Dana Feil- 2005.SHIS135.pdf Page 1 a ays GAO SOob6 REPT HOLOTYPES OF REPTILES IN THE HERPETOLOGICAL COLLECTION OF THE INSTITUTE OF ECOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICS, CUBA Apa R. CHamizo Lara ,Luis V. MORENO GaRciA & LourDES RODRIGUEZ SCHETTINO Instituto de Ecologia y Sistematica, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Medio Ambiente SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE NO. 135 2005 SIN THSONTEE~ MAR 2.0 2006 LIBRARIES Dana Feil - 2005.SHIS135.pdf_ ‘ s « SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE The first number of the SMITHSONIAN HERPETOLOGICAL INFORMATION SERVICE series appeared in 1968. SHIS number 1 was a list of herpetologica! publications arising from within or through the Smithsonian Institution and its collections entity, the United States National Museum (USNM). The latter exists now as little more than an occasional title for the registration activities of the National Museum of Natural History. No. 1 was prepared and printed by J. A. Peters, then Curator-in-Charge of the Division of Amphibians & Reptiles. The availability of a NASA translation service and assorted indices encouraged him to continue the series and distribute these items on an irregular schedule. The series continues under that tradition. Specifically, the SHIS series prints and distributes translations, bibliographies, checklists, and similar items judged useful to individuals interested in the biology of amphibians and reptiles, and unlikely to be published in the normal technical journals. We wish to encourage individuals to share their bibliographies, translations, etc. with other herpetologists through the SHIS series. If you have such an item, please contact George Zug for its consideration for distribution through the SHIS series. Contributors receive a pdf file for personal distribution. Single paper copies are available to interested individuals at $5 per issue. Recent SHIS publication are now available as pdf files from our webpage, www.nmnh.si.edu/ vert/reptiles. Libraries, herpetological associations, and research laboratories are invited to exchange their publications with us. Please address all requests for copies and inquiries to George Zug, Division of Amphibians and Reptiles, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, PO Box 37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A. Please include a self-addressed mailing label with requests. 20 June 2005 Page 2 Dana Feil- 2005.SHIS135.pdf . a ¢ INTRODUCTION The herpetological collection of the Institute of Ecology and Systernatics has the majority of the families of amphibians and reptiles living in Cuba and some foreign specimens. This collection is the most important in Cuba not only because of the number of specimens but also owing to its broad taxonomic and geographic representation. Presently, the Institute houses 64 holotypes of endemic Cuba reptiles: 20 species and 44 subspecies of the 142 and 152 Cuban species and subspecies. Orlando H. Garrido began the type collection in 1967 with the deposition of herpetologica | specimens in the collections of the Instituto de Biologia (IB). The initial types included the holotypes of Leiocephalus macropus asbolomus, Leiocephalus macropus phylax and Antillophis andreai melopyrrha. Prior to 1967, types of Cuban species were deposited in foreign collections, mainly in American museums (Rodriguez Schettino, 2000). In 1972, the Instituto de Biologia was split into several institutes: Instituto de Zoologia (IZ) and others. Subsequently, the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Medio Ambiente created the Instituto de Ecologia y Sisteratica (IES) in 1987. The collections from the Instituto de Zoologia were placed into the IES as Colecciones Zooldgicas dela Academia de Ciencias de Cuba (CZACC). The Cuban herpetofauna is listed in various publications (Schwartz and Thomas, 1975; Garrido and Jaume, 1984; Schwartz and Henderson, 1988, 1991; Powell et a/., 1996; Estrada and Ruibal, 1999; Rodriguez Schettino, 2000; Rivalta Gonzalez, 2000; Rodriguez Schettino and Rivalta Gonzalez, 2003). However, the critical information on type specimens appears only in the publications of the original description of the species and subspecies. Thus, we wish to summarize the type material held at the reptile collection of the IES and begin here with the holotypes. The following list includes for each holotype: scientific name; authors; date of publication; original museum number (IB or IZ); type locality; sex of specimen; CZACC new catalogue number; date of collection; and collector(s). Page 3 | Dana Feil - 2005.SHIS135.pdf_ AAA AIS Page 4 : ae Lett ets NN RIE SEND OME SSE USDA AROSE ASI EES EINEM ERA et rt CLASS REPTILIA ORDER SQUAMATA FAMILY G EKKONIDAE Sphaerodactylus armasi Schwartz and Garrido, 1974. 1Z 4089 =CZACC 4.3336. Cabo Maisi, Baracoa, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Fermale. October 6, 1973. Luis F. de Armas. Sphaerodactylus celicara Garrido and Schwartz, 1982. 1Z 5613. Asuncion, Maisi, Baracoa, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Female. May 10, 1979. Orlando H. Garrido. FAMILY |GUANIDAE Anolis altitudinalis Garrido, 1985. CZACC 4.7028. Alto del Cardero (1050 m), Pico Turquino, Sierra Maestra, Cuba. Male. 26, 1980. Orlando H. Garrido and Reynaldo Carnero. Anolis anfiloquioi Garrido, 1980. 1Z 4183 =CZACC 4.3445. Loma frente ala casa de A. Suarez, La Poa, Sabanilla, Baracoa, provincia de Oriente. Male. June 4, 1974. Anfiloquio Suarez. Anolis bremeri insulaepinorum Garrido, 1972. 1B 1626 =CZACC 4.3137. Hotel Colony, La Siguanea, Islade Pinos, Cuba. Male. October 16, 1967. Orlando H. Garrido Anolis confusus Estrada and Garrido, 1991. CARE 60503 = CZACC 4.60503. Entre Monte Gordo y Vereon, 7 Kmal NNE de Cabo Cruz, Niquero, provincia de Granma, Cuba. Male. June 29, 1988. Alberto R. Estrada. Anolis cyanopleurus orientalis Garrido, 1975. 1B 1564 =CZACC 4.3397. Alrededores dela Punta de Maisi, Baracoa, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. February 10, 1968. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis delafuentei Garrido, 1982. 1Z5907 =CZACC 4.7173. Topes de Collantes, Sierra de Trinidad, provincia de Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. Male. May 7, 1979. Alberto Valdés. Anolis equestris brujensis Garrido, 2001. 1B 2727 =CZACC 4.3775. Cayo Las Brujas, Caibarién, Trinidad, provincia de Villa Clara, Cuba. October 19, 1969. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis equestris buidei. Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. 1B 1294 =CZACC 4.3193. Cerca de 0.5 kmde Rincon Francés, Peninsula de Hicacos, provincia de Matanzas, Cuba. February 27, 1967. Orlando H. Garrido, George C. Gorman and Miguel L. Jaume. Anolis equestris cincolequas Garrido, 1981. 1Z5398 =CZACC 4.4188. Paso Malo, Cayo Cinco Leguas, provincia de Matanzas, Cuba. Male. Decermber 14, 1978. Hiram Gonzalez, Reynaldo Carnero and Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis equestris juraguensis Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. 1B 1152 =CZACC 4.3210. Monte Alto, 3 kmal suroeste de Juragua, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. September 19, 1966. Native. Anolis equestris potior Schwartz and Thormas, 1975. 1Z 3098 =CZACC 4.3351. Cayo Santa Maria, Archipiélago de Sabana-CamagUey, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Female. October 19,1969. Orlando H. Garrido and Luis V. Moreno. Anolis equestris verreonensis Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. 1B 488 =CZACC 4.3221. Verreon, Cabo Cruz, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. March 31, 1965. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis fugitivus Garrido, 1975. 1Z 3854 =CZACC 4.3417. 2 kmal Sur del Aserrio de Nuevo Mundo, Moa, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. June 12, 1972. Orlando H. Garrido. Page 5 ‘Dana Feil-2005.SHIS135.pdh Page 6 e as Anolis guafe Estrada and Garrido, 1991. CARE 60516 =CZACC 4.60516. El Guafe (2 kmNE de Cabo Cruz), Niquero, provincia de Granma, Cuba. Male. June 28, 1988. Alberto R. Estrada. Anolis guazuma Garrido, 1983. CZACC 4.6128. La Emajagua, Pico Turquino (unos 600 m), Sierra Maestra, provincia de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Male. April 3, 1980. Raul Cabrera. Anolis homolechis turquinensis Garrido, 1973. 1B 2900 =CZACC 4.3271. Alrededores del Cardero, Pico Turquino, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. July 7, 1970. Jorge dela Cruz, Rau! Gonzalez Broche and Israel Garcia. Anolis incredulus Garrido and Moreno, 1998. 1B 608 =CZACC 4.7394. Pico Cuba, Macizo del Turquino, Sierra Maestra, provincia de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Female. July, 1963. G. T. Albanir. Anolis juangundlachi Garrido, 1975. 1Z 3755 =CZACC 4.3428. Finca Ceres (Los Montes), 4 kmal norte de Carlos Rojas, provincia de Matanzas, Cuba. Male. June 7, 1972. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis jubar albertschwartz Garrido, 1973. 1B 2621 =CZACC 4.3312. Tortuguilla, 15 kmal este dela Bahia de Guantanamo, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. May 28, 1969. Raul Gonzalez Broche. Anolis jubar gibarensis Garrido, 1973. 1B 2837 =CZACC 4.3293. El Catuco, a2.5 kmde Gibara, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. March 10, 1970. Orlando H. Garrido and Luis V. Moreno. Anolis jubar maisiensis Garrido, 1973. 1B 1524 =CZACC 4.3297. Punta de Maisi, Baracoa, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. February 10, 1968. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis jubar santamariae Garrido, 1973. 1B 2643 =CZACC 4.3325. Cayo Santa Maria, Archipiélago de Sabana-Camagutey, Caibarién, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. May 28, 1969. Orlando H. Garrido. Dana Feil - 2005.SHIS135.pdf " Page 7 * Aaa Anolis jubar yaguajayensis Garrido, 1973. 1B 2372 =CZACC 4.3288. El Yaguiey, Lomas de Platero, aunos 15 kmal este de Caibarién, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. March 28, 1969. Orlando H. Garrido and Luis V. Moreno. Anolis litoralis Garrido, 1975. 1Z 3472 =CZACC 4.3390. Alrededores del aeropuerto de Santiago de Cuba, Versalles, Santiago de Cuba, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. December 4, 1971. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis luteogularis calceus Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. 1B 1295 =CZACC 4.3177. Santo Toméas, Ciénaga de Zapata, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. February 26, 1967. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis luteogularis coctilis Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. IB 402 =CZACC 4.3163. Punta del Inglés, Cayo Cantiles, Archipiélago de los Canarreos, provincia de La Habana, Cuba. Male. May 2, 1966. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis luteogularis delacruzi Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. 1B 1277 =CZACC 4.3155. Santa Isabel, porcion sureste de los dos tercios septentrionales dela Isla de Pinos, al norte de Ciénaga de Lanier, Isla de Pinos, provincia de La Habana, Cuba. Male. March 20, 1967. Gilberto Silva Taboada and Jorge dela Cruz. Anolis luteogularis jaumei Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. IB 369 =CZACC 4.3180. Playa Larga, Ciénaga de Zapata, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. April 27, 1965. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis luteogularis nivevultus Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. 1B 339 =CZACC 4.3144. El Veral, Peninsula de Guanahacabibe s, provincia Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. November 11, 1965. Israel Garcia and Raul Gonzalez Broche. Anolis luteogularis sanfelipensis Garrido, 1975. 1Z 2972 =CZACC 4.3358. Cayo Real, Cayos de San Felipe, provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. October 17,1970. Orlando H. Garrido and Luis V. Moreno. Dana Feil -2005.SHIS135.pF | Page 8 . ( 1 Anolis luteogularis sectilis Schwartz and Garrido, 1972. 1B 388 =CZACC 4.3157. Pedernales, Islade Pinos, provincia de La Habana, Cuba. December, 1965. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis paternus pinarensis Garrido, 1975. 1Z 4073 =CZACC 4.3431. A5 kmde Ciudad Sandino, Guane, provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. August 8, 1973. Fernando Ruiz. Anolis pigmaequestris Garrido, 1975. 1Z 2884 =CZACC 4.3344. Localidad tipo: Cayo Francés, Archipiélago de Sabana, Caibarién, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. Octobe 23, 1971. Orlando H. Garrido. Anolis pumilus Garrido, 1988. 124470 =CZACC 4.1676. Bosque de La Habana, provincia de Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Male. April 23, 1975. Felino Gonzalez. Anolis rejectus Schwartz and Thomas, 1975. 1Z3917 =CZACC 4.3411. La Gran Piedra, Santiago de Cuba, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. August 16, 1972. Fernando Ruiz. Chamaeleolis barbatus Garrido, 1982. 1Z5368 =CZACC 4.8600. Ojo de Agua, Cinco Pesos, 9 km al NW de San Cristobal, provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. June 25, 1978. Alberto Valdés. Leiocephalus cubensis minor Garrido, 1970. 1B 2754 =CZACC 4.3120. Cayo Juan Garcia, Cayos de San Felipe, Archipiélago de los Canarreos, provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. March 1, 1970. Orlando H. Garrido. Dana Feil - 2005.SHIS135.pdf . i’ ® Leiocephalus Leiocephalus Leiocephalus Leiocephalus Leiocephalus Leiocephalus Leiocephalus Leiocephalus Page 9 macropus asbolomus Schwartz and Garrido, 1967. 1B 568 = CZACC 4.3068. El Guayabo, Baracoa, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. September 13, 1965. Orlando H. Garrido. macropus felinoi Garrido, 1979. 1Z4751 =CZACC 4.3453. Bacunayagua, provincia de Matanzas, Cuba. Male. August 4, 1976. Felino Gonzalez. macropus lenticulatus Garrido, 1973. IB 2782 =CZACC 4.3247. Arenal Los Cocos, a6 kmde Gibara, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. March 12,1970. Luis V. Moreno, Victor Aguilera and Antonio Ortega. macropus phylax Schwartz and Garrido, 1967. 1B 556 =CZACC 4.3064. Verreon, cerca de Cabo Cruz, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. March 30, 1965. Orlando H. Garrido. macropus torrei Garrido, 1979. 1Z 3725 =CZACC 4.3442. Faldas dela Loma del Rio Paredones, San Miguel de Los Bajos, provincia de Matanzas, Cuba. Male. June 5, 1972. Felino Gonzalez and Luis V. Moreno. onaneyi Garrido, 1973. 1B 2869 =CZACC 4.3267. Cima dela Loma de Macambo, entre San Antonio del Sur e |mias, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Fermale. June 8, 1970. Onaney Muniz. raviceps delavarai Garrido, 1973. 1B 2774 =CZACC 4.3238. Arenal Los Cocos, a6 kmde Gibara, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. March 12,1970. Luis V. Moreno, Victor Aguilera and Antonio Ortega. raviceps jaumeli Schwartz and Garrido, 1968. 1B 1349 =CZACC 4.3083. San Waldo, 4 Kmal norte de Cortés, en la carretera entre Cortés e Isabel Rubio, provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. MArch 6, 1967. Orlando H. Garrido and Miguel L. Jaume. y 1 4 a Dana Feil - 2005.SHIS135.pdf Leiocephalus stictigaster celeustes Schwartz and Garrido, 1968. 1B 1182 =CZACC 4.3091. Contramaestre, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. May 1947. Native. Leiocephalus stictigaster gibarensis Schwartz and Garrido 1968. 1B 1236 =CZACC 4.3095. Gibara, provincia de Oriente, Cuba. Male. March 13, 1967. Orlando H. Garrido and Miguel L. Jaume. Leiocephalus stictigaster lipomator Schwartz and Garrido, 1968. 1B 1230 =CZACC 4.3087. 3 kmal oeste de Santa Clara, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. March 12,1967. Orlando H. Garrido and Miguel L. Jaurme. Leiocephalus stictigaster naranjoi Schwartz and Garrido, 1968. 1B 200 =CZACC 4.3445. Los Biasmones, Casilda, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. March 1965. Telmo Naranjo Casadevall. Leiocephalus stictigaster septentrionalis Garrido, 1975. 1Z 3425 =CZACC 4.3369. Cayo Santa Maria, Archipiélago de Sabana-CamagUey, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Female. October 27,1971. Orlando H. Garrido. FAMILY TEIDAE Ameiva auberi extorris Schwartz, 1970. IB 52 =CZACC 4.3125. Cayuelo de La Vela, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. March 11, 1965. Orlando H. Garrido. Ameiva auberi garridoi Schwartz, 1970. IB 96 =CZACC 4.3129. Cuatro Bocas, Sagua La Grande, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. May 2, 1966. P. Saavedra. Ameiva auberi peradusta Schwartz, 1970. IB 85 =CZACC 4.3133. Juragua, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. May 15, 1966. Orlando H. Garrido. Page 10 1” r) Ameiva auberi orlandoi Schwartz and McCoy, 1975. 123427 =CZACC 4.3378. Cayo Santa Maria, Archipiélago de Sabana-CamagUey, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. October 27,1971. Orlando H. Garrido. Ameiva auberi sanfelipensis Garrido, 1975. 1B 2987 =CZACC 4.3383. Cayo Real, Cayos de San Felipe, provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. October15, 1970. Orlando H. Garrido. Ameiva auberi nigriventris Gali and Garrido, 1987. 1Z5778 =CZACC 4.3906. Afueras de Cayo Piedras, Isla de la Juventud. Male. May 23, 1969. Miguel L. Jaume and Luis V. Moreno. Ameiva auberi schwartzi Gali and Garrido, 1987. 1Z 4389 =CZACC 4.4167. Henequenera de Mariel, Zona Mosquito, provincia de Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Male. May 12,1975. Felino Gonzalez. SERPENTES FAMILY COLUBRIDAE Antillophis andreai melopyrrha Thomas and Garrido, 1967. 1B 1080 =CZACC 4.3071. Punta del Negrito, Cayo Cantiles, Archipiélago de los Canarreos, provincia de La Habana, Cuba. April 30, 1966. Orlando H. Garrido. Antillophis andreai morenoi Garrido, 1973. 1B 2737 =CZACC 4.3253. Cayo Santa Maria (Archipiélago de Sabana-Camagiley), provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Female. October 16, 1969. Luis V. Moreno. Arrhyton ainictum Schwartz and Garrido, 1981. 1Z4256 =CZACC 4.4619 Cueva del 18, Francisco, provincia de Camaguley, Cuba. July 30, 1974. Lorenzo Zayas. Page 114 “Dan Feil - 2005.SHIST35.paf___ ©. id . 10 Family TROPIDOPHIDAE Tropidophis galacelidus Schwartz and Garrido, 1975. 1Z4052 =CZACC 4.3435. Cerca del Cafetal de Gavia, Sierra de Trinidad, provincia de Las Villas, Cuba. Male. July 9, 1973. Pastor Alayo. Tropidophis morenoi Hedges, Garrido and Diaz, 2001. 1B 2943. Dolinas de Cueva de Humboldt, Caguanes, provincia de Villa Clara, Cuba. Female. 1969. José Salas. REFERENCES Estrada, A.R. and R. Ruibal. 1999. A review of Cuban herpetology. Pp. 31-62. In Caribbean Amphibians and Reptiles (B. J. Crother, ed.) Academic Press, San Diego, California. Garrido, O.H. and M.L. Jaume. 1984. Catalogo descriptivo de los anfibios y reptiles de Cuba. Dofiana, Acta Vertebrata 11(2):5-128. Powell, R.,R. W. Henderson, K. Adler and H. A. Dundee. 1996. An annotated checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Pp. 51-93. In Contribution to West Indian Herpetology; A Tribute to Albert Schwartz(R. Powell and R. W. Henderson, eds.) Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York. Contributions to Herpetology 12. Rivalta Gonzalez, V. 2000. Checklist and bibliography of Cuban amphibians (Anura). Smithsonian Herpetol. Info. Serv. 124:1-20. Rodriguez Schettino, L. 2000. Cuban reptiles: Original citations, holotypes, and geographic range. Smithsonian Herpetol. Info. Serv. 125:1-26. Rodriguez Schettino, L. and V. Rivalta Gonzalez. 2003. Lista de especies. Pp. 162-165. En Anfibios y Reptiles de Cuba. (L. Rodriguez Schettino, ed.) UPC Print, Vaasa, Finland. Schwartz, A. and R. W. Henderson. 1988. West Indian amphibians and reptiles: a check-list. Milwaukee Public. Mus. Contrib. Biol. Geol. 74:1-264. Schwartz, A. and R. W. Henderson. 1991. Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies. Descriptions, distributions and natural history. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, Schwartz, A. and R. Thomas. 1975. Acheck-list of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist. Special Publ. 1:1-216. Page 12 Hi i