:a 9; 14 10 108 ii 1 1 n n * Monterey, California ii .-B THESIS SPATIAL STRUCTURES OF OPTICAL PARAMETERS IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT AS MEASURED WITH THE NIMBUS-7 COASTAL ZONE COLOR SCANNER by John T. McMurtrie, Jr. March 1984 Thesis Advisor: J. L. Mueller Approved for public release; distribution unlimited UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CAT AI.OG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Submit) Spatial Structures of Optical Parameters in the California Current, As Measured with the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner 5. TYPE OF REPORT 4 PERIOD COVEREO Master's Thesis March 1984 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORS John T. McMurtrie, Jr. 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER^*) 9 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO AOORESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS N0001484 WR24001 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO AOORESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93943 12. REPORT OATE March 1984 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 150 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME * AOORESSf// different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS, (of thlt report) Unclassified I5«. DECLASSIFICATION' DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thlt Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of tht abatract entered In Block 20. If different from Rtport) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The research reported here was supported by The Office of Naval Research (Code 425 OA) Work request N0001484 WR24001. 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on ravaree aide II neceeeary and Idantity by block numbar) Ocean Optical Depth Variability, Remote Sensing, Ocean Color, Coastal Zone Color Scanner(CZCS) , California Current System, Empirical Orthogonal Functions. 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on ravaraa alda II nacaeaary and Identity by block number) Optical variability across the continental slope and shelf off Central California was studied using Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) data. CZCS estimates of k(490) , the irradiance attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, were expressed as optical depth l/k(490). A modified atmospheric correction algorithm was used to account for water radiance at 670 nm. Time sequences of l/k(490) were assembled and partitioned into four zonal transects, at different latitudes, spanning May through November in 1979, 1980 and 1982. DO , 'JSTn 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 6S IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102- LF- 014- 6601 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Snterec UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whtn Datm Enffd) ^20 - ABSTRACT - (CONTINUED) Empirical Orthogonal Functions(EOFs) were calculated for each partition. The first EOFs are dominated by scales of order 180 km, with in all cases, a band of low optical depth water in the first 100 km adjacent to the coast. Scales decrease in successive EOFs, to about 40 km in the fifth EOF. The feasibility of joining EOFs from different partitions was demonstrated as a precursor for future applications to piecewise analysis of oceanic satellite data. S N 0102- LF- 014-6601 UNCLASSTFTF.D SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(T»Ti»n Data Enfrod) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Spatial Structures cf Optical Parameters in the California Curren t, As Measured with the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner by John T. McMurtrie, Jr. Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., University of South Carolina, 1977 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Df MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL March 1984 ABSTRACT Optical variability across the continental slope ana shelf off Central California was studied using Nimbus-7 Coasxal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) data. CZCS estimates of It (490), the irradiance attenuation coefficient at 490 nmr were expressed as optical depth 1/k(490). k modified atmos- pheric correction algorithm was used tD account for water radiance at 670 nm. Time sequences of 1 / Ic (4 90) were assem- bled and partitioned into four zonal transects, at different latitudes, spanning May through November in 1979, 1980 and 1982. Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) were calculated for each partition. The first EOFs are dominated by scales of order 180 km, with in all cases, a band of low optical depth water in the first 100 km adjacent to the coast. Scales decrease in successive EOFs, to about 40 km in the fifth EOF. The feasibility of joining EOFs from different partitions was demonstrated as a precursor for future applications to piecewise analysis of oceanic satellite da ta . TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 14 II. OCEANOGRAPHY OF THE CENTRAL CALIFORNIA COAST ... 17 A. THE STUDY DOMAIN 17 1. Coverage 17 a- Area Domain 17 b. Time Domain 19 2. Gecmatry 19 a. Coastal 19 b. Bathymetry 20 3. Descriptive Oceanography 20 a. Coastal Upwelling 20 b. Currents 24 c. tfater Masses 30 III. CZCS OCEAN COLOR IMAGES AND UPPER OCEAN OPTICAL PROPERTIES 34 A. INTRODUCTION 34 B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 35 1. The Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) 35 2. Measured Signal 37 C. CZCS GEOPHYSICAL ALGORITHMS 38 1. Atmospheric Corrections 38 6 2. Clear Water P.adiance .41 3. Bio-optic Parameters 43 a. Chlorophyl Concentrations 43 fc. Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient .... 45 D. SIGNAL FACTORS 46 IV. EMPIRICAL CRTHOGONAL FUNCTION ANALYSIS METHODS . . 43 A. INTRODUCTION 48 B. EOF EQUATIONS 52 1. Raw Data Conversion 52 2. Principal Direction of Scatter 53 3. Principal Component, Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Representaton 55 C. PARTITIONED EOF ANALYSIS 57 1. Purpose 57 2. Rules and Methods 58 3. Equation Development 61 D. INTERPRETATION 64 V. RESULTS 65 A. INTRODUCTION 65 B. CORRECTIONS FOR NON-ZERO L (670) IN COASTAL w WATERS 65 C. DATA STRUCTURE 70 1. Partition 1 (Zonal Transect at 35 53N) . . 71 2. Partition 2 (Zonal Transect at 35 40N) . . 73 3. Partition 3 (Zonal Transect at 35 22N) . . 75 4. Partition 4 (Zonal Transect at 35 00N) . . 76 D. EOF ANALYSIS 79 1- Eigenvalues and Degrees of Freedom .... 79 2. Data Reconstruction Using Eigenvectors and Principal Components 81 3. Mean Structure 88 4. Structural Content of Eigenvectors and Principal Components 90 5. The Joining Cf Two Partitions 112 VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 116 APPENDIX A. SATELLITE DATA PROCESSING METHODS .... 122 A. INTRODUCTION 122 B. LEVEL-I PROCESSING 123 C. LEVEL-II PROCESSING 128 D. LEVEL-III PROCESSING 130 APPENDIX B. DATA CONDITIONING 132 APPENDIX C. EOF PROCESSING 140 LIST OF REFERENCES 144 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 149 LIST 0? FIGURES Figure 1. Ocean 3athymetry Off the California CDasr. . . 13 Figure 2. Ocean Bathymetry Off the California Coast . . 21 Figure 3. Graph Showing T-S Curves Defining Subarctic Water ....33 Figure 4. Plot Showing the Difference 3etween Minimization of Distances 49 Figure 5. Trackline plots 60 Figure 6. Comparison Plots For 1/K(490> Between Track 4 and Selected 69 Figure 7. The Optical Depth Parameter, 1/K(490), Across Partition 1 (35 53N) 72 Figure 8. The Optical Depth Parameter, 1/K(490), Across Partition 2 (35 40N) 74 Figure 9. The Optical Depth Parameter, 1/K(49Q), Across Partition 3 (35 22N) 77 Figure 10. The Optical Depth Pa rameter, 1/K (490) , Across Partition 4 (35 00N) 80 Figure 11. Eigenvalues for Partition One 83 Figure 12. Eigenvalues for Partition Two 84 Figure 13. Eigenvalues for Partition Three 85 Figure 14. Eigenvalues for Partition Four 86 Figure 15. Reconstruction of ODtical Depth Transect of 3 June 1980 . .* 89 Figure 16. Mean and Eigenvectors 1 to 5 for Partition One 93 Figure 17. Mean and Eigenvectors 1 to 5 for Partition Twc 94 Figure 18. Mean and Eigenvectors 1 to 5 for Partition Three 95 Figure 19. Hear, and Eiaenvectcrs 1 to 5 for Partition Four 96 Figure 20. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Partition One 97 Figure 21. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Partition Two 98 Figure 22. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Partition Three 99 Figure 23. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Partition Four 100 Figure 24. Mean and Eigenvectors 6 to 10 for Partition One 104 Figure 25. Mean and Eigenvectors 6 to 10 for Partition Two 105 Figure 26. Mean and Eigenvectors 6 to 10 for Partition Three 106 Figure 27. Mean and Eigenvectors 6 to 10 for Partition Four 107 Figure 28. Principal Components 6 to 10 for Partition One 108 Figure 29. Principal Components 6 to 10 for Partition Two 109 Figure 30. Principal Components 6 to 10 for Partition Three 110 Figure 31. Principal Components 6 to 10 for Partition Four 111 Figure 32. Level-I Processing Schematic Diagram . . . 124 Figure 33. Level-II Processing Schematic Diagram . . . 129 Figure 34. Level-Ill Processing schematic Diagram . . 131 Figure 35. Data Conditioning Schematic Diagram .... 133 Fiaure 36. Partitioning Scheme for Track One (35 53 N) 136 10 Fiaure 3 7. Partitioning Scheme fcr Track: Two (35 uo N) . . . 137 Figure 3 8- Partitioning Scheme fcr Track Three (35 22 N) 138 Figure 39. Partitioning Scheme for Track Four (35 53 N) 139 11 LIST OF T ABLZS TABLE I. Characteristics of the CZCS 36 TABLE II. Eigenvalue Data for Partitions 1 through 4 82 TABLE III. Eigenvalue Data for Joining Process ... 115 TABLE IV. Satellite Data Tapes 125 TABLE V. Partition dimensions 134 12 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The tremendous effort of Ms. Melissa Ciarir3, BDH Servi- ces Company, in processing the unending chain of program changes and updates deserves special recognition. Also, her presence served as an organizational factor to keep me on track for the completion of this thesis. This thesis presented many problems that were resolved by the expertise of the thesis advisor. Dr. James Mueller, Adjunct Professor of Oceanography. These problems have left me with a keen awareness of the scope and breadth involved in the processing of satellite data. Support in the hij -he- ma tical development came from my second reader, Dr. A. J. Willmott. Finally, a special -hanks to my wife who accepted my long hours away from heme with no complaints. 13 I- U^iODUCTION Satellite remote sensing systems offer fast, economical means of determining the horizontal structure of the oceans on a global basis. The objective of this thesis is to con- tribute to the development of empirical methods for using satellite images of optical parameters and sea surface temp- erature (SST) to infer th€ upper ocean's vertical structure, through interpolation and extrapolation of relatively lim- ited in situ data. The objective is being approached through regional case studies of correlations between optical parameters and phys- ical water mass properties in the upper ocean in different regions of the world. Mere specifically, this thesis is a preliminary case study of the California Current region. The ultimate goal is to relate statistically the horizontal structure of optical properties observed with the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) to the underlying vertical struc- tures of temperature and salinity, as well as bio-optical parameters, for a given region and season. The study domain encompasses the continental slope and shelf off the coast of California between Point sur and Point Arauello. This area was selected to investigate an 14 ocean up welling front which is known to persist throughout the upwslling season (Traganza,et al., 197 9) . The northern and southern portions of the study domain are typifisd by complex sddy structure associated with irregular features in the bathymetry, such as off Point Sur. Between Point Sur and Point Arguellc, on the other hand, isolines of S3T and optical parameters tend to be aligned roughly parallel to the underlying isobaths. An ensemble of data acquired with the Nimbus 7 CZCS dur- ing the summer and fall seasons of 1979, 1980 and 1982 is analyzed in this study. The horizontal structure in oio-cp- tical parameters dstermired from cloud-fuss portions of CZCS imagery are investigated using a Partitioned Empirical Orthcgonal Function (PEOF) decomposition. The spatial par- titions examined here consist of four zonal transects cross- ing the shelf/slope region at different latitudes. The specific goals of this analysis are: 1. To characterize the meridional and- zonal spatial correlation structures of ocean color parameters (specifically optical depth 1/K(490) in meters). 2. Tc compare the spatial scales and structures of optical variability highlighted by the PEOF 15 decompositions, and to relate zhsse to the historical descriptive oceanography of the study region, and 3. To develop preliminary statistics related to the feasibility of joining data from different: spatial par~ titicns en the basis of partial subsampies, and to thus provide an optimal interpolation of satellite image data into cloud coversd areas. 16 II. OCEANOGRAPHY CF THE CENTRAL CALIFORNIA A. THE STUDY DOMAIN 1 . Coverage a. Area Domain The region investigated in. -his project is located between 32 and 40N, and from the coast of California offshore to approximately 126W, Fig. 1. This area was selected because it contains water mass structures, includ- ing fronts, which strongly influence phyzoplankton concen- trations, and therefore the optical properties of the ocean water. Furthermore, an adequate sample of data was availa- ble fcr this area. A subarea of this region is labelled Insert A in Figure 1 and presented in greater detail in Figure 2 Insert A is bounded by 34 to 38 N, and by 126 zo 12 0w. It is the primary study domain of this thesis. The background hydrog- raphy and dynamics of this region are described in subsec- tions 2, 3, and 4 of this chapter. 17 CALIFORNIA COAST BATHYMETRY 40 N ~ ..... 4400" 2800 / j 'Cape Mendocino 3200 ;4000 38 N — 36 N 4800 36Q0 Francisco 34 Ni 4400 INSERT A 4400 32 N - - ■ 30N|_ 130 W 128W 3200 i ^lonterey 400 4000 3600 4000 126 W 124 W I22 W 120 W Figure 1. Ocean Bathymetry Off rhe California Coast (Synthetic Bathy metric Profiling System (SYNBAPS) Data Contoured at 40u Intervals) . 18 b. Time Domain In the time domain, the available CZCS data include scenes from summer through early fall seasons in 1979, 1980 and 1982. Originally, a single season ensemble of CZCS data (May through September 1980) was sought. How- ever, the time span had to be expanded to three years to assemble a reasonably large sample siza of cloud-free sub- scenes. The sample analyzed contains three scenes in 1979, eleven scenes in 1980 and eight scenes in 1982. Detailed characteristics of these CZCS images are presented in Appendix E. 2. Geometry a. Coastal The California coast bounding the area of study is characterized by a steep, mountainous coastal range run- ning roughly parallel to the coastline. The coastline stretching frcm San Francisco to Point Arguello is oriented roughly northwest to southeast, but is interrupted by Monte- ray Bay at 36 45'N and by smaller bays in the vicinity of Morro Bay at 35 20^. No major rivers drain into this coastline, although many local rain-generated drainage creeks empty here. 19 b. Bathyrae-ry The prsdo minairt orientation of the bathymetry is roughly northwest :o southeast (parallel to the coast) , Fig. 2. Interruptions of this orientation are evident in the vicinity of the Monterey Canyon, Point Sur and the Sur Can- yon, the Davidson Seamount, the Taney Seamount and the Santa Lucia Banks and Escarpment off Point Arguelio. A very abrupt shelf creak is evident all along this section of the California coast. Isobaths tend to diverge south of Monte- ray, due to a broadening of the continental shelf and slope with distance south of Monterey. 3« De §c rigtive Oceanography a. Coastal Upwelling Coastal upwelling is an oceanic phenomenon which has a pronounced impact upon many physical and biological processes. Predominantly southward winds during spring and summer off the central California coast, yield offshore sur- face Ekman transports, which forces compensation water to rise from depths of the order of 200 to 300 m (Smith, 1968). The upwelling season off the coast of California is generally confined to the late spring through early fall. The onset of the seasonal upwelling commences in more 20 INSERT A 38 N ^7 4200 4000 36 N 3600 4400 34 N 4600 4200 126 W 124 W 122 W 120 W Figure 2. Ocean Bathymetry Off the California Coast (SYNBAPS Data, Contoured at 230 m Intervals) 21 southern waters off the California coast and prcgrsssss northward as the season unfolds (Yoshida and Mao, 19 57; Wooster and Rsid, 1963; Pavlova, 1966; Hickey, 1979). The CZ CS data set spans the upwelling season and includes images from beyond this season into early winter. Upwelling has a marked effect on the sea surface temperature, causing it to be much lower than would other- wise be normal for the latitude and season (Smith, 1968). The relatively lowar temperatures are evident in IR images of the region (Johnson, 1980; Nestor, 1979). Accompanying this decrease in temperature is an incraase in surface salinity, an upwelling property unique to the regime off the west coast of North America (Smith, 1963) . The ocsanographic properties of upwelling have been documented in many areas of the world, but nowhere with the thoroughness of the work off California and Oregon. Ship and satellite observations have allowed us to identify seasons, centers, and the extent of the upwelling event along the west coast of North America. Traganza, et ai. (1979) used combined satellite and shipboard observations to infer nutrient upwelling distributions off the coast of Cal- ifornia. Frontal structures and mesoscale eddies that can 22 result from the upwelling phenomenon have been examined with relevance to Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) by Traganza (1979). The use of infrared (IR) imagery in the detection and description of upwelling was examined by both Johnson (1980) and Nestor (1979). The introduction of nutrient rich waters to the nearshore euphotic zone greatly enhances the development of the in situ phytcplankton population. This enhancement in turn causes the upwelled water mass moving offshore to have distinctly different optical properties than adjoining off- shore waters. The boundary (frontal region) between the upwelled water mass and the normal surface water mass is thus readily detectable and of great interest. Nutrient enrichment off the California coastal zone is observed in the regions of upwelling events. These nutrients, which are classified as "biochemically new" on the basis of nitrate-to-phosphate ratios which approach 15:1, are brought to the surface from depths up to 300 m. By way of contrast, nutrients also present in the open ocean surface water approach 5:1 (Nestor, 1979). The added nitrates are a primary factor in the increase in phytopiank- ton concentrations during the upwelling season. Coastal 23 nifty times sore productive than _ ,. f ^ f j. waters, on the whole, open ocean waters and this difference can be increased dur- ing periods of upwelling (Sverdrup, et al., 1942). The phy- toplankton concentrations, with their associated chlorophyll-like pigments, have a profound effect or. the upwelled radiances measured by the CZCS, as discussed in Chapter III. Another aspect of upwelling, and its relation to satellite data, is its effect on regional climare. The rel- atively cold sea surface temperature in upwelling zones cools the air above and thus increases its relative humidity. As a result, low stratus and fog commonly occur here in a shallow (marine) layer with warm air aloft. The frequent occurrence of low stratus and fog, seriously limits infrared and visible satellite coverage during the upwelling season. The cool sea water also contributes to a diurnal sea breeze by increasing the onshore-offshore pressure gra- dient. Onshore winds bring cool, moist air as far as 50 miles inland (Smith, 1968) . b. Currents The California Current System may be discussed and studied in terms of four large scale currents: 24 the California Current, the California Undercurrent, the Davidson Inshore Current, and the Southern California Car- rent (Hickey, 1979) . The first thres of these currents directly influence the study domain. Masoscale currents associated with seasonal upwelling are also important here. O) California Current. Th = California Current is a broad wind-driven equatorward current which exhibits significant seasonal variations proportional to the changes in the wind field (Brown, 1974) . off Point Conception the mean annual location of the current axis is located 270 km offshore while the shoreward boundary extends to 200 km off- shore. The current is of the order 700 km wide and flows south at 10 to 30 cm per second (Hickey, 1979). The California Current is a continuation of the West wind Drift in th€ North Pacific and flows southward along the California coast between 48 and 23N. It turns westward between 20 and 30N where it becomes part of the North Equatorial Current. This flow regime comprises the eastern extent of the anticyclonic NE Pacific Subtropical Gyre, which is centered near the Hawaiian Islands (Sverdrup, et al., 1942; Chelton and Davis, 1982). 25 (2) California Undercurrent. The California Undercurrent, also, referred tc as the California Counter- current, is the poleward subsurface flow over the continen- tal slope. Maximum poleward flew occurs during the summer and fail seasons at depths of 200 to 250 m (Pavlova, 1966 and Hickey, 1979). The flew can be described as a broad current with a central jet. It is this jet structure that is most often measured and referred to when applying specific values to the Undercurrent. The broad poleward flow has a geostrophic component alongshore near the shelf break of approximately 15 cm/sec (Ccddington, 1979). The flow appears to have a jet-like struc- ture, both vertically and horizontally, and to extend to the bottom over the slope. The existence of a high speed jet core of the order of 20 to 70 km in width, was first sug- gested by Beid (1962, 1963). Subsequent, direct measurements of these jets have produced values as high as 40 cm/sec off Northern Eaja and values of 16 cm/sec off Washington (Booster and Jones, 1970) . The depth of the high-speed cere varies seasonally. It rises from depths of 200 to 300 m to the surface during the late fall and winter north of Point Conception. Here it is referred as the Davidson Inshore 26 Current by many authors (Hickey, 1979; Pavlova, 1966; Ingra- ham, 1967). 2vent-scale fluctuations (of the order of 100 km and 10 days) in the flew appear to be correlated with the alongshore component of wind stress (Nelson, 1977). The extent and time scale of continuous alongshore flow, and the width of the region of northward flow below 500 m, are important topics yet to be answered about the California Undercurrent (Hickey, 1979). (3) Davidson l5£k£?£ Current. North of Point Conception, the poleward surface flow in the nearshore regions off the West Coast is known as the Davidson Inshore Current. It is associated with winter weather circulation patterns. As the southward winds weaken and tend toward a northwestward flow, the Davidson Inshore Current becomes established (Hickey, 1979). The current flows near the coast, usually within 100 km, well inshore of the California Current and is confined to the continental shelf and slope. Pavlova (1966) reported that north of Point Conception, the Davidson Inshore Current reaches its maximum development at depth (200 to 250 m) in the summer and autumn. In August the Davidson Inshore Current is scarcely noticeable at the surface despite active development a depth. Maximum 27 surface development is reached frcra October through April, i.e., late autumn to early spring. In December, the cere of maximum velocity emerges at the surface ana in the Late spring it almost completely disappears (Raid, 1960; Reid, et al.f 1958; Pavlova, 1966). Poleward velocities of up to 25 cm/sec were recorded (Beid and Swartziose, 1962) within 80 Jem of csntral California in January. The Davidson Inshore Current and the Cali- fornia Undercurrent are often discussed as though they were separate currents. Both currents transport Equatorial-type water northward at least as far as Cape Mendicino (Pavlova, 1966). Also, no subsurface maximum has been found in the flow of the Davidson Inshore Current. These characteristics support a view that the Davidson Current is simply the sur- face expression of the California Undercurrent, rather than a separate current superimposed en it. (4) Other Currents^ The presence of eddies throughout the the California Current System has been docu- mented for many years (Bernstein, et al. , 1977). The time scales for these eddies, as well as the processes responsi- ble for their generation and subsequent dissipation, is an area of increasing study. 28 Between San Francisco and a point about half the distance to Point Conception, chere is a permanent counterclockwise eddy that produces northward flow curing all months except April (Erown, 1974). A second eddy just north of Point Conception forms during the summer months and makes northward flow continuous from Point Conception to San Francisco (Hickey, 1979) . Willmott (1983) has shown -hat these features may be produced by flow separation of the California current in the vicinity of major coastal capes. Reid, at al. (1963) made direct measurements of an eddy (90 km in diameter) off the northern coast cf Baja California. Hypotheses for eddy formation discussed in their paper are as follows: (1) The process of upwelling and the offshore movement of the cclder, mere saline waters might degenerate into eddies. The lateral shear between the upwelling flow away from the coast and the California Current and Undercurrent (bare- tropic instability) could produce eddy structures. Tempera- ture and salinity differences set up strong baroclinic zones along the upwelling boundaries which could result in eddy formation. (Sverdrup and Fleming, 19U1) 29 (2) The offshore surface flow during upwelling should pro- duce a counter current (Hunk, 1953). If there is substantial north-south variation in the intensity of the winds, then seperate countercur rents of different strengths might occur along the coast. (3) A second hypothesis proposed by Reid, et al. (1963), is that the deeper count ar current may transfer momentum upward to the surface layers, at times when, or in regions where, a surface current does not prevail. This could cause spot intrusions of colder circulating waters that form eddies where neither surface countercur rents nor coastal upwelling produce them. Additionally, the effects of bottom steering by coastal topography, and the associated trapped motions must be con- sidered when discussing eddy formation . (Hurlburt, 197U; Johnson, 1982; Willmott, 1983) c. Water Masses Descriptions of the water masses that contribute to the California Current System are given in Tibby (1941), Sverdrup, et al., (1942) and Reid, et al., (1958). Four major sources are discussed by the authors: (1) Subarctic Water Mass - from tha north. (2) Central Water Mass - from the west and northwest. 30 (3) Equatorial Water Mass - from the south. (4) Water derived from upwelling sources. These sources were simplified in Tibby (1941) and Sverdrup, et al., (1942) into two extreme sources named "Subarctic North Pacific" and "Equatorial Pacific". The percent of each water mass comprising a sam- ple can te defined by entering Figure 3 with a T-S pair. However, the determination of percentage composition by this means cannot te used for water above depths of about 100 m. This restriction is due to vertical mixing in the nearsur- face layer related to the effects of wind and local changes due to heat and mass fluxes across the air-sea interface. Any mixing along surfaces of constant a would be severly masked in these shallower depths by the effects of turbulent vertical mixing. Also, below 1000 m tha differences in the T-S relationships of the two extreme water masses are negli- gible. For intermediate depths, as might be expected, the percentage of equatorial water decreases in the direction of northward flow. The Undercurrent is characteristically warmer and more saline than the California Current, and it has a salinity maximum en the a = 26.54 surface. Cff 31 Monterey and below 8 00 m, the water is greater than 603 Equatorial Water and this percentage increases both with depth and movement towards lower latitudes (Brown, 1974). 32 O -oo T(t)8- Figure 3. Graph Showing T-S Curves Defining and Equatorial Eacific Water, ana Various Percentages of Equatorial Assuming Mixing Along Surfaces of (Brown, 1974) . Subarctic Wate: Curves for Pacific Water Equal a 33 k. INTRODUCTION The physical processes of absorption and scattering relate the upweliing radiance just beneath the sea surface to the constituents of the water (Gordon, 1976) . Except for coastal waters and waters influenced by river discharge, biological constituents play a dominant role in these pro- cesses (Smith and Baker, 1978; Jerlov, 1976). Optically, the most important biological constituent is phytoplankton , microscopic plant organisms that photosynthesize and make up the first link of the oceanic food web (Steele, 1970). Ch lorophy 11-a' is the dominant photosynthe tic pigment, and absorbs light strongly in the blue and red regions of the visible spectrum (U00 to 700 nm) (Hovis, et al., 1980). Therefore, as the concentration of phytoplankton increases, the color of the water is shifted toward green hues from the dsep blue of its pure state. By measuring upwelled radiance (backscattered daylignt) in specific spectral bands, we can determine the concentrations of phytoplankton pigments in the ocean (Gordon, et al. , 1980; Gordon, e_ al. , 1983). 34 This chanter first describes the CZCS sensor and ts capabilities, and then the measured signal is discussed. Algorithms that are currnetly applied to this signal to cor- rect for atmospheric effects are discussed. Finally, the algorithms designed to convert the corrected radiance values to phytoplanktcn concentrations, C, and irradiance attenua- tion coefficient, k, are presented. B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION I- IJSJ Nimbus- 7 coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) The CZCS was built by the Ball Brothers Research Corporation to NASA's specifications. The instrument is a spatially imaging multispectral scanner. Six spectral bands are precisely coregistered and internally calibrated. The swath width of the CZCS is slightly more than 1600 km. Characteristics of its five visible (443, 520, 550, 670, 750 nm) and one thermal IR (10.5 to 12.5 ym) channels are summa- rized in Table I. The CZCS has an active scan of 78 degrees centered en nadir and a field of view of 0.0485 degrees, yielding a geometric instantaneous field of view of 825 m (at nadir) from a spacecraft altitude of 955 km. It can tilt the scan plane 20 degrees from nadir in 2 degree incre- ments along the satellite track to minimize the influence of 35 direct sa:. glint. The Nimbus- 7 spacecraft is in 2 sun' synchronous orbit with ascending node near local neon. 3and Number TABLE I Characteristics of the CZCS (Hovis, et al., 1980) Wavelength (nm) Saturation Gain Radiance (mW/cm2sr ^m 1 433 to 453 3 2 1 0 5.41 7.64 9.23 11 .46 2 510 to 530 3 2 1 0 3.50 5.10 6.20 7.64 3 540 to 560 3 2 1 0 2.86 4.14 5.10 6.21 4 660 to 680 3 2 1 0 1.34 1 .91 2.32 2.88 5 6 700 to 800 10,500 to 12,500 23.90 Measured signal/noise 158/1 200/1 176/1 118-/1 350/1 0.22 K* * Noise equivalent temperature difference at 270 K. 36 2 • Measured Signal The designed purpose of the CZCS experiment was to provide estimates of the nearsurface concentrations of phy- toplankton pigments (defined to be chiorophyll-a and its associated degradation products, called "phaeop igments") by measuring the spectral radiance backscatter ed out of the ocean (Gordon and Clark, 1881) . The radiance scattered out of the ocean that reaches the sensor is a very small portion of the total radiance received. Consider the physical set- ting where solar irradiance F (A) at a wavelength X is inci- dent on the top of the atmosphere at a zenith angle 8 and azimuth 0 and the scanner is' detecting total radiance L f.\) o t at a nadir angle 8 and azimuth angle 0 . L ( A) consists of radiance which has been scattered by tha atmosphere and sea surface, radiance generated by Fresnel reflection of the direct (unscattered) solar irradiance from the rough ocean surface (sun glint), and solar irradiance scattered from beneath the sea surface t,^^ a(;Vl) Secause of the non-linearities involved in the individual constituent contributions to B(A), b (A ) , and a (A ) , we appeal to a heuristic observation that Lw(Xi) = R(C,K,...) Lw(A2) (10) i.e., the ratio of two upwelled radiances is a function R of the chlorophyll concentration, C, and the diffuse attenu- ation coefficient, k, as well as ether optically important constituents of seawater. It was then assumed that. R is related to C through a log linear mcdel of the form Log C = Log A + Ax Log R(Ai,X2) , (11) which was empirically fit to observations to determine coef- ficients A and Ai . Thus, pigment concentrations are com- puted from CZCS data using the eguation Al C = A R (12) o The empirical coefficients presented by Gordon, et al. (1983) have been adopted by NASA and are: Case I: C 1.5 for R (443,550) A = 1.1297959 o A, = -1.71 44 Case II: C > 1.5 for P(443,55G), bat C < 1. 5 for B (520,550) A = 1.1297950 o Ai = -1.71 Case III: C > 1.5 for R (520, 550) A = 3.3265955 Ai = -2.44 3 whare C is ip. mg/m . b. Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient A similar development of tha algorithm for the determination of the diffuse attenuation coefficient, k (A ) , is given by Austin (1981) . Like the chlorophyll concentra- tion algorithm, this algorithm derives a value based on tha ratio of L at two wavelenaths. k can be defined as w k(A) = -1 dF(A,z) F( A, z) dz (13) Equation (13) can be solved for irradianoe F(a,z) to obtain F(A,z2) = F(\,Zl) e xp T-k(A) (z2-Zl)l (14) Hence k(A) = z2"zl In F(A,z2) F(A,Zl) (15) 45 Empirically derived coefficients frccn spectral data vie — 1 .-+91 id *L (44 3) — i (16) k(490) = 0.0 8 33 — +0.02 2 (Austin, 1981). D. SIGNAL FACTORS Many factors have been accounted for with these algor- ithms by either mathematical and empirical models or heuris- tic assumptions. The determination of the total radiance values in the first four channels of the CZCS allows us to apply the corrections to determine upwelled radiance. The constituents of the water which affect ins absorption and scattering properties are then empirically derived. The distribution of phytcpla nkt en is controlled by many local, mesoscale and global factors, including solar radia- tion, global weather patterns, and ocean circulation pat- terns. The mesoscale events of upwelling or eddy circulation can have important regional effects. These fac- tors are too numerous and varied tc be modelled on a theo- retical basis. However, empirical modelling can produce relatively accurate and consistent results. The measurement of these bio-optioal parameters from space allows us to remotely determine their relationships to 46 physical events in the regions under study. Tim? scales, spatial scales and specific features can. be discerned using the known (or hypothesized) relationships between inherent optical properties of the ocean water constituents and the forcing involved in their distribution. 47 IV. EMPIRIC A I iTHOGONAL FUNCTION ANALYSIS A. INTRODUCTION The concept of principal component analysis has been presented and utilized in different forms over the past eighty years. Fitting a line tc a data set was usually accomplished using a least squares method. Distances to this line from each point were measured parallel to an arbi- trarily set axis. From the early work of Pearson ( 190 1) , this method was adapted sc that the perpendicular distances from each point to the best fit line were measured. Figure H illustrates this difference and shows that the first method is tied to a coordinate system while the Pearson approach is independent of coordinate systems. This new method laid the foundation for the development of principal component decomposition techniques. These techniques have since been utilized in many forms and referred to by similar names in a number of disciplines. Applications in psychol- ogy ty Eckert and Young ( 1936 , 1 939) , although somewhat dif- ferent in their development, contain the essential elements of data analysis and principal component decomposition as used in geophysical disciplines tcday. 48 Figure H. Plot, showing the Difference Between Minimization of Distances to a Line Parallal to an Axis (d Values) and Perpendicular to the Line (p Values) (Preisenaorf er , et al . , 1980) 49 Meteorological applications by Lorenz f 1955) , Kutz- bach(1967) , and Rinne, et al. (1979) demonstrated the convie- nence of representing a large clinatological field with a smaller set of values. These areas include: (1) Non-linear statistical prediction (Lorenz, 1956), (2) Ncn-linear dynamical prediction (Lcrer.z, 1956) , (3) 500 mb height field representation (Rinne, et al. , 1979) , and (U) Sea level pressure, surface temperature, and pre- cipitation pattern representations (Kutzbach, 1967) Other uses of 20F analysis techniques in oceanography include the representation of ocean color spectra (Mueller, 1976) and of wave spectra (Aranu vachupun and Thorton, 1983). The principal difficulties encountered in principal com- ponent analysis problems relates to the selection of the •meaningful' subset of components and to their physical interpretation. Methods of selection of the principal com- ponents are also widely varied. Preisendorf er , et al. (1981) discussed two methods which together involve seventeen dif- ferent testing rules. Empirical selection of a cutoff value for variance or forcing factors can also be utilized. 50 Visual inspection of the data which leads to a clear cut (albeit subjective) choice is also an option. The enormous data volume inherent in satellite data sets begs application of the techniques of principal component analysis. Frincipal component analysis techniques often allow the efficient representation of a large data set by its first few principal components with a negligible loss of information- The advantage gained is reduction in the num- ber of variables needed tc represent the data. Reducing a data set to its principal components can also aid in the interpretation of the data by separating noise from the sig- nal. Principal component analysis theory can be applied to preliminary explorations within a relatively unstructured domain of knowledge, one in which the fundamental laws gov- erning the processes under study are still being defined. (Preisendcr f er, et al., 1981) A brief review of the EOF analysis follows to provide background for the later analyses. The reader is referred to Priesendorf er, et al. (1981) for a more complete devel- opment and history. The following matrix algebra notation is adopted throughout this thesis. 1. No underscore denotes a scalar X 2. A straight line underscore denotes a vector.... JC 51 3. A curved line underscore denotes a matrix.,. u. A s-raiaht line cverbar denotes a mean value 5. The use of a superscript "T" denotes a matrix trans cose. 6. HOF EQUATIONS 1- la* Oat a Conversion Following Preisen dorf er , et al. (1931) let F' be the raw (uncentered) data matrix, f ' (1,1) f ' (1,2) f ' (2,1) f ' (2,2) . f (1,p) . f* (2,P) (17) f « (n,l) f (n,2) ... f ' (n,p) where f (i,j) is the measurement in tha i ' th time point and j* th spatial position. In the present investigation, each member of F* will correspond to an optical parameter meas- ured by the CZCS at a particular time and spatial position. To convert the raw data matrix, F*, to a centered data matrix, F, the temporal means are computed and subtracted frcm^F1. The temporal mean vector f(x) is calculated as f (x) l n = n *-" f ' (t,x) (18) t = l The centered data matrix, F, is then defined as 52 F = f ' ( 1 , 1) - 1(1) f (1,2) - f (2). ..f ' (l,p) - f(p) f (2,1) - f(l) f (2,2) - f(2) ...f '(2,p) - f(p) (19) f'(n,l) - f(l) f (n,2) - f (2) . . .f (n,p) - f(p) Each element f (trx) of J consists of a raw data measurement with the temporal mean removed. The centered data matrix , F, can be written as F = F' - F (20) where £ is the matrix containing as rows the transpose of the mean vector f = f(1),£(2),...,f(p) . 2- Principal Direction of Scatter To find the direction, e.i, (in the space domain) along which the scatter (or variance) of the data set is greatest, consider the projection of the data vectors f^(t) along an arbitrary direction e_i D( t ,ei) = f (t)e (21) 53 Squaring this length and summing over all n observations, gives a measure cf the scaiter cf the data along the direc- tion, e i , namely D (ei) = 2 f (t)^i t = 1 . The righthand side cf (22a) can be expanded -co yield (22a) (ei) = E eTf(t)fT(t)e 1 t = iL "1_ ~ ~l] E £(t)fT(t) e T (22b) (22c) The next stap is to define the "Scatter Matrix", S, s = F F (23) with elements (i,j) = E f(t)fT(t) t = i (24) Expanding the abcve equation produces for each member of S n T (i,j) = E (f * (t,D-f (D) (f ■ (t,j)-f (j)) t = i (25) If the matrix is normalized by dividing by (p - 1), then when i / i, the members of S are covarianca values, and when i = j (the trace of the matrix) the members are variance values (i.e. each element is the variance of f at a single spatial grid pcint) . The scatter matrix, S, is symmetric. 54 Therefor e, it generally has p non-negative eigenvalues 1. (j = 1, -.., p) and associated eigenvectors e ^ (j = 1, ..., p) , provided that the rank of S is equal to p. 3. Principal Component, Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Represent alicr. The first principal component of an observation vec- tor f is defined to be the linear combination a i = eufi + eiofo + ...+ e i f = e f 1 " el 1 r 1 12 J- 2 (26) P P whose sample variance P P 1 £ei (27) Sa = E E eiieiJSi3 = ^ 1 i = 1 j = 1 is a maximum for all possible vectors e, subject to the con- straint that T 1 eiei = 1 (28) Introducing the Lagrange multiplier \\, the maximum variance must satisfy T. s r 2 t "I 3 r i s +X1(l-ete1) =- e Se, + X i ( 1- l$ll T Al = 2(S -XlI)e1 = 0 Si£iH (29) For non-trivial solutions r A lr must be chosen such that S - Ail »/> »/i - 0 , (30) 55 and, therefore, Xi , is an eigenvalue of S, and Sj is its associated eigenvector. Furthermore \ £1 = Ai ®i ^ and since eiei = 1 T S e = \ = s 1 <\j - al (31) (32) i.e., the first eigenvalue of S is interpr atable as the sam- ple variance of S. If we expand this development to the other eigenvalues and eigenvectors of S, we obtain E = [*e 1 ; j = 1 , . . .p the eigenvector matrix and (33) L = -DM ; J = i, (34) the diagonal eigenvalue matrix. Thus , S E = E L (35) T T In terms of E the constraint e e = 1 becomes E E = I. Where I is the identity matrix. Therefore, if we multiply both T sides of equation (35) by E ' we obtain S = E L E t a. ^ % (36) 56 Now, using the definition provided for f and equation (20) , the principal component matrix can be defined as A = F E (37) This is the desired principal decomposition of F where AT A = (F E)T F E (3 8a) (38b) (38c) (33d) (38e) = ET F T ? E = ET S E = ET E a. L = L . C. PARTITIONED EOF ANALYSIS 1 . P ur£Ose The EOF analysis method outlined above wcrks very well for a large continuous data set. However, geophysical data sets are rarely continuous. In the case of satellite data, cloud cover results in many gaps. Sometimes these gaps can be bridged by linear interpolation, e.g., when they are small and surrounded by good data. Often this is not the case and so a scheme of utilizing non-continuous data is necessary. Here, the purposes of partitioning are: 57 (1) To maximize the sample size in the presence of cloud cover, thus allowing statistical computations for subregions ; (2) To highlight spatial structures of variance fea- tures locally, before absorbing them into the modes of the overall domain; and (3) To achieve computational convience. Briefly, partitioning permits EOF analysis using small subsets of the overall data set. These subsets are partitioned to yield continuous data in each subdomain. An EOF analysis is completed on each individual subset, and an eigenvalue matrix, an eigenvector matrix and a principal component matrix are obtained. The next step is to perform an EOF analysis to join the principal components of the sub- sets. This second EOF analysis produces 'joining functions' which relate twc non-overlapping subsets. 2« £u=i§ §2^ M e t ho d s When performing the partition of any data set cer- tain rules must be observed to maintain the statistical reliability cf the computations. Two obvious and basic rules are: 58 (1) The minimum partition size (number of pixels) must re greater than or equal to the sample size (i.e., if there are 25 sample days each partition must have 25 or more pixels). In practice, the spatial dimension will fce required to be significantly greater than the sample size . (2) The partition size should net be so small that the spatial structure is dominated by noise (e.g., a parti- tion boundary will not be placed in a major feature, such as a front or eddy of length scale much less than the partition size). The methods involved in the partitioning are subject to the above principles, together with a general understand- ing cf the physical processes occurring in the study domain. Four tracklines at 35N, 35 22«N, 35 UO'N and 35 53' N, were used to aid in this initial trial cf partitioning (Fig. 5) . The radiance values and computed optical parameters along each trackline were plotted versus distance from the coast. These plots were aligned to pictcrialiy represent the data and its gaps (due to clouds). The partitioning scheme was 59 INSERT A SO M ^7 rSarv Francisco 4200 36 N 4000 V !\ : / 3600 4400 \pnr) 4600 34 N 126 W 200 > 4200 124 W 122 W 120 W Figure 5. Tracklir.e plots. 60 then applied to try and produce subsets that were as com- plete (continuous) as possible over the time domain. The total data matrix is thus partitioned into ? subdomains F = F ; p = 1 , (39) where the subscript t denotes the total data set and sub- script p denotes the partitions of the data ss+. Each F is r * 6 v> p the data matrix for grid points falling within grid parti- tion p, and contains all time points for which complete data were acquired in that subdcmain. 3- i2i3^ij:211 Dey elqpment The EOF decomposition discussed in B, is applied to each partition separately, such that for each partition, p, the scatter matrix is given by 8 T = F F p ^p ^p (40) and from (36) S = E L E ^p 'vp p ^p (41) where E ^ P = Eigenvector matrix of the spatial partition p, and L = Eigenvalue matrix for partition p. 61 The matrix of principal components for each partition is given by A = F E "up 'Vl p % p (42) Equations (38) require that L = A A %p ^p ^p (43) and so (4 1) can te written as T T S = E A A E o-p 'Vp ^p ^p 'Xp (44 Relating this to a global scatter matrix, S ^ W >G = C 1 ? (SYM) ^ip %^p o-p (45) Where C12 represents the natrix of covariances between grid points in domains 1 and 2, and so forth. Now the joining process is developed. For any num- ber cf partitions (two are used in this development) , <\, T FT Pi = Ei Ai Ai Ei (46) and S2 T F o F o T T E 9 A 9 A 9 E 9 o.z a,'1 ^ ^ (47) 62 where the subscripts denote partition number. For this combined set the scatter matrix is given by ^ 1 2 li Fl ?2 F2 Qsing equations (46) and (47) , (U8) "«1 8" s12 = 0.5 and C 1 > 2, the correction is pre- sumed unreasonable due to L (670) being too large (and cor- resocndingly , L (670) being too small). Next, values of w K(490) and K(520) are estimated, which are consistent with C 2: 1. Estimate a ratio L (443) /L (550) consistent with C 2 by inverting the C 1 algorithm (Equation ( 1 2) with case I coefficients) using the C 2 values. 2. Increase L (670) and decrease L (670) to be consis- w a tent with the new values of Lw(443). 3. Recalculate L (443), L (520), and L (550) WW w 4. Recalculate C lf C 2, K(490), K(520). 5. Iterate this procedure until C1 and C2 agree. Data acquired aboard the R/V Acania durinq the Optical Dynamics Experiment (ODEX) provide a tentative basis for assessing the validity and performance of the above adjust- ment algorithm. In Figure 6 values of 1/K(490) calculated 67 from CZCS data, acquired en 16 October 1982, are compared with preliminary calculations of VK(490) from selected CDEX stations. The transect shewn is along 35N (partition 4) . Stations 24 and 25 were occupied 1.5 hoars before the Nim- bus-7 CZCS observation, and 2 hours after it, respectively. Station 2 1 was occupied 9 hours , and stations 19 and 13 one and two days, respectively, prior to the satellite pass. The 1/K(U90) values at these stations were calculated from the graphical displays of raw irradiance profiles (at a wavelength of 490 n ii) presented in the preliminary E/V ACANIA ODEX CRUISE REPORT (Mueller, Zaneveld and Smith 1982) . Panel 6a compares the CZCS and in situ 1/K (490) values before the above adjustment was applied, and figure 6b com- pares them after the correction. Agreement in both cases is excellent in the transparent waters at stations 2 1, 24 and 25: no adjustment for L (670) was required in this region. w In the inshore portion of the transect, however, agreement is obviously poor before the L (670) adjustment, and much w improved afterwards. This result is preliminary, and sub- ject to possible revision by cognizant ODEX investigators when their data have been brought to publishable form. 68 Nevertheless, the L (670) adjustment alisr i*:hm so overwhela- w ingly improves the CZCS estimates of K(490) that its use in this thesis project is fully justified and essential. U3 ID CM £E u c K O CD a. 13 T e Ayy 25 T iWww i 24 i i i -as (\l en H CO < o U13 II 19 T 0 \h^h^4m -tM,— t 1— — T" I I I 500 400 300 200 DISTANCE (KM) 100 Figure 6. Comparison Plots For 1/K (490) Between Track 4 and Selected ODEX Stations. Panels (a) and (b) Respectively are Before and After Adjustments for Non-Zero Values of L w (670) . 69 C. DATA STRUCTURE Figures 7 through 10 shew the optical depth parameter, 1/K(490) = 290{U90) along each track for the available data scenes. (Gordon and acCluney (1975) showed that Z90(a) is the depth over which 90 percent of L (\) is backscattered. ) The plots are oriented sc that the ccast is on the right- hand side (positive x) , while time of the data sc2?.^ gees from earliest to latest in the positive direction along the ordina-e cf each figure. The scale of 1/K (490) is in meters. Chapter II and III give background into the oceanography of the region and how that can be related to ocean optical parameters. The structures depicted in figures 7 through 10 will be discussed in terms cf ocean eddy and front visuali- zations which result from these relationships. Relatively high values of 1/K(u90) indicate water with lower concentra- tions of chlorophyll and sediment. In g=neral these concen- trations may be expected to decrease with distance offshore. Abrupt changes in 1/K(U90) are usually associated with ocean frontal structure and eddies. 70 1- £llii:ii25 J (Zonal Transect at 35 53 N) The only data available from 197 9 (2 3 Nov) is from winter and shows relatively little structure, (Fig- 7) . This image was obtained after the end of the upweliing sea- son and the surface waters were homogeneous to at least 225 km offshore. The 1980 data series shows mere structure. Begin- ning en 17 May 80, an eddy of approximately 40 km diameter was centered approximately 180 km offshore. Sixteen days later the entire track shows several eddy-like features ranging in size from 4 km to 20 km. Three days later, en 6 June 80, the track has lost much cf this structure, although 1/K(U90) generally increases in the offshore direction. This trend persisted and strengthened slightly through June 1980. By 1 August 1980, a distinctive pattern had developed with rearly uniform turbid waters adjacent to the coast, and an abrupt (15 km) frontal transition to much more transpar- ent waters at a distance approximately 95 km offshore. This pattern is suggestive of the zonal scale of bio-optical response to coastal upweliing over a single season. 71 o CM J. », M. thl. happens to be an anxious case, . «- -tri- ,ations0ft»e fourth and fifth eigenvectors and Principal :a.pcnent are illustrated in rigs. «. - - -paring 87 from partition thrae of VIS113 on 25 Jun 1983 and the recon- structed curve agree with the use of five eigenvalues, and that a fair reprssen tation can be reconstructed using only the first twc eigenvectors. 3- M§lfi Structure The mean optical depth (1/k(490) = Z90 ) transect profiles for partitions 1 through 4 are illustrated in Figs. 16 through 19 and are repeated for ease of comparison in Figs. 24 through 27. The mean vector in each track represents the tendency of the signal, while the eigenvec- tors scaled by the principal components give the perturba- tions of the mean. In all four partitions, the mean value of optical depth tends to increase with distance offshore. This tendency is expected since the coastal waters should contain higher concentrations of sediment and phytoplankton, especially during the upwelling season (Traganza, et al., 1979). There is a general lack of significant eddy-like structure in the mean vectors from all four transects (although very lew amplitude perturbations of scale five-to- ten km are apparent in the means). 88 en u 0) jj E o 200 100 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 15. Reconstruction of Optical Depth Transect of 3 June 1980 (Partition 3) from Mean (Solid Curve, Panel a) and Successive Contributions of Eigenvectors 1 to 5 (Dashed Curves) in Panel a to e Respectively. 89 4. Structural Content of Eigenvectors and Principal Compcnen t s~" The eigenvector discussion involves many intercom- parisons of the partitions. Each partition's first ten eigenvectors are plotted, (Figs. 16 through 19 and 24 through 27). To organize the discussion, the first eigenvector will be discussed for all four partitions before proceeding to discuss the second, and so forth. The associated principal components are also illustrated, (Figs. 20 through 23 and 28 through 3 1) . The structure in the first eigenvector of each of the partitions is characterized by a band of low variability adjacent to the coast, and the structure offshore of that band is dominated by a scale extending from there to the offshore end of the domain. The "node" marking the onshore limit of significant variation in this mode is progressively farther offshore, proceeding from the south through the par- titions. The "node" of partition 1 begins at approximately 45 km offshore, and by partition 4, the "node" is 100 km offshore. There is a tendency for variance to decrease in the amplitude of the first eigenvector as the offshore boundary is approached. This may be an artifact of the 90 outer boundary and should be investigated farther over a larger doirain to better estimate the dominant scale. Parti- tion U, which has the larcest spatial extent, shows mors and larger offshore structure to beyond 180 km. The associated principal components, which modify the eigenvectors before they are applied to the mean, show the time variations. Across the four tracks, the first eigenvectors/principal components vary in phase with each other. In all four transects there is a large difference between the first principal component of the only 1979 image (early winter) and those from 1980 (early spring) . This marked difference is certainly a manifestation of seasonal variations in the California Current system (Pavlova, 1966; Hickey; 1979) . Most of the first principal components vari- ability in all cases is observed in the 1980 series (upwell- ing season) , and the record contains relatively little variability in the 1982 series (Davidson Current season). Coherency of the variations differs from partition-to- parti- tion with no apparent pattern. The first eigenvector and principal component appear to have their foundations in the offshore seasonal variation and large scale eddy structure that occurs during the upwelling season. In the first mode, 91 the inshore zone influenced by upwelling tends to Terrain turbid throughout the year, whereas the dominant variations in optical depth occur offshore of the upwelling zona. The shapes of second eigenvectors from the four par- titions are similar, but vary in an oscillatory fashion from the northern partition to the southern partition. The first partition (northern) shows negative values beyond approxi- mately 180 km offshore, and then small amplitude positive values from there to the coast . Partition two and three depict a mirror image pattern to that of the first parti- tion. Partition four shews much the same pattern as parti- tion one. The phase relation in the principal components shows no pattern between partitions one and two, but the series for partitions three and four both suggest phase reversal from the first partition. This negative-to-posi- tive-back-to-negative pattern cf behavior weakly suggests a wave-like meridional oscillatory structure, with an offshore peak (180 km offshore) in the vicinity of partitions two and three. Resolution of this meridional characteristic feature will require a 2-dimensional analysis. The distance of sep- aration of the partitions suggests a wavelength of the order of 120 km. Again, the majority cf the variability occurs 92 ■"1 o Ci 01 rr s-i *" <° - « 4J 3- «CHN HK3 I - •> LIW.NVH.IUK"> i i I Til' I I I I ' I I 111 211 111 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 16. Mean and Eigenvectors 1 to 5 for Partition One, 93 o X 4S 3. h a 2. rtCPW «C 1 - S C1CCNVCCT0RS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?J a.,^^V 1 1 1 261 201 101 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 17. Mean and Eigenvectors 1 to 5 for Partition Two. 9H «e«w hoi -s ciia-NvixTURs o ei & en u ^ u ■ w a) ~ ^ 4-> • \ OJ * r-t S °. t ■ i r* -T-- I I 268 208 108 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 18. Mean and Eigenvectors 1 to 5 for Parti-ion Thr€€. 95 81 o = *T U 2 — a) h e s 1i^ WI-5 CISENVCCTORS i ■ » i i i i ii — 1 7—3 y*^v ■ — ' w\W" V^' ?j ?j ^V '^■nu''V ^v ;»■ i i i i i i i i i 286 206 106 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 19. Mean and Eigenvectors 1 to 5 for Partition Four, 96 CKlNCIPflL COMPOTCNTS 1 " S -x^- *— 1 I I «J "T »J I »■— T- 10 Time Point 18 Figure 20. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Partition One, 97 PRINCIPflL COMPONENTS I - 5 I / I '\s ZX n 1 \y ■ i i sj 10 18 Time Point Figure 21. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Partition Two 98 PRINCIPAL OWONCNTS t - 5 ■ 1 1 ■ -»■ *l ^ ■ I lJ 1 ^V. ' ^»— »- I t I I I I , /x 10 15 Time Point Figure 22. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Partition Three 99 HI PUINCIP*. COTPOtCHTS 1 - 5 , 2 i * m »o - 3 +. ^X ■^ 10 18 Time Point Figure 23. Principal Components 1 to 5 for Parxition Fou: 100 daring the 1980 series. More nearshore structures are apparent in -his eigenvector, as is an increase in nearshore variability, as compared tc the first eigenvector. The ^hird eigenvector has a similar behavior for the first two partitions. The perturbations are of roughly the same spatial scale (45 km) and appear to be in phase. How- ever, the third and fourth partitions show an opposite behavior in the far offshore region (beyond 180 km). Numer- ous smaller scale features (of the order of 10 km or less) are apparent in this eigenvector. In general, higher spa- tial frequencies become increasingly important in higher order eigenvectors. The principal components show an increase in the variability of the 1982 series with the wide range of variability still present in the 1980 series. This eigenvector shows the largest nearshore amplitudes of all the eigenvectors, which suggests it may be closely linked to the nearshore structure of upwelling. There is little sug- gestion of a temporal relation evident in the third princi- pal components of the four tracks. The fourth eigenvector shows an increase in fre- quency (decrease in wavelength) of the represented variabil- ity scales. Features range in size from 18 - 45 km, with 101 numerous smaller scale perturbations. The average wavelength and range of variability is approximately the same for all four partiticns. The principal components for partitions one , three and four qualitatively suggest coher- ency. However, eigenvector behavicr is opposite in parti- tion three and similar in partition four when compared to partition one. A prominent feature approximately 180 km offshcre in the fourth eigenvector of partition one, seems to be shifted outward to 210 km offshors in partition four. This time/space relationship between the structures of par- tition one and four again suggests a meridional oscillation worthy of future investigation through a 2-dimsnsional analysis. The fifth eigenvector shows features of scale that range from 5-42 km. The much s nailer features (less than 5 km) are not dealt with as they are essentially part of the background noise expected in any natural system. Little can be said about the correspondence of the four partitions with just a visual inspection. However, nearshore structure appears in the eigenvectors with more variability than in previcus eigenvectors of the 198 2 series. The 1980 series still demonstrates the largest overall variability, and the 102 large interannual differences between the one scene in 1979 and the 1980 scenes is still evident. The principle compo- nents of partition one and fear show excellent, agreement in amplitude and phase for the first five time points, but as structural variability decreases with time, so does corre- spondence. The quantitative correspondence of these varia- tions is beyond the scope cf this thesis, but it should be investigated in future analyses of this data set. The sixth through the tenth eigenvectors are charac- terized by variation cf such high frequency that little can be said of the relationships bet ween the partitions. Scales of structural features in these eigenvectors range from 1 to 35 km, with no suggesticn of a temporal relation between partitions. The principal components show that the 1980 data again dominates the variance, but it these higher fre- quencies the increased contribution cf the 1982 data to the total variance is very apparent. Eecause of this disorgan- ized structure, detailed interpretation is not attempted for eigenvectors cf order greater than 5. 103 MCAN W4J 6 - !0 ElGCNVCCTtWS O ? h a : I I I I I li*vA'AW tf=*>^r*=f ■ 9 ^v^aa^^v^ 10 i i i 211 111 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 24. Sean and Eigenvectors 6 tc 13 for Partition One, 104 o 2 rH e a KfH »<3 6 • 1C E1GCNVCCT0R5 i i 1 1 i ' i > /^~\ fA.-Ov^v . 6 v'v/^T^^ 7 I \ ) I «J*I T7 17 V t I " 8 V ^ ^X^y rAj^ ^^^yA^^v 10 261 201 101 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 25. Mean and Eigenvectors 6 tc 10 for Partition T wo 105 no* ANO 6 - 10 E1CCNVCCWS \^y £r- \*f*\ t >«oli\ r mjv "V 9-1 ^ ^-, 8 9-i r\ t I r ■^Aa r^' I I I I 268 208 108 Distance Offshore km 10 Land Figure 26 . Mean and Eigenvectors 6 tc 10 for Partition Three. 106 o w » "^ u ' «— » 7 8 J » — ' n>" i i o -^ 10 "s^" r v^*-t— -■■ f^ ■ ■¥■ 10 18 Time Point Figure 31. Principal Comfcnents 6 tc 10 for Partition Four 1 11 5- The Joining Of Two Parti tic r.s Only a cursory treatment of the joining function results is presented. Partition one and two were examined and analyzed as per the joining function development given in Chaptsr IV. The analysis was based on performing the EOF analysis on partitions one and two combined, and then com- paring this result to these obtained from the seperate F.OF analyses that were joined. It was found that the joining function principle components were within .0001 m cf these computed using the two partitions as one data set. Further- more, using ten degrees of freedom, it w=s found that -6 j J - I (within 2.5 X 10 ) (51) and E E = I -6 (within 8.0 X 10 ) (52) This result is cased on the orthogonality of the eigenvec- tors as J is the matrix cf eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of principal components for the two partitions com- bined. Additionally, a comparison of the principal compo- nents yielded (For a joint sample size of 17) W A A = L -3 (within 1.4 X 10 ) (53) 112 Representing the principal components of the joining tions with "i , it follows that sj* (* T "^ Y Y = L (within 5.0 X 10 ) { 54) Again the small difference demonstrates the utility of the joining process. The eigenvalues obtained by thus joining the eigen- vectors and principal components frcm partitions 1 and 2 are given in Table III, together with fractions of total sample variance. At face value, the first ten eigenvalues account for 98.55* of total sample variance. Rscall however, -hat the input data were represented in truncated form, using only the first ten principal components from each of the partitions. This original approximation retained only 97.89% of the total variance computed from the original data, hence, it is necessary to adjust the apparent trunca- tion of the joined result accordingly. The results of this adjustment are given in the third column of Table III and show that assuming that ocly the first ten eigenvectors are significant actually leads to a truncation to 96.50% of the total sample variance. While 3.5% precision is an accepta- ble level of approximation for most problems in geophysical 1 13 >a . xv u da ta interpretation, the affects of successive trunc« must be giver, careful attention when applying the parti- tioned method to EOF analysis. This example indicates strongly that the partition- ing approach to EOF analysis can provide computationally acceptable results when applied tc satellite image data. The example also emphasizes that proper care must be given to controlling successive truncation in the partition join- ing process. It is left to future projects to investigate questions such as joining partitions on the basis of par- tially intersecting samples to provide optimal functions for interpolating satellite data into cloudy regions, and to interpretation of partition joining functions to illuminate spatial correlations between locally important structures (e.g., topographically generated mesoscale eddies) and the dominant structure of the overall domain (e.g., that associ- ated with the evolution of the synoptic scale upwelling front over the continental slope and shelf over the course of the upwelling season) . It is questions of this kind that address the ultimate utility of partitioned EOF analysis. The present effort is limited tc preliminary work to estab- lish foundations of feasibility and procedural constraints. 1 14 TABLE III Eigenvalue Data for Joining Process Order Eigenvalue Percentage Cumulative 2 (m ) of Variance Percentage 1 594.00 40.74 40.74 2 U01.60 27.54 68.28 3 171.70 11.78 80.06 a 67.35 4.62 9U.63 5 6 3.86 4.38 89.06 6 U7.57 3.26 92.32 7 34.34 2.36 94.68 8 23.17 1.59 96.27 9 20.52 1.41 97.68 0 12.70 0.87 98.55 1 15 VI- 2I2CUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Zonal transects of optical depth (1/k(490) m) ueasursd with the Nimbus-7 C2C5 have been analysed to investigate bio-optical structure ovsr the continental shelf and slope off central California. Samples of cloud free data were selected and processed for latitudes 35-53N, 35-40N, 35-22N and 35-OON. The data were observed in 1979, 1980, and 1982 during the months May through November. The zonal structure in these samples was analysed using EOF's computed sepa- rately for each section. Meridional variance structure was analysed only qualitatively through inspection of similari- ties in features contained in EOF's of the different tran- sects and in the temporal sequences of associated principal components. Finally, the computational feasibility of applying partiticned EOF analysis methods to this type of data was investigated by joining the EOF's of the two north- ernmost transects to form estimates of the EOF's of the com- bined spatial domain. The first eigenvectors for four zonal transects of opti- cal depth 1/(kU90) each contained dominant scales of order 116 20 0 km or greater, and accounted for between 35 and 5 4 per- cent of ths total variance. They are each also charac- pr- ized by a hand of low variability in optical depth in the inshore region influenced by upwelling and the Davidson Inshore Currant. This band is confined within 45 km of the coast at 35 53' N, and icnoton ically broadens to approxi- mately 100 km at 35N latitude. This behavior is possibly related to the broadening of the continental shelf and slope with longshore distance scuth of Monterey. Hurlburt (1979) showed that the topographic beta effect plays a fundamental role in the dynamics associated with mssoscale (order 100 km) longshore variations in topography by affecting the strength of the longshore flow. Also, the influence of topography can produce barctropic flew beyond its immediate vicinity. For mssoscale variations in coastline geometry, the coastal currents and the patterns of vertical motion tend to follow the coastline, but net with uniform strength. Coastal current widths tend to be narrower than the scale of coastline variability. In these terms, the meridional vari- ation in scales present in the first EOF* s are gualitatively consistent with the longshore variations in bathymetry of the study domain. 117 The second eigenvectors account for zonal structure with dominant scale cf order 120 km, and with nearly uniform amplitude frcm the coast tc a node approximately 150 km off- shore in partitions 1, 2f and 4. The second eigenvector for partition 3 (35 20N) is anomalous in that it is dominated by a zonal waveform with nodes spaced at approximately 80 km, or roughly half the dominant scale of its counterparts. The reason for this behavior should be investigated. The third eigenvectors are dominated by scales ranging from approximately 60 to 100 km (between nodes) . The shapes and scales vary more strongly from partition-to-partition than was the case with the first two eigenvectors. Across each transect, zonal features with wavelengths 100 km and greater appear. The suggestion of an oscillatory behavior in the meridional direction needs to be studied further. Resolving such a feature requires a more detailed study involving a 2- dimensional analysis cf the study domain. The large eddy field associated with the shoreward boundary of the California Current was observed in the data set. The scales of this eddy field were of the same magnitude as the spatial scales employed in the partitions. 1 18 This necessitated placing the partition boundary within this eddy field anc cutting away seme of the features. The sea- sonal development of a synoptic scale iipwelling front off the California coast is strongly suggested in the data and its eigenvectors. The s sailer eddies associated with this pattern ranged from 5 to 100 km in scale. The convergence of the eigenvalues to roughly 98 percent of the variance after the tenth value was of particular interest. This was true for all four partitions and although this is not an overwhelming reduction in the degrees of freedom of the initial system, it is significant. Satellite images, and ether fields of oceanic and atmos- pheric variaDles, provide massive data sets. Large amounts of computer time must often be expended for processing these data sets at even relatively primitive levels. Analyses and interpretations are, morever, made difficult by the sheer volume of data. EOF analysis provides a viable method for mathematically representing satellite data fields in a com- pact and easily manipulated form. Data transformed using EOF's illuminates, and facilitates analysis of, the time and space scales associated with a given variable over the domain; the present study has exercised this attribute of 119 EOF's on a descriptive level. In addition, the ccapact principal component representation cf satellite images pro- vides an efficient form for analysing the response cf spa- tial structure in, for example, optical depth to forcing by wind stress and currents, acting through a bio-cpticai model; this is a logical avenue fcr future research to build on the present results. Considering purely ccmputat ional aspects of SOFs, the well-known symmetry of eigenvector solutions in the time and space domain can be used tc great advantage in the analysis of satellite image data. The number cf spatial grid points in even the single trackline partitions of the present study yield large, but computationally tractable, scatter matrices. The larger arrays associated with 2-dimensicnal area partitions, each with several hundred grid points, will clearly exceed sizes admitting direct computation of spatial EOFs. The linear algebra and scalicgs involved in using the smaller time domain scatter matrix for computation cf space domain EOF*s is reviewed in Appendix C. The partitioned method of EOF analysis illuminates cor- relations between variability in spatially separate sub-re- gions. The present results demonstrate the computational 120 faasiblity of this piecewise approach when applied to CZCS optical depth data. There is every reason to believe -hat the method may be equally well applied to other CZCS parame- ters and tc infrared imagery of SSI. Further work in this area should aim to determine whether the joining functions linking EOF's from separate domains are sufficiently sta- tionary tc provide a basis for optimally interpolating sat- ellite image cata of these types over cloud-covered areas of a particular day^s image. Other applications to be explored include determination of the extent to which correlations between 3-dimensional in situ data and 2-dimensicnal satel- lite data in small sub-regions may be extended to other parts of the larger domain covered by satellite data alone. 121 APPENDIX A SATELLITE DATA PROCESSING METHODS A. INTRODUCTION Data processing was divided into three major levels. Level-I processing includes all steps required to take the original data tape to a Level-I tape. Level-II processing includes all stsps between a Level-I tape and a Level-II tape. Level-Ill processing includes the steps involved to take the Level-II output to a usable form. The following sections briefly describe the steps involved in the three levels of processing. Computer hardware utilized was that resident at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. The main frame computer used was the IBM 3033AP while the mini-com- puter used was the Apple^II. Computer software referred to in this section is either a system utility resident to the IBM system or a locally generated program. Documentation of the locally generated programs can be obtained from: Dr. J. L. Mueller (Code 68My) Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 939U3 122 scftware invclv i.._-.. u. any system- da pendent features, well as features inserted for convienence. Users of these programs en other systems are cautioned to review the docu- mentation carefully prior to attempting to transfer the software . B. LEVEL-I FBOCESSING figure 32 is a schematic diagram illustrating the processing steps for Level-I and should be referred to throughout this discussion. The master tape (raw satellite data) was obtained from the Scripps Institution of Oceanog- raphy, San Diego, California. Table IV gives a summary of the master tapes utilized in this study. The data were in the fcrm of a standard magnetic tape in a binary format with 6250 bits per inch (BPI) . The tapes were originally created using a Hewlett Packard (HE) - 3 000 which has a characteris- tic high crder, low order bit arrangement opposite to the IBM system. Therefore, tefore using this raw data in the I3M 3033AP, it had to undergo a byte swap routine. This byte swap was accomplished when the unformatted working bac- kup tape was made using local program VISBKV. After the unformatted backup tape is made a variable blocked spanned (VBS) format tape is produced using the system utility IEBGENER. 123 JER tape INFORMATTED WORKING BACKUP V8S WORKING BACKUP — S"\ [navigation! 'PARAMETERS' i DATA AND CONTROL FLOW CONTROL FLOW INTERNAL DATA EXTERNAL DATA ZIPSIO GRAYSCALE IMAGE ZIPSIO EFILE GENERATION ZIPPIC PICPRT MAPS 'NAVIGATE AND \ ADJUST , BACKWARD (FLIP IMAGE) i L EFILE (COPY TO TAPE) CZCSNAV NAVDUMP NAV MATRIX ». DISK FILE L FILE E FILE G FILE +n TEMPORARY TAPE LEVEL-I TAPE FILE VBS LEVEL-I PROCESSING SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PROCESSING VENUE * IBM 3023AP ** APPLE-II Figure 32. Level-I Processing Schematic Diagram 124 TABLE IV Sat€ tllite Da ta Tapes ! Tape Designation Source I )a~s V I S 0 1 7 Nimbus 7 i [CZCS) 16 OCT 1979 VI SO 32 Nimbus 7 | 'CZCS) 12 NOV 1979 VI SO 4 0 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 23 NOV 1979 VIS094 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 6 MAY 1980 VIS095 Nimbus 7 | 'CZCS) 5 MAY 1980 VIS097 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 17 MAY 1980 VIS104 Nimbus 7 I CZCS) 3 JUN 1980 VI S 1 0 5 Nimbus 7 | ;czcs) 6 JUN 1980 VIS106 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 7 JON 1980 VIS1 17 Nimbus 7 { 'CZCS) 12 JUN 1980 VI S 1 1 1 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 23 JUN 1980 VIS1 12 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 24 JUN 1980 VIS1 13 Nimbus 7 < 'CZCS) 25 JUN 1 980 VIS126 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 1 AUG 1980 AR0000 Nimbus 7 | [CZCS) 30 SEP 1982 AR2642 Nimbus 7 | [CZCS) 5 OCT 1982 AR2668 Nimbus 7 (CZCS) 16 OCT 1982 AR2685 Nimbus 7 i [CZCS) 27 OCT 1982 AR2686 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 28 OCT 1982 AR26 91 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 1 NOV 1982 AR2693 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 3 NOV 1982 AR2704 Nimbus 7 [CZCS) 14 NOV 1982 ioi Vdij.aJ_' no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no no no 125 This format is used in conjunction with unformatted read statements to minimize computer time. These two copied tapes serve as the working tapes for the remainder of the Level-I processing, and the master tape is archived. Using the VBS formatted tape, a Versatec plotter grays- cale is produced using local program ZIPSIO. This program also unpacks the 2vent file (hereafter referred to as the E-file) and writes it to a storage disk. The grayscale depicts the satellite pass in picture form for hand analysis of landmarks. Line numbers and pixel numbers are taken off the grayscale for clear, cloud-free landmarks. These values are entered into local program ZIPPIC to generate a 'PICPEINT'. This is a matrix of radiance value centered on the individual landmarks line and pixel number. These PICPRINTS are then contoured by hand (using a threshold value of 18 counts for land or clouds) to determine an exact time and pixel number for the landmark. The landmarks latitude, longitude, line number and pixel number with addi- tional housekeeping data are entered into local program CZCSNAV on the Apple II. This program is interactive and prompts for necessary inputs. Additionally this program adjusts roll, pitch and yaw to reduce the root mean squared 126 distance error in the navigation problem. The mean ras value obtained for all the adjusted, utilized data was approximately 1.09 n.mi.. The final product of this step generates a set of navigation parameters that are used to generate a navigation matrix. This step is accomplished using local program CZCSNAV2 to generate the navigation matrix and NAVDUMP to write the navigation matrix (here- after referred to as the G-file) to a temporary formatted tape. The E-file is copied from its temporary disk storage to the temporary tape as the G-file. Additionally the Data file (hereafter referred to as the L-file) is first reversed from its fccttcm-to-to? orientation to a top-to- bottom orien- tation using local program BACKWARD. This program also puts the L-file to the previously mentioned temporary storage tape. Finally, these files on the temporary tape are copied to a Level-I tape using the system utility IEBGENER. The only difference between the temporary tape and the final Level-I tape is that the L-file is copied into an unformat- ted file which will aid in the speed of further processing. 127 C. LEVEL-II FBOCESSIBG Figure 33 is a schematic diagram illustrating the processing steps for Level-II. The Lavel-I tape generated by the steps discussed in the previous section is the input tape for this processing. Only the L-file is affected by the Level-II processing as the E-file and G-file are copied straight to the Level-II tape using the system utility IE3GENER. The L-file is used to generate output for calcu- lating the proper values cf the Angstrom coefficient for each scene. This is done using local program CZPARMS2 and an assumed value for the Angstrom coefficient. Chapter III Section C.2. discusses the importance and method of finding these values. Next, the computed Angstrom coefficients with the L-file are rerun through CZPARMS2 to regenerate the L-file. This regeneration involves talcing the raw counts of each channel and applying the bio-optic algorithms discussed in Chapter III to produce values for chlorophyll and K. At this point the adjustment algorithm discussed in Chapter V has not been applied. Analyses cf the initial Level-II cut- put precipitated the nesd for the corrective algorithm, which was then applied during Level-Ill processing. 128 LEVEL-I Or FILE CZPARMS2 L2A i ! ANGSTROM i f COEFF. ' E-FILE G-FILE CZPARMS2 L2B L-FILE IEBGENER (COPY FILE) E-FILE IEBGENER (COPY NAV FILE) G-FILE LEVEL-II -a DATA AND CONTROL FLOW :ONTROL FLOW INTERNAL DATA " " EXTERNAL DATA * LEVEL-II PROCESSING SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PROCESSING VENUE * IBM 3033AP ** APPLE-II Figure 33. Level-II Processing Schematic Diagram 129 D. LEVEL-III PROCESSING Figure 3U illustrates the Level-Ill processing The Level-Ill processing basically takes the data obtained in Level-II and marries it to the navigation matrix gener- ated during Level-I processing. Using the four designated tracks (Fig. 5 ), the coastal starting points from each track were entered into local program TEDDOHP to provide the navigation block of the track origin. The G-file contains data (in latitude and longitude values) every sixteenth pixel and sixteenth line. Once the origin block is estab- lished the exact line and pixel was interpolated using local program FINDPIX on the Apple II. With this starting point local program DATA4 was entered to generate every 1 km along each track an associated line and pixel number which was then converted into the appropriate data values. This cut- put was written to storage for later processing. It was here that the adjustment algorithm was applied, producing the final version of the data in a navigated form. 130 LEVEL II ■y T^DDUMP * J G-FILE i ' DATA4 • L-FILE ■ ' • LEVEL III )CEANSAT/ ADJUSTMNT ALGORITHM FINAL LEVEL III DAT; •i PULL i i ORIGIN | I SLOCKS J t. | DETERMINE l i INITIAL ! ^TRAC_K_PTSj ** DATA AND CONTROL FLOW CONTROL FLOW INTERNAL DATA EXTERNAL DATA LEVEL-III PROCESSING SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM PROCESSING VENUE * IBM 3033AP ** APPLE-II Figure 34. Level-Ill Processing Schematic Diagram 131 APPENDIX 3 DATA CONDITIONING Tc apply the Level-Ill data tc the analytic techniques certain conditioning steps were necessary prior to begin- ning. Much of the conditioning applied to the data was dependent on the data itself as to its completeness and behavior. This discussion focusses on the steps necessary prior to using the EOF analysis techniques. Figure 35 depicts the steps involved in this discussion and should be referred to as a guide. First the Level-Ill data for the four tracks and twenty-two scenes were extracted using local program PACKJOB. Twenty-two files each contained the data for the four tracks for each partic- ular scene. These data were plotted using local program PARPLOT and the DISSPLA utilities resident on the IBM-3033AP. The format of the plot was chosen to give an indication of either good data or bad data with no struc- ture. This plot was used to decide on the partitioning scheme. Four partitions.were selected and their details are listed in Table V. 132 /LEVEL- 1 iK < OCEANSAT , PACKJOB PAROAT load partTtton data to 1 file PEOF1 Eigenvalues Eigenvectors Principal Comp, Plots DATA TO DISK JE0F2 ! LEVFI.-III *l SEPARATF ! FILES •i PARPLOT | FAKFLUI I I L.„.r„.J ! PARTITI0N~1 DATA ! i PARPLT Raw data Discussion Plots Joining Functions DATA AND CONTROL FLOW DONTROL FLOW * INTERNAL DATA — •" XTERNAL DATA — •" PROCESSING VENUE * IBM 3033AP +* APPLE-II Figure 35. Data Conditio ring Schematic Diagram 133 Track No. 1 2 3 U Partition No. TABLE V Partition dimensions Sin Grid Max Grid Ntime Nspace 1 ec 165 200 2CC 410 425 467 485 17 17 16 17 231 261 268 2 86 Figures 36 through 39 show the plots generated by par- plot and the partitioning given in Table IV. The objective of the partitioning was tc find the most complete data over time and space possible given ten samples. Cata from these four partitions was then entered into local program PARDAT. This program applied most of the con- ditioning to the data set. Only the K(490) data was uti- lized from this point on although this program could be easily altered to focus on another optical parameter. The data wera searchad to find good points and bad points and a control arrangement for later use was made. The raw data were scaled and inverted to produce 1/K(490) values in meters. Next the data were averaged by every fourth point to smooth out noise features. At this point data strings with gaps existed for each applicable scene. Next a linear interpolating routine was applied to obtain continuous data at each time point. Finally, the data for all scsnes and 134 tracks were combined and written to diss in a single data file. To this pcint the conditioning applied has consisted of partitioning the data into four partitions, rejecting incomplete scenes, scaling the K (490) values, averaging the data by every four values, and applying linear interpolation to fill in the remaining gaps. The conditioned data was then plotted using local pro- gram PARPLT and the DISSEIA system utilities. The plots generated are figures 7 through 10 and were used in Chapter V section B to discuss the data and its relationship to the regional oceanography. The final st<=ps of the data conditioning involved appli- cations of the EOF analysis techniques. Local program PEOF1 produced eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and principle components for each partition and plotted the output. Figures 11 through 14 and 16 through 31 are the plots produced. The eigenvalues, eigenvectors and principle components were all written to disk for later use. The local program JEOF2 was designed to produce the joining function that related parti- tion cne tc partition two. 135 o CM o *A».» >*v. «, ^V^o^s^s-Wl I . Partition One wW(H^'-W^^_ ,.*A» -< - ...wt1' \ PWV.^_ V \»Wi i^ d^#»<1l T*M»»«, ■*«,»■ , lL..'. >**« — «i lv-v«nvwy\Uv— vA^W^^^, Au ■ A- ■ * - ■ , -A * \ f/rli 1 Date 14 Nov 82 3 Nov 8 2 1 Nov 82 28 Oct 82 27 Oct 82 16 Oct 82 5 Oct 82 30 Sep 82 1 Aug 80 25 Jun 80 24 Jun 80 23 Jun 80 12 Jun 80 7 Jun 8 0 6 Jun 80 3 Jun 80 17 May 80 6 May 80 5 May 80 23 Nov 79 12 Nov 79 16 Oct 79 410 310 210 110 Land Distance Offshore km Figure 36. Partitioning Scheme for Track One (35 53 N) 136 o u £ o "9" "\ ^fl/*fo* r^+s/Kx^ "**v—v Partition Two «^VV^« i "XH v ■ ^^tn^-Vr-, Ni Date 14 Nov 82 3 Nov 8 2 1 Nov 82 28 Oct 82 27 Oct 82 16 Oct 82 5 Oct 82 30 Sep 82 1 Aug 8 0 25 Jun 80 24 Jun 80 23 Jun 80 12 Jun 80 7 Jun 80 6 Jun 80 3 Jun 8 0 17 May 80 6 May 80 5 May 80 23 Nov 79 12 Nov 79 16 Oct 79 400 300 200 100 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 37. Partitioning Schsme for Track Two (35 40 N) 137 I w u E O '•I-.I III \ Partition Three \ \ fSfWi/^* ^wwv. '^i.'O/^i^Mii^^^ \*V* V* "v^v^yvAi-^M^ "^ Wy-^ /^VA->-nj^Ma^vjrW^ V^^nW^A Dp. te 14 Nov 82 3 Nov 82 1 Nov 82 28 Oct 82 27 Oct 82 16 Oct 82 5 Oct 82 30 Sep 82 1 Aug 80 25 Jun 80 24 Jun 80 23 Jun 80 12 Jun 80 7 Jun 80 6 Jun 80 3 Jun 80 17 May 80 6 May 80 5 May 80 23 Nov 79 12 Nov 79 16 Oct 79 417 317 217 117 Distance Offshore km Land Figure 38. Partitioning Scheme for Track Three (35 22 N) 138 o u o E O . i 'i.vi- Partition Four MM* M< ■ #WA W^« ^ V V £- \ v^.v V -^\ v » V *\AUw»» fr^mW^* 1 r^****""** * ,w"-v.l>.i/^' ■',"■ i1 V- ^ Ml^M f~<^ V*Wr iiiO < ., r ■ irl .lln ift )» t, ■ ■, . I . rt •■» T^VVUUaN h' a*.*-*-"4 J>^^i^ yM*Afs ■ y ^, 410 310 210 110 Date 14 Nov 32 3 Nov 82 1 Nov 82 28 Get 82 27 Oct 82 16 Oct 82 5 Oct 82 30 Sep 82 1 Aug 80 25 Jun 80 24 Jun 80 23 Jun 80 12 Jun 80 7 Jun 8 0 6 Jun 80 3 Jun 80 17 May 80 6 May 80 5 May 80 23 Nov 79 12 Nov 79 16 Oct 79 Land Distance Offshore km Figure 39. Partitioning Scheme fcr Track Four (35 53 N) 139 APPENDIX C EOF PROCESSING The desired EOF ' s are those in the space dcmair., which for satellite data, is dimensioned much larger than the time dimension. It is possible to significantly expedite compu- tations by computing eigenvalues, eigenvectors and principal components using the smaller covariance matrix of the time domain, and to then scale these results :o obtain the eigen- vectors and principal components in the space domain. The algebraic basis for this approach is reviewed in this appendix . Consider the following convention for dimension nota- tions Space . . . . n = 1,...,N Time . . . . m = 1,...,M EOF (order) . . . . k = 1,...,K where K < min(M,N). As before the raw data matrix is given by F» - If (55) a. |_ mn J of H rows by N columns. The sample mean in the space domain is given by 140 M £ - M E 1 mn (5b) of dimension 1 X N. The centered data matrix in the spaca domain is given by F = f - f -n (57) From Chapter IV -he sample space ccvariance matrix (of size N X N) is 1 S = M-l F F (53) and the sample time covariance matrix (cantered in space and of size H X M) is now defined as 1 T = M-l F F (59) If A, and e, are an associated eiganvalue and eigenvector k -k respectively cf S, then S e. = \ e. f 0 t -k k -k (60) since X f Q and e, j* 0 (61) Then F e. ^ 0 % -k (62) and therefore 141 1 T — — - F F F e. = A. F eu /gq» (noting the commutative property of ^k and F ). Thus , Xfc is an eigenvalue of T with associated eigenvector (in the time domain) -k ^ -k where a , is the k'th principal component (in the space mk. domain) at time point m. We now consider the eicenvalues a and eigenvectors %. k -K of T, normalized such that M E5 . S . - «4 • (65) "mi *mj lj , v ' m - 1 with time domain principal components Sk = f Sk S k - 1, ...,K , (66) where the 'significance order K is selected either to retain an arbitrary fraction of the total sample variance, or according to one of the more objective statistical selection rules discussed by Preisendorfer , et al. (1981) . The principal components in the time and space domain have the property that N M (67) a a (.M-JJ A . o . . mi mj i ij n = 1 m = 1 ZZ, 5 = V^ a . a = (M-l) X. 6 . . ni nj / j mi mj i ij 142 a A r*.r\ -P Recall that F was centered on I in trie space domain , and that both S and I were therefore normaiizad by the factor (1/M-1) . Ey analogy to equation (63) T 1 T T M-l l i i H 'k i -k k ^k (63) where c, is now seen to be an eigenvec length .or of s , but of (69) rather than being an orthcnormal eigenvector of length 1. The two are thus related by -k • ( M - l ) x . 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