SIZE FREQUENCIES AND GROWTH OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN PACIFIC BIGEYE TUNA Marine Biological Laboratory JANl- lybS WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT--- FISHERIES No. 162 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quan- tities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating Agencies and in processed forni for economy and to avoid delay in publication. United States Department of the Interior, Douglas McKay, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, John L. Farley, Director SIZE FREQUENCIES AND GROWTH OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN PACIFIC BIGEYE TUNA By Edwin S. Iversen Fishery Research Biologist Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report: Fisheries No, 162 WASHINGTON: September, 1955 ABSTRACT Bigeye tuna (Parathunnus sibi) weight data from the Honolulu market for the period 1947-54, length data collected aboard Japanese tuna motherships in the equatorial western Pacific in 1951, and pub- lished length frequency distributions from the Japanese longline fishery in the northwest Pacific were compared and studied for evidence of growth and of local differences in the size composition of the population. In the data from both the e:|uatorial western Pacific and Hawaiian waters the modes of the male size distributions were found to be about 14 cm. or 30 pounds larger than the corresponding female modes. Monthly weight frequencies of Hawaiian bigeye showed a consistent progression of modes, yielding a provisional growth curve that indi- cates that these fish may gain as much as 50 pounds in 1 year and may live about 6 or 7 years, Relatedness of the bigeye in Hawaiian waters and in the Japanese North Pacific fishery is suggested by the approxi- mately similar growth rates and by the presence of a complementary 2-year cycle of dominant size groups in the catches of both areas. Data from equatorial waters showed no progression of the modes with time. CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements 2 Material and methods , 2 Size difference by areas , 3 Sexual difference in catch 3 Interyear size differences 8 Growth 25 Summary 27 Literature cited 28 Appendix 31 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE Page Frontispiece: Measuring longline tuna in Honolulu market 1. Weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna landed at the Honolulu market from May to August 1951 4 2. Length frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from 137 - 165 E. longitude taken between March 29 and May 28, 1951 5 3. Percentage bigeye tuna males in sample by size groups ... 7 4. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from the Honolulu market for 1947 8 5. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from the Honolulu market for 1948 9 6. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna fronn the Honolulu market for 1949 10 7. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from the Honolulu market for 1950 11 8. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from the Honolulu market for 1951 12 9. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from the Honolulu market for 1952 13 10. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from the Honolulu market for 1953 14 11. Monthly weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from the Honolulu market for 1954 15 12. Hawaiian bigeye tuna weight frequency distribution (percentage) for December samples, 1947 to 1954 17 ILLUSTRATIONS (Cont'd) FIGURE Page 13. "Growth lines" of Hawaiian bigeye tuna as determined by- modal values, based on the locations of modes in figures 5-11 18 14. Bigeye length frequencies by seasons (October-March) for the years 1948-1952 20 15. Comparison of Hawaiian and Japanese bigeye tuna "growth lines" using data from the Japanese North Pacific fishery taken from Kamimura and Honma (1953) and Nakamura et al. (1953) 22 16. Length frequencies of bigeye tuna measured during the Japanese mother ship expeditions, 140 -179 E. longitude. 24 SIZE FREQUENCIES AND GROWTH OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN PACIFIC BIGEYE TUNA By Edwin 5. Iversen Fishery Research Biologist Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service The purpose of this analysis of bigeye tuna, Parathunnus sibi (Temminck and Schlegel) = P. mebachi (Kishinouye)i- , measurements is to learn about growth and migration of this species from the size composition of commercial longline catches. Consideration of size frequencies fronn the Hawaiian and the Japanese North Pacific fisheries yields evidence of a relationship which suggests that there is but a single stock of bigeye being exploited by both fisheries. These data also furnish evidence of rapid growth of bigeye tuna. Other facets of the biology of the species, such as size differences associated with sex, are revealed by Japanese catches in the equatorial Pacific and Hawaiian catches. Measurements obtained on Japanese mothership expeditions in the western equatorial Pacific, which will be discussed, supply information on size differences associated with sex and evidence pointing to a migration of this species. (The size frequencies on which this study is based are presented in tabular form in the appendix.) The bigeye tuna is of considerable importance in the Hawaiian longline (flagline) fishery, where catches are sold on the Honolulu fresh fish market. The operation of the Hawaiian fishery has been described and catch statistics analyzed by June (1950) and Otsu (1954). In 1952, a year of high abundance, the value of the landings to the fisher- men is given by Otsu as $684, 726. The same author also describes the seasonal trend in apparent abundance, pointing out that the lighter catches occur fronn June to September and the heavier catches from October to May. The catch of this species increased sharply from 126,000 pounds — Parathunnus sibi (Temminck and Schlegel) is regarded as a synonym of P. mebachi (Kishinouye) by numerous authors, annong them Brock (1949) and Nakamura (1949). For the purpose of this paper they will be considered a single species. 1 in 1946 to 2, 193,000 pounds in 1952. The years 1953 and 1954 similarly show. high catches of 2, 826, 000 pounds and 2, 759, 000 pounds respectively.— The bigeye tuna is also important in the Japanese high seas longline fishery, which covers vast areas of the western and central Pacific Ocean, extending as far east as Hawaii. Following World War II, Japanese mothership expeditions, described by Shinnada (1951a and b), Ego and Otsu (1952), Van Campen (1952), and Murphy and Otsu (1954), landed considerable numbers of bigeye tuna. These expeditions GO O O Operated from about 1 to 10 N. latitude and 134 to 179 E. longitude. Farther to the north there is a Japanese longline fishery for deep- swimming tunas, including bigeye, which has been described by Shapiro (1950). The area covered by this North Pacific fishery is usually north of 26 N. latitude and between 130 E. and 165 W. longitude. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Appreciation is extended to the individuals, too numerous to mention, who have aided in the collection of measurements and offered direction in preparing this report. To the Hawaii Fishing Co. , Ltd. , and the United Fishing Agency indebtedness is acknowledged for per- mission to examine sales records. To Mr. T. Nakata thanks are ex- tended for the preparation of figures in this report. MATERIAL AND METHODS For most of the Hawaiian specimens only the weight (obtained from market sales slips) is available. Length measurements taken on the Japanese mothership expeditions were in millimeters from the tip of the snout with jaws closed to the median portion of the caudal fork (with fleshy flap depressed) as described by Marr and Schaefer (1949). Additional length frequencies were obtained from Japanese reports. Prior to analysis length measurennents were tabulated in 2-centimeter intervals, and weight measurements in 10-pound intervals. When it was necessary to convert from length to weight, the relationship log weight (pounds) = -7. 1167 + 2.9304 log total length (millimeters), based on Hawaiian samples, was used. To smooth data, a moving average of three was applied. 2/ — From unpublished records of the Division of Fish and Game, Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, Territory of Hawaii. Since the successful interpretation of growth from time series of size frequency distributions depends on an objective and realistic nnethod of locating modes, the following criteria were adopted: 1. No modes have been sought in distributions containing leas than 100 fish. 2. Each mode must be separated from every other mode by troughs dipping at least 5 fish below modes after smoothing, 3. Each mode must be present in the data for at least two not too widely separated months. 4. At least two of the groups making up the mode must have no less than 15 individuals each before smoothing, or at least 10 individuals if the modal peak is present in two adjacent months. 5. The mode must be the center group of a peak of the smoothed distribution or the center group of two or more minor peaks which differ by less than 5 fish in height. SIZE DIFFERENCE BY AREAS Bigeye tuna taken on commercial longline gear are smaller in the western than in the central Pacific (Kamimura and Honma 1953, Murphy and Shomura 1953b, and Murphy and Otsu 1954). In their re- port. Murphy and Shomura state that longline fishing west of 180 longitude yielded bigeye that averaged about 40 pounds lighter in weight than those taken between 180 and 120 W. longitude. This in- teresting phenomenon is believed by them to be related to ecological conditions, however, Iversen-^ points out that this type of size segre- gation can be the result of migration. SEXUAL DIFFERENCE IN CATCH The bigeye males achieve a larger average size than the fe- males, for all recognizable male modes are to the right of the corres- ponding female modes. Size distributions from the Hawaiian Islands (fig. 1) and the western Pacific (137 - 165 E. longitude) (fig. 2) show a parallel size differential between the sexes. _ — MS. Size variation of central and western Pacific yellowfin with age and area. In view of this size difference it is of interest sex ratio for possible variation throughout the year. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MALE N-153 B FEMALE N=I03 ^ AREA OF OVERLAP 209 229 249 269 289 WEIGHT IN POUNDS Figure 1. --Weight frequency distributions of bigeye tuna landed at the Honolulu market from May to August 1951. (table 1), indicate that the sex ratio remained rather 60 percent males throughout the year. to examine the Aside from in- trinsic interest, this is advisable because a peri- odic change in the sex ratio could shift the positions of the nnodes of unsexed samples and make an anal- ysis of growth misleading. The mean percentage of males for Ha- waiian bigeye for the year 1949 was 59. 2 percent and for 1951, 57.5 percent (Otsu 1954). The larg- er samples (over 100 specimens) from these same years and Decem- ber of 1950, when tabulated by months constant at about The possibility that the sex ratio changes as the fish grow re- quires examination because this could affect the position of modes based on unsexed samples. Otsu (1954) states ". . . . the sex ratio in the catch /fifth Japanese mothership expedition/ below 80-90 pounds is about equal, whereas the males predominate among the larger bigeye and yellowfin. " However, if the female bigeye size frequency distri- bution is shifted a distance equal to the average growth lag between sexes, the apparent change in sex ratio with increase in fish size disappears. Figure 3, lower panel, shows the sex ratios plotted by size groups from the data used by Otsu (fig. 2). The proportion of males increases with an increase in the size of the fish. (The small numbers in the extreme groups connected with dashed lines are better ignored. ) APPROX. WEIGHT IN POUNDS 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 50 I 59 60 I 69 70 80 90 100 no 120 130 I I I I I I I 79 89 99 109 119 129 139 LENGTH IN CENTIMETERS 140 I 149 150 I 159 160 I 169 Figure 2. --Length frequency distributions of bigeye tuna from 137°- l65°E. longitude taken between March 29 and May 28, 1951. In the upper panel the female size groups have been moved 14 cm. to the right (approximate average difference in size related to sex), and the resultant trend indicates that the sex ratio is constant at about 60 percent males throughout the size range studied. Table 1. --Monthly sex ratio of Hawaiian bigeye tuna Months Males Females Total Percent Males 1949 Jan. -Feb. 32 18 50 64.0 Mar. 16 16 32 50.0 Apr. 5 10 15 33.3 May 7 3 10 70.0 June-Aug. 10 1 11 90.9 Sept. 30 11 41 73.2 Oct. 41 35 76 53.9 Nov. 100 65 165 60.6 Dec. 105 79 184 57. 1 Total 346 238 584 59.2 1950 Nov. 5 9 14 35. 7 Dec. 102 59 161 63.4 1951 Jan, 38 24 62 61.3 Feb. 24 25 49 49.0 Mar. 42 57 99 42.4 Apr. 65 39 104 62.5 May 82 43 125 65.6 June 51 34 85 60.0 July 57 50 107 53. 3 Aug. 35 25 60 58.3 Sept. 40 43 83 48.2 Oct. 89 70 159 56.0 Total 630 478 1108 56.9 MALES = 645 (67%) FEMALES = 318 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 w UJ ^n _l < 2 20 llj 10 o < 0 1- 100 UJ o 90 rr Ul 80 Q. ''^l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 - \ FEMALE SIZE GROUPS TRANSPOSED 14 CM. 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