BOSTOISI PUBLIC UBl^RY Smiths onian year 197 A Smithsonian Year • 7974 '\ Secretary S. Dillon Ripley cuts an anniversary cake at a ceremony in the Smithsonian Castle on February 26, 1974, commemorating his decade of service as director of the Smithsonian Institution. Among others who joined in the celebration are former Secretary Alexander Wetmore, Mrs. Ripley (center), and Mrs. Reginald Bragonier. #• Smithsonian Year • 1974 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1974 Smithsonian Institution Press • City of Washington • 1974 Cry 1 f> ^ve o^ Smithsonian Publication 5229 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-7980 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402— Price $6.65 (paper cover) Stock Number: 4700-00323 Smithsonian Year • 7^74 THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION The Smithsonian Institution was created by act of Congress in 1846 in accordance with the terms of the will of James Smithson of Eng- land, who in 1826 bequeathed his property to the United States of America "to found at Washington, under the name of the Smith- sonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." After receiving the property and accept- ing the trust. Congress incorporated the Institution in an "establish- ment," whose statutory members are the President, the Vice President, the Chief Justice, and the heads of the executive depart- ments, and vested responsibility for administering the trust in the Smithsonian Board of Regents. THE ESTABLISHMENT Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States Gerald R. Ford, Vice President of the United States Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice of the United States Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State William E. Simon, Secretary of Treasury \ James R. Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense William B. Saxbe, Attorney General Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary of Interior Earl L. Butz, Secretary of Agriculture Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce Peter J. Brennan, Secretary of Labor Caspar W. Weinberger, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare James T. Lynn, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Claude S. Brinegar, Secretary of Transportation Board of Regents and Secretary • June 30, 1974 REGENTS OF THE INSTITUTION Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice of the United States, Chancellor Gerald R. Ford, Vice President of the United States J. William Fulbright, Member of the Senate Henry M. Jackson, Member of the Senate Hugh Scott, Member of the Senate George H. Mahon, Member of the House of Representatives William E. Minshall, Member of the House of Representatives John J. Rooney, Member of the House of Representatives John Paul Austin, citizen of Georgia John Nicholas Brown, citizen of Rhode Island William A. M. Burden, citizen of New York Robert F. Goheen, citizen of New Jersey Crawford H. Greenewalt, citizen of Delaware Caryl P. Haskins, citizen of Washington, D.C. A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., citizen of Pennsylvania Thomas J. Watson, Jr., citizen of Connecticut James E. Webb, citizen of Washington, D.C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Warren E. Burger, Chancellor (Board of Regents) William A. M. Burden Caryl P. Haskins James E. Webb (Chairman) THE SECRETARY S. Dillon Ripley UNDER SECRETARY Robert A. Brooks ASSISTANT SECRETARIES TREASURER GENERAL COUNSEL David Challinor, Assistant Secretary for Science Charles Blitzer, Assistant Secretary for History and Art Paul N. Perrot, Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs Julian Euell, Assistant Secretary for Public Service T. Ames Wheeler Peter G. Powers VI Smithsonian Year • 1974 CONTENTS page V THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION vi BOARD OF REGENTS AND SECRETARY 3 STATEMENT BY THE SECRETARY 23 FINANCIAL REPORT 57 SCIENCE 59 Center for the Study of Man 61 Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies 65 Fort Pierce Bureau 68 National Air and Space Museum 74 National Museum of Natural History 95 National Zoological Park 107 Office of International and Environmental Programs 112 Radiation Biology Laboratory 124 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 129 Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc. 132 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 141 HISTORY AND ART V 145 Archives of American Art 147 Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and Design 150 Freer Gallery of Art 154 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden 162 Joseph Henry Papers 163 National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board 164 National Collection of Fine Arts 170 National Museum of History and Technology 187 National Portrait Gallery 191 Office of Academic Studies 193 Office of American Studies vu page 195 MUSEUM PROGRAMS 200 Conservation-Analytical Laboratory 202 National Museum Act Program 204 Office of Exhibits Central 204 Office of Museum Programs 206 Office of the Registrar 207 Smithsonian Institution Archives 208 Smithsonian Institution Libraries 214 Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service 217 PUBLIC SERVICE 220 Anacostia Neighborhood Museum 222 Division of Performing Arts 225 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 227 Office of Public Affairs 232 Office of Smithsonian Symposia and Seminars 235 Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. 239 Smithsonian (magazine) 240 Smithsonian Associates 247 Smithsonian Institution Press 251 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT 251 Support Activities 262 Financial Services 267 Office of Audits 269 International Exchange Service 270 Smithsonian Women's Council 273 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART 279 JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 287 WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS 291 APPENDIXES 292 Members of the Smithsonian Council, June 30, 1974 294 Academic Appointments, 1973-1974 303 Smithsonian Associates Membership, 1973-1974 311 Progress on Building Construction, Restoration, and Renovation 313 Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program Grants Awarded in Fiscal Year 1974 316 News Releases, Radio Programs, and Leaflets Issued by the Office of Public Affairs in Fiscal Year 1974 329 Publications of the Smithsonian Institution Press in Fiscal Year 1974 336 Publications and Selected "Contributions of the Smithsonian Institution Staff in Fiscal Year 1974 408 Visitors to the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1974 409 Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 434 List of Donors to the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1974 vni Smithsonian Year -1974 STATEMENT BY THE SECRETARY \ Joseph Henry and his family in 1862 outside the Castle where he lived for twenty- nine years, in the park — the "people's park" — now the familiar Mall, and still the people's park. > A Decade of ''Increase and Diffusion" S. DILLON RIPLEY This is the tenth Annual Report of the Institution which I have had the honor to prepare. In these years it has been a surcease to find how stable the aspects of the Smithsonian have been which match the needs of the people. "Increase and diffusion/' that tantalizing phrase, continues to be our watchword. We attempt to adhere steadily to cer- tain goals, and to eschew transitory fads. This past year in Washington has been one of a kind of misty sus- pension, like the haze that hangs over the river bottom in the early mornings spring and fall, in our famous marshes of reclaimed land, known as 'Toggy Bottom." This curious state of suspense has been somewhat akin to sitting in an operating theatre, although the sur- geons were invisible and the body only faintly lighted in a penumbral shade, waiting for the eclipse to go away. Day by day there were con- flicting sounds, adumbrations which swirled about us through the medium of the news. The shadows lengthened during the year as if the operation was too long and the body might turn into a cadaver. But later the pall eased, we breathed again, realizing that the patient would recover, the body politic was alive after all. For in the process we all survived. The surgery had not really been directed entirely to any one person. It has been a kind of psychosurgery or mental vivi- section directed at us all, and in the end we may have emerged better, we hope, for the ordeal. From the Smithsonian towers we can docu- ment the events, hopeful that in time we can present an objective vi- sion of this segment of the history of our times for those who come to see and learn from our "diffusion." In science the Smithsonian's research, our "increase," continues in the study of the natural world about us, the objects of creation on the land, the seas, and the phenomena they enclose; and the planets, the measuring of our Earth against them, the Sun and its effect upon us/j and the steady tabulation of the phenomena of outer space. In history we continue with our encyclopaedic endeavors in the history of American culture and the preservation of that history; whether by conserving the objects or the processes of creation which they represent. In art we continue to follow our mandate to preserve, collect, ex- hibit, and encourage the study of American art, its roots in the rest of the world, and its current evolution. With the present interest of our government in sponsoring and supporting the arts and humanities, a new partnership, in theme at least, begins to emerge. Although sepa- rate, the Smithsonian maintains common interests and close ties withi the National Endowments for the Arts and for the Humanities. Both share common tasks, and both work together progressively through the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. This is especially important in the forthcoming events of the Bicentennial years. In ad- dition there is much to interest the Endowments in the new art mu- seum opening on the Mall in October, 1974, and in the burgeoning; studies in art and art history being undertaken by the various Smith- sonian enterprises, as well as in the living Folk Festivals. What a, celebration of the American Spirit these Endowments have become, and how vital their part in encouraging American creativity as well as; cultural history and research! All of which is to say that like the Endowments the Smithsonian is< alive and well, whether in science or in art, and that each year its; purposes and its services are becoming increasingly apparent and: comprehensible to our people. As the Institution becomes more un- derstood so the morale of its staff improves. We all realize the impor- tance to our citizens of what we are doing, and this improves our own" quality and our dedication. So be it. j As we become more important to people, our visitors increase, ouri memberships in the Associates increase, our magazine and related^ publications and benefits reach out further and further (our member-? ships now are 622,000) and so our responsibilities to be true to ouri goals and to increase and diffuse knowledge become more evident. Our obligations to ourselves for standards and quality have not*' changed, but these very traditions of ours become more visible. As;, this happens, we pay a kind of penalty — that of being noticed. For years I had thought many of the things that the Smithsonian just, 4 / Smithsonian Year 1974 went on doing quietly and competently were underappreciated and in effect undervalued. Our knowledge about the environment of the planet and our knowledge of the solar system seemed to me so com- prehensive that I was disturbed that more people did not know about all this, or that only those in cloistered circles were party to our work and failed to noise it abroad. Now with our new exposure there is by contrast a penalty to popularity. It is what I used to call "joining the cold shower club." By becoming noticed one becomes the subject of curiosity, sometimes the object of criticism, or even envy (if doing things well). We are, I am sure, prepared to pay the penalty for con- tinuing to do well what we are charged with doing, and to that we can say, amen. Suffice it to affirm that we will continue to prepare to play host to an increment of several million visitors a year who come in spite of the obstacles of traffic, outmoded transportation, increasing costs, and stultifying living and travel handicaps. And we will continue to fight for their right to come in spite of obstacles placed in their way by time and circumstance. For we know that it is in the interests of the people and their increasing desire to know themselves that they should come and see our Institution, and we know that in this we Kave the support and the enthusiasm of the Congress who continue to find the work of the Smithsonian refreshing.^ Last year I wrote a good deal about the Bicentennial and the Smith- sonian's essential activities in the long-past Centennial of 1876, Vleanwhile, sparked by the new administration under John Warner, the 1976 Bicentennial approaches with every breath we breathe, and bur own preparations for '76 wax apace. Our first major Portrait Gal- ery exhibition has opened to critical acclaim. Our renovations of the \rts and Industries Building have started in order to make it an evoc- \ ^ Professor Wilcomb Washburn reminds me of a diary entry of Congressman ienry L. Dawes of Massachusetts who came to Washington to serve in 1852, ind speaks of the Institution — "The Smithsonian Institute is the noblest of all monuments ever erected in he United States. Washington lives in the affections and reverence of his coun- rymen justly before all others and the great monument going up to his memory s in a corresponding degree an object of interest. (The Washington Monument vas still under construction.) But the Institute is at once a monument and an ingine of power, a fountain of knowledge, a bulwark for the preservation of he liberties Washington bequeathed. It has been founded and is rising in grand ofty proportions 'for the diffusion of knowledge among men.' And so long as t shall fulfill its mission fears are idle — Man will be free." Statement hy the Secretary I 5 ative setting of what the Centennial of 1876 was all about. Addition- ally we are planning on a strong effort to accon^modate our visitors with guidance, information, food, protection, and a sense of wel- come and enthusiastic reception. i A whole series of things — exhibits, happenings, publications, tes- I taments to human curiosity, and just plain fun — will be awaiting ; them in 1976, not least of which will be an entire new museum dedi- i cated to America's single and most salutary technological achieve- ; ment, an achievement which has helped to expand and rework our ; culture in all its ramifications, the conquest of air and space. Can | there be any insentient people alive today in this country who do not realize that the conquest of air, and now of space, has changed our perspectives, our culture, indeed our ethos? In essence increasingly rapid modes of flight have abolished time, pressed the concept of communications close to human tolerance through the continuing evolution of the computer, helped to abolish faith, and prepared us for a new and as yet uncharted way of viewing the human condition. America, I hope, will be thinking of 2076 by the time the Bicenten- nial comes along. And in that connection we might as well have a look at the panorama showing how we reached our present predica- ment. Our untrammeled will to succeed, to better our style of life through our communication and transport, has put us where we are. We could call our Air and Space Museum last year's Pandora's Box, and looking in visualize what we had better do about next year's. For we have not stopped the clock in the past, and if we are to slow it ; down in the future we will have to realize what has been happening to make so much of that future inevitable. In his recent (1974) short book, Robert Heilbroner questions the continued hegemony of organized science under the present threat of a new Dark Age for our \ civilization. That we face the possibility of a new Dark Age in history is evident to many. As an ecologist, I have found the recent discus- 1 sions of economists and social scientists on the subject of the inter- dependence of population trends and the use of natural resources, | agriculture, industrial growth, and pollution, a kind of coming home to roost, neo-Malthusian thinking caught up with Volterra-Gause hypotheses of strategies of competition in nature. Heilbroner believes that science and technology have developed in an inimical manner to foster runaway population, cataclysmic wars, and environmental degradation without compensating restraints and standards, includ 6 / Smithsonian Year 1974 ing moral and ethical controls. He postulates that religion will and must rise again to insure the reawakening of civilization itself. As with a see-saw, he envisages science losing its paramountcy as reli- gion arises once more. This to me is overly simplistic. An economist can afford perhaps to be an agnostic, but most philosophically in- clined scientists — physicists (who perforce must be philosophers), molecular biologists, and the best of the ecologists — will tell you that they hold to an essential faith in laws of creation, which are indeed the moral and ethical presumption on which religion is based. What- ever limits to creation we may have plumbed, it is a popular fiction to assume that in the process scientists have destroyed our faith. All of which is not to say that it is not worthwhile to have men of the caliber of Heilbroner, as social scientists, becoming aware of eco- logical principles. Jan Tinbergen, winner of the Nobel prize in eco- nomics, told me recently that he owed a great part of his somewhat unorthodox theoretical assumptions to new insights he had gained from his brother Nikolaas, a Nobel prize winner in biological medi- cine, who is a pioneer in the study of the behavior of animals under field conditions, away from laboratory controls, where they are guided by and demonstrate ecological principles. It is sad that the social sciences have classically paid so little attention to the broad truths of ecology. In the past year we had the novel experience of the turning off of the taps which supply our gasoline pumps, and Americans — repre- senting six percent of the world's population but conditioned to gobbling up nearly forty percent of the world's resources — are just now beginning to get the message. Our massive indifference to in- ternational bureaux and offices talking about one-world politics, eco- nomics, and world interdependence has been conditioned over the years by the perfect conviction that being an American is a natural condition v 'hich we assume carries with it all the perquisites of tech- nological superiority over our fellow inhabitants of the planet. No matter that there are inequities in the United States itself — we know that also — but what many citizens, temporarily enraged by such in- equities, overlook is our commonly held assumption, all of us, that the automobile and the open road, the shopping center, and the fan- tastic and dazzling distribution of material goods at all levels is a natural right. As Americans, either richer or poorer, we have it way over eighty percent of the rest of the people of the world. Statement by the Secretary I 7 Whether we deserve it all or not seldom gives us pause, although last winter's threat of gas rationing was at least a temporary aberra- tion in the hiatus between winter holidays and summer vacation. Now that the gas taps have turned on again, it is easy to believe that all's right with the world once more. It is easy to forget the unpleas- antness of the spectre of declining resources. In this state of vague malaise the conviction has come to many younger and also minority group members that the survival of the Republic is uncertain. Whereas historians or political scientists glori- fied the successes of America, based on the application of intelli- gence, others such as Jean-Fran(;:ois Revel now describe what is hap- pening in America as a revolution, which indeed it is. But we can take heart in his definition of revolution, provided ethics survive, for in the process we may approach a truer mode of life and an understand- ing of what we are about. I have written before of what the Smith- [ sonian could provide as a means of exhibiting this process of under- standing. I feel it could be done in what I have called a Museum of the Family of Man, a synthesis of thinking about man's place in the universe. People in the United States have come full circle in their ideas. Two generations ago and more the thought was that this new frontier, this boundless Nation, would serve as a melting pot wherein all would be remade into an indigenous American mold. Here all the nations would provide of their best, most daring, and adventurous spirits, who, in this heady atmosphere of opportunity, would become blended into what de Tocqueville and others thought of as the new American breed. The romantic spirit, descendant of the philosophical idealism of the spirit of the revolutions, took no account of the remainder of the native Americans, that remnant which thoughtful men at the time of the Nation's Centennial had feared would have gone extinct by the twentieth century. Nor were the blacks or Mexican-Americans con- sidered. Eighty years later, by the 1930s, the Indian population was recovering from its doldrums of the turn of the century, the Mexican and Latin American minorities were increasing in the Southwest and in the eastern urban centers, and the blacks — Raymond Pearl had prophesied that the black population would disappear for genetic reasons in two hundred years or so. Instead of homogenization we now, approaching our Bicentennial, celebrate ethnic diversity and 8 / Smithsotzian Year 1974 cultural pluralism. Whether our blacks or other minority types with recognizable physical features disappear or not is moot. Black is beautiful and the liberated American today eschews the melting pot and embraces the reawakened realization that traditions of old ways persist in the New World, that song, dance, drama, the arts, lan- guage— all the stuff of culture — continue to exist, to be perpetu- ated in strongly persistent patterns. We cannot entirely forget our cultural heritage even as a multiplicity of physical types remains permanent in our midst. Perhaps then we have learned a lesson that biologists of years ago would have been tempted to support, that blending inheritance is far more rare than the persistence of basic traits and types, and that cultural patterns mirror in their persever- ance these physical verities. Under the circumstances, it is appropriate that the Smithsonian, too, should come full circle. We can create a summing up of the American experience, a synthesis of all that we have learned, the in- teractions of man on this part of the planet, the interface between ourselves and our environment. A Museum of the Family of Man then would include certain demonstrable American themes, includ- ing the history of the United States folk, who had come here, when and how, and how this had changed the land and sea and air, its past and present face. Hopefully, such an illumination of our times could i include, with the aid of computer systems and current technology, an i informed projection of our evolution, both physically and culturally, into the future, our own "Brave New World." More importantly, as my colleague Under Secretary Brooks has emphasized, such a museum must suggest the continuing process of man's evolution as a creator. As he phrases it, "From all the testa- ments of man's creativity, we can recognize at least two kinds of multi-millennial chains of men and women who have created things, technique^;, or concepts relating to the physical world. The first kind is in its important phase pre-literate and inventive; it has evolved the basic physical conditions of human society and survival — as for in- stance the cultivation of grains, domestication of animals, shelter, mobility, etc. The second kind of succession is post-literate and con- ceptual; it has evolved understanding of the world, the universe, man's own nature, and the structures of thought itself. The two have common ground but different approaches to understanding, and de- serve equal honor. They proceed in common from man's bio-psycho- Statement by the Secretary I 9 logical heritage — his visual brain, manual dexterity, capacity for use of symbols and language." To suggest the process means, of course, to avoid the static quality of museums encompassed in arrays of finite objects, but rather to formulate a kind of multimedia display, "engaging the viewer's own processes of thought and imagination." The process is a speed-up process too. From the unique fact that evolution provided the tools, man's ability to communicate effectively, and the evolution of man- ual dexterity, has come the unfolding of brain integration in these functions. Each system has buffered and supported the other, devel- oping an end product unlike any other known on the planet. Thus the diverging into the two types of creativity: the technologies of sur- vival and the evolution of thought. In this latter aspect of creativity there are the social inventions: "elaborations upon the family, the tribe, the state, the organs of justice, legislation, administration, caste, class, trade, education, war." Then there is the invention of social institutions, "and the creators who formulated social thought and promoted social action." These historical creations are all rooted in man's biological heritage as well, and of course have speeded up enormously along with the evolution of technology. In any discussion of process it is instructive to speculate about the possibility, achieved five years ago, of landing a man on the moon. Although the technologies existed to create orbiting machines in space, James Webb has pointed out to me that the human factor, the men who could manipulate the machines effectively enough to land themselves on the lunar surface, and then blast off again to join up with their circling companion, must have been brought up from childhood in an atmosphere where the commonplaces of advanced technology all worked. Communication by telephone, for example, is randomly so taken for granted in the U.S.A., because the telephones work so relatively perfectly, that we are brought up and accustomed to have perfect transmittal of ideas or mechanical concepts in using them. We do not have to have meetings or conferences face to face. Our generations of people are thus habituated for learning and the transfer of vital information in a way that a considerable part of the rest of the world's population is not, or has not been until very re- cently indeed. Thus the time lags implicit in technological condition- ing and familiarity make for different phased levels of assimilation of the processes of learning. The chances, therefore, are that only 10 / Smithsonian Year 1974 one particular segment of peoples or culture may be capable of land- ing on the moon at any one time. And I might add, at the risk of sounding complacent or overweening, that even the prospect of a perfect link-up in space as between the products of two cultures, our own and the U.S.S.R.'s, may be more difficult because of the back- ground and training of the participants than our global strategists and politicians would wish. This is one example of a truism in contemplating the history of the family of man. No one group or segment of man, through the biolog- ical and physical phenomena of geographical isolation, is exactly like any other at points in time, as well as through the panorama of his- tory, thus horizontally as well as vertically in a diagrammatic sense. No museums have ever entirely encompassed all of the philosophical and moral and physical implications which have resulted in our com- plex world. It is a new way of looking at a subject that goes back to ideas expressed in the last century, vested in the creation of the Musee de I'Homme in Paris in 1877. Unfortunately the Musee de I'Homme was an anthropology museum, and as I have said else- where,^ until very recently it had been thought, rather uncomfort- ably, that anthropology, being a kind of biological discipline, should concentrate on early man and the present so-called primitive races of man, leaving Western civilization to the classicists and the stu- dents of folk history and the decorative arts. This situation has now begun to change. In Washington we are thinking of drawing from everything that our museums, whether of natural history, history of science, culture and technology, or art museums, are exhibiting, each in its own way. We are concerned here with a new concept, a syn- thesis of the whole family of man and how it got that way. Interestingly enough we are not alone in this idea. We claim no hegemony, of course. At the 1974 meeting of the International Coun- cil of Museums held in Copenhagen, Mme. Nelly Motrocilova of the Academy in Moscow, speaking on June 3rd, announced that the U.S.S.R. too was thinking of the creation of a Museum of Man. Suffice it to say that we shall be threshing out this concept over the next year or two with ourselves, our committees such as the Smith- sonian Council, and individual colleagues, with the hope that eventu- Ripley, Dillon. The Sacred Grove. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969, p. 79. Statement by the Secretary 1 11 ally we can present a plan to the Congress for a new kind of museum which could somehow embody the dreams of their constituencies across this land, the realization by people of the United States that their strength lies in the strength of their origins, their diversity and the pride, courage, and hope that this can and must give them. Let there be no despair then but a reasoned pride, measured with cour- age and tempered with the sobering responsibilities that such self- knowledge brings. The soothsayers and necromancers of today adjure the young to think of themselves first, to cultivate their id, to think first of "happiness" in a subjective sense. They have forgotten, and the young with them, that they are not alone, but that within themselves rests all the history of man. The Institution's "increase," its research progress in history, the arts, and the sciences, is listed in Smithsonian Year 1974. Suffice it to say that both in astronomy and astrophysics, work under Director George Field is taking form in programs of great promise, particu- larly in regard to new observations of the Sun made during the flight of the Orbiting Space Laboratory in the past year. Additionally, suc- cessful research and construction proceeds in concert with the Uni- versity of Arizona on the multiple-mirror telescope. In the National Museum of Natural History a vigorous new array of exhibits is in the planning stage under the direction of Dr. Porter Kier. Temperate and tropical environmental studies are being vigorously pursued at our stations in the United States as well as in Panama. In the latter, significant efforts to enhance the staff as well as the inventory-taking capability of the stations should begin to narrow the gap between what we know about the New World tropics and what limits to tolerance they possess in the face of man's destructive abilities. For in the vast New World tropics where, contrary to con- ventional wisdom, perhaps only ten percent of the land is susceptible to agriculture, there is precious little time to measure the norms of the tropical environment. Human population pressure is seeing to that, be it for better or worse. Few biologists could argue that any- thing that is happening in the tropics today is for the better, but their voices will not be heard in the tendentious political clamour of the developing world. At the very least we hope that the data we gather will serve as a guide to the essential diversity of the tropical environ- ment and as an indicator for the future of the riches we seem about to forsake so willfully. The recent remarks on May 29th by the new 12 / Smithsonian Year 1974 President of Venezuela, Carlos Andres Perez, concerning that coun- try's proposed national policy on conservation of natural resources are splendid, however. If Latin America, with some of the poorest soils in the world, could heed President Perez' speech then biologists could breathe easier. Finally in the realm of science, a great step forward this past year has been the beginning of the National Zoo's breeding project and reserve at Front Royal, Virginia. Here is a conservation project in a superb setting, which we hope will become a model of its kind, with room for cooperation with zoological societies all over the country. In history our staff has collected the Institution's first Pulitzer prize in the person of Professor Daniel Boorstin and his third volume on The Americans: The Democratic Experience. All of us can take pride in the outstanding historicoliterate achievements of this fa- mous historian, who has resumed work as a Senior Historian after four busy years as Director of the National Museum of History and Technology. In this latter capacity he has been succeeded by another eminent historian. Professor Brooke Hindle, sometime Dean, Arts and Sciences, University College, at New York University, and head of that university's Department of History for many years. Mr. Hindle is particularly an historian of science, and his coming is a matter of great joy to all of us. In the Museum of History and Technology this year we have also celebrated the creation of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Institute for Historical Research — a center for studies in the origins of war and peace, headed by Professor Forrest C. Pogue, one of the preeminent military historians of our time. This is a splendid augury for the Na- tional Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board and may well be its most salient contribution to the preservation of military history. In the past year the Freer Gallery has celebrated its semicentennial with three splendid exhibitions accompanied by internationally at- tended symposia, as well as the publication of lucid and beautifully illustrated catalogues, and with the awarding of three Freer medals. No one could fail to be heartened by the renewed interest in Chinese, Japanese, and Islamic art which these exhibitions underscored. Over 200 scholars and students attended the colloquia, which were in- tensely interesting and of high scholarly caliber. A symptom of the universal importance placed on art in Japan was a special visit during his stay in Washington by Prime Minister K. Tanaka. Statement by the Secretary 1 13 ( The National Portrait Gallery continued its striking series of his- torical exhibits with a splendid exhibition and accompanying histori- cal resource document, a catalogue on the Black Presence in the American Revolution. Once again the Portrait Gallery has charted a new and authoritative course in untraveled seas. I believe it is ob- vious by now to most historians that this technique of exhibition and wholly definitive catalogues is a new and unsuspected teaching tool to remind us, as I have said earlier, that within us all resides the history of man. The National Collection of Fine Arts has continued its imaginative program of exhibits, including a revealing one on the history of the plastic arts in recent time in the Pacific Northwest. I personally was much moved by the evidence from the paintings of the expression via palette tonalities of the difference between living in Oregon and in Washington. Even in abstracts or in interiors the painters were reflecting a subtle neo-tradition not only of style but of color, evi- dence of the mood and atmosphere, the light and color of the two States. What reflections cannot be drawn on the origins of ethnicity, of phenotypic differences, of cultural subspeciation in such happenings? A delightful footnote to the history of American art was the ex- hibition of the work of "Lilly Martin Spencer: The Joys of Senti- ment," the catalogue of which contains a brilliant introduction by Director Joshua Taylor. The ncfa's collection of American portrait miniatures, one of the best in this country, was placed on permanent exhibition through the generosity of the Trustees of the Merrill Trust. A special gallery designated the "Doris M. Magowan Gallery of Portrait Miniatures" will exhibit these portrait miniatures for the first time.x The substantial completion of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculp- ture Garden in this past year has signaled the arrival of the mam- moth collections of art in Washington and their incipient debut in their new public setting, an event long awaited. We anticipate for- mally opening the museum on October 1, 1974. This museum should help to illuminate Joseph Henry's theme that the Mall is indeed a people's park, a place of delight for citizens. The gloomy myths about the sacred sward and the hallowed ground were no more a part of the original concept of the Republic than any other Victorian Statement by the Secretary I 15 conceits. The Mall is for all of the citizens of the United States and by no means a cemetery. In this past year an additional West Coast branch of the Archives of American Art has been opened by our energetic director, WilHam Woolfenden, and the Presidency has been assumed by Dr. Irving Burton after three years of devoted work by Howard Lipman, who now becomes President of the Board of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. We are deeply grateful to all these able workers in the collation of the history of American art. The Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and Design in New York continues with its reconstruction plans for the Carnegie Mansion, for which over $1 million has already been raised. Under the energetic chairmanship of Lewis A. Lapham, who has succeeded Thomas J. Watson, Jr., as Chairman of the National Associates Board, a subcommittee has been formed to enlist the support of New York members, residents, and their wives to complete the reconstruc- tion of the site for our National Museum of Design. Nearer at home our management enterprises and our reexamina- tion of our structure proceed apace. In any sensible organization there must come periodic assessments of where one is and where one is going. In the process of keeping track of our "fragmented parts which make a whole," as Joshua Taylor has described us, we periodi- cally check the pace of our development. Are we running ourselves ragged with too many activities? Can we achieve the discipline to confine ourselves to our stated goals before natural accumulations run away with us? For in the sense of our museums and collections, the Smithsonian is a growth industry. Perhaps museums are one of the only legitimate growth industries left? I think we can manage to stay the course by perceiving common themes that unite us intellec- tually, and not simply approach efficient controls as an administra- tive function. For in our hope to "increase and diffuse knowledge among men" lies an ideal as well as a responsible charge. We monitor the processes continually, firm in our determination to illuminate that ideal. In the realm of "diffusion," this past year has seen the Smithson- ian undertake a new series of television programs under the direction of David Wolper, with sponsorship by the du Pont Company. The first program on matters of Smithsonian interest is expected to be re- 16 / Smithsonian Year 1974 leased in November, 1974. In all of these enterprises with new at- tempts to increase and diffuse knowledge an enormous amount of credit is due to the staff of this Institution, which in its many ramifi- cations continues its devotion and effective assistance to our cause at all levels. As part of the Smithsonian Product Development program, re- ports indicate that in addition to previously approved craft items, there will be authentic reproductions of pewter, silver, and textiles, all based on existing Smithsonian documentation. During the past year I have lost two of my friends. For the ten years of my tenure I have had the perfect conviction of longevity, se- cure in the belief that my three predecessors would be continually available as counsellors and reminders of the continuity of our hopes for the Institution. As I have noted in Smithsonian (November, 1973, and February, 1974), Dr. Wetmore and I have lost our two col- leagues. Dr. Leonard Carmichael, my predecessor as Secretary, on September 16, 1973, and Dr. Charles G. Abbot, his immediate prede- cessor as Secretary, on December 17, 1973. Together we had seemed a continuous chain, reaching back in time to when the Republic itself was less than a century old. They had helped and encouraged me to celebrate our own Smithson bicentennial in 1965, the 200th Anniver- sary of our Founder's birth, a noble occasion reminding us all of the academic and intellectual links of institutions like our own around the world. We mourn their passing and the loss of contact with the past which always helps to prepare us for the premonitions of the future. \ Statement by the Secretary 1 17 Charles Greeley Abbot, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1928-1944. Leonard Carmichael, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1953-1964. Board of Regents The board of regents held three meetings in fiscal year 1974. The autumn meeting, convened on September 21, 1973, was designated The Leonard Carmichael Memorial Meeting in honor of Dr. Car- michael, the seventh Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. As an appropriate tribute to his memory, the Regents unanimously de- clared that the auditorium of the National Museum of History and Technology, constructed during his tenure, hereafter be known as the Leonard Carmichael Auditorium. A ceremony dedicating the Au- ditorium was held on January 21, 1974, presided over by the Chan- cellor, accompanied by music and with tributes from Dr. John Har- per, Rector of St. John's Church, Dr. Melvin Payne, President of the National Geographic Society, and the Secretary. The new Chairman of the National Board of the Smithsonian As- sociates, Mr. Lewis A. Lapham succeeding Mr. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., was assured of enthusiastic support by the Regents, who en- dorsed the concept that the Institutional Development Committee of the National Board of the Smithsonian Associates undertake the Cooper-Hewitt capital fund raising as its first effort. Dr. Fred L. Whipple, Director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory from 1955 to 1973, retired in July, 1973, and is to con- tinue his work as Senior Research Scientist. The Regents voted to award him the Henry Medal in recognition of his important contri- butions to the Institution. Mr. Gordon N. Ray, Chairman of the Smithsonian Council, who was present, briefly reviewed the activities of the Council since its inception, citing its membership, its considerations, and conclusions. The Board of Regents thanked Mr. Ray for his efforts and conveyed appreciation to the Council members for their interest and work in behalf of the Institution. The appointment of James H. Billington as Director of the Wood- row Wilson International Center for Scholars was announced. The death of Mrs. Marjorie Merriweather Post, a great benefactor of the Smithsonian Institution, occurred on September 12, 1973. A Statement by the Secretary I 19 Smithsonian Committee was organized to work with the representa- tives of Mrs. Post's estate and foundation to facilitate an orderly transfer of the property and collections bequeathed to the Smith- sonian. Subsequently the Board of Regents, their wives, members of the National Board of the Smithsonian Associates, and the Chairman of the Smithsonian Council gathered for the presentation of the James Smithson Benefactor Medallion to Thomas J. Watson, Jr., for his important contributions to the Smithsonian Institution. The January 25, 1974, meeting of the Board of Regents was desig- nated The Charles Greeley Abbot Memorial Meeting in tribute to the Smithsonian Institution's fifth Secretary, whose death occurred in December at the age of 101. Appropriately, the Radiation Biology Laboratory will bear Dr. Abbot's name henceforward, since this as- pect of the Institution's research owes its genesis, in 1929, to Dr. Abbot. The meeting took place at the Fort Pierce Bureau of the Smith- sonian Institution located at Fort Pierce, Florida, including the Harbor Branch Laboratory, as well as the research barge and the RV Johnson. Secretary Ripley explained the history of the Fort Pierce Bureau, its programs, and its plans for the future. A tour of the facili- ties included brief talks by staff members, a tour of the model shop, inspection of the submersible, and a demonstration of the launch and recovery of the submarine. It was with great reluctance that the Executive Committee ac- cepted the decision of Crawford Creenewalt not to stand for reap- pointment after serving for eighteen years as an outstanding and distinguished Regent. The Regents accepted the Acee Blue Eagle collection of paintings and artifacts in order to foster interest in and understanding of American Indian art and culture. It will be housed in the Anthropo- logical Archives of the Department of Anthropology of the National Museum of Man. The Smithsonian was granted a permit by the General Services Administration for use of the former Beef Cattle Experiment Station at Front Royal, Virginia; the National Zoological Park plans initially to utilize this reserve for a breeding project. The spring meeting of the Board was held in the Regents' Room of the Smithsonian Building on May 14, 1974. A Nominating Commit- 20 / Smithsonian Year 1974 tee appointed by the Chancellor submitted its recomnnendation for a new Citizen Regent and for reappointment of two other Citizen Re- gents whose terms were to expire. Joint resolutions were recom- mended to be introduced in the Congress for these appointments. The Board authorized acceptance of a Zeiss planetarium instru- ment, a Bicentennial gift from the Federal Republic of Germany. This will be installed in the National Air and Space Museum to simu- late the wonders of space and is expected to be operating when the Museum opens in July, 1976. The instrument is to be named in honor of the late Albert Einstein. The Regents received the report of the second Smithsonian Priori- ties Conference convened at the Belmont Conference Center on Feb- ruary 19-21, 1974, which pointed out in detail the progress of Smith- sonian programs in the past year, and recommended additional steps to be taken in administration and management within the Institu- tion. Coupled with this were copies of a new survey of buildings and facilities owned or occupied by the Institution. \ Statement by the Secretary I 21 Visitors to the Smithsonian Museum Shops. Smithsonian Year • 1974 FINANCIAL REPORT T. AMES WHEELER, TREASURER Continued sound progress was shown in Smithsonian finances in fiscal year 1974. Thanks to increased federal support and further im- provement in results of the Institution's own educational and reve- nue-generating efforts, we were able to cope satisfactorily with the large inflation-bred rise in costs of salaries, supplies, and services, and, at the same time, to strengthen our current operating funds position. Added federal appropriations enabled us to increase needed museum protection and other support services and to step up prepa- rations for our important 1976 Bicentennial commitments. These in- cluded steady progress on construction and future exhibits for the new National Air and Space Museum and a beginning on a major long-term reconstruction of National Zoological Park facilities. An additional $l-million gift from the donor of the collections permitted completion of the construction of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculp- ture Garden. Other gifts and grants for specific purposes funded a wide variety of research and exhibit activities. There remains an urgent need for major outside contributions in support of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and De- sign and a large number of other specific projects. Also, the Institu- tion's endowment funds — always far from adequate for an Institu- tion of this size — experienced during the year a worrisome drop in value. In other respects, however, Smithsonian finances can be said to have improved substantially in fiscal year 1974. Full detail of these results is provided below. 23 Overall Sources and Application of Financial Support The total financial support available to the Institution from all sources is shown in Table 1. These figures do not include the finances of the National Gallery of Art, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, which are all related legislatively to the Smithsonian but whose financial and administrative affairs are for the most part sepa- rately managed under independent Boards of Trustees. Total funds for operating purposes rose to $82,681,000 in fiscal! year 1974, an increase of $10,607,000 over the preceding year. Fed- eral appropriations of $65,063,000 accounted for 7?>.7 percent of the total, research grants and contracts 12.1 percent, and nonfederal in- come 9.2 percent; this ratio of support was roughly the same in fiscal year 1973. In addition. Congress provided $21,860,000 in construc- tion funds for continuing work on the National Air and Space Mu- seum, for repairs to other Smithsonian buildings, and for the Na- tional Zoological Park, principally for "Lion Hill," a major beginning on the long-term renovation plan of Zoo facilities. In Table 2, these revenues from all sources (excluding construction funds and the Special Foreign Currency Program) and their applica- tion to individual Smithsonian bureaus and activities are shown in considerable detail, demonstrating the complexity of funding result- ing from the variety of resources and the large number of diversified services provided. TEDERAL OPERATING FUNDS Federal appropriations for operating purposes totaled $65,063,000 i including $1,695,000 for the Smithsonian Science Information Ex- change, a separately incorporated organization, and $4,500,000 for ; the Special Foreign Currency Program (in the blocked currency of ■ certain foreign countries). The Special Foreign Currency Program! administers grants to United States universities and similar organi- ■; zations for research studies in Egypt, India, Pakistan, Poland, Tu- nisia, and Yugoslavia (see Table 3). This program included a special $1,000,000 amount (to be renewed for three additional years) to al- low United States participation in unesco's international campaign . to preserve archeological monuments on the Island of Philae in Egypt. 24 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Table 1. Overall Sources of Financial Support [In $l,000's] Sources FY 1971 FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 OPERATING FUNDS Federal appropriation: Salaries and expenses $36,895 $44,701 $51,633 $58,868 Smithsonian Science Information Exchange * 1,600 1,600 1,695 Special Foreign Currency Program 2,500 3,500 3,500 4,500 Subtotal $39,395 $49,801 $56,733 $65,063 Research grants and contracts 9,312* 8,088 8,996 9,996 Nonfederal funds : Gifts (excluding gifts to endowments) i Restricted purpose 1,880 1,598 2,901 1,970 Unrestricted purpose 304** 26** 33** 275** Income from endowment and current funds investment Restricted purpose 1,372 1,573 1,736*** 1,750 Unrestricted purpose 330 334 436 747 Revenue producing activities (net) (534) (141) 170 1,770 Miscellaneous 406 482 1,069 1,110 Total nonfederal funds 3,758 3,872 6,345*** 7,622 Total Operating Support $52,465 $61,761 $72,074 $82,681 INSTRUCTION FUNDS ederal Construction Funds: National Zoological Park $ 200 $ 200 $ 675 $ 3,790 National Air & Space Museum ... -0- 1,900 13,000 17,000 Hirshhorn Museum 5,200 3,697 -0- -0- Restoration& Renovation of Bldgs. 1,725 550 5,014 1,070 Total Federal Construction Funds $ 7,125 $ 6,347 $18,689 $21,860 rivate Plant & Land Acquisition Funds: Copper-Hevvitt Museum $ — $ 700 $ 106 $ 262 Hirshhorn Museum — — — 1,000 Chesapeake Bay Center 25 386 149 70 Total Private Plant and Land Acquisition Funds $ 25 $ 1,086 $ 255 $ 1,332 * Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc., funded by National Science Foundation contract in fiscal year 1971 ($1,400,000) and thereafter by direct federal appropriation. • Excluding gifts to Asso»:iates (included under Revenue Producing Activities). » Includes $225,000 of fiscal year 1973 income transferred from Endowment Fund No. 3 for this purpose in fiscal year 1972. Financial Report I 25 Table 2. — Source and Application of Operating Funds for Year Ended June 30, 1974 (Excludes Special Foreign Currency Funds, Plant Funds, and Enodwments) [In $l,000's] Nonfederal funds Funds Unrestricted Restricted Total non- Fed- fed- eral eral Gen- funds funds eral Reve- nue pro- duc- ing Spe- Grants cial and pur- Gen- con- pose eral tracts FUND BALANCES — 1 July 1973 $ 0$ 5,120 $2,292 $ 0 $201 $2,546 $ 81 FUNDS PROVIDED Federal Appropriations . . . $60,563 Investment Income $ 2,497 $ 744 $ - $ 3 $1,750 $ Grants and Contracts 9,968 - _ _ _ 9^958 Gifts 2,505 151 260 124 1,970 Sales and Revenue 12,615 - 12,473 142 Other 970 284 2 138 546 Total Provided $60,563 $28,555 $1,179 $12,735 $407 $4,266 $ 9,968 Total Available $60,563 $33,675 $3,471 $12,735 $608 $6,812 $10,049 FUNDS APPLIED Science: Environmental Science $ 1,316 $ 1,158 $ 14 $ - $ 5 $ 107 $ 1,032 Natl. Museum of Nat. Hist 8,040 1,055 41 - 43 161 810 Natl. Zoological Park 4,565 46 19 - - 21 6 Fort Pierce Bureau - 1,032 24 - - 1,008 Science Info. Exchange .... 1,695 - - _ _ _ _ Smithsonian Astroph. Observatory 3,207 5,844 18 - 7 210 5,609 Radiation Biology Lab 1,294 95 - - - 9 86 Smithsonian Tropical Research Inst 1,002 70 1 - 47 4 18 Interdisciplinary Communi- cations Program - 894 22 - 1 30 841 Natl. Air and Space Museum 2,633 108 3 - 59 24 22 Other Science 1,132 1,041 118 - 1 114 808 Total 24,884 11,343 260 - 163 1,688 9,232 History and Art: Natl. Portrait Gallery 1,122 62 22 - 25 1 14 Natl. Collection of Fine Arts 1,653 ■ 79 8 - 34 35 2 Freer Gallery of Art 274 1,134 - - - 1,134 Natl. Museum of History and Technology 4,334 398 46 - 11 222 119 Table 2. Source and Application of Operating Funds for Year Ended June 30, 1974 — continued [In $i,ooo's] Nonfederal funds Unrestricted Restricted Funds Total non- Fed- fed- eral eral funds funds Reve- Spe- Grants nue cial and Gen- pro- pur- Gen- con- eral ducing pose eral tracts Cooper-Hewitt Museum . . . 174 266 4 - - 237 25 Archives of American Art 238 203 - - - 203 Bicentennial of the American Revolution . . . 1,746 - - _ _ _ _ Hillwood - 210 - - - 210 Hirshhorn Museum 1,326 82 82 _ _ _ Other History and Art 1,263 63 5 - - 19 39 Total 12,130 2,497 167 - 70 2,061 199 Public Service: Revenue Producing Activities Smithsonian Press 800 200 - 200 _ _ _ Performing Arts 422 1,083 - 493 - 107 483 Other - 10,342 - 10,272 - 9 61 Anacostia Museum 317 21 18 - - 3 - Reading Is Fundamental, Inc - 532 - - - 533 Other Public Service 1,157 83 72 - - 5 6 Total 2,696 12,262 90 10,965 - 657 550 Museum Programs: Libraries 1,165 2 - — - 2 — Exhibits 1,063 26 - - 13 2 11 Natl. Museum Act Programs 684 — - _ _ _ _ Other Museum Programs . . 1,409 87 45 - 6 36 - Total 4,321 115 45 - 19 40 11 Buildings Management and Protection Services 11,839 9 9 _ _ _ _ Administration 4,693 3,386 443 461 13 331 2,138 Overhead Recovered - (3,345) (402) (461) (13) (331) (2,138) Transfers for Designated Purposes - 1,026 (208) 1,770 (104) (436) 4 Total Funds Applied $60,563 $27,293 $ 404 $12,735 $148 $4,010 $9,996 FUND BALANCES — 30 June 1974 0 $ 6,382 $3,067 $ 0 $460 $2,802 $ 53 Table 3. Special Foreign Currency Program, Fiscal Year 1974 Obligations [In $i,ooo's] System- atic & Astro- Environ- physics & Grant mental Earth Museum Adminis- Country Archeology Biology Sciences Programs tration Totalh. India $ 125,470 $ 112,650 $31,369 $ 8,679 $48,081 $ 326,24 Pakistan 92,661 223,383 - 950 - 316,99 Poland 311,750 68,726 38,645 8,576 670 428,36 Tunisia 96,661 544,107 16,250 40,343 5,668 703,02 1^ Egypt 1,619,172 115,046 401 34,370 - 1,768,98 Yugoslavia 85,908 400,905 _ _ _ 486,81 Total $2,331,622 $1,464,817 $86,665 $92,918 $54,419 $4,030,44 Excluding these special-purpose appropriations for the Science In- formation Exchange and the Foreign Currency Program, federal op- erating funds amounted to $58,868,000. This is $7,235,000 more than fiscal year 1973, but $4,180,000 (58 percent) of this substantial increase is attributable solely to meeting the costs of federal pay raises of various categories beyond the Institution's control. The bal- ance of the increase, $3,055,000, went primarily to three high- priority program objectives. These were (1) preparation of exhibits and related work of the National Air and Space Museum scheduled to open in its new building on the Mall on July 4, 1976; (2) develop- ment of special Washington, D. C, and national Bicentennial activi- ties; and (3) phased strengthening of supporting services such as museum object conservation; reference and research libraries; auto- matic data processing applications to research, collections, and administrative activities; and buildings and facilities care and protec- tion. Allocation of the appropriations for operating purposes (ex- cluding the Foreign Currency Program) by broad activity areas over the past several years is shown in Table 4. It may be of interest to note that in performance terms about $12.6 million of the fiscal year 1974 appropriation was spent on basic re- search in art, history, and science; $4.2 million on the acquisition and management of collections (only a few hundred thousand dollars of this were available for the purchase of objects) ; $7.1 million for tcti 28 / Smithsonian Year 1974 I Table 4. Application of Federal Appropriations Fiscal Year 1971 through Fiscal Year 1974 (Excluding Special Foreign Currency Program) [In $l,000's] Area FY 1971 FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 Science $13,495 $18,365* $20,329* $24,884* History and Art 5,878 Public Service 1,442 Museum Programs 3,744 Administration 3,051 Building Maintenance and Protection 9,285 10,442 11,982 11,839 Total $36,895 $46,301 $53,233 $60,563 6,285 8,022 12,130 2,093 2,253 2,696 5,881 6,660 4,321 3,235 3,987 4,693 Includes $1,600,000 (FY 1972 and FY 1973) and $1,695,000 (FY 1974) for the Smithsonian Sci- ence Information Exchange, Inc., which had been funded prior to 1972 by grants from the National Science Foundation. I the design, production, installation, and upkeep of exhibits; and $2.7 : million for various aspects of public and scholarly education and ori- ientation. These program output areas total about $26.6 million. Sup- iport areas total about $34 million, of which $13.0 million was for t the care of buildings, $7.8 million was for protection and security, .and the balance was for other important administrative and support [functions. FEDERAL CONSTRUCTION FUNDS (Construction funding in fiscal year 1974 amounted to $4,860,000, rplus $17,000,000 to meet progress payments under the contract au- :thority provided in the fiscal year 1973 Appropriation Act for the construction of the National Air and Space Museum. The new ap- rpropriatiori provided primarily for the construction of the exciting mew lion and tiger exhibit at the National Zoological Park and fur- ther planning efforts aimed at implementing the approved master plan for the complete renovation of the Zoo. This funding also pro- > vided relatively minor amounts for repairs and improvements to other Smithsonian facilities such as safety and access improvements to the Mount Hopkins Observatory road in Arizona. Financial Report I 29 GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Grants and contracts from federal agencies once again contributed in a major way to the Institution's research programs, predominantly in scientific disciplines. $9,996,000 of these funds was expended in fiscal year 1974, up from $8,996,000 in fiscal year 1973. The major recipient, accounting for over half of the total expenditures, con- tinued to be the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, with grants from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for such projects as the monitoring of Comet Kahoutek, meteor studies, and design of hydrogen maser systems. Other projects ranged from ecological studies in South America and Asia to research on American folklore. Table 5 shows the major granting agencies to the Smithsonian over a four-year period, representing several hundred different grants and contracts each year. PRIVATE TRUST FUNDS Originally established entirely with funds from Mr. Smithson's be- quest, the Institution has, over a long period of years, derived an in- creasing proportion of its support from federal appropriations as it was entrusted with more national collections and expanded its re- search and public exhibitions. It is now an important goal of Smithsonian administration to bol- ster the Institution's private resources in line with or exceeding the growth of its federal support, in order to restore a better balance be- tween the two, thereby helping to preserve its uniquely flexible and independent character among national establishments. Despite the many serious economic uncertainties of this past 12-month period, fiscal year 1974 results were in line with this goal. Receipts (includ- ing those for operating purposes, land acquisition, and building con- struction) from gifts, investment income, revenue-producing activi- ties, fees, and other revenues all increased to record levels, with the total equaling $8,954,000 (not including $105,000 gifts to endow- ment funds). Of this total $5,598,000 was designated for specific restricted purposes; this latter amount was fractionally higher than in fiscal year 1973, while income for unrestricted purposes rose from , $1,013,000 to $3,356,000 (see Table 6). J 30 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Table 5. Grants and Contracts [In $l,000's] Federal Agencies FY 1971 FY 1972 Atomic Energy Commission $ 91 $ 73 Department of Commerce 166 392 Department of Defense 843 916 Department of Health, Education and Welfare 409 411 Department of Interior 258 247 Department of Labor 3 11 Department of State 176 195 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 4,930 4,605 National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities - 35 National Science Foundation .... 2,028* 560 Other 408 643 Total $9,312 $8,088 FY 1973 ]^ 1974 $ 76 $ 72 203 184 969 872 306 261 230 283 51 163 593 1,066 4,923 58 957 630 $8,996 5,308 102 690 995 $9,996 * Includes funding for Sniithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc. of $1,400,000. Table 6. Total Private Funds Income Fiscal Year 1974 [In $l,000's] Unrestricted purposes Revenue sources General & revenue Special producing purpose* Restricted purposes Total For Operating Purposes: Investments $ 744 Gifts 151** Revenue Producing Activities . . 1,770 Concessions and miscellaneous. . 284 Total Operating Funds . . $2,949 For Plant: Gifts — Hirshhci'n Museum $ — Chesapeake Bay Center — Cooper-Hewitt Museum — Total Gifts $ Miscellaneous — Cooper-Hewitt Museum $ — Total Plant $ Grand Total $2,949 $ 3 124 280 $407 $1,750 1,970 546 $4,266 $407 $1,332 $5,598 $2,497 2,245 1,770 1,110 $7,622 $ - $1,000 70 117 $1,000 70 117 $ - $ - $1,187 145 $1,187 145 $1,332 $8,954 * Classified as Restricted Funds in previous years; represents unrestricted income designated by management to be used only for specific purposes. ** Excluding $260,000 gifts to Associates (included under Revenue Producing Activities) and $105,000 gifts to Endowment Funds. UNRESTRICTED PRIVATE FUNDS The substantial increase in unrestricted general purpose private funds in fiscal year 1974 was extremely welcome and enabled the Institution for the first time to reserve private monies for plant im- provements not believed to be obtainable from federal appropria- tions but which will enhance our ability to serve the public and which may, at the same time, lead to increased private support in the years ahead. The build-up of the general unrestricted fund balance to a more adequate level of $3,067,000 also means that portions of any similar gains in future years may also be used for this purpose or to strengthen our present low endowment reserves. As may be seen in Table 7, the increase in income before transfers to other funds, equaling $2,336,000 in fiscal year 1974 compared to $688,000 in fiscal year 1973, arose in part from a jump in investment income but, more importantly, from successful results of our educa- tional and revenue-producing activities. There was, at the same time, a somewhat offsetting rise in administrative costs, partly from salary and other administrative cost increases (including an initial charge of $198,000 to establish a reserve for employees' accrued annual leave), but also reflecting greater assistance to a number of bureaus for special needs and urgent research projects. The increase in investment income this year resulted primarily from the build-up in working capital and advance Smithsonian mag- azine subscription monies which made more funds available for in- vestment in high quality short-term issues at prevailing high interest rates. As may be noted on the Balance Sheet, page 48, current fund investments equaled $8,298,000 as of June 30, 1974, compared to $6,223,000 a year earlier; of the former amount, $6,600,000 was invested in very high grade, short-term securities and bank certifi- cates of deposit. The Smithsonian magazine was responsible for the largest share of the net gain from revenue-producing activities. As shown in Table 8, its income for the year rose to $1,327,000, from $330,000 in the previous year. At June 30, 1974, there were 622,000 National Asso- ciate members and subscribers to the magazine, making it one of the fastest growing publications in the Nation. The Associates program also contributed heavily to this year's gains, with net income of $263,000, versus a slight loss in fiscal year 1973. The Resident Asso- 32 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Table 7. Unrestricted Private Funds General and Revenue Producing Activities (Excluding Special Purpose Funds and Gifts to Endowment) [In $l,000's] Item FY 1971 FY 1972 FY 1973 FY 1974 INCOME General Income: Investments $ 334 $ 334 $ 436 $ 744 Gifts 304 26 33 151 Concessions and miscellaneous. . 215 197 374 284 Total General Income 853 557 843 1,179 Revenue Producing Activities: Associates Smithsonian Magazine (209) 2 330 1,327 Other 10 74 (43) 263 Shops (80) 19 47 226 Press (159) (111) (109) (89) Performing Arts (78) (50) (65) 104 Product Development — - 69 37 Other Activities (18) (75) (59) (98) Total Activities (534) (141) 170 1,770 Total Income 319 416 1,013 2,949 EXPENDITURES Administrative Expense 2,681 2,956 3,097 3,957 Less Administrative Recovery . . . 2,254 2,639 2,772 3,345 Net Administrative Expense ... 427 317 325 612 Net Gain (Loss) before Transfers (108) 99 688 2,337 Less Transfers: To Plant - - - 1,134 To Endowment 21 21 21 121 Other (Net) 21 17 124 307 Net Gain (Loss) after Transfers (150) 61 543 775 Ending Balance $1,720 $1,781 $2,292* $3,067 N; ■ * Adjusted to reflect reclassification to Plant Funds of $32,000 net investment in capitalized equipment. ciates program continues to furnish great benefits to the Washing- ton, D.C., community with its offering of classes, study trips, lec- tures, and exhibit openings; the Foreign Study Tours program has likewise gained enthusiastic acceptance. Financial Report I 33 Table 8. Revenue Producing Activities for Fiscal Year 1974 [In $l,000's] Associates Smith- sonian Per- Product Museum Maga- forming develop- Item Total Shops Press* zine Other Arts ment Other** Sales and Revenues 12,473 2,141 111 7,127 1,778 597 107 612 Less Cost of Sales 6,918 1,211 83 4,426 886 145 - 167 Gross Income 5,555 930 28 2,701 892 452 107 445 Gifts 260 - - - 260 Other Income ... 2 -- - - — - 2 Total Income . . . 5,817 930 28 2,701 1,152 452 107 447 Expenses 3,586 604 105 1,174 820 314 64 505 Administrative Costs 461 100 12 200 69 34 6 40 Income (Loss) before Transfers 1,770 226 (89) 1,327 263 104 37 (98) Less Transfers 28 - (5) - - - 33*** - Net Income (Loss) 1,742 226 . (84) 1,327 263 104 4 (98) * The privately funded activities of the Press as opposed to the federally supported publication of research papers. ** Includes Traveling Exhibitions, Belmont Conference Center, Photo Sales, "Commons" Restaurant, Center for Short-Lived Phenomena, Special Publications, and Television Programs. *** This includes allocations to the Press and other Smithsonian bureaus participating in this pro- gram. The profitability of the Museum Shops also increased dramati- cally, from $47,000 in fiscal 1973 to $226,000 in fiscal 1974, due in large measure to improved management practices and increased em- phasis on higher quality merchandise relevant to the collections ex- hibited in the various Smithsonian museums. As with the Product Development Program, which transferred $33,000 of royalities to in- dividual bureaus, income from the Museum Shops will in the future be shared with the museums for their use in public education pro- grams and purchases for the cpllections. The Performing Arts Division produced an extremely successful record album, the History of Jazz, which enabled them to show a gain of $104,000 in this fiscal year, as opposed to a deficit of $65,000 34 / Smithsonian Year 1974 in fiscal year 1973. Another "bestseller" was the guidebook. Seeing the Smithsonian, developed by the Smithsonian Press and Product Development Offices in cooperation with the cbs Publishing Com- pany; its sales added substantially to the profitability of the Museum Shops. As any surplus funds accrue from project receipts of the shops or the Associates program an appropriate effort is made to return this in kind to the public in the form of improved public facilities, im- proved public reference books or publications, and improved public exhibits. As an example, the unusually large net gain in unrestricted private funds in fiscal year 1974 coincided with urgent requirements for construction funds, necessitating transfers of $1,134,000 to the Institution's plant funds, with other transfers to Special Purpose funds. Restricted Funds, and Endowment Funds bringing total trans- fers to $1,561,000 (see Table 7). Of the transfers to plant funds, $365,000 was set aside to redesign and reconstruct the museum shop in the National Museum of History and Technology. Another $500,- 000 was reserved for a part of the costs of the proposed construction of additional public service facilities in the West Court of the Na- tional Museum of Natural History. Finally, $150,000 was transferred to cover a part of the cost of a visitor's study center at the Chesa- peake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, and $119,000 was transferred for computer and equipment purchases. Other transfers from unrestricted funds include allocations toward operations of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum ($178,000), special research grants to Smithsonian scientists ($49,000), and transfers to Endowment ($121,000) which includes a bequest of $100,000 from the estate of Paula Lambert. A new category of unrestricted private funds ("Special Purpose") is set out separately this year, namely, those which are legally un- restricted but which have been designated by management to be re- served for specific uses (see Table 6). These accounts, previously treated as a part of Restricted Funds, include, for example, receipts from parking at the Zoo (reserved to aid future construction of addi- tional parking facilities for visitors), and revenues from various minor enterprises in individual museums (e.g., charges for tour- guide audiophone equipment, etc.) and related expenditures of these monies, chiefly for improvement of exhibits. As of June 30, 1974, balances of these funds totaled $460,000, an increase of $259,000 in the year. Financial Report I 35 Table 9. Restricted Operating Private funds, * Fiscal Year 1974 [In $l,000's] Income Deduc- tions Trans- fers in (out) Net in- crease (de- crease Fund ' halanct end of ) year Fund Invest- ment Gifts Miscel- laneous Total in- come Archives of American Art. . ... $ 1 $ 19 $186 $ 206 $ 203 $ 9 $ 12 $ 205 American Banking Exhibit - 285 - 285 17 - 268 268 American Maritime Hall . - 52 - 52 - - 52 166 Cooper-Hewitt Museum: Operations 6 29 38 73 190 232 115 _ Funds for Collection and other Special Purpose Funds 70 70 47 10 33 582 -ort Pierce Bureau 530 385 28 943 1,008 300 235 192 -reer Gallery 876 100 200 1,176 1,134 - 42 191 Millwood 299 1 300 210 532 : 90 (532) 79 180 leading is FUNdamental . . . — Dther 337 731 93 1,161 $4,266 1,104 $4,445 (115) $436 (58) $257 939 $2,802 Total Restricted Funds . . . $1,750 $1,970 $546 * Excluding Grants and Contracts shown in TabI e 5 and also Restric :ted Plant Funds inc uded in Table 6. RESTRICTED PRIVATE FUNDS I, » i The Restricted Private Funds of the Institution, which support a wide variety of activities even beyond the major ones highUghted in Table 9, received $4,266,000 for operating purposes in fiscal year 1974. The Freer Gallery of Art and the Fort Pierce Bureau depend primarily on income from their endowment funds, while the Cooper- Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and Design and the Archives of American Art, although receiving some federal support, must look to gifts, grants, memberships, and various money-raising efforts for their principal operating funds. In addition, it was necessary to transfer $178,000 of private unrestricted funds to Cooper-Hewitt in fiscal year 1974 to eliminate operating deficits accumulated over this and previous years. In September 1973, at the death of Mrs. Marjorie Merriweather Post, the responsibility for her "Hillwood" estate and the extraordi- nary collections it contains passed to the Smithsonian. A trust fund 36 / Smithsonian Year 1974 was provided by her will for the maintenance and operation of Hill- wood, but the estate had not yet been settled at year-end; part-year income and expenditures for this new project are reflected in the Re- stricted Private Funds table. The National Museum of History and Technology is conducting a fund-raising campaign, with strong support from industry, to enable creation of a new exhibit "Hall of American Maritime Enterprise" devoted to national marine history. As of June 30, 1974, $166,000 had been raised with additional pledges received of over $100,000. A gift of $1 million was received from Joseph H. Hirshhorn in fiscal year 1974 to be used to complete construction of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, due to open to the public in October 1974. This gift is reflected in the restricted gifts total in Table 6 in the category of Plant Funds along with other gifts and miscellaneous revenues for the new Chesapeake Bay Center building ($70,000) and renovation of the Carnegie Mansion for the Cooper-Hewitt Museum ($262,000). ENDOWMENT FUNDS The Smithsonian endowment includes three separate investment funds: the Freer Fund, whose income is used solely by the Freer Gal- lery of Art; Endowment Fund No. 3, which supports oceanographic research at the Fort Pierce Bureau in Florida; and the Consolidated Fund, which is an investment pool of all other Smithsonian restricted and unrestricted endowment funds, although distinct administration and accounting is maintained on each individual fund. Changes in market values of these funds since 1970, reflecting additions from donations and reinvestment of income, limited withdrawals, and changes in securities valuations are shown in Table 10. Table 10. Market Values of Endowment funds \ [In $l,000's] Fund 6/30/70 6/30/71 6/30/72 6/30/73 Freer $14,987 $18,805 $21,973 $18,279 Endowment No. 3 . . 5,433 12,331 14,641 13,196 Consolidated 8,998 11,470 13,287 12,393 Total $29,418 $42,606 $49,901 $43,868 6/30/74 $14,250 11,128 10,172 $35,550 Financial Report / 37 As detailed in previous Smithsonian Annual Reports, the invest- ment of these three endowments is managed by three professional advisory firms, under the close supervision of the Investment Policy Committee and the Treasurer, and subject to policy guidelines set by the Smithsonian's Board of Regents. Under the Total Return policy, adopted for all funds by the Board of Regents in 1972, the income to be paid each fund in the subsequent fiscal year is determined each March 31 by computing 4V2 percent of the running five-year average of market values. By selecting a fixed rate of return, regardless of what the actual yield may be, the investment advisors are free to choose the most attractive securities without being limited by the need to achieve a specified dividend and interest income level and at the same time Smithsonian budgeting procedures are simplified. Table 11. Changes in Endowment Funds for Fiscal Year 1974 [In $l,000's] Market Gifts Interest Income Decline Market value and and paid Sub- in market value Fund 6/30/73 transfers dividends* out total value 6/30/74 Freer Fund . . . Endowment Fund No. 3 . . Consolidated Fund Total** . . $18,279 13,196 $ - $ 670 $ 876 $18,073 $3,823 $14,250 (300) 445 520 12,821 1,693 11,128 12,393 297 478 552 12,616 2,444 10,172 $43,868** $ (3) $1,593 $1,948 $43,510 $7,960 $35,550 * Income earned less managers' fees. ** Not including Endowment Funds of $1,000,000 held in U.S. Treasury, carrying 6 percent interest, nor minor amount of miscellaneous securities treated separately. As shown in Table 11, the market values of the endowment funds suffered badly in fiscal year 1974, sharing fully in the general stock market decline. This fall in market values will have the effect in fiscal year 1975 of reducing the Total Return income to the Freer and Con- solidated Funds to somewhat below the level of fiscal year 1974, al- though still higher than prior years. 38 / Smithsonian Year 1974 1 Gifts, bequests, and reinvestment of income in certain restricted funds added $297,000 to the Consolidated Fund, and a transfer of $300,000 was made from Endowment Fund No. 3 to permit comple- tion of the RV Johnson submarine tender as well as to cover costs relating to the entrapment of the submersible Johnson-Sea-Link in June 1973. Income totaling $1,948,000, net of managers' fees, was paid out under the Total Return policy described above; this was $355,000 in excess of dividend and interest yield on these Endow- ment Funds in the year. Market valuations and income of the indi- vidual restricted funds participating in the Consolidated pool are shown in Table 12, and detail on the funds by types of securities held is given in Table 13. A listing of the individual investments held in the various endowment funds at June 30, 1974, may be obtained upon request to the Treasurer of the Institution. Accounting and Auditing The Private Trust Funds of the Institution, as well as the accounts of Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc., the Smithsonian Research Foundation, and Reading-Is-Fundamental, Inc., are audited annually by independent public accountants. Their report for fiscal year 1974 on the Smithsonian is contained in the following pages, including a comparative balance sheet and a statement of changes in the various fund balances. Extensive changes in accounting treat- ment of a number of items in accordance with new guidelines estab- lished by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants have been referred to at length in the Notes to these statements and are reflected in the tables in this report dealing with Unrestricted and Restricted Private Funds. The Defense Contract Audit Agency annually performs an audit on grant and contract monies received from federal agencies. In addi- tion, the federally appropriated funds of the Institution are subject to audit by the General Accounting Office. The internal audit staff continues to conduct audits throughout the wide range of Smith- sonian activities and contributes greatly to smooth administrative and financial management. Financial Report I 39 Table 12. Consolidated Fund, June 30, 1974 Principal Income Funds participating in pool Book value Unex- Market 1974 pended value Net income balance UNRESTRICTED FUNDS $ 4,616,391 RESTRICTED FUNDS Abbott, William L 211,924 Archives of American Art 21,986 Armstrong, Edwin James 4,133 Arthur, James 62,497 Bacon, Virginia Purdy 184,850 Baird, Spencer Fullerton 57,364 Barney, Alice Pike 44,821 Barstow, Frederic D 2,032 Batchelor, Emma E 67,414 Beauregard, Catherine Memorial Fund 77,837 Becker, George F 317,610 Brown, Roland W 51,303 Canfield, Frederick A 59,323 Casey, Thomas Lincoln 25,489 Chamberlain, Frances Lea 44,007 Cooper, C. Arthur, Curator's Fund . . 2,840 Cooper-Hewitt Museum 158,973 Desautels, Paul E 1,463 Div. of Mammal Curator Fund 3,366 Div. of Reptiles Curator Fund 1,006 Drake, Carl J 283,815 Dykes, Charles 87,541 Eickemeyer, Florence Brevoort 16,988 Guggenheim, David and Florence . . . 238,898 Hanson, Martin Gustav and Caroline Runice 18,077 Henderson, Edward P. Meteorite Fund 623 Hillyer, Virgil 13,365 Hitchcock, Albert S 2,464 Hrdlicka, Ales and Marie 95,780 Hughes, Bruce 29,910 Johnson, E. R. Fenimore 16,361 Kellogg, Remington, Memorial 48,275 Lindsey, Jessie H 587 Loeb, Morris 177,619 Long, Annette E. and Edith C 848 Lyons, Marcus Ward . 8,778 Maxwell, Mary E 30,650 Myer, Catherine Walden 41,084 $ 3,809,559 $219,510 $ 187,195 11,420 2,411 19,081 782 - 3,176 185 - 70,039 3,575 5,821 146,095 8,913 18,728 62,608 3,197 - 50,191 2,562 6,240 1,792 110 1,806 52,069 3,176 6,066 69,749 792 791 252,863 15,428 10,763 47,868 2,443 7,595 77,168 3,940 - 22,552 1,376 1,856 49,281 2,515 5,859 2,294 97 - 121,148 5,822 - 1,159 52 52 2,863 146 920 847 38 120 230,827 11,562 25,406 77,416 4,723 12,500 19,015 971 2,602 179,715 7,235 — 15,986 975 9,919 623 - - 11,826 721 3,548 2,806 143 331 87,196 4,451 6,030 33,536 1,712 24,641 11,836 722 4,732 33,947 2,054 1,442 493 25 633 158,544 9,673 1,207 976 49 232 6,390 390 - 34,361 1,755 8,365 36,336 2,217 4,220 40 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Table 12. Consolidated Fund, June 30, 1974 — continued Principal Income Funds participating in pool Book value Unex- Market 1974 pended value Net income balance Nelson, Edward William $ 37,315 $ 38,911 $ 1,987 $ Noyes, Frank B 1,976 1,831 112 1,237 Pell, Cornelia Livingston 15,091 13,414 818 5,849 Petrocelli, Joseph, Memorial 11,582 13,033 665 8,540 Ramsey, Admiral and Mrs. DeWitt Clinton 527,193 387,110 23,857 15,467 Rathbun, Richard, Memorial 21,648 19,220 1,172 11,701 Reid, Addison T 36,166 31,982 1,951 2,852 Roebling Collection 188,656 210,194 10,730 1,059 Roebling Solar Research 50,163 41,324 2,521 962 Rollins, Miriam and William 298,674 296,708 14,862 Ruef, Bertha M 63,809 45,991 2,101 2,809 Smithsonian Agency Account 186,886 138,087 7,417 Sprague, Joseph White 2,179,658 1,785,177 89,418 1,746 Springer, Frank 28,025 31,366 1,601 20,767 Stevenson, John A 9,525 8,522 435 - Strong, Julia D 20,348 18,061 1,101 4,559 T.F.H. Publications, Inc 13,539 9,554 523 9,816 Walcott, Charles D 191,293 185,590 9,296 11,323 Walcott, Charles D. and Mary Vaux 719,110 804,766 41,084 20,114 Walcott Botanical Publications 90,618 97,623 4,984 15 Zerbee, Francis Brinckle 1,483 1,649 84 1,718 Total Restricted Funds $ 7,204,659 $ 6,361,980 $332,666 $295,370 Total Consolidated Funds $11,821,050 $10,171,539 $552,176 $295,370 \ Financial Report I 41 Table 13. Endowment and Similar Funds Summary of Investments Book value Market value Accounts 6/30/74 6/30/74 INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS Freer Fund: Cash $ 544,442 $ 544,442 Bonds 2,755,871 2,559,139 Convertible Bonds 1,657,791 1,360,919 Stocks 11,264,712 9,785,271 Total $16,222,816 $14,249,771 Consolidated Funds: Cash $ 91,898 $ 91,898 Bonds 2,981,194 2,785,227 Convertible Bonds 0 0 Stocks 8,747,958 7,294,414 Total $11,821,050 $10,171,539 Endowment Fund No. 3: Cash $ 108,931 $ 108,931 Bonds 2,996,566 2,916,807 Convertible Bonds 202,878 159,155 Stocks 9,423,532 7,944,033 Total $12,731,907 $11,128,926 Miscellaneous: Cash $ 731 $ 731 Bonds 9,769 9,100 Common Stocks 3,322 8,373 Total $ 13,822 $ 18,204 Total Investment Accounts $40,789,595 $35,568,440 Other Accounts: Notes Receivable $ 49,966 $ 49,966 Loan to U.S. Treasury in Perpetuity 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total Other Accounts $ 1,049,966 $ 1,049,966 Total Endowment and Similar Fund Balances .... $41,839,561 $36,618,406 42 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Donors to the Smithsonian The Smithsonian Institution gratefully acknowledges gifts and be- quests received during fiscal year 1974 from the following: $100,000 or more: American Bankers Association The Atlantic Foundation Hillwood Trust Mr. Joseph H. Hirshhorn Estate of Paula C. Lambert The Majorie Merriweather Post Foundation of D.C. $10,000 or more: Alcoa Foundation American Philosophical Society Anonymous The Arcadia Foundation Estate of William A. Archer Batelle Memorial Institute Dr. William H. Crocker John Deere Foundation The Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation, Inc. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Exxon Corporation Max C. Fleischmann Foundation The Ford Foundation Ford Motor Company Mary L. Griggs and Mary G. Burke Foundation The Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hawkes Charles Hayden Foundation William Randolph Hearst Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Heinz II Mrs. Ethel R. Holmes Houston Endowment, Inc. International Business Machines Corporation Interdisciplinary Communication Associates, Inc. J. M. Kaplan Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Koshland Mr. Edwin A. Link Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation The Mobil Foundation, Inc. The Ambrose Monell Foundation National Geographic Society New York State Council on the Arts Edward John Noble Foundation Phillip Morris Incorporated Janet Neff Charitable Trust Estate of Marjorie Merriweather Post Rockefeller Brothers Fund Estate of Gertrude Sampson Mississippi State Historical Museum Miss Alice Tully The Thomas J. Watson Foundation United Seamen's Service Weatherhead Foundation World Wildlife Fund $1,000 or more: Mr. Max Abramovitz American Express Foundation American Council of Learned Societies American Federation of Information Processing Societies, Inc. The American Foundation American Institute of Marine Underwriters American Metal Climax Foundation Arthur Anderson and Company Anonymous Astillero Nacional Bankers Trust Company Financial Report I 43 $1,000 or more — continued: Barra Foundation Mr. Hilary Barratt-Brown Mrs. Evelyn F. Bartlett The Bedminster Fund, Inc. Beneficial Fund, Inc. Mrs. Neville J. Booker Ms. Beulah Boyd Mr. John Nicholas Brown Mr. David K. E. Bruce The Burroughs Wellcome Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Campbell Caterpillar Tractor Company Celanese Corporation of America Charron Foundation General Claire Lee Chennault Foundation Mrs. Frances K. Clark The Coca Cola Company Committee for Islamic Culture Continental Oil Company Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Cox Mrs. Alice Crowley Trust Cultural Council Foundation Ms. Priscilla Cunningham Ms. Aileen Curry-Cloonan Dana Corporation Foundation Mrs. John Dimick Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc. Earhart Foundation The Edipa Foundation, Inc. El Paso Natural Gas Company Dr. William L. Elkins Elsa Wild Animal Appeal Mr. Alfred U. Elser, Jr. Entomological Society of America The Eppley Foundation for Research Mrs. Ruth M. Epstein Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. First National Bank of Miami General Electric Company General Telephone & Electronics Foundation Mrs. Rebecca D. Gibson Mr. Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Gollin Mrs. Katherine Graham Great Lakes Aircraft Co. Mr. Felix Guggenheim Mr. M. D. Guinness Mrs. David L. Guyer Hallmark Educational Foundation Mr. Wallace K. Harrison Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc. Hoover Foundation Institute of International Education International Association of Plant Taxonomy International Rectifier Corporation International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation The Island Foundation Janss Foundation The Johnson Foundation, Inc. J. D. R. 3rd Fund, Inc. Mr. James Ellwood Jones, Jr. Mrs. Merri Jones Mrs. Ruth Cole Kainen Atwater Kent Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Judd Kessler Keystone Shipping Co. Kidder Peabody Foundation Mr. Irving B. Kingsford Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kinnaird Kominers, Fort, Schlefer & Boyer Mr. Edward F. Kook Mr. David Lloyd Kreeger S. S. Kresge Company Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Layton Lilly Endowment, Inc. Mr. Charles A. Lindbergh Mr. Harold F. Linder The Link Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth Lorentz The Lykes Foundation, Inc. Maritime Overseas Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William A. Marsteller Townsend B. Martin Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Mayer McDonald's Corporation Mr. Forrest L. Merrill Mobil Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Nail, Jr. National Bank of Detroit National Council on Productivity 44 / Smithsonian Year 1974 $1,000 or more — continued: National Research Council National Steel and Shipbuilding Company Northrop Corporation Northwest Industries Foundation, Inc. Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Ourisman Foundation, Inc. Palisades Foundation, Inc. Mr. Perry R. Pease J. C. Penney Company, Inc. The Pioneer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Feodor U. Pitcairn Polaroid Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. John A. Pope Propeller Club of U.S., Port of New York R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. Miss Esther M. Ridder Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Rinzler Dr. 5. Dillon Ripley Mr. and Mrs. William G. Roe Schubert Foundation Miss Elsie Shaver Shipbuilders Council of America Sidney Printing and Publishing Co. Stacks Coin Company Miss Elizabeth Stein Mrs. Alice T. Strong Sumner Gerard Foundation Todd Shipyards Corporation T.R.W. Foundation, Inc. Trust of Georgia Foundation UNESCO University of Michigan Mr. Arthur K. Watson Mr. Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Ellen Bayard Weedon Foundation Mr. Christopher A. Weeks Mr. Kermit A. Weeks Miss Leslie Anne Weeks Wells Fargo Bank Wenner-Gren Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Albert Whiting Elsie de Wolfe Foundation, Inc. Women's Committee of the Smithsonian Institution Woodheath Foundation, Inc. Charles W. Wright Foundation of Badger Meter, Inc. Wunsch American Foundation $500 or more: American Airlines, Inc. Anonymous AVCO Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Baldwin Mr. Harry Hood Bassett Mr. Arthur W. Bedell Brotherton-DiGiorgio Corporation Mr. and Mrs. C. Emery Buffum Mrs. W. Randolph Burgess Mr. Carter Cafritz Charities Aid Fund China Airlines Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Choy Mr. R. Coaley Mr. Sheldon R. Coons Mr. John M. Crawford, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Willis N. Dickens Mrs. Helen W. Edey Educational Audio Visual, Inc. Emery Air Freight Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Fisher Mr. Robert B. Flint Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fuller III Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Gericke The B. F. Goodrich Company Guide Foundation Edith G. Halpert Foundation Mrs. Francis Head Institute of Psychiatry and Foreign Affairs The IX Foundation S. C. Johnson and Son, Inc. Mr. E. P. Jones Josten Fund, Inc. Mr. James G. Kenan Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Law James A. MacDonald Foundation The Magnavox Foundation Mrs. Margaret McClellan Ellen McCluskey Associates Financial Report I 45 $500 or more — continued: Mr. and Mrs. John McGreevey Mr. Henry P. Mcllhenny Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McLaren Dr. and Mrs. Leo A. McNalley Mr. Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Meiers Mrs. Constance L. Mellen Mr. Paul Mellon Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Michiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nath The Nature Conservancy Nautilus Foundation, Inc. Mr. Otto Natzler Mr. Edward Neinken Mr. Mortimer Neinken PACCAR Foundation Mr. Carl H. Pforzheimer, Jr. Mr. John Shedd Reed Dr. Ira Rubinoff Santa Fe Industries, Inc. The Norine and Ottilie Schillig Foundation, Inc. Mr. Sidney N. Shure Shuttleworth Carton Co. Mr. Robert H. Smith E. R. Squibb and Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin R. Stone Levi Strauss Foundation Strayer College Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tishman Mr. Chi-Chuan Wang Mr. and Mrs. Harold I. Westcott Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. We also gratefully acknowledge other contributions in the amount of $229,197.80 received from more than 5,000 contributors in fiscal year 1974. 46 / Smithsonian Year 1974 PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1025 CONNECTICUT AVENUE, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20036 The Board of Regents Smithsonian Institution: We have examined the balance sheet of the Private Funds of Smith- sonian Institution as of June 30, 1974 and the related statement of changes in fund balances for the year then ended. Such statements do not include the accounts of the National Gallery of Art, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, nor other departments, bureaus and operations administered by the Institution under Fed- eral appropriations as detailed in note 3 to the financial statements. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the ac- counting records and such other auditing procedures as we consid- ered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Private Funds of Smithsonian Institution at June 30, 1974 and the changes in its fund balances for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted account- ing principles which, except for the changes referred to in note la to the financial statements, with which we concur, have been applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. PEAT, MARWICK, MITCHELL & CO. September 5, 1974 Financial Report I 47 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION - PRIVATE FUNDS Balance Sheet June 30, 1974 (with comparative figures for 1973) Assets 1974 1973 CURRENT FUNDS: Cash: In U. S. Treasury $ 139,352 293,324 In banks and on hand 651,485 413,499 Total cash 790,837 706,823 Investments (note 2) 8,298,318 6,223,305 Receivables : Accounts, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $200,000 ($194,486 in 1973) 1,247,671 935,486 Advances — travel and other 203,705 172,568 Reimbursement — grants and contracts 2,261,103 1,061,872 Due from agency funds 136,151 - Total receivables 3,848,630 2,169,926 Inventories 780,054 602,254 Prepaid expenses 420,272 456,659 Deferred expenses 1,208,561 769,670 Total current funds $15,346,672 10,928,637 ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS: Cash and receivables for securities sold 506,035 359,353 Notes receivable 49,966 51,486 Due from current funds 239,967 - Investments (note 2) 40,043,593 41,266,827 Loan to U. S. Treasury in perpetuity at 6% 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total endowment and similar funds $41,839,561 42,677,666 PLANT FUNDS: Due from current funds 1,934,519 938,480 Real estate (note 5) 4,847,870 3,471,825 Equipment, less accumulated depreciation of $409,830 ($303,385 in 1973) (note 4) 237,025 328,107 Total plant funds $ 7,019,414 4,738,412 AGENCY FUNDS: Investments 10,000 - Due from current funds 213,100 130,814 Total agency funds $ 223,100 130,814 See accompanying notes to financial statements. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION - PRIVATE FUNDS Balance Sheet June 30, 1974 (with comparative figures for 1973) Liabilities and Fund Balances 1974 1973 CURRENT FUNDS: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 2,596,331 1,701,665 Due to plant funds 1,934,519 938,480 Due to agency funds 213,100 130,814 Due to endowment and similar funds 239,967 - Deferred income: Magazine subscriptions 3,645,757 2,746,892 Other 334,955 290,560 Total liabilities 8,964,629 5,808,411 Fund balances: Unrestricted: General purpose 3,066,594 2,292,017 Special purpose 460,544 201,491 Total unrestricted 3,527,138 2,493,508 Restricted 2,854,905 2,626,718 Total fund balances 6,382,043 5,120,226 Total current funds $15,346,672 10,928,637 ENDOWMENT AND SIMILAR FUNDS: Fund balances: Endowment 34,999,970 35,844,768 Quasi-endowment : Restricted 2,286,057 2,304,158 Unrestricted 4,553,534 4,528,740 Total quasi-endowment 6,839,591 6,832,898 Total endowment and similar funds $41,839,561 42,677,666 PLANT FUNDS: Note payable (note 4) 191,843 295,761 Mortgage notes payable (note 5) 349,617 432,534 Accrued liabilities 36,832 - Fund balances: Acquisition fund: Unrestricted 933,661 Restricted 964,026 938,480 1,897,687 938,480 Investment in plant 4,543,435 3,071,637 Total plant funds $ 7,019,414 4,738,412 AGENCY FUNDS: Due to current funds 136,151 — Deposits held in custody for others 86,949 130,814 Total agency funds $ 223,100 130,814 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION - PRIVATE FUNDS Statement of Changes in Fund Balances Year ended June 30, 1974 Total Total current unrestricted funds funds REVENUE AND OTHER ADDITIONS: Auxiliary enterprises revenue $12,615,044 12,615,044 j Federal grants and contracts 9,967,552 —f Investment income (net of $108,752 management and custodian fees) 2,158,982 729,476 Gains (losses) on sale of securities (16,243) (16,243 Gifts, bequests, and foundation grants 2,503,499 533,824 Additions to equity in real estate and capitalized equipment (including $110,000 of land acquired in prior year) — Rentals, fees, and commissions 618,773 618,773 Other — net 753,409 207,308 Total revenue and other additions 28,601,016 14,688,182 EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS: Research and educational expenditures 12,662,553 695,060 Administrative expenditures 3,386,476 916,804 Auxiliary enterprises expenditures 10,619,160 10,619,160 Expended for real estate and equipment — Retirement of indebtedness — Interest on indebtedness — Depreciation — Total expenditures and other deductions 26,668,189 12,231,024 TRANSFERS AMONG FUNDS — ADDITIONS (DEDUCTIONS) : Mandatory — principal and interest on note (103,917) (103,917) Portion of investment gain appropriated 355,376 34,321 For plant acquisition (1,015,000) (1,015,000) Income added to endowment principal (71,106) - Appropriated as quasi-endowment (100,446) (100,446) For designated purposes (35,917) (238,486) Endowment released 300,000 — Net increase in activities — — "' 1 Total transfers among funds — additions (deductions) . . . (671,010) (1,423,528); Net increase (decrease) for the year 1,261,817 1,033,630 Fund balances at June 30, 1973 5,120,226 2,493,508 Fund balances at June 30, 1974 $ 6,382,043 3,527,138 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 50 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Current funds Unrestricted Special general Activities purposes Restricted Endowment and similar funds Plant funds Investment Acquisition in plant 12,473,118 141,926 3,164 259,881 123,357 9,967,552 1,429,506 1,969,675 (480,095) 105,260 1,187,502 - 106,994 2,224 31,287 546,101 ,546,231 12,735,223 406,728 13,912,834 (374,835) - 1,583,504 144,859 (5,261) 1,332,361 1,578,243 - 123,824 11,967,493 461,298 12,532 2,469,672 10,503,508 115,652 — - - - — 1,281,409 — — — — - — 192,095 - _ — — — — 33,930 — - - - - - - 106,445 ,014,210 10,964,806 252,008 14,437,165 - 1,507,434 106,445 (103,917) 103,917 34,321 - - 321,055 (355,376) - • — .,015,000) - — - - 1,015,000 — - - - (71,106) 71,106 - — (100,446) - - - 100,446 — — :(314,459) (28,360) 104,333 202,569 20,554 15,363 — - - - 300,000 (300,000) — — ;,742,057 (1,742,057) (1,770,417) - - - — — ; 242,556 ; 774,577 104,333 259,053 752,518 228,187 (463,270) (838,105) 1,134,280 959,207 - 1,471,798 ;,292,017 - 201,491 460,544 2,626,718 2,854,905 42,677,666 41,839,561 938,480 1,897,687 3,071,637 ,066,594 - 4,543,435 Financial Report I 51 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION - PRIVATE FUNDS Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 1974 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies a. Accrual Basis — The financial statements of Smithsonian Institution have been prepared on the accrual basis, except for depreciation accounting as explained in note Ig below, and are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles included in the recently issued American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Audit Guide "Audits of Colleges and Univer- sities". In accordance with the requirements of the Guide, annual leave and interest income on endowment and similar fund investments have been accrued at June 30, 1974 and, in addition, certain changes in financial statement classification have been adopted. The effect of such changes in classifications on beginning fund balances is as follows: Endowment and similar funds Current funds q^^^,-. p;^„f ^ge«cj/ Unrestricted Restricted Endowment endowment funds funds Balance at June 30, 1973 as previously reported $2,323,958 3,897,908 36,913,730 5,763,936 3,039,291 Reclassify fund restricted for construction and acquisi- tion of real estate - (938,480) - - 938,480 Reclassify funds that are inter- nally restricted by the Insti- tution 201,896 (201,896) - _ _ _ Net assets transferred to plant fund (32,346) _ _ _ 32,346 Reclassify mis- cellaneous funds to agency status - (130,814) _ _ _ i30,814 Reclassify endowments - - (1,068,962) 1,068,962 - - Balance at June 30, 1973 as restated $2,493,508 2,626,718 35,844,768 6,832,898 4,010,117 130,814 Current funds used to finance the acquisition of plant assets and for pro- visions for debt amortization and interest are accounted for as transfers to the plant fund. Fund Accounting — In order to ensure observance of limitations and re- strictions placed on the use of the resources available to the Institution, the accounts of the Institution are maintained in accordance with the prin- 52 / Smithsonian Year 1974 ciples of "fund accounting". This is the procedure by which resources for various purposes are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into funds that are in accordance with activities or objectives specified. Separate accounts are maintained for each fund; however, in the accompanying financial statements, funds that have similar characteristics have been com- bined into fund groups. Accordingly, all financial transactions have been recorded and reported by fund group. Within each fund group, fund balances restricted by outside sources are so indicated and are distinguished from unrestricted funds allocated to spe- cific purposes by action of the governing board. Externally restricted funds may only be utilized in accordance with the purposes established by the source of such funds and are in contrast with unrestricted funds over which the governing board retains full control to use in achieving any of its institutional purposes. Endowment funds are subject to the restrictions of gift instruments requir- ing in perpetuity that the principal be invested and the income only be utilized. Also classified as endowment funds are gifts which will allow the expenditure of principal but only under certain specified conditions. Unrestricted quasi-endowment funds have been established by the govern- ing board for the same purposes as endowment funds, any portion of such funds may be expended. Restricted quasi-endowment funds represent giftt for restricted purposes where there is no stipulation that the principal be maintained in perpetuity or for a period of time, but the governing board has elected to invest the principal and expend only the income for the pur- pose stipulated by the donor. All gains and losses arising from the sale, collection, or other disposition of investments and other noncash assets are accounted for in the fund which owned such assets. Ordinary income derived from investments, re- ceivables, and the like, is accounted for in the fund owning such assets, except for income derived from investments of endowment and similar funds, which income is accounted for in the fund to which it is restricted or, if unrestricted, as revenues in unrestricted current funds. All other unrestricted revenue is accounted for in the unrestricted current fund. Restricted gifts, grants, endowment income, and other restricted re- sources are accounted for in the appropriate restricted funds. c. Investments are recorded at cost or fair market value at date of acquisition when acquired by gift. d. Inventories are carried at lower of average cost or net realizable value. e. Income and expenses in respect to the Institution's magazine and associates' activities are deferred and taken into income and expense over the appli- cable periods and are reported in the activities section of the current unrestricted funds. f. Endowment and Similar Fund Investments — The Institution utilizes the "total return" approach to investment management of endowment funds and quasi-endowment funds. Under this approach, the total investment return is considered to include realized and unrealized gains and losses in addition to interest and dividends. In applying this approach, it is the Insti- tution's policy to provide 4V2% of the five year average of the market value of each fund (adjusted for gifts and transfers during this period) as being available for current expenditures; however, where the market value of the assets of any fund is less than 110% of the historic dollar value (value of gifts at date of donation) the amount provided is limited to only interest and dividends received. Financial Report I 53 g. Plant Fund Assets — Plant fund assets are recorded as follows: Museum shop and computer equipment purchased with Private Funds is capitalized in the plant fund at cost, and is depreciated on a straight-line basis over an estimated useful life of five years. Real estate (land and buildings) are recorded in the plant fund at cost, to the extent that restricted or unrestricted funds were expended therefor, or appraised value at date of gift, except for gifts of certain islands in Chesapeake Bay, Carnegie Mansion, and Hillwood Estate which have been recorded at nominal values. Depreciation on buildings is not re- corded. All the other land and buildings (principally acquired with Federal funds), fixtures, equipment, works of art, living or other specimens are not re- flected in the accompanying financial statements. Funds, previously recorded in the current funds group, whose purpose is for construction and acquisition of plant assets, have been reclassified to plant funds. h. Agency Funds — The agency funds group consists of funds held by the Institution as custodian or fiscal agent for others. i. Pension Costs — All pension costs are funded as accrued. 2. Investments Quoted market values and carrying values of investments (all marketable securities) of the funds indicated were as follows: Endowment and similar funds Total investments June 3C ), 3974 June 3D 1, 2973 Carrying value Market value Carrying value Market value $ 8,298,318 7,971,088 6,223,305 6,078,226 40,043,593 34,822,438 41,266,827 43,530,142 $48,341,911 42,793,526 47,490,132 49,608,368 Total investment performance is summarized below: Net gains (losses) Current funds Unrealized gains (losses) : June 30, 1974 $(327,230) June 30, 1973 (145,079) Increase in unrealized gains (losses) for year (182,151) Realized net losses for year . . . (16,243) Total net losses for year $(198,394) Endowment and similar funds (5,221,155) 2,263,315 (7,484,470) (480,095) (7,964,565) Total (5,548,385) 2,118,236 (7,666,621) (496,338) (8,162,959) Assets of the endowment and similar funds having a carrying value of $11,845,384 are pooled on "a market value basis (consolidated fund) with each individual fund subscribing to or disposing of units on the basis of 54 / Smithsonian Year 1974 the value per unit at market value at the beginning of the calendar quarter within which the transaction takes place. Of the total units each having a market value of $84.60 ($105.22 in 1973), 67,856 units were owned by en- dowment, and 52,665 units by quasi-endowment at June 30, 1974. 3. Related Activities Federal appropriations, which are not reflected in the accompanying finan- ' cial statements, provide major support for the operations and administration of the educational and research programs of the Institution's many mu- seums, art galleries and other bureaus, as well as for the maintenance and construction of related buildings and facilities. In addition, land, buildings and other assets acquired with Federal funds are not reflected in the accom- panying financial statements. The following Federal appropriations were received by the Institution for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1974 : Operating funds $60,562,900 Special foreign currency program 4,500,000 Construction funds 21,860,000 $86,922,900 4. Note Payable The note payable in the principal amount of $191,843 ($295,761 in 1973) which is non-interest bearing, is secured by computer equipment and is payable in monthly installments of $7,993 to June 30, 1976. 5. Mortgage Notes Payable The mortgage notes payable are secured by first deeds of trust on property acquired in connection with the Chesapeake Bay Center. The details of the mortgage notes payable are as follows: June 30, 1974 1973 Mortgage note, payable in semi-annual installments of $13,300, plus interest at the prevailing prime rate at the due date of the installment payment but not less than 8%, due July 1, 1980 $172,900 199,500 6% mortgage note payable, due in monthly install- ments of $451 including interest, due November 1, 1989 36,717 33,034 6% mortgage note, payable in semi-annual install- ments of $10,000, plus interest, due November 7, 1979 110,000 140,000 7% mortgage note, payable in annual installments of $30,000, plus interest, due November 1, 1974 30,000 60,000 $349,617 432,534 6. Pension Plan The Institution has a contributory pension plan providing for the purchase of retirement annuity contracts for all employees meeting certain age and length of service requirements. Under terms of the plan, the Institution contributes the amount necessary to bring the total contribution to 12% of the participants' compensation subject to social security taxes and to 17% of the participants' compensation in excess of that amount. The total pen- sion expense for the year was $729,068 ($688,782 in 1973). Financial Report I 55 The Queen of Thailand and His Excellency The Ambassador of Thailand are greeted by Dr. Edward S. Ayensu (right). Chairman of the Department of Botany and then Acting Director of the National Museum of Natural History, and Mr. Meredith Johnson (left). Special Events Officer, upon their visit to the Museum. p Smithsonian Year • 1974 SCIENCE The past year in Science was characterized by a steady progress toward the goals outhned at the first institutional priorities confer- ence at Belmont in 1973. In addition, efforts were directed to re- appraising and redefining certain management structures in order to find new and better methods to build on to traditional strengths. This effort is in line with the discussions resulting from the Institu- tion's second priorities conference last February. The Museum of Natural History focused attention this past year on its educational role, exploring new avenues to enrich the visitors' experience. The formation of an in-house exhibits committee was a first step in the Museum's desire to seek new directions in exhibitry. The opening of the Touch Exhibit focused the public's attention on alternate methods to the traditional museum experience. The National Zoological Park obtained a permit to the former Army Remount Station at Front Royal, Virginia, for use as a breed- ing farm, especially for endangered species. The new facility, it is hoped, will allow for increased propagation of rare animals, away from the limited space of Rock Creek Park. Early in the fiscal year, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observa- tory joined with the Harvard College Observatory to form the Cen- ter for Astrophysics. The new arrangement has led to more flexibility in personnel and programs, increasing joint resources for maximum use. The Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies continued to progress toward a goal of increased educational opportunities for neighboring schools and disadvantaged urban youth. A new build- ing, which will house the educational and visitor orientation activi- ties, was planned and bids were received for the work. The new I 57 building will release office and lab space now jointly used for re- search and educational activities. Another program undertaken was the Information Transfer Program which translates scientific results into forms that can be useful to planners and government officials. Money for this program was made available from the Edward John Noble Foundation. The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (stri) underwent a change of directorship this past year with the return of Dr. Martin Moynihan to his research as Senior Scientist at stri. He was suc- ceeded by Dr. Ira Rubinoff, who previously served as Assistant Director at the facility. The research undertaken at stri continued to be primarily concerned with basic scientific questions of the evo- lutionary and ecological adaptations of tropical organisms. An in- creased education program was undertaken with grants received from the Henry L. and Grace Doherty and Edward John Noble foundations. The National Air and Space Museum's new building continued on schedule and within the budget began to rise and take form on the Mall this past year with much of the staff's time being spent on the preparation of exhibits that will be displayed in the new quarters. The formation of the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies in the Museum provides the basis for a scientific research arm in lunar studies. The Office of International and Environmental Programs was es- tablished this past year combining the Offices of International Activities and Environmental Sciences. The new Office is designed to further increase opportunities for the Smithsonian to conduct re- search abroad in its traditional strengths in collection-based natural history to the comparatively new area of environmental studies. Wymberley Coerr, a career foreign service officer who served as Ambassador to Ecuador and Uruguay, was appointed to head the Office. In the past year, Smithsonian support of conservation in the Gala- pagos Islands has increased substantially in response to a significant rise in the number of contributions earmarked for Galapagos work. Aided by the Research Station's new director, Craig MacFarland, administration and equipment have been markedly strengthened, and research expanded to include a marine biological survey, to help determine the limits of the National Park. In addition, two Smith- 58 / Smithsonian Year 1974 sonian research teams have recently visited the islands, one to con- tinue studies of volcanic activity of Isla Fernandina and the other to begin a study of finches and orb-weaving arachnids. Educational programs in the islands were augmented by the Smithsonian helping to fund a volunteer from the Catholic Institute for International Re- lations, who is teaching biology, natural history, and conservation as well as aiding in the marine survey. Additionally, a Sl-Peace Corps volunteer is working on the design of exhibits to the new Van-Straelen musuem/lecture hall, which will provide natural his- tory instruction for both tourists and Galapaguefios. The Smithsonian once again played a significant role in national and international affairs. Smithsonian scientists and administrators provided representatives and advisory services to the Council on Environmental Quality, the Department of the Interior, the Institute of Ecology, the First International Congress of Systematic and Evo- lutionary Biology, the Asia Society, the Bahamas National Trust, and the World Wildlife Fund. The staff has traveled to diverse places in the United States and abroad including the Bahamas, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, India, and Nepal. Smithsonian scientists con- tinued their fruitful collaboration with foreign institutions on every continent and provided technical assistance on environmental programs. Details of these concerns and scientific accomplishments in other areas of research by the individual bureaus, in fiscal year 1974, follow. Center for the Study of Man Over the past year the Center for the Study of Man has expanded and sharpened its research activities in the human sciences. From August 26 to September 2, 1973, three conferences organized by the Center were held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Two more conferences were held during the same period at Chicago, Illinois. Immediately following these meetings each of the conferences reported its find- ings to the assembled attendees at the IXth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences meeting in Chicago, Illinois, from September 3 to 10. The 5 sessions organized by the Science I 59 Center for the Study of Man were: (1) cross-cultural uses of can- nibus; (2) cross-cultural uses of alcohol; (3) examination of a gen- eral theory of cultural transmission; (4) cultural consequences of population change; and (5) economic development in seven selected American Indian groups. Each of these research projects was an out- come of the Center's program to relate anthropology and the human sciences to modern worldwide problems. All reports are now in one or another stage of preparation for publication. Specifically, the cannibus report is in press, and it constitutes the first well-documented report of cannibus usage on a worldwide basis. The coverage is not complete, but it constitutes a beginning and lays the groundwork for an accelerated growth of knowledge in the immediate future. The papers in the alcohol volume, also in j press, testify to the increasing worldwide sophistication of human j scientists about alcohol usage and its perception in cultures around the world. The general theory of cultural transmission considers education as a special case. Because Western-style formal education is so pervasive, it is especially important to learn more about other perspectives on cultural transmission. The results of the conference on population are in press, but the project is not yet complete. A number of participants from developing countries met in Bucharest, Rumania, in August to go over papers that have come out of the j Oshkosh and Chicago meetings. The American Indian economic de- velopment study is in press and should appear within a year. Manuscripts for the forthcoming encyclopedic Handbook of North American Indians continue to arrive daily. The editorial office, with the assistance of volume editors in various parts of the country, is editing these works for publication in 1976. The Research Institute on Immigration and Ethnic Studies, under the direction of Dr. Roy Bryce-Laporte, has been supervising re- search in Costa Rica and Panama. In particular, it has focused on the West Indian adaptation and experience in both of these countries. It has also been reviewing policy implications of migration and some contemporary perspectives on alienation. In June 1974, a National Anthropological Film Center was estab- lished within the Center for the Study of Man. It is charged with the preservation and study of" visual information on vanishing and changing ways of life. 60 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies The three programs of the Chesapeake Bay Center for Environ- mental Studies — scientific research, information transfer, and en- vironmental education — were marked by expansion and innovation during 1974. At the 2500-acre Center near Annapolis, a long-term study of the Rhode River watershed continues with nsf-rann (National Science Foundation-Research AppUed to National Needs) as the major source of funding. The current grant extends through September 1974 and was made through the Chesapeake Research Consortium, composed of the Smithsonian Institution, the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, the University of Maryland, and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Thirteen NSF-funded projects are underway at the Center. They are part of the Consortium's effort to determine the environmental impact of alternate levels of sewage effluent loading in specified parts of the Bay. The Center's contribution is to provide understanding of the bio- logical functioning of an ecosystem and from this to devise methods for determining the impact of sewage effluent. Projects include in- vestigations of the amount of groundwater and runoff in the Rhode River watershed, the circulation patterns of the estuary, and the water exchange with the Bay. Water samples collected at stations in the estuary are analyzed for chemical content. Stream gauging wiers were constructed during the year to record the volume of water flowing from five subwatersheds and to take volume-integrated water samples. Scientists at the Center analyze these samples for total phosphorus, total nitrogen, organic carbon, and suspended sediment. With the aid of computer printouts of aerial photographs, scien- tists are developing a key for identifying salt-marsh vegetation. Funding is provided through the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as part of a remote sensing project underway at the Center since 1970. This year the Center began preparing land-use maps of the Rhode River watershed based on these photographs. The maps will be a valuable tool for a number of investigators and for agencies concerned with the environment. Science I 61 Since the beginning of the fiscal year, college students, under the supervision of the Assistant Director, have conducted a survey of the recreational use of the Rhode River. Two staff members are studying the mammals of Poplar, Coaches, and Jefferson Islands. Owned by the Smithsonian and administered by the Center, these islands off Talbot County on Maryland's East- ern Shore are eroding at different rates and offer an unusual oppor- tunity to study the effect on mammal populations of rapidly dimin- ishing habitats in a closed system. Among the Center's continuing studies is "Population Dynamics in Breeding Birds," begun in 1968 and projected for a 20-year period. Objectives include the determination of species succession resulting from successful changes in vegetation. INFORMATION TRANSFER Funded with a grant from the Edward John Noble Foundation, the Information Transfer Program has as its goal the translation of sci- entific results into forms which can be used by planners, government officials, and resource managers who make decisions that affect the Bay. In addition, the program makes environmental information available to organizations and individuals. Projects undertaken this year include a survey of environmental organizations in the Chesapeake Bay area. An environmental infor- mation specialist sought to determine the issues that most concern these organizations and the extent of their contacts with State offi- cials and legislators. She also evaluated the effectiveness of the orga- nizations and interviewed scientists to find out what lines of com- munication exist between them and the general public. The Center co-sponsored with the Anne Arundel County Chapter of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation preliminary meetings which re- sulted in the formation of the South County Citizens League, composed of representatives of citizens associations. The purpose is to unite organizations and individuals in the intelligent examination of probable future issues in order to influence public policies and action. An all-day workshop on environmental problems was arranged for the Maryland League of Women Voters and attended by repre- sentatives of a number of organizations and agencies. 62 / Smithsonian Year 1974 The Rhode Worker, added to the Chesapeake Bay Center's fleet during the year, is used for projects related to the NSF-funded Rhode River Research Program. One of these projects is "Nutrient Studies on the Rhode River Ecosystem," in which samples from 13 stations in a freshwater creek and the estuary are tested for 16 qualities, either at the collection site or in the laboratory below. EDUCATION A description of the Center's tours and programs was distributed in the area, faciUtating scheduHng and resuhing in an increased num- ber of requests for this service. The Center chartered a bus through a nonprofit hne sponsored by the Community Action Agency and arranged to bring a different group of sixth graders from five local schools to the Center each week for "The Living Community," a project that stresses the inter- relationship of living things. Before each visit, a staff member made a preparatory presentation in the classroom. The Rhode River Environmental Education Project, one of the Center's most ambitious educational efforts, got underway in the I fall of 1973 after a successful pilot program. With the cooperation of the YMCA of Metropolitan Washington, a different group of tenth graders from 16 District of Columbia schools resided for four days at a YMCA camp adjoining the Center. The students used the Center for field work, and college students served as counsellors. The cur- riculum, designed by the Assistant Director and an Education Spe- cialist, focused on man's relationship to his environment. The Summer Ecology Program, an intensive course for school children from the elementary grades through high school, was initi- ated in the summer of 1973 and will continue in 1974. College stu- dents who plan to teach the natural sciences instruct the children. The program provides the instructors with teaching experience and the children with an enriching supplement to their school work. The Center arranged an all-day workshop for science teachers from all over the country who were enrolled in a summer institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Similar workshops are planned for the summer of 1974. Continuing education activities include opportunities for college students to work with staff scientists on specific projects and pro- viding speakers for schools, colleges, and organizations. STAFF The Center's full-time staff numbered approximately 40 at the close of the fiscal year. Among the additions were Dr. Barbara Rice, Research Speciahst with the' Remote Sensing Project; Dr. Maria Faust, Biologist; Dr. Tung Lin Wu, Chemist; Dr. John Falk, Educa- 64 / Smithsonian Year 1974 tion Coordinator; Marjorie Beane, Environmental Information Spe- cialist; and Lynne Mormann, Education Specialist. Some 40 additional researchers are actively engaged in projects at the Chesapeake Bay Center, including principal investigators for the Rhode River Research Program from the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity and the University of Maryland. FACILITIES Ground was broken in the spring for a combined Visitor Center and Education Building scheduled for completion in the fall. This will be the first new structure to be built at the Center since its establishment in 1965. The Center procured seven house trailers to alleviate a shortage of space for offices, laboratories, and dormitory facilities. A 28-foot fiberglass cabin cruiser, the Rhode Worker was added to the Center's fleet. Purchased with funds from the nsf-rann grant, this boat is used for projects included in the Rhode River Research Program. Five other boats, including the 46-foot Java, are docked at the Center's pier. Fort Pierce Bureau The primary research emphasis by the Fort Pierce Bureau this year is the Indian River Study, a consortium effort initiated in Septem- ber of 1973, with a grant from the Atlantic Foundation. The Smith- sonian's 130-foot-floating-laboratory barge is the focal point for the Study, the chief aims of which are to obtain baseline information on the diversity of organisms and quality of their environment, sources of pollution and their effects on organisms, and a predictive capa- bility of both short- and long-term effects on man-induced changes. To date, over 500 sampling stations have been occupied on 22 off- shore cruises by the RV Cosnold, 10 cruises have been made in the Indian River lagoon on a specially modified houseboat research ves- sel to make in situ environmental measurements, and fish and ben- thic samples have been repetitively collected at 36 stations and 4 transects within the Indian River. Life-history studies of marine animals have continued through the second year with stress on reproductive biology, developmental patterns, and larval development of unsegmented marine worms of Science I 65 the phylum Sipuncula. More than 20 larval sipunculans of unknown species have been collected from the Gulf Stream off Fort Pierce, Florida; these have been raised in the laboratory and studies made of their morphology by use of scanning electron microscopy and histo- logical procedures. Developmental patterns emerging from this work promise to have important implications for and understanding of the interphyletic and intraphyletic relationships of these organisms. The former Coast Guard cutter, Hopley Yeaton, was christened officially the RV Johnson on Saturday, January 26, 1974, by Mrs, J. Seward Johnson during an open-house celebration at Link Port, Florida. An estimated 1500 visitors attended the ceremony to view the Bureau's 125-foot vessel, a tender to the research submarine Johnson-Sea-Link, which can be launched and recovered rapidly by a hydraulic crane located at the aft end of the ship. The "mother ship"-submersible-lockout diver system will be used on missions this coming year to explore, photograph, and sample the continental shelf adjacent to the Indian River. Since the unfortunate entrapment of the Johnson-Sea-Link off the Florida Keys in June 1973, considerable effort has been devoted at Link Port to developing rescue systems for small research sub- marines and to modifying several safety and life-support systems on the Johnson-Sea-Link. A surface rescue craft, under construction, will support a cable-controlled unmanned submersible equipped with television and manipulator that can free an entrapped object from a depth in excess of 1000 feet. A second submarine, Johnson- Sea-Link II, should be finished by the end of 1974 — a sister sub- mersible with lockout capability can be viewed as an excellent rescue mechanism. Already implemented on the Johnson-Sea-Link are an improved high-capacity and high-volume carbon-dioxide scrubber, remote read-out gauges in the pilot's sphere for carbon dioxide and oxygen sensing and monitoring instruments employed in the diving compartment, and redesigned attachment points for handling lines, which employ the break-away concept and eliminate hooks. During the past several months, two successful cruises have been completed to the Bahamas to train the respective crews of the sup- port ship RV Johnson and submarine Johnson-Sea-Link as a total system, to launch and recover the submersible from anchor or underway and in a sea state of Beaufort Force 5, to complete training of two qualified submarine pilots, and to perform shallow submarine 66 / Smithsonian Year 1974 S. Dillon Ripley giving dedication address at the commissioning of the Smith- sonian's RV Johnson at Fort Pierce, Florida, on January 26, 1974. Below: Smith- sonian's RV Johnson in the Indian River as she departs with the Johnson-Sea- Link submersible for a training mission in the Bahamas, March 18, 1974. >* 112 I III f««i Bl'~ ■ Bi l( m l3 and lockout operations under day and night conditions. This con- scientious training program, incorporating all aspects of submersible operations, diving and support-equipment handling under the able management of an Operations Director, is the most effective pro- cedure of reducing the accepted level of risk involved in submarine work. National Air and Space Museum The progress made in building construction, exhibits, staffing, and research in 1974 leaves little doubt that the National Air and Space Museum is fast becoming one of the most important and exciting bureaus of the Institution. The construction of the new museum building, which is on sched- ule, is almost 50 percent complete. The contracts for structural steel and metal decks have been closed out. The marble contract is 65 percent complete. Glass curtain walls and skylights are being installed. By the end of summer, the building will be completely enclosed, which will permit interior work without regard to the elements. As originally forecast, the staff will move into the building in the summer of 1975 and the building will open in July 1976. The building will contain 25 major exhibition halls and 2 presen- tation centers; the development of exhibits for these halls has been the major thrust of the museum during 1974 and will continue to be through 1976. The goal for the opening of the building is to have "core" quality exhibits in approximately 50 percent of the available space with well-displayed objects in the remainder of the halls. During 1974 the following major exhibits were completed: "Air Traffic Control" — an exhibit which explains the complex equipment and competent personnel who perform behind the scenes in our air traffic network. "Exhibition Flight" — this exhibit tells the story with artifacts, film, and photos of how exhibition flight caught the imagination of the American public and popularized flying. "Life in the Universe" — this exhibit examines the birth and death of stars and galaxies; the nature of life and its chemical building blocks; the tools being used to find life; how this life may have evolved, what forms it may have taken, and how we might commu- nicate with it. 68 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Construction moves apace on the new National Air and Space Museum scheduled to open July 4, 1976. In addition to the major exhibits, the following special exhibits were mounted in 1974 : "Copernicus" — prototype telescope of nasa's Orbiting Astro- nomical Observatory during the 500th anniversary of Copernicus, the father of modern astronomy. "Skylab" — America's first experimental space station. "Aerobatics" — featuring the U.S. World Championship Aero- batics team and one of their aircraft, the Pitts Special. "Santos-Dumont" — observing the centenary of the birth of this pioneer aircraft designer, aeronaut, aviator, and astronomer. "Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel" — exhibiting on the 70th anni- versary of powered heavier-than-air flight a replica of the wind tunnel with daily demonstrations of its use as a precursor to the first powered flight. "Space and Artists" — continuing displays of paintings of space and aviation art. "First World Flight" — traces the first round-the-world flight through photographs and drawings superimposed over a map of the route taken by the pilots in 1924. During the 6-month circumnavi- gation of the world, the crews endured hardships of extreme cold and heat, accidents, and mechanical failures. The flagplane, Chicago, was completely restored by the nasm and is the centerpiece of the exhibit, in the rotunda of the Arts and Industries Building. Fiscal year 1974 brought the beginning of a formal program of research to the museum. A Department of Science and Technology was created and staffed with two senior personnel. The implementa- tion of the NASM Science and Technology research program has begun with an analysis of the history and validity of design criteria in use in the air and space industry. A Center for Earth and Planetary Studies was established under the leadership of one of the foremost lunar geologists in the world. At the same time, nasa's comprehen- sive lunar scientific photograph collection and records were trans- ferred to the museum. The Center has already published several scientific articles. In cooperation with nasa, a lunar mapping pro- gram is ongoing. Moreover, the Center Director occupies one of seven seats on the International Astronautical Union (iau) Task Group on Lunar Nomenclature. Exhibits-related research is-a major nasm activity with the various curatorial departments performing artifact documentary research. 70 / Smithsonian Year 1974 I The story of how exhibition flight captured the imagination of the American public and popularized flying is told in the National Air and Space Museum's exhibit, "Exhibition Flight," that opened in March 1974. Below: Another exhibit, "Air Traffic Control," that opened in November 1973, explains the complex equipment and competent personnel who perform behind the scenes in air traffic network. CONTROL prerestoration curatorial research, and historical research. The nasm Exhibits Division is developing several research programs concerned with the reliability of exhibits components, new exhibits techniques, novel film transport systems, etc. The large size of today's flying machines, coupled with an ever accelerating pace of aerospace technology, results in tremendous pressure on curators to increase the size of their collections. At the same time, however, the available storage space is not increasing at the same pace. Therefore, in January 1974, an Acquisition Policy Statement was issued for use by the curatorial staff of the nasm. Briefly, the policy indicates that each major addition to the collection should be balanced, wherever possible, by an equivalent deletion or loan. It also places the responsibility for the final approval of the acquisitions of major new artifacts with the Director of the museum. Prior to 1974, the curatorial staff approved acquisitions and the Director approved loans. This policy has now been reversed. At the time the acquisition policy was enacted, the museum began an all-out effort to review and, where possible, dispose of surplus artifacts, particularly engines, archival material, aircraft models, aircraft, and space material. To date: 1. Fifty engines have been transferred or loaned. 2. Approximately 12,000 cubic feet of miscellaneous material, including books, periodicals, photographs, records, and other docu- ments have been declared surplus or duplicate material and trans- ferred to other institutions. This included over 3,500 periodicals. 3. A complete inventory of the model aircraft collection (num- bering over 1,000 models) is under way. The information will be computerized so that the collection can be studied from various criteria such as scale, aircraft type, condition, etc. 4. Twenty-eight astronautic artifacts have been deaccessioned and disposed of. During fiscal 1974, the Presentations and Education Division was organized with responsibility for developing and implementing three programs: the education program of the museum, Spacearium pro- grams, and programs for the nasm Theater. The education program includes lectures, tours, and other activi- ties to assist individuals and groups in using the museum, its re- sources, and publications for effective learning about air and space and related subject matter. In fiscal 1974, 168 tours were conducted by 13 docents and volunteers for over 5000 students. 72 / Smithsonian Year 1974 During fiscal 1974, a small planetarium began an ongoing opera- tion in the Air and Space Building as an experimental laboratory to prepare for the larger Spacearium. Programs were given to general visitors and to a few visiting school classes, and special classes were conducted in this facility for the Smithsonian Associates. Two pilot programs were initiated in fiscal 1974 at the Silver Hill facility. The first was an adult night class for those who might build and fly their own airplanes, and emphasized safe and rational design, engineering, and maintenance. The second program was designed to teach inner-city children the basic skills required to build and maintain aircraft, including welding, sheet metal and fabric work, engine overhaul, etc. Both programs were well received and will be expanded in the future. For the second year the museum, in conjunction with the Smith- sonian Astrophysical Observatory, hosted an astronomy lecture series. While the first series in 1972 attempted to assess man's cur- rent knowledge of the solar system as seen from the planet Earth, the second series, "Beyond the Planets," surveyed our Galaxy and the Universe from the vantage point of the Sun. The series, consist- ing of eight lectures by some of America's outstanding astronomers, was received with enthusiasm by standing-room-only crowds. As a special event, the museum sponsored a poetry reading and discussion by Apollo 15 Astronaut Alfred Worden. Astronaut Worden was warmly received as he read selections from his book of poems. Hello Earth, Greetings From Endeavor, and discussed his feelings and emotions that prompted him to compose each of the poems. The readings were illustrated by color panoramas made during Apollo 15's epic journey to the Moon. Members of nasm's Advisory Board are: S. Dillon Ripley, Chairman (ex officio) Brigadier General James L. Collins, USA Major General Edward 5. Fris, U5MC Vice Admiral William D. Houser, USN Rear Admiral Robert H. Scarborough, USCG Major General M. R. Reilly, USAF Brigadier General Gustav Lundquist, FAA WiUis H. Shapley, NASA honorary: Mrs. Olive Ann Beach Lieutenant General William E. Hall, USAF, Retired Edwood R. Quesada Science I 73 National Museum of Natural History There was a bustle of activity on the Museum's first floor in early 1974 as carpenters, scientists, designers, and other Museum crafts- men worked to complete "Ice Age Mammals and the Emergence of Man," the first of a series of new exhibits that will enrich consider- ably the Museum's educational impact. Long-range plans call for the overhaul and rejuvenation of one permanent exhibit hall every year through 1979. All of these new halls will be thematically structured to convey clearly to the public concepts of evolution that are funda- mental to an understanding of the natural world. To accomplish this change the Museum has departed from its traditional practice of building an exhibit hall around a single depart- mental discipline. The Ice Age Hall formerly housed a paleontological exhibit devoted to Pleistocene mammals. Its replacement is multi- disciplinary, blending objects from the paleontology, mineral science, and anthropology collections, into a thematic context that describes the great physical and biological events of the Ice Age, including the development of the continental glaciers, the evolution of large mammals, the extinction of many of them, and the arrival of man. The new multidisciplinary thematic exhibits that are in the process of design and production are the result of an entirely new approach to exhibits at the Museum. An advisory committee of Museum scien- tists, headed by Dr. Leo J. Hickey, has been set up as a liaison between the Museum's professional staff and its exhibits office, directed by Harry T. Hart. A close working relationship has been established that is responsible for the excellence of the new Ice Age Hall and the promise of the Museum's Bicentennial exhibit, "Our Changing Land." "Our Changing Land," now under development, will chronicle environmental change in the Washington, D.C., area since the arrival of man, stressing what has happened since the founding of the Nation, and explaining the main ecological processes related to the change and what options there may be for the future. The ground floor of the north wing is being prepared for this exhibit. In addition to renewal of permanent halls and the development of the Bicentennial exhibit, a variety of other exhibit events made 1974 at the Museum an extraordinarily active and vigorous year. 74 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Dr. Porter Kier (left). Director of the National Museum of Natural History, presents an award to David J. Hasinger for making significant additions to the scientific collections of the Museum. Mr. Hasinger is Director of Paul and Beckman, Inc., Philadelphia electronics manufacturer. Curious children and adults were crowding into the Museum's recently opened Discovery Room where they were urged to keep their hands on and not off the exhibits. Elephant tusks, coral, petri- fied wood, wooly mammoth teeth, and hundreds of other natural history specimens, ordinarily out of reach behind glass or railings in museums, could be grasped, turned over in the hand at one's leisure, and studied with a magnifying glass. If requested, one of the room's docents would make available books and film loops to help take a person farther down the path of discovery. The room added a permanent new dimension to the Museum's offerings. In another area of the Museum, visitors were experiencing the wonder of setting foot in the interior of a tropical rain forest, one of nature's most complex environments. Modeled of papier-mache and Science I 75 - ft**:4 '*' *%.^ .'- -^z; /? -•*r- '^^•^ ^"^^ 0^ .> ^ ^^_^:'.,^ ^*^C?^-^ ..^- .■ . .» ^r V The monkey climbing the vines and the trees and dense foHage of the rain forest are part of an ecological exhibit, "It All Depends," which shows that all environ- mental elements are interdependent for survival. Opposite: A Neanderthal burial scene from the exhibit, "Ice Age Mammals and the Emergence of Man." M ^ <.♦*. ', .^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^k^ ^ f ^M^'^'-tff '^ j^' i ^^■^^l^-^ ^ >l ^ i^ ^v •>^ •^ -Wx/cr^ One of the drawings by children in the "Save the Whales" exhibition at the National Museum of Natural History. plastic, after sketches and photographs taken in the Panama and South American jungles, the exhibit's trees, foliage, and vines were enclosed in a mirrored ceiling-high silo. Walking into this dimly lit enclosure, visitors had the illusion that they were in the center of a vast tropical forest — with trees rising 80-100 feet above their heads. This simulated forest was the heart of a larger ecological exhibit, '"It All Depends," which made the point that all elements in the environment are dependent upon each other for survival. Looking alertly out from an "arctic ice floe" in the west end of the Life in the Sea Hall was an imposing new Museum presence, a mounted specimen of that largest of the fin-footed aquatic animals — the sea walrus. Beneath its icy perch a visitor could see an informative film about it and other pinnipeds, a family of mammals that besides the walrus includes the seal and the sea lion. In a narration inspired by the Lewis Carroll verse, "The Walrus and the Carpenter," actor Cyril Ritchard could be heard addressing a pinniped, "I would like to talk to you, about how you live, where you live and the things you like to do." The Museum once again made clear its opposition to the un- limited killing of members of that other great family of sea mammals. 78 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Child examining fossils in the newly opened Discovery Room, where the curious may keep their hands on and not off the exhibits. the cetaceans, to which belong the porpoises, dolphins, and whales. In May and June it was host to an exhibition organized by Project Jonah's International Children's Campaign to Save the Whales. Drawings by elementary school children from the District of Co- lumbia and its suburbs protesting the killing of whales were hung side-by-side with works by young artists from other cities in Amer- ica and foreign countries. Two other colorful and notable exhibits in the Museum's foyer area were the offshoot of the field research trips of two of the Museum's scientists. One was a display of large, dye-transfer color prints of tropical blossoms photographed in Africa and South Amer- ica by Dr. Edward S. Ayensu, Chairman of the Museum's Depart- ment of Botany (supplemented with pictures by the Museum's scientific photographer, Kjell B. Sandved), the other placed on view ethnological materials from the eastern Himalayan country of Bhu- tan, collected by Dr. Eugene I. Knez, the Museum's Curator of Asian Anthropology. This exhibit was planned to coincide with the June coronation of Bhutan's 19-year-old king, and included the display of photographs, paintings, textiles, costumes, copper, gold and silver vessels, religious objects, basketry, and pottery. Among Science I 79 the lenders to the exhibit was Smithsonian Secretary S. Dillon Ripley, who has made several expeditions to Bhutan. Two Museum physical anthropologists, Drs. J. Lawrence Angel and Douglas H. Ubelaker, in separate paleodemographic studies in the Old and New Worlds, are amassing evidence of how environ- mental conditions influenced the health, longevity, and evolution of prehistoric man. Working closely with archeologists who have unearthed grave sites, the two scientists make measurements of ancient skeletal material. From this they can assemble a body of statistics about an ancient community that includes the size of its population, the age composition, birth rate, sex ratio, number of children born, family size, and critical effects of diseases such as arthritis and malaria — all of which are determined by diet, climate, living habits, and heredity. Dr. Angel's work over the last decade has been concentrated on Eastern Mediterranean burial sites such as Catal Hiiyiik, Turkey, where a population of early neolithic hunting farmers and traders, living in a compact pueblo-like community, had conquered the peril of a high child mortality rate — probably caused by malaria — by evolving a culture that venerated and protected women. This had lengthened the lives and childbearing years of the women. The population of the community had increased as a result, and it had become possible for the women to make a rich contribution to the community's art, crafts, and religious activities, while the men were hunting and trading. The People of Lerna: An Analysis of a Prehistoric Aegean Popu- lation, published by the Smithsonian Institution Press, is Dr. Angel's study of a site situated on the Bay of Argos, Greece, where archeolo- gists found 235 Bronze Age graves, covering a span of 25 generations (2000-1600 B.C.). The demographic profile Dr. Angel constructed showed that adults in Lerna (which he estimated had about 800 persons living in it during the Middle Bronze Age) had an average life expectancy of 34 years — 37 for men, 31 for women. The average woman bore about five children — 2.2 of which grew to adulthood (15 years of age). On the basis of that birth rate the population was increasing, doubling every 7 to 10 generations. This was a remarkably successful adaptation to the handicapping diseases afflicting the community. 80 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Mask from the exhibition "Bhutan: The Land of Dragons." Malaria, in particular, had a crippling impact, just as it had had at Catal Hiiyiik. The changeover from a hunting to a farming culture, which had begun in the Mediterranean between 9000 to 6500 B.C. with the disappearance of the big game herds, had drawn early farming populations to sites like Lerna where the soil was soft and the forests not established. But these well-watered marshy areas that favored farming also favored the Anopheles mosquito and the result was that malaria, especially the type known as falciparum malaria, was rampant. The physical debilitation caused by this disease Science I 81 plagued and weakened Lerna for most of its prehistoric period (the average stature of the Lerna men was only 5' 5V2'' and women, 5' V4 ") . It was not until later when Greek communities learned how to drain their marshes to gain better control of irrigation and water supply that the numbers of malaria-carrying mosquitos were re- duced, a development reflected in the stature and longevity of the people. Dr. Angel's colleague, Douglas Ubelaker, has been analyzing skeletal material from a large pre-Columbian cemetery in the Hacienda Ayalan, Guayas Province, on the south coast of Ecuador, dating to a.d. 1300, where 50 large ceramic urns, each containing up to 20 skeletons, were uncovered. With the approval of the Ecuadorian Government all of this material was shipped back to the Museum, where now, highly accurate microscopic methods of determining age by osteon counts were conducted. The results were startling. The population had an average adult age at death of about 67 years, with many individuals living into the eighth and ninth decade, a much higher figure than one would expect for a prehistoric population. It can be explained by the fact the site provided excellent nutrition. The people took crops from the land and exploited fresh- and salt- water food resources. Many of the diseases that historically lower life expectancy (syphilis, malaria, measles, mumps, smallpox) either were nonexistent or were not severe problems until the Spanish arrived. Furthermore, there is some evidence of remarkable con- temporary longevity along that part of the coast that may have extended back into prehistory. Stands of Japanese Ma-dake timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides) are flowering throughout America, a cyclical phenom- enon that takes place only at intervals of 120 years and is as rare to botanists as Halley's comet is to astronomers. Drs. Thomas R. Soderstrom and C. E. Calderon, Museum scientists, have been monitoring this dramatic botanical event. Last year they asked for help from readers of Smithsonian magazine and the Smithsonian's Environmental Alert Network, which alerted high school science classes all over the country. Hundreds of persons, young and old, responded by mailing in dried specimens of flowering branches of the bamboo plant and along with it information about precisely where it was collected and photographs and short histories of the 82 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Dr. Thomas R. Soderstrom, Curator of Grasses, Department of Botany, examining specimens of flowering bamboo. Stands from which it came. With these data, Drs. Soderstrom and Calderon were able to draw up a map that pinpoints Ma-dake stands in at least 22 states, showing its heaviest concentrations on the West Coast, from Washington to California, and in the southeastern Gulf states. Science I 83 The flowering of Ma-dake is always followed by the death of the plant's culms (stems), and this was verified by the volunteer observ- ers. In cases where the flowering and death cycle had taken place in the late 1960s, they noticed that the old rhizomes (underground stem masses) were regenerating themselves and producing many new but weak, contorted shoots. Drs. Soderstrom and Calderon point out that it may take 6 or more years before large, normal shoots are again grown, and perhaps 15 years before the bamboo clump is in the same condition prior to flowering. In Japan Ma-dake is used as a raw material for the construction of homes, furniture, farm implements, baskets, and even food, and it is easy to under- stand why the cyclical flowering there is considered nothing less than a disaster. All of the Ma-dake stands do not flower simultaneously because there are a number of time-oriented, hereditary lines, consisting of segregated progeny, distributed throughout the world. Each of these hereditary lines is on a 120-year cycle. These cycles began to come to completion in the late 1950s, but most of them in America have done so in the late 1960s. Drs. Soderstrom and Calderon predict that the present flowering will end shortly, but will begin again in the 2070s, continue through the 2080s, and terminate in the 2090s. The covered jars in Dr. Donald R. Davis's laboratory are full of blotched and discolored leaves on which one can see curious lines. Some of the lines are crooked, some are coiled in a serpentine man- ner, and others strike out in every direction from a central patch, creating a star-shaped pattern. The leaves were collected by Dr. Davis from the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia, but they could just as well be from almost any garden, park, or forest in America, The marks on the leaves are the work of leaf miners, insect larvae of minute size that can infest every leaf of a plant or tree and do enough aggregate damage to kill their host. In Canada, the miners have been so destructive to spruce and fir trees in the Western Provinces in the last few years that the Government has initiated a biological study of these insects in hopes of finding a means of control. Last year. Dr. Davis, Curator at the Museum's Department of Entomology, began work on a biosystematic study directed specifically at four important families of leaf-mining Microlepidop- tera (Eriocraniidae, Nepticulidae, Heliozelidae, and Gracillariidea). 84 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Dr. Donald R. Davis, Curator of Lepidoptera, Department of Entomology, examining leaves with tell-tale markings left by leaf miners. Mining behavior of almost every description, ranging from the most highly specialized to some of the most primitive forms, is practiced within these four groups. One of the things Dr. Davis wants to do through his study of these families is to trace the evolutionary history of mining. Re- cently, Dr. Leo J. Hickey, a Museum paleobotanist, found a Nepticu- lid leaf mine on a lower Cretaceous Angiosperm leaf, a discovery that extends this basic ecological association between plants and insects back nearly 110 million years. Dr. Davis is now examining the Smithsonian-U.S. Geological Survey collection of Cretaceous and early Tertiary Angiosperms for further evidence of early Lepi- doptera leaf-mining injury. The mined leaves that Dr. Davis collects on trips to habitats like the Great Dismal Swamp and the Great Smoky Mountains are brought back to his Museum laboratory so that the miner larvae can be reared, identified, and closely observed. Dr. Davis plans studies of all phases of their life cycle, including oviposition, larval development, mine morphology, pupation, and adult behavior. He is also interested in correlating the systematics and behavior of the moths with that of their plant hosts. Why does a particular species of miner often only feed on a particular species of plant? But before such intriguing biological questions can be seriously studied, basic taxonomic revisions must be prepared. Much of the classification of the four families was done in the nineteenth century, an age when moth investigators described the color and venation of wings — but little else. The skeleton, which is now recognized as the best part of the insect on which to base a taxonomic diagnosis, was often ignored. Dr. Davis has had to start out by eliminating the confusion this has created. He is now assembling comprehensive illustrated texts to facilitate rapid, accurate identification for the approximately 365 presently recognized North American species and the more than 100 new species that have come to light in his studies. What will happen if the sea-level canal the U.S. Government has proposed constructing sometime in the future across the Isthmus of Panama mixes the animal and plant groups of the Atlantic and Pacific sides? Scientists say that serious ecological disruptions could follow. Dr. Meredith L. Jones, Curator of Worms in the Museum's Department of Invertebrate Zoology, saw several years ago that the lack of fundamental knowledge about the communities of marine 86 / Smithsonian Year 1974 animals that live in the shallow waters on both sides of the isthmus would make it extremely difficult to assess the nature of these dis- ruptions after they occur. Well-documented collections were needed to provide a benchmark for future investigations. To assemble these. Dr. Jones organized the Museum's Panama Biota Program. The original qualitative collecting method involved hand-picking the organisms from the surface of a sieve that had been used to process an undetermined amount of sediment. Dr. Jones and his colleagues devised a quantitative method that they are now using to get true samples of the density and diversity of invertebrate organisms living in Panama's coastal waters. Collections are made while the tide is still high. Standing in water that is anywhere from ankle to waist deep, the scientists drive a cubical stainless steel jacket, that has an area of 1/20 of a square meter, 8 inches down into the mud. Then they slide a shovel under the jacket, draw it out of the bottom, sieve the sample, and bottle all of the residue. In typical samples taken the new way, the yields comprised an average of about 1800 specimens per square meter on a clean sand beach on the Atlantic coast, about 6400 specimens per square meter on a muddy sand beach on the Pacific, and about 46,000 specimens per square meter in an Atlantic turtle-grass bed. Five samples are usually taken at each collection station in order to insure that contrasting microenvironments within a habitat are represented. An effort has also been made to take samples at each station at every season of the year. At the Museum, a technician-student has been making quantita- tive counts of invertebrate life forms in each sample, classifying the animals by families. There is such an abundance of life in each sample that processing it takes the technician six full days of work. When Dr. Jones examines the worms in a sample to identify them at a species level, six more days of work are involved. He estimates that it will take him three to four years to get through all of the samples that have been collected. If a sea-level canal should be constructed. Dr. Jones is satisfied that now scientists will be able to go back to the same site, make new collections, and then make comparisons that will show them what is happening, and enable them to predict what will happen next and if it will be beneficial or harmful. If the sea-level canal is never constructed. Dr. Jones believes the Program is still well worthwhile. Science I 87 It is accumulating collections of unique value in an area of tremen- dous biological interest. The present Panama Canal with freshwater lakes situated mid- way along its length has proved a highly effective barrier to the passage of marine life from one side of Central America to the other. So a scientist's curiosity is aroused when a marine fish native to the Pacific shows up in the Caribbean. Dr. Victor G. Springer, Curator of Fishes in the Museum's Department of Vertebrate Zoology, re- cently looked into the matter of a tropical Indo-West Pacific blenniid fish population living off Trinidad and the Atlantic entrance to the Canal. Was it a relic population that was once distributed through- out the world's tropic waters or had it been artificially introduced, conceivably through the Canal? The facts argued against its being a relic population. Members of the blenniid family speciate rapidly and no blenniid species is found in both the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic Oceans, which were last connected 2 to 4 million years ago. If the fish had once been widely distributed in the tropics, its Indo-West Pacific and Caribbean populations would have evolved into different species since the rise of the isthmus. Dr. Springer concluded that it must have been arti- ficially introduced into the western Atlantic, probably by the dis- charge of ballast or bilge waters of ships. The fish is small and found in abundance around docks where it can easily be sucked into a ship's ballast tanks. Other small marine fish have been picked up in this way, taken thousands of miles, released when the ship discharged its bilge waters, and established breeding populations. But this is the only instance of a fish being introduced in this way into the Caribbean. Did the ships that brought the fish to the Caribbean enter through the Canal? Dr. Springer thinks not. Ships coming across the Pacific discharge their bilge-ballast water before they enter the Canal; that being the case, the fish should be established on the Pacific side of the Canal. But it has never been found there or anywhere else in the eastern Pacific, but it does occur at the Atlantic entrance to the Canal. Trinidad is where the fish has its principal Caribbean popula- tion and where it was first collected in the Atlantic in 1930. Dr. Springer believes that instead of coming across the Pacific, the fish arrived in Trinidad from the Indo-West Pacific via the Atlantic before the Canal was first opened in 1914. 88 / Smithsonian Year 1974 "Vji 4 ^.if Dr. Meredith L. Jones, Curator of Worms in the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, examining specimens in a sieve. Omobranchus punctatus, subject of study by Dr. Victor G. Springer, Curator of Fishes in the Department of Vertebrate Zoology. The trail led Dr. Springer to the East Indian coolie trade that flour- ished between Calcutta and Madras, on the east coast of India, and the West Indies islands in the years from 1838 to 1914 and 1917. In that period, thousands of coolies arrived on ships that traveled from India to the Caribbean around southern Africa. It is Dr. Springer's view that the coolie trade vessels were the vehicles that introduced Omobranchus punctatus into the western Atlantic. Garnet can be yellow, orange, red, lilac or purple, depending on its chemical composition and upon the temperature and pressure conditions under which it formed in the earth. It has long been known by scientists that this colorful mineral occurs in varying quantities in kimberlite pipes, the bodies of igneous rock that are the primary source of diamonds. But the fact that there was a high or low concentration of garnet in a pipe did not seem to indicate one way or the other if there was an abundance or dearth of diamonds present. Last year, however. Dr. George S. Switzer, Curator of Min- eralogy in the Museum's Department of Mineral Science, discovered that certain lilac-colored garnets have special compositional charac- teristics that make it possible to say that if they are present in a pipe, it is a diagnostic indication that diamonds are likely to be found there in economic quantities. These garnets are formed — as diamonds are — in the earth's upper mantle at a depth of 100-150 miles. When molten kimberlite forces its way to the surface at velocities estimated to be on the order of 300-400 feet per second, it sometimes brings both of these min- erals up with it from the earth's interior. The garnet is found in the pipes in rocks called xenoliths (eclogites and periodites) and some- times in diamonds as minute inclusions. Because of its occurrence in diamonds, all of the garnet was thought by some scientists to have crystallized (reached equilibrium) at the same time, place, and tem- perature as the diamonds. Another school of thought, however, held that the garnets in kimberlite xenoliths crystallized at lower temperatures than garnet inside the diamond. These two opposing views were tested by Dr. Switzer in a detailed study of the garnet in the Finsch kimberlite pipe, one of the richest diamond mines in South Africa. Finsch is also rich in garnet. It makes up 90 percent of the mineral concentrate recovered there dur- ing the diamond extraction process. Dr. Switzer brought back to the Museum a handful of garnet 90 / Smithsonian Year 1974 h\ Dr. George S. Switzer, Curator of Mineralogy, Department of Mineral Science, using the electron microprobe. grains of all colors that had been recovered at Finsch in the extraction process. He sorted 300 of these on the basis of color into eight cate- gories and analyzed them on the Department's electron microprobe, which can identify and quantify the elements within each grain. The results showed that some of the grains of lilac-colored gar- nets — magnesum rich and calcium poor — had a chromium con- tent that placed them within the compositional field of the garnets previously only reported as inclusions in diamonds. Dr. Switzer, who is now testing garnets from other kimberlite pipes, believes that the presence of lilac-colored diamond of this special composition is diag- nostic of the presence of diamond in a pipe, but it is not known yet if there is any quantitative relationship. Science I 91 Dr. Daniel J. Stanley is holding a sediment core from the Mediterranean. Dr. Daniel J. Stanley, Geological Oceanographer and Curator in the Museum's Department of Paleobiology, is helping piece together a detailed knowledge of the physical processes that shape the Medi- terranean region, a project that often finds him out on an oceano- graphic vessel taking sediment cores from the Mediterranean Sea bed. The recent development of deep-sea drilling technology as well as submersibles — deep-sea* cameras, underwater television, and very high resolution seismic profilers — have made it possible for 92 / Smithsonian Year 1974 •^View toward the north from the summit of the Rock of Gibraltar showing the powerful nearshore currents flowing parallel to the coast in the westernmost Mediterranean Sea. The concrete revetment in the foreground is a rain-water catch- ment structure. Below: Wind is a significant agent for transporting sediment to sea in the Mediterranean Sea. The photograph taken in April 1973 near Pointe des Pecheurs on the northern coast of Morocco shows silt- and sand-size material being blown out to sea by a powerful Sirocco wind. .-^ ~X him and other scientists to carry out revolutionary studies that make it apparent that the configuration of the Mediterranean Sea, as we; know it today, is a geologically recent phenomenon. This emerging picture of geologic change includes Dr. Stanley's discovery of sedimentological evidence for the existence of a large emerged land mass present in the area now occupied by the Ligurian Sea (between the Riviera and Corsica, in the western Mediterranean) until early Tertiary time. Seismic studies of the present Ligurian Sea floor, and examination of exposed sediments found in the French Maritime Alps, Corsica, and the northwestern Apennines of Italy, confirm that this land mass foundered and became submerged after the Oligocene. Finding specimens of exposed ancient sedimentary deposits — now uplifted to 10,000 feet above sea level in the mountain chains that surround the Mediterranean — is one part of Dr. Stanley's i work that does not require advanced technology. For this. Dr. Stan- ley depends upon his keen geologist's eye and his skill as a mountain climber. The publication in 1973 of the 765-page bilingual volume The Mediterranean Sea: A Natural Sedimentation Laboratory, edited by Dr. Stanley and Drs. Gilbert Kelling and Yehezkiel Weiler, was the result of Dr. Stanley's determination to achieve a needed multi- disciplinary and multinational synthesis of current research in sedi- mentation and related fields in the Mediterranean and circum- Mediterranean. The book has contributions by 85 specialists from 15 countries, all of whom participated in a symposium organized by Dr. Stanley in 1971 at the VIII International Sedimentological Con- gress in Heidelberg. The book includes an outline of criteria for a needed international effort to find out what happens to pollutants when they are intro- duced into the Mediterranean, where they go, and what their conse- quences are. It calls for the construction of monitoring stations to detect and map sediment and pollutant dispersal and depositation; aerial flights and space-satellite photography to monitor the dis- charge of sediments from river mouths, and rates of serious erosion along selected coastlines (such as the Nile Delta area affected by the Aswan Dam); and, finally, more deep-sea drilling to resolve addi- tional questions of the Mediterranean's geological and stratigraphic background. 94 / Smithsonian Year 1974 National Zoological Park The National Zoological Park is accelerating its change from cages for containment of species to open arenas for awareness of the rela- tionship of all living things; from a consumer of animals out of the wild into a conservator and producer of animals and into a major zoological resource of animal knowledge that can be disseminated around the world. In fiscal year 1974, the Zoo advanced efforts to establish new standards of excellence and responsibility in all areas of zoological park programs with concurrent courses of action: Rebuilding yesterday's zoo for tomorrow's purpose. Marshalling the most creative contributions of all staff members. Launching necessary programs in off-site breeding and research. Studying the relationships of animals to one another, to place and to time — and in time for survival. Coordinating resources in forms that will reach people of all ages and walks of life. Parent and four young barn owls which were hatched in the tower of the Smithsonian Castle. (Photograph by M. J. Johnson, NZP) Science I 95 RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION CENTER Perhaps the Zoo's most notable achievement since its founding in 1890 was receiving, in January 1974, a permit for 3200 acres of land in Front Royal, Virginia, that formerly served successively as a United States Army Remount Depot for horse breeding, and the United States Department of Agriculture as a Beef Cattle Experi- ment Station. The acquisition of this propagation and research facility — to be known as the National Zoological Park's Research and Conservation Center — will mark the end of the long search for a country facility which could be used to breed and maintain animal herds in sufficient numbers to insure their continuation as a viable, social, and genetic group. The educational mission of the National Zoological Park located in the valley of Rock Creek in Washington precludes the use of vast amounts of land for a single species so that it is not able to maintain ongoing herds of animals with proper age-pyramid and genetic mixture. Considering the worldwide shrinking of land areas available to wild animals, the increased hazards of disease, poach- ing, and land degradation by humans, the plight of many animals is indeed precarious. It is hoped that by establishing herds of threat- ened and endangered species at the Research and Conservation Cen- ter, in some cases through collaboration with other zoos in the United States, the Zoo will have a steady and reliable source of animals as well as a source for continuing zoological research on behalf of these species. The development of the Research and Conservation Center will be deliberately paced, and future reports will carry information con- cerning its advancement. This year the Zoo was able to enclose 80 acres of rolling pasture for the first two resident groups of animals — Scimitar-horned Oryx and Pere David's Deer. The Front Royal Center will be an extension of the Rock Creek Park facility with major input in the first few years from the Offices of Animal Management, Animal Health, Zoological Research, Con- struction Management, and Facilities Management. Public informa- tion efforts at the Center focus now on the animal's needs for isola- tion and space. Low-key programs in conservation, education, and natural viewing will be planned for coexistence with the principal mission in future years. When we speak of the National Zoological 96 I Smithsonian Year 1974 Aerial view of research and breeding farm at Front Royal, Virginia, recently acquired by the Zoo. Park, we are now referring to 3400 acres in two locations but with one purpose, one management, and one organization. ANIMAL AFFAIRS The most interesting and exciting animal event was the birth of an Indian Rhinoceros in January, marking the first successful breeding of this endangered species in the Western Hemisphere. This achieve- ment was the result of almost two years of concerted and integrated efforts by the scientific research staff, curators, keepers, and even volunteers who remained in the Zoo after hours to monitor the male's and female's activities during mating and later at birth. Therefore, the Zoo not only gained a 127-pound male (named Patrick in honor X, Patrick, Indian rhinoceros. Rhinoceros unicornis, born to Rajkumari and Tarun on January 30, 1974. Patrick is the'first live Indian rhinoceros born in captivity in the United States. 98 / Smithsonian Year 1974 of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, our United States Ambassador to In- dia), but also a wealth of valuable data on courtship, mating, and parturition behavior. At six months of age, we estimate Patrick's weight to be about 350 pounds; however, he is too rambunctious to get onto the scales. Among the antelope, the most outstanding birth was that of a lovely female calf to Kanitia, the imported Bongo; and the hope of a second-generation birth on her mother's side to Nyandarua, Kan- itia's offspring of two years ago. Nyandarua was the first Bongo bred and born in captivity in the world. The lesser pandas gave birth to their second pair of kits on the next to last day of the fiscal year so were not mentioned in last year's report, and as if to catch us again, their pair from the year before provided the Zoo with young on the night of June 30, 1974. The white-cheeked gibbon family produced a fine offspring to the delight of the staff and the visitors; and for the first time at the National Zoological Park, the binturongs produced young, which are being closely studied both for their growth and development as well as their behavioral relationship with the mother. The golden marmoset program continues to go well in terms of understanding the tie-in of behavior and reproduction. The Zoo now has 20 ani- mals with birth this year of a first set of second-generation offspring as well as a set of twins from a wild-caught pair. Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing, the giant pandas, continue to thrive and hold the interest of the visiting public, behaving in their new yards rather like children released from school because of snow — rolling, somersaulting, playfully demolishing snowmen made for the occasion by the keepers. They are still unquestionably the most popular animals at the Zoo. Ling-Ling, the female, now weighs 250 pounds and Hsing-Hsing, the male, weighs 264 pounds. Studies on their behavior, vocalization, social relationships, and general habits are continuing with the assistance of volunteers from the Friends of the National Zoo to the scientific research staff and to the keeper and curatorial personnel. This April, Ling-Ling came into estrus, and we all had high hopes that there would be a breeding, particu- larly with the promising experiences of last year. However, although the animals got along well with the normal amount of premating, roughhouse play, vocalizations, and general juvenile nonsense, there was no actual breeding. No doubt this has been a further learning Science I 99 experience for the male, but it appeared to be a frustrating experi- ence for the female. There are hopes for a breeding in the fall season, but if not then perhaps next spring when they are both older and wiser from their two encounters. Despite the move of the white tigers (Mohini and Rewati) to Chi- cago's Brookfield Zoo and the white-gene carrying Ramana and Kesari to the Cincinnati Zoo to allow replacement of the old Lion House, the latter pair added a new chapter to the breeding program by producing four cubs, three of which are white. A normal-colored ^i male, along with a white male were taken from the mother for hand- rearing and are doing well under the expert care of the Cincinnati staff, and the same can be said for the two, unsexed animals who remain with their mother, Kesari. Unfortunately, the sire Ramana passed away the week before with a chronic kidney condition, which is so often seen in the big cats between 10 or 12 years of age. These four new cubs give great hope for continuing the line of white tigers and should be a stellar attraction when the "Dr. William M. Mann Lion and Tiger Exhibit" is completed, hopefully in early 1976. Among the outstanding bird hatchings can be counted the con- tinuation of the Bornean Great Argus Pheasant breeding program with the successful raising of 12 of these young birds. Rivaling the success of this program was the raising of three Nene Geese for the first time in the history of the Zoo. Other outstanding hatchings include three Stanley's Cranes, ten Rheas, and three American Mergansers. Among the reptiles, the most notable breeding was of the Bur- mese pythons in which three clutches were laid and 45 young snakes were hatched. This program was of great scientific interest as incu- bation of the eggs was carried out both artificially and naturally. In the latter case the females coiled around the egg masses, maintaining the proper body heat by rhythmic muscle twitchings. This process was of great interest to the visitors and particularly so since electrical sensors were connected to recording thermometers to trace tempera- ture fluctuations. The breeding program at the National Zoological Park is pro- gressing quite well, space permitting, and the efforts of the scientific research department's behavioral studies, the contributions from the animal health department on nutrition, preventive medicine, as well as the diligent endeavors of the animal management department are 100 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Burmese pythons. Python molurus bivittatus, incubating their clutches of eggs. The probes under the pythons are attached to a telethermometer in order to determine the body heat. Of the total of 71 eggs laid, 20 hatched. Science I 101 beginning to pay off. At the present tinne, 66 percent of all mammals exhibited at the Zoo are captive born either here or at other zoos. Approximately 30 percent of the mammals species, 14 percent of the bird species, 8 percent of the reptile and amphibian species in the collection are breeding. This is a slight but significant increase over previous years. While it is pleasant to report on significant births, note must also be taken of deaths, and four famous old-timers at the Zoo have passed on. Pokodiak, a female hybrid bear (Alaskan Brown X Polar Bear), born in 1936, died in April at the age of 38 years. She is the last of the National Zoological Park's famous hybrid bears which had such an eminently popular appeal due to their great size and unusual family background. Biggy, the 14-foot saltwater crocodile, one of the largest crocodilians in captivity, died this March after 42 years on exhibition. He was a spectacular animal and well beloved by his visitors. The Silver-crested Cockatoo, Richard, originally known as Jacob, died in February. This bird was brought back from Sumatra as a mature bird by Dr. Mann with the 1937 National Geographic/Smithsonian Institution Expedition. He had been for many years in the home of a Dutch plantation owner and spoke a smattering of Dutch and Indonesian. He was a great delight to the visitors, being an excellent talker. He soon learned English, and one of his favorite phrases, "open the door, Richard," gradually brought about his change in name by which in later years he was known. This bird was thoroughly imprinted on human beings and would have nothing to do with his feathered kin, preferring the company of humans; for this reason since 1965 he was exhibited in the Ele- phant House to the delight of thousands of children if not to the delight of the hippopotamuses, his nearest neighbors. His maniacal laughter, joyous whistling, and general rowdiness will be missed. He has been replaced by an Amazon parrot, who was given to the Zoo as a pet similarly imprinted. ANIMAL HEALTH AND PATHOLOGY The animal health programs have continued with ongoing investi- gative research. With the addition of an assistant veterinarian, the program has been greatly accelerated, including initiation of a train- ing course for Animal Keepers to expand their ability to recognize deviation from healthful behavior and habits which may signify the 102 / Smithsonian Year 1974 ^n. One of seven smooth-fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, imported from the Amazon Basin for a breeding program as well as adding a new species to the collections. existence of potential health problems. The death rate has lessened slightly and significant improvements are anticipated in the future. Investigations into collection-based health problems were multi- plied to include : 1. A study of avian orthopedics because existing fracture repair techniques fall short of preventing shattering in weakened bones. The techniques currently being tested consist of multiple pins and external fracture fixation. 2. A study of avian hematology to increase knowledge of the sources of avian diseases, a field heretofore not well studied even though species of birds represent the largest proportion of our col- lection. Diagnostic techniques involving use of blood serum constitu- ents have been virtually unknown in birds. The study thus far indi- cates that white blood cell level might be an effective indicator of infectious diseases which respond to antibiotic treatment. A paper has been prepared and submitted for publication. Science 1 103 3. A Tiger Virus Disease study has been started to isolate the viral agent believed, as a result of tissue alterations identified through light microscopy, to be the possible cause of white tiger cubs' deaths earlier in the year. Studies continued into avian tuberculosis, selenium-vitamin E de- ficiency, chromosome studies for taxonomic designation, sable blood, reindeer metabolism, and the important area of establishing normal blood values for exotic species. The office has cooperated in the de- velopment of capture equipment and participated in field trials of newly developed immobilizing agents. This unit has established a series of seminars for veterinarians on the East Coast that are involved in exotic-animal medicine, and this long-felt need for the improvement of exotic-animal medicine has been well received by the participants. ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH The Office of Zoological Research, under Dr. John Eisenberg, achieved notable progress on 24 projects in field mammalian ecology, reproduction, behavioral analysis, and nutritional analysis. As one arbitrary measure of success, 28 original contributions were pub- lished in the department's six years of history to 1972, and 43 titles, with 9 more now in press, since then. Nine graduate students and two postdoctoral students from six universities were guided and supported in 1974. Field efforts in the neotropics by Dr. G. C. Montgomery illumi- nated the importance of the significant biomass contributions of the three-toed sloth and of the lesser anteater, as well as to improving chances for their eventual captive acclimatization. Other studies inte- grated with the National Museum of Natural History and the Smith- sonian Tropical Research Institute advanced with respect to a host of rodent and primate species. Methods for scoring the behavior of female mammals as they pass through estrus were developed by Dr. Devra Kleiman. Behavioral changes associated with estrus in the tigress were published for the first time. The role of olfaction as a mediator of reproductive behav- ior in the binturong was published. The propagation of the golden marmoset in the second generation was accomplished by Dr. Klei- man and associated staff. The analysis of reproductive behavior of the lesser panda and factors contributing to reproductive success in 104 / Smithsonian Year 1974 the giant panda were described. The reproductive behavior and cy- cHng in the Indian rhinoceros was worked out by Dr. H. K. Buechner and associates. Dr. Buechner also initiated a long-term study on the determination of estrus and sexual behavior in the sable antelope. Studies on reproduction in caviomorph rodents have proceeded in the Zoo collection resulting in the first establishment of captive colonies of two — Octodontomys gliroides and Pediolagus salini- cola — and the Zoo being in position to rear successfully two more. The breeding of Carollia perspicillata, a species of fruit bat, was a milestone study in the effective management of Chiropterans. Recognizing the importance of olfaction and the role of olfactory signals in the priming and triggering of sexual behavior, several rodent species have been explored by Dr. Michael Murphy, includ- ing wild stocks of the golden hamster and three genera of cavio- morph rodents. Aspects of animal communication, the genesis of social bonds, and the structure of mammalian societies have been under intensive investigation with self-evident applications to animal management. For example, efforts in 1974 show that the success of second-genera- tion breeding in the golden marmoset hinges upon an understanding of the formation of social bonds and the role of early experience in the participation of rearing young. Through analysis, such as are currently being carried on in the Zoo and in parallel in the field, an understanding and interpretation of communication in, for example, the spider monkey now becomes possible. Dr. Eisenberg and his associates were deeply involved guiding the success of the Thirteenth International Congress of Ethology held in August with George Washington University and the Smith- sonian Institution being the co-hosts. Scientists from many differ- ent nations attended, resulting in an exciting exchange of stimulating scientific information. CONSTRUCTION As mentioned previously the old Lion House has been demolished and the new exhibit will begin construction early in July. The char- acter of "lion house hill" is changing and for the definite advantage of the big cats and their visiting public. The old Monkey House is being renovated at this time and should be completed early in the next calendar year. This house, built in 1904, will be modernized Science I 105 to have 12 glass-fronted, larger inside exhibit cages and the corre- sponding number of outside cages. The selection of monkeys will be fewer than were exhibited before, but they will be in larger family groups. The old, small-cat house generally referred to as the "puma house" has been removed and plans are being prepared for its re- placement by a series of free standing corn-crib-type cages to house the lesser cats, such as pumas, lynx, and servals. The dog line below the sea lion pool has also been removed with anticipated replacement next year by fewer but larger compounds. Plans are proceeding for the renovation of the outside Elephant House yards as well as of the outside cages around the Bird House. New cheetah facilities are being presently constructed just north of the sea lion pool. This will consist of spacious double enclosures that will give the cheetahs a much larger area in which to run. This will also allow separation of the males and females and it is hoped will enable the establishment of a breeding program for these lovely cats. In this vein the Zoo has secured, on breeding loan, a pair of cheetahs from the Baltimore Zoo and a second pair from the Chey- enne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. Based on recent success of cheetah breedings at the San Diego Zoo and Lion Country Safari, it is hoped that a rotating encounter program can be established be- tween the males and the females which will result in successful breedings. VISITOR SERVICES In 1974, an effort was launched to bring progress in graphics, ex- hibits, education, and information up to the pace now being set by the Zoo's sound and progressive programs in animal management, animal health, and zoological research. The Visitor Services Group, led by an assistant director, assembled the Office of Graphics and Exhibits, Education and Information, and the Protective Services with the mission of providing the Zoo visitor good guidance and opportunities for quality educational experiences, and a high degree of public service and accommodation. This effort coordinates with the Friends of the National Zoo as they continue to carry the Zoo's educational programs to the visitors, to the local school systems, and surrounding community. The information and education staffs are being increased, and exhibits came under the control of an experienced and creative de- 106 / Smithsonian Year 1974 signer in order to bring the interpretive program up to highest stand- ards. This person will also work closely with the designers, Wyman and Cannon, Inc., contracted with under a matching grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to develop a Master Graphics Plan and Design Manual for the Zoo. Another important new service for both the employees and visi- tors was the appointment of a Health and Safety Officer, with in- creased emphasis on providing this vital area of visitor services. Management efforts in general in fiscal 1974 focused on building up understanding and administrative capability at the level of the operating offices assembled into the Animal Programs Group, Visi- tor Services Group, and Central Services Group. Central manage- ment was reduced to a handful of people working to help guide the growth and progress of the ambitious and spirited Zoo staff. Office of International and Environmental Programs The new Office was established on October 15, 1973, combining the Offices of International Activities and Environmental Sciences. It is designed to further increase opportunities for the Smithsonian to conduct research abroad through the application of its traditional strengths in collection-based natural history to ecosystem-oriented studies in the tropics. A new International Environmental Science Program, incorporating the former programs in Oceanography, Lim- nology, and Ecology, was initiated at the end of the fiscal year. The previous program categories are used below to describe studies conducted during 1973. The Office also continues to provide support to United States re- search institutions, including the Smithsonian, through Foreign Currency Program grants, and service to other Smithsonian units through the Liaison Section of the International Activities Program. The Center for Short-Lived Phenomena, an independent unit of the Office in Cambridge, Massachusetts, provides for the rapid com- munication of technical data on natural and environmental phe- nomena of short duration through a global network of scientific correspondents. Wymberley Coerr, formerly Ambassador to Ecuador and Uruguay, was appointed to head the new Office. Science 1 107 A series of ecological assessment studies in foreign countries, ad- ministered by the Office and supported by the Agency for Inter- national Development, was completed during the year. The studies included an analysis of the effect of oil pollution on marine orga- nisms in Indonesia, a review of the environmental consequences of rapid urbanization in a developing country (Seoul, Korea), and the ecological impact of Lake Volta in Ghana, the world's largest man- made lake. A 4-year study for the purpose of predicting the spread of waterborne diseases, particularly schistosomiasis, with the im- poundment of the Mekong River and its tributaries, was completed. OCEANOGRAPHY AND LIMNOLOGY PROGRAM During their combined 15 years of operations the Smithsonian's two oceanographic sorting centers have processed bulk marine samples, monitored and assessed marine pollution, and conducted baseline and environmental prediction studies. In the past year, the centers have processed more than 8 million specimens for specialists and reference collections. Much of the material processed by the Oceano- graphic Sorting Center in Washington involved Arctic and Antarctic biological samples in cooperation with the nsf Office of Polar Pro- grams. The biological and environmental data accompanying these samples have been computerized. Over 3000 specimens at the Mediterranean Marine Sorting Cen- ter have become a part of the Reference Collections of Mediterra- nean Marine Biota. Sorted specimens are divided equally and deposited in the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and the Institut National Scientifique et Technique d'Oceanographie et de Peche. The Existing Conditions of the Biota of the Chesapeake Bay Project for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is providing informa- tion on the most important species of Chesapeake Bay, descriptions of community structure, and analyses of water quality criteria. An interim report was submitted in October, and the final report will be submitted during the fiscal year 1975. Coordination responsibili- ties of the report on the effects of Tropical Storm Agnes were also performed for the Corps. The second year of a United States-Yugoslav aquatic study, en- titled "Limnological Investigations of Lake Skadar," was success- fully completed in cooperation with the Limnology Laboratory of 108 / Smithsonian Year 1974 the Biological Institut of Titograd. Extensive progress was made in adequately equipping the laboratory and in sampling and analyzing the preliminary research results. Manuscripts are in progress and in press. Development of comprehensive biological studies of marine and freshwater ecosystems in Egypt and Pakistan is proceeding. A post- impoundment ecological assessment of the Nam Ngum Reservoir in Laos was initiated in May 1974. Liaison with other Smithsonian Institution aquatic sciences was continued, as was representation on various committees and coun- cils concerned with oceanography and limnology. ECOLOGY PROGRAM An evaluation of environmental resources was undertaken in a study for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in connection with the Corps' responsibility for preserving natural, historical, and cultural aspects of America's natural heritage. The project involved a comprehensive review of current environmental inventories and literature on re- quirements for such inventories, a critique of pilot environmental reconnaissance inventories, and preparation of guidelines for agen- cies conducting statewide inventories of critical environmental areas. The guidebook deals with key issues and decisions that must be resolved in conducting the inventories and suggests methodology for delineating areas of critical environmental concern. The Smithsonian Center for Natural Areas assists, through eco- logical studies, in planning and establishing priorities for the selec- tion and preservation of ecologically significant areas. Natural areas include habitats of threatened species of plants, animals, and com- munities; important breeding and overwintering areas; sites of unique interest for research or education interests; and archeological and related locations that should be preserved. The Center has de- veloped a quantitive evaluation technique of ecological indicators as a scientifically valid basis of assigning priorities for acquisition of permanent nature reserves by procuring agencies. The Center published a 2-year, natural-areas study of the Chesa- peake Bay region. The Nature Conservancy, co-sponsor of the study, intends to use the findings as one basis for procurement and desig- nation as protected areas sites in the Chesapeake Bay watershed regarded as ecologically significant. Science I 109 I The Center prepared an inventory of ecologically representative sites within the Atlantic Coastal Region, together with descriptions and recommendations to assist the National Park Service in desig- nating sites for its Registry of Natural Landmarks. The Center is helping to assess the ecological consequences of activities at U.S. Air Force Bases in the continental United States in order to offer a scientific basis for suggesting improvements in con- servation practices. A comprehensive survey was made for the Air Force of the existing data on the flora and fauna of Johnston Atoll in the Pacific, including both terrestrial and marine organisms. The baseline information was compiled for an evaluation required for an environmental impact statement for the islands. The Center for Natural Areas, with approval of the Smithsonian, was incorporated as an independent organization during fiscal 1974. The Center's studies henceforth will be supported by grants and contracts from foundations, charitable trusts, federal, and state agencies. The Smithsonian-Peace Corps Environmental Program provides assistance in two general areas. It develops Peace Corps projects and assignments dealing with environmental and natural resource problems in the developing countries and recruits and places appli- cants skilled in the environmental biological sciences. Over 700 applications were received in fiscal 1974, and 207 volunteers with environmental skills were assigned to 28 countries. The volunteers were requested directly by the host governments for assignment to scientific and natural conservation programs. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM As a part of the new Office of International and Environmental Pro- grams, the International Activities Program has undergone no sub- stantive changes in its functions. As its major responsibility, the International Activities Program administers the Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program. This Pro- gram awards grants to support the research interests of American institutions, including the Smithsonian, in those countries where the United States holds "excess" amounts of local currencies, derived largely from sales of surplus agricultural commodities under Public Law 480. Qualifying countries, where the Treasury Department deems United States holdings of these currencies to be in excess of 110 / Smithsonian Year 1974 normal federal requirements, are presently India, Pakistan, Burma, Egypt, Tunisia, Guinea, and Poland. The Smithsonian received a fiscal 1974 appropriation of $4.5 million in "excess" currencies for the support of grants in the disciplines of archeology and the anthro- pological sciences, systematics and environmental biology, astro- physics and the earth sciences, and museum-related fields. During its first decade of operation, the Foreign Currency Program has awarded more than $24 million in foreign currency grants to more than 70 institutions in 32 states and the District of Columbia, in- volving some 220 museums, universities, and research institutions. Within the framework of the Program, the Smithsonian made ar- rangements in fiscal 1974 for the United States to contribute $1 million in support of unesco efforts to save the submerged temples at Philae, Egypt. The Program participated in interagency negotia- tions leading to the establishment of a United States-Yugoslav Joint Board of Scientific and Technical Cooperation. This Board makes it possible to extend the period for which support will be available for already approved United States-Yugoslav cooperative research proj- ects, including Smithsonian research in limnology and Smithsonian Foreign Currency-supported archeological research. The International Liaison Section continues to provide other Smithsonian units with assistance in international matters involving travel and projects abroad. It coordinated the travel and research arrangements of the many foreign scholars visiting the Smithsonian, and it makes arrangements for other foreign visitors. A growing area of liaison responsibility is in special programs for foreign re- search cooperation. These include promoting Smithsonian scientific and scholarly cooperation with the People's Republic of China and under binational arrangements with Israel and Germany. CENTER FOR SHORT-LIVED PHENOMENA The Center operates a worldwide electronic alert system for rapid communication of scientific data on natural and environmental phe- nomena of short duration. During the year the Center reported 155 short-lived events that occurred in 44 countries, islands, and ocean areas. Scientific field teams investigated 120 of the events. The re- porting network consists of about 2000 scientists, scientific research institutions, and field stations located in 138 countries throughout the globe. Science I 111 Scientists and other subscribers to the Center's service receive in- formation on significant changes in biological, ecological, and geo- physical systems, including rare or unusual animal migrations, population increases, and mortalities, major floods, forest fires, and pollution events, such as oil and chemical spills, gas and radioactive substance leaks, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and occasional astrophysical events, such as meteorite falls and fireballs. The Center has enlarged its International Environmental Alert Network to include more than 60,000 secondary school and univer- sity students in over 800 schools throughout the United States and Canada, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Rumania, Jor- dan, Lebanon, Ghana, Korea, Singapore, Tanzania, Sudan, Sri Lanka, South West Africa, England, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Zambia, France, The Netherlands, and Kenya. Services under contract were provided to the United Nations En- vironment Program; the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization; the United States National Aeronautic and Space Administration; and the United States Environmental Protec- tion Agency. Radiation Biology Laboratory The importance and significance of energy as the driving force of our technological society became abundantly clear in 1974 as politi- cal and economic forces displaced familiar use patterns. Thus, the laboratory's charter "to study the role of sunlight in maintaining life on the earth" anticipated current concerns by almost a half cen- tury. In fact, the purposes and objectives of the laboratory become increasingly important as the world's population grows, and its food needs and requirements for diminishing fossil-fuel resources expand. During fiscal 1974 the laboratory emphasized several major areas of research on aspects of solar radiation that influence biological systems: (1) measuring the solar energy received at the earth's sur- face, its quantity, quality, and duration, since these parameters establish the starting point for all aspects of photobiology; (2) the biochemistry and biophysics of energy storage (photosynthesis) and the structures (pigments and membrane systems) involved in cap- 112 / Smithsonian Year 1974 turing the sun's energy; (3) the regulation of the use of this stored energy by Hving organisms in response to complex signals of light, temperature, or gases in the environment; and (4) the use of the photosynthetic products to date the time when objects of biological origin were last alive and in equilibrium with the environment (carbon dating). SOLAR ENERGY Measurements of solar energy were recorded from a monitoring network including four locations: Barrow, Alaska; Flamenco Island, Panama; the National Physical Laboratory in Jerusalem, Israel; and at Rockville, Maryland. This network covers the Northern Hemi- sphere reasonably well and records at three-minute intervals the energy received in six color bands, as well as the total energy from the ultraviolet short wavelength limit to the infrared (2.8 microns), where the energy per photon is no longer capable of driving photo- chemical reactions. From this enormous volume of data have been extracted many useful pieces of information. For example, the area required for suitable collectors to provide the necessary energy to heat or to air condition buildings may be 'calculated or estimates of the upper limits for plant growth in an area may be computed. In addition, some data implicate solar ultraviolet with skin cancer incidence. Particularly, as more and more supersonic transport air- craft are flown, it is postulated that the fuel exhausts will catalyze the breakdown of the protective ozone screen in the atmosphere, which limits the amount of ultraviolet penetrating to the earth's surface. In cooperation with the Air Resources Laboratories of NOAA, a scanning radiometer was stationed at Tallahassee, Florida. This instrument measures narrow bandwidths of ultraviolet in the erythemal (region of sunlight that causes skin reddening) band and these data are being tested to see if a correlation exists between quality and quantity received and the incidence of skin cancer (as measured by the National Cancer Institute) in Tallahassee, Another important factor in solar irradiance measurements is the primary standard to which all measurements are referred. The Smithsonian has a long history of developing standards, and this year a symposium was held for international authorities on solar instruments and measurements to discuss and evaluate the initiation Science 1 113 Spectral radiation monitoring by the Radiation Biology Laboratory at the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal. The units shown are pyranometers mounted on the roof of the monitoring site. and worldwide use of a uniform and precisely defined measuring scale. While there is, as yet, no consensus as to the best scale system, at least intercomparison may now be made in a more rational man- ner. The papers presented at this symposium will be published as a Smithsonian publication. In order to pursue the importance of light on plant growth, four large growth chambers were installed in which the major parameters regulating plant growth can be controlled. These include the nutrient and root media, the atmospheric media and the light environment. Plants are grown on soil or artificial substrate systems (nutriculture). REGULATORY BIOLOGY Light in the environment also may regulate the rate of synthesis of cell components or the rate of metabolism and growth of plant parts. Such light signals must be absorbed by pigment molecules to be effective. During the past year the laboratory has been isolating and purifying the pigment ph'ytochrome. By hydrolyzing it in vari- ous ways and determining the amino-acid composition of the various 114 / Smithsonian Year 1974 ^ # i^aflM The Radiation Biology Laboratory scanning radiometer used to monitor the erythemal band of daylight. The unit shown monitors 5 nm bands of energy from 285 nm to 320 nm in Tallahassee, Florida. Instruments used for measuring solar radiation. The instrument in the rear is the Smithsonian standard water-flow. The other instruments, from left to right, are a Smithsonian modified 1905 Angstrom normal incidence pyrhelio- meter, an Abbot pyranometer, a modified Abbot pyranometer and an Abbot silver disk pyrheliometer. The pyranometers are used to measure radiation from the sun and sky while the pyrheliometers and the water-flow measure only radiation from the sun (direct solar beam). peptides produced, information has been obtained about the mole- cular weight and the chemical structure of this protein pigment. The phytochrome pigment was isolated from dark-grown rye seed- lings. After purification, electrophoresis, and gel permeation chroma- tography of the undenatured protein indicated a molecular weight of about 400,000 daltons. Disc gel electrophoresis in detergents indicated a principal product was formed with a molecular weight of about 120,000 daltons. Cleavage of the protein was performed with cyanogen bromide, which reacts with methionine residues. This produced five peptides: one of 15,000 daltons, a chromopeptide containing the light-absorbing portion (11,000 daltons), one about 8000 daltons, and two smaller ones. These data are consistent with the 13S phytochrome being composed of one species of protomer having a molecular weight of 42,000 and 4 methionine residues per protomer. Another approach to the molecular function of phytochrome is the determination of the dependence of physiological responses upon the dose of light given. For a number of flowering plants, such as peas and mustard, dose-response curves were determined, as well as changes in the dose-response curves following sequential expo- sures to light. In addition, the capacity for rapid chlorphyll accumu- lation was measured. Data indicate that the physiologically active form of phytochrome produced by the first red exposure migrates to a membrane surface, which results in more light being required for a given response. But once light is absorbed, it is more effective because the active molecule is already attached to a membrane in- volved in the response. For photosynthesis to occur efficiently, the incident sunlight must be absorbed in all wavelength regions. Algae have solved this prob- lem by forming special pigment protein complexes known as phyco- bilisomes. These complexes trap the light energy and transfer it to a "reaction center," where it is used to produce energy-rich com- pounds. Phycobilisomes can be isolated and then dissociated into their component parts. A model has been developed this year that describes at the molecular level the spatial arrangement of at least four pigments involved and their attachment to the photosynthetic membranes. The chloroplasts of higher plants also trap light energy and convert it to chemical energy. Formation of chloroplasts and the 116 / Smithsonian Year 1974 maintenance of chloroplast structure is a fascinating problem that is attracting considerable attention. Making the proteins for a func- tional chloroplast requires cooperation between nuclear and chloro- plast genetic systems. That is, the genetic material for and the synthesis of certain chloroplast proteins are located in the nucleus and cytoplasm respectively, while the genetic material for and the synthesis of other chloroplast proteins are located in the chloroplast. Part of the chloroplast protein synthesis occurs on chloroplast photosynthetic membranes. During the past year, a system was developed in which biosyn- thesis of chloroplast photosynthetic membranes could be studied in vitro. In actively growing cells of the alga Chlamydomonas, a large portion of chloroplast ribosomes exists attached to the photosyn- thetic membranes. Electron micrographs of isolated membranes show that some of the ribosomes are bound as polyribosomes. When the membranes are dissolved by detergent, these polyribosomes can be recovered and account for more than half of the ribosomes bound to the membranes. These results suggest that the membrane-ribosome association functions in protein synthesis, because polysomes occur when active protein synthesis takes place. This assumption was confirmed by the finding that the isolated membrane-ribosome association will carry out protein synthesis. This protein synthesis reaction depends on the presence of the ribosomes attached to the membranes. It is inhibited by chloramphenicol, not by cyclohexi- mide, as is expected for protein synthesis by chloroplast ribosomes. The protein synthesis reaction requires an energy generation system and a soluble cell extract. The reaction is inhibited by ribonuclease. These properties indicate that the protein synthesis reaction is car- ried out by the isolated membranes. Blue light regulates the biosynthesis of yellow pigments, such as the vitamin A precursor, ^-carotene. At least eight different caro- tenoids are synthesized after light exposure of dark-grown mycelial pads of the bread mold Neurospora crassa. The photoinduction of these pigments can be divided into at least three phases : (a) a rapid light reaction, (b) a period of protein synthesis, and (c) accumulation of the carotenoid pigment. The effect of temperature on these processes has been studied this year. The light reaction, of course, is temperature-independent, but synthesis immediately following light exposure has an optimum Science 1 117 near 6°C. These data, as well as studies with inhibitors of protein synthesis, indicate that the light reaction produces an inducer that activates a gene. The genetic code in the activated gene specifies the amino-acid sequence of an enzyme required for carotenoid biosyn- thesis. This enzyme is apparently absent in dark-grown cultures. Furthermore, physiological evidence indicates that the inducer is lost from the carotenoid-synthesizing system in a temperature- dependent competitive reaction. In addition, four different types of mutant strains of Neurospora were produced from wild type by uv light: albinos, which do not make pigment even in the presence of light; yellow-orange mutants, which synthesize a different distribution of pigments; mutants in which the sensitivity of carotenoid synthesis to temperatures above 6°C has been reduced; and mutants which can make pigment in the dark. The activities of many enzymes in organisms from bacteria to man appear to be under the control of cyclic-AMP (adenosine mono- phosphate). For example, in man the hormones epinephrine or glu- cagon stimulate the synthesis of cyclic-AMP, which in turn activates a series of enzymes required for starch breakdown. Evidence has been obtained that animal cells that have been transformed by a virus to cancerous cells have lower than normal cyclic-AMP levels. There is evidence in frogs and rats that light controls the level of cyclic-AMP. We have obtained evidence that such a control system exists in Neurospora and may be part of the mechanism for photo- induction of carotenoid synthesis. Since cyclic-AMP probably regu- lates the activities of many different enzymes in Neurospora, then control of the level of cyclic-AMP by light should regulate a number of biochemical pathways besides carotenoid synthesis. Such a control mechanism can be conveniently studied in Neurospora and the results used to predict the type of control system that operates in higher organisms. ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY Light acts not only as a carrier of information for regulating metabo- lism but is also absorbed and stored as chemical energy, along with the production of oxygen as a byproduct (photosynthesis). If leaves of plants are exposed to low temperatures (chilling), there is an inhibition in the rate of fixation of carbon dioxide. In addition, the 118 / Smithsonian Year 1974 oxygen-evolving power of leaves after cold storage is regulated by mangano-protein in the chloroplast thylakoids. Since a great deal of the world's agriculture and the distribution of wild plant populations are limited by temperature, it is important to determine the portion of the photosynthetic mechanism directly affected by chilling. Plants that were grown under very warm conditions (30 °C) were exposed to a succession of days and nights of cool (10°C day, S^C night) temperatures, and the ability of whole leaves to take up carbon dioxide was measured. Within 24 hours after exposure to low temperature, the plants' capacity to take up carbon dioxide at warm temperatures was reduced by about 25 percent. Longer expo- sure to low temperature brings with it further reduction in carbon assimilation. The process of photosynthesis involves considerably more than carbon dioxide assimilation, and in order to determine which of the many steps is affected by changes in temperature, a partitioning of the process was attempted. Photosynthetic cells from the leaf were separated from the remaining nonphotosynthetic tissue. Active whole cells were obtained which retain the capacity to evolve oxygen using light. Exposure of plants to chilling temperatures, however, does not consistently affect the capacity of cells extracted from these plants to evolve oxygen. Sometimes there is a substantial reduction in oxygen evolution and sometimes only minor change. The reason for this variability is as yet unknown. Measurements have been made of the total productive capacity for communities of plants in a salt marsh in the Chesapeake Bay. It has been assumed that salt marshes contribute substantially to their neighboring estuaries and are consequently essential to the maintenance of life in the estuaries. Assimilated carbon in the marsh is exported to the estuary; however, most data for this assumption are based upon an incomplete examination of the capacity of the marsh to take up and metabolize carbon! A plastic chamber to enclose a section of the marsh community has been constructed in conjunction with a continuous flow, infrared, gas-analysis system to monitor the net carbon dioxide exchange over the marsh com- munity. In addition to net carbon dioxide exchange, a method has been evaluated for determining the amount of green matter in a marsh without the necessity of destroying any of the community being Science 1 119 f 0- ,^,f Plastic chamber for measuring net carbon dioxide exchange over a marsh community on an estuary of the Chesapeake Bay. Carbon dioxide concentra- tion is determined in air as it enters and leaves the chamber. Below: Radio- meter device for measuring reflectance of red and far-red light from a marsh community. Reflectance measurements are used in estimating the standing crop biomass. /^X^i»*iE^J"»' ;r ■** studied. The method depends upon the fact that green plants reflect red light less than they reflect far-red radiation (light that is at and just beyond the sensitivity of the human eye). The seasonal change in reflectance of these two bands of light was found to change as the total amount of green matter in the stand of plants changed. This method was originally developed to study productivity of prairie communities, but the method appears to work in marshes. A correlation was found between the reflectance measurements and direct measurements of biomass obtained by cutting and weighing samples. Thus, a rapid, nondestructive assay of growth in marshes can be obtained. The method also has the advantage that the equip- ment is portable and, thus, usable in remote locations. The growth of plants in an estuarine environment is sometimes limited by phosphorus cycling in the tidal environment. Phosphorus flux rates and phosphorus cycling in situ in the tidal marsh, mud flat periphyton, and plankton communities of the Rhode River sub- estuary of Chesapeake Bay were measured. Techniques employed included phosphorus-32-orthophosphate uptake and chase kinetics. Higher Members of the Food Chain Orgonic-P '*" ^Zooplonkton- 1 ! ,,1'Phytoplankton \ \ V*- lAA \ Bacteria * ^'^^Z^ *. o,. z^**- Dissolved ^^ /^ Ortho-P Suspended Sediments / Bottom Sediments Current concept of the pathways of estuarine plankton phosphorus cycling. Processes stopped by enclosing a sample in a bottle are indicated as dashed arrows. Heavy lines indicate major processes. Phosphate uptake by phyto- plankton requires light energy and the presence of iodoacetic acid (lAA) inhibits direct biological uptake of orthophosphate. Science 1 121 analysis of specific and total activity in various metabolically mean- ingful phosphorus fractions, detailed chromatographic fractionation, continuous-flow pulse-labeling of plankton, direct microscopic examination of microbial communities, and phosphorus-33 micro- autoradiography. From these data the major pathways of phosphorus cycling in estuarine plankton were constructed. The heavy arrows are believed to be main pathways. Microbiological data, as well as the size classing and inhibitor data, support this picture. Thus, orthophosphate is taken up mostly by bacteria that are mainly on the surfaces of suspended sediments and detritus, but phytoplankton also take up some orthophosphate in the light. The bacteria and phytoplankton are then eaten by filter feeders, especially ciliate protozoans. These in turn release most of the phosphorus as dis- solved orthophosphate and organic phosphorus. In addition, the phosphorus cycling in a deciduous forest when subjected to various levels of mineral nutrient loading was measured. Phosphorus loading of the leaf-litter zone beneath beech trees in Maryland was varied from the "natural" level (3 to 12 mg P.m~^* day~^) to 430 mg P.m~^*day~^ above the natural level. Phosphorus- 32 was used to measure rates and to determine pathways of phos- phorus cycling. Upon increased loading, the phosphorus content of \ the litter increased fourfold and then stabilized. When this loading was discontinued, the phosphorus content of the litter declined to the original level. Phosphorus not assimilated by the leaf litter moved rapidly through the soil both vertically and horizontally. Forest trees obtained most of their phosphorus from the litter zone. Sometimes the effects of a sudden dramatic changes in energy flow in the environment can be assayed. Such a dynamic stress occurred in tropical storm Agnes. Although the storm center cir- cumnavigated the Rhode River estuary, the salinity reached a minimum about two weeks later because of flooding by the Susque- hanna River. This event was coincident with the year's highest water temperature (30-31 °C) and resulted in severe mortalities in the ' biota. Periphyton (attached microbial communities) experienced a nearly complete die-off. High levels of sediments and of nutrients, especially nitrate and total- phosphorus, were delivered to Rhode River by the bay proper and from local runoff. These nutrients were deposited in Rhode River bottom sediments. This reservoir released nutrients a year later, especially at a time of low dissolved 122 / Smithsonian Year 1974 oxygen in the bottom water and of intensive dinoflagellate blooms. In a 13-day period it is estimated that over 900 Kg phosphorus was released from the bottom sediments. Thus, even though the effects were indirect from tropical storm Agnes, they were large. CARBON DATING Because all living things are in equilibrium with the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and this equilibrium is fixed at the time of death, with the radioactive carbon^'* gradually decaying away as the sample ages, it is possible to determine the age of biological specimens back to about 40,000 years by measuring their radioactive carbon^'* con- tent. From data taken from the remains and artifacts of archaic populations, it is possible to explore the relationships between changing environments and changing cultures. I From such artifacts a chronological framework is being con- structed for populations in North America. In cooperation with anthropologists, geologists, and palynologists the time period 6000 B.c to 2000 B.C. has been examined for northeastern North America. f Of particular interest is the date of entry of man into the New World. In cooperation with the University of Alaska, dating of ■selected archeological and geological sites discovered during con- } struction of the Alaska pipeline have been accomplished. Recent [findings published by the Scripps Institution, using the determina- I tion of racemic mixtures of aspartic acid, indicate that man was i present in North America at least 50,000 years before the present. [However, dates from the North Slope in our laboratory confirm ' occupation of more than 10,000 years ago. Thus, the requirement for more energy to drive our technology that resulted in the need for the Alaska pipeline has yielded as a secondary scientific benefit an indication of man's early history in the New World. PUBLIC SERVICE Lectures and invited symposium talks were presented by the staff to more than 30 research institutions and universities, both nation- ally and internationally. Hundreds of reprints of published data were distributed to interested professional colleagues, and several staff members taught seminars and courses in their professional specialties. Science I 123 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory On July 1, 1973, the Smithsonian Institution and Harvard University established at Cambridge, Massachusetts, a Center for Astrophysics to coordinate the related research activities of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (sao) and the Harvard College Observa- tory (hco) under a single director. At that time, George B. Field, Professor of Astronomy at Harvard University, became the director of the joint facility and of both observatories, succeeding Fred L. Whipple of sao and Alexander i Dalgarno of hco. | The creation of this new consolidated science program, drawing • on the resources of the Smithsonian Institution and Harvard Univer- sity to achieve scientific excellence, is both a response to the new research goals and opportunities of the present and a reflection of traditional ties of the past. During the past decade, astrophysics has experienced an explosion of ideas. New windows on the universe have been opened by the discovery of radiation in unexpected bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. And the expanded use of rocket, balloon, and satellite experiments has allowed observation of this radiation from above the earth's obscuring atmosphere. Gamma rays. X-rays, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation are all now observed almost as routinely as radio and visible waves. Each new spectrum window has revealed a vast and varied universe filled with objects defying the imagina- tion: quasars, pulsars. X-ray and gamma-ray stars, black holes, and neutron stars, as well as massive interstellar clouds of dust particles and complex molecules. When it was founded by Samuel Pierpont Langley in 1890, the goal of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory was the increase and diffusion of knowledge about the earth and its immediate as- tronomical environment. This goal remains unchanged today; how- ever, the technological developments in observational techniques and data analysis, coupled with unusual advances in theoretical astronomy, now allow Smithsonian scientists to expand their astronomical horizons to the very edge of the universe. Two major scientific problems are at the core of this expanded astronomical research program. The first is the evolution of matter, starting with the explosive beginning of the universe some 20 billion 124 / Smithsonian Year 1974 I years ago. After the formation of galaxies and stars, some matter collapsed into those exotic and unusual objects known as quasars, neutron stars, and black holes. i The extreme physical conditions existing in these objects severely test all the fundamental principles of modern physics. Obviously, the evolutionary processes forming stars and galaxies hold clues to how the universe began — and how it may end! The second problem concerns the cosmic matter that has cooled sufficiently for molecules and solid particles to form. The conden- sation of materials accompanying the formation of stars like our own sun apparently results in the formation of planets and the eventual emergence of life. Through continued studies of this matter in space, as well as of the sun, planets, and earth, sao scientists seek to understand the processes that led to the origin of life in the universe. The solution of these two problems in modern astronomy can be achieved only through the concerted efforts of a variety of investi- gators using a diversity of approaches. For example, the study of matter under extreme conditions can be approached through high- energy astrophysics, solar and stellar physics, or optical astronomy; while the study of solid particles can be approached through infra- red and radio astronomy, planetary sciences or geoastronomy. Theoretical and laboratory studies underlie each approach. Each approach also requires quite different research tools, ranging from rocket, balloon, and satellite detectors for gamma-ray and X-ray astronomy, to shock-tube and radiation laboratories and computers for molecular and atomic physics. The complexity of modern astronomical research thus demands the consolidation of efforts whenever possible. The Center for Astrophysics is designed for this purpose — to draw on the differ- ent strengths of the Smithsonian and Harvard observatories. The once loose groupings of scientists and projects are now concentrated in eight divisions representing the major approaches to the dual problems of cosmic evolution and life in the universe. ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS The laboratory and theoretical program of this division are closely related to other experimental and observational programs at the Center. Specifically, this group is concerned with the chemical re- Science / 125 actions occurring in planetary atmospheres and interstellar clouds Major efforts include the development of model potential methods ;| in theoretical atomic physics, the calculation of atomic transition probabilities, and the application of laser techniques to atomic and molecular spectroscopy. The measurements resulting from the spectroscopic research will play a critical role in the interpretation of data returned from other Center space programs. CEOASTRONOMY This division continues sao's long-term program to study earth dynamics, the upper atmosphere, and earth's gravitational field. In cooperation with scores of other organizations around the world, the earth dynamics program is building the large data base necessary to define the kinematics, bulk dynamics, and mass distri- bution of the earth. The program depends heavily on sao's sophisti- cated laser and camera satellite-tracking network, supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The upper atmospheric research program uses computer analysis of the anomalies in satellite orbits to develop accurate models of the earth's gravity field and to define the forces exerted by both sunshine and earthshine. A gravitational redshift project will utilize an extremely accurate, rocket-borne, maser clock, paired with a similar ground-based instrument, to test the equivalence principle of Einstein's Theory of Relativity in the gravitational field of the earth. HIGH-ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS The Center is emerging as a national leader in the field of high- energy astronomy, and particularly X-ray research, through its participation in the NASA-sponsored series of high-energy astronomi- cal observatories (head). Major efforts are directed toward con- struction and planning of experiments aboard the heao-b, now scheduled for launch in 1975 as the first true space observatory capable of high angular resolution X-ray observations. This satellite will permit the first studies of the X-ray structure of extended objects and complex sources. In the meantime, the division continues its analysis of data obtained by-UHURU satellite, the pioneering experi- ment in this field. This effort has led to the first identification of a probable "black hole" in the constellation Cygnus. 126 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Ground-based observations at Mt. Hopkins have led to the detec- tion of gamma-ray emissions from the Crab Nebula. I OPTICAL AND INFRARED ASTRONOMY This division's activities fall in four related areas : studies of infrared emissions from galaxies and H II regions; studies of the spectra of stars and circumstellar materials; analysis of the spectra of inter- stellar materials and planetary atmospheres; and optical studies of emission from X-ray sources and pulsars. Observations are made with Center instruments at Mt. Hopkins, Arizona; Agassiz Station, Massachusetts; and Boy den Station, South Africa; as well as with instruments at the Kitt Peak National Observatory, Arizona, and the Hale Observatories, California, and their respective Southern Hemisphere installations at Cerro Tololo and Las Campanas, Chile. The Harvard component of these observing programs is supported by the National Science Foundation (nsf). This division's observational capabilities will be greatly enhanced by the addition of a large telescope of revolutionary design. This multiple-mirror telescope (mmt) combines six 72-inch mirrors in a hexagonal array around a central core to produce an instrument with the light-gathering capacity of a conventional 176-inch telescope. The MMT is now under construction jointly by sao and the University of Arizona. PLANETARY SCIENCES Traditionally, sao has been a recognized leader in the study of the smaller bodies of the solar system. Vigorous programs involving geochemical and petrological analyses of lunar and meteoritical samples continue, as does the remote sensing of planets, satellites, and asteroids, largely supported by nasa. Observations of comets, combined with computer analyses of their orbits and laboratory studies of their physical properties, also continue. During the past year, the Center served as a major clearing- house for information related to the international program to observe and study Comet Kohoutek. Theoretical work in this field is being supported through Harvard by nsf. RADIO ASTRONOMY The Center's radio astronomy program results from the strong Science 1 127 efforts begun at the Harvard College Observatory with nsf support. It includes capability in both the centimeter and the millimeter wavelength bands of the radio spectrum. Laboratory facilities sup- port the observational program by measuring properties of spectral lines in these wavelengths. This combined effort has identified sev- eral new interstellar molecules. A cooperative program continues with the University of Texas to conduct observations in the 2- and 3-millimeter wavelength bands. SOLAR AND STELLAR PHYSICS The Center's unusually strong program in this field is founded on the observational data provided by the Harvard solar satellite pro- gram and the theoretical work done by sao scientists in the develop- ment of model stellar atmospheres. The extensive data produced by the Harvard experiment aboard nasa's Skylab satellite should provide the basis for several years of analysis and interpretation leading to a new understanding of the energy-generation processes in the outer layers of the sun. The broad range of SAO-developed computer programs and theoretical techniques is being applied to the interpretation of ultraviolet solar and stellar observations, both from Skylab and other satellites such as Copernicus. In addition, the successful flight of a balloon-mounted 40-inch infrared telescope in early 1974 demonstrated the feasibility of further large-aperture flights for broadband photometry and mapping, multiband and galactic sources. This project was a joint venture of sao, hco, and the University of Arizona. THEORETICAL ASTROPHYSICS If the Center is distinguished by its broad spectrum of astrophysical problems under investigation, then it is the theoretical effort that serves as the catalyst encouraging active and fruitful interrelation- ships among different approaches to similar problems. Thus, the objectives of this division are to establish and maintain expertise in those areas of physics underlying the applications to astrophysics, to create active research areas along a broad front, and to alert the Center staff of new directions in astrophysics. Most important, perhaps, this division plays a major role in the Center's commitment to astronomy education: identifying, encouraging, and training new 128 / Smithsonian Year 1974 iastronomers, as well as bringing talented students and younger pro- fessionals into its research program. Much of this division's effort is also supported by nsf. The pooling of Smithsonian and Harvard scientific resources in a Center for Astrophysics seems an appropriately modern and rational adaptation to the times. Oddly enough, it is more the natural evolution of the long relationship between the two organizations. Since 1955, when the headquarters of sao moved to the grounds of the Harvard College Observatory in Cambridge, the two observa- tories have pursued astronomical research in close collaboration, with many members of the Smithsonian staff holding joint appoint- ments at Harvard and using University-owned facilities. The ties between Harvard and Smithsonian, however, reach back into the nineteenth century, when Harvard alumnus and United States President John Quincy Adams urged both his alma mater and his Congress to establish jointly an astronomical observatory to serve the nation, preferably under the aegis of the Smithsonian Institution. Echoing this call for joint academic-government action, Joseph Henry, first Secretary of the Institution, later urged that any observ- atory established by the Smithsonian should be "closely connected with some well-endowed and well-established college or university." Nearly a century and a half have passed, but the dreams of both Joseph Henry and John Quincy Adams are finally realized in the Center for Astrophysics. This cooperative venture has great impli- cations for the future, not only because it may serve as a guide for other similar pairings of private and public institutions, but also because the basic goals it pursues must surely affect all aspects of human life — from genetics to energy production. Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc. This year has been an important one for the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange (ssie) as it actively began its efforts to move from a national center for information about ongoing research to one more international in terms of coverage and use of its services. The Exchange, which has provided services to foreign users over the Science 1 129 years, has now begun to seek and include input on research in progress overseas in a more concerted way, while at the same time ! it has also increased its coverage at the national level. Many of the problems now confronting our own government are I of equal concern to other countries, and these new national priorities require a knowledge of ongoing research in other countries as well. Such information will ultimately be available through the Exchange > as present plans to increase its coverage develop over the next few I years. Efforts to increase coverage in such major areas as agricultural research, cancer, energy and environmental research are already underway, supported by both federal and nonfederal organizations as well as through the help of both national and international organizations. The Exchange is presently exploring all feasible ways for collect- ing or developing access to a comprehensive record of worldwide scientific and technical research and development work in progress and to exercise vigorous United States leadership in creating a sys- tem for storing and exchanging such information with initial efforts directed toward those programs of primary national interest. These are at least seven data bases of ongoing research currently in exist- ence in other countries and many others are being developed. Input or exchange from these as well as selected input in specialized areas of interest from other countries will enhance the value of the Exchange's data base to both scientists and research managers in the United States. Many of the systems currently in existence are based on systems that were developed along the lines of the Exchange's system following visits to the ssie. Compatibility between systems will be encouraged wherever possible to facilitate exchange of information. As a consequence of its efforts in the fiscal year 1974, the Ex- change has increased foreign input and established methods for increased use of the Exchange by foreign scientists. To illustrate the latter, an agreement has been reached with the Institute for Documentation in the Federal Republic of Germany which will provide support for the use of ssie services by a large number of German scientists over an initial one-year period. The project will provide an opportunity for. a large number of German research investigators to observe firsthand the value of learning before publi- cation what their colleagues in the United States are doing in areas 130 / Smithsonian Year 1974 of research closely paralleling their own efforts. It may also expedite development of similar systems such as ssie in Germany as well as lead to more cooperative efforts on problems of similar interest and an exchange of ongoing research information. The Exchange has continued to explore and implement techniques for increased utilization of its information by coupling it with biblio- graphic information including both scientific journal literature and technical reports. These efforts include the use of publications con- taining the combined information as well as coupling of information obtained directly from the ssie data base with that from other information systems, thus providing users of such material with the latest in both published and ongoing research information. Discus- sions have taken place with several Federal data-base systems to expand this approach and offer remote on-line searches of selected portions of the Exchange's data base. Considerable progress has been made in the development and testing of a new machine-aided indexing system. This system, which was designed to help the Exchange's staff of professional scientists and engineers cope with the increasing volume of information com- ing into the Exchange, will also be of interest and value to other information systems of a similar nature. The system is not intended to replace the scientific expertise necessary for maintaining a high quality of indexing but rather complements it by picking up routine terms that are readily identifiable, freeing the scientists to concen- trate on the more important aspect of conceptual indexing. Publica- tion of the technique will be made following more extensive testing of the system in the coming year. This project is another example of the Exchange's continuing effort in research and development designed not only to improve the ssie's system but make such developments available by publication for use throughout the infor- mation community. The Exchange as a result of offering new services and expanding previously available ones has shown an increase in use in fiscal 1974 primarily as a result of making more scientists aware of the Ex- change's services. The response by many users to the Exchange's Newsletter has been excellent in terms of increased subscriptions and products ordered through this organ. The Exchange's continu- ing user-evaluation program indicates that it is providing a highly useful and important service. The Exchange has also developed Science 1 131 closer liaison with Federal agencies to increase their utilization of ssiE services in the management of their own research programs particularly in areas of high national interest. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute This year marked a change in the administration of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Dr. Martin H. Moynihan, in order to devote his full time to research, resigned to become a senior scientist at the Institute after directing this bureau for 16 years. During this period he guided stri's growth from a biological preserve and small field camp on Barro Colorado Island to a research institute with a worldwide reputation. During Dr. Moynihan's tenure the permanent professional staff increased from 1 to 15, and the geographic scope of their investigations extended from Barro Colorado Island and the surrounding forests to adjacent areas of Central and South America, and then to intertropical comparisons in Gabon, Ceylon, India, Madagascar, Malaya, and New Guinea. Moynihan supported a program of student fellowship at both the pre- and post-doctoral level and encouraged a steadily increasing number of scientific visitors from around the world. The research of the institute's staff closely reflects the depth and diversity of Dr. Moynihan's own scientific interests, which in the last 15 years have ranged from the behavior, evolution, and ecology of such diverse groups as birds, primates, and cephalopods. Research on the latter group was facilitated by the development of a marine research program and stri marine laboratories on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Panama. Ira Rubinoff was appointed the new Director, and A. Stanley Rand has assumed the responsibilities of Assistant Director of stri. The development of stri research program was paralleled by an increase in facilities and support staff. These include, new animal- keeping facilities, air-conditioned laboratories, sea-water systems, research vessels, and an excellent tropical biology library, which now includes over 14,000 volumes and served approximately 4000 patrons in fiscal 1974. Research at stri continue? to be primarily concerned with basic 132 / Smithsonian Year 1974 scientific questions of the evolutionary and ecological adaptations of tropical organisms. Two new scientists joined our staff in the fiscal year 1974. Olga F. Linares is an anthropologist studying human paleoecological proc- esses and contemporary subsistence adaptations to the American and African tropics. Alan P. Smith, a plant ecologist, has accepted a joint appointment with stri and the University of Pennsylvania. He will examine the physiological adaptations to seasonality of plants on Barro Colorado Island. Scientists at stri continued their studies concerning a variety of organisms. R. L. Dressier spent several weeks in field work in Mexico study- ing orchids and their pollinators. He published two books: Orqui- deas de las Americas (with Mariano Ospina H.), the first general reference book on American orchids in Spanish, and The Genus Encyclia in Mexico (with Glenn E. Pollard), the first detailed treat- ment of that group. A Spanish edition of the latter volume will be published shortly. Pollination of Polycynis barbata by Eulaema speciosa. When the male bee lands on the lip to gather the perfume, its weight pulls the flower down and the curved column touches the dorsal surface of the bee, depositing pollen. Pollination results if the bee already carried pollen from another flower. Science 1 133 The history of coral reefs off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Panama are being investigated by Peter Glynn and his associates. They are taking core samples through the reefs in order to determine the age of the reefs and their species composition at different levels. Reefs in Panama have been found to be about 6000 years old. Over the past 1000 years significant changes in coral populations have occurred on a Caribbean fringe reef, but the causes of these changes are not presently known. J. Graham studied the diving capability of the sea snake Pelamis platurus, which is common along the Pacific Coast of Panama, and found that while the snake has some of the typical adaptations found among vertebrate divers, it can also respire aquatically. J, H. Gee of the University of Manitoba spent a sabbatical year at stri and collaborated with Graham and F. S. Robison in a study of buoyancy adjustment during diving of sea snakes. E. Leigh took a field trip to the Amazon region of Peru to con- tinue his comparative studies of the structure of tropical forests. M. Moynihan and A. Rodaniche have continued their studies on the social behavior of the Caribbean squid Sepioteuthis sepioidea and have begun observations on a number of Pacific Ocean cephalo- pods. M. Moynihan has completed his book The New World Pri- mates, which should be published shortly. A. S. Rand continues his analysis of the displays of species of Anolis. He began to develop the first animated lizard display film, which will provide a tool for dissecting displays into their compo- nents and analyzing the functional aspects of these components. Michael and Barbara Robinson continued studies of the ecology and behavior of tropical spiders. They investigated the ontogeny of predatory behavior in orb-web spiders, demonstrated by deprivation experiments that the spiders' ability to discriminate between certain types of prey is not dependent on previous experience and is, there- fore, not learned. In New Guinea, the Robinsons resumed studies of the defensive behavior of the rich orthopteroid fauna of the island. The latter studies suggest that the evolution of defensive behavior in these insects has been strongly influenced by the presence of a unique assemblage of predatory nocturnal marsupials. R. Rubinoff continues her studies of the behavior of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum and has succeeded in demonstrating a social component to their "clumping" behavior. 134 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Excavating a small village site dating from A.D. 300 in Cerro Punta, Volcan Bani area, western Panama. Scarus ghobban and Acanthurus friosfegMS, Pacific Panama. ,^^^ ...^-9^^^^ »S5?fc^ >^ «*- - -:^n>- «-s. - 'l'?^^ ^ .M.%>=^ >.>c v^ K^Nf at* 0«l?*^^' Virtually all of the Swainson's Hawks in the United States pass through Panama during migration, as do large numbers of other North American hawks and vultures. By photographing the sky along the migration routes, Neal Smith has begun to evaluate the abundance and population characteristics of these hawks. These data should provide a useful index of the environmental quality of the North American nesting areas of these birds. N. Smythe, in addition to his work with the Environmental Sci- ences Program, continues his studies of mammalian behavioral ecology. H. Wolda continued his studies of fluctuation in abundance of insect species. The moth Zunacetha annulata, which had a major outbreak in 1971, had a somewhat smaller outbreak in 1973. Species of the homopteran genus Empoasca had major peaks in abundance in March-April in the last three years and were virtually absent in the same period in 1974. The cicada Fidicina mannifera was much less abundant in 1973 than in 1972, as evidenced by monitoring the sound, number of pupal cases, and by light-trap data. Among the important factors influencing these fluctuations are the strategies of the species in dealing with unpredictable patterns of rainfall and dry season. C. Birkeland is comparing the community structure and dynamics of benthic marine populations on the coasts of Panama. D. Meyer continues his studies of crinoid populations in collabo- ration with B. Macurda of the University of Michigan. P. Campanella has examined territorial behavior of four species of dragonflies. Males of some species show a high degree of mating site specificity, which appears to be related to population density and availability of suitable ovipositing sites. Territory sizes are reduced and spatial overlap is avoided by using the ponds at different times of the day. M. May has continued studies on the effects of heat exchange, heat production, and thermal tolerance in dragonflies of such factors as body size, temporal and spatial distribution patterns, and various energy-using activities. R. Warner began an investigation of the adaptive significance of intersexuality commonly found in coral-reef fishes. He is correlating population structure and behavior with the dynamics of sex change in these fishes. 136 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Li£i^iw saf. .*w . %2^^^^^B^^HH i\ # \m fS/4*E^D'* . \^W 4fi prif ' S^Ia' ^^- _ik" *^Lfti WZiiS^ ,-*^ ^^'^TC rJjHB :^** *\<*^'-'' '^ ^ T^ w^^0^'^ fc^-V'-' l^Q* [/;• ■'- <^' ^^^rf». '^ m./A K "^^-ai^^^W ^.^P^P '"jf* '-^^..^ *\ ^ Juvenile ocelot on Barro Colorado Island. Red spider monkey on Barro Colorado Island. Censuses of Polistine wasps were carried out for a second year in Costa Rica by D. Windsor. He has shown that in response to the poorer foraging conditions and higher predator pressures of the dry season there is an increase in the number of females per nesting attempt. These and other observations indicate that sociahty has evolved to aid reproduction during periods of poorer environmental conditions. The carnivores of the New World tropics are poorly known, par- ticularly when compared with those of Africa and Asia, where recent studies on mongoose, lion, hyena, and tiger have been published. R. F. Ewer has been at stri for the past year as a visiting senior scholar. She has been studying the ethology of two neotropical cats (ocelots and jaguarundis) and two mustelids (tayras and grisons). Particular attention has been devoted to studying social and prey- capturing behavior. D. Robertson, supported by a Commonwealth Science and Indus- trial Research Organization (csiro) fellowship, is studying the patterns of spawning activities in Thallasoma bifasciatum and its relationships to hermaphroditism in this species. Y. Lubin completed her study of the nonadhesive orb-webs of Cyrtophora moluccensis and is now collaborating with G. Mont- gomery on a radio-tracking study of tamandua. In fiscal 1974 the Smithsonian Institution's Environmental Sci- ences Program continued ecological monitoring at the three stri sites in Panama. This interbureau effort in the tropics currently in- volves the cooperation of about 10 principal investigators from four bureaus. Spectral quality of solar radiation is being measured at Flamenco Island. On Barro Colorado Island the emphasis is on the tropical forests. We are beginning to understand the way in which year-to-year fluctuations in climate, particularly in the amount and distribution of rainfall, affect the plants and their re- sponses, in turn, affect the animals. At Galeta, studies are proceed- ing on the reef flat. Interest focuses on the causes of unpredictable periods of reef exposure and the impact these have on the intertidal community and its recovery patterns. STRI sponsored a workshop on the problems and strategies of seedlings in tropical forests. Eight scientists from four countries par- ticipated in a three-day meeting on Barro Colorado Island (bci). This year grants were obtained from the Henry L. and Grace 138 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Doherty and the Edward John Noble foundations for the purpose of providing short-term fellowships to assist students in tropical re- search. A number of students from United States and Panamanian universities have already begun research supported by these funds. A number of our staff engaged in formal teaching this year. O. Linares taught Anthropology at the University of Texas. J. Gra- ham taught in the Fundamental Ecology course of the Organization for Tropical Studies. P. Campanella gave a course in Ecology at the Canal Zone College, and M. Robinson taught Invertebrate Behavior at the University of Papua and New Guinea. Use of STRi facilities continues to increase, stri was host to 722 scientific visitors from 111 universities and other organizations. These visitors represented 28 states and Puerto Rico as well as 21 countries from the Old and New Worlds. Twenty of these visitors spent a full year at stri. The appointment of M. Quinley in February as part-time docent has enabled us to initiate tours of stri by pri- mary and secondary school and university groups. During 1974 major redevelopment of the bci waterfront area was begun. The old boathouse was demolished, dredging has been com- pleted, and the driving of new piles is scheduled. A new boathouse and bulwark are planned. A small dormitory has been provided for the Pacific Coast marine facilities. Renovation of the new Tivoli laboratory has been initiated. The building has been reroofed, the exterior painted, and work has be- gun to install the first seven laboratories. Science 1 139 Mr. Joseph H. Hirshhorn, who gave his great collections of sculpture and paintings to the Nation, receives the James Smithson Society Medallion from Secretary Ripley. Smithsonian Year '1974 HISTORY AND ART In singling out a few particularly noteworthy events of the past year one runs the risk of paying too little attention to the continu- ing, quiet achievements that in the long run are perhaps more im- portant. The temptation to stress dramatic change at the expense of often undramatic continuity is familiar to every historian, and to every writer of annual reports. Before succumbing to the temptation, then, we should at least begin by saying that the past year was marked by steady growth and consolidation within each of the Institution's history and art bureaus, and by encouraging signs of continuing cooperation among them. Without exception, collections were improved both by acqui- sition and by conservation; control over collections was strength- ened by better cataloguing and storage techniques; new exhibitions were mounted with satisfying regularity; research and publication continued in the best Smithsonian tradition; and programs of public education made our collections and our research more accessible to thousands of children and adults. The gradual growth of cooperation among our history and art bureaus is another very welcome aspect of continuity rather than of dramatic change. The joint appointment of a Curator of American Art by the Freer Gallery of Art and the National Collection of Fine Arts will strengthen both museums and will bring the Freer's im- portant collection of American paintings into the mainstream of scholarly activity. The Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, our museum-without-a-collection, continued to make imaginative use of objects from the collections of the Museum of Natural History and the Museum of History and Technology in illu- minating exhibitions on the subject of design. The establishment in the Museum of History and Technology of the Dwight D. Eisen- 141 hower Institute for Historical Research, and the appointment of Dr. Forrest Pogue, the distinguished biographer of General George C. Marshall, as its first director is the result of happy and fruitful col- laboration between that museum and our National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board. With the cooperation of the National Por- trait Gallery, the Archives of American Art will soon be able to open an exhibition gallery in the Old Patent Office building, allowing the public to see for the first time some of the treasures in its vast docu- mentary collections. These developments, none of which is likely to earn headlines, are evidence that the varied entities that compose the Smithsonian Institution have the will and the means to work to- gether toward a common purpose. We must now duly note, on the other hand, that the past year did not lack its share — indeed, perhaps more than its share — of dra- matic events. After what seemed to be years of delay and frustration, the Gen- eral Services Administration declared that the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden was "substantially complete." The difference between this somewhat mysterious technical determination and the existence of a museum ready for the public is considerable; the first three months of the next year will be a time of unceasing activity for the museum's staff and the Institution's support facilities. The closing months of the past year also saw the accomplishment of a major part of what must surely be the largest shipment of art in the history of this country. With remarkable smoothness, at least from the point of view of one observing with admiration from some distance, the great Hirshhorn collections of sculpture and painting were moved from various sites in New York City and Connecticut to their home in and about the museum and sculpture garden on the Mall. This was also the year in which the Museum of History and Tech- nology gained a new director, and the Institution shared in the re- flected glory of its first PuHtzer Prize. The prize winner was Daniel Boorstin, for The Democratic Experience, the concluding volume of his trilogy The Americans. Upon becoming a Senior Historian, Dr. Boorstin was succeeded in the directorship of the Museum of History and Technology by Dr. Brooke Hindle, a distinguished historian of early American science and technology. An outstanding scholar who has long been associated with museums, and whose university ex- perience includes service as a departmental chairman and a dean. Dr. 142 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Brooke Hindle (center)^ new Director of the National Museum of History and Technology, listens as Assistant Secretary for History and Art Charles Blitzer (left) compliments Senior Historian Daniel Boorstin, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for his book The Democratic Experience, concluding volume of his trilogy The Americans. Hindle brings to his new position the experience, the talents, and the enthusiasm required for the directorship of the world's most visited museum. The geographical scope of the Smithsonian was expanded during the past year by the opening of the West Coast regional center of the Archives of American Art. These centers, which now exist in Detroit, New York, Boston, and San Francisco serve both as regional research centers in which scholars may have access on microfilm to the entire holdings of the Archives, and as the foci of the Archives national collecting program. Often housed in contributed space — we are indebted to the DeYoung Museum for the new center — and staffed by only two or three people, these centers have an extraordi- narily positive effect on the study of the history of American art in their regions. After many years of activity behind the scenes, carried forward with the generous support of the Congress, the Smithsonian's pro- gram of activities for the Bicentennial of the American Revolution produced its first public manifestation in 1974 : the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery entitled "In the Minds and Hearts of the People — Prologue to the American Revolution: 1760-1774." En- thusiastically reviewed by the press, and editorially commended by The Washington Post, this exhibit is the first in a series of exhibits, publications, and festivals with which the Institution will mark our Nation's two-hundredth birthday. It is also pleasant to be able to report here that the National Collection of Fine Arts, which had suf- fered patiently the inconveniences of subway construction outside its walls for several years, now enjoys once again the use of all its galleries and of its front door. With the reinstallation of the Lincoln Gallery, and the completion of galleries for miniatures and non- American works, the ncfa is now able to show its collections and to mount temporary exhibitions more appropriately and handsomely than ever before. In short, then, the past year has been one of steady growth punc- tuated by occasional, dramatic leaps forward. Between milestones — such as the fiftieth anniversary of the Freer Gallery last year, the opening of the Hirshhorn Museum next year, and the expected open- ing of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum the year after — the real progress takes place. Finally, we must sorrowfully record the death during the past year 144 / Smithsonian Year 1974 of Mrs. Marjorie Merriweather Post, one of the Institution's greatest benefactors, and of Miss Elisabeth Houghton, a beloved and valued member of the Board of Trustees of the Hirshhorn Museum. Each will be remembered by the Smithsonian and by the public for her contributions to our collections and museums. Archives of American Art With five regional offices in full operation for the first time, the Archives experienced an unusually active year in both acquisitions and use of its resources. Among the larger and more significant col- lections of papers received were those of the New York sculptor Paul Burlin, the painters Frank Duveneck, Barry Faulkner, and Henry Varnam Poor, the painter and designer Gyorgy Kepes, and the Detroit collector Hawkins Ferry. Records of three major art galleries — Doll and Richards in Boston and the Rose Fried and Maynard Walker Galleries in New York — were also accessioned. The work of Walter Heil, Douglas MacAgy, and Alan Solomon, all nationally prominent administrators and exhibition organizers, is reflected in large groups of personal and professional papers. Insti- tutional records made available for microfilming by the Archives included those of the Cranbrook Academy and the Allen Memorial Museum in Oberlin, Ohio. Three particularly interesting smaller groups of papers are a long series of letters from Alfred Stieglitz to Arthur Dove, written in the 1920s and 1930s; 15 Maurice Prendergast letters to a friend and collector, Mrs. Oliver Williams, and a diary kept by the New York dealer WilUam Macbeth in the 1870s and 1880s. Thirteen hundred calls for documentation offered by the Archives were made by visiting researchers at all regional offices, an increase of one hundred over fiscal 1973 in spite of several weeks of interrup- tion in service in the New York office. Over a thousand letters of inquiry were answered and 520 rolls of microfilm were lent out through interlibrary loan. The latter figure represents a 25-percent increase over the previous year. The Archives' New York office underwent a major renovation in the fall and held an opening reception, with a display of documents, in its new quarters on the ground floor at 41 East 65th Street, in late November 1973. Another display of documents was arranged in History and Art 1 145 March 1974 in connection with a reception held to explain the Archives to New York art dealers. An exhibition of letters from Fitzwilliam Sargent containing passages on the growth and educa- tion of his son John Singer Sargent was displayed at the Washington office. The Archives Oral History Program continued its activities dur- ing the year. Twenty-one interviews with artists were taped and 33 tapes were transcribed. A grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, received in December, will enable the Archives to work off a backlog of 165 untranscribed tapes. As an aid to researchers, the Archives published a descriptive guide to 306 transcripts of interviews conducted between 1958 and 1971, The Archives was the subject of three articles, one written by Russell Lynes and published in American Heritage; one by David Sokol published in Art in America, November-December 1973; and a third by Garnett McCoy published in Manuscripts, Summer 1974. In addition, 32 books, articles, and exhibition catalogues published during the year acknowledged assistance from Archives resources. Among these were James R. Mellow, Charmed Circle; June L. Ness, Lyonel Feininger; Richard G. Coker, Portrait of an American Painter: Edward Gay; Marguerite Zorach, The Early Years, 1908-1920 (Na- tional Collection of Fine Arts); Robert Loftin Newman (National Collection of Fine Arts); Vorticism and Its Allies (Arts Council of Great Britain); and Jacob Lawrence (Whitney Museum of Ameri- can Art). Members of the Archives of American Art Board of Trustees are: Mrs. Otto L. Spaeth, Chairman Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Irving F. Burton, President Abraham Melamed Mrs. Alfred Negley, Vice President Mrs. Dana M. Raymond Mrs. E. Bliss Parkinson, Vice President Mrs. William L. Richards Henry DeF. Baldwin, Secretary Chapin Riley Joel Ehrenkranz, Treasurer Stephen Shalom Edmond duPont Edward M. M. Warburg Joseph H. Hirshhorn George H. Waterman III James Humphry III S. Dillon Ripley, ex officio Miss Milka Iconomoff Charles Blitzer, ex officio Gilbert H. Kinney founding trustees Howard W. Lipman Lawrence A. Fleischman Harold O. Love -' Mrs. Edsel B. Ford Russell Lynes E. P. Richardson 146 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Members of the Archives of American Art Advisory Committee are: James Humphry III, Chairman Abram Lerner Milton W. Brown A. Hyatt Mayor Anne d'Harnoncourt Barbara Novak Lloyd Goodrich Jules Prown Eugene C. Goossen J. T. Rankin James J. Heslin Daniel J. Reed John Howat Charles van Ravenswaay Bernard Karpel Marvin S. Sadik Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. Joshua C. Taylor John A. Kouwenhoven William B. Walker Karl Kup Richard P. Wunder Eric Larrabee Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and Design , Renovation activity has begun at the Carnegie Mansion and the first phase should be completed by July of 1975. The collections and exhi- bitions will be installed and the Museum will reopen to the public in the winter of 1975-1976. During the past year the Museum organized a major exhibition of over 300 drawings, textiles, and wallpapers entitled "The Art of Decoration: Drawings and Objects from the Cooper-Hewitt Mu- seum" at the Brooklyn Museum. A lecture series was given by the staff in conjunction with this exhibition, A second exhibition, of Winslow Homer drawings, was shown at the Columbia Museum of Art and the Telfair Academy in Savannah. In addition, objects from the collection were included in exhibitions at 23 institutions includ- ing the Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Gallery of Art, Balti- more Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, Pennsylvania Academy, Princeton University, Harvard University, Amherst College, Rice University, Finch College, and Pratt Institute. Exhibitions of nine- teenth-century American drawings and new acquisitions in textiles were shown briefly in the Carnegie Mansion. The collections were enriched by 671 items. The most outstanding gifts were the "Martin Scrapbook" containing samples of eighteenth- century French block-printed fabrics and Indian chintzes, a gouache History and Art 1 147 drawing by Gino Severini, 8 nineteenth-century colored engravings of political cartoons, a nineteenth-century American cast-iron man- tel, 2 cast-iron baluster panels designed by George G. Elmslie, a fashion drawing by Erte, 2 wallpapered folding screens, a collection of turn-of-the-century embroideries and embroidered samplers from the Eva Johnston Coe Collection. A total of 1562 objects were cata- logued and 280 costumes were sent to the Smithsonian in Washing- ton on long-term loan. The William H. Goodyear collection of architectural photographs was transferred to the Cooper-Hewitt Library from the National Museum of History and Technology. John Maximus gave another portion (1919 items) of his classified pictorial reference library. The Color and Light Archive was enlarged with a gift of 1293 items on color by Mrs. L H. Godlove. A beginning was made toward the formulation of an Environmen- tal Design collection dealing with the processes of design — how design has been influenced by natural, technological, and cultural forces, how it affects the human being physically and psychologi- cally, and how it shapes landscapes and lifestyles. A meeting of 40 leading architects, designers, planners, and educators was held to advise on the development of this collection. The Museum is presently conducting a study to determine the kinds of information designers need, the format of such an informa- tion system, and its use by professionals and the public. In order to facilitate research and to save wear and tear on fragile objects, a color slide catalogue of the collections was begun. This project has been generously supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council, and the Mary Duke Biddle Trust. Slides of over 6500 items have been made to date, as well as a slide kit of embroideries. An anonymous gift was received to make a proto- type film on traditional crafts in danger of disappearing. A series of lectures entitled, "The Fin de Siecle Medici: Carnegie and the Designer" was held in the Carnegie Mansion. Billy Baldwin, the famous New York interior designer, gave 4 lectures on "Decorat- ing Today." Five lectures and a colloquium were given for the mem- bership and 19 additional lectures were given by curators at other museums. The children's workshops continued, and a tour was orga- nized to see the furnishings and windows for Louis Comfort Tif- fany's famous chapel in the workshop where they are being restored. 148 / Smithsonian Year 1974 New York Waterfront, 1926-1940, a hanging by Lydia Bush-Brown (Mrs. Francis Head), who recently presented it to the Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and Design. An American cast-iron, mid-nineteenth century mantel with Eglomise panels, one of a pair. Its height including shelf is SeVi inches; its height to the top of the arch is 36 inches; width of the arch is 35 inches, and length of the shelf is 71 inches. This mantel was given to the Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Decorative Arts and Design by Mrs. Whitney Atwood. Three members of the curatorial staff, Elaine Evans Dee, Milton Sonday, and Catherine Lynn Frangiamore, received foundation grants for research outside of the Museum. Mrs. Frangiamore's book on wallpapers used in America will be published by Praeger next spring. The staff was enlarged by two: Dorothy Twining Globus, who joined the Museum's permanent exhibition staff, and Arete Swartz, from the Victoria and Albert Museum, who worked in the education department on a one-year grant. Twenty scholars studied the collections, and 7 student interns received training. Special lec- tures were given for visiting classes from New York University, City University of New York, the Art Students League, Pratt Institute, and Yale University. The Museum held an extremely successful benefit auction under the chairmanship of Mrs. H. J. Heinz II. All of the items were do- nated expressly for the sale by collectors, dealers, and other friends of the Museum. A total of $125,000 was raised for the building fund. Grants were received from the Charles Hayden Foundation, Janet Neff Charitable Trust, Maya Corporation, Elsie de Wolfe Founda- tion, and New York Community Trust, and an additional $72,000 was raised, largely from corporations and individual designers for a Study Center in memory of Doris and Henry Dreyfuss. Freer Gallery of Art During fiscal year 1974 the Freer Gallery of Art celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. To mark that occasion, the Gallery presented three special exhibitions: "Japanese Ukiyoe Painting," "Chinese Figure Painting," and "Ceramics from the World of Islam." The Gallery published illustrated catalogues for each exhibition and organized international symposia devoted to analysis of the three different themes. Approximately 200 scholars and students participated in each of the three programs. These anniversary activities and publi- cations, which focused on the arts of the Far and Near East, sum- marized a half century of acquisitions and research. On May 2, 1973, the Freer Medal was presented to the Japanese specialist. Professor Tanaka Ichimatsu; on September 17, 1973, the recipient was the noted museologist and historian of Chinese art. 150 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Prime Minister Tanaka of Japan (second from right) watches intently as Harold P. Stern, Director of the Freer Gallery of Art, unrolls a treasured painted scroll. Prime Minister Tanaka visited the Freer Gallery of Art July 30, 1973. w ^ ■'?!» Empress Farah of Iran is shown a part of the Freer Gallery of Art's Persian collection by Dr. Harold P. Stern, Director, and Dr. Esin Atil (right). Curator of Near Eastern Art. Looking on is Karim Pasha Bahadori of the Empress' staff. Japanese pottery urn. Jomon period, prehistoric; its height is 19% inches and its rim diameter is 12 Va inches. Freer Gallery of Art, 74.5. Mr. Laurence Sickman; and on January 16, 1974, the award was given to the renowned Near Eastern scholar. Professor Roman Ghirshman. The three men were honored as recipients of the Freer Medal for their "distinguished contribution to the knowledge and understanding of Oriental civilizations as reflected in their arts." Construction of a specially designed X-ray room and installation of initial X-ray equipment will enable the Freer Conservation Labora- tory to keep pace with its steadily increasing activities. This essential equipment will considerably facilitate the examination of objects in the Collection and those being considered for study or purchase. In addition, two X-ray diffraction cameras and tracks will be used to identify pigments and corrosion products. In the course of fiscal 1974, the Collection has expanded by the accession of 36 objects. Of those, several fine items were acquired by gift from the estates of Mrs. Agnes E. Meyer and Mr. Myron Bement Smith. Other objects of importance were presented by Mrs. Anna Chennault and Mr. Yoichi Nakajima. Harold P. Stern, Director, participated in the seventh meeting of the United States-Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange in Tokyo on June 17-20. Thomas Lawton, Assistant Director, and W. Thomas Chase III, Head Conservator, were among the 12 members of the American Art and Archaeology Delegation who visited the People's Republic of China from November 10 through December 9, 1973. Special exhibitions at the Freer Gallery were "Turkish Art of the Ottoman Period" (August 1, 1973, through December 19, 1973), "Chinese Figure Painting" (September 11, 1973, through November 30, 1973), and "Ceramics from the World of Islam" (January 17, 1974, through June 30, 1974). Rutherford J. Gettens joined the staff of the Freer Gallery of Art on October 1, 1951.During the more than 20 years of his association with the Gallery, he was instrumental in establishing the Technical Laboratory and in maintaining its high level of research. His publi- cations on problems relating to pigment analysis and on the fabrica- tion of Chinese bronze vessels achieved an international reputation for him and the Laboratory. After his retirement in 1968, Mr. Get- tens remained active in the position of Research Consultant. His unexpected death on June 17, 1974, at the age of 74, is an irreplace- able loss. History and Art I 153 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden The public opening of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden is scheduled for October 1, 1974. Final plans were developed for the inaugural exhibition, utilizing scale models, photographic aids, and full-scale mock-ups in styro- foam of monumental pieces of sculpture, to help determine place- ment of works in the outdoor sculpture garden and plaza. Production was completed on postcards, reproductions, and color slides illustrating outstanding works from the Collection which will be available to the public in the Museum shop. It was a year marked by the transfer of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (hmsg) offices and personnel from New York to temporary quarters in the Arts and Industries Building in July 1973; and then to the new building on December 27, 1973. Beneficial occupancy of the new Museum was accepted by the Smithsonian on March 29, 1974. On April 17, 1974, title to the extensive collections included in the Agreement of May 17, 1966, passed from Mr. Joseph H. Hirsh- horn to the Smithsonian Institution. This action was immediately followed by implementation of previously established plans for moving the Collection. The substantial task of moving the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculp- ture Garden collections to Washington, D.C., from various points including New York City, Greenwich, Connecticut, and Toronto, Canada, was commenced on April 14, 1974. The move was accom- plished on schedule, with pieces in the opening exhibition being in the vanguard in order to permit the Exhibits and Design staff to begin the installation. A In 1974 the inaugural book/catalogue went to press. This 750- page volume includes 1001 paintings and sculptures which are docu- mented and reproduced — 296 in color. The foreword is by S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary of the Smithsonian, with an introduction by Abram Lerner, Director of the Hirshhorn Museum, and essays by six outstanding art scholars. These complement the selected com- mentaries and historical data, and make up a scholarly and stimulat- ing volume. A souvenir booklet. An Introduction to the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, is also in production. Looking beyond the Museum's opening, research was begun on 154 / Smithsonian Year 1974 |li4«l'' I11IIIV III* »HI IIIIIIPI i « ■ Tl T 1 1 The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. Head (Elegy), 1952, by Dame Barbara Hepworth. Mahogany and string, 16% X 11 X 7V2 inches. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 5215. y Waterfall, circa 1943, by Arshile Gorsky. Oil on canvas, 38 x 25 inches. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, JH64.200. .m^^-.^. Houses of Parliament, 1881, by Winslow Homer. Watercolor on paper, IzVz X 19y2 inches. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, JH58.6. Circe-Rapport de Contreras, circa 1965, by Joseph Cornell. Collage, 8V2 x IIV2 inches. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, JH67.78. (Photograph by Geoffrey Clements) The Hostess, circa 1918, by Elie Nadelman. Painted cherry wood, 32V2 x 9*A x I3V2 inches. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, S286. (Photograph by Robert E. Mates) the program of future exhibitions. A series of research exhibitions were planned, as well as a program for research fellows. In fiscal year 1974, too, documentation and cataloguing of the permanent collec- tion progressed. During this period the staff paused to mourn the passing of two dedicated individuals who contributed greatly to the planning and development of the Museum's programs: On March 2, 1974, the staff was saddened to hear of the death of Miss Elisabeth Houghton, a member of the Museum's Board of Trustees and a lifelong cham- pion of civic causes. She was one of the original members of the Board, having been appointed by President Nixon in 1971. On Sep- tember 6, 1973, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden lost the invaluable collaboration of Mr. Douglas MacAgy, who super- vised the preliminary design of our inaugural exhibition. Mr. Mac- Agy's contribution was outstanding and his previous experience with the National Endowment for the Arts was of great help in our initial planning. The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden has been most suc- cessful in recruiting qualified and outstanding personnel in the pro- fessional field to fill new positions, and to replace those who have left our ranks: The Board of Trustees, at their April 4, 1974, meeting, voted to appoint Miss Anne d'Harnoncourt to the Board for a term expiring in 1980. At this meeting the Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan was reelected Chairman, and Dr. George Heard Hamilton was re- elected Vice Chairman. The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden staff was aug- mented by the following appointments: Stephen E. Weil, Deputy Director; Charles W. Millard, Chief Curator; Charles Froom, In- stallation Designer; Edward Lawson, Chief, Education Program; Mary Ann Tighe, Education Specialist; and Douglas Robinson, Registrar. "Inside the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden," a special series of lectures on the Museum and its collections began on January 21, 1974, with a talk by the Director on "Joseph H. Hirshhorn, Col- lector." This series, begun at the request of the Resident Associates program, had an enrollment of thirty-eight subscribers. Its nine lec- tures included a talk on the installation of the Inaugural Exhibition by Charles Froom, Installation Designer, and Cynthia McCabe dis- cussing the content of the opening exhibition. Other talks included History and Art I 159 ^^ ^ -tfe Choir Girls by William Edmondson. Limestone, 14 x 17 x 6 inches. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, 568.29. "A Tour of the Museum and Sculpture Garden" by Cynthia McCabe and Edward Lawson; "Thomas Eakins and the Painting of Late 19th- century America" by PhylUs Rosenzweig; "Pioneers of Modern American Art" by Inez Carson; "Aspects of 20th-century Sculp- ture" by the Director; "The New York School: Pollock, Rothko, and de Kooning" by Edward Lawaon; and "Op, Pop, and Other Recent Trends" by Mary Ann Tighe. 160 / Smithsonian Year 1974 The Museum continued to respond to requests and inquiries from scholars and researchers and maintained its policy of lending out- standing works of art to national and international exhibitions. More than 235 requests for research information were answered by the Department of Painting and Sculpture. Fifty paintings and sculp- tures were loaned to 25 museums, galleries, and institutions. The Alberto Giacometti Retrospective at the Solomon R. Guggen- heim Museum, New York, from April 5 to June 23, 1974, included the sculpture "Seated Women" from the Hirshhorn Museum Col- lections. Other artists whose works have been borrowed for exhibi- tions in Spring 1974 are: Karl Knaths (International Exhibitions Foundation, Washington, D.C., tour); Zoltan Kemeny (Foundation Maeght, Paris); Horace Pippin (Delaware Art Museum, Wilming- ton); Jacob Lawrence (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, and tour) ; and Mark Tobey (National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Among recent volumes which reproduced paintings and sculpture from the Collections are: American Masters: The Voice and the Myth by Brian O'Doherty (New York, Random House), Elie Nadel- man by Lincoln Kirstein (New York, Eakins Press), Grandma Moses by Otto Kallir (New York, Harry N. Abrams), and Henry Moore in America by Henry J. Seldis (New York, Praeger). Formal training sessions for 75 volunteer docents were begun by the HMSG Education Department on January 15, 1974, to continue thru May 28, to be followed by an intensive training period in the Museum galleries. The training course is made up of slide lectures and demonstratioins, and will involve extensive work in the galleries with the paintings and sculpture. The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden's Board of Trust- ees is made up of the following members: Daniel P. Moynihan, Chairman Theodore E. Cummings George Heard Hamilton, Vice Chairman Anne d'Harnoncourt H. Harvard Arnason Taft B. Schreiber Leigh B. Block Hal B. WaUis Chief Justice of the United States Warren E. Burger, ex officio Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution S. Dillon Ripley, ex officio ADVISERS Brian O'Doherty William C. Seitz Joshua C. Taylor History and Art I 161 Joseph Henry Papers The research and editing for the second volume of The Papers of Joseph Henry are now very close to completion. The volume, docu- menting Henry's career from the end of 1832 through 1835, will introduce Henry to his new environment at Princeton, follow his activities as Professor of Natural Philosophy at the College of New Jersey, and detail the resumption of his electrical research, mainly on self-induction. One of the highlights of the volume will be an extensive run of documents from the first of three laboratory note- books kept by Henry at Princeton and the Smithsonian, and now preserved in the Smithsonian Archives. The notebooks reflect the pace and style of Henry's daily research as well as the evolution of his scientific ideas over several decades. The documents in the second volume also portray the dramatic expansion of Henry's scientific role and associations during his early Princeton years, while shed- ding new light on scientific centers like Philadelphia. While the regular collecting and research activities of the project go on, preparations are now being made for seeing the second vol- ume through the Smithsonian Press and for the editing of volume three of our series, documenting, among other events in Henry's life, his 1837 trip to Europe. His diary from that journey, marking Henry's formal introduction to the international science scene, pro- vides an extraordinary record of transatlantic communication in sci- ence. Plans are also underway for the editing of a special volume of lectures and essays by Joseph Henry, based upon manuscripts from throughout his career. It is hoped that this special volume, treating topics such as Henry's philosophy of science, will appeal to a wide audience, both scholarly and popular, and will perhaps be found suitable for classroom use at the college and graduate levels. Significant progress was also made in organizing and cataloguing the Joseph Henry Library, Henry's personal reference collection. A wide-ranging collection with numerous rare volumes, the Library is an invaluable resource for appreciating Henry's scientific develop- ment and scientific literature of the day. Plans are now going for- ward to publish an annotated catalogue of the collection for the general use of historians. The project continues to sponsor and participate in various Smith- 162 / Smithsonian Year 1974 sonian educational activities. Visiting scholars continued to exploit the Henry Papers' collections and resources. Nathan Reingold's seminar on the nineteenth century had another successful year. National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board With the approval of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board, the Smithsonian Institution entered into a cooperative agree- ment with the Department of the Interior. The agreement provides a basis upon which the Smithsonian may fulfill its responsibilities under the Act of August 30, 1961 (75 Stat. 414, 20 USC 80-80d). Under the agreement the two agencies may work jointly in advanc- ing outdoor museum programs, short term and long term, to illumi- nate historical American attitudes toward matters of national defense and past contributions by the Armed Forces to American society and culture. Representatives of the National Park Service and the staff of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board pursued planning for a special Bicentennial program to dramatize the spirit of the American people in the struggle for independence. The program is to be presented to the public at Washington, D. C, during the summer of 1976. It will portray the life of the citizen-soldier of the American Revolution through the medium of living history. The program will take place out of doors. The National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board at the close of fiscal year 1974 consisted of the following members. The Honorable John Nicholas Brown, Chairman The Honorable Earl Warren Secretary of Army Secretary of Navy Secretary of Air Force Lieutenant General Milton G. Baker, Retired Robert C. Baker The Honorable Alexander P. Butterfield William H. Perkins, Jr. Secretary of Defense, ex officio Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, ex officio History and Art 1 163 National Collection of Fine Arts All of the activity of the National Collection of Fine Arts (ncfa) is directed toward educational goals — if enjoyment and appreciation can be included with the pursuit and refinement of knowledge as part of artistic education. Although some 1556 paintings, sculptures, and graphic works were added to the Collection this year (the Col- lection now numbers about 17,000), and study continues to refine the computerized listings and to improve accessibility, collecting is only one aspect of a complex program. Since the museum believes that the circumstances under which a work of art is encountered has much to do with an awareness of its qualities, great effort has been made to present each of the over 900 works from the collection now on display to its best advantage for the modern viewer. This has required, in addition to a continuing conservation and reframing program, the careful design of each area to create not a synthetic historical past but a convincing artistic present. This year the totally reorganized Lincoln Gallery was reopened, the Doris M. Magowan Gallery of Portrait Miniatures was completed, and a new gallery was established for some of the museum's other-than-American works, including a fine Rubens and a recently identified Guercino. Including the Renwick Gallery, about 78,000 square feet of gallery space is now open to the public. Part of that space is reserved for temporary exhibitions which carry out the ncfa's concern for the reexamination of little-known aspects of American art as well as occasional tribute to acknowledged masters. Of the 21 exhibitions planned and produced by the staff this year (in all, 25 were pre- sented) some were studies of individual artists ranging from the less well known including Margarite Zorach and Herman Webster to the distinguished ceramists Gertrude and Otto Natzler and the eminent painter Mark Tobey. Especially popular was an exhibition of draw- ings on Smithsonian letterhead made by Saul Steinberg while in residence at the Smithsonian in 1967. Investigating special themes were such exhibitions as "A Measure of Beauty," "Shaker," and "Art of the Pacific Northwest from the 1930s to the Present." As one in a series calling attention to artistic quality in works from other Smithsonian Collections, "Boxes and Bowls" was mounted at the Renwick Gallery, affording 'a new look at historical works from several Northwest Coast Indian groups. Publications, either major 164 / Smithsonian Year 1974 After having been closed for four years because of excavations for the subway, the National Collection of Fine Arts' remodeled main entrance at Eighth and G Streets is now open. (Photograph by Lowell A. Kenyon) Installation of statues of Peter Paul Rubens and Esteban Murillo in second floor niches on the outside of the Renwick Gallery completes restoration of that building. The sculptures duplicate originals by Moses Ezekiel that occupied the niches in the late nineteenth century. Professor Renato Luccheti made these copies by casting the originals which are now at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. Card Rack, by John Frederick Peto (1854-1907). Oil on canvas. Gift of Nathaly Baum in memory of Harry Baum. A drawing made by Saul Steinberg at the Smithsonian in 1967. I monographs or smaller catalogues, were issued in association with almost all exhibitions. Exhibitions from abroad shown at the Renwick Gallery included paintings from Pakistan and a retrospective of two hundred years of Royal Copenhagen porcelain. Ten exhibitions provided by the National Collection were in circulation to other countries during the year, among them "Made in Chicago" (works by Chicago artists) which traveled through South America and "Fabric Vibrations," an exhibition originating at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, which circulated in Southeast Asia, carrying the modern craft of tie dye to its ancient home. The many established activities for making the museum accessible to a wide public continued with an expanded Department of Educa- tion. Young visitors expressed pleasure with the new children's gallery, "Explore." Students continued with the Discover Graphics program and a group of high-school-age "junior interns" enlivened many activities of the museum. Education of a different kind was carried on by six doctoral fellows and two senior fellows engaged in research on American art. To such scholars, ncfa's rapidly ex- panding Bicentennial Inventory of American Painting before 1914 will be of great help when ready for use in 1976. The National Col- lection of Fine Arts joined with the University of Delaware in the spring to organize a symposium on late nineteenth-century Amer- ican art. Throughout the museum during the year were university students learning the various processes of museum operation as interns, helping to keep the entire staff aware that learning and teaching go hand in hand. Members of the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission are: H. Page Cross, Chairman George B. Tatum, Vice Chairman S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary Mrs. Elizabeth Brook Blake Thomas S. Buechner David E. Finley Lloyd Goodrich Martin Friedman Walker Hancock Barlett H. Hayes, Jr. August Heckscher Thomas C. Howe Mrs. Jaquelin H. Hume 168 / Smithsonian Year 1974 David Lloyd Kreeger Abram Lerner, ex officio Henry P. Mcllhenny Ogden M. Pleissner Harold Rosenberg Charles H. Sawyer Mrs. Otto L. Spaeth Otto Wittman HONORARY MEMBERS Alexander Wetmore Paul Mellon Stow Wengenroth Andrew Wyeth Improvisational dance led by a Decent at the National Collection of Fine Arts. National Museum of History and Technology On January 23, 1974, the National Museun\ of History and Tech- nology entered its second decade. Marking its tenth anniversary. Chief Justice and Smithsonian Chancellor Warren Burger with Secretary Ripley named the Museum's auditorium in memory of Leonard Carmichael, the Secretary whose vision and determination had brought about the planning, approval, and construction of this Museum. At the Museum's dedication 10 years earlier. President Lyndon Johnson had expressed his belief that "this Museum will do that which causes us all to celebrate; it will excite a thirst for knowl- edge among all people." Since its founding, the National Museum of History and Technology has welcomed nearly 55 million visitors. Yearly attendance has grown steadily, now reaching 7 million per year. Last April, visitor attendance topped the million mark, making the highest monthly attendance ever registered in a Smithsonian building. Attendance is expected to be vastly increased during our second decade as the Nation carries out its Bicentennial celebrations. On the first of October 1973, Dr. Daniel J. Boorstin moved from the directorship of the Museum to the post of Senior Historian in the National Museum of History and Technology, a position which allows him to devote more of his energies to research and writing. In May 1974, Dr. Boorstin received the Pulitzer Prize for History for The Americans: The Democratic Experience, the final volume in his trilogy on the American people. The writing of this volume had been completed during the four years of his directorship. Dr. Boorstin's successor. Professor Brooke Hindle, was appointed after nomination by museum curators and began his tenure in Feb- ruary. A faculty member of the New York University since 1950, his two most recent posts have been as Dean of the University College of Arts and Science and Head of the University Department of History. Known for his distinctive works. The Pursuit of Science in Revolutionary America 1735-1785; David Rittenhouse: A Biog- raphy; and Technology in America: Needs and Opportunities, Dr. Hindle is presently editing a volume which summarizes the confer- ence he planned for Sleepy Hollow Restorations on "America's Wooden Age." His present research assesses the role of industrial fairs in advancing the technology of their time. His particular focus has been the Centennial Exposition of 1876 — from which the 170 / Smithsonian Year 1974 MW: jt^ Mrs. Nancy Kissinger (center) on a recent visit to the National Museum of History and Technology with the wives of the foreign ministers from Latin America is shown a collection of yellow-glazed English Earthenware by Paul V. Gardner, Curator, Division of Ceramics and Glass. Oiling and cleaning of the machinery in the Power and Tool Halls is an important phase of the daily routine before volunteers operate equipment for their lectures and demonstrations. Marjorie Miller, a National Museum of History and Technology Docent volunteer is one of several skilled in this challenging task, which always brings an interested audience. Smithsonian Institution drew its first significant holdings of machinery and technological artifacts, now housed in this Museum. Several series of public lectures were continued from last year with considerable success as an important form of contact with thes visiting public and outreach to the Washington community. The National Museum of History and Technology in its second series of Frank Nelson Doubleday Lectures considered "Creativity and Col- laboration," looking at the special opportunities and pressures of our age to collaborate, and asking how particular collaborations — in industry, scientific research, the media, city planning, and govern- ment — had affected creativity and brought about growth and change. Speakers were Japanese industrialist Akio Morita, President and co-founder of Sony Corporation; Nobel Prize- winning biologist James Dewey Watson, whose collaboration with Francis Crick resulting in an understanding of DNA was heralded as one of the most dramatic research breakthroughs of modern times; British Broadcasting Corporation's Managing Director of Television Huw Wheldon; Israeli-born Canadian architect Moshe Safdie, designer of Habitat; and Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Caspar W. Weinberger. Each lecturer also took part in a luncheon seminar, allowing for an open exchange of ideas among curators, the lecturer, and special guests. Doubleday and Company has renewed its grant for a third year of lectures in "The Frontiers of Knowledge" series. The Museum also continued a series of lectures with the U.S. Postal Service relating to new postage stamp issues. Extremely popular lectures included "The Continental Congresses" and "Rise of the Spirit of Independence." First Day ceremonies were held for the block of eight 10-cent stamps commemorating the Universal Postal Union Centennial. In addition to these evening lectures, the Museum has provided, since last January, weekly daytime Museum Talks by curators and qualified museum aides, technicians, and specialists. When moved from Saturdays to Tuesdays at lunchtime, these slide talks have drawn large audiences both of Museum visitors, neighboring gov- ernment employees, and Museum staff. The lectures reflect both the Museum's varied collections and current staff research projects. Some of the most exciting presentations have included demonstra- tions of historic objects front our collections, from the early sound- amplifying devices of inventor Elisha Gray, a contemporary of 172 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Alexander Graham Bell, to the operation of the common printing prefs. The primary efforts of all staff during the past year have been spent in readying the National Museum of History and Technology's five major exhibitions for the Bicentennial period. The first, opening this coming September 20th on the lower level, is an exhibition on the two-hundred-year history of American clothing. "Suiting Every- one," the story of America's transition from homespun or tailor- made garments to ready-to-wear, is an interdisciplinary exhibit, bringing together the Division of Costume and Furnishings, whose costume collection was greatly enriched by a massive clothing appeal this year; the Division of Textiles, which offers the machines and textiles of manufacture; and the Division of Military History, which has supplied examples of early mass-produced clothing — soldiers' imiforms. A major new installment of the National Museum of History and Technology's political history wing is scheduled for opening the middle of next year. The theme of "A Nation of Na- tions," pluralism in American life, is particularly suited to this Museum, which has become the repository for many thousands of artifacts which were family heirlooms, treasured possessions, and creations of American people of every ethnic, racial, and religious origin. Considerable staff attention was directed to restoration work on the exhibition "1876 — A Centennial," an exciting project which will transform a portion of the Arts and Industries Building into a microcosm of the Philadelphia Exposition of 1876 capturing the festive and optimistic spirit of America on its one-hundredth birth- day. This exhibit will manifest the exuberance of a Victorian extrav- aganza, an atmosphere of organized chaos, with all spaces dominated by an enormous variety of material objects. Finally, Vladimir and Elvira Clain-Stefanelli, Curators of the Division of Numismatics, are preparing a special exhibition on the history of American banks and banking, supported by the American Bankers Association, to open in September of 1975. This year the Dwight D. Eisenhower Institute for Historical Research, a study and conference center which will make important contributions to national study and evaluation of the Armed Forces, their importance in war and in maintaining peace, was brought to full realization with the appointment of Dr. Forrest C. Pogue, Direc- History and Art 1 173 tor of the George C. Marshall Research Library in Lexington, Virginia, and widely known biographer of George Marshall, to the directorship of the new Institute. As part of the Institution's overall decentralization program, the National Museum of History and Technology assumed the admin- istration of its own Office of Exhibits and Building Management Division. From the Smithsonian's decentralization of the Office of Primary and Secondary Education has come a new approach to the Museum's education responsibilities, which have been formalized in a new Division of Public Information and Education. In addition to conducting tours and developing visitor programs, the Office will establish a visitor center on the Museum's first floor to orient the visitor and answer pubHc inquiries. This past year a staff associate was hired to adapt museum exhibits and activities to the needs of the handicapped. The staff associate, being herself handicapped, concentrated her efforts on developing tours for the blind and deaf with great success. Experiments were conducted with Braille labels and subtitled films, and the results will be incorporated into future exhibit planning. Alice Reno joined the staff in late spring as Super- visor of the Division. And on a playful note, the National Museum of History and Technology displayed in each public restroom an exhibit panel tracing with graphics the history of "Bathrooms in America." It leaves visitors contemplating the chamber pot and closestool of earlier days, with a sense of the full impact of technology on the American way of life. Locating and collecting objects and memorabilia for Bicentennial exhibitions was by far the dominating activity of the Museum's staff this past year as progress continues simultaneously on four major subject exhibitions. The Division of Costume and Furnishings initiated an unusual collecting effort for the exhibit, "Suiting Everyone," utilizing a news release and list of items needed for display. The response was over- whelming, resulting in the acquisition of a large number of items of clothing from 1920 to 1970 that ranged from representative clothing worn by the majority of Americans to examples produced by the industry's greatest designers. The preparation of the exhi-bition has benefited enormously from the valuable assistance provided by a panel of advisors from the 174 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Rearrangement of the reference collections of the Division of Textiles has resulted in more adequate storage of the Division's extensive collections of quilts, sam- plers, and rugs, making them more accessible to the staff and visiting students and scholars. Indigo blue glazed wool quilted counterpane made by Esther Wheat of Conway, Massachusetts, for her dower chest. Late eighteenth century. Division of Textiles, National Museum of History and Technology. fashion community. Given the incredible breadth of the Smithsonian collections and the interdisciplinary perspective gained from the participating Museum staff, the exhibit promises to have a profound impact on the future study of American clothing and its industry. The full staff of the Division of Political History devoted its major effort to the forthcoming exhibition hall to be entitled "We, the People." They have been engrossed in the challenging task of selecting and acquiring objects illustrating the role of American government in the lives of the American people. Objects have been collected from resources within the Museum as well as from other Smithsonian and Federal agencies. Conservation of the First Ladies' Gowns also continued, bringing the total number of First Lady patterns now completed to twenty. In cooperation with the Division of Textiles, the skirt of the dress of Martha Washington was restored as the first project in a long-term program for the conserva- tion and restoration of the First Ladies' Gowns. As part of this program, Barbara Coffee, Museum Specialist in this Division, re- ceived a grant from the Secretary's fund to explore costume preser- vation and restoration being done in museums in England, The Netherlands, and in Sweden. The new Henry R. Luce Hall of News Reporting continued to draw enthusiastic crowds, and plans are now underway by the Smithsonian to produce a film and a traveling exhibit based on the Hall. Two exhibitions have been shown in the Hall's Print Gallery: "Prang's American Chromos," showing the step-by-step production of a twenty-six color lithograph; and "Anatomy of a Gallop," a comparison between the lithographs by Currier and Ives of racing horses and the contemporary photographs by Muybridge of the same subject. The Division of Medical Sciences devoted considerable effort to the preparation of the exhibit "Triumph Over Disability" in the Hall of Health. The exhibit was made possible by a grant from the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Each Friday, films and lectures on the subject are offered in the Leonard Carmichael Auditorium, Several major exhibits were closed and dismantled this past year in preparation for Bicentennial activities. This necessitated the re- moval and temporary storage of thousands of valuable objects, a project that required the involvement of more than half the Mu- 176 / Smithsonian Year 1974 i.. •■f -, ,; 4 .^^ /( ^-r x^ ./ An important acquisition by the Division of Political History, National Museum of History and Technology, this past year was a fine watercolor portrait of Benjamin Franklin by Rembrandt Peale. scum's divisions and staff. The "Growth of the United States/' "Art and Spirit of a People," "American Costume/' and "Historic Ameri- cans" were among the halls closed, as well as the special exhibits "Music Machines" and "A Children's World/' Several large objects were removed to other more visible areas, including the relocation of the John Bull locomotive. Granite blocks, especially cut for the purpose, support pieces of the original rail used in 1831 under the engine. The main focus of attention for "1876: A Centennial Exhibit" is upon the restoration of objects and cases of the period that will be utilized within the displays. The restoration and refurbishing of those objects that were displayed nearly one hundred years ago, for which a unique restoration task force has been organized within the Museum, are proceeding on a scale unprecedented in the history of the Institution. Since that facet of the Centennial which had the largest public impact was the overwhelming array of machinery and power equip- ment, the Division of Mechanical and Civil Engineering has a pri- mary involvement in it. Robert M. Vogel, Curator of Heavy Ma- chinery and Civil Engineering, is co-curator in charge, and Edwin A. Battison, Curator of Light Machinery, has responsibility for the machine-tool exhibits. The practicality of the exhibition was founded primarily upon the vast collection of Centennial memorabilia carefully preserved and housed in many parts of the Institution. The machinery and models will form the nucleus of the exhibition, supplemented by other fine examples of the types exhibited at the Philadelphia Exposition. For many months, members of the staff have traveled to record centers, archives, and libraries, conducting research, recording and photographing available documentary evidence in support of the present restoration. Factories and industrial firms on the verge of demolition have been contacted in an effort to locate furnishings and fittings so very vital to achieving the atmosphere of 1876. Restoration of this equipment is being performed in three separate shops created for this purpose under the general supervision of William K. Henson, Supervisor of the Science and Technology De- partment's Technical Laboratory. The main facility, headed by Museum Specialist Charles E. Den- nison, is responsible for the restoration of machinery such as ma- 178 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Ikit^ •/!^ ^^ir. *w' jifm- "'"S!*^. C^ Objects exhibited at the International Exhibition of 1876 held in Philadelphia are being restored to original appearance and condition in the Technical Laboratories of the National Museum of History and Technology, as part of the preparation for the Bicentennial exhibit. Specialist at the National Museum of History and Technology Silver Hill restoration facility clean the colorful artwork uncovered during cleaning of a huge steam- powered refrigeration compressor for the Bicentennial exhibit "1876 — A Centennial." chine tools, fittings, and steam engines of sizes that can be accommo- dated in the basement shops of the Museum. Here, objects are first disassembled, marked, chemically cleaned, and restored to original condition with close adherence to all available published references and illustrations. All broken parts are repaired, and missing parts are duplicated to permit each object to not only look but perform as new. Machines and tools too large and cumbersome for the in-house shop are restored at a newly created second facility at Silver Hill under the supervision of Museum Technician William T. Tearman. A shop on the fifth floor of the National Museum of History and Technology serves as the third restoration facility for relatively small objects, at present principally a selection of the hundreds of patent models exhibited at the Philadelphia Fair, and the cutting and sewing of small intricate sails for many of the ship models. One of the most interesting phases of the work that has spread excitement throughout the entire staff has been that concerned with the stripping of layers of decorative paint and the detective work necessary to repaint and decorate the finished items. An example is the Linde-Wolk steam engine recently acquired by the Institution from the American Brewery in Baltimore, Maryland. When the Tech- nical Laboratory personnel commenced their routine documentation of the colors and designs applied to the engine over the years — stripping away each successive coat of paint, taking record photo- graphs, and tracing the decorative patterns — they discovered among its dozen discrete layers of paint an intricate panorama of delicately shaded flowers and exquisite filigrees. While the notion of such painstaking art work on a huge industrial engine may now seem anomalous, in an earlier era it clearly was considered a proper ad- junct. When completed, the engine will be repainted and decorated as it was many years ago. To assist with the unprecedented workload imposed by the res- toration program for "1876," six additions were made to the crew; each new man boasts some specialized aptitude or skill essential to the successful consummation of the program. Among other individ- ual projects are the refurbishment of a 42-foot span from a Howe truss bridge and a group of components salvaged from the Girard Avenue Bridge in Philadelphia — a bridge built at the time of the Centennial and dismantled a few years ago. 180 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Research and work on furnishings and other phases of the exhibi- tion are proceeding under the direction of Cultural History Curator Rodris Roth and Museum Technician Susan Myers. William Miner of the Office of Exhibits is overall coordinator of the project. Highlighting the activities of the Division of Musical Instruments was a program produced for the Renwick Gallery entitled "Ameri- can Music and Ballroom Dance, 1840-1860," utilizing wind instru- ments and a Chickering piano of the period. Cynthia Hoover, James Weaver, and Robert Sheldon edited the music. Restoration projects completed included the production of measured drawings for the 1760 Stehlin harpsichord, preparation of wind instruments for the "American Music" performance, and work on a 1794 Broadwood grand piano. Thomas Wolf, keyboard instrument maker, joined the staff as the first participant in a two-year program for training of con- servators of musical instruments, a service offered for the first time by the Institution and the only program of its kind in the country. The Division of Numismatics was joint host, with the American Numismatic Society, of the 1973 International Numismatic Con- gress which met for the first time in the United States in September 1973, Opening in New York City, the Congress moved to Washing- ton, where numerous papers were presented in the Museum to an attendance of 329 numismatists and guests representing 32 coun- tries. A special exhibition of medals commemorating the battles of the American Revolution was produced by the Division with an interpretative publication. A derivative of the Congress was a three- volume Survey of Numismatic Research, of which Mrs. Elvira Clain- Stefanelli was the editor of the section on medals. In November, the Division of Naval History co-sponsored the American Meeting of the Society for the History of Discoveries in concert with the Library of Congress and the U.S. National Archives. Featured were sessions on the exploration of the Americas and on cartographic resources from the era of the American Revolution. On May 30, the Secretary presented to Dr. Vladimir Clain- Stefanelli and to Mrs. Elvira Clain-Stefanelli the Exceptional Service Gold Medal Award "in recognition of the successful acquisition and display of the Josiah K. Lilly Collection of gold coins and their many other achievements and accomplishments in the numismatic world and for their tireless devotion to the development of one of the History and Art I 181 world's finest numismatic collections." In September, Dr. and Mrs. Clain-Stefanelli were awarded the 1973 Leonard Forrer Medal by the International Association of Professional Numismatists "for their work for the increase and diffusion of knowledge in the field of numismatics." Peter C. Marzio, Associate Curator of the Division of Graphic Arts, received a Fulbright Research Grant which enabled him to study nineteenth-century American artists in Rome during most of the past year. Bernard S. Finn, Curator of Electricity, spent a sab- batical leave in London where he helped prepare a special exhibition and booklet on submarine telegraphy at The Science Museum, en- titled "Leave It to the Mermaids," in which technical developments were placed in their social context. The exhibit included objects from a number of museums, the Smithsonian Institution, corporations and individuals in the United States as well as in Great Britain. Jon B. Eklund, Curator of Chemistry, was on a year's leave of absence, during which he was Visiting Professor of Chemistry at the New York Historical Association at Cooperstown. Another recipient of an award was Harold D. Langley, Curator of Naval History, who received a research grant for work in the col- lections of the American Antiquarian Society on early American flags and newspaper sources for American reaction to the Peace of Ghent in 1815. Robert M. Vogel, Curator of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, conducted a week-long seminar at Cooperstown deal- ing with the techniques of field recording, photography, map inter- pretation, and site analysis relating to historic and industrial arche- ology. He also assisted in organizing a symposium celebrating the 250th Anniversary of the Carpenters' Company of Philadelphia, "Building Early America," presenting a paper on materials handling and steam excavation. Senior Scientific Scholar Robert P. Multhauf also participated in the conference as well as in a colloquium at the Burndy Library in Connecticut on the relationship between science and technology. In December 1973, William Seale joined the staff as Curator in the Division of Ethnic and Western Cultural History. His fields of activity include the history of American architecture and the mate- rial culture of the south-central and southeastern United States dur- ing the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He was co-author of a survey of the state capitol buildings of the United States. During the year, three new chairmen were appointed to the Museum's depart- 182 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Chair used by Henry Clay in the Senate of the United States. Acquired by the Division of Political History, National Museum of History and Technology. Portion of the payroll of the Continental Gondola Philadelphia donated by the Trustees of the Fort Concho Museum of San Angelo, Texas. The discovery of the payroll of Captain Benjamin Rue and his 43-man crew now opens the entire human dimension of this remarkable vessel from 1776. i.-^ .a /■• i?.. • I- — -< — '-< ■ t|2r:;S2 :f-:-:si.- jn^-i^ if-p-s - r- t ments: Dr. Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli became Chairman of the De- partment of Applied Arts; John T. Schlebecker, Jr., was designated! Chairman of the Department of Industries; and Richard E. Ahlborn became Acting Chairman of the Department of Cultural History. Another staff appointment was that of Donald H. Berkebile, who was promoted to the position of Assistant Curator in the Division of Transportation. Sami K. Hamarneh, specialist in medieval Arabic medicine and pharmacy, lectured on a variety of subjects in India, Pakistan, and Japan. Hamarneh also visited museums throughout the northeastern United States and participated in the annual meeting of the Ameri- can Institute of the History of Pharmacy. During April and May 1974, he visited Jordan and participated in a conference at the Uni- versity of Jordan. Later, he visited Cairo, where he completed re- search on his book. The Physician, Therapist and Surgeon Ihn al- Quff, which has since been published in Cairo. Cooperation with organizations concerned with preservation and history continued this year, with the Division of Mechanical and Civil Engineering as corporate and editorial headquarters of the Society for Industrial Archeology. Curator Robert M. Vogel serves as editor of the Newsletter, the only international publication in the field. John H. White, Jr., Curator of Transportation, is editor of the semiannual Railroad History; and John T. Schlebecker, Jr., Curator of Agriculture, and G. Terry Sharrer, Curator of Manufacturing, jointly edit the quarterly Living Historical Farms Bulletin. Robert P. Multhauf continues as editor of ISIS and as advisory editor for the Dictionary of Scientific Biography and the Dictionary of American History. He was recently appointed a member of the Historical Advisory Committee of nasa. The collections were enriched with a variety of objects ranging in size from a 1926 Huber steam traction engine to an extremely rare case bottle dated 1788 made at the Amelung Glass Factory of Frederick, Maryland. An interesting collection of over 200 mill- stones dating from 1748 to 1920 was acquired, including stones for grinding materials ranging from grain to paint pigments. Collec- tively, they represent an industry that no longer exists except as a historical curiosity. The robe worn by Chief Justice John Jay and the Senate chair used by Henry Clay became part of the collections of the Division 184 / Smithsonian Year 1974 1926 Huber Steam Traction Engine. Division of Agriculture and Mining, National Museum of History and Technology. This late model steamer, distinguished by its return flue boiler, was added to the Museum's holdings of full-size original farm machines, completing the collection of major tractor types in the United States. Renovation of exhibit space for Bicentennial exhibits required the relocation of a number of national treasures, such as the John Bull locomotive. A.JI :i 'I of Political History, together with several hundred political campaign objects presented by Ralph E. Becker. A large and important collec- tion of early photographic materials relating to the scientific investi- gations of Professor John W. Draper, one of the first American re- searchers to use photography as an investigative tool in scientific investigations, was also acquired. A particularly valuable document, the original payroll of the Con tinental gondola Philadelphia, was received through the generosity! of the Trustees of the Fort Concho Museum at San Angelo, Texas. This provides a new and human dimension to the history of this national treasure. Also received was a specialized group of East Asian paper currencies containing several thousand Chinese notes. Combined with the Oriental coins already owned by the Division of Numismatics, these materials form one of the most important refer- ence collections for the student of Oriental monetary history. Among other significant items received were a rare eighteenth- century indigo blue glazed wool counterpane and a number of horse- drawn vehicles required to complete portions of the tranportation collection, including a 1900 truck, an 1890 laundry wagon, a 1929 Cunningham touring car, and two horse-drawn cotton pickers. A fine collection of scales and balances was received from the City of Baltimore, together with instruments from the National Weather Service. Baseball and archery collections, which were acquired this past year, have developed a relatively new area of collection activity. Daguerreotype copy by Professor J. W. Draper from an original he made about 1840. The original is one of the earliest photographic portraits made in America. Division of Political History, National Museum of History and Technology. 186 / Smithsonian Year 1974 National Portrait Gallery The year began with the opening on the Fourth of July of a major exhibition entitled "The Black Presence in the Era of the American Revolution, 1770-1800," which consisted of more than 250 items: paintings, prints, broadsides and books, documents and letters, and three-dimensional objects. Professor Sidney Kaplan of the University of Massachusetts prepared both the exhibition and its catalogue, a 270-page volume containing 100 black and white illustrations and 8 in color, published for the National Portrait Gallery (npg) by the New York Graphic Society in association with the Smithsonian Institution Press. Professor Kaplan, who took a year's leave of absence from his post at Amherst College to come to Washington, was the first of many scholars, experts in their fields, whom we hope to call upon in connection with special exhibitions and publications. "The Black Presence," like all the Gallery's major exhibitions, also was accompanied by an illustrated booklet and a teacher's guide, prepared especially for the secondary-school level. This publication, 72 pages in length and illustrated with 50 reproductions, was written by the Associate Curator of Education, Mrs. Lisa W. Strick. A two-gallery exhibition, mounted to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine on December 3, was orga- nized by a member of the staff of the Catalog of American Por- traits, Gerald Z. Levin, who also prepared its 128-page catalogue. The installations of this and "The Black Presence" exhibition were designed by Joseph Michael Carrigan, Chief of Exhibit Design and Production. A small exhibition dealing with the presidential portraiture of Abraham Lincoln, centering on a full-length portrait of Lincoln by William F. Cogswell, lent by the White House, was prepared by two NPG interns, Richard Beard and Kenneth Yellis, who spent a year with us under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Beard and Yellis, who received their Master's Degrees in History from Emory University and the University of Rochester, respectively, were selected from nearly 100 candidates who applied for these internships designed to acquaint the recipi- ents with various phases of work encountered in a history museum. Several special portrait presentations also took place during the History and Art I 187 . X Cole Porter by Soss Melik. National Portrait Gallery (NPG.74.32). \^vvjxii>. Merriwether Lewis, engraving by Saint Memin. One of 761 rare eighteenth- and nineteenth-century en- graved portraits given by Paul Mellon to the National Portrait Gallery. Bust of President Lyndon B. Johnson by Jimilu Mason. Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and Senator Hubert Humphrey spoke at the presentation ceremony. year. The most notable of these was of a bust of President Lyndon B. Johnson by Jimilu Mason, an event at which Mrs. Johnson and Senator Hubert Humphrey spoke. In the past twelve months, more than 33,000 adults and young people were served in the Gallery and in schoolrooms by our Edu- cation Department — an increase of 300 percent over last year. The Historian's Office and the Curatorial Department were mainly involved in the preparation of the first two in a series of the Gallery's three Bicentennial exhibitions, "In the Minds and Hearts of the People: Prologue to the American Revolution, 1760- 1774," and "The Dye is Now Cast, 1774-1776." The former, which opened on June 14, will be discussed in greater detail in next year's report. History and Art I 189 That this was a banner year for the Gallery in terms of acquisi- tions to the permanent collection is evidenced by the addition of 817 portraits, 761 of which were engravings by Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret de Saint-Memin. Presented by Paul Mellon, this col- lection represents the most munificent benefaction received by the National Portrait Gallery since its inception. Originally owned by Saint-Memin himself, these portraits, executed between 1796 and 1814, constitute a remarkably diverse representation of major figures of the early Federal Republic, including Presidents Wash- ington, Jefferson, and Madison; Paul Revere; Aaron Burr; Ben- jamin Rush; John Marshall; Charles Willson Peale; Stephen De- catur; Mother Seton; Meriwether Lewis; and William Clark. An- other important gift was a portrait of Richard Henry Lee by Charles Willson Peale, presented by Duncan C. Lee and his son Gavin Dunbar Lee. Most notable among the year's acquisitions by purchase were the only known life portrait of the first Speaker of the House of Representatives Frederick Muhlenberg by Joseph Wright, Dolley Madison (at the age of 83) by William S. Elwell, a bust of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Daniel Chester French, a bronze relief of President Theodore Roosevelt executed from life in 1906 by Sally James Farnham, and a group of drawings by Soss Melik including likenesses of Sherwood Anderson, Cole Porter, and Thomas Wolfe. The National Portrait Gallery Commission is composed of the following members : John Nicholas Brown, Chairman Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. Ralph Ellison David E. Finley Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Andrew Oliver Jules D. Frown E. P. Richardson Robert Hilton Smith Chief Justice of the United States, ex officio Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, ex officio Director, National Gallery of Art, ex officio 190 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Office of Academic Studies The Office of Academic Studies, under the direction of the Board of Academic Studies, conducts Smithsonian programs in higher education and research training. The foremost objective of the programs is to provide the framework within which each visiting student and investigator can confront individually the opportunities for the pursuit of knowledge represented in the Smithsonian's collections and its research and technical staff. In the arts, humani- ties, and sciences, students at all postsecondary levels study under the guidance of the Smithsonian's professional research faculty. Predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows undertake research train- ing in their specialties, bringing in their inquiries great intellectual stimulation and adding immeasurably to the vitality of the research climate. Predoctoral fellows generally consult Smithsonian re- sources necessary to their dissertations but not available at their universities. Postdoctoral fellows, usually recent recipients of the doctorate, seek advanced research training and the opportunity to expand studies begun at the university. During the academic year 1973-1974, 21 predoctoral and 24 postdoctoral fellowships were awarded to support these activities in most of the museums, labora- tories, and field stations of the Institution. Five students, in an earlier stage of graduate study than the predoctoral fellows, have received fellowships supported jointly by their home universities and the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum to study aspects of the social and technological impact of space exploration. Although pursuing degrees in different disciplines at different Washington-area universities, the students worked with each other as well as their Smithsonian advisor in the development of their individual projects. Fellowship appointments for directed research are provided for two to three months to graduate and undergraduate students, to offer them new perspectives on the purposes of research and to provide them access to sources and materials not encountered by them in their university-based studies. Some students pursue in- terests previously developed, but many explore areas of knowledge wholly new. For example, a summer spent at the Smithsonian might allow a first-year graduate student to reflect on the full range of alternatives in his chosen field of knowledge, and to de- History and Art 1 191 fine his future graduate course of study based on a better under- standing of what he finds both practical and interesting. During 1973-1974 such awards were made to 21 graduate and under- graduate students; 4 of the undergraduates were supported under a grant from the National Science Foundation. Other students, often undergraduates, by preference undertake studies at the Smithsonian which provide broader exposure than research training. They are participants in a program for museum study, a program offering them a chance to learn in the working museum or laboratory or field environment rather than the tradi- tional classroom atmosphere, to take part in the ongoing work, of the Institution while pursuing a project that interests and I challenges them. Most students in the program are awarded aca- demic credit by their home universities, where the student's per- formance meets the educational standards set by the Smithsonian and the standards and requirements imposed by the university. During the past year, 13 participated in museum-study projects under the close supervision of Smithsonian staff members. In other undergraduate programs, two members of the Smith- sonian staff taught regular courses in their specialties in the Uni- versity of Maryland's program in the history of science and tech- nology. Seeking other ways to encourage the interchange of ideas and the exchange of information. Academic Studies supports visitors to the Institution for very brief periods of study, research, and consultation with the staff. The range of purposes and levels of accomplishment of these visitors reflect the diversity of the Smith- sonian itself, for they may be graduate students or distinguished senior scholars and scientists, from the United States or abroad, and their interests lead them to all areas of the Smithsonian. They come here for their individual purposes, as short-term visitors, or as participants in specialized seminars. This year support was pro- vided for 32 short-term visitors, and for one seminar, conducted by Dr. William Fitzhugh of the Smithsonian's Department of Anthropology, on the topic of the Maritime and Moorehead Archaic cultures of northeastern North America. 192 / Smithsonian Year 1974 , Office of American Studies The Office of American Studies conducts a formal graduate pro- gram in material culture of the United States which is directed to the original Smithsonian purpose: "the increase and diffusion of knowledge." Graduate students from area universities participated in the program, gaining academic credit toward advanced degrees at those universities. The course in "Material Aspects of American Civilization" was taught by Dr. Washburn (with the assistance of curators and others inside and outside the Smithsonian). A seminar in Museum Visitor Behavior was conducted by Robert A. Lakota and the staff of the Psychological and Sociological Studies Program of the Office of Museum Programs. A seminar in the decorative arts was conducted by Patrick Butler III, Honorary Smithsonian Research Associate. Arthur C. Townsend, Executive Secretary, Maryland Historical Trust and Honorary Smithsonian Research Associate, repeated his seminar in Great Plains history. A Work-Study Program in His- torical Archeology, offered by the St. Mary's City Commission in cooperation with the American Studies Program of the Smith- sonian, George Washington University, and St. Mary's College of Maryland, was held from June 17 to August 23, 1974, with participation by graduate students and Smithsonian staff members. In addition to these formal seminars, supervision of individual reading and research projects, thesis direction, and preparation of comprehensive examinations were undertaken by the director and cooperating Smithsonian staff members. Staff publications for 1973-1974 are listed in Appendix 8. History and Art 1 193 ^-^L^'""" ■yn-- Sbj^" %ii4il>.' 1«^ The western towers of the Smithsonian's castle, looking toward the Potomac River. Smithsonian Year • 7^74 MUSEUM PROGRAMS Preservation, study, and interpretation are key functions in any museum or museum system. The care with which objects are registered, examined, and treated; the thoroughness with which they are studied and the clarity with which they are presented and interpreted to the pubHc are gauges to a museum's ultimate ex- cellence. Yet, many of these functions take place away from public view, with the attendant consequence that they are often funded with inadequate resources or carried out in inadequate spaces. This has intermittently occurred at the Smithsonian. The enormous growth of activities which has developed in the last decade, the acquisition of new collections, the founding and construction of new museums as well as new fields of research which have opened could well have justified, in the eyes of some, a slackening of efforts and a shifting of resources to some immediately more glamorous result. It is a measure of the historical commitment of the Institu- tion to the search of excellence that this has not been the case. The last few years have seen increased emphasis given to de- veloping the infrastructure in the fields of conservation, libraries, archives, and more recently in registration. In these key areas major progress was made in fiscal year 1974, The Smithsonian Library, which is as old as the Institution itself, has undergone careful in-house examination and assessment of its program and activities, aimed at refining its processes, maxi- mizing its resources and responding more promptly to the needs of the Institution and of the scholarly fraternity. Cooperation with other libraries — federal, state, and private — has led to a pilot program in computerized cataloguing which will vastly improve the rate of processing as well as its quality. The needs of the rare book collections, the ferreting out of uncatalogued rare materials. 195 and developing procedures for their conservation and restoration have all made major strides. Greater attention has been paid to the needs of Bureau libraries and to assisting them in responding more promptly and fully to the requirements of their constituency. Steps were taken which will lead to the complete cataloguing of the important library of the National Air and Space Museum by the dedication of its new building in July 1976. The Archives of the Institution, concerned primarily with its history and the history of scholarship within it, have been brought to virtually full intellectual control. Inventorying of archival re- sources has progressed and computer systems have been developed for their cataloguing in close cooperation with curatorial depart- ments and the central and bureau libraries. Conservation, an ever present, indeed a growing concern to all museums, has been further strengthened by enlarging the amount of space allotted to the Conservation Analytical Laboratory, by the purchase of more sensitive and highly specialized equipment, and by the active recruitment of additional staff members. In spite of the progress made, far more needs to be done. The present capacity is hardly able to keep up with immediate, emergency needs, let alone allow for the constant review required by such varied collections as those possessed by the Institution. To maxi- mize resources, avoid the possibilities of duplication, and to focus more clearly on the needs, a Conservation Council was created which regularly will assemble key conservators of all Smithsonian museums. In addition, the staff of the Conservation Analytical Laboratory has been active in assisting training organizations in developing, as rapidly as possible, the additional professionals which are urgently needed not only by the Institution but by museums throughout the country. Conservation is more than the monitoring of conditions and finding palliative methods to remedy the desecrations of time or of man. It is also basic research in the properties of materials and in the manners in which these materials have been assembled by nature or by man. The Conservation Analytical Laboratory has been under increasingly steady pressure to provide technical data to bolster the hypotheses of historical re- search or stylistic development. The processing of objects .either belonging to the Institution or sent to the Institution for study or exhibition has been thoroughly 196 / Smithsonian Year 1974 reorganized. A registration capability is being developed in each of the Smithsonian museums that did not have it so that each can achieve more expeditious and accurate control on the whereabouts of their holdings and, perhaps more important, monitor their con- ditions in more efficient ways. A Registrarial Council has been created to develop the required parameters. The foundations have been laid for the development of a Cen- tral Registrar's Office that will help coordinate the growth of the registrarial department in each of the museums, avoid duplications, attain coherence in methods, and help develop basic retrieval sys- tems which, eventually, may be coordinated with regional, national, or, indeed, international data networks. The collections of the Institution represent a data bank unequaled anywhere. The poten- tial of mastering a substantial portion of this wealth by the means of computers has already been demonstrated in discrete areas. Museums which are essential for the transmittal to the future of the heritage of the past must, however, be of service to the present. There is no contradiction in these terms as long as there is a clear understanding of goals and integrity in their pursuit. Exhibition is a key function for a museum. In this area, also a major reorganization has brought to each museum intellectual and physical control over the resources with which it can interpret its holdings. Certain museums and bureaus, either too small to have an exhibition resource of their own or that have too infrequent need for such specialized capabilities, are served by the recently developed Office of Exhibits Central. Some of its specialized shops, virtually unmatched for their abilities, particularly in the area of modeling and plastics, serve the entire family of Smithsonian museums. This office also has more general workshops which pro- vide design and construction capabilities to those units that do not have exhibit departments. The reorganization of the Office of Exhibits has led to closer cooperation between design and cura- torial staffs. The Office of Exhibits Central and the exhibit offices in various museums are contributing and participating in the psychological studies conducted by the Office of Museum Programs. These stud- ies are specifically designed to acquire more information about museums as a learning environment and to developing more re- sponsive methods for orientation of the museum visitor. These Museum Programs 1 197 studies, which are now coming to fruition, will undoubtedly result in new exhibit concepts and forms of presentation. Their timeliness is evident since the Institution is gearing toward an unprecedented efflorescence of exhibition activities which will culminate in the Bicentennial Year. For the past decade, the Institution has recognized that it had a duty to assist those less wealthy institutions around the country in presenting to their public a richer fare. This concern took on concrete and permanent form with the development of the Smith- sonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. This has made available hundreds of exhibitions of high quality, at modest cost, to museums, historical societies, colleges, universities, and cultural centers. The efficacy of sites had, in the last few years, been increasingly jeopardized as costs increased and borrowing organi- zations were unable to assume the rental fees which were neces- sary for a break-even program. Federal funding of sites, for the first time in fiscal year 1974, has helped to maintain a balance. Between now and the end of the Bicentennial Year, approximately 250 new exhibitions will be developed on various subjects con- cerned with history, art, and science. Major emphasis has and will be given to incorporating into traveling exhibitions Smithsonian concepts and, where appropriate, objects so that the Institution's resources on the Mall can be shared more broadly with the Nation at large. Many of these new exhibitions will be built by the Office of Exhibits Central, to concepts and specifications provided by SITES. To increase the educational usefulness of these exhibitions, kits of educational materials, designed for schools, will be pre- pared and an increasingly large number of sites exhibitions will be accompanied by didactic materials which will be geared to vari- ous levels so that the broadest benefit can be derived by their presence. Assisting museums in developing the expertise of their staff or in solving special problems has been another historic service of the Institution. In the last few years, it has been rationalized by the Office of Museum Programs through the presentation of work- shops, available free of charge to museum personnel from across the country. This program, increased in effectiveness in 1974, will be broadened in the years ahead. Disseminating knowledge on conservation through expertly prepared series of slide lectures is 198 / Smithsonian Year 1974 another service recently developed. This will be supplemented by upward of 40 video-taped programs on the basic principles of con- servation and conservation practice. These programs will be avail- able to museums, historical societies, and other interested groups. The study of the museum as a learning environment, referred to above, has led to staff participation in several seminars, and a series of short articles were published in Museum News. A major monograph by Dr. Chandler Screven, The Measurement and Facili- tation of Learning in the Museum Environment: An Experimental Analysis, is under preparation for publication by the Office of Mu- seum Programs. The National Museum Act, first funded in fiscal year 1972, continued to be administered by the Office of Museum Programs and chaired by the Assistant Secretary. The contribution of the Act to professional enhancement has been universally recognized and has been most visible in the number of workshops, funded under the Act, that have been held around the country under the auspices of the American Association of Museums, the American Association for State and Local History, or other organizations. Developing new training programs and attracting talented new minds to the profession are challenges which museums must meet. The Act has provided a mechanism to assist in these developments and in carrying out special research on museum problems and opportunities. Renovation and restoration of the Arts and Industries Building, in preparation for the Bicentennial Year, is another major respon- sibility of the Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs. This building, the second structure on the Mall built for the Smith- sonian Institution, was opened to the public in 1881. It was erected to house the vast collections which were acquired after the closing of the centennial exhibit of 1876 at Philadelphia. Appropriately, the first major exhibition to be shown in the renovated Arts and Industries Building will be devoted to the recreation, in capsule form, of the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibit. That summary of the Industrial Revolution's accomplishments and the Western Hemisphere's no doubt will be the cause of much nostalgia and pride. The Assistant Secretary has continued to represent the Secre- tary on the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation and on its Museum Programs 1 199 International Centre Committee. He participated actively in a num- ber of professional organizations notably as Vice-President of the American Association of Museums, Vice-Chairman of the Inter- national Council of Museums Committee of the aam, and Chairman of the AAM Professional Relations' Committee. He was elected a member of the Council of the International Centre for the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property, Rome, and Vice-President of the International Council of Museums, Paris. Conservation- Analytical Laboratory The activities of the Conservation-Analytical Laboratory (cal) support researches in many areas of the Smithsonian — some 30 Divisions in any one year. It would not be proper to reveal some of these in advance of publication by the principal investigator. Others follow. CAL has investigated the use of neutron-activation and electron- microprobe analysis of various panes of glass in a medieval window for the purpose of detecting replacements, investigating early tech- nology, and with a view to attributing panes to particular work- shops. An analysis has been recently published on the ink of the Vin- land Map. Another interpretation of the results appeared possible. The possibility has been investigated, using microchemical, micro- scopic and X-ray diffraction techniques. Elemental analyses of majolica ware have revealed the possibility of distinguishing between Spanish and Colonial-Mexican origins for particular specimens. New X-ray fluorescence equipment for the rapid analysis of objects has been installed and is being brought into service. Some early results in the difficult field of analyzing liquid measures made of pewter have indicated distinct differences in composition for measures of English and Scottish origin. An iron ball, golf-ball size, that sounded musically when it was struck, was submitted for suggestions about its nature. X-radiog- raphy discovered a sounding spiral-wire and loose ball inside. 200 / Smithsonian Year 1974 A view of the X-ray Laboratory, Conservation-Analytical Laboratory, Smith- sonian Institution. On the left a pewter vessel is exposed to a beam of X-radiation and gives out secondary radiation characteristic of the elements present within it. This secondary radiation is received by a solid-state detector kept cold by a Dewar vessel of liquid nitrogen. The energy-dispersed spectrum is displayed on a monitor screen (on the right hand side of the picture) above a control panel. The spectra from two different samples can be stored in separate memories and displayed together for comparison by using the control panel, which can also superimpose markers on the screen representative of various elements. The operator is seated at a Telex keyboard, which is used to communicate with the mini-computer behind it. Results of computations made upon data obtained from the display screen are. printed out on paper from the roll. Examination of samples provided from Eastern gongs has re- vealed a metallurgical structure that has received very little notice in the literature. A Peale drawing submitted for treatment was found by exami- nation in infrared light to contain an earlier version. Careful pho- tography using infrared light has now enabled exhibit of both versions, possibly drawn by father and son. An important payroll had been written in iron-gall ink on paper so very acid that washing was desirable. Tests of the ink-line re- vealed that it could be damaged by water, so a safer washing pro- cedure was devised. A series of elaborate Western saddles in decaying condition, embellished with silver and other threads and metallic plaques, have presented numerous technical problems of identification and treatment in the course of cleaning and repair for exhibition. Close examination of an eighteenth-century harpsichord-stand preliminary to restoration revealed several phases of earlier rebuilding. National Museum Act Program The National Museum Act, authorized in 1966, received an appro- priation of $901,000 in fiscal year 1974. In accordance with the legislation, the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities each received $100,000 from the above sum. Under the legislation, the Smithsonian may grant funds to specific projects that advance the museum profession at large, either through research, training, or publication. Every proposal funded must clearly describe how it will upgrade the museum profession — its techniques, approaches, and methods. A total of 182 applications were received and reviewed by the Advisory Council who recommended funding for 64 projects. The Advisory Council consists of museum professionals representing different aspects and areas of the museum field — art, science, history, education, conservation, and exhibition. The Council mem- bers in 1974 were: William T. Alderson, Director, American Asso- ciation of State and Local History; Charles E. Buckley, Director, 202 / Smithsonian Year 1974 St. Louis Museum of Art and President, American Association of Museums; W. D. Frankforter, Director, Grand Rapids Public Museum; Lloyd Hezekiah, Director, Brooklyn Children's Museum; Lawrence J. Majewski, Chairman, Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University; Giles W. Mead, Director, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History; T. Miake, Director of Programs, Ontario Science Museum; Arminta Neal, Curator of Graphics Design, Denver Museum of Natural History; Barnes Riznik, Vice President, Old Sturbridge Village; Frank Taylor, Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution; Vernal T. Yadon, Director, Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History; and Paul N. Perrot, Chairman, and Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs, Smithsonian Institution. In 1974, the Advisory Council added a new program — Travel Grants for Beginning Professionals. Persons who have been gain- fully employed by the profession for not more than four consecu- tive years and not less than one year are eligible for grant con- sideration under this program. The objective of this program is to provide individuals with the opportunity to broaden their knowl- edge and acquaint themselves with specific operations in other museums and institutions. Twenty-seven grants were awarded in this area. Special attention was given to Research in Conservation Tech- niques and Materials. Six projects were funded in this category including. Dating by Thermoluminescence, the Use of Trialkoxy- alkylsilanes for the Conservation of Stone, and Control of Shock and Vibration of Objects in Transit. The National Museum Act continues its strong support for publi- cations to distribute technical information on a broad scale. In addition to support for technical articles as a supplement to Museum News, two books. Museum Trustees Handbook and Rene d' Harnon- court: His Art of Installation, and a monograph. Collective Bargain- ing in Museums were funded. Seminars, especially those providing in-service training to mem- bers of the profession, received special emphasis. Eighteen work- shops covering such topics as museum education, fund raising, registration methods, zoo management, administration, publication programs, docent programs, museum architecture, and Bicentennial program planning were a part of the seminar program. Museum Programs I 203 Office of Exhibits Central The newly established Office of Exhibits Central (oec) assisted almost every office of the Smithsonian Institution during its first full year of operation. The Special Exhibit Resources Group — which includes the Models, Plastics, and Restoration Shops and Freeze Dry Laboratory, the Motion Picture Unit, Museum Light- ing Office, Audio Visual Unit, and Exhibits Editor's Office — provided service and consultation in their specializations on a wide variety of projects to each Smithsonian Museum on the Mall. The Central Design and Production Group greatly increased the sup- port of programs for the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Ex- hibition Service, the National Zoological Park, and the Division of Performing Arts' Festival of American Folklife. Both groups with the administrative staff of the oec developed shop facilities and procedures during this period and continued to refine operations to meet the increasing needs of Smithsonian bureaus and offices. The Twenty-fourth Street facility was activated for fabrication and graphic production and is now fully operational. The Adminis- trative, Design, and Editor's offices are located in the Arts and Industries Building and the Special Resources shops and labora- tories continue to function in their former locations at the National Museum of Natural History, and the National Museum of History and Technology. The Office of Exhibits Central recorded 156 project requests in its first year and completed 95 of these. Of the balance, several are long-range or Bicentennial programs of the Institution. Main- taining a philosophy of operational flexibility and improving an ability to perform unique tasks wherever needed, the oec is devel- oping plans and activities with its client organizations within the Institution for both long-range and specialized exhibition services. Office of Museum Programs The Office of Museum Programs, as part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs, is an aggregate of programs responsible for coordinating activities related to training 204 / Smithsonian Year 1974 in muscology and museography, and the development of new tech- niques relating to museum administration and practices. Presently, the office maintains three major programs — the Museum Work- shop Program, the Conservation Information Program, and the Psychological Studies Program. The Museum Workshop Program offers workshops, seminars, and training courses to any individual gainfully employed by a museum. Each workshop, taught by Smithsonian staff, is devoted to specific methods or problems. Enrollment is limited, and instruc- tors try to concentrate on the particular needs of each participant. Special attention is usually given to the problems of the small museum's budget, services, and facilities. Workshops offered this year featured: exhibit design, graphics techniques, silk screening, label writing, editing and production, fabrication and installation methods, model-making, freeze-drying, membership programs, traveling exhibitions, development and financial planning, and psychological methods. The Conservation Information Program is another service de- signed to make the knowledge and facilities of the Smithsonian accessible to as large an audience as possible. The program acquaints small museums, interested organizations, and individuals with selected theoretical and practical principles currently practiced in the field of museum conservation. This information — in the form of video-taped programs and slide lectures accompanied by tape commentaries — is lent, free of charge, to all who request it. To date, the Conservation Information Program, in cooperation with the Smithsonian Institution Conservation-Analytical Labora- tory, has produced 4 slide presentations on the curatorial care of objects and 10 more are being prepared during the next year. Some selected subjects include: dry methods in the cleaning of prints, drawings, and manuscripts; proper mounting and matting of drawings, and manuscripts; proper mounting and matting of paper; the protective lining of a wooden storage drawer for textiles and costumes; and the wet cleaning of antique cotton, linen and wool. The Psychological Studies Program provides both direct and evaluative services to the Smithsonian Institution and engages in applied behavior research for broader application to museum pro- fessional practices. The staff designs and tests museum behavior studies which aid (1) the study of the museum as an institution for Museum Programs I 205 the preservation, interpretation, and exhibition of objects, and (2) the construction of several practical and effective visitor-behavior projects employing some of the methods of social science that the museum professional can undertake in his own museum or gallery. The Psychological Studies Program analyzes visitor behavior, especially that of communication. Investigations gauge the educa- tional effectiveness of exhibits and exhibit techniques. The Program is also concerned with the problem of visitor orientation, that is, how to initiate the visitor into the museum experience for optimum use of his time and interests. The primary testing grounds for research activities have been the National Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of History and Technology, and the Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts. Subjects examined in nmnh were: the relative effectiveness of different ex- hibit halls; visitor characteristics most likely to determine visitor behavior; and the relationship between the physical layout, famil- iarity and attractiveness of exhibit halls, and the visitors' behavior within them. At nmht, the staff analyzed traffic flow, crowding, attraction and holding power of exhibits, orientation within the gallery, the effectiveness of different kinds of labels, use of facili- ties, and causes of visitor fatigue. Visitor learning and ways of facilitating it were tested for two years at the Renwick. Office of the Registrar The Smithsonian is evaluating and improving its registration sys- tem. The Office of the Registrar, which dates back at least to the 1880s once kept records on all specimens and administered all shipping for the Smithsonian. New museums, increases in curatorial staff, and increased accession rates have outpaced the development of the Central Registrar's office. Presently actions are underway to break with old traditions. During 1973, the Council of Registrars, which represents most museums in the Smithsonian complex, made thorough studies of several registration problems and made exten- sive reports to the Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs. These recommendations are the initial steps toward beneficial change in the Institution's registration system. 206 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Although yet a vision rather than a reaUty, the new order of registration at the Smithsonian is discernible, and it is the goal toward which present activities are directed. Each museum will have a registration staff adequate to ensure proper documentation of all acquisitions and to work with curators and conservators to ensure the security and availability of specimens. The Central Registrar will have several functions. As the senior registrar, he will assist museums with their registration problems and he will develop new registration techniques as required by the complexities of the national collections. Most important of all, the Central Registrar will take an Institution-wide view of the national collec- tions and the systems which protect and service these resources. Thus, the primary achievement of fiscal year 1974 was careful development of goals. Smithsonian Institution Archives During fiscal 1974 the Smithsonian Archives continued its efforts to gain intellectual control of Archives throughout the Institution. Work continued on records of the National Museum of Natural His- tory, where an intensive survey revealed that some 6.5 million docu- ments remain unprocessed and in need of archival preservation. The National Museum of History and Technology presents an archival challenge unique among Smithsonian bureaus, because it is the only bureau which maintains a major manuscript collecting program in addition to creating its own administrative records. During 1974 the Archives staff began a major effort to aid in the care and preservation of those materials. A consultant employed by the Archives surveyed the records and manuscript holdings of the Science and Technology Department, and submitted a report to the Director of the National Museum of History and Technology, which will serve as the basis for policy decisions defining the role of the Archives in the National Museum of History and Technology. The Archives made provisions to care for the records of the National Collection of Fine Arts and the National Portrait Gallery, as well as the National Air and Space Museum. Museum Programs I 207 Many other ongoing programs continued, with emphasis on mi- crofilming and efforts to develop computerized finding aids to the Archives' holdings. Arrangement and microfilming of the accession records continued and the specimen catalogues of several divisions in the National Museum of Natural History were filmed. Smithsonian Institution Libraries Nineteen seventy-four was a year of staff participation and a year of experimentation in new forms of operations and services. During the first half of the year the Libraries' staff took part in a study of the Libraries' management. A report was submitted to the Director of Libraries in January 1974, and after discussions with the staff, the Director of Libraries accepted more than fifty of the study's recommendations. The recommendations are being implemented by the Libraries' administrators. An Implementation Assessment Group, appointed to monitor the progress of implementation, is to make periodic reports to the Director of Libraries and to the staff. This management study introduced an atmosphere of staff partici- pation in decision making. The most promising technical development was the Libraries' experiment with the Ohio College Library Center (oclc) on-line cataloguing system. This system produces catalogue cards for- matted to Smithsonian specifications faster and more efficiently than the previously used manual procedures. Furthermore, the oclc system, which provides on-line access to a large and growing bibliographic data base, has facilitated the process of ordering library materials. The introduction of this system has effected some experiments in workflow and staffing patterns to permit more efficient use of personnel. The staff is now assessing the effective- ness of the OCLC system and is planning for expansion of automated systems. Throughout the year, bureau and branch librarians met to dis- cuss common problems. For the first time, librarians responsible for the development and maintenance of library collections in various bureaus and departments participated in the allocation of book and binding funds for the Libraries. The Deputy Assistant Director for 208 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Bureau Services has initiated cooperative efforts to formulate a library collection development policy for the Institution. Services to users have been augmented. For example, the National Air and Space Museum Library produces a current aware- ness list; users in the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Radiation Biology Laboratory Libraries are provided with individ- ually profiled current awareness services; librarians at the National Zoological Park and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute index relevant literature for their users. Librarians serving bureaus and departments of the Institution have been attempting to become more closely involved with pro- grams and plans of the bureaus which they serve. The National Air and Space Museum librarian serves as Chairperson of the NASM Collection Development Committee; both the National Air and Space Museum and National Collection of Fine Arts/National Portrait Gallery librarians attend staff meetings held by their bureau directors; at the request of the National Museum of History and Technology librarian, a library committee of curators has been formed to advise the bureau librarian. In spite of a limited budget for the purchase of books and journals, the Libraries continued to acquire many of the materials required to support Smithsonian Institution programs. To a large extent, important gifts and the Libraries' well-established exchange program made this possible. The year saw exchange programs initiated with the People's Republic of China and with the Museums and Monuments Office in Ghana. The binding and preservation program of the Libraries has been hampered for a number of years by lack of adequate funds. In anticipation of increased support, binding and preservation needs have been assessed. The program to identify and preserve rare books in the Institution continued. One area of concern expressed in the Libraries' management study was the personnel program. As a result, some changes in personnel policies and staffing are being tested and a Staff Develop- ment Committee has been appointed. The Libraries supported staff participation in continuing educa- tion and professional activities such as seminars, conferences, meetings, and training courses. Twenty-six Libraries' staff members Museum Programs I 209 attended training courses funded by the Libraries. Several staff members have received outstanding professional recognition. Catherine Scott, nasm bureau librarian, is a member of the Board of Visitors of Catholic University of America Library and a member of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. William Walker, ncfa/npg librarian, is Vice Chairman Elect of the Art Libraries Society of North America (arlis/na). Elaine Sloan, Assistant to the Director for Planning and Research, received a Ph.D. in Library and Information Services from the University of Maryland. Dr. Russell Shank, Director of Libraries, completed his term as President of the Association of College and Research 1 Libraries and was elected Vice President, President Elect of the United States Book Exchange. Dr. Shank was the recipient of a fellowship from the Council of Library Resources and was granted sabbatical leave by the Smithsonian from February to September, 1974, to study the implications of telecommunications policy for libraries and information resources. Jean Chandler Smith, Assistant Director for Bureau Services, was appointed Acting Director of Libraries. Among the many distinguished visitors to the Smithsonian Institution Libraries was a delegation of heads of libraries from the People's Republic of China. The Libraries provided graduate library school students opportunities for study and field work. As part of a training program, two American Indians from Navajo Community College Library worked in the Anthropology, nmht, and NASM Libraries. Major Purchases by Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Fiscal Year 1974 Audubon, John James. The Birds of America; from original drawings, by John James Audubon. London, 1827-1838. New York, Amsterdam, Johnson Reprint Corporation, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1971-1974. Facsimile edition. 4 volumes. City Directories of the United States. Segment I. City Directories of the U.S., through 1860. (microfiche) Segment II. City Directories of the U.S., 1861-1881. Parts I-IV. (micro- film) Author and Classified Catalogues of the Royal Botanic Gardens Library. Kew, England, 1973. 210 / Smithsonian Year 1974 The beautiful National Collection of Fine Arts / National Portrait Gallery Library. Rare Books Purchased by Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Fiscal Year 1974 Aldrovandi, Ulysses. De quadrupedibus solidipedibus. Bologna, 1639. Aldrovandi, Ulysses. Quadrupedum omnium historia. Bologna, 1621. Bauhin, Johann. Historia plantarum universalis. Ebrovdni, 1650-51. 3 volumes. Belidor, Bernard Forest de. Nouveau cours de mathematique a I'usage de I'artillerie et du genie. Paris, 1757. Bell, William A. New Tracks in North America. London, 1869. 2 volumes. Benkard, Ernst. Das Selbstbildnis vom 15. bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahr- hunderts. Berlin, 1927. Bien and Sterner. New rail road map. New York, 1855. Boulter, Daniel. Museum Boulteranium. A catalogue of the curious and valuable collection of natural and artificial curiosities in the extensive museum of Daniel Boulter. Yarmouth . . . London, [1910]. Bruff, J. Goldsborough. Cold rush. The journals, drawings and other papers of J. Goldsborough Bruff . . . April 2, 1849-July 20, 1851. New York, 1944. Caesius, Bernardo. Mineralogia sive naturalis philosophiae thesauri. Lug- duni, 1637. Clap, Thomas. The annals or history of Yale-College in New Haven. New Haven, 1766. Delius, Christoph Traugott. Anleitung zu der Bergbaukunst nach ihrer Theorie und Ausubung. 2d. edition. Vienna, 1806. 2 volumes of text, 1 volume of plates. Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried. Uber noch zalreich jetz lebenden thier- arten der kreidebildung. Berlin, 1840. Euler, Leonard. Introduction a I'analyse infinitesimale. Paris, 1796. 2 volumes. Findley, William. History of the insurrection in the four western counties of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1796. Forbes, James. Hortus Woburnensis. London, 1833. Foullon, Abel. Descrittione, et uso dell'holmetro. Venice, 1564. Fregoso, Battista. De dictis factisque memorabilibus collecteana. Milan, 1509. Fremont, John Charles. Memoirs of my life. Chicago, 1867. Volume 1. Galucci, Giovanni Paolo. Theatrum Mundi et Temporis. Venice, 1589. Grant, Mrs. Anne McV. Memoirs of an American lady. London, 1808. 2 volumes. Ingen Housz, Johann. Versuche mit pflanzen. Vienna, 1786. 2 volumes in one. Instruction sur les mesures deduites de la grandeur de la terre. . . . Paris, [1794]. (An II de la Republique, une et indivisible). Klein, Jacob Theod. Naturalis dispositio echinodermatum. Danzig, 1734. 212 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Leonicenus (Nicolaus). De serpentibus opus singulare ac exactissimum. Bologna, 1518. Le Vaillant, Fran<;;ois. Voyage de M. he Vaillant dans I'interieure de I'Afrique. . . . Paris, 1790. 2 volumes. Lunel, Godefroy. Histoire naturelle des poissons du bassin du Leman. Geneva, 1874. McCrady, Edward. The history of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1775- 1780. New York, 1902. . The History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1780-1783. New York, 1902. . The history of South Carolina under the Proprietary Government, 1670-1719. New York, 1901. The history of South Carolina under the Royal Government, 1719- 1776. New York, 1899. Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Sea power in its relations to the War of 1812. Boston, 1905. 2 volumes. [Massachusetts Colony]. The votes and proceedings of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Boston, in town meeting assembled. . . . Boston, [1772]. Morison, Robert. Plantarum umbelliferarum distributio nova. Oxford, 1672. Muller, Otho Friderich. Zoologia danica seu animalium Dabiae et Nor- wegiae. . . . Copenhagen, 1788. 4 volumes. Musschenbroek, Pierre Van. Essai de physique. Leyden, 1751. Volumes 1 & 2. Paris, Edmond. Le Musee de Marine du Louvre. Paris, 1883. Paris, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Instruction pour les voyageurs et pour les employees dans les colonies sur la maniere de recuellir, de con- server et d'envoyer les objets d'histoire naturelle. Paris, 1818. Pinset, R., & D'Auriac, Jules. Histoire du portrait en Prance. Paris, 1884. Porta, Giambattista. Phytognomonica. Frankfurt, 1591. Portis, L. De sestertio ponderibus et mensuris antiquis libri duo. Venice, 1500. Stuart, James. Three years in North America. Edinburgh, 1833. 2 volumes. Veth, J. Portretstudies en silhouetten. Amsterdam, 1914. Voet, Joannes. Catalogues systematicus coleoptorem. The Hague, [1804]- 1806. 2 volumes. Woodward, John. An essay toward a natural history of the earth and ter- restrial bodies. . . . London, 1695. Zonca, Vittorio. Novo teatro di machine et edificii. Padua, 1656. Museum Programs I 213 Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service The Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (sites) cir- culates more shows on more subjects to more people than anyone else. It is unique in that it circulates exhibitions of history, science, and technology in addition to exhibitions on art. This past year, several new initiatives were undertaken as a re- sponse to the needs of sites' customers. Each new effort had to be oriented philosophically and financially to the Smithsonian's effort to increase as well as diffuse knowledge. This year, sites received its first direct federal appropriation. Ful- filling a promise to Congress, appropriated funds were directed toward keeping rental fees within the range of medium and small institutions that count on the Smithsonian for high quality exhibi- tions. Further, federal funds were used to improve exhibition quality by expanding programming and educational activities suggestions to more effectively use the circulating shows. The primary responsibility for the development of these materials is being pursued by a Program Coordinator, a new position on the Traveling Exhibition Service staff. It has been determined that there are far too many projects for one such position and plans have been made to add more persons in the future. sites representatives were present at each of the six regional meet- ings of the American Association of Museums this year. Inquiries about sites' program and consultation to others on the travel of shows were provided. A significant amount of foreign as well as domestic travel was undertaken to assure that sites standards were upheld in the preparation of shows for travel. In addition to many of the 50 states and Puerto Rico, sites staff worked with exhibition sources in Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Great Britain, Nor- way, Israel, Australia, and New Zealand. Four members of the sites staff attended the American Association of Museums national meet- ing in Fort Worth, Texas, and a delegate was sent to the International Council of Museums meeting in Copenhagen. A Bicentennial Exhibitions effort was launched this year with the assignment of two full-time -staff members to this program. Two exhibitions especially mounted for the Bicentennial began their tours. A major program to improve sites' exhibition offerings in science 214 / Smithsonian Year 1974 was begun. A National Science Foundation grant to develop a series of exhibitions with the topic of "Understanding the Environment" provided the major impetus for the program. A week-long workshop on the travel of exhibitions was held at SITES headquarters in April 1974, Nine representatives from mu- seums in the United States, one from Puerto Rico, and two from Canada participated. SITES concluded the year having booked over 600 exhibitions viewed by an estimated 4,800,000 persons. There are now 2,600 institutions on sites mailing lists. At the end of the year, 109 exhibi- tions were in circulation. During the twelve-month period, 28 exhi- bitions were produced for tour and 3 were refurbished for extended In fiscal year 1974, approximately $250,000 in grants, gifts, and contracts were received to develop exhibitions and educational pro- grams. With the federal appropriation, these funds had the effect of making sites exhibitions more accessible than ever before. Exhibitions Beginning Tours in Fiscal Year 1974 Civil Engineering in Switzerland Huddinge Hospital : A Public Environment Below Man's Vision Antwerp's Golden Age Children in Bondage Manuscripts of the American Revolution American Coverlets (two versions) Our Only World (six copies) Witness To Our Time Kurt Kranz : Bauhaus and Today In Beauty It Is Begun Mary Bruce Sharon: An American Primitive 200 Years of Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Chinese Export Porcelain Folk Paintings from Dalarna Next Door, Down the Road, Around the Corner (two copies) Objects for Preparing Food Eighth Dulin Print and Drawing Competition The Five Sense Store: An Aesthetic Design for Education Permutations: Earth, Sea, Sky (30 works on paper, by Lawrence Calcagno) Exhibitions Refurbished for Extended Tours Alvar Aalto Handicrafts of the Southeast Shout in Silence Museum Programs I 215 ^: I k Valerie Lee Sedano, a handicapped National Museum of History and Technology Staff Associate for Education, employs sign language to describe for deaf children the Museum's largest "touch-it" object, the 280-ton "1401" locomotive. Smithsonian Year '1974 PUBLIC SERVICE During the past 12 months an exciting fermentation has begun in the area of Public Service. This activity is in response to the impact of a larger public interest in a more extensive Smithsonian Institu- tion, and, in equal measure, to a notably more discerning public interest in the educational potential of the Smithsonian museums and galleries, and their programs. In building the resources and the organization to meet these challenges, the Public Service divisions are helping to bring into balance the Institution's fulfillment of Mr. Smithson's mandate for the diffusion of knowledge as well as its increase. For, basically, the role of Public Service is education, and Smith- sonian educational activity has been mushrooming as the desire of the American public of all ages to be educated has burgeoned in one of the liveliest social phenomena of our time. During the year, 21 Smithsonian bureaus conducted specifically educational programs which reached a total of close to 300,000 people. These were by no means all Public Service functions, but all complemented the direct educational role of the Office of Public Service. Our view, in fact, is that our major museum and gallery directors are the best qualified to develop education programs related to their collections or re- searches. In consequence, we decentralized the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education and thereby made people and money avail- able for the establishment of education speciahst positions and sup- porting sections in all of the principal museums and galleries. A comparable reorganization is being considered for the Office of Public Affairs; in addition, the funds formerly allotted to the Smith- sonian Institution Press and divided by the Director of the Press among interested bureaus will henceforth be distributed directly to 217 bureau chiefs so that each may determine his own publishing priori- ties. Such changes permit us to reorganize the central offices of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education and ultimately of the Office of PubHc Affairs so that their efforts can be focused on Institution-wide requirements. The twin challenges posed by Smithsonian growth and by the ap- proach of the Bicentennial have stimulated every one of the Public Service divisions, as will be evident in the following accounts. At the end of fiscal 1974 Smithsonian (magazine) circulation and Na- tional Associate membership exceeded 600,000 and was steadily climbing; Resident Associate membership topped 20,000; Division of Performing Arts-produced Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz had sold 30,000 copies; and a striking further demonstration of public enthusiasm for Office of Public Service programs was evident in the long queues which formed before each of the 7 daily show- ings of the Ascent of Man film series, arranged by the Office of PubUc Service Free Film Theatre. In addition, not only the Public Service bureaus but the entire Institution is preparing for the antici- pated results of the Smithsonian television series which will begin in the fall of 1974 and will bring Smithsonian treasures and Smith- sonian interests to 20 to 40 million television viewers across the Nation. Every increase in public interest in the Smithsonian gener- ates a requirement for service to that public, whether it be the development of new educational facilities or simply the organization and staffing of an office to reply to the increase in letters of inquiry or suggestion addressed to the Smithsonian. Fiscal year 1974 did bring one reduction in the organizational makeup of the Office of Public Service with the very appropriate transfer of the Office of International Activities to the Office of the Secretary for Science. Finally, the Office of Public Services wishes to express its warm appreciation to the 1120 dedicated members of the Smithsonian vol- unteers and the 530 Smithsonian volunteer docents who gave so much of their time and service to the Institution during 1974, and without whose help "Smithsonian Public Service" would have a far more limited connotation. 218 / Smithsonian Year 1974 ^1i& r ^ A contemplative visitor to the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum's exhibit, "Africa: Three Out of Many — Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria." Anacostia Neighborhood Museum The Anacostia Neighborhood Museum now in its sixth year has continued to enrich the experience of museum visitors with a variety of exhibits and educational programs. The year was highhghted by a series of major exhibitions. "The Evolution of a Community, Part 11" communicated areas of con- cern that were relevant to all urban communities. It represented the shared feelings of the people of Anacostia concerning housing, unemployment, education, drug abuse, and crime. "Africa: Three Out of Many" represented the African language of art in its three- dimensional forms of sculpture and masks. The art, the religious inspirations, history, and culture depicted the people of Ethiopia, Ghana, and Nigeria — the three countries selected from many African nations. The Barnett-Aden collection of paintings, sculptures, and prints was shown. The collection reflected the talents and concerns of an exciting group of American arid Afro- American artists who emerged from the period which historians call the "Harlem Renaissance." 220 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Exhibits at the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, "Africa: Three Out of Many — Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria" (opposite page) and "The Barnett-Aden Collection" held January 20 to May 6, 1974, attracted many visitors. The latter proved to be an important art event in the Metropolitan area. A variety of educational programs and films of popular interest were given during each exhibit and throughout the year. Over 40,000 children and teenagers participated in these activities. The Mobile Division continues to take the museum to the people. Portable exhibits, teaching aids, demonstrations, and a Speakers' Bureau are all included in its outreach program. The history of the Anacostia community is presently being researched for a publication entitled Anacostia Story, which is being prepared for the Bicentennial. Anacostia Neighborhood Museum is also looking forward to completion in 1974 of the construction of an Exhibits Design and Production Laboratory where, in addition to the preparation and production of exhibits for the Museum, an exhibits training program will train minority members in the arts and crafts of museum design and production. This laboratory, when in operation, will provide improved facilities for experimentation in exhibit design and production, which has been a goal of the Museum since its inception. Public Service I 221 Division of Performing Arts Expanding the Institution's role as conservator and preserver of the Nation's creative forces, the Division of Performing Arts presented the Seventh consecutive Festival of American FolkHfe, which has become the largest summertime event in the Nation's Capital, and six different series and numerous individual events during the winter programs. During the 1973-1974 season, 15,000 people attended concerts offering a range of creative musical expressions from baroque to bluegrass, as well as the second season of Jazz Heritage Concerts. Such artists as Leon Fleisher and the Theater Chamber Players, Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys, Earl Brown, Earl Hines, and Carmen McRae were presented. Most concerts were preceded by free public workshops. To cope with capacity audiences, work- shops had to be moved from the Hall of Musical Instruments to the Baird Auditorium midway through the season. A new recording program instituted by the Division issued a historic first, the Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz, a boxed, six-record set including 85 selections from 17 record companies. The set was produced by Martin Williams, Director of the Jazz Program. Receiving critical acclaim and an unprecedented number of orders, the Collection is now in its third printing. The Smithsonian Resident Puppet Theater, one of two con- tinuously operated puppet theaters in the country, attracted 3000 visitors each week to three different shows: Patchwork, an impro- visational series with music, Pinocchio, a new version of the classic, 1 and What If?...,a puppet science-fiction fantasy. The Perform- ing Arts Division contributes to a "lively mall" area through the operation of the carousel and the original old-time popcorn machine. Performing Arts shares the American experience in its many creative forms with museum visitors and people across the Nation through the Smithsonian Touring Performance Service, offering performances not available through commercial management to museums, colleges, universities, and cultural centers. The 1973- 1974 season saw 51 performances sent to 23 states, by the Smith- sonian Puppet Theater, The American Folklife Company, High- 222 / Smithsonian Year 1974 The 50-acre expanse between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument is the site of the Festival of American Folklife, July 3-14. Called the "Axis of the Nation" by Pierre L'Enfant, the greensward will see 700 participants and draw a projected 1.5 million visitors to the "Festival of the Common Man" in 1976. Below: Visitors join in singing and dancing in the Tribute to Tamburashi. The 1973 Festival marked the first participation by a foreign government — Yugoslavia. tyO^,.&.<:2^ ^^^^2^. •^^^'3i5rj^^ -'fiZ M Examining Indian photographs from the National Anthropological Archives are Augus- tine Smith (left), a Laguna, and Lorraine Bigman, a Navajo, participants in a three- nionth program, exposing them to Smithsonian historical material relating to American Indians, as well as introducing them to library and archival training. This pilot program is jointly sponsored by the Cultural Studies Section of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Smithsonian's National Anthropological Archives and the Office of Academic Studies. (Photograph by Vincent P. Connolly) OFFICE OF PROTECTION SERVICES The Office of Protection Services instituted daily safety and fire inspection tours and monthly fire equipment inspections. Prior to letting of contracts, the Health and Safety Division is reviewing all contemplated construction changes to consider safety and fire provisions for exits, lighting, floor surfaces, stairs, and ramps, and for fire detection/suppression needs. The Smithsonian Institution was nominated for the President's Safety Award for 1973. The Smithsonian has been nominated 7 times for this coveted honor and has won it twice. The Award for 1972 was presented this year by Secretary of Labor Brennan on the President's behalf to Paul N. Perrot, Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs, who accepted for Secretary Ripley and the Smithsonian. This was in recognition of the reduction of Smith- sonian's accident rate over a 3-year period and notably by 12 per- cent in 1971-1972. On March 5, 1974, Under Secretary Robert A. Brooks, in turn, presented the award to Richard L, Ault, Director of Support Activities. During the year, 8 new exhibit halls requiring guard service were opened to the public. Guards were furnished for 186 special events held in various Smithsonian buildings. Among the prominent activ- ities in which the guards participated were the visits of the President of Pakistan and the Empress of Iran. These participations included the security and escort of distinguished guests and the security activities of personnel present on the occasions. During the year, 56 guard force personnel completed the basic security course including First Aid and Weapons Qualification and were commissioned as Special Policemen. In October 1973, a special operational element designated as the Outpost Detachment was activated and given the protection respon- sibility for the Renwick Gallery, Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, and the facilities at Silver Hill, 24th Street, and Lamont Street. The desired objective of improving security at these outlying establish- ments is realized by the permanent assignment of personnel who make daily supervisory inspections of every location on each relief. The supervisors also are responsible for inspecting the quality of security at separate locations where protection is carried out pri- vately by the occupants or by contract security agencies. As addi- 260 / Smithsonian Year 1974 tional facilities are established that are not large enough to warrant activation of a new guard company, they too will be added to the Outpost Detachment's area of responsibility. All first- and second-line supervisors have completed the equal employment opportunity supervisory training course. During the year, through reassignment and/or employment, 26 women were accepted for employment as security guards. I SUPPLY DIVISION The Supply Division continued to experience increased procure- ment and contracting work loads primarily due to the general ex- pansion of the Smithsonian Institution and its many related activi- ties, and all indications point to future accelerated growth in both of these responsibilities. The major procurements for the new Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden were accomplished during the year. Contracting is well under way for the special requirements and exhibits planned for the National Air and Space Museum which will open in 1976. The Division also assumed responsibility for all construction contracted during the year, and its most significant accomplishment was the contract for major renovation of the Arts and Industries building which was in progress at year's end. The Division continued to be an active participant in the acquisi- tion of useful excess Government property to satisfy the needs of the Institution's many organization units. Excess property acquired this year was more than $500,000. TRAVEL SERVICES OFFICE Again this year, the Travel Services Office (tso) experienced growth in all its major activities; i.e., air and rail reservations booked were up 40 percent; travel itineraries issued up 30 percent; transportation requests prepared up 25 percent; and the cost of transportation purchased from appropriated and nonappropriated funds was some 40 percent higher than last year. In addition to furnishing travel services, advisory services and detailed planning data were provided for the annual Festival of American Folklife, for national and international conferences, and for meetings and archeological expeditions in Yugoslavia, Israel, Egypt, and Greece. Administrative Management I 261 Of particular interest this year was a Travel Seminar sponsored!! by the Accounting Division for administrative staff of the Smith sonian. At the request of the Chief Accountant, the Chief of Tsol participated in the training sessions and explained the role of her! office in providing travel services for official Smithsonian travelers. 1 During the year, a closer liaison had to be maintained with the airlines to accomplish increasingly complex travel performed for the Foreign Currency Program of the Office of International and Environmental Programs. Financial Services ■ The Treasurer has overall responsibility for the financial assets of I the Smithsonian Institution. This includes the budgeting and ac- counting of federal appropriations, the fiscal administration of grants and contracts, and the monitoring of revenue-producing ; activities; further detail on these activities is given in the reports- which follow on the Office of Programming and Budget, the Ac- counting Division, the Grants and Insurance Administration Divi- sion, and the Business Management Office. Working closely with the Investment Policy Committee of the Board of Regents, the Treasurer oversees the management of the' endowment funds of the Institution by three professional advisory firms, and is also responsible for the short-term investment of cur- rent funds excess to immediate operating needs. Details on these funds and the other financial resources of the Institution can be found in the Financial Report at the front of this volume. OFFICE OF PROGRAMMING AND BUDGET The Office of Programming and Budget participates in program plan- , ning for the Institution and, to carry out these plans, is responsible | for the formulation, presentation, implementation, and review of operating and construction budgets of appropriated and nonappro- priated funds. About $100 million from many different sources were involved this year. Details on these sources and their use may be found in the Financial Report. The Office works in close associa- tion with all operating and managerial levels of the Institution. 262 / Smithsonian Year 1974 During the year, the staff of seven persons engaged in the follow- ing activities. Detailed fiscal 1974 operating budgets and associated staffing plans for both federal and nonfederal funds were developed with some 75 individual organization units and programs. These ranged from the major museums and research laboratories to small service and staff offices. Subsequently, throughout the year, these budgets and plans were monitored and reviewed with the perform- ing units to assure that program plans were accomplished within approved amounts. The uncertainty at the beginning of the year as to whether several legislated pay raises would be financed with sup- plemental appropriations required special efforts to assure the wisest application of financial resources. Based on the decision reached at the February 1973 Belmont Con- I ference on Goals and Priorities (in which the Office was heavily involved) that emphasis must be given to strengthening the support 1 functions of the Institution, such as collections conservation and , protection of buildings, the Office developed and presented to the President's Office of Management and Budget a completely revised format for the fiscal year 1975 budget. As compared with the tradi- tional organizational unit presentation, the new format was pro- grammatic in nature designed to show clearly the base capability and resource requirements of the support functions as well as the equally high priority of our Bicentennial Program commitments. This budget presentation was received very favorably by the Office of Management and Budget and resulted in the Smithsonian being allowed to seek substantial additional appropriations for these needs from the Congress. The Office of Programming and Budget prepared and submitted to the Congress budget justifications and supporting documentation and prepared for and participated in the budget hearings before the House and Senate Appropriation Committees. Similar work was carried out on the fiscal year 1974 pay supple- mental appropriation. At the same time, the Office of Programming and Budget devel- oped a more formal system for planning and goal-setting by each Smithsonian organization unit — now required by the expansion of the Institution, by the increasingly decentralized nature of much of its activity, and by the growing complexity of administering its diversified organizations. Administrative Management I 263 In addition to the above Institution-wide responsibilities, the Office of Programming and Budget also engaged in a number of special projects. It was involved intensively in the formulation and management review of fiscal years 1974 and 1975 budgets for the proposed Millwood Museum. It developed a comprehensive Institu- tion-wide exhibition plan, schedule, and budget. An inventory of Smithsonian buildings and facilities was prepared for the Board of Regents. Finally, the Office played major roles in the reorganizations of the Office of Exhibits and the Buildings Management Department. ACCOUNTING DIVISION The Accounting Division regularly handles and accounts for all funds of the Institution, both federal and nonfederal, including pay- rolls, payments for materials and services, and receipts from a great variety of sources, and in addition provides over 600 financial reports monthly to Institutional managers at unit and headquarters levels. Continuing the accounting services improvement program during fiscal 1974, the Accounting Division staff initiated and, with the assistance of other offices, conducted seminars on time-keeping and payroll, procurement and payment procedures, travel and voucher- ing procedures, and financial reporting. These seminars were at- tended by 200 Smithsonian administrative personnel including officers, assistants, clerks, and secretaries. With the assistance of our computer specialists, the Accounting staff installed a key-to- disc data entry system to replace an inefficient card and paper tape system eliminating repetitious data processing and adding beneficial controls. The new system became operational May 1, 1974, with full implementation projected January 1, 1975. Additionally, installation in fiscal year 1974 of a new personnel time reporting procedure is also serving to speed and improve accuracy of payroll preparation. GRANTS AND INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION The Grants and Insurance Administration Division is responsible for administration of gifts, grants, and contracts received by the Institution. In addition, this Division administers the Institution's risk management and insurance program. The Division provides administrative, management, and fiscal services to Smithsonian re- searchers and the business representatives of granting agencies, as 264 / Smithsonian Year 1974 well as the controls necessary to assure that funds are expended in accordance with appropriate regulations and contract terms. During the past year the Division has continued its excellent ad- ministration in the gift, grant, and contract area and at the same time has expanded its operations in the risk management and insur- ance area. This expansion has entailed the initiation of risk manage- ment surveys of various organizations and bureaus of the Smith- sonian to identify risk and recommend ways of alleviating and protecting against such risks. In addition, collections insurance cov- erages throughout the Institution have been consolidated, resulting in reduced work loads and the saving of considerable funds through premium reductions. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT OFFICE In addition to having overall responsibility for the Museum Shops, the Product Development Program and the Belmont Conference Center, which are described below, the Business Management Office also advises other Smithsonian bureaus on the negotiation and monitoring of revenue-producing concessions and contracts. During the past year, for example. Business Management assisted on such diverse projects as the contracts for educational sound systems in the National Museum of Natural History and the Hirshhorn Mu- seum, the competitive solicitation of food service and parking con- cessionaires for the new National Air and Space Museum, and the construction of a new restaurant in the National Collection of Fine Arts and National Portrait Gallery building. The efforts of this office are an important element in the improvement of the Institution's nonfederal resources. Museum Shops The past year was one of growth and change for the Museum Shops. For the first time sales climbed above $2 million, and net income reached the quarter-million mark. More importantly, 1974 saw the laying of groundwork which will produce far greater benefits to our Museums and visitors in the future. Recognizing that the Shops should provide a means for a visitor to extend his museum experience, selection and display of merchan- dise has been drastically changed to provide increased educational values and a greater reflection of the museum in which a shop is Administrative Management I 265 located. A leading architectural firm with extensive museum experi- ence was retained to redesign completely the main shop in the National Museum of History and Technology — a project scheduled for completion by December 1974. A number of important organizational changes were also made, with each shop manager being delegated responsibility for a specific area. A new position of Controller was created to provide greater inventory control and reports for management guidance. The Dis- play Department was reorganized, and a new position was created in the Buying Department. Product Development Program The Product Development Program originated from efforts to im- prove the quality and relevance of items handled in the Museum Shops and as a means to bring to audiences other than the Smithsonian's Washington visitors the educational values of the Institution. As a part of this program. Tonka Corporation — a leading U.S. toy manufacturer with whom an agreement has been in effect since 1972, and under which it will manufacture and sell, in close coordi- nation with Smithsonian, a line of museum-related products — in- troduced in fiscal year 1974 a series of diorama kits with a Smithso- nian theme. These hobby/craft products effectively enable the builder to recapture a moment in history by creating an entire scene. Each kit is accompanied by a 24-page booklet containing detailed information on the historical period. Similar agreements were reached during fiscal 1974 with three additional corporations. The first of these was with the Fieldcrest Company, which is developing bedspreads, quilts, comforters, blan- kets, sheets, and towels based on designs found in the Smithsonian collection items. Its trade introduction in May was well received, and products will reach the market in the fall of 1974. Another agree- ment was with the Stieff Company for a line of silver and pewter reproductions. The third was with the F. Schumacher Company, a producer of decorative fabrics and wall coverings. Fiscal year 1974 also saw the introduction of Seeing the Smith- sonian, the official guidebook to the Institution, in four foreign languages — French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Mr. Kenneth Rush, then Deputy Secretary of State, spoke at the introductory 266 / Smithsonian Year 1974 ceremony. Due to the generosity of CBS/Publishing Group, the publisher of the guidebook. Seeing the Smithsonian is now available in braille at designated locations. Belmont Conference Center The Belmont Conference Center, located between the District of Columbia and Baltimore near Interstate 95, provides an attractive, secluded, gracious, and exclusive retreat unusual in the Eastern Cor- ridor. Its easy access to the Baltimore-Washington airports, as well as to automotive arteries, impresses upon its guests the enjoyable paradox of a rural setting with the conveniences of urban proximity but without its complexities. One of the major advantages of Bel- mont is its use by only one group at any one time; schedules are so arranged as to avoid the overlap and attendant discomforts often encountered in other conference centers and hotels. Since its open- ing in 1967, conference operations have been directed toward the needs of small groups which require a location unencumbered by the normal intrusions associated with offices. The 240-year-old manor house, with 365 surrounding acres of lawns, forests, and fields, provides a working retreat for the productive groups which keep returning to the Center. f Belmont can accommodate 24 in-house residents, with facilities for 10 to 12 additional guests, speakers, or observers for meals and meeting sessions. This limiting size factor ensures that each confer- ence has the undivided and individual attention of the entire staff, as well as the opportunity for unusually close interaction within the meeting group itself. Of the 80 or so meetings which Belmont hosts in a year, approximately 60 percent are from federally-funded agen- cies; the balance includes those from foundations and other philcin- thropic organizations, professional, religious, and social groups, corporations and private industry, and universities and colleges. Office of Audits During fiscal year 1974, the Office of Audits issued audit reports on the Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, the Smithsonian Research Foundation, the National Zoological Park, the Chesapeake Bay Cen- ter for Environmental Studies, Mail Management, the Mediterranean Administrative Management I 267 n»M i?iij 1 Belmont Conference Center. Marine Sorting Center, the Smithsonian Institution Press, the Travel Services Office, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Audit recommendations made in these reports have resulted in im- proved management procedures and controls, sometimes pointing to potential dollar savings. In addition, the Office of Audits completed various pre-award and post-audits of contracts, and closed out 26 foreign currency grants in the amount of $1 million. International Exchange Service The International Exchange Service is the one program bureau in the support activities group. In 1851, the Smithsonian Institution established the international exchange system to provide a means for exchanging current Smithsonian publications for the trans- actions and proceedings of institutions in other countries. Other learned bodies in the United States were allowed to participate by exchanging their publications with those of foreign organizations. This program has continued through the years and, by this method, many colleges, universities, scientific societies, and medical and dental libraries exchange their current and duplicate publications with similar organizations in other countries. During the year, over 700,000 pounds of publications were re- ceived from more than 250 organizations in the United States for transmission through the Service to over 100 countries. Publica- tions weighing approximately 500,000 pounds were forwarded by ocean freight to 38 exchange bureaus in 32 countries. Approxi- mately 250,000 pounds of publications were mailed to the intended recipients in countries that do not have exchange bureaus. Publications weighing approximately 90,000 pounds were re- ceived from exchange bureaus in other countries for distribution in the United States. Over 700,000 official United States publications weighing ap- proximately 350,000 pounds were received for 91 organizations in 62 countries in exchange for the official publications of those countries. The daily issues of the Congressional Record and the Federal Register were exchanged with 126 foreign libraries in 62 countries for the parliamentary journals of these countries. Administrative Management I 269 Smithsonian Women's Council The Smithsonian Women's Council was established by the Secre- tary in 1972 to represent to the Smithsonian's leadership the con- cerns of women at the Institution regarding employment and related matters. During its first full term of existence in 1973-1974, the Council undertook several major projects. Its Child-care Committee acted on indications from employees that employer child-care assistance was of concern to them and on the evidence that Smithsonian resources could make special contributions to the development and education of children in general through progams conducted for employees' children. Based on information from a wide variety of sources, the Women's Council prepared a proposal in the fall of 1973 for an experimental program, providing for hiring a spe- cialist in child care and development programming. After an initial assignment of designing an information-exchange service for em- ployees concerned with child care, the specialist would move on rapidly to the development and execution of a summer educational program for school-age children and finally the presentation of recommendations for the Smithsonian's future role in the care and education of its employees' children. Administrative and finan- cial elements were settled during the following winter and in the late spring of 1974 recruiting for the position of Child-care Coor- dinator began. The Assistant Secretary for Public Service assumed overall responsibility for the program with assistance from an ad- visory board representing the Women's Council and the Offices of Museum Programs, Personnel Administration, Equal Oppor- tunity, and the Treasurer. Another Council committee, formed to study patterns of recruit- ment, employment, and promotion at the Smithsonian, analyzed the Smithsonian's Merit Promotion Program and the skills-file method currently in use in internal recruiting for clerical and sec- retarial positions and offered recommendations for elimination of inequities in these systems and improvement of their operation. The report and recommendations were submitted to the Directors of Personnel Administration and Equal Opportunity in April 1974. Other committees of the Council have been and are engaged in widely varied activities. One conducted studies and analysis of the 270 / Smithsonian Year 1974 : Institution's Upward Mobility Program and submitted to Person- nel Administration and Equal Opportunity recommendations for significant changes and expansion in that area. Another committee sponsored a lecture on "The Job Jungle" by career-development expert Alexander Methven, which drew 170 employees and guests. Yet another committee is developing plans for a rich variety of programs and exhibits to mark Women's Week in August 1974. Administrative Management I 271 % Houses in Provence (detail), by Paul Cezanne. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon (2655). Smithsonian Year • 1974 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART J. CARTER BROWN, DIRECTOR The national gallery of art, although formally established as a bureau of the Smithsonian Institution, is an autonomous and sepa- rately administered organization. It is governed by its own Board of Trustees, the statutory members of which are the Chief Justice of the United States, Chairman; the Secretary of State; the Secre- tary of the Treasury; and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, all ex officio; and five general trustees. Paul Mellon continued as president of the Gallery and John Hay Whitney as vice president. The other general trustees continuing to serve were Dr. Franklin D. Murphy and Stoddard M. Stevens. In March 1974, Mr. Lessing J. Rosenwald resigned after ten years as a trustee; Mr. Carlisle H. Humelsine, President of Colonial Williamsburg, was elected to succeed him. During the fiscal year 1974 the Gallery had over 1,263,690 visitors. A number of important works of art were acquired. Of particular note were the paintings: Paul Cezanne's Houses in Provence and Paul Gauguin's Te Pape Nave Nave, gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, The year was also noteworthy because of the acquisition of numerous and important sculptures including Pietro Tacca's The Pistoia Crucifix, Antonio Canova's Hercules Slaying Lichas, two works by Foggini: Bacchus and Ariadne and Venus and Cupid, and two highly significant twentieth-century works: Wilhelm Lehm- bruck's Seated Man and Alberto Giacometti's The Invisible Object. In the graphic arts the Gallery added 96 drawings, 306 etchings and 2,057 prints to its collections, with many outstanding works, spanning six centuries from The Adoration of the Magi by the 273 Master E S, to a comprehensive collection of the works of M. C. Escher. Notable exhibitions held at the Gallery included: "Etchings by Rembrandt" and "Prints of the Italian Renaissance" (both continued from fiscal year 1973). "American Impressionist Painting," "Six- teenth Century Italian Drawings from the Collection of Janos Scholz/' "American Art at Mid-Century I," "Francois Boucher in North American Collections: 100 Drawings/' "Nineteenth-Century Sculpture" and "Recent Acquisitions and Promised Gifts: Sculpture, Drawings, Prints." A particularly innovative major exhibition was opened in May 1974, "African Art and Motion," which through the objects shown, video tape and recordings of ceremonial African dancers and music, presented an integrated experience in the culture of sixteen African countries. The Gallery's multimedia education program. Art and Man, pub- lished in cooperation with Scholastic Magazines, Inc., reached 4,000 classrooms in every state of the country. The total number of bookings of Extension Service materials, film strips, slide lectures, and films was 29,999. The total estimated attendance covering all 50 states and many foreign countries and United States military installations abroad was nearly five million. Total attendance at talks given by the Gallery's Education Depart- ment and at the programs presented in the auditorium was 120,338. These included the regularly scheduled auditorium lectures and films, the Introduction to the Collection, the Tour of the Week, and Painting of the Week. There were 35 guest lecturers including the twenty-third annual A. W. Mellon Lecture in the Fine Arts, Pro- fessor H. W. Janson, who gave a series of six lectures entitled "Nineteenth-Century Sculpture Reconsidered"; and A. B. de Vries, Director Emeritus of the Mauritshuis (Royal Gallery of Paintings), the Kress Professor in Residence. The newly recruited Conservation Department, working without the benefit of the expanded laboratory facilities still in the planning stage, concentrated on a survey of the Gallery's Northern European paintings with particular attention to those of Vermeer. The Gallery's art research project at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh neared its twenty-fifth anniversary and continued its work in nuclear methods of analysis and mass spectroscopy. Under 274 / Smithsonian Year 1974 llMlil wj. ( ^i4-;- SB ^ >^i^;Ci^^fc>^ -*^-^ i > "10" eV from Muon/Electron Ratios in EAS." Pages 202-207 in 13th International Cosmic Ray Conference, volume 1. Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1973. Grindlay, J. E., H. F. Helmken, R. Hanbury Brown, J. Davis, and L. R. Allen. "Observations of Southern Sky Gamma Ray Sources at E7 ~ 3 X 10" eV." Presented at the 8th ESLAB Symposium, Frascati, Italy, June 1974. Grindlay, J. E., H. F. Helmken, and T. C. Weekes. "Observations of NP 0532 at 10"-10'2 eV Gamma Ray Energies." Presented at the 8th ESLAB Sym- posium, Frascati, Italy, June 1974. Grindlay, J. E., H. F. Helmken, T. C. Weekes, G. G. Fazio, and F. Boley. "Gamma-Ray Observations at E7 > 5 X 10" ev of the Pulsars NP 0532 and CP 0950." Pages 36-40 in 13th International Cosmic Ray Conference, volume 1. Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1973. Gurman, J. B., G. L. Withbroe, and J. W. Harvey. "A Comparison of EUV Spectroheliograms and Photo^pheric Magnetograms." Solar Physics, volume 34 (1974), pages 105-111. Gursky, H. "X-Ray Astronomy — A New View of the Sky from Space." The Science Teacher, volume 40, number 3 (1973), pages 32-35. 372 / Smithsonian Year 1974 . "The X-Ray Emission from Rich Clusters of Galaxies." Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, volume 85 (1973), pages 493-502. . "Neutron Stars and Black Holes." Presented at the Astronomical So- ciety of the Pacific Meeting, San Francisco, California, February 1974. "Observation of Galactic X-Ray Sources." Pages 291-341 in C. DeWitt and B. S. DeWitt, editors. Black Holes. New York: Gordon & Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., 1973. Gursky, H., and E. Schreier. "The Galactic X-Ray Sources." Presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Symposium on Black Holes and Neutron Stars, San Francisco, California, February 1974. Gursky, H., and D. Schwartz. "Deductions of the X-Ray Emissivity of the Universe from Observations of the Diffuse X-Ray Background." Presented at the International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 63, Confrontation between Cosmological Theories and Observational Data, Krakow, Poland, September 1973. Hallam, M., and A. H. Marcus. "Stochastic Coalescence Model for Terrestrial Planetary Accretion." Icarus, volume 21 (1974), pages 66-85. Haramundanis, K. "Interstellar Extinction in the Ultraviolet from Emission Stars." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 185 (1973), pages L87-L88. Harvey, P. M., I. Gatley, M. W. Werner, J. H. Elias, N. J. Evans II, B. Zucker- man, G. Morris, T. Sato, and M. M. Litvak. "Dust and Gas in the Orion Molecular Cloud: Observations of 1-Millimeter Continuum and 2-Centimeter H2CO Emission." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 189 (1974), pages L87-L91. Hawkins, G. S. "Prehistoric Astronomy." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, volume 29 (1973), pages 58-64. . "Micrometeorite and Cosmic Dust Data near the Earth's Orbit." Pages 1159-1164 in M. J. Rycroft and S. K. Runcorn, editors. Space Research XIII. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1973. "Astro-Archaeology — Scientific Knowledge Shown by Prehistoric Man." Pages F60-F62 in Pears Cyclopaedia, 82nd edition. New York: Schocken Books, Inc., 1973. "James Bradley, a Biography." In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago, Illinois: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1973. Hayes, D. S., D. W. Latham, and S. H. Hayes. "The Absolute Flux of Vega in the Near Infrared" (abstract). Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), page 347. Hegyi, D. J., W. A. Traub, and N. P. Carleton. "Cosmic Background Radiation at 1.32 Millimeters." Astrophysical Journal, volume 190 (1974), pages 543- 544. Helmken, H. F., G. G. Fazio, E. O'Mongain, and T. C. Weekes. "A Three-Year Search for Periodic Gamma-Ray Emission in the 10"— 10'^ eV Energy Region from NP 0532. Astrophysical Journal, volume 184 (1973), pages 245-250. Helmken, H. F., P. Gorenstein, and H. Gursky. "Hard X-Ray Burst Detector with High Angular Resolution." Pages 253-259 in I. B. Strong, editor. Pro- ceedings of the Conference on Transient Cosmic Gamma- and X-Ray Sources (LA-5505-C). Los Alamos, New Mexico: Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1974. Helmken, H., and J. Hoffman. "Pulsed Gamma-Ray Flux from NP 0532 at E ^ 15 MeV." Pages 31-35 in 13th International Cosmic Ray Conference, volume 1. Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1973. Helmken, H. F., T. C. Weekes, and G. G. Fazio. "Search for 10"-ev Periodic Gamma-Ray Emission from NP 0532." Pages 48-50 in 13th International Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 373 Cosmic Ray Conference, volume 1. Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1973. Hemenway, C. L., P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, editors. Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids, Proceedings of the International Astro- nomical Union's Colloquium No. 13. NASA SP-319, 1973. Hodge, P. W. "The Recent Evolutionary History of the Cluster System of the Large Magellanic Cloud." Astronomical Journal, volume 78 (1973), pages 807-810. . "A Second Survey of H II Regions in Galaxies." Astrophysical Journal Supplement Number 239, volume 27 (1974), pages 113-120. Hodge, P. W., and P. Flower. "A Color-Magnitude Diagram for the Rich Cluster NGC 2164 in the Large Magellanic Cloud." Astrophysical Journal, volume 185 (1973), pages 829-841. Hodge, P. W., and D. W. Smith. "The Structure of the Fornax Dwarf Galaxy." Astrophysical Journal, volume 188 (1974), pages 19-25. Hodge, P. W., and F. W. Wright. "Particles around the Boxhole Meteorite Cra- ter." Meteoritics, volume 8 (1973), pages 315-320. . "The Transparency of the Small Magellanic Cloud." Presented at the 141st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Tucson, Arizona, De- cember 1973; abstract in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), page 448. Holt, S. S., E. A. Boldt, P. J. Serlemitsos, S. S. Murray, R. Giacconi, E. M. Kellogg, and T. A. Matilsky. "On the Nature of the Unidentified High Latitude UHURU Sources." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 188 (1974), pages L97-L101. Huber, M. C. E., A. K. Dupree, L. Goldberg, R. W. Noyes, W. H. Parkinson, E. M. Reeves, and G. L. Withbroe. "The Harvard Experiment on OSO-6: In- strumentation, Calibration, Operation, and Description of Observations." Astrophysical Journal, volume 183 (1973), pages 291-312. Huber, M. C. E., P. V. Foukal, R. W. Noyes, E. M. Reeves, E. J. Schmahl, J. G. Timothy, J. E. Vernazza, and G. L. Withbroe. "Observations of a Coronal Hole Boundary in the Extreme Ultraviolet." Presented at the 141st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Tucson, Arizona, December 1973; ab- stract in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), page 446. Huber, M. C. E., E. M. Reeves, and J. G. Timothy. "Photometric Calibration of an Extreme-Ultraviolet Spectroheliometer for the Skylab Mission." Pages 33- 54 in B. J. Thompson and R. R. Shannon, editors. Space Optics, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of the International Commission for Optics. Washington, D.C. : National Academy of Sciences, 1974. Jacchia, L. G. "Variations in Thermospheric Composition: A Model Based on' Mass-Spectrometer and Satellite-Drag Data." Journal of Geophysical Re- search, volume 79 (1974), pages 1923-1927. . "New Models of the Thermosphere and Exosphere." Presented at the I 17th International COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 1974. Jacchia, L. G., I. G. Campbell, and J. W. Slowey. "A Study of the Diurnal Varia tion in the Thermosphere as Derived by Satelhte Data." Planetary and Space Science, volume 21 (1973), pages 1825-1834. Jacchia, L. G., and J. W. Slowey. "A Study of the Variations in the Thermo sphere Related to Solar Activity." Pages 343-348 in M. J. Rycroft and S. K. Runcorn, editors. Space Research XIII. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1973. Jacchia, L. G., J. W. Slowey, and I. G. Campbell. 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Pages 2172-2182 in Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Confer- ence, Ceochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, supplement 4, volume 2. New York: Pergamon Press, 1973. Krieger, A. S., R. C. Chase, M. Gerassimenko, S. Kahler, A. F. Timothy, and G. S. Vaiana. "Time Variations in Coronal Active Regions Structures." Pre- sented at the International Astronomical Union/COSPAR Symposium No. 68, Solar Gamma X-Ray and EUV Radiation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 1974. Kurucz, R. L. "Stellar Spectral Synthesis in the Ultraviolet." Astrophysical Jour- nal (Letters), volume 188 (1974), pages L21-L22. . "A Preliminary Theoretical Line-Blanketed Model Solar Photosphere." Solar Physics, volume 34 (1974), pages 17-23. Lada, C. J., and E. J. Chaisson. "Microwave Spectroscopic Mapping of Gaseous Nebulae. II. Observations of Hydrogen in NGC 7538." Astrophysical Journal, volume 183 (1973), pages 479-489. Lada, C. J., D. F. Dickinson, and H. Penfield. 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Programs of the 1973 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, volume 5 (1973), pages 727-728. Continental Drift, the Evolution of a Concept. Washington, D.C. : Smith- sonian Press, 1973. (with Apollo 17 Preliminary Examination Team). "Apollo 17 Lunar Samples : Chemical and Petrographic Description." Science, volume 182 (1973), pages 659-672. "Continental Drift." In Encyclopaedia Britannica, volume 3. Chicago, Illinois: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1974. . "La Lune apres Apollo." La Recherche, April (1974), pages 337-346. "Morphology and Surface Mapping." Pages 9-33 (plus Appendices A and B, pages 161-191) in Interdisciplinary Studies of Samples from Boulder I, Station 2, Apollo 17. Compilation of the Studies of the Consortium Indomi- tabile, volume 1. 1974. Marvin, U. B., and D. B. Stoeser. "The Civet Cat Clast, a New Variety of Lunar Norite." Presented at the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Geo- physical Union, Washington, D.C, April 1974; abstract in Transactions, American Geophysical Union, volume 55 (1974), pages 323-324. Marvin, U. B., J. A. Wood, and J. Bower. "Apollo 17 Stratigraphy: Clues from a Boulder." Presented at the 36th Anuual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Davos, Switzerland, August 1973; abstract in Meteoritics, volume 8 (1973), pages 412-413. Mazurek, T. J., J. W. Truran, and A. G. W. Cameron. "Electron Capture in Car- bon Dwarf Supemovae." Astrophysics and Space Science, volume 27 (1974), pages 261-291. McCrosky, R. E. "Cometary Debris." Presented at The Dusty Universe Sym- posium honoring Dr. Fred L. Whipple, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observa- tory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 1973. Megrue, G. H. "Distribution of Gases within Apollo 15 Samples: Implications for the Incorporation of Gases within Solid Bodies of the Solar System." Jour- nal of Geophysical Research, volume 78 (1973), pages 4875-4883. _Menzel, D. H. "Concluding Remarks." Memoires Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, series 6, volume V (1973), pages 491-495. . "Science Questions Answered by DHM." Highlights for Children, vol- ume 28, number 6 (1973), page 22. . "Copernicus." Highlights for Children, volume 28, number 11 (1973), pages 10-12. "The Year of the Great Comet." Highlights for Children, volume 29, number 1 (1974), pages 38-39. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 377 Menzel, D. H., and W. W. Salisbury. "Pulsar Radiation as Magnetic-Dipole Synchrotron Emission." Memoires Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege, series 6, volume V (1973), page 219. Mertz, L. N. "The Gap at One Second in the Period Distribution of Pulsars" (abstract). Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), pages 321. . "Swept Frequency Excitation for Fourier Transform Spectrometry" (Let- ter). Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, volume 7 (1974), page 228. 'Rapid Fluctuations of Large Volume Astronomical Sources." Nature, volume 247 (1974), page 324. "Focusing Behavior of Fresnel Zone Plates Having Various Central Phases," Optics Communications, volume 11 (1974), pages 148-149. Millman, P. M., A. F. Cook, and C. L. Hemenway. "Image-Orthicon Spectra of Geminids in 1969." Pages 147-151 in C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, editors. Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids, Pro- ceedings of the International Astronomical Union's Colloquium No. 13. NASA SP-319, 1973. Mitler, H. E. "The Cambridge Cosmochemistry Symposium." Icarus, volume 20 (1973), pages 54-71. Mohr, P. A. "Comments on 'Tectonic History of the Ethiopian Rift Deduced by K-Ar Ages and Paleomagnetic Measures of Basaltic Dikes,' by G. H. Meg- rue, E. Norton and D. W. Strangway." Journal of Geophysical Research, vol- ume 78 (1973), pages 720-722. . 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Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1973. . "Spectral-Line Analysis of Very Long-Baseline Interferometric Data." Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, volume 61 (1973), pages 1236-1242. "Geodetic and Astrometric Results of Very Long-Baseline Interfero- metric Measurements of Natural Radio Sources." Presented at the 17th Inter-: national COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 1974. Moran, J. M., G. D. Papadopoulos, B. F. Burke, K. Y. Lo, P. R. Schwartz, D. L. . Thacker, K. J. Johnston, S. H. Knowles, A. C. Reisz, and I. I. Shapiro. "Very Long-Baseline Interferometric Observations of the H2O Sources in W49N, W3(OH), Orion A, and VY Canis Majoris." Astrophysical Journal, volume 185 (1973), pages 535-567. Morgan, J. W., U. Krahenbuhl, R. Ganapathy, E. Anders, and U. B. Marvin. "Trace Element Abundances and Petrology of Separates from Apollo 15, 378 / Smithsoniari Year 1974 Soils." Pages 1379-1398 in Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Confer- ence, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, supplement 4, volume 2. New York: Pergamon Press, 1973. Murphy, R. E., and K. Aksnes. "Polar Cap on Europa." Nature, volume 244 (1973), pages 559-560. Noyes, R. W., P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, E. M. Reeves, E. J. Schmahl, J. G. Timothy, J. E. Vernazza, and G. L. Withbroe. "ATM Observations of Solar Flares in the Extreme Ultraviolet." Presented at the 141st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Tucson, Arizona, December 1973; abstract in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), page 433. ■ . "ATM Observations of Solar Flares in the Extreme Ultraviolet." Pre- sented at the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., April 1974; abstract in Transactions, American Geophysi- cal Union, volume 55 (1974), page 408. Oppenheimer, M., and A. Dalgarno. "The Chemistry of Sulphur in Interstellar Clouds." Astrophysical Journal, volume 187 (1974), pages 231-235. Papaliolios, C, and P. Horowitz. "Results of a Search for Optical Pulsars. II. Extragalactic Supernovae." Astrophysical Journal, volume 183 (1973), pages 233-235. Peterson, L. E., D. A. Schwartz, and J. C. Ling. "Spectrum of Atmospheric Gamma Rays to 10 Mev at Latitude 40°." Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 78 (1973), pages 7942-7958. Porter, N. A., T. Delaney, and T. C. Weekes. "Observations of the Crab Pulsar with a Wide-Angle Atmospheric Cherenkov System." Presented at the 8th ESLAB Symposium, Frascati, Italy, June 1974. Radford, H. E., K. M. Evenson, and C. J. Howard. "HO2 Detected by Laser Mag- netic Resonance." Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 60 (1974), pages 3178-3183. Reeves, E. M. "Solar Physics Investigations on Skylab." Presented at the 142nd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 1974; abstract in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 6 (1974), pages 225-226. . "Payload Operations Presented to the Crew Functions (Shuttle) Work- shop." Presented at Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, April 1974. 'Solar Perplexities: A View from Skylab." Harvard Today, volume 17 (1974), pages 8-9. Reeves, E. M., R. R. Fisher, P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, R. W. Noyes, E. J. Schmahl, J. G. Timothy, J. E. Vernazza, and G. L. Withbroe. "EUV Observa- tions of Coronal Holes with the Harvard ATM Experiment." Presented at the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., April 1974; abstract in Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol- ume 55 (1974), page 408. Reeves, E. M., P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, R. W. Noyes, E. J. Schmahl, J. G. Timothy, J. E. Vernazza, and G. L. Withbroe. "Solar EUV Photoelectric Obser- vations from Skylab." Presented at the XVth General Meeting of the Inter- national Astronomical Union, Sydney, Australia, August 1973. . "Preliminary Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Observations from the ATM with the Harvard Instrument." Presented at the 141st Meeting of the Ameri- can Astronomical Society, Tucson, Arizona, December 1973; abstract in Bul- letin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), page 419. 'Observations of the Chromospheric Network: Initial Results from Apollo Telescope Mount." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 188 (1974), pages L27-L29. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 379 Reeves, E. M., R. W. Noyes, and G. L. Withbroe. "The Scientific Instruments." Pages 21-27 in Skylab and the Sun. Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973. . "The Solar Joint-Observing Program." Pages 30-34 in Skylab and the Sun. Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973. "Coordinated Observing Program." Page 36 in Skylab and the Sun. Washington, D.C. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1973. Reeves, E. M., J. G. Timothy, and M. C. E. Huber. "The Photoelectric Spectro- heliometer on ATM." Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumenta- tion Engineers Seminar-in-Depth on Instrumentation and Astronomy — II, Tucson, Arizona, March 1974. Reisz, A. C., I. I. Shapiro, J. M. Moran, G. D. Papadopoulos, B. F. Burke, K. Y. Lo, and P. R. Schwartz. "W3(OH): Accurate Relative Positions of Water- Vapor Emission Features." Astrophysical Journal, volume 186 (1973), pages 537-544. Rieke, G. H., F. J. Low, and D. E. Kleinmann. "High-Resolution Maps of the Kleinmann-Low Nebula in Orion." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 186 (1973), pages L7-L11. Schaefer, M. M., G. B. Rybicki, and M. Lecar. "A Method of Computing the Gravitational Field of an Axially Symmetric Flat Galaxy." Astrophysics and Space Science, volume 25 (1973), pages 357-372. Schild, R. E. "A Far-Ultraviolet Flux Difference between Hyades and Pleiades Stars." Pages 29-33 in B. Hauck and B. Westerlund, editors. Problems of Cali- bration of Absolute Magnitudes and Temperatures of Stars, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 54. Dordrecht, Hol- land: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1973. Schild, R. E., F. Chaffee, J. A. Frogel, and S. E. Persson. "The Nature of Infrared Excesses in Extreme Be Stars." Astrophysical Journal, volume 190 (1974), pages 73-83. Schild, R., J. B. Oke, and L. Searle. "The Energy Distribution of the Very Red Star in NGC 6231." Astrophysical Journal, volume 188 (1974), pages 71-74. Schmahl, E. J., P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, R. W. Noyes, E. M. Reeves, J. G. Timothy, J. E. Vernazza, and G. L. Withbroe. "Solar Prominences in the EUV as Observed from ATM." Presented at the 141st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Tucson, Arizona, December 1973; abstract in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), page 432. Schreier, E. J. "Galactic X-Ray Sources." Pages 650-667 in H. H. Bingham, M. Davier, and G. R. Lynch, editors. Proceedings of the 1973 Meeting of Division of Particles and Fields. Berkeley, California: American Physical Society, 1973. . "Binary X-Ray Sources and the Observational Situation of Black Holes." Presented at the Lectures at the International School of Cosmology and Gravi- tation, Erice, Sicily, May 1974. Schwartz, D. "Geomagnetic Background Events Observed by UHURU." In S. Holt, editor. Particle Contamination of Low Energy X-Ray Astronomy Experi- ments. Goddard Space Flight Center Publication No. X-661-74-130, 1974. Schwartz, D., and H. Gursky. "The X-Ray Emissivity of the Universe: 2-200 keV." Pages 15-36 in F. Stecker and J. Trombka, editors, Gamma-Ray Astro- physics. NASA SP-339, 1973. Schwartz, D. A., and L. E. Peterson. "The Spectrum of Diffuse Cosmic X-Rays Observed by 050-3 between 7 and 100 keV." Astrophysical Journal, volume 190 (1974), pages 297-303. Sekanina, Z. "Existence of Icy Comet Tails at Large Distances from the Sun.' Astrophysical Letters, volume 14 (1973), pages 175-180. 380 / Smithsonian Year 1974 . "New Evidence for Interplanetary Boulders?" Pages 199-207 in C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, editors. Evolutionary and Physi- cal Properties of Meteoroids, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union's Colloquium No. 13. NASA SP-319, 1973. "The Prediction of Anomalous Tails of Comets." Sky and Telescope, volume 47 (1974), pages 374-377. Silk, J. K., S. Kahler, A. S. Krieger, A. F. Timothy, G. S. Vaiana, and D. Webb. "Spatial and Spectral Observations of Two Solar X-Ray Flares." Presented at the Spatial ATM Session of the Open Meeting of the WG3 COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 1974. Sistla, G., G. Kojoian, and E. J. Chaisson. "Microwave Measurements of Plane- tary Nebulae." Presented at the 141st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Tucson, Arizona, December 1973; abstract in Bulletin of the Ameri- can Astronomical Society, volume 5 (1973), page 424. Southworth, R. B. "Recombination in Radar Meteors." Pages 13-21 in C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, editors. Evolutionary and Physi- cal Properties of Meteoroids, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union's Colloquium No. 13. NASA SP-319, 1973. Steinbrunn, F., and E. L. Fireman. "^®Ar Production Cross-Sections in Ti for Solar-Proton Effects in Lunar Surface Samples" (abstract). Pages 732-734 in Lunar Science V. Houston, Texas: Lunar Science Institute, 1974. Stephens, T. L., and A. Dalgarno. "Kinetic Energy in the Spontaneus Radiative Dissociation of Molecular Hydrogen." Astrophysical Journal, volume 186 (1973), pages 165-167. Stoeser, D. B., R. W. Wolfe, U. B. Marvin, J. A. Wood, and J. F. Bower. "Petro- graphic Studies of a Boulder from the South Massif" (abstract). Pages 743- 745 in Lunar Science V. Houston, Texas: Lunar Science Institute, 1974. Stoeser, D. B., R. W. Wolfe, J. A. Wood, and U. B. Marvin. "Petrology." Pages 35-109 in Interdisciplinary Studies of Samples from Boulder 1, Station 2, Apollo 17. Compilation of the Studies of the Consortium Indomitabile, vol- ume 1 (1974). Taylor, G. J., M. J. Drake, M. Hallam, U. B. Marvin, and J. A. Wood. "Apollo 16 Stratigraphy: The ANT Hills, the Cayley Plains and a Pre-Imbrian Re- golith." Pages 553-568 in Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Conference, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, supplement 4, volume 1. New York: Per- gamon Press, 1973. Timothy, J. G., P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, R. W. Noyes, E. M. Reeves, E. J. Schmahl, J. E. Vernazza, and G. L. Withbroe. "Preliminary Results from ATM: Observations of the Earth's Upper Atmosphere." Presented at the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., April 1974; abstract in Transactions, American Geophysical Union, volume 55 (1974), page 372. . "Preliminary Results from ATM: The Structure of Solar EUV Bright Points." Presented at the 17th International COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 1974. "Preliminary Results from ATM: Measurements of the Density of O2 in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere." Presented at the 17th International COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 1974. Timothy, A. F., A. S. Krieger, R. Petrasso, J. K. Silk, and G. S. Vaiana. "Struc- ture and Dynamics of the Quiet X-Ray Corona." Presented at the Spatial ATM Session of the Open Meeting of the WG3 COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 1974. Timothy, J. G., E. M. Reeves, and M. C. E. Huber. "The Photoelectric Spectro- heliometer on ATM." Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumenta- Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 381 tion Engineers Seminar-in-Depth on Instrumentation in Astronomy — II, Tuc- son, Arizona, March 1974. Traub, W. A., and N. P. Carleton. "Observations of O2, HaO, and HD in Plane- tary Atmospheres." Presented at the International Astronomical Union Sym- posium No. 65, Exploration of the Planetary System, Torun, Poland, Septem- ber 1973. . "Detection of Interstellar Lithium." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 184 (1973), pages L11-L14. "Observations of Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Jovian H2 Quadrupole Lines." Presented at the Planetary Sciences Division Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Palo Alto, California, April 1974. Traub, W. A., N. P. Carleton, and D. J. Hegyi. "Search for Deuterium in Orion and Detection of High- Velocity Features." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 190 (1974), pages L81-L84. Trauger, J. T., F. L. Roesler, N. P. Carleton, and W. A. Traub. "Observation of HD on Jupiter and the D/H Ratio." Astrophysical Journal (Letters), volume 184 (1973), pages L137-L141. Vaiana, G. S. "Observations of the X-Ray Corona with S-054 X-Ray Telescope." Presented at the International Astronomical Union/COSPAR Symposium No. 68, Solar Gamma X-Ray and EUV Radiation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 1974. . "ATM X-Ray Telescope Results." Presented at the Spatial ATM Ses- sion of the Open Meeting of the WG3 COSPAR Meeting, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 1974. Vaiana, G. S., J. M. Davis, R. Giacconi, A. S. Krieger, J. K. Silk, A. F. Timothy, and M. Zombeck. "X-Ray Observations of Characteristic Structures and Time Variations from the Solar Corona: Preliminary Results from Skylab." Astro- physical Journal (Letters), volume 185 (1973), pages L47-L51. VanSpeybroeck, L., E. Kellogg, S. Murray, and S. Duckett. "Negative Affinity X-Ray Photocathodes." Nuclear Science, volume NS 21 (1974), pages 408-415. Vernazza, J. E., E. H. Avrett, and R. Loeser. "Structure of the Solar Chromo- sphere. I. Basic Computations and Summary of the Results." Astrophysical Journal, volume 184 (1973), pages 605-631. Vernazza, J. E., P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, R. W. Noyes, E. M. Reeves, E. J. Schmahl, J. G. Timothy, and G. L. Withbroe. "ATM Observations of the Time Dependent Intensity Fluctuations in the Extreme Ultraviolet." Presented at the Solar Physics Division Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1974; abstract in Bulletin of the American Astro- nomical Society, volume 6 (1974), page 296. . "ATM Measurements of EUV Intensity Fluctuations." Presented at the 17th International COSPAR Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 1974. Vernazza, J. E., and G. L. Withbroe. "The Evolution of Solar Active Regions Based on 8.6 mm and Other Solar Observations." AFCRL Scientific Report No. 73-0643, 34 pages, 1973. Vessot, R. F. C. "A Gravitational Redshift Rocket Experiment." Presented at the University of Toronto Physics Department Colloquium, Toronto, Canada, April 1974. Vessot, R. F. C, and M. W. Levine. "Performance Data of Space and Ground Hydrogen Masers and Ionospheric Studies for High-Accuracy Comparisons between Space and Ground Clocks." Presented at the Twenty-Seventh An- nual Frequency Control Symposium, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1974. Victor, G. A., and C. Laughlin. ''Model Potential Calculations of Be I and Mg I Oscillator Strengths." Nuclear Instruments and Methods, volume 110 (1973), pages 189-192. ; 382 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Weeks, T. C. "A Survey of Gamma-Ray Sources in the Galactic Plane at Ener- gies of 10" to 10'* ev." Pages 446-449 in 13th International Cosmic Ray Con- ference, volume 1. Denver, Colorado: University of Denver, 1973. Weekes, T. C., and G. H. Rieke. "The Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique for Gamma Ray Astronomy." Presented at the 8th ESLAB Symposium, Frascati, Italy, June 1974. Whipple, F. L. "Accumulation of Chondrules on Asteroids" (abstract). Page 345 in C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, editors. Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteroids, Proceedings of the International Astronomi- cal Union's Colloquium No. 13. NASA SP-319, 1973. . "Radial Pressure in the Solar Nebula Affecting the Motions of Plane- tesimals." Pages 355-361 in C. L. Hemenway, P. M. Millman, and A. F. Cook, editors. Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union's Colloquium No. 13. NASA SP-319, 1973. -. "Note on the Number and Origin of Apollo Asteroids." The Moon, vol- ume 8 (1973), pages 340-345. . "Birth and Death of a Comet." Astronomy, volume 2 (1974), pages 4-19. "The Nature of Comets." Scientific American, volume 230 (1974), pages 49-58. Withbroe, G. L. "ATM EUV Observations: The Corona and Transition Region." Presented at the Santa Fe Solar Physics Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 1974. Withbroe, G. L., R. R. Fisher, P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, R. W. Noyes, E. M. Reeves, E. J. Schmahl, J. G. Timothy, and J. E. Vemazza. "Extreme Ultra- violet Observations Acquired by the Harvard ATM Instrument." Presented at the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Wash- ington, D.C., April 1974; abstract in Transactions, American Geophysical Union, volume 55 (1974), page 408. Withbroe, G. L., P. V. Foukal, M. C. E. Huber, R. W. Noyes, E. M. Reeves, E. J. Schmahl, J. G. Timothy, and J. E. Vernazza. "Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Obser- vations from the Harvard ATM Experiment." Presented at the Solar Physics Division Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1974; abstract in Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, volume 6 (1974), pages 297-298. Withbroe, G. L., and J. B. Gurman. "Models of the Chromospheric-Coronal Transition Layer and Lower Corona Derived from Extreme-Ultraviolet Obser- vations." Astrophysical Journal, volume 183 (1973), pages 279-289. Wood, J. A. "The Fine-Grained Structure of Chondritic Meteorites." Presented at the Dusty Universe Symposium honoring Dr. Fred L. Whipple, Smithson- ian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 1973. . "Bombardment As a Cause of the Lunar Asymmetry." The Moon, vol- ume 8 (1973), pages 73-103. (with Lunar Sample Analysis Planning Team). "Lunar Science IV." Science, volume 181 (1973), pages 615-622. 'The Moon after Apollo: Lunacies Reconsidered." Harvard Today, winter issue (1974), pages 6-7. "A Survey of Lunar Rock Types and Comparison of the Crusts of Earth and Moon." Presented at the Soviet-American Conference on Cosmo- chemistry of the Moon and Planets, Moscow, June 1974. I Wood, J. A., and H. E. Mitler. "Origin of the Moon by a Modified Capture Mechanism, or Half a Loaf is Better Than a Whole One" (abstract). Pages 851-853 in Lunar Science V. Houston, Texas: Lunar Science Institute, 1974. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 383 Wright, F. W. Particularized Navigation (How to Prevent Navigation Emergen- cies). Part I, Emergency Booklet, 66 pages; Part II, Emergency Pamphlet, 51 pages. Cambridge, Maryland: Cornell Maritime Press, Inc., 1973. SMITHSONIAN ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY SPECIAL REPORTS 352. G. E. O. Giacaglia. "Lunar Perturbations on Artificial Satellites of the Earth." October 1, 1973. 353. E. M. Gaposchkin, editor. "1973 Smithsonian Standard Earth (III)." No- vember 28, 1973. Part I: "Historical Introduction," by C. A. Lundquist and F. L. Whipple. Part II: "SAO Network: Instrumentation and Data Reduction," by M. R. Pearlman, J. M. Thorp, C. R. H. Tsiang, D. A. Arnold, C. G. Lehr, and J. Wohn. Part III: "Satellite Dynamics," by E. M. Gaposchkin. Part IV: "Estimate of Gravity Anomalies," by M. R. William- son and E. M. Gaposchkin. Part V: "Determination of the Geopotential," by E. M. Gaposchkin, M. R. Williamson, Y. Kozai, and G. Mendes. Part VI: "Determination of Station Coordinates," by E. M. Gaposchkin, J. Latimer, and G. Veis. 354. L. G. Jacchia. "Variations in Thermospheric Composition: A Model Based on Mass-Spectrometer and Satellite-Drag Data." November 30, 1973. 355. R. E. Schild. "Optical and Mechanical Performance of the Tillinghast 60-Inch Reflector, Mt. Hopkins Observatory." December 14, 1973. 356. J. W. Slowey. "Radiation-Pressure and Air-Drag Effects on the Orbit of the Balloon Satellite 1963 30D." January 18, 1974. 357. M. R. Pearlman, J. L. Bufton, D. Hogan, D. Kurtenbach, and K. Goodwin. "SAO/NASA Joint Investigation of Astronomical Viewing Quality at Mt. Hopkins Observatory: 1969-1971." January 23, 1974. 358. P. A. Mohr. "1973 Ethiopian-Rift Geodimeter Survey." January 28, 1974. 359. R. L. Kurucz. "Semiempirical Calculation of gf Values, II: Fe I (3d-l-4s)8 — (3d-|-4s)7 4p." April 15, 1974. SMITHSONIAN SCIENCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE, INC. Goldstein, Jan. "Coordinating Research Nationwide: Some Help For Associa- tion Executives." Association Management (February 1974), pages 84-85. Hersey, David F. "SSIE: A Unique Data Base." Government Publications Re- view, volume 1, number 2 (winter 1973), pages 209-212. Hersey, D. F., W. R. Foster, and S. Liebman. "The Smithsonian Science Informa- tion Exchange." Chemical Technology, volume 3, number 12 (December 1973), pages 733-738. Hersey, D. F., M. Snyderman, W. R. Foster, B. Hunt, and P. Morgan. "On-Line Retrieval and Machine-Aided Indexing in a Large Data Base of Ongoing Research Information." Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, volume 10 (October 1973), pages 89-90. SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE BOOKS Ospina, H. Mariano, and Robert L. Dressier. Orquideas de las Americas. 496 pages. Fondo de Publicaciones Cientificas, Medellin, 1974. Ricklefs, Robert E. Ecology. 861 pages. Newton, Massachusetts: Chiron Press, 1973. ARTICLES Abele, Lawrence G. "A New Species of Sesarma, S. (Holometopus) rubinof- forum from the Pacific Coast of Panama (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae)." 384 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, volume 86, number 27 (1973), pages 333-338. "Taxonomy, Distribution and Ecology of the Genus Sesarma (Crus- tacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae), in Eastern North America, with Special Refer- ence to Florida." American Midland Naturalist, volume 90, number 2 (1973), pages 375-386. "Species Diversity of Decapod Crustaceans in Marine Habitats." Ecol- ogy, volume 55, number 1 (1974), pages 156-161. Abele, Lawrence G., and Robert H. Gore. "Selection of a Lectotype for Mega- lobrachium granuliferum Stimpson, 1958 (Decapoda, Forcellanidae)." Crus- taceana, volume 25, number 1 (1973), pages 105-106. Abele, Lawrence G., Michael H. Robinson, and Barbara Robinson. "Observa- tions on Sound Production by Two Species of Crabs from Panama (Decapoda, Gecarcinidae, and Pseudothelphusidae)." Crustaceana, volume 25, number 2 (1973), pages 147-152. Bohlke, James E., and John E. McCosker. "Two Additional West Atlantic Gobies (Genus Cobiosoma) That Remove Ectoparasites from Other Fishes." Copeia, volume 3 (1973), pages 609-610. Buckman, Nancy S., and John C. Ogden. "Territorial Behavior of the Striped Parrotfish Scarus croicensis Bloch (Scaridae)." Ecology, volume 54, number 6 (1973), pages 1377-1382. Dressier, Robert L. "Elleanthus capitatus — A Name That Must be Changed, or Is It?" American Orchid Society Bulletin, volume 42 (1973), pages 419-420. . "Notas sobre el Genero Encyclia en Mexico." Orquidea (Mex), volume 3, number 10 (1974), pages 306-313. Dressier, Robert L., and Eric Hagsater. "Una Govenia Nueva del Estado de Jalisco: Govenia tequilana." Orquidea (Mix.), volume 3 (1973), pages 175- 183. Dressier, Robert L., and Glenn E. Pollard. "Una Nueva Encyclia del sureste de Mexico." Orquidea (Mex.), volume 3 (1973), pages 272-279. Elton, Charles S. "The Structure of Invertebrate Populations Inside Neotropical Rain Forest." Journal of Animal Ecology, volume 42, number 1 (1973), pages 55-104. Fleming, Theodore H. "Numbers of Mammal Species in North and Central American Forest Communities." Ecology, volume 54, number 3 (1973), pages 555-563. Gliwicz, J. "A Short Characteristic of a Population of Proechimys semispinossus (Tomes, 1860) — a Rodent Species of the Tropical Rain Forest." Bulletin de la Academie Polonaise de Sciences, Series Science Biology, cl. 2, volume 21, number 6 (1973), pages 413-418. Glynn, Peter William. "Ecology of a Caribbean Coral Reef. The Porites Reef- Flat Biotope: Part I. Meteorology and Hydrography." Marine Biology, volume 20 (1973), pages 297-318. . "Ecology of a Caribbean Coral Reef. The Porites Reef-Flat Biotope; Part II. Plankton Community with Evidence for Depletion." Marine Biology, volume 22, number 22, number 1 (1973), pages 1-21. Glynn, Peter W., and Robert H. Stewart. "Distribution of Coral Reefs in the Pearl Islands (Gulf of Panama) in Relation to Thermal Conditions." Lim- nology and Oceanography, volume 18, number 3 (1973), pages 367-379. Gore, Robert H., and Lawrence G. Abele. "Three New Species of Porcellanid Crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Porcellanidae) from the Bay of Panama and Adjacent Caribbean Waters." Bulletin of Marine Science, volume 23, number 3 (1973), pages 559-573. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 385 Graham, Jeffrey B. "Heat Exchange in the Black Skipjack, and the Blood-Gas Relationship of Warm-Bodied Fishes." Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, volume 70, number 7 (1973), pages 1964-1967. . "Terrestrial Life of the Amphibious Fish Mnierpes macrocephalus." Marine Biology, volume 23 (1973), pages 83-91. Hespenheide, Henry A. "A Novel Mimicry Complex: Beetle and Flies." Journal of Entomology, volume 48, number 1 (1973), pages 49-56. Kropach, Chaim, and John D. Soule. "An Unusual Association between an Ectoproct and a Sea Snake." Herpetologica, volume 29, number 1 (1973), pages 17-19. Lang, Judith. "Interspecific Aggression by Scleractinian Corals: 2. Why the Race Is Not Only to the Swift." Bulletin of Marine Science, volume 23, num- ber 2 (1973), pages 260-279. Lehman, John T., and James W. Porter. "Chemical Activation of Feeding in the Caribbean Reef-Building Coral Montastrea cavernosa." Biological Bulletin, volume 145 (1973), pages 140-149. Leigh, Egbert G. "The Evolution of Mutation Rates." Genetics Supplement, volume 73 (1973), pages 1-18. Linares, Olga F. "Current Research: Lower Central America." American An- tiquity, volume 38 (1973), pages 234-235. . "Excavaciones en Barriles y Cerro Punta: Nuevos Datos sobre la Epoca Formativa Tardia (0-500 D.C.) en el Oeste panamefio." Actas del Tercer Simposio de Antropologia, Arqueologia y Ethnohistoria de Panama, Octubre 1973. "From the Late Preceramic to the Early Formative in the Intermediate Area: Some Issues and Methodologies." First Symposium of Archaeology and History, Puerto Rico, December 1973. [Review] "Ngawbe: Traditions and Change among the Western Guaymi of Panama," by Philip D. Young. American Anthropologist, volume 75, num- ber 4 (1973), pages 1011-1012. [Review] "Pre-Columbian Man Finds Central America: The Archaeo- logical Bridge," by Doris Stone. American Journal of Archaeology, volume 77 (1973), pages 361-362. [Review] "Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana (Trabajos y conferencias)," volume 6, edited by Jose Alcina Franch. American Journal of Archaeology, volume 77 (1973), pages 253-254. Lubin, Yael D. "Web Structure and Function: The Non-adhesive Orb-Web of Cyrtophora moluccesis (Doleschall) (Aranaea: Araneidae)." Forma et Func- tio, volume 6 (1973), pages 337-358. Macurda, Donald B., and David L. Meyer. "Feeding Posture of Modem Stalked Crinoids." Nature, volume 247 (1974), pages 394-396. Meyer, David L. "Feeding Behavior and Ecology of Shallow-Water Unstalked Crinoids (Echinodermata) in the Caribbean Sea." Marine Biology, volume 22, number 2 (1973), pages 105-129. Montgomery, G. G., W. E. Cochran, and M. E. Sunquist. "Radiolocating Ar- boreal Vertebrates in Tropical Forest." Journal Wildlife Management, volume 37, number 3 (1973), pages 426-428. Montgomery, G. G., A. S. Rand, and M. E. Sunquist. "Post-Nesting Movements of Iguanas from a Nesting Aggregation." Copeia, volume 3 (1973), pages 620-622. Morton, Eugene S. "On the Evolutionary Advantages and Disadvantages of Fruit Eating in Tropical Birds." American Naturalist, volume 107 (1973), pages 8-22. 386 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Moynihan, Martin H. "The Evolution of Behavior and the Role of Behavior in Evolution." Breviora, volume 415 (1973), pages 1-29. Ogden, John C, and Nancy S. Buckman. "Movements, Foraging Groups, and Diurnal Migrations of the Striped Parrotfish Scarries croicensis Bloch (Scaridal)." Ecology, volume 54, number 3 (1973), pages 589-596. Oppenheimer, John R. "Social and Communicatory Behavior in the Cebus Monkey." Pages 251-271 in C. R. Carpenter, editor. Behavioral Regulators of Behavior in Primates. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1973. Porter, James W. "Biological, Physical, and Historical Forces Structuring Coral Reef Communities on Opposite Sides of the Isthmus of Panama." Thesis (1973), pages 1-146. Porter, James W., and Karen Porter. "The Effects of Panama's Cuna Indians on Coral Reefs." Discovery, volume 8, number 2 (1973), pages 65-70. Ricklefs, Robert E., and John Cullen. "Embryonic Growth of the Green Iguana Iguana iguana." Copeia, volume 2 (1973), pages 296-305. Robinson, Michael H. "The Evolution of Cryptic Postures in Insects, with Special Reference to Some New Guinea Tettigoniids (Orthoptera)." Psyche, volume 80, number 3 (1973), pages 159-165. . "Insect Anti-predator Adaptations and the Behavior of Predatory Pri- mates." Actas del IV Congreso Latino americano de Zoologia, volume 2 (1973), pages 811-836. 'The Stabilimenta of Nephila clavipes and the Origins of Stabili- mentum-Building in Araneids." Psyche, volume 80, number 4 (1973), pages 277-288. 'The Biology of Some Argiope Species from New Guinea: I. Predatory Behavior and Stabilimentum Construction." Zoological Journal of the Lin- nean Society, London. Robinson, Michael H., and Barbara Robinson. "Ecology and Behavior of the Giant Wood Spider Nephila maculata (Fabricius) in New Guinea." Smith- sonian Contribution to Zoology, number 149 (1973), 76 pages. Robinson, Michael H., B. Robinson, and Yael D. Lubin. "Phenology, Species Diversity and Natural History of Web-Building Spiders on Three Transects at Wau, New Guinea." Pacific Insects, volume 20 (1974), pages 117-163. Rubinoff, Ira. "A Sea Level Canal in Panama." Theme 3 (1973). Pages 1-13 in Les Consequences biologiques des Canaux interoceans. XVII Congress Inter- national de Zoologie, Montecarlo, 1972. Smith, Wayne L. "Record of a Fish Associated with a Caribbean Sea Anemone." Copeia, volume 3 (1973), pages 597-598. Todd, Eric S. "Positive Buoyancy and Air-Breathing: A New Piscine Gas Blad- der Function." Copeia, volume 3 (1973), pages 461-464. . "A Preliminary Report of the Respiratory Pump in the Dactyloscopi-r dae." Copeia, volume 1 (1973), pages 115-119. Williams, Norris H., and Robert L. Dressier. "Oncidium Species Described by Jacquin and the Typification of Oncidium." Taxon, volume 22, number 2/3 (1973), pages 221-227. Willis, Edwin O. "The Behavior of Ocellated Antbirds." Smithsonian Contri- butions to Zoology, number 144 (1973), 57 pages. Wolda, Hindrik. "Ecology of Some Experimental Populations of the Landsnail Cepaea nemoralis (L.) : II. Production and Survival of Eggs and Juveniles." Netherlands Journal of Zoology, volume 32, number 2 (1973), pages 168-188. Zaret, Thomas M., and R. T. Paine. "Species Introduction in a Tropical Lake." Science, volume 182 (1973), pages 449-455. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 387 Zucker, Naida. "Shelter Building as a Means of Reducing Territory Size in the Fiddler Crab, Uca terpsichores (Crustacea: Ocypodidae)." American Midland Naturalist, volume 91 (1973), pages 224-236. HISTORY AND ART COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM "An American Museum of Decorative Art and Design: Designs from the Cooper- Hewitt Collection." Foreword, Sir John Pope-Hennessy; introduction, Lisa Taylor; drawings, Elaine Evans Dee; textiles, Milton Sonday; wall- papers, Catherine Lynn Frangiamore. 118 pages, 246 black-and-white and 2 color illustrations. New York: Victoria & Albert Museum, London, 1973. "Cooper-Hewitt Museum Benefit Auction Catalogue." Introduction by Lisa Taylor. 98 pages, 66 black-and-while illustrations, 1974. FREER GALLERY OF ART BOOKS Atil, Esin. Ceramics from the World of Islam. 225 pages, 101 illustrations. Washington, D.C. : Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1973. Lawton, Thomas. Chinese Figure Painting. 236 pages, 59 illustrations. Wash- ington, D.C: Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1973. ARTICLES Atil, Esin. "Two Ilkhanid Candlesticks at the University of Michigan." Kunst des Orients, volume VIII, number 1-2 (1972), pages 1-33. . "Exhibition of Islamic Pottery at the Freer Gallery of Art." Connois- seur, volume 185, number 745 (March 1974), pages 219-226. Chase, W. Thomas, III. "Conservation in the People's Republic of China."' Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, volume 14, number 2 (1974), pages 131-141. Lawton, Thomas. [Review] "Die Siegelschrift (Chuan-shu) in der Ch'ing-Zeit, ein Beitrag zu Geschichte due chinesischen Shrift Kunst," by Lothar Ledder- hose. Journal of the Oriental Society (1973). Lovell, Hin-cheung. "Chinese Figure Painting at the Freer Gallery of Art." Oriental Art, n.s., volume 19, number 3 (autumn 1973), pages 330-332. ■ . An Annotated Bibliography of Chinese Painting Catalogues and Re- lated Texts. Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies No. 16, Ann Arbor, 1973. Winter, John. [Review] Science and Archaeology, R. H. Brill, editor, MIT Press, , 1971, in ASTM Standardization News, volume 2, Number 3, March 1974 page 48. LECTURES Atil, Esin. "Islamic Pottery." Darien Community Association, Darien, Conn. . "Turkish Paintings as Historical Documents." University of Maryland, . Baltimore. "Exhibition of Islamic Pottery at the Freer Gallery of Art." Smith- sonian Associates, Washington, D.C. -. "Formation of Ottoman Miniature Painting." Carnegie Center, New York. "Ottoman History through the Works of the Court Painters." Textile Museum, Washington, D. C. . "Turkish Miniature Painting." Washington Club, Washington, D.C. 388 / Smithsonian Year 1974 . "Historical Survey of Islamic Painting." Foreign Service Institute, State Department, Washington, D.C. Chase, W. Thomas, III. "The Art of the Hyogushi." Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. . "Impressions of China." Westmoreland Congregational Church, Wash- ington, D.C. "Conservation in the People's Republic of China." Washington Region Conservation Guild, Washington, D.C. "Archaeology in the People's Republic of China." Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. -. "Comparative Analysis of Archaeological Bronzes." National Bureau of Standards, Analytical Chemistry Seminar, Washington, D. C. "Fakes and Forgeries in Sculpture — Oriental Bronzes and Ceramics." Smithsonian Associates course, "Fakes-Imposters of the Marketplace," Wash- ington, D.C. "My Trip to China." Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation, Cooperstown, N.Y. "Technical Aspects of Chinese Metalwork." Society of North American Goldsmiths, Washington, D.C. Lawton, Thomas. "Recent Archaeological Excavations in the People's Republic of China." Twentieth Century Club, Washington, D.C. . "Chinese Narrative Painting." Baltimore Art Society, Maryland. . "Chinese Art." Saint Louis Art Museum Society, Missouri. . "Chinese Art in the Freer Gallery." Corcoran Gallery Group, Washing- ton, D.C. . "Chinese Buddhist Art." Princeton Academic Group, New Jersey. "Recent Archaeological Excavations in the People's Republic of China." Voice of America, Washington, D.C. Stern, Harold P. "A Survey of Japanese Art." Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas. . "The Freer Gallery of Art — Yosa Buson." Friends of Oriental Art of the Seattle Art Museum, Washington. -. "Yosa Buson." Seattle Art Museum, Washington. Winter, John. "Archaeological Dating Methods." Smithsonian Associates, Washington, D.C. . "Chemistry in Museums : A Quick Tour of the Field." Sigma Xi Society, University of West Florida, Pensacola, Fla. "The Scanning Electron Microscope in Pigment Studies." ICOM Con- servation Committee, Working Group on the Paint Layer, Copenhagen, Denmark. JOSEPH HENRY PAPERS Aldrich, Michele L. "Edward Berry" in Edward T. James, editor. Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement Three: 1941-1945 (1973). . "Clarence King" in Charles Gillispie, editor. Dictionary of Scientific Biography, volume 7 (1973). "Jonathan Homer Lane" in C. C. Gillispie, editor. Dictionary of Sci- entific Biography, volume 8, pages 1-3. New York, 1973. LECTURES AND SEMINARS Hobbins, James M. "Applications of Computer Technology to Historical Edit- ing." History Department, University of Maryland, November 1973. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 389 Molella, Arthur P. "Research in the History of Physics — The Case of Joseph Henry." Symposium: History in the Teaching of Physics, New York State Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Troy, New York, October 13, 1973. . "Active Nature and 19th-century German Physics: The Atomic Phi- losophy of Gustav T. Fechner." Zoology Colloquium, University of Maryland, December 12, 1973. with Nathan Reingold, Lecture and Seminar on Science, Technology, and Public Policy, February 7, 1974, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health. Reingold, Nathan. "Joseph Henry on the Scientific Life : An AAAS Presidential Address of 1850." American Association for the Advancement of Science session on the Development of American Science in the 19th and 20th Cen- turies, San Francisco, California, March 1, 1974. . "Time and Place Physics." Carnegie-Mellon/Pittsburgh Workshop on The Place of the Geophysical Sciences in 19th Century Natural Philosophy, March 14-17, 1974. with Arthur P. Molella. Lecture and Seminar on Science, Technology and Public Policy, February 7, 1974, Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health. NATIONAL ARMED FORCES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD Elliott, John M. "Painting of Special Aircraft." American Aviation Historical Society Journal, volume 18, number 3 (3d quarter 1973), pages 199-202. NATIONAL COLLECTION OF FINE ARTS ARTICLES Andrews, Martha. "Bicentennial Inventory of American Painting." ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) Newsletter, October 1973. Bolton-Smith. Robin. "The Sentimental Paintings of Lilly Martin Spencer." Antiques, volume 103, number 7 (July 1973). Booth, Abigail. "The Bicentennial Inventory." American Art Review September- October 1973. (Reprint of "An Inventory for the Art Researcher." Museum News, December 1972). Breeskin, Adelyn D. Art of the Pacific Northwest: From the 1930s to the Pres- ent." Exhibition catalogue acknowledgments, December 7, 1973. . Tribute to Mark Tobey. Exhibition catalogue acknowledgments, June, 7, 1974. Fink, Lois. "American Artists in France, 1850-1870." American Art Journal, volume 5, number 2, November 1973. Flint, Janet. Modern American Woodcuts. Exhibition checklist. 16 pages, 5 illustrations. November 30, 1973. . Herman A. Webster: Drawings, Watercolors and Prints. Exhibition checklist. 8 pages, 1 illustration, February 15, 1974. Hanan, Sara B. Selected and Annotated List of Basic Reference Materials in the NCFA/NPC Library: Fine Arts. (Research guide distributed in the library.) 32 pages, 1974. Herman, Lloyd E. Introduction to Form and Fire: Natzler Ceramics 1939-1972. Exhibition catalogue. 12 pages, 80 illustrations, July 27, 1973. . Foreword to Shaker, Furniture and Objects from the Faith and Edward Deming Andrews Collection Commemorating the Bicentenary of the Ameri- can Shakers. Exhibition catalogue. 88 pages, 65 illustrations, November 2, 1973. 390 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Hopps, Walter. Anne Truitt. Catalogue. 64 pages, 45 illustrations. Baltimore, Md. : Garamond/Pridemark Press, 1974. . Introduction to Revival!, by Eleanor Dickinson, text by Barbara Ben- ziger. New York: Harper & Row, 1974. Panzer, Nora. National Collection of Fine Arts / Renwick Gallery. Information for Docents. Handbook. 20 pages. May 1974. Taylor, Joshua C. Foreword to Form and Fire: Natzler Ceramics 1939-1972. Exhibition catalogue. July 27, 1973. . Introduction to Robert Loftin Newman: 1827-1912. Exhibition Cata- logue. March 18, 1974. . Robert Loftin Newman: 1827-1912. Checklist essay. October 26, 1973. Introduction to Shaker: Furniture and Objects from the Faith and Edward Deming Andrews Collection Commemorating the Bicentenary of the American Shakers. Exhibition catalogue. 88 pages, 65 illustrations. November 2, 1973. -. Introduction to Art of the Pacific Northwest. Exhibition catalogue. Feb- ruary 8, 1974. . Tribute to Mark Tobey. Exhibition catalogue essay. June 7, 1974. 'Evolution of the Fine Arts." Treasures of America and Where to Find Them. Readers' Digest Association, Inc., 1974. Taylor, Joshua C, with L. Quincy Mumford. Foreword to Catalog of the 23rd National Exhibition of Prints. Exhibition catalogue. Washington, D.C. : Li- brary of Congress, September 24, 1973. Walker, William B. "Some Notes on L. C. Class N." Article. ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) Newsletter, volume 2 (April 1974), pages 33-34. LECTURES AND SEMINARS Andrews, Martha. "Progress of the Bicentennial Inventory of American Paint- ing." Kansas City (Mo.) Inventory Survey, Nelson Gallery of Art. Kansas City, Mo. June 20, 1974. Bermingham, Peter. "Crisis in Public Education." Seminar participant. George Washington University, Washington, D.C. November 1973. . "Barbizon Art in America." Indianapolis Art Museum, Ind. November 1973. . Discussion and Tour of the National Collection of Fine Arts for Inter- national Committee on Museums, American Association of Museums, Na- tional Collection of Fine Arts. April 1974. Singham, Lois, and Cogswell, Margaret. "Programs of the Office of Exhibitions Abroad." Professional and Business Women's Association of Alexandria, Va. November 27, 1973. 3olton-Smith, Robin. "Lilly Martin Spencer." Washington Women Art Profes- sionals. Washington, D.C. August 9, 1973. . "Miniatures in the National Collection of Fine Arts." Smithsonian Associates. December 3, 1973. . "Lilly Martin Spencer." Radio interview. Station WMAU, Washington, D.C. August 1973. 3ooth, Abigail. "Women and the Museum Profession." Wesleyan College, Macon, Ga. October 30, 1973. . "Bicentennial Inventory of American Painting." Gaithersburg (Md.) Branch, American Association of University Women. November 12, 1973. . "Bicentennial Inventory of American Painting." Washington Guild of Conservators. December 6, 1973. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 391 . "Bicentennial Inventory of American Painting." Bay Area Inventory Survey, Bohemian Club, San Francisco, Calif. March 26, 1974. -. "Bicentennial Inventory of American Painting." Rockville (Md.) Branch, American Association of University Women. May 11, 1974. Breeskin, Adelyn D. "Women in the Arts." Akron College Club, Akron, Ohio. September 15, 1973. . Judge. "The 1973 Maryland Open Art Shovy?." Maryland School of Art and Design, Silver Spring, Md. October 29, 1973. "Roots of Modernism in Painting and Sculpture." Abilene Fine Arts Museum, Abilene, Tex. November 16, 1973. "Mary Cassatt." Northwood Experimental Art Institute, Dallas, Tex. November 16, 1973. "The Social Responsibility of Museums and of Artists." Northern Vir- ginia Fine Arts Association, Alexandria, Va. March 26, 1974. . "The National Collection of Fine Arts." Guild of our Friends of Art from the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Mo. National Collection of Fine Arts. April 18, 1974. "Mark Tobey." Smithsonian Associates, June 12, 1974. Cogswell, Margaret. "International Art Exhibitions." Junior Officer Trainees, United States Information Agency. November 23, 1973. . "The Organization and Preparation of Traveling Exhibitions." Massa- chusetts College of Art, Boston. March 29, 1974. Fink, Eleanor E. "Visual Documentation Activities: 62nd Annual Meeting of the College Art Association of America, Detroit, January 1974." ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) Washington-Baltimore Chapter, Washington, D.C. February 14, 1974. Fink, Lois. "Image of Innocence: The Child in Nineteenth Century Art." Bir- mingham Museum of Art, Ala. December 12, 1973. . "The Quality of Sentiment: Women, Children, Blacks, Dumb Animals and Christ in Nineteenth Century Art." Georgetown University Department of Fine Arts. Washington, D.C. January-May 1974. ■ . "The American Renaissance: Art in the United States ca 1870 to 1913." Smithsonian Associates Class, winter 1974. "American Taste and Patronage at Mid-Century as Reflected in the Grand Salon of the Renwick Gallery." Lecture to graduate seminar. "Mate- rial Aspects of American Civilization," George Washington University/ University of Maryland. National Portrait Gallery. October 18, 1973. "Late 19th-century American Art: Cosmopolitan Tastes and the Gen- teel Tradition." Sponsored jointly by the National Collection and the Uni- versity of Delaware. April 19, 1973. Flint, Janet. Juror. Philadelphia Print Club Exhibition. Philadelphia, Pa. . "Print Collection of the National Collection of Fine Arts." Washington Print Club. . "Collecting Prints and Posters." Smithsonian Associates. . "History of Printmaking in the United States." American University, Washington, D.C. Spring 1974. Gordon, Margery. "The Smithsonian and the Schools." Fairfax (Va.) County Schools. March 1974. • . "Elementary Art Education." Teachers' workshop. Association of Child- hood Education International, National Collection of Fine Arts. April 1974. Grana, Teresa. "Innovative High" School Programs." Rockefeller Foundation, San Francisco, Calif. November 1973. . "Portfolio Day." National Association of Schools of Art, Parsons School of Design, New York, N.Y. April 1974. 392 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Herman, Lloyd E. Judge. "Winter Park (Fla.) Sidewalk Art Festival." January and March 1974. . Juror. "North American Goldsmiths Competition." Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, Minn. March 10-12, 1974. . Guest speaker. Raleigh (N.C.) Fine Arts Society. November 1973. "Furniture Options for the Twentieth Century." Smithsonian Associ- ates. Renwick Gallery. Hopps, Walter. "Joseph Cornell: His Visual Poetics." National Collection of Fine Arts. February 1974. . Judge. "Tenth Monroe National Annual Art Exhibition." Masur Mu- seum of Art, Monroe, La. October 13, 1973. Kaneshiro, Allan K. "Etching Et Al." Smithsonian Associates. Spring 1974. . "The Saturday Painter." Smithsonian Associates. Spring 1974. Martin, Edith L Judge. "Summer Media Workshop." High School Students' Photography Contest. 1974. McClelland, Donald R. Juror. Anne Arundel County (Md.) Fair. September 12, 1973. . Juror. "Department of Defense Show." March 26, 1974. . Foreword to Watercolor, by Arthur N. Starin. The Tweed Museum of Art, University of Minnesota, Duluth. August 8, 1973. 'American Painting at the Turn of the Twentieth Century." "Mid-Nine- teenth Century Architecture." Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, Sep- tember 20-21, 1973. 'Introduction and Comments on a Tour of Russia." Graduate School, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. October 10, 1973. 'Development of the Arts and Architecture in Maryland in the Eight- eenth Century." University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, Md. April 26, 1974. Monroe, Michael W. Judge. High School Students' Design Contest, D.C. Bicen- tennial, Washington, D.C. February 1974. . "The Goldsmith Exhibition." The Society of North American Gold- smiths Conference, Renwick Gallery. Muhlert, Jan K. "Collectors and Collections: The National Collection of Fine Arts." National Collection of Fine Arts. October 30, 1973. . "Joseph Cornell." National League of American Pen Women, Alexan- dria, Va. January 4, 1974. "Women Artists: History/Conditions/Aspirations." National Collec- tion of Fine Arts. January 24, 1974. Judge. "The Washington Post Recreation Association Second Annual Arts, Crafts, and Photography Show." Washington, D.C. October 19, 1973. -. Judge. "Vienna Society of Artists: Fourth Annual Juried Show." Vienna, Va. November 16, 1973. Judge. "Resident Smithsonian Associate Program Photography Con- test." February 2, 1974. Judge. "Winter Haven Sunshine Art Festival." Winter Haven, Fla. March 29-30, 1974. Myette, Ellen M. "History and Restoration of the Renwick Gallery." Corcoran Luncheon Series. Renwick Gallery. October 17, 1973. . "Renwick Gallery." Talk and tour for members of the International Club. Panzer, Nora. "Docent Training." Northeast Regional Conference, American Association of Museums, Washington, D.C. Taylor, Joshua C. "Degas and the Photographic Melancholy." National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. October 14, 1973. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 393 . "The Lost Art or What Happened in the Grove?" University of Chicago. November 12, 1973. "The Present and Futurism." Soloman R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City. November 20, 1973. "American Art, Past and Present." International Club of Washington, D.C. January 31, 1974. . "Art of the Pacific Northwest." National Collection of Fine Arts. Febru- ary 28, 1974. "Religious Impulse in American Art." Baylor Unversity, Waco, Tex. April 16, 1974. . "Where Is Art?" Trinity University, San Antonio, Tex. April 18, 1974. -. "Cubism and Futurism." Art Institute of Chicago. April 21, 1974. Walker, William B. "The (Library of Congress) N Classification: How the Fourth Edition Works." Second Annual Conference, Art Libraries Society of North America, Detroit, Mich. January 22, 1974. . "Art Research Facilities in Washington: the NCFA/NPG Library." Dis- trict of Columbia Library Association, NCFA/NPG Library. February 20, 1974. "Library Materials for Research on American Prints." Panel presenta- tion. Washington Print Club, National Collection of Fine Arts. February 24, 1974. (A special exhibition of books and catalogs on print collecting and re- search on prints was prepared for the program.) NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS Battison, Edwin A., and Patricia Kane, American Clocks, 1725-1865. 207 pages. New York Graphic Society, 1973. Boorstin, Daniel J. Democracy and Its Discontents: Reflections on Everyday America. 136 pages. New York: Random House, 1974. Berkebile, Donald H., with Smith Hempstone Oliver. Wheels and Wheeling, The Smithsonian Cycle Collection. 104 pages. Smithsonian Studies in History, and Technology, number 24, 1974. Chapelle, Howard I. History of the American Fishing Schooners. 690 pages. New York : W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1973. Cooper, Grace R. Thirteen-Star Flags — Keys to Identification. 16 pages. Wash- ington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1973. Davis, Audrey B. The Circulation of the Blood and Medical Chemistry in Eng- land, 1650-1680. 263 pages. Kansas: Coronado Press, 1973. • . A Bibliography on Women in Science and Society. 50 pages. New York: Science History Publishers, June 1974. Hamarneh, Sami K. Origins of Pharmacy and Therapy in the Near East, xiii + 176 pages. Tokyo, Japan: The Naito Foundation, 1973. . Al-Biruni's Book on Pharmacy and Materia Medica, Introduction, Com- mentary, and Evaluation. 152 pages. Karachi, Pakistan: Hamdard National Foundation, 1973. The Physician, Therapist and Surgeon Ihn al-Quff. 199 pages English text + 27 pages Arabic text. Cairo: Atlas Press, 1974. Jackson, Melvin H., and Charles DeBeer. 18th Century Gunfounding. England: Newton Abbey, May 1974. Marzio, Peter C. Rube Goldberg: His Life and Work. 322 pages. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. Post, Robert C. [chief researcher]. Los Angeles and Its Environs in the Twentieth ! Century: A Bibliography of a Metropolis, 518 pages. Los Angeles: The Ward Ritchie Press, 1973. 394 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Schlebecker, John T., Jr. The Use of the Land. 218 pages. Kansas: Coronado Press, 1973. Vogel, Robert M. (editor). A Report of the Mohawk-Hudson Area Survey. Smithsonian Studies in History & Technology, number 26, 210 pages, 414 illustrations, 1973. White, John H., Jr. Horse Cars, Cable Cars and Omnibuses, xxxiv + 107 pages. New York: Dover Publications, 1974. ARTICLES, PAPERS, AND RECORDS Adrosko, Rita J. Introduction to a reprint of The Dyer's Companion by Elijah Bemiss. New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 1973. Ahlbom, Richard Eighme. "Peter Glass, a Maker of American Marquetry." Antiques, CIV, number 6 (December 1973), pages 1096-1100, 10 illustrations. Battison, Edwin A. "A New Look at the Whitney Milling Machine." Technology and Culture, volume 14, number 4 (October 1973). Boorstin, Daniel J. "A Design for an Anytime, Do-It- Yourself, Energy-Free Communication Device." Harper's Magazine, pages 83-86, January 1974. . "1984 minus 10." Symposium on the future of museums. Museum News, pages 49-50, June 1974. 'Watergate as 'Cult of Personality.' " Congressional Quarterly, News and National Report, July 6, 1973. Bruns, Franklin R., Jr. "Sweden's Royal Regalia." The 5. P. A. Journal, volume 35, number 12 (August 1973), pages 748-751, 1 illustration. . "Milwaukee Postal History and The Smithsonian." Program for MIL- COPEX 74/75th anniversary stamp exhibition, Milwaukee Philatelic Society, pages 32-34 (2 illustrations). Stamp (and coin) weekly syndicated columns, July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974, in the: Washington Post, Washington, D.C.; Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pa.; Post, Denver, Colo.; Times, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Democrat-Chronicle, Rochester, N.Y.; Post-Standard, Syracuse, N.Y.; Star Ledger, Newark, N.J.; and Patriot- News, Harrisburg, Pa. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. "L'evoluzione artistica della medaglia americana." Me- daglia, Milan, number 5 (1973), pages 87-99, illustrated. with Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli. Medals Commemorating Battles of the American Revolution, 44 pages. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution, 1973. Reprinted by the United States Mint, Washington, D.C, 1974. co-editor. A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1966-1971, volume III. New York: International Numismatic Commission, 1973. "United States of America," pages 340-349 in A Survey of Numismatic Research, 1966-1971. New York, 1973. 'Why and How to Collect Ancient Coins." The M.A.N.A. Journal, num- ber 2 (1973), pages 4-8. Davis, Audrey B. Triumph Over Disability: The Development of Rehabilitation Medicine in the U.S.A. Smithsonian Institution Press, October 1973, 49 pages. Davis, Audrey B., and Jon Eklund. "The Contributions of British Medicine to i American Medicine in the 18th Century." Proceedings of the 23rd Interna- tional Congress of History of Medicine, London, September 1972. Davis, Aubrey B., and Uta C. Merzbach. "Graphic Recording in Psychology: The I Kymograph." American Psychology Association, Washington, D.C, pages 1-6, 1972. Fesperman, John T. "Nantucket's Two Musical Treasures." 8 pages, 4 illustra- tions [brochure describing two organs made in 1831 that are still in use]. Nan- tucket, Massachusetts: Second Congregational Meeting House Society, 1974. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 395 Finn, Bernard S. Submarine Telegraphy: The Grand Victoria Technology. 48 pages. London: Science Museum, 1973. Forman, Paul. "Scientific Internationalism and the Weimar Physicists: The Ide- ology and Its Manipulation in Germany after World War I." ISIS, volume 64 (1973), pages 131-180. . "Financial Support and Political Alignment of the Physicists in Weimar Germany." Minerva, volume 12 (1974), pages 39-66. Hamameh, Sami K. "Some Aspects of Medical Practice and Institutions in Medieval Islam." Episteme, volume 7 (1973), pages 15-31, 5 figures. . "Pharmacy in Islam from the Eighth Through the Thirteenth Century." Radovi sa odrzanog prigodom proslave 700 obljetnice spomena Ijekarne u Trogiru. Zagreb (1973), pages 165-172. "Ecology and Therapeutics in Medieval Arabic Medicine." Sudhoffs Archiv, volume 57 (1973). Harris, Elizabeth M. "The American Common Press: The Restoration of a Wooden Press in the Smithsonian Institution." Journal of the Printing His- torical Society, volume 8 (1972), pages 42-52. . Chaim Goldberg's Shtetl. Exhibition guide. Hall of Graphic Arts. Smith- sonian Institution Press, 1973. Harris, Elizabeth M., Peter Marzio, and James Spears. The Anatomy of A Gallop. Exhibition guide, 4 pages. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1973. Hebert, Raymond J. "Concerning Tenth to Twelfth Century Byzantine Folles." The Numismatic Circular, volume 82, number 3 (March 1974), pages 94-96; volume 82, number 4 (April 197 A), pages 140-141; volume 82, number 5 (May 1974), pages 189-190. . "Countermarked Medieval Islamic Coins." The Numismatist, volume 87, number 5 (May 1974), pages 856-861. Hindle, Brooke. "The Transfer of Power and Metallurgical Technologies to the United States, 1800-1880." Colloques Internationaux CNRS; No. 538-L' Acqui- sition des Techniques par les Pays Non-Iniaterus, pages 407-428. Paris: 1973. . "Shattered Dreams and Unexpected Accomplishment." Pages 422-435 in James Kirby Martin, editor. Interpreting Colonial America, New York, 1973. "A Bridge: The History of Technology." Pages 24-32 in Philip C. Ritter- bush, editor. Technology As Institutionally Related to Human Values, Wash- ington, D.C, 1974. HoIIis, Helen R. "Jonas Chickering: Father of American Pianoforte-Making," Antiques, August 1973. . Pianos at the Smithsonian Institution. 47 pages, 23 figures. Smithson- ian Institution Press, 1973. Lundeberg, Philip K. "The Museum Perspective." Military Affairs, volume 36 (1973), pages 153-154; volume 38 (1974), pages 29-30. . "The Challenge of the Museum Dimension," Military Affairs, volume 36 (1973), pages 105-107. "Annual [Presidential] Report to the American Military Institute." Mi7z- tary Affairs, volume 37 (1973), pages 101-102. Marzio, Peter C. The Men and Machines of American Journalism, Exhibition Guide, 144 pages. Smithsonian Institution, 1973. Marzio, Peter C, Elizabeth Harris, James Spears, The Anatomy of a Gallop, Exhibition Guide, 4 pages. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1973. Marzio, Peter C, Stanley Nelson, James Spears. Prang's American Chromos, Exhibition Guide, 4 pages. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1973. Mayr, Otto. "Automatenlegenden in der Spatrenaissance." Technikgeschichte 41 (1974), pages 20-32. 396 / Smithsonian Year 1974 I Multhauf, Robert P. "Some Observations on the State of the History of Tech- nology." Technology and Culture, volume 15 (1974), pages 1-12. ■ . "The discovery of borax." Proceedings of the 13th International Con- gress of the History of Science (Moscow), Moscow, 1974. Norby, Reidar. "Norway: Posthorn Stamp Printings, 1893-1909." Scandinavian Scribe, volume 9, number 6 [June 1973], pages 92-97. (Translation and arrange- ment from Norwegian original.) . "The N. H. Gum Scheme Still Rampant." Scandinavian Scribe, volume 10, number 4 (April 1974), pages 51-52. "Scandinavian Varieties." [A series.] Scandinavian Scribe, volume 9 (1973), page 98, and volume 10 (1974), pages 11, 27, 46, 77. -. "The Scandinavian Stamp Lexicon." Scandinavian Scribe, volume 10, numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 (1974), pages 37-44, 55-58, 71-74, 87-90. Ostroff, Eugene S. "Presentation of Photographs." Museum News, pages 42-45, May 1974. Post, Robert C, and Carol Ann Poh. Sites Associated with Social and Humani- tarian Movements in America. 229 pages. Washington: National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings (National Park Service), 1974. . "Electromagnetism as a Motive Power: Robert Davidson's Galvani of 1842." Railroad History, number 130 (spring 1974), pages 5-52. Signers of the Constitution: The Middle Atlantic and New England States. 75 pages. Washington: National Survey of Historic Sites and Build- ings (National Park Service), 1973. Roney, Ellen E. "Postmaster General Osgood's Report: The State of the Post Office in 1790." Postal History Journal, volume 18, number 36 (January 1974), pages 41-43. Scheele, Carl H. "Finding the Smithsonian's Country Store Post Office." Postal Inspection Service Bulletin, fall 1975, pages 16-19. Turner, Craig J. "The Postmaster General's Postage Stamp — Part VI — 1873 Ninety Cent Officials." The S.P.A. Journal, volume 35, number 11 (July 1973), pages 665-668, 3 illustrations. . "The Postmaster General's Postage Stamp — Part VII — 1890 Ninety Cent Orange." The S.P.A. Journal, volume 35, number 12 (August 1973), pages 692-696, 2 illustrations and 1 table. -. "The Official Imitations of the U.S. 1847 Issue." The S.P.A. Journal, volume 36, number 5 (January 1974), pages 567-572, 4 illustrations. 'Cyrus Durand — Inventive Genius." The S.P.A. Journal, volume 36, number 10 (June 1974), pages 593-605, 11 illustrations. Walker, Paul E. "A Byzantine Victory Over the Fatimids at Alexandretta (971)." Byzantion XLII (1972), 1974, pages 431-440. (Not previously reported.) Warner, Deborah J. "The Landscape Mirror and Glass." Antiques (January 1974), pages 158-159. Watkins, C. Malcolm. "Ceramics Used in America: Comparisons." Ceramics in America (Winterthur Conference Report, 1972, pages 191-196. Charlottes- ville: University Press of Virginia, 1973. Weaver, James M. (Recording, with Sonya Monosoff, violin; Judith Davidoff, viola da gamba.) Twelve Sonatas, Opus 5, for Violin and Continuo by Arc- angelo Corelli using a copy of the Ridolfi harpsichord in the Smithsonian collections. New York: Musical Heritage Society, Inc., 1973 (3 discs). . (Recording, with Catharina Meints and James Caldwell.) Suite for Viola da Camba and Basso Continuo by Marin Marais. Cambridge Records, 1974. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 397 White, John H., Jr. "The Railroad Reaches California: Men, Machines, and Cultural Migration." California Historical Quarterly, volume LII, number 2 (summer 1973), pages 131-144. . "Americans Single Locomotives and the 'Pioneer.' " Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology, number 25 (1973), 50 pages, 53 figures. 'The Railway Museum: Past, Present and Future." Technology and Culture, October 1973, pages 599-613. "Richmond Locomotive Builders." Railroad History, number 130 (spring 1974), pages 68-88. . "No Class." Trains, page 58, April 1974. LECTURES, SYMPOSIA, REPORTS, AND CONFERENCES Adrosko, Rita J. "An Introduction to Household Textiles Used in America.' Columbia University, New York, March 5, 1974. Battison, Edwin A. Patents, Productivity, and Prosperity. Sigma XI Engineering Society of Calspan, Buffalo, New York, May 1973. . "The Ascutney Gravity-Arch Mill Dam at Windsor, Vermont, of 1-834." Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial Archeology, April 1974. Bedini, Silvio A. "Oriental Concepts of the Measure of Time (The Role of the Mechanical Clock in Japan and China)." Lecture (presented in absentia). The Second World Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time. Tokyo, Japan, July 1973. . "Thomas Jefferson and His Writing Devices." Annual meeting of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 8, 1973. Boorstin, Daniel J. "How Opinion Went Public." Ohio State University, Colum- bus, Ohio, August 31, 1973. . Dedication of Bierce Library, University of Akron, Ohio, September 19, 1973. "Political Revolution and Revolutions in Science and Technology. American Enterprise Institute Lecture Series: The Bicentennial of the United States of America. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., October 9, 1973. "Bill Moyers Journal." Interview on the work of the historian for Public Educational Television. WETA, Washington, D.C., December 12, 1973. "Some Possibilities in the Study of Civilization." Meeting of Indo- American Scholars, New Delhi, India, January 7-11, 1974. -. "Technology and Democracy." American University Center, Calcutta, India, January 15, 1974. -. "Lawyers and Outlaws in American Life." Sind Muslim Law College, Karachi, Pakistan, January 17, 1974. . "American Civilization at the Crossroads." American Center Audito- rium, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, January 18, 1974. "The Development of American Law." Bar Association of the Supreme Court, Lahore, Pakistan, January 21, 1974. Opening address to Conference on Technology Transfer, Lahore, Pak- istan, January 22, 1974. -. "In Search of the Common Experience." Graduate Institute of Interna- tional Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, February 6, 1974. -. "George Washington : His Life and Afterlife." American Embassy, Dub- lin, Ireland, February 22, 1974. -. "American Democracy and the American Language." Menningarstof- nun Bandarikjanna, Reykjavik, Iceland, March 13, 1974. 398 / Smithsonian Year 1974 . "Enlarging the Historical Experience." Faculty of Letters, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, March 14, 1974. "Technology and Democracy." University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Ice- land, March 15, 1974. "The Uses of History." "Triple I": Three Illinois educational associ- ations (Curriculum Development, School of Libraries, and Audiovisual Aids), Chicago, Illinois, April 4, 1974. "The Historian and the Perils of Prophecy." Towson State College, Bal- timore, Maryland, April 25, 1974. . "What Historians Don't Write About." Town Hall of California, Los Angeles, California, May 7, 1974. -. "The Great Negative Explorers." University of California, Los Angeles, California, May 8, 1974. "The Historian and the Social Scientist." Rhode Island College, Provi- dence, Rhode Island, June 7, 1974. Cannon, Walter F. "A Slab for Darwin." Victorian Counter-Culture Conference, University of South Florida, February 28, 1974. . "Geologists and the Physics of the Solid Earth in the 19th Century." Hunt Foundation Workshop, Carnegie-Mellon University, March 16, 1974. Coffee, Barbara J. "Abigail Smith Adams and Abigail Adams Smith." Colonial Dames of America, New York, N.Y., October 1, 1973. . "National Trust Conservation Seminar." National Trust for Historic Preservation, February 11, 1974. Collins, Herbert R. "Abraham Lincoln, Sketch of His Complete Life." The Washington Club, Washington, D.C., June 14, 1973. . "Political Campaign Collection at the Smithsonian Institution." Ameri- can Political Items Collection's Meeting, Lancaster, Pa., August 18, 1973. "Transportation of the American Presidents." Ginter Park Woman's Club, Richmond, Va., March 6, 1974. Cooper, Grace R. "American Textiles: The American Scene, 1812-1865." Mid- west Antiques Forum on Technology and the Decorative Arts, Henry Ford Museum, October 9, 1973. Davis, Audrey B. "The Blood and Its Instruments." National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Md., January 25, 1974. . "Triumphing Over Disability." Rehabilitation Medicine Film and Lec- ture Series, National Museum of History and Technology, February 15, 1974. -. "Technology and the Blind, A History." Rehabilitation Medicine Film and Lecture Series, National Museum of History and Technology, April 5, 1974. "A History of the Handicapped." Rehabilitation Medicine Film and Lec- ture Series, National Museum of History and Technology, June 14, 1974. Davis, Audrey B., Uta C. Merzbach, and Michael M. Sokal. "Toward A National Inventory of Historic Psychological Apparatus." Sixth Annual Meeting of CHEIRON, The International Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Durham, N.H., June 1, 1974. Dirks, Katherine. "The Wet-Cleaning af Antique Cotton, Linen and Wool." Tape, script, and slide show in cooperation with the Office of Museum Pro- grams, 1974. Eklund, Jon. "Ethics and Human Fallibility in Science." Physical Sciences Hon- ors Seminar, State University College at Oneanta, N.Y., February 12, 1974. . "The Humanities of Science, Past and Present." Hartwick College, One- onta, N.Y., March 21, 1974, Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 399 I Finn, Bernard S. "The American Pacific Telegraph Cable: Seventy years after." Society for the History of Technology meeting, San Francisco, Calif., Decem- ber 27, 1973. Forman, Paul. "Design and Construction of Physical Laboratories in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries." Department of the History of Science, Johns Hopkins University, January 30, 1974. Gardner, Paul V. "Frederick Carder, an English Glass Maker in America." Eng- lish Glass Circle, London, England, June 21, 1973. . "The Glass of Frederick Carder." Mint Museum, Charlotte, N.C., April 5, 1974. Goins, Craddock R., Jr. "The Preservation and Display of Firearms." United States Army Museum Conference, Fort Sheridan, 111., May 1974. . "Development of Breech-Loading Firearms in America During the First Half of the 18th Century." Annual Meeting of American Society of Arms Collectors, Atlanta, Ga., April 1974. Golovin, Anne C. "Material Aspects of American Culture: Domestic Furnish- • ings." George Washington University Graduate Seminar, Smithsonian, Wash- ington, D.C., October 1973. Haberstich, David. "Focus on the Smithsonian History of Photography Collec- tion." The Maryland Institute, College of Art, Baltimore, Md., April 27, 1974. Hamarneh, Sami K. "Herbal Medicine." WGTS-FM Radio, Washington, D.C., August 22, 1973. . "Al-Biruni's Contribution to Medical Botany and Therapy." Depart- ment of Anatomy and the History of Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, November 13, 1973. "Origins of the Profession and Practice of Pharmacy." Hamdard Col lege of Pharmacy, New Delhi, India, November 17, 1973. . "India's Contribution to Arabic Medical Education and Practice." Ghalib Academy of the Institute of Islamic Studies, Delhi, India, November 20, 1973. -. "Al-Biruni, Father of Arabic Pharmacy and Marine Biology." Millenary International Conference on al-Biruni, Islamabad, Pakistan, December 9, 1973. Tbn al-Quff from al-Katak to Damascus." International Conference on Bilad al-Sham (Syria), University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, April 24, 1974. "Arabic Pharmacy to the Time of al-Biruni." College of Pharmacy, University of Cairo, Egypt, May 1974 Harris, Michael R. "Collecting of American Pharmaceutical Antiques." Inter- national History of Pharmacy Meetings, Boston, Mass., July 22, 1973. . "Medical Theories in 19th Century Patent Medicine Literature." 19th i Century American Medicine Class, Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of t Medicine, Baltimore, Md., March 1974. Hindle, Brooke. "Perceived and Perceivable Ways of Technology in Ante- Bellum America." American Historical Association, San Francisco, December ; 28, 1973 . "The Art, Science, and Telegraph of Samuel F. B. Morse." Institute of ( Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, D.C., June 18, 1974. Hoffman, Howard P. "The Continental Gondola Philadelphia." With Philip K Lundeberg. Annual Meeting of the Nautical Research Guild at the Maryland i Historical Society, Baltimore, Md., August 5, 1973. . "Time Capsule 1776: The Continental Gondola Philadelphia." With Philip K. Lundeberg. Annual Meeting of the Organization of Military Mu- seums of Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 24, 1973, and Annual Meeting of the Company of Military Historians, May 4, 1974. 400 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Hoffman, John N. "The 19th Century Technology of the Anthracite Industry." University of Delaware Fellowship Program, Eleutherian Mills Historical Library, August 16, 1973. Hollis, Helen R. "Musical Instruments in Works of Art at the National Gal- lery." National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., December 1973. . "Predecessors of the Piano" and "The Piano from 1700." Technicians Guild in the National Museum of History and Technology, April 1974. Hoover, Cynthia A. "Instruments and Instrumentalists." Chairman of Session at national meetings of the American Musicological Society, Chicago, Novem- ber 1973. . "Criticism of Published Documentary Sound Recordings: A Symposium on the Theoretical and Practical Problems." Annual conference of the Associ- ation for Recorded Sound Collections, Philadelphia, March 1974. Jackson, Everett A. "17th and 18th Century Dentistry in America." American Dental Association — Mid Eastern Region, Harrisburg, Pa., April 1974. . "17th and 18th Century Dentistry in America." American Dental Asso- ciation — Eastern Region Periodontist Society, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., April 1974. "Medicine and Dentistry in the Smithsonian." Ross County Historical Society, Chillicothe, Ohio, June 1974. Klapthor, Margaret B. "Dresses of the First Ladies of The White House." Fred- erick County Historical Society, Frederick, Md., September 18, 1973. . "Dolley Madison Was Born Here." Dedication of the Dolley Madison Birthplace Memorial, Greensboro, N.C., May 20, 1974. Leckie, Doris. "The Evolution of Cupping Instruments." University of Virginia Medical History Society, Charlottesville, Va., September 26, 1973. . "The Evolution of Cupping Instruments." Georgetown University Surgi- cal Residents Grand Rounds, Washington, D.C., December 15, 1973. 'Cupping — A Technique of Bloodletting from Antiquity to the Twen- tieth Century." Man and Medicine Series, Hammelforth Health Sciences Li- brary, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., May 8, 1974. Langley, Harold D. "Frontiers of Naval History." President and Regents of the Daughters of the American Revolution. National Museum of History and Technology, October 10, 1973. . "The Early History of Military Aviation." Air Force ROTC cadets of Georgetown and Catholic Universities. The Catholic University of America, March 29, 1974. Lundeberg, Philip K. "Time Capsule 1776: The Continental Gondola Philadel- phia." With Howard P. Hoffman. Annual Meeting of the Organization of Military Museums of Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, September 24, 1973, and Annual Meeting of the Company of Military Historians, May 4, 1974. . "The Continental Gondola Philadelphia." With Howard P. Hoffman. Annual Meeting of the Nautical Research Guild at the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md., August 5, 1973. "The Rationale for a North American Society for Oceanic History.' Second Annual Symposium on Maritime History at the University of Maine (Orono), October 7, 1973. "The Enigma of Samuel Colt's Submarine Battery." Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Technology, San Francisco, Calif., December 29, 1973. 'Documenting a National Treasure: The Continental Gondola Phila- delphia." Fort Concho Museum, San Angelo, Tex., April 15, 1974. "Samuel Colt and His Submarine Battery." Connecticut Historical So- ciety, Hartford, Conn., May 7, 1974. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 401 Mayr, Otto. "The Origins of the Clockwork Metaphor in 17th Century Philoso- phy." Annual meeting of the Society for History of Technology, San Fran- cisco, Calif., December 27, 1973. . "Zur Geschichte des Uhren gleichnisses." Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany, May 27, 1974, and Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt, Germany, May 31, 1974. "Das Problem der Zeit und der Zeitmessung in der Physik und Philoso- phic der Neuzeit." University of Regensburg, Regensburg, West Germany, May 29, 1974. j Miller, J. Jefferson, II. "Pottery and Porcelain in the American Home, 1700- , 1900." Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, October 2, 1973. ^ . "European Porcelain of the 18th Century." Maryland Historical Society, April 16, 1974. Myers, Susan H. "The Community and Architecture of Capitol Hill, 1870-1900." George Washington University Graduate Seminar, Smithsonian, Washington, , D.C., September 1973. . "Capitol Hill 1870-1900: The People and Their Homes." First Annual; Conference on Washington, D.C., Historical Studies, Washington, D.C., Jan- uary 1974. "Domestic Architecture on Capitol Hill, 1870-1900." Capitol Hill Res- toration Society, May 1974. Norby, Reidar. "Smithsonian's Role in Philately. International Stamp Exposi- tion and Convention, San Francisco, December 1973. Odell, J. Scott. "Cleaners, Polishes, and Protective Coatings for Brass Musical Instruments." Restorer's Symposium, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Niim- berg, Germany, May 1974. Ostroff, Eugene S. "Preservation of Photographs." Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, Ariz., October 23, 1973. . "Old Themes, New Faces." Photographic Historical Society of Roches- ter, N.Y., February 20, 1974. "New Techniques in Conserving Old Photographs." The Royal Photo- graphic Society, London, March 16, 1974. 'New Approaches to Museum Display." The Royal Photographic So- ciety, Historical Group, London, March 20, 1974. 'Photographic Preservation: Modern Techniques." The Royal Photo- graphic Society, London, March 1974. Post, Robert C. "Robert Davidson's Galvani of 1842: A Note on the Sources of Invention." School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Min- neapolis, March 5, 1974. . "Historical Case Studies in Technological Innovation." Seventeenth Annual Missouri Valley Historical Conference, Omaha, Nebr., March 7, 1974. Roth, Rodris. "Furnishing the Victorian House, 1840-1850." Annual Meeting of The Victorian Society in America, Philadelphia, Pa., March 30, 1974. . "An American Celebration: The 1876 Centennial." The Board of Direc- tors Meeting of Kenmore, Fredericksburg, Va., May 7, 1974. Scheele, Carl H. "Design and Production of the Federal Migratory Bird Hunt- ing Stamps." Amarillo Art Center, Amarillo, Texas, December 1973, and The National Museum of History and Technology, Washington, D.C., February 1974. Schlebecker, John T., Jr. "Stockmen and Drovers during the Revolution." Pio- neer American Society, Charlottesville, Va., November 10, 1973. . "Use of Objects in Historical Research." Theta Beta Chapter, Towson State College, Baltimore, Maryland, April 20, 1974. 402 / Smithsonian Year 1974 . "Keeping the Record: Historical Objects." Symposium on Agriculture, University of California at Davis, Davis, Calif., June 19, 1974. Vogel, Robert M. "Industrial Preservation in the U.S. and England." Coopers- town seminar and general public, Cooperstown, N.Y., July 1973. . "Building in the Age of Steam." (The development to 1860 of powered construction machinery and equipment.) "Building Early America." Sympos- ium (the 250th Anniversary of the Carpenters' Company of the City and County of Philadelphia), Philadelphia, Pa., March 1974. Watkins, C. Malcolm. "What Good are the Artifacts After the Report is Writ- ten?" Society for Historical Archaeology, Berkeley, Calif., January 10, 1974. . "Ceramics in the 17th Century English Colonies." 1974 Winterthur Con- ference, Winterthur, Del., April 5, 1974. Weaver, James M. "Music at the Smithsonian." Baroque Music at Aston Magna, Great Barrington, Mass., June 1974. . "A Mozart Festival-Conference: Authenticity and Performance Prob- lems." Conference of the American Musicological Society in conjunction with the Mozart Festival, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., May 1974. STAFF LECTURES TO SMITHSONIAN ASSOCIATES Adrosko, Rita J. "Nineteenth Century Furnishing Fabrics." Decorative arts of the nineteenth century, July 24, 1973. Ahlbom, Richard E. "The Folk Arts of Spanish New Mexico." May 1974. Coffee, Barbara J. "First Ladies Hall." Christmas Weekend, December 8, 1973. Goins, Craddock R., Jr., "Technology in American Military History." Eight lec- tures, January-March 1974. Haberstich, David. "Contemporary Photographic Art," on "Photography as Art," December 19, 1973. Hindle, Brooke. "The Wooden Age in the National Museum of History and Technology." February 21, 1974. Klapthor, Margaret B. "The Image of the First Lady." August 27, 1973. Mayo, Edith P. "Women in Politics." April 16, 1974. Vann, Lois M. "Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English Textiles." English antiques, March 1974. ILLUSTRATED LECTURES FOR THE PUBLIC BY MEMBERS OF THE STAFF Alexander, Sheila. "American Ceramics from the National Collections (1880- 1915)." August 4,1973. Battison, Edwin A. "Patents, Productivity and Prosperity." February 5, 1974. Bruns, Franklin R., Jr. "Modern Philately." May 7, 1974. . "U.S. Postage Stamp Design (1847-1973)." September 8, 1973. Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira. "The History of Italy in its Coins (5th Century B.C. to the Present)." January 22, 1974. Clain-Stefanelli, Vladimir, "Crossroads in the Development of Money." August 18, 1973. Collins, Herbert R. "The Life of Lincoln." March 12, 1974. . "Carriages and Automobiles of the American Presidents." April 30, 1974. Davis, Audrey B. "From Natural History to Biology: The Growth of a Science." February 12, 1974. Haberstich, David E. "American Masters of Photography." June 11, 1974. . "New Images 1839-1973 : Reviving Early Photographic Processes." Octo- ber 20, 1973. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 403 Harris, Michael R. "American Patent Medicines, from 'Balsam of Life' to Mod- em Seltzer." August 25, 1973. . "One Is Good, Two Are Better — 19th Century Patent Medicines." April 2, 1974. Harris, Elizabeth M. "Rebuilding an Early American Printing Press in the Smithsonian." March 26, 1974. Hebert, Raymond J. "As Phony as a $3 Bill." May 28, 1974. Henson, William K. "Restoration of the Harlan and Hollingsworth Engine." February 26, 1974. Hoffman, Howard P. "Time Capsule 1776: The Continental Gondola Philadel- phia." July 3 and October 13, 1973. Hollis, Helen R. "Predecessors of the Piano." June 25, 1974. Jackson, Everett. "The Evolution of False Teeth." September 29, 1973. Kloster, Donald E. "Uniforms of the U.S. Army, 1832-1902." October 27, 1973. Leckie, Doris J. "The Medical Practice of Cupping: Antiquity to the 20th Cen- tury." September 22, 1973. Lundeberg, Philip K. "The Evolution of American Warship Construction." Sep- tember 15, 1973. . "Time Capsule 1776: The Continental Gondola Philadelphia." July 3 and October 13, 1973. Mayo, Edith P. "Women in Politics." February 19, 1974. Merzbach, Uta C. "Comets and Mathematics in History." January 15, 1974. . "Pascal and Technology." July 28, 1973. Miller, J. Jefferson, II. "American Pottery and Porcelain from Colonial Times to 1900." May 21, 1974. Multhauf, Robert P. "America's Wooden Age." May 14, 1974. Norby, Reidar. "New Zealand: A Nation's History in Postage Stamps." July 21, 1973. . "Smithsonian: Stamp Collectors' Mecca." October 6, 1973. Scale, William. "Style and Taste in Victorian Interiors." June 4, 1974. Scheele, Carl H. "Production and Design of Federal Duck Stamps." January 8, 1974. Sivowitch, Eliot N. "Musical Broadcasting in the Nineteenth Century." January 29, 1974. ^ Walker, Paul E. "Invention of Time." April 9, 1974. .) Warner, Deborah J. "Stars and Constellations." April 23, 1974. * OFFICE OF AMERICAN STUDIES Washburn, Wilcomb E. "The American Indian." The American Annual, 1974: Yearbook of the Encyclopedia Americana, 52nd edition, pages 63-69. New York: Grolier Incorporated, 1974. , editor. The American Indian and the United States: A Documentary History, 4 volumes, 3119 pages. New York: Random House, 1973. "James Adair's 'Noble Savages.' " Pages 91-120 in Lawrence H. Leder, ',, editor. The Colonial Legacy, volume III of Historians of Nature and Man's Nature. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. i MUSEUM PROGRAMS CONSERVATION-ANALYTICAL LABORATORY ' McMillan, E. "Notes on Paper." Bulletin, International Institute for Conserva- ■ tion — American Croup, volume 14, number 1 (1973), pages 75-77. 404 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Miller, B. A., and J. S. Olin "Analysis of French, English and Scottish Pewter Measures Using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis." Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, volume 14, number 2 (April 1974). Organ, R. M. [Review in] Studies in Conservation, volume 18 (1973), pages 189-194, of H. J. Plenderleith and A. E. Werner, The Conservation of Antiqui- ties and Works of Art, London, 1971. . "Examination of the Ardagh Chalice — A Case History," pages 238-271 in W. J. Young, editor. Application of Science in Examination of Works of Art. Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1973. Lectures and Seminars Organ, R. M., Presentation to Joint Hearings before the Special Sub-Committee on Arts and Humanities (Chairman Senator Pell) on S796 and S2137, July 19, 1973. . Presentation to Seminar held by New England Document Center, Os- good Hill, October 3, 1973. Conservation Orientation Series, #21-40, #61-80, October 18, 1973, through March 14, 1974. "The Philosophy of Conservation," AAM Seminar on Conservation, New York, January 28-29, 1974. Lecture on CAL to Underwater Archaeology Association (Group of Underwater Archaeologists), February 17, 1974. -. A Seminar at Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Gallery concerning the care in moving of objects being brought into the new building and un- packing, April 11, 1974. Lecture to Annual Meeting of AIC on "The National Conservation i Institute — A Personal Concept," May 30, 1974. 1 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES Goodwin, J. "Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1971)." Technology and Culture, volume 14 (1973), pages 175-286. Shank, R. "Books of Science." Science Year: The World Book Science Annual, \ 1974. Chicago: Field Enterprises (1973), pages 266-268. Olson, E., E. Warner, V. Pings, E. F. Sloan, and R. Orr. "Relative Use Patterns of Libraries Serving Medical School Populations," in R. Cheshire, editor. Information in the Health Sciences: Working to the Future. Cleveland: Case- Western Reserve University Press, 1973. Walker, W. "Some Notes on the N Classification." ARLIS Newsletter, volume 2, number 3 (April 1974), pages 33-34. LECTURES Goodwin, J. "The History of the Library of Congress and Its Buildings." At the Library of Congress to the Arlington (Va.) Senior Citizens Club, November 14, 1973. Shank, R. with Madeline Henderson (National Bureau of Standards). Com- puters and Networks in Federal Libraries." American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, Feb- ruary 26, 1974. PUBLIC SERVICE DIVISION OF PERFORMING ARTS "Williams, Martin. The Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz (book of jazz history and annotations to the recordings collection). Smithsonian Institu- tion, 1973. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 405 . "Tales of Tarzan and More" (a review of five periodicals devoted to Edgar Rice Burroughs). Washington Post. January 5, 1974. "Happy Birthday to the Duke" (an appreciation on Ellington). Wash- ington Star-News, April 28, 1974. "Continental Comics" (a review of four adventures of Herge's Tin Tin). Washington Post Book World, May 19, 1974. "On Monsters, Pilots, Tarzan and other Superheros" (a review of The Comic Book book). Washington Post, June 8, 1974. "Some Remarks on Johnny Gruelle and Raggedy Ann" in Children's Literature: The Great Excluded, volume 3. Storrs: University of Connecticut, 1974. , "Pitchin' Boggie" (record annotations). Milestone MSP 2018. . "Ornette Coleman: Twins" (record annotations). Atlantic LP 1588. The Modern Jazz Quartet: Plastic Dreams" (record annotations). Atlantic LP 1589. . "The Art of John Coltrane" (record annotations). Atlantic LP SD2-313. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, INC. How to Organize an Effective Program: A RIF Handbook (in looseleaf form, organized in eight sections), copyright 1974. RIF Newsletter, volume 3, issue 3 (September 1973), 12 pages; volume 4, issue 1 (January 1974), 12 pages. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Edelstein, J. M. Wallace Stevens: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh: Uni- versity of Pittsburgh Press, 1974. . "Petrarch: Honored as Europe's First Truly Modern Man." Smithsonian/, volume 5, number 1 (April 1974). . "The Poet as Reader: Wallace Stevens and His Books." The Book Collector, London, volume 23, number 1 (Spring 1974). [Review] German Book Illustration of the Gothic Period and Early Renaissance (1460-1530) by Richard Muther. The Papers of the BibliO' graphical Society of America, volume 68, number 1 (January-March 1974). News, Notes, and Queries Editor of The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. Feller, Robert L. "Thermochemically Activated Oxidation: Mother Nature's Book Burning." P.L.A. Bulletin (Pennsylvania Library Association), Novem- ber 1973, pages 232-242. . "Rubens's The Gerbier Family: Technical Examination of the Pigments \ and Paint Layers." Pages 54-74 in 1973 Studies in the History of Art. Wash- ington: National Gallery of Art, 1973. 'Induction Time and the Autoxidation of Organic Compounds." Bulle- tin of the American Institute for Conservation, volume 14, number 2 (1974), pages 142-151. Keisch, Bernard. "A Detector for Efficient Backscatter Mossbauer Effect Spec- troscopy." Nuclear Instruments and Methods, volume 104 (1972), page 237. Keisch, B., and R. C. Callahan. "Rubens's The Gerbier Family: Investigation by Lead Isotype Mass Spectrometry." Pages 25-78 in 2972 Studies in the History of Art. Washington: National Gallery of Art, 1973. Lewis, Douglas. "La datazione della Villa Corner a Piombino Dese." Bolletino del C.I.S.A. Vicenza, volume 14 (1972), pages 381-393. i 406 / Smithsonian Year 1974 . [Review] Carlo Maderno and Roman Architecture 1580-1630 by Howard Hibbard. Art Journal, volume 32, number 3 (1973), pages 356-364. -. "Una decina di documenti del Longhena." Arte Veneta, volume 27 (1973). [Review] Baldassare Longhena, by Giuseppe Cristinelli. Arte Veneta, volume 27 (1973). Parkhurst, Charles. "Camillo Leonardi and the Green-Blue Shift in Sixteenth- Century Painting. Intuition und Kunstweisenschaft, Festschrift fur Hanns Swarzenski, Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, 1973, pages 419-425. Robison, Andrew. "Piranesi's Ship on Wheels." Master Drawings, volume XI, number 4 (winter 1973), pages 389-392. . "The Albrizzi-Piazzetta Tasso." Non Solus, number 1, pages 1-12. . Nine reviews of various books on prints and drawings. Library Journal, volumes 98 and 99. Russell, H. Diane. "Books on Two Master Etchers of the Seicento." The Wash- ington Print Club Newsletter, March-April 1974. . "Heinemann Drawings at the Pierpont Morgan Library." Master Draw- ings, volume 10 (fall 1973). Schneider, Laura. "The Freer Canteen." Pages 137-156 in Ars Orientalis, vol- ume 9, Freer Gallery of Art Fiftieth Anniversary Volume, 1973. LECTURES Cain, J. Fred. "Georgia O'Keeffe: A Survey of Her Painting Career." American University, December 1973. Keisch, Bernard. "Mossbauer Effect Spectroscopy without Sampling: Applica- tion to Art and Archaeology." 4th Annual Conference of Chemistry and Archaeology, ACS Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 9-10, 1973. . "Nuclear Applications of the National Gallery of Art Research Project: Seven Years of Progress." International Conference on the Application of Nuclear Methods in the Field of Works of Art, Rome, May 24-29, 1973. "Bridging the Culture Gap: Applications of Nuclear Science to Art.' Gordon Research Conference, Nuclear Chemistry Division, New London, New Hampshire, June 28, 1973. Lewis, Douglas. "Palladio and His Patrons." Amherst College, October 1973. . "Palladio's Unpublished Autograph Plans for Caldogno and Maser, 1548-1549." Symposium on Venetian Art, The Johns Hopkins University, March 1974. "National Gallery Sculpture: The New Amid the Old." National Gallery of Art, June 1974. Oberhuber, Konrad. "The School of Athens." Lincoln, Massachusetts. Parkhurst, Charles. "Color in Sixteenth-Century Painting." University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, February 1974. . "The Science and Art of Color in the Seventeenth Century, Some Origins and Consequences." Duke University, February 1974. Juror, Norfolk Arts Festival in July 1973 and Tenth Maryland Juried Art Exhibition, The Academy of the Arts, Easton, Maryland, April 1974. Appendix 8. Staff Publications I 407 APPENDIX 9. Visitors to the Smithsonian Institution in FiscalY ear 1974 Month Smithsonian Arts & Natural Air & Institution Industries History Space Building Building Building Building Freer History & Gallery Technology of Art Building July 98,846 326,980 August 105,913 311,696 September 42,610 110,972 October 52,350 140,212 November 46,734 121,816 December 31,520 73,221 January 33,589 60,217 February 27,897 71,655 March 44,786 129,628 April 79,723 224,329 May 81,081 235,486 June 94,602 234,519 384,145 424,369 142,990 203,094 273,088 133,081 126,316 119,506 212,199 356,932 369,431 322,543 236,056 235,326 62,475 83,610 77,721 43,101 39,407 40,262 62,403 136,275 125,600 143,362 26,808 28,703 18,250 17,203 15,443 10,679 13,997 11,260 16,025 23,280 17,246 20,452 737,182 729,237 329,734 430,298 421,160 256,651 247,001 247,931 438,027 688,046 676,883 648,077 Total 739,651 2,040,731 3,067,694 1,285,598 219,346 5,850,227 Fine Arts National Anacostia & Portrait Renwick Zoological Neighborhood Galleries Gallery Park Museum Totals July August September October November December January February March April May June 31,828 38,315 22,131 25,204 26,865 21,137 24,338 26,470 29,971 23,540 28,525 31,163 11,510 14,634 12,979 14,082 20,756 11,914 17,907 11,939 14,465 15,941 15,001 14,544 743,132 667,524 348,350 397,179 362,423 83,941 79,673 204,839 367,228 717,441 726,207 613,932 4,372 641^ 4,346 8,201 7,294 7,249 4,190 13,125 10,850 7,000 4,874 4,341 2,600,859 2,556,358 1,094,837 1,371,433 1,373,300 672,449 664,635 774,884 1,325,582 2,272,507 2,280,334 2,127,535 Total 329,487 175,672 5,311,869 76,483' 19,096,758^ ^ This represents visitors to the Museum; the mobile unit was not in use. ' 53,536 adults and children visited museum; the mobile unit was viewed by 22,947 children at their schools. 'This total does not include 6,100,000' visitors — 4,800,000 who visited the Smithson- ian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service's displays in museums and educational institutions throughout the United States and Canada and 1,300,000 persons who viewed the 1973 American Folklife Festival. 408 / Smithsonian Year 1974 APPENDIX 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 SECRETARY'S OFFICE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES THE SECRETARY S. DILLON RIPLEY Executive Assistant Dorothy Rosenberg Under Secretary Robert A. Brooks Administrative Officer John Motheral Director, Agenda Office Robert L. Farrell Assistant Secretary for Science David Challinor Assistant Secretary for History and Art . . Charles Blitzer Assistant Secretary for Public Service . . . Julian Euell Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs Paul N. Perrot (Director, United States National Museum) Treasurer T. Ames Wheeler Assistant Treasurer (Accounting) Betty J. Morgan Assistant Treasurer (Programming and Budget) John F. Jameson Chief Accountant Allen S. Goff Business Manager Richard Griesel Director, Smithsonian Museum Shops . . . William W. Rowan III Director, Belmont Conference Center .... Joanne S. Baker Kugel General Counsel Peter G. Powers Assistant General Counsels Alan D. Ullberg George S. Robinson L. Wardlaw Hamilton Suzanne D. Murphy , Marie C. Malaro Director of Support Activities Richard L. Ault Special Projects, Office of the Secretary Special Assistant to the Secretary Richard H. Howland Special Assistant to the Secretary Margaret Gaynor Director, Office of Development Lynford E. Kautz Editor, Joseph Henry Papers Nathan Reingold Director, Office of Equal Opportunity . . . Archie D. Grimmett Curator, Smithsonian Institution Building James M. Goode Honorary Research Associates Charles G. Abbot,' Secretary Emeritus Leonard Carmichael,* Secretary Emeritus Paul H. Oehser Alexander Wetmore, Secretary Emeritus Honorary Fellow John A. Graf ^ Died December 17, 1973. ^ Died September 16, 1973. ' Died November 24, 1973. Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 409 SCIENCE Assistant Secretary David Challinor Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael R. Huxley Executive Officer Harold J. Michaelson CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF MAN Director Sol Tax Program Coordinator Sam Stanley CHESAPEAKE BAY CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Director Francis S. L. Williamson Assistant Director J. Kevin Sullivan Administrative Officer Donald L. Wilhelm Administrative Assistant, Rhode River Research Program Archibald O. Mason, Jr. Resident Manager Robert E. Ayers Resident Manager, Poplar Island Leroy Shores Scientific Staff: Veta Clements Patricia Mehlop Robert L. Cory (U.S.G.S.) Joseph Miklas Claude Crawford (J.H.U.) Sheila Minor Maria Faust Michael Read Deborah H. Ford Michael Redding Michael Hargedon Barbara Rice Daniel Higman Bill Schaffner Gregory J. Loeffler Louis Schenker Martha McCullough* Susan Week Welles ^ James McKinney Tung Lin Wu Education Education Coordinator John Falk Education Specialist Lynne Mormann Information Transfer Environmental Planning Specialist David P. Miller Environmental Information Specialist . . . Marjorie Beane Information Specialist Dorothy Kinsman FORT PIERCE BUREAU Director H. Adair Fehlmann NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM Director Michael Collins Deputy Director Melvin B. Zisfein Executive Officer John Whitelaw Administrative Officer M. Antoinette Smith Department of Aeronautics Assistant Director Donald S. Lopez Department of Astronautics Assistant Director F. C. Durant III * Resigned. 410 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Department of Science and Technology Assistant Director Howard Wolko Center for Earth and Planetary Studies Research Director Dr. Farouk El-Baz Presentations and Educational Division Chief Von Del Chamberlain Exhibits Division Chief Francis A. Baby Chief, Audiovisual Unit Hernan Otano Chief, Design Unit Robert Widder Chief, Illustration Unit Peter Copeland Chief, Production Unit Frank Nelms Preservation, Restoration, and Storage Division Chief Donald Merchant Library Branch Librarian Catherine D. Scott NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Director Porter M. Kier Assistant Director James F. Mello Special Assistant to Director Paul K. Knierim 5 Chief of Exhibits Harry T. Hart Coordinator, Office of Education Joan Madden ^ Acting Chief, ADP Program T. Gary Gautier ^ Building Manager Donald L. Case « Administrative Officer John C. Townsend ANTHROPOLOGY Chairman Clifford Evans Senior Archeologist Waldo R. Wedel Senior Ethnologists John C. Ewers Saul H. Riesenberg Archivist Herman J. Viola Collections Manager George E. Phebus Latin American Anthropology Curator Clifford Evans Associate Curators William H. Crocker Robert M. Laughlin Old World Anthropology Curators Gordon D. Gibson Gus W. Van Beek Eugene I. Knez William B. Trousdale ^ Retired June 14, 1974. ^ Appointed September 16, 1973. ^ Appointed April 30, 1973. * Appointed February 3, 1974. Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 411 North American Anthropology Curator William C. Sturtevant Associate Curators William W. Fitzhugh Dennis M. Stanford Physical Anthropology Curator J- Lawrence Angel Associate Curators Donald J. Ortner Lucile E. St. Hoyme Douglas H. Ubelaker Organic Chemist David W. Von Endt Research Associates, Collaborators, and Affiliated Scientists: Hans-Georg Bandi (Archeology) W. Montague Cobb, Physical Anthropology) T. Aidan Cockburn (Physical Anthropology) Henry B. Collins (Archeology) Wilson Duff (Ethnology) Don D. Fowler (Archeology) Sister Inez Hilger (Ethnology) C. G. Holland (Archeology) Neil M. Judd (Archeology) Richard T. Koritzer (Physical Anthropology) Ralph K. Lewis (Archeology) Michael Liebman (Physical Anthropology) Olga Linares (Archeology) Betty J. Meggars (Archeology) George S. Metcalf (Archeology) Walter G. Putschar (Physical Anthropology) Victor A. Nunez Regueiro (Archeology) Owen Rye (Archeology) Wilhelm G. Solheim (Archeology) T. Dale Stewart (Physical Anthropology) Matthew W. Stirling (Archeology) Robert Stuckenrath (Archeology) Mildred Mott Wedel (Archeology & Ethnohistory) Theodore A. Wertime (Archeology) Edwin F. Wilmsen (Archeology) BOTANY Chairman Edward S. Ayensu Senior Botanists Richard S. Cowan Lyman B. Smith Phanerogams Curators F. Raymond Fosberg John J. Wurdack Associate Curators Dan H. Nicolson Robert W. Read Marie-Helene Sachet Stanwyn G. Shetler Beryl B. Simpson Laurence E. Skog ^ Dieter C. Wasshausen Ferns Associate Curator David B. Lellinger Grasses Curator Thomas R. Soderstrom Cryptogams Curators Mason E. Hale, Jr. Harold E. Robinson Associate Curator Arthur L. Dahl ^^ * ^ Appointed September 16, 1973. " Resigned June 14, 1974. 412 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Palynology Associate Curator Joan W. Nowicke Plant Anatomy Curators Edward S. Ayensu Richard H. Eyde Research Associates, Collaborators, and Affiliated Scientists^'^: Paul S. Conger (Diatomaceae) Kittie F. Parker (Compositae) Jose Cuatrecasas (Flora of Tropical Clyde F. Reed (Ferns) South America) James L. Reveal (Ferns) , James A. Duke (Flora of Panama) Velva E. Rudd (Leguminosae) Marie L. Farr (Fungi) Marie L. Solt (Melastomataceae) Aaron Goldberg (Phanerogams) Frans A. Stafleu (Phanerogams) Charles R. Gunn (Seeds) William L. Stern (Plant Anatomy) William H. Hathaway (Flora of John A. Stevenson (Fungi) Central America) Edward E. Terrell (Phanerogams) Paul L. Lentz (Fungi) Francis A. Uecker (Fungi) Elbert L. Little, Jr. (Dendrology) Egbert H. Walker (Myrsinaceae, Alicia Lourteig (Neotropical Botany) East Asian Flora) ENTOMOLOGY Chairman Paul D. Hurd, Jr. Collections Manager Gary F. Hevel Senior Entomologists J. F. Gates Clarke Karl V. Krombein Neuropteroids and Diptera Curator Oliver S. Flint, Jr. Associate Curator Richard W. Baumann Lepidoptera Curators Donald R. Davis W. Donald Duckworth Associate Curator William D. Field Coleoptera Associate Curators Terry L. Erwin Paul J. Spangler Hemiptera Associate Curator Richard C. Froeschner Myriapoda and Arachnida Curator Ralph E. Crabill, Jr. Research Associates, Collaborators, and Affiliated Scientists: Charles P. Alexander (Diptera) W. L. Jellison (Siphonaptera, Anoplura) Doris H. Blake (Coleoptera) Harold F. Loomis (Myriapoda) Franklin 5. Blanton (Diptera) C. F. W. Muesebeck (Hymenoptera) Frank L. Campbell (Insect Physiology) George W. Rawson (Lepidoptera) Oscar L. Cartwright (Coleoptera) Mary Ripley (General Entomology) K. C. Emerson (Mallophaga) Robert Traub (Siphonaptera) John G. Franclemont (Lepidoptera) David Wooldridge (Coleoptera) ' Harry Hoogstraal (Medical Entomology) INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Chairman David L. Pawson Senior Zoologists Fenner A. Chace, Jr. Horton H. Hobbs, Jr. Harald A. Rehder ^^ National fungus collections are curated by Department of Agriculture staff. Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 1 413 Crustacea Curators J. Laurens Barnard Thomas E. Bowman Roger F. Cressey Louis S. Kornicker Raymond B. Manning Echinoderms Curators David L. Pawson Klaus Ruetzler Visiting Research Associate Frederick H. C. Hotchkiss Worms Curators W. Duane Hope Meredith L. Jones 1 Marian H. Pettibone Associate Curator Mary E. Rice Mollusks Curators Clyde F. E. Roper Joseph Rosewater Associate Curator Joseph P. E. Morrison Visiting Curator David H. Stansbery Research Associates, Collaborators, and Affiliated Scientists: Frederick M. Bayer (Echinoderms) Roman Kenk (Worms) S. Stillman Berry (Mollusks) J. Ralph Lichtenfels (Worms) J. Bruce Bredin (Biology) Anthony J. Provenzano, Jr. (Crustacea) Isabel C. Canet (Biology) Waldo L. Schmitt (Marine Invertebrate Ailsa M. Clark (Echinoderms) Frank R. Schwengal (Mollusks) Elisabeth Deichmann I. G. Sohn (Crustacea) Mary Gardiner (Echinoderms) Donald F. Squires (Echinoderms) John C. Harshbarger (Marine Gilbert L. Voss (Mollusks) Invertebrates) Austin B. Williams (Crustacea) Lipke B. Holthuis (Crustacea) MINERAL SCIENCES Chairman William G. Melson Mineralogist George S. Switzer Collections Manager Harold H. Banks, Jr. Meteorites Curators Roy S. Clarke, Jr. Brian H. Mason Geochemists Kurt Fredriksson Robert F. Fudali Mineralogy Curator Paul E. Desautels Associate Curator John S. White, Jr. Crystallographers Daniel E. Appleman ^2 Joel E. Arem ^^ Petrology and Volcanology Curator _. Thomas E. Simkin Physical Sciences Laboratory Chemists Eugene Jarosewich Joseph A. Nelen ^^ Appointed February 17, 1974. ^^ Resigned September 14, 1973. 414 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Research Associates, Collaborators, ar\d Affiliated Scientists: Howard J. Axon (Meteorites) Vagn F. Buchwald (Meteorites) Tomas Feininger (Petrology) John J. Gurney (Petrology) Edward P. Henderson (Meteorites) John B. Jago (Mineralogy) Peter Leavens (Mineralogy) T. R. McGetchin (Petrology) Rosser Reeves (Mineralogy) Arthur Roe (Mineralogy) Geoffrey Thompson (Petrology) Harry Winston (Mineralogy) PALEOBIOLOGY Chairman Richard E. Grant Collections Manager Frederick J. ColHer INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY Curators Richard M. Benson Richard S. Boardman Martin A. Buzas Alan H. Cheetham Richard Cifelli Richard E. Grant Erie G. Kauffman Thomas R. Waller Geologist Kenneth M. Towe VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY Curators Nicholas Hotton III Clayton E. Ray Associate Curator Robert J. Emry Paleobotany Curator Walter H. Adey Associate Curators Leo J. Hickey Francis M. Hueber Sedimentology Curator Jack W. Pierce Geological Oceanographer Daniel J. Stanley Geologist Ian G. Macintyre Research Associates, Collaborators, and Affiliated Scientists: Arthur J. Boucot Venka V. Macintyre Anthony C. Coates Sergius H. Mamay G. Arthur Cooper James F. Mello Raymond Douglass Robert B. Neuman J. Thomas Dutro William A. Oliver, Jr. Robert M. Finks Storrs L. Olson C. Lewis Gazin Axel A. Olsson Mackenzie Gordon, Jr. John Pojeta, Jr. Joseph E. Hazel Norman F. Sohl John W. Huddle Steven M. Stanley Ralph W. Imlay Margaret Ruth Todd Jeremy B. C. Jackson Astrid Witmer Harry S. Ladd Wendell P. Woodring N. Gary Lane Ellis P. Yochelson Kenneth E. Lohman Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 415 Research Associates, Collaborators, and Affiliated Scientists — cont. Paleobotany Patricia J. Adey David Child Sedimentology Gilbert Kelling Frederic R. Siegel Vertebrate Paleontology Douglas Emlong Charles A. Reppening Frank C. Whitmore, Jr. VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Chairman Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Fishes Curators Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Ernest A. Lachner Victor G. Springer Stanley H. Weitzman Associate Curator William R. Taylor Reptiles and Amphibians Associate Curators W. Ronald Heyer George R. Zug Birds Curators George E. Watson Richard L. Zusi Associate Curator Paul Slud Mammals Curators Charles O. Handley, Jr. Henry W. Setzer Associate Curator Richard W. Thorington, Jr. Assistant Curator James G. Mead Research Associates, Collaborators, and Affiliated Scientists: John W. Aldrich (Birds) Richard Highton (Reptiles, Ronald Gail Altig (Reptiles, Amphibians) Amphibians) Marshall A. Howe (Birds) Richard C. Banks (Birds) Philip S. Humphrey (Birds) William Belton (Birds) Crawford G. Jackson, Jr. (Reptiles, James P. Bogart (Reptiles, Amphibians) Amphibians) George J. Jacobs (Reptiles, James E. Bohlke (Fishes) Amphibians) Robert L. Brownell, Jr. (Mammals) Clyde J. Jones (Mammals) Howard W. Campbell (Reptiles, E. V. Komarek (Mammals) Amphibians) Roxie C. Laybourne (Birds) Leonard Carmichael, Jr. (Psychology, Richard H. Manville (Mammals) Animal Behavior) i* J. A. J. Meester (Mammals) Daniel M. Cohen (Fishes) Egardo Mondolfi (Mammals) Bruce B. Collette (Fishes) Russell E. Mumford (Mammals) Robert K. Enders (Mammals) Storrs L. Olson (Birds) Carl H. Ernst (Reptiles, Amphibians) Braulio Orejas-Miranda (Reptiles) Herbert Friedmann (Birds) JoTin Paradiso (Mammals) Crawford H. Greenewalt (Birds) William F. Perrin (Mammals) Arthur M. Greenhall (Mammals) Dioscoro S. Rabor (Birds) " Died September 16, 1973. 416 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Rudolfo Ruibal (Reptiles, Amphibians) Stephen G. Tilley (Reptiles, Amphibians) G. Carleton Ray (Mammals) John C. Weske (Birds) S. Dillon Ripley (Birds) Alexander Wetmore (Birds) William Schevill (Mammals) Ralph E. Wetzel (Mammals) Leonard P. Schultz (Fishes) Don E. Wilson (Mammals) NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Director Theodore H. Reed Deputy Director Edward Kohn Assistant Director for Conservation John Perry Assistant Director for Visitor Services . . . Warren J. Iliff Chief, Office of Education and Information (Open) Chief, Office of Graphics and Exhibits . . . Robert E. Mulcahy Chief, Office of Protective Services Joseph J. McGarry Captain, NZP Police Samuel L. Middleton, Jr. Chief, Health and Safety Unit Anthony S. Kadlubowski General Curator, Office of Animal Management Jaren G. Horsley Mammalogist, Office of Animal Management Harold J. Egoscue Associate Curator, North Mammal Unit. . Larry R. Collins Curator, Central Mammal Unit William A. Xanten, Jr. Assistant Curator, South Mammal Unit . . Miles S. Roberts Curator, Birds Unit Guy A. Greenwell Assistant Curator, Reptiles Unit Michael L. Davenport Chief, Commissary and Support Unit .... Moses Benson Scientist-in-Charge, Office of Zoological Research John F. Eisenberg Chief, Office of Health and Pathology . . . Clinton W. Gray Pathologist, Office of Health and Pathology Robert M. Sauer Chief, Office of Construction Management Robert C. Engle Chief, Office of Facilities Management . . . Emanuel Petrella Chief, Maintenance Unit Robert F. Ogilvie Chief, Grounds Unit Samuel W. Gordon Chief, Services Unit Carl F. Jackson Chief, Transportation Unit Robert T. Chesley Chief, Property and Procurement Unit . . . James E. Deal Chief, Office of Management Services . . . Joe W. Reed Associates in Ecology S. Dillon Ripley Lee M. Talbot Research Associates Jean Delacour Bernard C. Zook James A. Sherburne Collaborators Leonard J. Goss Carlton M. Herman Paul Leyhausen Charles R. Schroeder Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 417 OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS Director Wymberley Coerr^^ Deputy Director William L. Eilers Program Director, AID Environmental Impact Studies Peter H. Freeman Program Director, AID Waterborne Diseases Study Curt R. Schneider Oceanography and Limnology Program Director Robert P. Higgins Deputy Director Catherine J. Kerby Program Limnologist C. Willard Hart, Jr. ^^ Director, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center Betty J. Landrum Director, Mediterranean Marine Sorting Center Ernani G. Menez Ecology Program Director Dale W. Jenkins ^^ Acting Director William L. Eilers ^^ Deputy Director Lee M. Talbot ^^ Director, Center for Natural Areas Stephen L. Keiley Director, Peace Corps Environmental Program Robert K. Poole Project Manager, Environmental Inventories Project William C. Jolly Project Manager, Atlantic Coastal Plain Study Anne LaBastille Project Manager, Johnston Atoll Study . . A. Binion Amerson, Jr. Center for Short-Lived Phenomena Director Robert A. Citron INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program Director Kennedy B. Schmertz Administrative Assistant Jean A. C. Harrell Program Officer C. Elmer Skold Program Officer Wayne Mills Grants Technical Assistants Betty J. Wingfield Judy Rogers Johnson ^o Francine Berkowitz (Acting) International Liaison Program Acting Director Richard T. Conroy Program Officer LeRoy Makepeace Program Assistant Saundra A. Tilghman (Acting) ^^ Appointed October 15, 1973. *^ Entered on duty June 8, 1974. ^^ Until December 31, 1973. ^® January 1-June 30, 1974. ^^ On leave since 1972 to Council on Environmental Quality. ^° Resigned June 1974. 418 / Smithsonian Year 1974 RADIATION BIOLOGY LABORATORY Director William H. Klein Assistant Director W. Shropshire, Jr. Agricultural Engineer John Sager Anthropologist Robert Stuckenrath Biochemists David L. Correll Maurice M. Margulies Biologists Elisabeth Gantt Rebecca Hayes Allan Michaels Chemist David Severn Fisheries Biologist Joseph Miklas Geneticist Roy W. Harding, Jr. Microbiologist Brian Gray Physicist Bernard Goldberg Physiological Ecologist Bert Drake Plant Physiologists Wilham O. Smith, Jr. John L. Edwards Cornelius Raven Michael Read Robert L. Weintraub Fellow Edward DeFabo SMITHSONIAN ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY Director George B. Field Assistant Director John G. Gregory Scientific Staff: Kaare Aksnes Gerald Hawkins Eugene H. Avrett Henry F. Helmken Prabhu Bhatnagar Paul W. Hodge A. G. W. Cameron Luigi G. Jacchia Nathaniel P. Carleton Wolfgang Kalkofen Frederic Chaffee Edwin M. Kellogg Eric J. Chaisson Douglas Kleinmann Guiseppe Colombo Yoshihide Kozai Allan F. Cook Robert L. Kurucz Alex Dalgarno David Latham Robert J. Davis Don A. Lautman William A. Deutschman Myron Lecar Dale F. Dickinson John R. Lester Kate K. Docken Martin Levine Giovanni G. Fazio A. Edward Lilley Edward L. Fireman Marvin Litvak William Forman Richard E. McCrosky Fred A. Franklin Brian G. Marsden Edward M. Gaposchkin Ursula B. Marvin Giorgio Giacaglia Donald H. Menzel Riccardo Giacconi Lawrence W. Mertz Owen Gingerich Henri E. Mitler Paul Gorenstein Paul A. Mohr Mario D. Grossi James Moran Herbert Gursky Stephen S. Murray Marie E. Hallam Robert W. Noyes Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 419 SAO Scientific Staff — cont. Michael Oppenheimer Harvey D. Tananbaum Costas Papaliolios Wesley A. Traub William H. Parkinson Giuseppe Vaiana Cecelia H. Payne-Gaposchkin Leon van Spreybroeck Michael R. Pearlman George Veis Harrison E. Radford Robert Vessot Edmond M. Reeves George Victor George B. Rybicki Trevor C. Weekes Winfield W. Salisbury George Weiffenbach Rudolph E. Schild Steven Weinberg Ethan J. Schreier Fred L. Whipple Daniel A. Schwartz Charles A. Whitney Zdenek Sekanina Marlene Williamson I. Shapiro George L. Withbroe Richard B. Southworth John A. Wood Frank Steinbrunn Fred Young SMITHSONIAN SCIENCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED President David F. Hersey Vice President, Professional Services .... Willis R. Foster Vice President, Data Processing Martin Snyderman Secretary V. P. Verfuerth Treasurer David W. Lakamp Assistant Treasurer Evelyn M. Roll Director of Marketing David W. Lakamp Marketing Manager Janet D. Goldstein Science Division Director Willis R. Foster Deputy, Life Sciences Charlotte M. Damron Chief, Medical Sciences Branch Faith F. Stephan Chief, Behavioral Sciences Branch Rhoda Stolper Chief, Social Sciences Branch Barbara F. Lundquist Chief, Agriculture Sciences Branch William T. Carlson Chief, Biological Sciences Branch James R. Wheatley, Jr. Deputy, Physical Sciences Samuel Liebman Chief, Chemistry, Material and Engineering Branch Samuel Liebman Chief, Physics, Mathematics and Electronics Branch Robert Summers Chief, Earth Science Branch (Temporarily vacant) Data Processing Division Director Martin Snyderman Deputy Bernard L. Hunt Chief, Input Services Branch Jack DeVore Chief, Systems Development Branch .... Bernard L. Hunt Chief, Programming and Reports Services Branch Robert A. Kline Chief, Computer Operations Branch Paul Gallucci SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Director Ira Rubinoff Special Assistant to Director Adela Gomez 420 / Smithsonian Year 1974 I Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Assistant Director A. Stanley Rand Administrative Officer C. Neal McKinney Manager, Barro Colorado Island Ernest Hayden Manager, Naos Island Thomas Borges Librarian Alcira Mejia Senior Scientist Martin H. Moynihan Biologists: Charles Birkeland Michael H. Robinson Robert L. Dressier Roberta W. Rubinoff Peter W. Glynn Alan P. Smith Jeffrey B. Graham Neal G. Smith Egbert G. Leigh, Jr. Nicholas Smythe Olga F. Linares Hindrik Wolda David L. Meyer Honorary : Carlos Arellano L. Carlos Lehmann Charles F. Bennet, Jr. Ernst Mayr Mary Jane West Eberhard Barbara Robinson William G. Eberhard W. John Smith Nathan Gale Henry Stockwell Pedro Galindo Paulo Vanzolini Carmen Glynn Martin Young HISTORY AND ART Assistant Secretary Charles Blitzer Program Management Officer Dean Anderson Bicentennial Coordinator Susan Hamilton ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART Director William E. Woolfenden Deputy Director-Archivist Garnett McCoy Administrative Assistant Richard J. Nicastro Curator of Manuscripts Arthur J. Breton Assistant Curator of Manuscripts Nancy Zembala Manuscripts Assistant Anne Payne Area Directors Butler Coleman (New York) Robert Brown (Northeast) Dennis Barrie (Midwest) Paul Karlstrom (West Coast) Field Researchers F. Ivor D. Avellino (New York) Sylvia Loomis (Southwest) Oral History Paul Cummings COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM OF DECORATIVE ARTS AND DESIGN Director Lisa Suter Taylor Program Management Officer John Dobkin Administrator and Curator of Collections Christian Rohlfing Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts . . . Catherine Frangiamore Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 1 421 Cooper-Hewitt Museum — cont. Curator of Drawings and Prints Elaine Evans Dee Technician for Drawings and Prints .... Xenia Cage Assistant Curator of Textiles Milton Sonday Consultant for Textiles Alice Baldwin Beer Registrar Mary F. Blackwelder Exhibits Specialist Dorothy Globus Building Manager Manuel Perez Museum Secretary Rowena MacLeod Museum Receptionist Mary Kerr FREER GALLERY OF ART Director Harold P. Stern Assistant Director Thomas Lawton Associate Curator, Chinese Art Hin-cheung Lovell Associate Curator, Near Eastern Art Esin Atil Head Conservator, Technical Laboratory. W. Thomas Chase III Chemist, Technical Laboratory John Winter Research Curator, Far Eastern Ceramics. . John A. Pope Research Consultant, Technical Laboratory Rutherford J. Gettens 21 Research Assistant, Far Eastern Ceramics Josephine H. Knapp Research Assistant, Herzfeld Archive . . . Joseph M. Upton Librarian Priscilla P. Smith Administrative Officer Willa R. Moore Registrar Eleanor Radcliffe Honorary Associates Richard Edwards Calvin French THE HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN Director Abram Lerner Deputy Director Stephen Weil 22 Administrator Joseph Sefekar Chief Curator Charles W. Millard Curator Cynthia J. McCabe Curator Inez Garson Curatorial Assistant Phyllis Rosenzweig Librarian Anna Brooke Registrar Douglas Robinson Prints and Drawings Specialist Frank B. Gettings Chief, Education Program Edward Lawson Education Specialist Mary Ann Tighe Building Manager Keith Cumberland JOSEPH HENRY PAPERS Editor Nathan Reingold Assistant Editor Michele L. Aldrich Assistant Editor Arthur P. Molella Staff Historian James M. Hobbins Research Assistant Kathleen Waldenfels Administrative Officer Beverly Jo Lepley -^ Died June 17, 1974. 22 Entered on duty July 22, 1974. 422 / Smithsonian Year 1974 NATIONAL ARMED FORCES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD Director James S. Hutchins Administrative Officer Miriam H. Uretz Collections John M. Elliott Secretary Barbara J. Lane NATIONAL COLLECTION OF FINE ARTS Director Joshua C. Taylor Assistant Director for Operations Harry Lowe Assistant Director for Administration . . . Harry Jordan Registrar W. Robert Johnston Curator, 20th Century Painting and Sculpture Walter Hopps Consultant, 20th Century Painting and Sculpture Adelyn Breeskin Associate Curator, 18th- and 19th- century Painting and Sculpture William H. Truettner Curator, Prints and Drawings Janet A. Flint Curator of Education Peter Bermingham Director, Renwick Gallery Lloyd E. Herman Associate Curator, Renwick Gallery Michael Monroe Curator of Research Lois M. Fink Coordinator, Bicentennial Inventory of American Paintings Abigail Booth Chief, Office of Exhibition and Design . . David Keeler Chief, Office for Exhibitions Abroad .... Lois A. Bingham Conservator Thomas Carter Editor, Office of PubUcation Carroll Clark Librarian, NCFA/NPG William B. Walker Coordinator for Lending Program Donald R. McClelland NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY I Director Brooke Hindle Deputy Director Silvio A. Bedini Assistant Director for Administration . . . Robert G. Tillotson Assistant Director for Design and Production Benjamin W. Lawless Registrar Virginia Beets Chief, Exhibits Programs Harold K. Skramstad iSenior Historian Daniel J. Boorstin APPLIED ARTS [Chairman Carl H. Scheele Graphic Arts Associate Curators Elizabeth M. Harris i Peter C. Marzio Numismatics Curators Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Photographic History Curator Eugene Ostroff Assistant Curator David E. Haberstich I Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 1 423 Postal History Curator Carl H. Scheele Associate Curators Franklin R. Bruns Reidar Norby Textiles Curators Rita J. Adrosko Grace R. Cooper Honorary: Numismatics Cora Lee C. Gillilland R. Henry Norweb Emery May Norweb CULTURAL HISTORY Chairman (acting) Rodris Roth Senior Curator C. Malcolm Watkins Costume and Furnishings Curator Rodris Roth Assistant Curator Claudia B. Kidwell Curator Emeritus Anne W. Murray Ethnic and Western Cultural History Curators Richard E. Ahlbom William Seale Musical Instruments Curator John T. Fesperman Associate Curator Cynthia A. Hoover Assistant Curator James M. Weaver Preindustrial Cultural History Associate Curator Anne C. Colovin Honorary: Musical Instruments David W. Hinshaw Preindustrial Cultural History Ivor Noel-Hume Robert H. McNulty Joan Pearson Watkins INDUSTRIES Chairman John H. White, Jr. Historian Emeritus Howard I. Chapelle Agriculture and Mining Curator John T. Schlebecker, Jr. Associate Curator John N. Hoffman Ceramics and Glass Curators J. Jefferson Miller II Paul V. Gardner Manufacturing Assistant Curator George T. Sharrer Transportation Curators John H. White, Jr. Melvin H. Jackson Assistant Curator Donald H. Berkebile 424 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Honorary: Ceramics and Glass Hans Syz Manufacturing Philip W. Bishop Transportation Peter B. Bell NATIONAL AND MILITARY HISTORY Chairman Margaret B. Klapthor Military History Curator Craddock R. Coins, Jr. Assistant Curator Donald E. Kloster Naval History Curators Philip K. Lunderberg Harold D. Langley Political History Curator Margaret B. Klapthor Associate Curator Herbert R. Collins Honorary: Naval History William Rea Furlong SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Chairman Robert M. Vogel Senior Scientific Scholar Robert P. Multhauf Historian (Pharmacy) Sami K. Hamarneh Principal Investigator (Computer History Project) Henry S. Tropp Electricity and Nuclear Energy Curator Bernard S. Finn Associate Curator Paul Forman Mechanical and Civil Engineering Curators Robert M. Vogel Edwin A. Battison Otto Mayr Medical Sciences Associate Curator Audrey B. Davis Physical Sciences Associate Curator Deborah J. Warner Curator Walter F. Cannon Associate Curator Jon B. Eklund Section of Mathematics Curator Uta C. Merzbach Honorary: Electricity and Nuclear Energy Ladislaus L. Marton Gerald F. J. Tyne Physical Sciences Anthony R. Michaelis Derek J. De Solla Price Arthur Frazier OFFICE OF EXHIBITS Assistant Director for Design and Production Benjamin W. Lawless Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 1 425 Office of Exhibits — cont. Chief, Exhibits Designs Richard 5. Virgo Chief, Exhibits Production Stanley Santoroski NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Director Marvin S. Sadik Assistant Director and Administrative Officer Douglas E. Evelyn Historian Lillian B. Miller Research Historian Frederick S. Voss Coordinator of Exhibitions Beverly J. Cox Curator Robert G. Stewart Associate Curator Monroe Fabian Keeper of the Catalogue Mona Dearborn Curator of Education Dennis A. O'Toole Associate Curator of Education Lisa Strick Chief, Exhibits Design and Production . . Joseph M. Carrigan Librarian (NPG-NCFA) William B. Walker Senior Conservator Felrath Hines Photographer Eugene L. Mantie Registrar Jon D. Freshour Assistant Registrar Suzanne C. Jenkins Public Affairs Officer Carol Cutler OFFICE OF ACADEMIC STUDIES Executive Officer Edward S. Davidson Program Officer Gretchen Gayle OFFICE OF AMERICAN STUDIES Director Wilcomb E. Washburn MUSEUM PROGRAMS Assistant Secretary Paul N. Ferrot Research Associate Frank A. Taylor CONSERVATION- ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Chief Robert M. Organ Research Chemist Jacqueline S. Olin Supervisory Conservator Eleanor McMillan Administrative Officer Montague Smith OFFICE OF EXHIBITS CENTRAL Chief James A. Mahoney Assistant Chief and Exhibits Editor Constance Minkin Administrative Officer William M. Clark Coordinator Joseph W. Saunders Chief of Production John C. Widener 426 / Smithsonian Year 1974 OFFICE OF MUSEUM PROGRAMS Assistant Director and Administrator, National Museum Act Frederick Schmid Administrative Assistant Gwendolyn Baker Program Coordinator, Conservation Information Elena Borowski Research Assistant Jean Chen Museum Studies Specialist Marilyn S. Cohen Program Coordinator, Museum Workshop Program Rolland O. Hower Research Psychologist Robert A. Lakota Research Psychologist (Visiting) Ross J. Loomis-3 Museum Studies Specialist Margaret Parsons Consultant, Experimental Psychology .... C. G. Screven OFFICE OF REGISTRAR Registrar pro tem Richard H. Lytle^* Supervisory Technician Margaret Santiago Supervisory Transportation Specialist . . . Gleason Shaver SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ARCHIVES Archivist Richard H. Lytic Associate Archivist William A. Deiss Assistant Archivists James Steed Alan L. Bain Supervisory Technician Norwood Biggs SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES Director of Libraries Russell Shank Assistant to the Director for Planning and Research Elaine Sloan Administrative Librarian Thomas L. Wilding Administrative Officer Mary C. Quinn Assistant Director of Libraries for Bureau Services Jean C. Smith Deputy Assistant Director of Libraries for Bureau Services L. Frances Jones Assistant Director of Libraries for General Services Philip Leslie Access Services Chief Jack F. Marquardt Assistant Chief Dan O. Clemmer^^ Assistant Chief Amy Levin^® Bibliographer for the History of Science and Technology Jack S. Goodwin ^^ July 1, 1973 to September 15, 1973. 2* Effective December 1973. ^^ Transferred to State Department Library November 23, 1973. 2® Appointed April 15, 1974. Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 427 Technical Processes Center Chief Vija L. Karklins Acquisitions Division Chief Mildred D. Raitt Gift and Exchange Librarian Sharon H. Sweeting Catalog Division Chief Mary Jane H. Linn Catalogers Angeline D. Ashford Charles H. King Helen S. Nordberg Margaret A. Sealor Bertha S. Sohn Frances W. Penfold^" Processing Section Chief Mary J. Pierce Bureau Libraries Freer Gallery of Art Librarian Priscilla B. Smith Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Librarian Anna M. Brooke National Air and Space Museum Librarian Catherine D. Scott National Collection of Fine Arts and National Portrait Gallery Librarian William B. Walker Reference Librarian Sara H. Hanan-^ Reference Librarian Katharine Ratzenberger^^ Slide and Photograph Librarian Eleanor Fink National Museum of History and Technology Librarian Frank A. Pietropaoli Reference Librarian Charles G. Berger National Museum of Natural History Acting Librarian Jean C. Smith Botany Branch Librarian Ruth F. Schallert National Zoological Park Librarian Mary Clare Cahill Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Librarian Joyce M. Rey Smithsonian Radiation Biology Laboratory Librarian Mary Clare Cahill Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Librarian Alcira Mejia Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Librarian Mary Anglemyer^° Librarian Zdenek David^^ ^" Appointed November 25, 1973. 2* Resigned May 18, 1974. 2^ Appointed April 28, 1974. ^° Retired December, 1973. ^^ Appointed March 18, 1974. 428 / Smithsonian Year 1974 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION TRAVELING EXHIBITION SERVICE Director Dennis Gould Administrative Assistant Eileen Rose Program Assistant Anne R. Gossett Exhibition Coordinator Quinton Hallett Hoglund Bicentennial Exhibitions Coordinator .... Andrea P. Stevens Bicentennial Exhibitions Assistant William Kloss Science Exhibitions Coordinator Deborah Raab Science Exhibitions Assistant Deborah Dawson Program Coordinator Robin Lynn Registrar Kathleen Hopkins PUBLIC SERVICE Assistant Secretary Julian T. Euell Deputy Assistant Secretary Robert W. Mason Program Coordinator Edward F. Rivinus Television Coordinator (vacancy) Administrative Officer Jewell S. Dulaney ANACOSTIA NEIGHBORHOOD MUSEUM Director John R. Kinard Assistant to the Director for Special Projects Balcha Fellows Administrative Assistant Audrey Archer Supervisory Program Manager, Education Department Zora B. Martin Program Manager, Education Department (Mobile) Fletcher Smith Supervisory Program Manager, Research and Design Department Larry E. Thomas Supervisory Exhibits Specialist, Exhibits Branch James E. Mayo Education Specialist (Research), Anacostia Studies Branch Louise D. Hutchinson DIVISION OF PERFORMING ARTS Director James R. Morris Deputy Director Richard P. Lusher Special Assistant to the Director Ruth Jordan Director, Festival of American Folklife . . . Ralph C. Rinzler Program Development Officer and Senior Folklorist Robert Byington Folklore Presentation Specialist Ernestine Potter Director, Jazz Program Martin Williams Production Manager B. C. May Education Services Officer Susanne Roschwalb Public Information Officer Manuel Melendez Design Specialist Janet Stratton Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 429 OFFICE OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Senior Education Coordinator David W. Estabrook Assistant Education Coordinator Seln\a A. Searles Volunteer Program Coordinator Magdalene C. Schremp Writer/Editor Ann P. Bay OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Director Carl W. Larsen Administrative Assistant Muriel J. Slaughter Chief, News Bureau (vacancy) Art Information Specialist (vacancy) Science Information Specialist Thomas R. Harney Information Officer Johnnie M. Douthis Writer-Editor Lilas P. Wiltshire Special Events Officer Meredith Johnson Assistant Special Events Officer Jeanette C. Gladstone Publications Officer William O. Craig Radio Production SpeciaUst Paul B. Johnson Special Coordinator for Public Affairs . . . William C. Grayson OFFICE OF SMITHSONIAN SYMPOSIA AND SEMINARS Director Wilton S. Dillon Assistant to Director Dorothy Richardson Program Specialist Jane Wallace READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, INC. Chairman of Board of Directors Mrs. Robert S. McNamara President Dr. Sidney Nelson Managing Director Eleanor Smollar Program Director Barbara B. Atkinson SMITHSONIAN (MAGAZINE) Editor and Publisher Edward K. Thompson Members, Board of Editors Ralph Backlund Grayce P. Northcross James K. Page, Jr. Edwards Park General Manager Joseph J. Bonsignore Advertising Director Thomas H. Black Circulation-Promotion Director Anne Keating SMITHSONIAN ASSOCIATES Executive Director Robert W. Mason Director of Plans and Marketing Robert H. Angle National Program Director, Reception Center Mary Grace Potter Manager, Domestic Study Tours Rosa Mae Howe 430 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Manager, Contributing Membership Maxwell G. Courtney III Assistant for National Board Barbara M. Benson Resident Program Director Janet W. Solinger Assistant Director for Administration . . . Edward H. Able Assistant Director for Programming .... Herbert W. White Program Coordinators Leslie L. Buhler Carolyn Hecker Moya B. King Bonnie Webb Membership Secretary Jeanne B. George SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS Director Gordon Hubel Managing Designer Stephen Kraft Promotion Manager Maureen R. Jacoby Business Manager Frederick H. MacVicar Series Managing Editor Albert L. Ruffin, Jr. Series Production Manager Charles L. Shaffer Editors Mary Frances Bell Ernest E. Biebighauser Louise J. Heskett Joan B. Horn Mary M. Ingraham John S. Lea Nancy L. Powars Writer-Editor Hope G. Pantell Designers Natalie Bigelow Crimilda Pontes Elizabeth Sur ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ACTIVITIES Director Richard L. Ault Contracting Officer, Contracts Office .... Elbridge O. Hurlbut Director, Information Systems Division. . Stanley A. Kovy Director, Management Analysis Office . . . Ann S. Campbell Director, Office of Equal Opportunity . . . Archie D. Grimmett Director, Office of Personnel Administration Vincent J. Doyle Director, Office of Protection Service .... Robert B. Burke, Jr. i Chief, Travel Services Office Betty V. Strickler Director, Office of Plant Services Kenneth E. Shaw Director, Office of Facilities Planning i and Engineering Services Phillip K. Reiss Director, Office of Printing and Photographic Services Arthur L. Gaush Director, Office of Supply Services Harry P. Barton Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 431 FINANCIAL SERVICES Director, Office of Programming and Budget John F. Jameson Chief Accountant Allen 5. Goff Business Manager Richard Griesel Director, Smithsonian Museum Shops . . . William W. Rowan III Director, Belmont Conference Center . . . Joanne S. Baker Kugel OFFICE OF AUDITS Director, Office of Audits Chris S. Peratino INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Director Jeremiah A. Collins NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART President Paul Mellon Vice President John Hay Whitney Director J. Carter Brown Assistant to the Director, Music Richard Bales Assistant to the Director, National Programs W. Howard Adams Assistant to the Director, Public Information Katherine Warwick Construction Manager Hurley Offenbacker Planning Consultant David W. Scott Assistant Director Charles P. Parkhurst Curator of American Painting William P. Campbell Chief Librarian J. M. Edelstein Chief, Education and Public Programs . . . Margaret I. Bouton Editor Theodore S. Amussen Chief, Photographic Laboratory Henry B. Beville Curator of Photographic Archives Alessandro Contini-Bonacossi Senior Conservator Victor C. B. Covey Chief of Exhibitions Jack C. Spinx Curator of Tuscan, Umbrian, and Early Italian Painting David A. Brown Curator of Graphic Arts Andrew Robison Senior Research Curator Konrad Oberhuber Curator of French Painting David E. Rust Curator of Sculpture C. Douglas Lewis, Jr. Curator of Twentieth Century Art E. A. Carmean, Jr. Curator of Venetian, Northern and Later Italian Painting Sheldon Grossman Curator of Northern European Painting John O. Hand Secretary and General Counsel Robert Amory, Jr. Treasurer - Lloyd D. Hayes Assistant Treasurer James W. Woodward Administrator Joseph G. English Assistant Administrator George W. Riggs Personnel Officer Jeremiah J. Barrett 432 / Smithsonian Year 1974 JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Honorary Chairmen Mrs. Richard M. Nixon Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson Mrs. Aristotle Onassis Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower Chairman Roger L. Stevens Vice Chairmen Harry C. McPherson, Jr. Charles H. Percy Henry Strong General Counsel Ralph E. Becker Secretary Frank N. Ikard Treasurer W. Jarvis Moody Executive Director of Performing Arts . . . Martin Feinstein Music Director Julius Rudel General Manager of Theaters Alexander Morr Director of Education F. W. Rogers Director of Publicity Wayne Shilkret Assistant Secretary Charlotte Woolard Assistant Treasurers: John L. Bryant Henry Strong Rita M. Driscoll Peter M. Van Dine L. Parker Harrell, Jr. John R. Whitmore James F. Rogers Maxine F. Wininger WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS Director James Billington Assistant Director Michael Lacey Administrative Officer William Dunn Librarian Zdenek David Appendix 10. Staff of the Smithsonian Institution, June 30, 1974 I 433 APPENDIX 11. List of Donors to the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1974 I The Board of Regents and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution join with the entire staff in thanking all of our friends for their generous financial support and for their gifts to the collections. If perchance any donor has been omitted from the following lists, it is an inadvertence and not intentional. Many gifts were received from anonymous donors. Our gratitude also goes out to the many capable and dedicated volun- teers, who contribute so significantly each year to the Institution's pro- grams, particularly in the areas of education and visitor orientation. The 1,120 volunteers have graciously contributed 105,000 hours of work; this represents 77 man-years and can be valued at approximately $900,000. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY SPECIAL PROJECTS Donors to the Furnishings Collection Armstrong, General and Mrs. Donald, Palm Beach, Florida: Empire sofa belonging to President Andrew Jackson during his presidency; Victorian sculpture group with pedestal. Davis, Mrs. Richard, Washington, D.C. : Empire secretary. Deveau, Mr. and Mrs. Donald, Bethesda, Maryland: Renaissance Revival console table with two side chairs; Renaissance Revival secretary; Victorian mantel clock; pair Renaissance Revival arm chairs. Fetherston, Mrs. Edith (from her estate), Lewisburg, Pennsylvania: Pair Renaissance Revival arm chairs; Victorian bookcase; one set North American Wildflowers, by Mary Veau Walcott. Freseman, Mrs. Perry, Alexandria, Virginia: Eastlake hatstand; Rococo Revivak secretary. King, Mrs. Moya B., Washington, D.C: pair centennial side chairs. Patterson, Mrs. Jefferson, Washington, D.C. : folding table, serving tray, bookcase. Shepard, Mrs. Donald, Washington, D.C: oil portrait of Andrew Mellon by Gari Melchers. Wood, Mrs. N. Bissell, Washington, D.C: pair of ornamental Victorian cast- iron garden urns. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard, Washington, D.C: Victorian chandelier. Young, Dorothy M. (from her estate), Washington, D.C: set of Oriental ceramics. 434 / Smithsonian Year 1974 SCIENCE NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM Donors to the Aeronautic Collections American Airlines: aircraft — Ford Tri-Motor, Model 5-AT-B. Dawson, J., and Maryann Ransome: aircraft — Pitts Special. Doolittle, Lt. Gen. James H., USAF (Ret.) : 45 items of memorabilia, including photos, portrait, medals, awards, etc. Emge Aviation Marine Products, Inc. : pressure suit with helmet and controller. Goodyear Aerospace Corporation: aircraft — Goodyear Inflatoplane. Pan American: DC-8 Flight Simulator. Raven Industries: balloon gondola. Rickenbacker, Capt. Eddie (from his estate) : 230 items of memorabilia, including portrait, awards, medals, etc. Turner, Mrs. Roscoe: Uniforms and clothing worn by Roscoe Turner. Donors to the Astronautic Collections Artists, The Garrett Corporation, LTV Aerospace Corporation, Hughes Aircraft Company, and System Development Corporation : 29 works of space art by seventeen artists including works by Robert McCall, Paula Creenman, and Raquel Forner. Geiss, Dr. J., Universitat Bern, Physikalisches Institut, Switzerland: Apollo Solar Wind Experiment (backup flight unit). National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Apollo Program materiel, including Apollo 17 astronaut space suits, Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages, Lunar Sample Return Containers, lunar hand tools, and astronaut training equipment. Stine, G. Harry, Phoenix, Arizona: Unique documented collection of model rockets and missiles consisting of all known model kits, both U.S. and foreign. United States Navy: Poseidon Missile. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Donors of Financial Support Estate of William A. Archer Mr. D. Jenkins Armistead Mr. James E. Bakey Mr. Charles Bodington Ms. Helen Bodington Mr. I. C. Brown Frau Dr. Helene Butz-Landolt Miss Julie Cheek Mrs. Frances K. Clark Mr. J. F. Gates Clarke Committee for Islamic Culture Dr. William H. Crocker Ms. Aileen Curry-Cloonan Dr. Arthur L. Dahl Mr. Gilbert S. Daniels Mrs. Helen W. Edey Mr. Edward Henderson Elsa Wild Animal Appeal Entomological Society of America Mr. Robert Feinstein Mr. Francis T. Fenn Ms. Lucille Bond Ferris Ms. Diana Fischer Mr. Robert B. Flint Mrs. Rebecca D. Gibson Mr. Martin Glamm Miss Mary C. Groves Mr. P. Frank Hagerty Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hawkes Mr. Harvard K. Hecker Mr. P. G. Hecker Ms. Jean E. Howard Mr. H. W. Hruschka Mr. Carl Hubbs Institute of International Education International Association of Plant Taxonomy Mr. F. M. Johnson Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 435 Mr. H. L. Kempner Mr. and Mrs. William G. Roe Mr. Irving B. Kingsford Mr. R. P. Rose Mr. F. D. Lapham Schwarzhart Family Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Layton Mrs. Audrey Sheldon Mr. J. deNavarre Macomb, Jr. Mr. Hermann Simon Mr. J de Navarre Macomb, Jr. Dr. L. B. Smith Mr. Jack H. Mclellan Miss Elizabeth Stein Dr. and Mrs. Perry D. Nadig Ms. Helen B. Sundeen National Capital Shell Club Mr. L. Erwin Terry Association Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tishman National Geographic Society Ms. Ruth Todd Mr. Joseph T. Neary Mr. John W. Treys Dr. Joan Nowicke Mr. Herman J. Viola Ms. Patricia Packard Mr. Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Palisades Foundation, Inc. Mr. Christopher A. Weeks Mr. Perry R. Pease Mr. Kermit A. Weeks Dr. R. Marlin Perkins Miss Leslie Anne Weeks Mr. Charles Repenning Wenner-Gren Foundation Ms. Margro Reppert Mr. Austin B. Williams Mr. Charles M. Rick Mr. Druid Wilson Mrs. S. Dillon Ripley Donors to the Collections Abbott, Dr. R. Tucker (see Delaware Museum of Natural History). Academia Nauk of the USSR, Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology, Animals (through Dr. N. Nikitsky) : beetle, type. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (through Dr. Samuel L. H. Fuller): 9 echinoderms; 96 crustaceans; (through Dr. H. Radclyffe Roberts): 4 grasshoppers (exchange) ; (through Dr. James Tyler) : 4 echinoderms. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Zoology and Botany (through Dr. K. Elberg) : 13 marsh flies. Zoological Institute (through Dr. K. B. Gorodkov) : 10 empid flies; (through Dr. V. A. Trjapitzin) : 58 chalcid flies (exchange). Addicott, Warren O. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Adelaide, University of, Australia (through Dr. H. B. S. Womersley) : 141 algae (exchange). Afgouni, Kalil: beryl specimen, Brazil. Agrell, Dr. S. O. : 2 osumilite specimens, Ireland. Agriculture, U.S. Department of. Agricultural Research Service (through Dr. Arthur S. Barclay): 492 plants, Colombia; (through Dr. E. W. Baker): 242 acarina slides, including types, Mexico; (through Dr. Richard H. Foote) : 47,958 insects, worldwide; 2 decapod larvae. North Carolina; (through Dr. A. M. Golden) : 166 crustaceans, Nigeria; (through Dr. A. S. Menke) : 376 insects, U.S.; (through Dr. Reece I. Sailer) : 23 isopods, Chile; (through Dr. W. W. Wirth) : 92 insects, Florida; 54 Lepidoptera, 53 neuropteroids. North America. Forest Service: 17,321 insects, Japan; (through Dr. Harold E. Grelen): Andropogon specimen, Louisiana; (through Dr. Elbert L. Little, Jr.): 1,037 plants, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. National Arboretum (through Dr. T. Dudley) : 15 plants, Peru. Systematic Entomology Laboratory (through Dr. D. C. Ferguson) : 5,697 moths. Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria (through John Deeming) : 203 flies. Ahmed, Dr. Muzammil: 17 marine mollusks. Aitchison, Mrs. C. W. : 2 centipedes, Canada. Alabama, University of (through Dr. Herbert T. Boschung) : 809 crustaceans; 28 fish; (through Magi Cameron): 5 palms, Colombia. 436 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Alaska, University of (through Dr. James E. Morrow) : 3 fishes, types. Albaugh, Dr. Douglas W. (see Texas A&M University). Alberta, University of, Canada (through Joseph Belicek) : 9 beetles (exchange); (through B. S. Heming); 6 thrips (exchange). Aleksandrov, Dr. S. M. (through Mary Mrose) : 16 mineral specimens USSR. Allard, Robert E.: arrow with poisoned tip, Kenya. Allen, Dr. Gerald (see Australia, Government of). Allen, Dr. Harry W.: 249 wasp slide mounts. Allyn, Arthur C.: 5,798 moths, Mexico. Almborn, Dr. O. (see Botanical Museum). Alpine Corporation (through Henry Truebe) : quartz specimen, Colorado. Altena, Dr. C. O. Van Regteren (see Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie). Altig, Dr. Ronald (see Mississippi State University). Alusuisse Metals, Inc.: crystal of gallium metal. Amaoka, Kunio (see Hokkaido University). American Museum of Natural History (through Dr. Meredith Jones) : 500 brachiopods; (through Dr. William E. Old, Jr.): 5 marine mollusks (exchange). American Samoa, Government of (through Duane Rodman): 29 fish; (through Dr. Stanley Swerdloff) : 75 marine mollusks. Anderson, Alexander G.: 13 baskets, mats, and weapons, Congo. Anderson, Dr. Donald M.r 26 weevils. Anderson, H. J. (see Westinghouse Corp.). Andrews, Murray M.: crustacean, Alaska. April, Martin: blowgun and darts, British Guiana. Aquaculture International (Australia) Pty. Ltd. (through Takuji Fujimura): 4 crustaceans, Hawaii. Aquinas College (through Dr. Robert S. Benda) : 71 crustaceans, Michigan. Archeological Society of Maryland: 3 human skeletal remains. Arem, Dr. Joel E.: 22 mineral specimens (see also Friends of Mineralogy). Argentina, Government of: Ministerio de Cultura u Educaccion (through Dr. Peter Seeligmann) : 142 plant specimens (exchange). Arhus Universitet, Denmark (through Dr. Kai Larsen) : 44 plant specimens (exchange). Arizona State College (through Delzie Demaree) : 93 plant specimens. Arizona State University (through Denton Belk) : 316 crustaceans; (through Elinor Lehto) : 275 plant specimens; (through Dr. D. J. Pinkava) : 33 Eriogonum specimens. Arizona, University of (through Dr. Steven Hilty) : 160 plant specimens, Colombia. Arnell, J. Hal (see California, University of). Arthur Rylan Institute for Environmental Research, Australia (through Dr. Robert M. Werneke) : fur seal. Ash, Dr. Sidney R.: 12 fossil plants, 14 slide preparations. Atomic Energy Commission: Puerto Rico Nuclear Center (through Delores Ayguabibas) : 11 copepods. Auburn University (through Dr. John S. Ramsey) : 1,082 crustaceans, Alabama. Australia, Government of: The Australian Museum (through Dr. Gerald Allen): 42 fishes, including types; (through Colleen J. Robinson): 2 mollusk paratypes; (through Lin Sutherland): meteorite specimen. New Guinea (exchange). Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization: 2,020 botanical specimens (exchange). Department of Mines (through R. C. Gorman) : bag of calcium sulfosilicate. National Herbarium of New South Wales: 284 plant specimens (exchanges). Queensland Herbarium: 268 plant specimens (exchanges). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 437 Axelrod, Dr. Herbert R.: 75 mollusk specimens, Africa (see also T.F.H. Publications, Inc.). Ayala, Dr. Francisco J. (see California, University of). Ayguabibas, Delores (see Atomic Energy Commission). Bacon Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 86 bird skeletons. Baglin, Elizabeth G. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Bailey, Dr. Joseph R. (see Duke University). Bailey, Dr. R. M. (see Michigan, University of). Baker, Dr. E. W. (see Agriculture, U.S. Department of). Balcomb, Kenneth C. : 2 marine mammals. Baldwin, Dr. J. T., Jr.: 1,203 botanical specimens. Ball, Dr. George E.: 51 ground beetles; 373 centipedes. Balsbaugh, Dr. E. U.: 11 beetles. Banta, Dr. William: 2 Bryozoa slides. Barbehenn, Dr. Kyle R. (see State, U.S. Department of). Barclay, Dr. Arthur 5. (see Agriculture, U.S. Department of). Barham, Dr. Eric G.: 9 echinoderms. Barker, Mrs. Robert: 68 mineral specimens. Barkley, Dr. Fred A.: 252 plant specimens. Barkley, Dr. T. M. (see Kansas State University). Barnes, Dr. Robert D. (see Del Mar College). Barnett, Dr. Douglas E. : 10 cicadas. Barnish, Guy (see St. Lucia, W.I., Government of). Barr, Louis (see Commerce, U.S. Department of). Barr, Dr. William: 41 beetles. Barros, Neylson: 2 mineral specimens, Brazil. Bashore, Mrs. Judy C: margay cat. Bates, Robert: 5 mineral specimens. Batham, Dr. Elizabeth J.: 7 polychaetes, New Zealand. Bauchot, Dr. M. L. (through Dr. B. B. Collette): fish type. Baumann, Dr. Richard W.: 2,756 insects; 85 water beetles. Bayer, Dr. F. M. (see Miami, University of). Be, Dr. Alan W. H. : 19 foraminifera types. Beaman, Dr. John H. (see Michigan State University). Bechtel, Dr. Robert C: 2 lace bugs; 21 matispids; 108 lace bugs and cicadas; 150 beetles (see also Nevada, State of). Beck, Dorothy Bateman, Estate of (through Edward J. Corcoran) : 24 steel pole arms heads, China (bequest). Beck, Dr. William M., Jr.: 15 stoneflies, Sweden. Becker, Dr. E. C: ground beetle, Mexico. Becker, Dr. Vitor Osmar: 4 moths. Belgium, Government of: Jardin Botanique National de Belgique: 19 bambusa. Belicek, Joseph (see Alberta, University of). Belk, Denton (see Arizona State University). Bell, Mrs. Mae Woods (see Children's Museum). Belle, Jean: 15 dragonflies (exchange). Bellport Senior High School: Students for Environmental Quality (through Thomas A. Woolford) : 9 mollusk specimens. Benda, Dr. Robert S. (see Aquinas College). Benfield, Dr. Fred: water beetle. Benthin, Bruce M.: 16 mineral specimens. Berdan, Dr. Jean M. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Berman, Dr. and Mrs. Bernard: cut emerald, Colombia. Bermuda Biological Station for Research (through Bruce C. Coull) : 393 crustaceans. 438 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Bermudez, Dr. Pedro J. (see Venezuela, Government of). Bernard, David G. (see International Paper Co.). Bernard, Dr. Frank R. (see Canada, Government of). Bernice P. Bishop Museum (through Dr. Dennis M. Devaney) : I Holothurian; (through Anita Manning): 89 plants; 389 plants (exchanges); (through G. A. Samuelson) : 19 leaf beetles (exchange); (through Dr. Wallace B. Steffan) : 12 mosquitoes (exchange). Bernstein, Lawrence: 5 Chrysocolla; 1 lot vivianite (exchange). Berrill, Dr. Michael (see Princeton University). Berry, Dr. S. Stillman: 2 Pecten specimens containing brachiopods, 4 marine mollusks. Beshear, Ramona J.: 3 lace bugs. Bethlehem Steel Corporation (through Dr. B. L. Bramfitt) : graphite specimen. Beu, Dr. A. G. (see New Zealand, Government of). Bideaux Minerals: vanadinite on barite. Bieri, Dr. Robert: 1,000 worms. Birenheide, Dr. Rudolf (see Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg). Birkeland, Dr. Charles (see Smithsonian Institution). Bisson, Peter A. (see Oregon State University). Bjornberg, Dr. Tagea K. S. (see Universidade de Sao Paulo). Blair, Dr. Albert P.: 4 land mollusks. Blake, Dr. James A.: 225 polychaetes. Blanchard, Andre: 1,714 moths. Blewett, J. (see Great Britain, Government of). Blume, Richard R.: 10 beetles. Bode, Mrs. Helen Spalding, Estate of (through Kenneth Foster, Jr.) : 21 anthropological specimens, mostly Chinese (bequest). Boesch, Dr. Donald F. (see Virginia Institute of Marine Science). Boesman, Dr. M. (see Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie). Bokermann, Dr. Werner C. A.: 19 frogs. Bonar, Henry: silicified wood specimen, Honduras. Bond, Dr. Carl (see Oregon State University). Bonner, Dr. C. E. B. (see Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques). Borden, Joseph H. : 9 mineral specimens (exchange). Borhidi, Dr. A. (see Eotvos University). Boschung, Dr. Herbert T. (see Alabama, University of). Boss, Dr. K. M. (see Harvard University). Bostic, Dr. Dennis L. (see Palomar College). Boswell, Mrs. Helen: 4 mollusks. Botanical Museum, Sweden (through Dr. O. Almborn) : 128 plants, Africa (exchange). Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem: 29 ferns (exchange). Botanisk Museum, Norway (through Dagfinn Moe) : 75 plant specimens (exchange). Bottimer, Larry J. (see Canada, Government of). Boucek, Dr. Z. (see Commonwealth Institute of Entomology). Boucot, Dr. Arthur J. : 18,015 brachiopods, 2 latex molds, Silurian and Devonian. Bowling Green State University (through Dr. Richard D. Hoare) : 6 bryozoan fossils. Bramfitt, Dr. B. L. (see Bethlehem Steel Corporation). Brandt, Tom (see Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Brannock, K. C, Estate of: 511 mineral specimens (bequests), Branson, Dr. Branley A.: land mollusk. Brazil, Government of: Faculdade de Ciencias Medical E Biologicas de Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 439 Botucatu (through Dra. Use S. Gottsberger) : 10 melastomataceae. Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria, E Commercio: 6 BromeHaceae. Brenan, Dr. J. P. M. (see Great Britain, Government of). Brewer, George: 9 mineral specimens. Brice, Dr. D. : 6 brachiopods, Upper Devonian, Afghanistan. Brigham, Warren U. (see IlHnois Natural History Survey). Brigham Young University (through Dr. C. Selby Herin) : 6 mite slides, types; (through Dr. Stanley L. Welsh): 116 plants (exchange). Bright, Dr. Donald B. (see California State University). Bright, Dr. Donald E., Jr. (see Canada, Government of). Brinton, Dr. Edward (see California, University of). Broadhead, Dr. Thomas W. (see Texas, University of). Brown, Dick E.: 2 lot quartz. Brown, Dr. William L. : 32 centipedes, 200 mites (see also Cornell University). Browne, Dr. P. R. L.: vial of teschermacherite, New Zealand. Brownell, Robert L., Jr.: 4 bird skeletons; 118 marine mammals. Brownell, W. N. (see Virgin Islands Ecological Research Station). Bruce, Dr. A. J. (see East African Marine Fisheries Research Organization). Bruce-Terminix Co. (through E. V. Walter) : 29 crustaceans. Brumbach, William C. : 102 plant specimens. Bryan, Patrick (see Guam, University of). Buckley, George (see Harvard University). Buechner, Dr. Helmut K.: 475 antelopes. Buell, William: 5 mineral specimens. Burger, Dr. John F. : 4 rodent bot flies. Burghardt, Glenn E.: 2 mollusks, types. Burke, Dr. Horace: 29 weevils, including types. Burkholder, Dr. Paul R. (see Puerto Rico, University of). Bussing, Dr. William A. (see Universidad de Costa Rica). Byron, Mrs. George: 3 Hopi Indian pottery plaques. j Cala, Dr. Plutarco (see Universidad Nacional de Colombia). Caldwell, Dr. David K. (see Marineland of Florida). California, State of: Department of Agriculture (through Dr. Alan R. Hardy): 17 beetles (gift-exchange). Department of Fish and Game (through Dick Daniel): 33 copepods; (through James L. Houk) : 2 barnacle. California, University of: Berkeley Campus (through Dr. John L. Strother) : 252 plant specimens (gift-exchange). Davis Campus (through Dr. Francisco J. Ayala) : 15 Drosophila flies; (through R. O. Schuster): 3 thrips, Hawaii exchange); (through John M. Tucker) : 2 Calathea dressleri isotype, Panama; (through Dr. Grady L. Webster): 31 plant specimens. New Caledonia (exchange). Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (through Dr. Gilbert D. Potter) : 3 crustaceans. South Pacific; 5 bird skins and 5 bird skeletons, Eniwetok Atoll. Los Angeles Campus (through J. Hal Arnell) : 31 mosquitoes; (through Dr. Gary N. Lane) : 10 crinoids, Ordovician, Utah; (through Dr. Joseph Murdock) : 8 sulfur specimens. Riverside Campus (through W. H. Ewart) : 5 thrips; (through Dr. T. W. Fisher) : 2 marsh flies. San Diego Campus (through Dr. Carl D. Hopkins) : 49 fishes, Guyana. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (through Dr. Edward Brinton) : 3 crustaceans, Singapore; (through Dr. Abraham Fleminger) : 20 copepods, 1 slide; (through Dr. John E. McCosker) : 13 fishes; (through Dr. William A. Newman): 207 marine mollusks, including types; (through Dr. Eric Shulenberger) : 242 crustaceans. California Academy of Sciences (through Dr. Jean Durham) : 1 fossil para- type; (through Dr. W. N. Eschmeyer and B. B. Collette) : 3 fishes, Venezuela (exchange); (through Dr. W. N. Eschmeyer): I fish holotype; 440 / Smithsonian Year 1974 (through Dr. Tomio Iwamoto) : 5 fishes, types. California State University (through Dr. Donald B. Bright) : 32 crustaceans, Costa Rica. Cameron, Magi (see Alabama, University of). Camp, David K. (see Florida, State of). Canada, Government of: Department of Agriculture (through Larry J. Bottimer) : 2 seed beetles, Mexico; (through Dr. Donald E. Bright, Jr.) : 40 bark beetles; (through Dr. R. A. Ellis) : 3 mosquitoes. Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources (through Dr. B. S. Norford) : 10 Acaste birminghamensis, type. Fisheries Research Board (through Dr. Frank R. Bernard) : I marine mollusk. Gouvernement du Quebec (through Richard Cayouette) : 2 plant specimens. Royal Ontario Museum (through Dr. G. B. Wiggins) : 6 caddisflies. Canfield Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 6 mineral specimens. Canning, Ken: 48 mineral specimens. Canterbury, University of. New Zealand (through James K. Lowry) : 13 I amphipods. Canzoneri, Dr. Silvano: 8 Ephydrid flies, Italy (see also Museo Civico de Storia Naturale). Capriles, Dr. J. Maldonado: 532 Hemiptera, 97 Lepidoptera and Diptera, 464 i Coleoptera; 696 Hemiptera (exchange) ; 2 assassin bugs (see also Puerto Rico, University of). Carestia, Maj. Ralph R. (see Defense, U.S. Department of). Caribbean Marine Biological Institute, Curacao (through Dr. Jan H. Stock) : 35 crustaceans. Carleton University, Canada (through Dr. Stewart B. Peck) : 109 crustaceans. Carlson, Paul H. : 1,105 Neuropteroids. Carnegie Museum (through Dr. George Wallace) : 18 chalcid-flies (exchange). Carpenter, Ray: 3 mineral specimens. Carriers, Bruno: 23 mineral specimens, (exchanges). Carter, John L.: 126 brachiopod fossils. Casey Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 4,033 Coleoptera, Africa and South America. Cashatt, Dr. E. D.: 2 small moths. Central America. Cather, Mary R. : 10 caddisflies. Causey, Dr. Nell B.: 34 millipedes, including types. Cayouette, Richard (see Canada, Government of). Central University of Venezuela (through Rafael M. Escarbassiere) : 39 marine mollusks. Centre National Pour L'Exploitation Des Oceans, France (through Dr. Roger Hekinian) : 9 deep sea basaltic rock specimens. Cernohorsky, Walter O.: 9 mollusks (exchange). Chai, Paul (see Malaysia, Government of). Chamberlain Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 5 mineral specimens. Chambers, Dr. Kenton L. (see Oregon State University). Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig: cut tanzanite. Chan, Ky (see Chinese University of Hong Kong). Chandler, Donald S. : 4 beetles. Chapin, Dr. Joan B.: 6 beetles (see also Louisiana State University). Chapman, Dr. Carl (see Miami Sea Aquarium). Chatham County Mosquito Control Commission, Georgia (through Virginia T. Mullen) : 6 crustaceans. Chaw, Dr. Lai Hoi (see Universiti Sains Malaysia). Chelan County Cooperative Extension Service, Washington (through John M. Lange) : 3 freshwater mollusks. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 441 Chemsak, Dr. John: 15 beetles. Chew, Dr. Kenneth (see Washington, University of). Chick, Mrs. Walter G.: 115 mineral specimens. Child, C. Allan: 65 worms, 8 sponges, 41 crustaceans. Children's Museum, Rocky Mount (through Mrs. Mae Woods Bell) 40 fossil specimens (exchange). Chinese University of Hong Kong (through Ky Chan) : 105 legume specimens (exchange). Chirichigno F., Dr. Norma (through Dr. B. B. Collette) : 4 fishes, Peru. Chiswell, Alfred G., Jr.: stone celt. Chogyal and Gyalmo of Sikkim: silver brazier. Christie, Mrs. Lillian G.: 32 Ojibwa Indian clothing specimens, Canada, in memory of Ronald Christie. Churcher, Dr. C. S. : 2 casts of fossil bovid remains. Churkin, Dr. Michael, Jr. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Clark, Barbara A. (see Massachusetts, University of). Clark, Dr. Donald, Jr.: 4 bats. Clark, Elizabeth C. (see Wilcox, Howard). Clastrier, Dr. J.: 20 flies, Palearctic. Closs, Dr. Darcy: I isopod, Brazil. Cobban, Dr. W. A. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Cochrane, Theodore S. (see Wisconsin, University of). Coffey, Vince (see Georgia, University of). Cogan, Dr. Brian (see Britain, Government of). Cohen, Mrs. Anne: 15 marine mollusks, Azores. Cohen, Dr. Daniel M. (see Oregon State University and Krefft, Dr. Gerhard). Coleman, Neville: 85 echinoderms, Australia. Collette, Dr. B. B. (see Bauchot, Dr. M. L.; California Academy of Sciences; Chirichigno F., Dr. Norma; Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historic; and Universidad Nacional de Colombia). Collins, Dr. Charles: bird skeleton. Colorado, University of: Museum (through Dr. William A. Weber): 132 plant specimens (exchange). Columbia University: College of Physicians and Surgeons (through Dr. John J Rasweiler IV) : 34 bats, Colombia. Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (through Dr. Davida Kellogg) : 10 Eocene radiolaria, Norwegian Sea. Commerce, U.S. Department of: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory (through Louis Barr) : 6 shrimp. Marine Geology and Geophysics Laboratory (through Robert S. Dietz) : 12 shocked coconino sandstone specimens. National Marine Fisheries^ Service (through Milton J. Lindner) : 18 crustaceans. Gulf of Mexico; (through Dr. Richard B. Roe): 10 echinoderms; 235 crustaceans; (through Carl H. Saloman) : 3 crustaceans; (through Dr. Paul Struhaaker) : 2 fish, including type. Systematics Laboratory (through Dr. Austin B. Williams) : 1,050 crustaceans. Commonwealth Institute for Biological Control, India (through Dr. Sudha Nagarkatti) : 2 chalcid-flies, Japan. j Commonwealth Institute of Entomology, Great Britain (through Dr. Z. ' Boucek) : 145 chalcid-flies; (through Dr. Douglas J. Williams): 8 scale insect' slides. Connolly, Dr. T. F. (see Oak Ridge National Laboratories). Conrad, Dr. Melvin L. (see Northeast Missouri State University). Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Switzerland: 40 plant specimens (exchange); (through Dr. C. E. B. Bonner): 528 plant specimens (exchange) Coogan, Dr. A. H. : 43 invertebrate fossils. 442 / Smithsonian Year 1974 il Cook, Dr. David G.: 20 oligochaetes slides, including types. Cooke, Dr. William J.: 4 medusae. Cooper, Mrs. John H. : 2 marine mollusks. Cooper, Dr. Kenneth W. : 2 scorpion flies. Cooper, Martha R. and John E.: 7 crustaceans. Cooper, Dr. Robert W., and Hendrickx, Dr. Andrew G.: 143 primate specimens. Copenhagen, University of: 200 plant specimens; (through Dr. Jorgen Nielsen) : 3 fishes. Corcoran, Edward J. (see Beck, Dorothy Bateman, Estate of). Corey, Roscoe: danalite specimen. Cornell University (through Dr. William L. Brown, Jr.): 3 ants (exchange) ; (through Drs. Robert Dickerman and Charles Seymour) : 127 bats, Guatemala. L. H. Bailey Hortorium (through Dr. Harold E. Moore, Jr.): 1 melastomataceae, Costa Rica; (through Dr. Margaret H. Stone): 165 plant specimens (exchanges). Veterinary College (through Dr. Howard E. Evans): land snail, Sapelo Island. Correia, R. F. : bivalve mollusk (see also Virginia Commonwealth of). Correll, Dr. Donovan S.: 1 phanerogam, type. Cortes, Dr. Raul: 11 tachinid flies, Chile. Coull, Dr. Bruce C. (see Bermuda Biological Station for Research and South Carolina, University of). Craig, Gen. and Mrs. Louis A.: 8 American Indian ethnological objects, 4 pottery objects, embroidered skirt, China. Crawford, Dr. C. S.: 20 centipedes. Crawford, David: 2 benstonite specimens. Crick, W. M.: beetle. Croat, Dr. Thomas B. (see Missouri Botanical Garden). Crosnier, Dr. Alain: 53 crustaceans (see also France, Government of). Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett L.: 2,275 beetles. North America. Cuatrecasas, Dr. Jose: 1,000 plant specimens, Venezuela. Cuello, Juan (see Museo Nacional de Historia Natural). Cumbaa, Stephen L. (see Florida, University of). Currier, Rock: 2 mineral specimens. Curtis, Dr. Doris M. : 92 ostracod slides, Miocene. Czechoslovakia, Government of: National Museum in Prague: 50 bryophytes (exchange). Dahl, Arthur L. (see Sheen, Michael). Dailey, Dr. D. Charles: 10 wasps and galls, including types. Dalhousie University, Canada: Institute of Oceanography (through Dr. Gareth Harding): 2 crustaceans; (through Byron Morris): 5 crustaceans, 4 slides. Dallas Museum of Natural History (through Dr. Richard W. Fullington) : 6 land snails. Daniel, Dick (see California, State of). Darlington, Dr. P. J., Jr. 279 ground beetles. Darnel, Mrs. Delbert A.: 3,500 mineral micromounts. Davidse, Dr. Gerrit (see Missouri Botanical Garden). Davidson, Capt. Jerry M. (see Defense, U.S. Department of). Davidson, Dr. John (see Maryland, University of). Davis, Mrs. Brooks: hemimorphite, Mexico. Davis, Lee E. : 2 bamboo specimens. Davis, Dr. W. J.: fossil whale skull. Dawson, Dr. C. E. (see Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum). Day, J. H.: 2,714 polychaetes, including types. Dayrit, Fernando G.: 59 mollusks, Philippines. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 443 Dearborn, Dr. J. (see Stanford University). deAzevedo, Selma Barreto (see Laboratorio de Ciencias do Mar). deButts, Henry M. (see Western Airlines). Deeming, John C. : 25 house flies, Africa (see also Ahmandu Bello University). Defense, U.S. Department of: Department of the Air Force (through Capt. Jerry M. Davidson): 67 moths; (through Dr. Charles S. Sahagian) : 32 synthetic crystals. Department of the Army: 210 plant specimens; (through Maj. Ralph R. Carestia) 300 mollusks; (through Dr. K. C. Emerson): 907 lice; (through E. L. Peyton) : 26 mosquitoes. Department of the Navy (through Dr. K. C. Emerson): 115 lice; (through Dr. E. C. Haderlie) : 8 ostracods; (through William R. McBride) : 12 retgersite crystals; (through Lawrence Pugh) : 75 lots larval fish, 52,192 crustaceans ; (through John Schindler) : 5 birds. deGranville, Dr. J. J. (see France, Government of). Deignan, Mrs. Herbert G.: 102 anthropological specimens, mostly Thailand. Deinhardt, Dr. Frederick (see Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center). Delaware, University of (through Dr. Les Watling) : 2 ostracod slides, 3 isopods. Delaware Museum of Natural History (through Dr. R. Tucker Abbott) : freshwater clam (exchange). Del Mar College (through Dr. Robert D. Barnes) : 3 fish specimens. De Lotto, Giovanni (see Plant Protection Research Institute). Demaree, Delzie (see Arizona State College). de Panza, Elisa N. (see Universidad de Buenos Aires). de Quoy, Gen. Alfred (see Irish Wolfhound Club of America). de Rageot, Roger: 10 small mammals. de Rojas, Carmen E. B. (see Universidad Central de Venezuela). de Souza Sob., Ranulpho (see Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina). Desqueyroux, Ruth (see Universidad de Concepcion). Devaney, Dr. Dennis M. : polychaete, Hawaii (exchange) (see also Bernice P. Bishop Museum). de Will, Dr. Wallace (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Dexter, Deborah M.: 50 echinoderms, Panama. Diamond Sales Co. (through Richard Swaebe) : 14 mineral specimens (exchanges) (see also Hansen's Minerals, Inc.). Dickerman, Dr. Robert W. : bird skin (see also Cornell University). Dieterle, Mrs. Jennie V. A. (see Michigan, University of). Dietz, Robert E., IV: 939 Lepidoptera and Diptera, 99 Neuropteroids, 90 Coleoptera, 176 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera. Dietz, Robert S. (see Commerce, U.S. Department of). Dmitriev, Dr. L. : 4 mineral specimens, USSR. Dodds, Mrs. Mary: 5 clausthalite specimens. Dodson, Dr. Calaway H. (see Marie Selby Botanical Gardens). Dombrowski, Luiza Thereza Deconto (see Instituto de Defesa do Patrimonie Natural). Dominick, Dr. Richard B.: 67 moths and freeze-dried larvae. Donnelly, Dr. T. W.: 40 caddisflies; 99 dragonflies (exchange). Dooley, James K. (see North Carolina, University of). Dorrance, John C. : 2 pairs ritual shoes, Australia. Doty, Dr. Matwell S. (see Hawaii, University of). Douglas, Dr. Neil H. (see Northeast Louisiana University). Douglass, Dr. Raymond (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Dozier, Dr. Herbert L. : 10 darking beetles, New Guinea; 5 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera; 101 beetles (exchange). Drewes, Harold (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). 444 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Druckenbrod, Lawrence Michael: 4 ground beetles; 659 Neuropteroids. Dudley, Dr. T. (see Agriculture, U.S. Department of). Duke University: 75 botanical specimens (exchanges); (through Dr. Joseph R. Bailey): 262 crustaceans; (through Marjorie Watkins) : 55 bryophytes (exchange); (through Dr. Myron L. Wolbarsht) : 11 galagos. Marine Laboratory (through Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe) : 2 amphipods. Dunn, Dr. D. B. (see Missouri, University of). Dunn, Pete J.: 84 mineral specimens; 72 grams beryllonite, Maine. Dunn, Wilbur F. : portion of Cetothere skeleton, Miocene. Durham, Dr. Jean (see California Academy of Sciences). Dybas, Henry: 11 beetles. East African Marine Fisheries Research Organization (through Dr. A. J. Bruce) : 5 crustaceans. Eccles, David H. : 83 lots fish specimens, Africa. Ecole Polytechnique, Canada (through Dr. J. C. Sisi) : 9 mineral specimens (exchange). Edmunds, Dr. George F., Jr., and Peters, Dr. William L.: 155 stoneflies, Malaysia. Ege University, Turkey (through Mustafa U. Saritas) : 26 sponges and slides. Eisler, Ronald (see Environmental Protection Agency). Eiten, Dr. George (see Universidade de Brazilia and Instituto de Botanica). Eklund, Mrs. Carl R. : 4 antarctic bird eggs; feather blanket, 2 pairs boots, Eskimo. Elberg, Dr. K. (see Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Elliott, Dr. William R. : 10 aquatic beetles, Mexico (see also Texas Tech University). Ellis, Dr. R. A. (see Canada, Government of). Ellison, Mrs. W. L.: 21 bird skins, Brazil. Elsik, William C: 17 pollen and spore specimens, types. Emerson, Dr. K. C: 638 lice (see also Defense, U. S. Department of). Enamait, Ed (See Maryland, State of). England, Kent: melanophlogite specimen (exchange). Environmental Protection Agency (through Ronald Eisler) : 3 clam specimens. Eotvos University, Hungary (through Dr. A. Borhidi) : 2 plant specimen, Cuba. Erskine College (through Dr. James G. Saxon) : 257 fishes. Erwin, Dr. Terry L. : 10,434 insects. Escarbassiere, Rafael M. (see Central University of Venezuela). Eschmeyer, Dr. W. N. (see California Academy of Sciences). Eskow, Mrs. Seymour: cord-bound coconut water canteen, Gilbert Islands. Estevez, Ernest (see South Florida, University of). Etnier, Dr. David A. (see Tennessee, University of). Evans, Dr. Clifford: 160 archeological artifacts, Ecuador. Evans, Dr. Howard E. (see Cornell University). Even, Lance: mollusk specimen. Ewart, W. H. (see California, University of). Ewell, G. O.: cervical vertebrae of Balaena mysticetus, Pleistocene. Ewing, Rod: mineral specimen. Exxon Co. (through Duane O. LeRoy) : 5 foraminifera type specimens. Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques, Belgium (through Dr. Jean Leclercq) : 74 bees. Fales, Col. and Mrs. Clark Kent: Chinese costume, 2 Indonesian weapons. Faulkner, Douglas: 3 crustaceans. Faunalabs, Inc. (through Dr. Neil B. Todd) : 50 frozen domestic cats. Fay, Dr. Rimmon (see Pacific Bio-Marine Supply Co.). Felder, Darryl L. (see Louisiana State University). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 445 Ferguson, Mrs. A. L. L. (through Dr. Marshall T. Newman) : 154 human skeletal remains. Ferguson, Dr. Douglas C: 9,500 moths (see also Agriculture, U. S. Department of). Fernald, Dr. Robert L. (see Washington, University of). Fernandez, Dr. A. (see Portugal, Government of). Ferreyra, Dr. Ramon: thread snake, type, Peru (see also Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos). Fiance, Samuel: 25 stoneflies. Field Museum of Natural History: I Bromeliaceae; 103 plant specimens (exchange); 391 plant specimens (gift-exchange); (through Dr. Robert K. Johnson) : 6 fishes, Colombia (exchange); (through H. G. Nelson) : 42 water beetles (exchange); (through Dr. Lorin I. Nevling, Jr.): 112 plant specimens (exchanges); 203 plant specimens (gift-exchange). Fielding, Herbert: bowenite specimen. Figueiras, Dr. Manuel Lopez (see Universidad de los Andes). Fincham, Dr. Anthony A. (see Victoria University of Wellington). Finney, Dr. Colin M. (see New York Ocean Science Laboratory). Fischer-Piette, E.: worm specimen. Fish, Marjorie E.: mask and comb. New Guinea. Fishbein, Dr. (see Health, Education, and Welfare, U. S. Department of). Fisher, Dr. T. W. (see California, University of). Fittkau, Dr. E. J. (see Max-Planck Institut fur Limnologie). Flavill, Paul: 34 water beetles. Fleischer, Dr. Peter: mineral specimen. Fleminger, Dr. Abraham (see California, University of). Flensborg, Imga: 5 mineral specimens (exchange). Flint, Mrs. C. M.: 169 dragonflies. Flint, Dr. Oliver S., Jr.: 574 lacewings. Florida, State of: Department of Agriculture (through Dr. E. E. Grissell) : 2 chalcid-flies. Department of Natural Resources (through David K. Camp) : 8 marine squid; (through Dr. William Lyons) : 34 echinoderms. Florida, University of: 62 mosses, Venezuela; 60 bryophytes, Costa Rica; (through Dr. Daniel B. Ward); I gnaphalium. Florida State Museum (through Stephen L. Cumbaa) : 3 casts of fossil remains of rare seal; (through Dr. Carter R. Gilbert): 170 crustaceans. Florida State University: 30 plant specimens; (through D. Bruce Means) : 4 crustaceans; (through Dr. Allen Z. Paul): I isopod, high Arctic. Flower, Dr. Rousseau: 4 land snails. Folkerts, Dr. George W.: 14 water beetles. Foote, Dr. Richard H. (see Agriculture, U. S. Department of). Ford, E. J.: 3 beetles. Forest, Dr. J. (see Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle). Formas C, Ramon (see Universidad Austral de Chile). Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg (through Dr. Rudolf Birenheide) : 6 fossil specimens, 2 thin sections. Middle Devonian. Foster, Kenneth, Jr. (see Bode, Mrs. Helen Spalding, Estate of). France, Government of: Office de la Recherche, Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer: 7 botanical specimens. South America; (through Dr. Alain Crosnier) : 222 crustaceans; (through Dr. J. J. deGranville) : 9 botanical specimens. South America; (through Dr. R. A. A. Oldeman) : 16 botanical specimens, French Guiana. Franclemont, Dr. John G.: 3 millipedes. Freude, Dr. H.: 8 beetles. Frey, Dr. David G. (see Indiana University). 446 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Friends of Mineralogy (through Dr. Joel E. Arem) : 45 mineral specimens. Froglia, Carlo (see Laboratorio di Technologia della Pesca). Frommer, Dr. Saul I.: 7 beetles. Frondel, Dr. Clifford: barylite specimen. Frost, Dr. S. W. : squash bug. Fujimoto, Hozan: 2 porcelain bowls, Japan (exchange). Fujimura, Takuji (see Aquaculture International (Australia) Pty. Ltd.). Fuller, Dr. Samuel L. H. (see Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia). Fullington, Dr. Richard W. (see Dallas Museum of Natural History). Funasaki, Dr. George (see Hawaii, State of). Funk, Dr. Richard S.: 2 leeches. Furman, Dr. Deane P.: 55 mite slides, including types. Futrell, Darryl: 4 tridymite specimens. Gaeth, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E., and Valenza, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo D. : bald-faced hornet nest. Gagne, Dr. Raymond J.: 350 gall midges. Gallo, Dr. Sergio: 15 mineral specimens, Italy (exchange) ; 2 melanophlogite specimens, Italy. Gait, Mrs. Jolly H. (see Washington, University of). Garth, Dr. John S. (see Southern California, University of). Gauthier, Gilbert: 6 mineral specimens, Africa (exchange). Gaver, Mrs. G. P.: mah-jong gaine set. Geijskes, Dr. D. C. (see Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historic). George, Gilbert: 2 serandite specimens, Canada. Georgia State University (through Dr. Charles H. Wharton) : 120 crustaceans. Georgia, University of (through Vince Coffey) : Lysimachia specimen, Alabama. Marine Institute (through Richard W. Heard III): Coneplacidae specimen. Gerk, Arthur J.: 360 brachiopods, Iowa. Gibbs, Dr. Robert H.: 7 echinoderms, 40 mollusks, 174 crustaceans. Gibson, Dr. Gordon D. : 100 archeological specimens, Angola. Gilbert, Dr. B. Miles: 48 pubic bone casts. Gilbert, Dr. Carter R. (see Florida, University of). Gillaspy, Dr. Jan^es E.: 3 moths, Texas. Gillis, Dr. William T. (see Harvard University). Gillogly, Capt. Allen: 562 beetles. Gittins, Dr. John, (see Toronto, University of). Glynn, Dr. Peter W. (see Smithsonian Institution). Goff, Barney: 2 mineral specimens, Australia. Gogate, G. B.: 2 polychaete worms, India Golden, Dr. A. M. (see Agriculture, U. S. Department of). Goldman, Jane E.: Apache Indian basket. Goldner, Mrs. Marion O. : 3 pieces of Chinese clothing, 2 Japanese pictures. Goldsmith, Merton J.: 2 marine mollusks. Goldstein, A. Edge: I lot mineral specimens. Gonsoulin, Dr. Gene: 93 styrax specimens. Goodson, Mrs. Ruby Bowe: Cherokee Indian beaded bag. Goodyear, James: 6 beetles, Africa (exchange). Gordh, Gordon: 3 chalcid-flies. Gordon, MacKenzie: 19 specimens and fragments of Ammonoidea (see also Interior, U. S. Department of the). Gore, Dr. Robert M. (see Smithsonian Institution). Gorman, R. C. (see Australia, Government of). Gorodkov, Dr. K. B. (see Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Goteborgs Universitet, Sweden: 71 plant specimens, Ecuador. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 447 Gothenburg, University of, Sweden (through Dr. Anders Waren) : 2 mollusks. Gottsberger, Dr. Use S. (see Brazil, Government of). Gramaccioli, Dr. Carlo M. : mineral specimen, Italy (exchange). Grand Valley State College (through Dr. Howard O. Wright) : 22 echinoderms, 24 marine mollusks, 2 worms, British Honduras. Great Britain, Government of: British Museum (Natural History) (through Dr. Brian Cogan) : 6 acalyptrate flies (exchange) ; (through Roger Lubbock): I fish; (through Dr. Anthony L. Rice): 6 crustaceans (exchange); (through R. Ross): 19 fern photographs (exchange). Royal Botanic Gardens: 200 plant specimens (exchange) ; (through J. Blewett) : 131 plants, Brazil (exchange) ; (through Dr. J. P. M. Brenan) : 44 plants, Aldabra (exchange) ; (through Peter Green): 104 plants, Brazil (exchange); (through J. Heslop Harrison) : 3 plant specimens and 4 drawings. Green, Peter (see Great Britain, Government of). Greenfield, Dr. David W. (see Northern Illinois University). Grelen, Dr. Harold E. (see Agriculture, U. S. Department of). Grigg, Ursula M. (see Saint Mary's University). Grissell, Dr. E. E. (see Florida, State of). Gross, Dr. G. E. (see South Australian Museum). Gruenwald, M. Henri (see Mauritania, Government of). Gruwell, John A.: 2,295 grasshoppers, 841 moths, 3,337 bees, 13,470 beetles, Africa. Guam, University of (through Patrick Bryan) : 7 fish specimens. Guillemin, Dr. Claude: 2 mineral specimens, Trance (exchange). Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum (through Dr. C. E. Dawson) : 2,203 crustaceans, 382 mollusks, 14 fishes, 34 echinoderms, 26 lots worms; (through Dr. R. W. Heard): 7 crustaceans; (through Walter Langley) : worm specimen. Gunther, Lloyd: 7 fossil specimens. Middle Cambrian, Utah (exchange). Gurney, Dr. Ashley B.: 2,294 Neuropteroids, South America. Habe, Dr. Tadashige (see National Science Museum). Haderlie, Dr. E. C. (see Defense, U. S. Department of). Haick, Roger A.: 540 Neuropteroids. Hale, William H. : fossil cormorant bones, Nevada. Halpern, Jack: jamesonite specimen. Hamid, Dr. Abdul: stink bug, type, Asia. Hansen, Dr. Bruce F. (see Wisconsin, University of). Hansen, Gary: 2 calcite specimens (exchange); 1 orpiment specimen, Peru (see also Hansen's Minerals, Inc.). Hansen's minerals. Inc. (through Gary Hansen) : 3 mineral specimens (see also Diamond Sales Co.) Hansen's Minerals, Inc., and Diamond Sales Co. (through Gary Hansen and Richard Swaebe) : I axinate specimen (exchange). Hanson, Dr. Wilford J.: 52 beetles. Harding, Dr. Gareth (see Dalhousie University). Hardman, David: I mendipite specimen. Hardy, Dr. Alan R. (see California, State of). Hargraves, Audrey: 8 echinoderms, Texas, 18 marine mollusks. Harman, Walter J.: 44 worm slides (see also Louisiana State University). Harris, Mrs. Bessie B. : 24 freshwater snails. Harris, Herbert S., Jr., and Simmons, Dr. Robert S. : 2 crocodileSj Mexico, 2 snakes, Peru. Harris, Ronald E. : 7 crustaceans. Harrison, J. Heslop (see Great Britain, Government of). Harrison, Richard V.: 4 crustaceans, British Honduras. 448 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Hartman, Dr. Willard D. (see Yale University). Hartshorn, Gary 5. (see Universidad de Costa Rica). ' Harvard University (through Dr. James R. Kirkpatrick) : synthetic mineral specimen. Arnold Arboretum (through Dr. William T. Gillis) : 4 Palmae. Botanical Museum (through Dr. Richard Evans Schultes) : 5 plants, South America. Geological Museum (through Dr. Jun Ito) : 12 synthetic rare earth silicates. Gray Herbarium (through Dr. William T. Gillis) : 5 melastomataceae; (through Dr. Reed C. Rollins): 2,594 botanical specimens (exchanges). Museum of Comparative Zoology (through Dr. K. M. Boss): 64 worms (exchange); (through George Buckley): 1,420 mollusks (exchange); (through Michael H. Horn): 78 crustaceans; (through Dr. Bryan Patterson) : cast of Australopithecus right jaw. Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Japan: 50 hryophytes (exchanges). Hawaii, State of: Department of Agriculture (through Dr. George Funasaki) : 2 beetles; (through William Rose): 5 compositae, Mexico. Hawaii, University of (through Dr. Matwell S. Doty): 10 algae, types; (through William J. Hoe) : 5 hryophytes. Lyon Arboretum (through Dr. Sharon S. Ishikawa) : 290 plant specimens (exchange). Institute of Marine Biology (through Dr. John M. Miller) : 2 Medusae. Hawkins, Dr. W. A., Jr.: wasp. Hazel, Dr. Joseph E. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Health, Education, and Welfare, U. S. Department of: Food and Drug Administration (through Dr. Fishbein) : 2 crustaceans. West Africa. Public Health Service: National Communicable Disease Center (through Dr. Robert S. McLean) : 34 fishes, 1 toad, 5 lizards. Rocky Mountain Laboratory (through Dr. Conrad E. Yunker); mule deer skull. Heaney, Lawrence R. (see Minnesota, University of). Heard, Dr. R. W. (see Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum). Heard, Richard W., Ill (see Georgia, University of). Hedlin, A. F. : moth. Hekinian, Dr. Roger (see Centre National Pour L'Exploitation des Oceans). Helm, Dr. June: Eskimo skin bag, Alaska. Helsinki, University of, Finland (through Dr. Harri Harmaja) : 18 hryophytes (exchange). Heming, B. S. (see Alberta, University of). Henderson, Dr. Edward P.: complete individual meteorite; 11 obsidian specimens. Hendrickx, Dr. Andrew G. (see Cooper, Dr. Robert W.). Henry, Dr. Dora P. (see Washington, University of). Herbario "Barbosa Rodriques," Brazil: 345 grass specimens. Herbarium Bradeanum, Brazil (through Dr. G. F. J. Pabst) : 71 botanical specimens. Herbarium Universitatis Napocensis, Romania: 124 plant specimens (exchange). Herman, Dr. Lee H., Jr.: 26 beetles. Heron, Gayle (see Washington, University of). Herrin, Dr. C. Selby (see Brigham Young University). Hickey, Gerald: 31 anthropological specimens, Vietnam. Hicks, Mrs. E. W. : 3 quartz specimens. Hieke, Dr. F. : ground beetle (exchange). Hight, Dr. Mary Etta: 177 squirrels. Hill, Dr. Clyde A.: 3 mammal specimens. Hill, Dr. Inez: 2 bowls, Cyprus; carved limestone sphere, Ethiopia. Hill, Louis W., Jr.: Piegan Indian pipe bowl and bear figure. Hilsenhoff, Dr. William: 68 stoneflies. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution / 449 Hilty, Dr. Steven (see Arizona, University of). Hindman, James R. : mineral specimen. Hinshaw, Everett: 3 calcite specimens. Ho, Dr. Pham-Hoang (see Universite de Saigon). Hoare, Dr. Richard D. (see Bowling Green State University). Hobson, Mrs. Katharine D. : 30 polychaetes. Hodges, Dr. Ronald W.: 500 small moths. Hoe, William J. (see Hawaii, University of). Hoffman, Dr. Richard L. : 195 insects Hokkaido University, Japan (through Kunio Amaoka) : fish specimen, type. Holdridge, Dr. Leslie R. : 17 phanerogams, Costa Rica (see also Tropical Science Center). Holland, Dr. C. G.: 460 archeological pottery and stone specimens. Holland, Mrs. Malinda B.: Sioux Indian headed leggings and moccasins. Hollingsworth, Charles: 8 polychaetes, Barbados. Hollis, Julian: 142 bivalves. Lower Cretaceous, England (exchange). Holmgren, Dr. Patricia K. (see New York Botanical Garden). Holsinger, Dr. John R. : 2,915 crustaceans (see also Old Dominion College). Hooff, Laura (see Wilcox, Howard). Hopkins, Dr. Carl D. (see California, University of). Horn, Michael H. (see Harvard University). jj Houbrick, Dr. Richard S.: 2,500 land and marine mollusks (see also Smithsonian Institution). Houk, James L. (see California, State of). j Houston, University of (through Rosalie F. Maddocks) : 32 ostracod slides. Howard, Fred: 156 crustaceans, Canada. Hubricht, Leslie: 65 amphipods; 2 worm slides; 1 lot worms, 2 lots shrimp. Huckett, Dr. H. C: 22 Dfpferfl. Huggins, Dr. Charles W. (see Interior, U. S. Department of the). Huggins, Dr. Donald G.: 63 stoneflies, Alaska. , Hughes, Warren: 19 quartz specimens. Humphrey, Dr. Philip S. (see Kansas, University of). Hunter, Jay V. (see Louisiana State University). Hunziker, Armando T. (see Universidad Nacional de Cordoba), lishi. Dr. K.: synthetic antigorite specimen (exchange). Illg, Dr. Paul L. (see Lynch, Dr. James E., and Washington, University of). Illinois Natural History Survey (through Warren U. Brigham) : 7 coleoptera (through Larry M. Page) : 19 crayfishes. litis. Dr. Hugh B. (see Wisconsin, University of). Indiana University (through Dr. David G. Frey) : 2 crustaceans and 2 slides, Sweden. Inland Fisheries Trust Inc. (through Michael Kennedy) : fish specimen, Ireland. Institute of Plant Protection, USSR (through Dr. G. V. Mikolajev) : 59 scarab beetles (exchange). Institute de Botanica, Brazil (through Dr. George Eiten) : 2,563 plant specimens; (through Dr. J. Mattos) : 127 plant specimens. Institute de Ciencias Naturales, Colombia (through Padre L. Uribe) : 6 ' Melastomataceae. Institute de conservacao de natureza, Brazil: 30 plant specimens. Institute de Defesa de Patrimonie Natural, Brazil: 25 Gramineae; (through Luiza Thereza Deconto Dombrowski) : 187 botanical specimens. Institute Nacional de Pesquisas, Brazil: 11 Leguminosae. Institute Politecnico Nacional, Mexico (through Dr. J. Rzedowski) : 88 plant specimens (exchange). Interior, U. S. Department of the: Bureau of Mines (through Elizabeth G. , 450 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Baglin) : vial of argentojarosite ; (through Dr. Charles W. Huggins) : 2 vials of dawsonite. Fish and Wildlife Service: 495 skins, 45 skeletons, 6 eggs of North American birds; (through Dr. Donald E. Wilson) : 2,053 mammals. Geological Survey: 6 Tretomphalus bulloides, types; (through Warren O. ■^^ Addicott) : 98 fossil gastropods and bivalves; (through Dr. Jean M. Berdan) : 216 fossil ostracods and brachiopods; (through Dr. Michael Churkin, Jr.): 21 thin sections of Devonian corals and 52 slabs; (through Dr. W. A. Cobban): 217 fossil specimens; (through Dr. Wallace de Will): 2 Devonian nautiloid; (through Dr. Raymond Douglass) : 168 fusulinids thin sections, Chile; (through Harold Drewes) : 15 tertiary volcanic rocks; (through MacKenzie Gordon): 2 cephalopod, Upper Devonian, Maryland; (through Dr. Joseph E. Hazel) : 3 drawers of ostracods; (through Dr. Dick Janda) : 1 fossil whale jaw, Oregon; (through Edward M. MacKevett, Jr.): 20 analyzed rocks, Alaska; (through Dr. 5. H. Mamay); 4 paleozoic insects. New Mexico; (through Dr. Daniel J. Milton) : 3 lots churchite/florenceite, California; (through Mary Mrose) : 2 suite of phosphate minerals, Brazil; 1 clinobisuanite, Australia; (through Dr. George J. Neuerburg) : 2 galkhaite specimen, Nevada; (through Dr. John Pojeta): 3 drawers of Silurian and Devonian Pelecypods; (through Dr. Reuben J. Ross, Jr.): 2 Blastoidocrinus; (through Harold Saunders) : 5 quartz specimens, Arkansas; (through Dr. William N. Sharp) : 5 vials of kogarkoite, Colorado; (through R. P. Sheldon) : 18 mineral specimens; (through Dr. I. G. Sohn) : 200 ostracods, 14 slides; (through Dr. James Sprinkle) : 206 crinoids; (through Ellis L. Yochelson) : 222 fossil specimens, including types. National Park Service (through Roland R. Wauer) : 2 leeches, Texas. International Paper Co. (through David G. Bernard) : tourmaline specimens. Iowa State University (through Dr. Richard W. Pohl) : 16 grass specimens, Costa Rica (exchange) ; 7 Cramineae, Peru. Ireland, Dr. R. R. (see National Museum of Natural Sciences). Irish Wolfhound Club of America (through Gen. Alfred de Quoy) : dog skeleton. Irvine, John W., Jr.: lacrosse sticks. Ishikawa, Dr. Sharon S. (see Hawaii, University of). Island Resources Foundation, Inc. (through William E. Rainey) : 6 crustaceans. Ito, Dr. Jun (see Harvard University). Iwamoto, Dr. Tomio (see California Academy of Sciences). Jackson, James F. : 15 fungus gnats, British Honduras. Jacksonville University (through Dr. Kenneth Relyea) : 2 crustaceans. Jacobi, Dr. Gerald Z. : 15 beetles (see also Wisconsin State University). Jakowska, Dr. Sophie: 2 echinoid, Dominican Republic. Janda, Dr. Dick (see Interior, U. S. Department of the). Jaxel, Robert: 5 mineral specimens. J. E. Purkyne University, Czechoslovakia (through Dr. R. Rozkosny) : 7 marsh flies. Jewell, Dana: 53 mineral specimens. Jirak, Dr. Ivan L. : 4 mineral specimens. Johns-Manville Corp. (through Julie C. Yang) : 9 vials of mineral specimens. Johnson, Andrew: 7 ethnological specimens, Philippine Islands. Johnson, Arthur F. (see Virginia, Commonwealth of). Johnson, Dr. Gerald H. (see Smith, David). Johnson, Dr. Jesse G.: 460 fossil specimens. Johnson, Richard I.: mollusk specimen, type. Johnson, Dr. Robert K. (see Field Museum of Natural History). Johnston, Dr. Marshall C. (see Texas, University of). Johnson, Jean Claude (see Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 451 Jones, Henry A. (see Smithsonian Institution). Jones, Dr. Meredith (see American Museum of Natural History). Jones, Dr. Robert H.: 10,900 flies. Jouanin, Dr. Christian (see Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle). Judkins, Dr. David C. (see Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). Kansas, University of (through Dr. Philip S. Humphrey): 39,268 land and freshwater mollusks. Kansas State University (through Dr. T. M. Barkley) : plant specimen. Kaplan, Ronald D.: 86 stoneflies. Katholieke Universiteit, The Netherlands (through Dr. F. Lukoschus) : 12 mite slides. Kato, Dr. Akira: 5 mineral specimens. Kauffman, Dr. E. G. (see Saul, Dr. Louella). Kavanaugh, David: 52 centipedes, Aleutian Islands. Kazan, Peter: snout beetle. South America. Keil, Dr. Klaus (see New Mexico, University of). Keller, Peter (see Texas, University of). Kelley, Richard N. : 3 chips of Helvite, Canada. Kellogg, Dr. Davida (see Columbia University). Kellogg, Mrs. Stuart: 250 land and marine mollusks. Kelly, F. R. (see Lloyd, Mrs. Frances K.). Kendall, Elizabeth: 4 Philippine helmets, 2 Chinese flags. Kenk, Dr. Roman: 23 worms, including type. Kennedy, Helen: 15 plant specimens. Kennedy, Hugh: mineral specimen, Brazil. Kennedy, Michael (see Inland Fisheries Trust, Inc.). Kennedy, Dr. W. J.: 200 fossil specimens, mostly mollusks. Khartoum, University of, Sudan (through J. R. Vail) : meteorite specimen. Kilburn, R. N. (see Natal Museum). Kimball, Kenneth: 190 Neuropteroids, Iran. King, Robert M.: 123 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, Costa Rica; 31 Compositae, Mexico. King, Vandall T. : 5 mineral specimens. Kingsley, Mrs. Charles P.: suit of Japanese Samurai armor, Persian war axe. Kingsley, William: Japanese Samurai sword. Kirkpatrick, Dr. James R. (see Harvard University). Klemm, Donald J.: 3 leeches. Knapp, Dr. Leslie W. (see Smithsonian Institution). Knez, Dr. Eugene I.: shoes, bowl, ceremonial belt, Korea; scroll and 3 ethnological specimens, Bhutan. Knight, James: Botallackite specimen, England (exchange). Knobloch, Dr. Irving W. : 108 plant specimens, Mexico. Knowlton, Dr. George F. : 517 Coleoptera; 167 Myriapoda and Arachnida. Kobe University, Japan: 33 sawflies (exchange). Koch, Dr. L. E. (Western Australian Museum). Kohn, Dr. Alan J.: 2,610 polychaetes, Easter Island. Komarek, E. V.: 1,409 Neuropteroids. Komarov Botanical Institute of the USSR: Herbarium (through Dr. I. T. Vassilczenko) : 200 plant specimens (exchange). Kornicker, Dr. L. S.: 10,184 crustaceans. Koyama, Hiroshige (see National Science Museum). Kraeuter, Dr. John N. : 5 marine rhollusks. Krai, Dr. Robert (see Vanderbilt University). Krapovickas, Antonio (see Universidad Nacional del Nordeste), Krauss, N. L. H. : 4 crustaceans; 594 Diptera. 452 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Krefft, Dr. Gerhard (through Dr. Daniel Cohen) : 4 worms, 52 crustaceans. Krombein, DarHssa B.: cicada specimen. Kruczynski, WilHam L. : 10 freshwater mollusks. Kues, Dr. Barry S. : marine mollusk. Kushner, Ervan F. : 3 mineral specimens. Laboratorio de Ciencias do Mar, Brazil (through Selma Bareto de Azevedo) : 8 fish specimens. Laboratorio di Technologia Delia Pesca, Italy (through Carlo Froglia) : 156 crustaceans (exchange). Lafayette College (through Dr. Arthur Montgomery) : mineral specimen, Dutch Antilles. Lajmi, Mohamed (see Smithsonian Institution). Lakela, Dr. Olga (see South Florida, University of). Lambers, Dr. D. Hille Ris: aphid slide, Africa. Landrum, Betty J. (see Smithsonian Institution). Lane, Dr. N. Gary (see California, University of). Langley, Walter (see Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum). Larsen, Dr. Kai (see Arhus Universitet). Larsen, Ronald J. (see Puerto Rico, University of). Larson, William: 40 mineral specimens (see also Pala Properties International). Lasmanis, Raymond: arsenic specimen, Canada. Laurence University (through Dr. Allen M. Young) : 17 plant specimens, Costa Rica. Laurent, M. de Saint (see Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle). Lavigne, Dr. Robert J.: 152 ants, types, Puerto Rico. Lawrence, Dr. J. (see South Florida, University of). Lawrence, Dr. John F. : 4 fungus beetles. Lawson, Dr. Thomas J. (see Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution). Leclercq, Dr. Jean (see Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques). Lee, Dr. Albert F. : pottery whistle, Mexico. Lee, C. Bruce: 2 Lepidoptera, Asia. Lee, Dr. D. C. (see South Australian Museum). Lee, Lester (through William W. Warner) : marine mollusk. Leech, Dr. Hugh B.: 561 beetles (exchange). Lees, Dennis C. (see Marine Biological Consultants, Inc.). Lehigh University (through Dr. J. D. Ryan) : 13,996 Peruvian fossils, 4 land mollusks. Lehto, Elinor (see Arizona State University). Leicht, Wayne: 6 mineral specimens (exchange). Lembaga Oceanologi Nasional, Indonesia (through Kasim Moosa) : 2 crustaceans. Lerer, Mrs. Edna: 9 mineral specimens. LeRoy, Duane O. (see EXXON Co.). Lessing, Dr. Peter: vial of zoned andradite. Leveque, Dr. Ch. (see Station de Recherches de Zoologie). Levinson, S. A.: S ostracod slides. Lewis, Dr. David J. : 32 biting flies. Lewis, Mrs. John S. (see Lewis, Rear Adm. John S., Estate of). Lewis, Rear Adm. John S., Estate of (through Mrs. John S. Lewis) : carved wooden figure, Solomon Islands (bequest). Lidstrom, Walter (see Lidstrom Minerals). Lidstrom Minerals (through Walter Lidstrom) : 15 mineral specimens, (exchanges). Lie, Ulf (see Washington, University of). Lieftinck, Dr. M. A.: wasp, Europe. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 453 Lindner, Milton J. (see Commerce, U. 5. Department of). Little, Dr. Elbert L., Jr. (see Agriculture, U.S. Department of). Liverpool Polytechnic, Great Britain (through Dr. Malcolm Luxton) : 5 mite slides. Lloyd, Mrs. Frances K., Kelly, J. M., Jr., and Kelly, F. R. : Chippewa Indian beaded cloth cap. Lobl, Dr. Ivan (see Museum d'Histoire Naturelle). Loftesnes, Capt. E.: mineral specimen, Norway. Long, Charlene D. : 11 echinoderms, 7,012 polychaete worms, 36 phoronida worm slides, 16 lots insects. Long, Charles A. (see Wisconsin, University of). Long, Edward R. (see Oregon State University). Long, Robert W. (see South Florida, University of). Loomis, H. F. : millipede. Lopes, Dr. H. de Souza: 225 fleshflies. South America. Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (through Dr. James H. McLean) : 140 marine mollusks. Louisiana State University (through Dr. Joan B. Chapin) : 6 moths; (through Darryl L. Felder) : 38 crustaceans; (through Walter J. Harman) : 4 worm slides; (through Jay V. Hunter): 2 crayfish; (through Dr. George H. Lowery, Jr.) bird mummy, Philippines (exchange). Lourteig, Dr. Alicia (see Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle). Lowery, Dr. George H. (see Louisiana State University). Lowry, James K. (see Canterbury, University of). Lubbock, Roger (see Great Britain, Government of). Ludlow, Smith, and Cann, Inc. (through F. L. Smith) : 38 mineral specimens (exchanges). Lugton, Ralph: 3 beryl specimens. Lukoschus, Dr. F. (see Katholieke Universiteit). Lutze, Dr. Gerhard F. (see Universitat Kiel). Luxton, Dr. Malcolm (see Liverpool Polytechnic). Lyko Mineral and Gem, Inc. (through Jack Young) : 10 mineral specimens (exchanges) ; 6 mineral specimens. Lynch, Dr. James E. (through Dr. Paul L. Illg) : 8 lots worms, 200 mollusks, 63,689 crustaceans. MacCord, Col. Howard A. (see Virginia, Commonwealth of). MacKevett, Edward M., Jr. (see Interior, U. S. Department of the). MacLean, Dermid: 6 mineral specimens. Maddocks, Rosalie F. (see Houston, University of). Madurai University, India (through P. Navaneethakrishnan) : 20 shrimp. Mailloux, Gerard: I centipede. Major, Mrs. Bernard P.: 2 pottery vessels, Iran. Malaya, University of, Malaysia: 61 plant specimens (exchange) ; (through Dr. Benjamin Stone) : 55 plant specimens(exchanges) ; (through Thomas Yancey) : 50 crustaceans. Malaysia, Government of: Office of Conservator of Forests (through Paul Chai) : 10 Araceae specimens. Malone, Mrs. Elsie: 7 mollusks. Mamay, Dr. S. H. (see Interior, U. S. Department of the). Manchester, University of. Great Britain (through Dr. Joan Watson) : 15 fossil specimens (exchange). Manchester Museum (through Dr. Charles Pettitt) : 42 mollusks (exchange). Mancini, Eugene R. : 1 mayfly. Mandaville, James P., Jr.: 82 plants, Oman. Mangan, Robert: 150 sepsid flies. 454 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Manning, Mrs. Anita: 36 coleoptera, Pacific Islands (see also Bernice P. Bishop Museum). Marcus, Mrs. Eveline: marine moUnsk, Barbados. Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. Philip: Eocene gastropod. Marcus, Philip: 2 stilbite specimens. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens (through Dr. Calaway H. Dodson). 393 botanical specimens. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (through Dr. William A. Newman) : 2 crustaceans and 8 slides, southwest Atlantic. Marine Biological Consultants, Inc. (through Dennis C. Lees) : 2 medusae. Marine Biological Station, Yugoslavia (through Dr. Joze Stirn) : 162 crustaceans (exchange). Marineland of Florida (through Dr. David K. Caldwell) : 3 marine mammals. Markham, John C. (see Miami, University of). Marshall, Mrs. Elsie: 6 marine shells, Chile. Marshall, John: 31 mineral specimens. Maryland, State of: State Trout Hatchery (through Ed Enamait) : fish specimen. Maryland, University of (through Dr. John Davidson) : 253 beetles. Mason, Mrs. Janie Ellis: 4 Apache baskets. Massachusetts, University of (through Barbara A. Clark) : 100 plant specimens (exchange) ; (through Dr. Albert C. Smith): 6 plants, Fiji. Massey, J. R. (see North Carolina, University of). Mather, Bryant: 85 moths, Mississippi; 27 caddisflies. Mathis, Wayne N. : 7 flies. Matternes, Jay H.: orangutan skin. Mattos, Dr. J. (see Instituto de Botanica). Mauney, Morris: 205 flies. Mauritania, Government of: Ministere de I'lndustrialisation et des Mines (through M. Henri Gruenwald) : meteorite specimen. Max-Planck Institut fur Limnologie (through Dr. E. J. Fittkau) : 2 isopod, Brazil. McAlpin, Dr. Bruce W. : 7 ferns, Costa Rica. McBride, William R. (see Defense, U. S. Department of). McCosker, Dr. John E. (see California, University of). McCrosky, Dr. Richard E. (see National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fund). McDaniel, Dr. Sidney: 73 botanical specimens. McDonald, D. C. : 87 prehistoric Australian lithic tools. McDonnell, Unity: centipede, England. McGuinness, Albert L. : 30 inesite specimens; 6 minerals (exchanges). McKeeson, Hon. John Alexander, III: mask and figure, Gabon. McLachlan, Dr. Anton (see Port Elizabeth, University of). McLaughlin, Dr. Patsy A. (see Miami, University of). McLean, Dr. James H. (see Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History). McLean, Dr. Robert S. (see Health, Education, and Welfare, U. S. Department of). McPherson, J. E.: 2 burrowing bugs. McVaugh, Dr. Rogers (see Michigan, University of). Means, D. Bruce (see Florida State University). Medici, Dr. John C: 2 chalcopyrite specimen; 2 mineral specimens (exchange). Medler, Dr. John T. : 15 stoneflies, Nigeria. Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada: 20 algae specimens (exchange). Mendryk, Harold: 56 crustaceans. Upper Cretaceous. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 455 Menez, Dr. Ernani G. (see Smithsonian Institution). Menge, Jane Lubchenco: 30 marine mollusks. Menke, Dr. A. 5. (see Agriculture, U. S. Department of). Mennega, Dr. E. A. (see Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht). Mertins, Dr. James W. : 5 cicadas. Messersmith, Dr. D. H. : 521 flies, Seychelles Islands. Metcalf, Artie L. (see Texas, University of). Miami, University of: School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (through Dr. F. M. Bayer): 1,080 crustaceans; (through John C. Markham) : 23 crustaceans; (through Dr. Patsy A. McLaughlin: 3 crustaceans; (through Dr. Patsy A. McLaughlin and Dr. A. J. Provenzano) : 12 crustaceans; (through Dr. C. Richard Robins) : 1 fish specimen; (through Dr. C. Richard Robins and Dr. Jon Staiger) : 2 fish specimens. Miami Sea Aquarium (through Dr. Carl Chapman) : pilot whale. Michigan State University (through Dr. John H. Beaman) : 2 botanical specimens, Mexico. Michigan, University of: Herbarium (through Mrs. Jennie V. A. Dieterle) : I Mechaerium, Mexico; (through Dr. Rogers McVaugh) : I cultivated begonia. Museum of Comparative Zoology (through Dr. R. M. Bailey) : 92 fishes, Thailand (exchange); (through Dr. Robert R. Miller): 30 fishes, Mexico; 1 scorpion, 61 crustaceans. Mikolajev, Dr. G. V. (see Institute of Plant Protection). Miller, Dr. Charles N., Jr.: 27 botanical thin section slides. Late Eocene. Miller, Dr. James R.: 3 water beetles. Miller, John (see Smithsonian Institution). Miller, Dr. John M. (see Hawaii, University of). Miller, Dr. R. R. (see Universidad de Costa Rica). Miller, Dr. Robert R. (see Michigan, University of). Millson, Henry E.: 5 mineral specimens. Milton, Dr. Daniel J. (see Interior, U. S. Department of the). Mineralogisches Museum (through Dr. Gert Wappler) : 11 mineral specimens (exchange). Mineralogisk-Geologiske Institut, Denmark (through Dr. Ole V. Petersen) : 205 mineral specimens (exchange). Minette, Jim: mineral specimen (exchange). Minnesota, University of: James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History (through Lawrence R. Heaney) : 71 squirrels and 1 marten. Mironov, Konstantin: ceruleite specimen, Bolivia. Mississippi State University (through Dr. Ronald Altig) : 25 crustaceans. Missouri, University of (through Dr. D. B. Dunn) : 222 plant specimens (exchange) ; (through Dr. Arthur Witt, Jr.): 1 freshwater mollusk, Iowa. Missouri Botanical Garden (through Dr. Thomas B. Croat) : 309 botanical specimens; 496 plant photographs, 350 tropical plant specimens (exchanges); 58 plant specimens, Panama and Costa Rica (gift-exchanges); (through Dr. Garrit Davidse) : 6 compositae, Panama. Mitchell, Robert W. : 34 planarian slides, types, Mexico. Miyagi, Dr. Ichiro: 17 canaceid flies, Asia. Moe, Dagfinn (see Botanisk Museum). Molinari, Ovidio Garcia (see Puerto Rico, University of). Montgomery, Dr. Arthur (see Lafayette College). Moore, Donald R. : 5 mollusks. Moore, Dr. Harold E., Jr. (see Cornell University). Moore, Dr. Paul B.: 9 mineral specimens, including types. Moore, Phil H. : 7 plant specimens, Guam. 456 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Moosa, Kasim (see Lembaga Oceanologi Nasional). Moras, Charles Michael: Choco Indian wooden paddle, Panama. Morris, Byron (see Dalhousie University). Morrow, Dr. James E. (see Alaska, University of). Morse, John C. : 16 stoneflies. Morton, Dr. Eugene S.: bird skin, Panama. Moskowitz, Dr. Paul (through Dr. Samuel Moskowitz) : crystal of chrome alum. Moskowitz, Dr. Samuel (see Moskowitz, Dr. Paul). Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (through Dr. Peter N. Slattery) : 537 ostracods; 10 Holothurians. Moya, Miguel Moya: 44 reptiles and amphibians, Spain (exchange). Mrose, Mary: mineral specimen (see also Aleksandrov, Dr. S. M., and Interior, U. S. Department of the). Muchmore, Dr. William B.: 862 centipedes and millipedes. Mumaw, Homer: 1 shrew. Muniziga, Juan: clay-covered human skull fragment, Chile. Murayama, Dr. Sadao (see National Science Museum). Murdock, Dr. Joseph (see California, University of). Murphy, Dr. D. H. : 30 lace bugs, Asia. Museo Civico de Storia Naturale, Italy (through Dr. Canzoneri) : 3 ephydrid flies (exchange). Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Uruguay (through Juan Cuello) : 2 bird skins (exchange). Museu Paraense Emilia Goeldi, Brazil (through Dr. Joao Murca Pires) : I plant specimen. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Switzerland (through Dr. Ivan Lobl) : 32 coleoptera. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France (through Dr. J. Forest) : 41 crustaceans; (through Jean Claude Jolinon) : 2 Gramineae (exchange) ; (through Dr. Christian Jouanin) : 2 birds (exchange) ; (through M. de Saint Laurent) : 6 crustaceans; (through Dr. Alicia Lourteig) : 38 plant specimens; 122 plant specimens (gift-exchange) ; 6 plant specimens (exchange) ; (through Dr. Paul Pellas) : 1 meteorite thin section (exchange); (through Dr. Henri J. Schubnel) : 1 priorite specimen (exchange). Museum of Science, Boston (through Edward D. Pearce) : I specimen chemically analyzed granite. South Africa. Nagarkatti, Dr. Sudha (see Commonwealth Institute for Biological Control). Nakaike, T. (see National Science Museum). Nakane, Dr. Takehiko: 5 scarab beetles, Bonin Islands. Natal Museum, South Africa (through R. N. Kilburn) : 2 mollusks, types. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fund, Smithsonian Institution (through Dr. Richard E. McCrosky) : complete meteorite, 286 grams; (through M. O. Oyawoya) : meteorite specimen; (through K. M. Russell): 3 glass specimens. National Geographic Society (through Robert Sisson) : 3 crustaceans, Indian Ocean. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Canada (through Dr. R. R. Ireland) : 420 bryophyte specimens (exchange). National Science Museum, Japan: 50 woody plants (exchange): (through Dr. Tadashige Habe) : 2 mollusks; (through Hiroshige Koyama) : 50 compositae; (through Dr. Sadao Murayama) . meteorite polished thin section; (through T. Nakaike) : 50 ferns (exchange). Natur-Museum und Forschungs Institut Senckenberg (through Dr. R. zur Strassen) : 9 thrips, Canary Islands (exchange). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 457 Navaneethakrishnan, P. (see Madurai University). Negre, Jacques: 2 ground beetles (exchange). Nelson, Dr. Gayle H. : 13 wood-boring beetles (gift-exchange). Nelson, H. G. (see Field Museum of Natural History). Neuerburg, Dr. George J. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Nevada, State of: Department of Agriculture (through Dr. Robert C. Bechtel) : I walkingstick (exchange). Nevling, Dr. Lorin I., Jr. (see Field Museum of Natural History). Newell, Dr. Norman D. : 5,000 marine invertebrates, Tunisia. Newell, Robert L. : 19 stoneflies. New England Aquarium (through John H. Prescott) : 13 marine mammals. Newman, John H. : 7 moths. Newman, Dr. Marshall T. (see Ferguson, Mrs. A. L. L.). Newman, Dr. William A. (see Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom). Newman, Dr. William A. (see California, University of). New Mexico, University of (through Dr. Klaus Keil) : meteorite specimen (exchange). New York Botanical Garden (through Dr. Patricia K. Holmgren): 146 botanical specimens; 310 botanical specimens (gift-exchanges); 1,539 botanical specimens (exchanges). New York Ocean Science Laboratory (through Dr. Colin M. Finney) : 14 copepods. New Zealand, Government of: Geological Survey (through Dr. A. G. Beu) : 49 land snails. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (through E. W. Valentine) : I sawfly (exchange). Nichols State University (through James G. Ragan) : 6 fish specimens. Nickel, Dr. Ernest H. : mineral specimen, Australia. Nickel, Dr. P. A.: mite slide. Nicolay, Col. S. S.: 4 butterflies, South America. Nielsen, Dr. Jorgen (see Copenhagen, University of). Nielsen, Mogens C. : 9 moths and butterflies. Nikitsky, Dr. N. (see Academia Nauk of USSR). Noble, Chief Dennis L. (see Transportation, U. S. Department of). Nohel, Dr. Peter: 4 beetles. Norford, Dr. B. S. (see Canada, Government of). North Carolina, State of: Museum of Natural History (through Dr. Roland M. Shelley) : 2 mollusks, 33 crayfish, 5 shrimp. North Carolina, University of (through J. R. Massey) : 150 botanical specimens (gift-exchange) ; (through Cathy Salmons) : 11 crustaceans. Institute of Fisheries Research (through James K. Dooley) : 4 fishes, types; (through Dr. Austin B. Williams) : 5 crustaceans. Northeast Louisiana University (through Dr. Neil H. Douglas) : 49 fishes, including types. Northeast Missouri State University (through Dr. Melvin L. Conrad) : 3 botanical specimens, Mexico. Northern Illinois University (through Dr. David W. Greenfield) : fish specimen, British Honduras. Nowacki, Dr. W. : mineral specimen, Switzerland (exchange). Nussbaum, Ronald A.: 31 salamanders. Nutting, W. H.: 255 beetles. Oak Ridge National Laboratories (through Dr. T. F. Connolly) : 6 crystal specimens. Ober, Dr. Lewis D.: 53 frogs, Haiti. 458 / Smithsonian Year 1974 O'Brien, Dr. Charles W. : 377 weevils; 4 weevils (exchange). O'Brien, Dr. Lois B.: 52 cockroaches, South America. Occidental College (through Michael K. Oliver) : 4 fishes, types, Africa. O'Clair, Charles E. (see Washington, University of). Odell, Rev. Mark: 153 crayfish. O'Dunne, Mrs. Eugene: 17 carat sapphire in diamond mounting. Ohashi, Hiroyoshi (see Tokyo, University of). Ohio State University: Herbarium: 141 plant specimens (exchange) ; (through Marvin L. Roberts): 15 plant specimens. Museum of Zoology (through Dr. David H. Stansbery) : 2 freshwater moUusks. Oklahoma City Zoo (through Charles G. Wilson) : fish specimen. Old, Dr. William E., Jr. (see American Museum of Natural History). Old Dominion College (through Dr. John R. Holsinger) : 354 crustaceans. Oldeman, Dr. R. A. A. (see France, Government of). Oliver, Michael K. (see Occidental College). Olson, Dr. Storrs: 2 rodent specimens. Olsson, Dr. Axel A.: 2 marine mollusks. Oman, Dr. Paul (see Oregon State University). Ontiveros, Manuel: 3 private specimens, Mexico. Opler, Dr. Paul A. (see Organization for Tropical Studies, Inc.). Oregon State University (through Peter A. Bisson) : 20 fishes; (through Dr. Carl E. Bond) : 5 fishes, types; (through Dr. Kenton L. Chambers) : 1 botanical specimen; (through Dr. Daniel M. Cohen and David Stein): 3 fishes; (through Edward R. Long) : 69 crustaceans; (through Dr. Paul Oman) : 4 beetles. Organization for Tropical Studies, Inc. (through Dr. Paul Opler) : 35 botanical specimens. Otobed, Demei O. (see Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the). Owen, Robert P.: bird skin, Caroline Islands. Owre, Dr. Harding B.: worm specimen, type. Gulf of Mexico. Oyawoya, M. O. (see National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fund). Pabst, Dr. G. F. J. (see Herbarium Bradeanum). Pacific Bio-Marine Supply Co. (through Dr. Rimmon Fay) : 2 stomatopod specimen. Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of (through Demei O. Otobed) : 19 crustaceans. Page, Larry M. (see Illinois Natural History Survey). Pala Properties International (through William Larsen) : 9 mineral specimens. Palmer, Robert E. : 5 polychaete worms (exchange). Palmer, Dr. William M.: bog turtle, corn snake. Palomar College (through Dr. Dennis L. Bostic) : 14 worms, 2 mollusks. Panczner, William: natrolite specimen, New Zealand. Paperna, Dr. Ilan (see Virginia Institute of Marine Science). Papua and New Guinea, Territory of: Department of Forests: 644 plant specimens (exchange) ; 364 plant specimens. Park, Dr. Taisoo (see Texas A&M University). Parker, Frances L.: 91 fossil foraminifera. Parmelee, Dr. David F. : 28 bird skins and 8 skeletons, Antarctic. Parsons, Dr. Carl T. : 2 beetles, Brazil (exchange). Patterson, Dr. Bryan (see Harvard University). Patterson, Mrs. Jefferson; 5 ethnological specimens, West Africa; pottery head, Uganda. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J.: rug of Egyptian Bedouin tent cloth. Paul, Dr. Allen Z. (see Florida State University). Paulson, Dr. Dennis : 7 dragonflies. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 459 Peacor, Donald R.: vial metavivianite, 2 kellyite specimens. Pearce, Edward D. (see Museum of Science). Peck, Dr. Raymond E. : 190 Cretaceous microcrinoids. Peck, Dr. Stewart B. (see Carleton University). Peigler, Richard: 400 moths. Pellas, Dr. Paul (see Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle). Pennsylvania, State of: Department of Agriculture (through Dr. A. G. Wheeler): 6 plant hugs. Pequegnat, Dr. Willis E.: 220 echnioderm specimens, Gulf of Mexico (see also Texas A&M University). Perrault, Dr. G. G.: ground beetle, type. Peters, Dr. William L.: 382 Neuropteroids (see also Edmunds, Dr. George F., Jr.). Petersen, Dr. Ole V. (see Mineralogisk-Geologiske Institut), Peterson, Mrs. L. W. (see Smithsonian Institution). Peterson, Norman: 745 mammal specimens, Colombia). Petit, Richard E. : 1 mollusk specimen. Pettitt, Dr. Charles (see Manchester, University of). Peyton, E. L. (see Defense, U.S. Department of). Pflug, Linda: 2 marine mollusks, Venezuela. Philips Forschungslaboratorium Aachen Gmbh (through G. R. Schodder) : crystal specimens. Pieritz, Douglas: fossil whale skull. Pieters, Sid: 1 jeremejevite specimen (exchange); 1 cuprite with malachite specimen; 1 lot cuprite. Pignataro, John: 12 mineral specimens. Pinch, William: westerveldite specimen, Spain. Pinkava, Dr. D. J. (see Arizona State University). Pires, Dr. Joao Murca (see Museu Paraense Emilia Goeldi). Pittsburgh, University of (through Dr. Fred Tsuji) : 547 crustacean and plankton specimens. Plant Protection Research Institute, South Africa (through Giovanni DeLotto): 9 insect slides. Plowman, Dr. Timothy: 569 specimens, South America. Plumbago Mining Co.: pegmatite pocket material. Pohl, Dr. Richard W. (see Iowa State University). Pojeta, Dr. John (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Pokomy, Dr. Vladimir: 88 ostracod slides. Polhemus, Dr. John T. : I water strider, 5 true bugs. Pond, Dr. Robert B., Jr. (see Windsor Metalcrystals, Inc.). Pope, Mrs. E. C. : 12 echinoderms, Australia. Pope, Dr. R. D. : ground beetle. South America (exchange). Port Elizabeth, University of. South Africa (through Dr. Anton McLachlan) : 9 crustaceans. Porte, Dr. Anthony R. D. : I fossil specimen, Jamaica. Portugal, Government of: Centre de Botanica (through Dr. A. Fernandes): 12 grass specimens. Post, Dr. R. L.: 8 ladybug beetles. Post, Dr. Richard L. : 33 beetles. Potter, Dr. Gilbert D. (see California, University of). Pough, Fred: 2 silicon carbide spe<:imens. Povolny, Dr. D. : 3 small moths, Central America. Prescott, John H. (see New England Aquarium). Price, Richard: 2 butterflies. Priesner, Dr. H. : 3 wasps, Europe (exchange). 460 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Princeton University (through Michael Berrill) : 29 crustaceans. Provenzano, Dr. A. J. (see Miami, University of). Pryce, Dr. M. W. : mineral specimen, Australia. Puerto Rico, University of (through Dr. Paul R. Burkholder) : 7 sponges; (through Dr. J. Maldonado Capriles) : 49 Lepidoptera and Diptera, 574 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, 22 Neuropteroids, 224 Coleoptera (gift- exchange); (through Ronald J. Larsen) : 18 crayfish; (through Ovidio Garcia Molinari) : 27 botanical specimens. Pugh, Lawrence (see Defense, U.S. Department of). Putnam, Barry: slab containing pelecypods, Jurassic. Quarin, Camilo Luis (see Universidad Nacional del Nordeste). Queen's University, Canada (through Dr. J. Douglas Scott) : 2 mineral specimens (exchange). Radwin, Dr. George E. (see San Diego Society of Natural History). Rae, Scott: 2 snakes. Ragan, Dr. James G.: 15 polychaetes (see also Nichols State University). Rainey, William E. (see Island Resources Foundation, Inc.). Ramsey, Dr. John S. (see Auburn University). Randall, Dr. John E. : 40 mollusk specimens. Rasweiler, Dr. John, J., IV (see Columbia University). Read, Luana: 2 marine mollusks, Bahama Islands. Reddell, James R. : 48 crustaceans; 19 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera (see also Texas Tech University). Reeder, Dr. Charlotte G. (see Wyoming, University of). Reeder, Dr. Steven S. (see Universidad de Costa Rica). Reichardt, Dr. Hans (see Universidade de Sao Paulo). Relyea, Dr. Kenneth (see Jacksonville University). Rice, Dr. Anthony L. (see Great Britain, Government of). Richards, Dr. R. Peter: 5 cornulitids. Richmond, Mrs. Leana: 1,388 beetles. Riddle, W. C. : 3 bivalves. Cretaceous. Riggs, Mrs. Augustus, IV: 2 plains Indian buckskin dresses. Rijksherbarium, Netherlands: 773 plant specimens (exchange). Rijkmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Netherlands (through Dr. C. O. van Regteren Altena) : 2 marine mollusks; (through Dr. Boesman and Dr. B. B. CoUette): 4 fishes; (through Dr. D. C. Geijskes): 37 stoneflies (exchange) ; (through Dr. W. Vervoort) : 84 copepods. Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, Netherlands: Botanisch Museum en Herbarium: 60 botanical specimens (gift-exchanges); 24 plant specimens (exchange); (through Dr. E. A. Mennega) : 30 plant specimens (gift-exchange). Zoologisch Laboratorium (through Dr. H. A. ten Hove) : 15 polychaetes. Riley, Vane: chambersite specimen. Rimoli, Renato O.: 20 shrimp; 2 fishes. Ripley, Dr. S. Dillon: 60 water bugs; 3 mammals, Bhutan. Roberts, Dr. H. Radclyffe (see Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia). Roberts, Marvin L. (see Ohio State University). Roberts, Raymond: carved stone charm. New Hebrides. Robins, Dr. C. Richard (see Miami, University of). Robinson, Colleen J. (see Australia, Government of). Robinson, Dr. Eric (see University College London). Robinson, George: 13 mineral specimens. Robinson, Dr. Henry W. (see Southern State College). Rodgers, David: 6 mollusk specimens. Rodman, Duane (see American Samoa, Government of). Rodriguez-Carrasquero, Dr. Henry A. (see Universidad de los Andes). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 461 Roe, Dr. Arthur: I chabazite specimen; 1 lot cobaltite. Roe, Dr. Richard B. (see Commerce, U.S. Department of). Roebling Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 49 mineral specimens. Rogers, Dr. Ken (see Southern Mississippi, University of). RolHns, Dr. Reed C. (see Harvard University). Rose, WiHiam (see Hawaii, State of). Rosenberg, Rutger: 24 polychaete worms. Ross, Dr. Reuben J., Jr. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Rossetto, Dr. Carlos Jorge: 37 lace hugs. Rothstein, Joseph: 17 mineral specimens. Rowe, Dr. Gilbert T. (see Duke University and Texas A&M University). Rowell, Dr. A. J.: 15 brachiopods and 17 slides, Cambrian and Ordovician. Rozkosny, Dr. R. (see J. E. Purkyne University). Ruder Boskovic Institute, Yugoslavia (through Dr. Zdravko Stevcic) : 403 crustaceans. Ruhoff, Theodore B. : 1 worm, 27 mollusks. Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center (through Dr. Frederick Dienhardt and Dr. Lauren G. Wolfe) : 27 mammal specimens. Rushin, Carol Jo: 30 Neuropteroids, British Honduras. Russell, K. M. (see National Aeronautics and Space Administration Fund). Ryan, Dr. J. D. (see Lehigh University). Rygg, Darwin: mineral specimen. Rzedowski, Dr. J. (see Instituto Politecnio Nacional). Saena R., Rodrigo: 3 plagioclase feldspar specimens, Costa Rica. Sahagian, Dr. Charles S. (see Defense, U.S. Department of). Sahlin, Carl F. : Araucanian Indian silver necklace, Chile. Sailer, Dr. Reece I. (see Agriculture, U.S. Department of). St. Lucia, W.I., Government of: Research and Control Department (through Guy Barnish): 20 crustaceans. Saint Mary's University, Canada (through Ursula M. Grigg) : I ostracod specimen. Sakimura, K.: 3 thrips. Salmons, Cathy (see North Carolina, University of). Saloman, Carl H. (see Commerce, U.S. Department of). Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. : 6 fossil invertebrates, Devonian. Samuelson, G. A. (see Bernice P. Bishop Museum). Sanderson, Dr. Milton: 3 beetles. San Diego Society of Natural History (through Dr. George E. Radwin) : mollusk specimen, type. Sanson, Andrew (see Wiewandt, Thomas A.). Santa Barbara Botanic Garden: 68 plant specimens (exchange). Santos, Stuart L. : 234 polychaete worms. Saritas, Mustafa U. (see Ege University). Saul, John: 2 lots mineral specimens. Saul, Dr. Louella (through Dr. E. G. Kauffman) : 23 Cretaceous bivalves (exchange). Saunders, Harold (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Sawyer, Allan: 13 land and marine shells, Peru. Sawyer, Dr. Roy T.: 213 worms, 66 leeches and many cocoons, 2 crustaceans. Saxon, Dr. James G. (see Erskine College). Scalisi, I. Phillip: mooreite specimen. Schindler, John (see Defense, U.S. Department of). Schlepp, Gene: 2 mineral specimens, Mexico (exchange). Schlicter, Ernest: 68 mineral specimens. Schmidt, Terry E. : meteorite specimen (exchange). 462 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Schneider, Dr. Curt R. : 122 Lepidoptera and Diptera, 12 Neuropteroids, 3 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, Thailand. Schodder, G. R. (see Philips Forschungslaboratorium Aachen Gmbh). Schoen, Ivan L. : 16 specimens of clothing and weapons, Surinam. Schubnel, Dr. Henri J. (see Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle). Schuh, Joe: 19 beetles. Schultes, Dr. Richard Evans (see Harvard University). Schuster, Dr. R. M.: 17 wasps. Schuster, Dr. R. O.: 8 beetles (see also California, University of). Scott, Dr. J. Douglas (see Queen's University). Sedman, Dr. Yale S.: 107 caddisflies. Seeligmann, Dr. Peter (see Argentina, Government of). Segeler, Curt G.: wermlandite specimen, Sweden. Segura Paguaga, Dr. Alfonso: 5 mineral specimens. Sessom, Dr. Stanley L. (see Southwest Texas State University). Setzer, Henry W.: striped skunk. Sevrens, Palmer: uralolite specimen. Sexauer, Howard T. : 7 mollusk specimens. Seymour, Dr. Charles (see Cornell University). Shaffner, Mrs. Marie L. : 2 ashtrays, Samoa; carved wood bookend, Haiti. Sharp, Dr. William N. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Sheen, Michael (through Arthur L. Dahl) : 1 lobster, Puerto Rico. Sheldon, R. P. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Shelley, Dr. Roland M. (see North Carolina, State of). Shrum, Louis: prehnite specimen. Shulenberger, Dr. Eric (see California, University of). Sieker, William E.: 28 hawk moths (exchange). Sikkim, Government of (see the Chogyal and Gyalmo of Sikkim). Simmons, Robert S. (see Harris, Herbert S., Jr.). Singapore, Government of: 107 plant specimens, Malaysia (exchange). Sisi, Dr. J. C. (see Ecole Polytechnique). Sisson, Robert (see National Geographic Society). Skog, Laurence E.: 144 plant specimens. Slattery, Dr. Peter N. (see Moss Landing Marine Laboratories). Small, Gordon B., Jr.: 1 butterfly, type. Smith, Dr. Albert C. (see Massachusetts, University of). Smith, David (through Dr. Gerald H. Johnson) : 2 fossil heavers. Pleistocene. Smith, Dr. David R.: 69 sawflies, India. Smith, Dr. Dean K. : genthelvite specimen, type (exchange). Smith, Dr. DeBoyd L. (see West Coast Plankton Studies). Smith, F. L. (see Ludlow, Smith, and Cann, Inc.). Smith, H. Morgan: spear and 4 basketry specimens, Panama; bow, arrows, and quiver, Philippine Islands. Smith, Joe B.: chryscolla specimen. Smithsonian Institution (see the following Funds: Bacon, Canfield, Casey, Chamberlain, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Roebling, Springer, and Walcott) : Collected for the Museum: 99 worms, Margarita Islands, Venezuela, Dr. Meredith L. Jones; 10 echinoderms. Central Pacific, Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Progam; 54 lots worms, 6 marine mollusks, 34 crustaceans, 50 echinoderms, RV Aliminos cruise; 113 crustaceans, Canada; 39 dried reptile skeletons; 2 echinoderms, 4 crustaceans, 1 lot worms, Israel; 129 sipunculids, Yugoslavia; 1,809 crustaceans, 46 Coleoptera; 9 lice slides, Liberia; 12 crustaceans, 10 worms, Argentina, O. L. Flint, Jr., and G. F. Hevel; 6 fishes, Tunisia; 49 reptiles and amphibians, Egypt; 13 crustaceans, Thailand; 13 bird skins, 37 bird skeletons, Western Beaufort Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 463 Sea Ecological Cruise Survey; 21 crustaceans, Senegal; 88 crustaceans, Bermuda; 6 crustaceans, 19 mollusks,. Indonesia; 654 fossil mammals, Oligocene, Wyoming; 50 echinoderms, Western Australia Museum; 7 plant specimens, Colombia; 7 mollusk shells, Alabama; 2 crustaceans, Mexico; 2 samples lithium clay. North Carolina; 3 xenoliths, Arizona; 16 worms, 545 crustaceans, 300 mollusks, Yugoslavia and Tunisia; 99 ostracods. Tertiary and Recent; 2,243 plant specimens, Brazil, Dr. Cert Hatschbach; 8,000 silicified brachiopods, Thailand, R. E. Grant and F. G. Stehli; 1,933 plant specimens, Costa Rica, D. B. Lellinger and J. J. White; 26 bird skins, 29 skeletons, 3 nests, 2 eggs, Brazil; 24 crustaceans, 265 mollusks, 11 worms, 27 echinoderms, Turkey; 4 mollusks; 360 mineral specimens, Alaska; 25 freshwater mollusks. New York; 34 marine mollusks; 29 mollusks, Caroline Islands; 1 marine mollusk, 1 echinoderm, 427 crustaceans, Yugoslavia; 1,540 mollusks, 20 crustaceans; 16 mineral specimens, Iceland; 2 mineral specimens, Mexico; 35 bats, 4 rodents; 7 begonias, Ceylon, A. H. M. Jayasuriya; 4,232 crustaceans, RVs Vema, Atlantis II, and Anton Bruun; 2 taafeite specimens, Australia; 1 lot augite crystals, Mt. Etna volcanic complex. Dr. R. F. Fudali; 6 echinoderms, Morocco; 100 corals, mollusks, and burrow structures, Crustaceous, Texas; 1 natrojarosite specimen, Australia; 330 crustaceans, Caspian Sea; 1,900 mollusks, American Samoa and Cook Islands; 26 foraminifera. North Atlantic; meteorite specimen, Australia; 8 potsherds, Brazil; 14 potsherds, Argentina; 700 Oligocene and 6 Pliocene fossil vertebrates, Nebraska and Wyoming, Robert J. Emry; 80 plant specimens, U.S.; 77 centipedes and millipedes. New York; 450 archeological specimens, Nicaragua; 18 Cretaceous corals; painted altar slab, Arizona and 5 etched birchbark plaques, Maine, Dr. Jesse Walter Fewkes; 362 Neutropteroids, 69 Coleoptera, Ohio; 10,493 Lepidoptera and Diptera, 1,651 Coleoptera, 936 neuropteroids, 536 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, 343 Myriapoda and Arachnida, Dominican Republic and Jamaica; 2,347 neuropteroids, Sri Lanka; collection of archeological objects, Florida; 147 craft objects, Bhutan; 69 ethnological specimens, Angola; 4 felsic volcanic rock specimens, Wyoming; 85 bat flies, Venezuela; 6 oolitic limestone specimens, Australia; 15 neuropteroids, Yugoslavia. Ft. Pierce Bureau (through Dr. Robert M. Gore) : 106 crustaceans, Panama. Found in the Collections: 5 Near Eastern rugs; 195 mineral specimens; 1 peacock coal specimen. Mediterranean Marine Sorting Center: (through Mohamed Lajmi): 6 crustaceans; (through Dr. Ernani G. Menez) : 785 crustaceans, Morocco. National Zoological Park: dwarf lemur, prairie dog; 25 bird skins and skeletons. Oceanographic Sorting Center: 4,781 Nematoda, Antarctica; 431 sipunculids ; 3,824 echinoderms; 2 echinoderms, 2 lots nemertean worms; 335 marine and land mollusks; British Honduras; 60 lots polychaetes; (through Dr. Richard S. Houbrick) : 10 crustaceans; (through Dr. Richard S. Houbrick and Henry A. Jones): 40 marine mollusks; (through Henry A. Jones): 1,746 crustaceans; (through Dr. Leslie W. Knapp) : 32 crustaceans, Thailand; (through Betty J. Landrum) : 220 marine mollusks; (through Dr. Ernani G. Menez): 32 crustaceans, Philippines; (through John Miller): 6 ostracods; (through Mrs. L. W. Peterson): 5,859 crustaceans. Purchased: 28 plant specimens; 227 Tibetan ethnological items; 140 Motilone Indian specimens, Venezuela; sculptured pottery owl. Renwick Gallery: glazed ceramic water jar, Nigeria. Tropical Research Institute (through Dr. Charles Birkeland); 17 crustaceans, Panama; (through Dr. Peter VV. Glynn): 77 crustaceans, Panama; 200 crustaceans; (through James P. Stames) : 202 crustaceans, Panama; (through Dr. Henk Wolda) : 7 plants, Colombia. Sohn, Dr. I. G. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Solomon, Mrs. Hermine K. (see Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.). 464 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.: I Pima Indian jar, in memory of Mrs. Hermine K. Solomon. South Australian Museum (through Dr. G. E. Gross): 1 Reduviidae (exchange); (through Dr. D. C. Lee) : 28 mite slides, including types. South Carolina, University of (through Dr. Bruce B. Coull) : 28 copepods. South Florida, University of (through Ernest D. Estevez) : 23 isopods; (through Dr. Olga Lakela) : 1 Xanthosoma; (through Dr. J. Lawrence): I Cirripedia; (through Robert W. Long) : 1 Pectis. Southeastern State College (through Dr. John Taylor) : 210 plant specimens, Mexico and Costa Rica (exchange). Southern California, University of: Allan Hancock Foundation (through Dr. John S. Garth) : 1 crustacean, type, Peru. Southern Illinois University (through Dr. Jamie E. Thomerson) : 4 fishes, types, Venezuela. Southern Mississippi, University of (through Dr. Ken Rogers) : 93 grass specimens. Southern State College (through Dr. Henry W. Robinson) : 25 fish specimens. Southwest Texas State University (through Dr. Stanley L. Sessom) : 74 crustaceans. Spangler, Dr. Paul J.: 262 crustaceans, 9,928 beetles. Spaulding Fibre Co., Inc.: Mycalex Division (through E. C. Worden) : synthetic mica specimen. Spertini, Francesco: 20 mineral specimens (exchange). Springer Fund, Smithsonian Institution: slab containing specimens of a Middle Cambrian crinoid. Sprinkle, Dr. James (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Staiger, Dr. Jon (see Miami, University of). Stames, James P. (see Smithsonian Institution). Stanford University (through Dr. J. Dearborn): 11 echinoderms, Antarctica. Stansbery, Dr. David H. : 6 freshwater mollusks (see also Ohio State University). Stark, William P.: 39 Hemiptera and Hymenoptera, 46 Coleoptera, 844 Trichoptera; 21 stoneflies; 83 caddisflies. State, U.S. Department of: silver urn, Cambodia; dagger and sheath, Saudi Arabia; (through Dr. Kyle R. Barbehenn) : 673 mammal specimens. Station de Recherches de Zoologie, Guadeloupe (through Dr. Ch. Leveque) : 60 crustaceans. West Indies. Stearns, Dr. Richard E. (see Stearns, Mrs. Richard E.). Stearns, Mrs. Richard E. : 600 stone and pottery artifacts, in memory of Dr. Richard E. Stearns. Steffan, Dr. Wallace B. (see Bernice P. Bishop Museum). Stein, David (see Oregon State University). Stein, Jack: 4 beetles. Steinhouser, Dr. S. R. : 6 plant specimens. El Salvador. Stephens, J. D.: 15 mineral specimens. Stephens, Dr. John, Jr. : fish specimen, Chile. Stevcic, Dr. Zdravko (see Ruder Boskovic Institute). Stewart, Dr. Kenneth W.: 23 stoneflies. Steyermark, Dr. Julian (see Venezuela, Government of). Steyskal, George C: 707 marsh flies. Stirn, Dr. Jose (see Marine Biological Station). Stock, Dr. Jan H. (see Caribbean Marine Biological Institute). Stockton, William L. : 9 marine mollusks, Antarctica. Stone, Dr. Benjamin C. (see Malaya, University of). Stone, Dr. Margaret H. (see Cornell University). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 465 Stough, Mrs. Betty Boardman: 5 bird skins. Strenth, Ned E. (see Texas A&M University). Strohecker, Dr. H. F. : 2 walkingsticks. Strother, Dr. John L. (see California, University of). Struhaaker, Dr. Paul (see Commerce, U.S. Department of). Sutherland, Lin (see Australia, Government of). Swaebe, Richard (see Diamond Sales Co.). Swaziland, Government of: Geological Survey and Mines Department (through J. G. Urie) : meteorite specimens. Swerdloff, Dr. Stanley (see American Samoa, Government of). Sze, Mrs. Marina Y. : Chinese dragon robe. Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute (through Wen-young Tseng) : 219 crustaceans. Tarter, Dr. Donald C. : 5 stoneflies. Taxson, Albert: 1,128 marine mollusks. Taylor, Dr. John (see Southeastern State College). Taylor, Dr. John L. : 8 worm specimens. ten Hove, Dr. H. A. (see Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht). Tennessee, University of (through Dr. David A. Etnier and Dr. James D. Williams) : 7 fish specimens, types. Teran, Dr. Luis Ruiz (see Universidad de los Andes). Terborgh, Dr. John W. (see Weske, Dr. John S.). Texas, University of: Austin Campus (through Dr. Thomas W. Broadhead) : I fossil specimen; (through Dr. Marshall C. Johnston): 62 botanical specimens; (through Peter Keller): 8 mineral specimens (exchange). Dallas Campus: I botanical specimen. El Paso Campus (through Artie L. Metcalf) : 5 mollusks). Texas A&M University (through Dr. Douglas W. Albaugh) : 2,115 crayfish, 10 fish; (through Dr. Willis E. Pequegnat) : 102 crustaceans; (through Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe) : 54 lots worms, 1 isopod; (through Ned E. Strength) : 9 crustaceans; (through Grady E. Williams III): 9 annelids. Moody College of Marine Sciences and Maritime Resources (through Dr. Taisoo Park) : 1 copepod. Texas Tech University (through William R. Elliott) : 4 crustaceans; (through James R. Reddell) : 39 crustaceans, Mexico. T.F.H. Publications, Inc. (through Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod) : fish specimen, Brazil. Thomas, Dr. Maurice (see Tulane University). Thomerson, Dr. Jamie E. (see Southern Illinois University). Thompson, Dr. Peter R.: 6 foraminifera. Pleistocene. Thongtham, Suwannawat: Marine mollusk, Thailand. Thorington, Dr. Richard W.: 4 anole lizards; 58 rodent skeletal material; 32 primates. Threlkeld, Stephen T. : 26 copepods. Tiemann, Darwin: 10 beetles. Tillett, Dr. Stephen S. (see Venezuela, Government of). Titeux, M. Roger: fluorite. Trance. Tkac, Martin A., Jr.: 261 flies. Todd, Dr. E. L.: 1,434 mof/zs. Todd, Dr. Neil B. (see Faunalabs, Inc.). Togashi, Dr. Ichiji: 8 sawflies, types, Japan. Tokyo, University of, Japan (through Hiroyoshi Ohashi) : 147 botanical specimens (exchanges). Tones, Mrs. Pat: 48 beetles, Canada. Toronto, University of, Canada (through Dr. John Gittins) : agrellite specimen, type. 466 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Transportation, U.S. Department of: U.S. Coast Guard (through Chief Dennis L. Noble) : 8 skeletons and 1 skin, Arctic birds. Traub, Dr. Robert: 66 fleas, including types. Treasury, U.S. Department of the: Bureau of Customs: 2 Chinese scrolls; 15 Chinese lacquered chests, wood screens, and gemstone trees. Trego, Kent: echinoderm. Tressler, Christopher: Recent attached foraminifera. Trjapitzin, Dr. V. A. (see Academy of Sciences of the USSR). Tropical Science Center, Costa Rica (through Dr. Leslie R. Holdridge) : botanical specimen. Trott, Dr. Lamarr B.: 77 lots fish. Hong Kong. Troy, Jack: 2 mineral specimens, Canada. Truebe, Henry (see Alpine Corp.). Tseng, Wen-young (see Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute). Tsuji, Dr. Fred (see Pittsburgh, University of). Tucker, John M. (see California, University of). Tulane University (through Dr. Maurice E. Thomas): 3 bats; (through Dr. Emily M. Yokes) : 7 mollusks. Tunnell, John W. : 15 worms, Mexico. Tuskegee Institute (through Dr. James D. Williams): 25 crayfish; 35 fishes, including types. Tyler, Dr. James (see Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia). Tyson, William H.: 5 caddisflies. Unger, Leonard: 2 tektites, S quartz geodes, Thailand. Universalist National Memorial Church: embroidered shoe, China. Universidad Austral de Chile (through Ramon Formas C.) : 7 frogs, including types (exchange). Universidad Central de Venezuela (through Carmen E. B. de Rojas) : 83 plant specimens. Universidad de Buenos Aires (through Elisa N. de Panza) : 362 botanical specimens, Argentina (exchanges). Universidad de Concepcion, Chile (through Ruth Desqueyroux) : 2 boring sponges. Universidad de Costa Rica (through Dr. William A. Bussing) : 80 fishes, types; (through Dr. William A. Bussing and Dr. R. R. Miller): 20 fishes; (through Gary S. Hartshorn): 17 plants; (through Dr. Steven S. Reeder) : 4 crustaceans; (through Dr. Carlos R. Villalobos) : 3 marine mollusks. Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela (through Dr. Henry A. Rodriguez- Carrasquero) : 2 begonias; (through Dr. Manuel Lopez Figueiras) : 1 phanerogam; (through Dr. Louis Ruiz Teran) : 32 begonias. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (through Dr. Alejandro Villalobos F.) : 81 crayfish. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (through Dr. Plutarco Cala and Dr. B. B. Collette) : 2 fish, types. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina (through Armando T. Hunziker) : 47 botanical specimens (exchange). Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina (through Antonio Krapovickas) : 35 plant specimens; through Camilo Luis Quarin) : 2 Cramineae, South America. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru (through Dr. Ramon Ferreyra) : 132 plant specimens Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil (through Dr. George Eiten) : 14 Cramineae specimens. •Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil (through Tagea K. S. Bjornberg) : 1 crustacean. Museu de Zoologia (through Dr. Hans Reichardt) : 5 beetles (exchange). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 467 Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (through Dr. J. Vails) : 66 grass specimens. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil (through Ranulpho de Souza Sob.) : 62 plant specimens. Universitat Kiel (through Dr. Gerhard F. Lutze) : 53 foraminifera, Persian Gulf. Universitat zu Berlin (through Dr. G. Wappler) : 5 mineral specimens (exchange). Universite de Saigon, South Vietnam (through Pham-hoang Ho) : 15 bamboo specimens. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands (through Dr. R. W. M. van Soest) : 9 echinoderm specimens, types. Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Denmark (through Dr. Torben Wolff) : 25 crustaceans (exchanges). Universiti Sains Malaysia (through Dr. Lai Hoi Chaw) : 37 copepods, Malaysia. University College London (through Dr. Eric Robinson) : 2 crustacean slides. Uribe, Padre L. Uribe (see Instituto de Ciencias Naturales). Urie, J. G. (see Swaziland, Government of). Ustan, Ed: I vial and 1 box synthetic beryl crystals. Uttal, Dr. Leonard J. (see Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). Vail, J. R. (see Khartoum, University of). Valencia, Dr. Luis: 4 Tachinid flies, Peru. Valentine, E. W. (see New Zealand, Government of). Valenza, Mr. and Mrs. Angelo D. (see Gaeth, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E.). Vails, Dr. J. (see Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul). Vanderbilt University: Herbarium (through Dr. Robert Krai): 476 plant specimens (exchange). Van Der Vecht, Dr. J.: 65 Hymenoptera (exchange). Vangeison, Keith W. : I assassin bug. Van Reenen, Dr. J. A.: 14 lace bugs, South Africa. Van Soest, Dr. R. W. M. (see Universiteit van Amsterdam). Vassilczenko, Dr. I. T. (see Komarov Bontanical Institute of the USSR). Velasco, Jorge: 5 sand flies, Bolivia. Venable, George L. : 68 micro Lepidoptera. Venezuela, Government of: Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria: Instituto Botanica: 17 botanical specimens; 35 plants (gift-exchange); 362 plant specimens (gift-exchanges); (through Dr. Stephen S. Tillett) : 99 plant specimens. Ministerio de Minas y Hidrocurbos (through Dr. Pedro J. Bermudez) : 2 lizards. Vervoort, Dr. W. (see Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie). Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (through Dr. Anthony A. Fincham) : 18 crustaceans. Villa, Jaime: 5 snakes, Nicaragua. Villalobos, Dr. Carlos R. (see Universidad de Costa Rica). Villalobos F., Dr. Alejandro (see Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico). Vince, Louis: 5 antlerite specimens. Virgin Islands Ecological Research Station, St. John (through W. N. Brownell) : 2 crustaceans. Virginia, Commonwealth of: Paleontological Survey (through R. F. Correia) : 1 bryozoan specimen. State Library (through Col. Howard A. MacCord): 62 lots human burial remains, 672 artifacts, 2 skeletons; (through Col. Howard A. MacCord and Arthur F. JoTinson) : 13 human burial remains. Virginia Institute of Marine Science (through Dr. Donald F. Boesch) : 33 isopods, Australia; (through Dr. Ilan Paperna) : 1 fish, East Africa, 100 worms. 468 / Smithsonian Year 1974 j Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (through Tom Brandt) : 10 crayfish; (through Dr. Leonard J. Uttal) : 24 plants, Alaska. Yokes, Dr. Emily H. (see Tulane University). Wagoner, Harry: geode, Mexico. Walcott Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 9,000 invertebrate fossil specimens. Walker, William A.: 9 marine mammals. Wallace, Dr. George: 3 unique-headed bugs (see also Carnegie Museum). Waller, Dr. Thomas R. : mollusk specimen. Wallmark, Dr. John A.: 93 mites, including types. Walls, Jerry G.: 7 cebrionid beetles. Walter, E. V. (see Bruce-Terminix Co.). Walton, Col. Frank E.: Chinese opium smoking outfit. Wappler, Dr. Gert (see Mineralogisches Museum and Universitat zu Berlin). Ward, Dr. David B. (see Florida, University of). Waren, Dr. Anders (see Gothenburg, University of). Warner, William W. (see Lee, Lester). Wasbauer, Dr. Marius S.: 2 Leiomyrmosa spilota, types. Washington, University of (through Kenneth K. Chew) : 1,000 crustaceans, Alaska; (through Dr. Robert L. Fernald) : 10 medusae; (through Mrs. Jolly H. Gait): 18 crustaceans; (through Dr. Dora P. Henry): 3 crustaceans; (through Gayle Heron): 2,000 copepods; (through Dr. Paul lUg: I crayfish; (through Ulf Lie): 8 copepods; (through Charles E. O'Clair) : 4 echinoderms, Aleutian Islands; 20 starfish, Amchitka. Watkins, Marjorie (see Duke University). Watling, Dr. Les (see Delaware, University of). Watson, Dr. Joan (see Manchester, University of). Wauer, Roland H. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Weber, Dr. William A. (see Colorado, University of). Weibezahn, Franz H.: 519 caddisflies, Venezuela. Welsh, Dr. Stanley (see Brigham Young University). Wentz, Mrs. James E.: basketry hat, Philippine Islands. Werneke, Dr. Robert M. (see Arthur Rylan Institute for Environmental Research). Werner, Dr. Floyd G.: 13 scarab beetles. Weske, Dr. John 5., and Terborgh, Dr. John W.: 211 bird skeletons. West Coast Plankton Studies (through Dr. DeBoyd L. Smith) : 100 medusae. Westcott, Richard L. : 3 beetles. Western Airlines (through Henry M. deButts) : Chilkat Indian totem pole, Alaska. Western Australian Museum (through Dr. L. E. Koch) : 5 crustaceans (exchange); (through Dr. Barry R. Wilson): I mollusk (exchange). Westinghouse Corp.: Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory (through H. J. Anderson:) I lot uraninite crystals. Wharton, Dr. Charles H. (see Georgia State University). Wheeler, Dr. A. G. (see Pennsylvania, State of). White, Larry: 2 quartz specimens. Whitehead, Dr. Donald: 12 rove beetles. Central America. Whitmore, Dr. Frank C: 16 marine mollusks, Mexico. Wible, Marion: 2 spears, Burma. Widener, Millard E.: 37 fossil specimens, Devonian. Wielgus, Ronald S.: 40 Lepidoptera larva; 65 Lepidoptera and Diptera, 38 Coleoptera. Wiewandt, Thomas A.: 2 crustaceans, Puerto Rico. Wiggins, Dr. G. B. (see Canada, Government of). Wight, Quintin: 2 mineral specimens, Canada. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 469 Wilber, David P.: 10 minerals (gift-exchange); 1 zincite specimen (exchange). Wilcox, Mrs. Dorothy Webb (see Wilcox, Howard). Wilcox, Howard, Clark, Elizabeth C, and Hooff, Laura: 9 native costumes, Philippine Islands, in memory of Mrs. Dorothy Webb Wilcox. Wilkey, Richard F. : I Coccoidea slide. Williams, Dr. Austin B. (see Commerce, U.S. Department of, and North Carolina, University of). Williams, Dr. Douglas J. (see Commonwealth Institute of Entomology). Williams, Dr. James D. (see Tennessee, University of, and Tuskegee Institute). Williams, Mrs. Maxcine: 21 plant specimens, Alaska. Williams, Prosper J.: 2 mineral specimens (exchange). Williams, Dr. Sidney A.: heyite specimen, type. Williams, Dr. T. Walley: 4 marine mollusks. Wilson, Dr. Barry R. (see Western Australian Museum). Wilson, Charles G. (see Oklahoma City Zoo). Wilson, Dr. Donald E. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Windsor Metalcrystals, Inc. (through Dr. Robert B. Pond, Jr.) : single aluminum sphere. Wing, Eugene: 140 stone, bone, and pottery artifacts. Wirth, Dr. W. W. (see Agriculture, U.S. Department of). Wisconsin, University of (through Theodore S. Cochrane) : 3 compositae; (through Dr. Bruce F. Hansen): 19 Bromeliacae; (through Dr. Hugh H. litis): 183 botanical specimens; 53 plants (exchange); (through Charles A. Long): I lot flatworms. Wisconsin State University (through Dr. Gerald Z. Jacobi) : 3 crayfish. Witherington, Philip: 19 crustaceans. Witt, Dr. Arthur, Jr. (see Missouri, University of). Wolbarsht, Dr. Myron L. (see Duke University). Wolda, Dr. Henk (see Smithsonian Institution). Wolfe, Dr. Lauren G. (see Rush-Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center). Wolff, Dr. Torben (see Universitetets Zoologiske Museum). Wood, Roy D.: jonesite specimen. Wood, Dr. Stephen L.: 4 Coleoptera. Woodring, Dr. J. P.: 23 mite slides, Central America. Woodruff, Dr. Robert E.: 31 beetles. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (through Dr. David C. Judkins) : 130 crustaceans; (through Dr. Thomas J. Lawson) : 9 crustaceans. Woolford, Thomas A. (see Bellport Senior High School). Worden, E. C. (see Spaulding Fibre Co., Inc.). Wormersley, Dr. H. B. S. (see Adelaide, University of). Worth, Tony: topaz, Mexico (exchange). Wright, Dr. Howard O. (see Grand Valley State College). Wyman, Donald G.: I lot almandine. Wyoming, University of: Rocky Mountain Herbarium (through Dr. Charlotte G. Reeder) : 2 Cramineae specimens, Mexico. Yale University: Peabody Museum of Natural History (through Dr. Willard D. Hartman) : 9 sponges, types. West Indies. Yancey, Thomas (see Malaya, University of). Yang, Julie C. (see Johns-Manville Corp.). Yedlin, Neal: I lot and 4 mineral specimens. Yepez, Dr. F. Fernandez: 13 neotrjopical Coleoptera. Yochelson, Ellis L. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Young, Dr. Allen M. (see Laurence University). Young, Dr. Frank N. : 479 water beetles. Young, Jack R. (see Lyko Mineral and Gem, Inc.). 470 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Yunker, Dr. Conrad E. (see Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Department of). Zarco, Antonio: 22 Choco Indian specimens, Panama. Zibrowius, Dr. Helmut: 10 echinoderms, 6 crustaceans, 342 worms. Zo, Zinntae: 30 mollusks; 13 crustaceans. Zur Strassen, Dr. R. (see Natur-Museum and Forschungs Institut Senckenburg). NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Donors of Financial Support Miss Esther M. Ridder Ms. Fern Verriker Donors to the Bird Collection Anonymous: Northern oriole; robin; North American Wood Duck. Mr. and Mrs. Beardsly: Florida burrowing owl. Ms. Melanie Bond: 3 canary-winged parakeets. Ms. Janette Cayne: Canada goose; coot. J. Conklin: barred owl. Mrs. Cox: salmon-crested cockatoo. Ms. Karen Davis: canary-winged parakeet. Mr. Harold Farmer: canary-winged parakeet. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Forsythe: 2 Canada geese; great horned owl. Mr. Dale H. Wentzel Mr. and Mrs. Guarino: diamond dove. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatfield: 2 zebra finches; common waxbill. Mr. Alex Linski: common loon. Mrs. Catherine McCorkill: cut-throat finch. Mr. John McQueeny: 15 barred parakeets; 2 jinday conures. N. Michols: F.N. A. wood duck. Ms. Mott: crested mynah; half -moon conure. B. Smith and S. Sackman: osprey. Mr. George Searles: 2 ruddy turnstones. Mr. Frederick Willis: North American coot. Donors to Reptile and Amphibian Collections Anonymous: Creek tortoise; Western painted turtle; 2 red-eared turtles; red-bellied turtle; 3 boa constrictors ; box turtle; tree snake; horned lizard; Surinam toad; tayra. Mr. David Bailey: Cook's tree boa; Bengal monitor. Mr. Jim Crews: ratsnake. Mr. David DeAnna: common iguana. T. M. Duckworth: reticulated python. Mr. Tom Cause: common iguana. Mr. John Gorden: boa constrictor; corn snake. Mr. John Grove: 2 loggerhead sea turtles. Ms. Brenda Hall: 3 Pacific tree frogs; 3 California newts; 2 common garter snakes. Mr. George P. Hall: Florida kingsnake. Gordon Jamieson: Savannah monitor. Mr. Tom Jensen: 9 Panamanian anoles. Mr. Michael Johnson: Cuban tree frog; American alligator. Mrs. Kilby: American alligator. L. Lundell: tegu. Mr. Michael Majhew: chuckwalla. Lawrence Murphy: desert monitor. National Park Services: 4 copperheads. Mr. Clyde Peeling: timber rattlesnake. Mr. John Pratt: copperhead. G. M. Watson: copperhead. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 471 HISTORY AND ART COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM OF DECORATIVE ARTS AND DESIGN Donors of Works of Art Mrs. Whitney Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Bernard Mrs. Michael Boudrez Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallace Bowman Mrs. Paul Brandwein Dr. and Mrs. David Brown Lydia Bush-Brown (Mrs. Francis Head) Mrs. Mary Carothers and Charles de Limur, in Memory of Ethel Mary de Limur Carson, Pirie, Scott and Co. (Chicago, 111.) Mrs. Herbert S. Chandler, in Memory of Herbert S. Chandler Bequest of Rosalie Coe, from the collection inherited from her mother, Mrs. Eva Johnston Coe Sister Ursula Corea Mr. Charles de Limur. See Mrs. Mary Carothers. Mrs. George De Lys A. L. Diament and Co. Mr. Samuel J. Dornsife Fieldcrest Mills, Inc. Mr. Milton Fischer Mr. M. Roy Fisher Mr. Harold L. Frank Friends of Textiles Fund, Cooper-Hewitt Museum Mrs. Petersen Gilbert Dr. Mattiebelle Gittinger Mrs. Margaret N. Godlove Mr. Thomas Golodik Grosvenor Gallery (London, England) Mr. Richard V. Hare Mrs. Norris Harkness Mrs. Pascal R. Harrower Mrs. Francis Head. See Lydia Bush-Brown. Miss Elizabeth G. Holahan D.M.C. Hopping Miss Josephine Howell Mr. Lloyd Hyde Jack Lenor Larsen, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Ketcham, in memory of Mrs. M. Dunham Higgins Lanerie Agnona (Vercelli, Italy) Mr. Simon Lissim John Maximus Mrs. William Mazer Mrs. Allan McLane Miss Elinor Merrell Mr. Robert W. Modaff Elizabeth Moos, in memory of Robert Imandt Morris County Historical Society (Morristown, N.J.) Mr. John Myers National Historic Parks and Sites Branch (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) Newport Historical Society (Newport, R.I.) Mr. Donald B. Palmer The Peale Museum (Baltimore, Md.) Mrs. Harry T. Peters Ms. Mary Walker Phillips Miss Elizabeth Riley Mrs. Gregg Ring Mr. Carl Ritorno Rohi (Munich, Germany) The Estate of Alice Royce Mrs. David Russell San Francisco Victoriana F. Schumacher and Co. Mrs. Alma Selkirk The Estate of Mrs. Margaret Sloss Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities (Setauket, Long Island, N.Y.) Mr. Milton Sonday Ms. Marguerite V. Sutton Mr. Dalmar Tifft United States Secretariat (International Book Year) Mrs. Clara Waldeck Mrs. Wilhelmina Whyte Mr. Edward J. Wormley, in Memory of Gertrud Natzler Ms. Roxa Wright Mrs. Clarence Zener 472 / Smithsonian Year 1974 FREER GALLERY OF ART Donors of Financial Support Mr. Joseph Alsop Ms. Susan Mary Alsop American Council of Learned Societies The Annenberg Fund, Inc. The Paul A. Bissinger Foundation Mr. William McCormick Blair, Jr. Mr. R. C Blue Frances and Sidney Brody, Charitable Fund, Inc. Brotherton-DiGiorgio Corporation The Honorable David K. E. Bruce Mrs. W. Randolph Burgess Mrs. Anna Chennault General Claire Lee Chennault Foundation China Airlines Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Chow Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Cox John M. Crawford, Jr. Mrs. John Dimick Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Drucker The Edipa Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Ruth Epstein Mr. and Mrs. David E. Finley Mrs. George A. Garrett Mrs. Katharine Graham Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Greenfield Mary Livingstone Griggs, and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation Mr. John W. Gruber Mr. Felix Guggenheim Mr. and Mrs. N. Vadim Hammer Mr. John K. Havemeyer International Rectifier Corporation The Island Foundation JDR 3rd Fund Felix and Helen Juda Foundation The Hagop Kevorkian Fund Mrs. Dorothy R. Kidder The David Lloyd Kreeger Charitable Foundation Mrs. Chisholm Lindsey Mrs. Elizabeth Lorentz Mayuyama and Company Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation The Midgard Foundation The Earl and Irene Morse Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Nail Northrop Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William Paley Mr. Jefferson Patterson Mr. Armistead Peter, 3rd Dr. and Mrs. Irving Philips Dr. and Mrs. John A. Pope Price Foundation, Inc. Mary Taylor and Walter S. Robertson Trust Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, 3rd The Honorable Nelson A. Rockefeller Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Stern Mrs. L. Corrin Strong Mr. John S. Thacher Miss Helen Vorvolakis Chi-chuan Wang Weatherhead Foundation Ellen Bayard Weedon Foundation Woodheath Foundation |l Donors to the Library Bader, Franz: Tung, Ch'i-ch'ang. Tung Wen-ming Ch'iu-hsing pa-ching. Shanghai, 1924. Wu, Hsiu-an. Chin-tai ming-jen mo-miao. Shanghai, 1924. Welles, Jane: Yun Shou-p'ing. Yun nan-tien shan-shui-t'se. Wu-hsi. Wen-hua. 1924. Ku-chien-ko chiao-pei t'u, vol. 1. Tamarin, Alfred: Photographs of Chinese art in Japanese collections. l! Donors to the Study Collection Chase, W. Thomas, III: Persian manuscript page; calligraphy; Shiraz, ca. 1575. I Chennault, Anna: Chinese painting; Ming dynasty, a.d. 1368-1644; landscape; signature of Lan Ying 1585-ca. 1664; style of Chao Ling-jang. Hanging scroll. Gilliland, McCoy: Japanese blue and white dish; Meiji period, a.d. 1868- . Grigaut, Hubert: Chinese painting (on bone); Chou dynasty, 1028-256 B.C. Chinese bronze mirror; Sung dynasty, a.d. 960-1280. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 473 Kevorkian Foundation: Persian miniatures (10 pp.); late 14th-early 15th century. Persian illuminations and calligraphy (2 pp.); late 15th century. Indian drawing; Mughal, 17th century. Egyptian/Iraqi parchment fragment; 9th century. Lee, Sherman: Chinese bronze; Ting; reproduction of a Chou dynasty object; animal-shaped. Plumer, Carol: Chinese pottery; Chien ware; Sung dynasty, a.d. 960-1280. Republic of China, Embassy of: Film, "National Palace Museum." Somerville, Ann: Chinese painting; Ch'ing dynasty, a.d. 1644-1912; peonies and dragon fly. Chinese painting; Ch'ing dynasty, a.d. 1644-1912; execution scene. Tesone, S. L.: Etching by Charles A. Piatt, Seascape. (Architect of the Freer Gallery of Art.) NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND TECHNOLOGY Donors of Financial Support (Over $500.00) Alcoa Foundation American Bankers Association American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine American Institute of Marine Underwriters American Society of Arms Collectors The Burroughs Wellcome Fund Commonwealth Fund Doubleday & Company The Friends of Music Hanson Fund Houston Endowment, Inc. (Under $500.00) Mr. Robert S. Adler American Steamship Company Dr. David L. Barrett Mr. Hiram D. Cabassa Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ellinger Ogden Marine, Inc. Ms. Louise L. Ottinger Pacific Cargoes Propeller Club, Port of Guam Propeller Club, Port of Washington, D.C. Propeller Club, Rock Hill, Port of Louisville, Ky. Donors to the Collections Abbot, Dr. and Mrs. Charles G.: church bass and bow, 1828. Abilities Incorporated (through Don Dreyer) : bud vase with etching. Acheson, Mrs. Dean (see Sanford, Mrs. Wayland). Adams, Ann: photograph of donor drawing by mouth and sketch. Adams, Larry: 6 Iowa checks. Alexander, Donald C. (see Treasury, U.S. Department of the). Alfano, Louis: 13 narcotic stamps, 3 Custom fee stamps. Alinder, James : 3 silver print photographs Keystone Shipping Company Kidder Peabody Foundation Kominers, Fort, Schlefer & Boyer The Lykes Foundation, Inc. Maritime Overseas Corporation Mr. and Mrs. John Mayer Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc. National Steel & Shipbuilding Co. Propeller Club, Port of New York Shipbuilders Council of America Todd Shipyards, Inc. United Seamen's Service Propeller Club, U.S. Port of Detroit Propeller Club, U.S. Port of San Diego Mr. and Mrs. Lessing J. Rosenwald Severn Lamb Shipbuilders Council of America Mrs. Cecil Smith Dr. Hans Syz Women's Propeller Club, Port of San Francisco Women's Propeller Club, Port of the Sabine 474 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Allen, Thomas B.: 90 anti-Vietnam War movement objects. Altman, Mrs. Belle Rudin and Maybelle (see Rudin, Eli H. and Miriam). Altman, Renee: admission ticket; plate, 20th century. Altman, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour: 2 luncheon plates, cup and saucer. American Bosch: Marketing Division (through Wallace C. Baker) : diesel injection pump. American Foundation for the Blind (through Robert Barnett) : 12 samples of aids for blind people. American Safety Razor Company: 6 razors, shaving kit cover. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (see Clarke, Charles M.). American Topical Association (through Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Husak) : 2 First Day covers. Anderson, Mrs. Will: pair pillow cases and sheet, early 19th century. Andrews, Harris: 1922 Poll Tax certificate, cover page of sheet music; Ku Klux Klan pamphlet; 1936 election guide. Anonymous: 11 political matchbooks; folding chair; 277 large die proofs for stamps; 29 woven fragments. Architect of the Capitol (through Mrs. Florian H. Thayn) : photograph of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, book Report of the Case Brig. General Armstrong, 1857. Arnhold, Henry: Meissen service, ca. 1740. Arnhold, Henry; Hawes, Dr. Lloyd E.; and Syz, Dr. Hans: / Meissen plate, ca. 1725 (see also Smithsonian Institution). Ayres, Waldemar A.: Ayres "Artificial Gill" Mark I & 11. Baker, Wallace C. (see American Bosch). Banov, Leon: slave identification tag. Barber, Julia M.: melodeon and stool, ca. 1860. Barenholtz, George J. (see Howmedica, Inc.). Barnett, Robert (see American Foundation for the Blind). Bartleson, John D., Jr. : 2 Civil War projectiles. Bartlett, Frederick W., II: collection of 31 lithographs. Baruch, Mrs. Charles Maurice (see Cadwalader, Robert D.). Basal, Leonard A.: stitchery kit of Spiro T. Agnew. Baster, Mrs. (see Defense, U.S. Department of). Bazelon, Bruce: 3 shoulder insignia, WW II. Beacon, Adaline: Book Monuments of Washington's Patriotism, page from account book, 1812. Beatus, Ronald D. : political button. Bechtel, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. : shawl, 19th century. Beck, Dorothy Bateman, Estate of (through Edward J. Corcoran) : 6 horseback riding items; 1 sextant; 75 firearms and accessories and edged weapons; small wooden cannon and carriage (bequest). Becker, Ralph E. : 422 political campaign objects. Behlen, Eugene: broadside of Black Panther Party. Belcher, Hon. Taylor G.: 40 pieces of Portobello Ware, ca. 1800, in memory of Miriam Frazee Belcher. Belgium, Government of, Academie Royale des Sciences de Lettres et des Beaux-Art (through Jacques Lavalleye) : silver commemorative medal. Belinky, Mrs. Michael R.: man's sweater, ca. 1929. Benedict, Larry: 140 orange and grapefruit labels. Bennett, Barbara: Meissen plate, ca. 1850-1900. Bennett, Mrs. Wilda P.: 4 lady's caps, 2 ribbons, sampler. Benzinger, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo (see Strach, Marion Babette). Berkebile, Don H. : 6 historical transportation items; miner's hammer. Bernstein, Herbert: 3 souvenir covers; 3 First Day covers. Bewley, E. J.: post-office lockbox. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I \75 Bhutan Stamp Agency, Ltd.: 6 mint postage stamps. Bigbee, Dan E.: 12 wooden eggs. Bierman, Mrs. William: 37 lantern slides, 5 16mm films. Birchmore, Fred A.: Dayton bicycle, 1939. Birkhill, Frederick R., Jr.: daguerreotype. Birnbaum, Mrs. H. B.: 2 copies of booklet of moving pictures. Bissell, Mrs. George P., Jr.: 23 pieces of English earthenware. Black, Margaret Hodson: postcard carried by first authorized airmail service and return cover, 1911. Blair, Anne Denton (see Conger, Mrs. Frederic). Blaisdell, Earl: 2 bronze pieces. Blake, Mrs. Elizabeth: commemorative towel. Bland, John A.: collection of printing equipment and furniture from old printing shop ; picnic hamper. Bloom, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick: vase. Blume, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.: 2 steel helmets, 1 liner. Blystone, Clara: 18 items regarding the temperance movement. Boaz, Mrs. Frances F. : doll, 1870. Bohart, Mr. and Mrs. James Philip: 4 items of woman's wear, in memory of Josephine Dubs Bohart. Bolduc, Hector L. : 2 U.S. coiners. Bolte, Mrs. Vernon A. (through Warren Danzanbaker) : mourning band, novelty booklet, ca. 1840, silk band. Born, Dr. Harold (see Illinois State University). Bose Corporation (through Don Gehly) : 2 speakers with pedestals. Bourgeois, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. E.: watch, 1852, in memory of O. B. Marsh Roxbury. Bourland, Charles E.: 4 woven pictures. Bowers, Olen E. : quilt, prize ribbon, 1907. Bradley, Frederick (through S. Dillon Ripley) : Inaugural license plates and official program, 1933. Bradley, Hon. Thomas (through Michael J. Pohl) : 19 political campaign items. Brandt, Mrs. Amos, and Sons (through John C. Schroeter and Francis B. Huber) : steam traction engine, 1924. Brock, Mrs. Pearletta (through Mrs. Herbert Foley) : land grant, 1856. Brooks, Phil: book The Art of Diplomacy. Brooks, Philip C. : 2 specimens relating to funeral of President Harry S. Truman; white linen damask tablecloth. Brown, Edgar (see Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling). Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald: copper weathervane. Brown, Monnie: 2 coverlets, quilt. Brown, Pearl G.: 2 preserve jars. Bugbee, Mrs. Joan: 326 surgical instruments, 567 books and pamphlets, 18 diplomas and awards, 12 pictures and oil paintings, 9 items of furniture. Bullova-Moore, Catherine (see International Association of Professional Numismatists). Burnnell, John F. (see Chrysler Corporation). Burnside, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (see Daguerreian Era). Burundi, Government of: Agency Philatelique: 4 First Day covers, commercial cover, 31 mint postage stamps; First Day cover, 6 mint postage stamps. Cadwalader, Max J. (see Cadwa^ader, Robert D.). Cadwalader, Robert D.; Cadwalader, Max J.; and Baruch, Mrs. Charles Maurice: vacuum cleaner. Callanan, William F. : first flight cover. Calloway, Mrs. Mary: miner's pick, lamp, and cap, in memory of Ira Calloway. 476 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Cancie, Mr. and Mrs. Leopoldo: 7 bonds. Cannon, Dr. Walter F. : eye-glass lens. Carlisle Colonial Minute Men (through Robert R. Heath) : 2 silver medals. Carter, Allen E.: 3 silver print photographs. Carter, Mrs. Maude Faulkner (see Hunter, Mrs. Myrtle Faulkner). Caterpillar Tractor Co. (through Jerry Cook) : diesel engine, 1930. Celanese Plastics Co.: 127 early celluloid artifacts. Chandler, Capt. William D.: drawing by Raemaekers, WW I. Chapelle, Howard I.: booklet "A Calendar of the Papers of Josiah Fox." Chapman, Mrs. Grosvenor: 20 textile specimens. Chappelear, James: 20 postcards. Chenette, Edmond: electric toaster. Chenette, Mr. and Mrs. Louis: clock, ca. 1825-30. Cheney, John T. : calculator. Chermayeff and Geismar Associates (through John Grady) : scythe. Cherry, Hon. Gwendolyn (through Lucille Place) : wooden gavel used in presiding at First National Woman's Political Caucus Convention; related information and photographs of Convention. Chiavassa, H. (see Monaco, Government of). China, Government of the Republic of (through S. P. Wang) : 24 mint postage stamps; 1 mint souvenir sheet, 35 mint postage stamps. Chisholm, Hon. Shirley: 13 political campaign specimens. Chokel, Bogomir: mourning badge, convention badge, pin, mouse pelt. Chrysler Corporation (through John F. Bunnell) : gas engine. Clain-Stefanelli, Mrs. Elvira: 30 ancient coins. Clain-Stefanelli, Dr. Vladimir: 6 National Rifle Association medals; 63 ancient coins; 10 commemorative medals. Clancey, Mrs. W. P.: 13-star flag. Clark, Fred J. : Internal Revenue appointment certificate and promissory note, handwritten regulations of U.S.S. Washington, 1816. Clarke, Charles M. (through American Society of Mechanical Engineers): typewriter. Clawson, Hon. Del: commemorative plate. Clevenger, Mrs. Alice: baby's spoon, hunting and fishing license. Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P.: 73 pieces of "slag" glass, late 19th century. Coffee, Barbara J.: "Election Day in Kentucky" postcard, 1913; political campaign paper napkin, 1936. Cohen, Ethel M. : 2 specimens of Indian cotton. Collier County Semicentennial Commission, Inc. (through R. H. Rockhold) : 2 sets of 5 commemorative medals. Collins, Herbert R.: 72 political history specimens. Colombia, Government of (through Beatriz Pantoja de Gil) : 6 First Day covers. Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.: News Film Library (through Neil Waldman and Jack Kuney) : documentary film "How Women Cot the Vote." Commerce, U.S. Department of: 9 physical science specimens. Conger, Clement (see White House). Conger, Mrs. Frederic (through Dr. Richard H. Howland and Anne Denton Blair) : lady's cap, early 19th century. Conger, Paul S.: 20 camera and lens specimens; 2 textile specimens, in memory of William J. Whiting (see also Whiting, William J., Estate of). Conlon, James (see Treasury, U.S. Department of the). Cook, Jerry (see Caterpillar Tractor Co.). Cook Islands, Government of: Ministry of Posts: 5 First Day covers, 13 mint souvenir sheets, 49 mint postage stamps. Corcoran, Edward J. (see Beck, Dorothy Bateman, Estate of). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 477 Cottrell, Mrs. Joseph F. : woman's dress, 1916. Coulter, Gen. John B.: program for unveiling of donor's statue, 1959. Craig, Mrs. Louis A.: 19th century sampler; 4 pewter specimens. Craig, Gen. and Mrs. Louis A.: 2 ponchos, blanket, runner. Craig, Vera B. (see Interior, U.S. Department of the.) Crane, Mrs. Alan H. : 20 lithographs. Grays, Mrs. Marian S.: woven coverlet, child's petticoat. Crosby, Mrs. Paula: woman's cape. Cullum, Carole: 12 political history items. Cunningham, Mrs. James H.: wedding dress, 1885. Cunningham, Peter F.; Williams, Mrs. Murat; and Cunningham, Michael: Cunningham touring car, 1929. Gupp, Mrs. Donald E. : knitting sampler. Curtis, Col. James W.: silver medal. Daguerreian Era (through Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burnside) : albumen print of Smithsonian Institution, late 19th century. Damm, Mrs. George R. : 2 service records, 3 photographs. The Danbury Mint: 2 mounted medals. Danzenbaker, Warren (see Bolte, Mrs. Vernon A.). Davis, Dr. Sidney L. : mourning letter and 2 franked envelopes, 1901, mourning calling card. DeBaun, Sylvia: 4 political history items. Defense, U.S. Department of. Department of the Army, Institute of Heraldry: 41 insignia and Presidential Citizens medal. Department of the Navy, Research Laboratory (through Mrs. Baster) : IBM. keyboard punch. de Gil, Beatriz Pantoja (see Colombia, Government of). Democratic National Committee: 52 political campaign items. Denmark,Government of. Ministry of Public Works (through T. W. Madsen) : 50 mint postage stamps. Dickinson Mrs. Eleanor: 95 cultural history specimens. Diety, Mrs. John S. (see Griffiths, Mrs. David W.). Dillon, Wilton S. : 1 mint postage stamp, 33 commemorative covers, Poland; bronze commemorative medal, Poland. Donahue, F. Joseph: 22 piece Inauguration news kit. Dorman, Charles: print depicting Bowling Green. Dougherty, Mrs. Charles E.: 6 cooking implement specimens. Dougherty, Gladys: earthenware plate. Downes, Mrs. Eileen Armstrong: girl's coat and leggings. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin: postage stamp, Germany. Draper, James Christopher (see Draper, John William Christopher). Draper, John William Christopher, and James Christopher: 46 astronomic and photographic specimens, 23 graphic art specimens, 11 medical science specimens. Dreyer, Don (see Abilities Incorporated). Duff, Mrs. Ramsay: linen damask napkin, 19th century. Dulski, Hon. Thaddeus J.: 2 Copernicus First Day covers. Dumville, Mrs. Irma Gordon: reed organ. Duncan, Mrs. Candy (see Washington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau). Dunham, Dr. Richard Brown: spinning wheel, ca. 1840-1900. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wallace, Jr.: silver ash tray, 6 pieces silver flatware, silver salver; glass vase. Durant, Frederick C, III (see Smithsonian Institution). Edwards, Carolyn H., Estate of (through National Savings and Trust Co. and University of Maine) : 4 firearms, holster, bolo knife with scabbard, 2 compasses, sextant, cross staff head, surveyor's chain and pouch, telescope (bequest). 478 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Egan, Peggy (see Petersilia, Patricia). Eickemeyer Fund, Florence Brevoort, Smithsonian Institution: 72 tintypes, 5 ambrotypes, 3 daguerreotypes; 16 albumen prints; wood engraving; wood block print, 1861; 3 post cards; 1 platinum print; 2 album-size photographs. Einhorn, Nathan R. (see Library of Congress). Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles: clothes wringer, 1898. Emden, Donald W. : 2 commemorative stamps on covers. Engelbach, Mr. and Mrs. Miles V.: 273 stamps, covers, and postal specimens. Evans, Dr. Clifford, and Meggers, Dr. Betty: 12 First Day covers, 22 mint and used postage stamps. Farenthold, Frances Tarlton: 17 political campaign items. Faulkner, Mrs. Dorothy: woman's shoe and buckle, 18th century. Fetherston, Edith H., Estate of (through John F. Zeller III) : 6 chairs, 2 trays, table, 2 candleholders, lamp, string holder, 2 coal boxes (bequest). Flachier, George A.: 133 postage stamps, Ecuador. Fledderjohann, Mrs. Fred: wooden link chain. Flory, Paul: 50 millstones. Floyd, Thomas L.: 12 commemorative medals. Foley, Mrs. Erma: leather traveling case owned by Mrs. William H. Taft, water pitcher with Presidential Seal. Foley, Mrs. Herbert (see Brock, Mrs. Pearletta). Folk Art Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 6 engraved copper plates; wood carving of owl; 31 photographs of revival scenes; book The New Years Gift; 17 documents. Ford, John J., Jr.: steel die for assay ingots, 1838; 13 gold, 2 silver mint issue medals; aluminum trial of portrait of President John F. Kennedy. Fort Concho Museum: original payroll of Philadelphia. Franklin Mint: 4 silver medals, Shakespeare series; 2 silver medals, Michaelangelo series. Freeman, Harriet L. : newspaper; silk badge. Freeman, Michael A.: photograph of President Harding's funeral, commemo- rative plaque of President Johnson's Korean visit. Friedland, Dr. Fritz: pair of wooden crutches. Friends of Music at the Smithsonian Fund, Smithsonian Institution: orchestral horn by Raoux with case and 11 crooks. Frye, Melinia Y. : poster and information on Woman's Day at Berkeley. Fuld, George (see Steinberg, Gilbert). Furman, Martin William: bracelet, ca. 1924-25. Galbraith, Letitia (see National Trust for Historic Preservation). Gallagher, Mrs. J. Roswell: bedspread fragment, 1800-88, towel, 1830. Gardner-Miller Fund, Smithsonian Institution: figure of a shepherdess, ca. 1750. Gaskin, James C. (see Veterans Administration). Gast, Carolyn: vest pocket Kodak special camera, in memory of Grace Fields and Samuel Colcord Bartlett. Gehlbach, Vernon P.: print of observatory of Illinois Watch Co. Gehly, Don (see Bose Corporation). Gelles, Daniel E.: 5 engineering specimens. General Services Administration: 2 pairs arctic combat boots. Gengerke, Martin T., Jr.: 8 counterfeit currency study materials. Geoghegan, William E.: 3 ship model plans, book, photo album. George, Dr. Demitri J.: homemade, lower extremity prosthesis. Gerhardt, Mrs. Michael (see Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest). Gillette Co.: wooden plaque with Gillette Trac II razor and pack of cartridges. Gillilland, Thomas: 4 coin and paper currency specimens, Mali. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 479 Gilmore, Mrs. William: printed floor cloth, ingrain carpet sample. Gilpin, Mrs. Vincent: 61 wooden canes. Gilpin, Mr. William H. : western style saddle, ca. 1900. Glaser, Walter N. : pension certificate and leather gauntlets. Glynn, Mrs. Mary Joan: woman's dress, 1972. Golovin Fund, Anne, Smithsonian Institution: 2 split-seat chairs. Golovin, Anne C.: side chair; teakettle. Gonzalez, Jose I.: 2 edged weapons with scabbards. Gordon, Robert (see Rice Hotel). The Gorham Company (through W. Dan Lemeshka) : 13 commemorative medals. Gosling, William (see Library of Congress). Gottlesleben, Mrs. Elizabeth H.: woman's coat, ca. 1891. Grady, John (see Chermayeff and Geismar Associates). Grant, Chapman: field glasses, pistol. Grant, David and Robert: 21 WW I posters. Grant, Robert (see Grant, David). Great Britain, Government of: Royal Mint: (through C. L. Powell): proof of 50 pence piece. Gregory, Rev. Edward Meeks: child's stool, 1824. Griffiths, Mrs. David W.; Ruestow, Mrs. Paul; and Diety, Mrs. John S.: 7 women's fans. Grigaut, Mrs. Doris: 6 pieces porcelain and earthenware. Grimes, Harold M. (see Morse Brothers Machinery Co.). Gross, Dorothy: photograph of President Taft. Grum, Anna: 107 carnival glass pieces. Guerrera, Carmin: quartz cylinder head Guggenheimer, Mrs. Mary S. : Indian basket. Gumm, Clark (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Haburchak, Robert J. (see Maryland, State of). Hagen, Richard S.: political campaign button and ribbon. Hamann, Ole (see United Nations). Hamelly, Henry: 15 First-Day covers. Hamilton, Samuel M. V.: bust of Samuel M. Vauclain. Hanley, Mrs. Hope A.: painting of woman embroidering by Hughes. Hanson, Alex: New Testament. Haring, Mrs. Grace: 2 horse-drawn cottonpickers. Hart, James A.: balloon pilot badge. Harville, Mrs. Ruby Stallings: overshot coverlet. Hawes, Dr. Lloyd E. (see Arnhold, Henry). Hays, Fair: sheep shears. Heath, Robert R. (see Carlisle Colonial Minute Men). Hebert, Raymond J.: brooch, necklace. Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. : 86 financial documents, 48 coins, 25 warrants. Hedges, Mrs. M. H. : watch. Hedrick, Mrs. Ralph W.: handwoven shawl, early 19th century. Heed, Ture: newspaper, 1810. Henke, Mrs. Nancy W. (see White, Walter Rhoads, Children of). Hergert, Gustav A. : 9 specimens from the Civilian Conservation Corps, ca. 1930. Higgins, John Arthur: 4 foreign banknotes. Higgins, Sigfried: 2 brake linings, 4 printing plates, thermosetting matrix, trade journal, article. Hill, Dr. Inez Thew: 2 bronze coins. Hillerman, Mrs. Barbara: woman's hat, 1890-99. 480 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Hinton, Mrs. Harold B.: woman's dress and cape, 1965. Hively, Mrs. Kay: wooden model of house. Hodson, Mrs. Frank A.: Centennial bandana, 1876. Homan, Bill: invitation to battleship Wisconsin launching, 1898. Homolka, V. H. (see Veterans Administration). Horjel, Nels (see Sweden, Government of). Howell, Edgar M.: Derringer replica; man's coat, 1934. Howland, Dr. Richard H. : footstool, 19th century; 2 dresses, 2 women's neckwear, ca. 1910 (see also Conger, Mrs. Frederic). Howlette, Mrs. Walter M.: woman's coat, 1927. Howmedica, Inc. (through George J. Barenholtz) : 6 prosthetic items, Hribsek, Rev. Aloysius: 7 cultural history specimens. Hruschka, Howard W. : hand ice plow. Huber, Francis B. (see Brandt, Mrs. Amos, and Sons). Huebner, A. W. : camera, ca. 1896; 2 glass negatives, 8 mm camera. Hughes, Mrs. Hugh R.: 4 diaries, 1909-12; personal accounting; photograph album of ships and ports. Hughes, Robert L. (through John L. Skinner) : poultry incubator. Hunley, Mrs. James G.: hand-colored tintype, late 19th century. Hunter, Mrs. Myrtle Faulkner, and Carter, Mrs. Maude Faulkner: woman's dress and shawl. Hurlburt, Olive E. : quilted counterpane, late 18th century; cotton chemise, 1858. Husak, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry (see American Tropical Association). Hutchinson, G. Evelyn: 735 items used during 1971 British postal strike. Illinois State University (through Dr. Harold Born) : 4 physical science specimens. Inaugural Committee 1973 (through J. Willard Marriott) : 125 Inaugural 1971 specimens. Interior, U.S. Department of the: Geological Survey (through Oscar Mueller): 4 type frames with cases, 3 cabinets, galley rack. Bureau of Land Manage- ment (through Clark Gumm) : pantograph and instructions. National Park Service (through Vera B. Craig): ingrain carpet fragment. International Association of Professional Numismatists (through Catherine Bullova-Moore) : silver commemorative medal. International Fraternal Commemorative Society: silver commemorative medal. Israel, Government of: Ministry of Posts: 11 First-Day covers. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (through Mrs. Michael Gerhardt) : 2 postcards, WW I. Jay, Peter: robe worn by Chief Justice John Jay. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.: teapot, cover, and creamer, ca. 1812—14. Jones, Mrs. Edward C: 12 packages of needles, late 19th century. Jones, Msgt. Parmalee: 16 medals and decorations awarded to donor. Judaic Heritage Society: 8 silver commemorative medals. Juges, Robert L. (see Vtgaard, Stanley). Julian, Margaret Current: knitted shawl. Kabelac, Karl: 8 tobacco packets. Kamenetz, Dr. Herman L. : pair of crutches. Civil War. Kaplan, Joseph: vacuum tube. Kauffman, Mrs. Draper L. : painting of George Washington by Jane Stuart. Katz, Mrs. Pessa Kaufman (through Mrs. Leon Schilt) : 6 cupping glasses. Keegan, Kathleen (see Larkin, Helene A.). Kemble, Harold E., Jr. (through Peggy Sawyer) : newspaper, 1773. Kennedy, John A.: maroon and white shirt. Kennedy, Paul: 4 photographs. Kenney, Henry K. : clasp knife. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 481 Kenny, Austin (see Washington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau). Kermit Roosevelt and Associates, Inc. (see Roosevelt, Kermit, Jr.). Kettler, Milton E.: 81 hand tools, wagon jack, steelyard, shovel, 6 kitchen implements, 3 harness-making tools, 2 traps, brick mold, rachet trammel, candle mold, fireplace crane, spade. King, Mrs. Blance Elliot: silver mug and sauce boat, 2 silver spurs. King, Mrs. Walter Hughey: textile with labels. Kingsley, David J.: camera, ca. 1950-54. Kistler, Lynton R.: 207 specimens relating to printing of book. Klapthor, Frank E.: glass mug, ca. 1790; 8 textile specimens. Klebba, Robert (see United States Manufacturing Co.). Klimkiewicz, W. J., and Wandycz, D. S. : kerosene lamp and photograph of inventor. Klopfer, L. W. : pie crimper. Klopsteg, Dr. Paul E. : 253 bows, arrows, and associated gear. Kompare, Anton: painted egg, Taro cards. Korrow, Martin M.: 4 commemorative plates. Kramer, Mrs. Howard D. : woman's wrap, ca. 1916. Kuhler, Otto: 31 etchings. Kuney, Jack (see Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.). Kuper, Theodore Fred (see Macondray, Mrs. Atherton). LaBarge, Inc. (through R. F. Mohrman) : voicebak prosthesis. Lake, Dorothy O. (see Oviatt, Ruth A.). Lake, Edmond: newspaper, 1828; newspaper reprint, 1800. Land Transportation Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 6 railroad conductor's uniform items, brakeman' s cap badge; 3-wheel handcar, ca. 1910. Langhoff, Mrs. Fred: sheep shears. Larkin, Helene A. (through Kathleen Keegan) : woman's collar and 2 shirtwaists, ca. 1905—10. Lavalleye, Jacques (see Belgium, Government of). Lawless, Mrs. Carole: egg carton machine. League of Women Voters of the United States (through Nancy Thompson): Equal Rights Amendment poster and bracelet. Leavitt, Mrs. Lena C: patent model of jobbing press. Lechleitner, Katherine M.: 525 naval history items. Lederer, Howard A.: 697 Warren G. Harding memorial stamps. Lehde, Mrs. Pendleton E. : quilt top, crib cover. Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. James C. : 1,318 currency notes. Lemeshka, W. Dan (see the Gorham Co.). Lenhoff, James W. : specially cacheted commemorative cover. Lennan, Mrs. Bryant: sword and scabbard, 1850. Lenox, Inc. (through Robert J. Sullivan) : annual issue plate "Woodland Wildlife"; limited edition plate, 1973. Lepman, Dr. Harry, Estate of: broadside announcing antilynching rally (bequest). Lessing, John C. and Beatrice E.: 8 pressed-glass pieces. Leva, Mrs. Marx: broadside, 1836. Library of Congress (through Nathan R. Einhorn) : 29 political history papers. Welfare and Recreation Association (through William Gosling) : 1,504 foreign covers and postage stamps. Licht, Dr. Sidney: patent model of artificial leg. Liebhaber, Mr. and Mrs. Morris :,poJificfl/ campaign lapel button. Lightfoot, Judith (see National Organization for Women). Lindquist, Harry L.: 1,734 postal specimens. Lipshutz, Florence and Robert (see Rudin, Eli H. and Miriam). Long Fund, Smithsonian Institution: hooked rug, 19th century. 482 / Smithsonian Year 1974 I Looney, Charles T. G.: drum calculator and instruction booklet, slide calculator. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Jack: 404 specimens related to development of picture book. Lubin Harriet: 2 beaded bags. Ludington, Morris H.: 4 sheets of forged postage stamps. Luginbuhl, Mrs. Edna: wooden souvenir postcard, 1904. MacCloskey, Gen. Monro: saber, scabbard, sword knot, and cover. Mace, Carl D.: trap gun, 9 swords and scabbards. Mack, Allan: rail bender, wrench, drill rack with sets, spike bar. Mack, Mrs. Marion: document signed by Calvin Coolidge, 1926. Mack, Wilfred A.: book New Practical Arithmetic, 1877. Macondray, Mrs. Atherton, and Children (through Theodore Fred Kuper) : Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Inc., bond. Madsen, T. W. (see Denmark, Government of). Maeder, Edward F. : bustle pattern and copy, ca, 1873; Mary Todd Lincoln paper doll, ca. 1933. Maine, University of (see Edwards, Carolyn H., Estate of). Manning, William H., Jr.: silver commemorative medal. Marden, Jon: copper engraved plate. Marriott, J. Willard (see Inaugural Committee 1973). Marxen, Karl W. : calendar watch. Maryland, State of: Department of Transportation (through Robert J. Haburchak) : 2 license plates with handicapped insignia. Maxwell, James and Jean: tintype. Maxwell Fund, Mary E., Smithsonian Institution: ceramic sundial. Mayo, Edith P.: 13 anti-Vietnam War "Mayday" specimens; 19 first National Women's Political Caucus Convention items. Mayo, Henry C. : 5 anti-Vietnam War demonstration specimens; 13 "Impeach Nixon" rally specimens. McCandless, James C. : clock. McCormick, Bill and Glenna (through Byron E. Schumacher) : hassock commemorating first man on the moon. McCormick, Edward J.: 11 medals and badges, in memory of William H. Nash. McDonald, George J.: worktable. McLaren, Richard H. : photograph of Postmaster and his assistants, 1895. McMenamin, Brigid: woman's shoes, boy's shirt, girl's trousers and stockings, ca. 1970. Meggars, Dr. Betty: 3 commemorative wooden nickels (see also Evans, Dr. Clifford). Melder, Dr. Keith E.: 14 anti-Vietnam War protest materials; 94 McCovern for President 1972 campaign specimens; Senator Javits 1968 campaign bumper sticker and button. Mendenhall, H. E.: cathode ray tube. Michalowicz, Mrs. Joseph C. : handwoven towel. Middleton, Mrs. Yevonde (through Dr. Spencer) : 3 color photographs. Miles, Mrs. Alice M.: stereographic card; barbed wire fence stretcher. Miller, Mrs. Caroline Benes: 8 cultural history specimens. Miller, J. Jefferson, II: basket and stand, ca. 1810. Miller, Dr. John V.: stamped envelope. Miller, Hon. Midge: 11 political campaign items. Mohrman, R. F. (see LaBarge, Inc.). Moline, Russell H. (see Swedish Retirement Association). Monaco, Government of (through H. Chiavassa) : 74 mint postage stamps, 2 mint souvenir sheets. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 483 Moore, Earl E.: 9 covers, 19th century. Morison, Gordon S. (see Postal Service, U.S.). Morse Brothers Machinery Co. (through Harold M. Grimes) : 16 mining catalogues. Moulton, James M.: photograph of President and Mrs. Benjamin Harrison. Mueller, Oscar (see Interior, U.S. Department of the). Murray, Mrs. Anne W. : 12 textile specimens; Italian cover, 2 used postage stamps, Great Britain; cast iron mirror frame; earthenware bowl. Musser, Olive: soap doll. .. Muzzrole, Richard: journal box cover, ca. 1875. *■ Myers, Carol A. (see Weil, Arthur P.). Nash, George H.: cutting tool. National Association of Manufacturers: 106 films, series called "Industry on Parade." National Commemorative Society: 4 silver commemorative medals. National Museum of Transport (through Dr. John P. Roberts) : horse-drawn truck, ca. 1900. National Organization for Women (through Judith Lightfoot) : official logo sign of NOW. National Savings and Trust Co. (see Edwards, Carolyn H., Estate of). National Trust for Historic Preservation (through Letitia Galbraith) : woman's dress, ca. 1837. Neinken, Edward: 13 segments of silver pieces, France; German Renaissance model for medal; trial for medal, 1777 ; 5 gold coins and case. Neinken, Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer L. : 2 silver medals. Nemanich, J. N. : 4 convention badges, flag with mourning ribbons. Nergaard, K. (see Norway, Government of). Edgar Brown. New Hampshire Historical Society (through John F. Page) : purse owned by Mrs. Calvin Coolidge. New York News (through Mike O'Neill) : 19 pieces of photographic equipment and accessories. New York Yankee and Schwall, L. L.: 8 objects retrieved from the §| dismantlement of Yankee Stadium. ■'■ New Zealand, Government of: 22 mint postage stamps. Newell, Ben A., and Tumbull, Jack: sheep shears. Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling: Jacquard double-woven coverlet, in memory of Edgar Brown. Nicholas, Bob: United War-Work campaign poster. Norman Norell, Inc. (through Gustave Tassell) : 2 dresses, skirt, blouse, jacket. Norway, Government of (through K. Nergaard) : 26 postal specimens. Numismaticos Colombianos (through Alberto Lozano Villegas) : bronze commemorative plaque. Ockershausen, Marie F. and Carla H. : shawl, souvenir ribbon. Off Our Backs (through Anne Williams) : 13 women's news journals. O'Hara, Hazel: 5 religious carvings. Oleg Cassini, Inc. (through Melvyn Setto) : 5 dresses worn by Mrs. John F. Kennedy. Oliver, Smith H. : tape cassette "I Heard Lincoln That Day." Olsen, Cynthia K.: 45-rpm record. O'Neill, Mike (see New York News). Orr, E. P.: sample of barbed wire. Orsinger, Dr. William H. : 11 medical science specimens. Ortman, Mrs. Elizabeth: sheet music, badge, chevron, medal. Oviatt, Ruth A., and Lake, Mrs. Dorothy O.: coverlet, crocheted curtains. 484 / Smithsonian Year 1974 il Page, Curtis C. : 421 German emergency paper currencies. Page, John F. (see New Hampshire Historical Society). Palfrey, Mrs. Clochette R. (see Roosevelt, Kermit, Jr.). Palmer, Mrs. Polly L. : quilt top. Pascal, Mrs. Edith Chidakel: Presidential presentation watch, in memory of Harry S. Chidakel. Patterson, Mrs. Jefferson: 4 items of apparel, reducing device. Paul, Gabe (see New York Yankees). Petersilia, Martin J. A.: 24 anti-Vietnam War specimens. Petersilia, Patricia, and Egan, Peggy: 9 specimens concerning Concert for Peace, 1973. Peyton, Bernard: 20 postage stamps. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel: glazed dish, 1973. Pineau, Capt. Roger: 7 commercially used postal covers. Pinnell, Beth: commemorative medal. fPitney-Bowes, Inc., Philately Fund, Smithsonian Institution: 17 publications, documents, and photographs relating to first postal canceling machine. Place, Lucille (see Cherry, Hon. Gwendolyn S.). Pliako, Alan L.: 3 anti-war pamphlets. Pohl, Michael J. (see Bradley, Hon. Thomas). Polonus Philatelic Society (through Chester A. Schafer) : bronze commemorative medal. Poole, Katherine R.: 2 paper dolls; 3 textile specimens. Pope, Charles: Colt rifle, rifle barrel. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry: music box and table. Postal Service, U.S. (through Gordon C. Morison) : 111 postage stamps and stationery. Powell, C. L. (see Great Britain, Government of). Pratt, Mrs. John B.: Norwegian bed cover. j, Praznik, Rev. Rudolph A. : altar crucifix. Presidential Art Medals, Inc.: 4 bronze and 1 silver medal. Prevost, Dr. John V.: 11 political campaign postcards, 1920. Prisk, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. : 6 textile specimens. Pugsley, Edwin: indexing device; 2 electric clocks. Putzel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Jr.: 7 items of woman's apparel. Quick, Virginia Monroe: pewter plate. Ransom, Mrs. Frieda: Nazi dagger, scabbard, and carrying strap, 1937. Reeder, Ray K., Jr. (see Shenango China). Rehder, Dr. Harald A.: 2 postal covers. Reynolds, John and James W. : bumper sticker referring to impeachment of President Nixon. Rhodes, James Robert: cross and chain. Rice, Pierce G.: photograph of engine that drew President Grant's funeral train. Rice Hotel (through Robert Gordon) : podium used at first National Women's Political Caucus Convention. Richardson, Dorothy: 2 commercial postal covers. Rila, Carter: cotton Navy jumper, 1898. Rinsland, George: broadside, ca. 1875; handkerchief. Ripley, Dr. S. Dillon: commemorative medal (see also Bradley, Frederick). Robertine, Sister (see St. Peter's School). Roberts, Dr. John P. (see National Museum of Transport). Robinson, Edwin K. : belt buckle, framed r>erse, greeting cards, postcard; woman's sleeves, button hook; box of 20 pen points, telephone index; 5 photographs; bowl, Germany; pin cube, crochet hook. Rockhold, R. H. (see Collier County Semicentennial Commission, Inc.). Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 485 Rodezno, Juan Antonio: 100 First-Day covers. Roe, Jerry: 2 political posters, 45-rpm record. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. : 14 fireplace furnishing items. Rogoff, Dr. Joseph B.: 5 medical science specimens. Roosevelt, J. Willard (see Roosevelt, Kermit, Jr.). Roosevelt, Kermit, Jr.; Roosevelt, J. Willard; and Palfrey, Mrs. Clochette R. (through Kermit Roosevelt and Associates, Inc.) : 29 books, pamphlets, and manuscripts relating to President Theodore Roosevelt. Ross, Mrs. Eve K.: NRA consumer window sticker. Rothschild, Mr. and Mrs. Louis S.: 2 biscuit boxes, ca. 1870. Rowan, William (see Smithsonian Institution). Rowdybush, C. R.: 46 naval uniform items. Rowe-Craig, Mrs. Isabel (see St. Margaret's Church Sewing Group). Ruckelshaus, Hon. William D.: gold commemorative bowl. Rudin, Eli H. and Miriam; Altman, Mrs. Belle Rudin and Maybelle; Lipshutz, Florence and Robert; and Rudin, Hymen and Sarah: equipment and supplies used in custom tailor shop, in memory of Barnet and Bessie Rudin. Ruestow, Mrs. Paul (see Griffiths, Mrs. David W.). Rutenber, E. R. : engine, 1901. Rynearson, Paul: coin, A.D. 920. .j Saad, Mrs. Charlotte R. : brass bullet mold. '' Saegmuller, Mrs. Alma A.: base range finder in case with component parts, in memory of Frederick Bertholdt Saegmuller. St. Margaret's Church Sewing Group (through Mrs. Isabel Rowe-Craig) : lace shawl. St. Peter's School (through Sister Robertine) : 5 specimens from 1904 World's Fair. Saks, Mrs. Julien M.: lantern. Salm, Arthur: 74 postal time tables and rate charts. h Salmon, Mrs. Maurice E.: 2 Jiffy band tools. Salo, Mrs. P. K. R.: sexfflnf. I Sampson, Squire: 1973 Inaugural license plate used by Redskins. \\ Sanford, Mrs. Wayland (through Mrs. Dean Acheson) : linen damask ' tablecloth. Sawyer, Peggy: letter from Sargent Shriver's press secretary (see also Kemble, Harold E., Jr.). Schafer, Chester A. (see Polonus Philatelic Society). Schallert, Mrs. Ruth F. (see Smithsonian Institution). Schiffman, Edward Gottlieb: porcelain dish, ca. 1735. Schilt, Mrs. Leon (see Katz, Mrs. Pessa Kaufman). Schoen, Mrs. Edwin A.: silk quilt. Schorr, Sam (see Vietnam Veterans Against the War). Schroeter, John C. (see Brandt, Mrs. Amos, and Sons). Schumacher, Byron E. (see McCormick, Bill and Glenna). Schwall, L. L. (see New York Yankees). ,, Scoville, Mrs. John A.: lady's wrap. f| Seibold, David: Chinese silver dollar, 1853. \i Sendel-Iturbide, Jorge: calendar and descriptive sheet. Setto, Melvyn (see Oleg Cassini, Inc.) Shafer, Mrs. Betty Lou: /effer Wflfefi Marc/j 29, 1776. Shank, Dr. Russell (see Smithsonian Institution). Shapiro, Sanford (see Treasury, U.S. Department of the). Shattuck, Mrs. Anna P.: 2 volumes Arctic Explorations, 1856; 3 photographs. Shaver Elsie, documents and objects relating to the career of Dorothy Shaver, in memory of Dorothy Shaver. 486 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Shenango China (through Ray K. Reeder, Jr.) : picture album, press kit. Shepard, Mrs. Donald D. : drawings of John Paul Jones and of Benjamin Franklin with receipt, 1810. Showley, Roger: bumper sticker and button. Shutter, Mrs. Gordon: Japanese porcelain cup, saucer, and plate. Sieh, John: vase, ca. 1972. Simpkin, Georgina: First-Day cover. Skinner, John L. (see Hughes, Robert L.). Slocum, John J.: silver coin. Smith, Mrs. Arthur G.: 10 documents and wool sweater, WW I. Smithsonian Institution: (see also the following Funds: Florence Brevoort Eickemeyer, Folk Art, Friends of Music at the Smithsonian, Gardner-Miller, Anne Golovin, Land Transportation, Long, Mary E. Maxwell, Pitney- Bowes, Inc. Philately). Collected: book State of New York, a Memorial to Theodore Roosevelt. 1919 ; satirical briefcase on Watergate; 2 seals used at 1973 Inaugural Ball Found in the Collections: 201 political specimens; 11 photography specimens; 3 engineering specimens; collection of fire extinguishers, helmets, sprinklers, harness, fire and locomotive patent models; bull tethering ball; 15 textile specimens. Libraries: organization chart of French Government, 1775; (through Dr. Russell Shank) : 318 postage stamps. Museum Shops (through William Rowan) : 309 postage stamps and covers. National Air and Space Museum (through Frederick C. Durant III) : 7 fabric samples. National Museum of Natural History: Department of Botany (through Mrs. Ruth F. Schallert) : I cover with one-cent stamp, 1875. Oceanographic Sorting Center (through Dr. H. A. Fehlman) : 17 pieces receiving equipment. Productivity Hall: 2 firemen's helmets. Purchased: glass case bottle, 1788; tower clock; star atlas, 1835 ; cash register; lithograph of mission; chair from U.S. Senate; 4 wooden kitchen boxes; 7 political history items; 1 Meissen plate, ca. 1725 (see also Arnhold, Henry); sundial; 17 early magazines; Jacquard woven coverlet; 4 books, ca. 1775 ; 2 books; 3 pamphlets and old map; 33 cultural history items; 6 cultural history items; 6 advertising specimens, 1884, advertisement for EXPO 1876; 4 pamphlets; book The Snare Broken, 1766; book The Case of Great Britain and America, Addressed to the King and Both Houses of Parliament, 1769 ; book American Stamp Act, newspaper; 4 newspapers, 1770s; pamphlet; 6 cannon-ball gauges and inspector's ring; printed handkerchief, ca. 1800; four-shaft counterbalance loom, 6 pieces of drapery fabric, theater curtain, window blind; iron casting of eagle, barber pole; original engraving republished from original Paul Revere plate; map, 1775; 2 political history books; damask tablecloth, 1892; broadside poster, ca. 1890; sarnpler, 1788; handwritten log and ship's sail plan; collection of scientific apparatus; dower chest; needle and bobbin container, ca. 1910; Swedish bismar, 18th century; book by Jesiah Quincy, 1774; 2 microscopes; 8 fabric specimens; wagon stove; painting; 4 wax medical figures; Whig banner, 4 admission tickets, 1876, letter and 2 plat mats; antique railroad map; engraving and lithograph; trunk poster; laundry wagon, ca. 1890; oil painting; German-American imprint; 195 sports items; Theodolite; 25 stereo scenes; 2 panels of linen and wool; 77 dry goods advertisements and calling cards, late 19th century; facsimile of map of 1500; lithograph; Office of the Registrar: 779 postage stamps and cover. Smythe, Mrs. George W. : woman's dress and purse, 1922. Snider, Charles S.: 15 political campaign specimens. Snow, Robert R. (see Treasury, U.S. Department of the). Societe Commemorative de Femmes Celebres: 3 silver medals. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution / 487 Soher, Lorraine J. and Norma A.: silk slumber throw, 1888. Southern Appalachian Crafts: 4 corn-husk dolls. Spalding Hobart A.: directions for setting up and regulating clock. Sparks, Bob: postal cover. Spencer, Dr. (see Middleton, Mrs. Yevonde). Spencer, Thomas D. : 3 sundicators in cases. 1 Sperry, L. P., Jr. (see Waterbury Companies, Inc.). I Springer, Ethel: hell pull. Stack's: 17 foreign medals; bronze token; 339 ancient coins; 11 U.S. financial documents. Stark, John: 3 postal covers. Stark, Ronald C. : 6 photographs. Steinberg, Gilbert (through George Fuld) : silver counter. Steinway and Sons: grand piano, 1857; grand piano, 1892. Stetson, Mrs. Robert Southworth: New Testament, 1852. Stevens, Harlan: miner's cap, lamp, photographs. Stine, Walter R., Jr., Oliver Standard Visable Writer. Stinemetz, Susan: graphite crucible. Strach, Marion Babette: man's coat, ca. 1850, in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Benzinger. Strekal, J.: convention badge. Strothman, Roy: Thanksgiving menu from USS Georgia, 1928. Stuntz, Mr. and Mrs. Mayo S.: photographic album. Sullivan, Robert J. (see Lenox, Inc.) Sustersic, Stanley: Slovene-American cookie. Sutherland, Mrs. William A.: 4 ceramic and glass specimens. Sweden, Government of: 399 postal specimens; (through Nels Horjel): 6 First-Day covers. Swedish Retirement Association (through Russell H. Moline) : Swedish flag,. 1854. Syz, Dr. Hans: 7 pieces of Meissen porcelain, 18th century (see also Arnhold, Henry). Tassell, Gustave (see Norman Norell, Inc). Taveau, Marie: 2 shawls, 19th century. Taylor, Mrs. E. Frank: broadsword, ca. 1740. Taylor, Fred H.: 16 nitrate negatives, 4 yachting books. Thayn, Mrs. Florian H. (see Architect of the Capitol). Thompson, Dr. George Raynor: transceiver. Thompson, Mary (see League of Women Voters of the United States). Tomlinson, Evelyn Rowe: Melo-Pean organ, in memory of Neille O. Rowe. Torre, Dr. Andreina: Meissen tea bowl, ca. 1715-27. Treasury, U.S. Department of the: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms: four-barreled pistol. Bureau of Customs: 2 pistols with holster and 2 magazines; 2 rifles; 2 submachine guns with magazine; 139 coins and medals. Bureau of Engraving and Printing (through James Conlon) : 1,409 plate proof sheets. Internal Revenue Service: 11 firearms, 5 accessories; (through Donald C. Alexander) : 3,000 U.S. stamps for exporting spirits; 897 marijuana order forms, 92,950 narcotic strip stamps; (through Robert Tolliver) : reel of magnetic tape. Bureau of the Mint: 2 Eisenhower silver dollars. Property Management Division (through Sanford Shapiro) : illegal whiskey still. Secret Service (through Robert R. Snow) : 3 gold commemorative pieces. Trobaugh, Kenneth: 18 tokens. Civil War; 14 identification tags. Civil War. Turek, Mr. and Mrs. Frank: 4 recordings, painted wooden plate, convention badge. Turnbull, Jack (see Newell, Ben A.) 488 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Turner, Mina: portrait of Thomas Edison by Charles Fox, 35 photographs. Tweedy, Mrs. Marjorie Alice Loud: 2 ballpoint pens, fountain marker, and documentary material. United Nations: Postal Administration (through Ole Hamann) 20 mint sheets of U.N. postage stamps. United States Manufacturing Co. (through Robert Klebba) : 3 paraplegic braces. Utgaard, Stanley (through Robert L. Juges) : bloodtesting machine. Van Atta, G.R. : 14 cartridges. Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. James: miner's hammer. Velek, John, Estate of (through Mrs. John Velek) : 804 postage stamps (bequest). Vera Maxwell, Inc.: 6 woman's apparel items. Veterans Administration (through James C. Gaskin) : violin with 2 bows (through V. H. Homolka) : Royal tpyewriter. Vietnam Veterans Against the War (through Sam Schorr) : 9 items concerning protest activities, 1971. Vi-Jon Labs, Inc. : 2 political campaign novelty items. Villegas, Alberto Lozano (see Numismaticos Colombianos). Vimpany, Joyce Prescott, Estate of (through Daniel A. Vimpany) : porcelain plate, 1895-99 (bequest). Von Erdberg, Mrs. Xavier: plow model. Vosloh, Lynn W. : collection of 60 anti-Vietnam War propaganda materials. Waldman, Niel (see Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.) : Wallace, Hon. George C: bulletproof campaign podium. Wanamaker, Donald: folding view camera and 6 double plate holders with case. Wandycz, D. S. (see Klimkiewicz, W. J.). Wang, S. P. (see China, Government of the Republic of). Ware, Mr. and Mrs. George W. : 14 porcelain pieces, 18th century. Warner, Mrs. Evelyn S.: 17 letters and papers, sheath knife, and buttons. Civil War. Washington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (through Austin Kenny and Mrs. Candy Duncan) : Cherry Blossom robe. Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild: addressograph machine. Waterbury Companies, Inc. (through L. P. Sperry, Jr.) : 6 naval officers uniform items. Watkins, C. Malcolm: 3 vases, 19th century. Watkins, Mrs. C. Malcolm: 129 items relating to dining. Weil, Arthur R. (through Carol A. Myers) : woman's dress, ca. 1969. Weinberg, R. J.: license plate, 1932. Welch, Mrs. Eleanor R.: pocket watch. Welcheck, Lillian: wood frame. Wells, J. R.: railroad watch. Welsh, Peter: political publication. Wetmore, Alexander: facsimile of broadside. Wheaton Glass: decanter. White, John H., Jr.: streetcar controller handle. White, Lt. Robert LeAlan: 295 political campaign items. White, Walter Rhoads, Children of (through Mrs. Nancy W. Henke) : man's breeches, 1700-99. The White House (through Clement Conger) : fire screen, silver ship center pieces, mirror, quilt (deposit). Whiting, William ]., Estate of (through Paul Conger) : goniometer, 4 microscopes (bequest) (see also Conger, Paul). Wiley, Dr. Bert C. : Elliott machine with plastic hood. Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 489 Williams, Ames W. : 2 railroad signs. Williams, Anne (see Off Our Backs). Williams, Mrs. Murat (see Cunningham, Peter F.). Williams, Stephen: 45 WW II posters. Willner, Mrs. Vivien: 17 uniform items, WW II. Wilson, Mrs. Jack: pocket Bible; signature card and publicity handout for Dr. Mary E. Walker. Winter, Frank H. : 2 political campaign broadsides. Witze, Claude: commemorative embroidery. Women's City Club: addressograph machine. Wood, Mrs. John S.: 3 shepherd's flutes. Wylie, Donald P.: woman's coat, 1900-24. Wynyard, Dr. Martin: 19 porcelain pieces, 18th century. Wyss, Mrs. Herman: cheese press and curd break. Yeatman, Mrs. Philip W.: scales, weight. Yerich, Albert: sausage stuff er. NATIONAL COLLECTION OF FINE ARTS Donors of Gifts and Bequests Charles Abert Elizabeth A. Achelis Mrs. Wilier R. Adams Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adler Ira S. Agress Saeed Akhtar, through the Pakistani Workshop Francisco Albert William Alexander E. Tuckerman Allen Mrs. Frederick Allen Family of James E. Allen Syed Abdul Barq Alvi, through the Pakistani Workshop Louis Amateis American Museum of Natural History American Society of Miniature Painters American Telephone and Telegraph Company American Women Living in the United Kingdom Emily Dorothy Ammann Stell Andersen Larz Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Larz Anderson Stanley Anderson Mrs. Walter Anderson Mrs. Eliphalet Eraser Andrews Mrs. George L. Andrews Stephen Andrews Philinda Rand Anglemyer Nathan Appleton Margaretta A. Archambault Mrs. Frances Gray Archipenko Emil J. Arnold Per Arnoldi, through the Venice Workshop David Aronson Lila Oliver Asher Associated American Artists Atelier Mourlot, Ltd. Mrs. Charles H. Babcock Alice Baber Walter Bachrach Mrs. Grosvenor Backus William Spencer Bagdatopoulos Lucy Hunter Baird Bryant Baker Stanley Bard The Barnard Family Alice Pike Barney Memorial Lending Collection Natalie Clifford and Laura Dreyfus Barney Paul Wayland Bartlett Mrs. Paul Wayland Bartlett Charles Baskerville Leonard Baskin Jane Fowler Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baum The Lionel and Sylvia Bauman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter Truxton Beale Charles Beaman C. Ronald Bechtle Walter Beck Florence Becker Florence Deakins Becker 490 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Mrs. George F. Becker Mrs. James Carroll Beckwith Mary Pierrepont Beckwith Gwendolyn Beitzell Mr. and Mrs. William Benedict Paul F. Berdanier, Sr. Leon Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Leon Berkowitz John Henry Berne Harry Bernstein Ruth M. Bernstein Mrs. Louis Betts Mohammad Hanif Bhall, through the Pakistani Workshop Joseph Bidner Robert Bidner Julius Bien, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L Bijur Mrs. Nathan L Bijur Mrs. Francis Bitter Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Blackford Doris Lee Blanch Lucile Blanch The Blk Group Eleanor Blodgett Frances E. Blum Mrs. Frances E. Blum George Blundell Leslie Bokor Eugene W. Boiling Solon H. Borglum Sculpture Fund Mrs. Alfred Bornmann Massimo Bottecchia, through the Venice Workshop Mrs. Henry Dupre Bounetheau Mary O. Bowditch Mrs. Albert G. Brackett Brandeis Women of Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brandt Mrs. Adelyn D. Breeskin Brigham Young University The British Memorial Committee Romaine Brooks Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. U. Brown Phyllis A. Brown Mrs. Byron Browne Mrs. Chester Browne Alexandrina Bruce Ernest R. Bryan Robert Budd Virginia Bullock-Willis Mrs. Harry N. Burgess Mrs. Charles Burlingham Bernard N. Burnstine Edmund Bury Dr. Martin H. Bush Henry Kirke Bush-Brown Sydney Butchkes Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Alexander Calder Harold Callender Dr. Carmichael Edith Coon Carr Edgar M. Carrothers, Jr. Mrs. John B. Chadwick Nannie and Emily Tevis Chase Chicago Society of Etchers Sargent B. Child Chilean Embassy, Washington, D.C. Yuen-Yuey Chinn Mrs. Nigel Cholmeley-Jones Mme A. Langley Ciocca Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright Citron Constance Claghorn Mrs. Joseph C. Claghorn Mercie Tarbell Clay Mary Louisa Adams Clement Robert Clements Henry Clews and Committee of Subscribers Douglas Climenson William Baxter Palmer Closson Mrs. William Baxter Palmer Closson Mrs. Griffith Baily Coale Estate of Dr. Doris M. Cochran Mrs. B. 5. Cole Albert Coifs Mme Veuve A. Collin Susanna Claxton Collins Committee of the Western U.S. Paintings Bernard H. Cone Mrs. Frank Cummings Cook Mrs. Carleton S. Coon Lila Copeland Mrs. Edward Corbett Thomas Corinth Mrs. Ralph T. K. Cornwall Thomas L. Costaggini Mr. and Mrs. Harold Courlander Daniel Cowin Allyn Cox Mrs. Charles R. Crane Dr. and Mrs. John Crane Josephine Crane Foundation Katherine N. Crapster Bessie B. Croffut Frederick W. Cron Robert Cronbach Howard Page Cross Page Cross Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution / 491 Mary W. Cure Mr. Leslie Dame Jack Damer, through the Venice Workshop Ih Dang Richard Graham Davenport Gene Davis Estate of John Chandler Davis Monica B. Davis and Paul Borglum Mrs. Stuart Davis Mrs. Manierre Dawson Mrs. Anthony De Francisci Jean De Marco Mrs. Griffin De Mauduit John Watts DePeyster Milliard Dean Senor Nieto Del Rio Joseph Delaney Reverend F. Ward Denys Michael J. Deutch Mrs. John H. Devine Mr. and Mrs. Morse Grant Dial Nickolai V. Dimitrieff Charles Dipple Richard Ball Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dorsky John E. Dowell, Jr., through the Venice Workshop Juan Downey Downtown Gallery Werner Drewes Victoria Dreyfus Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Drury Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Dubroff Dr. Anna Bartsch Dunne David E. Dykaar Moses Wainer Dykaar Mary Houston Eddy Basil Ede Emily H. Edrington Harriet S. Eklund Mrs. Frederick L. Eldridge John Ellis Mrs. Martin O. Elmberg Andre Emmerich Gallery, Inc. Emmet Statue Committee Jules Engel George L. Erion Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ernst Mrs. Francisco Ertl Relative of James Pollard Espy Essex Institute Minnie Evans William T. Evans Connors Everts Mrs. A. Snowdon Fahnestock Mrs. Gibson Fahnestock Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Farland Shama Farooqi, through the Pakistani Workshop Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Farr Clara Fasano Estate of Lyonel Feininger Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feiss Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feiwel Samson and Sadie B. Feldman Lucie Louise Fery Mrs. James M. Fetherolf Mrs. James M. Fetherolf, Sr. Dr. Bennett Finler Ennst G. Fischer, etc. Elizabeth Fisher Bella and Sol Fishko Harrington Fitzgerald Richard Florsheim Ford Motor Company Forum Gallery Michael Fossick, through the Venice Workshop Republic of France Frederick Franck Frederick Douglass Institute of Negro Arts and History Mrs. E. Martin Buyck Freund Rose Fried Gallery Gordon D. Friedlander Mrs. John Mason Frier Aline Fruhauf Sue Fuller Dr. Arthur F. Furman Annita B. Gaburri Miss E. C. Gallaudet Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Garber Adelaide Morris Gardner Mrs. Fred Gardner The Misses M. E. and W. S. Gatchell Mrs. W. H. Gatchell Robert F. Gates Gerald K. Geerlings Charlotte Geffken Franz G. Geierhaas John Gellatly Thomas George Mrs. Thomas George Allan Gerdau Mrs. H. H. Germain Eugenie Gershoy Professor and Mrs. Leo Gershoy Muzaffar A. Ghaffar, through the Pakistani Workshop Bruno Giaquinto, through the Venice Workshop 492 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Emily Finch Gilbert Giorgi, through the Venice Workshop Berthe Giradet Ira Glackens Mr. and Mrs. Ira Glackens Edward Glannon Charles C. Glover Charles C. Glover, Jr. William Goers, through the Venice Workshop Chaim Goldberg Joseph Goldberg Ben Goldstein Ben and Beatrice Goldstein Foundation, Inc. Lucy Goldthwaite Lucy Goldthwaite and Richard Wallach Mr. and Mrs. Mac Kenzie Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Graf Dorothy Grafly Mrs. James E. D. Graham and Thomas E. Dashill Liliana Gramberg Graphics International, Ltd. Cleve Gray Eric F. Green Mrs. Norvin H. Green Colin Greenly Katharine Gregory Dr. and Mrs. William K. Griffith William Cropper Chaim Gross Chaim and Renee Gross Karl H. Gruppe Gulgee through the Pakistani Workshop Jennie Anita Guy Arthur Hale Mrs. Airel Hall Edith Gregor Halpert William F. Halsall Frank B. Hand Frank B. Hand, Jr. William Mouat Hannay Mahmud Haque, through the Pakistani Workshop Estate of James S. Harlan Mrs. James S. Harlan Estate of Mrs. James S. Harlan Dr. R. Harlan Harmon Foundation Lily Harmon Mrs. Fletcher Harper Mrs. E. H. Harriman Sarah Harrison Grace Hartigan Jonathan Scott Hartley Robert Hartman Eli Harvey Jean Haskell Mr. and Mrs. Winslow R. Hatch David Hayes Miss A. M. Hegeman Carl Heidenreich Julia Bretzman Helms Honorable John B. Henderson Caroline Henry David Herbert Mrs. Frank Stanley Herring Henry Heydenryk Henry Heydenryk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Higgie Cornelia Hill Henry D. Hill Mrs. W. P. T. Hill Susan Morse Hilles Susan Morse Hilles and George Rickey Kay Hillman Mabel B. Hinkle Charles Louis Hinton Mrs. E. C. Hobson Mr. Sterling Holloway Osgood Holmes Dr. William Henry Holmes William T. Holmes Estate of Gerrit Hondius Paula Hondius Jules Horelick Mrs. Earle Horter Mr. William Henry Howe Pauline Page Howell Mrs. Hillis J. Howie General Richard L. Hoxie Willard Hubbell Mrs. John L. Hughes Irma Hunerfauth Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington Victoria Hutson Huntley Marjoria Husain, through the Pakistani Workshop Ibrahim Hussein, through the Venice Workshop IBM Corporation Mrs. Harold Ickes Agnes Iligan Imperial Chinese Government Robert Indiana Walter Ingalls Thelma Bradford Ingersoll International Graphic Arts Society Samuel Isham Sheila Isham Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 493 Sheila Eaton Isham Martha Jackson Martha Jackson Gallery Estate of Martha Jackson Michael Jacques Arthur Curtis and Ogden, Robert Curtis James Edwin Janss, Jr. Bertha E. Jaques Paul Jenkins Ralph Cross Johnson Mrs. Ralph Cross Johnson S. C. Johnson and Son, Inc. William Cost Johnson Edith Newlands Johnston Harriet Lane Johnston Thomas Hudson Jones Neil M. Judd Cassie Mason Myers Julian-James Mr. and Mrs. Ira Julian Orrin Wickersham June Ahmed Kahn, through the Pakistani Workshop Jacob Kainen Ruth Kainen Max Kalish Mrs. Louis D. Kaplan Mrs. David Karrick Donald Karsham Donald H. Karshaw Mr. and Mrs. Harry Katz Hilda Katz William Katzenbach Austin I. Kelly, HI The Kelvinator Company Edward Kemeys May S. Kennedy Kyman Kipp and the Junior Museum Fund Edwin Kirk Mrs. Frank Cohen Kirk Henry H. Kitson Minnie Klavans Harris J. Klein Dr. R. A. Kling Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Koenig Ida R. Kohlmeyer Sacha Kolin Mrs. Eugene Kormendi David Kosakoff Doris Barsky Kreindler Harry E. Kreindler Cornelia E. Kremer Murray Kupferman Mr. and Mrs. David H. Kushner Mary La Follette Lachaise Foundation Heirs of Albert Laessle Mrs. Albert Laessle Jacob Landau Mrs. Elaine Marcus Langerman Mabel Johnson Langhorne Ellen Lanyon Mrs. Edward Lapidge Tadeusz Lapinski William Larkin Gertrude K. Lathrop Mary E. Lathrop Oliver I. Lay Pietro Lazzari O. Lear Doris Leeper Mrs. Felix Leser Mrs. Lawrence S. Lesser Ralph H. Lewis Margaret Seligman Lewisohn Alexander Liberman Joseph Mortimer Lichtenauer Russell T. Limbach George F. Linkins Bernard Linn Simon Lissim Mrs. George Cabot Lodge Estate of Henry Cabot Lodge John E. Lodge Lou Lombard Mrs. J. M. Longyear Mary B. Longyear Martha L. Loomis Jack Lord Katie and Walter C. Loucheim Mrs. Walter Loucheim Harry Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lowenthal Mrs. James Lowndes Amelia R. Lowther Clare Lusby Rowland Lyon Robert F. MacCameron Lilias MacKinnon Lisa Mackie, through the Venice Workshop Estate of John Holmes Maghee Mrs. Pearl G. Manigault Paul Manship Charlotte Manzari Irving Marantz Bernard Marcus Michael and Caryl Marsh Keith Martin Maurice Massaro Merritt Mauzey I I 494 / Smithsonian Year 1974 George Willoughby Maynard Frances M. Mays Theresa Davis McCagg McCardel Estate Mrs. George McClellan Georgiana McClellan Dr. Frank McClure Mrs. Cyrus McCormick Mrs. Frank R. McCoy Estate of Kathleen McEnery Elizabeth McFadden Audrey McMahon William M. McVey Eunice McDonald Meadows Paul Mellon Vincent Melzac Mrs. H. C. Menger Mrs. George Merrill Mickelson Gallery Clifford L. Middleton Dorothy C. Miller Linda Adair Miller Mrs. W. E. Miller Robert and Eleanor Millonzi Foundation Fisk Mills Henry L. Milmore Mrs. Henry L. r4ilmore Jeannette Minturn Bashir Mirza, through the Pakistani Workshop Bruce Moore N. Holmes Morison Mrs. N. Holmes Morison Ira Morris Maud Burr Morris Edward L. Morse Professor and Mrs. Spencer Moseley Seong Moy Mr. and Mrs. James M. Mundis Helen Munroe Stefan Munsing James Oliver Murdock Museum of Art and History, Geneva Mrs. Frances E. Musgrove Ghulam Mustafa, through the Pakistani Workshop Mrs. Frank H. Myers Countess Giovanni Naselli The National Art Committee The National Institute Dr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Nause Alicia Neathery Samuel Neel Dr. and Mrs. James Neely Raider Nelson Esta Nesbitt Lowell Nesbitt Roy R. Neuberger Mrs. Lester Neuman Anna McCleary Newton Marie J. Niehaus Isamu Noguchi B. J. O. Nordfeldt Ben Norris Mrs. Arthur Notman and Mrs. David C. Prince Mrs. David Novik Frank B. Noyes Ellyn Oakdale, through the Venice Workshop Dr. William B. Ober Mr. J. F. Oertel Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Oken Mr. and Mrs. Frederic E. Ossorio Francis H. Packer Estate of John Wells Paine Nora Panzer and Jody Wight William Franklin Paris Betty Parsons William Decatur Parsons Mrs. William O. Partridge Edward H. Pattison Peabody Institute Reverend Charles Russell Peck Alfred Duane Pell The Pell Collection Goree M. and Duffy Pellen, Florence Pellen Estate of Albert Sheldon Pennoyer Children of John J. Peoli People of Germany to the People of the United States Mrs. George R. Percy Ossip Perelma Mrs. Van Dearing Perrine Reverend DeWolf Perry Mrs. Armistead Peter, Jr. Ferdinand R. Petrie Helen Phelps Philip Morris Corporation Duncan Philips Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Piagentini George Picken Mr. and Mrs. Jozef Pielage Elizabeth Pilling Dr. Gifford B. Pinchot Mrs. James Pinchot Mrs. Roger Plowden Henry Varnum Poor Dr. Fortunato Porotti Barent George and Florence Holbrook Poucher Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 495 I Elizabeth M. Poucher Mary Powell George D. Pratt Eugenia Prendergast Estate of Melville Price Chester D. Pugsley Mrs. Edward Pulling Ethel G. Pyne Pyramid Galleries, Ltd. Mrs. Edmondo Quattrocchi William Raiford Henry Ward Ranger Ghulam Rasul, through the Pakistani Workshop Mr. Jean S. Redd Alex S. Redein Mrs. Francis T. Redwood Mary Buchanan Redwood Henry M. Reed Mrs. Irina A. Reed Paul Reed Anton Refregier Joseph Renier Republic of France B. C. Reynolds George Rickey Caroline Hunter Rimmer Mrs. Frank Roberts Mrs. Albert J. Robertson Persis Weaver Robertson Maria Fassett Robinson Hugo Robus, Jr. Mrs. Edward Pearson Rodman John Rogers Umberto Romano Dr. Benjamin Rones Roosevelt Newsboys' Association Kermit Roosevelt Mrs. C. H. Roper Elise Rosen James N. Rosenberg Pearl Tofel Rosenblum Mrs. Bernard Rosenthal Theodore Roszak Herbert and Nannette Rothschild Fund, Inc. Orlando Rouland Eric Rudd Irving G. Rudd James Rudel Dr. and Mrs. James Rudel Mrs. J. Wright Rumbough Eugene A. Rumsey Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rush Alexander Russo Carl F. Sahlin Shahid Sajjad, through the Pakistani Workshop Frank O. Salisbury Herbert J. Sanborn Emilio Sanchez Henry Sandham Raman Sankar Emily and Ormond, Violet Sargent Anton Sario Wells M. Sawyer Anne Sayen Colonel Harrison K. Sayen H. Lyman Sayen Bertha Schaefer Mae Schaettle Mary L. Schaff Louis Schanker Steven R. Schiffman Mrs. Joseph Schillinger Charles K. Schlachel Arthur Y. Schulson Mrs. Alfred Schuster Adrienne Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schwartz Dr. David W. Scott Edith Scott Mrs. Robert J. Service Darryl Sewell Seymour Graphics Neshan G. Shamigian Mrs. Robert F. Shanan Herman Shark, through the Venice Workshop Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe Charles Shaw Flora E. H. Shawan Elizabeth Shefer Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Mrs. Richard Sheridan Frederick Fairchild Sherman P. Tecumseh Sherman Mrs. Walter Shirlaw Elizabeth Shoumatoff Mary B. C. Shuman Benjamin Silliman, II David Simpson Mrs. John Sloan George Vander Sluis Edmund Hodgson Smart Elenor Hewitt Smith Mr. J. H. Smith James Smithson Frances Smyth Jacob Snyder, Jr. Society of Washington Printmakers 496 / Smithsonian Year 1974 Dr. and Mrs. I. V. Sollins Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sosland Ruth Felton Sowers Mr. and Mrs. Moses Soyer Helen L. Spear William M. Speiller General George Owen Squier Felix Stapleton Mrs. Donald C. Starr Mary Roberta Stearns Mr. R. L. Stehle Saul Steinberg Friends of Dr. Stejneger Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stern Harry Sternberg A. Brockie Stevenson Frank W. Stokes Stone Circle Foundation Lauson H. Stone Seymour Millais Stone George H. Story L. McKinley Stovall Michael Straight Mr. and Mrs. William Sturm Sade C. Styron Sulgrave Institution of the U.S. and Great Britain Julia A. Sullivan William Marshall Swayne . Senator Stuart and Representative I James W. Symington Syracuse University Collection Target Rock Foundation George B. Tatum Edgar Dorsey Taylor Mrs. Hannis Taylor Mary Taylor Prentiss Taylor Calvert Walke Tazewell Lt. Colonel C. W. Tazwell ji Max Tendler Heirs of Abbott H. Thayer Alma Thomas George Thomas S. Seymour Thomas Elliott Thompson Frederick A. Thompson , Richard Thorndike : Miriam Thrall Mark Tobey Mr. and Mrs. Ruel P. Tolman Allen Tucker Memorial Clara L. Tuckerman Emily Tuckerman ' Mark Turbyfill Janet E. Turner John B. Turner Mrs. Leonard C. Turner Macowin Tuttle Rena Tzolakis, through the Venice Workshop Elizabeth Kendall Underwood Mrs. Pierson Underwood Mrs. Ralph Underwood The United States Line Richard Upton Sara Carr Upton Mrs. Eugene Vail Mrs. John M. Van de Water Mrs. E. N. Vanderpoel Mrs. George Viault Romas Viesulas, through the Venice Workshop Mrs. Joseph S. Wade Dorothy Wagstaff Theodore Wahl Charles Doolittle Walcott Hudson D. Walker John Alan Walker Emile Walters Mrs. Benjamin H. Warder Dwight Wardlaw The Washington Print Club Mrs. Ernest W. Watson Mrs. Forbes Watson Nan Watson George Frederick Watts Mrs. Sidney Biehler Waugh Dr. and Mrs. Paul Weaver Mrs. Nicholas Webster William Weege, through the Venice Workshop Wesley Wehr Jean Weinbaum Mrs. Howard Weingrow Mrs. Adolph A. Weinman Adolph Alexander Weinman Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Weinstein Joseph Douglass Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Douglass Weiss Mrs. Joseph Douglass Weiss Lee Weiss Pepi Weislgartner-Neutra Mrs. Stow Wengenroth Florence Adele Wetmore E. Weyhe, Inc. Jang Har Whang Ellen R. Wheeler Mary Ursula Whitlock Anne Whitney Whitney Museum of American Art Gunnar M. Widforss Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 497 Dr. Morris F. Wiener Mrs. F. M. Wigmore Irving R. Wiles Alyn Williams Mrs. Elwood Williams Frederick Ballard Williams Mrs. Herman W. Williams, Jr. Virginia Bullock Willis Mrs. Anthony T. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Wilson Ettie W. Noah Wilson Margaret Wilson, through the Pakistani Workshop Mrs. Ezra Winter Harold G. Wolff Mrs. Barbara Wood Alice Morgan Wright Mrs. Edward C. Wroth Dr. Frederick R. Wulsin Yale University Press Mrs. John Russell Young Colonel Thomas G. Young, Jr. Mrs. Douglas E. Younger Adja Yunkers Zabriskie Gallery Harry W. Zichterman Lenore T. Zinn Zorach Children Tessim Zorach NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Donors to the Collections Aldrich, Larry: Portrait of Theresa Helburn. Anonymous Donor: Marble head of Frederick Douglass. Bowland, William A., Jr.: Portrait of Carl Sandburg. Buck, Pearl S. Foundation: Portrait of Pearl S. Buck. Conroy, Thomas F., M.D. : Portrait of John Quinn. Delbanco, Kurt: Portrait of Max Eastman. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Louis: Bas-relief of Ethel Barrymore. Kampf, Mrs. Warren: Portrait of Charles F. Kettering. Lee, Duncan C, and Lee, Gavin Dunbar: Portrait of Richard Henry Lee. Mellon, Paul: Portrait of Andrew Mellon. Perry, The Reverend De Wolf: Portrait miniature of Bishop William White. Rockwell, Peter: Bronze bust of Norman Rockwell. Ross, Harriet M.: Portrait of Joseph G. Cannon. Smith, Mrs. Scottie: Sanguine conte crayons of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. Swift, George H., Jr.: Portrait of Gustavus Swift. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ARCHIVES Donors to the Collections American Ornithologists Union: the records of the Union. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists: the records of the Society. note: The Smithsonian Archives has also been designated as the continuing depository for both of these organizations. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES Donors to the Collections Arnold, Marjorie G.: A Treasury of the Blues, edited by W. C. Handy. New York, 1949. Baldwin, Mrs. Theodore, III: Notes Taken During a Tour Through Great Britain, Ireland, Holland, Belgium and the Northeast Part of France, and a Residence of Three Months at Paris, J818-19, by William M. Meredith. (original manuscript) 498 / Smithsonian Year 1974 1 Battison, Edward A.: The Collector's Dictionary of Clocks. South Brunswick, N.J., [1965? c. 1964]. Boorstin, Daniel J.: The Americans; the Democratic Experience, by Daniel J. Boorstin. New York [1973]. Burdeau, Howard B. : The Eruption of Pelee; a Summary and Discussion of the Phenomena and their Sequels. Philadelphia, 1908. Clarke, J. F. Gates: A collection of books on natural history, chiefly entomology. Conger, Paul (executor of the estate of William Whiting) : A collection of scientific and engineering books and journals from the estate of William Whiting. Desautels, Paul E.: Traite de Mineralogie, by Rene Just Haiiy. Paris, 1822-23. 4 vols, and atlas. Floyd, Picot B.: Dictionnaire technologique, ou nouveau dictionnaire universel des arts et metiers et de I'economie. Bruxelles, 1829-1834. 11 vols. Gerstman, George H.: Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office, 1856-1966. Grant, Felix: A collection of books on jazz history and several volumes of the journal Downbeat. Hansen, Kenneth: The Cherokee Singing Book. Boston, 1846. Hoffman, Mrs. Claire Giannini: Biography of A Bank; The Story of the Bank of America N.T. & S.A., by Marquis James and Bessie Rowland James. New York, 1954. The National Geographic Society: A collection of approximately 300 books. Ohgs, Tetsuo, President, Shogakukan: Encyclopedia Japonica. Tokyo, 1967-72. 23 vols. Robinson, Edward: Collecting Old Glass — English and Irish, by J. H. Yoxall. New York, 1916. Comparative Values of Patterned Glass, by Caurtman G. House. Medina, New York, 1936. The Quadrupeds of North America, by John James Audubon. 1849. Squadron-Signal Publications: A collection of all their currently in-print books. Time, Inc.: A complete set of Life. U.S. National Institutes of Health: A collection of books on zoology and animal behavior. NOTE: The Botany Branch Library is the beneficiary of the Catherine Beauregard Archer fund bequeathed by the late Dr. Wm. Andrew Archer who died in May 1973. The income from the investment of the fund is to be used for the library in a variety of ways, depending on need, such as binding, purchasing books, supplies and equipment, or matching funds for employing a technician for a special project. The late Conrad V. Morton bequeathed his personal library to the Botany Branch and left a small fund for the purchase of fern literature, current or retrospective. DIVISION OF PERFORMING ARTS Donors of Financial Support JAZZ PROGRAM National Endowment for the Arts FESTIVAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLIFE Bureau of Indian Affairs Louisiana Pacific Redwood Corp. Department of the Army-Pentagon American Revolution Bicentennial Coalition of Eastern Native Americans Administration Appendix 11. Donors to Smithsonian Institution I 499 DIVISION OF PERFORMING ARTS Donors of Financial Support JAZZ PROGRAM National Endowment for the Arts FESTIVAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLIFE Bureau of Indian Affairs Department of the Army-Pentagon CoaUtion of Eastern Native Americans Louisiana Pacific Redwood Corp. American Revolution Bicentennial Administration The Government of Finland The Government of Sweden The Government of Greece The Government of Trinidad and Tobago The Government of Nigeria Habib Bourguiba, Jr., President, Assoc, des Banques, Tunis Abdellatif Khemakhem, President, Inst. National de Productivite, Tunis The State of Mississippi AFL-CIO Department of Labor American Federation of Musicians Bethany Lutheran Church, Menlo Park Standard Plywood, Crescent City Miller Redwoods Co., Crescent City Rellim Redwoods Co., Crescent City J. W. Copeland Yards, Areata Yurok Tribal Council Hoopa Tribal Council Northern Indian Calif. Education Assoc. Aqua Caliente Tribal Council Fort Sill Museum, Lawton "Anadarko Daily News," Anadarko "Lawton Constitution," Lawton Americans for Indian Opportunity Library of Congress U.S. Department of Agriculture Weyerhaeuser Lumber Co. St. Regis Paper Co. International Paper Co. Crown-Zellerback Georgia Pacific Lumber Co. American Type Founders Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Graphics 4, Inc. The Hallicrafters Co. Heidelberg Eastern, Inc. Institute of Paper Chemistry K & E Cooper Trent, Inc. RCA Broadcast Systems Division, Camden, N.J. Schubert Foundation Sleight & Hellmuth 3M Company WTOP TV, Washington, D.C. Delta Cotton Council American Cattlemen's Assoc. National Cotton Council AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center Theodore Bikel Communications Workers of America Textile Workers Union of America United Steelworkers of America Graphic Arts International Union American Iron & Steel Inst. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Graphic Arts International Union The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists Actors Equity Association National Association of Broadacst Employees and Technicians Scenic Artists, of the International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades 1 I 500 / Smithsonian Year 1974 us. CovernmenI Pritilin^ Office: 7974 0-553-'>83 1