364; SALMON RUNS - UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER, 1956-57 Marine Biological Laboratory WOODS HOLE, MAtJS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFK REPORT-FISHERIES Na 364 United States Department of the Interior, Fred A. Seaton, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Arnie J. Suomela, Conunissioner Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Donald L. McKernan, Director SALMON RUNS - UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER. 1956-57 by R. R. French and R. J. Wahle United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report--Fi8herie8 No. 364 Washington, D. C. October I960 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Salmon runs past Rocky Reach Dam site 2 Time and size of runs passing Rocky Reach Dam site Z Chinook salmon..... 3 Blueback sedmon 3 Steelhead trout 6 Silver salmon 7 Rate of travel--Rock Island to Zosel Dcun 7 Distribution of spawners in tributaries above Rocky Reach Dam site 8 Chinook salmon 8 Blueback salmon 14 Siunmary and conclusions 14 Literature cited 15 FIGURES 1. Columbia River watershed between Rock Island and Grand Coulee Dams iv 2. Chinook salmon p>assage at Rock Island Deim, 1954-57 (smoothed by 5) 4 3. Blueback salmon counts at Rock Island Daun, 1954-57 5 4. Steelhead trout counts at Rock Island Dam, 1954-57 (totals by weeks) 6 5. Areas of spawning in the Entiat River 9 6. Areas of spawning in the Methow River system 10 7. Areas of spawning in the Okanogan and Similkameen Rivers 11 8. Distribution of tagged chinook salmon above Rocky Reach Deun site by period of tagging at Rock Island Dam, 1954 and 1955. 12 9- Distribution of tagged chinook salmon above Rocky Reach Daxn site by period of tagging at Rock Island Dajn during 1956 13 TABLES 1. Totals of streami survey counts and counts of spring and summer chinook salmon passing Rock Island Dam - 1956 and 1957.... 2. Spawning ground surveys above Rocky Reach Dan:i site 1956-57. Peak counts (live and dead) of chinook and blueback salmon . ui Hotcher Figure t.— Columbia River watershed between Rock Island and Grant Coulee Dams. IV SALMON RUNS - UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER, 1956-57 by R. R. French and R. J. Wahle ABSTRACT Important runs of salmon pass Rocky Reach Dann site on the Columbia River. The escapement of chinook salmon past Rocky Reach in 1957 was estimated to be approximately 11,000 spring chinook which spawn in the small remote tributaries and 6,000 summer chinook which spawn in the large tributaries of the Columbia River. Blueback salmon passing Rocky Reach Dam site in 1956 and 1957 accounted for approximately 72 and 60 percent of the escapement passing Rock Island Dam, or about 67,000 fish in 1956 and 43,000 fish in 1957. They spawn in the Okanogan River in Canada. The rate of travel of blueback salmon was 13.5 miles per day. INTRODUCTION Upon the comipletion of Grand Cou- lee Daxn in 1938, anadromous fish runs were blocked from about 1,140 lineal miles of spawning and rearing areas above the dam (Fish and Hanavan, 1948). At that time anadromous fish were transplanted to the tributaries between Rock Island and Grand Coulee Dams. These tributaries and the Co- lumbia River between Chief Joseph and Rock Island Dams, totaling about 340 lineal miles of stream, now provide the spawning and rearing areas for anadromous runs passing Rock Island Dzim (fig. 1). Note.--R, R. French and R, J. Wahle, Fishery Re- search Biologists, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Seanle, Wasliington. Chelan County Public Utility Dis- trict No. lis engaged in the construc- tion of Rocky Reach Dam located ap- proximately 21 miles aboveRock Island Dam. This dam poses problems for passing anadromous fish runs upstream and downstream and for maintaining adequate spawning areas if major spawning areas are eliminated by flood waters of the forebay. The Fish and Wildlife Service agreed to provide basic biological information on the present salmon escapements of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), blueback sadm- on (Oncorhynchus nerka), silver salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and the steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri). S tudi e s on the steelhead were limited to examination of their abundance and times of arrival at Rock Island Dam. This basic biological information will also provide a basis for comparisons of the runs in future years. During 1956 and 1957 the Service made studies on ( 1 ) the size and time of migration of various species past the dam site, (2) the rate of travel of migrating fish pastRocky Reach Dam site before the dam is built, and (3) tributary spawning areas used by various segments of the run. To accomplish these objectives we have used the fish-count data at Rock Island Dam for determining the size and time of escapements atRocky Reach Dam site 21 miles upstrecim. Tagging experinnents provided information on the rate of travel of blueback Sedmonj and strejmi surveys in which spawning salmon were counted in the streams were used for obtaining salmon spawn- ing data. Financial support for this study was provided by Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, Washington. SALMON RUNS PAST ROCKY REACH DAM SITE Over the years salmon become specifically adapted to their environ- ment and become established in certain strecims and watersheds in varying abundance. The purpose of the in- vestigation was to determine the abun- dance of these upriver runs and the arrivcil times of these runs at the new Rocky Reach Dam site. Since it was not possible to count fish there, the arrival times of the runs at Rocky Reach Dam site was estimated from a study of the arrival times of fish at Rock Island Dam 21 miles downstream. The daily counts of salmon and steelhead were graphed to show the seasonal pattern of migra- tion, and by applying known rates of travel of different species, we were able to estimate their arrival times at Rocky Reach Dam site. The size of escapements passing Rocky Reach Dam site was estimated by applying to the Rock Island Dam count the ratio of spawners observed in spawning streams above and below Rocky Reach Dam site. Totals of peak salmon counts for the Wenatchee River system and river systems above Rocky Reach were compiled, and a ratio ob- tained of the number of spawners found in the two areas. This ratio was then applied to the escapement counted at Rock Island Dam to obtain an estimate number of fish passing Rocky Reach Dam site. For example, if 1,000 spawners were counted in all streams and 700 were observed in streams above Rocky Reach, then 70 percent were deemed to have passed Rocky Reach. Thus, if 10,000 Chinook had been counted at Rock Island Dam, 7,000 fish would be estimated as having passed Rocky Reach Dam site. Stream surveys were made peri- odically by foot or by boat and the num- ber of fish of each species of salmon was recorded. Peak counts, which were the largest number counted in any one survey, becamie the basis of compari- sons. Survey counts do not represent the total number of spawners present in a stream in a season. Such information cannot be obtained from stream sur- veys. However, as these survey counts were taken in the Scune manner and by the same personnel, we feel they gave a usable estimate of the comparative abundance of spawners in the different streams. Time and size of runs passing Rocky Reach Dam site Blueback salmon were found to migrate upriver at the rate of 13.5 miles per day (see later section); thus, they would be expected to pass Rocky Reach Dam site, 21 miles upstream from Rock Island Dam, by the second day after passing Rock Island Dam. Chinook salmon in the Snake River were reported to naigrate at rates of 13 and 15 miles per day.* Either of these rates indicates that chinook runs passing Rock IslandDam would pass the Thompson, Robert N„ James B. Haas, Lawrence M. Woodal, and Edwin K, Holmberg. 1958. Results of a tagging program to enumerate the numbers and to determine the seasonal occurrence of anadromous fish in the Snake River and its tributaries. Fish Commission of Oregon, Contract Report DA 35-026-eng-20609, Portland, 202 pp. Processed, Rocky Reach site Ij or Z days later. Therefore, the arrival times of the blueback and chinook runs at Rock Island Dam have been used as the ap- proximate times the runs would be ex- pected at Rocky Reach Deun site. The rates of travel of individual steelhead were found to vary widely in the Columbia River between Bonneville and McNary Dams. Schoning, Johnson, and Merrell, in an unpublished report, found that these rates varied from 1.9 to 14.6 miles per day.' Thus steelhead could be expected to pass Rocky Reach from Z to IZ days after passing Rock Island Dam. Chinook salmon. --The season of passage and the number of chinook salmon passing Rock Island Dam are given in figure Z. Chinook runs in the Columbia River are composed of spring, summer, and fall segments ac- cording to the time they enter the river. Each season, the chinook salmon escap- ing the fishery appear during the same time period at Rock Island Dam; spring chinook pass in May and June, summer chinook pass in July and August, and fall chinook make their appearance after August. The spring and summer chinook runs are fairly well defined by their period of passage at Rock Island Dam. The fall run, however, is not clearly marked and appears as a minor part of the escapement late in the season. Fish and Hanavan (1948) re- ported on the bimodality of the chinook runs at Rock Island Dam and reported that the spring run apparently termi- nates during early July. They did not report on the existence of a fcill run, but evidence of a fall run atRock Island Deim is presented in a later section of this report. Considerable overlap of the three segments occurs. All three groups should be expected at Rocky Reach Dam site during the same time period as at Rock Island Dam. Spawning ground counts above and below Rocky Reach Dajn site and counts ^Schoning,. Robert W., Donald R.Johnson, and Theodore R. Merrell. 1950. The expected appearance of certain runs of Columbia River salmon at McNary Dam. Fish Commis- sion of Oregon. February, unpublished report., IS pp. Portland. of spring and summer chinook at Rock Island Dam are given in table 1. We found that 77 percent of the spring chinook counted in 1956 and 65 percent in 1957 were in areas above Rocky Reach. In 1957 this meant that about 65 percent of the spring run counted over Rock Island, or approximately 11,000 fish, were estimated as having passed Rocky Reach Dam site. Twenty-one percent in 1956 and 19 percent in 1957 of the summer chinook were counted in areas above Rocky Reach Dam site. Thus, in 1957 the population of summer chinook passing Rocky Reach was es- timated at 6,000 fish. Counts of spring and summer chinook runs passing Rock Island DaJTi in 1956 were not reliable because of the overlap of the runs that season. The reason for this overlap is discussed in a following section. Fall chinook salmon spawn in the Columbia River in the limited area be- tween Rock Island Dami and Rocky Reach Dam site, and on extensive spawning riffles above Rocky Reach. Determina- tion of their abundance in this stretch of the main Colunibia River was as- signed to another fishery agency. Blueback s almon.--Bluebac k salmon, first appearing at Rock Island Dam in early July, show a peak of abundance around July 15 to Z5. (see figure 3.) To determine the size of the blueback escapement passing Rocky Reach Dam site we have used the sea- sonal counts of blueback at Tumwater Dam (fig. 1) as the number of blueback entering the Wenatchee River system. The remaining part of the run, or Rock Island Dam counts minus the Tumwater Dam counts, has been used as the es- timated number passing Rocky Reach Dam site. This procedure was in pref- erence to usirig stream surveys for obtaining ratios of blueback salmon in the two areas. In recent years the Okanogan run has been the larger of the two runs. Counts of the Wenatchee River run at Tumwater Dam for 1954- 57 have ranged from 28 to40 percentof the total escapement counted at Rock Island Dam. The remaining 60 to 72 percent of the blueback runs for these years has been attributed to the Okanogan run. The estimate of the blue- back run passing Rocky Reach Dam site lO C\l lO to 00 — OD — cj_ r--_ q. r>-_ n Hi in O fO CM M "O * lO lO m o> a> o> ff> ■s o o 01 c o E HSU dO bl3SNnN Table 1. — Stream survey and Eock Island Dam counts of spring and summer Chinook, 1956-57 Chinook salmon counts •'• -Area 1956 2 1957 Spring Sinraner Spring Summer Counts above Rocky Reach Dam site Counts below Rocky Reach Dam site ( Wenatchee River system) Total survey counts Percentage above Rocky Reach Counts at Rock Island Dam 1,093 334 1,427 77 575 2,147 2,722 21 3,097 1,672 4,769 65 16,631 1,787 7,407 9,194 19 29,914 ''" The week ending June 25 was the division date separating spring and summer Chi- nook; the week ending August 27 was the division date for summer and fall chinook. 2 In 1956 overlap of runs precluded separation of sprine and siimmer chinook. 20,000 19,000 ■ 1 8,000 17,000 16,000- 15,000 - 14,000 13,000 ^ 12,000 to ^ 11,000- o 10,000 tr 111 m 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 I ; V 1954 91.234 1955 155.055 1956 92,443 1957 71,261 15 20 JULY 15 20 AUGUST Figure 3.--Blueback salmon counts at Rock Island Dam. 1954-57. 5 in 1956 was 67,000 fish, or 72 percent of the Rock Island Deun counts. In 1957 the estimate was 43,000 blueback or 60 percent of the Rock Island Dam counts. Steelhead trout. --Two groups of steelhead runs pass Rock Island Dam, the spring run, which pass in mature condition and are destined to spawn that same season, and the fall run, which pass Rock Island from July through 700 October and forms the larger group of the two, figure 4. As counting at Rock Island Dam is not continuous dur- ing winter months but consists of periodic counts at the three ladders, the migration during this period is not fully known. These periodic counts at the various ladders at Rock Island have revealed some movement of steelhead throughout the winter months. Pre- sumably, spawning of steelhead occurs throughout the accessible river systems 600 500 X 400- ir ui o 2 300 200- 100 1954 1955 N = 4578 N = 3200 N = 1531 1956 1957 N =3927 ( Counts are for periods of confinuous counting at the 3 ladders.) -•^..^p,,,, •••- — ^-~ 7 14 21 28 4 II 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 I 8 15 22 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Figure 4.--Steelhead trout counts at Rock Island Dam, 1954-57. (totals bf weeks). 6 above Rock Island Dcun, although no spawning ground counts were obtained. Sizes of steelhead rxins passing Rocky Reach were not estimated. Silver salmon. --Silver salmon are few in this area at the present time. Total yearly counts of silver Scilmon at Rock Island Daun for 1954-58 have ranged from 40 to 94 fish. These fish p>ass Rock Island Dam during Septem- ber, October, and November. Formerly silver salmon were abundant. Records show that approximately 6 to 7 million silver salmon eggs were taken annually from the Wenatchee River alone during the years 1899 to 1902. From 1910 to 1920 the nvimbers of silver salmon eggs taken annually at the Methow River hatcheries ranged from a few thousand to nearly 3 million (Washington State Department of Fisheries, 1899-1920). These silver salmon runs, though of little value now, could p>ossibly be im- proved. Rate of travel — Rock Island to Zosel Dam The rate of travel for blueback Scilmon between Rock Island Dam and Zosel Dam (figure 1) was determined prior to the building of Rocky Reach Dam in order to ascertaun if delays in migration result from the new dam now under construction. The question of delay and its effect upon migrating salnrion has long been a matter of con- jecture among fishery biologists. The actual effect of a short-term delay or the accumulated effect of several short- term delays to migrating salmon is not known. The most notable example of the effect of a delay in migration has been the blockade at Hell's Gate on the Fraser River. Here, fish that were delayed longer than 14 days did not reach the spawning ground. During these experiments fish captured, tagged, and liberated were often recaptured below the gate and the interval between cap- tures was termed delay (Talbot, 1950). In reference to the Columbia River and many dams now built or contemplated along salmon migration routes, one of the problems is whether dams cause delays over and above the effects of pre-existing conditions; and if delays are caused, what might be the cumula- tive effect of many dams. Knowing Rocky Reach Dam was to be constructed we decided to determine the rate of travel of salmon through this stretch of river before construction. Then in the future it miay be possible to determine if Rocky Reach Dam de- lays passage of migrating fish. In 1957, to determine the rate of travel through this stretch of river, blueback salmon were tagged with var- ious colored tags, were released in the forebay at Rock Island Dsuna, and were observed at Zosel Dam approxi- mately 145 miles upstream on the Okanogan River. The use of combina- tions of colored tags enabled us to identify tagging dates as tagged fish passed an observation point. Zosel Dam, the observation point, is a small wooden structure designed to forni a pool for logging operations at a nearby mill. Observers recorded the daily passage of tagged and untagged fish through the fishways at this dam; however, fish were also able to pass the dam through cracks in the wooden weirs. As few recoveries were made from the 1957 experiments, the data from tagging experiments of 1954 and 1955 were used to obtain rates of travel between Rock Island and Zosel Dams. These experi- ments in 1954 and 1955 were similar to the 1957 experiments and were for the purpose of studying the efficiency of the Rock Island Dcim fishways. In addition to tagging experiments, peak counts at Rock Island and Zosel Dams were used to determine the rate of travel by computing the difference in time between the peaks in abundance at the two places. The data obtained from the blue- back tagging experiments at Rock Island Dam in 1954-55 are presented below. "Days out" represents the time interval between tagging at Rock Island and recovery at Zosel Dam. The day of tagging is treated as zero day. The data from the two seasons were com- bined because the means and variances of the days -out period of the two re- covery groups were not statistically different. Number of tag recoveries 30 Average number of days out 10.7 Range of days out 7 to 16 Since the distance between Rock Island Dam and Zosel Dam is about 145 males, the average rate of travel is 13.5 miles per day. The results of a comparison of the time of peak counts of blueback salmon at Rock Island and Zosel Dams were found to agree with results of the tagging studies. In 1953 the mode at Rock Island Dam occurred during the period Jxily 15-22, with a maximum count on July 18. At Zosel Dam the mode oc- curred during the period July 23-30, with the maximum noted on July 28. Thus, the difference in time between maximum counts (10 days) compares closely with the 10.7 days travel time established by tagging studies. Other seasons could not be compared as no definite peaks in abundance were noted at Zosel Dam. DISTRIBUTION OF SPAWNERS IN TRIBUTARIES ABOVE ROCKY REACH DAM SITE Salmon are known to be attracted to certain spawning areas in a river system, if the flow, temperature, gravel, and other requirements are fulfilled. Normally, there is very little straying from these spawning areas from year to year. The purpose of the investigation was to discover the spawn- ing areas now used by salmon in the tributaries above Rocky Reach Dam site. Stream surveys were made to determine the distribution and com- parative abvmdance of spawners in the tributary streeims. While the survey counts do not represent the total num- bers of spawners present, the counts are of value in deternaining the dis- tribution and coinparative abundance of spawners from year to year and indif- ferent streams, providing the surveys are made in the Seime manner. Aerial surveys, of the number of salmon nests were used as an add in locating the area of spawning in the Okanogan River from Oroville to Brewster. Tagging experiments atRock Island Dam gave additional information about spawning areas of the different seg- ments of the runs which pass Rocky Reach Dam site. Although these ex- periments were designed for evaluating the fishways, they also yield data which are applicable to this study. Chinook and blueback salmon were tagged throughout most of their period of mi- gration at Rock Island Dam during the 1954, 1955, and 1966 experiments. Many tagged salmon were recovered on the spawning grounds, and from their distribution we learned which spawning areas were used by various segments of the run. Chinook salmon Peak counts of salmon and the time period encompassing the peak of spawn- ing are listed in table 2. These counts serve to exemplify the relative im- portance of each tributary stream- Note the increased covmts in each stream in 1957 over those of 1956. Total counts of chinook salmon are about 3 times the counts obtained in 1956. The distribution of fish within the streams is illustrated in figures 5, 6, and 7. The stream lengths have been drawn to sccile; the widths, however, have been exaggerated in order to show areas of spawning. The symbols rep- resent the comparative abundance of individual species within each stream. As observed, spring chinooks spawn in the smaller tributaries and more remote areas of the tributaries, and summer chinooks in the larger main tributaries. The distribution of spawning Chi- nook salmon according to the time of season they passed Rock Island Dam is graphically illustrated by the recovery of tagged fish on the spawning grounds. The history of chinook salmon escape- Table 2. — Spawning ground surveys above Bocky Reach Dam site 1956-57. Peak counts (live and dead) of chinook and blueback salmon Species and name of stream Salmon counts 1956 1957 Period of peak of spawning CHINOOK SALMON Entiat River Twisp River Chewack River Nfethow River Above Winthrop Winthrop to Twisp Twisp to Pateros Simllkameen River Okanogan River Oroville to Brewster ■"" BLUEBACK SAIM)N Okanogan River Above Lake Osoyoos 149 191 404 249 141 375 101 99 16,067 273 702 1,065 909 148 1,398 189 Aug. 20-30 Aug. 10-20 Aug. 15-25 Aug. Sept Oct. Oct. 20-30 . 5-15 5-15 10-20 8,533 Oct. 15-25 Oct. 1-10 During aerial surveys of this section following the peak of spawning, 37 salmon redds were counted in 1956 and 53 redds in 1957. ^Survey too early for spawning peak. 3 mites (widths eiagQeroled ) o Spnnq Chinook • Summer Chinook Figure 5. — Areas of spavming in the Entiat River, ment at Rock Island Dam shows the separation of spring and summer Chi- nook runs to occur sometime between June 25 and July 9. Accordingly, tag recoveries were plotted by these periods in which spring and summer Chinook are known to have passed the dajxi, figure 8. The period between June 25 and July 9 was chosen as a period of overlap of the two runs. It is ob- served that for the combined tagging data of 1954 and 1955 no tagged spring Chinook were recovered on the summer Chinook spawning areas; only one tagged sumimer chinook was noted in spring Chinook spawning areas. Fish tagged during the period of overlapwere found in both areas. The 1956 tagging experiments at Rock Island Dcm:i indicate that spring chinook may not always pass Rock Island Dami and Rocky Reach Dcm^i site in the periods indicated. The distribu- tion of tagged fish by season of passage at Rock Island for 1956 is showninfig- ure 9. Many fish tagged after Jvily 9, 1956 Rottli 3niiles (widths exaggerated ) o Spftng Chinook • Summer Chinook X Blueback Salmon Figure 6.— Areas of spawning in the Metiiow River system. 10 \Loke Voseoui P I Oliver Oiverson Tuc ul nuit Lohe BRITISH COLUM Bl A WASHINGTON 3 miles ( l»l(ll^s eioggeroted ) Summer Chinook redds Bluebock Salmon J^ ^ r \\ ( Inkoneep Cfeeh Figure 7.- -Areas of spawning in the Okanogan and Similkameea Rivers. 11 Figure 8.--I}istrlbutioa of tagged chioook salmon above Rocky Readi Dam site by period of tagging at Rock Island Dam, 1954 and 1955. 12 Legend D Tagged prior to June 25 O Togged June 25- July 9 A Tagged ofter July 9 BRITISH COLUMBIA WASHINGTON Leovenworfh Hotchery Figure 9.— DistributioD of tagged chinook salmon above Rocky Readi Dam site by iieriod of tagging at Rock Island Dam during 1956. 13 appeared in spring chinook spawning areas. These were spring chinook and not summer chinook as evidenced by their characteristic small size, greenish-gray appearance, and early spawning. Summer chinook average larger, take on a reddish color in spawn- ing streams, and spawn later in the season. Apparently a delay along the migration route was responsible for the unusually late passage of mainy spring chinook at Rock Island Daan, Davidson' noted that the upstream salmon migrationin the ColxunbiaRiver is retarded by floods, and at stages of extreme high water may be inhibited. In 1956 a minor flood occurred in the Coliunbia River and the unusually late passage of many spring chinook could be attributed to this occurrence. It should be noted that none of the fish tsigged prior to July 9 was recovered in summer chinook spawning areas that season. Another tagging experiment con- ducted during 1956 confirmed our be- lief that fall chinook spawn in the main Columbia River. Sixty- two chinook from the September migration at Rock Island Dam were tagged and released over a 3-day period. No tagged fish were recovered fronn this lot during the streaun surveys made on all tribu- tary streauns. For similar experiments in August, however, in which the num- ber tagged ranged from 24 to 70 chinook, some tags were recovered. Total re- coveries from these summer experi- ments averaged 10 percent. If the fall escapement of chinook salmon spawned in the tributaries, surely some tags would have been recovered; six fish would have been recovered if the 10 percent average were obtained. It seems certain that these fish sp>awn only in the main Columbia River, but because of the difficulty of finding tagged fish in so large a river, no re- covery was attempted there. Blueback salmon Majority of the blueback scdmon passing Rocky Reach Dam site are ' Davidson, F. A. 1957. The effect of floods on the up- stream migratioii of the salmon in the Columbia River. Riblic Utility District No. 2 of Grant County (Ephrata, Washington). 20 pp. Processed. bound for the spawning areas in the Okanogan River in Canada as evi- denced by the strezim surveys (see fig. 7). Very few blueback salmon enter the Entiat, Methow, and Similka- meen Rivers. Blueback seilmon tagged during all parts of the migration period at Rock Island Dam were recovered on the Okanogan River spawning grounds. Spawning commences in the Okanogan River during the lastweek in September and continues throughout the month of October. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Investigations of fish runs passing Rocky Reach Dam site have revealed that important runs of chinook and blue- back salmon pass the site bound for S|>awiiing areas in all mciin tributaries between Rocky Reach and Chief Joseph Dam. The runs passing Rock Island Dam would be expected at Rocky Reach Dam site within Ij or Z days since the dams are only Zl miles apart. For 1957 the spring and stimmer chinook escapement pass Rocky Reach Dam site was approximately 11,000 and 6,000 fish respectively. The es- capement of blueback salmon passing Rocky Reach Dam site was approxi- mately 67,000 fish in 1956 and 43,000 fish in 1957. Steelhead trout and silver salmon are assumed to pass Rocky Reach; however, their numbers were not deter- mined. Although numerous in the area up to the year 1920, very few silver salmon have been counted at Rock Island Dam since counting commenced in 1933. The rate of travel of blueback salmon between Rock Island Dam and Zosel Dam established from tagging experiments was found to be 10.7 days for the 145 miles distance or 13.5 miles per day. The difference in time between peaks of abundance at Rock Island and Zosel Dam also indicated that about 10 days were required for fish to travel between the two points. 14 In general, spring chinook spawn in the smaller, more remote tribu- taries, and summer chinook spawn in the lower main tributaries. Fall chinook spawn in the main Columbia River. Blueback salmon spawn in that part of the Okanogan located in Canada, from Liake Vaseaux to Lake Osoyoos. Scatterings of blueback were also found in the £ntiat, Methow, andSimilkameen Rivers. LITERATURE CITED FISH, FREDERIC F., AND MITCHELL G. HANAVAN. 1948. A report upon the Grand Cou- lee fish-maintenance project 1939-1947. U. S. Fish and Wild- life Service, Special Scientific Report No. 55, November, 63 pp., Washington, D. C. TALBOT, G. B. 1950. A biological study of the ef- fectiveness of the Hell's Gate fishways. International. Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, Bulletin III, Part 1, pp. 3-80. New Westminster, B. C, Can- ada. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES. 1899- 19Z0. Annual Report of State Fish Conunissioner. Olympia, Washington. Various paging. 15 GPO (0ZS34 MBL WHO! Library Serials I lllll" I'll' I ! \ 'I'ltllliVft ■ ■ ( ; ■'•• "111(1111:11 I II I. Mill 5 WHSE 01492