EXPLORATORY EXPERIMENTS IN GUIDING SALMON FINGERLINGS BY A NARROW D.C. ELECTRIC FIELD Marine Biological Laboratory JUL 18 ib55 WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT-FISHERIES No. 158 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE EXPLANATORY NOTE The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to ajd or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action, it is issued in limited quantities for official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication. United States Department of the Interior, Douglas McKay, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, John L. Farley, Director EXPLORATORY EXPERIMENTS IN GUIDING SALMON FINGERLINGS BY A NARROW D. C, ELECTRIC FIELD by Parker S . Trefethen Fishery Research Biologist Special Scientific Report: Fisheries No. 158 Washington, D.C. June 1955 ABSTRACT The effectiveness of one type of narrow direct -current electrical field in diverting salmon fingerlings in flowing water was explored experimentally in relation to (1) the angle of the electrical field relative to the direction of water flow, (2) the width of the electrical field (distance between rows of electrodes), (3) the spacing between electrodes, and (4) the diameter of the electrodes . The electrical conditions were held constant at a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm . , a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/ sec, and a pulse duration of 40 milliseconds with a square wave form. It was determined that under the conditions of these experiments the maximum effectiveness occurred at a 40° angle of electrical field and a 2 -foot width of electrical field with 1/2 -inch electrodes spaced 12 inches apart. With few exceptions, the 40° angle of field was not significantly more effective than the 60° angle of field, and the 1/2 -inch diameter electrode was not significantly more effective than the 2 -inch diameter electrodes . The 2 -foot width of field appeared to be more effective than the 3 -foot width of field. The results of variation in electrode spacing were greatest at a 40° angle of electrical field. CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Methods and materials 1 Experiments 8 Discussion 39 Summary 40 Acknowledgments 41 Literature cited 42 INTRODUCTION The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is engaged in research to develop a method of electrically guiding or directing downstream -migrating salmon fingerlings into by- passes away from areas of high mortality. Many fingerlings are injured or killed each year in spillways and turbines of large dams or are swept into irrigation diversions. The mechanical screening used at small installations is generally considered im- practical where huge volumes of water are involved. This research program includes experiments which range from large-scale field trials to the seeking of basic information on the electrical characteristics and energy levels effective in controlling the movements of salmon fingerlings (Collins, Volz, and Lander, unpublished manuscript) and the relation of these to the electrical characteristics and energy levels injurious to the fingerlings (Collins, Volz, and Trefethen, 1954). The present research, an intermediate step between basic laboratory experi- ments and full-scale field trials, was designed to test the effectiveness of one type of a narrow direct current field in diverting salmon fingerlings in flowing water in relation to the following factors: (1) The angle of the electrical field relative to the direction of water flow . (2) The width of tlie electrical field. (Distance between row of electrodes) . (3) The spacing between electrodes. (4) The diameter of electrodes . METHODS AND MATERIALS The experiments were conducted in a large concrete tank 24 feet wide and 30 feet long, with a maximum depth of 16 inches . A coat of insulating paint was applied to the inside of the tank to prevent distortion of the electrical field. The water level was maintained at 9 inches and circulation of the v/ater during the experiments was main- tained by a recirculating pump. Plywood vanes and a plywood island were used as aids In Keeping a relatively uniform flow of water through the experimental area which was approximately 18 feet long and 10 feet wide (fig. 1). The lower or downstream end of the experimental area was divided by a plywood vane into two channels with entrances 3 feet and 7 feet wide respectively. Besides directing the flow of water around the island, the plywood vanes served to separate the fish that were diverted by the electrical field into the narrow channel from those that passed through the electrical field into the wide channel. Baffle-type traps constructed from 1/4-inch-mesh galvanized hardware cloth collected the fish in the two channels. The electrical barrier was created by two parallel rows of electrodes suspended from wires stretched across the experimental area. The parallel wires were adjust- able at angles at 40°, 60°, and 90° in relation to the long axis of the experimental are4, the wires could be spaced 2 or 3 feet apart (fig. 2). The distance between these wires is designated as the width of the electrical field. Electrodes of hollow aluminum tubes were fastened to each wire by slim -nosed alligator clips at 6, 12, 24, and 36-inch spacings: they were suspended in the water to within 3/4 inch of the bottom of the tank. For a comparison, electrodes of 1/2- and 2 -inch outside diameters were used. A pulsating direct current with a square wave form was supplied to the two rows of electrodes with the positive row upstream. To eliminate the possibility of a visual leading effect, two parallel rows of control electrodes suspended from nonconductive material were placed opposite the rows of electrodes which were electrified; both sets of electrodes were in the water at the same time. Figure 2 illustrates a typical arrangement of bor'i test and control electrodes used in the experiments. Light was supplied by four 500-watt lamps spaced uniformly over the tank. A variable auto-transform.er controlled the light intensity between 3.4 foot -candles and less than 1 foot-candle. During the tests the light intensity was reduced in order to stimulate a downstream movement of the salmon finger lings. Under maximum light intensity the fish tended to school in the experimental area and any attempt to force them downstream resulted in startled swimming movements. All changes in intensity were made very giadually to avoid startling the fish. A pulsating square -wave direct current was supplied to the barrier with the following characteristics: pulse frequency 8 pulses per second, pulse duration 40 milliseconds, and voltage gradient 1 volt per centimeter. These electrical character- istics and energy levels were found to be effective in the preliminary experiments of Collins, Volz, and Lander (unpublished manuscript) . The total voltage was measured with a standard RCA WO-56-A oscilloscope; the voltage gradient was calculated from the total voltage and the distance between the parallel rows of electrodes. The voltage gradient represents an average value since the electrical field resulting from the tubular electrodes was not uniform. The actual voltage gradients were measured with a probe (fig. 3). The lines of equal potential resulting from one arrangement of electrodes are shown in figure 4. WATE R Fig. 2, A plan view of the experimental area with a typical arrangement of electrodes. "Z_ TRAP AREA DIVIDER #.> ^ 1 ' 'Al ^ "i- \ \ III ^ u. Q o o -I UJ ■m: ^: — •- '^v -h ■P H irt O > •p trt O vO -p h o ft ol 0) to s 0) ^ ,c^ o +J CM H rH (1) O iH A o CO -rl W -P (D o p r-i -P O ^ n) ^ d •p ;a EH H r^IlM O U ^ -P ■P O •^ t> T) <>-( H tJ (1) •H !>Jp.4 +> "ri '^ M O () •iH tH U •H -P d o 13 0) !^ ^ O -n H •H r* . (U cd ri, H P.TI; O VO POVO CM ^ O OJ vO t— ^£) LP> - CM h " iKo o 5-^ K cd V A l+H O O •H fH 0) -P t3 H U H hO (U QJ l>- t^ :0 t- - • \0 ir\is\KO ^ d iC- 0) o to f vi d oj •P -H -Cl o o o tt) rt G O 0\ OJ 10 1 O .H c fit 4J o C X P>.05 (Uniform) X M X X X X X X X X X No. Collected in Narrow Channel ITN ON a\ o OJ H CO t- OJ O Lr\ OJ rH rH H Onvo H H on OJ rH rH OJ H OJ ON vO ro 13 Q) +i u H CQ O CO o a ON 0\ CO VO -4- LTN 0\(X) on CO -4- t- ^ o vo vo On rn ^-vo OOOJ LTNVO no m t— vo Angle of Electrical Field fde-^rees) o 4- o vo o O o O 0\ O o vo o ON O o vo O ON 0) t3 ^~ C t'^ t" M c JJ jj -H -C U o o (P c' C H C.-rH ^ VT) ^ OJ VO no 11 C W •H Sh - ON CO LTvVO^ o 12 e LA O O l CM CA ro CM rn c ; o c ^ S -r-l O + :> -1 £ 3 c ) H •r ^ 'O £ ? 0) +3 !- o C (U <(- :::1^< 4- O 03 t/ o u ON on Q i lAOO OD OJ -d- O Ch ON LAVO LA LA O LA i-t LA . ^ -d- 03 VO LAVO &H ^ U~\ +- > LA -a ^ ^ vc ON ^ ^ sO CK -* V ^ a\ ^ VO ho Q) 0) (U C H -H TD •5 w ^^^ 0) tJ -— ^ o bc to ^ C 4J +^ -H j:3 vo CM -4- VO o o o rH OJ en H ftvH W CO 1 1 1 1 13 bfl C •H t/1 w 0 fl) T) c C) n> ^4 ^ -P rs V 0) CO H +J N U) a) ^ H V Q) > H O -H ^^ -P H •rH nJ •H O C 0) P H M« O tH <*H O M fl •P +> to TS (U tH 6H & tH -P o o o W Cm -P I H OJ V A ft -H ^ O O a 0) ff H P. •t-^ pq CO 15 bO C •iH m tn 0 v T) a (J fl) J^ ^ -p :* o 0) (Q H •P W CO 0) ^ R V c •^ ■P P o (U H W -a tW 0) O -rl +> H •H 03 S o O <)H <^H +» o o o CQ <»H -P I (0 d ft A ft 0) & O ci3 (1) +> -a !h 60 0) 0) (1) C H -H -O n m to !h n ^1 -p -P a) tJ H (1) Cu H •H W P (11 (1) J Tl -P H l M' M Hi Hi Hi M ^ ^ Hi ;^ "^^ K H v./ v^ «^ t % % ^ K K M H »< H o o o ^ o -4- 17 0) -H Oj Q •H o f^ 73 ■P (> U Fh (D -P H o W 0) H 2 w 4i »\ (ft n o ,3 (1) •H P4 1 O •p Tl '^ cd •H CJ :o 1- •H ^H m a) (1) O 0) 1 i- H -P •P M o (1) u> « ^ H «i -P •p (T) «H fl) o t^ a> fl) H 1 1 o •H -p •H ^ to d a; O Tl C to -G O +5 © P .5 M ■>, N '^ © r^J •H -H a m Cm CO 'H O ' iZ © ^v, § c ^ o ^1 p o © u 5 O bD O W f.-l M K l^ -< ; •H C d c3 i-T :>J tu o M M H •H -H CO tM 1 +> •H PI O Q b M K M M fi -H -H xi n fM O I -P ^ •5 •H C ti © a CO r-i P 1 bj CJ * vO © 05 C oi tn M n --^ 18 ' •!£ •d «^ -p C B O fcD o M « M C -H -rl O W «H O • -ti s a bi) O ^ -p ■P -Cf o 0) H 1^ H 1 -P O -P « 0) 03 O bj O K M M g^ fn fl -H -H •P w Cm I'S ^ °c ' +2 So-p Q) vQ •g§ CNJ tH :^ O O •H -H (M w Ch °5 ® -P H P I -P O bj o N X 01 ffi c ^ ^ ^:3 ^o W Ch ^ 1 -P ^ •ds to o •H -H K ::^ QJ n CH "Ti O 0) o E-t h -p 0 -p o ,c; C\J OJ «M c\l o S u .^15 1. 1 ' i M S3>-' rHJN Hci ^01 f^lw O 1.^1 o o o vO 3 •s^ vO .^aa CM cf^ [X 1 tf > — 19 0) t:I pt| •H C I -P •H C a ctf •H -H --^ O 'H .rt H K N M M K •P M rj O tI -r\ -P bO O O -H -H j:1 ta cn t o o o < rHlHlHJ CM rN cNi c^ c^ H Oi {^ Ci OC^ I > I I I I \0 vO vO Oi OJ -4 o « Ml ^^ M M M M K K M Hi HlHl « M K M M « rH (>i C^ Oi C^ C^ I I I I I I vO sO vO CNJ (V -^ o ^ ^20 CO CO LjJ -^ UJ > o UJ Ll. Ll. UJ X UJ Q 60n 50- 40- 30- U- O 20- 0- Width of Electrical Field ^2 Feel o 3 Fe et 0 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure 5.— The effect of electrode spacing in relation to the width of electrical field using 5-inch electrodes at a 40' angle of electrical field with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse duration cf 40 milliseconds, and a sqviare wave form. 21 if) UJ 2: UJ > o UJ Ll Ll. UJ U- o X UJ Q 60. 50- 40- 30- 20 10^ Width of Electrical Field • • Z Fe et Q o3 Feet 0 6 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure 6 — The effect of electrode spacing in relation to the width of electrical field using j-inch electrodes at a 60'' angle of electrical field with a voltage gredient of 1 volt/cm., a pulee frequency of 8 pulses/ sec, a pulse duration of IfO milliseconds, and a square vave form. 22 When the angle was increased to 90° the 2-foot width of electrical field appeared to be consistently more effective than the 3 -foot field (fig. 7) . The maximum difference in effectiveness occurred at an electrode spacing of 24 inches. The results when 2 -inch electrodes were substituted for 1/2 -inch electrodes showed a decrease in the difference of effectiveness between the 2- and 3 -foot widths of electrical field. At a 90° angle of electrical field the 2 -foot width was more effective than the 3 -foot width of field; the greatest difference occurred at a 24 -inch electrode spacing (fig. 8) . The effect of the angle of field is shown in Figures 9 and 10. There appears to be little difference in the effectiveness of the 40° and 60° angles of field with two exceptions. One exception occurs at a 12 -inch electrode spacing, 2 -inch electrodes and a 2 -foot width of electrical field; at tliis point the maximum percentage of finger- lings was effected. Another exception occurs at a 6 -inch spacing, 2 -inch electrodes and a 3 -foot width of field; the effectiveness is considerably less than the maximum effectiveness but a significant difference exists between the 40° and 60° angles of field. The 90° angle appears to be the least effective of the three angles of field. At a 40° angle with 1/2 -inch electrodes and a 2 -foot widtli of field the effective- ness of electrode spacing increased between 6 and 12 inches and decreased to a spacing of 36 inches (fig. 11). There appeared to be only a slight difference of effectiveness at the 60* and 90° angles of field. An increase in the width of field to 3 feet and in the diameter of the electrodes to 2 inches showed a similar result for the same angles (fig. 12). There appears to be only a slight difference in effectiveness between 1/2 -inch and 2-inch diameter electrodes. At a 40° angle of field and a 2-foot width of field a significant difference exists between the two diameters at a 6 -inch electrode spacing (fig. 13) . When the width of field was increased to 3 feet, the difference in effective- ness was greater at a closer electrode spacing (fig. 14). At a 90° angle of field the difference in effectiveness increases between an electrode spacing of 6 and 24 inches and decreases at a 36-inch spacing (fig. 15). Preliminary tests were run under a maximum light intensity to investigate the effect of light on the effectiveness. In one test the previously described procedure was followed in which 60 fingerlings were released. At an angle of 40°, electrode spacing 6 inches, a width of field of 2 feet and with 1/2 -inch electrodes a slight in- crease occurred. When 200 fingerlings were released the effectiveness was again increased. 23 o X Q 60 1 50- (D CO UJ z: UJ > 40^ »- o LU U- u. UJ 30- 20- 10- Width of Electrical Field • • Z Fe et o o3 Fe et 0 6 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure 7. — The effect of electrode spacing in relation to the width of electrical field using j-inch electrodes at a 90° angle of electrical field with a voltage grsidient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse dviration of kO milliseconds, and a square wave form. 24 CO en UJ LlJ > o UJ u. U- UJ o X LU Q 2 60n 50- 40- 30- 20- 10- Width of Electrical Field • ,2 Feet -o 3 Fe et 6 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure^. --The effect of electrode spacing in relation to the width of electrical field using 2-inch electrodes at a go'angle of electrical field with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse duration of kO mlHiseconds, and a square wave form. 25 60 n CO ^ 50 UJ Angle of Electrical Field — — • 40° ■ 90° LiJ > 40- O IJJ u. 30- UJ ^ 20 o X UJ 10" 0 6 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure J. — The effect of electrode spacing in relation to the angle of electrical field using 2-inch electrodes at a width of electrical field of 2 feet with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 piilses/sec, a pulse duration of kO milliseconds, and a square wave form. 26 CO CO LU > O u Ll U- UJ O X LiJ Q DU- Angle of Electrical Field — — . 40° 50- ►---. 60° . 90° 40- 30- 20- p' -5^ 10- '"■''^^^^/^ 0- i 1 1 1 1 1 6 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure /£'.— The effect of electrode spacing in relation to the angle of electrical field using 2-inch electrodes at a width of electrical field of 3 feet with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse duration of 40 milliseconds, and a square wave form. 27 60i ^ 50 UJ ^ 40 o LJ U- Ll. IJJ O X LU Q Z 30- 20- lO 0 Electrode Spacing , ^ 6 Inches , ,12 Inches ^ ♦ 24 Inches .36 Inches 40 60 90 ANGLE OF ELECTRICAL FIELD (Degrees) Figure 11. — The effect of the angle of electrical field in relation to electrode spacing using |^-inch electrodes at a width of electrical field of 2 feet with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse duration of ^4^0 milliseconds, and a square wave form. 28 CO (f) UJ z: UJ > o LU U- U- UJ U- O X LU Q 60i 50- 40- 30 20 10 0 Electrode Spacing • • 6 Inches • •12 Inches • .24 Inches • • 36 Inches 40 60 90 ANGLE OF ELECTRICAL FIELD (Degrees) Figure 12. — The effect of the angle of electrical field in relation to electrode spacing tising 2-inch electrodes at a width ct electrical field of 3 feet with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse duration of kO milliseconds^ and a square wave form. 29 en UJ 2: LlJ > O LU Ll. U_ UJ O X u 60n 50- 40- 30- 20- 10- - 0 Diameter of Electrodes ••---• '4 Inches 2 Inches 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure I3. — Effect of electrode spacing in relation to electrode diameteg using a width of electrical field of 2 feet at a kO angle of electrical field with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pxiise frequency of 8 pulses/ sec, a pulse duration of 40 niHiseconds, and a square wave form. 30 60n cn ^ 50-J LU > 40^ o LiJ u. UJ o X Ld Q 2 30- 20- 10- Diameter of Electrodes «. . ^ ^ I/p Inches ^ 2 Inches ^■r' 0- 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure l4. —Effect of electrode spacing in relation to electrode diameter using a width of electrical field of 3 feet at a kO° angle of electrical field with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a pulse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse duration of kO milliseconds, and a square wave form. 31 en LlJ UJ > O UJ i±. IX. LU Ll O X Ld Q 2 60 n 50- 40- 30- 20- 10- 0- Diameter of Electrode? ♦---■• 4 Inches m m 2 Incnes 12 18 24 30 ELECTRODE SPACING (Inches) 36 Figure 15.— Effect of electrode spacing In relation to electrode diameter using a width of electrical field of 2 feet at a 90° angle of electrical field with a voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm., a piolse frequency of 8 pulses/sec, a pulse duration of kO milliseconds, and a square wave form. 32 55 d oi o~->. •H H +» ;55 &t a x) •H H 0) W "H M 1^ V 0) vi > o •H -H ■P ^1 O -P (U U ^ 0)0 ^ A o ■P-* a aJ o +» ^«t ^ Ti O H oi 0) Pt-H to P»« o t ^4 -H ■p ^< O P 0) o ^a ^ iH P vo W irv VO, M O » 0) Cm 0) U) xJ O V« uj ^ s o ^ q TJ P W (U ^ "in U P J» aJ P o o vo r- o ^ (U ^1 H H 'H M W O H oJ aJ o o o a> M H -H vo ON ITN O H f-i 0) M r-i aJ q P CO • 00 h^ H CM O C q o p ro CO -* ^ u a 0) (0 ^ fl ^ H 4) Sr».-H O «) -P • Td tJ o e» rt H !^ P CM U O 5^ •rH Total colle in tr y H 3 a O o H •rH fM 1 P V y > 4) •H d X tJ v^ -rf CM t— (U a p o o ON VO 00 CO « M H H H H o H a q ^1 P^ ITN H CO CM CM o c a p o 3 c c ^ o feT--H o o ^1 u P tJ p 0) p * 3 d •i-l o o o V U r-i -H \I\ O O O CM H H 0) J-. r-l d q P C9 o q a o p • • ^ S ^ VO o a « u3 „ C XI H (U eS.-H O 4) P • -O O (U « a p Q( o d "3 H p hI S 8 ^ VO CM P H H H H H O O fl Eh o •r^ 4) t5 -^ O CD ^ (0 U P t) 43 VO ^ -^ VO O O O CM m 0) d c H P<-H ^ Q^-* 1 p o Ci n M a H U t) -H CO P^ P CO 4) • P fl O P •H C P 4) fl V a o w o " ■§ ■p 01 CO ^1 4> 4) ^^ P H (u "d 0 u M p +i (d fl fl 4; 4> o -ij^ o M Vi o V > S^ 4h +> P 4) a «> t> 0} xi K' bOP 4> a^ (4 H O ••* u ^ T) V B «) to a Xj fl 4) ■H tl 13 V» P u CO 3^ +> O « 01 +» ^^ 4> <% g ^Hl 33 O fi +> o a C tA O 1 •H CU +> OS Xl H +> 03 "S a^ « -H (0 pt4 0) g-d > o •H -H +» U O -P u o <»-l « ^^ ^ O +» V O S^ *H O Vt o +> y ^ ^ V > •H ■p M O o t- vo o> 1) V to M O qj a ^ i ^ H ^ 4J -d 4-> 4> ^ IM P > 4J on H W CJ O a fl tr „ C! ^ O flj ^ ■b'- -H y o -p V )h t) V m -P > nj (d o O o 13 Ti o o •H 01 ^^ H H > H M (U O H d d h 01 O CJ o VO o c a -p +» CO if\ VO t>l u a c 03 en CVJ CVJ H „ a ^ o fl) ^•H OOP u V +> n p ^^^-^ O 03 "•§ P 03 03 (> V P U o O OJ «> ,Q (U "d 03 -p od C u V 4) -H 03 Si bOP Hi Wl 34 1 V > •rl H-> X O -* CO VO H « t) m • Xt H-t OJ ^o (X3 ir\ ITN Howe cu CM m H M 0) Td -p m ^ OJ o o fn cA ^ Lr\ cj a fl CO cu OJ cu CU M d) Ti -p t) -p N rt d o o o c> 0) ^1 H -H Vi r-l d eJ +J to »f\ CO • Ol • o rn 0 0 3 0 4* Pi V u a •H 33^^ ON S O o •d O O C! EH o -a H H u •H 1 >H 4) U ^ ^ V +> U X o CVJ CU OV irv (u o «a • • o 13 >-i Td ti) tH tJ +> Sc 8g^ rH H 4» O H d d 1^ to m o vo r^ o a a +> +> t-^ m d vo u d d to cy cu H ^ d ^ o « u 9) xi -P +> o o o 0) V 4) M H -H Vl r-l 3 d +» 0) o d c o +> irv cu tr* cu Ol CO ir\ ^ ^ u a • tJ ova S5 -P Pi o rt 3d^^ ^ H o 1^ o O 4> «) ^ 4-) 3 o "d to -p a a 4) 4; 4) SS' K bO-P 5^ H O S)§ d V •H ^. Vi +> to V< 4> o a u O o +> u g O i1 V Hi OJI 35 (UO xt o +> vo ^ d 0) tH > O -H ■P X o U (U (0 XJ ^-( 01 VO OJ 81 CVJ 00 CO O 0) 00 o o q S 0) CQ l+H 0} 00 CO VO ON H OS ^•H o a) +> O 1) tn Z +> ft ^ ^ o H 5 3 +» ft +> 4! T) ^-^ O U) m Vi C V +» -H j:3 o o o 4) ea C H p,-H J^ 36 ^^1 1 O -H , P « O o\ CM m vo a; (U w H 0) c ;i ^ m d J-l w 0) P tJ P M (U CO P o o H ITN tr- m 0) l-i H H • H ti tt) O d t- H H H rt G t. o a c p cu (U 0) p ^t o ^ ■P p CO H m CVJ O S a> (0 • 4) (n o-> t- CO d Hoc OO M ro CVl Im O ^ 'O p 01 ^ 2H > 4) )h H H ^^S2 00 00 Ox ^ o a a -p CVl t^ 00 c?> u ^ a c w H H H _ C J3 O t^-H O U M (U -P X) P 0) 0) 0) (0 cd Vi o o o 0) ^l H -iH vo On CVJ vo W <-{ u o '-N O bO to M a u ■P -H fl vo ?i J- vo o o o OJ CT) 0) cd c H P<-H aq w v^ 1 P o c to to a •H H u 0) bO •3 n Ph -p 0> 0) • +» fl o +> •H fl 31 q (u • n o u o " -9 VI 0 •H +> 01 01 B 0) 0) -P fn +> o o xt u a a u (d ^ ca 0) +» (d n r^ V 4) o u -p (d q fl (U 4) o H a 4J -H o u u 4) v t» lt •ri +» o 41 4> 01 XI ^ MP V 5^ u H O • •^ u T) S) 3 ^ C 4J M •H ^1 at o o m ^ 4) ■d.^ ■p +» 4) O t) n -P fH 4) <:SI g ^Hl 37 Ol 15 ■d ^d X tt) o -d «)+> •»* ON o ^^ o o U -H 4> »^ O +> 0) O O H o t— w X o • • • 4> t) ul d m on ON' T3 i*H U3 H H W 4> C M 10 a> -p ti pro 0) ff-t i) ■P > 03 -P o o 0) M rH H t- 00 LTV OJ H !h « O H eg d >^ o d a -p • l/^ CTx o d CU H CVI ca cj a c; c ^ o tP--H o o ^1 0) tJ p -p -p > (d (d (U o o o ^^ ^H r-l ta g +» to o c a o -p VO ^ -* c^ ro cy m o a 0) ta a S r-i V l^-H O (U +i • t:) O (U w T) a: -p p, H O ol ■P O tH O ■P V£) CO VO -* 0) X o a 1) 0) to ir\ a\ 00 oJ -d "M w W H H CVl o H 4) C (-1 XJ 0) 4^ xJ -P -d (U li-i ollect narrow nnel a trol ts ^ o t~ H H • • • ITN OS rn VO CJ d C w H H Oi H „ C ^ O 4) tjS--rt CJ O -P ^ 4) T) -P -P > 3 O o o o 4) t. H iH H U 4) t^ r-l a c +> ta VO ir\ t~ ITN • • d ON H n cv 3 -P ft 33^^ ^ o o o d Eh o -H 0) rd -^ O bO n u a i> -P -H J3 o o o >o ^ -Jl- NO 0) Q] c CVJ en H ft-H pq «>_• +> O a CO g" •H H Vi 0) bO 5 (ix • • a to o +> •H ca +> « :d^ • a +» o d o U 0) 4h •H +> o« 01 4) 0 9) m +> ,Q +> 3 o M w a o cd 4) n 4> U +» o (0 U U 0) o 4) ^ a 3 t? 4) O u 'd o U -P « fl > 4) OJ •H ■P O «> V P< s? & S •H H 4) ♦•» M ja Ti 4) +> ^ bO d O P, ca ;3 0) "j tJ -p ■P «> v o o CQ +> u 4) o g Hi oil 38 DISCUSSION • The results of these exploratory experiments generally agree with the results of other investigators. Lethlean (1^53) noted that he expected better results by in- creasing the angle of the lines of electrodes in relation to the dam from 30° to 45° . Biologists of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission were quite successful at Cultus Lake (1953) in diverting salm.on fingerlings with an angle of 45° and a 2 -foot width of field. In the experiments under the laboratory conditions described, a maximum per- centage was recovered in the narrow channel with the rows of electrodes spaced 2 feet apart. When the v/idth of field was increased to 3 feet the .effectiveness was reduced and it was observed that many fish experienced difficulty in escaping an area in the immediate vicinity of a positive electrode. At the same time other fish were paralyzed in the electrical field and were carried through it by the water current untii they recovered equilibrium beyond the field. These factors are probably the cause of much of the scatter in the data resulting from the 3 -foot width of field; they are possibly the result of the increased power necessary to maintain the average voltage gradient of 1 volt/cm. McMillan (1928) pointed out that when the distance between rows of electrodes was increased while maintaining a constant voltage grad- ient ihe concentration of the voltage gradient at the surface of the electrodes increased. Tests run under full light intensity resulted in a slight increase of the effective- ness. A further increase was obtained when large numbers were released under full light intensity. The results of these preliminary experiments Suggest that group movement may be an important factor in diverting salmon fingerlings . When large schools migrate downstream into an electrical field the effectiveness may be hi^er than when smaller groups come in contact with d.c- barrier. Okada (1929) observed that a weaker field can restrain the same percentage of fish as a stronger one when the group was composed of many fish, indicating that group movement was involved in his experiments. Since full-scale field trials were scheduled to begin subsequent to the completion of these laboratory experiments, the experiments were limitfed to three angles, two diameters of electrodes, a single field, and one arrangement of electrodes. The experiments were conducted within a range of terriperatures of 8°C,, ,with a maximum temperature of 16° C . Two test and two control experiments were uSed to investigate any one set of conditions; each point on the preceding graphs was established with approximately 100 fish. Hatchery -reared silver salmon ranging in size from 5.5 cm. to 12.0 cm. were used; this does not include the range of sizes or species that would be encountered under natural conditions . Another factor to be considered is that wild fish may be more or less sensitive to an electrical field than?;hatchery -reared fish. However, the experiments show the relative effectiveness of the various factors exam- ined in this type of narrow d.c. ireld employed as a diverting barrier. 39 The results of the experiments indicated that with few exceptions the difference in the effectiveness of the 40° and 60" angles of electrical field were not significant; this was also true for 1/2 -inch and 2 -inch electrode diameters. There is a question of whether the size of the experimental area was large enough to allow a valid comparison of these factors . The effectiveness of the two angles of field and the two diameters of electrodes should be examined under field conditions. If this lack of significant difference is verified in the field, a considerable saving can be realized in the cost of installation and operation by establishing a 60° angle and using 1/2-inch electrodes. However, it is recognized that the effectiveness of the angle of electrical field may be a function of water velocity', numbers of fish or species of fish. These factors should be examined and the relationship to the effectiveness determined. Since some of the fish experienced difficulty in escaping an area in the vicinity of the positive electrodes of a single d.c. field, experiments are in progress to exam- ine the effectiveness of multiple fields of increasing intensity. A pulsating direct current of a higher intensity is necessary to divert fingerlings than is required for larger fish. By creating a zone of lov/ intensity upstream the large fish may be diverted without injury before they reach the zone of higher intensity necessary to divert fingerlings . During the experiments it was observed that the fingerlings entered the electrical field and oriented to the positive electrodes before they were diverted. An investigation is in progress to explore the effectiveness of a single line of electrodes with an electrical field of high intensity in an effort to divert the fingerlings before they reach the barrier. Additional tests are planned to investigate the result when the electrodes are energized sequentially. SUJvIMARY 1 . Exploratory experiments v/ere completed under laboratory conditions using . lines of vertically suspended electrodes with the positive line of electrodes parallel to and upstream of the negative line of electrodes arid placed at an angle to flowing water . 2. The electrodes were energized with interrupted direct current of a square wave form with the following electrical characteristics: (1) a pulse frequency of 8 pulses per second (2) a pulse duration of 40 milliseconds, and (3) an average voltage gradient of 1 volt per centimeter. 3. Hatchery-reared silver salmon ranging in size from 5.5 cms. to 12.0 cms. were used in the experiments . 40 4. Tests were run at a minimum level of light intensity to eliminate schooling and group movements. The technique of manipulating the light intensity stimulated downstream movement eliminating tJie necessity of startling or forping the fish into the electrical field. 5 . The most effective results from the laboratory experiments were obtained at an angle of 40°, a width of field of 2 feet, an electrode spacing of 12 inches with 1/2 -inch diameter electrodes. Under these conditions 68 percent of the fish were directed to the collecting channel, as compared with only 16 percent in control tests with power off. 6. Tne 2 -foot width of electrical field appeared to be more effective than the 3 -foot width of field. 7. With a few exceptions the effectiveness of the 40° and 60* angles of electrical field were not significantly different. The 90° angle of field was least effective. 8. There were few significant differences between 1/2 -inch and 2-inc.h diameter electrodes. 9. Electrode spacing appeared to be more important at a 40" angle of electrical field, than at 60° and 90° . 10. Light intensity may increase the percentage diverted through the effect on schooling behavior and group movement. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due Mr. Charles Ellis, Supervisor of Hatcheries for the State of Washington, for making available the salmon fingerlings used in these experiments. The cooperation of the personnel of the Waslrngton State Fish Hatchery at Issaquah is also greatfuUy acknowledged. Appreciation is expressed for the advice and services of Fishery Research Biologists Robert H. Lander, Galen H. Maxfield, and Robert R. Morrison, and electronics technician Donald L, Thorne. Charles Volz was responsible for the design and operation of the electronic equipment used in the experiments. The electrical guiding research is under the immediate supervision of Dr. Gerald B. Collins . 41 LITERATURE CITED Collins, Gerald B., Charles D. Volz, and Parker S. Trefethen 1954. Mortality of salmon fingeriings exposed to pulsating direct current. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish. Bull., No. 92, vol. 56, pp. 61-81. Lethlean, N. G. 1953 . An investigation into the design and performance of electric fishscreens and electric fish counters. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. 62, Part II, (13) pp. 505-509. McMillan, F. O. 1928. Electric fish screen. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish., vol. 44, pp. 97-128. Okada, Mituyo 1929. On the action of electric current on fishes. II. Electro - phobotaxis of fishes in a group. Jour. Imp. Fish. Inst. vol. 25 (1) pp. 1-11. 42 82055 MBL WHOl Librnrv - Serials 5 WHSE 01689