MUSKETT'S 'S REGISTER, OK GAME BOOK. Note. — This Book is kept of various sizes, price Is. ; 2s. 6rf. ; 6s. bSSii. and upwards. Also an interleaved edition for additional remarks. Price Five ji^liillings. ^^m^^^wm^^^^^^'w^^^mii^ Lit"**'' ^„, Of fins*''*" VKILLIAH A ■»«'' I'*"" """' MMlYfHIItY Of riMSfliiHe'- UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Darlington M.emorial Litr THE SPORTSMAN'S REGISTER, GAME BOOK. CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF ALL GAME KILLED AND HOW DISPOSED OF, From 18 , to^ 18 PRINTED AND SOLD BY CHARLES MUSKETT, OLD HAYMARKET. LONDON: LONGMAN, BKOWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. <=> CM 'O 00 rC 00 '5 ^=o |X to "\ en ^=^t^ ^^=00 / 1 .'**' GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WIIEEE KILLED. Pheasants- Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Ilaie. Rabbit. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled m the IVeek Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridg'e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. P;.r- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild I'oivl. ILiic. TuT.lI.. Cocks. Hens. Rabbit. BY WUO.M KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. ! i GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Piir- tridge. Wonil- cock. Snipe. Willi I'oivl. ILirc. Rabbit. ToT.\I.. Cocks. Hens. Bl WHOM KILLED. Total of each Jailed m the Week Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock, Snipe. Wild Fon-l. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. ■ GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WIIEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild FohK Hare. Rabbit. ToT.VL. Cocks. Hens. B\ WHOM KILLED. Total of each Jailed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Grouse Phca Cocks. sants. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. ■VVhen Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. ^yHEBE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Tonl. ILue. Rabbit. TOT.^I.. Cocks. Hens. BY WIIO.M KILLED. Total of each lulled in the Week Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit ANTien Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. • GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wooil- cock. Snipe. Wild Foul. ILue. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. ■Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. ■ GAME KILLED. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild l''owl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. BY WHO.M KILLED. Corks. Hens. Total of each Idlled in the iVcck Total of Wed: OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Pai- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fowl. Hwe. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Heus. GAME KILLED. Jlontb. Day. M'HEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild Foul. Hare. Rabbit. TOT.IL. Cocks. Hens. n"S WnO.M KILLED. Total of each MUcd in the IVeek Tutal of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Jlonth. Day. WIIEKE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild roivl.- Uare. llaljbit. TOT.VL. Cocks. Hens. Total of each IciUcd in the IVcek Total of Wech. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. ■nud Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Jlonth. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Pheasants. P.u- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. "Wild Cocks. Hens. Fonl.- Total of each Inllcd in the IVeeli TutaJ of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. ■Wild Rabbit. ■\\Tien Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Fowl. Obser\ations- GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. P.u- tridg-e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. 1 _ Cocks. Hens. llabbit I iOTAL. B'S WHOM KILLED. Total of each hiUal in the Week Total of Wceh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. "WTien Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Obser\ations. GAME KILLED. Day. ■WUEKE KILLED. Grouse riieasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Wild Hare. Babbit. T0T.\L. Cocks. Hens. Snipe. Fowl. Total of each Idlhd in the Week Total of Wecl: OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grousf Pheasants. Par- tridge. "Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fowl. Babbit ■\Vhen Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. , GAME KILLED. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Font. Hare. Uabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tiidg-e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. Month. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Far- tridg-e. Wood- cock. Snipe. AYild Fonl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By lAhom Sent. Cocks. liens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Have. Rabbit TOT.VL. Cocks. Hens. B'i WHOM KILLED. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. ^Yood- cock. Snipe. ■Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. Hy uhom Sent. Observations. Grouse Cock5. Hens. i GAME KILLED. llonth. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild lowl. H.are. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cook. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hons. GAME KILLED. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Pai-- trid^e. Wootl- cock. Snipe. WUd Tonl. Hare. TOI.VL. Cocks. Hens. Kabbit. B'i WHOM KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Weeh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Grouse Phcas Cocks. ants. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Eabhit. When Sent. By uhoni Sent. Observations. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd I'owl. Ilaie. Ilabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. B"S WHO.M KILLED. Total of each Jcilledin the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Grouse Pheas Cocks. ants. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Uabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. GAME KILLED. T,... WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd I'onl. Hare. Total. Cocks. Hens. Itabbit. B"S WHO.M KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Weeh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. >'AME6. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. r.... WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild i'onl. Hare. Ilabbit. TUT.VL. Cocks. Hens. B"S WHO.M KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. 1 NAMES. Groust Phcas Cocks. ants. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Babbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. GAME KILLED. llonth. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild I'onl. Hare. TOT.VL. Cocks. Hens. Rabbit. BY WHO.M KILLED. Total of each killed in the JVeek Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. KAMEB. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WUEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheas.ints. P.-iv- tridje. Wood- cock. Saipe. Wild Towl. Hare. Kabbit. ToT.VL. Cocks, Hens. B'i WHO.M KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Weeh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- triiige. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare, Babbit. ^Yhen Sent. By uhoni Sent. Observations. KAMES. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Mouth. Day. M'HEKE KILLED. Grouse Phe.isants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Suipe. Wild Rabbit. TOT.IL. Cocks. Hens. Fou]. Total of each killed in the Wech ■ Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. Cocks. Hens. By whom Sent. Obsen-ations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridgre. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild Foivl. Ilarc, Rab\iit. T0T.1L. BY WHOM KILLED. Month. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pher\sants. Par- ti-iiife. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fo«l. Hare. Eabbit When Sent. By ivliom Sent. Obsen-ations. NAMES. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Pheasants. P.ii- tridge. WooJ- cock. Snipe. Wild liabbit TOT.IL. Cocks. Hens. Fo«l. Hai-e. BY WIIO.M KILLED. • Total of each hilled in the If'^eek Total of JFee/,: OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. AVood- cock. Wild Hare. Rabbit "When Sent. By M horn Sent. Obsenation;. Cocks. liens. S'"l«- Fo^l. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Pav- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Ton). Hare. Rabbit. TOT.\I.. Cocks. Hens. Total of each MJlcd in the Wech Total of WeoJi. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fo«l. Hare. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Month, Day. WIIEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fonl. Hare. Kabbit. ToT.lL. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. ■Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By ^^hom Sent. Grouse Cocks. Hens. Observalions. i i • 1 1 1 1 GAME KILLED. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild I'owl. ILue. _ Cocks. Hens. Rabbit. TuT.vL. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. tririge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Foivl Hare. Kabbit When Sent. By i\hom Sent. Grouse Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. ■\VHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fonl. Hiue. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. BY WUOM KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Weeh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tritlge. Wood- cock, Snipe. Wild Fowl. Haie. Babbit. When Sent. By i\hom Sent. NAMES. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse rheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Babbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. BY WnO>I KILLED. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Babbit, When Sent. By whom Sent. Obsen-ations. Cocks. liens. , GAME KILLED. Day. WIIEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Eoivl. Hare. Rabbit. ToT.\L. BY WHOM KILLED. Month. Cocks. Hens. Tufal of each Jiilled in the U'eck Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl, Hare. Ealjbit When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Giousc Pheasauts. Par- tridge. Wood- cock, Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hiire. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the fVeek Total of Wceh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. G rousi- Pheasants. Par- ti-idge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Giousc Pheasants. P.-iv- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Foul. Hare. Rabbit. TOT.^L. Cocks. Hens. Total of each Idlled hi the Week Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tiidje. Wood- cock, Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. ■\Mien Sent. By «hom Sent. Cooks. Hens. Obsei-vations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Giousc Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Suipe. Wild Fowl. Ilarc. Rabbit. TOT.IL. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. XAMES. Grouse Phca Cocks. ants. Hens. Par- U"i(lge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild l-owl. Hare. Kabbit. When Sent. By Mhoni Sent. Observations. GAME KILLED. AVHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild Fonl. Hare. 1 Cocks. Hens. • Total of each Jdllcd m the WeeJc Total of JVeelc. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By wliom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. ^VHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Siiipe. Wild Foul. Iluie. Cocks. Hens. Total of each liilledin the IVee/c Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Grouse Phcas Cocks. ants. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit When Sent. By i\hom Sent. Observations, GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Suipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. Month. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. i Cocks. Hens. Observations. 1 GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Suipe. Wild I'oivl. Ilrire. Rabbit. Total. Month. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tiidje. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By uliom Sent. Cocks. Heiii. Obsenations. 1 ! i GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WUEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Willi ro«i. n.irc. Uabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. liV WHO.M KILLED. Total of each Jailed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tririg-e. Wood- cock, Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wo-kI- cock. Snipe. M'iM l^oirl. Il.are. Ralibit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Phoasnnts. Par- trifig'e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Babbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hons. 1 1 ! GAME KILLED. Day. WJIEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Pa.- tridg^e. Woid- cock. Snipe. Wild Koivl. H.arc. Babbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each MUed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Phensants. Par- tridge. AYood- cock. Snipe. Wild FoivL Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By uhom Sent. Cocks. liens. ' 1 1 GAME KILLED. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Suipe. Wild youl. Hare. TuTAL. Cocks. Hens. i Total of each Jailed in the Week Total of IVeeL OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED or. Grouse Pheasant?. Par- tridge. TVood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fowl. Hare. Eabbit VThen Sent. By ■\\hom Sent. Observationy. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild roivl. Hare. Rabbit. TOT.VL. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grou5L' PlK;ii;mts. Pav- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Ilaxe. Babbit. When Sent. By u horn Sent. Obscrva.tions. Cocks. Ileus. • GAME KILLED. Jloiith. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Giouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Cocks. liens. Foivl. TOT.U. Total of each MlMin the WecJi Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasant?. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fo«l Hare. Rabbit VChen Sent. By i\hom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. • GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Pav- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. Cocks, Hens. Total of each hiUed in the IVeek Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fo^\l Hare. Rabbit Observation-. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Foul. Hare. Babbit. TOT.VL. Corks. Hens. B'S WHOM IvILLhU. 1 Total of each Jcilhd In the Weeh Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Phc.isants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. ■\Vhcn Sent. By Mhom Sent. Cocks. liens. Obsenaiions. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WIIEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Corks. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Willi Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. BY WHOM KII.M-I). Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. VThen Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. Grouse Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. \yoxl. cock. Snipe. Wild I'oivl. Hare. Rabbit. TOT.IL. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Weeh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. H.ire. Babbit When Sent. By Mliom Sent. Obsersations. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. D.y. ■SVHERE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. WooU- cock. Snipe. Wiia Poui. Have. Rabbit. Total Cocks. Hens. • Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- ti-idge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fonl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By "hom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Moiitli. Grouse Plieasaiits. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Foivl. Il.ire. Rabbit Total. BY WHOM KII.I.1;D. JJaj-. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the Wech Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. ■\N'ood- cock. Snipe. Wild Foul. Hare. Babbit When Sent. By ivhom Sent. Observations. NAMl-.S. urouse Cocka. Hens. GAME KILLED. Bay. WHEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild I'owl. H,i.e. Cocks, Hens. Rabbit. TOT.VL. BY WHOM KILLED. - Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Cil-oil^e Plicasants. Par- tvitlge. ■Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By ivhom Sent. Obscr\ali<>n?. Cocks. IlfllS. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridg:e. Wooil- cock. Snipe. Wild Foivl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. BY WHOM KILLED. Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Phcas^ints. Tar- triilge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WiUl Fowl. Ilaie. Rabbit ^Vhen Sent. Cy A\hom Sent. Groiisr Cocks. Hens. Observations. ^ GAME KILLED. Day. AVHEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridg'e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Uare. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. ^ Total of each hilled in the IVeek Total of IJ'ee/,: OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Pheasnnts. Par- tridg-e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit. 1 Cocks. Hens. VTben Sent. By whom Sent. ObserradoDs. 1 GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. ■ Total of each killed in the Wech Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl., Hare. Eabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cork. Snipe. Wild Foul. Hare. Rabbit. TuT.VL. BY WHOM KILLED. Grouse Cocks. Hens. Total of each Jailed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Groust Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By uhom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Jlonth. Day. WHERE KILLED. Plieasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. U.arc. Rabbit. TOT.\I,. Grouse Corks. Hens. Tvtal of each JdUedin the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Pheasants. Par- trid«re. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Day. WUEUE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WiW Foul. Hare. Eabbit. TOT.M,. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each hilled in the IVcch Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. — Pheasants. Par- Wood- cock. Snipe. "Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit. When Sent. By T\hom Sent, Observations. Cocks. 1 Hens. GAME KILLED. Day. WHERE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- COL-k. Snipe. Wild ron-l. Hare. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Phensants, Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. P;u- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild FonJ. Hare. Babbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. BY WHO.M KILLED. t- Total of each hilled in the Weeh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS, HOW DISPOSED OF. Grousf Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. Ey \vhom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hens. 1 • 1 GAME KILLED. Day. MIIEEE KILLED. Grouse Phensants. tridge. Woid- cock. Snipe. Wild I'onJ. Hare. ! _ Cocks. Hens. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Grouse Phe:i Cocks. Ileus. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit. VThen Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. ! 1 1 GAME KILLED. WHEBE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild I'owl. Ilarc. ! „ Cocks. Hens. Rabbit.^ XuTAl.. ! V,\ WHOM KILLED. Total of each Idlledin the JVeck Total of Weel: OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- ti-idge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Eabbit. ^Vhen Sent. By vhom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hens. ■ GAME KILLED. Day. WHEKE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Pav- trid^e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fonl. Uare. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the Wceh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fowl. Hare. Eabbit ^^•hen Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Obsen-ations. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fonl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the WeeJc Total of IVee/i. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Phcnsaius. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. "\VUd Foul. Hare. Kabbit. Cocks. Hens. \\ hen Sent. By whom Sent. (Ibsen ations. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. ^yHEIlE KILLED. Grouse Pbea Cocks. sants. Hens. Par- tridge. \Yooil- cock. Snipe. Wild I'owi. ILire. Rabbit. Total. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each Icillcd in the Week Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. Wien Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. ^VIIERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wond- cofk. Snipe. Wild I'onl. Hare. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. ' Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Grouse Cocks. Ilcns. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. -WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild roni. Uave. Uabbit. TOI.IL. Cocks. Hens. V,\ \\ HOM KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Weeh Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Eabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. NAJIES. Grouse Cocks. Hens. Observ.alions. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild PoMl. Hare. Rabbit. TOT.M.. Cocks. Hens. BY -WHOM KILLED. Total of each lulled in the IVeek Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. ^yild Towl. When Sent. By nhoni Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. 1 1 GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse PheasaDts. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. H.ire. Rabbit. TOT.VL. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. ■Wood- cock. Snipe. WUd Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By ^hom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. 1 » GAME KILLED. Da;-. WIIEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. rabbit. TOT.VL. Cocks. Hens. liY WHOM KILLED. Total of each killcdiu the IVeek Total of JVech. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit When Sent. By T\hom Sent. Observations. , Cocks. Hens. » , GAME KILLED. Jlonth. Day. WIIEKE KILLED. Pheasants. Tar- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild Foul. Haie. Rabbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. BY WIIO.M KILLED. ■ ■ Total of each killed in the Week Total of WccJi. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. "Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By whom Sent. NAMES. Cocks. Hens. Obsenations. 'PWi^W fVfrTyT"^ GAME KILLED. Dny. •WHEEE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. llabbit. ToT.M.. BY WHOM KILLLll. Month. Cocks. Hens. ' Total of each Mlled in the Week Total of Wceh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. "Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By whom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Ob3er%ations. ! 1 1 GAME KILLED. Montli. Day. ^YHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild loivl. Hare. Kaljbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridg'e. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Kabbit "NMien Sent. By uhom Sent. Cocks. Hens. Obser\ations. - GAME KILLED. Mouth. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Gi-ouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Suipc. Wild Fo"l. Unre. Cocks. Hens. Rabbit. TOT.VI,. B'i WHOM KILLED. Total of each killed in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Grouse Phca Cocks. ants. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit . When Sent. By whom Sent. Observations. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridgre. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild TowJ. Hare. Rabbit. 'i'OT.\L. Cocks, Hens. Total of each killed hi the Wceh Total of Weeh. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. NAMES. Pheasants. Par- tridge. ■Wood- cock. Snipe. -Wild Foivl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By ^vhom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hens. GAME KILLED. Mouth. Day. AVHEKE KILLED. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Uiire. Total. Cocks. Hens. Total of each Mlcdin the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Grouse Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Phea Cocks. ants. Hens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Suipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Uabbit. TOT.VL. BY WHOM KILLED. ■ 1 1 Total of each lulled m the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl, Uarc. Itabbit When Sent. By uhom Sent. Observations. Cocks. Hens. ■ GAME KILLED. Month. Day. WHERE KILLED. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wond- cock. Snipe. Wild Foni. Hare. Babbit. Total. Cocks. Hens. - Total of each JdUedin the Week Total of Weel: OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Willi Fowl. When Sent. By Avhoni Sent. Cocks. Hens. Observations. GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEli KILLED. Gi-ouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood, cock. Snipe. Wild Foivl. Hare. Kabbit. TOT.IL. Cocks. Hens. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. E,ibl)it. "When Scut. By whom Scut. Giousc Cock?. Hens. GAME KILLED. Moiitli. Day. WHERE KILLED. Pheasants. Pav- ti-idsre. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. ToT.ll. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each hilled in the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. XAMES. Grouse Phoa Cocks. ants, liens. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit When Sent. By uhom Sent. Observations. GAME KILLED. Mouth. Uay. WHEEE KILLED. Grouse Pheas.ints. Par- tridgfe. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild Eonl. Hare. Rabbit. TOTAl. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. Total of each kiUedin the Week Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. HOW DISPOSED OF. Pheasants. Par- tridg-e. Wond- cock. Snipe. Wild Fowl. Hare. Rabbit. When Sent. By whom Sent. Grouse Cocks. Hens. Obser\ations. 1 GAME KILLED. Day. WHEEE. KILLED, Grouse Pheasants. Par- tridge. Wood- cock. Snipe. Wild I'oivl. H;ue. Rabbit. TOT.IL. Cocks. Hens. BY WHOM KILLED. » Total of each killed in t/ic IT'eek Total of Week. OBSERVATIONS. N