an act of justice to the author ; for, having conducted our inquiry with a full knowledge of the opinions of modern 1 Be ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF authorities, we were surprised, on afterwards learning the singularly truthful views of ‘Townson, to find they had fallen unappreciated, and that, in many instances, they had not even been honored by a notice, or, when so noticed, had been men- tioned only to be condemned. PHYSIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE AMPHIBIA. Dissertation the Third, on the Respiration of the Tortoise. Roper Townson. The first inspection of the structure of the animals I have lately treated of, the Rane and Salamandre of Linnius, will show that respiration cannot be performed in them as it isin man and animals similar to him; the absence of the osseous parts and diaphragm is sufficient to demonstrate this; and though, on the records of physiology, there are instances of the continuation of respiration after the mobility of the osseous parts had ceased, yet, as these were only instances of suffering nature, where the accompanying assistant, the diaphragm, still continued in full energy, phy- siologists ought, likewise, in examining the structure of the animals I am now to treat of, the Tortoise-tribe, to have suspected that this function was not performed in them as it isin us. Yet these hints given by this anomalous structure have either been neglected or made an improper use of, and the manner of their respiring remains in the greatest obscurity to the present hour. Before I proceed to show the present state of our knowledge on this subject, by giving the opinions of the celebrated anatomists and physiologists who have written upon it, I will just observe that, as the impossibility of respiration being performed in the frog-tribe, in the usual man- ner, consists in the absence of the ribs and diaphragm, so here the immobility of the whole bones of the trunk, and absence of the diaphragm, form the insuperable hindrance, and not a deficiency of solid parts as in the preceding; for a modifica- tion of the ribs and sternum here envelops the avhole animal. ‘The diaphragm, though said by some to exist, is really wanting. Blasius, however, asserts its existence, and describes it thus: “Diaphragma insigne admodum, oblique a pectoris anteriore inferioresque parte sursum adscendet, lateribus primo, hine dorso firmiter adherens ; altiorem adeoque situm in posticis obtinet, quam in anticis, contra ac in homine, canibus bobus aliisque animalibus observamus, ubi anteriora sublimem majis locum habent posterioribus. Membranosum hoe totum notatur, similiter ae in avibus variis deprehendimus, nullis fibris carneis manifeste gaudens. Distinguit equidem thoracem a ventre inferiore, ast non sit in animalibus aliis: Pulmones enim cum hic sese in hoe magis, quam illo ventre exhibeant magne parte, diaphragmate haud includuntur, imo vix aliqua parte. Extendit se supra hepar partesque alias ipsi adsitas, usque ad vesicam urinariam cui valide adeo unitur tota superficie supe- riore ut non nisi magno artificio separari queat. Superius pericardio jungitur.” But I am convinced he has taken the peritoneum for it. I have sought for it in vain, as well as other zootomists; neither Gotwald nor Wallbaum has observed it, and the French academicians, who dissected one near five feet long, say, that “la tortue a non seulement son écaille, qui lui sont lieu de thorax, absolument immobile, mais nous ne lui avons trouvé n’y de diaphragme, n’y d’autres parties qui puissent supplier 4 ce mouvement.” This deficiency of the requisite mechanism for respira- RHSPLRATION IN THE CHELONA. 3 tion has led some physiologists to explain this important function upon principles inconsistent with sound physiology, analogy, or experience. Perault attributes the expansion of the lungs, and consequent inspiration, to the elasticity of the mem- branes forming their cells; and the expiration to the compression of muscles, of which, he says, these animals have plenty. ‘‘ Apparement,” he says, “il est neces- saire de supposer que l’inspiration se fait parle ressort des ligamens durs et fermes qui composent les mailles qui ont été décrites: en sorte que lorsque les muscles qui peuvent comprimer le poumon viennent 4 se relacher, les ligamens s’étendent et élargissant les ouvertes de toutes les vessies augment la capacité de tout le poumon.” Varnier boldly asserted that the whole process of respiration, both expiration as well as inspiration, was effected by the lmgs themselves alone, by the means of their muscular texture, as a muscular network surrounded them, by which means they could respire by the alternate dilatation and contraction of the vesicules with- out the aid of the other instruments of respiration. He says, “Je parvins 4 me démontrer 4 moiméme que le poumon de la tortue etoit entouré d’un réseau mus- culaire que par ce moyen ils étoit parfaitement irritable, qwils avoit une action propre, indépendente des autres agens de la respiration et qwils pouvoit imspirer par lui m’me;” and soon after adds, “le muscle du poumon de la tortue qui produit un mouvement convulsive,” and then says that, “dans le tortue le poumon est cel- lulaire; les cellules se correspondent comme dans la grenouille; le muscle enveloppe toute la masse, et en se contractant la remue toute entiére ;” and concludes his memoire by saying, “le poumon est un organ actif; qwil est le premier et le prin- cipal agent de la respiration, et que cette fonction dépend, comme dans les amphibies, de la dilatation et contraction alternative des vésicules qui determinent alternative- ment la contraction des muscles inspirateurs et expirateurs, et cela indépendamment de la volonté.” Admitting the lungs to possess this muscular texture, which could not be perceived by Haller and the best anatomists, they would still be ill adapted to inflate by their own power. “We learn, through the Transactions of the Royal Academy of Paris, that it was the opinion of Monsieur Tauvry that they breathed only in walking. ‘“ La tortue est enfirmée entre deux écailles immobiles, et elles na d’ailleurs aucun diaphragme qui puisse servir 4 une compression alternative des poumons. Dans cette difficulté @expliquer sa respiration, Monsieur Tauvry s’est avisé d’en rapporter la cause au mouvement du marcher ; quand la tortue est en repos, sa t’te ct ses pics sont retirés sous lécaille supérieure, et la peau qui lenve- loppe enti¢rement est pliss¢, mais quand Panimal marche, il pousse au dehors sa tcte et ses pies; sa peau s’étend, puisqu’elle est tirée par ces parties, et par conséquent elle forme intérieurement un plus grand espace, et c’est dans cet espace vuide que Vair extérieur est obligé d’entrer.” This explanation, which is very anomalous with everything we know of this function in other animals, I put to the test of the following experiments, which proved it erroneous. I took the Testudo orbicularis in its contracted state, and wrapt it up in paper, binding it all round with bandages so fast, that the testa and sternum were brought so near before as not to admit the exit of the head. I then made an aperture in the paper opposite to its nose, and thus deprived of every motion, I placed it before the flame of a candle, yet I found not only that it blew the flame, but sometimes so strongly as nearly to extinguish it. 4 ANATOMY AND PHYSTOLOG Y OF ‘This experiment, though conclusive against the opinion of Tauvry, I strengthen by another; in this I kept the legs out, binding them very firmly under the sternum, the head being contracted as before, yet I still observed that it breathed, and as in the former experiment, sometimes with great force. The respiration, therefore, of the tortoise has no more connection with its other motions than that of other ani- mals. But Morgagni, who was, as /have mentioned in the second dissertation, acquainted with the manner of respiring in frogs, which I have given in detail, supposes that the tortoise respires in the same manner; for, speaking of the frog, he says: “ Inspiratio autem iis instrumentis per qui inferior buccee pars amplificata animal contracta erem in pulmones compellit;” and then adds, “quin imo id ipsum, dum fluvialem quandam testudinem vivam inciderem, observavi invenique, totam eam partem que intra cavitatem mandibule inferioris est, multum posse extrorsum curvari ut hine wr immitti posset, pulmones vero fibrarum rite firmari, ut hinc zr vicissim posset remitti.”” Notwithstanding the high reputation of Mor- gagni, I must dissent from the opinion of the tortoise respirmg like the frog. I will not say that none of the genus do respire im this manner, as I have had no opportunity of examining any of the turtles. I wish to be understood as speaking of the Testudo orbicularis, my observations having chiefly been confined to this species, though I think I may say the same of the greca and palustris. Yet the opinion of this celebrated man is supported by Coiter and Varnier saying that, after the sternum is taken off, and the lungs are laid bare, the animal can still inflate them. But if, after the sternum was taken off, the peritoneum cut through, and the lungs laid bare, these appeared to Coiter and Varnier to inflate, this might not have pro- ceeded from any power residing in the lungs themselves, nor from any air being impelled into them by the muscles of the throat, but by the parts in contact with them, as the neck before, and the muscles behind (which I shall soon describe), shortening them, in which case they would appear more distended, though the quantity of air within was not increased. The tortoises which I opened I never observed to inflate their lungs as the frogs do; nor did the anatomists mentioned by Valentini observe it, for they say, “ Pulmones enim depressi remanebent, nec inflabuntur ab illa aeris attractione quod fieri potuisset tamen ab animali adhue vivente licet capite truncato, quod ego subito, antequam aperiri, curarem, abscindi jusseram.” Yet adds, ‘Vitalis autem haec testudo actiones habuit hore spatio absque corde sed et absque capite; nam pedas movit ad tactum nostrum et sine eodem quoque retraxit.” These are the opinions of the older anatomists; and amongst the moderns I know of none who have said anything on this subject. Being dissatisfied with them, I entered into the investigation by actual observation, and opened one for this purpose. ‘The sternum being taken off with great care, the periosteum presents itself as a strong white membrane like parchment; when I had cut through this, I found many muscles inserted into it, particularly over the scapule and os pubis, which, in the contracted state of the animal, are not far asunder. Just above the os pubis it is connected to the peritonzeum ; by this means these bones, with their muscles, are enclosed as in a bag, having the peritoneum beneath, and the periosteum above; the scapule, and their connected bones and muscles, are enclosed in the same manner. The peritoneum being cut through, RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 5 and the intestinal canal, liver, &c., removed, the lungs, consisting of two lobes, are seen covering nearly the whole of the testa; they are cellular, as in the frog, and consist of two lobes, one on each side of the spina dorsi, each of which is sub- divided into four or five indistinct lobules. The cellular texture of these is not uniform; the cells of the middle lobules being the smallest, and those of the last lobule the greatest; this lobule is likewise loose, not being tied down on the sides nor beneath, the rest are tied down to the spine. My attention was soon called to observe the structure and office of some muscles in the region of the flanks, which I observed often to be in motion, contracting and extending alternately, and though placed by the side of the hind legs, these were not moved by them, Further, they were placed at the end of the last lobule of the lungs, and they appeared to retain their irritability the longest. ‘This was sufficient to lead me to conjecture that these might be the parts by which respiration in these animals was performed; and to see them act in their natural position I sawed off, in another tortoise, that part of the shell which covers them, and I then saw them constantly working. One was now placed nearly in a perpendicular direction, and another, or part of the same, was placed nearer the sternum, lying almost in a horizontal direction. ‘The first im its contraction receded from the testa inwards, whilst the latter, in its contraction, observed a contrary direction. When I attributed to them the office of expirator and inspirator muscles, which I supposed them to perform, I was embarrassed, because I could not conceive how a muscle could be a constrictor with its convex side; yet when the expirator, by contracting, had receded from the shell inwards, it appeared, when viewed from without, to be concave. But this difficulty ceased as soon as I had opened the animal and dissected the parts, for I then found the following admirable contrivance of nature. This part is composed of two distinct muscles, with their risings and insertions quite different, yet firmly connected in the middle by cellular membrane. ‘The first rises from the testa near the spina dorsi, and is inserted into the peritoneum; this is the constrictor of the lungs, or the muscle of expiration. ‘The other is nearly spread over the whole cavity between the upper and under shell, where the hind legs are drawn in during the contracted state of the animal, being inserted into the margin of the testa above, and the mar- gin of the sternum below. The places of insertion of these muscles, and their con- nection in the middle being known, there is then no difficulty in explaining why the muscle, while acting as a constrictor, appeared concave, as it was only the inspirator brought into that position by its antagonist; nor any difficulty in con- ceiving how they carry on the function of respiration; for the expirator being connected, as I have already said, to the testa below and to the peritonzeum above, envelops in a manner the last movable lobule of the lungs; when, therefore, it con- tracts, it compresses this part of the lungs, and by that means expels the air; then ceasing to act, the other contracts, and draws the former with it, thus a vacuum is formed, into which the air rushes, as in the respiration of those animals which have a thorax. To prove that this explanation was well-founded, and that the motions of these muscles were really those of respiration, I made the following experiment. I fastened on the nose of a tortoise a little valve made of white paper, which covered 6 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF the nostrils, and with the assistance of a friend, I watched the motions of the soft parts lying within the hollow where the hind legs came out, and I found that these motions perfectly corresponded with the motions of the valve, which was put into motion by the expirations and inspirations of the animal. In this manner I con- ceive respiration to be carried on in the tortoise, without, however, meaning to extend this explanation to the whole of the genus Testudo, some families of which I have never yet had an opportunity to examine. These animals will therefore materially differ from those of the two preceding families in the mode of respiring ; the air in them being driven into the lungs by the muscles of the throat, which act like a pair of bellows, whilst in these it is performed by the lungs following the motions of their containing parts, and they will therefore differ from the animals having a thorax chiefly in the form and situation of the parts. Respiration is not, I think, the only office of the muscles which I have just described; they are closely connected to the bladder, and to them, I think, this animal is indebted for the power it possesses of sucking in water by the anus, as I mentioned in my last dis- sertation ; but this investigation I must leave to another time. It will thus be secn, while this close observer fully realized that respiration in the turtle was not effected by deglutition, but by muscles of expiration and inspiration situated in the flank spaces, yet, failing to recognize the true office of the anterior muscles, his conception of the respiratory process was necessarily imperfect and insufficient, and to this, no doubt, must be ascribed the neglect into which his views have fallen, In 1819 appeared the most important contribution to the literature of the subject, the monograph of Lupoyicus Henricus Bosanus, on the Anatomy of the Testudo Europex. This work being purely anatomical, we have no means of judging as to the author’s knowledge of the muscular apparatus concerned in respiration, except by the nomenclature he adopts, and some details of description, The in- spiratory muscle and the posterior belly of the expiratory muscle are grouped as abdominal muscles, and described as the obliquus and transversus-abdominis, while the anterior belly of the expiratory muscles, under the name of diaphrag- maticus, is thus referred to: “A corpore vertebra dorsi quarte et tertie et a costa tertia oriundus, triplici fasciculo complanato, divergentibus eundo; quorum bini ad marginem internum pulmonis, sui lateris, descendunt eique agglutinantur ; tertius vero supra pulmonis anterius extremum revolutes ad peritoneum (a pulmonum facie inferiore versus cardiam et hepar deflecteus) desinit.” It is, no doubt, probable that these names have been determined by supposed homologies of the muscles, and yet we may reasonably conclude that Bojanus had not perceived any relationship between the diaphragmaticus and the transversus abdominis, and did not realize that the broad fibrous membrane extending between them was their common tendon. ‘This conception is essential to the full realization of the respiratory process. G. De Cuvirr, bearing in mind the type of batrachian respiration, regards the alternate contraction and dilatation of the throat as movements of deglutition of air, and thinks them a sufficient and the only means by which inspiration is effected. The expulsion of the air from the lungs he refers to the agency of two muscles in RESPIRATION IN THE CHELON TA. 7 the flank, the obliquus and transversus of Bojanus, at the same time calling attention to the fact that ‘Townson has erroneously attributed to one of these (the obliquus) the function of an inspirator. He thinks also that the analogues of the quadratus lumborum and the rectus abdominis, by compressing the viscera, may assist in expiration. In his Lecons d’ Anatomie Comparée, vol. vii. p. 216, Duvernoy’s edition, 1840, we find his opinion in detail. “Te méme mécanisme est mis en jeu dans les chéloniens. La déglutition de Vair est le seul moyen dont ils puissent se servir pour faire entrer ce fluide dans leurs poumons. Ils dilatent et contractent leur gorge alternativement, ayant la bouche fermée, absolument comme les batraciens et par les mémes puissances. II est expulsée par deux pairs de muscles analogues & ceux du bas-ventre des animaux précedents. Ces muscles remplissent Vintervalle postérieur du sternum et de la carapace, dans lequel se replient les extrémités pelviennes dans état de repos, et c’est & cet endroit qu’on apercoit dans les chéloniens les mouvements de contraction et de dilatation qui, dans les mammiféres, se voient dans toute Pétendue du ventre.(1) La premitre paire ou lexterne résemblent & Poblique descendant, elle s’attache tout le bord antérieur du bassin, 4 la carapace et au sternum, et s’étend dans tout Vintervalle postérieur de ces deux parties. interne ou Vanalogue du transverse est composé de fibres transversales s’attachent supéricurement 4 la moitié postéricur de la carapace prés des vertébres, descendent en dehors des viscéres, les enveloppent et viennent aboutir inférieurement 4 une aponevreuse moyenne. Celle-ci passe en partie sous la face inférieure de la vessie, et doit servir 4 la vider lorsque ces mus- cles se contractent. Ils ne comprennent immédiatement quwune petite portion des poumons ; mais leur action s’exercant plus fortement sur les viscéres du bas-ventre, ceux-ci pressent 4 leur tour les premiers organes ct en expulsent Pair. Les mus- cles analogues du quarré des lombes et du droit abdominal qui ont été décrits (¢. 1, pp. 488, 489) doivent aussi comprimer les viscéres abdominaux, et par leur moyens les poumons. Les chéloniens qui ont leur cavité visccrale divisé par le pleuro- péritoine A la maniére de celle des oiseaux, ont une de ces cloisons celle qui descend de la partie antérieure du bouclier dorsal, au devant du foie, constituée comme un diaphragme par des fibres musculaires et aponevretiques. Bojanus décrit un muscle diaphragmatique pair composé de fibres musculaires épanouies de chaque cété sur cette cloison, que nous avons fait connaitre comme une sorte de diaphragme (t. iv, 2d partie, p. 651). Son action, quoique faible, peut contribuer a l’expiration en comprenant les poumons. «Peut ¢tre que les poumons se contractent aussi par une force propre que réside dans le réseau tendineux qui entre dans leur composition (Art. 11, de cette Legon, p. 130). “N.1. Je crois l’avoir fait connaitre le premier (Bull. de la Soc. Phil. an. xiii, No. 97, p. 279) en démontrant, contrairement 3 VPopinion de Townson, que les muscles du bas-ventre sont ’un et autre des muscles expirateur. Et cependant cest X cet auteur qu’on attribue explication que j’ai donnée en montrant Vinexactitude de la sienne.” Dumeril et Bibron, vol. i. p. 176, 1834, described briefly the mechanism of respiration in chelonians thus: air enters the buceal cavity through the nose, then 8 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF the fleshy tongue is applied to the posterior nares so as to close them, and the mvlo-hyoid floor of the mouth contracts, to force the imprisoned air into the lung. ‘A succession of such acts fills it. Before entering upon the details of description, it may be well to premise, that this anatomical section of our paper is intended mainly as an exposition of the muscular and neural apparatus by means of which the movements of air to and from the lungs are effected in chelonians, and while, to render the subject more intelligible, we shall rehearse the general anatomy of the organs of respiration, we shall avoid all questions of structure or function irrelative to the point of inquiry, referring the reader desirous of such knowledge to the more general works on comparative anatomy. Underlying the floor of the mouth, and embracing with its cornua the sides of the pharynx posterior to the jaw, is the hyoid apparatus, or the tongue-bone, Fig. 1, Fig. 1. a, a’, lesser cornua; }, b’, greater cornua; c, c’, cartilaginous processes; d, d’, ossicles for attachment of suspensory ligaments; e, body of bone; /, fenestrum, closed by cartilage; g, articulations of cornua with body. an instrument conspicuous for the part it has evidently played in fixing upon its possessor the batrachian type of respiration. It consists of an elongated body, excavated for the lodgment of the larynx and upper rings of the trachea, and of a cartilaginous process and two bony cornua on each side, connected with it by mova- ble articulations. ‘To the extremity of the anterior or major cornu is attached a knob or ossicle, for the reception of the suspensory ligament. This ligament arises from the mastoid process of the temporal bone of the cranium, and forms the fulcrum on which the apparatus swings backwards and forwards, moved by alternate contrac- tions of the genio-hyoid and omo-hyoid, and other muscles of the neck. The hyoid RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONTA. 9 bone, in its movements, carries with it the glottis, and removes it from obstructions during inspiration. ‘The larynx, Fig. 2, A and B, consists of a largely-developed cricoid cartilage and two arytenoid cartilages. The cricoid rests in the bowl of the hyoid bone, is somewhat helmet-shaped, and has on its under surface a visor-like oval fenestrum. ‘This fenestrum is covered by membrane, and is traversed from side to side by the chiasm of the superior laryngeal nerves, of which we shall speak more fully hereafter. Superiorly the cricoid presents an oval opening, filled in by membrane, upon which rest the arytenoid cartilages, one on either side, with the glottic slit nN Fig. 2. B b b/. Cricoid cartilage; c, left arytenoid cartilage; a', cartilaginous tubercle capping the apex of the arytenoid cartilage; a, oval fenestrum of cricoid, filled in with membrane. b. Cricoid cartilage ; a, superior opening; c, trachea. between them. The arytenoid cartilages, Fig. 2, A, ¢, are two irregularly triangular solids, opposing flat surfaces to each other, their bases incorporated with the superior cricoid membrane, and their apices extending vertically, and terminating in a small cartilaginous tubercle. They are the framework upon which the crico-hyoid and crico-arytenoid muscles act, in closing and opening the glottis. The trachea, smaller in diameter than the cricoid bulb, descends the neck, inclining to the left side, until opposite the margin of the shell it divides into two bronchi, which, curving right and left, open free into the corresponding lungs, at the under and inner edge, a little behind the anterior extremity. The lungs are two wedge-shaped sacs, the base of the wedge being anterior. They he im contact with the vault of the dorsal shield, and are separated from each other by the large retractor mus- cles of the neck, the bloodvessels, and nerves. ‘They are anterior and above the peritoneal sac, except the posterior pointed extremity, which projects into that cavity, carrying with it a covering of peritoneum. The walls of the lungs being elastic lend aid to the act of expiration, but as they give no evidence of muscular fibre to mechanical or galvanic stimuli or to the microscope, it is impossible, for this and for other reasons, to suppose with Varnier that they possess any intrinsic power to assist in the act of inspiration. The turtle which has served us for most of our experiments, is Chelydra Ser- pentina, the well-known Snapping Turtle of the United States. Selected at first from the facility with which we could procure fine specimens, we soon found that its well developed muscular system and its exposed flanks admirably fitted it for the study of respiratory myology, while its middle rank among Testudinata led us to expect, in its organization, more striking ordinal characters than we would find in the extreme marine or terrestrial families. We have therefore adopted Chelydra 2 10 ANATOMY AND PH YSTOLOG Om Serpentina as our typical turtle, and will describe im detail the apparatus of respiration as we find it in this species, noting, subsequently, the modifications of structure existing in the different genera that we have had the opportunity to examine. In all turtles we have found the general plan of the respiratory apparatus constant, an inspiratory muscle in each flank, and an expiratory muscle with four bellies, two anterior and two posterior, connected by a broad membranous tendon, inclosing the viscera and capable of compressing them against the under surface of the dorsal shield. ‘The discrepancies characterizing different genera principally affect the origin of the anterior belly of the expiratory muscle; these may naturally be arranged in two groups, those in which the origin is anterior (about the second rib), (see Fig. 5) and extends nearly across the width of the shield, and those in which the origin is posterior (about the third or fourth rib), and in extent more limited. The specimens we have had the opportunity to examine are too few to enable us to determine whether this structural diversity can be received as an element in determining generic rank. We will content ourselves, therefore, at present, with the description of each specimen, including a brief notice of its habits and shell- measurements, which may serve as a nucleus for future and more extended observations. Chelydra Serpentina is a carnivorous turtle living in the water, under bank-eaves, or at the bottom of streams, and yet capable of moving over the land with facility. The under surface of the body is much exposed, the plastron being small and cruciform, and connected with the carapace by a narrow bridge, which widens to join the fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs. The flank spaces are large, flat, and unpro- tected, and the extremities incapable of complete retraction under the shell. The height of the trunk compared with the width and length of the carapace is as one to three and three and a half. Carefully watching the animal while breathing, we notice synchronous move- ments of the trunk, of the throat, and of the glottis within the mouth. With the first element of the respiratory act, expiration, the glottis opens, the hyoid apparatus descends and widens, the shoulders sink and the flanks become increasingly con- cave; then follows immediately the inspiratory effort, the glottis remaining open, the throat narrows, the flanks become tense, and the shoulders are pushed forwards as the act culminates; afterwards the muscles relax, the glottis closes, and the creature is at rest until again impelled to renew the air in its lungs, when the same sequence of expiration, inspiration and pause is repeated. We shall follow the order of the elements of the respiratory act in describing the apparatus by which it is effected. And first, of the muscles of expiration. For the purpose of dissection, it is desirable to place the animal upon its back and fix it, by extending and securing its head, tail, and extremities. Separate with a saw the bony bridges connecting the plastron with the carapace, and sweeping a knife close to the inner surface of the former, divide from before, backwards, the deltoid, pectoral, pelvic and flank muscles, the acromial articulations posterior to the first pair of sternal bones, and the loose cellular bands binding the visceral sac to the middle line. This permits the removal of the plastron. Drawing the shoulders for- ward, cut the ligaments, holding the scapule to the spine anterior to the first rib, RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. ll which loosens the entire muscular and borty mass, and facilitates its detachment, The section should be made with the lung partially inflated, to secure from injury the anterior belly of the expiratory muscle, which lies in contact with the posterior surface of the serratus magnus. The further removal of the tissues of the flank, and their careful separation from the posterior belly of the expiratory muscle to which they are adherent, completes the exposure. Looking at the result of our dissection, we find a tendinous and muscular sac occupying the dorsal shield, filling its entire width in the middle and most of its length ; its general form is cordate, the apex dipping into the pelvis, and its anterior notch giving place to the heart and the muscles and vessels of the neck. Much the larger portion of the sac visible is tendon (Fig. 3, g, g'), and has hitherto been regarded as peritoneum, but a closer scrutiny would have revealed its fibres gather- ing from all sides towards an oval centre, in which they are inseparably interwoven. The tendon in many places can be lifted from the peritoneum, by which it is lmed. Curving around its anterior and posterior borders are muscular fringes (Fig. 3, d, d’ and ¢), the fibres running from the carapace in lines parallel te the long axis of the trunk. These are the anterior and posterior bellies of the expiratory muscle, the diaphragmaticus and transversus abdominis of Bojanus. ‘These muscles are inserted into the common tendon, and in contracting compress the contained viscera against the shell and expel the air from the lungs. Dividing the tendon through its middle from side to side, and removing the abdominal organs and permitting the lungs to collapse, we are enabled to obtain a satisfactory view of the origin of these muscular bellies from within, : The posterior belly arises from the pelvic fascia from a point opposite the anterior third of the ilium backwards to the spine, from the eighth vertebra, and by tendinous fibres from the carapace as far as the sixth rib, the line of origin slowly leaving the spinal column as it reaches forwards. Turning outwards at an obtuse angle, after joining the sixth rib, the muscle follows its posterior edge until near its extremity, where it inclines forwards and terminates at the fifth rib as it joins the marginal plates, a point corresponding very nearly with the pelvic end of the suture connecting the carapace and plastron. From this sigma-shaped origin the fibres curve backwards and downwards, embrac- ing the abdominal viscera, and unite with the tendon below, forming a regular and well-defined line, varying in position as the muscle is contracting or at rest. Fig. 3, ¢, represents the lungs distended and the muscle relaxed. ‘This belly, considered by itself, is a strong membranous muscle, somewhat triangular in shape, the apex being at the edge of the shell, and the base at the pelvis. In a turtle weighing sixteen pounds, the fibres at the apex measured one-half inch in length, while in the middle and at the base they measured respectively five and one-half and four inches, The anterior belly arises from the vertebral margins of the second and third intercostal spaces, from the second costal arch, from the second rib along two-thirds of its length, and across the carapace in a line curving backwards and outwards, from the third and fourth ribs, near their junction with the marginal plates. It will thus be seen that the outermost origins of the anterior and posterior bellies closely approxi- 12 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF mate above the plastron where it meets the upper shield, while at the middle line of the body the origins are separated by the distance of the eighth from the third vertebra. ‘The fibres composing the anterior belly are close and firm for the outer Fig. 3. Muscles of inspiration and expiration.—a a! «’! u/’, margin of carapace; b b/, portion of plastron in position ; c, posterior belly of the expiratory muscle on the right side; d d’/, anterior bellies of the expiratory muscle; e, reticulated portion showing the lung beneath; /'/’, inspiratory muscle of the left side; 7”, central tendon; /’”, tendinons ligament; g 9’, tendon of expiratory muscle; i, muscular fibres beneath the tendon g g’, and attached to the lung. RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. is half, while those capping the inner portion are fewer in number and reticulated, permitting the lung to be seen through their interspaces. (See Fig. 3, e.) The part of the muscle which arises from the vertebrae covers that triangular surface of the ling which looks towards the interpulmonary notch, while that of costal origin spreads over the anterior face of the ling, sheathing its entire thickness when the organ is fully inflated. A few of the fibres capping the anterior and superior extremity of the lung continue their course over the under surface of that organ, spreading fan-like towards its outer edge, and being inserted into its adherent peritoneal covering. They are represented by the dotted lines (Fig. 3, /). These fibres are much more largely developed in some other genera, and seem to have the power of drawing the lung in towards the spine, and keeping it well under the viscera when compressed during expiration. The inspiratory muscles (Fig. 8, ,/”) are to be sought for in the flank spaces at the under and posterior portion of the trunk, into which the hind limbs of the animal are drawn during repose. There is one muscle in each flank, superficial, and readily displayed, by reason of the loose cellular connection it has with the tissues concealing it. Tuming aside the skin and fascia loaded with adipose matter, as it often is in this locality, we at once expose this beautiful sheet of mus- cular fibre, during contraction, stretching like a drum-head over the entire space, and fitting closely its irregular boundary. Through its centre, from before back- wards, runs a flat tendon (Fig. 3, /”’), averaging in width one-sixth of the breadth of the muscle, and receiving throughout its length, on both sides, the insertion of fibres. It is usually a single band, but in several specimens we found it irregularly double, being divided by islets or patches of muscular fibre. In some form, however, it exists in all Chelydra, and constitutes a striking feature of the muscle, its white pearly hue contrasting boldly with the crimson fringes between which it is placed. In some families it loses its significance, dwindling to a central raphé, or more rarely is absent altogether. The direction of the muscular fibres is transverse, especially in the anterior part of the space; behind and outside of the tendon they diverge to accommodate themselves to the circular sweep of the carapace. Being attached to no other mobile part than the central tendon, we may consider that as their insertion; their origin embracing the entire circumference of the space. Beginning with the posterior sternal bone, we may trace its fibres coming from the inner edge of the plastron, where it curves around the flank, from within the marginal plates of the carapace, from the fascia filling the space posterior to the sacrum, and along the pelvic muscles from a ligament, the counterpart of Poupart’s ligament in man, stretching between the ilimm and pubis. The fibres arising from the anterior end of this ligament underlie the lowest fibres from the plastron, and give to the latter a falciform appearance, represented in (Fig. 3, 7’). On the upper side, the inspiratory muscle is attached by cellular tissue to the posterior belly of the muscle of expiration, and by the contraction of this latter muscle during the. expulsion of air from the lung, is carried downwards and forwards into a strongly concave position, most favorable for its own subsequent effort. The capability of the turtle to hold the air in its lung at will, or when sub- jected to great external pressure, as must constantly occur in marine species, 14 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF Fig. 4 is determined by two pairs of muscles situated about the glottis, and controlling its movements. These are the crico-arytenoid and the crico-hyoid of Bojanus; to the former is intrusted the opening of the glottic lips, while the latter, acting as a sphincter, serves to close them. ‘The crico-arytenoid (Fig. 4) lies beneath the mucous membrane, superficial to the crico-hyoid, and crossing it nearly at right angles. It arises from the sides of the cricoid cartilage anteriorly, and is inserted into the body and vertical limb of the arytenoid as far as its extreme point. The crico-hyoid (Fig. 4, a a’) arises from the body of the hyoid bone anterior to the depression for the larynx, its middle resting upon and exterior to the arytenoid cartilage. It is inserted into the cricoid car- Fig. 4. Glottic muscles and nerves. tilage at its anterior raphé. ‘The muscles of the two —a a’, crico-hyoid; the muscle A coe . 385 3 Svaliping “It. tir tlie, “erloo-arghes sides approximate each other at their origins, and in- noid ; , superior laryngeal nerve; _terlace at their insertions, forming an elliptical muscle Peay eo og Me surrounding the rima glottidis. ieanich towcrignlacidt circaee Our opportunities for studying the arrangement of rent laryngeal; dd’, glattie slit; the respiratory muscles in other turtles than Chelydra 6 Point of hyoid bone; f, tongue 1,6 been limited to the representatives of two families, Chelonioide and Emydoide. Among the Chelonians we have examined but one species, Chelonia mydas, the Green Turtle of the Atlantic Ocean. Its habits are entirely aquatic, seeking the land only for the purpose of depositing its eggs. The body is flat, the under surface well covered by the plastron, leaving, however, naked flank spaces, as in the snapper. The union between the plastron and carapace extends from the second to the seventh rib. The inspiratory muscles occupy the flanks, arising a half inch or more within that part of their boundary which is formed by the plastron. The central tendon exists, and is wide and irregular, and extends the whole length of the muscle. The origin of the expiratory muscles is similar to that found in Chelydra; the muscular bellies are shorter, however, and the common tendon broader and longer in accordance with the shape of the turtle. The dimensions of the shell are—length, 38 inches; width, 28 inches; elevation, 13 inches. Among the Emydoidee we have examined individuals from eight genera, and find them to present considerable variations in the origin of the anterior belly of the muscle of expiration. And as these differences seem to characterize groups in harmony with the subdivisions of Agassiz, founded on minor differences of form observed in this family, we shall follow his classification in their description. The first subdivision suggested by this distinguished observer, and styled Nec- temydoidie, is thus characterized: “The body is rather flat. The bridge connect- ing the plastron and carapace is wide, but flat. The hind legs are stouter than the RESPERATION IN THE CHELONTIA. 15 fore legs, and provided with a broad web, extending beyond the articulation of the nail joint. The representatives of this group are the largest and most aquatic of the whole family.” Of the genera included in this sub-family we have observed four: Ptychemys, Graptemys, Malacoclemmys and Chrysemys. Big. 9. Fig. 5. Diagram of carapace of turtle, showing with the dotted lines the two principal types of origin of the expiratory muscle. The left side of the diagram shows the line of origin in the most aquatic species. The right side that of the most terrestrial. The numbers indicate the ribs. Ptychemys rugosa, Ag.—The inspiratory muscles are found in the flanks as usual, but they have no central tendon, a simple line or raphé marking the junction of the converging fibres. The anterior belly of the expiratory muscles arises from the vertebral margin of the fourth and fifth intercostal spaces and from the surface of the fourth rib near its posterior edge for a distance one-third its length. From this right-angular origin the fibres diverge, expanding over the upper and anterior surface of the lung, to join the common tendon at the anterior and inferior pulmonary margin. The fibres extending back on the under surface of the lung, as indicated by the dotted lines (Fig. 5, 2), are numerous and large in this species, and seem almost to foreshadow the muscular separation between the thoracic and abdominal viscera in higher vertebrates. The posterior belly in its origin presents no variation from that of the Snapper. Its outermost fibres, however, are much developed, forming a muscular band which reaches forwards nearly as far as the anterior junction of the carapace and plastron. The dimensions of this turtle are length, 11 inches; width, 8,1; inches; and elevation, 5 inches. , 16 inches; elevation, 6,1; inches. The general shape and appearance of this turtle resembles P. rugosa. The anterior and posterior extremities of the bridge con- Ptychemys mobiliensis.—Shell measurements. Length, 13132 inches; width, 9,4; 16 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF necting the plastron and carapace are much more strongly involute than we have observed in any other species. When the shell is separated, they appear like four projecting keels directed towards each other, the front ones looking inwards and backwards, and the posterior ones looking inwards and slightly forwards. The con- cavities thus formed before and behind, external to the keels, lodge projecting por- tions of the lungs. The anterior and posterior keels projecting into the space usually occupied by the air sacs, deeply indent them, and cause them to present a lobulated appearance, which they retain when removed from the shell. Besides these four large indentations, there are smaller ones, in the edge of the lungs, one in front and two or more between the keels. To the inner side and behind the posterior keel lies the large posterior lobe occupying chiefly the flank space immediately above and in front of the inspiratory muscle. ‘The reticulations of its interior structure are much larger and more coarsely marked than those of other parts of the lung. The anterior belly of the expiratory muscle arises from the vertebral margins of the third and fourth intercostal spaces, and from the carapace in a line diverging at an angle of 30° from the spine for the space of two inches, crossing the fourth rib. From this origin the fibres cover the front of the lung, the anterior and interior ones being distributed as in P. rugosa, and owing to the intrusion of the anterior keel upon the lung, the external fibres are displaced, so to speak, with the portions of lung to which they belong, which portions lie immediately back of the ridge or keel so often referred to. ‘The largest band of those lateral fibres finds its way between the two lobules of the lung which lie first and second in order of succession behind the ridge. The posterior belly arises from the pelvic fascia, from the eighth and seventh verte- bree, and from a curved line whose convexity looks forwards, and which terminates in front of the posterior projecting keel about two and a half inches above the pos- terior angle of junction of the carapace and plastron. ‘This line is rendered more sharply convex at its external third by the projection inwards of the keel alluded to. The muscular fibres curve around the posterior part of the lung. The inner ones for half the width of the muscle are about two and a quarter inches long; and from this point they increase gradually in length to the external edge, where they are longest, extending forward in a tongue-like band about five and a half inches. In the single specimen examined we found on the left side a few additional fibres reaching forwards and inwards at least two inches beyond the main body of the muscle. The inspira- tory muscle arises as in P. rugosa. It has a linear central tendon, bifid at its pos- terior extremity, the shorter terminating arm being external. Into the tendon and its branches the muscular fibres are inserted as in other species. In Graptemys geographica, Ag., the inspiratory muscle is, in its general features, the same as described in other species, and differs only in not having even a central raphé, the convergent fibres interlacing at the middle of the muscle in an imperfect network which serves to replace the tendon usually found in this situation. ‘The an- terior belly of the expiratory muscle arises from the vertebral margin of the third and fourth intercostal spaces, and continuously from the costal margin of the third space nearly its entire circumference, and from the surface of the fourth and fifth ribs. The lines of origin diverge at an angle of 30° from the anterior margin of the third intercostal space, and in this specimen, the inner line bordering the spine measures RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. Wy three-fourths of an inch, and the outer one, stretching along the intercostal space and across the shield, one inch and threc-cighths; from this origin the fibres spread over the anterior part of the lung and are inserted into the common tendon and into the peritoneal covering of its under surface. ‘The posterior belly is similar to that of P. rugosa, the muscular band underlying the bridge which joins the carapace and plastron being somewhat wider. ‘The dimensions are—length, 85 inches ; width, 6 inches; elevation, 34 inches. In Malacoclemmys palustris, Ag., the inspiratory muscle is the same as in Geo- graphica. The anterior belly of the expiratory muscle arises from the third and fourth spaces at their vertebral margins, and from a line running across the shield to the fourth rib, diverging at an angle of about 70°. The posterior belly is like that of geographica. The dimensions are—length, 7 inches; width, 4 inches; elevation, 3¢ inches. Chrysemys picta, Gray.—Inspiratory muscles as in E. terrapin. The anterior belly of the expiratory muscle arises from the vertebral margins of the third and fourth intercostal spaces and a slip from the fifth, and from across the carapace to the junction of the fourth and fifth ribs, the divergence being about 30°. The posterior belly as in geographica. Dimensions—Length, 42 inches; width, 32 inches ; elevation, 1 inches. Of the second and third subdivisions we have examined no specimens. The fourth, Clemmydoide, is characterized by “their more arched though elongated form, and the more compact structure of their feet, the front and hind pairs of which are more nearly equal, and their toes united by a smaller web; they are less aquatic and generally smaller than the preceding.” Of these we have dissected representatives of three genera, Nanemys, Calemys and Glyptemys. In Nanemys guttata, Ag., the inspiratory muscle presents no peculiarities. ‘The anterior belly of the expiratory muscle arises from the vertebral margins of the second and third intercostal spaces and from part of the fourth, and from the posterior edge of the second rib as far as its extremity; from this extensive origin the fibres descend over the lungs, covering the front and anterior part of their lateral walls. The posterior belly resembles that of the Snapper. Dimensions are—length, 4,1. inches; width, 2% inches; elevation, 1,°, inches. In Calemys Mihlenbergii, Ag., the muscles are the same as in guttata. Dimen- sions—length, 3% inches ; width, 22 inches; elevation, 14 inches. In Glyptemys insculpta, Ag., the muscles are the same as in guttata. Dimen- sions—length, 4°; inches ; width, 3,7, inches ; elevation, 1 inches. In the fifth subdivision, Cistudinina, “the body is remarkably short and high, slightly oblong, and almost round. The plastron, which is movable upon itself and upon the carapace, as in the Evemydoidie, is also connected with the carapace by a narrow bridge ; but the feet are very different, the toes, as in the Testudinina, being nearly free of web. Their habits are completely terrestrial.” Of this sub- family we have examined one species, Cistudo Virginea, Ag. The flank spaces in which the inspiratory muscles play are extremely deep, owing to the high carapace. ‘The amount of muscular fibre is relatively greater than in the other turtles, and the central tendon is narrow, and irregularly triangular in shape. The 3 18 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF anterior belly of the expiratory muscle arises from the vertebral margins of the second and third intercostal spaces and from the second rib throughout its length. The posterior belly is like in origin to that of other Emydoide; the muscular fibres are longer, however, and terminate squarely in the tendon, as does also the anterior belly. For convenience of reference, we have thrown into a tabular form the measure- ments and muscular origins of the above genera. SPECIES. Mode of Life. Dimensions in inches. Origin of Respiratory Muscles. NECTEMYDOIDA. : . Ptychemys rugosa. a 4th and 5th vertebre. 4s mobiliensis ; 3d and 4th fs Graptemys geographica | Aquatic. 4 j ; 3d and 4th Malacoclemmys palustris | x 38 | 3d and 4th Chrysemys picta. . . - : 3 | 3d and 4th CLEMMYDOID&. Nanemys guttata : Calemys miihlenbergii . Less aquatic. Glyptemys insculpta CISTUDININ. Cistudo virginea . . .| Terrestrial. 2d and 3d 2d and 3d 2d and 3d 2 bo bo 4 7 o 2d and 3d it) od) A glance at the table will show that in the most aquatic species of Emydoide the origin of the anterior belly of the muscle of expiration is from nearly the middle of the shell; while in the less aquatic and terrestrial genera it is from the forward part, and much more extensive. ‘This arrangement is too uniform to be passed by unnoticed, although our facts are so few that we cannot form any con- clusions as to its generic meaning. Whether the same diversity of origin exists in the genera of other families, and bears a similar relation to their family rank, and also whether this origin is modified during the development of the turtle, we must leave for future inquiry. The neural apparatus of respiration in Chelonians, as in the Mammalia, consists essentially of the nervus vagus supplying the larynx, of spinal nerves distributed to the respiratory muscles of the trunk, and of the medulla oblongata, the common centre through which the synchronous movements of the glottis and of the flanks are incited and controlled. Between the ganglionic enlargements supplying the upper and lower extremities, the spinal cord is attenuated, the nerves coming from this region being restricted, by the existence of a bony thorax, almost entirely to those concerned in the movements of respiration. The disposition of the trunks of these nerves closely resembles that of the intercostalsin man. Escaping from the spinal canal at the intervertebral foramina they traverse the carapace in parallel lines between the ribs, giving off branches from time to time to their appropriate muscles. By dissection and by mechanical irritation of the peripheral end of the cut nerve, exciting contraction of different fibres, we have determined that the fila- ments finally distributed to the expiratory muscle are derived from the first, second and third dorsal nerves for the anterior belly, and from the fifth, sixth and seventh for the posterior belly. The sixth and seventh nerves are also the sources of supply to the muscles of inspiration, the seventh being distributed over the inner or pelvic side, RUSPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 19 and the sixth to those fibres connecting the central tendon and carapace. Section of the medulla spinalis in the cervical region effectually intercepts communication between these nerves and their usual source of excitation. Under these circum- stances the muscles of the trunk remain at rest, although the movements of the glottis indicate that the creature feels the respiratory need. ‘These glottic move- ments continue normal even after the further section of both pneumogastrics. The respiratory nerve of the larynx, the par vagum, emanating from the medulla oblongata, passes out of the cranium at the posterior jugular foramen, and courses down the neck within the sheath of the cervical vessels. Soon after leaving the skull, it gives off the superior laryngeals, and low down in the neck, opposite the aorta, the inferior laryngeal, the two branches that interest us at present. The superior laryngeal (Fig. 4, 6), soon after separating from the parent nerve, approaches the major cornu of the hyoid bone, and under shelter of its pos- terior border, follows it closely to its junction with the body, then winding spirally forwards, it crosses the articulation, and runs along the margin of the excavation in close proximity with the larynx. In this position it gives off three principal branches. Ist. A communicating branch (Fig. 4, 6’); 2d. A branch to the crico-arytenoid, or opening muscle of the glottis (Fig. 4, b'’); and 3d, A branch to the crico-hyoid or Fig. 6. glottic sphincter (Fig. 4, 6’). The communicating Keg branch (Fig. 6) is a relatively large nerve, but has hitherto escaped observation; it is easily brought into view by dividing the trachea and lifting it forwards. It passes beneath the larynx directly from side to side, traversing the membrane of the cricoid fenestrum, about its middle. It is composed of fibres derived in part from each of the superior laryngeal nerves, which cross each — Fig. 6. The intercommunicating other, to be distributed to the glottic muscles of the side nerve seen from Rely eae Les opposite to that from which they originate. This re- De ee eee ee markable nerve, we believe, furnishes the only known _ fenestrum of the cricoid cartilage ; instance in nerve anatomy of an extracranial chiasm. Pe a cee Bl ese Some few filaments penctrate the cricoid membrane, to ’ be distributed to the mucous membrane of the larynx, and are doubtless sensitive fibres. At page 20 of the physiological section, will be found the experiments by which we have determined the function of this intercommunicating nerve. The second and third branches present no peculiarities; they penetrate the muscles and are lost to view. Sometimes, however, they can be seen to divide into three or more filaments before so doing. Fig. 4, ¢—The pneumogastric, before reaching the aorta, gives off a branch, which, winding around the arch, changes its course upwards, and soon divides into two nerves; one crossing the neck enters the cesophageal tissue—the other, the recurrent laryngeal (Fig. 4, ¢), joins the trachea, and, in close contact with its side, follows it to the larynx, and enters the crico-arytenoid muscle. There are no fibres from the recurrent distributed to the crico-hyoid directly, or indirectly through communication with the superior laryngeal. 20 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF CALA Par ne ele "Tun preceding chapter has been altogether taken up with anatomical descriptions of the respiratory organs and their appendages. So much that was new was met with during our dissections, that it was thought better to separate the description of the anatomy from the physiological statements. We have thus the physiology of the respiratory organs still to describe, and this can now be done without repeating any more of the anatomical detail than is necessary to enable the reader to comprehend the actions of the organs concerned. ; The history of the theories entertained as to the nature of the respiratory motions in turtles, appears to us one of the most extraordinary in the records of science. Totally misunderstood by the earlier naturalists and biologists, or con- founded as to type with the respiration of Batrachians, this function in turtles was first rightly comprehended, at least to some extent, by R. Townson in the latter part of the last century. How far he went, and how far he was correct, we shall more fully point out in another place. ‘The authority of more eminent naturalists, and an obstinate disposition to associate the turtle with the frog, and to insist on similarity as to the execution of their functions, gradually drew attention from Townson’s statement, and more modern authors have paid it no deference what- ever; yet, as we shall distinctly show, all the later writers are utterly wrong, and his opinions as to the facts in question are thus far the only ones which seem to be correct. In reading his very ingenious essay, which we have elsewhere quoted at length, p. 2, it is hard to see how the statements and evidence could have failed of more respectful and permanent attention. A complete review of the theories enter- tained in regard to the respiratory function in Chelonian reptiles, will more fully illustrate the above remarks. As early as 1719, Malpighi' described the respiration of turtles as similar to that of frogs. Both alike were supposed to distend the lungs by swallowing air, so that, in place of air being drawn into the lung-sacs, it was forced into them by the movements of parts above the trachea; but while in the frog this was effected plainly through the aid of the bellows-like mouth, in the turtles their vast hyoid apparatus was by some supposed to constitute a forcing pump of similar purpose and nature. ‘The authors of Malpighi’s era shared these opinions, and with the one notable exception above mentioned, they have stood almost uncontradicted up to the date of a paper by one of the authors of the present essay. 1 Adversaria Anatomica, t. vy Animady, 29. RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 9] The latest and best work on comparative anatomy and physiology’ thus describes its author’s conclusions as to this subject: “C’est aussi par des mouve- ments de déglutition que la majeure partie de Yair inspiré est poussée dans les poumons chez les tortues; mais ici ce mode de respiration est nécessité par une disposition organique inverse de celle que je viens de signaler chez les Batraciens.” M. Edwards then proceeds to point out the rigid form of the turtle’s frame, the absence of mobile ribs, and the consequent necessity for the belief that the lungs in these animals cannot be dilated from without, as occurs in mammals. The same opinion is held by nearly all writers at the present time; but some, in place of describing the process as one of deglutition, effected alone by muscles on the floor of the mouth, regard the hyoid apparatus as the true forcing pump concerned in propelling air into the interior. Thus, T. Rymer Jones,” after describing the fixity of the bones of the chest in turtles, adds, that ‘under these circumstances, as a compensation for the want of mobility in the chest, the os hyoides and the mus- cles of the throat are converted into a kind of bellows, by which the air is forced mechanically into the lungs, and they are thus distended at pleasure.” In fact, the submaxillary space with the hyoid arches, are in continual motion in turtles, and this movement precisely resembles the like action in frogs; but while in these latter it is really a respiratory act, in turtles, as we shall show, it has other purposes, and, while it has deceived observers, may be proved to have no influence of any moment in carrying on the breathing process. Muller’ gives a like account, and adds, that expiration is effected by means of muscles between the lower shield or plastron, and the posterior extremities. Carpenter‘ has a brief description of the respiration in chelonia, which corresponds to the general opinion already quoted above. Prof, Agassiz’s description’ being one of the latest, and certainly one of the most authoritative statements, we quote in full, to complete our history of the generally received ideas as to the mechanism of chelonian respiration. «Here, again, we meet with a very striking ordinal character. The turtles swallow the air they breathe. The breast box, which includes the lungs, being immovable, a respiration like that of the other reptiles, the birds, and mammalia, performed by the expansion and compression of the breast box, and consequently of the lungs, is impossible. Owing to the peculiar structure of their trunk, breath- ing is therefore only possible for turtles, by a pressure of the air from the mouth down into the lungs; but though we are persuaded that this swallowing of the air constitutes the main act in the process of breathing, still we are inclined to believe, against the opinion of other anatomists, that the diaphragm, which in turtles is very much developed, and attached to the lungs, takes also its part in that act. Moreover, the muscles of the shoulder and of the pelvic region may assist in that 1 Milne Edwards, Lecons sur la Physiologie et Anatomie comparée de l’Homme et des Animaux, t. deuxieme, deuxitme partie, p. 387. 1858. Paris. 2 The General Structure of the Animal Kingdom, p. 567. 8 Physiology—London translation, p. 360, vol. ii. * Gen. and Comp. Phys., p. 493. 5 Gontributions to the Natural History of the United States, vol. i. p. 281. y ANATOMY AND Py STO OGYe Or operation, either. by immediately compressing the lungs, which generally extend in turtles from one end of the trunk to the other, or by pressing the bowels against them. “The act of swallowing the air is chiefly performed by the apparatus of the tongue-bone, and the tongue itself, which, by its large size, facilitates the operation. Being drawn backwards and upwards, this organ shuts up the choanne, and at the same time opens the slit of the windpipe, situated just at its base, thus giving to the air a passage into the windpipe, and at the same time preventing its entrance through the choanne into the nose. In this way, the tongue takes the place, in a certain sense, of the velum palatinum of the higher vereuintal which is wanting in turtles. After the air has passed into the windpipe, the tongue is drawn for- wards, and thus the longitudinal glottis is again closed, while now the choanne are again opened to a free communication with the cavity of the mouth.” Professor Agassiz adds, in a following note :— “We find the same mode of breathing in the class of Batrachians, but for an : entirely different reason, namely, an account of the absence of ribs.” Also. “The existence of a diaphragm is erroneously denied to turtles by Dumeril and Bibron, Erpétologie générale, 1, p. 175.” In the above description, Prof. Agassiz exhibits some doubt as to the correctness of received views on this subject, and speaks of the musculus diaphragmaticus (Bojanus) as having something to do with the act of respiration, which he thinks may also be aided by other muscular parts, as those concerned in locomotion, and by certain pelvic muscles which he does not specify by name. We shall show as we proceed that, although the muscle covering the lungs may be homologous with the diaphragm of mammals, it is really a muscle of expiration, and therefore not analogous to the diaphragm when regarded from a physiological stand-point. Except for the purpose of completing this brief history of opinions held now or abandoned, it is only requisite to allude to the views of Perault, who attributed the inspiratory act to the elasticity of the lungs, and the expiratory motion to muscles of which, he says naively, the turtle has an abundance. M. 'Tauvry, whose views Milne Edwards partially indorses, attributed the whole respiratory act to the changes in the capacity of the chest, caused during locamotion, by the advance of the head and limbs from and their retraction within the carapace. M. Haro! sup- ports the same views, but, although both are successful in showing that these movements may alter the capacity of the chest-box, and thus under some circum- stances modify respiration, neither has proved that respiration relies for its continued occurrence upon these motions, nor would such a supposition be entertained for a moment by any one who surveyed the mechanical conditions which are effective in carrying on respiration in other animals. That the locomotive movements may, and perhaps do at times modify the respiratory process, may be taken for granted. That other agents are constantly employed in this function is not less clear, nor shall we have any difficulty in disproving M. Haro’s theory by unanswerable facts. + Mem. sur le respiration des Grenouilles, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 2 serie, t. xviii. p. 48. RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 93 The author to whom we have alluded as the only one who has approached to a clear comprehension of the true mechanism of respiration in turtles is Robert 'Town- son, LL. D.! The anatomy of the respiratory muscles of the breast-box is described by this author, as we have elsewhere shown, with much correctness. His statement as to the mechanism of the movements of the chest and belly muscles in breathing are, also, remarkably truthful, and are approached in this particular by those of no other or later authors. He came to the conclusion, as we have seen, p. 6, that the turtle and frog do not breathe alike, but that while the latter forces air into the lungs, the former possesses a type of respiratory movement closely analogous to that of the mammal. He described an inspiratory muscle in the posterior flanks, and an expiratory muscle covering the back of each lung, and attached to a broad tendinous expan- sion, running forward, to be inserted in front on the carapace, above the lung. To do full justice to this most ingenious and neglected observer, we have quoted, in connection with the anatomy of our subject, the experiments, by means of which he proved that turtles do not force air into the lings, p. 6, and by which he also showed that they draw the air into the chest, by muscles attached to the breast-box, and expel it through the aid of the expiratory muscle covering the posterior end of the lung. Considering the period at which he wrote, nothing could be clearer than the above statement, and we are amazed, that its obvious truth should have so long escaped recognition. In the summer of 1861, one of us, Dr. Weir Mitchell, while engaged in studying the blood-pressure in the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina, became convinced that the prevailing views as to the respiratory mechanism of Chelonian reptiles were totally incorrect. Accordingly he partially studied the subject, and incident- ally embodied his opinions in an essay upon the blood-pressure in the snapping turtle.2. At the time referred to, Dr. Mitchell was unacquainted with Townson’s researches. The views of Dr. Mitchell, and the experiments by which he supported them, will be found scattered through the text of the present essay, of which, indeed, they form the basis. In the summer of 1862, the present authors took up anew the study of the respiration in turtles, and have endeavored to render it as complete as possible. In so doing they have been fortunate enough to carry the subject far beyond the crude experiments of Townson, and to discover anatomical and physiolo- gical facts of the utmost interest and novelty, which have hitherto escaped attention. To facilitate the comprehension of the subject, we shall divide the physiological part of this essay in the following manner :— 1st. The externally visible phenomena of respiration. 2d. Physiology of the muscles of respiration. 3d. Physiology of the respiratory nerves. 1 Tracts and Observations in Natural History in Physiology. London, 1799. Cuvier’s views and his criticism of Townson may be found appended to the full quotation of Townson’s dissertation, at p. 6 of this essay. 2 American Phil. Trans., Phil. 1862. DA ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF When a turtle of any kind is observed with care, it will be seen that it breathes at very irregular intervals. ‘These are much prolonged when it is in the water, and half an hour or more may elapse before it rises to the top, to take two or three respirations, preparatory to a second plunge. When, during summer weather, the snapping turtle was placed on a table, and observed in air, its respiration averaged one to every two minutes and a half, although certain individuals breathed more rarely, and all irregularly. The box turtle breathes still less frequently. A large snapper observed for some time, gave the following record:-—Ten respirations were noted with the intervals between them, which were as follows:—1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2, 4 minutes respectively. In another the respirations during an hour were at almost perfectly regular intervals of two minutes. The size of the turtles did not seem to bear any notable relation to the number of respirations per minute. During the respiratory act in the snapping turtle, C. serpentina, the box turtle Cistudo Virginea, the green turtle Chel. mydas, and several Emyde, we have noticed carefully the exact details of the motions of the various parts. The head and neck, the flank spaces in front of and behind the limbs, these themselves, and the mouth, glottis, and hyoid apparatus, have been scrutinized with care in hundreds of instances, and with these results. Turtles breathe easily with the mouth open or shut. This fact alone deprives their respiration of all resemblance to that of Batrachians. The respiratory process is threefold, and consists of— 1. Complete expiration. 2. Complete and very full inspiration. 3. An appearance of slight, or partial expiration, followed by a pause of greater or less duration. During the period which precedes this series of movements, the turtle being at rest, the spaces between the posterior members and the plastron and carapace are nearly level, or only a little concave. The shoulders are pushed forward somewhat, the lungs being full at this time, while the large hyoid apparatus is usually dilated or drawn backwards and downwards. Sometimes it is in continual motion, like that of the frog when breathing, but in the turtle this rise and fall of the hyoid arches has no essential connection with that function. When, during the inter-respiratory pause, we open the jaws the same move- ments of the hyoid apparatus may still be seen, nor is it easy at these times to assign to them any very obvious purpose. ‘The glottis may be seen at rest, as a linear slit, Fig. 7, A, in the centre of an ovoidal slightly elevated mound, just back of the tongue, on the floor of the mouth. The first respiratory act is one of expi- ration. Whether the mouth be opened for observation or not, the following move- ments oceur: The hyoid apparatus descends and broadens laterally especially at its posterior part, carrying the glottis back and a little down. The object of this action we suppose to be, the separation of the glottis from contact with the roof of the mouth, in order that the air may the more readily enter it after passing through the nares. At the moment of beginning to expire the glottis opens wide, so as to form a rhombic figure (Fig. 7, B.) It remains thus until the whole respiratory act is completed. Meanwhile, during expiration the limbs fall in towards the shell RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 95 quite passively, and the flank spaces in front of the posterior limbs sink so as to present deeply concave surfaces. A Fig. T. B Fig. 7, A. The glottis closed.—a a’, the line formed by the glottic Fig. 7, B. The appearance of the glottis lips when the animal is not breathing; 6, the prominent during respiration.—a, right glottio central part of the glottic lips, indicating the summit of the lip; b, rima glottidis ; c, extremity of arytenoid cartilage; c, tongue; d, lower jaw. the hyoid bone. A full inspiration instantly follows. The flank spaces become flat and tense, rising to a level. The glottis remains open. ‘The hyoid arches advance, and at the close of the inspiration the shoulders are pushed passively forward. As soon as the lungs are completely filled, a very slight expiration relieves them of the surplus air, the flank spaces sinking a little, the hyoid arch at rest, the glottis closing at the end of the expiration, The final action here described appears to be due to the cessation of activity on the part of the inspiratory muscles and to the passive falling in of the limbs displaced during their contraction. The lungs are thus left full of air, and ready for the next act of respiration. Whenever a turtle in air breathes, these triple actions occur, but when under water it occa- sionally expires air, and does not rise to renew the supply until some time has passed by. Type of respiration in Chelonia.—We are now prepared to examine the subject from another point of view. A superficial observer, or one who accepts the present belief, sees in the motions of the hyoid arches a movement in appearance corres- ponding to the respiratory play of the floor of the frog’s mouth. Yet the slightest anatomical examination should have shown that, while in the frog the nostrils have valves essential to their mode of breathing, in the turtle there are none, while the form of the horny lips in the latter animal renders it impossible to make the mouth so air-tight as to act the part of a chamber in the supposed process of pumping air into the lungs. On the other hand, the laryngeal cavity is also too small to act asa chamber, nor does the hyoid arch, in its descent, enlarge the laryngeal area. When, at the beginning of this research, one of us observed the turtle (snapper) breathing with an open mouth, while watching a chance to bite, he was at once convinced that the agents of respiratory movement were below the trachea, and the 4 26 ANATOMY AND PHY STOMOGH OF following very simple experiments converted this conviction into the most absolute certainty-—a certainty which every future step served but to illustrate from new points of view. On page 77 of the memoir of Dr. Weir Mitchell, previously cited, are to be found the experiments above alluded to. ‘The trachea of a large snapping turtle was cut across, after which breathing went on at the usual rate, or more often, owing to causes presently to be mentioned. Next, a bent glass tube, two millimetres in width, was adapted to the upper or outer end of the divided trachea, and allowed to dip into water. If the breathing power resided in the hyoid arches, larynx, and mouth, the water in the tube should have been forced downwards during inspiration, but, although respiration continued, the fluid moved at this time. only about one millimetre, and even this was plainly due to the motion of opening and closing the glottic lips, which occurs synchronously with the respiratory movements in the breast-box. The same bent tube was next adapted securely to the lower end of the divided trachea, and again dipped into water as before. At each subsequent inspiration the water was forcibly and largely drawn up into the lung, and again rejected during expiration. After this no doubt could exist as to the locality in which arose the mechanical force productive of respiration. With this convincing proof the subject was laid aside for the future and more thorough investigation, of which this essay is the record. Function of the respiratory muscles of the Turile-—A large snapping turtle was secured on its back, and an incision made over the flank space, between the pos- terior limb and the plastron and carapace. The skin and superficial fascia were then carefully removed so as to expose the whole muscle which fills this space, and which has already been fully described. When inspiration took place, the muscle contracted, and as it is possessed of a central tendon from which radiate fibres in all directions, the result of their shortening was to convert its previous deeply concave surface into one which was nearly level, while at the same time the air rushed through the open glottis into the lung. The analogy between this muscle and the diaphragm of mammals was abso- lutely perfect. The central tendon, the converging muscular fibres, and the form of movement resulting from this beautiful arrangement, all united to suggest the resemblance, The inspiratory function of this muscle was palpably evident, nor could any other office be possibly assigned to it, because it was attached to no movable bone or other parts susceptible of motion. Repeated galvanization of this muscle served further to demonstrate its purpose. Finally, the muscles on both sides were removed, when all inspiratory power was lost. The turtle could empty its lungs, but possessed no power to fill them anew. The muscles engaged in expiration were next made the subject of study. At first we were led to believe, that the elastic contractility of the lungs might alone suffice to empty them, but this was opposed to all physiological analogy, and the power with which expiration occurred was too great to allow us to suppose that no muscular force intervened for its production. To examine this part of the subject, a turtle (snapper) was secured, as usual, and RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. af the plastron removed, with the exception of a rim at the back and on each side, to which remained attached the fibres of the inspiratory muscles. After a few minutes the turtle expired the air in the lung. During this action, the fascia covering the lungs below, and lying between the peritoneum and the plastron, was observed to be- come tense, owing to the contraction of the two sheets of muscle, which terminate this tendon anteriorly and posteriorly, and find origin in the carapace. Recalling the full anatomical description already given, it will be remembered, that the lungs and abdominal viscera are covered outside of, and below the peri- toneal sac, by a white membranous tendon, which extends across the middle line, and is firmly attached to the pericardium, as well as by firm areolar tissue to the central line of the plastron or lower shell. The muscular bellies arising from this covering tendon, fold over the lung in front and behind. Opposite to the inspiratory muscles are also areolar fibres, binding its tendon to the fascia of the expiratory muscle above it. When the four bellies of this muscle, or muscles contract, the lungs are acted upon directly, or by being compressed through the medium of the other viscera which are, so to speak, grasped during this powerful movement. At the same time, the passive inspiratory muscles are drawn up with the retreating lungs, owing to the pressure of the external air, and to the close union between the two sets of antagonistic muscles. Although the pericardium is also fastened to the expiratory tendon, this sac is so firmly bound to the plastron below it, that it does not appear to be disturbed during expiration, unless the connecting fibres are divided, in which case the heart sac and its contents are strongly drawn from the plastron, as the air is expired from the lung. As in the case of the inspiratory muscle, the expiratory muscle was also tested by observing its action when exposed in the living animal, and by galvanizing its fibres. The purpose of this singular sheet of muscle and connecting tendon admits then of no doubt. Aided by the elasticity of the lung, it empties that viscus of air, and no other muscle appears to lend it any aid. The third period of respiratory movement is marked by the closure of the glottis, and by the relaxation of the muscle of inspiration, the limbs then settling passively to their new positions. Hence the general appearance of a slight expiration at the end of the inspiratory act. It is impossible to review this account of the respiration in chelonians, without being struck with the simplicity of the plan. A box containing all the viscera of the chest and belly has an open space on each side, filled by a muscle of peculiar form, whose contraction increases the size of the visceral cavity, and thus causes air to rush into it. Within the breast-box, the lungs and visceral mass embraced by a single muscle, obey its contraction in effecting expiration, and as the visceral cavity thus becomes smaller, the inspiratory flank muscles curve in to fill the gap. After the most careful investigation, we can discover no other respiratory muscles within the breast-box. 5 The muscular apparatus of the glottis is equally simple. There is a muscle to open it, and another muscle to close it. Here, as in the rest of this portion of our essay, we shall not commit ourselves by names, which, although they may recognize homologies, confuse the reader, who has sometimes to bear in mind that their a8 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF 4) functions may be exactly the reverse of those of the human muscle whose name they carry. ‘The two glottic muscles have already been fully described; when both are cut away or paralyzed, by section of their nerves, the glottis still closes, owing to the elasticity of its cartilages, but it does not shut firmly, and if the lungs be previously filled with air, a large part always escapes. Under ordinary circumstances, the glottic lips are closely pressed together by the sphincter-like muscle which we have described and figured. ‘The mass of its fibres lie below the opening muscle, and are parallel to the direction of the glottic lip, while its connections are principally at the anterior and posterior end of the glottic line. When contracted, as it always is more or less strongly during the interval between two respirations, it would tend to pucker the glottis somewhat, if it were not that the anterior and posterior insertion are firmly fixed, by the parts in front of and behind them respectively, Thus attached, the only influence it can exert, is to close the glottis whose lips stiffened by the arytenoid cartilages facilitate the process. The opening muscle lies outside of the closing muscle, nearly at right angles to it, and immediately under the mucous membrane of the glottic mound. At the moment when expiration begins the respiratory act, this opening muscle contracts so as to draw the glottic lips wide open and permit the air to escape. Then fol- lows a full inspiration, the glottis still open, and lastly it is closed by the constrictor muscle just after the great flank muscles of inspiration cease to act. The downward movement of the hyoid arches is effected by the omo-hyoid and other muscles of the neck. It appears to be intended to remove the glottis from contact with the roof of the mouth during the act of respiration. The upward motion of the hyoid apparatus is produced by a thin sheet of muscular fibres spread transversely across it and over the whole upper part of the neck. The function of all of the above muscles was determined by simple observation, by stimulating them directly, and by irritating their nerves. The necessity for closing the glottis firmly in these animals becomes obvious, when we reflect, that not only must they be enabled to retain the air, but when under water be competent to exclude that fluid from the hings. In fact, when we divide the trachea, or in any way paralyze the glottic muscles, the power of retain- ing air in the lungs is totally lost for a time. ‘The moment the respiratory muscles cease to act, the elasticity of the mg asserts itself, and that viscus is immediately emptied. After a day or two, however, a curious change may be noticed; the turtle breathes as usual, but in place of allowing the air to escape through the open trachea, the animal holds the inspiratory muscle contracted, and thus retains the air in the lung a considerable time after each inspiration, ‘There seems to be some urgent necessity for thus holding the air a long time in the lung, and perhaps for keeping the lung distended. The instinctive provision for these purposes when the usual means fail, is well worthy of note. As we proceed with the study of the laryngeal nerves, we shall have further occasion to observe the great importance of the glottis, and to wonder at the singular means to which creative power has resorted, in order to secure the orifice from the ordinary chances of accident and disease. The physiology of the nerves of respiration in turtles has been the subject of RHSPIRATION IN THE CHELONTA. 29 our most careful and complete study. So noyel and surprising were some of its results that we have felt it right to surround ourselves with more than common precautions. For this purpose we have repeated our experiments and dissections on several species of turtles, and on numerous individuals of each species, until incessant repetition left no question unanswered, and no conclusion doubtful. We shall study, Ist. The physiology of the pneumogastric nerve and its branches, so far as they concern the respiratory function. 2d. The physiology of the nerves which supply the respiratory muscles of the breast-box. For all necessary details as to the anatomy of the vagus nerve and its branches we refer to the former part of this memoir. Here it will only be requisite to repeat that, as in most mammals, the larynx receives a superior laryngeal nerve, and an inferior or recurrent laryngeal trunk. ‘The superior, which in man is the nerve of sensation to the larynx, is in turtles distributed to the mucous membrane of that organ, and also to both of the glottic muscles. The recur- rent laryngeal, which in man is the principal motor nerve to the larynx and glottis, is in turtles also motor, but it sends branches only to the opening muscle. The remaining peculiarities will be better understood as we proceed to state in sequence the experiments which led to their discovery. Experiment.—A large turtle (snapper) was secured on its back, its mouth held open. It breathed well at intervals of two minutes or more. ‘The recurrent nerves were exposed and galvanized at the middle third of the trachea. Invitation by this agent and by mechanical means, caused the lips of the glottis to open, although not very freely. The two nerves were then divided, and the trachea cut across. The glottic movements continued perfect, and were synchronous with the respiratory motions of the breast-box. ‘The muscles of the right side over the hyoid apparatus were then removed, the covering fascia beneath them dissected off, and the superior laryngeal nerve discovered lying under the shelter of the superior hyoid wing. Irritation of this nerve or its fellow on the opposite side caused the outer edge of the glottic lips to open, while the inner edge appeared to be forcibly closed at the same time. On cutting the nerves across, and stimulating the peripheral ends, like results were observed. The left superior laryngeal nerve being intact, galvanization of the centric end of the divided nerve on the right side caused first, closure of the inner lips and opening of the outer lips of the glottis; and second, violent and general muscular movements and winking, apparently expressive of acute pain. Finally the left superior laryngeal nerve was divided, when complete paralysis of the glottis ensued. Order of section, and results :— 1. Section of both inferior laryngeal nerves, causing glottis to open; glottic movements perfect after section. 2. Cut right superior laryngeal nerve, causing glottis to open superficially and to close below ; galvanization of outer end of nerve caused same result; galvanization of centric end gave signs of sensibility and reflex closure of glottis, and opening of its outer lips. 3\ ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF 3. Section of left superior laryngeal nerve ; complete paralysis of glottis. Experiment.—A small snapper was secured as usual, and the hyoid apparatus separated from the lower jaw and tumed up for convenience of observing glottis. We then cut subcutaneously the left superior laryngeal nerve, causing motion in the glottic lips. This section slightly lessened the power to move the glottic lips on the side cut. We next divided, in like manner, the right superior laryngeal nerve. The power to open the glottis remained but little impaired, but the air could no longer be retained in the lungs. Respiration went on as usual, but when inspira- tion was complete and the muscles relaxed, the glottic lips fell together by virtue of their own elasticity, although this seemed insufficient to balance the contractile force of the expanded lung, whose contents therefore escaped. Then followed renewed inspiratory efforts, necessitated by the loss of power to close the glottis, until the animal learned to hold the air in its lungs by keeping tense, for a time, the flank muscles of inspiration. ‘The left and right inferior laryngeal nerves having next been divided, entire paralysis of the glottis ensued, the flaccid lips falling together valve-like when efforts were made to inhale air, while, if air was blown into the lungs, it escaped without difficulty. Order of section, and results :— Glottic lips convulsed by section. Section of left superior laryngeal. { Loss of power to close Section of right superior laryngeal. as + glottis firmly. Section of both recurrent laryngeals. Complete paralysis of glottis; loss of power to open glottis. The above experiments, repeated upwards of twelve times on the Chrysemys picta, the Cistudo virginea, the Chelonia mydas, and the Chelydra serpentina, left no doubt in our minds as to the functions of the two laryngeal nerves in turtles. Careful dissections enabled us moreover to trace these nerves so as to show that, while the inferior laryngeal is distributed only to the opening muscle of the larynx, the superior laryngeal sends branches to both the dilating and the constricting muscles. This anatomical arrangement explained to us some of the difficulties which we had encountered while testing the function of the muscles by means of irritants applied to the nerves. Thus, when the upper nerves were irritated, the glottis opened at the outer lip and closed within, because the irritant necessarily acted both on the nerve fibres of the closing and of the opening muscles. Again, when the lower nerve, inferior laryngeal, was galvanized, it caused the lips of the glottis to open, but not freely, because the motion of the lips seemed to act reflectively as a cause of irritation through the mucous branches of the superior laryngeal on to its nerve centres, and thence by its motor fibres upon the opponent closing muscles. When, however, the superior laryngeal nerves were cut, the closing power was abolished, and then, irritation of the inferior nerves produced more perfect dilata- tion of the glottic chink. We have thus determined by every necessary means that the superior laryngeal nerves in turtles are the nerves of sensibility for the mucous membrane of the larynx and glottis. ‘That they are the motor nerves of RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 831 all the true glottic muscles, and enjoy thus the ability to open and to close this orifice, and that the inferior laryngeal nerves are the motor nerves of the dilating muscles only, and have not sensibility or power to close the glottis. What then is the reason of this double distribution of two nerves to one muscle? Upon this question we shall presently return. It seems highly probable that both nerves usually act at once to open the glottis, since galvanization of either set of nerves does not fully effect this end, while, when both sets of nerves are stimulated, the glottis opens wide. The distribution and functions of the two laryngeal nerves in turtles are thus seen to be totally different from what we see in mammals. In them, as we need only to remind the reader, the superior laryngeal is a nerve of sensation chiefly, and although it possesses also a motor filament, this, in man at least, is distributed to a muscle, the crico-thyroid, which has neither homologue nor analogue in chelonian reptiles. In mammals the inferior laryngeal is, as in the turtle, a motor nerve, but it supplies alike the dilating and the closing muscles of the glottis. On reference to the anatomical part of this essay, it will be seen that the hypo- glossal nerve lies close to the track of the superior laryngeal nerve, and might readily be confounded with it, when the intention is to find and divide the latter alone. The nerve in question supplies muscular branches to the tongue only. Thus far the physiology of the glottic nerves in turtles, although determined for the first time, and shown to present points of great interest and novelty, has not exhibited any peculiarity so exceptional as that to which we shall now direct attention. ; This was brought to our notice while further pursuing the study of the functions of the glottic nerves. ‘The mode in which it was first suspected, then discovered, and finally set in clear light by every available means, will be best set forth in the following record of our experiments and inferences, in the order in which they occurred. Experiment.—A small snapper, one and a half pounds in weight, was secured as usual. Its respiratory acts observed to be perfect, and the two inferior laryngeal nerves divided one after the other, causing twitching of the glottic lips. After this the glottis still opened and shut as before, and, indeed, equally as well. It was plain, as we have already seen, that the superior laryngeal nerves could open and shut the glottis without other aid. Next, the right superior laryngeal nerve was cut at the middle of the upper hyoid cornu, and the glottis was carefully observed. The section caused twitching of the glottic lip, and at the next respiration, to our great surprise, both sides of the glottis, the right as well as the left, opened equally well. In fact there was no difference. A close inspection satisfied us that the section of the nerve was complete. If now we recall the facts, that the glottis of both sides was moving despite the section of both recurrents and one superior laryngeal nerve, it will be seen how mysterious this must have appeared to those who first observed it. We came to the conclusion either that there existed some mechanical arrangement of the glottis and its muscles, which enabled one side, while in motion, to communicate that movement to the other, or, that there was a direct nerve communication between 32 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF the right and left superior nerves of the larynx. ‘The first hypothesis was unsup- ported by anything that we knew of the parts. ‘Ihe second seemed unlikely, since on reflection we could recall no instance of a true chiasm of any nerves except those of sight. We hastened to examine the question by new experiments. Experiment.—Snapper, weight two pounds. We exposed and galvanized the left inferior laryngeal nerve, thus causing both lips of the glottis to open. The same result was obtained with the right nerve. ‘This fact, observed by us in other cases, was soon found to be due to the difficulty of insulating the current in one nerve. When, however, we made use of mechanical irritants, stimulation of one nerve affected only the glottic lips of the same side. The right inferior laryngeal nerve was then cut, and immediately afterwards the right superior laryngeal nerve. The glottis still moved as well as before these sections. Next, we cut the left recurrent (inferior laryngeal nerve), thus leaving the left superior laryngeal the only nerve entire. Nevertheless, the glottic lips on both sides opened and shut, as well and as completely as ever. Lastly, we cut this remaining nerve, causing total paralysis of the glottis, and the usual results as to respiration. Order of section, and results :-— Ist. Cut right recurrent nerve (inferior laryngeal) and rig t superior laryngeal nerve; glottis continues to move perfectly on both sides. 2d. Cut left recurrent (left inferior laryngeal); glottic action perfect on both sides, 3d. Cut left superior laryngeal nerve ; total paralysis of glottis. Experiment.—Snapping turtle, weight three and a half pounds. We dissected the hyoid apparatus from its connection with the lower jaw, and held it back, thus freely exposing to view the chink of the glottis. Up to this time we had reached the conclusion, that somewhere on the fenestrum in the cricoid cartilage there might be a branch of communication between the two superior laryngeal nerves of the larynx. ‘Therefore, on the turtle prepared as above described, we made an incision on to the fenestral membrane, between the larynx and the hyoid bone, opposite to the junction of the superior cornu with this bone. The section made a little to the left of the median line caused slight twitching in the glottic muscles, but had no influence on the respiratory motions of the glottis. The two inferior laryngeal nerves were next divided, and still the glottis moved as perfectly as before. The left superior laryngeal nerve was divided at the middle of the upper hyoid cornu, and immediately all motion of the left side of the glottis ceased, the right side moving during respiration as usual, although somewhat feebly, owing perhaps to loss of blood during the first part of the experiment. Section of the right superior laryngeal nerve completed the paralysis of the glottis. Order of section, and results :— Ist. Section through supposed site of communicating nerve; no effect as to respiratory movements. 2d. Section of both inferior laryngeal nerves ; no further effect of any permanent nature. 3d. Section of left superior laryngeal nerve ; paralysis of left glottic lip. 4th. Section of right superior laryngeal nerve; complete paralysis of glottis RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 33 The above experiments led us, irresistibly, to the conclusion, that there must be a chiasm of the two superior laryngeal nerves, and it only remained to prove, with the scalpel, the presence of this branch. A careful series of dissections on large turtles of various species and genera, satisfactorily proved that we were not mis- taken, In every case the nerve was readily found, and the physiological prediction as to its existence verified in the most absolute manner, The discovery of a new nerve in turtles, and upon ground oyer which the accurate knife of Bojanus had passed, called for a still more rigorous testing of our previous results. For this purpose the following experiments were made. 'The first of this second series is of unusual value, owing to circumstances which arose incidentally. Experiment.—Snapping turtle, weight nineteen and three-quarter pounds. We cut down on the middle line of the hyoid bone and divided it throughout its length with a hair-saw and nippers. When this operation is done with care, it exposes to the operator enough of the cricoid fenestrum to enable him to cut the communicating nerve at its central part. Next, both recurrent nerves were divided at the middle of their course. The section, and after stimulation of the right nerve, had no effect on the glottis, which we thought singular. Section of the right superior laryngeal nerve was satisfactorily made as usual, the nerve being readily exposed and divided. ‘To our surprise, the right glottic lip became paralyzed almost totally, the left side moving in respiration as usual. This result was opposed to all our former experiments, After a rigid examination of the conditions of this last experiment, and finding in them no explanation of the contradiction which it offered, we dissected, with scrupulous care, the whole track of the pneumogastric nerve and its branches to the larynx, as well as that organ itself. The following appear- ances were noted: On the left mucous lip of the glottis, a small white patch of diseased tissue. The inner end of the right upper hyoid cornu was enlarged to double its normal size; thus of necessity stretching the right superior laryngeal nerve where it crosses the cornu at its inner end. On the left side the superior laryngeal nerve was perfect up to the point at which it gave off the interlateral communicating branch. This latter nerve, lying on the cricoid fenestrum, was involved in a mass of diseased tissue, which extended between the trachea and the body of the hyoid bone, from its lower part to a point about one-quarter of an inch above the fenestrum, This disease, doubtless, affected the communicating branch, so as to cause partial paralysis of the right glottic lip to follow section of the corresponding superior laryngeal nerve. Had the interlateral branch been completely destroyed, section of one laryngeal nerve must have produced entire paralysis of the glottic lip on the side operated upon. This observation, which at first promised to cast doubt upon those which preceded it, thus proved at last the most conclusive evidence of the correctness of the view to which we had arrived. An accident of disease or injury had so altered the communication between the two superior nerves of the larynx, as to make unneces- sary the section, which would under ordinary circumstances have followed as the third step in the experiment. 5 34 ANATOMY.AND PHYSIOLOGY OF Experiment.—This experiment was designed to be a repetition of the plan of the last one, but in dividing the hyoid bone to reach the nerve at the middle line, the saw, accidentally carried too deep, touched the membrane on which runs the nerve. Section of the recurrents followed with the usual negative result. Section of the right superior laryngeal nerve produced paralysis in the right glottic lip. If our former view be correct, then in the present case we must have cut the communi- cating branch with the saw. In the above experiments, the sections and results may be thus stated :— 1. Section of interlateral communication between the two superior laryngeal nerves; glottic respiratory motions as usual. 2. Section of both inferior laryngeal nerves; glottic respiratory motions as usual. 3. Section of right superior laryngeal nerve ; paralysis of right lip of glottis. Experiment.—Snapper, weight four pounds. We cut first the two inferior laryn- geals; next we divided the right superior laryngeal. The glottic movements were still perfect. One nerve was sustaining unimpaired the whole ordinary motions of the glottis in respiration. Indeed, the closest scrutiny failed to discover in its action any departure from the condition of health, Lastly, we sawed through the hyoid bone, glottic acts still regular. Then with a hook we lifted the nerve and divided it. Instantly a respiration followed, but the right glottic lip was now motionless. Order of section, and results :— 1. Section of both inferior laryngeal nerves. 2. Section of right superior laryngeal nerve; after which the glottis moved in respiration as usual. 3. Section of median intercommunicating nerve; paralysis of right glottic lip. Experiment.—This turtle had been used for other purposes, and had undergone an hour before section of the middle cervical spine. The respiratory motions of the breast-box had ceased, but at intervals the glottis opened and closed with normal regularity. The trachea was divided, and with it both recurrent laryngeal nerves. Next we cut the interlateral communicating nerve. The glottic acts still remained perfect. Lastly, we exposed the left superior laryngeal nerve, and divided it, causing instant paralysis of the left glottic lip. Order of section, and results :— 1. Section of both recurrent laryngeal nerves. 9. Section of communicating branch; glottic acts perfect. 3. Section of left superior laryngeal nerve; paralysis of left glottic lip. As further illustration, we give in brief the order of section and results in two box-turtles. Experiment. 1. Section of both inferior laryngeal nerves; glottic motion perfect. wo Section of right superior laryngeal nerve; glottic motion perfect. Section of communicating nerve; paralysis of right lip of glottis. Section of left superior laryngeal nerve ; total paralysis of glottis. - se Experiment. 1. Section of communicating nerve. 2. Section of right superior laryngeal; glottic acts perfect, perhaps not closing Ras PPR AGO IN THR ORC EOrN a. 35 firmly on the right side; the right glottic lip now relied alone on the recurrent nerve for opening power. 3. Section of right recurrent (inferior laryngeal nerve); paralysis of right glottic lip. The above stated experiments were repeated very frequently, and always with the like results. If the evidence which we have given be reliable, we have now proved that in turtles there exists a communication between the right and left superior laryngeal nerves, of the nature of a true chiasm precisely like that of the optic nerves, and, so far as we know, the only instance thus far discovered of this anatomical peculiarity in nerves exterior to the great centres. Fig. 8. Fig. 8, Diagram of the chiasm of the superior laryngeal nerves.—qa a’, intercommunicating fibres of the right uerve; JU’, similar fibres from the left nerve. The diagram, Fig. 8, illustrates our views in regard to the track of the nerve fibres. Part of each nerve probably proceeds directly to the two glottic muscles of its own side, while another strand crosses over through the interlateral trunk to be similarly distributed to the two muscles of the opposite side. Keeping this in view, we can now see how one single superior laryngeal nerve may move the glottis on both sides, until the chiasm is divided, when it will be left in connection only with the muscles on its own side of the glottis. Having thus established the fact of a chiasm between the superior glottic nerves, it was requisite to ascertain whether the inferior or recurrent laryngeal nerves entered into communication with the superior nerves, or whether they possessed any similar interlateral connection of their own. Experiment.—Snapper, weight six pounds. We divided first the right and lett superior laryngeal nerves. The glottis opened as usual, but had lost its power to close firmly. Section of the right recurrent which followed, as the next step, produced paraly- sis of the right glottic lip. Galvanization of one recurrent caused opening of only the corresponding lip of the glottis. Repetitions of the above experiment led to no different result. Order of section, and results :— 1. Section of both superior laryngeal nerves; loss of closing power. 36 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF 2. Section of right inferior laryngeal nerve; loss of opening power in right lip of glottis. We inferred from the above stated experiment and the repetitions of it, that no interlateral nerve fibres connected the two inferior laryngeal nerves. Further- more, we failed to discover any branch to which such a function could have been assigned. The object of the very extraordinary and really exceptional arrangements, which we have here pointed out, is not altogether clear. We arrive only at the general conclusion, that the integrity of the glottic function in turtles, appears to have been guarded with unusual care. Why this should be the case in aquatic chelo- nians it is easy to understand, but the necessity for it in terrestrial species seems to us less obvious, yet it is as perfect in the box turtle as in the emyde and chelonure. Perhaps the need for such precautions in all may be due to the fact that all retain the inspired air during long periods, even when on land. Paraly- sis of the closing power of the glottis would allow the air to escape instantly, and would oblige the animal to make repeated and therefore laborious inspiratory efforts. Paralysis of the opening power would insure death from apnea. Hence we have two sets of nerves controlling the opening muscles. One entire set may be destroyed and yet respiration continue. Even one of those remaining, if these be the upper nerves, may be lost, and still the glottis fulfil its entire duty in the train of breathing movements. Thus, also, in regard to the closing power. The elasticity of the glottic lips is one agent, although but a subsidiary one. Then we have the interlateral communication between the two superior laryngeal nerves, which alone can forcibly close the chink of the glottis. By virtue of this true chiasm one of these nerves being injured, the other is ample to effect the normal purpose of both. Nor is it less curious to observe how artfully the whole apparatus has been guarded against accident. The lower or recurrent laryngeal nerves lie alongside of the trachea, sheltered by its projecting form. ‘The superior nerves are protected in their course by the supe- rior hyoid cornu, and the larynx and its singular nervous circle are deeply buried beneath, or rather above the strong bony and cartilaginous body of the hyoid bone. Nature seems to have been lavish of expedients for securing the safety of these most important parts. Before leaving this portion of our subject, it may not be amiss to state that we have made a number of experiments on birds and mammals, to ascertain whether any such chiasm exists in the glottic nerves of these animals. But in all cases section of one motor nerve caused loss of movement in its own side of the larynx, and we therefore conclude that this arrangement does not extend to the classes in question. Whether or not it is to be found in Batrachia and ophidian reptiles, we have not as yet ascertained. The remaining physiology of the pneumogastric nerve in turtles is not less obscure than in other animals. As in these latter, so in turtles, it sends branches to the trachea, lungs and heart. We have cut the nerve in a number of turtles, some of whom survived upwards RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONTA. 37 of a month and then exhibited no marked evidence of diseased lungs. In others, there was occasionally found an abscess at the base of the neck. This pathological occurrence is, however, a common one in turtles caught with the hook, and cannot, with any probability, be supposed to be due to the section of the pneumogastric. The only striking effect of this section was, the constant sensibility which the nerve then exhibited. At the moment of dividing or crushing it, the animal showed every possible evidence of acute pain. Irritation of the centric end of the cut nerve gave rise to like phenomena, while stimulation of the peripheral end caused no such results. A number of careful experiments were made to ascertain whether these irrita- tions of the nerve produced any instant effect, either upon the inspiratory or expiratory muscles of the breast-box. But in no case did the stimulation seem to influence them to movement. Galvanization of the pneumogastric nerve in turtles arrests the heart’s move- ments. Gentle irritation of the trunk causes the heart to beat more rapidly. Sec- tion of one nerve causes the heart to quicken its pulsations. Division of both nerves induces still more rapid action, but in either case the heart, after a few hours, regains its original rate of pulsation. The nerves which supply motor endowments to the internal respiratory muscles need no special illustration here. ‘They are fully described in the anatomical sec- tion of this essay. It only remains to add, that their office and relation to the muscles was tested by stimulating them with galvanism and by dividing them, so as to cause paralysis of the muscles in question. The centre, to which proceed impressions, giving rise therein to respiratory impulses, appears to be, as in other animals, the medulla oblongata. The site of the respiratory ganglions would scarcely have attracted our attention, however, had it not been, that, in the following experiment, a fact was noticed which induced us to examine the question more fully. Experiment.—In a turtle previously used to examine the offices of the laryngeal nerves, and in whom the glottis could still open on one side, we divided the cer- vical spine at its upper third, and continued to watch the respiratory muscles. To our surprise the flank muscles acted at intervals for thirty minutes, but the two sides no longer moved synchronously. At one moment the right muscle contracted, at another the left, and the movements of both were irregular and some- times incomplete. It appeared to us, that these motions after section of the spine might be merely the rhythmic repetition of habitual movements, such as, according to Brown- Séquard, appear sometimes in the diaphragms of mammals even. Long after these muscles in the turtle ceased to move, all the other reflex acts continued, and excepting these, almost every muscle below the point of section could be excited easily to reflex motion; neither was there any longer a synchronism of action between the respiratory muscles of the glottis and those of the breast-box. Experiment.—Turtle, weight six pounds. In this case, also, the cervical spine was divided, but although the reflex activity of most of the parts below the section was remarkable, the respiratory muscles alone failed to respond to excitation of distant 38 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF parts. During the spasm caused by the section of the spine, the expiratory mus- cles, contracting, emptied the lungs, which were not again filled with air. Experiment.—Turtle, weight 4 pounds. The sympathetic nerves on both sides, in this turtle, had been cut several weeks, and the wounds in the neck were nearly healed. The animal seemed well and very active. ‘The cervical spme was divided with little loss of blood. General spasm ensued, the glottis opened, expiration followed, but no after inspiration, and the glottis closed. During an hour no inspi- ration occurred, although the glottis opened and shut at about the usual respiratory intervals. ‘To make more sure of this, the trachea was cut across, the lung fully inflated, and a tube secured in the lower end of the trachea. Through a short caoutchouc tube the trachea was thus connected with Poiseuille’s hemadynamometer, filled to its 0° with mercury ; on turning a stopcock the column rose about two milli- metres, the glottis continuing in repose. Then the glottis opened, but no synchronous contraction of the lung muscles took place; indeed, the slightest must have been indicated instantly by the mercurial column. During frequent repetitions of glottic motion, no correspondent activity was at any time exhibited by the respiratory muscles of the breast-box. It follows, therefore, that while the flank respiratory muscles may after separation from their nerve centres move for a time, as do other habitually rhythmical muscles like the heart, that these motions do not occur in all cases, and that they are plainly not dependent on a respiratory centre below the line of spinal section. 5 ‘The regular movements of the glottis were, as we we have shown, uninterrupted by the section of the cervical spine. The question arose as to the exciting cause of these motions. That they were not due to impulses propagated through the main trunks of the pneumogastric nerves, was shown by their continuance after the successive division of these two nerves below the origin of the glottic nerves. It thus became plain that the medulla must receive its excitations from the head alone, perhaps through the fifth pair of nerves, which acted as afferent trunks, the motor nerves of the larynx completing the nervous circle as efferent branches. Hence the continued action of the glottis after division of the cervical spine. The principal points in the foregoing paper to which we desire to draw attention as novelties are as follows :— 1st. In Chelonians the superior laryngeal nerve is distributed both to the opening and closing muscles of the glottis. 2d. The inferior laryngeal nerve is distributed solely to the opening muscle of the glottis. 3d. A true chiasm exists between the two superior laryngeal nerves. 4th. The expiratory muscle lies within the breast-box, and consists of anterior and posterior bellies connected by a strong tendon continuous across the middle line, and common to both sides of the animal. 5th. The inspiratory muscles occupy the flank spaces on either side. 6th. Inspiration is effected by the contraction of the flank muscles, which in appearance strongly resemble the diaphragms of superior animals. % ith. Expiration is effected by the consentaneous action of the four muscular bellies above described, which thus compress the viscera against the lungs. The RESPIRATION IN THE CHELONIA. 39 act of respiration consists of an expiration and an inspiration, during which the glottis remains open. Sth. The opening of the glottis is effected through the agency of the superior and inferior laryngeal nerves, both of which are distributed to the dilating muscle of the glottis. The superior laryngeal nerve presides over the closure of the glottis, being in part distributed to its sphincter muscle. The elastic contractility of the glottic cartilages aids in closing this orifice. After section of the superior laryngeal nerves, the glottis may still be opened by the agency of the inferior laryngeal nerves, its imperfect closure being then effected by means of the elasticity of its cartilaginous lips. The chiasm of the superior laryngeal nerves enables one of these nerves to open and shut the glottis after section or disease of the opposite nerve and of both inferior laryngeals. Physiologists have therefore been in error when describing the respiration of Chelonians as analogous to that of Batrachians, since it far more closely resembles the breathing of the higher vertebrates. ~ an | ipecibaal crew! > i emtiang # pm a a en mr on: ; oa Wig Seat aq Mee r hie as le T ie heel ml Ps ee stand a : Tet ti beta Sanne. sheet ee ne » ah simile’ ity ohibp sepelarary Or Dy » Ii ei f j 1%) Ral sity eel pbs wea saree aire aw 7 { 4% i how saving ai ali an if oma! 4 f = c ‘he PP yin Tir) ay ycocacugonl Man ; ‘ yy eh 7 Dive adie | 139 aro ce nD Vie up, ae 4 Rhéy ame a + | witern if usvl eiienes pigs “it Jeane ee ae fi bide Mh itt nd dee Be aH Mya mar. - : . oa one pein ea re lens ‘i ye , ini PT _ ; “at |, wenbaeee Gull Late ob > " erp Ae ca : yb bvinie) alle cut) aie | oe ee * 5 said hte Tore pee al lth ot 4 ls wih al oy «ey ae . . Sens . = ' crdi sd) Yh ag . ' Be ia, Gb Vie ' waa . i! i ein § use Sree ' - wb Alm a: wm; 94s. 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