BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 06317 783 4 RELIABILITY OF KILL AND ACTIVITY ESTIMATES IN THE U.S. WATERFOWL HUNTER SURVEY MO UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Special Scientific Report - Wildlife No. 240 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Couling, Leigh M. Reliability of kill and activity estimates in the U.S. waterfowl hunter survey. (Special scientific report — wildlife ; no. 240) Supt. of Docs, no.: I 49.15/3:240 1. Waterfowl shooting— United States. 2. Hunting surveys — United States. I. Sen, A. R. II. Martin, Elwood. III. Tide. IV. Series. SK361.A256 no. 240 [SK331] 639. 9 79 '0973s 81-607087 [338.4'7799244'0973] AACR2 NOTE: Use of trade names does not imply U.S. Government endorsement of commercial products. RELIABILITY OF KILL AND ACTIVITY ESTIMATES IN THE U.S. WATERFOWL HUNTER SURVEY By Leigh M. Couling A. R. Sen Elwood M. Martin r.s. MHH A W II Dl II I SKKVK*K UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Special Scientific Report — Wildlife No. 240 Washington, D.C. • 1982 Reliability of Kill and Activity Estimates in the U.S. Waterfowl Hunter Survey by Leigh M. Couling1 and A. R. Sen Canadian Wildlife Service Migratory Birds Branch Environment Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0E7 and Elwood M. Martin Office of Migratory Bird Management Laurel, Maryland 20708 Abstract A mail questionnaire survey of waterfowl hunters is conducted each year in the United States to provide information on waterfowl kill and hunter activity. We carried out a study using data from the 1971-72 and 1972-73 hunting seasons to determine the effectiveness of the present U.S. sampling and estimation techniques, and a number of modifications in both sampling and analysis is recommended. We found that stratification of post offices based on the number of duck stamps sold did not give more precise estimates of mean duck bag and days hunted per hunter than estimates obtained in the absence of stratification. Estimation of error variance assuming simple random sampling of hunters instead of cluster sampling of post offices should be avoided because it may lead to significant underestimates. Of the cluster-type estimators examined, the ratio estimator is recommended for estimating means and standard errors of duck bag and days hunted per hunter. Estimates of kill and hunter activity showed wide departures from normality which led to inefficient estimates of the means and of their variances. Log transformation resulted in approximate normality and in considerable increase in precision of the estimates of error of kill. A possible nonresponse problem exists in the stratification scheme because hunters from the larger post offices have lower apparent response rates than those from smaller post offices. Some sampling problems are a result of and dictated by the type of sampling frame currently available; however, it appears that, with the more advanced statistical techniques now available, some improvements can be made in the sampling as well as in the analytical phase. As part of its continuing efforts toward more efficient conformity to the sampling scheme (Martin and Carney management and conservation of wildlife resources, the 1977). The present report will do so by (1) examining the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) efficiency of the current method of stratification and (2) initiated a Mail Questionnaire Survey of U.S. waterfowl comparing the efficiency of other estimation techniques hunters in 1952. Data obtained in this annual survey are with the one presently used. Survey estimates of kill and used to estimate U.S. waterfowl hunting activity and activity have highly skewed distributions. The effect of success based on a sample of hunters purchasing duck this on the estimates and their errors is examined and, stamps. The reliability of these estimates has been given where appropriate, methods are recommended for little consideration in terms of either efficiency or increasing the precision of these estimates. We also briefly examine the important sources of non-sampling error: (1) nonresponse bias due to differences between hunters who do not report their activities and hunters who do, and (2) ■Present address: S&S Software Ltd., 444 MacLaren St., response bias due to improper or exaggerated reporting of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2P 2C8. kill. In this study we used hunter kill and activity data from the 1971-72 and 1972-73 season USFWS surveys of 12 of the largest States, including at least one State from each of the four waterfowl flyways that span the continent. The States included were Florida, Maryland, and New York (Atlantic Flyway); Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin (Mississippi Flyway); Texas (Central Flyway); and California and Washington (Pacific Flyway). Design of the U.S. Survey The U.S. survey sampling frame consists of a master list of post offices that sell duck stamps (Martin and Carney 1977). Each State is stratified into several geographic zones. In each zone, the post offices are further stratified into three groups based on the number of duck stamps sold the previous year. These are stratum 1 (less than 100 stamps), stratum 2 (100 to 1,000 stamps), and stratum 3 (more than 1 ,000 stamps) . Post offices are selected at random within each stratum. In strata 1 and 2 and in a sub-sample of branch post offices in stratum 3, all duck stamp purchasers are asked to participate in the survey; stratum 3 post offices are usually made up of a number of branch post offices and, to avoid unnecessarily large samples of hunters, a sub-sample of branch offices is chosen. These branch of- fices are identifiable individually in the sampling phase but are combined under the main post office name in other phases of the analysis because it is not feasible to maintain the identity of each branch office. The post offices are the primary sampling units, and the hunters buying duck stamps are the elements or the ultimate units of selection. Thus in strata 1 and 2, the U.S. survey design is a stratified single-stage cluster sampling scheme, and in stratum 3 there is a second stage consisting of branch post offices. However, for our analysis, it was necessary to treat the large post offices as single units and assume sin- gle-stage cluster sampling for all strata. All post offices selected in the survey are sent name and address forms (survey contact cards) with instructions to give one card to every duck stamp purchaser asking the purchaser to complete the form and return it to the postal clerk for mailing to the USFWS. The purchaser is thus placed on the Service's mailing list. The purchaser retains a portion of the contact card on which an explanation of the survey and a hunting record form for his own use are provided. Actual participation in the survey is variable because some stamp buyers are unwilling to supply their names and addresses and some postal clerks may neglect to hand out cards. Hunters who fill out address cards can- not be viewed as units of a second sampling stage because the decision by hunters on whether to fill out contact cards does not constitute a probability sample. At the end of the hunting season, each hunter who filled out a contact card is sent a questionnaire to com- plete and return. Any hunter failing to do so within 3 to 4 weeks is sent a follow-up questionnaire. The data are used to estimate hunting activity and success for each stratum of each zone of each State. The results are then summed to form zone, State, flyway, and national estimates (Martin and Carney 1977). Estimation of Stratum Means Within a Zone We will now obtain expressions for estimates of means (and standard errors) for duck kill and number of days hunted per active hunter for a post office stratum within a zone in a State. Because the estimators of the two means have the same mathematical form, we will simply use the term "mean per hunter" in the following discussion. Let M, = number of active hunters (those hunting 1 or more days during the season) who purchased duck stamps from the ith post office of a stra- tum, yi( = number of ducks killed (or days hunted) by the jth hunter who purchased a duck stamp from the i,h post office, Mi y{ = E yy = number of ducks killed (or days i = ' hunted) by all Mi hunters who pur- chased duck stamps from the ith post office, n = number of post offices randomly selected from the population of N post offices in a stratum, and N N y = E Vj /E Mj = population mean per hunter for a 1 = 1 ' = ' post office stratum within a zone. A biased but consistent ratio estimator of the popula- tion mean per hunter for a stratum ( y ) is y = n n E yL/E M, i = 1 i = l (1) The variance of the estimator is V„(y) N2d " £) N E > - M, y )* N - 1 ,E (y, - Miy-)2 ■ = 1 N - 1 (2) Since the M;'s are known only for the post offices in N M- the sample, their average E — p must be estimated by n ~_ E Mi . Hence Vcl( y ) is estimated by i = I-jt vci ( y) = **-& i = 1 n -MiJF)2 n - 1 (3) (The problem of nonresponse in M( is examined in a later section.) Appraisal of Post Office Stratification One reason for stratification of zones into three post of- fice groups was to take advantage of any differences in average hunting activity and success among post offices. It was assumed that hunter characteristics would differ most along a rural-urban axis; stamp sales volume would indicate the rural-urban character. If no such difference existed, this stratification would be inefficient because it would not contribute to the sampling scheme in terms of additional information about hunter characteristics. We chose two variables, kill per active hunter and days per active hunter, for this examination. One could as well use kill and days per potential hunter, the procedure rou- tinely followed by the USFWS. (A potential hunter is one who bought a duck stamp with the intention of hunting.) Our analysis indicated that the results differ little be- tween the two approaches (because the vast majority of duck stamp buyers go hunting). To determine if stratifi- cation was effective, we carried out tests for significant differences between stratum means for both duck kill and days hunted for each of the 12 States (Steel and Torrie 1960). Although they represent about 36% of all U.S. duck stamp buyers, only about 320 post offices (2% of the sam- pling frame) sell more than 1,000 duck stamps per season. The entire United States is divided into 188 zones and, al- though over 50% of the stratum 3 post offices are in- cluded in the sample each year, the number sampled in each zone is very small. These differences among strata should be clear from Table 1, which shows the average number of post offices per zone by post office stratum for the States in this study, States which are all much more populous than the average State. In some zones, the num- ber of sample post offices in stratum 2 is also small. Hence, for the 12 States under study, the data for strata 2 and 3 were combined for each zone. The zonal estimates for stratum 1 and for combined strata 2 and 3 were next summed to provide more reliable estimates at the State level, and tests for differences between these totals were then carried out for each State. The non-normality of kill and days hunted will affect many of the test procedures used for calculating signifi- cant differences. Therefore, these normal tests will usually tend to be less powerful than their non-para- metric counterparts. However, at State and fly way levels the means will generally be based on fairly large samples to ensure normality and increase the power of test com- parisons. Hence, estimates of mean kill and activity are presented at State, flyway, and national levels. The results of the t-tests for differences between stra- tum 1 and strata 2 and 3 combined for each State (Table 2) show that kill per hunter differed significandy (P < 0.05) between strata in only two States each year; mean days hunted differed significantly in three States during 1971-72 and in two States during 1972-73. Thus the number of States to benefit from stratification by post of- fice size was too small to warrant its continued use in the analyses. For other characteristics of interest (e.g., kill per hunter by species, age and sex ratio determination) it may be advantageous to retain this stratification in sam- pling. Additional Testing of Zone and State Estimates Because no differences were found among post office strata, estimates of duck kill per hunter and days hunted per hunter were calculated with and without post office stratification for comparison. Zonal estimates based on post office stratification were obtained as weighted sums of stratum estimates; the weights were proportions of duck stamp sales in each stratum (the method of com- bining stratum estimates currently being used) . Unstrati- fied zone estimates were made by treating all data from a zone as a single sample. State estimates for both methods were obtained as weighted sums of zone estimates, and the weights were proportions of duck stamp sales in each zone. In practice, one would first choose the estimation technique best suited to the State as a whole, apply the method separately to each zone, and then form weighted sums of these results as ind .'here k £ = S , wzyz z = 1 v( ys) = E w* v( yj Z = 1 (4) (5) k = number of zones in the State, yz = mean per hunter estimate for zone z, ys = mean per hunter estimate for State s, v( yj = estimated variance of yz, v( yj) = estimated variance of ys, and wz= Qz = the weight for zone z k where Qz could be the E Qz total number of duck z = 1 i stamp sales in zone z or the number of post offices or unity. When Qz = 1 for all zones, (4) and (5) are of the "unweighted" form. Table 1. Average number of post offices available per zone by stratum and State. 1971-72: Average in stratum 1972-73: Average in stratum State 1 2 3 1 2 3 Florida 31.6 8.7 0.3 28.9 9.7 1.1 Maryland 57.0 15.7 1.1 60.0 20.3 1.7 New York 130.1 18.1 0.6 122.4 35.3 0.7 Arkansas 60.7 19.3 2.3 51.3 29.3 3.3 Illinois 130.6 27.8 1.0 121.0 37.8 1.4 Louisiana 37.2 28.8 3.4 31.8 31.6 4.2 Minnesota 77.0 30.7 3.0 76.3 30.0 3.7 Missouri 76.8 12.2 1.0 68.4 19.6 1.4 Wisconsin 99.4 36.0 3.6 92.2 41.4 5.2 Texas 104.8 23.8 2.2 94.7 29.0 3.7 California 74.7 36.1 4.1 68.3 41.4 5.3 Washington 87.7 29.7 5.0 80.3 28.3 6.7 As expected with proportional sampling, none of the States showed significant differences in means estimated by either method (Table 3). The important finding is that, in most instances, ignoring stratification did not re- sult in decreased precision; on the contrary, there was an apparent gain as indicated by the reduction in the stand- ard errors which may be partly attributable to the small number of post offices on which most of the stratum esti- mates are based and partly to departures from propor- tional allocation among strata. From Cochran (1963:138-139) we estimate gains in ef- ficiency attained when post office stratification is ig- nored. The term "gain in efficiency" reflects the reduction in the error of estimation obtained when one estimation procedure is replaced by another. Table 4 presents values at the State level obtained by combining zonal estimates for each State. The percentage gains in efficiency of esti- mates for most States are fairly large. By comparison, the two negative gains are relatively small and might be at- tributed to other causes such as sampling error. This find- ing provides further evidence that the present stratifica- tion by post office groups within zones is not efficient. There are reasons, however, to believe that some recog- nition of the volume of post office duck stamp sales may still be advisable. Mentioned previously is the two-stage sampling often required for the larger post offices in- volving the use of branch offices, which, under the pre- sent accounting system, cannot be treated as separate post offices. There is also the question of biases stemming from lower response rates for larger post offices (discussed in a later section). Finally, because post offices vary so much in size, the number of post offices to be chosen in the sam- ple selection is not a predetermined (constant) value as re- quired by statistical theory; instead, drawing continues until the supply of contact cards available for a stratum is exhausted. Segregating these potential statistical problems into a separate stratum of large post offices may be an appropriate step in isolating and solving them. Table 2. Observed probability level (P) for l-tests of differences in mean duck kill and days hunted between stratum 1 and strata 2 and 3 combined. Kill per hunter Days per hunter 1971-72 1972-73 1971-72 1972-73 State P df P df P df P df Florida 0.25" 53 0.00 50 0.46 53 0.01 50 Maryland 0.64 55 0.67 49 0.26 55 0.20 49 New York 0.28 112 0.24 106 0.17 112 0.14 106 Arkansas 0.08 34 0.94 28 0.67 34 0.95 28 Illinois 0.01 109 0.88 103 0.09 109 0.69 103 Louisiana 0.00 46 0.00 44 0.41 46 0.94 44 Minnesota 0.30 53 0.69 58 0.64 53 0.92 58 Missouri 0.07 55 0.83 49 0.00 55 0.00 49 Wisconsin 0.06 5.3 0.74 41 0.03 53 0.70 41 Texas 0.31 79 0.66 80 0.06 79 0.42 80 California 0.30 78 0.44 69 0.02 78 0.26 69 Washington 0.59 34 1)21 38 0.83 34 0.36 38 aThe observed probability levels are correct to two decimal places. Table 3. Comparisons of State level kill-per-hunter and days-per-hunter estimates: stratified by post office size vs. unstratified. Kill per hunter Days per hunter Stratified Unstratified Stratified Unstratified Hunting season Standard Standard Standard Standard and flyway State X error X error X error X error 1971-72 Florida 7.65 0.83 7.30 0.73 6.20 0.41 6.17 0.35 Atlantic Maryland 6.02 1.86 6.00 1.73 8.77 0.50 8.83 0.49 New York 3.91 0.27 3.89 0.26 7.14 0.26 7.09 0.25 Mississippi Arkansas 9.19 3.14 8.73 2.92 6.70 0.90 6.49 0.84 Illinois 6.44 0.40 6.20 0.40 8.32 0.49 8.20 0.49 Louisiana 14.64 1.82 14.37 1.56 8.52 0.72 8.58 0.66 Minnesota 8.62 0.65 8.54 0.54 7.22 0.44 7.17 0.37 Missouri 7.68 0.53 7.52 0.51 8.36 0.45 8.15 0.45 Wisconsin 6.90 0.41 6.63 0.43 8.49 0.57 8.34 0.55 Central Texas 8.09 0.80 8.29 0.74 6.89 0.38 6.84 0.36 Pacific California 18.44 1.10 18.31 1.01 8.35 0.34 8.27 0.31 Washington 9.92 1.00 9.77 0.91 8.87 0.55 8.45 0.54 1972-73 Florida 9.62 0.55 9.35 0.52 6.84 0.39 6.72 0.36 Atlantic Maryland 5.17 0.83 5.24 0.79 8.71 0.80 8.53 0.78 New York 4.03 0.32 4.12 0.31 7.04 0.26 7.15 0.25 Mississippi Arkansas 10.35 1.55 10.28 1.55 8.67 0.92 8.79 0.89 Illinois 6.97 0.45 6.98 0.45 8.62 0.40 8.60 0.40 Louisiana 15.07 1.73 14.89 1.52 7.99 0.77 8.04 0.72 Minnesota 8.78 0.47 8.75 0.48 7.48 0.30 7.46 0.29 Missouri 6.13 0.52 6.29 0.49 6.84 0.37 6.84 0.36 Wisconsin 5.79 0.75 5.68 0.69 8.37 0.61 8.35 0.56 Central Texas 10.70 2.74 11.04 2.58 5.96 0.54 6.05 0.51 Pacific California 17.01 1.70 17.00 1.61 8.28 0.46 8.28 0.45 Washington 12.08 1.14 11.82 1.08 8.48 1.03 8.38 0.92 Although the present stratification by post office size has apparently not led to better estimates, stratification by geographic zone should be retained when making State estimates. That is, estimates at the State level should be obtained through some combination of the zonal esti- mates, because there is much variation between zones in kill per hunter and days per hunter. This significant zone- to-zone variation indicates that stratification of each State into zones was a good addition to the sampling scheme (see Appendix). Cluster Sampling Versus Simple Random Sampling It will now be assumed that the data on hunter kill and activity were obtained through simple random selection (SRS) of hunters instead of by cluster sampling as in the current design. This assumption has been made in the limited work done to date by the USFWS for estimating standard errors of the survey estimates, although it is recognized to be only marginally useful for providing a crude approximation. The sample estimate of mean per hunter ( y) is given by y = E y( IT, M, i = l i = 1 (6) which has the same mathematical form as equation (1) though it is based on a different selection scheme. The variance of this estimate is Vsr,(y); (1 - E Mj/E Mj] i = 1 i = 1 E M, i = 1 M : N E i = l j = l e ' (Yii - y )2 N E M( - 1 i = 1 and is estimated by Vsrs(y> = (1 --) K NT E M: i = 1 n E i = e (y.f - y)2 i = i E M, - 1 i = 1 (7) (8) 6 Table 4. Gains in the efficiency of State level estimates achieved by ignoring stratification by post office size. State Percent gain in efficiency3 Kill per hunter Days per hunter Flyway 1971-72 1972-73 1971-72 1972-73 Atlantic Florida 29.3 11.9 37.2 17.4 Maryland 15.6 10.4 4.1 5.2 New York 7.8 6.6 8.2 8.2 Mississippi Arkansas 15.6 0.0 14.8 6.9 Illinois 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Louisiana 36.1 29.5 19.0 14.4 Minnesota 44.9 -4.1 41.4 7.0 Missouri 8.0 12.6 0.0 5.6 Wisconsin -9.1 18.1 7.4 18.7 Central Texas 16.9 12.8 11.4 12.1 Pacific California 18.6 11.5 20.3 4.5 Washington 20.8 11.4 3.7 25.3 aGain in efficiency is defined as the relative gain in information where information is the reciprocal of the variance. The gain for estimator 2 (ignoring stratification of a zone by post office size) over estimator 1 (with stratified sampling) is given by 1 1 v- v- = vi - v2 _ 21 _ i V„ V, 1 v7 Since the data were obtained through cluster sampling of post offices and not of individuals chosen at random, the above estimate of variance (herein called SRS esti- mate) will be biased unless the variation among post of- fices in terms of duck kill or days hunted per hunter is the same as the variation among hunters within post offices, i.e., there is no intracluster correlation (defined below). This relationship is given by the following approximate equation (Cochran 1963:210). vd (y) = §£r~r [vsrs(y) U + (» - i)*i] 0) M(N - 1) where M = L M;/n and p is the intracluster correlation i = 1 between pairs of hunters buying stamps at the same post office in the cluster sample and is defined as E(yiry)(yiu-y) Efoj-y)2 N where the numerator is averaged over £ M,(M; - l)/2 i = 1 N distinct pairs and the denominator over all £ \f values of y;i. fl i = 1 If p is greater than zero, then Vcl( y) will be larger than Vsrs( y). Because Vc,( y) is an estimate which is appropri- ate for the cluster sampling scheme, use of Vsrs( y) instead of Vcl( y) would lead to a biased estimate and should be avoided. Similarly, if p is less than zero, Vsrs( y ) will over- estimate the true variance. However, if p = 0, then — i — Vsrs(y) and Vc!(y) are approximately equal (where N is sufficiently large) so that either one can be safely used to estimate the variance. Consequently, the choice of an estimator should be based either on a prior knowledge of the amount of intracluster correlation present in the pop- ulation or on the amount indicated by data obtained through a sampling of the population. To be reliable, estimates of intraclass correlation should be based on large samples at State, flyway, and national levels. Results at the State level (Tables 5 and 6) illustrate the relationship in equation (9). For obtaining estimates, the best weighting method (wz in expressions [4] and [5]) is by duck stamp sales in all post offices (both sampled and un- sampled). The results given in Tables 5 and 6 were ob- tained by using the "unweighted" form because (a) we are comparing two methods, and the weights, if common to both, should have little effect on the comparisons, and (b) some of the tests used become very complex if carried out in other than the unweighted form. This accounts for the slight differences in estimates of kill and days per hunter contained in Tables 5 and 6 as compared with those in Table 3. Tables 5 and 6 show that for the majority of the States the intracluster correlation coefficient is significandy greater than zero, and in most instances the SRS estimate of standard error is much less than the cluster estimate, an indication that it is underestimating the true error. The percentage underestimate in Vsrs( y) compared with Vcl( y ) is shown in the last columns of the tables. Hence, as suggested by equation (9), estimation must be carried out by the cluster approach. It must be emphasized that since Vsrs( y ) assumes a de- sign other than that which was implemented, its use rather than that of Vd( y) is incorrect and should be avoided. Only when the sample intracluster correlation coefficient is zero or close to zero may one utilize Vsrs( y). In comparing Vd(y) with Vsrs(y), N (the number of post offices in the stratum) becomes very important only when it is very small. A small value of N would tend to in- crease the value of Vd(y) with respect to Vsrs(y) which again suggests that Vsrs ( y ) will underestimate the true variance (or overestimate it depending on whether p is positive or negative). The highly significant and positive intracluster correla- tion in most of the States for both mean duck kill and days hunted indicates that variation between post offices was greater than variation among hunters within post offices. This result suggests the use of a sampling scheme which selects a large number of post offices but subsamples a small percentage of the hunters from each of these post of- fices. However, since this is not operationally feasible, a somewhat less efficient procedure would be to obtain a representative sample of post offices by selecting a syste- matic sample of post offices by location within each zone of each State, and selecting all hunters from the sampled post offices. Table 5. Estimated duck kill per hunter, standard error, intracluster correlation, and underestimate in variance ob- tained at the State, "flyway, "and "national" levels by using individual hunters (SRS) rather than post offices (cluster) as sampling units. Hunting season and flyway State Kill per hunter Standard error Cluster SRS Intracluster correlation Underestimate" in error (percent) 1971-72 Atlantic Mississippi Central Pacific Entire Season 1972-73 Atlantic Mississippi Central Pacific Entire Season Florida Maryland New York Combined Arkansas Illinois Louisiana Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin Combined Texas California Washington Combined Florida Maryland New York Combined Arkansas Illinois Louisiana Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin Combined Texas California Washington Combined 7.15 0.52 5.71 0.38 4.22 0.33 5.69 0.26 9.47 2.17 6.49 0.37 13.48 0.94 8.66 0.32 7.74 0.46 7.20 0.48 8.79 0.31 7.67 0.36 17.16 0.86 10.39 0.67 15.13 0.63 8.85 '0.19 8.80 0.48 4.88 0.29 4.52 0.36 6.35 0.25 10.96 0.82 7.13 0.43 15.55 0.67 8.80 0.34 6.26 0.33 5.82 0.36 8.94 0.19 10.30 0.55 16.70 0.73 12.27 0.80 15.37 0.56 9.39 0.15 0.34 0.30 0.18 0.17 0.64 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.36 0.18 0.12 0.32 0.61 0.51 0.45 0.10 0.45 0.28 0.21 0.21 0.77 0.27 0.27 0.25 0.29 0.20 0.13 0.46 0.68 0.71 0.51 0.12 0.0451"b 0.2396" 0.0457" 0.0838" 0.1323" 0.0315" 0.0500" 0.0263" 0.0093 0.0557" 0.0547" 0.0325" 0.0071 0.0089 0.0072 0.0170" -0.0139 0.0116 0.0384" 0.0062 0.0713" 0.0330" 0.0227" 0.0201" 0.0024 0.0404" 0.0255" 0.0104 0.0204" 0.0417" 0.0246' 0.0186" 57.2 37.7 70.2 57.2 91.3 61.3 94.0 56.9 85.9 85.0 21.0 72.3 66.0 11.8 60.6 83.8 45.9 69.1 53.2 13.2 23.4 17.1 36.0 [Vc, (y) - Vsrs(y)] "Underestimate x 100. Vci(y) ^Indicates significant correlation with P < 0.05. Estimates for Groups of States These estimates were obtained in the same manner as was done at the State level. In the following, the terms "flyway" and "national" are used to indicate simulated totals at these levels because only 12 States are repre- sented. For "flyway" level estimates, all zones of all States represented in each flyway (ignoring State boundaries) were combined in "unweighted" form by using equations (4) and (5). To obtain "national" estimates for each hunt- ing season, zone means were combined ignoring both State and flyway boundaries (Tables 5 and 6). For the majority of the "flyways," the intracluster cor- relation coefficient is significantly larger than zero and in most of these instances the SRS approach would under- estimate the variance by about 72% in the 1971-72 sea- son and 36% in the 1972-73 season for kill per hunter; for days per hunter the figures were respectively 56 and 60 % . It is evident that at flyway and national levels, just as at the State level, estimation of variance or error should be made by the cluster technique rather than by SRS. This implies that the zonal estimates must all be calculated by a cluster approach such as equations (1) and (3). State, flyway, and national results are then automatically of the cluster type. The choice of estimation method can influence subse- 8 Table 6. Estimated days hunted per hunter, standard error, intracluster correlation, and underestimate in variance ob- tained at State, "fly way," and "national" levels by using individual hunters (SRS) rather than post offices (cluster) as sampling units. Hunting season Days per Standard error Intracluster Underestimate3 i r% Art*r\r 111 < 1 I < 'I and flyway State hunter Cluster SRS correlation (percent) 1971-72 Florida 5.95 0.29 0.17 0.0541"b 65.6 Atlantic Maryland 8.00 0.29 0.24 0.0018 — New York 7.29 0.18 0.15 0.021 r 30.6 Combined 6.86 0.15 0.10 0.0223" 55.6 Mississippi Arkansas 7.22 0.59 0.26 0.1316" 80.6 Illinois 8.38 0.31 0.18 0.0481' 66.3 Louisiana 8.50 0.30 0.18 0.0604" 64.0 Minnesota 7.47 0.22 0.16 0.0188" 47.1 Missouri 8.70 0.39 0.28 0.0451' 48.4 Wisconsin 8.31 0.35 0.13 0.0667" 86.2 Combined 8.11 0.14 0.08 0.0567" 67.3 Central Texas 6.40 0.16 0.14 0.0222' 23.4 Pacific California 8.50 0.37 0.27 0.0107 _ Washington 8.82 0.42 0.33 0.0167 — Combined 8.60 0.29 0.21 0.0125" 47.6 Entire Season 7.69 0.09 0.06 0.0170" 55.6 1972-73 Florida 6.67 0.22 0.23 0.0028 _ Atlantic Maryland 7.89 0.29 0.29 0.0082 — New York 7.48 0.26 0.19 0.0279' 46.6 Combined 7.22 0.15 0.13 0.0182' 24.9 Mississippi Arkansas 9.05 0.64 0.40 0.1052' 60.9 Illinois 8.80 0.35 0.20 0.0458" 67.3 Louisiana 8.38 0.25 0.20 0.0487" 36.0 Minnesota 7.73 0.15 0.16 0.0081 — Missouri 6.90 0.35 0.23 -0.0027 — Wisconsin 8.27 0.20 0.17 0.0343' 27.7 Combined 8.10 0.12 0.09 0.0379" 92.4 Central Texas 6.18 0.23 0.19 0.0110 - Pacific California 8.40 0.27 0.31 0.0056 — Washington 8.70 0.48 0.35 0.0487" 46.8 Combined 8.49 0.23 0.24 0.0194* -8.9 Entire Season 7.72 0.11 0.07 0.0264" 59.5 [Vc, (y) - Vsrs(y)] aUnderestimate = ■ x 100. Vc,(y) b'Indicates significant correlation with P < 0.05. quent statistical analysis. The results given in Table 5 for the State of Illinois can serve as an example. The hypothe- sis can be advanced that in Illinois there was no difference between the 1971-72 and 1972-73 hunting seasons in terms of kill per hunter. The estimates of mean duck kill for the two seasons are 6.49 and 7.13, respectively. If the null hypothesis is tested at the 10% significance level by the usual <-test, it is accepted when standard error is cal- culated by the cluster approach but rejected when stand- ard error is calculated by the SRS approach. Because the intracluster correlation coefficients for both seasons are significantly greater than zero, the incorrect choice of the SRS estimator would have led to an unreliable con- clusion. Efficiency of Estimators Based on Cluster Sampling We have seen that the ratio estimator (equation [1]) based on a simple random sample of post offices (Table 3, ignoring stratification) was most suited for use with data obtained through the U.S. Hunter Survey. Two other estimators will be considered (Cochran 1963:250-252). These are the mean of the unit means (MUM) and the estimate based on probability proportional to an estimate of size (PPES). All three estimators were used to estimate mean duck kill and days hunted per hunter, and coeffi- cients of variation for all 12 States and both hunting sea- sons (Tables 7 and 8). As before, State estimates are Table 7. Estimates of kill per hunter (KPH) and coefficients of variation (C.V.) by using three "cluster" methods. Hunting season State Ratio PPES MUM and flyway KPH 100 C.V. KPH 100 C.V. KPH 100 C.V. 1971-72 Florida 7.30 7.67 9.03 14.62 7.20 10.56 Atlantic Maryland 6.00 6.00 10.97 15.86 6.98 17.91 New York 3.89 5.91 3.95 7.59 3.68 6.25 Mississippi Arkansas 8.73 12.83 10.61 18.85 19.92 25.65 Illinois 6.20 5.48 7.65 9.41 5.34 7.68 Louisiana 14.37 6.12 24.74 15.36 14.53 8.88 Minnesota 8.54 3.16 15.70 16.81 8.30 4.70 Missouri 7.52 6.38 9.62 15.59 6.19 7.92 Wisconsin 6.63 6.64 6.35 8.82 5.72 9.26 Central Texas 8.29 6.39 10.28 18.29 7.77 11.97 Pacific California 18.31 3.93 42.58 16.13 18.02 4.72 Washington 9.77 4.71 17.26 16.63 10.01 8.69 1972-73 Florida 9.35 6.84 7.14 13.45 7.70 7.53 Atlantic Maryland 5.24 5.92 6.94 19.74 5.12 11.91 New York 4.12 5.10 5.45 7.71 4.57 7.44 Mississippi Arkansas 10.28 6.42 15.35 14.14 10.03 12.06 Illinois 6.98 5.44 13.32 7.06 6.31 6.18 Louisiana 14.89 3.69 15.30 16.14 15.16 10.55 Minnesota 8.75 3.09 16.76 17.18 8.50 4.94 Missouri 6.29 4.45 9.27 17.37 5.90 7.80 Wisconsin 5.68 4.93 8.02 17.58 6.00 8.00 Central Texas 11.04 7.79 25.33 28.94 18.89 29.54 Pacific California 17.00 4.65 29.24 19.32 16.50 7.15 Washington 11.82 8.63 16.01 16.55 11.14 10.68 weighted sums of zone estimates; the weight for a zone is the proportion of the State's total duck stamp sales that occurred in that zone. Of the three, the estimator most often of highest precision was the ratio estimator, as indi- cated by the much smaller coefficients of variation gener- ally obtained with this method. Effect of Non-Normality on the Estimates Mean ducks shot and days hunted per hunter within each State based on post offices as sampling units were used to estimate departures from normality by skewness (gi = m3/m23/2) and kurtosis (g2 = —^ - 3) m2 where m2 = E (Yi - P)2/n; m3 = E (yt - y)3/n; i i m4 = L (y, - y)4/n; i and n is the number of sample post offices in a State. Sample post offices with less than five duck stamp buyers responding were omitted from this study. The estimates of mean kill, days hunted, skewness, and kurtosis are presented in Tables 9 and 10 (tests of skewness and kurtosis follow Snedecor and Cochran [1967:86- 87]). It is evident that kill per hunter was positively and highly skewed in almost all States, which had the effect of increasing the variance of the mean kill and decreasing its precision. Kurtosis was highly pronounced in about 50% of the States, which also reduced the precision of the er- rors of the means. Both skewness and kurtosis were some- what lower for mean days hunted than for mean kill. The question arises as to how large n (the sample size for post offices) must be within a State for the normal approximation to be accurate enough for estimating mean kill and activity. In a personal communication with the second author, W. G. Cochran, whose work (1963:41) assumes only marked skewness in a population, advised us of more recent unpublished work by G. Bartsch for populations in which the deviation from normality involves both marked skewness and kurtosis. Using this information, we have n > 25G,2 + 1.64G2 (10) where G, and G2 are Fisher's measures of skewness and kurtosis in the population and are estimated by g, and g2, so that a 95% confidence probability statement will not be wrong more than 6 % of the time. Of the 12 States considered in the study, the sample size for estimating kill and activity in 6 (New York, Arkansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Texas, and Washington), was less 10 Table 8 Estimates of days hunted per hunter (DPH) and coefficients of variation (C.V.) by using three "cluster" methods. Hunting season Ratio PPES MUM and flyway State DPH 100 C.V. DPH 100 C.V. DPH 100 C.V. 1971-72 Florida 6.17 4.70 7.56 12.96 5.84 6.34 Atlantic Maryland 8.83 3.51 15.80 14.24 8.85 5.65 New York 7.09 2.26 7.57 6.74 6.73 3.42 Mississippi Arkansas 6.49 12.33 7.88 13.20 10.06 13.22 Illinois 8.20 3.41 11.24 8.10 7.71 5.32 Louisiana 8.58 3.73 15.40 13.12 9.15 6.88 Minnesota 7.17 2.65 14.33 16.33 7.07 3.11 Missouri 8.15 4.42 11.82 16.33 7.08 5.93 Wisconsin 8.34 5.28 10.40 11.15 8.48 6.72 Central Texas 6.84 3.22 7.54 11.67 6.65 6.77 Pacific California 8.27 2.66 16.26 12.85 7.74 3.10 Washington 8.45 4.26 15.37 15.68 8.91 7.63 1972-73 Florida 6.72 3.87 5.98 12.37 6.11 5.73 Atlantic Maryland 8.53 3.99 10.03 13.16 8.72 8.03 New York 7.15 2.80 9.45 5.93 7.45 11.79 Mississippi Arkansas 8.79 6.03 14.80 12.84 9.41 7.86 Illinois 8.60 3.95 15.45 32.36 7.94 4.66 Louisiana 8.04 3.11 10.22 18.20 9.00 9.44 Minnesota 7.46 2.41 15.37 16.07 7.44 2.96 Missouri 6.84 3.80 11.77 15.72 6.79 5.30 Wisconsin 8.35 4.79 12.35 15.95 8.49 6.12 Central Texas 6.05 8.43 11.14 13.64 7.69 11.96 Pacific California 8.28 2.78 13.13 13.10 7.92 4.29 Washington 8.38 5.61 12.13 12.61 8.94 7.83 than that needed for application of normal approxima- tion. Because these 12 States had much larger samples than most in the U.S. survey, kill and activity would be estimated in almost all others with even less confidence unless sample sizes were increased considerably, which is not generally feasible. However, when the data were transformed by setting Xj = ln(Vj + 1) where y> = yj /Mh the mean kill or activity for the ith post office in the sample, the distributions were approximately normal; only 2 of the 12 States showed sig- nificant skewness and kurtosis, and this, too, was not con- sistent over the years. For detecting real differences be- tween States when the distributions were highly skewed, estimates of means on the transformed scale were more precise, as evidenced by the confidence intervals pre- sented in Table 1 1 . There was no significant difference on the original scale in mean kill for 1971 between Minnesota and Missouri or Louisiana and California; however, real differences became evident after adjust- ment for non-normality. Similarly, for 1972 the adjusted mean kills (x) were significantly different between Arkansas and Wisconsin and between Arkansas and Illi- nois, although no differences were shown in means calcu- lated directly (y). Further improvement in sensitivity of tests can be made by pooling estimates of error on the transformed scale because the transformed data are ex- pected to have a more constant variance. We will now transform the x back into the original variates (i.e., obtain antilogarithms) and see if any gain in efficiency has been achieved. This is important because mean kill (or days hunted) can be readily interpreted and is, therefore, more useful to management than its logarithm. The efficiency of y with respect to mean m when the means of the logarithms are transformed back is approximately estimated by (11) (s* + 2 ) es - 1 where m is approximately equal to e(x + T' - 1 and s2 is an unbiased estimate of the variance of x (Finney 1941); in large samples and for small values of a2, the efficiency of y as given by (11) can be almost 100% . The efficiency of the direct sample mean kill ranged from 97 to 100% (Table 12); for days hunted, the efficiency was 100% in almost all instances. The efficiency of direct estimates of population var- iance with respect to estimates based on the transformed data (Finney 1941:159) is also included in Table 12. This shows that direct estimates of the variance of the mean 11 Table 9. Estimates of mean duck kill (K/H), skewness (gt), and kurtosis (g2) at the State level. 1971-72 1972-73 State K/H gi g2 K/H gi g2 Florida Maryland New York Arkansas Illinois Louisiana Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin Texas California Washington 7.21 (38)» 0.82*b 5.67 (43) 1.25" 4.01 (98) 2.07" 11.36 (28) 3.30" 5.82 (76) 1.28" 13.78 (39) 1.75" 8.63 (50) 3.49" 7.06(40) 0.82* 5.86 (50) 1.18" 7.62 (59) 1.47" 18.65 (61) 0.85" 10.41 (29) 1.38" 0.07 1.90* 3.99*' 12.74" 1.72" 3.83** 17.52" 0.30 1.28* 2.73" 1.07* 2.07* 7.43 (30) 1.05" 5.15 (33) 0.48 4.37 (89) 1.91" 11.62 (18) 3.01" 6.95 (72) 1.32" 15.20 (34) 1.68** 9.14 (50) 0.61* 5.88 (33) 0.80* 5.96 (39) 0.79* 12.57 (47) 3.45** 15.97 (51) 0.76* 11.66 (31) 2.06" 0.94 -0.32 5.90" 8.96" 3.34** 3.30" 0.16 0.87 0.23 12.34" 0.40 4.48" "Figures in parentheses are numbers of post offices on which estimates are based. b*Indicates significance with P < 0.05; "indicates significance with P < 0.01. Table 10. Estimates of mean days hunted (D/H), skewness (gj), and kurtosis (g2) at the State level. 1971-72 1972-73 State Florida Maryland New York Arkansas Illinois Louisiana Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin Texas California Washington D/H gl g2 D/H gi gst 6.54 (38)a -0.32 0.69 6.47 (30) 0.21 -1.19 8.72 (43) 1.17"b 2.04" 7.81 (33) 1.24" 1.15* 6.97 (98) 1.33** 2.92" 7.44 (89) 0.68** 0.16 8.74 (28) 1.12" 1.60* 9.05 (18) 1.38" 1.90* 7.90 (76) 0.67* -0.09 8.47 (72) 0.22 -0.06 8.78 (39) 1.36** 3.33" 8.56 (34) 0.79* 0.02 7.53 (50) 3.15" 14.81" 7.66 (50) 0.51 0.16 7.67 (40) 0.54 0.33 6.60 (33) 1.05" 0.60 7.53 (50) 1.26" 1.58* 8.17 (39) 0.43 0.49 6.54 (59) 0.77** 2.49" 6.87 (47) 1.78" 4.66* 8.15 (61) 0.56* -0.02 7.97 (51) 0.35 0.76 9.17 (29) 1.49" 2.02* 8.66 (31) 1.44** 1.78 aFigures in parentheses are numbers of post offices on which estimates are based. b*Indicates significance with P < 0.05; "indicates significance with P < 0.01. Table 11. Comparisons of 95% confidence interval (C.I.) estimates of mean kill calculated from original units n n (y = £ yj/n) and from transformed data (x = L x/n where Xj = ln[yj + I]) transformed back to original units. i = 1 i = 1 95% C.I. fory State 1971 1972 95% C.I. forx (Converted to original units) 1971 1972 Florida Maryland New York Arkansas Illinois Louisiana Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin Texas California Washington 5.71-8.70 4.66-6.68 3.41-4.62 7.45-15.27 4.99-6.65 10.80-16.70 7.65-9.61 5.81-8.31 4.93-6.79 6.34-8.90 16.34-20.95 8.72-12.10 6.09-8.77 4.26-6.04 3.82^.92 6.79-16.45 5.95-7.94 12.13-18.26 8.18-10.10 4.94-6.83 4.97-6.94 9.58-15.57 13.70-18.23 9.27-14.05 5.75-8.50 5.16-6.89 4.01-4.85 7.46-12.81 5.31-6.75 10.49-15.03 8.50-9.97 6.05-8.41 5.42-7.03 6.36-8.58 15.33-20.09 9.30-12.18 6.62-9.02 4.81-6.55 4.44-5.37 8.00-13.74 6.05-7.85 12.06-16.95 8.67-10.59 5.47-7.39 5.47-7.32 10.18-13.46 13.07-17.46 9.78-13.46 12 Table 12. Efficiency of direct estimates of sample mean kill and days hunted and their variances relative to estimates obtained after logarithmic transformation. State Efficiency of direct mean (%) Kill Days 1 1971 lunted 1971 1972 1972 98 99 100 100 99 99 99 100 99 99 100 100 97 100 100 99 99 99 100 100 98 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 100 99 100 99 99 100 100 98 99 100 100 99 99 100 100 100 99 100 100 Efficiency of direct variance (%) Kill Days 1 1971 lunted 1971 1972 1972 51 68 81 84 62 67 69 77 63 67 78 82 39 53 71 64 60 55 78 77 54 61 74 76 82 76 87 84 59 69 66 87 64 66 82 80 54 62 81 79 59 60 81 70 73 67 83 83 Florida Maryland New York Arkansas Illinois Louisiana Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin Texas California Washington kill for a State would generally be inefficient compared with estimates of variance obtained by transforming back the variance of the logarithms; for days hunted, however, direct estimates of the variance of the sample mean were generally of high efficiency. We suggest, therefore, that direct estimates of mean and variance always be adopted except for estimating standard error of mean kill, which should be obtained by applying logarithmic transformation procedures. There is need for examination of data from other States and for a number of years to obtain confirmatory evidence. Table 13. Response rates (%) at the post office stratum level in the 1971-72 and 1972-73 Hunter Question- naire Surveys for the combined 12-State sample. 1971-72 1972-73 Address Question- Address Question- Stratum cards naires Total cards naires Total 1 44.7 67.6 30.2 35.7 67.0 23.9 2 38.4 66.8 25.6 34.0 66.2 22.5 3 21.2 72.4 15.3 22.4 71.2 15.9 Combined 33.9 68.2 23.1 30.1 67.8 20.4 Nonresponse We will use the term nonresponse to refer to failure to measure some of the units in the selected sample. Nonre- sponse at a selected post office or branch office will, therefore, be defined as the ratio of the number of people who fail to return completed questionnaires to the num- ber of potential hunters at the selected outlet (about 1 % of stamp purchasers have no intention of hunting but are stamp collectors or wish to support conservation by buy- ing a stamp and thus do not qualify as potential hunters). Although nonresponse does not necessarily affect estima- tion procedures, it can introduce a serious bias. Nonresponse in the U.S. mail survey occurs in three stages: (1) the postal clerk may fail to give a card to the hunter; (2) the hunter may choose not to fill out an address card; and (3) after having sent in an address card the hunter may not complete and return the question- naire. Nonresponse at the first stage may be due to an in- sufficient supply of cards or the postal clerk failing to hand a card to every duck stamp purchaser. Nonresponse at the second and third stages is dependent on the hunter and may add seriously to the error of the estimates. The hunter's refusal to supply his name and address probably holds more potential for nonresponse bias than his failure to return a questionnaire (Table 13). The number of contact cards sent to sample post offices is based on an estimate of expected stamp sales during the current season. Table 13 shows that questionnaire re- sponse rates are very similar among strata but address card response rates decrease with increases in post office size. The very low response rate for stratum 3 is due to a relatively high nonresponse at the address card level as compared with strata 1 and 2. The percentage of re- spondents is far too low for reliable estimates if the hunters not responding have activity characteristics which differ from those of respondents and, therefore, may cause a substantial nonresponse bias. Our estimates of expected duck stamp sales, and there- fore of response rates, are poorest for stratum 3, but whether the low response is inherent in the stratification scheme or arises from characteristics of the post offices or of the hunters in stratum 3 is not known. Possibly the large offices and branches of stratum 3 have responsibil- ities for stamp sales divided among more clerks or the clerks have greater workloads, and these contribute to their large address card nonresponse. Whether this nonresponse is real or an artifact of stratification, it is es- sential that we determine if it introduces nonresponse 13 biases in these kill and activity estimates. In the other two strata, nonrespondents may represent a different class of hunters from those who respond (Atwood 1956; Sen 1972; Filion 1974). If there is such a bias, elimination of stratification by post office size will not reduce or control it but simply mask it in the overall sample. In the absence of more information on nonresponse, the present stratifi- cation system cannot be utilized to improve the efficiency of our estimates. Our testing for differences in hunter characteristics among strata was handicapped by the relatively small samples of post offices from stratum 3 and sometimes stratum 2; therefore, we combined them. This weakness of the analysis, and therefore its results, is brought into question again by this finding of substantial differences in hunter response among strata and the increased suspicion that other characteristics may also differ. Only further study can answer these questions and provide appropriate corrective measures where needed. Investigations into methods of inducing increased response both at the ad- dress card level and in questionnaire returns appear hope- ful. In the United States, a reminder letter sent to sample post offices several weeks before the hunting season opens increases address card response materially and, in the Canadian survey, the questionnaire response rate has been substantially increased by sending a reminder card immediately following the first mailing of the question- naire. Much more effort must be put into these and re- lated studies if the reliability of our harvest surveys is to meet the increasingly high standards expected of them. Intracluster correlation coefficients are almost always positive, which indicates that for the sample data there is more variation in kill and activity among post office clusters than among hunters within post offices. This sug- gests that a sampling scheme in which fewer hunters are selected, each from a large number of post offices, would be more efficient than one in which the same sample is confined to a few post offices. Because such sampling is not feasible, a systematic sample of post offices by loca- tion within zones (i.e., increased emphasis on broader geographic distribution of the sample) with sampling of all hunters in each post office appears to be a more effec- tive approach. Both kill and days hunted per hunter within a State showed marked skewness from normality and yielded in- efficient estimates of means and their errors. Logarithmic transformation of the data resulted in approximate nor- mality and in considerable increase in the precision of the estimated error of mean kill. Nonresponse was highly pronounced at the "address card" level, especially for large post offices, and might lead to sizable bias in estimates of kill and activity. There is need for investigation into this problem in the interest of overall efficiency and precision. We extend our thanks to G. E. J. Smith and H. Boyd of the Canadian Wildlife Service and to P. H. Geissler of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for their useful comments and suggestions. References Summary The present U.S. method of substratifying geographic zones into post office groups based on the number of duck stamps sold is ineffective in terms of estimation of the pre- cision of hunter success and activity figures. Elimination of post office stratification would not decrease the effi- ciency of the estimates but would decrease the amount of work required for implementation. However, other problems involving post office size and other considera- tions such as sampling for the closely related duck wing survey might require retaining such stratification. These aspects need further evaluation. Estimates of error for both ducks killed and days hunted should be consistent with the selection scheme which is essentially one of cluster sampling of post offices and not of individual hunters buying duck stamps at post offices. Estimation by methods other than those based on cluster sampling is not recommended because it can intro- duce bias. Atwood, E. L. 1956. Validity of mail survey data on bagged wa- terfowl. J. Wildl. Manage. 20(1):1-16. Cochran, W. G. 1963. Sampling techniques. 2nd Edition. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 413 pp. Filion, F. L. 1974. Estimating bias due to nonresponse in harvest surveys. Can. Wildl. Serv. Biom. Sect. Manuscr. Rep. 5. 57 pp. Finney, D. J. 1941. On the distribution of a variate whose loga- rithm is normally distributed. J. R. Stat. Soc., Ser. B., 7:155- 161. Martin, E. M., and S. M. Carney. 1977. Population ecology of the mallard: IV. A review of duck hunting regulations, activ- ity, and success, with special reference to the mallard. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Resour. Publ. 130. 137 pp. Sen, A. R. 1972. Some nonsampling errors in the Canadian wa- terfowl mail survey. J. Wildl. Manage. 36(3): 95 1-954. Snedecor, G. W., and W. G. Cochran. 1967. Statistical meth- ods. 6th Edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames. 593 pp. Steel, R. G. D., and J. H. Torrie. 1960. Principles and proce- dures of statistics. McGraw-Hill Co., New York. 481 pp. Wright, V. L. 1978. Causes and effects of biases on waterfowl harvest estimates. J. Wildl. Manage. 42(2): 25 1-262. 14 APPENDIX Stratification of States into geographic zones is an ef- fective procedure (improves accuracy of estimation) if there are significant differences between the zones of a State in terms of hunter characteristics. To test for zone differences within each State, we performed analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the results are presented in the following table. Observed probability levels (P) of F-vahies calculated to test for zone differences ("between" vs. "within" zone) for each State. Hunting season x duck kill x days hunted Hunting season and flyway x duck kill it days hunted and flyway State P df P df State P df P df 1971-72 Florida 0.14" 6, 48 0.01 6. 48 1972-73 Florida 0.07 6, 45 0.01 6, 45 Atlantic Maryland 0.47 2, 55 0.00 2, 55 Atlantic Maryland 0.00 2, 49 0.00 2, 49 New York 0.00 6, 110 0.00 6, 110 New York 0.00 6, 102 0.00 6, 102 Mississippi Arkansas 0.26 2, 33 0.00 2, 33 Mississippi Arkansas 0.14 2, 27 0.27 2, 27 Illinois 0.00 4, 107 0.00 4, 107 Illinois 0.15 4, 98 0.01 4, 98 Louisiana 0.01 4, 43 0.12 4, 43 Louisiana 0.01 4, 41 0.00 4. 41 Minnesota 0.21 6, 48 0.00 6, 48 Minnesota 0.01 6, 53 0.00 6, 53 Missouri 0.00 4, 52 0.00 4, 52 Missouri 0.13 4, 46 0.05 4, 46 Wisconsin 0.00 4, 50 0.01 4, 50 Wisconsin 0.06 4, 38 0.13 4. 38 Central Texas 0.05 5, 79 0.00 5, 79 Central Texas 0.85 5, 76 0.60 5. 76 Pacific California 0.00 6, 73 0.00 6, 73 Pacific California 0.01 6, 64 0.00 6, 64 Washington 0.16 2, 34 0.07 2, 34 Washington 0.60 2, 37 0.47 2, 37 aThe observed probability levels are correct to two decimal places. As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration. GPO 633 -744 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE EDITORIAL OFFICE AYLESWORTH HALL. CSU FORT COLLINS. COLORADO 80523 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR INT 423 NOTE: Mailing lists are computerized. 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