US Pog oiGie e tas TECHNICAL REPORT CERC-87-1 US Army Corps SOURCES OF COASTAL ENGINEERING srenaneen INFORMATION by Yen-hsi Chu, Robert B. Lund, Fred E. Camfield Coastal Engineering Research Center DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers PO Box 631, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-0631 mir ft 2 uf LIDKAt \ te * Woods Hole! ceanogtap Institution January 1987 Final Report Approved For Public Release; Distribution Unlimited Wt Prepared for DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CEKC- US Army Corps of Engineers he Washington, DC 20314-1000 al Destroy this report when no longer needed. Do not return it to the originator. The findings in this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement cr approval of the use of such commercial products. Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No 0704-0188 Exp. Date Jun 30, 1986 Ta. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1b. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS Unclassified 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF REPORT Approved for public release; distribution 2b. DECLASSIFICATION / DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE = unlimited 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) Technical Report CERC-8/7-1 . NAME OF PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION USAEWES, Coastal Engineering| “" 2Pplicable) Research Center . ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 . NAME OF FUNDING / SPONSORING 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL || 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) US Army Corps of Engineers . ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM FROIEG TASK WORK UNIT Washington, DC 20314-1000 ELEMENT NO. NO ACCESSION NO _ TITLE (Include Security Classification) Sources of Coastal Engineering Information 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Chu, Yen-hsi; Lund, Robert B.; Camfield, Fred E. 13a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 15. PAGE COUNT Final report FROM TO January 1987 249 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION Available from National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD SUB;GROUR Coastal engineering Coastal zone management 19. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Coastal engineering is a specialized branch of the engineering profession which requires the knowledge of many physical sciences and engineering disciplines in the practice. Typical coastal projects involve planning, design, and/or construction for harbor developments; navigation channel improvements; coastal inlet stabilization; coastal flooding and shoreline erosion protection; and beach restorations and nourishments. Coastal engineers not only have to be familiar with the broad disciplines and the up-to- date technologies in their practices, they must also have appropriate environmental data to ensure the safety, and economical and functional reliability of their undertakings. As the Shore Protection Manual provides a handy reference for the application of techniques and methodologies to the solutions of coastal engineering problems, this report addresses the sources of coastal engineering data and information. (Continued) 20. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Gd UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED [1 SAME As RPT © otic users Unclassified 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL 22b. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) | 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL DD FORM 1473, 84 MaR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE All other editions are obsolete nelassiiie WON O00 01 00591257 2 Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE 19. ABSTRACT (Continued). The success or failure of a particular coastal design is often directly related to the amount and quality of available data and information related to the physical condi- tions at the project site. Im many cases, the designer is unnecessarily restricted because of ignorance of potential sources of useful information, most of which are easily accessible. Knowledge and proper use of these information sources could result both in monetary savings and in an improvement in the quality of the final products. The importance and economic value of existing data and information have long been recognized. In recent years major efforts have been undertaken to make available to the public vast amounts of information and data generated by Federally funded activities. The National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration represents a typical organization which provides a number of Federal data banks and services on data management and data analysis. Numerous information centers and referral services, public and private, are also becoming available to the users. However, ocean engineers, in general, are lacking in awareness and utiliza- tion of the available information resources. This publication increases the awareness and promotes the utilization of sources of coastal engineering information by compiling the available sources in a single handy reference volume; directs users to appropriate organi- zations, personnel, or publications for engineering data or information; and facilitates engineering design or analysis with a minimum effort in site-specific data acquisition activities. Coastal engineering data or information covered by this report include: (a) meteo- rology and climatology; (b) water levels; (c) winds and storms; (d) waves and currents; (e) ice information; (f) littoral transport and shoreline erosion; (g) coastal geology and geomorphology; (h) topography, hydrography, and bathymetry; and (i) earthquakes and tsunamis. There are data sources, particularly sources from the private sector, that may have been left out by this report. Also, new data sources and/or data files may have been established since the publication of this report. In order to benefit the coastal engi- neering community with complete and up-to-date information, suggestions of new sources and data information are solicited; they should be sent to the authors. The Coastal Engi- neering Research Center will update the present publication when the needs become apparent. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE PREFACE The investigations summarized in this report were authorized by the Office, Chief of Engineers (OCE), US Army Corps of Engineers, and performed as a part of Civil Works Research Work Unit 31234, "Developing Functional and Structural Design Criteria." Funds were provided through the Coastal Structures Evaluation and Design Research and Development Program administered by the Coastal Design Branch of the Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES). This report was written by Dr. Yen-hsi Chu, Mr. Robert B. Lund, and Dr. Fred E. Camfield, CERC. Ms. Jamie W. Leach, Information Technology Laboratory, WES, was the technical editor. The work was conducted under general direction of Mr. C. E. Chatham, Jr., Chief, Wave Dynamics Division; Mr. Charles C. Calhoun, Jr., Assistant Chief, CERC; and Dr. James R. Houston, Chief, CERC. COL Allen F. Grum, USA, was the previous Director of WES. COL Dwayne G. Lee, CE, is the present Commander and Director of WES. Dr. Robert W. Whalin is Technical Director. PREFACE PARGasles LYNE WILE PART IIL: PART IV: PART V: PART VI: PART VII: PART VIII: PART IX: APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPEND IX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX A: et (py teal Jes CONTENTS . . . . . . ° . . INTRODUCTION . . METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY ..... AMER IONS! Gg 6 G8 Goo 6 6 0 0 4 6 6 AWS ANID) (GUIKIRIOININS 5 6 6 6 4 0 8 60 0 9 6 ICID, UNO MEUON 6 aia op 4 BEACH EROSION AND LITTORAL TRANSPORT . . TOPOGRAPHY, HYDROGRAPHY, AND BATHYMETRY GEOLOGY AND GHOMORPHOLOGY : .. ... -« EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION AND TSUNAMIS . . LIST OF OFFICES OF THE US ARMY CORPS OF lONIGIONIBIIRNS 5 9 6 6 5 016 p60 6 OO CS US GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE AND ITS OOKSWORNES 6 o 6 6 6 5600006 0700 SOURCES OF INFORMATION, US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIST OF STATE CONSERVATIONISTS, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . US COAST GUARD DISTRICTS AND ADDRESSES . LIST OF CONTACTS FOR COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT LIST OF STATE GEOSCIENCE AGENCIES . . COASTAL AND MARINE INFORMATION CENTERS . aLal SOURCES OF COASTAL MNGINEERING LNFORMAT TON PART I: INTRODUCTION Objectives Coastal engineering is a specialized branch of the engineering profession which requires the knowledge of many physical sciences and engineering disci- plines in the practice. Typical coastal projects involve planning, design, and/or construction for harbor developments; navigation channel improvements; coastal inlet stabilization; coastal flooding and shoreline erosion protec-— tion; and beach restorations and nourishments. Coastal engineers not only have to be familiar with the broad disciplines and the up-to-date technologies in their practices, they must also have appropriate environmental data to ensure the safety, and economical and functional reliability of their under- takings. As the Shore Protection Manual (SPM) (1984) provides a handy refer- ence for the application of techniques and methodologies to the solutions of coastal engineering problems, this report addresses the sources of coastal engineering data and information. The success or failure of a particular coastal design is often directly related to the amount and quality of available data and information related to the physical conditions at the project site. In many cases, the designer is unnecessarily restricted because of ignorance of potential sources of useful information, most of which are easily accessible. Knowledge and proper use of these information sources could result both in monetary savings and in an improvement in the quality of the final products. The importance and economic value of existing data and information have long been recognized. In recent years major efforts have been undertaken to make available to the public vast amounts of information and data generated by Federally funded activities. The National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) represents a typical organization which provides a number of Federal data banks and services on data management and data analysis. Numerous information centers and referral services, public and private, are also becoming available to the users. However, according to the findings by the Panel on Marine Engineering Information and Data Exchange of the National Academy of Science (National Academy of Sciences 1975), ocean engineers, in general, are lacking in awareness and utilization of the available information resources. The objec- tives of this publication are to: (a) Increase the awareness and promote the utilization of sources of coastal engineering information by compiling the available sources in a single handy reference volume. (b) Direct users to appropriate organizations, personnel, or publi- cations for engineering data or information. (c) Facilitate engineering design or analysis with a minimum effort in site-specific data acquisition activities. It is hoped that this reference will provide the coastal engineers and other professionals with sufficient details to facilitate their effort in searching for site-specific design or planning information. Guidelines and Criteria During the earlier phase of this research, questions concerning the sub- ject categories to be covered, types of data to be collected and documented, criteria in terms of spatial and temporal coverages, the extent of information to be presented, etc., have been frequently raised. It was soon realized that there is no obvious answer to most of these questions unless some clear guide- lines with respect to information collection can be drawn. The present publi- cation is planned for a handy data reference and is not intended to be a bib- liographic listing. Therefore, effort was directed to developing a complete reference without being voluminous. When the usefulness of a particular data set is in doubt, the decision would be made based on whether the inclusion of this data set would reveal an important and valuable data source. If the same source organization had other data sets that have been already included, then the data set in question was not included. Because of this guideline being used in the information collection, the users must be aware that the listing presented in this publication is by no means complete. It is their own responsibility to inquire about the availability of other related data or information from the source agency. All the information or data referred to by this report are prototype data which can be directly related to site-specific design applications. Simulated data from either physical or mathematical models are generally not included. Exceptions to this guideline are the hindcast wave data, predicted tsunami and surge and meteorological records, and statistical properties derived from the prototype data. Formats of Presentation Coastal engineering data or information covered by this report include: (a) Meteorology and climatology. (b) Water levels. (c) Winds and storms. (d) Waves and currents. (e) Ice information. (f) Littoral transport and shoreline erosion. (g) Coastal geology and geomorphology. (h) Topography, hydrography, and bathymetry. (i) Earthquakes and tsunamis. Information about these data and their sources is presented in the following chapters. In many instances, a publication may contain more than one type of data. Duplicated information sheets are then placed at the appropriate chap-— ters if the data are considered to be "extensive'; otherwise, cross references are given in the form of "additional information."' There is no specific effort to cross-reference the data sources presented in Part II, "Meteorology and Climatology.'' Users should review this Part for their information research. The information documented is either in the form of a publication or stored as a data file in data banks. On each information sheet, the name, address, and telephone number of the source organization are provided at the top of the page. If the information is in the form of a publication, then the subject title, author's name, and publication number follow. The date of publication or publication interval is also provided. Location and time period in which the data were gathered are also included. The "contents" section provides a brief data description including the specific types of data presented in the publication. The telephone number and address at which the publication can be obtained are provided to benefit the users. If the data are stored in a data bank, the kind of data or the name of the data file is then given. Additional information concerning the data file includes locations, description of data, response format, qualified users, and point of contact. Minor variation in the format of presentations may occur in this report for the convenience of presentation. Appendices A-H of this report provide lists and addresses of information sources. Suggestions and Comments There are data sources, particularly sources from the private sector, that may have been left out of this report. Also, new data sources and/or data files may have been established since the publication of this report. In order to benefit the coastal engineering community with complete and up-to- date information, suggestions of new sources and data information are solici- ted; they should be sent to: Coastal Engineering Research Center USAE Waterways Experiment Station ATTN: WESCW-D PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 The Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) will update the present publi- cation when the need becomes apparent. References National Academy of Sciences, "Information and Data Exchange for Ocean Engineers, An Approach to Improvement," Washington, DC, 1975. Shore Protection Manual, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Coastal Engineering Research Center, US Government Printing Office, 1984. I-3 . ae Ai ai AD “yaad deqnl a ak i el. #9) lili pole ak ieee ’ { wilde rt ~F t 4) { (0a) 2 ave I cor aS wy ty ee y aaelqel ed Pde ‘> oF py i Loeedto eal oil i Aen ail wey toe oe i nt ie eee lala cae &.i gaa et (wh: ghd Cy ere kaa $1, ne ah ; 4 | Leite is 7 mynte 1 feel TAA . Bi .t 2 “i tum ¥ ote aati: alibi +0 yay Taney Me be Mca nh. Hoy ei abe te. Wie: ean ¥ por , my a ay) 9 A) gee al Lag ta Tw eye Ty ‘bived tpyere, wl er ' j t go The Nh AM oat oy rset ate ae 4 ) ive d a a worn ee ene ih ‘ nha pine, ope y oe wan f en ers e EER etomhne toewe “mea rab eee LA F1pma mle Boe « 170) ; DVO oO ome i mechan ha ils 70m ae Pi heat se pili ioteshh Cae | i ee ing Yh y pa yi ih mn wi : ; rae I UE is : ne ta! ‘i, Chane PART II: METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY Nalttonale Gilamatie Data Genter ae: wan sear sei teu son fot eh oerey a elle av fen ool seh errs Local, Gikimatolomilcall WA 6 5 6 6 6 6060060056000 6 Gilsimarologieall WAGE “5 6c 6 0 oF0 © Oo O80 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 G0 Mesclners WEREMNGr WOR o 65 5 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ooo oO Marine Climatological Summaries ...... 6 0600 0 6 Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Oingcreta pion, Coastal Meena Areas .. O--0'-6 ody hey SE Geb OY erie lO. 0 Summary of Syaoneic Necootologieal Ohecmencars for Great Wakes INE@BB “5.0 0 © o-oo 0 Ey CRONE sper may tie) Met Pre} wick Oretidies WepireMarel Be Selective Guide to Climatic Data someee 0.0.0 6 0 6 0 Of6 0 0 Storm WHER 6 56 6 0.0 0 06 6 50 0 0 00950 00000006000 Mariners Worldwide Climatic Guide Re Tpenieall Storms at Sea .. NattonaleghturrlcanemCent execs: yon eal chine boul ci enn cae -unl cman met cunroumn oj mtcuiwnron ie Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1877-1980 . . j A Tropical Cyclone Data Type for the North Atlantic Basin, 1886- OBS mContents/saaladimalctalt-alonspirand: |UISCS imeem optim spinner nny auiret ire Coastal Engineering Research Center ....... +. + +6 «© © © «© @ « Littoral Environmental Observation (LEO) Data Summaries, North GaylsttGremla, NOOISIOIS 4 56 6 6 6 610 0 0 OR BI RA RN CERC Field Research Soca Environmental Data sie oa 3 UQPT AMOI G5 6 5.) 0 Shiite Annual Data SoumENAy on 1980, “CERC Field Roaoaneh Raceililiuese a hr cties USpNavaill Oceanography Command) 2). 2 3 el ee ee ee U.S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World ......... USmNavaileOceano oacaphiaic Off Cepia roircy ici lence) aout) mci einen lel Tomei eyncInTe Oceanographic Atlas of the Polar Seas, Part II, Arctic ..... National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service . . A Climatologic and Oceanographic Analysis of the Georges Bank Region of the Outer Continental Shelf ........2..~. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center ........ - Climatic Atlas of the Outer Continental Shelf Waters ‘andmCoasitalasRegdions mots Allalsica wien meiireiircdaiilejnreInionnci npn nnNToiers II-1 II-21 II-22 II-22 National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FTS 672-0682 Publications Local Climatological Data Publication Interval: Monthly summaries and an annual summary are published for each individual station. Location: Approximately 300 stations nationwide. Some stations are added while other stations are deleted from time to time. Period of Coverage: 1897 to present Contents: This publication comprises two issues: Local Climatological Data, Monthly Summary; and Local Climatological Data, Annual Summary with Compara- tive Data. Local Climatological Data, Monthly Summary, presents basic clima- tological data including temperature (daily maximum, minimum, average, etc.), precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, sunshine and sky cover, together with a table of hourly precipitation data for the month. Data are presented by daily and 3-hr intervals. Predecessor issues were titled the Monthly Meteorological Summary (1897-1947) and Monthly Clima- tological Summary (1948-1952). The earlier issues varied greatly in format and content from time to time. Local Climatological Data, Annual Summary with Comparative Data, contains a narrative climatological summary and sequential tables of monthly and annual values of average temperature, total and cooling— degree days. Also included is a station location table, showing in detail a history of, and related information about, changes in location and exposure instruments. Subscription Rate Subscription rate will be quoted upon request or Cost: by the Director, National Climatic Data Center, Federal Building, Asheville, NC 28801. Nominal costs are charged for copies of back issues. Most issues that are two or more years old are out of print. All issues can be provided on microfiche or as paper copy prepared from the microfiche. Available From: National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FTS 672-0682 II-2 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Climatological Data Publication Interval: Monthly and annually Location: Published for state or combination of states Period of Publication: Late 1890s to the present (varies from state to state) Contents: The current monthly issue contains a temperature and precipitation extremes table, a summarized station and divisional data table, a daily pre- cipitation table, a daily temperature table, a daily snowfall and snow on ground table, an evaporation and wind table, daily soil temperature, and a station index table. The annual issue presents tables as follows: monthly and annual average temperature and departures from normal; monthly and annual total precipitation and departures from normal; temperature extremes and freeze data; monthly and annual total evaporation and wind movement; monthly and annual average and extreme soil temperatures at selected depths; precipi- tation measured in storage gages; and a station index. Subscription Rate Subscription rate will be quoted upon request by or Cost: the Director, National Climatic Center, Federal Building, Asheville, NC 28801. Nominal costs are charged for copies of back issues. Available From: National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FTS 672-0682 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Mariners Weather Log Publication Interval: Bimonthly Location: North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, and Great Lakes Period of Coverage: 1957 to present Contents: Current publication contains marine meteorological and climatologi- cal information. Special features include Hints to Observers, Tips to Radio Officers, Hurricane Alley, and Marine Weather Diary. Rough logs (incomplete records) of general weather conditions for the second and third months prior to the date of each issue and smooth logs (complete records) of conditions for the fifth and sixth months prior to the date of each issue are furnished. Tables of selected gale and wave observations for the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans are presented together with a bimonthly summary of US Ocean Buoy Climatological Data. Subscription Rate Free or Cost: Available From: National Oceanographic Data Center (D/62) Page Building 1, Room 400 Washington, DC 20235 (202) 234-7500 II-4 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Marine Climatological Summaries Publication Date: N/A Location: 60 marine areas or fixed ships assigned to the United States by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Period of Coverage: 1961-1970 Contents: This series of publications was prepared and published with cooper- ation between NOAA and WMO. There are ten volumes, one volume per year for 1961-1970. Each volume contains monthly, seasonal, and annual summaries for selected elements; frequencies of visibility; specific weather conditions; cloud cover; dry-bulb temperature; dew-point temperature; sea surface temper- ature; air-sea temperature difference; atmospheric pressure; and wind force by 30 direction sectors. Also included are seasonal tables of observed frequen- cies of wave heights and periods by 30 direction sectors and for all direc- tions combined. Available From: National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FTS 672-0682 II-5 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations (Area of World) Coastal Marine Areas Publication Date: 1970 and after Location: 500 selected marine areas throughout world Period of Coverage: N/A t Contents: This serial publication is produced by a joint effort of the Naval Weather Service's Detachment at Asheville, N. C., and NOAA's National Climatic Data Center and is based upon marine surface observations taken aboard vessels of varying registry in passages. Since ships tend to avoid bad weather when possible, the data may contain a bias toward good weather. There are 21 data tables for each coastal marine area. Tables 1-19 are prepared for each calendar month, with an annual summary for each. Tables 20 and 21 contain both monthly and annual summaries. Because the number of observations may vary from one table to another, no absolute relationship exists between the tables. The period of record used in each volume is indicated. The tables presented (described below) are based upon eight observation times per day (Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)). Table 1 - Percent frequency of weather occurrence by wind direction. Table 2 - Percent frequency of weather occurrence by hour. Table 3 - Percent frequency of wind direction by speed and by hour and hour groups; the mean wind speed by direction is also shown. Table 4 - Percent frequency of wind speed by hour and mean speed by hour. Table 5 - Percent frequency of total cloud amount by wind direction and the mean cloud amount by wind direction. Table 6 - Percent frequency of ceiling heights and no ceiling by wind direction. Table 7 — Cumulative percent frequency of simultaneous occurrence of ceiling height and visibility, and percent frequency of low clouds. Table 8 —- Percent frequency of wind direction versus occurrence or non- occurrence of precipitation and varying of visibility. Table 9 - Percent frequency of wind direction versus wind speed with varying values of visibility. Table 10 - Percent frequency of ceiling heights and no ceiling by hour. Table 11 - Percent frequency of visibility by hour. Table 12 - Cumulative percent frequency of ranges of visibility and ceiling height by hour. Table 13 - Percent frequency of relative humidity by air temperature. Table 14 - Percent frequency of wind direction by air temperature. Table 15 - Means, extremes, and percentiles of air temperature by hour. Table 16 - Percent frequency of relative humidity by hour. Table 17 - Percent frequency of air temperature and the occurrence of fog (without precipitation) versus air-sea temperature difference. National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Table 18 - Percent frequency of surface wind speed and direction versus sea height. Table 19 - Percent frequency of wave height versus wave period. Table 20 - Monthly and annual percent frequencies and means of sea surface temperature. Table 21 - Monthly and annual average sea level pressures by hour. Monthly extremes and percentile values are also shown. This series of publications covers 1/7 major coastal marine areas. The follow- ing tabulation lists the number of values and sub-areas for each marine area. Number of Number of Marine Area Volumes Sub-areas East African and selected island areas 5 WD Southwest Asian coastal areas 6 24 Southeast Asian coastal areas 4 14 Indonesian coastal areas 6 40 Australian coastal areas 3 22 Chinese-Philippine coastal areas 5 20 Hawaiian and selected North Pacific 5 17 Island coastal areas Japanese and Korean coastal areas 1] 33 Siberian coastal areas 4 28 Alaskan and British Columbian 5 18 coastal areas North American coastal areas 6 41 Caribbean and nearby island 6 35 coastal areas South American coastal areas 5 36 Mediterranean marine areas 9 3}5) West African and selected 3 22 island areas Western European coastal areas 8 50 South Pacific island areas 4 32 Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 Definite ordering information can be obtained from: Marine Climatological Branch D762, Page Building 1, Room 400 Washington, DC 20235 II-7 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Additional Information: Other marine climatological publications which present narrative, geophysical chart, or both, and which contain information similar to that provided in the Summary of Synoptic Meteorologi- cal Observations, Coastal Marine Areas Series, are: "Climatic Study of the Near Coastal Zone, East Coast of the U.S." (AD A024 991)%* "Climatic Study of the Near Coastal Zone, West Coast of the U.S." (AD A024 992)* "Northeast Atlantic Environmental Scenario" (AD A781 673)* "Northeast Pacific Environmental Scenario” (AD A781 673)* *National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Accession Number. National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Summary of Synoptic Meteorological Observations for Great Lakes Areas Publication Date: N/A Location: 13 major Great Lakes areas Period of Coverage: 1960-1973 Contents: This series of publications contains four volumes: Vol 1 - Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, Vol 2 - Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, Vol 3 —- Lake Michigan, and Vol 4 - Lake Superior. The data summaries are based on observa- tions taken on board vessels in passage on the Great Lakes. There are 21 data tables for each of the 13 areas. Tables 1-19 are prepared for each calendar month with an annual summary for statistics of wind direction, wind speed, cloud cover, ceiling height and visibility, precipitation, relative humidity, air temperature, air-sea temperature difference, wave height, and wave period. Tables 20 and 21 contain both monthly and annual summaries of sea-surface temperature and sea-level pressure. Available From: National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FTS 672-0682 T1=9 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Selective Guide to Climatic Data Source Key to Meteorological Records Documentation No. 4.11 Dutson,. K. Di, and) Hate, We L.. Publication Date: October 1981 Location: N/A Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: This guide is designed to assist potential users of climatological data by informing them of the availability of such data in published and unpublished form. It is arranged to indicate the publication(s) in which these data in their various climatological categories (temperature, precipita-— tion, wind, atmospheric pressure, humidity, etc.) may be found. A brief review of the pertinent historical facts associated with each publication is given where appropriate. The various climatological tables, charts, and graphs included in each publication are listed, and in many cases abbreviated examples are shown. Several climatological atlases have been prepared by NOAA and by agencies in the Department of Defense. The descriptions provide ordering information for these publications. All back issues of serial climatological publications and many one-time issues containing specialized climatic data have been placed on 4- by 6-in. microfiche. Future issues will also be filmed in order to maintain continuity and integrity in the microfiche file. In addition, some of the unpublished data compilations have been placed on 100-ft reels of 16mm film. Either film copies of existing microforms or paper copies of the publications or data compilations can be provided as required. Generally, microfilm and microfiche copy costs much less than paper copy. If microforms are desired, contact National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) to determine the availability and cost of the desired materials. Although this guide refers primarily to published climatological data, it should be noted that a wealth of unpublished climatological data and/or sum- maries is also available in the NCDC files. Part V herein describes indexes to many of these materials. Most of the currently published and unpublished materials described in the guide were prepared at NCDC from digitized representations (magnetic tape) of the original records. Information about the content and format of these digital data files and how copies may be obtained is available from NCDC upon request. Available From: National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FITS 672-0682 II-10 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Storm Data Publication Date Monthly since January 1959 and Interval: Location: The 50 states Contents: This guide contains a chronological listing, by state, of the occurrence of storms and other unusual weather phenomena. The data contain: date, place, and local time of storm; width and length of storm; path of storm; deaths and injuries; property and crop damage; type of storm; and a description of the storm which may or may not include wind and rainfall data. Available From: National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FTS 672-0682 II-11 National Climatic Data Center (Continued) Mariners Worldwide Climatic Guide to Tropical Storms at Sea Crutcher, H., NAVAIR 50-1C-61 Publication Date: 1974 Location: Worldwide Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: This 425-page guide provides narrative information about where and when tropical storms occur, their frequency of occurrence, and the general paths they follow. The narrative descriptions are supplemented with numerous charts, graphs, and diagrams. Also included are aerial, satellite, and sur- face photographs of tropical storms, and average sea conditions from 1/4-ft waves to greater than 3/-ft waves associated with wind speeds from calm to 130 knots. The charts are presented in two sections: storm track and fre- quency maps, and tropical cyclone roses. The track and frequency maps section provides charts by season and/or by 10- to 30-day intervals during the tropical storm season for the North Atlan- tic, Eastern, North Pacific, Western North Pacific, Southeast Indian, South- west Indian, and Southwest Pacific Ocean basins, and the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and Indochina oceanic areas. Each chart presents tracks preferred by tropical storms and their frequency along these tracks, and isopleths showing the scaler mean (average) speed, in knots, of storm movements based on 12-hr displacements. The tropical cyclone roses section presents monthly and annual charts for various storm stages (tropical cyclone, tropical storm, hurricane, and tropi- cal storm-hurricane combined) for the North Atlantic (including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico), Eastern North Pacific, Western North Pacific, Southwest Pacific and Australian area (including the Southeastern Indian Ocean), South Indian, and North Indian (including the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea) Ocean basins. The storm roses are presented for 5-deg latitude-longitude quad- rangles. Each storm rose depicts statistics on the direction and speed of 12-hr movements for tropical cyclone centers. The probability, in percent, of having at least one storm in any given year is also shown. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 (GPO Stock No. 003-019-00025-0) Additional Information: This publication was published by the Naval Weather Service Command and was prepared by the NCDC in cooperation with the Naval Weather Service Environmental Detachment, Asheville, NC. II-12 National Hurricane Center National Climatic Data Center US Department of Commerce/NOAA Gables One Tower —- Room 631 1320 Dixie Highway Coral Gable, FL 33146 (305) 666-4612, FTS 350-5547 Publications Tropical Cyclones of the North Atlantic Ocean, 1871-1980 Neuman, C., Cry, G., Caso, E., and Jarvisen, B. Publication Date: 1981 Location: US Atlantic coast and the North Atlantic Ocean, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Period of Coverage: 1871-1980 Contents: This publication is an update and revision of US Weather Bureau Technical Paper No. 36 (1959) and No. 55 (1965). It consolidates the records of seasonal and chronological occurrence of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Ocean. Narrative information provided includes a discussion of the characteristics of tropical cyclones, classification of Atlantic tropical cyclones, data sources used, accuracy of tracks and intensity classifications, North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks, and the frequency of North Atlantic tropical cyclones with supplemental graphs and tabular material. Two sets of tropical cyclone track charts are included: one shows storm tracks by year (107 charts); the second (26 charts) by month (May through December), and by 10- or ll-day periods (June 1 through November 30). Available From: Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 (GPO Stock No. 003-017-00425-2) or National Climatic Data Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0682, FTS 672-0682 Additional Information: Separates are prepared annually of the North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones portion of the annual issue of Climatological Data National Summary published by NCDC. These separates may be obtained from NCDC at the above address. II-13 National Hurricane Center (Continued) A Tropical Cyclone Data Type for the North Atlantic Basin, 1886-1983: Contents, Limitations and Uses Jarvinen, B. R., et al., NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS NHC22 Publication Date: March 1984 Location: US Atlantic coast and North Atlantic Ocean, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Period of Coverage: 1886-1983 Contents: The National Hurricane Center (NHC) maintains a computer file on North Atlantic tropical cyclones. The file contains dates, tracks, wind speeds, and central pressure values when available for all tropical cyclones. This report describes the data organization, data formats, and limitations. Several uses of the data are demonstrated. Available From: National Hurricane Center National Climatic Data Center US Department of Commerce/NOAA Gables One Tower - Room 631 1320 Dixie Highway Coral Gable, FL 33146 (305) 666-4612, FTS 350-5547 TI-14 Coastal Fngineering Research Center (CERC) US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 (601) 634-3000, FTS 542-3000 Publications Littoral Environmental Observation (LEO) Data Summaries Northern California, 1968-78, Schneider, C. and Weggel, J. R., No. 82-6 Publication Date: August 1982 Location: 25 selected sites in northern California (from the Monterey Peninsula to the Oregon border) Contents: This publication contains information on: (a) wave conditions (direction, period, breaker height, breaker type); (b) beach data (littoral current speed and direction, beach foreslope, rip current data, beach cusp spacings, monthly photos, tide level, sand sample data); and (c) wind data (speed and direction). Additional Information: Contact the Coastal Engineering Information Analysis Center, CERC, USAE Waterways Experiment Station, PO Box 631, Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 (601-634-3000 or FTS 542-3000) for additional information on LEO data and programs. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. A128 551) II-15 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) CERC Field Research Facility Environmental Data Summary, 1977-1979 Miller, C. H., MR-16 Publication Date: December 1982 Location: Duck, Ne GC. Period of Coverage: 1977-1979 Contents: This report, the first in a series of annual reports, provides basic data and summaries of the environmental measurements including water level data, LEO data, weather data, wind and wave roses, sediment size and distribution data, and beach bathymetry. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. A128 551) Additional Information: Contact the CERC Field Research Facility, Duck, NM Calg (OUD) Lote. II-16 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Annual Data Summary for 1980, CERC Field Research Facility Miller, H. C., TR CERC-84-1 Publication Date: February 1984 Location: DackeeyNeen Gre Period of Coverage: Jan-Dec 1980 Contents: This report provides basic data and summaries of the measurements made during 1980 at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) Coastal Engineering Research Center's Field Research Facility (FRF) in Duck, N. C. The report is the second in a series of annual summaries of data col- lected at the FRF; the first, which summarizes data collected during 197/7- 1979, was published as Coastal Engineering Research Center Miscellaneous Report 82-16 and is available from the WES Technical Report Distribution Sec- tion, Vicksburg, Miss. Data presented include meteorological data summary, monthly precipitation for 1978-1980, seasonal significant wave height statistics, seasonal peak wave period statistics, tide statistics, aerial photography inventory, foreshore sediment data, etc. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 2216] (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. A128 551) Additional Information: FRF's data collection is an ongoing program. The CERC Coastal Engineering Information Analysis Center (CEIAC) is responsible for storing and disseminating most of the data presented or alluded to in this report. Tidal data other than the summaries in this report should be obtained directly from the Tides Branch, National Ocean Service (NOS), Rockville, MD 20850. A complete explanation of the exact data desired for specific dates or times will expedite filling any request; an explanation of how the data will be used will help CEIAC or NOS determine if other relevant data are available. For information regarding the availability of data, contact CEIAC at (601) 634-2012. Costs for collecting, copying, and mailing will be borne by the requester. r= N7, US Naval Oceanography Command Weather Service Detachment Asheville, NC 28801 Publication U.S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World Publication Dates: Volume I (NAVAIR 50-1C-528) ~— North Atlantic Ocean (Revised 1974) Volume II (NAVAIR 50-1C-529) -—- North Pacific Ocean (Revised 1977) Volume III (NAVAIR 50-1C-530) - Indian Ocean (Revised 1976) Volume IV (NAVAIR 50-1C-531) - South Atlantic Ocean (Revised 1978) Volume V (NAVAIR 50-1C-532) - South Pacific Ocean (Revised 1979) Location: See above tabulations Period of Coverage: Varies for each volume Contents: This atlas is published in five volumes. It is a revision of the eight-volume "U.S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World" that was published during the years 1955 through 1969 and which is now out of print. Each volume is presented in two parts: Part I - Meteorology, and Part II - Oceanography. Part I — Meteorology presents isopleth analyses, by months, for the following elements: (a) Surface Winds (percent frequency of speeds less than 11 knots and greater than 33 knots). (b) Surface Air Temperature (mean air temperature and percent frequency of freezing temperatures and temperatures of 20°C and higher). (c) Temperature Extremes and Temperature - Humidity Index (99% and 1% quantile values for maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively, and per- cent frequency of temperature-humidity index values greater than 23°C). (d) Sea Surface Temperature (mean temperature and the 99% and 12 quantile values for maximum and minimum temperature, respectively). (e) Humidity (99% and 1% quantile values for dew point temperatures). (f) Precipitation (percent frequency of precipitation and of snow). (g) Visibility (percent frequency of visibility less than 2 nautical miles and equal to or greater than 5 nautical miles). (h) Cloud Cover (percent frequency of total cloud amount equal to or less than 2/8 and equal to or greater than 5/8 for low cloud amount). (i) Ceiling and Visibility (percent frequency of low cloud amount ceil- ing equal to or greater than 1,000 ft and visibility equal to or greater than 5 nautical miles, and percent frequency of ceiling less than 600 ft and/or visibility less than 2 nautical miles). (j) Wind - Visibility - Cloudiness (percent frequency for two specified conditions: poor and optimum). II-18 US Naval Oceanography Command (Continued) (k) Sea Level Pressure and Mean Wind (mean sea level pressure in milli- bars and scalar mean winds). (1) Waves (percent frequency of wave heights of less than 1.5 and 2.5m and greater than 3.5 and 6.0 m). Each of the above isopleth analyses is supplemented with graphical pre- sentations and tabular data for selected areas in the ocean basin. Two addi- tional charts are presented for each month: low Pressure Centers, which depicts the mean storm tracks and principal areas of cyclogenesis; and Tropical Cyclone, which presents eight point tropical cyclone movement roses for each 5-deg latitude-longitude quadrangle in the ocean basin. Part II - Oceanography presents monthly charts of sea ice concentrations and extremes, seasonal charts of surface currents, types of tides, and tide ranges. Also included are summaries of ice freeze-up and breakup dates where appropriate. The isopleth analyses are multicolor. Available From: Individual volumes or the complete five-volume set may be purchased from: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 The GPO Stock Nos. are: Volume 1: O008-042-00064-1 Volume 2: 008-042-00068-3 Volume 3: O008-042-00066-7 Volume 4: 008-042-00069-1 Volume 5: 008-042-00070-5 Additional Information: A volume of the older set that remains unrevised is "US Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World, Volume VI, Arctic Ocean" (NAVWEPS 50--iC-533). It was published in February 1963 by the Chief of Naval Operations. This volume may be obtained from GPO. 11-19 US Naval Oceanographic Office Hydrographic Department NSEL Station, MS 39529 (601) 688-4015, FTS 494-4015 Publication Oceanographic Atlas of the Polar Seas, Part JI, Arctic H.O. Publication No. 705 Publication Date: 1958 (Reprinted 1968) Location: Arctic Ocean and vicinity Period of Coverage: Most of the charts in this atlas were completed in early 1957 from all available data at that time. Contents: This atlas contains seven main sections: Tides and Currents, Ice, Physical Properties, Distribution of Oceanographic Observations, Marine Biology, Marine Geology, and Wind-Sea-Swell Data. The Tides and Currents section contains information on the type of tide, cotidal lines, spring tide range, general surface circulation, major drifts of vessels and ice islands, circulation of Atlantic waters in the Arctic Ocean, and other more site-specific data. The Physical Properties section has data in chart form of water tempera- ture, air-sea temperature differences, water salinity and water density in surface chart and vertical section form, and water color and transparency data. The Ice data is presented for each month in chart form that shows the percent sea surface covered by ice (concentration). Variability data and maximum and minimum isolines of concentration are drawn on each monthly chart. Many freeze and breakup dates at specific sites are included along with other site-specific data. The Wind-Sea-Swell Data section contains seasonal surface wind roses and state of sea (chart with isolines showing percent frequency of seas 5 ft and greater) data, seasonal swell charts, an accumulated frequency distribution of height-period combinations and directional distributions of periods of surface waves for specific areas at different seasons, and station wave height data. The Marine Geology section includes map subsections on geologic structure, ocean basins, coastal plains and continental platforms, continental shields, fold systems, bottom sediments, gravity, magnetism, bathymetry, and seismicity—tsunami-—volcanoes. The Marine Biology section contains fouling, marine algae and seagrass, marine mammals, and the deep scattering layer phenomena. Available From: Defense Technical Information Center Defense Logistics Agency Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 (Stock No. AD-—708-701) [1-20 National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Environmental Science Information Center (D822 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce 6009 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 Publication A Climatologic and Oceanographic Analysis of the Georges Bank Region of the Outer Continental Shelf Williams, Robert G., et al., S/T 78-441 Publication Date: September 1980 Period of Coverage: N/A Location: Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine, roughly 39°-45° N, 60°-72° W, a total of seven stations Contents: This report describes the results of an environmental study of the Outer Continental Shelf areas at the Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine. It pre- sents meteorological data including surface wind, air temperature, visibility and superstructure icing, and oceanographic and bathymetric data of the region. Extensive discussions on subjects such as ocean circulation and sur- face wave conditions are included. It contains 229 figures (181 in the main text and 48 in the five appendices). Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 (GPO Stock No. 1980-311-046-261) Additional Information: This publication was prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, US Department of the Interior. The data base for analyses was obtained for those archived at the National Oceanographic Data Center located in Page Building #1, 2001 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20235. II-21 Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) University of Alaska 707 A Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Publication Climatic Atlas of the Outer Continental Shelf Waters and Coastal Regions of Alaska Publication Date: 1977 Location: Gulf of Alaska (Volume I) Bering Sea (Volume I1) Chukchi and Beaufort Seas (Volume III) Contents: This publication is the result of a joint effort by AEIDC and the National Climatic Data Center/National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration to present descriptive climatology and data analysis of surface marine and atmospheric parameters for those waters and coastal regions of the Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf. The study was funded by the US Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management. The first section, "Selected Topics in Marine and Coastal Climatology," in each of three volumes contains information on storm surges, superstructure icing, hyperthermia, wind chill, surface currents, bathymetry, sea ice, and aviation weather. The second section, "Marine and Coastal Climatic Atlas," presents a detailed climatic profile in the form of isopleth analyses, graphs, and tables. The following list shows the parameters included in each of the 23 data sets; monthly information is presented for the first 21 sets. Set No. Parameter 1 Precipitation/wind direction - graphs Precipitation — maps 2 Precipitation types - graphs Snow — maps 3 Air temperature/wind direction - graphs Air temperature mean and thresholds —- maps 4 Wet bulb/relative humidity - graphs Mean dew point temperature —- maps ) Air temperature/wind speed - graphs Air temperature extremes - maps 6 Fog/time and fog/wind direction ~ graphs Fog - maps 7 Cloud cover/wind direction - graphs Cloud amount thresholds —- maps 8 Visibility/wind direction - graphs Visibility thresholds —- maps 9 Wind speed/direction — graphs Wind speed thresholds - maps 10 Wind direction/diurnal variation - graphs Vector mean wind —- maps TI=22 Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (Continued) Set No. Parameter 11 Wind cpecd diurnal vwartat fon etaphe healar mean wit itapro 12 Low cloud ceiling/visibility - graphs Low cloud ceiling and visibility thresholds - maps 13 Sea level pressure —- graphs Mean sea level pressure —- maps 14 Fog/air-sea temperature difference - graphs Mean sea surface temperature - maps 15 Sea surface temperature —- graphs Sea surface temperature extremes —- maps 16 Wave height/direction - graphs Wave height thresholds (nonhazardous) - maps 17 Wave height/period - graphs Wave height thresholds (hazardous) - maps 18 Low pressure center movement - roses Storm track - maps 19 Persistence of visibility < 2 nautical miles - graphs 20 Persistence of wind = 10 knots - graphs 21 Persistence of wind 2 20 knots - graphs BD Annual maximum winds and waves for selected return periods - marine areas 23 Annual maximum sustained winds for selected return periods Available From: Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center 707 A Street Anchorage, AK 99501 ($5.00 per volume plus postage) II-23 ER | . piyeenags ie Pee 7 i toa & i © ‘ v ai @ “biga « y ' ‘ y H * » seoile 7 ' Mh tae ae Wigan what Fie i - py ve Gate unit aebind ys ne inhi (gine ui PART III: WATER LEVELS National OceanviSemva' Ce ial vai else ise erites nell ta neh retest Inch eel coh ae Tide Tables... Bree ates a aries BMietels uyeh neve tata ite Sea Level Ve iee ons for he United Seacos, 1955-1980 plein) ait aya etl elie eerste cen tam ee teal, en Med a he APS Paattu. aver je pues wayne Great lakes) Water: Level) Datay Eaalielsi aucun sien le ee Great Lakes Water Levels-—Annual Summary Hydrograph of Monthly Mean Water Levels of che “Gaeae races Great Lakes Water Levels--1860-1980 ....... Coastal Engineering Research Center ........+.+ e468. Tides and Tidal Datums in the United States ..... Atlantica Goasitwatcern evel Gilsiimalte Sim amienienieamentoneteenntS Tsunami Wave Runup Predictions ... . 0 0 0 An Open-Coast Mathematical Storm Surge Model with Coastal Flooding for Louisiana .. . Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake ttenipane 6.00 6 Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Erie ...... Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Ontario ..... Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory ...... =. Lake Ontario Beginning-of-Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage ....... . Lake Michigan Beginning-of-—Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage ...... Lake Erie Beginning-of—Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage ........ Lake Huron Beginning-of-—Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage ...... Lake St. Clair Beginning-of-—Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage ....... . AMetlCanwsocwety, Oe CavaleEneame ens) lec) sie culinie) cele olen cpus Revisions to Hurricane Design Wave Practice . .....- - WS ANaihy Ioyesstinaere Wsistereiee, Weteole 6 6 6 6 6606000006 Monthly Bulletin of Lake Levels for the Great Lakes III-1 Page No. I1I-2 III-2 III-4 LII-5 111-9 III-1] III-12 III-13 III-14 III-14 III-16 IITI-17 III-24 ITI-25 I1LI-26 III-27 III-28 II1-28 ELL-29 II1I-30 IITI-31 ITI-32 II1I-33 III-33 TII-34 I11I-34 National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce Rockwall Bldg. 11400 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8858, FTS 443-8858 Publications Tide Tables Publication Interval: Annual publication of advance tide predictions Location: About 200 ports and 6,000 stations worldwide. The tide tables are issued in four volumes according to geographic regions as follows: Europe and west coast of Africa (including the Mediterranean Sea) East coast of North and South America (including Greenland) West coast of North and South America (including Hawaiian Islands) Central and Western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean Period of Coverage: 1853 to present Contents: Advance information with respect to the rise and fall of the tide is given in the annual tide tables. These tables contain the predicted times and heights of high and low waters for every day of the year at a number of designated reference stations. By using the published tidal differences, the user can calculate the approximate times and heights of the tide at many other subordinate stations. Up to and including the tide table for the year 1884, all the tide pre- dictions were computed by means of auxiliary tables and curves constructed from the results of tide observations at the different ports. From 1885 to 1911, the predictions were made by means of the Ferre] tide-predicting machine. From 1912 to 1965, they were made by means of the USCGS tide- predicting machine No. 2. Since 1966 predictions have been made by electronic computer. For the most part, tide predictions for US reference stations are based upon analyses of tide observation for periods of at least 1 year. Since the extremes of meteorological conditions have been excluded from the analyses and predictions, the predicted tidal heights should be considered those expected under average weather conditions. WA 72 National Ocean Service (Continued) Available From: Related Publications: National Ocean Service at Distribution Branch, N/CG-33 National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Riverdale, MD 20737 (301) 436-6990 or its sale agents. The tide tables may also be purchased at marinas and the US Coast Guard District Offices. Tidal Bench Marks Tidal Current Tables Tidal Current Charts Tidal Current Diagram United States Coast Pilots Nautical Charts III-3 National Ocean Service (Continued) Sea Level Variations for the United States, 1955-1980 Hicks, S. D., Debaugh, H. A. Jr., and Hickman, E. Publication Date: January 1983 (Annual Revision) Location: 67 permanent tide stations along the US coastlines Period of Coverage: Varies from station to station (range between 1854-1980) Contents: An introduction to the study of sea level and its applications is presented. Trends, their standard errors, and annual variabilities are com- puted for 44 US stations that are permanent, continuous, and in operation before 1940. The computations are for the entire length of series at each station and for the common series length, 1940 through 1980. Trends, their standard errors, and annual variabilities are also computed for five area means and the US mean. Graphs of area means, the US mean, and 6/ individual stations are depicted, the latter for both yearly and monthly mean sea level. Monthly and yearly mean sea level data are tabulated for the entire length of series at the 6/7 stations. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 ILI-4 National Ocean Service (Continued) Kinds of Data Tide Observation Station Lists Tides, 6-min Heights Tides, Hourly Heights Tides, Times and Heights of High and Low Waters Tides, Monthly Mean Summaries Tidal Bench Mark Sheets with Tidal Datums Frequency and Duration Analysis of Tidal Water Levels Tidal Zoning (Area Prediction Factors) Special Services Location: Coastal states and territories of the United States Description of Data: Tidal Observation Station Lists provide information by state of the tide stations maintained by the National Ocean Service (NOS) for the United States and its territories. Each list includes the station number, name, latitude, longitude, dates of observation, bench mark sheet publication date, and tidal epoch. Other station information is available upon request. Specialized tide observation station lists include the National Tide Obser- vation Network (NTON), composed of a list of all NOS long-term operating tide stations; and the Marine Boundary tide stations list, which provides tide stations in states with cooperative/NOS marine boundary programs. The states included are New Jersey, South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and California. Tides, 6-min Heights, are the compilations of the recorded height in hundredths of feet of the water level for every 6 min of each day at tide observation stations. Tidal 6-min heights first became available in the mid- 1960s. Data for stations maintained in the NTON after this date are available on digital magnetic tape. Data for a substantial number of stations not in the NTON are also available on digital magnetic tape. Tides, Hourly Heights, are the records of the height of the water level (in feet) on the hour for each hour of each day at tide observation stations. All heights are referenced to a datum. The records for stations in the NTON are available on either hard copy or on digital magnetic tape. Records for a substantial number of stations not in the NTON are also available on either hard copy or on digital magnetic tape. A large number of stations installed for a short period are not digitized, but data are available in hand-tabulated form. Tides, Times and Heights of High and Low Waters, are the records of the time and heights (in feet) of the high and low waters for each day at tide observation stations. All heights are referenced to a datum. The records for stations in the NTON are available on either hard copy or on digital magnetic tape. A large number of stations installed for a short period are not digi- tized, but data are available in hand-tabulated form. III-5 National Ocean Service (Continued) Tides, Monthly Mean Summaries, are the records of the average monthly and yearly water level heights. These include monthly and yearly averages for mean tide level, mean sea level, diurnal tide level, mean higher high water, mean high water, mean lower low water, mean range, diurnal mean range, Green- wich mean high water time intervals, and Greenwich mean low water time inter- vals. Summary tide records are maintained for approximately 200 past and present stations in the NTON. Tidal Bench Mark Sheets with Tidal Datums provide vertical elevations and descriptions of tidal bench marks at tide observation stations. The bench- marks are referenced to the tidal datums of mean lower low water and mean high water. Information is also provided to reference tidal benchmarks to other tidal datums and to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 when available. Frequency and Duration of Tidal Inundations is a summary report of a detailed statistical analysis of historic records of tide action at NOS tide stations. This analysis may be performed relative to either high or low waters. The report shows the frequency and duration of inundation of every 10th of a foot of elevation over a period of years. Results of the analysis are reported in five tabular columns: (a) elevations above station datum in feet and meters at increments of every 10th of a foot over the total range of water level at the station; (b) frequency of inundations--the number of times the water level has equaled or exceeded each incremental elevation for a period of the analysis; (c) percent frequency of inundation--the number of inundations in item b, expressed as a percentage of the total number of inundations occurring in the period of the analysis; (d) duration of inundation--the total hours at which the water level remained at or exceeded each incremental height for the period of the analysis; and (e) percent duration of inundation--the number of hours in item d, expressed as a percentage of the total number of hours in the period of the analysis. This service was started in 19/9, involving the analysis of long-term tide data for each NOS tide station. Reports are added to the station data file as they are completed. Tidal Zoning (Area Tide Prediction Factors) is a new category of tide data that provides the tidal corrections for predicting height and time over large areas of US and Caribbean coastal and continental shelf waters. Tidal corrections, in the form of time differences in minutes and tide height fac-— tors, are determined by historical tidal characteristics and comparing ob- served tide data which has been related to the 19-year Metonic cycle. These corrections when applied to the tide predictions for a control tide station determine the predicted time and height of the tides over the area. These computations are based on tide behavior at tide station locations and are pre- pared by NOS on request. Special Services includes development of harmonic constants for predic-— tion of tides; long-term tidal mean and extreme data analysis; technical advice on methods for conducting tidal surveys; plots of hourly or 6-min tidal heights; plots of daily, monthly, or yearly mean sea level; and simultaneous plots of two stations or a plot of observed verses predicted tidal heights. III-6 National Ocean Service (Continued) Response Formats: Digital magnetic tape, hard copy, or tabulated form (see Description of Data) Qualified Users: No limitations, but there is a nominal cost for each data/information/service. Point of Contact: Tidal Datum Section, N/OMS 124 National Ocean Service Room 609, WSC-1 6001 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8467 TLL—7 National Ocean Service (Continued) Near Real-time and Real-time Tidal Heights Location: NOS tide stations Description of Data: Near real-time and real-time heights are measured and converted into digital signals at 6-min intervals telemetered through tele- phone lines to selected offices with receiving units. NOS has equipped and is operating 11 tide stations under this program and is in the process of instal- ling telemetry instrumentation on selected stations in areas requiring real- time monitoring. The signals from these stations, telemetered at present to NOS Headquarters in Rockville, Md., meet specific users needs, which range from near-continuous telemetry to random short-term transmissions. The data include unedited measured tide heights to the nearest 10th of a foot for a tide station, the time of measurement, onsite observer input, quality control parameters, and station identification. Qualified Users: No limitations (service cost on quote) Point of Contact: Tidal Requirement Section, N/OMS 121 National Ocean Service Room 608, WSC-1 6001 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8807 III-8 National Ocean Service Office of Oceanography and Marine Services National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce 6001 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8443 Kind of Data Telemetered Water Level Data, Great Lakes Hourly Water Levels, Great Lakes Daily Mean Water Levels, Great Lakes Great Lakes /-day Water Levels Great Lakes Data: Monthly Mean Elevations and Monthly Mean Discharge Great Lakes Annual Maximum and Minimum Levels Benchmark Descriptions and International Great Lakes Datum Elevations Location: Great Lakes Description of Data: Telemetered Water Level Data, Great Lakes, is a biweekly compilation of provisional up-to-date telemetered water level data, hourly values, and daily mean in feet received from 23 key stations located around the Great Lakes. The elevations are referred to the International Great Lakes Datum (1955). Hourly Water Levels, Great Lakes, is a monthly tabulation of hourly water level data in feet for the month at each of 54 water level gages located around the Great Lakes. The data include the mean water level elevations in feet for each day of the month and the maximum and minimum levels for the month. The elevations are referred to the International Great Lakes Datum (1955). Monthly records are on file for each water level gage, with some records dating back to 1860. Furthermore, annual summaries and an index of stations are available. Daily Mean Water Levels, Great Lakes, is a monthly tabulation of daily average water level data in feet for each of 54 gages located around the Great Lakes. The elevations are referred to the International Great Lakes Datum (1955). Records are on file for each water level gage, and a data summary sheet is available. Great Lakes 7-day Water Levels is a weekly tabulation of the latest /-day daily average water level data in feet and meters for 13 selected gages in the Great Lakes. Records are available back to 1969. Great Lakes Data: Monthly Mean Elevations and Monthly Mean Discharge is a compilation of recorded monthly mean lake elevations in feet and monthly mean discharge in cubic feet per second of the major rivers, including St. Mary River, St. Clair River, Detroit River, Niagara River, and St. Lawrence River, connecting the Great Lakes. NOAA compiles the monthly elevation data, and the US Army Corps of Engineers compiles the discharge data. ILi-9 National Ocean Service (Continued) Great Lakes Annual Maximum and Minimum Levels provides annual compila- tions of the historic tabulation of water level elevations during stages of highest and lowest water levels for each year at each of 54 water level gages located around the five Great Lakes. The maximum stage data include the month of highest level and the mean elevation for that month, the day of the month with the highest level and mean elevation for that day, the day and elevation for that day, and the day the elevation of the highest hourly level during the year; the minimum stage data include the same information but for the lowest levels. The monthly records on file are available for the 54 Great Lakes observation stations, with some records dating back to 1901. Furthermore, annual summaries and an index of the stations are available. Benchmark Descriptions and International Great Lakes Datum Elevations describes the locations for approximately 3,000 benchmarks in the Great Lakes area, with published elevations on the International Great Lakes Datum (1955). Response Format: Tabulations Qualified Users: No limitations (free of charge except benchmark description and International great lakes datum elevation) Point of Contact: Water Level Section, N/OMS 124 National Ocean Service Room 626, WSC-1 6001 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8443 I1II-10 National Ocean Service (Continued) Publications Great Lakes Water Levels—-Annual Summary Publication Date or Interval: Annually Location: Great Lakes Period of Coverage: 1952-present Contents: This publication is a data compilation which contains Great Lakes water level gage records in both feet and meters. It shows, in tabular form for the calendar year, daily and monthly average levels for each gage in the network, the highest and lowest daily average level for each month, and a fre- quency distribution of daily average levels showing the number of times each month the recorded levels were at or above specific elevations. The locations of the recording water level gages are shown; an index lists the gage locations, identification numbers, and geographic coordinates. Available From: Distribution Branch, N/CG 33 National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Riverdale, MD 20737 (301) 436-6990 III-11 National Ocean Service (Continued) Hydrograph of Monthly Mean Water Levels of the Great Lakes Publication Date or Interval: Annually Location: Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair Period of Coverage: 1900-present Contents: Hydrograph of Monthly Mean Water Levels of the Great Lakes is a graphic depiction of monthly mean levels in feet for each of the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair since 1900, with low water datums shown. All elevations are referred to the International Great Lakes Datum (1955). Available From: Distribution Branch, N/CG 33 National Ocean Services National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Riverdale, MD 20737 (301) 436-6990 ITI-12 National Ocean Service (Continued) Great Lakes Water Levels--—1860-1980 Publication Date or Interval: Every 5 years Location: Great Lakes Period of Coverage: 1860-1980 Contents: Great Lakes Water Levels—-1860-1980 contains 258 pages of figures, a map, and a geographical index showing the network of over 50 permanent gages, and tabular records of monthly and annual average water surface eleva- tions for each gage for the period of its existence, as well as tables showing summaries of average and extreme levels. Available From: Distribution Branch, N/CG 33 National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Riverdale, MD 20/737 (301) 436-6990 III-13 Coastal Engineering Research Center US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180 (601) 634-2012, FTS 542-2012 Publications Tides and Tidal Datums in the United States Halas Sine Dam lores 9) Publication Date: February 1981 Location: Data presented in this report are developed specifically for the locations of 50 National Ocean Service (NOS) reference tide stations and 5 secondary stations located along the US coastline from Maine to Alaska. Period of Coverage: Analyses are based on NOS data for the period LICE EOSIN Contents: This report provides a ready reference to information about the tide characteristics. It also provides information about the statistical dis- tribution of astronomical tidal heights which can be used in setting and measuring the elevation of proposed engineering works or combined with similar statistics for storm surges and tsunamis to estimate the probability of extreme water levels. Several tidal datums of practical importance are described. Sources of detailed information are identified in the report. Statistical characteris-— tics of the astronomical tides at various US ports are investigated and docu- mented with graphs and tables. Specifically, the information presented by this report includes: (a) Plots which show tide hydrographs for a l-month period for each NOS reference tide station to display characteristics of the daily and monthly cycles at each location.: (b) Plots which show the predicted annual cycle of mean water levels as defined by the monthly mean of the predicted tides as averaged over the 19-year period. (c) Plots which show the predicted mean sea level for each year in the Metonic cycle. (d) Plots which show the annual cycle in tidal range. (e) Plots which show the variability of each measure of range for the 19-year Metonic cycle. (f) Plots which give the annual cycle of calculated low water parameters. (g) Plots which present low-water parameters for the 19-year Metonic cycle. (h) Plots which present high-water parameters for annual and Metonic cycles. (i) Probability density distribution tables which provide seven tide parameters: the highest predicted tide for each month, the predicted higher III-14 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) high water of each solar day, all predicted high waters of the 19-year period, predicted hourly tidal heights, all predicted low waters of the 19-year period, the predicted lower low water of each solar day, the lowest predicted tide level of each month. A method of combining the probabilistics of astronomical tide and storm effects on sea level is presented with sample calculations. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 (GPO Stock No. 008-022-00161-1) III-15 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Atlantic Coast Water Level Climates Ebersole, B. A., WIS Report 7 Publication Date: April 1982 Location: Information presented in this report is developed specifically for the locations of 20 National Ocean Service (NOS) reference tide stations located along the US Atlantic coast. Period of Coverage: Analyses are based on NOS tidal observation data. The period of data for each reference tide stations varies. Contents: This report is part of the Wave Information Study (WIS) series conducted by the Corps of Engineers. WIS Report 7 presents specifically the US Atlantic coast water-level climate at 20 NOS reference tide stations. Statistical data derived for each stations include: (a) Monthly and yearly mean sea level which shows the trends and vari- ability in mean sea level. (b) Monthly and yearly probability density and cumulative distribution functions for astronomical tide, storm surge, and total water level. (c) Average and maximum durations (in hours) at a specific water level elevation for storm surge and total water level. (d) Extreme storm surge data as a result of extratropical storms, pre- sented as functions of return period (years). (e) Theoretical Gumbel parameters derived from monthly and yearly extreme storm surge data. Data presented in this report can be useful in coastal engineering designs and analyses. However, it is important to note that the statistical information derived has excluded storm surges due to tropical storms and hurricanes. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-Al117-147) III-16 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Type 16 Flood Insurance Study: Tsunami Predictions for the West Coast of the Continental United States Houston, J. R., and Garcia, A. W., TR H-/8-26 Publication Date: December 1978 Location: US Pacific coast (excludes Alaska) Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: Calculations of runup due to tsunamis of distant origin were made for most of the west coast of the continental United States. Runup values were determined that were expected to be equaled or exceeded on the average of once per 100 or once per 500 years. Historical data of tsunamic activity in distant generation regions were used in the investigation in conjunction with numerical models that generated tsunamis and propagated them across the deep- ocean and nearshore region. The combined effects of astronomical tides and tsunamis were also incorporated into the analysis. Numerical simulations of actual historical tsunamis and comparisons of calculations with tide gage recordings were presented. Calculations of tsunami runup based upon data of local historical tsunamis (at the few locations on the west coast where there were sufficient historical data to allow reasonable predictions) were compared with predictions based upon the methods presented in the investigation. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-A063-663) ILI-17 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Tsunami-Wave Elevation Frequency of Occurrence for the Hawaiian Islands Houston, J. R., Carver, R. D., and Markie, D. G., TR H-77-16 Publication Date: August 1977 Location: Hawaiian Islands Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: An investigation was undertaken to establish frequency-—of- occurrence curves for tsunami-wave elevations near the shoreline for the Hawaiian Islands. A hybrid finite element numerical model was used to sup- plement historical data in determining the ten largest tsunamic elevations from 1837 to 1976 at locations along the coastline of the islands. The numer- ical model was verified by comparing tide gage recordings at various locations in the Hawaiian Islands during the 1960 and 1964 tsunamis with numerical model calculations. Frequency-of-occurrence curves were established using data from the ten largest tsunami-wave elevations along the Hawaiian coastline. Figures and the table presented in the report can be used to calculate tsunami eleva- tions 200 ft shoreward of the coastline for frequencies of occurrence as high as l-in-10 years for the entire coastline of the Hawaiian Islands (except the coast of the uninhabited US Navy target island of Kahoolawe). Runup nearly equals tsunami elevation at the shoreline for some of the coastline of the islands, but not for areas where flooding is substantial. A recommendation is given for development of a method to calculate land flooding during a tsunami. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-A045-023) ILI-18 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Type 16 Flood Insurance Study: Tsunami Predictions for Houston, Publication Date: Location: Period of Coverage: Pacific Coastal Communities J. R., and Garcia, A. W., TR H-/4-3 May 1974 15 communities of California coast: Carpinteria, Chula Vista, Costa Visa, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Los Angeles counties and unincorporated areas, National City, Port Hueneme, San Diego, San Diego County and unincorporated areas, Santa Barbara, Seal Beach, Ventura, and the 3 communities on the Alaska coast of Homer, Seldovia, and Seaward. N/A Contents: This publication presents calculations of runup due to seismic sea waves (tsunamis) of equaled or exceeded combined effects of analysis as well as plete discussion of distant origin. The values given are interpreted as being on the average of once per 100 or once per 500 years. The astronomical tides and tsunamis are incorporated into the local resonance effects where judged significant. A com- the methodology is presented in Appendix A. Analysis of the error attributed to each of the various steps in the procedure results in an estimated maximum average error of about +40 percent for the southern California communities and +75 percent for the Alaskan communities. It is essential that these runup predictions be reviewed approximately every 5 years in the light of advancements in the theory of tsunami generation, propagation, and runup. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-785-533) ILI-19 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Type 19 Flood Insurance Study: Tsunami Predictions for Southern California Houston, J. R., TR HL-80-18 Publication Date: September 1980 Location: Southern California, from Santa Barbara Point to Mexican border Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: Calculations of shoreline elevations due to tsunamis of distant origin were made for the southern California region. Elevations were deter- mined that were expected to be equaled or exceeded on the average of once per 100 or once per 500 years. In addition, exceedance frequency distributions for arbitrary frequencies of occurrence were presented. Historical data of tsunami activity in distant generation regions were used in the investigation in conjunction with numerical models that generated tsunamis and propagated them across the deep-ocean and nearshore region. The combined effects of the astronomical tides and tsunamis were incorporated in the analysis. Numerical simulations of the 1964 Alaskan tsunami in southern California were performed and comparisons with historical tide gage recordings were presented. Tsunami elevation predictions based upon the methods presented in the investigation were shown to be in good agreement with predictions based solely upon histori- cal data of tsunami activity (at the limited number of locations in southern California with sufficient historical data to allow reasonable predictions to be made). Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTLS Accession No. AD—-A091-657) TII-20 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Type 16 Flood Insurance Study: Tsunami Predictions for Monterey and San Francisco Bays and Puget Sound Garcia, A. W., and Houston, J. R., TR H-/5-17 Publication Date: November 1975 Location: Monterey and San Francisco Bays and Puget Sound Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: Calculations of runup (presented by 240 figures) due to seismic sea waves (tsunamis) of distant origin were made for Monterey and San Francisco Bays and the greater part of Puget Sound. Those areas which are specifically included and excluded are listed. The values presented are interpreted as being equaled or exceeded on the average of once per 100 or once per 500 years, whichever is indicated. All runup values are referenced to the mean sea level datum. The combined effects of astronomical tides and tsunamis are incorpo- rated into the analysis as the certain local effects. The effects of wind waves superimposed on the tsunami have been neglected. The simultaneous occurrence of a storm surge and tsunami is considered highly improbable and therefore unlikely to constitute a l-in-100 or 1-in-500-year event. Analysis of the error attributed to each of the various steps in the procedure results in an estimated maximum average error of about +40 percent. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-A018-421) II1-21 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Tsunami Response of Barbers Point Harbor, Hawaii Farrar, P. D., and Houston, J. R., MP HL-82-1 Publication Date: October 1982 Location: Barbers Point Harbor, Oahu Island, Hawaii Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: This publication uses a finite-difference numerical model to simu- late the action of long-period waves within the harbor. This model includes the effects of bottom friction, lateral mixing of momentum, radiation losses to the outside ocean, and flooding of surrounding land areas. A large number of cases were simulated, representing tsunami inputs that could be expected in the area. The resulting water elevations, land flooding, and water movement are presented. The response of the harbor to the many different wave cases was combined with a study of the frequency—of-occurrence of tsunamis to obtain frequency- of-occurrence statistics for different harbor response events. This was done both for infrequent large tsunamis and for more frequent small amplitude tsumanis. Conservative probability methods were used for all results. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-A112-299) TLI-22 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) A Numerical Model for Tsunami Inundation Houston, J. R., and Butler, H. L., HL-/9-2 Publication Date: February 1979 Location: Hauula—Punaluu region, Hawaii Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: This publication addresses a two-dimensional, time-dependent numer- ical model which was developed to calculate the land inundation of a tsunami. The model solves long wave equations that include bottom friction terms. A coordinate transformation was used to allow the model to employ a smoothly varying grid that allows cells to be small in the inundation region and large in the ocean. This model was applied to a region of Hawaii and produced 10 figures showing the contours of 50- and 100-year tsunami inundations. These figures can be overlaid on maps referenced in the report to delineate detail extents of flood inundation. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-065-090) II1-23 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) An Open-Coast Mathematical Storm Surge Model With Coastal Flooding for Louisiana; Report 1, Theory And Application Wanstrath, J. J., MP H-78-5 Publication Date: February 1978 Location: Gulf coast of Louisiana Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: This publication documents a two-dimensional, time-dependent, long- wave, shallow-water storm surge model. Surge results simulated for four historical hurricanes, Floossy, Carmen, Hilda, and Betsy, that affected the Louisiana coast are also presented. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-A053-365) TII-24 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Michigan Saville, T., Jr., BEB TM 36 Publication Date: March 1953 Location: Five stations on Lake Michigan were selected for a comprehensive wave analysis; the locations are as follow: Latitude Longitude Vicinity 45°05' N 87°00" W Baileys Harbor, Wis. 43°02' N 87°46" W Milwaukee, Wis. A153) IN S725" Wy Chicago, Ill. 43°14' N 86°27' W Muskegon, Mich. 44°38' N SOS mW Frankfort, Mich. Period of Coverage: Wave characteristics: 1948-1950 Water level: 1860-1951 Contents: This publication is divided into two sections: (a) lake level statistics, and (b) wave statistics. The lake level data include average seasonal fluctuation, a frequency of occurrence for short period fluctuations, and a probability of occurrence of annual maximum monthly mean lake level for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 consecutive years. The wave statistics section is divided into separate subsections for each location. Each subsection contains statistical hindcast data for each month, statistical hindcast data for a full year, statistical hindcast data for ice-free periods, and statistical energy data for various periods. Wave roses and duration and frequency of waves as a function of wave heights are also included. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-20-097) Additional Information: This document was published by the Beach Erosion Board, the Coastal Engineering Research Center's predecessor organization. II1I-25 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Erie Save Mia se clevey te Bee a Leni Publication Date: March 1953 Locations: Four stations on Lake Erie: Latitude Longitude Vicinity 41°50' N 83°10' W Monroe, Mich. Ae 35." oN 81°45' W Cleveland, Ohio G22 SN 80°05' W Ed enmibar 42°49' N Te Say Vel Buftatio., Ne We Period of Coverage: Wave characteristics: 1948-1950 Lake levels: 1860-1951 Contents: This publication is divided into two sections: (a) lake level statistics, and (b) wave statistics. The lake level data include average seasonal fluctuation, a frequency of occurrence for short period fluctuations, and a probability of occurrence of annual maximum monthly mean lake level for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 consecutive years. The wave statistics section is divided into separate subsections for each location. Each subsection contains statistical hindcast data for each month, statistical hindcast data for a full year, statistical hindcast data for ice-free periods, and statistical energy data for various periods. Wave roses and duration and frequency of waves as a function of wave heights are also included. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FITS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-—20-098) Additional Information: This document was published by the Beach Erosion Board, the Coastal Engineering Research Center's predecessor organization. III-26 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Ontario Sarallles Wos dies 5 Ie TM, Si} Publication Date: March 1953 Location: Three stations on Lake Ontario were selected for a comprehensive wave analysis, the locations being as follows: Latitude Longitude Vicinity AZ U7Y IN 79°46" W Hamilton, Ont. ASO 1ST I 77°35" W Rochester, N. Y. 43°49' N 76°18' W Sitomyae Rost Niwas Wave Data: 1948-1950 Period of Coverage: Wave characteristics: 1948-1950 Water levels: 1860-1951 Contents: This publication is divided into two sections: (a) lake level statistics, and (b) wave statistics. The lake level data include average seasonal fluctuation, a frequency of occurrence for short period fluctuations, and a probability of occurrence of annual maximum monthly mean lake level for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 consecutive years. The wave statistics section is divided into separate subsections for each location. Each subsection contains statistical hindcast data for each month, statistical hindcast data for a full year, statistical hindcast data for ice- free periods, and statistical energy data for various periods. Wave roses and duration and frequency of waves as a function of wave heights are also included. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-20-099) Additional Information: This document was published by the Beach Erosion Board, the Coastal Engineering Research Center's predecessor organization. III-27 Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Environmental Research Laboratories National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce 2300 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 668-2235, FITS 378-2235 Publications Lake Ontario Beginning-of-Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage Quinn, Frank H., and Derecki, J. A., NOAA Tech. Rept. ERL 365-GLERL-10 Publication Date: March 1976 Location: Lake Ontario Period of Coverage: 1900-1974 Contents: This report describes the results of a study of Lake Ontario beginning-of-month water levels and monthly changes of storage. The study established that the number and distribution of water level gages in the presently existing gage network are adequate for the computation of beginning- of-month water levels. Computed beginning-of-month water levels and changes of storage for the period 1900-1974 are listed for use in scientific and planning studies. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091, FIS 275-2051 III-28 Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (Continued) Lake Michigan Beginning-of-—Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage Quinn, Frank H., NOAA Tech. Rept. ERI 326-GLERL-2 Publication Date: March 1975 Location: Lake Michigan Period of Coverage: 1900-1972 Contents: This report describes the results of a study of Lake Michigan beginning-of-month water levels and monthly changes of storage. The study established that the number and distribution of water level gages in the presently existing gage network are adequate for the computation of beginning- of-month water levels. Computed beginning-of-month water levels and changes of storage for the period 1900-1972 are listed for use in scientific and planning studies. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091, FTS 275-2051 I1I1-29 Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (Continued) Lake Erie Beginning-of—Month Water Levels and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage Quinn, Frank H., and Derecki, J. A., NOAA Tech. Rept. ERL 364-GLERL-9 Publication Date: February 1976 Location: Lake Erie Period of Coverage: 1900-1974 Contents: This report describes the results of a study of Lake Erie beginning- of-month water levels and monthly changes of storage. The study established that the number and distribution of water level gages in the presently exist-— ing gage network are adequate for the computation of beginning-of-month water levels. Computed beginning-of-month water levels and changes of storage for the period 1900-1974 are listed for use in scientific and planning studies. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091, FTS 275-2051 IT1-30 Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (Continued) Lake Huron Beginning-of-Month Water Level and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage Quinn, Frank H., NOAA Tech. Rept. ERL-348-GLERL-4 Publication Date: July 1975 Location: Lake Huron Period of Coverage: 1900-1973 Contents: This report describes the results of a study of Lake Huron beginning-of-month water levels and monthly changes of storage. The study established that the number and distribution of water level gages in the presently existing gage network are adequate for the computation of beginning- of-month water levels. Computed beginning-of-month water levels and changes of storage for the period 1900-1973 are listed for use in scientific and planning studies. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091, FTS 275-2051 ITI-31 Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (Continued) Lake St. Clair Beginning-of-—Month Water Level and Monthly Rates of Change of Storage Kelley, Raymond N., NOAA Tech. Rept. ERL-372-GLERL-13 Publication Date: May 1976 Location: Lake St. Clair Period of Coverage: 1910-1975 Contents: Lake St. Clair water level gage data are used to determine beginning-of-month water levels and monthly rates of storage change for the years 1910 through 1975 for scientific and planning purposes. Analysis of the results indicates that additional gages, strategically located, are needed for improved accuracy. Available From: Information Services Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration US Department of Commerce 2300 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 668-2235, FTS 378-2235 III-32 American Society of Civil Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 Publication Revisions to Hurricane Design Wave Practice, Coastal Engineering, Volume 1, 1972 Proceedings Bretschneider, C. L., Chapter 7, pp 167-195 Publication Date: 1973 Location: US east and gulf coasts Contents: This is a conference paper presented by the author to the Thir- teenth Coastal Engineering Conference in Vancouver, B. C., Canada. The 1959 paper by the same author entitled "Hurricane Design Wave Practices" has been widely used in the past for obtaining design wave criteria. The revision presented in this paper applies to the US east and gulf coasts past historical hurricanes and also to the US National Weather Service standard project and probable maximum hurricanes for deep-water conditions. The results are presented in 14 figures and 4 tables and could serve as inputs for particular locations to calculate design storm surge and design wave criteria. Available From: American Society of Civil Engineers 345 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 or most university libraries. I1I-33 US Army Engineer District, Detroit PO Box 1027 Detroit, MI 48231-1027 Publication Monthly Bulletin of Lake Levels for the Great Lakes Publication Interval: Location: Period of Coverage: Monthly The five Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair 1860 to present Contents: This pamphlet contains information on Great Lakes water levels, their monthly means, and their fluctuations. year and the current year to date along with the probable levels for the next 6 months and the deviations that can be expected are given in a chart that displays lake level vs. time for each lake. The 1900-1982 average level and the maximum and minimum levels and the year they were recorded are also plotted on the same chart. Available From: Additional Information: Commander, US Army Engineer District, Detroit ATTN: NCEED-L PO Box 1027 Detroit, MI 48231-1027 Copies are free, as this bulletin is a public service. The "Great Lakes and Connecting Channels Water Levels and Depths," a twice monthly publication that provides forecasted channel depths for Great Lakes navigational purposes, may also be obtained free of charge from the same address. III-34 Recorded levels for the previous PART IV: WAVES AND CURRENTS insittwcen orm Oceanographic isectencesy se) el eee) ee ee Catalogue of Instrumentally-Measured Wave Data ..... . Naeilonail OGamm Sanakee o os o15°%5 o 0 500056 06 ooo Tidal, Givememe tapes. 56 6 0 60 6000600086566 6 06 0 Wiiglall GuiccemeE GaerekeS oo 016 6 0 0 0 0 oo oO 6 8 6 8 Iigladl Guiscemte, stages o.o-050 66 0.0 00 646 66 00 6 Coastal Waves Program Field Wave Data .......... - Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory ........ . Winter Currents in Lake Huron ..... 5.0 © 0 6 0 Visual Wave Observations Along the Lake Neilsen Shore .. Natilomail Data Bos; GCGMEBIe 56 65005605600 6 5660505080 5 Climatic Summaries for NOAA Data Buoys .......-.. =» National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Environmental Conditions Within Specified Geographical IR@GIOMS 565 6 6066000000000 %6000 056600 6 National Oceanographie DataCenter te) eee tel ren cle) ey rer teen te Swintaece Curerene Waka SySeGM 6 oo 6 0 oo ooo WS Avcmyy lamestneeie Waitsferedee, MSI 6 6 5650060000000 060006 Alaska Coastal Data Collection Program Data Report... Coastal Engineering Research Center ........-.-.+ ++. © Atlantic Coast Hindcast, Deepwater, Significant Wave ISMFO@HEMENESOI G6) 9 oo bebe G- G) 6 aeeicitonio io 6) 0) Salo! tol 86 Silo Atlantic Coast Hindcast, Phase II: Wave Information ... Atlantic Coast Hindcast, Shallow-Water, Significant Wave IUMMEGHSNENEMOIN G6 “GO No GOS 6 OG Gl6. 6G dG Go GO Oso 4 Go 6 Wave Information at Selected Locations Along US Coasts . . Wave Climate for Selected US Offshore Beach Nourishment IIEOTSCES 6 b. Oca. & Of cs DO) OP on a 6 B. OMLAL -o:| MOS RGN COINS? HOU on aS Design Wave Information for the Creat LANES 5 6 9.6 6 6 6 5 Seasonal Variations in Great Lakes Design Wave Height: lake Braden te 7 se <0 Se os o 0 0 Sd Oe AMiCME auc Mas Se" ito Surf Statistics for the Coasts of the Umieed SittaleelSmrcuomnemare IV-1 Page No. Iv-4 Iv-4 IvV-5 IV-5 IV-6 IV-7 Iv-8 Iv-9 Iv-9 Iv-10 Iv-11 Iv-11 Iv-13 IvV-13 IV-15 Iv-15 Iv-17 Iv-17 Iv-18 Iv-18 Iv-19 Iv-20 Iv-21 IV-22 IV-23 Iv-24 IV-25 Littoral Environment Observation Data Summaries, Norther California, U96S=T9S 2 a: x ce ince lev open Wee eae Wave Statistics for the Gulf of Mexico .. Nate North Atlantic Coast Wave Statistics by SMB Method: n North Atlantic Coast Wave Statistics by the Wave Spectrum Wihetelyyeye! 6 or 6 oO 6 osu iée oe engi pl Tepeevone sputohe tod ahh Cumiomilany “oun tory <= Mississippi Sound tage Hittidi@asits Siwy; lav en uci en uclilen citer is Hurricane Wave Statistics for the Gulf of Mexico .. Pipe Profile Data and Wave Observations from the CERC Be Evaluation Program, January —- March 1968 ..... Lake Erie International Jetport Model Feasibility Teast: gation; Results of Numerical Steady-State, Wind-Driven GirculatiioneAnailbysiish: (4. cca Yn atota an ie eekee oy ve es Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Ontario... . Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Michigan .. Wave and Lake Level Statistics for Lake Erie ..... American So ciety | ois Caley Rimgcibn eles Sa ii curey a ontop econitcm oniies tet tunepels Revisions to Hurricane Design Wave Practices ..... Winters OnE lorena) 95 6 6 6 bo oo Ce cee ee Blonder Coastal Deitay Nei wos conn curate arcu cnc Hct oun -tncon UE TS Winivereiiny OF WGlelniGem 56 6 6 o co oo oooh hoe Wave Statistics for Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Superior WaAresiG Nel LNVSHCA IL IGEIDOIEEOIN? Coo 6 ¢ 46.0 6 6 co co oS (OXeSarn WEhV@! SEBEsISENCS G 6d 6 Gio c 6 io to 6 oe Oo Ge USP Naval Oceanoraraphaies Of falco ye -ulcyirey Monroy coin cpn cin cunr-nTeNEeT nT te Oceanographic Atlas of the North Atlantic Ocean... . Scripps Institute of Oceanography 4 3 2 Coastal) Data inkormattaon) EOP amy ye ret enen nnencnl tienen a Meteorology) Internationals) slic) un icncnnlon net neater ann Ete Deep-Water Wave Statistics for the California Coast .. National, Marine: Consuillitantisi,, Unie | ac et) oy ene ree tou cute? even ce Wave Statistics for Twelve Most Severe Storms Affecting Selected Stations off the Coast of Washington and Oreg Duran the Rerivod NOSOQSNSGO) = ia ) eller. Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1965. "Ice Observations--Canadian Inland Waterways,'' Canada Department of Transport, Toronto, Ont., pp 1-5, 46 fig. Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1966. "Ice Observations—-Canadian Inland Waterways," Canada Department of Transport, Toronto, Ont., pp I-6, 60 fig. Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1967. "Ice Observations—-Canadian Inland Waterways," Canada Department of Transport, Toronto, Ont., pp I-ll, 104 fig. Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1968. "Ice Observations—-—Canadian Inland Waterways," Canada Department of Transport, Toronto, Ont., 63 pp. Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1969. "Ice Observations—-Canadian Inland Waterways," Canada Department of Transport, TOGONEO One. 5090 eppe Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1970. "Ice Observations--Canadian Inland Waterways," Canada Department of Transport, Toronto, Ont., pp 1-16, 169 fig. Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1971. "Ice Observations--Canadian Inland Waterways,'' Canada Department of Transport, TOEOTEOR Ont sip Pil — luli /au tater Canada Department of Transport (Continued) Canada Department of Transport, Meteorological Branch. 1975. "Ice Thickness Summary for Selected Canadian Stations Means, Extremes, and Standard Devia- tions of Ice Thickness and Snow Depth on Ice," Tech. Cir. ICE 1-75, Toronto, Ont., 60 pp. Available From: Canada Department of Transport Meteorological Branch 315 Floor Street West Toronto 181, Ontario, Canada US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755-1290 (603) 646-4100 Publication Ice Thickness Observations, North American Arctic and Subarctic Bilello, M. A., USA CRREL Special Report 43 Publication Dates: 1961, 19645 1966, 1968), L971, 1972, and 1975 Location: The number of ice stations selected for ice observation varies from year to year. They are widely distributed to cover lakes, rivers, and coastline of Alaska and Canada. As of 1972, a total of 46 stations were located in Alaska and 43 in Canada. Contents: Special Report 43 contains seven reports on lake, river, and land- fast sea ice. It presents ice thickness measurements throughout the North American arctic and subarctic during 14 winter seasons (1958-1972). Information on surface ice conditions, dates of first ice, freeze-over and breakup dates, and detailed measurements of ice thickness across Alaskan rivers is included. Isoline maps showing the maximum observed ice thickness and average date of maximum ice thickness are also included. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 or: US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) 72 Lyme Road Hanover, NH 03755-1290 (603) 646-4100, FTS 836-4100 Additional Information: CRREL has conducted numerous researches on ice mechanics and ice engineering. Users should contact CRREL at the above address for more information and assistance. US Naval Oceanographic Office Hydrographic Department NSTL Station, MS 39529 (601) 688-4015, FTS 494-4015 Publication Oceanographic Atlas of the Polar Seas, Part II, Arctic H. O. Publication No. 705 Publication Date: 1958 (Reprinted 1968) Location: Arctic Ocean and vicinity Period of Coverage: Most of the charts in this atlas were completed in early 1957 from all available data at that time. Contents: This atlas contains seven main sections: Tides and Currents, Ice, Physical Properties, Distribution of Oceanographic Observations, Marine Biology, Marine Geology, and Wind-Sea-Swell Data. The Tides and Currents section contains information on the type of tide, cotidal lines, spring tide range, general surface circulation, major drifts of vessels and ice islands, circulation of Atlantic waters in the Arctic Ocean, and other more site-specific data. The Physical Properties section has data in chart form of water tempera- ture, air-sea temperature differences, water salinity and water density in surface chart and vertical section form, and water color and transparency data. The Ice data are presented for each month in chart form that shows the percent sea surface covered by ice (concentration). Variability data and maximum and minimum isolines are drawn on each monthly chart. Many freeze and breakup dates at specific sites are included along with other site-specific data. The Wind-Sea-Swell Data section contains seasonal surface wind roses and state of sea (chart with isolines showing percent frequency of seas 5 ft and greater) data, seasonal swell charts, and an accumulated frequency distribu- tion of height-period combinations and directional distribution of periods of surface waves for specific areas at different seasons, and station wave height data. The Marine Geology section includes map subsections on geologic struc- ture, ocean basins, coastal plains and continental platforms, continental shields, fold systems, bottom sediments, gravity, magnetism, bathymetry, and seismicity-—tsunami-volcanoes. The Marine Biology section contains fouling, marine algae and seagrass, marine mammals, and the deep scattering layer phenomena. Available From: Defense Technical Information Center Defense Mapping Agency Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 (Stock No. AD-708-701) V-11 Canada Department of Mines and Technical Surveys Surveys and Mapping Branch Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Publication Ice Atlas of Arctic Canada Swithinbank, C. Publication Date: 1960 Location: 324 stations in the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, and the Beaufort Sea Period of Coverage: 1900-1959 Contents: This document contains sea ice-frequency-concentration data for the years between 1900 and 1959 that were recorded on ship logs and by aerial observers. Concentration data are given in terms of percent sea surface covered by ice. It is broken down into four categories: (a) ice traversed without dif- ficulty (10- to 50-percent concentration); (b) ice traversed with difficulty (51- to 80-percent concentration); (c) all but icebreakers brought to stand- still (81- to 99-percent concentration); and (d) unnavigable (100-percent concentration). Data are given between 1 March and 30 November (it is assumed frozen solid between December and February). Fast ice data are given for each month for April to August. Ice summaries are also given for the period between 1 March and 30 November. Available From: Queen's Printer, Canada Vanguard Building Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (Catalog No. DR3-1000) Additional Information: This document was prepared for the Canada Defense Research Board. V-12 PART VI: BEACH EROSION AND LITTORAL TRANSPORT Goastaill Engineering (Research (Center 25 5 2 3 5 ss 3s 5 se es Catalog of Tidal Inlet Aerial Photography. . ........ - Analysis of Coastal Sediment Transport Processes from Wrights- vadules Beach wtomhontar shew eNOnsthe Carolacnaecienn ecu iio ttelltenrs Beach Changes at Misquamicut Beach, Rhode Island, 1962-1973. . Shoreline Movements, Cape Henry, Virginia, to Cape Hatteras, NomtheGarolsinares G4 9=1119)8 Oia ese ieee eat ntay eiiren isin sul romurey ts Beach Changes at Milford and Fairfield Beaches, Connecticut, WOO) TNE cis Fuicgiaclen os adda? Nodaniicy Mom aoe as See Sh tar Po ene yk agent BS Beach Changes at Long Beach Island, News Jersey, 1962-1973 OO Beach and Inlet Changes at Ludlam Beach, New Jersey .... . Beach Changes at Westhampton Beach, New York, 1962-1973 ... Beach Erosion and Accretion at Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Watestinaltgyy 6 5 o SRACA Ih Cotcrtdcd MOA ecm Ne alah, ot aren Size Analysis of candi Samples from Southern New Jersey Beaches. ... AUS hit obiobech ine deities : 6 'G.-0 ails Beach Changes at Holden Beach, North Gaveianey 1970-1974 ming Beach Changes at Atlantic City, New Jersey, 1962-1973. ... . Littoral Environment Observations and Beach Changes Along the Southeast Florida Coast. . . BiH NTs Picea ie Mes ebro e aie) beret ach culation Coastal Changes, Eastern Lake Hieheany NOVO=L9O74., 5 3 RMSE Prediction of Shore Retreat and Nearshore Profile Adjustments to Rising Water Levels on the Great Lakes. ........ . Temas AGM Umsivyersthyo o 6 6000 01.0.0 060150 60000500000 06 Investigation of Shoreline Changes at Sargent Beach, Texas . . Historical Shoreline Changes in Texas. . .........-s US Geollomie@all SUIRYES%5656 56 6 0000000F FC Ooo oO oo oO oO Water Nes@mrees WEE oo 4000000 G0 ao oo oOo oOo OO Hawabisierln stitute moissGeophy:SHiCS)en men ier nei ten i ciitcinnel cin lciliennte Cece TCI enn Erosion and Accretion of Selected Hawaii Beaches, 1962-1972. . Bayfield Laboratory for Marine Science and Surveys. ...... . Great Lake Erosion Monitoring Programme. ........-+e.-. USMArmyaCorpsmormE ne trMee ms merece: iii lor oil ci ley cel fey) el wel vern ou ite) ice) te Reports on the National Shoreline Study ......... . Shope bEotecitaonm Gudldeilelnie'siar. mi cnniilciircil-nncHicinT- MMi lion -Ioie Shore) Management (Guildeltiness 2) ama ‘ ‘UPROAR 00D iLiatvotss eolvaerdht Goleege Atet aunevl et Tae it. o,f? @af ecm s Cys aver gnd {dat (toe) dre I an beaok id ; “4 aye ft eel. afire whith, ‘nInemed % ee etleslaagya Or ce) ect) on { : ua nay yolk loo ail? a steaaiialsens, To mpeve , SIRT a6 ; nid wf@imy bad teh tO) bend Gob = t ‘ is 5 tte ; olie! welA 32 .hokaomiie ealaav4! Ct ete sholteni teks Joga - ; a da tok Ivlede cope? 2 06-90 HEE be oh a : acuoah es goer * « al) 2 i. Gaeeg tay i Jin mn P t hh 1¢)0 Tato f seh ae fES ike YH .abeelt Sele PART VIII: GEOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY Page NationalaiGeophy sical DaitamCemterien mci) cu telrei crcl faliicl pretiniatle)ierotllire lemme aren VAL TIOT( ay? Marine Geology, and Geophysical Data Set yo 5 2 3 6 3. 3 es oe V2 Index tomMariney Geological Sampilesrimncucieiclnclneiitounlena cusp mcnncn Eten cies VEO = 3 National Cartoscraphic Intormativon Genter maja se eee ie) ol ee eo) Vim Ce@llOgete: WEE ug! “oh eoxoh era” Gaia.) etide oreo b Blo 6 ee loteo ud rca vee 26: ao)-6) AIRES Coasitalyrneineering) Research) Centers Vo) ss) see wey se eel) Vl —9 Inner Continental Shelf Sediment and Structure Study Reports. . . VIII-9 WU SMECOMO STC AIR SUTEV Vile | (tisl vol cre) chico iey belurcel liteueve Weill icp) veliey Len fisomveydenienieny cr soul Vole Tuli— le? The National Atlas of the United States of America. ...... . VIII-12 A Descriptive Catalog of Selected Aerial Photographs of Geologie’ Features inthe Unditedistates 3.) 6 a se oe 5 VILI—13 WS Sosll Compenrvateilomn Samalea 6 656606006 50700500060 500006 6 6 WINS SOpsl SURVEYS: i, ie; cies cay fe lie) ie: 1 ey rahi eye ers tay ws 6) ee le) ues ley wlabaom Wess @on men: WHIMIOTi==]04 AmerciCaim Ce@lomslecul INsteteeag 6 56 5665660000006 0 5 0 6 5 5.6 WLIO Maps and Geological Publications of the United States: A Icy MATS GUL Sl tol uat Hehicy teal Fer ots eh eetutem rte Lie oat ret re riod nar nate iee eee, VR ES Il.6 Marattiime) Sedaiments) sand Atlantic Ceollogy es) sm © 6 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 VEDI Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology ......-....-... VIII-I7 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories ....... . VIII-18 The Central North Atlantic Ocean Basin and Continental Margins. . VIII-18 VIII-1 National Geophysical Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Code E/GC3 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6338, FTS 320-6338 Kinds of Data Marine Geology and Geophysical Data Set Location: Outer Continental Shelf of the United States, includes Atlantic coast, Pacific coast, Gulf of Mexico, and Alaska Description of Data: The Marine Geology and Geophysical Data Set contains more than 60 sets of data files provided by the US Geological Survey (USGS), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and other agencies for public dissemina- tion. The majority of the collected data can be characterized by two cate- gories: seismic reflection data, gathered by the USGS to identify potentially hazardous geologic structures or other constraints to offshore oil and gas exploration; and well logs and auxiliary information obtained from privately drilled test wells. The content of each data file varies; however, the geophysical data files usually contain subbottom profiles, sparker recordings, sidescan sonar records, and supporting technical reports and interpretative maps. Well log data contain core analysis reports and information on physical formation. Response Format: Most of the data are on microfilm (35-mm), while most of the technical reports are on microfiche. Maps are available in either sepia or blackline forms. The cost of the data varies from hundreds of dollars to thousands of dollars. Users are urged to send inquiries to the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) for specific site information and Data Announcements associated with the particular data file. Point of Contact: National Geophysical Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Code E/GC3 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6338, FTS 320-6338 VIII-2 National Geophysical Data Center (Continued) Index to Marine Geological Samples or the Core Curators' File Location: Worldwide Description of Data: This data file is designed to provide an inventory of marine geological samples archived by major US oceanographic institutions and government agencies. The Core Curators' Data Base contains the information on curating facility, ship, cruise sample number, geographic position, water depth, type of sample device, sample dimensions, method of storage, basin lithology, age, and comments. Each data listing is accompanied by a complete list of contacts at various sample repositions (including name, address, and phone number). NGDC can supply analytical data of the portion of the samples listed in the data file. However, only a few of the analyses for which NGDC archives data are grain size, engineering properties, geochemistry, paleontology, and detailed sediment description. Response Format: The standard format for data listing or inventory information is a computer printout. However, listings on magnetic tape or 35-mm microfilm are available upon request. Cost Information: Searches/data listing from the file cost an average of $25. Data are available at cost of reproduction. Point of Contact: National Geophysical Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Code E/GC3 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6338, FTS 320-6338 VIII-3 National Cartographic Information Center US Geological Survey Department of the Interior MS 507, National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045, FTS 928-6045 Kind of Data Geologic Maps Location: The 50 states and selected territories Dates: All of the maps are periodically revised and/or field checked by the USGS. Description of Data: Geologic maps show the distribution of rocks and surfi- cial material by age, and their physical and structural relations with one another. Inferences can be drawn from these maps about an area's geologic history, geologic processes, orientation of rock layers, faults, fractures, and shape of rock bodies beneath the surface. Geologic maps published by the USGS range in scale from 1:20,000 to 1:2,500,000 depending on the type of information to be portrayed and the- purpose of the mapping (see table on next page). Geologic maps at 1:250,000 or larger scales are available for nearly 50 percent of the United States. Most of the maps are contained in the Geologic Quadrangle Maps series. These maps cover an individual 7-1/2- (scale 1:24,000) or 15- (scale 1:62,500) min quadrangle. Geologic or sections of individual quadrangles are published in other series and make up a smaller fraction of all geologic maps of the United States. The maps may be supple- mented by structure sections, columnar sections, and other graphic means of presenting geologic data, plus a brief explanatory text. There are well over 1,500 geologic quadrangle maps now available in the United States. There is also a wide range of special geologic maps for specific pur- poses. For example, maps are prepared, generally at a scale of 1:7,500,000, that are useful for understanding environmental problems and for making deci- sions on land use and mineral and energy resource development on a national scale. The following maps of the National Environmental Overview Program have been completed in preliminary form: (a) Map showing areas of Karst topography and related terrains. (b) Map showing areas subject to volcanic hazards. (c) Map showing possible areas of landslides. (d) Map showing present and proposed nuclear reactor sites. (e) Map showing streams with flow rates of 300 ft?/sec or more. (£) Map showing surficial clay, sand, silt, and gravel deposits. VIII-4 National Cartographic Information Center (Continued) Map Scale 1:2,500,000 1:500,000 1:250,000 1:100,000 1:63,360 (Alaska) 1:62,500 1:24,000 1:20,000 (Puerto Rico) Type of Information Very general distribution of limited number of very large and heterogeneous rock units. General distribution of a larger number of somewhat heterogeneous rock units. Little information on depth. Semidetailed distribution of large numbers of fairly homogeneous rock units. Some information on depth. Often has topographic base. Detailed distribution of large number of homo- geneous rock and surfi- cial units and consid- erable information on thickness and depth. Generally has topo- graphic base. Very detailed distribution of large number of quite homogeneous rock units. Surficial deposits may be shown on separate map. Much information on thickness and vertical extent of rock units. Has topographic base. VIII-5 Purpose General planning and resource evaluation over very large regions (Federal regions, very large states). General planning and resource evaluation over large regions (large states, river basins). Common scale for older state maps. More detailed plan- ning and resource evaluation in medium-sized areas (small states, large counties, national forests, mineralized belts). Detailed planning, land-management, and resource studies (mining districts, urban areas, many counties). Detailed planning, site selection, resource evalua- tion, and explora- tion (cities and towns, subdivi- sions, mining districts, mine sites, large con- struction projects). National Cartographic Information Center (Continued) Other maps include coal investigation maps, oil and natural gas maps, geophysical investigation maps, and maps in the Miscellaneous Geologic Inves- tigation Series which include the following types: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (£) (g) (h) (i) (5) (k) ruptures. (1) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) Geologic maps, in many cases in preliminary reconnaissance form. Geologic maps of the moon, Apollo land sites, etc. Glacial features and surficial deposits. Bedrock topography and subcrop of selected beds. Engineering and surficial geologic maps. Photogeologic maps. Geologic and biostratigraphic maps. Maps of recently active fault breaks. Geochemical maps. Maps showing relation of land and submarine topography. Maps showing locations of fault traces and historic surface Earthquake epicenter maps. Maps of ocean floors, continental shelves, and slopes. Maps of locations of Pleistocene lakes. Geologic and crustal cross sections of the United States. Gravity maps. Magnetic maps. Maps showing radiometric ages of rocks. Maps of world subsea mineral resources. Maps showing distribution of landslides. Maps of shoreline features. Still more maps exist in the Mineral Investigations Resources series and the Special Geological Map series. Additional Information: The National Cartographic Information Center (NCIC), established by the USGS in 1974, pro- vides a national information service to make cartographic data of the United States more easily accessible to the public and to various Federal, state, and local agencies. At present, more than 30 Federal agencies collect and prepare cartographic data. These data include more than 1.5 million maps and charts, 25 mil- lion aerial and space photographs, records on 1.5 million geodetic control points, and a growing collection of map data in computer- compatible form. VIII-6 National Cartographic Information Center (Continued) NCIC uses the latest techniques of micro- photography and computer technology to manage the vast amount of information and to provide a focal point for information on data produced and distributed by many Federal sources. NCIC also provides information on some Federal plans for future data collection. NCIC does not obtain the cartographic data from present holders; rather it collects and organizes descriptive information about the data, tells where they are located, ensures their availability, and provides ordering assistance. Government and private data centers continue to hold and distribute cartographic data. Some of these centers also provide local users with direct access to NCIC information through their public service facilities; thus Many government and private organizations are cooperating with the USGS in forming a network of NCIC, facilities The USGS and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are the principal affiliates in the network. NCIC provides different levels of service for the various types of cartographic data. For general-purpose data-topographic maps and aerial photographs, the objective is to provide com- plete service, including the identification of specific products and assistance in ordering these products. On the other hand, only general information and a referral service are provided for special-purpose cartographic data. The types of cartographic data for which NCIC offers assistance are listed on the following page. VIII-7 National Cartographic Information Center (Continued) Multiuse maps and charts including: Aeronautical charts Nautical charts Bathymetric maps Orthophotomaps and City maps orthophotoquads Extraterrestrial maps River surveys and Floodplain maps damsite maps Forest maps Slope maps Geologic maps Soil maps Highway maps Topographic maps Land-use maps US maps Map and chart feature World maps separates Survey data including: First- and second-order control from any source Third-order control from any source that is useful Selected fourth-order control Photogrammetrically derived control Selected private control Land plats Census subdivisions Aerial and space imagery from Federal, state, and private sources including: Photographs Satellite computer-compatible tapes Photomosaics Other remote-sensor data Closely related data such as: Cartographic educational materials, atlases, gazetteers, and other related literature Digital data representing detail on maps and charts Geographic names Point of Contact: National Cartographic Information Center US Geological Survey Department of the Interior MS 507, National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045, FTS 928-6045 VIII-8 Coastal Engineering Research Center US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 (601) 634-2012, FTS 542-2012 Publications Carter, C. H., et al. 1982 (Dec). '"'Regional Geology of the Southern Lake Erie (Ohio) Bottom: A Seismic Reflection and Vibracore Study," MR 82-15, NTIS Accession No. Al26 565. Duane, D. B., and Meisburger, E. P. 1969 (Nov). "Geomorphology and Sediments of the Nearshore Continental Shelf, Miami to Palm Beach, Florida," TM 29, NTIS Accession No. 699 339. Field, M. E. 1979 (Jun). "Sediments, Shallow Subbottom Structure, and Sand Resources of Inner Continental Shelf, Central Delmarva Peninsula," TP 79-2, NTIS Accession No. A074 022. Field, M. E., and Duane, D. B. 1974 (Mar). "Geomorphology and Sediments of the Inner Continental Shelf, Cape Canaveral, Florida,'' TM 42, NTIS Accession NORA Mo LSr. Meisburger, E. P. 1972 (Jun). "Geomorphology and Sediments of Chesapeake Bay Entrance," TM 38, NTIS Accession No. 749 545. Meisburger, E. P. 1976 (Apr). "Geomorphology and Sediments of Western Massachusetts Bay,'' TP 76-3, NTIS Accession No. A025 444. Meisburger, E. P. 1979 (Jul). "Sand Resources on the Inner Continental Shelf of the Cape Fear Region, North Carolina,'' MR 77-11, NTIS Accession No. A049 132. Meisburger, E. P. 1979 (Sep). "Reconnaissance Geology of the Inner Continen- tal Shelf, Cape Fear Region, North Carolina," TP 79-3, NTIS Accession No. A076 974. Meisburger, E. P., and Duane, D. B. 1971 (Feb). ''Geomorphology and Sediments of the Inner Continental Shelf, Palm Beach to Cape Kennedy, Florida," TM 34, NTIS Accession No. 724 135. Meisburger, E. P., and Field, M. E. 1975 (Jul). ''Geomorphology, Shallow Structure, and Sediments of the Florida Continental Shelf, Cape Canaveral to Georgia," TM 54, NTIS Accession No. AOI15 022. Meisburger, E. P., and Williams, S. J. 1980 (Jul). ''Sand Resources on the Inner Continental Shelf of the Cape May Region, New Jersey," MR 80-4, NTIS Accession No. A088 636. Meisburger, E. P., and Williams, S. J. 1982 (Oct). "Sand Resources on the Inner Continental Shelf Off the Central New Jersey Coast," MR 82-10, NTIS Accession No. A123 087. VIII-9 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Meisburger, E. P., et al. 1979 (Jul). "Sand Resources of Southeastern Lake Michigan," MR 79-3, NTIS Accession No. A073 817. Williams, S. J. 1976 (Mar). "Geomorphology, Shallow Subbottom Structure, and Sediments of the Atlantic Inner Continental Shelf Off Long Island New York," TP 76-2, NTIS Accession No. A025 467. Williams, S. J. 1981 (May). "Sand Resources and Geological Character of Long Island Sound," TP 81-3, NTIS Accession No. A104 082. Williams, S. J., and Duane, D. B. 1974 (Jul). 'Geomorphology and Sediments of the Inner New York Bight Continental Shelf," TM 45, NTIS Accession Moo W935 S77 Williams, S. J., and Meisburger, E. P. 1982 (Oct). "Geological Character and Mineral Resources of South Central Lake Erie," MR 82-9, NTIS Accession No. A123 085. Williams, S. J., et al. 1979 (Jul). "Sediment Distribution, Sand Resources, and Geologic Character of the Inner Continental Shelf Off Galveston County, Texas,'' MR 79-4, NTIS Accession No. A074 393. Williams, S. J., et al. 1980 (Nov). "Sand Resources of Southern Lake Erie, Connecticut to Toledo, Ohio - A Seismic Reflection and Vibracore Study," MR 80-10, NTIS Accession No. A097 984. Publication Date: See above list Location: Given in the titles of publications Period of Coverage: Data were taken from 1968-1980 and vary from location to location Contents: The above 19 publications form a series of reports covering the results of the Inner Continental Shelf Sediment and Structure (ICONS) study program undertaken by the Coastal Engineering Research Center using high- resolution continuous seismic reflection profiles and vibracore techniques. Most seismographs are microfilmed and stored at the National Geophysical Data Center, and the core samples are stored at regional universities or USGS Offices as indicated by the individual report. Each report presents the regional geological character with an extensive bibliography. Most reports contain the core sediment descriptions, based on both microscopic and megascopic examinations. VIII-10 Coastal Engineering Research Center (Continued) Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FITS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession number is provided after the title of each report) VIII-11 US Geological Survey US Department of the Interior National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 Publications The National Atlas of the United States of America Publication Date: 1970 Location: The 50 states Period of Coverage: Varies for each map Contents: The atlas serves as a comprehensive documentation of the Nation's physical features, resources, and human activities. It has been prepared by the USGS with the cooperation of more than 80 Federal agencies which supplied data, reviewed compilation of subject matter, and provided advice on atlas maps. Geological and marine maps include tectonic features, geology, glacial geology, karstlands and caverns, coastal landforms, ocean sediments and cur- rents, tides, sea temperature and salinity, and wave heights. The geologic and tectonic sections also contain discussion sections. Other categories of maps include soils, climate, and water. The soil section has maps on soil type and vegetation; while the climate section con- tains data for solar radiation, monthly sunshine, annual sunshine and evapora- tion, precipitation, monthly precipitation, snowfall, dew point and humidity, monthly average, maximum and minimum temperatures, temperature extremes, heat- ing and cooling degree-days, freeze-free period, seasonal pressures and winds, air pollution, and storms. Lastly, the water section offers maps on surface water, floods, droughts, ground water, minerals in water, water impurities, water use, and water resources. Available From: Most libraries stock this atlas as a standard reference; however, it may also be purchased at USGS headquarters: US Geological Survey US Department of the Interior National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 VIII-12 US Geological Survey (Continued) A Descriptive Catalog of Selected Aerial Photographs of Geologic Features in the United States Denny Grey Steve) Warsren)s a Cee OW sD maHinemratya sD aller miWieucUre Geological Survey Professional Paper 590 Publication Date: 1968 Location: The 50 states Period of Coverage: Each photograph or set of photographs gives the date the pictures were taken. Contents: The USGS has selected 857 photographs that illustrate numerous types of geologic features in the United States. This catalog lists these special sets of photographs that are available for purchase and describes the features illustrated by one reduced photograph displayed for each set. The latitude and longitude, number of photos in the set, photographic scale, focal length, date the photo set was taken, and map and geologic references are all included with a description of the photo set. Additional Information: A similar document, "A Descriptive Catalog of Selected Aerial Photographs of Geologic Features in Areas Outside the United States," Geological Survey Professional Paper 591, was published in 1969 and contains similar information. This catalog may also be purchased from the Government Printing Office. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091, FTS 275-2051 VITI-13 US Soil Conservation Service US Department of Agriculture PO Box 2890 Washington, DC 20250 (202) 447-4543 Publication Soil Surveys Publication Dates: Varies from location to location Location: 50 US states, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: The US Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with state agricultural experiment stations and other Federal and state agencies, has been making soil surveys and publishing them since 1899. These surveys fur- nish soil maps and interpretations needed in giving technical assistance to farmers and ranchers; in guiding other decisions about soil selection, use, and management; and in planning research and disseminating the results of the research. They are also used in educational programs about soil use and con- servation. Sound scientific and technical standards are used in a nationwide system of soil classification, nomenclature, interpretation, and publication. Published soil surveys contain, in addition to soil maps, general infor- mation about the agriculture and climate of the area and descriptions of each kind of soil. They include a discussion of the formation and classification of the soils in the area and also soil laboratory data when available. Soil surveys published since 1967 contain many different kinds of inter- pretations for each of the different soils mapped in the area. The kinds of interpretations included in these recent surveys vary with the needs of the area, but the following interpretations are in most of them: estimated yields of the common agricultural crops under defined levels of management, land- capability interpretations, soil-woodland interpretations, rangeland interpre- tations, engineering uses of soil, interpretations for community planning, suitability of the soil for drainage and irrigation, and suitability of the soil for wildlife and recreation. Most of the soil surveys published since 1957 contain soil maps printed on a photomosaic base. The usual map scale is 1:24,000, 1:20,000, or 1:15,840, depending on the needs of the area. For planning farms, engineering structures, parks, urban developments, and other uses of land, the recent published soil surveys are more useful. The older surveys can be of considerable assistance for many users, but their maps are more general than those in recent surveys and some of the interpre- tations need to be updated. Available From: Published soil surveys may be found in most public libraries or local state and county agencies. VIII-14 US Soil Conservation Service (Continued) Additional Information: Additional information on soil surveys may be obtained from the state conservationist listed in Appendix D. VIII-15 American Geological Institute 5205 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22041 (703) 379-2480 Publication Maps and Geological Publications of the United States: A Layman's Guide Pampe, W. R. Publication Date: 1978 Location: The United States and Puerto Rico Period of Coverage: Most maps are revised from time to time Contents: This reference guide lists maps that are used by rock hounds and professional engineers everywhere. Books and maps of local geology are abundant in this guide. It is arranged by states in alphabetical order (Puerto Rico and District of Columbia included). Most of the information in this directory is supplied by state geologists, while only a small amount is furnished by the USGS. The guide also lists publishers who sell each map. Other useful information supplied includes the addresses of state geologic agencies and other map publishers. Please note that this is a map directory independent of the USGS (most of the publications or maps in this catalog cannot be obtained through the USGS). Available From: American Geological Institute 5205 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22041 (703) 379-2480 VIII-16 Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology Box 2050 Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5G4 Publication Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology Publication Interval: Three times a year Location: Northern Appalachian area (with an emphasis on Canada) Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: This periodical is primarily designed to report on all aspects of geology, geomorphology, and oceanography of the northern Appalachian area. It contains a wide variety of articles for a large number of locations. A check in a periodicals listing should be most helpful in locating the type of information desired and the correct issue. Available From: Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology Box 2050 Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 5G4 Additional Information: This periodical publishes various subjects in the areas of geology, geomorphology, and geo- physics. However, retrieving the subjects related to specific geographic location(s) may require a careful search through the entire article listing of the journal. VIII-17 Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratories Ocean Chemistry Division Environmental Research Laboratories National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Virginia Key Miami, FL 33149 (305) 361-4300, FTS 350-1300 Publication The Central North Atlantic Ocean Basin and Continental Margins: Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Resource Including the Trans-Atlantic Geotravers (TAG) Rona, P. A., NOAA Atlas-3 Publication Date: February 1980 Location: Latitude 10° to 50° N, longitude 0° to 82°30' W Period of Coverage: 1960s to 1979 Contents: This atlas presents a comprehensive overview of the geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and energy and mineral resources of the central North Atlantic Ocean basin and continental margins. The information, compiled from extensive published and unpublished sources, is presented in the form of 22 maps on Mercator projection at scale 1:13,228,000 from latitude 30° N, a trans-Atlantic ocean bottom photographic traverse, two trans-Atlantic crustal sections based on seismic refraction measurements, trans-Atlantic single and multichannel seismic reflection profiles, 12 original trans-Atlantic geotracerses, magnetic, and three tables of crustal properties comprising seismic reflection and refraction measurements, and the description and chemical composition of rock samples recovered from the ocean basin. Sources of information including the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) and deep-sea drilling projects are thoroughly documented. This atlas is designed to fulfill the need for a multipurpose information base for scientific investigation, marine environmental management, resource exploration, sea floor engineering, oceanographic education, and general interest. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 VILII-18 PART IX: EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION AND TSUNAMIS Nationally Geophysical Data Ceniteriy eye sumel city ell lurch iol anei elon iienite! le Seismic Data and Activities ..... 0 0 000 00 010 9 Earthquake History of the United States 0° 0 0 0 0 0 00 600 0 Catalog of Significant Earthquakes, 2000 B.C. UQT95 0 016 0 Catalog of Tsunami Photographs ........+-+e+-.-. Catallogy Oi iene ai begat G 6 6 56666000000 0 oO Catalog of Tsunamis in Alaska ...... Boe triuepaice an cen Catalog of Seismograph and Strong-Motion Roconden 6 6 6 0,0 0 WS Geological SURVEY co 5 6 60 6065060010 006 oOo ooo Seismograph Station Abbreviations and Coordinates ...... Uniltacl SRaAraS ErElOWENKSS 5 56 66 6 6 56 6156.60 05000000 Harthquakessinkormat-Vonweb wilalleyte ries ce icine Moline aren cniicl icpinel noun eine Canada Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources. .... .- Camaaiiaim IACEMGMAKAS, 6 6 566 560560 000000000006 0 Naval Construction Battalion Center. ..............-. Earthquake Occurrence and Effects in Ocean Areas. ...... Shannon and Wilson Inc. and Agbabian Associates. ........ .« Geotechnical and Strong Motion Earthquake Data from U.S. ACC@IOROREA I SEAELONS>5 6 5606600000600 0 60 0.0 Woodward-Cilyde (Consultants) ~ ss ee wee el ol ol ee Geotechnical Data Compilation for Selected Strong Motion Seaismographi os cls) eine Callsiskorsmbl'ay ry vay tet reyton olsen teyntey ey elon Coastal Engineering Research Center. . . ..... +... ce «© © @ Annotated Bibliography on Tsunamis .........+-.-e«-«-. 1@EPAMeEN UMCs 05600006 BOO oOo oOo Tsunami Atlas for the Coasts of the United States ...... peKvaltal IGM meS OIF Coons 6 6646565600005 Go OOO Preliminary Catalog of Tsunamis Occurring in the Pacific Ocean. Tsunami Wave Runup Heights in Hawaii. . .....-.-.+-+-e.e-e International Tsunami Information Center ....... + « « « « « SUN AaAmMieoNew Silke ters mars iret Copieml cumen fell ule micy elioue veluitenoies ney tellers) Osi se IX-15 IX-17 IX-17 Ix-18 Ix-18 Ix-19 IX-19 IX-21 IX-21 IX-23 IX-24 IX-24 National Geophysical Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6215, FTS 320-6215 Kind of Data Seismic Data and Activities Location and Dates: Information for the 50 states is available. Period of coverage varies greatly from site to site, but sometimes pre-1850 data can be found. Description of Data: The services provided include preparing local and regional seismic histories for engineers, actuaries, and other scientists and answering direct inquiries from the public on all aspects of historical earth- quakes. Additional services and products include publishing annual earthquake reports, and making available copies of seismograms, accelograms, displacement meter records, digitized strong-motioned seismograms, and epicenter lists in several formats. Many of these products and services are based on seismic records or other data that have originated with US Geological Survey (USGS) recording networks or with USGS data-reduction facilities. Qualified Users: No limitations Point of Contact: National Geophysical Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6215, FTS 320-6215 IX-2 National Geophysical Data Center (Continued) Publications Earthquake History of the United States Eppley, R. A., et al., No. 41-1 Publication Date: Part 1, 1965; Part 2, 1966 Location: The 50 states and their immediate vicinity Period of Coverage: Both parts were revised to contain data from the earliest times to the close of 1963. Contents: This publication covers the most important earthquakes of the United States. It is composed of two parts. The first part is subdivided into seven regions: New England and New York, the Eastern Region, the Central Region, the Western Mountain Region, Washington and Oregon, Alaska, and Hawaii. Part two contains earthquake information on California and western Nevada. The information on each region is divided into three sections. The first is a list of earthquakes which contains year, date, time, geographical location, longitude, latitude, and intensity (modified Mercalli) of the quake's epicenter. The affected area in square miles and the reporting authorities are also given. The second section gives a listing of major earthquakes. It includes a description or account of the quake. The third section gives a listing of intermediate and minor quakes. A brief description is given. All lists are given in chronological order. Additional Information: This publication was revised in 1973 to cover data through 1970. The two older volumes have been combined to make one volume. A supplement was then issued in 1982 to cover data from 1971 to 1980. The 1973 revised edition and the 1982 supplement were then combined to make one volume. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 National Geophysical Data Center (Continued) Catalog of Significant Earthquakes 2000 B.C. -— 1979 Ganse, R. A., and Nelson, J. B., Report SE-27 Publication Date: July 1981 Location: Worldwide Period of Coverage: 2000 B.C. - 1979 Contents: The catalog consists of some 2,484 events drawn from more than 100 different sources. Multiple entries are made when different sources offer substantially different information. There are 3,107 entries representing the 2,484 umique events. References for epicenter information, reported deaths, and damage are indicated for each entry. It lists the following seismological parameters for each event: time, latitude and longitude, depth, magnitude/ intensity, deaths, damage class, references, and geographical location. Available From: World Data Center A for Solid-Earth Geophysics National Geophysical Data Center, EGC1l National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6472, FTS 320-6472 Additional Information: This catalog is an expansion of a file originally created to produce the World Map of Significant Earthquakes 1900 to Present. This map may be obtained from NOAA/NGDC (D622), 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303. The map may be obtained folded or rolled. National Geophysical Data Center (Continued) Catalog of Tsunami Photographs Nelson, J. B., KGRD No. 13 Publication Date: October 1980 Location: Pacific Ocean Period of Coverage: Photographs come from the tsunamis of 7 Dec 1944, 1 Apr 1946, 4 Nov 1952, 9 Mar 1957, 22 May 1960, 27 Mar 1964, 16 May 1968, 20 July 1975, and 29 Nov 1975. Contents: This document contains a chronological listing of tsunami-related photographs. The photographs listed in this catalog form a subset of the National Geophysical Data Center's larger set of earthquake-related photographs. Most of the photos are from the 1 April 1946 and the 27 March 1964 earthquake and tsunamis. The quality and a brief description of each photo are given. Color prints, black and white negatives, and color and black and white 35-mm transparencies can also be ordered from this catalog. Available From: National Geophysical Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6119, FTS 320-6119 National Geophysical Data Center (Continued) Catalog of Tsunamis in Hawaii Pararas-Carayannis, G., Report WE-4 Publication Date: March 1977 Location: Hawaiian Islands Period of Coverage: 1813-1976 Contents: The objective of this report is to present a systematic compilation of all data pertaining to tsunamis observed and recorded in Hawaii. All available information has been compiled from historical accounts, newspaper archives, and other reports. The data given include: (a) earth- quake data which include date, coordinates of epicenter, and Richter magnitude; (b) tsunami data which include area of origin, relative magnitude, places of observation, height and period of the initial three waves, time taken to travel from origin to place of observation, and observations and remarks; and (c) references which list where the data were obtained. Available From: World Data Center A for Solid-Earth Geophysics National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Services National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 497-6472, FTS 320-6472 Additional Information: Predictions on tsunami wave runup are included in Part III of this report. National Geophysical Data Center (Continued) Catalog of Tsunamis in Alaska Pararas-Carayannis, G., and Cox, D. C., Report SE-1 Publication Date: March 1976 Location: Alaska Period of Coverage: 1788-1976 Contents: The objective of this report is to present a systematic compilation of all data pertaining to tsunamis observed and recorded in Alaska. All available information has been compiled from historical accounts, newspaper archives, and other reports. The data given include: (a) earth- quake data which include date, coordinates of epicenter, and Richter magni- tude; (b) tsunami data which include area of origin, relative magnitude, places of observation, height and period of the initial three waves, time taken to travel from origin to place of observation, and observations and remarks; and (c) references which list where the data were obtained. Available From: World Data Center A for Solid-Earth Geophysics National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Services National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 497-6472, FTS 320-6472 Additional Information: Predictions of tsunami wave runup are included in Part III of this report. IX-7 National Geophysical Data Center World Data Center A for Solid-Earth Geophysics National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6521, FTS 320-6521 Publication Catalog of Seismograph and Strong-Motion Records Morris, L., et al., SE-6 Publication Date: May 1977 Location: Worldwide Period of Coverage: N/A Contents: The present catalog lists the World Data Center A's holdings of seismograms and strong-motion records, provides price lists, and describes formats in which the records are available. Seismograph information such as a list of stations participating in seismogram exchange programs and a list of international data exchange earthquakes is included. Strong-motioned information includes station locations, a chronological listing (1933-1975) of earthquakes that triggered strong-motioned instruments, a list of available strong-motioned records, strong-motioned data services, a list of agencies that furnished strong-motioned data, and additional data and publications. Available From: World Data Center A for Solid-Earth Geophysics National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 497-6521, FTS 320-6521 US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Service US Department of the Interior Stop 967, Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 (303) 234-3994, FTS 234-3994 Publications Seismograph Station Abbreviations and Coordinates Publication Date: Location: Period of Coverage: Covington, P. A. March 1974 Worldwide All worldwide seismograph stations that were in operation as of January 1974 are included in this report. Contents: This report is composed of two lists. List one contains the stations’ abbreviations, name, geographic location, latitude, longitude, and elevation. It is arranged in alphabetical order by station abbreviation. List two contains a listing of seismographical stations and abbreviations by geographical order. Available From: Additional Information: US Geological Survey National Earthquake Information Service US Department of the Interior Stop 967, Box 25046 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 (303) 234-3994, FTS 234-3994 A similar publication entitled "Seismograph Station Codes and Characteristics" was published in 1978 as the Geological Survey Circular 791. It was written by Barbara B. Poppe, Debbi A. Naab, and John S. Derr. It is available free upon application to: Eastern Distribution Branch US Geological Survey 1200 South Eads Street Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 557-2751, FTS 557-2751 IX-9 US Geological Survey (Continued) United States Earthquakes Publication Interval: Yearly Location: The 50 states Period of Coverage: From 1928 to present Contents: This series describes all the earthquakes that were reported felt in the United States and nearby territories during the period of record. Its purpose is to provide a continuous history of US earthquakes for studying seismic risk, evaluating nuclear power plant sites, designing earthquake resistive structures, and answering inquiries from the scientific and general public. The publication is composed of four major chapters: "Earthquake Descrip- tions," which includes a summary of macroseismic data reported for each earth- quake and a chronological list of earthquakes by state; "Network Operations," which summarizes the results from local seismic networks; ''Miscellaneous Activities," which contains information on crustal movement studies, tsunamis, and principal earthquakes of the world; and "Strong-Motioned Seismograph Datars The intensity and macroseismic data in "Earthquake Descriptions" are compiled through questionnaires, newspaper articles, and reports prepared by the government and various other sources. Each description includes date, origin, time, hypocenter, the source of the hypocenter calculation, maximum intensity (modified Mercalli), and macroseismic effects felt in the area. Pre-1980 issues may vary in form and content. The US Geological Survey publishes preliminary intensity data in its quarterly circular, "Earthquakes in the United States." Copies of these reports are available on request from: Eastern Distribution Branch, US Geological Survey, 1200 South Eads Street, Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 557-2751, FITS 557-2751. The final information is published in the "United States Earthquakes" series. Additional Information: This series is published jointly by US Department of the Interior, Geological Survey; and US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This publica- tion is a consolidation of the monthly publica- tion "Preliminary Determination of Epicenters, Monthly Listing."" The data are compiled and analyzed for all 12 months and the "United States Earthquakes" series is then presented. The later publication may be of more value if information other than raw data is desired. IxX-10 US Geological Survey (Continued) Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 783-3238 IX-11 US Geological Survey Office of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Engineering 904 National Center Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-8471 Publication Earthquake Information Bulletin Publication Interval: Published bimonthly Location: Emphasis is on the United States, but some information is given for worldwide sites Period of Coverage: Since 1969 Contents: The earthquake information bulletin is intended to be a means of conveying information on earthquakes, seismological activities, and related natural hazards to both general and specialized readers. A check in a periodicals index should be most helpful in locating the type of information desired and the correct issue. Available From: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091, FTS 275-2051 Single copies are Eastern Distribution Branch available from: US Geological Survey 1200 South Eads Street Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 557-2751, FITS 557-2751 IX-12 Canada Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources Earth Physics Branch 1 Observatory Cresc. Ottawa, Ontario KIA OY3, Canada (613) 995-5558 Publication Canadian Earthquakes, Seismological Series of the Dominion Observatory Publication Interval: Yearly Location: Canada Period of Coverage: 1960 to present Contents: This yearly guide contains a chronological listing of seismic disturbances in Canada. It is divided into four parts according to region. The four parts are the Artic Region, the Eastern Region, the Central Region, and the Western Region. The regions have latitudinal and longitudinal boundaries. The data given in each part for each disturbance include date, time, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) and location of the epicenters, Richter magnitude, and a few remarks. Maps plotting the epicenters of the more significant quakes are also included. Available From: Dominion Observatory Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources Ottawa, Canada (613) 995-5558 IxX-13 Naval Construction Battalion Center Civil Engineering Laboratory Port Hueneme, CA 93043 Publication Earthquake Occurrence and Effects in Ocean Areas Wilson, B. W., Technical Report CR 69.027 Publication Date: February 1969 Location: Worldwide Period of Coverage: Varies from site to site; however, this document deals mainly with the 1900s. Contents: This document evaluates earthquake hazards in ocean areas through- out the world. It seeks to examine some of the available earthquakes and their associated ground movements, and hence to appraise the potential effects of such motions on ocean bottom structures, both from the standpoint of the ground-motion itself as well as the hydrodynamic effects of the surrounding water. Data include a map of the distribution of seismic zones in the world, cross-sectional maps of high-risk earthquake zones showing earthquake epi- centers and hypocenters, maps of oceanic plates, seafloor spreading, and oceanic trenches and ridges. Other data and information are given (see table of contents). This report presents collectively a large number of undersea earthquake information and data for engineers; however, none of the data presented here are original. Additional Information: This report was prepared by: Basil W. Wilson Consulting Oceanographic Engineer 529 South Winston Avenue Pasadena, CA 91107 IX-14 Shannon and Wilson Inc. 1105 North 38th Street Seattle, WA 98103 and Agbabian Associates 250 North Nash Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Publication Geotechnical and Strong Motion Earthquake Data from U.S. Accelerograph Stations NUREG/CR-0985 and NUREG-0029 Publication Date: This is a five-volume set. The publishing dates for each volume are: Volume 1 September 1976 Volume 2 June 1978 Volume 3 September 1980 Volume 4 September 1980 Volume 5 September 1980 Location: Volume 1 - Ferndale, Calif.; Cholame, Calif.; and El Centro, Calif. Volume 2 - Pasadena, Calif.; Santa Barbara, Calif.; Taft, Calif.; and Hollister (Melendy Ranch Barn), Calif. Volume 3 - Gilroy, Calif.; Logan, Utah; Bozeman, Mont.; Tacoma, Wash.; and Helena, Mont. Volume 4 - Anchorage, Alaska; Seattle, Wash.; Olympia, Wash.; and Portland, Oreg. Volume 5 - Fairbanks, Alaska; Petrolia, Calif.; Hollister (City Hall), Calif.; Los Angles, Calif.; and New Madrid, Mont. Period of Coverage: Varies from site to site Contents: This five-volume set was prepared for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It contains site-specific information describing the station building and instrumentation, geology and seismicity of the area, and site conditions. The report compiles basic geotechnical and strong-motion earthquake data for selected accelerograph stations. These earthquake records constitute a set of maximum ground-motion values, time-histories of acceleration, and response spectra, upon which seismic design recommendations are formulated. Tables of significant seismic events, maps of local and general geology, boring logs, and geologic cross sections can be found in the last three volumes for each site. Similar data exist for the first two volumes, but the data are not given in the same format. IX-15 Shannon and Wilson Inc. Available From: Additional Information: (Continued) GPO Sales Program Division of Technical Information and Document Control US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 or National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 These reports were prepared for: Division of Reactor Safety Research Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 The first two volumes were published as reports NUREG-0029, Vol 1, and NUREG-0029, Vol 2, while the last three were published as NUREG/CR-0985 Vols 3, 4, and 5. 1IX-16 Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1 Walnut Creek Center 100 Pringle Avenue ATTN: Library Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (415) 945-3000 Publication Geotechnical Data Compilation for Selected Strong Motion Seismograph Sites in California Hansen, W. R., et al. Publication Date: 28 December 1973 Location: Data are given for 78 sites. These sites are subdivided into seven regions as follows: Sacramento, San Francisco Bay area, Hollister, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Lake Hughes, and the Imperial Valley. Contents: This report is a compilation of available geotechnical information for 78 selected strong-motioned seismograph sites in California. This infor- mation is presented for each site at three levels of detail: regional, areal, and site. The information is intended to allow: (a) evaluation of present and future instrument locations, (b) identification of sites for which there is insufficient subsurface information, and (c) evaluation of existing and anticipated records from strong-motion seismographs. The ultimate goal of such analysis is improved design of earthquake-resistant structures through better understanding of seismic ground response. Data for 78 sites are provided. Available From: Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1 Walnut Creek Center 100 Pringle Avenue ATTN: Library Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (415) 945-3000 Additional Information: Woodward-Clyde Consultants was formally Woodward-Lundgren and Associates. IX-17 Coastal Engineering Research Center US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station PO Box 631 Vicksburg, MS 39180 (601) 634-2012, FTS 542-2012 Publication Annotated Bibliography on Tsunamis Cueller, M. P., No. 30 Publication Date: February 1953 Location: N/A Period of Coverage: 1836-1948 Contents: This 69-page guide chronologically lists 195 references on tsunamis and other sea-wave phenomena. It gives the author, title, date, publishing agency, and a brief description of the contents for each source. This report was prepared for the Committee for the Study of Tsunamis, American Geophysical Union. It serves as a quick index for persons in need of tsunami literature. Additional Information: This document was published by the Beach Erosion Board, the Coastal Engineering Research Center's predecessor organization. Available From: National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FTS 737-4650 (NTIS Accession No. AD-699-405) IxX-18 Tetra-Tech Inc. 630 North Rosemead Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91107 (213) 449-6400 Publication Tsunami Atlas for the Coasts of the United States Brandsma, M., et al., TC-486, NUREG/CR-1106 Publication Date: November 1979 Location: 19 Pacific coast sites ranging from 31° N (Punta Colnett, Mexico) to 48° N (Cape Flattery, Wash.) and 27 Atlantic coast sites ranging from 25° N (Cape Sable, Fla.) to 44° N (Bay of Fundy, Maine) Contents: This report presents hypothetical tsunamis generated by large- magnitude earthquakes. The results, which consist primarily of wave traces at offshore stations in 600 ft of water, show that potential tsunami hazard exists along the US Pacific coast and Atlantic coast. The results are intended as the first step of design calculations for coastal installations at specific sites. The computations used a canonical tsunami source somewhat larger than any known to have occurred and are the result of worst-case computations. The atlas lists hypothetical tsunamis arriving offshore of each station. They are listed in order of maximum wave displacement from the still water level. Water displacement, hypothetical generation region, and the time taken to arrive from the region of generation are all given. Graphs of water displacement versus time after first wave arrival are included for the larger tsunamis. Miscellaneous data include maps of continental plates, ocean areas capable of generating large tsunamis, and distribution of world earthquakes occurring between 1961 and 1967 at depths of less than 100 km. Available From: GPO Sales Program Division of Technical Information and Document Control US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 or National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FITS 737-4650 IX-19 Tetra-Tech Inc. (Continued) Additional Information: This report was prepared for: Division of Reactor Safety Research Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Predictions on tsunami wave runup are included in Part III of this report. IX-20 Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Room 252 University of Hawaii 2525 Correa Road Honolulu, HA 96822 Publications Preliminary Catalog of Tsunamis Occurring in the Pacific Ocean lida, K., et al., Data Report No. 5 HIB-67-10 Publication Date: 7 August 1967 Location: This publication is broken down into separate regions as follows: Region A B Qa Zz S=SSICHANAOWO Period of Coverage: WS Avie Contents New Zealand, Kermadec Islands, Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji New Hebrides, New Caledonia, and Solomon Islands New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, and Pacific side of Halmahera Island Philippines, Taiwan Pacific coast Ryukyu Islands, Kyushu Island Nankaido-Tokaido area (Shikoku-Sagami) Northeast Honshu Island (Boso-Sanriku) Hokkaido Island Kuril Islands Kamchatka Peninsula and Komandorskiye (Commander Islands) Aleutian Islands Mainland Alaska and British Columbia Washington, California, Oregon, Baja California Mexico, Central America, North Columbia South Columbia, Ecuador, Peru North Chile South Chile Hawaiian Islands Marshall Islands-Marianas Islands Indonesia South China Sea East China Sea and Yellow Sea Sea of Japan Sea of Okhotsk to 1967 IX-21 Hawaii Institute of Geophysics (Continued) Contents: This publication consolidates tsunami data for the Pacific Ocean dating back to 173 A.D. It is based upon written data, geological data, and other researcher's reports. The data include: (a) earthquake data (time, epicenter coordinates, magnitude, and depth of quake); (b) tsunami data (region of generation, tsunami severity, locations where the tsunami was observed, height and period of waves, time taken to travel from the quake epicenter, and effects and remarks which contain damage reports, deaths, and effects of the tsunami); and (c) references which give the names of previous researchers of the tsunami. Some of the older data are incomplete due to lack of written information or uncertainty of data. Many of the older times and Richter quake magnitudes are approximations, as accurate data were unavailable. Available From: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Room 252 University of Hawaii 2525 Correa Road Honolulu, HA 96822 Additional Information: This publication may be revised from time to time. It would be advantageous to obtain the latest revision. IX-22 Hawaii Institute of Geophysics (Continued) Tsunami Wave Runup Heights in Hawaii Loomis, H. G., HIG-76-5, NOAA-JTRE-161 Publication Date: May 1976 Location: Hawaiian Islands Period of Coverage: 1946-1975 Contents: This report presents maps of the shorelines of the Hawaiian Islands on which are recorded the wave heights of tsunamis in 1946, 1952, 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1975. Some islands do not have complete records for all of the above tsunamis. The larger, more populated islands have the more complete data. Islands that data are given for are as follows: Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, Kauai, Molokai, and Lanai. Additional Information: This report is a joint publication by the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and the Joint Tsunami Research Effort, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Environmental Research Laboratories, NOAA. Predictions on tsunami wave runup are included in Part III of this report. Available From: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Room 252 University of Hawaii 2525 Correa Road Honolulu, HA 96822 IX-23 International Tsunami Information Center PO Box 50027 Honolulu, HA 96850 (808) 546-2847 Publication Publication Interval: Location: Period of Coverage: Tsunami Newsletter Quarterly Pacific Ocean and vicinity 1968 to present Contents: This newsletter is intended to provide news and information to scientists, engineers, educators, community protection agencies, and govern- ments throughout the world. A check in a periodicals index should be most helpful in locating the type of information desired and the correct issue. Additional Information: Available From: The International Tsunami Information Center is maintained by the National Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration. The Center's mission is to mitigate the effects of tsunamis throughout the Pacific. International Tsunami Information Center PO Box 50027 Honolulu, HA 96850 (808) 546-2847 IX-24 APPENDIX A: Office, Chief of Engineers Department of the Army Washington, DC 20314-1000 OCE Publications Depot 2803 52nd Avenue Hyattsville, MD 20781-1102 DIVISIONS AND DISTRICTS: US Army Engineer Division, Huntsville PO Box 1600 Huntsville, AL 35807-4301 US Army Engineer Division, Lower Mississippi Valley PO Box 80 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0080 US Army Engineer District, Memphis B-202, 167 N. Main Memphis, TN 38103-1894 US Army Engineer District, New Orleans PO Box 60267 New Orleans, LA 70160-0267 US Army Engineer District, St. Louis 210 Tucker Blvd., N. St. Louis, MO 63101-1986 US Army Engineer District, Vicksburg PO Box 60 Vicksburg, MS 39180-0060 US Army Engineer Division, Missouri River PO Box 103 Downtown Station Omaha, NE 68101-0103 US Army Engineer District, Kansas City 700 Federal Building 601 East 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106-2896 LIST OF OFFICES OF THE US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS US Army Engineer District, Omaha Rm. 6014 US Post Office and Court House 215 N. 17th Street Omaha, NE 68102-4978 US Army Engineer Division, New England 424 Trapelo Road Waltham, MA 02254-9149 US Army Engineer Division, North Atlantic 90 Church Street New York, NY 10007-9998 US Army Engineer District, Baltimore PO Box 1715 Baltimore, MD 21203-1715 US Army Engineer District, New York 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278-0090 US Army Engineer District, Norfolk 803 Front Street Norfolk, VA 23510-1096 US Army Engineer District, Philadelphia US Custom House 2nd and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, PA 19106-2991 US Army Engineer Division, North Central 536 S. Clark Street Chicago, IL 60605-1592 US Army Engineer District, Buffalo 1776 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14207-3199 US Army Engineer District, Chicago 219 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60604-1797 US Army Engineer District, Detroit PO Box 1027 Detroit, MI 48231-1027 A-1 US Army Engineer District, Rock Island PO Box 2004 Clock Tower Building Rock Island, IL 61204-2004 US Army Engineer District, Site eauel: 1135 US Post Office and Custom House St. Paul, MN 55101-1479 US Army Engineer Division, North Pacific PO Box 2870 Portland, OR 9/7208-2870 US Army Engineer District, Alaska PO Box 898 Anchorage, AK 99506-0898 US Army Engineer District, Portland PO Box 2946 Portland, OR 97208-2946 US Army Engineer District, Seattle PO Box C-3755 Seattle, WA 98124-2255 US Army Engineer District, Walla Walla Building 602 City-County Airport Walla Walla, WA 99362-9265 US Army Engineer Division, Ohio River PO Box 1159 Cincinnati, OH 45201-1159 US Army Engineer District, Huntington 502 8th Street Huntington, WV 25701-2070 US Army Engineer District, Louisville PO Box 59 Louisville, KY 40201-0059 US Army Engineer District, Nashville PO Box 1070 Nashville, TN 37202-1070 US Army Engineer District, Pittsburgh Federal Building 1000 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4186 US Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic 510 Title Building 30 Pryor Street, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30335-6801 US Army Engineer District, Charleston PO Box 919 Charleston, SC 29402-0919 US Army Engineer District, Jacksonville PO Box 4970 Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019 US Army Engineer District, Mobile PO Box 2288 Mobile, AL 36628-0001 US Army Engineer District, Savannah PO Box 889 Savannah, GA 31402-0889 US Army Engineer District, Wilmington PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 US Army Engineer Division, Pacific Ocean Fort Shafter, HA 96858-5440 US Army Engineer Division, South Pacific 630 Sansome Street, Rm. 7/20 San Francisco, CA 94111-2206 US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles P50, Box 27/1 Los Angeles, CA 90053-2325 US Army Engineer District, Sacramento 670 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814-4794 US Army Engineer District, San Francisco 211 Main Street San Francisco, CA 94105-1905 US Army Engineer Division, Southwestern 1114 Commerce Street Dallas, TX 75242-0216 US Army Engineer District, Albuquerque PO Box 1580 Albuquerque, NM 87103-1580 US Army Engineer District, Galveston PO Box 1229 Galveston, TX 77553-1229 US Army Engineer District, Little Rock PO Box 867 Little Rock, AR 72203-0867 US Army Engineer District, Fort Worth PO Box 17300 Fort Worth, TX 76102-0300 US Army Engineer District, Tulsa PO Box 61 Tulsa, OK 74121-0061 APPENDIX B: US GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE AND ITS BOOKSTORES By Mail: Superintendent of Documents US Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091 FTS 275-2051 Over the counter: Birmingham GPO Bookstore 9220-B Parkway East Birmingham, AL 35206 (205) 254-1056 FTS 229-1056 Los Angeles GPO Bookstore ARCO Plaza 505 South Flower Street Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213) 688-5841 FTS 798-5841 San Francisco GPO Bookstore Room 1023, Federal Office Building 450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 556-0642 FTS 556-6657 Denver GPO Bookstore Room 117 Federal Building-US Courthouse 1961 Stout Street Denver, CO 80294 (303) 837-3964 FTS 327-3964 Pueblo GPO Bookstore Majestic Building 720 North Main Street Pueblo, CO 81003 (303) 544-3142 FTS 323-9371 Atlanta GPO Bookstore Room 100, Federal Building 275 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 221-6947 FTS 242-6947 Chicago GPO Bookstore Room 1463-14th Floor Everett McKinley Dirksen Building 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 353-5133 FTS 353-5133 Boston GPO Bookstore Room G-25 John F. Kennedy Federal Building New Sudbury Street Boston, MA 02203 (617) 223-6071 FTS 223-6071 Detroit GPO Bookstore 477 Michigan Avenue Suite 160 Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 226-7816 FTS 226-4996 Kansas City GPO Bookstore Room 144, Federal Office Building 601 East 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 (816) 374-2160 FTS 758-2160 New York GPO Bookstore Room 110 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 (212) 264-3825 FTS 264-3825 Columbus GPO Bookstore Room 207, Federal Building 200 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 469-6956 FTS 943-6956 Cleveland GPO Bookstore Room 1/71 1240 East 9th Street Cleveland, OH 44199 (216) 522-4922 FTS 293-4922 Philadelphia GPO Bookstore Room 1214, Federal Building 600 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 597-0677 FTS 597-0677 Pittsburgh GPO Bookstore Federal Office Building 1000 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 644-2721 FTS 722-2721 Dallas GPO Bookstore Room 1-C-50 ; Federal Building-US Courthouse 1100 Commerce Street Dallas, TX 75242 (214) 767-0076 FTS 729-0076 Houston GPO Bookstore 45 College Center 9319 Gulf Freeway Houston, TX 7/017 (713) 226-5453 FTS 527-5453 Seattle GPO Bookstore Room 194, Federal Building 915 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98174 (206) 442-4270 FTS 399-4270 Milwaukee GPO Bookstore Room 190, Federal Building 517 East Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 291-1304 FTS 362-1304 Commerce Department GPO Bookstore 14th and E Streets, NW Main Floor Washington, DC 20230 (202) 377-3527 FTS 377-3527 Main GPO Bookstore 710 North Capitol Street Washington, DC 20402 (202) 275-2091 FTS 275-2091 Pentagon GPO Bookstore Main Concourse, South End Washington, DC 20310 (202) 557-1821 (No FTS) State Department GPO Bookstore 2lst and C Streets, NW Washington, DC 20520 (202) 632-1437 FTS 632-1437 Jacksonville GPO Bookstore Room 158, Federal Building 400 West Bay Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 791-3801 FTS 946-3801 APPENDIX C: Location Anchorage, Alaska Dallas, Tex. Denver, Colo. Los Angeles, Calif. Menlo Park, Calif. SOURCES OF INFORMATION, US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY* Public Inquiries Offices Address Public Inquiries Office US Geological Survey Room 101 4230 University Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-4664 Public Inquiries Office Earth Science Information and Sales US Geological Survey E-146 Federal Building, Box 53 701 C Street Anchorage, AK 99508-4664 Public Inquiries Office US Geological Survey 1-C-45 Federal Building 1100 Commerce Street Daliliasi a LXeu 242 Public Inquiries Office US Geological Survey 169 Federal Building 1961 Stout Street Denver, CO 80294 Public Inquiries Office US Geological Survey 7638 Federal Building 300 North Los Angeles Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 Public Inquiries Office US Geological Survey Building 3, Room 122 Mail Stop 533 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone Number (907) FTS (907) (214) FTS (303) FTS (213) ETS (415) Ext. FTS 561-5555 907-272-4320 271-4307 767-0198 729-0198 844-4169 564-4169 894-2850 798-2850 323-8111 2817 467-2817 * Information in this appendix was derived from the US Geological Survey (USGS) Circular 900, guide to obtaining USGS information. Cc=1 Public Inquiries Offices (Continued) Location Address Phone Number Reston, Va. Public Inquiries Office (703) 860-6167 US Geological Survey FTS 928-6167 503 National Center Room 1-—C-402 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 Salt Lake City, Public Inquiries Office (801) 525-5652 Utah US Geological Survey FTS 588-5652 8105 Federal Building 125 South State Street Salt Lake City, UT 84138 San Francisco, Public Inquiries Office (415) 556-5627 Calif. US Geological Survey FTS 556-5627 504 Custom House 555 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Spokane, Wash. Public Inquiries Office (509) 456-2524 US Geological Survey FTS 439-2524 678 US Courthouse West 920 Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 Washington, D.C. Public Inquiries Office (202) 343-8073 US Geological Survey FTS 343-8073 1028 General Services Administration Building 19th and F Streets, NW Washington, DC 20244 Text_and Map Products Text Products Section Western Distribution Branch Eastern Distribution Branch US Geological Survey US Geological Survey Box 25286, Federal Center 604 South Pickett Street Denver, CO 80225 Alexandria, VA 22304-4658 (303) 236-7477 (703) 756-6141 FTS 776-7477 FTS 756-6141 Eastern Distribution Branch US Geological Survey 1200 South Eads Street Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 557-2751 FTS 557-2751 Cartography and Geography National Cartographic Information Center US Geological Survey 507 National Center Room 1-C-107 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6045 FTS 928-6045 Rocky Mountain Mapping Center-NCIC US Geological Survey Mail Stop 504 Box 25046, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-5829 FTS 776-5829 Eastern Mapping Center-—NCIC US Geological Survey 536 National Center Room 2-B-200 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6336 FTS 928-6336 Mid-Continent Mapping Center-—NCIC US Geological Survey 1400 Independence Road Rolla, MO 65401 (314) 341-0851 FTS 277-0851 Western Mapping Center-NCIC US Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 323-8111, ext. 2427 FTS 467-2427 National Space Technology Laboratories National Cartographic Information Center US Geological Survey Building 3101 NSTL Station, MS 39529 (601) 688-3544 FTS 494-3544 Alaska Office-NCIC US Geological Survey Room 110 4230 University Drive Anchorage, AK 99508-4664 (907) 271-4148 FTS 907-271-4159 Water Resources Division District Offices ALABAMA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 520 19th Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 (205) 752-8104 FTS 229-2957 ALASKA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 1515 East 13th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 271-4138 FTS 907-271-4138 Water Resources Division District Offices (Continued) ARIZONA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Federal Building, FB 44 301 West Congress Street Tucson, AZ 85701-1383 (602) 629-6671 FTS 762-6671 ARKANSAS Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 2301 Federal Office Building 700 West Capitol Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 378-6391 FTS 740-6391 CALIFORNIA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Federal Building, Room W-2235 2800 Cottage Way Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 484-4606 FTS 468-4606 COLORADO Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Box 25046, Federal Center | Mail Stop 415 Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-4882 FTS 776-4882 CONNECTICUT Connecticut Office Water Resources Division US Geological Survey 525 Ribicoff Federal Building 450 Main Street Hartford, CT 06103 (203) 244-2528 FTS 244-2528 DELAWARE See listing for Maryland DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA See listing for Maryland FLORIDA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Hobbs Federal Building, Suite 3015 Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904) 681-7620 FTS 956-7620 GEORGIA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey, Suite B 6481 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Doraville, GA 30360 (404) 221-4858 FTS 242-4858 HAWAIT Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey PO Box 50166 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 6110 Honolulu, HI 96850 (808) 546-8331 FTS 808-546-8331 IDAHO Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 230 Collins Road Boise, ID 83/702 (208) 334-1750 FTS 554-1750 Water Resources Division District Offices (Continued) ILLINOIS LOUISIANA Water Resources Division Water Resources Division District Office District Office US Geological Survey US Geological Survey Champaign County Bank Plaza PO Box 66492 102 East Main, Fourth Floor 6554 Florida Boulevard Urbana, IL 61801 Baton Rouge, LA 70896 (217) 398-5353 (504) 389-0281 FTS 958-5353 FTS 687-0281 INDIANA MAINE Water Resources Division See listing for Massachusetts District Office US Geological Survey MARYLAND 6023 Guion Road, Suite 201 Water Resources Division Indianapolis, IN 46254 District Office (317) 927-8640 US Geological Survey FTS 336-8640 208 Carroll Building 8600 LaSalle Road IOWA Towson, MD 21204 Water Resources Division (301) 828-1535 District Office FTS 922-7872 US Geological Survey PO Box 1230 MASSACHUSETTS 269 Federal Building Water Resources Division 400 South Clinton Street District Office Iowa City, IA 52244 US Geological Survey (319) 337-4191 150 Causeway Street, Suite 1309 FTS 863-6521 Boston, MA 02114 (617) 223-2822 KANSAS FTS 223-2822 Water Resources Division District Office MICHIGAN US Geological Survey Water Resources Division 1950 Constant Avenue- District Office Campus West US Geological Survey University of Kansas 6520 Merchantile Way, Suite 5 Lawrence, KS 66044 Lansing, MI 48910 (913) 864-4321 (517) 377-1608 FTS 752-2300 FTS 374-1608 KENTUCKY MINNESOTA Water Resources Division Water Resources Division District Office District Office US Geological Survey US Geological Survey 572 Federal Building 702 Post Office Building 600 Federal Place Site audle pe MING SEO Louisville, KY 40202 (612) 725-7841 (502) 582-5241 FTS 725-7841 FTS 352-5241 Water Resources Division District Offices (Continued) MISSISSIPPI Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Federal Building, Suite 710 100 West Capitol Street Jackson, MS 39269 (601) 960-4600 FTS 490-4600 MISSOURI Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Mail Stop 200 1400 Independence Road Rolla, MO 65401 (314) 341-0824 FTS 277-0824 MONTANA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 301 South Park Avenue 428 Federal Building Drawer 10076 Helena, MT 59626 (406) 449-5302 FTS 585-5302 NEBRASKA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 406 Federal Building and US Courthouse 100 Centennial Mall, North Lincoln, NE 68508 (402) 471-5082 FTS 541-5082 NEVADA Nevada Office Water Resources Division US Geological Survey 229 Federal Building 705 North Plaza Street Carson City, NV 89701 (702) 882-1388 FTS 598-6011 (operator) NEW HAMPSHIRE See listing for Massachusetts NEW JERSEY Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 430 Federal Building 402 East State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 (609) 989-2162 FTS 483-2162 NEW MEXICO Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 720 Western Bank Building 505 Marquette, Northwest Aubuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 766-2246 FTS 474-2246 NEW YORK Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey PO Box 1669 343 US Post Office and Courthouse Building Albany, NY 12201 (518) 472-3107 FTS 562-3107 NORTH CAROLINA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey PO Box 2857 300 Fayetteville Street Mall 436 Century Station Raleigh, NC 27602 (919) 755-4510 FTS 672-4510 Water Resources Division District Offices (Continued) NORTH DAKOTA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 821 East Interstate Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501 (701) 255-4011, ext. 601 FTS 783-4601 OHIO Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 975 West Third Avenue Columbus, OH 43212 (614) 469-5553 FTS 943-5553 OKLAHOMA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Room 621 215 Dean A. McGee Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 231-4256 FTS 736-4256 OREGON Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 847 NE 19th Avenue, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97232 (503) 231-2009 FTS 429-2009 PENNSYLVANIA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey PO Box 1107 Federal Building, Fourth Floor 228 Walnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17108 (717) 782-4514 FTS 590-4514 PUERTO RICO Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey GPO Box 4424 GSA Center, Building 652 Highway 28, Pueblo Viejo San Juan, PR 00936 (809) 783-4660 FTS 809-753-4414 RHODE ISLAND See listing for Massachusetts SOUTH CAROLINA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Suite 658 1835 Assembly Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 765-5966 FTS 677-5966 SOUTH DAKOTA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 317 Federal Building 200 Fourth Street, SW Huron, SD 5/7350 (605) 352-8651, ext. 258 FTS 782-2258 TENNESSEE Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey A-413 Federal Building and US Courthouse Nashville, IN 37203 (615) 251-5424 FTS 852-5424 Water Resources Division District Offices (Continued) TEXAS Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 649 Federal Building 300 East Eighth Street Austin, TX 78/701 (512) 482-5766 FTS 770-5766 UTAH Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey Room 1016 Administration Building 1745 West 1700 South Salt Lake City, UT 84104 (801) 524-5663 FTS 588-5663 VERMONT See listing for Massachusetts VIRGINIA Virginia Office Water Resources Division US Geological Survey 200 West Grace Street, Room 304 Richmond, VA 23220 (804) 771-2427 FTS 925-2427 WASHINGTON Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 1201 Pacific Avenue, Suite 600 Tacoma, WA 98402 (206) 593-6510 FTS 390-6510 WEST VIRGINIA Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 3416 Federal Building and US Courthouse 500 Quarrier Street, East Charleston, WV 25301 (304) 347-5130 FTS 930-5132 WISCONSIN Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey 1815 University Avenue Madison, WI 53/705 (608) 262-2488 FTS 262-2488 WYOMING Water Resources Division District Office US Geological Survey PO Box 1125 4007 J.C. O'Mahoney Federal Center 2120 Capitol Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82003 (307) 772-2153 FTS 328-2153 Geology and Others Geologic Inquiries Group US Geological Survey 907 National Center Reston, VA 11097 (703) 860-6517 FTS 928-6517 National Earthquake Information Service US Geological Survey Mail Stop 967 Box 25046, Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-1500 FTS 776-1500 Geology and Others (Continued) Hydrologic Information Unit EROS Data Center US Geological Survey US Geological Survey 417 National Center Sioux Falls, SD 57198 Reston, VA 22092 (605) 594-6151 (703) 860-7531 FTS 784-7151 FTS 928-7531 APPENDIX D: LIST OF STATE CONSERVATIONISTS, SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE, US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ALABAMA Wright Building 138 South Gay Street Auburn, AL 36830 ALASKA Suite 129, Professional Building 2221 East Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, AK 99504 ARIZONA 230 North lst Avenue 3008 Federal Building Phoenix, AZ 85025 ARKANSAS Room 5029 Federal Office Building 700 West Capitol Little Rock, AR 72203 CALIFORNIA 2828 Chiles Road Davis, CA 95616 COLORADO 2490 West 26th Avenue Diamond Hill, Building A Denver, CO 80217 CONNECTICUT Mansfield Professional Park Route 44A Storrs, CT 06268 DELAWARE Treadway Towers--Suite 2-4 9 East Loockerman Street Dover, DE 19901 FLORIDA Federal Building PO Box 1208 Gainesville, FL 32602 GEORGIA Federal Building 355 East Hancock Avenue PO Box 832 Athens, GA 30603 HAWAII Prince Jonah Kuhio Kolanianaola Building 300 Ala Moana Boulevard Room 4316 Honolulu, HI 96850 IDAHO Room 345 304 North 8th Street Boise, ID 83/702 ILLINOIS Federal Building 200 West Church Street PO Box 678 Champaign, IL 61820 INDIANA Atkinson Square-West Suite 2200 5610 Crawfordsville Road Indianapolis, IN 46224 IOWA 693 Federal Building 210 Walnut Street Des Moines, IA 50309 KANSAS 760 South Broadway PO Box 600 Salina, KS 67401 KENTUCKY 333 Waller Avenue Lexington, KY 40504 LOUISIANA 3737 Government Street PO Box 1630 Alexandria, LA 71301 MAINE USDA Building University of Maine Orono, ME 04473 MARYLAND Hartwick Building Room 522 4321 Hartwick Road College Park, MD 20740 MASSACHUSETTS 29 Cottage Street Amherst, MA 01002 MICHIGAN Room 101 1405 South Harrison Road East Lansing, MI 48823 MINNESOTA 200 Federal Building and US Courthouse 316 North Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 MISSISSIPPI Federal Building, Suite 1321 100 West Capitol Street PO Box 610 Jackson, MS 39201 MISSOURI 555 Vandiver Drive Columbia, MO 65201 MONTANA Federal Building PO Box 970 Bozeman, MT 59715 NEBRASKA Federal Building-US Courthouse, Room 345 Lincoln, NE 68508 NEVADA Room 308 US Post Office Building PO Box 4850 Reno, NV 89505 NEW HAMPSHIRE Federal Building Durham, NH 03824 NEW JERSEY 1370 Hamilton Street PO Box 219 Somerset, NJ 08873 NEW MEXICO 517 Gold Avenue SW PO Box 2007 Albuquerque, NM 87103 NEW YORK US Courthouse and Federal Building 100 South Clinton Street Room 771 Syracuse, NY 13260 NORTH CAROLINA 310 New Bern Avenue, Room 544 Federal Office Building PO Box 27307 Raleigh, NC 27611 NORTH DAKOTA Federal Building PO Box 1458 Bismarck, ND 58501 OHIO Federal Building, Room 522 200 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215 OKLAHOMA Agricultural Center Office Building Farm Road and Brumley Street Stillwater, OK 74074 OREGON Federal Building, 16th Floor 1220 SW 3rd Avenue Portland, OR 97209 PENNSYLVANIA Federal Building and US Courthouse PO Box 985 Federal Square Station Harrisburg, PA 1/7108 PUERTO RICO Room 633, 6th Floor Federal Building Chardon Avenue Hato Rey, PR 00918 RHODE ISLAND 46 Quaker Lane West Warwick, RI 02893 SOUTH CAROLINA Room 950 1835 Assembly Street Columbia, SC 29201 SOUTH DAKOTA Federal Building 200 4th Street, SW Huron, SD 5/7350 TENNESSEE 675 US Courthouse Nashville, TN 37203 TEXAS W. R. Poage Federal Building 101 South Main Street PO Box 648 Temple, TX 76501 UTAH 4012 Federal Building 125 South State Street Salt Lake City, UT 84138 VERMONT 1 Burlington Square Suite 205 Burlington, VT 05401 VIRGINIA Federal Building, Room 9201 400 North 8th Street PO Box 10026 Richmond, VA 23240 WASHINGTON 360 US Courthouse West 920 Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201 WEST VIRGINIA 75 High Street PO Box 865 Morgantown, WV 26505 WISCONSIN 4601 Hammersley Road Madison, WI 50/711 WYOMING Federal Office Building PO Box 2440 Casper, WY 82601 : op big i Larpebat e16 iy 14. ale 1 Asad bes i y 70.) ead 2 vony 7 ont neotpmel PAH T¥ District First Second Third Fifth Seventh Eighth Ninth Eleventh APPENDIX E: US COAST GUARD DISTRICTS AND ADDRESSES Address 150 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02114 Phone: 617-223-3634 1430 Olive Street Stlountsh MOM sOS 103 Phone: Day - 314-425-4605 Night - 314-425-4614 Governors Island New York, NY 10004 Phone: Day - 212-668-7195 Night - 212-668-7055 431 Crawford Street Portsmouth, VA 23705 Phone: 804-398-6225 51 Southwest First Avenue Miami, FL 33130 Phone: 305-350-5621 Commander, Greater Antilles Section, US Coast Guard San Juan, Puerto Rico 00903 Phone: 809-722-5500 Hale Boggs Federal Building 500 Camp Street New Orleans, LA 70130 Phone: 504-589-6225 1240 East 9th Street Cleveland, OH 44199 Phone: 216-522-3991 Union Bank Building 400 Oceangate Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90822 Phone: 213-590-2222 Waters of Jurisdiction Main, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island to Watch Hill Mississippi River System, except that portion of the Mississippi River south of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and the Illinois River north of Joliet, Illinois Rhode Island from Watch Hill, Con- necticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, not including the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, District of Columbia, and the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal South Carolina, Georgia, Florida to 83°50' W, and Puerto Rico and adjacent islands of the United States Immediate jurisdiction of waters of Puerto Rico and adjacent islands of the United States Florida from 83°50' W, thence westward, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River above St. Regis River California, south of latitude 34°58' N District Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Seventeenth Address Building 51, Government Island Alameda, CA 94501 Phone: 415-437-3506 915 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98174 Phone: 206-442-5876 9th Floor 300 Ala Moana Blvd. Honolulu, HI 96850 Phone: Day - 808-546-7130 Night - 808-546-7109 PO Box 3 - 5000 Juneau, AK 99802 Phone: Day - 907-586-7367 Night - 907-586-2680 Waters of Jurisdiction California, north of latitude 34° 58' N Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana Hawaii and the Pacific Islands belonging to the United States west of longitude 140° W and south of latitude 42° N Alaska APPENDIX F: LIST OF CONTACTS FOR COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ALABAMA Director Office of State Planning and Federal Programs State Capitol Montgomery, AL 36130 (205) 832-6400 ALASKA Director Office of Management and Budget Office of the Governor Pouch AD Juneau, AK 99811 (907) 465-35411 AMERICAN SAMOA Director Development Planning Office Government of American Samoa Pago Pago, American Samoa 96/799 (Overseas operator) 633-5155 CALIFORNIA Director California Coastal Commission 631 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 543-8555 CONNECTICUT Director Department of Environmental Protection 71 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06115 (203) 566-7404 DELAWARE Secretary Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control 89 Kings Highway PO Box 1401 Dover, DE 19903 (302) 736-4403 FLORIDA Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904) 488-4807 GEORGIA Commissioner Department of Natural Resources 2770 Washington Street Atlanta, GA 30334 (404) 656-3508 GUAM Director Bureau of Planning Government of Guam PO Box 2950 Agana, Guam 96910 (Overseas operator) 477-9502 HAWAII Director Department of Planning and Economic Development PO Box 2359 Honolulu, HI 96804 (808) 548-3042 ILLINOIS Secretary Department of Transportation Transportation Administration Building 2300 South Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62764 (312) 793-3126 INDIANA Director Department of National Resources State Office Building, Room 608 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (312) 793-3123 LOUISIANA Secretary Department of Natural Resources PO Box 44396 Capitol Station Baton Rouge, LA 70804 (504) 342-4500 MAINE Director State Planning Office 184 State Street Augusta, ME 04330 (207) 289-3261 MARYLAND Secretary Department of Natural Resources Tawes State Office Building Annapolis, MD 21401 (301) 269-3041 MASSACHUSETTS Secretary Executive Office of Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02202 (617) 727-9530 MICHIGAN Director Department of Natural Resources PO Box 30028 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-2329 MINNESOTA Director State Planning Agency 100 Capitol Square Building 550 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 (612) 297-2997 MISSISSIPPI Executive Director Bureau of Marine Resources PO Box 959 Long Beach, MS 39560 (601) 864-4602 NEW HAMPSHIRE Acting Director Office of State Planning 2-1/2 Beacon Street Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-2155 NEW JERSEY Commissioner Department of Environmental Protection CN 402 Trenton, NJ 08625 (609) 292-2885 NEW YORK Secretary of State 162 Washington Street Albany, NY 12231 (518) 474-4750 NORTH CAROLINA Secretary Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 733-4984 NORTHERN MARIANAS Director Coastal Resources Management Office Office of the Governor Room 505 - 5th Floor Nauru Saipan, Mariana Islands 96950 (Overseas operator for Saipan) 6623 OHIO Director Department of Natural Resources Fountain Square Court (Bldg. D) Columbus, OH 43224 (614) 265-6730 OREGON Director Department of Land Conservation and Development 1175 Court Street, NE Salem, OR 9/7310 (503) 378-4926 PENNSYLVANIA Secretary Department of Environmental Resources PO Box 1467 Harrisburg, PA 17120 (717) 783-9500 PUERTO RICO Secretary Department of Natural Resources PO Box 5887 Pureto de Tierra, PR 00906 (809) 723-3090 RHODE ISLAND Chairman Coastal Resources Management Council 60 Dairs Street Providence, RI 02908 (401) 277-2476 SOUTH CAROLINA Chairman South Carolina Coastal Council PO Box 1026 Beaufort, SC 29902 (803) 524-5053 TEXAS Executive Director Natural Resources Advisory Council 200 East 18th Street Austin, TX 78/701 (512) 475-0414 VIRGINIA Administrator Council on the Environment Ninth Street Office Building (9th floor) Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 786-4500 VIRGIN ISLANDS Commissioner Department of Conservation and Cultural Affairs PO Box 4340 Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00801 (809) 774-3320 WASHINGTON Director Department of Ecology State of Washington (PV-11) Olympia, WA 98504 (206) 459-6168 WISCONSIN Deputy Secretary Department of Administration 101 South Webster General Executive Facility 2 Madison, WI 53/702 (608) 266-1741 APPENDIX G: ALABAMA Geological Survey of Alabama PO Drawer O University, AL 35486 (205) 349-2852 FTS 205-349-2852 ALASKA Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage, AK 99701 (907) 786-2179 FTS 907-786-2179 ARIZONA Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology 845 North Park Avenue Tucson, AZ 85719 (602) 621-7906 FTS 602-621-7906 ARKANSAS Arkansas Geological Commission 3815 West Rooservalt Road Little Rock, AR 72201 (501) 371-1488 FTS 740-5011 (operator) CALIFORNIA California Division of Mines and Geology 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1341 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-1923 FTS 916-445-1923 COLORADO Colorado Geological Survey 1313 Sherman Street, Room 715 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 866-2611 FETS 303-866-2611 LIST OF STATE GEOSCIENCE AGENCIES CONNECTICUT Department of Environmental Protection Natural Resource Center 165 Capitol Avenue, Room 553 Hartford, CT 06106 (203) 556-3450 FTS 203-556-3540 DELAWARE Delaware Geological Survey University of Delaware 101 Penny Hall Newark, DE 19711 (302) 738-2833 ETS 302-738-2833 FLORIDA Bureau of Geology 903 West Tennessee Street Tallahassee, FL 32304 (904) 488-4191 FTS 904-488-41191 GEORGIA Georgia Geologic Survey Room 400 19 Martin Luther King Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30334 (404) 656-3214 FTS 404-656-3214 HAWAIT Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Water and Land Development PO Box 373 Honolulu, HI (808) 548-7533 FTS 808-548-7533 96809 IDAHO Idaho Geological Survey University of Idaho Campus Moscow, ID 83843 (208) 885-7991 FTS 554-1111 (operator) ILLINOIS Illinois State Geological Survey 615 East Peabody Drive, Room 121 Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 344-1481 FTS 217-344-1481 INDIANA Indiana Geological Survey Department of Natural Resources 611 North Walnut Grove Bloomington, IN 4/7401 (812) 335-2862 FTS 812-335-2862 IOWA Iowa Geological Survey 123 North Capitol Towa City, IA 52242 (319) 338-1173 FTS 319-338-1173 KANSAS Kansas Geological Survey 1930 Avenue A, Campus West University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66044 (913) 864-3965 FTS 913-864-3965 KENTUCKY Kentucky Geological Survey University of Kentucky 311 Breckinridge Hall Lexington, KY 40506 (606) 257-5863 FTS 606-257-5863 LOUISIANA Louisiana Geological Survey Department of Natural Resources Box G, University Station Baton Rouge, LA 70813 (504) 342-6754 FTS 504-324-6754 MAINE Maine Geological Survey Department of Conservation State House, Station 22 Augusta, ME 04330 (207) 289-2801 FTS 207-289-2801 MARYLAND Maryland Geological Survey The Rotunda 711 West 40th Street, Suite 440 Baltimore, MD 21211 (301) 338-7084 FTS 922-3311 (operator) MASSACHUSETTS Department of Environmental Quality Engineering Division of Water Ways 1 Winter Street, Seventh Floor Boston, MA 02108 (617) 292-5690 FTS 617-292-5690 MICHIGAN Geologic Survey Division Michigan Department of Natural Resources Stevens T. Mason Building PO Box 30028 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-1256 FTS 517-373-1256 MINNESOTA Minnesota Geological Survey 2642 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114 (612) 373-3372 FTS 612-373-3372 MISSISSIPPI Mississippi Geological, Economic and Topographical Survey PO Box 5348 Jackson, MS 39216 (601) 354-6228 FTS 601-354-6228 MISSOURI Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Land Survey PO Box 250 Rolla, MO 65401 (314) 364-1752 FTS 314-364-1752 MONTANA Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology Butte, MT 59701 (406) 496-4181 FTS 585-5011 (operator) NEBRASKA Conservation and Survey Division University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588 (402) 472-3471 FTS 402-472-3471 NEVADA Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology University of Nevada Reno, NV 89557-0088 (702) 784-6691 FTS 598-6011 (operator) NEW HAMPSHIRE Department of Resources and Economic Development 117 James Hall University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 (603) 862-1216 FTS 834-7011 (operator) NEW JERSEY New Jersey Geological Survey CN-029 Trenton, NJ 08625 (609) 292-2576 FTS 609-292-2576 NEW MEXICO New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Campus Station Socorro, NM 8/7801 (505) 835-5420 FTS 505-835-5420 NEW YORK New York State Geological Survey State Science Service, Room 3140 Cultural Education Center Albany, NY 12230 (518) 474-5816 FTS 518-474-5816 NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina Geological Survey Section PO Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 (919) 733-2423 FTS 919-733-2423 NORTH DAKOTA North Dakota Geological Survey University Station Box 8156-58202 Grand Forks, ND 58201 (701) 777-2231 FTS 783-5771 (operator) OHIO Ohio Division of Geological Survey Fountain Square, Building B Columbus, OH 43224 (614) 265-6605 FTS 614-265-6605 OKLAHOMA Oklahoma Geological Survey University of Oklahoma 830 Van Vleet Oval, Room 163 Norman, OK 73019 (405) 325-3031 FTS 736-4011 (operator) OREGON Department of Geology and Mineral Industries 1005 State Office Building Portland, OR 97201 (503) 229-5580 FTS 503-229-5580 PENNSYLVANIA Bureau of Topographic and Geological Survey Department of Environmental Resources PO Box 2357 Harrisburg, PA 17120 (717) 787-2169 FTS 717-787-2169 PUERTO RICO Servicio Geologico de Puerto Rico Department de Recursos Naturales Apartado 5887 Puerta de Tierra San Juan, PR 00906 (809) 723-2716 FTS 809-723-2716 RHODE ISLAND Statewide Planning Program 265 Melrose Street Providence, RI 02907 (401) 277-2656 FTS 838-1000 (operator) SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina Geological Survey Harbison Forest Road Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 758-6431 FTS 803-758-6431 SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota Geological Survey Science Center University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD 5/7069 (605) 624-4471 FTS 782-7000 (operator) TENNESSEE Department of Conservation Division of Geology 701 Broadway Nashville, TN 3/7203 (615) 742-6691 FTS 615-742-6691 TEXAS Bureau of Economic Geology University of Texas at Austin University Station, Box X Austin, TX 78/712 (512) 471-1534 FITS 729-4011 (operator) UTAH Utah Geological and Mineral Survey 606 Black Hawk Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108 (801) 581-6831 FTS 801-581-6831 VIRGINIA Virginia Division of Mineral Resources PO Box 3667 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804) 293-5121 FTS 937-6011 (operator) WASHINGTON Division of Geology and Earth Resources Department of Natural Resources Olympia, WA 98504 (206) 459-6372 FTS 206-459-6372 WEST VIRGINIA West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey PO Box 879 Morgantown, WV 2650/7 (304) 594-2331 FTS 923-1511 (operator) WISCONSIN Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey University of Wisconsin Extension 1815 University Avenue Madison, WI 53/705 (608) 262-1705 FTS 608-262-1705 WYOMING Geological Survey of Wyoming PO Box 3008 University Station Laramie, WY 82071 (307) 742-2054, 766-2286 FTS 328-1110 (operator) APPENDIX H: COASTAL AND MARINE INFORMATION CENTERS Speciality Libraries — Coastal Atlantic Coastal Resource Information Centre Library Council of Maritime Premiers Box 310 Amherst, NS, Canada (902) 667-7231 B4H 3Z5 Coastal Engineering Archives Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Department University of Florida 433 Weil Hall Gainesville, FL 32611 (904) 392-2710 Coral Gables Library National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Gables 1 Tower, 6th Floor Coral Gabiles, FL 33146 (305) 666-0413 Denver Library US Geological Survey Denver Federal Center Stop 914, Box 25046 Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-1000 The Earth Resource Observation System (EROS) Data Center US Geological Survey Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6511 Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Library National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2300 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 668-2242 Library Flagstaff Field Center US Geological Survey 2255 N Gemini Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (602) 779-3311 Library Moss Landing Marine Laboratories California State University and Colleges Box 223 Moss Landing, CA 95039 (408) 633-3304 Library Ocean and Coastal Law Center School of Law University of Oregon Eugene, OR 9/7403 Library US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS 39180-0631 (601) 634-2543 FTS 542-2543 Library US Geological Survey Federal Building 300 E 8th Street Austin, TX 78701 (512) 482-5520 Library US Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 323-8111 Library US Geological Survey National Center Mail Stop 950 Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6671 FTS 928-6671 Speciality Libraries - Coastal (Continued) Main Library Library and Information Services Division National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 6009 Executive Blvd. Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8358 Map Library National Ocean Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 6501 Lafayette Avenue Riverdale, MD 20/737 (301) 436-6978 National Referral Center for Science and Technology Library of Congress John Adams Building, Room 5228 Washington, DC 20540 (202) 287-5670 Navy Library Naval Oceanographic Office US Navy NSTL Bay St. Louis, MS 39522 (601) 688-4597 Ocean Engineering Information Centre Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, NF, Canada A1B 3X5 (709) 737-8377 Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory Department of Civil Engineering Masschusetts Institute of Technology Building 48-411 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 253-2994 Research Library Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 (617) 548-1400 Scripps Institute of Oceanography Library University of California, San Diego LaJolla, CA 92093 (619) 452-3274 Sea World, Inc. - Library 1720 S Shores Road San Diego, CA 92109 (619) 222-6363 Technical Library Naval Ocean Systems Center US Navy San Diego, CA (619) 225-6171 92152 Technical Library Oceanographic Services, Inc. 25 Castilian Drive Goleta, CA 93117 (805) 685-4521 Water Resources Center Archives University of California, Berkeley 410 O'Brien Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 (415) 642-2666 Retrieval and Referral Centers Coastal Engineering Information Analysis Center Coastal Engineering Research Center US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS (601) 634-2012 39180-0631 Coastal Zone Information Center/ N-OR M4 Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management 2001 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20235 (202) 634-4255 Defense Documentation Center US Department of Defense Defense Supply Agency Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 Dialog Information Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 (800) 227-1960 Maritime Research Information Service US Department of Commerce Maritime Administration Maritime Information Committee National Academy of Science 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20418 National Climatic Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 National Environmental Data Referral Service National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, E/AIX3 3300 Whitehaven Street, NW Washington, DC 20235 (202) 634-7722 Coastal Information System Department of Environmental Sciences University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804) 924-3809 National Geophysical Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 3100 Marine Avenue Boulder, CO 80302 National Oceanic Data Center National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2001 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20235 National Referral Center for Service and Technology Library of Congress 10 First Street, SE Washington, DC 20540 National Technical Information Service US Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 FTS 737-4650 National Water Data Storage and Retrieval System Water Resources Division US Geological Survey National Center, Mail Stop 437 Reston, VA 22092 (703) 860-6871 Retrieval and Referral Centers (Continued) Smithsonian Science Information Exchange Smithsonian Institute 1730 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Water Resources Scientific Information Center Office of Water Resources Research US Department of Interior Washington, DC 20240 World Data Center A for Marine Geology and Geophysics National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, D64 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6487 os | | 0 Uy s 7. na fr ters (sae genad) on” oh i= —~ © ‘i ah wold a Tepice # tov’ Vea hs on i Vee tay aod frouleiirh = Roe ! dal yt eAtn rod, Ath optic Oy, i i ‘at AW eter hut, ‘oA ‘> » “netted ry) lucie e “a ayy) } 7 ere Tih i Pe oe “aos ‘ vr J an rn 7 ee oe ng i es { y | otk a" ‘9 Ae ; : R ’ 7 t Ae i ry ay hie it