LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE BIOLOGY OF SHRIMP Marine Biological Laboratory J'JN2 2 1959 WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT- FISHERIES No. 276 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utiliza- tion practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State, or cooperating Agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication. United States Department of the Interior, Fred A, Seaton, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Arnie J. Suomela, Commissioner A LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE BIOLOGY OF SHRIMP (Family Penaeidae) by Edward Chin and Donald M. Allen Fishery Research Biologists Bureau of Commercial Fisheries United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report — Fisheries No, 276 Washington, D. C. January 1959 The Library of Congress has cataloged this publication as follows: Chin, Edward. A list of references on the biolofiy of shninp (family Penaeidae) by Edward Chin and Donald M. Allen. Wash- ington, U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and AVildlife Serv- ice, 1959. iv, 143 p. 27 cm. ( U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Special scien- tific report : fisheries, no. 276) 1. Shrimps— Bibl. i. Allen, Donald M., joint author, ( Series) SH11.A335 110.276 016.5953843 59-60382 Library of Congress The Fish and Wildlife Service series, Special scientific Report—Fisheries, is cataloged as follows: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Special scientific report : fisheries, no. 1- [Washington, 1949- no. illus., maps, diagrs. 27 cm. Supersedes in part the Service's Special scientific report. 1. Fisheries — Research. SH11.A335 639.2072 59-60217 Library of Congress CONTENTS Page Introduction _-__---__---__----__ 1 List of abbreviations ------_----__-___ 3 List of references __-_ _-_ ___ 43 Additional references _____ »__»_ 142 This paper contains references on the biology of shrimp (Family Penaeidae) and fishing methods and gear used by the shrimp fishery. Works are listed only by authors. INTRODUCTION The references contained in this bibliography were com- piled by the authors in the course of biological studies on com- mercially important shrimp, a phase of the work carried on by the Gulf Fishery Investigations, U. S. Fish cind Wildlife Service. The references are listed only by authors. Although we recognize the limitations imposed by the lack of subject and tcLxonomic in- dexes, we decided to release the bibliography in this form to make it immediately available to other workers. In order to keep the bibliography within reasonable compass, only those references which contain specific mention of shrimp be- longing to the family Penaeidae are included. Because many of the publications were not available to us, some are listed incompletely or possibly erroneously; those we were unable to consult have been marked with an asterisk. No attempt was made to gather refer- ences on subjects such as the technological aspects of the shrimp processing industry, palaeontological studies, or shrimp statistics, but a few references in those fields are listed. Shrimp statistics are published annually in the Fishery Statistics of the United States by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Articles dealing with fishing methods and gear have been included because of their general interest to fishery biologists. We hope that any errors or omissions will be brought to our attention. i./ We are grateful to Mr. Thomas J. Costello, Gulf Fishery Investigations, for supplying us with a number of references and considerable encouragement. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abhand. Ber. Zool. Anthropol. Ethnolog. Mus. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Koniglich Zoologisches und Anthropologisch-Ethnologisches Museum Dresden, Germeiny Abhcind. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Math, Phys. Kl. , Miinchen Abhandlungen der Koeniglich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Math. Phys. Kl. , Miinchen, Germany Abhand. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Fraiikfurt, Germany Act. Biochim. Actualites Biochimiques Paris, France Act. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat, Actas, Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural Madrid, Spain Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Actes, Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux Bordeaux, France Acta Adriatica Split Acta Adriatica Institut za Oceanografiju i Ribarstvo Split, Yugoslavia Acta Univ. Lund, N. S. Acta Universitatis Lundensis, Nova Series « Lunds Universitets Arsskrift Lund; Sweden Allatt. Kozlem. » Alattani Kozlemenyek Budapest, Hungary Amer. J. Sci, Arts American Journal of Science and Arts New Haven, Conn. Amer, Mid, Nat, American Midland Naturalist University of Notre Dame South Bend, Indieina An, Acad. Bras. Cien. Annaes, Academia Brasileira de Ciencias Rio de Janeiro, Brazil An. Acad. Cien. Med. Fis. Nat. Habana Anales, Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de la Habana Havana, Cuba An.Asoc. Esp. Progr, Cien. Anales, Asociacion Espanola para el Progreso de lat Ciencias Madrid, Spain An. Durban Mus. Annals, Durban Museum Durban, South Africa An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico Anales, Instituto de Biologia Universida Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico City, Mexico An. Inst. Jamaica Annals, Institute of Jeimaica Kingston, Jamaica An. Inst. Oceanog. Monaco Annales, Institut Oceanographique de Monaco Monaco An. Jta. Invest. Colon. Annaes, Junta das Missoes Geogreificas e de Investigacoes Coloniais Lisbon, Portugal An. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y. Annals, Lyceum of Natural History of New York New York, N. Y. An. Lyons, Univ. Annales, Lyons Universite Lyons, France An. Mag. Nat. Hist. Annals and Magazine of Natural History London, England An. Mus. Hist. Nat. , Marseille Annales, Musee d'Histoire Naturelle Marseille, France An. Mus. Roy. Congo Beige Annales, Musee Royal du Congo Beige Tervueren, Belgium An. Nat. Hist. Annals of Natural History London, England An. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien Annalen, K. K. Naturhistorisches Hofmuseums Wien, Austria An. S. Afr, Mus. Annals, South African Museum Cape Town, South Africa An. Sci. Nat. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Paris, France An. Soc. Cient. Argentina Anales, Sociedad Cientifica Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina An. Soc. Entomologique France Annales, Societe Entomologique de France Paris, France An. Soc. Roy. Zool. Malac. Beligique Annales, Societe Royale Zoologique et Malacologique de Belgique Brussels, Belgium An, Sta, Ocean og. Salammbo Annales, Station Oceanographique de Salammb'o Salammbo, Tunis Ann. Rep. Sec. Connm. , U. S. Bur. Fish Annual Report to Secretary of Commerce United States Bureau of Fisheries Washington, D. C. Annot. Zool. Japon. Annotations Zoologicae Japonenses Tokyo University Tokyo, Japan Anz. Akad. Wiss. Math. Kl. Wien Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen, Akademie der Wissenschaften Math. Kl. Wien, Austria Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. Wien Arbeiten aus ^len Zoologischen Instituten der Universitat Wien und der Zoologischen Station in Triest Wien, Austria Arch. Biochem, Archives of Biochemistry New York, N. Y. Arch. Ges, Physiol. Archiv fur die Gesammte Physiologie Leipzig, Germany Arch. Miss, Sci. Lit. Archives des Missions Scientifiques et Litteraires Commission des Missions Scientifiques et Litteraires Paris, France Arch, Naturg. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte Berlin, Germany Arch, Port. Sci. Biol, Archives Portugaises des Sciences Biologiques Lisbon, Portugal Arch. Zool. Italiano Archivio Zoologico Italiano Turin, Italy Ark. Zool. Arkiv for Zoologi K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien Stockholm, Sweden Atoll Res. Bull. Atoll Research Bvilletin, National Research Council, Pacific Science Board Washington, D. C. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Natureili e del Museo Civile di Storia Naturale Milan, Italy Austral. J. Mar. Fresh. Res. AustreuLian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Melbourne, Australia Austral. J. Sci. Australian Journal of Science Australian National Research. Council Sydney, Australia Austral. Mus. Mag. Australian Museum Magazine Sydney, Australia Austrcil. Zool. Australiam Zoologist Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales Sydney, Austr cilia Beitr. Kenn. Meer. Bewohn. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Meeres und seiner Bewohner Jena, Germany Beitr. Kenn. Meeresfauna Westafricas Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas Hamburg, Germany Bears Bluff Lab. Contr. Bears Blviff Laboratories, Contributions Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina Bijdr. Dierkunde Bijdragen tot der Dierkunde Amsterdam, Netherlands Biol. Bull. Biological Bulletin Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. Biol. Res, Fish. Exp. "Endeavour" Biological Results of the Fishing Experiments carried out by F. J. S. "Endeavour", 1909-14 Melbourne, Australia Bol. Minist. Agric. Brazil Boletim do Ministerio da Agricviltura (Industria e Commercio) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bol. Mus, Nac. , Zool. Boletim do Museu Nacional, Zoologia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bol. Pesca, Venezuela Boletin de Pesca de la Republica de Venezuela Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria Caracas, Venezuela BoU. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. , Genoa Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della R. Universita Genoa, Italy Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. , Turin Bollettino dei, Musei di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della R. Universita Turin, Italy Boll. Pesca Pise. Idrobiol. Bolletino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia Ministero dell' Agricoltura e delle Foreste Uffico Centrsde per la Pesca e per la Caccia Rome, Italy Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. Bollettino della Societa Entom.ologica Italiana Florence, Italy 10 Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli Bollettino, Societa di Naturalist! in Napoli Naples, Italy Brit. Ant. ("Terra Nova") Exped. Nat. Hist. Rep. Zool. British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition, 1910. Natural History Report - Zoology, British Museum (Natural History) London, England Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique Bulletin, Academie Royales des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Brussels, Belgium Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bulletin, American Museum of Naturaly History New York, N. Y. Bull. Binghann Oceanog. Coll, Bulletin, Bingham Oceanographic Collection Peabody Museum of Natural History New Haven, Conn. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Zool. Bulletin, British Museum (Natural History) - Zoology London, England Bull. Bur. Fish. Bulletin, Bureau of Fisheries U. S. Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. Bull. Cent. Res. Inst. Univ. Travancore Bulletin, Central Research Institute of the University of Travancore Travancore, Trivandrum, India 11 Bull. Essex Inst. BiiUetin Essex Institute Salem, Mass. Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. (Zool, ) Bvilletin, Fan Memorial Institute of Biology (Zoology) Peking, China Bull. Fish. Exp. Sta. Gov. Eng. Tyosen Bulletin, Fisheries Experiment Station of the Government- General of Tyosen Korea Bull. Gulf Biol. Stat. Bulletin, Gvilf Biologic Station Cameron, Louisiana Bull. Inst. Oceanog. Monaco Bulletin Institut Oceanographique de Monaco Monaco BiiU. Japcin. Soc. Sci. Fish. Bvdletin, Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries Tokyo, Japan Bull. La. Dept. Conserv. Bulletin, Louisiana Department of Conservation New Orleajis, Lo\iisiana Bull. Madras Gov. Mus, , N. S. Biilletin, Madras Government Museum, New Series Madras, India Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Carib, Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean Miami, Florida 12 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. BioUetixi, Museum of Comparative Zoology- Harvard University Cambridge, Mass. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. , Paris Bulletin, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Paris, France Bull. Mus. Oceanog, Monaco Bulletin Musee Oceanog raphique de Monaco Monaco Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique Bulletin, Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique Brussels, Belgium Bull. Sci. France Belgique Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique Paris, France Bvdl. Soc. Chim. Biol. Bulletin, Societe de Chimie Biologique Paris, France Bull, Soc. Sci. Nat, Tunis. Bulletin, Societ^ des Sciences Naturelle du Tunisie Tunis, Tunisia Bull. Soc. Zool. France Bulletin, Societe Zoologique de France Paris, France Bull. Sta. Oceajiog. Salammbo Bulletin, Station Oceanog raphique de Salammbo Salammbo, Tunisia 13 Bull. Torrey Bot. Club Bulletin, Torrey Botanical Club New York, N. Y. Bull. Trav. Sta. Aquicvilt. Peche Castiglione Bulletin, Travaux Publics par la Station d'Aquicvilture et de Peche de Castiglione Algiers, Algeria B\ill. U. S. Fish Com. Bulletin, U. S. Fish Comiziission Washington, D. C. Bull. Vanderbilt Mar. Mus. Bulletin, Vanderbilt Marine Museum Long Island, N. Y. Bull. Zool. Nomen. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature Londofn, England C. R. Acad. Sci. Cozaptes Rendus Hebdomaires des Seances de I'Academie des Sciences Paris France C. R. Assoc. Franc. Av. Sci. Compte Rendu de la Session Association Francaise pour I'Avancement des Sciences Paris, France C. R. Soc. Biol. Compte s Rendus de la Seeinces de la Societe Biologie Paris, France 14 Calif, Fish amd Game Csdifornia Fish and Game California Department of Fish and Game Scin Francisco, Calif. Centre Invest. Pesqueras, Contr. Centre de Investigaciones Pesqueras, Contribucion Dependencia de la Division Agricola del Banco de Fomento Agricola e Industrial de Cuba Havana, Cuba Charleston Mus. Leaflet Charleston Museiim Leaflet Charleston, South Carolina Ciencia Ciencia, Revista Hispano-Americana de Ciencias Puras y Aplicadas, P?tronato de Ciencia Mexico City, Mexico Comm. Fish. Rev. F.W.S. Commercial Fisheries Review, Fish eind Wildlife Service U. S. Department of the Interior Washington, D. C. Comun. Inst. Trop, Invest. Cient. , El Salvador Comunicaciones, Institute Tropical de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad de El Salvador San Salvador, El Salvador Comun. Mus. Nac, Buenos Aires Comunicaciones, Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Argentina Conserv. Bull. U. S. D. I, Conservation Bulletin, U.S. Department of the Interior Washington, D. C. 15 Contr. Yamaguchi Pref. Inland Sea Fish. Exp. Sta. Contributions, Yamaguchi Prefectural Inland Sea Fisheries Experimental Station Japaji Conv. Papers Nat, Shellfish, Assoc. Convention Papers, National Shellfisheries Association Washington, D. C. Copeia Copeia American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Pittsburg, Pa. Curr. Sci. Current Science Current Science Association Malleswaram Bangalore, India Daily Consul, and Trade Rep. U.S. Dept. Comm, Daily Consular and Trade Reports U. S, Department of Commerce Washington, D, C, Debats Doc. Tech. Gen. Fish, Coun, Medit. Debats et Documents Techniques General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean FAO, United Nations Rome, Italy Deep*Sea Res. Deep-Sea Research New York, N. Y. 16 Denkschr, K. Akad. Wiss, , Math. -Nat. Kl. , Wien Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen KLasse Wien, Austria Denkschr. Med. -Nat. Ges. Jena Denkschriften der Medizinisch-Naturwissenchaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena Jena, Germeiny Deutsche Tier'arztl, Wochenschr. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift Hanover, Germany Deutsche Sudpolar-£bcped. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition Berlin, Germeiny Discovery Discovery London, ELngland "Discovery" Rep. "Discovery Reports Cambridge, England Ecol. Monog. Ecological Monographs Ecological Society of America Durham, N. C. Ecology Ecology Ecological Society of America Durham, N. C. 17 Exp. Parasit. Experimental Parasitology New York, N. Y. Far East. Quart. Far Eastern Quarterly; Review of Eastern Asia and the Adjacent Pacific Islands Menasha, Wis. Fish. Bull. F. W. S. Fishery Bulletin, Fish and Wildlife Service U. S. Department of Interior Washington, D. C. Fish. Newslett, Fisheries Newsletter Commonwealth Fisheries Office Sydney, Australia Fishery Leaflet, F.W. S. Fishery Leaflet, Fish and Wildlife Service U. S. Department of Interior Washington, D. C. Fla. State Bd. Conserv. Educ. Ser. Florida State Board of Conservation Educational Series Tallahassee, Florida Fla. State Bd. Conserv. Tech. Ser. Florida State Board of Conservation Technical Series Tallahassee, Florida Food Res, Food Research Champaign, HI, 18 Gegenbaurs Morphol. Jahrb. Gegenbaurs Morphologisclies Jahrbuch. lAipzig, Germany Giili. Biol. Sta. Bieim. Rep. Oulf Biologic Station, Biennial Report Cameron, La. Gulf States Mar. Fish. Com* Ann. Rep. Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission, Anntial Report New Orleans, La. Harriman Alaska Ser. Harriman Alaska Series Smith soniein Institution Washington, D. C. Holmbergia Holmbergia Buenos Aires, Argentina Ind-Com J. Lid- Com Journal Department of Lidustries and Commerce Madras, India Indian Fmg. Indian Farming Imperial Council of Agricultural Research Calcutta, India Indian J. Fish. Indian Journal of Fisheries New Delhi, India 19 Indo-Pac. Fish. Coun. Contr, Publ. Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council^Contributed Publications FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East Bangkok, Thailand Indo-Pac. Fish. Coun. Spec. Publ. Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Special Publications FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East Bangkok, Thailand Indo-Pac. Fish. Coun. Symp, Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Symposium. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East Bangkok, Thailand Indo-Pac. Fish. Coun, Tech. Pap. Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, Technical Papers FAO RegionsJL Office for Asia and the Far East Bangkok, Theiileind Invest. Rep. Bur. Fish. Investigational Report, Bureau of Fisheries U. S. Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Journal, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. J. Ala. Acad. Sci. Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science Birmingham, Ala. J. Animal Ecol. Journal of Animal Ecology British Ecological Society Oxford, England 20 J. Biol. Chem. Journal of Biological Chemistry American Society of Biological Chemists New Haven, Conn, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc, Journal, Bombay Natural History Society Bombay, India J. Coll. Agri. , Imp. Univ. Tokyo Journal, College of Agriculture Imperial University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Journal, Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society University of North Carolina Chapel HiU, N. C. J. Fac. Sci. Tokyo Univ. Journal, Faculty of Science Tokyo Imperial University Tokyo, Japan J. Fish. Res. Journal of Fisheries Research (Suisan Kenkyushi) Tokyo, Japan J. Fish. Soc. Japan Jcu rnal. Fisheries Society of Japan (Suisankai) Tokyo, JapcUi J. Imp. Fish. Bur, Journal, Imperial Fisheries Bureau Tokyo, Japan J. Imp. Fish, Inst. Journal, Imperial Fisheries Institute Yokosuka, Japan J. Linn. Soc. (Zool. ), London Journal, Linnean Society (Zoology) London, Englajid J. Madras Univ. Journal of Madras University Madras, India J. Mammal. Journal of Mammalogy Baltimore, Md. J. Mar, Biol. Assoc. U. K, Journeil, Marine Biologiceil Association of the United Kingdom Plymouth, England J. Paleonotology Journcd of Paleonotology Tulsa, Okla, J« Parasit. Journed of Parasitology American Society of Parasitologists Lcuicaster, Pa. J. Roy, Asiat. Soc. Bengal Journal, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengcil Calcutta, India 22 J, Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Journal of Science Hiroshima University Japain J. Sci. Lidus, Res. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Council of Scientific and Industrial Research New Delhi, India J. Sci. Math. Fis. Nat. Journal de Sciencias Matematicas, Fisicas e Naturais Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal J. Tokyo Coll. Fish. Journal, Tokyo College of Fisheries Tokyo, Japan J. Tokyo Univ. Fish. Journal, Tokyo University of Fisheries Tokyo, Japan J. Univ. Bombay Journal, University of Bombay Bombay, India J. Wash. Acad. Sci. Journal, Washington Academy of Science Washington, D. C. J. Yamaguchi Pref. Naikai Fish. Exp. Sta. Journal, Yamaguchi Prefectural Naikai Fisheries Experimental Station Japcin 23 J. Zool. Sk>c. ladia Journal, Zoological Society of India Calcutta, India Japan. J. Zool. Japanese Journal of Zoology Nationeil Research Council Tokyo, Japan John Murray Exped. Sci. Rep. John Murray Expedition to the Indian Ocean, 1933-1934 Scientific Reports British Museum (Natural History) London, England Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. Johns Hopkins University Circular Baltimore, Maryland Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Kongelige Danske Yid em skab ernes Selskabs Skrifter Copenhagen, Denmark Ija. Conserv. Loviisiana Conservationist Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Coxmnission New Orleans, La. La. Conserv. Rev. Louisiana Conservation Review Louisiajia Department of Conservation New Orleans, La. La. Dept. Conserv. , Bienn. Rep. Louisiana Department of Conservation, Biennial Report New Orleans, La. 2-4 La. Dept. Conserv. , Tech. Pap. Louisiajia Department of Conservation, Technical Paper New Orleans, La. La. Dept. Wildlife and Fish. , Bienn. Rep. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Biennial Report New Orleans, Louisieuia Landbouw Landbouw ( Vereeniging van Landbouwconsulenten in Nederlandsch-Indie) Buitenzorg, Java Limnol. cind Oceanog. Limnology and Oceanography American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Baltimore, Maryland Lingnan Sci. J. Lingncin Science Journal College of Science Lingnan University Canton, China Mar, Invest, S, Africa Marine Investigations in South Africa Department of Agriculture Capetown, South Africa Medd, Gr inland Meddelelser om Gr^nland, eif Komxnissionen for Ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske Under sjigelser i Gr^nland Copenhagen, Denmark 23 Med. Acad. Sci. Lisboa Memorias, Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal Mem, Asiat. Soc. Bengal Memoirs, Asiatic Society of Bengal Calcutta, India Mem, Austral, Mus, Memoirs, Australian Museum Sydney, Australia Mem, Estud, Mus, Zool. Univ, Coimbra Memorias e Estudos, Museu Zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra Coimbra, Portugal Mem. Ind, Mus, Memoirs, Indian Musevmi Calcutta, India Mem. Mus, Comp. Zool. Memoirs, Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University Cambridge, Mass. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences Washington, D. C. Mem. Rev. Soc. Cient. Alzate Memorias y revista, Sociedad Cientifica "Antonio Alzate" Mexico City, Mexico 2« Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat, Memorias, Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural Universidad de la Habana Havana, Cuba Memo. Bur. Fish. Memoreindum, Bureau of Fisheries U. S. Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. Mitt. Zool. Sta. Neapel Mitteilvmgen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel Berlin, Germany Monit. Zool. Ital. Monitor e Zoologico Italiano Unione Zoologica Italiana Florence, Italy Monog. Univ. Sydney Dept. Zool, Monographs, University of Sydney Department of Zoology Sydney, Australia Mycologia Mycologia Lancaster, Pa. Nat. Geogr. Mag. National Geographic Magazine National Geographic Society Washington, D. C. Nat. Mcilgache Natureiliste Malgache Pare Zoologique et Boteinique Tananarive, Madagascar 27 Nat. Siciliano Naturalista Siciliano Palermo, Italy Notes Leyden Mus. Notes, Leyden Musevun Leyden, l>Ietherlands Notes Stat. Oceanog. Saleunmbo Notes, Station Oceanographie de Salammbo Salammbo, Tunisia Occ. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci. Occasional Papers, California Academy of Science San Frajicisco, Calif. Occ. Papers Mar. Lab., La. State Univ. Occasional Papers, Marine Laboratory Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, La. Pap, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania Papers and Proceedings, Royal Society of Tasmania Hobart, Australia Peche Marit. Peche Maritime Paris, France Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. Peking Natural History Bulletin Yen-CMng University Peking, China 28 Philip. J. Fish. Philippine Journal of Fisheries Bureau of Fisheries Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Manila, Philippines Philip. J. Sci. Philippine Journal of Science Institute of Science Manila, Philippines Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proceedings, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pa. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. Proceedings, Biological Society of Washington Washington, D. C. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Proceedings, California Academy of Science San Francisco, Calif. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish, Inst, Proceedings, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute University of Miami Coral Gables, Fla, Proc, Ind. Acad, Sci, Proceedings, Indian Academy of Sciences Bangalore, India Proc, Imp, Acad. Japan Proceedings, Imperial Academy of Japan Tokyo, Japan 2^ Proc. Ind. Sci. Cong. Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress Calcutta, India Proc. Indo-Pac. Fish, Coun. Proceedings, Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Far East Bangkok, Thailand Proc. K. Ned, Akad. Wetenschappen Proceedings, Section of Sciences, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie von Wetenschappen Amsterdam, Netherlands Proc. La, Acad. Sci. Proceedings, Louisiana Academy of Sciences Baton Rouge, La. Proc. Linn. £k)c. N. S. W. Proceedings, Linneein Society of New South Wales Sydney, Australia Proc, New England Zool. Club Proceedings, New England Zoological Club Cambridge, Mass, Proc, Roy, Soc, , London Proceedings, Royal Society London, England Proc, Roy, Soc, N, S,W. Proceedings, Royal Society of New South Wedes Sydney, Austrcilia 30 Proc. Sci. Fish. Assoc. Proceedings of the Scientific Fisheries Association (Suisan Gakkwai Ho) Tokyo, Japan Proc, Texas Acad. Sci. Proceedings, Texas Academy of Science Austin, Texas Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol, Soc. Proceedings and Transactions, Liverpool Biological Society Liverpool, England Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proceedings, United States National Musexim Washington, D. C. Proc. Wash. Acad, Sci. Proceedings, Washington Academy of Sciences Washington, D. C. Proc. Zool. Soc. London Proceedings, Zoological Society of London London, England Prog. Ampl. Asist. Tec. , Informe ProgrcLma Ampliado de Asistencia Tecnica, Informe FAO, United Nations Rome, Italy Prog. Fish. Cult. , F.W.S. Progressive Fish Culturist, Fish and Wildlife Service U. S. Department of Interior Washington, D. C, 31 Prog. Rep. Kumamoto Pref. Fish. Exp. Sta. Progress Report, Kumamoto Prefecture Fisheries Experiment Station (Kumamoto-ken suisan shikenj5 j igyo h5koku) Japan Pubbl. Staz. Zool. Napoli Pubblicazioni, Stazione Zoologica di Napoli Rome, Italy and Berlin, Germany Publ. Biol. Medit. Publicaciones sobre Biologia Mediterranea, Instituto Espanol de Estudios Mediterraneos Barcelona, Spain Publ. Inst. Biol. Aplic Publicaciones, Instituto de Biologia Aplicada Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Bar c elona , Spain Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. Publications, Institute of Marine Science University of Texas Port Aransas, Texas Quart. J. Fla. Acad. Sci. Quarterly Journal, Florida Academy of Sciences Gainesville, Fla. Rap. Betr. Voor. Ond. Zeeprod. Curacao Ritpport Betreffende een Voorloopig Onderzoek naar den Toestard van de Visscherij en de Industrie van Zee- producten in de Kolonie Curacao Curacao, Netherlands Antilles 32 Ray Society Ray Society London, England Rec. Austral. Mus. Records, Australian Museum Sydney, Australia Rec. Indian Mus. Records, Indian Museum Calcutta, India Recueil Inst. Zool. Torley-Rousseau Recueil, Institut Zoologique Torley-Rousseau Brussels, Belgium Rend. Ace. Sci. Fis. Mat. Rendiconti, R. Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche Naples, Italy Rend. 1st. Lorrjbardo Sci. e Lett. CI. Sci. Rendiconti, Institute Lombardo di Scienze e Letter e, Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali Milan, Italy Rep. Commissioner, U.S. Com. Fish and Fish, Report, Commissioner, U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries Washington, D. C. Rep. Danish Oceanog. Exped. Medit. Report, Oceanographical Expeditions, 1908-10, to the Mediterranean Copenhagen, Denmark 33 Rep. Dept. Agric. Bengal Report, Department of Agriculture of Bengal Calcutta, India Rep, Dove Mar. Lab. Report, Dove Marine Laboratory Culler coats, England Rep. Fish. Mar. Biol. Surv. S. Africa Report, Fisheries and Marine Biological Survey, Union of South Africa Cape Town, South Africa Rep. Hayatomo Fish. Inst. Report Hayatomo Fisheries Institute Tobata, Japan Rep. Hiroshima Pref. Fish. Exp. Sta. Report, Hiroshima Prefectural Fisheries E3q>erimeii al Station Japan Rep. Hokkeddo Fish. Exp. Sta. Reports, Fishery Investigations, Hokkaido Fisheries Experiment Station (HokkaidS suisan shikenj5 suisan ch5sa hokoku) Japan Rep. Lab. Nippon-Suisan Co. Report, Laboratory of the Nippon-Suisein Co. , Ltd. Japan Rep. Sars N. Ati. Deep Sea Exped. Report, Scientific Resiilts of the "Michael Sars" North Atlantic Deep Sea Expedition, 1910 Bergen, Norway 34 Rep. Sci. Res. H. M. S. "Challenger" 1873-76 Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of H, M. S. "Challenger" during the years 1873-76 Rep, Univ. Miami Mar. Lab. Fla. State Bd, Conserv, Report from the University of Miami Marine Laboratory to the Florida State Boeird of Conservation Coral Gables, Fla. Result. Camp. Sci. Monaco ResTiltats, Campagnes Scientifiques par Albert ler. Prince Souverain de Monaco Monaco Result. Sci. Exped. Ocecin. Beige Eaux Cot,Afr. Atlcint. Sud. Resultats Scientifiques Expedition Oceanographique Beige dans lea Eaux Cotieres Africaines de I'Atlantique Sud (1948-1949) Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Brussels, Belgium Rev. Agricultura Revista de Agricultura Cuba Ministerio de Agricultura Havana, Cuba Rev. Agric. Com. Indust. Revista de Agricultura, Comercio e Industrias Panama Rev. Cent. Estud. Doct. Cienc. Nat. Revista, Centro de Estudiantes del Doctorado en Ciencias Naturelles Buenos Aires, Argentina 35 Rev. Gen. Sci. Pure et Appl. Revue Generale des Sciences Pures et Appliquees Paris, France Rev. Soc, Mexicana Hist. Nat. 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