415 , Pacific Tuna Biology Conference SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT— FISHERIES No. 415 UNITED STATES DEPAJWVIEJ^T^^ TTslTAN^wnHirTsERvicr United States Department of the Interior, Stewart Udall, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service, Clarence F. Pautzke, Commissioner Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Donald L. McKernan, Director PACIFIC TUNA BIOLOGY CONFERENCE AUGUST 14-19,1961 HONOLULU,HAWAII Edited by John C . Marr U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Honolulu, Hawaii United States Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report: Fisheries No. 415 Washington, D. C. May 1962 ABSTRACT A report of the work and results of the Pacific Tuna Biology Conference, held at the University of Hawaii in August 1961 under the auspices of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Labo- ratory, Honolulu, and attended by tuna research workers and fishery experts from 11 countries. The report comprises a general account of the proceedings of the Conference; summaries of the discussions in six general sessions on distribution, migrations, subpopulations , behavior, tuna oceanography, and taxonomy and nomenclature; the reports of two special working groups, on identification of larval and juvenile tunas and on taxonomy and nomenclature; resolutions adopted by the Conference; abstracts of the 50 papers presented; and a list of the participants. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Program 2 Summary report of discussions 2 Resolutions 18 Abstracts of papers 20 Alverson, Dayton L. - Ocean temperatures and their relationship to albacore tuna (Thunnus germo) distribution in waters off the coast of the States of Oregon and Washington and the Province of British Columbia 20 Austin, Thomas S., and Richard A. Barkley - Use of oceanographic monitoring stations in fishery research 20 Bell, Robert R. - The age composition of the California Pacific albacore catch 21 Blackburn, Maurice - Distribution and abundance of Eastern Tropical Pacific tunas in relation to ocean properties and features 21 Brown, RobertP., and Kenneth Sherman - Oceanographic observations and skipjackdis - tribution in the North Central Pacific 22 Clemens, Harold B. -The distribution of California bluefin tuna in the eastern North Pacific 22 Clemens, Harold B. - The distribution of albacore in the North Pacific 22 Clemens, Harold B. - Migration, age and growth, and spawning studies of the North Pacific albacore (Thunnus germo) 23 Collette, Bruce B. - A preliminary review of the tunas of the genus Thunnus 24 Fujii, Yutaka, Koichi Mimoto, and Shichiro Higasa - Biochemical studies on the races of tuna. Base composition of testis deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 24 Hiyama, Yoshio, and Kenji Kurogane - Morphometrical comparisons of tuna from areas in the Pacific and Indian Oceans 24 Inoue, Motoo - Relation of sea condition and ecology of albacore in the northwest Pacific Ocean 25 Iversen, Robert T. B. - Food of albacore tuna, Thunnus germo (Lacepede), in the cen- tral and northeastern Pacific 26 Johnson, James H. - Sea temperatures and the availability of albacore (Thunnus germo) off the coasts of Oregon and Washington 26 Kamimura, Tadao, and Misao Honma - Distribution of yellowfin in the longline fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean, especially on the regional variation of the density in each size group 27 Kikawa, Shoji -Studies on the spawning activity of the Pacific tunas Parathunnus mebachi and Neothunnus macropterus by the gonad index examination 27 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (con.) Page King, Joseph E. , and Robert T. B. Iversen - Midwater trawling for forage organisms in the central Pacific 28 Legand, M. - Donnees Biometriques sur les thons a nageoires jaunes en Nouvelle- Caledonie 28 Legand, M. - Quelques donnees biometriques sur les albacores de la region ouest de la Nouvelle-Caledonie 29 Legand, M. - Longueur, repartition des sexes et maturation sexuelle des thons a nageoires jaunes de Nouvelle-Caledonie 29 Legand, M. , and R. Desrosieres - Enqueue preliminaire sur les contenus stomacaux des thons a nageoires jaunes des cStes de Nouvelle-Caledonie 29 Legand, M. and B. Wauthy - Importance presumee d' Alepisaurus sp. dans le cycle biologique des thons de longue-ligne au large de la Nouvelle-Caledonie 29 Legand, M. - Contenus stomacaux des albacores et yellowfins captures a la longue- ligne par l'Orsom III 30 Legand, M. - Taille, repartition sexuelle, cycle annuel de l'albacore dans l'ouest de la Nouvelle-Caledonie 30 Marr, John C, and Lucian M. Sprague -The use of blood group characteristics in studying subpopulations of fishes 31 Matsumoto, Walter M. - Identification of larvae of four species of tuna from the Indo- Pacific region. I 31 Mimura, Koya - Studies on Indo-maguro 31 Nakamura, Eugene L. - The establishment and behavior of skipjack tuna ( Katsuwonus pelamis) in captivity Nakamura, Hiroshi - An outline of the tuna longline grounds in the Pacific 32 Otsu, Tamio, and Richard J. Hansen - Sexual maturity and spawning of albacore in the central South Pacific Ocean 32 Otsu, Tamio, and Richard N. Uchida - A model of the migration of albacore in the North Pacific Ocean 33 Ridgway, George J. - Distinction of tuna species by immunochemical methods 33 Roedel, Phil M. , and John E. Fitch - Taxonomy and nomenclature of the Pacific tunas. . . 33 Rosa, H. , Jr. , and T. Laevastu - World distribution of tunas and tuna fisheries in re- lation to environment. 34 Royce, William F. - A morphometric study of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) 35 Seckel, Gunter R., and Thomas S. Austin - The association between Hawaiian skip- jack landings and the oceanographic climate 35 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (con.) Page Sprague, LucianM. , and Leslie I. Nakashima - A comparative study of the erythrocyte antigens of certain tuna species 36 Sprague, Lucian M. , and Leslie I. Nakashima - Studies on the erythrocyte antigens of the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 36 Sprague, Lucian M. - Blood group studies of albacore (Germo alalunga) tuna from the Pacific Ocean 37 Strasburg, Donald W . - An aerating device for salt well water 37 Suda, Akira - Comparison of abundance between albacore and bigeye in the northwest Pacific 37 Suzuki, Akimi - Blood types in tuna 38 Uchida, Richard N. , and TamioOtsu - Analysis of sizes of albacore occurring in vari- ous Pacific fisheries - A preliminary report 38 Uda, Michitaka - Cyclical fluctuation of the Pacific tuna fisheries in response to cold and warm water intrusions 39 Uda, Michitaka - Localized concentration of tunas in the eddies along oceanic fronts. ... 39 Watson, Margaret E. , and Frank J. Mather III - Species identification of juvenile tunas (Genus Thunnus) from the Straits of Messina, northwestern Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico 40 Yabe, Hiroshi, and Shoji Ueyanagi - Contributions to the study of the early life history of the tunas 40 Yabuta, Yoichi, and Mori Yukinawa - Age and growth of yellowfin tuna 41 Yamanaka, Hajime, and NoboruAnraku - Relation between the distribution of tunas and water masses of the North and South Pacific Oceans west of 160° W 41 Yuen, Heeny S. H. - Experiments on the feeding behavior of skipjack at sea 42 List of participants 43 PACIFIC TUNA BIOLOGY CONFERENCE AUGUST 14-19, 1961 HONOLULU, HAWAII Edited by John C . Marr U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Honolulu, Hawaii INTRODUCTION An informal Pacific Tuna Biology Confer- ence, arranged by the U. S. Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries Biological Laboratory at Honolulu, was held at the University of Hawaii, August 14- 19, 1961. Fifty papers were contributed to the Conference; 79 persons attended from 11 countries. The informal nature of the Conference was stressed for at least three reasons: First, so that it would be evident that this was in no sense a government-to-government meeting but rather a gathering of scientists with common interests. Thus, any decisions taken would in no way be binding upon governments but rather would represent working arrangements between individuals or between laboratories. Second, it was hoped that the informal nature of the pro- ceedings would encourage discussion and con- tribute to the free exchange of ideas. This was either not a real problem or the arrangements achieved their intent, since discussions were spontaneous from the start. Third, the infor- mality allowed me, as organizing chairman, and as a matter of convenience, to draw upon the talents of my colleagues in the preparation and conduct of the Conference, without regard to representation by national groups or by special- ties. This would not have been possible under a more formal organization. Virtually all of the contributed papers were reproduced and distributed to the partici- pants well in advance of the Conference. It was thus not necessary for any papers to be given orally at the Conference. Rather, the papers were grouped according to the following subjects: (1) Distribution, (2) Migrations, (3) Subpopula- tions, (4) Behavior, (5) Tuna Oceanography, (6) Taxonomy and Nomenclature, and (7) Background Papers, and there were half -day discussions of each subject, except (7). Each discussion group was provided with a Discussion Leader and a Rapporteur. Summary records of each discus- sion were available on the following day, when they were read, modified if necessary, and ac- cepted by the Conference. Resolutions were based upon problems and needs identified during the course of the Conference and upon the findings of the two Working Groups, one on Taxonomy and Nomen- clature and the other on Identification of Larval and Juvenile Tunas. The Resolutions were read on the last day of the Conference, modified if necessary, and accepted by the Conference. The physical record of the Conference, i.e., the Discussion Summaries, the Resolu- tions, and the Abstracts of Contributed Papers, contained in the following pages may be judged on its own merits. It is more difficult to judge the intangible benefits which will accrue over the years from the personal contacts established during the course of the Conference, with re- sulting improveme nts in communication between widely separated laboratories. The success of a Conference of this na- ture is dependent upon those who participate in it. I wish to express my appreciation to all who found it possible to attend and who contributed so freely to the discussions. I wish also to ac- knowledge my debt to all of my immediate col- leagues in the Bureau, without whom it would have been impossible to arrange and carry out the Conference. PROGRAM August 14 - Monday 9:00-10:00 Registration 10:00-10:30 Opening business Chairman: John C. Marr 10:30-12:30 Taxonomy and Nomenclature Discussion Leader: Phil M. Roedel Rapporteur: Walter M. Matsumoto 12:30- 2:00 Lunch 2:00- 5:00 Distribution Discussion Leader: Donald W. Strasburg Rapporteur: Robert T. B. Iversen August 15 - Tuesday 9:30-12:30 Migrations Discussion Leader: Tamio Otsu Rapporteur: Eugene L. Nakamura 12:30- 2:00 Lunch 2:00- 5:00 Behavior Discussion Leader: John J. Magnuson Rapporteur: Everet C. Jones August 16 - Wednesday 8:00- 5:00 Demonstration cruise on CHARLES H. GILBERT; live -bait skipjack fishing, under- water observation chambers August 17 - Thursday 9:30-12:30 Subpopulations Discussion Leader: Lucian M. Sprague Rapporteur: Richard N. Uchida 12:30- 2:00 Lunch 2:00- 5:00 Available for working groups August 18 - Friday 9:30-12:30 Tuna Oceanography Discussion Leader: Thomas S. Austin Rapporteur: Kenneth D. Waldron 12:30- 2:00 Lunch 2:00- 5:30 Open House, U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory. Ex- hibit of scientific illustrations by Tamotsu Nakata (Room 221) August 19 - Saturday 9:30-12:30 Closing business Chairman: John C. Marr 5:00-11:00 Luau, U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory. SUMMARY REPORT OF DISCUSSIONS Taxonomy and Nomenclature Discussion Leader - Phil M. Roedel Rapporteur - Walter M. Matsumoto Reference: Papers No. VI - 1. Collette, B. B. - A preliminary review of the tunas of the genus Thunnus 2. Roedel, P. M. , and J. E. Fitch -Taxonomy and nomenclature of the Pacific tunas In spite of the tremendous amount of at- tention given the tunas in recent years, the basic problems of taxonomy and nomenclature are still unresolved. Several things have contributed to this; for example, many of the past descriptions are too brief, the localities of capture are often vague, and the taxonomy of the group is often approached from a geographically narrow point of view. As a result, a multitude of names ex- ist for fish which could well be of the same spe- cies but were simply taken in different parts of an ocean or indifferent oceans. To further com- plicate matters there are today two schools of thought among taxonomists with regard to the tunas: (1) those who recognize the existence of numerous species indifferent parts of the world and (2) those who contend that there are only a few species widely distributed throughout the world. The purpose of the open discussion was to identify the various problems concerning the taxonomy of the tunas and to find solutions to these problems or decide upon the best means by which they could be solved. Several problems, two in the form of questions, were brought out during the discussion: 1. How many genera are there among the tunas ? 2. How many species comprise the tuna? 3. Difficulty in defining genus. 1. It was pointed out and generally ac- cepted that there is no reason to split the tunas taxonomically to the point where each species is given a generic name. This means that such ge- neric names as Parathunnus , Neothunnus, and Kishinoella should be replaced by Thunnus. Other genera (Euthynnus, Katsuwonus, and Auxis) were not discussed. 2. The single -species concept was strongly advocated for yellowfin, bigeye, alba- core, and skipjack. It was also felt that T. tonggol and T. atlanticus are valid species . One exception to this single -species concept was pointed out in the bluefins. The Pacific T_. orientalis and the Atlantic T. th_ynnus were sug- gested to be subspecies on the basis of gillraker counts. Here again, species of two other genera, Euthynnus and Auxis, were not discussed. 3. While it was clearly recognized that the problem is extremely subjective and, there- fore, difficult for researchers to come to any agreement on, it was pointed out that some de- gree of objectivity was possible in taxonomic works. Inthecaseof species there may be evi- dence of reproductive isolation. The use of se- rology in separating tunas on the generic level was suggested. It was felt that this technique has some possibility, even though the problem is not solvable at this time. Although there was general agreement on the greater portion of the species and genera discussed, evidence of some reservations was clearly displayed when suggestions for carrying out further work in clarifying the taxonomic problem were offered. The consensus was to appoint a well -qualified person or committee to prepare a thorough background paper for the FAO World Tuna Conference and to determine whether or not there is need for more data. In connection with the need for more data, Hiroshi Nakamura kindly offered his co- operation in collecting specimens of various spe - cies of tunas from all oceans of the world in which Japanese fishing operations are being carried on at the present time. At this point, with further work to be done on some of the problems and in order to formulate recommendations wherever needed, a working group was appointed consisting of Phil M. Roedel, Chairman, John C. Marr, Hiroshi Nakamura, and Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Distribution Discussion Leader - Donald W. Strasburg Rapporteur - Robert T. B. Iversen Reference: Papers No. I - 1. Nakamura, H. - An outline of the tuna longline grounds in the Pacific 2. Kamimura, T., and M. Honma - Distribution of yellowfin in the longline fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean, especially on the regional variation of the density in each size group 3. Mimura, K. - Studies on Indo-maguro 4. Clemens, H. B. - The distribution of California bluefin tuna in the easternNorth Pacific 5. Clemens, H. B. - The distribution of albacore in the North Pacific The initial discussion centered on long- line fishing in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It was brought out that the Pacific Ocean in general is marked by a series of current systems extend- ing in an east -west direction. These current sys- tems are characterized as distinct environments with distinctive fisheries. For example, the North Pacific Current north of 28° N. is noted for heavy catches of albacore, while the area from 5° N. to 10° S. (parts of the Equatorial Countercurrent and the South Equatorial Ourrent) is noted for heavy catches of yellowfin. Migra- tions of tunas in these current systems were hypothesized as occurring (a) within current sys- tems, where the movements are slow and easy to follow, and (b) between current systems, where they are rapid and difficult to follow. Evi- dence for (b) is the abrupt seasonal change in the size composition of the catch. The next phase of the discussion pointed out there was considerable variation in the abun- dance of tunas according to years. For example, the 1953 catch of albacore was good, relative to the catch in an average year, and catches of big- eye tuna were also good then. The 1953 catch was attributed in part to the dominance of 5-year-old albacore. It was also noted that 1953 was an atypical year in many other ways. El Nino off western South America was well developed, tuna catches in the eastern Pacific were affected, the Equatorial Countercurrent was weak, Chinook and sockeye salmon catches were poor, and the eastern Pacific was abnormally warm. North -south hemispheric differences were shown to exist in longline catches. In gen- eral, catches of tunas and marlins were heaviest in the Southern Hemisphere . The significance of this is unknown. The discussion then shifted to the length distribution of yellowfin in various regions of the Pacific longline grounds. Catch data were clas - sified by length, area, and season. Yellowfin smaller than 120 cm. were largely restricted to waters of east longitude, while fish larger than 140 cm. were mostly distributed in waters of west longitude. Intermediate -sized fish, 121-140 cm., were widely distributed, showing a rela- tive shift inabundance to the east when compared to the small fish. This shift in size was present throughout the year, with no marked seasonal differences. Three possible artificial causes for it were evaluated: effect of fishing, gear selectivity, and the location of the fishing grounds with respect to land masses. The difference in size groups was hypothesized as a migration of the smaller yellowfin from west to east. It was suggested that the shoaling thermocline to the east in equatorial waters may be responsible for bringing the larger yellowfin into the depth range of the longline. It was further pointed out that returns from tagging in the western Pacific have been mostly short term (i.e., 1 year or less) . Indian Ocean bluefin tuna, fished by the Japanese in waters north and west of Australia, have recently become the object of an important longline fishery. There are two grounds for these bluefin, clearly separated from each other. The Old Fishing Ground is located between the Lesser Sunda Islands and Australia and, since 1958, the New Fishing Ground off the Australian west coast from 20° S. - 30° S. No bluefinhave beenfound peripheral to these grounds, and only scattered fish are found on the grounds outside the months of September through April. The catch rate in the Old Fishing Ground has two peaks, one in September - October and the other in February. On the New Fishing Ground the single peak occurs in January - February and is twice as great as those of the Old Fishing Ground. The size of bluefin taken on the Old Fishing Ground is uniformly large throughout the season, while on the New Fishing Ground their size decreases at the height of the season. Bluefin on the Old Fishing Ground have relatively large gonads (1,000 -4,000 g.) throughout the season, while fish on the New Fishing Ground have gonads mostly smaller than 1, 500 g. , with a change in relative size at various times during the season. It was pointed out that gonads from large western Atlantic bluefin are difficult to evaluate by the method of gonad weight because they contain a large amount of fat. Western Atlantic bluefin make a seasonal migration, a situation also hy- pothesized for these two groups of Australian bluefin. The bluefin tuna of the eastern North Pacific is taken primarily in coastal waters, in contrast to the North Pacific albacore, which is primarily a pelagic species . Both species range from Baja California to Alaska, and both are the object of seasonal fisheries off the west coast of the United States and Baja California. The size of bluefin caught in the last 50 years has changed considerably. In the early 1900' s, many large bluefin (200 - 300 lb.) were caught by sports fishermen. During the last 20 years the catch has been mostly fish of 25 - 30 lb. or less. Since 1958, some large bluefin (>100 lb.) have reappeared in the catch. California bluefinmay inhabit either warm, high-saline water, such as is normally occupied by yellowfin, or the cold, low-saline water characteristically inhabited by albacore, but they occur mostly in water with temperature -salinity characteristics intermedi- ate betweenthese two. In years when ocean tern - peratures are unusually warm, the California bluefin ranges hundreds of miles farther north. It was agreed that a cause -and -effect relation- ship between distribution and ocean temper- ature should not be postulated without further investigation. It was stated that bluefin leave the California coastal area for spawning, since there is an absence of sexually mature adults, eggs, and larvae in this area. H. Nakamura presented evidence for a possible continuous distribution of bluefin across the Pacific. To further our understanding of tuna distribution, it was felt that increased emphasis should be given to tagging of small tunas in the western and North Pacific, of albacore off South America, and of southern Australian bluefin. The design of exploratory fishing surveys uti- lizing special equipment was recommended. We can expect further knowledge to result from studies on migration, subpopulations , behavior, and oceanography, all of which relate to distribution. Migrations Discussion Leader - Tamio Otsu Rapporteur - Eugene L. Nakamura Reference: Papers No. II - 1. Otsu, T., and R. N. Uchida - A model of the migration of albacore in the North Pacific Ocean 2. Clemens, H. B. - Migration, age and growth, and spawning studies of the North Pacific albacore (Thunnus germo) A model was presented of the migration of albacore in the North Pacific Ocean, based on tag recovery data, age and growth data, and dis- tribution and size frequency data from the three major albacore fisheries: the Japanese live - bait fishery, the Japanese longline fishery, and the American west coast trolling and live -bait fishery. This model is consistent with the hy- pothesis that there is a single population of alba- core throughout the North Pacific Ocean. Discussion of the albacore tagging data brought forth remarks that young bluefin in Australian waters ought to be tagged to see if they would appear in the Japanese longline fish- ery in equatorial waters. Agreement was expressed by others with further remarks con- cerning the desirability of tagging the young of all species of tuna to help solve distributional, growth, and taxonomic problems of the various species . Further discussion about small albacore centered around the 35 -cm. modal group. It was stressed that one should be aware of the fact that even though 35-cm. fish are present they may not be fished for economic reasons, particularly if larger fish are available. A suggestion was made that in viewof the amount of information available from the various laboratories studying albacore, a joint effort should be made to define more clearly the prob- lem of assigning absolute ages to modal groups. The view was expressed that there may be some danger in assuming that recruitment occurs only in the eastern Pacific. There was general agreement that the major spawning area is in subtropical waters, but which way do the newly hatched fish go? What size are they when they enter the postulated migratory routes? At- tention should be directed toward the smaller fish, particularly the 35-cm. modal group. These fish have been reported in the area of the Japanese live -bait fishery by fishermen who do not catch them for economic reasons. So per- haps it may be better to hypothesize that recruit- ment occurs in both the Japanese and American fisheries. Plans are being made by the Japanese to use special gear for catching these small fish in the future. The statement was then made that per- haps discussions of recruitment involve a se- mantic problem. One use means recruitment into the fishery while the other means recruit- ment into the temperate North Pacific Ocean. The question of tagging small fish arose again. It seems desirable to tag small albacore. It was suggested that the salmon investigators might be encountering small albacore in their gill nets. However, it was believed that the mesh sizes used for salmon were too big to catch small albacore. Serological evidence supports the hy- pothesis that a single reproductive population of albacore exists in the North Pacific Ocean. The subject of depth of albacore occur- rence was discussed next. In both the Japanese live -bait fishery and the American fishery, the fish are caught at the surface. In the longline fishery, the albacore are caught with gear fish- ing down to 100 meters . The depth of occurrence may be associated with the depth of the mixed layer. Japanese longline fishermen adjust the depths of the hooks depending upon the area fished. In connection with depth of occurrence, the suggestion was made to further develop the idea of a depth gauge which could be attached directly to the fish. If a miniature type of bathy- thermograph could be developed, it could help solve problems of vertical distribution. Such depth gauges, which must be inexpensive, small, and calibrated after recovery, were worked upon by Bureauof Commercial Fisheries technicians at Seattle, but lack of interest and research funds brought an end to the project. A method that has been used in Japan to determine the depth of fish occurrence was de- scribed. The gear consisted of a float attached to each branch line. It was implied that the fish could not have been caught at a depth deeper than the length of the line. In the Celebes Sea, yellowfin were caught as deep as 160 m. , but most were caught at 100 m. Marlin catches were best at 70 to 80 m. , and shark catches at 30 m. However, the work of gear handling was increased greatly so that not as many units could be fished as normally. The use of echo sounders for determining hook depths was mentioned, and a design for a sonic reflector tag for skipjack was described. Vertical distribution of tuna in relation to oceanographic factors was also discussed, such factors being internal waves, the deep scat- tering layer, and temperature discontinuities. It was pointed out that there was basic agreement between the two reference papers and that the major difference was in the assignment of absolute ages to the various modal groups. Another difference was that Clemens' paper pos- tulated that some albacore of all sizes remain in the central Pacific without migrating either eastward or westward. The paper by Otsu and Uchida does not so postulate, although available data would tend to support Clemens. Clemens' estimation of albacore age is 1 year less than that of Otsu and Uchida. The possibility of the difference being due to a differ- ent assumed spawning season was expressed. Clemens believes that the youngest fish entering the American fishery are really about 15 or 16 months old. In addition to other data, Clemens read scales from near the caudal peduncle to estimate age. Slides were shown of albacore scales from the peduncle of a 59-cm. fish which had one annulus, a 69 -cm. fish with two annuli, and a 75-cm. fish with three annuli. It was stated that scale readings of albacore in Japan were in agreement with the California studies. The opinion was also expressed that because scales in the peduncular area are the last to develop in a young fish, the first annulus may be so compact and small in radius that it may be overlooked. A comparison was made of the albacore growth curves of Clemens and of Otsu, and both are nearly identical for fish sizes above 50 cm. A statement was made that in the Atlantic yellowfin and bluefin the first year's growth is in the neighborhood of 30 cm. The discussion then turned to triggering mechanisms for migration. Two areas of search for this triggering mechanism were suggested: in the environment and within the organism. It was then suggested that the two probably inter- act, that an environmental mechanism (extrin- sic factor) interacts with an internal mechanism (intrinsic factor). That extrinsic factors may be temperature or length of daylight was dis- cussed. An example of the importance of length of daylight was given for the maturation of the ayu in Japan. It was suggested that the intrinsic factor is possibly associated with the endocrine system, as has been shown in salmonids. The final discussion involved the use of commercial landings as indicators of presence or absence of albacore. It was pointed out that lack of commercial landings need not mean the absence of albacore, but rather the lack of en- counter between fishermen and fish, whether it be due to inclement weather or something else. Discussion Leader - John J. Magnuson Rapporteur - Everet C. Jones Reference: Papers No. IV - 1. Strasburg, D. W. - An aerating device for salt well water 2. Nakamura, E. L. - The establishment and behavior of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in captivity 3. Yuen, H. S. H. - Experiments on the feeding behavior of skipjack at sea Behavior has been defined as the total movements of an intact animal. More recently the field has been broadened to include the study of these movements relative to physiology, ecol- ogy, and phylogeny. From a practical view- point, behavior studies may provide information useful in developing fishing gear, in predicting a tuna's location in time and space, and in under- standing behavioral mechanisms which have con- sequences in population dynamics. Observations of skipjack both in captivity and in the field indicate that certain color changes and fin movements are associated with feeding. Transient vertical bars observed on skipjack appear to result from the contraction of melano- phores in vertically oriented zones on the sides of the fish, producing a pattern of alternate light and dark bars. The speed of these changes indi- cates nervous control rather than endocrinalcon- trol. Such transient vertical bars have been observed on other large pelagic fishes in the living state, but fade on dead or dying fishes . Vertical bars are a common non-transient pat- tern on juveniles of many fish species. Various people have observed reddish colored skipjack; perhaps this is a spawning coloration. A more commonly observed pattern is one of bright blue horizontal streaks on the dorso-lateral surface. It was suggested that these blue streaks may be fluorescent or lumi- nescent. Since this color is not observed on dead fish the possibility of iridescence was questioned. Transient color patterns, together with erection of the first dorsal fin (resulting in the prominent display of the white leading edge) and opening of the mouth (resulting in the display of the silvery tongue), may be social releasers . The possibil- ity that these changes are involved in communi- cation among fish opens up new fields of research. Avenues of investigation included the use of arti- ficial skipjack painted in appropriate colors to test the reactions of both captive and wild fish. The feeding response of skipjack at sea appears to be influenced by the quality of the stimulus, i.e., the characteristics of the bait species used. It is possible that a sufficiently attractive bait fish might actually attract the tuna away from the hooks and result in a lower biting rate. Experiments have been conducted in Hawaii using dead bait fish because of the scarcity of live bait. Both the catch rate and feeding response of skipjack were less with dead bait than with live bait, butyellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific react to such inanimate material as macaroni, rice, or nails. The Galapagos fishery was started on dead bait. Large schools of many species of pelagic fishes, including the tunas, have often been ob- served to be associated with floating logs, boxes, ordriftwood. In the Atlantic , blackfin tuna have been observed associated with whale sharks, and various tunas in the Pacific have been ob- served associated with porpoises. It is a com- mon practice of fishermen to investigate floating material to locate schools of tuna. In Japan, skipjack did not aggregate under driftwood which was planted at sea for that purpose. Ahypothe- sis putforwardto explain the association between fish schools and logs or driftwood was that the floating object attracted small fish which were preyed upon by the large fishofthe school. Ob- jections to this idea centered about the obser- vation that the schools of predaceous fish under floating objects were often too large t o be attracted by a few small fish. A counter sug- gestion was made that we do not know the rate at which small fish accumulate and that it may be greater than presently expected. Skipjack schools in the Japanese fishery have been observed to extend from 100 to as much as 1,000 meters from the driftwood and to move inandout from it. In Hawaii, 3 months of investigation of floating wood resulted in no observed association with skipjack. Dolphin (Coryphaena) were often seen in such association, but examination of stomach contents indicated that they were not feeding onKyphosus, the small fish most often found under driftwood, but were feeding on trunkfish and flying fish. In the Philippine fishey, floating objects are used to help "lure" or guide skipjack toward the mouth of large traps. This practice appears to be associated with the presence of deep, nar- row channels between islands. Techniques of observation must be re- lated to whether the investigator is studying the behavior of individual fish or the behavior of schools offish. For the former, direct obser- vation of a detailed image is necessary; the use of movies appears to be the best technique be- cause it allows more detailed analyses. For studying fast-moving tuna, fast shutter speeds and fast film are required to prevent blurring. The desirability of securing much more footage of movies of tuna was pointed out. Vessels hav- ing underwater viewing facilities are particularly useful in this work. In the observations of fish schools, sonar instruments are useful. Other possibilities in- clude the use of aerial observations with movies of schools being fished. Airplanes are standard equipment in the North American west coast fisheries. In Hawaii, attempts to use aircraft for scouting have not been successful because of sea surface glitter and rough seas. In the At- lantic, movies of tuna schools have been taken from a slow-flying aircraft flying at 20 feet and at 30 - 35 miles per hour. Relating the studies of anatomy and be- havior appears to be a useful approach, particu- larly in the case of fishes that are difficult to observe directly . Examples mentioned included the hypothesis that the ratio of rods and cones in the retina may be related to the amount of light in the usual environment; that the presence or absence of a swim bladder may be related to diving behavior; and that the presence of vascu- lar anastomoses may be a mechanism of blood flow control related to diving behavior. Studies of the internal body temperature taken in live tuna indicate that it is consistently 1 to 5° C. higher than the water temperature. Just what part of this difference is associated with the unusual exertions of being caught and what part is normal has not been determined. Because it is difficult to take thermometer ob- servations of "normal" fish, the use of infrared heat detection was suggested as a useful tool. Subpopulations Discussion Leader - Lucian M. Sprague Rapporteur - Richard N. Uchida Reference: Papers No. Ill - 1. Legand, M. - Biometric data on yellowtin tuna in New Caledonia 2. Suzuki, A. - Blood types in tuna 3. Fujii, Y., K. Mimoto, andS. Higasa -Biochemical studies on the races of tuna base composition of testis deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 4. Marr, J. C, and L. M. Sprague - The use of blood group characteristics in studying subpopulations of fishes 5. Ridgway, G. J. - Distinction of tuna species by immunochemical methods 6. Royce, W. F. - A morphometric study of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) 7. Hiyama, Y., and K. Kurogane - Morphometrical comparisons of tuna from areas in the Pacific and Indian Oceans 8. Sprague, L. M. , and L. I. Nakashima - A comparative study of the erythrocyte antigens of certain tuna species (Abstract) 9. Sprague, L. M. , and L. I. Nakashima -Studies on the erythrocyte antigens of the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) 10. Sprague, L. M. - Blood group studies of albacore (Germo alalunga) tuna from the Pacific Ocean Legand, M. - Some biometric data on the albacore of the region west of New Caledonia The discussion was divided into three main categories depending on the methodology: A. Chemical methods 1. Biochemical velopment of a suitable method for use in the identification of larval forms of tuna. The study has shown that the method of diffusion precipitin analysis demonstrated the presence of species - specific differences in serum antigens of adult tuna. 2. Immunochemical B. Morphometrical methods C. Serological methods A. (1) Discussion centered on the bio- chemical studies on the races of tuna by analysis of the base composition of testis DNA (deoxyri- bonucleic acid). It was brought out that DNA is implicated as the substance primarily responsi- ble for the transmission of hereditary character- istics at the molecular level. In most samples of DNA, four heterocyclic bases predominate. For the purines, these are adenine and guanine, and for the pyrimidines, they are thymine and cytosine. These bases are bound together on a chain of deoxyribose sugar together with certain phosphate residues, and the chain forms the chemical backbone of the DNA molecule. It has been demonstrated that the values of the base pairs adenine and thymine divided by the values of the base pairs guanine and cytosine yield ratios which are quite different for some tunas. Studies on bigeye, yellowfin, Indo-maguro and Goshu-maguro yielded ratios which ranged from 1. 26 to 1.75. The conclusion was reached that the ratio of the base pairs of the DNA molecule may in the future provide an indication of the racial relationships of the tunas . It was noted that a similar study of differ- entiating the racial stocks of tuna by electron - micrographic comparisons of tuna spermatozoa was being carried on by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. In this study the potentiality of telling racial stocks apart depends on differences in sperm morphology. Cushing endorsed further exploration on the subject of DNA as a tool for differentiating subpopulations of tunas . A paper model of the DNA molecule was shown the conferees, and its structure was briefly explained. A. (2) Discussion centered on the im- munochemical method. The study involved de- The study has revealed that there is at least one distinctive antigen which may be used as a diagnostic antigen for individual species of tuna. The conclusion was reached that there are definite possibilities in the application of immunochemical methods to the problem of iden- tifying larval forms. The usefulness of this method, however, depends on the development of species specificity in antigenic constitution early in embryological development. Discussion brought out that immuno- chemical methods may be useful in studying the taxonomic relations between species of fishes. Their use may provide additional information in distinguishing species and, when combined with red blood cell studies, may be a very sensitive and useful tool in taxonomic studies. The question was raised whether this method would be useful in distinguishing the tuna larvae, which have only a very small amount of blood. It was stated thatthereare refined tech- niques for dealing with organisms with a small amount of blood, but the techniques are very time- consuming and expensive. It was stated that fresh specimens should be used in immunochem- ical studies, and sample size should be as large as possible so that statistical tests can be made. The conclusion was reached that sero- logical studies can be useful in verifying the con- clusions reached by systematic studies. The suggestion was made that a study of the American and European eel problem be carried out by these methods. B. Hiyama noted that there were only small differences in the body characters of the northwest Pacific albacore which form the basis of the Japanese winter longline and summer live- bait fishery. When northwest Pacific albacore were compared to the albacore from the equa- torial and southwest Pacific areas, there were distinct differences. The albacore from the equatorial and southwest Pacific were morpho- metrically similar. The Indian Ocean albacore were found to b e distinct from the northwest Pacific albacore; however, the conclusion was that there was possibly some mixing between the Indian Ocean and southwest Pacific albacore. In respect to yellowfin, Hiyama concluded that morphometrically there are at least three independent populations in the equatorial Pacific betweenl30° W.andl30° E. Yellowfin in waters adjacent to the Lesser Sunda Islands were found to be distinct from fish of the equatorial Indian Ocean. No conclusions were made on population differences in bigeye because of insufficient data. Discussion brought out that the albacore has the widest distribution of any of the tunas in the Pacific and also the smallest differences between populations. The yellowfin apparently has small independent populations scattered over the Pacific; the bigeye distribution is larger than the yellowfin but smaller than the albacore distribution. Royce compared yellowfin samples from the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. In the yellowfin along the Pacific Equator from the eastern Pacific to the Caroline Islands, the ex- istence of a cline or character gradient was noted. A sample from the Atlantic closely re- sembled a sample taken between Costa Rica and the Line Islands. The Somaliland sample was the most diverse, the specimens showing particu- larly short fins, a deep body, and a long distance from the snout to the insertion of the ventrals. The conclusion was that east-west migra- tion is limited, because the overlap of samples from along the Pacific Equator is inversely re- lated to distance between samples; the average overlap between samples 1, 500 miles apart was less than 50 percent, 3,000 miles less than25 percent, and 6, 000 miles less than 6 percent. Royce concluded that the name for the yellowfin should be Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre) 1788, because the yellowfin has a continuous distribution and also because the full range of characters which have been used to distinguish species occurs in the series of sam- ples from the Pacific Equator. Discussion on yellowfin subpopulations brought out that among the yellowfin in the east- ern Pacific, ranging from Baja California to Chile, there is evidence of isolation among the stock, with intermixing on the order of about 20 to 25 percent. North of latitude 15° N. , the stock responds differently from stock to the south of 15° N. An example noted was that the northern stock spawns in summer while the equatorial stock spawns in winter. Discussion brought out that plastic pheno- typic characters c a n be modified by diet and temperature . Conditions that modify growth may change not only from place to place, but also from year to year. As a result, we may be measuring the changes in the fish or changes in the environment. It was remarked, unfortu- nately, there is no way to separate morphological changes due to genetic factors from those due to the environment. However, even if the charac- ters are phenotypic, there is still an indication that intermingling between fish from one area and those of another area is highly unlikely. It was stated that knowledge of the sub- populations of the tunas is essential, since each population unit will respond, perhaps uniquely, to fishing effort. Such knowledge of the popu- lation pattern can help materially in the manage - ment of the fishery resources. Discussion on genetic exchange brought out that there may be intermingling between sur- face and subsurface aggregations and also during the early years of life. Yellowfin were noted to be responsive to oceanographic changes and, under conditions of abnormal warming or cool- ing, they may move to other areas. Thus ex- change of genetic material may occur through the movements of a few fish. Further evidence of possible genetic isolation was cited. Along the Equator from 120° E. to 110° W. there does not appear to be much variation in spawning. Size at maturity appears to be at about 110 cm. , although a few individuals between 80 to 110 cm. may be mature. Off the American coast, how- ever, a very large percentage of fish over 80 cm. were found to be mature. Therefore, one might possibly conclude that the fish in t h e eastern part of the Pacific are of a different population than those of the western part. Diversity of opinion was noted among some contributors as to the extent of inter- mingling of yellowfin population units in the equatorial Pacific. Because of the possible need for management in some yellowfin fisheries in the near future, it was thought that the inves- tigators concerned should make special effort to resolve this problem. Discussion brought out that the term subpopulation should refer to reproductive units, and that the use of this term for aggregates of individuals apart from this framework would lead to confusion. Legand summarized his biometrical analysis of yellowfin and albacore taken in the region of New Caledonia. He remarked that insufficient studies havebeenmade on yellowfin to differentiate the sexes by biometric data. There are, nevertheless, indications that the length of the pectoral fin may differ significantly. This possibility should be considered particu- larly in a serious study of the population by mor- phometric characters. Thus in New Caledonia, yellowfin tunas tend to have smaller heads and larger second dorsal and anal fins than fish caught farther east. For albacore, it was concluded that re- sults similar to those of Kurogane and Hiyama were obtained from data on the northern Coral Sea, but results were different from those ob- tained in the northwest Pacific. Both phenotypic and genotypic differences have been observed in the number of anal rays and vertebrae in the medaka (Aplocheilus latipes). C. Antigens discussed in this section were defined as molecules on the surface of the erythrocyte, or red blood cell, detected by immunological methods. Serological comparisons of North Atlan- tic and North Pacific albacore have demonstrated that serological techniques can distinguish repro- ductively isolated tuna populations. Two blood group systems in the skipjack are recognized, namely the A and C system. The C system has been found in all tuna species thus far investigated. The A system was also present in all the tunas except the yellowfin. Systems such as the A and C system in the tunas would be comparable to theA-B-Oand M-N blood groups found in man. Students of skipjack population units in the Pacific recognize at least two reproductively isolated units. There is good evidence that the North American and Samoan stocks of albacore are reproductively isolated. Discussion of serological studies on Pa- cific, Atlantic, and Indian Ocean albacore dis- closed that the Atlantic forms had a very high percentage of positive reactions with bigeye- antigen-3. Samples from the eastern Pacific and Indian Ocean had a significantly lower per- cent of positive reactions. It was indicated that further research will be carried out. A background study on serology and its implications to tuna research was discussed. It was pointed out that this is just one of the useful tools for identifying population units . Further discussion focused on possible exchange of ma- terial from various parts of the world to help in determining whether similar population units such as those that are now being discovered for some of the tunas can be isolated. It was recommended that a working group be formed to attack one particular problem from the standpoint of biochemical, morphological, and serological methods and to present results at the World Tuna Conference in 1962. Tuna Oceanography Discussion Leader - Thomas S. Austin Rapporteur - Kenneth D. Waldron Reference: Papers No. V - 1. Rosa, H. , Jr., and T. Laevastu - World distribution of tunas and tuna fisheries in relation to environment 2. Alverson, D. L. - Ocean temperatures and their relationship to albacore tuna (Thunnus germo) distribution in waters off the coast of the States of Oregon, Washington, and the Province of British Columbia 3. Inoue, M. - Relation of sea condition and ecology of albacore in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Parts I and II 4. Blackburn, M. - Distribution and abundance of eastern tropical Pacific tunas in relation to ocean properties and features 5. Yamanaka, H. , and N. Anraku - Relation between the distribution of tunas and water masses of the North and South Pacific Oceans west of 160° W. 6. Johnson, J. H. -Sea temperatures and the availability of albacore (Thunnus germo) off the coasts of Oregon and Washington 7. Uda, M. - Cyclical fluctuation of the Pacific tuna fisheries in response to cold and warm water intrusions 8. Uda, M. - Localized concentration of tunas in the eddies along oceanic fronts 9. Austin, T. S. , and R. A. Barkley - Use of oceanographic stations in fishery research 10. Seckel, G. R., and T. S. Austin - The association between Hawaiian skipjack landings and the oceanographic climate 11. Brown, R. P., and K. Sherman - Oceanographic observations and skipjack dis- tribution in the North Central Pacific In the past, and to a lesser extent at present, only a knowledge of the broad -scale oceanographic features was needed to study the distribution of tunas . Our present need for more detailed knowledge of both the horizontal and ver- tical distribution of tunas requires a more de- tailed knowledge of oceanographic features and the processes involved. Two aspects of tuna oceanography can be considered: (1) distribution, population size, and environme nt of tunas, and (2) prediction techniques using oceanographic data. On a worldwide basis there is need for more information concerning the distribution of the different tunas. Exploitation of new fishing grounds and extensive exploratory fishing, to- gether with re -examination of taxonomic prob- lems, requires continued evaluation and revision of charts showing distribution. Parathunnus obesus probably occurs in the western as well as the eastern Atlantic; Euthynnus lineatus has a continuous distribution in the eastern Pacific within the limits shown; and both Sarda chilensis and S. orientalis occur in the eastern Pacific, with a break in the distribution between about latitudes 7° N. and 15° N. Suggestions as to the distribution of the different species would aid in the completion of a world distribution paper being prepared by FAOfor the World Tuna Conference in 1962. In the western half of the Pacific, tem- perature-chlorinity curves for the upper 200 meters were useful in identifying water mass subtypes and the associated distribution of tunas andmarlins. Water mass characteristics, iden- tified by temperature -salinity relationships, are useful not only on an oceanwide basis, but also for studies within the area of a fishery. There is need for some means of portraying temperature-salinity relationships as a single index of water type on a time -space basis. An approach worth considering would be the use of the discriminant function analysis. However, since temperature and salinity, as measured at the sea surface , are not conservative properties, it appears necessary to isolate the conservative portion of each, i.e., that portion not due to sea-atmosphere interaction processes at the sea surface. Availability and abundance of tunas are related in various ways to different aspects of temperature in the ocean. Processes in the at- mospheric pressure system exert an influence on the temperature distribution in the ocean. Skipjack, albacore, and bluefin tuna in the west- ern and eastern Pacific show certain variations in abundance and availability which may be temperature-controlled. Cyclical changes in catch and temperature in the western and east- ern Pacific appear to vary in a reciprocal man- ner. The proposed reciprocal relationship, particularly with respect to a potential prediction technique, should consider the total American west coast landing s of albacore. The reciprocal trend in temperature has been observed in data from monitoring stations. Commerical catch records show that in some years the reciprocal trend in catch does not pertain, i.e., there may be good catches in both the American and the Japanese fisheries. However, caution must be exercised in using commercial catch records because of changes in the economics and tech- nology of a fishery. As an example, the poor albacore catch off Oregonand Washington in 1957 can be accounted for by a glut of this tuna in the American and world market, resulting in a dearth of buyers for American albacore. A study of the possible influence of the waters of the Equatorial Countercurrent in sta- bilizing the biota and environment in the eastern Pacific yellowfin and skipjack fisheries would be valuable. In the western Pacific, tuna are to be found along fronts, localized in cool or warm eddies, and in zones of upwelling. Variations in concentration and location of these tuna are associated with the growth, decay, and change in position of the eddies. Such eddies are found to be associated with the Polar Front, Subtropi- cal Convergence, and near the Equator . Individ- ual eddies are probably more or less transient, but may form and disappear in a regular pro- gression. Certain areas may be classed as "eddy -prone . " These areas vary with latitude and with position of the North Pacific High. In the eastern Pacific, there are very interesting fronts, such as the one off Cape San Lucas at the tip of Baja California, in which the tempera- ture change is much more rapid than in the large frontal zones described for the western Pacific. While the Cape San Lucas Front is semiperma- nent, many other such sharp temperature dis- continuities are very transient . One explanation for the aggregation of tunas in frontal zones is that the tuna have converged to feed on forage organisms associated with these surface features . Skipjack and yellowfin of the eastern Pacific usually occur in waters warmer than 21° C. Skipjack may also be excluded from areas in which the temperature is greater than 28° C. Annual changes in the position of the 21° C. isotherm produce corresponding changes in the extent of the fishery in the northern (California) and southern (Chile) extremes . The central area of the fishery (roughly latitudes 5° S. to 22° N.) is characterized by a shoal thermocline, and skipjack and yellowfin are present, with some seasonal variation, through- out the year. Island groups located at some distance from the mainland form other areas of good tuna fishing with some degree of seasonal variation. The reasons for the aggregation of tuna near islands are not known. There is some evi- dence that at Clarion Island tuna may forage on detritus -feeders such as galatheid crabs, and on trunk fish (Lactoria). Also near Clarion Island in close inshore waters there is no significant correlation between phytoplankton and zoo- plankton such as is found in other areas of the eastern Pacific. Near the Marquesas and certain eastern Pacific islands, zooplankton abundance increases with proximity to the island. This may be associated with the lack of a surrounding reef, which would tend to filter the runoff and remove a significant por- tion of the nutrients. Correlation among PO4, carbon-14, zooplankton, and climax predators may not be apparent unless the total standing crop of climax predators is included, rather than that of a single species or group of species. When using commercial catch records to evaluate productivity in a fishery it is neces- sary, as was previously pointed out, to consider change in fishing methods. As an example, cer- tain islands and areas in the eastern Pacific are not suitable purse seine grounds because of the presence of sharks, strong currents, or other reasons, but they are suitable for live -bait fishing. During the summer, albacore off Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia (latitudes 42° N. to 50° N.) are normally found in waters with temperatures between 54° and 63° F. (12° and 17° C), with the greatest concentration be- tween 58° and 61° F. (14° and 16° C), and in areas where the top of the thermocline is 50 to 75 feet (15 to 23 m.) below the surface. Within these general limits, the distribution of albacore may be associated with feed or other biological determinants. Control of distribution within rather broad temperature limits by factors other than temperature applies not only to albacore in temperate waters but also to tunas in tropical waters. To the south, off California, albacore are found in waters with temperatures between 57° and 70° F. (14° and 21° C), with albacore less than 20 pounds in weight most abundant in 57° to 65° F. (14° to 18° C.) water, and those above 20 pounds most abundant in 65° to 70° F. (18° to 21° C.) water. Thus the upper distribu- tional limit of albacore in 62° F. (17° C.) water in the northern area merely indicates a lackof warmer waters. However, reduced commercial catches during years of favorable water tempera- tures, 58° F. (14° C.) or above, in the northern waters should not always be construed to indi- cate a scarcityof albacore. Economic or mar- ket conditions may act to prevent or discourage the formation of a fishery when albacore may in fact be abundant. A particular problemconcern- ing the use of commercial catch statistics is that such records often indicate only the port of land- ing, not the actual catch area, which may be hundreds of miles away, e.g., albacore caught off California may be landed in Oregon or Washington. The shallow thermocline mentioned above may act as a physical barrier limiting the verti- cal migration of albacore. It is likely that gill nets and purse seines are most successful under such conditions. In certain areas, as in the eastern tropical Pacific, temperature may not be the only barrier to vertical migration. Re- duced oxygen content of thermocline waters may also have an effect in inhibiting the descent of tuna into this layer. It is thought that yellow- fin are especially sensitive to decreased oxygen pressure, and even under normal conditions are near the upper threshold of oxygen utilization. This latter hypothesis is based on a lowrecovery rate for yellowfin tagged and released in very warm waters. It h a s been hypothesized that larval tuna entering the thermocline layer suffer a high mortality due to low temperatures or lack of oxygen. Another explanation could be a re- duced growth rate, with a subsequent increase in length of larval life and prolonged exposure to the hazards of larval life. Whether or not larval tuna have sufficient energy to overcome the marked change in density at the surface layer-thermocline interface should be consid- ered as a factor limiting their vertical distri- bution. Considerable evidence from larval tuna collections indicates that most larvae are found above the thermocline. One of the objects, but not the only one, of studies of oceanography as related to tuna is to be able to predict the amount of tuna available to commercial fishermen in a particular locality and at a particular time. While studies have not progressed to the extent that this objective can be fully realized, prediction techniques have been developed and are in use. In studying the availability of albacore to the Oregon and Washington fishery (latitudes 40° to 50° N. , and west from the coast to longitude 130° W.) it was found that above average catches were associated with above average August sea surface temperatures . Similarly, below average catches were made during years with below aver- age temperatures for August. Further studies suggested that the August sea surface tempera- ture, and thus the potential availability of alba- core, could be predicted from a consideration of the temperature anomaly during May and June (the amount by which the monthly temperatures for the individual year differed from a 12 -year monthly average). It is pertinent to note that in at least one instance when the August temperature -total catch relationship failed to develop, 1957, it is likely that the low catch was due, at least in part, to economic conditions rather than to a lack of fish. It has been hypothesized that albacore available to the Japanese winter longline fishery make a vertical migration in the spring and be- come available to the Japanese summer live- bait fishery. Horizontal distribution of tempera- ture of the surface waters during the winter appears to affect the migration of albacore from the longline fishery into the pole -and -line fishery. The variations and persistence of warm and cool water, winter to summer, together with the lo- cation of the winter longline fishery, appear to form a basis for predicting the location and abundance of albacore available to the summer live -bait fishery. During some years in an area south of Japan (latitude 28° to 36° N., longitude 135° to 140° E.), cold inshore waters intruding from the north force the winter fishery to operate in the eastern and southern portions of the area. This cold water also forces the spring migration of albacore into an easterly and southerly direction, and as a result the fish are available to the fish- ery for only a short period of time, and catches tend to be below average. In other years, when warm water is adjacent to the coast, the winter fishery develops close to land, and the spring migration moves through the western and north- ern portions of the area. As a result albacore remain available to the pole -and -line fishery for an extended period of time. A third situation in which the relative persistence of winter condi- tions may be used to predict the success of the summer fishery involves a combination of the two situations described above. In the area east of Japan (latitude 30° to 40° N. , longitude 140° to 160° E.), a successful summer live-bait fishery depends upon the ab- sence of cold water inshore and the formation of multiple pools of albacore in the winter longline fishery. When these fish migrate to form a sin- gle large aggregation in the western portion of the area, a good fishery is likely to develop. The catch from the live -bait fishery is likely to be small when cold water is present in inshore areas, when the winter aggregations of albacore are in the eastern portion of the area, and if the fish do not form a single aggregation in the spring. From these descriptions it can be seen that in both the southern and eastern Japanese fisheries a knowledge of winter temperature patterns and winter fish distribution provides a predictive technique for evaluation of the degree of success which may be expected in the summer live -bait fishery. The magnitude of the annual catch made by the Hawaiian live -bait skipjack fishery has been shown to be related to the time of the late winter reversal from cooling to warming of the surface waters in the area of the fishery . It was observed that when the time of first warming occurred during February or earlier a better than average skipjack catch in the Hawaiian fish- ery could be expected. When the warming oc- curred in March a poor catch could be expected. Hindcasting proved this technique to be validfor ciated with the dynamics of the circulation sys- an 8-year period. In addition the magnitude of tem in Hawaiian waters, it is not surprising that the catch has been successfully predicted for 3 an index based on the first derivative curve of years. Since fishing success seemsto beasso- the temperature has been the most reliable. Background Papers Reference: Papers No. VII - 1. King, J. E., and R. T. B. Iversen - Midwater trawling for forage organisms in the central Pacific 2. Otsu, T. , and R. J. Hansen - Sexual maturity and spawning of the albacore in the central South Pacific Ocean 3. Legand, M. - Length, sex ratio, and sexual maturity of yellowfin tunas at New Caledonia (Part 1 of Rapport Scientifique No. 11 of the Centre d'Oceanographie, Institut Francais d'Oceanie). (In French) 4. Legand, M. , and R. Desrosieres - Preliminary investigation of the stomach contents of yellowfin tuna of the coasts of New Caledonia (Part 2 of Rapport Scientifique No. 11 of the Centre d'Oceanographie, Institut Francais d'Oceanie). (In French) 5. Suda, A. - Comparison of abundance between albacore and bigeye in the north- west Pacific 6. Yabe, H. , and S. Ueyanagi - Contributions to the study of the early life history of the tunas 7. Yabuta, Y. , and M. Yukinawa - Age and growth of yellowfin tuna 8. Kikawa, S. - Studies on the spawning activity of the Pacific tunas Parathunnus mebachi and Neothunnus macropterus by the gonad index examination 9. Matsumoto, W. M. -Identification of larvae of four species of tuna from the Indo-Pacific region. I. 10. Iversen, R. T. B. - Food of albacore tuna, Thunnus germo (Lacepede), in the central and northeastern Pacific 11. Uchida, R. N. , and T. Otsu - Analysis of sizes of albacore occurring in various Pacific fisheries - a preliminary report 12. Bell, R. R. - The age composition of the California Pacific albacore catch 13. Watson, Margaret E. , and F. J. Mather, III - Species identification of juvenile tunas (genus Thunnus) from the Straits of Messina, Northwestern Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico 14. Legand, M. , and B. Wauthy - Presumed importance of Alepisaurus sp. in the biological cycle of longline caught tunas in the neighborhood of New Caledonia (In French) 15. Legand, M. - Stomach contents of albacores and yellowfins captured by long- line by Orsom III (In French) 16. Legand, M. -Size, sex ratio, and seasonal cycle of maturation of albacore west of New Caledonia (In French) These contributions were not discussed course of the six discussion groups, as a unit, but were drawn upon freely in the Working Group Report on Identification of Larvae and Juveniles W. M. Matsumoto - Chairman S . Ueyanagi W. Klawe M. Watson (Mrs.) H. Nakamura, Observer W. G. Van Campen, Interpreter Reference: Papers No. VII - 6. Yabe, H. , and S. Ueyanagi - Contributions to the study of the early life history of the tunas 9. Matsumoto, W. M. - Identification of larvae of four species of tuna from the Indo -Pacific region. I. 13. Watson, M. E. , and F. J. Mather, III -Species identification of juvenile tunas (genus Thunnus) from the Straits of Messina, Northwestern Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico Perhaps the phase of tuna life history about which we have the least information is the period beginning with spawning and ending prior to the time the young enter the fishery . In order to fill this gap, studies of tuna eggs, larvae, and juveniles are undertaken. A prerequisite of these studies is the positive identification of species at the various stages of development. The purpose of the Working Group meeting, therefore, was to discuss the validity of species identification of larval and juvenile tunas as presented in the several papers, to point out differences of opin- ion, and to make recommendations regarding these differences. It was also the intention of the committee to delve into the methods and gear for collecting tuna in the early stages of growth. Identification of Larvae It was pointed out that the two papers on larval tuna identification were not in agreement concerning two species, albacore and bigeye. Of the species which were described in both pa- pers, general agreement was found for one spe- cies, T. orientalis . Concerning the point of difference, the authors of the first paper felt that two types of larvae (A and B) could be distin- guished from among the larvae which had no pig- ment spots either on the dorsal or ventral edges of the trunk (similar to yellowfin), primarily by the locality (between 10° N. and 25° N.) and time of capture, relative body width, and pigmentation on the tips of the jaws. Regarding locality and time of capture, it was suggested that care should be taken not to rely too heavily on latitudinal distance from the Equator as a determining factor in species iden- tification, because surface water temperature in the western Pacific is high even in high lati- tudes during summer and fall, so that, if spawn- ing or larval survival were dependent upon temperature in any way, then latitudinal desig- nation might become meaningless. The second paper had for identifying the various species a different approach. Identifi- cation was based on locality and time of capture and the number of spawning species present, as represented in longline catches for similar months. Pigmentation on the dorsal and ventral edges of the trunk and the position of the second dorsal fin insertion, in the case of two species (T. orientalis and T. tonggol) , also were used. Results of X-ray technique failed, of course, to corroborate either view regarding the presence or absence of pigment spots on the trunk. Since a large percentage of specimens had no pigment spots and about 25 percent had either one spot on the dorsal edge, or one spot on the ventral edge, or one spot each on both dorsal and ventral edges of the trunk, it was felt that, although pigmentation is useful in iden- tifying larvae, there may be enough variation so that other characters should also be used. The possibility of loss of pigment spots from exposure to ultraviolet rays or from the preservatives was mentioned, and care in han- dling and storage of samples was stressed. One character which might be useful for larval tuna identification and, therefore, worthy of study was the position of the eye relative to the horizontal axis through the tip of the snout. Identification of Juveniles Ocean. Unfortunately, all the larvae died soon after hatching. The failure to keep the larvae alive was attributed to inadequate preparation, as the opportunity to do this work was entirely unexpected. Because such opportunities appear unpredictably, it was suggested that adequate preparations to do this type of work be made on all future cruises. In order to ensure greater success in keeping the larvae alive after hatch- ing, it was suggested that antibiotics be added to the water to keep bacterial counts at a low level. Results of preliminary trials with soft X-rays indicate that this technique is a promis- ing tool for identifying juveniles and adults of certain tunas, particularly the smaller species such as T. atlanticus. For the yellowfin, big - eye, albacore, and bluefin, species determina- tion was made by the position of the first ventrally directed parapophysis . The position of the first parapophysis in the juveniles, however, agreed with that of the adults only in the bluefin. In yellowfin this structure was on the seventh ver- tebra in the juvenile and on the ninth vertebra in the adult, as illustrated by Godsil and Byers (1944)1/ and Kishinouye (192 3) .U In albacore it was on the 9th vertebra in the juvenile and on the 10th in the adult (Godsil; Kishinouye). Since the total vertebral count of both species shown by the X-rays was identical with counts obtained from Kishinouye and Godsil, it was suggested that perhaps the difference in the position of the first parapophysis in these two species could be due to growth. It was therefore suggested that a wider range of sizes be X-rayed for each of these species . Realizing that identifications obtained with the X-ray method would not be helpful to other larval tuna researchers unless they were interpreted in terms of external appearance of the fish, it was recommended that descriptions of external appearnace be supplied with X-ray data. In view of the preliminary status of lar- val and juvenile studies and the fact that the re- sults obtained are only tentative, it was agreed that it was premature to arrive at any conclu- sions concerning the positive identity of all the species. It was therefore recommended that the various investigators continue with their work until more definite results are obtained. Hiroshi Nakamura presented figures and results of embryonic development of thebigeye, which personnel of the Nankai Laboratory had fertilized artificially aboard ship in the Indian Methods and Gear While it was agreed that standardization of gear was desirable, there were contrasting opinions as to whether this should be done at the present time. Some felt that for the present the collecting of larvae in large numbers was still important and should be continued until positive species identifications were attained. Gear modifications were suggested for sampling larvae. It was reported that attach- ment of a light to the 6-foot Isaacs -Kidd trawl and towing the net at slow speeds resulted in large catches of forage organisms. It was also reported that a plankton net attached to the float line of the last basket of longline gear resulted in large catches of larval fish. Finally, Nakamura suggested a possible method of col- lecting larvae and keeping them alive by attach- ing a piece of bamboo, which was open at one end and slit along the sides, to the cod-end of a plankton net, with the entire cod-end enclosed with netting. The larvae are less likely to be injured when taken in this device. Recognizing that more effective gear for collecting juveniles is necessary, the Working Group recommends increased effort toward this end. — Godsil, H. C. and R. D. Byers. 1944. A systematic study of the Pacific tunas . Califor- nia Dept. of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin No. 60, 131 p. Al Kishinouye, Kamakichi. 1923. Contri- butions to the comparative study of the s o -called scombroid fishes. Journal of the College of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperial University, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 293-475. 17 RESOLUTIONS 1. The Conference recognizes that there are problems in the taxonomy and nomenclature of the tunas and their allies (i. e . , family Scorn - bridae of Fraser-Brunner) . The Conference recommends that a review of the family be made on the basis of existing knowledge and submitted to the FAO World Tuna Conference to be held in July 1962. Such a review would serve to identify areas of common agreement and areas requiring further study and material. The Conference requests that R. Gibbs, Jr. and B. Collette undertake such a preliminary review. Realizing that additional specimens of certain kinds and from certain areas will be needed inany case, the Conference recommends that such collections be instituted as soon as possible (the details of kinds and areas to be specified by Gibbs and Collette). The Confer- ence requests the Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries Ichthyological Laboratory to explore sources of funds for the collection, shipment, and storage of specimens and other associated costs, including study of the material. The Conference a c knowl e d g e s with thanks and directs the attention of the Ichthy- ological Laboratory to the generous offer of H. Nakamura, Director, Nankai Regional Fish- eries Research Laboratory, to provide speci- mens from the worldwide Japanese tuna fishery. Results of the X-ray method and other internal characteristics would be most helpful to other workers if the species so identified are also described in terms of external characters. The Conference recommends that this be done. Recognizing the difficulty in capturing the early juvenile stages , the Conference recom- mends that concerted effort be expended in night- light collecting by all research vessels on a worldwide basis. 4. The Conference recognizes that there remain many problems of population identifica- tion and migration and urges all research groups studying tunas to attack these problems through tagging experiments, studies of blood groups, or other appropriate methods. Examples of such studies, but by no means a complete list, include: A. Tagging small southern bluefin off the south coast of Australia to determine if recoveries are made in the "Old" and "New" fishing grounds to the northwest and west of Australia. B. Tagging small albacore (lessthan 50 cm., especially the 35-cm. modal group) off Japan, or wherever they may be found, to deter- mine their subsequent movements into the com- mercial fisheries of the North Pacific. 2. The Conference recommends that there be established a World Center to promote the exchange of tuna erythrocytes and reagents. The Conference notes that the Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory at Honolulu volunteers to act in this capacity and requests that it do so. Further, there is a need to standardize the terminology now in use for tuna blood groups. There is especial need to determine if identical blood groups have been independently discovered and given different names. The Conference recommends that the World Center perform this function and suggests that the consensus of work- ers in this field be determined regarding stand- ard rules of nomenclature. 3. Realizing that identification of tuna larvae is in such an early stage of investigation and that the results are no more than tentative, the Conference recommends that both the Japa- nese and American researchers continue with their present work until a more definite basis for establishing correct identification of species is attained. C. Tagging small -medium albacore off the west coast of South America to determine if they are subsequently recovered in the long- line fishery of the tropical South Pacific. 5. The Conference notes the recent ad- vances in the problems of determining the age of albacore and recommends that those studying this problem work together in resolving uncer- tainties about the absolute ages to be associated with particular sizes. 6. The Conference points out the sub- stantial advances made in identifying year classes in the North Pacific albacore fisheries and the desirability of studying the individual year-class strength and the individual year-class contribution to the entire fishery with a view to establishing a basis for the study of factors af- fecting year-class contribution to the entire North Pacific albacore fishery. 7. The Conference recognizes that common attention to taxonomic problems by immunogeneticists, biochemists , and classical taxonomists would be fruitful and requests A. Suzuki, R. Gibbs, Jr., G. Ridgway, and L,. Sprague (Chairman) to identify problems in tuna taxonomy which could most profitably be so examined, to proceed with such examination in- sofar as possible, and to report their findings to the FAO World Tuna Conference. 8. The Conference recognizes the need for identification of tuna subpopulations, urges those studying blood groups to improve methods for transporting and storing blood samples, and suggests that the wide-ranging tuna fleets of the world be used to collect blood samples. 9 . The Conference recognizes the impor- tance of genetic identification of subpopulations and urges that additional emphasis be placed on the problem of how much mixing musttake place between subpopulations before they are no longer "independent. " 10. Studies which bring together research workers engaged in biological and oceanographic studies on the tunas and the seas inhabited by them should be encouraged by international co- operation. Such studies should include, for example, research on the interaction between sea and atmosphere, oceanic fronts, water masses, current systems, changing oceanic climates, year-class sizes, and interaction be- tween fish and environment. tuna resource and the potential sustained yield of tuna. 12. The Conference agrees that abstracts of submitted papers, summaries of discussion sections, copies of resolutions, and a list of participants should be published, if possible, in the Special Scientific Report--Fisheries series of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and di- rects the Chairman to make arrangements for such publication. Further, the Conference requests the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory at Honolulu to supply copies of the submitted papers upon request. 13. The Conference recognizes the ad- vantages, especially in promoting the exchange of information and in stimulating the rate of prog- ress in fishery studies , of contact between scien- tists from different laboratories and suggests that, in addition to scientific conferences, ex- change of scientists between laboratories be facilitated. 14. The Conference recognizes the de- sirability of a report from this Conference to the FAO World Tuna Conference and directs the Chairman to furnish FAO with copies of all con- tributions, summary reports of discussions, resolutions, and a list of participants. 11. In view of the ever-increasing world need for protein and of the rapidly expanding tuna fisheries of the world, attention should be di- rected to estimates of the magnitude of the world 15. The Conference appreciates the meet- ing facilities made available by the University of Hawaii and directs the Chairman to prepare a letter of thanks to the University. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS Alverson, Dayton L. Ocean temperatures and their relation- ship to albacore tuna (Thunnus germo ) distribution in waters off the coast of the States of Oregon and Washington, and the Province of British Columbia. /Conference Paper V - Z.J (See also Alverson , Dayton L. 1961. Ocean temperatures and their relationship to albacore tuna (Thunnus germo) distri- bution in waters off the coast of Ore- gon, Washington, and British Colum- bia. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, vol. 18, no. 6, p. 1145-1152. ) Commercial albacore fishing offshore from Pacific Northwest States and the Province of British Columbia occurs during summer months when offshore surface water tempera- tures exceed 58° F. Fishermen have established 58° F. surface temperature as an indicator of "tuna water," and this rule -of -thumb relationship for surface water temperatures and albacore has generally been substantiated by past qualitative observations made during albacore investiga- tions. Catch-per-hour data are also in accord with this general relationship. However, catch- per-unit-effort data do not indicate as marked a decline in availability at temperatures between 54° and 58° F. as might be interpreted from qual- itative observations. With the exception of one albacore caught by gill net in 1956, all albacore have been taken in Bureau of Commercial Fish- eries investigations where surface temperatures exceeded 54° F. , and the highest catch rates have been obtained between 58° and 61° F. As the thermocline depth averages about 60 feet in the summer months offshore from the Pacific Northwest States and temperatures fall well be- low 50° F. at the bottom of the thermocline, albacore probably inhabit o n 1 y the overlying (mixed layer) lens of warm oceanic water. Con- centrations of albacore appear to occur along the interface of the warm oceanic waters and the cooler waters adjacent to the coast. Austin, Thomas S. , and Richard A. Barkley Use of oceanographic monitoring stations in fishery research. /Conference Paper V - 97 With the support of data from monitoring stations established by the Bureau of Commer- cial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Honolulu, a plea is made for the establishment of simi- lar monitoring station programs by other laboratories. Oceanographic studies in support of fish- eries investigations should normally begin with investigations of local midwinter and midsummer conditions, which establish extreme conditions at times of minimal rates of temporal change. These studies should be followed by similar broad-scale surveys, preferably synoptic, dur- ing periods of transition. Later, the results of these surveys lead to research on particular features of the ocean thought to be ecologically significant. At this point oceanographic studies should progress from the stage of exploratory surveys to the stage of research into mechanisms and rates of change in the ocean, and conven- tional surveys per se cease to be economical or practical means for gathering data. Logically, it is at this stage that monitoring stations be - come most useful, in that they provide time- series data at a series of points in space, making it possible to determine rates and study proc- esses. The final choice of sampling locations for monitoring purposes will be determined by the results of surveys, but it is a worthwhile risk to establish monitoring stations in likely loca- tions at the same time oceanographic surveys themselves are begun, knowing that some sta - tions may have to be relocated or discontinued as knowledge accumulates, but that some will provide data of interest for periods between surveys and perhaps for indefinite periods thereafter. Examples of the value of data from moni- toring stations are given. A station established at Koko Head, on Oahu, Hawaii, has been in operation for over 7 years. Data from this sta- tion are now used to predict the year-to-year changes in the catch of the Hawaiian skipjack fishery, a prediction which has been successful for the past 4 years and has been applied to accurately hindcast the catches for 7 previous consecutive years. A station at Christmas Is- land was established in 1954, in time to detect precisely the time at which unusual cooling of the surface waters occurred, during 1955, and the details of a subsequent warming trend which reached a maximum in the early winter of 1957. More recently, a networkof monitoring stations, including eight island stations and two weather ships, has yielded evidence of coherent changes in surface salinity over distances of many thou- sands of miles in the central North Pacific Ocean. Bell, Robert R. The age composition of the California Pacific albacore catch. /Conference Paper VII -127 (See also Bell, Robert R. 196Z. Age determination of the Pacific albacore of the California coast. Calif . Fish and Game, vol. 48, no. 1, p. 39- 48.) Recent development of the scale method for aging albacore by marine scientists of the California State Fisheries Laboratory on Ter- minal Island has made it possible to determine the age composition of the catch and measure year-class strength and fluctuations within- creased precision. This paper reports on their preliminary effort to determine the age composition of the California commercial albacore catch. The age composition of the California albacore catch for the last 3 months of the 1959 season was determined by sampling the catch and aging the fish by the scale method. Scales were selected from the area of the fifth dorsal finlet. The checks found on these were believed to be annual innatuie largely because of the good correlation between them and the length fre- quency modes found in the commercial catch. The smallest fish entering the California catch (mean length for 1959 of 573 mm. ) had one check and therefore were hypothesized to be fish in their second year of life, most likely 16 to 18 months old. This hypothesis was also based on the absence of a smaller mode either in the catch or in survey collections. The majority of the fish appearing in the second mode, the most important in the Califor- nia fishery, had two checks on their scales. These fish, believed to be in their third year of life, had a mean length of 657 mm. The sample produced a class with a mean length of 774 mm. for fish believed to be in the fourth year of life, and two other age groups, those in the fifth and sixth year of life having mean lengths of 837 and 878 mm. , respectively. The California tagging studies have since verified assumptions that the length frequency modes are 1 year apart in age. Tagging studies have also verified the growth determined by the scale aging method. The California commercial albacore catch in the last 3 months of the 1959 season (September-November) amounted to 13, 978, 766 pounds. The catch in numbers was computed to be 934,297 fish. Fish of age group II were found to comprise 58 percent of the catch. Fifty-five percent of the catch was supported by fishfrom 63 to 68 cm. in fork length. This is the second mode in the commercial catch and composed of 86 percent age group II fish, 11 percent age group I fish, and 3 percent age group III fish. Blackburn, Maurice Distribution and abundance of Eastern Tropical Pacific tunas in relation to ocean properties and features. //Con- ference Paper V - \J The coastal waters from southern Cali- fornia to northern Chile were divided into 16 areas, 5 of which included offshore islands or island groups. In explaining the generally high abundance of skipjack and yellowfin in this re- gion of complex oceanographic conditions, the following generalizations about the region are made: 1. Temperatures in surface waters are generally > 21° C. (70° F. ) in the fishing seasons. 2. Winds result in upwelling and enrich- ment in certain areas and a shoaling of the ther- mocline in the region as a whole. 3. Winds over very shoal thermo- clines result in localized vertical mixing and enrichment. 4. Seasonal changes are minimal; thus favorable conditions for tuna aggregations may persist for several months. The 16 areas may be grouped loosely in three general categories: (1) The extremes of the region: areas north of 22° N. and south of 5°S. Seasonal var- iations in distribution of yellowfin and skipjack tuna are rather pronounced and correspond to the seasonal march of surface isotherms, par- ticularly 21° C. in the northern areas. During years in which the warm waters are found in more northerly and southerly latitudes , tuna are also found in more northerly and southerly areas. Some areas are biologically productive because of upwelling. (2) The center of t h e region: coastal areas from southern Mexico to Ecuador (22° N. to 5° S. ). Surface temperatures are almost al- ways > 21° C. Thermoclines are shoal in most areas. Tuna (yellowfin and/or skipjack) occur in most areas at most seasons. Skipjack may be excluded from areas of surface temperatures above 28° C. (83° F. ). Seasonal variations in tuna abundance and ocean properties are smaller than in (1). Results from the area most exten- sively studied (Gulf of Tehuantepec), if extra- polated to the other areas, suggest association between depth ofthermocline, biological productivity of the surface waters, and tuna abundance. In areas of shoal thermoclines, destratificationby the winds leads to enrichment of the surface waters. (3) Offshore islands. Tuna, yellowfin and/or skipjack, occur at each island or island group in greater abundance than in the imme- diately adjacent ocean waters. It is not clear why they do so, but little oceanogr aphic work has been done except at Clarion Island. Sea - sonal variations in tuna abundance are compa- rable with those in (2). Brown, Robert P. , and Kenneth Sherman Oceanographic observations and skip- jack distribution in the North Central Pacific. /Conference Paper V - \lj Recent investigations by the staff of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Honolulu, have indicated that sea- sonal fluctuations in availability of the com- mercially important skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus), in Hawaiian waters are related to seasonal movements of surface water types within the Hawaiian region. Five cruises were undertaken from January to October 1959 by the staff of the Laboratory within the general area of the North Pacific bounded by latitude 15° N. and 26° N. , and longitude 150° W. and 170" W. , with two primary objectives: (1) To delineate, by surface temperature and salinity values, the boundaries between the North Pacific Central, intermediate, and North Pacific Equa- torial water types, and (2) to monitor the sea- sonal movements of these water types and their associated biota, particularly skipjack tuna. Background material and sources of in- formation concerning oceanographic conditions in the Hawaiian Islands region are given. The results of the five 1959 cruises were discussed, and it was shown that a reliable description of the seasonal movements of the surface water types within the survey region could be obtained by monitoring the surface salinity of these waters. Tonguelike features noted in the sur- face salinity distribution were discussed, and possible causal mechanisms were discussed. Salinity gradients associated with the boundary zones between the water types were found to move seasonally with the water types and to undergo a widening as the year progressed. The possible cause for this was discussed. Available scouting data indicated that skipjack sightings during January-February and March- April prior to the summer appearance of large fish, which comprise the bulk of seasonal skipjack landings, were concentrated in the boundary between the intermediate and adjacent water types. However, additional observations of skipjack distribution and boundary conditions are needed before any definite conclusions re- garding a relationship can be reached. The greater frequency of occurrence of skipjack schools west of longitude 155° W. sug- gested movement of summer "season" skipjack to the island region from the west. Survey results showed no evident rela- tion between water type and seasonal distribu- tion of zooplankton. It was suggested, however, that a relation may exist between the observed increase in zooplankton abundance and skipjack larvae during the summer months attributable to a spawning periodicity of adult skipjack. Distribution of large predators caught during longline and trolling operations and aquatic mammal sightings did not appear re- lated to water types. Bird flocks were usually associated with fish schools. Clemens, Harold B. The distribution of California bluefin tuna in the eastern North Pacific. /Con- ference Paper I - \] California bluefin are caught by purse seine from Cape San Lucas to Pt. Conception primarily from May to November. The species is taken mainly in coastal waters and favors water with temperature -salinity characteristics intermediate between the cold low-saline water in which albacore occur and the warm high- saline water in which yellowfin occur. In warm years, the bluefin ranges considerably farther north than normal. There has been a marked change in size of the fish landed during the past 50 years, and there also are large annual fluc- tuations in the catch. Clemens, Harold B. The distribution of albacore in the North Pacific, /Conference Paper 1-57 Pacific albacore are creatures of the open sea. They are most abundant in the tem- perate regions, where they make far-ranging seasonal migrations. The most productive fishing grounds in the eastern North Pacific are located between central Baja California and the Columbia River. During the last decade, heaviest catches have been made south of Oregon within the 5-month period June to October and predominate in small (< 40 pounds), immature fish. Sea temperatures greatly influence the distribution of albacore on t h e eastern North Pacific fishing grounds. This influence is char- acterized by seasonal shifts of the entry route into the grounds, and subsequent variation in the patterns of northward movement within the grounds as the season progresses. Size distribution also is related to sea temperatures. Small fish abound in tempera- tures of 60 to 65° F. , while larger fish are caught where surface temperatures range from 66 to 70° F. Small (13 to 20 pounds) albacore are the largest contributors to the eastern Pacific catch while medium to large fish (>20 pounds) are most abundant in the Japanese fisheries. Tre- mendous numbers of youngster s (>10 pounds) re- main undiscovered in the mid-Pacific. Clemens, Harold B. Migration, age and growth, and spawn- ing studies of the North Pacific alba- core (Thunnus germo). /^Conference Paper II - 2] (See also Clemens, Harold B. 1961. The migration, age, and growth of I-acific albacore (Thunnus germo), 1951-1958. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game, Fish Bulletin no. 115, 128 p. This paper presents a brief summary of part of the progress made from 1951 to 1958 by California Department of Fish and Game marine biologists in their study of North Pacific alba- core stocks. Investigations were primarily on albacore interchange between the major North Pacific fishing grounds and changes in fish size, accomplished by making oceanographic and ex- ploratory fishing cruises, studying fishing fleet activities, tagging albacore, and subsequently recovering marked fish from which migratory patterns and growth rates could be interpreted. Data from exploratory cruises and fish- ermen's logbooks showed that sea-surface temperature is one of the important factors that influence albacore movements and distribution. The route used by albacore entering the West Coast fishing grounds each season was transient in nature, and its position was regulated prima- rily by sea-surface temperatures between 58° and 68° F. After entering the southern California-Baja California fishing grounds, the albacore swing northward upcoast. The route taken in this northward movement also is transient. During 15 cruises, 4,585 albacore were tagged and released in the major fishing areas south of San Francisco. There were 73 recover- ies, representing 1.6 percent of the total released. About 80 percent of the tags were recovered with- in the first calendar year of release. Omitting those, 7 percent of the remainder were recovered in the central Pacific, 21 percent off Japan, 62 percent in the West Coast fishery the second season, and lOpercent in the West Coast fishery the third season. The tagging data confirmed a northward coastal migration as the season progresses. Ninety-five percent of the marked albacore re- captured during their first season at liberty had moved northward from the release point, at an average rate of 6 nautical miles per day (24 hours). Summarizing the data by distance. from shore revealedthat albacore traveling within 100 miles of the coast averaged about 4 nautical miles daily, while offshore migrants swam al- most 4 times faster. A hypothesis on the migratory pattern of albacore was presented. The hypothesis is that albacore from the American fishery (mostly small fish under 20 pounds) cross the ocean in late fall and early winter to enter the area of the Japanese longline fishery, and intermingle with medium-sized fish (20 to 40 pounds) that had moved into the area during the late summer and fall from the Japanese coastal fishery, and with fish of all sizes that had remained in the central Pacific. These fish then move south as the win - ter season progresses. In the spring, the large fish (over 40 pounds) continue south into the North Equatorial Current and Equatorial Coun- tercurrent areas, while the small- and medium- sized fish reverse their course and begin moving north. At this time, some of the fish (medium- sized) travel up the Japanese coast, and some (all sizes) may remain in midocean and travel north and south seasonally. Others (small fish), however, return from the mid-Pacific winter grounds , enter the American fishing grounds, and again travel up the coast and back across the Pacific. Albacore growth was estimated fromtag recovery data. Data from 21 tagged albacore that had been at liberty from 9 to 15 months were used to calculate an annual growth curve. The line of best fit for these data is described by the equation Y = 210. 31 + 0. 845 X, and the asymp - totic length attainedby the species is calculated at 135. 6 cm. The results showed that albacore averaging 52 cm. in June (start of the California albacore season) grow to 65 cm. in 1 year, to 76 cm. in 2 years, to 85 cm. in 3 years, to93 cm. in 4 years, and to 100 cm. in 5 years. It 23 was postulated that the 52-cm. size group would consist of 1-year-old fish (14 months), the 65 cm. size group 2-year-old fish, etc. Regarding spawning of the albacore, it appears that first maturity may be reached by some of the larger fish in the 85 -cm. size group (4-year-olds), since examination of fish caught near Guadalupe Island during July and August 1953 revealed that those in the 93- and 100-cm. size groups had recently spawned. Apparently these large albacore had spawned prior to their coastward migration from the mid-Pacific, which i s in progress primarily from June to September for large fish and from May to August for smaller ones. This means that albacore spawning may occur in the west-central Pacific during the period preceding an annual coastward migration, for it seems unlikely that they would spawn en route. Based on the reported capture of small albacore, 23 cm. long, about 500 miles west of Midway Island from January to May 1937, 139 albacore from 30 to 37 cm. long in the Japa- nese coastal fishery in June 1951, and young albacore 18.8 and 12.4 cm. long caught in May 1949 and June 1952, it is believed that spawning probably takes place during the winter or spring. Most of the albacore comprising the California fishery originate between the longitude of Japan and the Hawaiian Islands (probably nearer the Islands) and migrate into the West Coast fishing grounds during the first season they become strong enough to school and endure along mi- gration. Collette, Bruce B. A preliminary review of the tunas of the Genus Thunnus. /Conference Paper VI - 17 This is a first step in a proposed revi- sion of the large tunas of the world. The arti - ficiality of splitting the Scombridae into the families Thunnidae, Cybiidae, and Katsuwonidae and placing the Thunnidae and Katsuwonidae in a separate order, the Plecostei, has been shown by a number of workers. The differences be- tween Thunnus South, Parathunnus and Neo - thunnus Kishinouye , Germo Jordan, and Kishinoella Jordan and Hubbs are specific, not generic. The species of Thunnus have been greatly split as a result of using even smaller differences as specific differences, since spe- cific differences were used to separate genera. Although further and more detailed study is necessary, present evidence indicates that there are only six species of great tunas in the world: albacore (T. alalunga), yellowfin (T. albacares), blackfin (T. atlanticus), bigeye (T. obesus), bluefin (T. thynnus), and longtail (T. tonggol). Synonymies are presented a s tentative allocations of the many names that have been applied to the tunas, both generic and specific. The generic names Thynnus Cuvier, Orcynus Cuvier, Orcynus Cooper, Albacora Jordan, Germo Jordan, Parathunnus Kishinouye, Neo- thunnus Kishinouye, Kishinoella Jordan and Hubbs, and Semathunnus Fowler are placed as synonyms of Thunnus Suuth. The six species are designated as above with the recognition of two subspecies of bluefins, T. thynnus thynnus from the Atlantic and T. thynnus orientalis from the Pacific, on the basis of gill raker counts. Fujii, Yutaka; Koichi Mimoto, and Shichiro Higasa Biochemical studies on the races of tuna. Base composition of testi s deoxy- ribonucleic acid (DNA). /Conference Paper III - 3.7 (See also Fujii, Yutaka et al. Biochemical studies on the races of tuna. Report of Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory no. 9, p. 136-142 (1958); no. 11, p. 1-6 (1959); no. 12, p. 14-22, 23-32 (I960).) Studies of the relative proportion of the bases adenine (a), thymine (t), guanine (g) , cytosine (c), extracted from tuna testis deoxy- ribonucleic acid have shown that characteristic values of the ratio of (a+t) / (g+c) may be ob- tained for bigeye, yellowfin, Indo-maguro, and Goshu-maguro tunas. A study to relate these values to sub - populations within each species is being carried out. There is some evidence that the ratio of bases in the testis DNA is different for the same species collected from different areas. Hiyama, Yoshio, and Kenji Kurogane Morphometrical comparisons of tuna from areas in the Pacific and I n d i a n Oceans. /Conference Paper III -77 Morphometric and meristic studies were made of albacore, yellowfin, and bigeye tunas. Five hundred ninety-six albacore were examined, including 288 from the northwest 24 Pacific, 141 from the equatorial Pacific between 160° W. and 150° E. , 42 from east of Australia , and 125 from the Indian Ocean. Meristic charac - teristics showed no differences. Differences in morphometric characteristics lead to the con- clusion that there exist distinct populations in the North Pacific, the southwest Pacific , and the Indian Ocean, although there exists the possi- bility of some mixing between the latter two areas. One thousand fifty-seven yellowfin tuna were examined, including 353 from the north- west Pacific, 375 from the equatorial Pacific, 94 from the Coral Sea, 60 from the Banda Sea, and 175 from the Indian Ocean. Similarities and differences in morphometric characteristics lead to the conclusion that there are a number of independent or semi-independent populations within each major area, somewhat restricted in distribution, and probably intermingling with adjacent groups. Six hundred ninety-seven bigeye tuna were examined, including 313 from the north- west Pacific, 284 from the equatorial Pacific between 130° W. and 120° E. , and 100 from the Indian Ocean. Although some differences were observed, no definite conclusions were drawn owing to conflicting biological information and the need for more data. It is probable that big- eye population structure is intermediate between that of albacore and yellowfin. Inoue, Motoo Relation of sea condition and ecology of albacore in the northwest Pacific Ocean. /Conference Paper V - i.J (See also Inoue, Motoo. Studies on movements of albacore fishing grounds in the Northwest Pacific Ocean-I, II, III. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, vol. 23, no. 11, p. 673-679 (19 5 8); vol. 25, no. 6, p. 424-430 (1959); vol. 26, no. 12, p. 1152-1161 (I960).) It has been hypothesized that a 1 b a c ore available to the Japanese winter longline fishery make a vertical migration in the spring and be- come available to the Japanese s u m m e r pole- and-line fishery. Horizontal distribution of temperatures of the surface waters during the winter appears to affect the migration of alba- core from the longline fishery into the pole -and - line fishery. The variations and persistence of warm and cool water, winter to summer, are primary criteria for predicting the location and abundance of albacore available to the summer fishery. To facilitate the prediction for the sum- mer fishery, the patterns of temperature dis- tribution for the periods January- June, 1951-58, were classified into three types. In the first, cool waters are found inshore, winter to summer. The warm Kuroshio waters do not reach the main- land. In the second, warm Kuroshio waters are inshore with the cooler waters offshore during the January-June period. In the third classifi- cation, cool waters are inshore from January to April or May and are then replaced by warmer waters. In the first category, winter albacore are found east or south of the inshore cold water. As the spring and summer fishery begins, these fish, which tend to migrate northward , are barred from doing so by the cold water, and so move rapidly eastward through the 18°-20° C. water. These fish remain available to the pole-and-line fleet during April and May and then move out of the area of the fishery. In the second category (cold inshore water lacking), winter albacore are found inmore west- erly and northerly areas than in the first category. Although the start of the summer season may be delayed, good fishing may continue well into late summer in areas close to land. In the third category (cold inshore water is present until April, then d i s a p p e a r s ), the winter fishery develops to the south and east, although not to the extent observed in the first category. Albacore remain west of longitude 140° E. until May, and the pole-and-line fishery develops during May and June, relatively close to land. Thus the knowledge of winter conditions and the degree of persistence of these conditions through the spring period provides a means for determining the potential location and success of the summer pole-and-line fishery. The location of the principal summer fishing grounds, whether westerly and inshore or easterly and offshore, results not only from the oceanographic conditions in the area of the summer fishery but also from the fluctuations of oceanographic conditions of the previous win- ter and the associated variations in the migration of the albacore. The terms "environmental resistance" and "environmental induction" were proposed. Waters with temperatures below 16.3° C. impede or deflect the migration of alba- core and thus are in the category of an environ - mental resistance; those between 16° and 22 " C , delimit the areas of migration and are termed environmental inductance. Using 10-day sur - face temperature charts for the period December 25 through May, it was possible to delimit areas of environmental resistance and induction. These areas were then considered for various years along with the records for winter and summer albacore catch records. The area was then classified by two basic patterns. In the first, the warmer waters are inshore; in the second, the cooler waters are inshore. From the data presented, it is concluded that if the winter fish are concentrated in two or three pools from which they move southerly to form a single congregation during the sum - mer close to Japan, good catches of summer albacore may be expected. Concentrations of winter albacore in the eastern portion of the area, or lack of definite concentrations, result in a poor summer catch of albacore. volumes were highest to the east. There was little seasonal difference in food volumes. Reef- associated organisms appeared most frequently in the diet of albacore caught near land. Troll-caught albacore in the North Pacific fed, prior to capture, throughout the day, but evidence for distinct feeding periods was not clear. Evidence is presented that albacore also feed at night. The higher stomach content vol- umes of troll-caught albacore occurred in waters of mid-clarity. Some competition for food may exist among albacore, yellowfin, andbigeye tuna in the equatorial Pacific. Checklists of the organisms identified in stomach contents show the number of such organ - isms, their frequency of occurrence, and aggre- gate total volume. Iversen, Robert T. B. Food of albacore tuna, Thunnus germo (Lacepede), in the central and north- eastern Pacific. ^Conference Paper VII - 107 The stomach contents of 544 albacore tuna, Thunnus germo (Lacepede), captured in the central and eastern North Pacific during the years 1950-57 were analyzed to: (1) identify the organisms eaten; (2) determine if the abundance and distribution of albacore is related to the abundance and distribution of their food; and (3) relate feeding to size, method of capture, geo- graphic location, season, distance from land, time of day, and water clarity. The albacore were captured by longline, gill net, and troll. Stomachs of the larger albacore contained more food than smaller albacore, but the larger albacore contained less per pound of body weight . Stomach contents consisted mainly of a variety of fish, squid, and crustaceans, the percent vol- ume of each differing according to the method of capture. Johnson, James H. Sea temperatures and the availability of albacore (Thunnus germo) off the coasts of Oregon and Washington. /Conference Paper V - bj Wide variations exist in landings of alba - core in Oregon and Washington. In 1944, Oregon and Washington landings reached 34 million pounds but dropped to 0. 6 million pounds a decade later. Variations in landings may be a result of fluctuations in availability. Investigators have shown that distribution of albacore along the North American coast is influenced by sea tem- peratures. Although weather conditions and economic factors are reflected inOregon- Washington landing statistics, it inay be that annual variations in sea temperatures are affect- ing the success of the fishery by varying avail- ability to the fishermen. The latitudinal abundance of albacore in the equatorial Pacific, determined from catch statistics, was not related to the amount of food eaten by albacore captured in this area. During the summer in the temperate North Pacific, fish with high volumes of stomach contents were found south of successive peak volumes of organ- isms captured by midwater trawls and zooplank- ton nets. This suggests successive trophic levels associated with an advancing oceanographic and biological "frontier" in the Transition Zone. In the equatorial Pacific, fish with highest volumes of stomach contents were found to the west, while in the temperate North Pacific , stomach content Relations between sea surface tempera- tures and landings were investigated for the years 1947-60. In years of above normal tem- peratures, landings were, in general, signifi- cantly greater than in years of below normal temperatures. Whereas warm water did not insure a good fishery, widespread cold water was detrimental to the success of the fishery. The data suggest that in June, if the sea temper - ature anomaly is large enough, it is possible to predict whether or not sea temperatures will be favorable for albacore at normal time of com- mencement of the fishery in mid-July. Kamimura, Tadao, and Misao Honma Distribution of yellowfin in the longline fishing ground in the Pacific Ocean, especially on the regional variation of t h e density in each size group. ^Conference Paper I - Z] Yellowfin catch data for the years 1954- 59 were classified by area, season, and fish size category. In general, fish smaller than 120 cm. were located in east longitudes, whereas those larger than 140 cm. were in west longitudes. Artificial causes of this pattern (effect of fishing, gear selectivity, and land mass effect) were dis- counted, and the distribution instead hypothe- sized as caused by a west-to-east migration of fish. Kikawa, Shoji Studies on the spawning activity of the Pacific tunas Parathunnus mebachi and Neothunnus macropterus by the gonad index examination. /Conference Paper VII - 87 This paper gives a general review of the spawning of bigeye and yellowfin in the Pacific Ocean. The "gonad index" is used to represent degree of sexual maturity, and is defined as follows: G.I. = W /L3 X 104, where W is the o o -> weight of a pair of ovaries in grams, and L. is the cube of the fork length of the fish in cm. Frequency distributions of gonad indices were used to evaluate group maturity of fish indiffer- ent areas. The frequency distribution of bigeye gon- ad indices in a spawning area enables the sepa- ration of spawning from nonspawning fish; the former may be distinguished by having a mode around 3. 5 to 5. 5 and a very wide range. The nonspawning group has a mode centering between 0. 6 and 1. 5. The gonad index of 3. 1 was selected to separate the two groups. In the case of the yellowfin, the two groups were not as clearly distinguishable. An arbitrary index of 2.1 was chosen to separate spawning from nonspawning groups. In order to delineate spawning localities of deep-swimming bigeye and yellowfin, the monthly mean gonad index in unit areas was cal- culated. It was assumed that spawning occurs in the vicinity of areas showing high gonad indices. In bigeye tuna, the basin of the Equatorial Countercurrent is a principal center of spawning in the western Pacific. It is also a good bigeye fishing ground. There are indications of pro- longed spawning throughout this area, with a probable peak during the summer. In the eastern equatorial Pacific (110° W. to 150° W.), spawning is likely to occur between January and June in the area just south of the Equator. There are indications of spawning in the South Pacific near the Tuamotu Islands between 10° S. and 20° S., but very few indications elsewhere in the Pacific. For yellowfin, it has been reported that spawning occurs nearly throughout the year in the equatorial Pacific (8° S. to 10° N. , 120° W. to 180°), with peak activity between March and July. The present study indicates that through- out the areas between the Equator and 12° N. , peak spawning probably occurs between July and September. In the eastern area (100° W.to 150° W.) spawning occur s largely between April and June in the area between the Equator and 10° S. Spawning in Hawaiian waters has been reported to extend from about mid-May to the end of October. Another spawning area in the North Pacific is found in waters from Luzon Island to southern Japan, where the season is between April and June. In the South Pacific it is highly probable that spawning occurs in the Coral Sea and its adjacent waters and in the vicinity of the Tuamotu Islands (10° S. to 25° S. , 130° W. to 150° W. ) betweenOctober and March, It has been reported that spawning of yellowfin along the coasts of New Caledonia is likely to be between October and March, with a probable maximum during the summer. In general, it appears that yellowfin spawning occurs over a broad area, but is cen- tered in the area of the South Equatorial Current. The spawning season of yellowfin seems to vary withlatitude. It is extended in equatorial water s, but confined to the early summer in waters off southern Japan, and to the summer months in the Coral Sea and the Tuamotu Islands area. The spawning seasons in these latitudes coincide with the periods of best fishing. Near-spawning bigeye (over 100 cm. in length) comprise under 40 percent of thetotal catch throughout the year in the western equa- torial Pacific. The percentage composition in- creases from west to east, reaching as high as 90 percent during the peak spawning season in the eastern area. This marked increase of mature fish from west to east indicates that the spawning potential of bigeye is highest in the eastern Pacific. 27 In yellowfin, the percentage composition of near-spawning fish (over 110 cm. , the size at which most yellowfin reach first maturity) is no more than 40 percent throughout the year inthe entire equatorial Pacific. There appears to be no tendency for the proportion of mature fish to increase toward the east, as there is in the case of the bigeye. Previously it was thought that the main yellowfin spawning season changed grad- ually from east to west, but presently it is con- sidered that this change can be attributed to lati- tudinal variations. King, Joseph E. , and Robert T. B. Iversen Midwater trawling for forage organisms in the central Pacific. /Conference Paper VII - 1.7 (In press as _a U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fishery Bulletin, number unknown. ) Collections from 274 midwater trawl hauls made in the central Pacific Ocean by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries inl951-56 were quantitatively analyzedto obtain estimates of the abundance and distribution of forage organisms. Their occurrence in the trawl catches was com- pared with the occurrence of similar organisms in the stomachs of yellowfin, bigeye, skipjack, and albacore tunas. Four trawls were utilized (6-foot beam trawl, 1-meter ring trawl, and 6- foot and 10-foot Isaacs-Kidd trawls) in double oblique hauls between the surface and 400 meters. The largest catches by the Isaacs-Kidd trawls were made in the Aleutian Current and in the region of upwelling at the Equator, with the poorest catches south of latitude 5° S. in the North Equatorial Current between latitude 10° N. and 18" N. , and in Hawaiian waters. The great- est variety of organisms occurred in catches made in the South Equatorial Current and in the Counter cur rent. The re was a poor correspondence between the composition of trawl catches and the contents of tuna stomachs; this was not unexpected since most hauls were made at night and tuna fishing occurred in the daytime. There was marked di- urnal variation in the trawl catches. Night hauls produced catches larger in volumes, numbers, and sizes of organisms. Diurnal differences in the composition of the trawl catches were strik- ing. The larger trawls generally produced the largest catches, but in catch per unit of mouth area the trawls were about equally efficient in each geographic area. The largest catches and greatest variety of organisms were obtained in the catches of the largest and most frequently used trawls. All four trawls sampled about the same phyla, classes, and orders; the major dif- ferences occurred in the families and genera of fishes. Only six juvenile tunas, from 18 to 60 mm. in length, were captured, although juvenile tunas were known to be present in the area at the time of the trawling. Trawl catch volumes were correlated with various environmental factors and found to be more closely related to zooplankton than to inorganic phosphate or to the uptake of C by phytoplankton. Checklists of the organisms captured show the percent occurrence and average num - bers per haul of members of a large number of taxonomic categories according to six latitudinal zones. A table of references useful in identi- fying organisms captured by midwater trawling was presented. Legand, M. Donnees biometriques sur les thons anageoires jaunesenNouvelle- Caledonie. /Conference Paper III - 1.7 (In Legand, M. and R. Desrosieres. 1960. Premieres donnees sur le thon anageoires jaunesenNouvelle- Caledonie. Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer, Institut Francais d'Oceanie, Rapport Scientifique No. 11, p. 33-54.) Data (16 morphometr ic and 2 meristic characteristics) were collected on 504 yellowfin tuna caught in the vicinity of New Caledonia. The relationship of total length (L) to standard length (Ls) was found to be L = 1.085 Ls. In re- gression analysis of morphometric data, regres- sion equations of the form y = a+bx and y = axb were used, rather than polynomial equations. Nevertheless, for each character it was neces- sary to calculate two equations for the data; one for fish above about 80 cm. total length and one for fish below that size. The average number of gill rakers was 28.96 + 0. 075. This is one of the smallest values observed in the Pacific and is in accord with the west (small) to east (large) cline reported by Royce for yellowfin from the equatorial Pacific. There is an indication of sexual dimorphism in pectoral fin length. For the larger fishes, the relative growth of fins and middle and posterior parts of the body and relative increase in weight tend to be faster than for smaller fishes (less than 80 cm. ). For the anterior parts, the reverse is true. Thus, 28 yellowfin tuna from New Caledonia tend to have smaller heads and longer dorsal and anal fins than fish from further east. reported for yellowfin near Hawaii. The average stage of maturation seems to be more advanced on the east coast of New Caledonia than on the west coast. Legand, M. Quelques donnees biometriques sur les albacores de la region ouest de 1 a Nouvelle-Caledonie. (Conference Paper III - 11. J (In Legand, M. and B. Wauthy. In Press. Premieres donnees sur l'albacore et les poissons de longue-ligne. Centre d'Oceano - graphie, Institut Francais d'Oceanie, Noumea, Nouvelle-Caledonie, Rapport Scientifique No. 24. ) Data (8 morphometric and 1 meristic characteristics) were collected on 143 albacore tuna caught to the west of New Caledonia. There is a suggestion of sexual dimorphism in pectoral fin length, but not in other characters studied. In general, results were similar to those of Kurogane and Hiyama for the Northern Coral Sea, but different from their results in the Northwest Pacific. The average number of gill rakers was 28. 7 + 1. 2. Legand, M. Longueur, repartition des sexes et mat- uration sexuelle des thons a nageoires jaunes de Nouvelle-Caledonie. /Con- ference Paper VII - 3. J (In Legand, M. and R. Desrosieres. I960. Premieres donnees sur le thon a nageoires jaunes en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer, Institut Francais d'Oce- anie, Rapport Scientifique No. 11, p. 7-20.) Most yellowfin tuna taken near New Cale - donia are 55 - 85 cm. standard length; much smaller numbers of larger fish occurred. The ratio of males to females is 1:1. 3. This ratio has been observed in similar size yellowfin in other parts of the Pacific, whereas for extremely large fish it is 1:0. 6. The proportion of females is much higher at the beginning of the spawning season and very low at the end. Sexual maturity is achieved at a larger size in males than in females. Minimum gonad development is ob- served between April and August, but even at other seasons the individuals observed were far from complete ripeness. Spawning may occur between October and March, with a peak during summer; similar observations, with respect to the Northern Hemisphere in summer, have been Legand, M. , and R. Desrosieres Enquete preliminaire sur les contenus stomacaux des thons a nageoires jaunes des cotes deNouvelle - Caledonie. /Conference Paper VII - 4.J (I_n Legand, M. and R. Desrosieres. 1960. Premieres donnees sur le thon a nageoires jaunes en Nouvelle-Caledonie. Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer, Institut Francais d'Oceanie, Rapport Scientifique No. 11, p. 22-31.) The stomach contents of 148 yellowfin tuna taken by trolling along the south coast of_ New Caledonia in December 1958 and April 1959 were examined. In 1958, average fish weight was 7. 1 kg. , and average content volume 11. 2 ml. Of identified organisms, 51.9 percent were fish, 22.5 percent cephalopods, and 25.6 percent crustaceans. In 1959, average fish weight was 8.3 kg., and average content volume 26.1 ml. Stomachs contained 71. 7 percent fish, 4. 3 per- cent cephalopods, and 24.0 percent crustaceans. Content composition varies diurnally. A mini- mum of fish and a maximum of crustaceans are found in the morning. The percentage of almost completely digested material is practi- cally nil in the morning and increases during the day. Balistoidea, Ostraciidae, Tetraodon- tidae, Diodontidae, Acanthuridae larvae, Dactylopterus, and stomatopods were the main food items. Legand, M. , and B. Wauthy Importance presumee d' Alepisaurus sp. dans le cycle biologique des thons de longue-ligne au large de la Nouvelle- Caledonie. /Conference Paper VII - 14. J (In Legand, M. and B. Wauthy. In Press. Premieres donnees sur l'albacore et les poissons de longue - ligne. Centre d' O c e a n o g r a p h i e, Institut Francais d'Oceanie, Noumea, Nouvelle-Caledonie, Rapport Scien- tifique No. 24. ) In experimental longline fishing foralba- core off New Caledonia, 76 Alepisaurus sp. (probably A. ferox) were caught, making this the second most numerous species in the catch, 29 after albacore. The vertical distribution of Alepisaurus catches, as evidenced by longline hook numbers, closely paralleled that of alba- core catches. The abundance of the two species in the longline catches, however, appeared to be inversely correlated. Indications of a similar inverse correlation were found in published American data on experimental longline fishing in the northern and equatorial central Pacific. Legand has previously reported that Alepisaurus sp. is an important component of albacore stomach contents in New Caledonian waters. Numerical and volumetric data on Alepisaurus stomach content composition pre- sented in this paper show that Alepisaurus is an excellent collector of a wide variety of plankters and bathypelagic fishes. Squid and fishpredom- inate in volume; crustaceans are present in im- portant numbers but in small volum.e. Sonne of the leading constituents of Alepisaurus stomach contents, such as Alepisaurus and Sternoptyx diaphana, have also been prominent in the stom- achs of albacore from New Caledonian waters. No important seasonal difference in either total volume or composition was seen in either species. Yellowfin differed from alba- core in the considerably greater proportion of fish in their diet and in the greater relative as well as absolute volume of their stomach con- tents (1. 68 cc. per kg. of body weight as com - pared with 0. 73 cc. for albacore). The average amount of squid consumed by albacore appeared to increase offshore but the opposite trend was shown by yellowfin. Alepisaurus sp. was the fish that occur- red most frequently in the stomachs of both albacore (60 percent) and yellowfin (40 percent) , and the bramid-pteraclid group of fishes was important in the diet of both species. Ostracion sp. , which is also prominent in the diet of troll- caught yellowfin from the New Caledonia coast, was found in 45 percent of the yellowfin stomachs but in only 20 percent of the albacore. The crustaceans eaten by both species of tuna were primarily decapods. The a u t h o r s suggest that the apparent inverse correlation of albacore and Alepisaurus catches may result from an exclusion due in part to predation by the former on the latter and in part to competition for prey between the two species. Legand. M. Contenus stomacaux desalbacores et yellowfins captures a la longue-ligne par l'Orsom III. /Conference Paper VII -15.7 Tin Legand, M. and B. Wauthy. In Press. Premieres donnees sur l'albacore et les poissons de longue-ligne en Nouvelle -Caledonie . Centre de Oceanogr aphie , Institut Francais d ' Oceanie /NoumeaJ, Rap- port Scientifique No. 24. ) The stomachs examined were those of 117 albacore and 43 yellowfin from the longline catches dealt with in the author's paper "Taille, repartition sexuelle, cycle annuel de l'albacore dans l'ouestde la Nouvelle -Caledonie. " The average weights of these tuna were 21 kg. for the albacore and 45 kg. for the yellowfin. The average total volume of stomach contents for the albacore was 14. 7 cc. , the composition by volume being 45.4 percent fish, 44. 6 percent squid, and 10. 0 percent crustaceans. The yellowfin stomachs contained on the average 80. 6 cc. , of which 78. 2 percent was fish, 1 6. 4 percent squid, and 5.4 percent crustaceans. Legand, M. Taille, repartition sexuelle, cycle annuel de l'albacore dans l'ouest de la Nouvelle -Caledonie. /Conference Paper VII - 16. J (In Legand, M. and B. Wauthy. In Press. Premieres donnees sur l'albacore et les poissons de longue-ligne. Centre d'Oceano- graphie, Institut Francais d'Oceanie, Noumea, Nouvelle -Caledonie, Rapport Scientifique No. 24. ) From 1959 to July 1961 experimental tuna longline fishing from the ORSOM III at 24 stations took 140 albacore within 200 miles of the southwest coast of New Caledonia, between 21°30' S. and 24° S. , using 7-hook units 500 m. long. Numbers of albacore per 100 hooks fished were 1.5 to 5.0, exceptionally 10.0. The lengths ranged from 825 to 1075 mm. There was a significant difference in size between the sexes; the males averaged 966 mm. and 20. 6 kg. , the females 930 mm. and 18. 8 kg . The average size of the albacore captured was significantly greater in summer than winter, although there was no important seasonal depar - turefrom the overall average sex ratio, which gave 27.5 percent females. One example of hermaphroditism was found. The seasonal trend of the ovary volume to body length relationship indicated summer (December- January) spawning. Five ovary samples over 200 cc. in volume and over 300 cc. were thought to indicate that the spawning area was not far distant from the area of collection. The distribution in depth of captures, judged from the presumed relative depth of the seven hooks on each unit of longline, indicated that the albacorewere concentrated about 50 m. deeper in summer than in winter. This differ- ence corresponds roughly to the seasonal range of vertical movement of the 19° C. and 21° C. isotherms in the area. Marr, John C. , and Lucian M. Sprague The use of blood group characteristics in studying subpopulations of fishes. /Conference Paper III - 4. J (In press in papers of the International Com - mission for North Atlantic Fisheries Tagging Symposium, Woods Hole, 1960.) The necessity for studying .population units of fishes, the desirability of using genetic characteristics in such studies, and the nature of blood group systems are briefly reviewed. Examples are drawn from the M-N and A-B-O blood groups in man. Examples are given of blood group systems recently found in several bony fishes, including western Atlantic herring, northeastern Pacific sardine, sockeye salmon, albacore tuna, and one elasmobranch, the spiny dogfish. Illustrations are given of how data on blood group systems are useful in attacking the kinds of problems encountered by fishery biol- ogists. Such problems include (1) determination of whether one or more than one subpopulation is contributing to a fishery in a particular area, (2) determination of whether fish from two fish- ing areas belong to the same or different sub - populations, and (3) determination of the con- tributions of two known subpopulations to a single fishing area. It is suggested that blood group data will also contribute to the solution of broader prob- lems. Matsumoto, Walter M. Identification of larvae of four species of tuna from the Indo-Pacific region. I. /"Conference Paper VII - 9.7 (Published in 1962 by the Carlsberg Foundation as Dana Report No. 55, 14 p.) Examination of larval thunnids collected from Indo-Pacific waters by the "Dana" during the 1928-30 round-the-world oceanogr aphical expedition resulted in the tentative identification of larvae of four species of thunnids, Para- thunnus sibi (Temminck and Schlegel), Thunnus germo (Lacepede), T. orientalis (Temminck and Schlegel), and Kishinoella tonggol(Bleeker), which have hitherto been unidentified. Neo- thunnus macropterus (Temminck and Schlegel) has been identified and described by numerous authors, soitwas not included in this discussion. To avoid digressions concerning the nomen- clature of the tunas found in different parts of the world, the earliest generic and specific names given to tunas from this region were used. Species identification was done by segre- gating the larvae from three localized areas into various "types" on the basis of number and position of chromatophores on the body, partic- ularly the chromatophores along the dorsal edge of the trunk. The number of larval types in each area was then compared with the species com- position of adult tunas caught on longline fishing gear, including a species (K. tonggol) which is known to be present in the areas, but which is not commonly taken on this gear. All specimens examined had 40 myomeres and had no pigmentation over the forebrain. Lar- vae with no pigmentation along the dor sal edge of the trunk, exclusive of the caudal fin, but with one to five chromatophores along the ventral margin were designated as P. sibi. Larvae similar to P. sibi but having one chromatophore along the dorsal margin of the trunk, at the base of either the second dor sal fin or one of the dorsal finlets , were diagnosed as T. germo. Larvae similar to P. sibi but having two or three chromatophores along the dorsal edge of the body, the initial chromatophore being at the base of either the second dorsal fin or one of the dorsal finlets, were identified as T. orientalis. On all these three species, the origin of the second dorsal fin was located on the 16th myomere. Larvae similar to T. orientalis but having the initial dor sal chromatophore anterior to the 15th myo- mere or the origin of the second dorsalfin were designated K. tonggol. Mimura, Koya Studies on Indo-maguro. /Conference Paper I -3 J Indo-maguro, or bluefin tuna, are caught by the Japanese in two places off Australia, the Old and the New Fishing Grounds. These grounds lie to the northwest and west of Australia; no bluefin occur in peripheral areas and few on the grounds outside of the September-April season. The catches differ in that there are two catch peaks on the Old Ground and one on the New, and the Old Ground fish are large through the season whereas the New Ground fish are small at the season's peak. The fish on both grounds are thought to be spawning groups. Greatest food consumption occurred at the first feedings early in the day, and smaller amounts were eaten through the remainder of the day. Shrimp exoskeletons begin to occur in the feces about 1. 5 hours after a meal at 74° F. They ate little or nothing after dark and would not take food particles from the bottom of the pool. The size of food particles they would eat decreased as they became satiated. Nakamura, Eugene L. Nakamura, Hiroshi The establishment and behavior of skip- jack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in captivity. /Conference Paper IV - 2.J Skipjack tuna (2-6 pounds) were success- fully maintained in an outdoor pool for 5-1/2 months at the Kewalo Basin docksite laboratory of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biolog- ical Laboratory at Honolulu. The circular pool, 4 feetdeep and23 feet in diameter, was supplied with 50 gallons of oxygenated salt water per min- ute. Successful establishment was achieved by transferring the fish from the place of capture to the shore pool in a portable tank. The port- able tank contained 620 gallons of water and, while on the vessel, was supplied with 100 gallons of new water per minute. Skipjack were caught by pole-and-line , lowered into the portable tank and allowed to shake out the barbless hook. On shore the portable tank was lowered into the pool, and the skipjack were allowed to swim out. The fish fed in captivity, and recovered from minor wounds received at capture. After 4 months one fish had sunken eyes, but could still feed. Skipjack swim with their mouths agape, and erect their first dorsal and pectoral fins when turning. All fins are erected to maximum extension when the fish decelerate s u d d e n 1 y. They demonstrate no rheotaxis. They schoolin captivity, but schooling is disrupted when food is presented. While the tuna are feeding or when they are presented with a food stimulus, verti- cal bands appear ontheir dor sal lateral surface. When the fish were trained to associate a slap on the water surface with food, the appearance of vertical bars could also be elicted by the slap alone. After the tuna had fed to satiation these responses did not occur. When not in a feeding state, the tuna is marked with horizontal bars on the latero-ventral surfaces. Other noticeable colorations are the silvery tongue and the lead- ing white spine in the first dorsal fin. When fed to satiation once a day they ate 1.6 ounces of squid and shrimp per pound of skipjack per day, but when fed 13 times per day this increased to 3.2 ounces per pound per day. An outline of the tuna longline grounds in the Pacific. /Conference Paper I - 17 The Pacific Ocean is characterized by a series of current systems extending in an east- west direction. These systems are distinct en- vironments and have distinctive fisheries, for example, the North Pacific Current north of 28° is noted for its albacore, while part of the South Equatorial Current is conspicuous for yellowfin. In addition to stratification by current systems, the fisheries show east-west gradients in length composition, as well as variations in amount of catch per unit of fishing effort. There is an over- all tendency for tuna and marlin catches to be heavier in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere. Otsu, Tamio, and Richard J. Hansen Sexual maturity and spawning of albacore in the central South Pacific Ocean. /Conference Paper VII -Z.J (In press as U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery Bulletin 204, vol. 62.) Developmental stages of gonads of the albacore, Thunnus germo (Lacepede), taken in the central South Pacific Ocean by Japanese and South Korean longline vessels based in American Samoa were studied. The samples comprised 782 pairs of ovaries and 990pairs of testes col- lected from 256 landings between August 1957 and September 1958. Occurrence of ova in late stages of de - velopment indicates that the South Pacific alba- core spawn during the southern summer, between September and March, as opposed to the northern summer spawning of the North Pacific albacore. This difference in spawning periods is believed to constitute evidence that the stocks of albacore in the South Pacific and the North Pacific are independent of each other. The data suggest that the bulk of the spawning activity is confined to the area between the Equator and latitude 20° S. 32 No east-west differences in occurrence of devel- oping ovaries were discernible. Otsu, Tamio, and Richard N. Uchida A model of the migration of albacore in the North Pacific Ocean. /Conference Paper II - \J On the basis of tag recovery data, age and growth information, and distribution and size frequency data from the various fisheries, a model of the migration of albacore in the North Pacific Ocean has been developed. This model is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a single population of albacore in the North Pacific Ocean. The migration of albacore within the areas of the three major fisheries is in general reflected by the seasonal shifting of the respec- tive fishing grounds. The migration between fisheries may be summarized briefly as follows : A varying portion of the 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old fish and nearly all of the older fish in the Amer- ican fishery migrate westward each fall into the Japanese longline fishery, and during the follow- ing spring, into the Japanese live -bait fishery. The remainder of the fish from the area ofthe American fishery move westward to the mid- ocean waters of the North Pacific, some as far west as to the eastern fringe of the Japanese longline fishing grounds. These fish, largely young individuals, tend to return to the American fishery the following summer. Thus, some alba- core may be available to the American fishery for as many as four or five successive seasons. Of the more common sizes taken in the Japanese live-bait fishery, only the 4- and 5- year-old groups provide some fish that enter the American fishery the following summer, but these are few since 5- and 6-year-old fish com- prise only a very small proportion in the Amer- ican catch. This would explain why none ofthe albacore tagged in the Japanese live -bait fishery has thus far been retaken in the American fishery. Albacore enter the winter longline fish- ery from both the American fishery and the Japanese live-bait fishery. A large part of these fish migrate southwestward in the winter long- line fishery and subsequently enter the live-bait fishery in the spring, whereas a few separate and migrate into the American fishery by sum- mer. A portion of the large adults occurring in the Japanese winter longline fishery (6-year- olds and older) move southward during the spring into subtropical waters, where they makeup the reproductive unit of the North Pacific population. It is hypothesized that spawning occurs in subtropical waters during the summer and that the larval and early juvenile stages are spent in these waters. When about 1 year old, the fish migrate into temperate waters, but they do not immediately join the exploited stock. The albacore are generally not available to the com- mercial fisheries until they reach the age of 2 or 3. It appears that most of the recruitment into the exploited stock takes place in the east- ern rather than the western North Pacific. There is a greater volume of migration of the commer - cial sizes of albacore in the westerly direction from the American fishery into the Japanese fisheries than vice versa. Ridgway, George J. Distinction of tuna species by immuno- chemical methods. /Conference Paper III - 5] Through the application of the Ouchter- lony method of diffusion precipitin analysis, with rabbit immune sera, the presence of species specific differences in serum antigens of adult tuna was demonstrated. The existence of these differences was confirmed by absorption methods. In studies on soluble antigens of the muscle tissue of tuna, evidence was obtained for the distinction of skipjack from albacore, yel- lowfin, and bigeye tuna. No characteristic differences in their soluble tissue antigens, allowing the mutual dis- tinction of the latter three species, were found. Technical problems in the study of soluble tissue antigens, involving extraction media, stability of extracts, and production of potent antisera were encountered, and preliminary methods for their solution developed. The course was discussed whichfurther developments in these and allied fields might take resulting in possible distinction of larval forms. Roedel, Phil M. , and John E. Fitch Taxonomy and nomenclature of the Pa- cific tunas. /Conference Paper VI - Z] The basic problems of taxonomy and nomenclature of tunas still remain unresolved. Even among American tuna research labora- tories now studying eastern Pacific tunas, there exist some differences in the usage of names. Some uses stand on reasonably firm scientific ground; others are based on custom and gener- ally follow Kishinouye's lead. In the category of true tunas are included thebluefins, albacores, yellowfins, bigeyes, and members of genera Kishinoella and Allothunnus. Among the bluefins, the authors feel that (1) T. maccoyi is a distinct species, (2) T. saliens is at least subspecifically distinct from the Atlan- tic form, (3) the relationship of T. saliens to T. orientalis is unknown, and (4) until necessary research is done, the best course is to call the California bluefin T. saliens and the Japanese T. orientalis. There is but one species of albacore in the North Pacific, but no one knows whether it is in any way distinguishable from that in the Atlantic. The Pacific albacore has been listed as T. germo, G. germo, T. alalunga, and G. alalunga. The question of specific names can- not be properly resolved until a direct compari- son of Atlantic and Pacific material is made. The problem with yellowfins is whether the various forms from the oceans of the world are identical or whether they are specifically and subspecifically distinct. This problem will be resolved only by a global attack; pending that, continued use of macropterus for the Pacific forms is recommended. For the bigeye, Pacific workers have generally used sibi, and it seems wise to con- tinue this practice for the present. Serventy (1942)^'has documented the case for the Australian northern bluefin, Kishi- noella tonggol; the New Zealand fish, Allothunnus fallai, rounds out the Pacific tunas. In the category of the skipjacks are in- cluded the skipjack, the black skipjacks, and the frigate mackerels. The skipjack appear s almost universally in the literature as Katsuwonus pelamis. Such usage tacitly recognizes the existence of a species worldwide in distribution . K. vagans is used by some authors who regard the Pacific form as separable from the Atlantic form. There are no factual data to support either view, and there is need for a direct com- parison of specimens. The black skipjacks are now universally consigned to genus Euthynnus. The number and definition of species are matters of debate, but it is reasonably certain that alletteratus, linea- tus, and affinis are valid names for valid species. It is suggested that the name E. yaito be retained for the western Pacific species until such time as its confusion (it may be synonymous) with affinis has been clarified. As for higher classification, the author s believe that Germo should be submerged in favor of Thunnus and that Neothunnus would have to be submerged in favor of Parathunnus, on page priority, if their separation from Thunnus seems advisable. Despite these opin- ions, no changes are recommended at present, except for Germo. Katsuwonus should be re- tained as a separate genus because of the many characters by which it differs from the three black skipjacks. These suggestions are offered for action: (1) Determine the relationships of these fishes at the specific or subspecific level and above all on a worldwide basis as soon as sponsorship and fundingcanbe arranged; (2) establish a commit- tee which would submit a detailed proposal for. actionto the FAO World Tuna Conference; and (3) those concerned with the Pacific tuna resource should implement the program through tuna re- search agencies active in the Pacific basin, if worldwide sponsorship cannot be obtained. Rosa, H. , Jr. , and T. Laevastu World distribution of tunas and tunafish- eries in relation to environment. /Con- ference Paper V - \J Bluefin and albacore occur in the temper - ate subtropical and tropical water s of the oceans of the world, are often associated with frontal zones, and have a narrow optimal temperature range. Bigeye and yellowfin are mainly pelagic and are found in the equatorial current systems of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. Skipjack are found in the warmer temperate sub- tropical and tropical waters of the world. Bo- nitos and little tunas are found in the coastal areas of the temperate subtropical and tropical oceans. Aggregations of tuna are to be found in regions of shallow thsrmocline, cold and warm eddies and intrusions, in areas of upwelling 37 Serventy, D. L. 1942. The tuna Kishi- noella tonggol Bleeker in Australia. Journal of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, vol. 15, no. 12, p. 101-112. 34 along current boundaries, and in certain areas near islands, sea mounts, and along continental slopes. Each of these features may contribute to enrichment of the surface waters. Although temperature is a good indicator of each of these features, it may not be the main factor directing the behavior and distribution of tuna. Changes in the environmental factors in the sea are the result of interaction between the sea and atmos- phere, and thus a correlation between meteoro- logical factors and behavior of the tunas can be found. A discussion of tuna fishing grounds and methods is included. Royce, William F. A morphometric study of yellowfin tuna Thunnus a 1 b a c a r e s (Bonnaterre). /"Conference Paper III - b] (In press as U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fishery Bulletin, number unknown) Morphometric measurements are com- paredfrom 4,180 yellowfin tuna from 29 locations in the Pacific Ocean, from the Atlantic Ocean off Angola, Africa, and from the Indian Ocean off Somaliland, Africa. The measurements used are head length, pectoral fin length, second dor- sal fin height, anal fin height, snout to insertion of first dorsal fin, snout to insertion of second dorsal fin, snout to insertion of anal fin, snout to insertion ofventral fin, insertion ofventral to anterior edge of vent, and greatest body depth. Each measurement is related to fork length by regression analysis, and each relationship is called a character. Curvilinear regression due to allometric growth is controlled bytransform- ing some data to logarithms and by separating all samples into small, medium, and large size groups (< 80, 80-120, and > 120 cm. fork length , respectively). Mean character sizes are deter - mined for each sample at lengths of 65 cm. , 100 cm. , and 140 cm. A comparison of mean character sizes from samples taken along the Pacific Equator reveals a cline in most characters between the vicinity of Costa Rica and the Caroline Islands. The yellowfin from the eastern Pacific have larger heads and greater distances from the snout to the insertion of first dorsal, second dorsal, ventral, and anal fins, a greater dis- tance from insertion of ventral to insertion of anal fin, and a greater body depth. On the other hand they have shorter pectoral fins and much shorter anal and second dorsal fins. The sam- ples from the more temperate parts of the Pacific and from off the coasts of Africa differ little from some part of this cline. A multiple character comparison of over- lap among samples from near the Pacific Equa- tor shows less than 50 percent overlap between samples separated by 1, 500 miles, less than 25 percent overlap between samples separated by 3, 000 miles and less than 6 percent overlap be- tween samples separated by 6, 000 miles. The possibility of long intermigrations among the equatorial stocks seems remote. The full variation in length of pectoral and heights of second dorsal and anal fins, which most authors have used to separate the species of yellowfin, occurs within the cline along the Pacific Equator. This occurrence plus the con- tinuous circumtropical high seas distribution of the yellowfin indicates a single worldwide spe- cies. The appropriate name is Thunnus alba- cares (Bonnaterre) 1788. Seckel, Gunter R. , and Thomas S. Austin The association between Hawaiian skip- jack landings and the oceanographic climate. /Conference Paper V - 10_/ In an effort to relate the seasonal and annual availability of Hawaiian skipjack to fac- tors in their environment, it was found that the season catch could be correlated with the per- centage occurrence of northeast trades during February through April for a number of years. This correlation later failed. In the Hawaiian Islands, low summer salinities (less than35 %a) were also associated, although not without excep- tions, with better than average annual landings. Plotting the monthly rate of change of surface temperature obtained at Koko Head, Oa h u, against time, one obtains a heating curve with a shape characteristic of the locality. Occurrence of initial heating during February was followed by an average or better than average fishing season and initial heating during March by a poorer than average season. This correlation, which has held for the 10 years for which data are available, is of predictive value. In terms of environmental processes, initial warming of the heating curve signifies the beginning of the northward movement of the boundary between the high salinity North Pacific Central water and the lower salinity California Current Extension water. Later, the boundary, which during autumn and winter months lies just south of the islands, moves into the island area and accounts for the lower summer salinities. Early northward movement of the boundary as reflected by initial warming at Koko Head signi- fies a well-developed circulation. The 10-year Koko Head heating curve and monthly skipjack landings show that catches coincide with the summer cold advection period and that the duration of the peak fishing is related to the length of the summer cold advection period. The excellent relations between environ- mental factors and the availability of skipjack indicate that changes in the magnitude of Hawai- ian stocks due to changing magnitudes of year class or fishing pressure may not be of major importance. They indicate that, in addition to a favorable type of water, favorable dynamic conditions are necessary for a good fishing sea- son. Since fishing success seems to be associa- ted with the dynamics of the system, it is not surprising that an index reflecting environmental processes (initial heating at Koko Head) has proved to be of predictive value. Sprague, Lucian M. , and Leslie I. Nakashima A comparative study of the erythrocyte antigens of certain tuna species. /Con- ference Paper III - 8_/ The C-system of the skipjack (Katsu- wonus pelamis) was recognized by the action of bovine normal serum containing natural anti-C fractions on the cells of C-positive ski pjack (Cushing, 1956).!/ C-like blood factors also occur o n the erythrocytes of albacore (Germo alalunga), big- eye (Parathunnus sibi),and yellowfin (Neothun - nus macropterus). To date, absorption results have not revealed C-system antibodies which will differentiate subtyping relations between the species, although such relations probably exist. The relative frequency of occurrence of C-positive individuals is quite different among the members of the species tested. Albacore (120) were 94 percent, bigeye (113) were 77 per- cent, and yellowfin (37) were 98 percent positive with standard C reagents. The A-system of the skipjack is recog - nized by specific agglutinates formed in extracts of the seeds of Glycine max (soy). A-positive bloods are also commonly found in the bigeye and albacore tunas, but to date they have not been recognized in the few yellowfin tested. Several other inter specific serological relationships are also under investigation. Suzuki (1961)2/ has reported his find- ings with regard to the serological cross reactions of these species. At the present time it is not known whether or not the relationships described here fall within those described by Suzuki. Sprague, Lucian M. , and Leslie I. Nakashima Studies on the erythrocyte antigens of the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis). /Conference Paper III - 9. 7 (See also abstracts of Symposium Papers, Tenth Pacific Science Con- gress. Symposium on immunogenetic concepts in marine population research, p. 186. ) At least five blood factors, which form four systems of blood groups, have been identi- fied on the red blood cells of the skipjack tuna. One, the C antigen, has been described by Cushing (1956). _' C-positive individuals are recognized by the action of natural bovine and ovine heteroagglutinins. Four additional blood factors are now recognized by the use of saline extracts of legume seeds. Extracts of Glycine max detect A-positive bloods, extracts of Phaseolus vulgaris detect D-positive bloods, and extracts of Virgilia di- varicata and Caragana arborescens detect two blood factors in the B system, Be and Bf. The relationships of Be and Bf are not well under- stood except that they are mutually exclusive properties, Be-positive animals being Bf- negative and vice versa. About 20- 30 percent of the skipjack tested are Be -Bf-negative. Of these reagents, those recognizing D- positive individuals and those recognizing Bf- positive individuals are not sufficiently definitive for use in population studies. R eagents detecting C -positive, A- positive, and Be-positive animals, however, may be used to explicitly categorize skipjack erythrocytes. These reagents have been used in tests of 688 skipjack from the island or island systems of Hawaii, Johnston, Christmas, Mar- quesas, and Rangiroa (Tuamotu). 4/ Cushing, John E. 1956. Observations on serology of tuna. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific Report: Fisheries No. 183, 14 p. 5/ Suzuki, Akimi. 1961. Serological studies of the races of tuna - V. The blood groups of yellowfin tuna. Report of Nankai Regional Fish- eries Research Laboratory No. 13, p. 53-67. 6/ See footnote 4. When the frequencies of the occurrence of Be individuals from these areas were com - pared, the relative proportion of Be individuals sampled near Rangiroa was clearly distinct from the frequencies of Be from all other areas sam- pled (P < . 001; £- test). The sample from the Marquesas Islands is different from all other areas with respectto the frequency of the occurrence of C-positive individuals (. 05 < P < . 01; ■l- test). On the contrary, samples taken from Hawaii, Christmas, and Johnston Islands exhibit marked homogeneity in the frequencies of the characters A, C, and Be. These data indicate the occurrence of at least two reproductively isolated stocks of skipjack in the areas sampled. Basin docksite laboratory of the Bureau of Com- mercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory at Honolulu. Such salt ground water is similar to oceanic water but contains only 0. 15 - 0. 69 ml./l. dissolved oxygen. A device was designed to in- crease the amount of oxygen to 95 - 100 percent saturation at rates of flow up to 100 gallons per minute. The aerator was composed of three stacks of 16 trays (each tray 2 feet x 7 feet), spaced at 2 -inch intervals and perforated at half- inch intervals by one-eighth inch holes. Well water was directed onto the top tray and perco- lated down into a collecting basin below. Speci- fications of the aerator, such as number of trays and distance between trays, were based uponthe operation of a test aerator in which these dimen- sions could be altered. Further studies are in progress which will attempt to delineate the range and character of these stocks in greater detail. Sprague, Lucian M. Blood group studies of albacore (Germo alalunga) tuna from the Pacific Ocean. /"Conference Paper III - 107 Reagents designated as anti-C by virtue of their reactions with the erythrocytes of the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) also recog- nize closely related antigens in the albacore. Suda, Akira Comparison of abundance between alba- core and b i g e y e in the northwe st Pacific. ^Conference Paper VII - 5. J (In press in Nankai Regional Research Laboratory, Report No. 14. ) The possibility of a correlation between albacore and bigeye abundance is discussed using recently accumulated data. Catch and size data of albacore and bigeye taken in the North Pacific Current area during winter longlining operations were used in this study. The data examined were for the years from 1949 to 1959. The relative proportions of C-positive individuals of albacore taken in the fisheries of North America and Samoa are highly signifi- cantly different. Of 325 fish taken from North America, 97.5 percent were C-positive, and of 74 fish taken from Samoa 85.1 percent were C- positive. These data are interpreted as evi- dence for .reproductive isolation between the North Pacific and South Pacific albacore. Data were presented on a blood - group system designated G, in which at least two G blood factors, Gi and G, , are recognized. To date the relative proportions of Gi, G, and " " (the three phenotypes of the G system) are simi- lar for the two areas sampled. Strasburg, Donald W. An aerating device for salt well water . /Conference Paper IV - l] Salt-water wells drilled through h a r d packed coral and sand are used to supply water for the experimental facilities at the Kewalo The author used index-S to represent relative abundance of fish, and calculated S as follows: S =-L£ 5 x,-;, where x- ; is the hooked n i ) XJ XJ rate (catch/100 hooks) in the i-th month and in the j-th area, and n is 15 for albacore and 12 for bigeye. For albacore, there is a strong tendency for index-S to fluctuate with large amplitude either at a high or a low level, which continues for a period of about 3 years and then changes to the opposite level for an approximately equal period. In comparison, the index-S for bigeye appears to be rather stable. However, the annual changes in index-S for both species are somewhat similar when smoothed by a moving average of 3 years. The index-S1 (lengthfrequencies weighted by hooked rate) was used to represent relative abundance of each size group, S1 being calcula- ted as follows: S1 = j 5 (rx)-, where r is the ratio of the size group and x is the hooked rate in the ij-th stratum. Index-S' shows that the abundance of both species is strongly influenced 37 bv the existence of a dominant size group. With the occurrence of one dominant size group, good catches can be expected for the following 2 or 3 years. Index-P (formula explained in author's previous report), used as a measure of the pop- ulation size of each year class, showed similar annual change in both species. As both index-S and index-P in both species show similar changes, it is suggested that the changes in year class size of albacore and bigeye are caused by intraspecific and inter- specific fac tor s. Since the patterns of distribu- tion and population structures of the two species are rather similar, some changes in environ- mental conditions may cause similar changes in the two populations. Suzuki, Akimi Blood types in tuna. /Conference Paper III -2. J (See also Suzuki, Akimi et al. Serological studies of the races of tuna, I, II, III, IV and V. Report of Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory no. 8, p. 104-116 (1958) ; no. 11, p. 17-23, 165-172 (1959); no. 12, p. 1-13 (1960); no. 13, p. 53-67 (1961).) Investigation of the erythrocyte antigens of albacore, bigeye, and yellowfin tunas by means of normal and immune sera has shown a variety of antigenic differences. In the albacore, the Tgl and Tg2 antigens are recognized by rabbit immune sera. These two antigens form a blood group system with four phenotypes Tgl; Tg2; Tgl Tg2; and O (the absence of Tgl or Tg2). In the bigeye, three antigens are recognized, two of them very simi- lar to Tgl and Tg2 of albacore. The antigen bigeye-3also occurs in albacore taken from the North Atlantic. Yellowfin appear to have antigen y similar to Tg2 of albacore and bigeye. An investigation of the agglutinins in tuna sera revealed that there area variety of "serum types" reactive with human Aand/or B erythro- cytes. Uchida, Richard N. , and Tamio Otsu Analysis of sizes of albacore occurring in various Pacific Fisheries -A pre- liminary report. /Conference Paper VII - llj Published and u n p u b 1 i s h e d albacore length frequency data from foreign and domestic sources were analyzed to determine the general age structure of the species and the contributions of the several age classes to the major albacore fisheries in the Pacific Ocean. Of the three major albacore fisheries in the North Pacific, the U. S. West Coast fishery, the Japanese winter longline fishery, and the Ja- panese spring live-bait fishery, the last normally accounts for the largest percentage of the total catch. The 3-year-olds compose roughly 70 per- cent of the American albacore landings, while the 4- and 5-year-olds constitute a large part of the Japanese landings. Australia and Chile have albacore fish- eries, but they catch only a small portion ofthe albacore landed in the South Pacific. The smallest albacore are taken in waters around Australia and New Zealand, and these are esti- mated to be about 2- and 3-year-olds. In the small coastal fishery of Chile, the 3-year-olds predominate, making up roughly 71 percent of the catch. The only major fishery for albacore in the South Pacific is the Japanese tropical long- line fishery. Fishing is concentrated in an area between the Equator and latitude 30° S. , and the predominant age group taken is the 6-year- olds, which compose 42 percent of the total landings. Tagging results have shown that the alba- core of the temperate North Pacific belong to a single population, but the relationship between the North and South Pacific albacore has not been determined. Evidence indicates, however, that the stocks in the North and South Pacific are independent of each other. Comparison of North and South Pacific albacore landings indicates that 93 percent ofthe fish taken in the North Pacific fisheries are im- mature fish under 5 years old, while only 35 per- cent of the South Pacific fish were estimated to be under 5 years old. A commercial longline fishery compara- ble to that found in the tropical South Pacific is nonexistent in the tropical North Pacific. It is hypothesized that one of the causes for this ab- sence of a longline fishery in tropical waters of the Northern Hemisphere is the fishing effort expended on the immature stock (3- to 5-year- olds) during its migration in temperate North Pacific waters, with consequent reduction in the 38 number of fishreaching 6 years of age, the pre- dominant age group in the South Pacific longline fishery. This condition is reversed in the South Pacific , which may be the reason why the 6 - year-old and older age groups are abundant enough to sustain a commercial fishery. Uda, Michitaka Cyclical fluctuation of the Pacific tuna fisheries in response to cold and warm water intrusions. /Conference Paper V - 7.7 (In press (1962) in Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries. ) Peak landings of skipjack from Japanese waters have occurred at irregular intervals since 1912. A study of oceanographic conditions showed that good catches were made during years with warm water temperatures, whereas poor catches were made during years with cooler water temperatures. These differences in tem- peratures were primarily relatedto the relative strengths of the warm Kuroshio and the cool Oyashio. It was postulated that recruitment of skipjack is favored by the enriched zones asso- ciated with upwelling in the Equatorial Counter - current and near the Equator. From these trop- ical waters there is a migration of skipjack (composed mainly of medium- sized fish) into Japanese waters. When the warm Kuroshio water spreads over a broad area, more skipjack become available to the Japanese fishery. Conversely a strong Oyashio current (cold water) hinder s the migration, and catches are low. However, good catches may also be made when both the Oyashio and Kuroshio are strong. Under the latter conditions skipjack are concentrated along the boundary between the warm and cold water (Polar Front). It is postulated that the yield of skipjack from Japa- nese waters varies inversely with that from American waters. Albacore catch records also show peak landings at irregular intervals for both the Japa- nese and the U. S. fisheries. It is postulated that the variations between these two areas occur in a reciprocal manner, as was the case with skipjack. It is further postulated that the tern - peratures in the eastern and western Pacific vary in a reciprocal manner, with pulsations traveling west to east in the region of the domi- nant westerlies, returning in the lower latitudes dominated by the northeasterly trades. Intru- sions of cold and warm waters into the coastal areas may be related to fluctuations in the at- mospheric pressure systems. During 1955-59, an increase in pressure difference among the Siberian and North Pacific Highs and the Aleutian Low corresponded with a period of cooler tem- peratures in the western Pacific, warmer in the eastern Pacific. Geographical variations in the location of the North Pacific High in winter and spring also affect the temperatures. Movement to the northwest results in warm intrusions in the western Pacific and good albacore catches, re- ciprocal in eastern Pacific. Movement of the high to the southeast corresponds to cool water in the west and poor catches, warm water in the east and good catches. Bluefin catches off the coasts of Japan have also shown periodic fluctuations, with a decline in catch associated with periods of cold water intrusion, an increase in catch with per- iods of warming. The cause of these fluctuations maybe related to dominant brood strength during periods of rising temperatures. When cool waters intrude southward into the spawning grounds, one or more year classes are seri- ously affected. However, these cooler waters are comparatively rich in nutrients and, with a reversal in temperature toward warming, suc- ceeding year classes find more plentiful food and favorable temperature conditions for their migration northward into Japanese waters. Thus we have a cyclical situation — a reduction of year-class strength and the fishery during per- iods of cool surface waters, followed by an in- crease in brood strength during the subsequent period of warming and a more favorable eco- logical situation resulting from the enrichment of the surface waters during the cool period. Uda, Michitaka Localized concentration of tunas in t h e eddies along oceanic fronts. /Confer- ence Paper V - 8. J (In press (1962) in Journal of Tokyo University of Fisheries. ) Aggregations of tuna aretobe found along fronts, localized in eddies, cool or warm, and in zones of upwelling. Variations in concentra- tion and location of the tuna are associated with growth, decay, and change in position of the eddies. Such eddies are to be found associated with the Polar Front and the subtropical conver- gence and near the Equator. Albacore catch records for the period 1951-60 and surface temperature data were con- sidered for the areabetween 140° E. and 154° E. 39 The albacore were in the cooler cyclonic eddies ; the skipjack in the warmer anticyclonic eddies along the front and the blue fin in the cooler coastal waters. In exploratory longline fishing (35°- 45° N. , 160° E. - 160° W. , May-October), alba- core were found between 15° - 21° C. with the peak catches centered around 175 ° W. The north - south and east-west distribution of albacore in the region north of the subtropical convergence (30° - 38° N. ) was also investigated. In an east- west direction the peak catches were centered between 170° E. and 180°, decreasing sharply to the east and less sharply to the west. The peak catches were recorded during midwinter . As to the north-south distribution, the peak catches in the fall and winter centered about 38 ° N., moving to about 30° N. in March. The secondary peak in latitudes 30° - 20° N. , west of 140° W. sug- gests to the author migration along the sub- tropical convergence. In the western half of the Pacific, yellow- fintuna are caught along the Equatorial Counter- current and are associated with areas of high productivity, which are in turn related to a series of eddies, i.e. eddies localized at about 135° - 145° E. , 155° - 165° E. , 175° E. - 175° W. , and 155° - 157° W. In the eastern equatorial Pacific, the rich yellowfin areas are associated with the regions of shallow thermoclines. The equato - rial convergence at latitudes 1° to 3°N. may also concentrate yellowfin either through the concentration of food or through a barrier effect. It i s proposed that secular changes in oceanographic and fishery conditions are related to climatological changes and the relationships should be more fully studied. Watson, Margaret E. , and Frank J. Mather III Species identification of juvenile tunas (genus Thunnus) from the Straits of Messina, northwestern Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico. /Conference Paper VII - 137 Two vertebral characteristics visible in soft X-rays of juvenile fish as well as in hard X-rays of adult fish provide the first positive identification of juvenile bluefin tuna(T. thynnus), yellowfin tuna(T. albacares), blackfin tuna (T. atlanticus), and albacore (T. alalunga). Blackfin tuna are separable from the other spe- cies by having 19precaudal and 20 caudal verte- brae, a count which contradicts the work of de Sylva (1955). U The other s p e c i e s having identical vertebral counts,18 +21, are separable one from each other on the basis of the position of the first ventrally directed parapophyses. For the yellowfin, this structure appears on the seventh precaudal, for the albacore on the ninth, for the bigeye and bluefin tuna on the eighth. A juvenile bigeye (T. obesus) has as yet not been X-rayed. It is presumed that the possible key characters for separating a juvenile bluefin from a juvenile bigeye would involve those also appli- cable to the adults, the measurement of the orbit diameter and depth, as well as comparing the contour of the lateral line characteristic of each species. Yabe, Hiroshi, and Shoji Ueyanagi Contributions to the study of the early life history of the tunas. /"Conference Paper VII - 67 Larval net tows, dip netting, and survey of stomach contents of adult fishes since 1949 by the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory have resulted in collection of approx - innately 2,000 tuna larvae, 1,000 istiophorid larvae, and considerable numbers of juveniles of these fishes. The areas covered include a great portion of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Larvae were taken in 1.4 or 2.0 m. nets hauled horizontally, either at the surface or at three levels, the deepest at 40-50 m. Larvae of Katsuwonus pelamis, Auxis tapeinosoma, Neothunnus macropterus, and Thunnus orientalis are described. In addition, two types, A and B, suspected to belong to alba- core and bigeye, respectively, are recognized through their geographical and seasonal occur- rence. These types are thought to be quite similar to Neothunnus larvae with respect to the absence of pigmentation on the trunk and late appearance of chromatophores over the fore- brain. Type A is characterized by the presence of pigment on the tip of the upper jaw in speci- mens about 8 mm. in fork length and the absence , or only very faint presence, of pigment on the tip of the lower jaw. Type B is mainly charac- terized by pigment on the tip of the upper jaw at 5.3 mm. and on the tip of the lower jaw at 7. 0 mm. in fork length. 7/ de Sylva, Donald P. 1955. The osteology and phylogenetic relationships of the blackfin tuna, Thunnus atlanticus (Lesson). Bulletin of Marine Science for the Gulf and Caribbean, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 1-41. 40 Horizontal distribution of tuna larvae is discussed with some mention of juveniles; how- ever, these distributions are treated only quali- tatively. In low latitudes between 10° N. and 10° S. , larvae seem to occur all year round, but in higher latitudes they tend to occur in spring and summer. Larvae of frigate mackerel (A. tapeinosoma) also have a wide distribution, however, their abundance is assumed to be high in waters close to islands. Larvae of T. orien- talis are taken in waters in the vicinity of Luzon Island, Okinawa, and in the area to the north of the Bonin Islands during May and June. They are assumed to be abundant also in the area of the Kuroshio Current. Most of the yellowfin (N. macropterus) larvae are taken in tropical (equa- torial) areas, and some are found in subtropical areas which are under the influence of warm currents. Larvae representing types A, taken in July, and B, taken in December, are present in the area between latitudes 10° N. and 25° N. in the western Pacific. Larvae of all five istiophorid species distributed in the Indo-Pacific areas are identi- fied. Shortnosed spearfish (Tetrapturus angustirostris Tanaka), sailfish ( Istiophorus orientalis T. and S.), and striped marlin (Makaira mitsukurii J. and S. ) are characterized by a long snout, and black marlin (Eumakaira nigra Nakamura) and white marlin (Marlina marlina J. and H. ) are characterized by a short snout. The former three species are distin- guished from one another by the profile of t h e head and the number of dorsal fin rays, while the latter two species are distinguished from each other by the shape of the pectoral and dor- sal fins. Results of larval net hauls indicate that both tuna and istiophorid larvae undergo vertical, diurnal migration in the upper 50 meters of water. Yabuta, Yoichi, and Mori Yukinawa Age and growth of yellowfin tuna. /Con- ference Paper VII - 7.7 (See also Yabuta, Yoichi et al. Age and growth of yellowfin tuna. Rept. Nankai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. no. 5, p. 127-133 (1957); no. 11, p. 77-87 (1959); no. 12, p. 63-74 (I960).) Length frequency distributions of yellow- fin tuna taken by pole and line and by longline in waters adjacent to Japan were analyzed, and a growth curve was obtained. The scale method of age determination was also used to derive a growth curve. Tag recovery data substantiated the results obtained by the other two methods. In the length frequency method, the monthly modal mean lengths for each age class were plotted for the years between 1953 and 1956, and the progression in size was noted. Of scale samples from 2, 087 fish examined in scale studies, those from 1,204 (57.7 percent) were unreadable. Unreadable scales, however, oc- curred more frequently in larger fish. There were 24 percent unreadable samples from fish under 100 cm. in length, 68 percent from fish between 101 cm. and 131 cm. , and 95 percent from fish larger than 131 cm. Scale studies also indicated that two rings are formed each year, one in March and April and the other in Septem- ber and October. In general, the growth rates estimated by the length frequency method and the scale method and from tagging data were in good agree- ment with one another. The results showed that the yellowfin is a relatively rapid-growing tuna and that growth during the early stage of life is particularly rapid. The first major group of fish entering the commercial fishery (at about 50 cm. ) was estimated to be 1-year-old as deter- mined by the scale method. Yamanaka, Hajime, and Noboru Anraku Relation between the distribution of tunas and water masses of the North and South Pacific Oceans west of 160° W. /"Conference Paper V - 57 A detailed examination of temperature and chlorinity in the Pacific west of 160° W. , and in particular of temperature-chlorinity relationships in the upper 200 meters, suggests that the surface water layers can be divided into a series of types having characteristic ranges of temperature and chlorinity. The observations are grouped into (Northern Hemisphere) winter and summer classes, and the water types given preliminary designations based upon the current system which dominates the area in which each occurs. Thus, for example, there is a type O surface water, in the region of the Oyashio, which is associated with the underlying Sub- Arctic water mass, there are types K and N, representing the Kuroshio and North Equatorial Current surface water types which overlie the Western North Pacific Central water mass, and there are water types associated with the Countercurrent, equatorial waters, the South Equatorial Current, the Coral Sea, the Central and southwest Tasman Sea areas, and the Sub- Antarctic. In general, the water types are relatively uniform from east to west. There is evidence of seasonal movement toward and away from the Equator, and the area covered by each water type varies seasonally. These movements are interpreted as reflecting seasonal changes in the location and intensity of the current system. An approximate relation is shown between the occurrence of tunas and the location of vari- ous surface water types. The albacore in their feeding stage appear in the western K (Kuroshio) type, while albacore in the spawning stage are found in the southern N (North Equatorial Cur- rent) surface water type. Similarly, bigeye, yellowfin, and striped mar lin appear to be asso- ciated with specific surface water types, often appearing in water of two different types without being abundant in an intermediate third type which geographically separates the two regions of abundance. Yuen, Heeny S. H. Experiments on the feeding behavior of skipjack at sea. /Conference Paper IV - 37 These experiments were conducted at sea from the Charles H. Gilbert, research ves- sel of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Bio- logical Laboratory, Honolulu, on skipjack schools which had been attracted to the ship by chumming with live bait and were being hooked by pole and line. The influence of water sprays, dead bait, various species of live bait, and glit- ter (a material obtained from artist1 s supply shops) on the feeding response of skipjack was investigated. Response was measured by catch rate (number caught per hook per minute) and by feeding attack rate (number of attacks on bait or hooks per fish per second). The latter statis- tic was obtained from 16 mm. color film shot with a cine-camera during the experiments from the underwater viewing port at the stern of the Charles H. Gilbert. Water sprays seemed to increase the responses when anchovy (Stolephor- ous purpureus), mountain bass (Kuhlia sandvi- censis), tilapia (Tilapia m o s s a m b i c a), and goatfish (Mulloidichthys samoensis) were used as bait, to decrease the catch rate when mullet (Mugil longimanus) was used, and to h a v e no effect when silversides (Pranesus insularum) were used. The sprays may change the bait's behavior rather than stimulate skipjack directly. When different bait species were used, caranx (Caranx mate) and anchovy elicited greater re- sponses than silversides, and equal responses resulted from alternating anchovy and topminnow (Limia vittata), tilapia and mullet, and tilapia and mountain bass. Live bait was more effec - tive than dead bait, and glitter seemed to raise the attack rate slightly but not the catch rate. Skipjack move toward shiny objects, but the movement of the food seems to provide the stimulus necessaryto result in a grasping of the food. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS A. Dunbavin Butcher Director, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife 605 Flinders St. , Extension Melbourne C.3, Australia British Columbia (Canada) J. C. Stevenson Asst. Director, Pacific Area Department of Fisheries Vancouver, B. C. Yoshio Hiyama Department of Fisheries Faculty of Agriculture University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan Motoo Inoue Fisheries Research Laboratory Tokai University 149 Shimazaki-cho, Shimizu-shi Shizuoka-ken, Japan Nobuyuki Kawamoto University of Mie Mie Prefecture, Japan Cesar L. Raza Sub-Director General Departmento de Pesca Ministerio De Fomento Quito, Ecuador Hong Kong J. Derek Bromhall Director, Fisheries Research Station, c/o Co-operative Development and Fisheries Dept. Li Po Chambers, 9th Floor Central, Hong Kong Jun Nakagome Kanagawa Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station Kanagawa, Japan Keiji Takeda Fisheries Section, Economic Dept. Nagasaki City Hall Nagasaki, Japan Michitaka Uda Tokyo University of Fisheries Shiba Kaigan-dori, Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan Italy Horacio Rosa, Jr. Chief, Marine Resources Section Fisheries Biology Branch FAO of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rome, Italy Japan Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory Sanbashi-dori, Kochi-shi Kochi, Japan: Katsumi Yamamoto Fisheries Agency, Kaiyo 2-ka Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan New Caledonia Michel Legand Institut Francais d'Oceanie Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer Noumea, New Caledonia New Guinea Hiroshi Nakamura, Director Akimi Suzuki Shoji Ueyanagi Yoichi Yabuta Hajime Yamanaka A. M. Rapson Division of Fisheries Port Moresby, New Guinea New Zealand Seibin Arasaki University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan J. A. F. Garrick University of New Zealand Wellington, New Zealand (Presently at the U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C.) Maurice Newman P. Feron and Son, Ltd. P. O. Box 83 Christchurch, New Zealand Philippines Douglas Walton Star-Kist Foods, Inc. and University of Southern California (Mailing address: 411 Caminodelas Colinas, No. 3 Redondo Beach, California) Bureau of Fisheries, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines: V. Alvarez (Presently at the University of Hawaii) Inocencio A. Ronquillo, Chief Hydrology and Fisheries Biology Section United States (Continental) Maurice Blackburn Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jolla, California Charles R. Carry Executive Director California Fish Canners Association, Inc. Ferry Building Terminal Island, California W. M. Chapman, Director The Resources Committee 7 39 Golden Park Avenue San Diego 6, California John E. Cushing, Chairman Department of Biological Sciences University of California at Santa Barbara Goleta, California Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Department of Biology University of Boston Boston, Massachusetts Robert W. Hetzler Star-Kist Foods, Inc. Terminal Island, California Margaret Watson Woods Hole Oceanogr aphic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts Stanley Watson Woods Hole Oceanogr aphic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts Bureau of Commercial Fisheries: Dayton L. Alverson Base Director BCF Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base 2725 Montlake Boulevard Seattle 2, Washington James H. Johnson BCF Biological Laboratory P.O. Box 6121, Pt. Loma Station San Diego 6, California Stewart Springer, Chief Branch of Exploratory Fishing Division of Industrial Research Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Washington 25, D. C. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, c/o Scripps Institution of Oceanography , La Jolla, California: Witold L. Klawe Douglas Vann United States (Hawaii) Herbert D. Hart General Manager Hawaiian Tuna Packers, Ltd. P. O. Box 238 Honolulu 9, Hawaii Phil M. Roedel Marine Resources Manager Marine Resources Operations California State Fisheries Laboratory Terminal Island, California William Kanakanui Manager Tuna Boat Owners Association P. O. Box 238 Honolulu 9, Hawaii William F. Royce, Director Fisheries Research Institute Fisheries Hall No. 2 University of Washington Seattle 5, Washington Carl Nemoto Division of Fish and Game Department of Land and Natural Resources P. O. Box 5425 - Pawaa Station Honolulu 14, Hawaii 44 University of Hawaii Honolulu 14, Hawaii: William A. Gosline Department of Zoology Robert W. Hiatt Dean, Graduate School and Director of Research Albert L. Tester Department of Zoology Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory P. O. Box 3830 Honolulu 12, Hawaii: Thomas S. Austin Richard A. Barkley Robert P. Brown Mary Lynne Godfrey Reginald M. Gooding James R. Holloway Robert T. B. Iversen Everet C. Jones Betty Ann Keala Robert E. K. D. Lee John J. Magnuson Herbert J. Mann John C. Marr Walter M. Matsumoto Frank A. Moriguchi Robert A. Morris Eugene L. Nakamura Leslie I. Nakashima Hazel S. Nishimura Tamio Otsu Charles J. Rollet Gunter R. Seckel Kenneth Sherman Richard S. Shomura Lucian M. Sprague Donald W. Strasburg William T. Tanaka Thomas Y. Toyama Richard N. Uchida Wilvan G. Van Campen Kenneth D. Waldron Howard O. Yoshida Heeny S. H. Yuen 45 MBL WHOI Libiary 5 WHSE 01542