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Bp dip € eer YZ, wae - GeG7 INSTITUTION NOLLMLILSNI_ NVINOSHLIN < g < = ee 4 = 2 Uy = > > rc n LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN Ss Ww a as aE =i Gls ea ee a ivy #3 c = Gks = May 5 a 4 Pak INSTITUTION | NOILNLILSNI_NVINOSHLIWS z eras tox o s a x Ko eee ries ay i bat ; j eo. | a ee ee ae = Ohh sonar 4A jose | are ; sai09 RG \ te ne t | BMS tied See pied $é nine “Find PA BTAIioOo falgiial f=] e\ ari |) yrosavranoes 1) assacTaeor C 1 O\ SAU CRLS Smithsonian Year 1990 Supplement Chronology and Appendixes sr oMitt yr i a ee AQ SS, te ON, Ay ey Ne Wakanee a Navan OCT 3 4 199] } f y \. UIBRARIES ~% Se Aa ite oe a Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C. : tf i ‘ t i 7 ‘ ee i : E : : i { f i i a i t it ; \ oO , : { eer 5 } i h 4 7 , , ' ts ’ : } : i on i : r i : q ~ iy ‘i 1 ' \ 1 ; : 1 ‘. 1 } ilk I v vay a : i ; j ' : i v y i \ ’ t : i f i = , 2 : t ry uv y : }! i : ite : c = 1 Taek f A nl : r : : e> teh 7 a 1 Ie - ' = - - i , : Pa ni 1 + i , it = D 1 ee wn r Cn i f ai uu : i) f i » n h ‘ f : I i f i. : = i ‘ ; ae : u i : ' ; - y , rE a 4 o 1 1 we 15 : : : Pe ag Aen F = 2 i eu 7 1 i hee ; : 7 = ; = - : ¥ = * j t - te vas ,7 " ; . : i t ‘ / i . s t a0 i 5 f ; ihe | Lens eke a mb tr - : , i i f i s i =e. mas : Ss : ta = i —! Se Hu i : : naa = t i! — 4 : a : ; ~_. : a iy " LF p ey ' ” : : r he = “= : i ; Se i pi Smithsonian Year 1990 Supplement Chronology and Appendixes Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C. - i” Psy £PSie wbemepainn) OH Gane ns ee Rg eee raat hae) tS ia ’ - se E - ee aed ertl ag ne) Contents Chronology Appendix 1. Appendix we Appendix Ww Appendix 4. Appendix A) Appendix 6. Appendix 7. Appendix 8. Note: The arrangement of bureau listings within the individual appendixes 1s not alphabetical but rather follows as closely as possible the organization of the Smithsonian Institution as shown on the next page. Members of the Smithsonian Councils, Boards, and Commissions, September 30, 1990 Visitors to Smithsonian Institution Museums in Fiscal Year 1990 Academic, Research Training, and Internship Appointments in Fiscal Year 1990 Publications of the Smithsonian Institution Press in Fiscal Year 1990 Publications of the Staff of the Smithsonian Institution and Its Subsidiaries in Fiscal Year 1990 The Smithsonian Institution and Its Subsidiaries, September 30, 1990 Donors to the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1990 Contributing Members of the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1990 The pages of this Supplement were photomechanically reproduced from typescript provided by the bureaus and offices. nN 37 321 410 Smithsonian Institution Establishment, Board of Regents, Executive Committee, and the Secretary Office of the Secretary Office of the Under Secretary Office of the Inspector General Office of the General Counsel Office of the Treasurer Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research International Center Joseph Henry Papers National Zoological Park Office of American Studies Office of Fellowships and Grants Office of Interdisciplinary Studies Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Smithsonian Institution Archives Smithsonian Institution Libraries Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Office of the Assistant Secretary for Museums Anacostia Museum Archives of American Art Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Conservation Analytical Laboratory Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design Freer Gallery of Art Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden National Air and Space Museum National Museum of African Art National Museum of American Art National Museum of American History National Museum of Natural History/National Museum of Man National Museum of the American Indian National Portrait Gallery Office of Exhibits Central Office of Horticulture Office of Museum Programs Office of the Registrar Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service Smithsonian Internship Council Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Service National Science Resources Center Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Office of Folklife Programs Office of Public Affairs Visitor Information and Associates’ Reception Center Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs National Demonstration Laboratory for Interactive Educational Technologies Office of Membership and Development Women’s Committee of the Smithsonian Associates Smithsonian National Associate Program Smithsonian Resident Associate Program Office of Congressional Liaison Office of Special Events Office of Telecommunications Smithsonian Institution Press Smithsonian Magazine Air & Space/Smithsonian Magazine “Smithsonian World” Office of the Assistant Secretary for Institutional Initiatives Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration Under Separate Boards of Trustees John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts National Gallery of Art Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Chronology The following listing is a representative selection of Smithsonian events during fiscal year 1990. October Program: The National Air and Space Museum launched a major 16-month series of public and by-invitation-only lectures, films, and symposia on “The Legacy of Strategic Bombing.” Speakers included physicists Philip Morrison and Freeman Dyson, writer Kurt Vonnegut, Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, and economist John Kenneth Galbraith. October Acquisition: A collection of 1,500 early stereographs and a unique photo album of Sioux Indians and their families, one of the largest and rarest collections of early American Indian photographs, was acquired by the National Anthropological Archives of the National Museum of Natural History from George Allen, a Kansas collector. October Research: Radar images of a small asteroid that passed close to Earth were obtained by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory scientists at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and by colleagues elsewhere. The images were the first to provide direct evidence of a bifurcated mass in such objects and revealed that the asteroid may be the result of a collision between two separate objects, each one-half mile long. October Acquisition: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries purchased a large portion of the trade catalogue collection of some 56,500 items once held by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. The catalogues cover the full range of developments in American manufacturing, agriculture, and technology. The Regents’ Collections Acquisitions Fund provided funds for the purchase. October Course: A six-week Resident Associate Program course began, titled “The Wall Street Journal at the Smithsonian: American Business and the World Economy in the 1990s _ and Beyond.” Cosponsored with the Wall Street Journal, this course was videotaped and subsequently broadcast to a national audience via the PBS Adult Services network. October Fellowships and Grants: During this fiscal year, the Office of Fellowships and Grants made a record number of awards under its Scholarly Studies program (39) and its Research Resources program (11). October Grants: With awards from the James Smithson Society and the Kress Foundation, the Conservation Analytical Laboratory began implementing plans to augment the autoradiography facilities at the National Institute for Standards and Technology. October 5-6 Cultural Diversity: The first meeting was held of the Ad Hoc African American Media Advisory Committee, organized by the Office of Public Affairs with a grant from the Educational Outreach Program. The committee of 10 local and national journalists was established to provide advice on how the Smithsonian can reach out to the African American community. October 12 Event: The Smithsonian's Hispanic Heritage Planning Committee presented a day-long public event commemorating Hispanic Heritage Month. A keynote address by filmmaker Luis Valdez, founder of E] Teatro Campesino, was followed by a public film and panel discussion celebrating 25 years since the founding of E] Teatro Campesino. October 12 Exhibition: “Portrait of the American Law” opened at the National Portrait Gallery with a dinner and reception. Chief Justice William Rehnquist presided, and three associate justices, several prominent judges, and many attorneys attended. October 14 Silver Anniversary: The National Museum of American History celebrated its 25th anniversary with an open house that included demonstrations, behind-the-scenes tours, hands-on workshops, musical performances, children’s activities, and a birthday cake model of the museum. October 17 Exhibition: “The Intimate World of Alexander Calder,” featuring Calder’s unique creations of teacups, toys, and jewelry, opened at the Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design. Members of the artist's family attended the opening reception. October 19 Colloquium: The international colloquium “Sharing Innovation: Global Perspectives on Food, Agriculture, and Rural Development,” the third in the world food and agriculture series, was sponsored by the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies and coordinated by the Office of Conference Services. October 20 Dialogue: “Caribbean Literature: The Role of the Artist in an Evolving Nationalist Society,” the second dialogue in a series, was presented by the project office for the “Caribbean Festival Arts” exhibition in collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. October 20 Exhibition: “Stand By Me: African American Expressive Culture in Philadelphia,” a photodocumentary exhibition of the work of Washington, D.C., photographer Roland Freeman organized by the Office of Folklife Programs, opened in Philadelphia. October 25 Exhibition: A major loan exhibition “Icons: Ideals and Power in the Art of Africa,” which explored the ways African peoples have depicted and interpreted five iconic representations, opened at the National Museum of African Art. October 25-28 Symposium: The international symposium “Les Droits de l'Homme and Scientific Progress” was cosponsored by the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies and the National Academy of Sciences. The symposium, the 10th in the Smithsonian international symposium series, commemorated the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the Bill of Rights, and the French Revolution. The symposium summary was published in September 1990 by the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies. October 30 Publication: Hirshhorn Works 1988 was published by the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, the first in a series of annual catalogues with essays and photodocumentation on the museum's site-specific Works projects. Hirshhorn Works 1989, a second yearbook made possible by the LEF Foundation, was published on September 1, 1990. November Research: The first astronomical detection of submillimeter-wave radiation from water masers in star-forming regions of our galaxy was announced by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory scientists who used the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, for this observation of “hot water” in space. November Automated Circulation: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries introduced automated circulation to its branch at the National Air and Space Museum. This year automated circulation was added in four branches, bringing to eight the number of locations now using the automated system. November Video Project: The Office of Telecommunications completed four pilot programs for the Natural History Updates series of videotapes to be shown in the National Museum of Natural History rotunda. November Milestone: Amelia Earhart, by Doris L. Rich, became the first Smithsonian Institution Press book to be reviewed on the front page of the New York Times Book Review. Dell Publications later won the auction for rights to publish a paperback version of the book. November Research: Discovery of the largest single coherent structure ever seen in nature--a thin sheet of galaxies stretching more than a half-billion light-years across space—was announced by two Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory astronomers in Science magazine as part of their long-term project to construct three-dimensional maps of the universe. November Acquisition: A nineteenth-century throne of the Hehe peoples of Tanzania, carved in the form of a female torso, was a major gift to the National Museum of African Art. November 1 Acquisition: Heading a distinguished list of acquisitions for the year, Henry Moore's Stringed Figure No. 1, 1937, one of the British artist’s most admired early masterworks, was acquired by the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden at the fall meeting of the board of trustees through the Joseph H. Hirshhorn Purchase Fund. November 2 Restoration: Analysis, photographic documentation, and treatment began in a two-year project to restore the Freer Gallery of Art masterpiece, “Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room” by American expatriate artist James McNeill Whistler, to its former splendor. The Peacock Room, designed for the London townhouse of Whistler's patron Frederick Leyland and later installed at the Freer Gallery, has been a favorite of visitors since the museum opened to the public in 1923. November 2-3 Symposium: Twenty-two authorities examined the long-controversial question of New World human population and diseases before and after contact with the Europeans at the symposium “Disease and Demography in the Americas: Changing Patterns Before and After 1492.” The event was part of the National Museum of Natural History’s programs honoring the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ landing in the New World. November 3 Exhibition: A Grumman G-21 “Goose” amphibian was placed on display in the Hall of Air Transportation of the National Air and Space Museum. The aircraft on exhibit was retired in 1977 after many years of service in California, Florida, and the Bahamas. November 13 Lecture: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries (SIL) presented a lecture by Jack R. Censer of George Mason University on “Jean Paul Marat” in conjunction with the SIL exhibition, “Science and the French Revolutionaries,” curated by Censer. The lecture was cosponsored by the Women’s National Book Association (Washington Chapter) and the District of Columbia Library Association. November 14 Exhibition: “To Color America: Portraits by Winold Reiss” opened at the National Portrait Gallery. A diverse and enthusiastic group of guests--including the artist's son and family, lenders and donors, representatives of the Blackfeet Tribe and other Native Americans, African Americans, and Asians--attended the opening reception. November 15 New Facility: The Smithsonian Information Center opened to the public in the Great Hall of the Castle. The state-of-the-art center is a multifaceted information and orientation source for visitors to the Smithsonian and provides assistance on other popular attractions in the nation’s capital. November 16 Exhibition: An exhibition on the accomplishments of Russian-born aviation pioneer Igor Sikorsky opened at the National Air and Space Museum. Photographs and artifacts illustrate Sikorsky’s achievements, including the creation of the world’s first four-engine aircraft in 1913. The centerpiece of the exhibition is the VS-300, the world’s first practical single-rotor helicopter. November 17 Dialogue: “The Evolving Empowerment of Caribbean Women” was the third in a series of four dialogues presented at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in collaboration with the project office of the “Caribbean Festival Arts” exhibition. November 21-25 International Training Program: The Office of Museum Programs held an international conference and training course, “Making Exhibitions, Constructing Realities,” at the Museu Paracense Emilio Goeldi, Belem, Para, Brazil. November 27-30 Seminar: More than 100 Associates from 26 states participated in the Smithsonian National Associate Program's “Update: Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R.” Journalists Hedrick Smith and Peter Jennings, Assistant Secretary for Research Robert Hoffmann, and Kennan Institute staff and visiting scholars provided background and varied opinions on the dramatic changes taking place in these nations. November 28 Milestone: The National Museum of the American Indian, the 15th museum in the Smithsonian family, was established with the signing of Public Law 101-185. The museum will have three components: the George Gustav Heye Center, located in the old U.S. Custom House in lower Manhattan; a storage, research, and conservation facility in Suitland, Maryland; and a museum on the National Mall next to the National Air and Space Museum. December Lecture: Internationally respected paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould lectured to a capacity audience of Resident Associates about his latest book Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History. 10 December Acquisition: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries branch at the Office of Horticulture received a gift of some 186 books, catalogues, and business files from the nursery firm of Lewis and Valentine, formerly of Long Island, New York. The gift was presented by Hewlett W. Lewis, former partner of the firm. December New Program: The first year of the new Corporate Associate Program ended with 15 major corporations participating as founding members. The chief executives of Anheuser-Busch Companies, Ford Motor Company, and Monsanto Company agreed to serve as vice-chairmen. December Exhibition: A photographic exhibition on the history of the Smithsonian Institution Building was hung in the Castle. December Loan: The portrait of Mary Cassatt by Edgar Degas returned to the National Portrait Gallery from Kobe, Japan, where it was included in an exhibition reassembling the collection of Kojiro Matsukata, who owned the painting from 1923 to 1951. December Exhibition: The 13th annual ”Trees of Christmas” exhibition, organized by the Office of Horticulture, was on view during the holiday season at the National Museum of American History. December 7 Awards: The Office of Public Affairs placed well in the National Association of Government Communicators’ annual Blue Pencil competition by winning first-place honors for a Smithsonian News Service story and for a news release on activities for children; second place for the monthly employee newspaper, the Torch; and third place for the newsletter Research Reports. December 8 Dialogue: The project office of the “Caribbean Festival Arts” exhibition and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars collaborated in the presentation of the fourth and final dialogue in the series, titled “Caribbean Politics: 500 Years after Columbus.” 11 December 13 Reception: Sculptor Martin Puryear, winner of the Grand Prize at the 1989 Sao Paulo Bienal in Brazil, was honored by a reception at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. The event was cohosted by the U.S. Information Agency, which sponsors United States participation in this prestigious international art exhibition. December 21 Exhibition: The National Air and Space Museum opened an exhibition of works by British artist Rowland Emett. “Too Late for the Past, Too Early for the Future: Drawings and Things by Rowland Emett” included three fanciful, animated sculptures and a variety of whimsical paintings and pen-and-ink drawings. January Agreement: The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs helped to facilitate a $10 million debt-for-nature swap between the United States and Panama. January Film Premiere: The Smithsonian Resident Associate Program premiered for Washington audiences the acclaimed film Glory, which depicts the Civil War exploits of the famous 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry composed of African:Americans. Some of the Civil War reenactors featured in the film attended the premiere. January Award: “Guide to the Smithsonian,” a video produced by the Office of Telecommunications, won a Gold Medal at the International Film and TV Festival of New York, adding to a Golden Eagle from the Council on International Non-theatrical Events and a Chris Award from the Columbus Film Festival. January Exchange Program: The Office of Folklife Programs initiated a U.S.-U.S.S.R. exchange project involving American and Soviet scholars studying traditional cultures and their transformations in Soviet and Soviet American communities. January Research: The first confirmed detection of gamma rays from the Crab Nebula was made by a Smithsonian scientist at the Whipple Observatory using a 10-meter-diameter Cherenkov Telescope, thus setting a benchmark for future ground-based observations. 12 January Grant: The American Chemical Society agreed to give $5 million to the National Museum of American History to support the exhibition “Science in American Life,” scheduled to open in 1993. January Cultural Diversity: The first edition of Smithsonian Runner, a bimonthly newsletter for Native Americans, was published. Runner, produced by the Office of Public Affairs, reports on Smithsonian activities and research relevant to the Native American community. January-June Research: The SI/Man and the Biosphere Program traveled to Puerto Rico to continue research, conduct the two-year census of the permanent plots established there in 1988, and assess the damage caused by Hurricane Hugo in October 1989. The program also performed the 1990 census and continued research on the four permanent plots established in 1987 in the tropical rainforest of Beni, Bolivia. January 9 Acquisition: First Lady Barbara Bush officially presented her Inaugural Ball gown to the National Museum of American History’s First Ladies Collection. Every first lady from Martha Washington to Barbara Bush is now represented in the collection with an inaugural dress or other garment. January 12 Award: The International Film and Television Festival of New York conferred a finalist award on the Smithsonian and the Close Up Foundation for the video documentary “Democracy and Rights: One Citizen's Challenge.” January 15 Special Event: The Smithsonian's Cultural Education Committee sponsored the annual Martin Luther King, Jr., Holiday Celebration at the National Museum of Natural History. Designed to highlight issues of contemporary concern, the program featured Vine Deloria, Jr., noted author and past executive director of the National Congress of American Indians, as the keynote speaker. The American Indian Theatre Company of Oklahoma performed. 13 January 17 Awards: The Society for Technical Communication honored a number of Office of Public Affairs products in its annual publications competition--Smithsonian News Service stories won three second-place awards and one third-place award; the Torch won second place; and Research Reports won third place for the newsletter as a whole and for each of two articles. January 23 Lecture: Alpha Konare, president of the International Council of Museums, addressed the International Cultural Assistance Network, an organization of individuals interested in international cultural exchange for which the Smithsonian's Office of International Relations serves as secretariat. January 24 Season Premiere: The fifth season of “Smithsonian World” was launched on PBS stations nationwide, with the broadcast of “Zoo,” which was solely devoted to the National Zoological Park. January 29 Announcement: Secretary Adams announced that the Smithsonian's Board of Regents voted to reaffirm its preference for Washington Dulles International Airport as the site for the proposed extension of the National Air and Space Museum. The announcement was made at a press conference in the museum’s Hall of Air Transportation. February Grant: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries branch at the Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design received $4,000 from the Smithsonian Women’s Committee to purchase the third volume of Le Garde Meuble (1848-1852), completing the rare and unusual set of French design plates. February Cultural Diversity: The Office of Public Affairs produced a paid radio advertising campaign with ads on Washington, D.C., radio stations WHUR and WKY‘, two stations with high ratings in the African American community. The Smithsonian Information Center responded to the resulting requests by mailing approximately 1,400 packets. February Appointment: Assistant Secretary for External Affairs Thomas Lovejoy was appointed to the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. 14 February Symposium: In cosponsorship with the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Resident Associate Program presented an all-day symposium of seven internationally renowned architects, all 1990 winners of AIA awards for design excellence. February Grant: The Office of Telecommunications received a $224,000 grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting toward production of a radio series examining the Columbus encounter and its aftermath from the Native American perspective. February Award Nominations: The Smithsonian Collection of Recordings’ “American Musical Theater” and “Jazz Piano” were nominated for two Grammy awards each: Best Historical Album and Best Album Notes. February Award: The “Smithsonian Touch Screen Video Program,” created by the Office of Telecommunications for the new Smithsonian Information Center, received top honor for best consumer information program by the Nebraska Interactive Videodisc Awards. February Workshop: A workshop on implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act was presented for the staff of the Facilities Services group by the Office of Architectural History and Historic Preservation and the federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. February Grant: The National Museum of African Art received a grant from the Smithsonian Women’s Committee for the development of educational materials and programs for deaf and hard-of-hearing visitors. February 17 Workshop: The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education held a Regional Workshop Program for teachers in Wilmington, N.C., in collaboration with a consortium of Wilmington museums. The workshop built on the foundation laid by the community’s 1988 workshop. February 21 Symposium: A near-capacity crowd gathered in the Hirshhorn Museum's Marion and Gustave Ring Auditorium for a lively debate about art of the 1980s featuring Ned Rifkin, the museum’s chief curator for exhibitions; Kathy Halbreich of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and four curators from Washington, D.C., museums. The symposium was presented in conjunction with Culture and Commentary: An Eighties Perspective, the exhibition and catalogue that Halbreich, serving as guest curator, assembled for the museum. March Exhibition: The Hughes H-1 racer, the aircraft designed by Howard Hughes that set both absolute speed and transcontinental speed records during the 1930s, was placed on display in the National Air and Space Museum's Golden Age of Flight gallery. March Briefing: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs facilitated the briefing “Global Change in the Geological Record” for incoming members of the National Council of the National Museum of Natural History. The briefing was hosted by Senator Albert Gore, Jr. (D-Tenn.). March Public Service Announcement: A 30-second public service announcement for television featuring Robert Redford was produced by the Office of Public Affairs and distributed to 300 stations throughout the country for use beginning around the time of Earth Day 1990. The spot aired in all 50 states and continued to be used in some areas for at least six months. March Publication: The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute published Ecologia de un Bosque Tropical, the Spanish-language version of Ecology of a Tropical Forest, edited by Egbert G. Leigh, Jr., A. Stanley Rand, and Donald Windsor. This book will disseminate results of research on Barro Colorado Island to Spanish-speaking audiences throughout Latin America. March Publication: Investigating Artistic Environments in the Ancient Near East, a series of papers edited by Ann Gunter, assistant curator of ancient Near Eastern art at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the Freer Gallery of Art, was published with generous support from Mrs. Arthur M. Sackler. The papers had been presented at an international symposium held at the Sackler Gallery in 1988, also supported by Mrs. Sackler. 16 March 1-4 Regional Event: The Smithsonian National Associate Program's U.S. and International Events division presented a weekend of lectures and a seminar in Grand Junction, Colorado, focusing on Hispanic heritage. Cosponsoring organizations included Mesa State College, the Museum of Western Colorado, and the Western Colorado Center for the Arts. Among the topics were “The Revival of Hispanic Traditional Arts” and “Our Hispanic Heritage.” The program's theme prompted the cosponsors to develop a month-long festival titled “Viva Latinos.” March 6 Acquisition: The National Air and Space Museum received one of the U.S. Air Force's newly retired SR-71 supersonic reconnaissance aircraft. Museum Director Martin Harwit addressed a group of guests and media representatives at a ceremony at Washington Dulles International Airport. The aircraft is slated for display at the proposed extension of the museum. March 7 Lecture: The celebrated Soviet conceptual artist Iya Kabakov spoke about his work for the first time publicly in the United States in conjunction with his newly opened mixed-media installation at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Directions--Ilya Kabakov: Ten Characters. His talk was a highlight of the 1989-90 season of “Focus” exhibition talks at the museum. On March 29, the museum hosted the world premiere of USSart, a documentary film about the effect of glasnost on other progressive Soviet artists. March 16 Outreach Program: The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery continued its outreach to Asian audiences in the Washington area with a public celebration of Nowruz (Persian New Year). Verses by the 13th-century Persian poet and mystic Jalal al-Din Rumi were read in Persian and English following an introductory lecture. The celebration was funded by contributions given in support of Persian art and cultural programming and gifts in memory of General H.J. Jablonsky. March 24 Special Event: Friends of the National Zoo sponsored Seal Day, a day of public activities to focus attention on the international day of the seal. March 27 New Facility: The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) formally dedicated the new Earl Silas Tupper Research and Conference Center. Secretary Adams, Panamanian President Guillermo Endara, and members of the Smithsonian Board of Regents attended the dedication ceremonies. STRI's first professionally designed exhibition, “Parting the Green Curtain: The Evolution of Tropical Biology in Panama,” opened to the public at the Tupper Conference Center. On March 28, STRI officially inaugurated its new living, dining, and conference facilities on Barro Colorado Island. March 28 Exhibition: Photographer Irving Penn and his family and USAir Chairman and Mrs. Edwin Colodny joined 300 guests at the opening reception for “Irving Penn: Master Images” at the National Portrait Gallery (NPG). The exhibition and catalogue, joint projects of the National Museum of American Art and NPG and sponsored by USAir, made public a major gift from the photographer. March 31 Symposium: The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the National Museum of American History, held a day-long symposium for teachers. “Word of Mouth: Storytelling and Multicultural Education” introduced teachers to four ethnic oral traditions and showed them how to incorporate these traditions into their classrooms. Apmil Anniversary: Smithsonian magazine commemorated its 20th anniversary with the publication of a special issue on the environment. April Publication: In the culmination of a five-year project, The Papers of Robert Mills was published by the National Museum of American History as a 15-reel microfilm set to make the writings of the architect of the Washington Monument and other important buildings available for scholarly research. The project involved collaboration with the Universities of Iowa and South Carolina and support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, and other organizations. Apnil Earth Day Events: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs coordinated Earth Day events Institution-wide on the Mall and jointly sponsored the Earth Day lunch in the Capitol. 18 April Video Distribution: The Office of Telecommunications distributed a videotape production “Covering the Environment: Front Page or Yesterday's News?” to 875 media professionals nationwide. The videotape was based on a meeting held at the Smithsonian in September 1989. April Acquisition: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries purchased the Robert D. Mussey, Jr., Collection of antiquarian books on varnishes and furniture finishes. The 70 volumes, ranging in date from 1702 to 1930, include most of the 19th- and 20th-century standard works, as well as some rare titles. The collection by Mussey, an expert in the field of varnishes and finishes, will support the work of conservators at the Conservation Analytical Laboratory, the Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design, and other Smithsonian units working on furniture conservation. April Program: Noted art dealer Leo Castelli, in a rare Washington appearance, enthralled a capacity Resident Associate audience during a conversation with the highly regarded museum curator Walter Hopps. April Performance: Audience, a satirical play by Czechoslovakia’s president, Vaclav Havel, was performed for Resident Associates four months after its Prague premiere. April Film Distribution: Sale of “The Movie Palaces,” a film produced by the Office of Telecommunications, began through the Museum Shops and to theater organizations. April Appointment: Stephen J. Pike was appointed assistant director for programs and marketing of the Smithsonian National Associate Program. April Publication Redesign: Research Reports, a newsletter produced by the Office of Public Affairs, was redesigned to accommodate information on the spring and fall appeals to Contributing Members, highlights from Research Expeditions sponsored by the Smithsonian National Associate Program, and a column on the research priorities of the Institution. The publication, which is now issued quarterly, has a circulation of 73,000. ies April Exhibition: Universal Press Syndicate sponsored the opening reception of “Oliphant's Presidents: Twenty-five Years of Caricature” at the National Portrait Gallery, attended by Pat Oliphant and his wife. April Appointment: Christraud M. Geary, a former Rockefeller Fellow in the Humanities at the National Museum of African Art, was named curator of that museum's Archives. April Publication: To Govern a Changing Society: Constitutionalism and the Challenge of New Technology, edited by Robert Peck and based on a symposium sponsored by the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, was published by Smithsonian Institution Press. April 2 Office Established: The Office of Environmental Awareness was established to increase public knowledge and awareness of environmental issues. April 3 Exhibition: “Color, Light, Surface: Contemporary Fabrics” at the Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design featured fabrics manufactured in the United States, Europe, and Asia. April 3 Grant: Mobil Oil Corporation made a $50,000 grant to the National Portrait Gallery in support of the forthcoming exhibition “Camera Portraits,” masterpieces from the photographic collections of the National Portrait Gallery in London. April 6 Exhibition: “Albert Pinkham Ryder,” the largest and most complete exhibition of the work of the nineteenth-century painter ever organized, opened at the National Museum of American Art. April 11-14 Cultural Diversity: The Office of Public Affairs, the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and the Office of Quincentenary Programs cosponsored a booth and a full-page advertisement in the conference program booklet at the National Hispanic Journalists meeting in San Francisco. More than 800 news professionals from English 20 and Spanish newspapers, radio, and television attended. Six Smithsonian staff members participated. April 15 Publication Redesign: The first issue of the redesigned Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Calendar, offering fuller information about exhibitions and public programs in a larger and clearer format, was published. The new calendar was made possible through a generous gift from Mrs. Else Sackler, who also continued her support of the museum’s advertising program. April 19 Seminar: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Service sponsored a working seminar, titled “Cultural Equity and the Humanities,” with the Federation of State Humanities Councils and various Smithsonian bureaus and offices. April 21 Earth Day Event: In conjunction with Earth Day, the National Museum of Natural History presented a public briefing on the history of crises in the biosphere. The 11 museum scientists who spoke were affiliated with the museum's Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems Program, which is exploring the changes in plants and animals on land through their 400 million years of evolution. April 21-22 Earth Day Events: The National Zoological Park sponsored special events in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the first Earth Day. Activities included “Elephant Can Stomp” (aluminum can recycling), “Tree Giveaway,” and entertainment by Ironweed and “Billy B” Brennan. April 24 Exhibition: “Flora Danica and the Heritage of Danish Porcelain,” an exhibition surveying the forms, techniques, and decoration of Danish porcelain, opened at the Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design. Princess Benedikte of Denmark attended the opening reception. April 25 Lecture: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries (SIL) presented “Black Beauty: From Humane Tract to Children’s Classic,” an illustrated talk by Ellen B. Wells, SIL special collections librarian. The program was a feature of “Night of a Thousand Stars,” a National Library Week event of the American Library Association. April 25 zZ Trustees Elected: Edwart R. Broida, a well-known collector of contemporary art, and Peggy C. Davis, a law professor and scholar at New York University, were elected to the board of trustees of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. April 26-September 3 Special Event: Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs...A Mesozoic Musical, a one-man show, was presented at the National Zoo in conjunction with the dinosaur displays at the National Museum of Natural History. April 27 Exhibition: A new exhibition on modern carrier aviation opened in the National Air and Space Museum's Sea-Air Operations gallery. The exhibition uses charts, photographs, artifacts, and model aircraft to illustrate the history of carrier aviation, with emphasis on World War II operations in the Pacific Theater. April 27 Symposium: A two-day international symposium, “New Perspectives on Chu Culture,” organized by Thomas Lawton, senior research scholar at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the Freer Gallery of Art, opened at the Sackler Gallery. Four scholars presented papers exploring developments in art historical knowledge based on recent archaeological discoveries in China. A concurrent exhibition, “The Art of the Chu,” displayed choice examples from the collection of Paul Singer. The symposium was made possible through the generosity of Mrs. Arthur M. Sackler. April 27 New Facility: The National Zoo formally opened its new Research Building. At the opening ceremonies, S. Dillon Ripley received the National Zoological Park Conservation Medal and Acalia and Tomas Blohm received the Zoo’s Centennial Medal. April 29-May 1 Conference: The National Zoological Park hosted the eastern regional conference of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums. May Course: Famed pianist and entertainer Victor Borge delighted an overflow audience with reminiscences about his life in Denmark as part of the Resident Associate Program course “Denmark in Perspective: Great Danes and Their Great Friends,” cosponsored with the Embassy of Denmark. bo bo May Grant: The Office of Telecommunications received a commitment of $90,000 in funding from the Dutch Environment Ministry for development of the “Earth Game” television project. May Award: The weekly “Radio Smithsonian” series produced by the Office of Telecommunications won the Silver Award from the Public Radio Conference for its special program “Sounds Like New York.” This program subsequently won Silver Awards from the International Radio Festival of New York and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. May Publication: Smithsonian Institution Press published its first bilingual book, Puerto Rico Mio: Four Decades of Change, by the well-known photographer Jack Delano. May Acquisition: The purchase of a wood protective figure by the Teke peoples of the Republic of the Congo for the National Museum of African Art was made possible through a grant from the James Smithson Society. May Video: The videocassette “Guide to the Smithsonian,” produced by the Office of Telecommunications, went on sale in the Smithsonian Information Center. May Milestone: “Life in the Ancient Seas,” a permanent exhibition hall that tells the story of sea life through eons of time, opened at the National Museum of Natural History. The new hall marks the completion of the 15-year project to modernize the museum's paleontological complex, a series of exhibition halls that includes the Dinosaur Hall. May Contract Awarded: The American International Distribution Corp. of Colchester, Vermont, was awarded the contract for the new fulfillment service for Smithsonian Books and the Smithsonian Collection of Recordings. bo (a) May 3 Event: Warren Furutani of the Los Angeles Board of Education delivered the keynote address opening the Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration. Charu Narasimhan performed a classical Indian dance and the Khmer Mohori Ensemble presented traditional Cambodian music. May 9 Exhibition: “Information Age: People, Information & Technology” opened at the National Museum of American History. The 14,000-square-foot exhibition traces the evolution of information-processing and communications technologies from the 1830s to the present. In the use of sophisticated, state-of-the-art technology for the exhibition installation, “Information Age” is the most ambitious interactive show the Smithsonian has ever done and a revolutionary approach to alternative learning in museum exhibitions. May 15 Meeting: His Excellency Abou Diouf, president of the Republic of Senegal, participated in meetings with Smithsonian officials arranged by the Office of International Relations. While at the Smithsonian, Diouf was given a briefing on the Festival of American Folklife’s Senegal program. May 16 Exhibition: “Yoruba: Nine Centuries of African Art and Thought,” an exhibition of 100 Yoruba objects organized by the Center for African Art in New York, went on view at the National Museum of African Art until August 26. May 17 Special Event: ”ZooFari--A Celebration of the Rainforest,” a gala evening event sponsored by the Friends of the National Zoo, attracted hundreds of participants. “ZooFari" raises funds for the Theodore H. Reed Animal Acquisition Fund, which supports the acquisition, exhibition, and propagation of rare and endangered species at the Zoo, as well as public education about these species. May 17 Lecture: Former Federal Aviation Administrator Najeeb E. Halaby presented the annual Charles A. Lindbergh Lecture at the National Air and Space Museum. Halaby, an aviation executive and former chief executive officer of Pan American World Airways, presented his views on how commercial aviation could be made safer and more efficient. 24 May 20-25 Conference: The International Council for Archaeozoology Sixth International Conference was sponsored at the Smithsonian by the Archaeobiology Program and the Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History. The conference was coordinated by the Office of Conference Services. May 21-30 Festival: Five traditional performance groups from across the United States traveled to the Soviet Union under the auspices of the Office of Folklife Programs to participate in the Second International Folklore Festival, held in Kiev. May 22 Acquisition: The National Portrait Gallery Commission approved the acquisition of G.P.A. Healy's portrait of John C. Calhoun. May 24 Exhibition: Indian portraits by Charles Bird King were hung in the Smithsonian Institution Building. May 27 Exhibition: The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery presented its first major exhibition of Japanese art since the museum opened to the public. Yokohama: Prints from Nineteenth-Century Japan was made possible by the Sackler Gallery's first corporate exhibition sponsor, Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., of Tokyo. Prints in the exhibition were loaned from the collection of William and Florence Leonhart of Washington, D.C., with the participation of the Daval Foundation. June Space Flight: The joint German-American-Bntish ROSAT satellite was launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration from Cape Canaveral. Representing the largest x-ray telescope ever flown, ROSAT carries a High Resolution Imager built by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory to produce focused images of cosmic x-ray sources. The first test observations in July produced images of a supernova remnant, a cluster of galaxies, a compact x-ray binary, and the Moon. June Award: Symbolic Immortality, by Sergei Kan, published by the Smithsonian Institution Press, recceived the 1990 American Book Award of the Before Columbus Foundation. bo Or June Grant: The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute received a grant of $250,000 from the Andrew Mellon Foundation to support its research program in paleoecology. June Award: The National Science Resources Center's guide to hands-on science teaching materials for elementary teachers, Science for Children: Resources for Teachers, received the American Library Association's Outstanding Academic Book award. June Research: The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory received a $26.7 million contract from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to construct a high-resolution camera for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, now planned for launch late in this decade. June Publication: Viking/Penguin purchased paperback nghts for two Smithsonian Institution Press books, The Lawmen: United States Marshals and Their Deputies, 1789-1989, by Frederick S. Calhoun, and the highly acclaimed Women of Deh Koh: Lives in an Iranian Village, by Erika Friedl. June | Appointment: W. Richard West, Jr., was appointed founding director of the National Museum of the American Indian. June 1 Exhibition: “Pre-Hispanic Foods of Mexico” opened in the International Center Conference Suite. The exhibition was cosponsored by the Office of Quincentenary Programs and the Mexican Cultural Institute, through the Embassy of Mexico. The Smithsonian’s Office of International Relations provided staff support. June 4-8 Seminar: Staff of the Conservation Analytical Laboratory taught a specialty seminar to six anthropology and archaeology students from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Argentina. The students were pursuing advanced degrees in the United States supported by the Fulbright Program and the Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities. 26 June 8 Meeting: Coordinated by the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Smithsonian Advisory Council on Education focused its annual meeting on the involvement of new audiences in the conceptualization, development, and implementation of exhibitions, programs, and materials. June 8 Exhibition: The Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design’s summer exhibition “The Doghouse” featured architects’ and designers’ whimsical visions of doghouses. The outdoor installation was designed to be accessible to sight-impaired visitors. June 9 Symposium: At the Biennial Symposium of the Association of American Cultures, held in Oklahoma City, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Service organized a session titled “The Smithsonian Institution’s Multicultural Agenda for the 1990s.” June 11 Symposium: The Conservation Analytical Laboratory and the National Museum of American Art (NMAA) organized and held the symposium “The Medium of Ideas: Technical Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Painting” in connection with the Albert Pinkham Ryder exhibition at NMAA. June 13 Exhibition: “The Five of Hearts: Henry Adams and His Washington Circle,” a small exhibition recording the Washington circle of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John Hay, and Clarence King, opened at the National Portrait Gallery. The Honorable James Symington, great-grandson of John Hay, one of the “Hearts,” attended. June 18 Pilot Program: Smithsonian Opportunities for Learning (SOL) began an eight-week pilot session. Modeled on a national internship program also run by the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, SOL is designed to meet the specific needs of local high school students, especially those who have recently immigrated to the United States. June 19 Event: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Service participated in the national banquet of the I Have a Dream Foundation at the National Museum of American History. June 20 Exhibition: Demilitarized U.S. Pershing II and Soviet SS-20 missiles were installed in an exhibition at the National Air and Space Museum recognizing the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987, which eliminated an entire class of weapons. June 24-30 Domestic Study Tour: Associates of all ages traveled to the Colorado Rockies for the Smithsonian National Associate Program’s first family study tour at the Nature Center. The lively program included hikes through fossil beds, wildlife excursions, and a visit to a 100-year-old working homestead farm. June 24 Milestone: The collection of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, was officially transferred to the Smithsonian Institution. The more than 1 million artifacts in the collection, which includes a library, photo archives, and other resource material, will be the centerpiece of the National Museum of the American Indian on the National Mall. June 26 Significant Birth: The National Zoo celebrated the birth of a tiger cub produced by in vitro fertilization. Research scientists at the Zoo designed and implemented this particular procedure for tigers, which resulted in the birth of the first “test tube” tiger cub. June 26-29 Training Program: The Office of Museum Programs held the first annual training congress, “Building Partnerships: Museums and Their Communities,” a national interdisciplinary event for museum staff development. June 27 Festival: The 24th annual Festival of American Folklife began, featuring programs on the folklife of the U.S. Virgin Islands; Senegal’s cultures; and traditional forms of song, chant, movement, and the musics of struggle. Opening ceremony speakers included U.S. Virgin Islands Governor Alexander Farrelly; the ambassador of Senegal; the Senegal minister of culture and communications; and Cordell Reagon, founder of the Freedom Singers of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. June 28 Exhibition: “From Parlor to Politics: Women and Reform in America, 1890-1925” opened at the National Museum of American History. The exhibition explores how 28 women of the Progressive Era led the fight against overcrowded cities, poverty, alcoholism, child labor, public health hazards, poor working conditions, and other emerging social problems. June 30 Publication: The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education published Resource Guide for Teachers, a catalogue of all educational resources available from the Institution, as well as from the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Reading Is Fundamental, and the National Gallery of Art. July Course: The Natural Science Institute for Teachers of Minority Students, a three-week summer program organized by the Office of Education, National Museum of Natural History, and funded by the D.C. Public Schools, featured instruction on “reading” natural history objects for teachers of grades four through 12. Twenty-four teachers enrolled in the course, which took them to museums and research centers in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. July Publication: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries published an illustrated lecture based on an Isaac Newton manuscript in the Libraries’ collections. Alchemical Death and Resurrection: Alchemy in the Age of Newton, by Professor B.J.T. Dobbs of Northwestern University, was originally presented as part of the lecture series, “Death and the Afterlife in Art and Literature,” sponsored by the Washington Collegium for the Humanities, of which the Smithsonian Libraries is a member. July Workshops: The SI/Man and the Biosphere Program conducted its first professional training workshops in Brazil and Guatemala. The courses focused on the conservation of natural resources and the management of biological diversity. July Speech: Assistant Secretary for External Affairs Thomas Lovejoy spoke on environmental issues at the annual weekend retreat for Democratic members of the U.S. Senate. July-August Grant: The Shell Oil Company Foundation supported a film series, “African Folktales in Film,” and a curatorial intern at the National Museum of African Art. July-August Presentation: As part of an ongoing photodocumentation project, JoAllyn Archambault, director of the National Museum of Natural History’s American Indian Program, presented to the Comanche and Crow tribes photographs of the museum’s entire collection of Comanche and Crow cultural objects and copies of the museum’s historic photographs of the Comanche and Crow peoples. The presentation ceremonies were held in Walters, Oklahoma, and Crow Agency, Montana. July 2-16 Institute: In the second annual Folklore Summer Institute for Community Scholars, sponsored by the Office of Folklife Programs, community-based scholars participated in an exchange of information with Smithsonian folklorists and other scholars in the field. Participants adopted a declaration that addresses issues concerning improved services to community folklore scholars and their constituents. July 2-13 Program: The National Science Resources Center held its second Elementary Science Leadership Institute for teams of teachers, school administrators, and scientists from 19 of the largest school districts in the nation. The teams attended workshops and seminars to learn about the benefits of hands-on science learning for children and developed a plan of action to improve the elementary science programs in their school districts. July 15 Exhibition: “Whose Art Is It, Anyway? The Arts in Public Places” opened at the Anacostia Museum. The exhibition explored the processes and issues surrounding the arts found in public places, including sculpture, murals, dance, song, and artistic clothing and hair styles. July 18 Cultural Diversity: The Office of Public Affairs hosted a breakfast and briefing on Smithsonian Quincentenary Programs for the 20-member board of directors of the National Association of Hispanic Publications. July 22-August 4 Expedition: A Smithsonian Research Expedition, “Archival Treasures of the National Air and Space Museum,” was conducted in Washington, D.C. Participants worked behind the scenes with museum staff to improve the housing and documentation of a variety of materials, including aircraft technical manuals and drawings, scrapbooks, vertical files, photographs, and motion picture film. 30 July 26 Workshop: The Office of Interdisciplinary Studies held a workshop on space science education for 60 Washington, D.C., area teachers and curriculum specialists. July 27 Publication: “United States Women in Aviation, 1940-1985,” by Deborah G. Douglas, was published as number seven in the series Smithsonian Studies in Air and Space. Smithsonian Institution Press announced plans to reprint three earlier monographs on women in aviation as companion volumes for sale through its University Press division. July 30-August 5 Special Event: A series of experimental public education activities conducted throughout the National Zoo launched a new program to give visitors “new eyes” for seeing the Zoo. The programs were part of Improving Exhibition Interpretation Superweek activities. August Appointment: Marc Pachter, former assistant director for history and public programs at the National Portrait Gallery, was appointed deputy assistant secretary for external affairs. August Lecture: Noted authors Ishmael Reed and John Wideman read from their works and lectured as part of a Resident Associate Program (RAP) series on African American male writers. Attending this series were local high school students who were part of RAP’s “Project Excellence,” designed to expose them to African American literature. The project was supported by the Hattie M. Strong Foundation and the Smithsonian Educational Outreach Program. August Research: Researchers at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute installed a construction crane in Panama City’s Metropolitan Natural Park to study the canopy of the tropical rainforest. This was the first time a construction-type crane has been used to provide scientists access to study the forest canopy. August Publication: Smithsonian Books released After Columbus: The Chronicle of the North American Indians, by Herman J. Viola, in conjunction with the upcoming Columbus Quincentenary. 31 August Expedition: National Museum of Natural History senior oceanographer Daniel J. Stanley, heading a multinational research team, conducted field work in Egypt that confirmed that the Nile Delta is undergoing substantial sinking--as much as one-fifth inch per year in the Port Said region near the Suez Canal. This sinkage is causing serious coastal erosion and invasion of salt water and is severely limiting agriculture. August Research: At the Conservation Analytical Laboratory, a partial paint layer was recovered from the codex lifted in the excavations at Joya de Ceren, El Salvador. The site, buried under six meters of ash deposited during a volcanic eruption, provides an unprecedented glimpse of village life around 600 A.D. August Exhibition: The newly acquired portrait of former President Ronald Reagan by Henry Casselli was installed in the Hall of Presidents at the National Portrait Gallery. August Recording Release: The Music of Stephen C. Foster launched the Smithsonian Library of American Music series, and Chadwick: Yankee Composer inaugurated the Smithsonian Studies of American Musicians series. August Cooperative Program: The SI/Man and the Biosphere Program was represented at the Ecology Congress held in Yokohama, Japan, and, as part of a team of experts on tropical forests, visited several tropical forest research sites in Southeast Asia to discuss a tropical forest cooperative international program. August 1-5 Cultural Diversity: A full-page paid advertisement was published by the Office of Public Affairs in the brochure for the 15th annual National Association of Black Journalists conference, which was attended by approximately 1,500 media representatives. Two Smithsonian staff members participated in the conference. August 26-31 Conference: Fifty-two experts from 10 countries attended the conference “Non-Imperial Polities in the Lands Visited by Christopher Columbus during His Four Voyages to the New World,” held at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI. STRI archaeologist Richard Cooke organized the conference, which was supported by the - Social Science Research Council and several Smithsonian programs. August 31 Milestone: The six members of the first class of the Conservation Analytical Laboratory's Furniture Conservation Training Program received certificates of graduation; four also received master’s degrees through Antioch University. September Contribution: Glenn O. Tupper made a donation of $1.09 million to construct a new wing for the library at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and to acquire research equipment for plant physiology studies. September Publications: Smithsonian Institution Press published the first four titles in a new series, Photographers at Work, spotlighting the work and techniques of major contemporary photographers. September Anniversary Celebration: The Resident Associate Program kicked off its 25th anniversary celebration with 40 glittering events during the fall of 1990, including “Infinite lusions,” a nine-day computer graphics symposium; an evening with documentary filmmaker Ken Burns showing a segment of his public television series, The Civil War, Margaret Truman speaking on her latest book; and the 25th Anniversary Gala with Nancy Wilson, underwritten in part by Riggs National Bank. September Publication: The brochure ”The Children’s Room at the Smithsonian: Knowledge Begins in Wonder” tells the history of the south tower room, Smithsonian Institution Building. The room was restored to its 1901 appearance under the direction of the Office of Architectural History and Historic Preservation in 1987. September Grants: A Kress Foundation grant was awarded to the Conservation Analytical Laboratory to start a new midcareer conservation training program. September Publication: Northwest Coast, the ninth in the National Museum of Natural History’s projected 20-volume encyclopedic Handbook of North American Indians, was published by the Smithsonian Institution Press. The volume summarizes the environment, prehistory, languages, and environmental relations of the native peoples of coastal Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and southeast Alaska. September Research: Analysis at the Conservation Analytical Laboratory of ceramic crucible fragments recovered from excavations of an ancient mine, Kestel, dating to the third millenium B.C. and located in south central Turkey confirmed that this mine probably was a source for the much-sought-after tin of the Bronze Age. September Grant: The Office of Telecommunications received a funding commitment from Kajima Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., and American Family Life Assurance Company for production of a $1.2 million film for American audiences on Japanese gardens. September New Project: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for External Affairs launched the Smithsonian’s Rainforest Project with the Fidelity Fund for conservation and research debt-for-nature swaps. September Meeting: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Smithsonian held a roundtable meeting on environmental research. September 4 Appointment: Bonita Perry was appointed as Smithsonian Institution Libraries’ assistant director, research services, heading a division composed of 14 branch libraries. September 4-17 Foreign Study Tour: National Air and Space Museum Senior Advisor Don Lopez and Air Vice Marshal Ron Dick (RAF, Ret.) accompanied 70 Associates to England for a Battle of Britain SOth anniversary tour. London's commemorative “flypast” and the Farnborough International Air Show were among the highlights of this special tour. September 6-8 Symposium: “Seeds of Industry: Transformations of Indigenous Technology in the Americas” was the final in a series of three Quincentenary symposia sponsored by the Office of Folklife Programs. Held in Morelos, Mexico, under the auspices of the Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social and the Instituto Nacional 34 Indigenista, presentations examined divergent local and European understandings of demographic, societal, and environmental resources in the Americas at the time of interhemispheric contact. September 7 Event: The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Service cosponsored with the National Council of Negro Women the fifth annual Black Family Reunion Celebration. The theme of the event was “Catch the Family Spint.” September 13 Lecture: The Smithsonian Institution Libraries presented a free public lecture, “Playful Readings: A History of Children’s Movable Books” by Carol J. Barton. The illustrated lecture was part of the series “The World of the Child,” sponsored by the Washington Collegium for the Humanities of which Smithsonian Libraries is a member. September 13 Agreement: Ira Rubinoff, director of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and Abdiel Adames, rector of the University of Panama, signed a renewal agreement for scientific collaboration at the Earl S. Tupper Research and Conference Center. September 15 Publicity Campaign: The Office of Public Affairs launched an extensive publicity campaign for the observance of Hispanic Heritage Month, including press releases, radio ads on two stations, advertisements in five local Spanish-language newspapers, and a taped calendar-of-events recording in Spanish at the Smithsonian Information Center. September 15 Publication: The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education published Image and Identity: Clothing and Adolescence in the Nineties, a high school curriculum kit that introduces ways to look at clothing as social and cultural artifacts. September 15 New Organization: The Smithsonian National Associate Program launched the Young Benefactors, a new membership organization, at a black-tie “Blast-Off Gala” reception and dance held at the National Air and Space Museum. Some 1,500 young professionals attended and became members of the Young Benefactors, whose purpose is to advance the Smithsonian's fund-raising goals, establish a foundation for future Smithsonian support, and increase public interest in, and awareness of, the Institution's aims. September 17 Appointments: The appointments of the first 13 members of the National Council of the National Museum of Natural History were approved by the Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents. The council will eventually include 32 leading scientists and private citizens who will advise on matters of policy and help generate support for the museum. September 18 Premiere: “Keepers of Eden,” a one-hour production of the Infinite Voyage series on the state-of-the-art conservation work of zoos, was previewed at the National Zoo. A 20-minute segment of the program was devoted to such work at the Zoo. The program was aired over PBS stations nationwide on October 1. September 21 Special Event: The James Smithson Society’s annual dinner was held in conjunction with the fall meeting of the National Board of the Smithsonian Associates. Gay F. Wray, chairman of the National Board, announced the projects receiving 1990 society grants and awarded the society's Founder Medal to Sam De Vincent for his donation of American sheet music to the National Museum of American History. September 24 International Outreach: The Office of Public Affairs and the New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation signed an agreement that provides for distribution of Smithsonian News Service feature stories, including color and black-and-white art, to newspapers, magazines, and other print media worldwide (excluding the United States). Syndication will be in English, with selected stories in Spanish. September 25 Program: The National Science Resources Center (NSRC) entered into a working partnership with Carolina Biological Supply Company to disseminate to the nation’s elementary schools the science teaching units for use in grades one through six being developed by the NSRC's Science and Technology for Children project. September 26 Film Series: The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden launched its 1989-90 series of independent films, art documentaries, and children’s programs. September 26 Lecture: Cyril Ramaphosa, general secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers in South Africa, spoke on his assessment of current developments in South Africa. His lecture concluded the Office of Folklife Programs lecture series “South Africa Today: Living in a Divided Society.” 36 Appendix 1 Members of the Smithsonian Councils, Boards, and Commissions, September 30, 1990 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BOARD OF REGENTS William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States, ex officio J. Danforth Quayle, Vice President of the United States, ex_ officio Edwin J. (Jake) Garn, Senator from Utah Daniel P. Moynihan, Senator from New York James R. Sasser, Senator from Tennessee Silvio 0. Conte, Representative from Massachusetts Norman Y. Mineta, Representative from California Jamie L. Whitten, Representative from Mississippi David C. Acheson, Citizen of the District of Columbia Anne L. Armstrong, Citizen of Texas William G. Bowen, Citizen of New Jersey Jeannine Smith Clark, Citizen of the District of Columbia A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., Citizen of Pennsylvania Samuel C. Johnson, Citizen of Wisconsin Barnabas McHenry, Citizen of New York Homer A. Neal, Citizen of Michigan R. James Woolsey, Citizen of Maryland SMITHSONIAN COUNCIL Neil Harris Chair Mary Frances Berry Luis R. Cancel Johnnetta B. Cole Michael A. Dorris Paul Fussell Robert Garfias David R. Gergen Dorothy B. Gilliam James W. Head, III John P. Holdren Miguel Leon-Portilla Shirley M. Malcom Robert M. May Shirley M. McBay Cheryl McClenney-Brooker Matthew S. Meselson Sidney W. Mintz Jaime E. Rodriguez Maxine F. Singer John Walsh Katherine J. Watson Thomas G. Wicker SMITHSONIAN CULTURAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE Peggy Cooper Cafritz (Chair) Margaret Batchelor White (Co-Chair) JoAllyn Archambault James Carter Jeannine Smith Clark Fritz Daguillard Antonio Guernica Suzan Harjo Esther G. Kee Virginia MacLaury Mike Masaoka Elizabeth Fagg Olds Mary Marvin Breckinridge Patterson Ricardo M. Urbina Patricia Zell JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE SPONSORING INSTITUTIONS OF THE PAPERS OF JOSEPH HENRY Robert McC. Adams Robert S. Hoffmann Whitfield J. Bell, Jr. David J. E. Saumweber Charles C. Gillispie Frederick Seitz, Chair 38 ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mrs. Otto L. Spaeth, Chairman Emeritus Mr. Richard J. Schwartz, President Mrs. Keith S. Wellin, Vice President Mrs. Robert F. Shapiro, Vice President Mr. Max N. Berry, Vice President Mrs. Abbott K. Schlain, Treasurer Mrs. Dana M. Raymond, Secretary Mrs. Francis de Marneffe, Honorary Officer Miss Julienne M. Michel, Honorary Officer Mr. Charles Blitzer Dr. Helen Jessup Mr. Eli Broad Mrs. Dwight M. Kendall Mr. Gerald Buck Mr. Gilbert H. Kinney Mr. Ivan Chermayeff Mr. Alan D. Levy Ms. Gabriella de Ferrari Mr. Meredith J. Long Mr. Gilbert S. Edelson Mr. Richard Manney Mrs. Ahmet M. Ertegun Mr. Richard A. Manoogian Mrs. Arthur A. Feder Mrs. Meyer Potamkin Mr. Miles Q. Fiterman Mrs. Richard Roob Mrs. Daniel Fraad Mrs. John N. Rosekrans, Jr. Mrs. Eugenio Garza-Laguerra Mr. Alan E. Schwartz Mr. Hugh Halff, Jr. Mr. A. Alfred Taubman Mr. Benjamin D. Holloway Mr. John Wilmerding Mr. John K. Howat Mr. R. Frederick Woolworth Founding Trustees Honorary Trustees Mr. Lawrence A. Fleischman Dr. Irving F. Burton Mrs. Edsel B. Ford Mr. Howard W. Lipman Mr. Edgar P. Richardson Mr. Russell Lynes Mrs. William L. Richards Ex Officio Mr. Robert McCormick Adams Mr. Tom L. Freudenheim Mr. Marc J. Pachter 39 ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART ADVISORY COMMITTEES Southeast Regional Center Marc J. Pachter, Chair Edmund Berkeley Max Berry Elizabeth Broun Lorraine Brown Paul Chestnut Nicolai Cikovsky Alan Fern New York Regional Center Milton Brown, Chair William C. Agee Thomas N. Armstrong Anne d'Harnoncourt John Dobkin Linda S. Ferber William Gerdts Eugene Goossen John Howat James Humphry III New England Regional Center Harley P. Holden, Chair Winslow Ames Georgia B. Barnhill David S. Brooke Theresa Cederholm Anne Farnam Charles Ferguson Wolfgang Freitag Edmund B. Gaither Hugh Gourley Elton W. Hall Patricia Hills Sinclair Hitchings John Kirk Elizabeth M. Kornhauser 40 Lois Fink William Homer Charles F. Hummel Helen Jessup Bernard Mergen Rick Powell John Vlach Judith Zilczer Abram Lerner Russell Lynes Porter McCray Barbara Novak Clive Phillpot Jules D. Prown William B. Walker H. Barbara Weinberg John Wilmerding William E. Woolfenden William Lipke Laura C. Luckey Paul Master-Karnik Eva Moseley James O'Gorman James M. O'Toole Elliot Offner Ronald Onorato Stephen Riley Daniel Rosenfeld David Ross Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr. Susan Strickler Michael Westworth Margret Craver Withers West Coast Regional Center Whitney Chadwick, Chair Connie Lewallen Gerald Bolas Harry S. Parker III Herschel Chipp Moira Roth Wanda Corn ~ Peter Selz John Dillenberger Marc Simpson Charles Eldredge Patterson Sims Albert Elsen Donald L. Stover Harvey Jones Ian McKibbin White John Lane Southern California Regional Center Henry Hopkins, Chair Lizzetta LeFalle-Collins Ruth Bowman Amy Meyers Charles Desmarais Marguerita Nieto Bram Dijkstra Earl A. Powell III Beatrice Farwell Michael Quick Noriko Fujinami Richard Candida Smith Constance Glenn Maurice Tuchman Josine Ianco-Starrels Richard V. West Christopher Knight Cecile Whiting Richard Koshalek Chicago Documentation Project Neil Harris, Chair Katharine Lee Dennis Adrian Archibald Motley Don Baum Franz Schulze Jack Brown, ex offico David Sokol Courtney Donnell James Wells Richard Gray Wim de Wit Diana Haskell John Zukowsky Judith Kirshner 41 ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY Visiting Committee Robert McC. Adams, Ex Officio Thomas L. Freudenheim, Ex Officio Robert S. Hoffmann, Ex Officio Thomas E. Lovejoy, Ex Officio Dr. Charles Blitzer, Chair Mrs. Cynthia Helms Mr. Porter A. McCray Ambassador George McGhee Mr. Henry Millon COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM Advisory Council Mr. Donald Bruckmann, Chair Mrs. Marietta Tree, Vice Chair Mrs. Karen Johnson Boyd Mrs. Joan K. Davidson Mrs. Joanne du Pont Mr. Harmon H. Goldstone Mr. August Heckscher Mr. Kenneth Miller Mr. Arthur Ross Mr. Robert Sarnoff 1a SU Oda cslopntfe) Mr. Robert McC. Adams Mr. Tom Freudenheim FREER GALLERY OF ART Visiting Committee Robert McC. Adams, Ex Officio Thomas L. Freudenheim, Ex Officio Robert S. Hoffmann, Ex Officio Thomas E. Lovejoy, Ex Officio Mrs. Jackson Burke, Chair The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta, Vice Chair Mr. Willard G. Clark Professor Marvin Eisenberg Dr. Robert S. Feinberg Mr. John G. Ford 42 The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta Mrs. Cynthia Polsky Professor Edith Porada Mrs. Arthur M. Sackler H.H. Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan Professor Yoshiaki Shimizu Professor Seymour Slive Mr. Michael Sonnenreich Mrs. Katharine Graham Mr. Joseph E. Hotung Mrs. Gilbert H. Kinney Professor Sherman E. Lee Mr. Porter McCray Professor Frederick W. Mote Mrs. D. Patrick Moynihan Professor Martin J. Powers Professor John M. Rosenfield Professor Priscilla Soucek HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sydney Lewis, Chairman Jerome L. Greene, Vice Chairman Edward R. Broida Robert T. Buck Peggy C. Davis Agnes Gund Robert Lehrman Robert Rosenblum Leonard C. Yaseen (died October 8, 1989) Robert McC. Adams, Ex Officio William H. Rehnquist, Ex Officio NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD Robert McC. Adams, Chairman Samuel W. Keller, NASA Lt/Gen. August M. Cianciolo, USA Jacqueline Ponder V/Adm. Martin H. Daniel, USCG Peter F. Schabarum V/Adm. Richard F. Dunleavy, USN Bernard E. Smith, Jr. Barry L. Harris, FAA Lt/Gen. Duane A. Wills, USMC RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Lew Allen Otto Mayr Henry Bauer John Morrow Herbert Friedman Alex Roland Noel Gayler Helen W. Samuels James R. Hansen Joan Warnow COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Don Cumberland Helen W. Samuels Richard Kohn Alfred J. Shortt Jack Hilliard Marie C. Malaro Ed. McKellar Joan Warnow Dennis Parks PUBLIC PROGRAMMING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thomas Hoving, Chairman Harold K. Skramstad, Jr. Hans O. Andersen Michael Spock Benjamin O. Davis Sondra Gayle Stein Linda M. Johnson Marie Tibor Louis R. Purnell Mitchell Waldrop 43 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART COMMISSION Robert H. Nooter, Chairman Frances Humphrey Howard, Vice Chairman Charles B. Benenson John Conyers, Jr. David C. Driskell John A. Friede James L. Hudson Helen Kuhn Brian S. Leyden Michael L. Lomax Robin B. Martin Frank E. Moss Frieda Rosenthal Donald M. Stewart Robert Farris Thompson Walter E. Washington Robert McC. Adams, ex officio Tom L. Freudenheim, ex. officio NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART COMMISSION Mr. David S. Purvis, Chairman Mr. Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Vice Chairman Mr. Ronald D. Abramson Mr. Robert McC. Adams, ex officio Mr. Norman Bernstein Mr. Thomas S. Buechner Ms. Mary Schmidt Campbell Mr. Wendell K. Castle Ms. Wanda M. Corn Mr. James T. Demetrion, ex officio Mr. Barney A. Ebsworth Mrs. Rita Fraad Mrs. Patricia Frost Mrs. Johnson Garrett Mr. August Heckscher Mr. R. Crosby Kemper Mr. Myron Kunin Mr. Jacob Lawrence Mr. Melvin Lenkin Mr. Jacques E. Lennon Mr. Owen M. Lopez Mr. Charles Parkhurst Mr. Richard J. Schwartz Members Emeriti Mr. Walker Hancock Mr. Charles H. Sawyer NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Secretary Robert McC. Adams, ex officio Frank H. Talbot, ex officio Juanita P. Baranco Paul R. Ehrlich Henry Loomis Robert H. Malott Jeffery W. Meyer Homer A. Neal David R. Pilbeam S. Dillon Ripley 44 Nicholas M. Salgo James W. Valentine Warren Herbert Wagner, Jr. David B. Wake Milton H. Ward Ronald H. Winston E-An Zen NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY COMMISSION Jeannine Smith Clark (Chairperson) Michael Collins Thomas Mellon Evans Stephen Jay Gould Marta Istomin W. John Kenney David Levering Lewis R. W. B. Lewis Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Robert Morgan Barbara Novak Frank Stanton J. Carter Brown, Director, National Gallery of Art, ex officio William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States, ex officio Robert McC. Adams, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, ex officio SMITHSONIAN INTERNSHIP COUNCIL Dorothy Blaska, Co-Chairperson Harry Jackson, Co-Chairperson Vicki Avera Myra Banks Betty Belanus Arthur Breton Claudine Brown Linda Chick Pat Chieffo Diane Cook-Lee Ginny Cornett William Cox Zed David Georgina De Alba Betty Beuck Derbyshire Mary Dyer Farar Elliot Zora Felton Cynthia Field Tom Freudenheim Mary Gooden Pam Henson Ruth Hill Jo Hinkel Judith Houston Veronika Jenke Eileen Jones Peter Kibbee Julia Langdon Betty Lathern Ted Lawson Hilda Lee Eleanor McMillan John Meehan Carolyn Mills Susan Mond Bruce Morrison Lauranne Nash Lucia Pierce Alan Postlewaite Argelis Roman John Rumm Barbara Russell Bernadette Schadewald Magda Schremp Theodore Taranovski Bill Tompkins Laurie Trippett Wilcomb Washburn Esther Washington NATIONAL SCIENCE RESOURCES CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Bruce M. Alberts Albert Baez DeAnna Banks Beane Ann Bay F. Peter Boer Martha A. Darling Hubert Dyasi James Ebert Douglas E. Evelyn Robert C. Forney Charles Hardy Martin Harwit Robert Hazen Robert Hoffman Ann Kahn Manert Kennedy SMITHSONIAN ADVISORY COUNCIL ON Claudine Brown Peggy Cole Anna Cross Frances Haley Carolyn Howard Yolanda M. Lopez Eliot Wigginton FOLKLIFE ADVISORY COUNCIL Richard Bauman, Chairman Roger Abrahams Henry Glassie Rayna Green John Langston Gwaltney Sarah Lindsey Thomas E. Lovejoy Phyllis Marcuccio Lynn Margulis William McCune Philip Morrison Phylis Morrison Jerome Pine Wayne Ransom Peter Raven David Sheetz Lynn Strieb Melvin Webb Karen Worth James Early, ex officio Philip Smith, ex officio EDUCATION Assistant Director, Government and Community Relations, Brooklyn Museum Director, Division of Museum Programs, New York Hall of Science Independent Consultant on Youth and Museums Executive Director, National Council for the Social Studies Chair, Literary and Media Arts, Duke Ellington School of the Arts Visual Artist and Art Educator Director, Foxfire Adrienne Kaeppler Ivan Karp Bernice Johnson Reagon John Tchen SMITHSONIAN/ FOLKWAYS ADVISORY BOARD Michael Asch Marilyn Averett Ossie Davis Mickey Hart Pete Seeger 46 THE WOMEN'S COMMITTEE OF THE SMITHSONIAN ASSOCIATES OFFICERS Mrs. Bruce K. MacLaury, Chairman Mrs. Richard L. Thompson, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Lawrence Bruce Olds, Secretary Mrs. William T. Hamilton, Jr., Treasurer ACTIVE MEMBERS Mrs. David C. Acheson Mrs. Mrs. James M. Beggs Mrs. Mrs. George Bush Mrs. Mrs. H. Hollister Cantus Mrs. Mrs. Doniphan Carter % Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd E. Clayton Mrs. Mrs. Thomas B. Cookerly Mrs. Mrs. William Gruman Cox Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Edward Crocker Mrs. Mrs. Fritz Daguillard Mrs. Mrs. J. Edward Day Mrs. Mrs. Philip S. Dickson Mrs. Mrs. Avery Faulkner Mrs. Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald Mrs. Mrs. Rockwood H. Foster Mrs. Mrs. Orville L. Freeman Mrs. Mrs. William F. Gorog Mrs. Mrs. Karl G. Harr, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Henry L. Heymann Mrs. Vernon Wilson Holleman Mrs. Ronald J. Ivey Mrs. Mrs. Donald W. Jeffries Mrs. Mrs, Enid T. Johnson Mrs. Mrs. Godfrey W. Kauffmann Mrs. Mrs. Clinton -W. Kelly, 112 Mrs. Mrs. William H. Kent Mrs. Mrs. Monroe Leigh Mrs. Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Mrs. Mrs. V. Cretella Mars Mrs. Mrs. Arthur K. Mason Thomas McCance, Jr. David H. McKillop James K. Mitchell Donald Notman Louise Owen James R. Patton, Jr. Horace White Peters John Pflieger Charles L. Poor C. Michael Price S. Dillon Ripley Robert E. Rogers William C. Rountree Peter Talbot Russell Leonard Silverstein Henry P. Smith, III Michael P.W. Stone Mark Sullivan, III Harriet H. Sweeney M. Suzette Talbot Robert D. van Roijen Robert Waggaman Robert L. Walsh, Jr. Edmund Wellington, Jr. Richard T. West Edwin M. Wheeler Byron R. White Robert S. Wilkinson Thomas B. Wilner NATIONAL BOARD OF THE SMITHSONIAN ASSOCIATES Mrs. Gay F. Wray, Chairman Mr. Philip F. Anschutz Mrs. Robert M. Bass Mr. George B. Bingham, Jr. Mr. W. J. Bowen Mr. Charles L. Brown Mr. Dan Burns Mr. Fletcher Byrom Mrs. Cummins Catherwood, Jr. Mr. Ivan Chermayeff Mr. Jeffrey A. Cole Mr. Thomas G. Cousins Mrs. George C. Dillon Mr. Peter E. Haas Mr. John M. Harbert III Mr. Gerald D. Hines Mr. Frank W. Hoch Mr. S. Charles Kemp Mr. Thomas M. Keresey Mr. Robert V. Lindsay Honorary Members Mr. William S. Anderson Mr. Richard P. Cooley Mr. Joseph F. Cullman III Mr. Charles D. Dickey, Jr. Hon. Leonard K. Firestone Mr. Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. Mr. W. L. Hadley Griffin Hon. William A. Hewitt Mrs. Bruce K. MacLaury Mr. Alexander K. McLana Mr. Antony Merck Mrs. Anne Murray Morgan Mr. John W. Morrison Dr. George E. Mueller Mr. Jack S. Parker Mr. Thomas J. Pritzker Mr. Alvin N. Puryear Mrs. Arthur M. Sackler Mr. Leveo V. Sanchez Mr. Lloyd G. Schermer Mr. Charles W. Schmidt Dr. Ivan Selin Mrs. E. Maynard Smith Mr. A. Alfred Taubman Mrs. James M. Walton Hon. John C. Whitehead Mr. T. Evans Wyckoff Mr. James M. Kemper, Jr Mr. Seynour H. Knox III Mr. Lewis A. Lapham Hon George C. McGhee han Justice Sandra D. O’Connor Mr. S. Dillon Ripley Mr. Francis C. Rooney, Hon. Thomas J. Watson, THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WOMEN’S COUNCIL Janice Kaplan Chair Ellen V. Sprouls Vice Chair Linda Benjamin Secretary Nancy J. Fuller Treasurer Ann Bissell Historian Kathleen Baxter Liz Marie Bettis 48 Dwight Bowman Kathleen Fleming Jacqueline Hicks Grazette Ann Kaupp Josephine K. Lensler La’Vonda Mosley Lyssette J. Rivera Shoshana Rosenthal Katherine Sprague Miriam Weissman Sara Yorke OT. JZ. THE JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS BOARD OF TRUSTEES HONORARY CHAIRMEN Mrs. George Bush Mrs. Ronald Reagan Mrs. Richard M. Nixon Mrs. Jimmy Carter Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson Mrs. Gerald R. Ford Mrs. Aristotle Onassis OFFICERS James D. Wolfensohn, Chairman Charlotte Woolard, Senator James A. McClure, Assistant Secretary Vice Chairman King F. Lowe, Treasurer Leonard L. Silverstein, Harry C. McPherson, Jr., Vice Chairman General Counsel Henry Strong, Vice Chairman William Becker, Jean Kennedy Smith, Associate Counsel Secretary MEMBERS APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Philip F. Anschutz Mrs. J. Willard Marriott Mrs. Bennett Archambault Mrs. Abraham A. Ribicoff Mrs. Howard H. Baker, Jr. Joy A. Silverman Mrs. William Cafritz Leonard L. Silverstein Ralph P. Davidson Jean Kennedy Smith Kenneth Duberstein Roger B. Smith James H. Evans Dennis Stanfill Mrs. Max M. Fisher Roger L. Stevens Robert Fryer Charles Z. Wick Mrs. Joseph B. Gildenhorn James D. Wolfensohn Mrs. William Lee Hanley, Jr. Dina Merrill Hartley Helen Joan Hunt Caroline Rose Hunt Mrs. Earle M. Jorgensen Donald M. Koll Melvin R. Laird MEMBERS EX OFFICIO DESIGNATED BY ACT OF CONGRESS Louis Sullivan, Secretary Representative Sidney R. Yates of Health and Human Services Marion S. Barry, Mayor, Lauro F. Cavazos, Secretary District of Columbia of Education Robert McC. Adams, Secretary, Bruce Gelb, Director, Smithsonian Institution U.S. Information Agency James H. Billington, Senator Edward M. Kennedy Librarian of Congress Senator James A. McClure J. Carter Brown, Chairman, Senator George J. Mitchell Commission of Fine Arts Representative Joseph James M. Ridenour, Director, M. McDade National Park Service Representative Charles Wilson Paul Woodard, Director, D.C. Senator George J. Mitchell Department of Recreation FOUNDING CHAIRMAN Roger L. Stevens HONORARY TRUSTEES Mrs. Albert Lasker Mrs. J. Clittord Folger Ralph E. Becker J. William Fulbright Mrs. Jouett Shouse NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART BOARD OF TRUSTEES General Trustees Franklin D. Murphy, Chairman John R. Stevenson Ruth Carter Stevenson Robert H. Smith Alexander M. Laughlin Trustees Ex Officio William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States James A. Baker III, Secretary of State Nicholas F. Brady, Secretary of the Treasury Robert McCormick Adams, Secretary, Smithsonian Institution Honorary Trustee Paul Mellon READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Members Ms. Loretta Barrett Mr. Leo Beebe Mr. Daniel Burke Mr. James C. Curvey Lloyd Derrickson, Esq. Mr. Robert S. Diamond Mrs. Edward D. Eddy Mr. Charles F. Harris Mr. Steven Heyer Advisory Council Honorary Chairman: Mrs. George Bush Mr. Robert McC Adams Mr. Arthur R. Ashe, Jr. Mrs. Gayle Perkins Atkins Mrs. Evan Bayh Mrs. Daniel Boorstin Jack E. Brown, Esq. Jimmy Dean . Robert G. Diforio . Barbara J. Easterling . Edward E. Elson » Juan T>Euell . Walter A. Haas, Jr. . Andrew Heiskell SSSR SSE Founder Mrs. Robert S. McNamara Mrs. Elliot Richardson Mrs. Ruth P. Graves Mr. Edward A. Fox Mr. Samuel B. Ethridge Mrs. Jean Head Sisco Mrs. Ruth Holmberg Mr. John T. Leatham Ms. Ann R. Leven Mrs. Kathryn W. Lumley Dr. Floretta McKenzie Mr. Edward J. Meade, Jr. Mrs. Charles S. Robb Mr. Arthur White Mr. Harry Hoffman Mr. Lee Iacocca Mr. W. Thomas Johnson Dr. Elizabeth Karnes Ms. Natalie Lang Mr. Vincent MacDonnell Mr. Robert S. McNamara Mr. Edward Morrow Dr. Peter P. Muirhead Mr. Steven S Reinemund Eugene F. Rowan, Esq. Mrs. Potter Stewart Mr. Alberto Vitale Mr. Donald Wilson Ms. Oprah Winfrey €ep‘9r0'LI 6P8'STE F66'L ECL'STS = LOZ PS*L €S6'791'9 79T'F66 TSELOS'T = *[BIOL a 601‘T LOT SOO OL8'T prs‘0€E 8LS‘78P IL8°00€ 7rS'S9 699‘6LT dag bE7'886'1 POL‘el pel‘e PST Pe 788916 879'8IL 677201 €Or‘66! sny STP‘OLT'Z 00s‘€l 066'2 €19'8E 10b‘6S6 Z9L‘Z08 9p9'PZI €0S'87Z [nf SEr‘Ezs'T P6e‘7I 0 O8E°6E LLO‘Y6L 8El‘e69 b0S‘86 6£6 SST unf LIUT66'T 690'FI 0 660°Sb O8T‘068 O€7'BLL SIE'b6 677691 Kew OS6'FEEZ atm 0 SEC‘ Or COC‘OT0'T b7S‘8S8 reo‘sor LEs‘66l idy LIE‘SEe'l LI9‘@Z 0 O8T'EE 90P'8LS 910°96r 09€E'T8 SEL‘EZI ie" IZp'LS8 ZI8‘6E 0 P7887 09Z‘OrE €6EECE be7'ss 88869 qed prl‘6S9 776‘ PE 0 OIZTE 6L0'19Z 9EL‘S7Z 79P'Ob SEL‘6S uef 0661 8r8°LOL 9SO'EE 0 9F9°OZ L18°78Z SEB PrZ LLE‘SS Oz1‘S9 99d SP0‘°790'T Oss‘TS 0 pr9'0E E8s‘ISp ELS‘7LE 1069 b67'98 AON S6E ‘SOIT 8L8°Ss 0 686 0€ 6E8'PLS Pre BPE Srb's6 0 yO 6861 Araye9 winasny| Weslo winasny] Suiping duipping suipping Araye ueIpu] pue yy aoeds AJO}SIH] soljsnpuy UONNyNSUy [ROL yormuay ueduowy uRdHOWYy pue inv jenjen pue syy ueluOsyIWS yuo 0661 IeaX [eISI] Ul SUINaSNYY UOINNINSUT ULTUOSYIULUG OF SIOUSIA z xipuoddy ‘potad Bunsodas siyy Sutnp pasopo sem yy Jo Alay[eg Joaky WL “UONNINSU] URIUOSY MUG ay) O} SIOWSIA [ENPLAIPUT JO Jaqunu fenjoe oy) UeY) JOYSIY SI pue ‘sjUNOD JO}ISIA WWNasNU JO ayeSordde oy) syussaidas ‘asoyarayp ‘[e}0) pues ay] “Sawn [esaAaS paytnoo aye Aap ‘Shep VAINIISUOD [eJOAIS UO SUUNISNU sNOLeA 0} O89 JO ‘AseIOUNI IY) UO Wnasnul suo UY JIOUL apNpoUT SIOPISIA AUT JOUIS “WNasnus Jey) OF SIOVSIA [ENPIAIPUT JO JoquinuU oy) }D9[JOI Wnasnu Yyoea JOJ S[RIOL “ALON €66 LI0'SZ TIWLOL GNVUO O9S‘TLO'L 6S8' TEP 090°L€6 €16'SOP 806°TSZ 68 FOL‘S CIO‘LOI 6l Per [R101 1S9°S9p 8ZS°LZ 9€6'€9 €SE'67 768'C1 PlO'6le SETI €69'T dag T8Z‘8S8 S77'Eb 9E7'LB 196'PE COELI bOr'8s9 82771 $98'b any 797‘ZIO'T C9S‘LE LOv‘66 CEESE ELL'IZ 169°98Z 929'PT 1L8°9 Ing LIE IL8 Lel'lr bLe‘68 8r7'7E T02‘77 e7S°S99 SrE'sI LL8‘T unf F9S°S88 SI@' bb ITT‘68 961'SE prs‘sl S8L'€89 998'0I Lrs‘€ Ae 7h7'876 999°9r 801601 CZULE e7r'LI 8Er‘90L T2UL C9E'b dy ZE0'6F9 166'IP cIP'L8 L66'€€ O?L‘21 660°9Sb PSL‘Zl €90'b IeW 98S°LOP S6c' TE 898'0S 7S8'97 T9L‘IZ OZS‘TSZ >66'81 9679 924 T9S‘ISE CCL'S7Z €€8'6P 600°LZ EI bbe t7L'661 OrS‘2Z OzE'7 uel 066! 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ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH TRAINING APPOINTMENTS The Smithsonian offers, through the Office of Fellowships and Grants, research and study appointments to visiting scientists, scholars, and students. The appointees are provided access to the Institution’s facilities, staff expertise, and reference resources. The persons listed in this Appendix assumed their appointments between October 1, 1989, and September 30, 1990, and have been in residence for three months or longer. Each visitor is designated as a Predoctoral or Postdoctoral Fellow, a Visiting Scientist or Scholar, or as a participant in another special program. Also noted are the institution where each visitor received, or expects to receive, a degree or the home university or institution; a brief description of the project undertaken at the Smithsonian; the name of the Smithsonian advisor; and dates of residency. RESEARCH JOSEPH HENRY PAPERS Stuart McCook, Graduate Student Fellow, Princeton University. "The Life Course of Nations: Comparative Development of National Scientific Communities," with Marc Rothenberg, from June 1 to August 10, 1990. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Perry S. Barboza, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of New England, Australia. "Protein Metabolism in Lactating Grey and Harbor Seals," with Olav Oftedal, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. Wolfgang Dittus, Research Development Fellow, University of Maryland. "Primate Social Behavior in Relation to Long-Term Reproductive Success, Demography, and Genetic Structure," with Devra Kleiman, from December 31, 1989 to January 1, 1992. Eduardo Duque, Exchange Student, University of California, Davis. “Animal Behavior," with Rudy Rudran, from September 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991. John M. Francis, Visiting Scientist, University of California, Santa Cruz. "Maternal Feeding Behavior and Lactation Strategy in the Juan Fernandez Fur Seal, Arctocephalus philippii," with Daryl Boness, from April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991. Alan Mercure, Visiting Student, University of Minnesota. “Molecular Genetic Studies of the Endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox and its Kin," with Katherine Ralls, from April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991. Sriyanie Miththapala, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Florida. "Genetic Variation in Sri Lankan Leopards," with John Seidensticker, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. Lisa G. Rapaport, Graduate Student Fellow, University of New Mexico. "Golden Lion Tamarin Behavior in Two Zoo Habitats: Does the Free-Roaming Environment Differentially Affect Reaction to Novelty and Development of Foraging Skills?", with Benjamin Beck, from June 4 to August 10, 1990. Alfred L. Rosenberger, Research Development Fellow, City University of New York. "The Biology of Locomotor Behavior in Golden Lion Tamarins," with Devra Kleiman, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1992. Lisa G. Sorenson, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota. "An Experimental Study of Sexual Selection in the White-Cheeked Pintail and Northern Pintail," with Scott Derrickson, February 1, 1990 to January 31, 19925 Michael D. Sorenson, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota. "The Evolution of Parasitic Egg-Laying in Redhead Ducks: The Effects of Host Availability and Sexual Imprinting," with Scott Derrickson, from August 1, 1990"to July 31, 19912 Claudia R. Valeggia, Exchange Student, University of California, Davis. "Animal Behavior," with Rudy Rudran, from September 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991. Ian G. Warkentin, Visiting Scientist, University of Saskatchewan. "Winter Ecology of Prothonotary Warblers: Foraging Behavior and Habit Use," with Eugene Morton, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1992. SMITHSONIAN ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY Monique Marie G. Arnaud, Visiting Scientist, Service d'Astrophysique of Saclay. "The Atomic Processes in Hot, Thin Plasmas, and the Investigation of the Hot Gas in Clusters of Galaxies," with William R. Forman, from January 15, 1990 to February 1, 1991. Mary A. Barsony, Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology. "The Submillimeter Wavelength Telescope Array," with Paul T. P. Ho, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1992. Pascale Beaufume, Predoctoral Fellow, Ecole Centrale de Paris. "Solar Plasma Physics: Anomalous Energy Transport in Solar Corona and Correlation Between Hard X-Ray and Micro-Waves in Solar Flares," with Irwin Shapiro, from July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991. George Blumenthal, Visiting Scientist, University of California, San Diego. "The Three Dimensional Flow Velocity and the Mass Density in the Universe, the Correlation Function of Gamma Ray Bursts, and Other Related Topics," with Harvey Tananbaum, from August 21, 1990 to June 30, LOSd:: ou ou Webster C. Cash, Visiting Scientist, University of California, Berkeley. "Development of High Throughput X-Ray Telescopes of X-Ray Imaging and Dispersive Spectroscopy with Applications to Rockets and the LAMAR/High Throughput Facility," with Harvey Tananbaum, from June 1 to December 31, 1990. Cesare Cecchi-Pestellini, Visiting Student, University of Florence. "The Problems of Interstellar Physics and Chemistry," with Alexander Dalgarno, from January 15 to August 31, 1990. E. S. Chang, Visiting Scientist, University of California, Riverside. “Rydberg State Collisions; Rydberg States in Astrophysics; and Rydberg Structure Theory," with Alexander Dalgarno, from September 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Mark Chantell, Visiting Student, University of Arizona. "Gamma Ray Project," with Trevor Weekes, from June 18, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Tomasz Chlebowski, Visiting Scientist, Warsaw University Observatory. "Catalogue of all EINSTEIN Satellite Observations of B-Type Stars," with F. Rick Harnden, from October 1, 1989 to December 31, 1990. Eduardo Colombo, Predoctoral Fellow, Universidad de Buenos Aires. "The Development of the Low Cost V.H.E. Gamma Ray Telescope," with Irwin Shapiro, from October 1, 1989 to October 31, 1990. Salvador Curiel, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Mexico. "Shock Waves with Magnetic Precursors," from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1991. Nicolaci L. A. Da Costa, Visiting Scientist, Harvard University. "Analysis of the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe Using Redshift Surveys of Southern Galaxies," with David W. Latham, from December 15, 1989 to February 28, 1991. Gary Fuller, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. "The Physics of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation," with Irwin Shapiro, from November 1, 1989 to October 31, 1991. Dalia Goldwirth-Piran, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Racah Institute of Physics. "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology," with Irwin Shapiro, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1992. Daniel O. Gomez, Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad de Bueno Aires. "Dynamical Processes in the Solar Corona," with Petrus Martens, from October l, 1989 to September 30, 1990. Mercedes Gomez, Smithsonian Predoctoral Fellow, Cordoba National University. "A Proper Motion Survey of Post T-Tauri Stars in Taurus-Auriga Molecular Cloud," with Lee Hartmann, from September 1, 1990 through August 31, LOA Elisabete Maria Gouveia Dal Pino, Visiting Scientist, University of Sao Paulo. "Phenomenology of Cosmic Jets," with George Field, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. 56 Alan H. Guth, Visiting Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Possible Mechanisms for the Creation of a Universe," with Irwin Shapiro, from January 1 to September 30, 1990. Xiaofeng Han, Predoctoral Fellow, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. "Laser Spectroscopy and Applications," with W.H. Parkinson, from October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1991. Hardy M. Hodges, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago. "Universe Cosmology," with Irwin Shapiro, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1991. Bengt Anders Kall, Visiting Student, Chalmers University of Technology. "Modelling of Radiometric Measurements of Horizontal Variations of the Radio Refractivity of Water Vapor," with James Davis, from May 29 to August 31, 1990. Bon-Chul Koo, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. "The Study of Infrared Worms and an Observational Study of Old Supernova Remnants," with Irwin Shapiro, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1992. Enrico Koper, Visiting Scientist, Leiden University. "Observations of M31,"with P. Thaddeus, from October 17, 1989 to March 30, 1990. Jong Kung, Predoctoral Fellow, Brown University. "Study of Protocluster Using Gas Dynamics," with Irwin Shapiro, from July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991. Jerry LaSala, Visiting Scientist, Dartmouth College. “The Development of an Integrated Software Package for the Analysis and Classification of MK- Dispersion Objective-Prism Spectra," with M. J. Kurtz, from February 2, 1990 to January 31, 1991. Peter Langhoff, Visiting Scientist, State University of New York. "Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics," with Alexander Dalgarno, from May 1 to November 30, 1990. Weihong Liu, Predoctoral Fellow, Peking University. "The Physical and Chemical Processes in Astronomical Objects," with Irwin Shapiro, from October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1991. Alan Marscher, Visiting Scientist, University of Virginia. "VLBI and X-Ray Observations of Quasars and Theoretical Work on the Gas Dynamics and Radiation of Relativistic Jets," with James Moran, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1991. 7 Pablo Mauas, Visiting Scientist, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. "The Study of the Solar Chromosphere, Especially its Energetic Balance," with Eugene Avrett, from December 1, 1989 to September 30, 1990. Peter Meszaros, Visiting Scientist, University of California, Berkeley. "Neutron Star High Energy Properties and the Cosmic X-Ray Background Radiation," with George Field, from September 1 to December 31, 1990. David Micha, Visiting Scientist, University of Uppsala, Sweden. "Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics," with Alexander Dalgarno, from August 1 to December 31, 1990. ol ~l] John Morgan, Visiting Scientist, University of California, Berkeley. "Atomic and Molecular Theory," with Alexander Dalgarno, from October 1, 1989 to August 31, 1991. Rachel Padman, Visiting Scientist, St. John's College, Cambridge. "Development of Optical Considerations for the Submillimeter Antennas," with Colin Masson, from January 15 to April 15, 1990. Monica Pasca, Visiting Student, University of Rome. "The Investigation of Non-Linear Oscillations of Tethered Systems, Stability of Motion Following Large Disturbances, and Modal Resonances with External Perturbations," with Enrico Lorenzini, from January 15 to July 15, 1990. Tsvi Piran, Visiting Scientist, Hebrew University. "Initial Conditions for Inlation and the Very Early Universe; Evolution of Strings Network; Numerical Relativity; and Relativistic Astrophysics," with George Field, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Michael Punch, Visiting Scientist, University College, Dublin. "Observation of the 10M Reflector and Design of a Semi-Automated Telescope," with Trevor Weekes, from December 27, 1989 to February 9, 1990. Massimo Ramella, Visiting Scientist, Trieste University. "Analysis of Groups of Galaxies," with Margaret Geller, from March 1 to August 31, 1990. Paola Rossi, Predoctoral Fellow, Universita' di Torino. “The Structure and Stability of Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar Atmosphere," with Wolfgang Kalkofen, from October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1991. Timothy Scholz, Postdoctoral Fellow, Queen's University, Ireland. "Various Aspects of Electron Scattering by Atomic Targets," with A. Dalgarno, from August 27, 1990 through August 26, 1991. Wei Shen, Visiting Scientist, Beijing University, China. "The Properties of the Atomic Hydrogen Maser," with Robert F. C. Vessot, from December 1, 1989 to May 14, 1990. Janine Shertzer, Visiting Scientist, Brown University. "The Binding Energy of the Muonic Molecular Ions: Application of the Finite Method of Calculation," with Alexander Dalgarno, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Kazuo Shibasaki, Visiting Scientist, University of Tokyo. “Spectroscopic Measurements of Chemicals in the Earth's Ozone Layer," with Kelly Chance, from April 1, 1990 to March 31, 1991. Alok Shukla, Visiting Student, University of Washington. "Theory of Electric Dipole Moment of Atomic Rubidium Due to Parity and Time Reversal Violation," with Alexander Dalgarno, from June 15 to September 15, 1990. Aneta Siemiginowska, Predoctoral Fellow, Warsaw University. “Accretion Disks in Active Galactic Nuclei," with Martin Elvis, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1991. Kulinder Pal Singh, International Exchange Visitor, Bombay University. "X-Ray Spectroscopy of Supernova Remnants," with John Hughes, from April 30 to September 30, 1990. Guoqiang Tang, Visiting Scientist, Chalmers University of Technology. "Differential VLBI Measurements on the Quasar 4C39.25," with Irwin Shapiro, from June 15, 1989 to September 30, 1990. Han Uitenbroek, Visiting Scientist, Assistant Researcher. "Astrophysical Radiative Transfer Modeling with Partial Redistribution," with Eugene Avrett, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Shoba Veeraraghavan, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. "Physical Cosmology, the Astrophysics-Cosmology-High Energy Physics Interface, and Theoretical Astrophysics," with George Field, from November 1, 1989 to October 31, 1990. Bogi Wang, Visiting Scientist, Harvard University. "The State of the Universe at Redshift of the Order of Ten," with George Field, from November 1, 1989 to June 30, 1990. Terry Whitaker, Visiting Student, University of Arizona. "Air Shower Array Data Analysis for Gamma Ray Sources," with Trevor Weekes, from June 18, 1990 to May 31, 1991. David White, Predoctoral Fellow, University College of London. "Study of Hot and Cold Gas in Early-Type Galaxies," with Irwin Shapiro, from November 1, 1989" to April’ 30,5 1992. Bruce Wilking, Visiting Scientist, University of Missouri, St. Louis. "The Initial Stellar Populations of Nearby Molecular Clouds," with Dr. Charles Lada, from September 4, 1990 to.September 3, 1991. Thomas Winter, Visiting Scientist, University of Wisconsin, Madison. "Electron Transfer, Excitation, and Ionization in Ion-Atomic Collisions," with A. Dalgarno, from September 1 through December 31, 1990. Mark G. Wolfire, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison. "Submillimeter Wavelength Telescope Array," with Paul T. P. Ho, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1992. SMITHSONIAN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CENTER Lucia R. Dillenburg, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland. "Competition Between Temperate Forest Vine and Tree Species," with Dennis Whigham, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Joseph F. Dineen, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland. "Factors Influencing Balanus Settlement Relevant to Adult Zonation in the Chesapeake Bay,” with Anson Hines, from October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1990. John R. Dolan, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland. "Carbon Flux in the Rhode River Estuary: The Trophic Link Between Metazoan Zooplankton," with Charles Gallegos, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, V99T. Richard Everett, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. "Distribution Abundance, and Population Structure of Grass Shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio in Nearshore Habitats of Chesapeake Bay: The Importance of Predatory Fish," with Gregory Ruiz, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Grace Ju, Postdoctoral Fellow, Purdue University. "A Model System for Studying the Role of Glycinebetaine and Glutamate Dehydrogenase in Nitrogen Productivity Under Salt Stress Environments," with Bert Drake, from August 15, 1990 to August 14, 1991. David W. Lawlor, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of London. "Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide on the Structure, Composition, and Photosynthetic Function of Scirpus in a Salt Marsh Community," with Bert Drake, from April 1 to October 31, 1990. Junda Lin, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. "Complex Interactions Among Competition, Predation, and Substrate Composition," with Anson Hines, from August 15, 1990 to February 14, 1991. Daniel K. Niven, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Illinois. "Sexual Segregation and Habitat Use in a Neotropical Avian Migrant," with James Lynch, from May 14 to July 23, 1990. L. David Smith, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland. "Sexual Selection and Mating System of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun," with Anson Hines, from September 1, 1990 to December 31, 1991. Panchabi Vaithiyanathan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. "Factors in Controlling the Release of Phosphorus from Sediments in the Estuarine Region," with David Correll, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Zhigang Wang, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Cambridge. "Population Ecology of Epifagqus virginiana,” with Dennis Whigham, from October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1990. Jess K. Zimmerman, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utah. "The Resource Economy of Uvularia perfoliata," with Dennis Whigham, from August l, 1990 to July 31, 1991. SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE T. Mitchell Aide, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Utah. "Late Pleistocene Origin of the Central American Flora," with Dolores Piperno, from January 1 to June 30, 1990. Gerald Allen, Visiting Scientist, University of Hawaii. "An Identification Guide to the Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific," with Ross Robertson, from March 1 to June 30, 1990. Parthiba Basu, Short-Term Fellow, Pondicherry University. "Distribution of Ants in Different Island in the Gatun Lake," with Joseph Wright, from August 18, 1990. 60 Jean-Philippe Boubli, Short-Term Fellow. "Time Allocation, Diet, and Selection of Feeding Substrate in Sanguinus oedipus geoffroyi of Barro Colorado Island," with Nicholas Smythe, from June 1 to August 31, 1990. Christian D'Orgeix, Short-Term Fellow. "Multiple Paternity of the From Agalychnis callidryas," with Stanley Rand, from August 10 to November 10, 1990. Ovidio Duran, Exxon Fellow, University of Panama. “"Determinacion del grado de Heterocigosidad Gentica de las Abejas Africanizadas en Panama," with David Roubik and Felicita Sousa, from February 1 through April 30, 1990. Stephen T. Emlen, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan. "The Evolutionary Consequences of Behavioral Sex Role Reversal," with A. Stanley Rand, from June 1, 1990 to April 15, 1991. Pierre-Michel Forget, Postdoctoral Fellow, Universite de Paris 6. "Seed Dispersal by Large Rodents in South American Tropical Forests," with Nicholas Smythe, from November 1, 1989 to October 31, 1990. Ulisses Galatti, Latin American Fellow, Intituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia. "Variation in Morphology Vocalization and Habitat of Leptodactylus pentadactylus in Panama," with Standley Rand, from May 7 through August 7, 1990. Manuel Guariguata, Short-Term Fellow, Yale University. "Sprouting Ability in Canopy Tree Juveniles," with Alan Smith, from July 2 through October 10, 1990. James L. Hamrick, Senior Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. "Causes of Genetic Structure in Tropical Tree Populations," with Alan Smith, from October 1, 1989 to August 31, 1992. Edward A. Herre, Visiting Scientist, University of Illinois. "The Biology of Nematode Parasites of Fig Wasps," with Donald Windsor from April 15 to December 14, 1990. Kevin Hogan, Visiting Scientist, University of Illinois. "Physiological and Ecological Implications of a Geographic Gradient in Rainfall for Some Tropical Understory Shrub Species," with Alan P. Smith, from December 1, 1988 to September 30, 1990. Weishan Jin, Short-Term Fellow. "Leaf Lifetime and Plant Antiherbivore Defense," with Alan Smith, from September 12 to December 18, 1990. Kenneth G. Johnson, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Iowa. "Testing for Natural Selection on Corals: Patterns of Skeletal Morphology, Fertility, and Genetic Variation in Natural Populations of Manicina areolata (Scleractinia),”" with Nancy Knowlton, from October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1990. Frank J. Joyce, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University. "Nest-Site Selection by Two Species of Neotropical Social Wasps," with Mary Jane West- Eberhard, from May 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991. 61 Thomas Juenger, Short Term Fellow. "Social Organization and Mating System of Tropical Tent-Making Bats," with Stanley Rand, from June 1 to August 30, 1990. David A. King, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison. "The Significance of Leaf Arrangement in Tropical Trees," with Egbert Leigh, from August 9, 1990 to August 8, 1991. Katarzyna Kubzdela, Short-Term Fellow. "Feeding Ecology and Food Patch Abandonment in Ateles geoffroyi of Barro Colorado Island," with Nicholas Smythe, from June 1 to August 31, 1990. Catherine Marler, Short-Term Fellow, University of Texas. "Mechanistic and Evolutionary Investigations of Natural Levels of Display Behavior of the Tungara Frog," with Stanley Rand, from July 9 through August 30, 1990. Alberto Mena, Exxon Fellow, University of Panama. "Estrategias de Nidificacion y Metodo de Captura de Avispas Pompilidas (Himenoptera: pompilidae) en San Blas," with Stanley Rand, from May 7 through August a, 2990. Victor Moreno, Exxon Fellow, University of Panama. "Determinacion del Grado de Heterocidad Genetico de las Abejas Africanizadas en Panama," with David Roubik and Felicita Sousa, from February 1 through April 30, 1990. Darlyne Murawski, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas. "Causes of Genetic Structure in Tropical Tree Populations," with James Hamrick, from September 1, 1989 to September 30, 1990. Sean O'Donnell, Short Term Fellow. "The Physiology of Behavioral Specialization in Tropical Swarm-Founding Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Epiponini)," with Donald Windsor, from June 20 to October 19, 1990. Alfredo Reyes, Latin America Fellow, University of Panama. "Balance de Energia en Hojas de Arboles a Diferentes Niveles de Altura en el Bosque Humedo Tropical," with Alan Smith, from July 1 through September 30, 1990. Cynthia L. Sagers, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Utah. "Variation in Secondary Metabolites and Some Effects on Plant Fitness," with Egbert Leigh, from August 24, 1990 to August 23, 1991. Oris Sanjur, Exxon Fellow, University of Panama. "Estudio del Numero de Cromosomas en el Genero Abudefduf," with Harilaos Lessios and Eduardo Vega from October 16, 1989 through January 14, 1990. Michelle Smith, Short-Term Fellow. "Communication and Behavior Patterns of Baird's Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) on Barro Colorado Island," with Nicholas Smythe, from September 1 to November 30, 1990. David Snyderman, Short-Term Fellow, University of Vermont. "Comparison of the Hydraulic Architecture of Evergreen and Deciduous Trees," with Egbert Leigh and Alan Smith, from October 16 through December 26, 1989. 62 Yan Song, Short Term Fellow. "Hard Mass Scaling in Benthic Foraminifera: Allometric and Adaptive Implications," with Dr. Jeremy Jackson, from May 1, to,July 32, 2990. David Tissue, Short Term Fellow. "Flowering in Psychotria: The Role of Total Nonstructural Carbohydrates," with S. J. Wright, from May 1 to July 31, 1990. Kevina Vulinec, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Chicago. "The Evolution of Horns and Correlated Behaviors in New World Dung Beetles of the Genus Copris Muller (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)," with William Eberhard, from April 16 to June 22, 1990. Jeanne Zeh, Short Term Fellow. "Population Differentiation and the Panama Canal: Incipient Speciation in a Neotropical Pseudoscorpion," with William Eberhard, from October 15, 1989 to January 15, 1990. MUSEUMS ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART E. Margarita Nieto, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Northridge. "The Postmodern Sources of Los Angeles Chicano-Latino Art History: Archival Collections from the Postwar Years to 1965," with Paul Karlstrom, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1991. Jontyle Theresa Robinson, Visiting Scholar, University of Maryland. "The Art of Archibald J. Motley, Jr.," with Garnett McCoy and Lois Fink, from July 1, 1990 to December 31, 1991. ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY Yuyun Chen, International Exchange Visitor, Zhejiang University, China. "Preparation and Examination of Archaeological Metal Samples at the Smithsonian, and Phase Identification and Solidification Behavior of the Copper-Tin-Lead System at Lehigh University," with Thomas Chase, from January 15 to November 15, 1990. Boris Marshak, International Exchange Scholar, State Hermitage Museum in Leningrad. "Near Eastern metalwork collections of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the Freer Gallery of Art," with Glenn D. Lowery and Ann Gunter, from November 1989 to January 1990. Woodman L. Taylor, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Chicago. "Muslim Constructions of Hindu Worlds: Patrons', Painters', and Translators' Interpretations in the Freer Ramayana and Harivamsa," with Milo Beach, from June 18 to August 24, 1990. CONSERVATION ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Yuyun Chen, Smithsonian Institution Fellow, University of Science and Technology, China. "Residency in Archeological Metallurgy," with Martha Goodway from June 15 to September 15, 1990. Susan Heald, Postgraduate Conservation Intern, University of Delaware. "Conservation Materials Used in the Storage, Exhibition, and Shipping of Textiles," with Mary Ballard, from September 15, 1990 to September 14, 1991. Michelle M. Hegmon, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan. "Regional Interaction and Exchange Among Early Neolithic Communities in the North American Southwest (A.D. 800-1050): Analysis of Ceramic Composition," with Ronald Bishop, from February 1, 1990 to January 31, 1991. Ng-Lim Chong Quek, Asian Art Fellow (Asian Cultural Council), Head of Conservation, National Museum, Singapore. "Verification of mechanical Properties of 19th century Easel Paintings from the collections of the National Museum of Singapore," with Mary Ballard and M. Mecklenberg, from November 20, 1989 through January 20, 1990. Terry Schaeffer, Research Collaborator, University of California, Berkeley. "The Effect of Ageing on Aqueously Light-Bleached Paper," with Dianne van der Reyden, from October 1989 through November 1990. Freddie Talboada Tellez, Fulbright Scholar, National Museum of Ethanography and Folklore, La Paz Bolivia. “Archaeological Textile Fragments from Bolivia," with Mary Ballard, June and August, 1990. Agnes Timar-Balazsy, Visiting Professional, Textiles, National Center of Museums, Budapest. "Training Methods and Educational Opportunities for Conservators," with Mary Ballard, from September through October 1989. Aslihan Yener, Visiting Scientist, Columbia University. "The Archaeometallurgy of Ancient Anatolia," with Thomas Chase, from April l, 1990 to March 31, 1991. FREER GALLERY OF ART Yuyun Chen, International Exchange Visitor, Zhejiang University, China. "Preparation and Examination of Archaeological Metal Samples at the Smithsonian, and Phase Identification and Solidification Behavior of the Copper-Tin-Lead System at Lehigh University," with Thomas Chase, from January 15 to November 15, 1990. Margaret MacDonald, Smithsonian Short-Term Visitor, Honorary Research Fellow, Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow. "Catalogue raisonne of Whistler Pastels, Watercolor Paintings, and Drawings," with Linda Merrill, March 1990. Boris Marshak, International Exchange Scholar, State Hermitage Museum in Leningrad. "Near Eastern metalwork collections of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the Freer Gallery of Art," with Glenn D. Lowery and Ann Gunter, from November 1989 to January 1990. Eun-wha Park, Freer Fellow, University of Michigan. "Ming dynasty painter Xiang Shengmo (1597-1658) and his circle," with Shen Fu, from January through June, 1990. Kathleen A. Pyne, Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame. “Transcendence and Impressionism in Late 19th-century American Painting," with Linda Merrill, from September 1990 to May 1991. 64 HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN Lynne C. Cooke, Postdoctoral Fellow, London University. "Developments in American Sculpture, 1968-1988," with Ned Rifkin, from October 1, 1989 to September 30, 1990. Mary V. Drach, Graduate Student Fellow, Boston University. "Alberto Giacometti's Ethnographic Surrealism," with Valerie Fletcher, from August 30, 1990 to May 1, 1991. Ann E. Gibson, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Delaware. "Toward a Cultural History of Abstract Expressionism," with Phyllis Rosenzweig, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Robert E. Haywood, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan. "Beyond the Canvas: The Invention of Happenings," with Ned Rifkin, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM Michael Dennis, Guggenheim Postdoctoral Fellow, The Johns Hopkins University. "A Change of State: Technical Practice and Politics at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, 1935-1957," with David DeVorkin, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Robert Desieno, Visiting Scholar, University of California, Davis. "The History of Nuclear Arms Testing," with Gregg Herken, from January 1 to August 31, 1990. Chris H. Gray, Graduate Student Fellow, University of California, Santa Cruz. "Artificial Intelligence and Real War: The Shaping of Postmodern Conflict in the United States Military," with Paul Ceruzzi, from July 30 to October 5, 1990. Richard P. Hallion, Charles A. Lindbergh Chair. "High Speed Aerodynamics and the Evolution of Hypersonic Aircraft," with Tom Crouch, from July 1, 1990 through August 31, 1991. Suzanne L. Kolm, Predoctoral Fellow, Brown University. "The Cultural History of Flight Attendants, 1930-1978," with Dominick Pisano, from September I, 9 90:*te August 31%, 1992). Mark S. Robinson, Graduate Student Fellow, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics. "Analysis of Viking Multi-Spectral Image and IRTM Data of the Apollinaris Patera Region, Mars," with James Zimbelman, from September 17 to December 1, 1990. Debra L. Simpson, Graduate Student Fellow, West Chester University. "An Investigation of Wrinkle Ridge--Upland Scarp Associations on Mercury, Earth, and Mars," with Thomas Watters, from June 4 to August 10, 1990. Dmitry Sobolev, International Fellow, Academy of Science. "Comparative Analysis of the Construction Development of the Aeroplanes in the USSR and USA until 1945," with Von Hardesty, from November 1, 1989 to July 31, 1990. Leikun Teferra, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Maryland. "A Comparison of U.S. and Soviet Exploration of the Planet Venus," with Cathleen Lewis, from June 1 to August 10, 1990. Jacob Vander Meulen, A. Verville Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto. "Building Airpower: The American Aircraft and Industry During World War II," with Von Hardesty, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Elena L. Zheltova, International Fellow, Academy of Sciences. "Major Historical Trends of Aviation Flight Guidance and Control Systems," with Dominick Pisano, from October 1, 1989 through August 31, 1990. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART Gilbert Amegatcher, Graduate Student Fellow, Indiana University. "Three Decades of Modern Art in Ghana," with Roy Sieber, from June 1 to August 15 el 99.0). Michelle V. Gilbert, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of London. "Odwira: Feast of the Dead," with Roy Sieber, from February 1 to July 31,7, 29907 Madeleine Hexter, Postgraduate Conservation Intern, University of Delaware. "A Technical Study of Copper Alloy Objects," with Stephen Mellor, from October 16, 1989 to October 16, 1990. Ebenezer Nii O. Quarcoopome, Predoctoral Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles. "Art and Leadership Among the Ga-Adangme and Ewe of Ghana and Togo," with Roy Sieber, from February 25, 1990 to February 24, 1991. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART Michele H. Bogart, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Chicago. “Advertising, Illustration, and the Borders of Art, 1890-1950," with Virginia Mecklenburg, from September 15, 1990 to January 15, 1991. Lynn M. Cazabon, Graduate Student Fellow, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan. "Treatment of the Body in the Work of Paul Outerbridge, Jr.," with Merry Foresta, from September 1 to November 10, 1990. Leah C. Dilworth, Graduate Student Fellow, Yale University. “Imagining the Primitive: Representations of Native Americans of the Southwest, 1880- 1930," with William Truettner, from June 4 to August 10, 1990. Matthew A. Kangas, Senior Fellow, Oxford University. "Two Aspects of American Ceramics: Sculpture and Text," with Michael Monroe, from October 1, 1989 to May 31, 1990. 66 Theresa A. Leininger, Graduate Student Fellow, Yale University. "African- American Artists in Paris, 1922-1932," with Lynda Hartigan, from June 25 to September 3, 1990. David P. McCarthy, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Delaware. "The Nude in American Painting, 1955-1980," with Virginia Mecklenburg, from July l, 1990 to June 30, 1991. Alexander M. Nemerov, Predoctoral Fellow, Yale University. "Making History: Representations of the American West, 1885-1916," with William Truettner, from November 1, 1989 to October 31, 1990. Mary E. L. O'Leary, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia. "The Representation of Domestic Servants in Nineteenth Century American Painting," with Lois Fink, from July 23, 1990 to July 22, 1991. Winifred Owens-Hart, Senior Fellow, Howard University. "Black on Brown: African-American Clayworkers and Their Impact on American Culture," with Michael Monroe, from December 29, 1989 to May 29, 1990. Kathleen A. Pyne, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Notre Dame. "Transcendence and Impressionism in Late Nineteenth Century American Painting," with Elizabeth Broun, from September 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN HISTORY Jane S. Becker, Graduate Student Fellow, Boston University. "Inventing the American Folk, 1915-1942," with Charles McGovern, from August 27 to November 2, 1990. Robert E. Bieder, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota. "A Social-Cultural-Scientific History of the Zoo in America," with Nathan Reingold, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1991. William J. Bolster, Predoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University. "'To Feel Like a Man': African-American Seamen in the Atlantic World, 1750-1885,' with James Horton, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Ole Bom, Suzanne Liebers Erickson Exchange Visitor, University of Copenhagen. "Riis' Use of Photography and the Related Visual Medium of the Lantern Slide Exhibition," with Charles McGovern, from July 1 to October 18, 1990. Eileen C. Boris, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Brown University. "Between Home and Market: The Making and Buying of Garments in Industrializing America, 1820-1920," with Barbara Clark Smith, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 2991; Jonn K. Brown, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia. "The Manufacture of Power,” with John White, from March 30, 1990 to March 29, 1991. Andrzej Ceynowa, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland. "Introduction to the History of American Culture," with Gary Kulik, from June 15, 1990 to June 14, 1991. Daniel Goldstein, Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University. "The Place of 7 Midwestern Academies of Science in the National Scientific Community, 1850-1900," with Pamela Henson, from January 7 to August 16, 1991. Elise Goldwasser, Graduate Student Fellow, Duke University. "The Circus and Dreams of Empire in the United States, 1870-1930," with Charles McGovern, from August 13 to October 22, 1990. David H. Guston, Graduate Student Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Congress and the History of Science: The Allison Commission, 1884-1886," with Jeffrey Stine, from June 1 to August 10, 1990. Patrick Hagopian, Predoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University. "The Social Memory of the Vietnam War," with Edward Ezell, from July 16, 1990 to July 15, 1991. Amy L. Hardin, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Delaware. "'A New Way to Look and a New Way to Live': The Synthetic Fibers Industry and American Consumer Culture, 1945-1980," with Charles McGovern, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Jeanne Houck, Predoctoral Fellow, New York University. "City of Monuments: Constructing Historical Memory and National Identity in Washington, D.C., 1901-1982," with Charles McGovern, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Eva Illouz, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. "Consuming Love: The Representation of Romantic Love in Consumerist Culture, 1900-1930," with Charles McGovern, from February 1 to July 31, 1990. Jerma Jackson, Predoctoral Fellow, Rutgers University. “Blues, Jazz, and Gospel Music: Sites of Inter- and Intraracial Conflict," with Charles McGovern, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Laurie Beth Kalb, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. "New Mexico Santos and the Smithsonian Collections: Partners in the Production of Contemporary Folk Art," with Richard Ahlborn, from February 5 to April 18, 1990. Nelson R. Kellogg, Predoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University. "An Issue of Standards: The Career of Samuel Wesley Stratton," with Nathan Reingold, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Eric D. Kupferberg, Graduate Student Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “International Science and the Dissemination of Information: A Historical Study of the International Exchange Service and the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature," with Patricia Gossel, from June 11 to August 17, 1990. James W. Loewen, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University. "Lies My Teacher Told Me," with Gary Kulik, from September 1, 1990 to May 31, alt= fol kes 68 Patrick B. Miller, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. "Rendering the Athletic Metaphor: Sport and Culture in Turn-of-the- Century America," with Charles McGovern, from May 15, 1990 to May 14, L997. Ruth Oldenziel, Predoctoral Fellow, Yale University. "Gender and the Changing Meanings of Technology, 1880-1920," with Steven Lubar, from March l, 1990 to February 28, 1991. Mary Panzer, Visiting Scholar, Boston University. "Romantic Origins of American Realism, 1850-1875," with Charles McGovern, from August 9, 1990 to August 8, 1991. Joseph P. Reidy, Postdoctoral Fellow, Northern Illinois University. "Bittersweet: The Mechanization of Field Labor on Louisiana Sugar Plantations, 1873-1914," with Pete Daniel, from July 1, 1990 to June 30, LOOH Catherine L. Roy, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Alberta. "Men's Pattern Drafting Systems--Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century," with Claudia Kidwell, from October 2 to December 9, 1989. Laxman D. Satya, Predoctoral Fellow, Tufts University. "A Comparative Study of Cotton Ginning Technology in America and India in the Nineteenth Century,” with Pete Daniel, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Kim E. Wallace, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. "Breezewood, Pennsylvania, Town of Motels: An Ethnographic History of a Landscape of Postmodernism," with Pete Daniel, from November 1, 1989 to January 31, 9.9) NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Mones S. Abu-Asab, Postdoctoral Fellow, Ohio University. "Phylogenetic Affinities of Tribe Ajugeae (Labiatae)," with Joan Nowicke, from August 1, 1990 to July 31, 1991. Byron Alexander, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University. "A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Species of Clypeadon and Listropygqia (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)," with Karl Krombein, from January 1 to August 31, 1990. Julie W. Ambler, Visiting Scientist, Texas A&M University. "Population Dynamics of Dioithona oculata Near Red Mangrove Root,", with Frank Ferrari, from December 1, 1989 to July 1, 1990. Didier Arbouille, Visiting Scientist, University of Bordeaux I. "Nile Delta Project,” with Daniel Stanley, from October 16, 1989 to October 15, 1990. Richard Beer Aronson, Visiting Scientist, Harvard University. "Recovery of Jamaican Coral Reef Mobile Faunas Following Hurricane Gilbert," with David Pawson, from October 9, 1989 to October 8, 1990. 69 Susan Arter, Visiting Student, George Washington University. "Powers Phase Faunal Analysis," with Bruce Smith, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Richard M. Bateman, Postdoctoral Fellow, London University. "Numerical Cladistic Analyses of Anatomically-Preserved Arboreous Lycopsids from the Carboniferous of Euramerica," with William DiMichele, from June l, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Stanley D. Blum, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Hawaii. "A Cranial Morphology of Selected Beryciform and Percoid Fishes," with G. David Johnson, from December 15, 1990 to December 14, 1991. Maria Braga, Visiting Student, University of Maryland, College Park. "Leaf Decomposition in Brazilian Streams: The Role of Aquatic Insects," with Oliver Flint, from June 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Catherine Caillet, Postdoctoral Fellow, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. "An Integrated Study of Calcium Aluminum Inclusions from Primitive Meteorites. Did the Short-Lived 26Al Isotope Play a Role in the Early Heat Budget of the Planetesimals?", with Glenn MacPherson, form June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Charles B. Calloway, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University. "Brooding in the Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia)," with Mary Rice, from January 15, 1990 to January 14, 1991. Bryan N. Danforth, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Kansas. "Testing Evolutionary Hypotheses in Light of the Phylogeny of the Macrotera Group of Perdita (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae)," with Ronald McGinley, from June 1, 1990 to January 31, 1991. Mario C. C. de Pinna, Graduate Student Fellow, City University of New York. "Phylogeny and Generic Revision of Stegophilinae (Teleostei, Trichomycteridae), " with Richard Vari, from June 15 to August 24, 1990. Walentina De Weerdt, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. "Post Oligocene Radiation of the Tropical Sponge Genus Xestospongia (Haplosclerida)," with Klaus Ruetzler, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. Tom D. Dillehay, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas, Austin. “Comparative Analysis of Faunal and Lithic Collections from Monte Verde, Chile," with Dennis Stanford, from January 1 to May 31, 1990. Gregory E. Dowd, Postdoctoral Fellow, Princeton University. "'The Voice of Bad Birds': Rumors on the American Indian-Anglo-American Frontier, 1607-1815," with William Sturtevant, from September 1, 1990 to May 31, 19:92). J. Emmett Duffy, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. "Host Specificity and Speciation in Tropical Sponge-Dwelling Shrimps (Synalpheus spp.)," with Brian Kensley, from January 5, 1990 to January 4, 1991. 70 Melvin R. Duvall, Visiting Scientist, University of Minnesota. "A - Phylogenetic Investigation of the Eragrostideae," with Paul Peterson, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. Mare Epstein, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota. "Development of Higher Classification of the Slug Caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae)," with Donald Davis, from October 15, 1989 to October 14, 1990. Brenda M. Farnell, Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University. "Signs of the Time: Rethinking Relations Between Plains Indian Sign Language and Anthropology," with Ives Goddard, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Mario J. Giaramita, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis. "Fluid Inclusion Analysis and Thermobarometry of Crustal Eclogites: Constraints on Fluid Interactions, Thermal Structure, and Uplift in Subduction Zones," with Sorena Sorensen, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Anthony C. Gill, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of New England, Australia. "Taxonomic Revision of the Gobioid Fish Genus Xenisthmus, with a Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Analysis of the Xenisthmidae," with G. David Johnson, from July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991. Christopher J. Glasby, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Sydney. "A Generic Revision and Phylogeny of the Hesionidae (Polychaeta)," with Kristian Fauchald, from February 1, 1990 to January 31, 1991. Kristen J. Gremillion, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. "Origins of Agriculture in Eastern North America: Evidence from Kentucky Caves and Rockshelters," with Bruce Smith, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Charles E. Griswold, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. "Phylogenetics and Biogeography of the Spider Family Cyatholipidae Simon 1894," with Jonathan Coddington, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. Gerald Guala, Visiting Student, University of Florida. "A Monograph of the Genus Apoclada," with Paul Peterson, from April 1 to June 30, 1990. Jane I. Guyer, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Rochester. "Agricultural Change and the Division of Labor in Western Nigeria," with Ivan Karp, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Alan G. Heath, Visiting Scientist, Oregon State University. "Exploratory Investigation of the Physiological Ecology of Cyprinodont Fishes in Hypersaline Lagoons Near Carrie Bow, Belize," with Klaus Ruetzler, from April 1 to July 15, 1990. Sandra E. Hollimon, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara. "Gender and Activity Patterns in Prehistoric Populations of the Northern Plains," with Douglas Ubelaker, from August 28, 1990 to August 27, 1991. Bernadette V. Holthuis, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Washington. "The Evolution of the Grastropod Family Neritidae into Non-Marine Habitats," with Richard Houbrick, from January 5, 1990 to January 4, 1991. Helene Howa, Visiting Scientist, L'Universite de Bordeaux I. "Petrologic Study of Late Quaternary Sediments and Recent Evolution of the Northwestern Nile Delta, Egypt," with Daniel Stanley, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. Carlos G. Jara, Graduate Student Fellow, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile. "Evaluation of Taxonomic Characters in Aeglids (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura),"” with Raymond Manning, from March 1 to May 10, 1990. Alan R. Kabat, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University. "Comparative Morphology and Phylogeny of the Naticid Gastropods of the Tropical Indo- Pacific and the Antarctic Regions," with M. G. Harasewych, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Alan Kohn, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University. "Systematics of Conidae," with Richard Houbrick, from January 1 to April 30, 1990. Corinne A. Kratz, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas, Austin. "Emotional Power and Significant Movement: Womanly Transformation in Okiek Initiation," with Ivan Karp, from March 10, 1990 to March 9, 1991. Kathleen R. Kuehnast, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Minnesota. "Visual Anthropology and the Study of Gender Representation," with Wendy Shay, from January 8 to March 16, 1990. Ramiro Matos, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, San Marcos University, Peru. "Pumpu: An Inca Regional Administrative City," with Betty Meggers, from September 15, 1990 to September 14, 1991. Lucile M. McCook, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University. "The Diandrous Orchids, Cypripedioideae, and Apostasioideae: Phylogenetic Relationships and an Experimental Test of Sister-Group Hypotheses," with Vicki Funk, from July 15, 1990 to January 14, 1991. Sharon L. Messenger, Graduate Student Fellow, San Diego State University. "The Phylogenetic Relationships of Platanistoid River Dolphins," with Clayton Ray, from June 1 to August 15, 1990. Haji Mohamed, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Malaya. "Taxonomic Studies in Malayan Mosses of Hookeriaceae, Hypopterygiaceae, and Daltoniaceae," with Harold Robinson, from December 1, 1989 to August 31, 1990. Ann E. Moran, Graduate Student Fellow, Rice University. "Trace Element Distribution in Progressively Metamorphosed Oceanic Crust," with Sorena Sorensen, from June 11 to August 17, 1990. ~l] ws) Robert J. O'Hara, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University. "The Phylogeny of the Swifts (Aves: Apodidae), with an Investigation of the Use of Continuously Varying Characters in Cladistic Analysis," with Richard Zusi, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Thomas J. Parsons, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington. "Molecular Phylogeny of the Paleognathous Birds," with Michael Braun, from October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1992. Gustav Paulay, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington. "Pacific Bivalve Biogeography: A Mosaic of Historical and Ecological Factors," with Thomas Waller, from January 5, 1990 to January 4, 1991. Cynthia Pinkston, Visiting Student, University of Maryland. "Pre-Columbian Collecting at the National Museum of Natural History," with Candance Greene, from May 15 to August 15, 1990. Giovanni Randazzo, Visiting Scientist, Universita di Catania. "Sedimentilogical Research on Nile Delta Soil Borings to Define the Recent Evolution of the Nile Delta of Egypt," with Daniel Stanley, from February 15, 1990 to January 14, 1991. Kurt Roggensack, Graduate Student Fellow, Dartmouth College. "Mineralogy of Mexican Shield Volcanoes and Cinder Cones," with William Melson, from July 2 to September 10, 1990. Fatimah T. Rony, Graduate Student Fellow, Yale University. "Early Ethnographic Film in the U.S., France, and England, 1895-1922," with Wendy Shay, from July 1 to August 31, 1990. Regas Santas, Visiting Scientist, George Washington University. "The Restoration of Massassoit Lake, Springfield, Massachusetts," with Walter Adey, from March 15 to November 14, 1990. Annemette B. Scharff, Suzanne Liebers Erickson Exchange Visitor, The Royal Academy of Fine Arts. "A Study of Tapa: Causes for its Deterioration and Conservation Problems," with Natalie Firnhaber, from February 1 to August 14, 1990. Nikolaj Scharff, Visiting Scientist, University of Copenhagen. "Biogeography and Phylogeny of Spiny Orb-Weaving Spiders," with Jonathan Coddington, from February 1 to July 31, 1990. C. Lavett Smith, Visiting Scientist, University of Michigan. "Continuing Studies on the Systematics, Habitat Preferences, and Vertical Distribution of Several Poorly Known Species of Coryphopterus Gobies and Apogou Cardinal Fishes on the Drop-Off Reef," with James C. Tyler, from November 1, 1989 to May 1, 1990. Deborah R. R. Smith, Visiting Scientist, Cornell University. "Isozyme and Mitochondrical DNA Analysis of Species in the Spider Genus Anelosimus," with Jonathan Coddington, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. (ww) Shelley L. Smith, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan. "Metrical and Morphological Variation of the Hand and Foot of Human and Non-Human Primate Skeletons," with Richard Potts, from September 4, 1990 to September 3, 1991. Clarke K. Speed, Graduate Student Fellow, University of Washington. "Order and Disorder: Swears and Adjudicational Performance Among the Landogo of Sierra Leone," with Ivan Karp, from June 25 to August 30, 1990. Youngbae Suh, Visiting Scientist, The University of Texas, Austin. "Molecular Phylogeny for Basal Angiosperms," with Elizabeth Zimmer, from August 15, 1990 to August 14, 1991. Rachel E. Tabachnick, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan. "A Morphometric Analysis of Environmental Variability and Population Structure in Recent Planktonic Foraminifera," with Brian Huber, from September 1, 1990 to August 31, 1991. Leonard B. Thien, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Tulane University, New Orleans. "Molecular Phylogeny and Genetic Structure of New Caledonian Winteraceae," with Elizabeth Zimmer and John Kress, from’ September 1, 1990 to August 15, 1991. Leslie E. Watling, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Delaware. "A Study of the Cumacea of the United States East Coast," with Thomas Bowman, from January 15 to June 14, 1990. Patricia A. Wattenmaker, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan. "Political Centralization and Household Economic Reorganization: A Faunal Study," with Robert McC. Adams, from November 20, 1989 to November 19, 1990. Debra A. Willard, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign. “Morphological Analysis of Compression Lycopods: Implications for Phylogenetic Relationships Among the Lepidodendrales," with William DiMichele, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. Zhaoran Xu, Postdoctoral Fellow, Sun Yat-sen University, China. "Revision of Paraboea (Gesneriaceae)," with Laurence Skog, from June 15, 1990 to June 14, 1991. Zhaoran Xu, International Exchange Visitor, Sun Yat-sen University, China. "Revision of Rhytidophyllum and Paraboea," with Laurence Skog, from December 11, 1989 to June 10, 1990. Karen Zeller, Visiting Student, University of Cincinnati. "Determining the Phylogenetic Relationship of Humans and the Higher Primates," with Michael Braun, from January 1 to May 31, 1990. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY David J. Steinberg, Predoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania. "The Early Portraiture of Charles Willson Peale and its Relationship to English Painting, 1769-1775," with Lillian B. Miller, from January 1 to December 31, 1990. OFFICE OF FOLKLIFE PROGRAMS - Kenneth M. Bilby, Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University. "The Art of Differing: A Study of Jamaican Maroon Oral Tradition," with Peter Seitel, from March 1, 1990 to February 28, 1991. Guy W. Logsdon, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oklahoma. "A Biblio-Discographical Guide to the Songs of Woody Guthrie in the Folkways Collection and Related Collections," with Anthony Seeger, from June 1, 1990 to May 31, 1991. James W. Wafer, Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University. "Representations of the Indian in Candomble and the African Diaspora," with Anthony Seeger, from November 6, 1989 to January 5, 1991. INTERNSHIPS AND OTHER APPOINTMENTS The Smithsonian offers internships and other special appointments to undergraduate and graduate students and to museum professionals through its Office of Museum Programs. The interns included in this Appendix began their appointments between October 1, 1989, and September 30, 1990. Those who received special awards or participated in special programs are so listed. Wherever possible the home institution, a brief description of the project undertaken at the Smithsonian, and the dates of service are given. TREASURER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT OFFICE Anne Bayly, High School Student, Georgetown Visitation. Museum Shop, assist with visual presentation development and installations in various museum shops and marketing areas. July 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Shanan Campbell, Bachelors Candidate, Fort Lewis College. Product Licensing and Development, research and collection of images and information available, based on the Smithsonian's collections, for the purpose of identifying art and artifacts that have potential marketability either as independent reproductions, or as components of more comprehensive products (calendars or greeting cards). May 7, 1990 through September 1, 1990. RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL CENTER Leslie Banker, Bachelors Candidate, Denison University. Office of Environmental Awareness, assist in the activities of the office, particularly with the distribution of its educational brochure, "A Better World Starts at Home". May 21, 1990 through July 6, 1990. Nyani Colom, Bachelors Candidate, Fisk University. - Quincentenary, manage data base and assist with public relations. June 25, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Misha Cornes, Bachelors Candidate, University of California- Davis. Office of International Relations, develop international activities reporting project. June 20, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Patricia McJennett, Bachelors Candidate, Stanford University. Office of Environmental Awareness, assist in the study of environmental awareness at museums, zoos, and botanical gardens. April 4, 1990 through August 3, 1990. Anna-Louise Molette, Bachelors Candidate, Morgan State University. Office of Environmental Awareness, assist director with relaying information to staff and public regarding the environment; research and data analysis. June 25, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Madeline Nagy, Bachelors Degree. Office of Environmental Awareness, assist with the preparation of an exhibition being jointly developed with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Services to be called "Garbage!" and with the other ongoing activities of the office. September 4, 1990 through June 28, 1991. Heidi Nielsen, Bachelors Candidate, Ohio State University. Smithsonian/Man and the Biosphere, help prepare SI/MAB workshops; work on bibliography. June 11, 1990 through September 15, 1990. JOSEPH HENRY PAPERS Christopher Damrosch, Bachelors Candidate, University of Maryland. Conduct research on the Smithsonian Institution and the Civil War for a future volume of The Papers of Joseph Henry. June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Kimberly Marcucci, Bachelors Candidate, Smith College. Explore and establish the Smithsonian's role in international expositions. September 4, 1990 through December 21, 1990. NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Jennifer Apple, High School Graduate. Golden Lion Tamarin Program, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education's national summer internship program. June 4, 1990 through July 6, 1990. Tammy Bieber, High School Graduate. Animal Health, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education's national summer internship program. June 4, 1990 through July 7, 1990. Harvey Etheredge, High School Student, Anacostia High School. Education, assist as liaison with DC Cultural Consortium JUuNLer Culture Corps; help plan and Host their visits. “dine 25, 1990 through, August 17, .1990. Michelle Fleet-Foster, Masters Candidate. Design and Exhibits, historic photo collection. June 4, 1990 throughOctober 1, T99'0% Chandak Ghosh, Bachelors Candidate, Yale University. Mammology, conduct experiments which gauge the physiologic responses of cats in captivity. June 4, 1990 through August 24, 1990. Rhenada Gomillion, High School Student, Dunbar High School. Education, assist “as liaison with* DC Cultural Consortium Junior Culture Corps; help plan and host their visits. June 25, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Gretchen Gordon, High School Graduate. Department of Mammology, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education's national summer internship program. July 9, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Cheryl Gross, Bachelors Degree. Horticulture, inventory of trees at the National Zoological Park. June 7, 1990 through September 30, 1990. Mary Grossman, Bachelors Candidate, Stockton State College. Research Department, assist with research and design of new kangaroo exhibit. January 29, 1990 through May 11, 1990. Jennifer Henle, High School Graduate. Department of Invertebrates, “participant “in “intern “90>. -orfice of Elementary and Secondary Education's national summer internship program. July 9, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Kevin Hoover, High School Student, Rabaut Junior High School. Facilities Management, assist landscape architects with maintaining plant life and beautification of exhibition areas. July 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990’ Ann Mansolino, High School Graduate. Photography, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education's national summer internship program. July 9, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Montre McKinney, High School Student, Brookland. Facilities Management, assist with landscapes, maintaining plants life and beautification of exhibition areas. July 2, 1990 ‘through August 31, 1990. Courtney-Paige Morrison, Bachelors Candidate, Brown University. Zoological Research, seal data entry and analysis. September 4, 1990 through November 21, 1990. Steven Neumann, Bachelors Candidate, American University. Design and Exhibits Planning, archiving NZP photo collection. October 16, 1989 through May 31,1990. Stoyan Popov, High School Student, Wilson High School. Small Mammal House, work alongside animal keeper, carrying out a prescribed daily schedule of animal area cleaning and of preparing and distributing food; help maintain animal enclosure materials (plants, perches, etc.). June 18, 1990 through August 10, 1990. George Reyes, High School Graduate. Education, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary FEducation's national summer internship program. July 9,°°1990 through August 10, 1990. Suzanne Sanders. Education, educational outreach programs for schools _ in the local area. May 29, 1990 through May 31, 1991. F. Yvonne Schulman, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Pathology, residency in exotic animal veterinary pathology. July 2, L990 through July 3, 1992. Leslie c. Sharkey, PhD, Ohio State University. Pathology, trainee in exotic animal veterinary pathology. June 18, 1990 through September 28, 1990. David Sturtevant, High School Student, St. Albans School. Facilities Management, assist landscape architects with maintaining plant life and beautification of exhibition areas. July 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Crystal. Trotter,....High.: School... Graduate. Primate House, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education's national symmer internship program. June 4, 1990 through July 6, 1990. OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR RESEARCH Michael Helling, Bachelors Degree. Edit and research a volume on the Biology of Mt. Graham. July 30, 1990 through December 30, 1990. SMITHSONIAN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CENTER David Amber, Bachelors Degree, University of Virginia. The effect of phosphorus limitation on nitrogen consumption in freshwater tributaries. September 3, 1990 through November oe A990. Martin Brown, Bachelors Degree, McGill University. Forest canopy studies. July 30, 1990 through October 19, 1990. Govind Joseph cChakrapani, Graduate Degree, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. Release of nutrients from subtidal sediments. May 7, 1990 through August 17,1990. James Enright, Bachelors Degree, Universitat des Saarlandes. Nutrient retention and cycling in cropside riparian forests. August 20, 1990 through November 2, 1990. Sarah Eppley, Bachelors Candidate, University of California-Santa CIrUZie Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on nitrogen fixation in Xcirpus olney. July 2, 1990 through September 21, 1990. Kirsten Evans, Bachelors Candidate, University of California- Santa Cruz. Community structure and population dynamics of phytoplankton in an estuary. June 25, 1990 through August 31, 19910). Scott Godwin, Bachelors Candidate, Florida Institute of Technology. Studies in ecological parasitology. June 1l, 1990 through September 21, 1990. Laurie Griffiths, Bachelors Candidate, University of Miami. Global changes and vegetation: the impact of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide on plant and ecosystem process. May 28, 1990 through August 3, 1990. Brian Hudgens, Bachelors Candidate, Pomona College. Nutrient retention and cycling in cropside reparian forests. May 21, 1990 through August 24, 1990. Julia Kerrigan, Bachelors Candidate, University of Georgia, Athens. Forest Canopy Studies. April -30,- 1990, sthrough August 3, 1990. Danielle Levitan, Bachelors Candidate, University of Maryland. Revising the Discovery Trail and the Beaver Trail, updating the existing slide show, making a video tape of SERC as an introduction to what the center offers that can be viewed here or sent out. June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Shannon Loux, Bachelors Degree, Hiram College. Edgewater, interactions between plants and mammals in a forest ecosystem. October 2, 1989 through June 1,1990. Markus Meier, Bachelors Degree, Federal Technical University, Zurich, Switzerland. Acid deposition and its impact upon geochemistry. October 30, 1989 through April 28, 1990. Heather Roffey, Bachelors Candidate, Wellesley College. Estuarine Fish Biology. May 21, 1990 through August 24, 1990. Katherine Wakelee, Bachelors Degree, Occidental College. Studies in ecological parasitology and population dynamics of benthic invertebrates. September 10, 1990 through December 7, 1990. Zenah Wilson, Bachelors Degree, Johns Hopkins University. Historical research of land use in the SERC area. June 4, 1990 through August 24, 1990. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ARCHIVES Carol Dillon, Bachelors Candidate, James Madison University. Archives, survey Science Series Records in the National Museum of American History and the Smithsonian Institution Archives. December 18, 1989 through January 5, 1990. Alexander Magoun, Masters Degree, University of Maryland. Videohistory”: project;,”’. process: up. te... 4) wideéohistory interviews in the history of science and technology. Processing includes: audit checking, copy-editing, time- coding, and abstracting visual data. Will prepare final copy and finding aid. November 13, 1989 through May 15, 1990. Alexander Magoun, Masters Candidate, University of Maryland. Videohistory, processing and editing videohistory materials. September 2, 1990 through May 31, 1991. Nancy McRaney, Bachelors of Arts. Analysis and treatment of flat paper object; preservation survey of archival holdings. January 29, 1990 through June 1, 1990. Sandee Yuen, Bachelors Candidate, The American University. Organize and describe a collection of Smithsonian architectural drawings and enter information into a database. May 25, 1990 through August 31, 1990. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES Laura Bernstein, Bachelors Candidate, Cornell University. SOA Library, converting manual circulation files to online. June 4, 1990 through August 15, 1990. Heather=7Glay; Bachelors Candidate, Middlebury College. Anthropology Library, convert manual charges to online. June 13, 1990 through July 21, 1990. Carrie Guagliardo, High School Graduate. Museum Reference Center, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education's national summer internship program. July 9, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Patricia Moore, Masters Degree. Dibner Library, develop and find guide to the SIL's collection of missionary Bibles, some _ in unique Indian lanquages. July 3, 1990 through July Bi OO Birgit Prelle, Masters Candidate, University of Maryland. Learn fundamentals and gain experience in processing official records by processing the records of the Department of Social and Cultural History, 1968-1979, of the American History Museum. September 2, 1990 through December 21, 1990. SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Luis Acosta, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Naos,,. BEfects.of. oi]. spoklution.« of Corals reproduction. April 6, 1990 through July..6, 1990. Denise Alvarez, Bachelors Candidate, University of Panama. Naos, Energy content of eqgqs of neotropical reef fishes. January 15, 1990 through July 15,1990. Victoria Arias, Masters Degree, University of Panama. Barro Colorado Island, physiology of tropical plants, particularly on those on Barro Colorado Island. February 5, 1990 through Aprit, 5,199.0. Mirianela Arrunategui, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad Nacional de Panama. Naos Lab, Benthic survey of the Laguna de Chiriqui_ and adjacent shelf, Western Panama. July 2, 1990 through September 30, 1990. Hamilton Beltran, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Barro Colorado Island, Re-census, after a 5 year interval, the fate of 250,000 free-standing woody plants in an area of 1/2 square kilometer on Barro Colorado Island. April 11, 1990 through July 11, 1990. Federico Bolanos, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Costa Rica. Gamboa, Why do female tungara frogs Physalaemus pustulosus find complex calls more attractive than simple calls: a search for the sensory basis for sexual selection. May 15, 1990 through July 31, 1990. Eddar Brunetti, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Naos, Morphologic and genetic differences of Porites across the Isthmus of Panama. April 6, 1990 through July 6, 1990. Magnolia Calderon, Bachelors Candidate, University of Panama. Naos, assistant to Dr. Laurel Collins on her research on fossil and modern foraminifera. January 22, 1990 through April 22, 1990. Dinorah Calvillo, Bachelors Degree, Universidad de Panama. San Blas/Naos Lab, population of the Coral Manicina areolata, near the San Blas area. July 1, 1990 through September 30, 1990. 80 Carmen Galdames, Bachelors Candidate, University of _. Panama. Tupper, study of shrubby and herbaceus plants of the Campana National Park. January 22, 1990 through May 5, 1990. Adalberto Gomez, Bachelors Candidate, University of Panama. Barro Colorado Island, relate mother fig pollinating wasp's size to the number of viable fig seeds that it pollinates. October 16, 1989 through January 14, 1990. Maritza Gutierrez, Museum Professional, National Museum of Costa Rica. NAOS, The Analysis of archaeological fish bone samples from two sites in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. May 15, 1990 through August 15, 1990. Marla Johnston, Bachelors Candidate, University of Panama. Tupper, biosystematic study of the genus Octoblepharum and the moss flora of BCI. January 22, 1990 through April 22, 1990. Jose Lasso, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Panama. Barro Colorado Island, Chemical ecology of an understory shrub and how genetic and environmental variation in chemical defenses artects-plantiufitness. | “April 9; -1990¢through July" 97-1990. Alberto Leon, Bachelors Degree, Universidad de Costa Rica. Oil Spill Project. August 15, 1990 through November 15, 1990. Juan Mate, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Panama. Naos, testing for natural selection on corals: patterns of skeletal morphology, fertility, and genetic variation in natural populations of Manicina areolata. October 23, 1989 through, April,15;-.1990'. Monica Medina, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de los Andes. Naos Marine Laboratory, genetics and evolution of marine organisms. December 1, 1989 through February 28, 1990. Monica Medina, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Panama. Naos, Genetic analyses of three species of birds with both mainland and island populations in Panama. March 26, 1990 through June 26, 1990. Kira Mills, Bachelors Candidate, University of Kansas. Gamboa, female choice of the tungara frog. May 29, 1990 through August 8, 1990. Maria Molino, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Panama. Marine Laboratory, rates and patterns of molecular divergence in transisthmian species pairs. October 23, 1989 through April 23, 1990. Guiselle Mora, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Costa Rica. Marine Laboratory, extraction, analysis, and identification of phytoliths in soils of the central Amazon basin. November 1, 1989 through April 30, 1990. Edgar Munoz, Bachelors Degree, Universidad Estatal de Cuenca. Barro Colorado Island, seed-dispersal and predation of Scheelea Zonensis (Arecaceae) by neotropical rodents in Panama. July 15, 1990 through October 15,1990. Marlon Olmos, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Panama. ANCON, synchronized calling in Centrolenella granulosa _ and Smilisca sila (Amphibia, Anura). October 16, 1989 through April 15, 1990. Manoel Pacheco, Bachelors Candidate, University of Illinois. Barro Colorado Island, pollination and reproductive phenology of Poulsenia armata. October 23, 1989 through January 7, 1990. Martha Prada, Bachelors Degree, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Naos, Oil Spill Project: Subproject on the mangrove forest section. February 12, 1990 through May 12, 1990. Alfredo Reyes, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Panama. Barro Colorado Island, how tropical forest plants maximize carbon gain in the face of periodic water limitation. October 16, 1989 through January 14, 1990. Axioni Romero, Masters Degree, Instituto Hidrometereologico de Odesa. Galeta, "A Century of Environmental Impacts in the Central Caribbean Coast of Panama: Reconstruction based on Sclerochronology". July 1, 1990 through September 30, 1990. Aleida Salazar, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de La Habana. Barro Colorado Island, ecological consequences of structure- physiology of cotyledons through comparison of various tropical woody species. April 30," 1990, through? July. 130; 1990. Amelia Sanchez, Bachelors Candidate, Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral. Naos, Archeology Lab, analysis of Fish Bones from Salango, Ecuador. August 15, 1990 through December 15, 1990. Luis Solorzano, Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de Colombia. Marine Laboratory, series of mating experiments between alpheid shrimp from opposite sides of the Isthmus of Panama. December 1, 1989 through July 19, 1990. Denise Thorin B., Bachelors Candidate, Universidad de los Andes. Barro Colorado Island, consequences of leaf lifetime for photosynthetic physiology, secondary metabolism, and anatomy in’ tropical plants. October 15, 1989 through January -15, 1990. Ernesto Yallico, Bachelors Degree, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Barro Colorado Island, Forest Dynamic Project (50 h. of forest in Barro Colorado Island). February 2, 1990 through May 2, 1990. MUSEUMS ANACOSTIA MUSEUM Debra Bazemore, High School Student, Dunbar Senior High School. Research, learn conservation techniques; catalogue artifacts; other duties as assigned. June 25, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Sharetta Billings, High School Student, Archbishop Carroll High School. Research, assist with the research of new art exhibit, maintain files, and respond to phone requests. July 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Nicole Freeman, High School Student, Eastern High School.. Office of Education, assist with clerical tasks, tours of the exhibit; assist curator of upcoming art exhibition in classifying slides and other tasks. June 25, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Cheryl Gibson, High School Graduate. Office of Education, OESE Intern 90 , assist with museum's summer urban science camp. June 4, 1990 through July 6, 1990. William Hadley, Bachelors Candidate, Massachusetts College of Art. Office of Exhibits, Fabrication installation of exhibit components in conjunction with museum's exhibition on "Whose Art ‘Is Tt (5° Anyway?". June, .26)°°1990.. through August 2, 1990. Regina Medley, High School Student, Woodrow Wilson High School. Research, Catalogue artifacts, learn conservation techniques, and perform other duties as assigned. June 25, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Hedimo Santana, Bachelors Candidate, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Ba. Produce a resource quide and assist with planning of public programs in conjunction with the Anacostia Museum Quincentennary Project. September 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990. Michelle Sommer, Bachelors Candidate. Office of the Registrar, accessioning, condition reports, and loans for "The Real McCoy" and "Whose Art is it, Anyway". June 6, 1990 through August 20, 1990. ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART Kathleen Best, Masters Candidate, University of Maryland. Assist in study of archives interaction with beginning researchers. June 25, 1990 through September 17, 1990. Tracy Caisse, Bachelors Candidate, University of Massachusetts. Curatorial, prepare collection descriptions for publication in a quide to French-American sources in the Archives of American Art. January 22;,,'1990 through. May 5; 1990. Jennifer Kleiner, Bachelors Candidate, University of Maryland. Identify Archives collections that document the crafts and prepare descriptions of same for publication in a _ quide. September 4, 1990 through December 30, 1990. Christine Murphy, Bachelors Candidate, Gallaudet University. Archives, preparation of descriptions of selected archive holdings for inclusion in a quide to French-American sources in the Archives of American Art. January 18, 1990 through May 3, 1990. Elizabeth Watson, Bachelors Candidate, University of California, Santa Cruz. Research archival collections and write descriptions concerning American artists in France. April 2, 1990 through June 15, 1990. ARTHUR M. SACKLER AND FREER GALLERY OF ART 3 Johanna Baker, Bachelors Candidate, Virginia Commonwealth University. Office of Exhibit Design, exhibit design assistant. June 18, 1990 through August 16, 1990. Michael Brodsky, Masters Candidate, Northwestern School of Law. Office of Education, Yokohama Learning Center supervisor, data base development, questionnaire development. June 19, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Melanie Carolan, Bachelors Candidate, University of Kansas. Office of Design, assist with the development and design of exhibitions. June 4, 1990 through August 1, 1990. Darida Chanachote, Masters Candidate, Catholic University of America. Library, | deseriptive.. (cataloguing “of sa Thai monographs. August 30, 1990 through December 21, 1990. Jing-Yu Chang, Masters Candidate, University of Maryland. Library/Archives, arrange and describe the John A. Pope papers. February 5, 1990 through April 27, 1990. Emily Edmondson, Bachelors Candidate, Occidental College. Educational/Curatorial, assist in research on Freer and Sackler objects of ancient Chinese art and organization of file data on those objects; assist in preparation of materials for teachers on the arts of China. September 20, 1990 through December 14, 1990. Naomi Fukumori, Bachelors Candidate, Harvard-Radcliffe College. Japanese Art, assist with compiling bibliographic materials in Japanese _ and English for upcoming exhibitions at the Freer and Sackler Galleries. June 4, 1990 through August 2, 1990. Mimi Games, Bachelors Degree, Smith College. Office of Education, oversee Yokohama Learning Center programs; assist in programatic planning and research for "The Arts of China" exhibition. May 29, 1990 through September 9, 1990. Bonnie Garmisa, Masters Candidate, George Washington University. Office of Education, work on Teacher Workshops and Outreach Materials. January 16, 1990 through April 28, 1990. Jessica Hallett, Masters Candidate, Oxford University. Islamic Art, assist with research on 19th century collection of Islamic art in Paris. July 15, 1990 through August 30, 1990. Kyung-Min Han, Masters Candidate, George Washington University. Library, survey the present Sackler Library collection, recommend future library acquisitions, and provide access for researchers to the materials existing on Korean art, analyze scholarly journal articles. June 4, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Anne Hoppe, Bachelors Candidate, Washington University. Library, research Asian artists life, dates, and genres with subsequent data entry. May 21, 1990 through August 24, 1990. Allison Karmel, Bachelors Candidate, Brown University. West Asian Art, primary research on near eastern collection. July 5, 1990 through August 17, 1990. 84 Virginia Krebs, Bachelors Candidate, College of William and Mary. Public Affairs, set up archives for general gallery clippings; bring exhibition archives up to date; and assist in administering and tabulating a visitor survey. July 23, 1990 through September 1, 1990. Monisha Kumar, Bachelors Candidate, University of Virginia. Public" ” Affairs,’ “photo research ~;-.-photo files “ compile publicity archives for Sackler exhibitions: "The Noble Path: Buddhist Art of South Asia and Tiber" and "India Along the Ghangis". May 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Thomas Lauderdale, Bachelors Candidate, Harvard College. South Asia, research on exhibition "Court Arts of Indonesians" opening in the summer of 1991. June 28, 1990 through September 30, 1990. Debbie Lawrence, Bachelors Candidate, Princeton University. Administration, organize files of the former director for archives; explore warehouse options for the Freer/Sackler. August 6, 1990 through September 6, 1990. Jenny Lin, High School Student, National Cathedral School. Office of Education, support in Learning Center, for public programs; general office work. August 20, 1990 through June 3.0... L991. Jeanne Lynn, Bachelors Candidate, Harrington Institute. Design and Production, assist with inventory of furniture and equipment in Sackler/Freer; assist with design layout of design/publication department; develop of office furniture and finish/construction documents. June 14, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Jason Neelis, Masters Candidate. Office of Education, Yokohama Learning Center/ Indonesia exhibition. June 7, 1990 through August 30, 1990. Oya Pancaroglu, Bachelors Candidate, Georgetown University. Textiles, help identify and classify newly acquired collection of textiles from India. June 6, 1990 through July, 13,,..199:0.. Ilona Rand, Bachelors Candidate, Smith College. Cirrart ori aw. compilation of research materials related to the paintings of Thomas Wilmer Dewing in the Freer Gallery of Art; other research. June IT; 1990"through July 1371990. Nicole Rousmaniere, Bachelors Degree, Harvard University. Ceramics, work towards a creation of a database of sherds collected from Kyushu, Japan in the study collection. July 3, 1990 through September 10, 1990. Marcus Sohn, Bachelors Candidate, University of Maine. Office of Education, work in exhibition Learning Center. June 1, 1990 through September 9, 1990. John Summerford, Masters Candidate, George Washington University. Design and Production, an immersion into the hands on processes involved in putting together an exhibition at a major institution; an overview of the conceptualization and organization of special and permanent exhibitions. July 30, 1990 through October 26, 1990. oe) or CONSERVATION ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Karen Andelman, Bachelors Degree. Archaeometry: Materials Science Laboratory, Analysis of archaeological ceramics and glasses. October 3, 1989 through November 28, 1989. Bonnie Halvorson, Masters Candidate, University of Alberta. Textiles Conservation Laboratory, Examination condition reporting, minor treatment, re-storage, and research on a large collection of 19th century wool flaqs. June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Emily Klayman, Masters Candidate, SUNY Buffalo. Paper Conservation Laboratory, Research into effects of solvents on transparent papers; treatment work involving stain or adhesive reduction. June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Eileen Lynch, Bachelors Degree. Paintings Conservation Laboratory, Pre-program internship in painting conservation. October 28, 1989 through June 29, 1990. Nancy McRaney, Bachelors Degree. Paper, Textiles, Furniture, and Paintings Conservation Laboratories, Pre-program internship in conservation treatment and research. June 1, 1990 through May 31, 1991. Alfonse Mendibe, Museum Professional, Royal Institute of Artistic Patrimony. Paintings Conservation Laboratory/Research, Chemical research on effects of cleaning solvents on oil paintings. September 24, 1990 through July 12, 1991. Danielle Nguyen, Bachelors Degree. Paper Conservation Laboratory, Conservation condition survey and rehousing project of a photographic — collection -stored._‘at}. the Smithsonian Archives. September 24, 1990 through March l, 1991. Rebecca Rudolph, Bachelors Candidate, University of Alabama. Textile Conservation Laboratory, Examination, condition reporting, minor treatment, re-storage, and research on a large collection of 19th century wool flags. June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Laurence Ullmann-Glass, Masters Candidate, SUNY Buffalo. Paintings Conservation Laboratory, Assistance with project to determine the effects of various sulvents on paint films; and_ other ongoing laboratory activities. September 17, 1990 through September 16, 1991. John Vitagliano, Bachelors Degree. Paper Conservation Laboratory, Ongoing conservation research and treatment activities. October 30, 1989 through June 30, 1990. COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM OF DESIGN AND DECORATIVE ARTS Britt Chemla, Bachelors Degree, McGill University. Programs, assist with planning and implementation of educational programs. June 11, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Suany Lee Chough, Bachelors Degree, Dartmouth College. Exhibits, assist in preparation for forthcoming exhibitions--research, write, report on subject at hand--primarily maps. June ll, 1990 through August 31, 1990. 86 Sue Ann Chui, Bachelors Candidate, Vassar College. Drawing and Design, various projects related to the forthcoming exhibition on Donald Deckey, American 20th-century designer. December 22, 1989 through February 1, 1990. Laura Creswell, Bachelors Candidate, Mary Baldwin College. Registrar, learn museum registration methods by assisting staff in a wide range of duties and the records pertaining toreall suchy: objects: andi transactions; record current location and inventory date. June 4, 1990 through August IO 59 910% Candace Gibbons, Bachelors Degree, University of Sydney. Development, foundation research-database creation. June 18, 1990 through July 5, 1990. Amy Gristede, Masters Candidate, Marymount Manhattan. Library, Organize and itemize SIL-CHM auction catalogs. December 4, 1989 through January 12, 1990. Barbara Hered, Bachelors Degree. Drawings and Prints, research on the Cooper-Hewitt bandbox collection; assemble bibliography and do research on the history of art museums in the United States. January 26, 1990 through May 26, 19910. Dorian Karchmar, Bachelors Candidate, Wesleyan University. Drawing and Prints, inventory projects in Miller House and in drawings and prints relating to permanent collection. June 11, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Juliet Koss, Bachelors Degree, Columbia College. Decorative Arts, assist with research and preparations for upcoming exhibitions on CHM collections and involvement with other decorative arts department activities. June. 1, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Marlene Mancini, Bachelors Degree, Bank Street College of Education. Programs, observe public gallery tours and evaluate them; develop a "hands-on" mansion tour; and learn the operations of an education department. January 31, 1990 through May 30, 1990. Arija Mortlock, Bachelors Candidate, State University of New York-Purchase. Drawing and Prints, various inventory projects relating to Donald Delrey; poster collections; etc. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Justine Olsen, Museum Professional, Auckland Museun. Decorative Arts, general curatorial duties, with special emphasis on the "Legacy" exhibition. September 17, 1990 through September 30, 1991. Nina Shapley, Bachelors Candidate. Photo Services, photo archive maintenance; liaison with publications department on Cooper Union project; assist with photo services operations. June 11, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Timothy Sullivan, Bachelors Candidate, Hunter College. Decorative Arts, departmental research and assistance in preparation of exhibition, cataloguing, and special projects. February 14, 1990 through June 30, 1990. os) I.N. van Vessuu, PHD, University of Amsterdan. Exhibitions, assist in preparation of a project (exhibition, book, programs, and related components) on maps, scheduled for fall, 1991; aspects include research, documentation, and assistance in day-to-day administration. September 17, 1990 through January 15, 1991. Trudy Wake, Masters Candidate, New York University. Exhibitions, research for maps exhibitions. January 23, 1990 through March 23, 1990. Christine Weiss, Bachelors Candidate, Muhlenberg College. Exhibitions, research for "Global Image"--CHM quincentenary exhibition. Junewil, 1990. through, August, 31, 19910: Megan Winget, Bachelors Degree, University of Georgia. Drawings & Prints, Inventory of Posser collection. June 11, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Anne Woodworth, Masters Candidate, Parsons School of Design- Cooper Hewitt. Wallpapers and wallcoverings, wallcoverings exhibition research. July 16, 1990 through August 31, 1990. EXPERIMENTAL GALLERY Edgar Davis, Masters Candidate, Howard University. Program development-schedule and present programs related to exhibition; assist in coordinating entrance video wall. June 4, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Stephanie Gilliam, Masters Candidate, Catholic University of America. Exhibition = design:...assist gallery... statis =n developing exhibition design and layout for the introductory media production; assist in the production of exhibition development. September 10, 1990 through December 15, 1950. Jocelyn Wolfe, Bachelors Candidate, Syracuse University. Exhibition scheduling: confirming and scheduling exhibitions from outside organizations and inside SI bureaus; assist in arrangements related to team residences, shipping, and delivery schedules. July 23, 1990 through August 17, 1990. HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN Anita Haldemann, Bachelors Degree, University of Bern, Switzerland. Education, work on ..ongoing projects —and problems. June 4, 1990 through October 8, 1990. Ginger Haydon, Masters Candidate, New Mexico State University. Education, work on ongoing projects and problems. June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Alexandra Lehovich, High School Student. Photo Services Laboratory, assist the director of photo services with the processing and printing of negatives, the filing of photographs, and the day to day services provided by the department, use a word processor. June “LL, 1990° through September 30, 1990. 88 Megan Smetzer, Bachelors Candidate, Smith College. Painting and Sculpture, work on a project of Willem de Koomig. September 4, 1990 through December 21, 1990. NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM Stephanie Baynham, Bachelors Candidate, Texas A&M University. Office of the Registrar, assist staff with object location verification, update and verify data on CIS system, coordinate with the office of Automation and Collections Maintenance staff, identify problem records. June 11, 1990 through August 11, 1990. Sheila Bleess, Bachelors Candidate, Mankato State University. Archives Unit, Garber Facility, aid in the description, arrangement, rehousing, and preservation tasks to make archival document collections more accessible for research use. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Marc Buursink, Bachelors Candidate, University of Virginia. Aeronautics, assist curatorial staff in working with World War I flight materiel collection, will research, initiate correspondence. and accession artifacts for a new exhibition gallery. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Jill Caspari, Bachelors Candidate, University of Maryland. Development, conduct survey of NASM's senior management staff; promote special events. June 11, 1990 through August u25 Io). Gregory Coleman, Bachelors Candidate, Indiana State University. Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, assist with the Smithsonian Satellite Atlas of the World project; plot footprints, digitize map data entry, draft simple map figures, file, cataloque, and conduct background research. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Romon --Danley,;~ High. -School .Student,:). Largo “Senior: High. Collections Management, perform tasks of a technical nature in support of NASM's collections maintenance program and/or the preservation/restoration program. June 19, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Nicole Dickerson, High School Student, Ballou Senior High School. Space History, work with primary source materials dealing with the technology of manned spaceflight in order to organize and prepare research materials for archival records. June 20, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Theodore DiVito, Bachelors Candidate, University of Maryland. Archives, aid staff in describing, arranging, and rehousing archival document collections to make them more accessible for research use. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Sarah Donald, High School Graduate. Exhibits, participant in Intern 90, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education's national summer internship program. July 9, 1990 through August 10, 1990. io 8) Jeana Foley, Bachelors Candidate, Transylvania University. Office of the Registrar, research files of accessioned objects in Aeronautics and _ Space History :;* pul original condition/restoration documents and replace with photocopies in curatorial files. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Heather Greenwald, Bachelors Candidate, Purdue University. Space History, assist curator in developing "Where Next, Columbus?" exhibition on the prospects for exploring new worlds in space in the next 500 years. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Jennifer Grimes, High School Student, Wilson High School. Langley Theatre, assist theatre staff with scheduling, film projyection, usher scheduling, general theatre administration, and crowd control. July-2; 1990 “through August 31, 1990. Michael Groves, Bachelors Candidate, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Garber Facility, assist in the restoration and preservation of aircraft and spacecraft using metal and wood working skills. May 29, 1990 through August 17, 1990. John Hargenrader, Bachelors Candidate, Clarion University. Archives, Garber Facility, aid in description, rehousing, and_ preservation tasks to make archival document collections more accessible for research use. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Max Hernandez, High School Student, Northwestern High School. Collections Management, perform tasks of a technical nature in support of NASM's collections maintenance program and/or the preservation/restoration program. July 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990. DesJuan Hinton, High School Student, Gwynn Park High School. Engineering, pick-up, sort, and distribute mail, packages; maintain inventory of office supplies, re-stock supplies as necesSary; maintain storage areas; audit work areas for furnishings and equipment as assigned. June 25, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Grey Hobbins, High School Student, Langdon School. Preservation/ Restoration Unit, Garber, aid craftpersons in the cleaning and restoration of various artifacts. June 11, 1990 through August 3, 1990. Jeffery Hunt, High School Graduate. Education Resource Center, participant in Intern 90, OESE's national summer internship program. June 4, 1990 through July 6, 1990. Roy Hylaman, Bachelors Candidate, George Mason University. Archives, aid staff in describing, arranging, and rehousing archival document collections to make them more accessible for research use. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Andrew Johnston, Bachelors Candidate, George Washington University. Office of Education, assist training assistant with the museum's new science demonstration project, a series of 20-minute gallery demonstrations focusing on the science of air and space flight. May 14, 1990 through July Zito 990", 90 Andrew Johnston, Bachelors Candidate, George Washington University. Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, assist in production of NASM's book of satellite images of the world. September 4, 1990 through December 7, 1990. Kathryn Jones, Bachelors Candidate, Vassar College. @ffice. of Education, assist training assistant with the new science demonstration project, demonstrations focusing on the science of air and space flight. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Monica Jordan, Bachelors Candidate, Florida State University. Office of Education, research and write the first NASM intern handbook and work with the in-house editor to write and produce the book, also help plan and facilitate family programs for visitors. June 11, 1990 through August 4, 1990. James Kohan, Bachelors Candidate, Hiram College. Archives, Garber, aid in description, arrangement, rehousing, and preservation tasks to make archival documents more accessible for research use. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Benjamin Kristy, Bachelors Candidate, Macalester College. Aeronautics, assist curatorial staff in working with World War I flight materiel collection; research, initiate correspondence, and accession artifacts for a new exhibition gallery. June 11, 1990 through August 17, 1990. Sharon Lee, High School Student, Bowie High School. Langley Theatre, assist theatre staff with scheduling, film Provwection; usher = schedul]inia., general theatre administration, and crowd control. July 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990. John Lewis, Bachelors Degree, Texas A&M University. Garber Facility Preservation, Restoration Unit, Collections Management Division, work with NASM staff on the restoration of the Enola Gay. September 10, 1990 through December 10, 1990. Sharronne Lovett, High School Student, Bowie High School. Research, assist with the research and information for astronauts suits; conservation and documentation included. July 2, 1990 through August 31, 1990. Maria Martinez, Bachelors Candidate, Gallaudet University. Photo Lab, assist:;4.1013 eV Using a High Altitude Air Shower Array.” In Proceedings of the 21st International Cosmic Ray Conference, ed. R. J. Protheroe, vol. 2, p. 23. Adelaide: University of Adelaide, 1990. Gingerich, O. Album of Science: The Physical Sciences in the Twentieth Century. New York: Scribner’s, 1989. . “Early Astronomical Books with Moving Parts.” AB Bookman’s Weekly 84 (1989): 1505. “Five Centuries of Astronomical Textbooks.” In The Teaching of Astron- omy, Proceedings of IAU Colloquium No. 105, eds. J. Pasachoff and J. Percy, p. 189. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. “Kepler’s Contribution to Astronomy.” In General History of Astronomy, vol. 2A, eds. C. Wilson and R. Taton, p. 54. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. “The Use of History in the Teaching of Astronomy.” In The Teaching of Astronomy, Proceedings of International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 105, eds. J. Pasachoff and J. Percy, p. 40. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1989. . “Alfonso the Tenth as a Patron of Astronomy.” In Alfonso X of Castile, the Learned King (1221-1284), eds. F. Marquez-Villanueva and C. A. Vega, p. 30. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Studies in Romance Languages 43, 1990. . “Show Trial? Redondi’s Galileo Heretic.” American Scholar 59 (1990): 310. . “Through Rugged Ways to the Galaxies.” Journal for the History of Astron- omy 21 (1990): 77. Gingerich, O., and Hoskin, M. (editors). “Two Astronomical Anniversaries: The Harvard College Observatory Sequicentennial and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Centennial.” Journal for the History of Astronomy 21(1): 1990. Gingerich, O., and Westman, R. “The Wittich Connection: Priority and Conflict in Late Sixteenth-Century Cosmology.” Transactions of the American Philosophi- cal Society 78 (1988): no. 7. Gioia, M. “Sky Survey from Einstein.” In Imaging X-Ray Astronomy: A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, ed. M. Elvis, p. 191. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Gioia, I. M.; Garilli, B.; Maccacaro, T.; Maccagni, D.; Vettolani, G.; and Wolter, A. “An Unusual Red Envelope Galaxy in an X-Ray Selected Cluster.” In Proceedings of the “World Galaxies,” eds. H. G. Corwin, Jr., and L. Botinelli, p. 492. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Publishing Company, 1989. Gioia, I. M.; Henry, J. P.; Maccacaro, T.; Morris, S. L.; Stocke, J. T.; and Wolter, A. “The EMSS Distant Cluster Sample: X-Ray Cosmological Evolution.” Astrophysical Journal (Letters) 356 (1990): L35. Gioia, I. M.; Maccacaro, T.; Morris, S. L.; Schild, R. E.; Stocke, J. T.; and Wolter, A. “The Einstein Observatory Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey: An X-Ray Survey at Low Fluxes.” In Large-Scale Surveys of the Sky, Proceedings of the NRAO Workshop, eds. J. J. Condon and F. J. Lockman, p. 37. Green Bank, West Virginia: 1990. Gioia, I. M.; Maccacaro, T.; Morris, S. L.; Schild, R. E.; Stocke, J. T.; Wolter, A.; and Henry, J. P. “The Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey I: X-Ray Data and Analysis.” Astrophysical Journal Supplement 72 (1990): 567. Gioia, I. M.; Maccacaro, T.; Schild, R. E.; Wolter, A.; Morris, S. L.; and Stocke, J. T. “The Extended Medium Sensitivity Survey: The Database.” In Imaging X-Ray Astronomy: A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, ed. M. Elvis, p. 333. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Giommi, P.; Tagliaferri, G.; Beuermann, K.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Brissenden, R.; Graser, U.; Mason, K. O.; Murdin, P.; Pooley, G.; Thomas, H. C.; and Tuohy, I. “BL Lacertae Objects from the EXOSAT High Galactic Latitude Survey: Constraints on the Log N-Log S and on the Cosmological Evolution.” In BL LAC Objects, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 334, eds. L. Maraschi, T. Maccacaro, and M.-H. Ulrich, p. 231. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Publishing Company, 1989. Golub, L.; Herant, M.; Kalata, K.; Lovas, I.; Nystrom, G.; Pardo, F.; Spiller, E.; and Wilczynski, J. “Superarcsecond Observations of the Solar X-Ray Corona.” Nature 344(6269) (1990): 842. Gémez, Y.; Moran, J. M.; and Rodriguez, L. F. “HgO and SiO Maser Emission in OH/IR Stars.” Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica 20 (1990): 55. Gémez, Y.; Moran, J. M.; Rodriguez, L. F.; and Garay, G. “The Distance to NGC6302.” Astrophysical Journal 345 (1989): 862. Goodman, A. A.; Bastien, P.; Myers, P. C.; and Menard, F. “Optical Polarization Maps of Star-Forming Regions in Perseus, Taurus, and Ophiuchus.” Astrophysical Journal 359 (1990): 363. Goodman, A. A.; Myers, P. C.; Bastien, P.; Crutcher, R. M.; Heiles, C.; Kazes, I.; and Troland, T. H. “The Magnetic Field in the Perseus Molecular Cloud Complex.” In Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 140, eds. R. Beck, P. P. Kronberg, and R. Wielebinski, p. 319. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. Gorenstein, P. “High Throughput X-Ray Astronomy.” In High-Energy Astrophysics in the 21st Century, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, vol. 211, ed. P. C. Joss, p. 297. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1990. . “High Throughput X-Ray Telescope on a Lunar Base.” In Astrophysics from the Moon, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, vol. 207, eds. M. J. Mumma and H. J. Smith, p. 382. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1990. Gredel, R.; Lepp, S.; Dalgarno, A.; and Herbst, E. “Cosmic Ray Induced Photodissocia- tion and Photoionization Rates of Interstellar Molecules.” Astrophysical Journal 347 (1989): 289. Green, D. W. E. (editor) International Comet Quarterly 11 (1989). . (editor) International Comet Quarterly 12 (1990). Greenler, G.; Hable, J. W.; and Slane, P. O. “Diffraction Around a Fine Wire: How Good is the Single-Slit Approximation?” American Journal of Physics 58 (1990): 330. Guth, A. H. “Inflation and False Vacuum Bubbles.” In Proceedings of the Storrs Meet- ing (1988 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, Storrs, Connecticut, August 15-18), eds. K. Haller, D. B. Caldi, M. M. Islam, R. L. Mallett, P. D. Mannheim, and M. S. Swanson, p. 139. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 1989. Habbal, S. R.; Dowdy, J. F.; and Withbroe, G. L. “A Comparison between Bright Points in a Coronal Hole and a Quiet Sun Region.” Astrophysical Journal 352 (1990): 333. Hahn, Y., and Dalgarno, A. “Production of Negative Hydrogen Ions in Neutral H+H Collisions.” Physical Review A 41 (1990): 4783. Hales, S. E. G.; Masson, C. R.; Warner, P. J.; and Baldwin, J. E. “The 6C Survey of Radio Sources. III: The Zone 48° < 6 < 68°, 05525™ < a <18h17™.” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 246 (1990): 256. Harris, D. E. “Extrapolating Electron Spectra to Low Energies.” In Low Frequency Astrophysics from Space, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 362, eds. N. E. Kassim and K. Wyler, p. 252. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Publishing Company, 1990. Harris, D. E.; Forman, W.; Gioia, I. M.; Hale, J. A.; Harnden, F. R.; Jones, C.; Karakashian, T.; Maccacaro, T.; McSweeney, J. D.; Primini, F. A.; Schwartz, J.; Tananbaum, H. D.; and Thurman, J. “The Einstein Observatory Catalog of IPC X-Ray Sources.” FITS version issued on CD-ROM, January 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory, 1990. Harris, D. E.; Forman, W.; Gioia, I. M.; Hale, J. A.; Harnden, F. R.; Jones, C.; Mac- cacaro, T.; McSweeney, J. D.; Primini, F. A.; Schwarz, J.; and Tananbaum, H. D. “The Einstein Observatory Source Catalog.” In Imaging X-Ray Astronomy: A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, ed. M. Elvis, p. 309. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Harris, D. E.; Stern, C. P.; and Biretta, J. A. “Integrity of HR1 Images.” In Imaging X-Ray Astronomy: A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements, ed. M. Elvis, p. 299. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Harris, K.; Pomerantz, M. A.; Reynolds, P. T.; Vacanti, G.; Walker, A.; and Weekes, T. C. “Design Considerations for a TeV Telescope at the South Pole.” In Astrophysics in Antarctica, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceed- ings, vol. 198, eds. D. J. Mullan, M. A. Pomerantz, and T. Stanev, p. 20. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1989. Hartigan, P.; Curiel, S.; and Raymond, J. C. “Molecular Hydrogen and Optical Images of HH 7-11.” Astrophysical Journal (Letters) 347 (1989): L31. Hartigan, P.; Hartmann, L.; Kenyon, S. J.; Strom, S. E.; and Skrutskie, M. F. “Correlations of Optical and Infrared Excesses in T Tauri Stars.” Astrophysical Journal (Letters) 354 (1990): L25. Hartmann, L. “Emission Lines in T Tauri Stars.” In Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, Astronom- ical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 9, ed. G. Wallerstein, p. 289. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1990. Hartmann, L.; Calvet, N.; Avrett, E. H.; and Loeser, R. K. “Winds from T Tauri Stars. I. Spherically-Symmetric Models.” Astrophysical Journal 349 (1990): 168. Hartmann, L., and Kenyon, S. J. “Optical Veiling, Disk Accretion, and the Evolution of T Tauri Stars.” Astrophysical Journal 349 (1990): 190. Haschick, A. D.; Baan, W. A.; and Menten, K. M. “Detection of Three New Methanol Maser Transitions toward Star Forming Regions.” Astrophysical Journal 346 (1989): 330. : Haschick, A. D.; Baan, W. A.; Schneps, M. H.; Reid, M. J.; Moran, J. M.; and Gisten, R. “VLBI Observations of the Water Vapor Masers in the Nucleus of NGC3079.” Astrophysical Journal 356 (1990): 149. Haschick, A. D., and Ho, P. T. P. “Formation of OB Clusters: Detection of SiO v=0, J=1-—0 Emission as an Indicator of Compact Outflow Sources.” Astrophysical Journal 352 (1990): 630. Haschick, A. D.; Menten, K. M.; and Baan, W. A. “Detection of Widespread Strong Methanol Masers at 44 GHz.” Astrophysical Journal 354 (1990): 556. Hashimoto, A. “Evaporation Kinetics of Forsterite (Mg2SiO4).” Nature 347 (1990): 53. Hashimoto, A.; Holmberg, B. B.; and Wood, J. A. “Effects of Melting on Evaporation Kinetics.” Meteoritics 24 (1989): 276. Heithausen, A., and Thaddeus, P. “The Polaris Flare: Extensive Molecular Gas Near the North Celestial Pole.” Astrophysical Journal (Letters) 353 (1990): L49. Herring, T. A.; Davis, J. L.; and Shapiro, I. 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Holmberg, B., and Hashimoto, A. “Long-Sought Primordial Fine-Grained Inclusion Discovered.” In Lunar and Planetary Science XXI, p. 530. Houston: Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, 1990. Huovelin, J., and Saar, S. H. “Models of Broadband Linear Polarization in Cool Stars.” In Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Sys- tems, and the Sun, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 9, ed. G. Wallerstein, p. 174. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1990. . “Results of Coordinated Multiwavelength Observations of Solar-Like Stars.” In Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection, and Magnetic Fields, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 138, ed. J. O. Stenflo, p. 443. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. Huchra, J. “Future Key Optical Observations of Galaxy Clusters.” In Clusters of Galaxies, eds. W. Oegerle, M. Fichett, and L. Danly, p. 359. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Huchra, J.; Geller, M.: de Lapparent, V.; and Corwin, H. “The CfA Redshift Survey: Data for the NGP +30 Zone.” Astrophysical Journal Supplement 72 (1990): 433. Imbert, M.; Andersen, J.; Ardeberg, A.; Duquennoy, A.; Lindgren, H.; Maurice, E.; Mayor, M.; Mermilliod, J. C.; Nordstrom, B.; and Prévot, L. “Radial Velocities of Southern Stars Obtained with the Photoelectric Scanner CORAVEL. VII. Radial Velocity Variations of Eleven Cepheids in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.” Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement 81 (1989): 339. Kalkofen, W. “Chromospheric Heating.” Astrophysical Journal (Letters) 346 (1989): L37. “Wave Heating in Magnetic Flux Tubes.” In Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection, and Magnetic Fields, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 138, ed. J. O. Stenflo, p. 158. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990; also in Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar, Systems, and the Sun, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, vol. 9, ed. G. Wallerstein, p. 48. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1990. Keene, J. B., and Masson, C. R. “Detection of a 45 AU Radius Source around L1551- IRS5 — A Possible Accretion Disk.” Astrophysical Journal 355 (1990): 635. Kellogg, E.; Falco, E.; Forman, W.; Jones, C.; Slane, P.; and Turner, E. “X-Ray Obser- vations of Gravitational Lenses.” In Proceedings of Workshop on Gravitational Lensing, eds. Y. Mellier, B. Fort, and G. Soucail, p. 141. New York: Springer- Verlag Publishing Company, 1990. Kent, S. M.; Huchra, J. P.; and Stauffer, J. “The Shape of the Mass Distribution in M31 from its Globular Cluster System.” Astronomical Journal 98 (1989): 2080. Kenyon, S. J., and Hartmann, L. “On the Apparent Positions of T Tauri Stars in the HR Diagram.” Astrophysical Journal 349 (1990): 197. Kenyon, S. J.; Hartmann, L.; Strom, K. M.; and Strom, S. E. “An IRAS Survey of the Taurus-Auriga Molecular Cloud.” Astronomical Journal 99 (1990): 869. Keto, E. R., and Ho, P. T. P. “NH3 Observations of Compressed Post-Shock Molecular Gas in Ionization-Shock Fronts around W33.” Astrophysical Journal 347 (1989): 349. Kim, D.-W. “Interstellar Matter in Early Type Galaxies: Optical Observations.” Astrophysical Journal 346 (1989): 653. Kim, D.-W., and Fabbiano, G. “The Hot and Cold Interstellar Matter of Early Type Galaxies and Their Radio Emission.” In Proceedings of the Workshop “Windows on Galaxies,” eds. G. Fabbiano, J. Gallagher, and A. Renzini, p. 293. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. Kohl, J. L.; Weiser, H.; and Livi, S. “Spectroscopic Measurements of Solar Wind Param- eters Near the Sun.” In Solar System Plasma Physics, Geophysical Monograph 54, eds. J. H. Waite, Jr., J. L. Burch, and R. L. Moore. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union Books Board, 1989. Kurtz, M. J. “Classification and Knowledge.” In Knowledge-Based Systems in Astron- omy, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 329, eds. A. Heck and F. Murtagh, p. 91. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Publishing Company, 1989. Kurtz, M. J., and Falco, E. E. “Tests of Reduction and Analysis Algorithms for Astronomical Images.” In Data Analysis in Astronomy III, eds. V. Di Gesu et_al., p. 155. New York: Plenum Press, 1989. Kurucz, R. L. “Reducing Photometry by Computing Atmospheric Transmission.” In Infrared Extinction and Standarization, Proceedings of Two Sessions of IAU Commissions 25 and 9, ed. E. Milone, p. 55. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Publishing Company, 1990. “Semiempirical Calculation of gf Values for the Iron Group.” In Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, ed. M. McNally, vol. XXB, p. 168. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. Kwok, P. W.; Cawley, M. F.; Hillas, A. M.; Lamb, R. C.; Lang, M. J.; Lewis, D. A.; Macomb, D.; Reynolds, P. T.; Vacanti, G.; and Weekes, T. C. “Gamma-Ray Spectrum of the Crab Nebula at TeV Energies.” In Proceedings of the 21st Inter- national Cosmic Ray Conference, ed. R. J. Protheroe, vol. 2, p. 143. Adelaide: University of Adelaide, 1990. Lamb, R. C.; Lewis, D. A.; Akerlof, C. W.; Meyer, D. I.; Weekes, T. C.; Hillas, A. M.; Cawley, M. F.; and Fegan, D. J. “GRANITE, A Stereoscopic Cherenkov Detector for VHE Gamma-Ray Astronomy.” In Proceedings of the International Work- shop on Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Crimea, USSR, April 17- 21), eds. A. A. Stepanian, D. J. Fegan, and M. F. Cawley, p. 30. 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Fern, Alan (Introduction) Oliphant's Presidents: Twenty-five Years of Caricature by Wendy Wick Reaves. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1990. (Foreword) To Color America: Portraits by Winold Reiss by Jeffrey C. Stewart. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Press, 1989. (Foreword) Portraits of the American Law by Frederick S. Voss. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1989. (Foreword with Elizabeth Broun) Irving Penn Master Images: The Collections of the National Museum of AmericanArt and the National Portrait Gallery. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. (Essay) Puerto Rico Mio: Four Decades of Change by Jack Delano Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. Heppner, Irene. Bibliography on Portraiture: Selected Writings on Portraiture as an Art Form and as Documentation. Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, 1990. Kalfatovic, Martin R. "The Preservation of Knowledge: Institutional Memory and the Contracting Out of Government Libraries." In The Information Professional: An Unparalleled Resource: Papers Contributed for the 8lst Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association, June 9-14, 1990, 47-53. Washington, D.C.: Special Libraries Association, 1990. Miles, Ellen G. "A Notebook of Portrait Compositions by Thomas Bardwell." The Fifty-Third Volume of the Walpole Society, 1987 (London, 1989): 181-192. Miller, Lillian B. "'An Influence in the Air': Italian Art and American Taste in the Mid-Nineteenth Century." The Italian Presence in American Art, 1760-1860, edited by Irma B. Jaffe. Ithaca, N.Y.: Fordham University Press, co-published with the Instituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. "Charles Willson Peale." International Dictionary of Art and Artists, edited by James Vinson, 2 vol. Chicago and London: St. James Press. "Charles Willson Peale: The Artist in His Museum." International Dictionary of Art and Artists, edited by James Vinson, 2 vol. Chicago and London: St. James Press. Reaves, Wendy Wick. Oliphant's Presidents: Twenty-five Years of Caricature. Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1990. Stapp, William, and Merry Foresta. Irving Penn Master Images: The Collections of the National Museum of American Art and the National Portrait Gallery. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1990. Stapp, William. "Photographic Treasures from the National Portrait Gallery Collection." Washington, D.C.: The National Portrait Gallery, 1990. Ward, David C. "Poor Sports: Hemingway, Jake Barnes, and the Sporting Life in The Sun Also Rises," Aethlon: The Journal Sport Literature 6 (June 1990). - Review of A Bright Shining Lie. John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam by Neil Sheehan in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 114 (January 1990). Review of A Great and Good Man. George Washington in the Eyes of His Contemporaries edited by John P. Kaminski and Jill Adair McCaughan in the Maryland Historical Magazine 85 (Summer 1990). Review of Major General Adam Stephen and the Cause of American Liberty by Harry M. Ward in the Maryland Historical Magazine 86 (Fall 1990). OFFICE OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Eisendrath, Betsy, ed. "These Words Are a Splash of Shadows: How Your Eyes and Brain Make Sense of Light," Art to Zoo. November 1989. - "200 Years and Counting: How the U.S. Census Tracks Social Trends," Art to Zoo. March 1990. - “A Ticket to Philly--In 1769: Thinking about Cities, Then and Now," Art to Zoo. May 1990. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Resource Guide for Teachers: Educational Materials from Smithsonian Institution, National Gallery of Art, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1990. Smith, Michelle Knovic, and Claudia Brush Kidwell. Image and Identity: Clothing and Adolescence in the 1990s. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1990. 250 OFFICE OF FOLKLIFE PROGRAMS Gadavail, Olivia. “Folklife of °the*U.S. Virgin Islands." Festival of American Folklife Program Book, ed. Peter Seitel, pp. 18-26. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. Kurin, Richard. "Folklife in Contemporary Multicultural Society." Festival of American Folklife Program Book, ed. Peter Seitel, pp. 8-17. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. "Forward," Stand By Me: African American Expressive Culture in Philadelphia. Hinson, Glenn and Jerrilyn McGregory. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. "Turbans, Skirts and Spirits: Folk Models of Social Organization in a Muslim Society." Social Analysis, Bi(2))72 N’Diaye, Diana. "Tradition and Cultural Identity in Senegal." Festival of American Folklife Program Book, ed. Peter Seitel, pp. 38-47. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. Peters, Jacquelin. "Songs and Stories of Struggle: Music and Verse as Ethical Discourse." Festival of American Folklife Program Book, ed. Peter Seitel, pp. 58-77. Washington, DG.> “Smithsonian Institution. Seeger, Anthony. "Musics of Struggle." Festival of American Folklife Program Book, ed. Peter Seitel, pp. 56-75. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. Taylor, Lori Elaine, producer. "Don’t Mourn--Organize! Songs of Labor Songwriter Joe Hill." Smithsonian/Folkways SF40026. and Andrew Connors, compilers. "A Fish That’s a Song: Songs and Stories for Children Inspired by the Hemphill Collection of the National Museum of American Art." Smithsonian/Folkways SF45037. Vennum, Thomas, Jr. "The Changing Role of Women in Ojibway Music History." In Women in American Indian Music: Six Essays, ed. Richard Keeling, pp. 13-21. Society for Ethnomusicology Special Series No. 6. bo ol OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS The Torch. A monthly newsletter for Smithsonian employees, featuring profiles, question-and-answer columns about interesting jobs, previews of upcoming events, classified ads, and more. Circulation is 10,300, which includes staff and a list of interested individuals and organizations outside the Smithsonian. Editor: Mary Combs. Smithsonian Institution Research Reports. A quarterly newsletter that disseminates information on Smithsonian research to an audience of about 73,000 readers (10,000 scientists, libraries, museums, universities, journalists, and others and 63,000 Contributing Members of the National Associate Program). Editor: Jo Ann Webb. Smithsonian Runner. A bimonthly newsletter for Native Americans, featuring informational updates on the National Museum of the American Indian and articles on research and other projects, activities and events at the Smithsonian that are of particular interest to Native Americans. Circulation is 1,600, which includes Native American journalists and community leaders. Editor: Robert Tenequer Smithsonian Marine Station at Link Port. A 12-page, five-color brochure that tells about the work of the Smithsonian Marine Station--a research facility at which scientists study diverse and abundant marine life and coastal environments--located in Fort Pierce, Fla., on the state’s mid- Atlantic coast. Writer: William Schulz Conservation Analytical Laboratory. A 12-page, two-color brochure that describes the work of the Smithsonian’s Conservation Analytical Laboratory--a center for research and training in the conservation of museum materials--located in the Museum Support Center in Suitland, Md. Writers: David Maxfield and Eleanor McMillan Resources at the Smithsonian for Native Americans. A newly updated eight- panel flyer that describes what is available at the Smithsonian for members of the Native American community. The Beauty and Diversity of Our Planet. A 30-second public-service announcement for television, with actor Robert Redford, highlighting some of the research the Smithsonian is doing and encouraging viewers to learn more about the Earth and how people, plants, and animals depend on each other. Coordinator: Lilas Wiltshire Smithsonian News Service. A feature-story service that provides four articles and appropriate art work each month to more than 1,100 daily and weekly newspapers and other media in the United States and abroad. OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Lovejoy, T.E. 1989. Deforestation and the extinction of species. Pp. 91-98 in Changing the Global Environment (D.B. Botkin, M.F. Caswell, J.E. Estes, and A. Orio, Eds.). Academic Press. 480 pp. Lovejoy, T.E. 1989. International agreements and developing countries resolving the debt problem. Pp. 85-86 in Steps Toward an International Convention Stabilizing the Composition of the Atmosphere (K. Ramakrishna and R.W. Harrill, Eds.). The Woods Hole Research Center, MA. Lovejoy, T.E. 1989. Nothing, nothing at all? Atlantic Naturalist 39:2-5. Lovejoy, T.E. 1989. The obligations of a Biologist. Conservation Biology 31329 .- 330%, Lovejoy, T.E. 1989. The role of the biota. Pp. 53-57 in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming (J. Cairns, Jr. and P.F. Zweifel, Eds.). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. Lovejoy, T.E. 1990. The problem of Third World development. J. of Environmental Health. Spring 1990, pp. 31-32. (Reprint of 1989, The Third World’s environment: a global dilemma, EPA Journal 15(4):42-43.) Lovejoy, T.E. 1990. Consider their ways and be wise. Review of The Ants by B. Hdlldobler and E.0. Wilson (1990, The Belknap Press/Harvard Univ. Press, 732 pp.). The New York Times Book Review, 29 July 1990, p. 3. Lovejoy, T.E. 1990. Will unexpectedly the top blow off? Pp. 207-216 in Greenhouse Glasnost: The Crisis of Global Warming (essays introduced by R. Redford; T.J. Minger, Ed.), The Ecco Press, Institute for Resource Management, New York. 292 pp. SMITHSONIAN RESIDENT ASSOCIATE PROGRAM Solinger, Janet W., ed. Museums and Universities: New Paths for Continuing Education (New York: The American Council on Education and Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990). Solinger, Janet W. "Museums and Universities: Choices" in Museums and Universities: New Paths for Continuing Education ed. by Janet W. Solinger (New York: The American Council on Education and Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990), pp. 1-6. Worthy, Edmund H., Jr. "The Smithsonian Resident Associate Program" in Museums and Universities: New Paths for Continuing Education ed. by Janet W. Solinger (New York: The American Council on Education and Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990), pp. 132-146. Worthy, Edmund H., Jr. "Imperial Balance of the Military Power Equation in Early Sung China" in Collected Studies on Sung History Dedicated to Professor James T. C. Liu in Celebration of his 70th Birthday ed. by Tsuyoshi Kinugawa (Kyoto: Dohshsha, 1989), pp. 583-602. OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS Natural History Video Updates pilot programs, short features on the discovery of a mosasaur fossil in Maryland and Hurricane Hugo's devastation of Puerto Rican forests. (NMNH) Covering the Environment: Front Page or Yesterday's News?, a half-hour program distributed to media professionals only, to encourage new strategies in reporting critical environmental stories in the news. (Ext Aff) Smithsonian Video Collection, one-hour programs ("The Zoo behind the Zoo," "The Flying Machines," "Creatures Great and Small," "Gems and Minerals," "The First Ladies"), releases on videodisc of previously released video programs. (NZP, NASM, NMNH, NMNH, NMAH) The New Age: A Videowall Experience, the Smithsonian's first videowall production, a 14-minute multi-screen video in the "Information Age" exhibition. (NMAH) Here at the Smithsonian -- three-minute television features "African Sounding Forms" The first international exhibition devoted exclusively to African musical instruments as sculpture. (NMAFA) "The Way to Independence" Memories of a Hidatsa Indian family reveal how they coped with the radical transformation of American society between 1840 and 1920, from a Museum of American History exhibition. (NMAH) "A Continuity of Culture" The Folklife Festival takes a look at the serious problems of poverty, pollution, and commercial development which are causing many Indian traditions to disappear. (OFP) "Tending a Sculpture Garden" Staff at the Hirshhorn Museum go to great lengths to preserve and care for its garden and the sculptures in it. (HMSG) "A Holiday Celebration" At the Museum of American History and the Anacostia Museum, a look at the craft and cultural traditions of three holidays -- Christmas, Hanukkah, and KwanZaa. (NMAH & AM) "A Smithsonian Holiday" The Smithsonian's card keepers, tree trimmers, and gingerbread bakers busily prepare for the holiday season. (NMAH) "A Touch of Glass" Some of Louis Comfort Tiffany's most breathtaking works on view. (Renwick, NMAA) "Duke Ellington, American Musician" Recently acquired sheet music, papers, photographs, and memorabilia shed new light on the career of one of our greatest composers. (NMAH) "Happy Birthday, National Zoo" The National Zoo, one of the world's leading centers for animal conservation and scientific research, is one hundred years old. (NZP) "The Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright" His genius went far beyond buildings to all manner of interior details. A touring exhibition looks at the importance of these designs and the challenges of conservation they pose. (SITES) 254 RADIO PRODUCTIONS Radio Smithsonian, a weekly series of half-hour programs broadcast nationally; many subjects developed by Radio Smithsonian staff. "A Conversation with Jerry Garcia" Lead guitarist of The Grateful Dead reflects on the importance of traditional music. (RS) "Exchanging Notes" Highlights from the first International Folklore Festival in Moscow featuring 40 traditional American musicians. (OFP) "The Aviation Careers of Sikorsky" A discussion of Igor Skorsky's contributions on the centennial of his birth. (NASM) "Stumbling into the Coca Culture" Botanist Dieter Wasshausen examines a plant with a 5000-year cultural past and a deadly present. (NMNH) "Tracing the Tractor" Overview of a century of tractoring. (NMAH ) "Richard Wright: Daemonic Genius" Eminent scholar and poet Margaret Walker, author of an acclaimed biography of Wright, discusses his career. (RAP) "Caribbean Festival Art" Highlights of Caribbean festivals expressing the cultures and arts of the islands. (OWAD) "Composing a Life" Henry Mancini reflects on his career at ASCAP's 75th anniversary celebration. (RS) "A Whiz of a Wiz" A tribute to the 50th anniversary of "The Wizard: of° OZi-2(RS)- &- "World at War: 1939-1945" Fifty years later, experts offer perceptive analyses of key issues in the war's political, diplomatic, military, and social history. (NASM) "Workers and Managers" As a new labor relations exhibit opens, a discussion focuses on the struggle between workers and Managers for control of the workplace from the early 1800s to the present. (NMAH) "Jazz Piano" Highlights of new album showcasing decades of performances by jazz artists of every style and school. (SIP) "Great American Comics" A celebration of 100 years of American cartoon and comic art as featured in a new traveling exhibition. (SITES) "Parting the Green Curtain" Deforestation, global warming, and species extinction are just a few of the 'hot' issues being researched in Panama. (STRI) "Beni Biological Reserve" Touring a refuge for the Amazon basin's forest animals where Smithsonian scientists work with other researchers. (RS) "Man in the Biosphere" A report on the Smithsonian's effort in Latin America to train local ecologists. (RS) "The Noble Path" Highlights of the evolution of Buddhism in India and how it matured and spread into Tibet and Nepal. (AMSG) "American Abstraction 1930-1945" Artists who resisted the representational tide reflect on the implications of their work. (NMAA) bo ou or "Mapping the Human Genome" James D. Watson, co-winner of the 1953 Nobel Prize for discovering DNA, discusses his human genome project at the National Institutes of Health. (RAP) "Composing a Life" Songwriter Charles Strouse reflects on his career. (RS) "Introducing Michel Camillo" Highlights of a Smithsonian concert by this jazz pianist from the Dominican Republic. (RAP) "A Conversation with Nikki Giovanni" Discusses her career and reads selected poetry on the 20th anniversary of her first book. (RAP) "The Real McCoy" Traces African American invention and innovation with exhibition at the Anacostia Museum. (AM) "SQ Years of Nylon" Julian Hill, an inventor of nylon, reviews the story behind the discovery of the first man-made fiber on its golden anniversary. (NMAH) "Greek Revival America" Roger Kennedy discusses the Greek Revival movement of the 1820s through its most public expression, architecture. (NMAH) "Hesperus" Highlights of a concert featuring early American and baroque music. (RS) "Up in the Air" Author Doris Rich looks beyond the Amelia Earhart myth to her remarkable achievements as activist, pioneer and crusader for women's rights. (RAP) "High Honor" Recollections by men and women of World War II aviation. (NASM) "Visions of Vaudeville" Smithsonian fellow Rob Snyder discusses vaudeville and the social and cultural trends alive in New York at the turn of the century. (RS) "An Afternoon with the Bergmans" Songwriting team Alan and Marilyn Bergman share stories behind some of their hits. (RS) "Nomads: Masters of the Eurasian Steppe" Tour of a landmark exhibition featuring over 1000 artifacts from major Soviet museums. (SITES) "The First Egyptians" Highlights from an exhibition featuring rare Eyptian pottery, shells, and slate plates that tell the story of Egyptian civilization before the pharoahs. (NMMH) "20th Century Consort" Highlights from a concert by a virtuoso ensemble of Washington's best woodwind soloists. (RAP) "Slave Quilts from the AnteBellum South" Discussion of the powerful messages of hope, pain, joy, and frustration stitched into ornate quilts by slaves in the 18th and 19th centuries. (Renwick) "African American History Revisited" Examination of documents, artifacts and other cultural remains that shed new light on African American History. (NMAH) "Hear Ye, Hear Ye" The Honorable Robert H. Bork discusses his view that the "original understanding" of the Constitution is the only means by which a judge can solve a problen. (RAP) "Inside the White House" UPI's Helen Thomas shares her insider's view of the Presidency as seen from the White House press room. (RAP) 256 "To the Moon" Astronaut Buzz Aldrin offers a unique perspective on the American space program and the future of space exploration. (NASM) "News from 2" Voyager 2 Project Manager Norman Haynes reviews the achievements and discoveries of the 12 year, 4.4 billion-mile exploratory journey. (RAP) "Pro Musicis" Highlights from a concert series featuring Gary Louie, acclaimed classical saxophone soloist. (RAP) "Acquisitions '89" An overview of items acquired by Smithsonian curators during the last year of the decade. (OPA) "Junk in Orbit" Astronomers and space scientists review the unwelcome legacy of 32 years of orbiting trash and its dangers. (NASM) "Sunracer" A look at the GM sunracer, the solar-powered car that won the World Solar Challenge in Australia last year, recently donated to the Smithsonian. (NMAH) "Parish the Thought" Lyricist Mitchell Parish reflects ona lifetime of songwriting. (RS) "Collecting Culture" Curators discuss how they determine what is most important to preserve from our everyday lives for future generations. (NMAH) "Tell Me a Story" Highlights from traditional storytelling practices among the Akan Peoples of Ghana. (NMAFA) "People of the Boat" A look at the displaced Vietnamese in conjunction with "Asian Visions," a film series. (AMSG) "Pro Musicis" Highlights from a concert featuring Maria Bachman, acclaimed violinist. (RAP) "Advertising in American History" Hows and whys of collecting and preserving commercial advertising materials that reflect the changing social and cultural character of everyday American life. (NMAH) "Man Made Nature" The science of restoring natural habitats after natural disasters and human intrusion cause seemingly irrevocable damage. (STRI) "Garbage: A Mounting Problem" The ever increasing waste problem and how it affects our economy and ecology. (RAP) "The Women of Deh Koh" Author Erica Friedl offers a rare glimpse into everyday lives of 12 Iraqi women amid continuing political changes. (RAP) "Walking the Tightrope" Russian born author Francine du Plessix Gray examines the lives of contemporary Soviet women who struggle to create a more humane relationship between themselves and the state. (RAP) "Pro Musicis" Highlights of concert featuring acclaimed violinist Cynthia Phelps. (RAP) "On the Move: Beauty, Rhythm and Power" Excerpts from symposium that brought together dancers, students, and scholars to explore African dance traditions in the development of American culture. (NMAH) "Flight Enters the Computer Age" Discussion of the role of the computer in the design and navigation of existing and future aircraft. (NASM) nw Or "Rhapsody in Glue" Essayist and author Daniel Pinkwater takes listeners on a journey back to childhood and model airplanes. (RS) "International Poetry Forum" Poets Sandra Gilbert and Karl Shapiro, read and talk about their award-winning work. (RAP) "Directions: Ilya Kabakov" Discussion with this conceptual artist, considered by his peers to be the most important contemporary Soviet artist working today, whose avant-garde projects draw increasing attention in the West. (HMSG) "A La Mode Chez Nous: French Folk Culture in Two Worlds" Discussions with people from provincial France and French communities in North America at the 1989 Folklife Festival. (OFP) "How to Be a Green Consumer" Author and Smithsonian lecturer Joel Makower suggests simple steps to help the environment and keep the planet green. (RAP) "Angela Davis: Then and Now" Activist and scholar Davis traces her life from her youth as a forcible participant in the civil rights movement to her current status as full professor at San Francisco State University. (RAP) "Pro Musicis" Highlights from a concert featuring horn virtuoso Richard Todd. (RAP) "Earth Day and Beyond: Where Do We Go from Here?" Highlights from a symposium of scholars and scientists discussing the environmental crisis of the '90s and the future of our planet. (NMNH) "Probing the Information Age" Highlights from exhibition exploring how information technology has influenced our society over the last 50 years. (NMAH) "Fusing Mind and Computer" Science writer and industrial consultant Richard Friedhoff explains important new techniques in computer visualization and how they are advancing the frontiers of art and science. (RAP) "Very Special Arts" A look behind the scenes at Very Special Arts' Young Playwright's Competition at the Kennedy Center, tracing all stages of a new play concerning the disabled. (RS) "Pro Musicis" Highlights from a concert featuring young virtuoso pianist Gary Steigerwalt. (RAP) "My Shining Half Hour" Margaret Whiting and other cabaret Singers salute Mabel Mercer. (NMAH) "Dams, Development, and American Indians" When large government dams are built, people living in the river areas, frequently Native Americans, are dramatically affected. Key tribal leaders talk of their experiences. (NMAH) "Yes, Yes, Nonet!" Bill Kirchner, a 1990 Jazztimes Critics' Poll Winner as Best Emerging Jazz Arranger, brings his nine- member orchestra to Baird Auditorium. (RAP) "25 Years of RAP" Director Janet Solinger reviews past successes and looks ahead for the Smithsonian's Resident Associate Program. (RAP) OFFICE OF INFORMATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Felley, James D. 1989 Nekton assemblages of the Calcasieu Estaury. Contributions in Marine Science 31:95-117. OFFICE OF PRINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES Aceto, Lorie H. "Filming Photographic Collections for the Production of Laser Video Discs" Presented: llth D-Max International; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; November 10, 1989. Wallace, Jim; Goulait, Joe; Talman, Hugh. "The Bourges-Bruehl Collection. Reproducing Color From Glass Separation Negatives" Presented: Photographic Materials Group, The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 18th Annual Meeting, Richmond, Virginia, June 3, 1990. Wallace, Jim. "Electronic Imaging in a Comprehensive Program of Photographic Preservation" Presented: Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Spring Meeting, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., May LOA 9.9.0: "The Use of Commercial Scanners To Restore Dark Faded Color Transparencies" Presented: The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Third International Symposium on Imaging Conservation, Rochester, N.Y., June 19, 1990. bo READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, INC. RIF Newsletter. Published three times a year, the Newsletter reports on RIF activities nationwide. A technical assistance insert, addressing local projects’ requests for information on how to motivate youngsters to read, is included in Newsletters sent to RIF projects. The Newsletter reaches 18,000 people throughout the United States and offshore territories. The RIF Guide to Encouraging Young Readers (Doubleday, 1987). A sourcebook of activities, children’s book suggestions, and resources for parents. Eight Million Times_a Year. A newly published brochure describing the organization, its goals, and its programs. "Parent Guide" Brochures. A series of 12 brochures on the topics "Choosing Good Books for Your Children," "TV and Reading," "Reading Aloud to Your Children," "Upbeat and Offbeat Activities to Encourage Reading,” "Teenagers and reading," "Children Who Can Read, But Don’t..." "" Encouraging Soon-To-Be Readers," "Magazines and Family Reading," "Family Storytelling," “Building a Family Library," “Encouraging Young Whniters," "Summertime Reading." Books to Grow On: A Parent’s Guide to Encouraging Young Readers. A resource for parents of children from infancy to age eleven. The RIF Handbook: How to Run a Successful Reading Is Fundamental Project. A technical assistance manual to help RIF volunteers organize and operate an effective reading motivation program. Includes an overview of RIF as well as sections on fundraising, book selection and ordering, and activities to motivate reading. I Want You. A brochure to assist RIF projects in recruiting and training volunteers. Reading Is Fun! Tips for Parents. A booklet offering suggestions on how to encourage children up to the age of eight to read. Children’s Bookshelf. An annotated list of 106 books for children up to the age of eleven. Profiles. Descriptions of the publishers and distributors that serve RIF projects. The Profiles list special discounts and services offered by each supplier and are distributed annually to all projects. When We Vere Young: Favorite Books of RIF Kids, RIF Volunteers, and Readers of Renown. Forty-page list of favorite children’s books. Includes personal recommendations of some 80 public figures. Helping Your Children Become Readers/Como_Ayudar_a Que Sus Ninos Sean Buenos Lectores. Available in English or Spanish, this reproducible, illustrated brochure features 10 reading tips in simple language. Appendix 6 The Smithsonian Institution and Its Subsidiaries, September 30, 1990 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary Robert McC. Adams Executive Assistant James M. Hobbins Special Assistant Marie Mattson Administrative Assistant Mary Lee Nissley (Appointments) Supervisor, Secretary's Files Betty J. Edwards OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY Undersecretary Administrative Officer Acting Undersecretary Staff Assistant *through September 2, 1990 *xthrough September 14, 1990 ***xappointed September 1990 OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Inspector General Deputy Inspector General Assistant Inspector General £or Audits Assistant Inspector General for Investigations Administrative Officer OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL General Counsel Associate General Counsels Assistant General Counsels Dean Anderson* Mary Brough Emond** Nancy Suttenfield*** Aileen Wakefield*** Thomas D. Blair John C. Fawsett Jerry L. Chandler Richard -H. Cook Mary Brough Emond Peter G. Powers George S. Robinson Alan D. Ullberg Rachelle V. Browne Ildiko P. DeAngelis James D. Douglas Lauryn Guttenplan Grant Elaine L. Johnston Marsha S. Shaines Christine Steiner James I. Wilson Office of the Treasurer Treasurer Ann R. Leven Deputy Treasurer Rick Johnson OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR RESEARCH Assistant Secretary Robert S. Hoffmann Deputy Assistant Secretary Ross Simons Executive Officer Rita R. Jordan Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Research Ruth 0. Selig Administrative Officer Joan R. Zavala INTERNATIONAL CENTER Coordinator Francine C. Berkowitz Administrative Officer Saundra A. Thomas Special Assistant to the Mary S. McCutcheon Assistant Secretary for Research OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Director Francine C. Berkowitz Assistant Director Brian W. J. LeMay International Exchanges Officer Raymond W. Seefeldt International Liaison Officer Leonard P. Hirsch International Liaison Specialist Judy Rodgers Johnson Administrative Assistant Barbara H. Russell Program Assistant L. Ernelle Ross OFFICE OF CONFERENCE SERVICES Director Program Coordinator Program Assistant Cheryl LaBerge Karen B. Harmon Sheri L. Price OFFICE OF QUINCENTENARY PROGRAMS Director Deputy Director Executive Officer Research Assistant Program Assistant bo (op) bo Alicia M. Gonzalez Jackie Dulaney Audrey Archer Dennis G. Medina Luis F. Tassara INTERNATIONAL GALLERY Project Director (Caribbean Festival Arts) Vera H. Hyatt Project Assistant (Caribbean Festival Arts) Helen Dizikes OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Director Judith Gradwohl Program Assistant Helen Dizikes SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION/MAN AND THE BIOSPHERE PROGRAM Director Francisco Dallmeier Program Manager John C. Mayne Program Assistant Laura M. Neal JOSEPH HENRY PAPERS Director Marc Rothenberg Administrative Officer Beverly Jo Lepley Assistant Editor Kathleen W. Dorman Assistant Editor John C. Rumm Assistant Editor Paul H. Theerman NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Director Registrar Special Assistant to the Director Associate Director for Biological Programs Associate Director for Facilities and Administration Associate Director for Conservation ANIMAL EXHIBIT DEPARTMENTS Department of Mammalogy Curator Associate Curator Collection Managers Edward Bronikowski John Lehnhardt Department of Herpetology Curator Collection Manager Department of Ornithology Assistant Curator Collection Manager Department of Invertebrates Curator Collection Manager 264 Michael H. Robinson Judith Block Lynn Dolnick Benjamin B. Beck Gretchen Gayle Ellsworth Christen M. Wemmer Edwin Gould John Seidensticker Lisa Stevens William Xanten Dale Marcellini Michael Davenport Charles Pickett Paul Tomassoni Jaren Horsley Alan Peters ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH Assistant Director for Research Scientific Staff Daryl J. Boness Eugene S. Morton Olav T. Oftedal Population Manager Research Associates Mary Allen Steven R. Beissinger Adelmar Coimbra-Filho Susan D. Crissey Carolyn M. Crockett Priya Davidar Elissa Derrickson Kim C. Derrickson James Dietz ANIMAL HEALTH Assistant Director for Animal Health Associate Veterinarian Reproductive Physiologist Director, NOAHS Center Research Associates Mark Barone Ann Byers Steve Monfort Sam Wasser DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY Pathologist-in-Charge Associate Pathologist Research Associates Richard Alsaker Max J. G. Appel Chris Gardiner Kathryn Holmes Devra G. Kleiman Katherine S. Ralls Miles Roberts Rasanayagam Rudran Jonathan Ballou Wolfgang P. J. Dittus John F. Eisenberg Lisa Forman Theodore I. Grand Russell G. Greenberg John Robinson Melvin E. Sunquist Betsy Trent Thomas R. Mitchell Bush Lyndsay G. Phillips, Jr. David E. Wildt Laurie Marker-Kraus Janine Brown JoGayle Howard Mitch Schiewe Lee Young Richard J. Montali Linda Munson John Pletcher John Strandberg Anton Steuer Bernard Zook wo ol FACILITIES AND ADMINSTRATION Office of Facilities Management Assistant Director for Maintenance and Construction Office of Management Services Administrative Specialist Office of Police and Safety Chief, Office of Police and Safety INTERPRETIVE SERVICES Associate Director for Interpretive Services Chief, Office of Public Affairs Chief, Office of Education Chief, Office of Design and Exhibits Planning DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Associate Director for Conservation Deputy Associate Director Research Coordinator Conservation Officer Collection Manager Fellows and Associates Lee Boyd Eric Dinnerstein Research Associates Peter August Joel Berger Tllar Muul 266 David Boothe James E. Fitzpatrick Samuel L. Middleton, Jr. (vacant ) Robert J. Hoage Judith White Virginia A. Mahoney (Acting ) Christen M. Wemmer Scott Derrickson John Rappole Martha Fujita Larry Collins Hemanta Mishra George Schwede J. L. David Smith Michael Stuwe Richard Watling DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Development Officer Heather Kaye Jacobs Associate Development Officer Daniel R. Studnicky FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL ZOO Executive Director Clint Fields Deputy Director James Schroeder OFFICE OF AMERICAN STUDIES Director Wilcomb E. Washburn Secretary Ruby Hamblen OFFICE OF FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS Director Roberta W. Rubinoff Assistant Director Elizabeth W. Veatch Administrative Officer Catherine F. Harris Academic Program Specialist Bruce W. Morrison Academic Program Specialist Sharon K. Nishizaki Program Assistant Marika Carley Program Assistant Mary Gooden Program Assistant Pamela Hudson OFFICE OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Acting Director Ross B. Simons Program Specialist Carla M. Borden Program Specialist Neil G. Kotler Program Specialist John W. Franklin Administrative Officer Teresa P. Johnson 267 SMITHSONIAN ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY Director Irwin Shapiro Associate Directors Planning Bruce Gregory Atomic and Molecular Physics Kate Kirby High Energy Astrophysics Harvey Tananbaum Optical and Infrared Astronomy John P. Huchra Planetary Sciences Brian Marsden Radio and Geoastronomy James M. Moran Solar and Stellar Physics George L. Withbroe Theoretical Astrophysics Alastair G.W. Cameron Administrative Department Heads Central Engineering Richard B. Dias Contracts and Procurement George D. Dick Controller’s Office - Robert T. Ayer Library Joyce Watson Personnel Harris E. Rosenthal Marion R. Aymie (appointed August 20, 1990) Publications James C. Cornell, Jr. Scientific Staff Fred Adams Allan F. Cook, II Yakov Alpert Mario Cosmo Johannes Andersen Andre Crusius-Watzel Alice Argon Luiz A.N. daCosta Monique Arnaud Alexander Dalgarno Eugene H. Avrett Thomas Dame James Babb Lawrence P. David Robert W. Babcock James Davis Sallie L. Baliunas Robert J. Davis Eric Bloemhof Hendrik DeVries Raymond Blundel] Andrea K. Dupree Jay Bookbinder Martin S. Elvis Gerald Bottrell Robert Estes Donato Bramanti Giuseppina Fabbiano Roger Brissenden Daniel G. Fabricant Nelson Caldwell Ron Farren Christopher Carilli Giovanni Fazio Nathaniel P. Carleton George B. Field Frederic Chaffee Edward L. Fireman* Kelly Chance Kathryn Flanagan John F. Chandler William R. Forman Jon H. Chappell Fred A. Franklin Victor Chornenky Daryl Freeman *Deceased March 1990. 268 Gary Fuller Michael R. Garcia Larry Gardner John C. Geary Margaret Geller Owen Gingerich Isabella Gioia Leon Golub Daniel Gomez Paul Gorenstein Dale E. Graessle Mario Grossi Gordon Gullahorn Alan H. Guth Shadia Habbal F. Rick Harnden, dr. Daniel E. Harris Patrick Hartigan Lee Hartmann Akihiko Hashimoto Andreas Heithausen Paul T.P. Ho John P. Hughes Luigi Jacchia David Johnson Christine Jones-Forman Kenneth Kalata Wolfgang Kalkofen Margarita Karovska Edwin M. Kellogg Almus Kenter Scott Kenyon Dong-Woo Kim John L. Kohl Robert Kurucz Charles Lada Elizabeth Lada David W. Latham Myron Lecar Helen Leung Alan Lightman A. Edward Lilley Enrico Lorenzini Tommaso Maccacaro Petrus C. Martens Ursula Marvin Colin Masson Edward Mattison Jeffrey E. McClintock Richard E. McCrosky Jonathan C. McDowell Gary Melnick Karl Menten Marc Murison Stephen S. Murray Philip C. Myers Tadashi Nakajima Peter Nisenson Charles Noecker Robert W. Noyes Birgitta Nordstrom Costas Papaliolios William Parkinson Michael R. Pearlman Reynier Peletier James Phillips Philip Pinto Francis A. Primini Harrison Radford John C. Raymond Mark Reid Robert D. Reasenberg Robert Rosner Michael Rupen George B. Rybicki Barbara Ryden Steven H. Saar Rudolph Schild Daniel A. Schwartz Joseph Schwarz Frederick D. Seward Eric Silverberg Patrick O. Slane Jack W. Slowey Noam Soker Andrzej Soltan Gregory Stacy Clive Standley Robert Stefanik Clifford Stoll Andrew Szentgyorgyi Patrick Thaddeus Eric V. Tollestrup Wesley A. Traub Ginevra Trinchieri Wallace H. Tucker Giusseppe Vaiana Adriaan van Ballegooijen Leon P. Van Speybroeck Robert F.C. Vessot George Victor Jan Vrtilek Saega Dil Vrtilek Terrence Walker John Wardle Trevor Weekes Shen Wei Steven Weinberg Heinz Weiser Anna Wolter Fred L. Whipple Douglas Wood Barbara Whitney John A. Wood Charles A. Whitney Diana Worrall Belinda J. Wilkes Kouichi Yoshino Steven P. Willner Martin Zombeck SMITHSONIAN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH CENTER Director David L. Correll Acting Assistant Director Anson H. Hines Administrative Officer Helen M. Dalaski Facilities Manager Paul Tavel Program Assistants for Public Information Education Specialist A. Mark Haddon Docent Coordinator Linda M. Chick Research Scientists Animal Ecologists William Carmen Joseph Dineen Ana Dittel Richard Everett Anson H. Hines Junda Lin James F. Lynch Gregory Ruiz L. David Smith Nancy Staub Chemical Ecologist Panchabi Vaithiyanathan Environmental Engineer Vacant Ecologists Thomas E. Jordan Geoffrey G. Parker Microbial Ecologist John R. Dolan Charles L. Gallegos Modeler Donald E. Weller Plant Ecologists Timothy Spira J. T. A. Verhoeven Lisa K. Wagner Zhigang Wang Dennis F. Whigham Jess Zimmerman Plant Physiologist Felix Dakora Bert G. Drake Grace Ju David Lawlor Stephen Long 270 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ARCHIVES Archivist William W. Moss Historian Pamela M. Henson Associate Archivists Alan L. Bain William A. Deiss Diane L. Vogt-0O'Connor William E. Cox Susan W. Glenn Assistant Archivists R. Shawn Johnstone James A. Steed SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES Director Barbara J. Smith Deputy Director Planning & Administration Office Manager Administrative Officer Publications Officer Automated Systems Division Deputy Director and Division Manager Systems Administrator Asst. Systems Administrator Computer Equipment Specialist Automated Bibliographic Control Unit Chief Librarian Catalogue Records Unit Chief Librarian Librarian Vija L. Karklins Mary Augusta Rosenfeld Laudine L. Creighton Nancy L. Matthews Vija L. Karklins Thomas Garmett Marcia Adams Mimi Scharf Victoria Avera Sheila Riley Thomas Baker Original Cataloging & Indexing Services Unit Chief Librarian Cataloguer Cataloguer Cataloguer Cataloguer, Special Collections Research Services Division Assistant Director & Division Manager Cooper-Hewitt Museum Branch Chief Librarian Helen Nordberg Margaret A. Sealor Margaret D’Ambrosio Jacqueline Coleburn Mary L. Elder Bonita D. Perry Stephen Van Dyk Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Branch Chief Librarian Joyce Rey-Watson Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Branch Chief Librarian Central Services Unit Central Reference & Loan Services Chief Librarian and Unit Manager Reference Librarian Reference Librarian Circulation & Loan Librarian Vielka Chang-Yau Maureen L. Canick Nancy Seeger Catherine D. Scott Patricia Lasker bo ~l hb Museum Reference Center Chief Librarian Museum Support Center Chief Librarian Reference Librarian History and Art Unit National Museum of American History Chief Librarian & Unit Manager Reference Librarian Circulation Librarian Office of Horticulture Branch Chief Librarian Reference Librarian Natural Sciences Unit Natural Museum of Natural History Chief Librarian & Unit Manager Reference Librarian Reference Librarian Reference Librarian Reference Librarian Reference Librarian National Zoological Park Branch Chief Librarian Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Chief Librarian Physical Sciences Unit National Air & Space Museum Chief Librarian & Unit Manager Reference Librarian Reference Librarian Technical Information Specialist Collections Management Division Assistant Director & Division Manager Acquisitions Services Unit Chief Librarian Assistant Chief Librarian Special Collections Chief Librarian & Exhibitions Officer Reference Librarian Book Conservation Laboratory Chief Conservator Preservation Services Head, Preservation Services Head, Binding Section Research Associate Research Associate bo ~] bo Sylvia Churgin Kimberly B. Kelley Angela N. Haggins Rhoda S. Ratner Bridget Mathews James Roan Susan R. Gurney Marca Woodhams Ann Juneau Ruth F. Schallert Mary Kay Davies Robert J. Skarr David T. Steere, Jr. Mayda Riopedre Kay A. Kenyon Branch Angela N. Haggins Martin A. Smith Amy E. Levin David M. Spencer Philip D. Edwards Nancy E. Gwinn Pauline T. Lesnik Lucien R. Rossignol Ellen B. Wells Leslie Overstreet John H. Hyltoft [vacancy] James E. Lawson Silvio A. Bedini Jean Chandler Smith SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Director Deputy Director Assistant Director for Terrestrial Research Assistant Director for Marine Research Senior Scientist Special Assistant to the Director Assistant Director for External Affairs Conservation Resources Manager Development Officer Facilities Engineer Executive Officer Chief, Procurement Section Personnel Specialist Education/Information Specialist Visitor Services Manager SCIENTIFIC STAFF Eldredge Bermingham Richard G. Cooke Mireya Correa William G. Eberhard Robin Foster Jeremy B.C. Jackson Nancy Knowlton Egbert G. Leigh, Jr. Harilaos A. Lessios Olga F. Linares Dolores Piperno RESEARCH ASSOCIATES Annette Aiello Ira Rubinoff Eric A. Fischer (resigned 09/90) Alan P. Smith John H. Christy Martn H. Moynihan Elena Lombardo (until 11/89) Elena Lombardo (began 12/89) Gilberto Ocaria Edgardo Maravi Carlos Tejada Leonor Motta Mercedes Arroyo Carmen Sucre Georgina de Alba Glona Maggiori (began 07/90) A. Stanley Rand D. Ross Robertson David W. Roubik Noris Salazar (began 04/90) Neal G. Smith Nicholas Smythe Mary Jane West-Eberhard Donald M. Windsor Hindrik Wolda S. Joseph Wright Robin Andrews bo | oo Tomas Arias Peter Ashton Carlos Arellano Lennox John Bort Gordon M. Burghardt Luis D’Croz Philip DeVries Nathan Gale Pedro Galindo Judy Gradwohl Jeffrey B. Graham Stanley Heckadon Stephen P. Hubbell Leslie Johnson Emst Mayr Jorge Motta Anthony Ranere Michael Ryan Myra Shulman W. John Smith F. Gary Stiles Henry Stockwell Paulo E. Vanzolini OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR MUSEUMS Assistant Secretary for Museums Deputy Assistant Secretary for Museums Program Manager Program Manager Special Assistant Special Assistant Program Analyst Program Analyst Director, Experimental Gallery Director, African American Institutional Study *through August 1990 ANACOSTIA MUSEUM Acting Co-Directors Chief of Research Historians Chief of Education Photographer Registrar ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART Washington Headquarters Office Director Deputy Director Assistant Director Curator Emeritus and Journal Editor Curator of Manuscripts Research Services Chief Regional Collector 274 Tom L. Freudenheim Elaine Heumann Gurian* Barbara K. Schneider Beverly Lang Pierce Maureen Robinson Jane Glaser Thomas J. Peyton Patricia A. DuVall Kimberly Camp Claudine K. Brown Sharon A. Reinckens James E. Mayo Vacant Edward Smith Portia James Zora Martin-Felton Harold Dorwin Jennifer Kilman Richard J. Wattenmaker Susan Hamilton James B. Byers Garnett McCoy Arthur Breton Judy E. Throm Liza Kirwin New York Headquarters Office Deputy Director Development Officer Membership Manager Regional Centers New York Regional Center Director New England Regional Center Director Midwest Regional Center Director West Coast Regional Center Director Susan Hamilton Marita O'Hare Nancy Palubniak William McNaught Robert Brown Judith Gustafson Paul Karlstrom ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY and FREER GALLERY OF ART Director Associate Director Assistant Director, Administration Assistant Director, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Assistant Director, Exhibitions and Facilities Curator, Chinese Art Associate Curator, Ancient Chinese Art Assistant Curator, Chinese Art Associate Curator, Japanese Art Curator, Near Eastern Art Assistant Curator, Ancient Near Eastern Art Assistant Curator, South and Southeast Asian Art Assistant Curator, American Art Assistant Curator, Ceramics Senior Research Scholar Historian Head, Conservation and Scientific Research Senior Conservator Head, East Asian Painting Conservation Head, Design and Installation Head, Development Head, Education Head, Library Head, Merchandising and Marketing Head, Photography Head, Public Affairs Head, Publications Head Registrar, Freer Head Registrar, Sackler Milo C. Beach Richard Louie Sarah L. Newmeyer Forrest McGill ne Gag Patrick H. Sears, Shen C. Y. Fu Jenny F. So Jan Stuart Ann Yonemura Glenn D. Lowry Ann C. Gunter Carol Bolon Linda L. Merrill Louise A. Cort Thomas Lawton Esin Atil W. Thomas Chase, III Paul R. Jett Ryo Nishiumi John Zelenik Laurel A. Muro Lucia B. Pierce Lily Kecskes Sally Guaragna Kim Nielsen Susan Bliss Karen Sagstetter Eleanor Radcliffe Bruce Young 275 CONSERVATION ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Director Deputy Director Administrative Officer Administrative Assistant Secretary Secretary Secretary Archaeometry Assistant Director for Archaeometry SARCAR Manager & Sr. Res. Archaeologist Research Art Historian Senior Research Chemist Senior Research Physicist Metallurgist Chemist Senior Ceramic Scientist Conservation Research Assistant Director for Cons. Research Head, Analytical Services Analytical Chemist Analytical Chemist Analytical Chemist Electron Microscopist Senior Research Organic Chemist Senior Research Organic Chemist Research Organic Chemist Organic Chemist Senior Research Photographic Scientist Research Biochemist Technician, Mechanics of Materials Conservation Treatment and Training Senior Furniture Conservator Furniture Conservator Senior Objects Conservator Objects Conservator Senior Painting Conservator Painting Conservator Senior Paper Conservator Senior Paper Conservator Senior Textile Conservator Coordinator, Education & Training 276 Lambertus van Zelst Alan W. Postlethwaite Vernetta M. Williams Beverly M. Smith Loretta E. Ester Francine T. Hall Recruiting Jacqueline S. Olin Ronald L. Bishop Ingrid C. Alexander M. James Blackman Yu-Tarng Cheng Martha E. Goodway Emile C. Joel Pamela B. Vandiver Marion F. Mecklenburg Charles S. Tumosa Vacant Vacant Vacant Melanie T. Feather David W. von Endt W. David Erhardt Mary T. Baker Walter H. Hopwood Mark H. McCormick-Goodhart Noreen C. Tuross Recruiting Donald C. Williams Melvin J. Wachoviak Carol A. Grissom Harriet F. Beaubien Roland H. Cunningham Jia-Sun Tsang Diane van der Reyden Timothy J. Vitale Mary W. Ballard Eleanor McMillan Information Senior Technical Information Specialist Marjorie W. Cleveland Technical Information Specialist Conservator COOPER-HEWITT NATIONAL MUSEUM OF DESIGN Director Assistant Director for Administration Special Assistant to Director Administrative Specialist Assistant Development Officer Curator of Decorative Arts Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts Acting Curator of Drawings and Prints Museum Technician for Drawings & Prints Curator of Textiles Assistant Curator of Textiles Museum Technician for Wallcoverings Curator of Exhibitions Exhibition Researcher Librarian Paper Conservator Textile Conservator Editor Assistant Editor Program Coordinator Assistant Program Coordinator Program Assistant Public Information Officer Membership Coordinator and Special Events Coordinator Registrar Assistant Registrar Automation Services Manager Museum Shop Manager Operation Manager Chief of Security Ann B. Johnson Mary Lou Garbin Dianne H. Pilgrim Linda Dunne Caroline Mortimer Hilda Lee Sara MacAllaster David Revere McFadden Deborah Shinn Gail Davidson vacant Milton Sonday Gillian Moss Joanne Kosuda Warner Dorothy Globus Lucy Fellowes Stephen Van Dyk Konstanze Bachmann Lucy Commoner Nancy Aakre Cynthia Plaut Susan Yelavich Dorothy Dunn Gwen Loeffler Arthur Lindo Michele Raphoon Cordelia Rose Steven Langehough Jay Vanatta Matt Hahn Barry Johnson Luis Palau HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN Director Deputy Director Executive Officer Chief Curator for Exhibitions Curator of Paintings Curator of Prints/Drawings Curator of Sculpture Associate Curator Assistant Curator Publications Manager Librarian Chief Conservator Conservators Registrar Chief, Exhibits and Design Chief, Education Public Information Officer Photographer Building Manager James T. Demetrion Stephen E. Weil Nancy Kirkpatrick Ned Rifkin JUdTEhHGRS © Zaslezen Frank B. Gettings Valerie J. Fletcher Phyllis Rosenzweig Amada Cruz Barbara J. Bradley Anna Brooke Laurence Hoffman Leland Aks Clarke Bedford Susan Lake Meredith Michelson Wippman Douglas Robinson Edward Schiesser Edward Lawson Sidney Lawrence Lee Stalsworth Frank Underwood NATIONAL AIR AND Director Acting Associate Director Special Assistant to Director Senior Advisor to Director Development Office Assistant Director Assistant for Special Projects Development Officer Special Events Department of Aeronautics Chairman Special Advisor for Technology Senior Curator Curators Historian Emeritus Center for Earth and Planetary Studies Acting Chairman Geologists Program Manager Department of Space History Chairman Curators Assistant Curators Historian Laboratory for Astrophysics Chairman Astrophysicists SPACE MUSEUM Martin Harwit Wendy Stephens Steven Soter Donald S. Lopez John M. Carlin Brian M. Duff Susan Beaudette Darlene Rose-Barge Kathleen Spraggins Tom Crouch Howard S. Wolko Robert C. Mikesh R.E.G. Davies Von D. Hardesty Peter Jakab Dominick A. Pisano F. Robert van der Linden Paul E. Garber Thomas G. Watters Robert A. Craddock Patricia Jacobberger Michael J. Tuttle James R. Zimbleman Priscilla L. Strain Gregg Herken Paul E. Ceruzzi David DeVorkin Cathleen S. Lewis Allan A. Needell Frank Winter Derek W. Elliott Robert W. Smith Howard A. Smith Jeffrey J. Goldstein Matthew Greenhouse bo Interpretive Programs Assistant Director Cooperative Programs Education Minority Outreach Planetarium Art Department Chairperson Office of Communications Assistant Director Publications Collections Management Assistant Director Archives Collections Maintenance Conservation Preservation and Restoration Division Registrar Administration Acting Administrative Officer Administrative Specialist Budget Analyst Exhibits Assistant Director Audiovisual Unit Design Unit Production Unit Museum Operations Assistant Director Deputy Assistant Director for Museum Operations Museum Facilities Manager Office of Computer Services Special Assistant for Plans and Programs Theater and Planetarium Operations Manager 280 James H. Sharp Helen C. McMahon Jan McColl M. Antoinette Amos James H. Sharp Mary S. Henderson Rita C. Cipalla Patricia J. Graboske Linda N. Ezell Thomas Soapes Alfred J. Bachmeier Ed McManus Richard D. Horigan Robin A. Schroffel Alice M. Adams Theresa A. Cecil Samuel Dargan Nadya A. Makovenyi David N. Heck Lucius E. Lomax Derek P. Fiedler Edmund T. Wooldridge Ronald E. Wagaman C. Ray Phillips Alfred T. Kincaid Claude D. Russell Steven C. Fitch NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART Director Associate Director for Collections and Research Assistant Director Chief Curator Curators Public Affairs Officer Curator of Education Chief, Exhibits Department Registrar Conservator Curator of Archives Librarian Writer/Editor Founding Director Emeritus and Senior Scholar Sylvia H. Williams Roy Sieber Jean M. Salan Philip Ravenhill Lydia Puccinelli Roslyn A. Walker Janice L. Kaplan Edward Lifschitz Alan Knezevich Grace Eleazer Stephen Mellor Christraud M. Geary Janet Stanley Dean Trackman Warren Robbins bo NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART Director Deputy Director Chief Curator Conservator Conservator Curator Conservator Conservator Curator Curator Curator Conservator Senior Conservator Curator Curator-in-Charge, Renwick Gallery Public Programs Coordinator Acting Chief, Research & Scholars Center Intern Program Officer Research Curator Acting Chief, Educational Programs Public Programs Coordinator Acting Chief, Office of Registration and Collections Management Exhibitions Coordinator Assistant Registrar Collections Manager Acting Chief, Office of Design & Production Designer Designer Chief, Office of Publications Editor Editor Editor Administrative Officer Administrative Specialist Chief, Office of External Affairs Public Affairs Officer Special Events Assistant 282 Elizabeth Broun Charles J. Robertson Virginia Mecklenburg Fern Bleckner Ann M. Creager Merry A. Foresta Helen B. Ingalls Catherine I. Maynor Joann G. Moser Richard Murray Harry Z. Rand Quentin R. Rankin, Jr. Stefano Scafetta William H. Truettner Michael Monroe Allen B. Bassing Rachel M. Allen Patricia H. Chieffo Lois M. Fink Nora Panzer Gwendolyn F. Everett Melissa Kroning Kathleen McCleery Michael R. Smallwood Abigail Terrones Val Lewton Allan K. Kaneshiro Georgine S. Reed Steve Dietz Richard E. Carter Lisa C. Siegrist Terence Winch Maureen Damaska James R. Gaglione W. Robert Johnston Margery A. Byers Barbara M. Cox NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN HISTORY Office of the Director Director Deputy Director Associate Director Assistant Director for Finance & Personnel Administrative Specialist Special Assistants Office.of, External. Affairs Director Public Affairs Special Events National Numismatic Collection Executive Director Deputy Executive Director Curator National Philatelic Collection Executive Director Deputy Executive Director Afro-American Communities Project Director Archives Center Chief Archivist Deputy Archivist Archivists Historian Roger G. Kennedy Douglas E. Evelyn Ronald E. Becker Elizabeth E. Greene Shirley Vann Naomi Glass James D. Whoolery Marilyn Lyons Susan Foster Elizabeth Little Anne Spivak Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Cory. C.4 Giddad land Richard Doty Herbert R. Collins James H. Bruns James 0. Horton John Fleckner Robert Harding Craig Orr Barbara Humphrys David Haberstich Marilyn Graskowiak Reuben Jackson Fath Davis Ruffins i) ies) (ee) Office of Building Management Building Manager Computer Services Center Ghavet Division of Conservation Head Conservator Conservators Department of Exhibits Assistant Director for Exhibits and Public Spaces Deputy Assistant Director for Exhibits and Public Spaces Chief, Design Division Chief, Exhibits Production Chief, Historic Restoration Department of Public Programs Assistant Director for Public Programs Deputy Assistant Director for Public Programs Program Manager Director, Program in African American History Director, Division of Museum Programs Director, Publications Division Coordinator, Columbus Quincentenary Program Intern Program Coordinator 284 Richard A. Day Dennis S. Dickinson J.) SCOtt™ Odes: Martin Burke Andrzej Dajnowski Antoinette Dwan Lynne Gilliland Nikki Horton Beth Richwine Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss Paulette Willman J. Michael Carrigan Richard J. Nicastro Dru Colbert Robert H. Norton Terrence Conable Lonn Taylor Elizabeth Sharpe Harold Closter Gwendolyn Robinson Dwight Blocker Bowers Robert D. Selim Lisa Falk Mary Dyer Office of the Registrar Assistant Director for Collections Management Assistant Registrar Office of Academic Programs Director Department of the History of Science Chairman American Indian Program Director Martha Morris Katherine P. Spiess Gary Kulik and Technology Arthur P. Molella Rayna Green Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Curators Pete Daniel Gy Terry shanner Division of Armed Forces History Curators Edward C. Ezell Donald E. Kloster Harold D. Langley Historian James Hutchins Curator Emeritus Philip Lundeberg Division of Biological Sciences Curators Division of Computers, Information, Curators Division of Curators Division of Curators Engineering and Industry Patricia Gossel Linda Tucker and Society David Allison Jon B. Eklund Electricity and Modern Physics Bernard Finn Paul Forman Carlene E. Steve Lubar JeLfrey Stine Stephens bo (o6) or Division of Medical Sciences Curators Division of Physical Sciences Curators Division of Transportation Curators Curator Emeritus Senior Historian's Office Senior Historian Technology and Culture Editor Audrey B. Davis Ramunas A. Kondratas Deborah J. Warner William L. Withuhn Paul Johnston John H. White Nathan Reingold Robert Post Department of Social and Cultural History Chairman Afro-American Index Project Program: Specialist Division of Ceramics and Glass Curator Division of Community Life Curators Division of Costume Curator Curator Emeritus Division of Domestic Life Curators 286 Spencer Crew Vacant Susan H. Myers Richard E. Ahlborn Lonnie Bunch Charles McGovern Bernice Johnson Reagon Claudia B. Kidwell Anne W. Murray Anne C. Golovin Rod@ris C..) Roh Barbara C. Smith Division Curators Division Curakors Division Curator Division Curators of of of Photographic History of Curator Emeritus Division Curator of Graphic Arts Musical History Politi calshistrory Textiles Elizabeth M. Harris Helena C. Wright John T. Fesperman John E. Hasse Cynthia A. Hoover James Weaver Eugene Ostroff Edith P. Mayo Keith E. Melder Margaret B. Klapthor Rita Ji° Adrosko NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Director Deputy Director Acting Deputy Director Assistant Director for Special Projects Assistant Director for Programs Special Assistant to the Director Special Assistant to Acting Deputy Director Associate Director for Science Assistant Director for Administration Administrative Specialist Administrative Specialist Associate Director for Public Programs Acting Assistant Director for Education Assistant Director for Exhibits Assistant to the Deputy Director/ Physical Plant Director, Quincentenary Programs Assistant Director for Development Development Officer Public Information Officer Public Affairs Specialist Special Events Coordinator Science Program Administrator Assistant Director for the Automatic Data Program Assistant Director for Collections Registrar Building Manager Supervisory Museum Specialist, Scanning Electron Microscope Laboratory Project Director, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Science Director, Neotropical Biodiversity Program DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Chairman Deputy Chairman Administrative Specialist Public Information Specialist 288 Frank H. Talbot James C. Tyler Stanwyn G. Shetler Catherine J. Kerby Stanwyn G. Shetler Margaret P. Anderson Dianne Niedner Daniel Appleman Mary Rakow Tanner Danielle Bielenstein Nella F. Lloyd Robert Sullivan Laura McKie Laurence P. O'Reilly Jerome A. Conlon Herman J. Viola T. C. Benson Anne Parks Thomas R. Harney Pamela Baker Judith Cash Diana K. Wyatt Marsha Sitnik T. Gary Gautier Janet Gomon Margaret A. Edward McCoy Santiago Walter R. Brown Richard O. Bierregaard, Jr. Don E. Wilson Donald J. Ortner Melinda A. Zeder Carole Lee Kin Ann Kaupp Handbook of North American Indians General Editor Managing Editor Production Manager Program Manager Anthropologist Bibliographer Linguist Human Studies Film Archives Division Head National Anthropological Archives Acting Director Senior Archivist Archivist (Photos) Ethnology Division Division Head Curator Curator Curator Curator Associate Curator Associate Curator Curator Curator Native American Program Director Division of Archaeology Division Head Curator Curator Associate Curator Associate Curator Director (Paleo-Indian Program) Director (Arctic Program) Division of Physical Anthropology Division Head Curator Curator William C. Sturtevant Karla Billups Diane Della-Loggia Melvina Jackson Joanna Scherer Lorraine H. Jacoby R. H. Ives Goddard, III Wendy Shay William L. Merrill James Glenn Paula Fleming Ivan Karp Ives Goddard Robert Laughlin Adrienne Kaeppler William Sturtevant Mary Jo Arnoldi William Crocker William Merrill Paul Taylor JoAllyn Archambault Bruce D. Smith William Trousdale Gus Van Beek J. Daniel Rogers Theresa Singleton Dennis Stanford William Fitzhugh Douglas Ubelaker Douglas Owsley Richard Potts 289 Research Associates, Collaborators, James M. Adovasio (Archeology) Larry Banks (Archeology) David Begun (Physical Anthropology) Michael D. Blakey (Physical Anthropology) Kathleen J. Bragdon (Linguistics) Alison S. Brooks (Archeology) Ernest S. Burch, Jr. (Archeology) Aron Crowell (Archeology) Edith Dietze (Ethnology) Jean Paul Dumont (Ethnology) John C. Ewers (Plains Ethnology) John Fisher (Archeology) Don D. Fowler (Archeology) George Frison (Archeology) Bruno Frohlich (Physical Anthropology) Kathleen Gordon (Physical Anthropology) James Griffin (Archeology) C. Vance Haynes (Archeology) Brian Hesse (Archeology) William Holm (Ethnology) Neil C. Hughes (Archeology) Bennie C. Keel (Archeology) Jennifer O. Kelley (Physical Anthropology) Richard T. Koritzer (Physical Anthropology) DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Chairman Administrative Assistant Collections Manager Senior Botanist Phanerogams Curators Associate Curators and Affiliated Scientists Paulina Ledergerber (Archeology) Jerald T. Milanich (Archeology) Chris Nagle (Archeology) Michael O’Brien (Archeology) Michael Petraglia (Physical Anthropology) Stephen Potter (Archeology) James Price (Archeology) Bruce D. Ragsdale (Pathology) Leslie Rankin-Hill (Physical Anthropology) Mary Elizabeth Reeve (Ethnology) Lucile E. St. Hoyme (Physical Anthropology) Abelardo Sandoval (Archeology) Robert G. Schmidt (Geology) T. Dale Stewart (Physical Anthropology) Maurizio Tosi (Archeology) John Verano (Physical Anthropology) Alan Walker (Paleoanthropology) Paula Wapnish (Archeology) Mildred M. Wedel (Archeology Ethnohistory) Waldo R. Wedel (Archeology) Rita Wright (Physical Anthropology) and Laurence E. Skog Linda Moreland George F. Russell Mark M. Littler Vicki A. Funk Dan H. Nicolson Stanwyn G. Shetler Laurence E. Skog Dieter C. Wasshausen John J. Wurdack Pedro Acevedo Robert B. Faden W. John Kress Warren L. Wagner Ferns Curator Grasses Curator Cryptogams Curators Associate Curators Palynology Curator Research Associates, Collaborators, Katina Bucher (Algae) George Bunting (Araceae) Pamela Burns-Balogh (Orchidaceae) Loren Coen (Marine Algae) Jose Cuatrecasas (Flora of Tropical South America) Gerald F. Deitzer (Plant Physiology) James A. Duke (Flora of Panama) Christian P. Feuillet (Gesneriaceae) Anthony M. Fletcher (Lichens) F. Raymond Fosberg (Tropical Island Plants) Suzanne Fredericq (Gracilariaceae) Aaron Goldberg (Phanerogams) Charles R. Gunn (Seeds) Otto Huber (Plant Ecology) David B. Lellinger Paul M. Peterson James N. Norris Harold E. Robinson Maria A. Faust Elizabeth Zimmer Joan W. Nowicke and Affiliated Scientists Joseph H. Kirkbride, Jr. (Rubiaceae) Elbert L. Little, Jr. (Dendrology) Diane S. Littler (Marine Algae) Carlos Lopez-Ocana (Ecology) Ximena Londono (Bamboo) Alicia Lourteig (Neotropical Botany ) Carlos Ochoa (Solanum) Yun-Sil Park (Lichens) John J. Pipoly (Plant Systematics) Thompson D. Pizzolato (Agrostology) Muriel Poston (Loasaceae) Clyde Reed (Phanerogams) Velva Rudd (Legumes) Richard W. Spjut (Lichens) Phillip R. Taylor (Algae) DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY Chairman Collections Manager Senior Scientist Coleoptera Curator Curator Hemiptera Curator Hymenoptera Senior Scientist Curator Lepidoptera Curator Curator Associate Curator Myriapoda and Arachnida Associate Curator Neuropteroids and Diptera Curator Curator Research Associates, Collaborators, Joachim Adis (Coleoptera) David H. Ahrenholz (Lepidoptera) Annette Aiello (Lepidoptera) Donald W. Anderson (Coleoptera) Edward W. Baker (Acarina) William E. Bickley (Diptera) Harley P. Brown (Coleoptera) Robert W. Carlson (Hymenoptera) J. F. Gates Clarke (Lepidoptera) Margaret S. Collins (Orthoptera) Terhune S. Dickel (Lepidoptera) Lance Durden (Siphonaptera) Robert L. Edwards (Arachnida) Neal F. Evenhuis (Diptera) John H. Fales (Lepidoptera) Candida Feller (Diptera) 292 Ronald J. McGinley Gary F. Hevel Karl V. Krombein Terry L. Erwin Paul J. Spangler Richard C. Froeschner Karl V. Krombein Ronald J. McGinley John M. Burns Don R. Davis Robert K. Robbins Jonathan A. Coddington Oliver S. Flint, Jr. Wayne N. Mathis and Affiliated Scientists Douglas C. Ferguson (Lepidoptera) Richard H. Foote (Diptera) Raymond J. Gagne (Diptera) Robert D. Gordon (Coleoptera) E. Eric Grissell (Hymenoptera) Ralph E. Harbach (Diptera) Bruce A. Harrison (Diptera) Thomas J. Henry (Hemiptera) Ronald W. Hodges (Lepidoptera) Yiau-Min Huang (Diptera) James E. Keirans (Ixodoidea) John M. Kingsolver (Coleoptera) Paul M. Marsh (Hymenoptera) Arnold S. Menke (Hymenoptera) Douglass R. Miller (Homoptera) Scott E. Miller (Microlepidoptera) Steve Nakahara (Thysanoptera) David F. Nickle (Orthoptera) Beth B. Norden (Hymenoptera) Allen L. Norrbom (Diptera) Paul A. Opler (Lepidoptera) Philip Perkins (Coleoptera) Robert V. Peterson (Diptera) John T. Polhemus (Hemiptera/ Heteroptera) Robert W. Poole (Lepidoptera) John F. Reinert (Diptera) Mark J. Rothschild (Homoptera) Louise M. Russell (Homoptera) Curtis W. Sabrosky (Diptera) Silvia Santiago (Coleoptera) Michael E. Schauff (Hymenoptera) DEPARTMENT OF INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Chairman Purchasing Agent Administrative Assistant Crustacea Curators Echinoderms and Lower Invertebrates Curators Mollusks Curators Associate Curators Worms Curators Petra Sierwald (Arachnida) Robert L. Smiley (Acarina) David R. Smith (Hymenoptera) M. Alma Solis (Lepidoptera) Theodore J. Spilman (Coleoptera) Charles Staines (Coleoptera) George C. Steyskal (Diptera) Manya B. Stoetzel (Homoptera) F. Christian Thompson (Diptera) Robert Traub (Siphonaptera) George Vogt (Coleoptera) Ronald A. Ward (Medical Entomology) Richard E. White (Coleoptera) Norman E. Woodley (Diptera) David Wooldridge (Coleoptera) Frank N. Young (Coleoptera) G, W.. Hart. “Jr. Roland H. Brown Martha V. Joynt J. Laurens Barnard Thomas E. Bowman Roger F. Cressey Go WicthHare, Jr: Robert P. Higgins Brian F. Kensley Louis S. Kornicker Raymond B. Manning Frederick M. Bayer Stephen D. Cairns David L. Pawson Klaus Ruetzler Richard S. Houbrick Clyde F. E. Roper M. G. Harasewych Robert Hershler Kristian Fauchald W. Duane Hope Mary..E. Rice 293 Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals Director Biological Lab Technician Biological Research Technician Biological Lab Technician Research Assistant Museum Specialist Research Associates, Collaborators, J. Bruce Bredin Fenner A. Chace, Zoologist) Steven Chambers Sing Chen Chang (Emeritus Zoologist) Elizabeth Chornesky Maureen E. Downey Joan D. Ferraris Stephen J. Gardiner Terrence M. Gosliner Horton H. Hobbs, Jr. Zoologist) Lipke B. Holthuis Meredith L. Jones (Emeritus Zoologist) J. Ralph Lichtenfels Patsy McLaughlin Jr. (Emeritus (Emeritus DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL SCIENCES Chairman Administrator Meteorites Curator Associate Curator Geochemist Mineralogy Curator Associate Curator Crystallographer Associate Curator John Harshbarger Sunthorn Sirivanakarn Norman Wolcott Kathy Price Marilyn Slatick Phyllis Spero and Affiliated Scientists Charles G. Messing John E. Miller Isabel Perez-Farfante (Canet) Esther C. Peters Richard E. Petit Marian H. Pettibone (Emeritus Zoologist) Anthony J. Provenzano, Jr. Harald A. Rehder (Emeritus Zoologist) Janet W. Reid I. G. Sohn Ronald B. Toll Michael Vecchione Geerhart J. Vermeij Austin B. Williams David K. Young Jeffrey Post Ellen Thurnau Roy S. Clarke, Jr. Glenn J. MacPherson Kurt Frederiksson John Sampson White Jeffrey Post Daniel E. Appleman Michael A. Wise Petrology and Volcanology Curators Associate Curator Physical Sciences Laboratory Chemists Electronics Technician Scientific Events Alert Network Museum Specialist Research Associates, Collaborators, Vagn F. Buchwald (Meteorites) Cathy Busby-Spera (Petrology) Gary R. Byerly (Petrology) Felix Chayes (Petrology and Volcanology) Robert T. Dodd (Meteorites) John Filson (Petrology and Volcanology) Michael Fleischer (Mineralogy) Martin Flower (Petrology and Volcanology) DEPARTMENT OF PALEOBIOLOGY Chairman Curators Emeritus (Not in Residence) Administrative Assistant Collections Manager Deputy Collections Manager Paleobiological Information Specialist Scientific Illustrator Vertebrate Paleontology Preparation Laboratory, Acting Supervisor Richard S. Fiske William G. Melson Tom Simkin Sorena Sorensen Eugene Jarosewich Joseph A. Nelen James E. Collins Lindsay R. McClelland and Affiliated Scientists Edward Henderson (Meteorites) Peter Levens (Mineralogy) Brian H. Mason (Meteorites) Paul B. Moore (Mineralogy) Debra S. Stakes (Petrology and Volcanology) Geoffrey Thomson (Petrology and Volcanology) Othmar T. Tobisch (Petrology and Volcanology) Jack W. Pierce Richard S. Boardman G. Arthur Cooper Porter M. Kier Betty M. Lomax Frederick J. Collier Jann W. M. Thompson Raymond T. Rye II Mary A. Parrish Frederic V. Grady Senior Scientists Geologists Curators Associate Curators Research Associates, Collaborators. Jean M. Berdan Raymond L. Bernor Annalissa Berta Robyn Burnham Sankar Chatterjee James M. Clark Stephen J. Culver John D. Damuth Ted E. Delaca Sherri L. DeFauw Daryl P. Domning Raymond C. Douglass J,, «thomas Dutro, Jr. Ralph E. Eshelman Karl W. Flessa Thomas G. Gibson Mackenzie Gordon, Richard R. Graus S. Taseer Hussain Carl F. Koch fie DEPARTMENT OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Chairman Administrative Assistant Collections Managers 296 Richard H. Benson Alan H. Cheetham Richard E. Grant Daniel J. Stanley Kenneth M. Towe Ian G. Macintyre Walter H. Adey Anna K. Behrensmeyer Martin A. Buzas William A. DiMichele Robert J. Emry Nicholas Hotton III Francis M. Hueber Jack W. Pierce Clayton E. Ray Thomas R. Waller Douglas H. Erwin (Appointed 7/15/90) Brian T. Huber Scott L. Wing and Affiliated Scientists Jerry P. MacDonald Sergius H. Mamay Jerry N. McDonald Robert B. Neuman William A. Oliver, David B. Packer John Pojeta, Jr. Kenneth D. Rose Bruce Runnegar William J. Sando Judith Skog Norman F. Sohl I. Gregory Sohn Hans-Dieter Sues Joshua I. Tracey, Jr. Frank C. Whitmore, Jr. Druid Wilson Christopher Wnuk Ellis L. Yochelson Richard W. Thorington, Sybil Descheemaeker J. Phillip Angle Elyse J. Beldon Linda K. Gordon Susan L. Jewett Charles W. Potter Jeffrey T. Williams J % Jie Fishes Curators G. David Johnson Victor G. Springer Assistant Curator Amphibians and Reptiles Curators W. Ronald Heyer Assistant Curator Birds Curators Storrs L. Olson Assistant Curator Mammals Curators Michael D. Carleton Charles O. Handley, Jr. Office of the Secretary Emeritus Secretary Emeritus Museum Specialist Administrative Assistant Secretary Research Associates, Collaborators, Ronald G. Altig (Amphibians and Reptiles) Richard C. Banks (Birds) Aaron M. Bauer (Amphibians and Reptiles) Jonathan J. Becker (Birds) Bruce M. Beehler (Birds) Heraldo A. Britski (Fishes) Eleanor D. Brown (Birds) Robert L. Brownell, Jr. (Mammals) Richard P. Vari Stanley H. Weitzman Lynne R. Parenti George R. Zug Kevin de Queiroz Richard L. Zusi Gary R. Graves James G. Mead Richard W. Thorington, Jr. S. Dillon Ripley Bruce M. Beehler Mary T. Pacaro Rachel A. Simpson and Affiliated Scientists John Cadle (Amphibians and Reptiles) Peter F. Cannell (Birds) Roger B. Clapp (Birds) Bruce B. Collette (Fishes) G. Ken Creighton (Mammals) C. Kenneth Dodd, Jr. (Amphibians and Reptiles) Louise H. Emmons (Mammals) Per Ericson (Birds) Carl H. Ernst (Amphibians and Reptiles Sara V. Fink (Fishes) William L. Fink (Fishes) Mercedes S. Foster (Birds) John G. Frazier (Mammals) Thomas H. Fritts (Amphibians and Reptiles) Alfred L. Gardner (Mammals) J. Whitfield Gibbons (Amphibians and Reptiles) Michael Goulding (Fishes) Richard Highton (Amphibians and Reptiles) Robert S. Hoffmann (Mammals Peter W. Houde (Birds) Morton and Phyllis Isler (Birds) Richard F. Kay (Mammals) Irving L. Kornfield (Fishes) William H. Krueger (Fishes) Roxie C. Laybourne (Birds) Roy W. McDiarmid (Amphibians and Reptiles) Antonio Machado-Allison (Fishes) Francisco Mago-Leccia (Fishes) Joe T. Marshall (Birds) Linda R. Maxson (Amphibians and Reptiles) Bruce D. Means (Amphibians and Reptiles) Naercio A. Menezes (Fishes) Joseph C. Mitchell (Amphibians and Reptiles) Thomas A. Munroe (Fishes) Hidetoshi Ota (Amphibians and Reptiles) William F. Perrin (Mammals) Allan R. Phillips (Birds) Gregory K. Pregill (Amphibians and Reptiles) John E. Randall (Fishes) Randall R. Reeves (Mammals) S. Dillon Ripley (Birds) Sentiel Rommel (Mammals) Carol Ruckdeschel (Amphibians and Reptiles) Norman J. Scott, Jr. (Amphibians and Reptiles) William F. Smith-Vaniz (Fishes) Thomas W. Stafford, Jr. (Birds) David W. Steadman (Birds) Kenneth J. Sulak (Fishes) Ian R. Swingland (Amphibians and Reptiles) James C. Tyler (Fishes) Ann W. Vari (Fishes) Merrill Varn (Mammals) Richard J. Wassersug (Amphibians and Reptiles) Marilyn Weitzman (Fishes) John S. Weske (Birds) Edward O. Wiley (Fishes) James D. Williams (Fishes) Don E. Wilson (Mammals) W. Chris Wozencraft (Mammals) SMITHSONIAN OCEANOGRAPHIC SORTING CENTER Director Administrative Assistant Marine Biologists Frank D. Ferrari Leslie W. Knapp Rafael Lemaitre Ernani G. Menez Patricia K. Buckley Ernani G. Menez Jon L. Norenburg SMITHSONIAN MARINE STATION AT LINK PORT Director Administrative Assistant Research Assistants William D. Lee Julianne Piraino 298 Mary E. Rice Joan L. Kaminski Sherry Anne Reed Hugh F. Reichardt MUSEUM SUPPORT CENTER Director Administrative Specialist Data Administrator Facility Manager Assistant Facility Manager Chief, Information Management Section LABORATORY OF MOLECULAR SYSTEMATICS Director Botanist/Curator Administrative Specialist Biological Laboratory Technician NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN Director Deputy Director Deputy Director for Administration and Budget Deputy Director for Public Program Planning Project Manager, George Gustav Heye Center 1992 Exhibition *appointed September 1990 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Director Assistant Director for Collections Assistant Director for History and Public Programs (to 8/10/90) Executive Officer Curator of Painting and Sculpture Curator of Exhibitions Associate Curator of Painting and Sculpture Curator of Prints Curator of Photographs Curator of Education Editor of Publications Chief, Design and Production Keeper, Catalog of American Portraits Editor of the Charles Willson Peale Papers and Historian of American Culture Librarian Conservator Senior Photographer Registrar Public Affairs Officer U. Vincent Wilcox Patti B. Young Joan B. Andrews Charles E. Dunn George Bolden David Bridge Michael J. Braun Elizabeth A. Zimmer JoAnne Ciprich Judith Blake W. Richard West, Jr. Dave Warren Jean Salan Elaine Heumann Gurian* James W. Volkert Alan Fern Carolyn K. Carr Marc Pachter Barbara A. Hart Robert G. Stewart Beverly J. Cox Ellen Miles Wendy Wick Reaves William F. Stapp Harry Jackson Frances K. Stevenson Nello Marconi Linda Thrift Lillian B:. Miller Cecilia Chin CindyLou Molnar Ockershausen Rolland White Suzanne Jenkins Sue Ann Kendall OFFICE” OF “EXHZBITS CENTRAL Director Assistant Director, Chief of Design and Editing Assistant Director, Chief of Production Administrative Section Administrative Officer Administrative Assistant Supply Technician Secretary Editing and Design Section Editing Unit Writer/Editor Writer/Editor Design and Illustration Unit Senior Designer Designer Designer Designer hitustratoer Production Section Graphics Shop Supervisor, Graphics Shop Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Specialist (Typing) Model Shop Supervisor, Model Shop Exhibits Exhibits Exhibits Exhabats Exhibits Exhibits Exhibits EXWibres Exhaiba ts Exhabases Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialise Specialist Specialist 300 Vacant Karen H. Fort Walter G. Sorrell Bva M.(Clark Nina A. Awkard George W. Johnson Alve ta, Olin Hadid. Diana F. Cohen Rosemary Regan Kenneth V. Young Mary D. Bird Tina M. Lynch V. Eve McIntyre Christopher Reinecke Patricia M. Burke J.B. Bynum H. Rolando Mayen Ruth Trevarrow Elizabeth A. Smalls Benjamin Snouffer Michael Friello Timothy Smith Susan Arshack Richard Kilday Reed Martin Lora Moran-Collins James Reuter Paul Rhymer George Quist Carol Reuter Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Helper Fabrication Shop Supervisor, Fabrication Shop Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Specialist Exhibits; specilalist Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Specialist Exhibits Maker Exhibits Maker Exhibits Helper Painter Leader Painter OFFICE OF HORTICULTURE Director (Acting) Administrative Officer Administrative Assistant Landscape Architect Greenhouse Manager Grounds Manager John Siske Emanuel Morgan Kenneth R. Clevinger Harold S. Campbell Harry Adams Michael Headley Robert Perantoni William Walton Teresa West Jonathan A. Zastrow James B. Carr Eric Washington Michael Kelton Carl Jd. Thomas Anthony R. Valentine Kathryn R. Meehan Peter J. Nerret Fred Barnette Paul H. Lindell Barbara Faust Kenneth Hawkins 301 OFFICE OF MUSEUM PROGRAMS Administration James Sims Teresa LaMaster Eleanor Coombs Pamela Blalock Christine Murray Curriculum Programs Bettie Lee Gayle Edmunds Heather Baker Tana Yarano Professional Services Bruce Craig Esther Washington Maria Marable Program Research Nancy Fuller Acting Director Deputy Director Administrative Officer Administrative Assistant Secretary Curriculum Program Coordinator Curriculum Planner Program Assistant Program Assistant Professional Services Manager Intern Coordinator Resident Study Coordinator Program Research Manager SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Director Collections Information Administrator Assistant to the Director Administrative Assistant 302 Mary E. Case Jane E. Sledge William G. Tompkins A. Paulette Hughes SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION TRAVELING EXHIBITION SERVICE ADMINISTRATION Director Assistant to the Director Administrative Manager Administrative Assistant Receptionist ACCOUNTING Office Manager Accounting Manager PROGRAM Associate Director for Program Workshop Director, "Climbing Jacob's Ladder" Project Director and Registrar Project Director Project Director Project Director Project Director Project Director Exhibition Associate Project Director Project Director and Registrar Project Director Project Director Project Director Project Director Exhibition Associate Project Director and Registrar Project Director Project Director Project Director Project Director and Registrar Project Director Project Director Project Director and Registrar Head Registrar PUBLIC RELATIONS Director Public Relations Coordinator PUBLICATIONS Director Editor Editor Publications Marketing Manager Anna R. Cohn Diane Stewart Allegra Wright Micky Oakley Carrie Stevenson Kenneth Fenty Marie-Claire Jean Lori Wesley Alperin Josette Cole Lori Dempsey Matou Baillergeau Goodwin Anne R. Gossett Elizabeth Hennings Sally Hoffmann Katherine Clark Hudgens Jim Rubenstein Martha Cappelletti Sewell Myriam Springuel Catherine Sterling Betty Teller Laurie May Trippett Fredric P. Williams Lee Williams Liz Hill Scott Willett Andrea Stevens David Andrews Melissa Hirsch Jon S. Homes SCHEDULING AND EXHIBITOR RELATIONS Scheduling and Exhibitor Relations Director Scheduling and Exhibitor Associate Kelli Roberts Karen Nichols OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC SERVICE James C. Early Ernestine A. Potter Margaret A. Bertin Manjula Kumar Toni Brady Jenelle Cooper Candice Robinson OFFICE OF WIDER Marshall Wong Andrea Yangas Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Service Administrative Officer Special Assistant Program Specialist Administrative Specialist Secretary Clerk Typist AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT Director Secretary NATIONAL SCIENCE RESOURCES CENTER Executive Director Deputy Director Director of Publications Coordinator of Outreach Administrative Associate Publications/Technology Specialist Resource Database Specialist Graphic Design Specialist Project Assistant Project Assistant Project Assistant Director, Science and Technology for Children (STC) Project Research Associate, STC Project Research Associate, STC Project Research Associate, STC Project Project Consultant, STC Project Project Consultant, STC Project 304 Douglas Lapp Sally Shuler Kathleen Johnston Olive Covington Karen Fusto Timothy Falb Shawn McCarthy Max-Karl Winkler Mari Cherie Bertoni Laura Pierce Terrye Rodgers Joe Griffith Wendy Binder David Hartney Katherine Stiles Debby Deal Pat McGlashan OFFICE OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION Director Deputy Director Director of Outreach Programs Publications Coordinator Coordinator of Teacher Services Writer/Editor Education Specialist Education Specialist Education Specialist OFFICE OF FOLKLIFE PROGRAMS Acting Director Director, Smithsonian/Folkways Recordings Senior Folklorist Senior Ethnomusicologist Festival Director Director, Quincentenary Projects Administrative Officer Acting Administrative Officer Program Analyst Education Specialist Curator, Senegal Program Curator, Musics of Struggle Program Research Associates Acting Festival Services Manager Designer Technical Coordinator Program Specialist Archives Technician Audio Visual Production Assistant Folkways Specialist Folkways Assistants Assistant Archivist Quincentenary Coordinator Secretary to the Director Clerk/Typists Ann Bay Thomas E. Lowderbaugh Janice Majewski Michelle Smith Clare Cuddy Betsy Eisendrath Maria Cristina Garcia Beth Anne Shaw Julia Langdon Richard Kurin Anthony Seeger Peter Seitel Thomas Vennum, Jr. Diana Parker Olivia Cadaval Jewell Dulaney Barbara Strickland Richard Kennedy Betty Belanus Diana N’Diaye Jacquelin Peters Marjorie Hunt Frank Proschan Nicholas Spitzer Claudia Telliho Daphne Shuttleworth R. Fred Nahwooksy, Jr. Arlene Reiniger Cc. Jeffrey Place Guha Shankar Dudley Connell Suzanne Holder Christopher Jerde Lori Taylor Celia Heil Maria Parisi Lidya Montes Minu Tahmassebi 305 OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Director Associate Director Administrative Officer Secretary to the Director Publications Associate Director Staff News Associate Director Staff VISITOR INFORMATION AND ASSOCIATES’ Director Deputy Director Unit Manager, sources Division Unit Manager, Public Inquiry Mail and Telephone Infor- mation Services Unit Unit Manager, 7-Day Informa- tion Service Unit Program Coordinator, Behind- the-Scenes Volunteer Program Program Coordinator, Tele- phone Information Service Program Coordinator, Central Services 306 Information Re- Madeleine Jacobs Eileen Jones Carolyn Amundson Michelle Carr Natalie Fielman Kathryn Lindeman John Barrat Mary Combs Holly Hammett Peggy Langral] Antoinette van Zelm Jo Ann Webb Lilas Wiltshire Linda St.Thomas Johnnie Douthis Gabriela Frings Irene Jones David Maxfield Vicki Moeser William Schulz Rachel Sears Robert Tenequer (intern) RECEPTION CENTER Mary Grace Potter Elizabeth Bennett Jane Gardner Katherine Neill Sherrie Chapman Nancy Hinton Cordelia Benedict Sheila Myers OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Assistant Secretary Deputy Assistant Secretary Deputy Assistant Secretary for Media Executive Assistant Research Assistant Program Assistant Special Assistant Staff Assistant Office Assistant Secretary Thomas E. Lovejoy Mare J... Pachter Robert A. Dierker Carmen R. Thorndike Martha Hays Cooper Katy Moran Kennedy Schmertz Debbie Yang Lydia Wallick Elizabeth Sarantos NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION LABORATORY FOR INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES Director Deputy Director Jacqueline Hess Ellen Withrow OFFICE OF MEMBERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT Director Deputy Director Director of Development Activities Special Assistant to the Director Administrative Officer Executive Secretary Development Assistant Manager, Individual Giving Center Development Officers Development Associates Development Assistant Manager, Corporate/Foundation Center Development Officer Development Associate Development Assistant Manager, Development Services Center Development Officers Development Associates Thomas McCance, Jr. E. Jeffrey Stann Diana D. Duncan Gwendolen R. Leighty Carol S. Nottingham Judith S. Boerger ~ Kimberly Holyfield Donna B. Ari Barbara White Freeman Anne Walton Elizabeth Pilson Melanie Wolfe Nancy Patsos Nancy Fischer Elba Arrocha Raymond Burkett Kimberly Lakin Margaret D. Turner Lucy Dorick Bonnie K. Miller Michael B. Syphax Frank Edwards Julia Heiner Robert Leipold Stefanie Musegades Lyssette Rivera 307 Development Assistant Manager, Information Center Development Assistant Development Constituencies Officer Information Resource Specialist Constituency Info. Project Officer Database Coordinator Technical Information Clerks Gift Records Specialist Special Services Officer Development Assistant/Receptionist Foreign Representatives: Europe Japan Booker Wilson Margo H. Knight Emily Levine Susan Kalcik Jim Stone Christine Louton Ann Bissell David Herod Denise McKittrick Chong-Ok Hong Tseng Arthur W. Gardner D. Michael Serrano Sir Valentine Abdy Hanako Matano WOMEN'S COMMITTEE OF THE SMITHSONIAN ASSOCIATES Program Coordinator Program Assistant Paula Duncan Susan Conway SMITHSONIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATE PROGRAM Director Assistant Director Program Manager, U.S. and International Events and Smithsonian Research Expeditions Program Manager, Contributing Membership Program Manager, Corporate Associate Program Program Manager, Smithsonian Study Tours and Seminars 308 Joseph Carper Stephen Pike Charlene James-Duguid Fern Segerlind Neill Heath Barbara Tuceling SMITHSONIAN RESIDENT ASSOCIATE PROGRAM Director Janet W. Solinger Associate Director, Administration Michael Cassidy Associate Director, Programming Program Managers Program Coordinators Editor Assistant Editor Public Affairs Officer Director of Marketing Membership and Registration Manager Assistant Membership and Registration Manager Assistant Registration Manager Business Office Manager Volunteer Coordinator Edmund H. Worthy, Jr. Roslyn C. Beitler Anna Caraveli Joanne Gigliotti Jacqueline H. Grazette Moya B. King Marcus L. Overton Michael A. Caplin Susan Lee Swarthout Penelope Pigott Dann Margo Del Vecchio Karen M. Gray Harriet McNamee Valerie Wheat Cecelia Reed Reed Isbell Joan Cole Janice R. Nall Dennis R. Smoot Claudette E. Moore Xenia Sorokin Arnelle Crystal Pruitt Fleary Susan R. Mond OFFICE OF CONGRESSIONAL LIAISON Director Congressional Liaison Officer Congressional Liaison Specialist Congressional Liaison Specialist Congressional Liaison Assistant OFFICE OF SPECIAL EVENTS Director Special Events Coordinators Secretary Margaret C. Gaynor Claire L. Fronville Carey M. Wilkins Manuel J. Melendez Mariko C. Murray Barbara Spraggins Edmund B. Anderson Cheryl E. Gibney Blenda G. Thompson Mary E. Thomson Mary E. Davis 309 OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS Director Deputy Director Media Project Development Specialist Motion Picture Production Specialist Audio/Visual Production Specialists Marketing & Promotion Specialist Marketing Assistant Radio Production Specialist Radio Production Specialist Administrative Officer Administrative Assistant SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS Director Deputy Director Financial Manager Marketing Director Administrative Officer University Press Division Editorial Director Managing Editor Managing Editor, Series Publications Production Manager Design Manager Smithsonian Books Division Editor-in-Chief Senior Editor Recordings Division Executive Producer Book Development Division Executive Editor 310 Paul Johnson Karen Loveland Elizabeth Brownstein John W. Hiller John P. Meehan Lee Cioffi Laura Schneider Peter R. C. Erikson Jean Quinnette Denise Freeland Martha Knouss -- Vacant -- John Tyler Charlotte Brown Myra Banks Felix Lowe Vincent MacDonnell John Ouellette Gail Grella Dorothy Blaska Daniel Goodwin Ruth Spiegel Barbara Spann Kathleen Brown Alan Carter Patricia Gallagher Alexis Doster III Vacant Caroline Newman SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE Editor Don Moser Board of Editors: Constance A. Bond Bennett Schiff Caroline A. Despard Nancy Seaman Jim Doherty Paul Trachtman Timothy Foote John P. Wiley, dr. Marlane A. Liddell Publisher Joseph J. Bonsignore Associate Publisher, Advertising Thomas H. Black Associate Publisher, Circulation John O'Donnell Associate Publisher, Administration Carey O. Randall CGireculatilon Director Adeline Sherr Director of Production E. Cherry Doyle Consultant to the Magazine Edward K. Thompson AIR & SPACE/SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE Edi tor George C. Larson Managing Editor Picture Editor Senior Editor Departments Editor Tom Huntington Lee Battaglia Linda Musser Shriner Patricia Trenner Publisher Joseph J. Bonsignore Advertising Director Louis C. Kolenda Circulation Director Gale Page Associate Publisher, Administration Carey O. Randall Business Manager Shelia Perry-Brannum Production Manager Sarah D. Kingsley Consultant to the Magazine E. Cherry Doyle SMITHSONIAN WORLD Executive Producer Sandra Bradley Series Coordinator Kalindi Corens Production Associate Brent Rains OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR INSTITUTIONAL INITIATIVES Assistant Secretary for Institutional Initiatives Alice Green Burnette Special Assistant Daniel K. Stevenson Program Manager Lois A. Noack 311 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR ADMINISTRATION Assistant Secretary John F. Jameson Deputy Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Beuck Derbyshire Special Assistant Howard Toy Ombudsman Chandra P. Heilman OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Director Will Douglas, Jr. Special Assistant McKinley Harris Computer Programmer Claudine Massih Program Manager Carol Gover Program Manager, Complaints Robert L. Osborne Program Manager, Affirmative Action Diane Cook-Lee OFFICE OF FACILITIES SERVICES Director Richard L. Siegle OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION Director Cynthia R. Field Historic Preservation Specialist Amy Ballard Registrar, Smithsonian Furnishings Collection Richard E. Stamm Conservator, Smithsonian Furnishings Collection Peter L. Muldoon OFFICE OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Director Robert P. Dillman (appointed September 1990) Acting Associate Director William L. Thomas Chief, Information and Administrative Services Div. Vacant Chief, Facilities Planning Div. Harold J. Rombach Chief, Project Management Div. Vacant Acting Chief, Program Support Branch Laura O. Hoing Chief, Resource Management Branch Vacant Program Manager, ASC, L’Enfant Vacant Program Manager, SAO Vacant Program Manager, South Group Pedro J. Rivera Project Manager, AAPG, RGA, AM, HMSG Paul Rasmussen Project Manager, NMAH, Springfield Aris T. Allen Project Manager, NMNH, MSC, Fort Pierce Donald Dormstetter Project Manager, STRI Fernando Pascal Project Manager, NASM, SHF Thomas P. Myers Project Manager, Freer Loren D. Raap Project Manager, NMAI Vacant 312 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY Director Executive Officer Chief, Environmental Management Division Chief, Fire Protection Division Chief, Safety Division OFFICE OF PLANT SERVICES Director Deputy Director Administrative Officer Assistant Director, Physical Plant Services Chief, Utilities Operations Chief, Crafts Operations Assistant Director, Engineering and Support Services Chief, Engineering Services Chief, Support Services OFFICE OF PROTECTION SERVICES Director Associate Director Management Associate Director Operations Administrative Officer Chief, Protection Service Chief, Security Systems Division Chief, Security Services Division Medical Officer Security Officer, Cooper-Hewitt and National Museum of the American Indian F. William Billingsley Andrew W. McCoy Ruth E. McCully J. Andrew Wilson Walter G. Bailey Michael R. League Michael J. Sofield Judith A. Cooper William M. Adams Harry I. Goodman John W. Libby Lawrence D. Stuebing Howard Wink, Jr. Charles W. Arthur, Jr. Robert B. Burke G. Clifford Boocks Thomas H. Bresson Vacant Ronald J. Colaprete Warren J. Danzenbaker Ralph M. Smith (Acting) J. Andrew Armer, M.D. Luis A. Palau OFFICE OF INFORMATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Director Vincent J. Marcalus Acting Manager, Management Information Systems Division Manager, Collections Information Systems Division Frank Bennett Susan McFarland Manager, Computer Systems Management Div. George Anderson Manager, Communication Management Div. John Moreci Manager, Information Management Division Rae L. Thompson Manager, Information Support Services Division Joseph Russo 313 MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS OFFICE Director Assistant Director Chief, Operations OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Acting Director Administrative Officer Acting Assistant Director for Operations Acting Assistant Director for Policy and Programs Benefits Officer Labor Relations Officer OFFICE OF PLANNING AND BUDGET Director Assistant Director, Planning Assistant Director, Federal Compliance and Reporting Assistant Director, Budget Formulation and Execution John G. Motheral James M. Young Iris Thomas Barry M. Pierce Sandra J. Anderson Toni C. Lake Nancy L. Johns Anthony Kohlrus Nancy L. Johns Nancy D. Robert L. Farrell Mary J. Rodriguez Richard S. Haas OFFICE OF PRINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES Director Deputy Director Production Control Officer Chief, Special Events/Photography Branch Chief, Laboratory Branch Chief, Services Branch Chief, NASM Branch Chief, NMNH Branch Chief, Color Branch Chief, Duplicating Branch James H. Wallace, Lorie H. Aceto Mary Ellen McCaffrey Richard Hofmeister Edes F. Talman Joyce M. Goulait Mark Avino Victor Krantz Joe A. Goulait Herman Thompson OFFICE OF PROCUREMENT AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Director Deputy Director Manager, Contracts and Procurement Divisions Chief, Contracts Division Chief, Procurement Division Manager, Programs and Property Divisions Chief, Property and Inventory Management Division Management Analyst TRAVEL SERVICES OFFICE Director Deputy Director 314 Robert P. Perkins John W. Cobert Vacant George J. Zumpf Helen L. Donaldson Robert J. Lewin Joseph W. Swihart Willa H. Afshar Judith Petroski Carol P. Ailes Suttenfield Rl pee JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Chairman James W. Wolfensohn CULTURAL DIVERSITY AFFAIRS Director DEVELOPMENT Director/ Kennedy Center Corporate Fund National Symphony Orchestra Director/ Anual Fund, Endowment EDUCATION (Acting) Director/ Alliance for Arts Education Associate Director Associate Director Theater for Young People National Symphony Orchestra American College Theater Festival FINANCE Director Personnel Manager Payroll Manager Controller Data Systems Manager Budget Director Archie L. Buffkins Marc Breslaw Barbara A. Hall David R. Humphrey R. Virginia Rogers Scott D. Stoner Carole C. Sullivan Carole J. Wysocki David Young Clifton B. Jeter Sandra E. Bissell Lee Caldwell Nancy H. Fleeter Steven D. Hacker Kathleen L. Plovanich FRIENDS OF THE KENNEDY CENTER Director OPERATIONS Director Director of Procurement Director of Planning and Building Services Peg Allen Geraldine M. Otremba Thomas A. Hickok Beth W. Newbold PRODUCTIONS AND THEATERS General Manager Drew Murphy of Theaters Administrator for Artistic Programming Sheldon Schwartz Theater Operations Manager Randy Weeks PUBLIC AFFAIRS, MARKETING AND ADVERTISING Division Director/ Director of Public Affairs Laura Longley Director of Media Relations Tiki Davies Director of Marketing John H. McAuliffe Director of Advertising Joanne B. Steller SPECIAL EVENTS Director Charlotte Woolard TELEVISION AND SPECIAL PROJECTS Director Carolyn Reynolds NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Executive Director Stephen Klein General Manager Richard B. Hancock 316 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART Office of the President President . Office of the Director Director. Special heedeeane ne oe css Executive Assistant... . John R. Stevenson J. Carter Brown Robert Bowen Angela LoRe Office of the Deputy Director Deputy Director... oo Head, Department of Education: Editor. Chief of Exhibition Progeanee Executive Librarian . Chief, Photographic Taboracceye Head, Photographic Services . Head, Department of Educational Resources Curator of Archives. Chief, Desaeemene aE Dessen Paocosrapnie and Installation. . . Managing Curator, Records and Loans . Registrar . ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Head, Department of Loans and National Lending Service. . . Assistant to the Deputy Director. Curators Senior Curator, Curator of Prints and Drawings . Curator of Curator of Curator of Curator of Painting. Curator of Painting. Curator of Painting. Curator of Painting. Curator of Curator of French Prints. Italian Drawings . Contemporary Prints. Northern Renaissance SouenerA Rena seance Northern Baroque Souenern Ba oque Anerqeas Age : Sculpture. Roger Mandle . Linda Downs Frances Smyth D. Dodge Thompson Neal T. Turtell Richard Amt Ira A. Bartfield Ruth R. Perlin Ruth Rowe Philbrick Gaillard F. Ravenel Suzannah Fabing Mary E. Suzor Stephanie Belt Carol Kelley Andrew C. Robison, Jr. H. Diane Russell Margaret Morgan Grasselli Ruth Fine John 0. Hand David A. Brown Arthur K. Wheelock Diane DeGrazia Nicolai Cikovsky Douglas Lewis 317 Curator of Modern Painting. . . Charles S. Moffett Curator of Twentieth-Century Atlee (ol insiiae ss » + » « Jack, Cowart Chief of Soneerration 5 6s « « Ross Ms Merrit Office of External Affairs External Affairs Officer. . .. Joseph J. Krakora Special Events. .... . . . Genevra Higginson Public Information. . .. . . Ruth Kaplan Corporate Relations... . Elizabeth A. C. Weil President's Office, Special Project, Patrons’ Permanent Rundi. ws @ 2 ace « = « « Laura) BE: Fisher MuUSHiCasce suns ss a) w mt as pe &, (George: Manos Office of the Secretary-General Counsel Secretary-General Counsel . .. Philip C. Jessup, Jr. Associate Secretary-General Counsel... . titeu ei « “Elazgabethe Ass Croo¢g Assistant Secretary 20 « « « & “Kathryn K. Bartfield Chief Archivist, Gallery Archives. . . =... . « «. « Maygene’ Daniels Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts Dean. ... Ss ekee so eae, Henry. Ace Madaon Associate pean. 2 2) 4a, io) oe a,» Marianna S.7 ‘Simpson Office of the Treasurer Treasurer... * » » « « « Daniel Herrick Assistant PrendiGeet . . « . . . Michael W. Levine Office of the Administrator Administrator ...... . . . Anne B. Evans Personnel Officer ..... .. . Michael B. Bloom Facility Manager. . ... . . . Gregg A. Reynolds 318 READING IS FUNDAMENTAL, INC. Chairman of the Board President Director of Special Projects Director of Development Director of Supplier and Organizational Relations Director of Finance Director of Programs Director, Systems, Computer, and Support Operations Finance Officer Senior Writer/Editor Manager of Educational Services Program Coordinator Program Coordinator Program Coordinator Mrs. Elliot Richardson Ruth Graves Nancy Sullivan Wade St. Clair Barbara B. Atkinson Christina Mead James Wendorf Don Perron Oriente Arzadon Gail Oerke Victoria J. Heland Krystal Patrick Mary Haggerty Alison Riley 319 WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS Director Deputy Director Deputy Director for Planning and Management Dominic Cooper, Special Assistant to the Director Zdenek V. David, Librarian Moira Egan, Director of External Affairs Glenn W. LaFantasie, Director of Publications George L. Seay, Producer of Radio Dialogue Ann Cc. Sheffield, Assistant Director for Fellowships William P. Glade, Senior Scholar Walter Reich, Senior Scholar DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Robert S. Litwak, Director DIVISION OF REGIONAL AND COMPARATIVE STUDIES Joseph Tulchin, Chairman Asia Program, Mary Bullock, Director Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Blair Ruble, Director Latin American Program, Joseph Tulchin, Director East and West European Progran, East European Studies, Milan Hauner, Director West European Studies, Michael Haltzel, Director DIVISION OF UNITED STATES STUDIES Michael J. Lacey, Director MEDIA STUDIES PROJECT Lawrence Lichty, Director THE WILSON QUARTERLY Warren B. Syer, Publisher Kathy Read, Deputy Publisher Jay Tolson, Editor Steven Lagerfeld, Deputy Editor *appointed September 10, 1990 320 Charles Blitzer Samuel F. Wells, Dean Anderson”* fb girs Appendix 7 Donors to the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1990 The Board of Regents and the Secretary of the Smithsonian join with the entire staff in thanking all of the Institution’s friends for the generosity they have shown with their financial support, gifts to the collections, and in-kind donations. All gifts are listed according to type; within each category names of donors are recorded under the ttle of the recipient bureau or office, with a brief description of the gift where appropriate. If perchance the name of any donor has been omitted from these lists, it is an inadvertence and in no way diminishes the Institution’s gratitude. Many gifts were received from donors who prefer to remain anonymous; the Smithsonian wishes to thank these people, as well, for their support. DONORS OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL CENTER $10,000 or more Alton Jones Foundation BIOLAT Ford Foundation, with Island Press Pew Charitable Trusts Rockefeller Foundation Smithsonian Education Outreach Fund Stroud Foundation UNESCO Man & the Biosphere Program U.S. Man & the Biosphere Program $1,000 or more Anonymous Donor World Wildlife Fund JOSEPH HENRY PAPERS $1,000 or more Ida Hornstein Reingold Memorial Fund NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK $100,000 or more The Pew Charitable Trusts $50,000 - $99,999 Jean D. & W. Mason Shehan World Wildlife Fund-Us $10,000 - $49,999 Anonymous The Arcana Foundation The Clark-Winchcole Foundation Brittain Bardes Cudlip The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation The Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Florida Game & Fresh Water Fish Commission The Philip L. Graham Fund Ruth S. Holmberg The Mars Foundation Rallston Purina Company Merrilyn Bardes Reynolds $5,000 - $9,999 Don H. Berkebile The Bristol Myers-Squibb Foundation Howard Stein Dr. Judith P. Sulzberger Nature Conservancy of Hawaii Safari Club International, D.C. Chapter Stephen V. Winthrop $1,000 - $4,999 Cathleen & Robert A. Bartlett, Jr. Binder Park Zoological Society Esther S. Bondareff Cleveland Zoological Society Columbus Zoological Park James Everett Gilman Paper Company Dr. & Mrs. Clinton W. Kelly, III John Cc. & Withrow Wier Meeker Evelyn R. & Richard J. Norman Oklahoma City Zoological Park Jane D. & Bernard H. Ridder, Jr. Sonia S. & Louis Rothschild, Jr. St. Louis Zoological Park John L. & Gloria P. Scott Barbara & Jeffrey R. Short, Jr. Dr. Joseph R. Spies Mary H. Storer Toledo Zoological Society 322 OFFICE OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES $25,000 or more $2,500 or more International Life Sciences Institute- Brown Group, Inc. Nutrition Foundation Kolla-Landwehr Foundation $10,000 or more McGovern Fund for the Behavioral Sciences SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES $5,000.00 or more Research Publications, Inc. SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE $500,000 or more Glenn O. Tupper $100,000 or more Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $10,000 or more Exxon Coporation $500 or more Mildred and Harry Silberglied 323 ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART $50,000 or more deSalle Charitable Trust J. Paul Getty Trust The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. The Pew Charitable Trust $10,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Max N. Berry Berry-Hill Galleries, Inc. Bess Harper Estate Mr. and Mrs. Meredith J. Long Mr. and Mrs. Richard Manney Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manoogian Salomon Brothers Inc Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman The Ahmanson Foundation The Brown Foundation, Inc. The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation Time Warner Inc. $5,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Acevedo Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Biggs Mr. David Bolt Mr. and Mrs. Eli Broad Chnistie’s Associates Mr. and Mrs. Saul Z. Cohen Mrs. Walter B. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Eugenio Garza Laguera Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Halff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Johnson III Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Levy Miss Julienne M. Michel Mr. Mayer Mitchell Nina Werblow Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roob Mr. and Mrs. John N. Rosekrans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schwartz Sotheby’s Mr. Ira Spanierman Mr. Arthur O. Sulzberger The John Sloan Memorial Foundation, Inc. The Leslie Fay Companies, Inc. Viola E. Bray Charitable Trust $1,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Aberly Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander Mr. Arthur G. Altschul Babcock Galleries Ms. Sandra H. Bakalar Mr. Louis C. Baker W. N. Banks Dr. and Mrs. James Bannon Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Benson Mrs. Edwin A. Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. Berman Mrs. Peter S. Bing Mr. Gary Breitweiser Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Buck Mr. and Mrs. Preston Butcher Mr. Charles C. Butt Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Camden Mr. Orton O. Camp, Jr. Caskey & Lees Citibank Private Banking Claneil Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Edith B. Cook Mrs. Robert Coryell Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Cracchiolo Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Craig, Jr. Mrs. Susan L. Cullman Mr. Bruce A. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Francis de Marneffe Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Doerer Dorothy Jordan Chadwick Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence DuMouchelle Mrs. Dorothy Dunitz Ms. Virginia Dwan Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Ecker Mr. and Mrs. Irv Ellman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Esses Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Etkin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Feder Mr. Stuart P. Feld Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Fisher III Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Fisher Mrs. Daniel Fraad Mr. and Mrs. Julian Ganz, Jr. Mr. John H. Garzoli Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Germack, Jr. Mrs. Bernice Gershenson Mr. and Mrs. Gordon P. Getty Mr. Amold B. Glimcher Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gordon Mr. and Mrs. David S. Gottesman Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Graham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Haas Harvey S. Firestone, Jr. Foundation Mr. Bernard Hirsch and Mrs. Lillian Shaye-Hirsch Dr. and Mrs. David Jacknow Mrs. Morris I. Jaffe Mr and Mrs. Richard J. Janes Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Jaques Mr. Richard Jenrette Mr. and Mrs. David Jensen Mr. Phillip C. and Dr. Helen Jessup, Jr. Mr. Walter Keating F..E. Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. Kendall Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kessler Mrs. James D. Klingbeil Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Klingenstein Mr. and Mrs. Nat Korash Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kughn Mrs. Barrie Landry Dr. Catherine Lastavica Mr. and Mrs. David Leader Mrs. Herbert C. Lee Mrs. Harry Lenart Mr. Melvin and Mrs. Thelma Z. Lenkin Dr. and Mrs. Irving H. Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lifton Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manoogian Maxwell Galleries Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Meyerhoff Mrs. John E. Miller Montgomery Gallery Mr. Jack Nash Mrs. Gloria R. Oppenheimer Mr. Gerald P. Peters Dr. and Mrs. Terry Podolsky Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson Rodier Coporation Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. Mrs. Harry Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Russell Saks Fifth Avenue Samuel P. Mandell Foundation Mrs. Sunne Savage-Neuman Mr. and Mrs. Abbott K. Schlain Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Schubot Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Ivan P. Shadko Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Scharf Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Silver Ms. Louise Manoogian Simone Mrs. Nathan Smooke Mrs. Otto L. Spaeth Mr. and Mrs. Maury L. Spanier Mr. Alan D. Stone Mr. and Mrs. George Strumbos Ms. Louise M. Sunshine Mr. Stephen C. Swid Mr. Hollis C. Taggart Mr. and Mrs. William S. Taubman Ted Mills Fine Art The Barra Foundation, Inc. The Eclectic Framer The New England Mr. Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza Mrs. Raymond Troubh Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Wellin Mrs. Shelby White $500 or more Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Ahee The Honorable and Mrs. Joseph L. Alioto Dr. Lourdes V. Andaya Mr. and Mrs. Derby F. Anderson Mrs. E. Ross Anderson Ms. Kim C. Anderson Dr. Stephen Andrus Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Applebaum Arlington Gallery Atelier Dore, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Austin Mrs. Donna Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Bogdan Baynert Mr. Gifford R. Beal Ms. Pamela Bensoussan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benyas Mrs. F. Henry Berlin Dr. and Mrs. John G. Bielawski Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bradley Mr. William Breslan Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brown Ms. Barbara Brubaker Dr. and Mrs. Irving F. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Burton Dr. and Mrs. John M. Carroll Ms. Elizabeth M. Chapin Ms. Ann W. Chapman Mr. Joseph H. Chowning Cincinnati Art Galleries Mrs. Chisholm Cole Mrs. Ellen R. Cooper Ms. Paula Cooper Mrs. Lammot DuPont Copeland Ms. Kathryn Corbin and Mr. Jeffrey Brown Mrs. Sylvia Fairn Cornish Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Danziger Mrs. Polly Blakeley Davidson Mr. Mark G. Davis Mrs. Elizabeth De Cuevas Mrs. Maria Mercedes de Medina 326 Mrs. John de Menil Michael and Dudley Del Balso Dr. Mr Mr Mr Mr Charles C. Dickinson III . Dales EF; Dom . and Mrs. James E. Douglas . William J. Doyle . Charles H. Duggan Dunkin’ Donuts Incorporated Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Barney A. Ebsworth and Mrs. Gilbert S. Edelson Lois Ehrenfeld Joseph M. Erdelac Christian P. Erdman Erickson & Elins Fine Art, Inc. Mrs. John V. Erickson Ms Ms . Geraldine Fabrikant . Natalie Fielding Mrs. George R. Fink Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. George Hopper Fitch and Mrs. Arthur Fleischer, Jr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Fleischman Chnistopher Forbes and Mrs. Frederick D. Forsch Mrs. Helena Fraser Mr . George Frederick and Ms. Lucille Jewett Mr . and Mrs. Sheldon Fuller Mrs. Frederick Gardner Mr . and Mrs. Yale Ginsburg Mrs. William D. Glasgow Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Glover Howard J. Goedel and Mrs. Henry Goldberg and Mrs. Richard Goldman and Mrs. Richard W. Goss II and Mrs. Thomas B. Green Mrs. Robert S. Greenbaum Mrs. Anne G. B. Grew Mr Dr. . Graham Gund Susan Harold and Mr. Harold Schreiber Jim Herrington and Carol Camiener Mr Mr . and Mrs. Mark Hoffman . Kempf Hogan Mrs. Peter M. Holbrook Ms . Catherine W. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Horowitz Mrs. William White Howells Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hyde IBM Corporation Jack Parker Antiques Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Jacob Jerry Alper, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Kaiser IV Mr. Maurice H. Katz Mrs. Sallie B. Kelly Ms. Joan Peterson Klimann Mr. and Mrs. John Klingenstein Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kohlenberg Mrs. Estelle M. Konheim Mr. and Mrs. James L. Krasne Ronald and Mary Lamparter Mrs. Barbara Lee Ms. Sandy Lepore Mrs. Arabella Levorsen Ms. Lynda A. Levy Dr. and Mrs. Kim K. Lie Mr. and Mrs. George M. Luhn Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Lynch Mrs. Sam Maddux, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manoogian Dr. and Mrs. William Margaretten Mrs. Barbara M. Marshall Mrs. Edgar M. Masinter Ms. Barbara Mathes Dr. John J. McDonough Mr. Jay D. McEvoy Mrs. Nan Tucker McEvoy Mr. Robert A. McNeil Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan B. Meyer Mrs. Peter Michael Dr. Martyna Miskinis Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Moldaw Mrs. Edward P. Moore Mr. and Mrs. E. Clarence Mularoni Nedra Matteucci Fine Art Mrs. Harris K. Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oroshnik Mr. William B. Osgood Mr. Alfonso A. Ossorio Mr. Glenn C. Peck Peregrine Galleries Mr. and Mrs. Hughes L. Potiker Mr. Harvey W. Rambach Mrs. Dorothy H. Rautbord Mr. and Mrs. Dana M. Raymond Redfern Gallery Mr. Edward S. Redstone Mr. and Mrs. John G. Reed Mr. Roger S. Robinson Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Mr. Andrew C. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Rosenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Rosse Mr. Harold Sack Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sahlman Dr. Ivan C. Schatten Mr. Walter Scheuer Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Schreier Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shein Dr. William L. Shumate, Jr. Mr. Richard E. Smitt Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Snider Mr. and Mrs. Jack Solway Mr. Jerry I. Speyer Ms. Susan Stary-Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Sulkes Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Swig Mrs. Rebekah A. Taube Mrs. Maryann Taylor Mr. Richard Teller Mr. Peter Teran Mr. James F. Thatcher The Armand Hammer Foundation The Golden Gallery The Pace Gallery of New York, Inc. Mr. Richard Thieriot Mrs. Phyllis A. Thompson Tiffany & Co. Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Tischler Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Topham Mr. and Mrs. Terry Trotter Mrs. Helen Sonnenberg Tucker Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Usher Vallejo Gallery Mr. Robert C. Vose III Mrs. Evelyn R. Wagstaff-Callahan (oe) to ~) Mr. Duane A. Wakeham Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wasserman Mrs. Jeanne L. Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam H. Weed Ms. Kathleen Westin Mr. Eli Wilner Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey Mrs. Wallace S. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Gerold Wunderlich Mr. Richard T. York Simon and Paula Young $250 or more 871 Fine Arts Mr. Robert H. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Allesee Mrs. Carolyn Alper Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Alpert Alpha Gallery, Inc. Architectural Accents, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ash Mr. and Mrs. R. Stanton Avery Mr. John P. Axelrod Mr. Richard Brown Baker Mr. Morton Barak Mr. and Mrs. Mandell L. Berman Mrs. Marcia Allen Bielfield Bijou Fine Art Bingham Gallery Mr. John I. Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blumenstein Mrs. Harry Bond Mr. and Mrs. Paul Borman Mrs. Ruth Bowman Mrs. Robert Brackman Brandywine Fantasy Gallery Mr. and Mrs. H. Theodore Brosch Mr. C. Henry Buhl Mrs. John Lee Bunce Ms. Catherine E. Bums Mr. John William Butler, Jr. Mrs. Martin L. Butzel Mrs. Stanford Calderwood Carlson Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Chapa 328 Mr. Ivan Chermayeff Childs Gallery Limited Ms. Odile Duff Mrs. Sylvia Cohen The Honorable Avern Cohn Mr. Thomas Colville Mr. George Comenos Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conrad Ms. Bonnie Crane L. S. Daniels Mrs. Gladys Krieble Delmas Ms. Margaret H. Demant Mr. and Mrs. James C. DeWoody Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Dubin Mr. and Mrs. Irving Dworkin Ms. Irma B. Elder Mrs. Beatrice Elkin Mr. Thomas A. D. Ettinghausen Mrs. Harris Fahnestock Mr. Burton D. Farbman Mr. Alfred Feinman Mrs. Hortense F. Feldblum Fenn Galleries Fine Art Conservation Mrs. Philip H. Finn Mr. Robert Forbes Mrs. Molly A. Foreman Mrs. Lewis Fraad Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frank Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Fried Miss Elizabeth H. Fuller Mr. Frederic J. Fuller, Jr. Mr. Roger Genser Giltwood Studios Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Glassman Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Glen Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Grand-Jean Mrs. Gerold M. Grodsky Mrs. Agnes Gund Mr. Philip J. Hahn Ms. Helen Hall Mr. Ronald R. Hall Miss Grace V. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. E. Jan Hartmann Mrs. Iola S. Haverstick Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Heaton Mr. William H. Heins Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Hess, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hill Mrs. Alexander P. Hixon Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby Mr. David J. Howard Mr. and Mrs. John A. Howat Mr. and Mrs. James Humphry III International Sales and Engineering, Inc. Mrs. Philip Oselin J. M. W. Company J. N. Bartfield Art Galleries Mr. James A. Jacob Jamison Thomas Gallery John Pence Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Johnson Mrs. Earle M. Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kahn Mrs. Jacob Kainen Mr. and Mrs. John Kantgias Cis and Martin Kellman Mrs. Kathleen Kendrick Mr. Richard Kerwin Knoke Galleries Ms. Jill B. Knoth Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kogod Mrs. Sylvia Krause Miss Antoinette Kraushaar Mrs. Roger Kyes Dr. and Mrs. Myron M. LaBan Martin J. and Cecile Landay Mr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Lane Laura Russo Gallery, Inc. Mr. Roy H. Lawrence Mr. Raymond Learsy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Leidesdorf Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Stephan J. Loginsky Mr. Andre Lopoukhine Lyons Ltd. Antique Prints Mrs. Marion Berger Maker Mrs. Fleur Manning Mrs. James S. Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Marra Mrs. William A. Marsteller Mr. Kenneth P. Miller Mrs. Susan McClatchy Mr. Thomas McCormick Ms. Elaine McKeon Medici Books Michael Kizhner Fine Art Joan Michelman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Morley Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse, Jr. Ms. Blanch W. Moss Mrs. Nancy Moure Ms. Maureen Murphy Mr. Raymond D. Nasher Neal R. Smith Fine Art Caren Nederlander, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nerken Mrs. Robert M. Newhouse Mrs. Annalee Newman North Point Gallery, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nutt Dr. and Mrs. Kevin T. O’Donnell Mr. Calvin W. Odom Mrs. Janice C. Oresman Mrs. Mary T. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Paine Dr. and Mrs. David B. Pall Mrs. Pamela R. Peabody Mrs. Henry Pearlman Mr. Frank Perry and Ms. Barbara Goldsmith Mr. William Postar Mrs. James A. Rawley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Richter Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robert Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rodecker Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rose Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rosekrans Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rosowski Mary, Viscountess Rothermere Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Russell, Jr. Mr. Samuel Sachs II Mr. and Mrs. William F. Sankovich Representative and Mrs. James H. Scheuer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Schoenith Mrs. Lillian Schwartz Mrs. John Sculley Mrs. Stuart R. Shamberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Shaw Skinner, Inc. Mrs. Dennis J. Slatkin Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Sleeper Mrs. J. Scott Smart Mrs. Betty S. Smith Mrs. J. Henry Smith Mr. Joel Spear, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Max Spector Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Stadler Mrs. Ronald P. Stanton Mr. and Mrs. David J. Supino Mr. and Mrs. Albert Susman Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tanner The Ackley Galleries The Lachaise Foundation The Redfern Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Townsend Ms. Shirley Tulin Mr. and Mrs. Eijk Van Otterloo Mr. John Vaughn Ms. Rosamond B. Vaule Vision Gallery, Inc. Mr. Abbot W. Vose Mrs. Monique Wagner Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wainstock Mrs. William C. Wallstein Ms. Patricia R. Warner Mrs. Joan Washburn Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Westheimer Ms. Ruth Westphal Ms. Elaine Wilde Williams Fine Art Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wineman Mr. Mark Zaplin Mr. Roy Zurkowski ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY $100,000 or more Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Anonymous Arthur M. Sackler Foundation Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co. $50,000 or more Anonymous Mrs. Else Sackler $10,000 or more AMS Foundation for the Arts, Sciences and Humanities Arthur M. Sackler Foundation Anonymous $5,000 or more Manny and Ruthy Cohen Foundations 330 $1,000 or more American Committee of South Asian Art Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Joseph F. Fletcher, Sr. Mr. Hashem Khosorovani Gilbert H. and Ann R. Kinney R. H. Ellsworth, Ltd. $500 or more Ambassador Richard Helms Prince Kanyar Pahlavi Peter Marks, Inc. Kenneth X. and Joyce Robbins Doris Wiener $250 more Anonymous Mr. Khosro Ehosro Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eakin, III Mr. Robert S. McNamara Mr. Hassan Nemazee Dr. Farah Sadeghian COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM $100,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Altschul/The Overbrook Foundation BASF Corporation The J.M. Kaplan Fund $50,000 or more The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $10,000 or more Edward Lee Cave/Grogan & Company Mrs. Katherine G. Deskey New York State Council on the Arts Arthur Ross Foundation $5,000 or more Mrs. Gianni Agnelli Mr. and Mrs. William B. Boyd Cosmetic Toiletries & Fragrance Association The Cowles Charitable Trust Johnson & Higgins, Inc. Peter Krueger-Christie’s Foundation The Joe and Emily Lowe Foundation New York Telephone New York Times Company Foundation Helena Rubinstein Foundation The Sampson Memorial Trust Sotheby’s Inc. Mr. and Mrs. A. Alfred Taubman $1,000 or more Annonymous Herve Aaron Mr. and Mrs. William R. Acquavela Mr. and Mrs. Accevdo Alexander Placido Arango Arias John P. Axelrod Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass William Beadleston Beazer Materials & Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bernbaum Bill Blass Inc. John D. Block Mrs. Dominique Bluhorn Dr. Annella Brown Condé Nast Publications Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Henry Dreyfuss Associates The Armand G. Erpf Fund Mrs. Enid A. Haupt The Henry J. and Drue Heinz Foundation Marif Hernandez Frederick W. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Fred Imberman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Israel Edward Landrigan Mrs. Meredith J. Long Elizabeth Lugar Mr. and Mrs. Richard Manney Mr. and Mrs. John L. Marion Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Marron Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marx Cynthia R. Mead Metropolitan Life Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Damon Mezzacappa Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Moncrief Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrill Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse Jr. New York University Mr. and Mrs. James G. Niven Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Norton Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Nye The Onassis Foundation for Hellenic Studies Marta Ortega Mr. and Mrs. John W. Payson Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Pegalis Mr. and Mrs. Milton Petrie Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Santo De David K. Schafer Tne Scheuer Family Foundation Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sherrill 331 Eric Shrubsole Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Silverman H.R. Slack Frances D. Smyth Ira Spanierman Mr. and Mrs. William W. Stahl Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stanton Garrick C. Stephenson Arthur O. Sulzberger Tiffany & Company Mrs. Constantine Tsitsera Urban National Bank Mrs. Carolota T. Walton Wertheim Schroder & Company Mrs. John Hay Whitney John Wiley & Sons Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Williams Jesse D. Wolf World Gold Council Benjamin Zucker $500 or more Mrs. Christian H. Aall David M. Arendt Nawaf Attar Mrs. Clotilde Bacri Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy W. Bailey Mrs. Henry F. Berlin Mrs. Pauline B. Boardman Ronald P. Bourgeault Donald J. Bruckmann Mario Buatta Mr. and Mrs. Sol Neil Corbin Mrs. Jan Cowles George R. Creel, III Anne P. Dennison Mrs. Nancy Druckman Joanne du Pont Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Duggan David Anthony Easton, Inc. J. Winston Fowlkes Mrs. Suzie Frankfurt John W. Geary II Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert Stephen Graham Mr. and Mrs. Verne H. Grinstead Mrs. Julia Haiblin William Hodgins John Jay Iselin Mr. and Mrs. Deane F. Johnson Mrs. Ely Jacques Kahn Peter Kaufmann, Inc. Calvin Klein Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Klingenstein Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Lauder Mrs. M. Joseph Lebworth Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Levinson ListerButler, Inc. Peter Marino Mr. and Mrs. Bruce V. Mavec George McFadden Frederick A. Melhado Herman Miller Silas R. Mountsier, III Polly Peabody Khalil Rizk James Robinson, Inc. John V. Rowan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sarnoff Arnold Scassi Mrs. Jospeh Schillinger Mrs. Carl L. Selden Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Sillem Mrs. Lawrence Copley Thaw Mrs. Alexander O. Vietor and Mrs. James S. Watkins and Mrs. Keith S. Wellin and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Williams and Mrs. Ezra Zilkha $250 or more Brunschwig & Fils, Inc. Mrs. Elaine J. Budin Alfred D. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. John W. Chancellor Citibank Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Close Julie H. Colt William B. Danner Mrs. Joan K. Davidson Walter L. Deane Tristram G. Deery Pauline V. Delli-Carpini T. Keller Donovan William J. Doyle Thomas J. Edelman Kathryn Fleck Mr. and Mrs. Brett D. Fromson Paul A. Gangsei Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gellert Ralph Gill Susan Gillman Abby Gilmore Oscar S. Glasberg Mrs. Joan R. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gray Maggie Lane Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Lauder Mrs. Ruddick C. Lawrence Brian C. Lippey FREER GALLERY OF ART $100,000 or more Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Getty Grant Program $10,000 or more Ellen Bayard Weedon Foundation Ariane M. Loranger Sara L. MacAllaster Carey Maloney Mr. and Mrs. J. Nevins McBride Mr. and Mrs. James McGovern Mrs. Florence M. Montgomery Sandra K. Moore James Murren James Parker Elizabeth K. Peaslee Mrs. Beverly Lang Pierce Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Postman Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Powell Mrs. Judith S. Randal Mrs. Francine J. Ravitz Bruce F. Roe Ruben De Saavedra Harold Sack Mrs. Marie S. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. fcurry Ruth Lande Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ullman Lenora Volpe Kenneth H. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weisner $1,000 or more Elizabeth Ann and Willard G. Clark Women’s Committee of the Smithsonian Associates HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN $10,000 or more The LEF Foundation Lewis Unitrust Leonard C. Yaseen Foundation, $1,000 or more Vivian Horan Fine Arts The Washington Post $250 or more David Bermant Foundation 333 NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM $100,000 or more Lotus Development Corporation Emil Buehler Trust $50,000 or more Rockwell International Fokker Aircraft U.S.A. Inc. Novell, Inc. NeXT, Inc. $10,000 or more System Planning Corporation National Broadcasting Company (NBC) SNECMA, Inc. International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers M&M Mars John F. and Adrienne Mars Aerospatisale, Inc. Prime Computer, Inc. FiberWeb North America, Inc. Hughes Danbury Optical Systems Airline Pilots Association TRW and TRW Foundation General Electric Corporation British Aerospace, Inc. $5,000 or more Fairchild Space & Defense Corporation CFM International, Inc. Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART $10,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rosenthal Shell Oil Company Foundation James Smithson Society $5,000 or more Evelyn A J Hall Charitable Trust Women's Committee of the Smithsonian Institution 334 CAE-Link Corporation Rockwell International Johns Hopkins University Martin Mareitta Corporation Indal Technologies, Inc. Eastman Kodak Company $1000 or more The Boeing Company National Business Aircraft Association Shorts Brothers (USA), INC. Robert & Eugenia Seamans Mettler Family Charitable Foundation Atomic Library & Technology Foundation The American Legion #91 R. H. Monroe Sky-Skan, Inc. Rolls-Royce, Inc. Dowty Aerospace Corporation $500 or more Helen J. McCray Time-Life Books, Inc. Hal Douglas $250 or more Rio Grande Squadron of A.N.A. Gaylord & Donnelly $1,000 or more Friends of the National Museum of African Art Mrs. Florence Selden $250.00 or more David Driskell NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART $50,000 or more $1,000 or more (cont'd) Consolidated Natural Gas Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kogod USAir Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Koffler James Renwick Alliance Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sellars $10,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. James Sams First City Texas Bancorporation David L. Davies Western Development Corporation and Kan Am Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Halff, Jr. Tom and Ann Cousins Mrs. Scott L. Libby The Getty Grant Program Ms. Beatrice Mayer Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Frost Mr. and Mrs. Willard Clark Summers Group Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hill David Schwartz Foundation Ms. Constance R. Caplan Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. Mr. Samuel Rose Dietrich Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jacques E. Lennon Kemper Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Altschul Mr. and Mrs. Jaquelin Hume Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kainen Mr. Arvin Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Victor Beadles IBM Corporation Mr. Edward F. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Abramson William & Virginia Brady Foundation Mr. Barney A. Ebsworth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Warner Mr. and Mrs. Meyer P. Potamkin Mr. Paul Mellon $5,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Peters Lichtenburg Foundation Mr. Aiken W. Fisher Crown Books Corporation Ms. Nancy Wellin Mrs. Nan Tucker McEvoy The Honorable and Mrs. Oliver Seth Mr. David S. Purvis Mrs. John Farr Simmons $1,000 or more Dorothy and Leo Rabkin Mr. Jerome S. Sowalsky Phyllis Kind Garchik Family Foundation The Honorable John D. Rockefeller IV Tiffany & Co. and Mrs. Rockefeller Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lenkin Scudder and Helen Smith Mr. Stuart Feld Clune J. Walsh, Jr. The Downe Foundation Robert H. & Janet F. Fleisher Foundation Mr. Ralph O. Esmerian George and Kay Meyer Ms. Barbara Johnson Sarah and Marshall Hemphill Smithsonian Institution Women's Committee Ellin and Baron Gordon Antiques Magazine Nancy and Gary Stass Isobel and Harvey Kahn Stephanie and John Smithers Mr. Neal A. Prince Maitland and Betty Lacey Gordon John D. Weeden NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY $250,000 or more Chevron $100,000 or more Ethyl $50,000 or more Anonymous Helen W. Buckner McDonald's Pew Charitable Trust $10,000 or more Borax Hitachi Foundation IJO Mobil Oil Corporation National Geographic Society Phelps Dodge Corporation Robert Prato Jonathan and Nancy Ritter Tiffany and Company George B. Vogt World Wildlife Fund $5,000 or more Dr. Richard H. Benson Chase Manhattan Bank Cleveland Cliffs Foundation H. J. Heinz Company Foundation NERCO Dan H. Nicolson The Christensen Fund Annie B. Wetmore $1,000 or more Richard and Daphne Bertero Roy S. Clarke Patricia Jones Edgerton Field Museum of Natural History Freeport-McMoran Virginia Hendry George and Lucille Jewett W. Alton Jones Foundation Robert H. Malott Orkin Rudolph and Barbara Peterson Cesar Pineda Mary L. Ripley 336 $1,000 or more Anne Sidamon-Eristoff Sumner Gerard Foundation F. Christian Thompson Lillian Turner $500 or more Christine Allen William Cafritz Ferdinand Eberstadt Oliver S. Flint, Jr. Mercedes Foster Henry Gemmill W. Ronald Heyer Independent Life Karl V. Krombein Donald and Barbara Sanning Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network Austin B. Williams $100 or more Armfried Antonius Azurite Corporation Ltd. Bender Foundation Stuart A. Bernstein William W. Bray Jack Coopersmith Roy H. Cullen Hermen Greenberg Greenberg Foundation Gloria S. Hamilton Dr. M. G. Harasewych Robert and Gwendolyn Higgins Patricia E. Howar Renee Zlotnick Kraft Tomi and Chris Landis Michael Lapadula Agatha Larson Robert E. Lee LaSalle D. Leffal Diane and Mark Littler Los Angeles County Museum Paul and Lucia Matzger Hanne M. Merriman Mini Page Publishing Co. Beth B. Norden Claire Jean Prager Chester C. Roys $100 or more Farol Seretean Louisa Steck Harrison T. Watson, Jr. Sidney S. Zlotnick $50 or more George Economos Jeannine S. Clark Don Cooper Dr. GC.) By Curry Oliver S. Flint .ir.. Dr. Mark James Lloyd Peck Kenneth A. Rasmussen University of Oregon University of New Brunswick USA Child Development Center Frank H. Wetzel $10 or more Gerald J. Bakus William E. Barber William K. Beatty Johnny M. Bell Beatrice L. Burch Alvin K. Chock Roger J. Cuffey Department of Conservation Ronald P. Durbin L. Gornflo Henning Grossmann John Gurche NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY $100,000 or more The Tennessee State Museum $10,000 or more Anonymous Margaret Martin Brock Herman Chanen Tom Chauncey Mobil Oil Corporation $5,000 or more The Clarence and Jack Himmel Foundation Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Neil Harriman Hercules Research Center Dr. Asha S. Hirwe Dr. William B. Jackson Roger and Nancy Lavoie Norman E. Leppert Helia and Esther Leppi Phillip S. Lobel Mark Mabin Ian G. MacIntyre Keith Marshall Wayne Mathis H. E. Maude Daniel J. Monagle Storrs Olson Gustav Paulay Primary Industries Edward A. Raymond G. J. Raymond Louise T. Raymond Harald A. Rehder William B. Robertson Pamela Roe Brian R. Rosen Royal Society Victor G. Springer Frederick W. Taylor Joshua I. Tracy, Jr. University of Miami University of Queensland Malcolm P. Weiss Roland R. West Richard G. Zingmark $1,000 or more Gettysburg College Jack Haas Chester H. Lasell Ms. Patricia O'Toole The Ruth and Frank Stanton Fund $250 or more Mrs. Joseph C. Cornwall 337 OFFICE OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION $10,000 or more Brother International Corporation, Somerset, N.J. Phil Hardin Foundation, Mississippi American Airlines OFFICE OF FOLKLIFE PROGRAMS $100,000 or more Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands American Committee on the French Revolution Ford Foundation $50,000 or more Music Performance Trust Funds $10,000 or more Victor Company of Japan Institute of International Education CBS Records The L. J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation Ruth Mott Fund Inter-American Foundation Arab American Cultural Foundation OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS $1,000 or more Phillips Petroleum Foundation, Inc. $5,000 or more Ralph and Kate Rinzler Bill and Camille Cosby Virgin Islands AT&T West Indian Company Ltd. Little Switzerland $1,000 or more Caribbean Host Caribbean Safewater Lab. Caribbean Shell Seekers Paradise Motors, Inc. Laura Bolton Foundation Government of Quebec $500 or more Cardow Inc. Rutgers University Tropex,. Inc. $250 or more Pier 1 Imports OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS $100,000 or more W. Alton Jones Foundation Mrs. Kathleen C. Mason $10,000 or more The Homeland Foundation Ford Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York Mrs. Marjorie Arundel Mrs. Kathleen C. Mason 338 $500 or more Garden Club of East Hampton SMITHSONIAN RESIDENT ASSOCIATE PROGRAM $50,000 or more Riggs National Bank $1,000 or more James and Marjorie Akins $250 or more David E. Amtower Alexandra Blackhurst Peter A. Bleyler Harold M. Boslow Margaret Bougok Patricia C. Bowman Cynichia R. Braxton Richard E. Buba Cora S. Buell Darcie Byrn Brenda Carr C.D. «Crocker Margaret M. Dahm Leticia Delpilar Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Dobbs David Cc. Dressler Joseph M. Dukert Mary Jane Edward Anna R. Everett Irving and Esther Strum Foundation Thomas Q. Garvey, III Gregg H. Golden Elinor Goodspeed Moses Gzonsky Philip D. Hale Allen R. Halper Dale A. Hedges Kenneth Hitch James S. Hotop William H. Hunter Wendy John Arthur Johnson Bruce E. Johnson Sheldon T. Katz Ronald J. Knecht Colonel and Mrs. W. K. Konze James S. Lacock Emanuel Landau Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Lando L. E. Laurion $500 or more Union Labor Life Insurance Co. Elizabeth W. Glascock Jacob Kainen W. Raymond Mize, Jr. Albert H. Small OEtOLA:. Zipt Paul D. Lew Wilbur Loren Lindholm Rex A. Maddox Pal Maleter John S. McDaniel, Jr. Karen McGuinn James E. Miller Steve Mondora Ulric Montcalm III Karen Newman Brad O'Leary Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O'Sullivan Ted B. Olson Ray N. Perrault Lynne Sparks Pickard John N. Plakias Robert W. Root Abner Sachs Alan B. Salisbury Nancy C. Saltford Suzanne Schiffman Vera Schneider Curtis L. Scribner Mr. & Mrs. Harold Selinsky Scott G. Shadle Roy J. Shanker David E. Shiffrin Lester P. Silverman Janet S. Smith William B. Snyder Lynn A. Soukup Richard Stickell Mr. Beverly Thompson Benjamin W. Thoron John E. Toole George E. Viereck Joe Wesson Grover C. White, Jr. Herb White Walt H. Wolf 339 OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS $50,000 or more $10,000 or more Kajima Corporation Philecology Trust Ministry of the Environment James Smithson Society of the Netherlands DONORS TO THE COLLECTION SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION ARCHIVES S. Stillman Berry Estate: papers of S. Stillman Berry Nazaret Cherkezian: taped reminiscences Mark H. Dall: papers of Mark H. Dall Gabrielle Edgcomb: taped interviews of refugee scholars of the thirties at historically black colleges Edward Porter Henderson: taped reminiscences George A. Norton: George A. Norton slides Storrs L. Olson: papers of Storrs L. Olson Ella B. H. Pearis: taped reminiscences Nathan Reingold: papers of Nathan Reingold S. Dillon Ripley: papers of S. Dillon Ripley Curtis W. Sabrosky: papers of Curtis W. Sabrosky Lawrence E. Skog: papers of Lawrence E. Skog Lawrence A. Walkinshaw: papers of Lawrence A. Walkinshaw Wilcomb E. Washburn: papers of Wilcomb E. Washburn Fred L. Whipple: papers of Fred L. Whipple Frank Cc. Whitmore, Jr.: taped reminiscences Frank Cc. Whitmore, Jr.: papers of Louis L. Ray Institutions American Association of Field Ornithologists: records of the Association American Association for Zoological Nomenclature: records of the Association American Fisheries Society: records of the Society American Ornithologists' Union: records of the Union Biological Society of Washington: records of the Society Colonial Waterbird Group: records of the Group Museum Computer Network: records of the Network The Crustacean Society: records of the Society The Herpetologists' League: records of the League Washington Conservation Guild: records of the Guild 340 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES Individual Donors Mrs Mr. Ms. Mr. Dr. ROR DARD OA A ° VOU RRRUERER EEE Ms. . Judi Achjadi Kunle Adeyemi Judith S$. Aldrick Basel Arendse Marion Arnold Samuel B. Bandara Frank H. Beberdick Silvio A. Bedini Sonja Begg . Wolfgang Bender . Michelle Arias Bernard . Barbara Blackmun . Maurice Bonnefoy . Charles Bordogna . Nikk Burridge Excellency Madame Sophia Buyoya Sokari Douglas Camp Susan Fifer Canby Felix Chayes . Herman Copen . Mark Dafforn . Esther Dagan . Malcolm B. Decker - Rachida De Souza . Gustavo Adolfo Del Angel Mobarak - Ronald J. Duncan - Pete J. Dunn - Nathalie Duparc . Nancy W. Edelman . A. Eggerton Osa Egonwa Janita Elton Mary Frances Ericksen Vera Espinola . Richard Estes . Richard Faletti - Jacques Felix . Albert Ferral John T. Fesperman Susanne K. Frantz Tom Freudenheim Nancy Fuller - Boube Gado - David P. Gamble Jaroskaw B. Garlicki Armin W. Geertz . John S. George . Marek Golebiowski . Julio Sanchez Gomez Margaret E. Groves Prof. G.V. Gukov - Joel M. Halpern . M.G. Harasewych Saidou Harouna Loretta Harrison Joshua Hayes Mr. Ed Heller Mr. Olav Holden Mr. William W. Holloway, Jr. Mr. Elton Louis Howe Mr. Paul Igus Dr. Pascal J. Imperato Mrs. Nicholas Ippedico Mrs. Karen Singer Jabbour Mr. Werner Janney Dr. Barbara Jarocki Mrs. Edwin K. Jaycox Dr. Dele Jegede Prof. Bennetta Jules-Rosette Mrs. Florence Greasley Knighton Mr. Ray Kondratas Ms. Marilyn La Porte Ms. Anita Larsson Mr. Djoulde Laya Mr. Eli Leon Mr. Hewlett W. Lewis Ms. Jane Litwak Mrs. Helen Loerke Mr. Darrell Lucas Dr. Carlyle A. Luer Mr. Phillip Lundeberg Dr. Harold Lyons Dr. Alfredo Pinheiro Marques Dr. Masafumi Matsui Mr. Dennis McCarty Mrs. Grace B. McLucas Mr. Barry McQueary Mr. James G. Mead Dr. Richard Mitchell Ms. Mary E. Muehleisen Ms. Marion John Nelson Mr. Clarence A. Newell Mr. Dan H. Nicolson Dr. Ted Norris Mr. Greg Odo Dr. Tunde Okanlawon Prof. Uche Okeke Dr. W.D. Okrafo-Smart Dr. Wilhelm Ostberg Mr. Ota-Okoche Ota Dr. Lynne Parenti Dr. Jashbhai C. Patel Mr. Victor Manuel Patino Dr. Sharon Patton Dr. Zdravka Pecar Mrs. Cindy Pedder Prof. Louis Perrois Mr. G. Pilleri Mr. Wolfgang Rauchfuss Mr. Timothy J. Reese Mrs. A. H. Reu - Mr. James R. Roehl Ms. Millie Roman Mr. Charles A. Ross 341 Mr. James Ross Dr. Aldo Tagliaferri Prof. Christopher Roy Ms. E. O. Tuedor Dr. William Saylor Dr. Angelika Tunis Mr. Alex Scott Mr. Obiora Udechukwu Ms. Catherine Scott Mr. Noel Vietmeyer Mr. David Shayt Ms. Ingeborg Walde Dr. Roy Sieber Ms. Roslyn Walker Mr. William C. Siegmann Mr. Newt Warner Ms. Celeste A. Smeland Ms. Ellen B. Wells Dr. Victor Springer Ms. Katherine Welsh Mr. Christopher B. Steiner Ms. Marjorie R. Wilkov Mrs. Elizabeth C. Stone Dr. J. Trevor Willism Mr. Louis de Strycker Mr. Paul Wilson Mr. Hans-Dieter Sues Dr. Thomas H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Svirbely Mr. Stanley D. Zimmerman Mrs. Helen Swim Dr. George Zug Institutional Donors AGRITEX, Zimbabwe Archives Culturelles du Senegal Association of Physical Plant Administrators of Universities and Colleges Basel Mission Library Benue State Council for Arts & Culture Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil Chrysler Museum Division of Cultural Heritage UNESCO Durban African Art Centre Assn. Edition Leipzig Galerie Amrad Georgia Museum of Art IFA Galerie und Kontaktstelle Instituto Nacional do Patrimonio Cultural Institute of African and Asian Studies Istituto Italo-Africano Italian Cultural Institute Johannesburg Art Gallery Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrale Bibliotheek Knoll InternationalLibrary Company of Philadelphia Maryland Historical Society Milwaukee Art Museum Musee Crozatier National Library of Medicine National Commission for Museums and Monuments National Swedish Institute for Building Research Northern Indiana Historical Society Odebrecht SA Providence Preservation Society Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes South African National Gallery Tasaday Community Care Foundation, Inc. University of Calabar Library Volkerkundemuseum der Universitat Zurich Vrej Baghoomian Gallery Walker Art Center 342 ANACOSTIA MUSEUM Norman Novak, One Douglas Wilder campaign sign and Martin Luther King calendar, January 1990. Henry Whitehead, Five news clippings, four letters, set of stationary, one pamphlet and three flyers on race relations, June 1990 George Evans, Twenty-four Streetfare Journal posters, May 1990 David Driskell, Two pieces of wood and two pieces of handmade paper as examples of artists’ materials, July 1990 ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY Ms. Idamae Burati, in memory of Valery Burati. Ceramic tray by Hamada Shoji, black glaze with floral design. Japan. ($1989.31). Estate of Wang Jiyuan through the School of Chinese Brushwork. Six paintings by Wang Jiyuan (1895-1975), Chinese/American. "Poinsettias," 1954, ink on paper, scroll (S1989.10); "Pine Needles in a Vase," ink on paper, scroll ($1989.11); "Chrysanthemums," 1958, ink on paper, scroll ($1989.12); "Peonies," ink on paper, scroll ($1989.13); "Young Ink Bamboo," 1956, ink on paper, scroll ($1989.14); "Nude,” ink on canvas board ($1989.15). Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mary Catherine Page. Paints on fabric, Pechwai, India, lath Ga ».¢(S1989. 20). Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mary Catherine Page. "Sacred Garden, Honolulu," by Tseng Yu-ho (Betty) Ecke, Chinese/American, 20th C., 1961. Collage mounted on masonite (S1990.2). Ms. Elizabeth Robb. Pleated skirt, silk with gauze weave decoration and silk and metallic thread. China, late 19th-early 20th C. (S1990.1) Mr. and Mrs. Joyce and Kenneth X. Robbins. Two Cambodian shadow puppets: animal skin, unpainted horse, and unpainted demon (S1989.17, $1989.18). Mr. Hamada Shinsaku. Ceramic platter by Hamada Shinsaku, wax-resist design in variegated iron-glaze. Japan, 20th C. (S1989.29). Mr. Raghubir Singh. Group of 71 color photographs by Raghubir Singh (1942- ). Type C prints. Contemporary. (S1989.21.1-71.) Mr. Mitsuru Tajima. Seven pieces of Japanese ceramics. Plate by Hamada Shoji, matte brown glaze with intersecting stripes (S1989.22); plate by Hamada Shoji, cream-glaze with calligraphic "sugar case" design ($1989.23); tea cup by Hamada Shoji, glossy brown exterior glaze (S1989.24); jar by Hamada Shinsaku, cream and iron-black glaze, painted iron decor ($1989.25); tea bowl by Hamada Shinsaku, buff glaze ($1989.26); sake cup by Hamada Shinsaku, buff glaze with iron decoration ($1989.27); and bottle by Shimaoka Tatsuzo, four-side with white slip under clear glaze wave pattern cut into sides of bottle (S1989.28). Mr. and Mrs. Ann and Alan Wolfe. Stone culpture head of Buddha, probably schist, Gandharan. ca. 3rd C. (S1989.19). 343 Transferred from SI National Museum of Natural History. Five Chinese Mrs. paintings: “Leaping Carp," by Xu Wei (1521-1593), Ming dynasty, hanging scroll, ink on paper (S1990.13); "Lohan," by Jin Nong (1687-1763), hanging scroll, ink and color on paper ($1990.14); "Pleasure in Fishing," anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279), hanging scroll, ink on silk ($1990.15); "Red Plum Blossoms," by Yao Shou (1423-1495), Ming dynasty, handscroll, ink and color on paper (S1990.16), and Landscape in the Sytle of Huang Gongwang, anonymous, Ching dynasty, 19th C., hanging scroll, ink on paper (S1990.17). Rolf Jacoby. Calligraphy album. China, Qianlong period (?); ink on paper (SSC1990.1) Anonymous. Seven paintings by Cheng Jiezi (1910-1986), China; ink and colors 344 on paper: "The Artist’s White Cat," 1974; In the sytle of Qia Shumei, 1944; "Lofty Scholar in an Autumn Grove," 1950; "Plum Flowers and a Beauty," 1960; "Scholars with a Ruan in a Bamboo Grove," late 1950s; "Playing the Bamboo Flute," 1962; and "Eight Drunken Immortals," 1984 (SSC1990.2-8) COOPER-HEWITT MUSEUM Alexander Julian Inc., length of fabric (1990-75-1) Arai Creation System, lengths of fabric (1990-82-1-5) Roger Arlington, lengths of fabric "Grenoble" and "Hokkaido" (1990-38-1-2) B&B Italia, three lengths of fabric (1990-43-1-3) Balmain, Paris, perfume bottle and stopper, France (1990-114-1lab) Barnes, Jhane, eight fabrics by the artist (1990-85-1-8) Henry Bauer in memory of my father David Bauer, stoneware platter (1990-88-1) Creation Baumann, lengths of fabric, Switzerland (1989-102-1-5), (1990-80-1-4) Gretchen Bellinger, lengths of fabric (1990-81-1-4) Enzo Bertazzo, length of fabric, Italy (1990-106-1) Bloomcraft, length of fabric, c. 1940 (1990-86-1) Trudy Borenstein-Sugiura, pair of chopsticks (1990-103-1lab) Brightman Design, bracelet, brooch and tray, USA (1990-66-1-3) Dr. and Mrs. Milton Brown, 8 posters, (1989-107-1-8) Sheila Bruce, folding and pleated fans, fan boxes, (1990-25-1-22) Brunschwig et Fils, length of damask, late nineteenth century (1990-73-1) Lois Bryant, design for textile (1990-64-1) Sol Chaneles, child’s chair with tray, c. 1900, Austria (1989-111-1 ab) China Seas, woven and printed fabrics (1990-13-1-9) City Limit, set of 8 folding vessels, France (1989-108-1-8) Priscilla Cunningham, drawings for wallpaper and textile design (1990-100-1-10) Dandelion Tampopo, bowls, 3 wooden and 1 iron (1990-65-1-4) Darwin K. Davidson, chromed metal and plexiglass lamp (1989-104-1) Gail Davidson, vase, c. 1904-1920, Austria (1990-24-1) Jacqueline Davidson, roll of wallpaper, USA (1990-83-1) Elaine Evans Dee, "Princess" telephone, (1990-1-1) Mrs. Lammot du Pont Copeland, various fabrics, early eighteenth century (1990-99-1-4) Mrs. Olive Emslie, two chairs, USA (1990-112-1-2) Eve Kaplan Design Inc., necklace, brooch and earrings (1990-107-1-3ab) Margaret Fikioris, linen placemat and napkins (1990-98-1-4) Helen Simon Flowers, chafing dish of silver anc rosewood (1989-105-1 a-e) Tom Freudenheim, pair of identical curtains, Germany (1990-10-1lab) Pierre Frey, length of fabric "Les Vendages", France (1990-69-1) Ruth K. Friedlich, ceramic vase, c. 1898-1913 (1990-16-1) Dorothy Gallanter, chromolithographed fan leaf, England (1990-76-1) Gallery 91, brooch, 3 bowls and a lamp, (1990-17-1-5); lamp and set of cutlery (1990-109-1a/d-2-a/h) 345 Garth Clark Gallery, vase and wooden bowl, The Netherlands (1990-34-1-2) Andrew Joseph Nystrom Gary, ceramic figure, (1990-110-1) Gay Freres S.A., brooch, France (1990-60-1) Dorothy Globus, printed scarf (1990-91-1) Stephen and Dorothy Globus, set of fork, knife and spoon made for Air France (1990-32-1-3), Margaret and Theresa Gloster in memory of Mary and Margaret McElliott, collection of fabric samples (1989-80-1a-kkkk) Harmon Goldstone, bowl, England, nineteenth century; vase, Finland (1990-61-labc-2) John Gregory, 3 costume drawings (1990-121-1-3) Eitel and Frances Groeschke in memory of Pauline and Frank Rebajes, group of jewelry by Paul Rebajes (1990-108-1-14) Grove and Grove, brooch and pair of earrings (1990-59-1-2ab) Gerald Gulotta, teapots, China (1990-78-lab-7ab) Mei Guo, 5 paper cuts, panda designs, (1990-7-1-5) Ms. Julia Haiblen, set of shoe buckles, France (1990-113-1lab) Sunar Hauserman, samples of Sunar Hauserman fabric with colorways (1989-87-1-25) Heberlein Textiledruck AG, textiles "Fortuna" (1989-88-1 a-d) Vivianna Torun Bulow Hube and Royal Copenhagen, neckring with 2 interchangeable pendants and pair of earrings, Denmark (1989-106-1-2) Nell Riba Hutt, portfolio of ecclesiastical wallcovering designs, USA (1990-89-1-53); fabric sample (1990-92-1) Mr. Scott Hyde, lithograph "Flower Still IV" (1990-120-1) Intair, lengths of fabric "Tempo" and "Antik" (1990-27-1-2) Internationales Design Zentrum, Berlin, three posters (1990-87-1-3) Jack Lenor Larsen, lengths of fabric (1990-79-1-3), (1990-95-1) Mrs. Roland Johnson, lengths of woven ribbon, Europe (1990-48-1-2) Kazuo Kawasaki, 9 "Hola" wall clocks, Japan, (1990-19-1-9) Mrs. Jacques Kayaloff, two teapots, Russia, late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (1990-117-lab-2ab) KBC of America, lengths of fabric (1990-74-1-4) Nancy Keet, folding chair and bracket, Sweden, (1990-20-1 ab) Ronald Kent, wooden bowl, (1990-18-1) Knoll International, fabric sample and colorways by Jhane Barnes (1989-89-1 a-d), (1990-39-1-3) Ronne Lowensteyn, brooches with magnetized forms (1990-77-1la/m-2a/1) Lumen Center, tables, lamps and casters, France (1990-42-1lab-14) Ms. Mickey Mariash, paper alphabet embroidery forms (190-35-1-58) Marimekko Oy, length of fabric "Salava" (1990-68-1) David McFadden, two posters (1990-36-1-2) The Mel Byars Collection of 20th Century Design, various tablewares (1990-15-1-20); bowls with serving spoon and fork, Denmark (1990-33-1-4) Missoni, 3 lengths of fabric, (1990-5-1-3) Richard and Carol Morrill, fork and knife, Scotland, eighteenth century (1989-95-1-2) 346 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrill, set of fork, knife and spoon with box, England (1990-21-1-4) Gillian Moss, 1849 invoice from Baudoine Warehouse (1990-37-1) Edward Munves, goblet with pouring lip, England, eighteenth century, (1990-3-1) NUNO Corporation, lengths of fabric (1990-63-1-10) Kenji Okusawa, kimono fabric, Japan (1989-99-1) Old World Weavers, length of woven silk (1990-28-1) Osborne & Little, length of fabric "Large Flower" (1990-104-1) Peggy Osterkamp, needle-knotted lace collar, Eastern Europe (1989-91-1) Alvin and Eileen Preiss, biscuit tins, England, late 19th and early 20th centuries (1990-93-1-15) Raynaud & Cie, porcelain tableware from "3/T" pattern, France (1990-58-1lab-11) Robertson Mead Handprints, length of fabric "Terra Australis" Australia (1989-101-1) Edouard Roditi, jardiniere, France, late nineteenth century (1989-81-1), three vases (1990-94-1-3) Emilio Sanchez, color lithographs and a poster, (1990-9-1-5), Scalamandre, 110 rolls of wallpaper borders manufactured by Duro, Dex, Trimz, (1990-84-1-110) Alice and Leslie Schreyer, package label for cotton goods "Toucan" (1989-92-1) Barbara Harding Seibert, 2 lengths of fabric by Barbara Harding, 1952-55 (1989-94-1-2) Roger H. Selchow, 9 prints, sixteenth to nineteenth century (1989-112-1-9) Ms. Megan Smith, christmas card design c. 1939 (1990-122-1) S.N. Faienceries de Gien, tableware in the "Angle" pattern (1989-97-1-25) Alice Stern, inkwell, France (1990-118-lab) Tanus Textildruck Zimmer, fabrics produced by Tannus (1990-105-1-14) Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thompson in memory of Mr. and Mrs. G. Auclair, selection of cutlery, France, late nineteenth and early twentieth century (1990-67-1-15) Ted Tyler, length of abric "Cabbage Rose" (1990-72-1) Rick Vermeulen, 5 posters, HARD WERKEN DESIGN, Holland (1989-85-1-5) V.I.A., lamps, chairs, valet stand and a chest of drawers, France (1990-22-1-13) Lella and Massimo Vignelli, tableware in "Colorstone" pattern (1990-2-1-9) Georgina von Etzdorf, scarf, England (1990-71-1) Paul F. Walter, bowl, "Boat Race Day" pattern, England (1989-110-1) Weave Corporation, lengths of fabric "Fresco" and "Spoletto" (1990-26-1-2) West Point Pepperell, printed cotton fabric "Mish Mesh" (1989-93-1) Mrs. H. W. Wheeler, folding fan, c. 1878 (1990-6-1) William Wise, three designs for textiles (1989-100-1-3) 347 Mrs. L. W. Williams, length of fabric and a printed scarf, (1990-8-1-2) Ziggurat, 2 floor lamp designs (1990-44-1) Zimmer-Rhode, lengths of fabric and 2 samplebooks "Carminia" and "Bonaventura" (1990-12-4), (1990-52-1-3), (1990-62-1) Anonymous, Ceramic figure, U.S.S.R (1990-111-1) Unsolicited Gift, five posters (1990-119-1-5), album of french and american textile designs (1990-124-1-96) FREER GALLERY OF ART Mrs. Rolf Jacoby. Figure of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Guanyin. Dry- ‘lacquer. China. Probably 13cth-14th C., Yuan-Ming dynasties. (SC-L-25) Misses Rajinder K. Keith and Narinder K. Keith. Thali gold marriage necklace, 100 stylized repousse gold garland of jasmine buds linked by small cabochon, semi-precious or colored glass plae red stones, to a running foliate border. South India. 20th C. In part. (1990.4) Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Lutkins. Wardrobe with doors, shelves and drawers, huang-hua-li wood, China, Ming-Ch’ing dynasty, 17th C. (1990.6); armchair with woven reed seat, back splat of burl wood, China, 17th C. (1990.7); cabinet with doors and shelf, huang-hua-li wood, China, 20th C. (SC-F-9). Mrs. John Alexander Pope. Calligraphy by Emperor Ch’ien-lung. Peach silk with gold flecks; hand-painted floral design; panel. China. Ch’ing dynasty, 18th C. (1990.5); 2 Chinese stone seals, Ch’'ing dynasty, both with two dragons. Purportedly belonged to the last emperor. (SC-S-76, SC-S-77). HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Falk. Acrylic on plexiglass by Gary Falk (39'-35).. Martina Hamilton. Oil on canvas by Odd Nerdrum (89.38). Olga Hirshhorn. Gouache on paper by Paul Wonderlich (89.41). Olga Hirshhorn. "Presidential Portfolio" in various media by various artists (89.42). Dr. Ellen H. Johnson. Plywood, sand, and foamcore by Athena Tacha (89...37). Mrs. Vera List. Granite, slate, and fieldstones by Michael Sanger ° (89.34). David McKee. Pencil on paper by Gabriel Kohn (90.2). David McKee. Pencil on paper by Gabriel Kohn (90.3). Prince Michael of Greece. Marble by Igor Mitoraj (89.39). Odyssia and Federico Quadrani. Pastel on paper by Irving Petlin (89.40). Leslie Rankow. Oil on canvas by John Alexander (90.1). Robert Rogers, Jr. Color lithograph by the artist (89.36). Smithsonian Resident Associate Program. Mixed print media on paper by Jacob Kainen (90.8). Donors to the Library Naomi Caryl, Hollywood, California Olga Hirshhorn, Washington, D.C. Gene H. LePere, Los Angeles, California 348 NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM Airpower Museum. Martin reciprocating aircraft engine. Anonymous. Handwoven silk and wool tapestry commemorating tenth anniversary of Apollo 11 moonlanding entitled: Moon Landing by Kirk Holger. Mrs. Amalie A. Ascher. Ten examples of aircraft landing lights, seven landing light lens and light lens for use by airport emergency ground vehicle. The William Hawley Bowlus Family. One original propeller-spinner nosecone from the Spirit of St. Louis. Mr. Arthur Raymond Brooks. Thirteen pieces of personal World War I memorabilia including medals, USAS insignia, photographs and documents. CFM International, Inc. CFM International high bypass turbofan aircraft engine. Mr. Charles Constanza. Nine various aircraft instruments. Mr. Dale S. Costello. Five shotgun starter cartridges. Mr. and Mrs. William Davenport. Piper Apache twin engine aircraft. Mr. James O. Eggleston. One Rutan VariEze unassembled aircraft kit. Mr. William F. Farah, CEO Farah Inc. One Douglas A-20J light aircraft. Mr. Paul E. Garber. Silver lapel pin commemorating Sikorsky VS-300 helicopter. Glavkosmos. Proton rocket model. Mr. Sam Goldman - President, Chesapeake Airways Service Corp. One Vickers Viscount four-engine turboprop airliner. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Magellan spacecraft model. M. Clifford Krainik. Fifteen various items of ballooning memorabilia. McDonnell Douglas. Payload assist module cradle flown on space shuttles. Mr. Robert McCracken. Two pieces from Skylab. Mr. Hiram H. Maxim. Formal court uniform worn by Sir Hiram Maxim when he was knighted, and related items. Mr. Vladimir Minaev. One oil painting entitled: Portrait of Christa McAuliffe. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space Center. 345 pieces of space food, one 50mm Zeiss camera lens, mockup tractor rocket escape assembly. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center. Demonstartion Advanced Avionics System, three computer flight instruments. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center. Skylab Apollo telescope mount solar array wing. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Mercury Sigma 7 35mm camera. Naval Research Laboratory. Two complete mass spectrometer and electronics box. Mr. Donald W. Nyrop. Northwest Airlines playing cards with presentation case. Mr. Tim Pace. Six aircraft instruments. Pratt and Whitney Canada, Inc. Pratt and Whitney turboprop aircraft engine. Dr. Robert R. Rice. One Siksorky Il'ya Muromets model aircraft. Romanian Ministry of Defense. One each pilot and technician badges of the Romanian Air Force. Mr. Clayton Smith. Ten pieces of various radio receiving equipment. Smithsonian Institution, Exhibits Central. Full scale wood dragonfly model. Mr. Steven Soter. Life magazine, June 21, 1943. Teledyne CAE. Teledyne CAE turbojet aircraft engine. Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical through General Services Administration. One AQM- 81A Firebolt drone. Union of Soviet Socialist Republic Ministry of Defense. SS-20 intermediate 349 range ballistic missile training model. United States Air Force, SD/CNAA. Anti-satellite missile and pylon for carrying on F-15 aircraft. United States Air Force, Kelly Air Force Base, Air Logistics Center. Pratt and Whitney afterburning turbofan engine. United States Army. Pershing II training missile. United States Army Ordnance Museum. Forty examples of domestic and foreign rocket ordnance from World War W I through World War II and the Vietnam War, 158 various types of armament including bombs, fuses, shells, machine guns, aircraft canon, sights and controls, survival weapons (pistols) and anti-tank guns. Volksarmee Museum. Service uniform of the Reserve Pioneer Battalion of the German Air Force, c. 1915. Mr. Alexander Voutsas. Prototype lunar gravimeter and vibrating string accelerometer with strings, oscillator-amplifier and magnet. Mr. David E. Weiss. Cockpit instrument lighting equipment kit. Mr. Snell Youngwall. Seventeen various pieces of aircraft radio equipment. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART Dr. Ernst Anspach. Rider figure, Senufo peoples, C6te d'Ivoire. (89-11-1) Dr. Ernst Anspach. Male running figure, Akan peoples, Ghana and Céte d'Ivoire. (90-05-1) Dr. Ernst Anspach. Pectoral: Two crocodiles with mudfish in mouth, Akan peoples, Ghana and Céte d'Ivoire. (90-05-2) Dr. Ernst Anspach. Figure of man seated on stool, Akan peoples, Ghana and Cdte d'Ivoire. (90-05-3) Dr. Ernst Anspach. Male figure holding gun, Akan peoples, Ghana and Cdte a'Ivoire. (90-05-4) Claire and Frederick Mebel. Currency blade, Ngbaka peoples, Zaire. (89-18-1) Robert and Nancy Nooter. Chair, Hehe peoples, Tanzania. (89-10-1) Roy and Sophia Sieber. Tripod cooking vessel with lid, Jukun peoples, Nigeria. (89-12-1a,b) NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART Anne and Ronald Abramson Arthur Anderson & Co. Frank Armstrong Robert and Judith Bahssin Stanley Bard Lou Barlow Sandra Berler The Family of A. Aubrey Bodine Doreen Bolger Tom and Judy Brody Blanche R. and Milton W. Brown Russell Burke III Capricorn Galleries Consolidated Natural Gas Company Foundation The Estate of Patricia Cunningham Phil Desind Harriet and Martin Diamond in honor of Elizabeth Broun John Fago Gus Foster Mrs. Joan Becker Gaines Ronald R. Geibert Herbert Gentry Leon Gilmour Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation Thomas Haas Herbert Waide Hemphill, Jr. Mrs. Jaquelin H. Hume Winifred M. Jacobson Ruth and Jacob Kainen Louis and Annette Kaufman Thelma and Melvin Lenkin Magnolia Editions Man Ray Trust Roger Mertin Joe Mills Jill Moser Frances Myers Gladys Payne Perkins Center for the Arts E.J. Pretzlaff (in memory of William E. McCleary, Jr.) The Family of Walter Quirt Henry Ward Ranger, Bequest through the National Academy of Design James Renwick Alliance Dr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenwasser Judith and Wilbur L. Ross, Jr. Philip Samuels Fine Art Schutz & Co. Joan T. Seaver Estate of Suzanne M. Smith Smithsonian Institution Resident Associate Program Ciel Frampton and Ernest J. Thalinger Terry Toedtemeier Louis J. Walinsky NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN HISTORY 82nd Airborne. Division Association Inc. (through Steven J. Mrozek): WW II paratrooper's blouse and trousers (1990.0275). Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Mr. Abdul-Jabbar's 1990 NBA All-Star basketball uniform shirt and shorts (1990.0186). Del Acevedo: baseball autographed by Satchel Paige and Louis Gossett (1990.0005). Edie Adams: 3 "Nairobi Trio" gorilla masks with 3 yellow scarves used by Ernie Kovacs on his television shows in the 1950s (1989.0173). Robert McC. Adams: stamp pin and a first day cover both commemorating the 20th anniversary of the first moon landing (1989.0475). Rita J. Adrosko: woman's hat and umbrella set made in Florence, Italy, 1968-72 (1990.0059); woman's black cocktail dress, 1965-70 (1990.0268). American Bicentennial Presidential Inaugural Committee (through Philip C. Brooks): 6 packets, 5 posters, 4 license plates, 3 pamphlets, 2 handbooks, a booklet, catalogue, braille calendar, guidebook, coloring book, brochure, photograph, and a sweatshirt (1989.0260); 16 souvenirs of George Bush's Inauguration, 1989 (1989.0390); 2 books about the American Presidency (1989.0512). American Bullion and Coin (through Gene Czaplinsky and Azmina R. Kanji): 4 silver medals of the first commemorative series issued by the Soviet Union, 1987-88 (1989.0069). American Chain & Cable Company, Inc., Crane and Monorail Systems Division (through Charles D. Spates and W. L. Stoll): 2 hay conveyors, a photograph album, and a glass plate negative of the Louden Company (1987.0226); 102 Louden Company trade catalogues and a model of a cow stanchion (1989.3134). Angle Orthodontists Research and Education Poundation, Inc. (through Blain S. Clements and John S. Kloehn): bronze plaque about Edward H. Angle, D.D.S. and his contributions to orthodontics which was exhibited at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair (1990.0306). Anonymous: 33 Kitchen utensils made by Revere Copper & Brass, Inc., 28 kitchen tools and knives made by Ekco Housewares Company, a "Minute Minder" timer, aluminum nut dish, and an iron chain with 7 iron tassels (1988.0617); 36 custom hand-made knives from the Albert Blevins Collection (1988.0680); aluminum medallion with the Lord's Prayer cast on one side (1989.0656); 2 brochures, a hat, leaflet, and a poster, all momentos of the Ku Klux Klan movement in the 1920s (1990.0182). Government of Antigua, Barbuda Dependency, Barbuda Post Office, Philatelic Bureau: 16 stamps and 3 first day covers of Barbuda (1988.0131). Lorae P. Aumack: small learner's violin made by Friedrich Sander of Kaiserslautern, Germany in 1875 and a bow (1990.0136). Gary P. and Sandra Baden: 538 patent medicines, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals (197930798). Christine A. Baffoni and Elaine Yastishock in memory of Stephen Yastishock: gold dinar of al-Mustansir of the Fatimid Dynasty, A.D. 1087-88 (293'8...07 11): Florence I. Balasny-Barnes: ceramic mug marked "Union Shaving Mug, Pat. Sept. 20, 1870" on base (1989.0405); 2 ceramic shaving mugs and 2 ceramic door knobs, 19th century (1990.0241). 352 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum, Inc. (through H. H. Harwood): condensing double-end locomotive engine patent model invented by J. P. Woodbury of West Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1871 (1988.0454). Christopher Barbieri: vibrator set with accessories in its original case (1989.0637). Margaret Johnson Patterson Bartlett (through Ralph M. Phinney): 3 books owned by President Andrew Johnson, a cloak, and a locket worn by Martha Johnson Patterson (1990.0134). Preston R. Bassett: 2 bicycle lamps, a tandem bicycle plaque, a League of American Wheelmen stein, and a scarf depicting bicycles (1989.0485). Mrs. Joseph E. Bastion: 2 albumen photographic portraits by G. W. Davis of Washington, D.C. (296398). Jean E. and Michael D. Becker: 19th-century German violin (1989.0654). Edith B. and Frederick R. Bell: 2,428 photographs and photographic material, 104 photo-mechanical prints, 2 pieces of printed ephemera, and a black velvet painting (1986.3048). Bradley F. and Virginia W. Bennett: 83 coins of ancient Hispania (1989.0634); 37 bronze and silver coins of Celtic tribes, 2nd to lst centuries B.C.; 14 bronze and silver coins of the Roman Republic, 3rd to lst centuries B.C.; 8 bronze coins of Northern Italy, 4th to 3rd centuries B.C.; and 8 bronze coins of Ostrogothic kings of the lst century A.D. (1989.0735). Charlotte N. Berg: set of textile pattern work sheets and a set of woven samples made by Philip A. Noyes at the Lowell Shool of Textiles, ca. 1909 (1990.0054); 2 pamphlets with drawing lessons, an album of lesson plates, and a set of triangles all used by Leonard Noyes (1990.0068). Robert L. Berger: Surgi-Drill oral surgery drilling instrument set, 1966 (1990.0022); 12 aluminum coins, a medal and pin awarded to a woman, wooden tablet, and a box, all from WW II Japan, and a 1944 edition of the Blue Jackets Manual (1990.0286); 11 documents and correspondence related to the Surgi-Drill oral surgery instrument (1990.3010). Adriana T. and Edwin W. Bitter: Revolutionary Committee of Safety flintlock pistol and a Revolutionary U.S. Rappahannock Forge flintlock military pistol (1989.0149); 6 pistols and a Rappahannock forge musket (1989.0748). Peter Bodge: 4 black and white linoleum prints of jazz musicians made by Mr. Bodge (1989.0025). Jane Ann Bolder on behalf of the Robert E. Bolder, Jr. Family: accordion made by Scandalli of Italy, ca. 1935 (1989.0652). Bowers & Merena Galleries, Inc. (through R. N. Merena): 99 silver coins of the Hephthalites, A.D. 457-483 (1988.0589); silver tetradrachm of Ptolemy V of Egypt, 204-180 B.C., made at the Cyprus Mint (1990.0163). Reverend Portia F. Bowers: 2 hand-shaped glass vases, ca. 1876, a porcelain dish, ca. 1887, and a covered porcelain waste jar, ca. 1890 (1990.0255). Boyce and Lewis Shoe Stores (through Stuart T. Eisen): pair of red socks with Bicentennial designs, 1976 (1989.0606). Jeff Brady: model 1898 bandolier with cartridges (1989.0670). Arthur D. Bransky, Jr.: Shelby "Shock Ease” girl's bicycle, 1946 (1989.0518). The Brass Knob Architectural Antiques (through Donetta George): porcelain door knob with lock (1990.0224). Melvin S. and Nadene A. Brodie: 3 decals and a display card of decals, all with peace symbols of the 1960s (1989.0728). Elsa M. Bruton: reproduction of an 18th-century woolen cape (1979.3027); medicine cabinet (1979.3055). 353 John B. Burbridge: 14 pieces of woman's clothing and accessory items and 2 man's vests, 1845-1940 (1990.0296); woman's white muslin slip (1990.3081). William R. Burgess: Magnetone model BK303 wire recorder made by the Brush Development Company of Cleveland, Ohio, ca. 1946 (1989.0311). Barbara Pierce Bush: royal blue satin and velvet evening dress with matching stole, shoes, evening bag with 4 accessories, and a 3-strand pearl necklace all worn by Mrs. Bush at the inaugural balls of 1989 and a card with her signature (1989.0209). James W. Butler: cotton weigh up scale (1989.0423). Sid Caesar: 5 pieces of clothing comprising the "German Professor" costume worn by Mr. Caesar, his portrait by Merritt Smith, and an Emmy Award given to him in 1952 (1989.0172). Robert W. Caldwell: 5 modern copies of ancient Greek coins, a silver tetradrachm of Alexander the Great, and a silver hemidrachm of Sikyon, 360=330 B.c. (198720033). Leopoldo Cancio: 2 South American proclamation medals, 2 coin purses, a British boxed scale for weighing sovereigns, a silver stater of Metapontum of 400 B.C., a 4-reales of Boliva of 1701 or 1761, anda silver sol of Peru dated 1891 (1988.0460); 30 bronze coins of ancient Hispania (1989.0262); 37 bronze coins of ancient Hispania (1989.0522). Donald W. Carlson: 1 Hotchkiss #1 Universal stapler (1989.0601). Fred Carroll: 4 sticker sheets, 3 bumper stickers, 3 window stickers, 3 buttons, and a badge concerning various labor union causes (1989.0706). Ethel H. Carter: tractor-pulled tobacco planter, hand-held tobacco planter, and a set of 3 wooden tobacco planting pegs (1989.0600). Thomas F. Carter: 3 Carterphone telephones and the original patent document, Ca. 1969 (1989.0504). Russell K. Cashdollar: woman's enamel necklace with owl pendant, 1966-72 (1990/0107): Center for Defense Information (through Adm. Gene La Rocque): videotape cassette of the anti-nuclear war film, It's Up to the Women (1989.0367). Lawrence U. Chandler, Ph.D.: 3 pairs of woman's stockings, a wedding dress with hat, gloves, and wedding photograph, pair of mitts, parasol, hood, and mourning blouse, 2 infant's bibs and a dress, boy's bathing suit and pair of knickers, child's pinafore, and a man's combination (1989.0418). Katherine E. and Russell C. Chase: badge from Benjamin Harrison's presidential campaign, 1888 (1990.0128). Shirley Cherkasky: phonograph record of "Man on the Moon" recorded by Walter Cronkite (1989.0602). Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (through R. J. Dodds): Pacific Northwest Indian canoe model (1989.3129). Children's Television Workshop (through David V. B. Britt): 8 animation sketches and cells and a "clapper" production slate used on the television show "Sesame Street" (1989.0395). Valentine Z. Chilk: brass-studded bone needle case carved in the shape of a fish with blue glass eyes, 19th century (1989.0480). Government of the Republic of China, The Philatelic Department, Directorate General of Posts: 58 stamps, 20 first day covers, 5 revenue stamps, and 4 souvenir sheets of the Republic of China (1988.0011). David G. Cihla, James Cybul, and Melinda J. Lehman: Shawon-O-Meter sign with 8 extra number cards, a calculator, and a roll of tape all used to keep score of Chicago Cub Shawon Dunston's baseball hits in 1989 (1990.0315). Dianne B. Clode: book, Unmasked, or The Science of Immortality, To Gentlemen by a Woman Physician and Surgeon, 1888 (1990.0039). 354 Harold A. Closter: 4 labor union buttons (1989.0704). Florence K. Cole, Phyllis Disman, and Rita Krasno: 3 dresses, 2 sweaters, and a handbag all knitted by Celia Krasno, 1930-45 (1989.0625). Helen Hope Colgan: 3 woman's dresses, 3 suits, 2 pairs of socks, a cap, bathing suit, pair of trousers, and a pair of man's socks, all 1940-59 (1989.0460); 2-piece blue nylon Orchesis dance costume worn by Ms. Colgan in the 1950s (1989.0537). Colorado School of Mines (through W. G. Scott): countercurrent distributor made by the E. C. Apparatus Company, 1963 (1988.0495); 4 glass tubes, 4 metal clips, and a bag of caps from a countercurrent distributor, 1963 (1990.3014). Committee to Elect Ron Carey (through Ronald Carey): 3 bumper stickers, 2 buttons, 2 brochures, and a press kit, all from Mr. Carey's election campaign for president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, LOOT 9OSO190:)r3 Elma Grace Hanika Cook: banjo-ukulele of light and dark veneered woods, ca. 1930 (1989.0565). Irma and Thomas D. Cook: manual trolling motor made by Man-U-Troll Motors Incorporated, 1960-65 (1990.0073). Katherine Cramer: 5 linens of the 18th or 19th century (1990.0239). Crane Company (through George H. Broomfield): Harrison boiler section, ca. 1876 (1990.0137). Flora Crater: 2 petitions to the U.S. Senate to vote for the Equal Rights Amendment (1990.0133). Margaret Craver: 4 silver-marking tools, 4 marked samples, 3 WW II invalid bracelet-marking tools, and a sterling silver presentation spoon given to Mrs. Craver in 1929 (1989.0576). Ambassador and Mrs. James H. R. Cromwell: arithstyle adding machine with case and a pamphlet of instructions (1983.0170). D. W. Crow: gold-plated bronze Baylor University Founders medal designed by Mr. Crow, 1987 (1989.0633). Government of Cuba: 29 stamps and 8 first day covers of Cuba (1988.0242). Lawrence E. Curtiss, Basil I. Hirschowitz, M.D., and Mary Jo B. Peters in memory of C. Wilbur Peters: 3 fiberoptic gastroscopes including the prototype made in 1957 and 2 commercial prototypes made in 1960 and 1963 (1989.0568). Government of the Republic of Cyprus, Ministry of Communications and Works, Department of Postal Services (through G. Antoniou): 6 stamps of the Republic of Cyprus (1988.0266). Clarence and Dorothy M. Damon: family record sampler made by Mary Ingersoll at age 9 in 1830 (1990.0146). H. R. Dangler: WW I U.S. Navy canvas seabag (1990.0213). John and Nancy W. Davis: 33 Southeast Asian silver coins, 13th-18th centuries (1990.0003). Wilda Davis: paper booklet titled Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer by Robert L. May, 1939 (1989.0707). Mildred C. DeMedici: photomechanical panorama print of the Alexandria, Virginia Shipyards dated February 27, 1919 (1990.0257). Arthur E. Denu: patent model for propelling vessels by Jacob Eckhardt, patented June 20, 1876 (1990.0114). Theodore M. DeVit, Jr. in honor of Peter F. DeVit: 9 award and club pins, 6 tools, a pocket knife, pen, diploma, calling card, and an "E" award for civilian contributions during WW II (1989.0078). ol Colin and William D. S. Dickson in memory of Eleanor Shaler Dickson: 2 woman's dresses designed by Elizabeth Hawes, 1932-36 (1990.0031). Barbara Dickstein: 2 pairs of woman's shoes, a dress, skirt, and a blouse, 1970-85 (1989.0626). Joseph E. Dinardo: U.S. silver medal commemorating banking and world trade, 1984 (1989.0532). Alfred P. Dohm: 13 documents and work samples, a pantograph, camera obscura, engraving machine, tool box with tools, and a photograph from Dohm Lithographic Company of New York City, 1885-1913 (1989.0558). Dr. Duilio Donati: bronze Italian medal commemorating sculptor Henry Moore designed by Giannantonio Bucci, 1986 (1988.0769). Samuel J. Dornsife: 13 drawings of a water-powered woodworking mill by Joel Haag and a set of drafting instruments used by Mr. Haag about 1865 (1990.0070). Richard E. Drake: banner, "Fighting Against Homelessness” (1989.0629). James Christopher Draper and John William Christopher Draper: 914 photographs and photographic apparatus (304826). Phyllis B. Droppa: 4 compacts, 4 hair combs, a glove case, and a necklace, 1920-45 (1989.0446); lucite compact, 1943 (1989.0462); lucite hand mirror frame (1989.3104); comb, brush, nail file, and plaque all made with lucite (1990.0016). Phillippe F. duChateau: deck of 36 “Rabbinical World" playing cards with instructions and a box, 1988 (1989.0645). Arthur A. Duke, Jr. and Judith A. Duke in memory of Lucille K. Duke: 65 pieces of woman's costume jewelry, a pair of man's cufflinks, and an original box, 1930 to the 1970s (1989.0605). Dunn Edge Tool Manufacturing Co.: grass and corn hook (1990.0086). Mrs. August Dvorak: International Commercial Schools Contest trophy given to Dr. August Dvorak for proficiency in teaching, 1936, and the Stowell Trophy inscribed with the names of winners from 1936 to 1940 (1988.0403). Stephen Dweck: 6 pairs of earrings, 4 necklaces, and 2 gift boxes all designed by Mr. Dweck, 1983-90 (1990.0214). Adelaide S. Earle: patchwork crazy quilt piano cover, 1880-90 (1990.0092). Elizabeth S. Eaton: 3 molded earthenware figures depicting St. Luke, St. John, and Christ, made in Staffordshire, England, 1840-70 (1989.0618). Rachel G. Edelson and Benjie Lasseau: "A" clarinet used by Benny Goodman, a double clarinet case with accessories, wooden music stand, drawing of Benny Goodman by Bouchet, and a drawing of his music studio by Benjie Goodman Lasseau (1990.0058). Carolyn H. Edwards (through Daniel S. Hall and Robert N. Haskell): set of logarithmic scales, set of parallel rules, and a beam compass (296611). Capt. Frederick A. Edwards, Sr., USN (Ret.): man's straw panama hat, 1920 (1989.0468). Albert S. Eggerton, Jr.: 2 ticket punches used on the Southern Railways' Murphy Branch about 1910 (1990.0119). Robert A. Elder, Jr.: 13 groups of archaeological glass, ceramic, and metal fragments from the Amelung glass factory site in Frederick, Maryland (1989.0024). Harold W. Ellis: 16 comic books (1989.0089). Scott A. Ellsworth: button of the NCAA basketball "Final Four" competition (1990.0284). Mary-West Ensor: 2 packages of Kleenex cold cream remover, ca. 1920 (1990.0244). 356 ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. (through James R. Williams): 300 photographs of Thomas Alva Edison in his later years (1988.3072). D. Everhart II: 4 U.S. medals designed by Mr. Everhart, 1982-85 (1989.0528). Joseph T. Fajans: German medal commemorating the Peace of Teschen, 1779, and a Belgian medal commemorating the Universal Exposition at Brussels, 1958 (G19'89705:2'7). Harold Falik and Saul Knazick: 316 tuning forks of the 18th to the late 19th century, some of which were used in establishing international pitch in 1891 (1989.0306). Government of the Faroe Islands, The Faroese Postal Service, Philatelic Office: 30 stamps and 2 first day covers of the Faroe Islands (1988.0267). Andreas Feininger: 115 photographs by Mr. Feininger (1990.0160). Robert N. Ferrell: 859 political buttons, ribbons, and badges from election campaigns, 1789-1972 (1986.1040). Walter Feuer: Norge Rollator rotary refrigeration compressor, ca. 1935 (1989.0617). Jerene W. H. Fiechter: 2 woman's nightgowns and a slip, all 1920s (1989.0469). William P. Field: pair of man's shoulder pads made in 1989 in the style of tne 1940s and a pair of man's shoulder pads of the 1980s (1989.0514). Portia M. Filbert: 173 pieces of ceramics, glass, and tools made and used by Edwin Bennett, Edwin Huston Bennett, and Edwin Bennett Filbert, 1846-1965 (1986.0446); Bennett Pottery Company records, 1844-1981 (1986.3092). Lewis J. Fisher: "peanut" radio tube (1989.0205). Helen K. and Robert P. Fondes: "Hearthside" doily stretcher made by Sears, Roebuck and Company, ca. 1951 (1989.0492). Helen K. and Robert P. Fondes in memory of Tabitha Parker Fondes and Laura Catherine Farlow Parker: overshot coverlet in Snail's Trail pattern hand woven by Laura Catherine Farlow Parker in the 19th century and a 15-piece quilt pattern set of 1932 (1989.0609). Donald W. Foote in memory of Elizabeth B. Foote: 19 pieces of clothing and accessories used by Elizabeth B. Foote, 1940-80 (1989.0121). Grace Fouche: 8 Lustro'Ware plastic canisters and shakers, 1950s (1990.0177); 2 Tupperware covered bowls and a Tupperware decanter, 1950s (1990.3055). Harriet L. Freeman: ribbon expressing Support for WW I veterans and their widows and children, ca. 1932 (1990.0201). Blanche F. Freier: girl's peach silk slip, ca. 1922 (1989.0467). Bob Freimark: 71 serigraphs, proofs, and drawings from the series The Fifty States by Mr. Freimark, 1960-68 (1990.0130). Leslie M. Freudenheim: woman's black suede hat designed by Rudi Gernreich, 1966-71 (1990.0074). Helen-Marie Fruth: 2 sets of drawing instruments (1990.0115); Simplex electric toaster, ca. 1910 (1990.0176). Elizabeth C. and George Garfield: 3 volumes of photographic and textual analysis, 2 videotape cassettes, an appraisal booklet, and a patent history booklet, all related to the Garfield medical collection CLSS8i31 71) Garfinckel's: 2 mannequins, ca. 1975 (1989.0726). Joseph H. Gaultney, Gregory R. Hays, Fred M. Valerino, Jr., Frederick M. Valerino, Sr., James Valerino, Cathy Schaefer, and Dennis Sheehan: New York mail transport carrier and a brass over-delivery terminal with receiver basket (1989.0160); 4 trade catalogs, a book, and a job Proposal, 1916-52 (1989.3029). Ida Geary: 5 nature prints, 3 books, a leaflet, and a pamphlet all by Mrs. Geary and an issue of Audubon with an article by Mrs. Geary about nature printing (1990.0067). Roland C. Geist: 6 bicycle club patches (1989.0484). Elizabeth and Dr. Murray Geller: Cornell nit comb (1989.0752). General Instrument Corporation (through William H. Skelley): American Totalisator electromechanical adding machine and instruction pamphlet (1990.0008). General Motors Corporation (through Robert C. Stempel): GM Sunracer solor-powered automobile, 1987 (1989.0599). Helen N. Gerner: 3 medals awarded to Remington Kellogg, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1958-1962 (1989.0523). Gordon D. Gibson: photoelectric graph comparator with camera and 7 sets of related documentation, films and parts (1987.0694). Clarence J. Girard (through Claire Evelyn Peterson): topographical map of New York City of 1800 compiled by Louis A. Risse in 1900 (1990.3021). Jerry L. Girocco: 2 admission tickets for the 1932 Republican National Convention (1990.0091). Elizabeth W. Glascock: 2 needle lace lamp shades and 2 ribbon work lamp shades (1989.0479). David Gold: 78 paper and pencil psychological tests and related materials, 1920-47 (1989.0710). George Gomes: 21 film reels and 4 videotape cassettes of Alka-Seltzer advertisements (1989.3099). Edwin M. Good: harmonica holder patented in 1967 (1989.0379). Stuart L. Goosman: German Walther pistol with Swastika-stamped leather holster (1990..0105). Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Gosney: clear pressed glass pitcher, 1880-99 (U9 8 7.:010:7'2.) 6 Anne Kondrup Gray (through James Bremer and Henry H. Glassie): Meissen porcelain plate decorated with reserve paintings and a turquoise ground, ca. 1745 (1989.0437). Margaret Grimes in memory of Mavis Warner Van Peenen: woman's silk jacket, 1905-10, cotton sunbonnet, 1930s, and a silver fox neckpiece, 1938-45 (1990;.,00:93:).. Janet A. Haas: Tangee natural-colored lipstick, 1955-70 (1989.0459). Nancy A. Hacker: black celluloid doll made by Rheinische Gummi Celluloid Fabric of Bavaria, Germany, 1890-1910 (1989.0513). George Hanover: 2 Quasar satellite remote control devices and a Quasar “works in a drawer" circuit board (1989.0026). Michael R. Harris: 5 anti-Vietnam war posters (1989.0511); in memory of Everett Jackson: 57 tubes and cans of dental products manufactured in the U.S. with labels in English, Greek, French, German, Spanish, and Russian, 1910-80 (1988.0717). Marion B. Harrison: man's black top hat, 1920s (1989.0586). Haverford College, The Library (through Michael S. Freeman): set of 13 books illustrating the works of Shakespeare used in the library of Benjamin B. Comegys, 19th century (1989.0646). William P. Haynes: Ditto D10 duplicating machine with correspondence and a box of masters, 1950s (1988.0377). Raymond J. Hebert: 79 U.S. and foreign medals, tokens, and badges (1989.0028); 78 silver fractional ancient Greek coins, 16 coins of India, and 2 devotional medals of India (1990.0002). 358 S. Heinze: cover carried on the Bicentennial Packhorse Mail Route Reenactment in Australia held in September 1988 (1988.0697). Edward L. Heller: telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) (1990.0057). Carolina Herrera, Ltd. (through Carolina Herrera): woman's black velvet motorcycle jacket designed as a tribute to Robert Mapplethorpe, 1989 (1989.0729). Milton C. Heuston: slumber piece or furniture cover of pieced hexagonal blocks surrounding an embroidered wreath of flowers made by Harriet Fry Hockaday, 1875-80 (1989.0731). Richard Hofmeister: harmonica in the key of G made by the M. Hohner Company of Germany (1990.0102). Catherine F. Hoopes: 24 surgical and diagnostic instruments, 1940-59 (29982)5.09.517))/2 Reginald P. Horky: woman's gold and diamond ring with a removable top which can be worn as a pendant, made by Mr. Horky in 1986 (1989.0714). Elton L. Howe: "Chronomica" harmonica made by the Hohner Co. of Germany in its original case and wrappings (1989.0669); brass peace symbol belt buckle (1989.0673); 2 toy space capsules and a set of ping-pong balls (1989.0680); woman's necklace, ring, pendant, and pair of earrings, 1910-50, and a unisex peace symbol buckle, 1966-74 (1989.0682); Chinese abacus with instruction pamphlet and a Produx adder (1989.0709); War Department technical manual for shop mathematics, 1945, trigonometry table pamphlet, 1969, and a metric system pamphlet, 1978 (1989.3123); celestial globe and moon globe both made by Replogle Globes, Inc., 1969-70 (1990.0015). Richard H. Howland: walnut side chair with needlework upholstery, 1860s (1989.0592). Ivan E. Hoyt: 2 Pennsylvania German hex signs handpainted by Mr. Hoyt (1989.0640). Indiana State University, Department of Physics (through Mark Branham): Davis and Kidder patent Magneto-electric machine far nervous diseases (99'0:0:225)) 7 Elizabeth Wright Ingraham: "Wright Blocks" construction toy patented in 1933 and copyrighted and manufactured in 1949 by John Lloyd Wright (1989.0493). Joseph Hey Inman: Champion cherry pitter and juicer made by the New Standard Corporation of Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania, ca. 1900 (1990.0218). Intel Corporation, Strategic Communications (through Howard High): 4 wafers, 3 microprocessors, 2 integrated circuits, and 2 die sets (1989.0307). Interior Resources (through Sandra N. Price): Eclipse examination gown patented by Sandra N. Price, wooden model, and a miniature gown (199:0:;0319'). Government of the State of Israel, Ministry of Communications, Philatelic Services: 7 first day covers of Israel (1988.0100); 8 first day covers of Israel (1988.0463). Jenivie L. Jack: 19th-century silk neckerchief (1990.0098). John L. Jacobs: 5 photographic postcards (1990.0100); 16 Valentine cards and a birthday card (1990.0103); political pamphlet and newspaper (1990.0110); 9 issues of The Junior Review, September 9 - November 4, 1941 (1990.0141). Eleanore F. Jaeger: "Homestead in Winter" hooked rug made by Agnes Gellner Wermuth of Geneva, Illinois, 1953 (1989.0561). Robert S. Jamieson: hand-made Afro-American banjo, ca. 1850 (1990.0164). Virginia S. Jenkins: photograph of "The Reed Cutters" by Peter Henry Emerson (1989.0564). 359 Lucille G. and Robert G. Jensen in memory of Glenn W. Jensen: "Amos 'n Andy" toy car (1989.0510). Bettina and Hubert Jessell: tooth restoration kit, 1930-49 (1989.0649). Paul Johnes: "Comet" harmonica designed by John Vassos and made by the Hohner Company of Germany, ca. 1953 (1989.0668); 13 pieces of flatware and paring knives, 5 silver-plated coffee and tea service pieces and a silver-plated bowl all designed by John Vassos in the 1930s and a modern plastics award presented to Mr. Vassos in 1939 (1989.0700); Remington Sportsman '48 shotgun (1989.0747). William R. Johnson: Korona IV camera with 2 plate holders, a black cloth, set of 6 lenses, and a leather case (1981.0192). Merton W. Jones: 17 color photographic plates produced by the Paget process and the Lumiere-Jougla process, 1920s (1989.0226). R. W. Julian: 8 Iron Horse Festival tokens from Indiana, 1982-89, 2 National Bank of Logansport, Indiana tokens, 1976, and a bronze medal satirizing U.S. defense policy, 1981 (1989.0535). Karen Kaiser: photograph of Russel Kaiser in the Lamson cost accounting department, 1930 (1989.0746). Anne L. Kallal: 2 albums with 438 photographs, 11 mounted and framed photographs, and a school scrapbook (1990.0243). Golda Kaufman: 2 pressed glass curtain tie backs, 1840-60 (1988.0548). Samual Kavruck: 172 psychological tests, guides, and pamphlets, 1916-66 (1990.0034). Sara L. Kearns: sword with scabbard, belt, and sword knot earned by Michael Kearns upon his graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1924 (1988.0299). Mary Keyser: Silver thimble with an 1893 patented design and a pewter thimble given to attendants of the 1980 Thimble Collectors International Convention (1982.0428). Rachel Kidwell: polychrome plastic McDonald's stand with accessories made for use with a Barbie doll (1990.0090). Donalda D. King: woman's black velvet dress, 1930-38 (1990.0043). Frances Hall King: 37 pieces of man's, woman's, and child's clothing and accessories worn by Mrs. King and members of her family from the late 19th to the mid-20th century (1989.0299); 2 candle ornaments made by the Hanover League of Arts and Crafts in New Hampshire, 1950s (1989.0690); 3 fabric flower ornaments, 1920-50, and a pair of silk stockings, 1910-40 (1989.3070). Frank E. Klapthor: 3 man's formal white bow ties, 1910-45 (1990.0035). Jean M. Knight: pocket surgical instrument case made by George Tiemann & Company of New York (1990.0194). Andrew P. Kosic: 127 WW I prisoner of war covers from Switzerland, Russia, Hungary, West Germany, and Great Britain (1987.0877); 64 stamps, ll covers, 9 cuts, 4 postcards, and 4 cinderellas of U.S. private local posts and independent carriers, mid-19th century (1990.0023). Roz Kot: denim vest-jacket marked "Hell's Angels, Frisco" worn by “Hairy Henry" in the 1960s (1989.0539). Norman P. Kraeuter: pair of pliers made by Kraeuter & Company of Newark, New Jersey (1988.0514). J. Krammer: 5 books, 2 videotape cassettes, 2 computer software packages, 2 posters, 2 newspaper clippings, and 2 advertisements (1988.3052). Rita Krasno: pillow top embroidered by Celia Krasno in the 1930s (1989.0630). Krazy Time Company (through Richard Ongstad): "Quayle Time" watch with cartoon figure of Vice President Dan Quayle, 1989 (1989.0422). 360 William K. Krutz: 5 books and 3 pamphlets concerning the RCA Spectra 70 computer (1987.3077). Labor Institute of Public Affairs (through William H. Wagner): 2 videotape cassettes of the "Union Yes" commercial with Lech Walesa, 1989 (1990.0041). Cameron J. LaClair, Jr. and Mary T. LaClair: woman's silver compact made by Dunhill, 1928 (1989.0713). Thomas V. Lange: wooden fragment of "Franklin's Press" in a bottle, a souvenir of the 1893 Chicago Exposition (1990.0127). Peter Larsen: 6 models showing development of the Tape-n-Line combination carpentry tool invented by Mr. Larsen, 1984 (1989.0638). E. G. Larson: cotton picking sack (1989.0425). Joseph R. Lasser: 50 sheets of Colonial North Carolina paper money with 3 bills on each sheet, 1771 (1989.0696). Mrs. Frederick C. Lawrence: reclining mahogany armchair with upholstered seat and back possibly made by William Hancock of Boston, ca. 1830 (1990.0219). Gary Leder: 4 glass bottles embossed for use by the U.S. Navy, 1879-1900, found in Sitka Channel, Alaska (1989.0623). James R. Lee: Pickett electronic slide rule in case (1990.0154). Barbara Lewis Lehmann: Ball "Perfect Mason" jar (1989.0675). C. Merrill Leister, M.D.: 8 components of a General Electric oil furnace of 194: A(-1990'30279') Duncan Egger Lennon: 90 badges and ribbons, 18 buttons and pins, and 2 dance cards received by John B. Lennon when attending labor union conventions, 1886-1919 (1989.0396); 24 labor union meeting badges, 1893-1912 (1989.3063). Michael Lenzi: "Venus" exercise machine, ca. 1927 (1988.0780). Hope Anthony Levy: fabric catalogue of staple ginghams and turkey reds, 1912, and a stretcher-type embroidery frame, late 19th to early 20th century (1989.0285); wooden lucet (1990.0204). Olgierd Lindan, M.D., Ph.D.: Electreat electrotherapeutic device (1990.0208). Benjamin S. Loeb: 240 used stamps making up a complete reconstructed sheet of Great Britain Number 1 dated May 6, 1840 (1987.0937). C. O. Lonseth: diary of Betty Maple Lonseth when a school girl, 1929-32 (1989'.0538'9')'. Murray B. Loss: 2 photographs of the Dalton gang, a photograph of John Kohren, and a photograph of native Americans (1989.3066). Robert H. Loud Ford (through Robert E. Swender): 2 license plate frames lettered "Robert H. Loud Ford" (1989.0612). Joanna Ludwig: 7 nautical prints by Thomas Hoyne (1989.0616). Marion C. Mack and Phyllis C. Reeve: woman's tan silk calash, 1830-50, anda dark blue velvet overdress, 1880s (1989.0386). Sue McCone MacMillan: woman's black straw hat with floral decoration, 1945-49 (1990.0044). Rick M. Madrid: work shirt, trousers, identification badge, and a hat with 18 pins attached, all worn by Mr. Madrid while working for New United Motors Manufacturing, Inc. (1989.0402). Christine M. and Christopher M. Magee: pair of woman's sandals, pair of earrings, and a headband, 1968-72 (1990.0061). Rose Maione: phonograph record, "I Want a Wife Like Alice Kramden" (1989.0372). David and Thelma Rathner Mann: 2 pinfire revolvers and a set of cartridges (1989.0662). 361 Marimekko Oy (through Olli Lemola): 14 fabric samples of Marimekko Oy of Helsinki, Finland, 1987-88 (1990.0055). Robert L. Marx: 4 offset lithograph books about trees, leaves, and plants containing work by David S. Marx (1989.0560). Prof. O. T. Mason: 5 portrait daguerreotypes (1989.0550). Raymond Mathieson: WW II antiaircraft range indicator made by the A. C. Gilbert Company of New Haven, Connecticut (1990.0303). Karl F. Mautner: Petzold & Kloos field camera with 3 plate holders and an E. Suter lens (1989.0353). Joan McCallister: 3 WW II ration coupon books (1988.0792). Charles R. McClay, Sr.: pamphlet titled "Washington Base Ball Club Official Score Card, 1924" (1989.0342). Prof. Robert A. McConnell: 2 punch cards, a punch card gauge, and a card punch with stylus and template (1990.0113). William R. B. McCullough: mandolute made by H. A. Weymann & Son of Philadelphia, ca. 1925 (1989.0063). Jean McKibbin: woman's black seal fur coat, 1941-45 (1989.0463). Medallic Art Company (through Donald A. Schwartz): 2 plaster casts and a gold medal commemorating the Presidential Inauguration of George Bush in 1989 (2'989'.0525)).. Frances G. Meltzer: 2 diplomas, an autograph album, class photograph, yearbook, award certificate, and a graduation program (1990.0283). Parker Melvin: ll clay pipe bowls from Point Pleasant, Ohio (1979.0352). Eleanor P. Merrick: handcarved wooden pitch pipe with wood and ivory inlay made in 1774 (1989.0691). Frederick M. and James Robert Messick: 2 cornetS in original cases used by Frances Messick (1990.0290). The University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology (through Bruce M. Carlson and Donald K. MacCallum): C. A. & H. Spencer microscope (1990.0183). Miles Laboratories Incorporated (through Donald N. Yates ): 4 videotape cassettes about Miles laboratories and 2 videotape cassettes of Alka-Seltzer commercials (1989.3101). Mildred F. Milligan: 6 glass water goblets in the "Pavonia" pattern made by Ripley & Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1880-99 (1987.0659). Claire F. Minomi: Ritter dental operating unit including light, handpiece connections, air, water, and a tray to hold instruments, ca. 1920 (1986.0453). Karen Mittelman: stereographic view of the east gate of the White House (1990.0225). Government of the Principality of Monaco, Postes et Telecommunications, Office des Emissions de Timbres-Poste: 28 stamps and 7 souvenir sheets of Monaco (1988.0097); 47 stamps and 4 souvenir sheets of Monaco (1988.0486). William L. Monical: banjo-mandolin made by the Bacon Company of Groton, Connecticut about 1920 (1989.0679). J. Tom Morgan, Jr.: poster of Emmett Kelly as a clown (1989.0685). Aaron Morse: homeopathic drug chest of the 1880s and 49 pharmaceutical Products and bottles used by Kiehl's Pharmacy of New York City (1981.0589); 6 boxes of records of Kiehl's Pharmacy, a set of 56 Pharmacy labels, advertisements, and envelopes, and a "Kiehl's Musk" poster (1990.3040). Carlton E. Morse: 2 photographs, 2 booklets, 2 awards, a Royal manual typewriter, birthday card, and a plate, all related to Mr. Morse's career writing scripts for the radio and television program "One Man's Family,” 1940s and 1950s (1989.0174). Mottahedeh and Company (through Mildred R. Mottahedeh): 4 pieces of 19th-century majolica made by George Jones of the Trent Pottery in Staffordshire, England (1989.0407). Richard S. Muller: 2 chips containing micromotors (1990.0270). Muppets, Inc. (through David V. B. Britt): "Oscar the Grouch" puppet in his trash can (1989.0540). Sara Jane Demeritt Murphy: 5 letters denouncing the Masons and a document relating to retailers of liquor, 1820s and 1830s (1989.0604). Mrs. Jonn H. Murray: 2 plates, a teapot with cover, food mold, lidded hen dish, and a bowl with acorn motif (1988.0258); 3 double sets of playing cards, ca. 1930 (1989.0461); early 19th-century looking glass, tin-plated tray, and a "Martha Washington" sewing table of the 1920s (1990.0075); coffeemaker made by Chemex Corporation of New York, post-1941 (1990.3026). Susan H. Myers: 112 stereocards, 5 postcards, and 2 photographs depicting ceramic and glass manufacturing activities (1987.0064). Edward M. Nagel: Hispano-Moresque astrolabe, 1212-36, Italian solar clock-gnomon ascribed to Stefan Bonsignori, l6th century, Indian bronze celestial globe made in Lahore in 1604, Indian brass equatorial ring, 17th-18th century, and an Indian astrolabe, 17th-18th century (323621). Arthur L. and Mary E. Nash: 5 desk accessories made by Louis C. Tiffany Furnaces in the 1920s and a pen knife made by the Tiffany Studios about 1900 (1988.0752); 10 glass items made by the A. Douglas Nash Corporation and 9 glass items made by Louis C. Tiffany Furnaces, both of Corona, New York (1988.0753); mold blown clear glass bud vase made by the A. Douglas Nash Corporation of Corona, New York, 1928-31 (1989.0201). National Trust for Historic Preservation (through J. Jackson Walter): 2 Sandwich glass apothecary jars and a calibrated pharmaceutical measuring glass (1990.0309). Government of the Netherlands, PTT Centrale Directie: 11 stamps of the Netherlands (1988.0184); (through A. W. van Ommeren): 7 stamps, a postal card, miniature sheet, and a souvenir sheet of the Netherlands (1988.0462). New York Power Authority (through Leona Johnpoll): pencil commemorating New York State's ratification of U.S. Constitution and a button commemorating George Washington's Presidential Inauguration (1989.0322). New York University (through Judge Evans V. Brewster and S. Andrew Schaffer): 654 tall case clocks, wall clocks, table clocks, bracket clocks, watches, and watch movements of the James Arthur Collection of Clocks and Watches (1984.0416). Government of New Zealand, Post Office Philatelic Bureau (through B. E. Umuroa and G. W. Warner): 17 stamps and 2 miniature sheets of New Zealand (1988.0099); 35 stamps and a souvenir sheet of New Zealand (1988.0437). Dominik Nicol: silver U.S. medal commemorating the 300th anniversary of Prince Constantin Brancoveanu's ascension to the throne of Wallachia, 1988 (1989.0524). Government of Niue, Niue Post Office, Philatelic Bureau: 3 stamps, a first day cover, and a souvenir sheet of Niue (1988.0151). 36: 2) George A. Norton: blue translucent glass bell paperweight advertising the Bell System, pre-1930 (1989.0370); WRICO lettering set with instructions and original purchase receipts (1989.0572); Shirley Temple mug and an ashtray inscribed "A Century of Progress, Chicago 1934" (1989.0727); Minolta Autopak 500 camera in its original box (1990.0307). Government of Norway, General Directorate of Posts: 10 stamps and 5 first day covers of Norway (1988.0153); 7 stamps, 5 first day covers, 2 souvenir sheets, and a postal card of Norway (1988.0450). Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Incorporated (through H. Tecklenberg): 45 Pharmaceutical products (1984.0708); 139 pharmaceuticals, patent medicines, and related products (1986.0198); 45 duplicate pharmaceutical products (1986.3042). Noxell Corporation (through Carroll A. Bodie): 86 cosmetic items and a computer of the Clarion and Cover Girl make-up lines of Noxell Corporation, 1966-90 (1990.0193). Jennifer M. Oka: aluminum cooking pot with lid and glass insert made by Club Productions Company of Cleveland, Ohio, ca. 1953 (1989.0491). Lt. Col. Helen G. O'Neill, USMC (Ret.): matching brilliant-cut glass electric lamp and vase possibly made by Giometti Brothers of Corning, New York, ca. 1910 (1987.0596):. Oregon Military Museum (through Terrill M. Aitken): green jungle flashlight (1989.0441). Catherine B. Orne: 2 British and 1 U.S. geological award medals presented to Norman Levi Bowen from 1931 to 1950 (1989.0034); gold F. V. Hayden Medal of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences awarded to Norman Levi Bowen in 1953 (1990.0153). Craig A. Orr: U.S.-made mine detector set (1989.0664). Eugene Ostroff: silver print by Maria von Matthiessen and a photomechanical postcard (1990.0216). Panamacy Inc. DBA, Rare and Beautiful Things (through Nadja Maril) in memory of Cyril J. Patrick: electric floor lamp with silk shade, 1920s (1990.0234). Peter W. and Timothy R. Patout: laboratory scale and dipper used in sugar refining (1989.0424). Nat Pendleton: wire rim eyeglasses, 1968-72, and a plastic hair pick with metal tines, 1974 (1989.0620). Government of Penrhyn Island, Post Office Penrhyn: 12 stamps, 3 souvenir sheets, and 3 first day covers of Penrhyn (1988.0573). Pepsi-Cola Company (through Rebecca Madeira): videotape cassette of the "Pepsi Generation 20th Birthday" advertisement (1990.3005). Katherine Wicks Perry in memory of Arthur C. Perry (through John H. Quinn, Jr.): 43 ceramic and 30 glass objects (1988.0014). Mendel Peterson: molded stoneware pipe bowl with ribbed decoration, 1820-1900 (1982.0534). : Patricia D. and Vincent S. Pettinato in memory of John and Elsa Swanton: cornet and a pocket cornet, both probably European of 1880-1900 (1990.0322). Phillip Morris Incorporated (through Mary A. Taylor): 1,466 slides of Marlboro print advertisements, 1927-86, and 13 videotape cassettes of Marlboro television commercials, 1955-72 (1989.3098). 364 Lt. Col. G. R. Phillips, USMC (Ret.): medallion of Pope Pius XI and a pair of eyeglasses worn by His Holyness made by optician George P. Phillips, 1925-27 (1989.0570); photograph of Pope Pius XI with Papal Blessing, framed letter from the Vatican, and a group of 2 letter fragments from Mother Superior of the Holy Family of Nazareth, all given to optician George P. Phillips, 1925-27 (1989.3102). PhoneMate (through S. Yamaura): 4 telephone answering machine systems (1989.0371). Capt. R. Pineau, USN (Ret.): daybook of the Orchard Iron Works in Pottsville, Pennsylvania kept by John L. Pott from July 6, 1861 to June 1, 13863 (1990.0178). Dian Post: cigar box label (1979.3057). Robert C. Post: cast aluminum-alloy road sign frame from Leola, Pennsylvania reading "Monterey Mennonite Church, 1/3 mile” made by Jacob Brubaker in 1950 (1989.0639). Pratt-Read Corporation (through Charles A. Ruhe): elephant ivory tusk (1988.0818); 3 partial ivory combs, a complete ivory comb, and an original box, all made by S. M. Comstock and Company, 1880-1920 (1989.0147); turnpike toll gun coin ejector (1989.0148); 246 books and folders of archival records from Sohmer and Company piano manufacturer, 1872-1985 (1989.3076). J. A. Preston Corporation (through Thomas E. Mitchell): 13 rehabilitation and therapy aids and tests (1984.0750). J. Rudolph Prochaska: Mayfair pattern glass bowl and lid made by the Hocking Glass Company of Lancaster, Ohio 1931-37 (1989.0487). Dr. Leon Prosky: 11 Lang-Levy glass pipettes and a wooden holder made and used by Dr. Oliver Lowry, 1960s (1989.0547). Edna P. and Thomas R. Purnell: duck decoy carved by a German prisoner of war during WW II in Georgetown, Delaware (1989.0724). Jane Martin Pyne in memory of Rear Admiral Schuyler Neilson Pyne: 2 pieces of girl's jewelry made from human hair, 1840-60, and a woman's pink silk taffeta fan, 1850-65 (1989.0302). Elsie Howland Quinby in memory of Mrs. Duncan Cameron (through Woodson P. Houghton, Dr. Richard H. Howland, and Donald Lewis Wright): silk embroidered sampler dated 1802, a bookmark embroidered on perforated cardboard, and a daguerreotype of Phoebe Jane Quinby who owned the bookmark, mid-19th century (1988.0596); silver toast rack made by Andrew Ellicott Warner, 1830-60, and a child's silver bowl with plate made by Gorham Manufacturing Company, ca. 1904 (1988.0762). Juliette K. and Leonard S. Rakow, M.D.: cut and engraved glass wine goblet made by Thomas Webb & Sons of Stourbridge, England and decorated by William Fritsche, early 20th century (1985.0917). Julian A. Rand, Jr.: Self Winding Clock Company wall clock (1989.0613); analytical balance made by Henry Troemner of Philadelphia, ca. 1926 (1989.0614). Paul C. Reeping: refined white earthenware covered sugarbowl and cream pitcher decorated in Washington, D.C. (1989.0406). Jerome H. Remick: 4 Canadian storecard personal medals, 1985-88 (1989.0530). David M. Renka: 2 bronze medals designed by Mr. Renka (1989.0632). Barbara G. Reno: Reising Semi-automatic pistol, ca. 1921 (1982.0026). Eleanor M. Rhue: stop/turn signal from an automobile, patented by Oscar J. Simpler on December 3, 1929 (1989.0571). Rice Studio Limited (through James B. Rice): Riceprint photograph of Abraham Lincoln taken by Moses P. Rice in 1864 and a photocopy of an acknowledgement letter from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for a duplicate print received in 1925 (1989.0658). Alyce G. Rideout: Leica 35mm camera, Leitz Elmar lens, Leitz filter, anda Kodachrome haze filter (1989.0357). Bruce W. Rigby: 58 pamphlets and sheets of memorabilia of William Rudge and book designer Bruce Rogers, 1920s and 1930s (1990.0066). Edwin K. Robinson: 2 pieces of sheet music (1989.0090); straw hat with slogan "LBJ for the USA" (1989.0593). Franklin A. Robinson, Jr.: 16 pieces of man's and woman's clothing and accessories worn by members of Mr. Robinson's family, 1920-1978 (1989.0688). Rock-A-Bye Baby, Incorporated (through Marie M. Shields): 11l pieces of Promotional advertisements and instructions for a Rock-A-Bye Bear (1989.3028). The Rockefeller University (through David J. Lyons): 9-piece peptide synthesizer made by Bruce Merrifield, John Stewart, and Nils Jernberg in 1966 (1988.0492); 3 glass tubes, a ring stand, and a sample of drierite used in a peptide synthesizer, 1966 (1990.3013). J. Wm. Rosenthal, M.D.: 8 pairs of pince-nez, 5 pairs of spectacles, a scalpel, set of silver lacrimal probes, retractor, set of erysphakes, and a caliper (1990.0196); 4 instrument catalogues and an auto-plot tangent field eye chart (1990.3059). Mark Ross: "American Alliance for Labor and Democracy" button, ca. 1917 (1989.0705). Terry Ross: F. E. Myers back-geared bulldozer pump, Pilot Acetylene Generator nameplate, and a Galesburg Cornice Works Iceless Refrigerator nameplate (G'99/0'.:0.2)1:7/).< Thomas E. Ross: storecard medal for Broas Pie Bakery of New York City, 1863 (1:989:.\0533)). Quilla Carson Roth: wooden venetian blind used in a house in Washington, D.C. Since 1938 (1989.0690). Edward Rubin: 190 field, service, and dress uniforms, accessories, and equipment of the U.S. armed forces (304606); 129 U.S. military uniform items and accessories dating from the Post-WW I era to the Vietnam War era (1986.0813). Edward Rubin and Rubin Brothers Waste Company (through Robert L. Rubin): 819 miscellaneous U.S. military uniforms, uniform items, accessories, and equipment (1985.0611). Edward B. Ryder: brochure, "Citizens for McGovern/Shriver," 1973-75 (1990.0200). Jim Ryerson Productions (through Jim Ryerson): videotape cassette titled What Ramon Did about drug use and AIDS (1989.3111). Bennyta Saben: 3-piece brown silk, linen, and damask wedding dress of 1882 (1'989\.'0'7.21)). . Margaret Ahrens Sahlstrand: 13 samples of handmade leaf-embossed paper (1989.0578). Dr. John O. Sands: Washington Canal lottery ticket dated 1813 anda stereograph of 2 fishermen (1989.0738). William Sanford: collection of correspondence, memoranda, and reports of foreign technical teams in connection with the Marshall Plan, 1948-52 (98'8...3'57):. 366 Margaret Sanger Center (through Peter Purdy): 84 contraceptive drugs, devices, and related materials (1982.0531). SAS Philatelic Club: 6 first flight covers of the Scandinavian Airlines System (1988.0124); 18 first flight covers of the Scandinavian Airlines System (1988.0438). The Schlesinger Library (through Eva Moseley): 6 "Alternate" delegate badges, 5 buttons, 3 "Founders” ribbons, a registration card, committee member badge, and a set of plain ribbons, all related to women's rights conventions of the early 20th century (1989.0567). John T. Schmidt: Nikonos all-weather camera (1990.0080). Sea Pen Press (through Neal Bonham and Suzanne Ferris): 16 samples of handmade papers (1989.0559). Robert Seidell: man's 2-piece suit and a silk tie, ca. 1946 (1990.0029). Phillip Seitz: 8088 microchip (1989.0505); 6 Olde Heurich Brewing Company advertising papers and button (1989.3027). Frederick R. Selch: violin patented by John M. Augustus Stroh for use in gramophone recording, 1904-42 (1989.0651). Alex Shagin: 3 medals designed by Mr. Shagin commemorating the signing of the Constitution, the 1988 Olympic Summer Games, and Christopher Columbus (1990.0150). David H. Shayt: polyurethane tent stake mallet-puller hand tool, late 1980s (1989.0324). Mary Dickson Shryock: infant's christening dress, 1854-55 (1989.0647). Milton L. Shurr: 3 death certificates, ca. 1905 (1989.3069); 8 photographs of the 1939 New York World's Fair Hall of Health (1989.3112). Esphyr Slobodkina: textile printing block developed by Mrs. Slobodkina in the 1940s with a finished scarf, unfinished sample, and a folder of samples, description of the technique, and biography (1989.0562). Alice W. Smith: beam compass, protractor, and a slide rule with magnifier (1990.0317)% Connie S. Smith in memory of Seymour Smith: 1921 Model T Ford with "Snowbird" detachable skis used for rural mail delivery in and around Central Square, New York, 1921-32 (1990.0207). Edith H. Smith: woman's evening purse with a watch in the catch, 1929 (1990.0288). Mary K. Smith: woman's colonial-style dress, cap, fichu, and bag made by Mrs. Smith in preparation for the U.S. Bicentennial (1989.0667). Verna E. Smith: electrotherapeutic device made by the Electreat Manufacturing Company of Peoria, Illinois, 1930s (1984.0828). Susan Smulyan: 3 lidded cooking pots and a frying pan of Wear Ever aluminum cookware, 1989 (1990.0308). Mary Katherine Seyfriet Snyder: 8 U.S. gold coins and a gold chain bracelet with 8 gold coins and a Scorpio medallet attached (1989.0261). Marie P. Sollenberger: 31 pieces of pressed glass in the Jacob's Ladder pattern and 2 salt dishes in a Jacob's Ladder variation, late 19th to early 20th century (1988.0830). Dr. Ralph R. Sonnenschein: Brazilian bronze medal commemorating Dr. Sonnenschein and his retirement from U.C.L.A., 1988 (1989.0264). William F. Spengler: 20 silver coins of the Hephthalites (1988.0588). Frances B. Spruce: Little Gem earphones and original box, ca. 1915 (1989.0538). Caroline E. Stancliff: woman's purple and black brocaded silk and linen dress, 1860-66, and a jet necklace, 1890-1905 (1989.0579). 367 Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Genetics (through Karen J. Carpenter and L. A. Herzenberg): fluorescence-activated cell sorter built by Becton-Dickinson Electronics Laboratory in 1975 (1988.0598). E. Jeffrey Stann: Leica Model IIIC 35mm camera and a Leitz Synchronblitzer flash attachment kit (1990.0242). William E. Stapel in honor of Jean L. Stapel and in memory of Frank B. and Verna L. Reimann: jacquard double-woven coverlet in a wreath and floral pattern (1989.0270). Staples & Charles Ltd.: map and a print from Harper's Weekly of 1861 C1L9902013:2)). Star Headlight & Lantern Company, Inc. (through David W. Jacobs): 2 railroad lanterns, a Conger CL54 and a Starlight 222, 1989 (1989.0610). Lola G. Steinhoff: hand-held hair dryer, 1942 (1989.0300). William J. Stevens: 2 dish towels, a tablecloth, and a necktie with lithographed designs, ca. 1953 (1989.0753). Henry R. Stiffel: 8 parking meters and a parking fine receptacle (1989.0519). Lois Greene Stone: 5 bracelets, 2 necklaces, 2 brooches, 2 compacts, a pair of earrings, eyeglass case, belt, and a collar, all used by Mrs. Stone in the 1940s and 1950s (1989.0117); woman's gold brocade dress, black lambswool sweater with detachable mink collar, and 2 photographs of the dress and a fur collar being worn, 1950s (1989.0183); set of anatomical paper dolls, 1940s (1989.0683); woman's hatbox, 1940s (1989.0720); 2 hot dish pads made of bottle caps hand-crotcheted together before 1958 (1990 .0171). Paula M. Strain: diary kept by Paul R. Strain relating a visit to the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, 1893 (1989.3043). Hortense H. Strauss: unfinished beaded reticule with 17 tools, spools of thread, and bunches of beads for finishing (1990.0037). Persis Suddeth: girl's bonnet, 1929-30 (1990.0185). Louise H. Surine in memory of Alice Josephine Breen Hirtle: beige piece of Silk pongee fabric with stamped markings of the Imperial Government of Japan, 1930s (1990.0053). John August Swanson: 14 progressive proofs and 8 stencils used to make the serigraph Ecclesiastes (1989.0686); 15 proofs, 5 drawings, and 3 aluminum printing plates used to produce the lithograph Francis of AssiSi by Mr. Swanson, 1985 (1990.0237). Government of Sweden, PFA Svenska Frimarken: 289 stamps, 24 maximum cards, 24 first day covers, and 10 presentation cards of Sweden (1988.0052). Mrs. Ardene L. Sweet: 15 shotguns, carbines, rifles, revolvers, and pistols (1989.0716). Dr. Hans Syz: 40 pieces of hard paste porcelain made in Meissen, Germany in the 18th century (1989.0715). Henry Tafoya: 82nd Airborne Division parachutist's jacket worn by Sgt. Tafoya during WW II (1990.0221). F. DeLee Taylor: 11 woman's U. S. Air Force uniform items and insignia (1990.0032). Texas Childrens' Hospital (through Alex R. White, Jr.): transport isolation chamber with 50 parts and related objects used by David, the "Bubble Boy” (1986.0840); 21 containers of sterilized food and water, an isolation chamber set, book about the chamber, set of supplies, box of tape, and a group of documents, all related to David, the "Bubble Boy" (1986.3148). The Textile Museum (through Julie Link Haifley): 4 Jacquard woven silk items including 2 ribbons, a bookmark, and a picture (1987.0568). 368 Paul A. Thibodeaux: 2 buttons, a poster, decal, banner, pamphlet, and a newsletter from civil rights rallies in Mississippi in June 1966 (1990.0117,). Frances G. Thompson: white linen bolster cover inscribed "Polly Carpenter, LS E3%)°(2989:50339)\. Captain James Waldie Thomson, USN (Ret.): Wurlitzer electric piano with matching bench, ca. 1955 (1987.0500). Marilee Tillstrom: package of Darn Rite mending thread, ca. 1930 (1990.0170). Torah Personalities, Inc. (through Arthur Shugarman): 36 rabbi cards made in 1988, 75 rabbi cards made in 1989, and a rabbi card display box (1989.0644). Walden C. Townsend: automobile jack made by Weaver corporation, 1920s (1989.0520). Trans-Lux Corporation (through Albert Boyars): Trans-Lux sign, set of sign letters, and a mirror (1990.0124). Tri-Boro Sportsmen Association (through Roger Bodnar): wooden barge cleat (1978:.3029)):. Betty M. Tubbs: woman's air raid warden uniform and 2 patches, WW II (1989.0628). Tufts University (through A. M. Cormack, Ph.D., Sol Gittleman, and Joseph J. Lambert): prototype CAT-Scanner designed by Allan M. Cormack in 1963 (1990.0140). Embassy of Turkey (through Salih Yardimci): U.S. medal commemorating the Age of Sultan Suleyman exhibit in Chicago, Washington, and New York, 1987 (1988.0459). Government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Directorate of the Department of Posts: 3 stamps and a first day cover of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (1988.0396). John P. Turner, D.D.S. and Ruth Q. Turner: 2 paper hand fans from the Cotton Club in Harlem, New York City, ca. 1930 (1989.0436). Twentieth Century-Fox (through Robert B. Morin): 230 objects comprising the "Swamp" set and 15 costumes and props used on the television series "M*A*S*H" (1983.0095); 252 scripts and 9 music cue sheets uSed on the television series "M*A*S*H" (1984.3045); 500 medically-related objects used in the operating room and other sets of the television series "M*A*S*H" (1985.0252). Gretel M. Underwood: blue and white striped cotton dress labeled "W.P.A. Not to be Sold," 1932-40 (1989.0719). United Mine Workers of America (through David M. Saltz): 2 videotape cassettes of union advertisements (1990.0129); Legal Department (through Joyce Hanula): camouflage green "On Strike” T-shirt (1989.0542). United Nations Postal Administration: 1,140 stamps of the United Nations (1988.0059). U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, Air Force Museum (through Michael J. Ramaker): 3 gas masks, 2 helmets, 2 web belts, an overcoat, mess kit, canteen with cover and cup, goggles, barbed wire, knife, fuse, and a grenade (1977.0273); Department of the Army, Accountable Officer W23BFK: Czechoslovakian pistol, 1951 (1990.0267); Foreign Material Intelligence Group, FPBO (through CW3 George O. Brown): 2 Kalaschnikow assault rifles with bayonets and accessories and 2 Remington Wingmaster shotguns (1990.0028); Headquarters 82D Airborne Division (through Lt. Col. Robert E. Thornton): 16 battle dress uniform items and accoutrements of a 1980s paratrooper including parachutes and packs (1989.3032); National Security Agency (through Robert Looney): 369 88 components of the IBM 7302 Harvest computer system and 34 instruction and reference materials, 1962-75 (1977.0144). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health (through Dr. Alan Peterkofsky): Dupont-Sorvall centrifuge used by Dr. Marshall W. Nirenberg in working with genetic coding, 1950-69 (1989.0435). U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (through Norma Opgrand): uncut sheet of 120 Migratory Hunting and Conservation Stamps for 1988-89 with margins autographed by people attending the First Sheet Ceremony at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (1988.0429); Geological Survey (through James M. Hope): Luger carbine, 1930 (1989.0663); National Park Service, Grand Canyon National Park Museum (through Richard W. Marks): 10 panorama prints and negatives, 8 photographs, and a stereograph of scenes in Colorado and Arizona (1989.0703). U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Marshals Service, District of Hawaii (through Faith P. Evans and Al Patino): 2 reproduction plaque sculptures and a reproduction lithograph of The Last Supper by Salvador Dali anda certificate saying the artwork was genuinely by Dali (1990.0192). U.S. Department of the Treasury, U.S. Mint: 19 coins of Spain, 1474-1899, a coin of the Roman Empire of ca. 79 B.C., and a coin of Columbia, 1762 (1989.0591)). U.S. Legislative Branch, Library of Congress, Exchange and Gift Division (through Judy C. McDermott): Ease-all metatarsal elastic support band (1986.0107). U.S. Postal Service, International Postal Affairs Department (through Irma Harrison and Juan B. Ianni): 240 stamps of Austria and 30 stamps and 3 souvenir sheets of South Africa (1988.0010); International Services Branch (through Juan B. Ianni): 8,379 stamps, souvenir sheets, and Miniature sheets of the Universal Postal Union nations (1988.0130). Unknown: 2 pseudo-astrolabes (1979.0877); album with 71 photographs of Hazel J. Birdsall's family and scenes around Washington, D.C., 1920s (1989.0555); 2 woman's fans, 1860-80 (1989.0725). A. R. Van Doren, Jr. and M. A. Van Doren: woman's brown leather half-boot, 1845-55 (1989.0429). Vermont Castings, Inc. (through Duncan Syme): "Defiant" cast iron wood-burning stove designed by Duncan Syme in 1975 and made by Vermont Castings, Inc. in 1988 (1989.0615). Janine S. Volkmar: booklet, To Bear Witness, 1965 (1989.0744). Barbara L. and Leland L. Walton: 2 bumper stickers of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees (1990.0138). Frederick D. Wampler: 5 woman's bustles, 2 pairs of stockings, 2 capes, wedding veil, sun bonnet, apron, dress with set of matching fabric, headdress, bag, and 2 man's vests, all worn by members of Mr. Wampler's family, 1835-1905 (1989.0295). William B. Warden, Jr.: 2 silver karshapanas of India (1988.0614). The Washington Post (through Virginia Rodriguez): 5 sales racks, 2 hand-pulled wagons, and a newspaper delivery box (1990.0123). Judy L. Weaver: 4-piece uniform with 14 pins and an identification badge worn by Ms. Weaver while working for New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. in Fremont, California, 1986-88 (1989.0473). John Weingardt: T-Shirt, "Industrial Workers of the World - International Labor Solidarity" (1990.0042). Barry and Fran Weissler: vest, bow tie, wig, and a cane used by Joel Grey in the 1987 tour of Cabaret (1989.0375). 370 Carl E. Weller: prototype model and a production model of the Weller soldering gun (1989.0643); 2 original U.S. patent papers, 2 sets of business and advertising papers, and a book (1989.3113). Francis L. Wenger, M.D.: Egyptian bronze coin of the 3rd century B.C. (1988.0524). Mark J. Wertheimer: clip of 5 French rifle cartridges made in Syria, 1950s (1989.0694). Maria E. Wertz: Confederate artillery shell (1990.0269). Wesleyan University (through Robert L. Kilpatrick, Jr.): 224 mathematical models made by L. Brill of Darmstadt, Germany in 1893, 2 curves, a plotting board, ellipsograph, and a planimeter (1985.0112). Lynn B. and Dr. Michael H. Whalen: intact perforate pane of the 1975 Madonna Christmas Stamp (1989.0554). Thomas Willette: box of DDT "Killer Dust" insecticide (1988.0283). Chesley Goseyun Wilson: Apache l-string violin of agave and bow made by Mr. Wilson of Tucson, Arizona in July 1989 (1989.0653). C. F. Wood: hand-made fighting knife used in WW II (1990.0256). Mary Lou Frances Wooten in memory of Edna Lee Faulkner Smith: woman's make-up cape made from a fertilizer sack by Mrs. Smith (1990.0143). Betty R. Wright in memory of Frederick John Wright: Dobro guitar with resonator of about 1939 used by Mr. Wright (1989.0660). Helena E. Wright: union rates agreement booklet for the Livermore Falls Musician's Union in Maine, 1910 (1989.0594); costumed African-American doll marked "Plantation Inn, Savannah GA," 1920s (1989.0608). Jane Griffin Yeingst and William H. Yeingst: 5 pieces of doll house furniture by Louis Marx, mid-1950s, and an oil-filled electric radiator made by the Shetland Company of Austria, ca. 1984 (1989.0494); plastic grater, cast iron trivet, wire pastry blender, and an ATECO pastry decorating set (1989.0681); bottle stopper made by Ekco Housewares Company of Franklin Park, Illinois, ca. 1948 (1989.3075); electric flatiron, hand-powered egg beater, aluminum pineapple cutter, and an electric percolator (2989/73 151 6)):. James Harvey Young: 74 patent and pharmaceutical medicines, 4 nutritional supplements, an electrotherapeutic device, Velvetina face powder, homeopathic headache preparation, green glass bottle, and an invalid's drinking cup (1989.0711); Hadacol Caravan Show poster and an Antikamnia tablets bookmark (1989.3125). Robbie V. Young: tintype portrait of Emily and William McCormick (1989.0732). 371 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Individuals Dr. oR Tucker Abbott: 67 marine mollusks (350670). Harry Abrahamson: a Tibetan Lama thanka (378678). Dr. Robert E. Acciavatti: 2 beetles (388502). Clarence E. Aldret: a fossil bovid radius distal portion (391578). DE. Barry Alpher: 5 Australian spears & a spearthrower (378672). Reed Altman: 4 plants (388816). Dr. Angeles Alvarino: 20+ worms (388554). Dr. Donald M. Anderson: 110 weevils (389947). Dr. R. S. Anderson: 2 weevils (389921, 390338). Dr. Paula Beatriz Araujo: 13 crustaceans (380047). Dr. Brian J. Armitage: 117 misc. insects (392130). Dr. Paul H. Arnaud, Jr.: 3,912 flies (389918). Dr. Eric Arnould: See also Dr. Christine Conte (370311). Robert Aronheim: 556 butterflies (391060). John Arthur: a fossil whale portion (388866). Dr. Sidney Ash: a fossil plant (387736). W. L. Ashby: a fossil vertebra (386634). Mr. & Mrs. Wallace L. Ashby: 2 fossil vertebrates (389464). Sallyellen M. Attfield: a bird skin (388720). Robert Aube: portion of a fossil whale skull (389480). George T. Austin: 6 skipper butterflies (392133). Dr. Keiji Baba: 5+ crustaceans (380015). Thierry Backeljau: 40 marine snails (386359). Mr. & Mrs. J. Wayne (Aura) Baker: 7 fossil vertebrates (388859). Dr. George E. Ball: 54 beetles (389913, 390669, 391111). Carlos do Prado Barbosa: 8 minerals (390178, 390255, 390193); See also Mineral Fund (386192). Pierre Bariand: 2 beryls (386195, 388665). Mrs. Yvonne Barnette: a partial vertebrae of a fossil whale (390615). Douglas J. Barr: 4 crustaceans (378484). Jose Rolando Bastida-Zavala: 3 worms (386705). Dr. Hans Bath: 21 fishes (386924, 390821). Dr. William C. Bean: 72 fossil vertebrates (388867). Peter Beck: 3 fossil vertebrates (385895). Dr. Jonathan Becker: 28 fossil birds (388878). Dr. Vitor Osmar Becker: a butterfly (391846). Diane Bellis: 73+ fragments of fossil resin (388919). Dr. Mohamed Bensaid: 5 fossils (387752). Matz Berggren: 23 shrimps (388215). Richard A. Bideaux: 2 vials of minerals (388347). Lance T. Biechele: 2 plants (390060). Professor Charles K. Biernbaum: 223 crustaceans (380046). Dr. S. Bily: a beetle (387690). Gale A. Bishop: 299+ crustaceans (385076). Dr. James A. Blake: 1,101 worms (345346, 386717, 388526). Mrs. Joseph M. Blumberg: 25 Eskimo art objects (364390). Kimberly Bode: a portion of a fossil sea cow rib (389555). Mrs. Paula W. Bohaska: a portion of a fossil stork (390556). Mary & John Boland: a fossil seed (390547). Dr. Robert F. Bolland: a crustacean (386548). Constance E. Boone: 50 marine mollusks (364179). Billy B. Boothe, Jr.: 20+ worms (324957). Dr. L. Botosaneanu: 19 caddisflies (389910). Japheth B. Boyce: 2 fossils (390546). Ed Brady: an Indian police badge (378681). Dr. Timothy J. Bralower: 2 fossils (387785). Mrs. Twila Bratcher: 4 mollusks (383173). Mrs. Florence N. Brewer: 1,001 minerals (384596). Marcelo Silva Briano: 260+ crustaceans (377431). Dr. Thomas J. Bright: 50+ worms (346707). Dr. R. O. Brinkhurst: 15 worms (352289). Joseph C. Britton: a worm (346728). Dr. Robert Brooks: a wasp (390041). Richard Brown: an Emu chick (388727). Dr. Keith S. Brown, Jr.: 23 butterflies (391114). Dr. Hugo Bucher: 83 fossils (389462). Mr. & Mrs. John Buck: a ceramic bowl (373807). Dr. Don Buden: 4 birds (385663). George S. Bunting: 42 plants (389587). Charles Burg: a bird skin with spread wing (388711). Grace Burkholder: 72 ethnographic artifacts (370093). Dr. George W. Busby: 12 butterflies (390315). Robert Busby: 9 butterflies (390314). Dr. Sandra J. Carlson: 41 fossils (391588). Dr. Robert Carney: 5 worms (390366). Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter: a mollusk (383207). Mrs. Verna C. Carter: a Haitian wooden drum (378680). Dr. Jean-Paul Casanova: 4 worms (388564). Dr. Joe Cavey: 21 beetles (389935). Dr. Gilbert Challet: 482 insects (389925). Robert B. Chamberlain: a mineral (388356). Ralph Chapman: fossil egg shell fragments (391604). L. A. Cheney: 3 worms (336912). Mrs. Edie Chippeaux: a marine snail (387946). Dr. Mikkel S. Christensen: 12 fishes (388129) Mrs. Katherine Morgan Church: a feather headdress (364767). Dr. Eugenie Clark: 6 worms (373087). Howard L. Clark: 111 plants (384972). John E. Clark: a fossil dugong vertebra (390570). Roger Clark: 2 mollusks (387948). Dr. J. F. Gates Clarke: 582 insects (389909). Dr. Robert Clarke: a Sioux war bonnet (373804). The Clayton Family: 2 fossil vertebrates (389556). Earl and Joanne Cline: 20 fossil plants (390541). Jeremy A. Clore: a Laos bamboo mouth-organ (364319). Philip Clover: a marine mollusk (390514). Ed Cohen: 4 plants (387891). Dr. Robert G. Coleman: 136 rock samples (385386). John W. Coles: 20+ worms (390356). Perez H. Collins: 43 Liberian artifacts (374065). Dr. Christine Conte: 104 ethnological artifacts (370311). Bunnie Cook: 25+ marine mollusks (390488). Carl Cook: 6 dragonflies (391110). Dan Cooper: 2 fossils (386692). Rev. Robert Correia: 2 fossil teeth (391615). Dr. Raul Cortes: 2 flies (389794). Kenneth Craddock: a fossil amphibian skull (387760). Katharine Z. Creane: 3 Indonesian textiles (370094). Mrs. Elizabeth M. Cridlin: a fossil tooth (385901); 27 fossil vertebrates (388901, 388936, 389490). Dr. Thomas W. Cronin: 23 crustaceans (383071). Hewitt Crosby: a Tikuna Indian life-size mask & costume (362300). Mrs. Helen Morgan Culpepper: a Navajo chief’s blanket (362303). Dennis A. Currutt: a butterfly (390671). Dr. Edward B. Cutler: 500+ worms (384468). Thomas V. Dagenhart: 5 minerals (390204). Jerrell J. Daigle: 36 damsel & dragonflies (389902, 391851). Anne Maria Dambourg: a portion of a fossil turtle (387741). Teresa Ruiz de Centurion: 20 butterflies (389929). Dr. Jesus Angel de Leon Gonzalez: 107 worms (390357). David N. De Leon L.: 39 crustaceans (385242). Stephen Dee: a Swazi purse (370095). Maria Luisa del Rio Mispireta: 304+ crustaceans (388140). Dr. B. L. J. Delvinquier: 61 echinoderms (386974). Al DeMartino: 3 mollusks (358229). Dr. Gustavo A. S. de Melo: 2 crustaceans (378442). Geoff F. C. Dennis: a plant (387915). Dr. Marcos de Souza Menandro: 4 plants (389151). James de Vere Allen: 5 Swahili cotton handkerchiefs (370644). Dr. Deborah M. Dexter: 95 crustaceans (389814). Al Deynzer: 2 mollusks (389395). Dr. Hank H. Dijkstra: 28 mollusks (369494, 384063). Dr. William A. DiMichele: 5,577 fossil plants (389524). Dr. Peter S. Dixon: 207 plants (387854). Dr. Klaus Dobat: 40+ freshwater mollusks (387958). 376 Dr. David Dockery: 2 fossils (389540). Joanne Dombrowski: 15,000 archeological artifacts (372207). Neal Donnelly: 20 "Hell Scrolls" & a devotional book (378682). Robert L. Douglas, III: a fossil tooth (390619). David Dowling: 4 shrimps (388192). Herbert Dozier: 34 aquatic beetles (389927). Dr. Dale Dubin: a mineral (390209). Francis O. Dudas: 97 igneous rocks (389684). Ross M. Duggan: 3 worms (390390). Dr. Sidney W. Dunkle: 39 dragon & damselflies (389936, 391848). Robert A. Eberle: a fossil bone (386651). Mrs. Permelia Eggerton: a fossil dinosaur bone (387711). Corinne Ehrlich: 5 crustaceans (382771). Robert Elder: a pottery figure (366953); 2,000+ archeological artifacts (387017). Craig Ellis: 41 varied New Guinea artifacts (374704). Richard M. Emlet: 10+ marine mollusks (389398). Dr. Masaki Enami: a mineral (388312). Dr. Kazuyoshi Endo: 60 fossils (388894). Dr. Dodge Engleman: 2,330 insects (389916, 390672). Dr. Christer Erseus: 161 worms (386751, 388561). Carlos Esquivel N.: 3 dragonflies (389899). Gene D. Everson: a marine snail (384083). Jordi Fabre: 2 minerals (388374). Dr. Robert Faden: a worm (388558). Lee Fairbanks: 5 terrestrial slugs (389038). Laurel and Scott Faulkner: a basketry mask (373869). Dr. Mark Feinglos: 3 minerals (384589, 390190). 377 Douglas Fenner: 2+ corals (386989). Larry Ferraro: portion of a fossil dinosaur bone (386650). Wayne C. Fields, Jr.: 10 freshwater snails (387954). Dr. Kirk Fitzhugh: 992 worms (386741). Phoebe Flory: a feather cape (361216). George Fonger: 25 fossil vertebrates (386503). Dr. John M. Foster: 12 crustaceans (380036). Robert B. Frank: a ceramic vase & plate (364980). Dr. Charles Fransen: 59 crustaceans (388186). Richard Franz: 5 crayfishes (385030). Si & Ann Frazier: See also Roebling Fund (386210). H. A. Freeman: 88 butterflies (389922, 389946). Dr. Amnon Freidberg: 352 insects (389900, 390336). Dr. David G. Frey: 90 crustaceans (378467). Dr. Robert F. Fudali: 3 rock samples (388275). Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. C. Fuller: 5 enthological artifacts (364321). Dr. Emilio F. Garcia: 67 mollusks (365392, 367236). Frank Garcia: a partial fossil upper jaw (390592). Scott S. Gardner: a fossil (387769). Ralph Garrett: a fossil tooth (388873). Dr. Stuart Gelder: 3 worms (390389). Andrew G. Gerberich: 15+ mollusks (384830). Lloyd Gerhart: 3 juvenile birds (388726). Rosemary Gianno: 45 ethnological artifacts (385313). Lester P. Gibson: 16 weevils (389911). Dr. Michael A. Gibson: 12 fossil corals (387706). Dr. J. Gibson-Smith: a mollusk (383188). 378 Dr. Kenneth Gilchrist: 7000+ mollusks (384093). Derham Giuliani: 300 snails (384811). Dr. J. Glassberg: 2 butterflies (389931). Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Glismann: 2 fossil plants (387735). Dr. A. A. Godovikov: an iron sample (386191). Jack Golding: 6 plants (390076). Eric Gonzalez: 100+ crustaceans (381731). Dr. A. E. Gordon: 6 stoneflies (389920). Bill Gordon: a fossil fish bone (386625). Dr. Robert Gordon: 8,045 beetles (389932, 391054). Dr. Pamela J. W. Gore: 150 fossils (386656). Dr. Philip Gould: a Atayal loom & 6 weaving implements (374705). David Grabda: 8 fossil mollusks (387712). Frederick V. Grady: 2 birds (388721); 3 fossil vertebrates (388892); 1120 invertebrate fossils (388895). Jason R. Grant: 145 plants (390087). Diana Spies Green: 3 Balinese paintings (373014). Dr. George D. Grice: 10,000+ crustaceans (377398). Richard W. Grier, Jr.: a mineral (390247). Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Griffin: a wooden statue (373805). Dr. Mark Grygier: 32 worms (388519). Mlle Laurence D. Guidi: 8 crustaceans (388160). Dr. Lloyd F. Gunther: 306 fossils (389548). Dre. R. Gs Gutschick: 11. fossils (389521): Toni Hafliger: 3 plants (387918). Dr. Wesley Halpert: 13 ethnological artifacts (364389). Ernest and Onsby Hammons: a fragment of root mass of a fossil fern (390545). [ee) Yukio Hanamura: a crustacean (388139). Dr. James A. Hanson: a navajo rug (373017). Jerry Harasewych: 179 mollusks (344011). Dr. J. D. Hardy: a worm (386703). Christopher J. Harmatuk: 103 fossil vertebrates (387771). Peter J. Harmatuk: 1,239 fossils (385154). Dr. S.C: Harris: 139 caddisflies (389912, 398923). Mrs. Jacquelin Hawkins: a faceted green gem (390171). Dr. Richard W. Heard: 4 crustaceans (388156); 72 worms (390369). Bill Heim: 215 fossil vertebrates (385903, 388931, 390520). E. P. Henderson: 4 minerals (366600). Derral Herbst: 2 plants (387383). Linda Heritage: 10 fossil vertebrates (390521). Dr. Henry A. Hespenheide: 3 insects (389924, 390316). Jason and Lisa Hill: 2 crustaceans (391352). Dr. Ju-shey Ho: 44 crustaceans (377403). Dr. Wai Hoong Ho: 4 mollusks (390486). Dr. John J. Holleman: 30 worms (296029, 296861). Bernadette Holthuis: 90 mollusks (379947). Dr. L. B. Holthuis: 2 crustaceans (388183). Dr. Ralph W. Holzenthal: 4 caddisflies (389907). Hajime Honma: 4 fossils (389465). Vordo Honnold: 9 ethnological artifacts (364394). Mrs. Jean Hooper: a portion of a fossil porpoise (387748). Mr. & Mrs. Lucius H. Horiuchi: 7 ethnological artifacts (366038). Sid Hostetter: a fossil tooth (387772). Peter Hovingh: 200+ freshwater snails (387955). 380 Laura Howe: 9 fossil leaves (390567). Robert Howell: a fossil plant (388933). Dr. Francis M. Hueber: 7 minerals (390172); 7 fossil plants (390542). Niel C. Hulings: 8 mollusks (389405). Dr. Alexander D. Huryn: 12 insects (389905, 389906). Dr. Pat Hutchings: 4 worms (386726, 386744). Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hyne: 619 fossil vertebrates (384133). Dr. H. B. Noel Hynes: 17,296 stoneflies (389933). Dr. Thomas Iliffe: 253 crustaceans (383145). Rachel Imlah: 12 mollusks (373874). John P. Ingham: 25 crustaceans (368029). Dr. Teruaki Ishii: a rock sample (388261); a mineral (388296). Dr. John Ismay: 4 flies (391826). Dr. Michael A. Ivie: 502 insects (390341, 391061). Jeremy F. Jacobs: See also Academia Sinica, China (387287). Dr. Sophie Jakowska: a freshwater leech (274423). Carlos Jara S.: 2 crustaceans (389820). Dr. C. E. Jenner: a shrimp (381704). Dr. M. Bagge Johansen: 50 fossils (390527). Mr. & Mrs. Walter (Nancy) John: a portion of a fossil turtle (387718). Christopher L. Johnson: 33 gems (388693). Ralph Johnson: 2 fossils (387720). Thomas T. Johnson: a fossil (388886). Dr. Donald E. Johnston: a crab (385047). David Jones: a cast of a fossil tooth (388893). Dr. David Jones: 325 marine mollusks (346752). Dr. Meredith L. Jones: 500+ worms (386738). 381 Roxanne Jordan: 355+ crustaceans (385026). Dr. Pieter Kat: 89 mollusks (366999). E. Barrie Kavasch: 55 native North American artifacts (378691). Dr. Yosuke Kawachi: a mineral (390174). Dr. Stuart M. Kelly: 2 fossils (386647). Jack H. Kent: 9 Indian bronze & brass mandales (368689). Dr. Edwin J. Keppner: 14 slides of worms (384494, 386716). Charles L. Key: 11 minerals (359366, 375916); a metallic globule (386204). Dennis Kingery: a fossil plant (389494). Carl Eric Kirk: 3 articles of Mexican clothing (378793). Donald R. Kirkpatrick: 8 fossils (389554). Dr. John A. Kochalka: 608 caddisflies (390335). John Kolic: 8 minerals (390217). James and Sylvia Konecny: a fossil (390543). Mr. & Mrs. Walter Koontz: a fossil walrus bone (385810). Dr. Peter Kranz: 19 fossils (385905). Chris Krietsch: a topaz (386184). Peter Kroehler: a latex peel (387715); a slab of fossil footprints (388898). Richard M. Kurz: a mollusk (358228). Joe Kutis: 8 fossil dugongs (390571). Kim Kyong: a Korean brass basin (378688). Jorge L. Lache P.: 27+ crustaceans (336889). Jerry Landye: 2500+ mollusks (384079). Jeff Lane: a fossil bone (386652). Profesor Gerald N. Lanier: 123 beetles (390342). Michael Latz: 20 crustaceans (389822). Dr. Lucien Laubier: 24+ worms (262098). Robert M. Laughlin: a tortilla bag & a tunic (364364). Leicester Le Sueur: a crustacean (366138). Jose Leal: a mollusk (389406). Dr. Harry G. Lee: a mollusk (370079). Dr. Rafael Lemaitre: 82 crustaceans (381732, 381748). William L. Lermond: 7 ethnological artifacts (372208). Sonia Levine: a piece of Tonga bark cloth (378669). Dr. Robert Lindsey: a mollusk (368985). Ildefonso Linero: a worm (386731). Dr. Louis J. Lipovsky: 77,715 misc. insects (390469). Prof. A. A. Lise: 4 spiders (392134). Elbert L. Little, Jr.: 74 plants (391748). Landon Lockett: a plant (386872). Dr. Alfred R.. Loeblich,«Jr.::38 fossils:(389459) . Dr. Alan Logan: 7 fossils (386700). Charlene Long: 15 worms (386740, 388515). Raul J. Lopez: 8 crustaceans (377420). Jack Lowell: a quartz (388371). Ron Lupton: a mineral (386169). Dr. Jose Luis Luque Alejos: 16 crustaceans (381722). Edison A. Lynn, Jr.: a Hellenistic period jug (373816). Lydell MacLean: 2 stone effigy pipes (387019). Dr. Andy S. Y. Mackie: 14 worms (386706). Farai Madzimbamuto: a string hat (362989). Dr. Jean-Michel Maes: 62 insects (390622). Mrs. William (Catherine) Magistretti: 7 ethnological artifacts (373018). Dr. Fe Magpayo: a worm (388530). 383 Edgar J. Maiz: 1,181 subfossil remains (389539). Barry W. Mansell: 4 crustaceans (370139). Gary Marches: 5 crustaceans (385028). Dr. Bruce Marshall: 26 mollusks (367407). Dr. Joel W. Martin: a crustacean (383097). Antonio M. DeFrias Martins: 8 land snails (389391). Edwin G. Mas: a plant (388426). Dr. E. C. Masteller: 94 caddisflies (390772). Bryant Mather: 17 caddisflies & 2 mayflies (390771). Michael L. Mathis: 35 caddisflies (389915, 391847). Dr. Garry Maurath: a fossil monk seal jaw (386658). Michael Mazurkiewicz: 1+ mollusks (390496). Vance McCollum: 12 fossil sharks teeth (386649); 100 fossil vertebrates (388860). Peter A. McCrery: 8 fossil vertebrates (389483). Ruben McCullers: 18,145 insects & arthropods (391828). Emory McDanal: 12 minerals (386224) Dr. John McDermott: 4+ crustaceans (383079). Marion McDowell: 2 crustaceans (369886). Dr. F. Scott McEuen: 26 mollusks (384076). Dr. Frank K. McKinney: a fossil (391614). Dr. Patsy A. McLaughlin: 14 crustaceans (389808) . Robert B. McLaughlin: a fossil (389529). Jimmy McNeil: 4 minerals (388353). Peter Megaw: a mineral (390254). Ray Meisenhalder: 12 minerals (386206, 388372). Franco Melchiorri (deceased): 124 ethnological artifacts (372228). Edith L. Menkart: 5 Chinese textiles (372211). 384 Dr. Arnold S. Menke: 624 insects (389945, 391055). Dr. Michael A. Menzies: 4 gems (390162). Mary Beth Mihalik: 21 crustaceans (386519). Mrs. Gerald L. Miller: 2 pieces of bark cloth (380528). Sheryl F. Miller: a Hopi silver belt buckle (378936). Steven T. Miller: a fossil parrot fish dentary (390616). Dr. William E. Miller: 4 moths (389914). Mrs. F. P. Mitchell: 2 19th century Japanese fukusa (380502). Dr. Tomoyuki Miura: 13 worms (386734). Dr. Robert B. Mixon: a juvenile pinniped humerus (390564). Jane Tully Moberg: a pair of Naga earrings (378670). L. B. Moers: a quartz (391460). Dr. Carolyn Moll: 15 Afghan artifacts (366839). Dr. Robert Moolenbeek: 6 mollusks (380071). Dr. Ellen J. Moore: 2 fossils (389517). Evelina C. Morales: 10 crustaceans (386513). C. Timothy Morris: 6 shrimps (383098). Colonel William B. Mozey: 5 sets of Korean locks & keys (385305). Dr. Katherine Muzik: 4 echinoderms (342763). Diana K. Myers: 38 textiles and 50 dye samples (368690, 373019). Kenji Nakamura: 100 Japanese baskets & tools (380491). Dr. Edna Naranjo-Garcia: 7 mollusks (376763, 380072). Dr. H. Richard Naslund: 3 minerals (390201). Dr. G. H. Nelson: 14 beetles (391113). Nancy Malecek Neubert: a pair of cermonial shoes (373806). Dr. Beth Norden: 416 insects (392135). Dr. John S. Noyes: 41 parasitic wasps (389928). Dr. Charles W. O’Brien: a beetle (390320). Dr. Lois B. O’Brien: 52 bugs (390621). Mrs. Paul Oberlin: a Cooper’s Hawk (388714). Ray Ogilvie: a fossil dire wolf skull (387794). Dr. Takashi John Ohwada: 2 worms (386748). Dr. Tatsuo Oji: 6 crustaceans (376206). Dr. Takashi Okutani: 2 mollusks (381836). Anton E. Oleinik: 10+ freshwater snails (390480). Senor L. G. Oliveira: 178 caddisflies (391131). Dr. John A. Onderdonk, Jr.: a portion of a fossil auk humerus (390555). Estelle Oozevaseuk: 3 Eskimo ethnological artifacts (362995). Dr. Dennis Opresko: 13+ echinoderms (386979). Dr. P. Orlandi: 3 minerals (388700). Dr. Juan C. Paggi: 17 crustaceans (376875). Dr. Stewart Peck: 16 centipedes (392139). Boyce "Shorty" Peeler: 7 minerals (386221). Dr. Olof Pellmyr: 290 moths (389926). Thomas Perkins: 6 worms (388524). Dr. Emile Pessagno: 84 fossils (387721, 390562). Dr. Mary E. Petersen: a mollusk (384804). Paul M. Peterson: 3,105 plants (383264). Dr. John Pether: a fossil (391618). Richard E. Petit: 20 mollusks (389042). Dr. Edward J. Petuch: 18 mollusks (389032, 389392); 2 fossils (389394). Dr. K. W. Philip: 83,156 butterflies and moths (392058). James and Lorraine Pickering: 3 fossils (390544). Joe Pinto: a fossil crocodile tooth (387716). 386 Austin Platt: a portion of a fossil bird humerus (390539). Dr. John T. Polhemus: 520 insects (389930, 389944). Mark Ports: 30+ snails (379579, 384086). William L. Pratt: 6 mollusks (384826). John H. Pugh: 2 minerals (386165). recent A. Rahn: 1,727 moths & butterflies (389959, 390756). Dr. Dieter Rammlmair: 2 minerals (390202). Emily Wheelock Reed: a Chinese banner (380060). Jay R. Reich: 50 fossil vertebrates (388920). Amanda Reid: 2 worms (382773). Dr. Thomas Reinecke: 3 minerals (390218). Jim Reynolds: a fossil whale tooth (390618). Dr. R. Peter Richards: 3 quartzs (388346). Charmoon Richardson: 20 minerals (388703, 390237). Rick Riefner: 24 plants (390064). Dr. J. Keith Rigby: 393 fossil sponges (387749, 389525). Norman Riker: a portion of a fossil auk ulna (390554). Dr. Edward G. Riley: 3 beetles (389938, 390312). Mrs. Mary L. Ripley: a worm (344440). Dr. S. Dillon Ripley: 3 birds (382396). Gordon Rippon: 4 fossil mammals (386702). Dr. Dan Rittschof: 2 fossil vertebrates (387747). Debbie Roberts: 56+ crustaceans (389866). Dr. Henry W. Robison: 11 crustaceans (378515, 383083). Elizabeth Roessing: a Chinese wedding gown (366840). Dr. David M. Rohr: 31 fossils (386670, 391580). Dr. Greg Rouse: 12 worms (390365). Mark Rowley: 15 mollusks (371203). Dave Ruiter: 13 caddisflies (389898). Dr. Curtis W. Sabrosky: 495 flies (391059, 392131). Goran Sahler: a dragonfly (389901). Dr. Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo: 2 worms (382763). Dr. Guillermo San Martin: 100+ worms (388540). Dr. P. M. Sander: a fossil (389457). Gunther Scharwz: 2 minerals (386189). George Scheller: a yellow-headed Amazon parrot (388728). Dr. Clarke Scholtz: 3 beetles (391115). Dr. Carl F. Schueler (deceased): 12 ethnographic artifacts (387026). Dr. Ludolf Schultz: a meteorite (391936). J. Schwede: 24 plants (391217). Dr. P. J.B. Scott: a crustacean (382718). Dr. R. W. Scott: 9 fossils (388875). Jorma Seetula: a mineral (386211). Robynn K. Shannon: 67 plants (388430). Dr. Arthur M. Shapiro: 9 butterflies (390321). Gary Shauf: a mineral (386219). Dr. Pouyan Shen: a mineral (388689). T. A. Singleton, Jr.: 5 crustaceans (389824). Mrs. Evelyn J. Slawson: 3 Hawaiian stone tools (378673). Dr. Michael E. Smith: 3 worms (386730). Murrel Smith: a New Guinea drum (387028). Dr. Ralph Smith: 2 worms (388544). Patrick Snow: a pair of Indian Moccasins (369754). Dr. Israel Gregory Sohn: linen fragments (373808); 6 fossils (390525). 388 Ronald K. Sorem: 2 Mt. St. Helen ashes (389674). Jim Springsteen: 400+ mollusks (379587). Dr. Hubert J. Squires: 2+ crustaceans (385055). Dr. Charles L. Staines, Jr.: 1,248 insects (390673). Dr. Chris J. Stanley: a mineral (386173). Edward Stansbury: 2 crustaceans (344193). Dr. William P. Stark: 22 stoneflies (390319). Robert Stelzer: 6 crustaceans (381777). Dr. Karl H. Stephan: 44 beetles (390310, 391057, 391849). Kristine K. Stockman: 4 archaeological artifacts (373015). Anne W. Stockvis: 3 kachina dolls (373020). Dr. Henry P. Stockwell: a beetle (390317). Will Straube: a rock concretion (359475). Dr. David Strehlow: 5 worms (346705). Dr. Ned E. Strenth: 6 crustaceans (389823). Theda Maw Sturtevant: See also Dr. William C. Sturtevant (373704). Dr. William C. Sturtevant: 25 Northwest Coast Indian artifacts (373704). Dr. J. Bolling Sullivan: 515 butterflies and moths (388257, 389958). Sean Sweeney: 2 gems (388671). Clyde Swindell: 113 fossil vertebrates (387791). Joseph E. and Sylvia L. Randall: 28 ethnological artifacts (363029). James Symington: a Samoan tapa cloth (380495). Dr. Kazushinge Tanabe: 174+ fossils (387727). Senor Luiz S. W. Terra: 1,376 caddisflies (391261). Dr. James D. Thomas: a coral (389005). Louis Todd: a snout of a fossil amphibian (388907). Alexander S. Tompa, Estate of: See also Sally H. Tompa (384809). 389 Sally H. Tompa: 191,500 books, equipment & mollusks (384809). Sedwick D. Tourison, Jr.: a mineral (386196). Margot Townsend: a ring, a pin, & 2 pr. of earrings (390253). Jerry D. Tracey: a portion of a fossil bird (389481). Jean Trondle: 70+ mollusks (366097). Dr. K. Tsuneki: 483 wasps (392132). Dr. Emil K. Urban: a parka and cloth liner (373016). Cindy Lee Van Dover: 1 lot of crab fragments (384990). Charlotte Van Zant-King: a raven (387823). Andrew Vik: 4 marine mollusks (390471). Dr. Emily Vokes: 119 fossils (388874); 4 marine mollusks (390489). Jane Wagner: a fossil crocodile tooth (391632). Dr. David B. Wahl: 551 insects (389903). Dr. R. G. Warren: a mineral (388699). Dr. Julian F. Watkins: 3 ants (389934). Mr. & Mrs. Charles Weatherly: 19 Panamanian Indian molas (385332). Jan Weaver: 47 spiders (392138). Dr. John S. Weaver: 4 caddisflies (390340). Dr. and Mrs. Richard Webster: 2 minerals (390234). Dr. Robert Weems: a fossil (390596). Dr. Konrad F. Weidich: 13 fossils (390526). Carol Weigold: 2 Tahitian skirts (366837). Mrs. Ulrich Weiss: a mineral (388283). Dr. Wilfried Westheide: 5 worms (388556, 388563). Dr. Henry R. Westrich: 1 lot of minerals (388363). Dr. A. G. Wheeler: 613 insects (389908). Phil Whisler: a fossil skull (388871). 390 Dr. Thomas Whiteley: 57 fossils (388902). Robert W. Whitmore: a quartz (390215). Ronald S. Wielgus: 162 moths & butterflies (391128, 392137). Robert Wiest: 14 fossils (386631, 386653, 389536). James R. Wiker: a skipper butterfly (392129). Edward T. Williams: 4 fossil mammals (386701). Dr. S. A, Williams: a mineral (386179). Robin Wilson: 33 worms (386721). Dr. Willis W. Wirth: 509 insects (391850). Bob Wisseman: 4 crustaceans (388213). Marjorie Wolcott: an Indonesian basketry box (366034). Stephen D. Wood: a Masai pendant necklace (387022). Julian Wooten: a fossil mastodon upper molar (387750). Dr. W. Curtis Wozencraft: See also Academia Sinica, China (387287). Dr. Frank N. Young: 163 aquatic beetles (389919). Richard Young: a rock sample (388259). Victor Yount: a quartz & 1 lot of minerals (388364). Dr. Yang Yueging: a mineral (388375). 391 Institutions A. Remington Kellogg Fund: 235 fossil vertebrates (385116, 385819). Aarhus Universitet, Denmark: 4 plants (387451, 388801). Academia Sinica, China: 13 birds (387287); 17 echinoderms (388997); a plant (391777). Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Russia: 2 casts & a sample of mammoth hair (386683); 600 crustaceans (388212); 235 worms (388545); 213 plants (389584, 391012); 5 fishes (385944, 390270); 28 weevils (391112). Alabama, University of: 3 fishes (388056); 19 plants (388412). Alaska, University of: 7 crustaceans (383140). All-Union Research Institute of Marine Fisheries & Oceanography, USSR: 2 crustaceans (386563); 28 fishes (391674). Amsterdam, University of, The Netherlands: 3 mollusks (386361); 52 crustaceans (371048). Arizona, University of: 3 echinoderms (386975); 5 plants (389154). Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission: 3 plants (390072). Asociacion Mexicana de Orquideologia Herbarium, Mexico: 22 plants (386431). Atlanta Botanical Garden: a plant (388392). Atlantic Reference Centre, Canada: 6+ crustaceans (383137). Auckland, University of, New Zealand: 2 crustaceans (383121). Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology & Geophysics, Australia: 45 fossils (390537). Australian Museum, Australia: a worm (343068); 80 mollusks (386365); 16 crustaceans (389829). Australian National University, Australia: 25 plants (391194). Barton Mines Corporation: a garnet (390631). Bernice P. Bishop Museum: 39 plants (389127, 390124, 391969). Botanicke oddeleni Prirodoved. mazea, Czechoslovakia: 14 plants (390053). Botanisches Institut der Universitat Wien, Austria: a plant (388406). Brigham Young University: a fossil (391596). British Columbia, University of, Canada: 24 plants (388748). British Museum (Natural History), England: 3 plants (386862, 386874); 9 insects (388246, 390313). Bryn Mawr College: a crustacean (381752). California Academy of Sciences: 5 crustaceans (381775); an echinoderm (386971); 2 fossils (387729); a plant (387914); 24 mollusks (398022). California State University: 2 echinoderms (388980). California, University of: 51 crustaceans (378462, 383089); 3 fishes (385966); 31 plants (386876, 388384, 389102, 391190, 391739); Scripps Institution of Oceanography: 11 fishes (365323, 380452); 2 crustaceans (385031); 7 echinoderms (386952, 386994, 390693); 21 fossils (386952, 390677). Calvert Marine Museum: 2 fossil vertebrates (388913). Canada, Atlantic Geoscience Center, Canada: 3 corals (386970). Canfield Fund: 8 minerals (383008, 386141, 386190, 388668). Carnegie Museum of Natural History: 31 plants (389159, 389163, 390949, 391786). Center ORSTOM de Tahiti, French Polynesia: 888 plants (382644, 386430, 387862, 398150). Centre National de Trid’Oceanographie Biologique (CENTOB), France: 240 crustaceans (378432). Centre O.R.S.T.O.M. de Cayenne, French Guiana: 52 plants (387863, 391743, 391759; 391795) . Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigation y Ensenanza, Costa Rica: 2 plants (388428). Centro de Botanica, Mexico: 80 plants; 26 plants, (386875, exchange). Centro de Botanica Tropical, Venezuela: 6 plants (387411). Centro de Experimentacion Pesquera, Spain: 2 lots, 17 crustaceans (383070). Centro Internacional de la Papa, Peru: a plant (391741). Chamberlain Fund: 3 faceted gems (371365, 388330). Ciudad Universitaria, Paraguay: a crustacean (386546). Clemson University: 2 plants (388810); 606 crustaceans (386562, 388214, 389852). Cleveland Museum of Natural History: a fossil (386673). 393 Coleccion De Peces Instituto De Ciencias del Mar, Spain: 22 crustaceans (385072). Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum: 2 mounted Pigeons (388716). Connecticut College: 20+ freshwater snails (386353). Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Switzerland: 14 plants (388766). Continental Shelf Associates, Inc.: a crustacean (385053). Copenhagen, University of, Denmark: 21 crustaceans (388146, 388229). Coral World (VI) Inc., Virgin Islands: 4 fishes (391694). Cordell Bank Expeditions: 2 echinoderms (383655). Cornell University: a coral (388969); a plant (398155). Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Czechoslovakia: 19 plants (387434, 389176). Dalhousie University, Canada: 5 fish skeletons (387510); 50 fossils (388935, 388946, 388949). Delaware Museum of Natural History: 2 marine snails (391311). Department of Environment and Conservation, Australia: 17 plants (390143). Dept. of Marine & Wildlife Resources, American Samoa: a fish (386939). Drake Fund: 3,829 insects (390311). Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Brazil: 10 plants (391259). Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Ecuador: 100+ freshwater fishes (387487). Estacion de Biologia, Mexico: 373 crustaceans (289883). Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas UANL, Mexico: 9 crustaceans (386549). Fairchild Tropical Garden Herbarium: a plant (388454). Field Museum of Natural History: 39 plants (386829, 386834, 389108, 389111, 389140, 389165); 5 plants (386829, exchange). Florida Audubon Society: a bird (387816). Florida Department of Natural Resources: 15 worms (317441); 14 corals (383640); a mollusk (389419). Florida State University: 2 crustaceans (383126). Florida, University of: 13 crustaceans (386541, 389839); Florida State 394 Museum: 54 crustaceans (383144). Florida Wildlife Research Laboratory: 7 crustaceans (391378). Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, West Germany: 75+ echinoderms (386967). Franklin Mineral Museum: 2 minerals (390221). George Washington University: 25+ corals (385409). Georgia Southern College: 7 crustaceans (388157). Georgia, University of: 2 plants (388779, 389149). Goteborg, University of, Sweden: 65 plants (387416, 387428, 387443, 387458). Guadelajara, University of, Mexico: 4 mollusks (386352). Guam, University of, Guam: 2 mollusks (378796). Guangxi Institute of Botany, China: 154 plants (389606). Guelph, University of, Canada: an echinoderm slide (388976). Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution: 14 mollusks (389041, 389045, 390490); 7 echinoderms (390692). Harvard University: 2 crustaceans (356689). Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources: 4 fishes (390261). Hawaii, University of: a worm (270354); 4 fishes (387485). Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary: 3 crayfishes (391358). Herbario A. Castallanos, Brazil: 10 plants (387907). Herbario "Barbosa Rodrigues", Brazil: 78 plants (391798). Herbario CIIDIR, Mexico: 3 plants (389103). Herbario Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, Brazil: 29 plants (388778). Herbario Jardin Botanico, Colombia: a plant (387926). Herbario Nacional de Bolivia, Bolivia: 4 plants (390948). Herbario Universitario, Venezuela: 12 plants (386272). Herbier du Centre ORSTOM de Cayenne, France: 512 plants (386802, 386839, 386842, 387453). Hiroshima University, Japan: 30 crustaceans (386565). Holographic Design Incorporated: a fossil (388887). Huntington Botanical Gardens Herbarium: 8 plants (357801). Houston, University of: 3,336 crustaceans (383103, 386550). Hydrozoology: 3 snails (384839). Idaho, University of: 159 insects (389917, 390339). Independent Jewelers Organization: a quartz (388326). Indiana University: 94 crustaceans (365634, 385069, 389840). Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique, New Caledonia: 6 fishes (388087). Institut Fur Zoologie - Der Universitat Wien, Austria: 16 crustaceans (388166). Institut fur Botanik und Botanischer Garten der Universitat, Austria: 62 plants (390055, 390127). Institut fur Systematische Botanik der Universitat Zurich, Switzerland: 48 plants (389657). Institute of Marine Sciences: 25 protozoan slides (388966). Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada: 10 worms & 21 worm slides (341804, 386704). Institute of Systematic Botany, The Netherlands: 29 plants (386846, 387419, 387880, 390054); 333 plants, (386846, 387410, 387880, exchanges). Instituto Nacional de Parques, Venezuela: 33 plants (387433). Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Brazil: 14 plants (387440); 8 crustaceans (389887). Instituto de Botanica, Brazil: a plant (391955). Instituto de Limnologia, Mexico: 14+ freshwater mollusks (386335). Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd., Israel: a protozoan slide (388968). J. L. B. Institute of Ichthyology, South Africa: 5 fishes (387507, 388128). James Madison University: 48 crustaceans (389863). Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 4 plants (389655). Jardin Botanico Nacional, Republica Dominicana: 26 plants (391736, 391738); 70 plants, (391738, exchange). 396 Jaws International: a fish (391672). John Wanamaker, Inc.: a Northern Crow Indian dress (380522). Kagoshima University, Japan: 638 crustaceans (386591). Kamigamo Experimental Forest Station, Japan: 28 plants (358849). Kansas, University of: 2 bees (389904). Kentucky Nature Reserves Commission: 965 crustaceans (359217). Kentucky, University of: a plant (387395). Kumamoto University, Japan: 42 crustaceans (388225). Kyushu University, Japan: 15 crustaceans (389818). Lamar University: 64 crustaceans (385066). Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History: 10+ fossils (359915); 17 crustaceans (385032, 388154); a mollusk (390512). Louisiana State University: 88+ echinoderms, 2 mollusks, 15 worms (388965). Maine, University of: 4 crustaceans (381798). Manitoba, University of, Canada: 8 crustaceans (385022). Manufacturers Hanover Trust of New York: a Chumash basket (364978). Marie Selby Botanical Gardens: 5 plants (390056); 13 plants, (390056, exchange) . Maryland Wholesale Seafood Market: a fish (391691). Maryland, University of: 2 crustaceans (389841). McGill University, Canada: 20 crustaceans (369481). Memphis State University: 39 freshwater mollusks (306096). Miami, University of: 44 crustaceans (373163, 388184); 9 echinoderms (390685). Michigan, University of: 23,917 archeological specs. (370643). Middle American Research Institute: approx. 675 ceramic sherds (379709, 379710) « Mie University, Japan: 4 crustaceans (378472). Mineral Fund: 22 specs. including minerals and quartzs (384555, 386222, 397 388286, 388289, 388308, 388366, 388666, 388669). Minnesota, University of: a plant (386857); 8 insects (391058). Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium: 2,992 plants (386823, 386824, 387391, 387437, 387897, 388435, 388456, 388777, 389580, 389619, 389641, 389643, 390049, 391001). Missouri Department of Conservation: 8+ snails (384078). Montana State University: 30+ snails (386344). Morton Arboretum: a plant (391245). Museo Nacional, Costa Rica: 28 plants (391215). Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Paraguay: 31 fishes (388089). Museu Botanico Municipal, Brazil: 172 plants (387376, 388837, 391728, 391801). Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle, France: 42 crustaceans (381784, 386577, 388200, 388227, 388232, 389816); 50 mollusks (386362); 89 plants (388451, 389118, 390126, 391756, 391763); 361 plants, (390126, 391756, exchanges) . Museum of Natural History Herbarium: a plant (381882). Nancy Sales Co., Inc.: a wooden fish carving on coral rock base (386976). Natal Museum, South Africa: 26 mollusks (386363, 389417). Natal Shark Board, South Africa: a fish jaw (387515). National Herbarium, East Africa: 17 plants (384959). National Institute of Oceanography, India: 19 crustaceans (389873). National Museum of New Zealand, New Zealand: 29 marine fishes (386916). National Museum of the Philippines, Philippines: 28 birds (380560). National University of Singapore, Singapore: 2 freshwater crabs (389804). Natural History Museum, England: a worm (386752). Nevada, University of: 9 plants (389091). New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources: 47 fossils (388926). New York Botanical Garden Herbarium: 1,015 plants (386436, 387837, 387921, 389132, 390968, 391019, 391974, 391988); 265 plants (387837, exchange). 398 North Carolina Central University: 50 protozoan slides (390689). North Carolina State University: 25+ worms (345388); a crustacean (381759). North Carolina, University of: a crustacean (389817); 20 fossils (390600). Northern Community College: 130+ snails (384818). Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre.Mer, Bolivia: 34 plants (387442). Old Dominion University: 10+ freshwater snails (384084); 14 crustaceans (386507, 386594). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Canada: 7 plants (388827). Oregon State University: 3 plants (379531, 388742); 3 crustaceans (379974). Pacific Lutheran University: a plant (389627). Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden: 5 plants (389158); 8 plants, (389158, exchange) . Pan American Health Organization/WHO, Barbados: 15 crustaceans (383141). Pennsylvania State University: 13 fishes (388131). Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences: 2 fishes (388041). Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, Ecuador: 348 plants (391251); 14 plants (391251, exchange). Puerto Rico, University of: 8 crustaceans (371027, 388138); 5 worms (388517). Queensland Museum, Australia: 25 deep-water corals (385437). Queensland, University of, Australia: an echinoderm (390694). Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden: a plant (388758). Regional Fishery Support Programme, Fiji: 54 fishes (390276). Regional Institute of Fisheries Technology, Philippines: 100+ fishes (383747). Remington and Marguerite Kellogg Memorial Fund: approx. 200 fossil vertebrates (391567). Reserva Ecologica do IBGE, Brazil: 130 plants (389142). Reserva Florestal da Cia, Brazil: 40 plants (389613, 390989, 391007). Rhodes University, South Africa: 2 crustaceans (383138). 399 Rijksherbarium, The Netherlands: 196 plants (389156); 107 plants (389156, exchange). Roebling Fund: 34 specs. including 1 lot, minerals & quartzs (386156, 386161, 386185, 386192, 386194, 386210, 386223, 388291, 388292, 388297, 388365, 388656, 388657, 388667, 388670). Roland W. Brown Fund: 3,063 fossil plants (389523, 390536). Royal Botanic Garden, England: 153 plants (386835, 387454, 388411, 390050, 391216). Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium, Australia: a plant (388427). Royal Ontario Museum, Canada: 82 fishes (387525, 390288). Ryukyus, University of, Japan: 492 crustaceans (369887, 383147). San Diego Natural History Museum: 3 crustaceans (386508, 388233); 5 worms (390360). Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History: 4 crustaceans (383102); a plant (390988). Shikoku Women’s University, Japan: a crustacean (381780). Shinshu University, Japan: 10 fishes (390818). Smith College: 135 fishes (387509). South Alabama, University of: 8 crustaceans (385074). South Australian Museum, Australia: 7 worms (384495, 388553); 9 echinoderms (386977, 390675). South Florida, University of: 31 fishes (390824); 6 plants (391195). Southern Arkansas University: 50 crustaceans (385021, 385048). Southern California, University of: 4 crustaceans (389809). Southern Illinois University: 60 plants (390092); 185 plants, Exchange (390092); 2 fishes (390278). Southwest Texas State University: 3 crustaceans (347788). Southwestern Louisiana, University of: a plant (391004). Special Exhibition Fund: 2 casts & molds of a fossil bird (389511). Springer Fund: See also Walcott Fund (389538). St. Joseph’s College, India: 19 plants (390953, 391751). 400 Station Marine D’Endoume et Centre d’Oceanographie, France: 110+ corals (386987). Stuart Fund: 4 minerals (386148, 388325). Sul Ross State University: a plant (388760). Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden: 33 mollusks (386358, 387962). T. F. H. Publications, Inc.: 22 fishes (386915, 386923). Taichung Bird Society, Taiwan: 2 bird skins (370823). Tel Aviv University, Israel: 2 crustaceans (388174); 28 plants (390991). Tennessee, University of: a plant (386843); a fish (390287). Texas A & M University: 16 crustaceans (383104, 385006, 385023, 386528, 391370). Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: 8 mollusks (384837). Texas, University of: 3 worms (325044); 51 plants (386409); 120 mollusks (389402); 8 fishes (390285). Thessaloniki, University of, Greece: 2 fishes (388040). Thomas Edison & Henry Ford Winter Estates: a plant (391208). Tiffany and Company: a necklace (391461). Tokyo, University of, Japan: 1 lot of crustaceans (307119). Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan: 34 crustaceans (385012, 389870). Toronto, University of, Canada: 3 crustaceans (352771). Tulane University: 93+ corals (386992); 22 fossils (388927). Tulsa, University of: a plant (389189). Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile: 36 crustaceans (389855). Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, Mexico: 6 plants (386848). Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico: 14 fishes (389239). Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela: 19 plants (387444, 389581, 389605). Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia: 191 plants (389570). Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia: 33 plants (388756). 401 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras, C. America: 28 marine algae (388750). Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico: 2 echinoderms (386948); 9 insects (391056). Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales "Ezequiel Zamora", Venezuela: 105 plants (387378). Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia: 17 plants (388447, 391180). Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile: 4 crabs & 6 parasites (385013). Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica: 7 fishes (389208). Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico: a plant (388471). Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela: 65 plants (391740). Universidad del valle, Colombia: 436 plants (390112, 391731); 6 plants, Exchange (391731). Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil: 10 plants (388822). Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Brazil: 249 fishes (388051, 389209). Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil: 21 plants (390109, 390110). Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 15 crustaceans (389861, 391365). Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Brazil: 22 plants (387406). Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil: 5 plants (388448); 6 echinoderms (390703). Universidade do Ceara, Brazil: 34 shrimps (264089). Universita Degli Studi Dell Aquila, Italy: 3 crustaceans (383115). Universita di Genova, Italy: a crab (381736). Universita’ Degli Studi di Modena, Italy: 4 slides, 6 crustaceans (386545). Universite Antilles - Guyane U.F.R. Sciences, French West Indies: 16 plants (391797) . Universite de Provence, France: 4 crustaceans (386590). University College, Ireland: 5+ crustaceans (383142). Uppsala, University of, Sweden: 2 plants (389660). Utica College of Syracuse University: 5 worms (341571). 402 Utsunomiya University, Japan: 4 plants (388379). Valdosta State College: 23 plants (389614). Vanderbilt University: 133 plants (389099, 389654). Vienna, University of, Austria: 196 plants (391012). Walcott Fund: a fossil slab (384128); 11,135 fossils (384128, 386637, 386642, 388914, 389522, 389538). West Indies, University of, Jamaica: 4 echinoderms (388986). Western Australian Museum, Western Australia: 16 mollusks (367859, 380319); an echinoderm (388978). Western Paleontological Laboratories: a fossil plant & crocodile cast (389519). Western Washington University: 109 crustaceans (386537, 386561). Whittenberg University: 20 crustaceans (376265). Wilhelm Pieck Universitat Rostock, East Germany: 30+ mollusks (387944). Williams College: 370+ crustaceans (391357). Wisconsin, University of: 100 crustaceans (385064); 8 plants (382320, 387904, 387905, 391761). Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: 50 worms (341954, 390359); 53 echinoderms (386986, 390359). Yale University School of Medicine: 2 echinoderms (386972). Zoological Institute, Sweden: 7 protozoan slides (389001). Zoologisch Museum, The Netherlands: 20 fishes (390785). 403 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Anonymous Donor. Charcoal drawing of Zubin Mehta by Burton Silverman (S/NPG.89.229). Estate of Anthony Accurso. Twenty-four courtroom drawings by Anthony Accurso (T/NPG.90.54-60, T/NPG.90.62-74, S/NPG.90.61, S/NPG.90.76-78). Gift of Mr. Herman Chanen, Mr. Tom Chauncey, and other friends of President and Mrs. Reagan. Oil on canvas portrait of Ronald Reagan by Henry Casselli (NPG.90.79). Rosemary L. Frankeberger. Two posters of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Peter Gee (NPG.90.211-212), one poster of Francis Spellman by Edward Sorel (NPG. 89.213), and one poster of John Steinbeck by David Stone Martin (S/NPG.89.215). Dr. Fred W. Hicks III. Nine 19th century lithographs including John Quincy Adams (NPG.89.216), James Buchanan (NPG.89.217), Henry Clay Jr. (S/NPG.89.222), Andrew Jackson (NPG.89.218), Abraham Lineoln (NPG.89.219), James Polk (NPG.89.220), Zachary Taylor (S/NPG.90.221), George Washington (S/NPG.89.223), and The Washington Family (S/NPG.89.224). Allan Houser. Bronze portrait head of Geronimo by Allan Houser (S/NPG.90.23). Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kant. Charcoal drawing of George Balanchine by Burton Silverman (T/NPG.90.21.93). Everett Raymond Kinstler. Ink drawing of Kinstler and Adolf Hitler by Kinstler (S/NPG.90.20.00). Jere (Mrs. Eric) Knight. Egg tempera on panel portrait of Eric Knight by Peter Hurd (NPG.89.226), and wood carving of Lassie by Eric Knight (AD/NPG.89.1). Estate of Boris Lovet-Lorski. Bronze bust portrait of Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin by Boris Lovet-Lorski (NPG.1990.1), and gilded bronze self- portrait head by Boris Lovet-Lorski (S/NPG.1990.2). Leo Mol. Bronze portrait head of Dwight D. Eisenhower by Leo Mol (NPG.90.22). The National Trust for Historic Preservation. Poster of George H.W. Bush and George Washington by Pat Oliphant (S/NPG.90.5). Eleanor Hunt O'Donoghue. Oil on canvas portrait of Archbishop John Carroll by an unknown artist (NPG.89.207). The Ormond Family. Photograph, albumen silver print, of John Singer Sargent by Henry Havelock Pierce (NPG.90.48). Irving and Frances Phillips. Two drawings by Burton Silverman: Benny Goodman (T/NPG.89.227.96) and Vladimir Horowitz (T/NPG.89.228.99). Tjark Reiss. Pastel drawing of William Henry Jackson by Winold Reiss (NPG.90.47). E.F. Rivinus. Photograph, hand-colored salt print, of Francis Markoe, Jr., by an unidentified photographer (S/NPG.90.51). Murray Robinson. Oil on canvas portrait of Samuel Robinson by John Joseph Capolino (NPG.90.34) Burton Silverman. Six drawings by Burton Silverman: Rudolf Bing (S/NPG.90.14), Kenneth Clark (S/NPG.90.15), Ralph Ellison (S/NPG.90.16), I.I. Rabi (S/NPG.90.17), Carl Sagan (S/NPG.90.18), and Lewis Thomas (S/NPG.90.19). 404 Edward and Cassandra Stone. Pencil drawing of T.S. Eliot by Aimee Lamb (NPG.90.44). Miriam Troop. Four preliminary sketches for drawings of Ellsworth Bunker (S/NPG.89.147 and S/NPG.89.148), A. Philip Randolph (S/NPG.89.149), and Sidney Hook S/NPG.89.214) Erwin P. Vollmer. Ink drawing of Walter Pach by Aline Fruhauf (NPG.89.197). Jane (Mrs. Walter M.) Whitehill. Bronze portrait bust of Walter Muir Whitehill by Janet Gregg Schroeder (NPG.89.208). OFFICE OF FOLKLIFE PROGRAMS Mario Benjamin. U.S. Virgin Islands fishnet. Elscoe and Associates Carnival Troupe. Ten carnival costumes from the U.S. Virgin Islands. Manjita Tanjian. Taparka (Senegalese appliance for pressing CLOEN)!. DONORS OF IN-KIND SUPPORT NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK Eric Harnden. Time and talent to compose, produce and mix original score for New Opportunities in Animal Health Sciences (NOAHS) Center video Pan American World Airways. Transportation of emergency fire fighting equipment from U.S.A. to Brazil during a fire in the Poco das Antas Wildlife Reserve Qantas World Airways. Round-trip tickets from U.S.A. to Australia for use by National Zoological Park researchers TransMedia Inc. Studio service for composition, production and mixing of soundtrack for NOAHS Center video Wolf Medical Instruments Corporation. A laparascope for reproductive physiology research and procedures Cecily & John S. Wood, Jr. Hanging mobile sculpture of Canada geese titled "Flight" 405 COOPER-HEWITT MUSUEM American Express. Expenses for printing of invitation for members’ preview, opening reception and press preview, and opening reception and press reception expenses for "The Intimate World of Alexander Calder." : Art in America (Brant Publications). Gift of advertising space for period of one year. Bacardi Rum. 1 case for Junior Committee Benefit. Bas Trade Inc. 500 samples of "Cacique" Brazilian coffee for Junior Committee Benefit. Bridgehampton Vineyard. 1 case of wine for members’ Garden Party. Brora Imports. 25 sides of "Blairs Smoked Scottish" for members’ Garden Party. Carillon Importers, Ltd. 4 cases of "Bombay Sapphire Gin", "Absolut Citron Vodka" and 500 "La Grande Passion" samples for Junior Committee Benefit. Craftsman Litho. Printing of invitation for Junior Committee Benefit. Eng and Yee Designs, Inc. Design of invitation for Junior Committee Benefit. F & H Travel Consulting. Six days accommodations in Rio de Janiero and Buzios for Junior Committee Benefit. Frost Lighting Company. Lighting for tent and dance floor for Junior Committee Benefit. Gold Coast Enterprises. 4 cases of "Pommac", 4 cases of "Alpina", 4 cases of "Tianfu Chinese Cola", 2 cases of "Cecemel" and 4 cases of "Copella Apple Juice" for members’ Garden Party. House of Seagram. 2 cases of "Myer’s Rum" and 2 cases of "Platinum Rum" for Junior Committee Benefit. Niki Singer Inc. 8 cases of Cordonui champagne for Junior Committee Benefit. Manhattan Inc. 500 magazines for Junior Committee Benefit. Omega Fashions. 600 Brazilian friendship bracelets for Junior Committee Benefit. Pindar Vineyards. 5 cases of "Winter White" wine for members’ Garden Party. Ronaldo Maia Ltd. Decor and flowers for Junior Committee Benefit. Royal Copenhagen. Invitation design and printing expenses and opening reception expenses for "Flora Danica and the Heritage of Danish Porcelain. Saks Fifth Avenue. 500 bags for Junior Committee Benefit. Smithsonian Magazine. 500 magazines for Junior Committee Benefit. Stamford Tent and Equipment Company. Dance floor and tent for Junior Committee Benefit. 5 The Crane Club. Free admission for 500 guests for Junior Committee Benefit. Varig Brazilian Airlines. 2 round trip tickets to Rio de Janiero for Junior Committee Benefit. W.A. Taylor & Company. 3 cases of "Carolan Irish Cream Liquour" and 3 cases of "Midori Melon Liquour" for Junior Committee Benefit. Winebow Inc. 3 cases of "Pitu", "Pitu" glasses and caipirinah recipe cards for Junior Committee Benefit. 406 HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE GARDEN Balair. Service gift of curator's transportation to and from Switzerland. Barassi and Thompson. Donation of San Pellegrino mineral water for special events. OFFICE OF FOLKLIFE PROGRAMS American Airlines. Airline tickets for U.S. Virgin Islands program research. American Cultural Center in Senegal. Office support for Senegal program research. American Folklore Society. Twelve memberships to Summer Folklore Institute participants. American Textile Manufacturers Institute. One bolt of damask for use in the Senegal program. Bacardi Imports. Two cases of rum for U.S. Virgin Islands foodways demonstrations. Belle Haven Pharmacy. Loan of two wheelchairs for elderly festival participants. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. Six tubs of ice cream for festival hospitality. Bittersweet Hill Nurseries. Six containers of herb plants for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Bloomingdale’s. Loan of four mannequins for use by U.S. Virgin Islands costume makers. Bustelo Coffee Roasting Co. Two cases of coffee for U.S. Virgin Islands participants. Carambola Beach Resort. Office support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Cash Grocer Natural Foods. One hundred fifty pounds of millet for Senegal program foodways demonstrations. Celestial Seasonings, Inc. Seven cases of herbal teas for festival hospitality. Chevy Chase Glass Company, Inc. Glass for Senegal program reverse glass painting demonstrations. Delmonte Fresh Fruit Co. Five boxes of bananas and five boxes of pineapples for U.S. Virgin Islands program foodways demonstrations and marketplace. Eastern Airlines. Airline tickets for U.S. Virgin Islands program research. Embassy High’s Dairy. Two cases of orange juice for festival hospitality. Florida Department of Citrus. Box of pens for festival office. Frederiksted Fort. Meeting space for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Frenchman’s Reef Beach Resort. Research support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Hechinger Company. $200 gift certificate for festival site construction materials. Hecht’s. Loan of two female mannequins for use by U.S. Virgin Islands costume makers. Herrs Foods, Inc. Ten boxes of potato chips for festival hospitality. 407 House of Musical Traditions. Loan of a classical guitar for festival Musics of Struggle program. House of Seagram. Loan of four oak barrels for use as decorative containers for tropical plants, U.S. Virgin Islands site. Imperial Products Corporation. Four hundred pounds of charcoal. gJ.R. Brooks and Son, Inc. Two boxes of coconuts, ten boxes of mangoes and ten boxes of papayas for U.S. Virgin Islands foodways demonstrations. Lanscot Arlen Fabrics, Inc. Two bolts of white damask for Senegal program. Los Caris Marble, Inc. Marble board for U.S. Virgin Islands foodways demonstrations. Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. Tropical plants for festival site. Maryland Pork Producers. Pig for U.S. Virgin Islands foodways demonstration. Melitta U.S.A., Inc. Four cases of coffee for festival hospitality. Miller Manor. Research support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. M. Polaner, Inc. Three cases of peanut butter for foodways demonstrations. National Arboretum. Loan of thirty-six plants for festival site. Office of the President of the Republic of Senegal. Use of airplane for transportation of Senegalese participants and materials to the United States. Old Tyme Soft Drink, Inc. Fifteen cases of soft drinks for festival hospitality. Organic Farms Inc. Fifty pounds of brown rice for Senegal program foodways demonstrations. Our Town Frederiksted. Research support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Pink Fancy Hotel. Research support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Point Pleasant Resort. Research support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Polaroid Foundation. Six polaroid cameras and twenty packs of film for Folklore Summer Institute. Publicity Inc. Research support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. Rudy Foods, Inc. Forty-five cases of frozen croissants for festival hospitality. Senegal Ministry of Culture and Communication. Travel for Senegal participants, and staff time. Senegal Ministry of Tourism and Environment. Research support for Senegal program; materials for festival site and program presentations; and lost work time compensation for participants. Snyder of Hanover. Ten boxes of potato chips for festival hospitality. Southern Tropical. Discount on tropical plants and two hundred and fifty palmfronts for U.S. Virgin Islands program site. Steel and Wire Co. Six cases of drywall screws for festival site construction. Stouffer Grand Beach Resort. Research support for U.S. Virgin Islands program. 408 Sugar Association, Inc. Four hundred pounds of sugar. Sunshine Packaging Co. Twenty-five boxes of limes for festival hospitality. Uncle Ben’s, Inc. Seventy-five pounds of long grain rice. Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar - Institut Fondamental de l’Afrique Noire. Research support for Senegal program. University of the Virgin Islands Cooperative Extension Service. Plants for U.S. Virgin Islands program site. Utz Quality Foods, Inc. Ten boxes of potato chips for festival hospitality. Villa Morales Restaurant. Meeting space for U.S. Virgin Islands progran. Virgin Islands Council on the Arts. Assistance with Museum Shops purchasing for festival sales; loan of art exhibit for U.S. Virgin Islands reception. Virgin Islands Rum Industries Ltd. Five cases of Cruzian Rum for U.S. Virgin Islands hospitality. Wilkins Coffee. One case of coffee for festival hospitality. William B. Riley Coffee Company. One hundred pounds of Luzianne coffee for festival hospitality. Appendix 8 Contributing Members of the Smithsonian Institution in Fiscal Year 1990 The Contributing Members of the Smithsonian National Associates support the Institution through generous annual donations and special gifts. Their participation enables the Smithsonian to pursue specific projects and broader research, acquisition, preservation, and education efforts than might otherwise be possible. The Smithsonian Institution therefore gratefully acknowledges the loyal and thoughtful assistance of the Contributing Members, including the Sustaining Members ($600 annual contribution) and Sponsoring Members ($300 contribution) listed below. SUSTAINING MEMBERS Mr. and Mrs. Byrle M. Abbin Dr. J. Scott Abercrombie, Jr. Honorable and Mrs. David C. Acheson Mr. Davey L. Adams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Adomat Mrs. Carolyn Agger-Fortas Honorable and Mrs. James E. Akins Mr. Yale H. Alexander Mr. Morris Alhadeff Mr. Burton O. Allen Ms. Marcia Y. Almassy Mrs. Robert Amory, Jr. Mr. Clifford H. Anderson Mr. Arthur Andraitis Mr. Keith W. Antcliff Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Antes Mr. Alfred C. Antoniewicz Ms. Barbara A. Aplanalp Honorable Anne L. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Ashton Mrs. John Paul Austin Mrs. Ray Awtrey Ms. Margaret F. Babbitt Ms. Velma N. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Balfour Mr. Fred C. Ballman Miss Mary J. Barbee Mr. Michael Barczak Mr. Jean L. Barker Ms. Janine F. Barre Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Barr Captain Celia Barteau Mr. Gene R. Bates Mrs. W. P. Battell Mr. Jeffrey D. Bauman Dr. David R. Bayless Mr. Ralph Beals Mr. Charles Beer Ms. Marguerite Bender Mrs. Harriet F. Benson 410 Mr. James H. Berkson Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bermant Mr. John A. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Bernett Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Berney Mr. Richard D. Bernstein Mr. Eugene J. Bevers Mr. Anthony P. Biemans Mrs. Elsie F. Bixler Mrs. Hill Blackett Ms. Alexandra Blackhurst Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Black Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Blair Honorable Lindy Boggs Honorable and Mrs. Edward P. Boland Ms. J. A. Boorman Mr. Clifton W. Boots Dr. Cary W. Booz Ms. Margaret L. Bourgerie Dr. and Mrs. William G. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell T. Bowe Mrs. Constance T. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Braden Mr. James Brannan Jo Anne Brasel Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brechler Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Breckenridge Mr. and Mrs. Karl K. Breit Mr. and Mrs. John F. Breyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens B. Bribitzer Mrs. Arlene A. Brown Ms. Patricia L. Brown Mr. Steven Brummel Mrs. Wiley T. Buchanan, Jr. Mr. William H. Buchanan Mr. Sheldon W. Buck Mrs. Cora S. Buell Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Burgee Honorable Warren E. Burger Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Burkhardt Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burnham, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bush Mr. R. L. Butler, Jr. Mr. Curtis E. Calder Mr. Robert L. Carrel Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Carter Mrs. James B. Cartwright Mr. John J. Cashmire Honorable Elford A. Cederberg Ms. Patricia Chamblin Mr. Harvey Chapin Mr. Harry R. Charles, Jr. Mrs. Harold W. Cheel Mrs. Allen D. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Everett N. Ciccone Ms. Angelica L. Clagett Mr. and Mrs. Page B. Clagett Mrs. Charles S. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Julius Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Coleman, Jr. Honorable and Mrs. Silvio O. Conte Mr. Mark N. Cookingham Mr. Mark E. Cooper Mr. Dallas M. Coors Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Cornelius Mrs. Louis Corson | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Coselli Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Earle M. Craig, Jr. Ms. Joyce Creamer Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Creede Lt. Cdr. Wilmer H. Cressman Mrs. C. D. Crocker Mr. Eugene E. Crockett Frances J. Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cullen Dr. Robert D. Cunningham Mr. J. G. Cutler Captain and Mrs. R. L. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dashiell Mr. L. Randall Daspit Dr. T. G. Daughtridge Mrs. Evelyn Y. Davis Mr. and Mrs. F. Elwood Davis Mrs. Jerry R. Davis Mr. John E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dazzo, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Dean Mr. Mel L. Decker Mr. James L. Deegan Ms. Martha J. Deem Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Dellheim Mrs. Deborah J. Denefrio Ms. Danna Denning Mr. Geert M. Deprest Madame La Marquise Desurian Mrs. Mary J. Deutschbein Mr. and Mrs. James Dietz Mr. T. A. Dietz Mr. Douglas Dillon Ms. Marna Disbrow Mrs. Charles G. Dodge Mr. Joseph F. Douglas Mr. Karl Douma Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Drage Mr. and Mrs. David C. Dressler Ms. Imogene S. Driscoll Dr. Lucia J. Dunham Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart Dunn, Jr. Mr. Robert Edelmann Mr. Peter D. Ehrenhaft Mr. and Mrs. Bart M. Eisner Mr. F. H. Ellenberger Mr. and Mrs. George T. Elmore Mr. and Mrs. Gary Epstein Dr. and Mrs. John Esswein Mr. and Mrs. James G. Evans, Jr. Cmdr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Fahy Reverend Msgr. M.F. Farina Mrs. Roland C. Fegan Mrs. Ernest R. Feidler Dr. and Mrs. Robert Feinberg Colonel J. J. Felmley Mr. Nicholas M. Ferriter Mrs. Emily H. Fine Mr. Ordell Fipps Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Fisher, III Mr. Gordon J. Flesch Colonel William J. Foody Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foster Mr. Benjamen Frank Mrs. Charlton Friedberg Mr. Cary J. Frieze Honorable J. William Fulbright Mr. Marion H. Furr Captain and Mrs. J. E. Galloway Honorable E. J. Garn Mrs. Margaret H. Gauger Miss Helen W. Giacobine Mr. Wallace E. Giles Mrs. J. A. Gill Dr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Glassman Dr. Louis Gluck Honorable Robert F. Goheen Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Goldberg Mrs. Susan S. Goldman Colonel and Mrs. Julius Goldstein Honorable and Mrs. Barry Goldwater Mrs. Seabury S. Gould, IV Ms. Dr. Mr. Mrs. . and Mrs. George C. Graham . Ruth C. Greenberg . and Mrs. Bernard Green . and Mrs. Crawford Greenewalt . Regis A. Greenwood . Joseph B. Gregg . and Mrs. Victor W. Gumper . and Mrs. Frederick J. Haas . Theodore J. Hadraba, Jr. . Allen R. Halper . and Mrs. Kingsley W. Hamilton . Morella R. Hansen . Kurtz M. Hanson . and Mrs. William Harmon . Edwin F. Harper Leslie S. Harrold Caryl P. Haskins David H. Hausmann Charles W. Hayes Miss Annabelle Heath Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Ms. and Mrs. David R. Heebner and Mrs. Felder F. Heflin and Mrs. John Dean Herman William Herring Gloria Hidalgo Honorable A.Leon Higginbotham, Jr. . and Mrs. Edwin L. Hill . and Mrs. William J. Hines . and Mrs. Robert M. Hinton . James M. Hobbins . William P. Holcombe . H. Houseman . and Mrs. George C. Hudspeth . W. C. Huffman . Carlisle H. Humelsine . Elizabeth L. Hunter . and Mrs. William H. Hunter . John R. Jacoway . Reinhardt H. Jahn . Axel Jelstrup . and Mrs. Stifel W. Jens . and Mrs. David S. Jernigan . and Mrs. David D. Johnson . Ernest S. Johnston . John H. Johnston . and Mrs. Richard E. Jones . and Mrs. Samuel C. Jones . C. Parrish Kangiester . and Mrs. Kenneth E. Kerle Juliet F. Kidney Samuel C. Kincheloe . Stephen King . William M. King . Willham W. King - Kirby Kirksey . and Mrs. Jonathan Kislak Mr. Karl D. Klauck Mr. James M. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Knecht Mr. John W. Knowles Ms. Janet Anastacia Krombar Mr. John E. Kuenzl Mr. David E. Kuhl Mr. and Mrs. Conrad E. Kunkel Miss Martha Ladd Judge and Mrs. Marion Ladwig Mr. William R. Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lammerding Mr. James H. Landers, Jr. Mr. John F. Larison Ms. Agatha Larson Mr. and Mrs. John K. Laws Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Layton Mrs. Hugh F. Leahy Mr. Sperry Lea Miss A. K. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Leonard Mrs. Eunice K. Lipkowitz Mr. Robert J. Lockridge Mr. C. Henry Lockwood, II Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Loeffler Mrs. Katherine V. Lofstrand Dr. Ursula G. Lohmann Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Love Mr. Robert B. Love Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Lund Mrs. John E. Lutz, II Miss Louise Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Lynch Dr. George B. Mackaness Ms. Helen J. Malmstead Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mandil Mrs. Robert Mannherz Mr. Robert A. Marmon Mr. and Mrs. John F. Marshall, Jr. Mr. R. N. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Martin Mr. Benjamin L. Marx, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Mashiyama Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Z. Maudlin Lt. Colonel Glenn W. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. McBride Mr. W.W. McCalla Mr. Donald E. McCallister Mr. E. J. McCormack, Jr. Mr. Jack H. McCreery Mr. and Mrs. John S. McDaniel. Jr. Mr. Barnabas McHenry Mrs. Martha McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLean Ms. Merrill McLoughlin Mr. Paul B. McMahon, Jr. Mr. James A. McNeese Mrs. Ruth R. McRae Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur T. Measley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Melville Mrs. Rose Menz Mr. Vincent Mercurio Mrs. Ida C. Merriam Mr. Paul D. Meyer Ms. Carla Michaels Ms. Mildred Middlekauff Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K. Milestone Ms. Edith J. Miller Colonel and Mrs. James E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Miller Mr. Warren G. Miller Honorable Norman Y. Mineta Honorable William E. Minshall Ms. Laura A. Mitchell Ms. M. Miyamoto Mr. J. B. Montgomery Ms. Claude Moore Mrs. E. P. Moore Mr. Frederick A. Moore Mrs. Ann K. Morales Dr. Edwin E. Morey Honorable Robert B. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Morison Mr. W.F. Morrisette Honorable and Mrs. Frank E. Moss Senator Daniel P. Moynihan Mr. and Mrs. James Mulshine Mrs. Janet H. Murray Mr. John M. Murray Mr. Raymond A. Naimoli Dr. Homer A. Neal Mr. Robert L. Neff Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Nelson Honorable Sharon T. Nelson Mr. John H. Newell Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Newman Mr. Scott Newton Mr. Robert W. Ney Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Niles Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Nitto Mr. John W. Norris, Jr. Mr. Karl G. Nowak Mr. Robert K. Oaks Mrs. Alfred J. Olmo Mrs. John Omaster Mr. and Mrs. James Orourke Mrs. Leah H. Owen Mrs. James H. Parker Mr. James W. Parks Mr. and Mrs. David T. Parry Dr. J. D. Patterson Mr. William R. Patterson Honorable Claiborne Pell Mr. J. Roy Pennell, Jr. Mrs. Thomas Perkins Mr. John Perruzzi Mr. Gene Perry Miss Jacqueline Perry Margaret Person Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. James S. Picken Mr. Steve Pike Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. Pitts Dr. Marjorie P. Pollack Mrs. Donald T. Pomeroy Mr. Ralph Porter Mr. H. Posner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melville J. Price Honorable and Mrs. J. Danforth Quayle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rawn Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Reagan Ms. Nina Belle Redditt Mr. and Mrs. William B. Reese Mrs. Charlotte Rehberg Honorable William H. Rehnquist Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald Reilly Dr. Terry N. Reynolds Mr. Roy C. Rhinehart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Richards Mr. William W. Richardson Ms. Ashley Ridgway Miss Jean Roberts Ms. Mary M. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. George A. Robeson, Jr. Mr. L. A. Roepcke Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rogers Mrs. J.S. Rose Mrs. Nathan Rosenfeld Mr. F. P. Rothenhoefer Ms. Marya Rowan Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rowe Mrs. William E. Royer Ms. Marcia Rubenstein Dr. Philip Rubovits-Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Russo Mrs. Bennett Y. Ryan, Sr. Mrs. J.J. Salter Honorable James R. Sasser Mr. Donald P. Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Thorndike Saville, Jr. Mr. Albert Sbar Honorable and Mrs. James H. Scheuer Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Schmelzer Dr. and Mrs. Hans H. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schneider 413 Mr. Mrs. . SSESESSESS Mrs. Dr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Harold A. Schwartz Charles M. Scott James J. Scott and Mrs. Harold A. Serr and Mrs. Joseph E. Seubert Scott Shadle Philip V. Sheehan and Mrs. J. H. Sheffield and Mrs. Gerard E. Shelton F. J. Sherwood Theodore J. Shively George B. Shott Laura Devine Shown Stefan Shrier M. L. Sibley Manley H. Simons and Mrs. Raymond A. Skeehan and Mrs. Gerald Slawecki Harvey C. Slocum, Jr. . and Mrs. Bruce Smith Charles E. Smith Frank O. Smith . W. Y. Smith Patrick Snead Miss Ginny Sniegon Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. sSsss 414 and Mrs. Thomas R. Sperling and Mrs. Guy Sponseller V. Spratley Roger Squire . Ellwood C. Stang . R. N. Stefan . and Mrs. Robert B. Stephens . and Mrs. William O. Stewart L. Dow Strader, Jr. . Jeffrey Sturgess . Harris M. Sullivan . Arthur H. Sulzberger . David A. Sutherlund . Louis W. Swann, Jr. . Mary Swanson Phelps H. Swift . and Mrs. M. Tambasco . R. Tevelde . Allen D. Thomas . H. D. Thompson B. W. Thoron . Stephen Tilton . Ernest M. Travis . George S. Trees, Jr. & JOSEME. arias . and Mrs. Donald O. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Turner, III Mrs. Jean A. Twitchell Mr. Walter L. Vail Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Vallandingham Mr. Leroy J. Vanderwende Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vansant, Jr. Dr. William C. Van Arsdel, III Mr. Raoul M. Verhagen Ms. Ada Vincent Ms. Alice B. Vincilione Mr. George W. Walburn Mr. Theodore H. N. Wales Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Walters Mr. F. B. Warder Dr. Joe W. Ward Mrs. Saul Warshaw Mr. P. Devers Weaver Mrs. Sylvra B. Weaver Mr. V. Phillips Weaver Honorable and Mrs. James E. Webb Mrs. William S. Weedon Mr. and Mrs. John F. Weersing Mr. and Mrs. Emil P. Weilbacher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Irwin H. Wensink Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Western Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Wherley Colonel and Mrs. Grover C. White, Jr. Dr. John P. Whiteley Ms. Rita L. White Mrs. B. A. Whitmarsh Honorable Jamie L. Whitten Mrs. Elizabeth M. Williams Mr. J. Reid Williamson Mrs. John M. Willits Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willson Mr. and Mrs. Morton H. Wilner Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Regina Wilson Mrs. Harriet L. Wilt Mr. and Mrs. David Wintermann Mr. and Mrs. Payson Wolff Honorable R. James Woolsey Mrs. Jane Ludwig Worley Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wurz Ms. Margaret J. Wyllie Honorable Sidney R. Yates Mr. Otto A. Zipf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Zitter SPONSORING MEMBERS Ms. Susan Absher Mrs.. R.E. Adams, Jr. Colonel and Mrs. James D. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Adams Mrs. Barbara Jean Ageno Ms. Doris D. Albert and Mrs. Donald C. Alexander and Mrs. William C. Allbert and Mrs. Alfred L. Allen and Mrs. Carrol B. Allen Ethan Allen Katherine F. Allen Robert H. Allen Mr. Steven J. Allen Mrs. T. Roosevelt Allen Mrs. Carolyn Alper Mr. and Mrs. Lambert E. Althaver Mr. and Mrs. Roland Alvarez Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Ames Mr. George J. Ames Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Amico Mr Mr Mr SER SS SES . J. Donald Anderson . and Mrs. Paul B. Anderson . Thomas P. Andress, Jr. Miss E. Pauline Annis Ms. Rose C. Anthony Dr. and Mrs. John T. Antolik Miss Marcia Ann Appel Mr. E. J. Archbold Mr. Paul A. Archer Miss Marie G. Argana R. Arkin . Joseph P. Armstrong . William D. Armstrong Ms. Helen J. Arthur-Dunn Mr. J. Ashman, Jr. Pat Jones and Associates Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Atherton Mr. Philip E. Atkinson Ms. Jean M. Auel Mrs. Francis Austin Ms. Katherine G. Austin Ms. Imogen E. Averett Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Avery Mr. and Mrs. William I. Bacchus Mr. Gordon N. Backlund Dr. W.E. Badenhausen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Baerncopf Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Bahan Mr. Charles S. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bain Mrs. Henry W. Baird Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Baker sss and Mrs. Richard T. Alexander, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baker Mrs. Virginia B. Baker Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Ball Mr. and Mrs. George R. Ballowe Captain and Mrs. Stuart M. Ball Farmers State Bank Mr. A. F. Banks Mr. Walter Baranowski Mr. Dwight H. Barnes Mr. Julian L. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. George L. Barquist Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Barrett Dr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartell Dr. and Mrs. Charles I. Bartfeld Mr. and Mrs. Art Bartlett Dr. Jordan J. Baruch Mr. Gary L. Basham Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Baskin Mr. A. Jossey Bass Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Batie Mr. and Mrs. Myron C. Baum Mr. Robert D. Baynes Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bazza Ms. Barbara Purse Beach Mrs. Lloyd P. Beachy Mr. John W. Bean Mr. William H. Beardsley Mr. R. Gifford Beaton Mr. and Mrs. John M. Beaulieu Mr. John R. Beaver Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beckanstin Mr. Eugene H. Beck Honorable and Mrs. Berkley Bedell Ms. Jeanne V. Beekhuis Ms. Deanna Belcher Mr. Lawrence P. Belden Mr. Mickey Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bender Mrs. Linda B. Bender Mr. and Mrs. William R. Benham Dr. and Mrs. David C. Benjamin Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Benjamin Mr. Gregory Benkovic Ambassador and Mrs. W. Tapley Bennett, Jr. Mrs. Iona Benson Ms. Rebecca J. Benton Mrs. Robert A. Bergen Ms. Marie Bergmann Mr. H.J. Bergmans, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Berlin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Berman Dr. Harold Berman Mr. Samuel W. Bernheimer Mrs. Carol P. Berry Dr. William R. Bertelsen Dr. David Bick Mr. Joseph B. Bidwell Mr. Bruce Biggs Mr. Howard M. Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eric Black Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Blackshear Mrs. V. Blaine Honorable and Mrs. Warren E. Blair Ms. Frances G. Blank Mr. James Blaser Mr. A. D. Blatnikoff Mr. Peter A. Bleyler Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Blume Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Boasberg, III Ms. Enola V. Bode Mr. David Bodycombe Mrs. Curtis C. Bogart Dr. George P. Bogumill David Bonderman Mr. and Mrs. John Boppart Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Borowsky Mr. Robert M. Bosma Mr. Arthur D. Bosworth Mrs. T. Botsford Ms. Barbara C. Bottarim Ms. Therese C. Boulanger Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell Boverman Mr. George C.W. Bowles Mrs. Leland E. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Alton Boyer Dr. Norman Boyer Ms. Maria Brabb Ms. Eugenie R. Bradford Mr. William G. Bradford Mrs. Anna E. Bradley Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Branda Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brantley Mr. Willam E. Braunig Mr. William W. Bray Mrs. S. Brazil Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bremerman, Jr. Mrs. W. H. Bretzlaff Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Brewer Mr. Robert L. Bridges Mr. Linford L. Bright Ms. Linda S. Brisk Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Brittle Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Britt Mr. Richard Brockman Mr. James E. Brodhacker Agnes Brodie Mr. John J. Brogan 416 . Jeffrey R. Broido . Randall Brooks and Mrs. John A. Bross . Albert Brown . Edith Brown . Elizabeth C. Brown . and Mrs. Glen F. Brown . Harold C. Brown . and Mrs. Harry A. Brown, II L. Brown . Lawrence D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown Mrs. William R. Brown Ms. Deborah C. Brudno Mrs. Laurence Brunswick Mr. Dick Brush Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bryndza Honorable and Mrs. Philip Buchen Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Buchner Mr. and Mrs. H. Paul Buckingham Mr. James Buck Mr. John E. Buckley Mrs. F. W. Bueche Lt. Cmdr. C. L. Buechler Mr. Steven A. Buehler Mr. Robert F. Bulens Mr. and Mrs. William B. Burdeshaw Mr. R.J. Burger Mr. and Mrs. James A. Burkart Mr. Carl A. Burkhart Mr. V. Burkman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Burks Mrs. Poe Burling Mrs. Paul I. Burman Mrs. Diantha R. Burnett Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Burnham SSSSSSS8888 Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Robert M. Burnham Mrs. Laura W. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Burr Miss Edna-Lea Burruss Mrs. Charles E. Burt Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Burton Miss Martha E. Burton Mr. T. G. Burzawa Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bush Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bush Dr. and Mrs. and Allan C. Bushnell Mrs. H.M. Busick Dr. and Mrs. James H. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Buxton Mr. Darcie Byrn Mr. W. Byrnes S. A. Cacciatore Mr. Dennis G. Cadena Mr. and Mrs. William Cafritz Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Cage Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cahill Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cahn, Jr. Mr. John R. Cain Mr. Toxey H. Califf Mrs. F. G. Cameron Mr. Kenneth S. Cameron Mr. John E. Cannaday Miss Helen R. Cannon Mr. Philip L. Cantelon Mr. and Mrs. and Aristide M. Capellini Mr. Albert I. Cardiff Mr. C. G. Carey Mrs. Phyllis H. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Carnright Dr. John M. Carper Ms. Christine K. Carrico Mrs. Martha A. Carr, Ms. Cindi L. Carroll Mr. Walter D. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Waller Carson, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Carten Colonel and Mrs. Douglas H. Carter Mr. Victor Cascella Mr. Jay A. Cashook Captain Edmund L. Castillo Mrs. James A. Cathcart Ms. Renata Cathou Dr. Charlotte Catz Mr. and Mrs. James E. Caudill Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. Cavender Mr. B. R. Cayward Ms. Colleen M. Chalker Dr. M.H. Chamberlain Dr. Ward A. Chamers Mrs. William A. Chapman Dr. Samuel Charache Ms. Cynthia M. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Boris E. Cherney Mr. Harry Chernoff Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Cherry Mrs. Bernard P. Chewning Ms. Allene R. Chiesman Mr. John Childs Mr. Brian Chilton Miss Jean M. Chisholm Dr. and Mrs. Purnell W. Choppin Mrs. Betty Sams Christian Mr. Lawrence Chubet Mr. Roy T. Church Mr. James A. Church Mr. John C. Cim Mr. Ronald C. Cissell Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Clark Mr. Edward J. Clarke Mrs. Robert L. Clarke Mr. George Clark Mr. H. Lawrence Clark Mrs. Robert L. Clausen Captain and Mrs. William E. Clayton, Jr. Mr. Fred Clements Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clement Mr. B. F. Cloud Mr. James T. Clyde Mrs. Stephanie Kk. Coakley Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Coates Mr. William H. Cochrane Ms. Leslie A. L. Coggins Ms. Linda L. Cogswell Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Cohan Mrs. Helen H. Cohen Mr. James Coke Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Colb Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Colburn Mrs. James M. Collins Mr. and Mrs. T. Clyde Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Collyer Mr. Hugh F. Colvin Mr. William L. Coman Miss Bertita E. Compton Mrs. Herman Cone, Jr. Mrs. Ethel Conlisk Mr. Steven S. Conner Mr. Thomas Conners Dr. and Mrs. Philip Connolly Mr. David E. Conston Mrs. Camille L. Cook Ms. Lori Cooke-Marra Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cookson Mr. Vernon P. Cooley Mrs. Carolyn Coon Mr. and Mrs. James F. Cooney, Jr. Colonel John E. Coon Mr. and Mrs. H. Warren Cooper. III Ms. Janet B. Cooper Mr. John McGill Cooper Mr. John N. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Lammot D. Copeland, III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Coppock Mr. J. N. Corey, Jr. Mr. Henry G. Corey Dr. W. G. Corey Ms. Judith Corley Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cornell Mr. M.C. Cornell Dr. Danilo M. Coronel Dr. and Mrs. Walter H. Corson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cotellese Mr. Dennis J. Cotter Mr. A. Colts 417 Miss Jo Ann Cowan Dr. Norman J. Cowen Miss Mary L. Cox Mr. John J. Coyne Mr. and Mrs. David M. Crabtree Mr. W. Crawford, Jr. C.M. Crawford Mrs. James Crittenden Ms. Kathryn M. Crossgrove Mrs. Margaret J. Crossgrove Mrs. Richard S. Cross Mr. John C. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Crowe Mr. Cornelius J. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Cuddy Colonel and Mrs. R. J. Culhane Mr. Gilbert W. Cullen Mr. Robert L. Cummings Mr. Charles A. Cunningham Mr. Charles S. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Curt Mr. John Joseph Curtin Dr. Roy Cutler Mrs. Richard M. Cutts Friar Felix Da Prato Miss Margaret M. Dahm Mr. Kevin B. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dalton Ms. Ethel E. Danzansky Mr. B. J. Daroga Mrs. Leonore Daschbach Mr. Madhavarao S. Dasu Mr. Robert Davidson Mrs. A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Davis Mr. John F. Davis Mr. Robert Davis Dr: 7.S. ‘Davis General and Mrs. Kenneth F. Dawalt Mr. E. A. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Day Mr. Craig M. Dean Mr. Robert Dean Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Decker Mrs. Thomas Dedomenico Mr. E.A. Defalco Mr. Marvin Dekelboum Mrs. G. F. Dekeyser Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. Delahay Captain and Mrs. Victor Delano Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P Dellinger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Deming Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Hilliard Dennis 418 Mr. John Robert Denny Colonel and Mrs. Joseph F. Derienzo Mrs. Patricia B. Detor Mr. Robert Jay Deutsch Mr. G.W. Devoe Mr. Larry Devries Mrs. T. T. Dewolf Mr. Burton Dezendorf Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Dickens, Jr. Mr. John T. Dickmeyer Mrs. Robert L. Dick Mr. J. E. Diegelman Mr. Fred J. Diemer Ms. Margretta Diemer Dr. Juliet C. Diller Mr. Bruce C. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dimuro Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dixon Mr. William Dixon Mr. Keith A. Dobbins Mr. J. G. Dobry Mrs. Walter W. Doescher Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Dolstra Ms. Joan Domike Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Donaghy Mr. Henry T. Donahoe Mrs. Lloyd Donant Mr. Christopher J. Doozan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doragh Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Doran Dr. William H.L. Dornette Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Dorsch Mrs. Joyce N. Dortch Mr. Richard C. Dougherty Dr. Susan S. Doyle Mrs. Philip Drinker Mr. and Mrs. Irenee Du Pont, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Duff Mr. and Mrs. William E. Duke Ms. Joanne E. Dumene Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. William T. Duncan Mr. Bill Dunn Mr. J.F. Dunwiddie Mr. Wayne Durbin Mr. and Mrs. Donn G. Dutcher Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Duthweiler Dr. and Mrs. Vernon J. Dwyer Ms. Ann L. Dyke Dr. and Mrs. William M. Eagles Dr. Gary F. Earle Mr. Terry J. Easton Mrs. J. T. Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eaton, III Mr. Roy C. Eberle Mrs. Greta Eckert Mr. J. R. Edinger Mr. and Mrs. John J. Edwards Ms. Mary Jane Edwards Mrs. Robert G. Edwards Mr. Paul Ehrenfest Mr. Joel Eisenberg Mrs. Harriet J. Ei1wen Mr. Robert B. Eldridge Mr. David A. Elko Mr. Joseph H. Ellinwood Mrs. F. A. Elliot Mr. and Mrs. V.L. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Elsberry Mr. John P. Elterich Dr. and Mrs. William L.R. Emmet, Mr. Ostrom Enders Mr. Bernard Engel Mr. and Mrs. Richard England Dr. Michael J. Epstein Mrs. Jane M. Epstine Mr. Michael Erlanger Mstr. Sgt. Donald W. Erwin Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Escalle Mrs. Harold Eskew Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Estridge Mr. Louis Euster Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Evans Mr. Douglas Evans, Jr. Miss Shirley M. Evans Mr. W. M. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Ross N. Faires Ms. Rose Ann Farace Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Farley Mrs. Juanita Farnen Mr. and Mrs. Norman Farquhar Ms. Marilyn Farrand Mr. Robert N. Faust Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Feirman Mr. Albert B. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson Mr. Robert Ferguson Mrs. Rugeley Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ferguson Reverend H. A. Ferrell Mr. Nathan L. Ferris Mr. and Mrs. Hart Fessenden Ms. Janet A. Fink Mrs. William W. Finley Mrs. A. F. Fischer, Jr. Mrs. Mary M. Fisher Mr. Robert B. Fisher Mr. James R. Fister II Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Flaherty Dr. Ruth C. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fleit Mr. Gerold L. Fleming Dr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Flint Mr. Ted Flora Mr. Howard M. Flournoy Ms. Olivia Page Floyd Mr. Lawrence Fluke Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flum Mrs. Carol C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Follmer Mr. Albert A. Folop Mr. and Mrs. Leon Forman Dr. R. P. Fornshell Mrs. Russell Fortune, Jr. Thiry Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fox Mr. S. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Jon David Francis Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Frank Mrs. Brantley Vernon Frank Mr. Stephen P. Frazier Dr. Robert G. Freeman Mr. William A. Freeman Ms. Mary M. Free Mr. Scott Freer Mrs. Marian M. Freese Dr. Donald E. Frein Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. French Mr. Andrew L. Frey Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Carl Friddle Mrs. Charlton Friedberg Mrs. L. Louise Fried Ms. Virginia Friend Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Fromyer Mr. Frederick A. Fry Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fugate Mr. Warren Fugate Mrs. H. Fuhrman Mr. Donald H. Fuhs Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fuller Mrs. P. Fuller Mr. Reginald H. Fullerton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Gade Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. Gahres Mrs. D.R. Gairing Mr. Vernon M. Gale De Maries H. Galitzki Mr. F. A. Gallagher Mr. Thomas J. Galligan, Jr. Mr. Frank L. Gambosh Dr. and Mrs. R. Don Gambrell, Jr. Mrs. Lillian T. Garber Mr. Clement E. Gardiner Mrs. George R. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm O. Garfink Mrs. Joy Garney Mrs. John M. Gates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gauthier Miss Olga M. Gazda Mrs. Anita R. Geanakos Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Geisinger Mr. B. Geismar Dr. Byron A. Genner, III Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Georges Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Gerding Mr. Kurt H. Germann Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz Rear Adm. and Mrs. Ralph M. Ghormley Mr. A. Edward Gibert1 Mr. Fred O. Gibson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln J. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gilbert Ms. Nancy V. Giles Mrs. Sara E. Gillis Mrs. Joan L. Gindes Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Ginsburg Mrs. D. J. Gladwin Mr. Ezra Glaser Mr. Errol M. Glasser Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gleim Mrs. C. Leslie Glenn Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Glenn Mrs. Charles C. Glover Mr. and Mrs. John B. Goering Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Gohdes Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Goldberg Mr. Leslie H. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Goldberg Mr. John Golden Mr. Fred Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Eli Goldstein Mr. Stuart N. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. James F. Goodrich Miss Elinor Goodspeed Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Gordon Dr. Kenneth P. Gorelick Mr. David W. Gorham Mr. Joel C. Gorick Mr. James C. Gorman Dr. Richard E. Gorozdos Mr. O. J. Gouin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Gouldsbury Mr. James Gove Mr. Richard L. Grabowski Colonel and Mrs. Herbert Graeser 420 Mr. Christian V. Graf Miss Eunice Graham Mr. S. Grandits Dr. M.L. Oster Granite Mr. Harold D. Grant, Jr. Mr. Gerald W. Grantham Ms. C. Graton Lt. General and Mrs. Ernest Graves Mrs. Mary Graves Mr. William F. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Grayson Mrs. Dorothy Green Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Green, II Dr. M. Jean Greenlaw Miss Joanne T. Greenspun Mr. and Mrs. Mark Greenwold Mr. Vilins G. Grencions Mrs. James T. Griffin Mr. Donald O. Grimes, Jr. Mr. Eugene W. Griner, Jr. Mrs. Steele T. Griswold Ms. Leslie A. Gross Mrs. Helen Grossman Mrs. Donald Gruhn Miss Mary K. Gully Mrs. Helen W. Gunderson Dr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Gurfein Mr. David L. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gwaltney Mr. Larry L. Haase Mr. Marc Haas Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Haayen Mr. Charles P. Haber Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hagemeyer Miss Elizabeth P. Hagen Mr. Conrad R. Haglund Mr. Philip J. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Haig Mr. W. W. Halford, Jr. . Eloise Halliburton Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell L. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Milton Halsted Mr. M. Hamada Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Hamady Mr. Donald W. Hamer S Colonel and Mrs. William T. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hamman Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hammock Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hamner Mr. J. S. Handler Mr. Norman G. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Hansen Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Hansl Mrs. Kathryn W. Hanson Mr. Charles C. Hansult Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Hardy Mr. John M. Harker Mr. Jack R. Harlan Dr. Robert A. Harper Mrs. Lucy W. Harrell Mr. C. J. Harrington Dr. John M. Harris, III Mr. Christie Harris Dr. Garry Harris Mr. Irving B. Harris Mr. Gilbert A. Harrison Mr. A.A. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Hartley Ms. Janet W. Hartley Mr. P.W. Hartloff, Jr. Mrs. Pauline Hart Mrs. William D. Hart Mrs. W. M. Harwood Mr. William H. Hastings Mr. Dennis M. Haughney Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hauslohner Dr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Haveson Miss Virginia H. Havrilka Dr. Jeffrey W. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hawley, III Mr. Mones E. Hawley Mrs. David Hayes Mr. Kenneth C. Healy Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hebda Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hechinger Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Hecht Mrs. Dale A. Hedges Ms. Constance H. Hefferan Mr. A. L. Heinrich Mr. James W. Hellwege Ms. Deborah W. Hemenway Mr. Allyn B. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Hendrick Mr. Willis M. Hengy Ms. Ellen A. Hennessy Mrs. Julia G. Hennessy Miss Mildred Henninger Mr. Robert A. Hennings Mrs. Douglas E. Henriques Mrs. W. F. Herbert Mr. Karl F. Herd Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herman Mr. Arnold L. Hespe Mr. C. A. Hess Mrs. John L. Hess Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hester, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hewett Ms. Mary Jane Heyl Mr. Donald R. Hibbert Mrs. Geraldine Hicks Mrs. Laura E. Hicks Mrs. William L. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hill Mr. Wendell T. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. Hills Mr. Charles W. Hinkle Mrs. J. H. Ward Hinkson Mr. Joseph U. Hinshaw Mr. Miles L. Hinsley Mr. Karl V. Hirschmann Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hirschman Dr. S. R. Hobgood Miss K. T. Hoffacker Ms. Margaret M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hogan Brig. Gen. E. P. Hoisington Mr. Duncan A. Holaday Dr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Holden Mr. and Mrs. A. Sidney Holderness, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollander Captain and Mrs. F.N. Holley Mr. Milton C. Holloman Mr. John W. Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Holman Mrs. Robert E. Holmgren Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Holsen Ms. Evan C. Holstrom Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hommet Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Honig Mr. Willis H. Hooker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hook Mr. David C. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hopfer Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins Mr. Robert Hopkins Ms. Ann Hopping Mr. James N. Horne Mr. Charles Hosler Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Houts Mr. Robert Howard Mrs. Phyllis Kern Howe Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Hudgins, IV Miss Nancy E. Hudson Mrs. Hugo G. Huettig, Jr. Mr. Robert R. Hughes Mrs. Rosemarie J. Hughes Ms. Evelyn L. Hutsentruit Mr. Clarence L. Hulford Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hulings Ms. Jean M. Hulme Mr. William R. Humphrey Ir 421 Mr. E. C. Humphries Mr. Jack B. Humphries Mr. Frank Hunsicker Mrs. Margaret Stuart Hunter Mr. Jack A. Hunt Ms. Emma Gade Hutaff Ms. Barbara A. Hutchinson Captain and Mrs. George Hutchinson Ms. Marjorie P. Hutchinson Mrs. Avis C. Hyde Mr. Howard H. I[hlenfeld Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ingersoll Rear Adm. and Mrs. Walter D. E. Innis Shaw Investment Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irby Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ireson Mr. George Irving Miss Anne M. Jacks Mr. Ben Jackson Mr. and Mrs. George A. Jackson Dr. Jay A. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jacobs Mr. Marlin L. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jacobson Ms. Shirley Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jacquemin Mr. and Mrs. John Jaeschke Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ravid Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. William Jagoda Mr. Albert Jankowitz Mr. G. R. Janosko Mr. Richard J. Jarzabek Mr. and Mrs. J. Rukin Jelks, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Jenison Mr. and Mrs. David G. Jennings Mr. Ludwig Jesselson Mr. Richard A. Jewell Colonel Alfred H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Johnson tr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Johnson . Harald R. Johnson Ray A. Johnson Woodrow C. Johnson H. Lewis Jones, III H. Y. Jones, Jr. . Alfred Jones . Brian L. Jones . Buell B. Jones Mr. Donald E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Jones Mr. James T. Jones Mr. James E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jones, Jr. Mr. Robert T. Jones Mr. Thomas O. Jones SSSSRESS ae 422 Ms. Mr. . William J. Jones . and Mrs. L.R. Jordan . Robert E. Jordan . and Mrs. Michael Joseph . Jean Joyner . and Mrs. Edward H. Judson . Forrest L. Junod . Rosemary Bonar Kabel . Melanie L. Kacho . and Mrs. George W. Kahler Edmund J. Kahn . F. M. Kalenborn . John D. H. Kane . Raymond S. Kaplan . Steven Kaplan . and Mrs. Arnold Kaplin . Emanuel Karadimos . and Mrs. Richard A. Kaslow . and Mrs. Ira R. Katz . and Mrs. Jack Katz . and Mrs. Nathan Katz . and Mrs. Sheldon T. Katz . and Mrs. James P. Keane . Sheila A. Keefe . Frank S. Keene III . and Mrs. K. A. Keener . Jane Simmons Keen . Peter Kehoe Lewis A. Kellert . Karl E. Kelley . and Mrs. George A. Kelser, Jr. . and Mrs. George P. Kendall, Jr. R. Grice Kennelly . and Mrs. David T. Kenney . Anna Marie Kent . B. R. Kent Betty J. Kenyon William Keohane Colonel Tilu Kera Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr: Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr Mr. Mr and Mrs. Robert Kerr and Mrs. Louis J. Kettel and Mrs. Arthur H. Keyes, Jr. H. Norman Key W. Ben Kibler and Mrs. John Kicak Robert Kidd Marjorie B. Kiewit Jeannette Kimmel Edward J. King Paul M. King and Mrs. W. A. King Edward O. Kinzie . and Mrs. Philip C. Kirby E. J. Kirchman . Harry L. Kirkman Mr. S. Kirkparick Mr. K. M. Kirkpatrick Mr. John W. Kirsch Mr. Lawrence Kirstein Ms. A. Kathie Kiss Dr. Benjamin F. Kitchen, Jr. Mr. John G. Kittredge Ms. Susan L. Klaus Mr. Daniel W. Klein Mr. Kenneth W. Klein Mr. Michael N. Klein Ms. Rebecca Klemm Mr Mrs. William Knight, Jr. Ms. Teresa Knoester Mrs. James H. Knowles Ms. Janet V. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Kojm Colonel George C. Konolige Dr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Koons Mr. Herbert J. Kopff Mr. A. George Koplow Ms. Bernadine C. Koprowski Dr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Korengold Dr. and Mrs. Ross Kory Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Kosciuszko Dr. Robert Kovar Mr. G. D. Kovener Mr. Charles R. Kraus Ms. Sandra R. Krawchuk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Krebs, Jr. Mr. Irving Kreisberg Mrs. Gloria I. Kreisher Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kremens Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kriss Mr. V. J. Kriss Miss Karen E. Krueger Mrs. Leroy Krusi Mrs. G. F. Kugler, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Max J. Kukler Mrs. William O. Kurtz, Jr. Miss Suzanne Kuser Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Herman R. Ladenheim Mrs. Patraicia K. Lafferty Dr. Robert M. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Lamson Mrs. Ernest A. Land Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Landau Ms. Marilyn Brody Lane Mr. Drs Mr. Mr. Gerald Langford Gilbert H. Lang Richard F. Langston Tom Lankenau Colonel and Mrs. John V. Lanterman Mrs. Mr. Dr: Mr. Mrs. Mr. Dr. SSSSSRSESSESS SESSS Ss Louis Lapi and Mrs. Peter Larocca and Mrs. Ray Lash and Mrs. Francis H. Laube J. W. Laughlin Denny Law and Mrs. Noel Lawson . and Mrs. Donald W. Layden . and Mrs. Jack Leach . and Mrs. Ronald E. Leach . Clinton W. Ledebur Florence J. Lee . and Mrs. Jack W. Lee . James A. Lee . and Mrs. Jen P. Lee « TG; Lee . and Mrs. M. Glen Leet . and Mrs. W. G. Lefevre . Edwin F. Legard . Ellen R. Leighton . Jeanne Lemmer . Ethelynne H. Leonard H. Leonard . Lawrence S. Lesser . Daniel W. Leubecker . Jan T. Leung . Edgar L. Levenson . and Mrs. Edward H. Levi and Mrs. William B. Levin, Jr. . and Mrs. Michael Levitt . I. Herbert Levy and Mrs. Lawrence Levy and Mrs. Baugh Lewis Calvin G. Lewis and Mrs. Ernest E. Lewis Garry Lewis and Mrs. Paul D. Lew Irene R. Liebenberg and Mrs. Peter Liebesman and Mrs. Robert G. Liebhardt James R. Lightfoot Je-R. Limes Wilbur Loren Lindholm iss Jane T. Lingo and Mrs. Duard C. Linn and Mrs. Rodney C. Linton Robert F. Lint Anne Lipscomb and Mrs. Christopher Lipsett . Robert S. Lipsey 423 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. List Mr. and Mrs. Darrel W. Litchfield Mr. and Mrs. William O. Lively Mrs. James Lloyd Mrs. Pat Lockeby Dr. and Mrs. John G. Lodmell Dr. Arthur J. Loerzel Mrs. Jane kK. Lombard Mr. Walter H. Long. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Long Colonel and Mrs. Duarte A. Lopes Mr. Kenneth B. Lord Dr. and Mrs. Norman Lord Mrs. Oswald B. Lord Mr. and Mrs. Ken Love Mr. J. Loveless Mr. Bart W. Lovins Mrs. E. H. Lowther Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Ludeman Mr. Remy H. Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Lunday Mr. Clifford W. Lundin Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Lund Mr. R. Lushing Mr. and Mrs. La Rue R. Lutkins Mr. and Mrs. John L. Luttrell Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Lynch Mr. T. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch Mr. Myles V. Lynk Miss I. T. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillip Lyon Mr. Jim R. Lyons Ms. Catherine M. Maar Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mansius Mrs. A. Marcelle Mr. Eugene A. March Mr. and Mrs. Paul Margus Mrs. Salvator G. Marino Ms. C. S. Markson Mr. Stanley Marks Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Marshall Mr. Kenneth S. Marsh Mr. George H. Marston Mr. Robert C. Marston Mrs. Mildred H. Martindale Dr. Diana Martin Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Martin Mr. and Mrs. John Cephas Martin Mr. Arthur Marush Mr. Arthur K. Mason Miss Priscilla Mason Dr. Robert B. Matheny Mrs. Elbert G. Mathews Dr. and Mrs. M. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Larry Matre Mr. Robert Matson Mr. Charles Matthews Mrs. J.D. Maurice Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Maxey Mr. and Mrs. George B. Maxwell Miss Julia A. Maxwell Mrs. R. B. Mayer Mr. George D. Maynard, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Mayo Mgen and Mrs. George Mayo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mayo Dr. John E. Mazuzan, Jr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. 424 P.E. MacAllister M. W. MacDermott Neil R. MacDonald Watson MacInnes and Mrs. Steven A. MacIntyre and Mrs. Louis A. MacKenzie . James MacKinnon . Ellen B. MacNeille . J. Macomber . and Mrs. Rex A. Maddox . Ralph K. Madway . and Mrs. Edward P. Maffitt . Dolores M. Maidlow and Mrs. Leslie D. Mayor, Jr. and Mrs. Dayton S. Mak and Mrs. Bernard M. Malloy and Mrs. Elli Malta and Mrs. Randall C. Manaka and Mrs. Eugene Mandel E.B. Mann and Mrs. Paul Mannes Mrs. Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Mrs. W. V. Mc Clain James I. McAuliff Nancy M. McCabe Patrice L. McCabe and Mrs. Thomas McCance, Jr. Violet McCandlish June W. McCarron Jeane McCarthy James D. McClary Bruce McClintock David C. McClure Anne B. McCourt Dr. Catherine F. McCoy Mr. Emmett F. McCoy Mr. John O. McCracken Mr. Walter C. McCrone Mr. and Mrs. A. Bliss McCrum, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McCuistion Mr. Coy F. McDaniel, Jr. Mr. Dale E. McDaniel J. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. John T. McDonnell Mrs. Nan Tucker McEvoy Samuel W. McGarvey Dr. and Mrs. Morris G. McGee . and Mrs. Thomas McGinness . William P. McGloin . Howard L. McGregor, Jr. . and Mrs. John McGuinn . John McIntosh . and Mrs. W. E. McIntyre . W. J. McKeel . William F. McKenna J. W. McKibben . and Mrs. Albert P. McKinney . Robert W. McKnight . and Mrs. John H. McLaren Mrs. S. McMullen Mr. W. Hugh McNaughton Mr. W. C. McNeal Mrs. W. J. McNeil Mr. George M. McNulty Mr. M. McNulty Mr. R. V. McPherron Ms. Ann H. McShane Miss C. McWilliams Ms. Barbara J. Mead Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Mead Mr. and Mrs. David L. Mead Mr. James C. Meade Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mears Mr. Frank Meek, Jr. Mrs. Roberta V. Meek Donald F. Mela and Mrs. Steven J. Melander-Dayton . Valere P. Menefee Louis W. Menk Leon A. Mensing William H. Meroney John J. Meyer, III and Mrs. Charles E. Meyer and Mrs. Samuel M. Meyers W.W. Middleton . David Mikolai Cmdr. and Mrs. R. J. Miles Ms. Grace Milgram Lewis N. Miller, Jr. Carroll L. Miller Charles H. Miller Harvey L. Miller and Mrs. John L. Miller s. M.G. Miller Ms. Margaret A. Miller Mr. R. Eric Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Miller Mrs. George H. Milton Ss SSSYSSVSESES S55 wn SESSSEES SSSESS Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Mishkind Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Mitchell Colonel and Mrs. Robert O. Mitchell Mr. Walter W. Mitchell Mr. Ted F. Moellering Mr. and Mrs. Leo Molinaro Mr. R. W. Mompier Mrs. Sarah D. Monk Mr. M.R. Monroy Mr. Wilson M. Montero Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Montgomery Mrs. Christel K. Moore Ms. Joan Turner Moore Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. John H. Morava Ms. Joyce Morgan Mr. Shane Moriarity Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Morley Mrs. Blanche M. Morris Ms. Firth Morris Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Morris Mr. J. C. Morris Mr. J. C. Morris, Jr. Ms. Rosanna Morris Mr. Arthur R. Morse, Jr. Mr. Erik N. Mortensen Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Moskow Dr. P. Steven Mote Mr. Richard C. Mousseau Rear Adm. and Mr. Douglas F. Mow Mr. Douglas Muder Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Mueller Mrs. Gail W. Munder Mr. Burnaby Munson Dr. and Mrs. John C. Munson Mr. Don Murdock Mr. Gerald P. Murphy Mr. Gary A. Murrell Mr. E. H. Muschlitz . and Mrs. Lawrence S. Myers, Jr. Raymond R. Myslivy . Anastasia Nasis George Nassauer David N. Neal and Mrs. Robert D. Neary and Mrs. Benjamin C. Neff Robert H. Neff George E. Nelson and Mrs. Andrew K. Ness . Conley W. Ness and Mrs. Paul W. Neuenschwander Harry Neugold Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Neukomm Mrs. Frances Newman SEs SSSSESS S85 Dr. Morris Newman . and Mrs. Palmer E. Newman . Colonel Arthur Newton . and Mrs. Kenneth E. Nicholl Mr Et Mr Ms. Patricia I. Nichols Mr. H. D. Nickerson Dr. Orville F. Nielsen Dr. and Mrs. Earl W. Niles Mr. Paul H. Nitze Mr. and Mrs. William Nitze Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Nolan Mr. David G. Noonan Mr. Carl F. Norden Mr. W. R. Norfolk Mr. C. Norman Dr. Maurice J. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. North Mrs. John Norton Mr. and Mrs. David P. Notley Mr. Milton G. Nottingham, Jr. Mr. Walter J. Novak Mrs. Dorothy Nubel Mr. Martin Nyberg Ms. Eileen O’Brien Mr. John A. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. William J. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Denis T. O'Sullivan Mr. Edward J. Obert, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Oblath Mr. Robert S. Oelman Dr. S.W.J. Ogush Mr. W. G. Ohde Ms. Helen L. Ohler Mr. Sam R. Olsen Mr. Ted B. Olson Mr. Richard Omohundro Mr. P. Opdahl Mr. Peter Oppmann Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. Orcutt Mrs. D.F. Orwig Mr. and Mrs. David Osnos Dr. Betty Ann Ottinger James C. Overholt Joseph H. Owen J: .G. Pace and Mrs. Eugene F. Pack Donald K. Palmer and Mrs. Ralph A. Palmer Dr. John R. Pancella SEPSSES: Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Parker Mrs. Grace M. Parr Miss Muriel H. Parry 426 and Mrs. Mandell J. Ourisman Mrs Dr. Ms. Ms. . George E. Parsons, Jr. and Mrs. J. R. Parsons Mabel Parsons Patricia S. Pascal . R. F., Paschal, . Jr. . George Paterson, Jr. . Geoffrey L. Patton . and Mrs. James R. Patton, Jr. . James H. Paul B. R. Paulsen . Sylvia L. Pearson . and Mrs. John R. Peaslee C. L. Pecchenino . and Mrs. Alvin Peck . Robert Peck . Louis Peller . Paul J. Peltier . Edmund Pendleton . Thorn Pendleton . and Mrs. William C. Penick . Clarence Pennington . Bernard J. Perini . and Mrs. Warren A. Perkins . and Mrs. F. Alan Perlberg . and Mrs. Michael Perlberg . Dorothy F. Perry . James P. Perry . and Mrs. John F. Perry . Sandra J. Perry . Ann C. Petersen . Dalton E. Peterson . Samantha A. Peterson John C. Petricciani . and Mrs. Gordon L. Petri . Harold S. Pettit . James T. Pettus, Jr. - Clitf Pfaft . Rebecca L. Pfeiffer . A. Phillips Miss Mary Jane Pickthall Mr. Ms. Patrick Kent Pierce Ellen Pilsecker Mrs. Karen Pingitore and Mrs. Harry W. Piper and Mrs. William Piper . Colonel Charles D. Pitts John Pitts . Elinor Plimack Diane J. Plotts Michael Plunkett and Mrs. Welch Pogue Robert D. Pomeroy Leroy Poole Daniel B. Pope . Janice Popp Mr. and Mrs. Dwight J. Porter Dr. Reno R. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Ben Porto Ms. Mildred Potocki Mr. R.D. Potts Mrs. George Poulson Dr. and Mrs. William F. Pounds Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Powell Mr. Robert E. Pownall Mr. Richard L. Prager Ms. Fletcher Pratt Mrs. Charles P. Price Dr. Robert E. Price Dr. and Mrs. Jerold Principato Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Prizer Ms. Gloria Prochaska Mr. and Mrs. John E. Purcell Mr. L. A. Vander Putten Ms. Marian L. Pyle Mr. W. M. Quackenbush Mr Mr Mr Mr Ms te L. King Quan . T. Quinn . and Mrs. Charles Anton Rademaker . John A. Radway, Jr. . Audrey P. Raisbeck Ms. Marjorie Ramsden Mr. David A. Ransom Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Raphael Miss Ann Rasche Mr. and Mrs. George E. Rassa Mr. Philip Ratcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Earl C Ravenal Ms. Beverly A. Rawles Ms. J. Raymond Mr. Russell D. Raymond Mr. W. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Raz Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Reagan Ms. Patricia Reardon Mr. F.R. Rebsamen Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Redford Vivien G. Redman Mr. Atlee J. Reeb Mr. Rollin M. Reeder Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reeves Mr. David B. Reif Mrs. Joan Reilly Dr. Michael J. Reilly Mr. Lawrence F. Reinalter Mr. Paul A. Renard Mrs. Edwin F. Rensler Dr. and Mrs. F. Turner Reuter Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reynierse Mr. Don F. Reynolds Mr. Frank C. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. Frank M. Reynolds Mr. Robert Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John V. Rhoads Mr. R. L. Rhodes, Jr. Miss Kathleen Ribaudo Mr. Allen Richards Mr. E. Jerome Richards Dr. Arthur L. Rich Ms. Melissa J. Richens Mr. G.R. Rich Miss B. A. Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Richmond Mr. Charles Rick Mr. Daniel M. Ricker, Jr. Ms. Carolyn Ricketts Mr. Edward H. Riddle Mr. Richard D. Rife Mr. John R. Rimmer Dr. J. Jerome Rinaldi Miss Marilyn Rising Mr. Stephen C. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers M. Roberts Ms. Ruth Roberts Mrs. Grace Robinowitz Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson Mrs. Dori Selene Rockefeller Mrs. Richard Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Roehrig Mr. Dietrich Roesler Mr. Scott Roeth Mr. Don Rolf Ms. Mimi Rolland Judge and Mrs. Herbert L. Rollins Mr. Alan R. Rollow Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Root Mrs. M. Elaine Roschman Mr. Irving Rose Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Rose Mr. J. W. Roskos Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ross Dr. S. Rossello Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Rosser Mr. James Bruce Ross Mr. John J. Ross Dr. James A. Roth Ms. Janice K. Rothlauf Mrs. Elizabeth D. Rott Ms. Catherine G. Rottier Dr. James A. Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Josiah P. Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rowland Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rowley Mr. Charles Rozier Mr. B. Cecil Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Rubin Mrs. Pat Rucker Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Rugani Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Rule Mr. J. W. Runyon, Jr. Mr. Jasper L. Russell Dr. Edward C. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ryan Dr. Stephen K. Rymer Dr. and Mrs. Abner Sachs Dr. H. Pagan Saez Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sagalyn Mr. Lou Sakell Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Salz Dr. Arthur Sandstrom Mr. A. Herbert Sandwen Mr. Nilo M. Santiago Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Sargent Mrs. Stanley J. Sarnoff Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Satterwhite Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sawick Mrs. Lillian M. Saxe Alice E. Sayre Mr. Francis B. Sayre Mr. James P. Scannell Mr. Ernst M. Schaefer Mr. William F. Schaper Mrs. Henry W. Scheibner Mrs. Robert S. Scheu Mr. and Mrs. J. Vincent Schlegel Miss Matilda P. Schlicht Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Schmal Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. J. Schnabel Miss Marguerite V. Schneeberger Ms. Margaret M. Schneider Dr. William H. Schneider Dr. Sid Schnoll Mr. James E. Scholl Ms. Alice Schonberg Mr. D. L. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder Mr. John C. Schuldt Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Schulman Mrs. Robert A. Schulman Mr. Robert Schwaner Dr. Edward H. Schwarz Mrs. M. Schwetz Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Scibilia Ms. M. B. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Scott Mr. Bernard L. Scriven Mr. Robert F. Scudder Mr. David C. Searey 428 Mr. Dr. H.D. Sears, Jr. Mary E. Sears . and Mrs. Richard E. Seidell Mrs. Gerald H. Seifert Mrs. Ruth O. Selig . and Mrs. Harold J Selinsky Mrs. Catherine H. Sells . William M. Senkus . Harry Severin . Catharine Seybold . and Mrs. Paul A. Shackleford Mrs. Polly Shackleton Mr. . Elaine G. Shafrin . Kevin E. Shanahan . Karen S.and G. Shapell . and Mrs. Philip H. Sharpe . and Mrs. Paul M. Shatz . Daniel L. Shaw, Jr. . and Mrs. Allen C. Sheldon . and Mrs. Charles C. Shelleman, Jr. and Mrs. R. M. Shepard . and Mrs. Gerald A. Sheppard . and Mrs. George E. Sherman and Mrs. Norman Sher Miss Katherine Shilling Mr. Mr. Dr. Rufus Shivers . Albert D. Shmutzer . and Mrs. Jack C. Shnider . Ross K. Shoolroy . and Mrs. Felix F. Shore . S.C. Shortlidge, Jr. . Robert H. Short . Roy Shrobe . Harley F. Shuford, Jr. . Carl J. Shuhi General and Mrs. Philip D. Shutler, . W. Leonard Sibley . Martha F. Siccardi . and Mrs. Irving H. Siegel . and Mrs. Jack Silberman . and Mrs. and Robert W. Siler, Jr. Russell L. Sill Richard Sills A. E. Silver Colonel and Mrs. Robert L. Simmons Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Simon Raymond Simon Miss Alice H. Simpson Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Andrew Warren Singer and Mrs. Joe L. Singer Richard Singer and Mrs. Robert Skold and Mrs. Paul Slezak Richard C. Sloan Walter W. Slocum USMC and Mrs. Leon Sloss . Jennifer Small and Mrs. James F. Smith, Jr. Benjamin K. Smith and Mrs. Cecil Smith and Mrs. Dean Smith Dean B. Smith Edward M. Smith Ella E. Smith Frances Z. Smith Joseph C. Smith Luella A. Smith Raymond S. Smith and Mrs. Rufus C. Smith and Mrs. Stevan B. Smith Thomas F. Smith W. Tilford Smith, Jr. . Witham Smith Howard F. Smothers George E. Snider, Jr. John B. Snyder W. P. Snyder, III and Mrs. William B. Snyder and Mrs. Norman Solat . David Solo . William H. Somerville Honorable and Mrs. Soren C. Sommerfelt Ms. Lynn A. Soukup Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Soxman Mr. George R. Spall Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sparks Mrs. Sylvia Spar Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Spear Mr. H. Speer Mr. Mark Speizer . Harry H. Spence . Fred Spinder and Mrs. William H. Spooner L. Spozais . J. Spurlock . Omer F. Spurlock Franklin M. St. John Virginia Stainton and Mrs. Marvin N. Stanford Carl W. Stapleton (Ret.) David A. Stark Donn A. Starry and Mrs. Ralph C. Stayer and Mrs. Frederick R. Stebbins Simon Steely William R. Stehle and Mrs. Stephen R. Steinbrink and Mrs. John M. Stemmons and Mrs. William L. Stenger and Mrs. Charles R. Stephan SESESSSSESESESES SSS RE RSRES SEEKS S SEREE Lor a] SSESESES S . Peter J. Stephens . and Mrs. Warren E. Stephey . W. Clinton Sterling, III . Abigail Sterling . Bruce B. Sterling . and Mrs. Carleton W. Sterling . Douglas D. Sterling . and Mrs. William Sternfeld . and Mrs. Edwin L. Stevens . Jay Stevens . Roland E. Stevens . Suzanne E. Stevens . and Mrs. Charles W. Stewart . and Mrs. Terence P. Stewart . and Mrs. Eugene P. Stichman . and Mrs. Richard W. Stickell . and Mrs. Glen E. Stillwell . and Mrs. John E. Stinchfield . Philip B. Stiness, Jr. . and Mrs. Frank A. Stocking . and Mrs. Dennis W. Stolldorf . Robert A. Stone . and Mrs. John Strachan . Virgil R. Strader . and Mrs. S. Tudor Strang . and Mrs. John G. Strange . and Mrs. Richard H. Stratton . David G. Stuart Hosmer B. Stuck . William T. Stumb . John A. Sturm . Arthur Stutzer . and Mrs. J.M. Sudarsky . and Mrs. Steven C. Suddaby . A. C. Sulerud . Ed Sullivan . Vincent M. Sullivan . Paul L. Sulsky . John Sutch . Wilson A. Swanker Russell Swanson . and Mrs. Harold E. Sweeney Barbara D. Sweetland . Mary R. Swicegood . Albert L. Symonds . W. Warren Taltavull . Darrell G. Tangman . Nancy Tarsitano Delle Ernst Taylor . John Taylor . Robyn D. Taylor -. Rowan H. Taylor . W. H. Taylor R. Teerlink . Roy Teramoto . Joseph M. Tessmer . and Mrs. James W. Tester Mr. Norman R. Thal, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Thayer Mr. Alan Thebert Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Thiele Mr. Barry Dan Thomas Mr. Edmund Thomas Dr. F. Joseph Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Holcombe H. Thomas Ms. Marcia A. Thomas Mr. Bruce R. Thompson Captain and Mrs. Edgar K. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James L. Thompson Ms. Mims Thompson Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Thomson, Jr. Mrs. Margot kK. Thomson Mrs. Veronica Thorp Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Tibor Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tielking Ms. Barbara L. Tierney Mrs. L. E. Tierney Miss Catherine Tinkham Mr. H. Titchell Mr. Hartley k. Todee Ms. Rosalie Toko Mr. Toshio Tokunaga Mr. D. J. Tolan Mrs. Araks V. Tolegian Mr. Leroy M. Tolman Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Townsend Mr. and Mrs. F. Gerald Toye Mr. Adrian G. Traas Honorable and Mrs. Russell E. Traen Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Trainor Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tralla Mr. R.F. Trefielo Mr. Edmond R. Tremblay Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Troutman Mr. Edward Trowbridge Mr. and Mrs. R. Brian Tsujimura Mrs. Pat Tuccio Mr. Ernst H. Tuenge, Jr. Mrs. James N. Tulloh Mr. Robert L. Tull Ms. Eva F Tully Mr. W. T. Turso Mr. and Mrs. William S. Tutwiler Ms. Evelyn Twigg-Smith Mr. Glenn A. Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ulrich Mrs. George C. Underwood, I] Mr. R. E. Uptegraff, Jr. Dr. Paul L. Urban 430 Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Dr: Mr. Mrs. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Donald Usher T. Uyesugi Vainutis K. Vaitkevicius and Mrs. Anthony S. Vaivada C. W. Valencourt, Jr. J.H. Valentine Robert Vallier Paul Van Fossen Ray E. Vanalstine F. B. Vandenburgh August Vandessel and Mrs. Richard C. Vandusen and Mrs. Carl F. Vanhaeften Caroline E. Vanmason and Mrs. John A. Varela and Mrs. Armen Varterssian Samuel M. Vauclain, III Franklin Veatch Natalie D. Venneman and Mrs. James L. Ventura General John W. Vessey, Jr. 1D} Mr. Dr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Dr. John J. Vill Victor J. Villone M. C. Vincent . and Mrs. Raymond D. Vinick . Jacquelyn E. Vinson . and Mrs. Donald J. Vitale . and Mrs. Peter R. Voll . Valma A. Von Holt . and Mrs. Gerard J. Vyskocil, Jr. . Jill R. Wade . Woodward Waesche . M.G. Waggoner . W. A. Waggoner . David H. Wagner . Paul F. Wagner . and Mrs. Peter E. Wagner . Bert Waldstein . and Mrs. James N. Wallace . Wayne D. Walling . John O. Wallor . and Mrs. Harry B. Walton, Jr. . Alan B. Wambold . Fred Wanner . and Mrs. Robert B. Wareheim . and Mrs. C. Grant Warner . Ernest W. Warner . and Mrs. George E. Warner . George F. Warner . John Warner . Richard Warren Ruth G. Wasley and Mrs. Paul Wasserman B. Y. Wat Barbara Waters Miss Eva Watkins Captain Jack E. Watson Ms. Mildred V. Watts Mr. H. Wayne Weagly Mr. and Mrs. John E. Weaver Mrs. Ruth L. Webb Mr. Glenn I. Weber Mrs. Arvid G. Wedin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weinberg Mrs. Marjorie Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Weinreich Mr. Edgar V. Weir Mr. Leonard W. Weis Mr. J. R. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Weiss Mr. Douglas F. Welebir Mr. Charles E. Wells Ms. Katherine E. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Terry Welsh Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Wentz Ms. Barbara k. Werner Mr. Gerald L. Werner Mr. Stuart L. Werner Captain J. H. Wesson. USN, (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. James T. West Miss Hilda Wexler . Gwendolyn S. Wharton . Barbara W. Whitaker . Jaan Whitehead . John B. Whitehead . and Mrs. Peter C. White . James H. Wiborg s. Mary S. Wicker Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Wien Ms. Mary Ellen Wiggs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Wikler Mr. L. H. Wilcox Dr. and Mrs. U. V. Wilcox, II Mrs. Vivian Wildman Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Wiley Mr. Mark H. Wiley Mrs. Gladys E. Willard Mr. Karl H. Willen Mr. Andrew W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. John M. Williams Mr Mr SSS Ss hs . and Mrs. Kenneth R. H. Williams, Jr. . and Mrs. Robert A. Williams Mrs. Wanda Rees Williams Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Ellis W. Williamson Dr. B. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Vernon B. Willis Mr. and Mrs. W. Cooper Willits Ms. Jean M. Willkom Mr. Charles F. Willner Mr. Mr. Ms. Capt Mr. S Dr. Capt Mr. Dr William F. Willner William Willoughby Louise W. Willson ain Lucille A. Wilson F.A. Wilson . Hugh H. Wilson . James M. Wilson . Janice L. Wilson . Lowell Wilson . and Mrs. Perkins Wilson . Peter Wilson . and Mrs. Richard B. Wilson . and Mrs. Roger H. Wingate . R. T. Winn . Donald R. Winslow . John Winters . Joan Wirig . James D. Wirt . Robert Wissoker . H. Witmer . Phelps Witter, Jr. . and Mrs. William W. Wittie . J. Wolfgang, Jr. . and Mrs. Leland A. Wolf . and Mrs. Thomas P. Wolf . and Mrs. William T. Wolf . Gary L. Wollenzien . and Mrs. Stanton Wong . Margaret Y. Woodbridge . Baird Woodcock . David L. Wood . and Mrs. and Harry E. Wood . Marshall D. Woods Thomas P. Wood ain and Mrs. John Woolston James O. Wright . and Mrs. Philip L. Wright . Reverdy E. Wright . Walter R. Wright . and Mrs. Bernard J. Wulff Charlotte S. Wyman . and Mrs. Verlin Y. Yamamoto . Bruce Yamanaga . and Mrs. Philip D. Yaney . Dolores R. Yanover . Charles Yarbrough . Louis A. Yates . and Mrs. Michael S. Yauch . Ronald Yeakey . and Mrs. Gary B. Yost . and Mrs. Albert T. Young and Mrs. Gerald D. Young Miss Jane B. Young Mr. Ms. EJs Voung Nancy A. Young 431 Ms. Shereen Zakauddin Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Zaritsky Dr. and Mrs. Berton Zbar Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Zeder Colonel Frank J. Zeller Dr. and Mrs. Robert Zeppa Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Zimmerman Mr. Louis I. Zorensky = yy vi San i . 7 cer ae puss 2 F ' - Zg ~ F : : / i - = =i _ : 7 - 7 : q a, oa 5 a) L on - i = - ; oe 7 ‘ —— : i y % = ‘ = e _-¥ = = Ui 6 i va = ~ i a nie i 7 3 Ve = — a io ae a - = pid : : 2 ut a : 7 as me eS : a = 5 3 Pais i ‘ae oa “S fs Li WS Gt SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI NVINOSHII Saiuvualy INSTITUTION saruvuel- INSTITUTION INSTITUTION saluvualy INSTITUTION TUTION NOILOLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3I1YVYaIT_ LIBRARIES NVINOSHLINS S3I1YVUdl wo = n = y = n — 2 Ee = Sy < = Z. 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