BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 06317 731 3 WATERFOWL STATUS REPORT 1972 __ 1973. DtfrV^ u>/iv UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE BUREAU OF SPORT FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE Special Scientific Report— Wildlife No. 166 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife WATERFOWL STATUS REPORT, 1972 Compiled and edited by Everett B. Chamberlain, Douglas S. Benning, Edgar L. Ferguson, Morton M. Smith and Jade L. Hall Section of Waterfowl Population Surveys OFFICE OF MIGRATORY BIRD MANAGEMENT in collaboration with DIVISION OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Special Scientific Report — Wildlife No. Washington, D.C. • 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price: $2.10, domestic postpaid; $1.75, GPO Bookstore. Stock No. 2410-00353 CONTENTS Page WINTER SURVEY 1 BREEDING GROUND SURVEYS 6 Alaska and Yukon Territory 7 Northern Alberta, northeastern British Columbia, and Northwest Territories 9 Northern Saskatchewan, northern Manitoba, and Saskatchewan River Delta 12 Western Ontario 14 Southern Alberta 14 Southern Saskatchewan 18 Southern Manitoba 21 Montana 24 North and South Dakota 26 Minnesota 29 Washington 31 California 32 Utah 34 Colorado 36 Nebraska 37 Missouri 38 WATERFOWL KILL SURVEY 39 APPENDIX 42 A. Waterfowl winter survey tables 42 B. Waterfowl breeding ground survey tables 48 C. Waterfowl harvest data tables 121 WATERFOWL STATUS REPORT 1972 Information from surveys of the breeding and wintering grounds of waterfowl coupled with data from mail surveys of hunters play a major role in the development of annual hunting regulations for waterfowl. This report presents tabulations of the 1972 waterfowl population and habitat surveys and the results of mail surveys of waterfowl hunters for the 1971-72 season. No status report appeared last year but much of the waterfowl data from 1971 will appear in the tables provided in this 1972 report. Credit has been given to each individual or organization that submitted a report. Although many of the narrative statements have been briefed, and a few tables deleted or shortened if they contained data submitted previously or in another form, the essential information from each report has been retained to the greatest extent possible. Figure 1 in the Appendix shows breeding ground survey strata for the several areas surveyed by Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife crews. WINTER SURVEY During the first half of January, a survey of waterfowl on their wintering grounds was completed by the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife with assistance from State conservation departments, other Federal agencies, and private individuals. All important waterfowl areas in the United States were surveyed. In Mexico, the survey was limited to the west coast wintering grounds of the black, brant. Data from these surveys appear in Tables A-l, A-2 , and A-3. PACIFIC FLYWAY Data supplied by John E. Chattin, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife With the exception of part of Montana, the 1972 winter waterfowl survey was completed on schedule. Participation in manpower and equipment was similar to prior years, and included 53 Bureau personnel and 151 State people. Thirty-four aircraft flew 220 hours and over 23,000 miles. Additional coverage included 8,500 car miles and 50 boat miles. Population data appear in Tables A-l and A-2. Results of the survey showed a general pattern of decrease from record highs of last year. The dabbler duck index was 13 percent below 1971 and 26 percent above the 10-year average. The favored mallard and pintail remained well above the 10-year average. The diving duck index was down about 3 percent from last year, and 28 percent below the average. Goose populations dropped off 5 percent from last year and are down 12 percent from the 10-year average. CENTRAL FLYWAY Data supplied by Raymond J. Buller, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Except for minor delays due to weather, the Central Flyway survey was completed on schedule. Participation included 165 Bureau personnel, 43 State and one other. Twenty-seven aircraft flew 200 hours and covered a distance of nearly 23,000 miles. Additional coverage included over 12,000 car miles, 17 boat miles, and 4 miles on foot. Despite some poor weather conditions during the survey, all important wintering areas were covered from the air or the ground. Weather may have caused some shifting of birds, especially geese; however, this is of little consequence since mid-December goose population estimates are used in lieu of January counts. The dabbling duck index was 68 percent above 1971 and 114 percent above the 10-year average. Mallard and pintail indexes were significantly above 1971 and the 10-year average. The diving duck index was unchanged from 1971 but 48 percent below the average. The redhead index continued to decline. The total duck index was 63 percent above 1971 and 92 percent above the 10-year average. The mid-December goose population in the flyway continued to increase. Canada geese were responsible for the increase since the blue/snow goose index was unchanged from December 1970. The December 1971 white-fronted goose index was about 52 percent above the January 1971 index. The coot index was 29 percent above 1971 but 8 percent below average. MISSISSIPPI FLYWAY Data supplied by Arthur S. Hawkins and Rossalius C. Hanson, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Inclement weather in the southern part of the flyway prevented completion of the survey during the designated period, January 3 to 7, spreading the survey over a much longer period and causing un- certainties about some of the results. Torrential rains caused the birds to disperse widely. A delayed coverage always increases the possibility of bird movements in between counting periods which could result either in double counting or in missing the birds entirely. For these reasons, the figures for ducks, obtained this year in parts of the south, may not be directly comparable with past figures. This was not true in the upper flyway where conditions did not hamper the inventory. The figures for geese shown in this report were obtained during the special goose inventory of mid-December. We do not have a breakdown of "Bureau, State" and "Other" for participation in this flyway but the numbers of personnel and vehicles involved, and number of miles covered is impressive. Fifty aircraft, 389 automobiles, and 45 boats were operated by 502 individuals for a total distance of 48,768 miles. Population data appear in Tables A-l and A-2. Only in 1963 was the dabbling duck count below that of January 1972. Lower mallard counts were recorded in 1963, 1969, but 1963 was only slightly lower. The proportion of mallards in the dabbler count has not exceeded 54 percent during this 10 -year period. This year, mallards composed 53 percent of the dabbler total, suggesting that mallards were not undercounted in comparison with other ducks. This may happen in some years when extensive flooding of bottomlands permits many mallards to hide from the census taker. This year's canvasback figure is the lowest on record and stands at about half the 10 -year average and one- third of the 20-year average. ATLANTIC FLYWAY Data supplied by C. E. Addy, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife The survey was conducted during the period January 3-10, with the bulk completed by January 6 . There were local delays of a day or two days due to adverse weather conditions. The exceptionally mild fall weather continued through the January survey period. Most of the fresh water areas of the flyway were ice- free so that waterfowl populations were widely scattered. Again this year the swamps of Georgia and South Carolina were flooded. When this occurs, many mallards, black ducks, and wood ducks are not observed by survey crews. Also, windy conditions in some southern areas made counts of diving ducks unreliable on broad waters. Large concentrations of scaup and sea ducks on the ocean off Georgia and South Carolina were noted. These offshore birds were not surveyed and are not included in this report. Participation in the survey was by 32 Bureau, 88 State, and 11 private individuals, using 31 aircraft, 37 cars, and 16 boats. Routes covered totaled about 28,000 miles. Population data appear in Tables A-l and A-2. While many duck species show declines from last year, it should be kept in mind that in 1972 birds were widely scattered and some were no doubt missed by survey crews. To what extent the decline in scaup can be accounted for in offshore concentrations and shifting to other wintering areas is not known. The Canada goose population appears to be thriving with close to three-quarters of a million wintering in the flyway. However, again this year, an increased percent occurred in the northern part of the flyway with continued declines indicated from North Carolina south. The brant population showed about a 50 percent drop from that of last year. A decline was expected because observations during the fall indicated very few young in the population. The canvasback is still at a very low population level. This is certainly cause for concern. MEXICO Data supplied by G. Hortin Jensen and James F. Voelzer, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife The timing of the survey this year was near normal. It was commenced January 14, 1972, and completed on January 29, 1972. The area covered was the same as that of recent years — the west coast of Baja California and the west mainland coast as far south as Marismus Nacional. During the years of these surveys, weather phenomena has not been observed that would materially affect the movement of waterfowl. Coastal fog can limit observations for a given day, and the survey on Baja California was delayed two days by this factor. An amphibious DeHavilland Beaver was used for the survey with pilot and co-pilot acting as observers. The notable change this year was the marked increase of ducks in their favored areas, Topolobampo and Pabellon. Twice as many were estimated to be present as last year. The area adjacent to the agricultural land south and southeast of Caliacan was the favored area for ducks this year. The principal species were pintail, teal, and shovelers. Extensive shallow water on mud flats produced the favored habitat. Brant were of special interest during this survey. Tabulations are divided between the mainland and the Pacific side of Baja California. A moderate decrease of 13 percent from 1971 and a decrease of 8 percent from average was observed this year. The decrease was noted on the mainland as well as on Baja California. For some unexplained reason, northern areas showed an increase over results from last year and the average, while decreases were evident on the most southern areas. Santa Maria, a coastal lagoon supporting the largest population of brant on the mainland, had markedly reduced flocks. Former peak populations of near 18,000 were represented this year by only 2,800 black brant. A small flock of brant was observed at Cocoraquito. It was undoubtedly a transient flock, as this was our first record at this locality. Over the last several years, as an adjunct to our regular waterfowl survey, pelicans are recorded as observed. This year 33,900 brown pelicans and 9,700 white pelicans were observed in the area surveyed. BREEDING GROUND SURVEYS The Migratory Bird Population Station recently completed an exhaustive audit of all field data collected during the aerial and ground surveys of waterfowl. As a result of this audit, plus the elimination of partial segments and the realignment of certain survey boundaries, changes were made in many of the waterfowl population figures and/or water counts from previous years. The corrected data are incorporated in this 1972 report and therefore all figures and tables used here will not agree with previously published data. Where differences are noted, consider the 1972 report as the correct source. The procedures followed in conducting breeding ground surveys are established in the Bureau's Standard Procedures for Waterfowl Population and Habitat Surveys for prairie and bush areas. *** ALASKA AND YUKON TERRITORY Data supplied by James G. King Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and Dan Timm Alaska Department of Fish and Game Spring weather and habitat conditions Although the first open water and early migrants coincided in late April, snow cover lingered through the first half of May in the interior and almost to the first of June on the tundra and along the Gulf Coast. Ice remained in the lakes even longer. Warm weather came to the interior about May 20 after which temperatures reached the seventies and eighties. Some flooding occurred in most of the river valleys. The result was a shortage of available nest sites in many areas and some confusion for early nesters. The survey commenced May 21 on the first day of open water at Anchorage's Lake Hood and was completed June 20, three days later than last year. As usual, the survey was held up until the Yukon Delta was at optimum survey condition. By the time we left the coast (Stratum 37) and returned to the interior (Stratum 38) temperatures there had been in the nineties and it was midsummer. Thus in the Koyukuk and Nelchina Valleys many dabblers had deserted. Except in these two areas, survey conditions were normal. Breeding populations (tables B-l through B-3) The 1972 breeding population indexes were up 17 percent for the important Alaskan species. The dabbling duck index increased nearly 30 percent over that of 1971 and remained above the long-term average for the area. The important pintail index was up 49 percent and significant increases were noted in both strata 37 and 38. Diving duck numbers also increased. Scoters showed important gains over last year but scaup members increased only slightly in the Alaska survey areas. Production In stratum 37 and along the coast we clearly had a late year and nesting was obviously delayed for all species. In stratum 38 the situation is more difficult to assess. After what appeared to be a late start, hot weather came so suddenly that production was good there, especially for the divers and later-nesting dabblers. On the Yukon Delta black brant nesting was delayed by at least 10 days and heaw ice was still present in the larger lakes and tidal sloughs on June 13. Dusky Canada geese on the Copper Delta were delayed by snow cover and nested more than two weeks late. With an increase in overall breeding population and fair production in stratum 38, we had expected a modest increase in the fall flight of all ducks except oldsquaw. Nesting conditions were not good for swans and all geese except Lesser Canadas. We certainly had no basis for expecting an increase in geese and brant, and it appeared more likely there would be a decrease in the fall flight. NORTHERN ALBERTA, NORTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA, AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Data supplied by James F. Voelzer and G. Hortin Jensen, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditions Temperatures during the 1971-72 winter were below normal and precipitation levels were above normal throughout most of the Northwest Territories survey area. Arrival of spring weather was normal in the parklands and lowland portions of northern Alberta and in the Northwest Territories from Great Slave Lake south. Due to an abundance of moisture, nesting conditions appeared optimum. In higher elevations such as the Caribou Hills and Horn Mountains, nesting was delayed due to late ice. In contrast to the area from Great Slave Lake south, the northern portion of the survey area, including the Barren Lands, was extremely late in opening up. Break-up of the Mackenzie River at Norman Wells was one week behind 1971 and this station received 14-inches of snow on the weekend of May 20 and 21. Although the Mackenzie Delta was open when the surveys were conducted, the surrounding country to the north and east was not expected to thaw for another 10 days to 2 weeks. Of interest is the fact that water levels in the Athabasca Delta appear to have increased significantly, although not back to the traditional levels. Whether this was a result of increased pre- cipitation in the drainage over the winter or the recently completed dam, or both, is unknown. Breeding populations (tables B-4 and B-5)_ Breeding conditions for arriving waterfowl could best be described as unusual. With the low water cycle of the past several years apparently broken, it appeared that many species, especially mallards, had chosen the prime nesting habitat of Strata 14 and 06 for this season. Pintails forged farther north and were encountered on the edge of winter in all areas. The 1972 mallard index for the Northwest Territories was 28 percent above that of 1971 and 40 percent above average. It was the highest mallard index in the last eleven years. Pintail indexes were +196 percent compared to 1971 and +86 percent to the 10-year average. Total dabblers indicated were +35 over 1971 and 34 percent above average. Diving duck indexes this year were up 37 percent compared to -1971 and 60 percent above the average. The abundant scaup was up 48 percent over 1971 and was 72 percent above the average index. Many scaup were noted in large flocks and appeared to be awaiting the opening of northern areas. Both canvasback and redhead numbers appeared well below the long-term averages. Total ducks exceeded all years back to 1962, with a population of 5,136,200. The previous high was 4,326,500 in 1964. Total ducks increased 35 percent and 38 percent over last year and the 10-year average. Canada geese were conspicuous by their presence, with an increase of 78 percent over 1971 and 107 percent compared to average. They too appeared to be nesting further south, apparently willing to accept the good habitat conditions available rather than wait out the arrival of spring in the far north. Stratum 5, the Old Crow Flats in the Yukon Territory, was flown by Jim King and Dan Timm. Their report indicates that at their arrival on June 19, the nesting season for dabblers was much advanced, but divers appeared to be in normal nesting progression for surveys. The Yukon, too, appeared to be extremely late with spring's arrival, making it comparable to the remainder of the far north. Summer weather and habitat conditions Along the Arctic coast and 100 miles inland, the habitat was frozen and snow-covered well into June. The late season limited waterfowl production for this area. Climatic factors else- where in the survey area were considered to be generally favorable for waterfowl during the brooding season. There was abundant snow over the winter in much of the Northwest Territories and water conditions were much improved in areas such as the Athabasca Delta area. Habitat conditions appeared good to excellent for breeding waterfowl in the southern portions of the survey unit. Production (tables B~6 and B-7) A tabulation of production indexes by stratum appears in Table B-6 . Also, there is a comparison of totals between 1972, 1971, and the average for the past 10 years. Brood indexes decreased approximately 50 percent from last year and from the 10-year average. 10 Table B-7 shows yearly totals for the past 10 years. The 1972 brood index of 688,000 is one of the lower estimates obtained during the 1963-71 production surveys. For administrative reasons, northern brood surveys ended earlier in 1972 than in 1971. The change in the 1972 brood index therefore may reflect the advance of the survey period as well as a real change in duck production. 11 NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN, NORTHERN MANITOBA, AND SASKATCHEWAN RIVER DELTA Data supplied by Arthur R. Brazda and Richard A. Gimby, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditions Fall rains left much of the habitat in a good state, and deep snows added to the better-than-average conditions that were found almost everywhere in the strata surveyed. For the first time in four years, the habitat in western Saskatchewan could be described as good rather than poor to fair. Most of the depressions found in the hilly areas had some water in them as did the forest- type meadows and shallow potholes. At the conclusion of the May survey, however, northwestern Saskatchewan was in dire need of moisture to prevent these water areas from disappearing and to lessen the extreme forest fire hazard. In contrast, water levels elsewhere in the survey area were optimum or even too high as was the case in the Saskatchewan River Delta. During the last three-fourths of the survey, high winds were encountered daily, causing certain problems in completing entire transects. Breeding populations (tables B-8 and R-9) Dabbling ducks continued to decline from the high of 1969. Only the gadwall showed an increase over 1971 (10 percent). Significant were the substantial decreases from 1971 for both mallards (28 percent) and pintails (67 percent). The mallard index was the lowest since 1966 and the pintail index, the lowest in the last 11 years. Blue-winged teal were on par with the previous year, but 56 percent below the average. Green-winged teal were 22 percent below 1971, but 24 percent above the average. All dabblers decreased 32 percent from the previous year and 31 percent from the 10-year average. Among divers, redheads were down 29 percent from 1971 and were 60 percent below the average. Canvasbacks showed an increase of 29 percent over 1971, but were 73 percent below the long-term average. Scaup were up 37 percent and 35 percent respectively. All diving ducks were down 1 percent from 1971, but were 16 percent above the average . The data presented herein are unadjusted, but the duck index for 1972 is certainly down, especially in the dabbling ducks. More important, the decreases are substantial in the two primary species, mallards and pintails. Canada geese continued to do well, indicating an increase of 43 percent over the previous year and 54 percent over the 10-year average. Coot, on the other hand, were 64 percent below 1971 and 85 percent below the average. Northwestern Saskatchewan has areas of excellent goose-nesting habitat in normal years, but it is suspected that periodic fires and drought limit the growth of this population. These geese appear to be extremely large, but it is not known to what subspecies they belong. 12 Summer weather and habitat conditions July weather for the northern regions of Saskatchewan and Manitoba could be summed up as being "considerably less than desirable." The entire period was characterized by high winds, below normal temperatures, and heavy thunderstorm activity with accompanying low ceilings and numerous rain squalls. The daily average temperature was 6°F below normal in the Prince Albert District and slightly lower in other portions of. northern Saskatchewan and all of northern Manitoba. The low recorded in Prince Albert was 34°F on July 19, while the high was 78°F on July 15. It was not believed that the low temperatures adversely affected production in northern Saskatchewan because temperature drops were of short duration; in northern Manitoba however the cold snaps may have done more damage to duck production. Habitat conditions were varied. In west-central Saskatchewan water levels were down from May and June, but slightly higher than normal for July. Water was high on the Saskatchewan River Delta. In the latter area, "flooding" would have been the correct terminology during the breeding pair survey. In July, this condition had lessened somewhat west of The Pas, Manitoba; however, no Improvement was observed east of The Pas. Due to a warm May-June period, vegetative growth was luxuriant in all strata. This was especially true in the vicinity of shallow water areas, such as string bogs, forest marsh meadows and slow- flowing streams. Production (tables B-10 and B-ll) The duck brood index was 8 percent below 1971 and 6 percent lower than the 1963-71 average. This year's 5.2 average brood size was smaller than the 5.6 of a year ago and the 5.4 long-term average. The coot brood index decreased 35 percent from 1971, but remained 18 percent above the average. Canada goose production was not estimated for these strata since only two broods were observed, both in stratum 36. The late-nesting index for all ducks was 45 percent above that for 1971 and the nine-year average. It should be kept in mind that the value of the late-nesting index decreases substantially in those northern regions. 13 WESTERN ONTARIO Data supplied by Morton M. Smith and Everett B. Chamberlain, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditions Spring was early in western Ontario this year, particularly in the southern portions of the survey area. Precipitation was below normal and water levels were down in many lakes in western Ontario. There were numerous forest fires in Ontario as a result of the dry, warm weather. The 1972 growing season was advanced compared to 1970. There was no Ontario survey in 1971. Survey dates this year were May 25 through June 1, about ten days earlier than the 1970 survey. Breeding populations (table B^12) Waterfowl population indexes for 1972 were above those found in 1970 and 36 percent above the 1962-71 average. Nearly all numerically important ducks were above the average levels in 1972. Among the important game ducks, mallard populations were up 27 percent from the average and black ducks were up 85 percent. Waterfowl production surveys were discontinued in western Ontario. We anticipate better-than-average production from the area because of the increased number of breeders and normal-appearing weather conditions. SOUTHERN ALBERTA Data supplied by K. Duane Norman and R. David Purinton, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditions (table B-13) April was sunny, dry and windy in Calgary but in Edmonton, the weather alternated between cold and mild periods. A snowfall of 6.3 inches on May 21, caused extensive damage throughout Edmonton. The monthly precipitation in Calgary was only one half of normal. The first half of May was cool and dry in Calgary and cloudy in Edmonton. Mild temperatures were the rule in southern Alberta by the third week of May. At the beginning of the survey period, snow still covered the ground northwest of Calgary and on May 8, at the time of our goose survey, ice could be found in drifts along the Red Deer, South Saskatchewan, Oldman and Bow Rivers. Water levels in the major rivers and lakes appeared to be about normal. Good habitat was found west of a line from Lethbridge to Calgary. East of this line, good habitat was only found near the major lakes and reservoirs. Temporary wetlands were abundant in many locations in the grasslands east of Calgary but they were dry long before the first of July. 14 Aquatic vegetation did not present problems in making observa- tions this year although it had already reached heights of between 8 and 12 inches by the time we had reached the northern portion of stratum 26. The aspens were fully leafed in the eastern portion of the Province but were just beginning to leaf at the western end of the survey area. Overall the quality and quantity of wetlands within the survey area were about the same as last year. Breeding populations (tables B-14 through B-16) The data indicated a poor outlook for most species. Gadwall were the only dabbler showing an increase (5 percent) from last year. Greatest decreases were noted in mallards (-14 percent), widgeon (-11 percent), bluewings (-32 percent) and pintail (-22 percent). The pintail increase of 77 percent in stratum 28 was very misleading since sufficient habitat simply was not available for that many nesting birds. In stratum 27, gadwalls increased 24 percent, greenwings 26 percent and shovelers 30 percent from last year. Looking at long- term averages, increases from the average were noted for gadwalls (+67 percent), greenwings (+64 percent), shoveler (+2 percent) and pintails (+4 percent) , but the total for dabblers was down almost 10 percent. The divers showed a more comforting picture with an increase of 14 percent. Divers increased 22 percent in stratum 26 and increased 14 percent in stratum 27. A decrease of 7 percent waa noted for stratum 28. Redheads decreased 2 percent and canvasback 4 percent from last year. Scaup increased 20 percent and bufflehead increased 51 percent. The long-term average indicated a decrease of about 20 percent for canvasback and redheads but increases of 98 percent for ringneck and 33 percent for bufflehead. The figures showed an increase in total ducks from last year in stratum 28 of 18 percent but show decreases of 30 percent for stratum 26 and 3 percent for stratum 27 and 11 percent for total ducks. Canada geese continued to show increases (+4 percent) . They increased 43 percent in stratum 26 but decreased 46 percent in stratum 27 and 14 percent in stratum 28 from last year. The increase from the average is 117 percent. Increases on the rivers in southern Alberta amounted to about 7 percent from last year. Coots were up 14 percent from last year but are 42 percent below the average. 15 Summer weather and habitat conditions (table B-13) May began quite cool and dry in Calgary, but the temperatures began rising by the middle of the month raising the mean temperature to slightly above normal. Edmonton was pleasant but precipitation there was 51 percent above normal. In contrast Calgary had below- normal rainfall for the month. June was warm and wet in Alberta with temperatures averaging almost 3° above normal, and precipitation about 50 percent above normal. July was generally cloudy, cool and dry. Only 15 percent of the normal rainfall had been received in Edmonton by May 12, and 39 percent in Clagary by May 18. Pond numbers in southern Alberta had greatly decreased since May. The pond index decreased 50 percent in stratum 26, 51 percent in stratum 27 and 36 percent in stratum 28 since May. A decrease of 40 percent from last year and a decrease of 26 percent from the average was indicated for the survey area. Greatest decreases were indicated in strata 26 and 27. Brood habitat was almost non existent south of an east-west line through Hanna. One had to progress northward to an east-west line through Lacombe before good habitat and ducks were found. Excellent habitat over a broad area was not reached until one passed Vermilion but it disappeared soon after passing St. Paul. The deep permanent lakes and streams and the stock dams in the "Grand Prairie" were the prime habitat in stratum 14. Aquatic vegetation, as in previous years, did not present any problem in visibility until reaching the most northern portion of stratum 26. Production (tables B-17 and B-18) The brood index this year was nearly the same as last year. The greatest increase from last year was indicated in stratum 28 (42 percent) but this stratum represented only 11 percent of the total. Almost two-thirds of the broods were found in stratum 27 where the index increased 11 percent from last year. A decrease of 25 percent in brood numbers was indicated in stratum 26 where 26 percent of the broods were observed. An analysis of the broods indicated that 41 percent were Class I, 34 percent were Class II, 21 percent were Class III and 4 percent were unclassified. The average brood size this year was 5.0, which is 14 percent below last year and 11 percent below the average. 16 The coot brood index was down 12 percent from last year and down 80 percent from the average. The greatest decrease (69 percent) was noted in stratum 26. Slight increases were made in strata 27 and 28. The late-nesting index for dabblers showed a decrease of 7 percent from last year, while the late-nesting index for diving ducks decreased 17 percent. The total duck late-nesting index was -14 percent below last year. The production index for southern Alberta was the lowest since 1968. A reduced flight of ducks from the southern Alberta unit was anticipated. 17 SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN Data supplied by Rossalius C. Hanson and Douglas S. Benning Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditons (table B-19) Spring this year was probably as near normal as we can expect. Only one really cool morning greeted our survey crews, and that was May 6 , when temperatures dropped to 20°F at Swift Current, Moose Jaw, and Regina. Rains were few and far between during the month. Conditions were good for flying the survey with only three days lost to fog and rain. Winds were moderate throughout except for one day of high winds north and east of North Battleford. Total ponds were fewer in number than those found in the past two years. We were down 20 percent from last year but up from the 1956-1962 average by 21 percent. Habitat from the open prairies to the parklands varied from poor to excellent. A rather strange mixture of too much water and too little water was the result. Heavy snowfall and rapid runoffs in April created the favorable water conditions. The 1972 nesting conditions appeared to be favorable. Only one cold morning (May 6) was recorded. Whether this had any effect on unincubated eggs is not known. The first broods were seen on May 19. One pintail brood was recorded on that date by the ground crew and two pintail broods by the aerial crew. All were seen in the far western area. This would indicate an almost normal season with waterfowl nesting commencing near mid-April. Farming activities in the drier areas developed rapidly, and seeding was well along by mid-May. Where sheetwater stood in the fields in the northeast, no wheels were turning even as late as when we finished the survey. Stubble burning was fairly widespread this year because of the dryness and resulted in the loss of many early nests. Soil moisture was variable, definitely deficient in some areas, and elsewhere more than enough. There was little rain during the spring period, further reducing water levels. The only help was the lack of strong hot winds. Breeding populations (tables B-20 through B-22) A little over 3 million ducks (3,089,500) were recorded this year compared to 3-1/2 million (3,538,900) last year and 3,838,100 for the long-term average. This was down from 1970 and 1971 but up a little over 1969. Percentage-wise, we were down 13 percent from 1971 and 20 percent from the long-term (1956-1962) average. 18 Mallards showed no change from last year while pintails were off 33 percent. Another species showing a' decline was blue- winged teal, down 44 percent from 1971. Total dabblers were down 15 percent from last year and the long-term average. Divers showed mixed trends. For all practical purposes, there was a very slight gain. Canvasbacks showed a "no change" condition. Coots were down 19 percent from a year ago. Canada geese continued a gradual increase in the prairies. Summer weather and habitat conditions (table B-23) Rainfall from early May to mid- July was generally a little below normal. May was relatively dry but precipitation was better in June and July. The southeast portion of the Province from Weyburn south and east had exceptionally heavy rains in June causing flooded conditions and an overabundance of water as far as agricultural activities were concerned. Water counts were off from last year by 33 percent, standing at 732,400 but were above the 1956-62 average by 37 percent. Ponds in all strata were down from last year, indicating a continuous drying trend. The greatest losses occurred in the southwest, mid-central, and south-central portions of the southern prairie area. The parklands did better with Stratum 20, the east (including the southeast) showing the smallest declines. The northwest parklands were also showing signs of the drought. The far west was not much worse than in May. July was characterized by very cool weather, averaging 10° below the normal highs and lows. During three days, July 17-19, the lowest overnight temperatures on record were broken in Saskatchewan. On July 19 the coldest afternoon temperatures on record were established at Estevan. This aided in retaining pond water but was pretty well offset by continuing high winds. Thunderstorms and high water in the southeast were a factor there in nest losses. This was indicated by the lack of broods in those areas, and also nest losses were reported by ground observers. In other areas, no particular nest losses were evident. Marsh vegetation and aquatics were abundant in the better watered areas. This caused reduced visibility for the aerial crews, no doubt resulting in fewer broods counted as well as smaller numbers of recorded adults. In the dry areas, there was. n° visibility problem. Receding water levels and lack of ponds concentrated what broods there were on a few areas. Farm crops were behind schedule because of cool weather and drought conditions. Crop forecasts indicated a reduction in grain production of 15 to 20 percent below normal. 19 Production (tables B-24 and B-25) Our final brood index stood at only 3 percent below last year, due to better than expected production in the wet areas. The index stood at 176,000 in 1972 in contrast to 180,800 in 1971. We were off 12 percent from the long-term average (1956-62) of 199,900. The average brood size was 5.2, the same as last year. We saw many broods of only two and three ducklings. On the other hand, this was offset by larger broods of 10-12 ducklings in the II and III age-class. Many flying and Class II and III broods were noted in Strata 19 and 21. Class I broods made up about one-half of those seen in the eastern areas. This indicated a better early hatch in the western areas than in the east. Late-nesting indexes were down from last year in all strata except stratum 21 in the southeast. The index was down from last year by 34 percent but up from the average by 22 percent. It stood at 154,800 this year compared to 127,100 for the average and 234,400 for 1971. This year's figure is still in the ball park with 1969, and above most figures reported in the sixties. 20 SOUTHERN MANITOBA Data supplied by Morton M. Smith and Richard C. Droll Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditions (table B-26) The fall of 1971 was again wet in southern Manitoba. Snowfall through the winter was not unusual but early spring precipitation was sufficient to maintain good water conditions. Weather during the May surveys was mild and pleasant , with clear days and light winds. On only two days were flight operations cancelled due to weather. As of May 23, growing season precipitation Cthat since April 1) in southern Manitoba was about 20 percent below normal. The number of water areas in southern Manitoba in May 1972 were little changed from those of 1971. There was less July water this year than last. The first week of May was cold and nighttime lows were in the twenties but temperatures were above average later in the month. Record high temperatures (85° to 90°F) were recorded on two days in mid-May at Brandon. The mean temperature for the period April 1 through May 23, was 1.6°F above normal at ten selected stations in the survey unit. Winds were unusually light during May 1972. There was no sign of new vegetation in early May, but with the subsequent warm, sunny weather, leafing and emergents developed very rapidly. By mid-May, aspens were generally leafed and emergents were showing in pond basins. The phenology this year was perhaps a week early and was ahead of that of 1971. Breeding populations (tables B-27 through B-29) Breeding duck numbers in southern Manitoba in May, were similar to the 1971 counts, but were 50 percent below the 1956-62 period (a series of years of high duck populations in southern Manitoba) . The aerial indexes were up for mallards , gadwalls , widgeons, and shovelers but declined for all other species. The mallard index was 14 percent above 1971, but remained 49 percent below the average. Blue-winged teal were down 31 percent from 1971, and 48 percent from the average. The 1972 canvasback index declined 41 percent from 1971 and was 56 below the 1956-62 average. Coots were up 105 percent over 1971, but were 25 percent below the 1956-62 average. The lone drake index is considered an indicator of the progress and intensity of the nesting effort. The 1972 lone drake index was above that of 1971 and above average for the series of years of survey. Observations indicate the mallard and pintail nesting effort was probably slightly earlier in 1972 than is usual for southern Manitoba, while the canvasback nesting effort seemed slightly delayed. 21 The total duck index in southern Manitoba for May was nearly equal to that of 1971. Habitat conditions were generally good this spring. May was a warm, sunny month and it appeared the 1972 breeding season was an early one. Summer weather and habitat conditions (table B.-26) July was unusually cool and record low temperatures were recorded during the month. As of July 17, growing season precipitation (that since April 1) at ten selected stations was 19 percent below normal. Cumulative mean temperatures for the period were still a degree above normal as a result of the warm May weather. The May survey found water conditions and pond quality better than average in southern Manitoba. The pond counts in July were 19 percent below those of July 1971 and 15 percent below the 1956-62 average. The July pond counts in stratum 24 were unchanged from those of 1971 but the number of ponds in Stratum 25 this July declined sharply from last year's total. Despite decreased precipitation and fewer ponds this year than last, there was good brood water over most of the southern Manitoba unit in 1972. Production (tables B-30 and B-31) The 1972 brood index for southern Manitoba. was the highest recorded since 1967. It \ was 65 percent above that of 1971 but remained 31 percent below the 1956-62 average. The average brood size (Class II and III broods only) was 5.2 and is below the norm of 5.7. The production survey this July was completed earlier than usual. A later survey might have yielded a few more broods and a smaller late-nesting index. The 1972 late-nesting index, which is a measure of broods to come, was 28 percent below that found in 1971. We were not very satisfied with the LNI this year and suspect it was larger than our figures show. Many adult ducks remained on the prairies in southern Manitoba this July, probably as a result of generally good water conditions, drying habitat to the west and a larger May breeding population in the survey unit in 1972. Late nesters were mixed in with the flocks of adults seen (ground studies reported many late nesters X but it was difficult for the air crew to separate true breeders from those adults that were finished for the year. A forecast index is used to weight and sum the several estimates relating to duck production gathered each July. The 1972 index for southern Manitoba is 79, up slightly from 1971, but still well below the 1956-62 average. Coot production appeared good this July and was above average. 22 Habitat conditions were good and we believed the 1972 duck crop from southern Manitoba was better than the poor production obtained in 1971. Production from southern Manitoba remained well below average however. 23 MONTANA Data supplied by Alva E. Welnrich and James S. Cromwell, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditions (table B-32) Montana weather was cold with above normal amounts of snow in January and February. March and early April were very mild and warm creating flood conditions. Late April was stormy with alternating snow and rainstorms. May was quite unsettled with rainstorms, hailstorms, and snowstorms. On May 25, four inches of snow fell in the Havre area, a hailstorm was observed near Medicine Lake, and a thunderstorm in the area south of Glasgow. The only area that appeared quite dry in eastern Montana was north of Great Falls. Water conditions elsewhere were from good to excellent. Agricultural operations were delayed by wet field conditions. Summer fallowing and turning stubble under were also delayed which improved chances that early nests would not be destroyed. Snowbanks were still present in the Lewistown area and the area west of Cutbank during the survey. The Cutbank area snowbanks were larger than any in former years of survey. Despite the unusual weather conditions, the season appeared to be well advanced as evidenced by the appearance of duck broods and goose broods. In previous years, we seldom have observed duck broods during the May survey. Breeding populations (tables B-33 through B-35) The mallard index was up 37 percent from 1971 and up 22 percent from the 1965-71 average. Pintails showed a 103 percent increase from 1971 and a 21 percent increase above the average. Total ducks were 50 percent above 1971 and 6 percent above the 1965-71 average. The only dabbling duck species to reflect a decline in 1972 were gadwalls, blue- winged teal, and shovelers. We believe these waterfowl indexes reflect real population increases in the units covered by this survey. The lone drake index for 1972 (Table B-35) ±s low in view of the numbers of duck broods observed and the general phenology of the season. However, on May 9, in southern Montana, flocks of late migrants were noted and an early brood was observed. The unsettled weather probably was responsible for these contradictions and perhaps not much weight can be given to the lone drake index this year. Summer weather and habitat conditions (table B-32) Montana stations reported above normal precipitation for the survey area with the exception of north-central Montana. The May pond index was up 11 percent above 1971 and 33 percent above the average. The moisture carryover was excellent with little decline in the pond index resulting in an 88-percent and a 90-percent increase in July ponds from 1970 (no survey was run in July of 1971) and the average respectively. The survey area had an early spring with early runoff, and good to excellent moisture conditions. June was quite dry. Early July saw 24 little moisture fall except local thunderstorm activity. About July 20, a good storm with rain and snow passed through the survey area. Crop and hay production in northern central Montana during the July survey period was poor with crops turning brown from lack of rainfall.. Elsewhere, crop and hay production was good to excellent. Pond vegetation was generally heavy. The nesting season was early as evidenced by the numbers of broods observed in the May surveys and the age classes of broods in the July survey. Temperatures in June and July were below normal further helping to conserve water. Production (table B-36) The Montana survey unit had more breeding ducks in 1972 than in 1971. Duck production in 1972 was up from 1970 and 29 percent above the average. Average brood size was larger than average. The class composition of the broods was Class I, 12 percent; Class II, 37 percent; Class III, 51 percent. A good number of broods observed were able to fly and possibly some were missed by being mixed with or mistaken for flocks of adult ducks. The total late-nesting index was up markedly from 1970 and 182 percent above the average. The increases were most apparent in mallard, widgeon, and pintail of the dabblers and canvasback and scaup of the divers. Gadwalls , blue-winged teal, and shovelers had a decrease in the late- nesting index from 1970 and the average. Suitable habitat was available and this, plus more breeders and favorable conditions » resulted in improved waterfowl production in the Montana survey area. 25 NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA Data supplied by Gerald Pospichal, Edgar Ferguson, A. E. Weinrich, J. S. Cromwell, Thomas Sechrist, and Richard Basler, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Spring weather and habitat conditions (tables B-37 and B-38) Temperature and precipitation data for North and South Dakota indicated generally below normal precipitation and temperatures through the fall and winter of 1971-72. In early March, a warm- ing trend over the Dakotas melted all snow and caused an early breakup. Runoff was light, however. April turned cold again with below normal precipitation in North Dakota except for two mid-April snows which improved conditions. Above normal precipitation in the southern one-half of South Dakota improved pothole conditions during April. Heavy rains and hail were common over both States in May causing flooding and damage in many areas. In North Dakota, pond indexes showed an increase of 17 percent over 1971 and an increase of 69 percent over the 1960-69 average. Except for the year 1970, pothole numbers were the highest since 1960. Water quality however, was marginal in the east part of stratum 30 and in stratum 29. South Dakota showed a 60-percent increase in pond numbers over 1971 and a 61-percent increase over the 1960-69 average. Water quality appeared good over most of the State. Nesting cover, both over-water and field, appeared adequate. The wet fields, which delayed burning and seeding in the eastern two-thirds of North Dakota and South Dakota favored the stubble- nesting ducks. Dead aquatic vegetation hindered aerial observations to a greater degree than in past years. New growth was not a problem to aerial observation except in the northern part of North Dakota. Breeding populations (tables B-39 through B-44) The long-term trends in North and South Dakota waterfowl breeding populations are shown in Tables B-39 and B-40. Waterfowl population indexes by species for North Dakota indicate no change in total ducks from 1971 but a population 28 percent higher than the 1960-69 average. Compared to 1971, the following species showed declines: mallard, 6 percent; gadwall, 9 percent; blue-winged teal, 19 percent; shoveler, 16 percent; and scaup, 3 percent. Increases over 1971 were noted in green-winged teal, 127 percent; pintail, 27 percent; redhead, 12 percent; canvasback, 100 percent; ruddy, 17 percent, and coot, 32 percent. All species except coot showed populations higher than the 1960-69 average. In South Dakota all ducks showed increases over 1971 except gadwalls and redheads. Total ducks were up 32 percent above the average but coots were down 16 percent. 26 The 1972 lone drake index for South Dakota (61 percent) indicates the second latest nesting season since 1960. In Strata 32 and 33, the lone drake indexes were about normal but in Stratum 34, indexes were later than normal. Mallard nesting was later than both in 1970 and 1971 and later than the average of the preceding years, the state-wide pintail lone drake index was the lowest since 1960, again pulled down by late nesting in Stratum 34. In North Dakota, nesting was well advanced with a state-wide lone drake index of 82 percent, the second highest since 1960. The mallard index of 84 percent was the highest since 1960. Pintail at 81 percent was higher than 1971 and above the average. Canvasback at 76 percent was higher than the previous five years. At the end of the breeding pair survey all factors indicated a year of above-average production in the Dakotas. Summer weather and habitat conditions (tables B-38 and B-39) During the latter part of June and July, precipitation was far below normal and hot dry winds dropped July pothole numbers in North Dakota to 31 percent below 1971 and 14 percent below the average. Though water levels dropped in South Dakota, pothole numbers were still 29 percent higher than 1971 and 11 percent above the July average. The delay in farming operations was a boon to the early nesters as evidenced by the numbers of Class II and III broods observed. No grain harvest operations were noted this year during the survey although some fields in South Dakota were almost ready. Hay crops were heavy because of the excellent rain during May and early June and hay-cutting was in progress from 10 days to 2 weeks earlier than 1971. Nest losses due to haying could be high in the late-nesting and re- nesting efforts. Grain crops were late in eastern North Dakota and in some areas no seeding was done because of the wet field conditions. Pond levels in both states were sufficient to last through the brood season. Brood visibility was hampered by heavy pond vegetation, probably to the same extent as occurred in 1971. Production (tables B_45 and B-46) The duck brood index for North Dakota was 38 percent above 1971 and 15 percent above the average. Average brood size was down slightly, 5.5 as compared to 5.6 in 1971, and the average of 6.0. Coot broods were up 12 percent over 1971 and 2 percent over the average. South Dakota experienced the best brood production year since 1966. The duck brood index was up 123 percent from 1971 and y4 percent above the average. The coot 27 brood index was up over 500 percent above 1971. Average brood size was down slightly, 5.3 compared to 5.6 in 1971 and the average of 5.7. The late-nesting index in North Dakota was up 52 percent over 1971 and up 16 percent over the average. South Dakota showed a late-nesting index of 81 percent over 1971 and 60 percent above the average. Both North and South Dakota experienced the best waterfowl production in recent years. The Forecast Index which sums the various factors influencing production shows a rating of 109 for 1972 compared to an average of 100 and a rating of 77 in 1971. Ground studies in South Dakota supported this forecast. The contribution of the Dakotas to the fall flight was above average. 28 MINNESOTA Data supplied by Robert L. lessen, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Weather and habitat conditions Weather conditions for aerial census were better than usual. Overcast skies and calm winds during the time flights were made in the western portion of the State were especially conducive to good visibility. Habitat conditions, as evidenced by ponds, were generally good. Fall rains in west-central Minnesota predisposed the area to good habitat conditions early. Elsewhere, south of Thief River Falls, heavy spring rains maintained numerous ponds and a considerable number of casual water areas during the period of survey. The northwestern portion of Minnesota was unusually dry in sharp contrast to the rest of the state. Estimated ponds numbers within survey strata I, II, and III was 200,000. This is 18 percent more ponds than were recorded in 1971. Breeding populations (tables B-47 and B-48) The breeding waterfowl index for Minnesota was 170,000 and consisted of 15,000 coot and 155,000 ducks. Major duck indexes were 54,000 mallards, 51,000 blue-winged teal and 11,000 ring- necked ducks. These index values did not include birds missed by aerial observation. The visibility of birds this year was judged on the basis of air- ground comparison routes. Overall visibility increased by a third with teal showing an unusual rate of half being tallied by the aerial crew. Improved flying conditions and abundance of open temporary ponds were both conducive to an increased proportion of birds seen. The calculated rate, however, is likely to be some- what high, as evidenced by several aerial tallies for mallards and ring-necked ducks which exceeded ground counts. Adjusting aerial indexes for birds not seen suggested mallards declined for the second year to a level substantially below that recorded in the 1968-1970 period. The decline in teal recorded this year was likely exaggerated due to an inflated visibility factor. In summary, the 1972 state-wide aerial waterfowl breeding pair survey was conducted under good weather conditions for flying. Most of the State had an abundance of water with pond numbers a fifth higher than in 1971. High visibility of birds disguised actual declines calculated on the basis of aerial and ground comparisons. Overall duck numbers declined one fifth with a slightly higher decrease noted for blue-winged teal and a slightly lower decrease in number of mallards. An early June tally of drakes indicated that the nesting season was progressing normally. 29 The precision with which the breeding indexes are developed has been calculated and described with 80- percent confidence limits. Those calculations suggest an overall accuracy of about + 14 percent. 30 WASHINGTON Data supplied by Robert Jeffrey and Ellis Bowhay, Washington Department of Game Weather and habitat conditions The number of potholes in the far-eastern scabland regions was the lowest since 1968, but still near average. Water conditons improved as one moved westward, with Okanogan County potholes described as being in excellent condition. For the stratum, the number of May potholes was 20 percent above average. By mid- July there were 16 percent more water bodies than during the 1962-71 period. Sporadic, heavy rainfall alternating with hot weather caused considerable valley flooding during the duck nesting season. But weather and cover conditions favored a high nesting success, which obscured any losses to flooding. Breeding populations (table B-49) The duck breeding potential was 7 percent above the 1967-71 average. Mallards were up 14 percent and made up nearly one-half of the dabbler index. The wood duck ran counter to the general trend and continued a long-term decline. Most duck species declined from the high adult levels of 1971. Production (table B-50) The State production index for all ducks was 422,400, which was 6 percent higher than the 1962-71 average and 1 percent above 1971 production. This estimate is based upon a new index which was developed for the 10-year period in 1971 and resulted in a consider- able shift in relative importance of production strata and an overall downward adjustment of the production estimate, amounting to about 12 percent. Young ducks made up 60 percent of the index, up from 53 percent in 1971. Dabblers, as a group, experienced a high nesting success. The pothole habitat contributed only 41 percent of the duck production index, as compared with 46 percent in 1971. Irrigated lands contributed 14 percent, compared with 17 percent in 1971. Western Washington and other habitat in eastern Washington produced enough ducks to slightly more than offset the declines in pothole and irrigation strata. The production index for Canada geese was 12,400, up 13 percent from 1971 and 19 percent above the 10-year average. All sections of the Columbia River showed increased nesting. However, a severe pool level pull-down of the river by the Corps of Engineers on April 21 coincided with the peak of goose hatching. The draw-down provided access to nesting islands by ground predators. A report on the full effect of this predation on goose production was not available, but a downward revision in the river index was expected. 31 CALIFORNIA Data supplied by V. C. Simpson, H. A. George, F. M. Kozlik, and J. R. LeDonne California Department of Fish and Game Weather and habitat conditions Habitat conditions in northeastern California were good for the fourth consecutive year. Dry weather conditions prevailed during the spring, but the runoff from winter snows maintained the per- manent water impoundments and most marsh areas. Some of the temporary habitat still had ample water to produce birds. Although the birds were early in arriving back on the breeding grounds, both Canada geese and ducks nested about on schedule. Precipitation was below normal in the Central Valley with amounts running less than one-half to three-quarters of normal. Since this area is mostly composed of artificial and regulated water impound- ments such as rice fields, grasslands and pastures, the effects of weather and rain influences waterfowl production indirectly only as it relates to farming operations. Field preparations started early, but rice seeding was about normal. With the early spring many of the birds had left the winter grounds by the first part of March. Most of the waterfowl production occurring in California is found in northeastern California and on the rice lands of the Sacramento Valley. Other areas covered by this survey are: Suisun Marsh, the Grasslands, and rice and pasture areas of the Central San Joaquin Valley. Other smaller areas produce some ducks, but the accumulated total is of little significance during years of normal rainfall and runoff. Breeding populations and production (tables B-51 and B-52) The breeding ground survey for 1972 was conducted in essentially the same manner as in previous years, consisting of complete aerial coverage of the "Great Basin" section in northeastern California and aerial transects in the Sacramento Valley, San Joaquin Valley and Bay area. On the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge, ground counts were made by refuge personnel and supplemented with aerial survey work. Where transects were used, the same routes were followed with two observers and a pilot. The plane was flown at 65 to 100 miles per hour and approximately 150 feet above the terrain. The observers covered an eighth-of-a-mile strip on each side of the plane recording the number of pairs and single males observed. Where complete coverage was accomplished, the same procedure was followed except that consecutive strips or passes were made across the individual marshes or reservoirs. 32 The survey flights in the Central Valley were conducted on May 20 and 21, while northeastern California was flown from May 30 through June 3. Comparable figures of nesting pairs of waterfowl and fall population indexes are presented for each area for this year and last in tables B-51 and B-52. 33 UTAH Data supplied by Albert F. Regenthal Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Weather and habitat conditions The early winter of 1971-72 was above average in precipitation in the northern part of the State and below average in the southern sectors. After January precipitation there was somewhat below normal. The Great Salt Lake rose to its highest water level since the mid-19 30' s. Natural marsh areas around the lake were in generally good conditions although some marsh vegetation was lost along the lake shores and outside the managed areas because of the high and/or salty water. Wetland habitat through- out the remainder of the State remained in good to excellent condition throughout the spring and early summer. Reservoir storage, with some exceptions in the southern part of the State was in generally favorable condition. Breeding populations and production Ducks: Ground counts are made to determine trends in breeding ducks on all of the State's waterfowl management areas. Aerial transects prior to 1971 covered approximately 108.6 square miles of the major breeding habitat in Utah. Since 1971 the transects in Utah County have been abandoned because of changing land -use patterns and deterioration of habitat. Transects now cover an area of 90.6 square miles. Both ground counts and aerial transects are made annually to determine trends in breeding ducks. No effort is made to census duck broods by either ground or aerial means. Aerial surveys indicate an alarming decrease of breeding ducks on the northern Utah trend areas. Ground counts on the managed marshes showed a slight increase in breeding birds over 1971 levels. The results of aerial surveys are more a reflection of the higher water level of Salt Lake with a resultant dispersion of birds from the transect lines than an indicator of bird populations. Inundation and the intrusion of salt water caused by the rise in the lake level over the past two years has resulted in the loss of a fairly substantial amount of vegetation in the marshes outside the managed areas and along the eastern and northern shores of Salt Lake. Breeding populations of all major nesting species were considered normal. No major shifts in species composition between northern and southern breeding areas was apparent. 34 Tables B-53 through B-55 indicate the total number of birds observed, breeding pairs censused and species composition of breeding waterfowl on Utah marshes during the spring of 1972. Canada Geese: Brood counts were made on several trend areas annually to determine the relative status of this species. Both aerial and ground surveys were used depending upon accessibility of the areas. Canada goose production on the key trend areas in Utah increased markedly over 1971 levels. Both breeding pairs and goslings returned to numbers essentially equal to the 10-year average. There was some question of the validity of the estimates made in 1970 and 1971. The striking increases in 1972, following the large decrease from 1970 to 1971, would seem to indicate that the 1971 estimates were low. Table B-56 lists breeding pairs and goslings production on trend areas for the period 1966-1972. 35 COLORADO Data supplied by Michael R. Szymczak Colorado Division of Wildlife Weather and habitat conditions Generally dry conditions were found throughout most of Colorado's major waterfowl breeding areas. The San Luis Valley, Colorado's most important duck breeding area, continued in a dry cycle which began in 1971. The run off from the snow pack in the mountains surrounding North Park produced only fair water conditions. Marshes and drainage basins in the Cache la Poudre and South Platte River Valleys were dry and river flows extremely low. Low water along the rivers in northern Colorado was detrimental to duck nesting, but did insure that island- nesting Canada geese would not be threatened by flooding. Breeding populations and production (tables B.-57 through B-60) The reduction in the number of breeding pairs in Colorado's two major breeding areas, the San Luis Valley and North Park, resulted in the smallest breeding pair total recorded for the State since 1964. The 47,300 breeding pairs are nearly 20 percent below the long-term average. Only in the Cache la Poudre Valley were more breeding pairs observed in 1972 than in 1971. The mallard, although recording a decrease in total numbers from its 1971 level, increased in terms of the composition of the total breeding population. Three species, the gadwall, redhead, and widgeon- recorded major declines from the 1971 level on a percentage basis. All species, except the green-winged teal decreased in number. The post-nesting season Moffat County population of Canada geese was estimated to be approximately 1,400 birds in 1972. The total is 8-percent below the 1971 level. Production estimates for Moffat County in 1972 were down approximately 16 percent from 1971 levels. The lower estimates were mainly a result of a decline in brood sizes on the Yampa and Little Snake Rivers rather than a reduction in the estimated number of nesting pairs. Production on the Green River increased substantially over the 1971 level in the Brown's Park area and remained stable in the Dinosaur National Monument area. Canada goose gosling production in 1972 in north-central Colorado was down approximately 17 percent from the 1971 level. Only Fort Collins recorded an increase among the five trend areas. The greatest decline was measured in the Boulder area. The total number of geese observed on the trend areas in 1972 was essentially unchanged from both the 1971 total and the three- year average. 36 NEBRASKA Data supplied by John Sweet and George Schildman, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Weather and habitat conditions Much of the Sandhills and the rainwater basin areas were extremely dry during the winter and early spring. All of the State received rain during the first half of May. Amounts ranged from less than 2 inches to an excess of 7 inches, however, most of the rain occurred after migration. At the time of the surveys, (May 11-18 in Sandhills and May 19-20 in rainbasin area) , water conditions were much improved and habitat exceeded the supply of breeding ducks. The most rainfall occurred in the northern and northeastern Sandhills and eastern rain- basin area. Breeding populations (table B-61) The total population of 103,900 was 3 percent below 1971, and 5 percent below the previous 5-year average. The Sandhill population was calculated at 91,700, a 5- percent decrease from 1971. In the rainbasin area, the duck breeding population was calculated at 12,300, a 15 percent increase over 1971. For both areas combined, dabbling ducks were down 13 percent and divers were up 93 percent from 1971. Blue-winged teal showed a 4 percent increase and shovelers an 18-percent increase. Mallards, gadwalls and pintails showed decreases of 31, 36, and 29 percent respectively. 37 MISSOURI Data supplied by Kenneth M. Babcock, Missouri Conservation Department Weather and habitat conditions Spring temperatures were higher than normal but precipitation was below normal through June. Many streams and impoundments fell to rather low levels. Statewide, stream levels were about equally divided between low and normal levels. Production The stream float method was used principally for obtaining an estimate of wood duck production in Missouri. A three-year survey on 194 miles of channelized streams was completed. Only two adult wood ducks were seen on these channels during the three-year period. These were formerly good wood duck production streams. Wood duck nesting studies in southeast Missouri provided measurements in a marsh- impoundment area of normally good production as did the banding program in this area and in northeast Missouri. Wood duck broods noted per mile on 277 miles of stream floats was 0.23 and average brood size was 5.4. The population count was 1.72 and nesting effort per mile was 0.41. A summation of all measurements indicated a 7-percent increase above last year and 10-percent increase above the ten year average for Missouri. Missouri has been utilizing a locally developed Survey Evaluation index for several years as a means of comparing nesting and productivity of wood ducks from year to year. This index is based on five nesting-production indexes compiled from all the data acquired on the stream float surveys. Wood duck populations and production were up about 7-percent from last year's measurements. Nesting efforts of mallards and blue- winged teal were not significant although successful production continued to be noted throughout the State. 38 WATERFOWL KILL SURVEY Data supplied by Samuel M. Carney, Elwood M. Martin, and Michael F. Sorensen Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife INTRODUCTION This report includes estimates of waterfowl hunting activity and success during the 1971 season and compares them with simi- lar estimates for the 1970 season. Estimates for both years were derived from information obtained from three sources: 1) the Postal Service's report of duck stamp sales, 2) the Bureau's Mail Questionnaire Survey of United States Waterfowl Hunters, and 3) the Bureau's Waterfowl Parts Collection Survey. PROCEDURES A relatively complete explanation of procedures followed in 1969 may be found in Special Scientific Report—Wildlife No. 138. Similar sample selection and stratification pro- cedures were followed in 1970 and 1971. Major adjustments to data include those for activity by hunters less than 16 years old who are not surveyed (table C-l) and those used to compen- sate for memory and prestige biases (table C-2) . Adnn'nipf-ratiye Reports Figures in this report are based on final duck stamp sales figures. In Administrative Report 216 of the Migratory Bird Populations Station, preliminary estimates based on sales of duck stamps through the third quarter of fiscal year 1971 were made available for the annual waterfowl regulations meetings in early August. Age, sex, and species composition at the State level are not included here but were presented in Administrative Reports 217 and 218. 39 RESULTS For ducks and coots, bias adjusted estimates of bag by species and total retrieved and unretrieved kill estimates are presented in table C-3. Estimates of retrieved, unre- trieved, and total goose kill are in table C-4. Daily duck bag and possession limits, season lengths, and esti- mated numbers of potential waterfowl hunters, together with average and total numbers of days hunted, and ducks and geese bagged, unadjusted for response bias , are presented by State for each flyway in tables C-5, C-7, C-9, and C-ll. Duck stamp sales and their breakdown into non-hunters, and active (hunting one or more days) and successful (bagging at least one duck, goose, or coot) waterfowl hunters, are summarized by State for each flyway in tables C-6, C-8, C-10, and C-12. The proportion of the total duck harvest that occurred after the September teal season is shown in table 13. A brief resume of hunter activity and success by flyway and the nation for 1971, showing degree of change from the previous year, follows: Alaska Duck stamp sales totaled 14,423 (+11 percent), and 73,100 ducks (+15 percent), 900 coots (+80 percent), and 16,800 geese (+10 percent) were bagged during 71,100 hunter-days afield (+32 percent) . Those persons buying duck stamps for hunting hunted an average of 4.6 days (+19 percent) and bagged an average of 6.2 ducks (+4 percent) and 1.3 geese (-1 percent) each. The estimates for Alaska are recorded in tables C-3, C-4, C-5, and C-6. Pacific Flyway Duck stamp sales totaled 438,146 (-4 percent), and 3,969,600 ducks (-10 percent), 151,200 coots (-39 percent), and 330,400 geese (-26 percent) were bagged during 3,097,100 hunter-days afield (-7 percent). Those persons buying duck stamps for hunting hunted an average of 6.6 days (-2 percent) and bagged an average of 11.1 ducks (-5 percent ) and 0.9 geese (-22 percent) each. The estimates for the Pacific Flyway are recorded in tables C-3, C-4, C-5, and C-6. 40 Central Flyway Duck stamp" sales totaled 464,635 (+6 percent), and 2,779,200 ducks (-7 percent), 80,700 coots (-10 percent), and 413,100 geese (-22 percent) were bagged during 3,409,800 hunter-days afield (+5 percent). Those persons buying duck stamps for hunting hunted an average of 7.2 days (+5 percent) and bagged an average of 7.7 ducks (-12 percent) and 1.0 geese (-27 percent) each. The estimates for the Central Flyway are recorded in tables C-3, C-4 , C-7, and C-8. Mississippi Flyway Duck stamp sales totaled 1,003,791 (virtually unchanged), and 5,461,500 ducks (-16 percent), 428,800 coots (-41 per- cent), and 380,600 geese (-28 percent) were bagged during 7,177,300 hunter-days afield (-5 percent). Those persons buying duck stamps for hunting hunted an average of 6.7 days (-4 percent) and bagged an average of 6.8 ducks (-16 percent) and 0.4 geese (-27 percent) each. The estimates for the Mississippi Flyway are recorded in tables C-3, C-4, C-9, and C-10. Atlantic Flyway Duck stamp sales totaled 505,063 (+2 percent), and 1,729,700 ducks (-12 percent), 161,400 coots (+12 percent), and 337,900 geese (+12 percent) were bagged during 2,964,400 hunter-days afield (+2 percent). Those persons buying duck stamps for hunting hunted an average of 5.7 days (+1 percent) and bagged an average of 3.9 ducks (-13 percent) and 0.8 geese (+11 percent) each. The estimates for the Atlantic Flyway are recorded in tables C-3, C-4, C-ll, and C-12. United States Duck stamp sales totaled 2,426,058 (+1 percent), and 14,013,100 ducks (-12 percent), 823,000 coots (-32 percent), and 1,478,800 geese (-19 percent) were bagged during 16,719,800 hunter-days afield (-2 percent). Those persons buying duck stamps for hunting hunted an average of 6.5 days (-2 percent) and bagged an average of 7.1 ducks (-12 percent) and 0.7 geese (-18 percent) each. The estimates for the United States are recorded in tables C-3, C-4, C-ll, and C-12. 41 APPENDIX A. WATERFOWL WINTER SURVEY TABLES TABLE A-l. — Winter survey, January 1972 - waterfowl by species and flyway (nearest hundreds) Pacific Central Mississippi Atlantic Species Flyway Flyway Flyway Flyway Total Ducks : Dabblers: Mallard 2,594,700 3,398,000 2 ,794,000 186,600 8,973,300 Black duck 143,900 269,800 413,700 Mottled duck 42,000 53,000 1,100 96,100 Gadwall 26,900 341,000 570,500 15,000 953,400 American widgeon 689,700 375,400 300,900 71,500 1,437,500 Green-winged teal 265,600 494,700 511,000 77,400 1,348,700 Blue-winged teal-*- 2,500 68,800 97,000 6,400 174,700 Shoveler 497,800 267,200 174,900 10,500 950,400 Pintail 2,919,000 1,416,000 643,500 107.800 5.086.300 Subtotal 6,996,200 6,403,100 5 ,288,700 746,100 19,434,100 Divers : Redhead 15,000 114,400 6,200 134,900 270,500 Canvasback 48,200 18,500 21,500 90,900 179,100 Scaup 93,800 48,900 920,500 429,100 1,492,300 Ring-necked duck 5,100 8,600 80,600 65,200 159,500 Goldeneye 39,900 18,100 20,700 54,300 133,000 Bufflehead 33,500 8,400 2,200 46,700 90,800 Ruddy duck 79,100 7,000 26,900 38.100 151.100 Subtotal 314,600 223,900 1 ,078,600 859,200 2,476,300 Miscellaneous : Eider 67,000 67,000 Scoter 116,400 148,600 265,000 Oldsquaw 300 25,000 25,300 Merganser 25,600 81,400 51.600 158.600 Subtotal 142,300 81,400 292,200 515,900 Unidentified: 32,000 43,600 46,600 32,900 155.100 Total ducks 7,485,100 6,752,000 6 ,413,900 1,930,400 22,581,400 l Includes cinnamon teal. 42 TABLE A-l. — Winter survey, January 1972 - waterfowl by species and flyway- continued (nearest hundreds) Pacific Central Mississippi Atlantic Total Species Flyway Flyway Flyway Flyway Geese: Blue/Snow goose 436,200 389,100 937,300 82,300 1,844,900 Ross' goose 30,700 30,700 White-fronted goose 100,700 32,100 45,800 178,300 Canada goose 117,300 443,300 594,000 700,200 1,854,800 Lesser Canada goose 108,200 108,200 Cackling goose 102,100 102,100 Total geese 894,900 864,500 1,577,100 782,500 4,119,000 Brant : Black brant 5,400 5,400 American brant 73,300 73,300 Total brant 5,400 73,300 78,700 Swans : Mute swan 1,500 1,500 Whistling swan 82,900 Tr.1 600 62,800 146,300 Trumpeter swan 200 100 300 Total swans 83,100 100 600 64,300 148,100 Coots: American coot 545,000 260,400 466,600 378,400 1,650,400 Grand total 9,013,500 7,877,000 8,458,200 3,228,900 28,577,600 ■*■ Less than 50. 43 TABLE A-2. — Winter survey, January 1972 - waterfowl by state and flyway (nearest hundreds) State Ducks 2 Geese Brant2 Swans'1 Coots Total Pacific Flyway: Washington 1 ,078,400 74,500 4,300 1,500 16,100 1,174,800 Oregon 459,300 74,200 1,000 6,300 44,300 585,100 Idaho 1 ,000,700 17,000 100 8,600 1,026,400 Nevada 18,200 4,200 300 3,900 26,600 California 4 ,748,900 713,900 74,500 447,400 5,984,700 Utah 51,100 2,700 300 4,300 58,400 Arizona 25,700 4,900 Tr. 17,200 47,800 Montana 61,300 2,300 100 3,100 66,800 Wyoming 4,200 200 Tr. 4,400 Colorado 17,600 1,000 Tr. 18,600 New Mexico 19,600 Tr. 19,600 Mexico1 Flyway total 7 ,485,000 894,900 5,300 83,100 554,900 9,013,200 Central Flyway Montana 39,700 500 40,200 Wyoming 142,300 1,300 Tr. 143,600 North Dakota 2,200 100 2,300 South Dakota 157,300 22,200 100 Tr. 179,600 Nebraska 366,000 20,000 386,000 Colorado 344,400 142,100 486,500 Kansas 807,700 182,400 990,100 Oklahoma 384,000 65,800 2,200 452,000 New Mexico 221,700 25,700 Tr. 4,500 251,900 Texas 4 ,286,700 404,300 Tr. 253,700 4,944,700 Flyway total 6 ,752,000 864,400 100 260,400 7,876,900 -•-See table A-3 for Mexico. 2 All species. Less than 50. 44 TABLE A-2. — Winter survey, January 1972 - waterfowl by state and flyway- continued (nearest hundreds) State Ducks Geese Brant Swans Coots Total Mississippi Flyway: Minnesota 18,100 19,200 Tr. 37,300 Wisconsin 19,200 19,400 100 38,700 Michigan 40,700 11,800 100 800 53,400 Iowa 163,900 380,900 544,800 Missouri 318,200 296,300 3,500 618,000 Illinois 325,700 253,000 578,700 Indiana 32,000 14,900 100 47,000 Ohio 190,300 29,700 500 220,500 Arkansas 1,200,600 1,200 40,000 1,241,800 Mississippi 159,000 3,600 20,900 183,500 Louisiana 3,488,100 454,200 368,100 4,310,400 Alabama 77,000 33,600 18,300 128,900 Kentucky 23,500 20,500 44,000 Tennessee 357,500 38,800 14,800 411*100 Flyway total 6,413,800 1,577,100 600 466,600 8,458,100 Atlantic Flyway: Maine 63,100 600 63,700 New Hampshire 3,500 5,300 Tr. 8,800 Vermont 4,400 600 5,000 Massachusetts 113,900 17,200 2,900 200 200 131,500 Connecticut 28,700 1,500 100 Tr. 30,300 Rhode Island 24,700 1,900 400 27,000 New York 151,100 44,800 14,900 500 1,600 198,000 New Jersey 191,500 75,900 48,600 700 700 268,800 Pennsylvania 48,300 26,300 100 3,400 78,100 Delaware 41,200 93,400 700 2,500 1,700 138,800 Maryland 250,400 449,000 3,200 39,700 3,600 742,700 Virginia 128,400 54,100 2,800 3,100 23,900 209,500 West Virginia 2,700 200 100 3,000 North Carolina 129,900 74,900 200 17,000 66,800 288,600 South Carolina 288,900 8,800 Tr. 99,300 397,000 Georgia 45,100 400 14,300 59,800 Florida 414*600 900 162*800 578 300 Flyway total 1,930,400 855,800 73,300 64,300 378,400 3,228,900 45 TABLE A-3. — Winter waterfowl survey, west coast of Mexico, 1972 Species 1971 1972 Percent change 1971-72 Ducks : Dabblers: Mallard Tr.l ___ Gadwall 18,400 7,900 - 57 American widg eon 34,900 64,700 + 85 Green-winged teal 55,000 87,400 + 59 Blue-winged teal 6,000 89,100 +1 ,385 Shoveler 61,500 127,300 + 107 Pintail 159,000 614,600 + 287 Black-bellied tree duck 7,000 6,100 - 13 Fulvous tree duck 1,900 2.800 + 47 Subtotal 343,700 999,900 + 191 Divers : Redhead 25,100 21,800 - 13 Canvasback 1,200 3,000 + 150 Scaup 30,800 41,300 + 34 Goldeneye 600 100 - 83 Bufflehead 1,100 1,400 + 27 Ruddy duck 17.600 11.500 — 35 Subtotal 76,400 79,100 + 4 Miscellaneous : Mergansers 1,900 5,700 + 200 Scoters 2.200 3,500 + 59 Total ducks 424,200 1,088,200 + 157 Geese: Snow goose 600 500 - 17 Whitefronted goose 2,300 200 - 91 Canada goose — Subtotal 2,900 700 _ 76 Brant: Black brant 136,700 119,400 - 13 Coots: American coot 56,900 51,500 - 9 Grand total 620,700 1,259,800 + 103 Less than 50. 46 CM r~» ON i-( co vO on •-( fi co 0) •H O 0) P- co >n 43 CO CD X r— V too C ■i •H 3 -3 3 (I) CD X rl CD rQ -3 3 3 •H •rl N-/ •o 3 a) ri 4J u to N w CO x-i < I I • H I pq 5 0) too co M CN on on o ON ON vO ON 00 vO ON vO ON VO vO ON vO ON vi- vo ON en vO ON CO CD •H CJ CD ex VO O VD vO O VO On cn i— I lO CO ON O O On r-~ m r^ co evi i— i O m l-l O r-l CM m - o 4J 3 CO 3 CD O 3 to • • CO CL, CD r-l 42 -H CO > 3 T) IH W P-i U 3 cfl i-l H-i CD cfl cj O 3 > O W OKI •rl Q CN VO m oo CM in CM CO m i~» ON m ON co i-i r-l VO ON Vl- vO vO CO Subtotal 267 136 351 403 335 + 15 + 20 Total ducks 749 871 1,385 1 ,620 1,413 + 17 + 15 48 CM r-~ os r-i co VO OS i-l n /■ \ to CO 0) T) X 3 CO Cd TJ CO 3 3 •H o .3 s ■U o •i-l 3 ■M •i-l rt I-l CO 3 M a. co o ■a ex, B 3 60 C C •H X T> tu to 13 tu s u •H £i s^ C cd S to 60 3 •H .-1 •U to •H .3 & cd ^ to cd i— I I I m i pq W hJ pq , U 1 T— 1 < CM i~» os os o os os so OS 00 OS 1^ SO OS SO so OS m SO OS SO OS CO SO OS O SO CM CM CM SO 00 CM OS O CM CM CM CM sO r- so CO CO i-i ' CO CM o oo CO r-l o -p CD 3 to -P T3 id -r) •H CD ■H rH -d H ^ to Pi CD to cd ■p o 0 CD cd cd -p § •H Pi H o cd o i>s CD o ■ • ■H rH > •H CD rH -p m & CD CD A -p CO H rH o 5 rH •H £> cd co Pi Pi CD x> U cfl cd •H Pi CD cd pi • • CD cd ft CD H ^ cu rH > H CD CD > -p CO CO g > pi to Tj Ph o CO « rj X cd •H o n P 50 •o c a> u 4J u > o 1 1 d CD to c E-i 00 c— -p ON to rH a) £ 1 .d -p PPN u VO o ON S; iH ■d „ ^-v § CD CD CO •H ■d crT O CD § •H ft to -g co 0 p >= ^ rH & -p O O co rt (D •H si K m 0) to •H d h -P Pi 0) •H •H ,£> h H FP ri H o C g •H -P K CD aj 0) -P rH d in cd El Pi M 0 o .ri ft -p ^ tiD o Pi d ■H d *t 0) cd Q) += Pi Pi ^ 0) ,£> rH l-l > < O g rl CD 0) -P ,3 cd •p S Ph o c sz; •H -* M w (J 3 H CM C— on o r— o> ON • • VO -d- J" on o -d- H KN co LT\ LP, 00 • • VD VO LP, a rH rH rH i-H VO VO o~ vo VD ON VD ON -d- vo On hP VO ON CO CD •H O CD ft CO C\J ON LP ■ • o CM CM J" VD t— -d- CM co LP LP CM rH -H- VD CO • • • GO rH hP O -H- ON C — ON LP LP hP CM VD fP CT hpl o IP\ VD J" LP. LP. LP VO CM VD cr\ CM O LP, VO r<"N • C— CM CO CM On LP 3 ON CM LP CO VO on on vo LP vo on ON ip. ON -H- LP, CO N'N LP O VO CO o -H- o o CO CO CM o CO ON N-N. E— O CO o VD CD ON r— 3 a) o Pi -p a> s cu o 9 5 pi u to i -p rA & CD rj pi rH co •P d bo CO CD ■d o d Pi o i-f o pi CD CO o CO « s VO N"N CO O CO fP, c— o CM C— hP ON LP CM ON VO tp, CO -4" LP. VO rP. VO CM rP. o VO hp. to o o Eh 51 co '•p o -d- CO VD LP CM r-\ CM CO CM O o CM CO CM • • rP. rH VD CM ON LP • • CM CM CO N^ • • O r«"N o ■3- 0) CO o O 00 d CD -P p! o o «H I 0) in CD 0) a) to o o DO aj ■d cfl ON CM O LP -d- • • N"N O f-( CM CD i~p O o o C! « O •H •• •• M co u -d 60 ■d cd (h .a o -p •H r( pq at a> si ■p o :: 1 a) U m i c o CD rH O t-t 01 I ITN ir\ f-r\ o • • • UN c— -d- J- nH C\J i-H ON -d" \D CM CO 00 rH MD On ON ON M3 NN CM ON ON -d- NN UN CM r-\ vo VO a CM CO O o t*N NN CM CM rH ivn 1 rr\ CO • 1 -d-" • ro ON CM ON CO o 60 #1 ■d rH S ■c1 rl CO rH CO S3 rH o 1 is rH ■H u at •1-t C 1 CD od CD rH s u CD CD t> 4= r 1 r-i tJ cd NO -d* rH CO >> rl ON i~i NO 1 CD rH r— O S> H cfl j- in ITN mO V£> GO r— -d" LTv CO H o -± CO J- r— o K"N ir\ o o o o o o o o o o -d- co ITN ON NO LTN rH O CO rH V£> a\ CNJ CO 3 M o o u CO s 3 a> § rH 3 3 ro tH m 1 ra O CO SS 3 CO o CO CO R o o o CO o A o -d- ON I I ITN o o o o o NO o d i oi 3 O CO (j o o o tie 3 ITN •H CO CO O & rH -P NO o 3 r— ITN rH ITN O rH O r-\ O -P o Eh 3 rl O Q> -a 2 pj -d r-i O 3 d U ♦» CO ON o CD O f- o NO o 54 o rr> o LTN • ON • • iTN • J- CM ITN J- r-H CM o ON \o ON • co • • t— • CO N-N J- -* CM ON rH CM 1 i 1 CO 1 i 1 NO o -* co ON • -3- • • o • k-\ CM -* -* NO CM rH l*> o CM co NO • rH t • r- • ir> f- o LTN O KN ITN KN • • CO in NO KN KN nTN • • CO NO ON CM CM ON o ITN f- CO • ON • • o • co NO ir\ J" rH rH NO «-H i i i i i m n • 60 ■a ► •o * o u o M u H o « o • « « t u m u H T3 s> T) n £> m •H * f-l >- > ««! <: -P a -p oo l^- KN LA CO CO ■JD O r- • • • • 0 * • • • CO CO OO UN KN * CO -* t— i-H rH NO r~ VX> * CNJ i-H CO r-l I-H rH rH NO o o CNJ CO -* KN CO -* ON • • • • • • • • • t— un ON r-t UN CNJ r— o CO vo O o r- r-l CO O KN CO r-l r-l I-H rH UN CNJ KN r-l CO KN ON LTN O KN KN r~ CO • • ■ • • • • • • J" KN ON rH UN r— ^3 -* CNJ rH ITN o KN O LTN -3" UN UN CNJ CNJ CNl KN KN -d- <-h KN KN o CNJ r^ J" KN • • • • 9 • • KN O J- J- KN KN oo (M CO rH '.O ON KN o a 55 a ■p a T3 J3 o •H .c 3 U o «w CO U « CU !>» Vi o U (1) a rO rH a « 3 •P a o UJ x: 4) +> H-> 0) « c i-H +» O P. a B T3 T3 o 4) o o IE c a CD rH m * * * * * * 00 c •M T3 n cfl X) CD 03 U X u tu CO 73 M C 10 •r-( CO co C C n-l U U 1 ■* c<1 C >0 -T VO CM O CM 1^ i-l CM CM CM CO CM CM r-l vO rH CO i— I ON in CM O r*» i— i 3- CM -3- r- -a- r-i co cm •* co co in in ,— i cm CO no o C r-- i— i u-i ON rH rH o T3 XI a CU rfl O cfl rJ rH o 1 S rH •H 4-1 id m c C OJ 4-1 U id a id •H (3 1 cu • • 0) CO Q. i CU rH XI 01 rH CJ 3 U "J V > 4-1 3 CA .3 > 3 00 T-) >4H 3 i— i rH co 3 4H V3 • • XI rd rH 03 § l-l rH r- •H CU 0) U -H O 3 in XI id g ea CJ <; o m •H ni U yN Bj rj 23 O 3 3 a a 56 60 c •H XI 01 01 >-l 43 r-l S o IW u 01 4J to 5 c •H XI C 01 IH 4J K CO 01 /■^N >i CO 1 XI o e rH co to t 3 0 CO 4= 45 4-1 o 4J CM c •H r~> •H c , cfl J3 3 01 3 M O. O O Z p. 1 • 00 1 1 W J « < H On c V43 CO \40 0> i-. vC O V43 V0 en v© CM vO o> CO 01 •rl CJ 01 a. 'Ji CO 0\ CO C u-i -* vO CM CJ\ CO O in CM CM CM r-l CTi m CO 00 r-l CM ON O vD r-l m v* r-» CO CM CM o co in CO r-l a\ o i-H VO CM O 00 vO CM CO MS O CM i-H m CM CO m CM CM CM CO oo c vl- ^3- CO o CM O CM CO 00 00 in rH in CM rH ON m CM oc c o CM in •* co CM 1— I 00 m m m CM o CO r- co 00 CO m c oo CM 00 m CM • • .* CO w O 4-1 3 ^ 1— 1 3 ai 0 0 r4 O to XI to 4-1 ai > 43 4J CO rH M U rj 3 0 CO In 0) r4 O XI CO H XI CJ o 0) U 3 • • cfl • • CO 2 co ncj 01 c to •H to CO 4-1 2 01 01 o CJ o o cj 57 3 O U-l U 41 4-1 Cfl 3 cn 3 u co •u en 41 > CM •t-t r^ j-i ON cS r-l 1-j ed M 1 | 0 4J T3 o 10 c h CO 1 ■u Cfl u 3 « O XI T3 r* o c 4-1 u cd •f( C c (A •H cfl 01 51 •l-l w o u £ 0) 01 XI 0) m P XL 3 ■u >> C n X) O X c CO 01 0) "3 ■3 X c C 01 1-1 CO T3 C ■w* C •.-I cO 3 c cu o X! •w o 4-1 •u to CO r-4 ^ 3 en Q. crj O y) e. E 60 C 4) ••-I X! -3 4-1 01 M 0) O M 7-. 1 43 ON 1 m W J ta < H 4) E 00 o CO u (-. in CD > QJ < CO c cO X. o 4-1 c CD o i—l (-4 r^- 41 On Pm f— 1 r~- CD en t-0 r-i CO 1 u CM O < r-l CNI ON CO co to 01 •(-I U 0) a CO coou-ir» oo 3 00 0> c r-l B S CJ ' 01 r-l r-l •• XI CO » o o en oo \o co a, i > 3 cfl o ■3 4) cfl >% 4) Q) 01 x: C C 4) 41 -^ 00 T3 >4-i C H Hh H O 3 cfl 4-) o 4-1 XI 3 CO > a5 u Ji si O H 58 3 O iw l-i 0) 4-1 c0 3 >4-l o CO 3 4-1 cO 4-1 CO aj > CM ■r4 r- 4J OS CO 1-4 U CO •» #•■> CX S CO B 3 XI O 4J c a co co )-> to 1 4J 3 CO O CO J3 ja x> 4-1 o c 4J CO a •H •H C 05 co a) CO a -h u o 01 e g. JO s a) co 3 ^3 C 4-» >> 1-1 J3 X O 0> C 05 XI 01 C XI X •H a v ^— ' co xi c C -H co 3 C oi o J= -H O 4-1 4J CO fB i-l ^ 3 co G. cO 0 v3 a. £c° 01 t4 J= 13 4J 01 U 01 o ^ 1 1 1 PQ w -J g 0) O 00 l-i CO <4-J M OJ a> > cj: < c ctj X! 0 4J a r-l 01 r— u a- m rH 0) fu CO 0) •r4 CJ in a\ r-» I r>» in + r» -* O + vo in + + co co o en CO Ci CO c m <■ MO CM as en CM i-H O co O CN i-l cm m O CM -^ m CM + ac -3- m CM co co CO CO in M0 00 ■H P4 »4H n 13 4J O IT) o 1 1 CO 1 1 • r*» 1 00 | • CO 1 1 CO rH O- CM || .... o CI -H /— x r~ CO o 1 1 CN 43 s •H cd U CO CO -rl CO 3 ON m m 1 00 1 1 • 1 I j 1 CN | • o NO 1 CO rl >n 1 U o 43 4-1 vO on 1-1 00 CM 1 rH 1 I 1 rH -3- O 1 ON N ONvO CO CO CM nO > NO ON ON 00 rH cn m O i i i i ON 1 .... | I o -o- m rH i CN rH m r-i 00 in rH CM ON 43 U CO > cu 4-1 •• *3 "3 rH -3 3 3 CU rH o fl ,0 111 J) £ o CO CO u r-i -rl -H •H <-i -H 4J cfl co 3 Cl cu 4-1 CU U cfl 4*S co U S £ CU cfl £> CU cfl CX 1 0) rH 43 •rH 0)H O 3= 1 f > 4J 3 43 > 3 00T3 4H 3 CJ rH rH Cfl •"O • • O 3 C/J .. T3 3 Cfl 3 rH 4H CO . cu •• 43 Cfl rH cfl B >-i o -52 o rH & -H CO CU cfl U -H O 3 O. CO x> S M pq W Pn U pi U co &i O pq CO 4 3 Q 62 •rl Q en C o ■H 4-1 cd rH 3 CL o CX 00 c ■H XI 0) 0) XI (-1 0) 43 3 H •H 3 4J o c m o M o 0) 1 ■u 1 CO en S •H c ,0. •H ^ XI •U C •H •— s 0) ^H CO !-i •H XI 4J ,a C •H cO u CO CO CO •H 3 QJ > o >, JZ 1 u 4-> o o rH 14-1 X) a •H 00 *^ u <-i CO I ■u CM C vO o on i-H a u »* CD CO ■u a) to ■H CD O S a) P. •a CO c CO >•> C u cn CN on o ON on NO ON 00 NO as NO ON rH NO NO as m as NO ON NO ON CN NO ON 1 m 1 r» 1 rH + 1 O- 1 CO 1 + CO -3- + NO CO + 1 1 1 NO CO + CM CO o O o o u cfl Q o H CO (US 3 0) 4-1 b0 a) a co co x) co O ^ Q •H n) 3 u a 4J CO Z o rH cr a) >-, co XI H XI s (U > u 3 CO o TABLE B-13 .--Southern Alberta - long-term trend in pond indexes by stratum with comparisons to average and previous year, May and July 1972 (index numbers in thousands) Year Stratum 26 27 28 Total May 1963 189.5 686.4 59.4 935.3 1964 153.6 438.4 112.5 704.5 1965 297.3 723.9 102.6 1123.8 1966 282.4 569.2 71.5 923.1 1967 304.3 418.8 140.4 863.5 1968 103.2 397.2 91.8 592.2 1969 212.9 457.0 70.6 740.5 1970 229.7 531.9 62.4 824.0 1971 202.5 471.2 48.6 722.0 1972 138.8 579.4 54.5 772.7 Average 1956-1962 239.4 512.6 90.4 842.4 Percent change: 1972 from 1971 -31.4 +23.0 +12.1 + 7.0 1972 from ave. -42.0 +13.0 -39.7 - 8.3 July 1963 179.4 687.4 78.8 945.6 1964 104.3 252.1 78.6 435.0 1965 263.8 704.3 127.2 1095.3 1966 187.3 339.4 66.6 593.3 1967 200.6 416.8 108.2 725.6 1968 90.3 224.0 65.9 380.2 1969 121.6 258.0 41.0 420.6 1970 115.0 457.5 38.4 610.9 1971 148.4 458.9 42.3 649.6 1972 69.9 286.3 34.7 390.9 Average 1956-1962 117.2 365.3 44.9 527.4 Percent change: 1972 from 1971 -52.9 -37.6 -18.0 -39.8 1972 from ave. -40.4 -21.6 -22.7 -25.9 64 to CD O CD Q. CO 10 X CD -a c E O •r— +J ro =5 Q. O Q- CT> c -o CD ft 3 O **- i- (0 S CD S- +-> s- re ID rO +J S- r— .c i +-> CO 3 to O Cn oo i— 1 1 sf rH eq LU _1 CO 3- r— i— . en to «3- oo •* cm tO r — i — LT) en en to i — to en cm r-. cm en to ■ — un «d- to to o «3- to o oo LO i — i — cm to CO tO CM CM CM en CM oo en co co ^a- to i— co CO i — LO co cm to to co oo cm cm en lo to to en co en oo >^- cm <3- to "* to o to to i — i — i — cm to cm lo to lo o oo en i — i — co co cm t~-~ co tO r— i— I— r- "3" r~s. to r- en to lo oo CO CO r — tO LO c — i — to to +-> cu cn +■» ■D T3 •i- Q)T3 2 en cu c: en .. T3 r— tO S- r — i- ro ro CUr— 2 r— i— -o _Q ro ro •i- CU i— Sr-r I CD ro to JD -i£ ro O Q 3 S- CU CU > +-> cu cu 3 o c - E s- r— .c -r- c53- "* CO C\J •* en CO CO co •3- r-~- scoo r^ o en ,— 00 CM en r-«. CO «rj- co CM 00 to LO CM CO CM i— cn co CO r^ co r-~ CM CM CO r--. to CM LO o CM en i— CO CM 00 00 CO "~ CM CO LO "3- en i-^ LO CO 00 CO <3- «*■ «d- CO CO CM LO CM CM CO CO o 1 to Lorvco cm to en r~- to CM O LO CO CM <3- CM CM LO i — CM en o CO 1 o LO CO o CO o o to en en en cm to LO ^rj" CO CM "=t o 00 CM o CO CO co to en o to CM co en en oo to CnrNCOLOr-i — I— LO i— CO CM CM LO CO i— CM CM r— o o r— en to cm «3- en LO CM CM oo >=j- r-^ co to i— oo i — o en cm co en ■=*■ «d- co LO tO "3" CM CO lo <* i — to en <*• r*. lo *d- co o O *LOr- CM CO CM CO LO cn CM CM o LO en .V u 3 "C ■a r— J^ cu -o 1 — f0 o .*: O) ro r0 +-> ro o >> cu +J O "O -Q CU cu .c: o +J rO to E c cu +J -Q •• CU CO a_ 1 CU r— X) 3 wr > ~! cn-o M- 3 OO s- -o c ro c r- <4- oo CU CU ro U • r- O 3 >q:owk C3 CQ 65 CO cu •r— O OJ Q- co -Q 00 CU X CU -a o 3 Q. O Q. co ■5 cu +-> to ■a ro CO o 2 S- OJ c -Q •i — E 3 T3 E C OJ X 6- CU +-> ■o c S- •i— rC *• — «* CU 1 o i— T3 a; i 3 c ro -i- 4-> +-> i- C cu o -O O r"~ 1 «C I CM c rv. S- CTl cu ■— -c i +J CO 13 tO O CTl CO i — 1 1 H 1 LU _I CO to CTi 00 CO r~~. to CTi to to O-i LT) CTl to CT. CO to CTi to CU •I— o cu u~> «=f ^t LT) 00 LT> i— i— C\J in i — o r*- r-- cm rscoo ■vf- r^ «a- co i— CO ixrs. to Ln o CM I— «3" 00 to tO CTl CM CM i— LT> O tO i— to o CO OJ co to o ODON CM CM O LO O CTi tO CM r— CO «3" O CM CM CO ■^1- CO ^T" CO O CO i— CO LT) to CO to LT) ■3- oo co oo LT> to LO to in "3- CM CO 00 *3- co 13 ^ VI o o s- CU 3 (1) C T3 to ro S- E c— CU >> re r— +-> "O CD CU O T3 S- •• U O 3 CU co to co cm s: ro +-> o -M -O co CM to in CM oo 00 CM CO to r-. to CM in in co CM CM o CM CTl CO CM "3- CM to CTl 1^ to U fC +-> o to CO co in CTl co o in cn to o to co to to in cn to o o CM to co m o in co CTl to to +J CU o to o o o o CD c ro ro O -o •r— .. ro • ■ s- CU E 00 CU to re +J E CU O O > _Q to CD X CD T3 C +-> n3 ^— 3 Q- O D_ cn c •r— T3 <1J CI) s- -Q to ^— -o 2 c o re 4- to i- 3 CD o +J .c ro 4-> 2 C «4- •r" O to CO &- 3 0) ■4-> -O ro H ■♦-> 3 to E CD X > CD 'r— "D +-> C (O ■i— S- CM ro r^ O-CFl E o (J 1 fO fO 4-> s- s- 4-> o 3 CD o O. CO CO I m w PQ H CD cn c re c: o E 4-> O c s- CD M- O S- CqtO re s- CD > re o I-*, o «3- LO to co lo to CD •^ o CD Q. co to to c\j to C\J CO «=f tO i— CXI CO i + 1 + 1 + + CM CT> lO >* *3" CM 00 ** "5f i — to CM r^ CM I— <— CO CM I I I I CO CO CO CO to CO i— O CX> <3" LO CO to lO <*ci rji ^ tn co co O r- i — I — LO to r-~ O CT> CM i— CT> CM UO CO <3" i — c— <^- CD to Ifl N ro Ol LO l"N I— I — i — i — LO u-> O r— O i— o o 00 CO ro o — i— CM cvi^Or-ocoi- *3- r— <3- 00 CD cn +j •r- CD "O 2 CO CD e: cn • •"Oi — re s-i- cd, — to S- i— O I S , r- i- re re •!— c i cd re CDr— SS-CDCD>+J t— r— 13 J) 4) 3 O C • •j3 re re £ £. i— _t -r- iflJD5:c; CT> cn LT) LO CM CM CO CO o CM CM LO CM to r-» to to o to re ■u o -t-> .o. 3 CO CO LO 00 *3- LO **• r— CT) CTl CO I — CO CM r— CTl «3" CO I I + + I + LO to CO o o i— co cr> cm o ■— i— CO CM LO I + O CO r— «tf- CM CO O I — i — CO CO m LO LO i — CM CO i — r — lO r*. 00 i— CTl tO r— CM >* CTl CO *d" «3- i— CO CO r^ r-» co O P». o cn >— CO CT> r^ LD CO CO to CO r— CO ^r CO 1 — CM CM «3" CM *3- CM rx. co co Lo co cm CO f— CO r— o o r*. cn co r>- r~. «^- ^r r^ tr> oo co r-» CM co LO co CM is^-omcoin o to CO CM o r— tO o ■o Jr: OJ "O o _^ cd re re o >, cd T3 _Q CD CD -C reoo c c cd • • cd re Q_ I CD i— inr > 3 cn-o 4- s- T3 c re c i — M- CD CD re O t- O 3 > OL C_) CO CC O CO to *3- CM CM to CO 00 CO CM CM CM r>^ CO CTl oo o +■> 3 oo 67 >> -Q to CD X ro ^— 3 D_ O Q. cn E •r- T3 0) c .£2 to ^— -o 3 E o ro 4- to i- 3 CD o 4J .E « 4-» s E 4- O to (/) s- 3 -O cd 4-> CD -O ro 3 E +J E 3 (/) i- E +J CD E X > O CD •i- O T3 4J 1 E ro i •i— S- CM V ^ ro r-v. CLCD E i- o o - E 1 3 -f-> ro ro +-> s- S- +J O) 01 XI i— -D «=C E ro E S- CO CD a; -E •>- •*J o 3 CD O Q. CO CO 1 1 I PQ W M H CD CD E ro -E u E •4-> O E S- CD S- o i~ cd o_ CD Dl ro s- cu > O) CD to ro s- CD > ro +-> o cu u cu Q. oo csj oo csj ■ • • i — CD | 1 + r-*. I— LO O Locoin «d- cm + i >=t OJ C\J r-» i — lo «3- OJ "=J- **- LO 00 LO i— l— CM LO r— O r-» r-. cm o o ro o VO O CM 00 CO o O CO i— ID CO CO 00 CO CM + 00 CO CO LO to to co 00 CO CO CO 00 I o CO cn CM OJ to LO OJ CO CO CM CD) CM to O 00 LO to to o o to co CM *3- OJ CO LO to r— CO LO CO to to CO o o LO o oo to CDi o o co CDi CM CO CDi O J*i p— 3 to o o CD O S- -o o o •»-> E 3 CD 4J o ro ■o to O t— CD E T3 n— S- E ■t-J ro ro E i — cd >j ro -Q 4J ro o ro CD ■p-O Dl 3 o -o •r— S- .. O o -a s- co h- • • ro • • S- CJ3 to to O 3 CD CD E to CD -i^ T- oo or s: to ro ■4-> E u s: CD O o > -O. to CD X eo XI c co 4J 00 CD CD +J c — o co CM en ix) oo vo vo vo i— st CM O O CO CM VO CM CO CM r>~ r*~ vo l-» Lf) vn St CM CM o r^ si- en Lf) vo in cm CM r»» CO CM i— co cm co (O "t t "t O T^ r- If) CM O Vf) t--» 00 i— co cm oo r-» if) r— CM i— st in oo vo oo st cm VO If) CO VO I — VON vo vo sr r^ cm Lf) r^ o cm co r>~ oo co co en oo en p*- i — i-~ ■ — ID O >* CVJ St CO VO VO Ol N LO CVJ CM LO vo p-. cm r»s co en en co cm cm en oo oo o N oo CO CM If) If) «=t CM If) i — LO CO VO vo si- en vo o co en co CO r— i— O St st CO CO i— I— O O r— O 00 CM ■— O i— si- i— i-^ i-^ O O O r-^ o o vo CO st vo CM CO vo en st vo co st vo vo Lf) CM r-. if) 00 vo in vo st CO Cflr- N CM O OJ IB X v- X X CO -l-> CO CO O0 CO CO Ol +J T3 -O -O T3 "0 coc E T- CO "O •r— O #r- •r- 2 CO CO ^™ 00 o £= CO lO CD -o s- ~a Ol Cr C S. 4J OHO c •• -a i— +) CO r— i— "O CO CO =3 O C cH(0 O co +J Q s- (O CO _l 70 co o co Q- £ to CO X O) O) +J to CD c I CO +■> c (0 ■o o -Q I i- eo +J *0 CO i~ +-> s- rc> CO >> o f— -o d) 1 3 c "3 •r- 4-> +-> s- c 0) o -O. o r— 1 «=£ 1 CM c r^ J-CT. co r— .e 1 ■m co 3 lO o en CO 1 — "O E o CO Q. 00 «3- c\j i— r- o cm ■— o r-» o o o CM CM i— r— O O nr-NNOO oo <* to r>«. o o ■— o cn o o o O «* IT) O "* CM CM r— tO O O O NNOOOIO ■— ■— cn o o o CM o "* co o o CM O CTi O O O tOOr-ONO i— O CM o o o ONWOWO CO O CO o o o CM I-- O O O O O O CO O o o CM O to O O O O O r— O O O to en to co CM CM CM o CM CO CM *3- en co oo o co o O 00 o O CM o CD «* O CM CO O I— LO O l-~ r^ o o co o oinin co in o O lO CM * I * * O CM o CM CM O o en o CM tO O • • • o to o CM CM O o >— o o co o • • • O CO o co 00 CM LO to «3- o en 00 CM en 00 to co co 00 00 to CM o CM CM en to •3- o CO 1^ 00 o 00 en CM 00 en -X o 3 -o ■o &t co ~a o Jt CD <0 > CO ■O -Q CO CO -E tO to e e co .. ai — to -E > 3 cn-u **- S-T) C cn o co a: ts co to r— 3 .X 10 ^~ to O O i~ tO ■»-> CO 3 CO -(-> o E "O l/l O +J (OS- c 4-> -O i— CO >> 10 -O 3 1-+JT3 D1 3 CO ! ^~ to e S- o •r— 10 c/> Q. ■o O ■M O ^— i- 3 -O ■D (O i— i i— i »> t— i JD "O -o e CO (T5 4J (0 i — i O i — i •r— ■o to c to ■■" IB ^— to o CO >> -Q. to CU X CU -o c •1— to D> -a E e *i — re +J to to 3 CU O E -E 1 4-> CU +J E re cm • r— i— r--. cn to -o i— s- e cu re » .O CU E x> CD 3 o re E o s- s- CU X j=> > CU re T3 r— E 2 E •r- O S- 1- CU S- +J CU 1 +J Cn re e 2 o 1 — ■o re e 4-> re S- CU 5- j2 re i— CU < >> e to S- 3 CU o -E •!- 4-> > 3 CU o s- OO Q. 1 1 oo* <-* 1 UJ —J CQ cn re c !^ rO 01 C~ fc > o o S- eC 4-> u- C cu u i — s_ r~- CU CTl CD Olio re s_ cu > CNJ re +-> o .— r-. *j- o o o to >— oo oo co o O CO CM + I I ID CM 1 • ■ • to IT) LO LO IT) i— r>- lO O l-» LO LO *3" CM i— , — UDCON r»» • • • CT\ O CM to CM i — CO ID LO CM LT) + + + + + + + oo «*■ cn CM CO 00 i— ocnoiONOOco cm ^a- cn i** co -^t- co i i + + + i i coocnMi^Oi — «d" CM O O I— r— i— l~-~ CO CM i — CO CM CO «J cu CU to CU CU cn -m ■o -o T3 -o x> E T3 E e •r- CU "O O t- O "rr 2 cn cu e cn re to XJ s- -o cn C -i- c s- +j CU o -Q O e •• ■o i— re s ■»- cu ■ — o •r- o O •i- to S- i— O 1 2 i— •i — +-> o E, CU s- +J s- re re •■- c i cu re -Q CU JQ Cn_Q to CU r— s s- cu cu > 4J 3 o. • . re CU i— r— -o CU CU 3 o E OO 00 to -^ S- 4-> E JD re re E s- <— _e •i — "O CJ CU o 1 X) 2! CD ■< CJ3 CO OO o_ o 3 > o cu re O O Q S- re 00 _i 72 o ■M -o CO J- (0 O- e o o E 3 +J « s- +-> to >> -O. to CO X CO "D C •r— ^— > •a to CD 0) T3 C 3 C ■I- C ro +J 1- «/) to +-> 3 a> c O c o -C 1 o +-> CD 1 +-> i c ro CM •f— i— r^ CD to -o <— S- c O) ro " -Q CD E ■O cn 3 O ro C o s- s- co X J3 > co (0 T3 f— C 2 E •i— o s- 4- CO S- 4-> CO 1 +J O") ro c 2 O 1 — -a ro c ■(-> ro s- co s- xi ro i— ai «3C >> c to S- 3 a; o x: »r- +J > 3 a; o s- 00 Q- i i 00 H 1 PQ Ul _J CO cC fl) 0) CD CD IT) C S_ ro c > u E s- c: 4- oj o S- <1J CU O0 DlkD ro s- Cl) > ro O CO o oucoo mzcfio CM tD + + + I CM CO lt> co 2: to ^ o O "* r-» O CM o o o o o o CT) CM CO O O O o o >* o o o CM o cr> to CM ^ I + <_>■—<_> ^ *a- z to CTv r— r^. O O CO o to CD to CO CM CD CO CD IT) O CO o O 00 o O CM O o «a- o o o o o o o O CD O o to o O <3" o O i— o co 00 CO CO 00 CM o o CD to o Lf> CM + CM "3- CM oo 00 CM o CO CM ld CM CO CM oo QJ > ■o ro CO •a QJ (J ro Xi 00 ro q. > 3 c ro ro (j CO "O ^ co ro U >, CO co co .c C C CO I CO r— CD"a 4- C .— 4- r- O 3 o; o oo c£ c£> co 1 — 3 _*r to ro o o s- 4J to 4-> ro S- C X) i — co >> ro 3 ^— +JT3 O) OO a; O "O S- o O 3 CO to waz ro o -O 3 OO t/1 o 3 T3 ro 4-> o oo 0J r— Ul c •i — to TJ c ro >1 r__ i/i e s- o ■i— ro 00 O- -a o 4-> o I — S- 3 X) T (0 1— l i — i >. i — i -Q T3 T3 C aj ro +J ro i — i o i — i •p- X3 oo C 00 ■l— ro r— 1/1 c_> «C i— CM 73 SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN table B-19. — Long-Term Trend and Comparative Status of May Pond Indexes Unadjusted for Visibility Bias Year (index numbers in thousands) Stratum Total A-West A-East B-West B-East C (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) 1956 729.4 1,091.7 315.9 473.3 103.1 2,713.4 1957 344.2 842.4 164.1 482.9 72.9 1 ,906.5 1958 367.8 740.1 210.0 373.7 108.2 1,799.8 1959 159.9 222.4 57.6 249.9 79.4 769.2 1960 394.8 681.7 166.3 787.8 90.0 2,120.6 1961 170.9 68.2 96.4 166.6 54.5 556.6 1962 352.2 247.1 181.6 502.5 51.2 1,334.6 1963 267.7 325.3 144.5 225.1 43.1 1 ,005.7 1964 202.4 699.2 123.6 251.9 40.6 1,317.7 1965 457.7 534.3 246.2 377.8 84.2 1,700.2 1966 399.3 771.2 235.4 463.4 89.3 1,958.6 1967 527.2 631.0 216.1 572.6 149.3 2,096.2 1968 222.1 177.2 127.2 220.0 35.8 782.3 1969 599.4 419.0 296.6 431.6 107.4 1,854.0 1970 794.6 889.7 301.4 778.9 111.2 2,875.8 1971 516.1 977.7 306.7 488.9 125.6 2,415.0 1972 319.3 625.3 314.5 623.6 56.5 1,939.2 Average 1956 to 1962 359.9 556.2 170.3 433.8 79.9 1,600.1 Percent Change 1972 from Previous Year - 38.1 - 36.0 + 2.5 + 27.6 - 55.0 - 19.7 Percent 1972 • Change From 1956-62 Average - 11.3 + 12.4 + 84.7 + 43.8 - 29.3 + 21.2 74 SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN table B-20. — Long-Term Trend in Waterfowl Breeding Population indexes by Species (index numbers in thousands) Unadjusted for Visibility Bias Species 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 Ducks Dabblers: Mallard 2,011.8 2,428.1 2,309.0 3,079.9 1,562.0 1,652.3 956.4 654.3 768.6 Black duck 0.3 0.7 Gadwall 111.5 115.9 114.7 50.0 63.0 68.5 35.1 65.4 101.6 Am. Widgeon 230.2 289.6 198.1 308.8 164.8 130.9 83.9 47.7 73.3 Gr. -winged teal 51.7 60.0 31.9 25.5 16.4 27.5 12.3 5.6 8.8 Bl. -winged teal 369.0 385.2 314.3 248.8 179.5 152.4 106.2 46.1 63.1 Shoveler 344.5 390.8 304.7 194.7 143.6 287.4 111.8 27.6 100.8 Pintail 1,743.2 1,912.3 1,122.6 772.2 336.9 571.5 213.7 210.9 267.3 Wood duck Subtotal 4,862.2 5,581.9 4,396.0 4,679.9 2,466.2 2,890.5 1 ,519.4 1 ,057.6 ■ 1,383.4 Divers: Redhead 78.9 150.8 114.1 61.0 45.5 48.4 24.8 56.9 15.4 Canvasback 172.0 213.0 212.6 173.9 59.2 68.4 88.3 91.5 45.7 Scaup 459.0 557.2 448.0 311.0 410.2 240.1 244.0 170.4 76.3 R. -necked duck 17.8 6.6 5.1 7.2 22.0 8.0 4.1 8.8 Goldeneye 5.1 6.3 6.0 4.5 5.8 7.5 5.2 2.4 1.2 Bufflehead 8.2 7.2 13.7 7.5 11.4 12.1 10.1 1.6 9.7 Subtotal 741.0 941.1 799.5 565.1 554.1 384.5 376.5 322.8 157.1 Miscellaneous: Scoter 10.7 17.6 1.2 19.8 10.4 9.6 6.2 5.2 Ruddy duck 44.0 56.4 33.1 22.0 80.1 30.9 24.9 13.3 10.5 Merganser 0.3 0.3 6.8 1.6 4.5 Subtotal 55.0 74.0 34.3 41.8 90.8 47.3 32.7 13.3 20.2 TOTAL DUCKS 5.658.2 6,597.0 5,229.8 5,286.8 3,111.1 3,322.3 1 ,928.6 1 ,393.7 ■ 1,560.7 Geese Canada g°°se 1.0 0.1 2.7 1.4 2.8 2.2 2.7 1.9 uoots American coot 350.6 489.4 382.2 143.0 155.5 96.9 69.0 55.7 27.2 GRAND TOTAL 6,009.8 7,086.5 5,612.0 5,432.5 3,268.0 3,422.0 1,999.8 1,452.1 1,589.8 75 SOUTHERN SASKATCHEWAN TABLE B-20. — Long-Term Trend in Waterfowl Breeding Population Indexes by Species (continued) Unadjusted for Visibility Bias Species 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Ducks Dabblers: Mallard 704.0 570.0 881.5 998.6 964.9 937.1 1,185.4 1,373.0 1,375.4 Black duck 0.2 Gadwall 150.1 136.1 117.3 189.1 177.8 217.3 174.8 161.5 132.0 Am. Widgeon 91.9 84.6 110.8 211.8 122.2 227.7 185.1 186.8 159.3 Gr. -winged teal 8.5 13.3 14.9 37.9 24.1 40.6 89.4 46.6 30.6 Bl. -winged teal 130.4 112.5 152.5 205.6 110.2 144.4 190.9 196.4 115.1 Shoveler 186.3 117.8 258.0 256.2 176.6 296.5 322.3 290.6 283.8 Pintail 267.2 308.3 520.6 578.6 294.6 686.4 899.0 963.3 650.1 Wood duck Subtotal 1 ,538.4 1 ,342.6 2,055.6 2,477.8 1,870.4 2,550.0 3,046.9 3,218.4 2,746.3 Divers: Redhead 32.5 32.2 46.0 48.7 43.9 40.6 56.0 48.8 55.9 Canvasback 56.7 61.4 93.2 71.3 64.3 80.4 130.2 126.2 118.3 Scaup 74.1 106.5 125.3 107.3 85.3 136.1 110.8 99.4 112.6 Ring-necked d jck5. 5 11.5 8.1 4.7 0.9 2.6 6.1 4.1 4.6 Goldeneye 0.8 2.7 3.7 3.7 6.9 2.4 4.5 4.4 1.5 Buffi ehead 10.9 18.1 11.8 12.7 24.5 27.1 15.3 9.8 30.9 Subtotal 180.5 232.4 288.1 248.4 225.8 289.2 322.9 292.7 323.8 Miscellaneous: Scoter 8.4 10.8 3.9 2.3 8.8 4.4 0.7 7.2 4.0 Ruddy duck 10.8 10.4 22.0 12.4 18.1 12.9 10.4 20.0 15.4 Merganser 1.2 2.4 0.5 0.6 4.4 0.6 Subtotal 20.4 23.6 25.9 14.7 27.4 17.9 15.5 27.8 19.4 TOTAL DUCKS 1 ,739.3 1 ,598.6 2.369.6 2,740.9 2,123.6 2,857.1 3,385.3 3,538.9 3,089.5 Geese Canada goose 3.6 2.5 3.2 1.6 1.0 5.3 4.1 8.8 10.0 Coot American coot 43.9 54.9 61.6 91.0 91.7 138.5 158.6 154.7 125.1 GRAND TOTAL 1 ,786.8 1 ,656.0 2,434.4 2,833.5 2,217.3 3,000.9 3,548.0 3,702.4 3,224.6 76 CO a) K a) XI O CO •i- -a ■4-> c (O ro i — 10 a. o o .£= a. -t-> CD C "O CO cu t- 00 i- > CT> «£ 1 OO 00 <+- 3 s_ O +J O ro 4- C0 s- 3 +-> X) ■PM 41 +J "D oo co c 3 ai -a > CO (O •i- •.- =D (O o i- CU CO Q_ O-OO E O >> (_} co I I CM I CO +■> 3 C O S- Ol -r- fO o > cu s_ a> >- ai j_ Q. O- ai o cn +-> cm en •a: i— c CU S- i- (O S- CU 3 >- O • CO o s- •i- ro > CU CD >- S_ D_ I CO CO co CNJ CNJ o CM CNJ O no\uiiNr-in CD oo cn co co t— 00 i-5f(Oi- co i-^ co *a- co en oo >* •* •— cnj cnj i— i— co «a- co Oi — CM 00 CO CO CO CO coororfLo-a-cO"* o ininpjc on 00 i— cm cm r— c; co co i — oo i— UO CNJ CTv O IX) CO O r-^ co en co i— oo to CO t— i— i— cnj co OcNJCOCOCO^J-COCO COCr— CO CO CO CD CO r-» co co ^r en en co co i— i— r— cnj en ■ — i — en co in en cnj r-~ oo o en cnj oo 00 •— en en en co en to cnj co cni c- co o en o r-^ r— r— CM r— CM CO CM CO i— r^ co co co oo co en i— cnj co en i— i— co cnj «a- cnj co o CNJ i— >— r~- *r *s- co co cnj 4_ <1J CO _Q -^ -Q <_> CD «3- •=!■ r-. >a- i— cnj < — co «* CT) CNJ «d- o co o r-. en ■— O a en en«t ^t en en co en cnj oo co *3- CNJ a rt -H o a a « u g| 00 4-1 XI XI S 60 01 CM -* g c -h a s- o _ji— > 4-> -a _Q ZJ CD r~^ CT) CO r-- co en CNJ 1 CO 1 CO CT) CO CO 1 1 i O) CO CM + CVJ i CO CO CO CNJ en CO CO *3 CO CO CM LO ir> o + • + + CO 1 CM i— O ro o 3 XI CM co T3 •• (O CO CU ai -o > CU •i- CL £3 -XL U _o CO > c: C-J Scaup Ring-necked Goldeneye Bufflehead ■(-> O +-> JD in r-~ oo en en «3- o ^l- co «a- CM cn r-« r — CO o «* «d- en r-. o o CM *3- en cn ur> O co l>» CTi CO CO CD O 3 XI co o CU c IO r— $- <— cu >> ns CU ■*-> X> cr O O X) i- VI U 3 01 LO CO CO o Z5 en CT) CNJ 00 co 00 en CO o CO CO en CM cn O oo co co co cn cn en co CM o oo o ■a: l— CD CO co o o 00 CO CO co CD 0) to o o 00 XJ cu fd S- qj > c: o l/l • i — s- a Q_ E o CJ "O c IS •u to 1-1 ^^ 4J U) co -a >. e _Q ns i/i (/> 3 (U o X -C qj +-> -o c c ■■- •■"" T3 c i. o a> Q. -Q CM 1= E is 3 s- a> c QJ r— ■t-> X 1 o a; CT: +-> ■o c c o ur> •1— i — LO <7\ > r~ c >, «o <— 2 ^ (1) i"3 -C o » ■M i- > >o oo to 3 c o S- i- cu > .c qj +J s- 3 Q- O C/5 TJ 1 C i o O CO CM (/> ' ro CM UJ CM I • QJ i— 3 CM I — ■ CQ n3 O UJ CM I — - QJ CD I ^- OJN l^-O0N C0UlOC0OlDtQLnioooOC"">i£>coi — inciONO co^-w rooioaii — i — ctildi — Of— iscm<-<£>cmoico Oi — io mlthoi — ogMflcnoionciNON Lncocri^-Lnoico^i-iDi — n cnio ai o i — cr> cm CO CO l£> CO CO en en o^-cocOi-mocMi-oocooo^LnnOr-ir) o CMCOi — ■ — CO i — ■ — i — «^i — CO IS ^1" i — IS ^3" CM CM moLDCMi — co i — onoinLOr-uiroocotsio CM cr> cm CO CM CT> CM lo co cm i — sNOujincii — cr> ^j- is is ^- co u> <3- i — Nujr- co i— cm co <— wo CO CM ■ — i — " — > — CMCOi — I — i — *d-COCM i — i — vo ai o o ■ — coooiOLn^-oti'Kjroi — *3- m co o co o en is o rs ■ — cnnnojcmoyjLncocTno cocmloi/i^^^cmoiMi — «d- co >o cm rs un ■ — lO Ln CM O ro «t n cuo in yD in in n i CM CO m IS CO l£> co «d- oc\irs'tcooO'tors«tcoc\i>*rsioMcri cm cmi — aiuioOLOO^iOi — nmincMcnmcn co O LD CM >— CM CO i— CM CM CM CM >— CM CO CM ' — CM m i — OC0< — <£> 00 CM i — OHO in O N On — LD co i <* o is en f«no i — wNOicnoirvicoiscOLOui ■ — co cr> s. ■ — cvjiocvidirnoMCJicorocTicoirnofOio < — loco COCMi — I— I — CM CM CM ■ — COLDCOi — >— 9 s- (O CD >- intDiscooiOi — m ro <* in«) n oo oi o i — cm mmmmmi£>io<£>cncr>c7»CT>cr>cncr>cr>cr>cr>cr>cr>cr>cr> •"3 OJ cn CM ia KO I— 5- Cn •• ls QJ i — oj cr> > 1 CDi — CO lO SZ LD <0 E B Cn -C O a r— O S- t- 1- 4- QJ •*-> O1CC0 CM (O QJ is IS 1. UCft CD QJ S- r— i — > QJ «=C o_ 79 _Q CO CD X CD T3 CD E I/) CD I CD o o s- 2 o <+- s_ 1) +■> rO cd s_ i. rO cu >> I to (/I I/) i- cd o X ^— CD T3 1 e •I— e rO s cd .e u co +-> r-. ro CT> .*: ■ — i/i (TJ >, 00 r— 3 E T> s~ a) * _e co +-> CD 3 •!- o o oo a» 1 CL 1 io -^ CN 1 00 UJ _i CO • • CTl ^3" r~. * LO 00 • • r^ LO VO , LO • ■ VO LO "=f CO CO «* LO LO CM r^ VO CM CM i — I — CO LO CT> «3" CM CM CTl LO CT» CO CO LO CO LO O CM LO > — i — i — CM i— «d" CM LO LO co CM LO CM 00 LO CO CM CO CM en O CO CM CO LO I — LO 00 oo CO en o en o CM LO co LO LO co t— oo lo •3- CM CO O LO CD CM O O CM CO **■ CO CT> o - en co o oo o-> O co en LO o , | r— CD ■» — E (0 r— aJ N ~x O CL) ro o X T- X a> +-> cu D T3 -o -a -o TD "O e -a c c ■i- CU "O T3 •r- O E ■!- E S- +-> ro a >> CD 4-> ro to a E CD +-> O S- CD s_ +-> S- (O f0 •i- E 1 CU ro -Q ■ • CD ro Q- 1 CD i— JD a> j3 cr> .q «/) CD « — s i- 0) CD > +* 3 (/) _E > 3 60 X> M- 3 Q- • • ro Q) i— i— ■o CD CU 3 O E co i. -O E ro 5 r— H- OO OO to JxZ i- -!-> cx> a ro E S-r-X-r CD CD ro O O 3 "O O CD o i x» s: C3 CU CJ OO p^ en co O 3 > o CD r«J •r— o Q Q Q S- rO cn _l 80 CO X -o en to QJ I CD to E -f-> S- CD i. -Q ro E CD 3 >> c 1 "O O OJ X i— zs CD c ■a 1 •!— e +J •i— c c h — ro O 3 <-> a> i .c: i O CM +j r^ 03 CTl -* r— CO rO >, CO 1— 3 d rT> S- (U «* x: co +-> co n -i- o o oo a) 1 Q- 1 to -o-' CN 1 0Q UJ _l CO <* CM en cr> O en en co en o «3- CM cm LO CO en co en co co en co *3- cn co CNJ en co CM CM ro en oo oo CM o CD CO cn CO co O a> CD ■i — c CJ ro a> ( — CL i — OO CD • • (J CO co -±C ■i — u s: Z3 O (O +-> o CO CO cn c CO T3 ro >> i — co c s- O-r- ro co rx ■a o +j Or— -Q-O a> i — i p— >> i— >-Q "O TD C CD ro +-> (O ►-H O t — I -I— ■a CO c CO -r- rO I— co c_>>=£ - CM 81 cu i- fO Q. E O (J +J to >■> -Q to CD X cu E cn to (D e CD +J to (O T3 ^~ E 03 ■o to E CM Z3 •f- -O CD rtJ to i— S- s- 2 O) cu o > -Q <<- /a E S- =3 0) E E 4-> S- (O CU X 3 +-> CU 1 -o I cn E C •r- e o ^— ' ia i— 3 cu -o -E e O (O 4J (O 4- -^ (O to CD , co to E 3 s- o 4-> cu 3 t, O O- co 1 o 1 -t-> in* CM 1 CO LU _1 ca <: cu at CD C71 E <0 «o s- E CU o > 4-> E I cu i <-) E ■— S-. o r-. Q- H- t— o 00 CO id cn cn i— E s- c_> to o s- i- (O > a> cu >> o_ c_> co CvJ +-> I/) - CU r- 2 CNJ I *~* CQ to «— •« (O O UJ CM I • to '— < cu cn i to cu o cu o_ CO CD O Lf) CM CM CO r— Sf 1 + 1 r-~ •=a- cm on Z CM 1 1 Cn f— i— CT> LT) 00 cn ^3- O CM CM r~- cm 180.8 5.2 35.5 ncMO r-» ^ o 40.5 5.1 10.9 r*. <=J- O cn ld co 21.1 5.6 7.5 57.4 5.1 2.8 ^1 cu X cu TO E ■o o o &- -Q to J*C -o o o zj o a S- CQ N •i- X to cu T3 E O -r- O S- "O -Q O O CU s_ Ol-Q ns S- -t-> CU o > o < <_> cu E + CO 00 CO O 5t >* CO cm co r-^ o co i— r-» co o r— cn i + + + i - 30 +124 i— r^. co cn cn cn ^i- r-. co rv w "* CM CO i — i — CO 1 1 1 1 1 m co CO CO i i noi ■*! — cm CO o co co r-. . — o Ln cm «* r^ CO CM ^f LO IT) cm r-s (OCMPJr-N co Ln cn «3- cm cm cn Ln cn co oo Ln co to <3 cm CO i — i — i — CM i — ^J- CO CD CO CO i— i— Ln o r-Nr-OOr- r^ «* lo cm in lo co o «3- o Ln cn Ln «3- 00 CM O CM CO cn CO co o «* cn co CO CM O r— i — O CM CD CM cn CD r-^ co i — «=j- cm cn lo co cm oo r— LO E (O i— cn E •• XI •■- tO S- +J S- CO (/> cu i — cu •— i— E -Q tO i jd s: cu a as o ai a cu +-> cu en 4-> -a -a •r- CU "O S cn cu E cn E S- 10 3 CJ ■r- (U l— S ^- -r- i cu +J cu cu rj o e E S- i— -E -r- < cd oa co o_ Ln oo co o o CD cn o\ co CM CM CM cd CO JD oo 71.4 4.6 14.1 25.0 CO CO + i + + + O LO CO O r^ <* CO ■* + i + i 0OCMi-<- CO CO CM CM CM CD CD CD co •— oo Ln "51- CM CO O LO o O O CM CO ^3- CO cr> CD CD CD f— ^-' r^. o cn cn «— Ln O CD CM o LO CD cn ^d- >^- o'oV O CO CO cm cd Ln ^S cn cn co CM co CM CM CD LO o cn «3- CM •si- cd O to ea to CU (O c 3 •a CU a a) cu TD cu > CU to J- -o E CU CU r— bOTD M- CU (U fO O -r) O 3 >aooo «oco a (O ■•-> o +-> co 82 01 Ol ov cn| r^ co c re • • TD re S- «5l- i^ Ol .c cd VO CM S- o > (O «=c + + Q. +J E £Z 1 O Ol 1 CSJ o o O E «— • • s- o r^ r>- *a- E o> s- o» CO CO 3 o. 4- .— +J 1 i (O i- o +-> +j LO i— to *3- « • CO tO CO i^ >> LO CD CM -O CD i— 1 1/1 0) 4-> X C a O) i- O CO -a s- re • • c i- Ol "5f «* (O 3 >! •"" LO en +-> c o to •it- 1— 3 HP -o o s- CO -* 10 CD ■i- (O • • Q) 3 > 0) CSJ ^3- c c 01 >> CM (O 1 ■■- J- CM o> -l-> y- — * o_ 4J E to (O o "O i— o 1 (0 C_> CO ,— ' -a i to CM i — C CM 3 ~— «* r— re 1^ O Ol -£Z "O r- +-> +-> O tO' — • r— r^ O « SZ re cvj • • i- 0> • r— UJ CM r-» «3- -O CD i *■ — ' co (O to CO ■— s- S- s -Q =3 4-> M- re E -4-> to -— - o i — s- 3 fO Ol r— • • Q) £ C S- 3 CM CO Ol ■>-> i- +-> 1 *^-^ CM to (O Ol X I/O CQ Ol 2 -l-> 1 01 Ol i en c -t-> c c • r- to "-» to O •1— c o *. — re o • > to (O r— MJ CM ^~ CO 2 i ^— •* CM "O 0) "O < c -C C re o re >> ■!-> +-> ■ — i/i (O s- to- — » CO Ol c s- .:«£ us O) CX> • • o-^ to QJ 3 r- CM to re (O >> 1 ^— ^* LO tO O- co < ■o to O 4J c: 3 Or- s- o i- 3 (D -i- -Q T3 j= > re +j > O Q. to i—i X3 CO 3 t o O -o -o 1 -t-* 1/1 O) E QJ • LO •r- re re re CN O i— -i-> •-• o 1 01 r— O t 1 •!— CO Q- 0> H- T3 CO •• O to C LU to l/l tO T- _I -*: •!- re CQ o 2: i — to | • I H I l-« r-H vo o m cn co cm CO 00 CT( O0 CN CT» iH rH •* CO M CO CM NHCO ifl UIO OCN 00 -3" CTi OV VO CT> m VO i— I ST iH | vO VD CTi Os OS vO rH I o CM CO CN VD CM CM CM i— i H oo -o- r*» o i o oo m ov JH CO iH CM CO CM CM CO o CM CO 4J O 3 X! -H C/5 P-, vO CN VO 00 in vo vo vo r*» m O VO VO CO rH . i-» co -* OMO H CN CN -tf rH O o co m o*> f» o MJ\ OHH lO rH rH VO O O <* 00 vO CO cm vo vo co Pi c_> w •H n •3 CU -* g cu cu 3 C rj 00 "O m vO CO CO m i CN I vO I CM I Os I O in co cm -3- O rH I C^ I CO I 00 I O I to •H o CO M CO 0) a tx a to o a >i .o I co CO CD O CD U T3 a a -h 0) cO •^ d w 3 3 Q- O O C/3 O, I 00 CN 3 to •3 c3 to 3 O r3 4J 3 •H CO r4 CD 3 a x CD c a o M CN CN CD r~ vO 60 ON I CO rH VO )H U-| Q) CD ON > 60 3 CO ,3 I CJ CD r- O On M rH CD P-i IrH on ■3 0) 3 •rl ■a o o CO in iH CN cO 4-> O H ^3 CN CO 4J 3 U •U CO a PQ 3 — > ■u LO CO CN M ■4-1 co CN ^~\ r-. ^ on rH -vt CN w 0) ■H u CD 3. c/l go o a rH vO on O 00 00 rH m i 00 + 1 m -* m rH + 111 <■ I vO ON CO rH vO O rH I 1 vo co co CO on CN + + + 1 1 + 1 CN rH co vO 00 VO CO cN 4J rH rH CO -a CD 3 3 O 3 .a 3 rH co 1 HHiH ■a Q £ PQ O Offl tOtk m oo + oo o vO VO o CO CN CO CO CN 00 m o- 3 4J O 4J 3 c/i 86 . m o vO vO co r-\ -* CN rH CO o CO CM r* r~- rH Ov vO ON rH ^ <-t CO m CO -* CT\ 1 <• * • • • 1 ■ <-t O r^ rH 1 rH rH •-H CJ 3 -a s 3 TJ X> 0) a) r3 CO cn 3 3 3 • • CD co 3 60 -3 14H IH T3 3 3 3 rH l*H 0) 0) CO U •H O 3 > PCS U w pei o pq ■H O vO O CO ON CN CN vO 00 m CO oo o rH CN to cjo^h <; fi cO O c H 0) r^ CJ Ov (-1 H 0) Ph 0) CN 00 vO CO I u vO tu m > a\ < ■a a) fi •H •S H 0 l"» O Ov U rH CD U-l H CN 4-1 <^J CN CO 4-1 CO 0 — 3 PP 4J v_/ co in u CN +J c/o CN r-» <; OV ' r-l <• CN CO 0) ■H CJ v "O T3 3 W Pi u ai CO C CO U 00 0) M 42 cu -u S o cn o m cn cn m oo o\ CN m oo m oo CN vO en cn CN o CN Ov rH CN o 4-1 43 3 c/> CO M cj 3 CO 4-1 o H ON oo CN O m o m a) co o o oo rd T3 • • rd 0) fi CO 03 ■4- en o\ CN O cn vO 00 vO O m oo vO o Oi -d- -3- CN CN m vO vO CN 4J o o o c CO CJ •H •• M to 0) 31 o u cfl 4J o H "0 c CO M o 87 TABLE B-29. — Southern Manitoba — lone drake index: Long-term trend expressed as a percentage of total drakes, 1955-1972 Unadjusted for visibility bias Year Mallard Pintail Canvasback Percent lone drakes •*- 1955 87.5 1956 81.5 81.0 46.2 79.4 1957 91.2 85.5 68.5 88.9 1958 83.0 81.1 73.3 81.9 1959 71.8 69.7 41.7 70.0 1960 90.9 82.0 66.4 86.5 1961 71.5 65.0 33.7 67.5 1962 64.3 59.0 45.6 62.0 1963 85.2 80.7 79.0 83.7 1964 82.1 71.3 66.3 78.0 1965 79.1 63.6 68.0 73.8 1966 87.3 74.3 81.2 84.6 1967 86.7 74.6 78.6 83.4 1968 73.4 66.0 73.4 72.5 1969 89.6 84.6 93.4 91.3 1970 82.4 72.6 79.1 79.8 1971 73.6 58.3 59.9 68.7 1972 81.4 75.3 73.8 79.8 •••Lone drakes include only mallards, pintails, and canvasback. 88 CO a * 3 rH CO 3 a -> l-J CO cu a) 43 t4 4J O 3 CU O P- co co I I o CO I pq w CO •3 CO CO 3 O 42 3 •H co u CU 1 3 X cu T3 3 CN en o CTi vO oo vO ON 1^ vO vO vO -3- vo CJ\ CO vO cy> co QJ •H U 01 3. CO 9 NN N \o in •* CM CN CO rH vO •<»■ U 60 43 cfl U 4J 0) o 5 ° CU 3 •3 O O U ^ rQ co a ■3 CJ O 3 O Q U PQ i-t vo m O oo vo cri CO rH rH rH CN rH co «a- o\ CT\ CN l»» CO vO CN CN rH in cm O CO O m •o- CO O CO rH CM rH in rH CO vO -* CM vO m «* vo CO rH rH rH rH m CM rH a\ . co co i-h cm m rH CM CN CU •3 3 Ti •• "3 co u ■u u (0 CO 0) rH 01 rH rH 3 j3 eg i -o a 0) 3 toQ rJ 3 3 rH O CU 3 II U tl 00 u Tj -3 •H 3 "3 3 GO 0) 3 60 3 1-t 3 rJ « >H UH CJ I 3 rH -H •H 3 I 0> 3 rl II 91 > U 3 01 3 O 3 § hHJH < O CQ CO CM m rH CM • CN • vO r- 1 1 • 1 1 CO o CO vO m rH rH CO | | • 1 1 m CM m vO CM oo rH CN VO CN 1 1 1 1 1 1 vO CO CM o CM rH o rH 1 1 • 1 1 CM VO o CO • • • • • 1 1 • r~. rH rH rH CO I** •* «* I I I • ••III -3- CO rH I rH • • • | • CO o <• rs CM CM t*. CM -S- CN CM I I rH CN m CO o m CO m co CN X O 3 •3 •3 rH 4.5 3 •3 rH 3 CJ M 3 3 3 U 3 CJ >s 3 4-1 O ■3 43 3 3 42 o 4-1 3 CO 3 G 3 4-1 43 • • 3 3 CL 1 3 rH 43 3 CO 43 > 3 00 "3 MH 3 CO u •3 3 0) 3 3 3 rH IH CO 3 CJ •H O 3 > 04 O CO Pi O PQ 89 CO 0) s 00 4J CO 0) 3 I 0) +J co § 13 O c-s O CO u TJ Xt 3 c0 .-1 CO S 3 o o U-4 J! J-l 4-1 a) 4-1 a co •H £ CO a J-l •H a> TJ ,o TJ 0) S 3 3 3 0) fi C! J-l -H 4J 4-> X fl CD J-l O X) co o 3 a) •H >% - s^s 1 CM O r- i-H a\ i-H 1 1 CO co vo J3 o\ o H 4J •H t^ a h « 3 s •-> C CO CD CD J3 -H 4-1 O 3 CD O P. C/> CO o CO 1 W kJ PQ •> l-\ CO 3 J-l O •H CO CO Oh TJ o •U o H 1-1 3 XI TJ CO l-l M >n M X TJ TJ Pi CD tO 4-1 CO h-l O M •H TJ CO C CO •H CO rH CO O W !*. ,o CO CU X 0) TJ 3 •H 00 c •H *J >-\ CO CO u 73 f s cfl a) CO ■u 3 cO o H x: 4-1 -a c t cfl •H -d CO o Vj o •H a) cfl N-/ 3 CN CN MO r- 1 o> ^O rH 1 m as rH CO TJ X> C o Cfl ■U •H M c cfl cfl 0) £ !* £ CO 3 0) o J3 •rl 4-1 > 3 d) O )-J co 1 ex CO pq W So" 0) CN CU 60 M3 01 3 1 CO cfl ■-o U 4= in 0) u c^ > rH CO 4-1 c a) • • o 0 r- u O r^ cu U as P4 4-1 rH CN CU 1 CO ^O M LO 0) a\ > rH <; TJ 0) d •H 1 CM l-« o o\ o rH to PQ CO TJ 4J d o cfl H vO O OS v£> 00 ON r^ m rH CN 00 CN rH VO m o CO ^O as CO rH rH rH CN rH CO ST o> o> CN r^ CO vO CN rH CM m CN oo m 1 in p> m 1 • • 1 • • • 1 o- CO rH m m rH rH a> 00 rH CM rH 00 VO rH m \D m rH VO rH rH rH rH mo oo m r~- O CO 00 CTi rH CO CO o CO I I I I I I I I CM CO m o >h m co VO in rH CO I o CO o CN CO <■ r^ 13 TJ T3 •a -O TJ a T3 C a •H 0) TJ T) •H O -H o •H 3 60 I) C 60 rH cfl CJ a; TJ • • (U CO D, i 4-1 3 CO x: > 3 60 TJ 14-1 3 ex •• cfl CU rH rH TJ OJ CU 3 O a CO u TJ d cfl 3 rH 14H w CO co M U 4-1 C Xl CO CO 0 r4 rH X! •rl a> 0) CO O •H O 3 T3 o a) o 1 X S o <3 e> m co PL, > Cd u co Cd O PQ O D > o 0) CO •H O a CJ rH CO o 4J 4-> s "3 U SH 0) H O f*. M M ^ <: •W 03 PS •3 ,0 CD a co •H 8 ■as a) co CO rH 4J 3 u CO O 4J iH ,3 4J CO *3 •3 s 01 a ctl 3 •H 3 ^-s T3 •H CO pq O J-) M >»• O 3 0) a m U o ,n CN 3 CM X> CJ a r-» +j 3 o\ CO rH 0t 3 rH H r-s S (0 4J < 0 00 X CO >-' ■+-I ftf 0) •H ed id <»• > CM CM vO •-> r»» 1 PQ cy> vO «*»< rH m a m CT« rH 3 CN 1 rH CXl co CO "3 rH l-l <-> X a V < o CO CO <-< u sr •H M CM 9 CO a >% B CO 3 0) o xs •H •u > 3 0) O M CO I P. CO • 01 H •H co a) 1 m CO w J pq % rH X X) •3 s 0) 4-t cd M CJ H •H "3 U 3 co •H cO rH co o <: CM 92 TABLE B-32 . — Montana - long-term trend in May and July indexes by stratum with comparisons to average and previous year, (index numbers in thousands) unadjusted for visibility bias May ponds Year Strata 40 Strata 41 Total 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 108.7 94.8 75.8 63.3 109.8 146.5 132.9 131.7 Average total 1965-71 (-212.8) % change from 1971 (+11%) % change from average (+33%) 123.8 109.6 92.0 52. 144, 112, 122, 151. ,9 .3 ,6 ,7 ,2 232.5 204.5 167.8 116.2 254 259 255 282 July ponds 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1972 63.9 67.5 56.6 91.2 78.3 133.0 64.4 57.6 43.2 93.1 59.4 124.3 128.2 125.1 99.8 184.4 137.7 257.0 Average total 1966-1970 (- 135.0) % change from 1970 (+88% ) % change from average (+90% ) 93 TABLE B-33. — Montana - trend in waterfowl breeding population indexes by species, 1965-1972 (index numbers in thousands) Species 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 Ducks : Dabblers: Mallard 223.3 338.2 179.9 133.9 167.7 185.3 160.3 220.1 Gad wall 55.5 58.8 36.3 41.0 35.8 20.6 18.4 5.9 American widgeon 23.2 32.3 38.4 49.8 53.6 59.4 36.3 81.1 Green-winged teal 9.0 8.4 11.5 9.5 3.5 11.0 4.7 12.2 Blue-winged teal 32.5 35.9 18.2 14.1 34.1 23.5 20.1 4.4 Shoveler 24.3 36.8 34.8 33.2 40.1 24.8 23.7 23.0 Pintail 145.2 161.1 134.3 42.2 78.9 102.0 61.5 125.1 Subtotal 513.0 671.5 453.4 323.7 413.7 426.6 325.0 471.8 Divers: Redhead 2.7 .7 10.6 1.6 2.4 1.8 1.9 - Canvasback 2.0 .4 1.0 2.6 3.7 2.6 3.6 5.0 Scaup 18.8 30.6 24.9 17.5 31.5 24.1 8.8 26.0 Ring-necked duck 1.4 .4 3.4 1.4 .2 - - - Goldeneye - .4 - - .2 - - 2.0 Bufflehead .6 .7 .2 1.1 .6 .2 - .5 Subtotal 25.5 37.0 40.1 24.2 38.6 28.7 14.3 33.5 Miscellaneous : Scoter - - .2 - - - - - Ruddy duck - 1.8 1.2 1.2 12.1 .5 .7 3.1 Merganser - - 3.2 .3 - - - - Subtotal - 1.8 4.6 1.5 12.1 .5 .7 3.1 Total ducks 539.1 710.3 498.1 349.4 464.4 455.8 340.0 509.8 Geese: Canada goose 3.4 - 8.1 7.6 7.7 9.1 11.1 1.4 Coots : American coot 3.9 - 6.4 19.0 8.7 6.4 2.7 4.0 Grand total 546.4 710.3 512.6 376.0 480.8 471.3 353.8 515.2 94 TABLE B-34. — Montana - comparative status of waterfowl breeding population indexes by species and stratum, 1972 (index numbers in thousands) Stratum Tot. al 1965-71 Average Percent change from: Species 40 41 1971 1972 1971 average Ducks : Dabblers: Mallard 81.9 138.2 160.3 220.1 198.3 37 22 Gad wall 1.7 4.2 18.4 5.9 38.0 -68 -85 American widgeon 24.5 56.6 36.3 81.1 41.9 123 94 Green-winged teal 4.8 7.4 4.7 12.2 8.2 160 49 Blue-winged teal 1.9 2.5 20.1 4.4 25.5 -78 -83 Shoveler 5.5 17.5 23.7 23.0 31.1 -3 -26 Pintail 18.3 106.8 61.5 125.1 103.6 103 21 Subtotal 138.6 333.2 325.0 471.8 446.6 45 8 Divers : Redhead - - 1.9 - 3.6 - - Canvasback 2.7 2.3 3.6 5.0 2.3 39 117 Scaup 8.4 17.6 8.8 26.0 22.3 195 17 Ring-necked duck - - - - 1.0 - - Goldeneye 1.1 .9 - 2.0 .1 - 1900 Bufflehead .4 .1 — .5 .4 ~ 25 Subtotal 12.6 20.9 14.3 33.5 29.7 134 13 Miscellaneous : Scoter - - - - - - - Ruddy duck 3.1 - .7 3.1 2.5 143 24 Merganser ~ ~" ~ " .6 Subtotal 3.1 - .7 3.1 3.1 143 NC Total ducks 155.4 354.4 340.0 509.8 479.4 50 6 Geese: Canada goose Coots: .4 1.0 11.1 1.4 6.7 -87 -81 American coot 1.1 2.9 2.7 4.0 7.7 48 -48 Grand total 156.9 358.3 353.8 515.2 493.8 46 4 95 TABLE B-35. — Montana - lone drake index: long-term trend expressed as a percentage of total drakes, 1965-1972 Year Mallard Pintail Total 1965 69.7 76.1 72.3 1966 79.1 85.9 81.2 1967 78.4 87.2 82.4 1968 72.0 83.7 75.2 1969 66.3 69.4 62.7 1970 74.5 82.4 77.5 1971 80.2 87.0 82.1 1972 66.0 77.0 71.0 96 TABLE B-36. — Montana - waterfowl brood and late-nesting indexes by stratum compared to previous year and 1965-69 average. (index numbers in thousands) unadjusted for visibility bias Stratum Percent : Change Species 40 41 Tot al Average from 1970 1972 1970 1972 1970 1972 1966-70 1970 Average Broods : Duck Brood Index 17.7 23.0 28.5 46.0 46.2 69.0 53.6 49 29 Average brood size 1/ 5.4 5.19 5.4 5.63 5.4 5.52 4.6 2 20 Coot brood index 0.2 .5 0.1 2.2 0.3 2.7 0.7 800 286 Late nesting index 2/ Dabblers: Mallard 0.7 6.7 0.7 6.3 1.3 13.0 5.2 900 150 Gadwall 0.4 .4 0.7 .5 1.1 .9 1.6 -18 -44 American widgeon 0.9 2.7 0.3 4.8 1.2 7.5 2.4 525 212 Green-winged teal - 1.3 - .4 - 1.7 0.1 - 1 ,600 Blue-winged teal - - 1.2 .4 1.2 .4 1.8 -67 -78 Shoveler 1.6 .2 0.8 .3 2.4 .5 1.0 -79 -50 Pintail 1.1 2.5 1.2 3.9 2.3 6.4 1.1 260 482 Subtotal 4.7 13.8 4.7 17.6 9.4 31.4 13.1 234 140 Divers: Redhead - - - - - - - - - Canvasback - .5 0.7 3.3 0.7 3.8 0.1 443 3 ,700 Scaup - 2.7 0.7 1.3 0.7 4.0 0.2 471 1 ,900 Ring-necked duck - - - - - - 0.1 - - Goldeneye - - - - - - - - - Bufflehead - - - .3 - .3 - - - Subtotal - 3.2 1.3 4.9 1.3 8.1 0.5 523 1 ,520 Miscellaneous : Ruddy Duck - - 0.4 .1 0.4 .1 0.3 -75 -67 Other - - 0.4 - 0.4 - - - - TOTAL LNI 4.7 17.0 6.5 22.6 11.2 39.6 14.0 253 182 1/ Class II and III broods only 2/ As indicated by adult pairs and singles Coots: American coot 97 TABLE B-37. --North Dakota - long-term trend in pond indexes by stratum and comparisons to average and previous years. /index numbers in thousands/ Year Stratum Total 29 30 31 May: 1960 9.6 345.0 17.6 372.2 1961 9.6 63.5 11.8 84.9 1962 17.4 225.6 25.5 268.5 1963 17.4 351.2 58.3 426.9 1964 10.4 151.1 29.4 190.9 1965 13.9 303.6 61.4 378.9 1966 36.5 441.9 68.6 547.0 1967 29.9 481.1 50.1 561.1 9.6 345.0 17.6 9.6 63.5 11.8 17.4 225.6 25.5 17.4 351.2 58.3 10.4 151.1 29.4 13.9 303.6 61.4 36.5 441.9 68.6 29.9 481.1 50.1 11.7 262.6 54.0 31.6 494.6 89.5 29.2 592.6 101.5 18.9 416.8 109.4 35.3 473.2 130.9 18.8 312.0 46.6 +86.8 +13.5 +19.6 +87.7 +51.7 +180.9 1968 11.7 262.6 54.0 328.3 1969 31.6 494.6 89.5 615.7 1970 29.2 592.6 101.5 723.3 1971 18.9 416.8 109.4 545.1 1972 35.3 473.2 130.9 639.4 Average 1960-1969 18.8 312.0 46.6 377.4 Percent change from 1971 +86.8 +13.5 +19.6 +17.3 Percent change from average +87.7 +51.7 +180.9 +69.4 July: 3966 12.2 202.4 50.4 265.0 1967 16.7 230.0 39.7 286.4 1968 20.5 224.0 40.8 285.3 1969 20.1 433.9 75.2 529.2 L970 23.2 342.1 46.1 411.4 1971 9.7 293.5 104.4 407.6 1972 10.4 229.8 71.8 312.0 Average 1966-1971 17.1 287.6 59.4 364.1 Percent change from 1971 +7.2 -21.7 -31.1 -30.6 Percent change from average -39.2 -20.1 +20.9 -14.3 98 TABLE B-38. --South Dakota - long-term trend in pond indexes by stratum and comparisons to average and previous years. /index numbers in thousands/ Stratum Year 32 33 34 Total May: 1960 63.8 110.4 53.1 227.3 1961 34.2 48.1 33.1 115.4 1962 95.7 152.4 69.5 317.6 1963 106.9 142.1 80.2 329.2 1964 56.7 79.2 62.0 197.9 1965 53.0 100.2 84.5 237.7 1966 79.7 143.5 94.5 317.7 1967 66.5 132.5 90.2 289.2 1968 61.1 146.0 71.8 278.9 1969 111.7 263.7 156.5 531.9 1970 58.9 183.4 161.3 403.6 1971 85.4 132.8 146.4 364.6 1972 93.7 284.3 205.5 583.5 Average 1960-1969 72.9 209.4 79.5 361.8 Percent change from 1971 +9.7 +114.1 +40.4 +60.0 Percent change from average +28.5 +35.8 +158.5 +61.3 July: 1966 35.2 76.5 67.6 179.3 1967 56.8 139.2 101.7 297.7 1968 48.3 90.5 56.7 195.5 1969 75.9 192.3 89.1 357.3 1970 52.6 98.3 77.6 228.5 1971 70.5 117.7 115.1 303.3 1972 59.4 129.0 148.4 336.8 35.2 76.5 67.6 56.8 139.2 101.7 48.3 90.5 56.7 75.9 192.3 89.1 52.6 98.3 77.6 70.5 117.7 115.1 59.4 129.0 148.4 56.5 119.1 84.6 15.7 +9.6 +28.9 +5.1 +8.3 +75.4 Average 1966-1971 56.5 119.1 84.6 260 Percent change from 1971 +° <- Percent change from average 2 +29.4 +11.0 99 CM I--, en en o en en CO en CO CO en CO Cn CO ID cn in CO cn co CTl co CO en cm co en in cm *a- cn cm cn cm cm oo o o o en co OCOHHOitllO CM i— I ■— I ro 01 to co in ih rs ID n CO in co cm «a- «d- <— i co i— I CTl t— • CM I — CM CM ■— I ■— I CO r- l CM CO r^ CO O CM "=*" CO CTi t*". ■— ' CO O O «-H CM O O O CO i—l HHCO CO CM LT) CD in CO CO inoosHNHCo en cn i— i i— ( >* o «d- WlDOnHlD* CM (NJ CO — i *3- cm co *3- h i/) in h to en > o r-~ *a- cn co in r-^ CM "*• CO m CM CD ro CO LO C^ CO CO CO co CO ro co CM CO CO CO t— I .— ( CO CM "3" in cooirv CM i— I LT) in 1— 1 COCOSH .O CO .— 1 r-H en CO >* cn co oo CO CO .—I oo o en i i in co o CM ■—! <— l cm r-i en >3- co co «d- t~» co co co CO .-H CM i-H .— I CM CO 00 in in 1 1 CO CO i— I i-H co ^d" co cm .— I .— I co co o co .— i in .-h co CM CTi co in CTi in in o in co in co co in en i *d- CM cm .— I co in CO 00 i-H CM CM • I co i CO CO I CO in CTi co in CT O CO CM CO CO CO CO co in o co CM CO co «=t- CO CO CO en in co en co co CD co oo CO en CO co CO co in co CT CM CTi CTi CO in co CM CO CO CM O CO CO CM in co CO en co en oo o co cd co co co co *3- C Br- ^! O 11) lO o eu +-> cu 3 cr> +j -a +J ■a T3 in CO O •i- CU T3 r— -o «— 3 i— oo CD O _l 2 en eu 03 -^ CU T3 ID O -^ oj ii o (J <: c en -!-> u ^i CU 03 +-> CU CJ i~ +-> C_J o h- Cl- c s- O 03 O >> CU O C 3 CU o rD 00 c o co T3 i — 03 3 -i— CU , — +-> -a _o CU CU -C +-> IBT3 Ifl -P o 03 i— S- S-r— CJ 1 3 ,— •r — -Q •• CD i/l C C CU -O ■— Ci3 CO O 1/1 eu id is •!- c i eu 03 3 U) CU 10 CL I (l)r- D r- >,« 3 _i T3 •r— Q CD •• r— i— Jg S- CU CU > cnjDi— "0CUCU30 +-> co s- .c > ZS MTO 4- 00 eu "CJ enco <£. • • 03 S- Z •i — . e HIT) C CO C-— M- UT) S- \— CU C CO 1 =t O Ji jO ID B E S- i — -C -! > CU 13 U •H O 3 10 3 cu o 1/) (0 +J Oi eu CJ iOZC3l .O on CU X ai XI c ■■- c o •1 — 4-> oo ro X) i — c =5 rO CL (/I O 13 CL o .CT cn-t-> c •i — c: ■a .,— cu ai co S- !^ -Q XJ ro T 3 •i — C l I o o re 3 o o I PQ W 2 CM cn r-. cn o cn cn oo cn co co cn CO Cn co CO en LO CO cn co cn ro co cn CM CO cn u CD a. co 00 CO 1^ o CM CT. 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CO to 1^ CO co in o en o — CM r— <3- o CO CO ■— in CM 1— »— o O m cn vO CTl «* r_ CM o o o o O o o o o co r— o lO «3- O «* vO "-" O co in r- o o o o o o «* O o r>» «* r>» vo o o O o o o o o o co r— r— o r^ 00 in «*- "■; co ■-; vO r»» • o o o o o o o r— in CM CO CO r^ pa o +J o o o o o o CO H cfl 4-1 -0 60 XI 01 •H TO J* X) 0) CJ c «. » TJ T3 o i— T3 f" c C , IO > CD •o 00 "O r— a ■o 73 c o a) 3 dJ >a <4- c r— C »— 0J to •h (O ZJ • r— sz M iH 1 o 3 (O o •H o C£. s: u IS cc Q. CO o pq CO CO o cu PS K- 114 CM r^ LO LO «± LO «t CO r»s CO Cn) «* o O o o LO r~~ CO o t~» CVJ *3" ^— r— » r— f* r™ cn i — 1 — r— r— ^~ CO i — i r^ r-» ^3- LO LO ^_ LO CO r>» ,_ •*• o O o o cs r^ CVJ ^~ r^ t— CO cn ^— ^— o r— v£> (U cn r— r— r— f— l— CO jm < — (O _i o co *3- r— «* <3- LO r>. r— CO r>^ <* 1— CM o r— r-» r^- O CVJ ** cn i— LT> r^ CM <3" r-" co i- Cn CM 1 — r— ■ CM CM r^ CO 03 i— i— a r— cn *3" CVJ LO *3" r^ CO LO LO r^ r^ r— o r»* o o CO O cn r— 00 CO LO CM co 00 CM LO LO CO oo 00 CVJ *3- r-. r»» o> p_ co rs. CO ,_ o CO o o LO o CO O LO LO LO ^~ LO CO cn i — r^ LO 1 (/) CM *f to LO CO p— o o LO LO CO t-^ o o o CM cn "O r~- CM *3" LO O LO r<^ LO LO p« • LO LO CM c cn i— CVJ •3- r— ^3" cvj H™ o 3 i — CM o S- , — CM r-» LO CVJ CO O LO "3- «3- «3- LO o o o O CM o cn r— CO r-^ LO LO CO co 00 r— CO r— CO CO o cn r™ c • !— o LO «=f r~ cn o r— 00 r^ CO r-» LO o o o O LO +-> r^ CO ^J- t-~ LO LO I ■* «3- O cn CM LO o i — -£= 00 cn 00 LO LO 1— o ^J- o o r— #-i O o o o O r^ LO r— r— rmm CM «3- 1— r^ i— *3" u cn CM co •1 — ^— t— .O co cn *t o co o co CM f— o o CM o o o O ^3- 3 tO r— " CO r— CO LO r— CO O a_ cn CM *f C\J O LO LO cn o co LO •a- CO o «3" o o co LO VD r^ lo CO Cn 00 *3- r— LO co *l pa lO cn CVJ CM «3- CO m •— r-l r— Cn o CO CVJ CO CO LO CO •* cn ^- o LO LO co 00 >i r» LO CVJ *3- r^ LO LO r^ co r™ r~ CM r— a> ro cn CVJ CM r— r~ "3- -3 CQ «"" i-H £Z o cr> r^ cn «3" 00 00 CM co LO ^_ LO o O o r_ oo O r-» ro CO r-. CO CO CO CM 00 CM +-> cn CO LO LO o cn i — CM c •r— cn CNJ LO LO «3" •3- ^3" r^ o o r^ O o o o o O E to LO r— r-~ *3" *3- LO LO cn LO s_ cn p— CO r™ cn (O t-~ u. CO LO CO o CVJ LO LO CO |M CM CO r- ■ o o o o CO to r*. «3- LO r» r— r- r— CO cn ro CM r»- ' C\J LO LO o •=3- , . 00 «3- ^_ cn CM o o o o o o r^. 10 r^ i— O CM CO oo r— r— oo LO cn *3" LO CVJ r^ CM CM r— LO i — CM i LO cn *3" 00 «* *3- *3- CO o CM o o o o o CO i** *3- LO LO CO CO '^5 LO CM CM *3" >J cn «3" ■3" CVJ LO CM CM CM LO ro CQ •— CM o 00 r-«. O CVJ co LO LO r>. r*. 00 o o o o r— LO c r-^ CM «=J- LO CVJ o LO CO r-» >* O QJ cn CO CO CVJ «3- CM r- r— cn "O r— r~ cr O cn p— o o o o O o LO 00 O o o o o o «* to LO cr> cn cn ^~ a\ LO r~ LO LO cn *3- «3- CVJ r-» t^. CM CM CO 1 CO CO LO wmm o CM co o Cvl CO CNJ P_ o o o o o LO to r^ CVJ r— LO 00 CM «* CM co 00 cn CO CVJ r— «=f LO r— CO ^— Tl to 0) T3 o -a a) oo a •H 3 T3 a 00 a •H o § o s? QJ QJ T3 QJ it. u a 0) 10 to S_ t— •p™ a r-{ ra r™ 1 »H 3 H o no F OJ c/i •r" "a 8 m ro to « d O) CO C rt 1 M >> •H •a cu a. r-- (3 0) j- 00 r— -a C c 4.) -a o 0) 4-1 3 J-i T3 CO u 1— 115 00 vO CD > 1-1 3 0) u CD (0 0 o 1-1 tH CD 43 O 0] M oo •a c I I in" to i « w i-l pa 9 H CXI r»> en 01 , — t-> ■1 — CTi s ■~ 01 !_ CO 3 cr o CO e'- en s. i OJ Q. t/i .^ (J en 3 LO O en co lO en CM r»« en r~~ -o en 01 t — ■ 4J c =5 O C_l o (/) r*. ^ en U , — 3 Q i 03 +J en O lO r— en CO to en (/) 01 r— ■r- 13 s: o) O) D. 1- E co ro 3 00 cr l/> 3 o r— LL. Ol +-> 3 o cc co ro to ro en 10 CM O CO CO to to o o o o co ro LO o en o CO CM CM *3- i— CM CO «d- en co ro r^ to o o o en *3- CM O CM CO to i — «3- CM to ro ^- CT> CM CM to r^ ^~ LO LO 1 *d- CM r— r^ 00 1 r^ Ol LO 00 LO 1 to ro en oo o CM LO ro o en o LO o LO «=J- en i — o «d- to oo O o r— r^ r-» <=r LO 00 «3" r-~ to ■3- CO i— i — ro CM D~ o ro co ^1- en O to to ro cn O O to r— r>- CM r— i— o LO cvj CM r^ o CO LO >d- to to oo V) -Q c (_> c 3 3 O >> >> t- O <-J 4J -t-> 01 <_> >, £Z cz > 4J s- ~~ 3 • r— 01 C Ol O o DC J* 3 ■D o o ro O ^— C —1 t_> LU s- {/> CO 01 • r— -o Ol .c- X -Cl > s_ r— ro o 01 CO 3 o ra LO ^ CO LO en CM CO en r-» en LO oo o to to CO en en #» oo co LO LO CO CO en * * to CO o < r— O r-~ t^ en en ■~~ ■ — c 01 • r— u c T3 •r— Ol V) a. Q_ ■o o O) V. ^™ "O Q. E= +-> CO r_> to 01 (/> u> c Ol rO r^ <- •r~ 4-» E >, 01 4-> l_ C CO 3 3 O co- o in x: to (O ■ +j O ^ CTv 116 eg en cn J3 a co 1) iJ 4-1 a o H) co 0) 0) 00 n) c n) u H-l o c o a 3 XI o u a. T) G (0 co H •H I« Q. 00 a C o en S_ CQ CT e o >- cn oo VO O VO CM CO CM VO in CM CO oo CM VO co in en CM ro CM in oo CM IT) VO O VO CO CO r-s r^ «3" o CM r^ CO o VO co o vo <* CO ro o CM cn VO CM CM in CM m co CM O co o CO O m CM co CO oo o r-~~ cn a. CQ CT1 c O >- CO o «3- CO CO vo in in CM en uo CM vo co «3" <* CM O CO ID CO CM en en co ID CQ cn ID co VO Cn o >- i. Q. CO cr c o >- o CM LO o o CO CM Cn CO CO P^ cn CO O CM CO CO CM cn o VO CM i — CM in CO CO «3- cn CM O oo CM - vo vc cn S- o_ 00 cr c: 13 o >- CO CM VO o CM co o CO CM CO CO in in co CM o o CM cn co cn CO *3- co co in co cn ■3- in o CM vo <— CO oo in i— vo CM «3- CO CM o «s- r^ cn en co CO CM CM in co CM co CO CM CO co 00 o >3- co a. s_ CQ 0) o r— *r > >. o rf c •r— ^--» y* 'rm CD 4-> g <« > • g •r* o s_ 3 +-> OC -r- CO s- CJ V) 3 o > ^^ s_ > -^ > o T- (O +-> cc c m CO 01 • O- c •<- >• CQ cn T> o _i JD CO ia c ^~ O — - o 3 3 0) cn rtJ U a> 3 ^~ o ra *i— S- <_) a. CO o Ll_ OO o: CD CJ s 3 ec CQ in o ■3- cn o in CM *3- uo vo co CM CO vo in vo 1T) CO vo p~ CO CM 00 m oo o r-~. CO CM VO CO —1 < o 117 TABLE B-57. — Summary of Colorado duck breeding ground population estimates in selected areas, 1972. Total Estimated Breeding Pairs Long-Term Percent Change From From Long- Area 1972 1971 Average 1/ 1971 Term Average San Luis Valley 23,509 30,272 27,813 -22.3 -15.5 North Park 2/ 8,922 14,711 17,989 -39.4 -50.4 South Platte Valley 7,019 8,672 6,009 -19.1 +16.8 Cache la Poudre Valley 4,630 3,115 3,022 +48.6 +53.2 Yampa Valley: 1,857 2*340 2,867 -20.6 -35.2 Brown's Park* 1,339 1,581 1,029 -15.3 +30.1 Totals 47,276 60,691 58,729 -22.1 -19.5 1/ San Luis Valley and North Park averages are based on results of 1964 through 1971 and 1968 through 1971 surveys, respectively, because of changes in survey methods utilized prior to those dates. Figures for other areas are 18-year averages. 2/ Aerial counts corrected by species from visibility ratios obtained in the San Luis Valley. TABLE B-58. — Species composition of Colorado's 1972 duck breeding population. Numb er of bree iding pairs Percent Species Composition 1954-19 71 1954-1971 Species 1972 1971 Average 1/ 1972 1971 Average Mallard 22,504 24,150 28,121 47.6 39.8 56.7 Blue-winged and Cinnamon teal 6,532 7,901 4,759 13.8 13.0 9.6 Gadwall 4,666 9,884 5,155 9.9 16.3 10.4 Pintail 3,073 3,862 3,419 6.5 6.4 6.9 Green-winged teal 2,094 1,923 2,294 4.4 3.2 4.6 Shoveler 4,152 4,354 2,074 8.8 7.2 4.2 Redhead 1,802 4,276 1,813 3.8 7.0 3.7 American widgeor 1 1,331 2,640 853 2.8 4.3 1.7 Other Divers 1,122 1,701 1,142 2.4 2.8 2.3 Total 47,276 60,691 49,630 1/ Species composition computed from data from all areas for the '18 year period regardless of changes in survey methods. 118 TABLE B-59. — Estimated number of Canada goose goslings, Moffat County, Colorado 1972. No. of Goslings Area 1972 1971 1956-1971 Average Percent Change From 1971 From 1956-1971 Ave rage Yampa River 117 173 142 - 32.4 - 17.6 Green River Brown s Park 139 101 49 + 37.6 +183.7 Dinosaur Nat'l Monument 1/ 136 136 113 - 0.0 + 20.4 Little Snake River 61 132 80 - 50.0 - 26.3 TOTAL 453 542 384 - 16.4 + 18.0 1/ Area first surveyed in 1970 2/ Not included in survey until 1962 TABLE B-60. — Total number of Canada goose goslings produced in north-central Colorado production trend areas, 1972. Area No. of Go slings Percent Change 1969-1971 From 1969-1971 1972 1971 Average From 1971 Average 219 301 286 -27.2 -23.4 318 1/ 255 250 +24.7 +27.2 74 125 75 -40.8 - 1.3 199 357 251 -44.3 -20.7 294 296 275 - 0.7 + 6.9 Wellington Fort Collins Lovel and Boulder Denver Total 1,104 1,334 1,137 -17.2 - 2.9 1/ Includes 23 birds raised at Ft. Collins Wildlife Research Center. 119 TABLE B-61. — Nebraska - duck breeding population and species composition 1971 and 1972. (index numbers in thousands) 1971 1972 Percent 1972 Percent . Change Species Population Population Population from 1971 Dabblers: Blue-winged teal 33,527 34,906 33.6 + 4 Mallard 26,420 18,058 17.4 - 31 Shoveler 12,385 14,640 14.1 + 18 Pintail 8,724 6,193 5.9 - 29 Gadwall 13,277 8,497 8.2 - 36 Green-winged teal 490 244 .2 - 50 American widgeon 812 234 .2 - 71 Sub-total 95,635 82,772 79.6 - 13 Divers: Redhead 5,474 785 .7 — 85 Canvasback 260 - Scaup 2,386 5,384 5.2 + 125 Bufflehead 389 .4 + Ruddy duck 2,837 14,580 14.0 + 413 Sub-total 10,957 21,138 20.4 + 93 TOTAL DUCKS 106,592 103,910 100.0 - 2 120 WATERFOWL HARVEST DATA TABLES TABLE C-l — Factors used to adjust survey statistics to include the activities of junior hunters Junior hunter adjustment factors Pacific Flyway Central Mississippi Atlantic Estimate & Alaska Flyway Flyway Flyway Ducks bagged (including sea ducks) Geese bagged Coots bagged Days hunted Ducks lost Geese lost Coots lost 1.04985 1.04508 1.09415 1.08708 1.06152 1.07411 1.10685 1.06055 1.04110 1.10147 1.08559 1.07053 1.07067 1.10400 1.04655 1.03369 1.09034 1.07003 1.05699 1.03738 1.10282 1.03621 1.02402 1.08302 1.05174 1.03641 1.01573 1.08247 TABLE C-2 — Factors used to adjust survey statistics for memory and prestige bias Memory and prestige response bias factors Pacific Flyway Central Mississippi Atlantic Estimate & Alaska Flyway Flyway Flyway Ducks bagged (including sea ducks) Geese bagged Coots bagged 0.78952 0.85159 0.59248 0.73902 0.86838 0.78878 0.77656 0.84800 0.63668 0.86925 0.80428 0.60692 121 01 x ■u M c 1-1 u 3 ■O (0 D • ti •u CO CO CO 4J •r-l CO X T3 (1) 4) CO 4-1 C •H 0 c D. ■s CO CD 0) !-i X 4-1 i-i 0 i-i cu m i-l 4J tJ •r-l CO 0) .* 3 4J •■-i C •U TJ 3 O « £ O U 10 h * 01 X T5 c CO o 3 ■Orlrl 01 -i-l -i-l > JC .* 0) •H T3 01 (J (0 "O 4J > 3 01 N 1-1 XI 4J ^ 3 3 "O X 01 > t-l 0) r-~ •H ON U t-l 4J 0) TJ r4 C CO r-l CO O 4-1 1^. O On EH ^ 1 CO 1 U s § CO 0) CO ■U ,-1 CO CO •D O 0> 4-> 3 o •r-l >s 4-1 CO CO >s i-l i-l *-> [XI < i-l a D. •r4 >N CO CO .2 £ CO i-l CO tn •H 32 CO >■* i-l CO C >, 0) i-l U Pk cj 1-1 >> C4-I CO o £< CO r-i P-I fa CO CO CO C o CO CO 01 CO o o o o ^ CM -d- 9,400 14,800 + 57 o o o o NO ON vo O O vO o o m r-^ so o o m O © N r-4 4-1 O o O O o O o o o o o O O r~ o O -d- O o r~- CJ o o r-l o O o o o o O •d- o o o o r-i CO in I-l *■ 1 - + •» - + * •> i •a * CM o I-l t m vO o 00 r-l + + a + 0) o cm ON CO 4-1 CM CM 01 00 3 CO X CJ 4-1 C 01 0) 3° CO X u 4J 3 01 r-i 01 60 3 CO x: CJ 4-1 3 a) «0 I-i CO a 0) CO •V 01 •o 3 3 O I-i O i-l CJ o r-4 CJ o 1-4 CJ o I-l U o ■-I u o r-4 CJ o i-l CJ CO r-^ r^ i-l r~ r- u r» r^ I-l r~ 1^ u r^ r^- u r~ r^ u 1^ r^ r4 3 ON ON •o o CJ 3 E 13 3 1-4 13 73 •H ■o X T3 r-l CO 3 0) U •U 0) r-l CJ r-l > CO CO ^ ^ r-l CO •H 01 i-l •1-1 I-l 1 g CJ CO 4-1 4-> | r4 ., i-i CO O 1-4 r-4 o CO g 01 *J X Q PQ PQ S O < 4-1 01 o 02 z 122 cu 4-1 O O no o o in o o m o o o o o 00 o o CM o o l-H CO O O CN o o O O CN o o en o o l-H o o o o cu 4-1 1-1 u-i r^ rsl ^D m <]■ r-l tf 60 cu 4-1 r> cj en ON m -* oo cn l-H ON CN CM l-H r-l a 4-1 *■ ». n ^ r* ih •H l-H 1-4 i—l l-H l-H u c 3 D TJ co 4) .- o © O NO o o m o o <* o o N O O i-l o O -r4 CO XI c CO £ no l-~ CJN en in r-4 NO NO r~ i-H cn cn ON CM + l-H 1—1 r-~ , - \D On NO CM r-» r~ ON oo -* m TJ 4-1 CO 1-1 in en no in r-l CM l-H no in CO l-H 0) C co fa CO 1-1 4-1 o •1-1 ■H CO o X >N ^ 3 ■1— 1 1 1 l-H 4-> 4-1 13 •-N o O r» o o NO O O 00 O O r-4 o o On o o en o o Mt CJ O CO CO O © CM o o 1—1 O O r-4 o o -* o o CM o o i-H o o cn CO 0 u i-i o o en m NO CO O m NO CM ON ON cn r-~ X U CO cu CO >N *> *» + » r | n * i » ft 1 tl ft i * * ' cu SI 4-1 u CO o\ en 10 NO m no NO l-H in On 00 On CM tu x: ^! 4J u CJ U CO o 4J 3 CD •r4 i-l c 3 o o m O o I-l O O no O O CM O O en o O NO o o •-H 0 c TJ i-H •<— i o O O t-l o o O O 1-4 o o CM O O r-i o O CM o o > en m ^D r^ m v^- en o -* >N CM CO 1 T3 0) X •i-l £ oo en ^D in i-l r^ 00 O on en o r-l in m •H 73 u NO 00 %£> NO oo en O- r- cm cn i-l Pi [K rt 01 CU iH l-H l-i tH ^! d V4 H 3 4-1 4) TJ Sh CU tj 3 CO o o -* O O O O t-4 o o r-. o O O o O o O cn • c ^ i-l _* o o O O O CM o o CM o o o 00 >> eg o CO Nin en 1 «* o» On r~- i-H 1 NO •—I l-H co c CO 1 » * + • i CU •-N C •r-1 T-l 00 00 CM CM en r-~ 4-1 co 0 < l-H i-H CO u CO 0- a) co CO .,H CO CU O CI) 4-1 0) CO CO 0) CU CU CU CU CU cu 0) Ou B 60 00 00 00 00 If 60 co co 60 ■H c c C c c c c 4-1 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO T3 >,tI CO .£ £■ .e x: J= £. £■ CU X> 4-1 CU o o CJ CJ CJ CJ o T3 c v— ' c 3 1-1 4-1 4-1 4J 4-J 4-1 4-1 4-1 3 TJ J2 1-4 C c c G c c G c O cu CO o cu cu 0) cu V cu V u > I-1 co O r-4 O O r-i CJ O t-4 U O l-H o O t-H CJ o t-H CJ o i-H CJ cu r^ CO r-~ r- u P^ r^ I-l r^ t~» u r^ r~ u r-» r^ u r~ p> u r^ r- u co •H ON cu on on CU On ON cu On On CU ON ON cu On On V ON ON CU ON On cu c, t-l 1-t CO HH Pa r-4 r-l PLI t— 1 t— 1 Pli 1-4 t-H PH i-H t-H Pu l-H l-H P- l-H i-H Pj 3 l-H o 4-1 0) tj in c ft CO 1-1 t-l CJ 1-4 1-4 CO CO O •r4 cu TJ r-l t-H CO 4-i r~ ,* 4-1 c M o On CO 0) 3 Hr-4 u tj 01 tj 4-1 TJ iH I 3 •• 00 CU c ft* > co TJ TJ e 60 O .* o iH i V 1-1 E £ U CJ CO XJ O TJ 3 3 t4 ea CU r-4 3 TJ rO c CU C r a G l-H iH 73 CO co M 1 3 > •r4 c 7 C cu CO CU co CU 4-1 cu cu i-l > 4-1 -o J= > 1-1 c cu D o o c 0 •o C •• h o H 1-1 rC •H o 0) CO CU 4-1 CU Pi CJ o pa CO Ph 3 oc O 4-1 o z 123 CO Q) 01 X 4J 4-1 CO 4-1 !-H 60 CO <0 C 4-1 T-I T3 O u 01 4J 3 4-1 "O •i-l c ca D Oj .. •u CO CO CO CJ 4-> iH i-i >> CO 43 4J CO T3 0) CO >. 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M-l CO 01 XI U £•. •h -a )-< 01 i-l CO i-l 4J > i-l P-l ph 01 01 •i-4 l-l t4 X C U 3 4J 0) 01 "D 'V u 3 CO C s^ i-l X ctl y CO CO c co ^. c •^ i— 4 CO o < 0) CO CO •H CO 01 O 0) 4-1 01 CO CO a e CO 60 •i-i c 4J >si-l co X 4J 01 ^ c 3 I-l •D X. 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ON 00 in ON r-4 CO CM m co I-l I-l ■o CO c CO ft ft + ft ft + + + ft + 01 /^ C i-l I-l O i-l CO St 1-1 4-1 I-l CO O < I-l r-l r-. oo cfl cfl 0) CO CO u tJ i-l cfl oi cfl y o a) w 01 01 01 0) 01 a- 01 0) CO CO 60 60 60 60 60 01 o- Ou E c c c c c CO co CO 60 -i-l CO CO CO CO Cfl C 4J Si Xi J= J2 J2 TJ I-l >, i-l CO y o o CJ o 0) 1-1 XI 4J 01 T3 CO w c 4J 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 c 3 i-l c c c c c a 3 60 -a x: i-i o 01 01 0) 01 a) o c 01 CO CO O i-l u O r-l o o I-l u O r-l u O r-4 y u •i-l > I-l cfl i-^ r~» u r-» r~- I-l r» r^ u r~ r^ I-l I-*. r^ u H Oi r-» eg on on 01 ON ON 01 ON On r-l 4-1 l-~ X • • a 4-1 • • cfl O On u r-l o r-l 3 CO C H i-i 3 I-l 4-1 o I-l T3 ^ -f4 1 1 •o •I-l o o CJ 1-1 •r4 > u 3 O PI •o ai ft* o 4-1 1-1 CO o > u •o > o a CO u 0) 3 9) 01 a I-l 01 o H •I-l •o > 1-1 u T3 r-l l-I u 01 u 3 O W 4-1 I-l •r4 4-1 r-l • • r-l c_> < 01 cd M a) CO 01 u H u 4-) 4-1 u 4J 4-1 c c c o 01 c 0 o r-l t4 p H OS & H z r-l 126 "O CO s cu CO 4-) CO o 4-1 I-l r^ oo CO on 4-1 t-> *o o cu 4-1 CU 4-1 £ •r-4 4J c t>0 3 .-1 i-l i-l U CO V 3 •I-l >1 •o ••> 4-1 CO to CO CO c CO £ 0) -r-l 1-1 r-4 ■U X 4-J Cu CO < 4-J 01 W CO s T3 O •r4 o) a pu 4-1 CO o- •H CO •1-1 ^ c u CO CO l-i CO CO t4 I cu o i-i CO 1-1 .c y-i cu CO P«4 4J -u •H ID c g 3 CO 3 ..-1 w x CO i-i 3 U 1-1 i-l "-> o CO >. •i-l T3 "H 1-1 CO 3 4-1 c I 0) CO •|-i cu r-4 10 0) u t*l O U fs O CO X 60 E t4 i-l -a -u i-i cu co i-i o > cu ■4-4 CO •H i-l 0) •1-1 I ,4 .-i td y 4J -i-l 3 CO 1-1 cu ^ i-i Pj [U u o c -o c 3 CU -H > •o cu co fi -rl J) CO CO l-l w J*! 4J CO CO ^ CU E CO CO U t4 1-4 > cu XI CO V 60 T3 3 (U i-l s > *J o Oj c CO 1-4 3 CO U X cu 4-1 cz> CU i-l U r- on 1-1 1-1 CO 4-1 o H 1 1 1 o w 3 B < H o o on o o in o o OX n n o o n o o CI r-- Cxi r~ OJ co 1/1 I— 1 on o r-4 r^ -* IN rO T3 cu CO •r-i 3 u CO i-l c_> CO prf O l-l on on cu CO O o 60 3 Cfl O O O cu 60 3 CO X o s CU o i-i y ON on cu 1-4 1-4 P4 CU CO o o 60 cu 3 T3 CU 4-1 c o 1-1 U-I I CO 3 00 0) 14 CO Cfl u cfl X cu u 01 o o 3 O CO 4-1 O H o o CO o o ON CU o o CM o o VO 4-> CO CT> 1-4 CO -J- Cfl r\ *> + 1* 1 I-l 1-4 CNI 1-1 Cfl P. cu CO cu cu *o 60 60 •r4 •V cu 3 CO M o 4J o 3 60 CO I-l pp cu 4-1 o 127 TJ C TO O r- ON 1-1 0) si 4-1 00 c .-i 1-1 i-< u CO 3 TJ CO CO CO a) •r-t 4J -o ctj ■w 0) CO co C TJ 0 a; Cu ■u CO •r-l CD C U & TJ U 0) a) O 3 .c 4-1 C j-i •■-I TJ 4-1 c 0> c •H 4-1 o co o r-4 3 1 i— 1 ->— i 1 •H TJ •-N -* CO CO S-l a) CO 01 co 0) 4-1 0 4-1 C o CO 3 oo e •r4 J= •a 4-1 Sh 0) co o > . u rQ c TJ 3 0) 1-1 > I-l •a 0) •i-l c •r-l ^ a) U 4-1 0) ^"N 0) TJ CO Su 3 CU v ' t-( •H CJ o co c 0) c •l-l a o CO CO CO CO cu >N 4-1 CU 0) c •H 3 r-l .c ■u a) H U r-i r-i CO ■u 0 H i I | U W ►J 9 H CO cu 4-1 CO 4J r-l CO CO 4-J TJ O 0) 4-1 4-1 •i-J C 13 o •r-l >, 4-J CO cfl >, l-l T-t a CO CO •3 5. CO r-l CO Cu •r-l CO >, r4 CO C >> cu i—i o •l-l >-. 14-1 Cfl TJ & Cfl r-l P-i Fn CO a: CO Cfl C o CO cfl cu to o o 1 O o CM 00 LO CO o o o o NO r-4 l-l CO CO 1-4 o o no o o CM ON c c cu CD o l-l o O i-l O r-~ S u Is- r-. u on ON 0J ON on 01 r-l r-4 fJ-l 1-4 r-4 P-, o o 00 o o on o o 1-4 O O i-l CO CO 00 i-l »• - 1 r> r. 1 on oo r-4 Is- l*» CM O O CM CM r-4 Is". o o o o o CM CO O O *\ I co m oo m o o o O O r-l NO ON * r. I l~~ ON O O r-l O O CM i-l ^D r-~ in o o o o O VD CO CM o o o o O CM in cm vt oo CO CO o o ON O O CM m o CM ^43 r-l CO o o o o r-l O ON CO O 00 o o m o o CM o m i r-- \o r-l 00 in co o o o o CM «tf CO o O r-l ON ON c cu o u CU 00 ON cu 60 5 Cfl si CJ O r-l ON ON •H • ■ TJ a TD c c 13 cu 3 cfl 1 CD C CO c > •i-l u ^ CD 4-1 0) a •H c rC a l-i o 4-J 4J o o CD CU •l-l u 4-1 cu (-4 c -3 o H 3 CO UJ r4 CO CO o Cfl X cu o cu Si CJ o c o TJ co r-i Cfl 4-1 O H cfl r4 CO a cu CO TJ cu TJ a 3 O u CO i • I CO 3 cu r-l •i-i o CJ CJ OJ pu r-4 CO Cfl rO 3 3 • TJ CO I-l 0 CD •i-l 1-4 O CO TJ Cfl oo o C o r-l CU u 00 TJ o 3 u - • • r-l CD CO cu CJ Pu CD 4-1 a i O o r-l w rt z r-l CM CO 128 60 ^m OJ o o o O O C3> O O U1 o o m o o i-« a cd en 0£ o o 1—1 o o CN o o CN o o CN o o •H 4-1 O CO a> r-» i—i m cn r^ 00 VO vO u-l M o o X n #. + •V * 1 ^ ». 1 i •» - 1 3 H 00 r-» oi CN i-l i-i r^ VD in T3 i—i i—i m > cfl ac 4-1 £ i-t CO i— 4 CO -O 3 M i-l 3 •3 01 -^r cn I-l -0- 0~v vD o^ o-\ 00 a\ o o o o O i-l Pm 1—1 ^ o o 1—1 o o o-i o o r-4 o o m o O i-l CU co a 6C -d- vo 00 0) « 4-1 3 CO A ~ + ». •• + •• *\ 1 M + #> - + 43 c o TD X O CN u-l O CO i-4 in r^ r~~ VO 4J o H CO C3> O0 i-l ■-I CN CN en -* 00 rx i—l i-H vD co co T3 U) n *s C ai CO CN cfl M 4-1 i-i 60 .-H CT3 M CO Cfl 3 (-1 JjS o <~-s e 43 -a 0) vD 00 -CT i — a\ o^ - CO O m 3 IT) VO + eri v£> + m >* 1 vO rv + o --• + < CU 4-1 CU 3 d- O o CM o O CN (0 CO o ^H I-l o o n O O i-H o o i—i O o CN o O CO a) c •H cfl I) CO O i-l O 00 -* m , + •• f + m e, 1 »• * + •s » + 00 3 o a CO -* i-H O i-l LO On i-H >£> co in en •i — H 3 TJ m r-> r^ oo O CO CN CN CTi in •a cu X LO CN i—l CN C 4J > »* «• <0 CO 43 i-H i-l E en -h S>i M ^! 4J 4-1 en U 4-1 0) t-» CJ\ ^ r-. o r^ O u-l *43 en CT, r-~ CN i-i m cj en ■H >, > cfl ex 3 c • ■ • • • • • • ■ • ^ ^~y •r-1 4-1 Q T3 CO 3 43 CO <• + -* O O a\ O o m o O VD cO cu 3 U .— 1 u •1-1 <• vD i—i o - + ■O 60 a g CO c 0) CN . 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Is- i as os 1 m ~tf 1 00 00 1 O rH + < CI) i CU 3 CU X rH rH 4-1 ^^ wo p. 3 co CO •H 3 M cu tj 01 4-J i O O CM O O CM O O co O O Is- o o m co co c r-i t-i o o O O rH O O rH o o O O rH 0) 3 3 cfl cu co CO i-H CO Is- OS -* CM Is- oo r— 0) 3 X 4J 4-> > « . + A M -f- #. " + r. n | * " 1 00 O C CO rH i-H 00 00 CM as r-. co •a cu o X r-l 1-H -* CO CM CM 3 4-1 •r-l cfl cfl c e 3 CO 'H ^ 4J U CO •r" u CO U 4-1 CU N N N as r~ r- m N-* os in cm so -J" 00 > r>! Q X) 3 CO X io in + in in + -d- -* 1 sO sO 1 r— in l MH CO 4-1 o 3 •r4 o > r"N co co 00 CO •H 4J 1-1 4-1 CO cfl o o -» o o -* O O Os o o m O O -3- co a) a MH M 3 •H r-l 4-> Is- CO r-l co ^i O >. 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I •• « + A #1 1 i-l ■3 60 ai 6 CO 3 CD cn m i-l !-H ~d- CM >s s c *a 3 3 4-1 oo r~ m cn i-l CO -H 3 a >4-l 42 O *# -a- 4-1 i— i O °1 CU ►l 3 o <^> u 44 3 c CO •H 42 •M 44 > c CO •H i-H CO co 4* o ■m r> i-l s*. 3 O CO cn cn o 1-1 i 1 01 CJ OV CO CO ■H 3 cfl ov Ov OV OV i i 43 CO i— 1 Ml o a •3 01 CO 4-1 60 13 4-1 14-1 3 3 o •t-l ct) & 3 44 o O 3 3 O 3 13 1-4 CO O 3 r» ■3 3 co 4-1 CN CN CN i-l J- Ov Cfl CO •H i-H i-l 1^ i-H • 4-1 i-i >n CD i 1 1 1 | i 1 3 u .-1 r- 1 60 CO •H vO vO r- vO 1 i o o 3 (U •H Cfl CO i-l co 3. O .3 CO 43 O cfl CM 4-1 Q o- CU 44 M co CO cu 43 4-1 4-1 • 44 co CU CU CD •H CD S 3 60 61 60 r-l 3 >N O a 3 •• 3 CU O r-i 1 co CO CO r-l CO co N C u-i 13 co 43 43 cd 43 O 1 3 CD 3 o o 4J CJ CO >. U co co O cn o CD 43 CO Ml M ■■ 4-1 4-1 44 44 CD W CD 60 60 3 oo 3 3 CO CO T3 ►J 44 3 3 cu 3 CD >v CD O CU 3 pq CO i-l •H O i-H CJ •r4 O r-4 O cfl o i-l CJ •H •H 1-4 ss 44 44 j3 r~~ r-- u S n r-» u I-i X) U U CO 3 co ov ov cu O Ov Ov CD CD 3 cfl 3 3 Cfl r-4 r-4 Oh >v--H .-I Pi i-l 1-4 r-l 0- M > M 43 3 3 fn i-h cn cn 131 CO 3 ■H • . 14-1 4J i-i CD CO C S U CO m a> u o> 3 4-1 > u TJ c •r-l o co u CO D 4-1 r~- 0) o> -3 O i-i P-J r-l CO CO CO c •H I I o r^ on c a 0) o 4-1 14-1 O r-l Ou 0) 4-1 CM CO o S 4-1 4-1 3 r-l 0) 3 O 13 r-l CO 01 p-l *NNO\MN^CO* h H CO COCNr-l VO CO 00 01 4-1 CO 4J CO •rlH o 3 O r-l •H CO r-l T3 CO X CO c O CO c CO (11 X o 14-1 U O CO TD r, CO N •r-l O -C 4-1 CO CO •H 1-1 I-I CO 3 > K I-I U CO O •O O 0) CD 00 00 3 OS 0 i-l -H 60.3 J2 6 01 CO CO O U 4-J co >, On. 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O a. it. >m-i i-i 0) 60 3 CO X o CO 4-1 O 4-1 >N CO t 1-1 fa 0 O CO 0 O CM CN r~~ n r* 1 CN un ■-I rj» vD -* u~i ON r^ CO a- CN • • r-l 0 1 O O vD O 0 r^ 1^ n •V 1 O 0 CN vD O l»> n *. -* co O 0 CN 1-^ VD ^-1 • ■ 00 r^ 1 O O m O O vX 00 * #. + |x. OV co O CN x 1 I ^ t 1 1 1 I 1 01 6£ 3 CO X O 4-1 3 0) 0 i—l 0 r^ r^ >-l o\ o\ 01 •-1 1- -1 Pi 3 O CO CO CU CO >% 01 cfl 4-1 3 01 6 •H u 01 a cu o r» o\ ai >-. X r-l 4J 3 O 4-1 P-. 3 01 o CJ CO X co 01 01 CO co 3 U 0 CO co t-l CO 3 01 60 co cu u u u 3 O XI u-i r-l XI cd cu •rl N CJ t4 CU >1 a, co co S CU 3 r-4 CO • > CO 41 l& .-I o fa Cu i-l co CO U XI 4-1 CU 3 3 CU 60 C_> -r4 co CU CO x « 4-1 3-g •H 3 X xl 4-1 1-1 141 3 O 60 01 3 O. ■H >, >s 4-1 i-l X 01 u 4-1 Cfl cfl 01 4J W X 4-1 01 t4 X S 4-1 s 141 01 O 4-1 01 3 >. 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O --< CJ 3 o r-i y < 4-J 4-1 X r"» r^ M cfl r^ r~ u •H r» r^ U •H r^ r-» u cfl r* r^ I-l 4J r-^ r-» u N CO CI cfl on On CU M On On CU rH ON ON CU *o On on 3 I-l 0) en cn ON en en o VO -3- vO oo r^ en lO r-l NO r-l 00 CN 0) cfl 4-1 o X) NO CN CN en en O O r-4 O r-l cn i— i -3" s» CO cfl CO O U 3 CN o 1 o o o O I O O 1 1-4 r-l + O O 1 CO CO 01 O 0) J= £. CO toO 3. 1-4 4J P-i o o o | O "3 X) o O en r-l o r- vO CN en on ON ON 1-4 Cd H 1-1 no 00 o in en r-l CN 00 ~3 on CO CO i-l 00 i-H cfl 3 Xi 13 •H Sr-< Cfl r-l QJ r-l cn o en vo CN (NOlH sf m * r-4 NO O Ol VO f> P. 0) o cfl 4-1 -3 no ~3 m -* Ol*H -3- en en en no r-4 •Cf CN1 CN QJ CO X! CU 3 C co cfl U M a 3 CJN r-l 1 en m 1 ^o r» + r-4 [^ 1 no m i m ■1 1 *• #. 1 ■« - + * « i r-. •• i r *• | 00 co l-i o c CO i-H a\ cjn r^. r-l 00 no m cn cn in -* 3 0) H 3 T3 i-» CN ON 00 CN I-l CU in N 0) 1—* 4-1 CN CN| CN r~ cx3 o m NO NO i—l no m in oo r-4 3 CU •O 4J •H 3 cfl Q 3. 3 c 3 ON r^ | m m + vO vO + no in l NO NO 1 no m 1 cfl 3 cfl x: 4-1 B O -r-l 4J > CO CO 00 01 co v— ' X 4-4 CO 1 — 1 CO o o r^ o o m o o -* o o o o O CN O O vi- >. M •-4 I-l •H On 00 vD f~~ r-i CN VO en m i—i •r4 1 cfl 3 cu 00 on o o CN 00 NO 00 CO 00 cn en 3 O 3 3 4-1 CN r-l en r-i P- 1^ CN CM m m -3" > 0) CO <~s 4-1 CO 1-1 QJ > too T3 •H C 3 4-1 1-1 r— 1 CO J*, 3 O a o CO CO in CO O m o m o en in o m o en en m o O 4-1 o cfl •S 3 CO in m in m -3- m ~3- in in in m m cfl 3 c Q T3 cu 3 •r-l CO toOx! 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ND o CO NO c 0 -O 3 • 1-1 I-l i-l XI o o r-l O o o o o o o o CM o o o 1 ■ CD o c CO O c o l-~ ON i-l CO cn oo CM CN CN 00 NO , c C 4-1 •r-l 1-1 0) •1-1 >. 0 cfl CO 1-1 cfl ^ cfl cfl O CO r4 CO CO CO 4-J e cn o a O 1-1 M CO CO 3 CO c fc CO CO C e eg 3 co i-4 0) •H O CD o 4-J X> CO 1-1 -1-1 CO 4J -H XI c CO CO o e CJ I—l 00 CO ^J i-l TO 8 C 3 cj C co co •H e CD Eu 1-1 i-l r-l C CD o •I-l 1-1 1-1 1-1 X 0) •r4 < < M M I-l W rJ S3 S S s o H -2 139 i— i 0) o O r-l O o CO O o o o o O o o o cfl CO 0£ o O r-l o o CM o o m o o o O r-4 4-1 o cfl oo m CO vO vO co co co o rH CM 0) O O 43 * ■> i r. »■ + •» 1 * - + 43 H 00 CNl CM r-4 o i— l i-H CO u cfl CO 43 3 )-i C C 3 T5 0) r- m cm oo m r-~ CO CM CO CM CM O m r«i o CO O o 0) cfl 4-1 i-i r-l r-l CM 00 r-l o o co o o o rH -3- D. co CO c • • • • • • • • • • CM fS CO cfl o I-l 3 o O 1 CO CO + o o 1 o o o c crj 01 01 O 01 4= <-> u !Z> 00 a Fk O o O r^ O o CO o o -3- O O <1 o O 00 IH ^H 4*: o o o o o o m o o o o O CO o OC CM CM CM CN VO CM r-» On vO a> iH "O 4-P 3 CO ~ •* 1 »• « 1 •1 r 1 n •> | •* - i 4-1 (1) o X) 43 r-i r- 00 vO rH o r^ sr 00 00 3 44 H vD in vO vD VD I-l r>- r^ rH o CO co *3 CN rH <-* rH 3 44 I-) <: t3>-i 4-1 cfl r—> i-H oo i-i 0) C CO Cfl cfl 3 I-l 42 3 t-l 3 43 X) a) r-l rH ~d- a, 0) B co T-i l-i 0) 4-1 O 01 CO i-l I o o m O o CO o O o o o VO o O co oo oi c ■— l 1-4 o o O o o O •* o o rH o o N*-/ 3 cfl 0) CO vD o o o CO CO rH 00 r» o> x» 4J 44 >i * * + f r. + r. •» 1 M #1 + #* *• I C co o c cfl 00 CO r^ o m r> CM CO CO o CO C >> H 3 XI 00 a\ CT\ o o\ r-~ r^ 00 o o o 43 jA r-4 CM i— i rH i-H CO CO 4i CJ 0) 4-1 3 co •H I-l -3 > CO In 4J 01 in -* -3- O I-l r-l CM O i-H -3- ov m VO o> CO 00 •rl >> 0) ■-I 4-1 43 3 I-l i-l r-4 4-1 CO (0 O o a\ o o -3" o o c OJ 3 CD 4J * p CO C 01 m vO CN CN CO ro co in 00 00 >>*3 CO 3 3 4-J r-4 r-l ■— 1 1— 1 «* CO i-H i-H rH rH 44 3 I-l S3 U-t 4= o iH Cfl cfl o B > 4-1 ^> i-l O O 4-i r-» 4-1 cj a\ C Cfl r-l * r. co 4t! o CN N CM CM CM ■N CO >» c O en ON a\ O o vO r^- O O O O oo o) Cfl cfl ■H 3 cfl 3 -3 cfl CO ■H 00 oo oo CO 3 C 00 vO 00 00 O >* OJ B 1 I 1 I •H •H 1 1 1 1 >4-l CO r-4 OO CO •r-l -3- 3 CO -3 C 01 3 CJ CJ O O a U CO CO CJ • • ►J i-l 44 01 44 • • 44 • • 44 44 PQ QJ 00 4-1 3 u 3 cfl 3 CO 3 3 < 4-> C CJ OJ cfl 0) X) CU •rl CU • • CU H cfl ■H 0) O i-H O 3 o •— i CJ •H O I-l CJ 00 O rH CJ oi o rH CJ 4-1 4-1 c r^- i~» U cfl r^ r^ u U r^ r^ u U i~i r^ U C r^ r- rl to C G en <3\ 01 r-l OD a> 0) o a\ C7N CU O CTi CTi 01 •rl CJ> CTi 01 3 O r-l r-l CM at r-l r-l Ph i— 1 i-H r-l cu 0> rH rH PL4 Cfl rH rH P-, 4= cj Q P*4 CJ s 140 r-l 01 o o m O O vO o O O o o xi CO 01 CO OO ex S V4 »H U o O co O O r» o o + ft r- -\- ft ft 1 »H "OH o •a ja av r~ oo r- in o^ CN ~* m m U 4)t) H CO m r-H 00 CN CN CO 00 oo m C 4-> 01 r-l r-H r-H r-H r-H co co it is 3 r-l 3 a 4-11-11-1 4-1 < "3 4-1 1-1 OO r—i cfl C CO CO 3 t-i OJ c o 3 X •a oi \o -* -* o\ CO ■* CN CO CN 00 00 r-H 00 r-H <■ X 3 o O tO 4-1 VO m cn 00 CO r-H in 00 r-H 1"^. r-l r-H -* o r-H 4J 1 ca M 3 ■ • • • • • • • • • (0 1 CO o M 3 en -* + ro co | CN r^j + co -* + co co 1 C a) /-> 0) 3 £ a) C/> ■a P. 0) i-l 4J Q) 4-1 3 1 o o o o o oo o O ~tf O O CO o o 1-^ 01 to 3 i—i l-i o O r-H o o O o r-H O O <3- o o oo o> x CO 01 CO CM o m m r^ CN CN ON -* CO s^' 4-1 4-> > * ft 1 ft ft | ^ ■ + •. ft H}- ft ft + ■3 U o 3 co CO CO On vO CN O r-H 00 r-H CO 3 to O H 3 -3 Ov vO in to )-i 4-i ai vO VO r-H CN 00 Is- m CO CN 00 00 -J- O -< O T3 43 >. 0) r-l 4J in -d- r-H - Q •a 3 r-. r- 1 m m + m m + m in + m m O-rl U tO X 4-1 i-l to 3 > 00 3 i-l #*"s u Cfl XI 4J r-H !* x u 4-1 to CO c3 O oo o o «* o o CN o o vo o o vO r-l CO l-i r-l l-l -r-l 00 O CO o >-i CO i— i cn r~ cn CO •* •3 r» 0) 3 0) 4-1 CO r-H vO 3 ft - 1 •> .. i »» ft + ft ft Hj- ft ft + ClHT) CO 3 at VO ^r o> m o\ CT> CO CN r- i-l ■H O CM 4J t>. U) 3 * o av i-i CO J> c CJ CO o o o o O O o o i 1 4-1 CO T-l 3 CO m vO m -* m m vO vO i i oo oi o Q •3 CD 3 J3 4J to •H 4J 4J C 00 to M 3 3 3 cfl a O co co X iH iH 3 -a •rH tO CO CO l-l x> •3 a tO 4-1 4-1 4-1 •-I 3 CO tO -r-l 00 VO 00 00 00 co 3 3 m m U "O ^ oi 0 1 1 i 1 1 1 •■H -rH 1 1 5 r-i 00 to i-l ~3- cn tO tO 4-1 3 CO 01 01 01 OJ 0) 1 T3 3 00 oo .. oo 00 00 r-l 01 O 3 co 3 01 3 S £ r-l 4-1 CO CO 4J CO U at n> CO 1 -r-l "3 CO X 4-1 X •rH X X X U 3 3 01 sf a a) a X CJ >. CJ o CO CO n CO CO 01 • • "3 4-1 3 4-1 g« 4-1 C0 4J ^ 4-1 J 0) 00 3 3 X 3 3 U 3 u 3 9 4-1 3 cd 01 CJ 01 CD 01 01 01 o 01 CO •H r-H O r-H O CO O r-H CJ X o ^H CJ •O O r-H CJ >H O rH y 4-1 4-1 >> l*» r^ U to r~ l*» Ih r*. r^ u r~ r-» U r~. r^ M in 3 In On Ov 01 CO o\ ON 01 S CT\ cr* 01 S o> ov oi $ o\ a\ 01 3 CO r-H r-H Cm CO r-H r-H D-, 0) r-H •-< Ph 01 i— 1 r-H p-i 01 r-H r-H Ph X £ S Z z z 141 r-i CU o O r-^ O o ON o o o o o n to CU O CU 43 n) N * ft | ft ft + ft •» + ». ft + . » + -a 4-1 o a cO en LT1 i co M 4-1 0) ■-I rH co NO CM 00 CO 00 NO r^ O i-H •Cf OO CO T3 43 >. ai rH 4-1 a T) 3 NO NO 1 60 3 •iH /^N cfl 42 4-1 r-4 43 a 4-1 CO CO O 8 NO o o o o O CN O O sr o o 00 I-H CO u 1—1 M •H nO o o 1— 1 On in CM ON CO NO O rH T3 r- CU 3 0) 4-1 nO On NO ON * rH O CN CN r~ ao ;*. ts i-H S3 HH 43 O 4J (3 o o CX •H CO (3 s — ' > •H •r) O 4J r-» CO c CJ ON 1—1 CO 4n C CJ CO O o o o o o o o O O 4-1 cfl •H 3 tO NO NO NO NO LO LO in m m m 60 CU o a T3 CU c 43 4-1 CO •H 4-1 4-1 • 9 C 60 CO ^ d 3 C n) a o 43 -H •H 3 T3 •H CO u 43 -a c CO 4-1 rH 3 CO CO •H vO NO NO NO 00 oo 00 00 00 00 S 73 >* a) 6 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 r-l 00 to •H ro ro ro CO <* - CO CO u CO i-H u w cfl 4-1 > 4-1 CO 4-1 cfl 4-1 4-1 ►J CU 00 c_> a i-l a M a U a 4-1 3 PQ 4-1 a CU >> 3 cu < CO •rl 4= O rH CJ CO O rH CJ 0) o i-H o Xi O rH a O O i-H CJ H 4J 4J 4-1 r~ P> 4H C r» r^ u •V r-- r^ M 4-1 r~ r-s u V* ON ON CU C/3 a U On ON CU C ON on CU O On ON CU 3 ON ON 0) 3 o rH rH Ph CU rH rH Pm £ rH v-< Ph O i-H rH PM CU i-H rH P-i 43 ss Ph CO > 142 01 Xi 0) XI U] 3 cfl 3 o p, S^ to a) a) Ph >h o o lH XJrH 4J OJ XI 3 4-1 OJ d oi 3 rH 3 3 4J i-| lH <; *a 4-i cfl 3 a) a o Xi 3 o 4-1 I 01 I s CO >h qj 4-1 c 3 oi e CO J en 3 00 3 cfl X X> C On 0) Ifl H T3 3 >nX> rH 4J 3 CJ iH cfl 3 > -H •H O 4J r^ oi cfl .-I eo 4-1 00 0) o 3 .3 4-1 C 3 Xi 60 oi 3 n) •r4 -|H r4 X <-< 3 S X) O 14-4 VI l-i 01 0) 4-1 4J n) CD 4J I I X) rH o c CO H 3 x: X) 1-1 oi M 4-1 0) rS 0) i—l 4-1 cfl a D 3 Q XI 3 CO x: rH 4-1 CO CO In i—l 1-1 •H 0J 3 0) 4-1 XI X) 4-1 3 B CO a 0) 3 3 4J Z M-J x: o o a c CO ^ o >, c CJ 01 cfl 1-1 3 CO Q XJ 0) CO ^ C o o 3 XI ■r4 CO XI 3 CO 4-1 CO CO •H >. 0) 1 rH oo en •H •H CO CO .-H cfl X) o Q p. a o CO XJ cO c 0) CO 01 0) 00 4J 3 CO •H 4-1 4-1 CO 3 3 X! 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E u u u I— 1 H CJ 4-1 •r4 1-4 ca hJ 4-J CJ CO •H X •H ca o CO CU o >, c C > 3 T3 >s 0) 5 CC CU § I-l •r4 60 cu i-i CO W !-3 >4 X CO 4) X o •i-l 4- c JJJ I-l l-i c >. CO 4-1 C X> 4-1 E 60 4-1 i-l 4J H it: c i-H CO o O -i-l i-i CO 3 3 3 1-1 C o 3 M I-l CO fn 1-1 o 41 ■H I-l CU CO co CO 0) CU 41 o 01 X O CD ■i-l CU a c_> a P h o s IS £ ■z 3 55 2 Pm Pi CO > > 12 & o o I-l N CJ C CU 4f 4) 4-1 CO X PL< 01 X CO XI t-4 o CO 09 a CU XI 3 i-H CJ C o c co 01 o Q 144 TABLE C-13--Proportions of the total duck harvest occurring after the September teal season in certain States during 1969, 1970, and 1971 Flyway Proportion in Regular Season State 1969 1970 1971 Atlantic Maine -- .9418 .9566 Mississippi Alabama .9651 .9801 .9631 Arkansas .9850 .9868 .9907 Illinois .9398 .9321 .9335 Indiana .9523 .9288 .9210 Iowa .8008 -- -- Louisiana .8975 .9047 .9114 Mississippi .9909 .9891 .9880 Missouri .9174 .9065 .9271 Ohio .9538 .9567 .9381 Tennessee -- .9927 .9695 Central Colorado .9775 .9641 .9507 Kansas .8788 .8624 .9071 Montana .9723 .9320 -- Nebraska .8630 .8941 -- New Mexico .9597 .9476 .9439 North Dakota .8876 — -- Oklahoma .9685 .9410 .9547 Texas .9443 .9661 .9589 Wyoming .9407 -- -- 145 146 it U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE i 1973 O-50I-310 As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Depart- ment of the Interior has basic responsibilities for water, fish, wildlife, mineral, land, park, and recreational re- sources. Indian and Territorial affairs are other major concerns of America's "Department of Natural Resources." The Department works to assure the wisest choice in managing all our resources so each will make its full contribution to a better United States — now and in the future. CONSERVATION PLEDGE I give my pledge as an American to save and faithfully to defend from waste the natural resources of my country— its soil and minerals, forests, waters, and wildlife.