iifpllPIPiiiillii!;^;;;^^^ Bulletin 422 August, 1955 NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Department of Agronomy Results of Seed Tests for 1955 Made for the STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE by BESSIE G. SANBORN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DURHAM, N. H. a liuUetiii 422 August, 1955 NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Department o£ Agronomy Results of Seed Tests for 1955 Made for the STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE by BESSIE G. SANBORN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DURHAM, N. H. RESULTS OF SEED TESTS Made July 1, 1954, to June 30, 1955 This report contains the resiihs ot the seed inspection work for the State Department of Agriciiltme of 575 official samples collected throughout the state during the period from July 1, 1954, to June 30, 1955, by Mr. George H. Laramie, Control Stipervisor, and Mr. Harold Ayer, Assistant Control Supervisor. In addition to these official samples, 1052 private sam- ples were analyzed, making a total of 1627 samples inspected. Wholesalers are listed in alphabetical order except when samples are prestmied to have been carried over, in ^vhich case they are listed alpha- betically by dealers. The New Hampshire seed la^v requires that both agri- cidtural and ves-etable seeds must be labeled with the calendar month and year Avhen last tested for germination, and requires that this germination test shall have been completed within nine months of being offered for sale. In the following tables, if the date of test was within the prescribed nine months, the sample is marked satisfactory, "S" in this respect; if no date was given, the ^vord "None" appears indicating a violation; if the date was a violation of the la^v because the test was not made within nine months, the date given on the tag or label appears in that cohmin. The first part of the report deals Avith 173 samples of agricultmal seed tested for purity, germination and noxious ^veed content. There is a toler- ance or allowable variation from the guarantee for both ptnity and germina- tion, in accordance ^vith the Rules for Seed Testing adopted by the Association of Official Seed Analysts. If a sample when tested for purity falls within the allo^vable variation, it is marked "S" (satisfactory); if below the alloAvable variation, and therefore a violation, the actual figme found for purity is gi\'en. The same is true for germination in the case of agri- cultmal seeds. The second part of the report applies to 402 samples of vegetable seeds Avhich were tested for germination only. The New Hampshire seed law requires that unless each packet or other container is plainly marked "Be- loA\' Standard" together with the percentage of germination, vegetable seeds must test up to the prescribed standard for that kind of seed, and that there is no tolerance from the adopted standards. In the cohmin headed "Foinid" if the same was up to standard, an "S" (satisfactory) appears. The exception to this is in the case of a given sample being marked with a guar- antee, which is not required if vegetable seed is up to standard; then, if the seed is fotuid to be below the regular tolerance from that guaranteed ftgtire, the figure found upon test follo^ved by "f" is listed as "mislabeled" even though it might in some cases be up to standard. The NeAv Hampshire seed law and the rules and regulations there- tnider, including the germination standards for vegetable seed, follow: STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE CHAPTER 224, REVISED LAWS (As inserted by Chapter 54 Laws of 1943) AN ACT To Regulate the Labeling, Sale and Offering or Exposing for Sale, of Agricultural and Vegetable Seeds. Agricultural and Vegetable Seeds 1. Definitions. Terms used in this chapter shall be construed as follows: I. The term "agricultural seeds' shall include the seeds of grass, for- age, cereal and fiber crops and any other kinds of seeds commonly recog- nized within this state as agricidttnal or field seeds, and mixttnes of such seeds. IL The term "vegetable seeds" shall include the seeds of those crops ^vhich are gro^vn in gardens or on truck farms and are generally kno^vn and sold under the name of vegetable seeds in this state. III. The term "weed seeds" shall incltide the seeds of all plants gen- erally recognized as ^veeds within this state, and shall include noxious ^veed seeds. IV. Noxious ^veed seeds shall be divided into two classes, "primary noxious weed seeds" and "secondary noxious weed seeds" as herein defined; provided, that the commissioner of agriculture may add to or subtract from the list of seeds included under either definition whenever he finds that such additions or subtractions are within the respective definitions. V. "Primary noxious weed seeds" shall incltide the seeds of perennial Av^eeds such as those that reproduce and spread by undergroiuid roots or stems as Avell as by seed and ^vhich, \vhen established, are highly destructive and difficult to control in this state by ordinary good cultural practice. Primary noxious weed seeds in this state are the seeds of: Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), field bind^veed (Convolvultis ar\ensis), and quackgrass (Agropyron repens). VI. "Secondary noxious weed seeds" shall include the seeds of such weeds as are very objectionable in field, laAvns, or gardens of this state, but can be controlled by good cultural practices. The secondary noxious weed seeds in this state are the seeds of: dodder (Ctiscuta spp.) and crab grass (Digitaria sanguinalis). VII. The term "labeling" includes all labels, and other ^vritten, printed, or graphic representations, in any form whatsoever, accompanying and pertaining to any seed Avhether in bulk or in containers, and includes invoices. VIII. The term "advertisement" means all representations, other than those on the label, disseminated in any manner or by any means, re- lating to seed within the scope of this chapter. 2. Label Requirement. Each separate container of agricultural or vegetable seed, including seeds in small packets, which is sold, offered for sale, or exposed for sale, within this state for sowing purposes shall bear thereon or have attached thereto in a conspicuous place a plainly written or printed label or tag in the English language, giving the information as set forth in sections 3 and 4. 3. Agi'icultural Seeds. For agricultural seeds the following is re- quired: I. Commonly accepted name of kind, or kind and variety, of each agricidtural seed component in excess of five per cent of the whole and the percentage by ^veight of each. Where more than one component is required to be named, the word "mixture" or "mixed" shall be associated with the name on the label. II. Lot nimiber or other lot identification. III. Origin, if known, of alfalfa, red clover and field corn (except hybrid corn). If the origin is luiknown, that fact shall be stated. IV. Percentage by weight of all weed seeds, including those known as noxious weeds. V. If present, the names of the kinds of secondary noxious-weed seeds and the rate of occurrence of each: (A) Per oiuice in Agrostis spp., Poa spp., Rhodes grass, Bermuda grass, timothy, orchard grass, fescues, alsike and white clover, reed canary grass, Dallis grass, ryegrass, foxtail millet, crimson clover, Brassica spp., flax, Agropyron spp., and other agricultural seeds of similar size and weight, or mixture within this group, and (B) Per pound in proso, Sudan grass, wheat, oats, rye, barley, btick- wheat, sorghiuns, vetches, and other agricidtural seeds of a size and weight similar to or greater than those ^vithin this group, or any mixtmes -within this group. All determinations of noxious-weed seeds shall be subject to tolerances and methods of determination prescribed in the rules and regu- lations under this chapter. VI. Percentage by weight of agricultural seeds other than those re- tjuired to be named on the label. VII. Percentage by weight of inert matter. VIII. For each named agricultural seed, percentage of germination, exclusive of hard seed, percentage of hard seed, if present, and the calendar month and year the test was completed to determine such percentages. IX. Name and address of the person who labeled said seed, or Tvho sells, offers, or exposes said seed for sale within this state. 4. Vegetable Seeds. For vegetable seeds, the following is required: I. Name of kind and \'ariety of seeds, and the calendar month and year when last tested for germination. II. For seeds Avhich germinate less than the standard last established by the commissioner of agriculture hereunder, and in type not smaller than ten point size: percentage of germination exclusive of hard seed; percentage of hard seed, if present; and the words, "below standard." III. Name and address of the person who labeled said seed, or who sells, offers or exposes said seed for sale within this state. 5. Illegal Sales. It shall be tmlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or expose for sale any agricultural or vegetable seed within this state: I. Unless the test to determine the percentage of germination re- quired by sections 3 and 4 shall have been completed within a nine-month period, exclusive of the calendar month in which the test was completed, immediately prior to sale, exposure for sale, or offering for sale or trans- portation. II. Not labeled in accordance with the provisions hereof, or having a false or misleading labeling. III. Pertaining to which there has been a false or misleading ad- vertisement. IV. Any agricultural seeds containing any primary noxious weed seeds except as may be allo^ved under tolerances prescribed in the rules and regulations hereunder. 6. Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful for any person within this state: I. To detach, alter, deface, or destroy any label provided for herein or the rules and regulations made and promulgated hereunder, or to alter or substitute seed, in a manner that may defeat the purposes hereof. II. To disseminate any false or misleading advertisement concerning agricultural or vegetable seed in any manner or by any means. III. To hinder or obstruct in any way any authorized person in the performance of his duties hereunder. IV. To fail to comply with a "stop sale" order. 7. Exemptions. The provisions of sections 2 to 6, inclusive, do not apply to seed or grain not intended for sowing purposes, nor to seed in storage in, or consigned to, a seed cleaning or processing establishment for cleaning or processing, provided, that any labeling or other representation which may be made with respect to the unclean seed shall be stibject to the provisions hereof. 8. Exceptions. No person shall be subject to the penalties hereof for having sold, offered or exposed for sale in this state any agriculttnal or vegetable seeds, ^vhich were incorrectly labeled or represented as to kind, variety, or origin ^vhich seeds cannot be identified by examination thereof. unless he has failed to take all proper precautions to insure the identity to be that stated in accordance ^\ ith rules and regulations hereunder. 9. Duties and Authority of Commissioner of Agriculture. The com- missioner of agriculture, who may act through his atithorized agents, shall have the power: I. To sample, inspect, make analyses of, and test, agricultural and vegetable seeds transported, sold, offered or exposed for sale within this state for sowing purposes, at such time and place and to such extent as he may deem necessary to determine whether said agricultural or vegetable seeds are in compliance ^vith the provisions hereof, and to notify promptly the person ^vho transported, sold, offered or exposed the seed for sale, of any violation. II. To prescribe, and after public hearing to adopt, rules and regu- lations governing the methods of sampling, inspecting, analysis, tests, and examination of agricultural and vegetable seed, and the tolerances to be followed in the administration hereof, which shall be in general accord with officially prescribed practice in interstate commerce, and such other rules and regulations as may be necessary to secure the efficient enforce- ment hereof. III. To enter upon any public or private premises during regular business hours in order to have access to seeds subject to this chapter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. I\^ To issue written or printed "stop sale" orders which shall prohibit further sale of any lot of agricultural or vegetable seed which the commis- sioner has reason to believe is in \ iolation of any of the provisions hereof until the law has been complied with or said violation otherwise legally disposed of: Provided, that no "stop sale" order shall be issued or attached to any lot of seed without first giving tlie owner or custodian of such seed an opportunity to comply ^vith the la^v or to ^vithdra^v the seed from sale. V. To establish and maintain or make provision for seed testing facilities, to employ qualified persons, and to incur such expenses as may be necessary to comply ^vith these provisions. VI. To make or provide for making purity and germination tests of seeds for farmers and dealers on request; to prescribe rules and regulations governing such testing; and to fix and collect charges for the tests made. All fees collected hereunder shall be paid over by the commissioner to the state treasurer who shall keep the same in a special fund to be used only for the purposes of this chapter. VII. To co-operate with the United States Department of Agriculture in seed law enforcement. 10. Seizure. Upon the recommendation of the commissioner of agri- culture or his duly authorized agents, the court of competent jurisdiction in the area in which the seed is located shall cause the seizure and subse- (luent denaturing, processing, or destruction to prevent the use for sowing purposes of any lot of agricultural or vegetable seed found to be unfit for 8 sowing purposes: Provided, that in no instances shall the denaturing, processing, or destruction be ordered ^vithout first having given the claimant of said seed an opportunity to apply to said court for the release of said seed. 11. Penalties. W^hoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder shall be fined not exceed- ing one hmidred dollars for the first ofTense and not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars for each subseqtient offense. Fines collected hereunder shall be paid, by the court collecting the same, to the commissioner of agri- culture and by him forwarded to the state treasurer for the use of the state. 12. Publication. The commissioner of agriculture shall publish, or cause to be published, the results of test and analyses of samples of agri- cultural and \egetable seeds, as herein provided, together ^vith the names and addresses of the persons from Avhom the samples of seed were obtained. He may publish such other information as he may deem advisable concern- ing the value, character and use of certain seeds. 13. Takes Effect. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Ap- proved March 10, 1943. RULES AND REGULATIONS Sampling. (a) In order to secure a representative sample, equal portions shall be taken from evenly distributed parts of the quantity of seed to be sampled. Access shall be had to all parts of that quantity. (b) For free-flowing seed in bags or bulk, a probe or trier shall be tised. For small free-flowing seed in bags, a probe or trier long enough to sample all portions of the bag should be used. (c) Non-free-flowing seed, stich as certain grass seed, uncleaned seed, or screenings, difficult to sample with a probe or trier, shall be sampled by thrusting the hand into the bulk and withdrawing representative portions. (d) The portions shall be combined into a composite sample or samples. (e) As the seed is sampled, each portion shall be examined, and when- ever there appears to be a lack of iniiformity, additional samples shall be taken to sho^v such lack of uniformity as may exist. Bulk seeds shall be sampled by inserting a long probe or thrusting the hand into the bulk as circumstances require in several uniformly distributed parts of the quantity being sampled. Bags. (1) In quantities of five bags or less, each bag shall be sampled. (2) In quantities of more than five bags, at least every fifth bag but not less than five bags shall be sampled. Samples shall be drawn from un- opened bags except under circumstances where the identity of the seed has been preserved. In sampling packet seeds, entire unopened packets shall be taken. Size of sample. The following are minimum weiglits of samples of seed to be submitted for analysis, test, or examination: (1) Tavo ounces of grass seed not otherwise mentioned, white or alsike clover, or seeds not larger than these. (2) Five ounces of red or crimson clover, alfalfa, ryegrass, brome- grasses, millet, flax, rape, or seeds of similar size. (3) Two pounds of cereals, vetches, or seeds of similar or larger size. (4) Two quarts of screenings. Analysis. The New Hampshire seed laboratory Avill be guided in making purity and germination tests by the rules and regulations prescribed under the Federal Seed Act. Tolerance. Owing to the natural variation between tests, the following tolerances shall be allowed between the percentages found by analysis, test or examina- tion and the percentages stated on the tag accompanying the seed: 10 For purity: Allowing "a" to represent the component being considered and "b" the difference between that percentage and 100, according to the following formula: ( a X b ) Pure seed tolerance=0.6+ ( 0.2 X ) ( 100 ) a sample of timothy guaranteed 99.2% could test as knv as 98.25% and be "satisfactory." For germination: The following tolerances are applicable: Mean: Tolerance 96 or over 5 90 or over but less than 96 6 80 or over but less than 90 7 70 or over btit less than 80 8 60 or over but less than 70 9 Less than 60 10 Therefore, a sample of seed guaranteed 85% for germination may be as low as 77% and be "satisfactory." For Aveed seeds: The law requires in the labeling of agricultural seed (1) that the percentage of all weed seeds present shall be shown on the tag, (2) that no primary noxious ^veed seeds shall be present in the sample, and (3) that, if present, the names of the kinds of secondary noxious -^veed seed and the rate of occtnrence of each shall be stated: (A) Per otnice in Agrostis spp., Poa spp., Rhodes grass, Bermuda grass, timothy, orchard grass, fescues, alsike and white clover, reed canary grass, Dallis grass, ryegrass, foxtail millet, crimson clover, Brassica spp., flax, Agropyron spp., and other agri- cultural seeds of similar size and weight, or mixtures within this group, and (B) Per pound in proso, Sudan grass, wheat, oats, rye, barley, buck- wheat, sorghums, vetches, and other agricultural seeds of a size and weight similar to or greater than those within this group, or any inixtures ^vithin this group. Certain tolerances are allowed, however, to provide for variation and unavoidable errors, but only within very narro^v limits and for ^vhich there is always a standard formula for computation. Examples: (1) Timothy guar- anteed only 2 per cent weed seeds will not be condemned if it has a 2.59 per cent. (2) No primary noxious weed seeds are allowed, but the presence of two such seeds in 50 grams of timothy wotdd not be considered a viola- tion. (3) Similarly, some slight variation from the minimimi requirement for labeling secondary noxious weed seeds will be passed as satisfactory. Free Testing The Seed Testing Laboratory ^vill allow two free tests, in a given year, to any resident company or person of New Hampshire, but such seeds must be received in the laboratory during the months of October, Novem- ber, December and January. This ninnber of samples, not including mix- tmes, may be analyzed either for ptnity or for germination, or one sample for both purity and germination, free of charge. A given seed company \vill 11 be entitled to two private tests Avithoiit charge, but not two from each branch store. For numbers in excess of two, a cliarge w^ill be made for labor and consumable supplies only, the amount depending on the type of sample according to the follo\ving schedule: Germination tests of all vegetable seeds, 30 cents; Germination tests of all agricultural crop seeds and grasses, 50 cents; Germination tests of mixtures, 50 cents for each kind of seed present; Purity analyses of cereals, timothy and larger crop seeds and legumes, $1.00; Pmity analyses of small grasses, $2.00; unhulled redtop, $2.50; Ptnity analyses of mixtures, including those for lawn and pasture seed- ing, a charge sufficient to cover the actual cost of working the sample submitted for test, minimum charge of $2.50. Such pri\ate samples of seed to be tested should be drawn in such a ^vay as to be representative of the bulk lot from Avhich they are taken, and should be addressed to the State Seed Testing Laboratory, Dtirham, New Hampshire. Such private tests cannot be declared as state official tests unless dra^vn by a representative of the department of agriculture, as provided in Chapter 224 of the Public La^vs. Fees must be paid before reports will be sent out. The minimum -^veights of samples to be submitted for analyses are: 1. Two ounces of grass seed, white or alsike clover, or seeds not larger than these. 2. Five oinices of red or crimson clover, alfalfa, rye grasses, millet, rape, or seeds of similar size. 3. One poiuid of cereal, \'etches or seeds of similar or larger size. The minimum nimiber of seeds of any one kind to be submitted for a germination test is 400. Germination Standards for Vegetable Seed. Following are the germination standards established by the commis- sioner of agriculttne pertaining to Section four of the act entitled Veg- etable Seeds. 60 Artichoke Asparagus, including hard seeds Beans, garden (varieties other than Rival, Topcrop and Logan) Beans, garden (varieties Ri- val, Topcrop and Logan) Beans, horse or broad 75 Beans, lima 70 Beans, runner 75 Beets 65 Broccoli 75 70 /D 70 Brussels sprouts 70 Cabbage 75 Chinese cabbage 75 Carrot 55 Cauliflower 75 Celery and celeriac 55 Chicory 65 Citron 65 Collards 80 Corn 75 Cress, garden 60 Cress, water 40 Cucumber 80 12 Dandelion 45 Eggplant 60 Endive 70 Fetticus (cornsalad) 70 Kale 75 Kohlrabi 75 Leek 60 Lettuce 80 Muskmelon 75 Mustard 75 Okra 50 Onion 70 Parsley 60 Parsnip 60 Peas 80 Pepper 55 Labeling. The followino- labels are sugsfested ments of the New Hampshire seed law. Example for unmixed agricultural seed: Pumpkin 75 Radish 75 Rhubarb 60 Rutabaga 75 Salsify 75 Sorrel 60 Soybean 75 Spinach (except New Zealand) 60 Spinach (New Zealand) 40 Squash 75 Swiss Chard 65 Tomato 75 Tomato, husk 50 Turnip 80 Watermelon " 70 as meeting the minimimi require- c V O aj o Alsike Clover Pure seed 98.65 Lot No. 243 Crop seed .86 Germination 80% Weeds .38 Inert matter .11 Hard seeds 7 Origin Idaho Date of test Jan. (current year) I dodder per oz. Example for inixed agrictiltural seed: c c o o c o Grass seed, mixed Lot No. 0236 Purity: Germination \ Perennial rye grass 32.23% 92.5% Jan. (current year)* Chewings fescue 18.08 85.0% Jan. (current year)* Kentucky bluegrass 14.75 80.0% Jan. (current year)* Canada bluegrass 15.37 58.5% Jan. (current year)* Creeping bent 14.20 84.0% Jan. (current year)* Crop seed .61 Weed seed 2.07 Inert matter 2.69 5 Crabgrass per oz. 13 Example for vegetable seed: (Up to standard) New York Lettuce John Smith, Dale, 111. Date of germmation test: Feb. 7 (cur. yr.)* (For vegetable seed Ne^v York Lettuce which germinates Jol^"^ Smith, Dale, 111. less than standard) Date of germination test: Feb. 7 (cur. yr.)* Germination 75% BELOW STANDARD The law states that "each separate container of agricultural or vegetable seed, including seeds in small packets, shall be labeled"; but if a dealer has bulk lots of seeds exposed for sale and these bulk lots are properly labeled, he shall not be required to copy the information from the label on to each individual bag in which he delivers small lots of this bulk seed over the counter to customers. * "Current year in this sample labeling means the month and year of the last germination test which must be stated and be within nine (9) months of the date the seeds are offered or exposed for sale. See par. 5 Section 1 of the law itself." 14 C5 •2 O < E.2 0) *- 1^ 1^ S 0.-0 -SSS &,!« s -d V n Q [-1 V "E d c 2; 5 c« <» Sri S « ° c 3 c > X 'bc 3 P 5 0 Id 2 "3 -i Q V 1) SI j3 c J3 s o 0 U u OJ C J3 3 2 1 E "3 S U 0 i-> V (U _c J^-^ O c« o ■" in (-•TfOC/J COI^Ol >nc/3inc/3 1— ( c<^ OC«Oc« O c/3 o C/3 O op to o o o •n e u O a. O Pi e X 2 1-1 1- ^^ ^ CM H =" 8 CO O 2: o ►J CJ= Z 01.= < .. u k. a u 5 o Sg hn w 1> ™T3 X! ^ _0 "> 0 ~T3 •^ JD U ra lU c ,£•5 s 'E-o u 3 e 11 P- 5 o in o in o (/3 g oi ■n-^ CO r~ CO CO to Oi/3inc/30(Z)inc/3 CTl CO CTl X^ O C/3 01 c/D SO c/3 inc/3 -^to in o in o in— I in^ c/5_.(/5 Tj-CM o Ol/! cO(/l into c/5 — c/5 inc/3 toc/5 cm c~i oi CO OO— 'C/^ — c/3 OCOCTl CM to to ^^ d coc^^o CO CO CT) in r^ ^ C0 ( ) 0'^ ^ ,cn S2.S i^cA)r3 u.S « c ^ s = O o O U 6 U ur >. ^ •3.2 rt t.' 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T3 CO CO o 0* 11 o t/3 o cfl lo 1/3 in c/3 o c/3 inoc/3 CJ> CO CO i-^ t^ •oco OC/)OC/5o'/3o^OC/3 ^- c^l r^ lO Th ii-)C;c/3 Jb.Jfc.Jt,Jb.Jfc.JtaJtu,Jfo en CT> ^H 'f IM in ■-D ■* ^ CO CM CO CO en CO CO CO « o = o o u Z^ c c 3fc bf fa 1/ 4; 5 c m !« (S ■5 3 60 5 s 5 J 1 0 -!-> rri w IW n « S T3 s. <« "a ^ S B en (A 0) OJ M J3 0 ^ 4_, C K! "•5 C/3 3 :; o fa bo.: c a c . 0-0 o c « o ^fa fa ;j5 * hJ 27 New Hampshire Experiment Station VEGETABLE SEED INSPECTION, 1955 Name and Address of Wholesaler Name and Address of Dealer or Place Collected Kind of Seed Sample No. Date Tested* Found Germination Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard ALLEN, STERLING & LOTHROP, Portland, G. B. Currier & Co., West Stewartstown Beans, Dwarf Horticultural Beans, Burpee's Stringless Green Pod Dwarf Horticultural Pencil Pod Black Wax Kentucky Wonder Pole Detroit Dark Red Carrot, Danvers Half Long Corn, Marcross, C 13-6 Cucumber, Highmoor Pumpkin, Small Sugar Rutabaga, American Purple Top Squash. Buttercup Swiss Chard, Lucullus Me. Beans, Beans, Beans, Beets, I. G. Young Co., North Stratford Cucumber, Long Green Squash, Acorn Squash, Blue Hubbard ASSOCIATED SEED GROWERS, INC., Cambridge, N. Y. W. R. Barnett, I.G.A., Colebrook Lettuce, Prizehead Muskmelon, Hale's Best Onion, White Portugal or Silverskin Swiss Chard, Fordhook Giant Center Store, Inc., Contoocook Cabbage, Savoy Perfection Drumhead Carrot, Chanticleer Cauliflower, Early Snowball Lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson Pepper, Early Calwonder Radish, French Breakfast Tomato, Earliana Turnip, Purple Top White Globe Dodge Grain Co., Salem Depot Carrot, Chanticleer Carrot, Long Orange Improved Cucumber, National Assoc. Pickling Cucumber, Model Pickling Endive, Full Heart Batavian Radish, Rice's Improved Scarlet Globe Farmers Feed & Supply Co., Colebrook Beans, Kentucky Wonder Pole ASSOCIATED SEED GROWERS, INC., Milford, Conn. Moulton, Goodwin & Hall, Portsmouth Peas, Laxtonian Peas, Laxton's Progress Peas, World's Record ASSOCIATED SEED GROWERS, INC., New Haven, Conn. Farmers Feed & Supply Co., Berlin Beans, Burpee's Strmgless Green Pod Peas, Gradus, Lot 1344 Peas, Laxtonian, Lot 26004 Farmers Feed & Supply Co., Colebrook Carrot, Danvers Half Long, 63423 Rutabaga, Am. Purple Top, 60526 Spinach, Bloomsdalc Long Standing, 1713 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516 5522 5518 5511 5523 5519 5521 5520 5517 5569 5567 5568 5510 5509 5402 5508 5196 5195 5193 5197 5192 5194 5191 5198 5347 5348 5344 5345 5343 5346 5574 5162 5163 5164 5547 5548 5549 ,5577 5575 5576 S S S S S S S S S S S s s s s s s s s s s s (Note) s s s s s s s s 68 s s s s s 52.5 S s s s 79t S s 80 80 75 65 80 55 75 85 65 80 75 80 55 55 80 80 70 80 80 90 90 87 90 85 85 90 90 80 75 75 75 75 75 65 55 75 80 75 75 75 65 80 75 75 80 75 70 65 75 55 75 80 55 75 75 80 55 55 80 80 70 75 75 80 80 80 75 80 80 55 75 60 *As stated on label. "S" in this column indicates that date of test was in comphance with law. Figures or "None" indicate violation. **Sometimcs stated on label but is not required if vegetable seed is up to standard. Note: "S" in this column indicates that the sample was satisfactory, — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figures alone indicate that the sample was below standard. t after the liguie indicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. 28 Name and Address of Wholesaler Xame and Address of Dealer or Place Ck)llected Kind of Seed Sample No. Date Tested* Found Germination Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard ASSOCIATED SEED GROWERS, INC., New Haven, Conn, (continued) Farmers Feed & Supply Co., Lancaster Carrot, Imperator, 67048 Farmers Feed & Supply Co., Lebanon Beans, Burpee's Slringless Green Pod Beans. Imp. Golden Wa.x, 80781 Beans, Pencil Pod Black Wax. 16194 Beet. Detroit Dark Red. 17037 Carrot, Danvers Half Long, 63423 Corn, Golden Cross Bantam, 34480 Corn, Golden Sunshine, 13544 Peas. Blue Bantam, 27045 Peas, Dwarf Telephone, 17026 Peas, World's Record, 13445 D (Note) 5551 78 55 BRECKS, Boston, Mass. Moulton, Goodwin & Hall, Portsmouth Cucumber, Straight Eight. 5872 Dandelion, Italian Ciccoria Catalogna Turnip, Purple Top White Globe, 7335 W. ATLEE BURPEE, Philadelphia, Pa. Spencer Hardware Co., Keene Cabbage. Burpee's Copenhagen Market Carrot, Chantenay Endive. Broad-leaved Batavian Lettuce, Grand Rapids Onion. Southport Yellow Globe Tomato. Burpee Hybrid Laconia State School, Laconia Swiss Chard, Burpee's Fordhook Giant CROSMAN SEED CORP., East Rochester, N. Y. Montgomery Ward Co., Claremont Beans, Brittle Wa.x Beet. Detroit Perfected '. Carrot, Nantes Corn, Golden Bantam Cucumber. Ohio Mosaic Resistant Muskmelon, Iroquois Onion, Danvers Yellow Globe Peas, Thomas Laxton Radish, Cherry Belle Tomato, Marglobe EASTERN STATES FARMERS' EXCH., Inc., West Springfield, Mass. Eastern States Farmers' Exch., Inc., Claremont Bruisels Sprouts, Catskill. ■V983 214 Rutabaga, .Albergur. V722 996 Salsify. Mammoth Sandwich Island. 'V180 813 Spinach, Long Standing Bloomsdale. V878 884 Eastern States Farmers' Exch., Inc., Dover Celery, Emerson Pascal, V726 384 Celery, Tall Fordhook. V367 383 Lettuce, Oak Leaf, ■V79 547 Lettuce. Black Seeded Simpson. V144 544 Lettuce, White Boston. V145 523 Lettuce. Imperial, ■V945-2 515 Lettuce, Great Lakes, V66 517 Eastern States Farmers' Exch., Inc., Manchester Beans, Cherokee, V835 49 . Corn, Gold Mine, V141 439 Corn. Butter & Sugar, V297A 427 Cucumber, Ohio MR 17 Pickling, V952 404 Cucumber, Straight 8, ■V162 412 Cucumber, Marketer, VieS.i^ 414 Lettuce, Imperial, V44 519 Lettuce, White Boston. 'V145 523 Peas. Freezonian, ■V119-2, 682 ,. Pepper, Early Calwonder, V223 738 Radish, Early Scarlet Globe, V205 823 . , , . Radish, Cavalier, 'V127 825 Radish. Whit- Icicle, V80 84€ Tomato. Pennheart, V749 1 914 5302 S s 90 75 5303 S s 85 75 5308 S s 85 75 5306 S s 90 65 5307 s s 90 55 5304 s s 90 75 5305 s s 90 75 5299 s s 85 80 5300 s s 85 80 5301 s s 85 80 5152 s s 80 80 5151 s s 65 65 5155 s s 80 80 5190 s s 80 75 5186 s s 65 55 5184 s s 80 70 5188 s s 80 80 5183 s s 75 70 5187 s s 80 75 5131 5327 5334 5326 5328 5329 5333 5330 5325 5331 5332 5625 5627 5628 5626 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392 5430 5449 5450 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5451 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 None S S S S S S s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 74t s s s s 85 85 75 85 90 85 80 85 90 85 75 85 80 65 90 85 90 90 85 90 90 90 90 90 90 85 85 90 85 90 90 95 90 90 95 65 75 65 55 75 80 75 70 80 75 75 70 75 75 60 55 55 80 80 80 80 80 75 75 75 80 80 80 80 80 80 55 75 75 75 75 *As stated on label. "S" in this column indicates that date of test was in compliance with law. Figures or "None" indicate violation. **Sometirnes stated on label but is not required if vegetable seed is up to standard. Note: "S" in this column indicates that the sample was satisfactory. — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figures alone indicate that the sample was below standard. t after the figure indicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. 29 Name and Address of Wholesaler Name and Address of Dealer or Place Collected Kind of Seed Sample No. Date Tested* Found Germination Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard EASTERN STATES FARMERS EXCH., INC., West Springfield, Mass. (continued) Eastern States Farmers' Exch., Inc., Woodsville Beans, Long Podded Horticultural, V37 A 64 Beans, Wade, V813 31 Beans, Kentucky Wonder, V117 A 76 Beans, Pencil Pod Wax, V124-1 45 Cabbage, Golden Acre, V985 232 Eggplant, N. H. Hybrid, V204 A 462 Kohlrabi, White Vienna, V166 493 Lima beans. Fordhook 242, Vin2-1-105 Rutabaga, Bristol White, V616-1 994 Squash, Green Delicious, V13 794 Tomato, Cavalier, V89-1 915 Laconia State School, Laconia Beans, Tekoa, V2541 Beet, Perfected Detroit, V95 146 Cabbage, Oak View Baldhead Cabbage, Golden Acre, V15I 232 Corn. Golden Cross Bantam, V301 lA 448 Parsnip, Model, V237 643 Peas, Progress No. 9. Wrinkled, V217 689 Squash. Blue Hubbard, V924 797 N. H. State Prison Farm, Concord Pepper, Early Giant. V283 732 Squash, Early Prolific Straightneck, V335 782 Tomato, Eastern States F-1, V58 A 936 FERRY-MORSE SEED CO., Detroit, Mich. Ayers & Jenkins Co., Rochester Carrot, Danvers Half Long Endive, Full Heart Batavian Lettuce, Grand Rapids Lettuce, Oak Leaf Radish, Early Scarlet Turnip Wh. Tipped Radish, Icicle (Note) Curtis Hardware Co., Berlin Beet, Detroit Dark Red Cabbage, Copenhagen Market Carrot, Danvers Half Long Chinese Cabbage, Michihli Cucumber, Straight Eight Endive, Large Green Curled . Lettuce, Oak Leaf Onion, Southport Red Globe . . Parsley, Hamburg Thick Rooted . . . Radish, Early Scarlet Globe . . Rutabaga. American Purple Top . . . Tomato, Bonny Best Elm City Grain Co., Keene Beans, Golden Wax Bush Topnotch Beans, Stringless Green Pod Beans, Tendergreen. Green Pod Beans, Kentucky Wonder Corn, Hybrid Foremost Y-l Corn, Golden Bantam Peas, Little Marvel J. J. Newberry Co., Portsmouth Beet, Detroit Dark Red Carrot, Red Cored Chantenay Carrot, Danvers Half Long Cucumber, Early White Spine Onion, Sweet Spanish Parsnip, Hollow Crown Radish, Early Scarlet Globe Spinach, Giant Thick Leaved 5440 S 64 75 75 5441 S s 75 75 5442 S s 85 75 5443 s s 85 75 5444 s s 90 75 54+6 S s 80 60 5447 s s 95 75 5439 s 55 75 70 5448 s s 90 75 5470 s s 90 75 5445 s s 90 75 5128 s s 85 75 5130 s s 85 65 5609 s s 90 75 5129 s s 90 75 5125 s s 80 75 5127 s s 90 60 5126 s s 80 80 5124 s s 90 75 5133 s s 85 55 5134 s s 90 75 5132 s s 80 75 5670 s s 80 55 5667 s s 80 70 5668 s s 85 80 5669 s s 80 80 5665 s s 85 75 5666 s s 90 75 5555 s s 80 65 5552 s s 85 75 5562 s s 80 55 5556 s s 90 75 5561 s s 80 80 5560 s s 80 70 5559 s s 80 80 5557 s s 70 70 5558 s s 65 60 5554 s s 85 75 5553 s s 85 75 5563 s s 75 75 5176 s s 75 75 5177 s s 75 75 5182 s s 75 75 5178 s s 80 75 5179 s s 80 75 5180 s s 75 75 5181 s s 80 80 5169 s s 75 65 5167 s s 80 55 5168 s s 85 55 5170 s s 85 80 5171 s s 85 70 5172 s s 80 60 5173 s s 90 75 5174 s s 75 60 *As stated on label. "S" in this column indicates that date of test was in compliance with law. Figures or "None" indicate violation. **Sometimcs slated on label but is not required if vegetable seed is up to standard. Note: ''S" in this column indicates that the sample was satisfactory, — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figures alone indicate that the sample was below standard. t after the figure mdicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. 30 Name and Address of Wholesaler Name and Address of Dealer or Place Collected Kind of Seed Sample No. Date Tested* Found Germination Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard CHAS. C. HART SEED CO.. Wethersfield, Conn. Depot Stores, Littleton Beans, Pencil Pod Black Wa.\ Beans, Long Pod Dwarf Horticultural Corn, Hybrid Spancross, 8 x 13 Early Golden Bantam Early Golden Sunshine Thomas Laxton Tali Telephone Corn, Corn, Peas, Peas, Rand, Ball & King Co., Claremont Beans, Boston Favorite Beans, Pencil Pod Black Wax Beans, Yellow Eye Beans, Dwarf Green Pod Carrot, Danvers Half Long Corn, Early Golden Bantam Corn, Spancross Corn. Stowell's Evergreen Parsnip. Hollow Crown Spinach. Savoy Peas, Thomas La.xton Peas, Nott's Excelsior Peas, Blue Bantam Peas, Tall Telephone Swiss Chard, Lucullus Sunshine Feed Store, Manchester Beans, Dwarf Shell Cucumber, Straight Eight BUDD D. HAWKINS CO., Reading, Vt. Follansbee Feed Store, Lebanon Beans. Stringless Green Pod Beet, Early Wonder Beet, Early Blood Turnip Carrot, Nantes Coreless Carrot. Danvers Half Long . Corn, Golden Bantam Cucumber, Straight Eight Lettuce, Early Curled Simpson Lettuce, Iceberg Parsley, Moss Curled Peas, Tall Telephone Tomato, Marglobe BILLY HEPLER SEED CO., Durham, N. H. Industrial School, Manchester Beet. Detroit Dark Red Cabbage, Danish Ballhead Carrot, Chantenay Corn, Golden Cross Cucumber, Straight Eight Spinach, .America Squash. Golden Delicious Swiss Chard, Fordhook Giant F. B. Spaulding Co., Lancaster Muskmelon. Granite State . . . Tomato, N. H. Victor Watermelon, N. H. Midget . . MERRIMACK FARMERS' EXCH., INC., Concord Merrimack Farmers' Exch., Inc., Bradford Cabbage. Long Island Savoy Cabbage. Red Acre Celery. Summer Pascal Corn. Golden Bantam, 3CI-3-C Corn, Golden Cross Bantam, 39-3-C . 5424 S 5425 S 5426 S 5428 S 5429 S 5423 S 5427 S 5646 S 5647 S 5648 s 5649 s 5642 None 5650 S 5651 S 5652 S 5643 s 5645 s 5654 s 5655 s 56,56 s 5657 s 5644 s 5415 s 5413 s 5374 s 5371 s 5373 s 5370 s 5372 s 5375 s 5366 s 5367 s 5368 s 5369 s 5376 s 5365 s 5137 s 5138 s 5139 s 5142 s 5135 s 5140 s 5141 s 5136 s 5525 s 5524 s 5526 s 5189 s 5218 s 5175 s 5219 s 5220 s (Note) S S s s s s s s 29 S S S S S s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 75 75 85 85 85 85 70 85 85 75 65 65 55 55 75 80 80 80 60 80 75 80 75 80 75 75 75 75 75 80 80 75 75 75 75 55 75 75 75 60 60 80 80 80 80 65 75 80 75 65 65 55 55 75 80 80 80 60 80 75 65 75 55 75 80 60 75 65 75 75 70 75 75 55 75 75 *As stated on label. "S" in this column indicates that date of test was in compliance with law. Figures or "None" indicate violation. **Sometimes stated on label but is not required if vegetable seed is up to standard. Note: "S" in this column indicates that the sample was satisfactory, — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figures alone indicate that the sample was below standard, t after the figure indicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. 31 Name and Address of Wholesaler Name and Address of Dealer or Place Collected Kind of Seed Sample No. Date Tested* Found Germination Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard MERRIMACK FARMERS' EXCH., INC., Concord (continued) Merrimack Farmers' Exch., Inc., Ciaremont Beans, Contender, 06-3-A Beans, Cherokee Wax, 05-3-C Beans, Tenderlong, 19-3-C Beets, Detroit Dark Red, 38-3-D Broccoli. Earlv Calabrese, 01)-3-D Cabbage, Danish Ballhead, l(l4-3-C Carrots, Nantes Golden Beauty, 113-3-C Corn, Victory Gulden. 42-3-D Corn, Northland, 34-L-D Corn, Golden Crown, 35-2-C Cucumber. Marketer, 121-3-D Lettuce, Great Lakes, 133-3-C Radishes, Cherry Belle, 149-3-C Merrimack Farmers" Exch., Inc., Concord Lima Beans. Fordhook Bush 242. Lot 083 D . . . Merrimack Farmers' Exch., Inc., Epping Beans, Goddard Bush Shell, 11 JC Beans, Pencil Pod Black Wax, 013C Merrimack Farmers' Exch., Inc., Manchester Corn, High Quality Seneca ■■6U'\ 36-2-D Corn, Golden Cross Bantam, 39-3-D Corn, Top Cross Maine Bantam, 45-3-C Corn, Merrimack Hybrid, 44-L-D Peas, Gradus, 533A Peas, Merrimack Improved Telephone, 543C . . . . Peas, Freezonian, 563-C Peas, Dwarf Telephone, ,553-C Peas, Litde Marvel, 523-D Peas, World's Record. 46-FC Peas, Sutton's Excelsior, 513-C Peas, Laxtonian, 503-C Peas, Laxton's Progress, 483-C Peas, Woodruff's Topper, 473-C Merrimack Farmers' Exch., Inc., Milford Lettuce, A-3(3, 137-3-C Lettuce, Oak Leaf, 136-3-C Lettuce, Imperial 44, 135-3-C Lettuce, Penn Lake, L34-3-C Lettuce, Great Lakes, 133-3-C ,. Scjuash, Early Yellow Crookncck, 166-3-D Scjuash, Green Delicious, 164-3-C , Squash, Early Prolific Straightneck, 165-3-C . . . . Squash, Table Queen. 168-3-C Merrimack Farmers' Exch., Inc., Peterboro Beets, Detroit Dark Red, 53-3-D Beets, Winter Keeper, 6H-3-D Beets, Crosby Egyptian, 57-3-C Beets, Early Wonder, 59-3-C Cauliflower, Early Snowball, 1 14-3-C ; . . Cucumber, National Pickling, 122-3-C Cucumber, Marketer. 121-3-D .... Rutabaga Turnip, Am. Imp. Yellow, 175-3-C . . . Merrimack Famers' Exch., Inc., Woodsville Brussels Sprouts, Long Island Improved Chinese Cabbage, Michihli Cabbage, Red Acre Cucumber, Marketer, 121-3-D Kale, Blue Scotch Kohl Rabi, Early White Vienna Parsley, Moss Curled Squash, Golden Delicious Watermelon, Merrimack Sweetheart, 177-0-0 ... Watermelon, Imp. White Mountain, 178-U-C . . . (Note) 5362 S s 75 5364 S s 75 5351 S s 75 5352 S s 65 5353 S s 75 53.54 S S 75 5355 S s 55 5356 S s 75 5357 S s 75 5358 S s 75 5359 S s 80 5360 S s 80 5361 S s 75 5233 70 5296 S s 75 5297 S s 75 52(H S s 75 5205 S s 75 5206 S s 75 5207 S s 75 5208 S s 80 5209 S s 80 5210 S s 80 5211 S s 80 5212 S s 80 5213 S s 80 5214 S s 80 5215 S s 80 5216 S s 80 5217 S s 80 5270 S s 80 5271 S s 80 5272 S s 80 5273 S s 80 5274 S s 80 5275 S s 75 5276 s s 75 5277 s s 75 5278 s s 75 5251 s s 65 5250 s s 65 5252 s s 65 5257 s s 65 5253 s s 75 5255 s s 80 5256 s s 80 5254 s s 75 5498 s s 70 5493 s s 75 5496 s s 75 5491 s s 80 5495 s s 75 5497 s s 75 5494 s s 60 5492 s s 75 5489 s s 70 5490 s s 70 *As stated on label. "S" in this column indicates that date of test was in compliance with law. Figures or "None" indicate violation. **Soinetinus stated on label but is not required if vegetable seed is up to standard. Note: "S" in this column indicates that the sample was satisfactory, — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figiues alone indicate that the sample was below standard. t after the figure indicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. 32 Name and Address of Wholesaler Name and Address of Dealer or Place Collected Kind of Seed Sample No. Date Tested* Found Germination Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard 5305 MERRIMACK FARMERS' EXCH., INC., Concord (continued) N. H. State Flospital, Concord Beet, Spinach or Perpetual (Burpee) Cabbage, Danish Ballhead Carrots, Chantenay, 108-3-D Corn, Sweet Marcross, 373-D Cucumber, Marketer Parsnip, Hollow Crown, 145-E-D . Squash, Blue Hubbard, 159-3-D Squash, Green Delicious, 164-3-D . . J. MOREAU DEFT. STORE. Manchester* J. J. Moreau Dept. Store, Manchester Beans. French Horticultural Beans, Burpee's Stringless Green Pod Beans, Kentucky Wonder Beets, Detroit Dark Red Beans. Pencil Pod Black Wax Carrot. Danvers Half Long Corn, Golden Sunshine Corn, Marcross Hybrid Corn, Golden Bantam Cucumber, Imp. Long Green Peas, Dwarf Telephone Peas, Improved Telephone Peas, Thomas Laxton Radish, Early Scarlet Globe 5145 5143 5144 5146 5148 5147 5149 5150 51^85 5286 5287 5288 5292 5291 5282 5283 5284 5290 5293 5294 5295 5289 S S S S S S S S (Note) 55 S S S S s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 73 85 90 87 90 90 75 88 85 85 90 90 90 90 90 65 75 55 75 80 60 75 75 75 75 75 65 75 55 75 75 75 80 80 80 80 75 MOULTON, GOODWIN & HALL, Portsmouth*** Moulton, Goodwin & Hall, Portsmouth Beet, Crosby's Egyptian Cabbage, Golden Acre Endive, Green Curled Parsnip, Hollow Crown NORTHRUP. KING & CO.. Minneapolis. Minn. Moulton, Goodwin & Hall, Portsmouth Lettuce, Big Boston, 232 Onion, Early Yellow Globe, 349 Radish, Early Scarlet Globe, 463 PAGE SEED CO., Greene, N. Y. E. W. Bailey & Co., Colebrook Beet, Crosby Egyptian Beet, Early Blood Carrot, Imperator Carrot, Danvers Half Long Cucumber, Early White Spine Parsnip. Hollow Crown Peas, Imp'd Dark Pod Telephone, C2 9954 Peas Thomas Laxton Radish. Early Scarlet White Tip Tomato, Earliana 5161 5159 5i58 5157 5156 5153 5154 5597 5598 5595 5599 5600 5596 5592 5593 5601 5594 S S S S S S s s s s s s s s 671 S S S S S S 651 S S S S S s 87 83 78 90 80 70 75 80 75 75 80 85 70 85 88 90 75 65 75 70 60 80 70 75 65 65 55 55 80 60 80 80 75 75 Presto Grain Co., Inc., Claremont Beans, Improved Golden Wa.\ . Corn, Gold Rush . . . Peas, Dark Podded Telephone . . . Peas, World's Record Peas, Laxtonian 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 80 85 80 85 85 75 75 80 80 80 Wirthmore Feed Co., Charlestown Beets. Crosby's Egyptian Carrot. Danvers Half Long ... Cucumber, Early White Spine . . . Lettuce, Premier Great Lakes Parsley, Moss Curled Parsnip, Hollow Crown Turnip, Purple Top White Globe 5342 5339 5338 5340 5337 5336 5341 80 80 85 85 75 70 85 65 55 80 80 60 60 80 *As stated on label. ''S" in this column indicates that date of test was in compliance with law. Figures or "None" indicate violation. **Sometimes stated on label but is not reciuired if vegetable seed is up to standard. Note: "S" in this column indicates that the sample was satisfactory, — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figures alone indicate that the sample was below standard. t after the figure indicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. ***Retail store labeling its own seed. 33 iVame and Address of Wholesaler Name and Address of Dealer or Place Collected Kind of Seed Sample No. Date Tested* Found Germination Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard J. B. RICE, JR.. INC., Shushan, N. Y. Bridge Feed & Grain Co., Walpole Beet, Early Blood Turnip Beet, Detroit Dark Red Cabbage, Danish Ballhead Carrot, Danvers Half Long Onion, Danvers Yellow Globe Rutabaga, American Purple Top Turnip, Purple Top White Globe Emerson 5 and 10, Groveton Carrot, Danvers Half Long Carrot, Red Cored Chantenay Lettuce, Early Ciuled Simpson Pepper, California Wonder Radish, Early Scarlet Turnip SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago, 111. Sears, Roebuck & Co., Keene Beet, Early Wonder Carrot, Imperator Corn, Spancross, C13.3 Corn, Marcross, C13.6 Corn, Topcross Maine Bantam Corn Calumet Kale, Dwarf Green Curled Scotch Kohlrabi, White Vienna Lettuce, Early Curled Simpson Lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson Muskmelon, Honey Rock, 4168 Muskmelon, Honey Rock, 4168 Parsnip, Hc;llow Crown Radish, White Icicle Spinach, Bloomsdale Squash, Green Hubbard Swiss Chard, Fordhook Giant F. B. SPAULDING & CO., Lancaster*** F. B. Spaulding & Co., Lancaster Beans, Dwarf Horticultural Beans, Pencil Pod Black Wax Corn, Early Golden Bantam Corn, Golden Midget Corn, Early Golden Sunshine Peas, Thomas Laxton Peas, Peter Pan Peas, Tall Telephone Peas, Freezonian Peas, Laxton's Progress WOODRUFFS TRIPLE "T" SEEDS, INC., Wethersfield. Conn. Checkerboard Feed Store, Manchester Carrot, Danvers Half Long Carrot, Chantenay Red Cored Endive, Green Ciuled Parsnip, Hollow Crown Radish, Cherry Belle Radish, Early White Tipped Scarlet Northern Hardware, Littleton Carrot, Danvers H.ilf Long Cucumber, Boston Pickling F. H. WOODRUFF & SONS, INC., Milford, Conn. Beacon Grain Store, Dover Corn, Golden Bantam Corn, Golden Sunshine Corn, Marcross Peas, Thomas Laxton (Note) 5323 S s 77 65 5324 S s 80 65 5320 S s 80 75 5318 S s 80 55 5319 S 71t 80 70 5321 S s 90 75 5322 S s 90 80 5582 s s 80 55 5583 s 70t 85 55 5580 s s 90 80 5581 s s 80 55 5584 s s 85 75 5476 s 56.5 70 65 5482 s s 55 55 5471 s s 85 75 5472 s s 85 75 5473 s s 85 75 5474 s s 85 75 5487 s s 75 75 5484 s s 80 75 5479 s s 85 80 5481 s s 85 80 5480 s s 80 75 5486 s s 80 75 5485 s s 65 60 5483 s s 80 75 5478 s s 65 60 5477 s s 80 75 5475 s s 65 65 5529 s s 85 75 5533 s s 85 75 5528 s s 85 75 5530 s s 85 75 5536 s s 85 75 5527 s s 85 80 5531 s s 85 80 5532 s s 85 80 5534 s s 85 80 5535 s s 85 80 5227 5228 5232 5231 5222 5230 S S None S S None 5503 ,5501 S S 5604 5605 5606 5603 S S S s 55 55 55 55 70 70 60 60 75 75 75 75 55 55 80 80 87 75 88 75 90 75 85 80 1 law. Figures or *As slated on lab?l. "S" in Ihi;; column indicates that date of test was in compliance with la "None" indicate violation. **Sometimcs stated on label but is not required if vegetable seed is up to standard. Note: ''S" in this column indicates that the sample was satisfactory, — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figures alone indicate that the sample was below standard. t after the figure indicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. ***Retail store labeling its own seed. 34 Name and Address of Wholesaler Name and Addn-ss of Dealer or Place Collected Kind of Seed Germination Sample No. Date Tested* Found Guaran- teed** N. H. Standard H. WOODRUFF & SONS, INC.. Milford, Conn. (continued) Merrimack Farmers' Exch., Inc., Concord Beans. 1 enderlong, 0640 C Beans. Burpee's Stringless Green Pod, 0612C . . . Beans, Pencil Pod Black Wax Beans. Dwarf Horticultural, 15222 Beans, Brittle VVa.x. 06305 Beans. Cherokee Wax, 06202 C Beans. Bountiful. 06151 C Beans. Kentucky Wonder. 1-6190 C Beans. French Horticultural. 46702 Beet, Detroit Dark Red. 1-61 Cabbage. Special Long Island Savoy. 9-416 Cabbage, Chinese Michihli, 9-279 Carrot. Nantes Half Long, 1-629 Corn, Carnielcross. 45876 Parsnip. Hollow Crown. 9-538 Peas. Dwarf Telephone, 1-641 Peas, Laxtonian. 45105 Peas, Laxton's Progress. 0-68 Peas. Little Marvel Peas, Improved Telephone, 45110 Peas, Thomas Laxton. 45075 Peas. World's Record. 42747 Peas, Freezonian. 1530 Tomato, Certified Bonny Best, 7-618-2C D. WOODRUFF & SONS, INC., Orange, Conn. Checkerboard Feed Store, Manchester Cabbage, Drumhead Savoy Cabbage, Copenhagen Market Cat rot. Tendersweet Onion. Danvers Yellow Globe Parslcv. Long Rooted Hambiug 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5115 5116 5118 5119 5120 5121 5114 5122 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5123 5225 5226 5224 5223 5229 S S S S s S S s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s (Note) s s s s s s s s s 70t s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 58 S 90 90 87 90 90 87 90 90 90 86 90 90 84 90 80 90 86 86 90 80 86 90 90 90 75 75 55 70 60 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 65 75 75 55 75 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 75 75 75 55 70 60 Northern Hardware, Littleton Beet. Crosby's Egyptian Cabbage, Flat Dutch Cabbage. Mammoth Red Rock Cucumber. Marketer Lettuce, Iceberg Muskmelon, Bender's Siuprise Parsley, Moss Curled 5500 5504 5507 5499 5502 5505 5506 S S S S S s s s s s s s s s 65 75 75 80 80 75 60 65 75 75 80 80 75 60 *.A.s stated on label. "•S" in this column indicates that date of test was in compliance with law. Figures or ".None" indicate \iolation. **Soraetimes stated on label but ii not required if \egetable seed is up to standard. Note: "S" in this coluinn indicates that the sample was satisfactory. — up to standard and within the allowable variation from the guarantee. Figures alone indicate that the sample was below standard. t after the figure indicates that the sample was up to standard but below guarantee. 35