OXYGEN BLOCK IN THE MAIN -STEM WILLAMETTE RIVER i.iiit' I'.iological Labordtory B R A tl Y OCT 9-1950 WOODS HOLE. MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 41 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investif;ations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited Quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication* Vfashington, D« C« September 1950 Ur.ited States Department of the Interior Oscar Lo Chapnan, Secretary Fish and Wildlife Service AlhertMo Daj', Director Special Scientific Report - Fisheries NOc 41 OXYGEN BLOCK IN THE MAIN-STEM WILIA^TETTE RIVER By Frederic F. Fish In Charge, Western Fish-Cultural Investigations and Richard A. Wagner Biological Aid CONTENTS Page Fore^ftard. oa»oo.oo 1 mtrOQUO ttLOn 0 ooooooeoo***oe»ooft»*»«»ft* 3 1S49 Main-Stsm Wilianette River Studies 5 iiirerpretation of Results 13 Ccnolusions oo>.oo.a.« 17 Litsraturs Citedo o».>oi^uio>-^o> / / / ^ c ; / A f * < 1 1 rn r\> o 1 / ^^ a> \ / O o - Si \ X c \ o k h t X -< CD m Ul Its /^ Is. h /• / 00 .. I**- 1 « t- t o 1 / 1 / i r- o o c 5 ^ o ro . o » • / o lo IP. -I / a / 1 ^ 1 / / _ a / / / 1 § o CD o o 3? 9^ m H m < m > H C/) m r ^ o o o CO 3) O ■n N \ c > > \ u i *■ INTRODUCTION Pollution of the Willamette River of Orepon has attracted nationwide attention not only for the outstanding; example of an overloaded major river that it offers but, also, because of its impact upon economically important and hif^hly publicized run of spring-chinook salmon. Pollution of the Willamette River is a problem that has received considerable attention over the past two decades. The initial organized studies of Willamette pollution stemmed from a conference called by the Oregon State Board of Health in September, 1926. Following that con- fe^encq^ the Portland City Departments of Health and Engineering routinely sampled the river in the Portland harbor area extending from the Sellwood Bridge, at river mile 16.5, to the confluence with the Columbia. These studies were conducted betv/een October, 1926 and December, 1928 and re- vealed that less than three parts per million of dissolved oxygen were present in the river water during August, 1927, and during both August and September of 1928. Rogers, Mockaore, and Adams (1930) reported more extensive studies of the Willamette pollution after surveying the main stem and major tributaries between July, 1929, and May, 1930, These authors reported an oxygen block (io©., less than five parts per million of dissolved oxygen) existed between Wilsonville (river mile 37) and the Sellwood Bridge in Portland in August, 1929, but had disappeared by the time they next studied the river in the following October. Gleeson (1936) mad© an extensive study of the pollution and tidal complex betv/een the Sellwood Bridge and the Columbia River, September 5 to 27, 1934o Gleeson obtained no samples exceeding five parts per million of dissolved oxygen over the entire reach of river that he studied except in the extreme lower end where Columbia River back- water was involved. Gleeson also demonstrated by calculation that an oxygen block would develop in the lower Portland harbor area even though all wastes from that city were excluded from the river. He likewise determined that 7.6 days were required for the passage of water between the Sellwood Bridge and the Colimibia River when the river discharge vms at 4,000 second feet. Craig and Townsend (1946) reported a series of seven spot samplings at the Sellwood Bridge and at the St. Johns Bridge, Portland^ between February 4 and July 28, 1941, and four additional samplings betv/een May 2 and August 21, 1942. Their findings indicated that the oxygen block had formed in the VJillamette at the St. Johns Bridge sometime between March 18 and May 1, 1941. The oxygen block had extended up- stream to the Sellwood sometime between Fay 29 and July 17, 1941. The oxygen block had formed at both stations sometime between May 2 and early August, 1942. More recent studies in the Willamette River v/ere reported by Merryfield and Wilmot (1945) and by Dimick and Merryfield (1945) o Insofar as the main stem is concerned, their studies were conducted dovm to the Sellwood Bridge between Aup;ust and Decembers lS44j with bi-monthly samplings at the critical stations continued until the I'ollowing Marcho Merryfield and Wilmot demon= strated that the oxygen block extended upstream to approximately river mile 60 at the time their studies were undertaken in late August of 1944c. The block had been forced dovmstream to river mile 44j presumably by increasing water flows, by October and it disappeared entirely sometime late in the snme month* Fish and Rucker (1950) reported a reconnaissance of the main stem Willamette from Springfield to the Steel Bridge (river mile 12) in Portland during mid^October, 1948o They obtained no evidence of an oxygen block at that time, the lowest dissolved oxygen concentra- tion obtained on the survey being 7*4 ppmo at the Steel Bridge* It is apparent from the studies made to date that the pollution burden of the Willamette River is of sufficient magnitude to over-" load the lower reaches during periods of low flows and high temper>= atureso The lowest reach of the river is degraded to the point where oxygen deficiency precludes any movement of migratory fishes through the affected areao Because the Willamette River currently supports important runs of salmon and steelhead trout -- fishes of high conrni" ercial and recreational value — the impact of pollution upon the fishery resources is of considerable importance o The impact of pollution upon the fisheries resources of the Willamette Valley is of major conseauence not only under existing conditionSj, but it bids fair to become increasingly more so in the near futureo Increasing population and industrialization of the Willamette Basin -- with an accompanying additional pollution burden to the already overloaded main stem — appears inevitable » Some loss of potential dilution water through evaporation has accompanied the great increase in the quantity of main stem water diverted for the irrigation of croplands during the past decade o This trend undoubted^ ly will continue, and probably steepen, with the obvious shifting of agriculture in the Valley from grain and pasturage to truck and specialty farmingo Perhaps the greatest crisis of all, insofar as the fisheries of the immediats future are concerned, lies in the acute need for the main stem and certain tributaries of the Willamette as spawning and nursery areas for fall-chinook salmon relocated from the main Columbia Rivero A serious threat to the upper Columbia River salmon runs is forming in the multiple -purpose programs of water development currently in progress by the Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, and by private interests 0 The Fish and Wildlife Service, together with the fishery agencies of Oregon and Washington, are engaged in a 20-million dollar "Lower River Program" designed to perpetuate the Columbia River salmon 4 resources despite the use of the upper river waters for purposes incompatable with the existence of the salmono Briefly, this program proposes through various measures the maximum rehabilita- tion of native and/or relocated salmon runs in the lower river sections below the areas of intensive water development and utilization.) The success of the Lower River Program is predicated upon complete utilization of every available, as well as every re- habilita table, fish-producing tributary of the Columbia River below McNary Dam. The potentialities of the Willamette River are too great to allow pollution to remain a factor limiting its full usage for fish production. TTone of the Willamette pollution studies made to date reveal the circumstances under which the main stem oxygen block forms or lifts, nor do they indicate more than vaguely, the time. Until the limits of the pollution problems have been more accurately defined, it remains impossible to determine if, or under what circumstances, the Willamette can be utilized in the Lower River Program however great the need for the waters may be. 1949 Main Stem Willamette River Studies A study of the main stem Willamette was undertaken jointly by the Fish and Wildlife Service and Oregon State College during Water Year 1949, in an effort to determine current postwar conditions. It was recognized at the outset that available funds and personnel would not permit as exhaustive a study as obviously is needed for a complete appraisal of the many facets of the pollution problem. A series of stations was established over the length of the main stem and on each major tributary close to its confluence with the Willamette River. The geographical location of these stations is listed on Table 1. Duplicate samples were collected at half depth from a single point on the river. It was recognized that the results obtained by spot samplings would be affected by many factors but, under the limiting circumstances, it was assumed that spot sampling would prove sufficiently representative of the actual conditions to serve the intended purposes. Each sampling station was visited periodically throughout Water Year 1949. The results obtained are listed in Table 2. The summer of 1949 proved somewhat atypical for, as shovm on Table 3, water flows in the main stem were somewhat above average and considerably above those prevailing during the 1944 survey of Merryfield and Wilmot. The July and August flows, however, were substantially equal to those of 1929 when Rogers, Mockmore, and Adams made their studies of stammer conditions. 5 Table I SAMPLING STATIONS FOR 19^+9 S'RIDIES. - Main Stem Willamette - River Mile 155.6 Highway 28 Bridge near Springfield, 3 miles above Eugene. 178.6 Wilbur Revetment, k miles below Eugene 1614-.3 Highway 99-E Bridge at Harrisburg 122.5 Adair Village water intake, 7-5 river miles below Corvalli.s and 3 miles above Albany 116.5 Ufford Revetment, 3 miles below Albany 96.2 At Independence Ferry, 11 miles above Salem 72.5 At Wheatland Ferry, 12 miles below Salem 38.8 At Wilsonville Ferry 30.8 At boathouse, right bank, k miles above Oregon City 25.6 At boathouse, right bank, 1 mile below Oregon City 16.5 Sellwood Bridge, Portland 12.1 Morrison Bridge, Portland - Tributaries - 3 McKenzie River at Armitage Bridge h Long Tom River at Burnett Bridge 3 Luckiamute River at Davidson Bridge 5 Santiam River at Highway 99-E Bridge 5 Yamhill River at Dayton Bridge 3 Pudding River at Highway 99-E Bridge 3 Molalla River at Highway 99-E Bridge 1 Tualatin River at Athey Bridge 2 Osw, ^o Creek at Leike Oswego outlet 2 Clackamas River at Highway 99-E Bridge w a CO M o K w o X o o w > o CO CO o u 4) UJ I " ON •• •• .. .. .. .. •• •• .. •. •* •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. •' •■ .. .. rH -d- • NO NO • o • lA CC C— CM o O o o o o • On CO CO iH rH rH H i-H <-{ CO rH CM ro O • • oo f- ON 00 o O d O o d • • • • H r-{ H •-t rH CTn c— CO c— t~- u^ r-i CVJ oo (Jn NO ITN oo t~- CO o • • • • • s OS c^ On CO CO -d- oo lA ro f^ CVJ CVJ oo CJN l/N CO r^ NO C3N • • • • o\ t^ 00 00 c^ t^ ,.T^ oo -d- CVJ s VO -d- CO ro o CVJ CVJ o ITN CTs 00 CO 00 00 CO ^ LTN lA oo CVJ r-i t^ ir\ ^ ON NO OS ^\ oo t- PO ro •-i CT\ CO t- CO t^ CO 00 oof t^ CM ^ ro H ir\ o CO H l/N cy J- CVJ t- c- o O t— ON CO MD CO CO CO t~J t~^ NO" r-{ ^ CVJ d o\ ■ CVl CVJ t^ c^ J- >-{ oo o C7N O o\ col r-{ • • m CO o\ CO CO CO 00 CO CO C~-- ro m CVJI r^ CVJ OJ o CO CO vX> t^ H o NO -d- o t^ ON CO CO t^ CO 00 00 00 no' tA CVj' oo ro r-\ LTN H t^ pH CVJ vo CO CO t-^ OO oo oo Cv] CO c~- CVJ m H o oo On ^ -d- CO O CVJ CO CO 00 00 00 CO CO t- t^ oo oo -d- CVJ CJ\ J- rH ^ CVJ ir\ CO OJ t- i-t C- CA oo CVJ CO c^-^^ • • • • • • • • • • rHCO CO CO CO CO 00 NO NO ir\ oo J- -d- CVJ \I\ OJ r- J- t~- cy o >-i CVJ en On ITN vol ^ • • • « • • r- CO CO 00 00 oo CO t- NO -d- J- ool ro 00 CO • CJs • CVJ o • 00 o • CJn OO m ir\ CTn oo t~ CO* CO 00 oo 00 no' ITN oo -d- oo oo ir\ VO UN VO ^ ON t- t^ ON t- CO rH oo • • • • • • • • • r~- OS o\ o\ On CO 00 t- t- t~- t- NO NO o J^ UN J- r-{ t— CVJ t~ lA l/N J- • o o • o • • • « • -{ r-i CVJ M3 lf\ CVJ ON J- t— CO M CO c~- Its rH • • • • • • • • On • rH H •-* o o o o o o o o -* rH H •-i rH rH >-i r-\ <-\ ON •-i i-i rH CO -* " 1 -* rH O -d- CJS^ VD CVJ t- ON NO r-\ rH r- r- ON • rH O CM • • • • • r- H > t>> 0) ■p ■p bO • • •H •H -o +> V +> V o o ■H bo a U M ? o p 4) a, a o t> 0) S 4> 01 t) •n >-\ 0) « bO tH -rH ■H K a K y § ■H u u ■g G tJ t-\ -p ■s, ^ M a > o o O -H P< o ^< 03 t t) r-\ a o CO U a +^ n 3 •H t< P4 ■P o ?* ^ > •H pq 3 w •H ,Q ^ •H o t) (d 03 > o r-t ^ CO u rH U 03 V. -d 0) r-\ o rH rH ^1 P4 •H a) -d ^ a ■r^ ,o d) i) O cn ■Tt w <«: :=> M :s <: PQ m S bO n •H O U -P n o Si u: ■P (ti -P no c o tH ;>^ 01 -d c o ■rt a> +J o v rH rH O O • a> m W) V T) rH •H P< Ih ,Q 3 10 rH 4) CJ ^ ^ m o •H R T) C) C u •H Vi (0 •ri 1' t) 3 -p ^ 0) > H cH T) o 0) o n •H 4) H H U i) i -d CO D cvj CO I wl ol «l PL4I dl dl ml >hI <:l ol wl >l Ml fol CO o r-i •H 2: ^^ 0; a. to 3: On 1-1 0 r-^ LP> r-4 0 r-l ir\ 0 H f- OJ as 0 CVJ CVJ CVJ J- [— CO CVJ f-H ITN r- ON rH r-i H iH H rH OJ CVl cvj C\J H CC) 0 CVJ CO ITN VO CVJ CVJ t- rH CO -d- ON 0 CVJ rH ,-i rH r-i OJ cvj CO -* CO -d- LfN l^ 00 rH 00 t- ^ 0 J- 0 f- CTv -:t ON 0 CVJ •-i H rH d. ol CVJ -^ CO CO J- " "6; 1 CVJ t- Lf^ CO CO rH LTN V£) t— CO H H -* col 0 CM rH rH CVJ CVJ CVJ OJ CVJ -d- CO CO CVJ CVJ 0 ro lr^ CVJ l/^ 0 LfN t- 0 CO CO 0 CO rH rH r-{ H ^-^ <-\ oJ cvj CO CO CO -* UN i~f CO ITN ITN t- 0 CO I^ CO OJ 0 t-i OJ col rH rH OJ Cvj pn cvj oJ oJ ro -* -* -* CO t- CO ir\ t- 0 t- t>- CJn vo ON H J- 00 i-H rH CVJ cvj CO CVJ CVJ CVJ ro ro J- -=!■ c^ MCO J- 0 Ol CO t— CVJ 0 00 00 CO CO H rH rH <-{ <-i 0 rH oJ r-{ i-i CO ro J- LTN .. .. 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Tl .. _ rH rH rH rH rH H " O .. ^ " O d ITN " d H "oo " d .. ^. iH • • • • • • « • ^*^^ VD rH CO t- ,-H rH t~- ON ITN _VO rH CM rH rH CM CM rH rH rH "cO CM t— ITS "co "co " 6\ " d ITN vo • • • • • o I^ CO o rH rH rH CM rH LA rH r-i rH rH rH rH <-H rH rH <\I 1 1 1 d 1 rH o • ITN • VO • CO O O CO o -:* o t^ CM o Cvj CO CM rH CM t-i iH rH rH H rH rH >« .. t' ■ •s U^ rH CM O O VO CO O O t- ID - • rH e ;^^ -* r-i ^ f- CO ^ l/% .-d- On H iH CM ON rH rH H rH rH rH rH^-^NO rH * C^ rH U ^ +2 .• • 0) (1) 0) m U (8 f-i PQ • bO tiD ■P M 4J ■p m 05 Ih T) -d -P • cc tJ to ■^ 8^ 0) (U ■P W ■p m ■P -H ■p -rt CD U •H w. s +> •P O a) I (fl a) ^1 nS ti m to k bO O (U 0) B -P 3 O CJn □ PP n a 03 pq C Ti •H +> O (U B to B ON rH O W) Oj •H >, •^ 1i N 'rt Eh C a! tS (u rH >, n cd rH W +J 05 S pq rH Oj 0) u ti •H -H •H > •H +i •H 1 73 CT\ a) fl J4 " Pl-P M 3 ■^ ^ -P tt) .g 0) "d C3n rH -P V 0\ & CO ^ <: O PQ o a c c a (=> •O CTN rH CT\ 0) < 0) 0\ (0 ej O 3 Q 05 a 3 O p rH Cfl s H^l hJ 1 CO 1 >H 1 Ph 1 s 1 fl 1 O 1 9) t£ -d •H pa >> •H O bD C •ri r) o o 1e o to +> <6 ■P C O a! o t) ■p o o o CO 0) OJ •^ ^ ^ 03 o •H -p T) OS C •H -rt a> to ■p «) o 3 ^ ■S rH > O O T) s: 30 2 8 Morrison S July t 9,500 o 20 o • Oct sll,600 t 15 Bridge % 11 8 t o • 8 % i> One point illustrated by the data from the tributaries will be of interest to both fishery interests and sanitary engineers » Apparently none of the Willamette tributaries is a significant contributor to the maia stem pollution burden in spite of the fact that certain of them-- notably the Tualatin^ the Yamhill, and the South Santiam— -are known to be seriously polluted from the work of Dimick and Merryfield and that by Fish and Ruckero These data indicate thatj, at least under the conditions prevailing during the summer of 1949, the tributaries are absorbing to an amazing degree any oxygen-consisning pollution added to their upper reaches before the water reaches the main stem. The Tualatin offers a good example of the point in questiono Although pollution of the Tualatin in sufficient intensity to kill fish was reported below the cities of Hillsboro and Forest Grove during the summer of 1949, nevertheless the dissolved oxygen concentration at the Athay Bridge sampling station near the mouth remained consistently above saturation during most of 14 the simmer o This apparent anomaly stemmed in large part, no doubt, from effective reaeration by biological growth which vras stimulated by the organic fertilization received in the polluted reach upstream, A very profuse phvtoplankton growth was apparent in the water at the Athay Bridge station throughout the period of supersaturatione With the exception of a single sample from the Yamhill, at no time during 1949 did any tributary fail to meet the accepted criteria of a re- latively clean stream (ioe., a BOD of less than 3 ppm. with a DO exceeding 5 ppmo) near its confluence with the main stem. Only the Yamhill approached, but did not exceed, these arbitary thresholds o It would appear, therefore, that tributary pollution — however severe it may have been diiring the summer of 1949 and irrespective of its adverse effects upstream, was not a major factor contributing to the main stem pollution loading. The main stem pollution problem appears to be a distinct entity in itself. The probable magnitude of pollution abatement measures necessary to eliminate the main stem oxygen block warrents considerationo At the present time, two measures of pollution abatement are in progress. Three of the smaller impoundments of the Corps of Engineers' Willamette Valley Project are in operation which have added per- ceptibly to the low flows — and thus the dilution water available-- in the main stem Willamette. Two major impoundments of the Project currently are vinder construction and scheduled for completion within four years and each of these will further increase minimum flows. Fifteen additional impoundments are scheduled for construction by the Corps of Engineers, plus several by the Bureau of Reclamation, in the program of ultimate water development within the Willamette Basin. The completed units have altered the water regimen of the main stem and the major impoundments now under construction are anticipated to increase minimum flows much more and, in addi+:ion, reduce water temperatures to some extent as well. The completed Willamette Valley Project will profoimdly affect water conditions in the main stem but all effects--at least as the Project is tent- atively scheduled for operation—should prove beneficial towards pollution abatemento The degree to which the changes in main stem conditions will improve water quality cannot be accurately fore- cast with available information. The second corrective measure currently in progress is the demand by the Oregon State Sanitary Authority that all main stem communities must provide primary treatment of domestic wastes as rapidly as adequate plans and financing can be secured. At the present time, all wastes from these communities are discharged directly into the Willamette River without treatment. As a con- sequence of their action, the City of Portland is installing sewerage facilities to divert all wastes to the Columbia River. The remain- ing communities along the main stem have facilities for primary treat- ment of their domestic wastes in various stages of planning or financ" ing. The ultimate phase of the pollution abatement program of the 15 Oregon State Sanitary Authority calls for the treatment of the oxygen-cons uning industrial wastes, principally sulphite liquor and cannery offal, as rapidly as feasible methods can be developed. Primary treatment of domestic sewage will reduce its subsequent oxygen demand in the order of thirty percent. When effected, this measure woijld improve lower river conditions materially although it still appears insufficient to lift the o::ygen block all the way to the Columbia River. Insofar as the migratory fishes are concerned, an oxygen block several hundred yards in length probably would prove just as effective a barrier as one of many miles in extent. Gleeson, it will be recalled, found that 7.6 days were required for the Willamette River water to flow from Sellv/ood Bridge to the Columbia when river discharge was 4,000 second feet. The assumption appears tenable, therefore, that the full oxygen demand indicated by the 5-day biochemical oxygen determimttion of water at the Sellwood Bridge will be consumed — at least during the low flow periods — before that water reaches the Columbia. » Using the 1949 determinations obtained at the Sellwood Bridge on August 29, September 5, and September 12 (which represent the approximate time when relocated runs of fall-chinook salmon would be entering the lower Willamette) as exsnnpleB, the future river conditions between the Sellwood Bridge and the Columbia that may be grossly antici- pated under conditions comparable to the 1949 river flows and tempera- tures and with various degrees of pollution abatement can be calculated as follows : Date of Determination ----------- Aug« 29 Sept» 5 Sept. 12 River flow at Sellvrood Bridge, second feet 5,260 5,080 5,476 River water temperatures (°C.) 21 23 20.5 Dissolved oxygen available, 1949 conditions; ppra. 2,8 2.0 3.3 pounds per day 79,531 54,864 97,583 dissolved oxygen deficit, lbs/day 175,819 183,244 170,980 Dissolved oxygen available: with 1949 deficit reduced 60% (lbs/day) 1^2,564 109,837 148,897 with 1949 deficit reduced 50?? (lbs/day) 167,728 146,486 183,073 16 88 „ 052 106, 984 112,369 61,636 74,889 78,658 44,026 53,492 56,185 Date of Determination- - = --- = --"= Augo 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Biochemical Oxygen demand, Sellwood Bridge; 1949 conditions (lbs/day) 1949 conditions reduced 30^ (lbs/day) 1949 conditions reduced 50^ (lbs/day) Anticipated minimum dissolved oxygen present below Sellwood Bridge; Ae In terms of pounds per days 1949 conditions septic septic septic mth 02 deficit and BOD reduced 30^ 70,928 34,948 70,219 With 02 deficit and BOD reduced 50?? 123,702 92,994 126,888 B. In terms of parts per millions 1949 conditions septic septic septic With O2 deficit and BOD reduced ZOfo 2,5 1.3 2.4 With O2 deficit and BOD reduced 50^ 4.4 3.4 4.3 Admittedly, data obtained by weekly spot samplings constitute an insecure basis, at bestj for definite conclusions regarding any problem as complicated as pollution abatemento These data do strongly indicate, however, that the primary treatment of domestic wastes alone will not prove sufficient to lift the Willamette pollution block. An overall r<«iu