SPECTRAL MEASUREMENTS OF WATER PARTICLE VELOCITIES UNDER WAVES Michael William Bordy NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS SPECTRAL MEASUREMENTS OF WATER PARTICLE VELOCITIES UNDER WAVES by Michael William Bordy The sis Adv risor: e. B. Thornton March 1972 Approved fan. pubtlc A.eXeose; dLitiAhmtion untimite.d. Spectral Measurements of Water Particle Velocities Under Waves by Michael William Bordy Lieutenant, United States Navy B.S., United States Naval Academy, 1965 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL March 197 2 ABSTRACT Simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous sea surface elevation and water particle velocities were made using a wave staff and an electromagnetic current meter. Measurements were made at three elevations in 18 meters of water at an open ocean site during moderate wave and wind conditions . Coherence of the wave height and orbital velocities was computed to be greater than 0.90 through the range of significant energy-density between 0.05 and 0.22 Hertz. This range contained greater than 90 percent of the total spectral energy-density which indicated that the water particle velocities were almost totally wave- induced. Measured velocity energy-density spectra were compared to theoretically computed spectra using linear wave theory formulation. The measured spectra were 27 to 45 percent greater than theoretical spectra indicating that measured velocities were 5 to 7 percent greater than the theoretical value. Phase spectra were computed for the measured wave heights and orbital velocities. They compared reasonably with first order wave theory. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 9 A. BACKGROUND 9 B. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE ■ 10 II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS 12 A. FIRST ORDER WAVE THEORY AND SUPERPOSITION 12 B. LIMITATIONS OF FIRST ORDER WAVE THEORY 13 III. INSTRUMENTATION 14 A. WATER CURRENT METER 14 B. WAVE STAFF SYSTEM 16 IV. DATA PROCUREMENT AND PRE-PROCESSING 17 A. DATA PROCUREMENT 17 B. DATA PRE-PROCESSING 21 V. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 23 A. COMPUTATION OF THE ENERGY-DENSITY SPECTRUM 2 3 B. COMPUTATION OF THE CROSS-SPECTRAL DENSITY 24 C. COMPUTATION OF PHASE ANGLE 25 D. COMPUTATION OF COHERENCY 26 VI. ANALYSIS OF DATA 28 A. HORIZONTAL VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS 28 1. Predicted and Measured Horizontal Velocity Spectra 28 2. Coherence 29 3. Phase Angle 29 B. VERTICAL VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS 31 1. Predicted and Measured Vertical Velocity Energy-Density Spectra 31 2. Coherence of Wave Height and Vertical Velocity 31 3. Phase Angle Between Wave Height and Vertical Velocity 35 4. Phase Angle Error 36 5. Percent Error of Predicted and Measured Energy-Density Spectra 37 6. Current Meter Calibration 40 C. ANALYSIS OF HORIZONTAL VELOCITY COMPONENT AND VERTICAL VELOCITY 40 VII. CONCLUSIONS — A. COHERENCE 45 45 B. ENERGY-DENSITY SPECTRA 45 C. PHASE ANGLE 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY 47 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 48 FORM DD 1473 50 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. EMCM-3B water current meter mounted to measure orthogonal components of the horizontal velocity field. 2. EMCM-3B water current meter mounted to measure total vertical velocity and u-component of horizontal velocity. 3. Strip chart record of u-component horizontal velocity, w-component of vertical velocity and Baylor wave height. 4. Measured and theoretical horizontal velocity spectra Depth 4.12 meters, 21 October 1971. 5. Coherence of wave height and u-component of horizontal velocity. Depth 4.12 meters, 21 October 1971. 6. Phase angle of wave height and u-component of hori- zontal velocity. Depth 4.12 meters, 21 October 1971. 7. Measured and theoretical vertical velocity spectra. Depth 5.34 meters, 21 October 1971. 8. Phase angle between wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 5.34 meters, 21 October 1971. 9. Coherence of wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 5.34 meters, 21 October 1971. 10. Measured and theoretical vertical velocity spectra. Depth 8.35 meters, 21 October 1971. 11. Phase angle between wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 8.35 meters, 21 October 1971. 12. Coherence of wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 8.35 meters, 21 October 1971. 13. Measured and theoretical vertical velocity spectra. Depth 10.00 meters, 21 October 1971. 14. Phase angle between wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 10.00 meters, 21 October 1971. 15. Coherence of wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 10.00 meters, 21 October 1971. Figure 16. Phase angle error between wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 5.34 meters, 21 October 1971. 17. Phase angle error between wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 8.35 meters, 21 October 1971. 18. Phase angle error between wave height and vertical velocity. Depth 10.00 meters, 21 October 1971. 19. Percent error of measured and theoretical vertical velocity spectra and coherence (dashed line) of wave height and measured vertical velocity. Depth 5.34 meters, 21 October 1971. 20. Percent error of measured and theoretical vertical velocity spectra and coherence (dashed line) of wave height and measured vertical velocity. Depth 8.35 meters, 21 October 1971. 21. Percent error of measured and theoretical vertical velocity spectra and coherence (dashed line) of wave height and measured vertical velocity. Depth 10.00 meters, 21 October 1971. 22. Phase angle and coherence 5.34 meters. 21 October 1971. 23. Phase angle and coherence 8.35 meters. 21 October 1971. 24. Phase angle and coherence 10.00 meters. 21 October 1971 LIST OF SYMBOLS a wave amplitude B magnetic field intensity C degrees centigrade C, ~(f) co-spectrum E induced electric potential f frequency g acceleration of gravity h total water depth i square root of -1 k wave number L wave length m meter P(T) Parzen window function Q,?(f) quadrature spectrum t time u horizontal component of orbital velocity v horizontal component of orbital velocity orthogonal to u w vertical component of orbital velocity W amplitude of vertical orbital velocity x horizontal coordinate z vertical coordinate Y2 coherence function A incremental difference e phase angle a angular wave frequency x lag time ,-,(t) auto-correLation function (j).-(t) cross-correlation function ^.(f) auto-spectrum $12(f) cross-sectrum I. INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND Measuring instantaneous v/ater particle velocities in the presence of wave-induced motion has been difficult due, primarily, to a lack of instrumentation. This is partic- ularly true for measurements made in the field. Velocity meters must have a high response time, be rugged to operate under wave conditions, and have good directional character- istics, besides the usual requirements of being reliable and accurate. Inman and Nasu (1956) made one of the earliest attempts at field measurements. They used a force meter in shallow water and compared their results to solitary wave theory. Miller and Zeigler (1964) used both an acoustic meter (based on the doppler shift principle) and an electro- magnetic flow meter to measure water particle motion in the surf zone. They compared their measurements to high-order wave theory. Nagata (1963, 1964a, 1964b) used an electro- magnetic flow meter in a series of experiments to measure water particle velocities in the surf zone and to determine wave directional spectra. Bowden and Fairbairn (1956), Bowden and White (1966) , and Simpson (1968) , used an electro- magnetic flow meter developed at the National Institute of Oceanography . Simpson's experiments were performed at an open coastal site. He employed spectral methods in the analysis of the orbital velocities and wave height records. The attenuation of waves with depth determined from the ratios of surface elevation and pressure spectra, and the ratios of the velocity and pressure spectra were found to be consistant with linear wave theory. Seitz (1971) measured vector water velocities and sea surface displacement at a depth of one meter in an esturary and compared the measured velocity spectra to a derived velocity spectra obtained from direct measurement of the surface wave field. The conclusions drawn were that the direct measurement of the velocity components yielded energy spectra that could be separated into a component due to background turbulent energy and a second component due to surface wave induced velocities. Thus the total water particle motion at depth can be described as the sum of the turbulent velocities and the surface wave-induced motion. B. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The scope of this investigation was divided into three phases : 1. Simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous water particle velocity and sea surface elevation were conducted at an open ocean site in intermediate water depth employing an electromagnetic current meter and wave staff system; 2. Spectral analysis was performed on the wave and velocity records to obtain the statistical prop- erties of the data; 10 3. First order wave theory was employed to describe the wave and water particle motion spectra and to compare the measured results with the theoretically predicted values. 11 II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS A. FIRST ORDER WAVE THEORY AND SUPERPOSITION The linearity of first order wave theory permits the utilization of the principle of superposition whereby a random sea surface may be expressed as a summation of an infinite number of small amplitude progressive waves. ^totai = nT = nx + n2 + n3 + ••• + nn (2.1) Using the first order expression for nT oo nT = Z-f an sin (kn x - aRt + £n) (2.2) n=l where a is the wave component amplitude, k is the wave number, a is the radial frequency, e is an arbitrary phase angle, and n is the nth harmonic. First order (Airy) wave theory can be used to predict the water particle motion under the wave surface. The water particle velocities are described as a linear process and therefore are subject to superposition. For horizontal motion the expression is oo ang kn cosh kR(h+z) / x V^ ang kn cosn k in-t-z; UT(t) - Z-r — u i v, sin(knx-at+E:n) (2.3) 1 *—* a cosh k„h " n n=l n n where h is the total water depth and z is the vertical coordinate measured positively upward from the surface. For vertical motion the expression is 12 Eang kn sinh kn(h+z) Gn cosh knh cos(knx-at+cn) (2.4) B. LIMITATIONS OF FIRST ORDER WAVE THEORY First order wave theory assumes an inviscid and incompressible fluid, irrotational flow and that the wave steepness ratio, a/L (amplitude to wave length), is very small. While a slightly more accurate representation of a random sea surface can be obtained using higher order theory, the non-linearity of these theories does not permit superposition of solutions to the wave equation. This in turn precludes analysis by spectral methods. First order theory can provide a good approximation to the wave processes for small to moderate conditions. Dean (1968) compared various wave theories and how well they fitted the dynamic and kinematic free surface boundary conditions. He showed that for waves with profiles having small values of slope in intermediate water depths, first order theory provides one of the better solutions to the wave equation. These two conditions were satisfied in this study which lends validity to the analysis performed. 13 III. INSTRUMENTATION The water particle velocities were measured with an Engineering Physics Company water current meter Model EMCM-3B. The sea surface elevation was measured with a Baylor Company wave staff system Model 13528. A. WATER CURRENT METER The EMCM-3B is an electromagnetic current measuring device which measures two orthogonal components of water particle velocity through a range of from zero to five meters per second. Two d.c. voltage signals proportional to the magnitude of the orthogonal velocity components are produced. The minimum electrical response time of the system is 0.2 seconds corresponding to frequency measurements of 5 Hertz. The output rms noise level is a function of the output time constant. A maximum noise level of 22.4 millivolts (-16db) occurs at a frequency of 5 Hertz. The maximum output error is one percent of full scale reading. The transducer is made of a fiberglass material. The dimensions of the transducer are 2-3/4 inches in diameter and 36 inches in length. The current meter operates by Faraday's principle of magnetic induction. A toroidal magnet imbedded in the cylindrical transducer produces a magnetic field in the water. The intensity of the field decreases according to the inverse square law. A potential distribution is 14 produced in the water flowing through the field and is sensed by two pairs of electrodes on the face of the transducer. The vector equation is ■+■*■-*■ E = u X B (3.1) -> -► where E is the induced electric potential, u is the ->■ velocity of the motion, and B is the intensity of the mag- netic field. It has been established that the magnitude of the induced potential E is independent of the conduc- tivity of the metered fluid provided the conductivity is above a threshold value of 10" 5 mhos per meter of fluid. Both fresh and salt water have conductivities several orders of magnitude above this threshold. The direction of the flow is indicated by a reversal of the polarity of the induced potential E when the flow reverses. The transducer senses the motion of the fluid in an area approximately two to three probe radii from the sensor. This limits the spatial resolution to approximately six times the diameter or 42 centimeters. A spatial resolution places a limitation on the frequency resolution. A wave having a wave length in deep water of 42 centimeters corresponds to approximately a 0.5 second period wave. This limits the frequency resolution to 2 Hertz. To increase the frequency resolution, it is necessary to use a smaller diameter transducer. The spatial resolution is the limitation of the response of electromagnetic flow meters as it is for other meters based on doppler shift or back scatter of acoustic or electromagnetic (laser) waves. 15 B. WAVE STAFF SYSTEM The Baylor Model 13528 is a wave profile recording system which measures instantaneous sea surface elevation as a function of time. Measurements are accurate within one percent of actual height. The system consists of three components, the wave staff, transducer, and recorder. The staff is constructed of two wire ropes held parallel by tension and spaced about nine inches apart. The staff is installed perpendicular to the water surface and is stretched with sufficient tension to resist movement due to wind and wave forces . The transducer unit measures the electrical resistance of the length of the staff above a short circuit between the elements of the staff produced by the motion of the conducting salt water of the sea's surface. A direct cur- rent voltage proportional to the height of the sea surface is taken across this fluctuating resistance. 16 IV. DATA PROCUREMENT AND PRE-PROCESSING A. DATA PROCUREMENT Experiments were conducted at the Naval Undersea Research and Development Center Oceanographic Research Tower at San Diego, California, 21 October 1971. The tower is approxi- mately one mile off Mission Beach in a mean water depth of 17 meters. The structure is of steel and concrete and is built into the sea floor. The sides of the tower are inclined at an angle of five degrees from the vertical. An enclosed upper deck houses electronic equipment while an open lower deck provides a working area to place instruments in the water. Winch controlled instrument carriages which travel on rails down the sides of the tower to about one meter above the sea floor are located on the north, south, and west sides of the tower. The carriages may be placed at any depth for data collection. The Baylor wave staff is installed on the west side of the tower adjacent to the carriage rails. The west carriage was chosen for placement of the current meter transducer due to the location of the wave staff and to the exposure of that side to the open sea and predominant swell. The current meter was installed on the carriage as shown in Figs. (1) and (2). With the transducer mounted vertically, two orthogonal components of the horizontal velocity field are measured. When the transducer is mounted horizontally, the total vertical field and one component of the horizontal field is measured. 17 Figure 1. EMCM-3B water current meter mounted to measure orthogonal components of the horizontal velocity field. The Baylor wave staff is to the left of the water current meter transducer. 18 Figure 2. EMCM-3B water current meter mounted to measure total vertical velocity and u component of horizontal velocity. The Baylor wave staff is to the left of the water current meter transducer . 19 Data chosen for analysis were taken during 4 recording periods each of 20 minutes duration. The instrument depths z (m) , height of water column h(m), and velocity components measured for each recording period are summarized in Table I TABLE I RUN h(m) depth z(m) instrument depth COMPONENT 1 18.15 4.12 u & V 2 18.15 5.34 u & w 3 18.15 8.35 u & w 4 18.00 10.00 U St w The current meter transducer was oriented to measure the u- component of horizontal velocity at an azmiuth of 27 0° true and the v-component of horizontal velocity at an azmiuth of 360° true. Throughout the recording time a bi-modal surface swell of about 0.3 meters height was visually observed with one component having a period of about 7 seconds from 285 true, and the other component with a period of about 5 seconds from 260° true. The surface was observed to be non-breaking with a wind capillary system present. The wind was from 310 true at a speed of about 8 knots. A moderate temperature gradient was present with a temperature of 17.5 q at the surface decreasing to 15.0°c at a depth of 18 meters. 20 B. DATA PRE-PROCESSING The velocity and wave height data were simultaneously recorded on a Sangamo Model 3500, 14 channel FM tape recorder. The taped data were transcribed to a rectilinear eight channel Clevite Brush recorder after amplification by a Krohn-Hite Model 3322 variable filter. The filter was operated in the 20 decibel gain, low pass, maximally flat mode with a cutoff frequency of 99.9 Khz. This resulted in a gain of ten with no filtering or phase shift. The two velocity components and the wave height were simultaneously recorded on adjacent channels of the brush recorder (Fig. 3) to conserve phase relationships during the digitizing process. A Calma Company Model 480 mechanical digitizer was used to digitize the continuous strip chart information at 100 points to the inch. This corresponded to a sampling interval of 0.2032 seconds. The digitized records were interpreted by program CONVERT (Lynch, 1970) using the CDC 6500 computer at the Fleet Numerical Weather Central, Monterey. 21 mi -i ■u n / ( S' ^ ^^> ~ c^^ iiii - IE "^ r r < || i L > IMS <3 !> x "> ^N^ ' L^ j|j| j]. Mi ipl iili ill <^ Wffltffl Jtfj ~^s (P si u' ^ IM 5 lg --*~ i ~p~1" SM \ T T .—- M r^ C'l -^ p*"j rn HI It „ s: * > III; , C ^ L 1; ik ' V- I tf * H W -H - \ Mv ^ oj ) I c3t ;t 1 ■■' c- s ^ > * j£ 'S> k ■ > r--^ ~^^ 7 ) ~^2_ I'll /if d 4'* > {[} ~> • ' > I1'' si ' will I 5lt II J §1 iiS ijilii; \ 5 IS ■ ^Xi < IT - li?' 1 l&E I Hi: -^ > TL if: <| frf ^> v C 11 I ... ■_/: 1 1 -P -C > cn -p •H •H CD U x; o rH cu (1) > > (0 £ H fO 5-1 -P O C i N fd •H CQ ^ 0 T3 XJ c 03 -P c >i D H f0 M-l U o •rH -p X3 l-l M 0) O > U CD M-l M 0 -P -p >-i c rC CD A c U o a CU £ •H 0 u o -p 1 U) 5 • PO CD U P Cn •H Cm 22 V. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS Analysis of the digitized records was performed on an IBM 360 digital computer in accordance with the methods of Blackman and Tukey (1958) . A. COMPUTATION OF THE ENERGY-DENSITY SPECTRUM The energy-density spectrum is computed from the Fourier transform of the auto-correlation function of the record time series. The auto-correlation function expressed as a function of lag time t, is defined as t+T lim f (t)= T+ co - / x1(t)x1(t+x)dt (5.1) t where x, (t) represents the time series being analyzed. The Fourier transform is lim 11 (f) = TSS i /,^1(T)e-i27TfT di (5.2) T " 2 A Parzen lag window was applied to the correlation functions to account for the finite length of the records in computing the spectra. The Parzen window has the desirable property of no negative side lobes. This elim- inates any numerical instability problems that may arise in the analysis procedure. The Parzen window function is defined between the limits of + Tm/2 as 23 P(T) - Tm r 1 2 ii f - 6 k\ i1 -^r] l (5.3) where Tm = total lag time. The Fourier transform function of the modified auto-correlation function is 00 $ll(f) = f P(T) <'11(T)e~l27TfT dx (5.4) — 00 The energy-density spectrum is the statistical estimate of the energy-density distribution in' the frequency bands comprising the spectrum. The area under the curve of the wave height spectrum is proportional to the total potential energy-density of the sea surface elevation. The area under the curve of the velocity spectrum is proportional to the total kinetic energy-density. In both instances, the area under the curve is equal to twice the variance of the random variable. B. COMPUTATION OF THE CROSS-SPECTRAL DENSITY The cross-spectral density is defined as the Fourier transform of the cross-correlation function. The lag window considerations are identical to those for the energy-density spectrum described above. The cross-correlation function is similar to the auto-correlation function except that a second time series record is lagged against the first instead of a single record lagged against itself. The cross-correla- tion function indicates the dependence of values of one 24 record on values of the second record for various values of lag time. The time averaged cross-correlation function is defined as T 1 im -i "2" 12(t) = T+°° ± J x1(t)x2(t+T) dt (5.5) T 1 and the cross-spectral density is 12 00 (f) = irP(T) c()12(T)e-i2TrfT di (5.6) where P(t) is the Parzen function defined above. The cross- spectrum can be defined in terms of its real and imaginary parts $12(f) = C12(f) " i Q12(f) (5*7) where the real part of <1> ~(f) is the co-spectrum C12(f) = 2 / [4>12(t) + C < CD en ft Figure 6. Phase Angle of Wave Height and u-Component of Horizontal Velocity. Depth 4.12 Meters, 21 October 1971. 30 B. VERTICAL VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS The predicted and measured vertical velocity energy- density spectra, and the phase angle and coherence spectra of the wave height and vertical velocity were computed for depths of 5.34, 8.35, and 10.00 meters. 1. Predicted and Measured Vertical Velocity Energy- Density Spectra The predicted vertical velocity energy-density spectrum was computed from the wave spectrum using the expression i ie\ 1 2 f sinh k(h+z) . ,n,2 ,, ~x lw(fH2=[_2¥ sinh kh j ln(f)|2 (6.2) The term in brackets is the first order vertical velocity amplitude response function squared. The predicted and measured energy-density spectra are shown in Figs. (7), (10), and (13). The spectral band of significant energy-density is essentially the same for the three depths measured, 0.05 to 0.35 Hertz. The magnitude of the measured energy spectrum is 3 0 to 50 percent greater than the predicted energy spectrum at each depth. This means that the actual velocities were 5 to 7 percent greater than theoretically predicted values. 2 . Coherence of Wave Height and Vertical Velocity The coherence for each depth are shown in Figs. (9), (12), and (15). The coherence is greater than 0.9 at each of the three depths over the range of significant energy- density. This indicates a high correlation between the wave and wave-induced vertical velocity spectra which means 31 X CM u d) +J a) S Figure 7. Measured and Theoretical Vertical Velocity Spectra. Depth 5.34 Meters, 21 October 1971 en CD Q) ^1 tn Figure 8. Phase Angle Between Wave Height and Vertical Velocity. Depth 5.34 Meters, 21 October 1971 Figure 9. Coherence of Wave Height and Vertical Velocity Depth 5.34 Meters, 21 October 1971. 32 IT) I O X u 0) -p Q) 2 measured a:.-; SEP Figure 10. n Cn 0) o rH S w rd si Measured and Theoretical Vertical Velocity Spectra. Depth 8.35 Meters, 21 October 1971 j s___ r^wA— 1 ■ ■ ■t ft 1 / Jul hz 1* t^J 1 J «J^J M Figure 11. Phase Angle Between Wave Height and Vertical Velocity. Depth 8.35 Meters, 21 October 1971 d) o c 0) u CD o u Figure 12. Coherence of Wave Height and Vertical Velocity Depth 8.35 Meters, 21 October 1971. 33 O X w u +J s measured Figure 13. Measured and Theoretical Vertical Velocity Spectra. Depth 10.00 Meters, 21 October 1971 u Q) T3 r-\ c < 0) Figure 14. Phase Angle Between Wave Height and Vertical Velocity. Depth 10.00 Meters, 21 October 1971 0) o c 0) u o u Figure 15. Coherence of Wave Height and Vertical Velocity Depth 10.00 Meters, 21 October 1971. 34 that most of the instantaneous measured velocity is due to the waves and turbulent energy contributions to the spectra is small. 3. Phase Angle Between Wave Height and Vertical Velocity The theoretical phase angle between wave height and vertical velocity is 90 degrees. The measured phase spectrum at a depth of 5.34 meters, shown in Fig. (8), corresponds well to this theoretical value. The phase spectrum at 8.35 meters, shown in Fig. (11), is uniformly greater than 100 degrees and decreases across the band of significant energy- density. The phase spectrum at a depth of 10.00 meters, Fig. (14), shifted from approximately plus 90 degrees to minus 90 degrees across the band of significant energy- density which was not expected. The coherence through this range is uniformly high. This phase shift is partly due to a horizontal displacement of the current meter transducer from a vertical line to the wave staff. This is discussed below, but the shift cannot be fully explained. The 10.00 meter run in which this occurred was measured sequentially between the 5.34 and 8.35 meter runs which did not show a similar phase shift. All three runs were conducted in a two hour period; this tends to discount the possibility of equipment malfunction. This suggests a phase shifting departing from the theoretical increasing with depth, but more experiments need to be conducted before any definite conclusions can be made. 35 4. Phase Angle Error The rails on which the instrument carriage was mounted are inclined at an angle of 5 degrees from the vertical. This inclination caused the current meter transducer to be displaced horizontally from a line vertical to the Baylor wave staff at the depths of measure- ment. The magnitude of this displacement was 0.467, 0.732, and 1.068 meters respectively at the measured depths of 5.34, 8.35, and 10.00 meters. The displacements resulted in a phase error due to the time lag between sensing of the waves by the current meter and the wave staff. The maximum percentage error was computed by employing the first order expressions for n and the w- component n = a sin(kx-at) = a cos [90° - (kx-at)] (6.3) w = W cos (kx-at) = W cos [180° - (kx-at)] (6.4) where W is the amplitude of the vertical velocity. The bracketed terms in each expression are the phase angles, e = 90° - (kx-at) (6.5) and ew = 180° - (kx-at) . (6.6) Using the wave staff as a reference, the x term in e is set equal to zero, so that e = 90° - at (6.7) n and the phase difference Ae is 36 Ae = £w-en = Ae = 90°- kx (6.8) where x is the horizontal distance between the wave staff and the current meter transducer. If x is equal to zero, the theoretical phase angle of 90° is obtained. The percentage error is /360\ \2* I Percent Error = j« | The percent error of the maximum computed phase spectra for each depth has been plotted in Figs. (16), (17), and (18) . The amplitudes of the actual phase spectra are smaller than those of the computed phase spectra by the indicated percentage at each frequency. The error is small at low frequencies and increases at the higher frequencies where the ratio of the horizontal displacement of the cur- rent meter to the length of the waves is high. 5. Percent Error of Predicted and Measured Energy-Density Spectra The percentage error of the energy-density spectra for each depth are shown in Figs. (19), (20), and (21). The error rapidly decreases to low values (25 to 50 percent) at low frequencies and remains uniform across the range in which the coherence is high. The average error over the band of significant energy-density was highest (45 percent) for the measurement at 5.34 meters. The average error was approximately the same (30 percent), over the band of signif- icant energy-density for the measurements at 8.35 and 10.00 meters. The actual error between the predicted and measured 37 M O u u w Figure 16. Phase Angle Error Between Wave Height and Vertical Velocity. Depth 5.34 Meters, 21 October 1971. u o u u pq 0.1 0.2 hz 0.3 0.4 Figure 17. Phase Angle Error Between Wave Height Vertical Velocity. Depth 8.35 Meters, 21 October 1971. and u o u u w OP 0.1 0.2 hz 0.3 0.4 Figure 18. Phase Angle Error Between Wave Height and Vertical Velocity. Depth 10.00 Meters, 21 October 1971. 38 CM © - x o u 0) i M w fd -P c -l (U 0 u M 0) M J3 w 0 / u dP I 1 r? __ LI o:: 1 "n - -v- hz _£X. nty Figure 20. Percentage Error of Measured and Theoretical Vertical Velocity Spectra and Coherence (dashed line) of Wave Height and Measured Vertical Velocity. Depth 8.35 Meters, 21 October 1971. Q) o u a 0 0) u u u 0) w si o dp u Figure 21. Percentage Error of Measured and Theoretical Vertical Velocity Spectra and Coherence (dashed line) of Wave Height and Measured Vertical Velocity. Depth 10.00 Meters, 21 October 1971. 39 velocity amplitudes is the square root of these values and amounts to approximately 5 to 7 percent. 6. Current Meter Calibration The current meter was calibrated under steady flow conditions in a circular tow tank. The boundary layer under steady flow on the face of the transducer is greater than that for unsteady flow. The instrument essentially inte- grates the intensity of the potential which decreases in intensity as the reciprocal of the square of the distance from the transducer. The steady flow calibration will indicate a faster flow than for unsteady flow. This indi- cates that the measured flow will be over-predicted. The orbital velocities measured in this investigation were of an unsteady turbulent nature indicating that a calibration error exists. The magnitude of this error is presently unknown. A method of calibrating the current meter under turbulent conditions is currently being developed at the Naval Postgraduate School. Re-calibration under dynamic conditions is expected to reduce the errors computed in this investigation. C. ANALYSIS OF HORIZONTAL VELOCITY COMPONENT AND VERTICAL VELOCITY The coherence and phase angle of the u-component of ■ horizontal velocity and the vertical velocity were computed for measurements at depths of 5.34, 8.35, and 10.00 meters and are shown in Figs. (22, (23), and (24). 40 According to first order wave theory, the horizontal and vertical orbital velocities have a phase angle dif- ference of 90 degrees with the w-component leading the u-component . The theoretical coherence is equal to unity. The computed values for the measurements at 5.34 and 8.3 5 meters agree quite well with theory. The coherence is 0.9 through the region of significant energy-density. The coherence of the velocities at 10.00 meters is also 0.9 but the phase angle again exhibits peculiar behavior as it did between the wave height and vertical velocity discussed above. More data are required to explain this phenomenon. 41 CO CD CD U Cr> CD T3 CD rH CT> C < CD W id CD u c CD u CD X! O U Phase Angle Between Vertical and Horizontal Velocity Component. Depth 5.34 Meters, 21 October 1971. Coherence of Vertical and Horizontal Velocity Component. Depth 5.34 Meters, 21 October 1971 Figure 22. Phase Angle and Coherence 5.34 Meters 21 October 1971. 42 w CD CD u tr<