REACTION OF TUNAS TO STIMULI, 1952-53 Marine Biological Laboratory ' LIBRARY JUN2 7 IS55 WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT-FISHERIES Na 130 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatoiy IToto The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as i!;uides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating Agencies and in processed form for economy ajid to avoid delay in publication. United States Department of the Interior, Douglas McKay, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, John L. Farley, Director REACTION OF TUNA TO STIMULI, 1952-53 Part I: Response of tuna to chemical stimuli, by Albert L. Tester, P. B. van Weel, and John J. Navighton Part II: Response of tuna to visual and visual-chemiical stimuli, by Sidney C. Hsiao and Albert L. Tester Special Scientific Report: Fisheries No. 130 Note:--This report is also Contributions Nos. 47 and 48 of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii WASHINGTON: MARCH 1955 Accepted for publication June 1954 CONTENTS Page Part I: Response of tuna to chemical stimuli 1 Fishingc 2 Establishment of tunas in captivity 3 Concrete taink 3 Pond Noo 5 4 Feeding 5 Methods and procedures in testing , 7 Concrete tank 7 Pond Noo 5 11 The response 13 Problems in testing 16 Weather 16 Power failure 17 Erratic behavior of the fish 17 Measurement of response 18 Variation in response. 24 Source and preparation of test substauices 27 Materials c 27 Prepeuration 28 Response to simple extracts of tuna and other fish 30 Flesh extracts of tuna 30 Flesh extracts of other fish 32 Page Extracts of tissues other than flesh 32 Cajinery by-products: preservation. , 33 Response to chemical compounds and miscellaneous materials 34 Attempts at isolation and identification of the attractant(s) 37 Summary and discussion 57 General 57 Nature of the attractive substance 58 Preservation of the attractant 59 Possibility of conditioning of the fish 59 Literature cited,. 62 Part II: Response of tuna to visual and visual-chemical stimuli 63 Methods 63 Response under control and experimental conditions 67 Pattern of response 67 School entrances 70 Percentage of Tinme in Area 70 Fish-seconds in area 71 Speed of swimming , 72 Feeding activitv 73 Response to lures of different colors 74 SuiTii-nary 76 Appendix: A summary of experiments on chemical stimulation conducted in tank and pond 77 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page o 1. Temperature ( C„), chlorinitv (p„ po m,, )(, and mortality (number of fish dying) in Pond NOc 5 over the period from September 1^ 1952 to June 30, 1953 6 Ze Diagram of the concrete tank showing the arrange- ment for introducing the test materialSj the attraction area^ and the obse rvation booth o 8 3o Number of passes and time (seconds) out of successive 2-minute periods for three tank experiments - NoSo 57, 58^ and 59 c 10 4. Diagram of Pond NOo 5 showing the arrangement for introducing test materials ^ the attraction area, and the observation tower. ...„ 12 5„ Number of passes and time (seconds) out of successive 3-minute periods in six pond experiments - Nos, 136 to 141, inclusive 14 6o Number of passes and time (seconds) out of successive S^tninute periods in seven pond experiments - NoSo 94 to 100, inclusive^ 20 7o Time (seconds) out of successive 3-minute periods in pond experiment NOo 112^ in which a gradient of stock extract of skipjack flesh was established for 48 minutes o . 31 Bo Fractionation of stock extract of skipjack flesh: procedure euid results in experiments No8„ 83 to 86, and 88 40 9o Fractionation of an alcohol extract of skipjack flesh? procedure and results in experiments Nos. 178, 179, 181, and 182 44 lOo Fractionation of aji alcohol extract of skipjack fleshs procedure and results in expe riments Nosc200 to 202, and 204 to 206 45 11. Fractionation of alcohol extracts of skipjack flesh: procedure and results in experiments NoSa 215, 216, 218p and 223 to 225 47 Figure Page i2„ Fractionation of an alcohol extract of bigeye flesh: procedure and results in experiments Nos„ 26-1, 262, 266 to 269. 272, and 277 49 13. Fractionation of a first alcohol extract of bigeye flesh: procedure and results in experinnents Nos. 273 to 276, and 278.. 51 14. Fractionation of a second alcohol extract of bigeye flesh: procedure and results in experiments NoSc 280 to 283 52 15. Fractionation of a third alcohol extract of bigeye flesh: procedure and results in experiments NoSo 285 to 287, 54 16. Fractionation of a second alcohol extract of bigeye flesh: procedure and results in experiments NoSo 298 to 303 . , 56 17. Diagram of mechanical device for lowering lures into water: AB - crosspiece; LL' ~ lures; U - supporting post; F - fulcrum; C - notch; P - plate to cover notch; W - weight; C - cord ......,, 64 1 8„ Diagram of transcribing^recording device: A - lever operated by toggle switch (E) for re- cording "passes"; B - lever operated by dial (D) for recording nuinber of fish in area; C - timer; F - kymograph „ 66 19o Typical kymograms: A - under control conditions; B - when stinnulated by lures; C - when stimulated by lures plus extract 68 Fronti8piece--Tuna Study Pond at Coconut Island, Oahu PART I RESPONSE OF TUNA TO CHEMICAL STIMULI BY Albert L„ Testerp P., Bo van Weelj and John Jo Naughton University of Hawaii In 1951„ exploratory studies of the response of tuna and other fish to chemicalj, visual^ auditory, and electrical stimuli were conducted by Po Bo van Weel„ So Co HsiaO;, !„ Miyake„ and Ao Lo Tester (Special Scientific Reports Fisheries Noo 9l> of the faculty of the University of Hawaii under contract (Nool^fw-.l 3 33 1) with the U„ So Department of the luteTior, Fish and Wildlife Service^ Pacific Oceanic Fishery InvestigationSo It was hoped that these studies not only would contribute to an understanding of tuna behavior but also would provide an indication of ways of attracting tuna to within the reach of a fishing vessel at seao Of the various 1951 studies;, the most promising was in the field of chemoreceptiono Van Weel fl952) found that little tunny (Euthynnus yaitoll and yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) held in cap- tivity responded to cleaXj, almost colorless extracts of tuna fleshy A new l=.year contract (Noo I6fw.= 18564) for a further study of the reactions of tuna to chem.ic;al stimuli became effective June 1, 1952a Efforts were to be made to duplicate and extend van Weel's ob- servations „ to identify chennicilly the attractive 8ubstance(8), and to make observations on the reaction of the fish to combined chemical and visual stimulio This report deals with the 1952-53 results in the field of chemoreception and includes a brief account of the success attained in fishing and establishing the tuhas in captivityo Notes Contribution No. 47 of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, The tunas used in the study were caught and transported to Coconut Island by Mr. Lester Zukeran, skip^ier of the University of Hawaii research vessel Salpa. He was ably assisted by Mr. Stanley Kitagawa and Mr. Royden Ikeda, students at the University. In the ponds, the tunas were fed and otherwise cared for by Mr. Charles Ncdiamoto, assistant to the Hawaii Marine Laboratory, who also took water temperatures and samples of water for chlorinity determination. At times, Mr. Austin Pritchard and Miss Shirley Trefz, graduate students in nnarine zoology, assisted in pond testing, Mr. Carl Swanholnn, student in chemistry, assisted in preparing and analyzing test materials. Samples of chemicals were provided gratis by E, I. DuPont de Nemours and Company through Mr. Raoul Pantaleoni, by Van Ameringen-Haebler, Inc. , through Dr. Ernst T. Theimer, by P. R. Dreyer, Inc. , through Mr. George H. Zirkel, and by Sindar Corporation through Mr, R, E. Horsey, Mr. Fritz Jermann of Hawaiian Tuna Packers, Ltd. , spent r^any hours preparing materials for testing and assisted in many other ways. Certain materials were also forwarded by Mr. Pete Sunderland of B. C. Packers, Ltd. To all of these individuals, to the companies they repre- sented, and to others who assisted in various ways we extend our sincere thanks. We are also indebted to Mr. O. E. Sette, Director, and other members of the stciff of the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Inves- tigations, U, S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for advice, assistance, and encouragement. FISHING As in the previous year (Tester 1952), tuna were caught by trolling with the 46-foot Salpa, using two lines suspended fronn each of two poles fastened to the mast amidships, and sometimes using one or two additional lines fastened to the stern. The ship operated three mornings a week off Kaneohe Bay during the period June 6 to August 31, 1952. As shown in table 1, the catch consisted oi 63 skipjack (Katsuwonus ijelamis), 66 kawakawa or little tunny (Euthynnus affinis), 1/33 yellowfin (Neothunnus nnacropterus ), 6 dol- phin (Coryphaenus hippurus), and 2 wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri). The catch ; er hour (all species) was low in June (1. 70) but higher in 1/ Euthynnus yaito oi yrevious veuoi'ts (Tester 1952: van Weel 1952). 2 July (Zo 36) and August (Zo40)o The Ceitch per hour for the three months (2o 17) was less than that for the same three months in 1951 (3o20)o For tunny and yellowfiiHe the two species of tuna which we have established in captivityp the catch per hour was higher in 1952 (Go 84 and 0o42) than in 1951 (0„40 and 0,31) for a comparable period. For skipjack, however, the catch per hour in 1952 (OoSl) weis con- siderably less than that in 1951 (l<,48)o Fishing was not continued after August 1, 1952, (except for incidental trips) as the tank and pond were stocked with sufficient fish for our purposeso Table lo--The number of fish caught^ fishing hours, and catch per hour for the 1952 fishing operations of the Salpa, with comparable data for 1951 Catch per hour 40 23-1/2 lo70 79 33-1/2 2,36 51 21-1/4 2.40 70 78-1/4 2. 17 17 67-3/4 3o20 ESTABLISHMENT OF TUNAS IN CAPTIVITY Profiting by last year's experience, attempts were made to establish only yellowfin and tunny in the concrete tank and in Pond No o 5^ which were used successfully in 1951 (Tester 1952)o The tank and pond are located on Coconut Islando Concrete Teink The concrete taJik, which nneasures 35x11x4 feet and is supplied with running seawater by punnps, was modified slightly by rounding the corners with sheets of Masonite and painting the walls whiteo Despite these improvements only 2 out of 1 1 yellowfin and 2 out of 13 tunny were established, the former but a short period of time. Nine yellowfin (3 to 6 pounds) died within 1 or 2 days after introduction to the tank, without starting to feed. One, introduced on June 30 (4 pounds), started feeding on July 4 but was caught and stolen by poachers during the same evening. Another, introduced on July 14 (5-1/2 pounds), started feeding on July 22 but stopped on July 26, In obvious difficulty, it was removed from the tank on July 30 and was found to be blind, with bubbles in the eyeballs. Eleven tunny {1 to 4 pounds) died within a few days after introduction to the tank. Of these, two started feeding but after 12 days becanne blind; one died and the other, in obvious difficulty, was removed from the tajik. Two tunny, introduced respectively on June 16 and August 15, 1952, became established and lived throughout the winter. They were still alive on June 30, 1953. Both weighed about 1 pound when established and grew to about 4 pounds during the year 2/. Pond No, 5 This pond, described in detail by Tester (1952), is about 360 feet long and 75 feet wide. The south side is shallow over its eritire length, averaging about 3 feet in depth at high water. The north side includes a deep trough, which averages about 10 feet in depths A slow circulation is effected by tidal action through screened gates at both ends. Both yellowfin and tunny were established in this pond in the sumimer of 1951 but died during the fall, following wet, stormy weather. Between July 23 and August 27, 1952, 13 yellowfin (5 to 10 pounds) were placed in this pond. Of these, five started feeding and became established. Four of the 5 disappeared from the pond during the first 2 weeks in September--it is suspected that they were caught by poachers, although they may have died "naturally. " In any 2/ One of these jumped from the tank and died on July 19, 1953. It was partially eaten (by rats or cats?) when discovered, and was not weighed. The other started ramming the walls of the tank and died on July 22, 1953, A film over the eyes indicated partial blindness, which nnay have contributed to its death when alone in the tank. It weighed 3-3/4 pounds at death. event, the carcasses were not fotindo The fifth yellowfin died on September 16, 1952o An additional yellowfin (10 pounds) was placed in the pond on October 28, but it died 5 days l^ter without starting to feedo Of 15 tunny (1 to l^l/Z pounds) introduced to Pond NOo 5 between July 25 and August 25, 1952, 13 started to feed and became established, despite the fact that several were tagged fthe tags later became detached)o The remaining 2, which were tagged„ died within 2 days. The 13 established tunny were present until October 16, 1952, following which 6 died 3 betv^een October 16 and 20^ 2 between October 21 and 27, and 1 between October 30 and 31, The remaining population of 7 fish was maintained until December 5^ 1952, when 1 more diedo The 6 remaining fish persisted until January l6j 1953o One died on January 16^ 2 between January 17 and 20, and 1 between January 22 and 23^ 1953„ The 2 tunny which remained survived the winter and spring and are still living at the time of writing, more theia 1 year after they were introducedo During this period they have in- creased in weight from about 1 to 4 pounds o The reason for the mortalities of tunny reported above is uncertaino The temperature and chlorinity in Pond NOo 5 are shown in figure U The six destths in October coincided with the beginning of a steep downward trend in temperature and a slight downward trend in chlorinity, both of which were associated with the incidence of rainy weathero However, the four deaths in Janu:jry cannot be related to changes in temperature and salinityo Moreover, the two remaining fish survived through February and Marchp when considerable rainy weather was encountered and when the chlorinity in the pond reached a low for the year (15o834 p„pomo on March 11, J.953)o Although comparable temperature aind chlorinity data for the previous year (when all fish died following wet stormy weather) are not available, in generalp the winter weather in 1952-'5 3 was nnuch better than in 1951-52, with markedly fewer "kona" storms (south to southeast winds with rain)o This may have contributed to the success in maintaining two of the fish throughout the winter „ During the one bad storm of the 1952-53 season on October 13 and 14, mortality may have been reduced by tying the Salpa to the dock near the outer gates and flushing fresh water from the pond with the wash of the propeller„ In both the tank and pond the tunas were fed during the late afternoon of Tuesday;, Thursday, Saturday, and occasionally Sunday, of each weeko Their food consisted mostly of tuna flesh Jl. \ H H 1 H NUMBER DYING H h TEMPERATURE -I h 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1- SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE 1952 1953 Fig. 1. --Temperature ( CI, chlorinity (p. p. m. ), and mortality (number offish dying) in Pond No. 5 os'er rhe period from September 1, 1952 to June 30, 1953. (skipjack, yellowfin, or bigeye) or mar lin- -whichever was available- - plus such other scrap fish as came to hando In general they were fed at the rate of about one-half pound of food per fish per feeding, which is probably much less than their normal requiremento This schedule was maintained in order that the fish would be in a constant state of hunger on Tuesdays^ Thursdays^ and Saturdays when tests were usu- ally conducted. Van Weel (1952) showed that this precaution was necessaryo Two departures from this diet are worthy of notCo Firstly, the tunny established in the tank on June 16^ 1952, was kept on a non= tuna diet, consisting of squid, anchovy^ and other fish, until about the middle of July when certain tests had been completed. Secondly, following April 25^ 1953, the two tunny in the pond were fed on im- ported (frozen) squid exclusivelyo METHODS AND PROCEDURES IN TESTING Concrete Tajik Tests were run in the concrete tank 2 or 3 times a week from July 1 to August 20, 1952, and occasionally thereafter through- out the remainder of the summer, the fall, and the wintero At first the methods were similar to those used by van Weel (1952)o The ob- server stood by the railings at the side of the tank near the south end until the fish had become used to his presence and had resumed a steady slow circling^ Several successive measurements and counts were made of U) the time (in seconds t for 10 passes past the observ- er, with the fish swimming either up or down the length of the tank, and ^b) the number out of 10 passes made in the half of the tank ad- jacent to the observero Materials were then siphoned into the tank using a rubber hose, and the timing and counting were resumedo Ex- citement induced when the fish sensed the material was indicated by a decrease in the time of 10 passes (increase in rate of swimming) and attraction was indicated by an increase in the number of passes along the near side of the tanko Often during attempts to establish control conditions the fish would remain excited for long periods of time by the presence of the observer, whom it could see; during both control and test periods it might also respond to the observer's movements while tirming, in- troducing the materials^ or recording the results o This difficulty was largely overcome on July 23, 1952, (following Test 131 by enclosing the upper railed section of the tank with tarpaper and building an ob- servation booth (figo 2), The three-ply front of the booth overhung the tank at its upper edge to increase the range of visiono It contained en S4 ♦• a tM O o 3 8 5 DO a s I tv'O rectangular 6 x 10 -inch observation windows the size of which could be varied to a narrow horizontal slit by means of sliding doors. Later, in August, the observation windows were equipped with one- way glass o As nearly as could be determined, the fish were gener- ally unaware of the presence of the observer as long as strict silence was maintainedo Occasionally, however, before the glass was used it seemed as if the fish were aware of the small part of the observer's face which was visible through the small slit-like aperture. By means of a 3/8=inch centrifugal pump driven by a 1/30 ho p. near-silent electric motor, water was sucked from the surface of the tank at one side near the center eind was injected into the southern or "downstream" one-third in a continuous stream dur- ing both control and test periods. When desired, the test material was introduced into this stream from within the booth through a glass T connection in the rubber tubingc The method of measuring the reaction was modified from: that of van Weel (1952). Each test consisted usually of five succes- sive 2-minute control periods, followed by at least five successive 2- minute test periodSo For each period, the time spent by the fish in the downstream one-third of the tank, marked off with string, was measured by an electric clock operated by a push switch, and the number of loops (half»circles) nnade by each fish in this "attraction" area was recorded on a hand counter. By means of fluorescein dye it was found that a liquid quickly spread throughout the downstream ore-third of the tank, remained there for about 10 minutes, and then gradually dispersed up the tank along the far wallo If attracted by the material, the fish would be expected to spend a longer period of tiine in the attraction area as compared with control conditions. If excited by the nnaterial the fish would be expected to swim more rapidly and to circle more times in the attraction area than during control conditions. If a fish entered, turned, and left the area, the count would be one loopo If the fish entered, made a complete circle within the area, and then left, the count would be three loops. If two fish performed: in this way, either together or independently, the counts would be doubled. Later the method of counting was modified to conform with that in the pond (see below)o The tests in the tank were conducted for the most part on one established tunny during the sunnmerj aund on two established tunny thereaitero Unestablished fish did not react to the test sub- stances auid were ignored in timing and countingo A typical series of reaction graphs is shown in figure 3. 0> If) u. o o < (T UJ H < Q i^ UJ li. _i 5: to 1, UJ O in O CM — — m _» • ^ " h o > ^ ^ (r _^ E . H y " Z <, . I ■* O ^~~~^^_^^ 00 o " • 1 1 1 1 o o o o c 3 [«. 00 iO ^ cvJ o o q: UJ Q. UJ S3SSVd JO ON SQNOOaS Nl 31^11 Pond No, 5 When weather and other conditions pernxitted, testa were run in Pond Noo 5 two or three times a weekp starting in August 1952 and continuing throughout the fallj winterj, and spring. The general arrangement for testing is illustrated in figure 4o By means of a 2 -inch pump driven by a 3-ho Po electric motor p water was sucked from outside the "seaward" gates at the western end of the pond, led through a 2-l/2--inch rubber hose along the concrete gate supports to a point near the center of the deep trough in the pond, and then injected into the pond about 5 feet below the surface (from the high tide mark) through an L^shaped piece of 2=inch galvanized pipeo Test material was introduced into the flow through a funnel, the base of which was attached to a piece of 3/4- inch galvanized pipe by a rubber hosCo The 3/4'=inch pipe was brazed at an acute angle into a hole in the "down" section of the L-shaped pipes creating a suctions The funnel was located within a small house erected above the seaward gates„ thus effectively screening the operator when waiting to introduce test liquidso The pumpe which was rather noisy and which created a strong visible flow of water for about 20 feet into the pond, was kept running for sonne time before as well as during both control and test periods to accustom the fish to both the noise and the currento After tracing the path of the current with fluorescein dyej, an "attraction" area was marked off with two pieces of cord stretched across the pondo one 39 feet and the other 78 feet from the seaward gateso The dye indicated that liquids introduced into the flow would reach the near edge of this area within about 1 minute;, would spread throughout most of the area within about 3 or 4 minutes^ and would for the most part rennain In the area for ain additional 10 minutes before appreci- ably dispersing downstream across the far cordo To observe the fish, a wooden tower 20 feet high was built opposite the center of the attraction area on the north side of the pond, A platform and seat on top of the tower was reached by a ladder. As the material was introduced when the fish were starting to return from the far end of the pondj after pouring the nnaterial down the funnel the observer was able to move quickly from the small house to the tower^ climb the ladder, and sit on the platform before the fish approached the attraction area. It is reasonably certain that he was not noticed by the fish either when moving to the platform or when seated on it. Timing ajid counting were conducted from the platfornric Observation was improved by wearing polaroid sun glasses, 11 rt 2 ao g Q H Each experiment, usually included five 3-minute control periods and five 3- minute test periodSo During each period the time spent by the tunny school or schools in the attraction area was meas- ured on an electric clock operated by a push switcho The switch was depressed when the first fish of a school entered the area and was held down until the last fish lefto A fish swimming by itself was ig- nored; often it was a partially=blind or otherwise incapacitated indi- vidual which was unable to keep pace with the otherSo In addition to timing the fish, each "pass" of each fish in either the upstream or downstream direction was recorded on a hand countero ThuSj if three fish swam through the areap the count would be 3o If they en- tered the area, loopedp and left on the same side as they entered, the count would be 60 If they entered the oreao desciibed a connplete circle within the area aJid then left on the opposite side to which they entered, the count would be 9o Time spent in the area was accumu- lated on the clock and the number of passes was accumulated on the covinter. Both were recorded at the end of each 3-nniinute periodo When the tunny population was large (6 to 13 fish), two observers were required on the towerp one of whom clinnbed down and introduced the test material between control and test periods „ a-nd returned when the fish were at the far end of the pond to avoid being seeno When the fish were excited during the early part of a reaction it waa difficult to record all the movementSj even with two observers; in some cases the counts were nninimal estimateSo As in the case of the tank, the difference between control and test periods in average time spent by the fish in the attraction area was used as a measure of attraction and the difference in count was used as a nneasure of the excitement induced by the test substances A typical reaction graph is shown in figure 5o In both tank «md pond, in addition to the quantitative mea^flure of reaction discussed above, the observer also indicated the strength of the response in one of several "observational" categories ( - to XXXX). These will be discussed in a later section, THE RESPONSE A summary of data on 356 experiments which were con- ducted in the tank and pond at intervals over the period July l^ 1952, to May 19, 1953, is given in the appendix a* the end of this reporto The experiments will be referred to by numbeTj eogo Nos„ 168, 170, etCo The results will be discussed in detail in later sections^ For the present, attention will be directed at a description of a typical response in the tank and the pondo When aJi attractive substance, such as an extract of tuna flesh, was introduced into the attraction area of the tank, the 13 I I T 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I ■ \ 4t PJACK CERA TRACT SO 2 «v^ \ X y ~ 5 i2x ^^ _^''^ O U) > U .). _^^^ , •■ — »---^ _i \ O / / t- / - f Z t ■ / o ^ / o ^'^ I _ o u 1 \ O « T < .. ^ ^ .14 KIPJ LESi XTR SOi r ; X O U) U.IU + \ _) \ - N. O *"*«,.^,_^_^ > 1- ^,^j->*- f Z yT^ <. o •^...^^ > o ^^ :t < 1- / O O (C o : <^ siiii ^ — ^^ : : ^-^^^ o en <« > lu c ^- — ~— -^_. _i " •---..^ O -^^^ >- > "v Z ^z : V^ o o X : . _ _^_ '-- "}" 58 ED SKI : FLES RACT <> : \ ■^ i ^ er, and the fish were difficult to see from the tower when swimming deep. Occasion- ally, visibility was greatly reduced by southeast "kona" winds, which not only created a turbidity but also, blowing lengthwise down the pond, created ripples on the surface. Often, to avoid wasting a whole day, experiments were conducted under such conditions. Although the resulting data were not strictly comparable with those obtained during fair weather, a positive response during test periods could usually be detected as, when reacting, the fish tended to swim at the surface where they could be seen even under unfavorable weather conditions. 16 Power Failare During a Z-week p>eriod In November 1952(, and occasion- ally at other timesp the power supply to the inland and/or to the pumps failedo Rather than waste valuable testing timcp pond experinnents were conducted without the use of the pump„ Test material was in- troduced by throwing it to the sxirface from the top of the tower when the fish were distant from the attraction area. It was noted that a material which was usually attractive to the fish was not sensed as soon as when introduced by the punnpo Apparently it formed a layer on the surface under which the fish could swim without being aware of its presenceo When it was finally sensedj, it produced a reaction which was stronger than usual^ probably because it was more con- centrated than when introduced through the flow from the pump. Again, the data would not be strictly comparable with those obtained when the material was introduced in a normal fashiono Erratic Behavior of the Fish In the tank under ideal control conditions the fish would make full circles, keeping close to the walls and swimming at a steady ratCo They would thus spend about one-third of their time in the attraction area and each would average about 3 or 4 loops in a 2-mlnute periodo Howeverj ideal control conditions were not often encounteredo Usually experiments were run when inspection of the control data indicated fair regularity in movement and thus moderate variance in the data, even though the times and counts might differ considerably from the "idealo " A* timeSo particularly when one tunny was the sole occupant of the tanks '* would circle for long periods in either the upstream o* downstream end of the tank, giving either zero or ma^tinnal times and counts o At times it would circle for several successive minutes at one end ^gund would then repeat the performance at the other endo At other tinaes it would swim back and forth along one wallp entering the attraction airea either occasion<>- ally or not at all. When behavior patterns such as these were en- countereds testing was usually abandonedo with consequent loss of tinneo Occasionally^ in desperationp the material was iniroduced undei such conditions, in the hope that the fish would sense it and show some response even though the data would not be comparable with those obtained with nnore nearly normal behavior. When two fish were present in the tanko even if one was not yet established^ the pattern of movennent was more uniform and usually yielded con- trol conditions which did not depart excessively from the ideal. In the pondj the laTge black yellowfin were more con- spicnous and swam more slowly than the small blue-^green tunny, 17 Although their reactions were noted, they were not measured because of the unsuitable swinnnning behavior. At times they would circle slow- ly for hours at one end of the pond; at other times they would circle for long periods at one end, move along one wall to the other end, amd repeat the performance; only rarely would they move regularly up amd down the length of the pond. Under ideal control conditions, the tunny would swim up arid down the pond in one or two schools at a leisurely but regular pace, occasionally pausing to circle or "play" for a few seconds at the ends„ A trip down the pond ajid back usually required about 3 minutes. When joined by the yellowfin, sometimes the faster tunny ar.d sometimes the slower yellowfin acted as pacennakers, thus vary- ing the swimming speed. At times, either of their own volition or attracted by the yellowfin, the tunny would spend long periods of time, sometimes an hour or nnore, at one end of the pond„ When this oc- curred, experiments could not be conducted for the test material might be diluted below the threshold for response before the fish en- tered the attraction area. Several experiments were spoiled when, following uniform control conditions and the introduction of the test substance, the fish failed to return to the area within the required time. Even if they entered the area for the first time during the second or third test period, the quantitative data would not be com- parable with those obtained during normal behavior. Measurement of Response From the sources of variation discussed so far - weather, variation in testing procedure, and erratic behavior of the fish during eit;her control or test conditions - the difficulty of obtaining consistent quantitative data will be apparent. Moreover, the timing and counting did not measure the more obvious characteristics of a connplex posi- tive reaction - surfacing, splashing, and feeding activity. On one occasion the response was recorded on motion picture film, a method which might lead to a better quantitative measure. However, this method was not feasible in regular testing because of the great varia- tion in visibility of the fish (depending on weather, turbidity of the water, height of the tide, and depth of swimnning of the fish) and also because of the prohibitive cost of the thousands of feet of filnn that would be necessary to record the many experiments which were con- ducted, A series of pond experiments (Nos. 94 to 100, inclusive) has been chosen to illustrate the nature of the data and the problenns of statistical amalysis and interpretation under average conditions of observation and behavior of the fish. These seven experiments were undertaken in succession throughout the day of August 26, 1952, four 18 in the morning and three in the afternoono The sky was overcast, with a few rain squalls in the nnorringo Twelve tunny and four yellowfin were present, but only the former were timed and counted. The na- ture of the test substances is not pertinent to this discussion. The basic data are shown graphically in figure 6, It will be noted immediately that there is a high correla- tion between the times and number of passes for successive test periods (r = 0, 874; P less than OoOr)^ Both variates reflect the re- actions alnnost equally well m this particular series. It will also be noted that in all experiments except No, 98j the times and counts dur» ing the test periods are generally higher than during the preceding control periodSo Analysis of variance was employed to determine if there were significant differences between the means of control and test periods (equivalent to a "t" test) for each separate experiment. The results are shown in table 2o It may be concluded that there is a statistically significant response to the test substances of experiments Nos, 95, 97, 99, and 100 (P less than 0,05 or OoOUo In experiment Noo 98 the average time and count during the test periods were both slightly less thdn during the preceding con- trol periods. Obviously^ however, this was due to unusual activity during the controls. To overcome this difficulty a more mfornnative method of analyzing the data is to group all control periods for all experiments as Tqp determine the mean square between means for experiment Tq to Ty, determine the pooled nnean square within ex- periments, and use this last to determine a least significant difference (fiducial interval) of a treatment mean for comparing not only Tj with Tqj T2 with Tq, etCj, but also for comparing T^ with T^t etc. The analysis, for time data only^ is as follows" Source of variation Degrees freedonn of j Sum of ^jsguares Mean square F Between treatments 7 16„157 2,308 5,0** Individual periods 62 28,671 462 ** P less than 0„0I 19 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 no. 100 CONTROL RESIDUE from na99 1 1 1 1 1 — B o Z no. 99 CONTROL 250 G Boiled aliolehole extract • e M 1 no. 98 CONTROL 100 G Borrocudo flesi) extract J' \ s: > ■ a a 0 s, O 3 i 'i no. 97 CONTROL 250 ML STock skipjack extroct TEST PERIO : successive 3-miii 1 <] ; 1 6 2 ° S o q: 1 1^ o 1 ! u V 1 20 The fiducial interval of a treatment nnean nnay be calcu- lated as follows (Snedecor 1948s p^ 221); - + 2„0 |/~462_ \' "?„ 14 = + 16 The mean for the controls is 36,2 seconds; those for the experiments are included m table 2o Again, the means for only four experiments, NoSo 95, 97, 99j and 100, as before, differ significant- ly (by 32 seconds or more) from the mean for the controls. There are no significant differences between the means for any of the seven experimentSo This latter conclusion is also evident from a further analysis of the variance of the combined results: Treatment vs. control Treatment nneans Individual periods The above analysis, based on quantitative data, has demonstrated a significant response in four of the seven experiments. Observation, however, showed a response m all seven, nannely, ob- \'ious sensing of the material connbined with one or more of the several components of the reaction^ as described previously. Only in No. 98 was there any doubt; even here, however, there was an obvious change in pace and surfacing of the fish during the first and second test periods o The data and their analyses do not always reflect a response which is obvious and "significant" to the observer o Other experiments could be selected in which the discrepancies between the data and the observations are even more pronounced. The difficulties outlined above were recognized early. Nevertheless tinning and counting were continued: they did measure certain phases of the reaction and have been used in some quantitative 21 0 n ^ 2 XI C c o (U 0^ c i~i (U ^ a, rs] x Lf) (U O G nO 0) (M v-l to o :i nn (U ^ (1) a to 0 m x) a; d 4-> o u :=i (ti Tl ■w r! nJ o Tl u (U to > c U 0 X X X X X X X 0) a, X X — - X X to to J3 0) X X 0 ^H ^ c „ 3 ?? 0 'U 0 " c vO 00 r»< s^ (NJ ■^ CO Sum me and differ e rg rg o o^ t^ in r^ in vO sD 1 r~ in •■-1 ■>^ * * ■«• c ;3 * * # * vO in '^ r- o r~- O ^' in o fvi o r-° in Pn U ^ •* ^ •«• * * (VJ s • ,-* u DC (U ' a, n •"• (U H — ' o in (D , (U o Z (U T5 c fff 0 G Uh o c (Tl •!-> (O (TJ in T3 o- tJ ^^ d • iH n ^ •rH Oh IT) < > Wl r; (U CO h XI :J 0 XI o ^3 H ti u 0 0) fX a <« ■(-» O m (U Tl 0) oc c (U ■r-l C (U o t3 4^ 0 fO x: «) T3 c V C 0 s --^ ■u (U <+4 U h O ni X (U ■M CO ■M •H 3 (0 o a; T3 43 4) :i m ) ■■ o O O C 13 Tl i> XI 4-> n) nJ S fx. :i -i -vJI CO( 2 tunnyo This decrease in the number of fish would, of course, decrease the absolute values of the quantitative data^ particularly the counts,, but it would not necessarily change the difference between control and test datao Apparently 13 fish gave d much greater response than 2 fish to the seume amount of materialj, suggesting a "group" effect- "=a contagious excitemento On the other hand, the decrease in response may have been related to decrease in the "condition" of the fish and a declining interest in food substances during the winter monthSo SOURCE AND PREPARATION OF TEST SUBSTANCES Materials The materials which were used are listed for each experiment in the appendix at the end of this reporto Because of its ready availajjility and also because it had given a positive response in experiments conducted by v^n Weel (19521, most of the preparations consisted of extracts of tuna flesh, including skipjack, tunnyj yellowfin, and bigeyCo In addition, ex- tracts of trina skin, blood, liver, ovaries, testes, and unsegregated viscera were usedo A few tests were conducted with extracts prepared from "white ■= fleshed" fish (as opposed to the red«fleshed tunas) when materials were available. They included "aholehole" (Kuhlia sandvicensis) flesh, jack (Caranxl flesh and blood, barracuda ^§£^Y£££B^ .^!l£j^^£H^ J -l^s^o ^nd wahoo (Acanthocybiurn s^lgj;^dri) fleslio The tuna and other fish used in these preparations were either fresh-caught or fresh -frozeno They were obtained from our own fishing operations, from the Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, or from the Hawaiian Ttrna Packers, Ltdo Beef blood obtained from a local slaughter house was used in comparison with fish bloodo Tuna cannery byproducts, including fish meal, stick- water (effluent), and various preserved digests of skipjack viscera made for other purposes by Mr, F^ Jermann oi Hdwaiian Tuna Packers, Ltdo , were testedo A herring reduction pl^ant byproduct, "condensed herring solubles" prepared by Bo Co Packers, Ltdo , Vancouver- Canada^ was also usedo 27 As time permitted, tests were run on a variety of organic chemicals purchased from Nutritional Biochemicals Corporation and Eastman Kodak Company„ A variety of aromatics used in perfume manufacture and food flavoring were supplied by courtesy of E„ !„ DuPont de Nenaours and Company, Van Ameringen- Haeblerj Inc„g P, Ro Dreyer, Inc., and Sindar Corporation. Mis- cellaneous substances which were tested included alleged commercial fish attractants and pineapple juice „ Preparation It is not feasible to describe in detail the method of preparation of each substance which was tested. This has been sum- marized for each experiment and has been included in the appendix. General techniques and procedures, only, will be discussed here. Where necessaryj, details of special preparations will be included in later sections,, Simple extracts of fish flesh, skin, gonads, liver, etc. were prepared as follows; a quantity of material (usually about 100 g, ) was weighed, cut into small pieces, placed in a Waring blendor with about 200 ml, of sea or tap water per 100 g. of material, and reduced to a homogeneous suspension of finely-divided particles over a 5-minute period. The material was then diluted to about 1 liter with o o water and was placed in a refrigerator (at about 1 or 2 C„ ) for sev- eral hour So The mixture would be used as such, or it would be sepa- rated into liquid and solid components by either filtering or centrifu- ging before testing „ A "stock extract" of skipjack flesh was prepared in bulk by grinding 9 pounds of flesh in a nneat grinder, placing this in a nnilk can of 10 gallons capacity, adding tap or sea water to nearly fill the can, and placingthe can and contents in the refrigerator. The solid anaterial would settle from the liquid in a few hours. The clear, amber to cherry-red liquid (the exact color depending on the proportion of light to dark red meat in the sample) could be decanted from the surface,, It was calculated that 1 liter of liquid contained the extract from about 100 g^ of flesh. The stock extract could be maintained without putrefaction for 2 or 3 -/eeks in the refrigerator if the temperature was held just at or above the freezing point. The stock extract was used frequently as a standard in testing other sub- stances. In most of the experinnents conducted during the winter and springs 95-percent ethyl alcohol was used in the preliminary ex- traction of ground tuna flesh. The alcohol extract was annber to 28 cherry-red in color as in the case of the water extracto Alcohol served as both an extr acting oiid a preserving agent; refrigeration of the extract was not necessaryp although it was used occasionallyo More connplex procedures were used in attennpts to isolate and identify the attractive substancefs) in extracts of tuna flesh and viscerao These included fractionation of the extract into two or several components to determinen on pond testingo which still re- tained the attractive propertieSo In some preparations „ a first sepa- ration into "protein" and "non-protein" factions was achieved by precipitation of the proteins were obtained with tuna sticks water both by itself (NOo 217) or mixed with fluorescein dye to trace its dispersion m the pond (Noo 222'o "Condensed herring solubles^ " a product derived from the stickwater of a herring reduction plant (B, C„ Packers^ Ltdo ) was not sensed by the fish (Nos, 328 and 329U Several experiments were run on skipjack viscera preparations submitted by Hawaiian Tuna Packers, Ltdo 0 with excel- lent results (XX to XXXXt, In all preparations the viscera from the cannery were first ground in a meat grindero In some they were pre = served in 2- or 3-percent sulphur dioxide and self-digested^ produc* ing a particulate portion which settled to the bottom of the container and a supernatant dirk brown liquid (NoSo 219g 221^ 290^ etCc,)o In others, the ground \nscera were steamed at 20 pounds pressure and preserved in 3 -percent phosphoric acid; again producing a solid and a supernatant yellow liquid 'No, ZZO)^, A ground viscera preparation preserved in 2-percent sodium bisulphite ^nd digested with pepsin gave little evidence of attraction in three tests (NoSo 258^ 260^ and 263II0 Apparently loss of attraction was due to something associated 33 with pepsin digestion rather than to the use of sodium bisulphite, for this preservative was used successfully in other preparations (Nos. 264, 279, etc, ), The above results, indicating that the attractive qualities are not lost when the materials are preserved in chemicals, are in accord with those obtained with our own preparations which were tested at an earlier date. Skipjack viscera extracted with water and treated with 2-percent sulphur dioxide (Nos. 140, 141), with 2-percent sulphuric acid (No. 144), or with 2-percent phosphoric acid (No, 145) were still attractive to the fish even after being kept at room tempera- ture for several days, RESPONSE TO CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS AND MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS As time pernnitted, a variety of chemical compounds ranging from amino acids to proteins and including vitamins and vari- ous miscellaneous aromatics were tested as follows: Arginine (No, 32, 103) 1-Asparagine (No, 102) Creatine (No, 109) 1 -Glutamic acid (No. 191) Glycyl-glycine (No, 127) 1-Histidine monohydrochloride (No, 192) dl-Isoleucine (No, 34) 1-Leucine (No, 44) Methionine (No, 157) dl-Norleucine (No, 45) dl- Phenylalanine (No, 31) dl-Serine (Nos, 51, 56, 101, 104, 108) 1-Taurine (No. 42) 34 Acetyl tryptophane (NOo 176) 1-Tyrosine vNo. 33) dl- Valine (No„ 41) Isoeugenol (No„ 37) Nucleic acid (No„ 110) Histamine diphosphate (NOo 198) Adenosine (NOo 242) Adenosine triphosphate, disodium salt (Noso 243, 254, 271) Adenosine diphosphate, bariunn salt (NoSo 245, 255, 270) Adenylic acid (Noo 244) Trinnethylamine oxide (Noo 188) Animal lecithin (NOo 129) Albumen (Noo 62) Peptone "I" (No„ 189) Vitamin B (No„ 166) Acetyl choline chloride (No^ 192) Pregnenolone (No<, 132) Ambergris (NOo 131) Anethol (NoSo 22, 71) Phenyl acetic acid (No,, 251) Alpha ionone (No„ 158) Alamask (No,, 172) 35 Furfuryl mercaptan (Nos. 231, 241) Coumarin (No„ 249) Methyl anthrcinilate (No. 250) Meat flavor (No. 253) Pineapple juice (No, 168) Eosin B (No. 36) Methylene Blue (No. 38) None of the above substances gave a positive response which could be verified. In some, however, there appeared to be a sensing of the substance as will be discussed below. Among the amino acids, serine appeared to give a weak positive response in one tank experiment (No. 51) ajid a very weak positive response in another (No. 56). In three pond experiments, there appeared to be a sensing of the material in one (No, 101) but not in two others (Nos. 104 and 108), On the sanne day on which the fish appeared to sense the serine in the pond (No. 101) they also appeared to sense asparagine (No. 102) and arginine (No. 103), suggesting that they were in a particularly responsive condition. On another occasion they appeared to sense methionine (No. 157). Apparently the fish were aware of the presence of the substajices but the slight reaction seemed to be one of curiosity rather than attraction: certainly it lacked the features of a typical response. This same sensing of material was noted in the case of certain strong-smelling aromatics, e.g., anethol (No, 22), "meat flavor" (No. 253), and particularly furfuryl mercaptan (Nos. 231 and 241). The first substance, which has a licorice smell, is the active ingredient of oil of anise, a reputed fish attractant; the second is a strong, spicy, pleasant-smelling artificial flavor; the third is a- very foj.1- smelling chemical of great potency. A similar response was noted with odorless vitamins, B (No. 166) and acetyl choline chlo- ride (No. 192), and also with ordinary pineapple juice (No. 168). Again, however, the response seemed to be one of curiosity. The series of experiments with adenosine, adenosine conn- pounds, and adenylic acid was conducted in an attempt to determine if the attractive substance was one which is present in mammalian mus- cle. That it might be was suggested by chemical tests of the attract- ant (see later) which showed the presence of phosphorus and the amide 36 linko The substances were dissolved m sea water immedia'ely before testing to avoid hydrolysiSo The barium salt of adenylic diphosphate was dissolved in 0„ 1 N hydrochloric acid and the barium was precipi- tated with 6N sulphuric acid to have it present as free adenosine diphosphate acidi, rather than as a barium salt (there had been indica = tions that barium tended to destroy the attractive material^o I* was presumed that the pH of seawater would assure the proper molecular form of the sodium salt of adenosine triphosphateo First tests indica = ted a sensing and an attraction of the tunny to both adenosine triphos* phate (Noo 243) and diphosphate (Noo 2451 but not to adenosine (NOo 242) nor to adenylic acid (Noo 2445o However^ later tests with both the triphosphate JNoSo 254 and 271) and the diphosphate (NoSo 255 and 270) gave negative resultSo The two dyeSj, eosin red (fNoo 36) and methylene blue (Noo 38);, were visually repellent to the fisho This sanne reaction^ an avoidance^ was occasionally noted with strong solutions of the green~ ish fluorescein:, In addition to the substances listed above^ two alleged fish attractants were tested^ one known as "Slik" which smelled of cod liver oil;, and the other an unnanned "fish lure" which snnelled of tuna or herring viscera extracto There was a slight sensing of the first (Noo 174) and a weak but positive reaction to the second 'NOo 349)o ATTEMPTS AT TSOLATTON AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE ATTRACTANT (S< The attractantCs) was initially segregated from the flesh or other parts of the fish by virtue of its solubility in water,, ThuSj, on centrifugingj the aqueous extract of finely-^divided tuna, flesh formed a clear amber to reddish colored solution which usually caused a strong positive response fNos, 1^ Sj, lOj, and numerous other experi= ments in both tank and pond)o The residue from centrifuging was either attractive fNOu 15) or not (NOo 2)^ depending on either the thoroughness of the extraction or the part played by vision in the case of the murky mixture o In early tank experimentSj boiling of tuna flesh with water, thus precipitating the proteins and similar compounds^ appeared to remove or destroy the attractanto The clear filtrate from the boiled flesh failed to elici' a response 'NoSo 5^ 9^ 11„ 12t, 211 as was also found previously by van Weel » 19521, However j, as will be discussed later^ this was not the case with boiled extract of flesho DialysiS;, using a cellophane tube (K-S/S inch diameter),, was next tried in an attempt to segregate the attractantp using clear 37 aqueous extracts of skipjack flesh (several experiments) or tunny blood (one experiment). In all cases the dialyzate gave a positive response when tested (Nos„ 39, 46, 53, 57, 90, 118, 123), showing that the attractant consists (in part, at least) of a small molecule, rather than a large molecule such as a protein. In no case, however, was complete separation attained by dialysis. In most of the experi- ments the residue (portion remaining in the tube) gave a stronger response than the dialyzate (compare Nos, 39 and 40; 52 and 53; 57 and 58; 90 and 91) despite several changes of the distilled water sur- rounding the tube. Precipitation of the proteins by dilute (10-percent) hydro- chloric acid was next attempted. After the centrifugate of an aqueous extract of skipjack flesh was treated with acid and centrifuged, both the neutralized centrifugate (No. 68) and the neutralized residue (Noo 69) gave positive responses, showing incomplete separation of the attractant. As the above results indicated that the attractant was not a protein, a series of pond experiments was undertaken in which the proteins were precipitated by heatings On heating the centrifuged aqueous extract of skipjack flesh to 69° C. , a precipitate appeared. When this was removed by centrifuging, the centrifugate was still attractive (No^ 76), When the centrifuged aqueous extract was boiled for 30 minutes, resulting in a heavy precipitate, both the filtrate in one experiment (No. 77) and the centrifugate in another (No. 78) were still attractive to the fish. However, separation was not complete, as is shown by the weaker positive responses obtained with the washed residue from centrifuging (compare Nos, 75 and 76; Nos. 78 and 79), It is uncertain why the filtered extract of boiled tuna flesh failed to give a positive response in the earlier tank experiments NoSo 5, 9, 11, 12, and 21)o Although the behavior of the fish in the tank was not too satisfactory, it seems certain that had a response occurred, it would have been noted or measured in one of the five experimentSo It is unlikely that the attractant was destroyed by boiling in view of the results reported in the preceding paragraphs and others to be presented later. There remains the possibility that the attractant was precipitated with the soluble proteins or otherwise adsorbed with the insoluble proteins during the process of boiling the flesh; the residue, which may have contained the attractant, was not tested in the five experinnents conducted with the boiled flesh. Chemical tests were run on the clear centrifugate obtained after boiling of the extract. The Biuret test was positive, showing the presence of the amide link. The Xanthoproteic test wa,s positive, 38 indicating the presence of the benzene ringo No positive test for protein was given on layering the solution over concentrated nitric acido The lead test for sxilphur was negativeo A series of ejtperiments was conducted to compare the effects of precipitation by boiling and precipitation by salting out of the proteins on the attractiveness of the filtrateo The procedure a:n.d results are depicted m figure 80 Clear stock extract was boiled for 15 minutes and centrifuged; the centrifugate was divided into three equal partSp the first of which was tested (NOo 85)0 the second of which was saturated with sodium chloride;, centrifuged^ and both centrifugate (Noso 8 3, 86) and residue (NOo 88) tested^ and the third of which was boiled for an additional hour^ centrifuged^ and the centrifugate tested (Noo 84>o Strong responses were obtained with all tests except that with the residue (No„ 88)0 The attractant was not removed with pre- cipitation in either boiling or saltmgo Apparently fractionation was complete when both boiling amd salting were used (compare NoSo 83 and 86 with No^ 88^0 The boiling ar.d salting procedure was carried one step farther in two additional experiments „ The centrtfugate„ after boiling and salting, was bo>led to a residue. When re-dissolved in seawater, a positive response was obtained iNoSo HSj 121)o The possibility of precipitating or destroying the attract tive substance by heat after it had been segregated in a relatively pure (protein-free) state by dialysis was next investigatedo One liter of the dialyzate from a stock extract was boiled to 10 mlo and tested^ producing a very strong response (NOo 118)o The residue from dialy<= SI8 was boiled to a gummy residue;, producing weaker but positive responses with both the 95 percent alcohol soluble portions and the alcohol insoluble portions (NoSo 114^ 115^ II6II0 In a second serieSj the dialyzate was boiled to dryness and a strong positive response was obtained with the portion of the residue which was soluble in absolute ethyl alcohol (No, IZJK The solubility in absolute alcohol was con- firmed m later experiments WoSo 201^ ?8Ho Thus the attractant is a substance comprised of a small molecule which is (at leasts partly) soluble in absolute ethyl alcohol. This property rules out most of the known amino acids (except nnethio- nine and proline>o However^ that part of the attractant or attractants was insoluble in alcohol yet soluble in water is indicated by several experiments in which the alcohol^^insolubleo water -^ soluble portion gave a positive response (NoSo 115p 116, 124^ I83\o Because of the time required for dialysis and the incomplete sepciration that was achieved^ attention was directed at 39 Stock extract, clear 1,800 ml Boiled 15 mino , centrifuged Centrifugate 600 ml. No. 85 XX 600 ml. Saturated with sodium chloride, centrifuged Centrifugate Residue No, 88 600 ml. Boiled I hour, centrifuged Centrifugate No« 84 XXX Figure 8, --Fractionation of stock extract of skipjack flesh; pro^ cedure and results in experiments Nos, 83 to 86, and 88. 40 the possibility of adsorption on various mediae In one experiment^ stock extract was concentrated by boilings filtered^ boiled with activated caibon^ filtered;, evaporated to a gumnny residue^ re-^ dissolved and tested^ giving a positive response iNOo 125;)o In anotherp the same procedure was followed except that after boiling with activated carbon the filtr-ste was treated with activated aluminaj again with a positive response (Noo 130'o Similar results were obtained with anion fNoo 133) and cation (Noo 134) exchange resinso Apparently the attractant was not fcompletely) adsorbed on any of these media.0 At this time (September 1952j the chemical work was undertaken at the University of Hawaii rather than the Hawaii Marine Laboratory; the 'estSo of courscp were continued on the fish in Pond Noo 5 at Coconut Islando To obviate the need for refrigeration and to facilitate condensation^ extracts were prepared with 95=percemt ethyl alcohol instead of watero *The actiial strength of the alcohol in the extract was less than 95='percenta depending on the quantity of water in the flesh and the relative quantities of flesh and alcohol which were used; but it was always strong enough to act as a preservative at room temperature o Numerous e>:periment6 showed that this alcohol extract promoied a strong posiSrive response fNoSo 147p lb3s I8O5 235^ etCa)^ whereas there was no response to alcohol alone ilNoo 19)o However„ complete extraction of the attractive substance with alcohol was difficult to attairio In two experiments^ the flesh was treated with 95=' percent alcohol for severad hours and the alcohol, containing some of the attractantj, was filtered o£i and used for further fractionationo Tlie flesh was agdin treated with alcoholg and the alcohol filtered off and usedo The flesh was then treated with water and the filtrate was testedo It still gave a strong response (NoSo 164 and 169) showing that the attractant had not been connpletely removed by the previous two alcohol extractionso To see if complete separation could be achieved with alcohol extractionp flesh was extracted twice with 95-^percent alcohol as fiboveo It was then further extracted with alcohol for 14 hours in the Soxhlet appaxatuSo The alcohol waS then removedp and the flesh was extracted for ah. additional 12 hours with distilled watero The cen'rlfuged water extrac*. gave only a slight response (NOo 17\ indicating that almost complete extraction of the attractant had been achieved by the previous alcohol treatmentSo Further attention was directed at fracMonjition of the alcohol extract by use of various adsorption medi^. To improve the technique;, columns of the adsorbing media were piep.ij-edc through which the extract was allowed to filter slowly,, Two portions were obtained, the filtrate or material which filtered ♦hrough the column without being adsorbed^ and the eluate or portion which w^s adsorbed 41 on the column and which was eluted or washed from it with various solutions such as water, weak acids, weak bases, alcohol, acetone, etCo In a series of experiments with columns of activated alumina, zeolite, and activated carbon (Nos, 149 to 154) positive responses were obtained from both the filtrate and (water) eluate of the alcohol extract of skipjack flesh. However, the attractant appeared to be adsorbed most on activated alumina (No. 150) and least on acti- vated carbon (No„ 153)o Adsorption on activated alunnina was obtained m two additional experiments (Nos„ 156 and 165), but complete separa- tion of the attractant was not achieved (Nos, 155 and l62)o Attempts at fractionation with alumina were abandoned in favor of anion and cation exchange columns c Small white crystals which appeared in the (acetone) eluate from the activated carbon column, when dissolved in water, appeared to cause a positive response (No„ 159), Further prepara- tions gave no response (No, 167) and a doubtful response (No. 171), It was concluded that the positive responses were apparent rather than real and that the white crystals were not attractive. The attractive substance, for the most part, appeared in the filtrate from the carbon columno Thus either mixing or boiling activated carbon with the ex- tract or paissing the extract through a carbon column would remove certain inactive substances and constitute a stage of purification. This procedure was followed in some of the later preparations. Another step in purification was the removal of fatty acids and related compounds which were soluble in petroleum ether or acetone. Van Weel (1952) found that the attractant was not soluble in petroleum ether. This finding was verified (Nos. 18, 142, 175, 177, eTc„)„ It was also found that the attractant was not removed by ex- traction with acetone (No, 142). Still another step in purification was the removal of inactive proteins by precipitation with tannic acid (No. 215), lead acetate (No, 197; Nos, 200 to 206; etc.), or barium acetate (Nos, 211, 212, 225) and the removal of, purines and similar compounds as silver salts (Nos, 183, 184) or with phosphotungstic acid (No^ 193, etc.). Some of the above steps in purification either preceded or succeeded fractionation by adsorption on anion or cation exchange resins. Mciny different experiments, employing one to several suc- cessive stages of purification, were conducted. Two typical series only will be discussed to illustrate the procedure and results. Others may be followed from data given in the Appendix. 42 The firsto a relatively simple series designed to determine whether the charcoal-purifiedp "fat-free" attractant was adsorbed on ion exchamge resm columns^ is illustrated in figure 9o An alcohol e3E= tract of skipjack flesh was passed through a column of activated charcoal; the filtrate was evaporated to dryness -ind extracted with petroleum ether and the residue was dissolved m alcohol and divided into two portiox.So One portion was passed through ol Duolite C = 3 cation exchange resin column and the filtrate collected and tested (Noo 178|; the column was then eluted with 5<=percent sulphuric acid and the eluate was collected and tested |Noo ISljo The other portion was passed through a Duolite A<=3 anion exchange resin column, and the filtrate wa.s collected and tested »NOo 179); the column was then eluted with 5«percent soditon hydroxide and the eluate was collected and tested (Noo 182'jo In this particular aeries all tests were positives but the eluate from the anion column {Noe, 182j) appeared to give the strongest responsca The above results indicated that a further investigation of the adsorption on an anion colunnn would be profitable^ particularly to see (a) if complete adsorption of the attra^ctant could be attained, (b) to see if the adsorbed material waa completely removed by a water eludte, or if additional adsorbed material could be recovered with either a weak base or a weak acid and Ic) to examine the solubility of the attractant in absolute alcoholo The series is illustrated in figure lOo A clear alcohol extract of tuna flesh was treated with lead acetate to remove proteinSp filteredj and the filtrate was extracted with petroleum ether; it was then treated with hydrogen sulphide gas to precipitate the lead and excess gas was removed in vacuunio The fil- trate was passed twice through a Duolite A->3 anion exchange resin column and the filtrate collected and tested (No,, 200)o The column was then eluteds first with water, next with a weak acid, and finally with a weak bases The water eluate was evaporated to dryness and dissolved in absolute alcohol {No», 201); the residue w^s dissolved in water (NOb 20Z)a The base eluate was similarly treated, giving an alcohol soluble portion (Noc 204; and an alcohol-insoluble!, water-soluble portion (NOo 205)o A positive response was obtained only with the alcohol soluble por'ion of the water eluatCo In this series it appears that com- plete separation of the attractant was achieved by use of the anion ex=. change column and that the adsorbed attractant was completely removed by the water eluate a In these and other expetiments conducted during the autumn, it appeared that the attractant, purified to a varying extent, was not adsorbed on a cation exchange column^ for positive responses were obtained with the filtrate (No&o 142^ 178, 216;, 225 > rather than the eluateo Only two tests were performed with the latter, however, one 43 Skipjack flesh 250 g, , clear alcohol extract Passed through activated carbon column Filtrate evaporated to dryness and extracted with petroleum ether Residue dissolved in alcohol Pass Duolite CO ed through C-3 cation lumn i ! Filtrate 5% H,SO . 1 eluate 1 1 No„ 178 No. 181 X (X) Passed through Duolite A- 3 anion colunnn Filtrate 5% NaOH 1 1 eluate 1 No, 179 1 No, 182 X XX Figure 9, --Fractionation of an alcohol extract of skipjack flesh: procedure and results in experiments Nos, 178, 179, 181. and 182, 44 Skipjack fleshj 350? go „ clear alcohol extract Treated with lead aceta&eo filtered Filtrate treated with petroleum ether Hydrogen sulphide addedj, filtered,, excess gas removed in vacuum Filtrate through Duolite Ac»3 anion nolumno twice Filtri Lte 1 Water eluate 1 Acid eluate neutralized i Base eluate No, 200 Evaporated to dryness 1 No, 206 r Evaporated to dryness 1 Alcohol solu- Alcohol inaolu- Alcohol solu- Alcohol insolu" ble part ble part; ble part ble part; I water soluable I water soluble Noo 201 No, 202 No, 204 No„ 205 XX Figure 10, --Fractionation of an alcohol extract of skipjack flesh; procedure and results in experiments Nos, 200 to 202„ and 204 to 206, 45 giving no response (No, 143) and the second giving a slight response {No„ 181), More attention was directed to the anion exchange colunnn, for it seemed to adsorb the attractant in several experiments as shown by moderate to strong (X and XX) positive responses with a water, dilute sodium hydroxide, or dilute ammonium hydroxide elutant (Nos, 182, 185, 193, 194, 201, 208, 213), Up to this stage of the study, the eluate failed to give a response in only two tests (No, 196 and 223) in which a response was expected on the basis of the preceding results. The filtrate, on the other hand, gave either a weak positive response or no response (NoSo 179, 200)„ It was clear, however, that the attractant was held very "loosely" on the anion exchange columnp appearing nnostly in the first portion of the water or weak base eluate (compare Nos. 185, 186, 187; Nos, 208, 209, and 210; 213,214; 246, 247 and 248), The weak affinity (possibly not a true ion exchange) explains the failure of complete separation in some of the above experiments, and may have contributed to certain inconsistencies to be reported later. Chemical tests were run on the attractant in its purest form yet attamedj, namely, that portion of the water eluate from the anion excheinge column which was soluble in absolute ethyl alcohol (NOo 201)„ Both the Biuret and Ninhydr in tests were positive, show- ing the presence of the ainide link„ The Xanthoproteic reaction was positive, showing the presence of the benzene ring, A test for phos- phorus was positive, but a test for sulphur was negative. In subsequent experiments which were run from the latter part of December on through the winter, the results became erratic. There was difficulty in obtaining meaningful and consistent results with the various chemicals used in purification, and also with the anion and cation exchange colunnns used in fractionation. For ex- ample, when barium acetate was substituted for lead acetate to pre- cipitate the proteins and the filtrate was treated with sulphuric acid rather than hydrogen sulphide gas to precipitate the barium as a sulphate, no response was obtained (No, 211) , Also there was no response for the solution that resulted when the protein precipitate of Noo 211 was dissolved with nitric acid and the barium precipitated as a sulphate and filtered off (No. 212), The loss of activity, if real, may have been due to either destruction or CO precipitation of the attractant by the barium ion or by the sulphuric or nitric acid. That the barium ion was not responsible is shown by the series of experi- ments depicted in figure 11, An alcohol extract of skipjack flesh was acidified and treated with phosphotungstic acid to precipitate the purines. Barium acetate (in one experiment) and barium chloride (in another) was used to precipitate the phosphotungstic acid and the 46 ^ 1 -O "J +j •rt ^ rr» U 1 -, »4 e ;j 0 H M -o (0 •o •.H Q, (U I— I no 0) 1 0) S -3 -• TJ •o h a< 0) 43 ■ •^ 2! ja J5 4^ .c ■•J U 4.^ -rH •« jj ■♦* 1 •d •d ■1 73 in (U 0) (b O 4) »« «^ 'W •<-> T* (6 di ^ ^'^ !i* — — =. !« _-« °<- _ !fl a— 0 Oj (0 0) o> 0) n O 'iHI ^ .f-4 a »4 Z 0) U 0) »4 0) tso Q) « a> ■•-' (ti -^^ P -•-; ^ U ** rt ™ !« ,13 !« ffl « (C M h Pi h h »4 4^ ■« •H 4J o 4^ •♦* •-I •:i ,-1 X d f— 4 E u n tn o. h Ui c x: o p fi aoo 0 :b ^ Vi II ? J. f= ■2 T °. 1 4) 0 0 ^^^ — ;3 fSJ =— ^—11 g u- «,_ — O o 0 »4 O 1« Z X ^ ^ ^ X x iTi 00 ;r *NJ 3 o o f^ X 1'^ 4) ! ° X ^g f^o- -1§- ■ !5 4) " M M 4-> -w nO h O i-l o u ■— 1 ide„ there was a positive response ?NOo 286'o When the materisil adsorbed on the cation exchanger was eluted with weak acetic acid and tested^ it gave an even stronger response (NOo Z87>o Again^ the results are puzzlingo On prior testSo the attractant had not been adsorbed (to any great extents, at least) on the cation exchanger o For the materi-= al that was not adsorbedp the attractive qualities seemed to be lost at a low pHo At this time it was suspected that the variability and inconsistency of the results might hdive some relationship to the pH of the materials -ind the length of time »^hey were subjec 'o extremtrS of pHo In passing through cation and Anion exchangers;, and in other treatments which were usedp pH s ranging from 2 to 12 were cGn\ = monly induced for varying periods of timeo Several preliminary experiments with skipjack v.scera preparations (NoSo 288^ 289, 290; No&. 295, 296„ 297? and bigeye flesh preparations (Nos, 292^, 29 5^ 294'i m which e>tracts exposed to pH's of 2^ 7j and 10 were compaiedj gave inconsistent results but suggested that the response might be less at the two extremes; the mean tobservationalj scores for the three sets of experiments listed above were UO^ l,8j and 1„ 5 for pH-s of 2p 7, and 10^ respectively;, 53 Bigeye flesh, 2000 g. , 3rd alcohol extract, filtrate Lead acetate added, filtered Filtrate acidified with hydrochloric acid, filtered Filtrate adjusted to pH 7 Passed through strong cation exchange column Eluate No 287 Filtrate pH 2 pH XX No. 285 No, 286 X Figure 15. --Fractionation of a third alcohol extract of bigeye flesh: procedure and results in experiments Noso 285 to 287. 54 A series of experiments was designed to tes' the hy^ pothesis that the phosphate ionp assumed to be an integral part of the attractanto was made available at a high or low pH through hy = drolysiSo and that this was then precipitated ((and losti as magne- sium ammonium phosphate by reaction with the seawater when the test substance was introducedo Bigeye flesh was extracted with alcohol and the filtrate was adjusted to pH 3 with hydrochloric acid to make the phosphate available for later removalo The filtrate was divided into sut parts,^ each treated differently as shown in figure 160 Since there was a strong response to that part subjected to the most drastic method of removing the phosphate (No,; 303)o nannelyj adjusting to pH l^, boiling 15 nnmuteSj adding Oo ^ go magnesium chloride a adjusting to pH 9„ standing overnightj and then filtering and testings, the hypothesis that attraction is associated with labile or easily removed phosphate was discarded as untenablco Finallyj, a series of experiments was designed to in- vestigate the variability of the data iwith only ',wo tunny left in the pond)j the effects of pH, and the effects of time lag between pre- paration of the material and testingo This serieSj conducted over a 3=>week period in April 1952 (No. 313 et s^e^o )» has already been discussed from the point of view of variability of the datao As may be Calculated from table 3 fusing eight complete replicates! the mean (observational; scores were lo8„ i„ \^ and lo3 at pH s of 2, 1, and lOj, respec tivelyo Although the results are suggestive of decreased response at the two extremes of pHp the differences wheaa tested with either the observational or the quantitative data are not significant statisticallyo Moreover^ the relative superiority of the acid and base ajfe reversed as compared with the preliminary re- sults given in a preceding series with skipjack viscera extracto The preparations were made on a Saturday and were tested in two replicates on the following Tuesday or Thursday by one obseiverj and agaJi". in two more replicites on the following Saturday by a second observer^ Thus the material tested by one observer was prepared for a shorter period of time than that tested by the second observero The datSi, although incomplete for reasons discussed previously;, yield 12 paired comparisons which may be segregated as follows according to time duration and pH; 1 "Tr-— — - pH 2 pH 7 pH 10 Shorter time (Observer 1^ Longer time (Observer 2) 2ol lo4 lo3 lo7 2ol lo2 Number of comparisons 55 "2 ffi < ■d 1— 1 0) ■M m ffi 0 a Tl N ;S :2 T3 « -^ :S -S ^ O • . X o "" Z 4) 0) U o u CO (4 o h CO •M ii 0 0) 4J .-1 00 0 o^ ^ (M 0 u • r-l § -H ^ o m u 0) ^ w V (d s ^M ^< 0 (0 a, El O 0) 15 .a o m • iH •M ■4-> ■— 1 u c» nS to M 0) fe h 56 The data suggest that a* pH c the shorter the period be- tween preparation and testing the greater the responseo Agdin^ how- everj the difference is not statistically significanto Moreover^ an even greater difference in the opposite' direction is present at the neutral pH 1 ,, AIsOj of course^ any^ diiierences due to time may be confounded with possible differences between observers o The experiment provided no proof that differences in either pH or in tiine lag at various pH s caused differences m re- ponseo Rather^ it emphasized the great vairiability of the response --a factor which doubtless contributed mostly to the erratic results encountered after the nniddle of December 1952o In view of this^ further attempts at isolaiion and identification of the attractant were abandonedo SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION General The present investigation^ conducted from June 1„ 1952 to May 31i, 195 3j, is a study of the response oi captive tunny to ex- tracts of fish flesh, viscerap etCo and to certaon chemicals in solu- tion or suspensioHo The tunaSj caught by trolling^ were transported to shore and established in a small concrete tank and a large pond at the Hawaii Marine LaboratorVp Coconut Island^ OahUo For the most partj they were fed strips of tuna flesh 3 or 4 times a week andj on this dietp more than tripled their weight during the course oi the yearc The two tunny estiblished in the t^nk during the summ<=r of 19^2 sur- vived until the following summero The population o^ 1 3 tunny^ estab- lished in the pondj waS decimated in two periods of mortality during the fall and winter; two fish survived to the following sunnmero Test substances were introduced into the tarik or pond through a continuous stream of water supplied by an electric pump. When and where possible;, precautions were taken to avoid distrac tion of the fish by e>tr ^r-eous audio or visual stimullo When certain test substances such as clear aqueous or alcohol extracts of tuna flesh were introduced into the tank or pondg a response was obtainedo This took the form of a feeding reaction and included one or all of the following components^ speeding or acceleration of the swimming ratCp a return to the area of distribu- tion of the substanceo surfacing^, fanning-out and eventually ^ break <» down of school fcrmationo circltngi, splashing^ and bitmg at incident- al objects on the surface of the wa+ero S7 Although a positive response was obvious to the observer ^ it was extremely difficult to measure quantitatively because of its complexity and also at times because of erratic behaviour of the fish„ Two quantitative measures were used, namely (1) the time out of 2- (tank) or 3« (pond) minute periods spent by the fish in an "attraction" area in which the test substance was dispersed, and (2) the number of "passes" (movements of each fish in one of two directions) in the attraction areao These measurements were usually made during five control periods (before introducing a substance) and during five test periods (after introducing a substance),, A roughly quantitative (observational) measure of the strength of a response in one of five categories (- to XXXX) was also recorded for each experiment^ With either measure, the response to the sanne test substance was ex = tremely variable in both manifestation and strength, producing appar- ently inconsistent results in many of the replicated experinnentSo It is postulated that in tuna flesh there is present a substance (or substances), herein called the attractant, which is perceived by the tunny through its sense of smell or taste and which promotes the urge to feed. The attractant was present in the flesh, viscera^, and blood of several species of tuna and also in the flesh and blood of certain white-fleshed fish. It was not present in beef bloodo It was found in tuna cannery byproducts such as viscera preparations, stickwater, and fish mealo Some 40 chemical compounds were tested as time permitted, including certain amino acids, vitamins, aromatics, proteins, etc„ In some, notably certain amino acids, vitannins, and aromatics, there appeared to be a sensing of the dissolved or sus- pended compound but the results could not be duplicated. In no case did the response include all ol the components of a typical reaction to a tuna flesh extracts Nature of the Attractive Substance Much of the work was devoted to attempts at purification, fractionation, and identification of the unknown attract- ant. Its properties are summarized in the paragraph which follows; The attractive substance is soluble in water and alcohol but not in petroleum ether or acetone. It is not destroyed by cold or by heat (although it may be partly precipitated on boiling an extract which contains it)„ It is not precipitated by sodium chloride, tannic acid, lead acetate, phosphotungstic acid, or other substances which 58 remove proteins and purineso It will pass through a dialyzing membrane (in partj, at leastJo It is not adsorbed fto any l&rge extent) on activated caybono It may be loosely adsorbed on colunnns oi ac- tivated Alumina or ion exchange resuiSo Of the la^tterp it appeiirs to be held to a greater extent on an cinion exchanger thjtn on a cation exchanger^ although the results are not consistento It is affected slighrlyp if at all^ by radical changes in hydrogen ion concentration^ In its purest form yet att.ainedj chemical teste showed the presence of phosphorus (but not sulphur% the amide linltp and the benzene ringo It is not ye*: possible to identity the attractive 8ubstance(8) from its chemical properties o it does not appear to be an amino acid, a fatty acid or lipoidj a pur-ne^ or a protemo In many of its proper- ties it resembles Vitamin Bi^o but this substance^ while sensed by the fisht, did not promote a typical positive response when testedo Preservation of the Attractant As sea testing of the extracts was contemplatedu considerable interest centered on methods of preservationo Aqueous extracts of flesh ^nd viscera could be kept, for 2 or 3 weeks at tem= peratures at or just above the freezing point without excessive putreiiction and loss of aotivityo Aqueougi extracts could be preserved indefinitely in a Z^percent solution of sulphur dioxide gaSj, sulphuric acidj, phosphoric acidp or sodiiim bisvilphlte; apparently these chemi- cal preservatives were not repul&ive to the fisho Alcohol extracts could be kept indefinite lyo Both water and alcohol extracts could be boiled to drynesSp producing a. dark brown^ gummy residue which could be kept without deterioration lor long periods of time^ p>aJticu= larly if suspended on sodium chloride crystals; when the sub- stance was re^dissolved in water it was still attractive to the fisho Pos sibility of Conditioningjof^the_ Fish The question arises as to what extent the typical response to extracts of tunc flesh and viscera is promoted by a conditioning of the tunny to life in captivity andp particul^irryo to the type oi food fed and the method of feedingo The life of the tuna in the tank and pond differs greatly from that in the seao The fishes' movements a-re linnited by the walls and they fall into a pattern which is often precise and regular -much different from that of the open seao Not only are their movements limited horizontally but they are also limited vertically by the shallowness of the water o S9 To survive in the pond or tank the tuna must become conditioned to feeding on inert, dead rather than motile, living food. After beconming conditioned to feeding on food such as strips of aku flesh, the fish appeared to have little interest in live food such as small baitfish (Stolephorus and Pranesus), which at times were present in the pond in fair abundance. On rare occasions they were observed to pursue the baitfish, which usually schooled near the sea- ward gates of the pond, but they would give up when the baitfish re- ceded to a position close to the gates. They were not observed to actually capture any, and usually they ignored them. On the other hand, the tunas would alnnost invariably circle and snap at objects other than food which were thrown or fell accidently on the water surface (leaves, pieces of cellophane, etc.). This response was probably conditioned by the method of feeding. When a person ap- peared at the edge of the pond with a bucket of food, the fish would often see him and gather nearby, waiting for the food to be thrown to them. When it was thrown, they would follow its path and take it immediately it landed on the surface. It is possible that they were conditioned to being fed at regular intervals of time (usually 4 p.m. every second day), although they would respond to the presence of both persons and food at any time except immediately after being fed. As most of the extracts which were used were not visible to the fish, there is no doubt that the response was through the fish's sense of snnell or taste rather than through its vision. However, there is the question as to whether the fish responded to skipjack flesh ex- tracts because they were being fed pieces of skipjack, or closely- related tunas, as a regular diet. There is evidence that the response was not conditioned by the type of food which was fed. Before and during the early experinnents in the tank (to July 18, 1952) the one established tunny was fed a non-tuna diet (squid and baitfish), yet it still responded to extracts of skipjack flesh (NoSo 1, 8, 10) which it had not tasted while in captivity. Following April 25, 1953, the two tunny in the pond were fed exclu- sively on squid, yet eilmost 1 month later. May 19, 1953, they still responded to extracts prepared from skipjack viscera and yellowfin flesh (Nos, 350 to 356). The fact that jpositive responses were obtained to extracts of fish other than tuna- -aholehole (Nos. 49, 88, 105), jack (No. 96), and barracuda (No, 98) --while the tunny were still being fed skipjack is also evidence that the response was not conditioned by the species of fish which was being used as food. This, of course, is also 60 illustrated by responses to extracts of tunny and yellowfin while the fish were being fed on skipjack^ and responses to extracts of skip- jack while the fish were being fed yellowiin or bigeye tunao It may be concluded that the response of the tunny m captivity IS not directly conditioned to the species of food wh^ch was fedo However^ there still remains the possibility that the tunny formed a mental association between feeding and the smell or taste of the dead food^ which was cut up or otherwise macerated and exuded juices of similar composition to the extractSo An association such as this would not necessarily be present in the case of wild fish feeding on whole living organisms at sea, ThiSj, or some other subtile type of conditioning to life in the pond^ may have contributed to the response. The part played by conditioning can be ascertained only by testing the extracts on schools of fish at seao Certain materials for sea testing have already been prepared and pond-tested (Nos, Z64, 279, 29I0 304 to ilZc 350 to 356'jo The results of sea tests of these and other preparations will be discussed in a later reporto For the present it may be stated that the preliminary sea tests were largely negative o 61 LITERATURE CITED SUZUKI, U. , K. JOSfflMURA, M. JAMAKAWA, and Y. IRIE It 1909. Uber die Extrakfivstof^e des Fischfleisches. Hoppe- Scyler's Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie 62{1)- 1-35, TESTER, A. L. 1952o Establishing tuna and other pelagic fishes in ponds and tanks. U. S, Fish and Wildlife Service, Spec. Sci, Rept. : Fisheries No. 71. 20 pp. VAN WEEL, Po B. 1952. Reaction of tuna and other fish to 8timuli-1951: Part II - observations on the chemoreception of tuna. U, S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Spec, Sci. Rept.: Fisheries No. 91: 8-36. 62 PART 11 RESPONSE OF TUNA TO VISUAL AND VISUAL -CHEMICAL STIMULI BY Sidney C. Hsiao and Albert L, Tester University of Hawaii During September 1952 a few experiments were con- ducted on a population of 12 little tunny 1/ (Euthynnus yaitoli established in Pond Noo 5 at Coconut islands Oahuj, to determine {1} whether visual lures would promote a tropistic response^ fZi whether the response was heightened when combined with chemical stimulip io e^^ an ex- tract of tuna fleshj, and (V whether the response varied with lures of different colors o It was hoped that the results would be< of interest and value in devising lures which, either alone or in combination with extracts^ would assist in attracting tuna to the stern of fishing vessels at sea, METHODS The lures consisted of 2-inch sections of l/2»inch rubber tubing of different colors which were suspended from a cross bar attached to the tip of a 25=foot bamboo polej pivoted near the point of balance ffigo 17)o By means of a cordj, a counterweight^ and a System' of pulleys, two lures^ one suspended from each end of the cross bar^ could be momentarily dipped into the water^ When an experiment was in progress the lures were lo^wered about once every 2 secondso The lure array was fastened near the base of a 20^foot observation tower and could be manipulated from the platform on top. Observations of the fish were made when they entered the 39 x 75-foot attraction area {the same area that was used in chemical stimulation studies) marked off by two pieces of cord stretching across the pond. Note; Contribution NOo 48 of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, To Ho \/ The activity of one "sick" tunny was not recordedo 63 Fig, 17. --Diagram of mechanical device for lowering lures into water: AB - cross- piece: LL' - lures: U - supporting post: F - fulcrum; C - notch; P - plate to cover notch; W - weight; C - cord. 64 All experiments were conducted while the pump at the seaward or western end of the pond was operatingo This projected i strong current of water imo the first 1/ 10T,h of the pond atA a weaker cur- rent into the second l/10*hp the attraction area. In some experi- mentSp the lures only were used; in others^ stock extracts of tuna flesh were introduced through the pump flow at the same time as the lures were presentedo A detailed description of the pond^ pumpp stock extract^ normal behavior of the fish^ etCoj is given in Part I of this report by Tester^ van Weel^ ond Naughtonp and the general arraungement for testing is shown in figure 4o In a typical experiment the pump was switched on and the observers on top of the tower waited vintil the fish were behaving in a normal fashionj io e<, „ cruising slowly back and forth along the length of the pond in one or two schools o The activity of the fish was observed and recorded during a 15-minute control period ^the data could be divided into 3-mmute intervalsjo The lures were then dipped momentarily into the water once every I seconds and the activity of the fish was observed and recorded for a 15 -minute experimental periodo The colored lures were then reversed in position (switching left to right and right to left)) and the observations were repeatedo After two or more 15»minute experiments with lureSj stock extract was addedp the lures were dipped into the water „ and observations of activity were made and recorded for another experimental period. The lures would then be switchedj, or changedp dJid the experiment repeated,, In some of the early tests (9/3 and 9/5? the control and/or exppirimental periods were of shorier duration ^9 or 12 mmutesJo The behavior of the tunny;, particularly during expert^ mental conditions „ was exceedingly complexo It was difficult to measure the activity with the usual device5==.electrically controlled time clockp stop watch;, and mechanic al counter=--and to record the data with pencil and paper, even when two observers were working together on top of the towero A system of recording the behavior was worked out which consisted eventually of (1) the use of a tape recorder to give a running verbal description of the activity of the fishj and (2) the transcription of this information on the smoked paper of a kymograph drum by operating a series of levers to which styli were attachedo The transcribing apparatus is illustrated in figure 18„ It consists of a kymogrdph iF'^, a Franz kymograph timer 'C- with two recording pointSp a lever 'B) and stylus attached by a cord to the axle of a telephone dial (D; so that the length of the stroke on the drum 18 proportional to the number dialed^ and a lever (A) and stylus attached by a rigid rod to a toggle key (Ei which can be flipped up or down from a neutral position to make an up or down stroke on the smoked paper. The time is recorded by Cp the rumber of fish in 65 n S E .a £ > 3 u o o o (J 0) 5 D S ^ •" J3 XI fi «l 11) h 0 tlf K o 66 the area is recorded by Bj, and the number of passes at one fupl or the other (down) of the two lures is recorded by A„ Typical record^ ings are shown in figure 19o In addition to the above „ the speed of the tunny was determined in several trials under control and experinnental condi= tions by timing the leader of the school as it passed through the attraction area;, using a stop watcho RESPONSE UNDER CONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS The pattern of activity of the fish was observed under control and experimental conditions and is discussed below,, The activity was measured quantitatively in several different waySp each of which will be presented and discussed in the sections to followo Pattern of Response During control periods the tunnyj, usually in one school or in two schools of unequal size;, swam slowly back and forth along most of the length of the pond^ looping in deeper water near the ends^ or often pausing to "play" m shallower water at the ends before looping, A kymograph record of observations during a 15-minute control period in one experiment is shown in figure 19Ao It is dis- cussed in detail to illustrate the interpretation of the kymogramo The first histogram shows that 22 seconds after the startp a school of 12 tunny entered the field from the easto After spending 24 seconds m the fieldp they left by the sime side as they came m^ and swam to the eastern end of the pondo After 165 seconds the school returned and swam through the field m 10 secondSf as shown by the second histogramo The school looped in the western 1/lOth of the pond during a 9-'Second interval and re-entered the area from the western side. As shown by the third histogram, they sped through the field in 8 secondSo After 147 seconds 'he schools re-entered the area from the eastp stretched out in linear formation^ with the leader entering the field about 6 seconds ahead of the 12*h funny (fourth histogram! „ After leaving the fieldp the school spent 84 seconds in the western 1/lOth of the pondj, during which time they circled in the shallow southwestern corner near the pump. After passing through the field for a fifth timei, the tunny stayed in the eastern part of the pond for a long period- =about 4 minutes- before returning to pass through the area fsixth histogram)o When they entered the area, 2 turned back, but 10 passed through to spend 60 seconds m the 67 M U a. *> H 5 "J 68 western 1/lOth of the pond. On turning back they sped eastward through the field in 12 seconds (seventh histogram,, The two tunny which separated from the school earlier circled slowly outside the eastern border of the fieldp and 15 seconds after the nriajor school left these two fish re-^entered the area and swam inside for 18 seconds (eighth histogram)o When a pair of colored lures was lowered repeatedly into the water inside the attraction area^ one or more tunny might be moving westerly towards the ^rea and near enough to see the moving objects. In this case they would usually swim toward the lures and try to take thema It often happened that when one or two tunny started to bite^ the others near them would become active and circle back to the lureSo On the other hadj, if the tunny were at the far end of the pond„ the lures might be lowered repeatedly for a long time without any response from the fish until they approached the attraction areau When taking after the lureSj, the speed of move* nnent was not noticeably increased compared with that during the control periods Figure 19B shows the reaction of the tunny in an experi- ment in which two lures, one red and the other blacky were presented„ They entered the field 17 times in groups of different sizes^ In the third 3-minute interval,, attraction and excitement is indicated by the close spacing of the histograms. The symbols "C" and "O" in the fig- ure-ir.dic ate looping andcirclingp respectively^ inside the area, Fronn the strokes indicating the response to the lures (upper line), it will be seen that they attennpted to "take" the red lure 8 times and the black lure 6 timeSo When a stock extract of tuna flesh was introduced through the stream of water at the western end of the pond the tun-" ny would become greatly excited as soon as they sensed itj Usually the extract was propelled Into the attraction area about 1 minute after its introductiono The fish would dash about with increased speedp biting at floating objects such as leaves and sticks, as well as running for the lures and fighting among themselveSo There was a clearly visible feeding reactiono But after 10 to 15 minutes the response would gradually disappear and they would assume a pattern sinnilar to that seen when lures alone were used,^ In figure 19C a kymograph record of the response to lures and extract is seen. The number of passes at the lures is indicated by numbers rather than by strokes. The great excitement when extract was added is evident from the increased frequency of the histograms,, together with their varied shapeo The fish took the 69 lures 18 times in the first 3-minute interval, 9 times in the second, 11 times in the third, and 3 times in the fourth. These and other kymograph records are analyzed more extensively in the sections which follow. School Entrances The activity under various conditions of stiinulation may be measured by the number of schools (of varying size) entering the attraction area during a 15-minute period. The results of the ex- periments are summarized in table 4. In this, and other tables to follow, the data for September 5 and 9 have been adjusted to a 15- minute periodc The results for similar experiments conducted on the same day have been averaged. It will be seen that on each day schools entered the attraction area more frequently (as compared with control conditions) when a pair of colored lures was dipped into the water, and still more frequently when lures were used together with extract. The grand mean number of entrances was 6=7 for controls, 14„ 6 for lures, amd 21.6 for lures plus extract. Obviously the differences between the means are statistically significant. Table 4, ==Summary of data on the number of schools entering the attraction area under various conditions of stimulation Condition Control Lures Lures plus extract 9/3 38,25 9/5 10 I 5 19,25 13 2U25 Date 9/8 9 22,33 9/10 3 12,5 14,00 9/12 7 16 16,75 9/17 6 12 17 Mean 6,7 14. 6 21.6 Percentage of Time in Area The percentage or relative time spent by the fish in the attraction area is summarized in table 5 for the various conditions of stimulation. On the average the time spent in the area was 12, 0 70 percent during control conditions^ Z4o 5 percent when two lures were usedp and 29o 5 percent when the lures plus extract were usedc A rough test (using "t'M of signiiicajice of the difference of the paired observations (neglecting the varying intrinsic accuracy of the mean determinations for each day^s experiments" indicates a significant difference between control and lures {mean difference^ 13,8 percent; P < OoODj but not between lures and lures plus extract (mean difference^ 4o 0; P - 0„2)o Table 5, ^-Summary of data on percentage time spent in the iTtraction area under various conditions of stimulation Fish^seeonds in Area The summation of the product of the number of fish and time spent in the area is probably a better measure of activity than the two measures discussed aboveo This is equivalent to summing the areas under the histograms in the kymograph records^ and may be expressed in fish= seconds per I5-niinute periods The results are given for individual experiments in table 6o In comparison with the controlSj, it will be observed that the number of fish^seconds is generally greater when the lures are usedp and slightly greater still when the lures are combined with extracto The grand means for controlp lures^ and lures plus ex- tract are respectively 114,3p 352o8j and 364o8 fish-sec ondSo In experiments with lures .^alonej which were repeated in succession on the same d= ments with lures plus extractj the measure tends to decrease with repeated stimulation;, indicating a dulling of the response There are five comparisons of controlp lureSp and lures plus extract involving 71 Table 6, --Number of fish-seconds spent in the attraction area under various condi- tions of stimulation Date Condition Control Lures Lures plus extract 9/3 47 (1) 253 (1) 522 (2) 640 (2) 107 (3) 101 9/5 100 (1) 683 (1) 371 9/8 120 _ (1) 657 (2) 310 (3) 345 9/10 34 (1) 646 (1) 380 (2) 165 (2) 167 9/12 135 (1) 453 (1) 504 (2) 319 (3) 292 (4) 289 9/15 124 (1) 207 (2) 168 (3) 115 ~ 9/17 240 (1) 80 (1) 635 (2) 370 (2) 209 initial experiments, indicated as "(1)" in table 6, These yield the following comparable means: 111„2, 423,0, and 482,4 fish^seconds, respectively„ Obviously, the means for both lures alone and for lures plus extract are both significantly greater than that for controls „ Although the mean for lures plus extract is greater than that for lures, the statistical significance of the difference cannot be established with the present data. Speed of Swimnning Another measure of activity is speed of swimming. This was determined by timing the leader of the school as it passed be- tween the two lines marking the boundary of the attraction area. 72 Sources of error include the effect of parallax in determining when the fish is exactly below the lines, deviation from a path exactly perpendicular to the lines ^ and deviation from a hbrizontal plane. However f, variation induced by these sources of error is small com« pared with the variability from trial to triaL The results of obser- vations under control and experimental conditions are summarized in table 7o Table 7o "-Summary of data on speed of swim- ming under various experimental conditions Condition Number of Mean time and Mean speed observations standard error (feet /second) Control 12 18,42 + U60 2„12 Lures IZ 15,08 + 0„90 2o59 Lures plus 20 lOo 15 + 0„63 3,84 extract The mean speed of swimming increased beyond that of the controls when the tunny were stimulated by lures^ and it in- creased still more when they were under the combined stimulus of lures ajid extractc The mean difference between control and lures is not significant statistically (P ~ O0O8L However, that between lures and lures plus extract^ and also that between control and lures plus extract are both highly significant fP < 0, 01 in each case)„ The in- creased rate of swimming of the tunn/ when stimulated by the extract was obvious to the observer. The actual mean swimming rate under these conditions (3„84 feet per second) is equivalent to 2,6 nniles per hour. Of course^ bursts of speed several tinnes this magnitude were frequently observed, j'eeding Activity Feeding activity may be measured by the number of passes (bitings or attempted bitingst at the lures both when used alone and when used in conjunction with extract. Table 8 shows the nnean number of passes at the lures per IS'-minute period on 5 successive days The grand means for lures and for lures plus extract are respectively 14 and 40 passes 73 per 15-minute period. The increased feeding response under the additional stimulation of extract is apparent without further statis- tical analysis. The data are not suitable for isolating and testing the component of variance associated with daily variation in response; Table G - Mean number of passes at lures under two experimental conditions RESPONSE TO LURES OF DIFFERENT COLORS Each lure of a pair differed from its mate in color. The following combinations were tried: white-red; white-black; white- silver; red=black; and silver = black„ As already explained, the positions of the lures were interchanged between experiments o The number of passes at each lure per 15-minute period was determined when lures were used alone and when they were used in combination with extracto The results are summarized in table 9. From the table it will be observed that the white lures received either the same or, more usually, a greater number of passes than the colored lures (either tested alone or with extract) when paired with red, black, or silver lures. Similarly, the red lure seemed superior to the black in nunnber of passes. Howeverj none of the ratios p either individually or grouped according to simi- lar experiments r differ significantly from a 1:1 ratio when tested with Chi'Square- From the pooled data for white versus all other colored lures with which it was paired there is evidence of the superi- ority of white. The ratio of pooled values for white vs, color is 155;122 which, when compared with the hypothetical 138,5tl38„5„ 74 yields an adjusted Chi-square o£ 3,7 with one degree of freedom (P = 0<,06), which could be regarded as evidence for rejecting the hypothetical equality ratio. Although there is this evidence of a significantly greater number of passes at the white as compared with the colored lureS;, the superiority of the white lure is slight. Knowing that the tunny will make a pass at any inanimate object which appears on the surface,, including not only lures but also leaves^ stickSj pieces of paper, etCo ;, the slight superiority of the white lure may perhaps be attributed to its greater visibilityo There is no assurance that this superiority would be manifested in the sea;, where conditions of sea water transparency and background color would be much different from those in the pond. Table 9== -Number of passes at paired lures of different colors under two experi^ mental conditions White -red White-black White -silver Red-black Silver -black (1) 5=5 (1) 31=27 12) 10-8 (2) 7-4 (1) 8^5 (1) 10^9 (2) 4-4 (2) 12-7 (3) 7-2 (4) 21 = 19 (5) 6-5 (6) 15-10 (1) 8.8 fl) (2) 3^3 9=9 (1) 1U8 (1) 11 = 9 (1) 23=20 (2) 16-13 (3) 9^6 (1) 12-12 75 SUMMARY The activity of 12 little tunny in a large pond was observed during September 1952 under control conditions (no stimulation), when a pair of lures was dipped into the water once every 2 seconds, and when the lures were used together with stock extract of tuna flesh. Observations were made in an "attraction area" which could be viewed from the top of a 20-foot tower. Activity was re- corded verbally on a tape recorder, and later transcribed to a kymo- graph drum„ The kymograms furnished quantitative data on activityo As compared with control conditions, schools entered the area more frequently when stimulated with the lures, and still more frequently when stimulated with lures plus extract. As compared with control conditions, the fish spent more time in the area when stimulated with lures, and still more time when stimulated with lures plus extract. However, the difference in rela- tive time between the two experimental conditions was not statisti- cally significants When activity was expressed as number of fish-seconds per unit time in the area, the results were similar to the foregoing. When lures and extract were used together, there was a dulling of the response with repeated testing. The use of both lures and extract increased the rate of swimming from an average of 2, 12 feet per second for controls to an average of 3,84 feet per second. The fish made many more passes at the lures when stimulated with extract^ showing a heightened feeding response. Although, in general, the fish nnade more passes at white as compared with colored lures, the superiority of the white lures was slight. It may have been associated with greater visibility rather than color preference. There is no assurance that white lures would be superior to colored lures in the open sea. 76 APPENDIX A summary of experiments on chemical stimulation conducted in tank (T) and pond (P) by van Weal (vW), Tester (T), or Naughton (N), over the period July 1, 1952 to May 19, 1953, with reaction classified in categories ranging from "-" to "XXXX' 77 » j3 i ;3 o u ■f-* 1— < $3 CU > >« 0 9^ a; t.> ti (0 X B 0 (Ti u (A 1) 0 •1-4 -4-) u •w •M 0) >^ M-l 13 PI (0 o ';3 J3 (U • rH '-' fl H ^ > O 0) § X P 55 1^ T3 Chid ■ooo o ni u u S -I 0) CO c o ti « vw bO 'u •4-> o a in 0) IN] u <. -t-i U C •H V -d bo ^1 (U GO i; o d o <" 4J ^ u (U i5 sis sis o X in 0) m o X^ H 00 (U rC -rH (U c o • f-( nJ o •rt 0 •t-l u n) Vi 0 -M 2 15 o nJ ^ h (U "S 13 0) tiO D ci ^ XI ^ u o 0 •l-t '> •4J 0) ■y ^ oJ 13 ■•-> • H M M-l ^1 i) w T3 X ^ o •M ^ 1) TJ y GO O rH •H O +J ^ in X t/5 r- (u rtJ bO M fM ii 00 •iH „ <.» J3 u 0) <0 (U (i vw ^ •In O X O W NO CM •w m 1 P -^ r-t tJ« 5^ o[ 78 1 o U o 4-> jG ^ - s s c (3 f\j ^ o .1-1 4J. 15 '^ 1^ 0 •H O o 0) t3 S-l •i-t B .-1 .H go ti <4 >4 h u i) H u 0 -M -w *> 0) C* I-* j3 GO 15 ■M ,Q ^ (U OB 0) 5^ .2 > M <4H <4H B 0) d D 4) V <>«H ^^ .2 > Q p fa 0 X X X 0 O o o o o o ,4 4^ O o o o m o IT) >aD lf> ■* 1—1 m ■^ v X X o J3 X ji 'o .^3 o •H 15 u U o X) 4J •f-t "iH (1) •H 00 u n) u GO 1 (U O t3 0) 15 0) h •-4 I-l u h O in g 4-1 o c O 00 C u J3* OB 1—1 J3 09 OB o oa o 1—1 o OB «> g ^ V 0) V V 1—1 o V i-H ■4-* " TO o ^ in <<-i V-l 1—1 u 0) 1—1 ><-( C 0) z 1-1 °u X ■M X -<-> X 4J ^ •4^ •u « X ■4-> ^ "I-l ^° »< o «) u 0) o «J U <« nj T o !T3 OB f-H 4-> 0 2, ^ ^ iiJ ^ •Tl ^ ^ 0) ¥ ^ g u g'^ a, CO r-t s •iH 1— 1 s 1-1 1 1 £ CO a: CO r-t s 4^ OB o o in 4-> ID SI 4) pa 00 CO IVJ (M ■>4< ■* in 00 00 p2: r-H •— ( t 1) 1— 1 9) 43 U •■-I (i a Qi in 04 O < D^ s X X X 0 X X 'COCf a> o (U -rt 43 ^ o T3 4: OJ flj ^ *^ u ^ 7! -2 ^ lU 13 43 0 0) "iH 0) ^ 43 T) u (U 43 ■M CtO U § o « S oa ••-' H "tJ N-i Q -1 -I U 80 01 <*< 0 % n C ^ o 0 ■4J 0 O ■rt «t 10 ^ 1-4 +-1 P> ■M PU «i 0) ■*-> M X bO c »!-( (U PA X X S 5 >s O « .5 o « O o 4) 73 U U u a> 5a o (U "5 X) 0) T3 •— 1 u rH V u (^ OB 0) -f^ u X -w +J 00 a niOO V ivi -<-> IC 5 Z 1i 0) > +i H "xJ «« X 1' 'CI J3 0 '^ 00 i^ O H "« ^ n? 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