.TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9090 013 414 285 Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 1^' -'^tboro Road ^ Nor fton. MA 01536 A U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. A. D. MELVIN, Chief of Bureau. SPECIAL REPORT DISEASES OF THE HORSE. Drs, PEARSON, MICHENER, LAW, HARBAUGH, TRUMBOWER, LIAUTARD, HOLCOMBE, HUIDEKOPER, STILES, MOHLER, AND ADAMS. REVISED EDITION. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. I 9 I I . LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C, July 20, 1911. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the Special Report on Diseases of the Horse prepared for reprinting in accord- ance with the following resolution, approved March 4, 1911 : Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be printed and bound in cloth one hundred thousand copies of the Special Report on the Diseases of the Horse, the same to be first revised and brought to date under the supervision of the Sec- retary of Agriculture; seventy thousand copies for use of the House of Repre- sentatives, thirty thousand copies for use of the Senate. As the work was thoroughly revised in 1903 and slightly revised in 1907, it has been found necessary to make only a few minor changes and additions at this time. This report was first issued in 1890 and was at once accorded a hearty reception by the horse owners of the country. The limited edition that the department was able to publish was very soon ex- hausted, and the demand was then turned upon Members of Congress. As a result of the continuous demand, Congi*ess has ordered reprints from time to time until the total editions, including the present, amount to about 1,000,000 copies. Very respectfully, A. D. Melvin, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agnculture. 3 CONTENTS. The examination of a sick horse. By Leonard Pearson 9 IMethods of administering medicines. By Ch. B. Michener 28 Diseases of the digestive organs. By Ch. B. Michener 34 Diseases of the urinary organs. By James Law 75 Diseases of the respiratory organs. By W. H. Harbaugh 104 Diseases of the generative organs. By James Law 143 Diseases of the nervous system. By M. R. Trumbower 190 Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics. By M. R. Trumbower. 225 Diseases of the eye. By James Law 251 Lameness. By A. Liautard 274 Diseases of the fetlock, ankle, and foot. By A. A. Holcombe 369 Diseases of the skin. By James Law 431 Wounds and their treatment. By Ch. B. Michenfer 459 General diseases. By Rush Shippen Huidekoper 483 Shoeing. By John W. Adams 565 Index 589 5 LLUSTRATIONS PLATES. Page. Plate I. Digestive apparatus „ 74 11. Bots 74 III. Intestinal worms 74 IV. Longitudinal section through kidney 76 v. Microscopic anatomy of kidney 88 VI. Microscopic anatomy of kidney 88 VII. Calculi and instrument for removal 88 VIII. Position of the left lung 128 IX. Instruments used in difficult labor 166 X. Normal presentations 166 XI. Abnormal presentations 166 XII. Abnormal presentations 166 XIII. Abnormal presentations 176 XIV. Abnormal presentations 176 XV. Anterior presentations 176 XVI. The nervous system 192 XVII. Interior of chest, showing position of heart and diaphragm 228 XVIII. Circulatory apparatus 228 XIX. Theoretical section of the horse's eye 256 XX. Skeleton of the horse 288 XXI. Superficial layer of muscles . 288 XXII. Splint 288 XXIII. Ringbone 304 XXIV. Various types of spavin 304 XXV. Bone spavin 336 XXVI. Bone spavin 336 XXVII. Dislocation of shoulder and elbow, Bourgelat's apparatus 336 XXVIII. The sling in use 336 XXIX. Anatomy of foot 372 XXX. Anatomy of foot 372 XXXI. Quarter crack and remedies 372 XXXII. Sound and contracted feet 372 XXXIII. Foundered feet 416 XXXIV. Ringbone and navicular disease 416 XXXV. Diseases of the skin 432 XXXVI. Mites that infest the horse 448 XXXVII. General diseases. Inflammation 488 XXXVIII. General diseases. Inflammation 488 XXXIX. Glanders, nasal septum of horse, right side, showing acute lesions. 532 XL. Glanders, middle region of nasal septum, left side, showing ulcers. 532 XLI. Glanders, posterior half of nasal septum, right side, showing cicatrices 532 XLII. Age of horses aa indicated by teeth 564 7 8 ILLUSTRATIONS. TEXT FIGURES. Page. Fig. 1. Ground surface of a right fore hoof of the ' ' regular ' ' form 572 2. Pair of fore feet of regular form in regular standing position 573 3. Pair of fore-feet of base-wide form in toe-wide standing position 573 4. Pair of fore feet of base-narrow form in toe-narrow standing position. 574 5. Side view of an acute-angled fore foot, of a regular fore foot, and of a stumpy fore foot 574 6. Side view of foot with the foot-axis broken backward as a result of too long a toe 576 7. Left fore hoof of a regular form, shod with a plain fullered shoe 580 8. Side view of hoof and fullered shoe 581 9. An acute-angled left fore hoof shod with a bar shoe 583 10. A fairly formed right fore ice shoe for a roadster 583 11. Left fore hoof of regular form shod with a rubber pad and " three- quarter ' ' shoe 584 12. A narrow right fore hoof of the base-wide standing position shod with a plain "dropped crease" shoe 584 13. Hoof surface of a right hind shoe to prevent interfering 585 14. Ground surface of shoe shown in fig. 13 585 15. Side view of a fore hoof shod so as to quicken the "breaking over" in a "forger" ^ 586 16. Side view of a short-toed hind hoof of a forger 586 17. A toe- weight shoe to increase the length of stride of fore feet 587 18. Most common form of punched heel-weight shoe to induce high action in fore feet 587 SPECIAL REPORT DISEASES OF THE HORSE, THE EXAMmATION OF A SICK HORSE. By Leonard Pearson, B. S., V. M. D., Dean of the Veterinary Department, University of Pennsylvania, and State Veterinarian of Pennsylvania. In the examination of a sick horse it is important to have a method, or system. If a definite plan of examination is followed one may feel reasonably sure when the examination is finished that no important point has been overlooked and that the examiner is in a position to arrive at an opinion that is as accurate as is possible for him. Of course, an experienced eye can see, and a trained hand can feel, slight alterations or variations from the normal that are not perceptible to the unskilled observer. A thorough knowledge of the conditions that exist in health is of the highest importance, because it is only by a knowledge of what is right that one can surely detect a condition that is wrong. A knowledge of anatomy, or of the structure of the body, and of physiology, or the functions and activities of the body, lie at the bottom of accuracy of diagnosis. It is important to remember that animals of different races or families deport themselves differ- ently under the influence of the same disease or 2:)athological process. The sensitive and highly organized Thoroughbred resists cerebral depression more than does the lymphatic draft horse. Hence a de- gree of fever that does not produce marked dullness in a Thorough- bred may cause the most abject dejection in a coarsely bred heavy draft horse. This and similar facts are of vast importance in the diagnosis of disease and in the recognition of its significance. The order of examination, as given below, is one that has proved to be comparatively easy of application and sufficiently thorough for the purpose of the readers of this work. It is recommended by several writers, 9 10 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. It is important to know, first of all, something of the origin and development of the disease, therefore the cause should be looked for. The cause of a disease is important, not only in connection with diag- nosis, but also in connection with treatment. The character of food that the horse has had, the use to which he has been put, and the kind of care he has received should all be inquired into closely. It may be found by this investigation that the horse has been fed on damaged food, such as brewer's grains or moldy silage, and this may be suffi- cient to explain the profound depression and weakness that are char- acteristic of forage poisoning. If it is learned that the horse has been kept in the stable without exercise for several days and upon full rations, and that he became suddenly lame in his back and hind legs, and finally fell to the ground from what appeared to be partial paralysis, this knowledge, taken in connection with a few evident symptoms, will be enough to establish a diagnosis of azoturia. If it is learned that the horse has been recently shipped in the cars or has been through a dealer's stable, we have knowledge of significance in connection with the causation of a possible febrile disease, which is, under these conditions, likely to prove to be influenza, or edematous pneumonia. It is also important to know whether the particular horse that is under examination is the only one in the stable or on the premises that is similarly afflicted. If it is found that several horses are afflicted much in the same way, we have evidence here of a common cause of disease which may prove to be of an infectious nature. Another item of importance in connection with the history of the case relates to the treatment that the horse may have had before he is examined. It sometimes happens that medicine given in excessive quantities produces symptoms resembling those of disease, so it is important that the examiner shall be fully informed as to the medica- tion that has been employed. ATTITUDE AND GENERAL CONDITION. Before beginning the special examination attention should be paid to the attitude and general condition of the animal. Sometimes horses assume positions that are characteristic of a certain disease. For example, in tetanus, or lockjaw, the muscles of the face, neck, and shoulders are stiff and rigid, as well as the muscles of the jaw. This condition produces a peculiar attitude, that once seen is subse- quently recognized as rather characteristic of this disease. A horse with tetanus stands with his muscles tense and his legs in a somewhat bracing position, as though he were gathered to repel a shock. The neck is stiff and hard, the head is slightly extended upon it, the face is drawn, and the nostrils are dilated. The tail is usually held up a little, and when pressed down against the thighs it springs back to its EXAMINATION OF A SICK HOKSE. 11 previous position. In inflammation of the throat, as in pharyngo- laryngitis, the head is extended upon the neck, and the angle between the jaw and the lower border of the neck is opened as far as possible to relieve the pressure that otherwise would fall upon the throat. In dumminess, or immobility, the hanging position of the head and the stupid expression are rather characteristic. In pleurisy, perito- nitis, and some other painful diseases of the internal organs, the rigid position of the body denotes an effort of the animal to avoid pressure upon and to protect the inflamed sensitive region. The horse may be down in the stall and unable to rise. This condi- tion may result from paraplegia, from azoturia, from forage poison- ing, from tetanus, or from painful conditions of the bones or feet, such as osteoporosis or founder. Lying down at unusual times or in unusual positions may indicate disease. The first symptom of colic may be a desire on the part of the horse to lie down at a time or place that is unusual or inappropriate. Sometimes disinclination to lie down is an indication of disease. Where there is difficulty in breath- ing, the horse knows that he can manage himself better upon his feet than upon his breast or his side. It happens, therefore, that in nearly all serious diseases of the respiratory tract the horse stands persist- ently, day and night, until recovery has commenced and breathing is easier, or until the animal falls from sheer exhaustion. "Where there is stiffness and soreness of the muscles, as in rheumatism, inflamma- tion of the muscles from overwork, or of the bones in osteoporosis, or of the feet in founder, or where the muscles are stiff and beyond con- trol of the animal, as in tetanus, a standing position is maintained, because the horse seems to realize that when he lies down he will be unable to arise. Abnormal attitudes are assumed in painful diseases of the digestive organs (colic). A horse with colic may sit upon his haunches, like a dog, or may stand upon his hind feet and rest upon his knees in front, or may endeavor to balance himself upon his back, with all four feet in the air. These positions are assumed because they give relief from pain by lessening pressure, or tension, upon the sensitive structures. Under the general condition of the animal it is necessary to observe the condition, or state, of nutrition ; the conformation, so far as it may indicate the constitution; and the temperament. Bj^ observing the condition of nutrition one may be able to determine to a certain extent' the effect that the disease has already had upon the animal and to esti- mate the amount of strength that remains and that will be available for the repair of the diseased tissues. A good condition of nutrition' is shown by the rotundity of the body, the pliability and softness of the skin, and the tone of the hair. If the subcutaneous fat has disap- peared and the muscles are wasted, allowing the bony prominences to stand out ; if the skin is tight and inelastic and the coat dry and harsh, we have evidence of a low state of nutrition. This may have resulted 12 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. from a severe and long-continued disease or from lack of proper food and care. Where an animal is emaciated — that is, becomes thin — there is first a loss of fat and later the muscles shrink. By observing the amount of shrinkage in the muscles one has some indication as to the duration of the unfavorable conditions that the animal has lived under. By constitution we understand the innate ability of the animal to withstand disease or unfavorable conditions of life. The constitution depends largely upon the conformation. The type of construction that usually accompanies the best constitution is deep, broad chest, allowing plenty of room for the lungs and heart, indicating that these vital organs are well developed; capacious abdomen, allowing sufficient space for well-developed organs of digestion; the loins should be short — that is, the space should be short between the last rib and the point of the hip ; the head and neck should be well molded, without superfluous or useless tissue; this gives a clear-cut throat. The ears, eyes, and face should have an expression of alertness and good breeding. The muscular development should be good; the shoulders, forearms, croup, and thighs nuist have the appearance of strength. The withers are sharp, which means that they are not loaded with useless, superfluous tissue; the legs are straight and their axes are parallel ; the knees and hocks are low, which means that the forearms and thighs are long and the cannons relatively short. The cannons are broad from in front to behind and relatively thin from side to side. This means that the bony and tendinous structures of the legs are well developed and well placed. The hoofs are compact, tense, firm structures, and their soles are concave and frogs large. Such a horse is likely to have a good constitution and to be able to resist hard work, fatigue, and disease to a maximum degree. On the other hand, a poor constitution is indicated by a shallow, narrow chest, small bones, long loins, coarse neck and head, with thick throat, small, bony, and muscular development, short thighs and forearms, small joints, long, round cannons, and hoofs of ooen texture with fiat soles. The temperament is indicated by the manner in which the horse responds to external stimuli. AVhen the horse is spoken to, or when he sees or feels anything that stimulates or gives alarm, if he responds actively, quickly, and intelligently, he is said to be of lively, or nerv- ous, temperament. On the other hand, if he responds in a slow, sluggish manner, he is said to have a sluggish, or lymphatic, tempera- ment. The temperament is indicated by the gait, by the expression of the face, and by the carriage of the head and ears. The nature of the temperament should be taken into consideration in an endeavor to ascertain the severity of a given case of illness, because the general expression of an animal in disease as well as in health depends to a large extent on the temperament. EXAMINATION OF A SICK HORSE. 13 THE SKIlSr AND THE VISIBLE MUCOUS MEMBRANES. The condition of the skin is a fair index to the condition of the animal. The effect of disease and emaciation upon the pliability of the skin have been referred to above. There is no part of the body that loses its elasticity and tone as a result of disease sooner than the skin. The practical herdsman or flockmaster can gain a great deal of information as to the condition of an animal merely by grasping the coat and looking at and feeling the skin. Similarly, the condition of the animal is shown to a certain extent by the appearance of the mucous membranes. For example, when the horse is anemic as a result of disease or of inappropriate food the mucous membranes become pale. This change in the mucous membranes can be seen most readily in the lining of the eyelids and in the lining of the nostril. For convenience of examination the eyelids can readily be everted. Paleness means weak circulation or poor blood. Increased redness occurs physiologically in painful conditions, excitement, and follow- ing severe exertion. Under such conditions the increase of circula- tion is transitory. In fevers there is an increased redness in the mucous membrane, and this continues so long as the fever lasts. In. some diseases red spots or streaks form in the mucous membrane. This usually indicates an infectious disease of considerable severity, and occurs in blood poisoning, purpura hemorrhagica, hemorrhagic septicemia, and in urticaria. When the liver is deranged and does not operate, or when the red-blood corpuscles are broken down, as in serious cases of influenza, there is a yellowish discoloration of the mucous membrane. The mucous membranes become bluish or blue when the blood is imperfectly oxidized and contains an excess of carbon dioxide. This condition exists in any serious disease of the respiratory tract, as pneumonia, and in heart failure. The temperature of the skin varies with the temperature of the body. If there is fever the temperature of the skin is likely to be increased. Sometimes, however, as a result of poor circulation and irregular distribution of the blood, the body may be warmer than normal, while the extremities (the legs and ears) may be cold. Wliere the general surface of the body becomes cold it is evident that the small blood vessels in the skin have contracted and are keeping the blood away, as during a chill, or that the heart is weak and is unable to pump the blood to the surface, and that the animal is on the verge of collapse. The skin is moist, to a certain degree, at all times in a healthy horse. This moisture is not in the form of a perceptible sweat, but it is enough to keep the skin pliable and to cause the hair to have a soft, healthy feel. In some chronic diseased conditions and in fever, the skin becomes dry. In this case the hair has a harsh feel that is quite different from the condition observed in health, and from the fact of 14 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. its being so dry the individual hairs do not adhere to one another, they stand apart, and the animal has what is known as " a staring coat." When, during a fever, sweating occurs, it is usually an indi- cation that the crisis is passed. Sometimes sweating is an indication of pain. A horse with tetanus or azoturia sweats profusely. Horses sweat freely when there is a serious impediment to respiration ; they sweat under excitement, and, of course, from the well-known physio- logical causes of heat and work. Local sweating, or sweating of a restricted area of the body, denotes some kind of nerve interference. Swellings of the skin usually come from wounds or other external causes and have no special connection with the diagnosis of internal diseases. There are, however, a number of conditions in which the swelling of the skin is a symptom of a derangement of some other part of the body. For example, there is the well-known " stocking," or swelling of the legs about the fetlock joints, in influenza. There is the soft swelling of the hind legs that occurs so often in draft horses when standing still and that comes from previous inflammation (lym- phangitis) or from insufficient heart power. Dropsy, or edema of the skin, may occur beneath the chest or abdomen from heart insuffi- ciency or from chronic collection of fluid in the chest or abdomen (hydrothorax, ascites, or anemia). In anasarca or purpura hemor- rhagica large soft swellings appear on any part of the skin, but usually on the legs, side of the body, and about the head. Gas collects under the skin in some instances. This comes from a local inoculation with an organism which produces a fermentation beneath the skin and causes the liberation of gas which inflates the skin, or the gas may be air that enters through a wound penetrating some air-containing organ, as the lungs. The condition here de- scribed is known as emphysema. Emphysema may follow the frac- ture of a rib when the end of a bone is forced inward and caused to penetrate the lung, or it may occur, when, as a result of an ulcerat- ing process, an organ containing air is perforated. This accident is more common in cattle than it is in horses. Emphysema is recog- nized by the fact that the swelling that it causes is not hot or sensi- tive on pressure. It emits a peculiar crackling sound when it is stroked or pressed upon. Wounds of the skin may be of importance in the diagnosis of internal disease. Wounds over the bony prominence, as the point of the hip, the point of the shoulder, and the greatest convexity of the ribs, occurs when a horse is unable to stand for a long time and, through continually lying upon his side, has shut off the circulation to the portion of the skin that covers parts of the body that carry the greatest weight, and in this way has caused them to mortify. Little, round, soft, doughlike swellings occur on the skin and may be scattered freely over the surface of the body when the horse is EXAMINATION OF A SICK HORSE. 15 afflicted with urticaria. Similar eruptions, but distributed less gen- erally, about the size of a silver dollar, may occur as a symptom of dourine, or colt distemper. Hard lumps, from which radiate welt- like swellings of the lymphatics, occur in glanders, and blisterlike eruptions occur around the mouth and pasterns in horsepox. THE ORGANS OF CIRCULATION. The first item in this portion of the examination consists in taking the pulse. The pulse may be counted and its character may be de- termined at any point where a large artery occupies a situation close to the skin and above a hard tissue, such as a bone, cartilage, or tendon. The most convenient place for taking the pulse of the horse is at the jaw. The external maxillary artery runs from between the jaws, around the lower border of the jawbone and up on the outside of the jawbone to the face. It is located immediately in front of the heavy muscles of the cheek. Its throb can be felt most distinctly just before it turns around the lower border of the jawbone. The balls of the first and second or of the second and third fingers should be pressed lightly on the skin over this artery when its pulsations are to be studied. The normal pulse of the healthy horse varies in frequency as follows : Stallion . 28 to 32 beats per minute. Gelding 33 to 38 beats per minute. Mare 34 to 40 beats per minute. Foal 2 to 3 years old 40 to 50 beats per minute. Foal 6 to 12 months old 45 to 60 beats per minute. Foal 2 to 4 weeks old 70 to 90 beats per minute. The pulse is accelerated by the digestion of rich food, by hot weather, exercise, excitement, and alarm. It is slightly more rapid in the evening than it is in the morning. Well-bred horses have a slightly more rapid pulse than sluggish, cold-blooded horses. The pulse should be regular ; that is, the separate beats should follow each other after intervals of equal length, and the beats should be of equal fullness, or volume. In disease, the pulse may become slower or more rapid than in health. Slowing of the pulse may be caused by old age, great exhaus- tion, or excessive cold. It may be due to depression of the central nervous system, as in dumminess, or be the result of the administra- tion of drugs, such as digitalis or strophantus. A rapid pulse is almost always found in fever, and the more severe the infection and the weaker the heart the more rapid is the pulse. Under these con- ditions, the beats may rise to 80, 90, or even 120 per minute. "When the pulse is above 100 per minute the outlook for recovery is not promising, and especially if this symptom accompanies high tempera- 16 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. tiire or occurs late in an infectious disease. In nearly all of the dis- eases of the heart and in anemia the pulse becomes rapid. The pulse is irregular in diseases of the heart, and especially where the valves are affected. The irregularity may consist in varying inter- vals between the beats or tlie dropping of one or more beats at regu- lar or irregular intervals. The latter condition sometimes occurs in chronic diseases of the brain. The pulse is said to be weak, or soft, when the beats are indistinct, because little blood is forced through the artery by each contraction of the heart. This condition occurs when there is a constriction of the vessels leading from the heart and it occurs in certain infectious and febrile diseases, and is an indication of heart weakness. In examining the heart itself it is necessary to recall that it lies in the anterior portion of the chest slightly to the left of the median line and that it extends from the third to the sixth rib. It extends almost to the breastbone, and a little more than half of the distance between the breastbone and the backbone. In contracting, it rotates slightly on its axis, so that the point of the heart, which lies below, is pressed against the left chest wall at a place immediately above the point of the elbow. The heart has in it four chambers — two in the left and two in the right side. The upper chamber of the left side (left auri- cle) receives the blood as it comes from the lungs, passes it to the lower chamber of the left side (left ventricle) , and from here it is sent with great force (for this chamber has very strong, thick walls) through the aorta and its branches (the arteries) to all parts of the body. The blood returns through the veins to the upper chamber of the right side (right auricle), passes then to the lower chamber of the right side (right ventricle), and from this chamber is forced into the lungs to be oxidized. The openings between the chambers of each side and into the aorta are guarded by valves. If the horse is not too fat, one may feel the impact of the apex of the heart against the chest wall with each contraction of the heart by placing the hand on the left side back of the fifth rib and above the point of the elbow. The thinner and the better bred the horse is the more distinctly this impact is felt. If the animal is excited, or if he has just been exercised, the impact is stronger than when the horse is at rest. If the horse is weak, the impact is reduced in force. The examination of the heart with the ear is an important matter in this connection. Certain sounds are produced by each contraction of the normal heart. It is customary to divide these into two, and to call them the first and second sounds. These two sounds are heard during each pulsation, and any deviation of the normal indicates some alteration in the structure or the functions of the heart. In making this examination, one may apply the left ear over the heavy muscles of the shoulder back of the shoulder joint, and just above the point of EXAMINATION OF A SICK HOKSE. 17 the elbow, or, if the sounds are not heard distinctly, the left fore leg may be drawn forward by an assistant and the right ear placed against the lower portion of the chest wall that is exposed in this manner. The first sound of the heart occurs while the heart muscle is con- tracting and while the blood is being forced from the heart and the valves are rendered taut to prevent the return of the blood from the lower to the upper chambers. The second sound follows quickly after the first and occurs during rebound of blood in the arteries, caus- ing pressure in the aorta and tensions of the valves guarding its open- ing into the left ventricle. The first sound is of a high pitch and is longer and more distinct than the second. Under the influence of disease these sounds may be altered in various ways. It is not profit- able, in a work such as this, to describe the details of these alterations. Those who are interested will find this subject fully discussed in the veterinary text-books. TEMPERATURE. The temperature of the horse is determined roughly by placing the fingers in the mouth or between the thighs or by allowing the horse to exhale against the cheek or back of the hand. In accurate examina- tion, however, these means of determining temperature are not relied upon, but recourse is had to the use of the thermometer. The ther- mometer used for taking the temperature of a horse is a self-register- ing clinical thermometer, similar to that used by physicians, but larger, being from 5 to 6 inches long. The temperature of the animal is measured in the rectum. The normal temperature of the horse varies somewhat under differ- ent conditions. It is higher in the young animal than in the old, and is higher in hot weather than in cold. The weather and exercise de- cidedly influence the temperature physiologically. The normal tem- perature varies from 99.5° to 101° F. If the temperature rises to 302.5° the horse is said to have a low fever ; if the temperature reaches 104° the fever is moderate; if it reaches 106° it is high, and above this point it is regarded as very high. In some diseases, such as tetanus or sunstroke, the temperature goes as high as 108° or 110°. In the ordinary infectious diseases it does not often exceed 106°. A tem- perature of 107.5° and above is very dangerous and must be reduced promptly if the horse is to be saved. THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. In examining this system of organs and their functions it is custom- ary to begin by noting the frequency of the respiratory movements. This point can be determined by observing the motions of the nostrils or of the flanks; on a cold day one can see the condensation of the moisture of the warm air as it comes from the lungs. The normal H. Doc. 795, 59-2 2 18 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. rate of respiration for a healthy horse at rest is from 8 to 16 per min- ute. The rate is faster in young animals than in old, and is increased by work, hot weather, overfilling of the stomach, pregnancy, lying upon the side, etc. Acceleration of the respiratory rate where no physiological cause operates is due to a variety of conditions. Among these is fever ; restricted area of active lung tissue, from filling of por- tions of the lungs with inflammatory exudate, as in pneumonia ; com- pression of the lungs or loss of elasticity; pain in the muscles con- trolling the respiratory movements; excess of carbon dioxide in the blood ; and constriction of the air passages leading to the lungs. Difficult or labored respiration is known as dyspnea. It occurs when it is difficult, for any reason, for the animal to obtain the amount of oxygen that it requires. This may be due to filling of the lungs, as in pneumonia ; to painful movements of the chest, as in rheu- matism or pleurisy ; to tumors of the nose and paralysis of the throat, swellings of the throat, foreign bodies, or weakness of the respiratory passages, fluid in the chest cavity, adhesions between the lungs and chest walls, loss of elasticity of the lungs, etc. Where the difficulty is great the accessory muscles of respiration are brought into play. In great dyspnea the horse stands with his front feet apart, with his neck straight out, and his head extended upon his neck. The- nostrils are widely dilated, the face has an anxious expression, the eyeballs protrude, the up-and-down motion of the larynx is aggravated, the amplitude of the movement of the chest walls increased, and the flanks heave. The expired air is of about the temperature of the body. It con- tains considerable moisture, and it should come with equal force from each nostril and should not have an unpleasant odor. If the stream of air from one nostril is stronger than from the other, there is an in- dication of an obstruction in a nasal chamber. If the air possesses a bad odor, it is usually an indication of putrefaction of a tissue or secretion in some part of the respiratory tract. A bad odor is found where there is necrosis of the bone in the nasal passages or in chronic catarrh. An ulcerating tumor of the nose or throat may cause the breath to have an offensive odor. The most offensive breath occurs where there is necrosis, or gangrene, of the lungs. In some diseases there is a discharge from the nose. In order to determine the significance of the discharge it should be examined closely. One should ascertain whether it comes from one or both nostrils. If but from one nostril, it probably originates in the head. The color should be noted. A thin, watery discharge may be com- posed of serum, and it occurs in the earlier stages of coryza, or nasal catarrh. An opalescent, slightly tinted discharge is composed of mucus and indicates a little more severe irritation. If the discharge is sticky and pus-like, a deeper difficulty or more advanced irritation EXAMINATION OF A SICK HORSE, 19 is indicated. If the discharge contains flakes and chimps of more or less dried, agglutinated particles, it is probable that it originates within a cavity of the head, as the sinuses or guttural pouches. The discharge of glanders is of a peculiar sticky nature and adlieres tenaciously to the wings of the nostrils. The discharge of pneumonia is of a somewhat red or reddish brown color, and, on this account, has been described as a 23rune- juice discharge. The discharge may contain blood. If the blood appears as clots or as streaks in the dis- charge, it probably originates at some point in the upper part of the respiratory tract. If the blood is in the form of a fine froth, it comes from the lungs. In examining the interior of the nasal passage one should remem- ber that the normal color of the mucous membrane is a rosy pink and that its surface is smooth. If ulcers, nodules, swellings, or tumors are found, these indicate disease. The ulcer that is characteristic of glanders is described fully in connection with the discussion of that disease. Between the lower jaws there are several clusters of lympathic glands. These glands are so small and so soft that it is difficult to find them by feeling through the skin, but when a suppurative dis- ease exists in the upper part of the respiratory tract these glands become swollen and easy to feel. They may become soft and break down and discharge as abscesses; this is seen constantly in strangles. On the other hand, they may become indurated and hard from the proliferation of connective tissue and attach themselves to the jaw- bone, to the tongue, or to the skin. This is seen in chronic glanders. If the glands are swollen and tender to pressure, it indicates that the disease causing the enlargement is acute; if they are hard and insen- sitive, the disease causing the enlargement is chronic. The manner in which the horse coughs is of importance in diagno- sis. The cough is a forced expiration, following immediately upon a forcible separation of the vocal cords. The purpose of the cough is to remove some irritant substance from the respiratory passages, and it occurs when irritant gases, such as smoke, ammonia, sulphur vapor, or dust, have been inhaled. It occurs from inhalation of cold air if the respiratory passages are sensitive from disease. In laryngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, cough is very easily excited and occurs merely from accimiulation of mucus and inflammatory product upon the irritated respiratory mucous membrane. If one wishes to deter- mine the character of the cough, it can easily be excited by pressing upon the larynx with the thumb and finger. The larynx should be pressed from side to side and the pressure removed the moment the horse commences to cough. A painful cough occurs in pleurisy, also in laryngitis, bronchitis, and bronchial pneumonia. Pain is shown by the effort the animal exerts to repress the cough. The cough is not painful, as a rule, in the chronic diseases of the respiratory tract. 20 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. The force of the cough is considerable when it is not especially pain- ful and when the lungs are not seriously involved. When the lungs are so diseased that they can not be filled with a large volume of air, and in heaves, the cough is weak, as it is also in weak, debilitated animals. If mucus or pus is coughed out, or if the cough is accom- panied by a gurgling sound, it- is said to be moist; it is dry wlien these characteristics are not present — that is, when the air in passing out passes over surface not loaded with secretion. In the examination of the chest we resort to percussion and aus- cultation. When a cask or other structure containing air is tapped upon, or percussed, a hollow sound is given forth. If the cask con- tains fluid, the sound is of a dull and of quite a different character. Similarly, the amount of air contained in the lungs can be estimated by tapping upon, or percussing, the walls of the chest. Percussion is practiced with the fingers alone or with the aid of a special percussion hammer and an object to strike upon known as a pleximeter. If the fingers are used, the middle finger of the left hand should be pressed firmly against the side of the horse and should be struck with the ends of the fingers of the right hand bent at a right angle so as to form a hammer. The percussion hammer sold by instrument makers is made of rubber or has a rubber tip, so that when the pleximeter, which is placed against the side, is struck the impact will not be accompanied by a noise. After experience in this method of exami- nation one can determine with a considerable degree of accuracy whether the lung contains a normal amount of air or not. If, as in pneumonia, air has been displaced by inflammatory product occupy- ing the air space, or if fluid collects in the lower part of the chest, the percussion sound becomes dull. If, as in emphysema or in pneu- mothorax, there is an excess of air in the chest cavity, the percussion sound becomes abnormally loud and clear. Auscultation consists in the examination of the lungs with the oar applied closely to the chest wall. As the air goes in and out of the lungs a certain soft sound is made which can be heard distinctly, especially upon inspiration. This sound is intensified by anything that accelerates the rate of respiration, such as exercise. This soft, rustling sound is known as vesicular murmur, and wherever it is heard it signifies that the lung contains air and is functionally active. The vesicular murmur is weakened when there is an inflammatory infiltration of the lung tissue or when the lungs are compressed by fluid in the chest cavity. The vesicular murmur disappears when air is excluded by the accumulation of inflammatory product, as in pneu- monia, and when the lungs are compressed by fluid in the chest cavity. The vesicular murmur becomes rough and harsh in the early stages of inflammation of the lungs, and this is often the first sign of the beginning of pneumonia. EXAMINATION OF A SICK HOKSE. 21 By applying the ear over the lower part of the windpipe in front of the breastbone a somewhat harsh, blowing sound may be heard. This is known as the bronchial murmur and is heard in normal conditions near the lower part of the trachea and to a limited extent in the ante- rior portions of the lungs after sharp exercise. When the bronchial murmur is heard over other portions of the lungs, it may signify that the lungs are more or less solidified by disease and the blowing bron- chial murmur is transmitted through this solid lung to the ear from a distant part of the chest. The bronchial murmur in an abnormal place signifies that there exists pneumonia or that the lungs are com- pressed by fluid in the chest cavity. Additional sounds are heard in the lungs in some diseased condi- tions. For example, when fluid collects in the air passages and the air is forced through it or is caused to pass through tubes containing secretions or pus. Such sounds are of a gurgling or bubbling nature and are known as mucous rales. Mucous rales are spoken of as being large or small as they are distinct or indistinct, depending upon the quantity of fluid that is present and the size of the tube in which this sound is produced. Mucous rales occur in pneumonia after the solid- ified parts begin to break down at the end of the disease. They occur in bronchitis and in tuberculosis, where there is an excess of secretion. Sometimes a shrill sound is heard, like the note of a whistle, fife, or flute. This is due to a dry constriction of the bronchial tubes and it is heard in chronic bronchitis and in tuberculosis. A friction sound is heard in pleurisy. This is due to the rubbing together of roughened surfaces, and the sound produced is similar to a dry rubbing sound that is caused by rubbing the hands together or by rubbing upon each other two dry, rough pieces of leather. THE EXAMINATION OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. The first point in connection with the examination of the organs of digestion is the appetite and the manner of taking food and drink. A healthy animal has a good appetite. Loss of appetite does not point to a special diseased condition, but comes from a variety of causes. Some of these causes, indeed, may be looked upon as being physio- logical. Excitement, strange surroundings, fatigue, and hot weather may all cause loss of appetite. Where there is cerebral depression, fever, profound weakness, disorder of the stomach, or mechanical difficulty in chewing or swallowing, the appetite is diminished or destroyed. Sometimes there is an appetite or desire to eat abnormal things, such as dirty bedding, roots of grass, soil, etc. This desire usually comes from a chronic disturbance of nutrition. Thirst is diminished in a good many mild diseases unaccompanied by distinct fever. It is seen where there is great exhaustion or depres- sion or profound brain disturbance. Thirst is increased after pro- 22 ' DISEASES OF THE HORSE. fuse sweating, in diabetes, diarrhea, in fever, at the crisis of infec- tious diseases, and when the mouth is dry and hot. Some diseases of the mouth or throat make it dif&cult for the horse to chew or swallow his food. TV^iere difficulty in this respect is expe- rienced, the following-named conditions should be borne in mind and carefully looked for : Diseases of the teeth, consisting in decay, frac- ture, abscess formation, or overgrowth; inflanmaatory conditions, or wounds or tumors of the tongue, cheeks, or lips ; paralysis of the mus- cles of chewing or swallowing; foreign bodies in upper part of the mouth between the molar teeth; inflammation of throat. Difficulty in swallowing is sometimes shown by the symptom known as " quid- ding." Quidding consists in dropping from the mouth well-chewed and insalivated boluses of food. A mouthful of hay, for example, after being ground and masticated, is carried to the back part of the mouth. The horse then finds that from tenderness of the throat, or from some other cause, swallowing is difficult or painful, and the bolus is then dropped from the mouth. Another quantity of hay is similarly prepared, only to be dropped in turn. Sometimes quidding is due to a painful tooth, the bolus being dropped from the mouth when the tooth is struck and during the pang that follows. Quid- ding may be practiced so persistently that a considerable pile of boluses of food accumulate in the manger or on the floor of the stall. In pharyngitis one of the symptoms is a return through the nOse of fluid that the horse attempts to swallow. In some brain diseases, and particularly in chronic internal hydro- cephalus, the horse has a most peculiar manner of swallowing and of taking food. A similar condition is seen in hyperemia of the brain. In eating the horse will sink his muzzle into the grain in the feed box and eat for a while without raising the head. Long pauses are made while the food is in the mouth. Sometimes the horse will eat very rapidly for a little while and then slowly; the jaws may be brought together so forcibly that the teeth gnash. In eating hay the horse will stop at times with hay protruding from the mouth and stand stuj^idly, as though he has forgotten what he was about. In examining the mouth one should first look for swellings or for evidence of abnormal conditions upon the exterior-; that is, the front and sides of the face, the jaws, and about the muzzle. By this means wounds, fractures, tumors, abscesses, and disease accompanied by eruptions about the muzzle may be detected. The interior of the mouth is examined by holding the head up and inserting the fingers through the interdental space in such a way as to cause the mouth to open. The mucous membrane should be clean and of a light-pink color, excepting on the back of the tongue, where the color is a yel- lowish gray. As abnormalities of this region, the chief are diffuse inflammation, characterized by redness and catarrhal discharge ; local EXAMINATION OF A SICK HOKSE. 23 inflammation, as from eruptions, ulcers, or wounds; necrosis of the lower jawbone in front of the first back tooth; and swellings. For- eign bodies are sometimes found embedded in the mucous membrane lining of the mouth or lodged between the teeth. The examination of the pharynx and of the esophagus is made chiefly by pressing upon the skin covering these organs in the region of the throat and along the left side of the neck in the jugular gutter. Sometimes, when a more careful examination is necessary, an esoph- ageal tube or probang is passed through the nose or mouth down the esophagus to the stomach. Vomiting is an act consisting in the expulsion of all or part of the contents of the stomach through the mouth or nose. This act is more diiRcult for the horse than for most of the other domestic animals, because the stomach of the horse is small and does not lie on the floor of the abdominal cavity, so that the abdominal walls in contracting do not bring pressure to bear upon it so directly and forcibly, as is the case in many other animals. Beside this, there is a loose fold of mucous membrane at the point where the esophagus enters the stom- ach, and this forms a sort of valve which does not interfere with the passage of food into the stomach, but does interfere with the exit of food through the esoj)hageal opening. Still, vomiting is a symptom that is occasionally seen in the horse. It occurs when the stomach is very much distended with food or with gas. Distention stretches the mucous membrane and eradicates the valvular fold referred to, and also makes it possible for more pressure to be exerted upon the stom- ach through the contraction of the abdominal muscles. Since the distention to permit vomiting must be extreme, it not infrequently happens that it leads to rupture of the stomach walls. This has caused the impression in the minds of some that vomiting can not occur in the horse without rupture of the stomach, but this is incor- rect, since many horses vomit and afterwards become entirely sound. Aiter rupture of the stomach has occurred vomiting is impossible. In examination of the abdomen one should remember that its size depends largely upon the breed, sex, and conformation of the animal, and also upon the manner in which the animal has been fed and the use to which it has been put. A pendulous abdomen may be the result of an abdominal tumor or of an accumulation of fluid in the abdom- inal cavity; or, on the other hand, it may merely be an indication of pregnancy, or of the fact that the horse has been fed for a long time on bulky and innutritions food. Pendulous abdomen occurring in a work horse kept on a concentrated diet is an abnormal condi- tion. The abdomen may increase suddenly in volume from accu- mulation of gas in tympanic colic. The abdomen becomes small and the horse is said to be " tucked up " from long-continued poor appe- tite, as in diseases of the digestive tract and in fever. This condi- 24 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. tion also occurs in tetanus from the contraction of the abdominal walls and in diarrhea from emptiness. In applying the ear to the flank, on either the right or left side, certain bubbling sounds may be heard that are known as peristaltic sounds, because theiy are produced by peristalsis, or wormlike con- traction of the intestines. These sounds are a little louder on the right side than on the left on account of the fact that the large intes- tines lie in the right flaiik. Absence of peristaltic sounds is always an indication o'f disease, and suggests exhaustion or paralysis of the intestines. This may occur in certain kinds of colic and is an un- favorable symptom. Increased sounds are heard where the intes- tines are contracted more violently than in health, as in spasmodic colic, and also where there is an excess of fluid or gas in the intestinal canal. The feces show, to a certain extent, the thoroughness of digestion. They should show that the food has been well ground, and should, in the horse, be free from offensive odor or coatings of mucus. A coat- ing of mucus shows intestinal catarrh. Blood on the feces indicates severe inflammation. Very light color and bad odor may come from inactive liver. Parasites are sometimes in the dung. Rectal examination consists in examination of the organs of the pelvic cavity and posterior portion of the abdominal cavity by the hand inserted into the rectum. This examination should be attempted by a veterinarian only, and is useless except to one who has a good knowledge of the anatomy of the parts concerned. THE EXAMINATION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. The great brain, or cerebrum, is the seat of intelligence, and it con- tains the centers that control motion in many parts of the body. The front portion of the brain is believed to be the region that is most important in governing the intelligence. The central and posterior portions of the cerebrum contain the centers for the voluntary motions of the face and of the front and hind legs. The growth of a tumor or an inflammatory change in the region of a center governing the motion of a certain part of the body has the effect of disturbing motion in that part by causing excessive contraction known as cramps, or inability of the muscles to contract, constituting the condition known as paralysis. The nerve paths from the cerebrum, and hence from these centers to the spinal cord and thence to the muscles, pass beneath the small brain, or the cerebellum, and through the medulla oblongata to the spinal cord. Interference with these paths has the effect of disturbing motion of the parts reached by them. If all of the paths on one side are interfered with, the result is paralysis of one side of the body. The small brain, or cerebellum, governs the regularity, or coordi- EXAMINATION OF A SICK HORSE. 25 nation, of movements. Disturbances of the cerebellum cause a totter- ing, uncertain gait. In the medulla oblongata, which lies between the spinal cord and the cerebellum, are the centers governing the circula- tion and breathing. The spinal cord carries sensory messages to the brain and motor impressions from the brain. The anterior portions of the cord con- tain the motor paths, and the posterior portions of the cord contain the sensory paths. Paralysis of a single member or a single group of muscles is known as monoplegia and results from injury to the motor center or to a nerve trunk leading to the part that is involved. Paralysis of one- half of the body is known as hemiplegia and results from destruction or severe disturbances of the cerebral hemisphere of the opposite side of the body or from interference with nerve paths between the cere- bellum, or small brain, and the spinal cord. Paralysis of the poste- rior half of the body is known as paraplegia and results from de- rangement of the spinal cord. If the cord is pressed upon, cut, or injured, messages can not be transmitted beyond that point, and so the posterior part becomes paralyzed. This is seen when the back is fractured. Abnormal mental excitement may be due to congestion of the brain or to inflammation. The animal so afflicted becomes vicious, pays no attention to commands, cries, runs about in a circle, stamps with the feet, strikes, kicks, etc. This condition is usually followed by a dull, stupid state, in which the animal stands with his head down, dull and irresponsive to external stimuli. Cerebral depression also occurs in the severe febrile infectious diseases, in chronic hydrocephalus, in chronic diseases of the liver, in poisoning with a narcotic substance, and with chronic catarrh of the stomach and intestines. Fainting is a symptom that is not often seen in horses. When it occurs it is shown by unsteadiness of gait, tottering, and, finally, in- ability to stand; The cause usually lies in a defect of the small brain, or cerebellum. This defect may be merely in respect of the blood supply, to congestion, or to anemia, and in this case it is likely to pass away and may never return, or it may be due to some permanent cause, as a tumor or an abscess, or it may result from a hemorrhage, from a defect of the valves of the heart, or from poisoning. Loss of consciousness is known as coma. It is caused by hemor- rhage in the brain, by profound exhaustion, or may result from a saturation of the system with the poison of some disease. Coma may follow upon cerebral depression, which occurs as a secondary state of inflammation of the brain. Where the sensibility of a part is increased the condition is known as hyperesthesia, and where it is lost — that is, where there is no feel- ing or knowledge of pain — the condition is known as anesthesia. The 26 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. former usually accompanies some chronic diseases of the spinal cord or the earlier stages of irritation of a nerve trunk. Hyperesthesia is difficult to detect in a nervous, irritable animal, and sometimes even in a horse of less sensitive temperament. An irritable, sensitive spot may be found surrounded by skin that is not sensitive to pressure. This is sometimes a symptom of beginning of inflammation of the brain. Anesthesia occurs in connection with cerebral and sj^inal paralysis, section of a nerve trunk leading to a part, in severe mental depression, and in narcotic poisoning. URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS. In considering the examination of the urinary and sexual organs yve may consider, at the beginning, a false impression that j)revails to an astonishing extent. Many horsemen are in the habit of pressing upon the back of a horse over the loins or of sliding the ends of the fingers along on either side of the median line of this region. If the horse depresses his back it is at once said " his kidneys are weak." Nothing could be more absurd or further from the truth. Any healthy horse — any horse with normal sensation and with a normally flexible back — will cause it to sink when manipulated in this way. If the kidneys are inflamed and sensitive, the back is held more rigidly and is not depressed under this pressure. To examine the kidneys by pressure the pressure should be brought to bear over these organs. The kidneys lie beneath the ends of the transverse processes of the vertebrae of the loins and beneath the hind- most ribs. If the kidneys are actually inflamed and especially sensi- tive, pressure or light blows applied here may cause the horse to shrink. The physical examination of the sexual and generative organs is made in large part through the rectum, and this portion of the exami- nation should be carried out by a veterinarian only. By this means it is possible to discover or locate cysts of the kidneys, urinary calculi in the ureters, bladder, or upper urethra, malformations, and acute inflammations accompanied by pain. The external genital organs are swollen, discolored, or show a discharge as a result of local disease or from disease higher in the tract. The manner of urinating is sometimes of considerable diagnostic importance. Painful urination is shown by frequent attempts, dur- ing which but a small quantity of urine is passed; by groaning, by constrained attitude, etc. This condition comes from inflammation of the bladder or urethra, urinary calculi (stones of the bladder or urethra), hemorrhage, tumors, bruises, etc. The urine is retained from spasms of the muscle at the neck of the bladder, from calculi, inflammatory growths, tumors, and paralysis of the bladder. The urine dribbles without control when the neck of the bladder is weakened or paralyzed. This condition is seen after the bladder is EXAMINATION OF A SICK HOUSE. 27 weakened from long-continued retention and where there is a partial paralysis of the hind quarters. Horses usually void urine five to seven times a day, and f>ass from 4 to 7 quarts. Disease may be shown by increase in the number of voidings or of the quantity. Frequent urination indicates an irri- table or painful condition of the bladder or urethra or that the quan- tity is excessive. In one form of chronic inflammation of the kidneys (interstitial nephritis) and in polyuria the quantity may be increased to 20 or 30 quarts daily. Diminution in the quantity of urine comes from profuse sweating, diarrhea, high fever, weak heart, diseased and nonsecreting kidneys, or an obstruction to the flow. The urine of the healthy horse is a pale or at tunes a slightly red- dish yellow. The color is less intense when the quantity is large, and is more intense when the quantity is diminished. Dark-brown urine is seen in azoturia and in severe acute muscular rheumatism. A brownish-green color is seen in jaundice. Red color indicates admix- ture of blood from a bleeding point at some j)art of the urinary tract, usually in the kidneys. The urine of the healthy horse is not clear and transparent. It contains mucus, which causes it to be slightly thick and stringy, and a certain amount of undissolved carbonates, causing it to be cloudy. A sediment collects when the urine is allowed to stand. The urine'of the horse is normally alkaline. If it becomes acid the bodies in sus- pension are dissolved and the urine is made clear. The urine may be unusually cloudy from the addition of abnormal constituents, but to determine their character a chemical or microscopic examination is necessary. Red or reddish flakes or clumps in the urine are always abnormal, and denote a hemorrhage or suppuration in the urinary tract. The normal specific gravity of the urine of the horse is about 1.040. It is increased when the urine is scanty and decreased when the quantity is excessive. Acid reaction of the urine occurs in chronic intestinal catarrh, in high fever, and during starvation. Chemical and microscopic tests and examinations are often of great importance in diagnosis, but ^ require special apparatus and skill. Other points in the examination of a sick horse require more discus- sion than can be afforded in this connection, and require special train- ing on the part of the examiner. Among such points may be men- tioned the examination of the organs of special sense, the examination of the blood, the microscopic examination of the secretions and excre- tions, bacteriological examinations of the secretions, excretions, and tissues, specific reaction tests, and diagnostic inoculation. METHODS OF ADMINISTERING MEDICINES. By Ch. B. Michener, V. S. [Revised in 1903 by Leonard Pearson, B. S.. V. M. D.] Medicine may enter the body through any of the following desig- nated channels: First, by the mouth; second, by the air passages; third, by the skin; fourth, by the tissue beneath the skin (hypodermic methods) ; fifth, by the rectum; sixth, by the genito-urinary passages; and, seventh, by the blood (intravenous injections). (1) By THE MOUTH. — Mediciucs can be given by the mouth in the form of solids, as powders or pills ; liquids, and pastes, or electuaries. Solids administered as powders should be as finely pulverized as possible, in order to secure rapid solution and absorption. Their action is in this way facilitated and intensified. Powders must be free from any irritant or caustic action upon the mouth. Those that are without any disagreeable taste or smell are readily eaten with the feed or taken in the drinking water. When placed with the feed they should first be dissolved or suspended in water and thus sprinkled on the feed. If mixed dry the horse will often leave the medicine in the bottom of his manger. Nonirritant powders may be given in capsules, as balls are given. Pills, or "5aZZs," when properly made, are cylindrical in shape, 2 inches in length and about three-fourths of an inch in diameter. They should be fresh, but if necessary to keep them some time they should be made up with glycerin, or some such agent, to prevent their becoming too hard. Very old, hard balls are sometimes passed whole with the manure without being acted upon at all. Paper is sometimes wrapped around balls when given, if they are so sticky as to adhere to the fingers or the balling gun. Paper used for this pur- pose should be thin but firm, as the tougher tissue papers. Balls are preferred to drenches when the medicine is extremely disagreeable or nauseating ;• when the dose is not too large ; when the horse is difficult to drench ; or when the medicine is intended to act slowly. Certain medicines can not or should not be made into balls, as medicines requiring to be given in large doses, oils, caustic substances, unless in small dose and diluted and thoroughly mixed with the vehicle, deli- quescent, or efflorescent salts. Substances suitable for balls can be made up by the addition of honey, sirup, soap, etc., when required 28 METHODS OF ADMINISTERING MEDICINES. 29 for immediate use. Gelatin capsules of different sizes are now obtain- able and are a convenient means of giving medicines in ball form. Liquids may be given as drenches when the dose is large, or they may, when but a small quantity is administered, be injected into the mouth with a hard-rubber syringe or be poured upon the tongue from a small phial. Pastes, or electuaries^ are medicines mixed with licorice-root pow- der, gi'ound flaxseed, molasses, or sirup to the consistency of honey, or a " soft solid." They are intended, chiefly, to act locally upon the mouth and throat. They are given by being spread upon the tongue, gums, or teeth with a wooden paddle or strong long-handled spoon. When balls are to be given we should observe the following direc- tions: In shape they should be cylindrical, of the size above men- tioned, and soft enough to be easily compressed by the fingers. If made round or egg-shaped, if too long or too hard, they are liable to become fixed in the gullet and cause choking. Balls may be given with the " balling gun " (obtainable at any veterinary instrument maker's) or by the hand. If given by the hand a mouth speculum or gag may be used to prevent the animal from biting the hand or crush- ing the ball. Always loosen the horse before attempting to give a ball; if tied he may break his halter and injure himself or the one giving the ball. With a little practice it is much easier to give a ball without the mouth gag, as the horse always fights more or less against having his mouth forced open. The tongue must be firmly grasped with the left hand and gently pulled forward ; the ball, slightly moist- ened, is then to be placed with the tips of the fingers of the right hand as far back into the mouth as possible ; as the tongue is loosened it is drawn back into the mouth and carries the ball backward with it. The mouth should be kept closed for a minute or two. We should always have a pail of water at hand to offer the horse after balling. This precaution will often prevent him from coughing out the ball or its becoming lodged in the gullet. It is, very often, impossible to get balls properly made, or to induce owners or attendants to attempt to give them, and for these reasons medicines by the mouth are mostly given in the form of liquids. When medicine is to be given as a drench we must be careful to use enough water or oil to dissolve or dilute it thoroughly ; more than this makes the drench bulky and is unnecesary. Insoluble medicines, if not irritant or corrosive, may be given simply suspended in water, the bottle to be well shaken immediately before giving the drench. The bottle used for drenching purposes should be clean, strong, and smooth about its neck ; it should be without shoulders, tapering, and of a size to suit the amount to be given. A horn or tin bottle may be better, because they are not so easily broken by the teeth. If the dose is a small one the horse's head may be held up by the left hand, while 30 DISEASES OF THE HORSE, the medicine is poured into the mouth by the right. The left thumb is to be placed in the angle of the lower jaw, and the fingers spread out in such a manner as to support the lower lip. Should the dose be large, the horse ugly, or the attendant unable to support the head as directed above, the head is then to be held up by running the tines of a long-handled wooden fork under the noseband of the halter or the halter strap or a rope may be fastened to the noseband and thrown over a limb, beam, or through a pulley suspended from the ceiling. Another way of supporting the head is to place a loop in the end of a rope, and introduce this loop into the mouth just behind the upper front teeth or tusks of the upper jaw, the free end to be run through a pulley, as before described, and held by an assistant. It is never to be fastened, as the horse might in that case do himself serious injury. The head is to be elevated just enough to prevent the horse from throwing the liquid out of his mouth. The line of the face should be horizontal, or only the least bit higher. If the head is drawn too high the animal can not swallow with ease or even with safety, ( If this is doubted, just fill your mouth with water, throw back the head as far as possible, and then try to swallow.) The person giving the drench should stand on some object in order to reach the horse's mouth — on a level, or a little above it. The bottle or horn is then to be intro- duced at the side of the mouth, in front of the molar teeth, in an upward direction. This will cause the horse to open his mouth, when the base of the bottle is to be elevated, and about 4 ounces of the liquid allowed to escape on the tongue as far back as possible, care being taken not to get the neck of the bottle between the back teeth. The bottle is to be immediately removed, and if the horse does not swallow this can be encouraged by rubbing the fingers or neck of the bottle against the roof of the mouth, occasionally removing them. As soon as this is swallowed repeat the operation until he has taken all the drench. If coughing occurs, or if, by any mishap, the bottle should be crushed in the mouth, lower the head immediately. Do not rub, pinch, or pound the throat nor draw out the tongue when giving a drench. These processes in no way aid the horse to swallow and oftener do harm than good. In drenching, swallowing may be hastened by pouring into the nose of the horse, while the head is high, a few teaspoonfuls of clean water, but drenches must never he given through the nose. Large quantities of medicine given by pour- ing into the nose are liable to strangle the animal, or, if the medicine is irritating, it sets up an inflammation of the nose, fauces, windpipe, and sometimes the lungs. Cattle are easily drenched by holding them by the nose with the left hand, while the medicine is poured into the mouth with the right. Balls are not to be given to cattle, for they are likely to become METHODS OF ADMINISTERING MEDICINES. 31 embedded in the great mass of food in the stomach and act tardily if at all. (2) Medicines are administered to the lungs and upper air passages by insufflation, inhalation, injection, and nasal douche. Insufflation consists of blowing an impalpable powder directly into the nose. It is but rarely resorted to. Gaseous and volatile medicines a^e given by inhalation^ as is also medicated steam, or vapor. Of the gases used there may be men- tioned, as the chief ones, sulphurous acid gas and, occasionally, chlo- rine. The animal or animals are to be placed in a tight room, where these gases are generated until the atmosphere is sufficiently impreg- nated with them. Volatile medicines — as the anesthetics (ether, chlo- roform, etc.) — are to be given by the attending surgeon only. Medi- cated vapors are to be inhaled by placing a bucket containing hot water, vinegar and water, scalded hay or bran, to which carbolic acid, iodine, creolin, compound tincture of benzoin, or other medicines have been added, in the bottom of a long grain bag. The horse's nose is to be inserted into the top of the bag, and he thus inhales the " medicated steam." Care must be taken not to have this hot enough to scald the animal. The vapor from scalding bran or hay is often thus inhaled to favor discharges in sore throat or " distemper." Injections are made into the trachea by means of a hypodermic syringe. This method of medication is used for the purpose of treat- ing local diseases of the trachea and upper bronchial tubes. It has also been used as a mode of administering remedies for their constitu- tional effect, but is now rarely used for this purpose. The nasal douche is employed by the veterinarian in treating some local diseases of the nasal chambers. Special appliances and profes- sional knowledge are necessary when using liquid medicines by this method. It is not often resorted to, even by veterinary surgeons, since, as a rule, the horse objects very strongly to this mode of medi- cation. (3) By the SKIN. — ^Medicines are often administered to our hair- covered animals by the skin, yet care must be taken in applying some medicines — as tobacco water, carbolic-acid solutions, strong creolin solutions, mercurial ointment, etc. — over the entire body, as poison- ing and death follow in some instances from absorption through the skin. For the same reasons care must also be exercised and poisonous medicines not applied over very large raw or abraded surfaces. With domestic animals medicines are only to be applied by the skin to allay local pain or cure local disease. (4) By the tissue beneath the skin (hypodermi^tic iviethod). — Medicines are frequently given by the hypodermic syringe under the skin. It is not safe for any but medical or veterinary practitioners 32 DISEASES OF THE HORSE to use this form of medication, since the medicines thus given are pow- erful poisons. There are many precautions to be observed, and a knowledge of anatomy is indispensable. One of the chief precautions has to do with the sterilization of the syringe. If it is not sterile an abscess may be produced. (5) By the rectum. — Medicines may be given by the rectum when they can not be given by the mouth, or when they are not retained in the stomach ; when we want a local action on the last gut ; when it is desired to destroy the small worms infesting the large bowels or to stimulate the peristaltic motion of the intestines and cause evacuation. Medicines are in such cases given in the form of suppositories or as liquid injections (enemas). Foods may also be given in this way. Suppositories are conical bodies made up of oil of theobroma and opium (or whatever medicine is indicated in special cases), and are introduced into the rectum or vagina to allay irritation and pain of these parts. They are not much used in treating horses. Enemas, when given for absorption, should be small in quantity, neutral or slightly acid in reaction, and of a temperature of from 90° to 100° F. These, like foods given by the rectum, should be intro- duced only after the last bowel has been emptied by the hand or by copious injections of tepid water. Enemas, or clysters, if to aid the action of physics, should be in quantities sufficient to distend the bowel and cause the animal to eject them. Simple water, salt and water, or soap and water, in quantities of a gallon or more, may be given every half hour. It is best that the horse retain them for some little time, as the liquid serves to moisten the dung and favor a pas- sage. Stimulating enemas^ as glycerin, should be administered after those already mentioned have emptied the last bowel, with the pur- pose of still further increasing the natural motion of the intestines and aiding the purging medicine. Liquids may be thrown into the rectum by the means of a large syringe or a pump. A very good " irrigator " can be bought of any tinsmith at a trifling cost, and should be constantly at hand on every stock farm. It consists of a funnel about 6 inches deep and 7 inches in diameter, which is to be furnished with a prolongation to which a piece of rubber hose, such as small garden hose, 4 feet long may be attached. The hose, well oiled, is to be inserted gently into the rec- tum about 2 feet. The liquid to be injected may then be poured in the funnel and the pressure of the atmosphere will force it into the bowels. This appliance is better than the more complicated and expensive ones. Ordinary cold water or even ice-cold water is highly recommended by many as a rectal injection for horses overcome by the excessive heat of summer, and may be given by this simple pipe. METHODS OF ADMINISTERING MEDICINES. 33 (6) By the genito-urinary passages. — This method of medication is especially useful in treating local diseases of the genito-urinary organs. It finds its chief application in the injection and cleansing of the uterus and vagina. For this purpose a large syringe or the irrigator described above may be used. (7) By the blood. — Injections directly into veins are to be prac- ticed by medical or veterinary practitioners only, as are probably some other means of giving medicines — intratracheal injections, etc. II. Doc. 795, 59-2 3 DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. By Ch. B. Michener, V. S. [Revised in 1903 by Leonard Pearson, B. S., V. M. D.] It will not prove an easy task to write " a plain account of the common diseases, with directions for preventive measures, hygienic care, and the simpler forms of medical treatment," of the digestive organs of the horse. This study includes a careful consideration of the food and drink of our animals, their quality, quantity, analyses, etc. This, of itself, is material for a book. Being limited as to space, the endeavor must be made to give simply an outline — to state the most important facts — leaving many gaps, and continually check- ing the disposition to write anything like a full description as to cause, prevention, and modes of treatment of disease. These articles are addressed entirely to farmers and stock owners, and I must ask my professional brethren to bear this in mind when they are disposed to complain of a want of scientific treatment of the subjects. WATER. It is generally held, at least in practice, that any water that stock can be induced to drink is sufficiently pure for their use. This prac- tice occasions losses that would startle us if statistics were at hand. Water that is impure from the presence of decomposing organic mat- ter, such as is found in wells and jDonds in close proximity to manure heaps and cesspools, is frequently the cause of diarrhea, dysentery, and many other diseases of stock, while water that is imj^regnated with different poisons and contaminated with specific media of con- tagion produces death in very many instances. Considering first the quantity of water required by the horse, it may be stated that when our animals have access to water continually they never drink to excess. Were the horse subjected to ship voyages or any other circumstances where he must depend upon his attendant for the supply of water, it may be roughly stated that each horse requires a daily average of about 8 gallons of water. This will vary somewhat upon the character of his food; if upon green food, less water will be needed than when fed upon dry hay and grain. The time of giving water should be carefully studied. At rest, the horse should receive water at least three times a day ; when at work, more frequently. The rule should be to give in small quantities and often. There is a popular fallacy that if a horse is warm he should not be allowed to drink, many claiming that the first swallow of water 34 DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS. 35 " founders " the animal or produces colic. This is erroneo.us. No matter how warm a horse may be, it is always entirely, safe to allow him from six to ten swallows of water. If this is given on going into the stable, he should be given at once a pound or two of hay and allowed to rest about an hour before feeding. If water be now offered him it will in many cases be refused, or at least he will drink but sparingly. The danger, then, is not in the " first swallow " of water, but is due to the excessive quantity that the animal will take when warm if he is not restrained. Water should never be given to horses when it is ice cold. It may not be necessary to add hot water, but we should be careful in placing water troughs about our barns to have them in such position that the sun may shine upon the water during the winter mornings. Water, even though it be thus cold, seldom produces serious trouble if the horse has not been deprived for a too great length of time. In reference to the purity of water, Smith, in his " Veterinary Hy- giene," classes spring water, deep-well water, and upland surface water as wholesome; stored rain water and surface water from culti- vated land, as suspicious; river water to which sewage gains access and shallow-well water, as dangerous. The water that is used for drinking purposes for stock so largely throughout some States can not but be impure. I refer to those sections where there is an imper- vious clay subsoil. It is the custom to scoop, or hollow out, a large basin in the pastures. During rains these basins become filled with water. The clay subsoil, being almost impervious, acts as a jug, and there is no escape for the water except by evaj^oration. Such water is stagnant, but would be kept comparatively fresh by subsequent rains were it not for the fact that much organic matter is carried into it by surface drainage during each succeeding storm. This or- ganic matter soon undergoes decomposition, and, as the result, wc find diseases of different kinds much more prevalent where this water is drunk than where the water supply is wholesome. Again, it must not be lost sight of that stagnant surface water is much more certainly contaminated than is running water by one diseased animal of the herd, thus endangering the remainder. The chief impurities of water may be classified as organic and inorganic. The organic impurities are either animal or vegetable substances. The salts of the metals are the inorganic impurities. Lime causes hardness of water, and occasion will be taken to speak of this when describing intestinal concretions. Salts of lead, iron, and copper are also frequently found in water, and will be referred to hereafter. About the only examination of water that can be made by the aver- age stock raiser is to observe its taste, color, smell, and clearness. Pure water is clear and is without taste or smell. 36 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. Chemical and microscopic examination will frequently be neces- sary in order- to detect the presence of certain poisons, bacteria, etc., and can, of course, be conducted by experts only. FOODS AND FEEDING. In this place one can not attempt anything like a comprehensive discussion of the subject of foods and feeding, and I must content my- self with merely giving a few facts as to the different kinds of food, preparation, digestibility, proper time of feeding, quality, and quan- tit}^ Improper feeding and watering will doubtless account for over one-half of the digestive disorders met with in the horse, and hence the reader can not fail to see how very important it is to have some proper ideas concerning these subjects. KINDS OF FOOD. In this country horses are fed chiefly upon hay, grass, corn fodder, roots, oats, corn, wheat, and rye. Many think that they could be fed on nothing else. Stewart, in " The Stable Book," gives the following extract from Loudon's Encyclopedia of Agriculture, which is of interest at this point : In some sterile countries they [horses] are forced to subsist on dried fish, and even on vegetable mold; in Arabia, on milk, flesh balls, eggs, broth. In India horses are variously fed. The native grasses are judged very nutritious. Few, perhaps no, oats are grown ; barley is rare, and not commonly given to horses. In Bengal a vetch, something like the tare, is used. On the western side of India a sort of pigeon pea, called gram (Ciccr arictinum), forms the ordinary food, with grass while in season, and hay all the year round. Indian com or rice is seldom given. In the West Indies maize, guinea corn, sugar-corn tops, and sometimes molasses are given. In the Mahratta country salt, pepper, and other spices are made into balls, with flour and butter, and these are supposed to produce animation and to fine the coat. Broth made fi'om sheep's head is sometimes given. In France, Spain, and Italy, besides the grasses, the leaves of limes, vines, the tops of acacia, and the seeds of the carob tree are given to horses. For information as to the nutritive value, chemistry, and classifica- tion of the different kinds of food, I will refer the reader to Jordan's or Armsby's book on feeding animals, or to " Smith's Veterinary Hygiene." We can not, however, leave aside entirely here a consideration of the digestibility of foods; and by this we mean the readiness with which foods undergo those changes in the digestive canal that fit them for absorption and deposition as integral parts of the animal economy. The age and health of the animal will, of course, modify the diges- tibility of foods, as will also the manner and time of harvesting, pre- serving, and preparing the foods. In the horse digestion takes place principally in the intestines, and here, as in all other animals and with all foods, it is found that a FOODS AND FEEDING. 37 certain part only of the provender is digested; another portion is indigested. This jDroportion of digested and undigested food must daim passing notice at least, for if the horse receives too much food, or bulky food containing much indigestible waste, a large portion of food must pass out unused, entailing not only the loss of this unused food, but also calling for an unnecessary expenditure of vital force on the part of the digestive organs of the horse. It is thus that, in fact, too much food may make an animal poor. In selecting food for the horse we should remember the anatomical arrangement of the digestive organs, as well as the physiological functions i3erformed by each one of them. Foods must be whole- some, clean, and sweet, the hours of feeding regular, the mode of preparation found by j^ractical experience to be the best must be adhered to, and cleanliness in preparation and administration must be observed. The length of time occupied by stomach digestion in the horse varies with the different foods. Hay and straw pass out of the stom- ach more rapidly than oats. It would seem to follow, then, that oats should be given after hay, for if reversed the hay would cause the oats to be sent onward into the intestines before being fully acted upon by the stomach, and as a result produce indigestion. Experi- ence confirms this. There is another good reason why hay should be given first, particularly if the horse is very hungry or if exhausted from overwork, namely, it requires more time in mastication (insur- ing proper admixture of saliva) and can not be bolted, as are the grains. In either instance water must not be given soon after feed- ing, as it washes or sluices the food from the stomach before it is fitted for intestinal digestion. The stomach begins to empty itself very soon after the commence- ment of feeding, and continues rapidly while eating. Afterwards the passage is slower, and several hours are required before the stom- ach is entirely empty. The nature of the work required of the horse must guide us in the selection of his food. Rapid or severe labor can not be performed on a full stomach. For such labor food must be given in small quantity and about two hours before they go to work. Even horses intended for slow work must never be engorged with bulky, innutritions food immediately before going to labor. The small stomach of the horse would seem to lead us to the conclusion that this animal should be fed in small quantities and often, which, in reality, should be done. The disproportion between the size of the stomach and the amount of water drank tells us plainly that the horse should always be watered before feeding. One of the common errors of feeding, and the one that produces more digestive disorders than any other, is to feed too soon after a hard day''s work. This must never be done. If a horse is completely jaded, it will be found 38 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. beneficial to give him an alcoholic stimulant on going into the stable. A small quantity of hay may then be given, but his grain should be "withheld for one or two hours. These saiVie remarks will apply with equal force to the horse that for any reason has been fasting for a long time. After a fast, feed less than the horse would eat; for if allowed too much the stomach becomes engorged, its walls paralyzed, and " colic " is almost sure to follow. The horse should be fed three or four times a day. It will not answer to feed him entirely upon concentrated food. Bulky food must be given to detain the grains in their passage through the intestinal tract ; bulk also favors distention, and thus mechanically aids absorption. For horses that do slow work for the greater part of the time, chopped or cut hay fed with crushed oats, ground corn, etc., is the best manner of feed- ing, as it gives the required bulk, saves time, and half the labor of feeding. Sudden changes of diet are always dangerous. When desirous of changing the food, do so very gradually. If a horse is accustomed to oats, a sudden change to a full meal of corn will almost always sicken him. If we merely intend to increase the quantity of the usual feed, this also must be done gradually. The quantity of food given must always be in proportion to the amount of labor to be performed. If a horse is to do a small amount of work, or rest entirely from work for a few days, see that he receives a proportionate amount of feed. If this should be observed even on Saturday night and Sunday, there would be fewer cases of " Monday morning sickness," such as colics and lymj)hangitis. Foods should also be of a more laxative nature when the horse is to stand for some days. Musty or moldy foods. — Above all things, avoid feeding musty or moldy foods. These are very frequent causes of disease of different kinds. Lung trouble, such as bronchitis and " heaves," often follows the use of such food. The digestive organs always suffer from moldy or musty foods. Musty hay is generally considered to produce dis- order of the kidneys; and all know of the danger to pregnant ani- mals from feeding upon ergotized grasses or grains. It has often been said to produce that peculiar disease known variously as cere- bro-spinal meningitis, putrid sore throat, or choking distemper. Leaving these somewhat general considerations, I will refer briefly to the different kinds of foods : Hay. — The best hay for horses is timothy. It should be about one year old, of a greenish color, crisp, clean, fresh, and possessing a sweet, pleasant aroma. Even this good hay, if kept for too great a length of time, loses part of its nourishment, and, while it may not be positively injurious, it is hard, dry, and indigestible. New hay is difficult to digest, produces much salivation (slobbering) and occa- FOODS AND FEEDING. 39 sional purging and irritation of the skin. If fed at all, it should be mixed with old hay. Second crop^ or aftermath. — This is not considered good hay for horses, but it is prized by some farmers as a good food for milch cows, the claim being macle that it increases the flow of milk. The value of hay depends upon the time of cutting, as well as care in the curing. Hay should be cut when in full flower, but before the seeds fall ; if left longer, it becomes dry and woody and lacks in nutrition. An essential point in making hay is that when the crop is cut it should remain as short a time as possible in the field. If left too long in the sun it loses color, flavor, and dries or wastes. Smith asserts that one hour more than is necessary in the sun causes a loss of 15 to 20 per cent in the feeding value of hay. It is impossible to state any fixed time that hay must have to cure, this depending, of course, upon the weather, thickness of the crop, and many other cir- cumstances; but it is well known that, in order to preserve the color and aroma of hay, it should be turned or tedded frequently and cured as quickly as possible. On the other hand, hay spoils in the mow if harvested too green, or when not sufficiently dried. Mow- burnt hay produces disorder of the kidneys and bowels and causes the horse to fall off in condition. The average horse on grain should be allowed from 10 to 12 pounds of good hay a day. It is a mistake of many to think that horses at light work can be kept entirely on hay. Such horses soon become pot-bellied, fall off in flesh, and do not thrive. The same is true of colts; unless the latter are fed with some grain they grow up to be long, lean, gawky creatures, and never make as good horses as those accustomed to grain with, or in addition to, their hay. Straw. — The straws are not extensively fed in this country, and when used at all they should be cut and mixed with hay and ground or crushed grain. Wheat, rye, and oat straw are the ones most used, and of these oat straw is most easily digested and contains the most nourishment. Pea and bean straw are occasionally fed to horses, the pea being preferable, according to most writers. Chaff. — Wheat and rye chaff should never be used as a food for horses. The beards frequently become lodged in the mouth or throat and are productive of more or less serious trouble. In the stomach and intestines they often serve as the nucleus of the " soft concre- tions," which are to be described when treating of obstructions of the digestive tract. Oat chaff, if fed in small quantities and mixed with cut hay or corn fodder, is very much relished by horses. It is not to be given in large quantities, as I have repeatedly witnessed a troublesome and sometimes fatal diarrhea following the practice of allowing horses or cattle free access to a pile of oat chaff. 40 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. Grains. — Oats take precedence of all grains as a food for horses, as the ingredients necessary for the comjolete nutrition of the body exist in them in the best proportions. Oats are, besides, more easily digested and a larger proportion absorbed and converted into the various tissues of the body. Care must be taken in selecting oats. According to Stewart, the best oats are one year old, plump, short, hard, clean, bright, and sweet. New oats are indigestible. Kiln- dried oats are to be refused, as a rule, for even though originally good this drying process injures them. Oats that have sprouted or fer- mented are injurious and should never be fed. Oats are to be given either whole or crushed — whole in the majority of instances; crushed to old horses and those having defective teeth. Horses that bolt their feed are also best fed upon crushed oats and out of a manger large enough to permit of spreading the grain in a thin layer. The average horse requires, in addition to the allowance of hay above mentioned, about 12 quarts of good oats daily. The best oats are those cut about one week before being fully ripe. Not only is the grain richer in nutritive materials at this time, but there is also less waste from " scattering " than if left to become dead ripe. Moldy oats, like hay and straw, not only produce serious digestive disorders, but have been the undoubted cause of outbreaks of that dread disease in horses, already referred to, characterized by inability to eat or drink, sudden paralysis, and death. Wheat and rye. — These grains are not to be used as food for horses except in small quantities, bruised or crushed, and fed mixed with other grains or hay. li fed alone, in any considerable quanti- ties, thej^ are almost certain to produce digestive disorders, laminitis (founder), and similar troubles. They should never constitute more than one-fourth of the grain allowance, and should always be ground or crushed. Bran. — The bran of wheat is the one most used, and its value as a feeding stuff is variously estimated. It is not to be depended upon if given alone, but may be fed with other grains. It serves to keep the bowels open. Sour bran is not to be given. It disorders the stomach and intestines and may even produce serious results. Maize (corn). — This grain is not suitable as an exclusive food for young horses, as it is deficient in salts. It is fed whole or ground. Corn on the cob is commonly used as the food for horses affected with " lampas." If the corn is old and is to be fed in this manner it should be soaked in pure, clean water for ten or twelve hours. Corn is bet- ter given ground, and fed in quantities of from 1 to 2 quarts at a meal mixed with crushed oats or wheat bran. Be very particular in giving corn to a horse that is not accustomed to its use. It must be commenced in small quantities and very gradually increased. I PREPAKATICN GF FOODS. 41 know of no grain more likel}^ to produce what is called acute indiges- tion than corn if these directions are not observed. Linseed. — Ground linseed is occasionally fed with other foods to keej) the bowels open and to improve the condition of the skin. It is of particaiar service during convalescence, when the bowels are slug- gish in their action. Linseed tea is very often given in irritable or inflamed conditions of the digestive organs. Potatoes. — These are used as an article of food for the horse in many sections. If fed raw and in large quantities they often produce indigestion. Their digestibility is favored by steaming or boiling. They i^ossess, in common with other roots, slight laxative properties. Beets. — These are not much used as food for horses. Carrots, — These make a most excellent food, particularly during sickness. They improve the appetite and slighth^ increase the action of the bowels and kidneys. They possess also certain alterative prop- erties. The coat becomes smooth and glossy when carrots are fed. Some veterinar}'- writers claim that chronic cough is cured by giving carrots for some time. The roots may be considered, then, as an adjunct to the regular regimen, and if fed in small quantities are highly beneficial. Grasses. — Grass is the natural food of horses. It is composed of a great variety of plants, differing widely as to the amount of nour- ishment contained, some being almost entirely without value as foods and only eaten when there is nothing else obtainable, while others are positively injurious, or even poisonous. None of the grasses are suf- ficient to keep the horse in condition for work. Horses thus fed are " soft," sweat easily, purge, and soon tire on the road or when at hard work. To growing stock grass is indispensable, and there is little or no doubt but that it acts as an alterative when given to horses accustomed to grain and hay. It must be given to such horses in small quantities at first. The stomach and intestines undergo rest, and recuperate if the horse is turned to grass for a time each year. It is also certain that during febrile diseases grass acts almost as a medicine, lessening the fever and favoring recovery. Wounds heal more rapidly than when the horse is on grain, and some chronic dis- orders (chronic cough, for instance) disappear entirely when at grass. In my experience, grass does more good when the horse crops it him- self. This may be due to the sense of freedom he enjoys at pasture, to the rest to his feet and limbs, and for many other similar reasons. When cut for him it should be fed fresh or when but slightly wilted. preparation of foods. Foods are prepared for feeding for any of the following reasons: To render the food more easily eaten ; to make it more digestible ; to economize in amount; to give it some new property; and to pre- 42 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. serve it. We have already spoken of the preparation of drying, and need not revert to this again, as it only serves to preserve the different foods. Drying does, however, change some of the properties of food, i. e., removes the laxative tendency of most of them. The different grains are more easily eaten when ground, crushed, or even boiled. Rye or wheat should never be given whole, and even of corn it is found that there is less waste when ground, and, in common with all grains, it is more easily digested than when fed whole. Hay and fodder are economized when cut in short pieces. Nol only will the horse eat the necessary amount in a shorter time, but it will be found that there is less waste, and the mastication of the grains (whole or crushed) fed with them is insured. Reference has already been made to those horses that bolt their food, and we need only remark here that the consequences of such ravenous eating may be prevented if the grains are fed with cut hay, straw, or fodder. Long or uncut hay should also be fed, even though a certain amount of hay or straw is cut and fed mixed with grain. One objection to feeding cut hay mixed with ground or crushed grains, and wetted, must not be overlooked during the hot months. Such food is apt to undergo fermentation if not fed directly after it is mixed ; and the mixing trough even, unless frequently scalded and cleaned, becomes sour and enough of its scrapings are given with the food to produce flatulent (wind) colic. A small amount of salt should always be mixed with such food. Bad hay should never be cut simply because it insures a greater consumption of it ; bad foods are dear at any price and should never be fed. I have before spoken of the advantage of boiling roots. Not only does this render them less liable to produce digestive disorders, but it also makes them clean. Boiling or steaming grains is to be recom- mended when the teeth are poor, or when the digestive organs are weak. Of ensilage as a food for horses I have no experience, but am inclined to think that (and this opinion is based upon the imperfect manner in which the crop is often stored) disordered digestion would be more frequent were it extensively fed. DISEASES OF THE TEETH.® DentUio7i.— This covers the period during which the young horse is cutting his teeth— from birth to the age of five years. With the horse more difficulty is experienced in cutting the second or per- manent teeth than with the first or milk teeth. There is a tendency among farmers and many veterinarians to pay too little attention^ to the teeth of young horses. Percivall relates an instance illustrative of this that is best told in his own words : I was requested to give my opiuiou conceruiug a horse, then in his fifth year, who had fed so sparingly for the last fortnight, and so rapidly declined In con- « The method of determining the age of a horse by the teeth is illustrated in Plate XLII, p. 564. DISEASES OF THE TEETH. ' 43 dition in consequence, that his owner, a veterinary surgeon, was under no light apprehensions about his life. He had himself examined his mouth without having discovered any defect or disease, though another veterinary surgeon was of opinion that the difficulty or inability manifested in mastication, and the consequent cudding, arose from preternatural bluntness of the surfaces of the molar teeth, which were, in consequence, filed, but without beneficial result. It was after this that I saw the horse, and I confess I was, at my first examina- tion, quite as much at a loss to offer any satisfactory interpretatfbn as others had been. While meditating, however, after my inspection, on the apparently extraordinary nature of the case, it struck me that I had not seen the tusks. I went back into the stable and discovered two little tumors, red and hard, in the situation of the inferior tusks, which, when pressed, gave the animal insuffer- able pain. I instantly took out my pocketkuife and made crucial incisions through them both, down to the coming teeth, from which moment the horse recovered his appetite and, by degrees, his wonted condition. The mouths of young horses should be examined from time to time to see if one or more of the milk teeth are not remaining too long, causing the second teeth to grow in crooked, in which case the first teeth should be removed with the forceps. Irregularities of teeth. — There is quite a fashion of late years, espe- ciall}^ in large cities, to have horses' teeth regularly " floated," or " rasped," b}^ " veterinary dentists." In some instances this is very beneficial, while in most cases it is entirely unnecessary. From the character of the food, the rubbing, or grinding, surface of the horse's teeth should be rough. Still, we must remember that the upper jaw is some^^'hat wider than the lower, and that, from the fact of the teeth not being perfectly apposed, a sharp ridge is left unworn on the inside of the lower molars and on the outside of the upper, which may excoriate the tongue or cheeks to a considerable extent. This condi- tion can readily be felt by the hand, and these sharp ridges when found should be rasped down by a guarded rasp. In some instances the first or last molar tooth is unnaturally long, owing to the fact that its fellow in the opposite jaw has been lost or does not close per- fectly against it. Should it be the last molar that is thus elongated, it will require the aid of the veterinary surgeon, who has the neces- sary forceps or chisel for cutting it. The front molar may be rasped down, if much patience is taken. In decay of the teeth it is quite common to find the tooth corresponding to the decayed one on the opposite jaw very much elongated, sometimes to such an extent that the mouth can not be perfectly closed. Such teeth must also be shortened by the tooth forceps, chisel, tooth saw, or rasp. In all instances where horses " quid " their food, where they are slobbering, or where they evince pain in mastication, shown by holding their head to one side while cheAving, the teeth should be carefully exam- ined. Horses whose teeth have unduly sharp edges are likely to drive badly; they pull to one side, do not bear on the bit, or bear on too hard and " big," toss the head, and start suddenly when a tender spot is touched. If, as is mostly the case, all the symptoms are referable 44 ' DISEASES OP THE HOKSE. to sharp corners or projections of the teeth, these must be removed by the rasp. If decayed teeth are found, or other serious difficulty detected, or if the cause of the annoying symptoms is not discovered, an expert should be called. Toothache. — This is rare in the horse and is mostly witnessed where there is decay of a tooth or inflammation about its root. Toothache is to be discovered in the horse by the pain expressed by him while feeding or drinking cold water. I have seen horses affected with toothache that would suddenly stop chewing, throw the head to one side, and slightly open the mouth. They behave as though some sharp body had punctured the mouth. If upon examination there is no foreign body found, we must then carefully examine each tooth. If this can not be done with the hand in the mouth, we can, in most instances, discover the aching tooth by pressing each tooth from without. By tapping the teeth in succession with a hard object, such as a small hammer, the one that is tender may be located. The horse will flinch when the sore tooth is pressed or tapped upon. In most cases there is nothing to be done but extract the decayed tooth, and this, of course, is only to be attempted by the veterinarian. There is a deformity., known as parrot-mouth, that interferes with prehension, mastication, and, indirectly, with digestion. The upper incisors project in front of and beyond the lower ones. The teeth of both jaws become unusually long, as they are not worn down by fric- tion. Such horses experience much difficulty in grazing. Little can be done except to occasionally examine the teeth, and if those of the lower jaw become so long that they bruise the " bars " of the upper jaw, they must be shortened by the rasp or saw. Horses with this deformity should never be left entirely at pasture. DISEASES OF THE MOUTH. Lampas. — Lampas is the name given to a swelling of the mucous membrane covering the hard palate and projecting in a more or less prominent ridge immediately behind the upper incisors. The hard palate is composed of spongy tissue that fills with blood when the horse is feeding, and this causes the ridges to become prominent, and they then help to keep food from dropping from the mouth. This swelling is entirely natural and occurs in every healthy horse. AVhere there is some irritation in the mouth, as in stomatitis or during teeth- ing, the prominence of the hard palate may persist, due to the in- creased blood supply. In such cases the cause of the irritation should be sought for and removed. By way of direct treatment, slight scari- fication is the most that will be required. Burning the lampas is bar- barous and injurious, and it should never be tolerated. It is quite a common opinion among owners of horses and stable- men that lampas is a disease that very frequently exists. In fact whenever a horse fails to eat, and if he does not exhibit verv marked DISEASES OF THE MOUTH. 45 symptoms of a severe illness, they say at once " he has the lampas." It is almost impossible to convince them to the contrary; yet it is not the case. It may be put clown, then, as an affliction of the stable- man's imagination rather than of the horse's mouth. Stomatitis. — This in an inflammation of the mucous m.embrane lining the mouth and is produced by irritating medicines, foods, or other substances. The symptoms are swelling of the mouth, which is also hot and painful to the touch; there is a copious discharge of saliva; the mucous membrane is reddened, and in some cases there are observed vesicles or ulcers in the mouth. The treatment is simple, soft feed alone often being all that is necessary. A bucket of fresh cold water should be kept constantly in the manger so that the horse may drink or rinse his mouth at will. In some instances it may be advisable to use a wash of chlorate of potash, borax, or alum, about one-half ounce to a pint of water. Hay, straw, or oats should not be fed unless steamed or boiled. A form of contagious stomatitis some- times occurs that is characterized by the formation within the mouth of small vesicles, or blisters. In this disease the horse should be isolated from other horses, and his stall, especially the feed box, and his bit should be disinfected. Glossitis, or inflammation of the tongue, is very similar to the above, and mostly exists with it and is due to the same causes. In- juries to the tongue may produce this simple inflammation of its covering membrane, or, if severe, may produce lesions much more extensive, such as lacerations, abscesses, etc. These latter would re- quire surgical treatment, but for the simpler forms of inflammation of the tongue the treatment recommended for stomatitis should be followed. Ptyalism, or salivation, consists in an abnormal and excessive se- cretion of saliva. This is often seen as a symptom of irregular teeth ; inflammation of the mouth or tongue, or of the use of such medicines as lobelia, mercury, ahd many others. Some foods produce this, such as clover, and particularly second crop ; foreign bodies, such as nails, wheat chaff, and corncobs becoming lodged in the mouth. If the cause is removed no further attention is necessary, as a rule. Astrin- gent washes may be applied to the mouth as a gargle or by means of a sponge. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the pharynx or throat. It rarely exists unless accompanied by stomatitis or laryngitis, especially the latter. In those rare instances in which the inflammation is mostly confined to the pharynx are noticed febrile symptoms — difficulty of swallowing either liquids or solids ; there is but little cough except when trying to swallow ; there is no soreness on pressure over larynx (head of the windpipe). In- creased flow of saliva, difficulty of swallowing liquids in particular, 46 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. and cough only when attempting to swallow are the symptoms best marked in pharyngitis. In some cases the throat becomes gangrenous and the disease ends in death. For treatment wrap a wet sheet around the throat and cover this with rubber sheeting and a warm blanket. This should be changed three times daily ; or the region of the throat may be rubbed with mercurial ointment twice daily until the skin becomes irritated, but no longer ; chlorate of potash may be given in quantities of 2 drams four times daily, mixed with flaxseed meal or liquorice-root powder and honey, as an electuary. Soft foods should be given, and fresh water should be constantly before the horse. Paralysis of the pharynx, or, as it is commonly called, " paralysis of the throat," is a rare but very serious disease. The symptoms are as follows : The horse will constantly try to eat or drink, but will be unable to do so; if water be offered him from a pail he will appar- ently drink with avidity, but the quantity of water in the pail will remain about the same ; he will continue trying to drink by the hour ; if he can succeed in getting. any fluid into the back part of the mouth it will come out at once through the nose. Foods also return through the nose, or are dropped from the mouth, quidded. An examination of the mouth by inserting the hand fails to find any obstruction or any abnormal condition. These cases go on from bad to worse; the horse constantly and rapidly loses in condition, becomes very much emaciated, the eyes are hollow and lusterless, and death occurs from inanition. Treatment is very unsatisfactory. A severe blister should be ap- plied behind and under the jaw; the mouth is to be frequently swabbed out with alum or chlorate of potash, 1 ounce to a j)int of water, by means of a sponge fastened to the end of a stick. Strych- nia may be given in 1-grain doses two or three times a day. This disease may be mistaken at times for foreign bodies in the mouth or for the so-called cerebro-spinal meningitis. It is to be dis- tinguished from the former, upon a careful examination of the mouth, by the absence of any offending body and by the flabby feel of the mouth; and from the latter by the animal appearing in per- fect health in every particular except this inability to eat or drink. Abscesses. — Abscesses sometimes form back of the pharynx and give rise to symptoms resembling those of laryngitis or distemper. Interference with breathing that is of recent origin and progression, without any observable swelling or soreness about the throat, will make one suspect the formation of an abscess in this location. But little can be done by the owner in the way of treatment, save to hurry the ripening of the abscess and its discharge by steaming with hops, hay, or similar substances and by poulticing the throat. The opera- ation for opening an abscess in this region necessitates an intimate knowledge, of the complex anatomy of the throat region. DISEASES OF THE GULLET. 47 DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS, OR GULLET. It is rare to find diseases of this organ, except as a result of the introduction of foreign bodies too large to pass or to the administering of irritating medicines. Great care should be taken in the administra- tion of irritant or caustic medicines that they be thoroughly diluted. If this is not done erosions and ulcerations of the throat ensue, and this again is prone to be followed by constriction (narrowing) of the gullet. The mechanical trouble of choking is quite common. It may occur when the animal is suddenly startled while eating apples or roots, and we should be careful never to approach suddenly or put a dog after horses or cows that are feeding upon such substances. If left alone these animals very rarely attempt to swallow the object until it is sufficiently masticated. Choking also arises from feeding oats in a deep, narrow manger to such horses as eat very greedily or bolt their food. Wheat chaff is also a frequent cause of choke. This accident may result from the attempts to force eggs down without breaking or from giving balls that are too large or not of the proper shape. "\Miatever object causes the choking, it may lodge in the upper part of the esophagus, at its middle portion, or close to the stomach, giving rise to the designations of fliaryngeal^ cervical^ and thoracic choke. In some cases where the original obstruction is low we find all that part of the gullet above it to be distended with food. The symptoms vary somewhat according to the position of the body causing choke. In pharyngeal choke the object is lodged in the tipp)er portion of the esophagus. The horse will present symptoms of great distress, hurried breathing, frequent cough, excessive flow of saliva, sweating, trembling, or stamping with the fore feet. The abdomen rapidW distends with gas. The diagnosis is completed by manipulating the upper part of the throat from without and by the introduction of the hand into the back part of the mouth, finding the body lodged here. In cervical choke (where the obstruction is situated at any j^oint between the throatlatch and the shoulder) the protrusion caused by the object can be seen and the object can be felt. The symptoms here are not so severe; the horse will be seen occa- sionally to draw himself up, arch his neck, and make retching movements as though he wished to vomit. The abdomen may be tympanitic. Should there be any question as to the trouble a con- clusion may be reached by pouring water into the throat from a bottle. If the obstruction is complete you can see the gullet become distended with each bottle of water by standing on the left side of the horse and watching the course of the esophagus, just above the wind- pipe. This is not always a sure test, as the obstruction may be an angular body, in which case liquids would pass it. Solids taken would show in these cases; but solids should not, however, be given, 48 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. as they serve to increase the trouble by rendering the removal of the body more difficult. In thoracic choke the symptoms are less severe. Food or water may be ejected through the nose or mouth after the animal has taken a few swallows. There will be some symptoms of distress, fullness of the abdomen, cough, and occasionally retching movements. Some- times a horse that is choking is heard to emit groans. The facial expression always denotes great anxiety and the eyes are bloodshot. The diagnosis is complete if, upon j)assing the probang (a flexible tube made for this purpose), an obstruction is encountered. Treatment. — If the choke is at the beginning of the gullet {pharyn- geal) an effort must be made to remove the obstacle through the mouth. A mouth-gag, or speculum, is to be introduced into the mouth to protect the hand and arm of the operator. Then, while an assistant, with his hands grasped tightly behind the object, presses it upward and forward with all his force, the operator must pass his hand into the mouth until he can seize the obstruction and draw it outward. This mode of procedure must not be abandoned with the first failure, as we may get the obstacle farther toward the mouth by continued efforts. If we fail with the hand, forceps may be intro- duced through the mouth and the object seized when it is just beyond the reach of the fingers. Should our efforts entirely fail, we must then endeavor to force the obstruction downward by means of the probang. This instrument, which is of such signal service in remov- ing choke in cattle, is decidedly more dangerous to use for the horse ; and I can not pass this point without a word of caution to those who have been known to introduce into the horse's throat such objects as whipstalks, shovel handles, etc. These are always dangerous, and more than one horse has been killed by such barbarous treatment. Cervical choke. — In this, as well as in thoracic choke, we must first of all endeavor to soften or lubricate the obstruction by pouring oil or mucilaginous drinks down the gullet. After this has been done endeavor to move the object by gentle manipulations with the hands. If choked with oats or chaff (and these are the objects that most fre- quently produce choke in the horse), begin by gently squeezing the lower portion of the impacted mass and endeavor to work it loose a little at a time. This is greatly favored at times if we apply hot fomentations immediately about the obstruction. Persist in these efforts for at least an hour before deciding to resort to other and more dangerous modes of treatment. If unsuccessful, however, the pro- bang may be used. In the absence of the regular instrument, use a piece of inch hose 6 feet long, or a piece of new three-quarter-inch manila rope well wrapped at the end with cotton twine and thor- oughly greased with tallow. The mouth is to be kept open by a gag of wood or iron and the head slightly raised and extended. The pro- DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. 49 bang is then to be carefully guided by the hand into the upper part of the gullet and gently forced downward until the obstruction is reached. Pressure must then be gradual and firm. Do not at first attempt too much force, or the esophagus will be ruptured. Simply keep up this firm, gentle pressure until you feel the object moving, after which you are to follow it rapidly to the stomach. If this mode of treatment is unsuccessful, a veterinarian or physician is to be called in, who can remove the object by cutting down upon it. This should scarcely be attempted by a novice, as a knowledge of the anatomy of the parts is essential to avoid cutting the large artery, vein, and nerve that are closely related to the esophagus in its cervical portion. Thoracic choke. — Thoracic choke can be treated only by means of the introduction of oils and mucilaginous drinks, and the careful use of the probang. Stricture of the esophagus. — This is due to corrosive medicines, previous choking (accompanied by lacerations, which, in healing, nar- row the passage), or pressure on the gullet by tumors. In the major- ity of cases of stricture, dilatation of the gullet in front of the con- stricted portion soon occurs. This dilatation is due to the frequent accumulation of solid food above the constriction. Little can be done in either of these instances except to feed on sloppy or liquid food. Sacular DILATATION OF THE ESOPHAGUS. — This follows clioking, and is due to stretching or rupture of the muscular coat of the gullet, allowing the internal, or mucous, coat to protrude through the lacer- ated muscular walls. Such a dilatation, or pouch, may gradually enlarge from the frequent imprisonment of food. Allien liquids are taken, the solid materials are partially washed out of the pouch. Symptoms. — The symptoms are as follows: The horse is able to swallow a few mouthfuls of food without apparent difficulty; then he will stop feeding, paw, contract the muscles of his neck, and eject a portion of the food through his nose or mouth, or it will gradually work down to the stomach. As the dilatation thus empties itself the symptoms gradually subside, only to reappear when he has again taken solid food. Liquids pass without any, or but little, inconven- ience. Should this dilatation exist in the cervical region, surgical in- terference may sometimes prove effectual; if in the thoracic por- tion, nothing can be done, and the patient rapidly passes from hand to hand by " swapping," until, at no distant date, the contents of the sac become too firm to be dislodged as heretofore, and the animal succumbs. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. As a rule it is most difficult to distinguish between diseases of the stomach and of the intestines of the horse. The reason for this is that the stomach is relatively small. It lies away from the abdominal H. Doc. 795, 59-2 i 50 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. wall, and so pressure from without can not be brought to bear upon, it to reveal sensitiveness or pain. Kor does enlargement, or disten- tion, of the stomach j)roduce visible alteration in the form of the abdomen of the horse. Moreover, it is a rule to which there are few- exceptions that an irritant or cause of disease of the stomach acts likewise upon the intestines, so that it is customary to find them similarly deranged. For these reasons it is logical to discuss together the diseases of the stomach and intestines and to point out such localizations in one organ or another as are of importance in recog- nizing and treating the diseases of the digestive organs of the horse. It should be understood that gastritis signifies an inflammation of the stomach and enteritis an inflammation of the intestines. The two terms may be used together to signify a disease of the stomach and intestines, as gastro-enteritis. Colic. — The disease of the horse that is most frequently met with is what is termed " colic," and many are the remedies that are reputed to be " sure cures " for this disease. Let us discover, then, what the word " colic " means. This term is applied loosely to almost all diseases of the organs of the abdomen that are accompanied by pain. If the horse evinces abdominal pain, he is likely to be put down as suffering with colic, no matter whether the difficulty be a cramp of the bowel, an internal hernia, overloading of the stomach, or a painful disease of the bladder or liver. Since these conditions differ so much in their causation and their nature, it is manifestly absurd to treat them alike and to expect the same drugs or procedures to relieve them all. Therefore it is important that the various diseased states that are so roughly classed together as colic shall, so far as possible, be separated and individualized in order that appropriate treatments may be pre- scribed. With this object in view, colics will be considered under the following headings : (1) Engorgement colic, (2) obstruction colic, (3) tympanitic colic, (4) spasmodic colic, (5) worm colic. The general symjDtoms of abdominal j^ain, and therefore of colic, are restlessness, cessation of whatever the horse is about, h'ing down, looking around toward the flank, kicking with the hind feet upward and forward toward the belly, jerky switching of the tail, stretching as though to urinate, frequent change of position, and groaning. In tlie more intense forms the horse plunges about, throws himself down, rolls, assumes unnatural positions, as sitting on the haunches, and grunts loudly. Usually the pain is not constant, and during the inter- ]nissions the horse may eat and appear normal. During the period of pain sweat is poured out freely. Sometimes the horse moves con- stantly in a circle. The respirations are accelerated, and usually there is no fever, (1) Engorgement colic. — This form of colic consists in an over- loading of the stomach with food. The horse may have been overfed DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. 51 or the food may have collected in the stomach through failure of this organ to digest it and pass it backward into the intestines. Even a normal amount of food that the horse is unaccustomed to may cause disease. Hence a sudden change of food may produce engorgement colic. Continued full rations while the horse is resting for a day or two or working too soon after feeding may serve as a cause. New oats, corn, or hay, damaged food, or food difficult of digestion, such as barley or beans, may incite engorgement colic. This disease may result from having fed the horse twice by error or from its having escaped and taken an unrestricted meal from the grain bin. Ground feeds that pack together making a sort of dough may cause engorge- ment colic if they are not mixed with cut hay. Greedy eaters are predisposed to this disease. Syntj^toms. — The horse shows the general signs of abdominal pain, which may be long continued or of short duration. Eetching or vom- iting movements are made; these are shown by labored breathing, uiDturned upper lip, contraction of the flank, active motion at the throat, and drawing in of the nose toward the breast, causing high arching of the neck. The horse may assume a sitting position on his haunches, like a dog. At times the pain is very great and the horse makes the most violent movements, as though mad. At other times there is profound mental depression, the horse standing in a sleepy, or dazed, way, with the head down, the eyes closed, and leaning his head against the manger or wall. There is, during the struggles, pro- fuse perspiration. Following retching, gas may escape from the mouth, and this may be followed by a sour froth and some stomach contents. The horse can not vomit except when the stomach is vio- lently stretched, and, if the accumulation of food or gas is great enough to stretch the stomach so that vomiting is possible, it may be great enough to rupture this organ. So it happens not infrequently that a horse will die from ruptured stomach after vomiting. But after the stomach ruptures vomiting is impossible. The death rate in this form of colic is high. Treatment. — The bowels should be stimulated to contraction by the use of clysters of large quantities of water and of glycerin. Veteri- narians use hypodermic injections of eserin or arecolin or intra- venous injections of barium chloride, but these have to be employed with great caution. It is not profitable to give remedies by the stomach, for they can not be absorbed. But small doses of morphine (5 grains) or of the fluid extract of Indian hemp (2 drams) may be placed in the mouth and are absorbed in part, at least, without pass- ing to the stomach. These drugs lessen pain and thus help to over- come the violent movements that are dangerous, because they may be the means of causing rupture of the diaphragm or stomach. If 52 DISEASES OP THE HOESE. facilities are available, relief may be afforded by passing an esoph- ageal tube through which some of the gaseous and liquid contents of the stomach may escape. Rupture of the stomach. — This mostly occurs as a result of en- gorged or tympanitic stomach (engorgement colic) and from the horse violently throwing himself when so affected. It may result from disease of the coats of the stomach, gastritis, stones, or calculi, tumors, or anything that closes the opening of the stomach into the intes- tines, and very violent pulling or jumping immediately after the animal has eaten heartily of bulky food. These or similar causes may lead to this accident. The symptoms of rupture of the stomach are not constant or always reliable. Always make inquiry as to what and how much the horse has been fed at the last meal. Vomiting may precede rupture of this organ, as stated above. This accident appears to be most likely to occur in heavy draft horses. A prominent symptom observed (though it may also occur in diaphragmatic hernia) is Avhere the horse, if possible, gets the front feet on higher ground than the hind ones or sits on his haunches, like a dog. This position affords relief to some extent, and it will be maintained for some minutes ; it is also quickly regained when the horse has changed it for some other. Colicky symptoms, of course, are present, and these will vary much and pre- sent no diagnostic value. As the case progresses " the horse will often stretch forward the fore legs^ lean backward and downward until the belly nearly touches the ground, and then rise up again with a groan, after which the fluid from his nostrils is issued in increased quantity." The pulse is fast and weak, breathing hurried, body bathed in a clammy sweat, limbs tremble violently, the horse reels or staggers from side to side, and death quickly ends the scene. In the absence of any pathognomonic symptom we must take into account the history of the case ; the symptoms of colic that cease sud- denly and are succeeded by cold sweats and tremors ; the pulse quick and small and thready, growing weak and more frequent, and at length running down and becoming altogether imperceptible ; looking back at the flank and groaning; sometimes crouching with the hind quarters ; with or without eructation and vomiting. There is no treatment that can be of any use whatever. Could we be sure of our diagnosis it would be better to destroy the animal at once. Since, however, there is always the possibility of a mistake in diagnosis, we may give powdered opium in 1-dram doses every two or three hours, with the object of keeping the stomach as quiet as possible. (2) Obstruction colic. — The stomach or bowels may be obstructed by accumulations of partly digested food (fecal matter), by foreign bodies, by displacements, by paralysis, or by abnormal growths. DISEASES OP THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. 53 Impaction of the large intestines. — This is a very common bowel trouble and one which, if not promptly recognized and properly treated, results in death. It is caused by overfeeding, especially of bulky food containing an excess of indigestible residue ; old, dry, hard hay, or stalks when largely fed; deficiency of secretions of the intesti- nal tracts ; lack of water ; want of exercise, medicines, etc. Symptoms. — Imj^action of the large bowels is to be diagnosed by a slight abdominal jjain, which may disappear for a day or two to reap- pear with more violence. The feces are passed somewhat more fre- quently, but in smaller quantities and more dry ; the abdomen is full, but not distended with gas; the horse at first is noticed to paw and soon begins to look back at his sides. Probably one of the most char- acteristic symptoms is the position assumed when down. He lies flat on his side, head and legs extended, occasionally raising his head to look toward his flank ; he remains on his side for from five to fifteen minutes at a time. Evidently this position is the one giving the most freedom from j^ain. He rises at times, walks about the stall, paws, looks at his sides, backs up against the stall, which he presses with his tail, and soon lies down again, assuming his favored position. The intestinal sounds, as heard by applying the ear to the flank, are dimin- ished, or there is no sound, indicating absence of motion of the bowels. The bowels may cease entirely to move. The pressure of the distended intestine upon the bladder may cause the horse to make frequent attempts to urinate. The pulse is but little changed at first, being full and sluggish ; later, if this condition is not overcome, it becomes rapid and feeble. Horses may suffer from impaction of the bowels for a week, yet eventually recover, and cases extending two or even three weeks have ended favorably. As a rule, however, they sel- dom last over four or five days, many, in fact, dying sooner than this. The treatment consists of efforts to produce movement of the bowels and to prevent inflammation of the same from arising. A large cathartic is to be given as early as possible. Either of the follow- ing is recommended: Powdered Barbados aloes 1 ounce, calomel 2 drams, and powdered nux vomica 1 dram; or linseed oil 1 pint and croton oil 15 drops; or from 1 pint to 1 quart of castor oil may be given. Some favor the administration of Epsom or Glauber's salts, 1 pound, with one-quarter pound of common salt, claiming that this causes the horse to drink largely of water, and thus mechanically softening the impacted mass and favoring its expulsion. Whichever physic is selected, it is essential that a full dose be given. This is much better than small and repeated doses. It must be borne in mind that horses require about twenty-four hours in which to respond to a physic, and under no circumstances are physics to be repeated sooner than this. If aloes has been given and has failed to operate at the proper time, oil or some different cathartic should then be adminis- tered. Allow the horse all the water he will drink. Calomel may be 54 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. administered in half-dram doses, the powder being placed on the tongue, one dose every two hours until four doses are given. Enemas of glycerin, 2 to 4 ounces, are often beneficial. Eubbing or kneading of the abdominal walls and the application of stimulat- ing liniments or strong mustard water will also, at times, favor the expulsion of this mass. Walking exercise must occasionally be given. If this treatment is faithfully carried out from the start the majority of cases will terminate favorably. ^Vhere relief is not obtained in- flammation of the bowels may ensue, and death follow from this cause. Constijyation, or costiveness. — This is often witnessed in the horse, and particularly in the foal. Many colts die every year from failure on the part of the attendant to note the condition of the bowels soon after birth. "VVlienever the foal fails to pass any feces, and in partic- ular if it presents any signs of colicky pains — straining, etc. — imme- diate attention must be given it. As a rule, it will only be necessary to give a few injections of soapy water in the rectum and to introduce the finger through the anlis to break down any hardened mass of dung found there. If this is not effective, a purgative must be given. Oils are the best for these young animals, and preferably castor oil, giving from 2 to 4 ounces. The foal should always get the first of the mother's milk, as this milk, for a few days, possesses decided laxative properties. If a mare, while suckling, is taking laudanum, morphine, atropia, or similar medicines, the foal should be fed during this time by hand and the mare milked upon the ground. Constipation in adult horses is often the result of long feeding on dry, innutritions food, deficiency of intestinal secretions, scanty water supplj'', or lack of exercise. If the case is not complicated with colicky symptoms, a change to light, sloppy diet, linseed gruel or tea, with plenty of exer- cise, is all that is required. If colic exists, a cathartic is needed. In ver}'' many instances the constipated condition of the bowels is due to lack of intestinal secretions, and when so due, may be treated by giving fluid extract of belladonna three times a day in 2-dram doses, and handful doses daily of Epsom salts in the feed. It is always best, when possible, to overcome this trouble by a change of diet rather than by the use of medicines. For the relief of constipation such succulent foods as roots, grass, or green forage are recommended. Silage, however, should be fed sparingly, and not at all unless it is in the very best condition. Moldy silage may cause fatal disease. Foreign bodies {calcidi {stones) in the stomach). — ^There are prob- ably but few symptoms exhibited by the horse that will lead one to suspect the presence of gastric calculi, and possibly none by which we can unmistakably assert their presence. Stones in the stomach have been most frequently found in millers' horses fed sweepings from the mill. A depraved and capricious appetite is common in horses DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. 55 that have a stone forming in their stomach. There is a disposition to eat the ^voodwork of the stable, earth, and, in fact, ahnost any sub- stance within their reach. This symptom must not, however, be con- sidered as pathognomonic, since it is observed when calculi are not present. Occasional colics may result from these " stomach stones," and when these lodge at tlie outlet of the stomach they maj^ give rise to symptoms of engorged stomach, already described. There is, of course, no treatment that will prove effective. Give remedies to move the bowels, to relieve pain, and to combat inflammation. Intestinal concretions {calculi {stones) in the intestines). — These concretions are usually found in the large bowels, though they are occasionally met with in the small intestines. They are of various sizes, weighing from 1 ounce to 25 pounds; they may be single or multiple, and differ in composition and appearance, some being soft (composed mostly of animal or vegetable matter), while others are porous, or honeycombed (consisting of animal and mineral matter), and others are entirely hard and stonelike. The hair balls, so common to the stomach and intestines of cattle, are very rare in the horse. Intestinal calculi form around some foreign body, as a rule — a nail or piece of wood — whose shape they may assume to a certain extent. Layers are arranged concentrically around such nucleus until the sizes above spoken of are attained. These stones are also often found in millers' horses, as well also as in horses in limestone districts, where the water is hard. "VATien the calculi attain a sufficient size and become lodged or blocked in some part of the intestines, they cause obstruction, inflammation of the bowels, colicky symptoms, and death. There are no certain signs or symptoms that reveal them. Recurring colics of the tyjoe of impaction colic, but more severe, may lead one to suspect the existence of this condition. Examination through the rectum may reveal the calculus. The sympto7ns will be those of obstruction of the bowels. Upon l^ost-mortem examinations these stones will be discovered mostly in the large bowels; the intestines will be inflamed or gangrenous about the point of obstruction. Sometimes calculi have been expelled by the action of a j^hysic, or they may be removed by the hand when found to occupy the rectimi. As in concretions of the stomach, there can be but little done in the way of treatment more than to overcome spasm (if any exists), and to give physics with the hope of dislodging the stone or stones and carrying them on and outward. Intussusception^ or invagination. — This is the slipping of a portion of the intestine into another portion immediately adjoining, like a partially turned glove finger. This may occur at any part of the bowels, but is most frequent in the small guts. The invaginated por- tion rudij be slight — 2 or 3 inches only— or extensive, measuring as 56 DISEASES OP THE HORSE. many feet. In intussusception, the inturned bowel is in the direction of the anus. There are adhesions of the intestines at this point, con- gestion, inflammation, or even gangrene. This accident is most likely to occur in horses that are suffering from spasm of the bowel, or in those where a small portion of the gut is paralyzed. The natural wormlike or ringlike contraction of the gut favors the passage of the contracted or paralyzed portion into that immediately behind it. It may occur during the existence of almost any abdominal trouble, as diarrhea, inflanrmation of the bowels, or from injuries, exposure to cold, etc. A fall or leaping may give the initial maldirection. Foals are most likely to be thus afflicted. Symptoms.- — Unless the invaginated portion of the gut becomes strangulated, probably no symptoms will be appreciable, except con- stipation. Strangulation of the bowel may take place suddenly, and the horse die within twenty-four hours, or it may occur after several days — a week even — and death follow at this time. There are" no symptoms positively diagnostic. Colicky pains, more or less severe and continuous, are observed, and there may be at first diarrhea fol- lowed by constipation. Severe straining occurs in some instances of intussusception, and this should be given due credit when it occurs. As death approaches the horse sweats profusely, sighs, presents an anxious countenance, the legs and ears become cold, and there is often freedom from pain immediately before death. In some rare in- stances the horse recovers, even though the invaginated portion of the gut has become strangidated. In this case the imprisoned portion sloughs away so gradually that a union has taken place between the intestines at the point where one portion has slipped into that behind it. The piece sloughing off is found passed with the manure. Such cases are exceedingly rare. Nonirritating laxatives, such as castor oil, sweet oil, or calomel in small doses should be given, and creolin in 2-dram doses in a pint of warm water. Soft feed and mucilag- inous and nourishing drinks should be given during these attacks. E. Mayhew Michener has operated successfully on a foal with intus- susception by opening the abdomen and releasing the imprisoned gut. Volvulus^ gut-tie^ or twisting of the howels. — These are the terms applied to the bowels when twisted or knotted. This accident is rather a common one, and frequently results from the violent manner in which a horse throws himself about when attacked by spasmodic colic. The symptoms are the same as those of intussusception and obstructions of the bowels; the same directions as to treatment are therefore to be observed. Paralysis of the intestine. — This occurs in old, debilitated animals that have been fed on coarse innutritious fodder. This produces a condition of dilatation so pronounced as to make it impossible for the intestine to advance its contents, and so obstruction results. The symptoms are as in other forms of obstruction colic. The history of DISEASES OF THE STOMACH AND INTESTINES. 57 the case is of much service in diagnosing the trouoie. The treatment consists in the administration of laxatives. One may give 1 quart of raw linseed oil and follow it the next day with 1 pound of Glauber's salts dissolved in a quart of warm water. Strychnia may be given in doses of 1 grain two or three times daily. If the stagnant mass of feces is in the rectum, it must be removed with the hand. Ahiiormal growths^ such as tumors or fibrous tissue, producing contraction or stricture may be causes of obstruction. The colic caused by these conditions is chronic. The attacks occur at gradually shortening intervals and become progressively more severe. Relief is afforded by the use of purgatives that render the feces soft and thin and thus enable them to pass the obstruction. But in time the con- tracted place is likely to close so far that passage is impossible and the horse will die. (3) Flaittlent colic (tympanitic colic, wind colic, or bloat). — Among the most frequent causes of this form of colic are to be men- tioned sudden changes of food, too long fasting, food then given while the animal is exhausted, new hay or grain, large quantities of green food, food that has lain in the manger for some time and become sour, indigestible food, irregular teeth, crib-biting, and, in fact, any- thing that produces indigestion may produce flatulent colic. The symptoms of wind colic are not so suddenly developed nor so severe as those of cramp colic. At first the horse is noticed to be dull, paws slightly, and may or may not lie down. The pains from the start are continuous. The belly enlarges, and by striking it in front of the haunches a drumlike sound results. If not soon relieved the above symptoms are aggravated, and in addition there are noticed diificult breathing, bloodshot eyes, and red mucous membranes, loud tumultuous heart beat, profuse perspiration, trembling of front legs, sighing respiration, staggering from side to side, and, finally, plung- ing forward dead. The diagnostic symptom of flatulent colic is the distention of the bowels with gas, detected by the bloated appearance and resonance on percussion. The treatment for wind colic differs very materially from that of cramp colic. Absorbents are of some service, and charcoal may be given in any quantity. Relaxants and antispasmodics are also bene- ficial in this form of colic. Chloral hydrate not only possesses these qualities, but it also is an antiferment and a pain reliever. It is then particularly well adapted to the treatment of wind colic, and should be given in the same-sized doses and in the manner directed for spas- modic colic. Diluted alcohol or whisky may be given, or aromatic spirits of ammonia in 1-ounce doses at short intervals. A physic should always be given in flatulent colic as early as possi- ble, the best being Barbados aloes in the dose already mentioned. Injections, per rectum, of turpentine 1 to 2 ounces, linseed oil 8 ounces, may be given frequently to stimulate the peristaltic motion of the 58 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. bowels and favor the escape of wind. Blankets wrung out of hot water do much to afford relief; they should be renewed every five or ten minutes and covered with a dry woolen blanket. This form of colic is much more fatal than cramp colic, and requires prompt and persistent treatment. It is entirely unsafe to predict the result, some apparently mild attacks going on to speedy death, while others that appear at the onset to be very severe yielding rapidly to treatment. Do not cease your efforts until you are sure the animal is dead. In these severe casas puncturing of the bowels in the most prominent (distended) part by means of a small trocar and cannula or with a needle of a hypodermic syringe, thus allowing the escape of gas, has often saved life, and such j^unctures, if made with a clean, sharp in- strument that is not allowed to remain in the horse too long, are accompanied by little danger and do more to quickly relieve the patient than any other treatment. (4) Spasmodic, or cramp, colic. — ^This is the name given to that form of colic produced by contraction, or spasm, of a portion of the small intestines. It is produced by indigestible food ; large drinks of cold water when the animal is warm ; driving a heated horse through deep streams; cold rains; drafts of cold air, etc. Unequal distribu- tion of or interference with the nervous supply here produces cramp of the bowels, the same as external cramps are produced. Spasmodic colic is much more frequently met with in high-bred, nervous horses than in coarse, Ij^mphatic ones. Symptoms. — These should be carefully studied in order to diagnose this from other forms of colic requiring quite different treatment. Spasmodic colic always begins suddenly. If feeding, the horse is seen to stop abruptly, stamp impatiently, and probably look back. He soon evinces more acute pain, and this is shown by pawing, suddenly lying down, rolling, and getting up. During the period of pain the intestinal sounds, as heard by applying the ear over the flank, are louder than in health. There is then an interval of ease; he will resume feeding and appear to be entirely w^ell. In a little while, how- ever, the pains return and are increased in severity, only to again pass off for a time. As the attack progresses these intervals of ease become shorter and shorter, and pain may be continuous, though even now there are exacerbations of pain. Animals suffering from this form of colic evince the most intense pain ; they throw themselves down, roll over and over, jump up, whirl about, drop down again, paw, or strike rather, with the front feet, steam and sweat, and make frequent attempts to pass their urine. Only a small amount of water is passed at a time, and this is due to the bladder being so frequently emptied. These attempts to urinate are often regarded by horsemen as symp- toms of trouble of the kidneys or bladder. In reality they are only one of the many ways in which the horse expresses the i^resence of SPASMODIC COLIC. 59 pain. As a matter of fact, diseases of the bladder or kidneys of the horse are exceedingly rare. To recapitulate the symptoms of spasmodic colic : Keep in mind the history of the case, the type of horse, the suddenness of the attack, the increased intestinal sounds, the intervals of ease (which become of shorter duration as the case progresses) , the violent pain, the normal temperature and pulse during the intervals of ease, the frequent attempts to urinate, etc., and there is but little danger of confounding this with other forms of colic. Treatment. — Since the pain is due to spasm, or cramp, of the bowels, medicines that overcome spasms — antispasmodics-;— are the ones indicated. Chloral hydrate may be used. This is to be given in a dose of 1 ounce in a jDint of water as a drench. As |:his drug is irritant to the throat and stomach, it has to be well diluted. A com- mon and good remedy is suljjhuric ether and laudanum; of each 2 ounces in a half j)int of linseed oil. Another drench may be com- posed of 2 ounces each of sulphuric ether and alcohol in 8 ounces of water. If nothing else is at hand give whisky, one-half pint in hot water. Jamaica ginger is useful. If relief is not obtained in one hour from any of the above doses, they may then be repeated. The body should be warmly clothed and j)erspiration induced. Blankets dipped in very hot water to which a small quantity of turpentine has been added should be placed around the belly and covered with dry blankets, or the abdomen may be rubbed with stimulating liniments or mustard water. The difficulty, however, of applying hot blankets and keeping them in place forces us in most instances to dispense with them. If the cramp is due to irritants in the bowels, a cure is not complete until there is given a cathartic of 1 ounce of aloes or 1 pint of linseed oil. Injections into the rectum of warm soapy water or salt and water aid the cure. Eectal injections, clysters, or enemas as a rule should be lukewarm, and from 3 to 6 quarts are to be given at a time. They may be repeated every half hour if necessary. Great care is to be taken not to injure the rectum in giving such injections. A large syringe or a Ijiece of rubber hose 4 or 5 feet long, with a funnel attached at one end, affords the best means by which to give them. The pipe of the syringe or the hose introduced into the rectum must be blunt, rounded, and smooth. It is to be thoroughly oiled and then carefully i)ushed through the anus in a slightly upward direction. Much force must be avoided, for the rectum may be lacerated and serious complications or even death result. Exercise will aid the action of the bowels in this and similar colicky troubles, but severe galloping or trotting is to be avoided. If the horse can have a loose box or paddock, it is the best, as he will then take what exercise he wants. If the patient be ex- tremely violent, it is often wise to restrain him by leading him with a 60 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. halter, since rupture of the stomach or displacement of the bowels may result and complicate the trouble. (5) Worm COLIC. — Parasites of many kinds reside in the intestinal canal of horses. There are three kinds of tapeworms, one long round- worm, and several kinds of smaller roundworms. Besides these are the bot-fly grubs and larvae. The intestinal worm most commonly seen is the long roundworm, known as Ascaris equorum. They are white or reddish in color and measure from 4 to 12 inches in length. In thickness they yary from the size of a rye straw to that of a lady's little finger, being thickest at the middle and tapering at both ends. They are. found singly or in groups or masses, and infest chiefly the small intestines. (See PI. III.) Of the smaller roundworms, there may be mentioned Spiroftera microstoma^ which causes ulcers in the stomach; Cylichnostormmb tetracanthum^ Strongylus equinus, and Strongylus vulgaris, which live in the large intestines. The larvae of the last named burrow in the walls of the great mesenteric artery, causing aneurisms. The tapeworms, once seen, are easily recognized. They are white, flat, thin, broad, and jointed. The head is found at the smaller end of the Ts'orm. Tapeworms of the horse measure from a few inches to a foot in length. Symptoms. — Symptoms of intestinal worms are not always ob- served, even when many parasites are present. If the infestarion is extreme, there may be slight colicky pains at times, or there may only be switching of the tail, frequent passages of manure, and some slight straining, itching of the anus, and rubbing of the tail or rump against the stall or fences; the horse is in poor condition; does not shed his coat; is hidebound and potbellied; the appetite is depraved, licking the walls, biting the wooden work of the stalls, licking parts of his body, eating earth, and being particularly fond of salt ; the bowels are irregular, constipation or diarrhea being noticed. Some place much dependence upon the symptom of itching of the upper lip, as shown by the horse frequently turning it up and rubbing it upon the wall or stalls. Others again declare that M^henever we see the adher- ence of a dried whitish substance about the anus, worms are present. The one symptom, however, that we should always look for, and cer- tainly the only one that may not deceive us, is seeing the worms or their eggs (by the use of a microscope) in the dung. Treatment. — Remedies to destroy intestinal worms are much more efficient if given after a long fast, and then the worm medicine must be supplemented by a physic to carry out the worms. Among the best worm medicines may be mentioned santonin, turpentine, tartar emetic, creolin, infusion of tobacco, and bitter tonics. To destroy tapeworms, areca nut, malefern, and pumpkin seeds are the best. If a horse is passing the long roundworms, the plan of treatment is to INDIGESTION. 61, give twice daily for three or four days a drench composed of turpen- tine or creolin 1 ounce and linseed oil 2 or 3 ounces, to be followed on the fourth day by a physic of Barbados aloes 1 ounce, or one may give santonine ^ to 2 drams, with calomel 1 to 2 drams. This dose should not be repeated, and should be followed in six hours by 1 quart of lin- seed oil. If worms infesting the large bowels are present, injections into the rectum of infusions of tobacco, infusions of quassia chips, one-half pound to a gallon of water, once or twice daily for a few days, and follow by a physic, are most beneficial. It should be borne in mind that intestinal worms are mostly seen in horses that are in poor condition, and an essential part of treatment then is to improve the appetite and powers of digestion. This is best done by giving the vegetable tonics. One-half ounce of Peruvian bark, gentian, gin- ger, quassia, etc., is to be given twice a day in the feed or as a drench. To improve the general condition one may give artificial Carlsbad salts, 1 tablespoonful in each feed, and each dose to have added to it 3 to 5 grains of arsenious acid. Bot-fly larvae do not require special treatment unless they lodge in the rectum, in which case they may be dislodged by injecting tobacco water. If plenty of rock salt is allowed for horses to lick, they Avill thus be protected against intestinal parasites to a slight but useful degree. Indigestion or gastro-intestinal catarrh. — There is ample rea- son for considering these conditions together from the facts that they merge insensibly into each other and usually occur simultaneously. This condition may be acute — that is, of sudden onset — or it may be chronic. The changes of structure produced by this disease occur in the mucous-membrane lining of the stomach and intestines. This membrane becomes red from increased blood supply or from hemor- rhage into it, it is swollen, and is covered by a coating of slimy mucus. In some especially severe cases the membrane is destroyed in spots, causing the appearance of ulcers or of erosions. The causes of indigestion are numerous, but nearly all are the result of errors in feeding. Some horses are naturally endowed with weak digestive organs, and such are predisposed to this condition. Anything that irritates the stomach or intestines may cause this disease. Foods that the animal is unaccustomed to, sudden changes of diet, imperfectly cured, unripe, or damaged foods are all fruitful causes, and so are worms. In suckling foals this condition may come from some disease of the dam that renders her milk indigestible or from overexertion or over- heating of the mare. Another prolific cause is bad teeth, making mastication imperfect, and thus causing the horse to swallow his food in a condition unfit for the action of the digestive juices. Working a horse too soon or too hard after feeding may cause either colic or 62 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. indigestion. Any condition that reduces the vitality of the horse, such as disease, overwork, poor food, or lack of care, may indirectly bring on indigestion by weakening the digestive organs. SymptoTRS. — Indigestion is characterized by irregular appetite; refusing all food at times, and at others eating ravenously ; the appe- tite is not only irregular, but is often depraved ; there is a disposition on the part of the horse to eat unusual substances, such as wood, soiled bedding, or even his own feces ; the bowels are irregular to-day, loose and bad smelling, to-morrow bound ; grain is often passed whole in the feces, and the hay passed in balls or impacted masses, under- going but little change; the horse frequently passes considerable quantities of wind that has a sour odor. The animal loses flesh, the skin presents a hard, dry appearance and seems very tight (hide- bound). If the stomach is very seriously involved, the horse may yawn by stretching the head forward and upward and by turning outward the upper lip. There may be more or less colicky pain. In the chronic cases there is mental depression ; the horse is sluggish and dull. The abdomen gradually becomes small, giving a " tucked up " appearance, or, on the other hand, it becomes flaccid and pendulous. Treatment. — One should commence with the food — its quality, quantity, and time of feeding; examine the water supply, and see, besides, that it is given before feeding; then carefully observe the condition of the mouth and teeth ; and, continuing the observations as best we may, endeavor to locate the seat of the trouble. If the teeth are sharp or irregular they must be rasped down ; if any are decayed they must be extracted; if indigestion is due to ravenous eating or bolting, the feed must then be given from a large manger where the grain can be spread and the horse thus compelled to eat slowly. Any irritation, such as worms, undigested food, etc., that is operating as causes are to be removed by appropriate treatment, as advised elsewhere. If there is a tendency to distention of the stomach and bowels, with gas, during indigestion, the following may be used : Baking soda, powdered ginger, and powdered gentian, equal parts. These are to be thoroughly mixed and given in heaping tablespoonful doses, twice a day, before feeding. This powder is best given by dissolving the above quantity in a half pint of w^ater and given as a drench. As a digestive tonic the following is good: Glauber's salts, 2 pounds; common salt, 1 pound; bakmg soda, one-half pound. Of this a heaping tablespoonful may be given in each feed. If diarrhea exists, the treatment advised below may be used. Diarrhea. — Diarrhea is due to indigestion Or intestinal catarrh or to irritation of the bowels from eating moldy or musty food, drinking stagnant water, diseased condition of the teeth, eating irritating sub- stances, to being kept on low, marshy pastures, and exposure during SUPEEPUEGATION. 63 cold nights, or low, damp stables. Some horses are predisposed to scour and are called " washy " by horsemen; they are those with long bodies, long legs, and narrow, flat sides. Horses of this build are almost sure to scour if fed or watered immediately before being put to work. Fast or road work, of course, aggravates this trouble. Diar- rhea may exist as a complication of other diseases as pneumonia and influenza, for instance, and again during the diseases of the liver. The symptoms are the frequent evacuations of liquid stools, with or without pronounced abdominal pain, loss of appetite, emaciation, etc. Treatment is at times very simple, but requires the utmost care and judgment. If due to faulty food or water it is sufficient to change these. If it results from some irritant in the intestines, this is best gotten rid of by the administration of an oleaginous purge, for which nothing is better than castor oil, although raw linseed oil may be used if the case is not severe. The diarrhea often disappears with the ces- sation of the operation of the medicine. If, however, purging con- tinues, it may be checked by giving wheat flour in water, starch water, white-oak bark tea, chalk, opium, or half-dram doses of sul- phuric acid in one-half pint of water twice or thrice daily. Good results follow the use of powdered opium 2 drams and subnitrate of bismuth 1 ounce, repeated three times a day. It should be remem- bered in all cases to look to the water and feed the Korse is receiving. If either of these is at fault it is at once to be discontinued. We should feed sparingly of good, easily digested foods. With that peculiar build of nervous horses that scour on the road but little can be done, as a rule. They should be watered and fed as long as possi- ble before going on a drive. If there is much flatulency accompany- ing diarrhea, baking soda or other alkaline medicines may effect a cure, while if the discharges have a very disagreeable odor, this can be corrected by 1 ounce of sulphite of soda or dram doses of creolin in water, repeated twice a day. Be slow to resort to either the vege- table or mineral astringents, since the majority of cases will yield to change of food and water or the administration of oils. Afterwards feed upon wheat- flour gruel or other light foods. The body should be warmly clothed. SuPERPURGATioN. — This is the designation of that diarrhea, or flux from the bowels, that, at times, is induced by and follows the action of a physic. It is accompanied by much irritation or even inflamma- tion of the bowels and is always of a serious character. Although in rare instances it follows from a usual dose of physic and where every precaution has been taken, it is most likely to result under the follow- ing circumstances: Too large a dose of i^hysic; giving physics to horses suffering from pneumonia, influenza, or other debilitating dis- eases; riding or driving a horse when purging; exposure or drafts of cold air; or giving large quantities of cold water while the physic is 64 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. operating. There is always danger of siiperpurgation if a physic is given to a horse suffering from diseases of the respiratory organs. Small and often-repeated physics are also to be avoided, as they pro- duce debility and great depression of the system and predispose to this disorder. When a physic is to be given one should rest the horse and give him sloppy food until the medicine begins to operate ; clothe the body with a warm blanket; keep out of drafts; give only warm water in small quantities. After a horse has purged from twelve to twenty-four hours it can mostly be stopped, or " set," as horsem.en say, by feeding on dry oats and hay. Should the purging continue, however, it is best treated by giving demulcent drinks — linseed tea and oatmeal or wheat-flour gruel. After this the astringents spoken of for diarrhea may be given. Besides this the horse is to receive brandy in doses of from 2 to 4 ounces, with milk and eggs, four or rive times a day. Laminitis " founder " is a frequent sequel of superpurgation and is to be guarded against by removing the shoes and standing the horse on moist sawdust or some similar bedding. Dysentery. — This disease, sometimes called " bloody flux," is an intestinal disease attended with fever, occasional abdominal pains, and fluid discharges mingled with blood. Discharges in dysentery are coffee colored or bloody, liquid, and very offensive in odor, and passed with much straining. It is rare in the horse, but is sometimes quite prevalent among foals. Causes. — Probably the most common cause is keeping young horses in particular for a long time on low, wet, marshy pastures, without other feed (a diarrhea of long standing sometimes terminates in dys- entery) ; exposure during cold, wet weather; decomposed foods; stag- nant water that contains large quantities of decomposing vegetable matter; low, damp, and dark stables, particularly if crowded; the existence of some disease, as tuberculosis of the abdominal form. In suckling foals it may come from feeding the dam on irritant foods or from disease of the udder. In other foals it may be produced by exposure to cold and damp, to irritant food, or to vcorms. Symptoms. — The initial symptom is a chill, which probably escapes notice in the majority of instances. The discharges are offensive and for the most part liquid, although it is conmion to find lumps of solid fecal matter floating in this liquid portion; shreds of mucous mem- brane and blood may be passed, or the evacuations may be muco-puru- lent; there is much straining, and, rarely, symptoms of abdominal pain; the subject lies down a great deal; the pulse is quickened and the temperature elevated. Thirst is a prominent symptom. In the adult, death rarely follows under two to three weeks, but in foals the disease may end in death after a few days. Treatment. — This is most unsatisfactory, and I am inclined to place GASTEO-ENTERITIS. 65 more dependence upon the care and feed than any medication that may be adopted. First of all the horse must be placed in a dry, warm, yet well- ventilated stable; the skin is to receive attention by frequent rubbings of the surface of the body, with blankets, and bandages to the legs. The water must be pure and given in small quantities ; the food, that which is light and easily digested. Medic- inally, give at first a light dose of castor oil, about one-half pint, to >vhich has been added 2 ounces of laudanum. The vegetable or min- eral astringents are also to be given. Starch injections containing laudanum often afford great relief. The strength must be kept up by milk punches, eggs, beef tea, oatmeal gruel, etc. In spite of the best care and treatment, however, dysentery is likely to prove fatal. In the case of nurslings, the dam should be placed in a healthy con- dition or, failing in this, milk should be had from another mare or from a cow. Gastro-enteritis. — This condition consists in an inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Instead of being confined to the mucous, or lining, membrane, as in gastro-intestinal catarrh, the inflammatory process extends deeper and may even involve the entire thickness of the wall of the organ. This disease may be caused by irritant food, hofe drinks, sudden chilling, moldy or decayed foods, foul water, parasites, or by chemical poisons. It may also complicate some general diseases, especially infectious diseases, as anthrax, influenza, rabies, or petechial fever. Long-continued obstruction of the bowels or displacement resulting in death are preceded by enteritis. The symptoms differ somewhat with the cause and depend also, to some extent, upon the chief location of the inflammation. In general the animal stops eating or eats but little; it shows colicky pain; fever develops ; the pulse and respiration become rapid ; the mucous membrane becomes red; the mouth is hot and dry. Pressure upon the abdomen may cause pain. Intestinal sounds can not be heard at the flank. There is constipation in the earlier stages that is followed later by diarrhea. The extremities become cold. Sometimes the feces are coated with or contain shreds of fibrin, looking like scraps of dead membrane, and they have an evil, putrid odor. If the disease is caused by moldy or damaged food there may be great muscular weakness with partial paralysis of the throat, as shown by inability to swallow. If chemical poisons are the cause, this fact may be shown by the sudden onset of the disease, the history of the adminis- tration of a poison or the entire absence of known cause, the rapid development of threatening symptoms, the involvement of a series of animals in the absence of a contagious disease, and the special symp- toms and alterations known to be produced by certain poisons. To H. Doc. 795, 50-2 5 66 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. make this chain of evidence complete, the poison may be discovered in the organs of the horse by chemical analysis. In nearly all cases of gastro-enteritis there is nervous depression. The poisons that are most irritant to the digestive tract are arsenic, corrosive sublimate, sugar of lead, sulphate of copper, sulphate or chloride of zinc, lye or other strong alkalies, mineral acids, and, among the vegetable poisons, tobacco, lobelia, and water hemlock. The treatment will depend upon the cause, but if this can not be detected, certain general indications may be observed. In all cases food should be given in small amounts and should be of the most soothing description, as oatmeal gruel, flaxseed tea, hay tea, fresh grass, or rice water. The skin should be well rubbed with wisps of straw and alcohol, to equalize the distribution of the blood; the legs, after being rubbed until warm, should be bandaged in raw cotton or with woolen bandages. The horse should be warmly blanketed. It is well to apply to the abdomen blankets wrung out of hot water and frequently changed ; or mustard paste may be rubbed on the skin of the belly. Internally, opium is of service to allay pain, check secre- tion, and soothe the inflamed membrane. The dose is from 1 to 2 drams, given every three or four hours. If there is constipation, the opium should be mixed with 30 grains of calomel. Subnitrate of bismuth may be given with the opium or separately in 2-dram doses. Stimulants, such as alcohol, aromatic spirits of ammonia, or camphor may be given in 2-ounce doses, mixed with warm water to make a drench. If putrid food has been consumed, creolin may be administered in doses of 2 drams, mixed with 1 pint of warm water or milk. If there is obstinate constipation and a laxative must be employed, it should be sweet or castor oil, from 1 pint to 1 quart. For the various poisons the remedies are as follows: Arsenic, oxyhydrate of iron solution, 1 pint to 1 quart, or calcined magnesia one-half ounce in 1 pint of water; corrosive sublimate, the whites of a dozen eggs or 2 ounces of flowers of sulphur; sugar of lead, Glauber's salts, 1 pomid in 1 quart of warm water, to be followed with iodide of potash, 3 drams at a dose, in water, three times daily for five days ; sulphate of copper, milk, the whites of eggs, or reduced iron; sulphate of chlo- ride of zinc, milk, the whites of eggs, or calcined magnesia; lye or alkalies, as caustic potash or soda, vinegar, dilute sulphuric acid, and linseed tea, with opium, 3 drams; mineral acids, chalk, or calcined magnesia, or baking soda; later give linseed tea and opimn. Hemorrhoids, or piles. — These are rare, comparatively, in horses. They are diagnosed by the appearance of bright-red irregular tumors after defecation, which may remain visible at all times or be seen only when the horse is down or after passing his manure. They are mostly due to constipation, to irritation, or injuries, or follow from the HERKIA, OR RUPTURE. 67 severe straining during dysentery. I have observed them to follow from severe labor pains in the mare. Treatment. — ^Attention must be paid to the condition of the bowels ; they should be soft, but purging is to be avoided. The tumors should be washed in warm water and thoroughly cleansed, after which scarify them and gently but firmly squeeze out the liquid that will be seen to follow the shallow incisions. After thus squeezing these tumors and before replacing through the anus, bathe the parts with some anodyne wash. For this purpose the glycerite of tannin and laudanum in equal parts is good. Mucilaginous injections into the rectum may be of service for a few days. Hernia, or rupture. — There are several different kinds of hernias that require notice, not all of which, however, produce serious symp- toms or results. Abdominal hernias, or ruptures, are divided into reducible^ irreducible^ and strangulated^ according to condition ; and into inguinal^ scrotal., ventral., umbilical, and diaphragmatic, accord- ing to their situation. A hernia is reducible when the displaced organ can be returned to its natural location. It consists of a soft swelling, without heat, pain, or any uneasiness, generally larger on full feed, and decreases in size as the bowels become empty. An irreducible hernia is one that can not be returned into the abdomen, and yet does not cause any pain or uneasiness. Strangulated hernia is one where the contents of the sac are greatly distended, or where from pressure upon the blood vessels of the imprisoned portion the venous circula- tion is checked or stopped, thereby causing congestion, swelling, in- flammation, and, if not relieved, gangrene of the part and death of the animal. According to the time or mode of origin, hernias may be congenital or acquired. Congenital scrotal hernia. — Not a few foals are noticed from birth to have an enlarged scrotum, which gradually increases in size until about the sixth month, sometimes longer. Sometimes the scrotum of a six-months-old colt is as large as that of an adult stallion, and operative treatment is considered. This is unnecessary in the great majority of cases, as this enlargement often disappears by the time the colt has reached his second year. Any interference, medicinal or surgical, is worse than useless. If the intestine contained within the scrotum should at any time become strangulated, it must then be treated the same as in an adult horse. Scrotal hernia is caused by dilatation of the sheath of the testicle, combined with relaxation of the fibrous tissues surrounding the in- guinal ring, thus allowing the intestine to descend to the scrotum. At first this is intermittent, appearing during work and returning when the horse is at rest. For a long time this form of hernia may not cause the least uneasiness or distress. In course of time, however, the imprisoned gut becomes filled with feces, its return into the ab- b8 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. dominal cavity is prevented, and it becomes strangulated. Wliile the gut is thus filling the horse often appears dull, is disinclined to move, appetite is impaired, and there is rumbling and obstruction of the bowels. Colicky symptoms now supervene. Strangulation and its consequent train of symptoms do not always follow in scrotal hernia, for often horses have this condition without suffering incon- venience for years. Inguinal hernia is but an incomplete scrotal hernia, and, like the latter, may exist and cause no signs of distress, or, again, it may be- come strangulated and cause the death of the animal. Inguinal hernia is seen mostly in stallions, next in geldings, and very rarely in the mare. Bearing in mind that scrotal hernia is seen only in entire horses, we can proceed to detail the symptoms of both strangulated, inguinal, and scrotal hernia at the same time. Wlien, during the existence of colicky symptoms, we find a horse kicking with his hind feet while standing or lying upon his back, we should look to the inguinal region and scrotum. If scrotal hernia exists the scrotum will be enlarged and lobulated ; by pressure we may force a portion of the contents of the gut back into the abdomen, eliciting a gurgling sound. If we take a gentle but firm hold upon the enlarged scrotum and then have an assistant cause the horse to cough, the swelling will be felt to expand and as quickly contract again. The history of these cases will materially aid us, as the owner can often assure us of preceding attacks of " colic," more or less severe, that have been instantaneously relieved in some (to him) unaccounta- ble manner. The colicky symptoms of these hernias are not diagtios- tic, but, probably, more closely resemble those of enteritis than any other bowel diseases. The diagnosis can, in many cases, be made only by a veterinarian, when he has recourse to a rectal examination ; the bowels can here be felt entering the internal abdominal ring. Treatment of inguinal hernia. — If the reader can be sure of the existence of hernia, he should secure the horse upon its back, and, with a hand in the rectum, endeavor to catch hold of the wandering bowel and pull it gently back into the cavity of the abdomen. Pres- sure should be made upon the scrotum during this time. If these means fail a veterinarian must be called to reduce the hernia by means of incising the inguinal ring, replacing the intestines, and castrate, using clamps and performing the " covered operation." Ventral hernia. — In this form of hernia the protrusion is through some accidental opening or rupture of the abdominal wall. It may occur at any part of the belly except at the umbilicus, and is caused by kicks, blows, hooks, severe jumping or pulling, etc. Ventral hernia is most common in pregnant mares, and is here due to the weight of the fetus or some degenerative changes taking place in the abdominal coats. It is recognized by the appearance of a swelli^ng, HERNIA, OR RUPTURE. 69 at the base of which can be felt the opening or rent in the abdominal tunics, and from the fact that the swelling containing the intestines can be made to disappear when the animal is placed in a favorable position. Treatment of ventral hernia. — In many instances there is no occa- sion for treatment, and again, where the hernial sac is extensive, treat- ment is of no avail. If the hernia is small, a cure may be attempted by the methods to be described in treating of umbilical hernia. If one is fortunate enough to be present when the hernia occurs, and particularly if it is not too large, he may, by the proper application of a pad and broad bandage, effect a perfect cure. TJmbilical hernia is the passing of any portion of the bowel or omentum (" caul ") through the navel, forming a " tumor " at this point. This is often congenital in our animals, and is due to the im- perfect closure of the umbilicus and to the position of the body. Many cases of umbilical hernia, like inguinal and scrotal of the con- genital kind, disappear entirely by the time the animal reaches its second or third year. Advancing age favors cure in these cases from the fact that the omentum (swinging support of the bowels) is pro- portionally shorter in adults than in foals, thus lifting the intestines out of the hernial sac and allowing the opening in the walls to close. Probably one of the most frequent causes of umbilical hernia in foals is the practice of keeping them too long from their dams, causing them to fret and worry, and to neigh, or cry, by the hour. The con- traction of the abdominal muscles and pressure of the intestines dur- ing neighing seem to open the umbilicus and induce hernia. Acci- dents may cause umbilical hernia in adults in the same manner as ventral hernia is produced, though this is very rare. Treatment of tunbilical hernia. — In the treatment of umbilical hernia it should be remembered that congential hernias are often removed with age, but probably congenital umhilical hernias less fre- quently than others. Among the many plans of treatment are to be mentioned the application of a pad over the tumor, the jDad being held in place by a broad tight bandage placed around the animaPs body. The chief objection to this is the difficulty in keeping the pad in its place. Blisters are oft«n applied over the swelling, and, as the skin hardens and contracts by the formation of scabs, an artificial bandage or pressure is produced that at times is successful. Another treatment that has gained considerable repute of late years consists in first clipping off the hair over the swelling. Nitric acid is then applied by a small brush, using only enough to moisten the skin. This sets up a deep-seated adhesive inflammation, which, in very many cases, closes the opening in the navel. Still another plan is to inject a solution of common salt by means of the hypodermic syringe at three or four points about the base of the swelling. This acts in 70 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. the same manner as the preceding, but may cause serious injury if the syringe or solution is not sterile. Others, again, after keeping the animal fasting for a few hours, cast and secure it upon its back ; the bowel is then carefully returned into the abdomen. The skin over the opening is pinched up and one or two skewers are run through the skin from side to side as close as possible to the umbilical opening. These skewers are kept in place by passing a cord around the skin between them and the abdomen and securely tied. Great care must be taken not to draw these cords too tight, as this would cause a speedy slough of the skin, the intes- tines would extrude, and death result. If proj)erly applied, an adhe- sion is established between the skin and the umbilicus which effectually closes the orifice. Special clamjDS are provided for taking up the fold of the skin covering the hernial sac and holding it until the ad- hesion is formed. DiaphragmcLtic hernia. — ^This consists of the passage of any of the abdominal viscera through a rent in the diaphragm (midriff) into the cavity of the thorax. It is rather a rare accident and one often impossible to diagnose during life. Colicky symptoms, accompanied by great difficulty in breathing, and the peculiar position so often assumed (that of sitting upon the haunches) are somewhat character- istic of this trouble, though these symptoms, as we have already seen, may be present during diseases of the stomach or anterior portion of the bowels. Even could we pronounce, with certainty, this form of hernia, there is little or nothing that can be done. Leading the horse up a very steep gangway or causing him to rear up may possibly cause the hernial portion to return to its natural position. This is not enough, however ; it must be kept there. Peritonitis. — Peritonitis is an inflammation of the serous mem- brane lining the cavity of and covering the viscera contained witliin the abdomen. It is very rare to see a case of primary peritonitis. It is, however, somewhat common as a secondary disease from extension of the inflammatory action involving organs covered by the perito- neum. Peritonitis is often caused by injuries, as punctured wounds of the abdomen, severe blows or kicks, or, as is still more common, fol- lowing the operation of castration. It follows strangulated hernia, invagination, or rupture of the stomach, intestines, liver, or womb. Symptoms. — Peritonitis is mostly preceded by a chill ; the horse is not disposed to move, and, if compelled to do so, moves with a stiff or sore gait ; he paws with the front feet and may strike at his belly with the hind ones ; lies down very carefully ; as the pain is increased while down, he maintains during most of the time the standing position ; he walks uneasily about the stall. Constipation is usually present. Pres- sure on the belly causes acute pain, and the horse will bite, strike, or kick if so disturbed; the abdomen is tucked up; the extremities are DEOPSY OF THE ABDOMEN. 71 fine and cold. The temperature is higher than normal, reaching from 102° to 104° F. The pulse in peritonitis is rather characteristic; it is quickened, beating from seventy to ninety beats per minute, and is hard and iciry. This peculiarity of the pulse occurs in inflannnation of the serous membrane, and if accompanied by colicky symptoms, and, in particular, if following any injuries, accidental or surgical, of the peritoneum, there is reason to think that peritonitis is present. Peritonitis in the horse is mostly fatal when it is at all extensive. If death does not occur in a short time, the inflannnation assumes a clu'onic form, in which there is an extensive effusion of water in the cavity of the belly, constituting what is Imown as ascites^ and which, as a rule, results in death. The treatment of peritonitis is to be somewhat like that of enteri- tis. Opium in powder, 1 to 2 drams, with calomel, one-half dram, is to be given every two, three, or four hours, and constitutes the main dependence in this disease. Extensive counterirritants over the belly, consisting of mustard plastei*s, applications of mercurial ointment, turpentine stuf>es, or even mild blisters, are reconnnended. Purga- tives must never be given during this complaint. Should we desire to move the bowels, it can be done by gentle enemas, though it is seldom necessary to resort even to this. Ascites, or dropsy of the abdomen. — ^This is seen as a result of subacute or chronic peritonitis, but may be due to diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, or lungs. There will be found, on opening the cavity of the belly, a large collection of yellowish or reddish liquid; from a few quarts to several gallons may be present. It may be clear in color, though generally it is yellowish or of a red tint, and contains numerous loose flakes of coagulable lymph. Symptoms. — ^There is slight tenderness on pressure; awkward gait of the hind legs; the horse is dull, and may have occasional very slight colicky pains, shown by looking back and striking at the belly with the hind feet. Oftener, however, these colicky symptoms are absent. Diarrhea often precedes death, but during the progress of the disease the bowels are alternately constipated and loose. On percussing the abdominal waUs we find that dullness exists to the same height on both sides of the belly ; by suddenly pushing or striking the abdomen we can hear the rushing or flooding of water. If the case is an ad- vanced one, the horse is potbellied to the extreme, and dropsical swellings are seen under the belly and upon the legs. Treatment is, as a rule, unsatisfactory. Saline cathartics, as Ep- som or Glauber's salts, and diuretics, oiuice doses of saltpeter, may be given. If a veterinarian is at hand he will withdraw the accumula- tion of water by tapping and then endeavor to prevent its recurrence (though this is almost sure to follow) by giving three times a day saltpeter, 1 ounce, and iodide of potash, 1 dram, and by the applica- 72 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. tion of mustard or blisters over the abdominal walls. Tonics, min- eral and vegetable, are also indicated. Probably the best tonic is one consisting of powdered sulphate of iron, gentian, and ginger in equal parts ; a heaping tablespoonful of the mixture is given as a drench or mixed with the feed, twice a day. Good nutritious foods and gentle exercise complete the treatment. DISEASES OF THE LIVER. The liver of the horse is, in the United States, but rarely the seat of disease, and when we consider how frequently the liver of man is aifected this can not but appear strange. The absence of the gall bladder may account to a certain extent for his freedom from liver diseases; as overdistention of this and the presence in it of calculi (stones) in man is a frequent source of trouble. In domestic animals, as in man, hot climates tend to produce diseases of the liver, just as in cold climates lung diseases prevail. Not only are diseases of the liver rare in horses in temperate climates, but they are also very obscure, and in many cases pass totally unobserved until after death. There are some symptoms, however, which, when present, should make us examine the liver as carefully as possible. These are jaundice (yellowness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes) and the condition of the dung, it being light in color and pasty in appearance. Hepatitis, or inflammation or the liver. — This disease may be general or local, and may assume an acute or chronic form. The symptoms of acute hepatitis are : Dullness ; the horse is suffer- ing from some internal pain, but not of a severe type ; constipated and clay-colored dung balls ; scanty and high-colored urine ; and general febrile symptoms. If lying down, he is mostly found on the left side ; looks occasionally toward the right side, which, upon close inspection, may be found to be slightly enlarged over the posterior ribs, where pain upon pressure is also evinced. Obscure lameness in front, of the right leg mostly, may be a symptom of hepatitis. The horse, toward the last, reels or staggers in his gait and falls backward in a fainting fit, during one of which he finally succumbs. Death is sometimes due to rupture of the enveloping coat of the liver or of some of its blood vessels. Causes. — Among the causes that lead to this disease we must men- tion first the stimulating effect of overfeeding, particularly during hot weather. Horses that are well fed and receive but little exercise are the best subjects for diseases of this organ. We must add to these causes the more mechanical ones, as injuries on the right side over the liver, worms in the liver, gallstones in the biliary ducts, for- eign bodies — as needles or nails that have been swallowed and in their wanderings- have entered the liver — and, lastly, in some instances, ^e DISEASES OF THE LIVER. 73 extension of inflammation from neighboring parts, thus involving this organ. Acute hepatitis may terminate in chronic inflammation, abscesses, rupture of the liver, or may disappear, leaving behind no trace of disease whatever. Treatment. — This should consist, at first, of the administration of 1 ounce of Barbados aloes or other physic. General blood-letting, if had recourse to early, must prove of much benefit in acute inflamma- tion of the liver. The vein in the neck (jugular) must be opened, and from 4 to 6 quarts of blood may be drawn. Saline medicines, as Glauber's salts or the artificial Carlsbad salt, is indicated. These may be given with the feed in tablespoonful doses. The horse is to be fed sparingly on soft food, bran mashes chiefly. If treatment proves successful and recovery takes place, see to it that the horse afterwards gets regular exercise and that his food is not of a too highly nutritious character and not excessive. Jaundice, icterus, or the yellows. — This is a condition caused by the retention and absorption of bile into the blood. It was for- merly considered to be a disease of itself, but is now regarded as a symptom of disorder of the liver. " The yellows " is observed by looking at the eyes, nose, and mouth, when it will be seen that these parts are yellowish instead of the pale-pink color of health. In white or light-colored horses the skin even may show this yellow tint. The urine is saffron colored, the dung is of a dirty-gray color, and con- stipation is usually present. Jaundice may be present as a symptom of almost any inflammatory disease. We know that when an animal has fever the secretions are checked, the bile may be retained and absorbed throughout the system, and yellowness of the mucous mem- branes follows. Jaundice may also exist during* the presence of simple constipation, hepatitis, biliary calculi, abscesses, hardening of the liver, etc. Treatment. — When jaundice exists we must endeavor to rid the system of the excess of bile, and this is best accomplished by giving purgatives that act upon the liver. Calomel, 2 drams, with aloes, T drams, should be given. Glauber's salts in handful doses once or twice a day for a week is also effective. May apple, rhubarb, castor oil, and other cathartics that act upon the first or small bowels may be selected. We must be careful to see that the bowels are kept open by avoiding hard, dry, bulky foods. Rupture of the liver. — This is known to occur at times in the horse, most frequently in old fat horses and those that get but little exercise. Horses that have suffered from chronic liver disease for years eventually present symptoms of colic and die quite suddenly. Upon post-mortem examination we discover that the liver had rup- tured. The cicatrices, or scars, that are often found upon the liver indicate that this organ may suffer smciJl rupture and yet the horse 74 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. recover from it. This result can not obtain, however, if the rent or tear is extensive, since in such cases death must quickly follow from hemorrhage, or, later, from peritonitis. Enlarged liver is particu- larly liable to rupture. Causes. — The immediate causes of rupture aj)pear to be excessive muscular exertion, as leaping a fence, a fall, a blow from a collision, a kick from a horse, or sudden distention of the abdomen with gas. The symptoms of rupture of the liver will depend upon the extent of the laceration. If slight, there will be simply the symptoms of abdominal pain, looking back to the sides, lying down, etc. ; if exten- sive, the horse is dull and dejected, has no appetite, breathing be- comes short and catching, he sighs or sobs, visible mucous mem- branes are pale, extremities cold, pulse fast, small, and weak or running down. Countenance now shows much distress, he sweats profusely, totters in his gait, props his legs wide apart, reels, stag- gers, and falls. He may get u]d again, but soon falls dead. The rapid running-down pulse, paleness of the eyes, nose, and mouth, sighing, stertorous breathing, tottering gait, etc., are symptoms by which we know that the animal is dying from internal hemorrhage. Treatrtient. — But little can be done in the way of treatment. Opium in powder, in doses of 2 drams every two or three hours, may be given, with the idea of preventing as much as possible all movements of internal organs. If there is reason to suspect internal bleeding, we should give large and frequent doses of white-oak bark tea, dram doses of tannic or gallic acid, or the same quantity of sugar of lead, every half hour or hour. Fluid extract of ergot or tincture of the chloride of iron, in ounce doses, may be selected. Cold water dashed upon the right side or injected into the rectum is highly spoken of as a means of checking the hemorrhage. Biliary calculi, or gallstones. — These are rarely found in the horse, but may occupy the hej^atic ducts, giving rise to jaundice and to colicky pains. There are no absolutely diagnostic symjDtoms, but should one find a horse that suffers from repeated attacks of colic, accompanied by symptoms of violent pain, and that during or follow- ing these attacks the animal is jaundiced, it is j)0ssible that gallstones are present. There is little or nothing to be done except to give medicines to overcome pain, trusting that these concretions may pass on to the bowels, where, from their small size, they will not occasion any inconvenience. Diseases of the pancreas and spleen. — Diseases of the pancreas rmd spleen are so rare, or their symptoms so little understood, that it is impossible to write anything concerning either of these organs and their simple diseases that will convey to the reader information of practical value. PLATiin. TTia adult.. Egg. BOTS. 1 Bots in tile stomach. 2 Bots in the cUiodeniiTii. PLATE m. O-Xvuris equL. S'trongylus equinus. Asruris equoriini DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. By James Law, F. R. C. V. S., Professor of Teterinary Science, etc., in Cornell University. [Revised in 1903 by the author.] USES or THE URINABT ORGANS. The urinary organs constitute the main channel through which are excreted the nitrogenous or albuminoid principles, whether derived directly from the food or from the muscular and other nitrogenized tissues of the body. They constitute, besides, the channel through which are thrown out most of the poisons, whether taken in by the mouth or skin or developed in connection with faulty or natural digestion, blood-forming, nutrition, or tissue destruction ; or, finally, poisons that are developed within the body, as the result of normal cell life or of the life of bacteria or other germs that have entered the body from without. Bacteria themselves largely escape from the body through the kidneys. To a large extent, therefore, these organs are the sanitary scavengers and purifiers of the system, and when their functions are impaired or arrested the retained poisons quickly show their presence in resulting disorders of the skin and connective tissue beneath it, of the nervous system, or other organs. Nor is this influence one-sided. Scarcely an important organ of the body can suffer derangement without entailing a corresponding disorder of the urinary system. Nothing can be more striking than the mutual bal- ance maintained between the liquid secretions of the skin and kidneys during hot and cold weather. In summer, when so much liquid ex- hales through the skin as sweat, comparatively little urine is passed, whereas in winter, when the skin is inactive, the urine is correspond- ingly increased. This vicarious action of skin and kidneys is usually kept within the limits of health, but at times the draining off of the water by the skin leaves too little to keep the solids of the urine safely in solution, and these are liable to crystallize out and form stone and gravel. Similarly the passage in the sweat of some of the solids that normally leave the body, dissolved in the urine, serves to irritate the skin and produce troublesome eruptions. PROMINENT CAUSES OF URINARY DISORDERS. A disordered liver contributes to the production, under different circumstances, of an excess of biliary coloring matter, which stains 75 76 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. the urine; of an excess of hippuric acid and allied products, which being less soluble than urea (the normal product of tissue change), favor the formation of stone, of taurocholic acid, and other bodies that tend, when in excess, to destroy the blood globules and to cause irritation of the kidneys by the resulting hemoglobin excreted in the urine, and of glycogen too abundant to be burned up in the system, which induces saccharine urine (diabetes). Any disorder leading to impaired functional activity of the lungs is causative of an excess of hippuric acid and allied bodies, of oxalic acid, of sugar, etc., in the urine, which irritate the kidneys even if they do not produce solid deposits in the urinar;/ passages. Diseases of the nervous system, and notably of the base of the brain and of the spinal cord, induce various urinary disorders, prominent among which are diabetes, chylous urine, and albuminuria. Certain affections, with imperfect nutrition or destructive waste of the bony tissues, tend to charge the urine with phosphates of lime and magnesia, and endanger the forma- tion of stone and gravel. In all extensive inflammations and acute fevers the liquids of the urine are diminished, while the solids (waste products), which should form the urinary secretion, are increased, and the surcharged urine proves irritant to the urinary organs or the retained waste products poison the system at large. Diseases of the heart and lungs, by interfering with the free onward flow of the blood from the right side of the heart, tend to throw that' liquid back on the veins, and this backward pressure of venous blood strongly tends to disorders of the kidneys. Certain poisons taken with the food and water, notably that found in magnesian limestone and those found in irritant diuretic plants, are especially injurious to the kidneys, as are also various cryptogams, whether present in musty hay or oats. The kidneys may be irritated by feeding green vege- tables covered with hoar frost or by furnishing an excess of food rich in phosphates (wheat bran, beans, pease, vetches, lentils, rape cake, cotton-seed cake) or by a privation of water, which entails a concen- trated condition and high density of the urine. Exposure in cold rain or snow storms, cold drafts of air, and damp beds are liable to further disorder an already overworked or irritable kidney. Finally, sprains of the back and loins may cause bleeding from the kidneys or inflammation. The right kidney, weighing 23| ounces, is shaped like a French bean, and extends from the loins forward to beneath the heads of the last two ribs. The left kidney (Plate IV) resembles a heart of cards, and extends from the loins forward beneath the head of the last rib only. Each consists of three distinct parts — (a) the external (corti- cal), or vascular part, in which the blood vessels form elaborate capillary networks within the dilated globular sacs which form the beginnings of the secreting (uriniferous) tubes and on the surface PLATE IV; .W (^ a, Cortical (or va^cidarJ porrion : b, Med uUa.ry { or tubular) portion c, Peripheral portion of the latter; d.JnterioroftyiepelvM; d.',d-', Arms ofthe' peivLs; ey, Border of the crest; f.Infiindihiilumi g.rrelfr. Geo.Manc.del.after D.Arb Then, if the suffering and fever are high, 2 to 4 quarts of blood may be abstracted from the jugular vein; in weak subjects or unless in high fever this should be omitted. Next relieve the kidneys so far as possible by throwing their work on the bowels and skin. A pint of castor oil is less likely than either aloes or salts to act on the Idd- neys. To affect the skin a warm stall and heavy clothing may be supplemented by dram doses of Dover's powder. Pain may be 8b DISEASES OF THE HORSE. soothed by dram doses of bromide of potassium. Boiled flaxseed may be added to the drinking water, and also thrown into the rectum as an injection, and blankets saturated with hot water should be per- sistently applied to the loins. This may be followed by a very thin f)ulp of the best ground mustard made with tepid water, rubbed in against the direction of the hair and covered up with paper and a blanket. This may be kept on for an hour, or until the skin thickens and the hair stands erect. It may then be rubbed or sponged off and the blanket reapplied. When the action of the bowels has been started it may be kept up by a daily dose of 2 or 3 ounces of Glauber's salts. During recovery a course of bitter tonics (nux vomica 1 scruple, ground gentian root 4 drams) should be given. The patient should also be guarded against cold, wet, and any active exertion for some time after all active symptoms have subsided. CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. Causes. — Chronic inflammation of the kidneys is more commonly associated with albumen and casts in the urine than the acute form, and in some instances these conditions of the urine may be the only prominent symptoms of the disease. Though it may supervene on blows, injuries, and exposures, it is much more commonly connected Vvith faulty conditions of the system — as indigestion, heart disease, lung or liver disease, imperfect blood formation, or assimilation; in short, it is rather the attendant on a constitutional infirmity than on a simple local injury. It may be associated with various forms of diseased kidneys, as shrinkage (atrophy), increase (hypertrophy), softening, red conges- tion, white enlargement, etc., so that it forms a group of diseases rather than a disease by itself. Symptoms. — The symptoms may include stiffness, weakness, and increased sensibility of the loins, and modified secretion of urine (increase or suppression), or the flow may be natural. Usually it contains albumen, the amount furnishing a fair criterion of the grav- ity of the affection, and microscopic casts, also most abundant in bad cases. Dropsy, manifested in swelled legs, is a significant symptom, and if the effusion takes place along the lower line of the body or in chest or abdomen, the significance is increased. A scurfy, unthrifty skin, lack-luster hair, inability to sustain severe or continued exer- tion, poor or irregular appetite, loss of fat and flesh, softness of the muscles, and pallor of the eyes and nose are equally suggestive. So are skin eruptions of various kinds. Any one or more of these symp- toms would warrant an examination of the urine for albumen and casts, the finding of which signifies renal inflammation. Treatment of these cases is not always satisfactory, as the cause is DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. 87 liable to be maintained in the disorders of important organs else- Avhere. If any such coincident disease of another organ or function can be detected, that should be treated first or simultaneously with this affection of the kidneys. In all cases the building up of the general health is important. Hence a course of tonics may be given (phosphate of iron 2 drams, nux vomica 20 grains, powdered gentian root 4 drams, daily) or GO drops of sulphuric acid or nitromuriatic acid may be given daily in the drinking water. If there is any ele- vated temperature of the body and tenderness of the loins, fomenta- tions may be applied, followed by a mustard pulp, as for acute inflammation, and even in the absence of these indications the mus- tard may be resorted to with advantage at intervals of a few days. In suppression of urine, fomentations with warm water or with infu- sion of digitalis leaves is a safer resort than diuretics, and cupping over the loins may also benefit. To apply a cup, shave the skin and oil it ; then take a narrow-mouthed glass, rarify the air within it by introducing a taper in full flame for a second, withdraw the taper and instantly appl}' the mouth of the glass to the skin and hold it closely applied till the cooling tends to form a vacuum in the glass and to draw up the skin, like a sucker. As in the acute inflammation, every attention must be given to secure warm clothing, a warm stall, and pure air. TUMORS OF THE KIDNEYS. Tumors, whether malignant or simple, would give rise to symptoms resembling some form of inflammation, and are not likely to be recog- nized during life. PARASITES. To parasites of the kidney belong the echinococcu&^ the larval, or bladder worm, stage of the small echinococcus tapeworm of the dog; also the Cysticercus fistularis^ another bladder worm of an unknown tapeworm; in these there is the possibility of the passage with the urine of a detached head of the bladder worm or of some of it^ micro- scopic booklets, which might be found in the sediment of the urine and thus establish a diagnosis. Dioctophyme renale, the largest of roundworms, has been found in the kidney of the horse. Its presence can only be certified by the passage of its microscopic eggs or of the entire worm. Immature stages of roundworms, either Strongylus equinus or a related species, may be found in the renal artery or in the kidney itself. SPASM OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER. This affection consists in spasmodic closure of the outlet from the bladder by tonic contraction of the circular muscular fibers. It may be accompanied by a painful contraction of the muscles on the body 88 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. of the bladder; or, if the organ is already unduly distended, these will be affected with temporary paralysis. It is most frequent in the horse, but by no means unknown in the mare. Causes. — The causes are usually hard and continuous driving with- out opportunity for passing urine, cold rainstorms, drafts of cold air when perspiring and fatigued, the administration of Spanish fly or the application of extensive blisters of the same, abuse of diuretics, the presence of acrid diuretic plants in the fodder, and the presence of stone in the bladder. As most mares refuse to urinate while in harness, they should be unhitched at suitable times for urination. Spasmus of the bowels are always attended by spasm of the bladder, hence the free passage of water is usually a symptom of relief. SyTTiptoms. — The symptoms are frequent stretching and straining to urinate, with no result or a slight dribbling only. These vain efforts are attended by pain and groaning. On resuming his natural position the animal is not freed from the pain, but moves uneasily, paws, shakes the tail, kicks at the abdomen with his hind feet, looks back to the flank, lies down and rises, arches the back, and attempts to urinate as before. If the oiled hand is introduced into the rectum the greatly distended bladder may be felt beneath, and the patient will often shrink when it is handled. It is important to notice that irritation of the urinary organs is often present in impaction of the colon with solid matters, because the impacted intestine under the straining of the patient is forced backward into the pelvis and presses upon and irritates the bladder. In such cases the horse stands with his fore limbs advanced and the hind ones stretched back beyond the natural posture, and makes fre- quent efforts to urinate, with varying success. Unpracticed observers naturally conclude that the secondary urinary trouble is the main and only one, and the intestinal impaction and obstruction is too often neglected until it- is irremediable. In cases where the irritation has caused spasm of the neck of the bladder and overdistention of that organ, the mistake is still more easily made ; hence it is important in all cases to examine for the impacted bowel, forming a bend, or loop, at the entrance of the pelvis and usually toward the left side. The impacted intestine feels soft and doughy, and is easily indented with the knuckles, forming a marked contrast with the tense, elastic, resil- ient, overdistended bladder. It remains to be noted that similar symptoms may be determined by a stone or sebaceous mass, or stricture obstructing the urethra, or in the newborn by thickened mucus in that duct and by the pressure of hardened, impacted feces in the rectum. In obstruction, the hard, impacted body can usually be felt by tracing the urethra along the lower and posterior surface of the penis and forward to the median line of the floor of the pelvis to the neck of the bladder. That part Slincliire ol" llio Kiflnc tionai tlihinr- -s, .isr, lurna iu\r-uii/> •>•■ nr/iu- loop, J(K Loop offfpiilr, //, Cor, i altit^rd li'hu/c t.ery: I^t, Brci/ich .viipphuu/ (he (/lo/)ie/ii/i . i Branch ffoinq dirr, >/y In (he rrrpilf, f'ro/iL the rrnaJ nrt('r\-; JS-Stranj/u n: ; (flomet -lUiiS: J9, S(f(ii(//i! (i/-teri('i< i . ' Ujop or the p\7rtn(/y/.'>;'JJ,/:'/'/f'rr/i/ r, plc.'vi.'/: ^^.('(ipillary pic.ru.s of the ?3,Capin/f\ru.s of the p\r(rfitici.;- -,/' /-'i rt-ui .- 'J '/.rurluc ' / ?5,\'enOf .stelldldc : .?(j',Veui ro/nmc/ //<'/// f//r (/n/ hri(/irh '/fr I.K.Wi.' / ...S'tff I !!/ui /<' the re//>/7/r/icnt .>,, ':o- crtd MKHOSC'OPiC AXATONn'Ol- KIDNia' PLx^TE \1. HoJiMl (•.loiiioi-iiliiH. a. Artery cl't/u r/l<»/ierufi/s, li, I^rciin-h .^n/>/>/yin(/ (hr a/Yrr-cnt \-csscl of the fflotiicrulii.s; c, At'frrrnt \r.v.sef of't/ir i/Uinttriile : d, Artery f/oin ^\# ^, ;^ Hcfia/ C(i.si^. S'orrw tieprh'eith(/uim. Two are deep ft- colored tmrn t/ie pr-e,^e4ice. orumie of .soda. Slrtd(j/(( /hrrcp.s- used r/i r-r/iin\ 'ifi'j ra/rt/// . Hxime.s.dcl «ttw Hui tit^l D'ArbovHl juuus BiEN aco > CALCULI AND INSTRUMENT FOB REMOV2U. PAEALYSIS OF THE BLADDER. 89 of the urethra between the seat of obstruction and the bladder is usually distended with urine, and feels enlarged, elastic, and fluctu- ating. Treatment. — Treatment may be begun by taking the animal out of harness. This failing, spread clean litter beneath the belly or turn the patient out on the dung heap. Some seek to establish sympa- thetic action by pouring water from one vessel into another with dribbling noise. Others soothe and distract the attention by slow whistling. Friction of the abdomen with wisps of straw may suc- ceed, or it may be rubbed with ammonia and oil. These failing, an injection of 2 ounces of laudanum or of an infusion of 1 ounce of tobacco in water may be tried. In the mare the neck of the bladder is easily dilated by inserting two oiled fingers and slightly parting them. In the horse the oiled hand introduced into the rectum may press from before backward on the anterior or blind end of the bladder. Finally, a well-oiled gum-elastic catheter may be entered into the urethra through the papilla at the end of the penis and pushed on carefully until it has entered the bladder. To effect this the penis must first be withdrawn from its sheath, and when the advancing end of the catheter has reached the bend of the urethra beneath the anus it must be guided forward by pressure with the hand, which guidance must be continued onward into the bladder, the oiled hand being introduced into the rectum for this purpose. The horse catheter, 3^ feet long and one-third inch in diameter, may be bought of a surgical instrument maker. PARALYSIS OF THE BLADDER. Paralysis of the body of the bladder with spasm of the neck has been described under the last heading, and may occur in the same way from overdistention in tetanus, acute rheumatism, paraplegia, and hemiplegia, in which the animal can not stretch himself to stale, and in cystitis, affecting the body of the bladder but not the neck. In all these cases the urine is suppressed. It also occurs as a result of disease of the posterior end of the spinal marrow and with broken back, and is then associated with palsy of the tail, and, it may be, of the hind limbs. Sym/ptoms. — The symptoms are a constant dribbling of urine when the neck is involved, the liquid running down the inside of the thighs and irritating the skin. When the neck is unaffected the urine is retained until the bladder is greatly overdistended, when it may be expelled in a gush by the active contraction of the muscular walls of the abdomen ; but this never empties the bladder, and the oiled hand introduced through the rectinn may feel the soft, flabby organ still half full of urine. This retained urine is liable to decompose and give off ammonia, which dissolves the epithelial cells, exposing the 90 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. raw mucous membrane and causing the worst type of cystitis. Sup- j)ression and incontinence of urine are common also to obstruction of the urethra by stone or otherwise; hence this source of fallacy should be excluded by manual examination along the whole course of that duct. Treatment. — Treatment is only applicable in cases in which the de- termining cause can be abated. In remedial sprains of the back or disease of the spinal cord these must have approj^riate treatment, and the urine must be drawn off frequently with a catheter to prevent overdistention and injury to the bladder. If the paralysis persists after recovery of the spinal cord, or if it continues after relief of spasm of the neck of the bladder, apply a pulp of mustard and water over the back part of the bellj^ in front of the udder, and cover with a rug until the hair stands erect. In the male the mustard may be applied between the thighs from near the anus downward. Daily doses of 2 drams extract of belladonna or of 2 grains powdered Spanish fly may serve to rouse the lost tone. These failing, a mild current of electricity daily may succeed. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER ( CYSTITIS, OR UROCYSTITIS) . Cystitis may be slight or severe, acute or chronic, partial or general. It may be caused by abuse of diuretics, especially such as are irritat- ing (cantharides, turpentine, copaiba, resin, etc.), by the presence of a stone or gravel in the bladder, the irritation of a catheter or other foreign body introduced from without, the septic ferment (bac- terium) introduced on a filthy catheter, the overdistention of the bladder by retained urine, the extrication of ammonia from retained decomposing urine, resulting in destruction of the epithelial cells and irritation of the raw surface, and a too concentrated and irritating urine. The application of Spanish flies or turpentine over a too ex- tensive surface, sudden exposure of a perspiring and tired horse to cold or wet, and the presence of acrid plants in the fodder may cause cystitis, as they may nephritis. Finally, inflammation may extend from a diseased vagina or urethra to the bladder. Symptoms. — The symj^toms are slight or severe colicky pains; the animal moves his hind feet uneasily or even kicks at the abdomen, looks around at his flank, and may even lie down and rise frequently. More characteristic are frequently rej)eated efforts to urinate, result- ing in, the discharge of a little clear, or red, or more commonly floc- culent urine, always in jets, and accompanied b}^ signs of pain, which persist after the discharge, as shown in continued straining, groan- ing, and perhaps in movements of the feet and tail. The penis hangs from the sheath, or in the mare the vulva is frequently opened and closed, as after urination. The animal winces when the abdomen is pressed in the region of the sheath or udder, and the bladder is found DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. 91 to be sensitive and tender when pressed with the oiled hand intro- duced through the rectum or vagina. In the mare the thickening of the walls of the bladder may be felt by introducing one finger through the urethra. The discharged urine, which may be turbid or even oily, contains an excess of mucus, with flat shreds of membrane, with scaly epithelial cells, and pus corpuscles, each showing two or more nuclei when treated with acetic acid, but there are no microscopic tubular casts, as in nephritis. If due to stone in the bladder, that will be found on examination through rectum or vagina. Treatment implies, first, the removal of the cause, whether poisons in food or as medicine, the removal of Spanish flies or other blistering agents from the skin, or the extraction of stone or gravel. If the urine has been retained and decomposed it must be completely evac- uated through a clean catheter, and the bladder thoroughly washed out with a solution of 1 dram of borax in a quart of water. This must be repeated twice daily until the urine no longer decomposes, because so long as ammonia is developed in the bladder the protecting layer of epithelial cells will be dissolved and the surface kept raw and irritable. The diet must be light (bran mashes, roots, fresh grass), and the drink impregnated with linseed tea, or solution of slippery elm or marsh mallow. The same agents may be used to inject into the rectum, or they may even be used along with borax and opium to inject into bladder (gum arable 1 dram, opium 1 dram, tepid water 1 pint). Fomentations over the loins are often of great advantage, and these may be followed or alternated with the appli- cation of mustard, as in paralj^sis ; or the mustard may be applied on the back part of the abdomen below or between the thighs from the anus downward. Finally, when the acute symptoms have subsided, a daily dose of buchu 1 dram and nux vomica one-half dram will serve to restore lost tone. IRRITABLE BLADDER. Some horses, and especially mares, show an irritability of the blad- der and nerve centers presiding over it by frequent urination in small quantities, though the urine is not manifestly changed in character and no more than the natural amount is passed in the twenty- four hours. The disorder appears to have its source quite as frequently in the generative or nervous system as in the urinary. A troublesome and dangerous form is seen in mares, which dash off and refuse all control by the rein if driven with a full bladder, but usually prove docile if the bladder has been emptied before hitching. In other cases the excitement connected with getting the tail over the reins is a pow- erful determining cause. The condition is marked in many mares during the period of " heaty An oleaginous laxative (castor oil 1 pint) will serve to remove any 92 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. cause of irritation in the digestive organs, and a careful dieting will avoid continued irritation by acrid vegetable agents. The bladder should be examined to see that there is no stone or other cause of irri- tation, and the sheath and penis should be washed with soapsuds, any- sebaceous matter removed from the bilocular cavity at the end of the penis, and the whole lubricated with sweet oil. Irritable mares should be induced to urinate before they are harnessed, and those that clutch the lines under the tail may have the tail set high by cutting the cords on its lower surface, or it may be prevented getting over the reins by having a strap carried from its free end to the breeching. Those proving troublesome when " in heat " may have 4-dram doses of bro- mide of potassium, or they may be served by the male or castrated. Sometimes irritability may be lessened by daily doses of belladonna extract (1 dram) , or a better tone may be given to the parts by balsam copaiba (1 dram). DISEASED GROWTHS IN THE BLADDER. These may be of various kinds, malignant or simple. In the horse I have found villous growths from the mucous membrane especially troublesome. They may be attached to the mucous membrane by a narrow neck or by a broad base covering a great part of the organ. Symptoms. — The symptoms are frequent straining, passing of urine and blood with occasionally gravel. An examination of the bladder with the hand in the rectum will detect the new growth, which may be distinguished from a hard resistant stone. In mares, in which the finger can be inserted into the bladder, the recognition is still more satisfactory. The polypi attached by narrow necks may be removed by surgical operation, but for those with broad attachments treatment is eminently unsatisfactory. DISCHARGE OF URINE BY THE NAVEL, OR PERSISTENT URACHUS. This occurs only in the newborn, and consists in the nonclosure of the natural channel (urachus), through which the urine is discharged into the outer water bag (allantois) in fetal life. At that early stage of the animal existence the bladder resembles a long tube, which is prolonged through the navel string and opens into the outermost of the two water bags in which the fetus floats. In this way the urine is prevented from entering the inner water bag (amnion), where it would mingle with the liquids, bathing the skin of the fetus and cause irritation. At birth this channel closes up, and the urine takes the course normal to extra-uterine life. Imperfect closure is more fre- quent in males than in females, because of the great length and small caliber of the male urethra and its consequent tendency to obstruction. In the female there may be a discharge of a few drops only at a tipie, while in the male the urine will be expelled in strong jets coincidently with the contractions of the bladder and walls of the abdomen. DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. 93 The first care is to ascertain if tlie urethra is pervious by passing a human catheter. This determined, the open urachus may be firmly closed by a stout waxed thread, carried with a needle through the tis- sues back of the opening and tied in front of it so as to inclose as little skin as possible. If a portion of the navel string remains, the tying of that may be all sufficient. It is important to tie as early as possible so as to avoid inflammation of the navel from contact with the urine. In summer a little carbolic-acid water or tar water may be applied to keep off the flies. EVERSION OF THE BLADDER. This can only occur in the female. It consists in the turning of the organ outside in through the channel of the urethra, so that it appears as a red, pear-shaped mass hanging from the floor of the vulva and protruding externally between its lips. It may be a mass like the fist, or it may swell up to the size of an infant's head. On examining its upper surface the orifices of the urethra may be seen, one on each side, a short distance behind the neck, with the urine oozing from them drop by drop. This displacement usually supervenes on a flaccid condition of the bladder, the result of paralysis, overdistention, or severe compression during a difficult parturition. The protruding organ may be washed with a solution of 1 ounce of laudanum and a teaspoonful of carbolic acid in a quart of water, and returned by pressing a smooth, rounded object into the fundus and directing it into the urethra, while careful pressure is made on the surrounding parts with the other hand. If too large and resistant it may be wound tightly in a strip of bandage about 2 inches broad to express the great mass of blood and exudate and diminish the bulk of the protruded organ so that it can be easily pushed back. This method has the additional advantage of protecting the organ against bruises and lacerations in the effort made to return it. After the return, straining may be kept in check by giving laudanum (1 to 2 ounces) and by applying a truss to press upon the lips of the vulva. (See Eversion of the womb.) The patient should be kept in a stall a few inches lower in front than behind, so that the action of gravity will favor retention. INFLAMMATION OF THE URETHRA (URETHRITIS, OR GLEET ) . This affection belongs quite as much to the generative organs, yet it can not be entirely overlooked in a treatise on urinary disorders. It may be induced by the same causes as cystitis (which see) ; by the passage and temporary arrest of small stones^ or gravel ; hy the irri- tation caused by foreign bodies introduced from without ; by blows on the penis by sticks, stones, or by the feet of a mare that kicks while being served; by an infecting inflammation contracted from a mare 94 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. served in the first few daj's after parturition or one suffering from leucorrhea ; by infecting matter introduced on a dirty catheter, or by the extension of inflammation from an irritated bilocular cavity filled with hardened sebaceous matter, or from an uncleansed sheath. Symptoms. — The symptoms are swelling, heat, and tenderness of the sheath and penis; difficulty, pain, and groaning in passing urine, which is liable to sudden temporary arrests in the course of micturi- tion, and later a whitish mucopurulent oozing from the papilla on the end of the penis. There is a tendency to erection of the penis, and in cases contracted from a mare the outer surface of that organ will show more or less extensive sores and ulcers. Stallions suffering in this way will refuse to mount, or having mounted will fail to com- plete the act of coition. If an entrance is effected infection of the mare is liable to follow. Treatment in the early stages consists in a dose of physic (aloes 6 drams) and fomentations of warm water to the sheath and penis. If there is reason to suspect the presence of infection, inject the urethra twice daily with borax 1 dram, water 1 quart, using it tepid. Wliere the mucopurulent discharge indicates the supervention of the second stage, a more astringent injection may be employed (nitrate of silver 20 grains, water 1 quart), and the same may be applied to the surface of the penis and inside the sheath. Balsam of copaiba (1 dram daily) may also be given with advantage after the purulent discharge has appeared. Every stallion suffering from urethritis should be withheld from service, as should mares with leucorrhea. STRICTURE or THE URETHRA. This is a permanent narrowing of the urethra at a given point, the result of previous inflammation, caused by the passage or arrest of a stone, or gravel, by strong astringent injections in the early nonsecret- ing stages of urethritis, or by contraction of the lining membrane occurring during the healing of ulcers in neglected inflammations of that canal. The trouble is shown by the passage of urine in a fine stream, with straining, pain, and groaning, and by frequent painful erections. It must be remedied by mechanical dilatation, with cathe- ters just large enough to pass with gentle force, to be inserted once a day, and to be used of larger size as the passage will admit them. The catheter should be kept perfectly clean, and washed in a borax solution and well oiled before it is introduced. URINARY CALCULI (STONE, OR GRAVEL). These consist in some of the solids of the urine that have been pre- cipitated from the urine in the form of crystals, which remain apart as a fine powdery mass, or magma, or aggregate into calculi, or stones, of varying size. Their composition is therefore determined in differ- STONE, OR GRAVEL. 95 ent animals by the salts or other constituents found dissolved in the healthy urine, and by the additional constituents which may be thrown off in solution in the urine in disease. In this connection it is important to observe the following analysis of the horse's urine in health : Water 918. 5 Urea 13.4 Uric acid and urates .1 Hippuric acid 2(j. 4 Lactic acid and lactates 1. 2 Mucus and organic matter 22.0 Sulphates (allialine) ' — 1. 2 Phosphates (lime and soda) .2 Chlorides (sodium) 1.0 Carbonates (potash, magnesia, lime) 10.0 1000. 0 The carbonate of lime, which is present in large amount in the urine of horses fed on green fodder, is practically insoluble, and therefore forms in the passages after secretion, and its microscopic rounded crystals give the urine of such horses a milky whiteness. It is this material which constitutes the soft, white, pultaceous mass that some- times fills the bladder to repletion and requires to be washed out. In hay-fed horses carbonates are still abundant, while in those mainly grain-fed they are replaced by hippurates and phosphates — the prod- ucts of the wear of tissues — the carbonates being the result of oxida- tion of the vegetable acids in the food. Carbonate of lime, therefore, is a very common constituent of urinary calculi in herbivora, and in many cases is the most abundant constituent. Oxalate of lime, like carbonate of lime, is derived from the burning up of the carbonaceous matter of the food in the system, one impor- tant factor being the less perfect oxidation of the carbon. Indeed, Fiistenberg and Schmidt have demonstrated on man, horse, ox, and rabbit that, under the full j)lay of the breathing (oxidizing) forces, oxalic acid, like other organic acids, is resolved into carbonic acid. In keeping with this is the observation of I^ehmann, that in all cases in which man suffered from interference with the breathing oxalate of lime appeared in the urine. An excess of oxalate of lime in the urine may, however, claim a different origin. Uric and hippuric acids are found in the urine of carnivora and herbivora, respectively, as the result of the healthy wear (disassimilation) of nitrogenous tis- sues. But if these products are fully oxidized, they are thrown out in the form of the more soluble urea rather than as these acids. Wlien uric acid out of the body is treated with peroxide of lead it is resolved into urea, allantoin, and oxalic acid, and Woehler and Frer- richs found that the administration of uric acid not only increased 96 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. the excretion of urea, but also of oxalic acid. It may therefore be inferred that oxalic acid is not produced from the carbonaceous food alone, but also from the disintegration of the nitrogenous tissues of the body. An important element of its production is, however, the imperfect performance of the breathing functions, and hence it is liable to result from diseases of the chest (heaves, chronic bronchitis, etc.). This is, above all, likely to prove the case if the subject is fed to excess on highly carbonaceous foods (grass and green food gener- ally, potatoes, etc.). Carbonate of magnesia, another almost constant ingredient of the urinary calculi of the horse, is formed the same way as the carbon- ate of lime — from the excess of carbonaceous food (organic acids) becoming oxidized into carbon dioxide, which unites with the mag- nesia derived from the food. The phosphates of lime and magnesia are not abundant in urinary calculi of the horse, the phosphates being only present to excess in the urine in two conditions — (a) when the ration is excessive and specially rich in phosphorus (wheat bran, beans, pease, vetches, rape cake, oil cake, cotton-seed cake) ; and (h) when, through the morbid destructive changes in the living tissues, and especially of the bones, a great amount of phosphorus is given off as a waste product. Under these conditions, however, the phosphates may contribute to the for- mation of calculi, and this is, above all, likely if the urine is retained in the bladder until it has undergone decomposition and given off ammonia. The ammonia at once unites with the phosphate of mag- nesia to form a double salt — phosphate of ammonia and magnesia — which, being insoluble, is at once precipitated. The precipitation of this salt is, however, rare in the urine of the horse, though much more frequent in that of man and sheep. These are the chief mineral constituents of the urine which form ingredients in the horse's calculi, for though iron and manganese are usually present it is only in minute quantities. The excess of mineral matter in a specimen of urine unquestion- ably contributes to the formation of calculi, just as a solution of such matters out of the body is increasingly disposed to throw them down in the form of crystals as it becomes more concentrated and ap- proaches nearer to the condition of saturation. Hence, in consider- ing the causes of calculi we can not ignore the factor of an excessive ration, rich in mineral matters and in carbonaceous matters (the source of carbonates and much of the oxalates), nor can we overlook the concentration of the urine that comes from dry food and priva- tion of water, or from the existence of fever which causes suspension of the secretion of water. In these cases, at least the usual amount of solids is thrown off by the kidneys, and as the water is diminished there is danger of its approaching the point of supersaturation, when STONE, OR GRAVEL. 97 the dissolved solids must necessarily be thrown down. Hence, calculi are more common in stabled horses fed on dry grain and hay, in those denied a sufficiency of water or that have water supplied irregularly, in those subjected to profuse perspiration (as in summer), and in those suffering from a watery diarrhea. On the whole, calculi are most commonly found in Avinter, because the horses are then on dry feeding, but such dry feeding is even more conducive to them in summer when the condition is aggravated by the abundant loss of water by the skin. In the same way the extreme hardness of the water in certain dis- tricts must be looked upon as contributing to the concentration of the urine and correspondingly to the production of stone. The carbon- ates, sulphates, etc., of lime and magnesia taken in the water must be again thrown out, and just in j)roportion as these add to the solids of the urine they dispose it to precipitate its least soluble constituents. Thus, the horse is very obnoxious to calculi on certain limestone soils, as over the calcareous formations of central and western New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, in America; of Norfolk, Suffolk, Derbyshire, Shropshire, and Gloucestershire, in England; of Poitou and Landes, in France; and Munich, in Bavaria. But the saturation of the urine from any or all of these conditions can only be looked on as an auxiliary cause, and not as in itself an efficient one, except on the rarest occasions. For a more direct and immediate cause we must look to the organic matter which forms a large proportion of all urinary calculi. This consists of mucus, albu- men, i:>us, hyaline casts of the uriniferous tubes, epithelial cells, blood, etc., mainly agents that belong to the class of colloid or noncrystallme bodies. A horse may live for months and years with the urine habit- ually of a high density and having the mineral constituents in excess without the formation of stone or gravel ; and again one with dilute urine of low specific gravity will have a calculus. Rainey, Ord, and others furnish the explanation. They not only show that a colloid body, like mucus, albumen, pus, or blood, deter- mined the j)recipitation or the crystalline salts in the solution, but they determined the precipitation in the form of globules, or spheres, capable of developing by further deposits into calculi. Heat intensi- fies this action of the colloids, and a colloid in a state of decomposition is specially active. The presence, therefore, of developing fungi and bacteria must be looked upon as active factors in causing calculi. In looking, therefore, for the immediate causes of calculi we must consider especially all those conditions which determine the presence of albumen, blood, and excess of mucus, pus, etc., in the urine. Thus diseases of distant organs leading to albuminuria, diseases of the kid- neys and urinary passages causing the escape of blood or the forma- H. Doc. 795, 59-2 -7 98 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. tion of mucus or pus, become direct causes of calculi. Foreign bodies of all kinds iji the bladder or kidney have long been known as deter- mining causes of calculi and as forming the central nucleus. This is now explained by the fact that these bodies are liable to carry bacte- ria into the passages and thus determine decomposition, and they are further liable to irritate the mucous membrane and become enveloped in a coating of mucus, pus, and perhaps blood. The fact that horses appear to suffer from calculi, especially on the magnesian limestones, the same districts in which they suffer from goiter, may be similarly explained. The unknown poison which pro- duces goiter presumably leads to such changes in the blood and urine as will furnish the colloid necessary for precipitation of the urinary salts in the form of calculi. CLASSIFICATION OF URINARY CALCULI. These have been named according to the place where they are found, renal (kidney), uretral (ureter), vesical (bladder), urethral (urethra)," and preputial (sheath, or prepuce). They have been otherwise named according to their most abundant chemical constit- uent, carbonate of lime^ oxalate of lime, and phosphate of lime calculi. The stones formed of carbonates or phosphates are usually smooth on the surface, though they may be molded into the shape of the cavity in which they have been formed; thus those in the pelvis of the kidney may have two or three short branchlike prolongations, while those in the bladder are round, oval, or slightly flattened upon each other. Calculi containing oxalate of lime, on the other hand, have a rough, open, crystalline surface, which has gained for them the name of mulberry calculi, from a supposed resemblance to that fruit. These are usually covered with more or less mucus or blood, produced by the irritation of the mucous membrane by their rough surfaces. The color of calculi varies from white to yellow and deep brown, the shades depending mainly on the amount of the coloring matter of blood, bile, or urine which they may contain. Renal calculi. — These may consist of minute, almost microscopic, deposits in the uriniferous tubes in the substance of the kidney, but more commonly they are large masses and lodged in the pelvis. The larger calculi, sometimes weighing 12 to 24 ounces, are molded in the pelvis of the kidney into a cylindroid mass, with irregular rounded swellings at intervals. Some have a deep brown, rough, crystalline surface of oxalate of lime, while others have a smooth, pearly white aspect from carbonate of lime. A smaller calculus, which has been called coralline, is also cylindroid, with a number of brown, rough, crystalline oxalate of lime branches and whitish depressions of car- bonate. These vary in size from 15 grains to nearly 2 ounces. Less frequently are found masses of very hard, brownish white, rounded, STONE, OR GRAVEL. 99 pealike calculi. These are smoother, but on the surface crystals of oxalate of lime may be detected with a lens. Some renal calculi are formed of more distinct layers, more loosely adherent to each other, and contain an excess of mucus, but no oxalate of lime. Finally, a loose aggregation of small masses, forming a very friable calculus, is found of all sizes within the limits of the pelvis of the kidney. These, too, are in the main carbonate of lime (84 to 88 per cent) and without oxalate. Symptoms of renal calculi are violent colicky pains, appearing sud- denly, very often in connection with exhausting work or the drawing of specially heavy loads, and in certain cases disappearing with equal suddenness. The nature of the colic becomes more manifest if it is associated with stiffness of the back and hind limbs, frequent passage of urine, and, above all, the passage of gravel with the urine, espe- cially at the time of the access of relief. The passage of blood and pus in the urine is equally significant. If the irritation of the kid- ney goes on to active inflammation, then the symptoms of nephritis are added. Uretral calcidi. — These are so called because they are found in the i:)assage leading from the kidney to the bladder. They are simply small renal calculi which have escaped from the pelvis of the kidney and have become arrested in the ureter. They give rise to symptoms almost identical with those of renal calculi, with this difference, that the colicky pains, caused by the obstruction of the ureter by the impacted calculus, are more violent, and if the calculus passes on into the bladder the relief is instantaneous and complete. If the ureter is completely blocked for a length of time, the retained urine may give rise to destructive inflammation in the kidney, which may end in the entire absorption of that organ, leaving only a fibrous capsule containing an urinous fluid. If both the ureters are similarly blocked, the animal will die of uremic poisoning. Treatment of renal and uretral calculi. — Treatment is unsatisfac- tory; as it is only the small calculi that can pass through the ureters and escape into the bladder. This may be favored by agents which will relax the walls of the ureters by counteracting their spasm and even lessening their tone, and by a liberal use of water and watery fluids to increase the urine and the pressure upon the calculus from behind. One or 2 ounces of laudanum, or 2 drams of extract of bella- donna, may be given and repeated as it may be necessary, the relief of the pain being a fair criterion of the abating of the spasm. To the same end use warm fomentations across the loins, and these should be kept up persistently until relief is obtained. These act not alone by soothing and relieving the spasm and inflammation, but they also favor the freer secretion of a more waterj^ urine, and thus tend to carry off the smaller calculi. To further secure this object give cool 100 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. water freely, and let the food be only such as contains a large propor- tion of liquid, gruels, mashes, turnips, beets, apples, pumpkins, ensilage, succulent grasses, etc. If the acute stage has passed and the presence of the calculus is manifested only by the frequent passage of urine with gritty particles, by stijffness of the loins and hind limbs, and by tenderness to pressure, the most promising resort is a long run at pasture where the grasses are fresh and succulent. The long- continued secretion of a watery urine will sometimes cause the break- ing down of a calculus, as the imbibition of the less dense fluid by the organic spongelike framework of the calculus causes it to swell and thus lessens its cohesion. The same end is sought by the long-con- tinued use of alkalies (carbonate of potassium), and of acids (muriatic), each acting in a different way to alter the density and cohesion of the stone. But it is only exceptionally that any of these methods is entirely satisfactory. If inflanunation of the kidneys develops, treat as advised under that head. Stone in the hladder {vesical calculus, or cystic calculus). — These may be of any size up to over a pound in weight. One variety is rough and crystalline and has a yellowish white or deep-brown color. These contain about 87 per cent carbonate of lime, the remainder being carbonate of magnesia, oxalate of lime, and organic matter. The phosphatic calculi are smooth and white and formed of thin concentric layers of great hardness extending from the nucleus out- Avard. Besides the phosphate of lime these contain the carbonates of lime and magnesia and organic matter. In some cases the bladder contains and may be even distended by a soft pultaceous mass made up of minute round granules of carbonates of lime and magnesia. This, when removed and dried, makes a firm, white, and stony mass. Sometimes this magma is condensed into a solid mass in the bladder by reason of the binding action of the mucus and other organic matter, and then forms a conglomerate stone of nearly uniform con- sistency and without stratification. Symptoms of stone in the hladder. — The symptoms of stone in the bladder are more obvious than those of renal calculus. The rough mulberry calculi especially lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and frequent passing of urine in small quantities and often mingled with mucus or blood or containing minute gritty particles. At times the flow is suddenly arrested, though the animal continues to strain and the bladder is not quite emptied. In the smooth phosphatic variety the irritation is much less marked and may even be altogether absent. With the pultaceous deposit in the bladder there is incon- tinence of urine, which dribbles away continually and keeps the hair on the inner side of the thighs matted with soft magma. In all cases alike the calculus may be felt by the examination of the bladder with the oiled hand in the rectum. The pear-shaped outline of the bladder STONE, OR GRAVEL. 101 can be felt beneath, and within it the solid oval body. It is most easily recognized if the organ is half full of liquid, as then it is not grasped by the contracting walls of the bladder, but may be made to move from place to place in the liquid. If a pultaceous mass is present it has a soft, doughy feeling, and when pressed an indentation is left. In the mare the hard stone may be touched by the finger introduced through the short urethra. Treatment of stone in the bladder. — The treatment of stone in the bladder consists in the removal of the offending body. In the mare this is easily effected with the lithotomy forceps. These are slightly warmed and oiled, and carried forward along the floor of the passages of the vidva for 4 inches, when the orifice of the urethra will be felt exactly in the median line. Through this the forceps are gradually'' pushed with gentle oscillating movement until they enter the bladder and strike against the hard surface of the stone. The stone is now- grasped between the blades, care being taken to include no loose fold of the mucous membrane, and it is gradually w^ithdraw^n w^ith the same careful oscillating motions as before. Facility and safety in seizing the stone will be greatly favored by having the bladder half full of liquid, and if necessary one oiled hand may be introduced into the rectum or vagina to assist. The resulting irritation may be treated by an injection of laudanum, 1 ounce in a pint of tepid water. The removal of the stone in the horse is a much more difficult pro- ceeding. It consists in cutting into the urethra just beneath the anus and introducing the lithotomy forceps from this forward into the bladder, as in the mare. It is needful to distend the urethra with tepid water or to insert a sound or catheter to furnish a guide upon which the incision may be made, and in case of a large stone it may be needful to enlarge the passage by cutting in a direction upward and outward with a probe-pointed knife, the back of which is slid along in the groove of a director until it enters the bladder. The horse may be operated upon in the standing position, being simply pressed against the wall by a pole passed from before back- ward along the other side of the body. The tepid water is injected into the end of the penis until it is felt to fluctuate under the pressure of the finger, in the median line over the bone just beneath the anus. The incision is then made into the center of the fluctuating canal, and from above downward. "When a sound or catheter is used as a guide it is inserted through the penis until it can -be felt through the skin at the point where the incision is to be made beneath the anus. The skin is then rendered tense by the thumb and fingers of the left hand pressing on the two sides of the sound, while the right hand, armed with a scalpel, cuts downward onto the catheter. This vertical in- cision into the canal should escape wounding any important blood 102 DISEASES or THE HORSE. vessel." It is in making the obliquely lateral incision in the subse- quent dilatation of the urethra and neck of the bladder that such danger is to be apprehended. If the stone is too large to be extracted through the urethra it may- be broken down with the lithotrite and extracted piecemeal with the forceps. The lithotrite is an instrument composed of a straight stem bent for an inch or more to one side at its free end so as to form an obtuse angle, and having on the same side a sliding bar moving in a groove in the stem and operated by a screw so that the stone may b^ seized between the two blades at its free extremity and crushed again and again into pieces small enough to extract. Extra care is required to avoid injury to the urethra in the extraction of the angular frag- ments, and the gravel or powder that can not be removed in this way must be washed out as advised below. Wlien a pultaceous magma of carbonate of lime accumulates in the bladder it must be washed out by injecting water through a catheter by means of a force pump or a funnel, shaking it up with the hand introduced through the rectum and allowing the muddy liquid to flow out through the tube. This is to be repeated until the bladder is empty and the water comes away clear. A catheter with a double tube is sometimes used, the injection passing in through the one tube and escaping through the other. But the advantage is more ap- parent than real, as the retention of the water until the magma has been shaken up and mixed with it hastens greatly its -complete evacu- ation. To prevent the formation of a new deposit any fault in feeding (dry 'grain and hay with privation of water, excess of beans, pease, wheat bran, etc.) and disorders of stomach, liver, and lungs must be corrected. Give abundance of soft drinking water, encouraging the animal to drink by a handful of salt daily ; let the food be laxa- tive, consisting largely of roots, apples, pumpkins, ensilage, and give daily in the drinking water a dram of carbonate of potash or soda. Powdered gentian root (3 drams daily) will also serve to restore the tone of the stomach and system at large. Urethral calmdiis {stone in the urethra). — This is less frequent in horses than in cattle and sheep, owing to the larger size of the urethra in the horse and the absence of the S-shaped curve and vermiform appendix. The calculi arrested in the urethra are never formed there, but consist of cystic calculi which have been small enough to pass through the neck of the bladder, but too large to pass through the whole length of the urethra and escape. Such calculi therefore are primarily formed either in the bladder or kidney, and have the chemical composition of the other calculi found in those organs. They may be arrested at any point of the urethra, from the neck of the bladder back to the bend of the tube beneath the anus, and from STONE, OR GRAVEL. 103 that point down to the extremity of the penis. I have found them most frequently in the papilla on the extreme end of the penis, and immediately behind this. Symptoms of urethral calculus. — The symptoms are violent strain- ing to urinate, but without any discharge, or with the escape of water in drops only. Examination of the end of the penis will detect the swelling of the pai3illa or the urethra behind it, and the presence of a hard mass in the center. A probe inserted into the urethra will strike against the gritty calculus. If the stone has been arrested higher up, its f)osition may be detected as a small, hard, sensitive knot on the line of the urethra, in the median line of the lower surface of the penis, or on the floor of pelvis in the median line from the neck of the bladder back to the bend of the urethra beneath the anus. In an}?" case the urethra between the neck of the bladder and the point of obstruction is likely to be filled with fluid, and to feel like a dis- tended tube fluctuating on pressure. Treatment of urethral calculus may be begun by an attempt to extract the calculi by manipulation of the papilla on the end of the f)enis. This failing, the calculus may be seized with a pair of fine- pointed forceps and withdrawn from the urethra ; or, if necessary, a probe-pointed knife may be inserted and the urethra slightly dilated, or even laid open, and the stone removed. If the stone has been arrested higher up it must be extracted by a direct incision through the walls of the urethra and down upon the nodule. If in the free (protractile) portion of the penis, that organ is to be withdrawn from its sheath until the nodule is exposed and can be incised. If behind the scrotum, the incision must be made in the median line between the thighs and directly over the nodule, the skin having been rendered tense by the fingers and thumb of the left hand. If the stone has been arrested in the intrapelvic portion of the urethra, the incision must be made beneath the anus and the calculus extracted with for- ceps, as in stone in the bladder. The wound in the urethra may be stitched up, and usually heals slowly but satisfactorily. Healing will be favored by washing two or three times daily with a solution of a teaspoonful of carbolic acid in a pint of water. Preputial calculus (calculus in the sheath, or hilocular cavity). — These are concretions in the sheath, though the term has been also applied to the nodule of sebaceous matter which accumulates in the blind pouches (bilocular cavity) by the sides of the papilla on the end of the penis. Within the sheath the concretion may be a soft, cheesy- like sebaceous matter, or a genuine calculus of carbonate, oxalate, phosphate and sulphate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, and organic matter. These are easily removed with the fingers, after which the sheath should be washed out with castile soap and warm water, and smeared with sweet oil. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. By W. H. Harbaugh, V. S. [Revised in 1903 by Leonard Pearson, B. S., V. M. D.] The organs pertaining to the respiratory function may be enu- merated in natural order as follows : The nasal openings, or nostrils ; the nasal chambers, through which the air passes in the head; the sinuses in the head, communicating with the nasal chambers; the pharynx, common to the functions of breathing and swallowing; the larynx, at the top of the windpipe ; the trachea, or windpipe ; the bronchi (into which the windpipe divides), two tubes leading from the windpipe to the right and left lungs, respectively ; the bronchial tubes, which penetrate and convey air to all parts of the lungs; the lungs. The pleura is a thin membrane that envelops the lung and lines the walls of the thoracic cavity. The diaphragm is a muscular structure, completely separating the contents of the thoracic cavity from those of the abdominal cavity. It is essentially a muscle of inspiration, and the principal one. Other muscles aid in the mechanism of respiration, but the diseases or injuries of them have nothing to do with the diseases under consideration. Just within the nasal openings the skin becomes gradually but per- ceptibly finer, until it is succeeded by the mucous membrane. Near the junction of the skin and membrane is a small hole, presenting the appearance of having been made with a punch ; this is the opening of the lachrymal duct, a canal that conveys the tears from the eyes. Within and above the nasal openings are the cavities, or fissures, called the false nostrils. The nasal chambers are completely separated, the right from the left, by a cartilaginous partition, the nasal septum. Each nasal chamber is divided into three continuous compartments by two thin, scrolllike turbinated bones. The mucous membrane lining the nasal chambers, and in fact the entire respiratory tract, is much more delicate and more frequently diseased than the mucous membrane of any other part of the body. The sinuses of the head are compartments which communicate Avith the nasal chambers and are lined with a continuation of the same membrane that lines the nasal chambers ; their presence increases the volume and modifies the form of the head without increasing its weight. The horse, in a normal condition, breathes exclusively through the nostrils. The organs of respiration are more liable to disease than 104 DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 105 the organs connected with any other function of the animal, and, as many of the causes can be avoided, it is both important and profitable to know and study the causes. CAUSES or DISEASES OF RESPIRATORY ORGANS. The causes of many of the diseases of these organs may be given under a common head, because even a simple cold, if neglected or badly treated, may run into the most complicated lung disease and terminate fatally. In the spring and fall, when the animals are changing their coats, there is a marked predisposition to contract disease, and consequently care should be taken at those periods to prevent other exciting causes. Badly ventilated stables are a frequent source of disease. It is a mistake to think that country stables necessarily have purer air than city stables. Stables on some farms are so faultily constructed that it is almost impossible for the foul air to gain an exit. All stables should have a sufficient supply of pure air, and be so arranged that strong drafts can not blow directly on the animals. In ventilating a stable, it is best to arrange to remove air from near the floor and admit it through numerous small openings near the ceiling. The reason for this is that the coldest and most impure air in the stable is near the floor while that which is warmest and purest, and therefore can least be spared is near the top of the room. In summer, top exits and cross currents should be provided to remove excessive heat. Hot stables are almost always poorly ventilated, and the hot stable is a cause of disease on account of the extreme change of temperature that a horse is liable to when taken out, and extreme changes of tem- perature are to be avoided as certain causes of disease. A cold, close stable is invariably damp, and is to be avoided as much as the hot, close, and foul stable. Horses changed from a cold to a warm stable are more liable to contract cold than when changed from a warm to a cold stable. Pure air is more essential than warmth, and this fact should be especially remembered when the stable is made close and foul to gain the warmth. It is more econom- ical to keep the horse warm Avith blankets than to prevent the ingress of pure air in order to make the stable warm. Stables should be well drained and kept clean. Some farmers allow large quantities of manure to accumulate in the stable. This is a pernicious practice, as the decomposing organic matter evolves gases that are predisposing or exciting causes of disease. ^.Hien a horse is overheated, it is not safe to allow him to dry by evaporation ; rubbing him dry and gradually cooling him out is the wisest treat- ment. ^^Tien a horse is hot — covered with sweat — it is dangerous to allow him to stand in a draft; it is the best plan to walk him until his temperature moderates. In such cases a light blanket thrown over 106 DISEASES OP THE HORSE. the animal may prevent a cold. Overwork or overexertion often causes the most fatal cases of congestion of the lungs. Avoid pro- longed or fast work when the horse is out of condition or unaccuS" tomed to it. Animals that have been working out in cold rains should be dried and cooled out and not left to dry by evaporation. When the temperature of the weather is at the extreme, either of heat or cold, diseases of the organs of respiration are most frequent. It is not to be supposed that farmers can give their horses the par- ticular attention given to valuable racing and pleasure horses, but they can most assuredly give them common-sense care, and this will often save the life of a valuable animal. If the owner properly con- siders his interests, he will study the welfare of his horses so that he may be able to instruct the servant in details of stable management. WOUNDS ABOUT THE NOSTRILS. Wounds in this neighborhood are common, and are generally caused by snagging on a nail or splinter or by the bite of another horse; or by getting " run into," or by running against something. Occasion- ally the nostril is so badly torn and lacerated that it is impossible to effect a cure without leaving the animal blemished for life, but in the majority of instances the blemish, or scar, is due to the want of con- servative treatment. As soon as possible after the accident the parts should be brought together and held there by stitches. If too much time is allowed to elapse, the swelling of the parts will considerably interfere. Never cut away any skin that may be loose and hanging, or else a scar will certainly remain. Bring the parts in direct apposi- tion and place the stitches from a quarter to a half inch apart, as cir- cumstances may demand. It is not necessary to have special surgeons' silk and needles for this operation ; good linen thread or ordinary silk thread will answer. The wound afterwards only requires to be kept clean. For this purpose it should be cleansed and discharges washed away daily with a solution made of carbolic acid 1 part, in water 40 parts. If the horse is inclined to rub the wound against some object on account of the irritability, his head should be tied by means of two halter ropes attached to the opposite sides of the stall to prevent him rubbing the wound open. The head should be so tied about ten days, except when at work or eating. TUMORS WITHIN THE NOSTRILS. A small globular tumor is sometimes found within the false nostril, under that part of the skin that is seen to puff or rise and fall when a horse is exerted and breathing hard. These tumors contain matter of a cheesy consistency. Treatment. — If the tumor is well opened and the matter squeezed out, nature will perform a cure. If the opening is made from the out- COLD IN THE HEAD ( NASAL CATAKRh). 107 side through the skin, it should be at the most dependent part, but much the best way to open the tumor is from the inside. Quiet the animal, gently insert your finger up in the direction of the tumor, and you will soon discover that it is much larger inside than it appears to be on the outside. If necessary put a twitch on the ear of the horse to quiet him ; run the index finger of your left hand against the tumor ; now, with the right hand, carefully insert the knife by running the back of the blade along the index finger of the left hand until the tumor is reached; with the left index finger guide the point of the blade quickly and surely into the tumor; make the opening large. A little blood may flow for a while, but it is of no consequence. Squeeze out the matter and keep the part clean. COLD IN THE HEAD, OR NASAL CATARRH. Catarrh is an inflammation of a mucous membrane. It is accom.- panied by excessive secretion. In nasal catarrh the inflammation may extend from the membrane lining the nose to the throat, the in- side of the sinuses, and to the eyes. The causes are the general causes of respiratory disease enumerated above. It is especially common in young horses and in horses not acclimated. Sym2)toms. — The membrane at the beginning of the attack is dry, congested, and irritable; it is of a deeper hue than natural, pinkish red or red. Soon a watery discharge from the nostrils makes its appearance; the eyes may also be more or less affected and tears flow over the cheeks. The animal has some fever, which may be easily detected by means of a clinical thermometer inserted in the. rectum or, roughly, by placing the finger in the mouth, as the feeling of heat conveyed to the finger will be greater than natural. To become somewhat expert in ascertaining the changes of temper- ature in the horse it is only necessary to place the finger often in the mouths of horses known to be healthy. After you have become accus- tomed to the warmth of the mouth of the healthy animal you will have no difficulty in detecting a marked increase of the temperature. The animal may be dull; he sneezes or snorts, but does not cough unless the throat is affected; he expels the air forcibly through his nostrils, very often in a manner that may be aptly called " blowing his nose." A few days after the attack begins the discharge from the nostrils changes from a watery to that of a thick, mucilaginous state, of a yellowish white color, and may be more or less profuse. Often the appetitie is lost and the animal becomes debilitated. Treatment. — This disease is not serious but inasmuch as neglect or bad treatment may cause it to lead to something worse or become chronic, it should receive proper attention. The animal should not be worked for a time. A few days of quiet rest, with pure air and good food, will be of greater benefit than most medication. The value of 108 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. pure air can not be overestimated, but drafts must be avoided. The benefit derived from the inhalation of steam is considerable. This is effected by holding the horse's head over a bucketful of boiling water, so that the animal will be compelled to inhale steam with every inhalation of air. Stirring the hot water with a wisp of hay causes the steam to arise in greater abundance. One may cause the horse to put his nose in a bag containing cut hay upon which hot water has been poured, the bottom of the bag being stood in a bucket, but the bag must be of loose texture, as gunny sack, or, if of canvas, holes must be cut in the side to admit fresh air. The horse may be made to inhale steam four or five times a day, about fifteen or twenty minutes each time. Particular attention should be paid to the diet. Give bran mashes, scalded oats, linseed gruel, and grass, if in season. If the horse evinces no desire for this soft diet, it is better to allow any kind of food he will eat, such as hay, oats, corn, etc., than to keep him on short rations. If the animal is constipated, relieve this symptom by injections (enemas) of warm water into the rectum three of four times a day, but do not administer purgative medicines, excepting of a mild character. For simple cases the foregoing is all that is required, but if the appetite is lost and the animal appears debilitated and dull, give 3 ounces of the solution of acetate of ammonia and 2 drams of pow- dered chlorate of potassium diluted with a pint of water three times a day as a drench. Be careful when giving the drench ; do not pound the horse on the gullet to make him swallow; be patient, and take time, and do it right. If the weather be cold, blanket the animal and keep him in a com- fortable stall. If the throat is sore, treat as advised for that ailment, to be described hereafter. If, after ten days or two weeks, the discharge from the nostrils con- tinues, give one-half dram of reduced iron three times a day. This may be mixed with damp feed. Common cold should be thoroughly understood and intelligently treated in order to prevent more danger- ous diseases. CHRONIC CATARRH (OR NASAL GLEET, OR COLLECTION IN THE SINUSES). This is a subacute or chronic inflammation of some part of the membrane affected in common cold, the disease just described. It is manifested by a persistent discharge of a thick white or yellowish white matter from one or both nostrils. The commonest cause is a neglected or badly treated cold, and it usually follows those cases where the horse has suffered exposure, been overworked, or has not received proper food, and, as a consequence, has become debilitated. CHRONIC CATARRH ( NASAL GLEET). 109 Other but less frequent causes for this affection are : Fractures of the bones that involve the membrane of the sinuses, and even blows on the head over the sinuses. Diseased teeth often involve a sinus and cause a fetid discharge from the nostril. Violent coughing is said to have forced particles of food into the sinus, which acted as a cause of the disease. Tumors growing in the sinuses are known to have caused it. It is also attributed to disease of the turbinated bones. Absorption of the bones forming the walls of the sinuses has been caused by the pressure of pus collecting in them and by tumors filling up the cavity. Symjytoms. — Great caution must be exercised when examining these cases, for the horse may have glanders, while, on the other hand, horses have been condemned as glandered when really there was nothing ailing them but nasal gleet. This affection is not contagious. It may stubbornly resist treatment and last for a long time. In most cases the discharge is from one nostril only, which may signify that the sinuses on that side of the head are affected. The discharge may be intermittent, that is, quantities may be discharged at times and again little or none for a day or so. Such an intermittent dis- charge usually signifies disease of the sinuses. The glands under and between the bones of the lower jaw may be enlarged. The pecul- iar ragged-edged ulcer of glanders is not to be found on the mem- brane within the nostrils, but occasionally sores are to be seen there. If there is any doubt about it, study well the symptoms of glanders to enable you to be at least competent to form a safe opinion. The eye on the side of the discharging nostril may have a peculiar appearance and look smaller than its fellow. There may be an enlargement, having the appearance of a bulging out of the bone over the part affected, between or below the eyes. The breath may be offensive, which indicates decomposition of the matter or bones, or disease of the teeth. A diseased tooth is further indicated by the horse holding his head to one side when eating, or by dropping the food from the mouth after partly chewing it. ^^Tien you tap on the bones between the eyes, below the eyes, and above the back teeth of the upper jaw, a hollow, drumlike sound is emitted, but if the sinus is filled with pus or contains a large tumor the sound emitted will be the same as if a solid substance were struck; by this means the sinus affected may be located in some instances. The hair may be rough over the affected part, or even the bone may be soft to the touch and the part give somewhat to pressure or leave an impres- sion where it is pressed upon with the finger. Treatment. — The cause of the trouble must be ascertained before treatment is commenced. In the many cases where the animal is in poor condition (in fact, in all cases) he should have the most nutri- 110 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. live food and regular exercise. The food, or box containing" it, should be placed on the ground, as the dependent position of the head favors the discharge. The cases that do not require a surgical operation must, as a rule, have persistent medical treatment. Mineral tonics and local medica- tion are of the most value. For eight days give the following mix- ture : Reduced iron, 3 ounces ; jDOwdered nux vomica, 1 ounce. Mix and make into sixteen powders. Give one powder mixed with the food twice a day. Arsenious acid (white arsenic) in doses of from 3 to 6 grains three times daily is a good tonic for such cases. Sulphur burnt in the stable while the animal is there to inhale its fumes is also a valuable adjunct. Care should be taken that the fumes of the burning sulphur are sufficiently diluted with air, so as not to suffocate the horse. Chloride of lime sprinkled around the stall is good. Also keep a quantity of the chloride under the hay in the manger, so that the gases will be inhaled as the horse holds his head over the hay while eating. Keep the nostrils washed, and keep the discharge cleaned away from the manger and stall. The horse may be caused to inhale creolin vapor or the vapor of compound tincture of benzoin by pouring 2 ounces of these drugs into hot water and fumigating in the usual way. If the nasal gleet is the result of a diseased tooth, the tooth must be removed. The operation of trephining is the best possible way to remove the tooth in such cases, as it immediately opens the cavity which can be attended to direct. In all those cases of nasal gleet where sinuses contain either collections of pus or tumors, the only relief is by the trephine; and, no matter how thoroughly described, this is an operation that will be very seldom attempted by the non- professional. It would therefore be a waste of time to give the modus operandi. An abscess involving the turbinated bones is similar to the collection of pus in the sinuses, and must be relieved by trephining. THICKENING OF THE MEMBRANE. This is sometimes denoted by a chronic discharge, a snuffling in the breathing, and a contraction of the nostril. It is a result of common cold and requires the same treatment as prescribed for nasal gleet, namely, the sulphate of iron, sulphate of copper, iodide of potassium, etc. The membranes of both sides may be affected, but one side only is the rule; and the affected side may be easily detected by holding the hand tightly over one nostril at a time. When the healthy side is closed in this manner, the breathing through the affected side will demonstrate a decreased caliber or an obstruction. TUMORS IN NOSE AND PHARYNX. Ill NASAL POLYPUS. Tumors with narrow bases (somewhat pear-shaped) are occasion- ally found attached to the membrane of the nasal chambers, and are obstructions to breathing through the side in which they are located. They vary much in size ; some are so small that their presence is not manifested, while others almost completely fill up the chamber, thereby causing a serious obstruction to the passage of air. The stem, or base, of the tumor is generally attached high up in the chamber, and usually the tumor can not be seen, but occasionally it increases in size until it can be observed within the nostril. Sometimes, instead of hanging down toward the nasal oj^ening, it falls back into the phar- ynx. It causes a discharge from the nostril, a more or less noisy snuffling sound in breathing, according to its size, a discharge of blood (if it is injured), and sneezing. The side that it occupies can be detected in the same way as described for the detection of the affected side when the breathing is obstructed by a thickened mem- brane. The only relief is removal of the polypus, which, like all other operations, should be done by an expert when it is possible to secure one. The operation is performed by grasping the base of the tumor with suitable forceps and twisting it round and round until it is torn from its attachment, or by cutting it off with a noose of wire. The resulting hemorrhage is checked by the use of an astringent lotion, such as a solution of the tincture of iron, or by packing the nostrils with surgeon's gauze. PHARYNGEAL POLYPUS. This is exactly the same kind of tumor described as nasal polypus, the only difference being in the situation. Indeed, the stem of the tumor may be attached to the membrane of the nasal chamber, as before explained, or it may be attached in the fauces (opening of the back part of the mouth), and the body of the tumor then falls into the pharynx. In this situation it may seriously interfere with breath- ing. Sometimes it drops into the larynx, causing the most alarming symptoms. The animal coughs, or tries to cough, saliva flows from the mouth, the breathing is performed with the greatest difficulty and accompanied by a loud noise; the animal appears as if strangled and often falls exhausted. When the tumor is coughed out of the larynx the animal regains quickly and soon appears as if nothing was ailing. These sudden attacks and quick recoveries point to the nature of the trouble. The examinati6n must be made by holding the animal's mouth open with a balling iron or speculum and running the hand back into the mouth. If the tumor is within reach, it must be re- moved in the same manner as though it were in the nose. 112 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. BLEEDING FROM THE NOSE. This often occurs during the course of certain diseases, namely, influenza, bronchitis, purpura hemorrhagica, glanders, etc. But it also occurs independent of other affections ; and, as before mentioned, is a symptom of polypus, or tumor, in the nose. Injuries to the head, exertion, violent sneezing — causing a rupture of a small blood vessel — also induce it. The bleeding is almost inva- riably from one nostril only, and is never very serious. The blood escapes in drops (very seldom in a stream) and is not frothy, as when the hemorrhage is from the lungs. (See Bleeding from the lungs, p. 136.) In most cases bathing the head and washing out the nostril with cold water are all that is necessary. If the cause is known, you will be guided according to circumstances. If the bleeding continues, pour ice-cold water over the face, between the eyes and down over the nasal chambers. A bag containing ice in small pieces applied to the head is often efficient. If in spite of these measures the hemor- rhage continues, try plugging the nostrils with cotton, tow, or oakum. Tie a string around the plug before it is pushed up into the nostril, so that it can be safely withdrawn after four or five hours. If both nostrils are bleeding, plug only one nostril at a time. If the hemor- rhage is profuse and persistent, give a drench composed of 1 dram of acetate of lead dissolved in 1 pint of water ; or ergot, 1 ounce. INFLAMMATION OF THE PHARYNX. As already stated, the pharynx is common to the functions of both respiration and alimentation. From this organ the air passes into the larynx and thence onward to the lungs. In the posterior part of the pharynx is the superior extremity of the gullet, the canal through which the food and water pass to the stomach. Inflammation of the pharynx is a complication of other diseases — namely, influenza, strangles, etc. — and is probablj^ always more or less complicated with inflammation of the larynx. That it may exist as an independent affection there is no reason to doubt, and it is discussed as such with the diseases of the digestive tract. SORE THROAT, OR LARYNGITIS. The larynx is situated in the space between the lower jawbones just back of the root of the tongue. It may be considered as a box (some- what depressed on each side) , composed principally of cartilages and small muscles, and lined on the inside with a continuation of the respiratory mucous membrane. Posteriorly it opens into and is contin- uous with the windpipe. It is the organ of the voice, the vocal cords being situated within it ; but in the horse this function is of little con- sequence. It dilates and contracts to a certain extent, thus regulating the volume of air passing through it. The mucous membrane lining SOKE THROAT, OR LARYNGITIS. 113 it internally is so higlily sensitive that if the smallest particle of food happens to drop into it from the pharynx violent coughing ensues instantly and is continued until the source of irritation is ejected. This is a provision of nature to prevent foreign substances gaining access to the lungs. That projection called Adam's apple in the neck of man is the prominent part of one of the cartilages forming the larjaix. Inflammation of the larynx is a serious and sometimes a fatal dis- ease, and, as before stated, is usually complicated with inflammation of the pharynx, constituting what is popularly known as " sore throat." The chief causes are chilling and exposure. Symptoms. — About the first symptom noticed is cough, followed by difficulty in swallowing, which may be due to soreness of the mem- brane of the pharynx, over which the food or water must pass, or to the pain caused by the contraction of the muscles necessary to impel the food or water onward to the gullet; or this same contraction of the muscles may cause a pressure on the larynx and produce pain. In many instances the difficulty in swallowing is so great that water, and in some cases food, is returned through the nose. This, hovfever, does not occur from laryngitis alone, but only when the pharynx is involved in the inflammation. The glands between the lov\^er jaw- bones and below the ears may be swollen. Pressure on the larynx induces coughing. The head is more or less " poked out," and has the appearance of being stiffly carried. The membrane in the nose becomes red. A discharge from the nostrils soon appears. As the ^alls escapes from the blood the carbonic acid gas that has been absorbed by the blood in its circulation through the different parts of the body ; and through these walls is absorbed by the blood, from the air in the air cells, the oxygen gas which is the life-giving element of the atmosphere. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. Congestion is essentially an excess of blood in the vessels of the parts affected. Congestion of the lungs in the horse, when it exists as an independent affection, is generally caused by overexertion when the animal is not in a fit condition to undergo more than moderate exercise. Very often what is recognized as congestion of the lungs is but a symptom of exhaustion or dilatation of the heart. The methods practiced by the trainers of running and trotting horses will give an idea of what is termed " putting a horse in condi- tion " to stand severe exertion. The animal at first gets walking exercises, then after some time he is made to go faster and farther each day; the amount of work is daily increased until the horse is CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. 121 said to be "in condition." An animal so prepared runs no risk of being affected with congestion of the lungs, if he is otherwise healthy. On the other hand, if the horse is kept in the stable for the purpose of laying on fat or for want of something to do, the muscular system becomes soft, and the horse is not in condition to stand the severe exertion of going fast or far, no matter how healthy he may be in other respects. If such a horse be given a hard ride or drive, he may start off in high spirits, but soon becomes exhausted, and if he is pushed he will slacken his pace, show a desire to stop, and may stag- ger or even fall. Examination will show the nostrils dilated, the flanks heaving, the countenance haggard, and the appearance of suf- focation. The heart and muscles were not accustomed to the sudden and severe strain put upon them ; the heart became unable to perform its work; the blood accumulated in the vessels of the lungs, which eventually became engrossed with the stagnated blood, constituting congestion of the lungs. The animal, after having undergone severe exertion, may not exhibit alarming symptoms until returned to the stable ; then he will be noticed standing with his head down, legs spread out, the eyes wildly staring or dull and sunken. The breathing is very rapid and almost gasping; the body is covered with perspiration in most cases, which, however, may soon evaporate, leaving the surface of the body and the legs and ears cold ; the breathing is both abdominal and tho- racic ; the chest rises and falls and the flanks are powerfully brought into action. If the pulse can be felt at all it will be found beating very frequently, one hundred or so to a minute. The heart may be felt tumultuously thumping if the hand is placed against the chest behind the left elbow, or it may be scarcely perceptible. The animal may tremble all over the body. If the ear is placed against the side of the chest a loud murmur will be heard and perhaps a fine crackling sound. One can scarcely fail to recognize a case of congestion of the lungs when brought on by overexertion, as the history of the case indicates the nature of the ailment. In all cases of suffocation the lungs are congested. It is also seen in connection with other diseases. Treatment. — If the animal is attacked by the disease while on the road, stop him immediately. Do not attempt to return to the stables. If he is in the stable, make arrangements at once to insure an unlim- ited supply of pure air. If the weather is warm, out in the open air is the best place, but if too cold let him stand with head to the door. Let him stand still ; he has all he can do, if he obtains sufficient pure air to sustain life. If he is encumbered with harness or saddle, remove it at once and rub the body with cloths or wisps of hay or straw. This stimulates the circulation in the skin, and thus aids in relieving the lungs of the extra quantity of blood that is stagnated 122 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. there. If you have three or four assistants, let them rub the body and legs well until the skin feels natural ; rub the legs until they are warm, if possible. When the circulation is reestablished, put band- ages on the legs from the hoofs up as far as possible. Throw a blan- ket over the body and let the rubbing be done under the blanket. Diffusible stimulants are the medicines indicated — brandy, whisky (or even ale or beer if nothing else is at hand), ether, and aromatic spirits of ammonia. Two ounces each of spirits of nitrous ether and alcohol, given as a drench diluted with a pint of water, every hour until relief is afforded, is among the best remedies. Or, give a quarter of a pint of whisky in a pint of water every hour, or the same quan- tity of brandy as often, or a quart of ale every hour, or 1 ounce of tincture of arnica in a pint of water every hour until five or six doses have been given. If none of these remedies is at hand, 2 ounces of oil of turpentine, shaken with a half pint of milk, may be given once, but not repeated. The animal may be bled from the jugular vein. Do not take more than 5 or 6 quarts from the vein, and do not repeat the bleeding. The blood thus drawn will have a tarry appearance. When the alarming symptoms have subsided active measures may be stopped, but care must be used in the general treatment of the ani- mal for several days, for it must be remembered that congestion may be followed by jDueumonia. The animal should have a comfortable stall, where he will not be subjected to drafts or sudden changes of temperature; he should be blanketed and the legs kept bandaged. The air should be pure, a plentiful supply of fresh cold water always in the stall, and a diet composed principally of bran mashes, scalded oats, and, if in season, grass. Wlien ready for use again the horse should at first receive moderate exercise only, which may be daily increased until he may safely be put to regular work. PNEUMONIA, OR LUNG FEVER. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs. The chief varieties of pneumonia are catarrhal — later discussed in connection with bron- chitis, under the name of broncho-pneumonia — and the fibrinous or croupous variety. The latter form receives its name from the fact that the air spaces are choked with coagulated fibrin thrown out from the blood. This causes the diseased portions of the lungs to become as firm as liver, in which condition they are said to be hepatized. As air is excluded by the inflammatory product, the diseased lung will not float in water. The inflammation usually begins in the lower part of the lung and extends upward. The first stage of the disease consists of conges- tion, or engorgement, of the blood vessels, followed by leakage of serum containing fibrin from the blood vessels into the air passages. PNEUMONIA. OR LUNG FEVER. 123 The fluids thus escaping into the air cells and in the minute branches of the little bronchial tubes become coagulated. The pleura covering the affected parts may be more or less inflamed. A continuance of the foregoing phenomena is marked by a further escape of the constituents of the blood, and a change in the membrane of the cells, which become swollen. The exudate that fills the air cells and minute bronchial branches undergoes disintegration and softening when healing commences. The favorable termination of pneumonia is in resolution, that is, a restoration to health. This is gradually brought about by the exuded material contained in the air cells and lung tissues becoming broken down and softened and absorbed or expectorated through the nostrils. The blood vessels return to their natural state, and the blood circu- lates in them as before. In the cases that do not terminate so hap- pil}'^ the lung may become gangrenous (or mortified), or an abscess may form, or the disease may be merged into the chronic variety. Pneumonia may be directly induced by any of the influences named as general causes for diseases of the organs of respiration, but in many instances it is due to neglect. A common cold or sore throat may be followed by pneumonia if neglected or improperly treated. An animal may be debilitated by a cold, and when in this weakened state may be compelled to undergo exertion beyond his strength; or he ma}^ be kept in bad quarters, such as a badly ventilated stable, where the foul gases are shut in and the pure air is shut out; or the stable may be so open that parts of the body are exposed to drafts of cold air. An animal is predisposed to pneumonia when debilitated b}^ any constitutional disease, and especially during convalescence if exposed to any of the exciting causes. Foreign bodies, such as food, accidentally getting in the lungs by way of the windpipe, as well as the inhalation of irritating gases and smoke, ofttimes produce fatal attacks of inflammation of the lung and bronchial tubes. Pneumonia is frequently seen in connection with other diseases, such as influenza, purpura hemorrhagica, strangles, glanders, etc. Pneumonia and pleurisy are most common during cold, damp weather, and especially during the prevalence of the cold north and northeasterly winds. Wounds puncturing the thoracic cavity may cause pneumonia. Sym.ptoms. — Pneumonia, when a primary'- disease, is ushered in by a chill, more or less prolonged, which in many cases is seen neither by the owner nor the attendant, but is overlooked. The breathing becomes accelerated, and the animal hangs its head and has a very dull appearance. The mouth is hot and has a sticky feeling to the touch; the heat conveyed to the finger in the mouth demonstrates a fever; if the thermometer is placed in the rectum the temperature will be found to have risen to 103° F. or higher. The pulse is fre- quent, beating from fifty or sixty to eighty or more a minute. There 124 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. is usually a dry cough from the beginning, which, however, changes in character as the disease advances; for instance, it may become moist, or if jDleurisy sets in, the cough will be peculiar to the latter affection ; that is, cut short in the endeavor to suppress it. In some cases the discharge from the nostrils is tinged with blood, white in other cases it has the appearance of muco-pus. The appetite is lost to a greater or less extent, but the desire for water is increased, par- ticularly during the onset of the fever. The membrane within the nostrils is red and at first dry, but sooner or later becomes moist. The legs are cold. The bowels are more or less constipated, and what dung is passed is usually covered with a slimy mucus. The urine is passed in smaller quantities than usual and is of a darker color. The animal prefers to have the head where the freshest air can be obtained. Wlien affected with pneumonia a horse does not lie down, but persists in standing from the beginning of the attack. However, if pneumonia is complicated with pleurisy, the horse may appear rest- less and lie down for a few moments to gain relief from the pleuritic pains, but he soon rises. In pneumonia the breathing is rapid and difficult, but when the pneumonia is complicated with pleurisy the I'ibs are kept as still as possible and the breathing is abdominal ; that is, the abdominal muscles are now made to do as much of the work as they can perform. If pleurisy is not present there is little pain. To the ordinary observer the animal may not appear dangerously ill, as he does not show the seriousness of the ailment by violence, as in colic, but a careful observer will discover at a glance that the trouble is something more serious than a cold. By percussion it will be shown that some portions of the chest are less resonant than in health, indicating exclusion of air. If the air is wholly excluded the percussion is quite dull, as that elicited by j^ercussion over the thigh. By auscultation important information may be gained. ^Vlien the ear is placed against the chest of a healthy horse, the respiratory murmur is heard more or less distinctly, according to the part of the chest that is beneath the ear. In the very first stage of pneumonia this murmur is louder and hoarser; and, also, there is heard a fine crackling sound something similar to that produced when salt is throAvn in a fire. After the affected part becomes solid there is an absence of sound over that particular part. After absorption begins one may again hear sounds that are of a more or less moist character and resemble a bubbling or gurgling noise, which gradually change imtil the natural sound is heard announcing return to health. Wlien a fatal termination is approaching all the sj^mptoms become intensified. The breathing becomes still more rapid and difficult ; the flanks heave ; the animal stares wildly about as if seeking aid to drive off the feeling of suffocation ; the body is bathed with sweat ; the horse staggers, but quickly recovers his balance ; he may now, for the first PNEUMONIA, OR LUNG FEVER. 125 time during the attack, lie down ; he does so, however, in the hope of relief, which he fails to find, and with difficulty struggles to his feet ; he pants; the nostrils flap; he staggers and sways from side to side and backward and forward, but still tries to retain the standing jDosition, even by propping himself against the stall. It is no use, as after an exhausting fight for breath he goes down; the limbs stretch out and become rigid. In fatal cases death usually occurs in from ten to twenty days after the beginning of the attack. On the other hand, when the disease is terminating favorably the signs are ob- vious. The fever abates and the animal gradually improves in appe- tite ; he takes more notice of things around him ; his spirits improve ; he has a general appearance of returning health, and he lies down and rests. In the majority of cases pneumonia, if properly treated, terminates in recovery. Treatment. — The comfort and surroundings of the patient must be attended to first. The quarters should be the best that can be pro- vided. Pure air is essential. Avoid placing the animal in a stall where he may be exposed to drafts of cold air and sudden changes of temj^erature. It is much better for the animal if the air is cold and pure than if it is warm and foul. It is better to make the animal com- fortable with warm clothing than to make the stable warm by shut- ting off the ventilation. The animal should have an unlimited supply of fresh cold drinking water from the start. Blanket the body. Kub the legs until the}^ are warm and then put bandages on them from the hoofs up to the knees and hocks. If warmth can not be reestablished in the legs by hand rubbing alone, apply drj^ ground mustard and rub well in. The bandages should be removed once or twice every day, the legs well rubbed, and the bandages replaced. Much harm is often done by clipping off hair and rubbing in powerful blistering com- pounds. They do positive injury and retard recovery, and should not be allowed. Much benefit may be derived from hot applications to the sides of the chest if the facilities are at hand to apply them. If the weather be not too cold, and if the animal is in a comfortable stable, the following method may be tried: Have a tub of hot water handy to the stable door; soak a woolen blanket in the water, then quickly wring as much water as possible out of it and wrap it around the chest. See that it fits closely to the skin ; do not allow it to sag down so that air may get between it and the skin. Now wrap a dry- blanket over the wet hot one and hold in place with three girths. The hot blanket should be renewed every half hour, and while it is off being wetted and wrung the dry one should remain over the wet part of the chest to prevent reaction. The hot applications should be kept up for three or four hours, and when stopped the skin should be quickly rubbed as dry as possible, an application of alcohol rubbed over the wet part, and a dry blanket snugly fitted over the animal. 126 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. If the hot applications appear to benefit, they may be tried on three or four consecutive days. Unless every facility and circumstance favors the application of heat in the foregoing manner, do not attempt it. If the weather is very cold or any of the details are omitted, more harm than good may result. Mustard may be applied by making a paste with a pound of freshly ground mustard mixed with warm water. This is to be spread evenly over the sides back of the shoulder blades and down to the median line below the chest. Care should be taken to avoid rubbing the mustard upon the thin skin immediately back of the elbow. The mustard-covered area should be covered with a i^aper and this with a blanket passed up from below and fastened over the back. The blanket and paper should be removed in from one to two hours. When pneumonia follows another disease, the sys- tem is always more or less debilitated and requires the careful use of stimulants from the beginning. To still further weaken the animal by bleeding him is one of the most effectual methods of retarding recovery, even if it does not hasten a fatal termination. Another and oftentimes a fatal mistake made by the nonprofes- sional is the indiscriminate and reckless use of aconite. This drug is one of the most active poisons, and should not be handled by anyone who does not thoroughly understand its action and uses. It is only less active than prussic acid in its poisonous effects. It is a common opinion, often expressed by nonprofessionals, that aconite is a stimu- lant. Nothing could be more erroneous; in fact, it is just the reverse. It is one of the most powerful sedatives used in the practice of medi- cine. In fatal doses it kills by paralyzing the very muscles used in breathing ; it weakens the action of the heart, and should not be used. Do not give purgative medicines. If constipation exists, overcome it by an allowance of laxative diet, such as scalded oats, bran, and lin- seed mashes, and, if in season, grass. If the costiveness is not relieved by the laxative diet, give an enema of about a quart of warm water three or four times a day. A diet consisting principally of bran mashes, scalded oats, and, when in season, grass or corn fodder is j^referable if the animal retains an appetite ; but if no desire is evinced for food of this par- ticular description, then the animal must be allowed to eat anything that will be taken spontaneously. Hay tea, made by pouring boiling water over good hay in a large bucket and allowing it to stand until cool, then straining off the liquid, will sometimes create a desire for food. The animal may be allowed to drink as much of it as he desires. Corn on the cob is often eaten when everything else is refused. Bread may be tried ; also apples or carrots. If the animal can be persuaded to drink milk, it may be supported by it for days. Three or 4 gallons of sweet milk may be given during the day, in which may be stirred 3 or 4 fresh eggs to each gallon of milk. Some PNEUMONIA, OR LUNG FEVER. 127 horses will drink milk, while others will refuse to touch it. It should be borne in mind that all food must be taken by the horse as he desires it. No food should be forced down him. If the animal will not eat, you will only have to wait until a desire is shown for food. All kinds ma}' be offered, first one thing and then another, but food should not be allowed to remain long in trough or manger; the very fact of it constantly being before him will cause him to loathe it. Wlien the animal has no appetite for anything the stomach is not in a proper state to digest food, and if it is poured or drenched into him it will only cause indigestion and aggravate- the case. It is a good practice to do nothing when there is nothing to be done that will benefit. This refers to medicine as well as food. Nothing is well done that is overdone. There are many valuable medicines used for the different stages and different types of pneumonia, but in the opinion of the writer it is useless to refer to them here, as this work is intended for the use of those who are not sufficiently acquainted with the disease to recognize its various types and stages; therefore they would only confuse. If you can administer a ball or capsule, or have anyone at hand who is capable of doing it, a dram of sulphate of quinine in a capsule, or made into a ball, with sufficient linseed meal and molasses, given every three hours during the height of the fever, will do good in many cases. The ball of carbonate of ammonia, as advised in the treatment of bronchitis, may be tried if the animal is hard to drench. The heart should be kept strong by administering digitalis in doses of 2 drams of the tincture every three hours, or strychnia 1 grain, made into a pill with liquorice powder, three times daily. If the horse becomes very much debilitated, stimulants of a more pronounced character are required. The following drench is useful : Rectified spirits, 3 ounces ; spirits of nitrous ether, 2 ounces ; water, 1 pint. This may be repeated every four or five hours if it seems to benefit; or 6 ounces of good whisky diluted with a pint of water may be given as often, instead of the foregoing. During the jDeriod of convalescence good nutritive food should be allowed in a moderate quantity. Tonic medicines should be substi- tuted for those used during the fever. The same medicines advised for the convalescing period of bronchitis are equally efficient in this case, especially the iodide of potash. Likewise, the same general instructions apply here. The chief causes of death in pneumonia are heart failure from exhaustion, suffocation, or blood poisoning from death (gangrene) of lung tissue. The greater the area of lung tissue diseased the greater the danger, hence double pneumonia is more fatal than pneumonia of one lung. 128 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. THE AVINDPIPE. The windpipe, or trachea, as it is technically called, is the flexible tube that extends from the larynx, which it succeeds at the throat, to above the base of the heart in the chest, where it terminates by dividing into the right and left bronchi — the tubes going to the right and left lung, respectively. The windpipe is composed of about fifty incomplete rings of cartilage united by ligaments. A muscular layer is situated on the superior surface of the rings. Internally the tube is lined with a continuation of the mucous membrane that lines the entire respiratory tract, which here has very little sensibility in contrast to that lining the larynx, which is endowed with exquisite sensitiveness. The windpipe is not subject to any special disease, but is more or less affected during laryngitis (sore throat), influenza, bronchitis, etc., and requires no special treatment. The membrane may be left in a thickened condition after these attacks. One or more of the rings may be accidentally fractured, or the tube may be distorted or malformed as the result of violent injury. After the operation of tracheotomy it is not uncommon to find a tumor or malformation as a result, or sequel, of the operation. In passing over this section attention is merely called to these defects, as they require no partic- ular attention in the way of treatment. However, it may be stated that any one of the before-mentioned conditions may constitute one of the causes of noisy respiration described as " thick wind." GUTTURAL POUCHES. These two sacs are situated above the throat, and communicate with the pharynx, as well as with the cavity of the tympanum of the ear. They are peculiar to solipeds. Normally, they contain air. Their function is unknown. One or both guttural pouches may contain pus. The symptoms are as follows: Swelling on the side below the ear and an intermittent discharge of matter from one or both nostrils, especially when the head is depressed. The swelling is soft, and, if pressed upon, matter will escape from the nose if the head is depressed. As before mentioned, these pouches communicate with the jjharynx, and through this small open- ing matter may escape. A recovery is probable if the animal is turned out to graze, or if he is fed from the ground, as the dependent position of the head favors the escape of matter from the pouches. In addition to this, give the tonics recommended for nasal gleet. If this treatment fails, an operation must be performed, which should not be attempted by any one unacquainted with the anatomy of the part. i ^ ^**^" ,i ^*-- ...y DISEASES OF THE BRONCHIAL TUBES. 129 BRONCHITIS AND BRONCHO-PNEUMONIA. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes. When this inflammation extends to the air sacs at the termini of the smallest branches of the bronchial tubes, the disease is broncho-pneumonia. Bronchitis affecting the larger tubes is less serious than when the smaller are involved. The disease may be either acute or chronic. The causes are generally much the same as for other diseases of the respiratory organs, noticed in the beginning of this article. The special causes are these; The inhalation of irritating gases and smoke and fluids or solids gaining access to the parts. Bronchitis is occa- sionally associated with influenza and other specific fevers. It also supervenes on common cold or sore throat. Symptoms. — The animal appears dull; the appetite is partially or wholly lost; the head hangs; the breathing is quickened; the cough, at first dry, and having somewhat the character of a "barking cough," is succeeded in a few days by a moist, rattling cough; the mouth is hot ; the visible membranes in the nose are red ; the pulse is frequent, and during the first stage is hard and quick, but as the disease advances becomes smaller and more frequent. There is a discharge from the nostrils that is at first whitish, but later becomes creamy or frothy, and still later it is sometimes tinged with blood, and occasionally it may be of a brownish or rusty color. By auscul- tation, or placing the ear to the sides of the chest, unnatural sounds can now be heard. The air passing through the diseased tubes causes a wheezing sound when the small tubes are affected, and a hoarse, cooing, or snoring sound when the larger tubes are involved. After one or two days the dry stage of the disease is succeeded by a moist state of the membrane. The ear now detects a different sound, caused by the bursting of the bubbles as the air passes through the fluid, which is the exudate of inflammation and the augmented mu- cous secretions of the membrane. The mucus may be secreted in great abundance, which, by blocking up the tubes, may cause a col- lapse of a large extent of breathing surface. Usually the mucus is expectorated; that is, discharged through the nose. Tha matter is coughed up, and when it reaches the larynx much of it may be swal- lowed, and some is discharged from the nostrils. The horse can not spit, like the human being, nor does the matter coughed up gain access to the mouth. If in serious cases all the symptoms become aggra- vated, the breathing is labored, short, and quick, it usually indicates that the inflammation has reached the breathing cells and that catar- rhal pneumonia is established. In this case the ribs rise and fall much more than natural. This fact alone is enough to exclude the idea that the animal may be affected with pleurisy, because, in pleu- risy, the ribs are as nearly fixed as in the power of the animal to do H. Doc. 795, 59-2 9 130 'diseases op the horse. so, and the breathing accomplished to a great extent by aid of the abdominal muscles. The horse persists in standing throughout the attack. He prefers to stand with head to a door or window to gain all the fresh air possible, but may occasionally wander listlessly about the stall if not tied. The bowels most likely are constipated; the dung is covered with slimy mucus. The urine is decreased in quantity and darker in color than usual. The animal shows more or less thirst; in some cases the mouth is full of saliva. The discharge from the nose increases in quantity as the disease advances and in- flammation subsides. This is rather a good symptom, as it shows one stage has passed. The discharge then gradually decreases, the cough becomes less rasping, but of more frequent occurrence, until it grad- ually disappears with the return of health. Bronchitis, affecting the smaller tubes, is one of the most fatal diseases, while that of the larger tubes is never very serious. It must be stated, however, that it is an exceedingly difficult matter for a nonexpert to discriminate between the two forms, and, further, it may as well be said here that the nonexpert will have difficulty in discriminating between bronchitis and pneumonia. Treatment. — The matter of first importance is to insure a pure at- mosphere to breathe, and next to make the patient's quarters as com- fortable as possible. A well-ventilated box stall serves best for all purposes. Cover the body with a blanket, light or heavy, as the season of the year demands. Hand rub the legs until they are warm, then wrap them in cotton and apply flannel or Derby bandages from the hoofs to the knees and hocks. If the legs can not be made warm with hand rubbing alone, apply dry mustard. Rub in thoroughly and then put on the bandages. Also rub mustard paste well over the side of the chest, covering the space beginning immediately behind the shoulder blade and running back about eighteen inches, and from the median line beneath the breast to within ten inches of the ridge of the backbone. Repeat the application to the side of the chest about three days after the first one is applied. Compel the animal to inhale steam from a bucketful of boiling water containing a tablespoonful of oil of turpentine and spirits of camphor, as advised for cold in the head. In serious cases the steam should be inhaled every hour, and in any case the oftener it is done the greater will be the beneficial results. Three times a day admin- ister an electuary containing acetate of potash (2 drams), with lico- rice and molasses or honey. It is well to keep a bucketful of cold Avater before the animal all the time. _ If the horse is prostrated and has no appetite, give the following drench : Spirits of nitrous ether, 2 ounces; rectified spirits, 3 ounces; water, 1 pint. Repeat the dose every four or five hours if it appears to benefit. When the horse is hard to drench, give the following: Pulverized carbonate of ammonia, PLEURISY. 131 3 drams; linseed meal and molasses sufficient to make the whole into a stiff mass; wrap it with a small piece of tissue paper and give as a ball. This ball may be repeated every four or five hours. When giv- ing the ball care should be taken to prevent its breaking in the mouth, as in case of such accident it will make the mouth sore, which may prevent the animal from eating. If the bowels are constij^ated, give enemas of warm water. Do not give purgative medicines. Do not bleed the animal. If the animal retains an appetite, a soft diet is preferable, such as scalded oats, bran mashes, and grass, if in season. If he refuses cooked food, allow in small quantities anything he will eat. Hay, cob corn, oats, bread, apples, and carrots may all be tried in turn. Some horses will drink sweet milk when they refuse all other kinds of food, and especially is this the case if the drinking water is withheld for a while. One or 2 gallons at a time, four or five times a day, will support life. Bear in mind that when the disease is established re- covery can not occur in less than two or three weeks, and more time may be necessary. Good nursing and patience are required. "VVlien the symptoms have abated and nothing remains of the dis- ease except the cough and a white discharge from the nostrils, all other medicines should be discontinued and a course of tonic treat- ment pursued. Give the following mixture : Keduced iron, 3 ounces ; powdered gentian, 8 ounces ; mix well together and divide into sixteen powders. Give a powder every night and morning mixed with bran and oats, if the animal will eat it, or shaken with about a pint of flax- seed tea and administered as a drench. If the cough remains after the horse is apparently well, give 1 dram of iodide of potassium dissolved in a bucketful of drinking water one hour before each meal for two or three weeks if necessary. Do not put the animal to work too soon after recovery. Allow ample time to regain strength. This disease is prone to become chronic and may run into an incurable case of thick" wind. PLEURISY. The thoracic cavity is divided into two lateral compartments, each containing one lung and a part of the heart. Each lung has its sepa- rate pleural membrane, or covering. The pleura is the thin glisten- ing membrane that covers the lung and also completely covers the in- ternal walls of the chest. It is very thin, and to the ordinary ob- server appears to be part of the lung, which, in fact, it is for all practical purposes. The smooth, shiny surface of the lung, as well as the smooth, shiny surface so familiar on the rib, is the pleura. In health this surface is always moist. A fluid is thrown off by the pleura, which causes the surface to be constantly moist. This is to prevent the effects of friction between the lungs and the walls of the 132 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. chost and other contiguous parts which come in contact. It must be remembered that the lungs are dilating each time a breath is taken in, and contracting each time a breath of air is expelled. It may be readily seen that if it were not for the moistened state of the surface of the pleura the continual dilatation and contraction and the conse- quent rubbing of the parts against each other would cause serious friction. Inflammation of this membrane is called pleurisy. Being so closely united with the lung, it can not always escape participation in the disease when the latter is inflamed. Pleurisy may be due to the same predisposing and exciting causes as mentioned in the beginning of this work as general causes for diseases of the organs of respiration, such as exposure to sudden changes of temperature, confinement in damp stables, etc. It may be caused by wounds that penetrate the chest, for it must be remembered that such wounds must necessarily pierce the pleura. A fractured rib may involve the pleura. The inflammation following such wounds may be circumscribed, that is, confined to a small area surrounding the wound, or it may spread from the wound and involve a large portion of the pleura. The pleura may be involved secondarily when the heart or its membrane is the primary seat of the disease. It may occur in conjunction with bronchitis, influenza, and other diseases. Diseased gi'owths that interfere with the pleura may induce pleurisy. The most frequent cause of pleurisy is an extension of inflammation from adjacent dis- eased lung. It is a common complication of pneumonia. Pleurisy will be described here as an independent affection, although it should be remembered that it is very often associated with the foregoing diseases. The first lesion of pleurisy is overfilling of the blood vessels that ramify in th^s membrane, and dryness of the surface. This is fol- lowed by the formation of a coating of coagulated fibrin on the diseased pleura and the transudation of serum which collects in the chest. This serum may contain flakes of fibrin and it may be straw colored or red from an admixture of blood. The quantity of this accumulation may amount to several gallons. Symptoms. — AVlien the disease exists as an independent affection it is ushered in by a chill, but this is usually overlooked. About the first thing noticed is the disinclination of the animal to move or turn round. "\^Tien made to do so he grunts or groans with pain. He stands stiff ; the ribs are fixed, that is, the ribs move very little in the act of breathing, but the abdomen works more than natural ; both the fore feet and elbows may be turned out; during the onset of the attack the animal may be restless and act as if he had a slight colic ; he may even lie down, but does not remain long down, for when he finds no relief he soon gets up. After effusion begins these signs of PLEURISY. 133 restlessness disappear. Every movement of the chest causes pain, therefore the cough is peculiar ; it is short and suppressed, and comes as near being no cough as the animal can make it in his desire to sup- press it. The breathing is hurried, the mouth is hot, the temperature being elevated from 102° or 103° to 105° F. The usual symptoms that accompany fever are present, such as costiveness, scanty dark- colored urine, etc. The pulse is frequent, perhaps 70 or more a minute, and is hard and wiry. The legs and ears are cold. Percussion is of valuable service in this affection. After effusion occurs, the sound produced by percussing over the lower part of the chest is dull. By striking different parts one may come to a spot of greater or less extent where the blows cause much pain to be evinced. The animal may grunt or groan every time it is struck. Another method of detecting the affected part is to press the fingers between the ribs, each space in succession beginning behind the elbow, until you arrive at a place where the pressure causes more flinching than at any other part. Auscultation is also useful. In the first stage, when the surfaces are dry and rough, one may hear a friction sound very much like that produced by rubbing two pieces of coarse paper together. The sound appears immediately under the ear and is dis- tinct. No such friction sound occurs when the membrane is healthy, as the natural moisture, heretofore mentioned, prevents the friction. In many cases this friction is so pronounced that it may be felt by placing the hand over the affected part. Wlien the dry stage is suc- ceeded by the exudation of fluid, this friction sound disappears. After the effusion into the cavity takes place there sometimes is heard a tinkling or metallic sound, due to dropping of the exudate from above into the collected fluid in the bottom of the cavity, as the collected fluid more or less separates the lung from the chest walls. Within two or three days the urgent symptoms may abate owing to the exudation of the fluid and the subsidence of the pain. The fluid may now undergo absorption, and the case terminate favorably within a week or ten days. If the quantity of the effusion is large, its own volume retards the process of absorption to a great extent, and consequently convales- cence is delayed. In severe cases the pulse becomes more frequent, the breathing more hurried and labored, the flanks work like bellows, the nostrils flap, the eyes stare wildly, the countenance expresses much anxiet}^, and general signs of dissolution are plain. After a time swellings appear under the chest and abdomen and down the legs. The accumulation in the chest is called hydrothorax, or di-opsy of the chest. Wlien this fluid contains pus the case usually proves fatal. The condition of pus within the cavity is called empyema. Pleurisy may affect only a small area of one side or it may affect both sides. It is oftener confined to the right side. 134 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. Treatment. — The instructions in regard to the general management of bronchitis and pneumonia must be adhered to in the treatment of pleurisy. Comfortable quarters, pure air, warm clothing to the body and bandages to the legs, a plentiful supply of pure cold water, the laxative food, etc., in this case are equally necessary and efficacious. The hot applications applied to the chest as directed in the treatment of pneumonia are very beneficial in pleurisy, and should be kept up while the symptoms show the animal to be in pain. During the first few days, when pain is manifested by restlessness, apj)ly hot packs to the sides diligently. After four or five days, when the sjmiptoms show that the acute stage has somewhat subsided, mus- tard may be applied as recommended for pneumonia. From the beginning the following drench may be given every six hours, if the horse takes a drench kindly : Solution of the acetate of ammonia, 3 ounces; spirits of nitrous ether, 1 ounce; bicarbonate of potassium, 3 drams; water, 1 pint. If the patient becomes debilitated, the stimulants as prescribed for pneumonia should be used according to the same directions. The same attention should be given to the diet. If the animal will par- take of the bran mashes, scalded oats, and grass, it is the best; but if he refuses the laxative diet, then he should be tried with different kinds of food and allowed whichever kind he desires. In. the beginning of the attack, if the pain is severe, causing the animal to lie down or paw, morphine may be given by the mouth in 5-grain doses, or the fluid extract of Cannabis indica may be used in doses of 2 to 4 drams. If the case is not progressing favorably in ten or twelve days after the beginning of the attack, convalescence is delayed by the fluid in the chest failing to be absorbed. The animal becomes dull and weak and evinces little or no desire for food. The breathing becomes still more rapid and difficult. An effort must now be made to excite the absorption of the effusion. An application of liniment or mild blister should be rubbed over the lower part of both sides and the bottom of the chest. The following drench may be given three times a day, for seven or eight days, if it is necessary and appears to bene- fit : Tincture of the perchloride of iron, 1 ounce ; tincture of gentian, 2 ounces; water, 1 pint. Also give 1 dram of iodide of potassium, dissolved in the drinking water, an hour before feeding every night and morning for a week or two. Hydrothorax is sometimes difficult to overcome by means of the use of medicines alone, when the operation is performed of tapping the chest to allow an escape for the accumulated fluid. The operation is performed with a combined instrument called the trocar and canula. The puncture is made in the lower part of the chest, in the space between the eighth and ninth ribs. Wounding of the intercostal DISEASES OF THE LUNGS. 135 artery is avoided by inserting the instrument as near as possible to the anterior edge of the rib. If the operation is of benefit, it is only so when performed before the strength is lowered beyond recovery. The operation merely receives a passing notice here, as it is not pre- sumed that the nonprofessional will attempt it, although it is attended with little danger or difficulty in the hands of the expert. There have been described here bronchitis, pneumonia, and pleurisy mainly as they occur as independent diseases, but it should be remem- bered that they merge into each other and may occur together at one time. AMiile it is true that much more might have been said in regard to the different stages and types of the affections, and also in regard to the treatment of each stage and each particular type, the plan adopted gf advising plain, conservative treatment is considered the wisest on account of simplifying as much as possible a subject of which the reader is supposed to know very little. PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. This is the state in which an animal is affected with pleurisy and pneumonia combined, which is not infrequently the case. At the beginning of the attack only one of the affections may be present, but the other soon follows. It has already been stated that the pleura is closely adherent to the lung. The pleura on this account is frequently more or less affected by the spreading of the inflammation from the lung tissue. There is a combination of the symptoms of both diseases, but to the ordinary observer the symptoms of pleurisy are the most obvious. The course of treatment to be pursued differs in no manner from that given for tlie affections when they occur independently. The symptoms will be your guide as to the advisability of giving oil and laudanum for the j^ain if the pleurisy is very severe. Do not resort to it unless it is necessary to allay the pain. BRONCHO-PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. This is the term or terms applied when bronchitis, pleurisy, and pneumonia all exist at once. It is impossible for one who is not an expert to diagnose the state with certainty. The apparent symptoms ai-e the same as when the animal is affected with pleuro-pneumonia. SUPPURATION AND ABSCESS IN THE LUNG. There are instances, and especially when the surroundings of the patient have been bad or the disease is of an especially severe type, when pneumonia terminates in an abscess in the lung. Sometimes, when the inflammation has been extreme, suppuration in a large por- tion of the lung takes place. Impure air, the result of improper ven- tilation, is among the most frequent causes of this termination. The 136 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. symptoms of suppuration in the lung are chronic pneumonia, a solidi- fied area of lung tissue, continued low fever, and, in some cases, offen- sive smell of the breath, and the discharge of the matter from the nostrils. MORTIFICATION. Gangrene, or mortification, means the death of the part affected. Occasionally, owing to the intensity of the inflammation or bad treat- ment, pneumonia and pleuro-pneumonia terminate in mortification, which is soon followed by the death of the animal. Perhaps the most common cause of this complication is the presence of a foreign body in the lung, as food particles or medicine. Rough drenching or drenching through the nostrils may cause this serious condition. HEMOPTYSIS, OR BLEEDING FROM THE LUNGS. Bleeding from the lungs may occur during the course of congestion of the lungs, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, purpura hemorrhagica, or glanders. An accident or exertion may cause a rupture of a vessel. Plethora and hypertrophy of -the heart predispose to it. Following the rupture of a vessel the blood may escape into the lung tissue and cause a serious attack of pneumonia, or it may fill up the bronchial tubes and prove fatal by suffocating the animal. "When the hemor- rhage is from the lung it is accompanied by coughing; the blood is frothy, of a bright red color, and comes from both nostrils ; whereas when the bleeding is merely from a rupture of a vessel in some part of the head (heretofore described as bleeding from the nose) the blood is most likely to issue from one nostril Only, and the discharge is not accompanied by coughing. The ear may be placed against the windpipe along its course, and if the blood is from the lungs a gurgling or rattling sound will be heard. When it occurs in connec- tion with another disease it seldom requires special treatment. Wlien caused by accident or overexertion the animal should be kept quiet. If the hemorrhage is profuse and continues for several hours, 1 dram of the acetate of lead dissolved in a pint of water may be given as a drench, or 1 ounce of the tincture of the perchloride of iron, diluted with a pint of water, may be given instead of the lead. It is rare that the hemorrhage is so profuse as to require internal Temedies. But hemorrhage into the lung may occur and cause death by suffo- cation without the least manifestation of it by the discharge of blood from the nose. TUBERCULOSIS OF THE LUNGS. Pulmonary consumption or tuberculosis has been recognized in the horse in a number of instances. The symptoms are as of chronic, pneumonia or pleurisy. There is no treatment for the disease. DISEASES OF THE LUNGS. 137 HEAVES, BROKEN WIND, OR ASTHMA. Much confusion exists in the popular mind in regard to the nature of heaves. Many horsemen loosely apply the term to all ailments where the breathing is difficult or noisy. Scientific veterinarians are well acquainted with the phenomena and locality of the affection, but there is a great diversity of opinion as regards the exact cause. Asthma is generally thought to be due to spasm of the small circular muscles that surround the bronchial tubes. The continued existence of this affection of the muscles leads to a paralysis of them, and the forced breathing to emphysema, which always accompanies heaves. Heaves is usually associated with disorder of the function of diges- tion or to an error in the choice of food. Feeding on clover hay or damaged hay or straw, too bulky and innutritions food, and keeping the horse in a dusty atmosphere or a badly ventilated stable produce or predispose to heaves. Horses brought from a high to a low level are predisposed. In itself broken wind is not a fatal disease, but death is generally caused by an affection closely connected with it. After death, if the organs are examined, the lesions found depend much upon the length of time broken wind has affected the animal. In recent cases very few changes are noticeable, but in animals that have been broken- winded for a long time the changes are well marked. The lungs are paler than natural, and of much less weight in proportion to the vol- ume, as evidenced by floating them in water. The walls of the small bronchial tubes and the membrane of the larger tubes are thickened. The right side of the heart is enlarged and its cavities dilated. The stomach is enlarged and its walls stretched. The important change found in the lungs is a condition technically called pulmonary em- physema. This is of two varieties: First, what is termed vesicular emphysema, which consists of an enlargement of the capacity of the air cells (air vesicles) by dilation of their walls. The second form is called interlobular, or interstitial, emphysema, and follows the first. In this variety the air finds its way into the lung tissue be- tween the air cells or the tissue between the small lobules. Symptoms. — Almost every experienced horseman is able to detect heaves. The peculiar movement of the flanks and abdomen point out the ailment at once. But in recent cases the affected animal does not always exhibit the characteristic breathing unless exerted to a certain extent. The cough which accompanies this disease is peculiar to it. It is difficult to describe, but the sound is short, and something like a grunt. Wlien air is inspired — that is, taken in — it appears to be done in the same manner as in health; it may possibly be done a little quicker than natural, but not enough to attract any notice. It is when the act of expiration (or expelling the air from the lungs) is per- 138 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. formed, that the great change in the breathing is perceptible. It must be remembered that the lungs have lost much of their elasticity, and, in consequence, of their jDower of contracting on account of the de- generation of the walls of the air cells, and also on account of the paralysis of muscular tissue before mentioned. The air passes into them freely, but the power to expel it is lost to a great extent by the lungs ; therefore the abdominal muscles are brought into play. These muscles, especially in the region of the flank, are seen to contract, then pause for a moment, then complete the act of contracting, thus making a double bellowslike movement at each expiration, a sort of jerky motion with every breath. The double expiratory movement may also be detected by allowing the horse to exhale against the face or back of the hand. It will be observed that the expiratory current is not continuous, but is broken into two jets. AVlien the animal is exerted a wheezing noise accompanies the breathing. This noise may be heard to a less extent when the animal is at rest if the ear be applied to the chest. As before remarked, indigestion is often present in these cases. The animal may have a depraved appetite, as shown by a desire to eat dirt and soiled bedding, which he often devours in preference to the clean food in the trough or manger. The stomach is liable to be overloaded with indigestible food. The abdomen may assume that form called " potbellied." The animal frequently passes wind of a very offensive odor. AVhen first put to work dung is passed fre- quently ; the bowels are often loose. The animal can not stand much work, as the muscular system is soft. Round-chested horses are said to be predisposed to the disease, and it is certain that in cases of long standing the chest usually becomes rounder than natural. Certain individuals become very expert in managing a horse affected with heaves in suppressing the symptoms for a short time. They take advantage of the fact that the breathing is much easier when the stomach and intestines are empty. They also resort to the use of medicines that have a depressing effect. When the veterina- rian is examining a horse for soundness, and he suspects that the animal has been " fixed," he usually gives the horse as much water as he will drink and then has him ridden or driven rapidly up a hill or on a heavy road. This will bring out the characteristic breathing of heaves if the horse is so afflicted, but will not cause the symptoms of heaves in a healthy horse. All broken-winded horses have the cough peculiar to the affection, but it is not regular. A considerable time may elapse before it is heard and then it may come on in paroxysms, especially when first brought out of the stable into the cold air, or when excited by work, or after a drink of cold water. The cough is usually the first symptom of the disease. Treatment. — When the disease is established there is no cure for it. Proper attention paid to the diet will relieve the distressing symp- DISEASES OF THE LUNGS. 139 toms to a certain extent, but they will undoubtedly reappear in their intensity the first time the animal overloads the stomach or is al- lowed food of bad quality. Clover hay or bulky food which contains but little nutriment have much to do with the cause of the disease, and therefore should be entirely omitted when the animal is affected, as well as before. It has been asserted that the disease is unknown where clover hay is never used. The diet should be confined to food of the best quality and in the smallest quantity. The bad effect of moldy or dusty hay, fodder, or food of any kind can not be over- estimated. A small quantity of the best hay once a day is sufficient. This should be cut and dampened. The animal should invariably be watered before feeding; never directly after a meal. The animal should not be worked immediately after a meal. Exertion, when the stomach is full, invariably aggravates the symptoms. Turning on pasture gives relief. Carrots, potatoes, or turnips chopped and mixed with oats or corn are a good diet. Half a pint to a pint of thick, dark molasses with each feed is useful. Arsenic is efficacious in palliating the symptoms. It is best ad- ministered in the form of the solution of arsenic, as Fowler's solu- tion or as the white powdered arsenious acid. Of the former the dose is 1 ounce to the drinking water three times daily. Of the latter one may give 3 grains in each feed. These quantities may be cautiously increased as the animal becomes accustomed to the drug. If the bowels do not act regularly, a pint of raw linseed oil may be given once or twice a month, or a handful of Glauber's salt may- be given in the feed twice daily, so long as necessary. It must, however, be borne in mind that all medical treatment is of secondary consideration ; careful attention paid to the diet is of greatest impor- tance. Broken-winded animals should not be used for breeding j)ur- poses. A predisposition to the disease may be inherited. CHRONIC COUGH. A chronic cough may succeed the acute diseases of the respiratory organs, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, etc. It accom- panies chronic roaring, chronic bronchitis, broken wind. It may succeed influenza. As previously stated, cough is but a symptom and not a disease in itself. Chronic cough is occasionally associated with diseases other than those of the organs of respiration. It may be a symptom of chronic indigestion or of worms. In such cases it is caused by a reflex nervous irritation. The proper treat- ment in all cases of chronic cough is to ascertain the nature of the disease of which it is a symptom, and then cure the disease if possible, and the cough will cease. The treatment of the affections will be found under their appro- priate heads, to which the reader is referred. 140 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. PLEURO-DYNIA. This is a form of rheumatism that affects the intercostal muscles; that is, the muscles between the ribs. The apparent symptoms are very similar to those of pleurisy. The animal is stiff and not in- clined to turn around; the ribs are kept in a fixed state as much as possible. If the head is pulled round suddenly, or the affected side struck with the hand, or if the spaces between the ribs are pressed with the fingers, the animal will flinch and perhaps emit a grunt or groan expressive of much pain. It is distinguished from pleurisy by the absence of fever, cough, the friction sound, the effusion into the chest, and by the existence of rheumatism in other parts. The treatment for this affection is the same as for rheumatism affecting other parts. AVOUNDS PENETRATING THE WALLS OF THE CHEST. A wound penetrating the wall of the chest admits air into the tho- racic cavity outside of the lung. This condition is known as pneumo- thorax and may result in collapse of the lung. The wound may be so made that when the walls of the chest are dilating a little air is sucked in, but during the contraction of the wall the contained air presses against the torn part in such a manner as entirely to close the wound ; thus a small quantity of air gains access with each in- spiration, while none is allowed to escape until the lung is pressed into a very small compass and forced into the anterior part of the chest. The same thing may occur from a broken rib inflicting a wound in the lung. In this form the air gains access from the lung, and there may not even be an opening in the walls of the chest. In such cases the air may be absorbed, when a spontaneous cure is the result. But when the symptoms are urgent it is recommended that the air be removed by a trocar and canula or by an aspirator. It is evident that the treatment of wounds that penetrate the tho- racic cavity should be prompt. It should be quickly ascertained whether or not a foreign body remains in the wound, then it should be thoroughl}^ cleaned with a solution of carbolic acid, 1 part in water 40 parts. The wound should then be closed immediately. If it is an incised wound, it should be closed with sutures or with adhesive plas- ters; if torn or lacerated, adhesive plaster may be used or a bandage around the chest over the dressing. At all events, air must be pre- vented from getting into the chest as soon and as effectually as pos- sible. The after treatment of the wound should principally consist in keeping the parts clean with a solution of carbolic acid, and applying fresh dressing as often as required to keep the wound in a healthy condition. Care should be taken that the discharges from the wound THUMPS. 141 have an outlet in the most dependent part. (See Wounds and their treatment, p. 459.) If pleurisy supervenes, it should be treated as advised under that head. THUMPS, OR SPASM OF THE DIAPHRAGM. " Thumps " is generally thought by the inexperienced to be a pal- pitation of the heart. While it is true that palpitation of the heart is sometimes called " thumps," it must not be confounded with the affection under consideration. In the beginning of this article on the diseases of the organs of respiration, the diaphragm was briefly referred to as the principal and essential muscle of respiration. Spasmodic or irregular contractions of it in man are manifested by what is familiarly known as hiccoughs. Thumps in the horse is similar to hiccoughs in man, although the peculiar noise is not made in the throat of. the horse in all cases. There should be no difficulty in distinguishing this affection from palpitation of the heart. The jerky motion affects the whole body, and is not confined to the region of the heart. If one hand is placed on the body at about the middle of the last rib, while the other hand is placed over the heart behind the left elbow, it will be easily demon- strated that there is no connection between the thumping or jerking of the diaphragm and the beating of the heart. In fact, when the animal is affected with spasms of the diaphragm the beating of the heart is usually much weaker and less perceptible than natural. Thumps is produced by causes similar to those that produce conges- tion of the lungs and dilatation or palpitation of the heart, and may occur in connection with these conditions. If not relieved, death usually results from congestion or edema of the lungs, as the breath- ing is interfered with by the inordinate action of this important muscle of inspiration so much that proper aeration of the blood can not take place. The treatment should be as prescribed for congestion of the lungs, and, in addition, antispasmodics, such as 1 ounce of sulphuric ether in warm water or 3 drams of asafetida. RUPTURE or THE DIAPHRAGM. Post-mortem examinations after colic or severe accident sometimes reveal rupture of the diaphragm. This may take place after death, from the generation of gases in the decomposing carcass, which dis- tend the intestines so that the diaphragm is ruptured by the great pressure against it. The s^^mptoms are intenselv difficult respiration and great depression. There is no treatment. DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. By James Law, F. R. C. V. S., Professor of Veterinary Science, etc., in Cornell University. [Revised in 1903 by the author.] CONGESTION AND INFLAMMATION OF THE TESTICLES, OR ORCHITIS. In the prime of life, in vigorous health, and on stimulating food, stallions are subject to congestion of the testicles, which become swollen, hot, and tender, but without any active inflammation. A reduction of the grain in the feed, the administration of 1 or 2 ounces of Glauber's salts daily in'the food, and the bathing of the affected organs daily Avith tepid water or alum water will usually restore them to a healthy condition. When the factors producing congestion are extraordinarily potent, when there has been frequent copulation and heavy grain feeding, when the weather is warm and the animal has had little exercise, and when the proximity of other horses or mares excites the generative instinct without gratification, this congestion may grow to actual inflammation. Among the other causes of orchitis are blows and pen- etrating wounds implicating the testicles, abrasions of the scrotum by a chain or rope passing inside the thigh, contusions and frictions on the gland under rapid f)aces or heavy draft, compression of the blood vessels of the spermatic cord by the inguinal ring under the same cir- cumstances, and, finally, sympathetic disturbance in cases of disease of the kidneys, bladder, or urethra. Stimulants of the generative functions, like rue, savin, tansy, cantharides, and damiana, may also be accessory causes of congestion and inflammation. Finally, certain specific diseases like maladie du coit, glanders, and tuberculosis, local- ized in the testicles, will cause inflammation. JSymptoms, — Apart from actual wounds of the parts, the symptoms of orchitis are swelling, heat, and tenderness of the testicles, strad- dling with the hind legs alike in standing and walking, stiffness and dragging of the hind limbs or of the limb on the affected side, arching of the loins, abdominal pain, manifested by glancing back at the flank, with more or less fever, elevated body temperature, accelerated pulse and breathing, inappetence, and dullness. In bad cases the scanty urine may be reddish and the swelling may extend to the skin and envelopes of the testicle, which may become thickened and doughy, pitting on pressure. The swelling may be so much greater in the convoluted excretory duct along the upper border of the testicle as to 142 DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 143 suggest the presence of a second stone. Even in the more violent attacks the intense suffering abates somewhat on the second or third, day. If it lasts longer it is likely to give rise to the formation of matter (abscess). In exceptional cases the testicle is struck with gangrene, or death. Improvement may go on slowly to complete recovery, or the malady may subside into a subacute and chronic form with induration. Matter (abscess) may be recognized by the presence of a soft spot, where pressure with two fingers will detect fluctuation from one to the other. When there is liquid exudation into the scrotum, or sack, fluctuation may also be felt, but the liquid can be made out to be around the testicle and can be pressed up into the abdomen through the inguinal canal. When abscess occurs in the cord the matter may escape into the scrotal sac and cavity of the abdo- men and pyemia may follow. Treatment consists in perfect rest and quietude, the administration of a jDurgative (1 to 1^ pounds Glauber's salts), and the local appli- cation of an astringent lotion (acetate of lead 2 drams, extract of belladonna 2 drams, and water 1 quart) upon soft rags or cotton wool, kept in contact with the part by a suspensory bandage. This band- age, of great value for support, may be made nearly triangular and tied to a girth around the loins and to the upper part of the same sur- cingle by two bands carried backward and upward between the thighs. In severe cases scarifications one-fourth inch deep serve to re- lieve vascular tension. When abscess is threatened its formation may be favored by warm fomentations or poultices, and on the occurrence of fluctuation the knife may be employed to give free escape to the pus. The resulting cavity may be injected daily with a weak car- bolic-acid lotion, or salol may be introduced. The same agents may be used on a gland threatened with gangrene, but its prompt removal by castration is to be preferred, antiseptics being applied freely to the resulting cavity. SARCOCELE. This is an enlarged and indurated condition of the gland, resulting from chronic inflammation, though it is often associated with a specific deposit, like glanders. In this condition the natural struc- ture of the gland has given place to embryonal tissue (small round cells, with a few fibrous bundles), and its restoration to health is very improbable. Apart from active inflammation, it may increase very slowly. The diseased testicle is enlarged, firm, nonelastic, and com- paratively insensible. The skin of the scrotum is tense, and it may be edematous (pitting on pressure), as are the deeper envelopes and spermatic cord. If liquid is present in the sac, the sj^mptoms are masked somewhat. As it increases it causes awkward, straddling, dragging movement of the hind limbs, or lameness on the aflFected side. The spermatic cord often increases at the same time with the 144 DISEASES OP THE HORSE. testicle, and the inguinal ring being thereby stretched and enlarged, a portion of intestine may escape into the sac, complicating the dis- ease with hernia. The only rational and effective treatment is castration, and even this may not succeed when the disease is specific (glanders, tuber- culosis). HYDROCELE, OR DROPSY OF THE SCROTUM. This may be merely an accompaniment of dropsy of the abdomen, the cavity of which is continuous with that of the scrotum in horses. It may be the result, however, of local disease in the testicle, sper- matic cord, or walls of the sac. Symptoms. — The symjotoms are enlargement of the scrotum, and fluctuation under the fingers, the testicle being recognized as floating in water. By pressure the liquid is forced, in a slow stream and with a , perceptible thrill, into the abdomen. Sometimes the cord or the scrotum is thickened and pits on pressure. Treatment may be the same as for ascites, y^t when the effusion has resulted from inflammation of the testicle or cord, astringent applica- tions (chalk and vinegar) may be applied to these. Then, if the liquid is not reabsorbed under diuretics and tonics, it may be drawn off through the nozzle of a hypodermic syringe which has been first passed through carbolic acid. In geldings it is best to dissect out the sacs. VARICOCELE. This is an enlargement of the venous network of the spermatic cord, and gives rise to general thickening of the cord from the tes- ticle up to the ring. The same astringent dressings may be tried as in hydrocele, and, this failing, castration may be resorted to. ABNORMAL NUMBER OF TESTICLES. Sometimes one or both testicles are wanting; in most such cases, however, they are merely partially developed, and retained in the inguinal canal or abdomen (cryptorchid). In rare cases there may be a third testicle, the animal becoming to this extent a double mon- ster. Teeth, hair, and other indications of a second' fetus have like- wise been found in the testicle or scrotum. DEGENERATION OF THE TESTICLES. The testicles may become the seat of fibrous, calcareous, fatty, carti- laginous, or cystic degeneration, for all of which the appropriate treatment is castration. They also become the seat of cancer, glan- ders, or tuberculosis, and castration is requisite, though with less hope of arresting the disease. Finally, they may become infested with cystic tapeworms or larval stages of the armed roundworm {Strongylus equinus) . DISEASES OP THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 145 WARTS ON THE PENIS. These are best removed by seizing them between the thumb and forefinger and twisting them off. Or they may be cut off with scissors and the roots cauterized with nitrate of silver. DEGENERATION OF PENIS (PAPILLOMA", OR EPITHELIOMA). The penis of the horse is subject to great cauliflower-like growths on its fi-ee end, which extend back into the substance of the organ, obstruct the passage of urine, and cause very fetid discharges. The only resort is to cut them off, together with whatever portion of the penis has become diseased and indurated. The operation, which should be performed by a veterinary surgeon, consists in cutting through the organ from its upper to its lower aspect, twisting or tying the two dorsal arteries, and leaving the urethra longer by half an inch to 1 inch than the adjacent structures. EXTRAVASATION OF BLOOD IN THE PENIS. As the result of kicks, blows, or of forcible striking of the yard on the thighs of the mare which it has failed to enter, the penis may become the seat of effusion of blood from one or more ruptured blood vessels. This gives rise to a more or less extensive swelling on one or more sides, followed by some heat and inflammation, and on recovery a serious curving of the organ. The treatment in the early stages may be the application of lotions, of alum, or other astringents, to limit the amount of effusion and favor absorption. The penis should be suspended in a sling. PARALYSIS OF THE PENIS. This results from blows and other injuries, and also in some cases from too frequent and exhausting service. The yard hangs from the sheath, flaccid, pendulous, and often cold. The passage of urine occurs with lessened force, and especially without the final jets. In cases of local injury the inflammation should first be subdued by astringent and emollient lotions, and in all cases the system should be invigorated by nourishing diet, while 30-grain doses of nux vomica are given twice a day. Finally, a weak current of electricity sent through the penis from just beneath the anus to the free portion of the yard, continued for ten or fifteen minutes and repeated daily, may prove successful. SELF-ABUSE, OR MASTURBATION. Some stallions acquire this vicious habit, stimulating the sexual instinct to the discharge of semen by rubbing the penis against the belly or between the fore limbs. The only remedy is a mechanical H. Doc. 795, 59-2 10 146 . DISEASES OF THE HORSE. one, the fixing of a net under the penis in such fashion as will prevent the extension of the penis, or so prick the organ as to compel the animal to desist through pain. MALADIE DU COIT, OR DOURINE. This is propagated, like syphilis, by the act of copulation and affects stallions and mares. It has long been known in northern Africa, Arabia, and Continental Europe. It was imported into Illinois in 1882 in a Percheron horse. From one to ten days after copulation, or in stallions it may be after some weeks, there is irritation, swelling, and a livid redness of the external organs of generation, sometimes followed by the erup- tion of small blisters one-fifth of an inch across on the penis, the vulva, clitoris, and the vagina, and the consequent rupture of these vesicles and the formation of ulcers or small open sores. Vesicles have not been noticed in this disease in the dry climate of Illinois. In the mare there is frequent contraction of the vulva, urination, and the discharge of a watery and later a thick viscid liquid of a whitish, yellowish, or reddish color, which collects on and soils the tail. The swelling of the vulva increases and decreases alternately, affecting one part more than another and giving a distorted appearance to the ojDening. The affection of the skin leads to the appearance of circu- lar white spots, which may remain distinct or coalesce into extensive patches which persist for months. This, with the soiled tail, red, swollen, puckered, and distorted vulva, and an increasing weakness and paralysis of the hind limbs, serves to characterize the affection. The mare rarely breeds, but will take the male, and thus propagate the disease. The disease winds up with great emaciation and stu- pidity and death in four months to two years. In horses which serve few mares there may be only swelling of the sheath for a year, but with frequent copulation the progress is more rapid. The penis may be enlarged, shrunken, or distorted ; the testicles are usuallv pendent and may be enlarged or wasted and flabby ; the skin, as in the mare, shows white spots and patches. Later the penis becomes partially paralj^zed and hangs out of the sheath; swelling of the adjacent lymphatic glands (in the groin), and even of distant ones, and of the skin appears, and the hind limbs become weak and unsteady. In some instances the glands under the jaw swell, and a discharge flows from the nose, as in glanders. In other cases the itching of the skin leads to gnawing and extensive sores. Weakness, emaciation, and stupidity increase until death, in fatal cases, jet the sexual desire does not seem to fail. A stallion without sense to eat, except when food was put in his mouth, would still neigh and seek to follow mares. In mild cases an apparent recovery may ensue, and through such animals the disease is propagated to new localities to be roused into CASTE ATION OF STALLIONS. 147 activity and extension under the stimulus of service. The diseased nerve centers are the seat of cryptogamic growths. (Thannhoffer.) Treatment of the malady has proved eminently unsatisfactory. It belongs to the purely contagious diseases, and should be stamped out by the remorseless slaughter or castration of every horse or mare that has had sexual congress with a diseased animal. CASTRATION OF STALLIONS. This is usually done at one year old, but may be accomplished at a few weeks old at the expense of an imperfect development of the fore parts. The simplicity and safety of the operation are greatest in the young. The delay till two, three, or four years old will secure a better develof>ment and carriage of the fore parts. The essential part of castration is the safe removal or destruction of the testicle and the arrest or prevention of bleeding from the spermatic artery found in the anterior part of the cord. Into the many methods of accomplishing this limited space forbids us to enter here, so that the method most commonly adopted, castration by clamps, will alone be noticed. The animal having been thrown on his left side, and the right hind foot drawn up on the shoulder, the exposed scrotum, penis, and sheath are washed with soap and water, any concretion of sebum being carefully removed from the bilocular cavity in the end of the penis. The left spermatic cord, just above the testicle, is now seized in the left hand, so as to render the skin tense over the stone, and the right hand, armed with the knife, makes an incision from before backward, about three-fourths of an inch from and parallel to the median line between the thighs, deejo enough to expose the testicle and long enough to allow that organ to start out through the skin. At the moment of making this incision the left hand must grasp the cord very firmly, otherwise the sudden retraction of the testicle by the cremaster muscle may draw it out of the hand and upwards through the canal and even into the abdomen. In a few seconds, when the struggle and retraction have ceased, the knife is inserted through the cord, between its anterior and posterior portions, and the latter, the one which the muscle retracts, is cut completely through. The testicle will now hang limp, and there is no longer any tendency to retraction. It should be pulled down until it will no longer hang loose below the wound and the clamps applied around the still attached portion of the cord, close up to the skin. The clamps, which may be made of any tough wood, are grooved along the center of the surfaces opposed to each other, thereby fulfilling two important indications — {a) enabling the clamps to hold more securely and {h) providing for the application of an antiseptic to the cord. For this purpose a dram of sulphate of copper may be mixed with an ounce of vaseline and 148 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. pressed into the groove in the face of each clamp. In applying the clamp over the cord it should be drawn so close with pincers as to press out all blood from the compressed cord and destroy its vitality, and the cord applied upon the compressing clamps should be so hard- twined that it will not stretch later and slacken the hold. When the clamp has been fixed the testicle is cut off one-half to 1 inch below it, and the clamp may be left thus for twenty- four hours; then, by cut- ting the cord around one end of the clamp, the latter may be opened and the stump liberated without any danger of bleeding. Should the stump hang out of the wound it should be pushed inside with the finger and left there. The wound should begin to discharge white matter on the second day in hot weather or the third in cold, and from that time a good recovery may be expected. CONDITIONS FAVORABLE TO SUCCESSFUL CASTRATION. The young horse suffers less from castration than the old, and very rarely perishes. Good health in the subject is all important. Castra- tion should never be attempted during the prevalence of strangles, influenza, catarrhal fever, contagious j^leurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia, purpura hemorrhagica, or other specific disease, nor on subjects that have been kept in close, ill ventilated, filthy buildings, where the system is liable to have been charged with putrid bacteria or other products. Warm weather is to be preferred to cold, but the fly time should be avoided or the flies kept at a distance by the application of a watery solution of tar, carbolic acid, or camphor to the wound. CASTRATION OF CRYPTORCHIDS (rIDGLINGS). This is the removal of a testicle or testicles that have failed to descend into the scrotum, but have been detained in the inguinal canal or inside the abdomen. The manipulation requires an accurate anatomical knowledge of the parts, and special skill, experience, and manual dexterity, and can not be made clear to the unprofessional mind in a short notice. It consists, however, in the discovery and removal of the missing gland by exploring through the natural chan- nel (the inguinal canal), or, in case it is absent, through the inguinal ring or through an artificial opening made in front and above that channel between the abdominal muscles and the strong fascia on the inner side of the thigh (Poupart's ligament). Wliatever method is used, the skin, hands, and instruments should be rendered aseptic with a solution of mercuric chloride 1 part, water 2,000 parts (a car- bolic acid lotion for the instruments), and the spermatic cord is best torn through by the ecraseur. In many such cases, too, it is desirable to sew up the external wound and keep the animal still, to favor healing of the wound by adhesion. CASTRATION OF STALLIOITS. 149 PAIN AFTER CASTRATION. Some horses are pained and very restless for some hours after cas- tration, and this may extend to cramps of the bowels and violent colic. This is best kept in check by carefully rubbing the patient dry when he rises from the operation, and then leading him in hand for some time. If the pain still persists a dose of laudanum (1 ounce for an adiilt) may be given. BLEEDING AFTER CASTRATION. Bleeding from the wound in the scrotum and from the little artery in the posterior portion of the spermatic cord always occurs, and in warm weather may appear to be quite free. It scarcely ever lasts, however, over fifteen minutes, and is easily checked by dashing cold water against the part. Bleeding from the spermatic artery in the anterior part of the cord may be dangerous when due precaution has not been taken to prevent it. In such case the stump of the cord should be sought for and the artery twisted with artery forceps or tied with a silk thread. If the stump can not be found, pledgets of tow wet with tincture of muriate of iron may be stuffed into the canal to favor the formation of clot and the closure of the artery. STRANGULATED SPERMATIC CORD. If in castration the cord is left too long, so as to hang out of the wound, the skin wound in contracting grasps and strangles it, pre- venting the free return of blood and causing a steadily advancing swelling. In addition the cord becomes adherent to the lips of the wound in the skin, whence it derives an increased supply of blood, and is thereby stimulated to more rapid swelling. The subject walks stiffly, with straddling gait, loses appetite, and has a rapid pulse and high fever. Examination of the wound discloses the partial closure of the skin wound and the protrusion from its lips of the end of the cord, red, tense, and varying in size from a hazelnut upward. If there is no material swelling and little protrusion, the wound may be enlarged with the knife and the end of the cord broken loose from any connection with the skin and pushed up inside. If the swelling is larger, the mass constitutes a tumor and must be removed. (See below.) SWELLING OF THE SHEATH, PENIS, AND ABDOMEN. This occurs in certain unhealthy states of the system, in unhealthy seasons, as the result of operating without cleansing the sheath and penis, or of keeping the subject in a filthy, impure building, as the result of infecting the wound by hands or instruments bearing septic 150 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. bacteria, or as the result of premature closure of the wound, and imprisonment of matter. Pure air and cleanliness of groin and wound are to be secured. Antiseptics, like the mercuric chloride lotion (1 part to 2,000) are to be applied to the parts; the wound, if closed, is to be opened anew, any accumulated matter or blood washed out, and the antiseptic liquid freely applied. The most tense or dependent parts of. the swelling in sheath or penis, or beneath the belly, should be pricked at intervals of 3 or 4 inches, and to a depth of half an inch, and anti- septics freely used to the surface. Fomentations with warm water may also be used to favor oozing from the incisions and to encourage the formation of white matter in the original wounds, which must not be allowed to close again at once. A free, creamlike discharge im- plies a healthy action in the sore, and is the precursor of recovery. PHYMOSIS AND PARAPHYMOSIS. In cases of swelling, as above, the penis may be imprisoned within the sheath (phymosis) or protruded and swollen so that it can not be retracted into it (paraphymosis). In these cases the treatment indi- cated above, and especially the scarifications, will prove a useful pre- liminary resort. The use of astringent lotions is always desirable, and in case of the protruded jDenis the application of an elastic or simple linen bandage, so as to press out the blood and accumulated fluid, will enable the operator to return it. TUMORS QN THE SP^.RMATIC CORD. These are due to rough handling or dragging upon the cord in castration, to strangulation of unduly long cords in the external wound, to adhesion of the end of the cord to the skin, to inflammation of the cord succeeding exposure to cold or wet, or to the presence of infection {Staphylococcus hotriomyces) . These tumors give rise to a stiff, straddling gait, and may be felt as hard masses in the groin connected above with the cord. They may continue to grow slowly- for many years until they reach a weight of 15 or 20 pounds, and contract adhesions to all surrounding parts. If disconnected from the skin and inguinal canal they may be removed in the same manner as the testicle, while if larger and firmly adherent to the skin and surrounding parts generally, they must be carefully dissected from the parts, the arteries being tied as they are reached and the cord finally torn through with an ecraseur. When the cord has become swollen and indurated up into the abdomen such removal is impos- sible, though a partial destruction of the mass may still be attempted by passing white-hot pointed irons upward toward the inguinal ring in the center of the thickened and indurated cord. CASTKATION OF THE MARE. 151 CASTRATION BY THE COVERED OPERATION. This is only required in case of hernia or protrusion of bowels or omentum into the sack of the scrotum, and consists in the return of the hernia and the application of the caustic clamps over the cord and inner walls of the inguinal canal, so that the walls of the latter become adherent above the clamps, the canal is obliterated, and further pro- trusion is hindered. For the full description of this and of the opera- tion for hernia in geldings, see remarks on hernia. CASTRATION OF THE MARE. Castration is a much more dangerous operation in the mare than in the females of other domesticated quadrupeds and should never be resorted to except in animals that become unmanageable on the recur- rence of heat and that will not breed or that are utterly unsuited to breeding. Formerly the operation was extensively practiced in Europe, the incision being made through the flank, and a large pro- portion of the subjects perished. By operating through the vagina the risk can be largely obviated, as the danger of unhealthy inflam- mation in the wound is greatly lessened. The animal should be fixed in a trevis, with each foot fixed to a post and a sling placed under the body, or it may be thrown and put under chloroform. The manual operation demands special professional knowledge and skill, but it consists essentially in making an opening through the roof of the vagina just above the neck of the womb, then following Avith the hand each horn of the womb until the ovary on that side is reached and grasped between the lips of forceps and twisted oft'. It might be torn off by an ecraseur especially constructed for the purpose. The straining that follows the operation may be checked by ounce doses of laudanum, an'd any risk of protrusion of the bowels may be obviated by applying the truss advised to prevent eversion of the womb. To further prevent the pressure of the abdominal con- tents against the vaginal wound the mare should be tied short and liigh for twenty-four or forty-eight hours, after which I have found it best to remove the truss and allow the privilege of lying down. Another important point is to give bran mashes and other laxative; diet only, and in moderate quantity, for a fortnight, and to unload the rectlim by copious injections of warm water in case it should threaten to become impacted. STERILITY. Sterility may be in the male or in the female. If due to the stal- lion, then all the mares put to him remain barren ; if due to the mare, she alone fails to conceive. 152 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. In the stallion sterility may be due to the following causes: (a) Imperfect development of the testicles, as in cases in which they are retained within the abdomen; (h) inflammation of the testicles, re- sulting in induration; (c) fatty degeneration of the testicles, in stal- lions liberally fed on starchy food and not sufficiently exercised ; (d) fatty degeneration of the excretory ducts of the testicles (vasa defe- rentia) \ (e) inflammation or ulceration of these ducts; (/) inflajn- mation or ulceration of the mucous membrane covering the penis; (g) injuries to the penis from blows (often causing paralysis) ; (A) warty growths on the end of the penis; (i) tumors of other kinds (largely pigmentary), affecting the testicles or j^enis; (_/) nervous diseases which abolish the sexual appetite or that control the muscles which are essential to the act of coition; (k) azoturia with resulting weakness or paralysis of the muscles of the loins or the front of the thigh (above the stifle) ; (I) ossification (anchylosis) of the joints of the back or loins, which render the animal unable to r6ar, or mount ; (m) spavins, ringbones, or other painful affections of the hind limbs, the pain of which in mounting causes the animal to suddenly stop short in the act. In the first three of these only («, b, and e) is there real sterility in the sense of the nondevelopment or imperfect devel- opment of the male vivifying element (spermatozoa). In the other examj^les the secretion may be perfect in kind and amount, but as copulation is prevented it can not reach and impregnate the ovum. In the mare barrenness is equally due to a variety of causes. In a number of breeding studs the proportion of sterile mares has varied from 20 to 40 per cent. It may be due to: (a) Imperfect develop- ment of the ovary and nonmaturation of ova; (6) cystic or other tumors of the ovary; (c) fatty degeneration of the ovary in very obese, pampered mares; (d) fatty degeneration of the excretory tubes of the ovaries (Fallopian tubes) ; (e) catarrh of the womb, with mucopurulent discharge; (/) irritable condition of the womb, with profuse secretion, straining, and ejection of the semen; (g) nervous irritability, leading to the same expulsion of the male ele- ment; (h) high condition (plethora), with profuse secretion and excitement; (i) low condition, with imperfect maturation of the ova and lack of sexual desire; (j) poor feeding, overwork, and chronic debilitating diseases, as leading to the condition just named; (k) closure of the neck of the womb, temporarily by spasm or perma- nently by inflammation and induration; (/) closure of the entrance to the vagina through imperforate hymen, a rare, though not un- known, condition in the mare; (//t) acquired indisposition to breed, seen in old, hard-worked mares which are first put to the stallion when aged; (?i) change of climate has repeatedly been followed by barrenness; (o) hybridity, which in male and female alike usually entails sterility. STERILITY. 153 Treatment. — The treatment of the majority of these conditions will be found dealt with in other parts of this work, so that it is only necessary here to name them as causes. Some, however, must be specially referred to in this place. Stallions with undescended testicles are beyond the reach of medicine, and should be castrated and devoted to other uses. Indurated testicles may sometimes be remedied in the early stages by smearing with a weak iodine ointment daily for a length of time, and at the same time invigorating the system by liberal feeding and judicious work. Fatty degeneration is best met by an albuminoid diet (wheat bran, cotton-seed meal, rape cake) and constant well-regulated work. Saccharine, starchy, and fatty food (potatoes, wheat, corn, etc.) are to be specially avoided. In the mare one diseased and irritable ovary should be removed, to do away with the resulting excitability of the remainder of the generative organs. An irritable womb, with frequent strain- ing and the ejection of a profuse secretion, may sometimes be cor- rected by a restricted diet and full but well-regulated work. Even fatigue will act beneficially in some such cases, hence the practice of the Arab riding his mare to exhaustion just before service. The perspiration in such a case, like the action of a purgative or the abstraction of blood just before service, benefits, by rendering the blood vessels less full, by lessening secretion in the womb and else- where, and thus counteracting the tendency to the ejection and loss of semen. If these means are ineffectual, a full dose of camphor (2 drams) or of salacin may at times assist. Low condition and anemia demand just the opposite kind of treatment — rich, nourishing, albumi- noid food, bitter tonics (gentian), sunshine, gentle exercise, liberal grooming, and supporting treatment generally are here in order. Spasmodic closure of the neck of the womb is common and is easily remedied in the mare by dilatation with the fingers. The hand, smeared with belladonna ointment and with the fingers drawn into the form of a cone, is introduced through the vagina until the projecting, rounded neck of the womb is felt at its anterior end. This is opened by the careful insertion of one finger at a time, until the fingers have been passed through the constricted neck into the open cavity of the womb. The introduction is made with a gentle, rotary motion, and all precipitate violence is avoided, as abrasion, laceration, or other cause of irritation is likely to interfere with the retention of the semen and with impregnation. If the neck of the womb is rigid and unjdelding from the induration which follows in- flammation— a rare condition in the mare, though common in the cow — more force will be requisite, and it may even be needful to in- cise the neck to the depth of one-sixth of an inch in four or more opposite directions prior to forcible dilatation. The incision may be made with a probe-pointed knife, and should be done by a profes- 154 DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. sional man if possible. The subsequent dilatation may be best effected by the slow expansion of sponge or seaweed tents inserted into the narrow canal. In such cases it is best to let the wounds of the neck heal before putting to horse. An imperforate hymen may be freely incised in a crucial manner until the passage will admit the human hand. An ordinary knife may be used for this purpose, and after the operation the stallion may be admitted at once or only after the wounds have healed. INDICATIONS or PREGNANCY. As the mere fact of service by the stallion does not insure preg- nancy, it is important that the result should be determined, to save the mare from unnecessary and dangerous work or medication when actually in foal and to obviate wasteful and needless precautions when she is not. The cessation and nonrecurrence of the symptoms of heat (horsing) are most significant though not an infallible sign of conception. If the sexual excitement speedily subsides and the mare persistently refuses the stallion for a month, she is probably pregnant. In very exceptional cases a mare will accept a second or third service after weeks or months, though pregnant, and some mares will refuse the horse persistently, though conception has not taken place, and this in spite of warm weather, good condition of the mare, and liberal feed- ing. The recurrence of heat in the pregnant mare is most likely to take place in hot weather. If heat merely persists an undue length of time after service, or if it reappears shortly after, in warm weather and in a comparatively idle mare, on good feeding, it is less signifi- cant, while the persistent absence of heat under such conditions may be usually accepted as proof of conception. An unwonted gentleness and docility on the part of a previousl}^ irritable or vicious mare, and supervening on service, is an excellent indication of pregnancy, the generative instinct which caused the excitement having been satisfied. An increase of fat, with softness and flabbiness of muscle, a loss of energy, indisposition for active work, a manifestation of laziness, indeed, and of fatigue- early and easily induced, when preceded by service, will usually imply conception. Enlargement of the abdomen, especially in its lower third, with slight falling in beneath the loins and hollowness of the back are sig- nificant symptoms, though they may be entirely absent. Swelling and firmness of the udder, with the smoothing out of its wrinkles, is a suggestive sign, even though it appears only at intervals during ges- tation. A steady increase in weight (1^ pounds daily) about the fourth or fifth month is a useful indication of pregnancy. So is a swollen and red or bluish-red appearance of the vaginal mucous membrane. PEEGNANCY. 155 From the seventh or eighth month onward the foal nia}' be felt by the hand (palm or knuckles) pressed into the abdomen in front of the left stifle. The sudden push displaces the foal toward the opposite side of the womb, and as it floats back its hard body is felt to strike against the hand. If the pressure is maintained the movements of the live foal are felt, and especially in the morning and after a drink of cold water or during feeding. A drink of cold water will often stimulate the fetus to movements that may be seen by the eye, but an excess of iced water may prove injurious, even to the causing of abortion. Cold water dashed on the belly has a similar effect on the fetus and equally endangers abortion. Examination of the uterus with the oiled hand introduced into the rectum is still more satisfactory, and if cautiously conducted no more dangerous. The rectum must be first emptied and then the hand car- ried forward until it reaches the front edge of the pelvic bones below, and pressed downward to ascertain the size and outline of the womb. In the unimpregnated state the vagina and womb can be felt as a sin- gle rounded tube, dividing in front to two smaller tubes (the horns of the womb). In the pregnant mare not only the body of the womb is enlarged, but still more so one of the horns (right or left), and on compression the latter is found to contain a hard, nodular body, float- ing in a liquid, which in the latter half of gestation may be stimulated by gentle pressure to manifest spontaneous movements. By this method the presence of the fetus may be determined as early as the third month. If the complete natural outline of the virgin womb can not be made out, careful examination should always be made on the right and left side for the enlarged horn and its living contents. Should there still be difficulty the mare should be placed on an in- clined plane, with her hind parts lowest, and two assistants, standing on opposite sides of the body, should raise the lower part of the abdomen by a sheet passed beneath it. Finally the ear or stethoscope applied on the wall of the abdomen in front of the stifle may detect the beating of the fetal heart (one hundred and twenty -five per minute) and a blowing sound {the uterine sough), much less rapid and corresponding to the number of the pulse of the dam. It is heard most satisfactorily after the sixth or eighth month and in the absence of active rumbling of the bowels of the dam. DURATION OF rREGNANCY. Mares usually go about eleven months with young, though first pregnancies often last a year. Foals have lived when born at the three hundredth day, so with others carried till the four hundredth day. With the longer pregnancies there is a greater probability of male offspring. 156 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. HYGIENE OF THE PREGNANT MARE, The i^regnant mare should not be exposed to teasing by a young and ardent stallion, nor should she be overworked or fatigued, par- ticularly under the saddle or on uneven ground. Yet exercise is bene- ficial to both mother and offspring, and in the absence of moderate work the breeding mare should be kept in a lot where she can take exercise at will. The food should be liberal, but not fattening — oats, bran, sound hay, and other foods rich in the principles which form flesh and bone being especially indicated. All aliments that tend to indigestion are to be especially avoided. Thus rank, aqueous, rapidly growing grasses and other green food, partially ripe rye grass, millet, hun- garian grass, vetches, pease, beans, or maize are objectionable, as is overripe, fibrous, innutritions hay, or that which has been injured and rendered musty by wet, or that which is infested with smut or ergot. Food that tends to costiveness should be avoided. Water given often, and at a temperature considerably above freezing, will avoid the dangers of indigestion and abortion which result from taking too much ice-cold water at one time. Very cold or frozen food is objec- tionable in the same sense. Severe surgical operations and medicines that act violently on the womb, bowels, or kidnej^s are to be avoided as being liable to cause abortion. Constipation should be corrected, if possible, by bran mashes, carrots, or beets^ seconded by exercise, and if a medicinal laxative is required it should be olive oil or other equally bland agent. The stall of the pregnant mare should not be too narrow, so as to cramp her when lying down or to entail violent effort, in getting up, and it should not slope too much from the front backward, as this throws the weight of the uterus back on the pelvis and endangers pro- trusions and even abortion. Violent mental impressions are to be avoided, for though the majority of mares are not affected thereby, yet a certain number are so profoundly impressed that peculiarities and distortions are entailed on the offspring. Hence, there is wisdom shown in banishing particolored or objectionably tinted animals, and those that show deformities or faulty conformation. Hence, too, the importance of preventing prolonged acute suffering by the pregnant mare, as certain troubles of the eyes, feet, and joints in the foals have been clearly traced to the concentration of the mother's mind on cor- responding injured organs in herself. Sire and dam alike tend to reproduce their individual defects which predispose to disease, but the dam is far more likely to perpetuate the evil in her progeny which was carried Avhile she was individually enduring severe suffering caused by such defects. Hence, an active bone spavin or ringbone. PREGNANCY. 157 causing lameness, is more objectionable than that in which the in- flammation and lameness have both passed, and an active ophthalmia is more to be feared than even an old cataract. For this reason all active diseases in the breeding mare should be soothed and abated at as early a moment as possible. EXTRA-UTERINE GESTATION. It is rare in the domestic animals to iind the fetus developed else- where than in the womb. The exceptional forms are those in which the sperm of the male, making its way through the womb and Fallo- pian tubes, impregnates the ovum prior to its escape, and in which the now vitalized and growing ovum, by reason of its gradually in- creasing size, becomes imprisoned and fails to escape into the womb. The arrest of the ovum may be in the substance of the ovary itself (ovarian pregnancy), in the Fallopian tube (tubal pregnancy), or when by its continuous enlargement it has ruptured its envelopes so that it escapes into the cavity of the abdomen, it may become attached to any part of the serous membrane and draw its nourishment di- dectlj" from that (abdominal jDregnancy). In all such cases there is an increase and enlargement of the capillary blood vessels at the l^oint to which the embryo has attached itself so as to furnish the needful nutriment for the growing offspring. All appreciable symptoms are absent, unless from the death of the fetus, or its interference with normal functions, general disorder and indications of parturition supervene. If these occur later than the natural time for parturition, they are the more significant. There may be general malaise, loss of appetite, elevated temperature, acceler- ated pulse, with or without distinct labor pains. Examination with the oiled hand in the rectum will reveal the womb of the natural unimpregnated size and shape and with both horns of one size. Fur- ther exploration may detect an elastic mass apart from the womb, and in the interior of which may be felt the characteristic solid body of the fetus. If the latter is still alive and can be stimulated to move, the evidence is even more perfect. The fetus may die and be carried for years, its soft structures becoming absorbed so as to leave only the bones, or by pressure it may form a fistulous opening through the abdominal walls, or less frequently through the vagina or rectum. In the latter cases the best course is to favor the expulsion of the foal and to wash out the resulting cavity with a solution of carbolic acid 1 part to water 50 parts. This may be repeated daily. Wliere there is no spontaneous opening it is injudicious to interfere, as the danger from the retention of the fetus is less than that from septic fermentation in the enormous fetal sac when that has been opened to the air. 158 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. MOLES, OR ANIDIAN MONSTERS. These are evidently j^roducts of conception, in which the impreg- nated ovum has failed to develop naturally, and presents only a cha- otic mass of skin, hair, bones, muscles, etc., attached to the inner surface of the womb by an umbilical cord, which is itself often shriv- eled and wasted. They are usually accompanied by a well-developed fetus, so that the mole may be looked upon as a twin which has under- gone arrest and vitiation of development. They are expelled by the ordinary process of parturition, and usually at the same time with the normally developed offspring. CYSTIC DISEASE OF THE AVALLS OF THE WOMB, OR VESICULAR MOLE. This condition appears to be due to hypertrophy (enlargement) of the villi on the inner surface of the womb, which become greatly increased in number and hollowed out internally into a series of cysts, or pouches, containing liquid. Unlike the true mole, therefore, they apjDcar to be disease of the maternal structure of the womb rather than of the product of conception. Rodet, in a case of this kind, which had produced active labor pains, quieted the disorder Avith ano- dynes and secured a recovery. AVliere this is not available attempts may be made to remove the mass with the ecraseur or otherwise, fol- lowing this up with antiseptic injections, as advised under the last heading. DROPSY or THE WOMB. This appears as a result of some disease of the walls of the womb, but has been frequently observed as the result of infection after sex- ual congress, and has, therefore, been confounded with pregnancy. The symptoms are those of pregnancy, but without any movements of the fetus and without the detection of any solid body in the womb when examined with the oiled hand in the rectum. At the end of four or eight months there are signs of parturition or of frequent straining to pass urine, and after a time the liquid is discharged clear and watery, or muddy, thick, and fetid. The hand introduced into the womb can detect neither fetus nor fetal membrane. If the neck of the womb closes, the liquid may accumulate a second time, or even a third, if no means are taken to disinfect it or to correct the tendency. The best resort is to remove any diseased product that may be found attached to the walls of the Avomb, and to inject it daily with a warm solution of carbolic acid 2 drams, chloride of zinc one-half dram, water 1 quart. A course of bitter tonics (gentian 2 drams, sulphate of iron 2 drams, daily) should be given, and a nutritious, easil;^' digested, and slightly laxative diet allowed. DISEASES OF THE WOMB. 159 DROPSY or THE AMNION. This differs from simple dropsy of the womb in that the fluid col- lects in the inner of the two water bags (that in which the foal floats) and not in the otherwise void cavity of the womb. This affection can occur only in the pregnant animal, while dropsy of the womb occurs in the unimpregnated. The blood of the pregnant mare con- tains an excess of water and a smaller proportion of albumen and red globules, and when this is still further aggravated by poor feeding and other unhygienic conditions thfere is developed the tendency to liquid transudation from the vessels and dropsy. As the watery con- dition of the blood increases with advancing pregnancy, so dropsy of the amnion is a disease of the last four or five months of gestation. The abdomen is large and pendulous, and the swelling fluctuates under pressure, though the solid body of the fetus can still be felt to strike against the hand pressed into the swelling. If the hand is introduced into the vagina, the womb is found to be tense and round, with the projecting rounded neck effaced, while the hand in the rectum will detect the rounded swollen mass of the womb so firm and tense that the body of the fetus can not be felt within it. The mare moves weakly and unsteadily on her limbs, having difficulty in sup- porting the great weight, and in bad cases there may be loss of appe- tite, stocking (dropsy) of the hind limbs, difficult breathing, and colicky pains. The tension may lead to abortion, or a slow, labo- rious parturition may occur at the usual time. Treatvient consists in relieving the tension and accumulation by puncturing the fetal membrane with a canula and trocar introduced through the neck of the womb and the withdrawal of the trocar so as to leave the canula in situ. Or the membranes may be punctured with the finger and the excess of liquid allowed to escape. This may bring on abortion, or the wound may close and gestation continue to the full term. A course of tonics (gentian root 2 drams, sulphate of iron 2 drams, daily) will do much to fortify the system and counteract further excessive effusion. DROPSY OF THE LIMBS, PERINEUM, AND ABDOMEN. The disposition to dropsy often shows itself in the hind and even in the fore lunbs, around and beneath the vulva (perineum), and be- neath the abdomen and chest. The affected parts are swollen and pit on pressure, but are not especially tender, and subside more or less perfectly under exercise, hand rubbing, and bandages. In ob- stinate eases rubbing with the following liniment may be resorted to : Compound tincture of iodine, 2 ounces; tannic acid, one-half dram; water, 10 ounces. It does not last over a day or two after parturition. 160 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. CRAMPS OF THE HIND LIMBS. The pressure of the distended womb on the nerves and blood vessels of the pelvis, besides conducing to dropsy, occasionally causes cramps of the hind limbs. The limb is raised* without flexing the joints, the front of the hoof being directed toward the ground, or, the spasms occurring intermittently, the foot is kicked violently against the ground several times in rapid succession. The muscles are felt to be firm and rigid. The cramp may be promptly relieved by active rub- bing, or by walking the animal about, and it does not reappear after Darturition. CONSTIPATION. This may result from compression by the gravid womb, and is best corrected by a graduated allowance of boiled flaxseed. PARALYSIS. The pressure on the nerves of the pelvis is liable to cause paralysis of the hind limbs, or in the mare of the nerve of sight. These are obstinate until after parturition, when they recover spontaneously, or under a course of nux vomica and (locally) stimulating liniments. PROLONGED RETENTION OF THE FETUS (fOAl). In the mare, though far less frequently than in the cow, parturition may not be completed at term, and the foal may continue to be carried in the womb for a number of months, to the serious or even fatal injury of the mare. Hamon records one case in which the mare died after carrying the fetus for seventeen months, and Caillier a similar result after it had been carried twenty-two months. In these cases the fetus retained its natural form, but in one reported by Gohier, the bones only were left in the womb amid a mass of apparently purulent matter. Cause. — The cause may be any effective obstruction to the act of parturition, such as lack of contractile power in the womb, unduly strong (inflammatory) adhesions between the womb and the fetal membranes, wrong presentation of the fetus, contracted pelvis (from fracture or disease of the bones), or disease and induration of the neck of the womb. The mere prolongation of gestation does not necessarily entail the death of the foal; hence the latter has been born alive at the four hundredth day. Even when the foal has perished, putrefaction does not set in unless the membranes (water bags) have been ruptured and septic bacteria have been admitted to the interior of the womb. In the latter case a fetid decomposition advances rapidly, and the marc usually perishes from poisoning with the putrid matters absorbed. At the natural period of parturition preparations are apparently made for that act. The vulva swells and discharges much mucus, the udder enlarges, the belly becomes more pendent, and the animal ABOETION. 161 strains more or less. No progress is made, however; there is not even opening of the neck of the womb, and after a time the symptoms subside. The mare usually refuses the male ; yet there are exception?? to this rule. If the neck of the womb has been opened and putrefy- ing changes have set in in its contents, the mare loses appetite and condition, pines, discharges an offensive matter from the generative passages, and dies of inflammation of the womb and putrid infection. In other cases there is a slow wearing out of the strength, and the mare finally dies of exhaustion. The treatment is such as will facilitate the expulsion of the fetus and its membranes and the subsequent washing out of the womb with disinfectants. So long as the mouth of the womb is closed time should be allowed for its natural dilatation, but if this does not come about after a day or two of straining, the opening may be smeared with extract of belladonna, and the oiled hand, with the fingers and thumb drawn into the form of a cone, may be inserted by slow oscil- lating movements into the interior of the womb. The water bags may now be ruptured, any malpresentation rectified (see " Difficult parturition"), and delivery effected. After removal of the mem- branes wash out the womb first with tepid water and then with a solu- tion of 2 ounces of borax in half a gallon of water. This injection may have to be repeated if a discharge sets in. The same course may be pursued even after prolonged retention. If the soft parts of the fetus have been absorbed and the bones only left, these must be carefully sought for and removed, and subsequent daily injections will be required for some time. In such cases, too, a course of iron tonics (sulphate of iron, 2 drams daily) will be highly bene- ficial in restoring health and ^'igor. ABORTION. Abortion is, strictly speaking, the expulsion of the impregnated ovum at any period from the date of impregnation until the foal can survive out of the womb. If the foal is advanced enough to live, it is premature farturitton^ and in the mare this may occur as early as the tenth month (three hundredth day). The mare may abort by reason of almost any cause that very pro- foundly disturbs the system. Hence very violent inflammations of important internal organs (bowels, kidneys, bladder, lungs) may induce abortion. Profuse diarrhea, whether occurring from the reck- less use of purgatives, the consumption of irritants in the food, or a simple indigestion, is an effective cause. No less so is acute indiges- tion with evolution of gas in the intestines (bloating). The presence of stone in the kidneys, uterus, bladder, or urethra may induce so much sympathetic disorder in the womb as to induce abortion. In exceptional cases wherein mares come in heat during gestation, service H. Doc. 795, 5!)-2 11 132 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. by the stallion maj^ cause abortion. Blows or pressure on the abdo- men, rapid driving or riding of the pregnant mare, especially if she ir soft and out of condition from idleness, the brutal use of the spur or whip, and the jolting and straining of travel by rail or boat are prolific causes. Bleeding the pregnant mare, a painful surgical oper- ation, and the throwing and constraint resorted to for an operation are other causes. Traveling on heavy, muddy roads, slips and falls on ice, and jumping must be added. The stimulation of the abdom- inal organs by a full drink of iced water may precipitate a miscar- riage, as may exjDosure to a cold rainstorm or a very cold night after a warm day. Irritant poisons that act on the urinary or generative organs, such as Spanish flies, rue, savin, tansy, cotton-root bark, ergot of rye or other grasses, the smut of maize and other grain, and various fungi in musty fodder are additional causes. Frosted food, indigestible food, and, above all, green succulent vegetables in a frozen state, have proved effective factors, and filthy, stagnant water is dangerous. Low condition in the dam and plethora have in oppo- site ways caused abortion, and hot, relaxing stables and lack of exercise strongly conduce to it. The exhaustion of the sire by too frequent service, entailing debility of the offspring and disease of the fetus or of its envelopes, must be recognized as a further cause. The symptoms vary mainly according as the abortion is early or late in pregnancy. In the first month or two of pregnancy the mare may miscarry without observable symptoms, and the fact only appears by her coming in heat. If more closely observed a small clot of blood may be found behind her, in which a careful search reveals the rudiments of the foal. If the occurrence is somewhat later in gestation, there will be some general disturbance, inappetence, neigh- ing, and straining, and the small body of the fetus is expelled, en- veloped in its membranes. Abortions during the later stages of pregnancy are attended with greater constitutional disturbance, and the process resembles normal parturition, with the aggravation that more effort and straining is requisite to force the fetus through the comparatively undilatable mouth of the womb. There is the swelling of the vulva, with mucus or even bloody discharge; the abdomen droops, the flanks fall in, the udder fills, the mare looks at her flanks, paws with the fore feet and kicks with the hind, switches the tail, moves around uneasily, lies down and rises, strains, and, as in natural foaling, expels first mucus and blood, then the waters, and finally the fetus. This may occupy an hour or two, or it may be prolonged for a day or more, the symptoms subsiding for a time, only to reappear Avith renewed energy. If there is malpresentation of the fetus it will hinder progress until rectified, as in difficult parturition. Abortion may also be followed by the same accidents, as flooding, retention of the placenta, and leucorrhea. ABORTION. 163 The most important object in an impending abortion is to recog- nize it at as early a stage as possible, so that it may, if possible, be cut short and prevented. Any general indefinable illness in a preg- nant mare should lead to a close examination of the vulva as regards swelling, vascularity of its mucous membrane, and profuse mucus secretion, and, above all, any streak or staining of blood; also the condition of the udder, if that is congested and swollen. Any such indication, with colicky pains, staining, however little, and active movement of the fetus or entire absence of movement, are suggestive symptoms and should be duly counteracted. The changes in the vulva and udder, with a soiled and bloody con- dition of the tail, may suggest an abortion already accomplished, and the examination with the hand in the vagina may detect the mouth of the womb soft and dilatable and the interior of the organ slightl}'' filled with a bloody liquid. Treatment should be preventive if possible, and would embrace the avoidance of all causes mentioned, and particularly of such as may seem to be particularly operative in the particular case. Where abor- tions have already occurred in a stud, the especial cause in the matter of food, water, exposure to injuries, overwork, lack of exercise, etc., may often be identified and removed. A most important point is to avoid all causes of constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, vio- lent purgatives, diuretics or other potent medicines, painful opera- tions, and slippery roads, unless well frosted. When abortion is imminent, the mare should be placed alone in a roomy, dark, quiet stall, and have the straining checked by some sedative. Laudanum is usually at hand and may be given in doses of 1 or 2 ounces, according to size, and repeated after two or three hours, and even daily if necessary. Chloroform or chloral hydrate, 3 drams, may be substituted if more convenient. These should be given in a pint or quart of water, to avoid burning the mouth and throat. Or Viburnum prunifolium^ 1 ounce, may be given and repeated if neces- sary to prevent straining. Wlien all measures fail and miscarriage proceeds, all that can be done is to assist in the removal of the fetus and its membranes, as in ordinary parturition. As in the case of retention of the fetus, it may he necessary after delivery to employ antiseptic injections into the 'vomb to counteract putrid fermentation. This, however, is less lequisite in the mare than in the cow, in which the prevalent con- tagious abortion must be counteracted by the persistent local use of antiseptics. After abortion a careful hygiene is demanded, especially in the matter of pure air and easily digestible food. The mare should not be served again for a month or longer, and in no case until after all discharge from the vulva has ceased. 164 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. SYMPTOMS OF PARTURITION. As the period of parturition approaches, the swelling of the udder bespeaks the coming event, the engorgement in exceptional cases extending forward on the lower surface of the abdomen and even into the hind limbs. For about a week a serous fluid oozes from the teat and concretes as a yellow, waxlike mass around its orifice. About twenty- four hours before the birth this gives place to a whitish, milky liquid, Avhich falls upon and mats the hairs on the inner sides of the legs. Another symptom is enlargement of the vulva, with red- ness of its lining membrane, and the escape of glairy mucus. The belly droops, the flanks fall in, and the loins may even become de- pressed. Finally the mare becomes uneasy, stops feeding, looks anx- ious, whisks her tail, and may lie down and rise again. In many mares this is not repeated, but the mare remains down ; violent con- tractions of the abdominal muscles ensue; after two or three pains the water bags appear and burst, followed by the fore feet of the foal, with the nose between the knees, and by a few more throes the fetus is expelled. In other cases the act is accomplished standing. The whole act may not occupy more than five or ten minutes. This, to- gether with the disposition of the mare to avoid observation, renders the act one that is rarely seen by the attendants. The navel string, which connects the foal to the membranes, is ruptured when the fetus falls to the ground, or when the mare rises, if she has been down, and the membranes are expelled a few minutes later. NATURAL PRESENTATION. "WTien there is a single foal, the common and desirable presentation is with the fore feet first, the nose between the knees, and with the front of the hoofs and knees and the forehead directed upward toward the anus, tail, and croup. (Plate X, fig. 1.) In this way the natural curvature of the body of the fetus corresponds to the curve of the womb and genital passages, and particular^ of the bony pelvis, and the foal passes with much greater ease than if it were placed with its back downward toward the udder. When there is a twin birth the second foal usually comes with its hind feet first, and the backs of the legs, the points of the hocks, and the tail and croup are turned upward tow^ard the anus and tail of the mare. (Plate X, fig. 2.) In this way, even with a posterior presentation, the curvature of the body of the foal still corresponds to that of the passages, and its expulsion may be quite as easy as in anterior presentation. Any presentation aside from these two may be said to be abnormal and will be considered under " Difficult parturition." DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 165 DIFFICULT PARTURITION. With natural presentation this is a rare occurrence. The great length of the fore limbs and face entail, in the anterior presentation, the formation of a long cone, which dilates and glides through the passages with comparative ease. Even with the hind feet first a simi- lar conical form is presented, and the process is rendered easy and quick. Difficulty and danger arise mainly from the act being brought on prematurely before the passages are sufficiently dilated, from nar- rowing of the pelvic bones or other mechanical obstruction in the pas- sages, from monstrous distortions or duplications in the fetus, or from the turning back of one of the members so that the elongated conical or wedge-shaped outline is done away with. But prompt as is the normal parturition in the mare, difficult and delayed parturitions are surrounded b}^ special dangers and require unusual precautions and skill. From the proclivity of the mare to unhealthy inflammations of the peritoneum and other abdominal organs, penetrating wounds of the womb or vagina are liable to proA^e fatal. The contractions of the womb and abdominal walls are so powerful as to exhaust and benumb the arm of the assistant, and to endanger penetrating wounds of the genital organs. By reason of the looser connection of the fetal mem- branes with the womb, as compared with those of ruminants, the violent throes early detach these membranes throughout their whole extent, and the foal, being thus separated fi*om the mother and thrown on its own resources, dies at an early stage of any protracted parturi- tion. The foal rarely survives four hours after the onset of partu- rient throes. From the great length of the limbs and neck of the foal it is extremely difficult to secure and bring up limb or head which has been turned back when it should have been presented. When assist- ance must be rendered the operator should don a thick woolen under- shirt with the sleeves cut out at the shoulders. This protects the body and leaves the whole arm free for manipulation. Before inserting the arm it should be smeared with lard. This protects the skin against septic infection, and favors the introduction of the hand and arm. The hand should be inserted with the thumb and fingers drawn to- gether like a cone. Whether standing or lying, the mare should be turned with head downhill and hind parts raised as much as possible. The contents of the abdomen gravitating forward leave much more room for manipulation. Whatever part of the foal is presented (head, foot) should be secured with a cord and running noose before it is pushed back to search for the other missing f)arts. Even if a missing part is reached no attempt should be made to bring it up during a labor pain. Pinching the back will sometimes check the pains and allow the operator to secure and bring up the missing mem- ber. In intractable cases a large dose of chloral hydrate (1 ounce in 166 DISEASES OP THE HORSE. a quart of water) or the inhalation of chloroform and air (equal I^roportions) to insensibility may secure a respite, during which the missing members may be replaced. If the v^aters have been dis- charged and the mucus dried up, the genital passages and body of the fetus should be lubricated with lard or oil before any attempt at ex- traction is made. When the missing member has been brought up into position and presentation has been rendered natural, traction on the fetus must be made only during a labor pain. If a mare is in- clined to kick, it may be necessary to apply hobbles to protect the operator. PREMATURE LABOR PAINS. These may be brought on by any violent exertion, use under the saddle, or in heavy draft, or in rapid paces, or in travel by rail or sea, blows, kicks, crushing by other animals in a doorway or gate. Ex- cessive action of purgative or diuretic agents, or of agents that irritate the bowels or kidneys, like arsenic, jjaris green, all caustic salts and acids, and acrid and narcotico-acrid vegetables, is equally injurious. Finally, the ingestion of agents that stimulate the action of the gravid womb (ergot of rye or of other grasses, smut, various fungi of fodders, rue, savin, cotton root, etc.) may bring on labor pains prematurely. Besides the knowledge that parturition is not yet due, there will be less enlargement, redness, and swelling of the vulva, less mucous dis- charge, less filling of the udder, and less appearances of wax and probably none of milk from the ends of the teats. The oiled hand introduced into the vulva will not enter with the ease usual at full term, and the neck of the womb will be felt not only closed, but with its projecting papillae, through which it is perforated, not yet flattened down and effaced, as at full term. The symptoms are in- deed those of threatened abortion, but at such an advanced stage of gestation as is compatible with the survival of the offspring. Treatment. — The treatment consists in the separation of the mare from all other animals in a quiet, dark, secluded place, and the free use of antispasmodics and anodynes. Opium in dram doses every two hours, or laudanum in ounce doses at similar intervals, will often suffice. When the more urgent symptoms have subsided these 'doses may be repeated thrice a day till all excitement passes off or until the passages have become relaxed and prepared for parturition. Viburmmi j^runifolmm, in ounce doses, may be added if necessary. Should parturition become inevitable, it may be favored and any necessary assistance furnished. DIFFICULT PARTURITION FROM NARROW PELVIS. A disproportion between the fetus got by a large stallion and the pelvis of a small dam is a serious obstacle to parturition, sometimes T>1.A.TE IX. Scfianrk'.s- Tniction Cor-d. \ i i \ \ O' d fe fe^ i m I I- y Haines.ilel.nt'tei- Flemms j INSTjRLTMEXTS used IN" DIFFICrXT LABOR. JUS BIEN&CO.I Vcrlebro Sncrtil prcsen lotion Lnrribo Sacral prtxe/Ualion X O n MA I . PI? E S EXTATIOXS V^T.ATK XII. Trrmsvprse presenlatioTL -Ippcr^ vwt Sterno-rthrlinynnnt f/r-escntation -Herni rijid J^ert c/n/ftged . !■ leming. JULIUS Bl£N Sl CO ' AH XOl^ M AI. V\\ K S K XTATTOXS. DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGAlSrS. 167 seen in the mare. This is not the rule, however, as the foal up to birth usually accommodates itself to the size of the dam, as illustrated in the successful crossing of Percheron stallions on mustang mares. If the disproportion is too great the only resort is embryotomy. FRACTURED HIP BONES. More commonly the obstruction comes from distortion and narrow- ing of the pelvis as the result of fractures. (Plate XV, fig. 2.) Fractures at any point of the lateral wall or floor of the pelvis are repaired with the formation of an extensive bony deposit bulging into the passage of the pelvis. The displacement of the ends of the 'broken bone is another cause of constriction, and between the two con- ditions the passage of the fetus may be rendered impossible without embryotomj^ Fracture of the sacrum (the continuation of the back- bone forming the croup) leads to the depression of the posterior part of that bone in the roof of the pelvis and the narrowing of the pas- sage from above downward by a bony ridge presenting its sharp edge forward. In all cases in which there has been injury to the bones of the pelvis the obvious precaution is to withhold the mare from breeding and to use her for work only. If a mare with a pelvis thus narrowed has got in foal inadvertently, abortion may be induced in the early months of gestation by slowly introducing the oiled finger through the neck of the womb and fol- lowing this by the other fingers until the whole hand has been intro- duced. Then the water bags may be broken, and with the escape of the liquid the womb will contract on the solid fetus and labor pains will ensue. The fetus being small will pass easily. TUMORS IN THE VAGINA AND PELVIS. Tumors of various kinds may form in the vagina or elsewhere within the pelvis, and when large enough will obstruct or prevent the passage of the fetus. Gray mares, which are so subject to black pig- ment tumors {melanosis) on the tail, anus, and vulva, are the most likely to suffer from this. Still more rarely the wall of the vagina becomes relaxed, and being pressed by a mass of intestines Avill pro- trude through the lips of the vulva as a hernial sac, containing a part of the bowels. Where a tumor is small it may only retard and not absolutely prevent parturition. A hernial protrusion of the wall of the vagina may be pressed back and emptied, so that the body of the fetus engaging in the passage may find no further obstacle. "N'^lien a tumor is too large to allow delivery the only resort is to remove it, but before proceeding it must be clearly made out that the obstruc- tion is a mass of diseased tissue, and not a sac containing intestines. 168 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. If the tumor hangs by a neck it can usually be most safely removed by the ecraseur, the chain being passed around the pedicel and gradu- ally tightened until that is torn through. HERNIA OF THE WOMB. The rupture of the musculo-fibrous floor of the belly and the escape of the gravid womb into a sac formed by the peritoneum and skin hanging toward the ground, is described by all veterinary obstetri- cians, yet it is very rarely seen in the mare. The form of the fetus can be felt through the walls of the sac, so that it is easy to recognize the condition. Its cause is usually external violence, though it may start from an umbilical hernia. AA^ien the period of parturition arrives, the first effort should be to return the fetus within the proper abdominal cavity, and this can sometimes be accomplished with the aid of a stout blanket gradually tightened around the belly. This failing, the mare may be placed on her side or back and gravitation brought to the aid of manipulation in securing the return. Even after the hernia has been reduced the relaxed state of the womb and abdominal walls may serve to hinder parturition, in which case the oiled hand must be introduced through the vagina, the fetus brought into position, and traction coincident with the labor pains employed to secure delivery. TWISTING OF THE NECK OF THE WOMB. This condition is very uncommon in the mare, though occasionally seen in the cow, owing to the greater laxity of the broad ligaments of the womb in that animal. It consists in a revolution of the womb on its own axis, so that its right or left side will be turned upward (quarter revolution), or the lower surface may be turned upward and the upper surface downward (half revolution). The effect is to throw the narrow neck of the womb into a series of spiral folds, turn- ing in the direction in which the womb has revolved, closing the neck and rendering distention and dilatation impossible. The period and pains of parturition arrive, but in spite of contin- ued efforts no progress is made, neither water bags nor liquids appear- ing. The oiled hand introduced into the closed neck of the womb will readily detect the spiral direction of the folds on its inner surface. The method of relief which I have successfully adopted in the cow may be equally happy in the mare. The dam is placed (with her head uphill) on her right side if the upper folds of the spiral turn toward the right, and on her left side if they turn toward the left, and the oiled hand is introduced through the neck of the womb and a limb or other part of the body of the fetus is seized and pressed against the wall of the womb, while two or three assistants turn the DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 169 animal over on lier back toward the other side. The object is to keep the womb stationary while the animal is rolling. If success attends the effort, the constriction around the arm is suddenly relaxed, the spiral folds are effaced, and the water bags and fetus press forward into the passage. If the first attempt does not succeed it may be repeated again and again until success crowns the effort. Among my occasional causes of failure have been the prior death and decompo- sition of the fetus, Vvith the extrication of gas and overdistention of the womb, and the supervention of inflammation and inflammatory exudation around the neck of the womb, which hinders untwisting. The first of these conditions occurs early in the horse from the detach- ment of the fetal membranes from the wall of the womb, and as the mare is more subject to fatal peritonitis than the cow, it may be con- cluded that both these sources of failure are more probable in the equine subject. AMien the case is intractable, though the hand may be easily intro- duced, the instrument shown in Plate IX, figure T, may be used. Each hole at the small end of the instrument has passed through it a stout cord with a running noose, to be passed around two feet or other portion of the fetus which it may be possible to reach. The cords are then drawn tight and fixed around the handle of the instru ment ; then, by using the cross handle as a lever, the fetus and womb may be rotated in a direction opposite to that causing the obstruction. During this process the hand must be introduced to feel when the twist has been undone. This method may be supplemented, if neces- sary, by rolling the mare as described above. EFFUSION OF BLOOD IN THE VAGINAL W^ALLS. This is common as a result of difficult parturition, but it may occur from local injury before that act, and may seriously interfere with it. This condition is easily recognized by the soft, doughy swelling so characteristic of blood clots, and by the dark-red color of the mucous membrane. I have laid open such swellings with the knife as late as ten days before parturition, evacuated the clots, and dressed the wound daily with an astringent lotion (sulphate of zinc 1 dram, carbolic acid 1 dram, water 1 quart). A similar resort might be had, if necessary, during parturition. CALCULUS (stone) AND TUMOR IN THE BLADDER. The pressure upon the bladder containing a stone or a tumor may prove so painful that the mare will voluntarily suppress the labor pains. Examination of the bladder with the finger introduced through the urethra will detect the offending agent. A stone should be extracted with forceps. (See " Lithotomy.") The large papillary 170 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. tumors which I have met with in the mare's bladder have been inva- riably delicate in texture and could be removed piecemeal by forceps. Fortunately, mares affected in this way rarely breed. IMPACTION or THE RECTUM WITH FECES; In some animals, with more or less paralysis or weakness of the tail and rectum, the rectum may become so impacted with solid feces that the mare is unable to discharge them, and the accumulation both by reason of the mechanical obstruction and the pain caused by pressure upon it will impel the animal to cut short all labor pains. The rounded swelling surrounding the anus will at once suggest the con- dition, when the obstruction may be removed by the well-oiled or well-soaped hand. SPASM or THE NECK OF THE WOMB. This occurs in the mare of specially excitable temperament, or under particular causes of irritation, local or general. Labor pains, though continuing for some time, produce no dilatation of the neck of the womb, which will be found firmly closed so as to admit but one or two fingers, and this, although the projection at the mouth of the womb may have been entirely effaced, so that a simple round opening is left, with rigid margins. Treatment. — The simplest treatment consists in smearing this part with solid extract of belladonna, and after an interval inserting the hand with fingers and thumb drawn into the form of a cone, ruptur- ing the membranes and bringing the fetus into position for extrac- tion, as advised under " Prolonged retention of the fetus." Another mode is to insert through the neck of the womb an ovoid caoutchouc bag, empty, and furnished with an elastic tube 12 feet long. Carry the free end of this tube upward to a height of 8, 10, or 12 feet, insert a filler into it, and proceed to distend the bag with tepid or warm water. FIBROUS BANDS CONSTRICTING OR CROSSING THE NECK OF THE WOMB. These, occurring as the result of disease, have been several times observed in the mare. They may exist in the cavity of the abdomen and compress and obstruct the neck of the womb, or they may extend from side to side of the vagina across and just behind the neck of the womb. In the latter position they may be felt and quickly remedied by cutting them across. In the abdomen they can only be reached by incision, and two alternatives are presented: (1) To perform embry- otomy and extract the fetus piecemeal and (2) to make an incision into the abdomen and extract by the Ca?sarean operation, or simply to cut the constricting band and attempt delivery by the usual channel. DIFFICULT PARTURITION. 171 FIBROUS CONSTRICTION OF VAGINA OR VULVA. This is probably always the result of direct mechanical injury and the formation of rigid cicatrices which fail to dilate with the re- mainder of the passages at the approach of parturition. The pre- sentation of the fetus in the natural way and the occurrence of suc- cessive and active labor pains without any favorable result will direct attention to the rigid and unyielding cicatrices which maj'^ be incised at one, two, or more points to a depth of half an inch or more, after which the natural expulsive efforts will usually prove effective. The resulting wounds may be washed frequently with a solution of 1 part of carbolic acid to 50 parts of water, or of 1 j)art of mercuric chloride to 1,000 parts of water. FETUS ADHERENT TO THE AVALLS OF THE WOMB. In inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the cavity of the womb and imj^licating the fetal membranes, the resulting embryonic tissue sometimes establishes a medium of direct continuity between the womb and fetal membranes ; the blood vessels of the one commu- nicate freely with those of the other and the fibers of the one are prolonged into the other. This causes retention of the membranes after birth, and a special risk of bleeding from the womb, and of septic poisoning. In exceptional cases the adhesion is more extensive and binds a portion of the body of the foal firmly to the womb. In such cases it has repeatedly been found impossible to extract the foal until such adhesions were broken down. If they can be reached with the hand and recognized, they may be torn through with the fingers or with a blunt hook, after which delivery may be attempted with hope of success. EXCESSIVE SIZE OF THE FETUS. It would seem that a small mare may usually be safely bred to a large stallion, yet this is not always the case, and when the small size is an individual rather than a racial characteristic or the result of being very young, the rule can not be expected to hold. There is always great danger in breeding the young, small, and undeveloped female, and the dwarfed representative of a larger breed, as the off- spring tend to partake of the large race characteristics and to show them even prior to birth. WTien impregnation has occurred in the very young or in the dwarfed female, there are two alternatives — to induce abortion or to wait until there are attempts at parturition and to extract by embryotomy if impracticable otherwise. CONSTRICTION OF A MEMBER BY THE NAVEL STRING. In man and animals alike the winding of the umbilical cord around a member of the fetus sometimes leads to the amputation of the 172 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. latter. It is also known to get Avound around the neck or a limb at birth, but in the mare this does not seriously impede parturition, as the loosely attached membranes are easily separated from the womb and no strangulation or retarding occurs. The foal may, however, die from the cessation of the placental circulation unless it is speedily delivered. WATER IN THE HEAD (hYDROCEPHALTTS) OF THE FOAL. This consists in the excessive accumulation of liquid in the ventricles of the brain so that the cranial cavity is enlarged and constitutes a great projecting rounded mass occupying the space from the eyes ujDward. (See Plate XV, fig. 3.) With an anterior presentation (fore feet and nose) this presents an insuperable obstacle to progress, as the diseased cranium is too large to enter the pelvis at the same time with the forearms. With a posterior presentation (hind feet) all goes well until the body and shoulders have passed out, when l^rogress is suddenly arrested by the great bulk of the head. In the first case, the oiled hand introduced along the face detects the enormous size of the head, wdiich may be diminished by puncturing it with a knife or trocar and cannula in the median line, evacuating the water and pressing in the thin bony walls. With a posterior presentation, the same course must be followed; the hand jjassed along the neck will detect the cranial swelling, w^hich may be punc- tured w4th a knife or trocar. Oftentimes with an anterior presen- tation the great size of the head leads to its displacement backward, and thus the fore limbs alone engage in the passages. Here the first object is to seek and bring up the missing head, and then puncture it as above suggested. DROPSY OF THE ABDOMEN IN THE FOAL, OR ASCITES. The accumulation of liquid in the abdominal cavity of the fetus is less frequent, but when present it may arrest parturition as com- pletely as will hydrocephalus. With an anterior presentation the foal may pass as far as the shoulders, but behind this all efforts fail to secure a further advance. With a posterior presentation the hind legs as far as the thighs may be expelled, but at this point all progress ceases. In either case the oiled hand, passed inward by the side of the foal, will detect the enormous distention of the abdomen and its soft, fluctuating contents. The only course is to puncture the cavity and evacuate the liquid. With the anterior presentation this may be done with a long trocar and cannula, introduced through the chest and diaphragm; or with a knife an incision may be made between the first two ribs and the lungs and heart cut or torn out, when the diaphragm will be felt projecting strongly forward, and may be easily punctured. Should there not be room to introduce the hand DIFFICULT PARTUBITION. 173 through the chest, the oiled hand may be passed along beneath the breast bone and the abdomen punctured. With a posterior presenta- tion the abdomen must be punctured in the same way, the hand, armed with a knife protected in its palm, being passed along the side of the flank or between the hind limbs. It should be added that moderate dropsy of the abdomen is not incompatible with natural delivery, the liquid being at first crowded back into the portion of the belly still engaged in the womb, and passing slowly from that into the ad- vanced portion as soon as that has cleared the narrow passage of the pelvis and passed out where it can expand. GENERAL DROPSY OF THE FETUS. In this case the tissues generally are distended with liquid, and the skin is found at all points tense and rounded, and pitting on pressure with the fingers. In some such cases delivery may be effect-ed after the skin has been punctured at narrow intervals to allow the escape of the fluid and then liberally smeared with fresh lard. More com- monly, however, it can not be reached at all points to be so punctured nor sufficiently reduced to be extracted whole, and resort must be had to embryotomy. SWELLING or THE FETUS WITH GAS, OR EMPHTSEMA. This has been described as occurring in a living fetus, but I have only met with it in the dead and decomposing foal after futile efforts have been made for several days to effect delivery. These cases are very difficult ones, as the foal is inflated to such an extent that it is impossible to advance it into the passages, and the skin of the fetus and the walls of the womb and vagina have become so dry that it is impracticable to cause the one to glide on the other. The hair comes off any part that may be seized, and the case is rendered the more offensive and dangerous by the very fetid liquids and gases. The only resort is embryotomy, by which I have succeeded in saving a valuable mare that had carried a colt in this condition for four days. CONTRACTIONS OF MUSCLES. The foal is not always developed symmetrically, but certain groups of muscles are liable to remain short, or to shorten because of per- sistent spasmodic contraction, so that even the bones becojne distorted and twisted. This is most common in the neck. The bones of this part and even of the face are drawn to one side and shortened, the head being held firmly to the flank and the jaws being twisted to the right or left. In other cases the flexor muscles of the fore limbs are contracted so that these members are strongly bent at the knee. In neither of these cases can the distorted part be extended and straight- 174 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. ened, so that body or limbs must necessarily present double, and natural delivery is rendered impossible. The bent neck may some- times be straightened after the muscles have been cut on the side to which it is turned, and the bent limbs after the tendons on the back of the shank bone have been cut across. Failing to accomplish this, the next resort is embryotomy. TUMORS OF THE FETUS, OR INCLOSED OVUM. Tumors or diseased growths may form on any part of the foal, internal or external, and by their size impede or hinder parturition. In some cases what appears as a tumor is an imprisoned and undevel- oped ovum, which has grafted itself on the fetus. These are usually sacculated, and may contain skin, hair, muscle, bone, and other natural tissues. The only course to be pursued in- such cases is to excise the tumor, or, if this is not feasible, to perform embryotomy. MONSTROSITIES. Monstrosity in the foal is an occasional cause of difficult parturi- tion, especially such monsters as show excessive development of some part of the body, a displacement or distortion of parts, or a redun- dancy of parts, as in double monsters. Monsters may be divided into — • (1) Monsters with absence of parts — absence of head, limb, or other organ. (2) Monsters with some part abnormally small — dwarfed head, limb, trunk, etc. (3) Monsters through unnatural division of parts — cleft head, trunk, limbs, etc. (4) Monsters through absence of natural divisions — absence of mouth, nose, eyes, anus, confluent digits, etc. (5) Monsters through fusion of parts — one central eye, one nasal opening, etc. (6) Monsters through abnormal position or form of parts — curved spine, face, limb, etc. (7) Monsters through excess of formation — enormous head, super- numerary digits, etc. (8) Monsters through imperfect differentiation of sexual organs — hermaphrodites. (9) Double monsters — double-headed, double-bodied, extra limbs, etc. Causes. — The causes of monstrosities appear to be very varied. Some monstrosities, like extra digits, absence of horns or tail, etc., run in families and are produced almost as certainly as color or form. Others are associated with too close breeding, the powers of symmet- DIFFICULT PARTURITION. 175 rical development being interfered with, just as in other cases a sex- ual incompatibility is developed, near relatives failing to breed with each other. Mere arrest of development of a part may arise from accidental disease of the embryo ; hence vital organs are left out, or portions of organs, like the dividing walls of the heart, are omitted. Sometimes an older fetus is inclosed in the body of another, each having started independently from a separate ovum, but the one having become embedded in the semifluid mass of the other and hav- ing develoj)ed there simultaneously with it, but not so largeW nor perfectly. In man}' cases of redundance of parts, the extra part or member has manifestly developed from the same ovum and nutrient center with the normal member to which it remains adherent, just as a new tail will grow out in a newt when the former has been cut off. In the early embryo, with its great powers of development, this fac- tor can operate to far greater purpose than in the adult animal. Its influence is seen in the fact pointed out by St. Hilaire that such redundant parts are nearly always connected with the corresponding portions in the normal fetus. Thus superfluous legs or digits are attached to the normal ones, double heads or tails are connected to a common neck or rump, and double bodies are attached to each other by corresponding points, navel to navel, breast to breast, back to back. All this suggests the development of extra parts from the same primary layer of the impregnated and developing ovum. The effect of disturbing conditions in giving such wrong directions to the developmental forces is well shown in the experiments of St. Hilaire and Valentine in varnishing, shaldng, and otherwise break- ing up the natural connections in eggs, and thereby determining the formation of monstrosities at will. So, in the mammal, blows and other injuries that detach the fetal membranes from the walls of the womb or that modify their circulation by inducing inflammation are at times followed b}' the develojDment of a monster. The excitement, mental and physical, attendant on fright occasionally acts in a simi- lar way, acting probably through the same channels. The monstrous forms likely to interfere with parturition are such as, from contracted or twisted limbs or spine, must be presented double ; where supernumerary limbs, head, or body must approach the passages with the natural ones; where a head or other member has attained to an unnatural size ; where the body of one fetus has become inclosed in or attached to another, etc. Extraction is sometimes possible by straightening the members and securing such a presentation as will reduce the presenting mass to its smallest and most wedgelike dimensions. To effect this it may be needful to cut the flexor tendons of bent limbs or the muscles on the side of a twisted neck or body ; and one or more of the manipulations necessary to secure and bring up a missing member may be required. 176 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. In most cases of monstrosity b}^ excess, however, it is needful to remove the superfluous parts, in vrhich case the general principles employed for embryotomy must be followed. The Csesarean section, by which the fetus is extracted through an incision in the walls of the abdomen and womb, is inadmissible, as it practically entails the sacrifice of the mare, which should never be done for the sake of a monster. (See " Embryotomy," p. 182.) ENTRANCE OF TWINS INTO THE PASSAGE AT ONCE. Twins are rare in the mare, and still more rare is the impaction of both at once into the pelvis. The condition would be easily recog- nized by the fact that two fore limbs and two hind would occupy the passage at once, the front of the hoofs of the fore feet being turned upward and those of the hind feet downward. If both belonged to one foal they would be turned in the same direction. Once recog- nized, the condition is easily remediad by passing a rope with a run- ning noose round each foot of the foal that is farthest advanced or that promises to be most easily extracted, and to push the members of the other fetus back into the depth of the womb. As soon as the one fetus is fully engaged in the passage it will hold its place and its delivery will proceed in the natural way. TABLE OF AVRONG PRESENTATIONS. (Incompletely extended. Flexor tendons short- ened. Crossed over the neck. Bent back at the knee. Bent back from the shoulder. I Bent downward on the neck. Head and neck turned back beneath the breast. Turned to one side. Turned upward and backward on the back. Hind limbs Hind feet engaged in the pelvis. Transverse Back of foal to side of pelvis. Inverted Back of foal to floor of pelvis. Tj. •, T , (Bent on itself at the hock. Hmd limbs JBentatthehip. Transverse Back of foal to side of pelvis. Inverted . - Back of foal to floor of pelvis. ™ . .- i ■< 1 (With back and loins presented. Transverse presentation of body . . .j^^j^j^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ belly presented. FORE LIMBS INCOMPLETELY EXTENDED. In cases of this kind, not only are the back tendons behind the knee and shank bone unduly short, but the sinew extending from the front of the shoulder blade over the front of the elbow and down to the head of the shank bone is also shortened. The result is that the fore limb is bent at the knee and the elbow is also rigidly bent. The condition obstructs parturition by the feet becoming pressed against the floor of the pelvis or by the elbow pressing on its anterior brim. Belief is to be obtained by forcible extension. A rope with a running Anterior pres- entations. Posterior pres- entations. Head. PLATE XUl. . x=\^~7-/7,'7 ' m^-ynnn 1 7 y 'Rii/jh and croup presentatioriy. AiiU-i-iij/ /j/ci>r/il