REACTION OF TUNAS AND OTHER FISHES TO STIMULI I Marine Biological Laboratory! APR 21 1C53 WOODS HOLE, MASS. SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT: FISHERIES No. 91 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investif^ations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utilization practices and as guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State or cooperating agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publica- tion. Washington, D. G. November 19^2 United States Department of the Interior, Oscar Lo Chapmanj Secretary- Fish and Wildlife Service^ Albert M, Day-j Director REACTION OF TUNA AND OIHER FISH TO SnMJLI-1951 PART Is BACK (HOUND AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS, o o<. o «„o <, oby Albert Lo Tester PART lit OBSERVAnONS ON THE GHEMORECEPTION OF TUNAo . oby Po B» van Weel PART nil OBSERVATIONS ON THE REACTION OF TUNA TO ARTIFICIAL LIGHTo o >.. o o . o o « o „.•.,. o o o .<> o -.o, .by Sidney C » Hsiao PART IV s OBSmVATIONS ON SOUND PRODUCTION AND RESPONSE IN TUNAo » o o » « » . o o » o o. „ <, , » <> » o o , • o . . « . oby Iwao Miyake PART Vs NOTES ON THE RESPONSE OF A TROPICAL FISH CKUHLIA SANDVICENSIS) to INTERRUPTED DIRECT CUHRSNTc .,„..., o..- . = ..... o..«. o.. c by Albert Lo Tester Special Scientific Reports Fisheries No, 91 Note,=-This report is also Contributions Nos„ 22-26^ of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory;, University of Hawaii WASHINGTON s NOVEMBER 19^2 CONTENTS Page Part I s Background and summary of results, o c <. o o a <> . « . . <> <. o o « o 1 xnX'roQUcX'Xon jt, oo-ocs^^cci ..ocuwcoooitQoooootJooooo 0000000000* J. i2w>p orxrnsn uax xxsno <.'■■- ^ - t. . . ^ooooooooooooooooooooooooooe ^ OUnUllciJ/j' 01 re SUX Tj S CoOOotvOyC&OOJOOO^dCOOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOO ^ rt" XorUilt^COocioococj 000 ooooocoooooouooooooc* 000000000000 0000000 J Part lis Observations on the chemoreception of tuna,, . „ o « o o o oo o . . 8 Xii Ui vJQUO UX Olio OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO U MaT«6rxarX a me o no qs anci uecnnx c[ue oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o rCeSUX uO ooooooooooouooooooo. 0*0000000000000000000000000000000 X^ X o i^ax uixsn waxier o oooooooooooooooconoo 0000000 000 0000 j-^ XX o xjaxvXx sn preparaT»xons 0000000 00000000000000 0000000 xi}. XXX o Qtjuxci prepar'aTx ons fcooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- xo iVg Tuna flesh preparations o » o o o » o » o o » » „ o o . o » <. « » . « o » « 18 Vo Asparagxne and dol-=asparagine. o » o <. » » » o o » .> o o o <. o . . . 30 vX u uopper av,-© ua we ^000000^000000000000000000000000000 j^j Discussion and Gonclusions 00000000000000000000000000^000000 31 itex er ences 0000000000 000000000000 00 00000 00000 000000000 00 00 ©• j?^ Part Ills Observations on the reaction of tuna to artificial XX gn iL-.> 300000000000000 00000000000 00000000000000 OOOOOOO J^ Xntroctu ccxon coo j-o ^oooooooooooo 00000000000 S 00000000 n 000 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo J OOOOOOO 0000 M-^ i„ Reactions to white and colored beams of light from a carbon arc lan^) oo^oooooooocooooooooooo.o h3 iio Reactions to radiating light from bulbSooo o <. o o , <, . h^ iiio Reactions to radiating light from buIbs„o c o o „ » » . . hi iVo Reactions to radiating light from white and colored bulbs of low intensityc o o o » , o >. o o o » » » o » o u7 Vo Reactions to tiie horizontal beam of a projector and to radiating white and colored light from bulbs O OO0O0O0O00^OCiJO0UUUO1)0C>JOOOO0000000O PU vio Reactions to white and colored beams of light from a projector ooooooooo^ooooooooooooooooooooo pt DiSCUSSiOno ooaOOOOOOOoooooooooc.oooooovoo<.oooooooooo»o>>oo.oo PU Reaction:^' to continuous white lighto « o » o o <. oo oo ooo o o o o.. pU Reactions to intermittent white lighto <, . « ^ ^ o o o o » « <. o o o o 5o Reactions to continuous colored light c „ o .= o « o . o » , . o o » » » 5o References ., , „ o o o o o o o o ^ . » .. , o ^ » o » - <> <> » « o o o o = » o u o o <> o o » o o « o , « » <, » 5o fage Part IVs Observations on sbimd production and response in tuna„ , 59 XiJ-^X^OCLU. O vXUn Bovvou OO'^oboOvOoOOOAOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOi^O'- ^7 M3'T>6X^X^~L oXlQ 0.0^0.]/ 3>ULIo OOOOOOOOOOooOOOOOOOOuOOoOOOOoOOOOQOOO ^7 ooiinci proctUCwXon oy biiii3.o 0000000*0000 ooooooo© 00000000000000 ou Jrl^O ». ■©QlUt© 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 oooo 00 DU rCQ S uJ- wS OOOOOCOOOoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOOO-j DU' O UiniTlSjr Jf OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo Oil Response of tuna to sound stimuli ooooooo^ooooxooooooooooooo 63 X"^rO CQQ LUTS OOOOO OOOOjj OOOOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCi D^ iV3SU.J- uS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O^ 7=70 kilocycles per second,, o 00 o o o 00 » 0000 00 00 00000 6I4 500=5 :iOOO cycles per secondo » o o 000 000 000 ., o » 00 000 . 6U 100 and 200 cycles per second, 000 000 » o 000 »» 00 o uo » 61+ Q XjIUnlQjry OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOOO o U RS X Sr ©n CSoOO 0000000000000*000000000000000000000000000000000 '*-"-' Part 1% Notes on the response of a tropical fish (Kuhlia sandvicensis) to interrupted direct currento o « ., o = . » o » » 0 o « . o 69 Introduction o 000000»000000000000000000000000000000000000000 O^ Source voltage and electrode size 000. ...0000000000000000000 70 Reduction of "on=fraction" of a cycleoo o o o o » . . » 0 » 0 0 o 000 00 00 7u Revolving disk interruptero 000000000000000000000000000 1 Plunging-electrode interruptero 00000000000000.00000000 ('5 Discussiono 000000000000000000000000000000000.0.00000000000. References OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.OOOOOOOOO., OOOOOOOOOO.OOOO 81 83 ILLUSIRAIIONS Figure Page lo Concrete tank in -v^iich yellowfin and tuimy 7/ere confined, oo 3 2» Plan of the concrete tank in which the tuna used for experiments in chemoreception were kept„ ., . , . o o ,000000000 10 3o Graphs illustrating the reaction of one yellowfin to baitfish water introduced at A., and at G^ and to seawater Uo Graphs illustrating the reaction of tv/o yellowfin to "clear" and- "murky" extracts of baitfisho o « o o » »» >, o o » » o 0 0 » » 15 5o Graphs illustrating the reaction of two yellowfin to Preparation A (squid extract plus octopus ink) and of two yellowfin and one tunny to Preparation B (squid 65 Graphs illustrating the reaction of two yellowfin and five tunny to "whole" preparation of skipjack flesh,, 00000 19 7„ Graphs illustrating the reaction of two yellowfin and five tunny to "clear" and "murky" portions of skipjack X XSSil P rSpdJ/S. uXOn COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ^\J 80 Graphs illustrating the reaction of one yellowfin and five tunny to "protein" and "fat" fractions of clear extract of yellowfin flesh preparationo , , , , <> » <> o o o » o ,. o , » 0 o o o , . . » » o 0 22 9o Graphs illustrating the reaction of one yellowfin to "protein" and "fat" fractions of clear extract of yellowfin flesh preparationo co^ 00 0000.. 0,000000000000000000 2h 10 o Graphs illustrating the reaction of five tunny to "protein" and "fat" fractions of clear extract of yellowfin flesh Pir'6p3X'3l1il.OIlo oo»oooooooooooooooao 0000000000000000000000000 ^p 11 o Graphs illustrating the reaction of one yellowfin to increasing concentrations (1 to h) of "whole" yellowfin flesh preparationo 000,000,, 0,0,00000^,0^-0, ,00 « 00000,00000,0 <:o 12 o Graphs illustrating the reaction of five tunny to increasing concentrations (1 to U) of "whole" yellowfin flesh preparationo ,000,0,0,0000000000,0,00,0000,0,00000000 13, Graphs illustrating the reaction of on© yellowfin to "whole" mar lin flesh preparationo ., , » o <, o o 0 0 , o o » , .» o o 0 , , o , , o 2? 29 Figure iMi lUo Plan of the tank in which the tuna, used in experiments with artificial lightj were kepto oo o _. o c ooo oo « oo oo o ooo oo 38 l5o Plan of instrument box housing light-producing and optical ef^Uipmento OOO.-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ,57 l6o Transmission characteristics of Kodak Wratten filters^ooo hX 17 o Diagram of the tank (A) and pond (B) showing the position of the transmitter and receiver used in experiments with soundo oo oooooonooooooooooooooooooooooooo ol l8o Circuit and apparatus used in 1he electrical experimentSoo 71 19 o The "revolving disk" mechanical interruptero oooooooooooooo 76 20o The "plunging electrode" mechanical inter rupter. oo «» 21 o Trend of average current (and current density) with change in "on-fraction" of a cycleoooo I O O O o o o too OOOOOO O o ooooooooo 80 82 PART I BACKGROUND, AND SUM^JARY OF RESULTsi/ by Albert L, Tester Professor of Zoology University of Hawaii INTRODUCTION At the instigation of Co E, Sette, Director j, Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations^ an agreement concerning a study of the reac- tions of tuna to stimuli was completed between the United States Department of the Interior^ Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Univer- sity of Hawaii^ Honolulu j, To Ho^ on January 19 j 1951 (Contract No. I6fw-1333l)„ The agreement called for "(a) the search of the litera- ture on tuna reactions^ (b) the development of methods for holding and caring for the various species in captivityj and (c) the study of reaction of the fish, individually and in groups or schools, to stimu- li such as lightj sound, chemicals and electricitys with emphasis on the study of stimuli and reactions which promise to have application to fishing operations," A sear^ch of the literature failed to reveal any papers dealing directly with the reactions of tuna to stimuli. However^ many refer- ences to the reactions of both freshwater and marine fish to stimuli of various kinds were obtained. These are on file at the Department of Zoology and Entomology 5, University of Hawaii o Moderate success was encountered in establishing tuna and other fish in captivity. This has been dealt vath m a separate publica- tion (Tester 1952), The papers which follow in this report deal wxth the congjletion of the third part of the contract, insofar as tinie and fxmds were available during the period of one yearo We wish to express our sincere thanks to Oo Eo Sette, Director, and to Dr, J, L, Kask and Dro W, F, Royce, Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, for their helpful suggestions and assistanceo We are also indebted to Dr<, R, Wc Hiatt, Director^ Hawaii Marine Laboratory, for general advice and assistance. V Contribution No, 22 of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory^ University of Hawaii EXPERIMENTAL FISH The experiments on chemical, light j and sound reactions were conducted on two species of tuna? the yellowfin or ahi (Neothunnus macropterus) and the little tunny (henceforth called "tunny") or kawakawa (Euthynnus yaito), which were established in captivity in a concrete tank at the Hawaii Marine Laboratory, Coconut Island^ Oahu^ over a 7-nionth periodo The experiments on electrical reaction were performed on the "mountain bass" or aholehole (Kuhlia sandvicensis)^, for reasons which /vvill be discussed elsewherso The concrete tank in, which the tuna were confined (fig.. 1, repro- duced, from figo ^s Tester 1952) is partially sunk m the ground^ it has smooth 6-inch concrete walls and bottomj it is 3hc7 feet longj 10,8 feet widej and 3<,8 feet deep at the north end and UoO feet deep at the south end^ its volume is 10 j 663 gallons;^ the rate of flow of the saltwater supply is about 25 gallons per minute^ the inletj near the northwest corner, is directed horizontally (towards the south) at a depth of about 2^ feet^ the outlet is a notch cut in the top of the south wall at its center o Baffles consisting of 3 x U-foot galva- nized iron sheets^ painted white, are placed across three comers^ a larger baffle, 3 x 10 feetj also painted white is placed across the fourth or northeast comer for the purpose of housing equipment for light reaction studies^ A ^=foot fence, with ipright posts and horizontal, spaced plank bars, surrounds the tank at its upper edgeo Towards the end of the summer the fence was lined with chicken wire to keep the fish from jumping through, and the top was similarly covered to keep visitors from throwing stones at the fisho Two 60- watt bulbs were suspended above the tank and were lit from dusk to daybreak o During the experimental work varying numbers of tuna (from one to seven) were present in the tank, as shown in tdole 1= As their reactions to stimuli were dependent on their I'state of healths" their history is briefly reviewedo Yellowfin No, 1, the subject of most of the experiments, was introduced to the tank on June 20^ 1951 .. started feeding on July 2<, 195ls and was in excellent condition until about October 31 j 1951 o Following that date it took less and less food.^ and finally ceased feedingo The normally shiny, black skin became whitish and dis- tended, as if the body were swolleno The swelling around the eyes made the eyeballs appear to sink within the sockets, and interfered with the tuna*s vision » During late December and early January the yellowfin resumed a desire to feed^ although it would snap at the food, it would invariably misso It died on January 13,, 1952. and in addition to being puffy and swollen, was found to have been blind in one eyeo Its initial weight was estimated at about 5 pounds, its weight at death was 11 pounds o ik FIG. I CONCRETE TANK IN WHICH YELLOWFIN AND TUNNY WERE CONFINED. »rH rH <; iH T) H 0\ 41) r-i O OJ c~ CO >.<^. ^"^ O "73 £ O a S \„ > o o 0} «> 0) t:! to 0) P ■J-' °<^ ■p -p -P M •,-p o„. ^ « u H fi,.H kn. H^ a ft 1) Jq h fi « TD TJ TJ a Tj^^ o c:», B O +3 P © c © 3 ID r-f T> TJ ® ■^ ^ (3 to «i P a -P "-^ 5 U u V)^, 13 BJ »H P ^ u o t-t cv a ■:;■. n rv o 0) Tl » >» iao ■^ r^ -p X! r-i «H SO G G 3 ^ «r\i c o o (n 03 o m "cl ra >%^1 ^ o o o. O -H O 0) G G 49 B s H C\i »r4 3 *H -P 3 =irl G « 3 . -p >/>, O c c 0 o o G Shi C ^^^ bflrH C^ 4S °H >H o o o •H (D O .s^< ca •^ ^ is; s a s >» >» O O t-« !>« «3 O E-t &5 CtJ «0 Tl +3 a G x; O >. fH O a u e P G 5 XJ (0 *H Vll O P c © rH! J3 «[ H CV Oi Oi »A iTi CNi sH ^^ H V rH rH r-{ H pH rH cv t-\ ■iC' J^ m fH >n ^^ m ir. Xi \. »n, H 'v. vO ■\ =»i^ a CNi c- CT^ -^ «> . -iC' V\ rH rH ■^N. \r »/\ O \. ^v. V^ m C\i " "v. ■■^^ «H O en CO O \. \ rH E^ 5^ ^ o^ .fv ^ S'^ fn ITk ^.. "\ '^, © ">. •\ "\ ^^, \, \ !-i OJ CV Ph vO to to Co"" Ov o r-\ rH rH Yellowfin NOo 2 was i^x..., odu^ea on August 22s 1951* started feeding 3 days later, but Jumped from the tank and died on Septem- ber ks 1951 » It we-; in excellent condition during its short life in captivityo Its estimated weight was about 6 roo^ids. The five tunny were introduced between August 27}i 1951 ^"^^o. September 2, 1951 j and started feeding witiiin 1 to 3 days, t^ey were in excellent condition until the end of October j fcilowing which thej"- gradually became listless and fed only occasionally« Three died on or about November 12, one i-n Dacamber 6, apd the last one on December 8, l?>.o During tb.sir moribund condition they lost their bright coloration but otherwise (apart from their beha- "jlor) seemed normal in appaaran.ce,. Tb-e reason for the sickness and subsequent mortality is unknown^ it followed a period of cold, wet weather o During their period of confinement, the tunny increased from an initial weight of about 2 pou3.ds to a final weight of 3 to k pounds o Except prior to experiments en chemoreception, the tuna ware fed regularly once a dayo Notes on their feeding aR.d schooling beha^/ior are included In the reports which folloWo It was planned to study the reaction of tuna in large Pond Koo 5 (Tester 195'2) to light and sound stim^ili during J?;.nuary 1952. using one yellowfin and one tunny. These were the sur-i-jors of a mortality which occujred, as in the concrete tank, during Kcrembero Ihe sur%'-5~ vors were f eliding ,. and were apparently in good condition during December and the first part of January. A few experiments with sound were ner^ormed but, unfortunately, before the series could be complet,;: the tunny disappeared (about January 22, 1952) and the yellowfin died (about January 30, 1952), again following a period of cold, wet weather. No experiments with light were conducted in Pond No. 5= SUMI«IARY OF RESULTS Dro P. Bo van Weel, studying cnenorecption in tuna, found uiat both tl-i.e yellowfin and tunny have a well -developed sense of Suiell or taste whereby they may be attracted to certain food substancea. Tr -^ were strongly attracted to clear, colorless extracts of tuna flesh « Moreover, it was fcund that the attractant was contained in the "protein" ratter than in the "fat" fraction of the clear extracts In general,, the reactions of the . t-.mny were t^re pronounced than those of the yellowfino Cn the other hand, " was no positive reaction of either species to "conditioned" water in rhich baitfish had been living, nor to extracts of either baitfish or squido Tvtc chemicrl-s, otl';sr than food substances, were tried — asparagine, a possible^ at-':.r£-jtant9 and copper acetate, a known shark repellent o ^ne fcrmsr did not prove to be an attractant. The latter was a repellent to tuna, al- thou'^h its effect was not as pronounced as on fish of other species which were also present in the tank„ Future research should be directed at identifying the particxLar "protein" substance in the clear extract of tune, flesh which ^cts as the attractanto If this can be isolated an . prepared in large quantities, it oould be used in attempting to attract tuna to the stern of a fishing boat at sea. Dr. Sidney Co Hsiao studied the reaction of the tuna ti -.rtificial light generated from an arc larap;, a prcjsotion lantern^ and electric light bulbs o liis experiments were performed after dark, wi r.h the tank illuminated constantly by tirfo 60-watt bulbs o He found that both yellcwfin and t'onny were attracted t,o continuous: white light over a range of moderate intensity (about 70 to UBC foot candies )o Hov/everj they were not attracted by a light of weaker intensity, and tiiey were repelled by a light of stronger inter.oit;-o Both species vrf-ere attracted to colored lights of moderate intensity, but to no greater extent than to white light,, Similar results were obtained with interrupted white light o There appeared to be no relationship between the strength of the reaction ^zid the fre'^uercy c:l ini.9rr--i.'- tion of the lighto It was noted that although tLa tana apprc-f-ched an interrupted light of moderate intensity, they were repelled frcrr. tlie near vicinity at the instant tlrie light flashed either on or ofl » Future research might be directed profitably at determining the react- ion of tuna to reflected light of different quantity and quality originating from moving objects during daylight hours o Professor Iwao liiyake attempted xo discover (l) if tuna proiuced any sound, and (2) if they could be attracted or repelled by sounds of various frequencies. Using a listening frequencj'' which ranged from about 100 cycles to 70 kilocycles per second, he vras able to identify low frequency sounds produced by the sudden movement of the tail of the yellowfin in the tanko This might hve some significance in respect to the mechanism of school forraationo No sounds produced by the tuna at moderate, high, and supersonic frequencies were detect- ed. In attempting to attract or repel tuna by continuous sound stimu- li, sounds were produced at many freqiiencies within the IOC c^ole to 70 kilocycle ra-:ii3. No positive res^olts were obtainedo Ho^e-rer, there were seve. .J: indications tJ-^^t ths "uuna might react pocitiveiy to complex sou-ids :n* lov,- frequency. These, and also interrupts' sound stimuli over the entire frequency range, might be invs.:- 'i-^T' ted in the future,. The writer attempted to extend the observations: made by Morgan (1951) on the reacticn of the aholeh.^e to interrupted direct current in a small wooden tank of s'jawiixero It ^f^s found t.hat by progressive shortening of the on-fraction of ." cycle at h frequency of 15 cycles per second the downyfai'd trend in average current necessary to attract the fish, demonstrated by Morgan, was continued. Ths relaticnsni- betv/een source voltage and electrode siae was also clarifiedo .n.ddi- tional vj-ork on the reaction of this species in a small tank of yeawater can be undertaken profitably in an attempt to determine the optimum on-fraction and minimum c\irrent density for positive attraction o However,, this would require a more satisfactory current interrupter than that presently available „ After the optimum on-fraction has been determined, the ej^jerimental work could be extended to include a study of the reactions of tuna to interrupted di.rect current in a large volume of seawater such as that of the concrete tank in which the tuna were confinedo REFERENCES Morgan, Mo Eo I95I0 The response of a tropical fish to interrupted direct cur- rent and its application to the problems of electrofishing in seawatero MoSo ThesiSj, University of Hawaiij June 19^8 68 ppo Tester, Ac Lo 1952 o Establishing tuna and other pelagic fishes in ponds and tankso UoSo Fish and Wildlife SerVo, Spo Scio ReptoS Fisheries Noo 71g 20 pp. PART II OBSERVATIONS ON THE CHEMORECEPTION OF TUNAi/ by Po Bo van Weel Professor of Zoology University of Hawaii INmODUCTION The ejqjeriments to be described in this paper were undertaken during the summer and autumn of 19^1 at the Hawaii Marine Laboratoryo The author undertook to determine v^hether tuna have a sense of taste or smell whereby they might be attracted (or repelled) by food sub- stances in suspension or solution o It was hoped to find some con5)on" ent of the food of the fish which acted as an attractantj and which might possibly be prepared in large quantity from some cheap sourcGo If soj it might replace or supplement the live bait which is present- ly needed for pole and line fishing (June 1951) and which is in short supply in the Central Pacific area. Originally it was not planned to investigate the reaction of tuna to selected chendcalso However, two such substances were tried at the suggestion of others g asparagine., a possible attractantj and copper acetate s a known shark repellent o I am very much indebted to DTo Ao Lo Tester for his critique and kind help in preparing this paper,, MATERIAL, IffilHODS AND TECHNI(|JE The experiments were conducted on one or more of two yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) and five little timny (Euthynnus yaito) which were established in a concrete tank (figo I) at the Hawaii Marine Laboratoryo Normally the tuna were fed a daily ration of tuna flesh from skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin^ or tunny, which they accepted greedily,, They also accepted live baitfish (Pranesus insula- rum), the heads of which had been pinched so that they floundered in the water, Ihey were not observed to feed on a school of baitfish Tirtiich was present in the tank, probably because they could not develop £/ Contribution No„ 23 of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii siifficient speed in the corxfmed quarters to catch them. The tunas accepted dead baitfishj, but only when very hungry^ and then_, with apparent reluctance,, They also fedj with apparent reluctancsj on marlin (Makaira laazara) flesh after the supply of tuna flesh had been exhausted., The fish in the tank were not fed squid (used in the exper- iments) although this is one of the food items which they will eat when in their normal, habitat (Welsh 1950) o The following substances were prepared and introduced to the tank in a manner v\rhich will be described later s I— -baitfish watery 11— baitfish preparations 5, III— squid preparations . IV-=-tuna flesh prepa- rationS;j V—aoparagine and dol^asparagine soluticris,, and VI— =copper acetate solutions o The baitfish water consisted of 3 liters of standing seawater in which 50 baitfish had been living for 3 hours,. This "conditioned" water vras used as a test substance o The baitfish, squid, and tuna flesh preparations were all made in a similar manner o A quantity (to be reported under each experi- ment) of the substance was quickly mashed m a blender and the mash was extracted m the refrigerator for 3 hours with twice its weight of distilled watero This "whole" preparation was used in some exper- iments „ In others, the preparation was first fractioned into "clear" and "murky" extracts before being usedj the preparation was centri- fuged and the supernatant, conparatively clear fltiid was diluted to 3 liters with seawater (the clear extract) s the remaining debris was suspended in 3 liters of seawater (the murky extract) 0 Variations of or extensions to the above procedure are described under indivi- dual experiments o The baitfish were freshly caught? the squid were purchased from the fish market m a frozen conditiCii and thawed just before using^' the tuna flesh, from skipjack and yellowfin^, was in some cases from freshly caught and in other cases from frozen fisho Marlin flesh, from frozen fish,, was also used in a few experi- ments included under IVo The asparagine and copper acetate were pure chemicals which were dissolved in seawater m various concentrations as indicated in the individual experiments o The above substances were introduced to the tank for the most part on the west side at Point A (figo 2)o To eliminate any reactions based on hearingj they were introduced by means of a siphon from a height of about 1 foot, with the rubber tube inlet about 6 inches below the water surface a Quantitative raeasiirement of the reaction of the fish posed a difficult problemo Normally the tuna would cruise leisurely around the tank in one direction for a long timeo At first it was thought Hinos ir>-i lu u «J- U- 1 *o- rw- UJ -J < — - o (/] o-* t- z UJ S (E UJ Q. X UJ cr o a UJ v> 3 UJ X X o X 5 z UJ I- UJ a: o z o o UJ X u. o UJ cr UJ Q. UJ O UJ (T O < UJ _J X 5: <~> CVJ HIHON 10 that an attractive substance would lure the fish to the rubber inlet and hold them there,, but this proved to be the case only with highly- attractive substances o With more weakly attractive substances there appeared tc' be an increase m cruising speed and a tendency to circle closer to the inlet o Accordingly., the reactions were measured in two ways; (l) by determining the time required for the fish to make 10 passes across an imaginar-y line (AC in fig, 2) drawn across the tank from the inlet, witli the fish travelling in either direction (when the fish is circling normally this vd.ll be equivalent to the time of 5 complete revolutions) ^ and (2) by counting the number of passes (out of 10) made across the line AB in the neer or west half of the tank (whea the fish is circling normally there ild be 5 passes across AB and 5 across BC)o 'Therefore j perception of the stimulus would be indicated by a decrease in the time of 10 passes from that of normalj representing an increase in cruising speed and/or a de- crease in size of the svamming circleo Attraction would be indica- ted by an increase beyond 5 in the number of passes across ABj representing one or more circles completely within the near (west) half of the tank,. In one case, as indicated laterj the substance was siphoned in at C and the number of passes across BC was countedo It was assuraedj and later established; that the reactions would vary with the state of hunger of the fisho To minimize variation from this factor j the tuna were starved for 2ii hours before the start of an experiments However j, the state of hunger induced a factor of alertness which could easily result in grave error ss at the approach of an observer the fish became excited, expecting food, and circled close to the observer at increased speed for a considerable periodo Tests were not started until the fish became accustomed to the pre- sence of the observer,, and a "normal" cniising speed was resumedo As the so-called "normal" cruising speed varied from day to day, it was necessary tc establish its value before each experiments Itiis was done by repeating the timing and counting of the passes until approxi- mately constant values were obtained, vdth a half -minute interval between successive tests,. The substance would then be introduced and the timing test would be continued, still with half -minute intervals between thera_, until the normal values Mere again approximated o As for a long time only one yellowfin was present., many of the results were obtained on this one fisho liVhen more tunas were intro- duced the schooling instinct became apparent. When tv/o yellowfin and five tunny were present, the two species tended to school separately and to exhibit different reaction patterns » After one yellowfin died, the other joined the tunny, and although a slower swimmer, it attenpt- ed to keep up with the schoolo It showed, therefore, an increased speed of reaction as compar-ed with the results obtained when it was the sole resident of the tank. After four of the five tunny had died, the single tunny schooled with the single, larger yellowfin 11 (which took the lead) and its reactions were slower than that of the tunny school „ These differences in behavior make it difficult to draw general conclusions as to the relative strength of the react- ion in the two species o Tll[hen the fish schooled, only one member of the school was tiiuedo ■When both yellcwfm and tunny were present j the timing tests were con- ducted alternately on each species o Finally it ^3hould be mentioned that the tuna tended to favor the shady side of the tank, eogo> the east wall during the hours before noono Before this was realized, many "positive" results were erron- eously recorded in morning experiraentSj with ohe substance siphoned in at C (figo 2)0 To avoid this difficulty, most of the experiments were conducted between 11 aomo and 12s 30 pomo, with t he substance siphoned in at Ao RESULTS The results ar'e shown gr-aphically in figSo 3 to 13^ The upper panels show variation m the time in seconds required for 10 passes in either direction across the line AC (figo 2)o The ordinate scale has been reversed in direction so that increase in height of the plotted points indicates increase in cruising speed and/or decrease in the size of the swimming circles, ioeo, perception of the stimuluSo In the acco\mt which follows, the word "cruising speed" has been used to cover the complex behavior pattern measured by the time of 10 pass- es,, The lower panels of figures 3-13 show variation in the number of passes across the line AB| an increase beyond 5 shows that the fish describes one or more complete circles in the near (west) half of the tank, ioeo, it indicates attraction to the point of stimulation;, io Baitfish water Five experiments were performed with similai' resuitSo Only one yellowfin was presento The results of one experiment are recorded in figure 3o During the preliminary timing^, the yellowfin' s cruising speed gradually decreased to an approximately constant valueo When the baitfish, or "conditioned," water was siphoned in at A> there was no apparent change in either cruising speed cr in the number of passes across AB- Similarly, when the baitfish water was siphoned in at C^ there was no apparent change in cruising speed or in the number of passes across CC The experiment does not demonstrate the false "positive" attraction which may result from the tuna's preference for the shady side of the tank, although it was shown in other preliminary 12 o > : \ O z s S o UJ CO C\J UJ co in S3SSVd 01 JO 3yMl S3SSVd JO a3akNnN q: UJ X CO < m 2 O UJ >- UJ z o < UJ q: UJ X o < cr I- 3 X Q. < q: u. O cc UJ I UJ Q z < o z < o to W o ID o o 13 experiments o It may be concluded trom. this and the four other experiments that baitfish water has no apparent attractive or re- pellent effect o Figure 3 also shows the results of a control experiment in which seawater was siphoned in at Ao Again^ there was no notice- able or measurable reaction of significanceo iio Baitfish preparations In several experiments j, one of two schooling yellowfin was timed in preliminary tests j, on introduction of the clear extract of the baitfish preparationj and on introduction of the marky extract of the baitfish preparationo The results of only one experi- ment are recorded in figure h» in which 1^1 grams of baitfish (wet weight) was usedo On introduction of the clear extract^ there appeared to be an increase in cruising speed and an increase in the number of passes g particularly in Tests 10 and lit, The mean decrease in time for 10 passes was from 112 o 3 seconds for the preliminary tests to 960 3 seconds for the tests with the clear extracts The difference is not statistically significant,,^ On introduction of the murky extract there was at first a slight increase and then a considerable decrease in cruising speedo The initial increase might be construed as a reaction to the substance $, but not necessarily as an attraction^ as the nmaber of passes across AB did not increase., "Hie other experiments yi&lded even less evidence of attraction to the baitfish preparations o It may be concluded that this sub- staace has either very slight attractive properties or none at alio 3/ A sin5)le test of the significance of the difference between the ~ mean times is not necessarily informative in experiments of this nature as (i.) during the preliminary timing there may be a gradual decrease in cruising speed as the fish become accustomed to the * presence of the observer ^ and (h) during siphoning j there may be at first no change, then an increase,, and finally a decrease in cruising speed (and number of passes; during the times in irtiich the substance is entering ^he tankg spreading over a small vol- ume of sea water near the inlet, and gradually dispersing in smaller concentration farther and farther from the iaJeto Un- fortunately the data are not sufficiently extensive for more detailed statistical analysis even if a procedure could be designed to handle this con?)lex situationo Hi CM ~ LU O 2 UJ 5 8 UJ (A o z < 'o: < ui i o S < UJ X (— < 'S . .2 fe § < q: = X UJ t/5 X : 9; > < 5C cc a: o o s sassvd 01 do 3WII S3SSVd JO b39WnN 15 iiio Squid preparations Ebcperiments with squid preparations^, either whole or divided into clear and murky portions., yielded no evidence of the presence of attractive substances even when comparatively concentrated prepara- tions were usedo As the squid is a normal food of the tunas and as it will expel ink when pursued^ the possibility exists that the combined stimuli of sight and smell might evoke a response whereas either one, acting alone, would not. To test this possibility., Preparation A was made in the following manner o Firesh (thawed) squid C20J4. grams) was extracted without centrifuging, and to this was added the ink of a freshly speared octopus (Polypus mar^moratus ) ^ The material^, when siphoned into the tankj formed a dar-kish cloud which was visible from abovoo Two schooling yellowfin were present, one of which was timedo The results are shown in figure 5o In preliminary Tests 1 to ?;, the tuna were attracted by the pre- sence of the observer but settled dovm to normal activity during Tests 8 to 13o Ihile introducing the preparation^ there was an in- crease in cruising speed during Tests 16 and 17o This, howevery can- not be regarded as a reaction to the substance as the behavior was not repeated in a second experimento Moreover, the number of passes across AB remained constant at 5 throughout Tests lU to 21 _« indicat- ing no attractiono Although the cloud formed by Preparation A was plainly visible, it was not particularly dark when the preparation became diluted in the tanko As the walls of the tank were also dark, there resmained the possibility that the contrast was not sufficiently sharpo Accordingly, Preparation B was made in a similar manner (3^5 grams of squid) except that India ink was added in such quantity as to pro-= duce a ''pitch" black cloud in the tanko Two yellowfin and one tunny were ^^.^sent, all schooling togethero The results are included in figure 5o As indicated in the preliminary tests, for' some unknown reason the fish were restless and cruised around at a relatively high speedo When Preparation B was siphoned into the tank,, the tuna avoided the black cloudg remaining close to the south wall (figo 2), and not crossing the line^ ACo The doud diffused across the tank and gradual- ly drifted towards the south wallo As it apprca':Aedj the yellowfin became more snd more excited, and finally darted through it., there- after remaining in the up=stream portion of the tank until practically all of the cloud had dispersed through the overflow„ Ihe tunny showed an entirely different behavior., appearing to be undisturbed by the presence of the black clcudo It cruised into and cut of the cloudj, maintaining an approximately constant speedo 16 'y I r to >: K 1 to ^ n P O O W 3 _l 0. 1- — o V < 01 2 X < iLl a 3 (D O -> tn .J ^ a. < t- z^ ey o h- h- X < LU cr < Q S: -) LlJ a: o o LjJ K OJ O z J, z Ll. o LU 1- 3 Q < o _l IC LlJ LU Si LU q: Q CL 1- o to (- UJ Ll. t- O 7- 2 z O _) (- 1- o < lU S3SSVd 01 dO 3WII S3SSVd dO a38i(NnN cc o z u. ^1 cr _i I- _i 1/5 lij =) >- X CL < CE O o 5 17 It may be concluded ...e squid preparation ei trier of itself or in combination -witu squid ink or India ink had no attract- ive effect on tlie tuna,, " ■ "''"j, vrhan concentratedj appeared to have a repellent effect ■-:. , olloi'tfinj but thlsvas probably a visual reaction. It is imiikeiy that tlie repellent effect could have been produced by sone chemical in the India ink as the carbon particle^ are usually stabilized in suspension by gelatin, aid gelatin has no effect on tlie behavior of the fish as shown by a. control experiment ■'•rith a loO percent solutions * '' iv. During most of the experiments 'iirLth tuna flesh preparationsj two yellowfin and five tunny were present in the tankj- forming trro distinct schools vdth markedly different crioisins speeds,, Only one individual (not necessarilj the same fish throughout the experiment) of each school vfas timedo The timing tests on each species v/ere conducted alternately o A. In the e^qperiment portrayed in fi.giia'e 6 the ".vhols extract of skipjack flesh (200 grams) was used^ vfithout centrifugingo The tunny, in particular, '.vere attracted by the obser^^er^s presence, and did not slow down, and extend their course ever the whole tank for a considerable period of tiraeo '•ftiey appeared to have an exciting effect on the yelloiTfin, the cruising speed of wtdch increased during the preliminary trialso '^Yliile the preparation was being siphoned into the tankj ttiere v^as no reaction during the first fev/ seconds until the tunny naared the inleto Then^ however, the turjiy started railling around the inlet excitedly« ?he yellowfin, also^ soon showed this same reactiono One of the latter actually snaoped at the rubber inlet. All fish took shreds and small pieces of the extracted flesh into tJieir mouths, but invariably spat them out again„ Apparently this material, after extractionj is tasteless and -unpalatable to the fish, even though they normally were fed txna flesh vmile in captivityo Kovrever, other fish in the tank, (a Duffer, Tetrodcn hispidus (?) and a few manini , (Acanthurus sandvi censi ij" di d eat the extracted materislo Although it required only 3 to 5 JRxnutes to siphcn the 3 liter preparation ^ the general excitement of tlie tuna lasted for seme 10 tc 1^ minutes o The timing (Tests 17 to 2$ for yellcmin and 1,8 to 26 for tunny) was then resumed as liie fish grew calmer and started cruising again. Bo A series of experiments -.fas next conducted in -which the tuna flesh preparation vfas fractioned into clear' and rnxn-ky portions „ As these all gave similar results, only one is recorded in detail in figure 7, in v;hich 130 grams of skipjack flesh was usedo During the preliminary tests, the speed of the tunny school j^radually decreased, vriiereas tliat of the yellowfin remained fairly constant, V^ien th« clear extract was introduced, there was a difference in behavior of the two species. The tu:nny started milling around the 10 c> 'N\\N Sl-Ol - 00 o X s o t- z z 3 >- z z 13 >- < Z LU a. UJ a z < 5 o _l o ■NIW Sl-Ol ONHIIW O I- LU ' Q. I t >- a: < UJ a. o O < X tt: lij _i LU U. X o er trt I- Crt u. =) o CO X Q. < a: o < q: UJ X a. S3SSVd 01 dO 3Wli S3SSVd dO d3awnN 19 r -i r I r 5 ONnniiM or < _i o < q: CL 3 < LiJ O < LU CL _ o o z UJ - CJ D J 8 I L S <>■ en CO _ f^ S3SSVd 01 JO '3Wli O in o S3SSVd JO < CO o in z o h- cc o a. >- IT 3 O z < _o o z Q Z < o o 5 z o ^ tr g UJ CO Q: I Q- CL < X a: in C3 lU C3 20 inlet after about 30 seconds > They became greatly excited and often bit into the rubber tube. Some 10 minutes after siphoning started^ the excitement subsided and some 5 minutes later they resumed their cruisingc The yellovrfin were markedly excited and were definitely attracted to the inlet 5 iflhich they snapped at occasionally. However j they did not mill around the inlet^ bat rather increased their cruis- ing speed once they sensed the clear extract „ It should be emphasized that this clear extract was invisible in the tanko After h^ minutes, during which period the fish became calm and resumed their normal cruising speed^^ the murky portion was introducedo In the experiment recorded in figure Tj the tunny's speed was high during the first minute of siphoning but decreased thereafter o Fr-om this and other experiments it was concluded that the murky portion had no apparent effect on the cruising speed of either the yellowfin or the tunr^o Both species^ however^ were attracted by the whitish color of the murky extract and by the shreds of flesh contained in it. They snapped at the shreds but did not swallcvj them This attract- ion is indicated by the increased number of passes across AB in Tests 36 to Uo„ Co One experiment using clear and murky extracts of skipjack flesh (120 grams) was performed after the fish had been recently fedo Neither the cruising speed nor the number cf passes gave any indica- tion of a positive attraction = This was expected from observations of their feeding activity in the tanko On thromng food to -^hem, at first they take it greedily ^ milling around at increased speed,, soon they r'eact more slowly as their hunger is satisfied^ finally they ignore tlie foodo Do Since it v/as established that the clear extract contains the attractive factor(s)j an attempt was made to determine whether this was contained in the "fat" (petrol ether soluble) or "protein" (residual) partso The fat fraction was obtained by shaking the clear extract with petrol ether and separating the latter fiom the residue or protein fraction,. After evaporation of the petrol ether in the refrigerator (where the protein fraction was also stored during the period of evaporation) the fat extract was suspended in the same amount of distilled water as that of the protein fraction,. Both frac- tions v/ere diluted with seawater to 3 liters 0 In the experiments which are discussed below^, one yellowfin and five tunny were present. All fish tended to school together, with the yellovrfin trailing o In one experiments the results of which are shonrn in figure 8, yellowfin flesh (200 grams) was used.^ yielding 350 cubic centimeters of the clear portion. This was shaken with 75 cubic centimeters of petrol ether o During the preliminary trials^, the fish appeared to be h\xngry, and were excited by the presence of the observer » The protein fraction was siphoned in firsto D^iring the first 2 minutes there was 21 o z UJ o UJ en (O CO z g I- o < q: Q Z < 0. z z 3 UJ > o z < z u. o _J _J UJ >■ UJ z o I- o < < IT UJ q: a. < UJ tr _i (- u. lO 3 z s (/) o I _j Q. _J < UJ tr >- 03 6 S3SSVd 01 dO 3mi S3SS\fcl JO 22 no reactiorij, but then the fish swam rapidly in small circles around the inlet „ Ihe reaction j particularly of the tunny, was clearly positive, although not as violent as iivith the normal clear extract o Tlie yellowfin behaved similarly to the tunny j but might have been influenced by their behavior. None of the fish snapped at the xnleto After normal cruising of the tank was resumed, the fat fraction was introduced;, Ihere was no detectable reactions A second experiment illustrates the behavior somewhat better j, as the reaction was somewhat less pronounced and the timing tests could be continued throughouto In this<, yellowfin flesh (180 grams) was again used_, yielding 225 cubic centimeters of the clear solution which was shaken with $0 cubic centimeters of petrol ethero Both species schooled together^ mth the yellowfin trailing. The results are shown in figures 9 and 10 o As soon as the protein fraction was introduced, the fish were attracted and cruised in small circles at the inlet o The yellowfin "sniffed" at the tube during Tests l5 and 19s ^^^ "the tunny both "sniffed" and snapped at the inlet during Test 18 0 After waiting 2$ minutes, the fat fraction was siphoned ino Unfortunately when siphoning was started^, two onlookers appeared whose presence attracted and excited the fish (Tests 33 to 14.0)0 Ullhen they went away^ the normal cruising speed of the fish was resumedo Except for the disturbing presence of the onlookers^ the results are similar tc those m the previous experimento It appears that the attractivB substance is located in the protein rather than the fat fraction of the clear extract of tuna fLesho Eo A series of experiments was next performed to determine the extent to which the tuna flesh preparation could be diluted and still retain its quality of attractiono In these the whole preparation was used J but it was made up in various dilutions o It should be kept in mind that the concentrations given are those siphoned into the tank^ and not those in the tanko "he concentration in the tank would be difficult to determine as it does not remain constant because of diffusion,, In the first experiments one yellowfin and five tunny were present schooling togethero The whole preparation of yellowfin flesh (156 grams ^ yielding 300 cubic centimeters of whole extract) was divided into the following quantities and each was diluted to 3 liters with seawaters (l) 10;, (2) 50-, (3) 90o and (ii) 150 cubic centimeterso The results are shown in figures 11 and 12 0 When (1) was siphoned in, there was an increase in cruising speed but no definite attraction to the inlet o When (2) was siphoned in, there appeared to be a definite attraction as both the yellowfin and tunny swam in small circles near the inlet during the siphoning processo TShen (3) was siphoned in, the reaction was similar, but for some unknown reason it was less pronounced than in (2)o lilfhen (h) was siphoned in^ the reaction soon became very pronounced., both species milling around near the inlet at high speed for about 5 minutes » 23 o < O (- ? < Q- a: O IJJ Q. 5 o LlI >- 5 o < < UJ cc X UJ LU X I- 3 to X Q. < o < _l o o CO < u. S3SSVd 01 dO 3Wli S3SSVd JO H3ekNnN 24 I r o L ai o z UJ O UJ en I- 5 UJ - «o sassvd 01 do 3WI1 O "' o S3SSVd JO aaawnN a z < z LlI a. O P s I O LlI ^ < o ir I- 13 X z < p o ^ a: o 25 ONIIIIW >: o 2 liJ o in o a: I- UJ o o O < q: o o >- F :' Q < ^ k ^ -h — h — ^ — * — ^ o6 OT o — f^ S3SSVd 01 JO 3Wli sassvd JO 2 2 tr UJ cc Q. X CO < tr o _i -1 — Ul >- in X = Q- UJ < Ij cc o 5 26 }': I i o CO o < IT o z o o o z < UJ (T O g > o < LlJ a: q: Q. UJ — UJ >- CO X : Q. UJ < -J a: O o X cvi S^SSWd 01 dO 3Wli SBSSVd AO 27 It was observed in thisj, as in many other experiments^ that before the substance was introduced^ the two species formed one compact schoolj, with the yellowfin trailing, but when an attract- ive substance was introduced, and the fish became excited^ each species reacted at different cruising speeds^ thus breaking up the compact school formationo In a second experiment,, one yellowfin and two tunny were pres- ent, the yellowfin leading the school « The whole preparation of yellowfin flesh (150 grams ^ yielding 300 cubic centimeters of ^^hole extract) was divided into the fcllowing quantities^ each of which was diluted to 3 liters with seawaters (1) Sg (2) 10 j (3) 50, and CU) 23$ cubic centimeters „ Three of the tunny had &ed and the remaining two seemed listless when this experiment, waa performedo Consequently J, strong reactions were not expectedo The results were similar to those of the previous experiment although the reactions were not as pronounced o There was an indication that ths tunny sensed the most dilute (1) solution in that they often hesitated at the inlet but then quickly increased their speed so that they caught up with the yellowfin,, Both the tunny and the yellowfin made more passes across AB than BC^ indicating attract- ion,, With (2) J the stimulus was apparently strong enough to cause the tunny tc leave the yellowfin and react independently o Again j an increase in cruising time and number of passes for both species indicated attraction. With (3), the tunny frequently remained near the inletj and orOy occasionally joined the cruising yellowfino Again attraction was indicated in both species. With (k) both yellowfin and tunny showed a pronounced increase in cruising speed and in number of passes across AC However the fish did not mill around the inlet as in the previous experiment^ even when the re- mainder of the whole preparation was poured into the tanko Fo The objection might be raised that attraction to the txma flesh prepai'ation occurs because the t-una were conditioned to this kind of foodj and that a similar reaction would not necessarily be obtained with "wild" fisho This possibility cannot be denied^ al- though it is shown in the experiment to follow that the reaction was also obtained with marlin flesh. The only survivor^ the yellow- fin, had not yet been fed this material so it coul.d not have been conditioned to ito Unfortunately, the yellowfin was in goor condition and did not show pronounced reactions to its food. Accordingly it was considered that even a weak reaction would be evidence of an attractive sub- stance. Several experiments were performed vvith similar results o Only one is recorded in figure 13 in which 260 grams of marlin flesh was used as a whole preparation. 28 -co o Z UJ o LU CO UJ 8 d^ o _ _ S3SSVd 01 dO 3Wli o X 5 o o z g I- UJ f 2 2 cc < 2 UJ -J X -I tf) "" UJ in uJ ^ ? < ■ s S3SSVd JO d3QWnN 29 During preliminary Tests 1 to ±0 the cruising speed was erratic and the fish often approached the observer^ apparently expecting foodo The cruising speed became more regular during Tests 11 to l6o The marlin flesh preparation was then siphoned into the tanko There was an initial increase m cruising speedy followed by a decrease., during which time (Trials 18 and 19) the yellcwfm hesitated near the inlet apparently sensing the substance. Following thiSj the cruising speed increased againj and then gradually decreased^ The number of passes across AB also increased during the siphoning period, indicat- ing attraction. From these, and similar results in other experiments^ it is concluded that the yellowfin, even though in poor condition^ was attracted by the mar'lin flesh preparationo V, Asparagine and dol-Asparagine One yellowfin and five tunny were present in the tank during several experiments with these chemicals o Solutions ranging from Ool to loO percent vv-ere usedo As no reaction? whatever were observed^ the results are not included here. It may be concluded that these substances were not noticed by the tunao vi. Copper acetate The question arose as to whether copper acetate might be used to repel sharks without repelling tuna during long-line fishing opera- tionso It was suggested that some information on this point mi^t be obtained by determining the reaction of tuna in captivity to this che.Tiical, While it was not possible to compare the reactions of the tuna to that of sharks^, it was possible to compare them with the react- ions of a few manini and baitfish which were present in the tank. The following concentrations of copper acetate were used: Ool> 0,2^ 0„5s and loO percenta Fcr each expsrimentj 3 liters of these solutions were siphoned into the tank at A, at Cj or at both A aid C together i, with the solutions flowing down-streamo A part of the tank was thus kept clear of the solutiono Stronger concentrations were not used for fear of injuring cr killing the tunao liVhen siphoned in- to the tankj the solutions vfere clearly visible from above as a bluish cloud.. The actual concentration of copper acetate in this cloud was not determined; it changed rapidly as the cloud diffused,, The behavior of the tuna was similar at all concentrations of the solution and the reactions differed only in degree » The first fish to exhibit reactions were the manini , They swam i;5)-stream and remained near the seawater inlet for the duration of each experiment. The baitfish also avoided the down-stream part of the tank into which the solution was being siphoned,, In generalj the yellowfin and tunny cruised around the cloud of copper acetate solution but did not enter ito As the o'loud diffused^ both species kept to the up-stream part 30 of the tanko After the cloud had diffused until it was barely visi- ble, the tuna eventually entered ito With the stronger solutions it took a proportionately longer period of time for the tuna to re- turn to the down-stream part of the tanko Apparently there is a critical concentration above which there is a repellent effect,, This J howe%'"er5 is not too marked as in one experiment (the only one with this reaction) both the yellowfm aiid the tunny swam right through the cloud (Oel percent, or weakest solution) from the start of siphoningo Despite this instance, it may be concluded that cop- per acetate solution has a repellent effect on tuniy although its action is not as pronounced as in the case of manini and baitfisho DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS As the tuna are predacious fish, it might be expected that the most important sense involved in feeding would be the eyesight, fol- lowed perhaps by hearing o However other sense 3 ^ as for example the chemical sense in its widest meaning^ cannot be excluded on an a priori basis o The experiments reported in this paper show that~a chemical sense is present, and this in&cates that it may play some part in feedingo It is impossible to say whether the chemical sense is smell or taste or^ in other words, whether sense organs in the mouth or the nose are being stimulatedo However j, both senses are usually well-developed in fish as other investigators of fresh- water and marine fishes have shown (Adrian and Ludwig I9385 Berghe 1929j Copeland 1912, von Frisch 19l|l> Greene 1925, gEz 19hl, Hasler and V/isby 19U9| Huttel 19kli Klenk 1930| Naurath 19U9; Par-ker 1910. 1911, 1913, 1922| Scharrer, Staith, and Palay 19k7j Sheldon 1911? Strick 192i+, 1925| Trudel 1929, Walker and Hasler 19ii9^ Wrede 1932) c The experiments of g8z (I9i4.1) and Wred© (1932) showed that the skin of fish secretes a substance which can be perceived chemically not only by fish of the same species but also by fish of other spe- cies, and that the substance could be recognized by smell o It was thought that the same might be true for tuna^, ioCo, that they could smell the presence of other fishes^ However, this was not the case, as shown by the negative eaqjeriments with "conditioned" water in which baitfish had been livingo Von Frisch (19Ul) found that the skin of injured minnows (Phoxinus laevis) gives off odoriferous substances, probably purin- or pterin-like which cause alarm reactions in the same and related species o It was thought that an alarm or repellent stimulus to the prey might be an attractant stimulus to tte predator,, ioeo, that baitfish or squid preparations might attract the tunao The experi- ments reported here brought quite unexpected results to lights the tuna reacted not at all, or only weakly,, to extracts of squid (a nor- mal foodO and of baitfish (a food which they will take when thrown 31 from a iisliing boat), whereas they did react quite -strongly to ex- tracts of tuna flesh. This attraction was based on chemical stimu- lation rather than on sighto as proven by experiments with the clear, centrifuged portion of the tuna flesh preparation in which the invisi- ble fluid attracted the fisho 'fhe tuna were attracted to the debris by sight, but they did not accept the particles as foodj, even when taken into the mouths It was shown that an extract equivalent to 5 grams of tuna ilesh m J liters of seawater^ siphoned into the tankj was sensed by the tunny j, and that in one experiment^ at least^ an extract equivalent to 25 grams of tuna flesh in 3 liters of seawater was positively attractive to both yellowfin and tumiyo Extracts of marlin flesh also gave positive reactions^ showing that the response in the tuna flesh experiments was not conditioned by the fcodo Experiments with "fat" and "protein" fractions of the aqueous extract of tuna flesh showed that the attractive substance was in the lattero This is in contradiction to the results of Allison and Cole Cl93U) who found that fatty acids had an effect on both freshwater and marine fisheSo It must be left for future research to determine what part of the protein-containing fraction is the actual attract- anto Von Frisch's (19U1) experiments might be recalled in this con- nectiont, suggesting that such substances might be purm- or pterin- likeo The tuna displayed no positive reaction to either asparagine or dol-asparagine solutions o Experiments with copper acetate, a well-known shark repellent (V/hitley and Payne 19hl) showed that this substance has a repellent action on tunas o However, they were not as sensitive to this chemi- cal as other fish (manini and baitfish) which were also present in the tanko Only a few experiments with relatively weak solutions were conducted because of danger of harming the tunao It should be emphasized that the experiments were conducted with tuna in captivity^ rather than in their normal habitat, and that the reactions in the latter might be different „ It should also be empha- sized that when both yellowfin and tunny are present in the tank, there is an interaction which affects both cruising speed and school- ing pattemo For this reason, caution must be exercised in comparing the intensity of the reactions of the two specieso In general,, how- ever, the reactions of the tunny seemed to be considerably more pro- nounced than those of the yellowfin, indicating a greater sensitivity to the attractive substances o 32 REFERENCES Alii son J J. Be and Wo H„ Cole 1.934« Stimulaticn by hydrochloric and fatty acids in Trssh water and by fatty acids, mineral acids 5 and the sodium salts of mineral acids in seawater. JouTo Geno Physiol. 17§ S03-6l6o Adrian^ E„ Do and Co Ludwig 19^0 Nervous discharges of olfactory organso JouTo Physiolo 9ki UUI-I46O. Berghe,, Lo van den, 1929, Observations sur 1 'olfaction et sur le raechanisme des 3 8 ^ c-ODirants olfactifs chez quelques Teleosteenso Acado Royale Scio Belgiqu8o Clo Scio Bullo 1$% 2T8-3C5o Copelandj Mo 1912, The olfactory reactions of the puffer or ^-Jirellfishj, Sphercides maculatuSo Jouto Exper, Zool„ 1?^ 363. Frischj Ko von 19l4.1<. Die Bedeutujjg des Geruchsinns in Leben der Fische. Naturwisso 29s 321=333o 19l;l IJber einen Schrsckstoff der "Fischhaut urid seine biclogische Bedeutungo Zeitschro verglo Physiolo 29 1 Ii6-lU5o Greene., Co ]'L 19250 Notes en the olfactory and other physiological re^.f'tions of the Californian hagflsh. Science 6I3 68=70. Gozj, Ho ,j 19i;l. Ubei" den Art-= und Individuellgeruoh bei Fischeno Zeitschro verglo PI" 3iol. 29s l-u5o Haslarj, Ao Do asid Yfo Jo TiYisby 19i49o Use of fish for the olfactory assay of pollutants (phenclr^) in wa'cer, Amer. Fisho Soc, Trans, 79s 6I4.-7C0 Huttelj, Ro ■• 19lilo Die chemische Untersuchung des Schreckstoffes aus Elritzenhau''- „ Naturwisso 29 § 333=331'. o Klenko F„ t! IB I93O0 Untersuchungen uber die Gesohmackswirkung "''•on Sauren bei Fischen mit einem Vergleich am Menscheno Zeitschro -verglo Physiolo 13s 3^9-3960 33 June, Fo Co 19^1o Preliminary fisheries survey of the Hawaiian-Line Islands areae Part III - The live-bait skipjack fishery of the Hawaiian Islandso Uo S„ Fish & Wildlife Serv„ Commo Fish„ Rev„ 13(2 )s 1-17 Parker, G,, Ho 1910 o Olfactory reactions in fishes » Jour, Expo Zoolo 10 g 535 I9II0 The olfactory reaction of the common killifish, Fundulus heteroclitiSo JouTo Exper^ Zoolo lis 1-5 ^ 1915 o The directive influence of the sense of smell in the dog- fisho Bullo Uo So BuTc Fish„ 33(1913) t 6I-68. 1922., Smell, taste J, and allied senses in the Vertebrates o Jo Po Lippincott, Philadelphia „ and Ro E» Sheldon o 1913 <> Sense of smell in fishes o Bullo Uo So BuTo FLsho 32, (1912) s 35-i;6. Scharrer, Eo, So Wo Smith, and S„ Lo Palayo 19lt7o Chemical sense and taste in the fishes Prionotus and Trichogastero Jour, Compo Physiol „ 86: 15 3- 19 ST" Sheldon^; R. Eo I9II0 The sense of smell in Selachians » JouTo Expero Zoolo lis 51 o 1911 o The reactions of the dogfish to chemical stimuli » JouTc Compo Neurol o 19 s 273-311-. Strieck, Fo 192iio Untersuchungen liber den Geruch- und Geschmacksinn der Elritze (Phoxinu-s laevis Ao)o Arch, Mecklenburg » Nato Rostock., "H I^/o 1925o Untersuchungen liber den Geruchsinn und Geschmacksinn der Elritze (Phoxinus laevis Ae)o Zeitschro vergl, Physiolo 2s I22-I5U0 Trudel, Pc Jo 1929o Untersuchungen liber Geschmacksreaktionen- der Fische auf slisse Stoffeo Zeitschro vergl, Physiolo 10s 367-1^09. Walker, T, J, and Ao D, Haslero 19U9o Detection and discrimination of odors of aquatic plants by Hyborhynchus notatus (Raf,)o Physiolo Zoolo 22 § U5-63o 3U Welsh, J, Po 19$0o A trolling survey of Hawaiian waters » Hawaii (Terr,) Bdo Comm, Agric, and Foro, PLVc of Fish and Gamej SpeCo Bullo 2, 30 pp. Whitley, Go P= and G„ H: Payne 19h7o Testing a shark repellent Australiar Zool lis 151-1^7 Wrede, Wo Co 1932 „ Versuche uber den Artduft der ELritzen > Zeitschr^ verglc Physiol o 17s 510-519 35 PART III OBSERVATIONS ON THE REACTION OF mi A ID ARTIFICIAL LIGHlV by- Sidney Co Hsiao Associate Professor of Zoology- University of Hawaii INTRODUCTION The jj'esponse of fish to visual stimuli -was studied as early as 1880 by Kuhne and Sewall, Since that early date^ a great deal of information has been accumulated on the structure and function of the piscian -visual organ^ and on the question of color vision in fishj a subject of discussion and dispute amoung physiologists o The liter- ature on color vision in fishes has been critically reviewed by Warner (1931) » Wall's (19U2) monograph dealing with the adaptive radiation of the vertebrate eye brings the literature review up to 19l;lo No further re-view has appeared over the past 10 years. Nearly all the experiments on piscian vision^ both achromatic and chromatiCj were doie on favorable laboratory specimens „ which were hardy and of suitable size for indoor tanks „ As far as can be ascertained^, no experimental work on the physiology of vision in tuna has been reported^ none is included in a recently published bibliography on the biology of the Pacific species (Shimada 19^1) » Field observations made by amateurs and professional fishermen have been accumulated for some time^ but conclusions based on them are badly in need of verificationo It is the purpose of these studies to discover the pattern of reaction of tuna, established in captivity,, to different quantities and qualities of light stimuli » The former is concerned with tb& intensity and duration of light stimulation, and the latter with the frequencies of the light usedj that is^ the different portions of the -visible spectrum -Jrhich are involvedo The success of Tester (19^2) in capturing several species of Pacific tuna^ transporting them to shore, and keeping them alive in the confined space of an outdoor pond and tankj makes it possible to experiment with these oceanic species under controlled conditionSo It was hoped that attraction or repulsion stimuli would be discovered which might have some use in explaining the behavior of tuna in their natural habitat, and perhaps in suggesting new or improved methods of captureo The work was undertaken during the summer of 19^1 at the Hawaii Marine Laboratory under the general direction of DTo Ao Lo Tester, University of Hawaiij, whose assistance iff gratefully acknowledgedo ^/"contribution Noo 2U of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory, University ~ of Hawaii J Honoluluj To Ho 36 MATERIAL AND ME'IHODS The fish used in these studies were one or two yellowfin (Heothunnus macropterus) and five little tunny (Buthyiinus yaito)^ v,'hich were confined in a concrete tank (Tester 1952 )o A general plan of the tank is shown in figure li^o In this Aj Be, C, and D are four metal baffles, painted v/hite| the longer baffle D houses optical equipment Eo The seawater inlet is indicated by G and its exit by H, while L and U show the positions of two 60-watt electric liglit bulbs which were lit each night from dusk tc dawn<> The dotted line NO indicates the position of a cord placed across the tank about 1 foot above the water surface to mark off the northern one-quarter of the tanko It was fastened to the slat railing which surrcunded the tanko The feeding station is shovm by Fo The instrument box E^ shcrm in detail in figure l^j is designed to carry a source of light^ a set of light filters , and shutters with variable speedy submerged so as to send a beam of light of desired frequency horizontally under the surface of the water from one end of the tank to the other^ and to prevent seawater from coming into contact with the instrumentSo The box is 24 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 2k inches deep., made of galvanized iron sheets sol- dered at the joints^ and held rigid by a wooden frameo At first a carbon arc lamp with a series of optical lenses was used as the source of lighto However^ the inconvenience of having to change the carbon pencil every half-hour or so led to its replacement by a projection lantern,, The lantern (L in the diagram) consists of a ^00-watt Mazda incandescent lamp placed in front of a concave mirror and behind a series of optical lenses which concentrate the light into a narrow beam of about if inches in diameter at the glass win- dow Wo The lantern is connected to the 110- volt, 60 cycle power line through a powerstat (variable transformer) which has the follow- ing specifications; output range^, 0-135 volts^ maximum amperes^ 7o5i output KVAj 1;: frequency, 50/60 cycle A metal frame 1 inch larger all around than the 3 x U inch glass plate used as a window Vif is sol- dered on the outside of "the box over the 3~inch square opening tc hold the glass in place, vfhile a patented caulking compound forced into the space between glass and frame successfully makes the window water tight. On its way to the window the light beam passes through a shutter S which is a circular disc of aluminum carrying four open- ings, each ij Inches in diameter and placed equidistally one in each quadrant. The axis of the disc is mounted agairst a friction disc F connected with a 3~inch pulley P, By changing the point of contact between ths friction wheel and a fixed ring on the axis of the shut- ter the speed of rotation of the shutter can be changed at will from no motion/ when the point of contact is at the center of the friction wheel, to maximum speed, when the contact is at its rimo By select- ive use of either one, or two, or all four openings m the shutter, the rate of interruption of light can be increased Uuree-fold, A 37 Hinos 1- lO- UJ *- 1 lO- CJ- < LU _, Ld o and the middle point of its right side with the shadow of the electric light Lo With a fixed line and fixed point so selected^, a square shown by the area PQRS in figure lU is determinedo This area vms used as the field of observa= tiono Since this area is immediately in front of the source of light and away from the feeding site, and traversed by the light beam^ entrance by tuna into this area as they travel toward the light was taken as a criterion of reactiono Rec .rds were made of the number of times during an experimental period that the tuna swam into this fieldj and also of the pattern of movemento An experimental period^, the time during which a particular stimulus was applied ^^ was arbitrarily fixed at 5 minutes » Before starting a series of experiments;, preliminary obser- vations were made of the behavior of the fisho liVhen more than one was present they tended to form a school and cruLsed slowly about the tank, occasionally passing between tlie observation area and the baffle D (figo lU)s but more often circling in the southern three-quarters of the tanko Only occasionally during a period of about ^ minutes would tVey enter the observation areas the number of entrances was usually Oj, occasionally Ij, and more rarely 2 or 3o This was taken as control condition, and care was taken that this condition was present before the start of each experiment, although the number of entrances was not always recorded nor included in the tables which follow. At times the fish were unduly disturbed by extraneous factors U2 such as the presence of visitors or an urge to chase a school of baitfish wrdch was present in the tanko Experiments which were attempted under these conditions gave erratic results and were rejected o All expieriments were performed while the tank was illumi- nated by two 60-watt bulbs (L and M in figo lii) which were suspended about 6 feet above the water's siirface . These lights were not extinguished during the experiments for fear of fright- ening the fish and causing them to ram the walls » They served to illuminate the tank sufficiently for observations to be made of the behavior of the fish in waiting for the establish- ment of control conditions and during the experiments o RESULTS Several series of experiments were conducted between August 20 and September 18, 195l> each on a different night and therefore each under slightly different environmental con- ditions „ They are discussed below in the order in which they were performed c Series i— Reactions to white?/and colored beams of light from a carbon arc Ijaj^ "" — — _ The results of experiments with & continuous horizontal beam from a carbon arc lamp are sho^vn in table 2o The estimated intensity of the beam, using white light, was about k50 foot candles (the apparatus for measuring the intensity was not avail= able at the tine of the experiments)., Only one yellowfin was present in the tanko After control conditions were established^ the Masonite shutter was slid from the window as quietly as possible and the beam was allowed to penetrate the tank for 5 minutes » During this period, the tuna entered the field llj times m Experiment 1 and 18 times in Experiment 2o The pattern of movement was fairly regularo The fish swam across the beam of light at the south end of the tank, then turned around = swimming parallel to but outside of the beam towards the source „ After entering the field at the north end of the tankj it again turned around, passing through the light beam with its one side and eye illu- minated, Tnis is considered to be a definite tropistic react- iono At times, attraction was also indicated when the fishj on leaving the fields described a small circle in the northern half of the tank, and re-entered the field, l/ilhen the light was turned off, the swimming pattern was maintained for but a minute 1/ The word "White" is used in the sense that no light filters "ere employed to regulate Iha emittincr light beam's freauency, 43 -p -a •^ Si e > O s O a> ■*^ +» 03 O. CO © CO o CO o (H •rH S c •p -p OS m d) 4* -p C! a o fV a -p ^ Oi o U =H c ^ u €t a +5 »H 43 CB (G CU fl) O fM a CO as •5 -p bo ^ (D O o o o 0 o rH 0) c •P •^ •s & a § E-< w a i O u or sOo ITius, in the contrxjl condition, listed in table 2, the fish entered the field 3 times diiring the first 2 minutes, but not thereafter. In Experiments 3 to 6^ colored filters were used. With the red filter, the tuna entered the field 13? lU, and 17 times in three separate experiments o With the green filter j, the tuna entered tlie field 13 times in one experimento Under control conditions, as before, there were only 3 entrances « Ihe pattern of movement was similar to that with white light o Apparently both white and colored continuous light from the horizontally projected arc-light beam caused a similar tropistic movements Unfortunately, experiments with a blue fil^ ter were interrupted by noise emanating from nearby buildingso Series ii— Reactions to radiating light from bulbs The results of experiments with continuous and interrupted radiating light from a plain 200-watt (2l5 foot candles) and a painted 200-watt (106 foot candles) electric light bulb are shovm in table 3» "H^e painted bulb, with a slight orange hue, was used because it happened to have been equipped with a water- proof socket, it had been used previously in night lighting for fish larvae,, Tv\ro yellowfin and five tunny were present. Experiments 1 to 5 were performed with continuous light from the two bulbs. In Experiments 1 and 2, which were made at dusk (6sitO and 6s5'5 Ponio) there was no positive reaction, the tuna entering the field fewer times during the experiment than during control conditions, Ihe negative results may have been due to the fact that it was not quite dark when the experiments were made, A half-hour later, positive tropism was shown in Experiments 3 and 1; with lit and 12 entrances into the field as compared with h under control conditions <> At times the yellow- fin entered the iield by themselves^ at other times they joined the school of tunny, which entered as a unito In Experiment ^g with the plain bulbj there were only 6 entrances, but this may have been due to interference caused by the approach of on= lookers to the south wall of the tank towards the end of the 5-minute test period. It is concluded that, after dark^ the tuna show tropistic response to radiating light from bulbs with intensities of 21^ and 10 6 foot candles. In Experiments 6 to 10, the plain and painted bulbs were interrupted at a rate between 60 and 75 times per minute, with the light and dark period of the same durations The number of entrances with the painted bulb (11, llj and 7) was greater than with the plain bulb (0 and U) . The latter did not differ appreciably from control conditions. However, observations h5 •p bO •p •H •O c •p CS •H •O CO 4> ■P §• u (D -P C 13 G O r3 a ■p o +5 O in C o •H ■P o a to (D t I « O i-l (0 6h I ^ m r o -p -h! o o 0)! mh p; ^ p s o P. fl -p ^j 0} O Ml « p ©I c o^ •H ! c o r-\ » (1> c (D p3 C! P o C\i to o o Si o 'Ji TO o c p c w ■a K a >» x> tX) ■O -O 0) d) O C CO (H ^1 O P o c ja (0 CV Xi ^ ■p o 3 o s n bo S g i h o «n tn 93 fH X5 s=^ 4ri © •P O c a; i -g O J3 p c O CG M a TS ® 0) a "S g XI ^ tH <> J CO >» ^ >» o r~i H M •P p P ft m » S (D «e s -, M o aj 0) i> <' C( JsJ c Tl e o » rH C O « c OS u +> vO >» 'H V CD ^ 1 © ffl P rH lA sO [ IT. vO C O T3' rH O ,] rH O (DOC CNJ rH CNJ t-i -P «H OJ O^ O rH sO «"-i vO sO o H o O t~i rv rH rH 0 9 0 0 i 0 0 s o o X> X> ^ XS Xi •3 x> ■3 x> ^3 J3 ■3 •3 X» ■3 ^ rH 3 XJ Xt v^ X> ■^ 9 ^ p ■p X) p p ■° J3 P p p J3 p s -P u •p « P S 53 •P p" % +5 p ^ P ^ ? -P S n o 0 i 3 o 0 11 1 0 o 0 o 6 f (31 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 0 •H o Oi o <\J o cv o OJ CNi 0 iJ o o o o 0 Oi cv CSi Oi © C\l c •P c P a -P a P p c «iH C •H C Ti n •H S Q •H . vO !> to 0 0 S'? t O o H u e ' o o ^6 of the behavior of the fish showed that with the plain bulb the fish were attracted to the source, but with each abr'jpt change between light and darkness, they were frightened away if near the source, e„g,j near the south edge of the fieldo Cn turning away from the light source, they swam faster than usual and broke the school formation » Thu% the tuna appeared to be attracted to lights of 106 and 2l5-can- dle power when interrupted about once per second^ but were repelled irvhen close to the stronger source^ by sudden inter- nation or application of stimuli o Series iii— Reactions to radiating light from bulbs In these experiments^ summarized m table kg an attempt was made to repeat the results of Series ii, using the painted 200-watt bulb and a 100-watt bulb of the same lumi- nous intensity (10^ foot candles), and a 60-watt bulb with a lower intensity (7C foot candles) » One yellowfin and five tunny were present. Experiments 1 to U demonstrate a positive tropism to continuous light at both intensities, thus confirming simi- lar resiilts in Series ii„ In every case, the number of entrances under experimental conditions was considerably greater than under control conditions o In Experiments 5 to 9, the light was interrupted regu- larly at various rates, and also irregular lyo In the latter, the time of interruption was varied during the course of the experiment to observe the effect of the change from light to dark (and vice versa) on the pattern of movementc Fith the 100-watt bulb there was positive tropism at regular rates of 70 and 100-120 times per minute with the on and off periods equal, and also with irregular rates j, with no appreciable difference in the strength of the response between the regular and irregular rates o Similarly there was positive tropism at a regular rate o"" 6 times per minute, with the on period 0,5 and the off period 9o5 seconds c. These results confirm and extend the obser'/ations included in Series ii, Mth the 60- watt bulbj however, there was no definite attraction to irreg- ular interrupted light, the tuna entering the field only twieeo This lack of response is possibly associated with the low intensity of the bulb (70 foot candles). Series iv— Reactions to radiating light from white and colored bulbs of low intensityo In these experiments sources of light of smaller luminous intensity than that of the overhead lights were used with con- tinuous and intermittent stimulation,, One yellowfin and five tunny were present. The results are given in table 5o t3 U 0 ■p 0 •p o 1 rH -g (D a CO 1^4 Q) V !> si ^ m s O P. O ft a,' +» M U n T* G O •H t; 0) rH o*» «M ct. o^ Ci o H X! •73 rH m G m » a 0) O >» O •H a o O o rH o* 13 (£< x> O -P •H o •3 o C ® a> >> X! O ^ X! 0 Si D X! 0 0 O ■p •p J2 O CO s c> 0 o 0 o 0 B s 0) 00 CO m 0) •n 01 c in CO W Sh 1-1 » CO CO O rH U pt< C S-i o a ^ f^ c ^^ s m > ■" o ■p o "H a. .§ c -p G ^ e -H a 'H C ^ »4 -4- » r^ W M » M Cm r-l sO 0 vO O 0 vO D •^o B vO o 0 vO sO •H (3 C S-B O B O r- 0 O D o 0 o t- 0 O O U 5 (D rH i-t rH rH (H rH rH «• o 43 Q-J aj ^ C v^ O o M (D +> M «o a a ^ ^^ t ^ ^ Xi x> ^ ^ o o •H 1 •p •3 •P % J3 .£) i ■a f-l •p J3 •P jOt o °H -P « (0 -p -P P •p o •P » +3 0 » 0 ■p 0 P -p 0 P ■p 0) in * eO rH 01 ^ •rl 03 ^ CO r^ (0 rH CO t-{ 00 rH aa P •-* +> l/\ -p NO C^ ^3 to (Tv la p. 53 c g c c a G H 0) o O o o o ^ (3 a o o o o o 48 c CO +> cm 0) O H O O ■H CO » o » CO ^ t>» o ^ o (3 ! C "iH 0 u ■H Od a ^ CO o * 0 X! >» 1^ U cdI >> G 0 J3 »43 f>> 7\ 43 .Q e X> M 0} C to o ,0 •H -H OJ H 14 0) -d «D 0 Ch 0) +3 0 G 0 X3 ^ ^ g 0 OS 0 CO bO to 1 43 Xi P p "H X> d 4^ m G G >> 0 TJ X) 1 P4 M W G XJ «M to o 01 O 0) "Ci c +■' B o rH -H P. O U c 0) s S k 0) CO ■H U ch ,42 S-t ^ IT; rH 0 0 vO 0 c^. 0 0 00000 0 0 T^O Fh -p 0) -P ^ c O c •p x: S 0) +3 =rt! 5^ iH >» tJ ■p CO e -o •H B a> -^ H 0 rJ -H •P ^ CO >^ vo, rv ir\ CM o -^ G *-*-«' o :3 (0 M C t4 •H 4^ TJ Ci a Q) o (D o s- ■H +5 o o ^ -P S H O &. fl -P o (D s -H a 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 B B 0 D 0 0 0 43 M 0 B B B B 0 B 0 8 D fl fl B fl C-- C^ B S-H ^ (1) 43 »4 0) 3 to fi P 4^ iH 0) ti-l +: S „ ^ O 'H t^ 0) 0) 0) G 0 ^i G (D 43 a> » m MXI ^ B: "H 3 +3 O O 3 ^ 03 C bulb bul b-olb bulb bulb Q." .H 0 0 ^ 0 5 o p 43 XI u k ^ 43 P XI > o 0 « 0 0 P P ^ P 43 43 4J 43 45 4J gj +J ,^3 43 0 0) 43 CO o 'r-3 1-3 +3 H H rH *C ^ © ^ ^ S 0 & ^ S "r-s 43 di -p 43 0 0 gslsl •H 0 g 0 ^ J3 S^ u 9 <*H 0 0 0 B 0 B 3 tH 0) pj o. a. " B 0 XJ X! XJ fl Q 0 0 Q Q <0 rH vO vO NO fl P. 0 fl 0 CO £0 3 p 43 0 43 +3 43 43 0 0 4^ a 4^ CVJ -g -H °g t3 tJ T3 'O 'O (D 0 Q) Q) 0 g] •H X> XI X) 00000 0 d) -rl ■3) 0 J3 0 8-" ^'^'^ •^ rH rH rH rH rH 00000 0 0 Xi a ,-H rH 4f>. vn cu m 03 m 0 0 0 0 CUf ir. CL< Xi <-«A ^043r-t»OOrHP C\J sf^ 43 & c c c rH rH G ^ pH c 0 0 0 0 0 » s 0 0 0 0 51 In Experiments 7 tc 11^ colored bulbs were usedj, the intensities of which were reduced to Oo1-Ilo8 foot candles by placing a resistance in the circuito No attraction what- ever was noted at these low intensities ^, In Sxperiments 12 and 13 j, the reaction of the fish to intermittent light was compared at high and medium intensi- ties o With 70 interruptions (on and off periods equal) per minute, 530 foot candles-, there was no positive responseo With 30 interruptions per minute (on and off periods equal) ^ the tuna entered the field 3 times, whereas under control conditions it did not enter at alio Series vi— Reactions to white and colored beams of light from proj ector As the results of the experiments in Series v suggested that light over 500 or below ^0 foot candles is ineffective in attracting the tunaj the present series was conducted with white and colored light of moderate intensity (70 to 321; foot candles) from the projector lanterno The intensity of the beam was reduced by placing a resistance in the circuito One yellowfin and five tunny were presento The results are shown in table 7o. As indicated by the relatively large number of entrances (6j 8^^ and 5) under control conditions j, the fish were more active and restless than usual for some unknown reasono In Experiments 1 and 2, using continuous white light j positive tropism was observed, as indicated by 9 and lU entran- ces compared 6 under control conditions „ In Sxperiments 3 to 6, colored filters were placed across the projector beanio Although Experiments 3 and k ware not con- clusive, there seemed to be a definite tropistic reaction in the duplicate Experiments $ and 6 with red and green filters, as shown by 17 'd 10 entrances as compared with 8 under control conditions o In Experiment 7, white light from the projector (32i4 foot candles) was interrupted 72 times per minute (equal on and off periods). The tuna entered the field 3 times., and were turned away at the border ih times when the light changed. In Experi- ment 8 with v^hita light from a 200-watt bulbj, similarly inter- ruptedj the tuna entered the field 8 times as compared with 5 times under control conditions o 52 43 0 o o »n a (D t OS 3 o ss c •H o e? o ■p CO a 3 •P o a o =H 4^ O CO « I' 0 o °> o -p in o CO P< 9 B o C^ 0) iH X» CD Eh CQ O ® TJ S, ^ fl 0) e oH ■p aa m -p H (D o pi -P Vl CB (3 ! O Ol =H -P ■P ;S P. G 4h O (D -P ■J3\ O :S 0 o 0) -Pi e o •H +3 O 00 0) o •H -P ft O u -p o a U CO o u ■p o o Tl TJ »tf rH H H c (B o ■c 5^ •ii 43 •P (Q CO O <^ « S3 cH (D h §^ s-g g a o •H O •H O 53 S3 +» -H 43 »H XI ^ O O a -P CQ 0) -P -P ■P 9 (1) 4J Ti »H <» T3 u ^ P> '-» ^ o +3 •P 3 c> «r ® •H a vo C ■sj- 01 » s C q '^ t3 -P CO <0 "H "rt OD (D •H ^ -o ?H TJ P, O. ^ (h 0 )h CR ■P c •i- c O O t)0 p +3 ja CO O fl CO i:^ (Q JH Ih •H C 0 ft. w » E-< e-i w jS CO O CO o CO r^ to +3 Si 0 4> m CO 0) X! 43 o 0) U ••-a C O CO M ft< Cs! 4^ X! 43 »H & Li O 4J o 0) °r^ o u ft. r^ C -s O U ft. a +3 +3 •H <1H X5 43 •^ t u o +> o ftl o +> o o ft. vO iH o 43 a o o 0) +■> X! 'H ® O +» +3 (0 O oH ft4 (A -4- B ■-4- 0 0 CJ^ 0 0 ■^ irii ^ 0 cv E-- C- C- c- 0 OJ H c^ 0^ en CM ^ ^ »H 0 4» 4-'' 0 o o (0 «0 o 43 a o o 53 DISCUSSION It should be anphasi'?. ed that the experiments which have been conducted were exploratory in nature^ and lead only to tentative conclusions o If some of these appear to have practi- cal application they should be checked by further studies con- ducted according to planned experimental designs^ and with suitable statistical analysis. It should also be emphasized that the strength of the re- sponse to light stimuli varied to some extent from night to night (apart from obvious extraneous sour'ces of interference) indicating a variation in the responsive condition of the fisho Therefore the results of individual experiments are not strict- ly comparable from series to series o It should further be en5)hasized that the e}q)eriraents ware conducted in a relatively small tank and hence under highly artificial conditxonsr Although certain suggestions may be made as to the response of tuna in the open sea to light stiraulij these should be accepted with great cautionc Reactions to continuous white light The reactions of the tuna to continuous -vi^ite lights are summarized in table 8^ omitting only those experiments which were disturbed by known extraneous factor So From the many expe- riments which showed positive results^ it is evident that the tuna undergo a change in behavior when exposed to a continuous white light of source intensity between 70 and k50 foot candles. This change in behavior is judged to be a tropistic response to the stimulus^ in that the fish approached closer to the source under experLmental conditions as compared vvith control condi- tions,, Moreover, with a horizontal beam, as opposed to light radiated in all directions from a bulb 5 they approached the source in a lin-. parallel to the beam and turned away only after enterirxg the fifcji.d and approaching the baffle. There was no conclusive difference in the strength of the reaction between intensities of 70 and about i;^0 foot candles, although apart from the results with the arc lamp (the higher estimated inten- sity) there seems to be a tendency for greatest response (exper- imental minus control entrances) at an intensity of I06 foot candles o On the other handj vreak or no response was obtained with light of low intensity (Ii7 foct candles) and also with light of high intensity (530 foot cand]_es)o xt seems possible that tuna cculd be attracted to a light at seao However,, this would have to be a very high intensity to penetrate the water for any great distance , Although the tuna might be attracted to a light of high intensity., it is doubtful if they would approach very close tc the sourceo $h CQ (0 n (D -P C •H ■P C en o ■p ■§, •H H 0) +» I CQ 3 O c •H -P C o o o •H -P O 03 0 u Cm O >» as o o +3 c c CO O u ol -p a > M D 0 0 0 M M M M c^ ir\ (^ f^N J 0 0 0 M M > > 9 Q M M > > 0 0 0 II M 1-1 > > O O ^H o8 O •s^~^t o o sO sO r^ f^ o o 0) CV H i-i fH ^\0 «*N^O r-i r-i H O crj E^ -* ITi CO (0 55 Reactions to intermittent white light The response of the tuna to intermittent light of various intensities and rates of interruption are s-ommarized in table ^, At lovf and high intensities CU? and 530 foot candles) there was no positive response at any rate of interruption which -was triedc At an intensity of 106 foot candles, there was positive response but there was no clear relationship between its strength and the rate of interruptiono Ihere is, perhaps, a suggestion that the slower rates produced stronger reaction, but this cannot be proven with the present data. Certainly, however, the reactions with interrupted light were no more pronounced than with continuous light „ At 21^ and 32I4 foot candles, the results were erratiCo Although the fish were attracted towards the sourcej, they were scared av/ay at or near the border of the field when the light was switched on or offo This "scared reaction" was not so pronounced with the weaker light 0 The results indicate that in attempting to attract tuna at sea, interrupted white light would give no better response than continuous white light, and moreover, that the fish would prob- ably approach less closely to the source o Reactions to continuous colored light With one exception C-^periment 5y Series v), continuous colored lights of intensity of about I4C foot-candles or less, did not induce a positive reaction from the tuna,, This was also the case with a yellow "insect repellent" light of somewhat higher intensity (6? foot candles) o On the other hand, continuous colored lights of higher intensity (about 7C foot candles) evoked about the same response as continuous white light of moderate intensity (70 to about it^C foot candles) o The response was evidently to the intensity rather than to the color 0 There was no evidence that light of any one color was a stronger stimulus than a light of any other color for lights of approximately the same intensityo There is no indignation that colored lights of the wave lengths which were used would be of any advantage over white light in attempting to attract tuna at sea^ 56 •s a m (D 43 fX «i O f^ •H 0) -P +3 O S3 Ri -H (D O o tn t>»-P ^ OS 53 u i TJ m OB 0 0 o ^ H m 8>» a) ra c c > MMMMMM (^ O CO rH t" H M > M M > MM ^ M (I > O O C --*• C- E^ C~- O M G o o h|oj O O T-. o O c o o 57 REFSREircES Kuhne, Wo and Ho Sewall 1380 o Zur Physiologie des SehepithelSj, insbesondere der Fische, Heidelbergo UniVo Physiolo Insto Unterso Bd;. 3j pp, 22-277, Shimadaj Bo M: 1951 o An annotated bibliography on the biology of Pacific tunas c UoSo Fish and '/Tilcdife Services Fishery Bullo V„ 52 Cnoo 58), ppo 1-58 Tester, Ao L„ 1952 o Establishing tuna and other pelagic fishes in ponds and tankSo UoS. Fish and Wildlife SerVo, Speco Scio Reptc Fisheries Noo 71s 20 ppo Wallj Go Lo 19il2o "The Vertebrate Eye and Its Adaptive Radiation," Cranbrook Institute of Scio Bull, NOo 19o Augc 1942o Warner, Lo Ho I93I0 Ihe problem of color vision in fishes, Quartc Rev,, Biolo, Volo 6, ppo 329-3U80 58 PART IV OBSERVATIONS ON SOUND PRODUCHON AND RESPONSE IN TUNA^/ b7 Iwao Miyake Associate Professor of Physics University of Hawaii INTRODUCTION At the outset of this investigation, two questions were asked, Cl) do tuna produce sound, and (2) do tuna respond to sound stimuli? If tuna produce sound, there was the possibility that their presence in the open ocean naght be detected by the use of listening deviceso If tuna responded to sound stimuli ^ there was the possibility that the emission of sound of a certain quality and quantity might attract them to a fishing vesselj or that the emission of sound of another quality and quantity might repel them to practical advantage in fish= ingj eogoj upwards from the lead line of a purse seine during pursing operationso The exploratory observations reported below were conducted at intervals from August 1951 to January 1952s on tuna confined in a tank and a pond (Tester 1952) at the Hawaii Marine Laboratory 3 Coconut Island, Oahu, To Ho MATERIAL AND APPARATUS When the experiments were first conducted m the concjrete tankj it contained but one yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) and a few manini (Acanthurus sandvicensis)o Later j another yellowfin and a small tunny CE'-^thynnus yaitojlyere present o When the experiments were conducted in the large pond, one yellowfin and one tunny were present, along with several small reef fishes of various ^ecieSo Three dLfferenx types of borrowed eqiiipment were used during the course of the worko These consisted of Model OAJ iioimd Measuring Equipment (reception range^ 1 to 10 kilocycles per second) and Model OCP-1 Sonar Test Equipment' (reception range 7 to 70 kilocycles per secondi transmission range, 5 to 88 kilocycles per second) ^ both loaned through courtesy of local representatives of the U.. S,, Navy<, and NEL Underwater Sound Monitoring Equipment C^eception range, about 100 cycles to 10 kilocycles per second),; loaned through courtesy of the Navy Electronics Laboratory, San Franciscoo In addition,, a sound generator consisting essentially of a P-H (Packard-Hewlett) audio oscillator (transmission range, 20 cycles to 30 kilocycles per second) was also usedo Contribution Noo 25 of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory., University of Hawaii. J Honolulu, Tc Ho 59 During most of the work the apparatus was installed as indicated in figure 17o In attempting to discover if tuna pro- duced any soundj the hydrophones of either the OAY, CXJP-l, or NEL apparatus were suspended 18 inches below the surface of the water near the middle of the tank (about 17 feet from the end), or 17 feet from the inner (unscreened) gate ports at the seaward end of the pondo Sounds in the water were thus detected, anpli- fied, and heard using either earphones or a loud speaker. In attempting to discover if tuna responded to sound stimuli, the transducer of the OCP-1 (a hydrophone used as a transmitter) and of the P-H apparatus were suspended 18 inches below the siurface of the water at the south end of the tank, or at the inner gate ports of the pond. The reactions of tima were noted and recorded under control and experimental conditions o SOUND PRODUCnON BY TUNA Procedure Using one or another of the three hydrophone"-amplifier sys- tems, over 100 hours were spent in listening to noises emanating from the tank and pond, and in attempting to ascertain their causes 0 Because of the possibility of sound production from tuna occurring at some hours and not at others, the observations were spaced to cover all hours of the day and nighto Results In the tank the hydrophones of the NEL and OAT equipment picked up many sounds, but two were distinctly noticeable over the background noise,, One sounded like the snapping of a dry twig and the other was complex^ somewhat like that coming from a beaker of violently boiling water. The snapping sound was identified as that of shrimpso This was established Ly bringing the hydrophone near a group of shriisps hiding behind one of the comer baffieso The conplex sound was for a time thought to be coming from either the tuna or liie maninio It was later determined that this sound,, and the other background noises, were caused by the water pun?)ing and tank overflow systems. During one of the night observations, when one yellowfm was present in the tank, three distinctly different sounds were heard. One was a very low frequency so\and of very short duration sounding somewhat like a window rattling in the windo The second sounded like water suddenly stirred with a stick The third sounded like a stick being dragged over a piece of sheet metal „ 60 HYDROPHONE NEL AMPLIFIER EARPHONES BATTERY BOX TRANSDUCER AUDIO OSCILLATOR AUDIO AMPLIFIER B INNER GATE PORTS / ^q , Q DEEP SHALLOW >r TRANSDUCER ^ HYDROPHONE ..^ L FILL -T-T FILL ^f: TV^ FIG. 17 DIAGRAM OF THE TANK (A) AND POND(B) SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER USED IN EXPERIMENTS WITH SOUND. 61 Later, day and night observations showed that these sounds were caused by tuna in the following manners (1) The low frequency sound of very short duration was caused by the sudden movement of the tail of the yellcwfino \Bien getting underway^ the first one or two movemsits of the tail created enough pressure in the water to produce sound waves which were picked up by the hydrophone,, Vfhether this has any biological sigiificance from the point of view7schooling is a matter of conjecture,, Certainly^ in the large pondj the speed undergoes sudden chai.ges while the tuna is swimming its lengthy and this is also likely to occur in the open seao It further suggests the possibility that tuna may react to sound of very low frequencyo (2) The second sound was produced when part of the tuna's tail came above the siorface of the water^ As occasionally tuna are observed to jump and play at the surface, this sound may also be produced in the natural habitats C3) The third sound was produced when the tuna accidentally rubbed against the hydrophone o No additional sounds were detected when two yellowfin and one tunny were present in the tanko During one of the tests, one of the yellowfin suddenly went beserk, and began bumping and scraping itself against the walls of the tanko Ylhen it died, its skin was almost conpletely eroded^ However, even during this period of frantic acti\'ity, no sound of moderate or high frequency range (1 to 10 kilocycles) was heard with the hydrophone in use at the time (OAY) o It was decided that a test should be conducted to explore the possibility that tuna might be emitting sound in the super= sonic range o A o-hour trial with the 0CP=1 apparatus gave nega- tive resultso Further trials were not conducted because the apparatus was no longer available o The NEL equipment was also used to investigate sound product- ion by tuna in the pondo Many different sounds were heard,, but none could be identified with either the yellowfin or the tunnyo Summary Over 100 hours were spent in listening to the sounds picked up by the hydrophone placed in the tank and the pond contair mg tunao The listening periods were staggered so that all hours of the day and night were covered o 62 Certain low frequency sounds were produced by the sudden movement of the yellcwfin's tail below and at the surface of the waterc No sounds emanating from either yellowfin or tunny were detected over a frequency range of 1 to 70 kilo- cycles per secondo RESPONSE OF TUNA TO SOUND STIMULI Procedure It was planned to investigate the reaction of tuna to Cl) steady sound of various frequencies^ (2) interrupted sound of various frequencies j, and (3) complex sounds of short dura- tion. Unfortunately J difficulties with the equipment and the eventual death of the experimental fish^ prevented the program ftom being corapleted„ Such observations as were made pertain to Cl)? onlyo The experiments were started in the concrete tank, and were later removed to the pond„ For stimuli over the super- sonic range g the OCP-1 equipment was used in the concrete tanko For stimuli at lower frequencies, the P-H equipment was used in both the concrete tank and the pondo In the latter experiments., the N3L hydrophone was also used at a fixed distance (17 feet) from the transducer o This distance 3, half the length of the tank, was maintained when the experiments were performed in the pondo The 60-watt anplifier of the P-H equipment was adjusted until the sound became audible at this distance^ To enable any reactions of the tuna to be measured in a roughly quantitative manner, the time which the fish spent in Areas S (sound) and Q (quiet) was recorded under control and experimental couditionso The areas are indicated m figure 17o The sound stimulus was audible (through the hydrophone -ampli- fier system) in all parts of Area S, but not in Area Q, except near the boundary o It was assumed that the tuna„ if attracted or repelled by a sound, would spend relatively more or less time in area S than when there was no sound stimulus. In the tank, under control conditions, the times spent by the tuna in Areas S and (J should be equal „ However, in the pond under control conditions, the time spent in Area Q would be much longer than that spent in Area S because of the rela- tively greater size of the former area and because, normally the tuna circles the pond turning at the west end within Area S, and turning at the east end at varying distances within Area (Jo 63 Results 7 to 70 kilocycles per second Experiments at supersonic frequencies were performed in the tankj in which one yellowfin was presento Under control conditions J the yellowfin spent about the same period of time in Area S as in Area Qo Supersonic sounds of frequencies of 7$ 10,, and in steps of 5 kilocycles thereafter up to 70 kilocycles were generated^ each for a period of one-half hour, and the reactions of the yellowfin were observed and recorded o As the results vfere negative 5, the data are not included in this reporto In each case 3 the time spent in Area S was about the same as that spent in Area Qo In these experiments there was no way of knowing whether or not the transducer of the OCP-1 equipment was generating a signal, because at the time, a separate hydrophone was not available. It seems reasonable to assume that it was func- tioning^ as it had been used successfully as a hydrophone in a previous experiment » The resiilts indicate^ therefore ^ that the tuna was not affected by a steady sound of frequency between 7 and 70 kilocycles per second 3 $00 to 5y000 cycles per second These experiments were also performed in the tank^ using the P-H sound generator and the NEL receiver,. Tests:, each of 20 minutes duration^ were performed using 500^, 1^000, 2,000, 3j,000, li.OOO, and 5,i000 cycleso The series was repeated three times 0 In none of the experiments was there any definite reaction o To deterraiae whether the yellowfin reacted to a sound fre- quency other than, that used above, the audio oscillator was varied continuously between 100 cycles and 10 kilocycles. There was no noticeable reaction o 100 and 200 cycles per second As there was the possibility that the tuna in the tank may have become acciistoraed to strange noises^ such as those emanat- ing from the pumps, the apparatus was moved to the large pond where a yellowfin and tunny were presento After a few hoiirs of work, the test came to an abrupt end when saltwater leaked into the transducer, short-circuiting it, and burning cut the power output transformer in the amplifier,, The fish in the pond died before a new transformer could be procured^ thus terminat- ing the experimental work. 6U Such results as were obtained are discussed briefly^ as they indicate a possible reaction to sound by the yellowfino The reactions of the tunny were also observed^ but were rarely recorded because of the difficulty of timing two fish at onceo The tunny's behavior vfas independent of that of the yellowfin^ and it tended to remain in Area (^, Under control conditions j with the apparatus in position but not in operation, the yellowfin spent about 6 minutes out of an hour in Area Sj passing into the area about 30 times o Successive periods of time spent in Area Q varied ftom 20 seconds to 3 minutes o Ihe effect of continuous sound of 100 cycles per second was first tested. The yellowfin spent 10 minutes out of the hour in Area S^ entering it 26 times o Daring the hom-, the noise of the exhaust of a boat was picked up fairly loudly by the hydrophone^ Most of the sound doubtless entered the area from the seaward or west end through the screened gates o Ihe fish remained in Area S for a much longer time during this period of disturbanceo It also re= entered the area after being away for but 20 to U5 seconds o If the period of disturbance is discounted, the fish remained in Area S for about 6 minutes out of 55 minutes^ a result which does not differ greatly from that of control conditions,, Although there was no good evidence that the yellowfin reacted to sound of 100 cycles per second, there is the sijggestion that it might have been attracted by the complex sound coming from the exhaust of the boato The effect of continuous sound of 200 cycles per second was next tested^ Ihe tuna spent about 17 out of hi minutes in Area S, and entered the area 18 times,, Ihe results are included in table 10 j with those under control conditions ^ both to illustrate the reactions, and to show the type of data which were taken o For some unknown reason, the yellowfin became interested in the hydrophone^ it swam up to it six times and appesn-ed to exounine it closelyo It also circled in the area between the transducer and the seaward end of the pondo Its sudden inter- est m the hydrophone was peculiar, as it- had been swimming past it, without any reaction, for the previous 3 hours,, There is the possibility that the yellowfin might have been attr'acted by a sound generated by the rubber cable rubbing on itself or its support,, A strong gusty wind prevailed during this part of the experiment, and although the cable was not observed to move with the wind, it may have done sOo On the 65 other hand, the fish may have been attracted by the 200-cycle sound, and may have been attempting to find its source o Summary Ihe yellowfin in the concrete tank showed no reaction to sound frequencies over a range of ^00 cycles to 70 kilocycle? per seconds nor to a sound with varying frequency from 100 cycles to 10 kilocycles per secondo The yellowfin in the pond seemed to respond to certain sound stimuli s but nothing definite may be stated on the basis of the data now available,, 66 Table 10,, —Time spent by yellowfin tuna in Areas S and $ in successive circuits of the pond during control (no sound transmission) and experimental (sound transmission at 200 cycles per second) conditions o Control Experimental Area S Area ^ Area S Area Q Circuit (seconds) (seconds) Circui .t (seconds) (seconds) 1 20 125 1 3 127 2 2 US 2 30 200 3 25 85 3 2 128 h 3 152 h 15 lUo 5 i; 131 5 3 122 6 3 102 6 3 72 7 3 107 7 115 60 8 10 20 8 300# 30 9 25 175 9 180-* 20 10 15 185 10 20 110 11 2 108 11 3$^^ 80 12 2 178 12 3S 120 13 3 57 13 60* 120 Hi 3 37 Ih 20 120 15 2 33 15 2 103 16 3 82 16 55* 110 17 30 30 17 70* 115 18 ko 30 18 50* h^ 19 k 81 19 25 190 20 3 52 21 3 hi 22 10 ll+O 23 2 138 2li 35 3^ 25 3 87 26 2 58 27 2 58 28 20 50 29 i; 26 30 3 hi 31 2 128 32 3 152 33 2 163 ^ 15 165 35 30 100 36 30 60 368 3272 1023 2012 In area between transducer and gates At and around hydrophone 67 REFEEiENCE Tester, Ao Lo 1952. Establishing tuna and other pelagic fishes in ponds and tankSo UoSo Fish and Wildlife Servicej Speco Scio Repto Fisheries Nob 71s 20pp„ 68 PART V NOTES ON THE RESPONSE OF A TROPICAL FISH (KUHLIA SANDVICBNSIS) TO INl^ERRUPTED DIRECT CURRENTy/'" by Albert Lo Tester Professor of Zoology University of Hawaii INTRODUCTION A study of the reaction of tuna to electrical stimuli was not attempted for the following reasons ^ (1) because of the expense of purchasing a generator of sufficient power to produce a reasonably high current density Csay^ 0,002 amps per square centimeter) in the large (10,663 gallon) concrete tank in which the tuna vrere kept^ (2) because of the danger of harming the tuna, which were being used for other experi- mental purposes^ and mainly (3) because there were indications from the work of Morgan (19^1) that further research could be undertaken profitably with the aholehole or "mountain bass" (Kuhlia sandvicensis)^ using a tank and generator which were already available., Consequently, with the small amount of time that was available, the author attempted to duplicate and extend Morgan's experiments in an effort to discover the optimum pulse duration for minimum power output to attract aholehole in an interrupted^ direct current system., It should be pointed out that before seriously considering the practica- bility of catching tuna or any other fish by electro-fishing methods nn the high seas,, still more efficient use of the available power than that achieved either by Morgan (195l) or by the Cooperative California Sardine Research Program (anonc, 1950) must be made. Otherwise j, the power plant required by a fishing vessel weald be eoctremely large, expensive, and there- fore probably impracticable » As the present study represents an extension of Morgan's (1951) work, and as his data are not readily available, his results may be summarized here to advantage o He atten^jted to discover the minimum current which would lead or force aholehole to the positive pole in a column of salt-water (wooderTTank) measuring 12 x 2 x 1 feet, using a source E,MoF<. of 220-230 volts, Do C<, In some experiments thie current was 1/ Contribution Noo 26 of the Hawaii Marine Laboratory j University of Hawaii^ Honolulu, To Ho 69 used in a continuous flow, in others it was interrupted by a specially-desxgned interrupter consisting essentially of revolving disks with different proportions of brass and bakelite, the current being "on" when two brushes were in contact with the brass sector j and "off" when the two brushes were in contact with the bakelite sectoro Series of experi- ments were conducted with various currents and with vaiaous frequencies of interruption at each currento In other series of experiments the "on -off" ratio was changed^, using disks which allowed the current to flow for Oo75s Oo50, and Oo25 of one comjjlete revolution. To maintain a source voltage of 220-230 volts, he found it necessary to design a special type of electrode— a carbon rod enclosed in a plastic tube with open ends and with holes bored through the sideSo By adjust- ing the exposure of the carbon rods to the seawaterj, it was possible to vary the current in the system^, but at the same time to maintain the voltage at the soui'ceo Morgan's results showed (1) that frequency of interrupt- ion was not critical for the species and size-range of fish used — -about the same response was evoked for frequencies between l5 and 2$ ropoSo, and (2) that, within the limits of his experiments, the shorter the pulse duration the smaller the average (interrupted) current required to give the desired response— decisive and rapid movement from the center of the tank to the positive poleo To illustrate, positive response (an entire time period of 60 seconds spent by. all fish tested in the half of the tank adjacent to the positive pole) was obtained v/ith an average current of 8 amps and an on-fraction of Oo75ii with an average current of 5 amps and an on -fraction of Oo^O, and with an average current of 3 to U anps and an on-fraction of Oo25o The corresponding current densities may be calculated at OoOOii?? Oo0029, and Oo002i;- O0OOI8 amps/cm^, respectivelyo Ihus^ as the on-fraction of a pulse was reduced, there was a decrease in the average current require., to attract the fish and a corresponding sav- ing in power o In extending Morgan's workj two lines of investigation suggested themselves, (1) to determine the relationship betwee:: source voltage and electrode size^ and (2) to further decrea^:e the on-fraction to determine the minimal current which would evoke positive response o SOURCE V0LIAG3 AND ELSGTRODE SIZE The wiring hook-up of the apparatus is shown in figure' 18 The source of power is an Onanj, ^-cylinder^ gas-driven, air-cooled, direct current generator unit with a maximum out- put of 5000 watts C2I08 amps at 230 volts) o The source 70 Q O cr h- «^ u a: UJ _j UJ en tu Q. X UJ < o UJ UJ UJ X Q UJ C/) 3 CO Q. < Q < o q: c3 00 d u_ 71 voltage (maintained by Morgan at 220 volts) may be varied between limits (about ^0 to 250 vclts) by means of a rheostat in series with the generator field coilso The voltmeter (V-j_) measures the source voltage „ The voltmeter (V^) measures the voltage after interruption, an average value which is a fraction (approximately the on-fraction) of the source or peak voltage 0 It also measures the voltage at, but not between., the electrodes if it may be assumed that the resistance of the rever sing-polarity switch and the lead wires to the electrodes is negligibleo The ammeter (A), which may be placed anywhere in the circuit, measures the average interrupted current (I), which again is a fraction (approximately the on-fraction) jf the source or peak current,, Ihe interrupter is a motcr-driven disk which may be changed to give the desired "on-off" ratio o The electrodes have unknown resistances (R^ and Rp) wluchj, with tube-encased carbon electrodes, vary with the extent oi exposure to seavrater and the extent of polarizing by gas bubbles which are generated during a current flow, Ihe electrodes are immersed at either end of the tank of seawater, Ihe seawater has a resistance (R3) which may be calculated roughly as ,p R3 ^ k ~-^ Oo0^23 -^Y" " 0,3138 ohms J where k is the specific resistance of seawater at a chlorinity of 19 PoPofflo and a temperature of 2.5° Co, L is the length of the water column (feet) and Ar., is its area (square feet). The apparatus and hook-up described above are identical with those used by Morgan^ except for the insertion of the voltmeter (V2) across the line after interruption o Of the various voltage measurements which might be made^, the average voltage (V^) across the electrodes is the only one of importance from the point of view of the reaction of the fisho This cannot be measured directly without a special volt- meter, but it may be calculated according to Ohm's Laws V3 ^ I'>R3 knowing the average current (l) and the resistance of the column of seawater (Rj) = "^^^s the following values may be obtaineds I (amps) V3 (volts) 1 o7^ 2 O06J 3 0.9h h lo26 5 lo57 etco 7? The average current may be varied by changing the resist- ance of the electrodes, by varying the source voltage and thus the average interrupted voltage ^ or by both„ Morgan was able to maintain the source CV]_) at 220 volts with increasing average current (l) by decreasing the resistance of the elec- trodeso This is illustrated by the following empirical deter- minations wMch were made with his apparatus (delivering only 210 volts at the time)^ using tube-encased carbon electrodes, the exposed surface of which was varied^ and using an on- fraction of Oo25 at 15 r»p.SoS V-L(volts) iCamps) V2Cvolts) R - Ir-Jl (ohms) 210 1 U8 US 210 2.5 50 20 210 h 52 13 The increase m average current was accomplished by decreasing the resistance of the electrodes (increasing their area of exposure), without materially changing either the source or the interrupted voltage, Ihe calculated resist- ance R is mainly that of the electrodes R-, and Rp, To demonstrate that the same result could be obtained by varying both the source voltage and the resistance of the electrodes, empirical determinations of V]_ and V^ were made at a constant average current (I) of 3 ampSs and therefore at a constant voltage (Vj) across the electrodes of 0o9ii volts o The resistance or the electrodes was gradually- decreased by changing from small tube-encased carbon rods, to small carbon rods not encased, to large carbon rods wholly immersed, and finally to plates of galvanized iron partially and wholly immersed. In each casej, the source voltage (Vj.) was adjusted to give an average current (l) of 3 amps with an on-fraction of 0,25 at l5 ropoS.s V^Cvolts) VgCvolts) R ^ Vg/I (ohms) 210 52 17,3 160 38 16 110 21 7 95 16.5 5o5 85 12 k Since in each of the above determinations j the current (3 and the calculated voltage across the electrodes (0,91; volts) remained the same^ the response of fish in the tank should be identicalo If low source voltage is a desirable feature, attempts should be made to procure non- 73 polarizing electrodes of low resistance^ in nearly perfect electrodes R )■ Ri-f R2 — ^'O" In the present trials^ minimum resistance was obtained with galvanized iron electrodes the area of v*iich nearly equalled that of the cross section of the tanko Other types of electrodes were not triedo It maj be noted that in the above table j, ^2/^1 pi"ogi"es3ively departs from an initial Oo25/l ratio| the reason is not clear-o A series of experiments were planned with a source poten- tial of 95 voltsj currents of 2 3 3^ and I4 amps^ and on-frac<= tion Oo25s ^'t 15 ropoSoj to demonstrate that the reaction of the fish was the same as at the higher source voltage (220) used by Morgan, Unfortunately only two fish were available at the time the apparatus was adjusted for this experimento These were used in replicate trials (reversing the polarity of the electrodes) at 2 ampso but they died before further experiments could be performed due to failure of the aquarium water supplyo Of the four trials total positive response was evoked in three and partial positive response on oneo Although the data are meager and therefore non-conclusive j they are comparable with those of Morgan at the same currentj on-fraction, and frequency but at 220 volts source j and indi- cate the general validity of the reasoning in the preceding paragraphs o REDUCTION OF ON-FRACnON OF A CYCLE IVro sets of experiments were tried with a very limited available supply of large aholehole^ similar in size (9 to 13 centimeters) to those used by Morgan, In one/ Morgan's revolving disk interrupter was used) in the other j, a specially- designed plunging electrode interrupter was used. The gal- vanized iron electrodes in the 12 x 2 x 1-foot tank almost covered the cross-section of the water column and had a water-exposed area of about 1700 square centimeters o The fish were confined by two gates at the center of the tank. When the current was turned on, both gates were removed simultaneously so that the fish was free to move to either the positive or the negative electrodeo The results are included in table 11 0 For conparison some of Morgan's results are included in table 12 o As total response- — rapid and decisive movement to the positive pole from which there is no withdrawal— was desired as the criterion of attraction^ both Morgan's and the writer's results are recorded as the number of positive trials an^. number of non-positive trials j, rather than as time spent in the positive half of the tank out of a total test period of one minute. 7U Revolving Disk I^terri^ter By using a half brass., half bakelite disk and staggering the brushes (fig, 19) j it was possible to attain an on-frac- tion of Ool^l (off "Inaction, Oo8U8)o The on-fraction was measured as the length of the disk circumference corresponding to the '"on" position as determined with an open^closed circuit indicator (ohmmeter),, divided hy the total disK circiimferenceo For each of five specimens, two replicate trials (revers- ing the polarity of the electrodes between trials) were made at an average current of lo5 amps (Experiment A), and again at an average current of 2 anps (Experiment B) with a frequency in each case of 1^,8 ropoS„ (table 11), At 1,5 ampsp 8 out of 10 trials vrere positive. At 2 amps, all 10 trials were posi- tive <= It may be seen by comparison of the results in table 11 and table 12 ^ tliat by reducing the on-fraction from Oo25 to Ool^lj the current for positive response has been reduced frcm U to 2 anpSj vathi a corresponding reduction in current density from O0OO2U to 0,0012 amps/cm^o It was impossible to further reduce the on-fraction because of the thickness of the brusheso Moreover, even with a relatively weak average current of 2 amps.^ there was consi- derable arcing at the make and breaks wluch tended to bum the bakelite and corrode the brass portion of the dLsko Fur- ther experiments with the disk-type interrupter were not undertaken. Plunging-electrode Interrupter To attain finer adjustment of the "on-off" ratio and in the hope of reducing the g)ark at *-he make and break, a new interrupter was designed (figo 20) <, This consisted essentially of a wheel, an eccentrically connected rods and an electrode which iips momentarily into a glass jar containing oil floating on mercuryo The jar sits on a platform which may be raised or lowered, Ihus permitting fine adjustment of the duration of contacto The wheel was driven at approximately 15 ToPoSo The apparatus was not satisfactory. It vibrated consi- derably, causing mechanical and electrical connections to break, and more serious, causing irregular waves on the sur- face of the mercury. Despite the use of transformer oil, and later of pure mineral oil^ arcing occurred at the make and break. Ihis gradually burned the tip of the electrode, chang- ing the on-fraction. The oil and mercury soon tended to form an "emulsion", which further changed the on-fraction and caused arcing at the surface, 75 CARBON BRUSH CARBON BRUSH FIG. 19. THE REVOLVING DISK' MECHANICAL INTERRUPTER 76 m o o u CO e (D u o -p o 0) •H T) m 09 « c8 9 iH 031 Hi en o u , 9 -Pf S -He ° -H J3- 00 -P •P ►J CO r ra ^ si o o; ■P cO| O O O rH iHJCV O O O O O O rH iT^ C\J vD iH CvJ CNj|j»<> CN2 C\i C\J H rHlCO 33 o o <> H CM f^ -4- lA »r», ni CNi oi cv oi o o o O O O CNi o r-i rH ft r-{ rH Oi r^ vj- ir\ if\ »A irt C\i (^ Oi H iH iH rH CM r^ ^f^tO tOlrH CM W> lA lf\ ^ rH r-i T-i Oi cr\ c«^ c^ 00 t» o o o 00 »r\ o rH rH CM o o s 0) u a vi o u Td S-i (D 0 CO o c m Si t ?' O o u , (D a> 3 Pi -P or m X) °H a o) 0 -ri 00 -^ ^ t?'^ > OHOOOH OOOOOO OOOOOfO OVJrHCVfVOiO est Ol «> m o o o o CV CV I rH H r >0 a^i^P-^ H Oi r>^ -sj- iTk O rH -H iH CV !^ -4- W\ o o rH -^rH H 3 rH CV f^ ■^'A O o o o 0) r-{ X> CO (D +3' W SI to >A OQ 78 QJ o ». jH o U\ o H O CO »n no O +» fl a 0) o u u U 4-1 o no 0} ■P ta o C p ffi •H O T3 O O T) a> +» o Q, m ? O h O © +» Q 0 -P C o O (1) t3 a as 0) -p B 0) 3 -O O 0) a> d (0 CO c; _ o +J a<-H c m u o © C8 O I o (0 o o a 00 o -p CO Jl3 o 00 e c o 1-3 X 0); ra /3 Si o 1 +> G O o a ';;;f iH r-l > O, 3i OOOiOOCM OiOCVOO-^- CV CV O ?N cvlto O CV O C\i OifO o Cvi (H O rH H iH lA kA ITV in «> a 0^ ^ .-H H rH rH CV <^ -^ VN. O lA rH C\J r^ -sj- kO, O cv O Oi rr\ o cv < 6- 5- 3- / / /i / / / / / / / / A .005 O - MORGAN • - TESTER X)04 S o en < .003 z o z LU 4002 QC q: o .OOt "ON -FRACTION" FIG. 21. TREND OF AVERAGE CURRENT ( AND CURRENT DENSITY) WITH CHANGE IN "ON -FRACTION" OF A CYCLE. 82 REFERENCES Anon, 19$0. Electrical stimulation of fish in sea water „ Cal Coopo Sardine Res„ Program, Prog, Rept. 1950s i;6-ii7o Anon, I95I0 Vessel equipped with deep-^sea electrical fishing device, U, S„ Fish and Wildlife Serv, Comm„ Fisheries Rev. 13(1)? 5>51i» Houston, R, B., Jr, 19h9o German commercial electrical fishing deviceo U„ S, Fish and midlife Serv„, Fishery Leaflet 3k8s I6 pp<, Morgan, M, E„ 1951 » The response of a tropical fish to interrupted direct current and its application to the problems of electro fishing in sea water, M, So thesis ^ University of Hawaii s June 19^1 s 68 pp. ii3 i11?'rmKLi-''?r'"v ■ se, ^ JIMiillliii 5 WHSE 01073