Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ice RA ey Rak af ota 4 Hit} Se a pi); hae United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Intermountain Research Station Research Paper INT-390 April 1988 Soil Characteristics as an Aid to Identifying Forest Habitat Types in Northern Idaho. U Js 0 E72 — Kenneth E. Neiman, Jr. a THE AUTHOR KENNETH E. NEIMAN, JR., is a private forest ecology/soils consultant living in Moscow, ID. From 1981 to 1986, he was forest ecologist assigned to the research work unit on silviculture of cedar, hemlock, grand fir and Douglas-fir of the Northern Rocky Mountains, Intermountain Research Station, Moscow, ID. Dr. Neiman received his B.S. degree in 1975 in range management and his M.S. degree in 1977 in forest and range ecology—both degrees from Washing- ton State University. He received a Ph.D. degree in forest ecology in 1986 from the University of Idaho. This paper represents a portion of the research presented in his dissertation. RESEARCH SUMMARY Scientists have long hypothesized that soils and plant communities have predictable relationships. High correla- tion between soil properties and shrub-steppe plant asso- ciations has been repeatedly documented, but studies in forested vegetation have produced conflicting results. The objectives of this study were to investigate: spatial patterns of numerically derived taxonomic soil units; relationships between soil taxonomic units and plant associations; and identifying soil characteristics for aid in forest habitat type identification. Vegetation, soil, and site information were collected on 89 sites within six similar habitat types of the Abies grandis, Thuja plicata, and Tsuga heterophylla series. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were used to evaluate naturally occurring patterns within the soil data and between soil and vegetation data. Four ordination techniques were used to explore potential soil pattern delineation. Factor analysis and descriptive discriminant analysis techniques were employed to identify physical soil property descriptors for use in habitat type discriminant function formulas. Numerical patterns were not discernible among the physical soil characteristics. Analysis of relationships between forest habitat types and soil taxonomic units— Order, Suborder, Great Group, and Family—proved fruitless. Four soil characteristics were identified as useful for classifying habitat type when used in conjunction with site and vegetation data. Formulas developed from discriminant functions are given for use in the field as an aid to forest habitat type classification in northern Idaho. The use of habitat types for refinement of silvicultural prescriptions and site productivity assessment in northern Idaho has proven to be highly valuable to forest resource managers. This study indicates that further delineation of these units, based on soil variation, will allow for greater accuracy in predicting site capabilities and response to disturbance. Soil Characteristics as an Aid to Identifying Forest Habitat Types in Northern Idaho Kenneth E. Neiman, Jr. INTRODUCTION Habitat types (after Daubenmire 1968) and other vegetation-based land classification systems (Cooper and others 1987; Daubenmire and Daubenmire 1968; Hall 1973; Hironaka and others 1983; Mueggler and Stewart 1980; Pfister and others 1977; Steele and others 1981, 1983; Tisdale 1979) have been adopted for use throughout the Northern Rocky Mountains by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and other Federal and State agencies. These systems rely on knowledge of the existing floristics for identification of “climax” or long-term stable plant associations. On forested lands that have not been severely disturbed, habitat types can be identified with relative ease by use of species presence lists. But as land is disrupted by forest management, habitat types will have to be identified from a secondary successional] plant community, often having little floristic similarity to its climax community. Even highly trained plant ecologists find this to be a speculative and frustrating task. Land managers and scientists need to classify seral communi- ties and also to develop a means for extrapolating seral community types to their respective habitat types with the aid of both biotic and abiotic factors. In studies of abiotic site factors, Jenny (1941, 1980) theorized that soil development is a function of climate, parent material, relief, and potential organisms interact- ing over time. Major (1951) felt that species composition of vegetation is a similar function of the same five factors. Although soil and vegetation both appear to respond to the same “functional factors,” this relationship cannot be extended to indicate that soil and vegetation are corre- lated on a one-to-one basis. Although we find sites with similar vegetational composition, often these do not have similar site characteristics, parent material, or age (Barnes and others 1982; Daubenmire 1968; McCune and Allen 1985; Pfister and Arno 1980). Vegetation responds to both long-term and short-term environmental changes (Daubenmire 1956), but is particularly responsive to ex- tremes of temperature and moisture. Climatic pulses tend to have a minor effect on soil formation processes. Thus, different soils often develop beneath similar plant communities and, conversely, different plant communities occur on what outwardly appear to be similar soils. In most physical systems, both internal and external sets of independent factors determine the development of individual characteristics. Nowhere is this more observ- able than in the wide variety of soil horizonations. Whether viewed regionally or locally no two cross sections of soil are exactly alike. Yet, in an attempt to understand this variability, taxonomic systems are devised that iden- tify individuals as members of classification units. Soil taxonomy (USDA SCS 1975), a soil classification system, is based on differentiating characteristics assumed to be the result of independent factors. Jenny (1941, 1980) described five elements critical to all soil development: climate, in the sense of regional macro- climate; parent material, the basement rock or deposi- tional material from which the soil originates; relief (topography), the slope, aspect, elevation, landform, and related ground water conditions; organisms, the micro- and macro-organisms of plant and animal species poten- tially available for site occupancy; and time, the zero point being calculated from the initiation of soil formation or since major disturbance to existing conditions. Jenny (1958, 1980) further described plants as being both dependent and independent variables. The species that dominate the vegetational community will exert their own particular influence on both plant community and soil-forming processes. Thus, with all factors remaining constant except time and natural succession, soil develop- ment continues as a reaction to both independent and dependent biotic components. Many taxonomies have been developed for both plant communities and soils, but little direct analysis of their interrelationships has been attempted. In the Northern Rocky Mountains, only one climax community classifica- tion (Tisdale and Bramble-Brodahl 1983) and one succes- sional community classification (Hann 1982) have aggres- sively attempted to correlate specific plant communities with specific soil and site characteristics. In two of the major plant community classifications developed for the Inland Northwest (Daubenmire 1970; Daubenmire and Daubenmire 1968) extensive soil profile data were collected in hopes of defining a soil-vegetation relationship. But all such attempts failed due to multiple soil series occurring in one habitat type. Further confu- sion arose when soil families and Great Groups also did not correlate with plant communities. Daubenmire (1970) recognized the importance of soil factors to vegetation and strongly emphasized “those soil properties suspected of playing important roles in vegetation differentiation are not among the characteristics emphasized in soil classifi- cation.” Soil moisture and temperature regimes, aeration, and nutrients are the important attributes for vegetation (Daubenmire 1970; Loucks 1962). None of these are adequately assessed by current soil taxonomic systems. McCune and Allen (1985) were unable to statistically relate site characteristics to climax tree species along the eastern front of the Bitterroot Range in western Montana. They attributed only 10 percent of the compositional vari- ation to measured site factors, assigning the rest of the variation mostly to historical factors. Hann (1982) described three site types for both a for- ested and nonforested habitat type in western Montana. Although all soils classified to two closely associated fami- lies, Hann stated that considerable variation was found between sites. He qualitatively describes a number of soil-parent material-environmental conditions which, in his study area, relate very well to differing successional communities and specific habitat types. In classifying sagebrush-grass habitat types of southern Idaho, Hironaka and others (1983) conducted a more intensive but similar qualitative analysis of the vegetation-soil relationship. Where soil-series-level classifications were available, correlation between the soil series or series-phase and habitat type was discussed. Statistical analysis of the physical and chemical data collected during this study would have greatly increased the knowledge of individual and combined soil character- istics relative to the vegetation being supported. Even without this further analysis, this study is the most inten- sive of regional plant communities and soil relationships thus far published for the Western United States. In a study of the major plant communities of the Guadalupe Mountains of Texas and New Mexico, Bunting (1978) conducted an extensive analysis of topoedaphic variables as predictors of potential natural vegetation groups. In addition to physical site and soil descriptions, samples were analyzed for organic matter, pH, NO,, P,O,, K,O, Mg**, Na’, CaO, total soluble salts, and carbonate reaction. Discriminant function classification of stands achieved 90-95 percent accuracy by using a combination of topographic and edaphic variables. Tisdale and Bramble-Brodahl (1983) conducted a statis- tically based, intensive study of vegetation communities and soil along the Salmon and Snake Rivers. On their study area, much reduced in geographic scale compared to either the Hironaka and others (1983) or Bunting (1978) studies, they concluded the currently available vegetation and soil classification systems are not compatible, possi- bly due to a relative difference in scale. Soil units are divided much more finely than vegetational units. A second part of the Tisdale and Bramble-Brodahl study analyzed 16 individual site and soil factors as independ- ent variables for modeling vegetation-site relationships. Discriminant function classification accuracy ranged from 85 to 100 percent. Of the leading six factors, the most important (elevation and radiation index) were site loca- tion and orientation dependent. The other four factors were soil related. They concluded that a satisfactory set of soil-site variables could be developed to identify the habitat type of a site, even though only seral vegetation might be present. In Major’s (1951) factorial approach to plant ecology, the same five functional factors that Jenny applied to soil formation were used as independent formative factors ina vegetation equation. Major concluded “.. .there are no universal correlations between vegetation and soil;. . .soil is not determined by vegetation, vegetation is not deter- mined by soil; vegetation and soil develop concomitantly.” I hasten to submit at this point that even though no uni- versal relationships appear to exist between soil and vege- tation, it is exactly this concomitant development ina localized area that should provide quantifiable character- istics by which we can understand the plant community and soil-forming processes. The objectives of this study were: to investigate numeri- cal taxonomic techniques for analysis of patterns of physi- cal soil characteristics; to investigate the relationship between known habitat types and soil units created by numerical taxonomy; and to develop the ability to predict habitat type using physical soil characteristics. Due to an acknowledged incompatibility of classification systems, this study, unlike those of Daubenmire and Hironaka and others, did not dwell on attempts to correlate habitat types and soil family or series units. With knowledge of the correlations between climax vegetation, soil, and site characteristics within a specific geographic region, we should be able to more accurately classify any given site within that region to habitat type and phase. This will also improve the ability to identify highly disturbed seral vegetation stages to habitat type and phase and more accurately position them within their successional devel- opment pathway. THE STUDY AREA The study area comprised northern Idaho from the Salmon River to the Canadian border (fig. 1). Sampling was done on five National Forests (Kaniksu, Figure 1—Study area comprised Idaho panhandle north of the Salmon River. Coeur d’Alene, St. Joe, Clearwater, and Nez Perce), and on forested lands of the Idaho Department of Lands and private properties. Setting The physical settings of the region vary from low-lying riverine valleys, 300 m above sea level, to glacial trenches, 550 m above sea level, to six major mountain ranges (Selkirk, Purcell, Cabinet, Coeur d’Alene, Clearwater, and Bitterroot Mountains) having elevations as high as 2,745 m. Sampling was mainly restricted to a mideleva- tional zone in this region, ranging from 550 to 1,400 m above sea level. The macroclimatic regime of northern Idaho is an in- land expression of the Pacific Coast maritime climate (Ross and Savage 1967). Estimates for precipitation at sample locations range from 500 to 1,270 mm (Pacific Northwest River Basin Commission 1969); the actual values are dependent on elevation, north-south and east- west location, and position relative to orographically influ- enced precipitation patterns. Generally, precipitation occurs between October and May. The June through September period averages less than 25 mm rainfall per month. The average monthly ambient temperatures for these sites are equally variable. Mean summer tempera- tures range from 29 to 36 °C and mean winter tempera- tures range from —2 to -10 °C, with maximum extremes that range from 41 to -50 °C (USDC NOAA 1985). Al- though the aboveground climatic conditions are extremely variable, the presence of complete snow cover during winter months creates a moderate soil environment in which soil temperature regimes (USDA SCS 1975) are frigid or cryic and soil moisture regimes are generally udic or ustic, with some drier sites having a xeric regime. Geology The study area includes two geological provinces. The Columbia Intermontane Province (Thornbury 1965), from the Seven Devils Mountains northward to Moscow, with interfingering as far north as Coeur d’Alene, is character- ized by variable thicknesses of wind-deposited silt (loess) that overlies mid- to late-Tertiary Columbia River Plateau basalts, which, in turn, overlie intrusions of early Tertiary Idaho Batholith granite or Precambrian metasediments. The Northern Rocky Mountains Province covers the remainder of the study area from the southeast and south-central Nez Perce National Forest to the Canadian border. The Clearwater and Coeur d’Alene Mountain ranges are an undifferentiated mass of Precambrian Belt Supergroup metasediments and Idaho Batholith granodi- orites and quartz monzonites. The eastern boundary of the study area is formed by the Bitterroot Range, also quite variable in composition of granite, gneiss, and metasediments. North of Pend Oreille Lake, the Selkirk Mountains and the Cabinet Mountains are both composed of Belt Supergroup metasediments. Tertiary and Quater- nary gravel and glacial till deposits occur sporadically throughout the region. Major deposition of till from Pleis- tocene Epoch continental glaciation occurs at all elevations north of Sandpoint (Buol and others 1980; Ross and Savage 1967). The geologic data collected for habitat type classification in northern Idaho (Cooper and others 1987) identify over two dozen different parent materials. The region has been subjected to periodic, violent erup- tions of volcanos and subsequent deposition of ejecta over wide areas of the Northern Rocky Mountains. Of the three most recent eruptions—Glacier Peak, Mount Mazama, and Mount St. Helens—the most significant was the creation of Crater Lake with the climactic eruption of Mount Mazama about 6,700 years ago. Ash from this event is an important material we now find in both rela- tively pure and mixed upper soil horizons, as deep as 1 meter, in northern Idaho (Nimlos and Zuuring 1982). Vegetation In this study, habitat type is the taxonomic unit used to decribe plant communities (Daubenmire 1968). Habitat type is defined as follows: All the area that now supports, or within recent time has supported, and is still capable of supporting one plant association. A habitat type may encompass quite variable physical characteristics of topography, climate, and soils, yet the effective environ- ment for plant growth and reproduction remains rela- tively constant. The diagnostic climax plant community (association) acts as an integrator of climate, relief, and soil through factor compensation, allowing for identifica- tion of equivalent environments by means of simple floris- tic lists of diagnostic species. In the Northern Rocky Mountains, contiguous stands of mesic maritime forests are unique to northern Idaho (Cooper and others 1987; Daubenmire and Daubenmire 1968). These stands are characterized by the climax dominance of the coastal species Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. and Thuja plicata Donn. ex D. Don. This interpre- tation of Pacific maritime climatic influence is supported by numerous studies of coastal disjunct species found spo- radically throughout northern Idaho (Johnson 1968; Johnson and Steele 1978; Steele 1971). The six habitat types chosen for this study represent the modal environ- mental conditions for the three overstory species (T. heterophylla, T. plicata, and Abies grandis [Dougl. ex D. Don] (Lindl.) most directly associated with this maritime climatic anomaly. METHODS Sampling Procedures Vegetation Data—A set of 89 sample plots was se- lected from those sampled by Cooper and others (1987) as the data base for this study. Because similar studies have shown that a large amount of variation can be expected in the data (Base and Fosberg 1971; Monserud and others 1986; Sondheim and Klinka 1983), sample selection was restricted to six similar habitat types: Abies grandis / Clintonia uniflora habitat type-Clintonia uniflora phase (ABGR/CLUN-CLUN); Abies grandis /Asarum caudatum habitat type-Asarum caudatum phase (ABGR/ASCA- ASCA); Thuja plicata/Clintonia uniflora habitat type- Clintonia uniflora phase (THPL/CLUN-CLUN); Thuja plicata/Asarum caudatum habitat type-Asarum cauda- tum phase (THPL/ASCA-ASCA); Tsuga heterophylla / Clintonia uniflora habitat type-Clintonia uniflora phase (TSHE/CLUN-CLUN); and Tsuga heterophylla /Asarum caudatum habitat type-Asarum caudatum phase (TSHE/ ASCA-ASCA). Association tables with site data and com- plete species list with canopy coverage class per species for this study’s sample set can be found in Neiman (1986). Site selection technique and rationale for field procedures employed is detailed in Pfister and Arno (1980) and Cooper and others (1987). Hitchcock and Cronquist (1973) was the authority used for all plant nomenclature. Soil Data—One soil pit was dug per plot at an undis- turbed point representative of each stand. Minimum data collected were complete horizonation description (UDSA SCS 1981) and assessment of local parent materials. The set of samples utilized for this study contained 18 sepa- rately identified parent materials (table 1). Depth of pits was generally to the first or second C horizon. Time and cost constraints did not allow for excavation to bedrock, or for classification on site to soil family (USDA SCS 1975). Approximately a 1-liter sample of each horizon was col- lected and returned for laboratory analysis. This analysis consisted of: a verification of tactile textural classification for each horizon; assessment of moist and dry colors un- der ideal conditions; sieving of samples to determine per- centage gravel content by weight; and measurement of pH, using a 1:1 ratio soil:water paste. Because the focus of this study was on field-identifiable characteristics of both vegetation and soil, no nutrient analyses were performed. Table 1—Parent materials associated with sub- set of soil-vegetation samples selected for analysis Rock origin Parent material Sandstone Siltstone Shale Argillite Quarizite Phyllite Schist Mica schist Gneiss Biotite gneiss Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous Basalt Quartz monzonite Granite Biotite granite Alluvium, mixed Glacial till, mixed Volcanic ash Sedimentary, mixed Loess Miscellaneous Analytical Procedures Vegetation Data—Analysis of the vegetation data was performed during the original classification study (Cooper and others 1987) using accepted vegetation ordination techniques. But all plots were reassessed as to their origi- nal classification to habitat type and phase. Soil Data—The hypothesis tested was that soil taxo- nomic classifications (USDA SCS 1975) have no ecological meaning when applied to forest soil-forest vegetation relationships. A subset of 50 soils formed from coarse- textured parent materials (for example, glacial drift, gran- ite, gneiss, and sandstone) was classified to family taxo- nomic level by three soil scientists currently active in classification and mapping of soils within the study area (appendix A). These soil taxonomic units were then used to analyze soil-vegetation relationships. The numerical pattern analysis concentrated on physi- cal characteristics generally identifiable in the field (per instructions in Fosberg and Falen 1983) by non-soil scien- tist personnel. Individual soil characteristics were quan- tified for computer analysis and the data entered in an association table format. The initial data set consisted of the following 27 variables for each soil horizon in the vertical sequum: . Sequential horizon number — numbered as 1, 2, 3. . . Horizon genetic designation - USDA SCS (1981) . Depth — to base of horizon in centimeters . Boundary — Soil Survey Staff (1981) . Dry color — Hue — Munsell (1975) . Dry color — Value — Munsell (1975) . Dry color — Chroma — Munsell (1975) . Moist color — Hue — Munsell (1975) . Moist color — Value — Munsell (1975) 10. Moist color — Chroma — Munsell (1975) 11. Structural Grade - USDA SCS (1981) 12. Structural Size - USDA SCS (1981) 13. Structural Shape — USDA SCS (1981) 14. Texture — Gravel — presence/absence coding 15. Texture —-% Clay — percentage from textural OMmAIMHHA kh wWONW-H triangle 16. Texture — % Silt — percentage from textural triangle 17. Texture —- % Sand — percentage from textural triangle 18. Available Water Capacity (AWC) — calculated asa function of textural water holding capacity (USDA SCS 1972), horizon depth, presence of volcanic ash, and per- centage of coarse fragments per horizon 19. Root abundance — Size fine (USDA SCS 1981) 20. Root abundance — Size medium (USDA SCS 1981) 21. Root abundance — Size coarse (USDA SCS 1981) 22. Coarse fragments — Percent gravel by weight 23. Coarse fragments — Percent cobble by volumetric estimate 24. Coarse fragments — Percent stone by volumetric estimate 25. pH — 1:1 soil:water paste 26. Parent material 1 — coding for parent material 27. Parent material 2 — coding for parent material. Five additional pedon summarization or site-specific variables were included in the analysis of soil horizon data: Total depth of organic litter layers; total depth of sequum to C horizon; total effective depth, calculated as the summation of each horizon depth times [(100 — per- cent coarse fragment)/100] down to but not including the C horizon; and total available water capacity, a summa- tion of all horizon AWC’s. Soil temperature, moisture regime, or chemical composition data, such as base satu- ration or cation exchange capacity, were not available for analysis. A complete set of these data and definitions for variables are presented in Neiman (1986). Data Matrix Design—Since root systems are not gen- erally affected by the minor differences that are signifi- cant to soil horizon classification, horizon data was ana- lyzed in a simple sequential order, based on the depth rather than genetic horizon (that is, first, second, third horizon vs. Al, A2, AB, B2,...). This design was also dictated by the similarity-dissimilarity index analysis and ordination techniques available, wherein the presence or absence of data for a group of variables is weighted more heavily than are the individual quantitative values. Con- sider, for example, two pedons identical in all respects except for the presence of a 1-cm-deep A horizon in one of the sequa. Based on the presence-absence relationships in the first set of A horizon variables, ordination tech- niques would place these two pedons in highly dissimilar positions, whereas the presence of such a shallow A hori- zon should be subordinate to similarities for variables in the rest of the horizons. Because categorical names are simply a summarization of horizon characteristics (such as color, texture, . . .), the quantitative data for these characteristics should contain equivalent if not more definitive information. A major problem arises when sequential horizonation rather than genetic horizonation is used for analysis. The problem occurs when one soil description begins with an A horizon and another sample begins with a B horizon. By not us- ing categorical names in the analysis, the ability to differ- entiate A from Bis lost. Forest soils of northern Idaho often do not develop an A horizon, yet when present, it was considered to be potentially significant in analysis of soil-vegetation relationships. Therefore, the first set of 27 horizon characteristics was allotted to only A horizon data, allowing for simplified analysis of presence-absence or quantitative data within only A horizons. For samples having more than one A horizon, a weighted-by-thickness average for all characteristics was used as the single set of A horizon data. The second and subsequent sequential horizon data sets record all other horizonation, and thus are restricted to AB, E, B, C, and R type illuvial and par- ent material horizons. Data Analysis—Analysis was divided into three sepa- rate processes: The first investigated noise and redun- dancy of variables in the data set of 27 characteristics per horizon; the second attempted to delineate naturally oc- curring patterns of soil physical characteristics and assess their relationship to the vegetation types that they sup- port; and the third developed discriminant functions based on soils data that are predictive for habitat type classification. Due to a disparity in both size and units of measure, all variables were standardized to a mean of 1 and a standard deviation of 0.1 (SAS 1982b). All data, raw and standardized, were analyzed for normal, skewed, or bimodal distribution (SAS 1982a) across the entire data set and within sets stratified by habitat type. Noise was considered as variation in one characteristic being not coordinated with variation in another (Gauch 1982). Noise analysis was restricted to use of means and range data, with only those variables which were constant across the data (and therefore contain no useful informa- tion) being removed from further analysis. Correlation analysis of all possible pairs (SAS 1982a) and principal components analysis (Gauch 1977) were used to evaluate redundancy within and relationships between variables across the entire data set and for data stratified by either habitat types or parent material groups. The objective of these analyses was to create a reduced data set of as few independent variables as possible without sacrificing meaningful information. Pattern analysis was conducted using a series of ordina- tion techniques: polar ordination (Bray and Curtis 1957); principal components analysis (Gauch 1977); two-way indicator species analysis (Hill 1979b); and detrended correspondence analysis (Hill 1979a). All of these tech- niques are described as dimensionality reduction tech- niques, but each approaches the problem from a slightly different perspective. All four techniques allow for ordi- nation of both variables and samples in the same analy- sis, which makes them useful for exploring variable re- duction within samples, pattern analysis between samples, and delineation of variables related to patterns of samples. Vegetation-soil relationships were analyzed using a subset of samples stratified by parent material and fur- ther stratified by habitat type. Techniques used to iden- tify significant discriminators were: factor analysis (SAS 1982b); stepwise discriminant analysis (Dixon 1981); and canonical discriminant analysis (SAS 1982b). Using the set of significant variables identified by these programs, classification models based on discriminant functions were developed using discriminant analysis (SAS 1982b). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Data Reduction Criteria for retaining a variable in the data were as follows: continuous or a class of continuous values; not related to short-term vegetational changes or person- caused disturbance; suited to accurate assessment in the field; requires minimal subjective interpretation; and not influenced by other characteristics. Based on these crite- ria, a subset of 11 variables per horizon was selected for use in all further analyses. These were: depth; moist color value; moist color chroma; structural size and shape; percentages of clay, silt, gravel, cobble, and stone; and pH. All variables selected are quantified in terms of continu- ous or classes of continuous units, except for structural shape, which was quantified into categories whose in- creasing values denote increasing development through illuviation of fine soil material. Univariate analysis indi- cated a reasonable normality of distribution for all variables. Initial ordinations were performed using data for all horizons and all 89 pedons. These ordinations produced groupings, based on the presence or absence of data for a single horizon, within a larger sequence of horizons. The number of pedons having data for a fifth and sixth hori- zon was too few to allow meaningful analysis with those horizons included in the data set. Analysis was then reduced to using the physical characteristics of the first four horizons only. Ordination groups created from this reduced data set still contained very dissimilar soils ex- cept for the presence or absence of a thin A horizon or the presence or absence of a fourth horizon. The fourth hori- zon, when present, contained genetic horizon data that described highly dissimilar B, C, or R type characteristics. Although stratification of the data by parent material was considered to have future utility, further ordination analysis, based on inclusion of the fourth horizon data, was deemed meaningless. Ordinations were next performed using data from the upper three horizons and only those samples having an A horizon present. A second set of ordinations was then conducted on this same set of samples using only data from the second and third horizons. Comparison of re- sults of these ordinations indicated that very little infor- mation was lost due to removal of the A horizon charac- teristics. All further analyses use only data from the second and third horizons. Because the data consist of the same 11 variables found in two consecutive horizons, a numerical suffix was added to the name of each of the 22 variables to identify the horizon of origin. Even though an A horizon (that is, the first horizon) did not occur in all pedons analyzed, for consistency the suffixes used were 2 and 3. Widely differing parent materials produce significantly different textural and structural qualities, coarse frag- ment contents, and pH values, but often do not create differences in color or depth. Data were stratified into coarse-textured vs. fine-textured parent material groups in an attempt to eliminate these confounding factors. Basalt was grouped separately due to its basic properties, as opposed to the acidic nature of the other parent materi- als. Three groups were created: Coarse-textured Fine-textured Basalt n=55 n=31 n=3 Alluvium — coarse Alluvium — fine Basalt Glacial drift Argillite Gneiss Loess Granite Mica schist Mixed sedimentary Phyllite Quartzite Schist — fine Quartz monzonite Siltite Sandstone Siltstone Schist — coarse In all cases, voleanic ash, where present, is an overlying amendment to the parent materials. Pattern Analysis If a soil-survey-oriented taxonomy can be developed based on a combination of quantifiable and categorical horizon variables, then numerical taxonomic analysis of these variables should assign the same samples to clus- ters of closely equivalent taxonomic units. One problem created by the monothetic design of the soil taxonomy (USDA SCS 1975) is the emphasis placed on single vari- ables in the delineation of taxonomic units. Two soil se- qua similar in all respects except color of the epipedon can vary taxonomically in Order, Suborder, and/or Great Group. The emphasis in this study was not to mimic the currently accepted soil taxonomy, but rather to investi- gate the classification of polypedons based on multivariate statistical analysis of physical attributes. Because of this approach, the data from individual horizons were not combined into a control section format as used in soil taxonomy (USDA SCS 1975), nor was emphasis in the form of weighting placed on any single variable or set of variables. As soils are extremely variable and multivariate in character, ordination was selected as the means to sum- marize and reduce dimensionality of the data (Gauch 1982). Using the four ordination techniques and the 11 variables for each of two horizons as outlined above, no identifiable relationships were discerned between numeri- cally generated soil groupings, soil taxonomic units (using all hierarchical units from Order to Family), and habitat types within the full data set. Further stratification of the data set to reduce internal variation appeared neces- sary. The coarse-textured parent material group of 55 samples was selected for all further analyses. Analyses of this reduced data set by three of the ordina- tion techniques ranked samples in similar positions within their respective ordinations (Neiman 1986). Even though the rankings of each technique concurred in a general way, a large amount of variation occurred among the soils. Low eigenvalues of the principal component analysis indicated that only 19 percent of the total vari- ation was explained by the first axis, 62 percent by the first five axes, and 86 percent by the first 10 axes. The so- called “cloud” of sample points in multidimensional space in this case truly lived up to its name. This large amount of unexplained variation in the data indicated that either the selected variables were not suitable for numerical grouping or that identifying soil groups numerically at this level of stratification has no statistical or ecological interpretive power. Yet, the ability to develop consistent rankings of samples by the various analytical techniques indicated a potential to define soil groups. The problem in doing so appears to be the small data set and high vari- ation inherent in soils. Variation could be further reduced by stratifying the coarse-textured parent material group to create a subset containing samples from only granite, quartz monzonite, quartzite, and gneiss. This was not performed due to sample size restrictions. Soil-Vegetation Relationships The second objective was to investigate relationships between soil characteristics and forest habitat types. A lack of correlation between the two taxonomic units can be seen in appendix A. If the work of Jenny (1941, 1958) and Major (1951) is correct, then some relatively discrete relationship between the functional factors for soil and vegetation properties should exist. Because a soil series or series-phase classification was not available for most of the study area, and because the samples had not been chemically analyzed, physical soil characteristics were used to analyze soil-habitat type relationships. Data were reduced by removing redundant variables. An “inverse” ordination analysis, sometimes called Q- technique (Williams and Lambert 1961), sorts sample- pairs into similarity groups rather than species-pairs. The four “inverse” ordinations of soil characteristics re- sulted in a high concurrence of rankings of variables (table 2). The assignment of statistical significance to these rankings is meaningless, as the assumptions of linear relationships and independence of terms cannot be met. But almost identical rankings of variables at the extremes of all four ordination techniques identified the same primary group of variables. Structural ped size, ped shape, and coarse fragment content contain variation that appears to be related to internal structure of the data. These relationships were supported by correlation coeffi- cients greater than 0.70 between structural and coarse fragment groups within horizons. Factor analysis, an eigenvector analysis similar to prin- cipal component analysis, describes covariance relation- ships between two or more variables. If structural ped size and shape, or any other group of variables, are sig- nificant covariates, then a single variable is sufficient for analysis. But if a set of variables are not related, then all variables should be retained. Significant covariate rela- tionships were found for seven groups in the first six fac- tors of a varimax rotated factor analysis (SAS 1982b). In Factor 1, the silt and clay content of horizons 2 and 3 Table 2—Comparison of first axis ordination selection of coarse- textured parent material soil characteristics by polar ordination (PO), centered principal components analysis (PCA), two-way species indicator analysis (TWINSPAN), and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). Data set consisted of 22 variables and n= 55. Variable suffix indicates associated horizon number Axis PO PCA TWINSPAN DCA 1 Size2 Size2 Shape2 Size2 2 Shape2 Shape2 Size2 Shape2 3 Shape3 Size3 Shape3 Shape3 4 Size3 Shape3 Size3 Size3 5 Depth3 Depth3 Chroma3 Depth3 6 Clay2 Clay2 Chroma2 pH3 if pH3 Depth2 Value3 Depth2 8 Silt2 Silt2 Depth3 Clay2 9 Depth2 pH3 pH2 Clay3 10 pH2 Silt3 Clay2 pH2 11 Silt3 Clay3 Value2 Silt3 12 Clay3 pH2 Depth2 Silt2 13 Value3 Value2 pH3 Value2 14 Value2 Value3 Clay3 Value3 15 %Stone2 Chroma3 Silt3 Chroma3 16 Chroma3 %Cobble3 Silt2 %Cobble3 Uz Chroma2 %Gravel3 %Stone3 Chroma2 18 %Cobble3 Chroma2 %Stone2 %Gravel3 19 %Stone3 %Cobble2 %Cobble2 %Stone2 20 %Cobble2 %Stone2 %Cobble3 %Cobble2 21 %Gravel3 %Stone3 %Gravel3 %Stone3 22 %Gravel2 %Gravel2 %Gravel2 %Gravel2 were highly related to each other. In Factor 2, structural size and ped shape in horizon 2 and percentage of gravel and cobble content, also in horizon 2, were related, but the two pairs of variables are inversely related to each other. This supports the positioning at the extremes of spatial structure developed by ordination (table 2). The only variables not exhibiting good covariate relationships were chroma and pH of the second horizon and chroma, per- centage gravel, percentage cobble, and pH of the third horizon. Stepwise discriminant analysis (Dixon 1981) computes classification functions for subsets of quantitative vari- ables by means of F values from an analysis of covariance. Table 3 lists the stratification combinations and selected variables for which F values were significant at the 0.90 level or greater. Through this analysis, 14 variables were identified as containing useful information for discrimi- nating between various stratifications of the data. These variables were: Chroma2 Clay2 Size3 Shape3 %Cobble3 Size2 %Cobble2 Depth3 Silt3 pH3 Shape2 pH2 Value3 %Gravel3 Canonical discriminant analysis of the coarse-textured parent material samples stratified into six habitat types resulted in the first three canonical components having F values significant at the 90 percent probability level or greater. All 22 variables had positive or negative correla- tion values greater than 0.5 within the first three canoni- cal components. This is not surprising because factor analysis showed all variables, but five, were members of highly related covariate groups. By selecting the two largest positive and negative values within each of the three canonical components, six pairs of soil variables were identified as being good discriminators for habitat types. Positive canonical coefficient pairs: Value3—Chroma2 %Gravel2 —- %Gravel3 pH3 - Shape3 Negative canonical coefficient pairs: Depth3 — %Cobble3 Clay2 — Silt2 Shape2 — Size2 Calculations similar to those of stepwise discriminant analysis were produced by canonical discriminant analy- sis for each of the 11 other data stratifications. Due to re- dundancy of results, these analyses are not presented. Based on the results of principal component analysis, factor analysis, and stepwise and canonical discriminant analysis, the following four variables were chosen for use in developing discriminant functions: Size2, Size3, %Cobble2, and %Cobble3. Discriminant functions are the most valuable when analyzing homogeneous groups in which clusters of samples overlap (Sneath and Sokal 1973). This appears to be the situation among habitat types and soils. Statis- tical significance can only be ascribed to discriminant functions if the variables are multivariate normal, the variance-covariance matrices are similar, prior probabili- ties are identifiable, and the relationships between vari- ables are linear (Greig-Smith 1983; Pielou 1977; Williams Table 3—Variables selected, significant F value, and degrees of freedom (numerator and denominator) produced by stepwise discriminant analysis on coarse-textured parent material data Degrees of freedom Stratification F Value of data Variable Sig. >0.90 Numerator Denominator Six habitat types Size3 6.522 5 49 %Gravel3 3.277 5 48 pH3 2.902 5 47 Size2 3.157 5 46 %Cobble2 2.575 5 45 Overstory series pH2 5.421 2 52 ABGR-THPL-TSHE Two overstory series pH2 9.008 1 41 ABGR - TSHE Value3 4.447 1 40 Silt3 6.218 1 39 Understory unions Size3 16.187 1 53 CLUN - ASCA Chroma2 7.083 1 52 %Cobble3 4.589 1 51 ABGR/CLUN - %Gravel3 5.108 1 16 ABGR/ASCA %Cobble3 6.765 1 15 Chroma2 7.411 1 14 Shape3 4.973 1 13 TSHE/CLUN - Size3 27.547 1 22 TSHE/ASCA %Cobble3 8.557 1 21 ABGR/CLUN - Size3 13.315 3 39 ABGR/ASCA - %Gravel3 5.534 3 38 TSHE/CLUN - Value3 4.341 3 3 TSHE/ASCA pH3 3.401 3 36 Depth3 3.841 3 35 ABGR/CLUN - pH2 6.429 1 12 TSHE/CLUN Clay2 10.740 1 13 Size3 15.882 1 12 Shape3 11.155 1 11 ABGR/ASCA - Size2 15.228 1 25 TSHE/ASCA %Gravel3 6.665 1 24 Shape2 6.951 1 23 THPLUCLUN - Size3 5.787 3 32 THPL/ASCA - %Cobble2 5.693 3 31 TSHE/CLUN - TSHE/ASCA 1983). All four of these assumptions were violated to some extent in these analyses, leaving exploratory gener- alizations about both the data structure and discriminant functions as the result, rather than statistically signifi- cant conclusions. Using four soil characteristics as variables, the proba- bility of correct classification is equal to or greater than 57 percent for the Abies grandis and Tsuga heterophylla series habitat types, with 33 percent or less accuracy for Thuja plicata habitat types (table 4). The probability of simply guessing the correct habitat type is 16.7 percent. Considering the small sample size and the large amount of unexplained variation indicated by principal component analysis, this degree of classification accuracy is quite good. Although it is somewhat circular to test results with data used to develop the classification scheme, it does act as an acceptable initial test of classification accuracy. In an attempt to increase the sample size per group and reduce apparent variation, the data set was stratified by overstory climax species (that is, Abies grandis, Thuja plicata, Tsuga heterophylla). Table 5 presents the classifi- cation results of discriminant analysis for the three series groups using the same four variables as above. The probability of properly assigning a sample to the A. grandis orT. heterophylla series using the discriminant functions developed is roughly twice the probability of guessing (33.3 percent), whereas for T. plicata it is one- half. Possible reasons for the poor accuracy in T. plicata Table 4—Results of classifying six habitat types by four soil characteristics (Size2, Size3, %Cobble2, %Cobble3) using discrim- inant analysis. Probability of guessing correct classification group is 16.7 percent Predicted group membership Habitat ea aaa a eee ee type Sample ABGR/CLUN ABGR/ASCA THPL/CLUN' THPL/ASCA TSHE/CLUN- TSHE/ASCA -Phase size -CLUN -ASCA -CLUN -ASCA -CLUN -ASCA ore rn ere ee re -e------- Percent - ------------------------------ ABGR/CLUN 7 57.1 0 (0) 0 28.6 14.6 -CLUN ABGR/ASCA 12 16.7 66.7 0 8.3 0 8.3 -ASCA THPL/CLUN 6 0 16.7 16.7 0) 33.3 33.3 -CLUN THPL/ASCA 6 33.3 0 0 3.3 16.7 16.7 -ASCA TSHE/CLUN 9 11.1 Valou 0 (0) 77.8 0 -CLUN TSHE/ASCA 15 0 13.3 0 0 0 86.7 Table 5—Results of classifying three overstory series by four soil characteristics using discriminant analysis Predicted group membership Sample Group ——s series size ABGR THPL TSHE ---------- Percent - --------- ABGR 19 63.2 5.3 SiS THPL 12 Bors) 16.7 50.0 TSHE 24 Kk ic} 0 66.7 Table 6—Results of classifying two understory unions by four soil characteristics using discriminant analysis Predicted group membership Sample Group union size CLUN ASCA -------- Percent - -- ----- CLUN 22 WES 22.7 ASCA 33 18.2 81.8 classification may be that a different set of variables is re- quired as discriminators for this climax tree species, or there simply is too much noise (for example, small data set) in this midground portion of what appears to be a relatively narrow environmental continuum. This prob- lem also occurred in the stepwise discriminant analysis (table 3), wherein no significant variables could be found for habitat type groupings of T. plicata by itself or when combined with samples from the A. grandis series. A much greater accuracy of classification is achieved by stratifying the data based on two understory unions of Clintonia uniflora (Schult.) Kunth. and Asarum caudatum Lindl. Table 6 presents the results of this discriminant classification showing approximately 77 percent and 82 percent proper classification, respectively. Stratification of the data into subsets of a single overstory species and two different understory unions should further increase clas- sification accuracy. The analysis conducted with only 55 samples may have produced results that reflect a simple random structure in the data set. If so, statisticians refer to this model as “over- fitting the data” and not a true response to the system being modeled. Therefore, stratification of these data be- yond the present level precludes further meaningful analy- sis. Tables 7, 8, and 9 present the discriminant score formu- las produced for classification of unknown samples into one of six habitat types, one of three overstory climax series, or one of two understory unions. Appendix B defines values for field quantification of structural ped size and percent- age of cobbles. Using four soil characteristics, the formulas calculate a discriminant score for each vegetation unit within a strati- fication group. The formula that produces the highest discriminating score (DS) has the highest probability of being classified correctly. As an example, one of the origi- nal sample plots, assigned by vegetation analysis to the ABGR/CLUN-CLUN habitat type, has the following values for the four discriminating soil characteristics: Size2 4 %Cobble2 10 Size3 4 %Cobble3 = 20 Table 7—Discriminant score formulas for six habitat types and phases and four soil char- acteristics Habitat type -phase Formula ABGR/CLUN DS = (17.3 Size2 + 15.0 Size3 + 4.5 Cobble2 — 0.01 Cobble3 + 227.9) -CLUN ABGRYASCA DS = (18.4 Size2 + 12.6 Size3 + 4.4 Cobble2 + 0.01 Cobble3 + 231.6) -ASCA THPL/CLUN DS = (16.9 Size2 + 13.1 Size3 + 4.3 Cobble2 + 0.04 Cobble3 + 233.7) -CLUN THPL/ASCA DS = (17.3 Size2 + 13.9 Size3 + 4.6 Cobble2 — 0.01 Cobble3 + 230.3) -ASCA TSHE/CLUN DS = (18.0 Size2 + 14.0 Size3 + 4.5 Cobble2 — 0.06 Cobble3 + 229.8) -CLUN TSHE/ASCA DS = (15.9 Size2 + 12.5 Size3 + 4.1 Cobble2 + 0.12 Cobble3 + 236.6) -ASCA Table 8—Discriminant score formulas for three overstory series and four soil charac- teristics Overstory series Formula ABGR DS = (13.7 Size2 + 7.4 Size3 + 2.9 Cobble2 + 0.56 Cobble3 + 179.3) THPL DS = (13.0 Size2 + 7.5 Size3 + 2.9 Cobble2 + 0.56 Cobble3 + 180.4) TSHE DS = (12.7 Size2 + 7.3 Size3 + 2.8 Cobble2 + 0.57 Cobble3 + 182.3) Table 9—Discriminant score formulas for the modal phase of two understory unions and four soil characteristics Understory union Formula CLUN DS = (10.6 Size2 + 9.2 Size3 + 2.6 Cobble2 + 0.52 Cobble3 + 166.6) ASCA DS = (10.5 Size2 + 8.2 Size3 + 2.5 Cobble2 + 0.57 Cobble3 + 168.7) Using the six formulas in table 7, the discriminant scores (DS) calculated for each of the six habitat types are: ABGR/CLUN-CLUN DS = 401.9 ABGR/ASCA-ASCA DS = 399.8 THPL/CLUN-CLUN DS = 397.5 THPL/ASCA-ASCA DS = 400.9 TSHE/CLUN-CLUN DS = 401.6 TSHE/ASCA-ASCA DS = 393.6 The highest discriminant score, calculated by the ABGR/ CLUN-CLUN formula is 401.9, indicating this is the best choice for classification based on four soil characteristics. Table 4 shows a 57 percent probability that this is a cor- rect classification. A rank order of scores can be used to identify other potential habitat types for consideration as classified units. In the example, the second best habitat type choice would be TSHE/CLUN-CLUN. With highly similar sites, classification errors can occur due to round- ing of significant numbers in the formula. In all cases where discriminating scores are within three-tenths equivalent values (such as 401.9 vs. 401.6), further sup- porting evidence from investigation of onsite or adjacent vegetation is required for accurate classification. Ecological Interpretations Even though soil-vegetation relationships were identi- fied, the ecological interpretations are extremely hypo- thetical. The habitat types used to define the study envi- ronment are positioned along a continuous moisture- temperature gradient. Tsuga heterophylla can maintain viable populations only in the most moderate moisture and temperature regimes found in northern Idaho. Sites adjacent to T. heterophylla, but either too dry, too wet, too hot, or too cold for it to successfully reproduce are gener- ally dominated by Thuja plicata. The harshest environ- ments within this continuum, sites too hot and dry or too cold for T. plicata, are dominated by Abies grandis. The two understory unions likewise respond to environmental gradients, which generally can be described as warm- moist sites supporting both climax Asarum caudatum and Clintonia uniflora, while the colder and/or drier sites support only C. uniflora. Within the theorized functions for soil (Jenny 1941) and vegetation properties (Major 1951), these environmental relations are incorporated in the climate, relief, and parent material factors. Ifa change in vegetation is related to changing environmental factors, then a concurrent, but not necessarily convergent, shift in soil properties should occur. Within the data used for this study no statistically or ecologically significant correlation could be found between habitat types and taxonomic soil units. Reasons for this failure are probably related to: the restricted amount of available data and its nonconformity to statistical con- straints; the relatively narrow environmental gradient encompassed by the habitat types studied; and the broad geographic region included within the data base. Interpretation of ecological relationships between habi- tat types and soil characteristics appears to be related directly to and confounded by climatic conditions that control soil genesis and species composition of the plant community. The cooler and wetter climatic regimes af- fecting northern Idaho are so recent (Mehringer 1985) that most of the vegetation-soil ecosystems are stillina state of flux. Primary successional development of plant communities and soil horizonation are proceeding at dif- ferent rates. Duchaufour (1982) refers to short-cycle and long-cycle patterns of soil formation, with the dominant functional factors being vegetation and climate, respec- tively. The vegetation of northern Idaho has responded rapidly to the climatic change, whereas the soils are im- mature relative to the current conditions of climate and vegetation. This could account for the high variance val- ues for soil characteristics when viewed from the perspec- tive of a narrow vegetational continuum. I hypothesize that the habitat types used in this study are relatively stable in composition given the current climate, but the soils associated with these habitat types have not yet stabilized. CONCLUSIONS For the geographic area studied, there appear to be no universal soil variables or sets of variables that can be used to predict the climax plant communities. The rela- 11 tionships between vegetation and soils are multifactorial and dynamic; the effect upon plant growth or reproduc- tion of any one soil variable changes quantitatively and/or qualitatively with every variation in the complex of envi- ronmental factors. Yet, identifiable relationships do exist between a stratified set of soils and vegetation. This study was able to identify soil characteristics usable for differentiating pairs or groups of habitat types occurring on specific groupings of parent materials in northern Idaho. The concepts explored herein should be widely useful. But they should be applied only to northern Idaho ecosystems; only to the typal phase of the six habitat types discussed; and only to soils developed from the group of coarse-textured parent materials previously defined. The importance of these findings for forest managers is twofold. First, with a large sample size and sufficient insight, a unique set of soils can be correlated with indi- vidual habitat types. Within a habitat type each set of functional soil-forming factors will develop a soil specific to that set of environmental conditions. Second, and probably more important, a silvicultural prescription may not produce a uniform vegetational response when ap- plied to a specific habitat type or habitat type-phase occu- pying more than one type of soil. The use of universal guidelines for prescribed silvicultural treatments, site preparation, selection of regeneration species, stocking levels, and many other management activities has often resulted in failure. Many of these failures were the result of an inappropriate prescription chosen because of insuffi- cient knowledge about these highly complex ecosystems. 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INCLUDES HABITAT TYPES ASSOCIATED WITH FAMILY AND PLOT NUM- BER OF SAMPLE CLASSIFIED TO THAT FAMILY Great Group Eutroboralf Glossoboralf Udifluvent Udipsamment Udorthent Cryandept Cryocrept Cryumbrept Dystrochrept Dystrochrept Subgroup Typic Eutric Typic Typic Typic Entic Andic Dystric Typic Entic Andic Typic Typic Umbric Family fine, mixed, frigid fine-loamy, mixed, frigid fine-loamy, mixed loamy, skeletal, mixed sandy, mixed, frigid sandy, mixed, frigid sandy, mixed, frigid medial over sandy or sandy skeletal coarse-loamy, mixed sandy, mixed loamy, skeletal, mixed sandy, skeletal, mixed fine loamy, mixed, frigid loamy, skeletal, mixed, frigid fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed, frigid loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed, frigid loamy, skeletal, mixed, frigid coarse loamy, mixed, frigid sandy, skeletal, mixed, frigid sandy, skeletal, mixed, frigid Habitat type TSHE/CLUN THPL/ASCA ABGR/CLUN TSHE/CLUN TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA THPL/ASCA THPL/ASCA ABGR/CLUN ABGR/ASCA ABGR/CLUN ABGR/CLUN ABGR/CLUN ABGR/CLUN THPL/CLUN TSHE/CLUN TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA THPL/CLUN THPL/ASCA ABGR/ASCA THPL/CLUN TSHE/CLUN ABGR/ASCA ABGR/CLUN ABGR/ASCA 14 Plot No. 92141 92130 93110 93131 93136 94009 94038 92161 92158 40559 38503 38314 38308 38305 38555 38522 40740 94025 92139 92113 93156 40560 92118 40553 40548 92150 38566 38541 38706 (con.) we pe eae ep La Se APPENDIX A. (Con.) Great Group Subgroup Family Eutrochrept Typic sandy, mixed, frigid Haplumbrept Andic loamy, skeletal, mixed, frigid Vitrandept Typic loamy, skeletal, mixed, frigid medial over loamy, mixed, frigid medial over loamy- skeletal, mixed, frigid Umbric loamy-skeletal, mixed, frigid medial over loamy- skeletal, mixed, frigid Habitat type ABGR/ASCA ABGR/ASCA THPL/ASCA TSHE/CLUN TSHE/CLUN ABGR/ASCA ABGR/ASCA ABGR/ASCA THPL/CLUN THPL/CLUN THPL/ASAC TSHE/CLUN TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA TSHE/ASCA ABGR/ASCA ABGR/ASCA 15 Plot No. 38707 40552 94011 92102 92134 93116 94043 94047 93154 94060 94029 93106 93111 93115 93125 93126 93129 93160 94026 APPENDIX B: DEFINITIONS AND PHYSICAL VALUES FOR FIELD QUANTIFICATION OF ZCOBBLES AND STRUCTURAL PED SIZE (FROM FOSBERG AND FALEN 1983) Cobbles — Rock fragments of rounded, subrounded angular or irregular shape. Size range of 7.6 to 25 cm (3 to 10 in) diameter. %Cobbles — Visual estimate of percent of soil volume occupied by rock fragments of cobble size class. Structural Ped Size — all ped shapes should be measured by the size classes for angular and sub- angular blocky structure. Size Diameter Size Diameter 1 <5 mm 4 20 to 50 mm 2 5 to 10mm 3 10 to 20 mm 16 Neiman, Kenneth E., Jr. 1988. Soil characteristics as an aid to identifying forest habitat types in Northern Idaho. Res. Pap. INT-390. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 16 p. Vegetation and soil physical characteristics were analyzed to identify numerical patterns within the soils data, relationships between soils and habitat types, and soil characteristics related to specific habitat types. Ordination and discriminant analysis techniques were used to identify four soil characteristics useful in identifying soils variation between six highly similar habitat types in northern Idaho. Improved classification techniques will allow for greater accuracy in predicting site capabilities and response of vegetation to disturbance. KEYWORDS: soil-vegetation relationships, numerical soil taxonomy, multivariate soil- vegetation analysis INTERMOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION The Intermountain Research Station provides scientific knowledge and technology to improve management, protection, and use of the forests and rangelands of the Intermountain West. Research is designed to meet the needs of National Forest managers, Federal and State agencies, industry, academic institutions, public and private organizations, and individuals. Results of research are made available through publications, symposia, workshops, training sessions, and personal contacts. The Intermountain Research Station territory includes Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, and western Wyoming. Eighty-five percent of the lands in the Station area, about 231 million acres, are classified as forest or rangeland. They include grasslands, deserts, shrublands, alpine areas, and forests. They provide fiber for forest industries, minerals and fossil fuels for energy and industrial development, water for domestic and industrial consumption, forage for livestock and wildlife, and recreation opportunities for millions of visitors. Several Station units conduct research in additional western States, or have missions that are national or international in scope. Station laboratories are located in: Boise, Idaho Bozeman, Montana (in cooperation with Montana State University) Logan, Utah (in cooperation with Utah State University) Missoula, Montana (in cooperation with the University of Montana) Moscow, Idaho (in cooperation with the University of Idaho) Ogden, Utah Provo, Utah (in cooperation with Brigham Young University) Reno, Nevada (in cooperation with the University of Nevada) USDA policy prohibits discrimination because of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or handicapping condition. Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any USDA-related activity should immediately contact the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250. Intermountain Research Station 324 25th Street Ogden, UT 84401