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PETERS AND SON, steeeotypers and electhottpers, 145 High Sikekt. \ C O N T E i^ T S. PAGE ISTRODUCTION 1 Bkanch I. — Protozoa 1 Class I. — Moneka 2 Class II. — Rhizopoda 4 Class III. — Gregarinida 23 Class IV. — Infusoria 26 Branch II. — Porifer.\ta 49 Class I. — Calcispongi^ 61 Class II. — Carneospongi.e 63 Branch III. — Ccelexterata . . . 72 Class I. — Hydrozoa 73 Order I. — Hvdroidea • 73 Order II. — Discophora 89 Class II. — Siphonophora 97 Order I. — Puysophoe.s: . . . .■ 98 Order II. — Pneumatophor-« 104 Order III. — Diphy.e 105 Order IV. — Discoideje 107 Class III. — Ctenophora 108' Class IV. — Actinozoa 112 Order I. — Zoantharia 116 Order II. — Halcyonoid.\ 121 Branch IV. — Echinodekmata 135 Class I. — Crinoidea 139 Order I. — Blastoidea 139 Order II. — Cystide.a. . 139 Order III. — Bracuiata 140 Class II. — Stellekida 147 Order I. — Opuiuroidea . . . • 147 Order II. — Asteroidea 152 Class III. — Echinoidea 161 Order I. — Desmosticha 164 Order II. — Clypeastrid.e 170 Order III. — Petalosticha 172 Class IV. — Holothuroidea 176 Order I. — Ei.asipoda 179 Order II. — Apoda 179 Order III. — Pedata . , ISO Order IV. — Diplostomidea 183 CONTENTS. Branch V. — Vekmes 185 Class I. — Platuelminthea 187 SUB-Cl,ASS I. — Turbellaeia 188 Sub-Class II. — Trematoda 191 Sub-Class III. — Cestoda 198 Class II. — Rotifera 202 Class III. — Gastrotricha 206 Class IV. — Nematoda 207 Class V. — Acanthocephali 21.3 Class VI. — Cu.etognathi 213 Class VII. — Nemertea 215 Class VIII. — Gephybea 217 Class IX. — Annelida 218 Sub-Class I. — Archiannelida 219 Sub-Class II. — Ch^topoda 219 Sub-Class III. — Enteropneusti 231 Sub-Class IV. — Discophoei 232 Branch VI. — Molluscoidea 2.36 Class I. — Polyzoa 236 Sub-Class I. — Entoprocta 239 Sub-Class II. — Ectoprocta 240 Sub-Class III. — Podostomata 244 Class II. — Bracuiopoda 244 Branch VII. — Mollusca 248 Class I. — Acephala 252 Class II. — Cephalophora 287 Sub-Class I. — Scaphopoda 291 Sub-Class II. — Gasteropoda 292 SUPER-OltDER I. — Isopleuba 292 Order I. — Ch^toderm^ 292 Order II. — Xeomenoidea 292 Order III. — Polyplacophora 293 Super-Order II. — Anisopleura 294 Order I. — Opistiiobrancuiata 295 Order II. — Pulmonata 303 Order III. — Zygobranchia 319 Order IV. — Scutibranchia 322 0i!DER V. — Ctenobranchia 324 Order VI. — Heteropoda 353 Sub-Class III. — Pteropoda 356 Order I. — Thecosomata 357 Order II. — Gymnosomata 359 Class III. — Cephalopoda 360 Sub-Class I. — Tetrabranchiata . . . 367 Sub-Class II. —Dir.RANCHiATA 369 Order I. — Octopoda 369 Order II. — Decaceea 372 LIST OF PLATES. PAGE Sea Cucumber Frontispiece polystomella 16 Sponges 56 Dalmatian Sponge Fishery 64 gorgonia verrucosa 72 Tubularian Hydkoid 80 Hydroid Jelly-Fishes ' 82 Hydkoids 86 Coralline Jelly'-Fish 90 Pleurobrachia and Bougainvillea 110 European Sea- Anemones 114 Red Coral 122 Cork Polyp 128 Living Crinoids 146 Star-Fish, Holothurian, and Worms 160 Marine Worms 228 Bivalve Molluscs 276 American Land Shells 314 American Pond Snails 340 Pterotrachea 356 Musk Poulpe . . . ■ 372 Cuttle-Fish 374 THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. INTEODUCTIOI^. The term Natural History has at different times and by different authors been used in a variety of senses. At the present time it is perhaps more commonly used in con- tradistinction to natural philosophy ; it is genei-ally applied to the study of natural ob- jects, both mineral or inorganic, and to plants and animals, or organic bodies. At first it was applied to the study of all natural objects, whetlier the minerals, rocks, and living beings observed upon our own planet, or heavenly bodies in general. The study of external nature, and the phenomena or laws governing the movements of natural bodies, was foi'inerly oijposed to metaphysics, history, literature, etc. After a while astronomy and chemistry were eliminated from natural history ; then natui-al philosophy, or what is now called physics, was farther sejjarated from chemistry, so that a chemist studies the constitution or atomic nature of bodies, both inorganic and organic ; how they combine, and how compound bodies may be analyzed or separated into their simple constituents ; the natural philosopher, or physicist, studies the forces of nature, the mechanical movements of inorganic bodies, and their phenomena, such as light, heat, and electricity, while the naturalist studies minerals, rocks, plants, and animals. But natural science, as distinguished from physical science, has made such progress, the work has been so sub-divided or differentiated, that even the term naturalist has become a vague, indefinite one. We must now know whether our naturalist is a mineralogist, a geologist, a botanist, or a zoologist ; and the latter may be an entomologist, or ichthyologist, or ornithologist, according as he devotes himself exclusively to insects, fishes, or birds. The term natural history is popularly, at least by many, confined to botany and zoology, often, however, to zoology alone ; and such is the convenient though inexact title of the present work. Man is an animal as well as a mental and spiritual being. His material body is dom- inated by liis mind and soul, but as zoologists we study him simply as an animal. The natural history of man is his physical history ; it concerns his bodily structure and de- velopment, the work of his hands and the language he speaks, as well as the races into which his species is divided. Anthropology is a convenient and comprehensive term now generally used for the natural history of man. The anthropologist, making a specialty of the natural history of man, studies not only his bodily structure, especially his skull or cranium and the other bones of the skeleton, comparing those of different races both living and extinct, but the works of human art ; also human languages, both those now spoken and those which have become extinct. Moreover the anthi'opologist goes out of the realm of zoology into those of mental phenomena or psycholog}', and of sociology, and studies man as a spirit, his notions of the future life, his myths, traditions ; he also studies his origin, history, and social laws and government. 1 ii THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. We have seen that tlie term natural history, as applied to plants and animals, is in- exact, having been used in different senses ; a more exact and suitable one is Biology, which is the science which relates to living beings. It is derived from the Greek (J/oc, life, and Uyo:, discourse. It is divided into Botany, which relates to plants, and Zoology (tMO)', animal; i-oyo;, discourse), the science treating of animals. The science of zoology may be subdivided thus : MoEPHOLOGY, or gross Anatomy, and the anatomy of the tissues (Histology), hased on embryology. Physiology and Psychology. ZOOLOGY. \ Repboduction and Embkyology. Systematic Zoology, or Classification. Paljeontology, the study of fossil animals. Zoo-geography, or the geographical distribution of animals. MORPHOLOGY. Inoeganic and Organic Bodies. The differences between the inorganic or mineral bodies, and organic or living bodies, are not always appreciable to the untrained eye and mind. Mineral bodies, such as water, and solid minerals such as quartz, salt, or lime, may assume definite crystalline shapes, and such shaj^es may grow, L e. increase in size, by the addition, on the outside, of particles of the same substance. Minerals may exist in three different states, gas or vapor, fluid, or solid. The air, carbonic acid gas, and water are min- erals, as much so as lime or salt. Rocks are made up of minerals, and thus the earth, the air, and water are of mineral origin. Minerals may assume plant-like shapes, as seen in the beautiful forms and delicate leaf-like tracery of the frost on our windows. The drops of sea-water dashed by the waves ujion one's coat-sleeve may be seen under a glass to evaporate and the solid particles left to arrange themselves in beautiful but definite crystalline forms. By watching the ev.aporation of salt water under the micro- scope, the crystals may be seen actually to grow, i. e. to build themselves uji, to extend and enlarge in size. "If," as Huxley states, "a crystal of common salt is hung by a thread in a saturated solution of salt, which is exposed to the air so as to allow the water to evaporate slowly, the molecules of the salt which is left behind and can no longer be held in solution, deposit themselves on the crystal in regular order and in- crease its size without changing in form. And, in this way, the small crystal may grow to a great size." Thus growth in minerals consists in the addition of particle after particle of solid matter to the outside of the growing body. Now, how do living bodies essentially differ from those not living? In the first place, plants and animals are built up of protoplasm. Protoplasm consists of mineral matter, to be sure, but so comliined as to form a substance not found in minerals. Moreover, a plant or animal has life ; the plant grows, and, if it is a vine, is capable of some degree of motion, it twines about some post or tree as a sujiport ; the living bird flies, and the living dog runs; after a time the plant or the bird dies, it is then dead. Minerals do not die. Besides, when the plant or animal grows, it increases in size, not like minerals, by additions from without, but by manufacturing protoplasm and other organic substances, such as starch and fat, within its body. Thus organisms or living beings grow by additions from within, these additions being produced by the living- being itself. After a while this process stops and it becomes dead. As Professor Hux- INTRODUCTION. iii ley tells us : " In the spring, a wheat-field is covered with small green plants. These o-row taller and taller until they attain many tnnes the size which they had when they first appeared ; and they produce the heads of flowers which eventually change into ears of corn. " In so far as this is a process of growth, accompanied by the assumption of a defi- nite form, it might be compared with the growth of a crystal of salt in brine ; but, on closer examination, it turns out to be something very different. For the crystal of salt o-rows by taking to itself the salt contained in the brine, which is added to its exterior ; whereas the plant grows by addition to its interior ; and there is not a trace of the characteristic compounds of the plant's body, albumen, gluten, starch, or cellulose, or fat, in the soil, or in the water, or in the air. " Yet the plant creates nothing, and therefore the matter of the proteids and amy- loids and fats which it contains must be supplied to it, and simply manufactured, or combined in new fashions, in the body of the plant. "It is easy to see, in a general way, what the raw materials are which the plant works up, for the plant gets nothing but the materials supplied to it by the atmosphere and by the soil. The atmosphere contains oxygen and nitrogen, a little carbonic acid gas, a minute quantity of ammoiiiacal salts, and a variable proportion of water. The soil contains clay and sand (silica), lime, iron, potash, phosphorus, sulphur, ammoniacal salts, and other matters which are of no imjiortance. Thus, between them, the soil and the atmosphere contain all the elementary bodies which we find in the plant ; but the |ilant lias to separate them and join them together afresh. "Moreover the new matter by the addition of which the plant gi-ows is not applied to its outer surface, but is manufactured in its interior; and the new molecules are diffused among the old ones." Living beings also reproduce their kind. The com bears seed, the hen lays eggs. Minerals cannot reproduce, so that we see that organic beings differ from minerals in three essential characteristics : they contain and are built up from protoplasm ; they grow from within, and they reproduce by seeds, germs or eggs. As Huxley again says : " Thus there is a very broad distinction between mineral matter and livinsr matter. The elements of living matter are identical with those of mineral bodies ; and the fundamental laws of matter and motion apply as much to living matter as to mineral matter ; but every living body is, as it were, a com- plicated piece of mechanism, which 'goes' or lives, only under certain conditions. The germ contained in the fowl's egg requires nothing but a sujiply of warmtli within certain narrow limits of temperature, to build the molecules of the egg into the body of the chick. And the process of development of the egg, like that of the seed, is neither more or less mysterious than that in virtue of which the molecules of water, when it is cooled down to the freezing point, build themselves up into regular crystals." The Diffkrexces between Plants and Ajstimals. We now come to the differences between plants and animals ; and here the dis- tinctions are more or less arbitrary. As we have remarked elsewhere, — " It is diflicult to define wh.at an animal is as distinguished from a plant, when we consider the simplest forms of either kingdom, for it is impossible to draw hard and fast lines in nature. In defining the limits between the animal and vegetable king- doms, our ordinary conception of what a plant or animal is will be of little use in dealing with the lowest forms of either kingdom. A horse, fish, or worm differs from iv. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. an elm-tree, a lily, or a fern, in having organs of sight, of hearing, of smell, of locomo- tion, and special organs of digestion, circulation, and respiration, but these plants also take in and absorb food, have a circulation of sap, respire through their leaves, and some plants are mechanically sensitive, while others are endowed with motion — certain low plants, such as diatoms, etc., having this power. In plants the assimilation of food goes on all over the organism, the transfer of the sap is not confined to any one portion or set of organs as such. It is always easy to distinguish one of the higher plants from one of the higher animals. But when we descend to animals like the sea-anemones and coral-polyps, which were called zoophytes from their general resemblance to flowers, so striking is the external similarity between the two kinds of organisms, that the early observers regarded them as ' animal flowers ;' and in consequence of the confused notions originally held in regard to them, the term zoophytes has been perpetuated in works on systematic zoology. Even at the present day the compound hydroids, such as the Sertularia, are gathered and pressed as sea-mosses by many persons who are unobservant of their peculiarities, and unaware of the complicated anatomy of the little animals filling the different leaf-like cells. Sponges, until a late day, were re- garded by our leading zoologists as plants. The most accomplished naturalists, however, find it impossible to separate by any definite lines the lowest animals and plants. So-called plants, as Jiacterium, and so-called animals, as Protamoeba, or certain monads, which are simple specks of protoplasm, without genuine organs, maybe referred to either kingdom ; and indeed, a number of naturalists — notably Haeckel — i-elegate to a neutral kingdom (the Protista) certain lowest plants and animals. Even the germs (zoospores) of monads and those of other flagellate infusoria, may be mistaken for the spores of jilants; indeed the active flagellated spores of plants were described as Infusoria by Ehrenberg ; and there are certain so-called flag- ellate Infusoria so much like low plants (such as the red snow or JProtococcus), in form, deportment, mode of reproduction, and a]ipearance of the spores, that even now it is possible that certain organisms placed among them are plants. It is only by a study of the connecting links between these lowest organisms, leading up to what are undoubted animals or plants, that we are enabled to refer these beings to their proper kingdom. " As a rule, plants have no special organs of digestion or circulation, and nothing approaching to a ner\'ous system. Most plants absorb inorganic food, such as car- bonic acid gas, water, nitrate of ammonia, and some phosphates, silica, etc., all of these substances being taken up in minute quantities. Low fungi live on dead animal matter, and jjromote the process of putrefaction and decay, but the food of these organisms is inorganic j^articles. The slime-moulds called J/yxomycetes, however, envelop the plant or low animals, much as an Amoeba throws itself around some living plant and absorbs its jn'otoplnsm ; but the 3fijxornycetes, in their manner of taking food, are an exception to other moulds. The lowest animals swallow other living animals whole or in pieces ; certain forms near Amoeba bore into minute algaj and absorb their protoplasm ; others engulf silicious-shelled plants (diatoms and desmids) and absorb the protoplasm filling them. No animal swallows silica, lime, ammonia, or phos- phates as food. On the other hand, plants manufacture or produce protein in the shape of starch, albumen, sugar, etc., which is animal food. Plants inhale carbonic acid gas and exhale oxygen ; animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbonic acid ; though Drajier has discovered that, under certain circumstances, plants may exhale carbonic acid. INTRODUCTION. V " Animals move and have special organs of locomotion ; few plants move, though minute forms have thread-like processes or vibratile lashes (cilia) resembling the flagella of monads, and flowers ojjen and shut ; but these motions of the higher plants are purely mechanical, and not performed by special organs controlled by nerves. The mode of reproduction of plants and animals, however, is fundamentally identical, and in this respect the two kingdoms unite more closely than in any other. Plants also, like animals, are formed of cells, the latter in the higher forms combined into tissues. " As the lowest plants and animals are scarcely distinguishable, it is probable that plants and animals first appeared contempoi'aneously ; and while plants are generally said to form the basis of animal life, this is only partially true ; a large number of fungi are dependent on decaying animal matter; and most of the Protozoa live on animal food, as do a large proportion of the higher animals. The two kingdoms sup- plement each other, are mutually dependent, and probably appeared simultaneously in the beginning of things. It should be observed, however, that the animal kingdom overtops the vegetable kingdom, culminating in man." (Packard's Zoology.) The Cells and Peotoplasm. The fact that the bodies of the higher as well as of the simpler animals are com- posed of cells was discovered by Schwann in 1839. This discovery is the foundation- stone upon which the modern and still young science of Biology has been built. The cell is the morphological unit of the organic world. With cells the biologist can, in the imagination, reconstruct the vegetable and animal kingdoms. By studying the forms and behavior of single cells and one-celled animals, such as the motions of the Amceba., one can better understand the structure and physiology of the highest and most specialized forms, even that of man ; for, as Geddes has remarked, " the functions of the body are the result of the aggregate functions of its cells, and are explained by varia- tions or phases of the activities of them." Cells are microscopic portions of protoplasm, either with or without a wall. The protoplasm is the most important, the dynamic part of the cell. What, then is pro- toplasm ? As has already been said, it is the possession of this substance which dis- tinguishes living beings from mineral. Huxley, in his " Science Primer," tells us in simple language what protoplasm is. " If a handful of flour mixed with a little cold water is tied ujj in a coarse cloth bag, and the bag is then put into a large vessel of water, and well kneaded with the hands, it will become pasty, while the water will become white. If this water is poured away into another vessel, and the knead- ing process continued with some fresh water, the same thing will happen. But if the operation is repeated, the paste will become more and more sticky, while the water will be rendered less and less white, and at last will remain colorless. The sticky substance, which is thus obtained by itself, is called gluten ; in commerce it is the substance known as maccaroni. " If the water in which the flour has thus been washed is allowed to stand for a few hours, a white sediment will be found at the bottom of the vessel, while the fluid above will be clear, and may be poured off. This white sediment consists of minute grains of starch, each of which, examined with a microscope, will be found to have a concentrically laminated structure. If the fluid from which the starch was deposited is now boiled, it will become turbid, just as white of egg diluted with water does wlien it is boiled, and eventually a whitish lumpy sulistance will collect at the bottom of the vessel. This substance is called vegetable albumen. vi THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. " Besides the albumen, the ghiten, and the starch, other substances, about which this rough method of analysis gives us no information, are contained in the wheat grain. For example, there is woody matter or cellulose, and a certain quantity of sugar and fat." Similar substances are found in animals and eggs. " If you break an egg, the con- tents flow out, and are seen to consist of the colorless glairy ' white ' and the yellow 'yolk.' If the white is collected by itself in water and tlien heated, it becomes turbid, forming a white solid, very similar to the vegetable albumen, which is called animal albumen. "If the yolk is beaten up with water, no starch nor cellulose is obtained from it, but there will be plenty of fatty and some saccharine matter, besides substances more or less similar to albumen and gluten. " The feathers of the fowl are chiefly composed of horn ; if they are stripped off, and the body is boiled for a long time, the water will be found to contain a quantity of gelatine, which sets into a jelly as it cools, and the body will fall to pieces, the bones and the flesh separating from one another. The bones consist almost entirely of a substance which yields gelatine when it is boiled in water, impregnated with a large quantity of salts of lime, just as the wood of the wheat stem is impregnated ^\itli silica. The .flesh, on the other hand, will contain albumen, and some other substances which are very similar to allninien, termed fibrin and syntonin. " In the living bird all these bodies are united with a great quantity of water, or dissolved, or suspended in water ; and it must be remembered that there are sundry otlier constituents of the fowl's body and of the egg, which are left unmentioned, as of no present importance. " The wheat plant contains neither horn nor gelatine, and the fowl contains neither starch nor cellulose ; but the albumen of the plant is very similar to that of the animal, and the fibrin and syntonin of the animal are bodies closely allied to both albumen and gluten. " That there is a close likeness between all these bodies is obvious from the fact that when any of them are strongly heated or allowed to putrefy, it gives off the same sort of disagreeable smell ; and careful chemical analysis has shown that they are, in fact, all composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, combined in very nearly the same proportions. Indeed, charcoal, which is impure carbon, might be obtained by strongly heating either a handful of corn or a piece of fowl's flesh in a vessel from which the air is excluded so as to keep the corn or the flesh from burning. And if the vessel were a still, so that the products of this destructive distillation, as it is called, could be condensed and collected, we should find water and ammonia in some shape or other in the receiver. Now ammonia is a compound of the elementary bodies nitrogen and liydrogen ; therefore both nitrogen and hydrogen must liave been contained in the bodies from which it is derived. "It is certain, then, that very similar nitrogenous compounds form a large part of the bodies of both the wheat plant and the fowl, and these bodies are called proteids. "It is a very remarkable fact that not only are such substances as albumen, gluten, fibrin, and syntonin known exclusively as products of animal and vegetable bodies, but that every animal and every plant at all periods of its existence contains one or other of them, though, in other respects, the composition of living bodies may vary indefinitely. Thus, some plants contain neither starch nor cellulose, while these sub- stances are found in some animals ; while many animals contain no horny matter and no INTRODUCTION. yfi gelatine-yielding substance. So that the matter which appears to be the essential foundation of both the animal and the plant is the proteid united with water ; though it is probable that, in all animals and plants, these are associated with more or less fatty and amyloid (or starchy and saccharine) substances, and with very small quanti- ties of certain mineral bodies, of which the most imjjortant appear to be phosphorus, iron, lime, and potash. " Thus there is a substance composed of water and proteids and fat and amyloids and mineral matters, which is found in all animals and plants, and, when these are alive, this substance is termed /)roio/)^;«^"»n." As yet we know almost nothing of the chemical nature of animal protojilasm. Microscopically it does not differ in appearance from vegetable protoplasm, and yet the latter has been found by Reinke to contain over forty proximate constituents. Hence it seems reasonable to infer that animal protoplasm will on further analysis be found to be an exceedingly complex substance, and not properly comj^arable with a particle of white of egg. The following account of the chemical composition of pro- toplasm in general is from Carnoy : " Protoplasm is a complex mixture of chemical species. The patient and minute researches of later years have resulted in the dis- covery, in typical protoplasm of young and active cells, the following substances which we should consider as the essential elements of the living matter : 1. Albuminoid substances (a vitelline and a myosine at minimum). 2. Phosphoric substances (lecit.hine and nucleine). 3. One or several hydrocarbonated substances (such as glyeose, dextrine, glycogene). 4. Soluble ferments (diastase, pepsine, inverslve ferment, emulsine). 5. Water (of constitution and imbibition). 6. Mineral elements (salts, sulphates, j)hosphates or nitrates of potassium, calcium, and magnesium). "We should also call attention to the recent analyses made by Reinke and Rode- wald (1881) on the plasmodium of JEthaUum septicum, by which they found, besides some accidental principles, the elements above mentioned. These analyses, as also the microchemical researches of Zacharias (1881-83), have besides revealed to us a new element of protean {proteique) nature, that of plastine, which seems to fill an essential role. Finally, we may mention the researches of Mayer and Baginski, which give a new category of soluble ferments : we refer to coagulent ferments, or presures (Labferment). These bodies have already been verified in a quite large number of animal and vegetable cells, which seem, like their congeners, indispensable to the accomplishment of certain cellular phenomena." We know that potentially the protoplasm of different kinds of cells exerts widely different forces and capabilities. A liver cell secretes bile, a pancreas cell pancreatic fluid, the cells lining the stomach gastric fluid, and an ovarian cell the white of an egg. One egg-cell may become a mollusc, another a man, whose brain-cells are the medium of the intellectual power which, enables him to write the history of his own species, and to be the historian of the forms of life which stand below him. The simplest, most primitive form of a cell, when without a nucleus or nucleolus, is called a cytode. The Monera, which are the lowest animals, have no nucleus, and have therefore been called by Hacckel cytodes. The existence of cytodes, however, cannot yet be accej)ted as a settled fact ; all the evidence is simply negative, and forms which once were supposed to have no nucleus (e. g. Radiolaria) have been recently viii THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. shown to possess such a structure. Furtlier researches may show the same to be true of all forms and all cells. Genuine cells have a 7iucleiis, the latter containing a ?iucleolu$. It will thus be seen that the true cell is not a simple body; the nucleus is distinct from the rest of the cell in structure and appearance, and the nucleolus also differs in the same way ©from the nucleus and rest of the cells. The nucleus and nucleolus also vary in tlicmselves in size and contents, the "^^ granules and fibres filling them varying in size and number. " This fact should lead us to regard the cell as not so simple as generally supposed. A recent writer, impressed by the com- plexity of cell structure, has subjected to a critical examina- tion the characters of ganglion cells, both smooth and striated muscle-cells, glandular, liver, and salivary gland cells, and epi- ^mlcVeM^nrniicieoills"' thelium, both that of the mucous membrane and that which is ciliated, as well as that of the crystalline lens, beside cartilage and embryonic cells. Both healthy and diseased cells are found by Arnold to possess a complicated structure. The two constituents, as ordinarily distinguished, the cell body and the cell nucleus, consist of a ground substance as well as of granules, sets of granules, and filaments; these latter may become very complicated in the more highly developed forms of cells. Arnold would regard a cell as consisting of a nucleus and of an investing mass, both of which contain, in a homogeneous ground substance, granules and filaments. Dr. C. S. Minot believes that the weight of an animal depends on the number and size of its cells, and that these two variables recpiire to be determined before we can speak definitely as to the processes of growth in animals. Minot points out that the growth of a body is usually measured by its weight, but that this method t.akes no account of the amount of non-protoplasmic matters present. All many-celled animals "pass through successive cycles, in which we can distinguish the two processes of senescence and of rejuvenation.'''' As growth is a function of rejuvenescence effected by impregnation, it follows th.at growth can only be measured by taking into account the number of cells living at any given time. Animal cells are of microscopic size, but one-celled animals are in some cases large enough to be detected with the naked eye; such are many Foraminifera, and the Sten- tor among Infusorians. Kolliker states that the size of the cells descends on the one hand, as in many cells — the blood cells, etc. — to 0.002-0.0003 of a line, and attains on the other, as in the cysts of the semen and the ganglionic globules, the size of 0.02 -0.04 of a line. The largest animal cells are certain gland-cells of insects which measure up to 0.01 of a line, and the yolk-cells or ova, especially of birds and reptiles. Animals grow by the self-division and multiplication of cells. This is the initial, fundamental process which underlies reproduction and growth. The cells in any part of the growing body divide into two, and those .again sub-divide, the products of self- division becoming as large as the original cell, and in this way the body increases in size. The part of the cell in which this process of self-division begins is the nucleus. A good deal has been written upon this subject. Some .authors believe that in cell divi- sion the nucleolus first divides, then the nucleus, and finally the cell. Prof. W. Flem- ming, however, maintains that the nucleus first of all undergoes a change, "sejtarating into a network of higlily refracting filaments, which take up coloring matters strongly. INTRODUCTION. IX and an intermediate substance not affected by staining fluids. The nucleus network goes through a' definite series of changes, and finally divides into two equal or sub- equal masses, which retreat from one another, and go through, in inverse order, the changes undergone by the mother nucleus, finally forming the nuclei of the two daughter cells. Tlie cell-body divides after the young nuclei have separated from one another, but before they have assumed the characteristics of quiescent nuclei." Cell division, he adds, probably exhibits periodicity, going on vigorously at certain times, and but little, or not at all, in the intervals. Tissues. Although we shall treat of the development of animals on a subsequent page of this introduction, at the risk of repetition, we will give here an epitome of the earlier features common to the development of all animals above the Protozoa as an introduc- tion to the subject of tissues. In all the animals above the Protozoa, besides reproduction by fission and bud- ding occurring in the lower groups, there is a sexual reproduction by which one animal or one part of an animal produces an egg, while another produces the male element or spermatozoan. These two unite and produce the fertile egg, wliich in its turn is con- verted into a perfect animal like the foi-m from which the genital products arose. In only a few forms will the egg develop without an intervention of the male sexual ele- ment, and these cases of par- thenogenesis, so far as at {jres- ent known, are confined to the rotifers and arthropods. The egg is to all intents and purposes a simple cell, and the processes by which it forms the complex adult are but those of cell-division, the resulting cells becoming specialized, some for the performance of one function, some for another. In the typi- cal form of this cell-division or segmentation, the egg divides first into two equal parts or cells, each of these again into two, producing four in all, and so on, the regular numbers being, '2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. This regu- larity is but rarely perfectly car- ried out ; the exceptional forms will be mentioned later. The result of this segmentation is the production of a more or less spherical body, which has received the name morula, from its resemblance to a mul- berry (Fig. II. E.) Usually this morula is at first solid, but it increases in size, the result being a hollow globe (Fig. 11.., F, surface view ; G, section), the blastula, the vacant centre being known as the segmentation cavity. The next step is the con- FiG. II. — Early stages ot development ot Moiioxenia: A, egg after disappearance of the uucleus; B, egg with nucleus; C, first seg- mentation; D, second segmentation; E, morula; F, surface view, and G, section of blastula; H, section of early gastrula. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. version of this ball with its single layer of cells into a two-layered sac. We can now compare the egg to a hollow rubber ball. By the pushing in of one side (ill the language of embryology, invagination) the ball can be made to resemble the condition shown in Fig. II. H, the earliest stage of the gastrula. The single layer of cells of the blastula is now differentiated into two layers, the outer of which is variously termed epiblast, ectoderm or epiderm, the inner endoblast, hypoblast, or endoderm. So far, with the modifications to be noted below, these processes are common to all animals above the Protozoa, and with the separation into two layers we have the essential parts of a Hijdra ; the outer layer corresponds to the skin, the inner to the digestive tract of that sim|)le animal, as shown farther on in this volume (p. 76.) In the higher animals — as, for instance, the frog — at one stage of the develojj- ment these two layers alone occur, and from the outer is developed the external layer of the skin, while the hypoblast eventually forms the lining of the central portion of the digestive tract. We thus see that at this stage the embryo is comi^osed of skin and stomach, and the name gastrula means a little stomach. This epitome contains the gist of the earlier stages of a typical egg, but in nature many variations occur, of which our space will allow but the merest mention. In eggs which are composed of pure proto])lasm this regular development occurs, but in most eggs another element, known as food-yolk or deutoplasm, is present, and according to its distribution the character of the segmentation and of the invagination varies. The pro- toplasm is the active jjortion, the food-yolk, as the name im- plies, is to nourish the growing embryo, and its presence tends to retard the development of the egg. Thus, when the protoplasm is superficial, and the food-yolk occupies a central position, as in the crustaceans, the segmentation jilanes .are at first confined to the surface, the central jiortion remaining for a time unsegmonted. At otlier times the food- yolk is confined to one pole of the e%%^ as in the frog, and then the segmentation is, for a while at least, confined to the protoplasmic i)ole, only affecting the other at a comparatively late stage of development. This is carried to its furthest extent in some of the fishes. All of lliese modifications of the type of segmentation are variously combined, so that great differences result, and as in the eggs of the same class, or occasionally even of the same genus, the distribution of the food-yolk will vary, it will readily be seen that the segmentation is but a very poor guide to the relationships of forms. In the insects the segmentation is very greatly modified, but as yet our knowledge is so slight as not to warrant any broad generalizations on the earlier stages of the group. Correlated with the variations in the segmentation are certain modifications in the gastruLation and the i)rodnction of the epiblast and hy]ioblast. Let iis return to the normal gastrula for a moment, and trace its progress just a little farther, naming some of the points omitted above. The invagination is carried to such an extent that the segmentation cavity is nearly obliterated, and at the same time the edges of the in- folded ball are brought closer together, so that a comparatively narrow opening is the Fig. III. — Segnieutiug egg of a Crustacean (Crangon). Fig. IV. - Unequal segmentation (frog). INTRODUCTION. xi result, known as the blastopore. This blastopore in most forms completely closes ; but to this we will return again. The hollo\\', which we have mentioned above as foi-m- in£j primarily the digestive cavity, is known as the archenteron or primitive stomach, and the hypoblastic cells which form its boundary are almost invariably larger than those of the epiblast. This is true of all gastrulas, even those where the segmentation is regular, and the reason is not difficult to find. The external cells have to embrace a greater superficial extent than the internal ones, and hence the layer becomes thiimer and the resulting cells smaller. In other cases the segmentation is irregular and then a greater inequality occurs, until in some forms the hypoblast is invaginated as a few cells, or even a single cell, and the archenteron does not aj)pear until a later date, when it is hollowed out of the hyj)oblastic cells. A greatly different mode of forming the gastrula is by what is known as delamination. A general idea of the i)rocess may be obtained by saying that the inner ends of the cells of the blastula (Fig. II., G) are segmented off to form the hypoblast. In the gastrula we have two of the so-called germinal layers, the epiblast and the hypoblast; in all animals except some of the coelenterates and the Dicyemids, a third layer, the mesoblast or mesoderm, occurs, hence these are known as triploblastic animals, in contradistinction to those with only hypoblast and epiblast, which are called diplo- blastic. We will not enter into a discussion of the many different ways in which the mesoblast arises, but will merely indicate what is apparently the typical method, which in reality exists umnodified in but very few animals. From the hypoblast, pouches bud off 'on either side, as shown on the left of our figure. These j^ouches eventually become seiwrated from the arclienteron, as shown on the right side Fig. v.— Diagram illustrating the / ,1 i- ^1 1 ^1 fornKitir.li of the germ layers 01 the same figure, ami the wails ot these pouches are the (but little mociifled from that - ■- 1 !• ,1 !• ii . occurring in P«-ijra/»a); on the mesoblast. JNow we are ready for the names ot these parts right an earlier, on the left a -, . (. ,-, ., ,.1,1 Ti later stage; h, blastopore; c. and an enumeration ot the organs into which they develop. cceiom; (/. mesobiastic pouch; . » , J. . ,. , 11. 1.1 .■ c f. epiblast; h, hypoblast; m. Alter the lormation ot the mesolilast and the separation oi mesenteron; o,somatopiure;/j, a portion of the archenteron, the hypoblastic cavity is t!on'cay^°yl "'*' ^' ^^^'"™ ^ known as the mesenteron, from the fact that its lining cells form the epithelium of the middle portion of the digestive tract. From other pouches and outgrowths of the mesenteron, formed at a later date, other organs arise. Among these we may mention the liver, the lungs of vertebrates, the endostyle of tunicates, jthe thyroid and thymus glands, pancreas, spleen, and the notochord. The epiblast, as we have seen, gives rise to the outer layer of the skin. This is not the whole of the list of its derivatives, for we must here include the nervous sys- tem and the organs of sense, dei-mal glands, teeth, membrane-bones, etc. As we have said, the blastopore almost always becomes completely closed, but in some forms it remains open, forming the mouth or the vent, and in Peripatus it closes in the middle, leaving both oral and anal openings at its extremities. In these forms where it becomes completely closed, the mesenteron is entirely separated from the external world, and comnuuiication has to be again opened with the exterior. This is accom- plished by inpushings of the epil)last at the exti-emities of the body. These ingrowths finally meet and unite with the hypoblast, and thus form the com])lete alimentary tract. From this method of formation of the anterior and posterior parts of the digestive canal, it follows that certain internal organs, as the oesophagus and iiites- xii THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. tine, the stomach of the lobster, and the gizzard of the cricket, the nialpigian tubes of insects, etc., are really to be classed among the derivatives of the ejaiblast. The mesoblast, after separating from the hyjjoblast, grows around between the other two layers. It either contains a cavity, originally a part of the archenteron, or such a cavity soon a23pears. This is the body cavity or ccelom, the pleuro-peritoneal cavity of vertebrates. The outer wall of the coelom unites with the epiblast, the inner with the hypoblast, and the segmentation cavity is obliterated. From the meso- blast arise most of the structures and organs not already enumerated. The list in- cludes the bones of vertebrates, the skeleton of echinoderms, spicules of sponges, mus- cles, connective tissue, blood, and excretory and reproductive organs. From an enibryological standpoint, as we have just seen, we can arrive at a classi- fication of tissues; but if we turn to structure and function, the result is a different association, which, for all except the pure morphologist, is far more satisfactory. The following classification of the tissues is taken, with modifications, from Kolliker: — 1. Epithelial tissues (epidermal and glandular). 2. Co)i7iective tissues (mucous, cartilage, elastic, areolar, and osseous tissues, and dentine). 3. Muscular tissues (smooth and striated). 4. Nerve tissue (nerve-cells and fibres). The epithelial tissues consist of cells placed side by side, forming a layer. All the other tissues arise from one having the cells characteristic of epithelium, as the gei-m- layers are formed of it. As Kolliker reiterates in 1884, "In all multicellular organ- isms all the elements and tissues arise directly from the fertilized egg-cell and the first embryonic nucleus. (1) The tissues first differentiated have the characters of epithe- lial tissues, and form the ectoblast and endoblast. ('!) All the other tissues arise from these two cell-layers; they are either directly derived from them, or arise l)y the intermediation of a median layer (mesoblast) which, when developed, takes an important part in forming the tissues. (3) When the whole of the animal series is considered, each of the germinal layers is found to be, in certain creatures, capable of giving rise to at least three, and perhaps to all tissues ; the germinal layers cannot, therefore, be regarded as histologically primitive organs." Epithelial cells form the skin or epidermis of animals, and also the lining of the digestive canal. The cells of the latter may, as in sponges, bear a genei-al resemblance to a flagellate infusorian, as Codosiga, or they may each bear many hair-like processes called cilia, which by their constant motion maintain currents of the fluids passing- over the surface of the epithelium. The cilia lining the inside of the windpipe serve to sweep any fluid formed there towards the throat, whei-e it can be coughed up and expectorated. Connective tissue and its varieties, and gristle or cartilage, bone, etc., arise from the mesoblast and suj>port the parts of the body. All the supporting tissues are used in the body for mechanical purposes : the bones and cartilages form the hard framework by which softer tissues are supported and protected ; and the connective tissues, with the various bones and cartilages, form investing membranes around different organs, and in the form of fine network penetrate their substance and support their constit- uent cells. Connective tissue is formed by isolated rounded or elongated cells with wide spaces between them filled with a gelatinous fluid or jirotoplasni, and occurs between muscles, etc. Gelatinous tissue is a variety of connective tissue found in the umbrella INTRODUCTION. xiii of jelly fishes. Fibrous and elastic tissue are also varieties of connective tissue. Cartilaginous tissue is characterized by cells situated in a still firmer intercellular sub- stance; and when the intercellular substance becomes combined with salts of lime, foi'ming bone, we have bony tissue. The blood-corpuscles originate from the mesoderm as independent cells floating in the circulating fluid, the blood cells being formed contemporaneously with the walls of the vessels enclosing the blood. In the invertebrates the blood-cells are either strikingly like the Amoeba in appearance, or are oval, but stOl capable of changing their form. Thus blood-corpuscles arise like other tissues, except that they become free. Muscular tissue is also composed of cells, which are at first nucleated and after- ward lose their nuclei. From being at first oval, the cells finally become elongated and unite together to form the fibrillae ; these unite with bundles fonuing muscular fibres, which in the vertebrates unite to form muscles. Muscular fibrilte may be sim- ple or striated. The contractility of muscles is due to the contractility of the proto- plasm originating in the cells forming the fibrillre. Nervous tissue is made up of nerve-cells and fibres proceeding from them; the former constituting the centres of nervous force, and usually massed together, forming a ganglion or nerve-centre from which nerve-fibres pass to the periphery and extremi- ties of the body, and serve as conductors of nerve-force. — (Packard's Zoology.) Organs. Animals are, with plants, called organisms, because they have organs. An organ is any j^art of the body specially developed to perform a special kind of work. Thus the wings are organs of flight, the heart is the organ of circulation, the leg an organ of locomotion. The tissues we have enumerated are combined to form organs. The simplest kind of an organ is perhaps the nucleus of the Amoeba. There are creatures lower than the Amcvba which have no organs. These are the Monera, in which no nucleus or any other specialized part of the body has as yet been found. If we rise in the scale of animal life to the monad, we find that it has an external appendage or organ like a whip-lash. In the Infusoria the body is covered with cilia, which arc the only organs of locomotion in these animalcules. In the Hydrn, the only external organs are the tentacles, which are situated around the head, and seem to feel for and to seize its prey. In the higher worms we have oar-like organs of locomotion, arranged in paii's on each side of the body ; also gills, or external breathing organs. Molluscs have a creeping organ, the under side of the body; they also have gills and other external parts or organs. In the crustaceans and insects the number and variety of form of external organs, especially the legs, gills, feelers, and moutli-parts, are remark- able, and they are highly specialized. In the vertebrates, beginning with fishes and ending with man, we have external organs of sight, hearing, and locomotion, such as fins, hands, and legs. Of the internal organs of the body, the most important is the digestive cavity, which is at first in the gastrula or early embryo of all many-celled animals, and in the Hydra and other polyps simply a hollow in the body. As we ascend in the animal series we can trace its gradual specialization, beginning with the lower woi'ms, and as- cending to the annelids, also in the sea-urchin and starfish. In the molluscs, Crustacea, and insects, as well as vertebrates, the alimentary canal is divided, during growth, into distinct portions (i. e., the throat, stomach, and intestine), each with separate functions xiv THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. or uses. Early in life other organs arise as outgrowths from the digestive tract of the embryo. These are the lungs, the livei-, jjanereas, sjjleen, etc. There are also organs of sujiport ; such are the skeletons of animals, whether exter- nal, as in the sea-urchin, 'starfish, lobster, or insect; or internal, as in a fish, bird, or man. A true bony skeleton only exists in the vertebrates, or back-boned animals. The illustrious naturalist, Cuviei-, established the principle of the correlation of organs, showing that every organ must have close relations with the rest, and be niore or less dependent on the others. Each organ has its particular value in the animal economy. There is a close relation between the forms of the hard and soft parts of the body, together with the functions they perform, and the habits of the animal. For example, in a cat, sharp teeth for eatiug flesh, sharp curved claws for seizing smaller animals, and great muscular activity — all coexist with a stomach fitted for the digestion of animal ratlier than vegetable food. So in the ox, broad grinding teeth for chewing grass ; cloven, wide-spreading hoofs, that give a broad support in soft ground, and a four-chambered stomach, are correlated with the habits and instincts of a ruminant. From the shape of a single tooth of an ox, deer, or a dog or eat, one can determine not only its order, but its family or genus. Hence this prime law of com- parative anatomy led to the establishment l)y Cuvier of the fund.amental principles of the science of palajontology, by which the comparative anatomist can with some degree of confidence restore from isolated teeth or bones the probable form of the original pos- sessor. Of course, the more perfect the skeleton and teeth, the more perfect the remains of the crust of insects or the shells of extinct molluscs, the more perfect will be our knowledge, and the less i-oom will there be for error in restoring extinct animals. New organs often arise by changes in the form and uses of simpler, older ones, and the new organs m.ay l)e so much changed by the gradual modification of its func- tions as to assume new uses. " This fact," says Gegenbaur, in the introduction to his Elements of Comparative Anatomy, " is of considerable importance, for it helps to explain the appearance of new organs, and obviates the difficulty raised by the doc- trine of evolution, viz., that a new organ cannot at once appear with its function completely developed ; that it therefore cannot serve the organism in its first stages whilst it is gradually appearing ; and that consequently the cause for its development can never come into operation. Every organ for which this objection has the appear- ance of justice can be shown to have made its first appearance with a significance dif- fering from its later function. Thus, for exanijile, the lungs of the Vertebrata did not arise simply as a respii-atory organ, but had a predecessor among fishes breathing by gills, in the swim-bladder, which at first had no relation to respiration. Even where the lungs first assume the functions of a respiratory organ (Dipnoi, and many Am- phil)ia) they are not the sole organ of the kind, but share this function with the gills. The organ is therefore here caught, as it were, in the stage of convei'sion into a respi- ratory organ, and connects the exclusively respiratory lungs witli the swim-bladder, which arose as an outgrowth of the enteric tube and was adapted to a hydrostatic function." Org.ans may also become modified by disuse until they lose their distinctive form and become rudimentary. Striking examples are seen in the ))arasitic Crustacea and insects. As a result of the modification of org.ans by use and disuse, organs which are morphologically the same become very different in function, and also in their general appearance ; so that we may classify organs differently either by their morjihology or physiological uses. INTRODUCTION. XV We speak of liiglily-develoiJed organs, and those which, are aborted, atrojjhied, or rudimentary. Highly-developed organs are also highly specialized or differentiated ; such organs are complicated, owing to the distinct uses or divisions of labor accorded to each part. Thus, the eyes of worms are very simple and lowly developed com- pared with the human eye; a fish's fin is, in part at least, morphologically the same as the fore-leg of a cat, or the arm of a monkey or of man, but in the human arm different nses are assigned to different portions of the limb ; it is highly developed, specialized, or differentiated, to use terms nearly synonymous. On the other hand, so exquisitely wrought an organ as a fish's eye may by disuse become nearly atrophied, as in the blind fish of Maunnoth Cave, which lives in perpet- ual darkness. And not only the eye, but the ojitic lobes and ojotic nerves may, as in the case of a small crustacean (CecidoUea sti/r/ia), also living in Mammoth Cave, be entirely aborted. Among reptiles are some extraordinary cases of modification by degeneration and atrophy. Tlie lizard-like creature, Seps, has remarkably small limbs, and in Bipes there is only a pair of stumps, representing the hinder limbs. As Lan- kester claims, these two forms represent two stages of degeneration or atrophy of the limbs ; " they have, in fact, been derived from the five-toed, four-legged ordinary lizard form, and have nearly or almost lost the legs once possessed by their ancestors." The entire order of snakes is an exam])le how the loss, by atrophy, of the limbs may become common to an entire group of animals numbering thousands of species ; the possession by the boas of a rudimentary pelvis, and minute but nearly atrophied hind legs, tends to prove that all the snakes are descendants from some ancestral form whose limbs became lost through disuse. Among the Diptera, which have but a single pair of wings, there is an universal atrophy of the second or hinder pair of wings ; moreover, there are numerous wing- less, degraded forms, and when we take into account the fact that almost all dipterous larvffi are nearly headless and evidently degenerated forms, we are inclined to think that the entire group of true flies, numbering at least twenty thousand sjjecies, are the result of a retrograde development, affecting in every species the hinder pair of wings, and in numerous other forms the mouth-parts and other portions of the body, both in the larval and adult states. The gi-ou]:> of barnacles (Cirripedia) is another example where atrojihy and degeneration ])ervade each member of an order, and the cases are highly interesting and suggestive. An entire sub-kingdom of animals may be degenerated in some respects. Such is the branch or sub-kingdom of sjjonges ; the adult forms of which, l)y becoming fixed, have undergone a retrograde development, the gastrula or lar\al forms showing a promise of a state of development which the organism not only does not attain, but from which it falls completely away in after life. Lankester regards the acepha- lous molluscs, or bivalves, as having degenerated from a higher type of head-bearing active creatures like the snails. The aseidians start in the same path of development as the vertebrates, and at length fall back and lose nearly every trace of a vertelirate alliance. Besides sub-kingdoms, classes, and orders of animals, we have minor groups which are in their entirety examples of a backward development. Without doubt certain human races, as the present descendants of the Indians of Central America, the mod- ern Egyptians, " the heirs of the great Oriental monarchies of pre-Christian times," the Fuegians, the Bushmen, and even the Australians, may be degenerate races. Lankes- ter, in his book on " Degeneration," considers the causes of retrograde development xvi THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. to be due to — 1, parasitism ; 2, fixity or immobility of the animal ; 3, vegetative nutrition, and 4, excessive reduction in the size of the body. Analogy and Homology. When we compare the wing of an insect with that of a bird, and see that they are put to the same use, we say that they are analogous ; for when we carefully compare the two organs, we see how unlike throughout they are. When we compare the fin of a whale with the fore-leg of a dog or bear, we see that one is adapted for swimming, and the other for running on dry land ; but, however unlike the two limbs are superfi- cially, we find, on dissection, that all the principal bones and muscles, nerves and blood- vessels of the one correspond to those in the other, so that we say there is a structu- ral resemblance between the two kinds of limbs. Thus analogy implies a dissimilarity of structure in two organs, with identity in use, while homology implies blood-relation- ship. Analogy repudiates any common origin of the organs, however physiologically alike. In the early days of zoological science, but little was said about homologies ; but when comparative anatomy engaged the attention of philosophical students, attention was given to tracing the resemblances between organs superficially and functionally unlike. It was found that the world of life teemed with examjjles of homologous parts. Afterwards, when the theory of evolution became the most useful tool the compar- ative anatomist could wield, and when the knowledge of comparative embryology completed his equipment, the most unexpected homologies were discovered. Of course, the more nearly related are the two animals possessing homologous organs, as the dog and whale, the closer and more jilainly homologous are their fore limbs. It is easy to trace the homologous organs in animals of the same order or class, however effectually degeneration on the one hand, or differentiation on the other, have done their work. But it was then found that the branchial sacs of ascidians are homologous with the pharyngeal chamber of the lamprey eel ; that the position of the nervous system in ascidians accords morjjhologically with that of fishes and higher verteljrates ; that the notocord of larval ascidians is the homologue of that of the lancelet and lam- prey, as well as that of embryo vertebrates in general ; and, finally, the homologies between the laiwal ascidians and vertebrates are so startling that many comparative anatomists now maintain that the ascidians belong, with the vertebrates, to a common branch of the animal kingdom called Chordata. On the other hand, excellent anato- mists trace homologies between certain organs in worms, and corresponding organs in sharks and other vertebrates ; the segmental organs of worms have their homologous parts in the urogenital organs of sharks ; the worm Balanoglossus has a respiratory chamber homologous with that of the lancelet and lamprey. Hence it came to pass that these general homologies between the lower, less specialized classes of inverte- brates, ]iarticularly the worms, and the lower vertebrates, were so many proofs of the origin of the latter from worms or worm-like forms. Hence the opinion now preva- lent that a homology between organs, however unlike in the uses at present made of them, implies that the anhnals having such organs had a common ancestry. Hence, also, the proofs of the unity of organization of the animal kingdom are based on a profound study of the resemblances in the tissues and organs of animals, rather than of their superficial, recently-acquired differences. INTRODUCTION. xvii Homology may be general or special; the latter limited, for the most part, to animals of the same sub-kingdom. It is well to use words which will express our meaning exactly, and hence a general homology may be indicated by the word isogeny, indicating a general similarity of origin ; thus, the nervous system of Avorms, arthropods, molluscs, and vertebrates are isogenous, all being derivations of the epiblast. The term liomology should be restncted to those cases where the correspondence, part for part, is more exact. Thus, the brain of fishes and that of man are not only isogenous, but homologous. The Scale of Peefectiox in Organs and in Animals. The history of the rise and progress of the human arm, possibly, as some claim, from an organ like the tin of a shark, a boneless, flabby limb; how it gradually, by adaptation, became like the differentiated fore-leg of a salamander, then became adaj^ted for a climbing, arboreal use, and finally became, next to his brain, the most distinctive organ in man, — the history of the successive steps in this rise in the scale of pei-fec- tion would throw light on the general subject of the gradual perfection of organs and organisms. On the other hand, the hinder extremities or legs of man have not been equally perfected. As Cope has remarked : " He is plantigrade, has five toes, separate carpals and tarsals, a short heel, rather flat astragalus, and neither hoofs nor claws, but something between the two." Man's limbs are not so extremely specialized as those of the horse, which is digitigrade, walking only on four toes, one to each foot. Man's stomach is simple, not four-chambered, as in the ox. Thus one organ, or one set of organs, may in man attain the highest grade in the scale of perfection, while others maybe comparatively low in form and function. Animals acquire, so to speak, their form by the acceleration in the growth of certain parts, which involves a retardation in the development of others ; it is by the unequal development of the different parts that the fish has become adapted to its life in the water, that the bird becomes fitted for its aerial existence, and that moles can burrow, and monkeys are enabled to climb.' The scale of perfection, as applied to organs, is a relative one ; those in each animal are most perfect which are best adapted to subserve the requirements of that creature. Man's brain is on the whole the most perfect of all oi-gans, and it enables him to regu- late the movements of his limbs and other organs in a manner alone characteristic of an intellectual, reasoning, speaking, spiritual being. Generalized and Specialized Types. A large proportion of the higher classes of animals now living are more or less specialized ; they stand at or near the head of a series of forms which have become extinct, and which were much less specialized. For example, there are now living nearly ten thousand species of bony fishes, while the remains of only about twenty species have been found in the cretaceous formation. The earlier types of fishes were generalized or composite in their structure, ]iresenting, besides the cartilaginous skeleton, a feature occurring in the embryos of lung fishes, characteristics which place them above the bony fishes. Among fishes, the lung fishes or Dipnoi, are the clearest example of a generalized type ; they have a notocord, in which respect they resemble the lancelet and lamprey ; while they possess one or two lungs, in which respect they resemble the salamanders or batrachians ; thus in some features they ai-e lower, and in others higher, than any of the bony fishes. There is a strange mixture of characters in these composite animals, and the living forms may be regarded as old-fashioned. xviii THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. archaic types, the survivors of a large gi'oup of Devonian forms. They were called by Agassiz prophetic types, as they pointed to the coining of more highly wrought, specialized forms, the amphibians. They are now regarded as ancestral forms from which have originated two lines of organisms, one culminating in the bony fishes, and the other in the labyrinthodonts and salamanders and other batrachians. The king or horse-shoe crab {Limulus) is likewise a composite, synthetic, compre- hensive or generalized type, as it is variously called. Its development and structure shows certain features closely resembling the Arachnida, while it is also closely allied by other points to the Crustacea, with other features peculiar to itself. Its position in the scheme of nature is now in dispute, owing to the admixture of characters in which it resembles both the Crustacea and Arachnida. Now Limulus is a survivor or remnant of a long line of forms which flourished in the paljeozoic seas, at a time when there were no genuine Crustacea nor Arachnida, which did not arise until long after the Merostomata {Eurypterus, etc.) and their allies, the trilobites, began to disappear. These generalized, composite arthropods lived, had their day, and finally gave way to the hosts of highly specialized modern Crustacea, such as the shrimps and crabs of our seas, and to the scorpions and spiders inhabiting the land, and which owe their diver- sity of form to the highly wrought structure of a few special parts. So, among insects, the earlier were the more generalized, old-fashioned forms. Such were the white ants, cockroaches, grasshoppers, may-flies and dragon-flies, the earliest insects known. Their numbers are scanty at the present day. They have been in part supplanted by the thousands of species of beetles, moths, butterflies, ants, wasps, and bees, so characteristic of the present age of the world as compared with the insect life of the carboniferous period. Among mammals the horse is the most sj^ecialized ; its generalized ancestors were the Coryphodon and Eohippns. The latter had four usable toes, and the rudiments of a fifth on each forefoot, and three toes behind. The history of the horse family is a record of successive steps by which a highly specialized type was produced, culmina- ting in that extreme form, the American trotting horse, which can only do one thing well, i. e. excel in trotting over a racecourse. PHYSIOLOGY. The most difiicult line of study in biology is to determine how the organs do their work. This is the ofiice of the physiologist. It is comparatively easy to discover how a fish uses its fins in swimming, how a mammal walks, how a bird flies ; but it is diffi- cult to ascertain how the internal organs perform their functions; how the stomach digests food, exactly what ofiice the biliary and pancreatic fluids fill in the compli- cated process of digestion ; the function of the spleen, and so on with the other viscera. Here, besides observation and comparison, the physiologist has to rely on experiments to test the results of his observations. The pathway to a complete understanding of human physiology lies through the broad and as yet only partially surveyed field of animal physiology. We can better understand the physiology of digestion in man by studying the process of intracellular digestion in the Infusoria, the sponges, and jelly-fish, where, owing to the transparency of the tissues, the process can be actually observed ; so likewise, the nature of muscular movements can best be understood by observing under the microscope the contractility of the protoplasm of individual cells or one-celled organisms. The physiology of reproduction could never have been INTRODUCTION. XIX understood without a study of the operations of cell-division, self-fission and gemma- tion in the one-celled animals and polyps. Our most eminent human physiologists, such as Remak, Bischoff, von Baer, and others, have had to go to the lower animals for facts to illustrate the reproductive processes in man. No medical student can in these days afford to be ignorant of the general laws of animal physiology. Locomotion. All the movements of the body, or of the internal organs, with which physiology has to do, depend primarily on the contractility inherent in the protoplasm filling the cells of the body. Of the cause of contractility in protoplasm we know nothing. We see its manifestations in the irritability and resulting contractions of the body of the Amoeba, of the white blood-corpuscle, and other cells and one-celled organisms. It is this inhei'ent contractility of the protoplasm in muscle-cells which gives rise to muscular movements. But the simplest one-celled animals do not move about by means of muscles. The Amoeba changes its position, Proteus-like, by variously contracting the body, and thus changing its form, throwing out root-like processes in different directions. The Infusoria have permanent thread-like processes, called cilia, by which they can swim about in the water. In the Hijdra and other polyps, however, we meet with muscles, by which the body can contract in certain parts; in such animals the base of the body forms a more or less contractile, movable, creeping disc, while the tentacles move partly by means of their muscular walls, and partly mechanically by filling them with the circulatory fluid of the body. The sea-urchin and starfish move slowly over the sea weed and rocks by means of long, slender suckers. Extending these by allowing the water to flow into them, and fastening them to the surface of the object over which they are moving, they then contract them, and in this way the body is warped slowly along. In the lower worms, such as the flat-worms, or in the snails, the gliding movement is due to the mugcular contractions of the under side of the body. The gliding motion of snails is due to a system of extensive muscular fibres within the disc, which act when the sinuses within the disc are filled with blood ; their extension causing the undulating appearance on the under side of the snail's foot, or creeping disc; but the snail can only thus move forwards; the lateral movements and shortening of the foot being produced by oblique muscular fibres. Rising in the zoological scale, we come to the Crustacea and insects which have jointed legs, ending, in the latter, in claws adapting the limb both for walking and climbing. The legs of arthropods are perhaps modifications of the lateral fleshy oar-like appendages of the sea-worms, which have become externally hard and jointed, with several leverage-systems. The mechanism of locomotion is fundamentally the same in the legs of arthropods and vertebrates. Space does not permit us to discuss the subject of the mechanism of walking, running, and flying, but all these movements are dependent primarily on the contractility inherent in the protoplasm filling the cells forming muscular tissue. Digestion. The most important organs in the animal system are those relating to digestion, as an animal may respire solely through its body-walls, or do without a circulatory or nervous system, but must eat in order to live and grow. The opening by which the XX THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. food is taken into the alimentary canal is called the mouth, wliether reference is made to the ' mouth ' of a liydra or of a vertebrate. Although the structure of the edges may differ radically, still in most Metazoa the mouth is due to an inpushing of the ec- toderm, however differently the edge may be supjiorted and elaborated. The edges of the mouth are usually called the lips, but true lij^s for the first time appear in the Mammalia. The trituration or mastication of the food is accomplished among the in- vertebrates in a variety of ways, and by organs not always truly homologous. The object of digestion is to reduce the food into a convenient condition, and to dissolve or to transform it into tissue-food. How the products of digestion are carried about in the body, so as to sup]ily the tissues of the various organs, by the circulatory organs, will be pointed out in the next section. The simplest form of the digestive process may be seen by a skilled observer in the cells lining the digestive jiockets or chambers in the interior of a sponge or jelly-fish. Each cell has a certain amount of individuality, taking in, through transitory openings in their walls, particles of food, and rejecting the waste portions, much as individual Infusoria, which have no stomachs, in- gest their food, and reject the particles which are indigestible or not needed. Not only has intra-cellular digestion, as it is called, been observed in sponges and jelly-fishes, as well as in ctenophores, but also in low worms (Turbellaria). We will now look at the leading steps in the evolution and s])ecialization of the di- gestive cavity of animals. In the polyps, such as Hydra and Coryne, it is simply a hollow in the bodj'. The Hydra draws some little creature with its tentacles into its stomach ; there it is acted upon by the juices secreted by the walls of the stomach, and the hard parts rejected from the mouth. For the technical name of tlje digestive tract as a whole, we may adopt Hacckel's term enteron. In the jelly-fishes the stomach opens into four or more water-vascular canals or passages, by which the food, when partially digested and mixed with sea-water, thus forming a rude sort of blood, supplies the tissues with nourishment. In the sea-anem- ones and coral polyps, the digestive cavity is still more specialized, and its walls are partly separated from the walls of the body, though at the j^osterior end the stomach opens directly into the body cavity. In the echinoderms and worms do we find for the first time a genuine digestive tube, lying in the perivisceral space (which, with Haeckel, we may call the ccelom), and opening externally for the rejection of waste matter. In the worms the digestive canal becomes separated into a mouth, an oesophagus, with salivary glands opening into the mouth, and there is a division of the diges- tive tract into three regions — i.e., fore (oesophagus), middle (chyle-stomach), .and hind enteron (intestine). In the molluscs and higher worms there is a well-marked sac-like stomach and an intestine, with a liver, present in certain worms and in the ascid- ians and molluscs, opening into the beginning of the intestine. All these divisions of the digestive tract exist still more clearly in the Crustacea and most insects. In the latter, six or more excretory tubes (Mal]iigian vessels) discharge their contents into the intestines, and in the ' respiratory tree ' of the Holothurian, and the segmental organs of certain worms we have organs with probably similar excretory uses. In the vertebrates, from the lancelet to man, the alimentary canal has, without exception, the three divisions of oesophagus, stomach, and intestine, with a liver. In this branch the lungs ai-e modified parts of originally sac-like dilatations of the first divi- sion of the digestive tract. The intestine is also sub-divided in the mammals into the small and large intestine and rectum, a coecum being situated at the limits between the INTRODUCTION. Xxi small aud large intestine. We thus observe a gradual advance in the degree of spe- cialization of the digestive organs, corresponding to the degree of complication of the animal. — (Packard's Zoology.) We will now look at the glands which pour their secretion into the digestive canal. In the worms, salivary glands send their secretion into the throat, while in the polyps (ccelenterates) and many worms, and in all insects the stomach is lined with a layer of colored cells which secrete bile ; in the spiders the stomach forms a set of complicated ccecal appendages which secrete a fluid like bile ; in the Crustacea, and lower molluscs, there is a liver formed of little glamls which open into the beginning of the intestine, while in the higher molluscs and in the vertebrates we have a true specialized liver merely connected with the digestive canal by its ducts. Thus the original food-stuff is variously treated by animals of different grades. In the sea-anemone or any polyj), a very imperfectly digested material is pro- duced, which is taken at first hand, mixed with the sea-water, and in part churned by the movements of the body, in part moved about in a more orderly and thorough manner, in currents formed by the cilia lining the chambers of the body. In the worms, and insects, etc., the chyle or products of digestion percolates, or oozes through the walls of the intestine into the body cavity, and there directly mingles with the blood, and is thus carried in the circulation to every part of the body, however remote or minute. In the vertebrates, however, this is not so. The chyle, a much more elaborate fluid than that of the lower animals, is carried by an intricate system of vessels, called lymphatics, from the intestine to the blood vessels. Thus the process of digestion becomes increasingly elaborate as we ascend in the animal series, and as the digestive system becomes more and more complex. Here again we might look at the chewing apparatus or teeth, arming the mouth, by wiiich the food is made ready for digestion. To quote from the author's text-book of Zoology: — Hard bodies serving as teeth occur for the first time in the animal series in the sea-urchins, where a definite set of calcareous dental processes or teeth, with solid supports and a complicated muscular apparatus, serves for the comminution of the food, which consists of decaying animals and sea-weeds. In those echinoderms which do not have a solid framework of teeth, the food consists of minute forms of life, proto- zoans and higher soft-bodied animals, or the free-moving young of higher animals, which are carried into the niouth in currents of water or swallowed bodily with sand or mud. Among the worms, true organs of mastication for the first time appear in the Rotatoria, where the food, such as Infusoria, etc., is crushed and is partly comminuted by the well-marked horny and chitinous pieces attached to the mastax. In most other low worms the mouth is unarmed. In the leeches there are three, usually in the annelids two, denticulated or serrate, chitinous flattened bodies, situated in the exten- sible pharynx of these worms, and suited for seizing and cutting or crushing their prey. In the higher molluscs, such as the snails (Cephalophora) and cuttles, besides one or more broad, thin pharyngeal jaws, comparable with those mentioned as existing in the worms, is the lingual ribljon, admirably adapted for sawing or slicing sea-weeds, and cutting and boring into hard shells, acting somewhat like a lapidary's wheel ; this organ, however, is limited in its action, and in the cuttles, the jaws, which are like a parrot's beak, do the work of tearing and biting the animals serving as food, which are seized and held in place by the suckered arms. xxii THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. In the crustaceans and insects we have an approach to true jaws, but here they work hiterally, not up and down, or vertically, as in the vertebrate jaws ; the mandi- bles of these animals are modified feet, and the teeth on their edges are simply irregularities or sharp processes, adapting the mandibles for tearing and comniiuutino- the food. It is generally stated that the numerous teeth lining the crop of Crustacea and insects, serve to further comminute the food after being partially crushed by the mandibles, but it is now supposed that these numerous points also act collectively as a strainer to keep the larger particles of food from passing into the chyle-stomach until finely crushed. The king-crab burrows in the mud for worms (Nereids, etc.) ; these may be found almost entire in the intestine, having only been torn here and there, and partly crushed by the spines of the base of the foot-jaws, which thus serve the purpose effected by the serrated edges of the mandibles of the genuine Crustacea and insects. , Among vertebrates the lancelot is no better off than the majority of the coelen- terates and worms, having no solid parts for mastication ; and the jaws and teeth of the hag-fish, and even the lamprey eel, form a very different apparatus from the jaws and its skeleton in the higher vertebrates ; and even in the latter the bony elements differ essentially in form in the different classes, though originating in the same man- ner in embryonic life. In the birds, the jaw-bones are encased in horny plates; true teeth being absent in the living species, the gizzard being, however, provided with two hard grinding surfaces; on the other hand, mammals without teeth are excep- tional. The teeth of fishes are developed, not only in the jaws, but on the different bones projecting from the sides and roof of the mouth, and extend into the throat. In many cases, in the bony fishes, these sharp recurved teeth serve to prevent the prey, such as smaller fish, from slipping out of the mouth. On the other hand, the upper and lower sides of the mouth of certain rays {3fijliobatis) are like tlie solid pavement of a street, and act as an upper and nether mill-stone to crush solid shells. In the toothless ant-eaters the food consists of insects, which are swallowed with- out being crushed in the mouth ; true teeth are wanting in the duck-bill, then- place being taken by the horny processes of the jaws, while in Steller's manatee the toothless jaws were provided with horny solid plates for crushing the leaves of succu- lent aquatic plants. Exam])les of the most highly differentiated teeth in vertebrates are seen in those animals which, like the bear, are omnivorous, feeding on flesh, insects, and berries, and which have the orown of the molars tuberculate ; while the canines are adapted for holding the prey firmly as well as for tearing the flesh, and the incisors for both cutting and tearing the food. Circulation. Intimately associated with the digestive canal are the vessels in which the pro- ducts of digestion mix with the blood and supply nourishment for the tissues, or, in other words, for the growth of the body. In the Infusoria the evident use of the con- tractile vesicles is to aid in the diffusion of the partly digested food of these micro- scopic forms. In the Hydra the food stuff is directly taken up by the cells lining the coelom, while the imperfectly formed blood also finds access to the hollows of the tentacles. The mode in which the cells lining the canals in the sponge take up, by means of pscudopodia, microscopic particles of food, directly absorbing them in their substance, is an interesting example of the mode of nourishment' of the cellular tissues INTRODUCTION. xxiii of tlie lower animals. The sea-rinemone presents a step in advance in organs of circu- lation ; here the partly digested food escapes through the open end of the stomach into the perivisceral chambers formed by the numerous septa, the contractions of the body churning the blood, consisting of sea-water and the particles of digested food, and a few blood-corpuscles, hither and thither, and with the cilia forcing it into every interstice of the body, so that the tissues are everywhere supplied with food. The water-vascular system of the ccelenterates presents an additional step in de- gree of complexity ; but it is not until we reach the echinoderms, on the one hand, and such worms as the Nemertes and its allies on the other, where deiinite tubes or canals, the larger ones contractile, and, in the latter type at least, formed from the mesoderm, serve to convey a true blood to the various parts of the bodj', that we have a definite blood system. In the echinoderms a true hasmal or vascular system may co- exist with the water-vascular system. In the annelids, such as the Nereis, one of the blood-vessels may be modified to form a pulsating tube or heart, by which the blood is directly forced outward to the periphery of the body through vessels which may, by courtesy, be called arteries, while the blood returns to the heart by so-called veins. The molluscs have a circulatory system which presents a nearer approach to the vertebrate heart and its vessels than even in the crustaceans and insects, for the ven- tricle and one or two auricles, with the complicated arterial and venous system of vessels of the clam, snail, and cuttle-fish, truly foreshadow the genuine heart and sys- temic and pulmonary circulation of the vertebrates. The molluscs, and king-crab, and the lobster, jiossess minute blood vessels which present some approach to the capillaries of vertebrates. The circulation in certain worms, from Nemertes upward, may be said to be closed, the vessels being continuous ; but they are not so in insects where true veins are not to be found, the blood returning to the heart in chainiels or lacunre in the spaces between the muscles and viscera. In vertebrates the ' aortic heart ' of the lancelet or Amphioxus is simply a pulsat- ing tube, and there are portions of other vessels which are pulsatile, so that there is, as in some worms, a system of ' hearts.' A genuine heart, consisting of an auricle and a ventricle only, first ajjpears in the lamprey. This condition of things survives in fishes, with the exception of those forms, such as the limg-fish (Dipnoans), whose heart anticipates in structure that of the amphibians and reptiles, in which a second auricle appears. Again, certain rejjtiles, such as the crocodiles, anticipate the birds and mammals in having two ventricles — i. e., a four-chambered heart. It should be borne in mind that in early life the heart of all skulled vertebrates (Craniota) is a simple tube, and as Gegenbaur states, " as it gradually gets longer than the space set apart for it, it is arranged in an S-shaped loop, and so takes on the form which the heart has later on." Owing to this change of form it is divided into two parts, the auricle and ventricle. A striking feature first encountered in the craniate vertebrates is the presence of a set of vessels conveying the nutrient fluid or chyle which filters through the walls of the digestive canal to the blood-vessels ; these are, as already stated, the lymphatics. In the lancelet, as well as in the invertebr.ate animals, such vessels do not occur, but the chyle oozes through thf" stomach-w.alls and directly mixes with the blood. Rbspikation. Always in intimate relation with the circulatory system are the means of respira- tion. The process may be carried on .all over the body in the simple animals, such xxiv THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. as Protozoa or sponges, or, as in ccelenterates, it may be carried on in the water- vascular tubes of those animals, while in the so-called respiratory tree of echin- oderms it may go on in company with the performance of other functions by the same vessels. Respiration, however, is inclined to be more active in such finely subdivided parts of the body as the tentacles of polyps, of worms, or any filamentous subdivisions of any of the invertebrates; these parts, usually called gills, present in the aggregate a broad resjjiratory surface. Into the hollows of these filamentous ijrocesses, which are usually extensions of the body-walls, blood is driven through vessels, and the oxygen in the water bathing the gills filters through the integument, and immediately gains access to and mixes with the blood. The gills of the lower animals appear at first sight as if distributed over the body in a wanton manner, appearing in some species on the head, in others along the sides of the body, or in others on the tail .alone ; but in fact they always arise in such situations as are best adapted to tlie mode of life of the creature. The gills of many of the lower animals afford an admirable instance of the econ- omy of nature. Tlie tentacles of polyps, pohzoans, brachiopods, and many true worms serve also, as delicate tactile org.ans, for grasping and conveying food to the mouth, and often for locomotion. The suckers or 'feet' of star-fish or sea-urchins also without doubt help to perform the office of gills, for the luxuriously branched, beautifully-col- ored tentacles of the sea-cucumber are simply modifications of the ambulacral feet. In the molluscs, especially the snails and cuttle-fish, the gills are in close relations with the heart, so that in tlie cuttle-fish the auricles are called ' branchial hearts.' The gills of crustaceans are attached either to the thoracic legs or are modified abdominal feet, being broad, thin, leaf-like processes into which the blood is forced by the con- tractions of the tubular heart. Respiration in the insects goes on all over the interior of the body, the tracheal tubes distributing the air so that the blood becomes oxyge- nated in every part of the body, including the ends of all the appendages. The gills of aquatic insects are in all cases filamentous or leaf-like expansions of the skin permea- ted by tracheae; they are, therefore, not strictly homologous with the gills of crust.a- ceans or of worms. — (Packard's Zoology.) We now come to the respiratory organs of the vertebrates, which are in close rela- tion to the digestive canal. First the gills : just behind the mouth are openings, called branchial clefts, on the edges of which arise processes, the gills or branchiae. Through- out these gills are distributed minute arteries and veins, forming a.network ; the gills are bathed in water taken in through the mouth. In the amphibians and lung-fishes, (Dipnoi) lungs, which are outgrowtlis of the enteric canal, replace the swimming bladder of the fishes, the air being now swallowed by the mouth and gaining access by a special pass.age, the larynx, to highly specialized organs of res]uration, the lungs, which are situated in the thoracic cavity near the heart. Neeves and Sensation. We have seen that animals of comparatively complicated structure perform their work in the anim.al economy without any nervous system whatever. In none of the Protozoans, even the highest infusorians, have true nerve-cells been yet detected ; in these animals the tissues are in an inchoate, non-specialized state. It is not until we rise to the many-celled animals that we observe nerves and nerve-centres. It has been only recently discovered that in many jelly-fish there is, for the first time in the ani- mal series, a true nervous svstem, with definite nerve-centres or ganglia. In the INTRODUCTION. XXV hydroids none has been found, so that the majority, if not all, of the polyps jDcr- form their complicated movements, capturing and taking in food, digesting it, and reproducing their kind, without the aid of what seems, when we study vertebrates alone, as the most important and fundamental system of organs in the body. The Protozoa, sponges, and many coelenterates depend, for the power of motion, on the irritability and contractility of the protoplasm of the body, whether or not separated into muscular tissue. Referring to the complicated moveuients of the Pro- tozoa, Dr. Krukenberg well says: "The changeful phenomena of life, which we reinark in the smallest organisms — in the rhythm of their ciliary motions, now sti-engthened, now slackened; in the rhythmic alternation of the capacity of their contractile vesicles; in their regulated incomes, deposits, and expenditure; in the abundance of the visible products of their diverse material exchanges — enable us but remotely to foresee what is here effected by a harmonious co-operation of countless processes limited to the smallest space. Let their formal differentiation seem to us ever so slight, just so do these beings become for us all the greater riddles, especially when we find in them vital manifestations elsewhere displayed in the living world only by apparatus of the most highly complex constructions, and in them meet with processes which, without the orderly co-operation of very different factors, must remain to us unintelligible." In the Hydra for the first time appear the traces of a nervous tissue in the so-called neuro-muscular cells, one portion of a cell being muscu- lar, the other nervous in its functions. A more definite nervous organization has been detected in the Actinire, iu the form of disconnected bodies and rod-like nerve cells, and other nervous bodies found near the eye-spots, and the nerve-cells and fibres at the base of the body ; but a genuine nervous system for the first time appears in certain naked-eyed jelly-fishes, in which it is circular, sharing the radiated disposition of parts in these animals. As the results of his experiments on the ctenophores, Krukenberg finds that animals of this cjass, of comparatively simple structure, and therefore exhibiting morphological differ- ences wliich to us seem trifling, may nevertheless display very diverse reactions when exjDosed to similar abnormal conditions in the physiological laboratory. " In our attempt to explain the occult vital powers thus revealed, we are debarred from an appeal to the apparently corresponding diversities sometimes encountered in the case of the much more complex vertebrates." The echinoderms have a well-develoi3ed nervous system, consisting of a ring (without, however, definite ganglia, though masses of ganglionic cells are situated in the larger nerves), surrounding the (esopha- gus, and sending a nerve into each arm ; or, in the holothurians, situated under the longitudinal muscles radiating from that muscle closing the mouth. Recent researches on the star-fish show, however, that besides the ring around the mouth, and the five main nerves passing along the arms or rays, there is a thin nerve-sheath which encloses the whole body, and is directly continuous with the external epidermis, of which it forms the deepest layer. The circumoral and radial nerves are believed to be simply thickenings of this thin nervous sheet. In this connection should be mentioned the experiments made by Romanes, Ewart, and Marshall, on living Echini, " which lead them to believe in the existence not only of an external nerve-plexus outside the test, but also of an internal plexus on its inner surface ; they further believe that the two systems are connected by nerve-fibres run- ning through the ])lates of the test or shell." In all other invertebrate animals, fi'oni the worms and Mollusca to the crustaceans xxvi THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. ■ and insects, the nervous system is fundamentally built nearly upon the same plan. There is a pair of ganglia above the oesopliagus, called the 'brain;' on the under side is usually a second pair; the four, with the nerves or commissures connecting them, form- ing a ring. This arrangement of ganglia, often called the ' oesophageal ring,' consti- tutes, with the slender nerve-threads leading away from them, the nervous system of the lower worms, in many of which, however, as also in most Polyzoa and Brachio- poda, the suboesophageal ganglia are wanting. Now to the oesophageal ring with its two pairs of ganglia, add a third pair, the visceral ganglia, and we have the nervous system of the clam and many molluscs. In the higher ringed worms, the Annulata, and in the Crustacea and Insects, thei-e is a chain of ganglia, or brains, which, behind the throat, are ventral, and lie on the floor of the coeloni or body cavity. The highest form of nerve-centre found in the invertebrate animals, and which hints at the brain and skull of vertebrates, is the mass of ganglia partly enclosed in an imperfect cartilaginous capsule in the head of the cephalojiods. The nervous cord of the Ajjpendicularia, an ascidian, is con- structed on the same plan as in the Annulata, but the mode of origin and apparently dorsal position of the nervous system of the tailed larval ascidian presents features which apparently anticipate the state of things existing among tlie lower vertebrates, such as the lancelet. We need not here describe the different forms of nervous system in the classes of invertebrates, but refer the reader to the figures and descriptions of the different types in the body of this work. It will be well to read the following data concerning the brain and nervous system, which we quote from Bastian's " The Brain as an Organ of Mind." "1. Sedentary animals, though they may possess a nervous system, are often head- less, and they then have no distinct morphological section of this system answering to what is known as a brain. " 2. When a brain exists, it is invariably a double organ. Its two halves may be separated from one another, though at other times they are fused into what appears to be a single mass. " 3. The component or elementary pa.'ts of the brain in these lower animals are ganglia in connection with nerves proceeding from special imjjressible parts or sense- organs ; r..id it is through the intervention of these united sensory ganglia that the animal's actions are brought into harmony with its environment or medium. "4. That the sensory ganglia, which in the aggregate constitute the brain of invertebrate animals, are connected with one another on the same side, and also with their fellows on the opposite sides of the body. They are related to one another either by what appears to be continuous growth, or by means of ' commissures.' " 5. The size of the brain as a whole, or of its several parts, is therefore alwa3's fairly proportionate to the development of the animal's special sense-organs. The more any one of these imjiressible surfaces or organs becomes elal)orated and attuned to take part in discriminating between varied external impressions, the greater will be the pi'oportionate size of the ganglionic mass concerned. "6. Of the several sense-organs and sensory ganglia whose activity lies at the root of the instinctive and intelligent life (such as it is) of invertebrate animals, some are much more important than others. Two of them especially are notable for their greater proportion.al development, viz. : those concerned with touch and vision. The organs of the former sense are, however, soon outstripped in importance by the latter. INTRODUCTION. xxvii The visual sense, and its related nerve-ganglia, attain an altogether exceptional devel- opment in the higher insects and in the highest molluscs. " 7. The sense of taste and that of smell seem, as a rule, to be developed to a much lower extent. In the great majority of invertebrate animals it is even difficult to point to distinct organs or impressible surfaces as certainly devoted to the reception of either of such impressions. Nevertheless there is reason to believe that in some insects the sense of smell is marvellously keen, and so much called into play as to make it for such creatures quite the dominant sense endowment. It is pretty acute also in some Crustacea. " 8. The sense of hearing seems to be developed to a very slight extent. Organs supposed to represent it have been discovered, principally in molluscs and in a few insects. It is, however, of no small interest to find that where these organs exist the nerves issuing from them are most frequently not in direct relation with the brain, but immediately connected with one of the principal motor nerve-centres .of the body. It is conjectured that these so-called 'auditory saccules' may, in reality, have more to do with what Cyon terms the sense of space than with that of hearing. The nature of the organs met with supports this view, and their close relations with the motor ganglia also become a trifle more explicable in accordance with such a notion. " 9. Thus the associated ganglia representing the double brain are, in animals pos- sessing a head, the centres in which all impressions from sense-organs, save those last referred to, are directly received, and whence they are reflected on to different groups of muscles — the reflection occurring not at once, but after the stimulus has passed through certain 'motor' ganglia. It may be easily understood, therefore, that in all invertebrate animals perfection of sense-organs, size of brain, and power of executing manifold muscular movements, are variables intimately related to one another. "10. But a fairly parallel correlation also becomes established between these various developments and that of the internal organs. An increasing visceral com- plexity is gradually attained ; and this carries with it the necessity for a further devel- opment of nervous communications. The several internal organs with their v.arying states are gradually brought into more perfect relation with the ))rineipal neiwe-cen- tres as well as with one another. "11. These relations are brought about by important visceral nerves in Vermes and arthropods — those of the ' stomato-gastric systems' — conveying their impres- sions either direct to the posterior part of the brain or to its peduncles. They thus constitute internal impressions which impinge upon the Ijrain side by side with those coming through external sense-organs. " 12. This visceral system of nerves in invertebrate animals has, when compared with the rest of the nervous systetn, a greater proportional de\elopment than among vertebrate animals. Its importance among the former is not dwarfed, in fact, by that enormous development of the brain and spinal coi'd which gradually declares itself in the latter. " 13. Thus impressions emanating from the viscera and stimulating the organism to movements of various kinds, whether in pursuit of food or of a mate, would seem to have a proportionally greater importance as constituting part of the ordinary mental life of invertebrate animals. The combination of such impressions with the sense- guided movements by which they are followed, in complex groups, will be found to afford a basis for the development of many of the instinctive acts which animals so frequently display." . xxviii THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. When we rise to the vertebrates we meet with a form of nervous system quite different from that of any adult invertebrate animal. In all the vertebrates which have a definite skull — and this only excludes the lancelet and the ascidians — the brain is a series of close-set ganglia, forming a mass situated in the skull, with definite relations to the sense-organs, and the spinal cord is situated above the vertebral col- umn, passing through the spinal canal, which is formcil by the contiguous posterior arches of the several vertebraj composing tlie sjiinal, or vertebral column. While the nervous system of all skulled vertebrates has a definite persistent situa- tion, and with a similar cellular structure, there is a great difference between the brain of the fishes and that of mammals, including man. In the fishes tlie brain cavity is small compared with the size of the head, the brain being small, and there is a marked equality in the size of the different lobes forming the brain, the optic lobes being larger than the cerebral. In amphibians, such as the frog and toad, the brain is more like that of fishes than of reptiles, but the optic lobes are a little smaller than the cerebral, while the cerebellum is smaller than in many fishes. In the reptiles, as seen in snakes, turtles, and crocodiles, the cerebral lobes begin to enlarge, and exceed in size the optic lobes. Here the ventricle or cavity of the cerebral lobes is larger than in the fishes, and the rounded eminence projecting from its anterior and inner surface, called the ' corpus striatum,' is present for the first time. In Vjirds the brain cavity is much larger than in any of the foregoing classes of vertebrates, and the cerebral hemispheres are now greatly increased in size, so as to partly cover the optic lobes. The cerebellum is also much larger than before, and it is transversely creased. Passing from the l)irds to mammals, there is seen to be a great advance in the form of the brain of the latter animals. The brain cavity is much larger, and this is for the most part occupied by two portions, the cerebrum and the cerebellum. The cerebral hemispheres entirely conceal from above the olfactory and optic lobes, the surface is convoluted, while behind it either touches or overlaps, so as in man to completely conceal the cerebellum. The cerebral hemispheres, then, form the back of the mam- malian brain, and the higher orders are usually characterized by an increase both in the size of the cerebral hemispheres, and as a rule, tliough there are exceptions noted farther on, in the number and complexity of the convolutions of the surface. Thus in the highest mammals, especially the gorilla and man, the increased size of the brain in proportion to the greater bulk of the body is very marked. Leuret has approximately siiown the average ]iroportional weight of the brain to the body, in four classes of vertebrates, as follows: in Fishes, as 1 to 5,668; in rep- tiles, as 1 to 1,321 ; in birds, as 1 to 212 ; in Mammalia, as 1 to 186. The brain is, however, subject to the same laws as other parts of the body. There is in no organ a regular and continuous progressive increase in size and complexity in any class of the animal kingdom. The size of the cerebral hemisphere differs in different monkeys, and, as has been remarked by Bastian, in the higher tyjies of lower orders the brain is often better developed than among the lower tyi>es of higher orders. Thus in the Midas marmoset the convolutions are absent, so that in this respect this jirimate is on a level with the monotremes and lower marsupials and rodents. In dwarf or small-sized members of a group the brain is larger in j)roportion to the body than in the full-sized members. Thus among marsupials, as Owen states, the size of the brain of tiie jiigmy petaurist is to the size of the body as 1 to 25, while in the great kangaroo it is as 1 to 800; among rodents it is as 1 to 20 in the harvest mouse, but is as 1 to 300 in the INTRODUCTION. xxix capybara ; among the Insectivoni it is as 1 to 60 in the little two-toed ant-eater, but is as' 1 to 500 in the great ant-eater. The brain of a porpoise four feet long may weigh 1 lb. avoirdupois ; that of a whale {Balcenopterd) 100 feet in length dogs not exceed 4 lbs. avoirdupois; in Quadrumana the brain of the Midas marmoset is to the body as 1 to 20 ; in the gorilla it is as 1 to '200. " But such ratios do not show the grade of cerebral organization in the mammalian class; that in the kangaroo is higher than that in the bird, though the brain of a sparrow be much larger in proportional size to the body : and the kangaroo's brain is superior in superficial folding and extent of gray cerebral surface to that of the petaurist. The brain of the elephant bears a less proportion to the body than that of opossums, mice, and proboscidian shrews, but it is more complex in structure, more convolute in surface, and with ]iro))ortions of i)ros- to mes-encephalon much more nearly than in the human brain. The like remark ai^plies to all the other instances above cited." Owen explains these facts by saying that the brain grows more rapidly than the body, and is larger in projiortion thereto at birth than at full growth ; " so in the degree in which a species retains the immature character of dwarfishness, the brain is relatively larger to the body." The bearing of the facts known as to the relative size of the brain and the convolu- tions are thus discussed by Bastian : " There cannot therefore be, among animals of the same order, any simple or definite relation between the degree of the intelligence of the creature and the number or disposition of its cerebral convolutions — since this structural feature of the brain seems to be most powerfully regulated by the mere bulk of the creature to which it belongs." It fails still more, when comparing representa- tives of different orders. For example, the beaver's brain is almost smooth, while that of the sheep has numerous convolutions, which both in number and cora]ilexity decid- edly surpass even those of the dog. Yet among closely related animals and those of about the same size, especially in species of the same genus, or, as in the case of man, in individuals of the same species, we may look for some proportional relations between the development of their cerebral convolutions and their intelligence. " Size of brain, and with it convolutional complexity, must," Bastian remarks, " be closely related to the number and variety of an animal's sensorial impressions, and also to its power of moving continually or with great energy. "The importance of taking into account the powers of movement possessed by the animal is fully borne out by the fact that the brain attains such a remarkable size in the shark, as well as in the porpoise and the dolphin — all of them creatures whose movements are exceptionally rapid, continuous, and varied. The great increase in the size of the cerebellum in each of these creatures is, therefore, not so surprising; but it seems very puzzling, at first sight, to understand why this should be accompanied by a co-ordinate increase in the development of the cerebral hemispheres. For this, however, there are two causes, the one general and the other more special. It is a fact generally observed, that sensorial activity, and therefore intelligent discrimination, in- creases with an animal's powers of movement ; and secondly, there must be sjiecial parts of the cerebral hemispheres devoted to the mere sensory appreciation of move- ments executed. The nerve elements lying at the basis of this latter appreciation, however they may be distributed through the hemispheres, would naturally be the more developed (and, consequently, all the more calculated to help to swell the size of the cerebrum), in proportion to the variety and continuance of the movements which the animal is accustomed to execute." XXX . THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. The tactile sense, or sense of touch is common to all animals ; this is the most fun- damental sense, of which the other senses are without doubt differentiations. In the lower Protozoa, such as the Amoeba, the sense of touch which they appear to possess may be due to the inherent irritability and contractilitj' of the protoplasm of which their bodies are formed. In the Infusoria, without doubt, the cilia and the flagella with which these animals are provided are not only organs of locomotion but also of touch. It is probable that none of the many-celled animals are without the sense of touch unless some of the sponges, and the root-barnacles (Sacculina) may be, by reason of their lack of a nervous system and otherwise degenerate structure, destitute of any sense whatever. The most important of the sense organs are undoubtedly eyes, as they are the most commonly met with. The transparent spot in the front of the body of Eugletia viridis, a protophyte, may possibly be the simplest of all sense organs ; if so, it anticipates the eye of animals. The simplest forms of eyes are perhaps those of the sea-anemone, in which there are, besides pigment cells forming a colored mass, refrac- tive bodies which may break up the rays of light impinging on the pigment spot, so that these creatures may be able to distinguish light from darkness. The ne.xt step in advance is where a pigment mass covers a series of refractive cells called crystalline rods or crystalline cones, which are situated at the end of a nerve proceeding from the brain. Such simple eyes as these, often called eye-spots, may be observed in the flat worms, and they form the temjiorary eyes of many larval worms, echinoderms, and mol- luscs. In some nemertean worms, such as certain species of Police and Neniertes, true eyes appear, but in the ringed worm, Neophanta celox, Greef describes a remarkably perfect eye, consisting of a projecting spherical lens, covered by the skin, behind which is a vitreous body, a layer of pigment separating a layer of rods from the external part of the retina, outside of which is the expansion of the optic nerve. Eyes are also sit^ uated on the end of the body in some worms, and in a worm called Polyophthalmus, each segment of the body bears a pair of eyes. The eyes of molluscs are, as a rule, highly organized, until in the cuttle-fish the eyes become nearly as highly developed as in fishes, but still the eye of the cuttle-fish is not homologous with that of vertebrates, since in the former the crystalline rods are turned towards the opening of the eye, while in vertebrates they are turned away from the opening of the eye, so that, as Huxley as well as Gegenbaur show, the homology between the eye of the cephalopods and of the vertebrates is not exact. While, as we have seen, the eyes of the worms and the molluscs are situated arbi- trarily, by no means invariably placed in the head, in the crustaceans the eyes assume in general a definite position in the head, except in a schizopod crustacean {Eiiphmcsia), where there are eye-like organs on the thorax and abdomen. In insects there are both simple and compound eyes occupying definitely the upper and front part of the head. The eyes of the lancelet are not homologous with those of the higher vertebrates, being only minute pigment spots comparable with those of the worms. In the skulled vertebrates the eyes are of a definite number, and in all the types occupy a definite position in the head. The simplest kind of auditory organ is to be found in jelly-fishes, where an organ of hearing first occurs. In these animals, situated on the edge of the disc, are minute vesicles containing one or more concretionary bodies or crystals. Reasoning by ex- clusion, these are supposed to represent the ear-vesicles or otocysts of worms and molluscs; and the concretions or crystals, the otoliths of the same kind of animals. INTRODUCTION. . xxxi The otoc}'sts or simjile cars of worms and molluscs arc minute and usually difficult to find, as is the auditory nerve leading from them to the nerve-centres. In the clam it is to be looked for in the so-called foot. lu the snails, as also in cuttle-fish, the auditory vesicles are placed in the head close to the brain. The ears of Crustacea are sacs, formed by inpushings of the integument and filled with fluid, into which hairs project, and which contain grains of sand which have worked iu from the outside, or concretions of lime. These are situated in the shrimps and crabs at the base of the inner antennte, but in a few other Crustacea, as in Mi/sis, they are placed at the base of the lobes of the tail. In the insects the ear is a sac covered by a tympianum, with a ganglionic cell within, leading by a slender nerve-fibre to a nerve-centre, and in these animals the distribution of ears is very arbitrary. In the locust they are situated at the base of the abdomen ; in the green grassho]:>pers, or katydids, and the crickets, in the fore tibife ; and it is probable that, in the butterflies, the antennre are organs of hearing. The vertebrate ears are two in number, and occupy a distinct permanent position in the skull, however much modified the middle and outer ear become. — (Packard's Zoology.) " Throughout the animal kingdom," says Romanes, " the powers of sight and of hear- ing stand in direct r.atio to the powers of locomotion ;" on the other hand, in fixed or parasitic animals, the organs of hearing and sight are among the first to be aborted. The sense of smell is obscurely indicated by special organs in the invertebrate ani- mals ; nasal organs, as such, being characteristic of the skulled vertebrates. Whether organs of smell exist in any worms or not is unknown ; there are certain pits in some worms which may possibly be adapted for detecting odors. In some insects, at least, the organs of smell are without doubt well developed ; the antennae of the bin-ying beetles are large and knob-like, and evidently adapted for the detection of carrion. It is possible that certain organs situated at the base of the wings of the flies, and on the caudal appendages of the cockroach and certain flies, are of use in detecting odors. ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY. We have seen that animals have organs of sense, of perception, in many cases nearly as highly developed as in man, and that in the Mammalia the eyes, ears, organs of smell and touch differ but slightly from those of our own species ; also that the brain .and nervous system of the higher mammals closely approximate to those of man. We know that all animals are endowed with sufficient intelligence to meet the ordinary exigencies of life, and that some insects, birds, and mammals .are able, on occasion, to meet extraordinary emergencies in their daily lives. These facts tend to prove that all animals, from the lowest to the highest, possess, besides sensations, certain faculties which by general consent naturalists call mental, because they seem to be of a kind, however different in degree, with the mental manifestations of man. Besides in many if not most highly organized animals, sensations give rise to emotions, and in the higher animals, as well as man, the latter give rise to thoughts. The study of mental phenomena is the science of psychology. The study of the sensations and instincts, as well as reasoning powers, of animals, is called animal psychology. The materials for the study of animal psychology are derived from the observations of the actions of animals ; we do not, so to speak, know what is going on in their minds ; we draw our conclusions, as to whether an animal thinks or reasons, by studying our own mental processes. The study of human psychology is a most difficult one: one xxxii THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. man cannot read other men's minds; he judges of then- mental processes by, their actions and his own mental processes. In the same manner we conclude that aiumals reason by judging of their acts alone. If human psychology is an inexact science, much moi-e so is comparative psychology, which includes human as well as animal psychology. Although the Amoeba performs ofierations which are akin to the instinctive acts of higher animals, it may in general be said that the nervous system is the organ of mind ; not the brain alone, in animals which have a brain, but the entire nervous system. The mental manifestations of animals are not alone physiological, i. e. auto- matic and reflex, but there are, at least in highly organized animals, such as crabs, insects, spiders, and vertebrates, processes which are psychological as opposed to physiological. The elementary or root principle of mind, as distinguished from purely physio- logical processes, is the power of making a choice between two alternatives presented to the animal. As we have said on another occasion, granted that insects have sensibilities, how are we to prove that they have an intellect? Simply by observing whether they make a choice between two acts. " On entering a closet, ants unhesitatingly direct their stejjs to the sugar-bowl in preference to the flour-barrel ; one sand-wasp prefers beetle- grubs to caterpillars, to store up as food for her young. In short, insects exercise discrimination, and this is the simplest of intellectual acts. They try this or that method of attaining an object. In fact, an insect's life is filled out with a round of trials and failures." While no one would doubt that an insect has the power of choice or discrimination, may this also be said of the lowest organisms, such as the Amoeba? Mr. KoTnanes believes that it can. "Amoeba is able to distinguish between nutritious and non- nutritious particles, and in correspondence with this one act of discrimination it is able to perform one act of adjustment ; it is able to enclose and to digest the nutri- tious particles, while it rejects the non-nutritious." Some protoplasmic and unicellular organisms are able also to distinguish between light and darkness, and to adapt their movements to seek the one and shun the other; Mr. H. J. Carter thinks that the beginnings of instinct are to be found so low down in the scale as the Rhizopoda. As quoted by Romanes in his Animal Intelligence : " Even Athealhmi will confine itself to the water of the watch-glass in which it may be placed when away from saw- dust and chips of wood among which it has been living; but if the watch-glass be placed upon the saw-dust, it will very soon make its way over the side of the watch- glass and get to it." Other facts are cited from Mr. Carter, n]ion which Mr. Romanes makes the following reflections : — " With regard to these remarkable observations it can only, I think, be said that, although certainly very suggestive of something more than mechanical response to stimulation, they are not sufficiently so to justify us in ascribing to these lowest members of the zoological scale any rudiment of truly mental action. The subject, however, is here full of difficulty, and not the least so on account of the Amoeba not only having no nervous system, but no observable organs of any kind ; so that, although we may suppose that the adaptive movements described by Jlr. Carter were non-mental, it still remains wonderful that these movements should be exhibited by such apparently unorganized creatures, seeing that as to the remoteness of the end .attahied, no less than the complex refinement of the stimulus to which their adaptive INTRODUCTION. xxxiii response was ilue, the movements in question rival the most elaborate of non-mental adjustments elsewhere performed by the most highly organized of nervous systems." It will be a matter of interest to trace the dawnings of mental processes in the lower animals. Having seen that something more than physiological effects are trace- able in certain acts of the protozoans ; passing over the sponges, which are at best retrograde organisms, w^e come to the ccelenterates, especially the jelly-fishes. In none of these creatures have actions involving intelligence been observed ; all their acts, so far as yet observed, are j)hysiological, i. e. reflex, the result of stimulation from without. Of the echinoderms, Romanes says : " Some of the natural movements of these ani- mals, as also some of their movements under stimulation, are very suggestive of purpose ; but I have satisfied myself that there is no adequ.'Xte evidence of the animals being able to profit by individual experience, and therefore, in accordance witli our canon, that there is no adequate evidence of their exhibiting truly mental phenomena. On the other hand, the study of reflex action in these organisms is full of interest." It is possible that the action of the earth-worm, a representative of the annelids, in drawing leaves down into its hole is " strongly indicative of instinctive action, if not of intelligent purpose — seeing that they always lay hold of the part of the leaf (even though an exotic one) by the traction of which the leaf will offer least resistance to being dr.awn down." To the foregoing statement of Romanes we may add Darwin's testimony as to the mental powers of the earth-worm, from his work entitled The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms. " Worms are jioorly provided with sense-organs, for they cannot be said to see, although they can just distinguish between light and darkness; they are completely deaf, and have only a feeble power of smell ; the sense of touch alone is well developed. They can, therefore, learn little about the outside world, and it is surprising that they should exhibit some skill in lining their burrows with their castings and with leaves, and, in the case of some species, in piling up their castings into tower-like constructions. But it is far more surprising that they should apparently exhibit some degree of intel- ligence instead of a mere blind instinctive impulse, in their manner of plugging up the mouths of their burrows. They act in nearly the same manner as would a man, who had to close a cylindrical tube with different kinds of leaves, petioles, triangles of paper, etc., for they commonly seize such objects by their pointed ends. But with thin ob- jects a certain number are drawn in by their broader ends. They do not act in the same unvarying maimer in all cases, as do most of the lower animals ; for instance, they do not drag in leaves by their foot-stalks, unless the basal part of the blade is as nar- row as the apex, or narrower than it." The next gre.it type of animals is the molluscs. In many respects the higher worms, especially the annelids, are more highly organized than the clam, a snail, or cuttle-fish. The functions of sensation and locomotion are often in molluscs subordi- nate to the merely vegetative, such as feeding, nutrition, and reproduction. We should not, as Rom.anes has said, expect that molluscs would present any considerable degree of intelligence. " Nevertheless, in the only division of the group which has sense organs and powers of locomotion highly developed — viz., the Cephalopoda — we meet with large cejihalic ganglia, and, it would appear, with no small development of intelligence." Beginning with one of the lowest molluscs, the oyster, Romanes quotes from Mr. Darwin's MS, as follows : " Even the headless oyster seems to profit from experience, xxxiv THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. for Dicquemase asserts that oysters taken from a depth never uncovered by the sea, open their shells, lose the water within, and perish ; but oysters taken from the same place and dujith, if kept in reservoirs, where they are occasionally left uncovered for a short time, and are otherwise incommoded, learu to keep their shells shut, and they live for a much longer time when taken out of the water." Is this act simply reflex ? Limpets have been known, after making excursions from their resting places in order to browse on seaweed, to return repeatedly to one spot or home. The precise memory of direction and locality implied by this fact, adds Romanes, "seems to justify us in regarding these actions of the animal as of a nature unquestionably intelligent." Concerning snails Darwin remarks : " These animals apjiear also susceptible of some degree of permanent attachment ; an accurate observer, Mr. Lonsdale, informs me that he placed a pair of land-shells {ITelix ^lomatia), one of which was weakly, in a small and ill-provided garden. After a short time the strong and healthy individual disap- peared, and was traced by its track of slime over a wall into an adjoining well-stocked garden. Mr. Lonsdale concluded that it had deserted its sickly mate ; but after an ab- sence of twenty-four hours it returned, and apparently communicated the result of its successful exploration, for both then started along the same track and disaj^peared over the wall." Mr. W. H. Dall gives a remarkable instance of intelligence in a snail, kept as a pet by a child, which recognized her voice and distinguished it from that of others. The lady who told the story to the person who sent it to Mr. Dall, after stating that her sister Geoi'gie was, from the age of three years, quite an invalid, and remarkable for her j)Ower of putting herself en rapport with all living things, said: "Before she could say more than a few words, she had formed an acquaintance with a toad, which used to come from behind the log where it lived, and sit winking before her in answer to her call, and waddlo back when she grew tired and told it to go away. When slie was between five and six years of age, I found a snail shell, as I thought, which I gave to her to amuse her, on my return from a picnic. The snail soon crawled out, to her delight, and after night disappeared, causing great lamentation. A large, old fashioned sofa in the front hall was moved in a day or two, and in it was found the snail glued fast ; it had crawled down stairs. I took a plant jar of violets and, jjlacing the snail in it, carried it to her, and sunk a small toy cup even with the soil, filling it with meal. This was because I had read that French people feed snails on meal. The creature soon found it, and we observed it with interest for a while, as we found it had a mouth which looked pink in- side and appeared to us to have tiny teeth also. We grew tired of it, but Georgie's interest never flagged, and she surprised me one day by telling us that her snail knew her and would come to her when she talked to it, but would withdraw into its shell if anyone else spoke. This was really so, 'as I saw her prove to one and another time after time." Mr. Dall adds : " An observer who noticed and remembered the pink buccal mass, the lingual teeth, and the translucent mistletoe-berry-like eggs, and after such an interval of time could so accurately describe them, is entitled to the fullest credence in other details of the story, and I have no doubt of its substantial accuracy, in spite of its surprising nature." The Crustacea are perhaps, as regards intelligence, on a level with the majorit)' of insects, excepting the white ants and ichneumons, wasps, and bees. The power of finding their way home, which of course is due to memory, is illus- trated in the following instance published by Mr. E. W. Cox in " Nature " for Ajn-il 3, 1873. "The fishermen of Falmouth catch their crabs off the Liz.ard rocks, and they INTRODUCTION. XXXV are brought into the harbor at Falmouth alive and impounded iu a box for sale, and the shells are branded with marks by which every man knows his own fish. The place where the box is sunk is four miles from the entrance to the harbor, and that is above seven miles from the place where they are caught. One of these boxes was broken ; the branded crabs escaped, and two or three days afterwards they were again caught by the fisherman at the Lizard rocks. They had been carried to Fal- mouth in a boat. To regam their home they. had first to find their way to the mouth of the harbor, and when there, how did they know whether to steer to the right or to the left, and to travel seven miles to their native rocks?" It is scarcely possible to regard such an instance of what has been called the ' homing instinct,' as a purely physiological, reflex act, nor to consider the crab a mere automaton. Mr. Darwin, in his Descent of Man, refers to the curious instinctive habits of the large shore-crab {Birc/us latro), which feeds on fallen cocoa-nuts, " by tearing off the husks fibre by fibre ; and it always begins at that end where the three eye-like depres- sions are situated. It then breaks through one of these eyes by hammering with its heavy front pincers, and, turning round, extracts the albuminous core with its narrow posterior pincers." Little is really known of the instincts and other intellectual traits of the crusta- ceans— but when we come to the insects the literature is very extensive, thanks to the observations of Reaumur, Bonnet, De Geer, Wyman, Bates, Belt, Milller, Moggridge, Lincecum, McCook, Sir John Lubbock, and others. As we have stated in our Half Hours with Insects : " Those who observe the ways of insects have noticed their extreme sensitiveness to external impressions ; that their motions are ordinarily rapid and nervous. Look at the ichneumon fly as it alights on a leaf near a caterpillar : with what rapid motions it walks and flies about ; how swiftly its feelers vibrate ; how briskly it walks uji and down surveying its victim. Look at a mud wasp as it alights near a pool of water to moisten its mouth. How nervous are its motions, how nimbly it flies and runs about the edge of the water. The ant is a busy, active, dapper little creature, a nervous brusqueness pervading its movements. How susce23tible insects are to the light may be tested on a damji, dark night by open- ing the windows. In dart a legion of insects of all sorts, each with a different mode of entrance, some beetle boldly flying about the room in its blundering noisy flight, or a Clisiocampa moth enters with a bound, and a series of somersaults over the table, like the entree of a popular clown into the ring of a circus, though the latter may have the most self-possession of the two. " Insects are, like most animals, extremely sensitive to electrical phenomena. Just before a thunder shower they are particularly restless, flying about in great numbers and without any apparent object. The appendages of insects, their feelers and their legs, must be provided with exquisitely sensitive organs to enable them to receive im- pressions from without. Everybody knows that insects have acute powers of sight. That they also hear acutely is a matter of frequent observation. Often in walking through dry bushes, the noise of one's feet, in crushing through the undergrowth, starts up hosts of moths, disturbed in their noonday repose. If insects did not hear acutely, why should the Cicada have such a shrill cry ? For whose ears is the song of the cricket designed unless for those of some other cricket ? All the songs, the cries, and hum of in- sect life have their purpose in nature and are useless itnless they warn off or attract some other insect. " We know with a good degree of certainty that some insects have an acute sense xxxvi THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. of smell. The carrion beetles scent their booty afar off ; the ants, the moths, all the insects attracted to flowers by the smell of the honey in them, evidently have well de- veloped organs of smell." The internal structure of the brain of the ant, the bee, as well as the locust and other insects has been found to be unexpectedly complex, when compared with that of the higher worms and even the higher Crustacea, such as the lobster and cray fish. The brain of insects is a much more complicated organ than any of the succeeding ganglia, consisting more exclusively of sensory cells and nervous threads than any succeeding ones, though the subcesophageal one is also complex, consisting of sensory as well as motor ganglia, since this ganglion sends off nerves of special sense to the organs of taste and smell situated in the mouth-appendages. The third thoracic ganglion is also, without doubt, a complex one, as, in the locusts, the auditory nerves f>ass from it to the ears, which are situated at the base of the abdomen. But in the green grasshoppers, such as the katydids and their allies, whose ears are situated in their fore legs, the first thoracic ganglion is a complex one. In the cockroach and in Leptis ( Ch7ysopila), a common fly, the caudal appendages bear what are probably olfactory organs, and as these parts are undoubtedly supplied from the last abdominal ganglion, this is proba- bly composed of sensory and motor ganglion-cells ; so that we have in the ganglionated cord of insects a series of brains, as it were, running from head to tail, and thus in a still stronger sense than in Vertebrates the entire nervous system, and not the brain alone, is the organ of the mind of the insect. To briefly describe the brain of the locust, an insect not high in the scale, it is a double ganglion, but structurally entirely different from, and far more complicated than, the other ganglia of the nervous system. The cerebral lobes possess a ' central body,' and in each hemisphere is a ' mushroom body ; ' besides the main cerebral lobes, the brain has also a pair of optic lobes and optic ganglia, and olfactory or antennal lobes, and these lobes have their connecting and commissural nerve-fibres, not found in the other ganglia. The locust's brain appears to be as highly developed as that of the majority of in- sects, but that of the ant .and the bee is more complicated than in other winged insects, owing to the much greater complexity of the folds of the calices or disk-like bodies ca]>ping the double stalk of the mushroom body. Now the ants, wasps, and bees are pre-eminently social animals, and we see by the structure of the brain why, in point of intelligence, they may exceed in mental development even the fishes, rep- tiles, and other lower vertebrates, and almost rival the birds in instinctive and rational acts. Experiments and anecdotes bearing upon the intelligence of ants, have been widely circulated in the works of Lincecum, MeCook, Lubbock, Darwin, and Romanes, space not allowing us to reproduce them. Ants have the sense of sight and of scent and taste well developed, but the sense of hearing is feeble, sounds of various kinds not producing any effect upon them : their antennte are not, then, as in some insects, organs of hearing or smell, but have a delicate sense of touch, and, indeed, are the most important of sense organs to them. The sense of direction, the power of memory, are highly developed, and they perhaps are not destitute of the tenderer emotions, individuals being known to display sym])athy for their wounded compan- ions or healthy friends in distress. Ants also have the power of communicating with one another, and they are susceptible of education. The young ant is led about the nest and " trained to a knowledge of domestic duties, especially in the care of the INTRODUCTION. xxxvii larvae ; they are also taught to distinguish between friends and foes." When an ant's nest is attacked by foreign ants, the young ones never join in the fight, but confine themselves to removing the pupie ; and Forel has by experiment proved that the knowledge of hereditary enemies is not wholly instinctive in ants. Moreover, besides carrying on the complicated duties of the formicary, ants add to their labors by keeping in their nests milch cows, as the Aphides substantially are ; they also carry on slave-catching wars, and keep slaves generation after generation, with the same results of enfeebling and deteriorating the body and mind of the mas- ters, as has been experienced in human life. Ants also keep pets, and, to go to another extreme, carry on wars of conquest, rapine, and plunder. A few human races are said not to bury their dead : if this be so they are inferior to ants, whose care in disposing of the bodies of their dead has attracted the notice of Sir John Lubbock ; and that they actually in some cases bury their dead was claimed by Pliny, and substantiated by recent observers, according to Romanes. And then we have the leaf-cutting ants, harvesting ants, honey-making ants, military ants, ants which bridge streams, dig wells, and tunnel under broad rivers. Wasps and bees can see much better than ants; indeed, they ai'e far more depen- dent than the latter on the power of perceiving flowers, they also have a highly developed sense of direction, powers of communication, while the combined instinc- tive and reasoning powers they exhibit in making their nests, and in pi-oviding for or caring for their young are proverbial. Whether the instinct of building hexagonal cells is purely automatic or not has been disputed, but now it is conceded by Darwin, Romanes, and others that the process is not a purely mechanical one, but is " constantly under the control of intelligent purpose ; " in other words, the worker bee knows what it is about, is a conscious agent. Spiders also, though their nervous system is much less complicated than that of ants and bees, as well as insects in general, being built upon a different plan, show the most astonishing intellectual powers, particularly in spinning their webs ; wliile as examples of special instincts the result of reasoning processes, at least in the beginning, are the acts of the water spiders, and especially the trap-door spiders. Spiders also, like ants and bees, are able to distinguish between persons, approach- ing those they know to be friendly, and shunning strangers. It is well known that spiders can be tamed, and there are well-authenticated anecdotes testifying to the high degree of intelligence of these creatures. Passing now to the branch of vertebrates, we do not find a sudden rise in the intellectual scale from bees to fishes, but that in reality fishes and reptiles are not so highly endowed mentally as the most highly organized insects. As Romanes truly says : " Neither in its instincts nor in general intelligence can any fish be compared with an ant or bee, — a fact which shows how slightly a psychological classification of animals depends upon zoological affinity, or even morphological organization." Fishes, he states, " display emotions of fear, pugnacity ; social, sexual, and parental feelings; anger, jealousy, play, and curiosity. So far, the class of emotions is the same as that with which we have met in ants, and corresponds with that which is dis- tinctive of the psychology of a child about four months olecial attempts to ascertain the probable ancestry of American mammals have been made by Cope, Marsh, and Gill ; of cephalo])od molluscs by Hyatt ; of insects by Packard ; and of brachiopods by Morse. Contributions to the doctrine of natural selection have been made by Dr. W. C. Wells, Rafinesque, Haldeman, Walsh, Riley, Morse, Brooks, and others. The papers by J. A. Ryder on mechanical evolution, and by Hyatt on the influence of gravitation on the animal organism, deserve especial mention, as do Whitman's on the theory of concrescence. In conclusion we may close this historical sketch witli some pertinent remarks of Galton in his work on Hereditary Genius : — " The fact of a person's name being associated with some one striking scientific discovery helps enormously, but often unduly, to prolong his reputation to after-ages. It is notorious that the same discovery is frequently made simultaneously and quite independently by different persons. Thus, to speak of oidy a few cases in late years, the discoveries of pliotography, of electric telegraphy, and of the planet Neptune through theoretical calculations, have all their rival claimants. It would seem that discoveries are usually made when the time is ripe for them — that is to say, when the ideas from which they naturally flow are fermenting in the minds of many men. When apples are ripe, a trifling event suffices to decide which of them shall first drop off its stalk; so a small accident will often determine the scientific man who shall first make and publish a new discovery. There are many persons who have contributed vast nnmbei's of original memoirs, all of them of some, many of great, liut none of extraordinary importance. These men have the cap.acity of making a striking dis- covery, though they had not the luck to do so. Their work is valuable and I'emains, but the worker is forgotten. Nay, some eminently scientific men have shown their original jjowers by little more than a continuous flow of helpful suggestions and criticisms, which were individually of too little importance to be remembered in the history of science, but which in their aggregate formed a not.able aid toward its progress." A. S. Packard. LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Branch L — PROTOZOA. In the pages of the Introduction we have a definition of a cell, with a brief account of the part it plays in the structure of animals, and now in the Protozoa we are to study the manifestations of cell life in their simplest forms ; for these animals during theh- whole existence consist each of but a single cell ; yet, simple as this structure would seem to be, we find manifestations of almost all vital phenomena exhibited by these forms. Every member of the branch has the power of motion, of assimilating food, and of reproducing its kind, all of these functions being performed by the single cell. In the Cuvierian system of classification no place was accorded to this group, for they were either regarded as embryonic forms, or, as in the case of the Foraminifera, they were transferred bodily to some of the four great di^'isions into which the animal kingdom was divided. Though the Protozoa have been studied for over two hundred years, it was not until 1845 that they were first considered as unicellular forms, and for a long time after that date the most prominent naturalists refused to accept the con- clusions of the illustrious von Siebold. Ehrenberg, who studied these forms very thoroughly, and in 1838 published a large and extensively illustrated work upon them, describes with great detail nervous, digestive, motory, reproductive and sensory sys- tems in these really simple organisms, all of which have since been shown to have no actual existence. These irdstakes, great as they now appear, arose very naturally, for at the time at which Ehrenberg wi-ote, Schwann had not made known his studies upon cells ; and highly preposterous at that day would seem the idea that an animal could exist without definite organs to perform the functions of animal life. Were space at our disposal, it would prove an interesting chapter to review the history of the disputes regarding the character of these forms, the rash and dogmatic assertions of prominent naturalists who believed that there could be only the four great di^^sions of the animal kingdom which the great Cuvier had proposed, and, on the other hand, the patient observations and the guarded statements of their opponents. Time, however, served to clear up the doubts surrounding these minute forms, and to-day not a naturalist lives who does not in some way accept the group. The Protozoa are mostly microscopic animals consisting of but a single cell, or, in a few cases, apparently of an association of cells, without, however, any differentiation into tissues. These few apparent exceptions will be considered more at length further on. In some of the Protozoa the cell is provided with a nucleus and various other differentiations of the protoplasm ; in others no such structures have as yet been dis- covered, the animal, so far as our knowledge enables us to say, being but a cytode, a VOL. I. — 1 2 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. mass of protojalasm capable of talcing food and reproducing its kind. Concerning these latter our knowledge is not absolute, and further observation may show that in these a nucleus really exists, a result rendered more probable by the fact that in the Forami- nifera, in which the existence of a nucleus was long denied, that specialization of the protoplasm has recently been discovered. Another feature which frequently occurs in the Protozoa is the contractile vacuole. This is as yet a problematic arrangement, the function of which cannot be said to be decided. There appears in the body a clear vesicle which, sometimes si^herical, sometimes irregular and ramified, slowly increases in size, and then suddenly contracts, leaving no trace, and then gradually appears again, only to repeat the operation. It is thought that in some cases these contractile vacu- oles communicate with the exterior, but this has not been proved. In short, there remains a fine field for investigation in the structure and functions of these problem- atical organs, which ^^dll be described more in detail in the succeeding pages. Food is taken by the Protozoa into the interior of the body, the digestible portions assimilated, and the portions of no use to the organism afterward rejected. In the lower forms all parts of the body seem to be equally adapted for the capture and engulf ment of food, the Protozoan simply crawling around the object; while in the higher there is a distinct portion of the cell set ajjar*^ for the introsusception of nutri- ment. The character of nourishment also varies, some forms living on vegetable pro- ductions alone, while others absorb any organic bodies, animal or plant, often devouring forms, rotifers, worms or Crustacea, far higher in the scale than themselves. In tlie higher Protozoa the food is either brought to the part of the body set aside for the reception of food by currents of water created by rapidly moving cilia, while in others the animals which are eaten are in some unexplained manner benumbed by the Proto- zoan and then devoured. When taken into the body the aliment forms a mass slowly circulating through the protoplasm and is known as a food vacuole. Reproduction is accomplished in several distinct ways ; by fission, by budding, by encystment, and the subsequent formation of young, in which the act of conjugation frecjuently ])lays a j)art not yet vinderstood. Two and sometimes more individuals unite and form a single mass, and then either separate, or the whole becomes encysted ; but whether this is to be regarded as a true sexual act, or as an obscure something not clearly defined by the term applied to it of " rejuvenescence," has not been settled. Four well-marked groujis of Protozoa occur ; Monera, Gregarinida, Rhizopoda, and Infusoria. The great German naturalist Hteckel has proposed a third division, Pro- tista, of organized beings to contain forms which cannot be certainly classed with either the animal or the vegetable kingdoms, and here would come the group IMonera, together with other clearly closely alUed groups which, by common consent rather than by definite character, are usually regarded as belonging to the vegetable kingdom. But though hard and fast lines do not exist in nature, we are compelled to create boun- daries which are frequently as arbitrary as any to be found in geographies, and for the pur|)oses of this series we prefer to consider the Monera as belonging to the animal kingdom, and to ignore the claims of the Protista. Class I.— MOI^TERA. The Monera, the lowest group of the Protozoa, may be briefly described, following partly the language of Hseckel, as follows : — MONERA. Organisms without organs. The entire body consists of nothing more than a bit of plasma or primitive jelly, an albumenoicl compound not differentiated into j)roto- plasm and nucleus. Every Moner is therefore a cytode but not a cell. Their form is indefinite, with lobes or pseudopodia projecting from any part, by means of which they move. They multiply by division, budding, or by the formation of spores, as will be described further on. They live mostly in water. The manner in which the Monera envelop and flow around their food shows the absence of a definite limiting membrane or cell-wall, and also the extreme simplicity and homogeneous character of their bodj"- substance ; since any portion of it surrounding a particle of food causes digestion and assimilation to take place. This method of securing food will be more fully described when treating of the Amceba. The reproductive processes are rather moi'e complex than would be anticipated among such low forms of life. The simj)lest method of propa- gation is by division of the or- ganism into two parts by a construction across the middle, forming two animals precisely like the j)arent form. The Protomyxa auranti- aca represented in Fig. 1, is a typical Moner. It is shown at (/■) in its active, creeping con- dition, the jjseudopodia stream- ing outward in all directions with clear spaces or vacuoles and food particles in the in- terior. The food is entangled in the reticulate pseudopodia and gradually drawn into the body, where a temporary stom- ach is formed by the surround- ing protoplasm. After the di- gestible portions are absorbed the rest is cast off from any part of the surface. This Moner multiplies by the foi- mation of swimming spores in this manner : The pseudopodia are all retracted and the Moner becomes spherical (a). It then becomes encysted by the for- mation of a thick outer mem- brane, meanwhile changing to an orange-red color. The cyst ripens by the sub- division of the contents (6), and finally the enclosing membrane ruptures (c), and the contents escape as bright red, active swarm-spores, which swim about by the aid of the delicate, lashing flagella or threadUke extensions of the protoplasmic body. These changes are illustrated in the figure a, h, c, and d, being the successive stages ^^^^4 Fig. 1. ■ Protomyxa auriantlaca ; a. encysted ; h. division of proto- plasm ; c. cyst bursting, giving rise to the spores, d. e., from which, by coalescence, the feeding Plasmodium,/., is formed. Greatly enlarged. 4 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. from cyst to swarm-spores, and e being the first stage of reversion from swarm-spores to the mature form. The swarm-spores, to which the name plastidiiles has been given, are masses of apparently structureless protoplasm, manifesting life in its simplest conceivable form. Class II. — RHIZOPODA. No definite boundary can be drawn between the Monera and the Rhizopoda, and it is doubtful if the simple Protomyxa just described as a typical Moner, does not justly deserve to rank in this class. In a general way it may be said that the Rhizopods are distinguished from the Moners by having a more or less well-defined outer layer of sar- code and a nucleus, although the latter is not always to be observed. The Rhizopoda have been divided by Dr. William B. Carpenter into three groups, distinguished by the character of their sarcode or pseudopodia ; the Lobosa, in which the pseudopodia are lobose or finger-like, as shown in the illustration of Amoeba pi'o- teus, Fig. 2 ; the Radiolaria, in which the sarcode extends outward in rays more or less constiint in form and position, as in Actinophrys, Actinosphcerium or Clath- rulina., Fig. 10, among fresh-water forms, and liotalia. Fig. 15, among the marine forms; the Reticularia, in which the sarcode extends in irregular, soft anastomosing branches, which coalesce whenever they come together, as well illustrated in Gromia, Fig. 11. Dr. Carpenter groups all the Rhizopods under these three heads, as fol- lows : — LOBOSA. ADIOLARIA. Keticulakia. Amoebina. Actinopliryna. Gromida. Acantlioraetrina. Foraminifera, Polyeystina. Thalassicollina. This arrangement is not founded upon any physiological or morphological distinc- tions, and it can only be regarded as provisional. The different groups merge into one another so that the character of the pseudopodia alone is a very unsatisfactory guide, esjjecially in distinguishing between the lobose and the reticularian forms. The Radiolaria are the most complex in structure of all Rhizopods ; the marine foi-ms pro- duce silicious skeletons of great variety and beauty. The Reticularia include the marine Rhizopods with calcareous shells, often quite complex in structure ; some of them grow to a comparatively large size. The immense beds of chalk of the Old World are largely composed of the shells of Foraminifera, and the Eozoon canadense, claimed by some to be the oldest form of animal life known to the geologist, if really an aui- mal, also belongs to this group. Our fresh-water Rhizopods have been treated very fully by Prof. Josejih Leidy in his "Fresh-water Rhizopods of North America." He has diN-ided them into the Proto- plasta, from p^^'otos, first and plasso, a form or mould ; and the Seliozoa, from helios, the sun, and zoon, animal. The Protoplasta are divided into the Protoplasta lobosa, which corresponds to the Lobosa of Carpenter, and Protoplasta filosa, which are included in the Reticularia of Carpenter. The Heliozoa, which live in fresh water, are closely allied to the marine Radiolaria, but their precise relations are not yet understood. RHIZOPODA. 5 We may then divide the whole of the Rhizopoda into four orders : I. Lobosa ; II. Radiolaria ; III. Heliozoa ; IV. Reticularia. Order I.— LOBOSA. The Lobosa are characterized by blunt, digitate extensions {pseudopodia) of the soft body-mass, by means of which the animals move about and capture their food. The animals may be unprotected by a covering of any kind, or they may have shells of chitinous material or of cemented grains of sand or debris of any kind. The soft body is similar in structure in all cases, and the naked form known as the Amceba affords the best subject for studying this group of animals. The Amoeba proteus is represented in Fig. 2, and may be taken as a type of all the lobose protoplasts. It consists of an outer portion of protoplasm, termed the ectosarc, rather more consistent and clearer than the rest, but continuous with it, and an inner, more fluid portion, containing granules and known as the endosarc. There is no permanent differentiation between the endosarc and the ectosarc, for as the animal moves, or takes in particles of food, portions of the ectosarc may become in- folded, and they then im- mediately become conflu- ent with the endosarc. Probably the only differ- ence between the two portions of the proto- ])lasm is that caused by contact with the surround- ing watei', which seems to partiall}^ coagulate the ex- ternal portion. The Am- oeba moves by extending a portion of the clear ecto- sarc in any direction, when the granules of the endosarc will be seen to follow, as though flowing into an empty sjjace. The form of the Amoeba is therefore constantly changing, — pseudopodia are projected in any direction, singly or several at one time, while the granules are in constant motion. The granules do not seem to be essential constituents of the protoplasm. They are of all sizes, from almost immeasurably minute particles up to comparatively large ones. They seem to be inert particles, many of them doubtless being the remains of sub- stances collected as food, but frequently there are seen globules of oil and spherical green corpuscles which are supposed to contain chlorophyl. Within the endosarc a nucleus is often readily observed. A nucleus is regarded as an essential element in the Rhizopod structure. It appears as a spherical or discoid, colorless, clear, or granular corpuscle, within which may or may not be seen a still smaller body known as the nucleolus. jfi^fe^s^:^'ji|jj Fig. 2. — Amoeba proteus, greatly enlarged. 6 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. There is also a curious jjulsating vesicle witliin the endosarc, but often it encroaches upon the ectosarc so much as to seem a part of the latter. This vesicle originates as a clear spot in the ])rotoplasm, which slowly enlarges until it reaches a considerable size, when it suddenly collapses. There is a regularity in this occurrence which may be observed to be repeated several times in a minute. The function of the contractile vacuole, which is very common among the Infusoria, has not yet been fully determined. It is supjjosed that it subserves the respiratory process, but some authors regard it as subserving an excretory purpose. Whether the fluid of the vacuole is forced out into the surrounding water as the vesicle closes has not been satisfactorily demonstrated, although there is strong evidence pointing to that conclusion. Food is taken into the body of the Amceba through any part of the surface. A portion of the ectosarc extends around the prey, enclosing it along with some of the water, which then sinks down into the endosarc, where it forms a so-called food-ball ; such food-balls may become quite numerous in a single animal. Ehrenberg, supposing them to be permanent stomachs, gave the name Polygastrica to those Protozoa in which he observed them. Any portion of the Amoeba's body will serve the purpose of a tem- porary stomacli, in which food may be digested and assimilated. The indigestible por- tions are ejected at any part of the surface, but usually at the postei-ior part, near the contractile vesicle. The food of the Amoeba is usually of a vegetable nature. The deli- cate filamentous desmids seem to be a favorite food, and diatom remains are often found in the Amceba in great abundance. In assimilating the nutriment of a filamentous desmid, the Amceba passes along the filament, enveloping cell after cell, seemingly passing the plant directly through its body, absorbing the contents and rejecting the indigestible jwrtions. The Amoebae propagate by division and perhaps by a process of conjugation ; at least an appearance of conjugation has been observed in a few cases. When the circumstances of life are unfavorable, the Amcebse may become encysted, by which means they ,, — .^:=^a~iia»«- are able to withstand great changes of external con- ^ggl • -- •■ — , ditions. When about to become encysted, the re- ¥iG. 3.— JJijIliu/ui uirculata. Enlarged. _ ... mains of food and particles of indigestible matter are rejected, and the animal assumes a spherical shape precisely like Protomyxa, Fig. 1, a, soon becoming surrounded by a more or less thick membrane composed of several layers. In this protected condition the Amceba may rest a long time, and then, by rupturing its envelope it may again come forth apparently unchanged. But in some cases a change takes place within the capsule which results in the formation of a large number of sjiherical germs or spores, each of which iirobably escapes and grows into a new form, as in the case of Protomyxa, already described. A large number of the Lobose protoplasts are provided with shells, many of them of regular and beautiful form. Of these, Difflugla, Fig. 3, may be taken as a rejire- sentative genus. The shell of this Rhizopod is spherical or oval, composed of grains of sand mingled with frustules of diatoms, spicules, etc., cemented together. The sarcode-body almost fills the shell, and is attached to it by protoplasmic threads passing to the fundus and sides. The shell is open at one end, where the blunt cylindrical pseudopodia are projected either for the prehension of food or as organs of locomotion. RHIZOPODA. 7 In size it may vary from .036 mm. to .260 mm. in lengtli. The nucleus and contractile vesicle are conspicuous in the posterior portion. In all the shelled forms the food is taken in at the mouth of the shell, and the debris is ejected at the base of the pseudo- podia. Oeder II. — RADIOLARIA. When Prof. Huxley was engaged in studying the fauna of the sea on board H. M. S. "Rattlesnake," about thirty years ago (1851), he found floating upon the seas, whetlier tropical or extra-tropical, some peculiar gelatmous bodies to which he gave the name ThcdassicoUa., signifying sea-jelly. These were among the most common objects from the tow-net, and their extreme simplicity of structure made it very difficult to classify them in the animal kingdom. Imagine a colorless, transparent gelatinous mass, spheri- cal, elliptical, or elongated in form or contracted like an hour-glass in one or more places, varying in size from a mere spec up to an inch in length, without contractility or power of motion, but floating passively upon the water : such is Thalassicolla, Fig. 4. Two species were described by Prof. Hux- ley in his account of these organisms. One of them, T. punctata, is characterized by an appearance of dots scattered about near the internal surface of the thick, gelatinous crust which may surround either a single large cavity or a number of clear spaces closely aggregated. The appearance of dots is pro- duced by nucleated cells, which are imbedded in, and held together by, the gelatinous crust. The cells are about ^J^g- or jtJjj of an inch in diameter, and are covered with a thin mem- brane. Surrounding the cells or diffused through the connecting substance are minute bright-yellow corpuscles. The cells may also be enclosed within a framework of crystals or spicules resembling the spicules of a sponge. T. nucleata is a spherical mass, characterized by a blackish central portion, around which is a zone of vacuoles or clear spaces with yellow cells and dark granules, which is in turn surrounded by the outer, clear, gelatinous substance. The dark central por- tion is a vesicle Avith granular contents and a firm, colored membrane. P"'roni the dark centre delicate branching fibrils radiate and anastomose through the zone of vacuoles, extending almost to the periphery of the sphere. Thalassicolla may be regarded as a type of the Radiolarian structure. The Radio- laria are characterized by having a central nucleated portion surrounded by an outer peripheral mass, from which it is separated by a porous, more or less resisting mem- brane known as the capsule. Both the mass within the capsule and the sareode with- out consist of very soft and contractile protoplasm, in which are imbedded colored globules, vacuoles, and perhaps other structures. JNIost Radiolaria have a skeletal frame- work of silicious spicules, or beautifully-designed structures, which may be found either within or without the capsule. The silicious framework of these minute organisms, Fig. 4. — Thalassicolla moncm. Greatly enlarged. 8 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. when properly cleaned and prepared for exhibition, afford some of the most beautiful objects for examination with a microscope. The Polycystina especially, which have an external skeleton of clear, glassy sUica, are to be found in every collection of microscopic objects, and there are few specimens that attract more imiversal admiration for beauty and regularity of form. Before describing some of tlie more important representatives of this group, a few words should be said concerning their general characteristics. The single animals or zooids vary in size from about ^^jj to gJg- of an inch, or even more, in diameter. They are usually spherical, but they may be cylindrical, discoidal, or of other shapes. The sarcode within and without the capsule is continuous through the pores of the chitLnous membrane which surrounds it. In Thalassicolla the capsule is very small compared to the size of the animal, but usually, especially in the solitary forms, the capsule is relatively very large, sometimes having only an exceedingly thin layer of extra capsular sarcode .about it. The tendency of such simple forms of life is to live in colonies like Thalassicolla punctata, in which the capsules and the investing sarcode have already been described as cells imbedded in the gelatinous connecting mass. The capsules vary in size from 1 mm. down to .025 mm. The sarcode contains vesicles or alveoli, which may be found both within and with- out the capsule ; but no regularly contracting vesicle, such as is found in the Heliozoa, has been observed. Within the capsule are found peculiar structures which have been termed nuclei, and -which are supposed to be true nuclei of the capsule. These are of two kuids, — simple and complex. The simple nuclei measure from .008 mm. to .015 mm. in diame- ter. Tliey are perfectly homogeneous in appearance, and may exist in great numbers in a single capsule, almost filling it in fact, or they may be few, or even quite absent when a complex nucleus is present. They liave no investing membrane. The complex nucleus is a multi-globular vesicle with a membranous covering snnilar to that of the capsule itself, but more delicate. It is possible that the simple nuclei are developed witliin it. The complex nucleus is also designated as the "nuclear vesicle." It is characteristic of certain forms of Radiolaria. The sarcode of the capsule may be colorless, or it may be distinctly colored, red, brown, and yellow being the usual colors. Examination with high powers of the micro- sco]3e shows the coloring matter in the form of minute vesicles. There are also found in the sarcode globules of oil or fatty matters, and sometimes concretions, crystals, .and other structures that may be nothing but remains of food. The external sarcode is not protected by any definite enveloping membrane, but a clear, gelatinous, more or less firm layer of the sarcode may be observed to form the outer boundary of the sphere, as already described in Thalassicolla. The sarcode of the central capsule is continuous with the external sarcode through the pores of the dividing membrane. The extra capsular sarcode is usually frothy in appearance owing to the presence of clear spaces, — vacuoles or alveoli. These alveoli usually increase in size from without inwards, being largest and most numerous near the capsule. The outer alveoli have been observed to disappear .at times and to form again. The pseudopodia of the Radiolaria resemble those of the Heliozoa, being more or less persistent and not very flexible. In some species they branch and anastomose slightly. They originate from tiie deepest part of the external sarcode, pass between the alveoli and through the gelatinous investment into the surrounding water. They may be retracted and extended. RHIZOPODA. 9 The " yellow cells " which are almost hi variably found in the Radiolaria, either within or without the capsule, have been the subject of much speculation. It is not yet known what their functions are, and it is even doubtful if they are not parasitic plants, taking their nourishment from the body of the Radiolarian in which they live. After the death of the animal the yellow cells have been observed to grow and multijsly. With the exception of a very few species of Thalassicolla, Thalassolam.pe^ Mtjxo- brachia, and Collozoum, all the Radiolaria are provided with some form of silicious framework. In its simplest form this consists of isolated spicules, as in Sphcerozoum, Fig. 9. From the simple spicular forms we may pass to those having s])ines radiat- ing from a common centre to the surface of the sphere, or beyond, with lateral processes like Xiphacantha, Fig. 7. / Fig. 5. — Eticecryphialus gegenbauri, greatly enlarged. In certain species the skeleton is formed of hollow spines, through which the sarcode extends and issues from the ends. In all cases the spines are covered with a thin layer of granular sarcode, which can be observed constantly flowing up and down the sjaines, doubtless carrying the food that may be collected, down into the body. As the lateral processes mentioned above become more largely developed, a con- tinuous Qircumferential skeleton is formed, which encloses the whole organism, as in Actinomma, in which there are sometimes three or more concentric shells. Among the Polycystina there is a great variety of form manifested in the external skeleton. Podocyrtis (Fig. 8) is one of the most common forms of this gi-oup. The food of the Radiolaria consists of minute algis, diatoms, infusoria, and other organisms found on the sm^face of the sea. Not much is known concerning the methods of multiplication among the Radiolaria. It may be accepted as an established fact that the contents of the capsules may divide and form young capsules, which arc at first without any membranous covering. The young capsules make their way out, swim about freely as " zoospores," whicli, in Col- 10 L 0 WER IN VER TEBRA TES. losphcera, are oval, about .008 mm. in length, and have at least one ciliiim. The sub- sequent history of the zoospores has not been made out. It is probable that colonies like Collosphcera are formed by division of this kind. In this large and exceedingly interesting order of Rhizopods, there are nearly a thousand species, about one-half of them being fossil forms. This shows the wonderful variety of form which such organisms may present without depaiting from the simple plan or organization which characterizes them. They may be classified according to the forms of their skeleton, into families and sub-farailies, in which one general plan of structure Avill be characteristic of each division, as Dr. WaJlich has shown. Although such a classification may be convenient, it throws but little light upon the physiological or morphological relations of the different forms. In the present state of our knowl- FiG. 6. — Haliomma poli/acantimm, magnified 200 times. edge of the Radiolaria no fully satisfactory classification is possible. Perhaps the best yet proposed is that of Prof. Mivart, which is a greatly modified form of Ilaeckel's comprehensive but confusing plan. Prof. Mivart arranges all the Radiolaria under seven divisions, which may be briefly characterized as follows : — 1. DisciDA. — Discoidal forms with skeletons partly intra-capsular, generally form- ing an external perforated shell with an internal partition, making a series of connect- ing, concentric, or spirally arranged chambers ; no nuclear vesicle. In this group tliere are five sub-divisions, but the most common form of all is the Astromma, in which the combination of radial and circumferential parts is quite strik- ing, both for beauty .and for the great variations in form manifested by the different species. RHIZOPODA. 11 2. Flagellifeea. — This group receives its name from the flagelhim which charac- terizes the species belonging to it. 3. Entosph^eida. — In this group the organisms are f>rovided with an intrarcapsu- lar, spheroidal shell, not traversed by radii, in this respect differing from the Discida. They have no nuclear vesicle. The typical genus is Ilaliomma, of which there are many forms. Haliomma polyacanthum is represented in Fig. 6. 4. AcANTHOMETEiDA. — The members of this division are characterized particularly by a well-developed radial skeleton, the radii meeting in the centre of the capsule. There is no enveloping shell, but lateral processes sometimes project from the sjjines, as in the beautiful IKipliacantha found by the " Challenger " expedition, represented in Fig. 7. Fig. 7. — Xtphacantha, magnified 100 times. 5. PoLYCYSTixA. — The Polycystina are by far the most numerous in all fossil deposits of Radiolaria. They are very simple forms with skeleton external, more or less compact or continuous, without a nuclear vesicle. The shell may be a simple sphere, or two or three concentric spheres connected by radii, or with external radial outgrowths extending to a length of several times the diameter of the shell. The most numerous forms, however, belong to the genera Podocyrtis and Eucyrticlium, the former represented in Fig. 8. The beautiful Eucecryphialus (Fig. 5) also belongs to this group. In these foi-ms the sheU opens at one end, and growth being mainly in one direction said to be unipolar. 6. CoLLozoA. — To this group belong a number of soft, gelatinous forms which are frequently aggregated in colonies, and are therefore designated as compound Radio- laria. The animals may be either single or in families. When single the skeleton con- sists of circumferential spicules, isolated from each other. When compound, there 12 LOWER INVERTE'BRATES. mav be either spicules or a spheroidal, perforated shell. Under this division are classed the very common forms Sphoirozoum, Fig. 9, and Collosphcera^ the former being either naked or having spicules, while the latter has a shell. 7. Vesiculata. — To this group belong the curious jelly-like forms already men- tioned, described by Huxley as ThalassicoUa, Fig. 4. Tliere is no definite skeleton, but some of the species have spicules more or less closely approximated. The vesiculata are distinguislied bj' the presr ence of a nuclear vesicle, which is usually multiglobular. Formerly the Thalassicollida were classed with the Collozoa, but the nuclear vesicle is not found in the latter, and there is no external shell or spicular layer in the former such as are found in Sphcerozoum and Collosphcera. When we consider the wonderful sjiiimetry, beauty, and variety of form revealed by a study of the hard, silicious skeletons of the Polycystina, Acanthometrida, and other famihes of the order, we may well inquire how it is possible for such simple creatures to construct such perfect forms. Mivart suggests that they may be produced by " a kind of organic crystallization — the expression of some as yet unknown law of animal organization here acting un- FiG. 8. — Fodocyrtis trammelled by adaptive modifications or by those needs which seem enlarged?*'*' ®"*"'' to be SO readily responded to by the wonderful plasticity of the animal world." Representatives of the great class Radiolaria are found in all seas, but they are by far the most abundant in tropical waters. The most common forms of all belong to the Acanthometrida and Polycystina. Their remains have formed immense beds of rock, mostly during the Tertiary age, but they have also been found in the chalk and in the Trias. They are found in the diatom- aceous rock of Richmond and Petersburg, Va., also in Maryland, and in Bermuda ; but by far the most extensive deposits are in the Nicobar Islands and the Barbadoes. In the Xicobar Islands deposit they form strata eleven hundred and two thousand feet in tliickness, in wliich a hundred \-^^'-S^^'^gmwmKmMj^xmmifr'^,^^Bp^^yj^ sjtecies have been identified. In the Bar- '^^^H^jBlilBBiKffiP^jBMMlB'^^^ badoes the rock is not quite so thick, but about three hundred species have been found there, most of which are Polycystine forms. A number of minute but very beautiful organisms were obtained by Mr. Mui'ray during the "Challenger" expedition by using the tow-net, which undoubtedly deserve a place among the Protozoa, but they have not yet been classified. They have been named Challengerida, and seem to be closely related to the Radiolaria. ^m£:m.^. Fig. 9. — Spliserozoam ovodimare, greatly enlarged. RHIZOPODA. 13 Order III. — HELIOZOA. The Heliozoa, or sun-animalcules, are very beautiful Rhizopods, inhabiting fresh water. Most of them are spherical, floating forms, but a few are attached by long pedestals or stipes. The pseudopodia are in the form of delicate, tapering rays, extend- ing outward in all directions from the centre, often exceeding the diameter of the body in length. They are flexible, more or less contractile, and sometimes reveal a slow circulation of granules along their length. The sarcode is not distinctly differentiated into endosarc and ec- tosarc, but in one interesting form, Aciinosphcerium, the outer sarcode is a frothy, vacuolated mass of consider- able thickness. The most common of the Heliozoa is the Actinosphri/s sol. It is found in pools of standing water almost every- where, among the floating plants, ap- pearing under a low-power of the microscope as a colorless, spherical body, varying in size from .04 mm. to .1^ mm. in diameter, with innumer- able delicate, bristling spines three or four times the diameter of the body in length. Tlie sarcode is full of vac- uoles, which give it a frothy appear- ance. Watching the minute sphere a few moments, there -will probably be seen somewhere along the periphery a slowly distending vesicle, which reaches a certain size, and then suddenly col- lapses. This is the contractile vesicle. The first description of this curious little creature seems to have been given by a French naturalist, who referred to it, if we may translate the bad French in which it is written, with some dis- cretion — as "a fish, the most extra- ordinary that one could see." The food of Actino2)hrys consists of minute infusoria, diatoms, and other unicellular algre, which frequently can be seen within the body as green balls. The pseudopodal rays are used as organs of locomotion, and for the prehension of food. If an active infusorian comes in contact with the spines it seems to be paralyzed. If the prey be very minute it will be seen to glide along the rays very gi-adually until it reaches the body, when a portion of the sarcode is projected to envelop it, and draw it into the Flo, 10. — Clathrulina elegans, enlarged 350 times. 14 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. interior, where it undergoes digestion and assimilation. If the prey be larger, several rays may bend toward it and together secure and draw it down to the body. Actinophrys propagates by simple division and by the fusing together of two or more specimens into a single mass, which then rejjroduces new forms by fission. Tlie conjugation of two individuals is quite a common occurrence, but the Hon. J. D. Cox has observed as many as nine individuals joined in the process. The same observer also describes another method of propagation in which the parent form passes into an opalescent condition, after which it undergoes segmentation into a brood of young. A much larger heliozoon, greatly resembling Actinophrys, is Actinosphoerium. It is especially distinguished from the former by the frothy layer of ectosarc which sur- rounds the central sarcode, and by the complex structure of the pseudopodal rays which, under high magnification, seem to have a hard axis-cylinder, probably onl}^ a core of denser protoplasm. Perhaps one of the most beautiful forms of this order is Clathrulina, represented in Fig. 10. While young the capsules are colorless and clear, but with age they be- come yellow. The sarcode does not usually fill the lattice-capsule, but is collected in a ball within it. It is a very beautiful species ; often found in great abundance in ponds and ditches. The Heliozoa seem to be quite closely related to the Radiolaria, but the exact rela^ tions of the two groups is not yet known. It has been suggested that the Heliozoa are embryonic forms of the more highly-developed group ; but until the structure of both groups is more fully elucidated it seems useless to speculate much about this question. Several observers have noticed within Actinophrys a peculiar nuclear sphere which gi'eatly resembles the central vesicle of certain Radiolaria. Order IV. — RETICULARIA. Sub-order I. — Peotoplasta. This sub-order includes a considerable number of fresh-water Rhizopods with very soft sarcode bodies and delicate, branching, thread-like pseudopodia. The endosarc and ectosarc are even less clearly differentiated than in the lobose forms. The nucleus is usually large, and several contractile vesicles are to be seen in the endosarc. A characteristic Rhizopod of this sub-order is Gromia ovifonnis, represented in Fig. 11. The shell is thin, chitinous, colorless or yellowish, measuring about .115 mm. in length. A high power of the microscope shows an incessant streaming of granules along the branching, anastomosing shreds of sarcode, the granules moving outward on one side and back on the other side of each filament. The sarcode extensions of Gromia anastomose more freely than is usual among the Protoplasta Filosa, resembling more closely the Foraminifera m this respect, and the contractile vesicle is near the mouth of the shell. In fact. Prof. Joseph Leidy, in his monograph on the "Fresh-water Rhizopods of North America," has placed Gromia among the Foraminifera. The filose protoplasts seem to be in nowise different from the Foraminifera, except that the shells of the latter are usually calcareous, and the pseudopodia manifest a greater tendency to anastomose, and are more granular. The shells of the filose protoplasts are usually composed of a clear, chitinous sub- RHIZOrODA. 15 stance, sometimes colorless and transparent, sometimes distinctly colored yellowish or brown, while still others are covered with grains of sand. A very frequently occurring form is Pseudodifflugia. In this the shell is chitmous, with sand- grains in some wise incorporated with it. It resembles Difflugia, Fig. 3, in every respect except as regards the character of the pseudo- podia. In some of the genera the shells are beautifully marked, and the neck is often curved so that the body lies on the side as the animal crawls alonij. SXJB-OEDER II. — FOEAMINI- FEEA. Fig. U. — Gromla oviformis, enlarged 600 times. The Foraminifera embraces an almost innumerable variety of ma- nne Rhizopods. The reticulate, anastomosing nature of tlie pseudo- podia is most striking!}' manifest in all the Foraminifera, but the ex- amination of the internal sarcode is very difficult, owing to the thick- ness and opacity of the shells. For this reason it was long supposed that the Foraminifera were desti- tute of a nucleus, but recent inves- tigations by Hertwig and Lesser, Carpenter and others, have revealed nuclei in several forms, and they are doubtless present in all of them. It is said that dahlia violet will stain the nuclei while the animal lives, and if this is true in all cases, it will prove a valuable reagent in further in- vestigations of those organisms. The Foraminifera are the only Rhizopods that have shells of many chambers, and of complex structure. The different forms of the shells can best be understood by observing how they are derived from a single chamber by the budding off of successive j)ortions of the sarcode-body, each of which then secretes a shelly covering. If the budding always takes place in the same direction, an elongated form composed of several chambers in a straight line is produced, as in JLagena. If the tendency of growth is to produce a spiral, it results in the beautiful Connispira, which greatly resembles the mollusc Planoiins, or, if the budding takes place in still another way, the more complex forms of MiUola are produced, which are only spirals greatly elongated in one direction. Instead of forming successive single chambers at the ends of old ones ; the growing spiral may spread out wide and flat, thus forming the beauti- 16 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fjg. 12. — PeneropoUs, enlarged. ful Polystomella, and PeneropoUs., Fig. 12, common in all tropical seas. In the Ber- muda sands the most frequently occnrring genera are PeneropoUs, Fig. 12, Orhicu- lina, and OrbitoUtes, Fig. 15. Tliese, with other light debris, are occasionally washed out of the heavier matters of the shore by the action of the waves, and left in great abundance in long, white streaks as the waves recede. Among the spiral shells there are two types, distin- guished as nautiloid and turbinoid. When the spiral forms in one plain, as in Polystomella, we have a nautiloid spiral ; when it winds obliquely around a vertical axis, forming a spiral like the snail or periwinkle, it is turbinoid. The beautiful liotaUa, Fig. 13, is formed upon the latter plan. In most of the rotaline forms, all the chambers of the whorl are visible from one side, but among the spirals of the nautiloid type the later chambers often more or less en- velop the older ones, so that unless one knows the struc- ture of the shell it cannot be recognized by a cursory or superficial examination. For example, in the very frequently occurring N^onionina, the older chambers are quite invisible, being entirely enveloped by the later ones, and in order to learn how the shell began to form, a section would have to be made through it showing all the chambers in one plane. Among the turbinoid spirals, there are several varieties of structure, the relations of which are not easily seen until careful examination of the in- ternal structure reveals them. Thus, Textularia, Fig. 14, belongs to the division, but at first glance it scarcely seems to bear any relation to Nonionina. On close examination it will be seen that the successive chambers are ui two rows, and each chamber communicates with the chamber above and the one below it on the other ^ „ „• • , 1 1 r ■. Fig. 13. — 7io/a/irt, enlarged. row, never ojsening into a chamber of its own row. In some species the nautiloid spire is characteristic only of the early period of gi'owth, for after a few turns, instead of budding from the end, thus continuing the sj)iral, all the outer chambers put forth radial buds, which form successive concentric rings. This mode of growth is well illustrated in OrbitoUtes, which is represented in Fig. 15, part of the surface being removed to show the internal struc- ture. It Avill be seen that the internal chambers are spirally arranged, while the others are arranged on the cyclical or radial plan of growth. Dr. William B. Carpenter, whose valuable monograph on the Fora- minifera has tlirown much light upon the structure and relationship of these organisms, has shown the great importance of a careful study of the shell-structure as a basis of classification. He has distinguished two kinds of shell among the Foraminifera, which he has designated, re- spectively, the porcellanous and the h_yaline, or vitreous. These differ- ences of shell-structure correspond with jjhysiological differences in the organisms inhabiting the shells, and afford a basis for a division of the class into two great sections. In both these sections will be found species which have striking resemblances in form, which could not be generieally separated except by a recognition of the differences in the structure of the shell and their jshysiological si"nificance. Fig. 14. — Textu- laria. extended, enlarged 200 times. RHIZOPODA. 17 The terms porcellanous and vitreous have been adopted owing to the appear- ance of the shells as seen under the microscope. The former is applied to shells of a white, opaque, often shiny appearance, which in thin, transparent sections or laminse appear, by transmitted light, of a brown or amber color. No structure can be observed in shells of this kind. They are never perforated, although they are sometimes marked upon the surface with pits, or inequalities, giving an appearance of foramina. The vitreous or hyaline shell-structure is far more complex than the porcel- lanous. It is transparent, usually colorless, sometimes deeply colored, and more or less closely perforated either with large or small distinct foramina, or minute tubuli passing directly through the shell-substance. In Motalia, Fig. 13, the foramina are distinct, and afford passages for the sarcode, which covers the outside of the shell, and the pseudopodia extending in all directions from it. The minutely tubular structure can only be detected in thin sections with high powers of the microscope, when it imparts a peculiar appearance to the shell, characteristic of finely tubular structures. Between the shells with large foramina and with minutely tubular structure, there is a continuous gradation, which indicates that both foramina and tubuli subserve the same pur- pose, — affording channels for the passage of the sarcode. Comparing the shells of the porcellanous and vitreous forms, it will be seen that while the pseudopodia of the animals oc- cupying the former all spring from the terminal or outer chambers alone, so that the nourishment for the sarcode of the inner chambers must pass in through those that in- tervene, in the vitreous forms the sarcode of each chamber is in direct communication with the outer world through either the foramina or the minute tubuli of the shell. In accordance with this difference in the structure of the shell-substance, it may be also observed that the stolons of sarcode connecting successive chambers of the porcellanous-shelled species are njuch larger than those in the vitreous-shelled forms. These facts may be best illustrated by comparing two of the most highly-developed forms of the two types of shell-structure. For this purpose we will select OrUtolites of the porcellanous, and Niommulina among the tubular-shelled forms. The structure of OrUtolites can be understood by a glance at Fig. 15. Disks such as are here represented sometimes attain the size of a silver quarter-dollar in diameter. It will be seen that single pores unite successive chambers, and finally the sarcode of the outer chambers communicates with the surrounding medium by pseudopodia pro- jected through the marginal pores shown in the figure. In Mmwwlina, a form that has been so abundant in the past as to have lent its VOL. I. — 2 Fig. 15. ■ OrUtolitts, enlarged. Diagram to show external appear- ance and internal structure. 18 L 0 WEP, IN VER TEBRA TES. name to the nummulitic limestone, the tubes have a different arrangement and are very minute ; there is, besides the tubuhir structure ah-eady described, a system of inoscuhiting canals penetrating the septa, which are filled with sareode during the life of the animal. In all the vitreous forms, each chamber has its own shelly in- vestment, so that the partitions between the chambers are double. Between these walls there is frequently a considerable deposit of calcareous sulistance, which is known as the intermediate skeleton. Through the intermediate skeleton runs the system of canals, X<5>}^ ^^ II ^^^^M^J^^^l which is beautifully shown in Eozoon. soon to be described ; the canal-system resembhng minute branching shrubs. A single species of Nmmnu- Fio. 10. — A«nimi(/iHre wiicox'i, natural size, lina^ Fig. 16, has been described from Florida. aud enlarged. -r-» • -i i ■ ■ c i n i Isesides the two varieties of shell-structure above described, there is another kind of shell or test very frequently occurring among deep- water species. This is the arenaceous type, in which the shell consists of cemented grains of sand, or of sand and spicules together. The nature of the cement which holds together the sand-grains of the arenaceous tyi^es is not known ; sometimes the grains are only loosely united, so that the test is more or less flexible, as in Astrorhiza, Fig. 17, a form which is found in Vineyard Sound at depths of only twelve fathoms, but also reaching down to over five hundi-ed fathoms. Some of these have the outside test smoothly plastered by a layer of very fine i)articles of mud, although composed of irregular large and small grains of sand. No definite ajierture, or mouth, has been observed in Astrorhiza, and the sareode finds its way through the test between the loosely cemented grains composing it. In other forms the grains are very closely cemented, so that some tests ■will resist the action of warm nitric acid, proving that the cement is neither calcareous or ferruginous. In some cases the sand-grains seem to have a chitinous basis in which they are imbedded. The resemblance between the arenaceous Foraminifera and the porcellanous and vitreous species is striking. Take, for examjile, Ilalophrag- mium, and compare it with Globigerma, Fig. 18. Indeed, it is true that if we consider only the external forms, we can find in the three divisions of porcellanous, vitreous, and arenaceous forms many species that are so closely related as to be indistinguishable by any specific characteristics. Thus, Cornuspira among the porcellanous is the counter-part of Sjm-illina among the vitreous forms ; and this is distinguishable in form from Amniodiscus among those with sandy tests. While some of the tests of the arenaceous group are probably imperforate, others are, without doubt, more or loss porous, so that the distinction already made Ijetween hyaline and jwrcellanous forms must also hold good as concerns these. Indeed, cer- tain arenaceous forms liave no definite mouth, and the sareode must find its way through pores in the test. The deep-sea investigations that have been carried on of late years have brought to light many new forms belonging to genera which were sup)wsed to be very well known. Thus, the shell of Glohigerwa, Fig. 18, has been understood, conforming to the descrip- tion of Dr. Carpenter, to consist of a series of hyaline, jierforated, spheroidal chambers arranged in a spiral about an axis, each opening into a central space in such a manner \i Fic. 17. — Astrorhiza, en- larged two diameters. RHIZOPODA. 19 that all the apertures are visible when looking into the common vestibule. But in the light of more recent investigations, Mr. Brady has found it desirable to enlarge the scope of the family to include many new species. He has, therefore, divided the Globi Fig. 18. — Globitjerina bulloides, greatly enlarged. bigerinxB into three groups, according to the position ami ai)pearance of the apei'- tures, as follows : — 1. Forms with an excavated cavity (umbilical vestibule) into which the orifices of all the segments open, such as Glohirjerina bulloides, Fig. 18. 2. Those with only one external orifice, situated on the face of the terminal segment, at its point of junction with the previous convolution, as in Globigerina influta. 20 L 0 WER IN VER TEBRA TES. 3. Forms in which tlic inferior aperture is single and relati-\-ely small, but supple- mented by conspicuous orifices on the superior surface of the shell, as in Globigerina rubra. Besides these, there are forms represented under the generic name Orbtdhia, 'which seem properly to belong to the Globigerince, as sub-generic forms. Orbulhia has a spherical shell, usually without a definite mouth, but provided with two sets of perfo- rations differing in size, — one series numerous and minute, the other larger and less numerous. Closely allied to the Globigerina, if not properly belonging to that family, is the beautiful Hastigerina tnurrayana, found by the "Challenger" expedition. This organ- ism was foimd long ago by D'Orbigny (1839), and described by him as yonionina pelagica, and was one of the first Foraminifera taken at the surface of the sea. The Foraminifera inhabit the sea, and their remains are graduallj^ forming rocky strata on the ocean-bed, in all respects like the chalk of the cretaceous period. For a long time it was supposed that the Foraminifera found at the bottom of the sea passed their entire life there. Prof. Wyrille Thomson held firmly to that opinion until the results of collections with the tow-net at the surface conclusively proved that many of them live near the surface. It is now known that a few species of Globigerina inhabit the superficial waters, but a far greater number pass their life at the bottom. The jielagic forms of Globigerina are usually, liut not always, spmous. The long, delicate spines are somewhat flexible, and clothed «-ith granular streaming sarcode ; and for some distance from the shell tlie frothy sarcode fills the spaces between them. The spines are so delicate that a mere touch will break them off, and spinous sliclls are never seen in material brought up in the dredge. Sometimes the spines are very long ; in Hastigerina mwrayi the si)ines are fifteen times the diameter of the shell, and the frothy, alveolar sarcode extends outward between the sj:)iues to a distance equal to twice the diameter of the shell. The Globigerina are so abundant in some places, and their remains constitute so large a proportion of tlie shiny calcareous ooze covering a great part of the sea-bottom, that the ooze has long been designated " Globigerina ooze." The Globigerina ooze consists of the remains of Globigerina and Orbxdina in great abundance, with a smaller ])roportion of the genera Pullenia and Sphcerodina, with occasional sjiecimens of Ilas- tigerhia, together with remains of radiolarians, diatoms, and some curious structures known as rhabdoliths and coccoliths, the nature of which is not yet understood. As regards the distribution of the remains of protozoic life over the ocean-floor, it appears that the Gloljigerina ooze extends from four hundred down to al)out two thou- sand fathoms. Bej^ond this limit there seems to be a gradual disintegration and solution of the calcareous substance of the shells, resulting first in a gray ooze down to two thou- sand three hundred fathoms, containing no perfect shells, but some calcareous matter effervescing with acids, finally changing as we go still deeper to an hupaljiable red feldspathic mud, or " red clay," as it has been termed, which covers vast areas. The red clay is supposed to bo derived partly from the disintegration of the shell-matter of the gray ooze and the solution of the calcareous portions, and partly from the mineral Fig. 19. — Helixostegiiie forms of Foraminifera. RHIZOPODA. 21 matter held in suspension in tlie sea-water, which slowly sinks to the undisturbed depths. Nevertheless, the deepest ocean-floor is not always devoid of organic remains. The deepest soundmg by the " Challenger " was made in the Pacific Ocean on the 23d of March, 1875, and showed a depth of four thousand five hundred and seventy-five fathoms. The bottom was covered with what resembled the ordinary red clay to the eye, but it was gritty, and contained sueli a large jiroiiortion of radiolarian remains that it received the name of Radiolarian ooze. It liad previously been supposed that even these silicious remains, together Mitli the frustules of diatoms, which are more or less al)undant in the Globigerina ooze, disaiipeared ^nth the calcareous shells, in some manner not fully understood. The occurrence of the deep Radiolarian ooze, however, has sliown that there is no destruction of silicious shells, and their accumulation in so nuicli greater alrandance there than in the Globigerina ooze was accounted for by Prof. "Wyville Thomson on the supjiosition, based u])on the results of collections at different depths down to one thousand fathoms with the tow-net, — that Radiolaria lived at all depths, and therefore, where the water was deepest the accumulations of their skele- tons would be the most rapid. Later investigations by Mr. Agassiz, using an ingenious apparatus devised by Lieut.-Commander Sigsbee, U. S. N., have shown that there is no life between a narrow zone where the surface animals are found and the habitat of those living on or very near the bottom. The deepest oast that has ever been made was made from the XJ. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake" in January, 1883, in latitude 19° 39' 10-/ N., and longitude 66° 26- 05" W., between the Bermudas and the Bahamas, about one hundred miles N. W. of St. Thomas. The dejith there found was four thousand five hundred and sixty-one fathoms ; the temperature of the deepest water was 36° F. Another cast in latitude 19° 29' 30" N., longitude 66° 11' 45", showed a depth of four thousand two hundred and twenty-three fathoms. At these great depths, — more than five statute miles beneath the surface, a depth equal to the height of the highest mountains in the world — tlie bot- tom is covered with a very fine brown ooze, containing a few Diatoms and sponge spicules. In the North Pacific, at depths of three thousand and four thousand fathoms, are found tests of Trochainmina {Ammodiscus) incerta, one of the arenaceous forms. At great depths are also found species of Ifiliola, tisually more or less incrusted with grains of sand, while in some cases the shell consists not of lime, but of clear, homo- geneous siUca which will resist the action of acids like the frustules of diatoms. Some of the genera of Foraminifera have had a great range in geologic time. In the lower Silurian rocks of Russia — in the so-called Ungulite grit — Elirenberg found green sand casts of genera now living, Textidaria, Gattulina, and Rotalia. The oldest form of life of which the rocky strata furnish any remains is possibly the Eozoon Canadense, found preserved in greatest perfection in the Laurentian rocks of Canada. Concerning the nature of Eozoon — the dawn-animal — there lias been much contro- versy. On the one hand it is claimed with great probability that the peculiar struc- tures found in the rocks are of purely mineral origin. But Dr. J. W. Dawson and Dr. "William B. Carjienter, who have studied this subject with great care, have declared that the structure of Eozoon. corresponds in every particular with that of cer- tain Foraminifera of the vitreous type. The successive chambers connected by pas- sages, the intermediate skeleton with its comjilex system of inosculating canals, the minutely tubular " nummuline layer," have all been claimed to have been found and 22 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. studied -with great, care. The Eozoon occurs iu a serjientine limestone, in the form of irregular masses of varying size up to several inches in diameter. In appearance to the naked eye it consists of alternate bands of green serpentine — a silicate of magnesia — and limestone, the former filling the cavities originally occupied by the sarcode, and even the most minute tubuli of the nummuline layer; while the calcareous basis of the original skeleton remains unchanged. The simplest, and on the wliole the most satisfactory, method of studying the Eozoon is to cut tolerably thin slices of the rock and place them m a verj- dilute acid until the calcareous portion is dissolved. There then remains a perfect cast of the chambers of the shell, counterparts of the original sarcode-body, even to the mmute tubules of the nummuline layer. We have given here the gist of the account of Drs. Dawson and Carpenter, but the question of the animal nature of Eozoon is far from settled ; possibly it never will be. In South Carolina there are immense beds of marl aud limestone containino- For- minifera in great abundance. Prof. J. W. Bailey, in the year 1845, examined some borings from a well driven through these deposits at Charleston, and also some fi-ag- ments from an outcrop on Cooper River, about thirty-five miles above that place. From the borings it was observed that from one hundred and ten to more than three hundred feet in depth the Polythalmia were abundant, very perfectly preserved, and many of them large enough to be easily seen with a pocket-lens. Concerning these tertiary deposits, Prof. Bailey remarked that they were filled with more numerous and more perfect specimens of these beautiful forms than he had ever seen in chalk or marl from any other localit}'. Similar marls are also found in Virginia, on Pamunkey River, belonging to the eocene ; and in the miocene rocks of Petersburg, Foraminifera are also found. The foraminiferal rock which underlies so large a part of South Carolina is still in process of formation along the coast. The mud from Charleston harbor abounds in shells of Foraminifera, and the remains of diatoms. Fossil Foraminifera are found in many other places in this country. They exist in New Jersey, Alabama, at various points on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, in Ten- nessee, Arkansas, North CaroUna, Florida, and elsewhere. The marls of certain localities along the upper Missouri and Mississippi rivers are very rich in Foraminifera. The latter deposit is popularly known as " prakie chalk," and the forms are different from those found on the Missouri. In the green sands of Fort Washington, Va., Prof. BaOey made the remarkable discovery that these minute and perishable organisms could be entirely destroyed by chemical changes, yet leave indestructible memorials of their existence in the form of mineral casts. Ehrenberg had previously observed that the lime of the shells could be gradually dissolved and replaced by silica. In flints such a replacement is not un- usual, and remains of shells thus mineralized can be obtained by treating the rock with acid, which leaves the silicified shells intact. But in the green sands of the chalk formation in New Jersey, Virginia, and else- where, the shells have become filled with a greenish mineral, glauconite, — a silicate of iron and potash of varying composition — which has followed every contour of the shell, and penetrated even the minute pores and tubuli so perfectly that the genus and even the species of the Foraminifera can be readily determined by a study of the glau- conite casts after the shell has been destroyed. The glauconite occurs in grains scattered through the green sand formation of the GREGARINIDA. 23 cretaceous and other periods. In many cases the gi-ains are found to be casts of Forar minifera. These constit\ite as mucli as ninety per cent, of some rocks. In the yellowish limestone of Alal)ama such casts occur in great perfection, constituting about one-third of the rock. To obtain them, the stone has only to be treated with acid, when the greenish casts can readily be picked out from the insoluble residue, consisting of sand and finely-divided mineral particles. Ehrenberg was the first to observe the replacement of organic forms by mineral matter, and he inferred that green sand was always formed by such a substitution. Such easts can be found in limestones from Mullica Hill, and near Mount Holly, N. J., from Drayton Hill, near Charleston, S. C, from the cretaceous rocks of Western Texas, and from other localities. At the ]n-esent time precisely similar casts of Foraminifera are being formed at the bottom of the sea. In the year 185.3 Count Pourtales found, off the coast of Georgia, in the Gulf Stream, at a de])th of one hundred and fifty fathoms, a bottom dejjosit consisting of shells of Glohigerina and black sand in about equal proportions. Similar deposits were found also in the Gulf of Mexico and in various parts of the Gulf Stream. With them are also found the living Foraminifera, so that there can be no question as to the continuance of the process now. RosiYN Hitchcock. Class III. — GEEGARINIDA. The Gregarinida are a peculiar kind of animal parasites which inhabit the intestinal canals of earthworms, insects, Crustacea, etc., the simplicity of whose structure leads most authors to class them among the Protozoa. Their distinct mem- branous investment, however, entitles them to a higher rank than any of the Protozoa already described, and, although with very little power of movement, and j)ossessing no means of searching for and collecting food, they are still structurally higher than the Amceba and its allies, for a differentiation of parts is certainly distinctly shown in the mem- branous cell-covering. As parasites they do not require to move about in search of food. They have no mouth, no organs of digestion. They absorb their food through the membrane that covers the body ; hence, although they are structurally abo\'e the Amoeba, they have almost lost the Amoeba's power of voluntary movement. We may conceive of an Amoeba placed under conditions that would insure an abundant supply of food without the necessity of searching for it, finally losing its power of movement and developing a distinct membranous investment from the ectosarc. We would then have a Gregarine. Van Beneden has regarded the Gregarinida as AmoebiE thus degenerated by parasitism. But there has been no degen- eration of structure, only of habit ; it will be seen that Gregarines are all auioeboid in one stage of their development, and that from this larval condition the more highly differentiated adult is produced. The Gregarinida vary considerably in form and appearance, but in general terms they may be described as more or less ovate or cylindrical in form, the body consisting Fig. 20. — Ctepsi- (Irina munerif enlarged. 24 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. of a single cell frequently divided into two or more portions by transverse, internal septa, forming the antei'ior and posterior sacs. In some species tlie anterior end, or head, is furnished with a circle of rcflexed hooklets, in others no such armature is found. The membrane covering the body is transparent and structureless in ajjpearance. Although firm and elastic, it is very permeable to watery fluids. The contents of the body are a nucleus embedded in the protojilasm and fatty granules. The latter are usually so abundant as to give a milky appearance to the cell contents. The granules seem to increase in size and abundance as the animal matures, since in young individ- uals they are scarcely noticeable. The nucleus invariably present in all Gregarines is a s]iherical vesicle with a sharply- defined membrane, situated near the middle of the cell in the Monoeystidea and in the forward part of the posterior sac of the Dycistidea. A nucleolus is usually found within it. When about to multiply, tiie GregariniE become surrounded by a transparent coat or cyst, which may include either a single specimen or two together. After becoming encysted a change takes jilace in the enclosed Gregarines. If two of them are in the cyst they become united, lose their identity and merge into a single mass. From this mass nucleated cells soon develop, which gradually take the form of elongated bodies, tapering at both ends, greatly resembling certain diatoms known as JVaviculce, whence they have taken their name, pseudo-naviculfe. They are also known as psorosperms. Finally the membrane of the cyst is ruptured and the pseudo-naviculte escape. Tlie process above described is not the only one by which the spores are formed, even in the same species. At least two others are known, one a ])rocess resembling the segmentation of an egg, in which the entire mass is converted into very regular and granular sj^heres of segmentation, which in turn becomes elongate and covered with a firm investment, while their contents become more fluid ; another in which the con- tents, instead of jiroducing granular spheres, divides into two, four, or more parts, each of which, by a process not understood, becomes covered with a layer of transparent or slightly granular globules, and these parts are transformed into the spores. In some instances the cysts of Gregarines have been observed arranged in a linear series in the walls of the rectum of certain animals, and it was for a long time a gi"eat mystery how they could be thus regularly placed. Van Beneden observed in the rec- tum of a lobster as many as seven cysts in a linear series. The Gregarine of the lobster, Poros2}ora giyanteu, attains the extraordinary length of 16 mm. and .15 mm. in diame- ter. During the ])roper season, sj^ring and summer, it is very abundant in the intestine of the lobster — at least in lobsters from certain localities — as many as twenty-five being sometimes found in a single individual. At this time no cysts can be found, but in the autumn the parasites seem to ])ass down into the rectum, where they become encysted. The general process of encystment is somewhat as follows : — The contents of the cyst are always at first granular, forming a single sphere with- out a nucleus. By division, two rounded masses next appear, and as the diameter of the cyst increases, these separate, and a clear, colorless liquid surrounds them. The wall of the original cyst then, at least in P. }.), a sinus extends from the bulb situ- ated near the anterior border down to the foot, while another branch extends from the bulb about the peristome; in Spiros- tomwn urnhii/uimi (Fig. 22) it is somewhat similar to that in Stentor, taking the form of a lateral canal with a very large bulb at the posterior extremity; it is often en- larged also at the opposite end. Con- cerning its use, whether it is a true organ with bounding walls, or whether it connects with the external water, there has been much lively dispute; indeed, students are still divided in their opinions of these ques- tions. Ehrenberg regarded it a spermatic gland, Dujardin attributed to it a respira- tory function, Clajiarede and Lachmann a cir- culatory function. Stein excretory. Huxley remarks that its function is entirely unknown, though it is an obvious conjecture that it INFUSORIA. 29 ma\' bo respiratory or excretory. Kent considers it fully established that there is con- stant and free intercommunication with the outer water; that it is a mere pulsatino- lacuna in the cortical layer of the ectojilasm, and that its leading function is excretory, getting rid of the large quantity of fluid brought into the body by the ciliary or other currents incident to the capture and intussusception of the food. The contractile layer of the ectoplasm, i. e. that just beneath the cuticle, bears permanent prolongations which are the organs of locomotion and prehension; hence they must pierce the cuticular layer to come in contact with the surrounding medium; they are long, slender, and represent three well-marked forms, viz. : flagella, cilia, and tentacula. Tlie flagella are long whip-like protrusions of the body substance, often ex- ceeding several times in length that of the body. They are never numerous — one, two, or four are the most usual, although a larger number is not unknown ; their use, be- sides projielling the creature through the water, is to assist in the capture of food particles ; in sedentary species they produce currents in the water, directing them against the body. In cases where more than one obtains, they are ordinaril}' in pairs, or sepa- rate and situated at a distance from each other; again, one flagellum, or one set, may serve to anchor the animal, while another distantly situated may serve for food capture. Cilia are short prolongations which resemble eye-lashes, hence the name ; it is by their rhythmical and vigorous lashing of the water that the infusorian swims about so freely, or, if it is fixed, by the same means water-currents are made to flow past the mouth, and food is thus secured. The various arrangements of these locomotory hairs will be given under the description of the order Ciliata, named thus on account of their characteristic natatory organs. Besides the vibratile cilia, there are other modifications scarcely to be distinguished from them ; these are setre, or rigid hairs, used for su])iJort, or for defence ; thick, straight setfe, called stylets, usuallj- situated licneath the body, and uncini or curved hook-like hairs. The tentacula, in appearance and motion, at first recall the pseudopodia of some of the Radiolaria, but more careful examination shows that they are different. Each tentacle is tubular; a structureless external wall termi- nating in a distal expansion, or sucker, encloses a core of granular semi-fluid matter, which is an extension of the endoplasm. These organs, situated ]:)romiscuously over the animalcule's body, on well-defined areas, or on tubercles of the jjeristome border, may be extended, retracted, or even bent at will. In the simplest of the Infusoria there is no constant aperture, or mouth, for the reception of food, but, as in Amoeba, it is passed into the body substance indifferently at any part of the periphery. It is plain that in such cases a cuticle cannot be present ; in others a certain definite portion of the surface receives the food. It is safe to consider such forms more highly develoi)ed. Among those regarded as the highest of the group, there is a well-defined oral aperture, often reinforced by ap- pendicular appliances, and from which a passage, the cesophagus, leads into the endoplasm. The multiplication of the Infusoria has been studied with much care. It will be convenient to speak of the several methods : by binary division, by gemmation, by spores, and by sexual reproduction. Examples of sub-division are frequently seen, even by the casual observer. The process was accurately described in essentials by the earliest observers of these animals. In a majority of instances it takes place across the body; after sejjaration of the nucleus into two parts, a constriction first appears at the middle, which increases in depth until the two parts sejjarate, forming two perfectly-formed, free-swimming indi- 30 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. viduals, and the part without contractile vacuole and mouth soonacquires them. Each resulting int'usorian, after a longer or shorter time, again divides. Ehrenberg isolated examples of different species, and after ascertaining how long time was required for division computed the enormous numbers produced by this process alone. In some genera, by no means a limited number, the division occurs in the opposite direction, or longitudmally ; it may not infrequently be seen in Vorticella or Ejnstylis, so that the large colonies of the latter have thus increased from a single zooid. In certain forms, at least, the oral aperture, present before di\'ision, is lost, two new ones being formed. Binary division in a limited number of species, for example Stentor, is oblique. An instance of multiplication by gemmation is afforded l.)y Jlemiophrya gefnmipara (Fig. 23). The buds appear on the anterior border of the parent animal, tlie nucleus branches, sending out divertic- ula into the buds. This phenomenon probably takes place in other species which bud externally. -,„.,„.,- . .^^ JVbctiluca tniliaris also increases by this process ; Fig. 23. — Hemiophrifa, (lemmipara, 'With j l j eight elongate geiumuies, magnified 200 the nucleus first disappears, then the protoplasm xirii6S< divides, first into two, then four, and so on. These masses are at length protruded upon the surface, the flagella are developed, and finally they are liberated as free-swimming germs. Sporular multiplication, especially among the Flagellata, has been frequently ob- served. Tlie careful and patient researches by Messrs. Dallinger and Drysdale have done much to acquaint us with the phenomena attending this process. In case of the flagellate monads they found each species to pass through several stages of develop- ment in their life-history, viz. : the flagellate or mature form, the amoeboid, the encysted, and the sporular condition ; the last appearing upon the breaking up of the contents of the cyst. In a flagellate obtained in an infusion of cod-fish it was found that many of these organisms all at once appeared to jjour out a delicate sarcode, which exhibited amoeboid movements. Two of these amoeboid masses would unite, after which the sarcode became spherical, and at length developed the true cystic wall. Upon the rupture of the cyst, there escaped multitudes of microspores, not large enough to be individually defined by a magnifying power of fifteen thousand diameters. They were continuously Avatehed until they developed into the initial forms. Similar phenomena have been recorded as taking place in the development of the higher Infusoria. Sexual, or genetic reproduction, in the sense of the union of two distinct and differ- ent elements, has not been proven to occur. As stated above, individuals entirely indistinguishable unite before sporular sub-division. It is also well kno-mi that indi- viduals unite transiently, and then separate to each continue multiplication by binary division. That the repeated sub-divisions so exhaust the stock that it must necessarily be revitalized by the conjugation of separate individuals is generally held. It is also recognized that the nucleus and nucleolus play significant parts in the rejuvenesenee due to the zygosis, or conjugations. Concerning the interpretation of the facts there is much difference of opinion. A notice of the several views cannot be introduced here. O. F. Mtlller, in 1786, first attempted to classify the Infusoria. Eleven of his seven- teen genera are still recognized in the infusorial class. The number of species included was about two hundred. Ehrenberg's more elaborate system, published in 183.5, de- scribed three Iiundred and fifty species (after deducting the rotifers and plants), and separated them into sixteen families and eighty genera. Von Siebold, in 1845, divided INFUSORIA. 31 the true infusorial forms into two orders, — Astoma, without oral aperture and Stoma- toda, with a distinct oral aperture and cesophagus. Claparede and Lacliniann, in 18C8, for the first time restricted the group to its present limits, and divided it into four orders, I. Flagellata, II. Cilio-flagellata, III. Suctoria, IV. Ciliata. Stein in his magnificent work, "Organismus der Infusionsthiere," not yet completed, presented in 1867 the classification of the Ciliata now generally adopted. The part of the work treating of the Flagellata appeared in 1878 ; it includes several genera, by many regarded as undoubted plants — for example, Volvox and Chlamydomonas. The latest proposed arrangement, by W. Saville Kent, in his Manual of the Infusoria (1880-82), divides the Legion Infusoria into the following classes : I. Flagellata, II. Ciliata, III. Tenta- culifera. This author's limitation and arrangement of this group will be adhered to in the following pages, except that the Infusoria will be regarded as a Class ; hence, his classes will become Orders and his Orders sub-orders. Order I. — FLAGELLATA. The Infusoria of this order bear one, two, or more flagella, which serve them for locomotion, and assist in obtaining food. They were not unknown to the earliest observers. In 1696, Mr. John Harris described what is umloubtedly Euglena viridis; but the modern microscope alone can reveal their organization, and it is in the study of these lowly organisms that the most substantial progress has been made by recent in- vestigators in this field of research. Reference may here be made to the discovery of the collared-monads by H. J. Clark in 1868, and the addition of numerous species to this list by Stein and Kent, and also to the fact that Stein has found many Flagellata more highly organized than had been previously supposed. He has shown that many of the Flagellata possess well developed oral apertures, frequently with the addition of a pharyngeal dilation, and occasionally a buccal armature similar to that of the Cili.ata. The flagellum is not the only means of locomotion possessed by some species, like Ilastigamceba, for these have true pseudopodia like those of Amoeba ; others, again, as Acti7iomonas, have, besides the flagellum, temporarily developed rays like Actino- phrys ; a thread-like pedicle is also present in Actinomonas. Sub-Order I. — Trypanosomata. The very lowest of the Flagellata now known are two parasitic forms, one of which ( TryjMnosoma sanguinis) is illustrated by Fig. 24. The animal is flattened, and has a frill- like, undulating, lateral border which serves for loco- motion. It will be seen that one extremity is somewhat prolonged or attenuate, representing the flagellum ; the species occurs in the blood of frogs; its congener ^'<*- '^^uaJS'eoS toesT""'"' inhabits the intestine of domestic poultry. Sub-Order II. — Rhizo-flagellata. There occur in pond water, hay-infusions, and the like, some most interesting forms ; they are so because they have characters in common with the Amoeba; that is, they 32 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. possess, besides tlie contractile vesicle and nucleus, the ability to protrude the body substance in the form of pseudopodia, by means of which they progress and take food ; but they have in addition long vibratile flagella which jilace them in the higher group, llastigarnceba sitnplex (Fig. 25) serves well to illustrate this small grou]). A similar form has been often taken by tlie writer from the soft mud and debris at the bottom of quiet water ; its movements are comparatively active, and its very long lash is thrust forward, beating the water with its rapidly vibrating extremity. Perhaj)s the most remarkable species of the Rhizo-flagellata is Podo- j^ ■®\ f C^ stoma Jiligermn of Claparede and Lachmann. It is very changeable S f: -ii :l 'x ''^ shape, and from the extremities of the pseudopodal protuberences flagella may be produced or withdrawn at will. When these ai"e not apparent, the animal closely resembles Aniceba radiosa, — indeed. Fig. 25 — Vasthiam- lilitschli has recently attempted to show that it is the same species ; iarged no'times" ^^^^' °" *^® Other hand, it has been pointed out that the feet of Amoeba radiosa, however attenuate, are never thrown into spirals, nor vibrate, as in Podostoma. It should be looked for in infusions of hay. Sub-Oedek III. — Radio-flagellata. The Radio-flagellata, which follow very naturally the forms last mentioned, are mostly marine. They may be compared to the Radiolaria, which they resemble very closely in their ray-like j^seudopodia, but, in addition, they are j^rovided with one or more lashes. Again, some of them are naked, while others are provided with silicious cases or loricie. It should be remembered that these genera with tests are included by Haeckel in tlie Radiolaria. Is the possession of flagella a sufiicient distinction for thus removing these to the Flagellate Infusoria ? Without considering the intermediate char- acter oi Acti)iomonas snA Actinolophus j^edunadatzis, it would seem not; but these forms bridge the chasm as well as that between the Rhizopoda and Rhizo-flagellata is bridged. A characteristic example of the sub-order is Actinomonas mirabiUs. Its body is globular, sujjported on a thread-like stalk several times longer than the diameter of its body; from every part of the periphery radiate sarcode rays in search of food ; at the top extends a long flagellura which, by its motion, causes water-currents to pass over the rays. Food particles are taken, indifferently, at any part of the surface. Stjb-Oeder IV. — Pantostomata. We have now to consider true infusorian types where the injestive area is dif- fuse, as in the preceding sub-orders, but which lack the pseudopodal appendages which allied those groups so closely to the Rhizopoda. This extensive sub-order includes eighteen families, divided into three groups ; viz. Monomastiga with one flagellum, Dimastiga with two, and Polymastiga with three or more. Every one who has used the microscope with any considerable magnifying power in the examination of infusions, or the water of ponds, has doubtless seen minute globose or elongate plastic bodies moving about l»y means of a single long thread placed at one end of the body. These forms belong to the genus Monas. As now limited, the family Monadid^, includes only the naked free-swimming species with one flagellum. INFUSORIA. 33 The earlier writers were in the habit of dcscribiug any flagellate, just discernible with their lenses, as Jlonas, no matter how many flagella it possessed, hence the nimiber of so-called si3ecies of Monas is very large. Many have been put into other genera, while others are still doubtful. It was one of these, Monas dallingeri, that served for the beautiful series of observations on the life-history of the monads referred to on a jsre- vious page. These minute creatures can be studied only by means of high powers. If, after long and careful watching, a form is found, otherwise just like Monas, which does not change its shape, it belongs to Stein's genus Scytomonas ; if the anterior border is truncate it is Cyathomonas ; fusiform and persistent in shape, Leptomonas ; vermicu- lar and spirally twisted with form persistent, Ojyhidomonas ; vermicular and change- able in form, Herpetomonas ; if adherent at will by a trailing flagellum, Ancyromonas. This analysis is given to show with what care these animals must be studied before they can be properly referred to their genera. The remaining three families of the Monomastiga differ in having the flagella lateral, or the animalcule with a tail-like filament, or enclosed in an indurated sheath, the lorica. In the genus Socio, the ovoid, or elongate, plastic bodies have a tail-like filament ; they Fig. 26. — Five zooids of Anthopht/sa^ enlarged 1000 times. Fig. 27. — Large colony of Anthophyscu are mostly parasites in the intestinal canal of animals, especially of reptiles and insects. At times they abound in myriads. The encystment of £. lymnmi has been recorded by Ecker. On examining the opaque eggs of the pond-snail, many were found densely packed with minute cysts ; these bursting, gave birth to swai'ms of monadiform germs. The two most remarkable and beautiful genera are loricated. Codoiueca costata, an American salt-water form, was described by H. J. Clark : the bell-shaped lorica or case stands erect on a rather long, rigid stalk ; the upper pai't of the cup is expanded and ajjparently fluted. Kent has discovered another species with a smooth, ovoid lorica; it inhabits pond-water. The other loricated form, Platytlieca micropora, differs fi-om the preceding in lying flat upon its support like Platycola of the peritrichous Ciliata ; it is found on tlie roots of the duck-weed. The first family of the Dimastiga includes singularly striking species, which, by theh- tree-like supports, or zoodendria, may easily be mistaken for an Epistylis ; in fact, more than one of the few species have been figured and described as species of the genus named, but the irregular, oblique animalcules bearing two, equal, anteriorly placed flagella should at once determine the proper jjlace of these forms. The writer once found an Anthophysa abundant in a jar of water in which Chara fragilis had been kept for some time ; it was taken for A. vegetans. Colonies attacTied to their granular, fragile stalks were seen, but the greater number were free-swimming. Figs. VOL. I. —3 34 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 28. — Ideal section of a colony of Anthophtjsa. 26-28 illustrate a species which the unequal flagella and oblique anterior border of the zooids appear to place in the genus A)Uhophi/sa. It was discovered in Spy- Pond, Cambridge, Mass., by A. H. Tuttle, who gave an account of it. He fed the monads indigo, which they took readily. When a particle was taken, the longer flagel- lum, which did not vibrate (the short one was in constant motion), was suddenly turned down, carrying the food with it into the oral region. The number of individuals in a grouj) varied from a few to many, giving the larger colonies a mul- berry appearance. Fig. 26 repre- sents a group of five zooids attached by their bases. Fig. 28 is an ideal section showing the outline of the zooids and their manner of attach- ment to a common pedicle, the upper part of which alone remains, the colony liaving broken away from its anchorage. Kent has recorded the manner of growth of the pedicle in this genus. A colony were fed with pulverized carmine, which they ingested greedily, but it was soon rejected. This was effected entirely at tlic posterior extremity or point of union with the stalk, which was soon changed in appearance and dimensions, for the rejected particles of carmine were utilized in increasing it ; the amber color and striated aspect gave place to that due to tlie agglutinated opaque carmine. The growth was so rapid that in one group the j^edicle nearly doubled its length in half an hour. Among the most graceful forms of this sub-order the species of Bicosceca must cer- tainly be enumerated. They occur in both salt and fresh-water; the globose, urceolate, or ovate loricfe are usually stalked, while the contained zooids also are pedicellate, the usual two anterior flagella are unequal. But for the lashes it would be easy to mistake these creatures for a loricate peritrichous ciliate like Cothurnia. There are also in this assemblage several endoparasitic species, — • for example, Pseudospora vohocis, which resides in Volvox fjlobatoi; where it eats up the cell contents ; it is figured with a number of pseudojjodia, thus recalHng 3Iastigamoeha simplex. Another example is Lophomonas hlattarum, which, as its name implies, inhabits the intestinal canal of the cockroach (Blatta); it is a plastic form with a tuft of flagella anteriorly. Another para- site, Hexamitra intestinalis, occurs in the digestive tract of Triton ; it has six flagella, four anteriorly and two posteriorly. It swims free or anchors itself by means of its posterior lashes ; when in this position it swims about or gyrates from right to left, — twisting the threads into one, and then, reversing its motion, winds them in the opposite dkection. Sub-Okdek V. — Choano-flagellata. This sub-order includes only three families and seven genera. The characteristics of these remarkable Infusoria were first made known through the researches of H. J. Clark in 1868. It is a matter for pride that this honor should fall to an American. A type of these forms is represented in Codosiffa hotrytis (Fig. 29), with which the other species may be compared. The animals of the family to which this species INFUSORIA. 35 belongs are naked ; those of Codosiga and Monosiga are attached, while tliose of Astrosiga and Desnmrclla are free-swimming. Those of the second family are loricate ; Salpingceca and Laganasca are solitary, the one sedentary, the other free, while the animals of the reraaming genus, Polymca^ are united, forming branched sujjports. The third family has the animalcules united by a gelatinous matter into colonies ; the two genera are Phalansterium, Avith the collar rudimentary, and Protospongia., collar well developed. The form represented in Fig. 29 will at once be seen to belong to Codosiga, for the zooids are naked, stalked, and united socially. The leading peculiarity upon which the sub-order is founded is the hyaline, wine-glass shaped collar, borne at the upper, or anterior extremity of the body. In the centre of this cup arises the single flagellum, which by its motion about the cup causes currents of water to pass in on one side, down to the bot- tom, and out on the other side ; the discal area at the bottom of the collar receives the food ; waste particles are also rejected at this point. The collar may be with- drawn into the body, and again protruded at will. Codosiga botrgtis appears to have been described by Ehi-enberg, under the genus PJpistglis of tlie peritrichous Ciliata. According to Kent it is Codo- siga pulcherrhna of Clark. They in- crease by binary division, as shown in Fig. 30. C. botrgtis hSs also been ob- served to withdraw its collar and flagel- lum, and protrude rod-like pseudopodia from its surface, after which a cyst formed over the body contents, the latter ulti- mately breaking up into sporular bodies. Tlie pseudopodal spines sometimes occur before the disappearance of the collar. This cosmopolitan species should be looked for on aquatic plants. Mono- siga steinii is not uncommon on the stems of Ejnstglis jMcatilis. When one of the pedicles containing them is examined witli a magnifying power of six hundred diameters or upwards, the minute, solitary, sessile zooids of 31. steinii may be seen to good advan- tage. One other genus of the group can alone be mentioned ; it is Salpingrpca, of whicli there are nearly tliirty species known. The animals are, if possible, more beautiful tlian those already mentioned ; for they liave, in addition to the graceful outline of the zooid, an equally graceful lorica. ^S". amphoridium, described by Clark, has a very wide distribution; it abounds on confervas, the sessile lorica often incrusting tlie plants. They have been seen to divide, the separated portion moving away by means of pseu- podia ; in this condition it has the appearance of Amoeha radiosa. After a time it Fig. 29. — Codosiga botrytis, greatly enlarged. 36 L 0 WE It IN VER TEBRA TES. secretes a lorica of the pristine beauty of its species, soon acquires a collar and flagellum, and is lienceforth indistinguishable from its mature kindred. In the recentlj' described SjMngomonas haeckeli, Ave are made acquainted with a most remarkable infusorian, — one which, if it fulfils the expectation of the discoverer, Mr. Kent, will jirove of unusual interest to a large number of students in zoology, and its dedication to Prof. Haeckel particularly apt. The zooids differ from the preceding only in being more plastic, the collar and flagellum being suddenly withdrawn on the least disturbance, the body then taking on an amceboid aspect. The animals secrete a mucilaginous stratum in \\'hich they dwell, studding its surface when expanded. Should this disposition of the zooids take place in " sacular invaginations of this matrix, it would produce what would have to be accepted as an undoubted, though very rudimentary, Fig. 30. — Fission onono-p-stock " In Codosiga. SpODge-SlOCK. StXB-OkDER VI. — EUSTOMATA. The Eustomata differ from the forms previously described, inasmuch as they have a definite oral aperture, instead of ingesting their food at any part of their sur- face, or, as in the collared monads, only at a disc bordered by the collar ; they differ also in having the outer part of their bodies much firmer than the endosarc, hence they are as a rule less plastic, and m a few instances the outer layer is indurated after the manner of some of the higher Ciliata. They never have more than two flagella, so they are separated into groups of families, accordmg as the zooids have one or two flagella. The forty-si.x genera are distributed among eleven families; there are in- cluded many forms well-known to observers of pond-life. In the first family (Astasid^) the monads are free, constant in form, colorless, the generic differences being found in the shape of the body, — ovate, flattened, flask-shaped, etc. ; it includes Astasia with a distinct tubular pharynx, and ColiJodella without it. Astasia trichophora is frequently met with in marsh-water. Although its forms are protean, perhaps its more usual attitude is ]iyriform ; from the narrower anterior end issues a cord-Hke flagellum, mistaken by Ehrenberg for a neck like that of Trachelocera olor (Fig. 39). The ingestive orifice "consists of a large, widely dilatable, but simple, aperture, continued backwards into a clearly-defined jiharyngeal tract." This structural character marks a broad distinction between this genus and Euglena. Biltschli has shown that the contractile vacuole of ^4. trichophora by its contraction forces a part of its contents out into lateral canals in a manner snnilar to that in Paramecium, and others of the Ciliata, to be described further on. The second family comjirises forms highly changeable in outline, and colorless. The EuGLENiDJE differs from the Astasidoe in having the endoplasm brilliant green, and in having an ingestive apparatus capable of taking ,,j ,, jt only minute particles. Euglena viridis is known by, or has been seen U\.Jj/^ by, every tyro with the microscope. Its developmental forms are so T-wvT" -\arious that it has been described under many names. Stein has ob- serA-ed a division of the nucleus to take ijlace ; the separate masses in Fig. 31.— 7'racAf/- ' t , • i, omouas inspida, some mstanccs acquire an ovate outline, surrounding themselves with times. a dense coat, while others become thin-walled sacks, full of minute gran- INFUSORIA. 37 ales, each of which is jsrovided witli a single cilium. Tlie loricated form, otlierwise agreeing with Euglena, is Trachelomonas, common in ponds and bog-water. Asco- glena differs from the last in being sedentary ; from this Colacium differs in the absence of the sheath, and in having a branching pedicle. The phosphorescent Noctilucid^ embraces the genera Nbctiluca and L<;ptodiscus. N. miliaris (Fig. 3^) is a large form, visible to the naked eye, found in immense imm- bers in the superficial waters of the ocean, and it is one of the causes of their pliosphorescence. It is colorless, spherical, with a meridional groove on one side, at one end of which the mouth is situated. A long, slender, transversely striated tentacle over- hangs the mouth, on one side of which a hard, toothed ridge projects; close to one end of this is a vibratile cilium. The protoplasm consists of a central mass, with radiating portions . . .,, , -,1 . ■I' , FiG.32. — JVorii(»ca jKJ/jam. connecting it with the sub-cuticular layer ; there is a tunnel- shajied depression leading into the vacuoled central mass, through which the food passes into tlie same. The phosphorescence appears to emanate from the layer just under the cuticle ; for it has been observed that as the light gradually fades away on the death of the animal, as when one has been immersed in alchol, that the light finally ajipears in a ring around the body, since the observer is looking down ujion a thin splierieal film of light, imperceptible in the single layer over the middle of the globule ; but at the borders, where seen as if on edge, sufficient light is sent forth to make it visible. When disturbed they become more highly luminous, so that a fish, for example, moving through the water where they are abundant shows its luminous sides, and its course is marked out by a path of emerald green light. Tliis form is comparatively common in Eurojjean seas, but has only been found, so far as we are aware, by Mr. C. B. Fuller at Portland, Maine, and by Prof. Hyatt and Mr. Kingsley at Annisquam, Mass. Among the second division of this sub-order — viz. mouth-bearing, two flagellate forms — are many interesting and well-known species. The Entomostraca, especially those in puddles of the forest in sjiring time, are often loaded down with a green, oval form, which stands singly, or in groups, on short pedicles. On superficial examination it would be easy to mistake it for a Colacium; but on account of its two flagella during the motile period, its firmer cuticle and its two lateral pigment bands, it has been separated from Colacium. as Ghlorangium stentoriuuni. Whether the flagella remain during the sedentary stage or not has not been determined. In Uvella the animalcules are in colonies, free-swimming, and the flagella are sub-equal. Two loricated genera, Epij^yxis and Dinohryon, are unsurpassed in beauty by any of their kindred. The lashes are unequal, and the animal is attached to its vase-shaped lorica by a posterior, contractile fibre ; the individuals of Epipyxis are sessile upon eonfervse, while those of Dinobryon occur in branching chains of lorica i. e. each individual set free by sub-division is attached to the inner margin of the case of the parent. In early summer a species, presumed to be D. sertularia, abounds in the water- supplies of cities along the Great Lakes. StJB-OrDER VII. — CiLIO-FLAGELLATA. The animalcules of the Cilio-flagellata have one or more lash-like flagella, and, in addi- tion, a more or less highly-developed ciliary system, thus indicating a position between the Flagellata proper and the true Ciliata. At first only the Peridinidse were included, 38 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 33. — Cilio-flagell;ite, en- cysted, enlarged 300 times. but recent investigations have considerably enlarged its borders. It now embraces five families, the typical forms being included in the PEPaDiNiDj;. These are free-swim- ming animalcules, sometimes naked, but in most cases the body is enclosed in a hard case, A'ariously ornamented, the angles sometimes being prolonged into long spines. The case or cuirass has recently been proved to be cellulose, a substance hitherto only known in the Ascidiaiis, outside of the vegetable kingdom. The cilia occur as a central or eccentric girdle, more or less complete ; in the cuirassed forms the shell is usually divided by a groove, the borders of which are ciliated. The shell is either composed of one uniform piece or is made up of plates. There arise from some parts of the body one or more flagella. In life these flagella are seen to suddenly disappear, and a close examination has shown (in Ceratium) that there is a small cavity situated at the base of the flagellum into wliich that organ retreats, bringing with it foreign bodies which serve for food. Tlie nucleus is usually spherical or oval, while a contractile vacuole is occasionally found. They are, like JSToctiluca, highly j)hosphorescent. They have been ob- served to become encysted, when segmentation, on a more or less extensive scale, occurs. In some cases the cyst is en- closed in the carapax ; in other instances the cuirass is thrown off, and a new cyst of a different form is secreted, which often has one or both extremities prolonged into attenuate curved horns, giving it a crescent shape (Fig. 33), resembling certain desmids ( Closteria). They sometimes hibernate in this condition. They occur in both salt and fresh water. Of the ten genera of the Peridinidaj the species of three are naked, that is, resemble in essentials those of the loricate forms which have thrown off the case previous to cncystment. Gymnodinium puhiscidus is, per- haps, as often met with as any; it occurs among Algre in pools, often in great numbers, is somewhat spherical, with a transverse groove, and is brown or yellow in color. The best-known genera are Glenodinium, and Peridinium without horn-like processes, and Ceratium, with conspicuous processes on the shells. G. cinctum is well known to observers of pond-life ; its smooth case should distinguish it from a s'lmUnr I^ericlifimm with faceted carapax. These genera are represented by several species in American waters. Mr. H. J. Carter has described a most remarkable instance of the coloring red of the waters around the shores of the Island of Bom- bay by P. sanguinea. During its active stages this species is green and translucent ; gradually, as the time approaches for it to assume its quiescent or encysted state, refractive oil globules aiijiear within the interior, and the green gives jjlaee to red, and thus the water containing them acquires a deep vermilion hue. It is probable that other instances of red waters are due to similar causes. The characteristic Ceratium (Fig. 35) aj)pears to be a cosmopolitan infusorian. It has been knowii a long time as C. longicorne, but R. S. Berg has recently indentified it with Bursaria hirundinella Fia.i5.- Ceratium hirim- of O. F. Muller, which, if Correct, will chanw the specific name to dmella, enlarged 300 ' ' t r ■ , times. the one having priority. C. hirundinella occurs often in large numbers in the water-supply of all the cities along the Great Lakes. It is most abun- FiG. 34. — Giimnodin- niin lackmannii dividing, greatly enlarged. INFUSORIA. 39 dant in the fall. It may be said always to occur in these localities, together with a rotifer, Anuraa longispina, which has singularly long anterior and posterior spines corresponding in number -wdth those of the infusorian. The resemblance is striking. Mr. J. Levic has recently found the same forms together in Olton Reservoir, near Birmingham, England. The species of the remaining families have one or more flagella (usu- ally one), with the body more or less clothed with cilia; in some the whole surface bears them, in others only a crown of cilia occurs at the anterior end, the flagellum standing in the midst. Asthmatos ciliaris (Fig. 36) exemplifies this structural peculiarity. This species occurs in the mucus from the nasal passages of persons suffering from " hay fever," and is held by Dr. J. H. Salisbury to be the cause of this distressing complaint. Fig. 36. - Aslh- viatos ciliaris, magnified 500 times. Order II. — CILIATA. The animalcules of this great order, as the name implies, possess cilia as locoraotory organs. They are much more highly organized than the Flagellata, and many of the forms included are generally better known, and are more generally called to mind by the name Infusoria. Stein's division of the order into suborders is as follows: Holo- tricha, with cilia over the whole surface ; Ileterotricha, with cilia distributed over the entire surface, having those near or surrounding the mouth longer; Peritricha, cilia mostly in a wreath about the mouth ; and Hypotricha, with cilia on the ventral surface only. Sub-Order I. — Holotricha. A common type of the first sub-order and of the family Paramecid^ is Paramecium aurelia (Fig. 37). It occurs in hosts in vegetable infusions, stagnant pond-water, etc. These active, elongate, animalcules are alike the delight of the amateur microscopist and the joy of the veteran inves- tigator ; it is to him wh.at the frog is to the general anato- mist and physiologist. It was made for investigation ; the comparatively large size and transparent body fit it admir.al )ly for study, and it has not been neglected. The anterior third of the body is somewhat flattened and twisted, so that the flattened face resembles a living figure of 8 ; near the middle of the ventral face — at the posterior extremity of the 8 — the mouth is situated. The rejectamenta issue at a j)oint about half-way from the oral aperture to the posterior ex- tremity of the body. There are two contractile vacuoles near the extremities. When expanded they are round, but when contraction takes place there appear fine radiating streaks, which, as the main portion decreases, gradually broaden, until, when the former is nearly invisible, they are extended over half the length of the body. It has been suggested ■\-— I. :_.J_t_ m. c. Fig. 37. — Paramecium aurelia^ greatly enlarged, b, c. Con- tractile vacuoles, tf. Mouth, e. CEsophagus. g, i. Food vac- uoles, h. Nucleus, m. Kndo- sarc. 40 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. that these phenomena are really due to abnormal pressure of the cover glass. Para- mecia increase by transverse fission. The cortical layer contains numerous vertically disposed rod-like bodies called trichocysts. When a Paramecium is treated with very dilute acetic acid these protrude from all parts of the surface, giving the animal the appearance of being clothed with very long cilia. A solution of tannin in glycerine pro- duces a similar effect, although it is claimed by a writer in the Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society that it is due to a hardening of the cilia. These trichocysts have various forms and dispositions in different species. Some regard them as ho- mologous with t''-C thread-cells of the CVelenterata, and as having a similar function ; others regard them as tactile organs. Biltschli has described a species, Polykrikos schicartsii, which has trichocysts entirely similar to the thread-cells of the sea-anemone. Since this infusorian inhabits salt-water, and the trichocysts are irregularly disposed, Kent suggests that they may be thread-cells which have been swallowed. Paramecium bursaria (Fig. 38) is shorter and broader than P. aurelia, and is less flattened ; the buccal fossa is funnel-shaped, extending oblicpiely from left to right. The nucleus is oval and the nucleolus is attached to the side of it. P. bursaria is usually colored green by chlorophyll granules, — now held Ijy some to be parasitic algte, as is also the green color of the fresh- FiG. 38. — /'arame- -^pater sijonges, and the common green Hydra. Owing to the presence magnifled 250 ^f ^jj^^ green corpuscles the cu'culation of the endoplasm is seen to better advantage than, perhaps, in any other infusorian, although there are forms like Vbrticellce which exhibit this phenomenon in a marked degree. Tliis rotation is uniform, ascending on the left side, and descending on the right, when seen fi'om above (indicated in the figure by the arrows). Balbiani has shown that the so- called longitudinal fission is not really a fission, but a phase of the act of conjugation. Two animalcules may remain attached by their anterior extremities for several days; after separation, the nucleus and nucleolus changes, the latter becoming more or less striated, while the former breaks uj) into a variable number of sjjlieroidal bodies, which finally separate from the parent, and possibly are to be considered as ovules. Among the most curious of cihate Infusoria those of the family Tracheloceeid^ are entitled to the front rank. Their flask-shaped bodies are drawn out anteriorly into a long flexible neck, with the oral aperture at its terminus. Trache- locera olor (Fig. 89) is the type of the '^^|>-^ group ; it appears to be cosmopoUtan, Fig. 39. — TVacfe/ocera oZoi-, enlarged 375 times, c. Contractile occurring among algffi in ponds and vesicle, m. Moutli. n. Nucleus. . . Streams. Under examination in the living state it appears to be incessantly exploring for food, thrusting its wonderfully ex- tensile neck right and left into every cranny. As it swims gracefully through the water, with a spu-al motion, its form and attitude very naturally suggest the swan. In Lachry- maria the neck is only slightly extensible. Ifaryna socialis, as its name implies, affords an instance somewhat rare among the Holotricha, that is, the formation of a zoocytium. This structure is branched like a tree, the cup-shaped zooids projecting from the termina- tion of the branches. Amphileptus gigas is an elongate compressed animal, which may easily be mistaken for a Trachelocera on account of its long neck, which assumes as many shapes as in that genus ; it is readily distinguished, however, since the mouth in Amphileptus is at the base rather than at the apex of the proboscis. It is said to feed INFUSORIA. 41 on animalcules, ■which it takes by means of its trunk, transferring them to its mouth, after the elephant's manner of feeding. It has a number of contractile vacuoles, from ten to fifty, arranged in two longitudinal rows, as mentioned on a previous page. It is one of the largest known Infusoria. The next family (Teichontjcphid-e) is characterized by the possession of a mem- braniform expansion as well as cilia. The type may be illustrated by the interesting Trychonympha agilis (Figs. 40 and 41), described by Leidy as parasitic in the digest- ive canal of the white ant, Tennes flavipes. He observed that the canal was dis- tended by brown matter, which on examination proved to consist largely of infusorial Figs. 40 and 41. — Trichonymplia agilis, enlarged 450 times, n. Nucleus, i. Ingested food particles. jjarasites and particles of wood. Three sjiecies, belonging to as many genera, were dis- covered. Fig. 40 re23resents T. agilis in its extended position. As it 2)rogresses in its medium it takes on many protean forms. The cilia are arranged apjDarently in series, some longer than others. The oral aperture is terminal. Until its life-history shall have been made out, its place in the system and its relation to its companions are uncertain. The mouthless Holotricha (Opalixid.e) are all 2Darasitic, degraded forms. They have been taken for the larvae of JDistomce. These now unquestioned Infusoria should be looked for in the intestines of frogs, moUusks, and worms. Opalina and Anoplo- phrya are examples. Sub-Order II. — Hetebotricha. As was mentioned on preceding page, the Heterotricha are chai-acterized by the possession of cilia on the whole surface, those surrounding the mouth being longer than those on other portions of the body. In all except Bursaria and its allies the above definition holds good ; there the oral cilia do not encircle the mouth. With the mention of these exceptions, we may now pass to a consideration of a few of the typical forms. In Spirostomum ai"e met Infusoria which at once arrest the attention, both by their elongate, snake-like form and theii- remarkable anatomy. Spirostomum ambiguum (Fig. 22) may serve to illustrate their striking features. The figure represents the 42 LOWER INVER TEBRA TES. animal somewhat contracted. It is capable of gi-eat distention, so as to become fifteen or twenty times longer than broad ; it then attains a length of one-twelfth of an inch, or even more. Its cylindrical body, sometimes flattened, is rounded at the extremities, often truncate posteriorly. The single line of peristomal hairs extends down the left side of the anterior ventral face to the oral aperture, situated near the middle of the body. The remarkable contractile vesicle and nucleus have been referred to al- ready. The generic name was given on account of the apparently spiral peristome, as seen when the animal twists itself about its long axis. The writer recently found this species so abundant on a scarcely submerged moss that the water taken up by a dipping-bottle was rendered turbid by them. The solution of tannin in glycerine, previously referred to, appears to be a valuable reagent for studying this animalcule. The Stentors, or trumpet animalcules, are among the most entertaining heterotrichous In- fusoria. They are large, active, and often highly colored, so that a colony of them incessantly ex- tending and retracting their bodies, at the same time driving, by means of their oral cilia, strong currents of water against their peristomial sur- faces, presents a scene, when well defined by the microscope, not soon to be forgotten. The ex- cellent cut (Fig. 42) of Stentor pohjmorphus^ a widely-distributed form, displays the characteris- tics of the genus far better than words can do. The Stentors often secrete gelatinous sheaths, which sometimes embrace several individuals. This group has, too, its species which secrete a lorica, and as in other cases they are very attrac- tive objects. An example may be cited in Fol- liculina : its flask-shaped sheath is attached by the side, the neck being bent upwards. The animal closely resembles a Stentor, except that the peristome is two-lobed, instead of nearly cir- cular. The species are defined according to the shape of these lobes. FoUicidina ampulla has been found in America by Dr. Leidy. In Clmtoqnra the two lobes give place to a slender ribbon-like extension of the anterior region, which, when extended, is twisted into a spire ; a hyaline expansion also extends laterally along the broad part of the peristome, giving the extended zooid a unique ajipearance. It is not attached to its surrounding sheath. The preceding loricate forms are sedentary ; on the other hand, Tintinnus includes free-swimming sjiccies. The beautiful tests of these are common in the water-supplies of most American cities. In the genus Codonella there are an outer circle of twenty tentacle-like cilia, and an inner one of lajipet-lUve appendages ; the case is similar to that of the preceding. Fig. 42. — Stentor poh/morphus. n. Nucleus. cv. CoutractUe vacuole. Magniiied 90 times. INFUSORIA. 43 Stjb-Oeder III. — Peritkicha. This group resembles the preceding, and indeed there are a few forms whose exact position is doubtful. The typical Peritricha, however, have the cilia confined to a circle around the mouth, while it is only in the aberrant forms that sujiplcmentary cilia are found. The members of the sub-order are divided into two not very natural divisions, according as they are free or attached, at least during a portion of the e.xistence of the individual. The attached forms frequently develop elegant cases, or in other instances beautiful branching colonies. As an example of the first (free) group v:e may consider the unusually active Hal- terice, which are globose forms seen in water from ponds, especially after it has been standing for some days. They have a spiral ador.al wreath of cilia for swimming, and usually, in addition, a girdle of long-springing seta?, by me.ans of which they leapi com- paratively long distances. One may be quite under the observer's eye, when to his an- noyance instantly it darts out of the field of view. To facilitate their study Clajiarfede and Lachmann recommended placing under the cover with them a form like Acineta. They soon jump against its sucking tentacles, where they stick fast, and then may be conveniently examined. Fig. 43 illustrates Halteria volvox. It resembles the more common JI. grandinella in form and in leaping or- gans, but has besides an equatorial zone of long, re- curved cilia. A singularly aberrant form ajjpears in Torquatella tunica, described by E. Ray Lankester. fig. 43. — //a»cr;«ro(TO;r, greatly enlarged. ^ . , . , n. Nucleus, cd. Contractile vacuole. Around the front margni there is a membranous ex- pansible frill, which is jilaited, and alternately closes up and expands with a twisting motion. It was obtained in salt-water from decaying eggs of the worm Terehella. Any one having examined the common Hydra, or the gills of Nectv/rus lateralis to any extent with the microscope has doubtless encountered minute bodies gliding over the surface of the hosts, or now and then swimming rapidly away, but soon returning. Seen from above they are discs ; from the side, shaped like a dice-box. Prof. H. J. Clark studied carefully their anatomy. He showed that the body surface between the concave extremities is ribbed by the thickenings of the body walls ; that the posterior truncated margin produces a thin annular membrane called the " velum," mto the base of which, and on its inner side, the posterior fringe is inserted ; that the nucleus, ex- amined in the fall, was a moniliform, band-like spiral situated near the truncated base. Besides the vibratile cilia of the border of the posterior disc, there is on its inner border a WTeath of stout hairs or uncini, in an outer and an inner series ; those of the outer circle are stout and curved, the others, slender, straight, and appai-ently radiating from the centre of the discal area ; they consist of a solid portion and a membrane-like expansion. These forms belong to the genus Trichodina. The family Voeticbllid.s; includes the attached forms of Peritricha. The three sub-families are Vorticellina^ (naked), Vnginicolina^ (loricate), and Oithrydina; (in gela- tinous covering). The student of protozoic life must ever find the keenest delight in the study of this varied family, examples of which may be found at any time of the year, or at any jilace where there are natural or artificial bodies of water. In Vorticella, the type of the family, each individual is solitary, and consists of an oval body attached by a 44 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. slender stalk to some foreign support. At the end of the body farthest from the sup- port, a band of cilia surrounds a flattened disc, at one side of which is the opening dignified by the name of mouth. On careful e.Yamination it is seen that the band of cilia does not form a complete cn-cle, but rather a spiral, the inner end of which passes into the mouth and down the tube known as the oesophagus. The nucleus is sausage- shaped, and in many forms is coiled in a spiral. The stalk is also an interesting portion of the anatomy, as witliin the external cuticle one may by careful examin- ation see a core of contractile protoplasm, whose func- tion will apjiear further on. Since Vorticella is one of the most common of the Infusoria, it may be well to give here a slight account of its method of life, as illustrative of the physiology of the whole class. On placing a little powdered carmine in the water in which the Vorticellce are living, and ex- amining them under the microscope, it will be seen that the motion of the cilia around the mouth creates a cur- rent of water, which pursues a constant direction down the oesophagus and then out again. The particles of carmine and other small bodies in the water follow the general course of the current down to the bottom of the oesophagus but are not allowed to go out again. In this way a ball of nutritious matter is formed, which soon forces its way into the protoplasm of the body, where it is known as a food vacuole. These food vacuoles keep /.-. Ectosarc. xvp a Constant though slow motion through the body, passing down on one side and up on the other, vmtil at last all nutritious substance is digested, when the rejectamenta are forced out into the beginning of the oesophagus and carried away from the body by the outgoing current of water. It requires considerable time and much patient watching to make out these points in Vbrticella, for though attached, these animals are far from stationary; every few mo- ments the cilia will be suddenly withdrawn, and the animalcule will itself as suddenly dis- ■ appear. On moving the slide one readily ascertains the cause of this, for it will be seen that the contractile protoplasm of the stem has exerted its powers, and the long, slender stalk is now coiled in a close spiral. Gradually the stalk straightens out, when the contractile vacuole renews its pulsations, and the cilia begin their vibration as suddenly as they had stopped them a minute before. The process of binary division in these familiar objects is of high interest ; it is longitudinal; first the ciliary disc is withdrawn, and the body assumes a spherical con- tour ; it soon becomes dilated, and a notch appears in the anterior border ; a new vestibular cleft and oral system is developed on each side of the median line ; a line of division now proceeds from the anterior notch, through the centre of the animal's body, cleaving both the contractile vesicle and nucleus. The result is two animalcules on a single stalk. One zooid remains attached to the original pedicle, the other, with its peristome usually contracted, develops round the posterior region of the body a circle of cilia, by the action of which its attachment to the pedicle is broken, and it swims away^ soon to attach itself and acquire a new stalk. Then the temporary girdle of cilia is Fig, 44. — Vorticella nebulifera, enlarged about 600 times, a. Cilia, b. Cili- ated disc. c. Peristome. (/. Vesti- bule, e. Gl]sophagus. /. Contractile vacuole, g. Food vacuoles. A. Nu- cleus, t. Endosarc. vu Muscle of stem. INFUSORIA. 46 absorbed, the peristome border is now displayed, and the lousiness of adult life com- menced. Another sort of sub-division has been recorded by Stein, and confirmed by others. The body divides into two unequal parts, after which the lesser one is set free, and then enters into genetic union with some other normal Vorticella. This union is supposed to produce a rejuvenescence, which means a capacity to continue the pro- cess of multiplication by self-division. That the union is followed as in the Flagellata, by encystment and sporular sub-division, has not been demonstrated. Perhaps this word of caution is necessary ; the individual VorticeUa may often be seen with the posterior ciliary wreath. This is not always an indication of recent division, for when these animals become dissatisfied with their surroundings they produce the extra cilia, and remove from the old pedicle, and set up in a more congenial place. Among the forms allied to Vorticella we may notice that in Spirochonia the attach- ment is by means of a disc, and the peristome is developed into a hyaline, spirally con- volute membranous funnel. Stijlonichia is similar, except that the body is mounted on a rigid pedicle ; in Hhabdostjla the body is like that of Vorticella^ but the jjedicle is not contractile, but flexible. In Carchesium the zooids are united in social tree- like clusters, but the muscle of the pedicle does not extend through the main trunk; the individuals can withdraw themselves to the point of branching of their stalk, but the colony cannot withdraw itself from its position. In Zoothamniimi, on the other hand, the muscle is continuous throughout the colony. In this genus there are zooids of more than one form and size in the same colony. In the genus JEj^istylis the branched pedicle is rigid throughout, the base of the body alone being contractile. Members of this genus are, doutless, next to those of Vorticella, most frequently met with. Their tree-like colonies are readily seen by a hand lens on aquatic plants. The carajiax and gill chambers of the cray-fish, and the shells of aquatic snails, are also rich hunting grounds for these creatures. Opercularia differs from Epistylis in the fact that the ciliary disc is attached to one side of the oral entrance, and is usually elevated to a considerable distance above the margin of the peristome, like a lid. They are often seen as commensals on aquatic larvae and Entomostraca. The loricated Vaginicolinse is not less rich in surprisingly beautiful forms. Vagini- cola has the sheath erect, sessile, and open at the top. The animalcule is fastened to its case, protruding its body and spreading its peristome ; at the least disturbance in its surroundings it instantly retracts, soon to very cautiously again protrude its body. Those species with a lid to close the case when the animal is withdrawn, have been placed in the genus Thuricola. T. crystalina is a common species. If the case is pedicellate and open, the form is a Cothurnia (Fig. 21) ; if, in addi- tion, there is a corneous lid, it is a Pyxicola; if a fleshy lid, Pachy- trocha. All these forms may be looked for on Entomostraca and aquatic plants, like Lemna, Anac/iaris, and Jlyriojyhyllum. In Platycola and JLagenophrys the cases rest on one side. Fig. 45 represents the charming Platycola dilatata, the brown, laterally at- tached case occurs on fresh-water plants. The animalcule is quite similar to those of a majority of the loricate forms. There are two genera, whose social individuals inhabit common gelatinous matrices, viz., Opluonella and Ophrydium. One species of the latter genus, 0. diintata, magni- versatile, may often be seen in shallow fresh and salt water as more or less spherical green masses, sometimes floating or resting on the bottom, and may easily be mistaken for algte, such as Tetraspora or JVostoc. These masses are inhabited by 46 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. myriads of green Infusoria whose structure does not materially differ from tliat of I^pisti/lis, except the greater elongation of the canal-like extension of the contracticle vesicle, which ascends to and surrounds the peristome. A notable structure is found in the thread-like pedicles which unite the individuals of the whole colony. These appear to be homologous with the branched stalk of £jnsti/lis. In OjiIiryJium sessile the jiedicle is wanting, the bodies radiating from one point in the mucilaginous en- velope. 0. versatile and 0. eichornii are known to inhabit American waters. Sub-Oeder IV. — Hypoteicha. This sub-order includes numerous families and genera, nearly all of which are free- swimming ; their bodies are smooth above, with variously disposed cilia below ; they are usually flattened and elon- gate. Chilodon cucullulus af- fords another stock form ; it is as cosmopolitan as Paramecium aurelia, inhabiting both salt and r~f^ ■'^ W^ / \^ >/ '^ / I IF/I^t|f>f fresh water. It has received 0\ \ i\'/-^-\f'^ylJ I § fl I / many names ; its flat, sub-ovate body has the anterior apex turned one side. The cilia on the ven- tral surface are arranged in par- allel lines. Its pharynx is sur- rounded by a series of rod-like teeth. Its food appears to be diatoms, for these plants are often found in its endoplasm. Di/steria armata, described by Huxley, is remarkable for the indurated, complex phaiynx. The oral pit is strengthened by a curved rod which terminates in a bifid tootli. This is fol- lowed by the ])haryngeal apjjara- tus proper, which may be said to consist of two parts — an anterior rounded mass in opposition with a much elongated, styliform, pos- terior portion. This part is quite complicated, and cannot be clear- ly defined in a few words. On account of this complicated struc- ture, and the single ventral stylet, ' it has been considered a rotifer, but recent research has brought to light facts suflicient to warrant the formation of a family with this species as the type. A curious genus is Stlchotricha, in which the ani- malcules secrete a domicile ; several of the species live singly, but in one the stock is branched, and a social group or colony is the result. This Kent has put in his new genus Fig. 46. — Scliizosiphon sociaiis, euiatged. INFUSORIA. 47 Schizosiphon. Stylonichia mytilus, which is abundant in vegetable infusions, illustrates a type of structure somewhat common in this sub-order : the presence of stylets and hooked hairs. It is elongate, elliptical, with a slight left-handed curvature, tapeiing backwards from the centre ; two of the fine anal stylets project beyond the body, the three long caudal setai are radiating ; there are five claw-like ventral stylets and several frontal ones. Euplotes also includes well-known forms. They differ from those of the lastrmentioned, first in being encuirassed, second in the styles, although frontal, ventral and anal are represented. Order III. — TENTACULIFERA. It remains to introduce some typical forms of the order Tentaculifera. Compared with the orders already described, the specific forms are comparatively few, but their remarkable structure renders them as interesting. Until recently the Tentaculifera were not recognized as a distinct order of Infusoria. By Ehrcnberg they were arranged with the diatoms and desmids. Stein in his earlier publications regarded them as developmental stages of the Vorticellidae. To Claparede and Lachmann is due the honor of pointing out their true nature. The term Tentaculifera was proposed by Prof. Huxley, while Suctoria, — the name applied by Claparede and Lachmann, — has, by Kent, been retained for the division in which the tentacles are wholly or partly suctorial. He has also called those whose tentacles are non-suctorial, but merely adhesive, Actin- aria. The animalcules in their adult life bear neither tiagella nor cilia, their embryos, however, are ciliate. Maupas claims that adults of some Podophryoe and all the SpJm- rophrycB are able to resume their cilia and become free. Their food is taken by means of tentacles developed from their cuticle, the tubular sort terminating in a sucking disc ; and the protoplasm of the body extending into the tentacles. When an infusorian is caught by an Acineta and held at the extremity of one of the tentacles, a rupture is produced in the cuticle of the victim at the point of contact. The axillary substance of the tentacle penetrates this perforation. The tentacle now increases in size, due, doubtless, to a flow of sarcode from the body of the Acineta. On penetrating the body of the prey this sarcode, according to Maupas, mingles with the substance of the vic- tim's body, and then returns to its place of departure. A nucleus and one or more con- tractile vesicles are usually present. The Tentaculifera increase by division and by budding. Sub-Order I. — Suctoria. The species of Acineta and its allies are numerous ; the animalcules have many ten- tacles, while in the genera JRhyncheta and Urnula, there are only one or two ; all are stalked, some are loricate, others naked. The Sphcerophryce are free forms, frequently parasitic within other Infusoria. Sphmrophrya sol is found in Paramecium aurelia, S. stentorea in Stentor rceselii, etc. They are spherical, with suctorial tentacles scat- tered over their surface. The earlier stages of the next genus are free, and may be taken for iSphcerophryce, and the latter in turn have been mistaken for the acinetiform embryos of their hosts. The genus Podojjhrya also includes many species. They dif- fer materially fi-om the preceding in that they are isedicillate, while some species differ from others in having the suctorial tentacles in fascicles. To the latter belongs P. quadripiartita, which has been often seen by the writer on the stalks of jEjnstylis plica- 48 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. tilts, whose acmetiform embryo it was once regarded. Its stalk is long, the body ovate, with the upper border divided into four tentacle-bearing lobes in the adult; in the young there is but one lobe ; this gives place to two, and finally to the full number. According to Claparede and Lachmann, two sorts of embryos, lai'ge and small, are de- veloped ; the former enclose a portion only of the nucleus of the parent. According to Btitschli they are liberated through a specially developed orifice ; the other forms are produced by the sub-division of the nucleus. In both cases, at the time of liberation, the embryos are ciliated like the peritrichous In- fusoria, with an equatorial girdle and anterior tuft. In Hemiophrya gemmipara (Fig. 47), we have a remarkable Acinetan. There are two sorts of tentacles, viz., a few, centrally placed, of the usual suctorial type, and a larger number of prehensile ones around the border. When the latter are seen under a high magnification the surface is seen to be not smooth, but nodular, the component par- ticles of externally developed granular pro- toplasm being usually disposed in a spiral manner around the central axis. The production of embryos by gemmation has been referred to on a pi-evious page. The genus Acineta has many representatives inhabiting both salt and fresh water. An interesting species is found in large numbers on the sur- face of a Mysis taken in the Great Lakes. Fig. 47. — Hemiophrya gemmipara, magnified 150 times. Sub-Order II. — Actinaria. This sub-order includes a few forms in which the tentacles are filiform and prehen- sile. They are inhabitants of salt-water, and, like their nearest relatives, are mostly commensal upon aquatic animals. D. S. Kellicott. SPONGES. 49 Branch II. — PORIFER ATA. The sjionges are even now i)0j)ularly regarded as plants, altbough f(ir many years naturalists have recognized them as members of the animal kingdom, while the investi- gations of the jiast fifteen years have shown them to be animals of by no means the lowest type. In the preceding jiages we have seen that the unicellular Protozoa do not rej)roduce by means of eggs, but by a process of division or segmentation, resulting in a varying number of embryos, germs, or spores. All of the higher animals, includ- ing the sponges, are composed of multitudes of cells, each performing its own part in tlie economy of the individual, and while reproduction by division is frequent in cer- tain groups, all have recourse to sjiecialized cells or eggs for the perpetuation of the sjiecies. On account of these differences all multicellular animals have been collec- tively termed Metazoa, in contradistinction to the single-celled Protozoa. There is here a similar relationship to that which exists between the spore-bearing and the seed- bearing ])lants. In an egg-bearing animal there is a specialization of some of the cells of the tissues and jiarts to form the male and female reproductive elements, just as in the flowering plant there is a similar specialization of ^ the tissues and leaves to form the male and female products and the organs of reproduction, and as the latter by the union of the sexual elements form fertile seeds, so in the Metazoa the union of the egg, or female element, with the spermatozoan, or male reproductive j)roduct, produces a fertile egg. In the Poriferata the development of the sexual elements appears in a simple form ; parts or cells of the tissues within the body of the same sponge grow larger than the rest, and become eggs while other cells change into spermatozoa. The .s]ionges are, therefore, hermaphrodites, and besides they have no external genital or reproductive appar.atus and no special apertures for the extrusion of the young. It has been found, however, that some sponges are female, or at least produce few if any sjierm-beariiig cells, and these sponges in some cases die soon after giving birth to their broods of young. In most sponges self-fertilization seems to take place ; indeed, such would appear to be the inevitable necessity since the male and female elements are enclosed in the same membranes. Sjionges are all aquatic, are found in the waters of every ]iart of the globe, and in suitable locations may be exceedingly abundant. 80 far as known they are all seden- tary animals, constrained with few excejjtions to pass all but the earliest st.ages of their existence fastened to the same submerged object to which they became attached in their early youth. The young possess powers of locomotion and can seek out new places of abode, but the adults must remain in one place and take whatever of food or fortune the passing currents may bring them. Thus they can only live ami flourish in places where there are floating clouds of microscopical plants and animals, and their sjjores. These form their staples of subsistence and must come to them as the rain comes to the plant. They can use for tlie reception of iood\ only the upper and lateral surfaces of the body, the lower, attached surface, being of course unavailable for such purjioses. To this rule there are some exceptions. For instance, Siihcrites <:ompacta, a sand sponge, has no base of attachment and is apparently capable of li\ing with either side uppermost; there arc also some wanderers, sponges which ha\-e vol.. I. — 4 50 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. broken away from the base and, still living, are rolled about on the bottom. Some of the commercial sponges are said to be tough enough to stand this. The sponge is typically, or in its most perfect aspect, a vase contracted at the top. In nature it has none of the usual signs of symmetry observed in other animals, and is in most fonns even very irregular. There is absolutely no forward or hinder end, except in the embryo ; there is no right or left, except again in the embryo. Being a purely sedentary animal, and having no appendages, it has become and usually is des- ignated as amorphous or formless. The conditions which influence growth have caused not only this degradation in symmetry, but they occasion, also, great differ- ences in form in the same species. Thus, while they may bo called formless in respect to symmetry, from another point of view they are really animals with more formii than usual. ' Among those which live near the shores and in the varied conditions of the shal- low water habitats, there is the strangest diversity. Every change of bottom, every change in the surrounding conditions of the current or the j^lace to which the larva may become attached, has some effect upon their aspect. Thus in the same sjiecies we find flattened sheets, irregular lumps and clumjis, and branching, bush-like modifica- tions of each of these in every variety, and finally vase-like shapes, either imperfect and open on one side, or perfect and not wholly without grace of outline. If we pass from the varied bottom of the Shore-line to one of uniform character, whether the mud bottoms of the deejier waters of the ocean or those nearer shore, or the sandy shallows, where the surroundings and conditions of life are more uniform, we find that the sponges inhabiting these localities ai'e remarkable for greater iiniformity of shape within the species. Sponges exhibit most plainly in their forms tlie direct action of gra\ity and the peculiarities of the base of attachment. In a sedentary animal the fluids of nutrition would naturally tend to expend their forces primarily, in the early stages of growth at the lowest points of the periphery, and after buildi/ig the base, cause the sponge to grow upwards in the direction of least resistance. This is practically what happens, and if the rock is smooth and free from other animals, some species, liaviiig no heredi- tary form, will grow in a broad sheet without branches ; but if the base of attachment be small or crowded, the same sponge will take a bushy, plant-like outline. The force of growth which otherwise would have expended itself in increasing the sponge hori- zontally, is diverted by the strain on the sui)iiorts or skeleton to the secreting mem- branes of the threads, and we find they become thicker or denser where the strain is greatest, until in some very old sponges the trunks or bases are almost solid. Above, the branches are arranged so that the form is balanced, and there is the same equal distribution of the weight around a central axis as in plants and in sedentary animals- of all kinds. This tendency or response of the animal to the attraction of gra\'itation by equal growth in horizontal planes, so as to balance one side with another, one lateral organ with another, I have previously termed geomalism. Geomalism a]ii)ears in its primitive aspect among the sponges since they are comparatively soft and sup- ported by a pliable and primitively fragmentary internal skeleton. It will be seen from these remarks that the form of the sjionge is more largely the result of the character of the base of attachment than any other cause. When this is uniform, as in a mud or sandy bottom, the form is either vase-shaped or branching and comparatively constant ; when upon rocks or irregular surfaces, all forms may occur. Another correlation has been frequently noticed by the writer. In rapid tide-ways a SPONGES. 51 species, which is flat or chubby in quiet water, will tend to devolop into branching forms. This plasticity of form in response to environment also correlates with the pecu- liarities of the digestive system. The sponges have thousands of minute cavities within the body, devoted to i)erforming the functions of digestion. These cavities re- ceive their food from streams of water, circulating through a double system of tubes, and flowing in through the narrow meshes of a network, formed in the outer covering or skin of the body. With this sieve-like structure there is no use for any jjarticular set of external appendages, and no necessity for any lixed symmetry of foi-m. All that the sponge needs is a capability to adapt itself to its surroundings and the sole requisite of success in obtaining food is the presentation of as much surface as possible, thus securing a large supply of water and accompanying food. Such an organism requires a peculiar skeleton. Since the internal tubes and mi- nute stomachs would be liable to compression by the weight of the soft tissues, after the attainment of a certain size, unless some firmer framework was interposed, we find Fig. 48 — Portion of a section of a batli-sponge {Sponijia), sliomiig the fibrous slieleton, portions of the supply and drainage systems, and the ampulke. in most sponges such a supporting skeleton. In some cases this framework is formed by a woven mass of elastic threads, of a horny nature ; in others the framework is composed partly of such threads and partly of stiff and unelastic spicules which may bo calcareous or silicious, or in still other cases of a network of spicules united by only a small amount of horny or silicious material. The same isrinciple of construction runs throughout the whole of the Poriferata ; the skeletons are really networks or scaffolds of spicules, or of threads permeating all parts of the body, in order to support the whole mass and keep open not only the digestive ampullre, but also the numerous tubes for sujiply and drainage. A skeleton is not, however, an absolute essential in all the members of any Ijranc'h of the animal kingdom ; thus there are sponges entirely destitute of spicules or threads, but these are mostly flattened or small vase-like forms, in which the weight is small in proportion to the strength of the tissues. In the commercial sponges the skeleton is an intricate mass of interwoven elastic horny threads, as may be seen by slicing one through the middle (Fig. 48). This network 52 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. is permeated by numberless tubes, but these can be reduced into two systems, one lead- ing from the interior outward, and the other leading from the external surface toward the interior. The first or internal system is composed of several large trunk tubes, largest interiorly, but branching and becoming smaller as we approach the exterior. The outer surface of the sponge is ornamented with projecting bunches or ridges of threads. Between these jjrojections there are numerous dejjressions, the bottoms of which are perforated by openings of medium size, which we can follow as tubes lead- ing into the interior by examination of the cut surface of the section. These are the tubes of the external system. They often terminate abruptly, but here and there are divided into branches, and we can see that they really diminisli in size towards the in- terior. Not infrequently these tubes may be traced directly into the trunks of the internal system, but in this case, their walls are thickly set with the openings of small tubules which lead into systems of tubes diminishing in size internally, and tlierefore belonging to the external system. The dried skeleton looks as if there was no room for fleshy material between the meshes, but tlie increase in size upon wetting a sponge shows that when in the natural element and fully expanded there is 2'Ienty of room between the threads for all tlie organs we have to describe. The surface of the living commercial sponge is of a dark color, and some species, were they smoothei-,- w'ould remind one of a piece of beef liver. On the upper surface we can see large crater-like openings as in the skeleton, but the surface is otlierwise quite different. The tufts of fibres and the depressions between them, which ai-e so marked in the skeleton, are more or less covered with a skin which conceals all the cavities and channels. The tufts, however, do show themselves as slight jiromineuces, while the skin over the intervening depressions is smooth and perforated by groups of holes. These small holes may be opened or closed at tlie will of the animal, and when open they serve to admit water freely to the external or supiply system of tubes. These openings may in many sponges entirely disappear, and new apertures be formed when needed. This faculty has, however, been greatly exaggerated. The superficial cavities are lined witli a smooth skin, lighter in color than tliat of tlie exterior, wliile the sides and bottom are jierforated by small holes, the openings of the tubules which line the skeletal tubes of the external system and form the flesliy canals of the sujiply system. These tubes are lined witli a light colored skin and branch as they descend into tlie interior. Tlie tips of tlie minute branches expand into glolmlar sacs. These little enlargements, the am])ulhi', ojieu in turn, into small fleshy tubules whicli line the internal system of tubes of the skeleton. They constitute what may l)e called a drainage system, and instead of growing less, they increase in size as they go inward, and by uniting with other similar tubes, they form larger and larger branches until they finally ojien into one of the central trunks. These sieve-like openings, the superficial hollows, and the supply system act as feeders, bringing water loaded with nutriment to the ampullae or digestive sacs. After digestion the refuse is passed out of the ampulla3 into the internal system and thence into the large central trunks which finally open on the outside of the si^onge in large crater-like orifices. lu some sponges these two systems of canals are not distinguish- able and there is but one outlet to tlie ampulla?. The outermost covering of the body is an extremely delicate membrane composed of a single layer of flat cells, giving a peculiar shade of purple bloom to the living- sponge, but being easily abraded by rough handling. This layer is the ectoderm, ami is continuous at the edges of the craters with a somewhat similar layer, lining all of SPONGES. 53 the passages of the drainage system, which should be considered as the endoderra. To this latter system the amjiullae belong, but the endoderm which lines them is of a differ- ent character. The tubes of the supply system are doubtless of ectodcrmic origin. The endodermal cells are usually flat and have polygonal outlines, v except in the ampullae, where they give place to oval or even columnar cells, the free ends being crowned by transparent collars, from the centre of which ]irotrudes a long flagel- lum (Fig. 52). These collared cellshave unusually large nuclei. The ectodermal cells vary some- what in outline, according to position, but are usually hex- agonal or quadrangular and rather constant in form. The cells of the endoderm, on the contrary, are subject to extra- ordinary changes, bulging out into balls on their free side when gorged with food, or ex- tending to hair-like cells of en- ormous length when stretched across an opening. Between these two layers lies the middle or fleshy layer of the body, the mesoderm. This is composed of cells, but the intercelhilar spaces are so abundantly filled with proto- plasm that Haeckel and others consider it as a characteristic of the sponges. We are, however, of the opinion that the abun- dance of intrarcellular substance has liecn greatly exaggerated, and that the mesodermal cells are numerous and closely ag- gregated. Such we have found to be the ease with the Calci- spongiaj and Chalina, and Lie- berkuhn and Huxley claim the same for SponyUla. The cells of the mesoderm vary consideralily in character and appearance. They may be transparent, granular or deeply colored, globular or elongated, entire or amceboid m outline, and capaljle of extensive changes by expansion or contraction. In many i IG. 49. — Section of Halisarca, showing supply (af) and drainage (ef) systems, tlie ampuILne (amp), and eggs in various stages of devel- opment (a, />, c, (/, e,/). 54 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. sponges there occurs between tlie undoubted mesoderm and the ectoderm distinct layers, the origin of which is uncertain. One of the most interesting jjoints to the naturalist lies in the history of the skeleton and its elements. This consists of two parts, the thread of binding substance of horn or keratode and the hard mineralized sj^icule. All authors ajiparently agree in considering the spicules as mesodermic, but the origin of the threads has not been so thoroughly worked out. Bari'ois, howe\'er, considers them of ectodermal origin in the silicious sponges, and the author has ex- pressed the same opinion regarding the fibres of the horny sponges. In the Chalininre the same would also a])pear to be true. The skeletal threads of Chalinula are surrounded bj^ a special membiane, which I have seen in sev- eral instances, and which may be called the jierifibral membrane. This.is composed of flat epithelial cells, either transparent ordcejily col- ored by granules. They somewhat resemble the cells of the ectoderm in outline, but are longer, fusiform in outline, very closely set, and usually spirally arranged around the fibre. These are evidently the cells which secrete the threads, and in one section I followed this sheath and found it continuous with the ectoderm. We can thus readily account for the skeleton of Clialimda by the presence of invaginated pro- longations of the ejiiderm which would natural- ly follow and surround first the vertical threads and then others arising in all directions. The differences in the structure of the inner and the outer portions of the fibres of the Aplysina, and their often hollow condition, can only be ac- counted for by this explanation as well as the fact that in Sponym and its allies the centre of the threads is frcinieiitly occupied by foreign matter, carried in from the exterior by the in- vaijination of the ectoderm to form the sheaths and subsequently enveloped by the horny mat- ter secreted. The form of the s]iicules varies greatly, and affords good systematic characters. A few of the forms are shown in the adjacent figure. Some are pointed at one end, some have both extremities acute, while others may terminate at one or both ends like anchors. They may be smooth or variously knobbed and ornamented. Fig. 50. — DilTereiit forms of sponge spicules. SPONGES. 55 We cannot hope to disentangle the intricate relations of the parts in such confused structures as the sponges without studying the history of their development. The young can always be relied ujaon to jsresent the observer with sinii)ler or more element- ary conditions, and generally help us materially in understanding and translating the adult structures. As we have said, the male and female elements are found within the sponge. After fertilization, the egg undergoes a regular segmentation, and then the two ends of the body become distinguishable, one being composed of smaller cells than the other. Tlie embryo is hollow at this the so-called morula stage, but soon the central hollow, the segmentation cavity of embrj-ologists, becomes filled in the following manner. The cells of one end of the embryo become pushed in, much as one inverts the finger of a glove, and these constitute the inner layer or endoderm of the young sponge. In this, which is called the gastrula stage, there are then two layers. In the cal- careous sponges they form a cup with a mouth at one end, but in the c'arneosponges the gastrula is usually but not invariably solid, the invaginated endoderm completely filling the interior. The mesoderm is developed between these two layers, but from which one is not yet known. The spicules begin to be formed in the mesoderm soon after its apjjearance, and seem to be due to direct transformation of single cells. These young larvaj swim rapidly through the water by means of tlie cilia, or small hairs, wliich clothe the exterior, and which can be moved like so many oars with force and rapidity at the will of the tiny animal. The smaller eiul in the larva of the calcareous sponge is foremost as the little creature moves aimlessly about. AVhen it encounters any obstacle it usually exhibits no ability to back off, but manages by keeping its cilia in constant motion to get away by rolling around the olKtruction. At last the embryo settles down, with its mouth or blastopore below, upon the space to which it is to become attached. The membranes at this end form a sort of sucker, which spreads itself out and enables the animal to exclude the water between it and the surface to which it is being apj^licd. The pressure of the water holds the sponge in its place, and on some smooth spots this may con- tinue to be its only anchorage, but in rougher situa- tions it naturally acquires additional hold by growing into any cavities or around any projections. On soft, nauddy ground fresh-water s]>onges usually begin to grow upon some small substance, which often is very small, and then the weight of the growing sponge may sink a portion of the stalk into the mud below. This portion then dies, but even when dead it plays its part and forms an anchor for the whole structure. We cannot imagine an ordinar}- sponge growing u])on a muddy surface unless tlic water was absolutely still or the mud hard ; otherwise the tiny creature would be suffocated by the sediment. The deep-water mud s]ionges of the sea (II>/alonema, etc.) have, iiullaceous sac, confirming the view that we have always held tliat the typical sponge was a single, isolated ampulla, surrounded by the two layers of the body. A single ]iore is opened into this sac, and this completes the likeness to one of the Ascones group. The observations of Barrois, Carter, Schultze, and Marshall all seem to show that the ampullffi in the silicious sijofiges have a different develoi^ment. After the larva has settled, a hollow space appears in the body of the sponge, lined by a non-ciliated endoderm. The amjHillaceous sacs arise as buds from this endoderm, communication with the exterior is formed by tubes, which arise as invaginations of the ectoderm, and grow inward, uniting with the ampulhie. The evidence at present seems to be in favor of Barrois' opinion, that the water flows in through these lateral pores and accumulates in the interior, assisting to raise the soft tissue into a dome or spire, until, at last, unable to withstand the jjressure, tlie top gives way, and the crater is formed. This accounts for the rise of tlic spire before the formation of the crater, and gives a reason for its disappearance after the pressure has been relieved by the formation of an adequate outlet. Certain it is that the crater is not in any sense the mouth or blastopore of the sponge, as is usually sujv posed. Thus the cloaeal apertures have no special morphological location, and arise as i^urely mechanical necessities, as do the excurrent openings of all colonial forms. The simplest sponges have only a single body cavity, surrounded by ectoderm and mesoderm, and lined by the inner layers. This typical form or vase shape occurs in the young of the calcareous sponges and in the adults of the Ascones. Individuation in these forms is comi)lete and simple ; they are each equivalent to a single ampiillaceous sac, separated from any other sponge and surrounded by mesoderm and ectoderm. It is evident, therefore, that when a number of these sacs still remain connected with the body cavity, each additional sac must be regarded as a l)ud or offshoot from the coelomatic cavity, and the whole can be regarded as a brandling gastro-vascular sj-stem, through which water and food are circulated and excrement dischai'ged. The active collared cells of the ampulke are both structurally and functionally, as was pointefl out by H. James Clark, similar to the zoons of the flagellated Protozoa ; they have the same organization, catch their food by means of the same slender lash, swallow it at the same place within the collar, and throw out the refuse matter in precisely the same manner. The Flagellata are individuals, each having the typical structure of the Protozoa, and though in every resjiect simple cells, with collars and flagella, as in the separate cells of the sponge, they are not shut u]> in sacs inside of a mass of flesh, but are free or attached animals, getting their food in the open water. Tliis correlation and the aspect and functions of the cells which form the tissues of all structures in tlie bodies of sponges and higher animals show us that all cellular tissues must be regarded as aggregates or colonies, while tlie single cells of which the tissues are composed are the exact mor]ihological re]iresentatives of tlie I -'^4 * 1* ^ # ® « ^ « '•I, „ .„-- ,, ^^ ^ ^' ^ ^ ^ ft « ® sj f- .-i to SPONGES. 57 Protozoa. The sponges are simply less altered than other animals, the cells of the inner layer still retain some traces of tlieir original structure, and we have to rate the Poriferata as intermediate in these characteristics between the Protozoa and the Metazoa. The word ' individual ' leads to many serious misconceptions owing to its popular meaning, aiul we use the word zoou for any whole animal or part of a colony of ani- mals whose structure can he said to embrace the essential characteristics of the grand division or branch to which it belongs. In this sense the single cell is a zoon, with regard to the whole animal kingdom, or when we wish to contrast the Protozoa with the Metazoa. The young sponge, at the period when it has but a simple coelomatic cavity and one opening, is also a zoon, but it is only a zoon when we wish to consider the Poriferata by themselves. We can test this position by comparison with the simplest known forms of sponges, such as the Ascones. The forms of this group have a vase shapie, with only one open- ing above, while the pores for admission of water are formed as wanted. The struc- ture and form of this adult sponge is similar to that of the simplest ampullaceous sac, and is also similar to that of the young when the coelomatic canity is lirst formed, and it shows us that all these three forms contain the essential elements of sponge struc- ture, and can thus be apjirojiriati'ly called spongo-zoijns. After the three layers are fully formed, the coelomatic cavity extends itself in every direction liy the formation of ampulke as outgrowths from its sides, but these out- gi-owths do not carry with them the mesoderm and ectoderm. On the contrary, the outward growth and the formation of a new ampullaceous sac, which is the nearest approach the sponge makes towards the formation of a new zoon, takes place wholly inside of the mesoderm, and the outer layer remains unmodified. This is the case in all the sjjonges with a thick mesoderm, and even among the higher forms of ealci- sponges. Among the primitive Ascones, however, a bud from the side carries witli it all the membranes of the body, and is a repetition of the original zoon, a complete bud or ' person.' New craters are formed anywhere as the sponge increases in size, by the conjunc- tion of canals of the drainage system and without the slightest signs of budding, and yet Haeckel and others regard each of these craters as a person or individufil. The mass may grow out solidly into a branch with a dozen craters, then, according to these authors, it is one dozen small 'persons,' or as it grows out, the dozen small canals may unite and form one canal and one crater, then it is one ' person.' There are plenty of examjiles in which such variations occur on the same stock, and we think they j^rove that the accepted ideas of what constitutes an individual or person among the sponges with a thick mesoderm and branching gastrovascular canals are entirely erroneous and founded on the deceiitive resemlilanees of the branches of a sponge to those of other compounil forms, which really arise from true buds and are true zoons. Haeckel and others have regarded all the vase-shaped sponges as single individuals or zoons, but this seems untenable, except in the group of Ascones. It is not uncom- mon to trace the form of the same species among living sponges from a flattened disc with several craters to a vase shape, the vase being built up by the more rapid growth of the periphery. The inner portion of the ectoderm on top of the animal thus be- comes internal, and the opening above, the crater of one large ' person.' Here the so-called zoon is formed liy a transformation which can be clearly proved to be the result of the growth of the external parts. It is evident that the mere fact of the 58 LOWER lyVERTEBRATES. existence of a cloacal outlet does not necessarily indicate the i^resence of an individual. We must regard the wliole mass which springs from one base as being an individual, while the buds or branches wliich may arise from it are not branches, but may be regarded as the i)rototyi)es of true buds and branches of colonial animals in other divisions of the animal kingdom. They resemble the branches of other colonies in aspect, and arise from unequal growth of parts in a more or less symmetrical way, and may have any outline essential to the ei)uilil)rium of tlie form, but are no more indi- \iduals than are the arms and legs of a human Ijeing. Tiie whole mass is the individual, and the fact that it has a branching gastrovas- cular system is accounted for by the budding of the coelomatic cavity just as the o-as- tro\ascular system of tlie Hydrozoa and the water sjsteni in eehinoderms is formed by the prolongation or budding of the walls of the gastric cavity of the larval forms. In fact the similarity of these parts in the CoBlenterata and Echinodermata indicate to us that the sponges present a much more primitive condition of the gastrovascular sys- tem than do any of the higher types. In the eehinoderms, the system becomes sepa- rated into the gastric cavity and the system of water tubes in the early stages ; in the Hydrozoa and Ctenophora, the two reniain in connection and a true water system is not developed. In the sponges there are two systems, the supply or water system and the cloacal or gastric system, and these two together make a complete gastroA-ascular sys- tem which, however, is more primitive than either of the other types, combining both the gastric and the water systems in a double set of inter-communicating canals. It is difficult to explain the similarities of the water systems among these animals on any other grounds, and this view enables us to throw some light upon the sinularities of the cd'lomatic cavity. This cavity is merely the primitive hollow of the body of the embryo, and in many of the lower forms, as the Hydrozoa, it is the digestive cavity, the cells being modified for assimilative purposes. This is only the next stage above the cellular mode of digestion in which each cell performs this function as in the ampulla? of the sj)onge, and it is an adaptive change both in the structure of the cells and their function. If our view of the affinities of the sponges is correct, this cavity in the Ascones is directly derived from the communal inlet and outlet of some colonial form of Protozoa, and the water system must have arisen subsequently in response to the budding of the ccelomatic cavity, and the need of special sources of supply for each bud with its ampulla?. The correlations in the structure of the feeding cells of sponges and the aspect and similar functions of the cells which form the tissues of higher animals show that not only the sponges, but all the Metazoa, however highly individualized, must be regarded as aggregates or colonies in which each cell represents a zoon of the Protozoa, and which has derived its structure by inheritance fi'om an ancestral ])rotozoon. That is to say, there is such a phenomenon as the inheritance by the single cells of a nieta- zoon of the peculiarities and even the tendencies of the independent individualized ]irotozoon, and from this results the communal characteristics of the raetazoon which a]i],ears to lie, but in reality is not, a simple individual. The only siinj)le individual in the animal kingdom is the single unicellulai' protozoon, or a single cell from the tissues of the Metazoa. This view, though for a time overwhelmed with ridicult", has of late years obtained a quite general acceptance. It dates back to an inspiration of Oken in 1805. The transitions by which it could have taken ]ilace have never been satisfactorily stated nor can we here do anything more than add another step towards a final solution. It is now SPONGES. 59 \vell known tliat there is no ascertained limit to the action of heredity, and that not only observable characteristics, but even habits and tendencies may be directly trans- mitted from one generation to another. There is a universal and necessary law of lieredity which can be used in bridging the gap between the Protozoa and the Metazoa which may be briefly formulated as follows : All animals exhibit a tendency to inherit the characteristics of their ancestors at, earlier stages than those in which these charac- teristics first appeared. Thus, if an ancestor or radical form acquired a new character or took on a new habit when adult, this would tend to reappear in the descendants at earlier and earlier stages, and in course of time would become carried back to the adolescent, then to the larval stages, and finally either become useless and disapjoear altogether, or if useful, and therefore retained, become restricted to embryonic stages. This law- was first advanced in 1866, by three jjersons, Haeckel, Cojie, and the writer, almost simultaneously. The Ascones are certainly, so far as known, the simplest or most generalized of the Metazoa, and approximate to the Protozoa in such a way that it is possible with the aid of the law of concentration of development to explain the transformations by which such an organism could liave risen from the Protozoa. The egg of all Metazoa is in its first stages a simple cell, and like all other cells is a homologue of an individual or zoon among the Protozoa. This primitive egg cell has but one mode of growth by which it forms tissues. It divides or segments and builds up the primitive tissues of the embryo by a similar process to that by which colonies are formed among tlie Pro- tozoa. Therefore the egg after segmentation is no longer a single zoon, equivalent to a single zoon among the Protozoa, but a mass of such zoons, differing from the mass of a free colony of ama'boid Protozoa in about the same way that the included cells of an ampulla differ from a colony of Flagellata. Among colonial Metazoa we frequently find on the same adult stock, individuals devoted to tlie performance of distinct functions, and having their shape and structure so modified tliereby as to differ widely from each other, though in their younger stages they were more nearly alike. Thus, on the same hydrozoan stock we ma}' find females loaded with eggs, males carrying only sjierni cells, sexless ])olyps devoted wholly to alimentary purposes, others with only defensive functions. We have therefore excellent reasons for assuming that similar transformations took place in the transition from the simple colonies of the Flagellata to the more complex condition of the sponges, and we can make a picture of these changes in strict accord with the laws of morphology. Throughout the Metazoa as well as in sponges, the external layer or ectoderm is protective and builds the protective armor, scales, etc. ; the mesoderm is essentially devoted to the formation of flesh and organs of support, while the endoderm is devoted to the function of digestion, and the elaboration of all the parts concerned in tliis pro- cess; but everywhere these three layers are derived from one cell (the egg). If now we imagine a series of changes, beginning with any flagellate protozoon, and follow- ing out the indications of embryology, we should first have a sheet of attached flag- ellate feeding forms ; secondly, these surmounting or arched above a base composed solely of supporting individuals without collars or flagella ; thirdly, the outermost losing their flagella and collars, would become simply protective pavement cells, while the central ones retain their digestive functions; the change slowly becoming more complete, and the central ones acquiring a ca]iability of being withdrawn into the interior when alarmed. The last step would be tlie inheritance of the invaginated (30 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. condition, and this would give the vase-shaped Ascoiies. Tlie inheritance of the in- vaginated stage or of the primitive differentiation of the colony into protective and feeding zoons in any encysted egg form would be necessarily attended l>y the forma- tion of a globular shape in which one end would have cells of a different kind from the other, one being composed of endodermal cells inheriting tlie digestive functions of the original colony, while the other would be formed of ectodermal cells arising from the protective zooiis. This encysted form would be composed of but one layer of cells, and tlierefore have a hollow interior, and the supporting zoons or meso- derm would be formed between the other two membranes when it became necessary by the protozoon method of reproduction by fission. We can also reverse this explanation and imagine a sponge, one of the Ascones, being reduced to a jirotuzoon ; losing first the form, then the sujiporting layei', then the proteeti\'e cells, and finallv becoming converted into a layer of zoons, each of which would closely resemble those to be seen in Fig. 29. The validity of this comparison may be seen by comparing this figure of Codosiga with Fig. 53. — FiiigeU:rteii the flagellated am] lullaceous cells of a true sponge shown in Fig. of .sv/oi°"}to'."''" ^ 52 ; and the comparison will also gain when we recollect that in the young of the flagellated jn-otozoon the stalk is absent. The normal action of the law of concentration and acceleration of development would alone have caused such changes in the modes of growtli of the Metazoa if the latter were really the descendants of the Protozoa, and this series of transformations is included when we say that the Metazoa, in accordance with this law, have inherited the tendency to form colonies or tissues by fissiparity, at an early stage in the exis- tence of tlie cell or zoon. Thus, the individualized protozoanal stage has become con- fined to the earliest periods of existence instead of being more or less permanent and characteristic of the later stages of growth as in the Protozoa. When the colonj- be- comes embryonic the process of multiplying by division is, as a necessary consequence, also accelerated and concentrated, and tissues are rapidly formed for different pur- poses. We can tlierefore, without calling to our aid any but the well-known effects of habit and the law of concentration of development, account for the segmentation of the egg, and tlie subsequent tendencj' of the ])riinitive tissue to give rise to the three layers of the j\[etazoa. The fact that certain cells become differentiated into eggs, and others from the same or other layers, into spermatozoa, is not more reniarkal)le than that certain zoons of many colonial IVIetazoa, like the hydroids, are exclusively egg- bearers, while others are solely sperm-bearers. The fact that tlie male element seeks out the egg and becomes merged in it, is paralleled by the process of conjugation among the Protozoa. The sperm cells of the Metazoa, like the germs of the Protozoa, arise by division of a single cell, and, although frequently of similar shajie to and swimming freely like many protozoon germs, they do not wait until maturity before conjugating Avith the females. This is plainly only the inheritance of the tendency to conjugate at an earlier stage, and is a natural result of the law already laid down. It is well known that there is a tendency to reproduce after conjugation, and that conjugation is performed by Protozoa of different sexes, and also that there are sexual colonies among the higher Protozoa. Tin' result of differentiation or progress is evidently towards the formation of sexual differences in the Protozoa as in otlier branches of the animal kingdom, and if our view is correct, we ought to expect that SPONGES. ^ 61 the Metazoa, springing from the Protozoa, woiihl show siniihir tendencies toward dif- ferentiation of the colonies. If, as in the sponges, the lower forms had male and female cells in the same body, then the progress of differentiation should lead to a more decided separation of these functions so that some would produce only female and others orjy male cells. In otiier words, the complete separation of the sexes would take place by a jjerfectly natural transition, and we should have male metazoons and female m^etazoons. The sponges are frequently regarded as degraded Metozoa, but to the author this view seems highly improbable. Iluxley first recognized the systematic imjiurtance of the sponges, but contrasted them as a division with the rest of the Metazoa, while MacAIlister, and subsequently the author, gave them their true taxononiic rank as an indejiendent branch of the animal kingdom. Class I. — CALCISPOXGI^E. This division is somewhat inajipro]iriately named for the reason that some of the genera have no skeletons, but this objection might, with equal justice, be made with regard to the names applied to the other groups. The animals of this class have fusi- form or cylindrical bodies which may be single with one cloacal aperture, or branching \vith an ajierture at the end of each branch, or more or less solid as in the other sjjonges. When a skeleton is present, the spicules which compose it consist of carbo- nate of lime, and their longer axes are arranged in lines parallel with the canals, that is at right angles to the inner and outer walls of the sponge. Okdeu I. — PHY8EMAEIA. This order contains tlie remarkable genera, ILilipJiysema and Gasfrophi/sema, Avliich, according to Ilaeckel, are nearer in form and stnu-ture to his archetypal animal form, the gastrula, than are any other adult animals. They are small and vase-shaj^ed in IlaJiphyseriur, wliile Gastrophi/.'rown color, and friable when dry. The top is usually occupied with a number of cloacal apertures surrounding a central jirominence which is in reality the end of the stem. The stem is spun by the tissues SPONGES. 71 M^B:^^% as a supporting column of elongated spicules bound together and growing in a spiral as the animal progresses u]nvards. The lower end of the stem becomes frayed out, and sinks into the mud as the ani- mal grows, but constant additions to the upper end compensate for this and form a column which sometimes reaches a foot in length. In Fig. 59 we see on the rio-ht a perfect specimen. The stem in the living sponge is always enveloped in the fleshy tissues. In Holtenia we have a different type of sponge, similar in shape to the members of the Calcarea, but the resemblance goes no further. The star-like beauty of the external covering of spicules, and the singular profusion of anchor- ing threads which are formed below, are sho^vn in the adjacent figure. Dactylocalyx is another of the open vase forms which occur in this sub- order. The fossils are very numerous, and it is supposed that several of the Cambrian sjionges may belong here, though Zittel cites only cer- tain Silurian genera like Astylospongia and Protospongia as undoubted Hexactinellids. One of the best known of the fossil tj-jies is T^entriciilites, our figures of which show, not only the general shape, but the structure of the skeleton as well. ^rimnwr Fig. 61. — Section of the outer wall of Ventriculites simplex, sliowing the structure of the silicious network. Alpheus Hyatt. Fig. 62. — Spicule of Pheronema. 72 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Branch III. — CGEI.ENTERATA. The Coelenterata embrace tlie jelly-fishes and corals, or more accurately speaking, the Hydrozoa, Actinozoa, and Ctenophora. In the first and last of these divisions fall most of those animals which are commonly known as the Medusse, while the Actinozoa include the true corals and their relatives. The endless variety of names which one encounters in this groujj need not lead to confusion, and if considered in the light of the liistorical development of the study, indicates those various characteristics which have from time to time attracted the attention of students of these animals. Of general terms used to designate the group, that of Zoophytes is one of the oldest. In the infancy of natural science, when superficial observations took the place of more accurate anatomical studies, it is not to be wondered at that the likeness of these animals to plants led to the present name. One of the first comparisons which the novice makes, on seeing these animals for the first time, is that they resemble closely members of the plant world, and in maturer studies we are continually meeting similar resemblances of a deeper-seated nature The Coelenterata include two of the large divisions of the Radiata of Cuvier, who first outlined their characteristics in the masterly manner which marks all his works as models of zoological research. The name Ccslenterata dates back over a quarter of a century (1847), to the profound investigations of these animals by Frey and Leuckart, by whom it was first used. The limits of the subordinate group of Hydrozoa are in many particulars obscure, and while many naturalists prefer to include in it a large group of gelatinous animals called the " sea-lungs," comb-bearing medusae known as Ctenophora, others, from the close likeness of their young to the larvae of the star-fishes, set these apart as a separate group. The Hydrozoa as here considered include the Hydroidea, the Discophora, and the Siphonophora, and contain by far the larger part of the true Medusa. The term Acalejihae, common in many writings on these animals, is almost synony- mous with that of Hydrozoa as here used. By many it is also made to embrace the Ctenophora. The term was long ago used by Aristotle, and refers to the stinging powers which many of the Medusa? have. Given by many authors a greater or by others a less extension, it has been wholly abandoned by most of the leading students of these animals. The Actinozoa or corals are marshalled under two divisions, the Actinoid, or true reef builders and their allies, and the " sea-fans " and " sea^whijiS," which are called, from more or less fanciful reasons, the Halcyonoids. The single anatomical feature which is common to the groups mentioned above, to which, in point of fact, they owe the name of Cffilenterata, is the identity of a stomach and the body cavity. In the simplest forms these cannot be distinguished from each other, and in the higher genera there is but a slight differentiation of one from the other. J. Walter Fewkes. Gorgonia cenxosu, to whicli is attached a skate's egg, natural size. HYDROIDS. 73 Class L — HYDROZOA. Okder I. — HYDROIDEA. In the year 1703, that charming old scientific gentleman, Anthony Van Leeuw- hoek, of Delft, sent a very interesting paper to the Royal Society of London. In this article he tells us that " the water of the river Maes is brought by means of a sluice dur- ing the Summer flood, directly into our town, and it is as clear as if the river itself ran through the town. With this water comes in also a green stuff of a vegetable nature, of which, in a half hour's fishing, I got thirty pieces, and put them into an earthen pot together with a large quantity of their own water. I took out several of these weeds from the pot, one by one, with a needle very nicely, and put them into a glass tube of a finger's breadth, filled with water, and also into a lesser tube, and caused the roots of the weeds to subside leisurely ; then viewing them with my microscope, I observed a great many and different kinds of animalcula. About the middle of the body of one of these animalcula, which I conceived to be the lower part of its belly, there was another of the same kind, but smaller, the tail of which seemed to be fastened to the other." Our author, in the latter part of his article, assures us that he saw the smaller ani- malculum separate itself from the larger, and enter upon an independent existence ; moreover, that he also determined by his microscope, the formation of a minute bud upon one side of the anunalculum, which grew into an animal, perfect in shape, size, and all particulars, and then detaching itself from its parents, floated free in the water. That was the first discovery, so far as all the records give evidence, of the very wonder- ful animal, which is now called Hydra, and which in many respects, both in structure and in mode of life, is a very good type of its order, the Hydroidea, and at the same time of the class of Hydrozoa. The body of Hydra, which is entirely soft, having no skeleton without or within, easily changes shape, and when entirely contracted, has the a])j)earance of a small dot or particle of gelatinous matter resting on the surface of the aquatic plant, chip, stone, or whatever may be the object in the water to which this small creature has attached itself. Watching it slowly expand in a dish of fresh water, it is seen to display a long, slender cylindrical body, which, in Hydra viridis, is bright green, while in H. fusca the color is light-brown. The base, or that end by which Hydra fastens itself, is termed the disk or foot, and the external cells of this part of the body secrete a gelatinous substance, which, hardening some- what in the water, enables it to attach itself at will. Toward the anterior or free end of the body, are a variable number of long, slender processes, the tentacles, which are arranged in a single circle or wreath. Within the ring formed by the bases of the tentacles, the body tapers to a rounded elevation, where the mouth is found, and this tapering portion of the body which extends beyond the retracted tentacles, is known as the proboscis or hypostome. Within the body there is a cavity extending from one end to the othei-, from the base to the mouth, and, as these processes are hollow in Hydra, to the tips of the tentacles. Not only the body, but also the tentacles are very expansive and con- tractile, and seldom retain the same shape and position for more than a few minutes. Fig. 63. — flyrfro fusca witli young bud- ding from it. 74 L 0 WER IN VER TEBRA TES. When tliey are fully contracted they appear as so many knobs or bosses on the distal end of the body, and wlien fully expanded, I have seen them three and even four times the length of the fully elongated body. The tentacles are very sensitive, and if touched by some foreign object in the water, they rapidly contract, and the body also sharing in the contraction, the entire creature is withdrawn as much as possible from the area of disturbance and danger. ILjdra has been observed in two or three rare instances to move from place to place by standing on its head, so to speak, using its tentacles as feet, by which it attaches itself, then it arches the body and attaches the foot-disk, releases the tentacles, straigiitens the body to arch it again, and so liitches along like a measuring-worm or geometrid larva. Another very peculiar form of loco- motion is described by Marshall, of Leipzig, as seen by him in certain ILjdrm found in brackish water. In this case the Hydra lies ujjon one side, and uses two tubei'cles as large, lobate, jJseudopodial processes which give a creeping motion to the creature. Every one who has watched Hydra in aquaria has probably seen it creep or glide slowly over the surface of a leaf or of the glass. It kee^js its normal position, attached by the foot-disk, but glides slowly, and with a very uniform motion, over the surface to which it is attached ; much as a snail creeps, only with a much slower movement. This power of changing place is due to the cells in the foot-disk. Watching under a microscope, this part of Hydra, when it is in motion, it will be found that the external cells throw out pseudopodial processes, which extend in the direction in which the animal is travelling ; so that Hydra can move by pseudopodia as truly as Amoeba does. In the position which Hydra so often assumes, that of complete expansion with the tentacles extended to their utmost, and forming a very large circle, its chances for getting food in the well-populated, often semi-stagnant waters in which it is so frequently found, are very great. Any luckless crustacean of small size, such as Cypris or Daphrda, that happens to strike against one of those delicate tentacles is pretty sure to be used as food by the Hydra. The tentacle against which the crus- tacean has touched, curls around him, and after a few struggles his limbs fall power- less, and he acts as though it had been paralyzed. This peculiar paralyzing or stupefying effect is caused by the action of certain sting- ing or cnidocells (also called lasso-cells), which are most abundant in the tentacles, but are also found in otlier parts of the body. Each one consists of a comparatively large body-part, from which stretch away interiorly one or more slender protojdasmic processes to con- nect with a deeper layer of the body-wall ; on the outer end of the cell is usually found a small proto- jilasmic process which jirojects into the surrounding water, but is too small to be seen with the unaided eye ; this latter process is termed a cnidocil, and probably receives and conveys stimuli from the ex- ternal objects to the cnidocell ; within tlie body of the cnidocell is the capsule, a more or less ovate structure, consisting of an outer wall which is per- fect and comj)lete, and an inner wall which is folded in upon itself at one end to form a tube, wliich for a very short distance is of some considerable diameter, and then decreases in size and forms a long, thread-like tube, coiled up in the cavity of the capsule ; within the larger, shorter part of this tube, attached to its wall, are a number of recurved hook-like processes which vary in Fig. 64 — .-), (MiiiloceUsof Tiihularia larynx; Ji, ciiidoceUs of Hydra viridis. HYDRO IDS. 75 number, shape, and position in different species ; the remainder of the cavity of the capsule is filled with a liquid very similar to, if not identical with, formic acid. Now, when any stimulus brings a cnidocell into activity, it forcibly ejects the larger part of the tube by a process of evagination or a turning of this part of the tube inside out, as one turns the finger of a glove ; this movement is quickly followed by the ejection of the smaller part of the tube in the same manner, by evagination. If the body of some animal has touched the cnidocil, then that body is pene- trated by the thread-like tube, and also possibly by a portion of the larger tube with its recurved hooks, and then the formic acid of the capsule pours into the tissues of the i»rey and produces the general paralysis above mentioned. This paralysis, of course, is not the effect of the formic acid from one capsule, but from many. Once used, the capsule is useless, as the tube cannot be withdrawn into it again. Other tentacles also close around the prey, and by their combined action it is conveyed through the mouth into the genei-al cavity; here it may be seen, with microscopic aid, to break down and go to pieces, the products of the disintegration being a fluid, evidently a nutritive one, whicli then flows to all parts of the body, and the remnants of the liard chitinous skele- ton wliich are ejected by the mouth or through an opening which may be extemporized anywhere in the wall of tlie proboscis. This form of Hydra in wliich it is unconnected with any other individual or zooid is termed the solitary condition. When tlie surroundings are favorable for its vegetative life, one usually may find one or more Hijdroi attached to the body of what appears to be a main stem or parent form. These attached or appended zooids have been produced by a process of bud- ding from the parent individual, and each one of them ultimately separates from its parent by a constriction at its base and becomes a free and independent solitary Hydra. A bud starts as a small, rounded swelling on the side of the body ; the swell- ing being hollow, and its cavity being directly continuous with the general body-cavity of the parent ; by ordinary growth it attains considerable size, and from its distal end a number of small swellings or prominences appear, wliich elongating, develojD into tentacles ; the portion of the bud anterior or distal to the tentacles becomes the pro- boscis or hypostome, and a mouth is formed in its distal end. Being structurally com- FiG. 65. — Diagrams of cnidocells; A, previous to emission of contents ; B, first stage of emission; C, filament completely extended; a, wall of capsule; h, barbed sac; c, filament. 76 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. im^ ■ n plete, it catches and digests food, and performs all its functions while still attached to its parent. After a time a constriction separates it from its parent, but tlie opening at its base never entirely closes (at least in some species), and is known as the porus abdominalis. It does not fmiction as an anus, however, and cannot be so considered. Before the first bud is set free, a second one may appear, and even a third and fourth on the parent body. Moreover, a secondary bud may appear on the body of the first bud, a tertiaiy on the body of tlie second, and a fourth on the body of the third before the first bud has become free. This is known as the compound or colonial condition. Another method of increase whicli rarely occurs in Hydra is division or fission, in which the entire animal divides into two parts, each develoj)ing .all the p.arts necessary to make it a complete Hydra. Trembloy observed this method, Rosel also witnessed it, and Marshall has seen three cases of it. In this comitry the process has been seen by Mr. T. B. Jennings, of Sjiringtield, 111. The wonderful power which Hydra possesses of reproducing lost parts was first discovered and made known by Trembley, of Geneva, in the first half of the eighteenth cen- tury. He determined that even a small piece of Hydra vulgaris possesses the power, under favorable conditions, of develo]iing into a perfect animal. His erxperiments were very varied, and many of them have been often repeated with the same results, since his day. Baker repeated nearly all of them. The most remarkable of his experiments in this line, was the turning of the hollow, cylindrical body of a Hydra inside out ; so that the inner layer which before did the digesting, now performed the functions of the cuticle, and vice versa. This experiment, which requires very skilful manipulation, has been, I believe, repeated but by one biologist. Professor Mitsukuri, of the University of Tokio, Japan. In a limited region on the body of Hydra., just below the tentacles, there appear under certain conditions, small out- growths of the body-wall which prove to be the spermarics; in them being developed the spermatozoa. Lower down on the body, in another limited zone, larger, rounded swellings are enlarged; d.tentades; c, (Jeyeloped, which are the ovaries. Just how fertilization is Dody cavity; e, ectoderm; Ji ' n, eiidoderm; m, mouth; accomplished is unknown, but the esi;g having been fertilized s, supporting lamella. ^ ' ."-^ ii i ' passes through a morula st.age in which the outer cells become prismatic, forming a definite membrane around the interior; a chitinous coat is devel- oped .about it, and then there occurs a retrograde step, as the entire embryo fuses into a simple, non-cellular mass ; within this mass a small cavity appears, the first formation of the body cavity. In this condition it remains quiescent for a time, and then the Fig. 67. — Transvt^rse section of Hiidra, greatly en- larged; letters as in fig. 66. Fig. 66. — Longitudinal sec- tion of Hi/ili-a, greatly HYDRO IDS. 11 outer shell breaking away, the embryo, still with a delicate shell around it, escajses into the water ; a cleft appears in the body-wall, which becomes the mouth ; the tentacles are developed, and the embryo bursting its thin shell, appeai-s as a young Hydra. The development of Hydra is thus seen to be simple and continuous ; there are no great or sudden changes such as occur in the life-histories of so many other animals. There are a number of so-called species of Hydra found in the United States, the most common of which are a green one known as Hydra viridis, and a light-brown one called Hydra fusca. Tlie latter often attains a much larger size than the former, and on account of its being much more translucent, is a better kind for study. They are found in slow or stagnant water, and are sometimes so very alnmdant as to form a delicate, fringe-like covering over every submerged object, in quite a large pool. Hydra has also been found once in a brackish arm of the sea in Germany, by Marshall. Having obtained a general idea of one hydroid, we may now take up the systematic arrangement of the group, considering the various sub-orders and a few of the most prominent families. Sub-Okder I. — Eleutheroblastba. This, the lowest sub-order, has for its type the genus Hydra, which has already been described at length. No other genus belonging to this group is known. This sul> order is destitute of a hardened body-envelope, and the zooids of the body, or troph- osome, are never firmly attached. Even more simple than Hydra is the peculiar genus Protoliydra found by Greef in the ocean at Ostend, Belgium. It can be best described by saying that it closely resembles Hydra, except that it entirely lacks the tentacles so prominent in that form. It reproduces by transverse fission. So little is known of the structure and growth of Protoliydra that the position which it is made to occujiy in our classification must be regarded as provisional. Sub-Okder II. — Gyiotoblastea. . All the members of this division have a Jiardened body-envelope called the perisarc, and live in colonies whifh are always attached to some foreign support. From the next division of the same rank, they are separated by never having the reproductive and nutritive portions enclosed in a chitinous capsule, and the generative zooids do not usually become free, independently developing organisms. The generative zooid, escaped from its parent, may have a medusa form, from which ultimately a large number of ova are dropped, or it may assume the condition called the actinula, an oval body floating passively about or creeping on the bottom. In those hydroids which h.ave an actinula this body develops directly, without intermediate metamorphosis, into a hydroid of the same form as that from which it sprung. In some of the gymnoblastic hydroids there are no free medusw and no actinula, i)roperly so called, but a locomotive zooid, called a sporosac, which performs the same function. The sporosac is a ciliated body, capable of active locomotion, and possessed of two tentacles. It carries in its cavity a single ovum. In many of the young gymnoblastic hydroids, the embryo leaves the mother's care as a planula, which develops directly into a hydi'oid similar to that from which it originated. "With this sub-order a new feature is introduced. In Hydra we found the nutritive and reproductive systems united in the same individual, but here we find certain por- 78 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig . GS. — Development of Eudendrium ; a, free-swimming planula; h, about to be attached; c, d^ attached; e, beginning of hydi'orhiza and hydrauth. tions of the colony set apart for the capture and digestion of food, while other portions have for their only function the perpetuation of the sjiecies. It must be remembered that the following account is a general one, and that there are many exceptions to it, some of which will be subsequently mentioned. We can best understand the structure of a colony by following it briefly in its development. From the egg there hatches out an elongated young, known as a plan- ula, which freely swims by means of the cilia ^\ith which the sur- face is covered. This finally attaches itself to some submerged ob- ject, loses its cilia and begins to develop the true liydroid condition. Around the upper (free) end appear the rudiments of the ten- tacles, while the base begins to divide up and send out processes. These latter grow and ramify in a manner strikingly like that of the roots of a tree, and produce what is teclinically known as the hydrorhiza. From this root-like portion other individuals or zooids develof), some of whicli are like the first, and from their greater or less resemblance to flowers, are called hydranths. These liydranths form the nutri- tive portions of the colony. They may be either stalked or sessile upon tlie hydrorhiza. Other zooids are also developed from the hydrorhiza or from the hydranth itself, but these never possess the tentacles and digestive organs of the hydranths, but have only reproductive functions, and are called gonangia. In these latter are devel- oped small zooids which in some cases become free, in others they never separate from the parent. These medus£e or medusa-buds develop the male and female elements (eggs and spermatozoa) which in turn produce other colonies similar to that de- scribed. Here some very interesting questions arise, the most prominent of which is wliat constitutes an individual ? From a single egg there is developed a number of zooids from which there escape quantities of medusae, which are frequently capable of feeding and of reproduction. Are each of these jelly fishes, reproductive sacs, and feeding portions to be regarded as separate individuals or as parts of one individual ? The latter is the true course ; an individual eml)races all the jiroducts of a single egg, and the name zooid is applied to the various more or less independent portions, which, whatever their form may be, arise by budding or fission, but never by a new ovarian reproduction. Tliis distinction is somewhat different from that found in tlie sponges. In a number of places in Europe and America, there has been found, besides Hydra, another hydroid, living in fresh or brackisli waters, known as Cordylophora lacustris. It is a compound form, attaining a length of two inches in good s]iecimens, and is usually attached to some water-weed or to the stones in the bottom of a stream. I have seen it flourishing in a stream where the current is very swift. Again it has been HYDROIDS. 79 Fig. 69. — Cordijlophora Uicusfrls. found in an old well. These two, Hydra and Cordylophora^ are the only hydroids known to live in fresh-water. A third, imperfectly known form, allied to Cordijlo- jyhora, has been described by Professor Cope, from a lake in Oregon. In the oceans, hydroids are very abundant, and there are at least several hundred species. All of them may be arranged in a few groups, most of which are represented on our shores. Our first example of the marine forms will be Clava lejytostyla, a beautiful reddish species which occurs on our coast from Long Island Sound northward. Its most common habitat is at or near low water mark, attached to the rock- weed (jFucks), where it forms colonies consisting of numerous individuals attached to a common rhizome or branching base. It is about a half of an inch in length, and the " head " bears from fifteen to thirty irregularly arranged slender tentacles. Beneath the tentacles, at the breeding season, the small reproduc- tive buds are arranged in groups as shown in the figure. The re2:(roduction is essentially like that of the next species. One of the most common forms found in shal- low water (one to twenty fathoms) frouiVincyard Sound n(_)rthward, is known as Eudendrium dispcir. It grows in colonies from two to nearly four inches in length, and the jiarts of the colony which correspond in appearance to the stems and branches of a plant are dark-brown or black. At the tip of each branch and branchlet is a hydra-like animal, or zooid, which is directly connected with every other one in the colony, for the whole colony is strictly comjiarable with a much-budded Hydra grown to an equal height, and the general cavity of the body is con- tinuous through all the stems and branches into every zooid. When taken out of the water, however, Eudendriam retains its shape, which Hydra cannot do. This stability or rigidity is due to the existence of a nearly complete coat or covering of horny material, chitin, which is secreted by the animal, and which extends over all the colony, with the exception of the zooids ; they remain unprotected. During the summer months two kinds of Eudendrium may be found along the New Eng- land coast, which are exactly alike in the characters given, but differ in color, one having white zooids, the other yellow. A little careful examination will show that upon the bodies of the white zooids are a series of structures arranged in a circle just beneath the tentacles ; each one of these is in shape like a short string of beads, which are supposed to be male organs, showing that the white colonies are male. The yellow ones are colored by a number of simple bud-like processes which are irregularly scattered on the body of the zooids ; they are the female reproductive organs or ovaries. In Eudendrium then, the sexes are in different colonies. An egg having been fertil- FiG. TO. — Clava leptostijla, enlarged ; a, b, c, d, me- dusa buds. 80 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. ized, passes through the process of segmentation, a cavity appears within it, then it assumes an elongated form, possesses a double wall about the central cavity, develojjs cilia upon the outer surface, and breaking tlirougli the containing wall, escapes into the water where it leads a free life for a brief time (see Fig. 67). Before long it enlarges at one end, settles down, becomes attached by its larger end, loses its cilia, and proceeds to develop a new colony of Eudendrium in the following way : It en- larges at its free or distal end, and around this enlargement appear a number of smaller swellings which develoji into a wreath of ten- tacles ; a mouth forms in the extremity of the proboscis and a layer of chitin is secreted around the body. Then by the simple pro- cesses of growth, combined with budding, a new colony is formed quite like the one from which the germ came. ' In this case the medusa buds do not develop into free-swimming jelly-fishes, but discharge their reproductive elements without leaving the parent colony. Parypha crocea, a beautiful hydroid of a bright red or salmon Fig. n.~Eudaidrium color, is very common along the whole New England coast, while ma?e"^'cotony with a closely related, if not identical species, extends southward as far me usoi u s. ^^ South Carolina. It attains a length, in favored localities, of five or six inches, and grows in great luxuriance on the piles of wharves or bridges, especially where the water is slightly brackish. The outer or lower circle of tentacles are long, and just within them arise the medusae buds resembling clusters of small, bright-red grapes. In each colony the sexes arc distinct, and in these buds the eggs or spermatozoa are developed. The young escape in the actinula condition, and creeji about, finally attaching themselves, and then by budding and branch- ing, large colonies are formed, which in turn jjroduce medusa buds, thus completing the life cycle. Another common form on our Atlantic coast from South Carolina to the Gulf of Maine, is Pennaria tiarella. It grows in colonies equal in size or a little larger than those of Eudendrium, and is found at- tached to rocks and eel gi-ass, and often to floating algae. The zooids are usually a roseate color, and the species is remarkable for its beauty. In general structure Pennaria is like Eudendrium, but differs in hav- ing, in addition to the one row of large tentacles, a number of smaller capitate tentacles, arranged, more or less definitely in two circles near the anterior end of the proboscis ; it also differs in its mode of branch- ing, and in its method of reproduction. In the summer months there may be found growing out of the lower part of the proboscis, one or more oval bodies which finally develop a deep bell-shaped body with a considerable opening at the free end, about which are a number of rudi- mentary tentacles ; within the cavity of the bell-shaped zooid is a pro- cess corresponding in shape and position with the clapper of a bell, it is in fact the proboscis, and at its free end is the mouth. By means of a sort of gullet or oesophagus passing through the proboscis, the mouth communicates with the central digestive cavity located at the base of the pro- }:)oscis in the upper part of the umbrella ; from this central cavity four ducts at four Fig. 72. —Pari/jtlin crocea, natural size. 11 MM ■^ tiff W»'^ -^ Tubularia indivisa, tubulariau hydroid. HYDRO IBS. 81 . equidistant points stretch away to the rim of tlie bell, where they are all connected by a tube passing around the rim. By means of these gastrovascular canals nutritive mat- ter from the stomach is carried all over the body. Stretching partly across the open- ing into the bell, is a thin, centrally-perforated membrane called the velum or veil. After one of these medusas has been completely developed on the proboscis of the hydroid of Pennaria, it is freed from the proboscis by a constriction which cuts in two the small peduncle by which it had been attached, and the medusa floats away free in the water. It is not left to the mercy of currents, however, but is provided with a rather peculiar locomotor apparatus. The cavity of the bell being filled with water, its mus- cular walls are powerfully contracted, and the water being ejected from the oj^ening in the velum, the medusa is forced through the water in the opiiosite direction ; then expanding its bell by other muscles, it is ready to contract again and send itself still farther on its waJ^ The tentacles and outer surface of the medusa are well supplied with cnidocells with which they defend themselves and kill their prey in the same manner as Hydra, and as the zooids in the hydroid colony. The medusas are sexual zooids, the sexes being separate, and in the case of Pennaria, the male and female elements are developed within the walls of the proboscis. From a fertilized egg a planula is developed, which in turn gives rise to a hydroid colony of the Pennaria kind. The life-cycle is thus more comj^licated than in Eudendritmi by the introduc- tion of the medusa stage. The length of an average Pennaria medusa is about one- sixteenth of an inch. Objects of more exquisite beauty than some of these hydroid-medusag do not per- haps exist. Each minute crystal chalice with its beautifully cur\'ed outline, elongated, delicate tentacles gently coiling and uncoiling, and its slender proboscis which hangs like a lamp in its centre, lighting it M'ith a soft phosphorescent glow as it swims with most perfect grace at the surface of the ocean, is the very type of delicate beauty, suggesting the won- ders of fairy-land. The dredge frequently lirings up delicate pink or flesh-colored hydroids consisting of single stems, each supporting a single hydranth. This hydranth bears two sets of arms, those around the free end of the proboscis being much shorter than those nearer the base. This form w-as called by Agassiz Corymorpha pendula. It lives with the base imbedded in the mud, and grows to a length of four inches. The investing envelope is very soft, and the animal is able to greatly modify the shape of the stalk and pro- boscis. The medusa buds never become free-swimming jelly-fishes, while the hydroid stem always bears a single head or hydranth, a fact which led Allnian to refer it to the genus 3Ionocaulis. The genus Tahularia and the closely allied Thamnocnidia, are represented on our coasts by several species. The hydranths are borne on slender stems, and form col- onies reaching sometimes a height of eight or ten inches. Under a low power of the microscope, the beauties of the animals stand revealed, far exceeding the power of any pen to describe or brush to paint. The hydranth is surrounded with two circles of tentacles, and from between the lower ones the reproductive zooids hang down like bunches of grapes, or they cluster around the proboscis inside the outer circle of ten- tacles, so that it requires no very vivid imagination to imagine the whole a delicate fruit-dish filled with the most beautiful fruit. From these raceme-like clusters the vor,. I. — 6 ' Monocaidistpen- dula, natural size. LOWER INVERTEBRATES. young come forth in an netiimla condition, presenting distant resemblances to a jelly- fisli. The body is long and surrounded by a single circle of tentacles. This larva soon becomes attached and then develops into a form like the parent. Many of the small s])iral shells found in the shallow salt-water just below the water's edge, ai-e found to be inhabited by hermit crabs, which travel about very actively by protruding their legs from the apertm'e of the shell. On the backs of many of these shells is what appears to the eye, a white, delicate, mossy growtli, covering most all of the shell, excepting that jjart which drags on the bottom as the crab travels. Under the microscope, this mossy growth proves to be a colony of very beautiful hydroids named Ilydractinia. They live in colonies, but in- stead of forming a colony by branching in the ordinary way, the hydrorhiza, or part which attaches the colony, spreads out farther and farther, and sends uj) more and more buds, each one of which becomes a zooid, but which does not bud and is not covered by chitin. The hydro- rhiza is covered by a layer of chitin, and at irregular intervals the chitin is developed into a large projecting spine. The zooids are very contractile, and when withdrawn to their utmost, the hard chitinous spines pro- ject slightly beyond and protect them. Examining carefully the zooids of IL/dractinia it is found that there are the ordinary feed- ing zooids, the reproductive zooids, male and female, and a third kind which are destitute of true tentacles, have very slender, much elongated bodies, and are powerfully armed with strong batteries of cnidocells with which they perform their duty of protecting the colony. From a fertilized egg of Ilydractinia is developed a planula, which in time gives rise to a JL/dract'nua colony. There are a large number of jelly-fishes known, which, from their structure, are classed among the Gymnoblastea, although nothing is known of their attached hydroid condition, or even if they pass through such a stage. Fig. 74. — Hydractinia et'AiKaia, enlarged; a, nutritive, b, female reproductive zooids. I ^ 5" ri § Q ^ O HYDROIDS. 83 In the form known as Lizzia, it is the jelly-iish itself that produces the medusa buds. In our iigure, which represents the young of X. octopunctata, may be seen younger jelly-fishes budding from tlie sides of the i^roboscis of the parent, and frequently in life, one can see still younger buds in these embryos before they free themselves from the parent. When arrived at a moderate size, these buds begin tlieir contractions and struggles which finally end in their breaking- loose from the parent, and the be- ginning of life on their own account. With age and increasing size, the tentacles grow nuich longer, those arising ojiposite the radial canals being in bunches of five, while those at the intermediate points are in thi'ees, so that there are thirty-two in all. Here also belongs the genus Stomatoca, with its two long, marginal tentacles. In confinement our >S'. apicata seems to prefer the bottom of the aquarium, and but rarclj- comes to the surface. Fig. 75. —Lizzia octopunctata, youug. Sub-Okdek III. — Calyptoblastea. Nearly all the many species of Hydroids on the American coast which have bell- shaped hydrotheca;, belong to the large family Cajipaxulaeidj:. One of the finest representatives in American waters of this family of hydroids is Obelia longissima. It lives in shallow water, and down to a depth of about twenty fathoms, from Lontf Island Sound to the Bay of Fundy. The colonies are often quite large, measuring eight to twelve inches in length, and are of great beauty; at the tip of each stem and branch is developed a zooid, and about the zooid is a cup of chitin, called hydrotheca, into which the zooid may nearly or completely retract itself, and out of wliich it may stretch and unfurl its single wreath of tentacles ; the rim of the hydrotheca is cut into a number — twelve to si.vteen blunt teeth ; the proboscis is very large and very mobile, constantly changing shape. In the axils of the branches are developed other chitinous cujis (gonotheca?) larger and alwajs of a different shape from the hydrothec.T, in each of which there is a long, simple zooid, destitute of mouth and tentacles (a blastostyle) ; on its sides are produced small buds, from eighteen to twenty-four, which develop into medusse. They are found escaping from the gono- theca; from April to June. These medusaj are sexual, and bear either male or female elements along the radial canals ; each fertilized egg develops into a ciliated planula, and this gives rise to a col- ony of Obelia longissima. One finds certain points of difference between this medusa and that of Pennaria. The contracting wall which subserves the function of locomo- tion is not bell-shaped, but is nearly a flat disk, and tentacles exist all round the edge of the disk, there being from twenty to thirty, while the medusa of Pennaria has only 84 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. four rudimentary ones. On the edge of the disk, at equidistant points, are a number of globular bodies containing a cavity in which is a bristly ridge, and which is nearly filled with a clear liquid, in which are a few small calcareous particles that strike against the bristles when any disturbance in the water outside sets the liquid of the sac in motion. These are known as otocysts, and are supposed to be auditory organs. The medusre of Obella longissima are very minute, measuring only one-sixtieth of au inch across the disk, and one-fortieth across the outstretched tentacles. Fig. 70. — Canipanularian hydroid; ((, 6, hydranths; c, liydrorliiza; /, gonangiuni; jy, medusa. A less conspicuous but very beautiful hydroid of special interest, and belonging to the same family as Ohelia, is represented by several s]iecies on the New England coast. They belong to the genus Gonotliyrea., and, at a hasty glance, look like dimin- utive or young specimens of Ohelia. In height tliey do not exceed an inch and a half or two inches ; the hydrothecse in the most common species, G. hycdina, are long, of very thin texture, and the rim is cut into numerous shallow teeth of castellated form. The gonothecse spring from the axils of the branches, and contain a blastostyle upon which are formed a number of buds that develop in regular sequence from above downward ; when the uppermost one is fully grown, it pushes out of the toji of the HYDROIDS. 85 gonotheca, but still remains attached to the blastostyle by a slender peduncle ; this zooid is now seen to be sexual, and contains within the walls of its proboscis, the sexual elements ; the outline is nearly S])herical, being cut off at the farther end where there is an opening into the cavity of the zooid ; about this opening is a wreath of ten- tacles, and pendent in the cavity of the bell is a proboscis destitute of a mouth ; the cavity of the blastostyle is directly contin- uous with a central cavity in tliis meconidiuni, as this kind of zooid is termed, and from this central cavity four radial canals pass out to four equidistant points on the edge or rim of the bell, where they all join a cir- cular canal ; these meconidia never be- come free, but after discharging their contents, they die and disintegrate. The fertilized eggs develop into cii ated planulse which finally form col- onies of Gonothyrea hi/alina. These meconidfe which are evi- dently medus£B that never become fi'ce, are of great interest, being, in all probability, degenerate forms. Another large family, the Sertu- LAEiD.E, belonging to this same group, is represented in America by a beauti- ful species, Sertularia argentea., so- called from its light silvery color. The colonies are often a foot in height, and the shoots usually grow in clusters; the branches ha\-e a subverticillate ar- rangement, giving the colony an arbor- escent a]ipearance. If a small ]iortion of a colony be examined with a magni- fier one discovers very peculiar hydro- theca', which are very differently ar- r;niged from any described above ; they are nearly tubular, somewhat narrowed at the toj), with jjointed lips, and are either free or set into the sides of the stems and branches. Fjg. 77. — Gonotheca witb mecoiiidiaof GoiiQth;irca ; h, blasto- style; (f, gonophores in various stages of development; (?, meconidia; m, ovuui; o, embryos. 86 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. The gonothecsB are developed on the branches and are elongated, somewhat nrii- shaped, aperture central, termii.al with usually two, occasionally one long horn at the anterior end. The eggs are partly devel- oped within the gonotheca, and then pass into a sac which projects from the orifice of the gonophore, where they finally be- come planula; ; these after living a free life become attached and form a new col- ony. Sertularia argentea is found from the New Jersey coast to the Arctic Ocean from low-water mark to a depth of over one hundred fathoms. It is very widely distributed, being found on both sides of the Atlantic and on the Pacific shore of the United States. Like many other Hydroids it is often col- lected as sea-moss and is not infrequently seen at the florists for decorative purposes. Another very common species of Sertularia is /S'. pumila, a very much smaller liydroid, not over one inch and a half long, and often found in abun- dance on the common Fucus or d:irk brown rock-weed. The liydro- thecaj are opposite one another on the stem, giv- ing it a compactness of structure and regularity of outline not The colonies _^^^^^ possessed by S. argentea. ^^*^°'^-'* are sexually perfect from May to Sep- tember on the New England coast. 1 lie method of reproduction is very similar to that of 8. argentea. A third large family corajsrises the feathery forms known as the Plumixarid.e. They are represented on the New England coast by Plumularia tenella, Plmmdaria verrillii, and Aglaophenia arborea ; the last species was described by Desor in 1848, and has, I believe, never been found since. Other species of Aglaophenia and Plum- ularia ai'e found on the Carolina coast, and still others in the Californian waters. Perhaps the most elegant in apjicarance of all the American hydroids is the ostrich jilume of our Pacific coast, AglaoplLenia struthionidcs. It varies much in size and color, but always retains the appearance of a diminutive ostrich feather. Microscopic study shows that the hydrotheca^ are arranged in a single row on one side of each branch or pinna, and that tlie branch is divided into very short joints, one to each hydrotheca. Each hydrotheca has its rim ornamented with a number of sharjily Fig. 79. — A frag- ment of Sertu- hiria. enlarged, showing the cups or liydrotheca. HTDROIDS. 1. Pennaria tiarella. 2. P. tiarella, enlarged. 3. AgJaophenia stmthionides. 4. Eudendrium dispar, male, enlarged. HYDROIDS. 87 ^a k M .^r 'V pointed teeth, and three minute tubular processes are disposed about its mouth, one on each side and one on the outer or anterior surface. These processes are termed iicmatophores, are tilled with processes of the body substance, and in structure and dcvelojiment are believed by Ilaniann to give evidence of being degenerate zooids. Certain of the branches or piinnai are at times replaced by cylindrical struc- tures which are covered with rows of nematophores, and are the cups or baskets in whifh the generative zooids are devel- oped ; they are termed corbul;i>, and in some genera are mcta- morjihosed branches, while in others they are modified jiinna'. A pinna is smaller than a branch, and differs from it in the character of the zooids formed upon it. The egg develoj)S into a planula, which becoming attached forms a new hydroid colony. These three great families, represented here by the genera Sertularia, Obelia, GonotJq/rect., and Aglaoplienia., are all mem- bers of a sub-order of hydroids distinguished by having the hydranths surrounded by chitinous cu2)s, and the jsossession rvg^-i of longitudinal ridges in the body ca\ity. This group lias ^ (\^ been variously termed Thecata l)y Ilincks, Calyptoblastea by Allman, and Intajniolata by Ilamann. As among the Gymnoblastea, we find here medusa? which agree in structure with those which are undoubtedly calyptu- blastic, but of whose early development we know nothing. We can mention but one example. One of our larger jell)-- fishes is Zijgodactijla [/roidandica, which sometimes acquires a diameter of even eleven inches. In color it is a light violet, with numerous brownish reproductive organs. The numerous tentacles which fringe the margin of the umbrella lianu' down a yard or more when fully extended. Concerning the habits of these animals Mrs. Agassiz has written: — "The motion of these jelly-fishes is very slow and sluggish. Like all of their kind, they move by the alternate dilation and contraction of the disk, but in the Zygodactijla these undulations have a certain graceful indolence, very unlike the more r a p id mo v e- ments of many of the medus;i='. It often remains quite motionless for a long time and then, if you try to excite it by disturbing the water in the tank, or by touching it, it heaves a slow, lazy sigh, with the whole FIG. SI. - z,„io,i„riiiia iironiamuca. ''O'l}' '"'si'iS slowly as it docs SO, and then rela])ses into its former inactivity. In- deed, one cannot hel]i being reminded, when watching the v.ariety in the motions of the different kinds of jelly-fishes, of the difference in temperament in human beings. '^a/- iiif Zijdoihtrtijla (jronlandlca. Fia.80. — Co^bulaof. iy^ JELLY-FISHES. 91 The body of Aurelia, like that of Ci/anea, is disk-shaped, but has a creamy-white color. There are in this genus as in the last, eight marginal sense-bodies, each covered by a hood to which i-eference has already been made. A great difference between the two genera is in the development of the aj)peiidages to the oral side of the body, and instead of there being eight clusters or bundles of tentacles as in Ci/anea, there is in Anrelia a simple continuous circle of short filaments set around the disk-margin. Tlie tentacles are relatively much smaller than those of Cijanea. One of the most important characteristics of Aurelia is to be found in the structure of the moutli and oral appendages. Instead of a curtain hanging down from the middle of the disk, the mouth of Aurelia is formed in the following manner. From the central region of the oral surface of the disk the oral appendages are suspended by four gelatinous pillars. Between each pair of these pillars there is a circular opening which communicates with a central cavity in which the sexual organs lie. Below the sexual openings the pillars fuse, forming a gelatinous ring surrounding the mouth and serving as a basis of attachment for certain organs, developments of the lips, called the oral tentacles. These oral tentacles are four in munber, and are commonly carried extended radially from a central mouth-oiiening. Each oral tentacle has no resemblance to a m.arginal tentacle such as is found on the edge of the disk in Ci/anea or Aurelia, but is short and thick, smooth above, and bearing on its under side a deep groove which extends the whole length of tlie oral arm from its distal tip to the central mouth. On the ridges which enclose this groove are found at intervals peculiar, small, suctatorial mouths. The entrance to the stomach or the large mouth in Aurelia is centrally placed on the oral side of the disk, and communicates directly with a disk-sha]ied cavity, the stomach, which lies directly above it. The lower floor of the stomach is formed by the oral surface of the bell, a muscular layer, from which the four cylindrical bodies wliich support the oral gelatinous ring are suspended. The roof of the stomach, or the gelatinous wall of the bell, IS continued just above the mouth into a pyramidal jolly-liko projection, which, however, does not protrude outside the mouth-opening. The marginal sense-bodies of Aurelia are accompanied on either side by a gelatinous extension or lappet Avhicli extends outward and hangs slightly do\^•nward. On the .aboral surface of the Ijell, in the neigliborhood of the hood which covers the sense-body, there is a raised circular area of doubtful function which is not found in the vicinity of the sense-organs in Cijanea. This disk is called the siimespolster, and is, as its name signifies, probably an organ of sensation. Of the many extraordinary genera of Discophoi-ous medusa', one of the most peculiar is the genus Cassiopea, especi.ally a species called C.fromlosa found about the Florida Keys. This we may consider as the type of the family Cassiopeid^. Apart from its curious habitat, being attached to the coral mud as has been mentioned above, it is remarkable in the peculiar arrangement of the complicated oral ap]5endnges which, although differing greatly from similar organs in the two genera already mentioned, are typical of several of genera belonging to the same great group. Cas&iopea frondosa is found lying upon its aboral surface on the nuid near coral islands in Florida and elsewhere in tropical seas. As one floats in a boat over these curious jelly-fishes, they look very similar to an algous growth on the sea-bottom, and are easily confounded with some of the forms of corallines which abound on the neigh- boring sheltered submarine banks. If, however, the medusa be closely scanned, it will be found to move portions of its body voluntarilj-, and a throbbing or vibration, espec- 92 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. i.ally of the edges of its disk, can be plainly seen. Although fastened to the ground, it still keeps up a flapping motion of its bell ])robably for purposes of breathing, just as is the case with free-swimming animals of closely allied genera. One of the functions of the marginal tentacles of the Discophora is the capture of the food. Tiie)' wind themselves about their i>rey, sting it to death, and then, by con- traction, draw it to the mouth. lu a medusa which is fastened to the ground, tentacles would seem to be necessary if the food was large and capable of movement. The con- struction of the mouth of Cassiojxa shows that its food is of very small size. The medusa feeds upon the animal and plant life which drifts past it, or which is caused to move o\'er it by the slow flapping of the bell margin. It is therefore evident that ten- tacles would be of little service to an animal with this mode of life, and accordingly we find its bell margin is wholly destitute of those filaments called tentacles, which form such a prominent feature in the adults of Cyanea^ Aurelia, and several other genera. Throughout the animal world there are several examples which might be cited of animals which uj)on becoming attached to the ground, after a free larval existence, having no use for well-developed sense organs, lose the same or suffer a degenei'ation in their complication. This can well be illustrated in the development of some well- known genera of Ascidians, where the free larva has higher affinities throughout than the adult, and where a highly-developed organ of sense is formed in a larva to be lost in the fully-grown animal. The organs of sensation on the margin of the bell in Cas- siopea are, however, as highly developed as in any of its relatives which swim freely in the water. Abnormal as its mode of life is, the otocysts, or organs of sensation, found on the rim of the bell, have not disappeared, neither has their number diminished. In Casstopea there are sixteen of these bodies in normal specimens, and we also often find monstrosities by which this number is increased to eighteen. Professor Agassiz found twehe of these structures in Folyclonia, a closely related or identical genus. The structure of the mouth of Cassiopea is somewhat as follows : In the centre of the oral surface of the bell there is a gelatinous cylinder in which there is a central cavity, but no external opening, in a position which corresponds to the mouth of other Discophora. On the side of this cylinder, however, there are openings, four in num- ber, leading into as many cavities partitioned by a thin membrane from the main cavity in which the sexual products are formed, and perhaj)S through which they pass when mature. From the oral cylinder there arise eight long arms which are commonly extended at right angles to the cylinder jiarallel with the lower floor or aboral side of the bell. Their ti])s extend a little beyond the bell margin, while the side adjoining the bell is smooth. Each appendage is branched, and from its aboral surface there is formed a great number of curious a])peudages of various functions. Two kinds of ajipendages can be recognized. The former are simply little feeding mouths sur- rounded by a circle of tentacles and resembling little Ilydne. Of these there are a large number on the oral a])pendages, and each and all open into a system of vessels which i)ass through the a]i])endages, and tiltimately ]wur their contents into the cen- tral ca\ity of the oral cjlindei-. All of these Hydrm together make up the mouth of the medusa, for they are the orifices through which food is taken into the stomach. The second prominent appendages to the oral arms are small, flask-shajied, and o\()i(l bodies, Avith a central cavity which oi>ens into the vessels jiaissing through the arms. Tliey are, however, without an opening into the external water, and their true func- tion is not yet definitely known. A most interesting family, the Pelagid,k, is rejiresented in our waters by two genera called Pdagia and Dactylometra. In Pelagia we have a si^herical-shajied JELLY-FISHES. 93 medusa of pinkish color and eight marginal sense bodies, alternating with as many ten- tacles on the bell margin. From the under side of the bell the oral appendages hang far outside of the bell cavity, resembling in many particulars the oral tentacles of the fcnus Aurelia. Pelagia is not a large medusa, and is very remarkable in its develop- ment, as will be explained more at length later in our account of this part of the subject. Dactylometra is closely allied to Pelagia., but has a larger number of tentacles around the bell rim. The sense body of both these genera diffei'S in important particulars from those of the families already described. Fig. 85. — Dactylometra quluquecirra. Fig. so. — Pelagia cijanella. The aberrant families of the Discophora are among the most wonderful of this group. A mention of a few of these may not be without interest. One of the most abundant medusre at times in the neighborliood of the Florida Keys is a Discophore, called by naturalists Linerges, and known to fishermen there as the " thimble-fish," " mut- ton-fish thimble," and by similar designations. Under proper conditions the number of individu.als of this strange genus is very great, and they may be often seen extending in the water in long lines, where they are thrown by the tide-eddies and ocean currents. The popular name of thimble-fish designates exactly the form which these medusm assume. The bell is not unlike in size and shape a common thimble, differing consid- erably in this respect from that of tlie other jellj-fishes of the Disco] ihorous type. The bell has a brownish color on its lower floor, and its walls have a bluish tinge. Around the bell margin there are si.xteen marginal lappets or rounded lobes, between which, alternating with each other, there are eight rudimentary tentacles, and the same num- ber of marginal sense bodies. Each sense body is covered by a gelatinous extension of 94 L 0 WER IN VER TERRA TES. Fig. 87. — Linetyes mtrcuvlus, Ihiuible tish. the bell walls of such a form that wlieii looked at above, it seems more like a cyst sur- rouiiiling it than a hood serving as its cover. From the inner walls of the bell, hanging into the bell cavity, there are placed sixteen dark-brown pigmented bags which lie in a cii'cle with a radius about one-third of that of the bell. Although the function of these bodies is unknown, it may be predicted that they will be found to serve as receptacles for the elaborated food eaten by the medusa. Tlie stomach of Linenjes is very simple in its structure and never hangs outside of the cavity enclosed liy the bell walls. "While the jelly-fish is in the act of swimming, the marginal bell lappets are commonly folded inward, forming a notched veil which distantly resembles the so-called velum of the liydroid medusa. At one time in the liis- tory of the nomenclature of the jelly-fishes, the presence or absence of a veil was used in designating the two great groups into which the meduste were divided. The term Craspedota refers to those in which a well-marked velum is found, the Acraspeda where the same is absent. Tlie Hjdroidea and Siphonoj)liora are craspedote, the Dis- cophora are supposed to be destitute of a veil, and are therefore acraspedote. Of the many aberrant families of the Discophora, none differ more widely from the genera which we have already considered, than that of the Lijcernarid^, or Galycozoa as they are sometimes called. In Lucernaria, the best known genus of this family, we have a trumpet-shaped animal of comparatively small size, which is attached by the smaller end, but has the enlarged extremity free. The free end has a disk-shaped form, and in the centre there is an oj)ening into the body cavity which is the stomach. Around the edge of the disk there are arranged at intervals eight bundles of short tentacles or tentacular bodies of doubtful function. Tlie body walls of one of our common species has a greenish color. Several theories of the relationship between the Lucernaridie and the other Discophora have been suggested, and their relations to this group are not recognized by all naturalists. Of these theories there are two which seem to the writer the nearest approximations to truth in regard to the affinities of the family. Several naturalists, considering the attached mode of life of Lucernaria, but 7nore especially its anatomy and what little is known of its development, have supposed that Lucernaria is in reality an adult in an arrested form or stage of development, and that its nearest ally must be looked for in the young of other Disco- phores. The young of many genera pass through a condition in the progress of its development when it is attached to the ground, and the allies of Lucernaria are by many naturalists recognized in these forms. A second interpretation, suggested by E. Haeckel, has even more plausibility tlian that already mentioned. It has this in its favor, that it refers the Lucernaria to the adult and not to the young of another genus. A beautiful medusa was found by A. Agassiz and by the Fish Commission in the Gulf Stream, and has been referred to a genus long ago described under the name Periphylla. Periphylla is in fact a type of a family called the Peeiphyllid^, and is in many respects one of the most aberrant of the many genera which make up the Discophora. Fig. 88. — iuccr- 7iaria auricultx. JELLY-FISHES. 95 The resemblances between Luceriiarla and Periphylla are for the most part anatomical in character, and so little is known of the development of both that there is little j)ossibility of a comparison in this particular. The comjjarison, step by step, of the many likenesses between the two genera would take us too far into special studies of the peculiar anatomy of them both, but these points of likeness are of a most important character, and show that, notwithstanding one form is attached and tlie other free, they may be closely allied to each other. The character of the development, and the different larval conditions which the Disco])hora pass through in that growth, present some of the most interesting facts in regard to these animals. In the progress of research into the anatomy and classifi- cation of the lower forms of animals three curious zoophytes, placed in three genera, had been described by different naturalists. These genera were called Scyphistoma or Scyphostoma, Strobila, and Ephyra. It was suspected that they were not adults, but in the early days of the history of marine zoology no one had any idea that these animals had close relationships with one another. Tlie first and most important step in a true understanding of the nature of the larvie of the medusie was made by Michael Sars, by whom it was found that these three genera were one and the same, and Steenstrup, shortly after, recognized that there exists in the medusis a true alterna- tion of development such as the poet Ciiamisso had ]winted out is found in the forms of the Ascidian genus tialpa., known as the " chain form," and the solitary or asexual individual. In late summer and autumn sjieciinens of Cyaiiea of large size are often taken in which the membranous fold which hangs downward from the oral region of the disk is loaded with white j^ackets or bundles. These bundles are composed of ova, and if they are examined with a microscope of even low magnifying power will be found to have already entered upon the first steps in their development. In other words the genus Cyanea carries its young about and protects them in the folds of the mouth, from the very youngest to some of the higher larval conditions. The highest con- dition wliich it has in its career in the mouth-folds of the jiarent is what is known as a planula. The planula is an elongated, spheroidal body whose walls are formed of two or perhaps three layers, within which is a small cavity, and whose outer surface is covered with vibratile cilia. The function of the vibratile cilia is that of progression through the water, and, as a consequence, immediately on attaining this condition it swims away from the fostering care of the parent, and shifts for itself in the water. In this free-swimming or planula stage it remains until, freighted by the weight of increased age, it can no longer swim through the water by the ciliary movements. When that age comes in the progressive growth of the Cyanea, the embryo, which was formerly spheroidal in shape with symmetrical poles, becomes jiear-shaped, presenting an obtuse and a pointed j)ole which can easily be distinguished. The larva next attaches itself by one of these poles to some fixed object, and the two following stages in its growth are passed through in that condition. Immediately after attachment there forms at the free end of the body a circle of little protuberances which, as the growth goes on, become more and more elongated, while in the centre of the circle, in the peri]jhery of which they lie, an opening is found leading into a cavity in the interior of the body. The resemblance of the young animal, in this first of the attached forms, to the common fresh-water /iyc/A/, which has been described, is very striking. Tlie larva was one of those three supposed genera mentioned above which were fonnerly thought to be widely different from any of the 96 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 89. — Scypliistoma of Aurtlia Jfavhlnla. Discophoi-a. It was then called Scypliistoma or Scyphostoma, ami, notwithstanding we now recognize that it is j^art of the life history of the young of another genus, it is convenient to retain the name as char- acteristic of the first of the attached larvae of these animals. The Scyiihistoma larva of Atirelia, for the following larva has not been observed in our Cyanea, although there is no doubt that its development is identical witli tliat of Aurelia, is followed by one called the Strobila, which like the former is still attached to some fixed object. In the growth of the Scyphistoma, that part of the free end of the lar\a situated inside the circle of tentacles, and in which the mouth lies, gradually rises liigher and higher, forming an elongated cylinder of great relative size as compared with that of the original body of the Scyphistoma, which lies at its base, and upon which it is borne. There next forms on the outer wall of this cj'linder a number of parallel constrictions which encircle the body of the cylinder in waving lines. These constrictions become deeper as the larva gets older, imparting to it a remote likeness, as Professor Agassiz has pointed out, to a " pile of saucers " resting below on the remnant of the Scyphistoma body and increasing gradually in size from the lowest member to the saucer which caps the pile. The next change in the progress of the development of Aitrelia, after the Strobila just mentioned, is one in which the attached condition is abandoned and a free locomotor larva again adopted. This condition, for a reason identical with that mentioned with regard to the Scyphistoma, may be called the Ephyra, and more closely ajiproaches that assumed by tlie adult than any of the others. Tlio whole fixed Strobila, however, does not break from its attacliment and swim away as an Ephyra, but fragments of the same, or individual saucers which compose the pile, in consecutive order one by one drop from their attachment and swim away as perfect little Ejihyra'. The cycle is now complete, and although the Ephyra differs greatly in form from the adult, yet still tliere are few important additions, and no departure from a direct growth in passing from one into the other. By reviewing the history which has just been considered it will be seen that in two of the intermediate larval conditions, known technically as the Scyphistoma and Strobila, between the egg and the parent, we have a wide departure from the adult in mode of life as well as external shape. "We have seen also that the Scyphistoma does not pass directly as a whole into the Ephyra, but that it divides into fragments, each of which becomes a perfect adult. From one Strobila a number of Ephyra3 are produced without any conjugation of sexes in the attached animal. From this latter fact the mode of reproduction is said to be asexual and the Strobila an asexual individual. Gathering together the whole history of the develo]iment into one chain we find it presents this remarkable circumstance. Between the egg and the female Discophore from which it came there is an asexual, sessile larva which multijilies in an asexual way by simple division, thus producing from one egg a numerous progeny, each of which Fig. 00. - Strobilia of Aurelia Jfai'Ulula. JELLY-FISHES. 97 has no known differences from the parents which j^rodnced the egg or spermatozoon. The principle is a wide-spread one in the animal kingdom, and is known as the alternation of generation. It is evident that the Scyphistoma and Strobila, more especially the latter, have a wide difference in shape from the form of the adnlt Cyanea. They develop directly from the egg and are asexual, while the adults -which are developed from them are sexual. Sexual animals produce ova which de- velop into Strobila? as before. Here then is an alternation of sexual with asexual forms of the same animal, and the technical name of the anomalous development is " Alternation of Gen- erations," nowhere better illustrated than in the Hydroidea and Discophora. The develoiiment of the ovum of Ciianea into x, , „, r, , , , ,■.,■,, the adult by a process of alternate generation, in which intermediate larvje are fixed to some foreign body and reproduce the adult by self-division, is not found in all the Discophora. As this method of growth may be said to be indirect in character, another, called the direct from the absence of these intermediate asexual conditions, also exists. In a direct development among the discophorous medusas we have simply a continuous growth from the egg to the adult. One egg produces only one adult. Such a development takes place in Pehujia and one or two related senera. Class III. — SIPIIONOPHORA. Among the most beautiful of all the raedusaa is the group called the Siphonophora, the tube-like jelly-fishes. These animals are all marine and free swimming, and although they often have a hydroid-like shape, which resemblance becomes more marked when we study their anatomy, they are never attached to tlie ground as are the mem- bers of the Hydroidea. They are found in all oceans, although the tropics seem to be richest in the variety of these animals, and those from the Mediterranean have up to the ])resent time been the most carefully studied and described. As their name signifies, the Siphonojihora are characterized by a tube-like body, which is generally so nuich elongated that it takes the form of a small axis or stem. Although thei-e are. several genera in the group where the body does not assume a tubular form (of which one of the most common is Physalia), a tubular liody seems as a rule characteristic of the group. The relationships of the Si]5honophora to other meduste have been variously inter- preted by different authors. By the majority they are regarded as comparable to the Hydi-oidea, and are often called the free-swimming hydroids, in distinction from those already considered which are fixed. Others still compare them with the gonojihores of the hydroids, some of which as the genus Lvixia bud off from the side of their manulirium new individuals, which later develop into medusoe like their parent. The Siphonophora would be regarded by them as similar to the parent with many attached young. While many facts can be mentioned in supjiort of either of these theories, it may be said that the differences which exist between a free medusa and an attached VOL. I. — 7 98 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. hydroid are not very great, and although at lirst sight it might seem as if the two theories involve very different comparisons, they are in reality identical. Order I. — PHYSOPHOR^. One of the most interesting forms of Siphonophora is the genus Agalrna, the name of which dates back to the days of Eschscholtz, the father of the study of actinology. It is the type of a family known as the Agalmid^, and lielongs to a larger group of Pliysojihoraj or float-bearing Sijihonojihora. The genus Agalma when floating in the water, will be found to be made up of two kinds of bodies. The flrst of these are transparent, crystalline in appearance, and are easily detached from their connections with each other ; the second are more opaque, flexible, and sm.iller, while they are moi-e tenacious in their attachments to the animal. All are strung together on a common axis or stem which is very flexible in its character. The Agalma as it floats in the water is of a very fragile nature. So delicate is it in fact that it cannot be raised out of the water in the hand without the appendages being torn from their connections with each other. The only way to capture it entire is to j^lace under it, as it moves about in the water, some receptacle which will hold liquid, allowing it to float in with the water. The water contained in the receptacle and the animal can then be raised together out of the sea. Even when the greatest care is shown in its capture it retains its appendages but a short time when kept in confinement, and soon loses them all and shrinks to an insignificant size as compared with its former proportions. The axis or stem of the Agalma is a most characteristic structure. It extends from one extremity of the animal to the other, and affords an attachment to all the appendages which make up the whole. It is very flexible, colored a rosy pink, is hollow throughout, and about the diameter of a knit- ting-needle. At one end, which may be called the upper ex- tremity of the axis, the stem is enlarged into a small globular body which is called the air-bladder or float. This float contains a little sac filled with gas, and in some related genera Fig. 92. — Agalma elegans ; a, float; b, nectocalioes: covering scales: tf. feeding polyps; e, tentacles and tentacular knobs; /, tasters; g^ sexual bells. JELL Y-FISHES. 99 has for a function the suj^port of the axis in the water. In Agalma, however, it is so small that its functional importance in this respect is very sliglit. The axis of the Agalma is divided into two regions, one of which lies adjacent to the float, and is called the nectostem, and the other, more distant from the same, the polyji- stem. In larger specimens the length of the nectostem is about one-third that of the polypstem. The former bears a number of appendages of interesting char- acter called the nectocalices. Tliese bodies are situated in two rows or series, and are glassy clear in their transparency. Their union with the stem is of a very fragile nature, and easily ruptured when the animal is raised out of the water. If we exandne a single nectocalyx we shall find that it resembles closely a medusa bell (hydroid gonophore) in which the walls ha^e a more or less polygonal shape. This form is the result of a flattening of two opjwsite sides of the nectocalyx in order that it ma\- tit closely in the series of which it is a member. Each nectocalyx has a cavity within, which opens into the surrounding water through a circular orifice, partly closed by a thin, washer-shaped body called the ^-eil. The apex of the nectocalyx is situated opjiosite the external ojjeuing, and marks the point of union of the bell and the necto- stem. On either side of the apex, embracing the nectostem, the bell walls are con- tinued into gelatinous horns which closely interlock Avith similar jirojectidiis from nectocalices situated in the opposite series. The arrangement of the nectocalices on the nectostem is as follows : There are two rows or series of these bodies placed diametrically opposite each other on the axis. Each series is composed of a number of nectocalices placed one above the other, fitting closely together by the flat faces on the outside of these bodies. The gelatinous horns already mentioned interlock with corresponding bodies from the opjjosite series. By the close approximation of adjacent bells on their flat faces, and the interlocking of bells from opposite series, a certain rigidity is given to this jiortion of the animal, notwithstanding the delicate attachment to the stem. The disposition of the nectocalices causes all the bell openings in each series to point in the same direction, or almost at right angles to the length of the axis. The action of the nectocalices is as follows : They are, as their name implies, structures for a propulsion of the Agalma from jilace to place through the water. When water is taken into their bell cavities, by a violent contraction of the bell walls it is violently forced out through the opening into that cavity against the surrounding water in which the medusa is floating. The necessary result of this action is that the animal is forced through the water in an opposite direction from that in which the resistance takes place. By a nice adjustment of the different bells, acting in concert or indejiend- ently, almost any motion in any direction can be imjjarted to the Agalma. Just below the float on the nectostem there is a small cluster of minute buds in which can be found nectocalices of all sizes and in all conditions of growth. The attachment of the nectocalyx or swimming bell to the nectostem, not only serves to move the animal from place to place, but also renders it jjossible for the swimming bell to receive its nourishment. Although the nectocalyx resembles very closely a medusa, it is a medusa bell without a mouth or stomach. It is not capable of capt\iring nourishment for itself, but is dependant upon others for that iJurjiose. Tlie nectocalyx has a system of tubes on its inner bell \valls which communicate with the cavity of the nectostem by means of a small vessel which lies in the peduncle by which it is attached. Through this system of tubes the nutritive fluid is sui)plied to the nectocalyx from a common receptacle, the cavity of the stem. In the largest 100 LOWER INVEllTEDRATES. specimens of Agcdma which I have studied, tliere were seventeen jJairs of well-devel- oped nectoealices. The aj)pendages to the polypsteiu are somewhat different in character from those of the nectostem, and are of several kinds, differing in character, size, and shape. The first and most prominent of these are known as the covering scales. They are trans- parent, gelatinous bodies, and are found throughout the whole length of the polyp- stem. Their shape is quadrangular or almost triangular, and they are united to the axis by one angle. The upper and lower faces are flat, and the whole apjiendage has a thin, leaf-like appearance. Through its walls from the point of attachment to the distal angle there runs a straiglit unbranched tube which communicates freely with the cavity of the stem. The covering scales are easily detached, and are incapable of voluntary motion. Their function seems .to be to shield the structures which lie be- neath them. Below the covering scales three kinds of bodies hang from the ])olypstem. They are known as the jjolyintes or feeding stomachs, tasters, and sexual bells. The polyp- ites are the most conspicuous of these bodies. They have a flask-like shape, and are united to the polyjistena by one extremity, while the free end has a terminal ojiening which is a mouth. The walls of the cavity of the jiolyjiite are crossed longitudinally by rows of cells which have been compared to a li^er. In the cavities of the polypites the half-digested food can be seen through the walls. The nutritive fluids formed in these bodies are poured into the cavity of the axis, there to be distributed throughout the different ai)])endages of the animal. When indigestible substances, as the hard parts of Crustacea, are taken into the stomach they are thrown off again through the mouth-o]>cning. I ha^e never- seen the polyjiites more than seventeen in number, and they hang at regular intervals along the whole length of the i>olyp- stem. One of the most prominent bodies next to the nectoealices and covering-scales in the Agalma are the so-called tentacles, which hang from the base of the polyjiites, and which when extended are very long. The tentacles of A(jahna are long, highly- flexible, tubular filaments whose function is the capture of food. At times widely extended their length is little less than that of the Affalma axis itself. At other times they are drawn up under the covering-scales at the base of the polypite, and have a very diminutive size. Along their whole length they are dotted with crimson pendants of minute size which are called the tentacular knolis. These will be found, on close study, to be of a very complicated structure. Their true function is somewhat prob- lematical, but they are supposed to assist in the ca]iture of the food. In addition to the well-developed tentacular knobs which dot the whole length of the tentacles, thei-e arc many half-gi-own bodies of the same character clinging to the base of the polypite. Alternating with the poly]>ites at intervals along the polyjjstem are found very curious bodies called tasters, which have a close likeness to the flask-shaped feeding zooids. These bodies are without a mouth-opening at their free extremity, -(vhile from their base hangs a long, highly-contractile filament which is destitute of tentacular knobs. The tasters have an internal cavity which is in free connnunication with that of the axis of the animal. Vai-ious functions have been assigned to the tasters, but none without objections seems yet to have been hit uj)on. Their usual position is in clusters midw.ay between the adjacent polypites. The term taster is somewhat mis- leading, for these bodies do not have gustatory functions. JELLY-FISHES. jqI The sexual bells are of two kimls, male ami female, and both are found iu grape- like clusters, the male near the base of the tasters and the female near the polyjiites. If we isolate one of the members of a cluster, we find that it has a bell-like shape, and that Uie ova or spermatozoa are found on a proboscis within. Each boll hangs from the cluster by a tender peduncle which arises at its apex, and each female bell contains a single ovum. The growth of the young Agahna from the egg to the adult is of a rather comiili- cated nature. When cast in the water the egg is a tiny, transi)areut sphere barely visible to the naked eye. After fecundation, and obscure changes similar to a seo-- mentation of the yolk, a slight protuberance arises at one pole. This prominence is formed of two layers between which, in a short time, a third layer is also formed. The outer layer is the ectoderm, the middle the mesoderm, and the internal the endo- derm. Between the endoderm and the remainder of the egg there is a cavitj- called the primitive cavity. As the embryo grows older the elevation at one pole increases in size, and the proportion in thickness of the middle layer, as compared with the ectoderm and endoderm, becomes very large, while the ectoderm becomes very thin. The prominence has now assumed a helmet-like shape, and fits like a cap over the remnant of the yolk. The whole larva in this stage of growth is called the primitive larva or LizziOr-stVige, and the cap-shaped covering, the primitive scale. The i)rimitive scale is an embryonic organ which is lost in subsecpicnt develo|)ment of the larva. Innnediately after the primitive larva stage there is found to ..'€^ Fig. 96. — Portion o£ Apoltmla. scales, has these structures arranged at intervals and in clusters, each with tasters, polypites, and sexual bodies. Oedee II. — PNEUMATOPHOR.E. There are two genera of Siphonophora closely related to each other and to the group of PhysophoriB already studied, which are now looked ujJon as forming a group by themselves. These genera include the well-known Portuguese Man-of-War or J^/iysalia, often erroneously called by sailors the Xautilus, and a less common genus, Mhizophysa, one of the most bizarre forms of these animals. Physalia is one of the most common of all the Siphonophora in tropical oceans. The most conspicuous part of this animal, as it floats along on the surface of the water, is an enlarged air-bladder, six or eight inches in length. On the upper side of this float there is a raised crest colored by brilliant blues, yellows, and pinks. On the under side of the same there hang a great variety of appendages of several kinds. There are feeding-mouths -or polypites, flask-shaped bodies resembling tasters with long tentacles, which, as the animal floats in the water, extend far liehind it in the water as magnificent streamers, and grape-like clusters of sexual bodies. The Phi/salia is wholly destitute of a tube-like axis, and as it floats on the surface of the water, resembles more a bladder -with richly variegated walls, than the tube-like forms which we have already considered. The closest relative to Phi/salia, as far as anatomy goes, to which aflinity also what is known of their development adds additional evidence, is the strange genus Mhizo- physa. Mhizophysa is a simple skeleton of a siphonophore. It is the axis of an JELLY-FISHES. 105 Fig. 97. —Physalia aretlmsa. Por- Agalma stripped of all its apijendages, excejit feeding i^olyps and sexual bodies. There is in it no distinction between nectostem and polypstem, and no means of voluntary motion. The float is particularly large and has an apical opening tlirougli which its contents communicate with the surrounding water. The feeding polyps hang from the stem at regular intervals when extended, and midway between them appear on the same axis botryoidal clusters which are called the sexual organs. Tentacles hang from the bases of the jaolypites as in other related siphonophores. The tentacular knobs have, however, a highly charac- teristic form which varies with different species in number and general anatomy. Order III. — DIPHY.E. In all the genera thus far studied, there is always a float at one extremity of an axis when such was present. In no case is a float missing, although often- times it is functionally unimportant. In none of the remaining Siphonophora, on the other hand, is a float present. These last meduste may conveniently be divided into the Diphya;, in which tuguese nian-ot-wai-, one-flfth there are one or two nectocalices, and natural size. the Hippopodise, floatless forms in •which there are several or more than two swimming-bells. One of the best marked families of the Diphy;iE is the Dipiiy- ID-E, of wliieh Diphyes is a tyj)ical genus. This genus and most of its I'elatives is smaller than the majority of those already studied, and are easily distinguished from the former by the absence of a float, and the presence of but two nectocalices. The two swim- ming-bells which are possessed by Diphyes are of somewhat differ- ent form. The anterior is conical in shape in order to facilitate rapid progression through the water, while the posterior which lies behind it, seems to perform the greater jiart of the work in the progression of the medusa. As in Af/alma, onward motion is caused by the resistance of the water as it leaves the bells on the sun-ounding medium in which the animal swims. The motions of the nectocalices are spasmodic and not long continued as in the Ayalma and other Physophorse. The axis of DljjJi.yes hanging from the interval between the two bells, is a long, filamentous, flexible structure not unlike that of Agalma. It is highly contractile, and has a cavity throughout its entire length. The polypites arise at intervals along the length of the stem, and are in no respect peculiar. Each polyjiite bears a tentacle and tentacular Fig. ! 106 L O WER IN VER TEBRA TES. knobs, or pendant side-branches. At tlie point of attachment of tlie polypite to the axis, we also find a transparent bell-shaped covering-scale and a cluster of sexual bells with eggs and spermatozoa. Each cluster of bodies near a j)olypite ultimately sepa- rates from its attachment to the Dlphyes axis, lives in- dejiendontly, and is called a diphyizooid. There are several families related to the Dipliyidre which might be mentioned. They differ from it in the character, size, and general anatomy of the two neeto- caliccs. One of the most marked of these is Pruija^ a solitary genus composing a family called the Prayii)J3. In Praya there are two nectocalices wliicli are of al:)out equal size, and have a rounded or semi-ovate form. The l)ell walls are not as rigid as those of Piphi/es, and their motion less spas- modic. The axis is very long and flexible, and the polyjjites, found at intervals along its length, are pro- tected by a helmet-shaped covering - scale, beneath which are found clusters of sexual bells moimted on short p e d u n c 1 e s. The genus is one of the most striking of tlic many beau- tiful genera which . charac- terize the Siphonophore fauna of the Mediterranean Sea. I have also observed a fragment of a large Praya near Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Florida. The fourth of the large groups into which the true Siphonophora may be divided is called the HippopodIjE from a genus sometimes called Hippopodms^ which has a highly characteristic and jieculiar structure. Gleba { nippopocUus) is in most respects related to the Diphyw, but unlike them has more than two nectocalices. There is no float and no extended axis with individuals found at intervals in its length. No polyp- FlG. 99. — Diphycs. JELLY-FISHES. 107 stem is developeil, and the neetostem has little in common witli that of Aycdma. The iiectocalices are of characteristic sliape and different from those of any other siphono- j>]iore. Each bell has the shape of a horse's hoof, and has a very shallow cavity and rigid walls. As far as yet known -the Hi2)poi)odi£e have no dijahyi- zooids such as exist in several genera of the Dij)hya\ Order IV. — DISCOIUEJE. Among the many interesting forms of Medusae related to, and by most naturalists included in the Siphonophora, are two beautiful genera called Vclella and Povpita. These, with a genus liataria, which is probaljly the A'oun<>- of one or the other, make up a group called the Discoidea.'. Velella has borne the name which designates its most striking peculiarity since the middle of the fifteenth century, on account, ])erhaps, of a somewhat fanciful likeness to a little sail. It is commonly called in Florida, where it is sometimes very abundant, the " float," and is likewise commonly confounded with the Phi/salia or Portuguese man-of-war. The body or disk of Veltlla has an oblong shape, flattened upon its Fig. 101. -Dipbyizooid of Praya. ViG.WI.—TeUlla limbosa. upper and lower sides. The float is coni]iosed of a number of concentric compart- ments in free communication with each otlier, seven of which o])en externally in a line extending diametrically across the disk. In the whole diameter there are fourteen such openings, seven in each radius. A triangular sail rises on the upper side of the l^clella disk and extends diagonally across its surface. It is firmly joined to the u]i]ier ])late of the float. Over the trian- gular sail as well as the float, there is stretched a thin, blue-colored membi-ane, which is continued into a variegated soft rim along its border and around the rim of the float. In our most common American Velella, which often reaches a length of four or five inches, the portion of the rim of this membrane around the di.sk is entire; in some species, however, it is continued into elongated ap])endages. The most im]iortant appendages are found on the under side of the Yelella disk 108 LOWER lyVERTEBRATES. whicli is commonly submerged as the animal floats on the surface of the water. Of these pcrhaijs the most prominent is a centrally placed body which hangs downward below the remaining appendages, and is open at its unattached extremity. This structure is the feeding-mouth or polypite, and is single in both J'elella and J'orjnta. In the zone just surrounding the polypite we find a large number of small appendages, each of which has a thread-like shape bearing along its sides a number of little trans- parent buds in all conditions of growth. Each of these little bodies ultimately sepa- rates from its attachment, and in the form of a minute jelly-tish, not larger than a ptin- head, swims about endowed with independent powers of life for a considerable length of time. The medusa which has thus separated is known as a Chrysoniitra. Surround- ing the bodies last mentioned on the lower surface of VeleHa, there is a circle of feelers of bluish color which- are conuuonly in constant motion. One of the most prominent superficial differences between Porpita and ydella is the total absence of a triangular sail in the former genus. They are commonly found associated together, and often accompanied by a. third jelly-fish allied to both, called Rataria. Class IV. — CTENOPHOEA. The highest of the jelly-fishes, both on embryological and anatomical grounds, are known as the Ctenophora. In these animals that characteristic of higher forms of life known as bilateral symmetry appears for the first time. An obscure symmetry which has been called by some naturalists bilateral, appears among the Siphonophora, and even in the Hydroidea. In the Ctenophora, however, it is more plainly indicated than in either of these groups. One of the earliest mentions which we have of the ctenophorous meduste we owe to Martens. Freiderich Martens was a ship's physician or a ship's barber, as he stjdes himself, who accompanied Captain Scoresby in a voyage of exploration into the Polar Seas. He first found one of these beautiful medusas in the neighborhood of the island of Spitzbergen. Eschscholtz was the first to recognize the common likenesses between the different members of the group, and gave to them the name of Ctenophora or comb-bearing meduste. The Ctenophora take their name, as he first pointed out, from the existence on the external body walls of eight rows of viViratile ])lates called combs. These combs are arranged in such a way that in flapping they strike u]wn the ^\-ater, and by their mo- ' tion the jelly-fish is driven along thi'ough the water. We find here for the first time since our studies of the Ca?lenterata began, a large group of animals where movement in the water is produced both by special locomotive organs and contractions of the body. The varieties in form in the bodies of different Ctenophora is very great. In some genera they appear as long ribbon or belt-like creatures which move through the water with serpentine movements, in others as transparent caps or globular gelatinous masses over which the rows of combs shine with most lovelj' iridescent colors. No greater variety of more beautiful genera is to be found anywhere among the medusse. Cestus, called also the Yenus Girdle, is perhaps the most striking genus of the Ctenophora. Its shape departs the most widely of all the Ctenophora from that of the medusoid types. In Cestus the body of the jelly-fish has a girdle or belt-like form, and is moved more by the contractions of the body than by the rows of combs which fringe its edges. The .animal is very transparent and extremely tender, so that it is with the JELLY-FISHES. 109 greatest difficulty taken from tlie water witliout breaking. Its motion tlirongli the water is a graceful undulation to which l)ody contractions and vibrations of the condjs contribute. The mouth of Cesti/s is situated midway in its length between the two extremities of the belt-like body. On either side of it there hangs a single short tentacle which protrudes from a tentacular sac. Opposite the mouth there is a sense-body, or otocyst as it is commonly called, in which is situated a compound otolith. The rows of combs upon the external surface of the body of Cetttus are not as conspicuous as in some other genera, but the course of their lines can be easily traced. The enormous exjian- sion of the two lateral lobes of the l)ody which give a girdle-like form, imjiart to the rows of combs which lie in these regions an extraordinary development as compared with I'll;, ill.;. — r, sills riihris, \ eiins girdli.'. those which lie in the intermediate regions or on the flattened sides of the body. The adult Cestus reaches a length of from two to three feet, and is one of the largest as well as most beautiful ctenophores of the Mediterranean. There is scarcely any color in its body walls. Of the many genera of medusae closely or remotely allied to Cestus, one of the most interesting and least known is a genus called Oci/roe from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. This genus, like many other ctenophores, and especially like Cestus, is very transj^arent, and has on the external body-surfacei, eight rows of vibra- tile combs, the lines of which converge at a point near that pole of the animal in \\hich a sense-organ is situated. One of the most extraordinary things about Oryroe is the great development of two opposite sides of the body into wings. In Cestus the oppo- site sides of the body are so developed that .a band or belt-like form is given to the 110 LOWER INVER TEBRA TES. animal, but in Oci/roe these lateral developinents take on the form of wings or similar bodies. Cestus moves througli the water by a slight luidulation of the body, while Ocyroe does the same by a flapping movement of its greatly developed lateral lobes, and by their beating iijion the surrounding water. When Ocyroe is at rest, the lateral wings are widely extended, giving to the animal a remote likeness to Cestus. When, however, motion is attempted, the lobes are raised above the horizontally extended position which they occupy at rest, and then violently swung downward, passing through almost 180°. This flapping of tlie two wings in concert is continued several times, and in that way the animal is proiielled through the water. The function of the rows of combs in the movements of the medusa is secondary to the flapping move- ments of the lateral winofs. The body of Ocyroe, from two sides of which the wings arise, is of oblong, oval shape, with a mouth at one pole, and a cluster of otoliths in an otocyst at the opposite. There is no vestige of tentacular appendages near the mouth, and the lips are undi- Ocijrot crijstalltna. vided, smooth, and highly flexible. Ocyroe thus far has been taken only from the waters of tropical America. In colder latitudes as on our New England coast, we have a beautiful ctenophore called Bolina, and another very closely allied genus known as Mueniiopsis. These medusae are in many respects most closely allied to Ocyroe, or rather Ocyroe seems an aberrant form of these more northern jelly-fishes. Although the same lateral lobes exist in both genera, their importance in Solinn, as far as movement is concerned, is much less than in Ocyroe. They are also seldom or never carried extended horizon^ tally at right angles to the body, as in the curious genus Ocyroe. Bolinct, is one of the most transparent of the comb-bearing meduste. The body is very gelatinous and highly phosphorescent. The sides of the body are developed into two larger lappets or lobes which are carried or hang vertically instead of horizontally. On account of the contractile powers of the body walls, Bolina can vary its outlines very considerably ; as a rule, however, when the body is seen from the side, it has an oval or elongated form. Eight rows of vibratile combs contribute to the propulsion of the medusa through the water. These lie upon the external surface of the body, and arising from the pole opposite the mouth-opening, extend to the more distal edge of the lateral expansions to the vicinity of the mouth. From the great development of the lateral lobes, the four lines of vibratile combs which cross these bodies are much longer than those which lie on the body regions between them. Two tentacles are found hanging from the sides of the body of Bolina. These tentacles are of diminutive size in the adult, and are remnants of structures which in caily conditions of growth were very much more developed. Pleurobrachia and Bougainvillea. JELLY-FISHES. Ill Four other curious appendages called auricles are found on the sides of the body in the grooves which lie on opposite ends of a horizontal diameter of the body, and which are enclosed by the edges of the lateral lobes. These auricles are simply exten- sions of the body walls on the sides of the mouth, and their edges are skirted by vibra- tile plates somewhat like those found on the exterior of the body in the lines mentioned above. The stomach and chyme tubes, vessels analogous to veins and arteries, in JBoUna do not differ greatly from the same structures in other Ctenojihora, but are highly characteristic as compared with sunilar bodies in other medusaj. The mouth of liolina is a narrow, elongated slit, opening with a correspondingly flattened receptacle called a stomach. From the end of this stomach opposite the mouth, there arises a number of vessels which jjass to various regions of tlie body. One of tlie most important ol these is continued directly to the aboral pole of the medusa, and is known as the fun- nel. Of the others, four, after a bifurcation, jiass to the vicinit}' of the rows of combs, and following a meridional course, eventually join each other in pairs near the ojjpo- site pole of the jelly-fish from the sense-body or in the lateral lobes. There are two tubes which originate from the base of the funnel and extend along the sides of the body to the tentacles which from their characteristic course have always attracted attention. Their function seems to be to convey the nourishing fluid to the tentacles into which they eventually open. There are several genera of ctenophorous medusfe allied to JBolina. One of the most pompous of these, as well as the largest of the comb-bearing jelly-fishes, with enlarged lateral lappets is a genus called Chiaja. This genus is remarkable in manj particulars, but more especially in the great length of the auricles which appear as long, filament-like tentacles, and the very complicated course of their chymiferous tubes. Many classifications have been made of tlie Ctenophora, but as yet all are open to objections of some kind. One of the last suggestions with this subject in view emphasizes the presence or absence of the tentacles. By this classification we Avould have the Ctenophora divided into the Tentaculata and the Nuda, accordingly as tentacles exist or are wanting. In the genera which we have already considered, with the exception of Ocyroe, well-developed tentacles are found either in the larval or adult condition. Probably the best example, however, which might be men- tioned of a tentaculated ctenophore is the genus C'l/dippe or Pleurobrachia. There are often in our New England bays and harbors, after a southeasterly wind, a number — myriads at times — of little transparent gyrating spheres, not larger than a com- mon marl)le. These little gelatinous spheres move through the water with a great variety of motion, and seldom change in any important particulars the regular spherical form of their bodies in the manner characteristic of the genera of Ctenophora to which we have referred. When the cause of this variety in motion is sought out, it will be found that on the surface of the body there are a num- ber of iridescent lines extending from one pole to another, and that each of these lines is formed of a number of minute comb-like bodies such as exist in other Ctenophora. Fig. 105. — Pleurobrachia rlwflodactyla ,■ only a portion of the ten- tacles shown. 112 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. It is by the strokes of these bodies on the surroimdiug water that the jelly-fish is moved about from place to place. Tlie tentacles of Pleurohrachia, oftentimes almost wholly inconspicuous they are so securely packed in little lateral pockets on either hemisphere of the medusa, are most important structures in the economics of this beautiful medusa. It often happens, when the jelly-fish is at rest, that the tentacles are extended from their pockets, stretching far outside of this receptacle. Their length when extended in this way is so great that it seems impossible that they can be retracted into the tentacular pockets. The tentacles are two in number, each tentacle bearing a large number of side branches of brownish color, and in the movements of the medusa are often thrown into the most fantastic shapes. The Ctenophora Nuda, or those cteno])hores which are destitute of tentacles, are represented by a very beautiful medusa called Stroe. This is perhaps one of the most remarkable jelly-fish which we have yet considered, although it is without doubt one of the lowest in its organization. The form of the body of this animal is that of a cap or rounded sac of very sim]ile structure. If we closely consider the structure of this animal it will be noticed that, extending longitudinally across the outside surface of the body, there are eight rows of combs as in the other Ctenoijhora. At the pole of the body tliere is a sense-body in a similar position to that of the sense-body of other genera. The whole interior of the body serves as a stomach, and into it there ojiens a moutli of very great size. The stomach will often be found gorged with food, and the animal swollen to double its natural size by the mass of food collected in this organ. This animal is indeed one of the most ravenous genera of medusie. There are no tentacles in the genus Beroe and no sign of tentacular sacs. The chymiferons tubes have a very simple course in the walls of the body, extending from common origin to the vicinity of the mouth in an almost direct course with, however, many side branches. The color of our common JBcro'e is a delicate pink. Class II. — ACTINOZOA. Much discussion, hai:)pily now for the most part of the past, hangs about our knowl- edge of the nature of the Actiuozoa or corals. Their relationship to animals was first recognized by Peysonelle, who records his observations in the quaint language of a former century. The word Actinozoa, of comparatively modern date, has an almost exact equivalent in the older term Zoojihyte, and refers to a great variety of animals fixed to the ground like plants, and possessing in common with them certain superficial resemblances. They all have remote likenesses to a plant or flower, with which for a long time in the history of science they were confounded. It includes the great families of reef-building corals, and has an added interest on account of the many questions which suggest themselves in relation to the method of formation of coral reefs and coral islands. In the general structure of their bodies the Actinozoa differ somewhat from the Hj'drozoa, but the difference is not of such great imjiortance as to call for a wide separation in a scheme of classification of the two. The differences would appear at first sight very great. Nothing for instance could seem more different than the soft, gelatinous body of the medusa and the stony mass of a coral, and yet this difference has no homological meaning, and as far as general structure is concerned the two are identical. In the medusa; the body is so filmy and transparent that it is often wholly invisible as the CORALS. 113 animal swims in the water, and the sense of touch is necessary to siipj^lement that of sight in order to know where the animal is. In stony corals on the other liand we find secreted in the animal tissues a very hard, cal- careous substance which forms a skeleton, and, when the secretions of a number of individuals are united, an axis or head upon which the corals build or secrete their skeletons. When we view a white brancli of coral we see nothing of the animal save its dried and bleached skeleton, from which most of tlie organic nature has dis- appeared. If we could go to the tropics and study the medusiE and corals alive many points of likeness might be traced in their general structure. We are accustomed to associate with al] animals a certain amount of motion from place to place in the medium in which they live. In the Actinozoa, however, we find very few of the adults endowed with locomotive powers, and all, as a general thing, are fixed to some foreign body. The solid carbonate of lime which the majority of the corals secrete in their tissues is, in respect to its method of formation, identical with all secretions in animal bodies. It is not the work of the coral any more than the shell of the clam or tlie covering of the lobster is the work of the animals which they enclose and ])rotect. It is an internal or external formation by secretion, and as a consequence coral animals are not mechanical builders any more tlian any other animal can be called the mechanical con- structor of its shell or skeleton. Many of the Actinozoa have no power of secreting hard matter in the form of a skeleton, and the bodies of such have a soft, gelatinous character, while in their tissues, as in those of the medusre, a large proportion of Avater is found. The solid secretions of coral animals, commonly known as coral, is sometimes erroneously supposed to harden on exposure to the air. This opinion is probably well founded as far as coral rock, a chemical product of tlie cementation of coral sand in a way to be explained, is concerned, but is wrong as regards the coral in the form secreted by the animal. Altliough it aji]>ears to harden by the loss of animal mattei', the skeleton itself changes but very slightly, if at all, in its hardness after the death of the animal from which it came. The genus Actinia, a soft-bodied Actinozoan wliich has not the power of secreting carbonate of lime, is for various j'easons the one commonly taken to illustrate the anatomy and characteristics of the group. Actinia, found in almost all seas in the temperate as well as torrid zones, is represented by a large number of species, the ma- jority of which are of comparatively large size. The Sea-Anemone, MetricUum vol.. I. — 8 Fig. 106. — Monoxenia, young lialcyouoid polyp. 114 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. marginatum, our New EngLand vVctinia, has been chosen to illustrate certain of the important general features in the anatomy of the grou]). Metrklium is common almost everywhere on the New England coast in sheltered pools left by the tides, on spiles of bridges, and on rocks near low-water mark. Under the name of sea-anemone it is known to collectors of marine curiosities as the common zoophyte from Eastport to New York. In no place have I seen the species larger than on the spiles of Beverly Bridge and at Nahant, but equally giant specimens have pi'obably been taken from other localities. The diameter of the largest MetricUum found in the former locality measured, when expanded with water in its tissues, a little over ten inches in diameter. Forms of Actinaria allied to Metrklium from the Florida Kejs and Bermuda attain a gigantic size, often fifteen to eighteen inches in diameter. When the Actinia is seen from one side it will be found to have a cylindrical body firmly fixed at one end to some foreign object, and bearing at its free end a circle of tentacles surrounding a central mouth. The tentacles are thickly set together, are very movable, and when the animal is alarmed are quickly drawn to the bod)\ The whole body and the tentacles are very much inflated with water, which at the will of the animal can be expelled from the body through the mouth, the body walls, and the tips of the tentacles, where there are small orifices. When inflated with water the body and its appendages are all expanded, but when this water is expelled the animal shrinks to a shapeless lump, the tentacles are drawn back, and there is little resem- blance to its former condition. The internal structure of Metridium is of a character typical for most of the Acti- nozoa. If we make a horizontal section through the body about one-half the distance between its attached and free extremities the cross-section thus made will present the following characters. In the centre lies a cavity, the stomach, whose wall is held in position by radiating partitions passing from it to the outer walls of the body. Inteiinediate between these partitions there are radiating walls or se]ita which arise from the outer body walls but do not extend to those of the stomach. The body walls from which these partitions all arise are, as a general thing, thicker than those forming the partitions, and in their sides there are openings through which the water at times leaves the body cavity. The method by which the 3Ietridium feeds is very simple. The food captured by the tentacles when the anemone is expanded is passed from one member to another through the mouth into the stomach. Here digestion takes place, and after the soft portions have been digested the harder parts, skeletons, shells, and the like, are thrown off again through the mouth by which they entered the stomach. The fluid passes from the stomach through an ojiening opposite the mouth into the body cavity, bath- ing the interior of all the organs which lie in that place. Special organs of respiration are not unknown among genera of Actinaria allied to Metridium, but in this genus probably the whole external and internal surfaces of the body contribute their part in the performance of this function. In Metridiinn special organs of sensation are of a very low grade of organization and of the simplest kind, as would naturally be expected from the attached life of the animal. Reproduction among the Actinozoa presents some of the most interesting features connected with these animals, and in the case of the coral colonies in which the reef- builders live, is the most important factor in the determination of the ultimate form. Three kinds of reproduction, which are known as generation by fission, by gem- mation, and by the laying of eggs, or ovarian, occur in the Actinozoa. The first two A GROUP OF EUKOPEAN SEA-ANEMONES. 1. Tlielia craasi^omlg, tWck-petalled sea-rose. 2. Safiarfitt parasitica. ,•!. Actinnloha (liantkus, sea-pink. 4. Sagartm viduata, "the widow." 6. Sagarlia rosea, red anemone. 6. Bunoiks mmmacea, warty anemone. 7. Anthea cerms, green anemone. CORALS. 115 methods are asexual in their character, the last sexual. In reproduction by a fission we find a sunple voluntary self-division of a single individual into two or more second- ary animals. In many reef-building corals this method of increase is most natural in order to increase the size and style of growth of a colony of these animals. Among the solitary forms like Metridium it is seldom found. A second mode of increase, a reproduction by gemmation or budding, is much more common than that of fission and is found in the solitary as well as the communal forms of Actinozoa. In the formation of a bud we have a very simple method of reproduction. In such a case there simply appears on one side of the base of the body, or, as in some genera, on the disk surrounding the mouth, a small protuberance, which is a simple elevation of the body walls. From this simple beginning of a bud we pass to a more developed condition in which the protuberance has become a small coral animal attached to tlie Fig. 107. — Crambactis arabica-t sea auemone. parent at one extremity which is its base, and with a free exti-emity furnished witli a mouth surrounded by a circle of tentacles in most respects identical with those of the motlier. The bud from the parent has every resemblance to the parent, and can live independently although still attached, and drawing nourishment in jiart from her through the base of attachment. All the Actinozoa reproduce by means of eggs. The ova pass through the condition of a ciliated planula which is free-swimming and sometimes parasitic in its youth. Phenomena similar to those of alternation of generations have been found in some genera, but as a rule the development is direct from the egg to the adult. Special features in the development of individu.al genera will be touched upon as we continue our account of these animals. The Actinozoa are commonly divided into two great groups, easily distinguished from each other, and known as the Actinoida or Zoantharia, and Halcyonoida or Alcy- onaria, which includes, roughly speaking, the reef-builders in the first instance and 116 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. the " sea-fans," " sea-pens," and their allies in the second. Anatomically, the two groups are distinguished, in part, as follows : In the Actinoid corals we find a large number of internal radial septa and numerous external tentacula about the mouth. When the nimiber of these organs is small they are generally in multiples of six, and in most instances there are no lateral ai)pendages to the tentacles. When hard matter is secreted in the tissues it is commonly in the form of carbonate of lime. The second great group of Actinozoa, called the Halcyonoida, differs from the former in the possession of eight, or a multiple of eight, tentacles and body septa, while the former almost universally bear side branches and appendages. In those genera where a skeleton exists it is tough and elastic, oftentimes of very great hardness, as in the genus Isis and the well-known ornamental coral of commerce. Oedek L — ZOANTHARIA. The so-called Actinaria, which are referred to the Actinoid corals, include a large number of interesting genera. As a general thing, these genera are solitary in their mode of life, and often reach a great size. One of tlie best known genera of the Actinaria is the genus Metridhnn, of which we have already spoken. Many of the Actinaria are either free-swimming in their adult form, are parasitic, or live with their bodies par- tially hidden in the sand ; still others are attached to the ground. They do not, as a rule, secrete a calcareous or horny skeleton, and their bodies are usually very soft, without even the needle-like spicules which occur in the soft forms of the Halcyonoida. One of the most interesting of the Actinaria is the genus Edwardsia, which is not attached to the ground, but lives in the sand in its adult form, ■while in younger conditions it is free- swimming, even after the tentacles have reached a considerable size. The young JEdwardsia was at first mis- taken for the adult condition of an Actinoid coral, and was described under the name of Araehnactis. Later, however, it was shown to be simply the free-moving young of the "■enus Edu-anhia. PeaeJda, another er surface. Fungia, in its adult condition, is not attached to the ground, but lies in the coral lagoons in ratiier sheltered places. In the younger stages, however, of its development it is a fixed form, and passes, according to Semper, through a larval condition comparable to the strobila of the Discophora, exhiliiting a true alternation of generation. Rejiro- duction also takes place in Fimgia by fission and gemmation. The larger species of the genus are found in the Pacific and Indian oceans. A small species, Fungia symmetrica, was dredged by Pourtales, and afterwards by Mr. Agassiz in the " Blake," in the depths of the Straits of Florida and the Caribbean Sea. There are several very fragile comijound corals which in their young conditions resemble Fungia, and which on that account naturally come in the neighborhood of this genus. One of these, called Mycediuni, is one of the most common corals in the sheltered lagoons of the Bermudas and along the Florida reefs. Mycedium fragile, called in the Bermudas the Shield Coral, has a thin, fragile disk, easily broken, which hangs to the submarine cliffs a little below low-water mark. This disk has a chocolate-brown color, which bleaches, as do most coral skeletons, into a beautiful white. Upon the upper side of the disk we find two kinds of coral animals. One of these is centrally placed, and is the mother of the colony, or the parent from which the others have formed by a budding. The remaining individuals are smaller than the central, around which they are arranged in concentric circles, which increase in number with the diameter of the disk upon which they are formed. It will, there- fore, be seen that we have in Mycedium two kinds of individuals, a single, large central animal, which is the oldest in the colony, and many smaller, which it may at once be said are formed by budding from the original. Nothing is yet known of a reproduction in Mycedium by self-division or by the deposition of ova, although there is every reason to suspect that both of these methods of formation of new colonies really exist. One of the most common genera of Actinoid corals is called Madrepora. Although rarely, if ever, found as far north as the Bermuda group of islands, it is one of the most common of the reef-builders, and especially near the western termination of the Florida Kej-s it forms great banks miles in extent, whose upper surface rises to within a few inches of the low-water level. One of the most abundant species of Madrepore is M. cervicornis, a branching sjiecies, which sometimes attains a large size. The difficulty of comprehending the structure of Madrepora comes from the fact that in each branch of one of the dendritic sjiecies, as cervicornis^ we have a large number of different individuals arising from a common axis. If we take a termin.al fragment of such a branch, we can see that its very tip is formed by a small rounded body of calcareous nature, in the interior of which there are radiating partitions passing from centre to circumference, as in the genus Fungia. The peripheral ends of all these septa are bounded by a calcareous wall connecting them all, which is absent in the last-named genus. If we study care- fully the slight excrescences upon the sides of the branch, we find that although 118 L 0 WER INVER TERRA TES. smaller there they have iu all important respects a similar structure to the terminal individual. The branch of Madrepore, when alive, presents an altogether different appearance from that which the bleached skeleton has. By carefully studying the soft portions of a growing coral of this genus, it will be noticed that the terminal and lateral individuals have the general appearance, as far as their soft tissues are concerned, of a minute sea-anemone or a typical Acti- nozoan. Each individual has a brownish, cylindrical body, composed for the most jiart of watei-, with a central stomach, into which 02)ens a mouth at the free end of the animal. In the species which we are now considering, the less conspicuous bodies, which arise from all sides of the calcareous branch upon which they are formed, originate as buds from the base of the terminal indi- vidual. In order to understand the relationsliijjs between the large terminal and the smaller lateral individuals, both of which form a colony in the branch of a Madrepore, we must regard the former as a j)arent form from which all the lateral have budded, and of which they are the young. Suppose that we go back in the development of the branch to a time when there was but one individual where now we find a branch W'ith the colony clinging to its sides. At that time there would be formed a small, single individual, bear- ing every likeness to that which is now terminally situated on the branch. As growth goes on from that early condition, buds arise one after another from its base and sides in a manner identical with that which we find in the genus 3fetridmm, which w'e have already described. As the coral with its attached bud at the base grows, there is deposited near its attachment a larger amount of lime than is nec- essary, so that in fact the processes of life are impeded by the surplus of solid matter in the tissues. The result is that the lower part of the animal becomes dead matter, while at the same time the soft portion of the same is grow- ing upward, and is rising above the solid matter, now too much solidified to allow vital processes to go on in that portion of the Madrepore. The original animal, however, still lives, and its place is not wholly taken by the buds which earlier in its history formed upon it. A surplus of solid deposition in the walls of the base of the bud cements it firmly to the parent, while from the live part of the original polj-p, now slightly elevated above the plane in which it formerly was, there forms a second bud, a third, a fourth, and so on. A repetition of the formation of too much Fig. 109. — Mmfrepora verrucosa. 7 rn -c^ Fig. 110. - - Section uf Miuhrpusa verrucosa, eularged. CORALS. 119 lime for vital functions takes place continually, and with equal pace the live portion of the original individual mounts higher and higher until a branch, similar to that with which we started, is eventually formed. It can thus be seen that there is in the branch of coral a larger individual, which is the original polyp with which the colony starts its growth, and smaller individuals, or lateral buds, which have from time to time, as the first polyp grows, budded out on its base and sides. When, as often happens, a lateral branch is protruded from the sides of another branch, we simply have a bud which partakes of the character of the larger individuals rather than its neighboring lateral buds. It grows by the same laws as the branch from which it originates, and as in the first, so in this, small lateral buds which resemble those on the parent branch are freely formed upon it. A second species of 3Tadrepora, although departing widely in general form from the first, is closely allied to it in generic characters. This sj^ecies is known as ^^ja^ mata, and instead of a branching habit, occurs in flat, massive slabs, on the upper Figs. Ill and n2. — Heliastrma hdiopora, braiu-coral, witli aud without llesUy pails. surface of which the different individuals are irregularly distributed. Blocks of such fragments generally grow at greater depths than 31. ceroicornis, and when water- worn form the so-called coral boulders which make the foundations upon which the reef rests. They play no small part, by their soliditj-, in the successful resistance of these islands to the encroachments of the sea. Some of the most massive genera of Actinoid corals are those known as the "brain-corals," or "brain-stones." There are several genera which are commonly confounded in this nomenclature, and all such have many similar anatomical peculiari- ties. The genus Diploria assumes a hemispherical shape, varying in size from a few inches to several feet in diameter. Its external surface is covered with serpentine furrows, which recall vividly the convolutions of the brain, and probably suggested the name of brain-stones for these corals. Over the curved surface of a live brain-stone is stretched the soft organic parts of the coral, while in the super- ficial furrows lie the stomachs, which have a similar serpentine form to the convolutions in whicli they lie. Upon the surface of the brain-stone, arranged in lines, are found rows of mouths, each opening into that stomach or jiart of the stomach which lies just beneath them. Another genus allied to Meandrina and Diploria is known as 3Ianicina. This genus is not commonly as large as either of the former, and does not have the brain- like shape. Its upper surface, however, has the same furrows as the genera above Fig. 113. — Three luouths of Heli- astrcEOf enlarged. 120 L 0 WER IN VER TEBRA TES. Fig. 114. — Astrma pallida. mentioned, in which Hes the stomach. 3Ianicina is commonly found on the floor of a coral lagoon, but is not attached to the bottom. Here also belongs the genus Heliastrwa. Several other genera of Actinoida assume, in the manner of their growth, the shape of hemispherical heads, although they do not have a convoluted surface like the true brain corals. ^ One of the best examples of these is Astraa, a coral in which the colony has a globular form, but without superficial canals. The different coral individuals in Astrcea are placed side by side over the M'hole surface without being arranged in lines, while every individual is externally almost wholly distinct from every other in the colony. The mode by which animals of this genus reproduce their kind, and increase the size of the community is by simple self-division or fission. When the single individuals, by their growth, exceed a certain size, they spontaneously divide into two similar wcUt formed smaller individuals. The only Actinoid coral which secretes a stony base found in New England waters is a beautiful little genus known as Astrangia, which occurs in small patches in the crannies and clefts in the cliffs along the southern shore of New England. At Newport, R. I., on the most southern point of the island, there are sev- eral localities where beautiful colonies of these animals are found. This is, however, but one of many localities which might be mentioned. The calcareous base which the Astranyia se- cretes is inconsiderable in size, and forms only a slight crust on the surface of the rocks. It builds no considerable reefs or coral de- posits of any size. The animal itself is one of the most delicate and beautiful of all the reef-building corals. No living genus of corals better illustrates the formation of new individuals by self- division than that known as Mussa. Here we generally have a limited number of individuals, never branching, but attached to each other at their bases. Almost every fragment of one of these corals shows individuals with evidence of a self-division, either just beginning, partially formed, or wholly comjileted. In the parent individual before any sign of division begins, the upper extremity or distal end is of circular form and the coral itself has an irregular trumpet-like form, fastened by the smaller end to some foreign object. The first sign of change in the original Mussa prejiaratory to a fission, is the elongation of the disk-like shape or a lengthening of its axis, by which the two opposite sides closely approach each other. This growth nltimately leads to a condition in which the two opposite sides approach, and the disk of the coral is Fig. 115. — Astrangia danm. CORALS. 121 divided into two individuals, both of which have a common stomach and a common basal attachment. The complete fission or division of the original individual into two is accomplished in the last stage, which is one in which we Jiave the same common base of attachment, bearing at its top two perfect individuals, which have resulted from the self-division of the single animal with which we started. Order II. — HALCYONOIDA. The second large group of Actinozoa is called the Alcyonoida or Halcyonoida from the genus JSalcyonium, supposed to be the nest of the " Halcyon " or king-iisher of the Greek fables. To this division belong the " sea-fans " and " sea-whips," so-called, and many others, some of which are widely aberrant in general char- acters. So different in structure from the typical " sea-fans," are many of the genera now thrown among the Halcyonoids, that they ai-e probably destined later, when a more perfect classification is made known, to be the nuclei of new groups of equal rank. The colonies of Halcyonoids have commonly a branching form, are flattened in fan- like shapes or extended into long, flexible whips. In TubijMra, or the organ-pipe coral, we have the hard parts tubular in shape. The amount of deposition of solid matter in their tissues varies considerably. In certain genera all hard inorganic depositions are wanting, and the body is soft and without skeleton. In still others, secretions in the form of spicules are well developed. Of those which have a hard skele- ton, we find all degrees of hard- ness, from a simple horn-like axis of the " sea-whips," to the extreme hardness of the ornamental coral of commerce. In the classification of the Hal- cyonoids many systems have been attempted, but the subject is still in an imsatisfactory condition, and at present there is little uniformity among naturalists in regard to the limits of families and genera. A well-marked genus called Anti'p- athes is separated from the Hal- cyonoids by almost universal con- sent, as the family Antipatharia, and seems to stand between the Actinoids and the group which we are now considering. The likeness of Antipat/ies to the sea-fans is best seen in the branching character of its axis, while the number of tentacles and tlie absence of side branches to these organs, ally it more closely to the majority of the Actinoids. One of the most interesting species of AntijxUhes is the well-known A. columnaris. In this species we have a very interesting case of a worm building a tube from the smaller lateral branches of the coral or by its presence causing a modi- fication in the mode of growth of the coral. Upon one side of the axis of the Anti- pathes, the worm, a true annelid, places itself, and the small lateral branches of the axis in the immediate neio-hborhood are modified into a columnar network forming the Fig. lie. — Section o£ red-coral. 122 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. walls of a tube in which the worm lives surrounded by the case, bearing the relation- ship of a true messmate to the coral upon which it is found. Of the true Halcyonoida the genus Salcyonium of the Halcyonid^ is one of the most interesting, which is sometimes designated by the suggestive name of dead-men's- fingers, looking not very unlike a human hand with the fingers i-emaiuing as mere stumps. Although in general appearance Halcyonium resembles the soft corals, well-marked spicules of beautiful shapes are found regularly arranged in its walls. The common sea-fan, Rhipidogorgia flabellum, which we select as illustrating the GoEGONiD^, is one of the most common Halcyonoids of our tropical and semi-tropical seas. The fan-like shape which the colony has is the result of the fission of many lateral branches, large and small, forming a network often of great fineness. The sea^ fan has a hard central axis, and a still softer rind which can be easily broken off, and at the death of the animal is almost wholly deciduous. In this softer rind are found the spicules, and from it the animals directly arise. There is a great variety in the forms of the differ- ent genera of sea-fans, and the colors are sometimes very striking; in many, bright reds and yellows predominate with purj)les and browns. The sea-whii>s, of which there exist a great vari- ety of forms, assume either the shape of low, branch- ing, shrub-like zoophytes, or long, unbranehed, straight or spiral rods. Their colors are sometimes black, often light brown, and occasionally, as in a Chrysogorgia from deep watei-, golden. One of the best known of all the Ilalcyonoids is the genus Coralliuin so much prized as the orna- mental coral of commerce. The greater quantity of this coral which is used is gathered in the Medi- terranean where the most extensive fisheries are situated on the western coasts of Italy, the shores of Sicily and Sardinia. The city of Najiles, where the cutting of the coral into ornaments is a great industry, is a great centre of coral com- merce, and many pounds of the more precious varieties are yearly sold there. The commercial value of different coral fragments dejiends upon the size, but more especially on the tinge of color which they have. The ] link rose-color is esteemed the most valuable, while "ruby" varieties are ranked among inferior wares. Much, of course, also depends in individual sjiecimens upon free- dom from blemish, and ])urity of color. The coral has from the earliest times been cut into cameos by lapidaries, and its use in ornamenta- tion reaches far back into classical times. The word has been derived from the Greek, Koqr], daughter, a highly fanciful comj)arison of these most beautiful gems to the daughters of the sea goddesses. Fig 117 — Fig. 118. — Keii cor;iI polyps, enlarged. Cordlliiiiii ntliruin. red coral. CORALS. 123 A genus called Jsis is closely allied in many respects to CoralUum, and approaches it very intimately in the great hardness of the axis. While portions of this axis are as hard as that of CoralUum, the stem is not continuous, but is formed of hard and soft articulations, alternating with each other. The hard joints are securely bound together by softer and more flexible articulations, permitting a slight bending of the axis. The IsiD^, including Isis, Mojjsea, and one or two allied genera, are often used for orna- mentation, but no considerable traffic with them has taken place. Isis flexibilis, which extends from the latitudes of the Caribbean Islands to the coast of Norway, is one of the most graceful of this family. It is sometimes found in deep water, often in the profound depths of the ocean. There are many genera allied to Isis, some of which are found in deep seas, which present most interesting connecting features between the Isidaj and the true sea-fans and sea whips. One of the most interesting of these is a beautiful ochre-colored coral called Melitcea. The branches of llelitcea, like those of Isis, arc composed of alter- nate stony and soft joints, of which the size of the latter are relatively much larger than the former, which appear as bead-like expansions. JI. ochracea is reddish yel- low in color, and has the branching habit of the majority of the true sea^-fans. It is found in the Pacific and Indian oceans, many specimens bearing Singapore as the locality from which they were taken. It is of considerable size, and seems to connect structurally the family of Isidaj with the true sea- fans. • Of the many aberrant genera of Halcyonoida, the genus Tuhipora or the organ-jiipe coral, the type of the family Tubi- POEIDJE, departs the widest in general appearance from that of the majority of Hal- cyonoids. In this genus we find no radiating par- titions of hard secretion as in most corals, but instead, a number of tubes arranged side by side separated from each other by a slight space and bound together by hor- izontal floors. In these tubes live the tubipore coral, and to them it owes its suggestive name. The color is a deep red, and the coral community often reaches a considerable size. It is, however, very fragile, and easily crumbles under the action of the waves, presenting a great contrast to the harder species of CoralUum, Isis, and Jlopsea. The sea-pens, Pexxatuhd^, embrace a few most interesting forms of Halcyonoida. In Pennatula riihrum, the likeness to a quill-pen is very close. In this coral a central axis extends from one end to the other of the body, inside a sheath from one-tliii-d of tlie length of which there hangs, on either side, ojiposite each other, rows of leaf-like disks supported by calcareous spicules. Upon the faces and edges, more especially in the Fig. IW. — Titbijjora, organ-pipe coral, natural size. 124 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. latter position in many allied genera, 2)olyps are borne as in all corals. It commonly happens that many of these polyps are aborted in character, those upon the stem especially assuming this form, so that there is present a ])oIymorphism of most simple character. In lienilla, an extraordinary genus allied to Fennatula, we have a still greater differ- ence between the two kinds of zooids found on its body, and a still better illustration of the princiijle of ])olymorpliism so well seen in many of the jelly-fishes. The form of the genus Benilla departs widely from that of almost all other Actiuozoa. The bodj^ has a thin, flat, kidney shape, from which liangs a short, highly flexiiilc hollow stem. There is no hard axis such as is found in some other Halcyonoids, and the body walls are flexil)le throughout. The poh'ps are borne upon one surface of the disk-like body, and one of these, known as a Hauptzooid, has a prominent size and specialized character. Menilla, like Pennatidu, is a free coral, and its attachment to the sand is of the loosest nature as compared with the stony base of Corallium and Isis. The family of Ujibel- LULiD^ is also of widely aberrant and most inter- esting character. The several genera which compose it are most closely allied to the Pen- natulidse, and are as a gen- eral thing found in deep seas. The genus Umbel- lularia \vas descrilied long ago, and the accurate figure given of it remained, for many years, the best and only account of the animal. Although discovered in comparatively shallow water, the great exjilor- ing expeditions of the jjast twenty years have again brought the animal to light, this time from profound depths. In Utnbellularia we liave a long axis, more or less firmly attached by one extremity, while from the other there arises a cluster of polyps in the form of a terminal tuft. These polyps are of two kinds. Some ajijiroach closely the regular form of the Halcyonoids, while others resemble the abortive zooids of Pennatula and Sarcodictyon. "We have here another expression of a law of polymorjihism already jiointed out in lienUla, and already developed at length in our account of the Siphonophora or tubular medusie. Fig. 120. — UmbeJhilaria gr(enlandica, natural size. Fig. 121. — />/«'o;rfes, se.i-peii, one- fourth naturiilding corals follows a number of most interesting haws. In latitude their home is limited north and south of the equator by the water isotherm of 68° Fahr. These lines projected on our globes follow no parallels of latitude, often being widely separated from the equator and then approaching to its immediate vicinity. While the reef-building corals are limited to this zone it must not be supposed that all genera of Actinozoa are hemmed into these narrow limits. Many corals, some of which secrete a calcareous skeleton, are found in all latitudes as far as naturalists have explored the marine life. Tlie distribution at present of coralline life on the globe is very different from what it has been in the past. While reef-building cor.als now never venture into latitudes higher than 35°, the evidence drawn from fossil coral banks shows that in older times they were found in very high latitudes. In the North Atlantic Ocean at the jiresent time the northern limit of extensive banks of coral is the lonely Bermuda group in the latitude of 32° N. 126 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. The distribution of the coral islands in longitude presents some very interesting facts. As a general thing it may be said that the eastern shores of the continents are richer in coral banks and islands than the western. The eastern coast of North America, for instance, has the Florida reefs, the great Bahama bank, one of the largest in the world, the reefs of Yucatan, Honduras, and Cuba. On the western sliore of North and Central America there are no extensive coral reefs. The eastern border of Australia has a wealth of coral life, while the western is almost a desert as far as plantations of these zoophytes are concerned. The Atlantic coast of Africa has no extensive reefs, while that washed by the Indian Ocean is fringed by very extensive banks. If in studying this distribution in longitude we consider also the limitations in latitude we find the following law to hold good. While in the longitude of the eastern shores of the continents the reefs extend far from the equator, in that of the western border they are, when found, limited to the immediate vicinity of the equator. An explanation of this curious fact in coral distribution is found in the direction of the great equatorial currents of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Tliese currents cross the ocean from east to west, and as they approach the eastern continental borders they divide, one branch flowing to the north the other to the south along the coast lines. Two streams of warm water are thus continually carrying the oceanic isotherm of 68°, which limits the home of the reef-builders, into higher latitudes, and broadening the zone in which these sensitive animals can live. On the western coasts, however, we find an opposite condition of things. The equatorial current is there fed by branches fiowing in opposite directions, in which the water is colder since they are setting from higher latitudes towards the equator. The result upon the coral organisms is that they are hemmed into narrow limits on this side of the ocean by the diminution in the breadth of the zone which tliey can inhabit. The distribution of corals and the limitation of coral islands by such local phenom- ena as rainfall, volcanic activity, and the like, present many very curious facts. The almost constant changes in the level of the sea floor ]>roduced by volcanoes would necessarily destroy plantations of growing corals in the immediate neighborhood. It commonly happens that coral and volcanic islands are found in intimate association, while it is probably true that all oceanic coral islands rest on volcanic bases. Where the volcanic forces are active, the lava poured into the ocean, or the ashes raining from tlje air at times of great eruptions, generally destroy tlie coral banks. A good illustration of this fact may be seen in the Sandwich Islands, where the most southern members of a chain of islands which make up the group are volcanic and destitute of extensive coral banks, while the northern are almost wholly formed of coral. The almost uninterrupted volcanic activity in the southern members of this group has prevented the formation near them of coral banks, while at the north, where active volcanic forces are now unknown, the islands are almost wholly coralline. The eastern members of the Lesser Antilles, as Barbadoes, are coralline, while the western are volcanic. In the island of Guadeloupe we find the same law of local distribution to hold in a single island, the eastern extremity being coralline and the western volcanic. This distribution of corals in the Antilles jirobably dejiends upon tlie direction of the ocean currents in the neighborhood, or perhaps upon the constant direction of the winds by which the ashes from the volcanoes are blown to the leeward, thus killing the growing corals on the western side. It may perhajis be tliat the jirofound dejtths to whicli the Caribbean Sea sinks to the westward of the lesser Antilles prevents the corals obtain- ing a foothold on that side, while the shallows on the eastern shores are better suited CORALS. 127 for the luxuriant growth of these animals. The situation of mountains on or near the coast of the continents or elevated islands, and the direction in which the rivers of such flow to the ocean, also has its influences on the distribution of coral islands in the iuiinediate vicinity. One of the very best illustrations of this limitation of coralline life is seen in the island of New Caledonia. Most of the rivers in this large island, according to Dana, empty themselves into the ocean along the western coasts, while the eastern side is almost wholly destitute of streams of fresh water. Along the eastern border we find an almost continuous coral reef, and no signs of coral growth on the western. Fresh water is destructive to coral life, and rivers bring from the land large quantities of silt, which is also detrimental to its growth. To these causes may perhaps be traced the almost total absence of coral formations on the northern border of South America, near those parts of the coast line where the Amazon and Oronoco pour their great volumes of fresh water into the Atlantic. There are several very curious facts, many of which are not yet explained, in regard to the geographical distribution of genera of corals. The coral fauna, for instance, of the Bahamas and Florida regions is widely different from that known to exist on the western coasts of Central America. The corals of the latter region have a closer likeness to those of the Indian Ocean, almost its antipodes as far as geographical position goes, than they do to those of the Caribbean Sea, separated from them by only the narrow isthmus of Darien. Madrepora cervicornis, a most abundant coral along the Florida Keys, is very rare in the Bermudas. Corals are found at almost all depths in the ocean. Tlie greatest profusion of life lies in the zone between the surface and the depth of one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet. Deep sea corals, of an interesting character from their relationships with extinct genera, are found at great depths, even in the abysses of the ocean. The general distribution of coralline life in the different oceans is as follows : — The Atlantic Ocean has several very considerable coral reefs and coral islands, all of which are confined to its western border. In the South Atlantic a large and peculiar reef is found extending many miles along the southeast coast of Brazil. In the chain of islands called the Lesser Antilles we find that the frequency of coral reefs increases as we go towards the northern members. Along the northern shores of San Domingo, Hayti, and Cuba, Ave find extensive reefs. There are evidences also of elevated coral banks in these islands. The peninsulas of Yucatan and Honduras are fringed with coral shoals, and large banks exist on their northeastern and northern borders. The line of Florida coral reefs, extending from Loggerhead Key, the extreme western island of the Tortugas, to the southern extremity of the peninsula of Florida, is one of the most instructive collections of coral islands in the Atlantic region. The Bahama Islands are composed wholly of coral, and are the largest con- tinuous bank of grow'ing coral in the North Atlantic Ocean. Its extension is as great in length as the whole eastern coast line of the United States from Maine to Florida. The only example of an oceanic coral island in the North Atlantic is the Bermuda group, which lies in the latitude of Charleston, S. C, about seven hundred miles from Cape Hatteras, the nearest land. This reef is one of the most interesting, from the fact that it is in the highest latitude in which corals are known to flourish with any vigor, an exception whieli is probably the result of the sheltering action of the well- known Gulf Stream. The most extensive coral plantations are found in the Pacific and Indian oceans. On the eastern border of the former they are, however, very insignificant. Worn fragments of coral are found on the Galapagos, and Col. Grayson 128 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. mentions a beach of coral sand ou Socorro, one of the Rivillagigedo group. The Sandwich islands are in part coralline. The Feejee, Pauinotu, Society, and Friendly islands are composed wholly or in part of extensive coral banks. The coral sea along the northeastern coast of Australia is the most extensive coral reef in the world. In the Indian Ocean, again, we tind a large number of coral islands and reefs, among which may be mentioned the Laccadives, Maldives, and reefs of the island of Madagascar. Near the entrance into the Red Sea there occur coral banks of considerable size. The part which the coral plays in the formation of the coral island has been vari- ously estimated, and many opinions have been advanced in regard to this point. The difficulty comes oftentimes from a lack of an accurate knowledge of the relationship of the solid matter of the coral to the animal which secretes it. The carbonate of lime which makes up the great mass of the growing coral bank is the skeleton of the animal, and is simply a secretion of the membranes of the body. The skeleton cannot be said to be the work of the coral, except so far as it is an animal secretion. A growing coral plantation, with its multitudinous life, oftentimes arises from great depths of the ocean, and the sea-bed upon whicli it rests is probably a submarine bank or mountain, upon which have lodged and slowly aggregated the hard skeletons of pelagic forms of life. When, tlirough various sources of increase, this submarine bank apj)roaches to the depth of from one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet from the surface of the water, there begins on its to]i a most wonderful vital activity. It is then within the l)athymetric zone of the reef-building corals. Of the many groups of marine life « hich then take possession of the bank, corals are not the only annuals, but they are the most important, as far as its subsequent history goes. As the bank slowly rises liy their growth, it at last approaches the surface of the watei', and at low tide the tips of the growing branches of coral are exjjosed to the air. This, however, only takes place in sheltered localities, for long before it has reached this elevation it has begun to be more or less changed and broken by the foi-ce of tlie waves. As the submarine bank approaches the tide-level, the delicate branching forms have to meet a terrific wave action. Fragments of the branching corals are broken off from the bank by the force of the waves, and falling down into the midst of the growing coral below fill up the interstices, and thus render the whole mass more compact. At the same time larger fragments are broken and rolled about by the waves, and are eventu- ally washed ujj into banks upon the coral plantation, so that the island now appears slightly elevated above the tides. This may be called a first stage in the development of a coral island. It is, however, little more than a low ridge of worn fragments of coral Avashed by the high tides and swept by the larger waves — a low, narrow island resting on a large submarine bank. The second stage in the growth of a coral island results from the formation on such a ridge as we have just described of a quantity of fine coral sand. In the grinding of the coral fragments which lie upon the fixed j^ortion of the reef, a large quantity of the finest sand is formed. This sand is sometimes held in a mechanical suspension in the water, and in that way is transjiorted from place to place. It is generally swejit along from the locality where it originates, and is ultimately, if not lost in ocean de])ths, thrown up on the ridge of coral fragments which has been already mentioned. The wind assists the waves, and, taking the sand which they cast from the waters, blows it as it becomes dry higher and higher on the ridge. Thus we have formed the second stage in the development of a coral island, which is sim]ily derived from the former by capping the coral fragments which form the foundation with a layer of sand. Alcijonimii, coik ijolyp, natural size. CORALS. 129 As the amount of sand increases it collects in such quantities as to be a detriment to the growth of the coral animals themselves. It covers not only the foundation of the coral island but extends far and wide over the coral plantation upon which the island rests, and tends to kill the great colonies of life by which this platform is peo- pled. The part of the reef where the coral life still lives now retreats into the ocean to the greatest possible distance from the sand. The winds, tides, and rains continue the work which they have taken up. Ocean currents, especially, perform a most important part in the many changes which take place. The problem now becomes a geological one, and wholly independent of those of animal life. The continual wear and tear resulting from the erosion of the water on the coral island in its second stage of growth is ever increasing the amount of broken fragments near the low-water line, while the winds snatch the sand thrown up by the waves and heap it into high banks, dipping invariably to the sea. Exposure to the air and other causes now exert their influences upon it, and the coral sand is hardened into a soft rock, the well-known coral rock of these islands. The island is now formed? Not yet. To the stability of the precariotis foundation thus made few persons could with im[)unity trust themselves througli a tropical hurricane. There are other changes before the coral island becomes firm, and its career has just begun. In the progress of time the processes of erosion go on, and the waves and rains eat their way into the soft rock so that the island is honeycombed by the erosion. Once more the rock is reduced to fine sand, and scattered far and wide over the submarine flats. The softer, least consolidated layers of the rOck, which, from not being exi^osed to the air, are below the harder, wear away faster than the upper strata, which are thus broken off in large fragments. The products of the erosion are strewn far and . wide over the coral platform, and heaped np into a new island, of a different form from that which existed before. One of two things now takes place with the debris. Either the sand is again thrown uj) on the forming island, to again harden into coral rock, or it is swept over neighboring growing coral reefs, raising these one more stage to the level of the surface of the ocean. The movement by the wind of this sand upon a coral island of considerable size often assumes formidable proportions. The constant winds on some coral islands, as the Bermuchis, heap the coral sand into dunes of considerable elevation, which slowly move en masse, engulfiug everything which lies in its path. One of the most interesting of these moving masses of sand is to be seen in Paget Parish, in Bermuda. The sand on the south shore of this parish has in its motion suggested the name of a " sand glacier," and for several years it was slowly making its way inlanlateau is the deepest water of the stream which flows hard by the neighborhood of Cuba. The cause of the general trend of the Florida Keys must be looked for in the direction of the Gulf Stream, or of a current flowing below it in an o])posite direction, of which they were once the northern bank. This " oceanic river " flows tangentially to the Florida reefs throughout their whole length, and to it may be traced the general trend of the Keys from the Tortugas to the southern extremity of the peninsula of Florida. The exceptional position of the longer axes of the Fine Islands is directly due to the Gulf Sti-eam and tide currents about them. The submarine elevation or jjlateau, upon the southern border of which the Florida Keys lie, has not the great depth of the Gulf of Mexico or the Gulf Stream bed between Florida and Cuba. On this comparatively shallow jilatform the water rises in tides twice every twenty-four hours, and at times, especially on its western extremity, the waters of the Gulf Stream are forced over it. The water, thus raised above its natural level, must return to deeper channels ; and one course which it may take is into the trough of the Gulf Stream at right angles to the direction of its flow. The Pine Islands have their longer axes tangential to several of these subordinate brandies or currents. A similar ])henomenon is also seen in the channels which separate many of the Bahamas. The last but one of the grou])s of coral islands which compose the Florida chain, which is called the Marquesas, has a circular or atoll-like shajie. In this group we have a resultant of two currents, or a combination of those minor currents which placed the axes of the Pine Islands north and south and the Gulf Stream which gave the general trend to the chain. From the position of the group near the extreme western end of the series looking out into the depths of the Gulf of jMexico, these forces are difficult to separate, and at intervals reinforce each other. The circular form of jMarquesas is due to their combined action. We have now arrived at a point in our discussion of coral islands where it may be possible to appreciate the influence of ocean currents in the formation of atolls. Let us consider the cluster of islands which occupies an irregular triangular space midway between the southern point of Florida, the Bahamas and the island of Cuba. This comparatively small coral bank is known as the Salt Key Bank, a coral plateau which lies in the eddy of three great ocean currents. At most points the bank has a moderate depth below the surface of the ocean, but in places along its outer rim there are several coral islands of moderate size, some in process of formation, and others whicli show the marks of great erosion. The Salt Key Bank, as far as it has been explored, is a circular coral bank, fringed by islands which are not eontinuo>is above water along its border, but which, nevertheless, are parts of a true atoll. On its sides Salt Key Bank is washed by ocean currents, on the north Ijy the Gulf Stream, to which the Florida Keys owe their formation, on the east and south to the Bahama current in the old Bahama channel. Coral islands, as pointed out by Semper, form tangentially to the dii-ection of ocean currents, and the outlines of the Salt Key Bank result from the direction of the three currents which surround it. There are few evidences of submergence in the Salt Key plateau, and if we cross the Bahama channel to Cuba we find teri-aced coral banks elevated above the sea, showing a great elevation of the coasts. The Salt Key bank, as well as the Florida CORALS. 133 reefs and the Bahamas, are explicable without any theoretical supposition of submerg- ence or elevation of the foundation upon which they rest. The origin of an atoll in mid-ocean where currents are not confined as in the triangle between Cuba, Florida, and the Bahamas, presents a similar although somewhat modified problem. Let us supjjose a submarine mountain situated in mid- ocean upon which for ages has rained successive depositions of sediment from the watei's above. This sediment is composed in ]:)art bi shells of pelagic animals, and plants, with which the waters of the trojiics or currents from the same are filled. E\en at the greatest depths life exists upon such a bank, and tlie hard portions of the animals which live and die there are being continually added to a growing submarine bank. By increments made for many years the bank slowly rises to the surface of the water. As it rises higher and higher the activity of the life on its crest increases, and when it rises into the l)athymetric zone of the reef-builders, between one hundred anil one hundred and fifty feet below the surface, a more rapid growth awaits it. The coral plantation as it develops is washed by an ocean current, jDrobably on one side. Such a current in fact is divided by the bank, so that each of the bifurcations flow tangentially along its sides. It is evident in the first jslace that it is around the border of the bank washed by the current that the most active coral life is to be looked for, and in this region also that the predominant upward growth must be sought. If the bank with which we started from the sea depths is circular the resulting atoll will have the same form, and the part which first raises itself above the water will be ring-shaj)ed, containing a central lagoon. The luxuriance of the growth of the animals, 'which form a coral reef, is directly de- jiendent upon the amount of food which the oceanic currents bring to the growing col- onies. The waters of the ocean are filled with a wealth of microscopic and other life floating in it upon which the living coral animals feed. It is evident that the possibilities of jirolific cor.al life are greatest where their food is most abundant, and there too we must look for tlie greatest amount of coral growth. It is clearly in the line of ocean currents that this food, being constantly renewed by the flow of the stream, is most abundant, and along its borders the possibilities of the coral animals of obtaining their food are the greatest. This cause alone is not capable of determining the outlines of coral islands, but it is a most important factor in regulating their growth. Coral islands in two different conditions ought to be mentioned. We have coral islands in process of formation, and those in conditions of destruction bj- erosion. The Florida reefs are examples of the foi'mer, the Bermudas of the latter. Coral islands, in progress of formation, seldom rise to any great height above the ocean, are composed of coral fragments, sand, or half-formed coral rock. They are but verj' slightly eroded, have no extensive caves with stalactitic formation, and no red soil. Fully formed coral islands in which the erosive power of the water lias had its full effect are gen- erally elevated, honej^-combed throughout by caves, and possess a soil of red earth. This last characteristic of coral islands in the progress of erosion is of a problem- atical nature and origin. By some authors it is regarded as the hca\-ier residuum resulting from the wearing away of the coral rocks, while others have even gone so far as to look upon it as the excrement of birds, mingled with coral sand. The former theory seems most rational, but there is, if tliis theory be adopted, great difficulty in accounting for its rechlish color. Red soil is very abundant in the Bahamas, the Bermudas, and several of the West Indian islands. In the Bermudas it is contained in pockets in the rocks, and in it are grown the well-known early vegetables, potatoes 134 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. and ouious, for which the islands are so justly famous. In some places in the latter islands it is found solidified into a coniijaet red rock in which are found embedded Helices, and other shells belonging to species which are at present alive in Bermuda., The caves of coral islands are sometimes of most beautiful character and of consider- able size. In the Bermudas most of these caves have a submerged floor in which ia manv cases is sea water which is sensitive to the tides in the neighboring ocean. Caves in coral islands present many very beautiful examples of stalactitic and stalag- mitic formation. Many of the stalactites appear to extend from the cave-roof below the level of tide water, indicating either a wide spread or local sinking of the cave-floor. Of the many beautiful effects of the erosion of the sea water on cliffs of coral rock, one of the most interesting is the formation of natural arches and the like out of spurs of the hills projecting into the sea. In the neighborhood of a small Bermudian vil- lage called Tucker's Town there is a very fine natural arch which bears a remote resem- blance to the famous Arco Naturale of the Island of Capri in the Bay of Naples. A similar arch called the " glass window " is found in the Bahamas. J. Waltee Fewkes. ECHINODERMS: 135 Branch IV. — ECHINODERMATA. The animals embraced in this grouj) were iiichided by Cuvier in his great division •of Radiata, along witli the coelenterates. More complete knowledge of the anatomy and especially the embryology has shown that the two groups have nothing in com- mon, except those features which are common to all Metazoa and the absence of a segmentation of the body. The radiate arrangement, really a feature of minor imjjortance, is here very strongly marked in most forms, for crinoids, star-fishes, and serpent-stars have a central disc wdiich branches into five or more arms, which radiate from it like the spokes of a wheel from the hub. In the sea-urchins and holothurians this radial sj'mmetry is less marked, but it may readily be traced, although the radiat- ing arms are apparently lacking. Though at first sight widely different, the similar structure of a star-fish and a sea- urchin can readily be traced. Let us first examine that of the first-named form. We have a central disc with five radiating arms ; in the centre of the lower surface of the disc we find a mouth, hence this is called the oral surface. On the upper or abora) surface we find no opening (or only a very minute one), but a little one side of the middle, between the bases of two of tlie arms, is a round plate, wliich, from its pecu- liarly ornamented appearance, has received the name of madreporic body, in allusion to its resemblance to some of the corals. On the under surface of each arm will be found a series of plates, be- tween which project little tubular suckers. As these sucking tubes are used in walking, they have i-eceived the name ambulacra, while each of the series of plates between which they project is known as an ambulacral area. Turning now to the sea-urchin, we find a nearly spherical body. On the under side we have a mouth, from which radiate a series of plates, between which project ambu- lacra very similar to but longer than those of the star-fish. These rows of plates continue around the sides of the sphere, and terminate near the centre of the upper surface, where we Fig. 124. — Aboi-al surface of sea-nrcliin {Arhackt); a, !>nal plates; c, ocular plates, i), ambulacral area; o, madreporic body; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the five r.ays. 136 L 0 WER INVER TEBRA TES. find a inadrcporic body like that of the star-fish. It is thus evident that these rows- of plates eorresiwnd to the ambulaeral areas of the star-fish, and we can readily see that were we to ln-nd the arms of the latter form ujnvards, so as to form a hall (most i ^5^^ it; Fig. 125. — Anatomy of st.ar-flsh; a, duct from liver to stomach; I', liver; c. inadreporic body; j, ainpuUre; /, ambulaeral plates: m, iiUer-ambulaeral plates. of the upper surface disappearinti' durins;' tlie ojieration), the star-fish would be con- verted into a sea-urchin. The typical number of similar parts (ambulaeral and inter-ambulacral areas) which go to ms!ke up EchinodeiMii is five, though frequently this number is exceeded. This radial arrangement is also seen in some of the internal organs, but it is not visible in ECHINODERMS. 137 the alimentary tract. Bilateral symmetry is not so evident in most forms, though it exists in all, and in the young is especially well marked. The line dividing the body into two similar halves passes through the centres of the madrej^oric body and of the central disc. The internal organs are far more complex than those of the coelenterates. The most striking feature is that the digestive canal is entirely distinct from the body cavity. In the higher forms this canal is tubular in form, and as it is much longer than the body cavity, it is coiled in a spiral, which in all, except the serpent-stars, is coiled from left to right. An anus is usually present. Usually there are connected with the functional stomach a number of glandular pouches, which secrete a bitter fluid, and a2:)pear to represent the liver of higher animals. Organs which act as teeth are frequently present around the moutli. The so-called water vascular system is com]ilex and peculiar, jircsenting several interesting features. From the under internal surface of the mad- / reporic body a canal goes down to a circular tube surrounding the mouth. From the fact that this canal contains lime in its compo- sition, it is known as the stone canal. From the circular circnni- oral canal (ring canal) a branch follows the centre of each anibu- lacral area to its extremity. Con- nected with these radial canals are the ambulacra. These ambu- lacra are arranged in pairs, and consist of two portions; an outer part terminating in a sucking disc, and an inner sac known as an am- pulla. Between the two a tube goes to the radial canal. Another feature is sometimes present. Arising from the ring canal are from one to ten sacs known from their discoverer. Poll, as the Polian vescicles. The physiology of this water vascular system is not clearly understood. All that can certainly be said ,is that by the action of the muscular walls of the ampuUte and the Polian vescicles wAter is forced into and withdrawn fi-om the tubular ambulacra, thus extending and retracting these organs. In the extremity of each ambulacrum is a calcareous plate, to which are attached minute muscles, which by drawing in the external integument form a vacuum similar to that which a boy forms with his wet leather disc and a string. The strength with which these minute feet will cling is remarkable, and the long stalk of the foot may frequently be torn in twain without detaching the foot from the object to which it has become fastened. Connected with this water vascular system, which is locomotor and possibly also respiratory, is another which is regarded as the true vascular or circulatory sys- tem. It consists of two rings, one surrounding the mouth, just below the ring canal, while the upper surrounds the anus at the o]iposite pole of the body. These two rings give off branches, and are connected by a tube which follows the course of Fig. 126. — Diagram of water vascuLir system of a star-Iisb; a, mad. reporic body; b, stone camil; c, ring canal; r/, radial canals e,/, ambulacra and ampulla; (a few only shown). 138 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. the stone canal. Regarding the functions of this system opinions differ greatly. Some consider it as a true circulatory system, the tube connecting the two rings being regarded as a heart, and described as pulsating in life. Perrier, the French authority on these forms, on the other hand, regards the so-called heart of the star-fishes, brittle- stars, and sea-ureluns, and the corresponding dorsal organ of the crinoids, as glandular and the connecting branches as ca'ca. The nervous system consists of a ring around the mouth from wliich radial branches follow the course of each ambulacral area. Subdivisions of these princijial nerves sujiply the ampulla, ambulacra and other parts of the bod}-. The only sense which appears to be present in all of the group is that of touch, for whicli various external parts are well adapted. In some of the star fishes and sea urchins rudimentary eyes are found at the extremities of the ambulacral areas, whether at the tip of the arms or at the corresponding position on the aboral surface. (Fig. 124, c.) The external covering varies greatly in the various forms, but plates of carbonate of lime are usually present. These plates may be firmly united so as to form a solid shell, or they may be separate and imbedded in the integument. In some the}' lU'iy take the form of spicules, wheels, and anchors, those of Chirodota and Synapta being familiar objects to all workers with the microscope. In the star fishes these plates are very numerous, two series roofing over the ambulacral groove in which the sucking feet are situated. In the serpent stars the ambulacral plates occujiy the interior of the arm, which is entirely surrounded by a series of plates. In most of the sea urchins the plates of the ambulacral and inter-ambulacral areas unite to form the solid test in which the body is usually enveloped, the surface of which is covered with little rounded prominences for the attachment of spines. In the crinoids the calyx and the jointed stalk and arms are largely composed of calcareous matter. Spines, often varying greatly in size in different jiortions of the same individual, are widely distributed among the Echinodermata, most of which also possess certain fork-like or piucer-like organs, which are modified spines, and which from being stalked in some forms are known as pedicellariffi. These are capable of closing and seizing any object which may come between their jaws, and are supposed at least in some forms to take the excrement from the anus on the upjier surface of the body, and pass it along, off from the shell to the ground. The sexes of most echinoderms are separate, and the genital products are discharged either by a breaking away of the integument or by true genital openings. The young of most of the branch undergo a wonderful metamorphosis in the course of their develojjment, and tlie embryos are free swimming animals. The ' jiluteus ' of the sea urchin, the 'bipinnaria' or the ' brachiolavia ' of the starfish, and the ' auricu- laria ' of the holothurian, bear no resemblance to the adults, and in fact the name now applied to these larv£e were originally given them under the impression that they were adults. In certain groups the embryo develojis into the adult without any metamor- phosis. As there is such variation among the different groups we will defer the details of development until treating of the respective forms. The Echinodermata are all marine, and are found in all the seas of the globe. If ancestry confers respectability these forms should be classed among the nobility, for remains of these animals are found in some of the oldest fossiliferous rocks. At the present time they Jjlay an unimjiortant jiart in the economy of the world, and are of but slight importance to mankind. A few forms are used as food, while others are injurious to human interests, as they destroy beds of oysters and other shell-fish. CRINOIDS. 139 Class I. — CRINOIDEA'. The lowest division of the echinoderms and at tlie same time the one wliich has the fewest recent representatives is the Crinoidea. The fossil forms of tliis class are very numerous in the older rocks, and are commonly known as encrinites and stone- lilies. The recent forms are so little known and so seldom seen by any except those wlio are familiar with the results of dee])-sea exjjlorations that they have received no common name. The greater portion of the sjjecies are attached to sub-marine objects by a stem which, frequently, is very long, and made up of a scries of joints perforated by a central canal. These joints are among the most numerous fossils in the older rocks, and have received the name of St. Cnthbert's beads. This stem supports a calyx (corresponding to the central disc of the star-fish) which has received its name from its similarity to the calyx of a flower. From this calyx radiate the arms. Some forms have the stalk persistent througliout life, while others jiossess it only in the early stages, and in a few fossil forms it is said to be lacking in all stages. The class is usually divided into three orders, the Blastoidea, the Cystidea, and the Braehiata, or true crinoids. The first of these is extinct, the second contains one recent form, and the third, until recently, was thought to be represented, with one exception by free swimming forms. The recent deep-sea cx]>Iorations liave, however, brought to light several species, some of considerable size and others much smaller than some of the fossil forms. Order I. — BLASTOIDEA. The members of this extinct group of Crinoids were armless, were su]iported on a short stalk, and had five double series of pinnules, one along each side of five radiating grooves. The entire animal, in its fossil state, with the oral plates closed, looks like a flower-bud. The most ancient form {Pentremites) is found in rocks of upper Silu- rian age, and the group is most abundant in the carboniferous. Pentremites has the ambulacral and ant-ambulacral regions nearly equal. The calyx is composed of three basal plates, two of which are double. Above tliese lie five plates deeply cleft above, and in the clefts lie the apices of the ambulacra, the oral portions of which are included between the five interradials which surround the cen- tral aperture. This is probably the mouth, and around it are four double pores, and a fifth divided into three. Of these three the middle one is believed to be the anal, while the other two, and the remaining pairs are genital. Each ambulacrum consists of two rows of small plates which are united in the middle line, and bear pinnules at their outer ends. Order II. — CYSTIDEA. The Cystidea come near the crinoids, are usually furnished with arms, having jointed pinnules, and have a short stalk. Caryocystites has no stalk and no arms, the body being an angulo-sjiherical ball of solid jjlates. Several genera {Edrioaster, Agelacrinites, Ilemkystites), are also armless and stalkless, but in form resemble such a star-fish as Pterastei; except that they are more nearly circular. These forms have five ambulacra, looking like the arms of an ophiurid placed in the midst of the disc, and, like the more normal stalked cystid, they possess, in one of the interambulacral 140 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. spaces, a cone of small plates called the pj'raTiiicl, witli a central aperture. In ordi- nary cystids, pinnules are present, which, when the arms are absent, are sessile on the radial plates. An aperture placed in the centre of the calyx at the point of convei'- gence of the aml)ulacra, is usually regarded as the mouth ; a second small one on one side of this is sujiposed to be the anus ; while the opening in the centre of the pyramid is considered to be the reproductive aperture. Thus the Cystidea differ from other echinoderms, the holothurians excepted, in the presence of only one genital aperture. Ilyponome sarsii, from Torres Strait, looks like a small star-fish or Euryale. It has a disc, convex on the oral surface, and flattened on the other, which shows no trace of a calyx, but is covered Avitli a soft and smooth brownish skin. The rays are five, broad and short, yet each divided into two branches, ending in four very short, rounded lobes. The oral surface is covered with rather small, thick-set, irregular scales, with rosettes of six or seven larger ones here and there. These scales extend on to the dorsal surface between the rays, forming triangular spaces pointing to the centre of the disc, and thus reducing the spaces covered by skin to a regular star. The rays have narrow channels, protected by marginal scales, but have no pinnules. Upon the disc the marginal scales form a vault over the channels, and the mouth itself is hidden by the skin. There is a conical anal funnel in one of the inter-radial spaces on the oral surface, and an area in the middle of the dorsal surface is studded by minute pores. Funnel-like passages leading to a concealed mouth are found in jjalas- ozoic Brachiata and cystideans. The absence of a calyx excludes Ilyponome from the former; and it in some respects recalls the genus Agelacrrnites among fossil cystids. In op])osition to the usual idea about these fossils, Mr. Billings maintains that the large lateral aperture of a cystidean is the mouth, and the small apical orifice an ambulacral ajierture. When there is no separate anal aperture, the large lateral a]ier- ture is both mouth and anus. The Cystidea first occur in the cambrian, attained their greatest development in the Silurian, and were mostly extinct in the carboniferous period. Order III. — BRACHIATA. This order was represented by a multiplicit)' of forms in the past geological ages, and has latterly been shown to be far more abundant in species in the present age than was supposed. As the name implies, all the species are provided with arms. These arms are composed of numerous calcareous joints, and contain only a small proportion of living matter. Existing crinoids belong to two distinct series. The first of these contains forms which are permanently attached by a stalk to the sea-bottom, while the second is thus attached while young, but finally becomes detached, the cup or calyx with its arms and a pear-shaped centro-dorsal tuliercle, foi'med of the coalesced upper stem-joints, floating off freely. In this stage the animal greatly resembles a star-fish in appearance, but its anatomy is very different. The stalked crinoids, which are prin- cipally natives of deep water, may be considered as the representatives of the extinct stone-lilies, while those which become fi'ce belong to a more recent and more highly developed type. The characters which distinguish the crinoids from other echinoderms may be briefly summed up as follows: Tlie animal is attached, during the early portion or the whole of its life, by a stem composed of more or less numerous joints. To the to]i of CRINOIDS. 141 the stem are attached a variable number of plates, normally including one or more basals, and three or more sets of radials, which, with interradials, etc., make up a cup or calyx in the hollow of which the internal organs of the animal are accommodated. From the edge of the calyx spring a number of jointed arms, usually five, these again divide once, twice, or more times, and each arm is furnished with pinnules as a feather is set with barbs. The ambulacral feet are situated in the furrows of the calyx and along the arms. No other echinoderms are fixed at any period of their life-history ; in no others do the arms sub- divide into pinnules, and in no others is the madreporic plate ab- sent, though in most holothurians it is in- ternal. The mouth is situated in the centre of the upper side of the calyx, instead of in the centre of the lower side as is the case in star- fishes and sea-urchins, while the anus is placed on a conical projection between the bases of two of the arms. It is thus probable that the upper surface of a crinoid is homologous with the lower surface of a star-fish or sea- urchin. The oesopha- gus is short, and the in- testinal canal is more or less coiled in its passage to the anal extremity. Fig. 127. — Antedon on the tube of a worm. The mouth does not contain any masticatory apparatus, comparable with the so-called 'jaws' and 'teeth' of sea-urchins and serpent-stars. The upper surface of the 142 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. calyx is more or less covered over by the oral plates, usually five in number. These are separated by naiTow spaces that are continuous with grooves that run along the upper surface of the arms and pinnules. The water system is upon the usual echinoderm plan, that is, a ring around the mouth, and radial vessels running along the arms. The ambulacral feet upon the oral surface of the calyx are connected with the ring canal. The body cavity extends into the arms, which also contain the greater part of the ovaries, as in the star-fishes. In Antedon and other free crinoids there is a cavity known as the chambered organ, which has its walls and floor formed almost entirely l)y the centro-dorsal tubercle, and therefore, by what was once a stem segment. This chambered organ is rudimen- tary in the cystidean or unarmed phase of growth, but becomes developed as the coma- tula acquires arms and cirri, and is connected with these jiarts by fibro-cellular cords in the axis of the calcareous part t)f the arms and cirri. These cords are believed to be nerves, and the chambered organ must therefore be regarded as the centre of the nervous system. The ' ovoid gland,' which some consider to be a heart, is implanted on one of the horizontal floors of the chambered organ. In Pentacrinus the chambered organ is a part of the central space enclosed within the jientagon formed by the radials and basals, while in the Apiocrinidte {Shizocrinus and its relatives) an intermediate condition exists. The ovaries (in Antedon) dis- charge their ova from openings on the arm pinnules. The eggs are fertilized while attached to the exterior of the opening, undergo total segmentation, and after awhile develojj into oval embryos with a surface covered with cilia. When the embryo leaves the egg, it is girded with four zones of cilia, beai'S a tuft of cilia at one end, has a mouth (surrounded by large cilia), and an anal opening, and is free-swimming. In a few hours or days, traces of the calcareous plates, destined to form the cup of the future crinoid, begin to appear; then the plates of the stalk develop, and lastly the basal plate. As is the case with all echinoderms, there is little in common between the larva and the young of the perfect form. The young crinoid is formed within the larva, and the mouth and digestive cavity of the latter are not converted into those of the former. Two or three days after the appearance of the 23lates, the larva begins to change its form, the cystid-like young crinoid is seen embedded in the body of the larva, and the latter sinks to the bottom and adheres to some object. The stem becomes more elongate, while the part which will be the calyx still remains short and thick. The broad end of this part becomes five-lobed, each lobe answering to an oral plate, and these plates open like the petals of a flower, showing the oral aperture. Tentacles then appear between the oral plates, eventually arranging themselves in groups of three. Alternating with the basal and oral ])lates, the five radial plates now appear, and the arms grow out rapidly. The calyx also widens, so that the oral plates be- come widely separated from the basal, which encircle the stem. The alimentary canal of the young crinoid, which has before been a mere sac, now develops an intestine which opens out on an interradius where an anal plate has now ajipeared. If tlie ani- mal is a stalked crinoid, the principal further external alterations are the acquisition upon the stem of whorls of cirri at intervals, the bifurcation of the arms, and the development of pinnules upon them. In Antedon or Comatula, Actinometnt, and Atelecrimis, foi-ming the family Coma- TViADM, the young are stalked and attached, but the calyx, together with the upper- most joints of the stem, breaks off at a more advanced period of life, and the crinoid swims off freely. Articulated to the lower or aboral face of the centro-dorsal tubercle CniNOIDS. 143 formed by the upper stem-joints are the numerous cirri with whicli the animal grasps bodies to which it may desire to become temporarily attached. There are five series of radials, each containing three ossicles. Tlie first or lowest three are closely adherent to each other and to the centro-dorsal tubercle, which conceals them on their outer side. That the central ossicle with the cirri is not the true basal plate is proved by the presence on its upper surface of a basal enclosed between the apices of the first three radials. This basal plate, called the rosette, is formed by the coalescence of the five basals of the larva. The alimentary canal makes about a turn and a half round the axis of the body, and ends in the projecting inter-radial rectal cone. Included within the coil of the alimentary canal is a sort of cone of connective tissue, which has been called the columella. The five oral valves contain no calcareous plates in Antedott. The posi- tion of the genital glands in this and other crinoids, namely, in the i)inuules, seems very exceptional, yet they are lodged in tissue, which is a continuation of the cellular tissue of the arms, comparable to that in which the ovaries are lodged in star-fishes. The species of Comatulaj are numerous. The " Blake " expeditions have latterly added forty to the twenty ])reviously known from the Caribbean Sea, and about seventy were dredged by the " Challenger " between Cape York and the Philippines, and thence southward to the Admiralty Islands. The chief distinctions between the two principal genera are as follows : — In Ante- don the mouth is central, or sub-central, and the ambulacra are equal, the arms are equal in length, grooved, and furnished with tentacles. Red spots, tlie nature of which is unknown, and which are absent in Actuiometra, are always present at the sides of the ambulacra. The cirri are numerous, and more or less cover the centro- dorsal tubercle, and the outer faces of the radial plates are relatively high, and inclined to the vertical axis of the calyx. In Actinometra the mouth is not in the centre of the disc ; the ambulacra are variable in number and unequal in size, two of them always forming a horse-shoe round the anal area ; the pinnules of the mouth have combs at their tips ; some of the hinder arms may be shorter than the others, ungrooved, and without tentacles ; brown spots, thought to be sense-organs, may be present on the dorsal side of the pinnule segments ; tlie cirri are few ; and the outer faces of the radials ai-e wide and parallel, or nearly so, to the axis of the calyx. In Antedon the ambulacra of the ]iinnules may be protected by side-plates and covering- plates, but these are absent in Actinometra. In the Caribbean Sea Actinometra is represented by more species and more indi- viduals than Antedon, and two-thirds of the species of the latter and three-fourths of the former have ten simple arms. In the remaining species the rays rarely divide more than twice ; only two species divide four times. Antedon and Actinometra are about equally represented in the eastern seas, but while half the species of the former genus are ten-armed, oidy three Actinometrm are thus simple. Nearly all the ten- armed Actinometra;. of the eastern seas have the second and third radials uniteiiS()/u\ fmind upon the coast of Portugal, has the cirri separated by thirty to tliirty-tive joints. The num- ber of arms is not constant, because in some cases the third radi.als bear one ov two sini]>le arms, while in others there is a third liifureation. Some examples of J', miillrri, and .all y ten to twelve internodal joints; the nodal joints are laroe and jirojectinw, and the two outer radials, and the tirst two joints beyond them are united by ligament, instead of by muscles or by a syzygy. P. riitdleri, though confounded with this species by Thomson, differs widely. The internodal joints of the stem, are only six or eight ; the cirri are stout, and have about forty joints, the outer radials and succeeding joints are united by syzygy, as in P. iDfterkt, and the arms fork much as in the latter. Eight species of Pentacrinits are now known. The most win the coasts of Florida. The stem is relatively lonu and many- jointed, some of the basal articulations bear branched, root-like filaments, or cirri, and at its sunnnit is a calyx consisting of a central piece or basal and five tii-st i-adials, all closely united together and perched upon the enlarged solid, pear-shaped upper joints of the stem. To these five first radials, follow two other sei-ies of radials, all included within the calyx, but each following the line of an arm. To the third radials are attached the tirst tii the ossicles of the unbranched but pinnule-bearing arms, which vary in number from four to seven, and have fnnii twenty-eight to thirty-four joints. The pinnules alternate with each other along the arms, and have also a jointed skele- ton. The mouth is circular, but is surrounded by the five (or four) oral valves, which close over it when shut. Between the circular lip and the oral valves there is a series of soft, flexible, tentacles, two pairs to each valve. Tlie outer one of each pair is very contractile. Tentacles of a similar character are continiietl along the deep grooves which traverse the oral surface of the arms and ]>iimules. P. rawsoni is readily known from the last species liy its more robust appearance and elongated calyx, which is nearly always constricted at the suture with the radials. The greater part of the cup in this genus is formed l»y the elongated basals, which, in the Norwegian variety of P. h/oteiisits are so completely fused that no sutures are visible, a peculiarity whicli led to the supijositimi that this jiait was formed of enlarged upper stem-joints as in a Co/natiifa. P. i-aa-soni. is a larger form than li. lofotensis. Hyocrinus hetheUianus has much the structure of the jjaheozoic Plati/crinus. It has a rigid stem made up of cylindrical joints applied to each other by a close syzygial suture. The cup consists of a basal ring which seems to lie formed of two or three pieces, and of a tier of tine, thin, broad, spade-shaped ladials. The arms are live in number, and are built uji of long, cylindrical joints. The tirst three joints consist of two parts sejiarated by a syzygy, the other joints have two syzygies. From the third and all sul)se(|uent joints s|>rings a i>innule, the pinnides alteiiiating on either side of the arms. The lowest pinntdes are very long, the succeeding ones becoming shorter. The outer jiart of the disc is jiaved with irregular closely-set plates, bounding the five large orid valves. The ceso])hagus is short, and is succeeded by a stomach sur- rounded by brown glandular ridges, the intestine is very short, and contracts rapidly. Round the gullet a rather ill-defined oral ring gives off, opposite each of the oral plates, a group of four tubular tentacles. This species was dredged near the Crozet Islands, and also with BatJii/criniis, in eighteen hundred and fifty fathoms, off Brazil. Holopits is a short, stout form with no true stalk, with a broad, encrusting base instead of the branching cirri oi P/iizocrrnus, and ten arms which can be rolled together LIVING CRINOIDS. 1. Rhizocrinus lofotensis. 2. Hiiocrinus betheUianus. SERPENT STARS. 147 spirally in such a way as to enclose a closelates or arm-bones, that obtains in the true star-fishes, run the nerve, the neuval canal, and the ambulacra] vessel of the water system. There are no ampullar in con- FlG. 12f). — Bafhifcrinus altlrirkianus. 148 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. nec-tioii with tlu' wator-feet, whicli ;\\x' siinplo tcMit;\i-li's without siu-lvi'vs at their ti]is. They make their exit between the hiteral jihites of the arm-eoveriiiii-. Eaeh of the five angles of the iiKiiith is funned of fi\e jiiect's. 'I'he two lialvesof one or twt) ann-lxmes (Lyman says two, lieeaiise tliere are two soelvets for tentaek's) are modified into strong iiiouth-franies, movalily articulated au(>ric body. The nervous ami circulatory systems, and arrangement of the water system, are ujion the usual star-tish plan. The Ixidy cavity consists of an <'nlargt'd portion sur- rounding the digestive tube, and a flattened ])ortion in the dorsal region. Tile nerves have l)een found to contain cells with large miclei, somewhat resembling the ]iigment cells of vertebrates, ami also delicate fibrils, with jiale, bi-]iolar cells not collected into ganglia. The Ophiuroidea fall into two f.amilies. In the lii'st and larger family, < )l'lliri£ll).E, the axis of each arm is encased in a greater or less number of plates, the principal of which, from their position, are known as the dorsal, ventral, and lateral jilates. The lateral jilates bear a. more or less munerous series of s]iines, and are usually considered homologous with the ad-ambulacr:il plati'S of the arm of an onlinary star-fish ; the ventral and dorsal jilates are primarily un]iaired, and the former, at least, are iieculiar to the group. 3[(juth-s]iields are always present, and there are often two other siqierHcial plates, the side mouth-shields, one on each of the outer sides of each mouth-sliiehl. The Ojihiurida' rarely have more than five arms, and these are in all cases unbranched, but in the other family, the Astro] ihytidfe, the five arms usually divide and sub-divide into a very large number of branches. TJie latter family is destitute of the regular covering of jilates that jirotect the arms of the 0]ihiurida', but in its place has a thick skin, under which are plates, usually of an iiri'gnlar and elementary character. The arm ossicles consist of a vertical and a horizontal hour-glass-like pro- jection, fitted one on the other. There are no siiincs on the sides of the ai-ms, and mouth-shields are often absent in the hranched species, in which the niadre|ioi-ic jilates, sometimes one and sometimes five in number, may be found in \.'irious jmrts of the lower inter-brachial spaces. The arm ossicles of tlu' Ophiurida', according to Ludwig, are originally double, the first rudiment consists of two calcareous jiieces symmetrically placed on cither side the middle line of the arm; each triangular jiiece is formed of three rays, two directed orally, the third al) orally; the latter increases considerably in length, and the two others gradually become fused together. Till a late stage of growth, there is in the middle of the ossicle a sjiace with concave sides. SEnPE.Xr STARS. 149 In typical Ojihiurans the mouth, just above tlie teeth, opens by a round, contrac- tile aperture into a large, flattened jstoniaeh, which spreads over the basis of the arms and into the inter-brachial spaces. Though sometimes a little wrinkled, it is usually destitute of pouches, convolutions, or ceecal ajiiiendages. Jietween the stomach and the disc wall lie the reproductive organs, consisting of elongated bags communicating with closed tubes, wliich bear the ova or spermatozoa. In the Astrophytidte the upper part of the stomach is surrounded by mnuerous radiating folds or bags, which are attached to the roof of the disc, to the genital organs, and at ten points encircling the mouth. The body cavity would thus be divided into ten parts were it not for the open space or canal which runs around the mouth, and corresjionds to the ring-canal of a true Ophiuran, l)ut differs in being a continuation of the l)ody cavity instead of a closed, annular tube. There is no closed bag for the genital products, but the body cavity is the genital cavity, and an ovarial lol)e opens into each comjiartment. Lyman enumerates about five hundred s))ecies of ()pliiuroi not occur aliove that limit. This number may of course be increased by subsecpient rlredgings, but even now we know of fifty exclusively dee])-water sjiecies, living in water cold almost to freezing, and in entire absence of suidigiit. In the genus Ophiura the disc is covered with small granulations, which more or less covers the small, oblong, sejiarated radial shields; the jaws are set with teeth; the spines, which are on the outer edges of the side arm-]ilates, and parallel to them, are smooth, flat, and shorter than the arm-joints; side mouth-shields aiv ]iresent, and there are four genital openings. A fine species is O. /r/v.v, from Lower California and the west coast of Central America. Pectinnru is another large genus, distinguished from Oy2>hioira is the largest genus of the m'der, since it contains eighty- nine known species, all of which have a small and delicate disc, cov- ered with over-la])ping scales and showing the radial shields, and long, slender, more or less flattened arms with short spines of uniform size. A. maxima, obtained by the Ch.al- lenger expedition in 9° 59' S. lat. and 139° 42' E. long., at a depth of twenty-eight fathoms, measures nearly a foot across from end to end of arms, though the disc (uily slightly exceeds half an inch in diameter. Ophlovukla differs from Amphiura prinei])ally in the jires- ence of small spines upon the scales of the disc. There are, in fat^t, sev- eral genera that are distinguished from Amphiura by but slight characters, though the differeiu'cs between the species contained in those genera are curiously well marked and constant. Hemipholis Fid. VM.— O/ihiir-tis Minijiii/i. i^ERPENT :^TAIiS. 151 cordifera, a member of a oemis nearly related tn Aitijj/ikn-d, is ]ilentiful in the harbor of Charleston, S. C., and is apiiarently vivi)iarous, since it may be found with minute young elinginii; tn the amis and ilisc. [t occurs also in the West Indies. Op/docijmbiiun rarernonuiii, taUcii l)vthe 'Challenger' east of Kerguclcn Island, is remarkable for tlu' manlier in which the clisc, which is scarcely attached to the arms, ami is entirely covered with small scales, overlies the arms "like a Basque caji." (JjJiid- roma iithiojjs and 0. ale.i-,k is Astrophi/ton itself, of which seven species are known. Though there are no arm-sjiines, the oiiter bi-anchcs of the arms have s]iiue-like tentacle scales. The long bar-like radial shields of the disc are covered by the thick skin, but show as elevated radiating ribs reaching to its centre. Under the skin of the arms there are side arm-j)lates, which cover the lower side of the arms, but there is onh a basal undi'r arm-jilate, and there are no u|i]ier arm-plates at all. GorijoiairephuJiig has also branching arms, but the ]ilates under the skin of the disc are differently arrange]m(/nutoris is about sixteen inches. Among the Astro]ihytida> with unbranched arms the |)rinci|)a] uenus is Astror]n'>i(i(,^\\\w\\ has well-formed under arm- plates like an o|ihiuran. Ojihioririix ulii/nsli'old was taken in twenty-three hundred fathoms. Order II. — ASTEROIDEA. The differences which distinguish the star-fishes from the ojihiuroids are scarcely less important than those which separate either from the sea-urchins, yet the external STAH-Fl.'iHES. 15? form is in both eases that of a star of live or more rays. In the star-fishes there is no such well-marked distinction between the disc and the ai-nis as there is in an o]jhiu- roid, for the stomach, and the ovaries or sitermaries, nui into tlie arms. Along the underside of each arm runs a deep ambulacral furrow, from the de]iths of which project the ambulacral feet, which are j)rovided at their ends witli stu'kers, by means of which the •■uiimal moves. At the base of each sucker-foot within the ana is a vesicle or amjjulla, connected with the radial or ambulacral canal of the water system. This arrangement seems very different fi'om the solidly ])!ated arm of a serpent-star, with its enclosed row of vertebral o.ssides, and its tentacle-like feet uu)ir(i\ ided with sucking discs or with vesicles at tlieir base, yet it is demonstr.-iblc that the halves of the vertebne of an on the aboral as])ect of a star-fish. The se.\es are distinct, l)ut can only be distinguished by a microscopic examination of the glands, which are situated on each side of the interior of the arms, or at the juuction of the body with the rays. As the plates which enclose the base of the arms STAR-FISHES. 155 in the long-armeil star-fishes arc interradial, and are homologous with those which fill up the .sj)aoe between the arms in the pentagonal species, the ovaries are actually interradial or interambulaeral in position, as in ophiuroids. The eggs pass out by a ]iore on eaeh side of the base of the arms, situati'd between two plates, and dittieult to detect. The embryo nf a star-fish is \isuaily a free-swimming animal with ai'ins and ciliated bands, and has been called a Biachiolaria, or, in other forms, Bijiinnaria. The Brachiolaria, when it has attained its full development, has thirteen arms — a medial anal pair, a dorsal anal pair, a ventral anal ]iair, a dorsal oral ]iair, a ventral oral pair, an odd anterior arm, Ijcaring an odd brachiolar arm, and a pair of smaller brachiolar arms connected with the oral ventral ])air of arms. The br.achiolar arms have wart- like appendages at the tip, whereas all the other arms are surrounded by chords of vibratile cilia. The median .anal arms ajijiear first and are largest (in Asteracuuthioii pdlUdus), and the odd brachiolar arm ]irecedes the jiair of similar arms. The adult larvfe move about rapidly by means of the cilia, with the oral extremity in advance. In the Bipiniiaria llie arms are fewer in nnndicr .■nid are moi-c slender, and all are ciliated. The first commencement of the growth of the young star-fish is by the appearance, on the anal side of the left water-tube of the larva, of five slight folds; while on the other side of the anal ex- tremity aj)])ear five lime- stone rods. The folds are the first rudiments of the rows of suckers, the rods of the abor.al skeleton. The rajs are indicated as lobes upon the growing dorsal ])art f)f the disc while the suckers are still widely separated from them. The yoinig star- fish, thus growing on the opposite surfaces of the two water-tubes, soon loads down the anal end of the embryo, the larva then becomes sluggish, the body changes from trans- ])arent to cloudy and opaque, the arms contract and become constricted intci t'clls, .-md soon noth- ing remains but the brach- iolar arms, brought close to the young star-fish V)y the shrinkage of the boily. These finally follow the rest. Not a single part is (b-opjjed off, the whole of the larva passes into the star-fish. The first steps sulisequent to this resorjition are the approach of the oral and alwral sides by the contraction of the water-tuljes, and the approach to symmetry of the at first Flc. 137. — ni:il siiifM iif viTv youMK star-fish. 156 LOWER INVERTEHRATES. unsymmetrical arms. From this strtge the arms orailiially lengthen, ami the spines and sm-kers develop and increase in number until the adult form is reached. In some star-tishes the emliryo develrane, like the canvas of a tent. Something similar to this occurs in Ptin->pUjr} Ulster kertiuelenensis has its dorsal surface covered with a tessellated pave- ment of ]iaxilli or sjiines, with large heads. These paxilli form with their aj)proxi- mated heads a sort of hexagonal mosaic on the surface, but between their slender shafts arca mudreporic plate can lie seen near the margin of the disc, but in the adult it is hidden by the ]iaxilli. A)'chaster vexilUfer, taken in tliiee hundred and forty-four fathoms, west of the Shetland Isles, is a fine species about ten inches across, remarkable for the arrange- ment of the ambulaeral spines, which form coniKs that increase in size toward the base of the arms. Each ]ilate has a double i-ou of s|iines. .and each s|)ine has a second short s]iine at its end. 'i'he anibulacr.il grooves are much widei-, and the ambulacra! tubes larger in jiroportion to the animal than is ustuil. Arcliaxtcr bifrons, taken in ecies, a native of tlie coast of New Caledonia, the plates oi the back are disjoine(l, leaving between them mem- branous spaces, most of which are piei'ced by a tentacle. In the genus Patiria, the plates of the b;ick .ai-e i-ounded, and simply touch each otlici'. /'. cntgsii is from Western .\ustrali.-i. In the ( JoMASTKKiii.K, (he skeleton, at least on the lower I'.-ice, is foi-nicil nf rounded or polygonal ossicles, forming a kind of pavement, and there ai-e usu.ally two rcjws of marginal plates of comjiaratively large siw. Tlu' body ajijird.iches more or less to the pentaiional sha])c, the arms )irojecting but slightly, and there are two rows of suckers. Some very tine ex.iniples of this family are fotuid ii]ion the west coast of this con- tinent. Froniineut .among them is Oreaster occidental is, which measures eight or nine inches across, and is also of consi(hM':iblc thickness in the centre of the disc. It ranges northward Xo Lower t'alit\)rnia. A very licautiful .sjiecii's, with long, sharp spine.-- upon :i liright red disc, is Nido- rellia ttnniifa, a pentagon.-il, c.'ike-like star some tive or six inches across. Afnp/riaster insii/niii, another Lower C-difornian species, has short, flat arms and a flat disc, and the regular an-angement of its spines and tesselateil plates reiulers it exceedingly beautiful. A more northern species is AFcdiuster m/au/i^. which has been found as far north as Puget Souiiil. Antrof/oiiium phri/i/!)ier surface is an o]ien network of limestone rods, carrying, at the points of junction, cluh-sliaped ]irocesses which bear t\d'ts of small siiines. Cvibrelhi s<;v-r(iilitional character in this genus. It has also the faculty of reproduction by division into two halves, so tliat most examples show three larger ami three smaller arms. Tjiis power is also possessed by se\eral of the man\-.'irme(l , /^■^.'/•/"*', by some /Jnckias, and some Asterlnns. CrlbrMa ^uiujuiiKilcnta is common on the New England coast below low-water m.irk. The ,VsTEi;iii.io arc star-tishcs which usually have the arms well-develo]ieil, and have four rows of water-feet, each ending in a sucking-disc, along the ambulacra. One of the largest genera is Aster ias, or Astcr- iiriiiitJiion, sjiecies of which are found everywhere in the northern hemisphere. A. ri(/)eiif is ;\ comnu)n European form. .1. l>ci\i/linut< extends from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Floricl.-i, while A. vif/f/itris langes from Long Island Sound to Lab- i-adin-. The l.-ist two species are bolli (■(innnon in Jlassachusctls Bay. -^,„,. ■. -.."^vi-. In A. orhrucea., which ranires from Is'" \' Xw?-. Sitka to San Dieu'o, and is the most com- 'I'-n.-- /^^0^ \''W% nion star-fish of the ('•■iliforui.-in coasi, the ^i-K'M''' \i-'x$., arms .and the ambulacra are wider than ^&' fe;^)^ in most species of the genus, and the cal- ^^' careens network wliit'li covers in the sides and l)ack ot the arms is exceedingly solid. Several other s])ccies of J.v/r/vV^s- occur ujiou the Pacific coast of the United States, but the most conspicuous is the large six-armed .1. t/i;/i(iifr<>, which attains a diameter of more than two feet. Nearly allied is Fi/r)n,po(Ua heHiintlniiik.% a gigantic form with more th.an twenty arms, common on the P.-icific coast of North America, from Cajie Mendocino to Alaska; the calcareous skeleton of the njipcr surface is reduced to a few small rods at the l)ase of the s] lines, and hence a large well-iirescrved specimen is a rarity. Tiiis species attains the diameter of three feet, or thereabouts, and is of .1 bright red color in life. Professor A. Agassiz considers th.at this sjiecies, as well as Crossaster /Dipposi/s, are in many resjieets allied to Bris!i);/ii. The many-armed Asterid:e are, for the most jiart, included in the genus JhJinMo; or sun-star, two species of which, // /n/biinj'' and II. ndcrobrachia, occur ujion the west coast of North America, from Panama to C'ajic St. Lucas. The latter form has more than thirty arms, and the free portions of the arms are very short. Zoroaster ful(/en«, dredged northwest of the Hebrides, has immensely long arms and a very small disc, not one-twelfth of the total diameter of the animal, which measures ten inches across. It closely resembles Op/rkh'aster, but luis four rows of starfish, Holotliurian. and Worms. SEA-URCHINS. 161 watei'-feet in the nmlnilncral grooves. Zoroaster aigsheei and Z. orkleyi are two species dredged by the 'Blake' in or near the Caribbean Seas, in 1878-79. The last attains a diameter of about nine inches across the arms. Though the suckers are ranged in four rows at the base of the arms, there are but two rows at the extremity. It greatly resembles an Ophidiaste.r in general appearance. The small size of the sucking-discs of the water-feet, and the general aspect of the animals, suggest that the genus should be placed witli the Astropectinidag, near to Luidia. Caulaster is a singular star-fish, furnished with a peduncle in the centre of the disc, suggestive of tlie centi'o-dorsal tubercle of a comatula. It was taken by the French exploring expedition. Class III. — ECHmOIDE A. The Sea-Urchins are echinoderms without arms and without a stalk. They are protected externally by a calcareous test, composed of plates known as the coronal plates. These plates form ten distinct areas, five of which are perforated with pores for the exit of the suckers, and are known as the ambulacra! areas, while the five intermediate areas bear no suckers, and are known as interambulacral. The variations in the form and size of these plates, and of the areas they compose, give rise to the varying shapes of the different genera. The mouth is always situated ujion the lower or actinal aspect, which is applied in progression to the surface upon which the animal moves ; but the position of the anus vai'ies in different families. The surface of the plates, except where the pores are situated, is covered with spines, which occur upon every species of echinoid, but vary greatly in their number, structure, and size, so that they form one of the best characters by which species can be distinguished. There seems at first sight to be little resemblance between the huge bat-like spines of Heterocentrotus, the sharp, hollow, brittle spines of the Diadematidre, the solid- fluted spines of the Echinidie, and the slender, delicate spines, usually short, but sometimes long and silky, of the spatangoids or irregular sea-urchins, yet A. Agassiz assures us that in their early stages the young spines of Echinids are much alike. They are polygonal, made \\\^ of rectangular meshes placed in regular stories one above the other. There is no difference in the typical structure of the spine of the young of Cidaris, Echinus, Strongylocentrotus, Arhacia, ErJii- ^<^^;:zzt~~^^^>^ nocyamtis, or Schizaster. Some recent genera, espe- X^^^^S^^^X^ cially the spatangoids, retain a type approaching X/ ')'y^^^t\/\K^ that of all young echini, while among many oldei' //// (/\ fl 1Vn\\\\\\ genera, as in Cidaris and other regular sea-urchins, /th|v!''''"«~x* , .-^■""'^^iTHm complicated types occur. [I ]li-\ Hto».^^4-«iM«'^ p^^ The coronal plates are more or less pentagonal, VX \^^~^£j^^ '\jlr-Ll I and are usually firmly united at their edges. Twenty V ^ T^v^"4c/// — ' principal longitudinal series, two in each ambulacral, ^e.'^ ^^^%%^y and two in each interambulacral area, make up the v,.^ ""I^^^^^^ mass of the test, and a series or rosette of ten single XjJl.^&^^S^^'^ plates form a ring round the aboral or apical margin, fig. 14o. - Erh,naraA:imms parma ,• a. am- The apical extremities of the ambulacra abut upon ''"'*"^'' '■ inf^-ambuiaorai areas. the five smaller of these plates, each of which is perforated, supports the eye- spot, and is called the ocular plate. The apical ends of the inter-ambulacra cor- VOL. I. — 11 162 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. resj^ond to the five larger jilates, which are perforated with a larger aperture for the escape of the generative products, and are called genital plates. One of these genital plates, lying in what is recognizable as the right anterior inter-ambulacrum, is larger than the others, and has a porous, convex surface. This is the madre- poric body, and communicates with the water-system. Within the circle formed by the genital and ocular plates are a number of small plates, of which one, the anal, is larger than the others. The anus lies slightly out of the centre, between the anal plate and the ])OSterior margin of the anal area. The space around the mouth (peristome) is usually strengthened for some distance by irregular oral jilatcs; and ten rounded plates, supporting as many suckers, and perft)rate(l by their canals, are placed in jiairs close to the lip. Each of the double series of coronal plates presents a zigzag suture in the middle line. Each ambulacral plate is subdivided by a greater or less series of sutures into a number of smaller jilates, which are per- forated by the pores of the suckers, and are called pore-plates. These are the ju-imitive ambulacral plates, and in tlie Cidarida? do not coalesce into larger ambulacral jilates, but sim])ly enlarge. Scattered over the body, especially near the mouth, ai"e the pi-onged pcdicellarire ; and on most living echini, Cidaris excepted, small button- like bodies called siiha?ridia are found. These are situated upon a short stalk, and are thought to be possililv organs of taste. The spines or other appendages of the test are mounted upon tubercles, the size of which is proportioned to that of the spines, so that the empty and Fio. 141. - Pecli- ' ceUariaofsea- denuded test of a sea-urchin, covered with poi'cs and tubercles, tells much respecting the affinities of its former habitant. In a large portion of the class, the regular urchins and the cake-urrhins, the mouth is furnished with five pyramids or jaws moved by powerful muscles, and in the regular sea-urchins each pyramid is composed of eight pieces, making a total of forty pieces. The digestive canal consists of a narrow gullet, a stomach of considerable length, passing from left to right around the interior of the body, and then turning uji and curving back in the opposite direction ; and of a terminal intestine. The stomach forms two series of loops, partly enclosing the ovaries, and is held in ]>lace by a broad, thin membrane, the mesentery. The sexes are distinct, and there are five ovaries or spermaries, opening outward by the openings in the genital jilates. The single madi'e- poric canal extends from the madreporic i>late to the eii-cular vessel around the mouth. The majority of the Echinoidea undergo a metamorphosis, the early stages of which are similar to those of the star-fish. The embryo sea-urchin is called a pluteus, and is furnished with eight long amis supported by slender calcareous rods. These arms and rods are the locomotive apparatus of the young animal, which jn-ogresses by open- ing and closing them like an umbrella. The body is also provided with a curiously- curved band of vibratile cilia. Anything more unlike a sea-urchin than one of these plutei, with its complex sprawling array of arras and bilaterally spnmetrical, but not radiated body, cannot well be imagined. In Stronf/ylocentrotus drobachiensis, the common urchin of the Atlantic coast, the rudiments of the first tentacles appear in twenty-three days, by which time the pluteus has acquired its com]ilete external form, but the shajie of the larval digestive cavity is concealed by the growing sea-urchin within. The body of the pluteus is gradually SEA-URCHINS. 163 absorbed, and the spines and suckers of the young sea-urchin increase in size and num- ber. When the phiteus has finally disappeared, the young sea-urchin is more like the adult than is the young star-fish, but the plates of the apical region are not only more conspicuous in relation to the size of the test, but differ somewhat in their arrange- ment from those of the adult. The anus is at first wanting, and the anal plate is rela- tively large, is in the centre of the ajiical area, and is united by its edges with the five plates which, though imperforate in the young, become the genital plates in the adtdt. The other five plates that surround the apical system (the ocular plates) are also im- perforate, and from a circle outside that formed by the genital plates, the spaces between them being occui)ied by interambulacral plates. In this stage the homology Fl.G. 142. — Old pluteus of Arbacia, with developing sea-urchin. between the apical region of a sea-urchin, and the calyx of a crinoid is strongly brought out ; the anal plate representing the basalia, the genital jjlates the parabasalia, and the ocular plates the first radials. The ambulacra may therefore be taken to represent the arms of a crinoid, and the interamliulacral plates of the echinids are homologous with the interradial plates of the Crinoidea. The calcareous skeleton of the pluteus under- goes resorption, but the remainder of the larva passes into the growing sea-urchin. The pluteus form is not universal among echinoids, since several forms from the southern hemisphere {Ilemiaster pMlippii., H. cavernosics, Anochamis sinensis, Cidaris nutrix, etc.), develop directly into sea-urchins without, or with only traces of, a metamorphosis. Notwithstanding this great difference in the mode of development, the species which develop directly are very nearly related to species which live in the northern seas and pass through the pluteus stage. The ' Challenger ' expedition did 164 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. not find any free-swimming ecliinoderm larvae in the southern ocean. In tlie species which develop directly, some of the plates and sijines are modified so as to afford protection to the ova and em- bryos, which remain attached to the i)arent during the early stages of growth. Most of the regular sea- urchins affect rocky coasts, and many of them, by what agency is not known, burrow into limestone rocks and coral reefs until they lie in a cavity which fits their bodies. The total number of genera of Echinoidea known is not more than two hundred and twenty-five, represented by about two thousand fossil, and less than three hundred recent species. Twenty-four gene r a o f echini now living, including several spatangoid forms, were already existing at the time of the earliest tertiary formations, and some of these date back to the Jurassic beds, or even to the lias and trias. In tertiary times occur thirty-eight additional genera which have come down to the present time. The tertiary fossil echinids of the European beds are so similar to those now living in the West Indies, that it is nearly impossible to distinguish the species. The southern ocean is the home of most of the deep sea or aliyssal species, some fifty in all, and only one of these, Poiirtalesia pMale, extends into Europe in deep water, though a comparatively large number of PourtalesicB and Echinothuridas extend into the North Pacific. Twelve of the abyssal sjiecies extend beyond two thousand fathoms. Forty-six species maybe called continental, occupying an intermediate posi- tion between the littoral species and the abyssal forms. Ten of these species extend to great dejaths. The orders of the Echinoidea adopted by A. Agassiz in his report upon the residts of the 'Challenger' expedition are the Palfeoechinoidea (extinct), the Desmosticha or regular sea-urchins, the Clypeastridce or cake-urchins, and the Petalosticha or irregular sea-urchins. Fir,. 143. — Young of Strontjyloccntrotus. Order I. — DESMOSTICHA. This order includes those sea-rirchins which have a perfectly regular form, the ambu- lacra commencing at the aperture of the mouth and continuing around the test, which is more or less globose, until they reach the apical system in the centre of the upper aspect of the test. The mouth and anus are thus in this order always to be found upon opposite aspects, the ambulacra divide the circle of the test at five equal angles, and, excc])t in a very few instances (in the Eehinometrid.a?) there is no dif- ference in length between the two equatorial diameters of the body. SEA-URCHINS. 165 All these regular sea-uicLiiis, as they are commonly called, have a highly complex mouth apparatus. Each of the live pyramids consists of a hollow, wedge-shaped alveolus, composed of four pieces, or rather of two lateral halves, each formed of a superior and inferior portion ; and of a long, slender tooth, shaped somewhat like the incisor of a rat or other rodent. The live alveoli, with their teeth, form a cone, and the parts are united together by strong transverse muscular fibres and also by long pieces applied radially to their upper edges. These radial rods are the rotulaj. To the inner end of each rotula is articulated a slender arcuated rod, with a free forked extremity. These are the radii. Thus the entire apparatus, usually called ' Aristotle's lantern,' consists of twenty principal parts, five teeth, five alveoli, five radii, and five rotula;, and as each alveolus consists of four, and each radius of two parts, the total number of pieces is forty. When in position, the alveoli and the teeth face the interambulacra, the radii and rotulae the ambulacra. For the attachment of this dentary apparatus to the test, the coronal plates of the margin of the mouth are produced into five perpendicular perforated processes, calleil the auricles. These usually arch over the am- bulacra. From the auricles and interambulacra! spaces at the fig. »4.- Aristotle's lau- ^ teru of Arbacia. margin of the mouth arise a complex system of muscles, jiro- tractor, retractor, and oblique, inserted into various parts of the mouth apparatus, at once attaching it firmly anil regulating the movements of the parts. There is great variation in the size, shape, and surface of the spines of the Desmos- ticha, but they are never so delicate and silky as in the other orders of echinoids. Usually certain large spines which form a continuous series from one end of an intei'- ambulacrum or ambulacrum to the other may be distinguished'as primary spines, while the smaller spines forming less complete series are known as secondary or tertiary. The tubercles to which these spines are movably attached are in some cases marked by a central pit, into which, and into a corresponding pit on the head of the spine, a ligament of attachment is inserted. The radial ambulacral vessels reach the ambulacra from the circular canal around the mouth by passing beneath the rotulas and through the arches of the auricles. There are large ambulacral vesicles at the bases of the suckers, which are usually ex- panded into a sucking disc at their tips, where they are strengthened by a calcareous plate ; but in some genera the j)edicels of the apical part of the test are flattened, pectinated, and gill-like. The family Cidaeid^ has a large number of small plates in the ambulacral areas, and the pores are arranged in single pairs. The iiiterambulacral regions are very wide, with only a small number of tubercles, each of which is large and perforated, and bears a massive solid spine. There are no secondary spines, but the entire surface of the test between the primary spines is filled in with small papilla', which extend also over the oral membrane. The areas occupied by the oral and anal systems are larger than in other regular sea-urchins ; the jaws are less complicated than in the EchinidoB and Diadcmatida?, the teeth are gauge-shaped, and the auricles are inserted in tlie interambulacral instead of the ambulacral areas. Processes developed from the ambulacral plates form a sort of wall on each side of the ambulacral canal. The ambulacral plates are continued on the peristome to the margin of the mouth, where their edges overlap, producing a structure somewhat like that of the entire test of the 160 LO WER IN VER TEBRA TES. Ecliinothuridae. Cidaris metularia occurs in the Pacific and East India oceans, C. thouarsii on the west coast of North America, and C. tribuloides on both coasts of the Athmtic. Fine specimens of the hxtter measure five inches across the si)ines. Dorociduris papilluta occurs at depths of from one hundred to six hundred fathoms, and has extremely long flvited spines, so that an example with a test about an inch across will measure eight or nine inches from tip to tiji of spines. It occurs in the Mediter- ranean, and the Atlantic, while examples collected at the Philippines cannot be dis- tinguished from it. D. bracteata, a Pacific species, has the flutes of the spines set with serrations. In the species of PhyllacantJais the spines are often ornamented with frill-like lamelltB, but vary greatly in shape and decoration. P. gigantea, of the Sandwich Islands, has ten spines in a series, and six or eight lamell* on each spine. Gonioci- daris ccmalicula- ta is a species with elegant s j) i n e s, tolerably abun- dant in the south- ern ocean. It has been dredged in sixteen hundred fathoms. In this species the u])iier part of the test is quite flat, and the two first series of spines, which are much larger than the s]iincs of Cid- aris usually are on that i)art of the test, lean over to- wards the anal opening, and form an open tent for the protection of the young. These sjiiues are cylindrical and nearly smooth, the outer series longer and shorter than the inner. A somewhat similar ai-rangement obtains in Cidaris mdrix. Sometimes the young creep out, with the aid of their first few pairs of suckers, ui)0n the long spines of the mother, and return to the nuirsupium. Porocidaris purpurata has several rows of peculiar paddle-shaped spines round the mouth. These spmes arc flattened, longitudinally grooved, and serrated upon the edges. Goniocidaris florigera is remarkable for the shajie of the jirimary sjiines set around the anal area. These spines are dilated at the tip in such a manner as frequently to form a flattened cnj>, equalling in width onc-thii'd the diameter of the test. The oldest species of Cidaris occur in the Trias, and are small forms with smooth tubercles. Fig. 145. — Cidaris nutrij:. SEA-UllCHINS. 167 In the family Arbaciid.-e the median interambulacral spaces show as so many bare bands, and the structure of the jaws, teeth, auricles, and s)tinos, is intermediate between the CidaridiB and Echinidaa. The species are few. A. j^itnctulata occurs upon the eastern, and A. nifjra ujion the western coast of this country. In delopleurKS the spines of the primary tubercles are immense, three times as long as the diameter of the test, and taper gradually to a fine point. One species occurs on the coast of Florida. The Salenid.e are a small tribe with spines like those of the Cidarida; in struc- ture ; and with the anal and genital plates soldered together. Sahnia vari- spvici is quite common in the Cariljbean Sea at depths from three hundred and fifty to one thousand six hundred and seventy-tive fathoms. This species has a small purple body and Idug white ser- rated spines, and in ajtjicarance resem- bles Dorocidaris. The character which removes it into another family seems a very small one, yet is one in which it differs from all regular sea-urchins, ex- cept its own immediate relatives, which, so far as we know, commenced to live ii])on this earth in Jurassic times, and have continued through cretaceous and tertiary to the present day. Instead of having five ocular and five genital plates in its rosette, this little urchin has eleven, the additional one large, cres- cent-shaped, and occupying a central position. This' plate thrusts the anus quite out of the centre of the rosette. In the DiADEJiATiD^ the spines are hollow, long, and set with rings or ver- ticillations. The test is thin, and the spines delicate, so that it i§ very diffi- cult to preserve a specimen entire. D. mexicanus occurs on the west coast of Mexico, while D. setosimi is found in both oceans. In Eddnotlirlx the test is stouter than in Diadema, and there are many vertical rows of very small tubercles instead of the larger tubercles of uniform size which characterize Diadema and Astropi/i/a. E. desorii of the Pacific and Red Sea attains a diameter of about five inches, while the spines do not exceed half the diameter of the test, and are often banded with greenish yellow. In Astropi/ga the test is so thin as to be more or less flexible, and is greatly de- pressed, the height usually not exceeding one-third, or even one-fourth of the diameter. In life the colors are very bright, the ambulacral 2Jlates have pits or de|)ressions of a Fni. Wo. — Salenia vririsplna, enlarged. 168 LOWER IN VER TEDRA TES. brilliant sky-blue, and the sj)ines of A. pulvinata are Hesh-colored, with brownish, purple bands. The species named occurs on the west coast of Central America and Lower California. The EcHiNOTiiUEiD^ are a family distinguished, among other peculiarities, by the flexibility of the test. This flexibility results from the arrangement of the plates ; which, instead of meeting and uniting at their edges, overlap, arc separated by mem- brane, and are thus free to move. Prof. A. Agassiz points out that this character is well developed in Astropt/i/a, which may be considered as a connecting link between the Diadematidre and Echinothuridse. The latter also present many points of resemblance to the extinct PalKechinidfe. All the species have extremely dejtressed tests, resembling at first sight those of a cake-urchin or Clyjicastroid, a group which they also simulate in the comparative shortness and small size of the spines. In structure they are, bow- ever, regular sea-urchins with the oral and anal systems on o)>])osite sides of the test. M l^th< nobomn ki/strU\ The genus Asthenosoma contains six species, and occurs at various dejjths from ten to foiu'teen hundred fathoms. Although the test is so depressed in preserved examjjles, living specimens, even when brought uj) from the moderate dejith of one hundred fathoms, are nearly globular, as if the test had been blown up like a foot ball. In PJtormosoma, of which seven species are known, there is in life a great contrast between the flattened oral side, and the high and globose anal aspect of the test. P. luctdentimi is perhaps the most striking species of the group. The test is of a beautiful light violet, forming a brilliant contrast to the white lines, indicating the sutures of the coronal jilates, to the comparatively long, smooth, shining, primary spines, and to the silvery white, thick, hoof-like tips that terminate many of the primary spines on the oral surface of the test. The structure of the ))lates uj)on the area round the mouth, which remains flexible in all echini, is in this family so similar to that of the j)lates of the test itself, as to Buggest that they are jtrimarily of similar nature. SEA-URCHINS. 169 Sir W. Thomson gives a grapbie accouut of the siiiprise occasioned by the move- ments that passed tlirough the test of Asthenosoina hi/strix as it assumed upon the deck what seemed its usual form and attitude. The test moved and shrank from the touch when handled, and felt like a star-fish. It is quite dangerous to handle the species of this family when alive, as the wounds they make with their numerous sharp stinging spines jiroduce a j)ain and luunhness as unpleasant as tliat occasioned by the stinging of a Portuguese man-of-war. The tests of some species (as jt^. teiiue) attain a diameter of six inches. This species has been taken in two thousand seven hundred and fifty fathoms. Judging from the large size of the eggs and of the genital openings, this group of sea-urchins is probably viviparous. The largest family of regular sea-urchins is that of the EcHiNiDJi, which may be divided into the two groups of Echinometrida', in which the pores of the ambulacral areas are arranged in arcs of several pairs of jjores, and Echinidie proper, whicli have arcs consisting of only three pairs of pores. This difference is greater than it seems, for the mode of growth of the bands of pores is quite unlike in the two groups. Colobocentrotus atratus is covered by a pavement of closely packed hexagonal spines, completely concealing the surface of the test. Those at the edge of the test are rather longer and cylindrical or club-shaped. This species occurs at the Bonin Islands, adhering to the perpendicular faces of rocks exposed to the ocean swells. In this genus, as also in Heteroeentrotus and Echinometra, the outline of the test, viewed from above, is el- liptical. The two - ' -^ species of Hetero- eentrotus have im- mense club-shaped or angular spines, frequently twice as long as the trans- verse diameter of the test ; certainly the most striking productions in the way of spines to be found in the entire class. These spines are a p p a r e n 1 1 y smooth, but actu- ally finely striated. Those immediately round the mouth are liattened, while on the upper sur- face of the test the secondary spines sometimes lorm a fig. us. —. S'«roiigy(r>Cf H(ro(a.s dcodacAiensis, New England sea-urchiu. close p a V e m e n t. The auricles are tall and slender, with a large opening. Both species inhabit the Pacific and Indian Oceans, spreading eastward us far as the Sandwich Islands. 170 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. H. mammilatus has ten to eleven pairs of pores iu each arc, while JI. trigouarius has fifteen to seventeen pairs. The spines of the former are usually stout and bat-shaped, and in color vary from uniform ash-gray or light lirown, with white wings at the end, to nearly black. In II. triyoiiarius the spines are usually longer, tapering, and more or less triangular, but Agassiz states that they vary so much that the two species cannot be distinguished by the spines. When a spine of II. mammilatus is broken off at the base, it is replaced by a long tapering triangular spine like that of the other species. The genus to which the cumbrous name of Strong yloceiitrotics has been given con- tains species with a circular or pentagonal, slightly depressed test, with pores arranged iu arcs of at least four or five pairs. There are several species, of which the best known is the S. driibacJdensis of the north-eastern coast of North America, and of Alaska. S. inexicanus occurs in the Gulf of California, and the test reaches a diameter of nearly three inches ; but these dimensions are far behind those of S. frauciscanus, of the west coast of the United States. In this form the test alone is five or si.x; inches across, and the spines are large, so that fine examples measure a foot. In the Eehinidse projier, a grou}) which contains several genera and species, the test is often nearly globu- lar, — in Ainbh/pneustes the height equals the width. Eddnus esculentii.i is one of the best known forms, and is found on the coasts of Norway and of England. The test is of a brownish or brick red color. As its name implies, it is occasionally used as food. Ilvpponoe depressa. is a large species from the western coast of Mexico and the Gulf of California. Prioneclunus sagittk/ev, a species found by the 'Challenger' expedition at depths varying from seven hundred to one thousand and seventy fathoms in the seas around Australia and the East Indian islands, is remarkable fi-om the presence upon the spines of serrations resembling those of Salenia variapina, instead of the regular Huting characteristic of most Echinid;e. Fig. 149. -Echinus escuhtiiuSy tlie spiues removed from halt of the test. Order II. — CLYPEASTRID^E. In this order the mouth is ])laeed as in the regular sea-urchins, but the anal open- ing occupies a j)osition immediately opposite to the odd ambulacrum, and often on the under side. The genital pores retain their position at the summit of the upper surface of the test, which is exceedingly depressed, with its edge or ambitus more or less sharp, so that the upper and under surfaces are entirely cut off from each other, and are of quite different character. The rows of pores for the exit of the suckers do not extend around this sharp edge, but form five ])airs of curves, arranged some- Avhat like the ])etals of a flower, upon the upper surface only; while on the oral surface the ambulacra are marked by furrows that converge toward the mouth. The SEA-URCHINS. 171 pores upon the oral surface are cither scattered widely over the ambulacral and some- times over the inter-ambulacral jilates, forming joore arece, or they are arranged in bands which ramify over both the ambulacral and the interamlnilacral i)lates. Tlie difference between the anterior and posterior extremit}' is well marked in tliis order, the former being known by the odd ambulacrum of the three ambulacra composing the trivium, the latter by the position of the anus between the posterior pair of ambu- lacra or bivium. The jaws of the clypeastroids are much sim]i]er than those of the regular echini, and articulate upon the auricles, instead of being held injilace by muscles, as in the latter. They are V-shaped, and are placed horizontally. The teetli are secured in a groove corresponding to the line of junction of the arms of the V. The spines are in all eases delicate and short, often almost velvety in their fineness. The water system of the clypeastroids is without Polian vessels, but there are large vesicles at the bases of the suckers. The species mostly live upon sandy or muddy bottoms. In the EucLYPEASTRiD.E the upper and lower floors of the test are connected and strengthened by pillars, needles, or radiating partitions of calcareous matter. J^chi- nocyamtis xnisillus and a few other sjjecies are almost as globular as the Echinidae, but are true Clypeastroids in structure, with simple partitions extending inwards from the circumference. In Clypeaster and Ecldnanthus the floors are connected by jiillars, slender in the former genus, massive in the latter. The species are large, and, though flattened, have a rounded ambitus, while the oral surface is concave. C rotundas occurs on the west coast of North America, as far north as San Diego, while Echi- itanthus rosaceus is tolerably common about the West India Islands and Florida. Laganurn and its near relatives have the floors connected by walls that run parallel to the edge of the test. In the ScuTELLiD^E the test is extremely flat, and is usually more or less circular. The great quantity of calcareous matter forming the flattened edge is in many species lessened somewhat by the presence of cuts or oj)eniiigs in the ambulacral or interambulacral areas. The furrows of the under surface, which are straight in Cli/2)eaiiter, are in this grou]) more or less branching, and the upper and lower floors are supported by parti- tions that radiate from single points. Some of the best known forms of Scutellidae belong to the genus EcJii- 7iarachnius, and are without cuts or lunales. E. parma, the Sand Dollar, is found on the Atlantic coast of the United States, and also on the Pacific coast as far south as Vancouver Island, and in Asia as far as Japan. E. ex- centricus is the common cake-urchin of the Pacific Coast, from Monterey northward, and occurs also in Kamts- chatka. It is very common in San Francisco Bay, where a depth of five to seven fathoms. Fig. 150. — Echinarachnius parma, saud-dollar. lives ujion the sand at 172 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. In Mellita the test beeomes large and heavy, and the edges present deep cuts opposite to the ambulacra. In JEncope the massiveness of the test increases, reaching its fullest development in E. (/randis, a native of the west coast of Mexico and of the Gulf of California. It is hard to lielieve that the mass of calcareous material forming the test of this sea-urchin ever contained a living animal. The edges of the test are half as thick as the thickest part, which is at the anus. There is a huge lunule between the posterior ambulacra, beside live cuts opposite the ambulacra. Order III. — PETALOSTICHA. These sea-urchins, more commonly known as irregular sea-urchins or Spatangoids, have no dental apparatus ; the test is variable in form, though usually more or less elliptical; and the anal system is placed between the two posterior ambulacra (bivium). Certain parts of the test and spines are greatly specialized ; and the radiate form is accompanied with an evident bilaterality. Neither the oral nor the anal apertures are in the centre of the test, the former being displaced anteriorly, and situated beneath the odd anterior ambulacrum, while the latter is situated beneath or between the petals of the bivium. The ambulacra in this order vary greatly, but are always petaloid in character upon the upper surface, the series of pores not being continuous around the edge of the test to the under surface. The anterior petal or ambulacrum often becomes more or less abortive, so that there are only four petals visible above; while in other cases it is much enlariied. SEA-URCHINS. 173 The spines of the Petalosticha vary greatly in size, not only in different species, hut in the same indivichial. They are always delieate and sdky, though in some species they may he of great length. When the test is cleaned, its surface is in many cases found to be marked by one or more symmetrical bands of close-set tubercles, so small that a powerful lens is needed to distinguish them. During life these tubercles bear slender spines, the heads of which are enlarged, while the shafts .ire set with cilia, and shaft and head alike are covered with a thick skin. These fascicles lie beneath or around the anus ; they surround the outer extremities of the petaloid ambulacra, or, as in Amphidotus, they encircle the inner or apical terminations of the ambulacra. Fascicles, as such, are recognized only among spatangoids, but it is probable, says Prof. Agassiz, that the accumulation of miliary tubercles on the edge of some Phor- mosomas must be regarded as the first trace of them. The earliest spatangoids, like the Dysasteridae, have no fascicles. Throughout all these changes of position of mouth and anus, the genital and ocular plates retain their central position; but in some genera the genital orifices are reduced to four. The circular ambulacral vessel in this order has no Polian vesicles, and there are no vesicular apjiendages to the bases of the jiedicels or suckers, of which there are four kinds. These are single locomotive pedicels without any sucking disc; locomotive pedicels containing a skeleton, and provided with terminal suckers ; tactile pedicels, with papillose, e.xjianded lips; and triangular, flattened, more or less comb-like lamellae. Two or three of these kinds of feet may occur in any ambulacrum, and those which occur upon a fascicle are always different from the others. In the Cassidultd^ there are no fascicles, and the form of the test is sub-globular, ap]iroaching that of the regular echini. It includes the sub-families Echineinre and Nucleolinjie. The mouth in this grouji is placed centrally, or near the centre. Rhyncopygxis parjficuit of the western coast of Mexico belongs here, as does also Catopygus recens, which was found at a depth of one hundred and twenty-nine fathoms south of New Guinea, and has an elevated test, the height about equal to the width, heart-shaped when looked at from behind, and pointed in front. In the Spataxgid.e, the principal family of the order, fascicles or bands of crowded miliary sjjines occur, and a plastroii, or space without large spines, surrounds the oral opening, and is bordered by pores. This group is divided into several others, the Pourtalesiw, Ananchytina?, Spa- tangina, Leskiina?, and Brissina, all distinguished itiainly by peculiarities in the petals and fascicles. In Pourtalesia and its allies the ambulacral sj-stem is simple, and the plates which compose it are large. The mouth, a large opening situated in a groove, is elliptical, and is cov- ered by a membrane strengthened by Fw.K2.-Pnnrinir,ia jefreysu. an outer row of jilates. The species of Pourtalesia have a curious snout, on the upper side of which the anal opening is situ- ated. This snout gives to the test a most peculiar appearance when viewed from the 174 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. side, while, viewed from above, some have a more or less bottle-shaped outline, and others are triangular. P. tniranda has been dredged in the Florida Straits, and near the Shetland Islands. P. carinata is a large S]iecics with a rather stout test and a bottle-shaped form. It IS about four inches long, of a light claret color with whitish pink sjiines, and is a native of deep water, as it was dredged .at from sixteen hundred to two thousand two hundred and twenty-five fathoms in the Antarctic Ocean. P. ceratopnga is remarkable for the great width of the anterior extremity and the narrowness of the anal snout, giving to the test a triangular shape. Viewed laterally and in the reai', the posterior projection has considerable resemblance to the head of a turtle. It occurs in the same localities with the preceding species, and, judging from fragments of some large speci- mens, must attain a length of aljout seven inches. P. hispida has a very short anal snout, and the shape, viewed from above, is that of a short, broad bottle. The trans- verse section is rounded, instead of obtusely triangulai-, as in the last species. P. htgancula and P.phiale are both bottle-shajied species, more or less circular in transverse section. The former occurs both north and south of the equator, from three hundred and forty-five to two thousand nine hundred fathoms, while the latter, which is a pecu- liarly slender and small species, was found in 62° 2G' south latitude, has an extremely thin test, and is of a light yellowish jiink color. A peculiar form related to Pourta- lesia is Spatangocystis challengeri, in \\ hich the anal snout is a small projection at the posterior end of a sharp keel which runs along the under side from the mouth back- wards. In Echinocre^ns cuneata^ the general outline, whether viewed from above, laterally, or endwise, approaches a triangle, and there is no anal snout, the anal system appearing on the lower or actinal surface. The two last forms were both taken in deep water in the southern ocean. Other southern Pourtulesim without an anal snout are Urechiniis naresianus and Cystechinus, of which two species, vesica and leyinllii, are known. C. vesica is the only spatangoid thus far known, which can evidently expand and contract its test. Cystechinus is elliptical in plan and irregularly trian- gular in profile. Calynere has simple ambulacral pores ; two of the ovaries are in the trivium, and the others are not developed. Its outline is elliptical, and there is a slight keel on the under surface. C. relicta has been taken at Tristan d'Acunha, and near Fayal, in two thousand six hundred and fifty fathoms. The central portion of the oral surface, and the apical surface near the posterior pole, has groups of paddle-shaped spines. To the Ananchytina3 belong, besides many fossil forms, a few recent genera, among which Ilomolampas has very rudimentary petaloid ambulacra, a flattened test, and a well-developed sub-anal fasciole. H. fulva is about four inches long, of a light straw color, and heart-like in shape. Large curved sjiines are scattered at intervals among the short ones that cover the test. It was dredged in two thousand four hundred and twenty-five fathoms, by the 'Challenger' expedition. To the Spatanginfe belong the typical tS])ata))gus, species of which are common in Europe, and the nearly allied 3Iaretia and Lovenia. Lovenia cordiformis is elongate, heart-shaped, flat upon the oral surface, and provided with numerous very long prim- ary spines, half as long as the test. It occurs on the west coast of Mexico and in Cali- fornia as far north as Point Conception. Here also belongs the fine species lireynia australasice, which attains a length of four inches and a width of more than three, and is found in China, Australia, and Ja]ian, anlaced above the ring-canal of the water-system, and of five princijial ambulacral cords passing through notches in the plates around the cesophagus. The system which is supposed to be analogous to the circulatory system of higher animals is very complex in many of the higher holothurids, extends over the ali- mentary canal, and enmeshes one of the respiratory trees. The genital organ is in many cases single, and in the Synap- tidas contains both ova and sper- matozoa, so that these forms are VOL. I. — 12 Fig. 156. — Anatomy of Caudina arenata ; a, anastomoses of dorsal blood-vessels; h, branchial tree: rf, dorsal blood-vessel; /, mesen- terial filaments; //, genital opening: i. alimentary canal; /, longi- tndinal muscles; m, mouth; o, genital duct: p, pharyngeal ring;* r, reproductive organs, cut away on right side; t, tentacular am- pullae; r, ventral blood-vessel. 178 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. hcrmajihrorlitc. In the mnjority of the clnss the sexes ave distinct. The oviduct opens near the mouth. The ovum, after segmentation, becomes, by the invagination or turn- ing inwards of a part of tlie external surface, converted into a hollow gastrula, the opening of which becomes the anus, while a mouth and gullet are produced by the invagination of the outer layer of tissue or ectoderm. The comj)leted alimentary canal of the larva consists of a gullet, a rounded stomach, and an intestine, and the cilia of the external surface become restricted to a number of hoops or bands, from one to five in number, bent upon themselves, yet passing all round the body. These arc accom- panied by certain ear-like projections, from which tlie young is known as an Auricularia. Before the auricularia is fully formed the young holothurian buds out near the side of the stomach, and gradually develojis its spicules. The ear-like jirocesses disappear, the auricularia becomes cylindrical, the body of the embryo elongates, tentacles are devel- oped around the mouth, and the young holothurian is complete. The entire course of development is largely jiarallel to that of the other echinoderms, but the holothurian is more directly developed from the larva than is the case in sea-urchins and star- fish. Some liolothurians, like some star-fishes and sea-urchins, have the larval stages suppressed or only slightly indicated, the young devclojiing in a sort of marsupimn. The holothurians are of little economic value, and with us are regarded merely as objects of scientific interest. In the East they are more important, and as 'trepang' play a prominent part in the diet of the Chinese and other oriental pcojiles. The trade of preparing the trepang is almost entirely in the hands of the Malays, and every year large fleets set sail from Macassar and the Philijipines to the south seas to catch the ' Beche-de-Mer.' They are split open, boiled, dried in the sun, and then smoked and packed in bags. The annual catch is estimated at about four hundred tons, and the price varies according to quality from seven to fifty cents a pound. Trepang is very gelatinous, and is used as an ingredient in soujjs. Although the holothurians must evidently be classed with the PZchinoderms, their simplest forms, as Eupyrgns, present nothing of the radiate arrangement except the circle of tentacles; and their affinities to such worms as Sijncncidus and its allies, which have also a complete circle of tentacles, a ring-canal, and a kind of water-system, seem in many respects close. The Holothuroidea have Ijeen said to feed on living coral, but this seems disproved by recent observations. The manner in which they feed is well illustrated by the following account of the habits of a species of C'ucumaria, common upon the coast of Cornwall. When in full feed the tentacles were obser\-ed to be in constant motion, each separate tree-like plume, after a brief extension, l)eing inverted and thrust bodily nearly to its base in the cavity of the pharynx, bearing with it such fragments of sand and shelly matter as it had succeeded in grasping. No particular order was followed, but the meal continued for hours. One might imagine a child with ten arms, like an ancient Buddha, grasping its food with every hand, and thrusting hand and arm down the gullet with each handful. These animals were kept in a tank with living corals without in any way interfering with them. The nutriment must be furnished by the Infusoria, diatoms, and other microscopic animals and vegetables which always more or less cover the debris at the bottom of the water. Probably the shell or coral debris is triturated by the teeth of the pharynx. It has been calculated that fifteen or sixteen of these creatures will remove about eighteen cubic feet of coral per annum. HOLOTHURIANS. 179 Order I. — ELASIPODA. The Elasmapoda, or Elasipoda, are true deep-water forms, none of which are known to exist at a less depth than fifty-eight fathoms, at which level Elpidia glacialis has been taken in the Arctic Ocean. The same species has been dredged in warmer seas in two thousand six hundred fathoms. The first example of this group was discovered in the Kara Sea over seven years ago, but from the results of the recent deep-sea exploring expeditions over fifty species are now known. In the Elasmapoda the adult and larval forms agree more closely than in other iiolothuroids, and they are therefore placed by some naturalists low in the scale, while others place them high on account of the distinct bi-lateral symmetry of their bodies, the well-marked distinction of the dorsal from the ventral surface, and the frequent specialization of a cephalic or 'head ' portion. The ventral ambulacra; alone are fitted for locomotion. ]xolga hi/alina is a sniall example of the Elasmapoda, with the oral disc facing the ventral surface, and the anal orifice facing the dorsal surface, thus producing an arrange- ment similar to tliat which prevails in the star-fishes and echini. The anal orifice has a dorsal collar, Ijearing sucker-like contractile [lajiilla-, communicating with the body- cavity instead of with the water-system. The sand canal (stone canal), instead of hanging free within, opens on the exterior in front of the dorsal collar. This is simply a persistence of the condition of things found in the larvfe. Two other genera, Tro- chostoma and Ir^ya, have the outer end of the sand canal attached to the skin, with a madreporic plate at the point of attachment, but the canal does not communicate with the exterior. In Elpidia the arrangement is similar, but the madreporic plate is rudi- mentary or wanting. Kohja is dicecious, l)ut has no respiratory tree. The two dorsal nerve-trunks furnish an offshoot to each of a pair of large vesicles containing otoliths — a rudimentary organ of hearing. Order XL — APODA. In this order there are no ambnlacral feet, and the water-system is therefore re- stricted to the ring around the gullet, the circlet of tentacles around the mouth, and the canal communicating with the madreporic body. The Apoda are again divided into the Apneumonia, which are destitute of a respiratory tree, have no proper cloaca, and are without Cuvierian organs, and the Pneumophora. The simplest of the footless holothurians without breathing organs, and, indeed, the simplest of all known holothurians, is Eupyrgus scaber, a species less than half an inch in length, provided with a circle of fifteen un- branched tentacles round the mouth, and covered with soft papilliE bearing calcareous plates. The longitudinal muscles are weak and small. It is an Arctic species, and has been taken on the coasts of Labrador, Greenland, and Norway. Fig. 157. — ■ wheel ■ from skin of Mijriotrochus rinkii has also been found in shoal water ' ^"^"^ on the coast of Labrador, and lias a transparent skin dotted with minute white spots. These spots, when magnified, are seen to be wheel-like calcareous plates. 180 LO WER IN VER TEBRA TES. Another very worm-like .s])eeies, eoinnioii in Labrador, iis Chirodota Icp.ve. It is whitish-gray, with wlieel-like jibites, like the last speeies, showing as white spots. The two last mentioned species belong to the family Synaptid^e, in which the sexes are nnited in the same individual, the tentacles are finger-like, or lobnlated, and the form elongated and worm-like. In Synapta the integument contains numerons ])erforated, flat, calcareous plates, \er or dorsal surface a group of larijer tessellated plates, each carried, like the head of a mushroom, upon a pedicel imbedded in the skin. The spaces left underneath these tiny vaidts are utilized for the protection of the young, which develop directly into sea-cucumbers. The males have the plates of the back similarly arranged, though there is no marsujtiura. In Jliyone, Thyonidiuni^ and other related genera, the suckers of the entire body are alike, and seldom show traces of arrangement in rows. Tliyonidiimi has five pairs of large and five of small tentacles. Tliyone hriareus lives just below low tide from Long Island Sound to Floi-ida, and is very common. In a specimen little more than three inches long the alimentary canal is about seven feet in length, though the oval stomach is less than an inch. The Fig. 159. — Pi^ilttwta J'mndosa. 182 LOWER IN VER TEBRA TES. tentacles can be deeply retracteil. There are three Poliau vesicles, the respiratory trees divide at ouce into two very bushy branches, and the Cuvierian tubes foim a brush-like tuft about an inch in ^. C5 <;@'^ length. ^;,i, Vladodactyla crocea was found ^^I ^ adhering to the huge tangle in fflS^ the southern seas, and is abun- dant at the Falkland Isles. It is of a bright saffron color. The three anterior ambulacral vessels are near together, and bear num- erous well-developed sucking-feet for locomotion, while the two am- bulacra of the bivium are also near together on the back. In the females these latter ambula- cra have very short, tentacular feet, which, though jirovided with sucking discs, seem, from the rudimentary condition of the I'osette of calcareous plates at their tip, scarcely fitted for loco- motion. In the males there is rather less difference between the dorsal and ventral ambulacra. In the females the young were found closely jKicked in two con- tinuous fringes adhering to the water-feet of the doi'sal ambula- cra. " Some of the mothers with older families," says Sir Wyville Thomson, "had a most grotesque appearance, — their bodies entirely hidden by the couple of rows, of a dozen or so each, of yellow vesicles like ripe, yellow plums ranged along their backs, each surmounted by its e.\])anded cro\vn of oral tentacles." In the Aspidochirotoe, or holothurians with disc or shield-shaped tentacles fur- nished with tentacular am])ull.Te, the left rcs]>iratory tree is bound to the body-walls, there are no retractor muscles to the pharynx, and Cuvierian organs are jiresent. These are the highest type of Holothuroidea, and are mainly tropical in their dis- tribution. In Stichojms the tentacles are eighteen or twenty in number, the body is more or less quadrilateral in section, and the ambulaeral feet project from papillie. Three distinct rows of these can usually be traced upon the flat ventral surface. /iS". varie- f/atus, which has been found at the Samoan Islands, and at the Pliiliii])ines, attains an enormous size. Examj)les three feet or more in length, and eight inches thick, ha\e been taken. 3fulleria has five calcareous plates or teeth at the anal extremity. In the t}-]iical genus IlolotJnn-ia the feet are scattered all over the surface of the body, usually without distinction into rows. Some of the species attain large dimen- FiG. 160. — Psolus fabrtcHt showing under surface with tliree rows of ambulacra. HOLOTHURIANS. 183 sions. H. marmorata, from the East Indian islands, Fijis, etc., reaches a foot in length, and II. tenuissima attains a length of two feet, and a thickness of six or seven inches. In some species of Holothwia, as in H. marmorata, the ambulacral processes of the lower surface only are truly ambulacral feet, the others are papilla; : in another group, including II. tenuissima, the suckers or papillas are all alike, and in still another the ambulacral feet upon the ventral surface are much closer together than those upon the back. Holothuria floridana is abundant on the Florida reefs just below low-water mark, and reaches a length of fifteen inches. The calcareous pharynx leads to an alimentary canal which is about three times the length of the body, and ends in a large cloaca. The branch of the respiratory tree which is attached to the body-walls extends to the - Clailmlacti/lii rroren. pharynx. The Polian vesicles are numerous, the largest an inch in length, and the madreporic body has upon it a group of about thirty stalked processes, the largest about a quarter of an inch in length. The tentacular ampulla; are twenty in number, lono- and slender. Order IV. — DIPLOSTOMIDEA. This order, or sub-class, established by Semper to contain the singular Rhopalodina lageniformis, is characterized by a nearly spherical body, with the mouth and anus close together, and ten ambulacra. Semper regards it as the type of a fifth class of echinoderms. Rhopalodina lageniformis has a flask-shaped body, and the mouth and anus are at the narrow end of the flask, the former surrounded by ten tentacles, the latter by ten papillae and by as many calcareous plates. A ring of ten calcareous plates surrounds 184 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. the gullet, and between the latter and the cloaca the genital disc is situated. The ten ambulacra diverge from the centre of the enlarged or aboral end of the body, and ex- tend, like so many meridians, to near the neck of the flask. Each ambulacrum has its own longitudinal museul.ar band, five of which are attached to the circle around the anus, and five to that around the mouth. The species is found upon the Congo coast. W. N. LOCKINGTON. Fig. 162. — Aucbors and plates of Synapta girardii. WORMS. 185 Branch V. — YERMES. The great and varied assemblage of animals which are put together under the common designation of worms does not present a homogeneous group for study. On the contrary many distinct types have been thrown togetlier to make the branch of worms. Indeed it has been a long-standing current joke among zoologists that this part of the zoological system was the garret, or as the German has it the Riimpelkam- mer, into which everything was carelessly thrown that did not properly belong else- where, and had been therefore rejected from the other portions of the system of classi- fication. The worms have thus come to be a collection of forms whose outside affini- ties extend to nearly all other animals, while among themselves they fall into classes not closely related with one another. These classes shade off in some cases towards other branches; thus the rotifers a jiproach in their organization the molluscan type, while the Annelida proper show in some resjjects unmistakable similarity with the insects. Other classes, like the Aeanthocephali and Enteropneusti {Baluiioglossus) attain an anatomical configuration which gives them a certain indejiendence, a place apart, in the zoological system. In brief, as the limits of the branch of worms are vague, and its components multifarious, therefore it is difficult to defijie the worms with an accuracy corresponding to the requirements of a rigorous science. The fol- lowing definition is the most satisfactory I am able to give : — A worm is a bilaterally symmetrical animal, with a distinct head characterized by the presence of the principal nervous centre or so-called brain. It is distinguished from molluscs by the absence of a shell and of that modification of the skin, named the shell gland, which forms the shell and is present at least in a rudimentary condi- tion in all true molluscs. It is distinguished from Crustacea and insects by the want of jointed limbs, .and finally from the tunicates and vertebrates by the lack of a struc- tural axis, the so-called notochord or chorda dorsalis, which gives the name of Chor- data to the divisions last mentioned. As far as at present known no worm has a true liver, a calcified internal skeleton, an organ homologous with the cndostyle of ascidians and thyroid gland of vertebrates, any tracheal tubes like those jterforming respiration in insects, or finally any unicellular haiis. In fact a ^^'orm must be recognized as such rather by the process of exclusion than by the observation of positive characteristics. To the scientific zoologist the worms are most interesting subjects of study, not only from their manifold variety and strange life histories, but also from their relation- s-hip with the higher tyjies, the ancestral forms of Avhich are with good reason sup- posed to be more nearly represented by certain worms than by any other animals now existent. The mind links in imagination these obscure and humble creatures with the most exalted organisms, and finds in the secrets of their low organization the key to the complex structure of the higher animals. We, however, shall not enter upon these difficult discussions, where debate is still active, and the final decision uncertain. Instead we shall be sufficiently occupied with studying the principal and most in- teresting forms of vermian life as to their appearances and habits. Although a worm is by popular fancy a loathsome thing, yet only some of them deserve opprobrium, while many others are objects of great beauty, and others again are quaint ; a few ai-e of great utility to man, and yet others are among man's most dreaded enemies. 186 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. All worms appear to require moisture, ami the majority of them are aquatic, in- habiting ponds and rivers and peopling the sea. The adults frequently exhibit a marked preference for a living burial and inhume themselves in sand and mud, some at the bottom of stagnant waters or running streams, others in the floor of the ocean at all dejiths ; but they are found in the greatest variety and number on sandy beaches, which the changing tides alternately cover and expose. Under stones or sunken in the ooze tlie collector gathers them in astonishuig abundance. In the moist earth, especially in vegetable humus, and in manured soil live the common earth M'orms. Some species, like those of the genus tSar/itta, are called pelagic, for they swim about upon the ocean surface in company a\ ith the embryos and larvas of worms of many kinds and a marvellous society of other living things. Rotifers and others swim in fresh water as well. Finally is to be mentioned the parasitic life adopted by a large number of the members of the group; in the infested hosts they find all the necessary conditions for their existence. Such parasites are more common in tlie in- testine than in any other organ, but they attack every jiart of the body. In the fol- lowing pages the habitats are considered with no little detail, so that we need not occupy ourselves longer with the general subject. The worms fall naturally into a number of distinct classes, some of which com- prise but a single genus, while others are large groups and present a multitude of forms. The jEchinorhi/nchus is so isolated among living worms that usually it is placed from anatomical reasons by itself ; the jointed worms or annelids, on the con- trary, have more representations in the earth's present fauna than the majority of classes among animals. Yet these two classes are regarded by most zoologists as peers, notwithstanding the disparity of numbers between them, because the anatomy of the Eclihiorhynchus entitles it to as distinct a rank as is given to the annelids col- lectively. The reader therefore must not wonder at the inequality in size of the co-ordinate divisions of worms. The classification here adopted is that which appears to me to best accord with our present knowledge of the animals concerned. All the forms are bound together by a hypothetical link, the Trochozoon, which is also the starting point of the Mol- lusca and all bilaterally symmetrical animals. This Trochozoon must have been simi- lar in organization to those little ci'catures, the wheel animalcules or Rotifera, and in the course of their metamorphoses the young of many worms and anneliical luxuriance of size and color. Fig. KT.—A/esns- tomum ehreu- herpi; fi, gang- lion; 7«,moutn. Okder II. — RHABDOCCELA. The Rhabdocoela are planarians built on a smaller scale and simpler pattern. Some of them are sure to be found together with the true planarians in our ditches. There arc two forms which I have found most abundantly in New England. The larger one, whicli I take to be identical with Mesostomum ehrenbergi, is a third of an inch or more long. It is whitish and translucent, and has a broad, dark streak in the middle of the body, an effect produced by the dark contents of the stomach, whicli the Mesostomum always keeps well filled as long as it can secure food. If one of these worms be kept in filtered or distilled water it finds nothing to eat, and the stomach is gradually emptied, and the worm apjicars of the same translucent white thi-oughout. This species is admirably adapted to anatomical in- vestigation because its transparency reveals all its intern.al organs. The two eye-specks are very conspicuous in front ; the mouth is near the middle of the ventral surface, and is armed with a long proboscis; the stomach, as in all the Rhabdocnela, is a simple wide sac without branches. In summer time one can often distinguish several dark-brown, small spheres on each side of the body. These are the eggs, or more cor- rectly the egg-capsules, which are deposited on aquatic plants. In reality each capsule contains several true eggs, which are very soft and delicate, and a certain quantity of nutritive material deposited around the eggs, to be gradually absorbed by the latter, and used as raw material to build np the structure of the embi-yo. The interesting manner by which the Mesostotnum preys on Dap/mias and Cyprids is thus described by Oskar Schmidt : — "It captures them as one might capture a fly with the hand, for it closes the hind extremity against the front, and by bending over the edges of the body forms a complete cavity; at first its cajiturcd prey rushes madly about, but soon the Mesos- tomum succeeds in fastening its powerful proboscis npon its prisoner. The struggles of the Daphni'a gradually cease; its vampyre then stretches itself, and crawls away, having sucked the life-blood of its victim." The second species is very common, be'ng often found npon the well-known aquatic plant Utricularia. It measures scarcely an eighth of an inch in length, and is remarkable for its bright green color, so uncommon among animals ; its anterior end is somewhat pointed or conical. This I believe to be the l^ortex viridis of European naturalists. It is remarkable for its gregarious habits, large numbers being found together. Although there arc many genera and more species of this group known to natural- ists, both from fresh and salt water, there is little in their habits to awaken general interest. We will therefore close our account by a brief mention of the genus Con- WORMS. 191 valuta, which comprises small worms which have the thin lateral portions of their bodies curled over on to the ventral side. In connection with the Rhabdocwla we may refer to a small aberrant group of worms, the ^Irrostomid^, although they differ in two respects very strikingly from the true Turbcllaria. They are mainly not hermaphrodite, and multiply not only by ova but also asexually by spontaneous division, like many annelids (Nais, Auto- lytus, etc.). Sub-Class II. — Trematoda. The large class of animals to which we now turn our attention offers some of the most interesting life-histories known. The flukes or Trematoda are all parasitic upon other animals, and accomplish during their lives strange migrations and metamorphoses. According to their stage of development varies their habitat ; usually the embryo swims about for a short time in the water ; it then becomes a parasite by entering the body of its first host, where it changes its form, and by a singular process of asexual propagation it becomes the parent of several or many individuals belonging to a second generation. The members of the second generation in some cases multiply further, and the descendants mature to the final sexual stage, Avhile in other instances they change directly into the adult form. In those species which pursue the more complex metamorphoses, the parasite may in successive stages infest as many as three different hosts. In general the adult fluke does not live in a host of the same species as the larval worm. We cannot better gather a notion of the characteristics of the trematode worms than by following the history of one species as a concrete example of the habits of the class. For this purpose we choose the liver fluke, Distoiumn /lepaticum. The adult worm infests the liver of mammals. It is an hermaphrodite, and every worm produces several hundreds of tliousands of small eggs, which it discharges into the bile ducts. The eggs then pass into the intestines, and out with the droppings of the host, in which they may bo found abundantly. The cmln-yo is devclojied within the egg shell, and when mature bursts open the little cap or operculum ; this occurs only when the egg is supplied with moisture. If it falls or is washed intt> some pool the embi-yo survives its birth, and immediately begins swimming freely in the water. Its form is an elongated cone, Fig. 108, with rounded apex, and measur- ing 0.13 mm. in length. The base of the cone is directed forwards, and in its centre is a short, retractile head pajiilla. The whole surface is covered by cilia, springing from large cells, which form the external en- velope or so-called ectoderm of the embryo. In the interior are two eyes, and other structures, which we will not pause to describe. The embryo is exceedingly active, swimming about like an infusorian, though more rapidly. Now in England, where this worm has been most suc- cessfully studied, there lives in the ponds and ditches of the fields a snail known to zoologists by the name of Lymncexis trunculatus. When the larval Distomum in the course of its gyrations happens to meet one , Fi"- les.— Fit-e- a 1 p .1 . , . ^ rr,, . , swimming em- 01 these unfortunate snads it attacks it. The worm presses its head- biyo of Dis- papilla against the surface of the snail, and begins spinning like a top around its own axis, and working its body until the tissues of the snail are forced apart, leaving a gap through which the embryo squeezes its way into its host. The embryo 192 LOWER IN VER TEBRA TES. Fig. 169. — Cyst of Distoma. J appears to have sonic means of instinctively recognizing the irunculatus, for it does not attack other species of snails. It cannot live nuich more than twelve hours in water, and it usually gets into a snail within eight hours. In its host the embryo clianges into a new form, the nurse or sporocyst, within which arise the germs or spores producing new individuals. The outer ciliated cells swell up, and are finally cast off. The embryo then becomes a little bag or cyst, at one end of which the pigmented eye-spots of the embryo can still be recognized. The cyst or nurse grows and elongates. During warm summer weather it may reach its full size within a fortnight, but in autumn twice that time may be necessary. These cysts sometimes, but rarely, multiply by transverse division, but in other species this phenomenon is more frequent. The next larval forms, the rediae, are developed within the sporocyst. The first clearly recognized appearance of the redia; is a mulberry-like cluster of cells, over which a structureless membrane is soon formed, while the pharynx and other organs of the redia are produced in the cluster. There are usually several of these germs in each cyst. This is a verj' character- istic stage in the life history of the Trcmatoda ; the embryo is converted into a bag, in which the germs of a new generation of individuals originate and are confined until far advanced in their development; the body of the parent is converted into a temporary prison-house for the progeny. The sporocysts of one species or another may be found in nearly every snail ; many kinds are bizarre in shajie, and all offer the curious spectacle of the living germs squirming about and nearly filling the whole of the cyst, their common parent. In the cysts of Dislomiim hepatinim, there is usually one redia, less frequently two, nearly ready to leave the sporocyst, with two or three germs of medium size, and several small ones. When ready to leave the sporocyst, the redia by its own motion makes a forcible exit l)y rupturing the walls confining it. The free rediie force their way through the tissues of the host, and are found especially in the liver. They increase in length, to 1.3 mm. or 1.6 mm. ; a sort of collar is formed meanwhile a little behind the jiharynx. In other respects, except that they have a digestive tract, which is wanting in the cysts, the rediic resemble the sporocysts in structure ; their most important new feature is the I)irth opening at the side of the body just behind the collar, which permits the exit of the new brood developed within the redia. The germs develop similarly to those of the sporo- cysts, but are more niunerous. Sometimes they pro- duce a second generation of rediae, probably as long as the weather continues warm, but sooner or later, usually when cooler autumn weather begins, there come rediae, which produce a new stage, the cercaria, in the series of metamorphoses. The cercaria is the typical larval fluke, and is easily recognized from its .appearance, which re- minds one of a tadpole, as is shown in Fig. 171 ; it has a large body nearly as broad as long, and flattened, with a long round tail. In the interior of the body one can Fig. 170. — Kedia of Dlstoma. Fig. 171. — Cercaria of Disfoma, WORMS. 193 Fio. 172. — Cys- togeuous cells. distinguish portions of the digestive tract and numerous cells, three of which with tlieir granular contents are represented very much magnified in Fig. ll'I. These cells have a glandular character and serve to pour out a mucous secretion, the function of which will be immediately described. There may be as many as twenty-three spores in various stages of development in one redia; out of these spores there will be one, two, or three cercariai approaching complete develo])ment. As soon us the cercaria has reached the limit of its development within the redia, it escapes from the parent by the birth opening. When free, the cercaria, Fig. 171, is very active, aiul constantly changes its form. By tlie aid of its suckers, the tadi:)ole-sha])ed larva crawls or wriggles its way out of its host. When the infested cells are kept in an aquarium, the cercaria; may be found occasKjnally swim- miini" about in the water ; but not long, for on coming in contact with the side of the aquarium or willi water-plants, it proceeds to encyst itself. The process can be readily observed under the microscope ; for, on a glass slide, the cercaria soon comes to rest. It assumes a rounded form, whilst a mucous substance is poured forth over the body together with the granules of the cystogenous cells, which we mentioned above. The tail is shaken off either befoi-e or during encystation, which is com- pleted in a few minutes. These cysts are the means of infecting the final vertebrate host of the parasites, the infection being rendered possible by the habits of the intermediate host, liinmceus trimcattdus, which might well be termed amphibious, so strongly is its habit of wandering on land developed. Indeed they can remain on land for long periods, and resist even prolonged droughts : hence when in the water, tlie snails become infested, and wlieu on laud, leave the cer- cariaB that crawl out of tlieir first host scattered over the fields, wliere they encyst on the grass and are eaten by the sheep and other animals. In the stomach of the unlucky sheep the cyst is dissolved, leaving the worm free. The worm then makes its way into the liver, and probably in about six weeks begins to ])roduce eggs, growing itself meanwhile. During its growth its external form changes, the simple forked intestine develops numerous blind secondary branches, the posterior sucker is greatly enlarged and the sexual oi'gans are matured. Thereafter the wondrous cycle of metamor- phoses and emigration recommences with the new eggs. There are, perhaps, no instances more striking of the adaptation of animal species to ])artieular conditions of existence than we encounter in the life histories of trematode worms, one of which we have narrated. The adult worm, Distomiim /lejKtticicm, attains a length of three- quarters of an indi ; it is broad and flat and at its anterior end has a small projecting lobe, which bears two ventral suckers, one in front at the very extremity surrounds the mouth, the second one consider- ably larger lies an eiglith of an inch or more further back. It is found in nu)st ruminants and in many other animals including man ; it is commonly encountered in the biliary ducts, but is sometimes found in the intestine or venous system. Geographically it is very widely distributed not only throughout Europe and America, but also in Egyj)!, India, and even Australia and Van Diemen's Land. Although discovered by Gabucinus as long ago as VOL. I. — 13 FjG. 173.— Youiig Jilsfomum : Ij, lih;irviix; c, sto- mach; <», uiaulh; s, sueliers. Flo. 174. — DittUniiuiit fft'paticwn, liver Hake. 1131 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. llie middle of the sixteenth century, it was not until 1882 tliut the complete Hie history was known, as we related above. They are very injurious to their hosts on account of the interference with the discharge of bile, which easily becomes serious and even fatal to their unfortunate entertainer. The genus iJistomuDi is a very extensive one, coui)irising a great many species, in- festing au almost incredible variety of animals; indeed, it may be questioned if there is any other genus of living things privileged to be such a universal infliction. Man alone is exposed to the attacks of no less than five different species, while the poor frog is even more numerously endangered. Molluscs suffer especially from the attacks of the Distonmm in its larval state, so that it is not at all uncommon to find the Avhole body, of a pond-snail for example, crowded with sporocysts or rediie. The following ai'e the species which attack man: Dlstomum crassMw*, occurring in China — it inhabits the intestine and grows to one or two inches in length ; D. laaceolatam, which occurs to- gether with the true river fluke, but is nmch shorter, and, proportionally, much narrower, so that it can be very readily distinguished from the hqmticiiiii ; next a doubtful species which has been only once observed, JJ. opthalmubituu ; and, finally, the 2>. heterophyes, known only in Egypt. The genus may be readily recognized by the two ventral suckers, which lie near together at the anterior end of the body. The Trematoda are divided into two orders, the Distomeaj and Polystomeae. The former comprises those forms that are related to the genus Distornum, and have two or sometimes only one sucker, while the latter have two lateral small suckers at the anterior end of tlie body and one or several suckers posteriorly, while connected with the latter are often several hooklcts. In the first order there reigns a considerable similarity of appearance, Avhile in the sec- ond there is an unusual degree of diversity. Among the Polystome;e, howevei', is one S])e- cies which offers the wondering naturalist an unparalleled phenomena- — two separate and comjilete individuals united in one. The Diplozoon paradoxum, to which the closing sentence of the previous para- graph referred, is indeed well named, for it is literally two animals united in one. There are two bodies precisely resembling each other in every particular, and united, like the Siamese twins, by a narrow communicating band, so as to form but one ani- mal, the nutrient canals of one division communicating freely with those of the oppo- site half. One might easily regard this extraordinary arrangement as an accidental mon- strosity, but observation has jiroved it to be common to all the individuals of the species. The animals, which are of very small size, being not more than tv\o or three lines in length, ai-e found attached to the gills of the bream, from which they derive nutriment. Siebold discovered that the Diplozooii arises by the union of two distinct worms, and the whole life history was subsequently worked out with great exactitude Fig. 175. — Dlplozoon paradoxHin ,' a, mouth; b, ante- rior suckers; c, stoiuaeli: /, oviducts; ;/, uterus; (., testis; A:, vns deferens; //vascular cailals; 7h, pos- terior suckers. WORMS. 195 I'lG. 176. — Vip- orpa. Fig. 177. — Egg of Dlplozoon. by Zeller. The larva was formerly sui)iiosed to be a distinct creature, and went by tlie name of Diporpa, Fig. 176. The Diplozooti is the mature sexual form, which produces the eggs, long oval capsules, with a long snarled thread running off from one end. The egg, P^ig. 177, breaks ojjen, .and the larva swims about in search of its host, to which, when found, it attaches itself upon the gills, living there, in company with the adult, perhajjs for months, but after a while they pair off ; there is a little knob on the back of eacli Diporpa, and, of course, a ventral sucker; when two join they twist over so that each seizes with its sucker the dorsal knob of the other, and so they remain, and in due time actually grow together. They are, in truth, the most monogamous of animals, for each individual can have one mate only, from whom he can never be divorced. The union takes jilace in such wise that the animals form a cross. The left tail belongs to the right head. Each member of the Diplozoon has nine suckers, tWo in front, by the mouth, one near the middle, and six at the posterior extremity of the body. Dr. Ernst Zeller has worked out very carefully the complicated history of a typical species of the second group of trematods, namely, the Polystomum integervbniaii^ parasitic in the bladder of frogs. The animal grows to a third of an inch in length, and is remarkable for having, unlike most Trematoda, a branching intestine; the posterior end of its body is expanded into a broad disc, with three pairs of suck- ers on its under side. The eggs are dischai-ged by the parent in the bladder, and ex- pelled into the water. The larva hatches out in from fourteen to forty days, accord- ing to the temperature. "The young worm," writes Dr. Zeller, "is an extremely lively, active animal, and swims about merrily in the water Ijy means of its coat of cilia; contracting and stretching its body, bending and turning, and often, also, bend- ing its head down, turns a somersault as quick as a flash." Under ordinaiy conditions the eggs are laid in the spring, when the frogs awake from hibernation, and the lar\-a3 are hatched at a period when the tadpoles are in a somewhat advanced stage of evolu- tion. From the water the active larviB get into the branchial chambers of the tadpoles, where they take their abode for about two months ; when the gills of the frog begin to disappear they migrate through the oeso- phagus and intestine to the bladder, and in three years attain sexual maturity. On the other hand, when the formation of the eggs and the evolution of the Polystomum. larvaj are artificially accelerated by keep- ing the frogs in heated rooms, the larvse are hatched at a period when the tadpoles are quite young and their gills very delicate. Their evolu- tion is then very rapid. They become mature and produce eggs within five weeks; their life is at an end before the gills of their hosts are obliterated, and they never migrate into its internal organs. The remarkable conclusion of the varying life-history is a difference in the adult, for the gill-cavity Polystoma are very unlike the normal adults in form, app^ai-ance, and their whole .anatomy. Extern.al circumstances here produce a maximum effect, for when they are changed in a certain manner the same eggs which would nominally iwoduce the ordinary Pohjstornurn integerrimimi Vh\. 178. — Young of Polystomum. 196 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. develop into a parasite, which, were its history not known, v/ouki not be supposed to have any connection with the species to which it really belongs. The Polystoraeaj include a great variety of strangx'ly-shaped parasites, the major- ity of which infest fishes. Especially remarkable nre the marine forms, many of which have been described by the elder Van Beneden, and illustrated by a series of beauti- ful plates, which record the bizarre outlines and colors of many species. Little, how- ever, is yet known concerning the history of most of these trematods. The following paragraphs, for which I am indebted to my able friend, Dr. C. O. Whitman, refer to a group of worms, the Dicyemidw, which he has studied more ]iro- foundly than any other zoologist. Although their systematic position is doubtfid, it seems to me most probable that they are larval trematods. The DiCYEMiD.E are parasitic worms inhabiting the renal oi-gan of the cuttle-fish, the poulji, and other cephalopods. Only ten species have thus far been described, and these, with one exception, belong to the fauna of the Mediterranean. These creatures are attached to the renal organ by the head, the body floating free in the fluid that fills the sack enclosing the renal organ. The different species vary in length from 1 to 7 mm., and all have the same habits and life history. The entire renal organ is often beset by these animals, which, to the naked eye, appears as shoi't, white, undulating hairs. They have no mouth, no stomach, no muscle, no nerve, nor organ of any kind. The entire animal is made up of a few cells varying, according to the species, from twenty to thirty. There is one long axial cell (Fig. 179, en) stretching through the entire length of the para- site ; the remaining cells form an envelope (cc) for the axial cell. The cells of the epithelial envelope are arranged in a single layer, and clothed with vib- ratile cilia. At the anterior fixed end, a certain number of these cells, which are elsewhere elongated and thin, are short and thick, and more closely cili- ated, thus forming what may be called a head. The number, arrangement, and shape of the head cells, furnish, according to Whitman, the chief generic and specific distinctions. Seven species have each eight head cells, disposed in two sets, four propolar (cq)), and four metnpolar (»y5), and thus form a generic group, to which the name Dicyema has been given (Fig. 179, A). The three remaining species have each nine head cells (Fig. 179, B), four propolars («/>), and five metnpolars (w>/'), and have there- fore received the generic name Dicyemennea. The structural simplicity of these animals is most probably due to degeneration resulting from their parasitic mode of life. "When we find an animrd in the form of a sim]ile sack, filled with reproductive elements, secured by position against enemies, sujiplied with food in abundance, and combining parasitism with immobility, we have strong reasons for believing that the simplicity of its structure is more or less the result of the luxurious conditions of life which it enjoys, even if its development fur- nishes no positive evidence of degeneration." Physiologically speaking, the axial ccU Fig. 170. — A, Dicj/cma. 15, Dicyememiea; ap, propolar ceilp; e, embryo; en^ axial cell; ec. outer cell; 7>*;?, metapolar cells; n, nucleus. WORMS. 197 t'lG. l.SO. —Development of the vermiform enibrj'o of jyicyema; tu, axial cell; (i, germ cell; n, nucleus. is a uterus ; for in it the germ cells, or ova, are lodged, and it is here that all the known stages of develoisment are completed. The fully-formed embryos escape from the pai'ent by pushing their way out between the cells of the epithelial envelope. The reproductive cycle of these worms has not yet been fully ascertained; but some verv interesting pnrlicins of it have been made known by the investigations of Van Beneden and Wliitman. As Kolliker first j)ointed out, the Dicyemids produce two very distinct kinds of embryos, which he distin- guislied by the terms vermiform and infusori- fonn. The vermiform embiyo (Fig. 180, F) develops directly into the parent form without metamorphos's. The fate of the infusoriform embryo (Fig. 181) still remains a puzzle; but it may be safely assumed that it either repre- sents a male individual or a special form which serves to carry the species to new hosts. In the latter case, as suggested by Balfour, it is not improbable that in the course of a free existence, it may develoj) into a sexual form, the jDrogeny of which are destined to complete the cycle of development by becoming again parasitic in the renal organ of a cepha- lopod. Fig. 180, A to ¥, represents the more iinportant phases in the development of the vermiform embryo. From the germ cell (A) arises, by division, a two-cell stage (B), then a four-cell stnge. One of the four cells (en) now remains passive, while the other three go on dividing (C,.D), and arrange themselves so as eventually to completely inclose the passive cell (E), which thus becomes the axial cell. Tlie axial cell elongates as it becomes enclosed, and from its two ends two cells {(/) are split off at an early date, which give rise by division to the germ cells. The embryo (F) attains nearly the adult form, and is clothed with cilia before escaping from the parent. The infusoriform embryo, seen in Fig. 181, is somewhat jiyriform, with the broader end directed forward in swimming. It has a complicated structure, the significance of which is entirely unknown. At the anterior end are seen two refractive bodies (?•) wliich lie above an organ called the urn (n). The urn consists of a wall (ii), and a lid (/), and contains four polynuclear cells igr). The wall of the urn is hemispherical, and composed of two halves. The lid is made up of four cells. The cells that form the posterior extreinity of the embryo are ciliated. The germ cells that give rise to the infusoriform embryos are larger and much less numerous than those which develo]> into vermiform embryos. As the two kinds of embryos are never found simultaneously in the same parent form, it has been supposed that there are two distinct adult forms, one of which pro- duces exclusively vermiform embryos, the others exclusively infusoriform embryos. The former have been called Nematogens, the latter Rhombogens. It has now been ascertained that this distinction is not valid, the two forms being only two phases in the same individual cycle of life. There appears to be two kinds of Dicyemids, how- ever, one of which, so far as known, produce only vermiform embryos, the other pro- duces first infusoriform embryos, and subsequently, after the escape of all these embryos, vermiform embryos. Fig. ISl. — lufusonform emliijo 198 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Considerable difference of opinion exists in regard to the systematic position of tlie dicyemids, some contending that they form an independent group, intermediate between the Protozoa and the higher animals, others, that they represent a degenerate branch of some division of the worms, perhaps of trematods. Sub-Class III. — Cestoda. The tape-worms or cestods are among the most dreaded enemies of mankind, and they inllict terrible destruction upon nearly all vertebrates, especially uj30n carnivorous species. A tape-worm is an elongated animal, usually so broad and thin as to suggest a ribbon or tajje ; one end is thickened and represents the head, having an imperfect or rudimentary brain, but lacking entirely organs of special sense, although possessing some specialized organs, hooks and suckers by which the woinn anchors itself in the tissues of its unfortunate host. The long body is either a continuous band or else is divided up into parts called proglottids, forming a longer or shorter chain as the case may be. They have no trace of any digestive canal, but on the contrary have lost even that by the degeneration consequent upon their exclusively parasitic life ; ajipar- ently their nutrition is effected by the absorption of the juices of the host through the skin of the jjarasites. It is not diificult to trace out a series of genera by which one can pass gradually from the trematode type to the extreme of the cestode type, for there are certain flukes which approximate to the simpler tape-worms. In the genus Cari/ophi/llceus we have in fact a tape-worm, which might well be described as a fluke that had lost its digestive tract by excessive degeneration. In Ligula the body is partially divided up, while in Tctnia it is completely jointed, each joint or proglottis having its full set of reproductive organs. Tmnia is in fact the extreme product of the changes which have occurred in the parasitic Plathelminths, and as it is also one of the best known as well as most feared of the whole class, we will consider their life liistory first. At least seven species of Tcenia attack man ; but of tliese only three are frequent, namely, T. solium, T. mediocanneUata, and T. echinococcns. They all inhabit the intestines, where they burrow their heads into the walls. The two species named fii-st grow to a very large size, solium reaching sometimes a length of three yards, mediocannellata a length of four yards, while echinococcus does not exceed four millimeters, scarce one one-hundredth of the length of mediocannellata. The Tcenia solium has a small head, about the size of that of a pin, within a long, thin neck, which gradually widens until the body is some six or seven millimeters broad. The whole body behind the head is divided up into proglottids or joints, which are so fine in the region of the neck as to be undistinguishable by the naked eye, but a couple of inches further back the narrow joints are plainly visible ; the further down, the longer and larger the joints become. In each joint a set of eggs is formed, and in the last proglottid the eggs are mature ; the last joint falls off and is discharged with the egesta ; the new last joint, previously the penultimate, ripens and falls off in its turn*; now the new joints are formed in front just behind the head, and each new joint as it shoves the others back acquires its place in the series, to be in its turn shoved back by fresh joints ; thus the process continues, how long is not exactly known, but at least until hundreds of joints, each crowded with eggs, have been sepa- rated from the ]iarent band. The head is remnrkalile for its armature; upon the crown is a circle of some six and twenty hooks, and four suckers arm the sides of the head. WOIiMS. 199 The hooks, as seen under the raioroscope, form a regular circle, alternately big and little claws. The suckers are very muscular, the fibres being arranged in two systems, one equatorial and one meridional. Altogether the means are very ample to secure the hold of the worm upon its abiding place. The proglottids, after their expulsion from the body of the host, may be compared to the sporocysts of the flukes, for the eggs develojj into embryos within the proglottids, so that they become cysts filled with larvEe. " The growth of the nudtitude of embryos within their interior causes the proglottis sooner or later to burst, and the embryos F10.I82.— Hooks oi ^ ^- ^ •^ Iteitia solium. thus become dispersed ; some are conveyed down drains and sewers, others are lodged by the roadsides in ditches and waste places, whilst great quantities are scattered far and wide, by winds or insects, in every conceivable direction. Each embryo within the egg is furnished with a special boring apparatus, having at its anterior end three pairs of hooks ; after a while, as it were by accident, some animal, a pig- perhaps, coming in the way of these embryos, or of the proglottids, swallows some of them along with matters taken in as food. The embryos, immediately on being trans- ferred to the digestive canal of the pig, escape out of the egg-shells, and bore their way through the living tissues of the animal to lodge themselves in the fatty jiarts of the flesh, where they await tiieir further destiny. The flesh of the animal thus infested constitutes the so-called measly pork. In this situation the embryos drop their hooks, or boring apparatus, and become transformed into the Cysticereus cellulosa'. A por- tion of this measled meat being eaten liy ourselves transfers the Cysticercus to our own alimentary canal, to the walls of which the larva attaches itself" (Cobbold). The Cysticercus is the larva wliich infests the pig. Originally no helminthologist surmised the existence of a genetic connection between the parasites in swine and the human tape-worms. The great German zoologist von Siebold was the first to establish tlie exact metamorphoses, while Kuchennieister had the merit of clinching the proof Iiy experiment. The life history of Tcenia solium illustrates the phases as they occur in nearly all tape-worms infesting carnivorous animals. The cestods of the herbivores have a sim- pler history, which we will relate directly. For the moment let us consider the more complicated type of development : The eggs or embryos are dropped about, to be swallowed by the first host, in which they assume the first or larval form ; the host is preyed upon by some carnivorous animal, which, together with the flesh of its victim, swallows some of the larva^, and these then undergo their final develojmient. In order to reach their ultimate abode the piarasite must twice be swallowed by a host ; it accomplishes its migrations passively by the aid of the very animals it injures. The larva is always a vesicular structure, a membranous sack with a little ajipendix, which becomes the head of the adult worm. Imagine a glove of which the hand makes a closed bag, and which jwssesses only a single finger ; imagine also the tip of the finger armed with a circlet of hooks and four suckers ; finally turn the finger in so that it forms an inverted tube extending into the hand of the glove ; thus we can conceive a good model of a Cysticercus ; the vesicle itself is about a quarter of an inch long, and of a pale flesh color. Ordinarily the head is found turned in, but sometimes it is everted, and eversion always takes place after the larva enters the intestine of its second host. Now when the head is protruded the vesicle becomes the posterior por- tion of the body, and the proglottids being developed behind the head, the tajie-worm is gradually formed in about three months by the continued interpolation of new joints 200 LO WER INVER TEBRA TES. Fig. 183. ■ Tccnia echlnococcus from pig and dog. in front, and the steady enlargement of those once formed, until the hindmost ones, being fully matured, drop off the chain. Tcema mediocaniiellata is distinguished from solium by the want of hooks on the head, and by the fapt that the broadest 2MXigluttids are those half mature at the middle of the ribbon. The Cysticercus stage is passed in the flesh of cattle. In Tryo first enters the water, and probably passes its larva life in a fish. We will not attempt to describe all the types which mark off the families of tape- worms, but we can at least indicate the great variety of apjiearances among the spe- cies. This is especially noticeable in the tape- worms of birds and reptiles, whose predaceous habits lead them to engulph many aquatic ani- mals laden with larval plathelminths, which reach their full development in the bird or lizard. The accompanying wood-cut shows two forms. A, Tcenia filum, which was described long ago by Goeze ; the head is scarce over a millimeter in width, and is furnished with a crown of ten small hooks ; the cystieercus stage is unknown, but the adult is found in the intestine of Hcolopax, Tot- anus., and Trinrja. B represents the very singu- lar Ophryocotyle 2}roteus, originally discovered by Dr. Friis ; the head ends in a large fan-shaped cupula, and bears six distinct festoon-like suckers ; it grows to a length ordinarily of four inches ; it is found in the intestine of certain sandpipers and ))lovers. There is a rich field of interesting study open to a naturalist who will turn his attention to the parasitic plathelminths of our water and shore birds. Another very remarkable genus has been found in Varamis, a genus of lizards, and recently described by Prof. Perrier of Paris, and were obtained by M. Vallee from the lizards kept at the Jardin des Plantes. The tape-worm in question has been named DutMersia, after Prof. Lacaze-Duthiers ; it is distinguished by the enormous development of the lateral suckers, which form two large cujis with Fig. 185. -A, Tcenia fihim; B, Ophrijocniijle 2)r6teus. 202 LOWER INVERTEBUATES. crenull.ited edges ; the cups are soldered together in the median line ; a similar arrange- ment, but on a much smaller scale, exists in Soleuuphorus^ and indeed there can be no doubt that both the genera alluded to belong to the family of Bothryocej)halida?. Our herbivorous domestic animals are much infested liy tape-worms, the horse, sheep, goat, and cattle, each have distinct sjiecies. The horse is especially subject to their attacks, and has three species joeculiar to itsi'lf, namely, Tmnia iMcatu^ T. mandlluna^ and T. perfollata. These worms sometimes occur in large numbers in a single host ; Ghabert counted ninety-one from one horse. It is supposed that these species have free-swimming aquatic larv£e, which the horses swallow in drinking; but of none of them is the history satisfactorily known. Thus we terminate our brief account of the parasitic platlielminths. The subject is a repulsive one, but is full of instruction to the thoughtful naturalist. To trace out the life histories, so bafHing to the student, has I'equired the greatest pei-severance and acumen ; and our j^resent knowledge is a very remarkable mouumeut to the patience and skill of scientific naturalists. Class 11. — ROTIFERA. The Rotifera or wheel-animalcules are small creatures found in marine and fresh waters, but most abundant in stagnant pools, and often in places where water has stood for a few weeks only. They equal a pin's head in size, and are very transparent, so that an entire animal may be forced to disi^lay its complicated anatomy at one view to the inquisitive micro- scopist. They are all, except the sessile forms, agile and restless, and dart about eagerly and rapidly, so that they are hard to follow with the eye ; but, forttmately, they have a liking for occasional repose, and will sometimes keep delightfully still, long enough for the keen observer to discover some of the secrets of their organization and of their physiological processes. One of the most familiar forms is the little wheel-bearer. Rotifer vulgaris, which may be col- PiG. 186. — DiUhiersia exjxmsa. lected during the warm season from almost every ditch. The body of this animal, when fully ex- tended, possesses greater length, in jiroportion to its breadth, than most others of its class. The tail commonly has three joints or segments which are capable of being drawn one within the other. This animalcule may be considered tyjiical of its class. There are no legs ; the antei-ior portion of the body is furnished with a retractile lobed disc, of which the margin is covered \\\X\\ vibratile cilia, while at the opposite end of the body is a cylindrical process forked at its ex- Fjg. 1S7 -jNIastax of Eachlanh WORMS. 203 tremity. This false foot or tail is jointed, and can be contracted and extended like a telescope. It does not form a direct prolongation of the end of the body, but arises from and is situated upon the ventral aspect. In most wheel animalcules there are two eye specks, which are \isually reddish in color. The cesophagus is provided with a complicated masticating apparatus, the so-called " niastax," which is very interestino- to the anatomist. Such are the general characteristics of the grouja. The class was formerly confounded with the chaotic assemblage of minute creatures, to which the name of infusorial animalcules was applied rather for conve- nience than from discrimination ; but, says Ryuier Jones, " the information at present in our possession concerning their internal structure and general economv, while it exhibits, in a striking manner, the assiduity of modern observers and the perfection of our means of exploring microscopic objects, en- ables us satisfactorily to define the limits of this interesting group of beings, and assign to them the elevated rank in the scale of zoologi- cal classification to which, from their superior organization, they are entitled." The ciliated lobes at the anterior end of the body have given the class its name ; yet there are forms known in which the cilia are wanting and the lobes are excessively modified in shape. This is notably the case in the parasitic genera Al- bertia, JJakitro, Seisoi), etc., which form the family of the Ateocha (wheelless), and also in certain species not parasitic. Of the latter, the best known is a rotifer, described in 1857 by the distinguished veteran among zoological in- vestigators, Professor Leidy of Philadelphia, under the name of Dictyophoru vorax. This rotifer is now united with several other allied species in one genus, Apsilus. Apsilus vorcne is spheroidal, has no jointed tail, but is sessile. Instead of the ordinary rotary discs it pos- sesses a large protractile cup or disc. The animal has the power of turning upon its point of attachment, but does not ap))ear to have the power of letting go its hold. The animal is about one twenty-fifth of an inch long; in shape ovoid, the narrower polo being truncated and bearing the mouth. The body is transparent, colorless, and even, and exhibits no signs of annulation, nor does it become transversely wrinkled by contraction. The interior exhibits the digestive apparatus and other organs, mostly more or less obscured by an accumulation of eggs in various stages of development. From the truncated extremity of the body, the animal pro- jects a delicate membranous cup, forming more than half a s]:)here and more than half the size of the body. At will the cup is entirely withdrawn into the body, but, when protruded, ex]iands outwardly like an opening umbrella, and is the substitute for the ordinary trochal discs of rotifers, and appears a most efficient means in catching the animalcules which serve as its food. Fig. 1s8. — Apsilits rorax. 204 L O WER INVER TEBRA TES. There are also many other rotifers, which normally remain attached permanently to some water plant or submerged stone. Among the attached forms we may call attention especially to the Floscularians. They are commonly found attached to the stems and leaves of aquatic plants. The foot-stalk, bearing the bell-shaped body, is very long. Dr. Carpenter describes thus one of the most beautiful species, iStephan- ocera eicJiornii. The body has five long tentacles, beset with tufts of short bristly cilia, reminding one of the ciliated tentacles of the Bryozoa. The body and foot-stalk are enclosed in a cylindrical cell resem- bling that of the Hydro- zoa and Bryozoa. A com- parison of this with other forms, however, shows that these tentacles are only extensions of the ciliated lobes which are common to all the mem- Ijers of these families. The so-called cell is not formed by a thickening and separation of the outer integument, but by a glutinous secretion from it, so that, as the rest of the organization is essentially conformable to the rotiferous type, no such passage is really es- tablished by this animal towards otiier grou|)S as it is commonly supposed to form. In the allied genus Mellcerta the body is protected by an artifi- cial cell, constructed of little pellets. Mr. Gosse, who fortunately had an opportunity of watching the animal build its cell, describes how the work is done. The ciliary wheels sweep particles into the upper end of the digestive canal, where they are fastened together, probably by a glutinous secretion, and moulded into a rounded pellet, which is then disgorged, and the animal, bending over, deposits the pellet upon the edge of the wall it is building, thus imitating the art of the bricklayer. The Rotifera include many odd forms, among them the extraordinary spherical creature discovered by Professor Semper in the Philijipines, and the grouji of the Fig. 189. — F/oscuUiria oniata. WORMS. 205 queer Asplanchnid^, rem ark able for having one opening of the digestive eanul ; but the majority of the wheel animalcules, which the collector obtains, belong among the relatives of the Botifer vulgaris, yet present to our inquisition a great variety of shapes and diversity of habits. They have been divided into three families: First, the Philodinidre, of whicli the genus Rotifer is the type ; second, Brachiouidas {Bruchionis, Noteus, 3Iastiosed to belong to the AscaridiB, a very dis- tinct family. Evidently something is wrong, — either our system of classification or else nature itself. Let ns trust to the future for the resolution of our dilemma. The first generation is developed from the eggs of the first, and vice versa. The eggs from Fig. 195. — Anijuiliula ??"i7/Vi, wheat worm. the parasitic form are discharged through the intestines of the host, and develop directly into the free form ; the female of the latter, however, retains the eggs, and the young develo]) within the parent. " She exceeds the ])elican, for the mother nour- ishes her offsiH-ing not only with her blood, but all her internal organs break up until nothing remains but the skin, to form a lifeless case ai-ouml the brood of squirming young worms.-' This stage of life lasts some time, and then the young jump out and remain perhaps for weeks in the moist earth, until they have an ojijiortunity, by way of a frog's mouth, of getting into his lung and there growing u]i into the Ascari nigrovenosce. Other members of the Angnillulidie are very injurious to plants. The most noto- rious of these enemies to husbandry is the Anguillula trilici (known also under the name of Tylenchus tritici)., for it inhal)its and destroys the ears of wheat, ]>i-oducing the dreaded disease known as smut. These worms were discovered about the middle of the eighteenth century by the English mieroscopist Needham, but our present knowledge of them is due mainly to Monsieur Davaine. In the diseased ears the grains are malformed, small, and black ; they have a hard crust, which encloses a coi-e of white powdery substance, which upon being moistened falls into little bodies, which the microscope shows to be Anguillulae, but still immature. In nature the kernel of wheat falls to the ground, gets moist and rotten, the wall breaks open, WORMS. 209 and the worm is set free, to crawl about in the eai'th until the new grain shoots forth. The worm then climbs up, resting motionless whenever it gets dried, but resuming its climb as soon as moisture restores its activity, and finally reaches the tojj while the ear is young, and there entering the parts of the flower, the worms cause a gall-like growth to the i)lant. There they dwell, and, liaving meanwhile become mature, the eggs are developed, deposited, and hatched out. The parents dying off, the embryos become tlie only inhabitants of the gall and form the dust-like substance which we mentioned at the begiiuiing of the paragraph. Tlie power of this species, and of its immediate congeners, to withstand desiccation and to recover their full activity upon the return of moisture, is almost incredible. This wonderful capacity is most developed in the larvae, the adults being endowed with less resistance. It is known that one of the galls containing larvae may be kcjit dry for over twenty years and at the end of that jjeriod be revived by moisture. Spallanzani's experiments showed that the loss of moisture must be gradual, for the larvae need apjiarently to make some preparation for their long confinement. It is not to be supposed that the worm dries up, but rather that it is able to prevent its own loss of moisture for an indefinite period. The excessive development of this strange ability to stop the vital processes is evidently a means by which the animal is enabled to escape what were elsewise the fatal dangers of its life cj'cle. The primitive type of the Nematoda is probably more nearly preserved in the family of Enoplid^; they are not parasitic, but lead a free life; for the most part they are marine animals. Very little is known of their habits or metamorphoses. They are found among plants, oftentimes in snarled bunches. Some species live in fresh water, but rarely, except in pure running streams, and others again in moist earth. The most common genera are Enoplus and iJorijlainms. M.any of the species have a peculiar spinning gland at the posterior end of the body and opening on the under side of the tail. "So soon," writes Professor Schneider, "as the animal has fixed its tail upon some support, it moves along and draws out the secretion of its gland to a vitreous thread several lines long. One end of the thread is glued fast, on the other floats the animal in the water." Most of the Enoplidae avoid the neighborhood of putrefaction, but delight in pure soils and waters, in which they often abound. The remaining families of the thread-worms are jiarasitic ; arranging them as nearly as possilile according to the extent they depart from the type of the free forms of the class, we have, beginning with those the least changed, Filariadse, Trichotrachelidse, Strongylidae, Ascaridae, Mermithidre, and Gordiida. Each of the first four of these families includes parasites very dangerous to man and the domestic animals. Of the FiLAEiAD^ the Filaria sangiiinis-hommis is said to ha the cause of the elephantiasis, so familiar to physicians in the oriental tropics. The larva are found in the blood vessels and lymjshatics of man, and by clogging the jiassages imi)ede the circulation and produce, it is asserted, the enormous enlargement or hypertrophy of parts known as elephantiasis. It is su]iposed that the mosquitos suck into their own bodies the larvae in the human blood ; that when the mosquitos go to the water to lay their eggs, they soon die, and the worms escape into the water, these become mature and produce their young, which enter the human system when the water is drunk. Filaria (Dracunculus) medinensis, the so-called Guinea-worm, occurs in the tropical districts of the old world, and is found parasitic in the subcutaneous tissue of man. It is very thin, but may attain a length of several feet; only the fem.ale is known. The parasite lies coiled up in the soft tissue, in which it produces an ulceration, and VOL. I. — 14 210 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 196. — rrU-hi si>iraHs encysted muscle. the discharge of tlie ulcer serves to set free the brood of young, but the history of the species has not yet been further ehtcidated. The Teichoteachelid Ji inchide the most dangerous by far of human parasites, tlie one wliich most often and most rapidly proves fatal to the life of its host, the much- feared trichina. The worm occurs in little distinct cajisules in the muscles of the body of many animals ; now when some of the infested muscles of one animal is eaten by another, the capsule is dissolved by the action of the digestive juices, and the larval worms are liberated in the intestines of their new host, where in the course of a week they become mature and then produce millions of eggs, which soon hatch out minute larvae. The larvae shortly penetrate the walls of the intestine and wander about through all parts of the body, injuring and irritating all the tissues they traverse. Finally they settle down in the muscles, penetrate the muscular fibres, feed on the substance thereof, and grow in a few weeks to several times their original size. While wandering and growing they produce the most serious consequences in the health of the host, and being often present litei'ally in millions, the accumulated effects of all the slight injuries ]iroduced by each trichina cause the greatest suffering to their victim, and often lead to his death within a few weeks. Still the host may be restored to good health if he can survive the fii'st few weeks of danger; for after the trichina! are established in the muscle fibres and have finished their growth, there they remain for years and years, en- closed in tough capsules, in which they lie coiled in a sjiiral. In this state they j)roduce no serious injury, and, as after the first attacks are over, and the inflammation they cause has subsided, the muscles and other injm-ed tissues of the host are regenerated, there maybe a complete recovery, after passing through the first period of danger. Pigs, from their omnivorous habits, are peculiarly exposed to the attacks of tri- chinae. In some German towns it was found that one pig in every three hundred or even less was infested ; now such a pig slaughtered and made into sausages and uncooked ham has often served to feed nearly a whole German village, and thus to cause a veritable epidemic of trichinosis. In 1884, shortly after the exclusion of American pork from Germany, ostensibly because of the danger of trichinae, there occurred one of the most frightful epidemics just in the manner told above. From one pig the ijarasites wei-e conveyed to three hunarasite in question goes by the name of 'Si//i- gamns truchealis, and inhabits the res- piratory passages, tracheas and bronchi of birds, living in bunches, which soon enlarge so much that breathing be- comes difficult to the imlucky bird, which gasps for air, — the name "gapes" refers to the characteristic symptom of the disease. The geneiic name Synganius I'efers to the j)ecu- liarity of the small males of attaching themselves to the large females to form indis- soluble pairs. The constant effort to dislodge the parasites by coughing serves to expel the eggs laid by the female; the eggs are thus scattered about, and are swal- lowed again by other birds, and thus the disease is spread. In a hennery the malady Fto. 19%. — Syn(jam,us trachealis ; a, male; b, female. 212 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. readily becomes an epidemic ; the uuft'eiing hens should be isolated from the rest and kept carefully cleaned ; it is said the parasites may be dislodged by brushing out the trachea with a feathei'. The AsuAEiD^ also include several species long known as human parasites ; two of these, the pin-worm, Oxyuris vermicularis, and the large round-worm, Ascaris lum- bricoides, belong to the earliest and most familiarly known of parasites. The pin-worm is extremely common, and very generally distributed over the world. The eggs are so light that they are easily scattered about, and when swallowed along with some other object, they develop in the intestines to the adult worm. The habits of civilized life diminish the danger from these parasites, especially as modern systems of sewage constantly remove the eggs, which jiass out with the natural evacuations. The A. Imnbricokks grows to a large size, six or seven inches ; is cylindrical, but tapers towards tiie head and somewhat towards the tail ; the color is reddish brown. The animal is a parasite of the small intestine. The eggs pass out, and in water or moist earth await the conijiletion of embryonic growth, but how the larva reaches the place of its final development has not yet been ascertained. The Mermithid^ and Goediid^ were long placed near to, but apart from, the Nematoda proper, but the best opinion now groups them with this class in spite of certain peculiarities of their anatomy and development. Both Merinis and Gordius are commonly known as liair-worms, and are found while sexually immature in the body cavities of various insects ; but they become mature only in the free state, Mer- mis living in the earth, Gordius in the water. The habits of Mermis have given rise to the belief in Europe in a rain of worms ; for often in summer after a warm rain at night they swarm to the surface, and appear to have been indeed rained down. Thc! larvse are parasitic in caterjiillars, but exactly how they gain entrance to the body of their insect host is not known. The metanior]ihi(le.s of tliii body and around the tail as a con- tinuous flap. The posterior portion of the body is .he ovaries; the smaller caudal compartment contains the male geni- talia. Tliese worms are jirobably related to the nematodes or thread-worms, but their anatomical singularities are so numerous that it is well to keep them apart. They were first desci-ibed about the middle of the last cen- tury by a Dutch author, Martin Slabber; for nearly one hundred years little was added to our know ledge of these worms, but, during the last forty years, their structure ans to the bottom of the vessel and lies there unattached. The ova are envelo]ied in a gelatinous mass, which does not surround eacli ovum separately, but belongs to the whole mass of eggs in common. In the sjiecies studied by Gegenbaur the process of segmentation occupies some seven to nine days, and it is probable that maturity is reached within a year. A singular interest attaches to the literature u|ion the ^ fish-eggs which he mistook for, and described in 1844 as, the eggs of this Fig. 202. — .svr,/«- ^voriTi, and it was not until many years later that the error was corrected. tn bipunctata. ' _ . There is no metamorphosis, but the embryo gradu;illy assumes the a Ii:->lijli, flilaiiift.!. uient arrangement, which, were it feasible with man, would essentially diminish the inconveniences of capital punishment. The delicate fresh-water annelids are much preyed upon by carnivorous insect larvfe, and it is not uncommon to see a T>!/tiscus larva, far instance, seize one in its jaws and snip the poor worm in two, one half escaping. This mishap, which would be fatal to most animals, is onlj' a temporary inconvenience to a N^als or Lumhricidus. It is evident that their extraordinary re]irodnctlve endownrents must be one of the most important factors in the preservation of the species. Bonnet, one of the most accurate of observers, found that the process of regeneration is completed within a week, and proved that one Avorm, divided into several pieces, might produce, nnder favorable circumstances, an equal number of new com]>lete individuals, so that some- times the very act of destruction, as in the fabled hydra, multiplies instead of annihi- latinirthe victim. WORMS. 226 Order II. — POLYCH^TA. The members of this order are generally dioecious, and pass through striking metamorphoses in the course of tlieir development. The head is conspicuous on account of the feelers, cirri, and gills, which are often very promi- nent. They are nearly all ma- rine. They far exceed all other woi'nis in the variety of sjiecies and the diversity of their lives : indeed within our limits it is utterly impossible to refer even to all the families of the Poly- chseta, unless we should content ourselves with a bare catalogue. Roughly speaking, a polyeha'tous annelid may be recognized liy its jointed bod}-, the false feet with numerous bristles, and the j)os- session of cephalic tentacles. T]}e order has two main divisions: 1, Sedentaria or TubicoliE ; 2, Errantia, — the former with fifteen, the latter with twelve families. Fl«. 216. — Head ami anterior segments of JJiojiatra ciqirea. Sub-Order I. — Tubicol^e. This sub-order owes its name to the general habit of building a tube in which the worm lives. The dwelling is con- structed, now of one kind, now of , anothei-, of foreign particles, accord- ing to the tastes and haljits t)f the builder, who cements his matei-ials tirgcther by a seci'etion of his own body, or sometimes the secretion itself hardens, making a tube with- out extraneous adjuncts. From the fact that their lives are spent in this ai'mor, the antei-ior end of the body becomes highly specialized, and is usually very different from the moi'e posterior segments. The handsome TerebeUa (Ani- ]Mtrite) ornata of oui' North At- lantic coast, a large and interesting Fig. 217. — tvstoiWps worm, is common both amoiic: and (jmiitVii, a tube- "- worm removed under rocks, and on muddy shores. from its tube. It constructs firm tubes out of the Fig. 218. — Awphitrite oniata. consolidated mud and sand in which it resides, casting cylinders of mud out of the orifice. It grows to be twelve or fifteen inches in length, and is usually flesh-colored, VOL. I. — 15 226 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 219. — Ettchmie elegans. although variable in hue from reddish to orange and dark brown. From the head spring very numerous flesh-colored tentacles, and three pairs of large feathered gills, which are bright red from the blood showing through them. The tentacles are capa- y. ble of great extension, and may be stretched out to a length ^ of eight or ten inches. Tiiey are incessantly in motion, ap- parently to gather food and materials for tube-building. This sjjecies may be considered a type of the large family of Terre- liELLii)^, and possesses the following features characteristic of the family : The body is thicker in front, the thin jiosterior extremity bears no bristles ; the tentacles are filiform ; the head is not marked off from the body; the gills are confined to a few anterior segments ; the bristles are short, those of the upper row hair-like, of the lower, hooked. Euchone elegans is a beautiful species found on the New England coast. When expanded, the }iale yellow or green- ish branchia3 are recurved and connected by a broad thin membrane. The body anteriorly is I'eddisli, changing into flesh color and then into a darker green or brown as we pro- ceed posteriorly. The species lives in water from five to thirty fathoms in depth, and makes slender tubes covered with fine sand. In the large family of the Serpulid.e also, the gills are confined to the anterior end of the body, and are covered with cilia, which maintain a stream of water, which sweeps food down towards the mouth, which is placed at the base of the gills. The head is usually set off from the body by a collar; all the bristles are hair-like, except those on the anterior half of tlie lower row. Their larvsd life is free-swimming, but when they settle down they excrete a calcareous shell which the worms enlarge subsequently to meet the necessities of the growing inhabitants. The secretion and shaping of the tube are performed principally by the basal portion of the gills. Tiie round, crooked tubes made by the American Serpula dianthus are often found on the under surfaces and siiies of stones, and even in more exposed situ- ations,— always near low-water mark. When disturbed, the worm sud- denly withdraws its beautiful wreath of gills, and closes the aperture of its tube with a curious plug, called the operculum, — the portcullis of its castle. The branchiie, when fully disj)Iayed, reveal their elegance of form and color; they are a round cluster, jiarted into symmetrical halves, some eighteen delicate feathered filaments on each side. The colors are extremely variable, but always brilliant ; usunllv the branchire are purplish at the base, with narrow bands of light red or yellowish green ; further from the centre the filaments are trans\ersely bandeil witli pur]ilish-brown, which alternates with yellowish-green ; in another variety they are all citron-yellow, and in yet another ,'dl whitish, banded with brown. Very different is the abundant Cli/iiieiicUd torqwiUi, which is jtlain in shape though ])retty in color. It belongs to the Maldanid.e, Polj'chffita in which all the external appendages are very much reduced. Chjmenella constructs long tubes of agglu- w Fig. 220. — vhj- metirlla tor- quata. WORMS. 227 tiuated saud, rather avoiding muddy bottoms. It loves quiet, and often seeks a home among the roots of eel grass.- It is usually pale red, with bauds of bright red around the swollen parts of the segments, but it is most readily recognized by the collar on the fifth ring and the peculiar funnel appended to the tail. There still remain a host of curious genera, Sternaspis, ManayunJda, Polydora, Cirrat- tiltcs, Capitdla, and many others, which we would fain de- scribe, were it not for the i)ainful conviction that the general reader's interest in worms, even in those that are polycha?- tous, is exhaustible. We content ourselves, therefore, with a trio of brief allusions; first, to the lug-worm, Areiiicola marina, which is eagerly sought after as bait by English fishermen, who dig it from the lioles it excavates in the sands. On our coast it occurs north of Cajie Cod, but is not used in fishing. The branchise are confined to the cen- tral portion of the body, where they form on each side a series of small tufts, remarkable, during the life of the crea- ture, for their brilliant red color. It is a ty}ie of the family closely related to the Clymenella, above described. The second form is the Spi- rorbis, one of the Serpulidte, whose white, coiled tubes might easily be Tiiistaken Fig. 221. — StertKispis fossm: Fig. 222. — Serimla cantorhiplicata. for a snail shell. They occur on rocks, shells, etc., lint ai-e most numerous on bits of rock-weed {Fucus) thrown up from shallow water. Each individual worm is as pretty and delicate as any species of Serpula, and, like the members of that genus. 228 L 0 WEE IN VER TEBRA TES. Fig. ^23. — Cirratulus grandis. wlien it retracts it closes its calcareous tube with an oj)crculuin. Over half a dozen species are found on our northern coasts. The last form is Cisteiddes, or, as it is called in the older works, Pectinana. Our common species, C. gouldii, is light red or flesh color, hand- somely mottled with dark red and blue. This species forms long conical tubes of sand, which are remarkable in the fact that the grains of which they are composed are built up, a single layer in thickness, " like minia- ture masonry, and bound together by a waterproof cement." The animal is shown in Fig. 217. Sub-Oeder II. — Er- RANTIA. The Errantia are active and fierce beasts of jirey, of which the Nekeid.e and Nkptiiyu.e may be regarded as the central type. The para- podia are large movable limbs, and bear numerous bristles varied in shape and color. Tlie tentacles on the head are often of several sorts, and the segments of the body may vary in different regions, so that an anterior portion of the body looks very different from another posterior, as is so strikingly exemplified in Heteronereis and its allies; the segments of the bodies may also have gills of various kinds; in some cases these gills are long and delicate filaments which entirely change the j)hysiognomy of the worm. The term N'ereis was given by Linnaius to a group of annelids, which he charac- terized as having an elongated vermiform body, furnished with soft, well-develo])ed ••ippenilages, and a head bearing eyes and tentacles. He thus included nearly all the Errantia under one genus, and the tradition of the Linnaean name still lingers in the habit of naturalists, who use the term Nereis or Nereid as a vague designation. The genus has now been very much reduced, by cutting off hundreds of its original mem- bers to establish them under numerous new genera, so that the genus N'ereis of to-day is but a very small fragment of the original one. This has been the general fate of all Linne's names, so that while we have kept the form, we have rejected the sub- stance, because the essence of his system of nomenclature was to give two names, one to indicate the general place of the form in the animal kingdom, the other to desig- nate the species; l)ut the modern genera, luilike the Linnasan, are no longer general but special, and one of the chief merits of binomial nomenclature has been done away with. Nereis pelagica is common on both sierfect such a model of carnivorous dentition as can find no rival in the animal creation. The JSfereis does not always con- fine itself to its burrovr, but, like all its relatives, frequently goes a-jourueying. It is a nocturnal traveller, and at certain times swims about in vast numbers near the surface of the ocean ; ]irobably this habit has some connection with the rej)roduction. The life history of Nereis is still very obscure, for in some cases it produces sexually young which become Nereis ; in other cases there intervenes what is known as the Heteronereis stage ; Hetero- nereis again is capable of reproduction, and apjiarently the same species may assume different forms ; moreover Nereis is found as a hermaphrodite as well as a unisexual animal. Now since the connection of these forms with one another has not yet been satis- factorily determined, the whole history of the manifold possible changes is in confusion. Very different is it in regard to Autolijtus, whose vital career, at least for the pres- ent, is more comprehensible. The genus may serve also as the type of the Syllid^, one of the chief families of the order, and remarkable for the great length of the dorsal cirri of the body-segments. The eggs of Autoh/tiis jiroduce an asexual indi- vidual, which multiplies by division, the anterior end remaining the asexual worm, while the posterior individual is divided off and becomes male or female as the case may be. We have here a ]nire example of alternation of generations, a phenomenon first recognized aljont half a. century ago. The individual born from the egg has neither the form nor value — that is to say, the physiological significance — of a sexual adult, but propagates itself by budding, division, or internal gemmation. Of this we FiS. 223. — Plii/llodoce. 230 LO WER IN VER TEBRA TES. have already given various instances in the sections referring to parasitic species among the lower worms. In I'omojjtei-is, a pretty, transjiarent, pelagic creature, the false feet are very long and thick, while two long cirri spring from the first segment so that the outline of the animal is bizarre. Another tyjie altogether is shown by the scale-bearing annelids, ApuRODixiDJi ; the upper parapodia, or false feet, carry large scales, which lie over the back of the animal and form an imbricated covering, serving the double pur- pose of protection and respiration. The most common of our species in New England is probably the Lepidonotus squamatiis, which inhabits the rocky shores of bays and sounds, wliere they may be found hiding in crevices or on the under side of stones. It has twelve pairs of rough scales on its back, while its cousin L. sitblevis has the same ii u m b e r, but smooth, and is found, though less abund- antly, in the same lo- calities as the first- mentioned species. In many members of this family, however, the bristles are greatly de- veloped, in Hermione so as to partially, in Aphro- dite so as to completely, hide the scales under ^ felting of hair. Nothing can exceed the splendor of the colors that ornament some of these hairs ; " they yield, indeed, in no respect to the most gor- geous tints of troj)ical birds, or to the brilliant decorations of insects : green, yellow, and orange, blue, purple, and scarlet — all the hues of Iris play ujjon them with the changing light." In Ajihroditv the res)iirat<>ry function of the scales is evident ; they exhibit periodical movements of elevation and depression ; as they are overspread by a coating of felting, readily jiermeable to the water, the space between the scales is filled with filtered water while they are elevated ; when they are again depressed the water is forcibly emitted at the posterior end of the body, and the back, which serves as an organ of respiration, is thus washed by fresh water. Although these animals are not active, yet they are highly organized, and are to be considered the ti])-top of the world of worms, no slight dignity. Tliey are rather inactive com]iared with many of their relatives, and are usually very dirty, so that repeated ^vashings are necessary to uncover their natural beauties. Among worms, also, high rank does not ensure personal cleanliness. Pig. 226. — AutoUjtus cormttus, male. Fig. 227. — Hi-rmione hystrix. WORMS. 231 SS, The EcHiURiD^, wliicli were formerly classed with the Gephyreans, are now known to be true annelids, but their precise affinities are uncertain, so we will slip tlicm in by appendix. They are easily recognized by the pair of hooked liristles on the ventral surface, and by the two crowns of bristles which occur around the caudal extremity of some forms. The three principal genera are Echkiris, Tlutl- assema and JJonel/ia. The last-mentioned is very striking in a])])earance, as will be seen by the figure of lio/ief/iu viridis. Oskar Schniiilt, referring to his visit to the Dalmatian island Sesina, writes: "I noticed aljout a foot under water, beneath a lai-ge stone, an intensely green worm-like moving creature; I quickly lifted the stone, and my supposed worm revealed itself as the two-pi-onged jjrobosL'is of Houellia. We kept it alive in a basin for a day, and never tired of watching its movements." The body is covered with little warts, and, like the pro- boscis, is vivid green ; it is capable of manifold contractions and constrictions, and the proboscis is an even greater proteus, and may stretch out in large specimens to half a yard in length. Myzostoma is another puzzle to zoologists, but is best guessed to be a degenerated para- sitic annelid. The genus includes a consider- able number of species which are all external parasites of the Comatulas ; they are small, disc-shaped, have four pairs of lateral suckers on the ventral surface, and a retractile papil- lated prolioseis, and there are five pairs of cirrus-ljearing false feet. Fig. 2L'h. — ii«iit»;arasitic existence. They are all blood-suckers, veritable vam- pires, and to most persons the mere thought of their habit is revolting; but the anti- pathy they excite is not an altogether well-founded emotion, for they have their role to perform, and man has converted them into his servants, and given them a medical office, the duties of which they discharge with praiseworthy alacrity. The leeches have been the theme of one of the most singular of zoological delusions, in that they have been considered to be related to the Tremadota. I know no reason whatsoever for this queer conjunction, which is worthy of the time when a whale was called a fish. It is true that both leeches and flukes have suckers, but there all anatomical resem- blance ceases. The leeches are true segmented worms, but the transverse lines visil>le on tlie external surface of the body do not mark off the segments, but, on the contrary, hide the true Fig. 2J1. — Mukei ami jaws ioints ; hcnce their internal anatomv must be sturotection from external harm, each cell of the colony is frequently ?d with strong teeth or long s]iines, or there may even n operculum develojied, a little lid, which, when the ani- ls retracted, closes the opening through which the body nds itself at other times. When the poly})ide is extended, the most jtrominent fea- ture is a disc, known as the lophophore, from which arises a more or less circular row of tentacles. Each of these ten- tacles is ciliated, and the constant motion of these small organs produces in the surrounding water currents which flow to the mouth, which in some is situated within, in others without, the circle of tentacles. The mouth communicates with a large jiharynx, which in turn em])ties into the oesopha- gus, the distinction between these two being frequently em- ])hasized by the presence of a valve. In several forms the irsophagus terminates posteriorly in a muscular gizzaivl, the function of which is to thoroughly triturate the food before it enters the stomach, the next division of the alimentary tract. The stomach is lined with small follicles, wdiich are regarded as he]iatie in function, while its upper jtortion bears numerous cilia, which, by their constant motion, keep the food in a state of agitation. The stomach is flexed upon itself, and after the food is digested, the excrementa are passed to the intestine, and thence out at the vent, which is ])laeed close to the mouth. No heart or circulatory organs exists in the Polyzoa, but the products of digestion pass through the walls of the stomach into the body cavity, where they bathe the various portions of the body. The nervous system is chiefly composed of a central ganglion placed between the mouth and the anus. In some forms, nervous cords have Fig. 232. — Aratomy of Paludi- cella i^hrevberfjii; a, tentacles; b, oesophagus; c, anus; ij, stom- ach; ?», muscles; o, felnale, t, male, reproductive organs. 238 LOWER IN VER TEBRA TES. 1>'1G. 23a. —A portion ot Srrupo- ceUaria/ero^, with (((.) vibra- cula. been describetl, connecting the various individuals of the colony, and although the nervous nature of these cords has been disputed, it is evident that some means of inter-communication exists, for there is frequently such a unison in the movenicnts of the various members of a stock that no other ex|ilanatiou is possible. Nothing definite is known of the organs of sensation. The muscular system is well developed, the most prominent portions being the re- tractors and jirotractors of the lophophore. Possibly the structures known as avicularia and vibracula are the most interesting to the layman, on account of their motions and problematical functions. These organs are not found in all forms. The vibracula are long, whip-like appen- dages, which are attached to the cells of the colony by a single joint, and which, moved by appropriate muscles at the base, keep uj) a constant lashing motion. The avicularia, as is partially indicated by their name, are shaped like the head of a bird, with fixed upper and movable lower mandibles. These avicularia are either directly attached to the cell, or are ele- vated on a short stalk, and, in life, keep in constant motion, o])ening and closing the mandibles, thus rendering a colony of some such form as liiigula a most interesting object under the microscope. The purposes of these organs are as yet uncer- tain. It has been suggested th.at the constant lashing of the vibracula serves to clean foreign matter from the colony. The avicularia are frequently seen to seize small aquatic objects, but as they cannot carry the prey thus caught to the mouth, the part which tiiey play in the nutrition of the polyjiide is at least indirect. Mr. Gosse, the entertaining English writci- on natural history, has suggested, with considerable jilausi- bility, that the decay of the objects caught by the avicularia attracts other organisms to the vicinity, thus bringing them within the influence of the currents produced l)y the cilia on the tentacles, ami thus to tiie mouth. The Polyzoa reproduce both by budding and by eggs. Usually the buds remain attached to the parent stock, thus causing it to increase in size ; but in one or two forms the buds become separated from the parent, and form distinct indi- viduals. Closely allied to this budding ,, I. ^. i! i i 1 1 i Fig. 234. — Poitinii of i?«f/w.'ecies oi Xinr/ula to-day is X. ■pyraniidata, occurring on the sandy shores of Virginia and Korth Carolina. In this form the stem is about two inches in length. The animal lives with its peduncle buried in the sand, in water of from one to ten fathoms, while the shells, in the centre of which is the mouth, project above the bottom. Not oidy is the genus a long-lived one, but the individuals themselves are able to withstand very adverse circumstances. Speci- mens can readily be carried to all parts of the country, and Professor Morse relates that individuals which he obtained survived after being several hours loose in his pocket. While our species of Lingula is small, those found in the eastern seas reach a length of nearly a foot. The development of our species has been studied, and Dr. Brooks says, "that the recent and fossil shells of the various species of Crania, Dix- cina, Lingula, Lingulella, Obolus, and other hingeless brachiopods, furnish a series of adult forms representing all the changes through which the outline of the shell of Lingula ligramidata passed during its development." Of Lingula there are now seventeen living species, and a large number fossil. All the othei' genera of the family, Obolus, IJngulella, etc., are extinct. The DiscmiD^, in which the shell is neai-ly circular and the peduncle passes through the flat lower valve, have only a single existing genus, TJiscina. These forms ex- ternally closely resemble the genus Anomia, a true mollusc. The Craj^iid^, represented in the seas of Europe by the genus Crania, ha\e no peduncle. Fourteen species of the two families are found ii the existing seas. Fig. 2o1. — Upper valve of Crania anomala, with the animal. BRA CHIOPODS. 247 OiiDEE II. — ARTICULATA. The Avticulata, or Tcsticardiiiia, have the valves articulated by a liinge, usually formed by teeth on the lower valve, fitting into sockets in the upj)er one. The intestine ends blindly. On the inner surface of the ujiper valve a more or less compli- cated calcareous loop, the object of which is to suppiort the arms. In tlie existing forms this loop is usually quite simjile, but in some of the fossils it is very complicated, portions being coiled in a sj)iral, which evidently supported all parts of the arms, so that their extension from between the valves was impossible. In the living forms a slight protrusion maybe occasionally seen. Passing by the three extinct families, Production, Calceolid-e, and Oktiiid.e, we reach first the family Rhvnciioxellid.e, of which forms are represented in the northern seas. In these the arms are coiled in a sjiiral ; the shell is either free or anchored by a peduncle, which passes through an opening in the beak of the larger valve. The hinge line is either curved or straiglit, and the outer surface of the shell is impunctate. Rhijnchonella psUtacea is a common form in the colder waters of the northern hemi- sphere, from the Gulf of M;iine to P^urope. Other species are found in .Japan, New Zealand, Fijis, etc. The Spiriferid.e attained its greatest development in the paleozoic rocks, disap- pearing in the Jurassic. In these forms the shells are unequal, have a straight hinge line, while the support for the arms is coiled in two spirals, much like a watch-spring. Occasionally these spirals bear hardened supports for the tentacles, thus indicating that these parts could have but the slightest motion. The Terebratulid.e is the largest of the recent families. In these forms the arms are not coiled in a spiral. The shell is punc- tate and ventricose, the lower valve is perforated for the passage of the peduncle, and the two valves are hinged together by two teeth. On our New England coasts, TcreliratuUna septet itrionalis is the most abundant, being brought up by tlie dredge from a depth of only a few fathoms. Usually the specimens are en- crusted with a yellow sponoe. In life the animal has considerable ''"'■ '■'■'-■ ~J\"'";:"<''"'a powers of movement, raising itself at times so that it stands upright upon its peduncle, or twisting itself around u])on the same support. In the more northern waters of America the genus W(Mham!a is found, wliile the genus Thecid- ium is found in the Mediterranean and tlie West Indies. These forms are popularly known as lamp shells, their rounded shell, with its per- forated beak, presenting no inconsiderable resemblance to the lamps used by the ancients. The existing .species possess no inconsiderable vitality, and Professor Morse has called attention to the striking fact that the ])Ower of the recent species to with- stand a of mollusc; «, anus; I., biain. cere- ^^^ Called a tOrsion of the body, but, UCVer- bral g.aiiKlion; f. foot; i, genital opening; ''.heart; theleSS, if we make allowauce for this twist- i, pleural ganglion; /, liver; ??i, ntouth; n, Kidney; ' p, pedal ganglion; r, visceral ganglion. j„„^ jj ^.^J^ readily be traced. In the young, the segmentation of the body is frequently evident, but it entirely disappears in the adults, except among the chitons, where tlie elements of the shell and the gills are metamerically repeated. The foot is a muscular process on the lower surface of the body, which is highly MOLLUSCS. 249 distinctive of most molluscs. In it one can frequently find three distinct portions in serial order, known respectively as the propodium, (in front) ineso])odiuni, and nietapo- dium. Occasionally lateral portions, epipodia, are developed. From the dorsal por- tion of the body arises a fold of the body wall, the pallium, or mantle, which partially or completely envelops the body. In some the two halves of the mantle may be dis- tinct, while in others they are connected. This mantle plays no inconsiderable part in the economy of the animal, for from it is developed the shell so characteristic of most molluscs, and which deserves more than a passing mention. The shell is largely composed of carbonate of lime, together with more or less animal matter, the whole being secreted by the outer layer of the mantle. This shell is entirely witliout blood-vessels, and is absolutely incapable of inter- stitial growth. Such being the case, it is an interesting question to decide how it increases in size. This is readily settled if we burn a bit of some shell like that of the clam, to destroy the ani- mal matter, and then break it across from the hinge to the margin It will then be found that the shell is built up of a series of layers, each of which, as we proceed inward, is larger than its pre- decessor. The way in which the shell is formed by the mantle explains this structure. When the animal is very small it secretes a layer on the underside of the embryonic shell. With an increase of growth another layer is laid down, but since the mantle is now larger than it was before, this layer extends beyond the preceding one. Other similar depositions follow, the result being that the shell is thicker at the hinge than at the edge, while the outer surface is marked with parallel lines, the edges of the successive layers. The structure of the shell presents many interesting iioints. *'iG. ^w. — Diagram- ' 1 • ,.1 ,1 matic section of sheU it may be hard and opaque, like porcelam, iibrous, glassy, horny, showing the nu-thod . . , . ^ , . . - 1 A of increase in thiclc- or pearly, or nacreous, giving beautiiul iridescent colors. On ness iiming growth. , , , , . , Tlie bl.acli spots indi- mici'oscopic examination it is seen that tliese latter owe tlieir hues cate tiie successive to minute undulations of the layers, and that they are ditfraction of 'the add'uctor'mus- spectra similar to those now produced for physical researches by fine rulings. The external color of shells is due to })igment deposited by the edge of the mantle, which frequently bears the same pattern of ornamentation as does the shell. Usually shells are covered with a horny external layer, the so-called epidermis, which is likewise a jtroduct of the edge of the mantle. Its pui-pose is to protect the shell from the corroding power of the water in which they live, or from other external injury. At some stage of growth almost all molluscs bear a shell, but with some it disap- pears with growth. The shell may l)e univalve or l/ivalve, or in the case of that aber- rant group, the chitons, it may be composed of eight pieces serially arranged. In the first case it is usually coiled in a spiral, although a conical form is not rare. Among the bivalves the two halves of the shell are nearly alike, though in some the similarity is largely lost. Turning now to the internal structure, we have first to take up the digestive tract. This is always separated from the body cavity by proper walls. It begins with a median mouth at the anterior end of tlie body, and terminates at the anus, which is also primitively in the median line at the posterior end of the animal. The torsion 250 LOWER IN VEP, TEBRA TES. which brings the vent in anotliei- position will lie discussed further on. The tlireo divisions of the dio'estive tract, stomodeum, mesenteron and jiroctodeum are well devel- ojied, the middle region being characterized by a very large liver. Salivary glands are frequently present, emptying into the stomo- deum, anil tlie same region frequently bears a lingual ribbon, armed with teeth, for the comminution of food. This organ is em])loyed to characterize the Cephalophora, one of the two great divisions of the MoUusca, and will be described when treating of that grou)). The nervous system typically consists of two ganglia above the oesophagus (cerebral) ; two at its sides (jileural) ; and two beneath (pedal). These are connected by a ring of nervous tissue. From eacli of the pedal ganglia arises a nerve cord whidi traverses the length of the foot (the pedal nerve) while from the pleural ganglia two similar cords arise, which also pass back- ward, but at a higher level (the pleural commissures). These terminate in a ganglion on either side, known indifferently as Fig. 2.-)5,— Diagram cifner- the visceral or parieto-splanchiiic ganglion. Tliese two visceral vous iuiatoinv of mollusc; ,. ^ t '^i i ,i ^i i i .i a, abiiominai ganglion; ganglia are Connected with each other by a cord known as tlie e,' eye';" ,f/rgiiif*"Vieu' visceral looj), in the middle of which is the abdomimd ganglion. pefiai'''gai?giion ; "^'s, ' or- From the cerebral ganglia nerves go to the eyes, and primitively ffvisceraTgaJigUon.'"'''' to the auditory Organ. An additional commissure on either side connects the cerebral with the pedal ganglion. The heart, which is situated dorsally, consists of a ventricle and one or two auri- cles. It is always arterial, receiving the blood from the respiratory organs and forcing it to all j^arts of the body. The circulation is not completely closed, the blood for a portion of its course flowing through channels without proper walls. Though the whole surface of the body has respiratory functions, special organs for the aeration of the blood exist in the shape of gills, or, less frequently, so-called lungs. ^..cs^ii^l The gills are ciliated outgrowths from the body, usually placed in the cavity of the mantle between that envelope and the foot or body wall. Each gill may be reduced to a type called by Lankester a ctenidium. This, as its name indicates, is like a comb, the back of the comb being the rhaehis or stalk, while the gill lamclUc correspond to the teeth of the comb. In the rhaehis are two canals, one carrying tlie^blood to the gill plates, there to be l)rought in contact with the water, the other returning it to the heart. From this type most of the forms of gills can be derived. All of the gills of Mollusca are not homologous, a fact first jiointed out by Spen- o-el. This anatomist has shown that in the true or ty]iiral gills are normally jiaired origans, one or more being found on either side of the body. These true gills receive their nerves from the visceral loop of the nervous system, and he has also jiointed out that at the base of each gill is a sense organ, the purpose of which is to test by smell the quality of the water supjiliod to each gill. This olfactory organ is also innervated from the same part of the nervous system as are the true gills. Other resjiiratory organs exist in some ftvrms, but we liave a sure test of their homology in their rela- tions to the nervous system and to the organs of smell. Fig. 2S6. — Gill ot Sep'ui. MOLLUSCS. 251 Fig. 257. — Xepliri'liuin of Unio; */, glandular pnition; 7), ex- ternal opening; o, opening between {p) peric:irdiiun and glaiulular portion of nepbridiiun; r, repi'oductive oritice; t, non-glandular portion of nephridiuni; ;■, ventricle. Lungs, which are ctxvities of the nuuitk' Ihietl with respiratory folds, occur only in tlie puhnonate gasteropoils, where iliey will be de.seribed at length. The renal organs, nephridia, or organs of 13oj:inus as they are frequently called from the celebrated anatomist who discovered them, are always present. They are usually symmetrically dis- posed, there being one on each side of the body. Each nephridium con- sists of a tube, the inner portion of which communicates with a portion of the body cavitj^, while the otlier opens externally. In the interior portion are well-developed glands, which e.xcrete uric acid, while the outer, non-glandular portion is merely an afferent duct. That these iH'i)hridia are homologous with the segmental organs of worms is more than possible, and the probability is strengthened by the fact that their internal openings are ciliated, and that in many forms they serve for the extrusion of the seminal, as well as for excretory, products. Reproduction is here always a sexual operation, fission and budiling being un- known. As a rule the two sexes are combined in the same individual, but numerous marine gasteropods, and all cephalopods, are diojeious. The sexual glands are ])laced on either side of the body, and either open through ducts of their own, or by means of the nephridia, as mentioned above. In all except the cephalopods there is a more or less com))licated metamorphosis in passing from the egg to the adult. According to the amount of food-yolk, the seg- mentation is regular or irregular, the result being a morula or mulberry-like mass. Soon a portion invaginates, just as we may push in one side of a rubber ball, or, owing to the presence of a great quantity of food-yolk, this process may be obscured. The result, however, is in both cases the formation of a two-layered sac, the gastrula. The mouth of the gastrula, the blastopore, soon closes more or less completely, and from the middle portion is developed the foot, while the two ends correspond respec- tively with the mouth and vent. Occasionally one of these openings ])ersists, but not infrequently a new invagination takes place to form the openings, the in]>ushing of the integument being always within the liinits of the blastopore. From the outer layer of the gastrula is developed the e])idermal structures of the body, while the inner gives rise to the middle division of the digestive tract. From this inner division cells are also budded off between the two layers, formino" the mesolilastic tissues, and later one or more spaces appear in this mesoblast, the body cavity. Further details of the internal development may be found in sjiccial works, but for our purposes we need to follow the changes in external form a little further. At about the time of the invagination, a ]iortion of the outer surface develops a circle of long hairs or cilia. This circle, wliich is known as the velum, embraces only a small portion of the extei-ior, and since both mouth and anus, when formed, are behind it, it follows that the area so circumscribed is pre-oral. Not infrequently a single longer hair or flagelhim occupies the centre of the velar area, marking the differ- entiation of the ectodermal Layer into nervous tissue, the future supra-oesophageal ganglia. This stage is the trochosphere, and presents a close resemblance to the larva 252 L 0 WE It IN VEIi TEBRA TES. Fig. 259. — Veligcr of Opistlio- brancli; a, anus; /, foot; i, Intestine; o, operculum; fc*, velum. of many worms, and esjjecially tlie lotiftTs. At this stage, or even earlier, another important feature appears, the shell gland. This is at first an invagination on the side of the body opposite the mouth, but still outside the velar area. The gland soon Haltens and begins to secrete the shell, whicli at first appears as a single delicate plate. Following the trocho- sphere comes the stage known as the veliger. The velar area is now a flat- tened plate, fringed with cilia, and fre- ''' rf %;^f'?:1o^'7, quently expanded into lobes, while the """eiuin!' '^'" *^'''""'' rest of the body is greatly enlarged in proportion. The foot is also more prominent. With subsequent development the disj)roportion between the velar area and the rest of tlie body increases in all except a very few cases, as the pond-snail, Limncm. Shells, more than any other objects of natural history, h;ive played a part as objects of merchandise, and for the rarities, conchologists have in times past paid the most fabulous prices. The following, copied from Tryon, may j^rove of intei'est to those who have not yet caught the fever of shell-collecting : — " Scalaria pretiosa., which can now be had for one or two dollars, was worth -IIUO in 1735, and $'200 in 1701. Phasianella bulimo'ules, which also brought $100, can now be purchased at from one to two dollars, or even less. In 1865 a great English collection, that of Dennison, was sold by auction in London, and some extravagant prices realized. Ci/prcea guttata brought -f liOO ; Ci/jnreajmiiceps, the same; Coitus gloria-maris, aho $200; Conus ceryMS nearly 190; Conus cedonuUi (not a vevy rare shell), $90 and $110; Comes omaictts, (also not rare), $60; Yoluta festiva, $S0 ; Oiiiscia dennisonii, $90; Pholadomyia Candida, $65; Carinaria vitrea, (which ]Mont- fort stated to be worth $600), brought $50. The very rare Pleurotoma quoijaiia brought in London, in 1872, $125. In 1876 the Roters van Leimep collection was sold, including: Valuta JHiionia, $50; Mitra heldieri, $40; Spondylus reglus, $30, etc. For this same Spondylus regius Professor Richard had previously paid several thousand francs. Voluta junonia has always been considered a rare species, and dealers have obtained as much as forty pounds sterling for it. . . . Cypnva unibilicata has been sold for thirty pounds, and may now be had for one pound. The Boston Society of Natural History possesses an Argonauta argo, or paper nautilus shell, which is said to have been purchased by the gentleman who jjresented it to that society, for $500. It is a common species, and the only reason of the greater valua- tion of this specimen is that its diameter is about two or three inches greater tlian any other individual known to naturalists." Class I. — ACEPHALA. This group of the molluscs has been burdened with a large ntimber of names. Among them we find Conchifera, Endocephala, Li|)Ocephala, Lamellibranchiuta, and Pelecypoda, as well as the older, and consequently ])referable, designation adopted here. The group will readily be recogni/.ed by all umlcr the popular designation of bivalve molluscs. In this more familiar name is embodied one of the most character- MOLLUSCS. 253 istic features of these forms, — .1 shell diviiled into halves, one on either side of the body. This bilateral symmetry pervades the whole organism, and frequently one side is almost an exact repetition of the other. Just inside the shell is found the fleshy mantle, which, like the shell it secretes, forms a flap on either side of the body. In these bivalves this pallium, or mantle, acquires a great development, and not infre- quently its edges are joined together, so that the rest of the animal is enveloped, as it were, in a bag. Still the bag is never completely closed ; at the front end a small Fig. 260. — Diagram of anatomy of a clam (7v/;/a); a, anterior adductor; b, auricle; c, excurreiit siplional tube; e. incurrent siplional tube; /, foot; r/, gills; i, intestine; m, mouth; /;, posterior retractor; r. retractor of foot; t, labial pal[)i; v, ventricle of heart. hole is left for the protrusion of the foot, while, at the o))i)Osite extremity, means is afforded for the entrance of water, bringing food and o.xygen to the animal, and also for the escape of the same fluid, bearing away the waste products of respiration and digestion. Not infrequently this posterior opening becomes divided into two tubes, which sometimes can be extended a long distance from the shell. This is known as the siphon, and will readily be recognized by most people in the 'head' of the clam. Head it certainly is not, for it is at exactly the opposite end of the body from where the head should be. These tubes, which are, in reality, but expansions of the mantle, are very contractile, and each tube has its own function. The lower one (the one fur- thest from the hinge of the shell) is for the incurrent stream, while from the other tlie water which has played its jiart in the economy of the animal is discharged. In other forms there is no siphon, and in still others the two halves of the mantle are entirely free from each other. The mantle joins the body near the hinge line, and between the two hang down the gills, to which we shall again recur. From the lower side of the body proceeds the foot, which in some forms is well developed, even proving an organ of locomotion of no mean capacities, while in others, like the oyster, the foot lias nearly, or even entirely, disappeared. Near the extremity of the foot in the adults of some species, and the young of others, is a gland, the function of which is to secrete the byssus. This is a l)undle of fibres, more or less closely united, Ijy which the animal attaches itself. The byssus can be cast off by the animal when desired, and a new one formed at pleasure. The mouth, which is at the oi)posite end of the body from that at which the siphon Fig 261. — Jtussel with byssal threads. 254 L 0 WER IN VER TEBRA TES. Fig. i&i. ■ -L)i;igram showing the devehipmeiit of the giUs of a laiiiellibranch. arises, bears, at the sides, a pair of leaf-like or tentacular folds, the labial palpi, the fiiiietion of which is to direct and conduct currents of water to the mouth, the cilia with which they are covered aiding greatly in this respect. It has been suggested that these paljii represent the velum of the larva, but no known facts of embryology confirm this view. They are, in reality, the greatly expanded upper and lower lips. The alimentary canal always traverses the whole length of the body, terminating m a vent at the posterior end. Usually its course is much contorted, the intestine, in some forms, passing through the ventricle of the heart. The Q?sophagus is short, and communicates with a more or less spherical stomach, into which a voluminous paired liver pours its secretion. The intestine is very long and convoluted. No organs of mas- tication are present, and, if we make one pos- sible exception, nothing that can be compared to the lingual ribbon of other molluscs. This excejition is the crystalline style. This is a transparent elastic rod, of unknown functions, which lies in a j^ouch arising from the stom- ach. Whether it be a I'epresentative of the odontojihore is very uncertain. The heart always consists of a median ventricle, which forces the blood to all parts of the body, and two auricles, one on either side, which receive the blood from the gills and pour it into the ventricle. The gills possess a very complicated structure, but one which can without much difficulty be reduced to a simple type. Of these organs there are usually two on either side. Embryology shows us that each of these gills is primitively made up of a series of little tubes running down from the body wall. These tubes then turn and grow back until they reach the inner surface of the mantle, as shown in the adjacent figures. The filamentary condition persists in some acephals, but in others the adjacent filaments become united so that a broad lamellar gill (whence the name Lamellibi-anchiata) is the result. In some forms this union is produced by bunches of hooked cilia on the sides of the tube, while in others the walls of the branchial filaments become solidly grown together. The blood from all jiaits of the body gathei-s in a large tube at the base of the gills; thence it ])asses down through one half of the little tubes, and up in the other, to another vessel, whence it is con- veyed to the heart. During this passage it is brought in contact -ivith the water, dischargitig its carbonic acid, and taking a new sujiply of oxygen. The way in which the water is brought into the cavity of the mantle, and m con- tact with the sill, is very interesting. The oills, and for that matter the whole inner surface of the mantle cavity, are covered by innunieriible little hains, or cilia, wliicli, by their constant motion (always in one direction) create currents in the water, draw- ing it in through the iiicurrent siphon, passing it over the gills, around to the mouth, Fig. 2C.'.!. — Section through gill filaments of Mi/lilns. showing the hooUeil cilia which fasten them together. MOLLUSCS. 255 and then out through the fxcuneiit opuniiig. Singly these cilia are very weak, but together they exercise a great deal of force. Many experiments liave been tried by cutting out a piece of the gill, placing it on a flat surface, and covering it with a Aveight. The amount which will be moved by these minute lashes, under these circum- stances, is almost beyond belief, the motion in one instance being six millimetres a minute. Tlie excretory organs are paired, and communicate internally witli the cavity (peri- cardium) surrounding the lieart. The nervous system consists of three pairs of gang- lia, a cerebral or supraceso- phageal, a pedal, and a pa- rieto-splanchnic ])air. The arrangement of these shows many minor variations. Normal]}-, the first pair is situate above the oesophagus, but they may be brought be- neath that tube, occupying a position just outside the pedal ganglia, which are, as their name implies, situate in the foot. The last pair are placed just beneath the posterior adductors. The two latter pairs are con- nected with the first by double cords. Besides the sense of touch, organs of smell, hearing, and sight are developed in most of the group. The olfactory or- gans are situated upon the parieto - splanchnic ganglia, the auditory organs near the ganglia in the foot, while the eyes are very variable in position. The organs of smell are merely patches of elongated epidermal cells, strictly homologous with similar organs in other mol- luscs. The ears are small sacs lined with cilia, each containing a single otolith, which, by its vibration against the cilia, coineys the seiis;v tion to the nervous system. The eyes may be found either upon the edges of the mantle or upon the tip of the sii)hon. In some forms like Spomh/lus, Fecten, Ifactm, etc., these eyes on the edge of the mantle are well developed, and, like those of On- chidiuin, which will be mentioned in a succeeding ]jage, are similar to those of verte- brates, in that the nerve fibres penetrate the retinal body, and distribute themselves Fig. 264. — Diag'-am of AnnfJonta: «, anus; 6, cerebro-viscer.al connective; /«•, cerebro-pleui-al ganglia; c, gill; rl, mantle; e, posterior aildnctur; ax, ex'ernal lamella of inner gill; /, foot; q, genital opening; in, inner lamella of inner gill; /, visceral (parieto-spianclinic) ganglia; //), labial palpi; m, mouth; p, peiial ganglia; r, renal opening. 256 L 0 WER IN VER TEBRA TES. on the outer einls of the rods ami cones. In the siplional eyes found in Solen, etc., we have the merest apology for a visual organ. The se.xes of the acephals are usually separate, though in rare instances they are united in the same individual. Tlie genital glands are on either side of the body, and empty by paired duets. The eggs are either cast free in the water or are retained for a time between the lamellae of the gills of the parent. The veliger presents a promi- nent difference from that of gasteropods, in that the primitively simple shell soon becomes bivalve. The peculiar larval form known as glochidium will be mentioned in connection with the Unionidae farther on. Lastly, in our general account, comes the shell, which occupies so important a place in existing schemes of classification, and with it may be mentioned some of the fea- tures of anatomy which have been neglected in the preceding page. On examining the outer surface of any bivalve shell one notes the lines of growth concentrically arranued. These have as a centre an elevated portion of the shell known as the umbo, the position of which marks the dorsal border. Usually this umbo points towards one end of the shell, which may thus be recognized as the anterior. Having these land- marks, we can readily decide the question of right and left. At the dorsal margin, where the two valves join, is the hinge line, and just in front of the umbo is fi'e- quently a distinct area, half on each shell, the lunule. Now for the mechanism which opens and closes the valves. The closure is effected by one or two transverse muscles (adductors they are called) which iiass from one shell to the other, and by their contraction the two valves are api>roximated. No divaricators exist, but instead the valves are separated, the moment the muscles are relaxed, by moans of an elastic ligament. This ligament may be either extei-nal or internal. In the former case, as shown in Fig. '205 A., the ligament connects the two valves, and by its contraction spreads them. In the either (Fig. 265 B.,) the internal liuament is placed between two portions of the shell, so that when closed it is com- pressed, but u])on relaxation of the muscles the elasticity and expansion of the ligament forces the valves apart. On the internal surface of the shell we also find certain features which are made prominent in systematic work. Just where the two valves join together is the hinge, usually provided with projections and depressions, forming what are known as teeth. Those in the cen- tre are known as the cardinal, and those frequently present at the sides as the lateral teeth. Near the hinge line, but on the inner, con- cave surface, will be found one or two ajiproximately oval marks, the imjiressions produced by the attach- ment of the adductor muscles. When only one muscle is jiresent, it is morphologically the posterior one. Usually close to these may be seen other similar but smaller scars, markino- the spots where the muscles of the foot had their origin. Going around the margin of the shell is a line, more or less distinct, called the pallial line, which Fig. 2G5.- - Diagram shomng llie hinge ligament, internal and external; ^ ligament; m, muscle. MOLLUSCS. 257 marks tlio limit of the tliiekened t'dgo of the mantle, and in one large group of shells a poi-tion of the pallial line makes a re-entrant angle. This is the jsallial sinus and is found only in liivalves with a siphon, where it marks the 2:>lac'e of attachment of the muscles of that organ. Tlie classification of the acejihalous mollusca is still in a very unsatisfactory condition. In the system of Lamarck the group was divided into two sub- classes, based upon the number of ad- ductor muscles, those in Avhich only one of these muscles was present forming the Monomyaria, while those with two were called Dimyaria. Woodward, who wrote one of the most valuable manuals of COnchology which has as yet ap- fig. 26C. — Iimer surface of left valve of C//at. In the pond were placed numerous collectors, to which the sjiat could attach itself; and after the _young shells had attained sufficient size to take care of themsehes, these collectors, with their Tiiolluscan load, could be transferred to the beds in the adjacent sounds. By this ])rocess the period of greatest mortality is passed in comparative safety, an^_3^^-^ »-]/-% \a^ den jerks. The cause C- ^ ^ \v ' ^^ alarm over, they , '^ "*" , bring themselves to an ^ '' ^ ^ anchor by means of their provisional bys- sus, which they seem to fix with nnich care and attention, previ- ously exploring every part of the .surface with their singular, leech- like foot."*" The species of Sjam- (lylus are known as thorny oysters. The unequal valves are usu- ally armed M'ith spines, which not infrequently are very long and flat. The right valve is the largest, and is attached at the beak, the hinge ligament is internal, and the hinge is pro- vided with two teeth in either valve. By the process of growth, the hinge area of the lower valve becomes converted into a triangular space furrowed down the centre by the groove for the hinge ligament. Slight ears are present at the hinge line. The ocelli on the margin of the mantle are numerous. The species are all inhabitants of tropical and sub-tropical seas. In the West Indies occurs *S^. americana. ^ S. c/adero- pus, of the Mediterranean, is said to produce iiearls. Most noted of all is the SiMv- dylus rerjvus of the East Indies, which is classed among the rare shells. In times past perfect specimens have brought immense prices, and no longer ago than 1876 a specimen sold for thii'ty-six dollars. The long and delicate spines are so easily broken that per- fect specimens are com])ai-atively rare. The AvicuLiD^ is the family of the true pearl oysters, and although many other molluscs jn-oduce j.earls valued as ornaments, it is to this family that the world owes the largest ])roi)ortion of these so-called precious stones. The family is characterized -Lima Mans in its nest. MOLLUSCS. 263 by having the hinge line strniglit, and produced on either side into wing-like ears. The valves, which are very oblique (their axis being at a considerable angle with the hinge line) have a foliaceous texture, and are lined on the interior with mother-of- pearl, giving them an iridescent ajipearance. These rainbow hues are due to the fact that the surface is covered by nunute lines, which produce diffraction spectra. Soon after the fact was discovered that fine lines produced this ajipearance in the mother- of-pearl, some ingenious person applied tlie same method in the arts, and at one time buttons, etc., were made from steel, which had this same iridescent appearance pro- duced by engraving microscopic lines upon the surface. Lately this phenomenon of diffraction has been turned to a scientific use, and to-day glass or speculum metal. Fir.. 274. — Sponilyhis rcf/iiis, thorny oyster. ruled with very fine lines, is used to produce the spectrum studied in spectroscopic analysis. The hinge of the shell is without teeth, or with these elements obscure, while the ligament is partly internal. Tlie shells gape in front, but are closed behind. The small foot spins a byssus ; the mantle margins are free throughout their extent, and two adductor muscles are present. Of these the posterior is large, the anterior small and placed under the beaks of the shell, producing an almost imperceptible scar upon the inner surface. All the species are from the warmer waters of the globe. In Avicula there is a single cartilage pit, and the hinge is furnished with two teeth; the right valve has a notch near the anterior ear for the passage of the byssus. Meleagrina lacks the hinge teeth, and the ears of the hinge line are small. The most prominent species is 31. mni-r/ardtlferd, the true pearl oyster, which has an extensive distribution, being found in Madagascar, the Persian Gulf, Ceylon, Australia, Philip- pine Islands, the South Sea Islands, Panama, West Indies, etc. The pearl fishery is carried on at many points, but the finest pearls are said to come from the islands of Bahrein, Karak, and Corgo in the Persian Gulf. The chief fisheries are those of 264 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Ceylon. The oriental pearl oyster is much larger than the American form, the average diameter being, perhaijs, nine inches, while specimens a foot across are not very rare. The principal locality of the Ceylon fishery is on a bank about ten or twelve miles off the north shore of the island. Each night, at about ten o'clock, during February, March and April, a fleet of small vessels starts from Condatchy and Arip|)o, Ijouud for the oyster banks, which are about twenty miles long. Arrived on the ground, the fishing beghis. Each Ijoat has a crew of twenty-three, ten of whom are divers, and these last are divided into two gangs of five each, one lot resting while the others are Ik'Iow. The a%erage dejith of the bed is between nine and ten fathoms, and it nowhere exceeds thirteen. Each diver has a rope weighted at the lower end by a stone weighing about thirty pounds, and just above this is a loo]) for the foot of the diver, while a large net-work basket is fastened above. The diver, placing his foot in the loop, is rapidly lowered to the bottom, and there, working as fast as possible, he fills his basket with the oysters, and then, giving the signal, lie, together with the weight and the basket of oysters, is quickly hauled to the surface. Incredible tales are told of the length of time that these divers can remain beneath the surface, but no well-authenticated case exists where one remained longer than eighty seconds, and but few can remain longer than a full minute. When the boat is filled (which requires from fifteen to thirty thousand oysters) it returns to the shore, and the cargo is placed in an, earthen bin, with walls about two MOLLUSCS. 265 feet high, and then left to die mid decompose. "When tlie flcsli is ])retty thoroughly disintegrated, it is waslied away with water, great care being taken that none of the pearls loose in the flesh are lost. When the washing is concluded, the shells them- selves are examined for jiearls, which may be attached to the interior of the valves. The loose pearls are the most valuable, as they are round and more apt to be free from defects. Those attached to the shells have to be removed hj clijiping, and as one side is thus defective, they can only be used in settings. For over two thousand years this pearl fishery has been carried on in this place, and the result is that the shell heaps are perfectly enormous, miles of territory being buried to an average depth of about four feet. Concerning the fisliery in other localities but little has been written, although Panama, the island of Margarita, and the Sulu islands produce considerable numbers. The best pearls are usually about the size of a jiea, but the largest known was two inches in length and four in circumference, and weighed three and three fourths ounces troy weight. Tlie pearl oyster is valued not only for the jiearls which it produces, but for the mother-of-2:)earl as well. Of this there are three varieties recognized in the trade, the best of which are the silver-lipjied, from the South Seas ; next come the blaek-lipjjed, from Manilla and Ceylon ; and lastlj' those known as bullock shells, from Panama, etc. These last are smaller and thicker than the others. Reliable statistics of the amount of the trade are difficult to obtain, but its extent may be seen from the fact that Great Britain uses annually about three thousand tons, valued at half a mil- lion dollars. Mother-of-]iearl is used for inlaj'ing, knife handles, etc., but the greatest consumption is in the manufacture of pearl buttons. Mother-of-pearl is but the nacreous shell of the pearl oyster, which has an iridescent appearance, due to the fine stria- caused by the undulating layers of which it is com- posed. The true ])earls are, like the shell itself, produced liy the mantle, and owe their beauty to the same cause. They are, however, abnormal products, caused by the deposition of the nacre around some foreign object. This nticleus may be a bit of sand, a parasite, or some similar ob- ject, but it is said that usually it is an egg which has failed to develoji properly. Other forms than the pearl oyster {Meleagrina) form pearls of value, while almost all bivalves occasionally secrete simi- lar bodies ; but, owing to the fact that these partake of the nature of the shell, they have not the l)eauty of those produced by molluscs with nacreous interiors. Of some of these other peai-ls we shall have occasion to speak further along when treating of some of the other tamiues. p^^^ t,6. — Malleus nUgarls, Iiainmer shell. The genus Malleus includes the hammer shells. With their long, winged hinge, and their still longer valves at right angles to the hinge, they well deserve both their conunon and their scientific names. 266 LOWER IXVERTKBRATES. In the young stage they closely resemble the genus Aoicula, even to havmg the notch in the right valve for the byssus ; but, as they grow olde)-, tlie body of the shell becomes more ribbon-like, its edges grow wavy, and at last the shell takes on the adult characters. Several species are known, all inhabitants of the eastern seas. In Perna, which in general appearance resembles Avicula, the cartilage grooves are several in number, arranged at right angles to the line of the hinge. In some of the fossils of the tertiar\' age, the pearly layer lining tlie shell is an inch in thickness. The family Mvtilid.e embraces the mussels, in which the two valves of the shell are equal, convex, and covered with a thick ejndermis. Tlie hinge is weak, without teeth, and with the ligament internal; the posterior muscle is large, the anterior small; the foot is cylindrical and grooved, and secretes a byssus. The mantle is mostly free, but at the ])osterior end the margins unite to form a rudimentary syphon with fringed margins. Most of the species are marine, but a few live in fresh water. 31i/f.iliitt^ the typical genus, has a world-wide distribution, and is represented on the northern shores of Ixitli <'()iitinents by the common mussel, Mytilus eclulis. On our east coast this extends as far south as the Carolinas, to San Francisco on the west coast, while on the eastern continent it is found in Great Britain and the Mediterranean and in China and Japan. In color the specimens from exposed situations are dark-brown or bluish-black, while in more shel- , ,. , tered localities one frequently finds specimens of riG. 2u. — J///r/7«.s' ef/?f//s, coiiimoii mussel. . , , ^ •^ _ ^ ^ a light, pellucid, olive-green, striped with darker, or occasionally all banding may be absent. These mussels grow in innnense quan- tities in certain situations, rocks, piles, etc., being covered with a thick matting, each individual of which is anchored by its silken, yellow byssus. In Europe these mussels, as the sj)eeitic name implies, are eaten in large (quantities, but with us they form a very inconsiderable portion of the diet of people living near the shore. The cause of this neglect may lie in the fact that they are said to be poisonous to some people. In some regions they are gathered in immense quantities and used as manure. In France the natural growth is far from sufficient to su])jdy the demand for table jjurposes, and hence large tracts near the shore are used for their cultivation. Numerous sticks are driven firmly into the bottom, and the ends which project above the surface of the mud are interwoven with a wicker-work which affords an anchorage for large quantities of mussels. At high tide these are covered, but at low water they are exposed, and it is at this time that they are gathered for the market. Although the mussels are anchored by a byssus, they are not compelled to live sedentary lives, for at will they can drop the byssus and move about by the aid of their slender foot. They can even climb, and their method of accom])lishing this is interesting. The foot is moved about in tlie direction in which they wish to go, and a byssal thread is attached. This supports the animal while the foot is again extended, and another thread applied to a more distant point. By continued repetitions of this operation the heavy shell is gradually lifted to the desired situation. Mi/tilus edulis flourishes best in the zone between high and low water marks, and a little below, although specimens are frequently dredged in much deeper water. In Mytilus the umbones of the shell are terminal, and the hinge is either toothless or furnished Avith minute teeth, while in Modiolus the umbones are a little behind the end of the shell, a distinction which is well shown in our figures. Modiolus plicatulus MOLLUSCS. 267 is a shore-inhabiting species, varying in color from nearly clear yellow to dark bronze green, and ornamented with a series of radiating ridges. It likes especially shores where a slight admixture of fresh water renders the sea brackish. Another S23ecies, Modiolus modi- olus, is larger, and lives at ex- treme low water mark, and be- low. The surface of the shell is not ribbed, but sj^ecimens from sheltered localities have the epidermis of the external surface produced into bristles and hairs. It occurs on our shores as well as those of Europe. In Lithodomus the shell is small, long, and nearly cylindrical, resembling somewhat a date ; and is covered with a thick, dark epidermis. In the young a byssus is spun, but not by tlie adult, wliich excavates a hole in some soft rock, in which it subsecpiently lives. Motliolns plicalulus. Fiti. 279. — Lithndomui, Itthophat/aij in ith buiiuws. Like all rock-excavating forms, it is not known how it bores its holes, a question which will be mentioned again when treating of the family Pholadidre on a subsequent page. Three species of Crenella (small thin shells with one tooth in each hinge, and straight beaks) are found in our northern shores, one extending to the south of Cape Cod. The species of Pinna have long, triangular shells, tapering to an acute angle at the umbones. The shells are very thin and delicate, and are usually ornamented exteriorly by large or small scale-like projections. The animals spin a very large and strong byssus, which, as a curiosity, has been used in textile arts, the product someyvhat resembling silk. The last number of this family whieli needs mention is the form which science has at last decided shall be called Drelssena pobjniorpha. Its specific name is indicative 268 L 0 WE 11 IN VER TEBliA TES. tv- Fig. 280. — Modiolus modiolus. of its many vagaries of shapes, a fact which has led to its desci-iption under a large number of generic and specific names. The shell is much like that of Mi/tilus, but in the animal some important differ- ences may be observed. The mantle is closed, leaving only a ■small opening for the byssus, while at the posterior end a short siphon is formed. The most in- teresting fact in connection with Dreissena is its distribution. It is a native of the Ar:d and Cas- pian Seas, and was discovered by Pallas in 1769 at the mouth of the Volga. Later it was found in the livers flowing into the Black Sea, and from these it is supposed to have been transported into the rivers of Germany by the pontoon trains during the Napoleonic wars. Its introduction into England in 1824 is supposed to have been effected by means of foreign timber, and now it is a recognized member of the fauna of almost all parts of Europe. In London it has proved itself something of a nuisance, as it has obtained entrance to the ])ipes which suppl)^ the city with water. The family Arcad.e embraces thick equivalve shells covered with a thick, often haii'y, epidermis. The hinge ligament is external, and the hinge itself is very charac- teristic, being formed of a large mimber of teeth arranged in a single row like those of a comb. Both adductor muscles are present, and equally large, producing corre- sponding imju-essions on the shell. The edges of the mantle are free, and the gills terminate in free filaments. The foot is large, but very variously shaped. Of the genus Area numerous subgenera ha\'e been made, and many species com- nmnly parade un Fig. 281. — Area note. /:1?r%-. I fran^rcrsa. smaller, A. trans rer.srr. as the 'bloody clam,' the tissues are filled. name from some queer fancy existing in the mind of Lin- na'us. It secretes itself under stones at low water in the Mediterranean, and closes the gape of its shell with a byssal structure shaped like a cone, and composed of numerous thin plates. Occasionally violet-colored pearls are found in this species. On our eastern coast three s[)ecies occur ; a \ ery thick and heavy form known as Area ponderosa, a more closely ribbed species, A. ixxuta, and the longer and Further south other species occur. Area pexata is known on account of the red gills and the red fluid with which It is covered with a thick, hairy epidermis, and has from thirty-two to thirty-six radiating ribs on the outer surface of the shell. In Area MOLLUSCS. 269 transversa the i-ibs are about the same in miniber, but the greater length of the shell readily distinguishes it. Both these species occur under stones near low-water mark. Area tortuosa of the Chinese seas is remarkable for the way in which tlie valves are twisted. It is very common in collections. The species of Pectunculus have a nearly circular outline, and the row of comb-like hinge teeth are arranged in a circular arc. As the shell grows, the number of teeth increases by additions to either end of the series. The following genera are frequently sej)arated under a family, NirruuD.E, but for our purposes they can be retained, as in the older works, as members of the Arcadie. Nitcula embraces small trigonal forms cov- ered with an olive epidermis and a simjile pallial line. The species are mostly inhalii- tants of the colder waters of the northern hemisphere. Leda is closely similar to Nu- cula, but lias a small pallial sinus, and the shell is much longer. Yoldia, like the other genera, is boreal in its distribution ; in shape and pallial sinus it is much like Leda, but the siphons are long and slender. Of the several species we need mention but two. Yoldia liin- at'ula is a very long sjiecies, which, according to Dr. Mighels, has the i^ower of leaping "to an astonishing height, exceeding, in this faculty, the scallop-shells." Yoldia thruccpformis is larger and comparatively shorter. For a long time it was among the rarest of our New England shells, and the only source of supply was the examination of fish stomachs. More recently the various dredging expeditions have found them in large numbers, and the writer remembers that on one occasion the dredge brought up about two bushels of nothing but dead specimens of this species. Of the Teigonidjs, a small and nearly extinct family, Imt little need be said. The two valves of the shell are equal, somewhat triangular in outline, pearly inside, and are marked by a simple pallial line. The hinge ligament is external, and the few hinge teeth are diverging. A somewhat unusual feature is found in the posteriorly directed umbones. The margins of the mantle are free, the foot is large and long, and the labial palpi small and pointed. The few existing spe- cies belong to the genus Tr'if/o)iia., and are found only in the Australian seas. They are very active and are supposed to wander about on the sea bottom. Fai- more prominent is the next family, which embraces the fi-esh-water mussels, the Unionid^ or Naiad.e of science. Nearly fifteen hundred nominal species exist in the fresh waters of the world, a large proportion being found in the streams and ponds of the United States. It seems probable that further investi- gations will relegate a large number of these so-called species into synonymy, as many Fig. ;^S4. — Yoldia thracc^/ormis. Fig. 2S5. -llin'n rompfnnatus, with foot and siphons extended. 270 L 0 WER IN VER TEBRA TES. Fig. l'SG. — Glocliidiuin Unio, still witliiii tlu' nieiiibrane; b, byssus; ni seem to be founded on individual variation. The shells are usually long, equivalve, and are covered e.xternally with a smooth, thick epidermis, which is of various shades of brown, olive, and green. Internally the shell is pearly; sometimes white, at others dark pink or almost purple. The hinge ligament is large and external, and the ante- rior hinge teeth are large and thick, the posterior compressed and laminar ; or all may be wanting. Both adductor muscles are present. The mantle edges are united posteriorly so as to form a rudimentary siphon. The foot is very large and tongue- shaped, and in the adult occasionally secretes a byssus. One of the most interesting features connected with the fresh-water mussels is found in their development. The eggs are carried in brood pouches between the lamelliB of the outer gills, and there undergo their early development, the details of which need not be described Iiere. Eventually a slicll is formed, which soon divides into two valves united by a straight hinge. Soon at the fore extremities of each valve a strong beak-like process is developed, and a little later a byssus is secreted. Next, peculiar sense organs are formed on the inner surface of the mantle, the function of j,j which is, doubtless, to ascertain the presence of fishes. Now the young is in the coiulition known as a Glochidiuni, and when .idductor muscle; s, sense {jje mother is under natural conditions or tilaeed in a tank -witli org-ans; f, teeth; r, velum. ^ fish, the young are expelled from the brood jioui'h and almost innnediatcly attach themselves to some submerged object by means of the byssus. If no fishes be present, the mother will retain the young for a long time after the glochi- diura stage has been reached. As soon as an opportunity is afforded, the glochidia attach themselves to the gills, fins, or other jiarts of a fish, by closing the valves of the shell and holding on by the si)iny beaks mentioned above. Here they undergo an extensive metamorphosis, in which the single adductor muscle disappears and is replaced by the two of the adult, the gills appear, the sense organs atrophy, and, according to one author, the shell and even the mantle lobes are formed anew. Finally, when all the organs except those concerned in reproduction are formed, the embryo quits its host and sinks to the bottom, where by a regular growth it attains the adnlt condition. This parasitic or semi-jiarasitie life is very unusual among the Mollusca. The Unionidae live in still water or in running streams, usually about half buricpurite& cornu-vaccarutn. The shells were attached, and frequently the larger valve was chambered so that in forms like Caprindki it bore no inconsiderable resemblance to the chambered shells of the cephalopods. The position which these forms should occupy in the animal kingdom has been very diffei-ently regarded by different authors. Besides being placed in varying relationships among tlie Acephals, they have been considered as corals, barnacles, worms, and various combinations of these distinct groups. The ])rincipal features which place them among the bivalve molluscs are the structure of the shells, which are hinged together ami furnished with an internal cartilage, the presence of two adductor muscles and a well-marked jiallial line. One noticeable peculiarity is found in Ifippuritcs, where the free valve "is per- forated by radiating canals which open around its inner margin, and communicate with, the n])per surface by numerous pores, as if to supply the interior with filtei-ed water." In other genera there is no trace of these canals. The Tkidacnid.e, which are all inhabitants of the eastern seas, contain the largest bivalves known. The shell is regular and equivalve, the valves being ornamented by strong^ ribs radiating from the umljones. The shell is very hard, almost every trace of organic matter being removed. The hinge ligament is external, and there are either one or two cardinal teeth in each valve, and one posterior tooth in one, and two in the other. The foot is comparatively small, fingei--like, and ]:>rovided with a byssal groove. Some of the species spin a byssus, but otliers do not. The adductor muscle is single, and there are two gills on either side, the outer ones composed of but a single lamina. The genus Tridacnu embraces some very large forms, and the generic name is given in allusion to this fact. The ancients used to tell of an Indian oyster which was so large that it required three bites {tri and dakno) to devour one of them, and so, when a more modern science came to name these forms, the old terms Avas resurrected and applied as a generic name. The appropriateness of it will readily be seen when it MOLLUSCS. 273 Fig. 290. — Tridacua mut'tca. is stated tliat the soft parts of Tridacna giylanidata is foiuid on the northern coast of America, under stones, at low-water mai-k, and other species in vai'ious ])arts of the world live above the reach of ordinary tides, or burrow in sandstone. Tliey creep about freely, and anchor themselves by a liyssus at jileasure. One species of Montacuta occurring in Great Britain (il/i sidiMriatd) is to be mentioned because it has never been found except attached to the spines of the sea-urcliin, Spatauf/vs pinj>ii)-e)/s. It cannot be regarded as a true parasite, for not only has it no organs by wliich to feed ujkui the urchin, bnt it is never attached to any of the soft jiarts of its host. It is ratlicr to be regarded as a mess-mate or commensal, obtaining its food from the same source as does the ui-chin. In the fresli waters the world over occurs a group of usually small bivalve shells. MOLLUSCS. 275 covered with an amber or brown epidermis, while in tlie brackish waters of warmer countries occur some larg-er forms. The family under which these are assembled is variously known as Cycladid^ or Cyeenid^e, the latter name being preferable. In all, the shell is nearly circular in outline, the ligament is external, the hinge is provided with several teeth. Usually there are apparent indications of u pallial sinus, most marked in the American species. C'y;'e/<« is the typical genus and embraces over a hundred nominal species, which live in brackish water in the warmer parts of the globe. They are frequently found buried in the mud of mangrove swamps, where the tide rises and falls slightly, but where the admixture of rain renders the water less dense than that of the ocean. Cyrena carolinensis occurs in the rivers and swamps of some of our southern states. lu ourBortheru states the family is rei)resented by the genera /Sphcerutm and Pm- diu?n, our fauna containing about fifty S])ecies of both genera. Sphcerhim (known in some of the older works as Ci/das) has the shell nearly equilateral, tlie hinge teeth minute and rather weak, and two nearly separate siphons. In Flsidiimi the part of tlie shell in front of the umbones is larger than that behind, the teeth are stronger, and the two siphons are tniited tlie whole length. Tlio sp<>cies abound in the still water of some of our ponds, and are very active. The CvpRiNioji: is a much larger family than the last, and its members are inhabi- tants of salt water. The shell is regular, oval, and equivalve, and is covered with a thick, strong epider- mis. The hinge ligament is usually external, and the hinge is provided with from one to three cardinal teeth, and usually one posterior lateral in each valve. The margins of the mantle are fringed, the pallial line sim- ple, and the two siphonal tubes are short. Cyprina islandica is a large boreal shell, common in sandy bottoms north of Cape Cod, but is less frequently met with south of that barrier. The hinge has three unequal diverging cardinal teeth and one lateriil. The shell is thick and heavy, and the color in the young is very light brown, but old specimens are very dark. With age, the c]iidermis, near the um- F'G- 294^— ^.^s""'fe bones, usually disai)pears, and the shell itself is fre- quently eroded. Large specimens measure four inches across. Several sjiecies of Astarte are found on our northern coasts, all of which can be recognized by the smooth or concentrically furrowed surface, and the two hinge teeth in each valve. The shell is covered with a strong epidermis. Fig. 295. — Ci/rlo- cardia novan'glwe. 270 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. In Cyclocardia the shell is radiately ribbed, and nearly circular in outline. Cardinal, but no lateral teeth are present. Isocardia is a genus with very ventricose shell, and with the beaks regularly inrolled. Isocardia cor is found in the Mediterranean. With the VENERiDiE we enter upon a grouj) embracing all the remaining bivalves, in which the siphons are well developed and the pallial sinus well marked. In the Veneridae the shell varies in outline between nearly spherical to oblong, the ligament is external, and usually there are three diverging teeth in each valve. The siphonal tubes are unequally developed, and are united at the base. The foot is tongue-shaped, and compressed, and the triangular labial palpi are very large. The forms embraced in this family include some of the handsomest of the Ijivalve molluscs, the distribution of color being fretpiently very striking, chevron-shaped lines being most frequent. In Venus, the typical genus, the shell is oval and thick, and the pallial sinus is small and angular. Most important to us is the quahog, round clam, or hard-shell clam ( Venus merceymria), which forms a considerable article of diet in those regions where the long clam, or soft-shell clam {Mija arenaria), is not to be had. In its range it extends from Texas to Cape Cod, but north of that cape it is comparatively rare and local. It is " common on sandy shores, living chiefly on the sandy and muddy flats, just beyond low-water mark, but is often found on the portion laid bare at low- water of spring tides. It also inhabits the estuaries, where it most abounds. It bur- rows a short distance below the surface, but is frequently found crawling at the surface, with the shell partly exposed." The mantle is widely open in front, allowing the large foot to be jilaced in almost any position. The si- ]>honal tubes are united for quite a distance. "This species is taken in large quantities for food, and may almost always be seen of vari- ous sizes in our markets. The small or moderate- sized ones are generally preferred to the full- grown clams. Most of those sold come from the muddy estuaries, in shallow water, and are fished up chiefly by means of long rakes and tongs, such as are often used for obtaining oysters. Some- times they are dredged, and occasionally they can be obtained by hand at or just below low-water mark. These estuary specimens usually have rough, thick, dull-white or mud-stained shells, but those from the sandy shores outside have thinner and more delicate shells, often with high, thin ribs, especially when young ; and, in some varieties, the shell is hand,somely marked with angular or zigzag lines or streaks of red oi brown." In most of the shells, when nearly full-grown, the borders of the interior of the valves is colored purple to the distance of about half an inch from the margin, and it was by breaking up this portion and converting it into beads that the Indians of New Fig. 29G. — Vemis mercenaria, quahog, with foot, siphons, and edge of mantle extended. s » S* cc o S CD i- MOLLUSCS. 277 England made tlieir puriilo wanij)uni, or gi/vka/i./iock, wliieli was regarded as twice as valuable as the white money, or womponi proper. This latter was made from various shells, but mostl}' from Busycoii. Many other species of Venus, in its broader sense, are found in the warmer seas of the world, the west coast of America being better supplied than the east. Cytherea and its sub-genus UalUsta are readily distinguished from Venus by the presence of an anterior lateral tooth in the left valve, which tits into a corresponding depression in the other. Like the last genus it is rich in species, especially in the warmer seas of the world. Our northern C. convexa has an outline much like that of the quahog, but its dead white surface does not render it as attractive as its southern relative, CaUista giyanteu, which is found on our southern coasts. Cytherea lusoria is a Chinese species, which derives its specific name from the fact that the inhabitants of the celestial empire paint certain figures on the inner surface of the valves, and then employ them in some of their many games of chance. Cytherea scnpta has a ground of white or yellow, over which is laid a series of zig-zag reddish-brown lines, which require a rather vivid imagination to be regarded as resembling writing. It comes from the Indian Ocean, as does the C erycimi. C. dione, from the west coast of America, is a remarkalde s]iecies, from the fact that it is ornamented by a series of long slender sitines, running in a row down the pos- terior side of the shell, from the umbones to the mar- gin. The color is a rosy purple, varying considerably in depth. In the more recent systems of classification it is made the type of the genus Dione. Meroe embraces a few species of oval shells, with three cardinal teeth and a long anterior tooth. The general shape can be seen from our figure, but there is nothing of popular interest to be said concerning the Fir,. 297. — .Unni'. species. Dosinia is represented on our shores by a species (2). discus), the specific name of which is very apt. The shell is Hat, and nearly circular in outline; the siphons are imited, and the foot is large. Gemma embraces only a single species, found on our coast, and known under the repetitive name of Gemma yenima. In size it is minute, scarcely more than an eighth of an inch in length, and in color it is a yellowish white, or rosy, tipped posteriorly with an amethystine purple, so that the name is very a])propriate. It wottld ajipear that it was known to the early settlers of this country, and that they sent specimens of it, along with other curiosities, to the old world ; and yet it was unknown to natu- ralists until the year 18.34, when the eminent engineer. General Totten, who was a good naturalist with.al, published a desci-ij)tion of it. It is an active species, found on sandy shores, where it burrows quickly. One of the most interesting facts known in connection with it is that it retains the young inside its valves until the shells are fully formed, sometimes tliirty young being found inside of the parent shell. No species of the genus Tapes occur on our coasts, but the seas of other parts of the globe contain nearly a hundred species. The shells are long, the siphons separate at their extremities, and the long, slender foot spins a byssus. Many of the species are ornamented with zig-zag lines, of darker color, and in Europe, especially on the Mediterranean coast, T. yeographica is used as an article of food. The family Petricolid^ is a small one, and its only member which requires men- tion is the form known as Petricola pholadiformis. This is a thin, long shell, orna- 278 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. liyb. — I'ttricola pkuUidij'onnis. merited with radiating ribs, arranged much like those in J'holas, whence the specific name. The sliell caimot be coiu])letely closed, but gapes, while the mantle is almost entirely united in front, leaving but a slight open- ing for the small, pointed foot. It has a rather extensive distribution, reaching from Nova Scotia to Texas ; and Professor Verrill writes that he has received specimens from the Gulf of California which are scarcely to be distinguished from this. It is sometimes found among rocks and stones, below low-water mark, but more frequently it makes deep burrows in stiff mud or clay bottoms, climbing up and down in them by means of its slender and flexible foot. The siphons are very long, and are united for only a short distance. Other species of Petricola excavate and occupy burrows in the softer limestone rocks, and from this fact the generic name has been given. I am not aware that this habit has been noticed in our species. The shell of P. pholadiformis reaches a length of two and a half inches, but specimens over two inches long are uncommon. In color it is a chalky white. The MACTEiDiE embraces a considerable number of trigonal equivalve shells, which can be completely closed, or which gape slightly. The ligament is usually internal, and contained in a deep pit, but occasionally it is external ; the hinge has two diverging cardinal teeth, and laterals are frequently present. The out- side of the shell is covered with a thick epidermis. The pallial sinus is short, and rounded or angular, and the siphonal tubes are united and have their ex- tremities fringed with small tentacles. Mactra solidissima and the closely allied 31. ovalis are known along our northern coasts as hen-clam, sea-clam, and surf-clam, these names properly belonging to the more connnon and more littoral spe- cies first mentioned. The first is distributed from the Carolinas to Labrador, wliile the second is only found north of Cape Cod. On every sandy beach Jf. solidissima occurs in large numbers, and after gales the other species is thrown uji on the shore. They are used in a limited way for food, and when properly prejiared they make a chowder no less jialatable than the 3I//a are?iaria, so extensively used. The toughness of the older individuals prevents their more extensive use, and their jn-eparation calls for the use of the cho])]>ino;-knife. The species are very active, and, instead of leading sedentary lives in liurrows, they ploiigh through the sand by means of their well-de- veloped foot. They have a considerable leaping ability, and many a time have I known a basket full at night, and left in a 'trap,' to be half emptied in the moi'uing, the clams leaping out by means of their foot. The species of Jlactra are valuable for the student of molluscan anatomy, from the fact that their ganglia and nerves are col- ored a reddish hue, and are thus more easily distinguished, and dissected out. than in Fig. iya. — Maclr MOLLUSCS. 279 Fig. 300. — MtU'mla lateralis. Fig. 301. — liaugia cyrenokles. iiiany otlicr forms. Jfactra solidigsima occasionally reaches a length of over six inches, lias the carilinal teeth delicate, and h.as a shallow pallial sinus. JI. ooalls but rarely exceeds four inches in length, and has the teeth short and the sinus deep. Separated from Jfactra proper by an angu- lar pallial sinus is the sub-genus Muliniu, of which one spe- cies, 2[aHnia lateralis, occurs nearly the whole length of our eastern coast. lian.gia (also known as Gnathodon) is a brackish-water genus, represented in the southern United States by the spe- cies R. cyrenoides. In the gulf states this species occurs in vast numbers. Banks of dead shells, three or four feet in thick- ness, occur ill many places, some of them twenty miles inland. The city of Mobile is built on one of these banks, while the road over which the inliabitants of New Orleans travel in order to reach Lake Pontchartrain " is made of these shells, procured from the east end of the lake, where there is a mound of them a mile long, fifteen feet high, and from twenty to sixty yards wide ; in some places it is twenty feet above the level of the lake." The f.-imily Tellenid.e vies with the Venerid;e in its beautifully-colored s|]ecies. Like the members of that family, they are mostly inhal)itaiits of tlie warmer seas of the world, the small number of species which stray into the more northern waters being dull colored, and far less attractive than their tropical relatives. The shells are long, compressed, and usually closed and e(jui-valve ; and one marked feature that is generally found is that the half of the shell in front of the umbones is longer tliaii that behind them. The cardinal teeth are at most two in number; the lateral teeth are oc- casionally obsolete. The hinge lig.ament is usually external and posterior. The mantle is widely open in front, and the two very long and slender siphonal tubes are com- pletely separated. The foot is triangular and corai)resse(l. In most species the shell is very dense, and highly polished, and not infrequently is white, enlivened by bands or strij)es of delicate shades of red or yellow, while in others the effect is heightened by the finely sculptured lines. In TaUiiia, which reaches its highest development in the Indian Ocean, the shell is rounded in front and angular posteriorly, a fold running from the angle to the umbo. The siphons are very long, and can be extended to at least twice the length of the shell, and, as a necessary sequence of such extensibility, tlie pallial sinus is very wide and deep. In Strigilla the sui'face is ornamented with divaricating lines, like those of Cijclas, described on a ]ire- ceding page. Our northern forms belonging to this family are dull colored and unattractive. Tellina tenera, which occurs f r( nn Florida to the Gulf of St. L.awrence, is an exception, for tlie delicate rose-color which tinges the otherwise white shell makes it an object of beauty. The siphons are very long, several times the length of the body, and hence Fig. 302. — Tellina tenera. 280 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 30J. - 1/ Fig. 304. — Macoma J'usca. tliis Species can burrow beneath the sand, and thence e.vtend its long siphons to the surface. In Macoma the thin wliite sliell is covered with a dusky epidermis. M. sabulosa is a more northern form, extend- ing as far south as Long Island Sound, wliik' tlie more common 31. fusca reaches the coast of Georgia. In muddy places tliis latter species possesses but little beauty. liut when living in clean sand the e))idermis becomes thinner, and the shells frequently liave a delicate rose or lemon color. Donax is an easily recognizable genus, in wliieh tlie posterior end of the shell appears as if cut off at a more or less oblique angle. The sjiecies occur in tropical and semi-tropical regions, where they bury an inch or two beneath the sandy shores. Our two species, J), fossor and D. variabilis, occur abundantly in some places in the southern states, the former reaching as far north as New Jersey and Long Island. Space will allow but a mere mention of the other prominent genera of this family ; Paphia, Semele, JScrohicalariu, Fsaminohia, Saiujidnolaria, etc., which embrace many beautiful forms, but only few of which anything of pojiular interest can be said. Scrobicidaria piperata of the Mediterranean is occasionally eaten, and receives its specific name from its ])eppery taste. The MyiDjE has an ini]>ortance among the molluscs of the northern seas far out of proportion to the number of species, for the long clam, or soft-shell clam, is its most prominent member. In all the family the shell is thick and strong, and when closed as far as possible, it still gapes at one or l)oth ends. Tlic hinge cartilage is internal, and rests in a peculiar ])rocess of the left valve, as diagrammatically shown in Fig. 265, on a preceding page. The foot is small, the mantle margins have but a slight pedal gape, while the very extensible siphons are united their whole extent. M>/a urenuria, the clam par excellence, which figures so largely in the celebrated New England clam-bake, is found in all the northern seas of the world, and is too well known to need any technical description. All along the coasts of the Eastern States, every sandy shore, every mud flat, is full of them, and from every village and hamlet the clam-digger goes forth at low tide to dig these esculent bivalves. The clams live in deep burrows in the firm mud or sand, the shells sometimes being a foot or fifteen inches beneath the surface. When the Hats are covered with water, his clamshi]) extends his long siphons up through the burrow to the surface of th<> sand, and through one of these tubes the water and its myriads of animalcules, is drawn down into the shell, furnishing the gills with oxygen and the mouth with food, and then the water, charged with carljonic acid and fcecal refuse, is forced out of the other siphon. When the tide ebbs, the siphons are closed and partly withdrawn. Tlie clam beiiins its burrow at a very early stage, and keeps enlarging and dee])ening it as it grows older. An old clam dug up and left on the surface has hard work to make a new burrow. The white settlers were not the first to find out the ]ialatable (jualities of the clam, the Indians knew it and loved it long ages before. On the shores of every promon- tory and bay along the New England coast are old sliell heaps, 'kjokkenmc'iddings' the archaeologist calls them, which tell of many a feast l)y the red man. The careful explorer, by raking them over, finds not oidy the shells of the connnon dam, but those of many other molluscs, and bones of various animals as well, together with the tools MOLLUSCS. 281 and implements of the former inliabitnnts. In these heaps on the coast of Maine, tlie bones of the now extinct great aulc have been found. However eaten, whether raw, or in a cliowder, or fried, the clam is good, but best of all is the clain-bake, where a long-continued fire heats the rocks red hot. Then the cinders and ashes are swept away, a thin layer of rock-weed is laid on the hot stones, the clams placed in the centre and covered with more of the rock-weed. The steam generated cooks the clams in the most perfect manner. A second species of Mija., M. triincata, occurs on our coast, and but one other is known in the world. 3L/a tn(/ica(a, instead of being rounded at both extremities, is truncated behind, while in the living specimen the epidermis is extended in the shape of a tube, some six or seven inches in length, from the posterior edges of the shell. This species lives below low-water mark, and is not coiiuuon south of Eastport. On the English shores it is more common than Mi/a arenaria. The species of Saxi.cava bore into hard mud, stones, etc., and have very irregular and greatly distoi-ted shells, so that specific limits are far from certain. Probably our only species is that figured, Saxicaoa arctica, but several others have been described upon the variations of this form. Indeed, Woodward states that no less than five genera and fifteen species have been made upon the form known as S. riigosa, and since this and iS. arctica are probably the same, the synonj'my of this protean species is something awful to contemplate. In places where Ume- stone is abundant, Saxicava bores holes in it to the depth of about six inches, and as it is not at all careful where it goes, it not infrequently cuts across the burrow , ^^f of another individual. When a specimen ,.'' dies the soft parts decay, but the valves / remain in the burrow, and another indi- / vidual occupies the same burrow, seating ' itself " between the valves of its prede- cessor. In this way four or five pairs of shells may be frequently seen nested one within the other." Panopma is a genus of large shells, the animal of which closely resembles Saxicava. Panopcea norvefiica is a boreal species, specimens of which are occasionally found in the stomachs of fishes; the shell is covered with a thick epidermis. Glycimeris siliqua is the otdy species of the genus vuown, and presents several noticeable peculiarities. It is covered with a thick, glossy - black epidermis, while the interior of tlie thick valves is rendered very irregular by the great deposition of calcareous matter seemingly without rhyme or reason. The animal is much larger than the shell, and the soft parts cannot be Fig. 307. — Glycimeris siliqua. 282 L 0 WER IN VEll TEDRA TES. drawn entirely within the valves. Like the last, it is boreal in its distribution, but it is not uncommon in Massachusetts Bay. The Anatinid.e is an almost extinct family. To-day it is represented by a few species, but in geological time they played a much more important jjart than now, their remains being found in the oldest paleozoic rocks. The internal surface of tho shell is ])early, the external granular, and the hinge is usually toothless. About half a dozen species are found on our coasts, representing tljc genera Pandora, Thnivia, Per'qAonia and Lijoii&ia. The SoLENiD.E, the family of the razor-clams, is next in order, and the tyjiical forms, like Solen, well deserve the common name which has been given them. In all the family the shell is long, and in some of the genera immensely so; at each end it gapes, and the hinge teeth are usually two in one valve and tliree in the other. The foot is very large, and more or less cylindrical, the siphons are short or moderate. The old genus iSoleu lias recently been broken up, tliose with straight shells and one tooth in each valve being retained in that genus, while those with the typical mind>er of teeth, and usually slightly curved shells, belong to Ensis. In American waters £Jnsis a.mericana is the razor-lish, or razor-clam. The shell is long and sub-cylindrical, and bears no slight resemblance to the familiar tonsorial in- strument. It is a common inhabitant of the sandy shores. These clams excavate large elliptical holes, which penetrate downward, usually in a nearly vertical direction, to a depth of two or three feet. Up and down this hole they go. When the tide is in, and no danger is near, one end of the shell usually projects above the surrounding surface of the sand for an inch or so, but a sudden jar startles them, and down they go with great rajsidity. It is useless to at- tempt to dig them out, for they can burrow as fast as a man can shovel out the sand, and besides they have two or thi-ee feet the start. 'Jlic jirocess of burrowing is interesting. The foot is bevelled off to a point, and this is readily jiushed down into the sand. Then the animal inflates the foot with water so that it becomes bulbous at the extremity; this at the same time crowds aside the s;md and gives the animal a hold whereby it can draw itself down. By a repetition of the process it still further increases its distance from the surface. The razor-clam can start this burrow wlien lying on the surface ; at first its progress is slow, but as soon as it gets the shell in a vertical position, it goes much more rapidly. The razor-clams are used for food, but to a far less extent than many other bivalves. For this there are several reasons. First, it is not so common as the quahog or the soft-shell clam, and, again, it is not so easily procured. We have already alluded to the rajiidity with which it disappears when alarmed, and the recent in\estigations of Dr. Sharp show that it does not depend, for its warning, upon the senses of sight and feeling alone for its warnings of impending danger. On the ends of the siphons Dr. Sharp finds organs of vision, very rudimentary, it is true, but still sufficient to recog- nize various degrees of light and shade. His attention was called to this subject by the fact that a shadow cast upon razor-clams exposed for sale caused them to innne- diately withdraw their siphons. Histological investigation followed, which showed that the essential jiarts of o]itic organs were present. The fishermen, in procuring them, walk quickly uj) to the animal, and grasp it Fio. ods. — 7?Hs/s amcricava, razor-clam. MOLLUSCS. 283 Fig. 309. — Siliqua costata. before it has time to retreat. In Europe tlie clam-digger pours a little salt down the hole ; this brings the elam to the surface, when it is quickly grasped. If not success- ful, no subsequent salting will arouse the clam. Where the water is still, another method is adojjted. At low tide the fisherman goes over the flats and puts a little oil near each hole. When the tide rises and the clams come to the surface, this oil marks the spots where they are, and thus the fisherman is readily guided to them. These clams are said to be very 'good, but as to their merits comjiarcd with JIaciru, J/i/a Venus, and Ostrea, the writer can from his own ex- perience say nothing. Siliqua costata is another common species on our northeastern coasts. The shells are covered with a greenish epidermis, which is enlivened by one or two rays of more or less vivid violet. On the inside of the shell is ;i thickened rib running outward from the umbo. This is one of the most common shells thrown up on sandy beaches, and in life it is found l)uried in the sand a little below low-water mark. Solemi/ia velum is a very pretty shell, covered with a light brown radiated cjiidcrmis which projects far beyond the edges of the shell, its margins being slit into numerous lobes. The species is active, leajjing about with its foot, and swimming by ojiening and closing its valves. A larger species is S. borealis, in which the lobes of the epidermis are iirojjortionately much longer and narrower. Tlie family Gastrocii.exid^, or Tubicolid.e, has a very heterogeneous appear- ance, some of its members bearing close resemblance to the next family. The shell is equi-valve and the hinge is toothless, and not infrequently, in the adult, the shells are imbedded in a calcareous tube, so that the whole has but little resemblance to an ordinary bivalve. In Gastrochama the valves are distinct from the tube, in Clavagelbi one valve is fixed, while in Asjxi-ff ilium both valves are united with the tube, of wliicli they foi-ni a very inconsiderable portion, as is shown in our figure. All of the nieni- FlG. 310. — ^ulemi/ia velum. Fig. 311. — Aspergillum vaglntferutn, watering-pot shell. bers of the family are borers, penetrating hard mud, shells, coral, or rock. The most noticeable species is the ' watering pot,' Aspert/illum vaginiferum. Here the valves are very small, while the lower end of the tube is closed below by a disc, which is per- forated by numerous holes and short tubules. The other part of the tube is much longer, and at its dist.al portion is surrounded by one or more calcareous ruffles, so tli.it the whole has a very bizarre appearance. This species comes from the Red Sea, and all other members of the genus belong to the Indo-Pacific region. The PnoLADiD.E, taken in its widest sense, is a family characterized by the absence of hinge teeth and of hinge ligaments. Instead, we usually find one or two accessory pieces (pallets they are called) which, in the Pholadinte, lie between the valves at the hinge 284 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. line, or, ns in the Teredinw, are liorne at the extremity of the long, calcareous tube formed by these animals. The margins of the mantle are almost comjiletely united, leaving only a small opening in front for the protrusion of the short and truncated foot. At the other end it is prolonged into a very large siphon, which, in the I'eredos, has the power of secreting a calcareous tube. The gills are long and narrow, and, pos- teriorly, are drawn out into a point which extends some distance into the excurrent siphon. They are all lioring animals, and make their burrows, some in mud or sand, some in submerged wood, while others bore into rocks, shells, or corals, at times doing con- siderable damage to human interests. The distinctions between the two sulj-families is sufficiently emiihasized in the foregoing paragraph. The genus Teredo, with about twenty-five so-called species, has gained a some- what extensive notoriety under the popular name of ship-worm, and hence deserves some little attention at our hands. The Teredo is a long, worm-like animal, bearing at the larger end a comparatively small bivalve shell, while near the other are the two accessory pieces, the so-called ))allets, beyond which extend the separate ex- tremities of the siphonal tubes. The development of the Teredo has been made the subject of exhaustive papers by Quatrefages and Hatschek, from which we learn that, like other molluscs, it passes through a veliger stage. Soon after this the young larva comes across a piece of submerged wood, or, in case it does not, it dies. At first it creeps over the surface of the timber, but soon it settles clown and begins the Fig. 312. — Young /'■;.-/„ before it begins excavations which are to result in that prison, its burrow. .... ,, ., , .^ which It never leaves until death. iLxactly how it excavates is still a matter of dispute, but it seems probable that it is jiartly by means of the edges of the pallets. Another theory of action is that the foot, with its thick coriaceous epidermis, cuts .away the wood. The hole made at first l)v the young Teredo is minute, about as large as a pin's head, but, once within the wood, it grows rapidly, and its burrow is enlarged in the same proportion. As it excavates farther and farther into the wood, it lines its channel by a calcareous deposit, thus forming a shelly tidie, which, on our coasts rarely exceeds ten inches in length and a quarter of an inch in diameter, but in favored localities some species attain a length of two feet and a half. In tliis tube the animal lives, its onlj^ means of communica- tion with the external world being through the small hole by which it entered the timlier. The Teredo does not feed upon the wood, the small particles which it erodes being passed out through the excurrent siphon. The food which nourishes the animal is, here as elsewhere, brought in through the incurrent siphon, and consists of microscopic animals and plants. Notwithstanding the fact that the Teredo does not eat the wood, the damage it does is very great. It was first brought prominently into notice at the beginning of the eighteenth century, when, by its ravages in the piles and other sub- merged wood which supported the dikes and sea-walls of Holland, it seriously threat- ened the safety of that country. Hundreds of individuals will obtain entrance to the same bit of timber, and, boring either M'ith or across the grain, they soon convert it into a mere shell, ready to break down at the slightest strain. The rajiidity witli which they work is well illustrated by a fact recorded by Quatrefages. In the early sjiring MOLLUSCS. 285 \ \ \\ Mm i an accident sank a coasting boat near St. Sebastian in Spain. Four months later some lishermen raised the vessel, hoping to turn the materials to advantage, if not to repair the vessel itself, but in the short space of time that had elapsed, the planks and timbers were so completely riddled by the Teredos that they were valueless. There is a curious fact noticed in connection with their burrowing. No matter how many of these molluscs gain' entrance to the same piece of wood, their tubes never iiiteifere with one another, but there is always left at least a thin j)artition between two adjacent burrows. Since their appearance in Holland so long ago, these ship-worms have done an incredible amount of .damage to wharves, shijss, etc., and many devices have been suggested for cheeking their ravages. The use of chemicals, creosote, etc., has but comparatively slight effect, for since these animals do not eat the wood, the chemicals do not poison them. While kyanising (soaking the wood with creosote) is an effectual check against that injurious crustacean, the gribble (Limnoria lignorum), it is but a slight defence against the Teredo. In Xorway, timbers which were saturated with creosote under a pressure of ten pounds to the square foot were found two years later to be filled with the molluscs. To iron rust they have a de- cided aversion, and piles and other timbers whieii are driven full of broad-headed nails escape their ravages. Our modern vessels also escape their injurious action, thanks to the copper sheathing with which their hulls are covered. On our coasts south of Ca]ie Cod, it is customary to coat all spars and buoys with verdigris paint, and to take them up every six months for cleaning and a new coat of this poisonous paint. Notwithstanding this, the average life of a buoy is only about twelve years, but half of which is spent in the water. On our coast, Teredo navalis is the most common and most injurious spe- cies, but three other species of Teredo and one of X^i/lotrya, an allied genus, occur in larger or smaller numbers. In tropical waters many other foi-ms occur, of which we need only mention T. corm'formis, which burrows in the husks of cocoa-nuts and other woody fruits floating on the sea, and the gigantic Septaria arenarki, of the Philippine Islands, which burrows in the sand, sometimes attaining a diameter of two inches and a length of nearly six feet. Pholas and its allies are also burrowing forms, but, unlike those just mentioned, •i\ Fl( ul —TtLdofii- talis, ship-worm. Fig. 314. — Teredo navalis. 286 L 0 WER IN VER TERRA TES. they do not form tubes, nor do they, except Xylophaga^ live in wood. In Pholas the valves are large and the shells are never completely closed in front. The shell is long and cylindrical, and the pallial sinus reaches to the middle of the valves. The com- mon name for these molluscs in England is jiiddock, but no ap- pellative has gained much currency here. The species bore in sanil, clay, limestone, and even gneiss. Doubtless here the ^S instrument of boring ig is the foot with its hardened d e r m a 1 armor. When we consider the hardness of some of the rocks ])erforated, we can scarcely realize that this organ is suffi- cient to produce the effects, but time is a matter of small im- portance to tlie pho- lads. As they increase in size they increase the size of the burrows, whicli are always just a little larger than the shell. These burrows are always nearly vertical, and but rarely encroach upon each other. In Europe the piddock are esteemed a delicacj^, and on the coast of Xormandy their cajiture furnishes employment to a good many women and children, who pull them iwnw their burrows with an iron hook. They are usually cooked, Init are said to be very palatal)le raw. One remarkable peculiarity of the pholads is their phosphores- . cence or ca]iacity of shining in the dark, which is here better developed than anywhere else among the Molhisca, unless it be in I'luUirlioe. The common Euroi)ean species is Pholas dactylus^ while on our coasts are found P. coMkIu and P. trtiii(:af are marine, Adams reports finding a species in the fresh water of Borneo, living in dead trunks of trees. I IG 31o — Phokfi in It I'lir / J Fig. ?M. - i-w-jjala. MOLLUSCS. 287 Class H. — CEPHALOPHOKA. The remainder of the Molhisca differ greatly from the group wliicli we have just left, and the fact tluit nearly all of thein possess a lingual ribhou (au organ to be described furtlier on), while there is a head distinct from the rest of the body, has caused them to be included in one large group, variously termed Glossophora, Odon- tophora, and Cephalophora. In the present work, however, the term Cephaloj)liora is restricted to indicate the forms between the squids and cuttle-lishes (Cejihalopoda) and the AcephaLa. The anterior end of the body is more or less distinctly marked off as a head, and this differentiation is the more marked in many forms from the fact that it usually bears tentacles and eyes, and thus is seen to he the locality of the senses, increasing- its cLaim to the term head. The body jwssesses a bilateral symmetry, but, owing to the fact that most of the forms live in spiral shells, this resemblance between the two sides is somewhat obscured. The body is enveloped (at least in the young) in a mantle comparable to that of the Acephals, which in most forms secretes the shell, which is usually calcareous, but not infrequently, as in our common snails, is more or less horny. As these shells are very important from a systematic point of view, and, indeed, are the only portions usually jjreserved, they demand far more attention than they otherwise would. The shells of the Ceijlialojihora are always, except in the chitons, univalvular ; that is, composed of a single jiiece, wliich, though ])resenting the most various forms, can in reality be reduced to a simple type. This type is a cone. The cone may be broad and low, as in the limpets, or it may be greatly drawn out and very slender, as in the tooth-shells. It may lie coiled in a nearly fiat spiral, or it may be curled in a cttnical spiral, the form found in most of the shells of the group. In some few forms the shell is internal, lieing envelo]ied in a fold of the mantle, while in a large number of these animals no shell is present. In the chitons the shell con- sists of a number of pieces, never more than eiglit, arranged in a linear series on the back. In systematic works each part of the shell has its name. The upper spiral portion is known as the spire, and the curved portions of which it is composed are known as the whorls, the last and largest being the body whorl. The whorls are separated from each other l)y the sutures. The opening is known as the mouth or aperture, the outer edge of which is the lip, the inner the columella. Sometimes the lip is prolonged into one oi- two grooves or canals which are always approxi- mately parallel with the axis of the shell". The one fig. 317. -Parts of a gasteropod shell; nearest the spire is the posterior, the other the anterior "i.^XT ^ui^r VrH moutl; <^ canal. Frequently an openino- is left in the axis of the aperture; p, posterior canal; s, sn- "^ ^ ■"' ' " tures; sp, spire; «, iimbuicus, shell, which is known as the umbilicus. Returning to the animal itself, the next thing we have to notice is the foot, which is usually large and muscular, and is used as an organ of locomotion. It may bear on either side a lateral appendage (ejiipodium), while frequently on the dorsal surface of 288 LOWER IN VEU TEBliA TES. Fig. 310. — Jaw of Limax jlnrns. the foot is a corneous or calcareous structure, tlie oiierculum, which is eiiiiiloyecl to close the aperture of the shell when the animal retracts itself. The operculum may be either horny or calcareous, and frequently shows a spiral structure. Some of the calcareous opercula of the smaller top shells are in common use as ' eye-stones.' By the older conchologists it was sometimes held that the Cephalojihora possessed bivalve shells like the Acephals, the true shell being regarded as one valve, and the operculum as the other. This view has been shown to be erroneous, and now it is usually thought that the ojierculuni corresponds to tlie bjssus of the other group. In most of the forms there is a chamber formed Fig. 31^. — Melantho ponderosa partiiillv . -iiti li? n p ^ exteiiiied, siiowiiig the operculum (o) ou either Side ot the body by the tree edge oi the on the upper surface of the foot. i ■ , i . i .. tt 1 1 i it- i i mantle and tlie body itself. Usually the pallial cham- ber on one side (usually the right) is larger than the other, and contains the gills when these organs are present. It also contains the outlet of the alimentary canal. The mouth is situated on the under side of the head, and is armed with variously arranged jaws or plates of a hard chitinous or calcareous nature. Besides these, there is found in all except a very few forms an odontophore, or, as it is occasionally called, a tongue or lingual ribbon. This consists of a ribbon-like band of chitin, attached at one end and free at the other, and bearing on its upper surface numbers of hard, tooth-like processes. The odontophore is attached to the floor of the mouth, and is moved by appropriate muscles. When in use it is drawn over some sup]iorting cartilages, and the teeth, acting like a file, rasp away the sulistance to which the mouth is ap- plied. The action can le partly seen by watch- ing pond snails feeding upon the green slime which frequently collects on the sides of an aqua- rium. The size of the odontophore varies greatly, as does also the number of teeth. In some it is very long, in otliers it is more oval. The teeth them- selves are arransjed in transverse series, there being in some species about two hundred in a sino-le transverse row, while in others there are but three. By use this ribbon is constantly wearing away at the tip, but the loss is compensated by a continuous growth at the other end. Within recent years the characters derived from the lingual ribbon have been retjarded as very important in the arrangement of molluscs, but like all other good thinffs this means of classification has been carried to an extreme; forms which in Fig. 320. — Dingram of the mouth and lingual ribbon of a gasteropod; .;, jaw; m. mouth; a, oesophagus; 7-, lingual ribbon; s, support of ribbon. MOLLUSCS. 289 every other respect agree closely with each other being occasionally widely separated. The characters derived should be compared with those obtained from other structures and thus all such extremes would be avoided. In most forms the body is distorted to fit the spiral shell, and even where this is not the case, the alimentary canal usually follows a tortuous course, doubling on itself and terminating usually on the right side of the body, frequent! V in front of the nuddle. The cavity of the mouth communicates with an ^'''- ''"'■- ^ TpMlallZtexta!^^"'''' '''''''°'' oesophagus which sometimes dilates into a sort of crop, and eventually empties into the stomach, from which arises the intestine either opposite to or beside the cardiac opening. In a few forms the stomach is armed with plates or horny teeth. Salivary glands are almost always pi-esent, usually two in number, but occasionally four are found, and it is interesting to note, in passing, that in Dolium and some other forms these glands pour out a saliva containing sulphuric acid. The liver is well developed. The circulatory system is usually well developed, though in Dentalium a heart is wanting, while other forms show a correspondence to the Acephals. Thus in the ear and top shells, the alimentary canal perforates the heart, while in the first, as in the chitons, there are two auricles. Usually, however, there is one auricle and one ven- tricle, which propel a blood containing colorless, nucleated corpuscles. As in the Acephals, the heart receives the blood from the gills and forces it to all parts of the body. Respiration is effected by means of gills or by pulmonary organs. The gills, which are usually contained in a cavity of the mantle, may consist either of lamellar organs or of plume-like brancliiaj. Lankester, who has recently investigated the structure of the gills, is of the opinion that the primitive type was what he calls a ctenidium, con- sisting of a central stalk to which lamellar res]>ir.atory processes were attached, a view which seems open to some objections. The variations occurring in the respiratory organs are of great vahte in systematic work, and will be referred to again in connec- tion with the different grou])s. The pulmonary cavity of the Puhnonifera is formed by a cavity of the mantle, and is richly supplied with blood vessels which extract the oxygen necessary for respiration from the air. In a few forms special respiratory organs are lacking. Closel}^ connected with the organs of circulation are the renal organs. There are one or more sacs near the heart and opening to the exterior, which extract their secre- tion from the blood going to the heart, and convey it outside the body. The nervous system acquires a different development in the various groups. In the tooth shells it most nearly approaches that of the lamellibranchs, consisting of two ganglia altove the oesophagus, connected by two nervous cords with a pair of pedal ganglia, while two more cords connect the brain with two ganglia near the vent. These two last are evidently comparable to the visceral ganglia of the bivalve mol- luscs. In the other foi-ms the visceral ganglia may be increased in size and number, and become closely connected with the other two pairs. The details of structure should be sought in more technical works. The auditory organs are usually seated near the ganglia of the foot. Eyes also are generally present, and usually are two in number, situated upon the head or its vol.. I. — 19 290 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. appendages. The peculiar eyes of Onchidium and the chitons will be mentioned further on. At the first glance the eyes of the gasteropoda (and also those of the cephalopods) seem strikingly like those of the vertebrates. They liave an external cornea behind which is a lens, a vitreous humor, and lastly a retina containing rods and cones. A great difference exists in tlie fact that these rods and cones are on the front side of the retina, and between them and the optic nerve is the pigment layer. Frequently these organs are seated upon stalks or tentacles which are capable of retraction. In our common garden snail may lie found an example of this structure, and the retraction is accomplished by the drawing in of the end of the tentacle in the same way that one inverts the finger of a glove. The sexes of the gasteropods may be separate or combined in one individual, and copulatory organs are frequently present. Blost forms lay eggs, a few, however, bring forth living young, the eggs undei'going development witliin the parent. The eggs, which are numerous, are frequently enveloped in cajjsules, differing greatly in form and ornamentation, each capsule containing a number of eggs. We shall note the appearance of some of the more interesting of these egg-cases in connection with the forms to which they belong. In the development of the eggs of the Cephalophora there is much diversity in the early stages, according as the amount of food-yolk present is large or small. This also intiuences the character of the gastrula which is formed, and the entoderm may either be solid or in the form of a sac. Soon after the invagination, the outer surface almost always becomes covered with cilia in certain regions, the most jirominent being a ring around the body in advance of the mouth. This is the velum, so characteristic of molluscs. At about the same time a small portion of the outer layer sinks in to form the gland which eventually secretes the shell, and the foot begins to appear. These changes all take place witliin the egg, and u))on the development of the cilia, the larva begins to turn round and round, thus rendering it difficult for the student to obtain a dis- tinct view of what is going on inside the embryo, or even to draw the external appearance. The .shell gland begins to secrete the shell, which arises first as a small plate, but soon takes the form of a cap envelo]iing the jmsterior part of the body and then gradually acquires a spiral form. The region of the velum also exhibits a change. Instead of being a I'ing around the Ijody it liecomes a two- lobed plate fringed with cilia, which serve as loco- motory organs after the young has hatched. From this point the development is usually direct, no startling metamorphoses being introduced. The velum almost always disa]ipears, and the body and shell gradually acquire their adult structure. Still the variations and the changes under- gone throw considerable light on the classification and arrangement of the different forms. The classification of the odontophorous molluscs is still in an uncertain condition, notwithstanding the fact that they have been so extensively studied. In fact, there are scarcely two authors who agree as to the rank and relationship of the different associations of forms. This difference of opinion is partly due to the varying impor- tance accorded to the different characters, and partly to the fact that a linear arrange- FlG. 322. — Veliger of Eolis diversa. MOLLUSCS. 291 ment does not exist in nature, there being numerous inter-relations between tlie different groups. With this uncertainty it matters but little what classification we adopt, thouoh that which follows seems to the writer to best rej^resent the present state of our knowledge. All authors admit that the Scaphopoda are the lowest, while the position of the Pteropoda is very uncertain, one of the latest writers including them among the Cephalopods. Sub-Class I. — Scaphopoda. The tooth shells, as they are commonly called, are few in number, but their pecu- liarities have caused them to be regarded witli considerable interest. They are of all the Odontophora the most closely related to the Acephals. The shell is very long, tapers sliglitly, and is either straight or curved like the tusk of an elephant, and is open at both ends. The animal is attached to the shell near the smaller end, while from the larger it protrudes a large number of long and slender tentacles which are used in obtaining food and as preliensible organs. These tentacles arise far within the shell, from a muscular ring surrounding the body. Fig. 323.-z)fHtaHHm removed from the siieii;/, foot; » & J v\r mary divisions is found in the symmetry or torsion of the body. Super-Order I. — ISOPLEURA. The name given to this division means equal-sided, which emphasizes the most im- portant feature of their structure. They retain in the adult the primitive bilateral sj^mmetry. The alimentary canal traverses the entire length of the body, and termi- nates posteriorly in a median vent. Renal organs, gills, ciiTulatory organs and genitals, are paired and symmetrical. The pedal and Aisceral nerve cords are straight and parallel, extending the length of the body. Order I. — CHiETODERM.E. This group contains but a single genus, Chcetoderma, which \^•as originally placed among the Gephyrean worms. C. nitidulum is a small, worm-like body, with an enlarged head at one eiul, while the cavity of the mantle is found at the other. In this small cavity are a pair of small gills. The external integument is roughened by minute calcareous spines, which Fig. 325.- Chcetodermaniiiduium. ~ g've the body a hairy appearance. The foot is obsolete, and the lingual apparatus is greatly re- duced, the lingual ribbon being represented by but a single tooth. Xothing is known of the embryology. Order II. — NEOMENOIDEA. Neonienia is a peculiar genus found on the western coast of Sweden. iV^ carinata reaches the length of nearly an inch, grayish in color, with a shade of rosy red at the posterior end of the body. The outer surface is covered with minute spines, giving it a velvety apjiearance. In shape the body somewhat resembles a pea-pod, a dorsal ridge giving rise to the specific name. The mantle is reduced to a small ring around MOLLUSCS. 293 tlie vent, enclosino- tlie paired sjills. The lingual riblion is poorly developed, but bears many teeth. The eggs pass out by the renal ducts. The mouth and pharynx can be retracted or extended at will. The second genus of the order is Proneomenia which has been found in the North Sea and in the Mediterranean. It is more elongate and worm-like than Neo- menia. Nothing is known of the embryology of either form. Order III. — POLYPLACOPHORA. Fig. 326. — iVt-omt-)i ia cnr- inata, ventnil and side views; a, anterior, 6, pos- terior extremity; c, fur- row in wliicll tlie foot is concealed. The chitons are a group which have made no little trouble for zoologists. In the early days of science they, together with the barnacles (which are really Crustacea) were united in a group characterized by the possession of multivalve shells. More recently they have been assigned a place among the gasteropoda, but here they have not been allowed to remain in quiet, almost every author assigning tliem positions of varying rank and relationship and one, influenced by their peculiar development and the structure of the nervous system, has actually placed them among the worms. In external ajipearance the most striking feature is the serial arrangement of eight calcareous shells upon the back, indicating a segmentation far from common among the Mollusca. Thisseg- mentntion is carried still farther, and we find the gills similarly arranged on either side of the body (Fig. 328), to the number of sixteen or more, each accompanied by an olfactory organ. Around Fig. 327. — Chiton woss- the niarsi'in of the dorsal sm'face frequently occur calcareous spines, or other forms of ornamentation useful in classification. One of the most interesting of recent discoveries is that the chitons, which have been so long studied and so long re- garded as blind, are (in most genera) really very well pro- vided with visual organs, the whole dorsal surface of some forms being studded with eyes of which not less than eight thousand occasionally exist on a single specimen. These eyes are unlike the dorsal eyes of Onc/ndinni, and like those on the tentacles of Helix, in that the retina is between the nerve and the exterior. These eyes are further shown by Professor Moseley to be developed from peculiar sense organs covering the dorsal surface. No trace of these eyes has yet been found in the fossil chitons. The mouth is armed with a well-developed lingual ribbon, in which the teeth are arranged in the following manner, — 5. 1. 1.1.5; the laterals being large and hooked. The in- testine is coiled in a loose sjiiral and terminates in a median vent at the posterior end of the body. Little is known of the development of the chitons, but that little is very interest- ing. Segmentation gives rise to a true gastrula and at the same time the velum is pro- duced. At the anterior end a single flagellum is produced, which is soon replaced by a tuft of cilia. Shortly a constriction appears behind the velum, and on the dorsal surface appear six or seven transverse plates which may represent the shell glands. Fig. 328. — Anatomy of Chiton , ao, aorta; br, gills; c, ven- tricle; c', one auricle; g, ner- vous ring; o, mouth; 0(1, ovi- ducts. 294 LOWER TNVER TEBRA TES. Two large eyes are also formed, which are remarkable in being behind the velum. The details of the closure of the blastopore, the formation of the pedal nerves (of too technical a character for recital here), the bilateral symmetry and the segmen- tation of the body, all point to the fact that the chitons branched off from the gastropodous stem at an early date. The chitons are mostly littoral forms living in the sli allow w.aters of the ocean. Over three hun- FiG.33o.-rraoA;/- dred species are known ; but until the manuscrijjts of the late Dr. P. P. redchUon? "^' Carpenter are edited and j)ublished, we shall have no adequate review of the grou]). A large number of genera have been made, but with these we need not concern ourselves. Fig. 328. Development o£ Chiton. Super-Okder II. — ANISOPLEURA. In this, by far the largest division of the Gasteropoda, the symmetry so marked in the preceding group is greatly obscured. The head and foot, indeed, retain the prim- itive bilaterality ; but here the resemblance usually ends. The cause of this lack of sym- metry in other parts of the organism is to be explained on mechanical grounds. On the back there is usually developed a large shell, which, with its included viscera, ac- quires a very great proportional weight. This shell naturally falls over to one side, and by thus doing twists the various organs so that the ]n-imitively median anus occu- pies a position at the anterior portion of the body, usually upon the right side, or may even be placed in the median line above the head. Not only is the alimentary tract affected by this torsion, but the openings of the kidneys, the gills, and other organs are transposed, so that the gill, for in- stance, of the normal right side is in reality borne upon the left. Part of the nervous system may or may not share in this twisting, accordingly as the visceral loop is above .or below the anus. The effect of this twisting is to coil the nerves in the shape of the figure 8, and an illustration of the stages of the process may be seen in the adjacent diagrams copied from Lankester who was first to jioint out the systematic importance of these facts. Coincident with this torsion frequently occurs an atrophy of parts, and, from the fact that the twisting usually occurs in one way, it is the gills, kidneys, etc., of the left side which usually suffer or even entirely disappear. The twisted or straight character of the visceral nervous loop gives a founda- tion for a division of the Anisopleura into two groups, to which the names Streptoneura and Euthyneura have been applied. To the former belong the -great majority of the Fig. .131. — Diagram showing the torsion of the bojywhen the visceral coiniiiissure passes above the intestine; A, nor- mal condition; B, quarter rotation; C, complete half rotation; a, anus; t, left, r, right renal organ. MOLLUSCS. 295 aquatic and some of the terrestrial species, while the latter contains only the Opistho- branchs and Pulmoniferu. Oeder I. — OPISTHOBRANCHIATA. This group is exclusively marine, and is composed of forms with a large foot, while the visceral hump, so characteristic of most gasteropods, is very small, or wanting. The name has reference to the fact that the gills are placed behind the heart, which is but another statement of the fact that the torsion of the body has not been carried to its full extent. In the adult stage some are provided with a shell, while in others this is lacking; but all, without exception, have a shell in their earlier stages. Fig. 332. — Circulation in Pleurobranchus auriantiacus, showing posterior position of the gills; a, mouth; b, gill; ff, renal opening; h, heart; v, veins. In some, gills are present, and may either i^roject freely into the water or be con- cealed in tlie mantle cavity, while others have no specialized respiratory organs. The position of the gills, mentioned above, has also its effect uj^on the cii'culatoiy organs, and hence the auricle is here behind the ventricle of the heart. The vent is upon the side of the body, and the sexes are united in the same individual. Two well-marked sub-orders may be distinguished. Sub-Order I. — Nudibranchiata. Possibly no group of molluscs possesses more beautiful forms, or affords more in- stances of protective resemblances, than does that which has received the name Nudi- branchiata. Tills tei-m, which means naked gills, is very approjiriate, for these organs, when present, are not enclosed in a special ^ l] I /y respiratory cavity, but project freely into the surrounding medium, and are borne either on the back or on the sides of the animal. Fi-om the fact that in the adult stage no shell is present, these forms are frequently termed, in more common parlance, naked molluscs. In the young stage a shell is jiresent. This embryonic shell, which is formed and acquires a spiral or nautiloidal form before the young leaves the egg, disappears with growth. It is transjiarent, and the young animal can close the aperture with an oper- culum, while at other times it projects from the opening a ciliated velum, with which Fig. 333. — Larva of Entocanclia. 296 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 33i. — Doris ftiSrfn, showing th gills and a tent'acle enlarged. it turns and swims as actively as any other gasteropod which retains its calcareous armor throughout life. The adult, however, is not always without protection other than that afforded by its resemblance to the objects which it frequents, for in some forms the mantle secretes calcareous spicules of various shapes, which sometimes are so numerous and so inter- twined that, when the fleshy parts are dissolved in caustic potash, they retain the positions they occupied when in life. When these spicules are numerous, they cause the dorsal surface to be roughened and hardened, forming a protective dorsal shield. As is implied in the foregoing, a mantle is sometimes pi-esent, but in others this structure is not differentiated. When present it is perforated, and through the openings project the tentacles and the gills. In the young, well- developed eyes are present, but in the adidts they appear as minute black dots, just liehind the tentacles, or are ob- solete. Tlie tentacles are prominent, and seem to serve as olfactory organs, and not as organs of touch. Thej' are frequently made up of a series of plates, presenting an appearance which recalls the antennae of many insects ; at other times thej' are plaited or simple, and not infre- quently they may be retracted into trumpet-shaped sheaths near the base. These vari- ations are of much imjwrtance in systematic work. The gills, as we have said, are typically not inclosed in a cavity of the mantle, but, when present, they project freely into the sea. They vary greatly in form and dispo- sition, furnishing, in these respects, important systematic characters. Sometimes they are in a more or less complete circle, surrounding the posterior opening of the aliment- ary canal, or they may be ai'ranged in longitudinal series along the sides of the back or body ; in the Phyllididse alone do we find any aj)})roach to the formation of a branchial sac. In form they may resemble bushes, or they may be reduced to simjde papillte ; all variations between these extremes being found. These gills perform but a part of the respiratory economj', for, in all, the general surface of the body serves for the aeration of the blood, and in the forms without gills it is the sole agent in this process. The forms with gills are said to flourish when deprived by accident of these organs, the skin performing their functions. In the internal anatomy we find some points which deserve a brief mention. The lingual ribbon varies in the number and arrangement of the teeth, according to the family. The alimentary canal usually terminates on the right side of the body, though in forms like Doris it may end medially. The stomach is surrounded by a large, much-branched liver, portions of which extend into the elongated papilla, which are found on the back. In the apices of these papillae are found thread cells, recalling the similar defensive organs of the Hydrozoa. . The nudilu-anchs are mostly littoral forms, and spend their lives creeping among the rocks and seaweeds near the shoi-es. They can, however, swim, and, when em- ploying this mode of locomotion, they usually progress with the back downward and the foot uppermost. The food may be either vegetable or animal. Some forms feed on the more minute alga\ while others create sad havoc among the hydroids. The eggs are laid in bunches, upon stones, hydroids, or sea-weeds, almost every species MOLLUSCS. 297 having its peculiar mode of oviposition. The eggs are imbedded in a transparent gelatinous matrix, allowing the earlier stages of development to be readily seen. Nearly one thousand species of nudibranchs have been described, from all seas ; but as these forms have not been studied to the same extent as their shelled relatives, this number will doubtless be greatly in- creased by subsequent researches. The first form requiring notice is the peculiar Entoconcha mira- bilis, whicli leads a parasitic life inside the body of Si/najita, one of the holothui'ians. So greatly has parasitism altered the form of the body, and all of the organs, that the proper position of this form among the gasteropods is far from certain, some placing it near JVatica. Indeed, were it not for the charac- ters afforded by the young, its posi- tion among the mollusca would not be suspected. Some thirty years ago Johannes Midler found m some s])ecimens of Syna2:>ta digitata an internal worm - like parasite, at- tached by one extremity to the ali- mentary canal, while the other end hung free in the perivisceral cavity. Other observers, notably Baur, have investigated this strange form, but there are many facts concernino; it iCj: yet to be ascertamed. In about one sjiecimen of *S'y«- apta out of one or two hundred this strange form occurs. It is n sac, the uii])er ]>art bearing the female and the lower the male re- productive organs, while the cen- tre of the body serves for a while as a brood pouch, the em1)ryos later passing out from an opening at the free end of the body of the parent. The eggs undergo a tolerably reg- ular development, jiroducino; a velum, shell, .-uid oiicrodum, the later stages being found free in the body-cavity of the host. After the stage shown in Fig. 333, nothing more is known of their history. It would a)i])ear, from the little that is known of the development, and from the characters of the embryo, that Entoconcha should possibly be assigned a place among the nudibranchs. A second species of Entoconcha {E. millleri) is found in Holo- thuria edulis. in the Philippines. Flo. 335. — A, St/napta (Jif/itata, with parasitic Euforonckn, ua.t\lvaA size; B, a portion of Si/na/ita with Eiitncovcha (F) enlarged; a, point of attaclunent; h, blnoii vessels; /, female portion; i, in- testine; )?j, male portion; me, mesentery. 298 LO WER IN VER TERRA TES. Leaving these curious parasites, whieli, so far as known, are unrejiresented on our shores, we come to forms which undoubtedly belong to the Nudibranchiuta, and which lead free lives in the seas of all parts of the globe. Passing by tlie Piivllidid.e, a small family of tropical and senii-troj)ieal forms, in which the gills are either absent or enclosed between the mantles and the foot, we come to the Elysiid.e, in which the body is shajied much like a common garden slug, Fig. 33C. — Pontolimax capitans. the gills have disappeared, and the tentacles are simple or absent. This family is re23resented in our figures by PoiitoUmax capitans, a form onh' a third of an inch in length, found on the coasts of northern Eurojie. It lives between tides, feeding on minute alga?, and lays its eggs in small, pear-shaped capsules, each containing on the average about one hundi-ed eggs. PontoUmax zonata occurs on the New England coast. In Ehjsia, the typical genus of the family, the tentacles are well developed and the sides of the body are expanded into a pair of wings, which stop just behind the neck. Elysia viridis of the European seas is of a green color, as is also our New England JE. chlorotica, and the closely allied Eli/siella catullns. These forms are not uncom- mon, creeping about on the eel grass (Zostera) of our northern coasts. 7. — Elysia viridis. In the EouD.E, a much larger family than the last, the gills, which may be lammated, papillose, or like plumes, are arranged along the sides of the back, while the tentacles are capable of being retracted into sheaths. The genus Tergij^es, which is represented by a little species common upon the stems of hydroids, received its name from old Forskal, from a belief that it walked u])on its back, using its gills as locomo- tory organs. The braucliia? are eight in numljer, arrangeshaped sheaths, while the branchire are most curious bodies covered with minute papilla?. Doto coronatu, which extends from our shores to those of fig. 338. — a«is northern Europe, is a handsome object. It is scarcely more than half an inch in length, Init, small as it is, there is room for spots of onmge, jiink, yellow, carmine, purple, and white. Possibly one of our most striking forms is Dendronotus arborescens, with its curiously branching gills, which, from their thin, l)usliy ap- ]iearance, have given rise to both its gen- e r 1 c and sjiecific names. This branch- ing feature is also seen in the tentacu- lar sheaths which are split up like the calyx of a flower. The general color is flesh- red or brown. This is one of the most active of the naked molluscs, and, when confined in an aqua- rium, is scarcely ever quiet. It lies on hydroids and sea-weeds, Iteing especially adapted for creeping around upon them by its long and slender foot. The genus Scyllea, which has the body exjianded into two long lobes, bearing the gills on either side, is interesting from the fine instance of mimicry it affords. It lives upon the gulf weed {SargasKiim) of the Atlantic and other seas, and with it is occa- sionally drifted upon our shores. The large fields of this sea-weed which exist in the tropical Atlantic have a fauna of its own, and among other forms are numbers of fishes, crabs, shrimps, and the slugs now under discussion. Were it not for its protective resemblance to the sea-weed on which it dwells, a resemblance embracing both form and color, Scyllea jpelagica would furnish many a fine mouthful for its ^'oracious asso- ciates, and the species would soon become extinct. Fig. 339. — Dendronotus arborescens, bushy sea-slug. 300 LOWER IXVER TEBRA TES. In Tet/ii/s \vc have another peculiar form embracing some of the largest of the naked molluscs, 2\ Jimhriata, occasionally reaching a foot in length. Its general , , aiiiiearance can be seen from our illustra- ' ''" "'^•' • tion, which, however, fails to convej- any impression of the coloration of the animal. It is nearly transparent, and covered with dots and spots of red of different shades, some so dark as to be almost black. The curious gills on the upper surface were once described as parasites. It is a )iative of the Mediterranean, and, though often captured, it lives but a short time in aquaria, even in the large ones of the Naiiles Zoological Station. It is a ra^ jiacious animal, feeding upon other mol- luscs and small crustaceans. In the remaining forms the l)ranchi8e are arranged ujion the back in a more or less complete circle which surrounds the anus. As an e.vamjile of the Pulyceeid^ we may mention the beautiful Pohjcera lessouii of our coast, with a pale, flesh- colored body, flecked with bright green, while the tentacles, gills, and tubercles on the back are variously spotted with white or yellow, and occasionally green. There are several other American forms in this family. The PHYLLiEHOiD.f: is a very peculiar family, whose position among the molluscs would not be certain were it not for the fact that it possesses a lingual ribbon. PhijUirhoe bucejyhalus, the best known sjiecies, is a thin, compressed, translucent ani- FlC. 340. — Te/ln/s nnihiinfn. YiG.&n. — Phyllirhoe bucei>Ualus ; b, brain; //, heart: t, ii.testiiie; /.liver; m, moutli; r, reual organs; s, salivary gland ; v, vent. mal with a roun.le.l, fin-like tail, which swims freely through the water in much the same manner as a tish. The head is furnished with two long tentacles, gills are absent, and the intestine terminates on the right side of the body. Most of the specimens bear a p.arasitic medusa, Mnestra parasitica. The most interesting fact connected this animal is its phosphorescence. At night, when swimming in the sea or in an MOLLUSC'S. 301 aquarium, when disturbed, its whole body is instantly illuniiiiated by points and dots of light. The DoEiDOPSiD^ is noticeable from the fact that the sjiecies, which in general appearance resemble those of the next family, have a sucking mouth, and are desti- tute of an odonto]ihore and jaw, thus presenting- a marked exception to all other gasteropods. The last and largest family of the nudibranchs is the Doeidid^, in which the ten- tacles are laminate and retractile within sheaths, the shape of ^\■hich varies according to the genus. There are about four hundred known species disti-ibuted in all the seas of the world. The branchiaj vary considerably in shape, but are usually branched, and w'hen expanded, the circle jiresents a close resemblance to a flower, the effect of which is strengthened by the brilliant colors which are frequently present. Species are most numerous north of Cape Cod. In their habits they resemble the forms previously described. In Onchidoris the lower pair of tentacles are replaced by Fig. 342. — Doris pitosn. a broad membrane. In Doris the oral tentacles are distinct, and the branchiae, the character of which is well shown in our illustrations, are capable of being retracted into a cavity. Our si>ecies which are somewhat numerous, ap]iear in favorable locali- ties in large numbers; but, owing to the protective coloration, which maybe similar to the dull sea-weeds or the bright hydroids among which they dwell, they readily escape the collector's eye. Other dark-colored forms are fi-equent under stones at or near low- water mark. Sub-Order II. — Tectibeanchiata. The name for this group is the antithesis of that employed for the last, and is used to indicate the fact that the gills are covered and concealed by a flap of the mantle. The gills, it should be said in passing, are not homologous throughout the group. The shell, which is usually present, is thin and delicate, and is not unfrequently concealed by a flap of the mantle which is lieiit back over it. Another fact of importance is the great development of the epipodia found in most members of the group. The eggs are laid in long ribbons. The first family we have to mention is the Tornatellid.e, which possesses an ovoid spiral shell, which is usually marked with one or more sjiiral rows of punctures. The body is large, but usually can be completely retracted into the shell. The cephalic tentacles are large and broad, and united at the base, while the eyes are situated on 302 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. tlie outside of tlie tentacles near their junction with the head. The shells are mostly small, and jjossess but little interest ; a large proj)ortion are fossil, ranging from the carboniferous to the present time. The BuLLiD^ embraces much larger forms, in which the ventricose shell is coiled in a spiral in which the spire is internal. The shell, in many forms, is spirally banded or spotted, and is more or less concealed l>y the mantle and epipodia. Th« lingual ribbon bears one median and many lateral teeth. In Bulla the eyes are sessile on the middle of the frontal fold formed by the united bases of the tentacles. The species ^^?e\la\7mmi!a^ frequent sandy and muddy bottoms near the shore, even going into brackish water. At the retreat of the tide they burrow into the mud or hide themselves beneath masses of seaweed. On our east coast is found B. solifaria, a brownish spotted form. Cyliclma, which possibly deserves family rank, is repre- sented on our shores by several small cylindrical shells which frequent slightly deeper water than the Bullas. They move very slowly. Haminea may be readily separated from Bulla by the lack of color in the shell. FiG. 0-14. — Act,t\i hidUita. In the PhilinidvE the bases of the tentacles are united to form a broad eejihalic disc. The shell, which is covered by the mantle ami epijiodia, is shaped like that of Bulla, but scarcely forms a single whorl ; in some it is internal and in others external. Eyes may be present or absent. The species are found in water of moderate depth, many species of Philine frequenting the shallow water along the shores. The Aplysiid^ embraces slug-like forms known in popular parlance as ' sea- hares.' The shell is small or wanting, and 'when present is covered by the mantle. The stomach is armed with hardened teeth which ]ilay no unim|>ortant part in prepar- ing the food for digestion. The animals feed principally on other molluscs, especially on species of Acera (one of the Bnllidae). Apb/sia, the principal genus, has a pointed oval shell, and the ejnpodia are extended in swimming. In one species (A. camelus) numerous small glands are found beneath the free edge of the mantle which secrete the purple for which these animals were celebrated among the ancients. Near the base of the gill is the outlet of a gland, the secretion of which is said to be poisonous, but whether any of the sea-hares have the toxic effects attributed to them, or even have any poisonous qualities, is yet to be determined. Certain it is that all of the group are not jioisonoiis, for one species forms an article of diet among the South Sea Islands. Some of the European species have a very nauseous smell. MOLLUSCS. 303 About sixty species of Aplysia are known from the whole world, though none are found on our northern coasts. On the Portuguese shores they exist in large numbers, -Ajih/sia tlepilanSy sea-liare. and occasionally an easterly storm will throw them up in such quantities on the beach as to cause an epidemic of sickness as well as to render the extraction of the purple a matter of economic importance. The last family of the Opisthobranclis to lie mentioned is the Pleueobranchid^, represented on our coasts by the recently dis- covered IiToousia obesa. In all the members of the family the upper jaw is wanting, the stomach very complicated, .anil dlxiiled into several compartments. The shell, wliich is usually present, is either borne on the back like that of a limpet, or it is concealed as in the typical genus PleurohrancJtus. These forms, when creeping slowly through the water, remind one of turtles, and in some the resembhmce is .strengthened by the dis- tribution of color. In their living state most of the forms are very handsome. UmbveUa is an aptly named genus, for the shell which covers the back bears no little resemblance to the familiar object bearing the same name. Order II. — PULMONATA. The Pulmonata or Pulmonifera is a grou[) of terrestrial or fresh-water molluscs in which respiration is effected by means of a lung or pulmonary sac, no gills being developed. All the members are herma]ihroditic, and an operculum is never formed. Not all the land and fresh-w.ater gasteropods are here included, for, as we shall see further on, many families which liave the same habits are entirely at variance with the Pulmonata in the essentials of structure — most prominent being, that, in the one, the visceral nervous loop is straight; in the other, a twisted condition is found. Fig. 3411. — PU'itrobrttHchus pcronlL 304 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. The pulmonary sac is formed by tlie union of tlie edge of the mantle to the body, leaving a small round or oval entrance to a large sac, richly supplied with blood-ves- sels. In most of the order this lung serves for breathing air, even in the aquatic forms. The operation can readily be witnessed in such a form as Limncea, when kept in confinement. At nearly regular intervals the snail will creep to the surface of the water, and force a bubble of aii- out of the respiratory orifice, then more air is taken in, and the snail descends again to its pastures. Recent investigations on the Lhnneans from the profound depths of some of the Swiss lakes have shown some interesting features in connection with this lung. Of course, snails living at these great depths could not ascend to the surface for a supply of air, anrom- inent is the genus Glandiiut, \vith about a hundred and twenty-five sjiecies. It has a fusiform shell with a thin, sliarji, outer lip. Glanclina truncata, our best known species, extends from South Carolina to Texas, and possibly further south. It prefers moist situations, and thrives in tiie Everglades of Florida, living in humps of coarse grass. It is partially if not wholly carnivorous, but, unlike Testacella., it is not averse to dead animal matter, and will eat that which is partially decayed. It is even cannibalistic. Its tongue is armed with numerous long, sharp teeth, with which it rasps off large mouthfuls of its pre}'. The shell is usuallj' ashy fawn color, more or less tinged with pink, which soon fades after death. In a Central American species, G. rosea, the color persists to a much greater extent. Some of the South American species are much more predacious than our forms, and do not hesitate to attack snails as large or larger than themselves. In StrejJta.vis, a South American genus, the shell is more like that of the normal species of Helix (to be described below), but there is a curious distortion. The axis of the shell is bent so that the lower whorls are not parallel to the earlier ones. The American family CvLixDEELLTn.E needs but a passing mention. The shell, as the name indicates, is .shaped like a cylinder, composed of many whorls, the last being usually more or less detached from tlie others, and terminated by a circular mouth. The animals have sluggish motions, and drag their sliell horizontally behind them. A few species are found in Florida, but the family reaches its highest development in the tropics, especially in the West India Islands. The Heijcid^ is by far the largest family of pulmonates ; indeed, it contains more species than all the other families together. Over sixty-five hundred species have MOLLUSCS. 311 been described. A concise definition of tlie group is impossible, yet all of its mem- bers are readily recognized by the tyro as belonging to the family. There is an in- describable somethhig which at once tells the student that the specimen before him belongs to the family Helicida\ Still, notwithstanding the fact that we cannot frame a satisfactory definition, it will be well to review a few of the characters found in the group. In all, the upper jaw is present and opposable to the lingual ribbon ; the tentacles ■which bear the eyes are longest and can be invaginated. The shell is spiral, usually well developed, and capable of containing the whole animal ; the reproductive orifice is near the base of the right ocular tentacle. An immense number of genera and sub- genera have been made in order to render the identification and classification of the numerous species an easier task. Even the family Ilelicidje has been broken up into divisions, each of which have been accorded family rank, but which here are regarded as sub-families. Space and the ])atience of our readers will allow l)Ut the mention of but a few forms, while our illustrations will show the general appearance of many of the species found in the United States, as well as a few from foreign countries. The Helicida3 are all terrestrial, herbivoi'ous animals, which delight in woods, es- pecially in limestone regions. In Europe, some si)ecies have proved ^ „ ^ themselves nuisances to the agriculturist, but with us they have not ^ ^ \_j?^ yet done much damage. Our American forms seem to avoid culti- ^^^"^^^^^y vated places, and the little damage done the farmer or gardener by ^'*^- ^,^fj;,^,f°""^' the molluscs is occasioned by the slugs {Limax) and a few imported snails. Why there should be this difference between the snails of Europe and America is not easy to say ; possibly it is because our native species have not yet had time to adapt themselves to the changed conditions which accompany civilization ; and they still adhere to the traditions of their fathers. The land snails possess great vitality, and as an illustration we cannot refrain from quoting the wonderful history of a specimen of Helix desertorum, which has figured in many a work on the subject of the Mollusca. This specimen was brought from Egypt to England. It "was fixed to a tablet in the British museum on the 25th of March, 1846; and on the 7th of March, 1850, it was observed that he must have come out of his shell in the interval (as the ]iaper had been discolored, apparently in his attempt to get away) ; luit, finding escape impossible, had again retired, closing his shell with the usual glistening film ; this led to his immersion in tepid water and marvellous recovery." Even longer was the life of a specimen of Helix veatchii, from Lower California, detailed by Dr. R. E. C. Stearns. This individual lived six years, from 1859 to 1865, in confinement, without food. The time of oviposition is from April to June. The number of eggs varies from thirty to fifty or more. They are laid in the light, moist mould, each one separate, or united by the slightly adhesive exterior. There is no gelatinous matrix like that found in the aquatic forms. In laying the eggs, the snail usually burrows its head into the soil, stretching the body to the utmost extent. Since the reproductive orifice, as has been said, is beneath the upper tentacles, this places the eggs at a distance beneath the surface about equal to the length of the body in front of the shell. Other species actually burrow beneath the surface to the dejjth of three or four inches before laying their eggs, so as to insure a moist condition. It is related that the eggs possess great vitality, and that they are capable of with- standing desiccation. When so dry that they had lost all form, and were reduced to 312 LOWER INVERTEBUATES. a friable condition, an exposure of but a single hour to moisture restored tbeir former form and elasticity, and the egg developed in the normal manner. The writer, in his studies of the development of Z,iniax, did not have such results. The eggs, after drying, were readily swollen by a moist atmosphere ; but if the desiccation had been too long continued (even witliout heat), the eggs failed to develop farther. Like most of the shelled pulmonates, the Helicidaj in temperate climates form an epiphragm to close the shell during the winter hibernation, and in the hotter portions of the globe during the dry season. The method of forming this has thus been de- scribed. " The animal being withdrawn into the shell, the collar is brought to a level with the aperture, and a quantity of mucus is poiired out from it and covers it. A small quantity of air is then emitted from the respiratory foramen, which detaches the mucus from the collar, and projects it in a convex form like a bubble. At the same time the animal retreats farther into the shell, leaving a vacuum between itself and the membrane, which is consequently pressed back by the external air to a level ^^•ith the aperture, or even farther, so as to form a concave surface, where, having become desiccated and hard, it remains fixed. These operations are nearly simultaneous, and occupy but .an instant. As the weather becomes colder, the anim.al retires fartlier into the shell and makes another septum, and so on, until sometimes there are as many as six of these partitions ; the circulation becomes slow ; the pulsations of the heart, which in the season of activity vary from forty to sixty in a minute, according to the tem- perature of the air, decrease in frequency and strength, until they at length become imperceptible ; the other functions of the body cease, and a state of torpidity succeeds, which is interrupted only by the heat of the next spring's sun." With the snails which occupy a constantly warm, moist climate like that of Florida, there is no period of hibernation ; they are active throughout the year. First in order comes the Vitrininse, of which tlie genus Vitriim is the type. Here the thin spiral shell is too small to contain the entire animal, and is composed of a few rapidly enlarging whorls. The species are very active and live in moist situations, usually feeding on vegetable sub- stances, but not in all cases being averse to an animal diet. Thi'ee species of this genus are found in the United States, while there are about a hundred in the entire world. The most common form in our territor_y is that figured, TT ixlluckla. In the next sub-f.amily, the Zonitinse, but two genera need our attention. In the genus Macrocydis, of which only one species is found east of the Rocky Mountains, the thin shell has a wide um- bilicus and a sharp outer lip. M. concava is comparatively common and leads an active life. It is very voracious, and feeds upon other species of the family. Its body is narrow and very extensible, and it thrusts it into the shell of other species and feeds on the soft parts at its leisure. Zonites contains many more species than tlie genus just mentioned, in which the shell is much like that in Mucrocijclh, the differences being found almost entirely in the dentition and in the soft parts. Z. cellaria is an Eurojiean species which has been in- troduced into America, where it is now common in the seaport towns along the Atlantic coasts. It lives in cellars and in hothouses and gardens. The way in which it has been introduced is uncertain. From its habits it would (^ Fig. 363. —Fiorina peliucida. Fk St 4 — l/( iny~ clii> toncaia Fig. :im. — Zonites cel- laria, cellar snail. MOLLUSCS. 313 Fig. BUi;. appear probable that it came along with hothouse plants, or that its eggs may have adhered to some wine cask and found suitable conditions for development in the cellars of the new world. Many other species are found in the United States, most of them being small and inconspicuous, Z. milium being one of our smallest shells. The genus Helix lias been divided into innumerable sub-genera and tribes, the de- tails of which should be sought in special works. This genus is the first of the sub- family Helicinffi, in which the spiral shell is thicker and stouter than in the preceding divisions, and capable of containing the entire animal when retracted. Most of the species have the outer \i\> thickened and reflected, and not infrequently the aperture is greatly reduced by tooth-like processes which may arise from the columella or the outer li|i, or from both. The species are usually much larger than those in the sub-families just passed. The characters of the genus Helix are vei'v poorly defined, and the shape of the shell varies between very wjde extremes. In some the spiral is high, in others it is nearly fiat. In most of our northern species the shell is honi- colored without ornamentation, but in the tropics brightly colored species are tlie rule. The color may be laid on in blotches, or more frequently in stripes, which follow the spiral of the shell as in the adjacent figure of Helix si/danensis, whicli, as its name indicates, comes from Africa. With such a wealth of species to choose from (about thirty-five hundred being known) it is a difiicult task to select the few which our space will admit. Our most common species is possibly Helix albolabris, which, when adult, reaches a diameter of about one inch. In the young the outer lip is tliin and sharp ; but when the full size has been reached, the lip becomes thickened and reflected, or turned outwards, and covered with a white porcellanous deposit which gives the specific name. Usually the columella is smooth, but occasionally s]>ecimens are found in which a tooth is developed. This species is found most abundantly in forests of hard wood. In the southern states its place is taken by a similar liut much larger species. Helix major. The garden-snail of Europe, //. horte/i.'iis, has been introduced into several places along our eastern coasts. It is very common on the islands in and near the harbor of Salem, Mass., where, together witii Helix alternata, it lives in the long grass and among the juniper-trees. This species has a white lip, and is usually ornamented with a vary- ing number of reddish lines which follow the spiral of the shell. Each of the islands mentioned has its own peculiar pattern of ornamenta- tion, which seems to have been derived from the first animals intro- duced. The method in which this species obtained a foothold on these islands (several of which are small and uninhabited, and sepa- rated by a mile or more of salt water from the shore) is even less easily decided than in the case of the Zoitites cellaria. Several of the European species are used as food, and one, Helix pomada, the Roman snail, has long occupied a place in the economy of tlie Latin races. Tliis and Helix as- persa are to-day extensively eaten by the French, and the latter species was introduced Fig. 367. — Helix at bolabriSy young. Fig. .'iGS. — Hili.r hnrtfusis, gar- den snail. 314 LOWER IN VER TEBRA TES. Fig. 369. — JJelU- thy- roldes. Fig. 371. Fig. 37(1. — Helix alfernata. into Charleston, S. C, by the French inhabitants for the purposes of food. The writer several years ago, tried the experiment of introducing it into New England; but although the places where specimens were distributed have since been carefully searched, none have been found. It may be that the east winds and the cold of winter prove too much for it. Some if not all of our American species are edible ; IT. thyroides, when treated with vinegar, has a very peculiar but pleasant taste, excelling, in this respect. Helix albolabris. Another common species in the United States is Helix alter- 7iata, in wliich the outer lip is sharp and the horn-colored shell is ornamented with blotches of dark brown. In New York and New England it is even more common than II. albolabris, occurring not only in the woods, but in the open fields as well, although it seems far more dependent on moisture than some of the other species. It is not so palatable as H. tht/roides. Allied to II. alteriiata is the -^ ™^ pretty, but small species, H. asteHscns, in which . Uy i^^ the whorls are ornamented by a number of trans- verse ribs. It is only fduiid in the northern states. - Helix asteris- Heli.v /larjui, which has a boreal distrilmtion, is "'*' found on both continents. The shell is liigh, and ornamented on the two lower whorls liy transverse ribs. "The body is so translucent, that, when extended, the ganglionic centres can be plainly seen. In motion it is ex- ceedingly graceful, at times poising its beautiful shell high above its body, and twirling it around, not unlike a P/ii/sa, again hugging its pretty harp close to its body ; the shell when in this last position, con- tinually oscillates as if the animal [which is very small in proportion to its shell] could not balance it ; it rarely ever moves in a straight line but is always turning and 'whisking about, and this is done at times very quickly and abruptly." In a large number of species like Helix sayi, dentif'era, etc., a tooth is always de- veloped on the columella, like that occa- sionally found in Helix albdlabris., while in another series, including tridentata, palliata, etc., the aper- ture is still farther contracted by the development of one or more teeth from the inside of the outer lip. In one of this latter grou]!, II. hirsuta, the apei-tui'C is very narrow, and the outside of the shell is covered with numerous short, stiff hairs. The sjiecies of Hidimiis are largely tropical, and the ma- jority of the three hundred and odd species come from South America. The animal is much like that of Helix, but the shell is longer and has but a few whorls, while the lip is thickened, reflected, and continuous with a callus layer on the columella. Most of the species are large, some being among the giants of the jnilinonates, only exceeded by the Achatince to be mentioned in a moment. The largest species is Hidimus ovatus which is common in the forests of southeastern Brazil ; the shell reaches a length of six inches. Fig. S'2.— Helix harpa. Fig. 313. — Bulimus. 0% 9C^ 0 AMERICAN LAND SHELLS. 1. Helix indentata. 2. H. inoriiata. 3. H. electHna. 4. H. ferrea. 5. H. minutissima. 6. H. siip- pressa. 7. H. ckersina. 8. H./uliginosa. 9. B". arborea. 10. H. exigua. 11. H. multidentata, 12. H. minusculus. 13. S. binneyana. 14. //". labyrlnthica. 15. ^. striatella. MOLLUSCS. 815 Tliis species is an article of food and is sold in the markets of Rio Janeiro. Its eggs are also very large; they have a white calcareous shell, and equal in size those of a pigeon. Fig. 374. — Helix palUata. Fig. 37a -Helix saifi. Fig. 376. — Helix dentifera. In the older works several species of Bulimus were credited to the United States, but more recent studies show that these forms belong elsewhere in schemes of classifi- cation. In some of the South Sea Islands, esjiecially in the Society group, occur a number of land shells united under the generic name Partahi. These are brightly colored and much like Bulimus in shape. Formerly tliey were very abundant ; but a few years ago a great storm utterly destroyed the groves in which they were found and almost extin- guished the genus. Unlike most of the pulmonates they bring forth their young alive, -Achnima mauiUmn a and the sliells are more frequently sinistral than in the other genera of the Helicidas. In the genus Binneya occurs a peculiaiity first noticed by Dr. J. G. Cooper. The species are all inhabitants of Mexico and Southern California. At the ai)])roach of the dry season they retreat as ilo the IleUccs of more northern climes in the winter. Still, as the shell is too small to contain the whole body, the epiphragm is greatly enlarged so that it covers all the jiarts whicli would otherwise be exposed. This epiphragmal envelope is white and parchment-like. 316 LOWER IN VEll TEBRA TES. The sub-family Achatinin£e embraces forms much like the Heliciuoe but disting-uished by lingual di'iititiou and by the fact that the lip is usually sharp, the columella trunca- ted, the shell with an elongate sj^ire, tlie body whorl being swollen. The genus Acha- tina, the agate shells, derives its name from the usually banded species. It embraces the largest species of jiulmonates known, even exceeding the genus JiuUmus in this re- spect, as some of the shells measure ten inches in length. The eggs are of proportion- ate size and have a calcareous shell. Most of the sjiecies are found in Africa, where they live in trees, descending to the ground to lay their eggs. In the genus Achatinella, the dextral or sinistral shell is mucli like that of Btdimus in outline, but is distinguished among other characters by the spiral fold which accom- panies the columella. The species are confined to the Hawaian Islands, but their num- ber has been nmltiplied to an utterly unwarranted extent, no less than three hundred having been described. All are very pretty shells, with a polished exterior, and striped and spotted with bright colors, red, green, and brown predominating. We well know Fig. 37K. —Pupa coniracta. Fig. 379. — Pupa armifera. Fig. 3t.n.— Pnpa pi'Htoilon, Fig. 381. — /'wpa bad'ta. Fig. 3S2. — Pupa fallax. how inconstant is the number of bands in the land shells of the United States, where the same sjiecies may be plain or ornamented with one or several spiral bauds, but these Achatinelhi; have been divided uji mostly on similar characters. They live largely on the low shrubbery near the sea, Ijut since the introduction of cattle on the islands they have become much less common than formerly, on account of the destruc- tion of their food jilauts; and their ultimate extinction is but a cjuestion of time. In the PuPiD.E, we have a large number of generally small, many whorled, more or less cylindrical shells, in which the aj.erture is frecpiently contracted by tooth-like lirocesses, like those previously described in some of the Helices. Our American species of Piqnt are almost all very minute, so that it requires good eyes to collect Fig. 383. — Vertigo ovata. Fig. 3S4. — Vertir/o viliUim. Fig. 3S5. — Verliyo boUesi. Fig. 3S6. — Vertiijn ventrlcosa. Fig. zm. — Vertigo simplex. them. They seem to be even more de|iendent of a few rapidly enlarging whorls. The principal genus is Succineu, of ^sJ/jff^(^™cai which about two hundred species are known. These forms have an oval aperture and a sharp outer lip, and are usually regarded as amphibious or even as preferring a sub- aquatic life. This belief does not apjjear to be well founded, for, although they are found near the mar- gins of streams, they live exclusively in the air, and some of them are found far from any body of water. At the time of drought, and at the approach of winter, tliey draw the body com- pletely within the shell, and form an ejiiphragm like that of the Helices. The shell is amber-colored or whitish. Our most common species are Succinea auara, and S. ohliqua. Tlie terrestrial pulmonates in which the shell is internal or absent are known in popular parlance as slugs, while in scientific works they are united into a family to which the name Limacid^ is applied. Their general appearance is too well known to Fig. 389, — a, Succinea totteniana; b, S. ovalis ; c, S. avara. Fig. 390. — Llmax maxlmus. call for any detailed description, yet there are certain features whicii have a morpho- logical significance to be mentioned. On the dorsal surface of the bod}-, near the anterior end, is a fleshy plate, the mantle. At or near the right margin of this, is the opening of the respiratory pore. The iiead is well defined and provided with tentacles. The slugs are chiefly nocturnal, and this fact accounts for the few ordinarily seen, although tliere may be thousands about. In the daytime they secrete themselves under boards, fallen trees, etc., where there is at least partial darkness, but at night they come out to feed. They do a great amount of damage in gardens, as they feed 318 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. largely on vegetation, although they are not averse to an animal diet. Since they hide themselves dm-ing the day, the damage tiiey occasion is usually attributed to birds, and the larvae of insects, but the presence of slugs can usually be recognized by the pres- ence of streaks of glistening slime in the neighborhood. Most of the terrestrial jnilmon- ates are able to secrete a mucus from their body, and in some there are sjieeial jiores for its emission. In the slugs this capacity reaches a great development, and as they crawl along they leave a streak behind them, which, on drying, produces the glistening marks referred to. This secretion of mucus is to a certain extent defensive, and when the animals are irritated the amount is greatly increased. This fact gives us a simple method of checking their ravages, which is to sprinkle coal-ashes around the plants which it is desired to jjrotect. The fine grit of the ashes irritates them, and they pour out the mucus to such an extent that they are soon exhausted, and besides, since it rapidly hardens on exposure to the air, they are soon rendered prisoners. This secretion of mucus is used in another way. Slugs frequently climb trees in search of fruit, and when through feeding they take a quicker method of descending than their ordinary snail's pace. The foot poui-s out a lot of mucus, which is passed along to the posterior end. This mucus is then attached to the limb on which the animal is, and then the slug casts itself loose. Its weight draws the mucus out into a tine thread, .and, more being secreted, the slug lets itself down after the fashion of a spider, with this exception ; it has not the power of returning to the point of support. This power of forming a thread has been observed in almost .all the American species, at least when young ; but some of the larger forms, when adult, fire too heavy to trust their weight to such a slender support. We have spoken of their rav.iges in gardens, but in America they have not yet become such a pest as in Europe. There they are classed along with caterpillars, locusts, and rats, and a war of extermination is waged against them. In olden times the power of the church was invoked against them, but prayers and anathemas failed to cause their extinction, or in fact any .appreciable diminution of their mnnbers. There is another aspect which should not be passed by without mention. Slugs have long been supposed to have medicinal ipialities, the rudimentary shell being regarded as especially efficacious. This belief can hardly be regarded as extinct, as Mr. Binney s.ays that " during the year 1863, a syrup of snails was prescribed to members of my family, by two regular French physicians in Paris." During the middle ages, when superstition ran riot, of course they were much more highly esteemed. The shell was regarded as an amulet, protecting the wearer against certain diseases and witchcraft, while the liquid obtained by their distillation was used to imjjrove the comjilexion. In Europe they are eaten, but in America neither dietetic nor magic qualities have been assigned to these loathsome appearing animals. The Limacidse .are divisible into three su])-families. In the first, the Tebenophori- nse, the mantle covers the entire back, and no shell is present. Our only species is Tebenophoms carolinensis, a sluggish, inactive form found in the woods, usually under the bark, or in the interior of decaying logs. It varies considerably in color, from nearly white without spots to white with brown blotches or black spots, and to black- ish gray. It reaches a length of about four inches \\'hen fully extended, though at such times the head is not projected beyond the Tnantle. In the Arioninse the shell may be present, though concealed by the mantle, oi- it may be represented by a number of calcareous grains scattered through the corre- sponding portion of the mantle, a condition which recalls the embryonic condition of MOLLUSCS. 319 Limax, as shown in Fig. 348 on a preceding page. In the princijial genus, Arion, there is a triangular pore at the upper posterior part of the body, which readily sep- arates it from Umax. The only spe- cies in the United States wliich un- doubtedly belongs to this genus is Avion fuscus, which has been intro- duced from Europe into Boston, where a colony has existed for many years. Fig. 391. — .J/ , , ., It lives in gardens, and occasionally strays into cellars and other dark places. It is not known elsewhere in America. In Europe it is a common species, and its eggs are said to be phosphorescent, shining in the dark for several days after being laid. In color this species is whitish or gray- ish, sometimes tinged with brown. It i-eaches a length of about two inches. Three other genera of Arioninse, Arioliniax, Projyhysaon, and Hemphtllia, are found on the Pacific coast. The' last sub-family, the Limaciiue, embraces the largest ])roportion of the slugs, the typical genus, Limax, containing about one hundred species. This is the only genus represented in the United States, where, besides our native species, we have se\'eral introduced from Euroi>e. Our largest species, Lirnax inaximus, is one of these immigrants, which has been found in several places hi America. Its rich brown or black spots and stripes upon an ashy or light brown groundwoi'k make it a conspicuous form. Another imjiorted species is i. ,/f(;i'MS, brown or brownish in color, with lighter spots. This is more eomnidii tlian L. maxhnics, and is found in various Atlantic cities from Boston to Charleston. It lives in cel- lars and in gardens, preferring the former. Still more common is the smaller X. agres- tis, which is also an introduced form. It is smaller than the others, and is extremely \'ariable in color. It lays more eggs than the two species mentioned, and the period of reproduction a])pears to last through the warmer months of the year. Our native Lirnax carnpeatris is very common, and is found in the woods and the open fields, along the sides of the roads and in gardens. It is brownish gray or amber colored, and is smaller than the other species men- tioned. The eggs are rather numerous and transparent, and are laid under leaves or in moist earth. Di-. E. L. Mark has studied the earlier stages of the development of this species ; a later stage is shown in Fi^■. 348. Another genus, Phosphorax, which is very imperfectly known, comes from the Cape Verdes. The only species is said to be phosphorescent, as is indicated by both its generic and specific names (P. noctihi.cens). Order III. — ZYGOBRANCHIA. All of the gasteropods which follow Ijelong to the Stre]itoiieurous group, the characters of which were detailed on a jjreceding page. In the first division, the Zygobranchia, the torsion of the body has not been accompanied by an atrojihy or disappearance of the organs of the primitive left side, and we thus have the gills and 320 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Fig. 393. — Baliotis, abaloue. openings of the renal glands of both sides reniainhig, thus showing that the group is more primitive than those which follow it. Another fact that also emphasizes this inferiority is the absence of distinct genital ducts, the products of the reproductive organs escaping by the larger renal opening. The lingual ribbon is well developed. The faniilj- Haliotid.e embraces the forms which are familiarly known as ear- shells, and to which the local terms ormer and abalone are applied in the Channel Islands and soutliern California respectively. The shell is sph-al, the body whorl being flattened and very large. The dorsal surface of the shell is perforated by a line of ojjenings through which pass a series of tentacular processes from the *>0^'- - /' '^ JBIf mantle. As growth proceeds, these are closed up posteriorly. The eyes are on short stalks. The forms are mostly tropical and semi-tropical in their distribution, and are extensively collected for their beautiful shells, which are an article of commerce. The shells furnish a large proportion of the mother-of-pearl, especially that used in inlaying ixipier maclie ornaments. In France and the Channel Islands, ormers are used as an article of food, but on account of their toughness they require pounding and mashing before cooking. The FissuKELLiDJE, or key-hole limjjets, are structurally closely allied to the last family, but in external appearance they seem far different. Tlie shell is conical and shows but very slightly any spiral. Tlie series of open- ings of the Ilaliotis are replaced by a hole at or near the apex of the shell, or by a notch in the front margin. On the inside of the shell is a horseshoe-shaped impression, indicating the surface of attach- ment of tlie muscles of the foot. The eyes, instead of being placed on stalks, are scarcely elevated above the surrounding surface. Like the members of the last family, the sj)ecies are largely inhabi- tants of the warmer seas of the globe, although some forms are boreal in their range. They are mostly found near the shores, where they feed upon the smaller seaweeds. In their habits they are not different from the other limpets. The third family of the Zygoliranchia, the PATELLiDiE, is appai'ently far different from the other two in the structure of the gills, and the fact that it really sliould have a place here is shown by one of the neatest bits of morpho- logical logic w'ith which we are acquainted. On tlie first examination of a Patella we find a res- jiiratory organ in the form of a circle just be- neath the mantle, while the branchise above the neck, comparable to those of Ilaliotis and Fis- sweNa, are absent. S]iengel, however, found in this region two little jirominences, the ho- mologies and functions of which wei'e obscure. The thought, however, suggested itself that these might be the rudiments of the true gills and an anatomical examination v^iKr- Fig. 394. — Mssur- ella nodosa, key- hole limpet. Fig. 395. — Under surface of Patella ataira ; foot; b, edge of mantle; c, gill; d, liead; tentacles. MOLLUSCS. 321 showed that this view of the homology was correct. It will be remembered that the typical gill is innervated from the visceral loop of the nervous system, and that near its base is a patch of olfactory e]iith^4iam (see p. 25Uj. Dissection of a Patella showed that these jjrominences received their nerve supj^ly from tlie \isceral loop, and near each was found an olfactory organ, thus making the homology complete and indisiDut- able. The circular functional gill is therefore a superadded structure which has arisen in a manner and from some cause not yet explained. Not all limpets have been shown to belong in this place, although future in- vestigation may demonstrate that they should be classed here, a view which is strengthened by the similarity in lingual dentition. Still, for convenience, it will be well to consider the Acm^id^ together with this family, as in general appearance and in many important points of structure they are closely similar. In these forms there is a single cervical gill, while the circular marginal gill may be either present or absent. The prominent genera are Acmcea, Lottui, and Scnrria. In Lepeta no gills are found. The shell in the limpets is conical, usually considerably de- pressed, and is so characteristic as to have given rise to the adjec- tives patelliform and limpet-like. The apex jioints forward, and tlie internal horseslioe-sliaped muscular impression, like that of the Fissurellida', is open in front. A large number of genera and sub-o'enera have been made, the characters restins' ui>on the res- ^"^- stiG. — .-jrmffa tes- ^ ^ i tudmalis^ limpet. pu'atory organs, shape and ornamentation of the shell, etc. As ordinarily found, the limpets are attached to some rock or other object by their broad foot, and the strength with which they hold is astonishing. If the collector ap- proach tlie animals suddenly, and with a quick motion slides them from their attach- ment, he can get them easily, but if an incautious touch gives them warning of danger, the shell will not infrequently break before the animal loosens its hold. The strange story is told that each limpet has its own abiding place. At the time of high tide he wanders off to find pastures of alga3 suitable for his palate, but as it ebbs he returns to his chosen spot, and at low tide clings fast to the same spot on the rock which he left a few hours before. On the European shores, limpets play an important part in the diet of the people living near the shores, but on our coasts, except a very few used as bait, they have no economic importance. Why it is that our people neglect so many articles of food it is impossible to say. In the northern states, shrinijis, limjiets, periwinkles, mussels, etc., are scarcely touched ; yet the sea teems with thein, and everyone who has tried them bears witness to tlieir palatability. In the case of the limpets it may be that the com- parative scarcity on our coasts may be tlie cause of their neolect. Acmaa testudmalis, the most common limjiet on our nortliern coasts, belongs to the family AcmteidiE mentioned above. Its position here is extremely doubtful, and aside from the fact that its branchial system has never been studied, our only excuse for mentioning it liere is to treat of all the limpets together. This species is very varialile in color, but is ^'°' a^fc^M.'""^" usually variously mottled with brown, pale green, and white. Like most of the limpets it lives between tide-marks. Aemrea aluens is a variety of the foregoing, liut, from the habit that it has of living on eel-grass, it has acquired a narrower shell than the typical form. VOL. I. — 21 322 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Order IV. — SCUTIBRANCHIA. All the remaining Gasteropoda contrast with the Zygobranchiata in the fact that the torsion of the body has caused the obsolescence or abortion of one of the true gills, and for this reason Dr. Lankester has arranged them under one ordinal head Azygo- branchia. Wlien, however, we take other characters into consideration, it becomes necessary to divide up this large group, and in the following pages the Scutibranchia, Ctenobrauchia, and Heteropoda together equal the Azygobranchia of that able Eng- lish morphologist. The first family, the Teochidjs, are commonly known as top-shells, the shell of the typical forms, when inverted, being sti'ikingly similar to the j^laything of our youth. Tlie shell is sjjiral, and is either pyra- midal or turbinated, and has a nacreous interior. Many of these shells are sold as ornaments, after the epidermis and external layers of the shell have been cut away, leaving the whole a mass of mother-of-jiearl. The animal has long and slendei- tentacles, .'uid at the bases of these ai-ise the peduncles which sup- port the eyes. The head, and sides of the l>ody, are ornamented w ith fringed lobes and longer tentacles. When the animal withdraws into its shell, it closes the ajierture with an operculum, which may be either horny, or calcareous with a liorny base. As the .animal increases in size, the operculum also grows by additions which are .arranged in a spiral. When crawling about, the animal carries its operculum on the dorsal surface of the foot, as do all oper- culated gasteropods. Some of the ojierculaof the smaller species are in great repute as eye-stones. Their whole value in this respect is due to the fact that they have no irregularities which would injure the cornea or the inner surf.ace of the eyelid. Otlier- wise they are no better than .any other hard substance of similar shape and size. The physiology of their action is readily understood. The species live in sh.allow water ne.ar the shore and are herbivorous in their diet. In Trochi/,.% the shell forms a regular pyramid, and the base is flattened. The whorls are flattened, the aper- ture is oblique, and the operculum is horny and multi- spiral. Of this genus and its various sub-di\isions, over two hundred and fifty species have been described. In our northern waters, these forms are represented by several species of the genus Jlarf/arita, which in many respects is intermediate between Fig. 4(10. — .i/ar- Trochus and Turbo. The whorls of the shell .are more ventricose, or '""'"' swollen, than in Trochus, and the thin e]iidermis allows the pearly shell to be readily seen. The species are found from extreme low-water mark to a depth of one hundred fathoms and over. In Turbo the whorls are ventricose, the aperture large and rounded, and the Fig. 398. — Delphiiiula lacinluta. Fig. o'M.— Trochus zlzijplmms. MOLLUSCS. 323 Fig. 401. — Turbo marmoratus. operculum calcareous ; the base of the shell is never flattened. The species are mostly trojiical and littoral, delighting in rocky coasts where they are exposed to the force of the waves. In the Orient the larger species are eaten. The largest species known is Turbo mar- moratus of tlie Chinese Seas. In Delphiimla the shell is depressed, the aperture round and pearly, the um- bilicus open, the operculum horny, and the whorls of the shell are usually s|jiuy. The genus is found on the coral reefs of the ludo-Pacitic Seas, near low-water mark. Our figure shows the under surface of the shell, with the body extended. Phasianella contains species which have somewhat the shape of the genus Sulunns among the pulmonates. The shell is not pearly but is richly colored ; whence the name pheasant shells. About forty sjaecies are known, all from tropical seas. Those from Australian and New Zealand seas are large, reaching occasionally a length of about two inches, but those from other parts of the world are smaller, our West Indian forms being very small. Rotella contains a number of brightly-colored dejiressed species from the eastern seas. In 3Ionodoitta, which is much like Turbo in general appearance, the outer lip is much thickened and grooved, while tlie columella is toothed. It has about the same distribution as the last species. In the Malay Archipelago one of the species is eaten, notwithstanding its peppery taste. The Neeitid^e contains thick hemispherical shells with a very small spire, a sharp outer lip and a calcareous operculum which is frequently irreg- ular in shape. The eyes are placed at the extremity of the slender eye-stalks, which arise from the head outside the long and slender tentacles. The foot is broad and triangular, the apex being behind. As the animal grows, it absorl)S the inner ])art of the whorls of the shell, so that the resulting cavity is simjjle instead of spiral. The tyi>ieal genus is JVerita, which has a thick or spirally grooved shell. The columella is much thickened and toothed, and in one species, N. peloronta, this coluraellar thickening is ornamented with a blotch of red, giving the shell the common name of bleeding tooth. Most of the species are marine, but many ascend the streams entering the ocean to such a distance that the water in which they live is brackish. Neritina is much like JSferita, but is more glolmlar. The shells are variously orna- mented with spots or bauds of black and purple laid upon the polished extei-ioi-. The sjiecies are mostly confined to the fresh waters of the warmer regions of the earth, but some species are found in the sea. Namcellu is more like the slipper limj^ets {Crepidula) in appearance, the aperture embracing nearly the entire shell. They ai-e fresh-water forms, and the resemblance to the limpets is strengthened by their mode of life as they attach themselves by their foot to submerged stones and plants. The family Pleueotomarid^ shows resemblances to both the Troehidse and tlie Hahotidae. The shell is much like that found in the l.-itter family, exeejit that the outer hp of the aperture is notched, or there is a series of perforations in the u]iper part of the whorl. The species are largely fossil, the living forms being few in number and comparatively rare. In most of the species the notch in the aperture of the shell is Fig. 402. — Xerita histrlo. 324 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. closed behind as grouth progresses, and tlie result is that each whorl receives a band, which is quite distinct from the rest of the shell. In some of the fossil sj)ecies this is very marked, and stands up elevated to a considerable distance beyond the sur- rounding surface ; in others the closing up is not complete, and the result is that there remains a series of holes like those of the abalone (Ilaliotis). Recent deep-sea ex- plorations have largely increased the number of known species of this family, most of which are apparently inhabitants of water from four liundred to a thousand fathoms in depth. The IIelicinid^e is a family of terrestrial gasteropods variously placed by different naturalists. Most commonly the members are placed among the true land shells (pul- monates), but with these they have little or no affinity. We follow Claus in assigning them their present position. In apjiearance of tlie shell, in the structure of the lingual riljbon, as well as in their haljits, they are much like J/eli.c, living as they do ujion the land, either concealed under the dead leaves on the ground, or among the ^"'' mrira^a ''^""' branches or foliage of the trees. They differ however, from the Helicidie, among other important points, in the possession of an oper- culum. The aperture of the shell is semilunar, and the umliilicus is covered by a callus. The species are all tropical, and are mostly confined to the Ameiican con- tinent and the West India Islands. Only a few species out of the five hundred known are found within the limits of the United States. The prominent genera are Selicina, Stoastonia, and Proserpina. Oeder V. — CTENOBRANCHIA. Most of the members of this group despise a vegetable diet and prefer to live on animal matter whether living or dead. Still, some exceptions occur which will be no- ticed in the proper places. In all, the shell is spiral, and the gill of the normally right side is alone present. What has previously been considered as the rudimentary gill of the left side has been shown by Spengel to be tiie highly developed olfactory organ. The gills lla^■e a comb-like shape and the axis is frequently attached to the roof of the branchial chamber, which by that torsion of the body described on a preceding page, is brought above the neck of the animal. In many, a well-developed co]nilatory organ is found on the right side of the neck, and the proboscis may or may not be re- tractile. The former condition of affairs lias given rise to a group called Proboscidi- fera, containing the families Tritonidas, Doliidie, and part of the Muricidse as here lim- ited, while another group, containing the Cyprajida;, Yelutinid.a?, and Naticidie, have the rostrum invertible only at the tip. The Ctenobranchia is divided into four sub-orders„the distinctions being largely founded upon the arrangement of the teeth upon the lingual ribbon, although other characters are of course employed. Sub-Order I. — Ptenoglossa. In this group the shell has the aperture entire ; that is, the whorls are complete and the edges of the aperture are not notched or prolonged into canals. No res))iratory siphon is formed, and copulatory organs are absent. The tongue is armed with numer- ous small teeth on either side, but lacks the normal middle row. MOLL uses. 325 The Iajtthimtd^ are remarkable for the beautiful purple color of their tliin shells. They are 2:)elagic, oceanic snails, which lead a predaceous life. At times ou the high seas the navigator encounters vast numbers of them, forming immense schools, and feeding upon the other forms of life ; medusffi, Crustacea, etc., with which they are surrounded. The animal has a large head furnished with an extensible proboscis. The eyes are minute and situated on the extremities of the ocular peduncles, while the foot is small and divided. The shells are tliin and delicate, the whorls of the spiral being few in number. At the base they are of a deejj violet color, but the apex is nearly or entirely white. One of the most interesting features connected with these shells is the enormous float which they form to support the eggs. The foot secretes a glutinous secretion which hardens to a slight extent when brought in contact with the water. During the reproductive season the formation of this egg float is continuous, and, as it is formed, eggs are fastened to its lower surface. From this mode of formation, that part of the float farthest from the animal contains the most advanced eggs ; and, in fact, the eggs in this portion may have hatched and the embryos have begun their free life ere those Fi<;. 404. — lauthina, purple shell, ^vith the float supporting the eggs. nearest the body have passed through the enrliei' stages of development. Although the parent usually carries the float attached to the body, still it has apj)arently the power to cast it off at will, while the action of storms usually separates the mother from the egg. When thus cast adrift, the float still sustains the eggs, and they pursue their development as usual. Each egg is fastened to the float by a short ]ieduncle, while the float itself is composed of numerous little bubbles, thus securing great buoyant powers. The lant/iince do not appear to have the jiowerof sinking in the water unless the float is detached, and so at the time of storms they are frequently cast ujjon the shores in large numbers. At such times they are utterly helpless and make no attempts to crawl. They, however, frequently adhere to each other by means of the foot, and, when handled, secrete a violet-colored fluid. laiit/iina, the most prominent genus, contains about ten sjiecies, one of which (T. fragilis) is occasionally thrown up on the southern New England coasts by severe southeast storms. It is not jiroperly a member of the American fauna, liut like tlie rest of the genus is an inhabitant of the high seas. The only other living genus of the family (Heclmia) is covered with a brownish ejiidermis. Like Jant/ii/xi, it forms a float. The SoLARiD^aj embraces a group of molluscs which, from the shape of the shell, was formerly included in the Trochida). The shell is orbicular and forms a more or 326 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. less flattened cone, usually perforated by a wide and deep umbilicus. The shells are not nacreous, and a horny spiral operculum closes the usually angular aperture. The animal has sessile eyes, long, retractile proboscis, and the gill chamber divided into two parts. ^Solarium 2}erspectwwn has received tlie common names of perspective shell and sun-dial shell. It is about two and a half inches in diameter, and is of a yellowish hue, prettily spotted and banded with red. It comes from the Indian Ocean, and specimens are found in most collections. The only other genus which needs to be mentioned is Phoriis, which embraces the carrier or mason-shells of the eastern seas. These forms have the habit (if habit it may be called) of covering their shells with all sorts of extraneous objects, — shells, stones, bits of coral, and the like. These foreign bodies are fastened by the substance of the sliell and doubtless are protective ; for, viewed from above, a shell thus tricked out has but slight resemblance to a properly conducted mollusc, and thus runs a better chance of escaping the maw of the bottom-feeding fishes. Now that this peculiar habit exists, we can readily see how it is retained, but the way in which it was first acquired is not so readily explained. The mode of progression of the mason shells is rather peculiar. Most of the gas- teropodous molluscs have a gliding motion, the various parts of the foot acting in a manner best described by comparing it to the locomotion of a thousand-legged Morni. The Phori., on the other hand, have a g.ait like that of a measuring worm. They extend the small cylindrical foot, attach the anterior portion, and then draw the hind portion forward. This latter now affords a footliold; the anterior portion is again extended, and the operation is repeated. This gives rise to an interrupted, almost jumping movement, well adapted to the banks of broken coral and dead shells inhabited by these animals. The Sc'ALARiD^, or wentle-traji family, embraces but a single genus and about a hundred and fifty species, distributed through all the seas of the world. The common name is a corrui)tion of the German word for a spiral stairway, and would be emi- nently appropriate, were it not for the fact that tlie tread of the stairs goes the wrong- way. The shells are usually pure white, and comjiosed of several rounded whorls ornamented with transverse ribs, roughly corresponding to the stejjs of a fliglit of stairs. The aperture of the shell is round and the edge continuous, the inner lip not being formed by the coluinella. The active, predaceous animal has a retractile proboscis, and in the existence of a rudimentary siphonal fold shows an approach to the members of the next sub-order. The eyes are near the outer bases of the slender, pointed tentacles. Sever.al species of Scalaria are found on our New England coasts. Mr. Couthouy kept a s]iecimen of S. gronlandica in confinement; it was rather sluggish in its movements, and fed eagerly on fresh beef, especially if somewhat macerated. Some of the species are said to secrete a purple fluid. The most noted member of the family is Scalaria ]wetiosa, FiG.405.-Sca!ariaprc- t'lP prccious wcutle trap. This species, which comes from the tjosd, precious wen- Chinese Seas, has always been hiarhly valued by collectors on tle-tr,ap. ' ■ o ./ account of its rarity, and a smgle specmien lias m tunes ]>ast been sold for about two hundred dollars. Now they are much more common, and are sold by dealers for an average price of one or two dollars. MOLLUSCS. 327 Sub-Okder II. — Rhachiglossa. The Rliaeliiecific name, miisica., from a number of fine dark lines interspersed with blotches, whii'h follow the whorls of the shell and bear no distant resem- blance to written music. In some the similarity is more marked than in the specimen figured. This species presents an exception to most of the Volutes, in having a small operculum de- veloped. It comes from the West Indies. As an example of the forms from the eastern seas we may mention the beautifully shaped species from the Philippine Islands, which, from its diadem of spines and its size, well deserves the name, Voluta imperialis, which science has gi\-en it. It is common in collections. The last species which we can mention is the rare Voluta junonia, or, as it is called by dealers, the peacock-tail volute. The figure i-epresents the shell of the natural size ; it is white, sjiotted with orange. For many years it was considered among the rarest of shells, specimens having been sold for about two hundred dollars, and no later than 1876 a specimen brought fifty dollars. Recently quite a number have been brought from the West Indies, and now they can be bought of the dealers for eight or ten dollars. Most of the Volutidse are ovo-viviparous ; that is, they bring forth living young: but some, if not all, of the genus Voluta lay eggs, which are envelojied in a ]icrfectly transparent, corneous corpuscle half as large as the parent. Cymhium and Melo bring forth their young alive, a brood containing four or more individuals. In 3IargineUa we have some two hundred species of small, polished oval shells with the respiratory notch small. Most of them are brightly colored, and in life the Fig. 40G. — Voluta musica. 328 L 0 WER INVER TEDRA TES. markings of the body are even more beautiful tlian those of the shell, as is shown by the following description of the colors of a Javanese species, — "a pale, semi-transpa- rent, pinkish-yellow mantle, with a range of semi-elliptic crimson spots around the Fig. 407 - Voluta junmiia. Fig. iOS. — Vuliita iiiqitrUdis. thin free edge, and the remainder covered with vertically-radiating linear spots, and short waved lines of the same color; the foot, also of a yellowish, delicate jiink, is marbled all over with the dee])est and richest crimson, and the same with the siphon. The tentacles are yellowish, with a row of marbled crimson spots." Sjiecies of Marginella are found in all the wanner seas of the world, some being found in the West Indies and on the coasts of Georgia and Florida. The (ilivc shells, belonging to the family Olivid^, have always been favorites with collectors on account of the beauty of their smooth and jiolishcd porcellanous shells. In these forms the sjiire is i short, the ajierturc deejily jiotched, the columellar lip is covered with a callous dejiosit and usually ornamented with ; oblique folds. In the genus Oliva, which receives its name from a shape somewhat like that of an olive, the ajierture is long and narrow, and the columellar lip is plicate. The foot is very large and is laterally extended into two lobes, which, when the animal MOLLUSCS. 329 is in motion, are folded up over the shell. The proboscis is short, the siphon long, find the eyes are placed at about the middle of the tentacles. The eighty and odd known species all come from the tro]iics, a few only extending their range outside. They are all active, predaceous forms, and in some localities are caught by lower- ing a net with a piece of meat inside as a bait. In some ]>laces the num- ber of specimens is almost infinite; at low tide miles and miles of ilats are covered with them. One of the most common species in collections is a little whitt form belonging to the sub-genus Olivella ; from its resemblance to a grain of rice it has received the specific name oryza. It comes from the West Indies, in some parts of which it occurs in vast numbers. The sub- genus Olivella is distinguished from Olioa proper by the longer spire of the shell and the absence of tentacles and eyes. Olivella biplicata, oeiiu bipUcata. which is figured, comes from the Pacific coast. Of the tru? Olivas, the most common species in the southern United States is 0. litterata, marked with angular markings, which by a stretch of the imagination might be regarded as resembling writing. The general color is a yellowish white, the markings brownish. Another lot of shells are named, from their resemblance to certain rocks, jas^ndea, porphyria, etc. The latter species comes from Panama. The harp-shells (genus Ilarjnt) differ markedly from the other mendjers of the family by their broad aperture, and swollen, trans- verseh'-rilibed wluirls. Although only nine species are known, every collection contains several specimens, those of Ilarpa veiitricosa being possibly the most common. Large as is the shell, it is not sufficient to contain the whole animal, and Semper, as well as the older natur- alists, record a peculiar habit of self-mutilation with some of the spe- cies from the eastern seas. When cajitured, a part of the foot remains outside of the shell. This the animal brings across the sharp edge of the aperture, thus cutting it off. In time a new ]iortion grows out, reiilacing that which was amputated. The animals are lively, and bright colored. They are found in all the tropical seas, except the Atlantic. Ilarpa ventricosa comes from the East Indies, //. imperialis from Bourbon, while H. creiiata and // scriba ai'e found at Panama. In the ]\IiTi!iD.K but a single genus, J\fitra, needs mention. Here the shell is thick, long, and fusiform, tlie spire being well developed and the columella plicate ; the aperture is narrt)w, notched anteriorly, and in some species is jiartly closed by a small horny opercnluin. Mitra ejyiscopalis, possiblv the most common member of the genus, is ornamented with spots (usually ([uadraugular in outline) of red, salmon, or orange. It comes from the Philippine Islands, where it moves rather sluggishly over the flats, especially when the tide has just liegun to come in. When the tide recedes, it buries itself just beneath the surface. Some of the smaller species are more lively, and others crawl about on the surface of the sand when the tide is out. Although frequently seen in the day-time, the Mitras are essentially nocturnal, and spend most of the hours of dayliglit hidden under rocks and in holes in the coral reefs. Some species, when irritated, defend themselves by secreting a purjile fluid, the odor of wiiich is said to be very nauseating. Another eastern species, nearly or quite as common as the one mentioned, is M. Fig. -ill. — Oliva porphyria. 330 LO WE It IX VER TEBRA TES. papaiis, which has each whorl of the s|)ire crowned with knobs, and the small colored spots of the shell much more irregular in shajje and distribution than in JI. ejnscopalis. The genus Mitra contains over two hundred species, a large proportion of which come from tlie Philippines and the neighboring seas. Almost all of the genus are tropical and semitropical ; several being found in the West Indies ; but an exception to this distribution is found in Jf. gronlandica, as its name indicates, an Arctic form, which, on account of j)eculiarities of its lingual dentition, has been separated as a sub-genus ^^olutomilra. The family MuRTCiDyB, as at jiresent limited, embraces a heterogeneous assemblage of forms. Several attem])ts have been made to divide it without doing violence to the affinities of one or more genera, but no scheme has as yet received universal accep- tance. If we base the division on the lingual dentition, it does not agree with char- acters derived from tiie animal and from the shell ; if on the anatomy of the animals, still other features are not in accord, etc. With this uncertainty it is l)est, at least in a popular work, to leave the classitication in its present condition, and to define the family as embracing a grouj) of molluscs, in which the foot is broad and of moderate length, the siphon long, the eyes at the base of the tentacles, while the characters derived from the shell are the presence of a long or short, straight, anterior canal, and an oval operculum with the nucleus at the smaller end. Necessarily where so much con- fusion exists there will be an inequality in the relative rank of certain of the included tvpes, and in the following remarks some genera named will }»ossibly not be worthy of generic rank, while others, on the other hand, may deserve to be I'egarded as really of the grade of sub-families. The same trouble also occurs with the next family, the Buccinidie. The first sul>faniily, the Muricina?, is well marked by characters derived from the shell. Tlie growth is apparently marked by periods of rest, and at each of these the aperture is thickened and marked by ornamentations of various kinds. Then the shell grows again, and shortly another period of rest ensues, when the nodes, spines, or thickenings (varices they are called) of the mouth are repeated. These interruptions occur at ^'arying intervals in different species, and are of some use in defining generic limits. A similar process occurs in some other families. The typical genus is Mnre,i:, in which the canal is long and straight, the aperture round, and the shell is interrupted by varices and spines at least three times in the course of the gi'owth of the whorl. In the colder watei's the colors are subdued, and the shell does not acquire that fantastic form that is fre- quent in the tropical species. The species are among the most rapacious of molluscs, boi-ing through the shells of other s])ecies in the same way as does the Natica, to be described on a subsequent page. In Europe, Murex erinaceus does great damage to the oyster beds. Allied species {M. hramhiris and M. trrmcidus) were employed by the ancient inhabitants of Syria and Greece in the pre})aration of the cele- brated Tyrian purple. Of the two hundred and odd s]>ecies of this genus, we need only mention, in addition to those just referred to, the Murex ten)cisj?ina, in which the Fig. il2. — Murex endit'a. MOLLUSCS. 331 canal is very long and almost converted into a closed tube, while the surface of the shell is armed with very long and slender spines, evidently defensive in their nature. In forms lilve 31. endiva and 31. scorpio, tlie spines are stouter and broadened at the extremity. None of the species of J/iire,:: proper extend into the colder waters of our Atlantic coast; indeed the genus belongs largely to the tropical w.aters of the old world. In their place are found a few small species belonging to allied genera, of which E'lqjieuru cauduta may be mentioned first. In this species but two prominent varices are formed to a whorl, giving the shell a flattened aj)pearance, a fact which led to its original description under the generic name Manella. The aperture is toothed within, and smaller ridges occur between the well-marked varices. The shell is brown in color, and reaches a length of about an inch. It is rather uncommon on the southern shores of Xew Englaml, excejit in certain localities, but farther south it is very abundant. Urosalpin.e cinerea, on oui' coasts, jjlays the same destructive part that Afurex bran- daris does in Euroj^e. The fishei-men have applied to it the name ' drill,' on account of its settling down on oysters and boring a hole through the shell, through which the soft parts are eaten. The drill is sluggish in its motions. It is about the size of the last species, ashy or brownish in color, and orna- mented with ten or twelve undulations on the lower whorl. It lays its eggs in capsules, of about the same size as those of Purpura lapiUus, to be described in the next family, but differing from them in being flat- tened and keeled at the edges. Each capsule, on the average, contains ten or twelve eggs. The drill ranges from Massachusetts Bay to Florid.i ; north of Massachusetts it is rare and local ; yet a colony exists in the pj^-^ 4j3_ _ j^^^, southern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a fact which at once recalls sa^p^inx mierea, the existence of oysters in the s.-une region. In the Fusina3 the shell is spiiidle-shapeil, and the edge is never thickened so that no v.arices are formed. Fusu,s contains a number of tropical and sub-tropical forms in which the s|iindle shajie is especially well marked. The northern species, formerly referred to this genus, are now referred to the next family. In the typical forms the columella is smooth, a fact which separates it from Fasciolaria., in which it bears oblique folds. Fasciolaria gigaiitea, which occurs on the southern coast of the United States, is the largest known gasteropod, its shell reaching a length of nearly two feet. The BucciNiD^ is closely related to tlie Miiricidte. The spiral shell, instead of a long sij)honal canal, has a notch through which the long siphon is extended. While many of the included forms are very distinct, there are others which can scarcely be sejiarated from the preceding family. This is especially true of a group of boreal shells, represented on our coasts by the genera Keptunea and Sipho. Here the shell is much like that in Fusics, and indeed, the species were formerly included in that genus. JV. decemcostatus is marked with ten large revol\-ing ribs on tlie body whorl. Sipho islandlcus is even more like a Fusus. Both are large shells occurring in the cold deep water north of Cape Cod, reaching a length of nearly or quite three inches. Another problematical genus is Pi/ridK, with its various sulxlivisions, Fnhjnr, Sci/- coti/pus, etc., some of which ]irobably lielong here, while others should be transferred to the Muricidw, the Doliida% etc. In all, the shell is somewhat pear-sliaped in outline, the spire being short, while the anterior end is greatly prolonged to correspond to the 332 LO WEli IN VER TEBRA TEii. stem. Our two best-known species are Fahjur curica and Scijcotijpus canaliculatus. The former is a lieavy shell with a short spire ornamented by a row of tubercles. The latter is much more delicate, and is covered with a hairy ejiidermis, the sutures of the spire being marked with a deep revolving channel. Tliese shells are both inhabitants of water of moderate depth, coming to the shore only for the purpose of ovij)osition. Their egg-cases, which are very peculiar, are frequently cast on the shore and attract the attention of the most casual observer. They consist of a series of flattened mem- branous capsules attached by one edge to a cord, and having op2->osite the point of at- tachment a more transparent spot, indicating the place where the young are subse- quently to make their exit. When laying these long strings, the snail goes beneath the surface and as the ribbon begins to be formed, it appears above the sand, slowly Fig. 4li.~ Pi/rula decussata, pear-snnil; a, dorsal, b, lower surface. increasing in length, until the whole of its two or three feet of extent are formed. Tiie first j)art of the cord is without capsules for about three Indies, then come a few cases imperfectly formed. P2aeli capsule contains a number of eggs, and sj)ecimens taken some time after oviposition show the shell formed, repeating in miniature the essential features of the parent. The name Fulgur (lightning) was a])plied on account of the zigzag brown streaks with which young specimens (and older ones in warmer waters) are marked. Fulgur carica is used extensively by fishermen as bait. Another species, living further south, is noticeable fi-om the fact that it is reversed or sinistral, receiving on this account the specific nnme perversa. With the genus Buccinnm we take uj) a series of forms, whose position is less doubtful than some of those just mentioned. Hucciniim is a northern genus of shells covered with a horny epidermis, having a large aperture, a siphonal notch rather than MOLLUSCS. 333 Fig. -115 - Buccuinm u/idatum, whelk. enouoli to crush the shell a canal, a smooth columella, and an nntoothed outer lip. The most common species is the whelk, _S. undatum, coninion to the northern Atlantic shores of Europe and Amer- ica. It burrows in the sand below low-water mark. Its eggs are laid in hemispherical capsules, yellow in color, piled up in a heap, and presenting an appearance well described by the name ' sea-corn ' apj)lied to them by the New England fishermen. In England they are called 'sea wash-balls' from the fact that they are employed in washing the hands, their parchment-like texture tending to scour away the dirt. Each capsule, when first laid, contains a number of eggs, but of these but few develop, the others being swal- lowed by the young which have got a little start in devel- opment. In this respect, they are like the young spiders. In America, the whelk is not used as food, but in Eng- land large numbers are brought to the market, the annual catch at Whitstable (a sm;dl village at the mouth of the Thamesj being worth, in 186(3, fl'2,000. Although the shell of the whelk is stout and strong, it is eaten in great numbers by the larger bottom-feeding fishes, some of which ai'e furnished with teeth strong like a stone breaker, while others bolt shell and all whole, leaving the gastric juices the labor of dissolving the nutritious portions. Besides the common Buccinimi ■undatum, several other sjjecies are found in the north Atlantic, north of the New England shores. One of these boreal forms, B. ciliatiim, is figured ; the differences between this and the common whelk are evident. Most of the specimens in collections are obtained from the stomachs of fishes caught on the Grand Bank. Tlie genus Eburna embraces the ivory shells, so called from the color and texture of some of the forms. In the dozen oriental species comprised in the genus, the shell is thick, deeply umljilicate, the columella and outer lip without folds or teeth, and the suture between the whorls channelled. The surface of the shell is i\'ory white, spotted with an orange red. The animals usually move along at a leisurely pace, but when alarmed they are ca])alile of much quicker motions. They frequent muddy bottoms where the water is ten or twelve fathoms in depth, and are caught in considerable numbers in the nets of the Chinese fishermen, who use them as food. JVassa contains a large number of species divided up into the sub-genera, Ili/anassa, Tritia, etc. The general sha]ie and api>earance maj' be seen from our figures, a com- mon character being the tooth or plait at the upjver part of the columella, much more marked in some species than in others, and the extensive deposition of enamel on the colnmellar lip, which not infrequently extends to a considerable distance out- side the aperture. Most of the species are littoral, and at low tide our New England flats are covered with myriads of JVassa trivittata and JV. obsoleta. Farther south a Fig. 416. — Bucciiium c'diatum. 334 LOWER INVER TEBRA TES. third species, N. vihex, becomes prominent. The trails of tliese species are common on the soft mud, and frequently at the end will be found a little pellet of mud beneath which the animal is hidden. All the specimens, however, do not bury themselves at the retreat of the tide, as they are able to live for a con- siderable time out of water. Possibly ISF. obsoleta is the more common form. In this, the shell is dark brown, and ornamented by a net work of reticulating lines. It does not thi'ive well where exposed to the ocean Fig. 417.— .Vnssa surf, but prefers sheltered inlets, extending in large nuinbeis into inlets where the water is decidedly brackish. In size it reaches a length of about an inch. iV^ trivitiata is slightly smaller, and white or greenish white in color. The third species, JV. vibex, is still smaller, reaching a length of half an inch, and banded with ashy white and pale red, the colors being brightest in the soutliern forms. All of the yassce are carnivorous, drilling holes through the shell of other molluscs and then feeding on the flesh. They are, however, not confined to living objects, for they will accumulate in large numbers around any decaying crab or fish, and, together with fig. ns.—iVassa the amphipods, soon devour all the fleshy portions. In Europe an allied species, A^ reticulata is an enemy of the oyster beds, drilling through the shell in a short time. They usually select the young oysters, but will destroy one three years old in about eight hours. The egg-cases of Nitssa obsoleta are among the most common of marine objects. They are placed on any solid object that is handy, dead shells and the 'sand-saucer' egg masses of A^f^fVv/ being most frequently used. The capsules are curiously fluted and ridged, and are crowded together without order, each attached by its own pedicel. Purpiirn and its allies are by some i)laeed in the Muricidaj, by others in the Buccinida^. In Pwyura the ajierture is wide, the sjiire short, the whorls enlarging rapidly ; the col- umella is flattened, and tlie outer lip is toothed. Purpura lapllhis, a dirty white or ashen species, is common to the shores of Europe and North America, thriving better and growing to a larger size in the old world, where specimens are frequently zoned with brown. On our own coast there is much variation in appearance, individuals from the rocky coasts, where they are exposed to the surf, having the ribs of the shell nearly smooth, while those from sheltered localities have them roughened by scale-like projections. This species does not range much south of Cape Cod, but north of that barrier it is very common. It feeds on other animals, being especially fond of the acorn barnacles {Balanus bahuioides) which flourish between tides. The eggs are Laid in small oval capsules sujiported on slender stalks. Each capsule contains numbers of eggs, only a few of which eventually hatch, the others furnishing food for those that develop. Purpurapatula was one of the forms which furnished the famous Tyrian ])urple, the others belonging to the Muricidae. The animals were gathered in large numbers and crushed, shells and all, in mortar-shaped holes in the rocks, two or three feet in depth. From the bruised mass a liquid was obtained which was mixed with a small amount of soda and diluted with several times its weight of sea-water. At first the fluid was yel- low, but, after exposure for a time to the rays of the sun, it changed to purple. Then the Fig. 419. — Purpura lapUlus. Fig. 420. — Egg capsules of Pur- pura Uqnllus, enlarged. MOLLUSCS. 335 Fig. 421. — RMzochilus antipatharum, fastened to branches of Antipathes ; on tlie right a young specimen. wool was dipped into the dye for a few hours and taken out colored. During the change in color a fetid odor like that of assafcetida is given off. To obtain the finest color a mixture of two species of Purpura or Mttrex in certain i)roporlions was em- ployed. For a long time the art of coloring with the secretions of molluscs was entirely lost, but at the close of the middle ages it was rediscovered. Modern chemistry has, however, replaced it, and now the use of mollusean dyes is nearly or quite extinct. In Couchole2Xis peruviana, the only species of the genus, the body whorl increases so rapidly in size as to render the shell much like that of a lim|)et. This species occurs along nearly the whole of the western coast of South America, and is extensively eaten by the Chilians and Peruvians. The flesh is tough, and is beaten to make it more tender. The sjiecies of liapatia live upon coral reefs, feeding ujjon the polyps. The genus RJdzochilus is notice- able from the fact tliat the young of one species has a well-formed shell much like that of Rapana; but as the adult condi- tion is readied it cements to the shell, branches of the coral Antipathes or other shells, or both, until at length all means of communication with the exterior is by means of the siphonal canal, the aperture being completely closed. What is the cause of this peculiar self-immurement no one has yet been able to decide. Other species of the genus are not known to possess such habits as those just described of R. antipath.- arurn. In R. madfreporariurn the animal attaches itself to the larger reef-building corals by means of the foot. Another interesting genus is Magilas, the species of which all belong to the east- ern seas. It is a fine examjile of that degeneracy which occurs in certain molluscs. The young Magilus begins life as a well-behaved mollusc with a regular spiral shell; but shortly it settles down on some growing coral, and then a race begins between the two slow-growing forms. If Magilus kejit quiet and grew no further, a short time would suffice to completely envelop him in the stony coral ; but, as soon as he is par- tially covered, the whorls of the shell leave their spiral course, and grow out as an irregular tube. As the coral grows, new additions are made to the shell, and the neck-.and-ueck race is kept up until the mollusc or the coral dies. Soon the tube becomes too long for the mollusc, and lie leaves the spiral ])ortioii and comes out to live in the outer straight tube, filling uji the deserted whorls with a solid deposit of lime. In the CoLUMBELLiD^ the shell is oval, the spire moderately short, the aperture narrow, and terminated by a very short anterior canal ; the outer lip is thick and internally crenulated, while the columellar lip is toothed. The sjiecies are mostly small, and many are brightly colored. On our eastern coasts several species occur, among them Columbella avara, lunata, ornata, etc., while on the west shores the genus is represented by four species. In the trojucs the number is much larger, some three hundred being known from the whole world. All .are littoral, cnrnivorous forms, abundant on seaweeds and hydroids, and in pools left by the retreating tides. 336 LOWER INVEUTEBRATES. SuB-OrDEK III. — TOXIGLOSSA. These animals are all predaceous and carnivorous, for which they are well adapted. They have a strong proboscis, which can be extended some distance from the shell. The lingual ribbon is armed with two rows of teeth, the middle or rhachidian series being absent. The teeth are long and hollow, and it would ajipear that the animals have the power to poison their prey. The largest family, and the one best known to collectors, is the Conid^, which receives its name from the conical shape of the sliell. The members ai'e almost all tropical or sub-tropical, the number of species and the brightness of the colors increas- ing as we approach the equatorial regions. Notwithstanding their carnivorous propen- sities they are a]iparently timorous, preferring to live in holes in the rocks and coral reefs, and retiring within the shell at tlie approach of danger. They crawl in a slow, sluggisli manner, with their tentacles stretched straight out before them. Tlie only genus is Conns, of which about three hundred species are known, most of them being- inhabitants of the eastern seas, onl}' about fifty being found in'the tropical waters of America. The general appearance of the animal may be seen from our figure of one of an oriental species, Conus textilis. The eyes are near I be base of the tentacles, the .oot is narrow and long, and - furnished in the middle with a large ojjening, the object of which is frequently as- serted to be the admission of water to the circulatory system. This connection of the blood vessels with the ex- ternal world has been lately denied in any and all mol- luscs, and apparently with reason. Usually a small operculum is present, but not infrequently it is absent. The shell is thick, cone-shaped, the s]iire short, ajterture narrow, the outer lip sharp and neither toothed. We have just referred to the fact that some, if not all, of the Toxiglossa are poisonous, and the reader will doubtless pardon the following quotation from the pages of Mr. Arthur Adams. Speaking of Conns aulicus he says, — " Its bite produces a venomed wound accompanied by acute pain, and making a small, deep, triangular mark, which is succeeded by a watery vescielc. At the little island of Meyo, one of the Moluccas, near Ternate, Sir Edward Belcher was bitten by one of these cones, which suddenly exserted its proboscis as he took it out of the water with liis hand, and he compares the sensa- tion he experienced to that jjroduced by burning ])hospliorus under the skin." In the South Sea Islands, Conus textilis and C. marmoreus are also con- sidered as poisonous, though eases where their bite is fatal are rare and not well authenticated. It is supposed tliat the teeth break off and are left in the wound. Fig. 423. — Cmius marmoreus. MOLLUSCS. 337 A description of the more common species of cones would prove dull reading, and so we merely mention the colors of the two species figured. Conns marmorevs is dark or even black, marked with ti-iangles of white, while C. textile is very variable, the general ground color being golden or orange, on which are laid brown reticulating lines and white spots. The cones are favorites with collectors, and rightly so, for they are among the most handsome of shells. Some of the species are very rare. Co?ius gloria-maris, a white species with orange sjiots and triangular lines, has been sold for two hundred dollars, while some of the rarer varieties of C cedo-nulli (a very variable species) have brought over one hundred dollars. The former comes from the eastern seas, while the latter is West Indian. Of course these prices do not indicate any intrinsic value in the shell, but are merely indices of the comparative rarity, and of the prices whicli rich collectors are willing to pay for certain noted species. Other species equally rare would not command a small fraction of these prices, merely for the reason that they are not so well known, and dealers have not yet attempted to speculate upon them. The Terebeid^ contains about two hundred species of long, slender, many-whorled shells from the tropical seas. They are readily distinguished from other similar forms l)y the small apertui'e with an anterior siphonal notch, and by the absence of true plaits on the colmnella. The tentacles are short, and the eyes, when present, are near or at the tips. The Terebras are known among the sailors as auger-shells. About as little need be said of the Pleueotomid.e, ill which tlie shell is si)indle-shaped, the aperture pro- longed anterioi'ly while near the suture there is a notch. An operculum is not always present. Although some five hundred species are known, but little of poijular interest can be detailed concerning them. The genus Pleurotoma is represented on our eastern shores by a few small and inconspicuous species usually assigned to the sub-genera Bela and 3I(ingelia, while on the Pacific coast the species are about equally numerous. In the West Indies and at Panama many more forms are found. The Cancellarid^e differ from the other Toxi- glossa in being vegetarians, and they differ further in having the pro- boscis rudimentary. The shells may lie recognized by the folds on the columella and on the outer lip, and the fact that the shell is almost always marked off into squares by transverse ribs and revolving lines which gives rise to the name of the principal genus Cancellaria. The species live in comparatively shallow water, though they are but very rarely found above low-water mark. In the northern Atlantic the family is represented by a small white shell about half an inch in length, known as Achnete viridida. No specimens are known to have come from south of Cape Cod. Fig. 424. — Ttidiiu oculata. Fig. 423. — Pleu- rotoma baby- lonia. VOL. I. —22 338 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. SuB-OkDER IV. — T.ENIOGLOSSA. The Taenioglossate Mollusca are Largely marine, though one or two famihes are found in fresh water. The shell is sjiiral, though in a few forms this appearance is obscured. The lingual ribhon in most forms has the shape of a band, and is armed with seven teeth in a transverse row, though in a few forms here admitted there are nine, while in others the number is reduced to three, and occasionally all are absent. Two tentacles are always present. In some the aperture is entire, and in others it is notched or produced into a canal for the resj^iratory sijjhon. We will first consider the holostomate (entire mouthed) forms. Our first family contains the periwinldes, the Littoeixid.e of scientific nomencla- ture. This latter name is very approjjriate, for they are all shore-living forms. The shell is ovate, with a short, sharp spire, and a round mouth which is closed, on the retreat of the animal, by a horny operculum. They have a thick foot, large snout, and the eyes are jjlaced at the base of the antennie. They live on the shore between tide marks and feed upon the smaller alga?. The principal genus is Littorina. The first species which we will mention is the peri- winkle proper, L. litorea, the mollusc that is eaten after being extracted from its shell by a bent pin. Our figure represents the species (which is one of the largest of the genus) natural size. The shell is solid and m'aiiforea'xivvi- Very variable in color. Some are banded and some a uniform tint of red, ^" "' brown, or black, the darker colors predominating. The advance of this species on our shores is very remarkable. It is a native of Europe and was first noticed at Halifax several years ago. In 1870 it had appeared on the coast of Maine. In 1872 it had reached Massachusetts, but it did not apjjcar south of Cape Cod until a year or two later. Now on both the northern and the southern shores of New England it is one of the most common molluscs. In England it is ex- tensively used as food, the annual catch amounting to many hundreds of tons. It is prepared by boiling, then the oi)erculum is )iulled off and the meat extracted from the shell. In taste it is much like the clam, ^fo'rmamdfs!' only far more delicate. Though very abundant it has not yet acquired any economic importance here, as the American peoj^le seem greatly a-\erse to trying- experiments in the gastronomic line. Were it better known, it would be appreciated. Another species which is common to both continents, L. rudis, has received nearly twenty specific names on account of its variations and its extensive range. The gen- eral aii])earance of the shell may be seen from our figure, but the color is variable. Usually it is yellow or olive-green, and without markings, but occasion- ally specimens are found banded or blotched with some lighter color. Until the advent of L. litorea, Littorina polliata was the most abundant species on the New England coast. The shell may be either plaiu or ^torwm^pduiata. variously Ornamented with bands and blotches of color, — white, green, or brown. It is common on rocky shores, and is especially fond of creep- ing over the I'ock-weed {Fucus) or eel-grass {Zostera). Further south the common spe- cies is Z. irromta, which is a little lai-ger than i. litorea, but is longer and has a more acute spire. It is comparatively rare in southern' New England, its metropolis being- further south. Its introduction into the waters of Long Island Sound may have been with oysters transplanted from the Chesapeake. MOLLUSCS. 339 Another member of the family wliich should be mentioned is Lacuna vincta. It lias a thinner and more slender shell than any of our Littorinas, and is reddish or horn- colored usually, with two or more darker reddish bands, which follow the spiral of the shell. Like the rest of the family, it is a vegetai'ian, feeding on algiB. Closely allied to the Littorinidoe is the Rissoid^, which needs but a passing mention. The family, and its principal genus, iJiissoa, derive their ^'''^naij^cta^"^ name from Risso, a naturalist who in the early part of this century studied the fauna of the Mediterranean. Some of the members inhabit the sea, while others live in brackish water, or even in that which is entirely fresh. In all, the sj)ire is long, the lip thickened, and tlie aperture rounded. IlissoeUa, which is found in Europe and Japan, lives between tide-marks. The shell is very thin, and the ejes, which are placed upon the surface of the head, are " so far behind the tentacles that the transparency of the shell seems to be essential to the vision of the animal." The s2)ecies uf Jiissoa are numei'ous, sevei-al being found in American waters. BytJiinia is one of the most prominent of the fresh-water genera. Its fifty species belong to the eastern hemisphere. In the United States, Amnicola is distributed through all parts of the country, the small species living in fresh water. They were formerly included in the Paludinida3. Potnatiopsis should be mentioned, from the fact that the species are air-breathers. The Cyclostomidje are exclusively terrestrial, and were formerly included among the Pulmonata. Like the members of that order, they breathe the air by an essen- tially similar pulmonaiy organ, but in the rest of their anatomy they deserve a. place where we have put them. This is one of the many instances where a too close atten- tion to one organ or one physiological operation would lead to erroneous ideas of rela- tionship. Still the other process is next to impossible, and on this point we can do no better than quote the words of Fritz Milller : " Of a hundred who feel themselves eom]5elled to give their systematic confession of faith as the introduction to a manual or monographic memoir, ninety-nine will commence by saying that a natural system cannot be founded on a single character, but has to take into account all characters, and the general structure of the animal, but that we must not sum up these characters as equivalent magnitudes, that we must not count, but weigh them, and determine the importance to be ascribed to each of them according to its physiological significance. This is probably followed by a little jingle of words in general terms on the compara- tive importance of animal and vegetative organs, circulation, respiration, and the like. But when we come to the work itself, to the discrimination and arrange- ment of the species, genera, families, etc., in all probability not one of the ninety-and-nine will pay the least attention to these fine rules or undertake the hopeless attempt to carry them out in detail." IsTot- ^^°'ttma'bim.''''"^' withstanding this melancholy picture, science is constantly striving to arrange the groups of animals and plants; facts of structure are weighed, and it is by just this process that the CycIostomid;p, a family without gills and with a pulmonary respiration, are accorded a position here among the branchiate molluscs. In this family the whorls of the spiral shell are rounded and the aperture is circu- lar, hence the family name. As in the branchiate forms with which they are associ- ated, the members of the family close the shell by an operculum which is round and increases in size with the growth of the animal, the new additions being placed in a spiral manner, the nucleus being central. The animal is much like that of Littorina ; 340 LOWEM INVERTEBRATES. it has a long proboscis and two contractile feelers, with the eyes at their bases. The lingual teeth are seven in a transverse band. The Cyclostomes are largely tropical, but very few- species straying into temperate regions. They live in damp places, some on the ground, some in trees, while others are found far from the sea. Over a thousand species have been described. Some have a peculiar gait ; the foot is divided into halves by a longitudinal furrow, and in walking the animal advances one side and then puts it down, then the other side is moved forward in the same way ; the two sides corresponding to the two feet of man. The piincipal genera are Ci/clostoma, Ct/dophortis^ Cydotus, and Vliondropoma. In the AcicuLiD^ the shell is nearly cylindrical, the margins of the aperture being nearly parallel. From the wave-like motion witli which they progress, they have been termed ' looping-snails.' The species are amphibious, and live among the sea-weeds thrown up on the shore, or in shallow water. The species are small. The only genus which needs notice at our hands is Truncatella, in which, as the animal approaches maturity, the upper parts of the spire are broken away and the animal repairs the damage by closing up the broken whorls by a calcareous de])osit. On account of this truncation of the shell, the genus has received its name. The family contains about a hundred species, mostly from the troj)ics. The Paludinid^ shares with the Limnasida', ali-eady mentioned, the common name, ' pond-snails.' Its mnubers are widely distributed through the temjierate zone of the northern hemisphere, but few being found within the tropics. They live in muddy ponds or streams, where they crawl slowly over the bottom or even burrow in the soft mud. The foot is large and broad, a well-developed proboscis is present, and the long cylindrical ten- tacles bear the eyes on little projections near the base. The water required for res])iratory pui-poses is conveyed to the gills by an interesting contrivance. On either side of the neck are developed little fleshy outgrowths which, together with the mantle, form 'terie'xTa, showing res" little tubes. In the adjacent figure these are seen on either side, piratory tubes. projecting a little outside the shell. The water goes in through the right tube, passes over tlie gills, and then is forced out through the tube on the left. The sexes are distinct, and the young are brought forth alive. The eggs undergo their development inside of the mother, and in the species with thin shells they may occasionally be seen inside the body. The development requires about two months, and at the end of that period the young are sent forth, three or four at a time, to begin life for themselves. The shells are thin in some forms and niore solid in others ; the prevailing color is some shade of green or greenish bniwii, banded with darker, though sometimes the bands lacking. The principal genus, Paludma, has been divided u|) into several sub-genera, of which Melantho and Tulotoma are strictly North American. A curious instance of the fact that a low temperature, which affects so greatly the land shells, has but little in- fluence on the size of fresh-water forms, is found in the case of Paludina ttsstiriensis, the largest Siberian species, which occurs in a latitude but little south of the line of perpetual frost, and where the n\ean annual tem])erature is the same as in Iceland. On the other hand, recent explorers have brought home large species found in the lakes of Centr.al Africa. No species have as yet been found in Australia, New Zea- land, Polynesia, or the West Indies. AMERICiuN POND SNAILS. 1. Paludina decisa. 2, 3. P. intertexta. 4. P. coarctata. 5. P. georgiana. 6. P. contectoides. 7, 8. P. In- tegra. 9, P. subpurpurea. 10, 11, 12. P. ponderosa. MOLLUSCS. 341 The Melanhd^ are also fresh-water inhabitants, in which the shell is covered with a thick epidermis, which, in some species, is so dark that the family name [melas, black) is very appropriate. Others are brown or dark green. The shell is usually long, turreted, or conical, with a small mouth. The foot is large and triangular, the proboscis short but stout, and the eyes are near the bases of the tentacles. The family is readily separable into two sub-families, both on structural characters, and on geographical distribution. The first, the Melaniina?, are oriental, only a few being found on the North American continent. In these, the aperture is usually broadly rounded and ' JLl llL.. 1^-. !■: not produced in front, tliuugh often channelled or notched, while the margin of the mantle is fringed, and many of the species are ovo-viviparous ; that is, the eggs under- go their development and are hatched outside the parent. In the other sub-family, the StrepomatinsE, the margin of the mantle is plain, and the eggs are laid and attached to stones and plants. With three or four ex- ceptions, all the Strepomatinse are confined to the United States, a few extending to the West Indies. Of the Melaniinse, the most prominent genus is Melwiia, which eon- tains about four hundred species, mostly distributed through Asia and Polynesia, though a few are found in tropical America and southern Europe. In many of the specimens the a])ex of the shell has disap- peared, owing to the erosive action of the water which they inhabit. Mekmo^Mis costata, a common Syrian species of a genus allied to Mdania, is said to inhabit the Dead Sea, the only exception, so far as I am aware, to an exclusively fresh-water habitat in the family. Fig. iXi. — Pleu- rocera pallidum. 342 LOWER INVERTEBRATES. Of the Strepomatina^, about five hundred nominal species have been described, but uutil we know more of the anatomy, the life history, and the variations of these forms, nothing definite can be known of their classification. Here is a wide field for study open to those students of the centi'al jiortions of the United States, which will Fig. 434. — Anculotus prcEi'osa. Fig. 435. — Anai- lotus plicata. Fig. 436.— ii^ft- asla fuliginosa. Fig. 437. —Gonio- basis depi/gls. Fig. 438. — GoHio- basis impj-essa. be productive of great results. Of the development we know absolutely nothing, not even if a veliger is formed. Ten genera and sub-genera are recognized, and the great bulk of our species come from the Ohio River and its tributaries. Species of Ancu- lotus are found in the Potomac and Susquehanna, while others of the family have been introduced into the Erie Canal. None are known to occur naturally in New England, though a few years ago some were introduced into Lanes- boro (Mass.) pond, where they appear to thri\e. Of tlie species we have but little to say, and will simply let our figures, which represent the prominent genera, speak for themselves. The first species of lo described was re- garded by the early American naturalist, Thomas Say, as a fresh-water species of the genus Fiisun, with which it has in reality nothing to do. All of the species of this genus occur in a very limited tract, and have so far been found only in the mountainous regions of western Virginia and eastern Tennessee. Most of the other genera have a rather re- stricted distribution, Goniobasis being the most widely dis- tributed; it contains over half of the known species. Schi- zostoma is very similar, but may be sepai-ated by a notch on the posterior edge of the outer lip, jirodiiced in some way as yet not understood. This genus occurs only in northern Alabama, in the streams which flow into the Tennessee River. The Pteamidelltd.-e is a small family of marine molluscs, with a long, slender shell, in which the columella has frequently one or more prominent folds; the eyes are sessile, the proboscis retractile, and the tentacles either broad or long and slender. Tu many the lingual teeth have entirely disappeared, owing to their parasitic habits. Pyramidella is a tropical genus of littoral molluscs, tlie members of ^^^ m.-Schi- which burrow along just beneath the surface of the mu