ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF FISHERY LITERATURE Additional Listings SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No.72 UNITED STITES OEP»«T»E«T OF THE INTERIOR FISH MD WIIDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investigations s usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action, It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication,, Washington, D. C, March, 1952 United States Department of the Interior, Oscar L. Chapman, Secretary Fish and wfildlife Service, Albert M. Days Director ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF FISHERY LITERATURE Additional Listings Compiled by Leslie W. Scattergood Fishery Research Biologist Special Scientific Report: Fisheries No. 72 INTRODUCTION Fills report represents a continuation of a series begun by W. M. Chapman during his association with the Washington State Department ci Fisheries and continued by the present compiler. This series was initiated i: provide fishery investigators with information en the presence and availability of English translations of fisheries literature. The first two sections of this series have been issued by the Washington State Department of Fisheries, Smith Tower Building, Seattle kt Washington, and copies may be obtained on request to that agency. The third report, undei taken with the cooperation of the above agency, was published by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as Special Scientific Reports Fisheries No. 35 and is available from the Washington office of the Service. Those who 'wish to contribute to future issues may send their translation references either to the compiler at U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine, or to the Washington State Department of Fisheries, Smith fewer Building, Seattle h, Washington. The necessary bibliographic information on each translation is needed as follows 2 1. Author. i-» Date. 3. Title in the original language, if the English alphabet is usedj otherwise, a direct translation into English rather bhan trans- literation into the English alphabet in such cases as Japanese, Russian, etc. h. Name of the journal, or series, or institution responsible for the publication, if contained in a serial. 5. Volume, paging, place and date of printing. (The latter tc be given if it varies from the date of the article or serial). 6. Name of translator and translator's address (when possible). ". Whether translation is complete or partial. 8. Pages of translation. 9. Where the translation may be obtained and the cost, if any. As in the previous three sections, the compiler is unable to assume the responsibility for the accuracy of the translation, references or for the com- pleteness of the references. In all cases the translations of the publica- tions are assumed to be complete, unless otherwise indicated. To conserve labor and space, certain abbreviations have been used through- out to indicate where and hovt the translations can be obtained* They are as follow," j BMAFs British Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, Lowestoft, Enp;lande Those who desire translations from the Lowestoft Library should send their request to the Branch of Fishery Biology, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington 25, D, G. FOL : Fishery-Oceenography Library, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Washington,, Translations are available on inter- library loati0 EOL : Hydrographic Office Library of the U. S. Navy, Yfeshingtcn 25, Do 0. The translations are available on inter library loan* SIO : Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California* Translations can be obtained on interlibrary loan.. (1) Alsamcra, M. Massuti. 1926. / Iniciacion ai e studio is los Infusorios d& la bahia de Palma de Mallorca (initiation of the study of the infusoria of the Bay of Palma ds Ifallorcajo Inst. Esp. Cceanogr., Notas y Rej/conenes, ser. 2, num. 11, pp0 I~12. Tran.'vlati jn 9 pp. available FOLo (2) Alsaaora, M. Massuti. 1929. f Gontribucion al e studio da los infusorios de la bahia de Palma do Mallorca (Contribution to the study of the infusoria of the Bay of Palma de Mallorca )0 Ibid.., ser. 2, num. 32, pp. 1-16. Translation 11 pp0 available FOL. (3) Al?.amora, M. Massutio 1930. El piano ton de la bahia de Palma de Mallorca en 1929 (Flanktcn in the Bay of Palma de Mallorca in 1929). Ibid,, ser. 2, num. 43, pp. 1-28. Translation 22 pp. available FOL. (4) Baars, J. K. 1930. Over sulfaatreduct5.e door bacterien (On sulfate reduction by bacteria). Delft, Meinema, Translation by Christa Painter available S'. }« (5) Baier, Carl Robert. 1936. Stadien zur Hydrobe.kteriologie stehender Binnengewasser (Eyd?"obaetari- ological studies of standing inland waters). Arch. Hydrcbicl., Bd» 29, pp. 183-264. Translation by Edgar G. Amstein and Christa Painter avail- able SIO. (6) Bavendamm, Werner. 1933. Die mikrobiologiS'She Kalkfallung in der tropischen See (Microbiological calcium precipitation in tropical waters). Ibid., Bd. 3g2, pp0 206-276. Translation by Edgar G. Amstein available SlOT"- (7) Bein, Willy, Heinz-Gunther Hirsekorn, and Lctte Mo'ller. 1933. Neue Konstanteribestimmungen des Meerwassers (New constant determinations of sea water). JTour. Cons* Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, volB 8, no. 1, pp. 48- 53. Translation. 10 pp. available FOL. (8) Bein, Willy, Heinz-Gunther hirsekorn, and Lotte Mo'ller. 1935. Kcnstantenbestimnung des Meerwassers und Ergebnisse uber Wasserkorper (Constant determinations of sea water and results concerning the charac- teristics of" bodies of water). VerSffentl. Inst. Meerskunde, vol. 28, pp. 1-239. Partial translation, 37 pp., covering foreword by Defant, section on optical methods and instruments by Hirsekorn, available FOL. (9) Benecke, Willie lm. 1933. Bakteriologie des Ifeeras (Bacteriology of the sea). In Aberhalden, E., Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden, Abt. 9, TeTT 5s6g4G4. pp. 717- 872. Translation by Edgar G. Amstein available SIO. (10) Blum, Harold F. 1934. L1 orientation du eopepode Karpaoticus fulvua sous 1' influence de la luaiiere (The orientation of the copepoa H. gurvas under the influence of light). Are*.. Int. Physiol., vol. 38, nc, 1, pp. 1-8S Translation 10 pp. available ?CL. (11) Bcnneoke, Gunther. I9S2. Die Tenperaturtaessvaig an der Oberflaehe und in der Tiefa (Measurement of temperature on the rorfaee and in the depths). In. Wlist, Gsorg., Gunther Bohnecke, and Sans E. F. Meyer, Wissentschaftliehen Ergeonisse der Deutschen Atlantieshen Expedition auf dem Forschungs- wad Vermes sung ssehiff Meteors 1925-1927, Bd. 4, Tail 1, AtscLnltt D, pp. 199- 244. Translation 39 pp. available FOLo (12) Bohnecke, Gunther. 1933. Bin Assmanns^hes Aspira tic-nip -;/ '--.urometer mit Umklppth5rmc-2r.6v..-.rx_ (A» Assmann aspiration psy^hroaceter with reversing thermometer), Arm. Hydrcgr. Ma.r. Meteor. r Jahrgo 61, Heft 8-9, pp. 259-260. Translation 3 pp. avail- able FOLo (13) Bohneske, Gunther. 1937. Beriohx uber die Strcmmessungen auf d6r Ankergtation 359 (Report en the current measurements at the anohor station 359 )o ibid.. Beiheft aum Jahrg. €5, Heft 9, pp. 14-16. Translation 4 pp. available FOLo (14) Bohnecke, Gunther, Birgithe lyy:^ md Hermann Watxenberg. 193:. Beixrkge zur Oceanographie des Oberflaohenwassers in der Danemarkstrasso und Irainger See. II. Teil (Contributions tc the oceanography of surface water in the Strait:-; of Denmark and the Irminger Sea. Part II). Ibid., Jahrg. SC, Heft 8, pp. 314-321. Translation 14 pp. available FCL. " (15) Bohnecike, Gunther, Ernst Hentsehel, and Hermann Wattenbergo 19S0o Ueber die hydrographischen, shemischen und biologisehen Verh<nisse an der JfeeresoberflSohe swisehen Island und Gr on land (On the hydrographic, chemical, and biological conditions on the surface of the ocean between Iceland and Greenland). Ibid., Jahrg « 53, Heft 7, pp. 233-250. Trans- lation 30 pp0 available FOL. (13) Bohnecke, Gunthei and B. Schroder. 1937. Berioht "uber die meteerdlegisehen Arbeiten auf der srsten Teilfahrt o'er Deutschen Kordatlantisehen Expedition (Report of the neteerclogieal w.: >rk on the first royage of the German Worth Atlantis Expedition), ibid., Beiheft sum Jahrg. 65, Heft 3, pp. 22-26. Translation 8 pp« available FOL. (17) Bcltjes, T. T. Kingaa. 1935. tfatsrsuchungen uber die nitrifialorenden Bakterien (Studies on the nitri- fying bacteria). Area. HLkrobiol., Bd. 6, pp. ,'9-138. Translation by C. A. Painter available SIOo (18) Brandt, K. and E. Raben. 1919-1922. Zur Kenntnis der ohemischen Zusammensetzung des Planktons und einiger Bodenorganismen (Towards a knowledge of the chemical composition of the plankton and some bottom organisms)* Wiss« Meeruntersuch., Komm» Untersuoh. Meere Kiel, Biol. Anst. Helgoland, N. F. , Bd. 10, Abt. Kiel, pp. 175-210. Translation 46 pp. available FOL. (19) Brekhovskikh, L. M. 1949. Propagation of sound in an underwater channel (In Russian). Doklady Akad. Nauk, SSSR., vol. 69, n. s», pp. 157-160. Translation available HOL. (20) Bruckner, Eduard. 1912. Bericht 'uber die hydrographischen Ergebnisse der 0 s terra ichisch- Italienischen Erforsshung der Hochsee der A&ria in J-hrs 191*1/12 (Report on the hydrographio results of the Austro-Ijaliaii Asi'^i ,' :i Sea expedition during the years 1911-1912). Deutsch. Geographentag Verhandl., volo 18, pp. 3-5. Translation by Staff of U. S, Hydrographic Office, Division of Oceanography, Marina Geography Branch, Coastal Section, avail- able HOL. (21) Bruyevitch, S. W. 1948. On calculating the true chlcrinity and density of the water in the Caspian in the Caspian Sea (In Russian). Inst. Okeanologiya, Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Trudy, vol. 2, pp. 26-34. Translation by Accurate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOL. (22) Buch, Kurt. 1923. Methodisches uber die Bestimmung von Stockstoffverbindungen im Wasser (Methods for the determination of nitrogen compounds in water). Merentutkimuslaitoksen Julkaisu, Havf orsknings-institutets, Skrift no. 18. Translation 23 pp. available FOL. (23) Buch, Kurt. 1926. Spektrophotometrische Untersuchungen von Farbenindikatoren (Spactropho- tometric investigations of color indicators). Soc. Sci. Fennica, Comm. Phys.-Math. II, 29, 26 pp. Translation 13 pp. available FOL. (24) Buch, Kurt. 1928. Ueber die pH Bestimmung des Meerwassers (Concerning the pH determina- tion of sea water). Merentutkimuslaitoksen Julkaisu, Havf orsknings- institutets, Skrift no. 53. Translation 23 pp. available FOL. (25) Buch, Kurt. 1929. Die Verwendung von Stickstoff-und Sauerstof fanalysen in der Meeresfcr- schung (Utilization of nitrogen and oxygen analyses in oceanography). Jour. Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 162-191. Trans- lation 23 pp. available FOL. (26) Buch, Kurt. 1S37. Die koloriaietrische Bestimmung der Wasserstoffionenkoncentration im Seewasser (Tne cclcriinetric determination of the hydrogen ion : mc6n- tration in sea water)* Rapp. Proc.-Verb., Con, Psnn, Int. Expl. Iter. vol. 103, pp. 27-?3. Translation 18 pp. available POL. (27) Buch, Kurt and Stina Gripenberg. 1932. H Usber den Einfluss des Wasserdruckes auf pH und das Kohlensauregleiehge- wieht in grosser en Meerestiefen (On the influence of water pressure on pH and carbon dioxide equilibrium in the greater depths of the sea). Jour. Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 233-245. Trans- lation 9 pp. available FOL. (28) Buch,, Kurt and Eolf Witting. 1933. Etude systematique de balance de 1'acide carbonique entre la mer et I'atmosphere (Systematical study of the carbonic acid balance between the sea and the atmosphere). Assoc. Oseanogr. Phys., Union Seed, Gsophy. Int., Helsingfcrs., 3 pp. Translation 3 pp. available FOL. (29) Carlotti, L. 1947. Contribution to the study of the swell in the neighborhood of the coast (In French?). La Houille Blanche, vol. 2 (6), p. 469. Translation available BMAF. (30) Castens, Gerhard. 1934. Georg TTusts Das Bodenwasser und die Gliederung des AtXantisehens Osean^ (Georg Wustj The bottom water and structure of the Atlantic Ocean). Ann. Bydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 62, Heft 5, pp0 135-191. Translation 13 pp. available FOL. (31) Chappuis, M. P. 1910. E*tude de !• influence de 1'air dissous sur la density g3 1'eau (Stvdy of the influence of dissolved air on the density of wa^er). In Travaux et MeVxires Bureau International des Poids et Me sure s, F&ris, t. 14, pp. D.I-D.63. Translation 40 pp. available FOL. (32) Chauehard, Paul. 1939. Eludes physieo-oheniques sur les eaux de la Ranee Canalises (Physical- chemical studies of the waters of the Ranee Canal). Cahors, A. Coue slant, 11C pp. Translation 112 pp. available FOL. (33) Chernigin, M. F. 1949. Electrical fishing (In Russian). Tekhnika Molodeahi, October. Trans- lation available BMAF. (34) Cholcdny, N. 1926. Die Eisenbakterien, Beitrage zu einer Monographie (Iron Bacteria j con- tributions towards a monograph). Jena, G. Fis/sher. Translation by C. A. Painter available SIO. 6 (35) Coasejo Oceaaografioo Itero-Americano. 1935. Revista (Review). Madrid, May 1935, 76 pp, Partial translation, 64 pp., covers first throe sections only, and is available POL. / (36) Cot, M. 1940. The western Mediterranean Sea (in French), Assoc. Oceanogr. Phys., Union Geod. Geophys. Int., Publ. Sci,, nc. 8, pp. 54-60. Translation 6 pp. available FOL. (37) DeBuon, Rafaele 1930a. Feiiomenos dinamicos en el Estrecho do Gibraltar (Dynamic phenomena in the Strait of Gibraltar). Madrid, Graficas Reunidas, S. A., 28 pp. Translation 16 pp. available FOL. (33) DeBuen, Rafael. 1930b. Etude des methodes qui peuvent Stre employees pour la determination de la densite' (Study of the methods which may be used to determine the density). Rapp. Proa. -Verb., Comm. Int. Expl. Sci. Medit., vol0 5, n. s., pp. 43-59. Translation 21 pp. available FOL. (39) DeBuen, Rafael. 1931. Me'thcdes physiques de la determination de la densite (Physical methods of determining the density). Ibid. . vol. 6, n. s., pp. 69-75. Trans- lation 12 pp. available FOL. (40) DeBuen, Rafael, 1932. Travaux hydrographiques dans le Sector Sud (Kydrographic research in the southern sector). Rapp. Proo,-Verb., Cons, Perm, Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 77, pt. 1, pp, 26-43, Translation 17 pp. available FOL, (41) DeBuen, Rafael and Francisco de P, Navarro, 1955, Condiciones oceanogra'ficas de la costa catalena entre la frontera fran- cesca y el Golfo de San Jorge (Oceanograpnio conditions of the Catalan coast between the French frontier and the Gulf of Saint George)s Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., Trab., num. 14, 47 pp. Partial translation 21 pp, avail- able FOL, (42) Defant, A. 1930a. Die Turbulenz der Meeresstromungen. a. Wfesen^und Arten der Turbulenz (The turbulence of the ocean currents, a, Nature and kinds of turbulence), Rapp, Proc.-Verb., Cons. Perm. Int. Expl, Mer, vol, 67, pp0 31-39. Trans- lation 13 pp. available FOL. (43) Defant, A. 1930b. Die Bewegungen und der Thermo-haline Aufbau der Wassermassen in Meeres- sfci*assen (Movements and tbermohaline structure of the water masses in straits), Sitzber. Preuss. Akad, Wiss. Phys. -math. Kl. 1930, Bd. 14, 20 p] „ Translation 25 pp. available FOL. (44) Defant, A. 1930c. Bericht ubsr die oz.eanographischen Unter suohungen des Vermes sungsschiffes "lEe^ser'1 in der Danemarkstrasse und in der Irmingersee (Report on the oseanographic researches of the survey boat "Meteor" in the Danish Straits and the Irminger Sea), jbid.. 1930, Bd. 16, 8 pp. Translation 8 pp, available FOL. ^ (45) Defant, A. 1935, Der aquatoriale Gegenstrom (The equatorial countercurrent). Ibid., 1935, 3d. 28, pp. 1-25. Translation 29 pp. available FOL. (46) Defant, A. 1937. Bericht iiber den ersten Teil der Deutschen nordatlantischen Expedition des Forschungs- und Vermessungsschiffes "Meteor" Februar bis Mai 1957 (Report on the first part of the German North Atlantic expedition of the research and survey ship Meteor, February to May 1937). Ibid., 1937, Bd. 19, pp. 1=180 Translation 15 pp. available F0L« (47) Defant, A. /TO Ozeanographie (Oceanography). In Festsschrift aus funfzig Jahren deutscher Wissenschaft Friedrich Schmidt-Ott dargebracht, pp. 371-583. Translation 19 pp. available FOL. (48) Defant, A. and Georg Wast. 1930. Die Turbulens der Meeresstromungen. b. Die Misohung von Wasserkorpers im System S=f(t) j^The turbulence of the ocean currents. b0 The mixing of water bodies j.n the system S-f (t)3» Rapp. Proc.-Verb., Cons. Psrir. Int. Expl. Mer, vole 67, pp. 40-49. Translation 9 pp. available FOL. (49) Doniges, Georges. 1932. Action de 1'iode sur les eaux marines (The action of iodine on marine waters). Bull. Stat. Biol. D 'Archachon, t. 29, 2me fas©., pp0 273-284. Translation 12 pp. available FOL. (50) Derjugir., K. M. 29240> Das Barents-Meer langs dem Kola -Meridian (The Barents Sea along the Kcla ;n.eridian)0 Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., Bd. 12, Heft 3/4, pp. 145-174,, Translation 57 pp0 available FOL.. (51) Derjugin, K. M. 1933. Ueber die inneren Wellen im Sstlichen Teil des finnischen Meerbusens (On the inner waves in the eastern part of the Finnish Gulf). Leningrad, IV Hydrologisch6 Konferenz der Baltischen Staaten, VIII Section der Msere, pp. 1-8. Translation 10 pp. available FOL. (52) Derjugin, K. M. 1935. Work of the Pacific expedition of the state Hydrological Institute in 1933 (In Russian). Expl. Seas USSR, Hydrological Institute, 19354 Translation 7 pp., covering the German summary only, available FOLo (53) Diels, L«, F. Spiess, A. Defant, and F. Schmidt-Ott, 1927. Die Deutsche Atlantische Expedition auf dem Vermassungs- und Forschungsschiff "^eteor" (German Atlantic Expedition of the survey and research ship "Meteor"). Zeitschr. Gesellsche Erdkunde, Berlin, Jahrg. 1927, Nr. 7-3, pp. 345- 571. Translation available FOLo (54) Dinsa, P. 1894. Die Fjorbildungen, Ein Beitrag zur Morphographie der Kusten (Fiordformationsc A contribution to the morphography of the coasts). Ibid., Bd. 29, pp. 189-259. Translation 60 pp. available F0Lo (55) Dobrovolsky, A. D. 1948. Isothcrmic maps of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean (In Russian). Inst. Okeanologiya, Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Trudy, vol. 2, pp. 3-130 Trans- lation by Accurate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOLo (56) Ekman, Sven Petrus. 1935. Tiergeographie des Meeres (Zoogeography of the ocean). Leipzig, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.h. Translation by C. A. Painter available SIO, (57) Ekmin, V. Waif rid. 1929. Ueber die Strommenge der Konvektionsstrome im Meere (On the current strength of the convection currents in the ocean). Lunis Univ0 Aarskrift, N. p., Avd. 2, Bd. 25, Nr. 6, pp. 1-15. Translation 14 pp available FOL. (58) Ekman, V. Walfrid. 1926„ Konnen Verdunstung und Niederschlag im Meere merkliche Kompensations- strome verursachen? (Can evaporation and precipitation cause perceptible compensation currents?). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 54, Heft 7, pp. 261-270. Translation 18 pp. available FOL. (59) Ekman, V, Vfalfrid, 1931 Zum Problem des Golfstroms (On the problem of the Gulf Stream),, Gerlands Baitr* Geophys., Bds 33 (Kcnpen-Bd. 2), ppe 353-364. Translation 13 pp. available FOL. (60) Epsil, L. 1935a. Le carbone organique de 1'eau de mer (The organic carbon of sea water). Bull. Soc, Chem. France, 1935, ser. 5, t. 2, no, 112, pp. 1007=1012. Translation 7 pp. available FOL* (61) Epsil, L. 1935b. Sur quelques rapports ioniques dans 1'eau ae mar (On c-cm© i:ni? rela- tion--: in sea watsr). Ibid., 1935, sir. 5, t. 2, nc. 113, ppe 1012-1015. Translation 5 ppa available FCL. (62) Brcegovic*, A. 1S350 Re.?her-,hes sar I'alcalinite at 1'equilibre de 1'acide r.arbonique dans les eaux ccti^rss de 1'Adriatique oriental moyen (investigations cf the alka- linity and oarbon dioxide equilibrium in the coastal waters of the cen- tral eastern Adriatic). Acta Adriatica. Inst. Biol.-Cceanogr., Split (Jugoslavia), vol. 1, no. 7, 84 pp. Translation 66 pp. available FOL. (63) Ercegovic, A. 1938. Ispitivanya hidrcgraf ekih prilika i fitoplankota a Voaama Boke ••; jeseni 1937 (investigations of tha hydrographi? rela-;ions and phyto- plankton in the autumn 1937). Godinsnjak Ocean ografskcg Inst. Kraljevine Jugcslavije. Sveska 1, pp. 91-111. Translation by A ~ curate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available H0L« (64) Eriksson, -J. V. 1930. La denudation ehemique en Sulde (Chemical denudation in Sweden). Rapp. 4ema Assembles Gen. Union Int. Geod. Ge'ophya., Stockholm, I93C, no. 3, 11 pp. Translation 14 pp. available FOL. (65) Errulat, F. 1957. Baricht ub6r die erdmagneti.sohen Beobac?itur.gen wahrend der arsten Teilfahrb der Deutschen Ncrdatlantisohen Expedition 1937 (Report on the earth magnetism observations during the first voyage of the German North Atlantis Expedition 1937). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Motaor0, Beiheft sum jahrg. 65, Heft S, p. 2S0 Translation 2 pp. avai!iable FOL© (66) Fischer, Bernhard. 1824. Die Bakterisn des Meev-ss (Bacteria cf the sea). In Ergsb. Plankton Exped., Bd. 4, Mg., pp. 1-83. Translation by C. A.' Faint. er avail-able SIC. (37) Fleming, J. A. and J. P. Ault. 1S3C. Resultados del septiaiQ oruesre del "Carnegie3' (Results of the seventh cruise cf the "Carnegie" }. Mem. Con. O^eanogr. Iberc-Amero, num. 2, pp. 7-19. Translation 13 pp. available FOLo (68) Foroh, Carl. 1902. Velomausdehnung de? Seewassers (Volume expansion cf sea water). Mem. A<.";&do Roy. Sci. Lettres Danemark, 6me sar., Seo. So:".., t. 12, no. 1, pp0 159-151. Translation 10 pp. available FCL. 10 (69) F,e$y% Birgithe and H. H. Gran. 1928. Ueber Oxydation von organischen Stoffen im Meerwasser durch Baktsrien (Ooncerning the oxidation of organic matter in sea water by bacteria), Avhandl. Norske Vidensk.-Akad. Oslo, 1, Matem-Naturv. Kl», 1928, no. 3, 16 pp. Translation 11 pp. available F0Lo (70) Gavazzi, Artur. 1918. Prilozi za hidrograf iju Bakarskoga zaliva (Contributions to the hydro- graphy of the Bay of Bakar). Prirodoslovna Istrazivanya Hrvatsk3 i Slavonije, vol. 13, pp. 34-44. Translation by Accurate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOL. (71) Gila, Frutos A. 1924. , Variaciones de salinidad y Oxigeno disuelto en el agua de mar de la bahia de Algeciras, durante la campana con el "Averroes" (Variations of salinity and dissolved oxygen in the sea water in the Bay of Algiers, during the cruise of the "Averroes"). Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., Notas y Resumenes, ser. 2, num. 7, 60 pp. Translation 24 pp. available F0L» (72) Gila, Frutos A. 1930. / Variaciones salinas del agua de mar de la bahia de Palma de Mai lor ca (Salinity variations of the sea water of the Bay of Palma de Mallorca). Ibid_0, ser. 2, num. 41, 62 pp. Translation 13 pp. available F0Lo (73) Gila, Frutos A. 1933. Sobre el empleo de distinta "aqua patron" y buretos en la determinacion de halogenos (metodo Mohr-Knudsen) en el agua de marCOn the employment of different "standard waters" and burettes in the determination of halogens (J-iohr-Knudsen method) in sea watej. Ibid., ser. 2, num. 70, 10 pp0 Trans- lation 7 pp. available FOL. (74) Giral, Jos£. 1924a. Determinacio'n de materia organica en las aguas de mar (Determination of organic matter in sea water). Ibid., ser. 2, num. 7, 25 ppe Translation 31 pp. available FOL. (75) Giral, Jose. 1924b. , Relaciones hidrograficas y agua normal. Estudio critico y experimental (Hydrographic relations and normal water. A critical and experimental study). Mem. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., tomo 2, mem. 3, pp. 83-135. Trans- lation 54 pp. available FOL. (76) Giral, Jose. 1926, Quelques observations sur 1 'emploi de l'eau normal en oceanographie (Some observations on the use of standard water in oceanograplry). Publ. Circonstance no. 90, Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, 22 pp. Translation 26 pp« available FOL. 11 (77) Giral, Jose. 5.927, Approve chamientc industrial de las plantas marinas (Industrial exp loi- tation cf marine plants),, Bol. Peseaa, July 1927, pp« 1-17 » Trans- lation 20 pp0 3" a liable Ft L. (78) Giral, Jose0 19290 x III, Quelques observations aux bhemesg Method© a pour lc etude des phosphates ©t des mat:.«i- para la detemdnaeion del indice de iodo (Summary cf the methods for determining the iodine ind?x)0 An. Soc, Esp. Fisiea y Quimicae t0 27, pp. 259=264, Translation 8 pp0 available POL. . (80) Goldschmidt, V. M. and L„ W„ Strook, 1935. Zur Geocheacie des Salens II \0n the geochemistry of Selenium II }0 Nachr, Gesellsch. Wiss0 GSttingeh, Math.-phyr', Kle, Pachgruppe 4, N. F., Bd, 1, Nr, 11, pp, 123-142, translation 26 pp. available FOLo (81) Goleme, A. 1936. Circulations of currents in the Mediterranean, particularly in the Greek Seas (In Greek). Athens, Ministry of National Economy, 36 pp. Trans- lation by Accurate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOL. (82) Gran, H. H., Ernst Hentschel, and F. 3. Russell, 1936. Handliste zur Sieheruag der Best! among en nordisshen Planktons (Hand list for securing the identifications of" northern plankton), Rapp, Proc.-Verb., Cons, Perm, Int. Sxpl, Mer, vol. 100, pt. 3, app0 4, pp. 15- 20, Translation 11 pp. available FGL, (83) Gruvel, A. and W. Besnard. 1933, Recherche s sur la nature zt~. fonde de la e&te occidentals du Maroo entre la cap Cantin at le sap Gfhir (Researches upon the nature of the sea bot- toms of the western Moroccan coast between Cape Cantin and Cape Ghir), Ac-ad. Sci., Paris, Sewaee D?o„ 18, 1933, pp, 1675-1673, Translation 2 pp. available F0L. (84) Hahn, Friedrich L. 1935. Die Bestimmung Ton kleinsten Mengen Bromid neben sehr grossen Shlo- riduberschussen (Determination of small amounts of bromide in the pres- ence of large excesses of chloride). Mlkro'hemle, Bd. 17, pp, 222-235, Translation 17 pp0 available FG'L. 1 5 (85) He 1 land-Hans en, Bj^rn. 1923. Meeresforschuug mit kleinen Forsehungsschiffen (Invest! gat:. rig the ocean with small research ships}0 Erganzungsheft III, Zeitschr0 Gesellsch. Erdkunde, Berlin, 1928, pp„ 13-25. Translation 16 pp. available FOL. (86) Hentsohel, Ernst. 1934c Bine Methode zur Untersuchung von Copepodenbsvolkerungen (A method for investigating copepod populations). Rapp. Proc.-Verb., Cons. Perm. Int0 Expl. Mer, vol. 89, pt. 3, app. 11, pp. 93-97. Translation 7 pp. available FOL. (87) Hentsohel," Ernst. 1936a. Ueber das Winter plankton im Suden von Island (Winter plankton south of Iceland). Ibid,, vol. 99, 33 pp. Translation 51 pp. available FOL. (88) Hentsohel, Ernst. 1935b. Allgemeine Biologie des Sudatlanti schen Ozeans (General biology of the South Atlantic Ocean). In Wust, Georg., Guhther B'ohnecke, ana Hans Ho F. Meyer, Wis sent schafTlichen Ergebnl.sse der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition auf dem Forschungs- und Vermes sung ssohif f Meteor, 1925-1927, 3d. 11, Lf„ 2, Hauptteil 4, pp. 307-344. Translation 70 p~. available FOL. (89) Hentsohel, Ernst. 1936c. Zur quantitativen Planktonmethodi k (On the quantitative plankton method). Kieler Mseresforschungen, Bd. 1, op. 322-226. Translation 7 pp. avail- able FOL. (90) Hentsohel, Ernst. 1938. Das biologische Werk der "Meteor" Expedition (Biological work of the "Meteor" Expedition). Der Biologie, Jahrg. 7, Heft 1, pp. 1-6. Trans- lation 8 pp. available FOL. (91) Hentsohel, Ernst and Hermann Wattenberg. 1930. Plankton und Phosphat in der Oberfletehenschieht des Sudatlanti schen Ozeans (Plankton and phosphate in the surfaoe layer of the South Atlantic Ocean). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 58, Heft 8, pp. 273-277. Translation 9 pp. available FOL. (92) Hernegger, Friedrich and Berta Karlik. 1935. Die quantitative Bestimmung sehr kleine:- Uranmengen und der Urangehalt des Meerwassers (The quantitative determination of very small amounts of ura- nium and the uranium content of sea water* ). Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Mathem.-naturw. Kl., Abt. Ha, Bd. 144, Heft 5/6, pp. 217-225. Transla- tion 11 pp. available FOL. 13 (93) Hesselberg, Th. and H. U. Sverdrv.p. 1915. Beitrag zur Berecknung der Druck- and Massenverteilung in Meere (Calcu- lation of the pressure and mass distribution in the ocean),, Bergsns Mas. Aarbok 1914-3.915, Nr. 14, 17 pp. Translation 4 ppc available FOL. (94) Hirsekorn, H. G. 1335. Die elektrisohe Leitfahigkeits-Apparatar (Electrical conductivity equip- ment). Yeroffentl. Inst. Meere skunde, ET. F., A. Geogr.-naturwisa. Reihe, Heft 28, pp. 2 9-32. Translation 7 pp. available FOL. (95) International Geodesique et Ge*ophysique Internationale. 193?. Conditions anormales du niveau de la mer dans les eaux danoises les 15 et 16 Janvier 1931 (Abnormal conditions of the tides in Danish waters on January 15 and 16, 1931). Ann. Ccannu Etude Rai Ma re's, no. 2, pp. 30- 117. Translation 45 pp. available FOL. (96) Jacobsan, J. F. 1935. Temperaturmessung ait elekbriechem Widerstandsthermomster &u£ der Kattegatsexpedition im August 1931 (Temperature measurement with elec- tric resistance thermometer on the Kattegat expedition in August, 1931). Hedd. Komm. Ban.Fiskeri-Havunders^gelsey, Ser. Hydrcgr., Bd. S, Nr. 1, 22 pp.- Translation 28 pp. available FCL. (97) Joseph, J. £l&4?0 Apparatus for measuring the optical properties of sea water (In German). Fiat Record cf German Seience 1939-1346, Bd. 18, Geophysics, part 2, pp. 202-207. Translation available BMAG. (98) Joubin, L. and L. Roule. 1913. Observations sur la nourriture des Thjns de l'Atlantique (Germc alalonga Gmelin) ^Observations on the fo:d of tuna (G. alalonga Gmeli-IT)" of the Atlanti-.^o Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, no. 34l3, pp. 1-7. Translation by J. I. MbHugn, 7 pp. available from J. L. McHugh, Virginia Fisheries Laboratory, Gloucester Point, Va. (99) Kalle, Kurt. 1935. Zur Frage der Fe s-cset^ung - 5^ pp9 212-214. Translation 6 pp. available POUT (102) Kalle, Kurt. 1937 c, Meereskundliohe chen&sohe Untersuchungen mit Hilfe das Zeisascher Palfrioh-Photoraeters. VI. Die Bestimmung des Nitrits und de,3 nGelbstoffs'' (Oceanographis chemical investigations with the aid of the small Zeiss Fulfrieh Photometer. VI. Determination of nitrites and "yellow materials"). Ibid., Jahrg. 65, Heft 6, pp. 276~282. Trans- lation 13 pp. available FCL. (103) Kalle, Kurt. 1938. Zum Problem der Meereswasserfarbe (The problem of color of sea water). Ibid. f Jahrg. 65, Heft 1, pp. 1-13. Translation 25 pp0 available POL. (104) Kaminskaja, Sh. 1937. On the presence of titanium in organism.- (in Russian). Trav. Lab. Biogeoohem. Acad. Sci. USSR., vol. 4, pp. 243-244. Translation 2 pp. available POL. (105) Kandler, Rudolf. 1932. Unsicherheiten bei Bestimmung der Wirbelzahl infolge Verwaohsungzer- scheinungen (Uncertainties in the determination of the number of ver- tebrae owing to the appearance of fused parts). Jour. Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 373-385. Translation by J. L. MoHugh, 16 pp. available from J, L. MoHugh, Virginia Fish oris..- Labora- tory, Gloucester Point, Va. (106) Karaglanoff, Z. 1934. Chemie des Schwarzen Meeres (Chemistry of the Black Sea)0 Arb. Biol. Meeresta. Vania, Bulgarian. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Faoulte Phys.-math., r>c. 3, pp. 57-75. Translation 22 pp. 'available FOL. (107) Kesslitz, M. V. 1912. Das Geseitenphansmen im Hafen von Ragusa0 Niveau schwankungen infolge meteorologischer Einflusse (The tidal phenomenon in the harbor of Ragusa. Water level changes due to meteorological influences). Mitt. &o.£ dem Gebiete des Seawesens, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 707-711. Transla- tion by Staff of U. S. Hydrographic Office, Division of Oceanography, Marine Geography Branch, Coastal Section, available HOL. 15 (108) Kiseleff, A. 1337, Composition gad distribution of phytoplankton in the northern part of the Bering and southern part cf the Ghukchee Sea (In Russian) 0 S'^rv. Hydrorae'ceor. USSR Inst, Hydro!., Explorations des Mors ds 1»TJSSR, 1957, pp. 217-246. Translation 50 pp. available FOI, (109) Knudsen, Mar-tin. 1902a. Einsammeln and Anfbewahren der Wasserproben (Colls otion and storage of water samples). Mem. Acad. Soy. Sci. Lett res Danemark, 6me ssr,, Sec, Soi., t« 12, no, 1, pp. 1-28. Translation 27 pp. available FOL. (110) Knudsen, Martin. 1902b. Bestimmung des spezifischen Gewichtes (Speoific gravity determination). Ibid., 6me aer., Sec. Soi., t. 12, no. 1, pp. 29-92. Translation 66 pp. available FOLo (111) Knudsen, Hartin. 1925. L'emploi do 1'eau normale dans 1'oceanographie (Use of normal sea water in aeeanography). Pool. Circonstance no. 87, Cons. Perm. Int. Sxpl. Mer, 11 pp. Translation 10 pp. availabl3 FOL, (112) Kreps, Eugen H. 1926. Ueber das gegenseitige Verba Itnis von C0o und pE im Meerwasser bei ver- sohiedenem Salzgehalt (On the mutual correlation cf COg and pH in sea wa'ser with different salinity). Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., Bd. 15, Heft 3-4, pp. 24C-257. Translation 16 pp. available FOLo (113) Kreps, Eugen K. 1929, Beitrag zur Hydrcgraphie der Reliktenbassins der Bueht "Tschernaja Guba" auf Eowaja Semlja (Contribution to the hydrography of the relic basins of the Bay "Tsohernaja Guba" en Kovaya Zemlya)0 Heft 5-3, pp. 335-382. Translation 57 pp. available FOLT (114) Krogh, August. 1930. Eine Mikromethcde fur die organische Verbrennungsanalyse, besonders von ge lost en Substanzen (A micro-method for organic combustion analyses especially of dissolved substances). Bioehem. Zeitschr., Bd. 221, Heft 4-6, pp. 247-263. Translation 17 pp. available FOL. (115) Krogh, August and Eaj Berg. 1931. Ueber die chemisette Zusamraensetzung des Phytoplanktons aus dem Frederiksborg-Schloszee und ihre Bedeutung fur die Maxima der Cladoceren (Concerning the chemical composition of phytoplankton of the Frederiks- borg Schloszee end its importance for the maxima of the cladecera). Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. Eyarcgr., Bd. 25, Heft 3-4, pp. 203-218. Translation 12 pp. available FOL. 16 (116) Krogh, August and E. Lange. 19310 Quantitative Untersuchungen uber Plankton, Kolloidc und gelcste crganische und anorganische Substanzen in d6m Fures9e (Quantitative investigations concerning plankton, ccllcids, and dissolved organic and inorganic substances in the Furesee). Ibid,, Bd. 28, Heft 1-2, pp. 20-53. Translation 29 pp. available FOLo (117) Legendre, Rene'. 1944. Notes biologiques sur Chimaera monstrosa L. (Biological notes on C. monstrosa L. ). BulTT'SocT- Zoo. France, vcl0 69, no. 1, pp0 10-17. Translation by John W. Slipp, Seattle, Wash., 15 pp. available FOL. (118) Lens, Fr. 1928„ Zur Terminologie der limnischen Zonation (Terminology of limnclogical sonation). Arch. Eydrobiol., Bd. 19, pp. 748-757. Translation 10 pp. available FOLo (119) Lundestad, Jon0 1928. Ueber einige an der norwegischen Kiiste isolierte Agar-spaltonde Arten von Meerbakterien (Concerning some agar- splitting species of marine bacteria isolated on the Norwegian coas~), Contralbl. Bakto Parasit* Infelct0, Bd. 75, Abt. 2, pp. 321-344. Translation 47 pp. available FOI ^i-> (120) Warmer, H. A. 1934. L' ocean ographie, la science de la Mer (Oceanography, the science of the sea). Soientia, July 1954, pp. 1-8. Translation 11 pp. available FOL. (121) Matsau, Emma Bar dan, 1927. Estudio comparativo de la densidad del agua del mar, determinada por various metodos (Comparative study of the density of sea water, deter- mined by various methods). Inst. Esp0 Oceanog:-., Notas y Resumenes, ser. 2, num. 14, 12 pp. Translation 9 pp. available FOL. (122) MerK, A. 1925. Die Deutsche Atlantische Expedition auf dam Vermessungs- und Fcrschungs- schiff "Meteor". I0 Bericht (The German Atlantic Expedition on the sur- veying and research ship "Meteor". Report I). Sitzber. Preuss. Akad. Wisso Phys.-math. Kl., 1925, Bd. 31, pp. 562-586. Translation 35 pp. available FOL. (123) Meyer, Helga. 1938. Die photometrische Bestirnmung des Kupfers im Ssewasser (The photometric determination of copper in sea water). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 66, Heft 7, pp. 325-330. Translation 9 pp. available FOL. 17 (124) Mielck, W. 1929. Die Verbreitung der Heringslarven in der Nordsee in Winter (Distribution of herring larvae in the North Sea in winter). Rapp. Proc.-Verb., Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 54, app. 1, pp. 99-134. Translation 44 pp. available FOL. (125) Mohr, Erna. 1940. Funktionslose Trager und Umriss des Membransaumes bei unpaaren Fischflossen (Funetionless support and outline of the membrane margin on unpaired fish fins), Zoo, Anz., Bd. 130 (11-12), pp. 293-299. Translation by J. L. McHugh, 7 pp. available from J. L. McHugh, Virginia Fisheries Laboratory, Gloucester Point, Va» (126) Mcllsr, Lotte. 19320 Der Sakrower See bei Potsdam (Lake Saorow near Potsdam). Verhandl, Int. Ver. Limnologie, Bd. 6, pp. 201-216. Translation 17 pp. available FOL. (127) Moller, Lotte. 1933a. Methodische Untersuchungen und Neube stimnrangen der Konstanten des Meerwassers (Methodical investigations and new determinations of sea water constants). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 61, Heft 1-2, pp. 22-24. Translation 6 pp. available FOL. (128) Moller, Lotte, 1933b. Zur Frage der Tiefenzirkulation im Indischen Ozean (On the question of the circulation in the depths of the Indian Ocean). Ibid., Jahrg. 61, Heft 8-9, pp. 233-236. Translation 9 pp. available FOL. (129) Moller, Lotte. 1933c. Zur Reduktion hydrographischer Beobachtungen mit Hilfe graphischer Darstellung der Korrektionen (On the reduction of hydrographic observations with the help of graphic representations of the corrections). Ibido, Jahrg. 61, Heft 3, pp. 58-60o Translation 5 pp. available FOL. (130) Moller, Lotte. 1935a. Die Chlortitrationsmethode (Th9 chlorine titration methods). Veroffentl. Inst Meereskunde, N. F., A. Geogrc~naturwiso. Reihe, Heft 28, pp. 32-35. Trai sla- tion 2 pp. available FOL. (131) Moller, Lotte. 1935b Zur Charakteristic der Wasserkorper des Atlantischen Ozean s (The characteriza- tion of the water bodies of the Atlantic Ocean). Ibid., Heft 28, pp. 191-239, Translation 33 pp. available F0Lo 18 Holler, Lotte. 1935c Sewiaaung \ron Bodenwasserproben unit Eilfe vor. Richterschen Glaswasserschdpfern (Obtaining samples of bottom water with the help of Richter glass water samples), Arch. Eydrobiol., Sd0 28, ppB e7C-."720 Translation 3 pp, available FOL. Holier, Lotte. 1955d0 St9chliri-S«e und Sakrower See,, Ein Beitrag zur Charakteristik eutropher und 0 iigotropher Seetypen (Lake Stechlin and Lake Saerowe A contribution to the characteristics of eutrophic and oligotrophia kinds of lakes). Ibid., Bd. 29, pp. 1-37-156. Translation 27 pp. avail-: ble FOL. 34) Mortensen, Th. and L. Kolderup Rosenvinge. 1934. Sur une algue cyanophycee, Dcctylocoocopsic; echini n. sp,, parasite dans un oursin (Concerning tiie algae* of the Cyanophyceae T>0 echini, n. sp., parasitic on a sea-urchin). Det Kg?.. Dan. Vidansk. SelskabT, Biol.' Hedd., vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1-10. Translation 7 pp,, available FOL. 35) Navarro, F, Marvin. 1934. 3ur 1 'existence de ia maree sous-marine dans la Hediterranee occidentale (On the exist&nca of a submarine tide in the western Mediterranean Sea). Bull0 Inst. Oceanogr., Monaco, no. 656, 20 pp. Translation 20 pp. available FOL. Navarro, Francisco de P. 19290 Ocean ografia, planctr^ y pesca en la bahia de Palma de Hallorca en 1928 (Oceanography, plasaktcn, and fish in the Bay of Palma de Mallorca in 1928), Inst. Esp. Oeeancgr., Notas y Resumenes, ser. 2, num. 22, 61 pp. Translal . 22, 61 pp0 Translation - pi--. a mailable FOL. rarro, Francisco de P. 1930. Regimen termico de la bahia de Palma de Mallorca en 1929 (Thermal sysbem of the Bay of Palma de Mallorca in 1929). JLiiiL , ser. 2, num. 42, 27 pp. Trans- lation II pp. available FOL. Navarro, Francisco de P. 1931a Nuevos ©studios sobre de la bahia de Pa lira de and circulation of water in the Bay of Palma de Hallorca). Ibid., ser. 2, nuV;0 47, 45 pp. Translation 17 pp. available FOL, 193 ia. la temp era tura, la saiinidad y la circulacion del agua le Mallorca (New studies en the temperature, salinity, .. _■ J_'._ - TV, __ _ r» V\~ *: J ^ TUT T - \ -i-i • i r*. 39) Navarro, Francisco da P. 1931b0 La refract ometria y el metodo clorometrico Mohr-Khudsen an la tecnica ooean- ogra*Mc.a (The refractory method and the Hohr-Knudsen method of measuring chlorinity). Ibid.. , ser. 2, rum. 49, 24 pp. Translation 20 pp. available FOL. 40) Navarro, Francisco de P. 1932. Operacicnes oesanograficas en la bahia de Palma de Hallorca 1931 (Oceanogra- phic operations in the Bay of Palma de Mallorca 1931). JJaid., ser. 2, num. 63, 28 pp. Translation 13 pp. available FOL. 19 (141) Navarro, Francisco de P. 1934a» Sobre la existencia de cndas de marea interna en el Mediterraneo y generalizal ciori de la importancia de est© fenomenc en log e studies oceancgra.fi c : s (On the existence of internal wives in the Meoi :;; rra::.ean and generalisation of the im- portance of the phenomenon in oceanographic studies)* Inst0 Esp. Oceanogr., Trab., num. 12, 33 pp. Translation 25 pp. available FOL. (142) Navarro, Francisco de P. 1924b. El estado actual del problems de las ondas de marea interna (The present stats of the problem of internal waves). Menu Gonsejc Oceanogr. Iberc-Amer., num. 1 19 pp0 Translation 15 pp. available FOL„ (143) Navarro, Francisco de P. and Frutos A. Gila. 1930o La salinidad del agua de la bahia de Palina de Mallsroa en 1929 y naevos datos sobre densimetrla. del agua del mar- (The salinity of the water of the Bay of Palma de Mallorca in 1929 and new data on measuring the density of sea water). Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., Notas y Resumenes, ser0 2, num. 44, 28 pp0 Translation 17 pp. available FOL. (144) Neuendorff,, Wolf. 1937. Nautischer B6itrag (Nautical contribution). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Beiheft zum Jahrg. 65, Heft 9, pp. 26-28. Translation 7 pp. available FOL. (145) Ohle, Y/aldemar. 1935. Untersuchungen 'uber die Wirkung von Superphcsphat bei der Duhgung grosser Kar- penteiche. Ill Teil. Chemische und physikalische Charakteristik siniger Teiche des Militsch-Traohtenberger Grenskreises (investigations of the action cf superphosphate in the fertilizing of large carp ponds. Part IIL Chemical and physical characteristics of some ponds of the Militseh-Trachtenberger bcr^ der region). Zeitschr. Fish. Hilfgwiss., Bd. 33, pp. 575=613. Partial trans- lation 13 pp. available FOL. (146) Oxner, Mi so zy slaw and Martin Knudsen. 1920« Manuel pratique de 1 'analyse de 1'eau de mer. I. Chloruration par la methods d6 Knudsen (Practical manual for the analysis of sea water. I. Chlorinity by Knudsen { p method )0 Ball. Ccmm. Int. Expl. Sei. Mer Meait., no. 3, pp. 1-36 Translation 36 pp. available FOLo (147) Paspaleff, G. W. and N„ Peneff. 1934. Beitrag rur Kenntnis der Hydroiogie des Varnaer Sees (Contribution to infor- mation on the hydrology of Lake Varnaer ). Arb. Biol. Meeresta. Varna, Bui™ garien. Ann. UniTo Sofia, Faculte Phys.-math., no. 3, pp. 1-18. Translation 13 pp. available FOLo (148) Pettersson, Hans. 1931. Ueber das sogenannte Schaumrandphanomen (On the so-called foam ring phenome- non). Medd. Soteborgs Hogskolas Oreanogr. Inst., no. 2. Goteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps-coh Vitterhets-Samhalies Handl., Femte Folj'den, Ser. B, Bd. 2, no. 2, pp. 1=12. Translation 8 pp. available FOL. .49) Picotti, Mario. 1929 . Salinita e densita del' aoqua marina e metodi di dotermina zi one (Salinity and density of sea water and methods, of determinati ons ) 0 Boll. Coircm. Haz. Geo. Geof., no. '_8, pp. 1-11, Translation 12 pp. available FOL. .50) Picotti, Mario. 1935a. I fattori chimici essenziali "al minimo determinanti per lo sviluppo e la capaoita biologica marina ed il loro controllo iiTimediato (The essential diemical factors "at the minimum" c'etermined for the development and the ex- tent of marine biology and their immediate control). Comm. Int. Expl. Sci. Msr Medit., Rapp. Reunions Soi., 1955, 8 pp. Translation 14 pp. available FOL. 51) Picotti, Mario. 1935b. II regime termico delle acqua della laguna Veneta (The thermal regulation of the waters of the Venetian lagoon). Atti R. Inst, Veneto Sci . Letters, Arti, 1934-1935, Tcmc 94, pt. 2, pp. 87-103. Translation 10 pp. available FOL. 52) Picotti, Mario. 1936. II regime alino nelle acque Lagunaria Venete (The salinity range of the waters of the Venetian lagoori). Ibid., 1935-1936, Tomo 95, pt. 2, pp. 237-249. Trans- lation 10 pp. available F0L"T~ 53) Picotti, Mario. 1938. Densimetria delle aoque Lagunaria Venete (Density of the waters of the Vene- tian lagoon). Ibid.. 1957-1938, Tomo 117, pt. 2, pp. 351-355. Translation 5 pp. available FOL. 54) Ponomarenko, C. P. 194S. On vhe formula of the negative heat exchange between air and water (In Russian), Inst. Ckoanologiya, Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Trudy, vol. 2, pp. 14-20. Translation by Aoourate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOL. 55) Portier, Paul Jules. 1938. Physiclogie des animaux marins (Physiology of marine animals). Paris, Flam- marion. Translation by E. G. Amstein available SIC. 56) Rama Ih o, A. and L. Dentinho. 1931. Contribution a I'e'tude ocean ographique du Gclfe de Gibraltar (A report on the coeanegraphic study of the Gulf of Gibraltar). Rapp. Proc.-Verb., Cons. Perm. Int. Explo Mer, vol. 70, pp. 82-115. Translation 32 pp. available FOL. 'jj© 57) Ratmanoff, G. E. 1937. On the hydrology of the Bering and Chukchee Seas (In Russian). Expl. Seas USSR, Hydrological Publ., Leningrad and Moscow, 1937, pp. 10-35. Translation 38 pp. available FOL. 68) Reith, J. F. 1930. Der Jodgehalt von Meerwasser (The iodine content of the ocean water). Rec. Trav. Chimiques Pays-Bas, t. 49, no. 1, pp. 142-150. Translation 13 pp. available FOLo 21 (159) Roche, A. 1939, v La conduct! vita sleotrique pour determiner a bord la salinity de iseau de mer I (Electrical ec Lvity to determine the salinity of sea water aboard a ghiJ Bull. Insto Oeesnogro Monaco, ao„ 779, 23 ppc Translation 25 pp, available Fcl (160) Rosenberg, L„ D. 1949, A new phenomenon in hydroacousties (in Russian). Doklady Akad, Nauk, SSSR., vol. 69, n. s., pp. 175-176. Translation available HOL. (161) Rouch, J. 1939. Observations oC%anographiques de surface dans 1 'ocean Atlantique et dans 1 •ocean Paeifique (Oeeanographic observations of the surface in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans), Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, no. 781, 16 pp. Trans- lation 10 pp. available FOLq (162) Schott, Gerhard. 1928. Dei Yerheiluug les Salzgehaltes im Oberf lachenwasser dsr Oaeane (The distri- bution of salinity in th.6 surface waters of the oceans). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 56, Heft 5, pp. 145-166o Translation 47 pp. available FOL. •i o^t -).-,. (133) Schott, Gerhard. Kaltes HTasser vor der Kusts von Venezuela and Kclurabien (Gold -water off t - coasts of Venezuela and Columbia). Ibid., Jahrg. 59, Heft 6, pp. i;£4-2270 Translation 6 pp. available FCL. (164) Schott, Gerhard. 1932, Zur Ozeanographie der Hudsonbai and Hudsonstrasse (On the oceanography Hudson Bay and Hudson Straits), Isf^oj Jahrg. 60, Heft 11, pp. -55-^55. Translation 4 pp. available F0Lo (165) Schott, Gerhard. 1935a. Die 5abr lichen Hiederschlagsmengen auf dea Indischen und Stilled 0:^an (The yearly amounts of precipitation in the Indian and Pacific Oceans )0 Ibid., Jahrg, 61, Heft l/2, pp0 1-12. Translation 22 pp. available POL, S) Schott, Gerhard. 1933b. Auftriebwasser an den austral! schen WestkStstenl Ja und NeinJ (Upwelling water on the west coast of Australia? Yes and JSJ) Ibid., Jahrg. 61, Heft 8/9, pp. 225-233. Translation 17 pp. available FOL. ' (167) Schott, Gerhard. 1933c. Diss Bewolkung uber dem Indischen und Stillen Czean (Tne cloudiness over the Indian and Pacific Ocean-?). Ibid. , Jahrg. 61, Heft, 10, pp. 280~29C, Trans- lation 21 pp. available F0I-o (168) Schott, Gerhard. 1933d. Bis britischa Tief sse-Sxpedition auf "Discovery IIW, 1932/33 (The British Deep Sea Expedition on the "Discovery II", 1932-1933). Ibid. , Jahrg. 61, Heft 10, pp. 342-344. Translation 4 pp. available FOL, • 22 S) Schett, Gerhard. 1934. Die Verteilung des Salzgehaltes im Oberf laohenwasser der Ozeane (The distri- bution of salinity in the surface water of the oceans )0 _In_ James Johnstone Memorial Volume, Liverpool, University Press of Liverpool, pp. 235-24?.,, Trans- 6 ppe available FOL. 0) Sehreiber, E. 1S270 Die Reinkultur von marinem Phytoplanktcn und deren Bedeutung fur die Erfor- schung der Produktionsfahigkeit des Meerwassers (The pure culture of marine phytoplankton and its importance in the re search of the productive capaeity of sea water). Fiss. Meeruntersuch., Komm. Untersuch. Meere Kiel, Biol. Ans't. Helgoland, H. F., Bdo 17, Abt. Helgoland, Nr. 10, pp. 1-34. Transla- tion 36 pp. available FOL. 1) Schubert, 0. V. 1931. Zur Frage der Stabilitat in grossen Meere stief en bei Temper a turumkehr. (On the question of stability in the great depths of the ocean in the case of temperature reversal). Gerlands Beitr. Geophys., Bd. 31, Heft 4, pp. 426-434, Translation 9 pp. available FOL. 2) Schulz, Bruno. 1922. Hydrographische Beobachtungen insbesondere uber die Kohlensaure in der Nord- und Ostee imSommer 1921 (Hydrographioal observations particularly of car- bon dioxide in the North Sea anu Baltic Sea in the summer of 1921). Arab.. Deutsch. Seewarte, Jahrg. 40, Nr. 2, pp. 1-44. Translation 67 pp. available FOL. '3) Schulz, Bruno. 1927. Bericht uber die Reise von Wilhelm Brennecke in das Barentsmeer in Frlfhsomner 1923 (Report on the voyage of the Wilhelm Brennecke in the Barents Soa in early summer cf 1923). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 55, Heft 6, pp0 186-193. Translation 14 pp. available FOL. 4) Schulz, Bruno. 1930a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Alkalinitat des 0b6rf lachenwassers im Nordatlanti- schen Ozean (Contribution to the knowledge of the alkalinity of the surface waters of the North Atlantic Ocean). Ibid., Jahrg. 58, Heft 5, pp. 162-164. Translation 3 pp. available F"0Lc 175) Schulz, Bruno. 1930b. Die Hydrographie des Barentsmeeres (Hydrography of the Barents Sea). Jour. Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 291-319. Translation 25 pp. available FOL. r6) Schulz, Bran-. 19340 Die hydrographischen Arbeiten der Deutsohen Wissentschaftlichen Kommission fur Meeresforschung 1930-1933 (The hydrographie works of the German Scientific Commission for Sea Research 1930-1933). Ber. Deutsch. Wiss. Komm. Meeresfor- schung, N. F., Bd. 7, Heft 3, pp. 197-211. Translation 20 pp. available FOL. 23 (177) Schulz, Brunoo 1935, Flaschenpostuntersuchungen im sudliehen Kattegat, 10, bis 17. August 1931 (Drift bottle investigations in the southern Kattegat from August 10 to 17? 1931), Ann,, Hydrogr, Mar, Meteor., Jahrg. 63, Heft 1, pp. 1-10, Transla- tion 17 pp0 available FOL. (178) Schulz, Bruno, 1936a, Die Fahrt des Vermes sungsschiff 33 "Meteor" nach dem Europ'aischen Nordmeere in Herbst 1935 (The voyage of the survey ship "Meteor" to the European North Sea in the autumn 1935). Ibid., Jahrg, 54, Heft 4, pp. 173-175. Trans la ti or 5 pp0 available FOL. (179) Schulz, Bruno. 1936b. Die hydrographische Lage im Kattegat im August 1931 (The hydrographic situa- tion in the Kattegat in August 1931). Ibid,, Jahrg. 64, Heft 6, pp. 234-242, Translation 19 pp. available FOL. v. )) Schulz, Bruno, 1936c. Zur Vcllendung des 70. Lebensjahrss von Gerhard Schott (Upon completion of 70 years of age by Gerhard Schott), Thi d, , Jahrg, 64, Heft 8, pp. 329-335, Translation 3 pp. available pOL, (181) Schulz, Bruno. 1936d. Die Ergebnisse der interna tionalen hydrcgraphischen Beobachtungen im Kattegat im August 1931 (The results of the international hydrographic observations in the Kattegat in August 1931), Rapp, Proe.-Verb., Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, vol 95, pp. 51-61. Translation 20 pp. available FOL. (1H2) Schumacher, Arnold, 1933. Eine neue Berichtigungsf ormel fur das Tiefsee-UmMppthermometer (A new cor- rection forirula for the deep sea reversing thermometer). Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor,, Jahrg. 61, Heft 3, pp. 74-77. Translation 6 pp. available FOL (183) Schumacher, Arnold. 1935a. Neue re Arbeiten tiber den Golf strom im westlichen Atlantischen Ozean (Recent works en the Gulf Stream in the West Atlantic Ocean). Ibid., Jahrg. 63, Heft 2, pp. 53-58. Translation 12 pp. available FOL. (184) Schumacher, Arnold. 1955b. Kippthermcmetertafeln, neuberechnet auf Grund der Formeln von W. Hansen (Re- versing thermometer tables, recently calculated on the basis of W. Hansen's formulae). Ibid,, Jahrg. 65, Heft 6, -?-?0 237-239. Translation 6 pp. avail- able FOL. (185) Seiwall, H. R. and G. B. Seiwall. 1934. Ueber den Gesamtphosphorgehalt des Seewassers im westlichen Nordatlantischen Gsean (On the total phosphorus content of the sea water in the west part of the North Atlantic Ocean). Ibid., Jahrg. 62, Heft 1, pp. 7-13. Translation 11 pp. available FOL. 24 (186) Senoa, Milan, A. Gavazzi, L. Car, and V. Vouk. 1914. Izvjestaji o trecom i cetvrtom naucnom istrazivanju Jadranskoga mora godine 1914 (Reports on the third and fourth study trips in the Adriatic. Sea in 1914), P~irodoslcvna Istrazivanja Hrvatske I Slavonije, Sve?ak 5, pp. 1-13 „ Translation by Accurate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOL. (187) Senoa, Milan, A Gavazzi., F. Sandor, L. Car, J. Hodzi, and V. Vouk. 1914. Izvjestaji o prvom i drugom nauoncm istrazivaniu Jadranskoga mora godine .1913 (Imports on the first and second scientific study trips in the Adriatic Zes. in 1913), Ibid., Svezak 2. Translation by Accurate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOL, (188) S.irensen, S. P. L. 190?, Ghlor- ur.d Sal zbe stimmung (Chlorinity and salinitv determination) 0 Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Lettrss Danemark, 6me ser., Sac, 3ci., t, 1 'i, no. 1, pp. 93-138, Translation 51 pp. available POL. (189) Stroband, H. J. £? 3 Tb.9 propagation of the tides. Determined with the aid of electrotech- nique, taking into consideration the quadratic resistance law, I, (.In Dutch). Source unknown . Translation available BMAF, (190) Stupart, Fc, J. Patterson, and H. Grayson Smith, 1930, Tempo ratur as superficiales del Oceano, Procedimisntos para medirlas y pfimeros resultados (Surface temperatures of the ocean, processes for measuring them, and first results). Rev, Cons. Oceanogr. Ibero-^ner,, an"o 1, niilm, 3, pp0 171-175, Translation 8 pp. available FOL. (191) Thorade, H. 1931, Micchung, Turbulens und Grenzflache (Mixing, turbulence, and boundary- surface j. Rapp. Proc-Verb, Cons, Perm, Int. Expl. Mer, vol, 75, pp, 44-62, Translation 24 pp. available FOL. (192) Thorade, H. 1934. Ueber Stromunruhe (Concerning current disturbances). Ann, Hydrogr, Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 62, Heft 9, pp. 365-377. Translation 24 pp, available FOL, (193) Thorade, H, 1936, Strombeobachtungen am Nordausgange des Kattegats (Current obsarvations at the northern exit of the Kattegat). Ibid,, Jahrg. 64, Heft 5, pp. 243-253, Translation 26 pp. available FOL. (194) Thoulet, J. 193.?. La ocean ografia densiine'tria en al Pacifico (Densimetric oceanography in the Pacific). Mem. Conseio Oceanogr, Ibero-Amer., num. 16, 13 pp. Translation 17 pp, available FOL, 25 (195) Uriarte, Lais Be lion. 1932. Premiers travaux du Labcratorie Oeeanographique des lies Canaries (First studies of the c .-seanographio laboratory of the- Canary Isles). Rapp. Pre .-o'-Vsr' oS Cons. Perui. Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 77, pp. 65-880 Translation 25 pp. available FOL. (196) Vinogradoff, A. P. 1938. Chemical composition of marine plankton (In Russian). Trans. Inst. Mar. Fish. Cceanogr. USSR., vol. 7, pp. 97=111. Translation 21 pp. available FOI. (197) Vincgradc ff , A.. P. and G. G. Bergman. 1938. Content of iodine in red algae (in Russian). Ibid., vol. 7, pp. 90-96. Translation 8 pp. available FOL. (198) Yon Brandt. Andres. 1936. Zum Kalkgehalt der Ostsee (Lime content of the Baltic Sea). Jour. Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Mer, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 314-342. Translation 31 pp. available FOL. (199) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1929. Die Durchluftung des Atlantisohen Ozeans (The aeration of the Atlantic Ocean). Ibid., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 68-79. Translation 10 pp. available FOL. ' "" (200) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1930. Ueber die Bestimmung der Alkalinirat des Meerwassers. Ueber den Kalkgehalt d«c Cseanwassers. I. Mitteilung (On -Che determination of the alkalinity of sea water. The lime content of ocean water. First communication). Ann. Eydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 58, Heft 8, pp. 277-232. Translation 9 pp. available FOL. (201) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1931. Der chemisehe Aufbau des Atlantisohen Czeans (The chemical synthesis of the Atlantic Ocean). Medd. Finska Kemistsamfundets, no. 2, pp. 1-12. Translation S pp. available FOL. (202) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1932. Die Be'iiehung swisohen pH und freier Kohlensaure im Atlantisohen Oeean (Relationship between pH and free carbon dioxide in the Atlantic Ocean). Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., Bd. 26, Heft 5-6, pp. 462-467. Trans- lation 6 pp. available FOL. 26 (203) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1933. Das chemische Beobachtungsmaterial und seine Gewinnung. Kalzitaakar- bonat- und Kohiensauregshalt des Meerwassers, Erster Teil da~ Bearbeitung des ehsmischen Materials (The chemical observation material and its preparation,, Calcium carbonate and carbon dioxide content of sea water. First part, the treatment of the chemical materials). In Wust, Georgo, Gunthor Bohnecke, and Hans H. F. Meyer, Wis sent schaft- lichen Ergebnisse der Deutschen Atlantischen Expedition auf dem Forchungs- und Vermessungssohiff "Meteor", 1925-1927, Bd. 3, 3?3 pp. Partial trans- 46 pp., covering the first 130 pp,, available F0Lo (204) Wattenberg, Hermann, 1934, Was enthalt die Tiefsee an Nahrstoffen fur das tierische urJipflanzliche Leben (What nutritive materials does the ocean contain for animal and plant life?). In Tiefseebuch, Bd, 3, "Das Meer", Berlin, pp, 64-85. Translation 18 pp, available FOL, (205) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1935, Kalkauflosung und Wassertewegung am Meeresbcden ^Distdution of lime and motion cf water on the bottom of Jd-ie ocean)o Ann. Hydrogr. Mar. Meteor., Jahrg. 63, Heft 10, pp. 287-291. Translation 10 pp, available FOL. (206) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1937a. Die chemischen Arbeiten auf der 3'Meteor""Fahr'b Februar bis Mai 1937 (The chemical work during the "Meteor™ expedition February to May 1937). Ibid,, Jahrg. 65, Beiheft zum September-heft, pp, 17-22. Translation TcTpp, available FOL. (207) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1937b, Methoden zur Bestimmung von Phcsphat, Silikat, Nitrit, Nitrat, and Ammcniak im Seewasser (Methods for the determination of phosphate, silicate, nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia in sea water). Rapp0 Proc.- Verb., Cons. Perm. Int. Expl. Ma:., vol. 103, pp. 3-26. Translation 55 pp. available FOL. (208) Wattenberg, Hermann. 1938. Zur Chemie des Meerwassers. Ueber die in Spuren vorkommenden Elemente (On the chemistry cf the sea water. Concerning the trace elements). Zeitschr. anorg. allg. Chem., Bd. 236, Heft 1-4, pp. 339=360. Transla- tion 30 pp, available FOL. (209) Wattenberg, Hermann and Helga Meyer. 193S0 Der Jahreszeitliche Gang des Gehaltes des Meerwassers an Plankton- nahrstcffen in der Kieler Bucht im Jahre 1935 (Seasonal variations in the plankton nutritive substances of the sea water in Kiel Bay in 1935). Kieler Meeresf.ju-schungen, Bd, 1, pp. 264-278. Translation 15 pp0 available FOL. 27 (210) Wattenherg, Hermann and E. Timmerman. 1936. Ueber die S&M;tigung des Seewassers an CaCC5 und die anorganogene Bi Idling von Kalkssdimenten (On the saturation of sea water in C9.OC3 and the inergsnis foraatibn of lime sediments). Ann0 Hydrogr, Mar, Meteor., Jahrg. 64, Heft I, pp. 23-31,, Translation 14 pp, available FOLo (211) Wcynoff, K. 1935, Zusapmensstzung der Fische Bothns aaeoticus Pall, -and Sobitia melanostomug Fall, (Composition* of the'Tisnes B0 aaootio'ai' and G. me lano stomas ) o Zeitsehr, Untsrsuch. LebensmitteY, Bd. 69, Heft 2, pp0~ T/"?^T7^" Translation 4 pp. available POL. (212) Wast, Gsorg. 1928. Der Ur sprung der atlantisohen TiefenwSsser (Source of the Atlantic deep waxer :•?). Zeitsohr. Gesellsoh. Erdkunde, Berlin, Jubilaums Sonderband 1923, pp. 506-534, Translation 35 pp. available POL. (213) Wust, Georg. 1930, lisridionale Sohichtung und Tiefenzirkulataon in den. Vfesth'alften der drei 0:3eane (Meridional stratif ication and circular-ion in the depths in the western halves of the three oceans). Jour. Cons. Perm. Int. Exp'o Mer, vol. 5, nc. 1, pp. 8-21, Translation 15 pp. available FOL. (214) Wust, Georg, 1931, Ueber die Losliehkeit von CaCO^ is Meerwasser (On the solubility of GaCOs in sea water). Die Saturwissentsehaften, Jahrg. 19, Heft 48, p. 955 o Translation 2 pp. available FOL. (215) Wust, Georg 1 9 K •j : ti < Anzeiehen von Beziehttngen zwischen Bodenstrom und Relief in der fiefsee des Indischen Ozeans (indications of relationships between the bottom current and relief in the depths of the Indian Ocean). Ibid., Jahrg. 22, Heft 16, pp. 241-244. Translation 6 pp. available POTT (216) Wust, Goorg. 1934b. Salzgehalt und Wasserbevegung in Suezkanal (Salinity and water move- ment in the Sue si Canal). Ibid., Jahrg. 22, Heft 25, pp. 447-450, Translation 7 pp. available FOL. (217) Wust, Georg. 1934c, Ueber die Bedeutung von Bodentemperaturmessungen fur die ozeanogra- phische, mcrphologische, ©hen&sehe und geologische Erfcrschung der Tiefsee (Concerning the importance of measurements of bottom tempera- tures for the ocean ographio, morphological, chemical, and geological research of the ocean depths). In James Johnstone Memorial Volume. Liverpool, University of LiverpccT Press, pp. 242-2£60 Translation 16 pp. available POL. 28 (218) lust, Georg. 1935. Zur Frage des indischen Tiefenstroms (On the question of the deep current of the Indian Ocean). Die Naturwissenschaften, Js.hrg. 23, Heft 9, pp. 137-139. Translation 6 pp. available FOL. (219) Wust, Georg. 1937„ Die Grossglioderung des Tief seebodens, zugleich e in Vers ch lag einer systematischen geographischen Namsngebung fur die Tief seebecken des Weltmeeres (The general organization of the deep sea bottom, togetner with a proposal for a systematic geographical nomenclature for the deep sea basins of the oceans),, Assoc. OceVnogr. Phys., Proc.-Verb., no. 2, pp. 70-72. Translation 5 pp. available F0Lo (220) Fust, George 1937. Oberf latehensalzgehalt, Verdunstung und Niedersehlag auf dsm Weltmeier© (Surface salinity, evaporation, and precipitation in the oceans). Ibid., no. 2, pp. 79-53. Translation 6 pp0 available FOL. (221) Zechmeister, Lazlo. 1934. Carotinoide.; ein bicchsmischer Borloht uber pflanzliche und tierischs Polyenfarbstof fe (Garotinoids, a tioehemical report on plant and ani~ mal polyene pigments). Berlin, J. Springer. Translation by E. G. Amstein available S10. #. > (222) Zechmeister, Lazlo. 1937. Carotinoide im tierischen Steffi c-hcVi (Garotenoids in animal metabc- lism). Brgebo Phys., bid, Ghem. , und exp„ Phar., Bd, 39, pp. 117-191. Translation by C. A. Painter available SIO. (223) Zenkcvich, W. P. 1948. Observations on the formation of "Beach-Cusps" (In Russian). Inst. Okeanclogiya, Akad. Nauk, SSSR. , vol. 2, pp. 35-42. Translated by Accurate Translation Service, Washington 5, D. C. available HOL. (224) Zhivago, A. V. and Patrikeev, V. V. 1949. Method, of recording the variation,-; in the littoral relief of the sea bottom during storms (in Russian). lav. Akad. Nauk SSSR., Ser. Geogr. i Geofis., vol. 13 (?,), pp. 151-155. Translation available BMAF. SUBJECT INDEX Adriatic Sea; 20, 62, 63, 186, 187 Algae; 77, 134, 197 Ammonia; 207 Australia; 166 Bacteria, fresh-water; 5, 34 Bacteria, marine; 4, 9, 17, 66, 69, 119 Baltic Sea; 172, 198 Barents Sea; 50, 173, 175 Bay of Algiers; 71 Bay of Bakar; 70 Bay of Kotor; 63 Bay of Palma de Mallorca; 1, 2, 3, 72, 136, 137, 138, 140, 143 Bering Sea; 108, 157 B]ack Sea; 106 Bothus maeotious; 211 Bromxde s ; 84 Calcium; 6, 198, 200, 203, 205, 210, 214 Canary Islands; 195 Carbon; 60 Carbon dioxide; 27, 28, 101, 112, 172, 199, 202s 203 Carnegie ; 67 Carotinoids; 221, 222 Carp culture; 145 Caspian Sea; 21 Chemistry, marine; 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28. 60, 61, 6?, 73, ll, 76, 78, 79, 8U, 91, 92, 99, 101, 102, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 123, 127, 130, 139, 146, 149, 150, 152, 158, 159, 162, 169, 172, 174, 185, 188, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 214. Chimaera monstrosa; 117 CTlorinityT" 21, 73, 76, 130, 139, 146, 188 Chukohee Sea; 108, 157 Cladocera; 115 Columbia; 163 Copepods; 10, 86 Copner; 123 Currents; 13, 42, 43, 45, 48, 57, 58, 59, 75, 81, 128, 135, 138, 166, 177, 183, 191, 192, 193, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217. Denmark; 14, 44, 95 Discovery; 168 Drift'boTtle s ; 177 Electrical fishing; 33 Fertilizers; 145 Finnish Gulf; 51 Fish fins; 125 Fish vertebrae; 105 30 Fjords; 54 Greek Seas; 81 Geophysics; 65 German North Atlantic Expedition; 11, 16, 44, 45, 55, 55, 88, 90, 122, 178, 206 Gobius melanostomus; 211 Green land; 15 Gulf Stream; 59, 183 Harpasticus fulvus; 10 Herring; 124 Hudson Bay; 164 Hydroacoustics; 160 I'bero-American Ocean ographic Council; 35 Iceland; 15, 87 Iodine; 49, 79, 158, 197 Indian Ocean; 128, 165, 167, 215, 218 Infusoria; 1, 2 Irminger Sea; 14, 44 Kattegat; 177, 179, 181, 193 Kiel Bay; 209 Limnology; 115, 116, 118, 126, 133, 147 Majorca; 1, 2, 3, 72, 136, 137, 138, 140, 143B Marine zoogeography; 56 Mediterranean Sea; 1, 2, 3, 36, 72, 81, 135, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143 Meteorology; 16, 107 Morocco; 83 Nitrates; 2 2, 78, 207 Nitrites; 22, 78, 207 Nitrogen; 22 North Atlantic; 174, 185, 199 North Sea: 124, 172, 178 Norway; 119 Novaya Zemlyaj 113 Oceancgraphic apparatus; 12, 73, 94, 96, 97, 102, 109, 132, 139, 159, 182, 184 Oceanography; 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25, 29, 31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 57, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, 21, 93, 95, 97, 99, 100, 103, 109, 113, 120, 121, 123, 129, 131, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 151, 132, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 223, 224 Oxygen; 25, 71, 199 Pacific Ocean; 52, 55, 161, 165, 167, 194 pH; 24, 26, 27, 62, 112, 174, 200, 202 Phosphorus; 185 Physiology; 155 Phytoplankton; 63, 82, 108, 115, 170 Plankton; 3, 18, 82, 86, 87, 89, 91, 115, 115, 136, 196, 2C9 31 Psy chrome terj 12 Sagusa Harborj 107 Rainfall? 165 Salinityi *71, 72, 111, 112, 138, 143, 149, 152, 159, 162, 169, 188, 216, 220 Seawater constants? 7, 8, 75, 76, 127 Sea foams 148 Sea urchins? 134 Seawater color? 103 Seawater density; 21, 31, 33, 73, 76, 110, 111, 121, 143, 149, 153, 134 Seawater temperatures? 11, 43, 55, 96, 137, 138, 151, 154, 171, 190 Seleniumj 80 Silicates? 207 South Atlantic Ocean? 88, 91 Spain? 40, 41 Strait of Gibraltar? 37, 153 Straits of Denmark? 14, 44 Suez Canal? 216 Sweden? 64 Tides? 95, 107, 135, 189, 191 Titanium? 104 Trace elements? 208 Tuna? 98 Underwater sound? 19 Uranium? 32 Venezuela? IS 3 Waves? 2 9, 51, 141, 142 32 iii?ii WH01 L*n Of - Serials 5 WHSE 01053 N