Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ears ee kas emia bao te it ae ange Lips ott a PAN AL a ae pce : : oot. “stp ees or ; a eat 165 of “bootie azike endure 7 eras Aled 3 > SEE SO toler ipo oh E- Sigs ilies : qodd svat biieia totanet eds aos ye. bobrans guolve @ : ptpenk: é7uPifseo aotasingpio- sit Vigan eee 9d ie es dinida: ough bf cae ail ears. er eget itt bail nate edt os Hgaiirion vasaearags Sonvihoat ona: 207%. e “es ; > Pde Se = | pe | ante stds? O _ Be caeciats PIs * o - 9 S x ri roa ; ti i Bath. teh i. § air Gx , el E- A = ad 7 * id ‘ HF r me ake ay os : . > eae < om = trike i. ‘ Bis 5 tthe ae f ia) * “, : . . | ee hats TenGrreaeaxKe. Nee = : ‘as ik te, =" MOREE Es Ee vee WDA A eO: ee She oa ut SERIO IOS HO) TUALATISIS BRT ee tt Pie Rees lecetes PARE TiS NAa tO > Pa ees a oo So wt EROS rae 5 at 7 Pete BS pert = Me ; +3 P Be 3) rt mg bees 2 ogee “ya00 Rag eres 8 - - = ~ ba ~ 2 . ee - cd i = = F ‘ are 7 ry , - ~ o- - = ta] = ey Co i . - - 7 5 “_, ee oon very - a . sail Ce as - SS ta é rq + Bie hc ee 8) te ae aie Li. « i \ es jay! , oat ee rae J cee Ct ete 7; his eee Zap, - + + a UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Y BULLETIN No. 714 Ya Contribution from the Bureau of Plant Industry > aI WM. A. TAYLOR, Chief Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER August 9, 1918 SPOILAGE OF CRANBERRIES AFTER HARVEST. By C. L. SHEAR and NE E. STEVENS, Pathologists; R. B. Witcox and B. A. Rupo.ipeH, Scientific Assistants, Fruit-Disease Investigations. (The work done in Massachusetts was in cooperation with the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. ) CONTENTS. Page Page. Tim troduebl ONE ess ssa a ee ise ee ces = Dy al Cho ho Yea Ieee ee a IR a ee pene nic 6 Causes of the cranberry spoilage...........-. 2 miportancernssias 2 sccsse cacao CR eee 6 DS RUISIN eee eee SERS ARs oes (tars Py tae a as 2 Principal cranberry fungi which cause Din ytee @Wbpes a oon ce SoS See eee EIS aa ie 3 TRU G LOLS ore eee oe a A are 6 Natural ripening processes.................-. 4 Control of fungous diseases.............-- 7 SIMOLMERIMI Rees eee ee SE eLE SEES SSE AC Summary 2 bh sake ee eee eres ce eee 18 Conditions which cause smothering. ..... Ap bracticalisugees ti OMS yas see ee 19 AWW UCTAS LOR AS Cee ee ere fe ae ene eee te OF | aiteClLatune:clted seepeeeee eee eee rem eree 20 Prevention ofsmothering................ 5 INTRODUCTION. IMPORTANCE OF SPOILAGE AFTER HARVEST. Three million dollars’ worth of cranberries are, on the average, produced annually in the United States. Although effective control measures are practiced by many growers, a considerable portion of the crop, certainly not less than 10 per cent, is lost through fungous diseases before the fruit is picked. Large losses also frequently ap- pear after picking. In some respects this spoilage is more trouble- some than that which occurs earlier. Fruit which spoils after it is packed and shipped has cost the grower for handling and packing, and further expense is frequently involved in claims for allowances, shipments refused, inspection, and sometimes reseparating at the market. On the average, at least 15 per cent of the crop is estimated to be lost between the field and the consumer. A less obvious but even more serious effect upon the demand for and sale of cranberries is that produced by marketing spoiled fruit. “Time and again,” says Mr. A. U. Chaney (3, p. 30), “have I no- 1 The serial numbers in parentheses refer te ‘‘ Literature cited’ (p. 20). 2 BULLETIN 714, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ticed that a retailer who has unsound and unattractive fruit in his store has blocked his sale of cranberries.” As the trade becomes more and more critical, not only of cranberries but of other fruits, the time is rapidly approaching when (2, p. 80) “ growers must recognize the absolute necessity of producing fruit that will be sound when it goes before the consumer.” PLAN OF THE PR®SENT WORK. The senior writer has carried on investigations of the diseases of cranberries since 1901. During the past two years (1916 and 1917), however, the problem has been taken up with special reference to the iosses which occur after picking. Field work and storage experi- ments have been carried on in Massachusetts and New Jersey; labora- tory studies of material shipped from these areas and from Wiscon- sin, Michigan, Oregon, Maine, and West Virginia have been made at Washington, D. C.; fruit has been inspected and studied in most of the important markets east of the Mississippi River; and experimen- tal shipments have been made from cranberry-growing centers to Washington. New York, and Chicago. So far as practicable, the field work in New Jersey and in Massachusetts has been conducted along similar lines, in order to avoid errors due to peculiar local con- ditions. The investigations in Massachusetts have been carried on in co- operation with the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, the work at the State bog at East Wareham being in charge of Dr. H. J. Franklin (4, 5). Prof. F. W. Morse, of the experiment sta- tion, has also taken up certain important phases of cranberry respi- ration in relation to spoilage. While the investigations are not yet complete, the present paper aims to present the more important re- sults and the conclusions thus far obtained in order that they may be immediately available to cranberry growers. CAUSES OF CRANBERRY SPOILAGE. The spoilage of cranberries is due in general to one or more of the following causes: Freezing, insect work, briusing, drying out, natural ripening processes, fungous rots, and smothering. The writers pro- pose to employ the term smothering to designate the pathological conditions produced in fruits by sufficient interference with respira- tion, whatever the cause of this interference. As the cause of freezing and the means of its prevention are well understood and the work of insects is outside the province of this paper, these two causes of spoilage will not be discussed. BRUISING. Loss due to bruising is by no means confined to actual crushing of berries by careless handling or spilling in sorting or packing houses, __ a SPOILAGE OF CRANBERRIES AFTER HARVEST. 3 though this is in itself a cause of considerable loss and should be carefully guarded against. 3 Very important and more difficult to eliminate are the numerous unnoticed injuries occurring in the processes of harvesting, separat- ing (milling), sorting (hand screening), and packing the fruit. It has been shown that these injuries, while too slight to affect the im- mediate sale of the fruit, indirectly bring about serious losses by starting decay. This relation of bruising to the starting of fungous rot will be considered later. | Slightly injured berries also dry out and shrivel much more quickly than sound fruit. Shrinkage in storage will be reduced, therefore, by care in harvesting and handling the fruit. DRYING OUT. Cranberries held in storage will gradually shrink even though no decay occurs. An experienced observer (6, 1913, p. 20) estimates this shrinkage as high as 10 per cent in the case of Karly Black cran- berries held in common storage at the bog for late trade. A part of this loss is due to the natural ripening processes mentioned below and part in some cases to the actual loss of water by evaporation. Bruising the fruit increases its rate of drying out and shriveling. The rate at which water is lost by evaporation depends in part di- rectly on the moistness of the air. In tests made by keeping weighed quantities of cranberries in containers with air of known humidity it was found that for any given temperature the loss in weight in- creased with the decrease in the humidity of the air. (Table I.) TasiLeE I.—Decrease in the weight of cranberries of the Howe variety held for 386 days in air of different humidities at certain temperatures. Relative humidity (per cent). Air conditions. Temperature 5° to 10° C. (41° to 50° F.): IGOSSHBSWCION Leesan aa cise mii ai per cent... 0 4 5 6 9 Temperature 2° to 5° C. (36° to 41° F.): Wossimewel eh Geet oe cls os \sinacicisioes «esis = doses 5 1 & 3 4.5 6 a Over concentrated sulphuric acid. Tt is evident from these results that considerable humidity in the air of the storehouse is desirable to prevent the drying out of the fruit. Under the conditions ordinarily obtaining in cranberry store- houses the humidity is sufficient to prevent any serious loss from dry- ing. In New Jersey the higher temperatures after picking are favor- able for drying, and under some conditions of storage fruit kept for a long time may actually shrivel. It should be mentioned in this connection that in a series of tests extending through both 1916 and 1917, in which cranberries of both 4 BULLETIN 714, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the Early Black and the Howe varieties were kept in containers of known humidity, using a method already described by one of the writers (13), no direct relation was found between the humidity. of the air and the amount of rot of the fruit. Berries kept as well in very moist air as in drier air unless they were actually wet. NATURAL RIPENING PROCESSES. Like other fruits, the cranberry when picked is a living organism, carrying on its vital activities, which may be referred to in general as ripening processes. Of these processes one of the most important is respiration. Under normal conditions the respiration of a fruit is marked by taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxid. In this process the living matter of the fruit is broken down and the berry gradually loses weight. If continued long enough this process would end in the destruction of the berry. It has been demonstrated that _ respiration goes on more rapidly at high than at low temperatures; consequently, the cooler the berries can be kept without freezing the longer they will live and the better will be their condition. SMOTHERING. CONDITIONS WHICH CAUSE SMOTHERING. In a paper published with the report of the Massachusetts Cranberry Station for 1916 (11) the writers called attention to the spoilage of cranberries caused by insufficient ventilation. As pointed out at that time, cranberries kept in tight cans or in an atmosphere of carbon dioxid lose their crispness and bright color, become dull red and flaccid, and taste bitter. Since this kind of spoilage is apparently caused by conditions which check normal respiration, the writers designate it as smothering. Experience has shown that whenever cranberries of good keeping quality are cov- ered with some inert gas, such as carbon dioxid, buried for some time in a big pile of berries, shut up in a tight container, kept under water, or subjected to other conditions which prevent normal res- piration, smothering occurs. The exact causes of this spoilage, as well as the nature of the changes brought about in the fruit, are now the subject of investigation by Prof. F. W. Morse, of the Massa- chusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. When berries are under water or under carbon dioxid, death due to smothering occurs in a short time, often in one to two weeks, whereas in tight containers or in large piles it results so slowly that if the berries are of inferior keeping quality fungous rot may de- stroy them before the effect of smothering appears. In case rot- producing fungi are present, they develop rapidly on the weakened berries, and a mass of rotten fruit results. SPOILAGE OF CRANBERRIES AFTER HARVEST. 5 WATER STORAGE. Storing cranberries under water is frequently recommended as a means of keeping them for long periods. Berries stored in this way soon die as a result of smothering. They can not, however, wither, nor do they decay, since the growth of rot-producing fungi is pre- vented. Water-stored berries do not have the bitter taste character- istic of most smothered fruit and are therefore suitable for cook- ing if used as soon as removed from the water. Such berries are, of course, unsalable. The effect of storing cranberries in tight packages and under water as compared with storage in ventilated packages was shown by a series of tests made at the State experimental cranberry bog, Kast Wareham, Mass. In one experiment, uniform lots of appar- ently sound berries, of both the Early Black and the Howe varie- ities, were stored dry in closed bottles, under water in bottles, and in ventilated boxes. The results of this test are given in Table II. TABLE II.—Results of storing cranberries under different conditions for 386 days. Number of berries. Total Conditions of storage. ee Bees Total. | Rotten.) Smothered. cent). Temperature 38° to 8° C. (37° to 46° F.): Wnderwaterninshottles cs secmoncceee soe ce ciwecece sss cnlecmicisecs 0 All, a 100 iniclosedjhottleidty.2t5.2ssa-5- eee es qian seee 1,054 777 | None apparent. 74 mavemttlaveds b Oar ecist eles cise sinner eis ee eeioe ,----| 1,364 382 0 28 a As explained in the text, these berries were still fit for cooking. The results shown in Table IT are typical of those obtained in other tests, some of which were carried out at much higher temperatures and with other varieties of cranberries, and have been further sub- stantiated on a commercial scale by shipments in various types of packages and by storage tests. These will be considered later. PREVENTION OF SMOTHERING. Smothering may be prevented by ventilation. Berries should be stored in ventilated boxes, never in barrels, and the boxes should be so piled as to allow circulation of air through the berries. Cran- berry storehouses should be provided with ventilators, which should be opened whenever cold air can be admitted without danger of freezing. Ventilated packages should be used where practicable. These points are also of importance in the control of fungous dis- eases and are discussed further in that connection. 6 BULLETIN 714, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FUNGI. IMPORTANCE. The writers’ observations (10) indicate that rot-producing fungi cause at least one-half of all the loss in cranberries after picking. These fungi are, however, by no means of uniform importance in different regions or in different seasons. A study of a number of neighboring bogs during a single year or of a single bog through a series of years can not fail to impress the investigator with the ex- treme variation in the loss due to decay. An illustration of the variation in the amount of rot over a con- siderable area in different seasons is found in the annual reports of the board of inspectors of the New England Cranberry Sales Co. for the last five years, as given by the chairman, Mr. H. S. Griffith (6). The crop of 1918 was described as “remarkably free from fungous disease”; in 1914 and in 1915 there was a large percentage of un- sound fruit: the crop for 1916 was unusually sound up to November 1, after which a noticeable, though not very serious, amount of end- rot developed; the crop for 1917 was in general of good keeping quality, with a small amount of fungous disease. As these inspectors determine the brand of the crops from representative bogs over much of the Massachusetts cranberry area, their reports, no doubt, repre- sent fairly well the condition for the entire region. The prevalence of rot in some seasons seems to be associated with weather conditions which would favor the growth and spread of fungi. Our knowledge of these relations is too shght, however, to permit of very definite conclusions. Differences in the amount of rot on different bogs or on various portions of one bog are often related either to lack of vigor or to excessive growth of the vines, due to various causes. These relations will be considered later. PRINCIPAL CRANBERRY FUNGI WHICH CAUSE FRUIT ROTS. The fungi which cause the decay of cranberries after they are picked are in a large part those which attack the fruit on the vines. The molds which cause decay of such perishable fruits as strawberries and raspberries are rarely found on cranberries and are, therefore, of slight importance. Among the diseases which are the principal causes of losses of cranberries in storage are early-rot (8), caused by Guignardia vac- cinti Shear, which is also the cause of scald and blast, and which is especially destructive to fruit on the vines and early in the season in New Jersey; end-rot (9),caused by /usicoccum putrefaciens Shear, common on fruit in storage, especially late in the season and in the northern cranberry regions; bitter-rot, caused by Glomerella cingu- lata vaccinii Shear; ripe-rot,caused by Sporonema oxycocci Shear: and blotch-rot, caused by Acanthorhynchus vaccinii Shear. Soft-rot, SPOILAGE OF CRANBERRIES AFTER HARVEST. 7 caused by Penzcillium spp., is rather common on fruit held late in storage, but is usually associated with other rots, and is not of great importance. Ripe-rdt develops at a lower temperature than any of the other rots, except end-rot, and is most frequent in Massa- chusetts. CONTROL OF FUNGOUS DISEASES. Bog Management. Since all the fungi which cause important storage rots of cran- berries are found on the bogs and in large part gain entrance to the berries before they are picked, control measures should begin with the bog. Not all of the factors which determine the abundance of fungi are understood at present; in fact, it sometimes seems as if a bog is free from rot-producing fungi in spite of the treatment it receives rather than because of its management. Certain phases of bog management seem, however, to have a direct relation to the keeping quality of the fruit produced. An excessive growth of vines, whether produced by too much nitrogenous plant food or some other cause, generally results in diseased fruit. Many cranberry growers believe that frequent flooding to prevent injury from early frosts in the fall seriously affects the keeping qual- ity of the fruit, although this is not uniformly the case. The writers had under observation one bog which during the fall of 1917 was completely submerged on 12 nights, and the fruit still showed excep- tional keeping quality. | If the water is held for a considerable period Pon envieeie how- ever, the result is very likely to be disastrous. Cranberries of the Early Black variety on the Massachusetts State bog, which had been submerged for two weeks after the bulk of the crop was harvested, showed a great increase in the rot of the flooded fruit as compared with the a harvested before the flooding. In this case, indeed, a serious infection of Sporonema oxycocci (ripe-rot) occurred on the berries which had been submerged. Only a few of the berries picked before this flooding were found to be infected with this fungus. In northern cranberry regions during cold periods bogs are sometimes floodec and the water held so long that the fruit may be actually smothered. This practice is certain to injure the fruit. The holding of winter flowage until mid-July, thus sacrificing one season’s crop, is occasionally practiced in both Massachusetts and New Jersey as a means of reducing pests; this is one of the treat- ments recommended by Franklin (4) and by Scammell (7) for the reduction of several destructive insects. During the year following this treatment a large crop of berries of excellent keeping quality is said to be obtained, and the benefits, both in the reduction of field rot and in the improvement of keeping quality, are frequently said to persist for several years. 8 BULLETIN 714, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Spraying. Thorough spraying has been found in all localities to reduce rot _and improve the keeping quality of the fruit. In New Jersey and on Long Island, where there is always considerable loss from fun- gous disease before picking and where spraying has been practiced in some cases for 10 years, thorough spraying has been found profitable and no injury to the vines has been observed. Experiments were conducted with the Early Black variety at Whitesbog, N. J., during 1917 to determine the times at which Bordeaux mixture should be applied in order to.control fungous dis- eases most effectively and economically. Blast, early-rot, and a storage rot, all due to Guignardia vaccinii Shear, were the principal causes of loss on this bog during the year. Bordeaux mixture of the formula 44-50, with about 1 pound of resin-fishoil soap, was used throughout the experiments. A single thorough application of Bordeaux mixture after the blos- som buds had begun to open increased the total yield by more than 10 per cent (from 1738 to 192 bushels per acre) by controlling blossom blast. Two applications before blossoming were no more éffective than one. An application immediately before the spring reflow showed no effect in the control of fungi. No trace of the spray was observed on the vines when the water was removed. The applica- tions before blossoming had no effect in reducing the rotting of the fruit after picking. Protection of the berries from infection during the first month of their growth resulted in very satisfactory control of both field and storage rots. This was accomplished by two thorough applica- tions, one near the close of the blossoming period (before all the petals had fallen) and another two weeks later. By these applica- tions alone the total yield was increased, the rot at picking time was reduced from more than 20 per cent to less than 2 per cent, and stor- age rot from 6.7 per cent to 1.9 per cent. These two sprays applied at the proper time effected a saving of 44 bushels of marketable cranberries per acre, or one-fourth of the crop. Any delay in mak- ing the first application after blossoming resulted in a marked in- crease in both field rot and storage rot. A third application after blossoming was of no increased benefit in these experiments. It must be repeated, however, that early-rot was the only fungous trouble of importance on this bog; furthermore, the berries were picked before the middle of September. It is doubt- ful whether two applications after blossoming will give satisfactory control with all varieties or where other diseases, such as bitter-rot, are concerned.