Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ae SPRING TRADE LIST 4 1935 ittle Silver, € Mf INTRODUCTION Spring Trade List, 1935 We are peculiarly fortunate in having two distinctly different locations for our Nursery Stock. Different soil, and different cli- mate conditions are essential for first rate products. We have found, for instance, that our Roses and our Azaleas grow much bet- ter in the soil of Southern Dela- ware, whereas most of our shade trees and deciduous shrubs thrive to greater advantage at Little Silver, New Jersey, which is our shipping point for all material. Hence, we are growing all of our stock in the ideal spot for its best development. This is the reason for the unequalled quality of our Nursery ware which we are still of- fering at the amazingly low prices you will find quoted herein. LOVETT'S NURSERY, Inc. a B® POVETTS SRPRINGSTRADE ELST; 1935 - AUTUMN Hardy Field Grown ROSES Strictly No. 1 grade plants, Eastern grown, and budded on Rosa multiflora japonica (unless noted otherwise). Our list of Hybrid Tea Roses has been greatly reduced this year. We can see no advantage in growing a tremen- dous assortment of varieties, knowing, as we do, that there are only a few sorts of each color which may be depended on to give satisfactory results in the varied soils and climates of our great country. All our Roses are properly pruned and ready for plant- ing before being pale and shipped to our patrons. Do not request untrimmed Roses as we cannot supply same, all of our Roses having been carefully pruned by experts during the Winter months. Everblooming Roses Hybrid Teas OS sos AUTUMN. Gorgeous flowers which blend together the Autumnal shades of russet brown, bronzy red and rich yellow. Splen- GIGGOG CUGEIM IS we eda sweat wae $3.50 $30.00 Charles K. Douglas. Countless large flow- ers of a light crimson scarlet which does TIGL CRE REPENS Whi so oaks kas bas 3.00 25.00 Chas. P. Kilham. Bright orange pink with fiery center; very double................ 3.50 30.00 Dame Edith Helen. Shapely buds and high centered pink blooms of perfect shape.... 3.00 25.00 Duchess of Luxembourg. Large and very double flowers of a rich golden yellow.... 3.00 25.00 Etoile de France. Popular, with long, dark crimson blooms; very fragrant............ 3.00 25.00 Frank W. Dunlop. Many deep rose-pink Gen May i ee 3.00 25.00 LOVETT'S SPRING- usin dap 3.00 Sao AM te at & Sie gt Ri aces, ee EET 4.00 PE tAMEC I R te - i. oye eso et Sey LOU LV TES Ee ct ea Sk a 6.00 ROSA blanda MF) GS EY Oe a ath lS ee 3.50 hee 2h RS eae ae 4.00 R. rubiginosa 7 J RES. LATS ven hc Pd CRO ee 2.50 Steen ery eek be eV OR_ AUIS y 3.00 R. rubrifolia (Redleaf Rose). SMA AUR Ee Hee afi noe Phew cosenc yr ainie ene os 1.75 PRT ORANG es Co Wis strane iat oie i saa donde iene eordoe 2.50 R. rugosa (Rugosa Rose). POOL Sen aes hea Wa es ee .80 1935 25.00 35.00 45.00 30.00 35.00 20.00 25.00 PHILADELPHUS VIRGINALIS (VIRGINAL MOCKORANGE) 15 EOVETES“SPRING TRADE-LIST 3 I935 Harpy SHRUBS—Continued _ ROSA— Coniinued R. rugosa Blane Double De Coubert. 10 100 LS toteme et ee oe ee $1.75 $15.00 18 toi nek Oe ee 2.00 17.50 2 EOr Sake oe eae rnd iene Bs att 2.50 22.00 ROSA RUGOSA, 2 YR. SEEDLINGS These seedlings are so very strong that they should produce good, salable material In a year. Extra strong, from 10 to 18 im. high: $3.00 per 100, $25.00 per 1000 R. setigera (Prairie Rose). 10 100 2 tos ft. be eie e ey eee ee $2.50 $20.00 B tO Lbs oo io lee Ba ee 3.00 25.00 SALIX caprea (Pussy Willow). Pt it bo see a ee eee 1.50 12.00 S tO Gt. ea ees ee ee 2.00 16.00 4 60,0 ftic.ccacccs cies 2 aOR ey Bee ae 2.50 22.00 SPIRAEA Anthony Waterer (Waterer Spirea). _ 9 tonnes 24s we eR eee 60°=~ 5:00 1D toh: mS ere, Se ee -80 7.00 T5AtORES tin She «eas ee ee 1.20 10.00 PSito2bings. ieee ae ee 1.60 14.00 Dito) $26 TCS ie hes eee ee oe ee 2.00 17.50 S. arguta (Garland Spirea). 3 .toft..extra. heavy..d.--. ae <1 oO 215.00 A tomo tt.s extra heavy c..-l | ee carlesi (Fragrant Viburnum). ib to 1S iis: ae: ce ee hie Re Be: 5.00 40.00 £3 to) 24. oe. eS ee 7.00 60.00 2 80 256 feos oe eee 9:00 ss V. dentatum (Arrowwood). 18°to 28a s.. eee: es See eee 1.25 10.00 2 0% Sita oe: oon. Oe 1.60 13.50 3 t0 AME. O22 so. 3. 3. See 2.50 22.50 V. lentago (Nannyherry Silo wepites ce 2. 2. eee 2.00 17.50 5 fe | enn es meer wee oe 3.00 25.00 SitG CE k'eic.;- Se tae ee 4.00 35.00 V. opulus (European Cranberry). 2 toa ite: = 5 nso, ee ee eee 1.60 13.50 SG Y | eer ert. ale oe 2.50 22.50 4 to O ft. 2 is atone COE 3.50 30.00 V. opulus sterile (Snowball) 2 tS Hien Se ee 1.50 12.50 Sey Ree nd Fe ee A sae 1.80 15.00 Ate: Osh een a ee 2.80 25.00 5to 6ft.. ai Soe sive, SOU ho V. plicatum bd apanese Snowball). Dito OTe. os Jods ee ae ee 2.50 20.00 3to 4 ft Di uhe, yplepeen es yee, eas eee 3.50 30.00 V. rhytidophyllum ards V ees 2 to 214 ft., B&B.. .12.50 Dig tos its) DEGaszer. oot ec ccete 17.50 VITEX agnus-castus (Lilac Chastetree). 2 tao Lee a re ae ee .... 2.50 20.00 ala 8 be i gee ee ot tate Aree ORS ies 3.00 25.00 WEIGELA amabilis (Rose W cera): US cone) sn i i es Cee eee ea 1.10 9.00 DP EOW NERS 6 5s ce td re oe 1.50 Fer: Stay 8 Eb as fo ee el, See 2.00 =A W. candida (Snow Weigela). 7 SENS th | eeepc eee ik 1.25 10.00 S tOy Ale he ne ee Oe eee 1.75 15.00 Ate ht. a= oe 5 ao 2.50 22.50 5 tO, Oka: oe Nee eee eee 3.50 30.00 W. ‘Eva Rathke 1 tous We ha ee ee ee eee 2.00 15.00 4S toe We ee Been ose ee 2.50 20.00 2 CO hh. oe ote Soe ne ee 3.00 25.00 W. nana variegata (Variegated Weigela) D tities Pees Ao ee eee ee 2.00 15.00 3 to: -8 Tbs. ob <2 ea Ses ee 2.50 20.00 Atay). ite. - 2 2 eRe es Va ote tae 3.50 30.00 W. steltzneri. 19 to 24 m. . 54 SL ae ee eee 1.20 10.00 2 to 5 ECR ee) rs 28 2 2 SEER 1.75 15.00 YUCCA filamentosa (Spanish-bayonet). Strong, 2 yasplants: «2. ao oe ee 80 6.00 4 yr. large clumps.. ae ey Pit | eet RS a. amentosa variegata ‘(Variegated Yucca). Evergreen, with lily-like creamy white flowers m June, and leaves broadly margined yellow, assuming a purple tint m Winter. Selected, 2 yrs) .2Gih 40aese 2.00 15.00 Extra choice, 3 yr. 2:54 = Oe a? 3.00 25.00 Bare clamps: 24 224.0 2202 ae 4.00 35.00 LOVETIS SPRINGGPRADE LIST, ACER PLATANOIDES (NORWAY MAPLE) Deciduous Trees 1935 We have a splendid assortment of Shade and Flowerin Trees. All have been given plenty of space to insure goo “tops” and have been transplanted frequently, so that they carry a mass of fibrous roots. Please note that when less than 5 trees of a grade are ordered, our price per tree will be 10 per cent above our printed price per tree (our 10 rate). ACER dasycarpum (Silver Maple). 10 Stan it. Wisco lin: cal.402-.8: $5.00 TO to la steele to. 2. In..calacs, se 10.00 12 toes tte oe tO 2eo.1n. Cal. oe eer 17.50 12 to lott, 25 too... Mm. cal... 5.2% 22.50 A. dasycarpum wieri (Wier Maple). Mica taehG boatto > m.caly. =". Ye). 15.00 I2to lott. tacle.un ical... 2... 20.00 12 to 15 ft.,2144to3 in.cal........ 25.00 A. negundo (pereecy: Ito 2 it. 125\to.2 im. cal... 2.2. 10.00 IZteN ont 20 tO In. cal.2.:. a 15.00 A. platanoides (Norway Maple). Our specimens of this most popular street tree are of the highest quality. Even the larger sizes transplant well and are tolerant of city conditions. 8 to 10 ft., 144 to 1% in. cal........ 10.00 10 to: 12it., 144 to 124 in: cal... . .. ...13.00 10 tol2 ft, 134 to 2 ~m. cal........, 18.00 PZ torltat. 2) to 225 mm. eal, ....\.,..., 23.00 1? tow it..2)5.tes:. m. cal... .....° 32.50 14tolGueeo. £049 ‘in. cal... .. °. 50:00 14 to 16 ft., 4 to 5 ‘in. cal. 75.00 Beautiful, large specimens, with 12 yr. old heads. eRe EIPSUCIIS: Soe es ae ol. os cae 75.00 A. platanoides schwedleri (Schwedler Maple). 8 to 10 ft., 1144 to 1% in. cal........ 17.50 10 to 12 ft., 14% to 134 in. cal........ 22.50 1O torts tt., £54 to 2, in. cal........ 27.50 12 todoits 2 to 2146 m..cal....: .2 35.00 19 1935 LOVETT'S SPRING TRADE LIST, DECIDUOUS TREES—Continued ACER—Continued A. saccharum (Sugar Maple). 10 8 to 10 ft., 144 to 1% im. cal........$12.50 10 to 12 ft., 1% to 1% in. cal........ 17.50 10 to 12 ft., 13% to 2 in. Cale, . 22.50 12to 14 ft,2 to2%in.cal........ 30.00 14 to 18 ft.,244to3 in.cal........ 40.00 “14 to 18 ft 723" = to4- “im cals, 60.00 AESCULUS hippocastanum (Horse- chestnut). 5 towQehte ee en ee ees 8.00 6 toiS hte eine cate, ee eee 12.50 8 tovlOdtitisi ees Sere ee, 17.50 A. hippocastanum carnea (Red Horse- chestnut). Un moa) (U0) ae tay SRG aaa: ene crags or EN 30.00 BETULA alba (European White Bee 12 to 15 ft., 24 to3 im.cal........ 30.00 12tol5ft,3 to4 in.cal........ 45.00 155to: 20 ft ACO. Me tneeCal are 60.00 B. alba laciniata (Cutleaf Wiecpine Birch). 15 to 18 ft,2 to24in.cal........ 25.00 Lostoplisetee2 > to opm eeal © ae eae oe 35.00 B. papyrifera (Canoe Birch). 12 to 15 ft. 2 to2M4in.cal........ 25.00 15 to 18 ft. 24%to3 in.cal........ 30.00 15 to 18 ft., 3. to4 im.cal........ 40.00 CATALPA bungei (Umbrella - tree). 5 to 6 ft. stems, 3 yr. heads... 9.00 5 to 6 ft. stems, 4 yr. heads... 12.50 CELTIS occiden- talis Aer ereno) GitorSiite. 2.5 «a ene ee 13°50 CERASUS. See Prunus. CERCIDIPHYL- LUM japoni- cum (Katsura Gucci o's axes 17.50 150.00 ECU Rar ee ail Shared oie oe 22.50 200.00 Ba GONE TS, Sae Oe 30/0085. 2.3. CUE Te5)0 Bi Sie oy) 5, cad te ae eae ee 45.00. oe se 53) DV be Go RO et DAN trai e eL 60:00 4s. Sob SECM OMLD ME PIR ements sats Sicléns 8 a ee «6 T5200 mice. c tl: A. veitchi (Veitch Fir). ARCORIMEME RCE oe PCT sais aun 40.00 ..... que) (SEED bs in ae ir ah a ne (S10) 010) © Sele At ES THE) ETRE 8 he oie eae 15,000 3... BIOTA aurea conspicua (Goldspire Arborvitae). IS) TONAL, TET baieneliy ae ac A a 6.00 50.00 PLGA) CAG i ean UG a Ol SE eal a a 11.50 100.00 FAG te) 3) Np ee es ae Oe ea 17.50 150.00 B. aurea mana (Berckmans Golden Arborvitae). One of our specialties. Good as an edging plant for larger evergreens, and desirable in a mixed planting, we.consider these warm, golden ovals to be among the best of all dwarf evergreens. atnunttinen ma beth ee edt. 3.00 27.50 Bp: 75 tek Ns San i a i rar 4.50 40.00 PM PE LOR Ret NT oa. Fite cd wale wid o's 7.00 60.00 POSER RG Ne accciurcie vp eee as 7.50 65.00 LG ey le ee 10.00 90.00 Pe) iy ANOS ea Og ae a 14.00 125.00 PAS ALS a ea ae 20.00 175.00 B. elegantissima (Yellow Column Arbor- vitae). ORL eee es eee Po es om ~6,00",, 50.00 Pee Dy Mn amen ee eet ee ee L0.00"" 85.00 23 LOVETT'S SPRING TRADE LIST, 1935 EVERGREEN TREES—Continued BIOTA—Continued B. orientalis (Oriental Arborvitae). 10 100 8 to TO ie cigs arc sie years ee $45.00 ..... B. rollinson’s Golden (Rollinson’s Arbor- vitae). BrtorO GUGM, Binns east tN eee a AS OO We ae Oto Sifters eke Teil we, ae eons ee COL00he wee CHAMAECYPARIS. See under Retinospora. CRYPTOMERIA lobbi compacta (Cave Cryptomeria) We cannot emphasize too strongly the high quality of our Cryptomeria this season. Alto Olt. | ay Baus Seeman a wetter: sh Se PRAOO yc Bee Beto! Oyifitey. aaa i oui ae S9.00hr ea. . GitOn (Cie teen oe cn) ee eg ee 45.00 $425.00 TO Sit” 82S kee FIGs ee acetone, ie 62.50 600.00 Sito LO te Ce, aie ua em ts oe 82.50 800.00 EOtosl 2 ft seca eee) ee LOO 0OR ass) E2to lO ftsositisty agaist ety Laseaae 125100 itso. : JUNIPERUS chinensis alba variegata (Whiteleaf Chinese Juniper). IZ toda mais Shee ae es Bee 5.50 45.00 Loto lS an ee een 6.50 55.00 18 to: 242ins 3. cee oii oes renee 2250) Hela: Dito Woultamnd. cna de helene hee 10.00 (hanes DUeostovs tte) swath awh eas nas ie 12:50 Sales: Si tors YO tie) deomisby. sie ise ads hae pte LS OO eons SIG tor 4 Tt hon Wee as in aad 20:00403 S552 J. chinensis columnaris glauca (Colum- nar Chinese Juniper). 2U6 to isSebtenciie. eee chia See le 12.50 100.00 CO mA VEC Ele ae papa en ea 16.50 150.00 A | ecto oD REt Gee icc Se Ween ee Te ee ee 21.50 200.00 Bie FOG) Lets duce aa esos Baas We Ra ees A 29.00 275.00 Ge ctv Ore kc coce nc opane ete tar ctity te anie 39.00 375.00 Sh ator lO heeds: cas tise een vee ee 5750) 2 HORA OF LEE Gora ae te ale eget re ener 1500S ee. J. chinensis columnaris viridis (Green Column Juniper). 372 LOCO Rte ho MON Sg recs te 12.50 100.00 to 4 ft.. 2 Ge oa ad oe cae 16.50 150.00 4 CONTE Cys: eau Uinta vealed ie Oecd 21.50 200.00 Soe topO it Oeea i. cat cae oy cae ane ete ae 29.00 275.00 OH COS hit ne oi econ te eon, leet 39.00 375.00 CRYPTOMERIA LOBBI COMPACTA (CAVE CRYPTOMERIA) 24 Soe SS a PSS a oan th F JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS COLUMNARIS GLAUCA (COLUMNAR CHINESE JUNIPER) JUNIPER—Continued J. chinensis fortunei (Fortune Juniper) 10 PRROR Siren let oes. oh, oct lacas $25.00 ERE COMER MEISE Frc MO wie ns we ete 0, oe 35.00 J. chinensis japonica (Japanese Juniper). PP RCOMUSVID Ee a iB coke uslk ae Gee é ME CMISAMIRN elie op <2 Sscis oben SB ev bw eco 7.50 RSE MUNN ela x 5. eae Soaet us ousser a al 9.00 Pah RS VAL Ue caro RR a 14.00 J. chinensis oblongo SHWE) 2b a a ane a ee a .... 15.00 SUTKG) G) InP Sai al oe ieee ae cline pea eer 20.00 LES). 1D se aa OE 30.00 J. chinensis pfitzeriana (Pfitzer Juniper). TO LOM Sa SPKEAG a s2). aie). cad we ae 6.00 eS tba aula SPLEAC vaso. Whos closes oo eases 7.00 DEON RES SDICHGs Hoos. ph bccn eeee As 9.00 PI OECOrMGe SULA. - aprL ier ee cies 13.50 DUELOLN LUNSDUCAG.. 22, of oft ais oa ens 20.00 APRED EN ACASDICAG S. 2 oo! sage ae leks 35.00 DULCE SDIEAG: 83 F858. 0. asa 55.00 Om tO Gu CASDICAGs is Ho shee f sto iinisas 75.00 J. communis aurea (Golden Juniper). PO LOMMON Ie SPLEAG 680 4ic)e os Salen ods 6.00 ES Tauee in Spread.. wo hai PS 8.50 ZitOpep a NtesSprends. oe) Pls 12.50 Pe SPLCAC en eek 15.00 Sih yoh4! Sewer co Xe a 25.00 J. communis canadensis (Canada Juniper). Pa EGiaiite SDFCAG.:. asa! ce hee a 12.50 OMREOU IR LESDICRG ss sic cc eee se ee 17.50 Be PEOPLE SDLCAG S ficicis cc vise ce cee 25.00 J. communis hibernica (Irish Juniper). LL CAL ee aaa ee 4.50 ep PUG, go UE IE et a 6.00 CALS 19 |S HORE al A a 8.50 Sa Ms ce ee 15.00 PEER Pe oc dui's Gy Sica se oes 20.00 J. communis hibernica kiyonoi (Kiyono Juniper). A very narrow, compact form of Irish Juniper. PARR MP Ir a Lc ass ko es Ce 12.50 SREB ead osc. Wrok) dbs alc ae sw » ODie o 20.00 POVET ES! SPRANG? DRA DIES LIST, = 1935 ee eee 1935 LOVETT'S SPRING TRADE LIST, EVERGREEN TREES—Comntinued ~ J UNIPER—Continued 10 J. communis suecica (Swedish Juniper). 15 to TS mee. a ee ee $5.00 1S to 24 neo sR es sat i ts 6.00 2 0. SECS... pee ee eee 2 7.50 J. excelsa stricta (Spiny Greek Juniper). We have a splendid supply of these lovely and popular formal plants this season. Gray green, stiff foliage, erect and very compact. 9-0) PQ an oe st hes aie peer eae oe 4.00 12Z:to US ne chee oe ee eee ae 5.00 L5cto TS inc ek eae ee ee ae 6.50 TS to D4 sin 2 yc oe A ee pee 9.00 24 to SO inks a eee ee ee 12.50 S0'to SOU ee res ce 17.50 3 tO oe ter. oe. pr pees Lite: 25.00 316 -to 4:4 es eee ae 30.00 4 = tos fia es eg ape ee 40 J. sabina (Savin Juniper). £5 to 1S mee ee ee 6.00 18: to 2E Mr Cee Bee ae 8.50 2'to 246 TUS, Saeed Ae 12.50 DA SG 095 th i rok ee ues “eee SAGES 895 OS ay 15.00 D tO Sibu cece ete ee 25.00 J. squamata meyeri (Meyer Juniper). 12 tOMPOND Bide cane eee oe ete 5.00 L5 COMES A hu. vo Ser cee bee 6.50 18: to: 24 In 3)O. ahs Leo 9.00 2 COMES Mey ce rAd ie Geis 15.00 DUONG LB Se 5 A occ vain id eee 20.00 SD LORS S UG aa aie een aE eae oe 25.00 SOME OME EE goer tae Sake Ora ee eee 30.00 J. virginiana (Redcedar). BRO EE cps WN iccate teste heoogestns a Tota eaecore 22.50 BBO Oe ee gers kee eee te oe aioe ge 32.50 6: to) Suite ote see cee eee EER erie 42.50 J. virginiana burki (Burk Redcedar). Dt LGPEE aie ors repo es Tec 12.00 Dy COL be Wiese sin ate ta eB ee 14.50 SB EOUE Tecan or. orca nierstok no Ce 17.50 J. virginiana elegantissima 2 to DUGbl a... on a fee ee 12.50 Do LOPOREE Soh. Hohe mh oe SLs Oe IR 17.50 COPE ioe niet oi ereye aie eRe ge 25.00 J. virginiana glauca (Silver Redcedar). 2 to QU tts: BISA Ee BOs ere 00 DUC COON Gis, tae te Ae LA 14.50 OI LOR 29) a RM Re Pe NeOr cr Serpe A co 8 <7 17.50 Aste OPER 2c je sees ae ee ee 25.00 Bite Gib. gO LOU ROO-00 1S towasin ©. setos ceri ee 7.50 70.00 T. occidentalis pyramidalis (Pyramidal Arborvitae). We have long specialized in the production of this popular ever- green, so that you cannot be disap- pointed in our gorgeous trees. USi LoVe AIA? Mec nas a I ee 4.00 30.00 DELON WONG oo ike os Soe 3 Seay es 6.00 50.00 ZG EEO NNEC sis ie 2 hee neg cima oe 8.00 70.00 StOMSSEE ate OS oe es nee ee 9.50 85.00 ANC OMEDERE A655 os eaten ees 13.00 115.00 5 tomOrtt: tee OO 19.00 175.00 Gi tow Sskteesene ce ee es Seah ee 27.50 250.00 SitonlOut. .. 2c ee ic eee ee 40:00 Bee. Ses T. occidentalis rosenthali (Rosenthal Arborvitae). 8 to 10 ft. Grows slowly into a dense column of lustrous, dark green foliage, with growths ending in a little whitish ball. ES toyZ 4g ee eee 6.00 50.00 Dt oe2aD MEBs co ee ee eee 7.50 65.00 DUERMO 10.00 90.00 SiEO oy NEES ose ee eee 12.50 110.00 316 to 4fEF Si Bae eee. 15.00 135.00 Ase ON te Uae. cd esc coe Oe 20.00 180.00 Bie Mol Ge.) chk. se oe eens 30.00 280.00 6 Merritt seo anda eee 40.00 EFOVERES/SPREING TRADE: LIST,o F935 i ” ; ia? + ahi . y “a at ps oe SES en: Sa ee A BLocK oF THUJA OCCIDENTALIS PYRAMIDALIS (PYRAMIDAL ARBORVITAE) (See page 32) EVERGREEN TREES—Continued THUJA—Continued vitae). 10 100 SOO) Luge Rol et $16.50 $150.00 AAPOR SUE ere ed oF Seas extp 03 22.50 200.00 DEP AEGIGME its. ny teas apiderss sé 32.50 300.00 Se aCROMNL OL TRAM Reso: ais drag ssa 02 45.00 425.00 T. occidentalis yvervaeneana (Vervaene Arborvitae). Le) Ge, Sak TS ee a 4.50 35.00 PAGERS SELES SUR oR SB cs a ie 6.00 50.00 NG) KE, GOR sae ae ke 7.50 65.00 DOM Tir oi Ag ove ss se 9.00 80.00 oP MSO TEE Saas 2 a ae ee 12.50 115.00 Se (ba ie 6 teeta 9 ae ole 17.50 165.00 eaCOr er bles aie bye oy. Girne we scatece 21.50 265.00 T. occidentalis wareana (Ware, or Si- berian Arborvitae). UGS URS) cies eRe a neler ae aR gb re 3.50 30.00 ROA LVL Sra ont Fh laeeie cet c so 3 5.00 40.00 7) 120) 24h J. ROS ae oe oh AERA A ane aA 6.00 50.00 DY LOL LOS Pe re le ats 8.00 70.00 3 VTLS pe ae a a 10.00 90.00 UME ONO OH se oe eS, Sis 6's BE 15.00 135.00 T. occidentalis woodwardi (Woodward Arborvitae). ACO eee eS EE, 4.50 35.00 NFS he Eicon, SiR A i he POR a 5.50 45.00 lhe) (Ra eek STE A cate, cleaner nmiey oae anne ae 7.50 65.00 T. orientalis. See ‘‘Biota.”’ TSUGA canadensis (Canada Hemlock). A rapid grower, and very hardy; with rich, deep green foliage, softly pendu- lous. Good alike for a hedge or an in- formal planting. Mes ECE ee ek aes ae 5.00 40.00 SE Cee rE ET. meer She 6.00 50.00 Pe) 59) SALT Re 8.00 70.00 BALI CG Ue ale es Ce Sie OR oe Bea 11.00 100.00 CABO LEME eM nc ae ech ewes 17.50 150.00 ST 9 Oe SN A cll ae a 27.50 250.00 Se Lee Ge SS 37.50 350.00 LOVETT'S SPRING TRADESLIST, 71935 TSUGA CANADENSIS PENDULA (SARGENT WEEPING HEMLOCK) EVERGREEN TREES—Continued TSUGA—Continued T. canadensis pendula (Sargent Weeping Hemlock). 10 100 15 t0,18:1n; spread +22 997.- ee eee S1S:00tve > * 18;to, 24 in: spreads. Gye) os eee oe 25.00 Proveyo tt. Spread vis.x.s 2405 2 hehe S00 ge eee 2 eetOroelt spread ci. eee ee 45:00 i=. An. 3 to4ft., heavy specimens........ T5100) eS ex. 4 to5ft., heavy specimens........ TOO!OO poke: T. caroliniana (Carolina Hemlock). A LODE Radars siti otvscecdhn stenee ane eae, Oe SOOO see Bi to, Gv. sccke apne f aee oo eee eee 65.00" Fo... Oto Wa. eek Se Ree Re Resa BO:00% si ny: Vines AKEBIA quinata (Pre Agee): 10 100 2 VTS Seat ie eter et eee $1.60 $14.00 AMPELOPSIS guinquefolia (iasemnia Creeper). 2 YESS Bs cee eRe oe es 1.60 14.00 A. quinquefolia engelmanni (Engelmann ee Ee 2 sees BH NE Ek Boh RU. oe ea up A. Ceca (tricuspidata) (Boston Ivy, Jap- anese Creeper). Our plants of this beau- tiful and popular sort have been sprayed weekly and are all very healthy speci- mens. They carry many more “leaders” than do most Boston Ivy plants of their age, having been cut back carefully last Spring. SyES., DMO MOMa es he Nene nas 1.20 10.00 SryTs:, 1S town. ee a oe 1.50 12.00 O VIS te atOMe tb: ; : We, OO 1-50 BIGNONIA radicans Gocumpecereapene DEVTS Yaegts SCR ae toe wate woes ae ane 1.25 10.00 BV TSte eee fie oe iia tenes ee ee ee 1.75 12.00 CELASTRUS erbiculatus (Oriental Bitter- sweet). DVT SENS. oo oa nde Coe a Oe 1.60 14.00 BEVIS NOG ei e see ere Soa aes Oy eae .. 2.20 18.00 EOVETIIS) SPRING eee ce Coe eee 1.10 - 9.00 Mrs. Scott Elliott’s Choice lLong- spurred Hybrids.................... 1.10 9.00 ARABIS «alpina. .ccosc. cosee cess .80 6.00 ARMERIA formosa (pink)................ 1.00 8.00 maritima laucheana.................. 1.00 8.00 ARTEMISIA lactiflora................... .90 17.00 Silver King cise. Boe eo 1.00 8.00 stelleriana: .hcnc cists ori ok suetied nero dO OL00 ASCLEPIAS tuberosa.................... .90 7.00 ASPHODELUS luteus................... 1.20 9.00 EOVETRESISPRING DRADESLIST:, ASTILBE, PEACH BLOSSOM HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS—Continued 10 ASTER alpinus superbus, Goliath.......$1.10 PULTE APEC enn ce eco i eee 1.10 PSs MOarGe eee Ld ee nes cis oe bel ELE Catgy hte ie eee, ieee ee a Oo 1.20 AECL PER CIO E SNAG ee. sede hse oS. Gank Ge. oR 1.10 DSU Do Se 2 ee ae ne ee 1.10 i lerpes UES a a ee ae ee a 1.20 [E12 Sarah gt a A ee ee ra hard ca xe 8 1.10 Syd BS rie gi eee RON OR AR ee ge a rT 1.20 Se UU ER Se rare hh Fi 2 De sls are ae -90 Vlfqer es (OS G2) 7 tie so See gn oe Nee Rg 1.00 ASTILBE, Peach Blossom............... 1.20 Ss Lape ay (Oye Sai Se ae ea eel oe es 2.50 Moerheimi.. 5 egy ae EER TN PR AG 8 Queen Alexandria. Si Petts dee 2 are eS BAP isla avstralise.« < f5i0)2 642) 6. of saree .90 BGeGON ercordata 6695. 9 m6 es ence mde 1.00 BOLTONIA latisquama................. 1.00 GANAMINGTHA alpina.:......0...2 2.5... 1:00 CAMPANULA carpatica................. 1.00 calycanthema. Pink, white and blue.... .80 medium (Canterbury-bells). Pink, white, elmer anielermarcecles ay. pe ie tik wale .80 persicifolia.. ae a ores A I 08) CATANANCHE caerulea.. RAR, tl aO CENTAUREA macrocephala. . eee POO NETO TR RCE NEE ME i 5 Cay rg Petar, aaa aes - .80 CERASTIUM biebersteini............... 90 CHRYSANTHEMUM arcticum (Arctic Daisy). Large snow-white bloom...... coreanum (Korean Chrysanthemum). A profusion of claret pink flowers, centered golden, in late Autumn............... 1.00 maximum (Shasta Daisy). In June and July come the myriads of flowers which resemble field Daisies seen through a powerful magnifying glass............. .80 37 1935 6.00 935 LOVETT'S SPRING TRADE LIST, HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS—Continued CHRYSANTHEMUMS, Hardy Varieties: 10 Alice Howell. Large, single, orange yellow.$0.90 Beaumont Red. Large, deep mauve red; sorikme and beauttlul gaa eee 90 Cometo. Large, dark Rose, shaded magenta .90 Ethel. Pompon; deep crimson bronze.... .90 Excelsior. Aster type; bright yellow..... 1.00 Field of Snow. White button, pinkish tinge .90 Frances Whittlesey. Large, dark copper- red flowers} aNewn 3. ee ee Jean Treadway. Many blooms of a deep rosy pink. One of the finest large-flow- eredsviarieticSmnee: | 5.0n. eee ee eee) Mrs. Calvin Coolidge. Single; brilliant CLITMSONI ee ee eee Sonn 9 Mrs. L. Birchard. Pompon; shell pink... .90 Norine. Button; yellow................ 90 October Girl. Double; pale mauve flowers. .90 Old Homestead. Large, bright rose pink. .90 Pink Dandy. Large; brilliant pmk Pompon_ .90 Ruth Cummings. Decorative; reddish bronze sits cee ees uF Gee CUE AU NEY Sek 90 Skibo. Pompon; pure yellow............ 90 Victory. Large; white, and very desirable. .90 Yellow Normandie. Decorative; bronzy yellow eee eee CONVALLARIA majalis (Lily-of-the-valley) Extrayselectediclumpseeene olen. 2. COREOPSIS grandiflora florepleno....... .90 lanceolata... coe aes sack eer Ae 10 DAISY, Shasta. See Chrysanthemum maximum. DELPHINIUM belladonna.............. 1.00 Bellamosurmics 60. sen one ee ee 1.00 Ihybridumy oe coer ee eee 1.00 SINGISISN, ©. eee he ene 1.00 Wrexham Hybrids........ 1.20 DIANTHUS Abbotsford................. 1.20 deltordes! seh rae EE eae 1.00 Improved Crimson King. From 2 in. pots 1.20 latifoliusubeatrix... 3-20 nee .50 latifolius, Furst Bismarck............. 1.20 plumarius florepleno.................. -90 sempertiorens: : 5 2.3. ini) aoe 1.00 Grenadin Pinks. Pink, red, and white.. .90 barbatus (Sweet-william). Pink, red, and WTLERE: Guise ce erer ie |e oa ee nee ana DICENTRA: eximia.;... 6.054: seuldecore 1.50 spectabilis, selected 2 yr. roots.......... 2.00 DICTAMNUS fraxinella rubra........... 1.50 DIGITALIS gloxiniaeflora. Pink, Purple, Whitesand Mixedi=s-)...2 25) ae 1.00 ERIGERON speciosus.................-. 1.00 ERYNGIUM amethystinum............. 1.20 EUPATORIUM ageratoides.............. 1.20 coclestinum nr. {ok a eee tee 1.00 EUPHORBIA myrsinites................ 1.20 polychromiaw: : iis. s4enpa5h lites Sate 1.80 FUNKIA caerulea...................0005 1.20 lancifolia undulata variegata.......... 1.00 marginata alba 2428 0.2720 ae 1.20 gioboldiana uit 5 029s Fe 1.00 subcordata grandiflora................ 1.20 100 $7.00 LOVETT'S SPRING TRADE LIST, HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS—Co7 tinued 10 GAILLARDIA grandiflora............... $0.90 I? Peigel syle: Gileyg ts Seeger. 0 Reman e 6S ea anaeane 1.20 GRASSES, ORNAMENTAL. ele lie CVACUUITIEL os sc iiceis fete ew Cal ope 1.00 Etibeiae JADOILICE Blok Salvitses sight’. vera dt. 1.00 Eulalia japonica WATIOCA CHGS ew ee LOU Eulalia japonica zebrina.............. 1.20 Festuca glauca. . ee oe Le Pennisetum japonicum. A ap wp pian wen ir 1.00 Phalaris arundinacea picta............ 1.00 GYPSOPHILA paniculata............... .80 HELENIUM autumnale superbum....... 1.00 MAUOEEOLIT COIS os ok oT al prnicar onthe 2. 2.00 HELIANTHEMUM croceum............. 1.00 HELIANTHUS, Miss Mellish............ 1.00 RUMP LMEere eee PM RAL BOSS ah tk seuss 1.00 multiflorus grandiplenus (Soleil d’Or). 1.20 Spee vigebl Yo] PST 0 9s a ee ee a 1.00 HELIOPsIS pitcheriana......0:......./.. -80 scabra excelsa........ seer et PEIEOO HEMEROCALLIS idusiortien BS ALR TEES 1.00 MATISOM OA See as. tees ate ee ees 1.00 LOVETT’S LEMON. Largest lemon col- ored variety of which we have any knowl- edge. Gorgeous beyond words......... 2.00 LOVETT” S ORANGE. AA tall growing sort, with extra large orange Ug, bright and beautiful fo or the garden.... 2.00 OMS Cire g ht 2 ee eee 1.20 Lge Seago iee phe ce) Sa Cris Hoetee Tae ee ie eae re 1.00 HEUCHERA sanguinea. . Pas Mae les) HIBISCUS, Meehan’s Mallow ‘Matvela: Heeccclorse ee HOLLYHOCKS, Double. Pink, Red, Salmon, White, Yellow, and Mixed.. .80 FH YPereI CUM ascyrons 22... cs ele se 1.50 IBERIS sempervirens................... 1.20 IRIS germanica (German Iris). S—Stands, or upright petals; F—Falls, or drooping petals. Ab-del-Kader. S., smoked yellow; F., yel- low, veined plum Bn Sees on eee -10 Charles Dickens. S., light violet; F., in- digo with white at Sane eee 10 Count St. Clair. S., white; F., deep violet, IPN MEG OWINILC ersmicie)e are oid is Go sles sees 1.00 Darius. S., lemon yellow; F., light yellow, PAROLE LOSWNEA Ce en os os ees iareie a's 10 Donna Maria. S., azure; F., indigo, with veined white base. . 10 Florentina alba. S. and F., porcelain to white; ny blooming; large flowers... 1.00 Gracchus ., lemon; F., delicate yellow, San Gol Cig Aen my (0) H. Cramer. S., celestial blue; F., a shade Gere he PT ee ee cic ce Sb nae .10 Iris King. S., clear lemon yellow; F., rich maroon, bordered EL OW sBecey Mess et Sa Welans 1.00 Pallida Dalmatica (Dalmatica). S., light lavender; F., deeBee lavender with blue shadings. Very f Tagrant....... 02.0... 1.00 Pauline. S., bright blue; F., darker blue. .70 P. Bernot. Sh golden; F, light yellow and white, densely veined wine red........ 10 39 1935 LOVETT'S SPRING TRADE LIST, 1935 HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS—Continued IRIS germanica—Continved 10 = 100 Pecutem. S. and F., white; distinctly pen- ciled lilac toward outer edges......... $0.70 $5.00 President Thiers. S., mauve, brown base; F., purple, brown and white base...... 10° 5.00 Queen of May. S., bright rosy lilac; F., darker’ 000. seis oc BO ee 10*255:00 Rebecca. S., golden; F., mahogany...... 10 §.00 IRIS germanica. Mixed. .Per 1000 $20.00, .40 3.00 IRIS kaempferi (Japanese Iris). Eleanor Parry. Double claret red flamed with white “and. blue=37 2.7. 8st 1.50 12.00 Gold Bound. Double white............ 1.20 10.00 Peacock. Double; purple. .........77.- 1.20 10.00 Purple and Gold. Violet purple, showy golden}throat:, Double. een 1.20 10.00 Pyramid. Double; indigo blue.......... 1.50 12.00 Stella. Single; violet, veined white...... 1.20 10.00 IRIS kaempferi Mixed (Japanese Iris). A superb combination of the finest blood in the slris tamily..0.. 22.2 see eee 80 6.00 IRIS pseudacorus (Yellowflag Iris). Tall, with golden yellow flowers in June..... 1.00 8.00 IRIS pumila, Mixed. The colors range through the various shades of blue and VEllOWse ih .