SOME EFFECTS OF 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXY ACETIC ACID ON THE CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM OF ETIOLATED CORN SEEDLINGS CLANTON C. BLACK, JR. A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNQL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA August, I960 AGRI. CULTURAI LIBRARY AOCJOT/LEDGEMENT This writer wishes to express sincere appreciation to Dr. E. G. Rodgers for his untiring help, constant consideration, inspiring leadership and thoughtful guidance throughout the writer's entire graduate study; to Dr. T. E. Humphreys for the generous use of his laboratory facilities, patient and thorough instructions on unfamiliar techniques, stimulating discussions and thoughtful guidance in the course of this research; to Drs . O. C. Ruelke, D. 0. Spinks and T. W. Stearns, for service on the committee; and to the Department of Agronomy for financial support during this graduate study. The fullest credit is due my wife, who encouraged the writer to undertake this study, and who worked so untiringly in a determined effort to complete this step in our lives. ^^57 i' DEDICATION to my wife Betty Louise Black TAiiLE OF CONTEi^TS Page ACKNaVLEDGE/VE'JT ii DEDICATIOiJ iii LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vi i STATEMENT OF PROr.LE/.l 1 REVIEIV OF LITERATURE 4 Effects of 2,4-D on Gas Exchange Effects of 2,4-D on -Uneral letabolism Effects of 2,4-D on the Metabolism of Carbon Compounds and Related Enzyme Systems .MATERIALS 24 Plant materials Preparation of enzyme extracts EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 28 Studies on the Pentose Phosphate Pathway Pentose disappearance Chromatographic studies on pentose disappear- ance Assays for specific enzymes Gl uc OS e-6- phosphate dehydrogenase 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Studies on the Glycolytic Pathway Phosphoglucoisomerase 6-Phosphofructokinase Aldolase Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase IV Page Phosphoglyceric kinase Carboxylase Phosphoglyceric mutase, enolase and pyruvic kinase Reagents used in these studies RESULTS 43 Studies on the Pentose Phosphate Pathway Pentose disappearance Chromatograpiiic studies on pentose disappear- ance Glucose -6- phosphate dehydrogenase 6-Phospiiogluconate dehydrogenase Studies on the Glycolytic Pathway Phosphoglucoisomerase 6-Phosphofructokinase Aldolase Glycer aldehyde -3 -phosphate dehydrogenase Phosphoglyceric kinase Carboxylases Phosphoglyceric mutase Enolase Pyruvic kinase DIXUSSION 70 SUA.IARY a:© COiCLUSIOrJS 79 3I3LI0GP^P:f/ 82 LIST OF TAMIS Table P^ge 1 PE-JTOSE utilizatio:j a:jd fgr:4ation of HEPTULOSE A:© ilFaOSE 44 2 DISTRI3UTI0M OF CARBOU ATO'-IS FRQ'4 RinOSE-5- phosphate follov;i-jg 60-.ii:!UTE i;jcunATio:i PERIOD ^8 3 ACTIVITY OF GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE DE'lYDROGEN- ASE ^1 4. ACTIVITY OF 6-PlI0SPi-10GLUC0!JATE DEFTi'DROGEIiASE 54 t>. ACTIVITY OF PilOSPIIOGLUCOISQ-.lERASE 56 6. ACTIVITY OF 6-P}I0SPH0FRUCTQKi:JASE 58 7. ACTIVITY OF ALDOLASE 60 8 ACTIVITY OF GLi'CERALDE:f/DE-3-P10SP:^TE DE:I:DR0GEI1ASE 63 9. ACTIVITY OF EiJOLASE 68 VI LIST OF FIGURES Figure f^age 1. Tilt CATA:30LIS4 OF GLUCOSE 3 2. THE REDUCTIOiJ OF TP'A 3Y GLUCOSE -6-PI-10SP:iATE DEIWDROGEIvIASE ir.' CELL-FREE EXTRACTS ... 53 3. THE REDUCTION OF TPH I'Y 6-PHOSPlIOGLUCaJATE dehydroge:sIase ih cell-free FXTPjXCTS ... 53 4. ALDOLASE 61 5. THE REDUCTIO:J OF DPH ;:Y GLYCERALDLiuDE-S- PHOSPIiATE DEiFi'DROGElJASE IM ACETOUE POV/DER EXTRACTS 61 6. GLYCERALDEif/DE-S-PliOSPl'iATE DE.ri'DROGEI>]ASE . 64 7. PHOSPHOGLYCFRIC Kl:iASE 64 Vll STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Copious amounts of research have been directed at attempting to elucidate the basic mechanism or mechan- isms of action of plant growth-regulating materials. De- spite the intensive and persistent efforts of research workers to solve this problem, the basic mechanism or mech- anisms of action of plant growth-regulators are not known (56). Since 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is one of the earliest known synthetic plant growth-regulating compounds, more research has been directed at attempting to elucidate its basic mechanism of action than for any other compound. A major area of research on the basic mechanism of action of 2,4-D is its effects on plant meta- bolism. Recently, Humphreys and Dugger (80, 81, 82) noted that 2,4-D affected the catabolism of glucose in etiolated corn seedlings (Zeg m^y? L.) by increasing the participa- tion of the pentose phosphate pathway in glucose catabolism (Figure l). Their Xb viyp work indicated that glucose catabolism was accommodated almost entirely via the pentose phosphate pathway in the roots of 2,4-D treated corn seed- lings. These results stimulated the research in this dissertation, which v;as undertaken to evaluate the effect or effects of 2,4-D on the jjn vitro activity of enzymes extracted from the roots of 2,4-D treated corn seedlings. The basic hypothesis of this study was that 2,4-D affected the activity of an enzyme or enzymes of either the glycolytic pathway or the pentose phosphate pathv;ay (Figure l) or both, which results in a shift of the major pathv/ay of glucose catabolism. To test this hypothesis, the activities of the enzymes of the control, i.e. buffer treated etiolated corn seedlings, v;ere compared with the activities of the enzymes of the 2,4-D treated etiolated corn seedlings. This comparison was made in each experi- ment in this study. The studies on the pentose phosphate pathway (Figure l) consisted of assaying the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, and studying the disappearance of ribose-5-phosphate (R-5-P) and the appearance of heptulose and hexose. The glycolytic pathway was studied by assaying for the activities of each enzyme of the pathway from glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) to pyruvate (Figure l). starch. glucose A Y glucose-6-phosphate- B K 6-phospho- gluconolactone 6-phospho- cluconate ribulose-5- phosphate N ribose-5- yphosphate ^0 P erytlrerose- 4-phosphate glyceraldehyde;;^ 3-phosphate sedoheptulose- ^ 7-phosphate 2 carbon pool xyulose-5- phosphate Glycolytic enzymes: A. hexokinase B. phosphoglucoisomerase C. 6-phosphofxuctokinase D. aldolase E. triose isonnerase F. glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate dehydrogenase G. phosphoglyceric kinase H. phosphoglyceric mutase I, enolase . J. pyruvic kinase Pentose phosphate pathway enzymes: K. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase :^ fruct OS e-6- phosphate C V fructose-1, 6-phosphate D dihydroxy- acetone phosphate 1, 3-d iphosphogly cerate G 3-phosphoglycerate Y H 2-phosphoglycerate I phospho-enol- pyruvate Y pyruvate krebs cycle L. gluconolactonase M. 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase N. phosphoriboisomerase 0. phosphoketopentoepimer- ase P. transketolase Figure 1. THE CATA130LIS\< OF GLUCOSE. REVIEW OF LITERATURE A prodigious amount of research was stimulated when the hormone types of plant growth-regulators such as 2,4-D were introduced in the early nineteen-f orties . This growth- regulator was extensively studied, primarily because it selectively controlled dicotyledonous plants and because it was cheap, safe and easy to use. By virtue of its selectivity, the commercial use of 2,4-D was quickly devel- oped. Hundreds of compounds have been synthesized since the introduction of 2,4-D which exhibit varying degrees of phytotoxicity. 3ut it soon became evident and is more evi- dent today that very little basis existed for the synthesis of new compounds and that practically nothing was known concerning the basic mechanisms whereby these compounds influenced plant grov/th. V/hile it is true that many plant growth-regulating substances have been synthesized and developed to such a degree that they can be used commer- cially without a knowledge of their mode of action in plants, it is perhaps equally true that a clearer under- standing of the modes of actions of the known growth- regulating substances could assist in making better use of the known substances and could orient the synthesis of new substances. 4 A complete review of the literature covering hundreds of experiments on the effects of 2,4-D on plants demon- strated several prominent factors. First, a large percent- age of the data available was on the practical uses of 2,4-D in agriculture. Second, many of the studies directed at determining the effects of 2,4-D on plants were concerned with morphological or anatomical effects produced by 2,4-D at varying periods up to a year after application. Studies of this type seem to be concerned with the result of 2,4-D' s action, but do not seem to be directly related to its in- itial mechanism of action. Third, some short-time studies, i.e. some as short as five minutes, showed that 2,4-D has some effects on plants within a fairly short period of time. Several workers have advanced the idea that to learn the basic mechanism of 2,4-D' s action, studies should begin soon after its application to the plant. This approach seems logical. Therefore, this review of literature will not cite many research papers in which the data were collected long, i.e. several weeks or months, after application of 2,4-D. Fourth, although numerous hypotheses have been advanced con- cerning the mode of action of 2,4-D, none have completely withstood the intensive scrutiny of repeated and extended research. Fifth, 2,4-D may have several modes of action, and a search for the mode of action might be futile. Sixth, several theories as to the mode of action of 2,4-D were reasonably supported by research data and should be con- sidered in a study of the possible mode or modes of action of 2,4-D. ^ After considering the factors cited above, it was decided to limit this review of literature to research papers v;hich deal with the probable initial mode or modes of action of 2,4-D and several physiological responses to 2,4-D. Effects of 2f4-D on G^s E)^chanqe Although the effects of 2,4-D on gas exchange by numerous plants or tissues thereof have been studied extensively, these studies have not been effective in determining the mode of action of 2,4-D. Several reasons exist for this lack of effectiveness. When it is reported that 2,4-D increases or decreases or does not affect the oxygen uptake of a particular plant, this is just a general observation because many areas or sites in plant's meta- bolism could be stimulated or inhibited by 2,4-D. Thus, the general effect a worker might record, such as oxygen uptake or carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution, could be caused by many reactions within a plant. Numerous other variables which could cause changes in gas exchange are the age and type of plant tissues used, concentration of 2,4-D, length of time tissue is treated, length of time between treatment and recording of experimental data, pH of the 2,4-D solu- tion, portion of plant studied, soil moisture supply, and and prior nutrition of the plant tissue. Because the gas exchange by 2,4-D treated tissue is dependent upon such a large number of variables, it is not surprising that increases (6,16,19,20,34,51,71,78,80,92,116,123,143) and decreases (77,110,112,147,149,157,162) or no effects (83,89,114,159) have been observed by many research workers. In experiments on the effect of 2,4-D on photosynthesis, similar types of results have been reported (36,41,47,100,114). Therefore, although the information from gas exchange studies has been useful in delineating areas for further study, it has not pro- vided the answer to the mechanism of action of 2,4-D. Effects ?f 2^4-D on wlinergl Aetabolism Similarly, the same variables which influence the gas exchange from plants treated with 2,4-D also can influence other aspects of metabolism. Wolf et al. (165) observed, 14 days after treating soybeans (Glycine max L.) growing at three levels of nitrogen {l) with a solution of 20 ppm of 2,4-D, that the potassium in treated leaves was lower, but that the potassium level in the entire plant was not affected. Similar effects were noted when tomato plants (lycffP^r- sicon e^culentum -Ull) (126,127) were treated with 2- methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (XPA) and tobacco (Nicotiana 1;abacum L.) with 2,4-D (164). Cooke (33) stated that within the first 24 hours after treating beans 8 (PI)a^e9).iis vu),qari§ L.) with 2,4-D, the uptake of potassium was markedly increased, but that after 24 hours this uptake was markedly inhibited. He postulated that a stimulation followed by an inhibition could be due to a similar effect on respiration which might control the uptake of minerals from the soil. Bass et al. (9) applied 2,4-D to a primary leaf of cranberry beans and in six days noted a higher potassium content in leaves and roots, and a lower content in stems of treated plants than in control plants. An interesting relation of potassium nutrition to translocation of 2,4-D was reported by Rice and Rohrbaugh (128). They noted that low potassium levels in tomato plants inhibited 2,4-D translocation, while increasing the potassium levels increased translocation. Treatment with 2,4-D has been observed to inhibit the accumulation of potassium nitrate (KiJO^) in excised v;heat roots (JiiiisuTQ spp) (114), and to promote the accumulation of the salt in sugar beet leaves (ggta vyt^gari? L.) (145). Hanson and Bonner (67) stated that 2,4-D has no direct effect on the process of salt uptake, but that it has three indirect effects: 2,4-D promotes uptake of rubidium (Rb), which can be related to increased tissue hydration; pre-treatment with 2,4-D results in reduced salt uptake which is attributed to a competition between salt and water for a common energy supply; and pre-treatment with 2,4-D results in an increased capacity to gain Rb in the initial hour of absorption. This is interpreted as signifying an increased cation exchange capacity of the tissue resulting from increased growth. Wolf et al. (I6b) grew soybeans at three nitrogen levels. When he treated them at the same rate, the plants at the highest level were easiest to kill, and the ease of kill was correlated with the nitrogen level. This indicates that plants in a high metabolic state were more adversely affected by 2,4-D. The data of Asana et al. (4) indicate that per unit volume, the rate of uptake of nitrogen is not affected by 2,4-D, but that the total nitrogen uptake may be reduced due to restricted root growth. Klingman and Ahlgren and Rhodes (126) reported some results which generally agree with this. Berg and McElroy (12) and Frank and Grigsby (46) reported 2,4-D treatment caused an increased nitrate content of certain weeds and crops, but in other weeds and crops the treat- ment had no effect, Rakitin and Zemskaia (121) reported results of treat- ing the susceptible bean plant in which the nitrogen up- take is sharply decreased, while in the more resistant oat (Av^n^ sativa L, ) the nitrogen uptake is only slightly decreasedo He postulated that this differential response is an indication of resistance against 2,4-D by oats, and that cereals are more capable of detoxication of 2,4-D, The metabolism of phosphorus in 2,4-D treated plants has been studied extensively due to the key role of phos- phorus in plant metabolism (107,108). The results of these studies are quite variable. This variation cf results 10 probably is caused by the same factors which were listed as influencing gas exchange measurements. Increased phosphorus uptake was observed (IGO) aiid increased inorganic phosphorus content of the entire plant (lOl), stems (125) and roots (9) has been reported. Decreased inorganic phosphorus content has been reported in whole plants (126,118) and in the leaves (43,120,125,164) while others have reported that 2,4-D treatment had no effect on the phosphorus content of the entire plant (165), leaves (9), stems (9,43) or roots (43,125). Rohrbaugh and Rice (130) and Fang and i>utts (43) presented data which indicate that 2,4-D is not readily translocated in phosphorus deficient plants and that when phosphorus is supplied, the distribu- tion of 2,4-D and phosphorus follov^s the same pattern. Despite the contradiction in the results given above, several papers present results which indicate that a mechanism of action of 2,4-D is related to phosphorus metabolism. Fang and Butts (43) demonstrated that the 32 incorporation of p into glucose-1-phosphate and hexo- sediphosphate was influenced by 2,4-D treatment. Thus, 2,4-D could be affecting phosphorus metabolism or sugar metabolism, or both. Qrmrod and Williams (113) demonstrated a striking decrease in the inorganic phosphate content of soybeans within less than five minutes. Concurrently, the soluble organic phosphorus increased in the same striking manner. This work, in particular, illustrates the need for short time-intervals between treatment and analysis of the 11 plant to deteroiine the initial mechanism of action of 2,4-D. Cooke (33) noted that the uptake of calcium was en- hanced initially by 2,4-D treatment, but that within 48 hours the uptake was decreased. Calcium has been reported to be higher in leaves (165) and roots (164) of 2,4-D treated plants, although Bass et al. (9) stated that six days after treatment the calcium content of all tissues of cranberry beans is lower than that of the controls. The effect of calcium on cell wall elasticity and plasticity is of particular interest due to the demonstra- tion by several research groups that auxin may affect the activity of pectin methylesterase (PIE) (1,21,60,61,62). The general theory of the effect of calcium on cell walls is that the divalent cation reduces wall plasticity by cross-linking two carboxyl groups (1,48). '>'1ethylation of pectin is thought to increase wall plasticity by reducing the number of carboxyl groups which may be cross-linked by divalent cations (l). Qrdin et al. (117) presented data which indicate that indole acetic acid (lAA) increased the formation of methylesters of pectin. These data support the hypothesis that esterif ication of carboxyl groups of pectin is involved in the mechanism of cell expansion. Bryan and Newcomb (21) noted that lAA stimulated the activity of PME above the control level. Glaszious and Inglis (60,61,62) presented data which indicate that auxins are effective in binding P*4E tc cell wall preparations. 12 P'4E theoretically controls the methyl content of pectin by demethylation; thus, if auxin reduced its activity, an increase in the total methyl content of pectin could occur. Therefore, in the presence of auxin, the methyl content of pectin is increased, and consequently cell expansion is increased. If this reaction of auxin is a binding of P-IE, it should be insensitive to metabolic conditions such as temperature and presence of oxygen. The work of Adamson and Adamson (l) supports this idea and further substantiates the theory that auxin-induced cell wall expansion could be caused by an auxin-induced absorption of PME. In 1955, Bennet -Clark (ll) noted that the chelating substance ethylenediaminetetra^cet ic acid (EDTA) would act as a growth substance by stimulating the extension growth of Avena coleoptiles. v.'orking independently, Johnson and Colmer (83,84) and Heath and Clark (68,69) reported that plant growth substances could act as chelating agents. They proposed that the growth promoting action of plant growth substances is through the binding of ions such as copper, magnesium ( -^g) and calcium. Further research has generally given support to this theory (3,23,32,70,85,86), although Fawcett (44) repeated the work on changes in optical density (O.D.) due to chelation, and concluded that changes in 0. D. were not due entirely to chelation. The general status of this theory today is that chelation could affect certain enzymatic reactions 13 and shift metabolic patterns, thus affecting growth; but this has not been substantiated and, therefore, does not eliminate the possibility that the growth-regulating molecule could have other properties which affect growth. The effects of 2,4-D on other nutritional elements have been studied, but no conclusive results have been reported (9,33,160,165). Effg£tS-fif...2»4rP.,on.,.the , 'letabsIi^3„.Qf , Caj:b.Qn..CQapgynds gr)dRelat|ed_EnzYm^ System^ The possibility that auxins affect the metabolism of carbon compounds and play a role in enzyme activity was realized in the early research on the mechanism of action of auxin. In work with Aye pa coleoptile sections, 3erger and Avery (13,14) noted that the activities of glutamic isocitric, alcohol and malic dehydrogenases were in- hibited, enhanced, or not affected, depending upon the concentration of lAA present. Thus, they postulated a role of enzyme activator for auxins. Many research vi/orkers presently are continuing work on this basic idea, although they do not agree as to what area of metabolism is affected. Tv;o major areas of research on the mode of auxin action have developed, one in favor of some phase of intermediary metabolism and the other in favor of changes in cell structure and the ensuing water absorption (22). It seems logical to hold to the idea that some change in the plant's metabolism could occur initially, and this could 14 influence changes in cell structure and subsequent water absorption. The metabolism of nitrogen containing substances in plants as affected by 2,4-D treatment has been studied extensively. Although the results are not specific, several general effects of 2,4-D treatment have been observed which are reproducible. The total protein content of treated tissue generally is increased (34,40,49,54,124,132,133,163, 172), but decreases have been noted in leaves (34,49,50), while simultaneous protein increase in stems and roots of the same plants resulted in a total increase in protein. Galston and Kaur (55) fed labeled 2,4-D to etiolated pea stem (Plgum sativum L.) sections for 18 hours. Centri- fuged fractionation revealed that the labeled fraction was localized in the centrifugal supernatant fraction devoid of all particles. '.■.'hen this fraction was heated, the protein from treated cells did not coagulate after ten minutes of boiling, while the untreated proteins produced a copius white precipitate under the same con- dition. This effect on proteins correlated closely with the effect on growth at various concentrations of 2,4-D. The treatment did not affect the total protein content. Auxin analogs which did not promote growth were less effective or completely ineffective in preventing coagula- tion. The effect was greatly reduced or not produced at all when growth substances were added in vitro. The auxin-induced alteration of the physical state of cellular 15 proteins may be ioiportant in explaining auxin action. Gordon (63) reported some results which indicated lAA may be associated with proteins as an absorbed, unstably bound electrolyte. Studies on the effect of 2,4-D on amino acids have been inconclusive, with increases (2,54,99,119,124) and decreases (54,99,119) in free amino acids having been reported. A partial explanation of this type of results might be a stimulation of deaminating enzymes as re- ported by Moewus (113). Akers and Fang (2) exposed 2,4-D treated beans to €^^©2 and found a large increase in the incorporation of C-"- into aspartic and glutamic acids. They also noted a decrease in photosynthesis. Thus, they postulated more CQ2 enters through the Krebs cycle with a subsequent increase in amino acids. Boroughs and Bonner (17) found that lAA did not affect the incor- poration of labeled glycine or leucine into proteins of corn and Ayena coleoptiles. Luecke et al. (102) reported that the contents of thamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acids were decreased in leaves and increased in stems of 2,4-D treated beans. The activity of proteolytic enzymes in 2,4-D treated tissues has been studied with increases, decreases, or no effects on their activity being reported (48,49,50,121,124). The effect of auxins on nucleic acid metabolism appears to be a particularly fruitful area of research. It is generally agreed among physiologists and biochemists 16 that nucleic acids are key components in the control of grov/th. Skoog (139) presented a good discussion of the role of nucleic acids in growth and presented a hypothesis link- ing lAA action with nucleic acid metabolism. He gave experimental results in which both deoxyribonucleic acid (D:ja) and ribonucleic acid (RMA) are increased in tobacco pith tissue treated with lAA (136). Croker (35) studied the effect of 2,4-D on mitosis in Alliym cepa L. He noted that 2,4-D affected the nucleic acid cycle in much the same manner as ionizing radiation. Skoog (139) also noted the striking similarities in effects produced by chemical grov/th-regulators and ionizing radiation. As further evidence of their participation in growth, Rasch et al. (122) noted that both R'.Vk and D:]A levels increased in tumor cells from plant tissue. Rebstock et al. (125) reported that the nucleic acid phosphorus content in stem tissue from 2,4-D treated plants was approximately double that of the non-treated stem tissue. West et al. (163) noted that herbicidal concentrations of 2,4-D increased R.'-IA content of soybean stem tissue. Other workers have noted that 2,4-D treatment increased the soluble organic nitrogen fraction in plant tissues (49,50,166). Biswas and Sen (15) floated coleoptile sections in substrates labeled with P^^ ^^ q14 ^^^^^i and without lAA in a study of the incorporation of labeled compounds. After tv;o hours the nucleic acid fraction of the sections was isolated and the radioactivity determined. The activity 17 was taken as an indication of the effect of lAA on in- corporation and thus the effect of lAA on the cellular metabolisn. D:ja and RfJA fractions from L\A treated tissue 39 incubated with p^^ counted higher, indicating that lAA affected the synthesis of nucleotides coTiposing the nucleic acids. V/hen incubated with labeled acetate, formate or glycine, lAA treatment did not affect the counts, lie concluded that lAA stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides and phosphorylation reactions as evidenced by the tracer studies; while the compounds labeled with C , which were all known to contribute to the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases of nucleic acids, were not stimulated. Thus, the reactions leading to synthesis of purine and/or pyrimidine ox to sugar moieties of the nucleic acids were not affected, even though the phos- phorylation reactions were affected. Key and Hanson (91), in a study of the soluble nucleotides of etiolated soybean seedlings, noted that 2,4-D induced a large increase in one fraction eluted from an ion-exchange column. V/hen this compound was added to excised root tips or isolated mitochondria, it acted as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation in a manner similar to that of dinitrophenol (D\'P), Other workers have shown that 2,4-D can act as an uncoupling agent of oxidative phosphorylation (19,147). Aaxie and Forti (104) states that the primary effect of auxin does not depend upon phosphate acceptor availability, but more probably 18 involves the activation of oxidative enzymes. French and Lieevers (51) agree somewhat with this view in their idea that anabolic reactions catalyzed by 2,4-D stimulate the use of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and thus respira- tion. In further studies, Key et al. (92) found mitochon- dria from 2,4-D treated tissue to be larger and to have an increase in phosphorylative and oxidative rates when compared with mitochondria from untreated tissue. He also noted that during growth, these mitochondria increased in acid-soluble nucleotides, phospholipides, and possibly R'.IA. He concluded that gro'.\rth induced by auxins involves a grov/th of mitochondria and that this growth is regulated through nucleotide metabolism. Very little work has been done on the effect of 2,4-D on lipid metabolism. This lack of research probably is due to the lack of information on the normal metabolism of lipids. Key et al. (92) reported that 2,4-D increased the phospholipides in mitochondria during growth. Weller et al. (161) reported that the percentage of fatty acids in bean plants treated with one drop of 0.1 percent 2,4-D was not affected six days after treatment. The percentage of total lipids (ether extract) v;as reported by Sell et al. (131) to be slightly increased in cranberry beans following treatment with ortho, meta and para-chlorophenoxyacetic acids. The activity of castor bean (Ricj.nus communis Linn.) was inhibited as much as 70 percent by 2,4-D (66). Kvamme 19 et al, (97) reported that wheat germ and castor bean lipases were inhibited by 2,4-D with castor bean lipase being inhib- ited on the order of 400 times more than wheat germ lipase. Total starch content in 2,4-D treated tissues usually is decreased (111,123,132,142,143,151,165,166,167) as are other polysaccharides (94,132), Only two papers (80,161) reported that 2,4-D had no effect on the starch or poly- saccharide content. V/ort and Cowie (168) reported the ac- tivity of amylase was increased in 2,4-D treated tissues, although other workers have reported that starch hydrolysis was inhibited in yitro by 2,4-D (18,151). Neely et al. (U5) reported that the activity of both alpha and beta amylase was inhibited by 2,4-D. Salivary amylase was also reported to be inhibited la vitro by 2,4-D (156), but crystalline human amylase was reported to be non-responsive to 2,4-D jjj vitro (45). tost of the work with polysaccharides indicates that 2,4-D treatment increases their utilization jji yiyp. It was proposed fairly early in the search for the mode of action of 2,4-D, that carbohydrates were depleted and the plant subsequently died (111). Klingman and Ahlgren (94) stated that at death the carbohydrates would be nearly ex- hausted, but further research has not substantiated this theory (123,143). The changes in sugar content of 2,4-D treated plant tissues have been reported by numerous workers. Mitchell and Brown (ill) reported that sugars in 2,4-D treated morning-glory ( Ippmoea spp) plants increased above the 20 controls at first, but then decreased and were nearly depleted by the third week folloiving treatments, Using dandelions (Taraxacum officinale '■'.'. ). Ras-nussen (123) found that 2,4-D treatment caused an initial rapid in- crease in reducing sugar content of roots, but that later the reducing sugar content fell toward the level of the controls. He concluded that the action of 2,4-D on dandelion was principally one of destruction of carbo- hydrate reserves. Smith (142) noted that the amount of soluble sugars rose slightly by the third day following 2.4-D treatment, then fell steadily. Buckwheat plants (Faqopyrum esculentum M. ) sprayed with 2,4-D were analyzed for total sugars by Wort (167). He found total sugar increased in the stem the first two days but fell below the controls afterward; total sugar in roots and leaves declined steadily. Similar results also were reported later (166). Both reducing and non-reducing sugars were lower in stems of 2,4-D treated beans (132) and wild garlic (Allium vineale L. ) (94). Weller et al. (161) reported that non-reducing sugars v>/ere depleted in bean leaves and roots following 2,4-D treatment. Wolf et al. (165) reported reducing sugars were consistently higher in treated plants. Two groups of workers reported that reducing sugar content was not affected by 2,4-D treatment (80,161). Skoog and Rcbinson (140) incLbated tobacco stem segments with various concontrations 21 of lAA for several months. They noted that reducing sugar content increased in all cases. In 1956, Humphreys and Dugger (78) began a series of experi-nents on the effects of 2,4-0 on plant metabolis-n. They noted that, although 2,4-D treatment increased the rate of respiration of etiolated pea seedlings, the respira- tory quotient of both treated and untreated seedlings remained near 1.0. These results suggested that carbo- hydrate v;as the major substrate being oxidized in both treated and untreated seedlings. In 1957, they (80) re- ported that the reducing sugar, sucrose and starch con- tents of 2,4-D treated and untreated seedlings were essentially the same, thus concluding that the higher rate of respiration in 2,4-D treated seedlings was not due to a greater amount of respiratory substrate being present in these seedlings. The pathways of glucose catabolism in both 2,4-D treated and untreated root tips of pea, corn and oat seedlings were evaluated in short-time experiments by collecting the C O2 evolved when glucose-i-C and glucose-6-C were supplied as substrates (79). This work was based on the idea that if glucose were broken down via the glycolytic pathway, the rate of C ©2 production from the first and the sixth carbon of the glucose molecule should be the same. If, on the other hand, glucose were broken down via the pentose phosphate 14 pathway, the rate of C 0 production from the first carbon of the glucose molecule would initially be greater 22 than that from the sixth carbon. In these experiments, they found that 2,4-D caused an increase in the amount of glucose catabolized via the pentose phosphate pathway. They postulated that 2,4-D increases respiration by causing more glucose to be catabolized via the pentose phosphate pathway (80). They further demonstrated by feeding labeled sub- strates, i.e. glucose, pyruvate, succinate and acetate, that both 2,4-D and D;JP promoted catabolisn of exogenous substrates by blocking synthetic metabolic pathways in intact etiolated corn root tips (81). Further evidence of glucose catabolism via the pentose phosphate pathway in 2,4-D treated tissue was obtained using labeled glu- cose and labeled gluconate (82). They concluded that in etiolated corn root tips the catabolism of glucose, when 10 molar (-1) 2,4-D was used, was almost totally accommodated via the pentose phosphate pathway. Fang et al. (42) fed labeled glucose to bean stem tissues and concluded that 2,4-D treatment caused an increase in the amount of glucose catabolized via the glycolytic se- quences. The variation in the results of Fang et al. and those of Humphreys and Dugger could be caused by several factors: Humphreys and Dugger' s results were obtained i-nmediately following 2,4-D treatment, whereas Fang et al. used tissue which had been treated seven days prior to the study; difference in plant tissues 23 used; and the point made by Humphreys and Dugger (82), that evaluation of catabolic pathway of glucose based only on the yield of C O from labeled glucose is not possible. Thus, the v;ork by Humphreys and Dugger strongly indicated that 2,4-D treatment increased glucose catabolism via the pentose phosphate pathway as opposed to the normal glyco- lytic scheme. These results stimulated the research of this thesis. .■^TERIALS Pj-ant fnateriaJ^s. Corn seed (var. Dixie 18) were soaked in distilled water 24 hours with aeration and placed in porcelain trays on moist paper towels. The trays were covered with a sheet of aluminum foil and placed in the dark at 22° C for 60 hours. The etiolated seedlings were divided into two groups and then were placed in glass microscope slide trays with the roots down and the cotyledons resting on the microscope slides. One group of the seedlings was treated by immersing the roots in phosphate buffer, pH 5.3, lO"^ '4. The other group of seedlings was treated by immersing the roots in buffer plus 2,4-D, 10""^ M. The trays were placed in the dark for 12 hours at 22° C. After a 12- hour treatment period the seedlings were removed, washed, blotted dry and the roots excised. The roots from each group were weighed and used to prepare enzyme extracts. Preparation of enzyme extracts. Two kinds of ex- tracts were prepared from each group of roots. Cell-free extracts and acetone powder exti-cts were prepared from each group. The same procedure was followed for both 2,4-D and buffer treated roots. 24 25 Ten grams of excised roots were added to 100 milliters (ml) of water (4-6*^ C) and placed under refrigeration for about 30 minutes. The water was decanted off and the roots ivere placed in an ice-cold mortar containing 10.0 ml of 0.05 4 tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (Tris), pH 7.4 plus 1.0 ml of 1.0 ..1 EDTA. The roots were ground until no intact roots were visible. The resulting homogenate was filtered through four layers of cheesecloth, and the resulting filtrate centrifuged at 900 X gravity (G) for ten minutes at 0° C. The yellowish-brown supernatant fraction was de- canted and its pM adjusted to 7.0 with dilute sodium hydroxide (.M'aOH) . The supernatant (12-18 ml) then was placed in cellophane tubing and dialyzed overnight under refrigeration against two 500 ml portions of 0.01 A Tris, pH 7.4. The dialyzing solution was changed about 10:00 p.m. each evening. After dialysis, the pH of the dialyzed supernatant was adjusted to 7.4 with dilute NaOH. This dialyzed supernatant was designated as a cell-free extract. Cell-free extracts were used the same day they were prepared. The procedure followed in preparation of the acetone po'.vder extracts is essentially that given by i^ageman and Arnon (65). Ten grams of corn roots were added to 100 ml of water (4-6*^ C) and placed in the refrigerator for about one hour. The water was decanted off and the roots were ground until no intact roots 26 were visible in an ice-cold mortar which contained 15 ml of 0.1 -A phosphate buffer, pH 8.2, which was 0.03 .A with respect to F:DTA. Cold acetone (125 ml, -15° C) was added slowly with stirring to the homogenate. The resulting slurry was immediately filtered with suction through Whatman number one filter paper on a Buchner funnel. The precipitate was washed three times with 75 ml portions of cold acetone (-15° C) and left under suction until free of an acetone odor. The filter paper containing the precipitate was placed in a vacuum dessicator and evacuated with a water aspirator for 15 minutes. The vacuum was released and phosphorus pentoxide (P20t) was added to the dessicator, a vacuum was drawn and the precipitate was dried in vacuo for 12 hours. Then the acetone powders were stored in a dessicator, over calcium chloride, in the refrigerator. Acetone powder extracts were prepared by an extrac- tion procedure which consisted of stirring the filter paper plus the acetone powder (a fibrous yellow material) for 15 minutes in 25 ml of a solution which contained 0.01 .A phosphate buffer and 0.0015 M EDTA, pH 7.2. The resulting slurry was centrifuged at 10,000 X G for five minutes at -5° C, then filtered through V/hatman number one filter paper. The resulting filtrate v/as designated as the acetone powder extract. All extracts were used the same day they were prepared. 27 The nitrogen content of each extract was determined by digesting 0.1 ml of the extract in 1.0 ml of sulfuric acid, followed by Nesselerization. Therefore, the activ- ity of each enzyme in each extract is presented on a nitrogen or protein basis. The nitrogen concentration was multiplied by 6.25 to obtain protein concentration. EXPERI..tE[vITAL PROCEDURE Studies on the Pentose Pl)o$ph>a1;e P^thwa^y Pentose di^app^ar^rjce. Ribose-5-phosphate was used as the substrate in these studies on pentose disappearance. Reaction mixtures were prepared, using cell-free and acetone powder extracts, which contained R-5-P. At the times zero and 60 minutes, the concentrations of pentose, heptulose and hexose were determined. To support these studies, chromatographs were made of solutions prepared from the reaction mixtures at zero and 60 minutes. Each reaction mixture used for studying the disappear- ance of pentose and the appearance of heptulose and hexose was prepared in a long, narrow test tube in a water bath at 38 C. The reaction was started by adding the cell-free or acetone powder extract. Each reaction mixture consisted of: 0.2ml of triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TP;j) (4 milli- grams (mg)/ml); 0.1 ml of f lavinadenine mon-nucleotide (FMN) (1 mg/ml); 0.1 ml of -IgCl^ (O.l ^) ; 3.4 ml of Tris buffer (pli 7.4, 0.1 l) ; 0.2 ml of R-5-P (O.l A); and 2.0 ml of cell-free or acetone powder extract to give a total of 6.0 ml. At the timed increments of zero and 60 minutes after starting the reaction, aliquots (l.O or 2.0 ml) of the 28 29 reaction mixture were taken and immediately mixed with equal volumes of 10.0 percent trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to stop the reaction. The resulting mixture was centri- fuged at 900 X G for five minutes to remove protein. The supernatant fraction was used to determine pentose, hep- tulose and hexose concentrations in the reaction mixture at the indicated times. Pentose was determined colorimetrically by the orcinol method of Bail (8) as modified by viejbaum (109). When reacted with orcinol, pentoses yield a product with a maximum absorption at 670 millimicrons (mu) , Heptulose also was determined with orcinol following the general procedure of Horecker and Smyroniotis (74). The heptu- lose maximum absorption occurs at 580 mu. Horecker and Smyroniotis (74) outlined the procedure followed in the pentose and heptulose determinations. The concentrations of pentose and heptulose in an unknown solution can be calculated from density measurements at 670 mu and 580 mu, which are obtained from the unknown solution and from known standards of the pentose, arabinose, and the hep- tulose, sedoheptulosan. Hexoses were determined colorimetrically by the method of Dische et al. (37). Ashwell (5) outlined the procedure followed in these experiments. To determine hexose, 1.0 ml of the supernatant fraction described above was added to 4.95 ml of a mixture of six parts of sulfuric acid to one part of water, cooled, then boiled 30 three minutes, cooled, 0.11 ml of cysteine hydrochloride added, mixed and allowed to stand for two hours at room temperature. The hexose concentration then was deter- mined by obtaining the O.D. readings at 415 and 380 mu and comparing these O.D. readings with those obtained from known concentrations of the hexose, glucose. Samples of known sugars were run in preliminary experiments to test the reliability of the procedures described above. In the range of sugar concentrations used in these experiments, the procedures proved to be quite reproducible, llorecker and Smyroniotis (74) in- dicated that fructose interfered with the pentose deter- mination, but in these preliminary experiments it did not . Chromatographic gi^udies yn pentose disappearance. These chromatographic studies were designed to support the studies on pentose disappearance and the appearance of heptulose and hexose. The same reaction mixture used in studying the disappearance of pentose was used. At the timed increments of zero and 60 minutes, 3.0 ml samples of the reaction mixture were removed and placed in a boiling water-bath for ten minutes. The samples were cooled and then incubated at 38 C for 30 minutes with 1.0 ml of alkaline phosphatase (l mg/ml), pH 9.5, to hydrolyze the phosphate sugars. The samples again were placed in a boiling water-bath for ten minutes. The samples were 31 centriguged and the supernatant fraction was decanted off and evaporated with heat and vacuum to about 0.3 ml vol- ume. The solution was mixed with two ml of absolute ethanol and evaporated to dryness. The resulting pre- cipitate was dissolved in 0.5 ml of water and used as the sample for studying sugars chromatographically . The filter paper (Schleicher and Schuell, number 589 blue) used in these ascending chromatographic studies was pre-washed with oxalic acid. From 10 to 50 lambda spots were made, one inch from the bottom of the paper. Large sheets of filter paper (18 X 24 inches) were used. These sheets were formed into cylinders and were equili- brated for at least six hours by suspension over the sol- vent, prior to placing them in the solvent. The solvent system used was n-butanol-pyridine-water in the ratio 3:2:1.5 for one-dimensional chromatographs . V/hen two- dimensional chromatographs were run, water-saturated phenol was the second solvent. The orcinol spray of Klevstrand and :Jordal (93) was used for ketoses, particu- larly sedoheptulose, while the B-naphtholamine and phos- phoglucinol sprays given by Smith (144), were used to detect other sugars. Identification of the sugars in the ethanol solution was made by comparing their Rf values and colors with those obtained from known sugars. The known sugars were processed using the same procedures given above for the unknov/n sugars. 32 Assays for specific enzymes. The procedures described in the remainder of this dissertation will be concerned with assays for the activity of specific enzymes. In assaying for each enzyme, preliminary experiments, not reported in this dissertation, were run, in which the limiting concentration of enzyme was determined for each reaction. It was considered that the range of limiting enzyme was obtained when the amount of enzyme could be doubled to result in the amount of product being doubled in a fixed time interval. G,;.ViCflsgr^rBh9§Pl]ia^e..dghydy9g?nase. The presence of this enzyme was studied by measuring the reduction of TPN at 340 mu with a Beckman DU spectrophotometer, with G-6-P as the substrate in the following reaction: G-6-P + TPI4^^6-PHOSPHOGLUCO:mTE + TPNH-I- tit The assay mixture contained the following components: 2.0 ml of Tris buffer (pH 7.4, 0.1 J) ; 0.1 ml of TPN (4 mg/ml); 0.1 ml of -IgCl (O.l .l) ; 0.1 ml of G-6-P (O.l -0; cell-free extract; and water to 3.0 ml total volume in i eckman corex cells of one centimeter (cm) light path. TPM was omitted from the blanks, and the reactions were started by adding the extract. The in- crease in O.D. was followed at timed intervals for periods up to 30 minutes. 33 6-Phosphoqluconate dehydroQenase . The presence of this enzyme was studied by measuring the reduction of TP;J at 340 mu, employing the same procedure as was used in assaying for G-6-P dehydrogenase. The same assay mix- ture was used except 0.1 ml of 6-phosphogluconate {6-PGA) (0.1 A) was used as the substrate in the reaction given below: 6-PGA ^ TPif-^^RIBULOSE-5-PHOSPmTE + CO^+TPiiH +H . S^y^ies on the GlvcQlYtic P^lM^ Phosphoqlucoisomerase. A colorimetric method, based on the color formed by fructose-6-phosphate (F-6-P) in the presence of resorcinol (129), was used to determine the F-6-P formed in the reaction below: G-6-P^ — ^F-6-P. F-6-P gives about 65 percent of the color of free fructose in this procedure (141). A typical reaction mixture consisted of: 0.2 ml of Tris buffer (pH 9.0, 0.05 0; 0.2 ml of G-6-P (0.1 ■') ; and 0.1 ml of cell-free extract. The mixtures were incubated for ten minutes at 38 C. The reaction was stopped by adding 3.5 ml of 8.3 .A ICI. One ml of 0.1 percent resorcinol in 95 percent ethanol was added and the mixture heated for ten minutes at 80 C, then cooled in a water bath at room temperature. The color intensity then was read with a Klett colorimeter using filter number 54 (500-570 mu). After determining the 34 limiting enzyme concentration, the reaction mixture given above was incubated for periods of 10, 15 and 20 minutes, and the micromoles (umoles) of F-6-P were determined by calculations from the Klett readings of known samples of F-6-F. 6-Phosphofructokinase. 6-phosphofructokinase, which catalyzed reaction 1 below, vjas measured by the procedure of Ling et al. (98), using the complete system sho'.vn in equations 1, 2 and 3 below. In this system, F-6-P and ATP are substrates, and -Ig is an essential co-factor. 1. F-6-P -I- ATP^-^F-1,6-P + ADP. 2. F-1 G-P^^DI.'^r/DRC&CYACrTONE PH0SP:IATE4- GL -CLRALDEir/DE-3-PI iOSPf lATE . 3. Dlif/DROXYACETOiJE PHOSPIiATE -f- DPNH < >-ALPhlA- GL'i'CHROP:iOSPHATE + DP:Jt The fructose-1, 6-phosphate (F-l,6-P) formed in reaction 1 is cleaved by aldolase, and the dihydroxyacetone phosphate which is formed is reduced through the utilization of reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DP.JIi) to alpha-glycerophosphate. The oxidation of DP?JH in reaction 3 was followed with a Heck- man DU spectrophotometer at 340 mu, as a measurement of the activity of 6-phosphofructokinase. A typical reaction mix- ture in a Beckman corex of one cm light path consisted of: 0.5 ml of tris buffer (p!i 8.0, 0.2 l) ; 0.3 ml of ATP (0.1 ".) ; 0.2 ml of F-6-P (0.1 l) : 0.3 ml of lgCl2 (O.Ol .1); 0.1 ml of cysteine-hydrochloride (0.2 4); 0.1 ml of DP:JH (2 mg/ml); 0.1ml 35 of aldolase (1 mg/Til); 0.05 ml of alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (1 mg/Tjl); 0,1 ml of cell-free extract; and water to 3.0 ml total volume. The blank consisted of the complete reaction mixture as given above, minus DPNIi. The reactions were started by adding F-6-P, The endogenous activity of the reaction mixture without the extracts also was determined. This activity was subtracted from the measurements obtained with the extract to give the activity of 6-phosphofructokinase in the extracts. Aldolase. Aldolase activity was measured by the meth- od of Sibley and Lehninger (134) as modified by 3eck (10), in which the triose phosphates formed in the reaction below are trapped with hydrazine: F-l,6-P^-^DIHYDRCXYACETaJE PHOSPHATE + GLYCERALDEir/DE-3-PHOSPIiATE. The triose phosphate hydrazones formed were treated with alkali, and tlie color produced by the addition of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DiIPH) and NaCSi was read with a Klett colorimeter using filter number 54, A typical reaction mixture consisted of: 1.0 ml of Tris buffer (pll 8.6, 0.1 l); 0.25 ml of F-1, 6-P (0.05 ..1); 0.25 ml of hydrazine (0.22.0; 0.2 ml cell-free extract; and 0.8 ml of water. The reaction mixtures were incu- bated at 38*^ for ten minutes with various amounts of extract. Results of the assay are presented in a graph 36 of ml of extract versus Klett readings per mg N to demonstrate a typical experimental result. The absolute amounts of triose phosphates were not determined, but since their concentration is proportional to the Klett readings, the Klett readings are taken as an indication of enzyme activity. Glyceraldehyde-S-phosphate dehydrogenase . Activity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD:!) could not be demonstrated in cell-free extracts; therefore, acetone powders prepared following the basic method of Mageman and Arnon (65) were used to study the activity of this enzyme. GPDil was measured in a Deckman DU spectrophotometer by the optical test of Warburg and Christian (158) based on the increased 0,D. of reduced DP?^ and TPM at 340 mu in the reaction below: GLYCERALDEFri'DE-3-PHOSPllATE -4- DPlf + H^PO.^ ^ 1,3-DIPHOSPlIOGLYCERATE -I- DPNH + H^ . "^ The following reaction mixtures were prepared in eckman corex cells of one cm light path: 0.2 ml of DPM (4 mg/Til); 0.1 ml of sodium arsenate (0.17 l); 0.1 ml of potassium flouride (O.l M) ; 0.15 ml of reduced glutathione (O.l M) ; 0.1 ml of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G-3-P) (40 mg/6 ml); 1.5 ml of Tris buffer (pH 8.5, 0.1 M) ; 0.02 ml of acetone powder extract; and water to 3.0 ml total volume. Sub- strate was omitted in the blanks. Glutathione and G-3-P were prepared fresh daily. Reactions were started by 37 adding either the extract or substrate. The increase in O.D. at 340 mu was followed at timed intervals. Results are presented on the basis of the change in O.D. per mg U versus time. Pho?phoqlyceric kins^s^. The activity of phospho- glyceric kinase was determined by the procedure of Axelrod and Banduski (7) in which the 1,3-diphospho- glycerate (1,3-DPGA) formed from 3-phosphoglyceric acid (3-PGA) in the reaction below, was trapped by hydroxyl- amine, forming hydroxamic acid: 3-PGA + ATP ^— ^1,3-DPGA + ADP. The hydroxamic acid formed a colored ferric complex when reacted vjith ferric chloride, which was read with a Klett colorimeter using filter number 54. A typical reaction mixture consisted of: 0.4 ml of a solution of hydroxylamine (2.5 M) plus MgCl (0.015 0; 0.5 ml of 3-PGA (0.052 4); 0.2 ml of ATP (O.l -0; 0.15 ml of Tris buffer (pH 7.4, 0.05 m) ; and 0.05 ml of cell-free extract. The blank consisted of the same reaction mixture, except 3.0 ml of a ferric-chloride (FeCl„) -FCL-TCA mixture was added prior to adding the extract. The reaction mixtures were incubated at 37 C in a water-bath for periods of 10, 15, 20 and 25 minutes. The reactions were stopped by adding 3.0 ml of the FeCl^-HCl-TCA mixture. 38 Carboxylase. When the enzymes phosphoglyceric mutase, enolase and pyruvic kinase were studied, pyruvate was measured as the product. If carboxylases are present, pyruvate could undergo one or all of the reactions given below (137,15b): 1. CH^* CO • COQH< >"C1L' Ch'O -I- CO^ 2. CIL- CO • COOl! -h CIL- CHO^-^CIL- CO • CHOH • CIU + CO^ J J ^ 3. 2 C!I • C.HO < ^CH^- CO • CHOH • Cll^. Obviously, if pyruvate reacted in this manner when pyruvate was measured, a stable product was not being measured, but rather a substrate for another reaction. Thus, if carboxy- lases are present in the extracts, pyruvate can not be measured to indicate the activity of phosphoglyceric mutase, enolase and pyruvic kinase. Therefore, carboxylase activity was determined manometrically by CO2 evolution in the presence of pyruvate, as the substrate following the method of Singer and Pensky (137,138). The following components were placed in standard 15 ml conical Warburg vessels, and CO- was checked by the direct method as given by Umbreit et al. (152): in the main compartment, 1.0 ml of succinate buffer (pH 6.0, 0.2 M) ; 0.6 ml of 1, l-dimethyl-3,5-diketo- cyclohexane (0.05 -l) ; 0.1 ml of thiamine pyrophosphate (ThPP) (5.8 X 10""^ .1); 0.2 ml of :.1gCl2 ^°-°^ "^^ ' ^'^ ^^ serum albumin (one percent); cell-free or acetone powder extract; water to 2.8 ml total volume; and in the side arm. 39 0.2 ml of sodium pyruvate (0.5 .4). At zero time, the pyruvate was tipped into the main compartment and CO^ evolution was followed for periods up to two hours. Pho^phoqlvceric mutgise^ enolase and pyruvic kinase. This group of enzymes catalyze reactions 1, 2 and 3, respectively, below: 1 . 3-PH0SPH0GLYCERATE-^-^2-PH0SPH0GLYCERATE . 2. 2-PHOSPHOGLYCERATE^-^PliOSPHO-ENOL-PYRUVATE-l- H^O. 3. PHOSPHO-ErJOL-PYRUVATE 4- ADP-^^ PYRUVATE + ATP. In assaying for these enzymes it was reasoned that each one could be studied, if the necessary co-factors and substrates were added, by assaying for pyruvate. Pyruvate was determined in these studies by the method of Friedemann and Haugen (52) as modified by Kachmar and Doyer (87). Phosphoglyceric mutase activity was assayed using the following reaction mixture adapted from Grisolia et al. (64): 0.2 ml of 3-PGA (0.375 A); 1.5 ml of Tris buffer (pH 7.4, 0.1 .4); 0.2 ml of MgCl^ (O.l -l) ; 0.2 ml of ADP (0.1 .1); 0.1 ml of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPGA) (30 mg/5 ml); 0.1 ml of KCl (0.5 .4); 0.2 ml of extract; and water to 2.5 ml total volume. Phosphoglyceric mutase activity was measured in both cell-free and acetone powder extracts . Enolase activity was assayed in the following reaction mixture by utilizing the activity of a phosphatase in the extracts, which would hydrolyze phospho-enol-pyruvate (PEP) 40 to pyruvate: 1.5 ml of Tris buffer (pH 7.4, 0.1 .l) ; 0.2 ml of 2-phosphoglycerate (2-PGA) (O.l -0; 0.2 ml of . -19012 (0.1 M) ; 0.3 ml of cell-free extract and water to 2,5 ml total volume. 2-PGA was made fresh daily. Using 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 ml of extract to start the reactions, the reaction mixtures were incubated ten minutes at 38 C. Pyruvate was determined after the reactions were stopped with 2,4-DiMPH. The results of colorimetric determinations of pyruvate are presented on the basis of Klett readings per mg .M versus ml of extract added. Pyruvic kinase activity was measured by the procedure of Kachmar and Boyer (87), in which the activity of the enzyme is based on the rate of formation of pyruvate. A complete reaction mixture had the following components: 1.5 ml of Tris buffer (pH 7.4, 0.1 -l) ; 0.2 ml of PEP (0.05 .4); 0.2 ml of -VlgCl^ (O.l 4); 0.2 ml of ADP (0.1 A); 0.1 ml of KCl (0.5 a); 0.1 ml of extract; and water to 2.5 ml total volume. The reaction mixtures were incubated for ten minutes at 38° C. Reactions were started by adding enzyme extract and stopped by adding 2,4-Dl'JPi!. The blank consisted of a complete reaction mixture minus PEP, vjhich was added after the 2,4-D:jPH. The reaction mixtures then were assayed for pyruvate. 4cCollum et al. (105,106) noted that reaction mixtures minus ADP were active, indicat- ing the possible hydrolysis of PEP by a phosphatase, as illustrated in the following reaction: PEP -f H^O^-^ PYRUVATE + IMORGAfJIC PHOSPHATE. 41 Phosphatase activity v;as determined in both acetone powder extracts and cell-free extracts by omitting ADP from the reaction mixture given above. The endogenous phosphatase activity was subtracted to obtain the pyruvic kinase activity. Reagents ugi^d in these studies. The chemicals used in these studies were obtained from the following sources: 2,4-D from the Eastman Kodak Company; ribose from Eastman Organic Chemicals; F-l,6-P from '-lann Research Laboratories, Incorporated; F-6-P and sodium pyruvate from Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation; DP'A and DP'I14 from Pabst Labora- tories; R-5-P, G-6-P, ATP, G-3-P, 3-PGA, 2,3-DPGA and ThPP from Schwarz 3ioresearch Incorporated; and TPM, TP'JH, 6-PGA, F-6-P, ADP, PEP, 2-PGA and Fl'J from Sigma Chemical Company^ Sedoheptulosan was generously donated by Dr. Nc K, Richtmyer of the National Institute of Health, to whom the author is indebted. The enzymes used in these studies were obtained from the following sources: aldolase from '^nn Research Laboratories, Incorporated; alkaline phosphatase from Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation; and alphaglycerophosphate dehydrogenase from Sigma Chemical Company. Bovine serum albumin was obtained fram 'lann Research Laboratories, Incorporated. The 2,4-D was neutralized with IJaOH and the sodium salt recrystallized twice from a water-alcohol solution. The following compounds were obtained as barium salts and converted to potassium salts by the addition of a slight 42 excess of potassium sulfate to a solution of the barium salts in dilute acid: G-6-P, R-5-P, F-6-P, F-l,6-P, 2-PGA, 6-PGA, 2,3-DPGA and 3-PGA. Monobarium DL-glycer- aldehyde-3-phosphate diethylacetal was converted to DL-G-3-P by mixing with and aqueous suspension of Dowex 50, heating the suspension and centrifugation to remove the resin. PEP was obtained as the silver barium salt and converted to the sodium salt by tituration with a slight excess of ICl followed by the addition of a bare excess of sodium sulfate (87) . The other chemicals used were the highest grades commercially available and were used without further purification. RESULTS Studies on the Pentose Phosphate .Pathway Pentose disappearance. The enzymes v/hich catalyze the utilization of pentose and the formation of heptulose and hexose were active in extracts from both treated and untreated tissue. In Table 1, all experiments indicated that pentose was utilized and heptulose and hexose were formed in the 60-minute incubation period. Experiments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 demonstrate the disappearance of pentose and the appearance of heptulose and hexose in cell-free extracts which were made from the roots of control and treated corn seedlings. Experiments 6 and 7 were included to demonstrate the same system in acetone powder extracts, in untreated cell-free extracts and in untreated cell-free extracts with 2,4-D added to the reaction mixture. Obviously cell-free extracts (Experiments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) were much more active than acetone powder extracts (Experiment 6) in utilizing pentose and in forming heptulose and hexose. In Table 1 it should be noted that the results of each experiment are presented on the basis of the number of umoles per six ml and on the basis of the number of umoles per mg ;J per six ml. The percent change due to 2,4-D is based on the number of umoles per mg "J per six ml, 43 44 CQ * UJ CO O X 1X1 Q < CO o O O M H U-, Q < o M H M -J M CO O w a. o a 0) tn o 0) o O -H a, 4j T-t,< 96ueq3 o/ /f; BiLi/saxotun tuj 9 /saxoujn a-t7*2 oq. anp a-t7*3 o:^ anp Tuj 9 /[' 5iu/saxoujn TUJ 9 /saxoLun ^^q.uau]q.Eaa:x jaquirif: :;uaujTjadx3 a-t? 3 o^ anp i I a6ueq3 c^ 1 XUJ 9 { /f. 6uj/saxoujn i XUJ 9 j /saxouin o o (A D a CO O 3 'sT -J rH n • o I I o t rH I I I I I I a 10 00 -H I o I • I lO I r-i I I I 07 I D I I o I • I CM I CM I r-i I I 10 I D I o I I Csl I lO I I I V) I 3 I Q. I Q. CO ';!■ CM CO n \0 ON CO CO 't c^co -HCO I O I I o I Csl I I I I I I o I • I CM I CO I I I I I 3 I o I I CO I I I I o I 3 I .H CO -H CO CO Or-* CM lO O CO* CO d O --i CM "^ Oro OCM I O I I I I I I I I CO I Oi I Q. I a. I a. o o ^ a\ coo lOCO vO CO CM CO coco -H'cr CM CO CMOJ c^ >H • • iD 00 • • t • ^CO • • • • O 1 o 1 o I o • 1 1 • 1 • o 1 r- 1 o • o .— 1 1 1 r- 1 1 lO 1 (/) 1 to 1 to 1 to D 1 3 1 D 1 3 r-i 1 rH 1 rH 1 rH I a CM CO CM ^ I o I I o I CO I to 3 I CL I O. I Q. I CL CviO o'cM • • O CO M M M M M 1 41 Q 0) -(J ro • 1 1 i i+^JT C x: ""•> 1 1 1 MhH -\ 1 • O x: 0 t o. 1 a ' Tris 6 ml he c a X OOJ '^ iT) 4J Csl ro • • • • • •■4-1 t • O-H n CO "^^ o cr> 3 C 0 CO 4-1 r^ o OJ n o e c M 0 • * • • r-t 3 -H Oj oo CN a> cnraxJ x: +j •H x: 4-> c 0 •H -t-> ro M 1 • 1 1 .H 1 1 OJ 1 3 1 rH 1 a 100 ug; give a to prior to 05 (H 3 0 x: c 0 c 0 0 ro a; OvO CX)0 ; 50^ c •H 3 • • • • 1 "^ -PCO 4-1 C oo lO o i [X. CO xs •H ! •*-> 0) ro +J ! ••• 0 +J +-> C O lO r- 'cr ! cr> rD rt) ro Q O • • • « 1 3 M (U ^ u oo ro 't 1 0 4-" 05 0 X 01 1 00 s .H 1 3 05 0 1 o 1 O ^4-1 C cr> • -H 1-U 1 • 1 • 1 r: O'H CQ ,-1 1 CO 1 lO 1 a, e ■H 1 05 C3 I vO 1 1 H-H -H^ M <■ 1 1 1 CO XJ •^ 3 H 1 1 05 vD QJCM +-> 1 U) I 3 1 ..0 a> X 1 3 1 C 1 XI • M 05 ■=? •H 1 -i 1 -rH 0) CvJ 0 s 1 a 1 e ! C 4-4 1 -1-0 cro Mt c 1 ro C X» • 00 0 1 +J n3 (U 0 0 —1 •H ^CN "=t r- 1 C +J > • +J • • • • 1 0 ••• fT> 0 -D 05 05 0 CO lO in ^ 1 0-^ X3X> a> 3 +J ro .-H»-< 1 3 3 ro -fJ^H 0 a> 1 > •H Ol X x: 1 X »>a) 1 -Ha. M ■ H 05 0) 4-" 1 £ 1 a> 3 M 0 1 iD 5 0) X3X! a> 4J 1 c 1 (H .-1 XJ * 1 OcC oj ro 0 U -> x> * 1 -H di 05 1 0 0 a> $ 1 •+->•«(-! 3 >- a X5 1 O"- 3 0) ro ro x> * * -a XI 1 05 3 +J Xi • 0) ro * * Qi (U 1 0) X 1 (U 0) a;cO M a 4-» 1 1— -. 0 0 I- w^ < CM 3 e. C C 1 * ';r •-• * M * * n CM DD 1 • +J 05 * a> * * 1 r^ 0 C 4-« * * ro 0 4-t * tr 0) •H 3 vO r- Q.M 4-' ^ 46 The reaction mixtures contained 20 umoles of pentose per six ml at time zero. The pentose utilized (Table l) in the 60-minute incubation period varied from 2.4 umoles (txperiment 6) to 13.4 umoles (Experiments 3 and 5). The formation of heptulose per six ml varied from 1.9 umoles (Experiment 4) to 5.3 umoles (Experiment l) in the cell- free extracts. Acetone powder extracts (Experiment 6) formed only a small amount of heptulose. Hexose formed per six ml with cell-free extracts varied from 1.7 umoles (Experiment 3) to 4.3 umoles (Experiment 4). Acetone powder extracts (Experiment 6) formed 0.9 umoles of hexose, The umoles of endogenous hexose at zero time was subtracted when necessary. A correction for hexose at zero time was necessary only in four instances, because the extracts were dialyzed to remove sugars and other soluble substances. The greatest amount of hexose found at zero time was 0.08 umoles. At zero time, heptulose was not found in the reaction mixtures. Treatment of corn roots with 2,4-D resulted in an increased utilization of pentose (Table l), with the increase ranging from 8 to 32 percent in Experiments 1 through b. The formation of heptulose also v/as in- creased from 7 to 70 percent by 2,4-D treatment. The hexose formed was increased from 8 to 122 percent. Thus, in cell-free extracts from the roots of 2,4-D treated corn seedlings, the utilization of pentose and the form- ation of heptulose and hexose was enhanced. 47 TPN was added routinely to the reaction mixture although, theoretically, it should not be required to form heptulose and hexose from pentose. In work pre- liminary to the results reported herein, the effect of TPiNi on the reaction was studied. ;Jo effect was noted, with or without TP:J, on the formation of heptulose and hexose; but since the general procedure of Clayton (31) was being used, TPN was added routinely. From the work with G-3-P presented later, no GPDH activity could be demonstrated in cell-free extracts, which supported the idea that the TPN in the reaction mixture was not necessary. As an indication of the completeness of the pro- cedures used in assaying for sugars, the number of umoles of carbon atoms utilized as pentose and used to form heptulose and hexose was calculated from Table 1. Table 2 contains this accounting of the umoles of car- bon atoms utilized as pentose and found in heptulose and hexose, following the 60-minute incubation period. In the buffer treated extracts, from 53 to 99 percent of the carbon atoms are accounted for in hexose and hep- tulose, with an average of 79 percent. This 79 percent of the carbon atoms compares well with the average of 84 percent in untreated tissue (Experiment 7). In the ■ 2,4-D treated extracts, from 74 to 97 percent of the carbon atoms were accounted for as hexose and heptulose, with an average of 84 percent. This 84 percent accounting 48 c 0 X} M (T> fH U 0 ^-^ -^ (TJ T3 +j 0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 -M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • H C CM r- OvO cmo CO 00 -H '^r lOCO CM lO 1^ tn D 00 C>00 coco lOiO r- r- CO •^ r^o * i^-i s 0 iD 000 1 4J 0 0 ^ Ul a; CO H -p • Tt 0 COM O*C0 coco CM 0 lO r~ r-r-( CO CM 0 r-\ CM rHrH i-t rH X* nj c PuQ C D 0 lOM +» UJ 3 1 vO CO S M to a, c M -p O •H 0 c a ^ ^H 0) MO W u cC •— 1 e 0 TfvO 0 CO CM-* vOOO •^vO OJ'^ CM 00 c ^H 0 +J 0) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 O^ +j w ^00 iDvO 0 CO CMiO r- CO •^ iT) CO ro u < -o 0 'H'H r-^r-K '-\(^ rHCM -H ^ fHrH cdD 0) X .H UL. y c (/) a> (0 0 DX c CO t-i XI •H r? N «+4 O ui n] e f-H 0 M <0 <5 0 4-« 1+-1 0) 0 3 •-* 0 w +» 0 0 r-M -HCvl CO cH COvO CO CO 0 lO Csl CO §6 5 vO (0 -fj^ • • • • • • • « • • • • • • a> a> 3 00 r- 0 CM r--0 COvO 00 Oco CMO M -H TD +J CM CO CO CO CNCO ^CM CM CO Csl rO 3 C) 0 a> 0. +» o e w) 0 X ti. r^ 0 D 3: • •H Om M ^ 6 >• 1 u go 1 •'^ 0) a> c O-l -^ (n i—j 0 *~*'p^ XJ 0 ja •H S£ 0) 4J N C if)iO lOO 00 lOO 00 OtO lOO 03 • ■p 0 CO •H 0) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • W) (0 M rHO, CO r- lO r~ \0 f^ 00 CM CO r- CMO 0 [^ 0) ■M a> 2: •H ■^ lO '^ lO ^ vO •<^vO lT) vO rHCM sr ^ 0) 0 03 u io D 03 * M 0 M * 0) 4J -p Q * * * * * * -O-D -P X 01 73 c * * * * -P -M X •H 0) T3 (1> u u u u u a»Q 03 03 e T3 03 s a>Q (D Q OjQ 0 a ro D .» 3 * D .V C C •H 0) 3 u "^ CM CO CM :rj CM ra CM :a csl "3 CM DD +J -H 0 CO * ' * * * * * * * H Q> 'H CM CO • O O fO O 0) r: cc: M OQ H = ar CJ UJ H ft) Q J3 U4 U4 • n3 o cr: Hto H "5 1X1 X O C J •ZZCU<-'-^ LU Hc/) cd 2 OH C 1- ~ X • a, uu > 0) 1 UJ cr»0 1 •HO ►J a» U^D-J U _J U-l D > r^ -H ca M s 54 TABLE 4 ACTIVITY OF 6-PHOSPHOGLUCOIJATE DEHiDROGEr^lASE* Experiment Treatment** Change in O.D. per % Increase Number mg Protein per 5 min. Due to 2,4-D 11 Buffer 0.89 2,4-D 1.15 29.2 12 Buffer 0.88 2,4-D 1.11 26.1 13 Buffer 1.17 2,4-D 1.26 7.7 ^Incubation mixture consisted of: TPN, 400 ug; .4gCl2, 10 u4; 6-PGA, 10 u4; Tris buffer, pH 7.4, 200 u^.; 0.2 ml of cell-free extract; and water to o.O ml total volume. O.D. read- ings at 340 mu. **See Table 1. 55 compared to 0.75, and the 2,4-D treated extracts averaged 1.17 as compared to 0.94. The increase in O.D. of 6- phosphogluconate dehydrogenase over glucose-G-phosphate dehydrogenase was 0.23 in both 2,4-D and buffer treated extracts. Thus it is evident that in vitro, 6-PGA is oxidized faster in 2,4-D treated extracts than in buffer treated extracts. These in yitr.Q studies have demonstrated that treat- ment of corn seedlings with 2,4-D prior to preparing cell-free extracts results in a general enhancement of the activity of the pentose phosphate pathway. This enhancement is evidenced in an increased utilization of R-5-P, an increased formation of heptulose and hexoses from R-5-P, and an increased rate of oxidation of both G-6-P and 6-PGA in cell-free extracts from 2,4-D treated corn seedlings. St-udies of the Glycolytic Pai^hway Phos phogluc ois omer a s e . Phosphoglucoisomerase was active in cell-free extracts from both buffer and 2,4-D treated corn roots (Table 5) . The number of umoles of F-6-P produced from G-6-P by phosphoglucoisomerase per mg of nitrogen is given in Table 5, Although 2,4-D lowered the umoles of F-6-P produced in all three experi- ments, this decrease was not more than seven percent after 20 minutes in the highest case (Lxperiment 14). These decreases art easily within the range of experimental error. 56 TABLE b ACTIVITY OF PHOSPHOGLUCOISO-.IERASE-**- Experiment Treatment** 0:4 flf-Fr^-F PJ:Qdy<;ed pej mg -^ Number 10 min. 15 min. 20 min. 14 Buffer 63.4 97.6 117.1 2,4-D 60.9 82.6 108.7 15 Buffer 55.5 116.7 138.8 2,4-D 66.7 88.9 133.3 16 Buffer 52.8 72.0 107.2 2,4-D 50.0 60.0 101.9 *The reaction mixtures were composed of: Tris buffer, pH 9.0, 10 u..^, G-6-P, 2.5 uM; 0.05 ml of cell-free extract; an^ to 0.5 ml total volume with water. These were incubated at 38 C for the prescribed periods of time. **See Table 1. 57 Therefore, from the results of these in yiiro studies with cell-free extracts, 2,4-D treatment does not affect the activity of phosphoglucoisomerase. 6-Ph9sphofructokinase. Quantitative measurements of the activity of 6-phosphofructokinase were obtained by incubation of F-6-P, ATP and .'AgCl^ in the presence of aldolase, DPNH and alphaglycerophosphate dehydrogenase. 6-phosphofructokinase was active in cell-free extracts from both untreated and treated tissues (Table 6). The endogenous activity of the reaction mixture was deter- mined and used to calculate the activity of 6-phospho- fructokinase. By subtracting the endogenous activity of 0.06 per minute from the activity of the reaction mixture including the cell-free extracts, the activity of 6-phospho- fructokinase in the extracts was determined. Table 6 presents the results of these experiments, corrected for endogenous, on the basis of the change in O.D. per mg ;j per minute. Treatment with 2,4-D lowered the activity of 6-phospho- fructokinase as compared to the activity of the enzyme in cell-free extracts from buffer treated roots. The inhibi- tion of activity ranged from 7.0 to 12.7 percent. Although this inhibition appeared to be small, it was consistently observed. Aldolase. Aldolase activity in cell-free extracts was measured by trapping the triose phosphates formed when F-l,6-P is cleaved by aldolase. In extracts from both 58 TABLE 6 ACTIVITY OF 6-PHOSPiIOFRUCTOKIiIASE* Experiment Treatment** Change in O.D. per % Decrease "lumber mg M per min.*** Due to 2,4-D 17 Buffer 0.63 2,4-D 0.55 12.7 18 Buffer 0.86 2,4-D 0.80 7.0 19 Buffer 0.55 2,4-D 0.48 12.7 ^Complete reaction mixture contained: Tris buffer, pH 8.0, 100 u'.l; ATP, 30 u.1; F-6-P, 20 al; ..•lgCl2, 3 u-l; cysteine-hydro- chlorid, 20 u.l; DPiJII, 220 ug; aldolase, 10 ug; alpha-glycero- phosphate dehydrogenase, 50 ug; and water to 3.0 ml in corex Beckman cells with 1 cm light path. O.D. readings at 340 mu. **See Table 1. ■***Corrected for endogenous. 59 control and treated roots, aldolase activity was indicated by the formation of triose phosphate hydrazones (Table 7). Figure 4 pictures the results of a typical experiment, and Table 7 summarizes the results of each experiment. Aldo- lase activity in cell-free extracts from 2,4-D treated roots was consistently decreased about 12 percent as com- pared to extracts from buffer treated roots. GJ,ycer^ldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase . Attempts to demonstrate GPDIi activity in cell-free extracts were not successful; however, acetone powder extracts from the roots of both buffer and 2,4-D treated seedlings contained a DPM-dependent enzyme. The lack of a TPiM-dependent dehy- drogenase is in agreement with early work (65) which failed to demonstrate this enzyme in etiolated plant tissue, or tissue which lacked chlorophyll (59), and with the obser- vation of :4arcus (103), that TPM triose phosphate dehydro- genase is controlled by the photomorphogenic reaction. Neither DPl^li nor TPI^IH was oxidized in incubation mixtures containing all of the constituents used to study the reduction of DPN. Neither cysteine nor glutathione v;as necessary as a co-factor in the reaction. Other workers have reported that one or the other was necessary (59,96,146,153). The only effect noted when these were included in the reaction mixtures was that the O.D. readings more constantly pro- duced a straight line. Glutathione was added routinely 60 TABLE 7 ACTIVITY OF ALDOLASE* Experiment Treatment** Klett Readings*** % Decrease ;Jumber Due to 2,4-D 20 Buffer 69 2,4-D 60 13 21 Buffer 66 2,4-D 59 11 22 Buffer 67 2,4-D 59 12 *The following reaction mixture was incubated at 38 C for 10 min., stopped with 0.75 ^j UaOH, and the triose phoshpate hydrazones :neasured: Tris buffer, pi! 8.6, 100 u.4; r-1, 6-P, 12.5 u''1; hydrazine, 55 u-.l; enzyme extract; and water to total volume of 2.5 ml. **See Table 1. ***Change in Klett readings per 0.1 mg of protein added to the reaction mixture. 61 lOQ N 6uu|0/(nuuof£)AllSN3a HVOIldO 0) c c CO C X o o I-- I o OJH H 0) H U4 CO 8 < D cn-4-» •H 4-' ox: M -P a o 4-1 +j o -o cr> a> e-o -o CL u) x: a> o C 03 M 4-> X 0) c •H c > (0 j3 5 M 4-> X .H I (1) H 1+^ e a>' u c o ii3n» 62 although it was not required. Table 8 shows the results of these experiments and Figure 5 presents a graphical representation of a typical experiment. The activity of GPDH was decreased from 12 to 20 percent by 2,4-D treatment as compared to extracts from buffer treated corn root. The rates of these reactions were calculated from the linear portion of the graphs, as depicted in Figure 5, in the time intervals after the first two minutes. Within the first two minutes after starting these reactions by the addition of either enzyme extract or substrate (G-3-P), an extremely rapid increase in O.D. was observed in all cases. This initial increase was immed- iately followed by a decreased rate which followed a linear pattern as depicted in Figures 5 and 6. In Figure 6, it is shown that this rapid increase can be obtained upon the addition of another aliquot of enzyme extract. This step-like pattern can be repeated numerous times by the addition of aliquots of enzyme extract. The same pattern was obtained with either buffer or 2,4-D treated enzyme extracts. The rapid increase in O.D. immediately following the addition of an aliquot of enzyme extract is the same following each addition of extract (0.065 per 30 seconds). The straight line portion of the curve following the initial increase after the first addition of an aliquot of enzyme extract is a change in O.D. of 0.0063 per 30 seconds, while following the second addition 63 TADLE 8 ACTIVITY OF GLYCERALDEIi/DE-3-PHOSPrIATE DEWDROGEInIASE^ Experiment Treatment"^*^ Change in O.D. per % Decrease Number mg N per 5 min. Due to 2,4-D 23 Buffer . 0.48 2,4-D 0.42 13 24 Buffer 0.56 2,4-D 0.45 20 25 Buffer 0.61 2,4-D 0.54 12 "^The reaction mixture contained: Tris buffer, pH 8.5. 150 U..1; DPN, 800 ug; sodium arsenate, 170 uM; potassium fiouride, 10 u./i; reduced glutathione, 15 u 1; glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, 2000 ug; water to 3.0 ml total volume; and acetone powder extract. Blanks omitted DP.J. Enzyme extracts were added to start the reaction and the increase in O.D. at 340 mu was followed at timed intervals. ■^*^See Table 1. 64 1 1 1 -\ 2,4-D 1 - V § o CM - /buffer 1 1 -I UJ - If) 1 1 1 1 1 \ o o in o o o o o In o tfi (M ~ — N 6uj|o/9NiaV3a il3nM UJ u-i x: c > cn (0 e o a> 0.-0 c-o •H to M (J U (TJ 'H X M 4) 3 M X c rH c Oi •H (T3 OJ O s 8 a, 01 c •H 3 0) M 3 d) H o u 03 c ' 1 1 H o \ < 1- X lO \ 111 E b ■\ » \ Q UJ Q 1 o CVJ X. Q H c ■ < EXTRAC 1 E 2 \ ED O.lml. O 1 1 1 V% in . and E. Conn. Carboxylating enzymes in plants. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 3: 307-332. 1952. 156. Volker, J. F. Compounds capable of plant amylase inhibition. Science 112:61. 1950. 157. Wagenknecht, A, C., A. J. Riker, T. C. Allen and R. H. Burrss. Plant growth substances and the activity of cell-free respiratory enzymes. Amer. J. Bot. 38:550-554. 1951. 158. Warburg, 0, and 'V. Christian. Isolierung und Kristaliisation des Proteins des oxydierenden Gtfrunsferments. Biochem. Z. 303:40-68. 1939. 159. 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The Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture was conferred on him by this same institution in August, 1953. He returned to the University of Florida in Septem- ber, 1955, to pursue graduate work in the field of Agron- omy, specializing in Chemical Weed Control. The Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture was conferred on him in June, 1957. In September, 1957, he began further graduate studies at the University of Florida, majoring in Agronomy. In August, 1960, the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy was con- ferred on him. He is a member of the following honorary societies: Gamma Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma and Sigma Xi. 98 This dissertation was prepared under the direction of the chairman of the candidate's supervisory committee and has been approved by all members of that committee. It was submitted to the Dean of the College of Agriculture and to the Graduate Council, and was approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. August, 1960 > ^ /^^t-CJ-TT^^ Dean, College of Agriculture Supervisory Committee: Chairman '?T Dean, Graduate School 1 'y^