STUDIES W " "I FRENCH FORESTRY THEODORE S.WOOLSEY.JR. WW ill ®1|E §. % ^tll library WI6 '-^-^Sm i S00554757 X Date Due i Nuvi'3;> ]an4'33 Nov:^'^ ^\n6oo htB 1 B iov29^33 F ^B 1 a \s 9\ .^lOd34 29l^ov3^ fLL^ ^£/3J2o ^i ;^U)Ma^ :.v M d^lu^ / a-n-'^'i '^Nn^^ ^^; ciUt^-'U^ : M 1.-.: ^. ^^^■■■^^ MMMiV -.^ge^MpMr KtAff ; JO iy/5 "3 i. d a ~ .S2 a >> 9. (D - b£.0 .5 O SI •T3 tj aj i-i s ^ s ° •S =" "i^ o c fl .2 T P^ l3 >^ STUDIES IN FRENCH FORESTRY THEODORE S^WOOLSEY, Jr. Consulting Forester, Author of French Forests and Forestry (Tunisia, Algeria Corsica), and Executive Member Interallied War Timber Committee, Paris, 1917-1919 WITH TWO CHAPTERS BY WILLIAM B. GREELEY Forester, U. S. Forest Service, and formerly Chief, Forestry Section, C. and F., S. 0. S., American Expeditionary Forces NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited 1920 .W6 Copyright, 1920, BY THEODORE S. WOOLSEY, Jr. ATLANTIC PRINTING COMPANY CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. LIBRARY N, C. State College TO R. P. W. 1324-^ PREFACE The material for this book was collected largely in 1912. Adminis- trative work in the United States Forest Service, teaching at Yale Forest School, and service in the Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., during the war prevented an earlier completion of my task. The success of the American Expeditionary Forces in securing its timber supply, under conditions existing in France in 1917-18, was due chiefly to the extraordinary capacity of the commanding officers at Tours and the American lumbermen and foresters who assisted them through- out France. These efforts might have failed, however, if the American E. F. had not been so ably seconded by I'Administration Generale des Eaux et Forets under the direction of M. Dabat, Conseiller d'fitat, Directeur, and by M. Antoni, now an Inspecteur General des Eaux et Forets and Sous-Directeur, as well as by the French officers and officials working under or in collaboration with General de Division Chevalier, D. S. M., Inspecteur General du Service des Bois, notably: Lieut.-Col. Joubaire, Armand, Conservateur des Eaux et Forets a Saumur, President de la Commission Forestiere d' Expertises. M. Emery, Auguste, Conservateur des Eaux et Forets, Ministere de r Agriculture, Paris. Lieut.-Col. de Lapasse, Louis, Conservateur des Eaux et Forets a Bordeaux, Gironde. Lieut.-Col. Buffault, Pierre, Conservateur des Eaux et Forets, a Aurillac, Cantal. Lieut.-Col. Deroye, Nancy, Meurthe et Moselle, Chef du Service For- estier d'Armee. Lieut.-Col. Mathey, Alphonse, Conservateur des Eaux et Forets a Dijon, Cote d'Or. Lieut.-Col. Schlumberger, Pierre, Conservateur des Eaux et Forets a Colmar, Alsace. Commandant Badre, Louis, D. S. M., Lispecteur des Eaux et Forets, Liaison Officier Americain, G. H. Q. Commandant Jagerschmidt, Jean, Inspecteur des Eaux et Forets, Membre de la Commission Forestiere d' Expertises. Colonel Steiner, Directeur des Etapes, Service Forestier, a Vesoul et Valleroy. Capitaine Sinturel, Emile, Inspecteur Adjoint des Eaux et Forets, Chef du Secteur Forestier de Gray, Haute-Saone. VI PREFACE Capitaine Fresson, Maurice, Officier de Liaison aupres du Delegue Americain au Comite Interallie des Bois de Guerre. Capitaine Vantroys, Henri, Inspecteur Adjoint des Eaux et Forets, Membre de la Commission Forestiere d'Expertises. Capitaine Oudin, Auguste, Inspecteur Adjoint des Eaux et Forets, Membre de la Commission Forestiere d'Expertises. Capitaine Roux, Edgar, Inspecteur Adjoint des Eaux et Forets, Ad- joint a M. le General Chevalier. Capitaine Rive, Andre, Garde General des Eaux et Forets, Membre de la Commission Forestiere d'Expertises. Capitaine Hurteau, Henri, Garde General des Eaux et Forets, Membre de la Commission Forestiere d'Expertises. Capitaine Coulon, Jean Pierre, Membre du Bureau de la Centre des Bois de Bordeaux. Lieutenant Girault, Pierre, Garde General des Eaux et Forets, Membre de la Commission Forestiere d'Expertises. Lieutenant Sebastien, Maurice, French Delegue, C. I. B. G. Lieutenant Detre, Leon, Adjoint au Bureau du Delegue Americain au Comite Interallie des Bois de Guerre. Capitaine Fresson and Lieutenant Detre lal)ored assiduously in my own office on the Executive Committee of the Interallied War Timber Committee. Lieut.-Col. Parde and Commandant Hickel gave much per- sonal help, and Commandant Hirsch, Director of the Bureau des Vege- teaux Combustibles under the Ministre de I'Armement, assisted in the purchase of manufactured cordwood. The local French officers in charge of forests and conservations at all American operations everywhere in France gave the utmost help. During this allied campaign cooperation was the key to final victory. To General Lord Lovat, K. T., K. C. V. O , K. C. M. G., C. B., D. S. O., Director of Forestry of the British Expeditionary Forces; Colonel John Sutherland, C. B. E., Assistant Director of Forestry and British Repre- sentative on the C. I. B. G.; Major Viscount de Vesci, who served on the C. I. B. G. after the armistice; General MacDougall, C. B., Chief of the Canadian Forestry Corps; General White, C. M. G., in charge of C. F. C. operations in France; Lieut.-Col. Lyle, the Canadian member of the C. I. B. G.; and to Commandant Parlongue, Belgian delegate to the C. I. B. G., thanks are due for hearty cooperation and assistance in a campaign for timber supplies which overshadowed for the time being the management and preservation of French forests. To those who worked in the World War this spirit of cooperation has left the pleasantest of memories. Many whose names are not given here gave freely to help the American E. F. As a matter of fact these very efforts, which helped to gain the victory for the allied cause, were detrimental to the forests of PREFACE VU FVance. Many forests were clear cut with no satisfactory provision for regeneration, and in others the growing stock of sawlog material was so reduced that ^'normal" production cannot be secured for a century or more. Yet, it must be recognized that this destructive use of the French forests helped to save France and her armies. It is for this reason that it seems fitting to make this acknowledgment to those who cooperated in direct- ing and facilitating the American manufacture of French timber and the acquisition of the raw supplies. THEODORE S. WOOLSEY, Jr. January 1, 1920. CONTENTS Page Preface v Introduction xiii CHAPTER I Impressions of French forestry 1 Economic needs and national traits 1 Significant public phases of French forestry 2 Forest and land conservation 6 Private forestry in France 12 Forest problems of France and the United States 15 CHAPTER II The role of forests 17 The value of forests 17 Forest influences 19 CHAPTER III Forest regions and important species 25 Physical and climatic features — industry 25 Forest regions 29 Important forest species 40 CHAPTER IV Forest statistical data 45 Private forest owners 45 CHAPTER V Natural regeneration 65 French policy 65 French silvicultural methods 70 High forest systems 71 Coppice systems ., 92 Care of the stand after regeneration 105 CHAPTER VI Artificial reforestation 114 French policy 114 Seed 117 Nurseries 122 Planting 125 Field sowing 132 X CONTENTS { CHAPTER VII Control of erosion in the mountains 140 French policy and summary of reforestation 140 The damage 147 Corrective measures 153 Typical reforestation areas 168 CHAPTER VIII Forestry in the Landes 169 The dunes 169 History of reclaiming the Landes 173 Fixing the sand 177 Management of maritime pine forests 186 CHAPTER IX Government regulation and working plans 206 Mensuration in working plans 206 Regulation of cutting 215 Working plans 243 CHAPTER X Features of French national forest administration 261 Brief summary of legislation 261 Administrative organization and education 268 Protection 275 Betterments 290 Sale of timber 293 CHAPTER XI Private forestry in France 315 General discussion 315 Examples of the best private forestry 323 CHAPTER XII The American Forest Engineers in France 336 Timber in modern warfare 336 The organization of Forest Engineers 338 The Forestry section of the Expeditionary Force 340 Sawmills and logging equipment 343 The production of fuel wood 347 What the Forest Engineers accomplished 348 Cooperation with the forest agencies of France 351 Forest troops loaned to French and British armies 357 What the American woodsmen learned in France 358 The war a vindication of French forestry 358 APPENDIXES A to L 360-536 ILLUSTRATIONS A valley in Alsace-Lorraine Frontispiece Fig. Page 1 Rainfall and summer temperatures 26 2 The richest silver fir (with spruce) stands in France are found in the State forest of La Joux (Jura) 32 3 Larch and cembric pine in the Canton of Melezet, communal forest of Villaro- din-Bourget 33 4 (o) The communal forest of Manigod (Haute-Savoie) 39 4 (6) The communal forest of Gets 39 5 Distribution of six important forest trees 42 6 (a to /) State forest of Hez-Froidmont 58-59 7 (a) Natural regeneration of spruce 85 7 (6) Spruce stand in the Melezet Canton, communal forest of Villarodin- Bourget 85 8 Pure larch in the communal forest of Tignes 90 9 (a) Pole stand of spruce in the communal forest of Beaufort 109 9 (6) Spruce and fir in the Canton du Mont, communal forest of Thones-Ville . . 109 10 (a) Costly system of dams to prevent erosion in the bed of a French torrent . . 154 10 (6) An expensive masonry dam, Gave de Pau (Hautes-Pyrenees) 154 10 (c) Log and dry stone dams to prevent erosion at Var-Moyen (Alpes-Mari- times) 155 10 (d) Wattle work on small side gullies and masonry dam in main ravine in Ubaye area (Basses- Alpes) 155 11 (a) Retaining walls on a hillside that had been slipping down 159 11 (6) Walls to prevent avalanches with an inspection trail in the foreground. . . 159 11 (c) Walls to prevent avalanches 159 12 Paved drains at Bastan (Hautes-Pyrenees) 161 13 (a) Wattle work in a ravine in the Verdon-Superieur (Basses- Alpes) area. ... 163 13 (6) Bed of small ravine stabilized by wattle work 163 14 (a) The Rata ravine at Ubaye (Basses- Alpes) after the reclamation work was finished 166 14 (b) A mountain village in the Pyrenees menaced by erosion 166 14 (c) Preventing further erosion by larch plantations in Ubaye area (Basses- Alpes) 166 15 Protection dune at Lacanau-O'cean in State forest of Lacanau (Gironde) .... 171 16 Barrel price of turpentine at Bordeaux 185 17 (a) Maritime pine 57 years old during improvement felling 194 17 (b) Small tree being tapped to death prior to utilization for mine props 194 18 French turpentine tools 197 19 (a and b) Examples of stand graphics 216-217 20 (a and b) Growing stock compared with present stock and with the normal stand 257 21 A graded trail, which serves as a compartment boundary, and which can be used by tourists 291 INTRODUCTION No student can fail to see that forestry may attain its optimum de- velopment under the favorable climatic, regenerative, and vegetative conditions that exist in France. Dr. Martin, of Tharandt, remarked, after a tour of French forests, that "Natural regeneration is more suc- cessful and far more general than in Germany because of the mild cli- mate, sufficient rainfall, and prolific seeding." Natural regeneration of sessile oak in the valley of the Adour is not only certain but easily ob- tained; and what could be simpler than the clear cutting of maritime pine, followed by complete seeding? Even the high forests of peduncu- late oak in mixture with beech are naturally regenerated because the soil and seed may be made ready for regeneration by the application of forest science.^ The silver-fir stands in the Vosges, Jura, Savoie, Haute-Savoie, and the Pyrenees regenerate naturally. Even spruce can be reproduced with but little artificial aid. But when Martin predicted, in 1906, that artificial forestation was on the increase in France, he missed the mark. With the shortage and high cost of labor to-day, France is further away from artificial regeneration than ever before, except to repair the ravages of war and counteract the results of past improvident and excessive exploitation. The value and necessity of maintaining a conservative forest policy is to-day recognized in France as never before. It is generally admitted that the area (18.7 per cent) already in forest is insufficient. France had to import heavily before the war and her timber needs cannot be met from local sources even with the return of Alsace-Lorraine. What countries will furnish this timber deficit is difficult to predict. The cost of importing timber from the United States has been accentuated by the increase in steamship and railway freight rates, and by the unfavorable rate of exchange, since to-day it takes 10 to 11 French francs to equal one dollar. Even with the timber France can buy from countries with de- preciated currency and with the timber she should receive from Germany as reparation, every acre of waste land should be forested. France can- not afford to neglect maintaining and increasing her natural forest re- sources, not only for their direct returns, but also for their indirect value 1 Soil preparation is usually obligatory, and it is often difficult to maintain the proper proportion of oak in the north or west of France because good oak-seed years occur only every 10 to 12 years. xiii XIV INTRODUCTION as protection against unfavorable climatic conditions, erosion, drought, frost, and hail, as well as providing a playground for the millions that will flock to France during the reconstruction period. French statesmen have seen France saved by her forests, and the agitation in the press against overcutting during the last phases of the war was merely a re- action from the excesses made necessary by war demands. When the history of the defense of France is written the part played by French forests should be recognized. These forests gave fuel and lumber during the crisis of ocean transportation, when every available ship was required for men, munitions, food, and other necessities which could not be wholly supplied from local sources. Then, too, the large forested areas in the line of actual fighting proved a point of defense which apparently could not have been spared. It is impossible to determine what would have occurred without the forests of Compiegne and Villers-Cotterets. Had France wasted her forest resources in the past (like Spain and Italy) the war might have been a draw or a defeat, instead of a victory. In the past French forests have suffered from abuse. Much of the damage in the Alps, Pyrenees, Central Plateau, Landes, and Gironde occurred during or before the Middle Ages, and a part of the damage at least resulted either directly or indirectly from war. The two great achievements of French forestry are the repair of this damage and the reforestation of eroded soils in the mountains as well as the reclamation of the sand dunes along the Gulf of Gascogne and Pas-de-Calais. The leaders responsible for these two achievements, Demontzey and Bremon- tier, will long live in the history of France. Who will successfully re- forest and rehabilitate the land damaged by the war of 1914? There are more than a million acres to be restored to productivity, as well as innumerable forests whose growing stocks must be enriched by economy at a time when the economic demands for wood products will be at least double the normal consumption. There are certain features of French forest administration and manage- ment that deserve emphasis: the State, Communal, and Institutional forests are almost invariably managed on longer rotations than are private forests of the same species and situation. It is evident from what is taught at Nancy, that, in a narrow sense, the rotations in State forests are clearly not financial : (1) In protection forests the trees should, in theory, be left standing until they decline in vigor; the product will then have but small value. (2) In a great country like France commerce requires wood of large size. To obtain this it must be cut at an advanced age. This leads to retaining a considerable unnecessary capital, and de- creases the interest returns to a figure that is too small for the private owner. These two considerations justify the State ownership of a certain number of forests, which alone can logically accept this situation INTRODUCTION XV (low returns) for the general welfare. In times of emergencies, such as have just passed, the wisdom of maintaining State forests as storehouses of heavy timber cannot be questioned. On the other hand an unneces- sarily long rotation means an excess growing stock, or forest capital, which must earn so much greater income to be profitable; besides there is apt to be more damage from fungi, insects, and windfall. Yet, because of the favorable climatic and soil conditions already emphasized, little silvicultural damage has resulted. The tendency in State management, where cHmate and species permit, is toward the high-forest systems and away from coppice and coppice-under-standards. These conversions also necessitate cutting less than the growth for many years, as well as increasing the rotation. There is always a safety valve, however, because, as Professor Jolyet puts it, "Prudence demands frequent inven- tories — repeated every ten years for example — establishing the oscilla- tion of standing timber volumes." This frequent stock-taking is a safe- guard against retaining overmature timber, because the working-plans officer is sure to demand its removal. But on the whole the average French State forester is perhaps overconservative. This has been inbred into him, for the French code itself prescribes that 25 per cent of the yield in communal forests shall be set aside for emergencies. This rule was due to the overcutting of two centuries ago. During the past few years some State forests have been cut to the extent of ten to eighteen annual yields and perhaps this will prove to French foresters that the growing stock in such forests as Risol and Levier (Jura) have been ex- cessive and can be reduced without danger. Private forests, chiefly coppice and coppice-under-standards, on the contrary, are heavily cut — perhaps overcut — on short rotations, which is liable to gradually im- poverish the soil. The high prices prevailing since 1916 have tempted many private owners to dispose of their forests entirely or at least to make inroads on the growing stock. This was but natural when prices doul)led in 1917 and trebled in 1918. Undoubtedly the private forests in France yield a higher rate of interest on the investment than do State forests, but the product is inferior and not so essential to French in- dustry. Private owners are practically unfettered in the treatment, management, and exploitation of their forest lands, provided the clearing of timber is not intended. According to the Forest Code : " Opposition to the clearing can only be formulated for the timber whose preserva- tion is recognized as being necessary — " 1. For the maintenance of soil on mountains or slopes. " 2. As a protection against soil erosion and silting up of creeks, rivers, and torrents. "3. For the preservation of springs and water courses. " 4. For the protection of dunes and coasts against erosion by the sea and encroach- ment by sand. "5. As a protection of territory in that part of the frontier zone which shall be de- termined by regulation of the civil authorities. " 6. For the sake of public health." XVI INTRODUCTION Exactly the same law ^ applies to Algeria and Corsica and it is rigidly enforced where large areas are to be deforested and where the public interest is at stake. It does not apply to — 1. Timber sown and planted and less than 20 years old. 2. Parks or fenced gardens. 3. Isolated stands less than 10 hectares (24.7 acres) in extent and if not on mountains or slopes. But the private owner is exempt from his land tax for "areas sown or planted on the summits or slopes of mountains and upon the dunes or waste lands." This law against the clearing of land is fully justified by the forest his- tory of France. A country with only about 18.7 per cent of forested area cannot afford to allow further deforestation, even if unintentional. For this reason excessive cutting or abusive treatment which would result in complete destruction comes under the prohibition of this law. Who would advocate further deforestation of mountain land after the disasters of erosion in the French Alps and Pyrenees; or the deforestation of sand dunes after the difficulties of reparation have been driven home? The observance of this law against cutting strategic forests along frontiers has been fully justified by the war of 1914, when France was protected against German drives. Ample provision ^ is made for the enforcement of the law, and for reparation in case the law is violated, but on the other hand its application is liberal when it comes to clear cutting, followed by natural or artificial regeneration, as is the practice in the maritime-pine stands in the Landes. The art of the French forester lies in his keen perception of the true objective and in his simple methods. In thinnings he attacks the stand in its top story, to allow the development of the trees that will form the future commercial stand. He deals with stands rather than with trees — the correct viewpoint. In the regulation of yield of selection forests he computes the cut with an admittedly inaccurate formula, but he gets his desired results — a reasonably equal annual cut — and he realizes that with oft-repeated inventories the inaccuracies of the formula will he cor- rected. His mensuration is a rough guess, many refinements (used even in the United States with its extensive conditions) being omitted as un- necessary to the objective. If he makes an error in estimating the volume of a sale this slack is taken up in the bidding, and there are stringent laws against illegal combinations in restraint of true competi- tion. Timber sales are kept small so as to give the small local millman a chance as well as to increase competition. No logging is done by the State, as in Germany, except experimentally in Alsace-Lorraine. 2 See Part VI of the Algerian Forest Code, pp. 184-188, French Forests and Forestry, Theodore S. Woolsey, Jr., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3 See Chapter X on " Legislation." INTRODUCTION XVll It is as a silviculturist that the French forester is at his best, and regu- lation statistics are rarely allowed to interfere with silviculture. One State forester was deliberately departing from his working plan because good silvics demanded a group-selection cutting instead of the shelter- wood. The success of the State Forest Administration is largely due to its splendid 'personnel; the Director is the only political appointee, and no doubt this position will soon be assumed by a technical forester with breadth of vision. Though woefully underpaid, even in these times, the morale of the service has not been broken and it is most unusual for a forester to retire to take a more lucrative position elsewhere. The authority is clearly decentralized and the Conservator (or "District Supervisor" as the position really is) has full authority to handle his district without undue interference. Given more money for a modern office estal^lishment he would be able to spend more time in the forest with his inspectors — a needed improvement. One of the perplexing problems which confronts the American student of French forests is to understand the units of measure in common use. For example, a stand of 200 cubic meters, or steres per hectare, conveys no concrete idea to the forester accustomed to speaking in terms of board feet or cords per acre. To avoid this difficulty the American units of measure have been adopted in this study and the following equivalents used in conversions: 1 pound (avoirdupois) = kilogram 1 pound (Troy) = 0.37324 kilogram 1 millimeter = 0.03937 inch 1 centimeter = 0.3937 inch 1 meter = 3.28083 feet 1 meter = 1.09.3611 yards 1 kilometer = 0.62137 mile 1 square millimeter = 0.00155 square inch 1 square centimeter = 0.1550 square inch 1 square meter = 10.764 square feet 1 square meter = 1.196 square yards 1 square kilometer = 0.3861 square mile 1 hectare = 2.471 acres 1 cubic millimeter = 0.000061 cubic inch 1 cubic centimeter = 0.061 cubic inch 1 cubic meter = 35.314 cubic feet 1 cubic meter = 1.3079 cubic yards 1 liter = 1.0.5668 quarts (liquid) 1 liter = 0.26417 gallon (liquid) 1 liter = 0.9081 quart (dry) 1 liter = 0.11331 peck 1 hectoliter = 2.83774 bushels 1 gram = 15.4324 grains xviii INTRODUCTION 1 gram = 0.03527 ounce (avoirdupois) 1 gram = 0.03215 ounce (Troy) 1 kilogram = 2.20462 pounds (avoirdupois) 1 kilogram = 2.67923 pounds (Troy) 1 franc = 19.3 cents (normal rate) 1 stere ^ = 0.277 cord (3.6 steres = 1 cord) 1 cubic meter (au reel) = 285 board feet (mfg.) 1 cubic meter (mfg.) = 420 board feet (mfg.) These are exact equivalents and can be changed back to the metric system without error, with the exception of the board feet equivalent which varies with the size of the timber, method of manufacture, and product. A cubic meter in large logs yields more board feet than from small logs; a mill ecjuipped with a band saw yields more per cubic meter than does a wasteful circular saw; and if logs are cut into large dimension stuff, or ties, the yield from a cubic meter is higher than if the product is inch boards. The only authoritative data on the ratio between cubic meters (au reel) on the stump and board feet are those secured by the U. S. Army during 1917-19. In the Landes where the American mills equipped with circular saws cut 148,585 cubic meters the product was 41,437,304 board feet, mill tally, or 278 board feet to one cubic meter. The ratio varied from a minimum of 227 board feet at Sabres to 287 at Candale. For general calculations it may be said that 3^ to 4| cubic meters of standing maritime pine is equal to a thousand board feet. In the Jura silver-fir stands 144,203 cubic meters yielded 43,639,876 board feet, or 303 board feet to the cubic meter. Here the timber was larger than in the Landes. At one sawmill (Morteau) a cubic meter averaged 383 board feet, at Mouthe only 311. In round figures it takes 2| to 3| cubic meters of silver fir to cut a thousand board feet. For general com- putations it would be safe to count 4 cubic meters of maritime pine or 3 cubic meters of silver fir to the thousand board feet. In the Dijon hard- wood belt it was found that 319 board feet were secured from the average cubic meter, or 3 to the thousand. As an average converting factor for all saw timber logs in France 3h cubic meters to the thousand is suggested, and for different sized timber, the following: Small timber 4^ to 1,000 board feet Medium timber 4 to 1,000 board feet Average timber 3^0 1,000 board feet Large timber 3 to 1,000 board feet Very large timber 2i to 1,000 board feet When dealing with stands, from 10 to 40 per cent must be deducted for fuel. * In his statistical work (Notes sur les Forets de I'Algerie) Marc took 3 steres of fuel to 2 cubic meters, 50 poles to 1.30 cubic meters, ties at their full volume less 30 per cent. He counted 1 cubic meter as 750 kilos and 12 steres to one ton of charcoal. INTRODUCTION xix Frequently it is of convenience to use rule-of-thumb methods for quick, rough calculations. With exchange at 5.18 francs to the dollar, and taking 420 board feet to the manufactured cubic meter, 285 board feet to the cubic meter of standing timber (unmanufactured) and 3.6 steres (stacked cubic meters) to the cord, we have: (a) To reduce francs per cubic meter of manufactured timber to dollars per thousand board feet, multiply by 0.46. (6) To reduce francs per cubic meter of standing timber to dollars per board foot, multiply by 0.64. (c) To reduce francs per stere to dollars per cord take 0.7. For example: 100 francs a cubic meter for boards is equal to $46 a thousand; 50 francs a cubic meter of standing timber is equal to a stump- age rate of $37 a thousand; and 10 francs per stere is $7 a cord. It is obvious that these approximate ratios would vary with the rate of ex- change, and in case (h) to the per cent deducted for cordwood. Any student who has toured the forests of France must be impressed with the occasional difference between the theoretical forestry that is described in the text-books and the practical forestry one sees in the different regions. The writer has accordingly tried to combine the practice with the theory. An excellent illustration of the difference be- tween text-book and field forestry is found in the aleppo pine forests in the Provence, already alluded to. In theory these light-demanding coniferous stands might be managed by the shelterwood system. In actual practice not more than 15 to 20 per c'ent of the volume is removed in gradual selection cuttings. Yet in any study it is necessary to rely on text-books. Accordingly, the writer addressed the Director of the Waters and Forests Service at Paris in regard to the foremost standard authori- ties. These are: (1) Silviculture — Le Traite de Sylviculture de MM. Boppe et Jolyet (Berger- Levrault, Editeur — 5 Rue des Beaux- Arts, Paris) . (2) Forest Economy — (all phases of forestry) L'Economie Forestiere de M. Huffel — 3 Tomes. (Laveur, Editeur — 13 Rue des St. Peres, Paris.) (3) Forestation — Guide de Planter et Semer — D. Cannon (Laveur, Editeur). (4) Reboisement — Restauration et Conservation des Terrains en Montague (Parties 1, 2, and 3, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1911). (5) Forest Law — Code de Legislation Forestiere, par Puton et Guyot (Laveur, fiditeur). (6) Organization — Aide-Memoire du Forestier (Imprimerie: Jacquin, Besangon (Doubs)). An authoritative synopsis of the original working plans of some notable forests is contained in the Appendix. The formal statistics given in Chapter IV is from "Statistique des Forets de France" (Volumes 1 and 2). Of necessity much of the material is borrowed from authoritative French sources, and no claim can be made for originality. This was impossible XX INTRODUCTION if a true picture of French forestry was to be drawn. One of the editorial problems was, then, to decide what should be quoted and what should be merely digested. Exact translations only are written with quotation marks. Information digested (but not in the exact words of the original source) is not quoted. To accurately depict the French viewpoint it was considered advisable in many cases to adhere quite literally to the form of expression used by the French author, and yet, because of the need for reducing the verbiage, a complete translation could not be given. Oc- casionally whole chapters of a French work have been condensed and given in tabular form, as for example Table 11. One of the first questions that confronts the student is which forests to visit. There are many communal and national forests in France under formal technical management and naturally the student of French forestry should visit those which will furnish the most instructive lessons typical of French forest management. Conservateur de Lapasse, now stationed at Bordeaux, furnished the following list of forests with relative data. These he thought were most worth a visit: INTRODUCTION XXI andards andards andards andards i G o "B. 111 Oj O G T T T ^f T3 T) ScTS a C 0) « tL> - QJ s-^r !§§§!§ g|g-2g| C-ri G O tH O .2I « S££2Sii2iSig o o f^^ r Stj 0 <« oj o) cD^.ii.::^ >>^cua>ag a^ Xf x! > r^ > > rt-G -aflflc-SDaaflag a M G -►^ G «-^ M WOOOWOOOU OW WHO ou w •S^'g C "S 2 '^ ^ o OT3 O) G §111 I II" I o o o g< bC fcJO W)^ bC^ 'bjb'bjb g bC bC bC ■X2 G-Q g: O O O OJ O Qi M (D Hi OJ c -G G ^ J2 ^ X2 a^-- a O C3 rt rt oj l^ lO CO CO Oi CO CI (N 10 CO tH CO (M CO (N lOiO bC ■" 'S. Sd QJ O o5''3 S S SvS's^ o hj K w a fe » .72 ^ Offi 0 aj JH : i : . o3 0 "£ •^ - £ :0 : "> ! ;- 0. £ S " cS c3 c3 OOO t^ 'rt t< fH O ^ o S S OJ ^ OJ '^ -, ^ ^ oT IS O X X X X Ms <^^ INTRODUCTION Xxiii The foregoing list of forests is not necessarily conclusive, since it is a matter of individual opinion which are the most typical and instructive. It is, therefore, of interest to give, in addition, another list furnished by Henry, for years Assistant Director of the National School of Forestry at Nancy. The fact that many of the forests mentioned in the preceding table are duplicated by Henry make it all the more authoritative, espe- cially since the list which follows was compiled in collaboration with his professional colleagues. According to Henry: ''In such a vast region as the Central Plateau, one cannot cite a single characteristic forest. It is necessary to examine quite a number." This list is classified by forest regions rather than by conservations or administrative divisions: VOSGES 1. Periegelaine Lorraine: Forest of Haye (Calcareous soil), Amance (clay). 2. LaVoge: Darney. 3. Basses-Vosges (Gres Vosgien) : Celles, Bois Sauvages, EUieux. 4. Hautes-Vosges (Granite): Gerardmer, Rudlin. JURA 1. First Plateau: Forest of Moidons. 2. Second Plateau: La Joux, Levier. 3. Third Plateau: Pontarlier, La Fuvelle. 4. Haute-Jura: La Risoux, Le Mont d'Or (almost wholly grazing). ALPS L North Alps. (a) Pre-Alpes (Calcaires) : Forest of Grande Chartreuse, La Bauges (b) Hautes-Alpes : La Maurienne, La Tarentaise (Briangon). 2. South Alps. (a) Pre-Alpes (Calcaires) : Le Luberon. (6) Hautes-Alpes: Vallee de Barcellonette, Foret des Alpes-Maritimes — Massif d' Alios. CENTRAL PLATEAU 1. North: Le Morvan. 2. South: La Montague Noire I'Aigonal. PYRENEES 1. East: Forest of Entrevals. 2. Central and West: Luchon, Iraty. PROVEN5ALE Forest of Maures et de I'Esterel. GIRONDINE 1. Oaks de I'Adour: Forest of Titieux. 2. Maritime Pine of the Landes and the Dunes : Forests near Mimizan and Arcachon. Provided we may judge from the lessons of French forest history the following conclusions are fully warranted, and, because they are gener- ally applicable to countries of the temperate zone, should be brought home to every citizen of the United States: xxiv INTRODUCTION (1) No great nation can prosper without controlling forest destruction and without practicing forestry. Decadent nations (outside the tropical zone about which we know little) have no considerable areas of valuable forests, either in public or private hands. Under modern civilization, decadence and widespread, permanent devastation of an existing forest resource are inter-related, especially in localities with somewhat deficient rainfall. With forest devastation the local population within potential forest areas decreases. (2) From the national economic viewpoint the indirect benefits of forests have a bearing on the nation's health, climate, and general prosperity. (3) The financial returns or direct benefits from ■permanent forest pro- duction are usually less than the average net profits secured from other forms of conservative business, and the risk of growing forests is con- siderable — the more extensive the conditions usually the greater is the risk. But in some cases private forests can be handled properly as a conservative investment provided the economic conditions are satisfac- tory and provided technical and financial assistance is given by the State. (4) If forest production and an equitable annual yield is to be sus- tained obHgatory regulation is essential, not only in private but also in pubhc forest management, but the success of mandatory forestry on private land is very doubtful if the owner maintains his forest solely for its return in money, unless the State cooperates. (5) Where private owners are not restrained by law and where the sole aim is immediate financial profit, their forests are usually destroyed, and during the process of disintegration often constitute a public menace. This rapid realization of growing stock or capital is because the forest is usually a poor permanent investment and because of the inherent human tendency toward rapid gain. (6) The far-reaching results of forest destruction are often slow in making themselves felt, but are cumulative in their adverse effect on the public interests. The correction of forest denudation is so slow and so exceedingly expensive that most if not all mountain forest areas should be controlled by the State. (7) With the harvest of virgin stands stumpage prices (and the cost of the wood products) increase until they attain the cost of producing timber under forest management. Even when all the timber of a nation is being grown as a crop, prices of material of the same quality tend to increase with the intensity of civilization. (8) In great land States (such as many of the United States) the business of forestry with its related industries will, next to agriculture, be the chief source of prosperity. The value of forest land generally de- creases after forest destruction and increases according to the amount of INTRODUCTION XXV net revenue earned by forest production, subject to the development of the use of land for other purposes. (9) As a new country with vast timber resources develops industrially the per capita consumption may show a decline as a result of the use of other materials for construction; there is, however, a certain limit beyond which consumption cannot fall without serious economic handicaps. The tendency of modern commercial progress is to create new uses for woods which overbalance substitution and other factors checking consumption. Similarly, with more intensive settlement, forests for recreational uses become more and more essential to national efficiency and health, (10) The milder the climate (in the temperate zone) the more rapid is forest production, and consequently the shorter is the time required to grow forest crops on soils of similar capacity. Therefore, large areas in the United States are admirably adapted to forest production. (11) No nation has learned and taken to heart the benefits of forestry without first experiencing economic shortage, disasters from floods, erosion, over-grazing, and other adverse results of forest devastation. The conclusion is inevitable that the public is the ideal long-term forest owner because it can take a part of its profits in indirect benefits; there- fore, a very much larger proportion of the forests of the United States should be owned and managed by the Federal, State, and local govern- ments. Where the private-forest owner uses his property so as to damage the interests of others he must be restrained by wise laws, properly ad- ministered and enforced, but the success of mandatory forestry on private lands held solely for direct profits is very doubtful, unless there is State cooperation. According to Marcel Prevost of the French Academy: " The trees of France must be protected. Precisely because the tree lasts so much longer than the human life, it should not belong absolutely to the man who is the nomi- nal owner. It should become a part of the communal inheritance. Society has a right to exercise a 'surveillance ' over the owners of trees. . . . God knows I do not favor any intrusion into private affairs by the State ! Nevertheless, if I were a legislator I would vote for a law which would forbid the whimsical felling of high forest trees, and which would require every Frenchman to set out at least two trees during his life or to pay for having them planted." What better exhortation could there be as an introduction to French forestry, since its inherent characteristic is "Sacrifice of present benefits for the future generation." As Boppe put it, "Silviculture is a science relating to the phenomena of the development of the average forest and the art of cutting it without hindering its physiological requirements." The French forester does not wish to disturb Nature's equilibrium. His work is in the forest rather than on paper. If I have correctly portrayed the spirit of the French forester I shall be satisfied. This study is based upon a three-months' trip through French forests in XXvi INTRODUCTION 1905, six months in 1912-13, and in part by trips through forests in 1917- 19 in connection with the work of the Engineers (Forestry), U. S. Army. This volume supplements " French Forests and Forestry," published in 1917 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., which described the forests and forestry of Algeria, Tunisia, and Corsica. Acknowledgment is made to C. M. Ballard for preparing the text for publication and seeing the book through the press, to Commandant Badre, who reviewed the technique, and to many friends who made valuable suggestions. The photographs were taken by Commandant Thiollier unless otherwise indicated. Studies in French Forestry CHAPTER I IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY By W. B. Greeley Formerly Lieut.-Col., 20th Engineers, A. E. F. Economic Needs and National Traits (p. 1). Forestry a National Art. Significant Public Phases of French Forestry (p. 2). The Special Legal Status of Forests, A Penal Code of Their Own, Laws Dealing with Forest Fires, State Control of Forest Devastation, A Striking Infringement of Property Rights, Tax Exemptions on Forests. Forest and Land Conservation (p. 6). Stabilization of the Gascon Sand Dunes, Forestation of Communal Lands, Flood Control in the Alps, Expropriation of the Use of Land for Forest p]nterprises. Private Forests in Conservation Projects, The Core of Publicly Owned Forests, Checkered History of the State Forests of France, The Extent of the Public Forests, Their Technical Management, The Communal Forests of France, Educational Value of the Public Forests. Private Forestry in France (p. 12). Its Economic Basis, Forest Versus Farm Crops, The Importance of Private Forestry to France, Returns from Private Forests, Forest and Sawmill Divorced, Lumber Manufacture Adapted to Forestry Practice, Private Forestry on Its Own Feet. Forest Problems of France and the United States (p. 15). Intensive Use of Limited Resources in France, The Handicap of Lumber Shortage, America's Problem — Idle Land. Not alone in its technical practice does the forestry of France offer much of interest and value to Americans. In the attitude of the French people toward their forests, in the historical and legislative development of their forest policy, in their public forest enterprises, and in the economic situa- tion of France as regards the supply and use of timber, the United States may glean a deal that is suggestive and illuminating. Notwithstanding contrasts between new and old world conditions, we may learn much in seeing how a nation just as democratic and individualistic as our own has met a forest situation similar in some respects to what America herself is approaching. Economic Needs and National Traits. — Forestry in France rests upon two main bases. The first is economic necessity; the second, national temperament. The shortage of home-grown timber compels France to 2 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY import from 30 to 40 per cent of the wood products which she requires. Hence the timber produced in her own forests not only has a high value but is utiHzed far more closely than is now possible in the United States. Intensive use of forest land — particularly the maintenance of forests on large areas of mountain slopes and sand plains unfit for farm crops follows of necessity. But, to an almost equal degree, forestry in France is an expression of the thrift, the conservatism, the love of beauty, and the social inheritances of the French people. The genius of the French for making the most of small things, developed by centuries of close and frugal living, is expressed in the thrifty growing of wood on odds and ends of poor land, in hedges, in the rows of trees bordering roads, canals, and farms. The love of the chase and the social prestige conferred by the ownership of forests and hunting preserves, so highly prized by the old seigneurs, survive in modern France. Many forests have been preserved to serve as a beautiful setting for a chateau. We will not interpret forestry in France rightly as a purely economic development. The national traits and habits of her people have contributed largely to it and are reflected in her forest legislation and public policies. Forestry a National Art. — By the same token, the American is im- pressed by the well-nigh universal understanding of forestry on the part of the French people. Forestry in France is far more than a propaganda. Like American agriculture, its practice is much older than its science. It is a rural art, ingrained in the lives and habits and modes of thinking of the people. Deputies in Parliament write newspaper articles on forest fires or forest taxation or reforestation in the Alps. The local silviculture is a part of the farm lore of the region — on the same footing as the care of vineyards or the growing of wheat. It is not to be inferred that forestry practice in France is uniformly good or that her forest policies command united support. The French are far too individualistic a race for that. Local antagonisms, as on the part of the Alpine mountaineers, have handicapped public efforts; and the commercial considerations of the moment have outweighed conservative forest management in the case of many land owners, even on occasion in the case of the State itself. But a striking difference exists between France and the United States in that forestry with us is still largely a governmental activity alone, an educa- tional development working downward from the top, whereas in France it is an established art — a common possession of the rural population. SIGNIFICANT PUBLIC PHASES OF FRENCH FORESTRY The Special Legal Status of Forests. — Forest conservation has thus become almost an instinct of the French people. This makes it easier to understand certain public phases of forestry in France which are of special interest and suggestiveness to Americans. First among them is A PENAL CODE OF THEIR OWN 3 the legal recognition of forests as a resource standing apart from other resources in its need for extraordinary care and protection. In this principle of French law are reflected the timber and fuel-wood famines, actual or threatened, through which France has passed, and the prolonged struggles which she has waged to check sand dunes on the Gascon Coast and torrential erosion in the Alps. Because of the long period of time required to restore forests once destroyed or impaired and because of the far-reaching public interests which they serve, forest property is given a special status in French jurisprudence both as regards the police powers and duties of the State and as regards the rights of private ownership. Under the French theory, a shortage of cereals or other farm crops can be made good in a year or two, but public injury from the destruction of forests may be irreparable for a generation. Hence, the State must in- tervene with special measures for the protection of forests which are applicable to no other forms of property. A Penal Code of Their Own. — Probably the most striking application of this principle is found in the protective features of the National Forest Code. The common law alone is regarded as inadequate for the protec- tion of forests in France, which are placed under what is practically a separate penal code of their own. This code applies particularly to the forests under public administration but certain features of it are extended to private forests. Furthermore, the private forest owner may place his property under public administration and thereby obtain the full pro- tective benefits of the forest code. Many penal provisions of the code were taken bodily from ordinances of Louis XIV. After the revolution- ary upheaval had subsided, republican France extended to her forests many of the severe and restrictive forms of protection which they were accorded under the "ancien regime." There is nothing comparable in French jurisprudence concerning other classes of property. In the maze of detailed prohibitions and penalties in the penal section of the forest code, one gains a deal of light upon French conceptions of forest conservation. A fixed schedule of fines and imprisonments is applicable for trespass and other violations of the code solely upon veri- fication of the fact that an offense was committed. Considerations of good faith or mitigating circumstaneos are excluded. Aside from penal- ties to the State and civil damages to the owner of the forest for tangible losses which have been sustained, the code authorizes further damages for intangible injuries such as the disruption of a plan of management. These are adjudged as not less than the penal fine. Thus the trespasser who cuts green timber, however innocently, pays a fine — the commercial value of the stumpage cut — and an additional sum representing the value of the trees to the owner for further growth or seed production. If trees are cut which were planted or sown by hand and do uot exceed five years in 4 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY age, imprisonment is obligatory, together with a fine of 3 francs for every tree. While the admission of mitigating circumstances is forbidden, the courts are compelled to impose severer penalties when a trespass is re- peated within twelve months, when it is committed at night, or when illegal cutting is dono with the saw. In the last two cases the purpose of the heavier punishment is to discourage trespasses under circumstances which render them difficult of detection. The difficulties of the State service in preventing unauthorized grazing on public forests and the stress placed upon the protection of forest reproduction from injury by grazing have led to exceptionally severe penalties for offenses of this char- acter, involving obligatory imprisonment in most cases. The mere pres- ence of sheep or cattle in a public forest is penalized and the stated fines are doubled if the animals are discovered in woods under 10 years of age. Laws Dealing with Forest Fires. — The provisions of the forest code dealing with fire are of special interest to Americans. Fires may not be set for any purpose within 600 yards of a forest under public administra- tion except by land owners, or in the exercise of public franchises, or with the permission of a forest officer. While the incendiary firing of cut tim- ber is punished by imprisonment for limited periods, an incendiary fire in a forest is punishable by imprisonment at forced labor for life, a distinc- tion which well illustrates the French viewpoint toward forest conser- vation. The forests of the Mediterranean provinces of France, which experience a summer drought and fire hazard comparable to our South- west, are placed under the protection of a special fire code. Surface burning by land owners to destroy underbrush, a practice formerly com- mon at the time of harvesting cork oak bark, is expressly forbidden. Neither the owner of the land nor anyone else may set fires within 600 yards of any area of forest or brush land from June 1 to September 13 in each year. The departmental governor alone may authorize the use of fire within forest or brush lands for charcoal burning or other industrial purposes. And any owner of forest or brush land in this region can com- pel his neighbors to share the cost of a fire trench, or break, at the ])oun- daries of adjoining holdings. These breaks must be from 60 to 150 feet wide and kept clear of herbs, brush, and resinous trees. The forest penal code, which these examples illustrate, is more terrify- ing on the statute books than in actual enforcement. This hardly could be otherwise in view of the tact and diplomatic skill of French forest officers and their effort to overcome local antagonisms to the forest policies of the State. Nevertheless it is a striking expression of the national instinct of forest conservation. State Control of Forest Devastation. — The same solicitude toward forests as a resource requiring exceptional public safeguards is illustrated A STRIKING INFRINGEMENT OF PROPERTY RIGHTS 5 by the laws concerning the denudation of privately owned forest lands. Here again the minute restrictions of the old kings were swept aside by the great outburst of democracy and individualism in the Revolution. For a considerable period following 1791 private owners were freed from all control and many forests were destroyed. This was in part a neces- sary process of converting forests into wheat fields, but apparently went too far and contributed to the acute shortage of forest ]3roducts which France experienced near the middle of the Nineteenth Century. In time the wave of revolutionary freedom was checked by a reawakening of the conservative instincts of the French toward their natural resources. The law against the devastation of forest land, which was enacted substan- tially in its present form in 1859, has often been called a striking anomaly in the jurisprudence of modern France. It restricts the rights of private ownership in one class of property alone — forest land — which is singled out for special interference and control by the State. The French Government does not dictate how the private forest owner shall cut his timber but, with the exception of small, isolated tracts or enclosed areas adjoining dwellings, holds him responsible for not destroy- ing his forest or converting the land to other uses without prior warrant from the State. Violations of the law are judged solely by the fact that forest land has actually been devastated. Whether this resulted from the methods of cutting, from fire, from over-grazing, or from dehberate clearing for agriculture is immaterial. So is the intent or good faith of the owner. If " defrichement " has actually resulted, without permission in advance, the owner of the land is liable to a fine of as much as $115 per acre. He may also be ordered to reforest the denuded land within a prescribed period. These penalties may be avoided by obtaining the consent of the State to the destruction of a forest in advance. This requires a declaration of intent by the owner of the forest eight months in advance, investigations and reviews by various forest and other administrative officials, and a final decision by the Minister of Agriculture. The request of an owner to de- stroy his forest can be denied on the ground that its preservation is essential to protect water sources, to protect mountain slopes from erosion, to prevent the movement of sand dunes, or to safeguard the public health or the national defense. Many attempts have been made to amend the law so that the destruction of a private forest may be forbidden on the ground that it is needed by the immediate community or by the country at large for growing timber. None of them has yet overcome the resistance to this further invasion of the rights and liberties of the property owner. A Striking Infringement of Property Rights. — The control of private forests and forest devastation thus stands as an interesting compromise 6 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY between the French instinct for forest conservation and their present-day spirit of personal liberty. With its limited application the value of this law exists largely as a support of the efforts of the Government to prevent deforestation on mountain slopes where torrential erosion is liable to occur. The law is of special interest to Americans, however, because it expresses a far-reaching principle — the responsibility of the private forest owner for keeping his land productive as a forest. The significance of this in- fringement of the rights of private ownership can be appreciated only in the light of the sacredness of property rights in France. A people fully as jealous of individual liberties as ourselves have not hesitated to curtail property rights — in the case of forests as distinct from all other classes of land — because of the special public interests which forests serve. Tax Exemptions on Forests. — The distinctive value of forests as a national resource is also recognized by the French in their methods of taxation. All forest plantations are accorded tax exemptions in varying degrees during the first 30 years. This exemption from tax burdens is complete in the case of plantations on mountain slopes or summits or on sand dunes or other barrens. Otherwise forests in France are taxed on their current income. Under the law of 1907 land in all forms of culture is classified periodically in accordance with its productivity. There may thus be three or four classes of forest land as determined by soil, timber species, and the value of wood products. The net yearly income from each class of forest is then fixed from a study of sample areas. All forest properties are classified and assigned an income rating. This represents the average net yearly receipts for wood and timber after deducting costs of upkeep, fire pi'otection, administration, thinnings, planting, and other cultural measures. The national and local taxes usually amount to 8 or 10 per cent of the net income. FOREST AND LAND CONSERVATION Stabilization of the Gascon Sand Dunes. — Another striking chapter in the economic history of France, in keeping with her national attitude toward forests, has been the recognition of forestry and related land problems as a special field for public initiative and development, together with the value of "the armor of the forest" for stopping destructive movements of soil and water. At the beginning of the Nineteenth Cen- tury, a large section of southwestern France was menaced by the sand dunes along the Gascon Coast. Various attempts to check this invasion during the preceding century had been futile. Many of the dunes were moving inland at rates varying from 30 to 100 feet a year, burying farms and villages in their path. A successful method of combatting the dunes was finally evolved FLOOD CONTROL IN THE ALPS 7 through stabiHzing the outer waves of sand with mats of brush and hardy herbs and then sowing the ground with maritime pine, a fast-growing pitch pine native to the region. A national project for stabiUzing and foresting the entire Gascon dune belt, of some 250,000 acres, was initiated in 1810 and completed during the following 60 years. In the prosecution of this work, section by section, each land owner was given the choice of doing the work himself under State supervision or of placing his land under the custody of the National Government which then proceeded with reforestation at its own cost. Once the forest was established the owner could acquire possession of his land by reimbursing the public out- lay upon it with interest. Otherwise the State retained possession until its expenditures had been recouped from sales of timber and naval stores. This process, in fact, was surprisingly rapid, owing to the low cost of plant- ing, the rapid growth of maritime pine in the humid climate of the region, and its early yields of turpentine and timber. The Government of France, which did practically all the planting itself, has retained in the whole dune belt some 150,000 acres. Most of this has been incorporated in permanent State forests which form a pi'otective belt along the coast and are managed with special precautions to prevent fresh outbreaks of the old peril. The remaining land has been restored to its original private and communal owners. Forestation of Communal Lands. — The successful reforestation of the dune belt led to another public forestry enterprise in this region. A law passed in 1857 ordered the planting of all the barren and unused land owned by communes throughout the great sand plain known as the Landes. Again the State stood ready to shoulder the work if the owners of the land were unwilling or unable to carry it out and to retain possession of the planted forests until the cost of their creation had been returned. This time, however, State planting was unnecessary. The communes carried out the law themselves and under its far-sighted terms 185,000 acres were added to the public forests of France. Flood Control in the Alps. — In the control of torrential erosion in the Alps, with its destructive effects upon the farm lands in the lower valleys, France has undertaken another public forestry enterprise of a far more difficult character. The erosion was traceable directly to forest denuda- tion and excessive grazing of the Alpine pastures. The difficulty has lain chiefly in the resistance of the mountain people to outside interference in the exercise of their ancestral rights and the pastoral pursuits upon which their livelihood largely depends. Following the severe floods of 1859 a law "on the reforestation of the mountains" authorized the designation of restoration areas within which existing forests were placed under public control and the planting of de- nuded lands was decreed as necessary in the public interest. Private 8 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY owners who declined to reforest their lands were expropriated by the State, with indemnities, but could reacquire their property within five years after planting had been finished by reimbursing the Government for all outlays expended upon it. Communal lands, under hke conditions, were not condemned but were taken possession of by the State, to be planted and held until revenues from the newly created forests had wiped out the account. Under the obstacles created by hostile local sentiment and the reluc- tance of the French Government to deal with it forcefully, this project has made but slow progress. The law was changed in 1882 owing to the opposition of the mountain communes to what they asserted, with some degree of justice, was the practical confiscation of their lands without indemnity; and since that time all areas where planting or other intensive measures were needed have been acquired outright by the State. The protection of mountain watersheds in France has thus taken a course almost identical with that in the United States under the terms of the Weeks law, that is, public acquisition and absolute control of important "key" areas. The French Government has thus acquired about 200,000 acres on the headwaters of important streams in the Alps, and the work is still being continued. In addition some 52,500 acres of communal lands were reforested under the earlier law and placed under public adminis- tration. Under the law of 1882 France has also attempted to enforce a new and significant principle in watershed protection. This is the designation of large protection belts in the mountains, surrounding the limited areas in which serious erosion is actually taking place and must be combatted by intensive methods. In these protective zones, which were designed to prevent the starting of fresh torrents, the administration was empowered to forbid any use of land or forest which would destroy the vegetative cover. And to extend further the general scheme of prevention, the grazing of certain communal pasture lands was placed under public con- trol. The administrative procedure devised for carrying out this system has been exceedingly cumbersome and has sought to conciliate local oppo- sition at every turn with many provisions for safeguards and indemnities. Its practical value has been very small, and the effort of the French Forest Service to check mountain floods has of late years been concen- trated mainly upon the acquisition of land at critical points by the State and its systematic reforestation. The actual work done in the Alpine gorges and on their adjoining slopes is an example of intensive conservation fully as striking as the stabilization of the sand dunes. Tree planting is the primary method, but it was necessary at many points to hold the soil or stop the cut- ting action of streams before planting was possible or would be effective. THE CORE OF PUBLICLY OWNED FORESTS 9 Small gullies have been blocked with dams of sod or loose stones or with brush rip raps. More elaborate dams of rubble or masonry have been built in the channels of many torrents, sometimes at intervals of a few chains to check erosion and the rush of floodwater and afford soil-collect- ing basins which would later be planted with trees. Rubble or masonry dams or walls have been constructed at various points to stop the caving of banks or check incipient land-slips or snow-shdes. Hardy shrubs have been set out in masses of glacial drift or the talus of a slope where the ground was too unstable or too sterile to support trees. But the general aim is to get the land under forest cover as soon as it can be done. French foresters and engineers are agreed that an extensive mantle of forest is the final solution to watershed protection. Expropriation of the Use of Land for Forest Enterprises. — One of the legal principles developed in these pul^lic forest enterprises of France sug- gests a modus operandi for State or Federal projects in America where the reforestation of private land is deemed necessary in the public interest. It bears points of similarity to the plan already adopted by some of our States to encourage the planting of private land. This principle is not the purchase or condemnation of private property — but the expropria- tion of its tenure, or occupancy, for a sufficient period to establish forests, with provision for ultimately restoring the land to its owner after it has repaid the cost of the enterprise. Apphed in the southwestern sand plains where planting was cheap and tree growth rapid and where returns from the new forest were realized in a relatively short time, this method succeeded. Applied in the Alps, where reforestation was much more costly and the climate much more rigorous, it amounted to practical con- fiscation and failed. In both instances it bears proof of the French atti- tude toward the conservation of forests and soil as a dominant public interest, taking precedence over the rights of private property. Private Forests in Conservation Projects. — Another illustration of the same national viewpoint, l^rought out in the development of French policy in dealing with sand dunes and mountain torrents, is the provision of law placing all forests within the perimeters of control or restoration projects, whatever their ownership, under the "regime forestier." That is, such forests not merely are subject to the law preventing denudation; they can be cut only in accordance with methods approved by the State service. They are also accorded in full the special and stringent pro- tective measures carried by the penal section of the forest code. Private forests on the critical areas embraced in public conservation projects are thus given a special status — subject both to public control and an ex- ceptional degree of public protection. The Core of Publicly Owned Forests. — Another interesting and sug- gestive fact about France is the extent to which her forestry develop- 10 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY ments and activities have centered around and grown upon a core of publicly, owned forests. These national and community holdings fit- tingly express the forestry sense, or instinct, of the French people. Their extension, their standards of administration, their educational influence, the technical service entrusted with their care — these have been first and last the greatest supports of forestry development in France. Yet their history has not been one of smooth, uninterrupted progress. In certain chapters it reminds us strildngly of the history of the pubHc domain in the United States. Checkered History of the State Forests of France. — The first effect of the French Revolution was toward the nationalization of the forests of the country. The royal domains, largely forested, were declared to be the property of the State. A law of 1789, placing church property at the disposition of the nation, added more forests to the public holdings. In 1792 the forests owned by emigres of the old nobility were confiscated. Then a counter, individualistic movement, tending to break up national control, set in. In the reaction against the abuses and usurpations of the old seigneurs, and during the lax administration of the earlier revolu- tionary period, the rural communes were encouraged to take possession of the old royal, noble, or ecclesiastical forests under any sort of pretext based upon entailed rights or old claims. Many properties of the fugitive nobility were restored to their former owners. Large areas of State forests were sold outright under the individualistic economic theories of the times. Every subsequent revolutionary overturn was followed by fresh disposals of State timberland. Up to the beginning of the Third RepubHc the attitude of the French toward their public domain was similar at many points to that in the United States during the Nineteenth Century. Under the Third Republic the policy of France has turned definitely in the opposite direction. Alienations of national forests have been re- stricted practically to minor adjustments of communal claims. On the other hand, the State holdings have been enlarged steadily by plantations in the sand dunes and by the purchase and reforestation of mountain lands in connection with the protection of watersheds. Most important of all, the forest code has placed public forests of every kind, including communal lands and the properties of pubhc institutions, under a unified public administration, by an expert service of exceptionally high technical standards and practical ability. The Extent of the Public Forests. — These public forests now comprise nearly 8,000,000 acres, about one-third of the forested area of France. 3,000,000 acres of this total are the property of the French nation, the community forests together aggregating considerably more than the holdings of the central government. EDUCATIONAL VALUE OF THE PUBLIC FORESTS 11 Their Technical Management. — The forest code estabHshes the principle that all of these public forests must be handled under a precise scheme of management, the main point of which is to fix the amount of wood which may be cut yearly without reducing the growing stock, or capital, and to prescribe the methods of cutting so as to maintain the productivity of the forests. The importance attached by the French to their public forests is illustrated by the fact that the management plan for each unit must not only be approved by the high council of the Forest Service and by the Minister of Agriculture but must be authorized by a decree of the President of the Repubhc. The function of State and com- munal forests is settled to be the supplying of national industries with the classes of products which they most need, particularly large timber which may not be grown on private lands because it is less profitable. The purpose of State and other public forests is thus to supplement the materials produced iji the largest quantities by other owners with choice timber whose growing is long and costly, a distinction which often dis- appears, however, under the scale of values fixed by supply and demand. The Communal Forests of France. — The communal forests of France are one of the most interesting and suggestive phases of her public forestry. The French Commune may be compared with the New Eng- land township — a self-governing, rural community of exact geographical limits. In the break-up of the old order these httle communities, which usually had held entailed rights to the use of wood and forage from royal or seigneurial estates, asserted their claims so vigorously as to acquire many small tracts of forest and pasture land in fee simple. Their forest holdings were increased in various ways, as through the planting of 185,000 acres in the southwestern sand plains under State supervision. To-day they form a sixth of the forests of France. Under the terms of the forest code, the great bulk of them are administered as part and parcel of the public forests. While still serving their original purpose of fur- nishing supplies of wood, especially fuel, for local use, they thus are im- portant contributors to the national lumber pile. Some communes own and operate their own small sawmills. These community forests are important sources of revenue for hundreds of French villages, reducing taxes and affording the means for constructing town halls, roads, and other local improvements. The situation in France would be paralleled if every village in New England or the Lake States owned 500 or 1,000 acres of forest, kept continuously in the highest state of production, furnishing the timber locally needed, affording a sub- stantial income for community purposes, and providing steady employ- ment for a number of its citizens. Educational Value of the Public Forests. — The real value of the pubHc forests of France, as of her whole forestry system expressed in the "regime 12 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY forestier," can be gauged only in an appreciation of the administrative skill of the French, of their practical genius for cooperation, and of the intelligence of many rural classes. These factors have extended the technical practice in public forests far beyond their own limited areas. Public forests and their staff of trained officers are to be found in every section of the country. They set the standards and their results have demonstrated good forestry to every timber owner in France — in his own immediate neighborhood. How to cut and restock timberland has thus become a common knowledge of the people. The local forest officers of the State are recognized leaders and advisers in all forestry matters. Direct forms of cooperation with private land owners have resulted in the special recognition given to associations of forest own- ers and in the opportunity to place private holdings under the techni- cal methods and legal protection of the "regime." The public forests have thus had a marked educational value and have given stimulus and direction to the whole forestry development of France. This fact is indeed suggestive to the United States. In our first steps toward forest conservation, pubhc forests, Federal, State, and municipal, should have a dominating part. They should be created in every section and be identified with its local problems of fire hazard, of timber growth, and of provision for future needs. They should develop the technical practice adapted to our varied forest types and make it common knowl- edge by concrete demonstration, the most effective of all educational measures. In democratic America, as in democratic France, a core of pubhc forests will prove the key to progress. PRIVATE FORESTRY IN FRANCE Its Economic Basis. — Private forests in France obviously are on a footing totally different from that in the United States. Aside from the national conservatism of the French, their love for forests as things of beauty, and the social inheritances which put their forests in high regard, the high price and close utilization of wood afford an economic basis for the successive cropping of timberland. The prevailing stumpage values of French timber in 1917 averaged at least five times the prices for corre- sponding species in the United States. The American Army, for ex- ample, paid about $36 per thousand feet on the stump for oak timber of all grades in the Loire River Valley and up to $50 per thousand feet for silver fir and spruce in the Vosges Mountains. A crop of hardwood coppice, grown in 20 years, brought at the same time from $50 to $60 per acre for fuel as it stood in the woods. These were inflated war-time rates, but on a pre-war basis the disparity between timber values in France and the United States is almost equally great. This is due not alone to the shortage of timber in France and the necessity of importing THE IMPORTANCE OF PRIVATE FORESTRY TO FRANCE 13 a third of the lumber which the country uses. Low conversion costs are an important factor. The forests of France for the most part are very accessible. The simple methods of manufacture by small local mills, with almost no investment or overhead charges, are inexpensive. The wages paid to forest labor, 5 francs, or less than $1 per day in 1917 and still less before the war, is very low. With lumber prices influenced by the importations of Baltic and other foreign stock, with keen competition for all stumpage put upon the market, the standing timber gains the benefit of the low costs of manufacture. The situation in the United States, where manufacturing charges are the chief element in the mill price of lumber, is reversed in France. The standing tree takes a third or more of the selling price of its products. Forest Versus Farm Crops. — France contains large areas of land — in her eastern and southern mountains, in the southwestern sand plains, and in the rugged hills on the headwaters of the Marne and Seine — which are fit only for timber production or for grazing. The presence of such land — of relatively low value — is a further stimulus to private forestry; 1,500,000 acres of private forests, for example, were created out- right by planting maritime pine in the Landes. Her forests are not hm- ited, however, to areas too poor for cultivation. The economic balance between forests and farm crops has shifted at various periods in French history. At the time of the Revolution the country was short of agri- cultural products, especially cereals, and a large acreage of forest was put in tillage. Fifty or sixty years later the pendulum swung back. Short- age of farm labor appears to have been the immediate cause. Many rural proprietors in central and northern France, finding their fields lying fallow year after year, resorted to tree planting. There has been no im- portant change since that time with probably a shght tendency in later years to increase the farm area at the expense of the forest. We in the United States are prone to think that the farm must always be given right of way over the forest; and doubtless that is the safest guide in our present stage of development. The economic growth of France has carried her beyond such broad assumptions. The demand for wheat and the profit in growing it compared with the demand for timber and fuel and the profit in growing these products are the considera- tions which govern. The area devoted to forest is fixed by the balance struck — over comparatively long periods of time — between all the economic necessities of the country; and that balance has not thus far hmited her forests, either publicly or privately owned, to non-agricultural lands. This sort of readjustment is impending in some of the older parts of the United States. The Importance of Private Forestry to France. — Two-thirds of the forests of France are privately owned. Her 16,000,000 acres of private 14 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY forests, which for the most part are fairly well cared for and kept in con- tinuous production, are a striking object lesson to Americans who are wont to regard forestry as possible only for the Nation or State. About 30 per cent of them are devoted to the production of hardwood fuel. Other- wise their technical management, while less regular and uniform and usu- ally less conservative, does not differ in essential respects from that of the pubhc forests. Upon her privately owned forests France depends for the bulk of her lumber and fuel wood. Returns from Private Forests. — While aesthetic and social considera- tions and the play of national conservatism have their part in this result, forestry is a real business in France. Large areas of woodland are held as long-term investments and often are highly regarded as stable securities for the investment of family or institutional funds. Well-managed oak and beech forests yield net revenues of from 2^ to 4 per cent. Such forests may furnish a crop of coppice every 20 or 25 years and at the same time usually carry an over story of high-grade timber, which may require 200 or 240 years to mature but is actually harvested in small quantities at every periodic cutting. A large forest property is split into lots or compartments containing sprouts or timber of different ages. Some material is harvested every year or at least every 4 or 5 years. There is thus an actual current revenue in keeping with the size of the whole property; and the problem of accrued carrying charges, which is so bur- densome to the owner of undeveloped timber in the United States, scarcely exists in France. Forestry as a commercial business is most highly developed in the pineries of the Landes where the low value of the land and the combined yields of naval stores and timber make it exceptionally profitable. Net returns of 6 per cent on investments in southern pineries are not un- common. Here also the revenue is practically continuous. The larger properties contain blocks of timber of varying ages, and aside from a steady return from turpentine orcharding, realize every few years upon a small cut of stumpage. Forest and Sawmill Divorced. — The great bulk of the French forests is in separate hands from the timber-using industries. This has an im- portant bearing upon their management. The forest is relatively inde- pendent of the sawmill. The forest owner determines the amount and location of the stumpage which he wishes to cut from year to year. Foresters or forest rangers are employed on all of the larger properties, and the cutting area is selected, marked, and estimated by them. The sawmills are uniformly small and most of them are portable. In the eastern mountains there are many little stationary mills, driven by steam or water power, which obtain their logs from the yearly cuttings on any one of a dozen or more forest properties in their vicinity. Logs are INTENSIVE USE OF LIMITED RESOURCES IN FRANCE 15 hauled by ox teams, in full tree lengths, for distances up to 15 or 20 miles, to these little mills. In the level pineries of the south a light steam trac- tor of the "locomobile" type, operating a band saw 3 or 4 inches wide, is almost universal. These little mills roam about the Landes, picldng up a few hundred cubic meters of timber here and there, sawing it into boards, and then passing on, leaving neat, triangular cribs of lumber to be hauled out by the two- wheeled mule carts of the region whenever it has seasoned sufficiently. Lumber Manufacture Adapted to Forestry Practice. — In a word, the lumber manufacturing industry has grown up on and adapted itself to a system of forest management which permits but small cuttings at any one place in any one year or series of years. Cases are rare when the well- being and permanence of the forest are sacrificed to the requirements of a manufacturing enterprise — an exact opposite of the situation so com- mon in the United States where the manufacturer owns the timber and has denuded one forest region after another in order to supply his large stationary mills to their maximum capacity. While this relation is largely a result rather than a cause of the economic status of private forestry in France, it indicates the industrial adjustments which will be- come necessary in America as our emphasis shifts from supplying saw- mills to growing timber. Private Forestry On Its Own Feet. — Private forestry in France stands largely upon its own merits. It is mainly a free reaction to the economic requirements of the country and an expression of the thrift and habits of its people. Aside from tax exemptions on plantations under 30 years of age and assistance in technical practice, it receives no public subsidies or support. The laws against devastation have restricted the decrease of forest areas in the French mountains — but elsewhere have not had an important effect. It is probable that the greatest public leverage upon the private owner to keep his timberland productive has been the stimulus and example of the pubhcly owned forests, with their wide distribution throughout France and their high standards of technical practice. FOREST PROBLEMS OF FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES Intensive Use of Limited Resources in France. — The forest problem of France is totally difi^erent from that of the United States. Intensive use of a limited land area to support her dense population is forced upon France. Her situation would be paralleled if a third of the people in the United States were crowded into an area somewhat smaller than the State of Texas. At the best, France must import a large volume of wood products. France has had to strike a close balance between her needs for lumber and her needs for farm crops and, notwithstanding the number of mouths to be fed, has had to devote a considerable acreage of 16 IMPRESSIONS OF FRENCH FORESTRY agricultural land to timber production. Intensive methods of growing successive crops of timber form a necessary part of her national economy. The shortage and high cost of wood have given an impetus to the practice of forestry as a business which is scarcely approached in any part of the United States. The Handicap of Lumber Shortage. — Lack of cheap lumber is an economic handicap in France. It is apparent, particularly in her rural districts, where a new structure of any kind is a rare sight and the ancient, moss-covered farm buildings give an impression of decadence which is only partly real but nevertheless portrays forcibly the low standards of rural improvements which not only reduce the comfort and wholesome- ness of country life but inevitably lower the efficiency of agricultural in- dustries. The manufacturing industries of France suffer from the scarcity and high cost of timber. The per-capita consumption of lumber is not more than 100 board feet per annum, less than one-third that of the United States. In other words, France illustrates the evils of a situation where lumber is a luxury, in part — an imported luxury. Her 18 per cent of forested land is not enough. Her intensive forestry can but partially offset the effects of a shortage of timber-producing land. America's Problem — Idle Land. — It is not our problem in the United States to strike a close balance between the forest and the farm. That can be left to the economic adjustments of the future. We have an ample area of forest land beyond all requirements for agriculture. It is rather our problem to put idle land to use. The United States contains probably 500,000,000 acres of forest land. Our uncut virgin timber has been reduced to not more than 150,000,000 acres. Of the 350,000,000 acres of cutover land at least a third has been reduced by heavy cutting and forest fires to unproductive wastes. An area of forest land at least five times that of all the forests of France combined is producing nothing. Timber has been cheap and plentiful in the United States as compared with other nations. Our per-capita consumption of lumber is two or three times that of any of our principal competitors. It is our problem to keep timber cheap and plentiful, to make it unnecessary to restrict the use of wood in domestic industries or export trade, to avoid reductions in the per-capita consumption of lumber toward the lowest limits of civilized existence which it has reached in France. This does not require as yet the practice of intensive European forestry. It can be accomplished by the simplest measures of protection and regeneration which will keep timberland productive. The starting point must be to stop the devasta- tion of the forest lands now being cut and to put our millions of idle acres at work growing trees. This will require not only a large share of public cooperation but also, as in France, a recognition of the obligations carried by forest ownership. CHAPTER II > THE ROLE OF FORESTS The Value of Forests (p. 17). Objective, Dangers of Deforestation, Fundamen- tal Causes, Obligation of the State. Forest Influences (p. 19). Effect on Temperature (Air Soil), Wind, Frost, Hail, Humidity and Rainfall, Water Level, Springs, Floods, Avalanches and Erosion, Health, Recreation, and Beauty, Literature and Art. THE VALUE OF FORESTS Objective. — The objective of this chapter is to give the American forester an insight into French views — somewhat ideahstic to be sure — on the role that the forests play in national hfe and to summarize briefly the technical viewpoint on "forest influences." Huffel's exposition on forests and springs is given in full in the Appendix, p. 361, and Jacquot's statement on the physical, economic, and social rule of forests, on p. 381. Dangers of Deforestation. — If forests fail to yield a good revenue, should they be cut? or are they worth financial sacrifices? French policy is based on the economic fact that her forests are worth the sacrifice, and her forest history points unfalteringly to the evils of reckless deforesta- tion. Who could view the eroded Alps, Pyrenees, or the torrents of the Lozere and think otherwise? The penalty for using up forest capital is too great. " When the mountains are baked ^ all is ruined. The rains . . . fall in torrents and rush off the denuded soil. They first carry off the vegetable cover. The mountain shows its rocky skeleton, the rocks break up, cones of erosion are formed, landslides, gullies, unstable slopes become so many running sores by which the substance of the mountain is carried down. The rocks offer more or less resistance according to their texture, but none withstand. Even granite splits up into enormous blocks which roll irresistibly down into the valleys. . . . When the highlands are ruined, what becomes of the plain? . . . The river becomes a torrent when it rains, carrying down earth, trees, and rocks. Swollen beyond measure, it flows over the plain in a sudden flood which destroys houses, flocks, villages, and people. . . . The sudden flood is char- acteristic of denuded countries . . . the mountain can no longer supply the valley with water. Now is the time of drought and famine. Irrigation is impossible for the rivers are dry. . . . The cultivators try to continue the struggle by means of reservoirs and costly dams." What a picture, but how true! Look at deforested countries and they 1 G. A. Pearson kindly reviewed this chapter. 2 Deboisement et Decadence. F. Regnault. La Revue, March 1, 1904. 17 18 THE ROLE OF FORESTS all bear the same evidence: Palestine, Assyria, Arabia, Greece, Tunisia, Algeria, Italy, Spain, Persia, Sardinia, Dalmatia. To-day England is the only virile Great Power without extensive forests; what she has are in her colonies. It appears that decadence goes hand in hand with de- forestation. Which is the foundation stone of a nation's dechne? Is the sequence decadence-deforestation or deforestation-decadence? Or is de- forestation simply a general lack of foresight coupled with poor forest man- agement? Fundamental Causes. — What is the fundamental cause of deforesta- tion? According to Regnault: "It is well to seek the causes. They are of various kinds. The most important is civilization itself. Civilization increases the sale value of wood, and provides the means of transport, without which sales would be very limited. It awakes greed in the mind of the landowner and at the same time allows him to satisfy his greed. Thus the barest countries are always the seats of the oldest civilizations. Certainly, when the landowner finds it to his interest to plant, he does not hesitate to do so. Thus the trufHe industry has caused the plantation of more than 148,000 acres of oak in the Vaucluse; and re- cently the oil trade has caused the jilantation of an immense olive forest round Sfax in Tunis. But such cases are quite exceptional. "The cutting of trees is a source of immediate profit, but it entails later a great dimi- nution of revenues. Hence reboisement meets with great difficulties, not only in the want of money, but in the hostility of the inhabitants. These people were originally hunters, woodsmen, petty cultivators, but especially herdsmen, enjoying rich pastures and large herds of cattle. The destruction of the forest forces them to change their liveh- hood. They become shepherds and goatherds, for sheep and goats are the only animals which can exist on the soil when it has become impoverished. These animals live on young shoots and buds, and prevent the forest from growing again. The shepherds themselves oppose every attempt at reboisement, pulling up young trees, destroying seedlings, etc., for they fear to lose their living. They even burn the forest in order to obtain further areas, until the mountain disintegrates and their last resources are swept away by landslides and erosion. "The political condition is of great importance. A strong government enforces respect for the forests." Obligation of the State. — Speaking of the deforestation in France Regnault calls upon the State to do its duty : ^ "While the State is thus so badly neglecting its duty, all the authors who have studied the subject of deboisement are agreed that the State is the only possible source of salva- tion. They wish to forbid all clearings by communes or by private persons, and to make the private interest yield to the public good. A despotic government can indeed en- force blind obedience on the part of its subjects, but in a republic, where every one is a judge and critic of policy, the best laws are useless unless the citizens understand their utility." After a careful study of the Loire watershed, Benardeau, then Conserva- tor of Forests at Moulins (Allier), concluded as follows:* 5 La Foret, A. Jacquot, 1900. ■* Correction de la Loire et de ses Affluents, F. Benardeau, deuxi^.me edition, 1906. EFFECT ON TEMPERATURE (AIR SOIL) 19 "To summarize: forests scarcely cover 13 per cent of the surface of the valley of the Loire, while the average for France reaches 18.7 per cent. Two per cent only of the wooded area was under forestry regulations. . . . We must not, therefore, be too surprised about the damage which everybody regrets today, but for which every one is in a way responsible. All the vital interests of the country, its military force, its agri- culture, its industry, its commerce, its navy, the climate, temperature, the conservation of the soil and of the waters which supply it, even the existence of a part of the popula- tion which lives by manual labor in the neighborhood of forests, or from the product of its stock in mountainous regions, have an interest in the Loire problem which is really connected with the most serious problems of economic pohcy. Considering the con- tinual development of material interests that periodic inundations jeopardize, the public executive power will not hesitate to agree to the necessary sacrifices, especially if they recall that the single flood of June 4, 1856, not counting the human lives, houses, goods, manufactures, and harvests destroyed, has cost 33.4 million dollars for defence better- ments and lines of communications. "The improvements that are required, owing to the bad condition of the Loire and Allier Rivers, are just as useful as a work made for the national defense and where the budget (with the backing of public opinion) has always been on such a generous scale. For the complete suppression of erosion and of sand deposits, it appears necessary to give the Service des Eaux et Forets sufficient resources, in order that improvements may be made in advance of the damage, which is incessant in the basins of these rivers." It is true that the discovery of iron, cement, coal, gas, and electricity has tremendously reduced the need of wood. Yet a French writer says: "Even without modern uses of iron, cement, and coal there is an in- sufficiency in the world's wood production which some time will be keenly felt by the great powers of the world." There is therefore every incentive to inculcate in the minds of all students the national need for wise forest management. This study, the French beheve, should begin in primary and secondary schools. Arbor day (fetes de I'Arbre) celebrations are required by law. There are French societies organized for the promulgation of forestry. The Jura has sixty- eight such societies and the Touring Club de France has a standing com- mittee on conservation. In France the planting of trees as a celebration at births is often practiced, and in Alsace trees are often planted at both births and marriages. To celebrate the birth of the "King of Rome" in 1811 an entire forest was planted. It is felt necessary to make the love of forests and realization of the necessity for their wise use a part of French national life.^ FOREST INFLUENCES Effect on Temperature (Air Soil). — According to investigations started by Mathieu at Nancy in 1886, the mean annual temperature is less in the forest than outside. Other investigators have confirmed these 5 The French viewpoint is admirably presented by Jacquot in his summary of "The Forest, from a Physical, Economic, and Social Viewpoint." A brief and translation is given in the Appendix, p. 381. 20 THE ROLE OF FORESTS early French investigations. The results of an experiment (1869-1888) in a beech forest at an altitude of 1,115 feet showed the mean annual tem- perature inside the forest to be 0.45° C. less than outside. In thirteen experiments at various altitudes in pine, spruce, beech, and larch forests, the forest temperature averaged 0.66° C. less than in the open. The difference was greater in summer than in winter. The mean maximum days at Nancy averaged 24° 0.48' C. (76° F.) in the open and 21° 0.51' C. (70° 0.7'F.) in the forest. In the cold weather the average outside the forest was -5° 0.12' C. (31.89° F.), inside -4° 0.24' C. (31.91° F.). The investigation thus showed that the temperature extremes were raised 3° to 5° C. by a forest cover, but that the temperature in the forest was warmer in winter and cooler in summer. In other words, the forest acts as an equahzer of temperature.^ The Nancy research officers estabhshed the following laws: (1) The mean annual temperature that was reached is |° C. less in the forest than in a nearby open area. (2) This difference in temperature, while shght during the winter months, is greater in summer. (3) The minimum temperature is raised in the forests by nearly 1° C. and the maximum lessened about 2° C. In other words, there is a decided difference be- tween the minimum and maximum of 3° C, In addition it may be said that conifers lessen winter extremes of tem- perature more than do broadleaves and that the denser the summer foliage the cooler the forest in comparison with the open areas. These differences are greatest at 35 to 40 feet above the soil. Investigations by Cuif ^ show conclusively that soil is almost 4° C. warmer during July in the open than under high forest or under coppice. He also proved that soil temperature variations outside and inside the forests are less extreme than the variations in the air temperature by from 2° to 4° C. Wind. — The value of forests as shelter belts against the wind is proved for agricultural crops and for water surfaces to prevent evapora- tion. Frost. — It has always been recognized that forest cover prevents frosts. They are less frequent and less severe under cover, which is the reason why the shelterwood system must be applied to beech. Without the top story the beech seedlings would be frost-killed. In 1912 Cuif ^ proved that the forest cover prevented damage from late frosts and showed that in the State forest of Amance (Meurthe-et-Moselle) oak « Huffel, Vol. I, pp. 45-67. ^ Influence du Convert de la Foret sur la Temperature du sol a diverses profondeurs, par M. E. Cuif. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences, 1909. * Action de la Foret sur les Gelees Tardives, par M. E. Cuif. Annales de la Science Agronomique frangaise et etrangere. Sept., 1912. WATER LEVEL 21 plantations after cutting were badly frosted two years out of three, while the plantations under scattered seed trees were not damaged. The frost penetrates the soil about one-half as far in the forest as on the outside. According to four experiments (quoted by Huffel) the average soil depth of frost outside the forest was 17 inches, while inside the ground was frozen only to the depth of 11^ inches. Hail. — Hailstorms are less frequent in the forest than outside. Huffel quotes Riniker (1881 Die Hagelschage), who says: "In general hailstorms stop at the border of well-stocked mature forests. Both on the plains and in the mountains one often sees hailstorms cut in two or divided when they pass above wooded stands . . . small coppice would not do this." France had studied the effect of hailstorms on forests and vice versa, but by the decree of January 20, 1892, the work was discontinued and no decisive results were obtained. Jacquot notes the fact that of the eighteen departments where hail does the most damage fourteen are the least forested. Humidity and Rainfall. — Huffel^ says that "the relative humidity of the air is greater under a stand than in the open, not, as one would sup- pose, because the atmosphere of the forest holds more vapor, but because it stands at a lower temperature and is nearer its saturation point." According to Fautrat's experiments in the Ermonville Forest in 1876 the air under the stands showed 7 per cent to 12 per cent greater moisture content than in the open. French foresters believe that forests mean more rainfall and, as Huffel puts it, "The rain increases according to the progress of forestation," and "it rains more, all things being equal, in the center of a large stand than on its border, and more on the border than a few miles away, that the difference appears to be independent of the season of the year, but is slightly greater during rainy years and less during a drought." The French viewpoint is given more fully under "Springs" (in the Appendix, p. 361), but French statistics collected near Nancy are at least significant. If the rainfall (a) in the forest is represented by 100, the rainfall (6) near the forest and (c) well outside would, on the average, be (6) 93,3 per cent and (c) 76.5 per cent. It is at least safe to assume that forest tends to increase rainfall. Water Level. — Experiments ^^ show that the water level the year round is unquestionably lower in the forests than in openings, and that there are smaller fluctuations in the water level in the forests than else- ^ Vol. I, pp. 67-81, especially p. 75. It should be stated here that the theory that forests increase rainfall (except under rare circumstances) is not accepted by American meteorologists. 1" E. Henry and A. Tolsky. Les Forets de Plaine et les Eaux Souterraines. Annales de la Science Agronomique frangaise et etrangere, 1902-03. 22 THE ROLE OF FORESTS where. The level is lower under a mature stand than in young growth, the differences being greater in a dry than in a wet climate. Where there is a great deal of rainfall the difference may not exceed 9 or 10 inches. Henry's observations at Nancy (see Appendix, p. 379) confirmed these conclusions (about 1 foot difference) and De Lapasse now cites proof on a large scale. It was already proved that surface water in the Landes and Gironde had dried up, after extensive areas had been sown, planted, and drained, in the Nineteenth Century, but it was not until 1917 that proof was secured that if these forests were cut the water level would rise again. This has now been proved in the forests of Porge (Gironde) where 8,649 acres were clear-cut during the period from 1904 to 1911; where 5,436 acres were clear-cut in the forest of Solferino (Landes) during the period from 1905 to 1911; and where 1,236 acres were clear-cut in the forest of Soulac. In the latter case the timber was 65 years old; the felling began in 1912 and was finished in 1914. According to accurate data secured by Conservateur de Lapasse the former water level at Soulac was 3.3 feet below the floor of the local church. At the end of 1916 the water began to flood the chapels to the depth of 2 inches and on January 6, 1917, the water flooded the central nave and the church itself to a depth of 6 inches and the chapels to a depth of 19 inches. In the same locality (Soulac) ^^ the water level of the wells rose 27| inches; the local hotel cellars, for- merly dry, had standing water to a depth of 8 inches. According to de Lapasse this is proof positive that clear cutting these mature pine forests has materially raised the water level. Such a conclusion is of immense importance in connection with drainage problems. Springs.^'" — According to Huffel, ground in a forest is better watered from the atmosphere than are the bordering plains. This difference is greater in winter than in summer — may be 20 per cent more. In the mountains forests unquestionably diminish run-off and bring about a greater infiltration of water which may ultimately feed springs. This is due not only to the obstacles which trees, roots, and litter present to prevent run-off, but also to the greater porosity of the forest soil and to the fact that snow melts slower under forest cover. Both French and Russian experiments have proved, however, that the water level in the forest on level ground is about one foot lower than in the fields. On the other hand, the variation in water level is less in the forest; the infiltra- tion is slower; in other words, the forest is a regulator of water levels (as with temperature). Huffel concludes that forests increase precipitation, retain a part of the rainfall on branches and return it to the air directly, 11 LTnfluence de la Foret sur le Regime des Eaux a Soulac, pp. 1-8, M. de Lapasse, 1917. 12 See Appendix, p. 361, for a more detailed discussion of this subject, as presented by Huffel. HEALTH, RECREATION, AND BEAUTY 23 decrease evaporation, favor infiltration in the mountains and may or may not favor it on level ground in cold or temperate climates, yet he concludes that "Nevertheless, it must be observed that springs are only numerous and important in mountain regions, and that there the forests are favor- able to them.'' Floods, Avalanches, and Erosion. — No one can read Chapter VII "Control of Erosion in the Mountains," without becoming convinced that forests lessen the intensity of floods and avalanches and largely decrease erosion and the formation of "torrents." Health, Recreation, and Beauty. — The French ^^ claim that the forests have exerted a beneficial effect on the health of mankind. Life in the forest is especially beneficial in various nervous diseases. In India there is less cholera in the forest regions than in plains. In the forest of Haguenau there was less disease in the middle of the last century while the cholera epidemic was raging in Europe proper. The leaves of trees seem to filter the air and forests are so-called "reservoirs of pure air." Forest soil is especially unfavorable to the development of microbes. In the Landes, after the sand dunes were reclaimed, the birth rate rose and the death rate fell; in 1878 Trelat reported that the fever had practically disappeared in those regions. "The forests furnish pretty places for the invalid as well as corners of recreation . . . this need of the beauti- ful is deep rooted in our very nature." Fontainebleau, Compiegne, Grande Chartreuse, and Riidlin are famous recreation forests in France, but there are many others. One might say that every State forest region is a recreation ground for the French people. The forests around Nice, the Vosges near Gerardmer, and almost the entire Alps and Pyre- nees are visited annually by thousands. One might almost say that without its forests France would not be worth living in. Broilliard ^^ in 1911, toward the end of a hfe spent in the National Forest Service, speaks of the forest as "poetry and perfume of the earth." He says that the tree gives the forest its charm, since it is found in a thousand forms on the slopes, in clumps, in battalions, on the borders, near small openings, and even around the former Roman Camp at Morey. The old trees act as protectors of the species. In his old age he still can dream of the pretty paths, openings, undergrowth of varying aspects at different seasons, summer tranquility, autumn fruits, and sombre lines. Huffel claims that "the beauty of our forests is an object of public utihty." On June 29, 1899, Daubree ruled that since "the Federal and communal forests often contain famous trees, because of historical or legendary in- terest or because of their grandeur or exceptional size, such trees belong to the aesthetic wealth of France. They add to the beauty of the land- is ficonomie Forestiere, Vol. I, pp. 199-206. "Beautes de la Foret, par Ch. Broilliard, 1911. PROP tK I J Lion/iAi H. C. State College 24 THE r6le of forests scape, they bring visitors into the regions where without them they would stay away. We must love and appreciate our forests. The local people have a real attachment for these evidences of a bygone age and see them disappear with regret. I attach great importance to this and they should be constantly protected by the Forest Service. They should never, under any pretext, be included in the cut as long as they show signs of life." Literature and Art„ — Naturally the forest has stamped its mark on French literature. Russeau spent much of his time in France and did much to make the forests popular, Chateaubriand drew wonderful pictures of American forests but they were not very real ; they were more the product of his imagination. Lamertine was a great admirer of the French forests and La Fontaine was the son of a professional forester. William Shenstone, who flourished in England in 1760, was undoubtedly influenced by his knowledge of the French forests. It is well recognized that all forms of art are founded on nature. Some persons believe that the gothic arch was suggested by the arcades of the forest. In painting, almost every landscape owes much to the color and shape of trees. Of the earlier French painters Claude shows most love of foliage, but few of his pictures look as if he had painted them in the woods. In every European forest the trees are so dense that it is difficult to paint modern forests. In the words of a Frenchman, "You foresters should think of this and not only space the trees, since then and then only may the carefully tended forests become useful to the artist as well as to the lumberman." Diaz was a man who spent most of his time in the woods. The Brabigan school painted woods more or less; but Corot (like Claude) had no use for a "regular forest." What he wanted was a group of trees for the purpose of composition. While some of these French claims regarding forest influences may be questioned by the scientist, yet no one familiar with the history of forest economics can question for a moment the statement that no nation can afford to destroy its forests because their direct and indirect benefits have an increasingly important influence on national efficiencyo CHAPTER III FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES Physical and Climatic Features — Industry (p. 25). Area and Topography, Climate, Agriculture, Other Industries, Water Power, Commerce, Government. Forest Regions (p. 29). Broad Divisions, Plains, Parisienne Zone, Gironde Zone, Proven^ale Zone, Mountains, Vosges Zone, Jura Zone, Alps Zone, Central Plateau Zone, Pyrenees Zone, Some Mountain Forests in Detail, Vosges, Alps, Pyrenees. Important Forest Species (p. 40). Acreage and Distribution, Pedunculate Oak, Sessile Oak, Beech, Hornbeam, Holm Oak, Cork Oak, Silver Fir, Scotch Pine, Maritime Pine, Norway Spruce, European Larch, Aleppo Pine, Exotics, Use of Exotics. (See Appendix, p. 387, for data on species.) PHYSICAL AND CLIMATIC FEATURES — INDUSTRY i Area and Topography. — France is a western country in western Europe, hexagonal in form, bounded northwest by the North Sea, Strait of Dover (Pas-de-Calais) and the Enghsh Channel (La Manche) ; west by the Atlantic Ocean; southwest by Spain; southeast by the Mediterranean; east by Italy, Switzerland, and Germany; northeast by Germany, Luxem- burg, and Belgium. From north to south its length is about 600 miles, measuring from Dunkirk to the Col de Falgueres; its breadth from east to west is 528 miles, from the Vosges to Cape Saint Mathieu at the ex- tremity of Brittany. The total area is estimated at 207,170 square miles, including the island of Corsica, which comprises 3,367 square miles. The coast hne of France extends for 384 miles on the Mediter- ranean, 700 on the North Sea, the Strait of Dover, and the Channel, and 865 on the Atlantic. The country has the advantage of being separated from its neighbors by natural barriers of great strength over the greater part of its frontier, the Pyrenees forming a powerful bulwark on the southwest, the Alps on the southeast, and the Jura and the greater por- tion of the Vosges Mountains on the east. The frontier generally follows the crest hne of these ranges. Germany possessed both slopes of the Vosges north of Mont Donon, from which point the northeast boundary is conventional and unprotected by nature. France is geographically remarkable for its possession of great natural and historical highways between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. The one following ■* These data are furnished by the service geographique de I'armee, except where otherwise noted. See Appendix, p. 495, for data on Alsace-Lorraine, now restored to France. 25 26 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES the depression between the Central Plateau and the eastern mountains by way of the valleys of the Rhone and Saone, traverses the Cote d'Or hills and so gains the valley of the Seine; the other skirting the southern base of the Cevennes, reaches the ocean by way of the Garonne Valley. Another natural highway traversing the lowlands to the west of the Central Plateau unites the Seine basin with that of the Garonne. Climate. — The north and northwest of France bear a great resem- blance, both in temperature and produce, to the south of England, rain occurring frequently and the country being consequently suited for pasture. The rains are less frequent in the interior but when they do occur are much heavier, so there is much less difference in the annual rain- fall there as compared with the rest of the country than in the number of rainy days. The annual rainfall of the whole of France averages about 32 inches; the precipitation is greatest along the Atlantic seaboard and in the elevated regions of the interior. It attains over 60 inches in the basin of the Adour (71 inches at the western extremity of the Pyrenees), and nearly as much in the Vosges, Morvan, Cevennes, and parts of the Central Plateau. The zone of level country extending from Rheims and Troyes to Angers and Poitiers with the ex- ception of the Loire Valley and the Brie, receives less than 24 inches of rain annually (Paris about 23 inches), as also does the Mediterranean coast west of Marseilles. The prevailing winds, mild and humid, are west winds from the At- lantic. Continental climatic influ- ences make themselves felt in the east wind which is frequent in winter and in the east of France, while the Mistral, a violent wind from the northwest, is characteristic of the Fig. 1 (after Jolyet).— The black areas Mediterranean region. The local represent rainfall of over 24 inches, the climates ^ of France may be grouped hatched area 16 to 23 inches, and the dot- , j-u f u • r, ^^ i^^; v.„ , , ox ic- 1 rru 4.- r under the followmg seven designa- ted areas 8 to 15 inches. The portions of ° ° France left blank represent summer tern- tions: (1) Sequan chmate, charac- peratures of over 68° F. terizing the Seine basin and northern France, with a mean temperature of 50° F., the winters being cold and the summers mild. (2) Breton cli- mate, with a mean temperature of 51° F., the winters being mild and summers temperate; it is characterized by west and southwest winds and 2 Based on the six Ecological zones proposed by Dr. Mayr of Munich, the Nancy (Traits Pratique de Sylviculture, 1916, Jolyet, pp. 414-418) school recognizes the fol- OTHER INDUSTRIES 27 by frequent fine rains. (3) Girondin climate, characterizing Bordeaux, Agen, Pau, etc., having a mean temperature of 53.6° F., with mild winters and hot summers; the prevailing wind is from the northwest; the average rainfall about 28 inches. (4) Auvergne cKmate, comprising the Ceven- nes, Central Plateau, Clermont, Limoges, and Rodez; mean temperature 51.8° F., with cold winters and hot summers. (5) Vosges climate, in- cluding Epinal, Mezieres, and Nancy, having a mean temperature of 48.2° F., with long and severe winters and hot and rainy summers. (6) Rhone climate, experienced by Lyons, Chalon, Macon, and Grenoble; mean temperature 5L8° F., with cold and wet winters and hot summers; the prevaihng winds are north and south. (7) Mediterranean chmate, at Valence, Nimes, Nice, and Marseilles; mean temperature 57.5° F., with mild winters and almost rainless summers. Agriculture. — Of the 39,000,000 population some 17,000,000 depend upon agriculture for a livelihood, though only about 6,500,000 are engaged in work on the land. The cultivable land occupies some 195,000 square miles, or about 94 per cent of the total area. Of this, 171,000 square miles are cultivated. There are besides 12,300 square miles of unculti- vable area covered by lakes, rivers, towns, etc. ; only 37,672 square miles are in forests (241.2 million acres). While wheat and wine constitute the staples of French agriculture, the distinguishing characteristic is the variety of its products. Cereals occupy about one-third of the cultivated area. For the production of wheat, in which France is self-supporting, French Flanders, the Seine basin, notably Beauce and Brie, and the regions bordering on the lower course of the Loire and the upper course of the Garonne are the chief areas. Rye is grown in the poor agricul- tural territories of the Central Plateau and in the Parisian region. Maize ' covers considerable areas in Landes, Basses-Pyrenees, and other south- western departments. Other Industries. — In France, as in other countries, the development of machinery, whether run by steam, water power, or other native forces, lowing zones as occurring in France: (1) Laurentum, with minimum temperature of — 10°C., where "everywhere orna- mental shrubs with persistent leaves can be cultivated in the gardens." (2) Castanetum, with occasional temperatures down to —25° C, where the mari- time pine and chestnut can be grown. (3) Carpinetum, with temperature down to —.30° C, where there are drought, hot summers, but dangerous frosts and extremes of cold. This includes most of the rich Normandy forests. (4) Mountains, broadly speaking (for the same exposure) for each 3.3 feet of altitude the average temperature diminishes 1.2° C. and the rainfall increases 10 per cent. Ex- ceptions occur, depending on the slope of the mountain and on the latitude. Typical of the mountain climate are abrupt changes in temperature, severe frosts coupled with intense heat (radiations solaires) during the day. 28 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES has played a great part in the promotion of industry. With the exception of Loire, Bouches-du-Rhone, and Rhone, the chief industrial depart- ments of France are to be found in the north and northeast of the country. The department of the Seine, comprising Paris and its suburbs, which has the largest manufacturing population, is largely occupied with the manu- facture of dress, millinery, and articles of luxury (perfumery, etc.), but it plays the leading part in almost every great branch of industry with the exception of spinning and weaving. The typically industrial region of France is the department of the Nord, the seat of the woolen industry, but also prominently concerned in other textile industries, in metal work, and in a variety of other manufactures, fuel for which is supphed by its coal fields. Water Power. — France is relatively poor in coal, and even in ordinary times must import a large amount for use by its factories. Since Ger- many's destruction of the collieries of the north, which have supplied about three-fourths of all the coal mined in France, the situation is made difficult even with the Sarre basin. Fortunately for France, she is rich in hydraulic power. The water power is estimated at nine to ten milhon horse power. Of the European countries only Norway and Sweden possess a larger amount of available hydraulic power. Still more for- tunate for France, most of her water power is to be found in the South, free from war damage, particularly in the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Ceven- nes, and the Jura, although some water power is available in the Vosges and the Central Plateau. During the war the water power development in France has received a tremendous stimulus. Many new factories have been built in which the motive power is electricity, generated by hydraulic force, for the manufacture of machinery, munitions, and other supplies necessary for the army. The manufacture of products necessary for military purposes has not only absorbed all the power which at first was left unutilized because of the discontinuance of a number of factories en- gaged in the production of ordinary commodities, but it was soon found necessary to increase the available water power. Thus several of the Pyrenees water power companies have raised the dam of a lake which served as a reservoir by seven feet and thus increased its reserve in water by 1,300,000 cubic meters, and obtained a proportional increase in the avail- able waterpower. Several water power establishments in the Alps and in the Pyrenees have entirely changed their equipment and adapted their factories for the manufacture of products needed by the Government. The Government has rushed the completion of a number of factories in the course of construction and has taken over in the Central Plateau several waterfalls for the development of water power. During the war the Government increased the available hydraulic power by at least 60,000 horse power. The Government not only sought to develop water BROAD DIVISIONS 29 power for the manufacture of war necessities on its own initiative, but also secured the cooperation of private hydraulic companies. This de- velopment will probably decrease the use of coal and fuel wood during the next decade. Commerce. — Being in the main a self-supporting country, France carries on most of her trade within her own borders and ranks below Great Britain, Germany, and the United States in volume of exterior trade. Goverament. — The principles upon which the French constitution is based are representative government (by two chambers), manhood suffrage, responsibility of ministers, and irresponsibihty of the head of the State. France is divided into 86 administrative departments (including Corsica), or 87 if the territory of Belfort, a remnant of the Haut-Rhin de- partment, be included. These departments are subdivided into 362 arrondissements, 2,911 cantons, and 36,222 communes. (See Alsace- Lorraine, p. 495.) FOREST REGIONS Broad Divisions. — The forest regions of France may be divided into two broad divisions — the plains and the mountains. As might be sup- posed, conifers predominate in the mountains and the broadleaf species in the plains. In this latter region there are ravines and hills but the maximum altitude does not exceed 1,970 feet. The winter season lasts 4 to 5 months, the vegetative season 7 to 8 months. In the mountains the winter lasts 7 to 8 months and, at altitudes of 5,900 to 6,560 feet, the snow remains until June 15, and begins to fall shortly after the middle of September. There is no spring or fall — only winter and summer. Naturally this results in rapid growth with very regular rings, as opposed to the somewhat irregular growth in the plains forests owing to the varia- tions of climate during the growing season. The forest divisions of France (as distinguished by Boppe) are: 1. Plains — (a) Parisienne: (1) West, (2) Center, (3) East. (b) Gironde: (1) Oaks of Adour, (2) Landes, Gascoyne. (c) Provengale. 2. Mountains — (a) Vosges: (1) Lorraine plains, (2) Basses-Vosges, (3) Hautes-Vosges, (4) (5) see text. (6) Jura: (1) First plateau, (2) Second plateau, 1,640 to 1,968 feet, (3) Third plateau, 2,625 to 2,953 feet (4) Haute-Jura. (c) Alps: (1) North, (2) South. id) Central Plateau: (1) North, (2) South, (e) Pyrenees: (1) East, (2) Central, (3) West. 30 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES Plains. — From the foregoing it is seen that the plains forests may be divided into three general zones: (1) Parisienne; (2) Gironde; (3) Provengale. Parisienne Zone. — The Parisienne Zone includes more than half of France, and the forest wealth is composed of broadleaf trees except where conifers have been artificially introduced. Hornbeam is a characteristic species, sessile oak and pedunculate oak the most numerous. Beech abounds but it is not necessarily typical of the region because it extends into the mountain zones. The Federal administration has introduced such species as ash, maple, and elm to a considerable extent. Less valuable species typical of this zone are the willows, limes, and poplars. The annual rainfall averages 27.5 inches, most of it occurring in the sum- mer. Droughts are rare and on the whole the chmate may be termed exceedingly favorable for tree growth. It is partly for this reason that natural regeneration of such species as oak is comparatively simple in France while almost unattainable in many parts of Germany. The pre- vaihng wind is west. The best high forests in France that produce ex- ceedingly valuable oak logs are found in this zone. There are, of course, coppice and coppice-under-standards. This general region can be subdivided into three parts: (1) West, wliich includes such forests as Fontainebleau, d'Orleans, and Montargis. This hmited area is bounded by the valleys of the Perche and Bretagne. The chmate is exceedingly mild and humid. (2) Center, including the Sologne, where a moist silicious soil has been partly deforested. This includes the Champagne region where the tree growth is quite ordinary. (3) East, which includes the Argonne, the Langres Plateau, the Plains of Lorraine, Franche-Comte, and Bourgogne. Here 25 per cent of the area is forested and most of it is in coppice-under-standards, although con- versions are the order of the day where soil will permit. Gironde Zone. — The second important zone — the Gironde — fol- lows the ocean from Bayonne to the Loire, and includes two subdivisions : (1) the oaks of the Adour, and (2) the maritime pine of the Landes- Gascoyne. The important species are maritime pine, occidental oak, and pyrean oak. The sessile oak is almost entirely lacking, and the holm oak is found chiefly on limestone soils. The maritime pine, which now reproduces naturally but originally was estabhshed by artificial means (see pp. 182), is the species of the Landes-Gascoyne. It grows on pure sand and has increased the value of land worthless for agriculture many thousands per cent. Provencale Zone. — The third important zone — Provengale — is dry and hot and borders the Mediterranean between Nice and Port Vendres. The region is indented by the Maritime Alps and the Pyrenees at each extremity and extends up the Rhone as far as Valence. The important JURA ZONE 31 species are the holm oak, white oak, aleppo pine. On the sihcious soils of the Maures and the Esterel maritime pine and cork oak form the predomi- nant stand with a thick undergrowth of heather. In this region trees rarely attain large size, but yield good fuel charcoal and tanbark. The secondary revenue from truffles is in places as much as $38.60 per acre. The prevalent northeast wind, known as the "mistral," is a source of danger during the fire season. This is especially significant since in this region there is much less rain than in the Parisienne. Mountains. — The mountains are divided into five main zones: (1) Vosges, (2) Jura, (3) Alps, (4) Central Plateau, (5) Pyrenees. Vosges Zone. — The Vosges begins at 1,150 feet elevation. It is rich in forests; fir, beech, and spruce are the dominant species at certain points; oak and hornbeam disappear completely toward the summits. The spruce continues with the fir to the highest altitudes. Much Scotch pine has been artificially introduced. The zone extends to a maximum altitude of 4,590 feet, but the average hmit of tree growth is at 4,100 feet. Be- tween the maximum and minimum altitudes five types of stands have been distinguished: (1) the Lorraine plain; here coppices of hornbeam, oak, and poor quahty birch have led to an increase in the per cent of beech in order to improve the soil. Where, however, the conditions are ex- ceedingly bad, Scotch pine is being introduced. (2) Basses- Vosges ; here silver fir is the typical species. (3) Hautes- Vosges ; on account of the granitic formation it is well watered, but the forest area is much cut up by farms and grazing lands. Here are found a number of protection forests. Two less important subdivisions are: (4) where on the south slope toward the Franche-Comte plains the schists give place to syenites and porphyries and the fir is replaced by the oak. There was formerly a good deal of coppice alternating with field crops in this region and there is still much simple coppice grown for bark production. The fifth (5) (la Vosge), also relatively unimportant, is apparently an island of varie- gated sandstone where high forests of oak and beech predominate on the fine-grained sand. Jura Zone. — Exceedingly rich mountain forests are found in the Jura. They are less extensive than in the Vosges but much richer. In the Vosges the soil is silicious, while in the Jura it is calcareous. The im- portant commercial Jura species are silver fir and Norway spruce. In this region there are four subdivisions, based on altitude: (1) The first plateau really belongs more to the plain than to the mountain region, but fir has been introduced. (2) In the second region, with an altitude of 1,640 to 1,970 feet, the fir is mixed with spruce. The best fir forests of France are found on the rich soil above this first escarpment on Jurassic formation. The forests of Levier and La Joux (Fig. 2) are world famous. 32 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES (3) In the third division ^ the average elevation is 2,620 to 2,950 feet but extends to 3,940 feet. The chmate is severe and the production less than in the lower zone. After windfall, provided insects can be kept out, the soil usually seeds naturally to a good stand. With fir, spruce, and beech there is some sycamore. The rainfall averages more than 39 inches a year. The forest of Risoux is typical. (4) The Haute- Jura, like the Haute- Vosges, is chiefly valuable for grazing, such as is found in the forest of La Dole. Fig. 2. — The richest silver fir (with spruce) stands in France are found in the State forest of La Joux (Jura). Note the clear boled stand from natural regeneration. During the war the Canadians cut heavily in this superb forest. Alps Zone. — The third great mountain subdivision, the Alps, ex- tends from the Lake of Geneva to the Mediterranean — from the limit of tree growth to the sea level. In the lower mountains, up to 1,970 to 2,130 feet, one finds such typical plains species as the white oak, holm oak, 3 Jolyet claims the third Jura plateau is a myth and prefers the term "Hautes chaines du Jura" to "Haute-Jura" for the fourth subdivision. CENTRAL PLATEAU ZONE 33 chestnut, and Scotch pine. At higher elevations there is mountain pine, larch, and cembric pine. (See Fig. 3.) This latter species extends to the limit of tree growth, although larch is considered the most valuable of the Alpine species. The most notable stands are the beech of Vercors, the spruce of Tarentaise, the mountain pine of Embrunais, the fir of such rich valleys as the Var, and the larch of Briangonnais, of Queyras, and of Comte de Nice. French foresters divide the Alps into two regions: (1) North Alps, which extends as far as Pelvoux. The valleys face the Fig. 3. — Larch and oembrio pine at an altitude of 7,050 feet (north exposure) in the Canton of Melezet, communal forest of Villarodin-Bourget. The soil must be worked to facilitate regeneration. north and the stand is fairly intact. The chief species are beech, fir, spruce, while larch is rare. (2) In the South Alps, from Pelvoux to the Mediterranean, there are southerly exposures and a variable and severe climate. Here is found the greatest damage from torrents. There are, however, good stands of fir and spruce, while the larch is exceedingly im- portant. There are also aspen, Scotch pine, and chestnut. Consider- able damage from grazing is experienced. Central Plateau Zone. — The Central Plateau includes the mountains of Morvan, where beech is the important species, and the Cevennes, with its .stands of Austrian pine. 34 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES Pyrenees Zone. — The fifth and last mountain zone, to my mind per- haps the most attractive for the traveler, has been divided into two divisions: (1) The Eastern Pyrenees and (2) the Central and Western Pyrenees which is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. The dividing fine between this zone and the eastern zone is the basin of the Aude and the Ariege. In the eastern zone the climate is more hke the Maritime Alps but moister, the rains being less torrential, however, and consequently the floods are not so dangerous. The cliief species are fir, beech, and mountain pine. In the Department of the Aude the fir is almost as good as in the Vosges and Jura. Here the mountain pine does not form pure dense stands but is found in mixture with spruce and larch. There has been considerable overgrazing. A typical forest area is the Montague Noire. In the second division (central and western) there are irregular west winds, and there is more rain and better forage. The same species are grown as in the eastern division but the stands are denser, with a larger percentage of beech mixed with the conifers. Scotch pine largely replaces the mountain pine. Typical forests are Luchon, Bareges, and Cauterets. Some Mountain Forests in Detail. — Of all the forest zones or regions of France, those of the four great mountain areas — Vosges, Jura, Alps, and Pyrenees — are most interesting to the American forester. For a more intimate view of local conditions in the Jura reference is made to the Appendix where the essentials of a working plan for the forest of Grande Cote is reproduced. Let us consider in greater detail some of these mountain regions. Vosges. — Before the Vosges ^ were acquired by the State they be- longed to the Due de Lorraine, to lesser nobles, and to various abbeys. Since they were largely maintained for fuel and for shooting it is not sur- prising that a great deal of forested area still remains — 37 per cent of the total land acreage being now in forest. A total of 520,041 acres of forest is divided as follows: Acres State 139,522 Communal 291,563 Private 88,956 Total 520,041 Considering the region as a whole, and separating the area of plains forests from the Vosges forests proper, the species, in order of importance, are: Beech, 60 per cent; oak, 30 per cent; miscellaneous species, 10 per cent. Of the strictly mountain area the species on the Vosges sandstone in order of importance are: Fir, 75 per cent; beech and miscellaneous ^ Sommaire sur les Forets domaniales du Departement des Vosges. Mongenot. VOSGES 35 species, 18 per cent; Scotch pine, 6 per cent; spruce, 1 per cent; on the mountain granite formation fir comprises 51 per cent; spruce, 18 per cent; pine, 1 per cent; and beech, 30 per cent. It is clear then that in the mountains fir is the important species, and mature, fully stocked stands yield from 350 to as high as 1,000 cubic meters (12,360 to 35,314 cubic feet) per hectare; about 26,000 to 74,000 feet board measure per acre. In the so-called plains forests of the Vosges the product in logs is only 30 per cent, due to the larger proportion of broadleaf trees, while in the mountains sawlogs ("work wood") reach 55 per cent of the total pro- duction. On 20,000 hectares (49,420 acres) of coniferous forests the average volume from forested hectares was 317 cubic meters (11,194.5 cubic feet), about 23,000 feet board measure to the acre, and on the vari- ous forests included in this average, the average by forests varied from 196 to 390 cubic meters (6,921.5 to 13,772.5 cubic feet per hectare), or about 14,000 to 30,000 feet board measure to the acre. The total average yield in cubic meters for the entire Vosges was 245,574 (8,672,200.2 cubic feet) in 1870-79; 231,835 (8,187,021.2 cubic feet) for 1880-89; and 314,046 (11,090,220.4 cubic feet) for 1890-99, these latter yield figures being con- siderably above normal owing to increased windfall and the consequently forced cut. The price per cubic meter (35.3 cubic feet) since 1877 has been 1 to 3 francs (19 to 58 cents) higher in the mountains than in the Vosges plains, due in part to the larger proportion of logs and to the de- creasing demand for hardwood fuel. The average price per cubic meter (35.3 cubic feet) taken to the nearest franc for the whole region was 8 francs ($1.54) in 1871, 16 ($3.09) in 1876, 15 ($2.89) in 1879, 8 ($1.54) in 1887, 13 ($2.51) in 1898; in 1914 the price had risen to 20 francs ($3.86) and in 1918 to 55 francs ($10.61). In the mountain region it is of interest that the price for logs on the Vosges sandstone brought 1 to 6 francs (19 cents to $1.16) more than for the same class of material on the granite formation; it is safe to draw the conclusion that, during 1890-99, the price was at least on an average of 5 francs (96 cents) more. The table which follows shows the money yield per forested hectare (2.5 acres) in even francs (and in dollars per acre) by 10-year periods from 1870 to 1900, separately for the mountains and plains forests and averaged for the whole region. The figures in parentheses are dollars per acre: 1870 Mountains 55(.$4.24) Plains 30($2.32) Average 45($3.47) 50($3.85) 55(14.24) 85($6.55) The decreasing net values for the plains forests and the increasing values of the mountain forests is due to the decreasing price of fuel and 1880 1890 1900 55 ($4.24) 65(15.02) 100($7.72) 35(12.70) 30($2.32) 45($3.47) 36 FOREST REGIONS AXD HIPORTAXT SPECIES the increase in the price of sawlogs. This increase and decrease is tj^pical of almost all portions of Europe since the introduction of coal and the scarcity of logs of large dimensions. Naturally it should influence the silvicultural poUcy pursued. It means that high forest systems should replace coppice and coppice-under-standards whenever local conditions permit. The conversion is not always simple from the economic stand- point on account of the demand of the communes for a steady revenue. Conversions mean increasing the gromng stock, an economy which com- munes cannot always afford, because of their local needs for wood and because of the money returns from auctions of timber which make taxa- tion that much less. Alps. — According to Huffel ^ the Alps comprise 19,305 square miles, one-fifth of which is forested; of this forest area nearly two-thirds is in private hands and one-tliird communal — the remainder State forests, not including areas under reforestation. The forests tributarj^ to Xice have typified systematic grazing devastation. The basin of the Durance is the most devastated because drought has accentuated the evils of overgrazing and overcutting, and the torrential rains have completed the damage. The Department of the Basses-Alpes is only 18 per cent adiuilly forested (26.3 per cent classed as "forest") and on an average produces but one- half a cubic meter (17.6 cubic feet) per hectare (2.5 acres) per year for the area under "forest"; four-fifths of this production is firewood, equal to about one-tenth cord per acre per year. It is only fair to say that most of this area belongs to the communes, the State owning only a few refores- tation areas. The basin of the Drome and the basin of the Isere and Haute-Savoie have favorable chmates and soil. The area is in the transi- tion zone between the South (dry) Alps and the North (wet) Alps. Of 217,448 acres of communal forest, half the area is in high forest, a quarter in coppice, and the rest blank. During the period 1877 to 1886 it pro- duced only 1.9 cubic meters (67.1 cubic feet) per hectare per year, or a revenue of 33 francs ($6.37), w^hile the coppice production was 1 cubic meter (35.3 cubic feet) or a revenue of 1.27 francs ($0,245), since the fire- wood brought but httle return — a combined yield of about three-fifths of a cord per acre per year. From the reforested areas of this region the revenue is as yet nothing. Of the two important Federal forests near Gap the forest of Durbon jdelds 1 cubic meter (35.3 cubic feet) or 10 francs ($1.93) per hectare per year, (77 cents per acre), and the forest of Boscodon 2.5 cubic meters (88.3 cubic feet) or 30 francs ($5.79) per year ($2.32 per acre). The larch forests of the Alps, Embrunais, and Brian- gonnais are considered the most interesting. The forest of jNIont- Gene^Te at the source of the Durance, at an altitude of 6,235 to 8,200 feet, comprises 2,281 acres of which 1,359 acres are forested. It is a high 5 Economie Forestiere, Vol. HI, pp. 391-397. ALPS 37 forest with a 150-year rotation and includes cembric pine, Scotch pine, and larch. In the communal forest of Puy-Saint-Pierre, below Briangon, the larch is managed on a 200-year rotation. In the aggregate the larch forests of France comprise about 121,000 acres and are treated as regular high forests, except when maintained purely for protection purposes, when light selection cuttings are made. In the Haute-Dauphine there are several Federal forests in good con- dition. The best known is the Grande Chartreuse, north of Grenoble. Of the total of 16,061 acres 13,343 acres are productive. Before the aboHshment of the monastery 368 acres were reserved simply as a scenic forest. Since the separation of the church from the State this has been added to the productive area and is now being conservatively lumbered. The rotation is 162 to 225 years. For the period 1865 to 1905 the aver- age production for the whole area of this forest was 1.8 cubic meters (53.6 cubic feet) per hectare (2.5 acres) per year, or 2.2 cubic meters (77.7 cubic feet) for the productive areas (120 board feet). The gross revenue for the whole forest during this same period was 17 francs ($3.28) per hectare per year, or a net of 10.3 francs ($1.99) for the productive area, 20.5 francs ($3.96) and 12.4 francs ($2.39), equal to $1.58 gross and 96 cents net per acre per year. The Savoie comprises some 56,833 acres of forests; here the climate is considered favorable and it is the best wooded part of the French Alps. Six-tenths of the forest area is communal and the State owns but 1,483 acres — the forest of Belle Vaux above Thonon where the spruce pre- dominates. A typical communal forest of this region is that of Vailly opposite Lausanne on the Lake of Geneva. At an average altitude of 3,600 feet spruce is 50 per cent of the stand, beech 29, and fir 21. The average revenue, 1886-1902, was 7.17 francs ($1.38) per hectare per year, or but 55 cents per acre. It is significant that the proportion between fuel and logs is as 211 is to 110, where, as the working-plans officer says, the proportion ought to be as 60 is to 100. Another interesting forest in Savoie is in the valley of Fier,^ near the little village of Thones, comprising 321 acres. It shows what recovery can be made when a forest is properly managed. The growing stock in- creased from 54,000 cubic meters (1,906,956 cubic feet) in 1895 to 60,000 cubic meters (2,118,840 cubic feet) in 1900, notwithstanding the regular annual cut. Wliile this forest is considered almost normal to-day, in 1840 the growing stock had been so reduced that the commune proposed to open it to goat grazing, something that is rarely done except in the case of brush land. The recovery which this region has made under French forest management is a lasting tribute to the foresters of the Repubhc. ^ Une Jolie Foret. A. Schseffer, pp. 1-4. 38 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES This region was only ceded by Italy in 1860, and prior to that date the forests had been overcut and damaged, the prices were low, and there was a large amount of overmature diseased timber. A. Schaeffer, for many years chief of working plans, with headquarters at Grenoble, has studied the rotation, cutting period, stand per hectare, increment, and financial yield before and after past working plan revisions, and has proved that the conservative management introduced by the French is successful. These forests, classed according to yield production, may be grouped in fom' classes: 1. Those forests with a yield of over 6 cubic meters (211.9 cubic feet) per hectare (2.5 acres) per year. These are found on the sandstones, schists, warm calcareous soils, and alluvial soils near the lakes of Geneva, Annecy, and Bourget. Such jdelds are almost comparable with the famous Jura and Vosges. 2. The second- and third-class forests are yields between 4 and 6 meters (141.3 and 211.9 cubic feet) and between 3, 4, and 2 meters (141.3 and 70.6 cubic feet) respectively. Here, either the soil or the climatic conditions are naturally poor producers. Sometimes this intermediate yield is due to the mediocre combination of both climate and soil. 4. The fourth class of forests is where the production is less than 2 cubic meters (70.6 cubic feet) per hectare (2.5 acres) per year. These are located in the high valleys or rocky slopes where the climate is severe or relatively dry. (See Fig. 4, a and 6.) Pyrenees. — The forests of the Pyrenees may be differentiated in two ways, by geographical location or by zones of altitude. The geographical differentiation has already been described. On account of their impor- tance and interest to the American forester, it is well worth while to add the altitude zones in order to make the regional distribution complete. In the first altitude zone, above 3,280 feet, fir and beech are found pure and in mixture. Fir predominates in the central and beech in the eastern and western Pyrenees. Mountain pine and Scotch pine predominate near Mont-Louis. The limit of tree growth is 7,530 feet for mountain pine, 6,890 feet for fir, 6,230 feet for beech; usually typical grazing forests begin at an altitude of from 5,580 to 5,740 feet; sessile oak reaches 5,085 feet in the eastern and pedunculate oak 4,593 feet in the western Pyrenees. The second zone, 1,640 to 3,280 feet, has beech as the chief species with fir and oak as secondary. In the third zone, 1,640 to 560 feet, there is oak with beech and chestnut, sessile oak in the eastern and pedunculate in the western and central Pyrenees. The fourth zone, below 660 feet, has the same species as the third zone with the addition of holm oak and maritime pine. PYREENEES 39 •2 I '^^SS (N flT3 ^ O OJ QJ ."S b '-I "^ :?s all's : a; o =« i^-*^ 40 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES IMPORTANT FOREST SPECIES Acreage and Distribution. — The figures that follow show the propor- tionate area stocked with each of the principal species in France in the forests under State supervision. These statistics are based on Huffel's figures of 1904, corrected proportionately to conform to the official statis- tics on total forest area pubhshed in 1912 by the Service des Eaux et Forets. According to these figures, broadleaf trees occupy 77 per cent of the area as against 23 per cent for the conifers. There are no accurate figures for private forests, nor for communal and institutional forests not under State supervision, but Huffel estimates that for all of France the timber oaks occupy 35 per cent of the ground, the holm oak 4 per cent, misceha- neous broadleaf trees 41 per cent, and the conifers about 20 per cent. Table 2 follows: TABLE 2. — AREA OCCUPIED BY BROADLEAVES AND CONIFERS Species Acres, productive forest Per cent of total area, productive forest Oak 1,796.000 1,194,000 717,000 264,000 1,053,000 5,024,000 455,000 430,000 262,000 178,000 116,000 30,000 54,000 1,525,000 27.5 Beech 18.2 TTfirnbipmn .... 11.0 TTnlm nnk . . . 4.0 Miscellaneous broadleaves 16.0 Fir 76.7 7.1 6.5 4.0 Spruce 2.7 Larch 1.8 Aleppo pine 0.4 Miscellaneous 0.8 23.3 Grand total 6,549,000 100.00 As the foregoing table indicates, the occurrence of the various species depends chiefly on climatic conditions and the oak is unquestionably by far the most important and typical timber species. The timber oaks not only occupy 27.5 per cent of the total productive forest area under work- ing plans but are also encouraged in regeneration in their fight against other species, and in many State forests the oak is grown to unprofital^ly long rotations in order to supply industry with the class of wood which it requires. Two important species are the sessile and pedunculate oak; they occur in mixture and separately. Oak is found all over France ex- ACREAGE AND DISTRIBUTION 41 cept in the higher mountains and in the regions bordering the Mediterra- nean and the Atlantic Ocean. The essential silvicultural characteristic of each of these species is given on pp. 387. Beech is the second important species and occupies 18.2 per cent of the productive forest area. It is found everywhere except in the highest mountains, on the Mediterranean, and plains of the southern Atlantic coast line, including the Gironde, Landes, and Dordogne. The distribu- tion of beech is shown in Fig. 5, The hornbeam, although it occupies 11 per cent of the productive area, is not an important timber species notwithstanding its wide distribution. It does not grow to large size and its chief function is to supply fuel and to maintain soil conditions. The distribution of hornbeam is shown in Fig. 5. The holm oak is confined chiefly to the regions not occupied by the timber oaks, by beech, and by hornbeam. It is often found in mixture with cork oak (whose distribution is given in Fig. 5) and with aleppo pine. Silver fir occupies 7.1 per cent of the productive forest area and is especially adapted to the climate prevailing in northern, eastern, and central France, and is a typical species of the Vosges, Jura, Alps, and Pyi-enees. It reaches its optimum development in the Jura. Notwithstanding that Scotch pine occupies 6.5 per cent of the produc- tive forest area, it does not grow naturally in level country, but only in the mountains of the Vosges, Central Plateau, Alps, and Pyrenees; it has not grown naturally in the Jura, since in that department it cannot main- tain its struggle for existence on limestone soil. But because of its use for forestation it is found in every department in France except ten; it forms at least one-tenth the stand of technically administered forests in twenty-six departments. The maritime. pine commercially is one of the most important timber species of France, but is limited to a comparatively small region, as shown by Fig. 5. Norway spruce is found only in the higher mountain regions of the Jura, Vosges, and Alps, and does not grow naturally in the Pyrenees. Outside of these mountain regions it is unimportant, since the mild climatic conditions of the plains do not favor its growth. The larch also is confined even more markedly to the higher mountain regions. Its natural habitat is the Alps. These five broadleaved species and six conifers are the important trees of France. How they are distributed in the different forest regions has already been explained. To give a more intimate view of French silvi- culture, the writer has included monographs on these principal species. The data are not original; much are freely translated from authoritative FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES E — Maritime pine (Pin maritime) F — Aleppo pine {Pin d'alep) Fig. 5 (after Jolyet). — Distribution of six important forest trees in France. Key: Dominant, ■■; subordinate, ^Mi rare, li^u^^l ; very rare or lack- ing, L USE OF EXOTICS 43 sources, but it was considered very essential to present the data so as to give, as nearly as possible, the French viewpoint on the silvics of each important species. In order not to encumber the text these data on species are given in the Appendix. Exotics. — Jolyet, on the authority of Belgian and French authors, cites the following exotics as of possible value in France: Red oak (Quercus rubra L.), rapid growth; hardy. June oak {Quercus pedunculata, var. tardissima Simonkai), hardy. White ash (Fraxinus americana L.), hardy; rapid growth. "Parrotia" (Parrotia persica C. A. Meyer), much hke beech but can develop on dry, shallow, limestone soils; Carpinetum zone. Common walnut (JugJans regia L.), cabinet wood; Carpinetum zone. Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.), cabinet wood; Carpinetum zone. Butternut; White walnut {Juglans cinerea L.), cabinet wood; a hardier tree: Carpine- tum zone. Shellbark hickory {Hicoria ovata (Mill.) Britton), cabinet wood; Carpinetum zone. Mocker nut hickory {Hickoria alba (L.) Britton), cabinet wood; Carpinetum zone. Yellow birch (Betula lutea Michxf.), cabinet wood. Black cherry {Primus serotina Ehrh.), cabinet wood; Carpinetum zone. Aspen {Populus Iremuloides Michaux), furnishes soft wood; hardy. Yellow linden {Tilia rubra var. euchlora C. Koch), furnishes soft wood; hardy; from Crimea. Manchurian hnden {Tilia mandschurica Ruprecht and Maximovicz), furnishes soft wood; hardy. Honoki; Japanese magnoha {Magnolia hypoleuca Siebold and Zuccarini), furnishes soft wood; rapid growth. Yellow poplar {Liriodendron tulipifera L.), furnishes soft wood; Carpinetum zone. Locust {Robinia pseudacacia L.), a durable hard wood; hardy. Tree of heaven; Allan thus {Ailantus glandulosa Desf ontaines) , rapid growth and hardy; near ocean in Laurentum zone, and in Castanetum zone. Chinese "cedar"; Cedrela {Cedrela sinensis A. Jussieu), quality of ash but hardier; near ocean in Laurentum zone, and in Castanetum zone. Keaki {Zelkova acuminata Planchon), wood like elm; requires fresh soil; Carpinetum zone. Douglas fir {Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Poit) Britton), rapid growth; hardy. White fir {Abies concolor (Gord) Parry), rapid growth; hardy. Oriental spruce {Picea orientalis Carr.), drought enduring; comes from Asia Minor between Trebizond and Erzerum. Lodgepole pine {Pinus coniorta Loudon), hardy for "Karst" soils. White pine {Pinus strobus L.), rapid grower; hardy; hable to borers and parasites, Norway pine; Red pine {Pinus resinosa Alton), rapid grower; hardy; free from insect danger. Use of Exotics. — Certain conclusions can be reached regarding the introduction of exotic species: (1) Exotic species are almost always uncertain, even after they have reached the saphng or pole age. Local species should be favored. (2) If exotics are used they should never be employed on a large scale 44 FOREST REGIONS AND IMPORTANT SPECIES until they have been thoroughly tested over a rotation under similar conditions. (3) When employed there must be a definite justification for not using local trees — (a) QuaHty of wood (not contained in local species) required by na- tional wood industries. (b) Rapid growth or hardiness under adverse soil or chmatic conditions. France is poor in tree species (see p. 40) and particularly needs cabinet woods and woods easy to work, like yellow poplar. She requires trees hardy on unfavorable sites, but nevertheless, because of the high cost of foreign tree seeds the use of exotics, even though of proven worth, is rarely practicable. There are, of course, exceptions to tliis fundamental rule — notably Scotch pine, whose range has been increased largely by artificial means. Too often the forester may be tempted to use an exotic which has been grown successfully in botanical gardens. This is poor practice and should not be followed. Beware of exotics, because they rarely succeed and are subject to insect and fungous damage! CHAPTER IV FOREST STATISTICAL DATA Private Forest Owners (p. 45). Ownership, System of Cutting, and Production, Forest Areas and Per Cent of Species by Departments, Analysis of General Statistics, Management Statistics, Costs of Administration, Statistics of Fir Stands in the Jura, Statistics for Levier. Private Forest Owners. — About one-tenth the French forest area belongs to the State, two-tenths to communes and pubHc institutions, and seven-tenths to private owners. There is an incredible number of small owners, a fact never before noted by Enghsh or American writers. In 1912 there were 1,538,526 private forest owners^ (excluding the com- munes, which are really groups of small joint owners). There were fully 1,446,200 owners with less than 25 acres, only 82,285 owners with forests of 25 to 1,253 acres, and but 742 owners of forests over 1,235 acres. Take any department at random: In the Puy-de-D6me 101,510 acres out of the total area are in the hands of 32,684 owners, each owning less than 25 acres, and there are only 628 owners who possess more than 25 acres each. Even in the Seine-et-Marne, just west of Paris, there are 50,787 acres in the hands of 31,085 owners. Out of ten departments, taken at random, there were 97,710 owners with less than 25 acres of forest each, their average holdings being 3.2 acres. This is of the utmost importance; it is the key to the stability of France. In other countries the forests are usually in the hands of large owners; in the Republic of France the forest land, as well as the agricultural land, is divided among the people. There are few large estates remaining. Out of all the private forests in France there are only seventy-nine over 2,500 acres; in twenty-one departments there are none of this size. In the United States there are millions of farmers owning small woodlots, but according to the Society of American Foresters : "A few men have secured vast amounts of private timber and timberlands. Already 1,802 owners control more than 79,000,000 acres of the forest lands of the United States. In Florida 182 holders own more than 9,000,000 acres. In Michigan over 5,000,000 acres are held by 32 owners. In Louisiana 27 holders own more than 6,000,000 acres. In the Pacific Northwest three owners have more than 9,000,000 acres. And these are but typical instances." 1 The figures of the total number of owners, given in the official French Forest Atlas of 1912, do not check with the owners under the various size classes. This discrepancy cannot be explained but does not affect the conclusions. 45 4:6 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA From a national and political standpoint France is unquestionably the gainer by having her forests in small holdings. From the standpoint of forest management and the treatment of individual stands small owner- ship necessarily implies that each owner will cut spasmodically to satisfy his needs in the village or farm. The large owner, on the contrary, upon competent technical advice, manages his forest as a permanent business and adheres fairly well to a sustained annual yield and to regulated fell- ings. Other things being equal, having forests in small holdings benefits a nation hut deteriorates the stand. Ownership, System of Cutting, and Production. — The summaries that follow (taken from the official statistics of 1912) have been some- what modified by the cutting and destruction made necessary by a great war. But fundamentally the statistics will probably remain correct as regards forest area because of the stringent laws against deforestation. For the next hundred years the wood production will probably be at least 10 per cent less than during the past century. This means that in the next decade the production will be, say, 20 per cent less, while during the period 2010 to 2019 the loss may be only 1 per cent. In other words, the recovery will be gradual and progressive if a proper forest policy is fol- lowed. Detailed statistics (p. 50) show that 18.7 per cent of the total area of France is in forests. A summary of forest ownership, system of management, and annual production follows: TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF FOREST OWNERSHIP, SYSTEMS OF MAN- AGEMENT, AND ANNUAL PRODUCTION Total area, acres Unpro- ductive, acres Coppice, acres Coppice- under- stand- ards, acres Under conver- sion, acres High forest, acres Annual production " Ownership 1,000 board feet Cords State 2,963,861 4,815,148 15,988,857 662,590 366,226 188,632 610,901 81,357 64,109 645,992 4,856,214 202,627 792,539 2,471,332 5,856,947 43,735 241,186 33,008 106,314 3,590 1,529,825 1,476,186 4,558,481 3,311,836 288,745 355,061 1,205,555 68,292 496,664 Communes and pub- lic institutions Private Communes and pub- lic institutions 943,422 3,157,516 66,719 Totals 24,430,456 1,247,116 5,768,942 9,134,553 384,098 10,876,328 1,917,756 4,664,379 "A factor of 3.5 cubic meters of logs to 1,000 board feet and 3.6 steres of fuel to one cord was used to obtain the column "Annual production." Because of deple- tion during the war these statistics are probably 10 to 20 per cent too high. Table 4 which follows shows the average annual per hectare production in cubic meters by departments. These data are classed especially for Federal, communal, and institu- OWNERSHIP, ETC. 47 TABLE 4. — AVERAGE ANNUAL PER HECTARE PRODUCTION IN CUBIC METERS BY DEPARTMENTS Department Ain Aisne Allier Alpes (Basses) Alpes (Hautes) Alpes-Maritimes Ardeche Ardennes Ariege Aube Aude Aveyron Belfort (Territoire de) . Bouches-du-Rhone Calvados Cantal Charente Charente Inferieure. . . . Cher Correze Corse Coted'Or C6tes-du-Nord Creuse Dordogne Doubs Drdme Eure Eure-et-Loir Finistere Card Garonne (Haute) Gers Gironde Herault Ule-et-Vilaine Indre Indre-et-Loir Isere Jura Landes Loir-et-Cher Loire Loire (Haute) Loire-Inferieure Loiret Lot Lot-et-Garonne Lozere Maine-et-Loire Manche Under technical management Logs Fuel 4.0 2 1 LO 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.9 0.3 0.7 LI L4 2.0 0.4 0.3 0.9 LO 0.2 0.6 0.4 6.8 0.3 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.3 1.6' 1.4 0.5 0.8 1.3 2.1 1.6 1.2 0.25 1.1 0.3 1.8 0.08 1.2 2.7 1.4 o;r 0'55 2.6 0.8 2.5 0.7 0.8 3.4 1.0 2.1 1.6 1.5 2.0 0.4 2.7 3^3' 1.2' 0.3 2.8 1.9 1.4 0.2 0.9 3.4 0.2 1.9 2.0 2.2 0.2 3.2 0.6 2.0 0.25 1.2 2.5 1.5 6.32 Communal and institution Logs 1.3 1.6 0.6 0.05 0.26 0.4 0.1 0.4 1.2 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0'6' 0.1 0.1 0.7 0^1 0.4 0'2' L7 0.3 0.2 0.05 0.5 0.6 1.0 0^5' 0.3 0'8' 1.1 1.4 0.8 2.4 1.1 o^r 0^3 0.2 0'4 1.0 2.6 2.6 0.35 0.24 0.2 1.3 2.4 0.8 3.1 0.6 0.9 3.9 0.3 L2' 1.8 2.2 3 2 2.2 0.5 2.5 2'2' 2'7' 0.8 2.1 1.15 LO' 1.5 2.9 1.2 0.4 2.0 2.4 0'8' 2.6 1.0 2.0 0.8 0.4 4^1' 2^5' 0.5 2^5' Logs Fuel 0.2 0,8 0.3 0.08 0.15 0.1 0.5 1.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 1.4 0'3 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.7 2.7 0.4 2.9 2.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 1.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 1.8 2.1 2.7 0.62 0.45 0.5 0.8 2.2 0,9 2,0 1.4 2.3 3.1 2.7 0.4 0.7 2.5 2.7 2.6 1.3 1.8 0.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 0.8 1.9 1.8 2.0 0.5 2.5 2.7 1,8 1,7 1,6 1,0 1,8 1,1 1,2 3,2 2,0 Logs Fuel 0,1 0,4 0,3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0,4 0^4 0^1 0,1 0,05 0,02 0,1 0^2' 0,6 0'4' 0,3 0,6 0,2 0^7' 0^1 0,1 0,2 1,3 o^r 0,5 0^2' 0,3 3,0 0,1 3.7 1.5 o'r 0.1 0.9 0.3 0^2' PROPERTY UiSKAKi n. C. State College 48 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA TABLE A. — Continued Under technical manangement Private Comn Department Federal Communal and institution aunal Logs Fuel Log.s Fuel Logs Fuel Logs Fuel Marne Haute-Marne Mayenne Meurthe-et-Moselle 1.5 0.8 3.7 1.0 0.8 1.9 0.6 2.5 1.0 0.7 1.9 1.3 0.6 0.3 0.1 3.6 1.9 1.5 2.0 3.4 2.2 1.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 3.8 1.7 2.0 1.8 2.3 0.5 3.0 1.2 0.1 1.2 2.1 2.6 1.5 0.3 0.1 3.8 1.6 2.5 3.2 4.4 3.0 1.3 3.8 0.4 0.5 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.9 3.0 0.9 0.6 0'5' 0.5 0^6 2.3 0.3 0^6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 o'g' 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.2 0.9 0.3 1.4 0'7' o;4' 0.1 o.r L4' 0.3 3.1 2.3 2.'7' 2.5 4^6' 2.2 2.0 2^2' 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.4 3^6 3.5 2.8 0.7 0.9 3.2 3.1 2.2 3.9 2.6 2.5 1.7 3.0 0.6 0.5 2^4' 2^0' 2.7 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.8 0.5 1.0 0.4 1.4 0.6 0.5 1.2 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0^3' 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.3 0^2' 0.1 0.2 0.9 0.3 1.9 2.1 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.4 2.6 2.6 1.1 2.0 1.7 1.1 2.0 3.1 2.7 1.9 1.3 1.2 0.5 3.0 2.3 2.3 3.0 2.2 1.7 0.9 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.0 3.1 1.5 2.6 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.8 LO' 0.5 LO' 0.3 0,1 0.2 0.1 o^r 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0^3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.8 0:3' 0:3' 0.5 0.2 0.8 1.1 2.0 1.1 1.4 0.3 Nievre Nord Oise 5.0 1.5 2.1 Orne 2.2 Pas-de-Calais Puy-du-D6me Pyrenees (Basses) Pyrenees (Haute) 2.4 0.3 1.5 0.6 Pyrenees-Orientales Rhone 0.6 3.3 Saone (Haute) 2.2 2.1 Sarthe Savoie 2.2 0.4 Savoie (Haute) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.4 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.8 0.2 2.5 0.6 0.5 Seine 0.6 Seine-et-Marne 2.5 Seine-et-Oise .... 2.4 Seine-I nf er ie ure 1.7 Sevres (Deux) 3.6 2.6 Tarn 1.4 Var 0.4 0.1 Vendee 1.5 Vienne 3.5 Vosges 1.3 Yonne .... 2.1 tional forests which are under technical State management and for private and communal forests which are ordinarily not under technical supervision. The figures for each class of owner are divided into logs and fuel, and represent, the number of cubic meters which the forests produce per hectare and per year. In order to reduce these figures to American units of measure (board feet and cords) the figures in the log column should be divided by 3.5 and figures in the fuel column by 0.277, the approximate answers being 1,000 board feet and cords. A study of these figures shows clearly that the forests under technical management pro- duce a much higher proportion of sawlogs to fuel than do the private or FOREST AREAS 49 communal forests not under management; for example, take the depart- ment of Ain: the Federal forests produce more than three times as much saw timber as fuel, while the private forests produce nine times as much fuel as saw timber, A somewhat similar ratio holds for other departments. Forest Areas and Per Cent of Species by Departments. — Table 5 which follows shows by departments: (a) per cent forested; (6) total forest area, areas under technical management, and areas not under State work- ing plans; (c) for the forests under technical management the per cent of the important species given to the nearest tenth. 50 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA aaid auid UB01SJ03 'JJBO lU[OJJ auid auii^uBj^ autd oddajy puB aonjdg snoaisaj snoanBi|'aosip\[ saABajpBOjq snoaaB[[aosii^ aaid qo^^oog e2| «COas»OCOCO-*-*COCOC5C;»f3^Cl=OOOOCOC r ci" CO O CC C^f C^f 00 *-- O oT CI c 1 1 1 s s I § g K g g 2 °"2 ^'§ s'S ^"^"li s's 1 2 ^"i S'^'i S ; ^•S'Si Hcpcvjc^ot^iMOiaDcoo 3 -tt^ >0 Ci O iM CO »0 l^C^Tt* (mS b^kCTfiCCOOOOOOkOCiOfM^ !>raQOMO^u5^~t^^(^0(^qoMO^wo50e<^TJlooo^~Oi<»ot^c»■J^<■*QOco^>.c^l«5tDoOln J"*0«0?Do6b-^t^»CC^"c^OS»OcDCD,-HCOe» o'S §^^^ o 0.0.0 £ o o £ 5 5.S =3 03 aJ.t:-S « g^ FOREST AREAS 51 •O ■ --hC •O ■ - — (MO i-i>050ccMt^irai: 3 CD oTcTj/f o c Irt — 1^ iOt. M'-H't--r o''c-r-i<''*iM"'o wo'c ) -* CO 00 — I O] 1^ 1 !SS"8d Si - O 1>- »0 CO CO C5 C 52 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA A comparison of the ten most heavily forested departments with those least timbered is given below: TABLE 6. — MOST HEAVILY AND THE LEAST FORESTED DEPARTMENTS Numerical Most heavily forested Least forested order Department Per cent forested Department Per cent forested 2 Landes Gironde 55.4 46.2 49.5 36.9 35.7 33.8 32.5 31.5 29.8 29.8 Manche Seine Vendee.. 3.2 3 7 3 Var Vosges 4 3 4 Finistere Loire-Inferieure.. C6tes-du-Nord. . . Pas-de-Calais .... Mayenne 4 4 5 Ariege 4 5 6 Jura 4 7 7 8 9 Saone (Haute) .... Marne (Haute) . . . Cote d'Or 5.4 5.8 5.9 10 6.5 38.1 4.8 An analysis of the heavily forested departments discloses that two were sand wastes (Hke parts of Minnesota and Michigan) but were reforested ; five are mountainous, or very hilly; and two are hilly or too wet for agri- culture. The least forested departments are largelj^ agricultural land or moors. When it is considered that the final use of this land has been evolved after centuries of settlement, the present-day use is significant, and it is especially noteworthy that there is to-day much land growing timber which is suitable for agriculture, yet the French Forest Code recognizes that it is in the public interest to retain the land now under forest for the production of timber, even ivhere it could grow agricultural crops. Analysis of General Statistics. — General. — The following facts are shown by Tables 3 to 6: (o) Out of 24.5 million acres of forest land less than one-third is under technical forest management. (6) Less than 5 per cent of the entire forest area is unproductive. A larger proportion of State and communal forest land is unproductive because the State and communes own most of the mountain slopes requiring conservative cut- ting, and where considerable areas cannot support tree growth, (c) More than two-thirds of the private forests are treated under coppice, or coppice- under-standards; less than one-half of one per cent of this area is being converted into high forest. Only two-fifths of French forests are under high forest, (d) The total annual production of French forests is esti- mated at 1,917,756,000 feet board measure and 4,664,379 cords of fuel. State Forests. — According to the original statistics on State forests: ANALYSIS OF GENERAL STATLSTICS 53 (a) There are no State forests in the departments of C6tes-du-Nord, Dordogne, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Rhone, Vienne (Haute). (6) The six departments with the most State forest area, in the order of importance, are: Ariege, Alpes (Basses) Vosges, Cote d'Or, Loiret, Drome, (c) The six heaviest producing (State forest) departments, in the order of their importance, are: Vosges, Seine-Inferieure, Cote d'Or, Aisne,^ Jura, Meurthe-et-Moselle.2 (d) The unproductive land in the State forests is chiefly in the mountains, notably in the departments of Ariege, Alpes (Hautes), Pyrenees-Orientales, Drome, Isere, Alpes (Basses). Communal and Institution Forests. — • There are no communal and in- stitution forests under State control in the following departments: (a) Calvados, C6tes-du-Nord, Finistere, Indre-et-Loire (Inferieure), Lot, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Morbihan, Orne, Vendee. The largest areas are in the (h) Vosges, Saone (Haute), Cote d'Or, Doubs, Meuse, Marne (Haute), but as regards production (c) Saone (Haute) is first with Doubs, Vosges, Jura, Meuse, Cote d'Or, in the order named, (d) The unproduc- tive land is also in the mountains, notably in the following departments : Alpes (Hautes), Var, Ardeche, Isere, Pyrenees-Orientales, Alpes (Basses). Private Foi^ests. — The statistical data on private forests and on com- munal and institution forests not under management is less trustworthy, (a) .But it is certain that there is privately owned forest land in every de- partment of France, with a minimum ownership of but 121 acres in the Seine which includes Paris (this corresponds to the District of Columbia in the United States). (&) The largest areas of privately owned forests are in the Landes, Gironde, Dordogne, Var, Nievre, Marne. The Var moimtain forests produce but httle saw timber though the acreage is large, (c) The heaviest production of private forest land is found in the Landes and Gironde, together 3,008,483 cubic meters (corresponding to 445,253,000 feet board measure and 340,963 cords of fuel), Nievre, Dor- dogne, Marne, Cote d'Or, together 1,871,144 cubic meters (or about 88,928,000 feet board measure and 481,563 cords). Certain features of production are illustrated by these figures and by the original statistics. In the Landes the fuel produced was about one-third the volume of the timber, while in the Gironde (also a maritime pine producing department) the ratio of fuel to timber was as 8 is to 6. Moreover, in the Nievre, Dordogne, Marne, and Cote d'Or, where private forests are largely cop- pice and coppice-under-standards, the total timber production was but one-fifth that of the Landes and Gironde, but the fuel produced exceeded the latter two departments by more than 140,000 cords, (d) There is less unproductive forest privately owned than pubhcly owned, although the total area of private forest is about double that in the hands of the State, communes, and institutions. 2 Heavily devastated by the war operations of the Germans and the French. 54 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA Management Statistics. — Unquestionably the management of French State forests is over-conservative. No systematic attempt has been made to follow financial rotations. There have been excess growing stocks,^ due in many cases to over-careful working plans that followed an era of overcutting. In communal forests, managed by the State, this excess is usually 25 per cent and often more. As contrasted with those publicly managed, the forests in private hands are managed on shorter rotations and far too great an acreage is in coppice, or coppice-under- standards. As an illustration of this tendency to short rotations we find eight-tenths of the private forests in coppice or coppice-under- standards, no-tenths in conversion, and only two-tenths in high forest. With State forests five-tenths in high forest, three-tenths in coppice and coppice-under-standards, and two-tenths in conversion. This variance in the length of rotations is further illustrated by the de- tailed statistics for each department. Take some typical examples: VOSGES (CONIFERS) System of treatment Coppice Coppice-under-standards . Conversions High forest Length of rotation in years Under State control 25-40 100-132 120-150 Private or uncon- trolled communal 15-25 (few 35) '"'80^100'(few'l20)"" Some are cut for paper pulp at 30. For the high forests under State control the prevalent rotation is 144 years, while notable State forests like Gerardmer, Ban d'fitival, la Bresse, Cornimont, and Champ have 150-year rotations. SAVOIE (HAUTE) (CONIFERS) System of treatment Coppice Coppice-under-standards Conversions High forest Length of rotation in years Under State control 144-180 Private or uncon- trolled communal 6-10 10-25 30-100 3 For example, in the State forest of Berce (Sarthe) there are compartments with 700 to 800 cubic meters of oak to the hectare, worth 30,000 to 40,000 francs. In the forest of Levier silver fir runs as high as 1,000 cubic meters per hectare, or 25,000 francs, on soil worth 100 to 200 francs per hectare. MANAGEMENT STATISTICS 55 The rotation of 180 years is chiefly for forests at high altitudes where the growth of spruce or fir is slower. Chamonix is 200 years (see p. 252), Samoens 162 to 180, and the forest of Houches 180 to 240. These are all selection forests in a severe mountain climate. SAVOIE (CONIFERS) System of treatment Coppice Coppice-under-standards . Conversions High forest Length of rotation in years 144-180 Private or uncon- trolled communal 6-10 10-25 30-120 These long high forest rotations are for selection forests in the moun- tains. A few run even higher, notably Pussy communal at 200, Tignes communal 180 to 240, and Bramans 198 to 264. The State forest of Belle- vaux is 144 years. These communal forests with long rotations were formerly overcut and are now being improved and a suitable growing stock accumulated. VAR (MARITIME PINE, ALEPPO PINE, HOLM OAK, COMMON OAK) Length of rotation in years System of treatment Under State control Private or uncon- trolled communal Coppice ... 18-25 25-30 10-18 High forest . 60-80 50-60 and less PYRfiN^ES-ORIENTALES (MOUNTAIN PINE, HOLM OAK, BEECH, MISCELLANEOUS) Length of rotation in years System of treatment Under State control Private or uncon- trolled communal Coppice 18-26 32-40 15-20 High forest 150-180 Devastated 56 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA The mountain pine in the regular State high forest of Barres is handled on a 180 to 200 year rotation, and the fir and mountain pine in the com- munal forest of Bolquere, 240 years. ORNE (BROADLEAVES) System of treatment Coppice Coppice-under-standards . Conversions High forest Length of rotation in years Under State control 20-30 150-180 150-180 Private or uncon- trolled communal 8-12 Short The oak and beech in the State forest of Econnes is managed on a ro- tation of 180 years; State forest of Bourse 180 years; State forest of Bel- leme 200 years; State forest of Reno-Valdieu 180 years. The pine which has been introduced in this region is not yet mature. OISE (BROADLEAVES) Length of rotation in years System of treatment Under State control Private or uncon- trolled communal . 10-15 CoDDice-und6r-stiindtirds . ■ 20-35 18-25 80-150 The State forest of Hez-Froidmont (see Fig. 6 (ato/)), oak, beech, etc., has a rotation of 150 years. Compiegne (where the Germans were stopped) 150 for high forest and 35 for the coppice and coppice-under-standards. HAUTE-MARNE (BROADLEAVES) System of treatment Coppice Coppice-under-standards . Conversions High forest Length of rotation in years Lender State control 25-40 144-150 144-150 Private or uncon- trolled communal 14-25 (few 30-40) COSTS OF ADMINISTRATION 57 There are no rich notable State forests in this department. The State forest of d'Auberive is managed on a 150-year rotation; Bussieres 144; de la Haie-Renault 144; all of these are being converted from coppice and coppice-under-standards to high forest. YONNE (BROADLEAVES) Length of rotation in years System of treatment Under State control Private or uncon- trolled communal 12-18 Coppice-under-standards Conversions 20-30 150-180 150-180 20-25 High forest 40-50 (Scotch pine) Here four-fifths the forest area is under rotations of less than 25 years. LANDES (MARITIME PINE) Length of rotation in years System of treatment Under State control Private or uncon- trolled communal 10-20 Coppice-under-standards 20-25 Conversions High forest . 60-120 { 60-80 12-16 GIRONDE (MARITIME PINE) System of treatment Coppice Coppice-under-standards Conversions High forest Length of rotation in years Under State control 1^25 15-25 50-72 Private or uncon- trolled communal 12-15 20-25 45-60 (resin) 1.5-30 (mine props) Costs of Administration. — As Huffel points out, it is difficult to say authoritatively just what it costs to manage the State forests because the budget provides also for the management of communal forests and public establishments, for game and fish protection, for control of deforestation, for the reforestation of eroded mountain lands, for dune protection and for Fig. 6 (a to c). — State forest of Hez-Froidmont. First working group: (a — top left) Oak and beech saplings; (6 — top right) Poles; (c — bottom) Seed felling in course of exploitation, illustrating thorough utilization and use of long, clear lengths. 58 Fig 6 {d to/).-State forest of Hez-Froidmont. (d-top left) Appearance after seed felling is completed; (e — top right), (/-bottom) Secondary felling showing regeneration secm-ed by seed felling. The advance growth in the background will be cut back, so as to assure an even-aged stand. cq 60 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA grazing betterments. Much the same thing is true in the United States, where the Forest Service has a lump-sum appropriation to cover all man- ner of scientific work and investigations as well as for the management and protection of the National Forests. Huffel^ makes the conclusion: "Taking everj'thing into consideration, it is estimated that $173,700 is about the expense for the management of the State forests; this figure corresponds to 6 cents per acre. It is estimated that protection costs 16 cents per productive acre; maintenance absorbs 12 cents per acre; communal and departmental tax 16 cents per acre. We have then the following revenues and costs per productive acre in State forests for 1892 (which is considered a typical year) : Per cent of gross revenue $2.26 Net yield, or 81.2 .06 Cost of management, or 2.5 .16 Cost of protection, or 5.8 .12 Maintenance, or 4.5 .16 Communal and departmental tax, or 5.9 $2.76 Gross revenue 99.9 "The expense for the personnel in France represents only 23 cents per productive acre, or 8.3 per cent of the gross revenue." It is of interest to note that this cost figure is less than those for Ba- varia, Prussia, Saxony, or Wiirtemberg where the lowest (Wiirtemberg) absorbs 12.1 per cent of the gross revenue for personnel. Statistics of Fir Stands in the Jura. — One of the questions asked by- private forest owners and others interested in the yield of forests is : What will forests (naturally regenerated) return in lumber or money? The answers given to this question by normal yield tables, usually based on planted stands, are often so high that they cannot be apphed, without much guesswork and modification, to American conditions. Actual averages of compartments or whole forests are more rehable for the pur- poses of judging what forestry can attain. (See also Chapter XI.) Therefore the statistics ^ which follow, for fir-spruce forests in the Jura mountains of France, somewhat comparable to spruce-fir stands of northern New England, are of particular interest and value. They show what forestry can attain (as a maximum) under favorable conditions on non-agricultural mountain land over whole compartments of 15 to 30 acres. (a) Compartment 18, fifth working group, State Forest of La Joux (second Jura Plateau), 60 per cent fir and 40 per cent spruce, fully stocked, thrifty stand planted after a windfall in 1812; 100 years old in 1912. * Pp. 408-409, Vol. I, ficonomie Forestiere. ^ Based on unpublished data supplied by Devarennes, Inspector, French Forest Service, in charge of Jura workmg plans in 1912. STATISTICS OF FIR STANDS IN THE JURA 61 Diameter, Number of trees per acre Volume, cubic meters per acre Approximate a breast-high, inches Board feet per acre Cords per acre 10 16 22 28 Totals 45.6 63.6 24.8 3.2 137.2 32.4 112.0 88.0 24.0 256.4 5,700 32,300 23,400 7,200 68,600 4.8 15.0 11.8 1.6 33.2 (6) Same forest and working group but compartment 19 and fro7n entirely natural regeneration; 100 years old, but 90 per cent fir and 10 per cent spruce. Diameter, Number of trees per acre Volume, cubic meters per acre Approximate a breast-high, inches Board feet per acre Cords per acre 10 16 22 28 Totals 67.2 98.0 35.2 4.0 204.4 47.2 170.8 123.6 24.0 365.6 8,400 45,300 33,800 7,200 94,800 7.2 22.6 16.4 1.6 47.8 Such yields seem incredibly high, and the larger number of trees and the higher yield on the area naturally regenerated is especially note- worthy. The fact remains that these yields were attained, within at least 10 per cent, allowing for a possible 10 per cent error in estimate. (c) Pure spruce, 100 years old from natural regeneration on a compart- ment in the forest of Ouhans (first Jura Plateau) ; altitude 2,300 feet. Diameter, Number of trees per acre Volume, cubic meters per acre Approximate a breast-high, inches Board feet per acre Cords per acre 10 16 22 Totals 97.2 84.8 13.2 195.2 60.8 151.2 54.4 266.4 10,600 39,600 14,500 64,700 9.2 21.6 7.2 38.0 <* These conversions (a, 6, c, d) were made as follows : For lO'-inch trees 4 cubic meters were counted to the 1,000 feet after 30 per cent subtracted for cordwood. In the other diameter classes 3 cubic meters were counted to the 1,000 feet, after subtracting 20 per cent for the cordwood in the 16 and 22 inch classes and only 10 per cent of the 28-inch class. Two cords were considered equal to 1,000 board feet. 62 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA (d) Ninety per cent fir, 10 per cent spruce, 100 years old from natural regeneration on a compartment in the forest of St. Point (third Jura Plateau); altitude 3,280 feet. Diameter, Number of trees per acre Volume, cubic meters per acre Approximate a breast-high, inches Board feet per acre Cords per acre 10 16 22 Totals 76.8 64.0 13.6 154.4 44.8 119.2 57.6 221.6 7,800 31,800 15,400 55,000 6.8 15.8 7.6 30.2 These four compartments average almost 71,000 board feet per acre and indicate what can be attained in 100 years as a maximum with thrifty, vigorous stands of silver fir under proper forest management. Statistics for Levier. — The Federal forest of Levier " perhaps contains, next to La Joux, the best large body of silver fir in the Jura and is one of the richest and most productive in France. It is situated near PontarHer and rests on three plateaus cut by more or less deep valleys. With inter- spersed private and communal forests it makes a stand of about 24,000 acres of almost pure fir. It runs up to 800 cubic meters to the hec- tare (80,000 to 85,000 board feet to the acre). There is an excellent road system. The forest was formerly the property of the Prince de Chalon, afterwards Phihp II, of Spain. It was added to the Federal domain in 1674, with the exception of the forest of Vignory which was sold to the king in 1782, and the forest of Gonailles which was not joined to the royal domain until 1725. The forests of Aro and Maubhn were despoiled by the neighboring communes. One canton has the right "for timbers in case of fire or in other cases resulting in the destruction of in- habited places." The same communes have the right to remove stumps and debris, and some grazing. The grazing right, however, is not ex- ercised. The total area of this Federal forest is 6,713 acres, of which 6,702 acres are productive. There are eight working circles with an average area of 838 acres, and 193 compartments with an average area of ^La Foret Domaniale de Levier, par G. Mongenot, 1912, pp. 1-23, Lucienn Laveur, Editeur. Since this forest was a notable American center during the war, considerable detail is given. The forest of La Joux is the richest in the Jura, the yield amounting to 15.8 cubic meters per hectare (about 1,900 feet board measure per acre) per year. The gross revenue has averaged for a period as high as $15.12 per acre per year. The net revenue is approximately $14.81 per acre per year. STATISTICS FOR LEVIER 63 35 acres. The soil is generally deep, fresh, and rich in humus, and the rainfall is 4.5 to 6.5 feet per year. The fir comprises 90 per cent of the stand and the spruce 10 per cent. The beech is, unfortunately, rare. Fir 160 years old yields timber 115 to 131 feet in length and when 210 to 260 years old it is 3 to 4 feet in diameter. Seed years occur every two years and reproduction is easy if there are no briars. In the past there has been but httle insect damage, but recent windfalls which were not immediately barked occasioned some insect damage. The fungus, Aecidium elatium, when it affects trees, is removed in thinning. Under present conditions game is quite rare and the hunting is annually let for $79.13. Before regular logging the timber is generally lopped and lightly squared with the axe and the smaller pieces barked. It is hauled in full lengths. There are 42 miles of local forest roads, 6.5 to 16.4 feet in width, which are maintained at an annual expense of about $3,474. There are also 29 miles of rather poorly laid out old roads, and the entire forest is bounded by a rough stone wall, 39 inches in height, to prevent grazing and trespass. There are two small nurseries (one near the Ronde Ranger Station). Formerly the yield was fixed at one and a half trees of 1.33 meters (4.26 feet) diameter per hectare (3f trees per acre) per annum. These moderate cuttings, below the real capacity of the forest, accumu- lated a considerable reserve. In 1818-1820 Lorentz inspected this forest and advised the cutting of all the old trees over the young growth. In 1844 the yield was 7 cubic meters per hectare (2.8 cubic meters per acre). In 1861 the yield was by volume coupled with improvement selection cuttings every four or five years without hmitation of volume. This proved a happy innovation because it diminished the excess growing stock and saved a great many trees that were declining in vigor. From 1881 to 1894 the average yield was 10.27 cubic meters per hectare (4.1 per acre) per year, worth $32.47 or 33.17 per cubic meter (about $10 per acre). Of this yield, it should be mentioned, however, that 10 per cent was branch and stump wood. The compartments were made approxi- mately equal. This was an error, since it would have been better to have them differ somewhat in size and follow natural features for boundaries. In 1894 the working plan was revised and all trees 9.5 to 60 inches in diameter were cahpered, giving 231 trees per hectare (94 trees or 49,000 feet board measure per acre). The yield per cent was established at 2.35 per cent, plus a fraction of the excess volume, bringing the total cut up to 2.74 per cent. During the years 1905 to 1911 the yield was 11.93 cubic meters per hectare (4.8 per acre) per year, or a revenue of $16.12 per acre. This amounted to 2.66 per cent of the total volume. In 1911 it is interesting to note that the windfalls amounted to 11,134 cubic meters and were sold at $42,196. During 1916-1919 about eighteen an- nual yields were cut to supply the armies. 64 FOREST STATISTICAL DATA This is the history of a forest where the results of sound management have proved increasingly beneficial. It is cited in connection with the study of forest statistics to illustrate the liistory of a well managed forest and to drive home the increasing benefits derived. CHAPTER V^ NATURAL REGENERATION French Policy (p. 65). General, Nancy School Policy, Assist Nature, Study Soil Conditions, Soil Preparation. French Silvicultural Methods (p. 70). Systems of Cutting, The Market. High Forest Systems (p. 71). Clear Cutting Oak, Clear Cutting Maritime Pine, Clear Cutting Aleppo Pine, Spruce Strip Fellings, Shelterwood Cuttings in Oak, Seed Felling, Secondary Felling, Final Felhng, Shelterwood for Beech, Shelterwood for Oak- Beech, Shelterwood for Maritime Pine, Shelterwood for Scotch Pine, Shelterwood for Fir, Shelterwood for Spruce, Shelterwood for Fir and Spruce in Mixture, The Selection System in Broadleaf Stands (Beech), Fir Selection Fellings, Spruce Selection Fellings, Selection Fellings for Scotch and Aleppo Pine, Group Selection for Fir or Spruce, Group Selection for Larch (and other methods). Treatment for Scenic Forests. Coppice Systems (p. 92). General, Simple Coppice, Coppice with Field Crops, Selection Coppice (Beech), Coppice-Under-Standards, A Substitute for Coppice-Under- Standards (Futaie Claire), Conversions. Care of the Stand After Regeneration (p. 105). Intermediate Cuttings, Clean- ing (and Freeing) Young Stands, Thinnings, Improvement Fellings. FRENCH POLICY General. — The French forester has always been a close student of soil conditions, seed crops, and methods of seed germination, because his ideal has always been to obtain the natural regeneration of forests. And to-day high labor costs will make artificial forestation almost pro- hibitive. It has been argued that natural regeneration is the more costly in the end, because to regenerate forests naturally took 15 to 20 years or more and that even then the results were unsatisfactory. But in France, with a mild climate, plenty of rainfall, rich soil, and species that produce seed crops in abundance, natural regeneration has succeeded and will be continued, except when normal forest conditions must be restored in the devastated war zones and where the damages of past over- cutting have not yet been completely repaired. The French forester is a student of nature. For generations he has been taught "Imiter la nature, hater son cBuvre, telle est la maxime fondamentale de la sylviculture." His simplest problem is where he can clear-cut the entire stand and yet secure his second crop without plant- ing; his difficulties increase as the cuttings must be varied in degree and in number so as to tempt the next generation of trees to gain a footing 1- Professor Hawley kindly reviewed this chapter. 65 66 NATURAL REGENERATION in competition with grass, weeds, and undesirable species. But he recog- nizes that success cannot always be obtained under these difficult condi- tions without assisting nature. Consequently he is ready to wound the ground covered with grass so that the seed can germinate in the mineral soil, or he may have to cut back briars or heather which is crowding out the commercial stand. In the United States there are three schools of forest sentiment: (1) The lover of primeval forests wants to spare all trees for the sake of their beauty. He does not care whether trees mature and die and go to waste. (2) The lumberman, who buys forests for profit. After stripping off the merchantable timber he lets the soil take care of itself if he cannot sell to a land speculator. (3) The State preaches a middle course — grow timber as a crop and cut the stand when it ripens. This should be the forester's Golden Rule. Let us profit by the example of a country like France and use nature to help us in our task. Natural regeneration is the aim in France and, in the United States, with our high labor costs, forestry will be a business failure for some time to come unless 95 per cent of our forest soil can be stocked without sowing or planting. Nancy School Policy. — Jolyet argues that : "In France silviculture has always aimed at securing regeneration by the play of natural forces alone, man intervening only for exploitation, so as to give more or less space to the crowns of trees selected as seed trees, and more or less light to the soil destined to receive the seed. Our silviculture teaches us, moreover, that artificial re- generation is not only onerous, but in addition gives poorer results. And this viewpoint is fully justified. In reality, if you plant or sow by day labor, you are forced for economy's sake to reduce to a minimum the quantity of seed, or the number of plants per unit of area . . . and the owner is forced to retain for as long a period as possible all these trees which have cost so much ; he will do his utmost to preserve even the most decrepit specimens . . . they will have, therefore, on the whole, a reduced vitality. On the contrary, if you employ natural regeneration, the seed trees sow on the soil of the cutting area without counting the seeds ; the seedlings come in excess numbers and in this mass of individuals, amongst which commences an active fight for existence, the weaker and less sturdy are eliminated by the most vigorous which remain masters of the soil. The stand will then be composed of trees selected by nature herself, on whose vitaUty and longevity you have the right to count." This latter argument is perhaps contrary to the reasoning of some who claim that young trees are only weakened by undue competition and that thinnings (made so as to favor the most vigorous trees) should eliminate this struggle to decide the survival of the fittest. But it re- mains a fact that with proper thinnings natural regeneration produces a finer forest than any feasible plantation and better than the average sown stand. Assist Nature. — But the forester knows from bitter experience that satisfactory regeneration cannot always be secured from nature alone; adverse soil conditions may have to be bettered, suitable seed trees may STUDY SOIL CONDITIONS 67 be lacking, frost may destroy seedlings when it is too late to await natural regeneration longer. "It is rare," says Jolyet, "without question, when the conditions are such that any production of acorns or nuts is absolutely impossible; it is, on the other hand, quite common to find this production insufficient." To await natural regeneration under these conditions is, therefore, often poor forestry; particularly with virgin stands which have not been under intensive forest management, it is often best to aid nature. In many German forests, it is argued that natural regeneration at best is difficult and uncertain and requires more time and consequently a longer rotation; so why not plant or sow at once and be done with it? In France, as already explained, the conditions are more favorable. In the Landes natural regeneration is almost certain ; in the silver fir reasonably certain; in the spruce or Scotch pine quite possible of attainment; in aleppo pine attainable; with beech usually certain, as with the oak, under favorable conditions. In mixture with beech the regeneration of the oak is often more difficult because it cannot compete with the more shade- enduring species. Study Soil Conditions. — It is, therefore, vital to thoroughly under- stand the properties, constitution, and influences of the forest soil upon the final results attained. Like agricultural soil the forest soil ^ is mineral and organic. But the forest soil is more complex and more difficult to keep in proper condition; moreover, conditions are constantly changing so that what are normal soil conditions at the beginning of the regenera- tion period should gradually change as the canopy is opened up. Forest soil has (1) a dead Htter of leaves, twigs, bark; (2) a humus or decayed litter; (3) a vegetable soil or mixture of hunuis with the mineral soil; (4) a mineral soil coming from the decomposed rock, and (5) the base rock itself. It takes years to get a normal forest soil (that may be ruined by over-exposure or fire), while the agricultural soil can be acquired arti- ficially by introducing the necessary elements that may be lacking. Of these ingredients, in forest soils, humus is the most important. True forest humus is beneficial; on the contrary, acid humus is harmful and prevents or hinders regeneration. Acid humus, infrequent in French forests, may be due to a number of causes — insufficient heat, too much moisture, drought, or sterility. In everyday practice the forester is troubled more by the physical texture of the soil and with the htter and vegetable cover than by the chemical composition or the presence or absence of chemical ingredients. A soil baked by the sun or packed by grazing usually prevents regeneration, as does a cover of dry leaves, grass, sod, or weed growth. For example, a growth of heather under 2 Traite Pratique de Sylviculture, Antoine Jolyet, Bailliere et Fils, Paris, pp. 298-358. 68 NATURAL REGENERATION Scotch pine absolutely prevents reproduction. Jolyet holds that "the depth of a soil from the rock base will be always greater in the forest than on bare groimd. This is due to the greater rapidity of decomposi- tion, owing to the effect of water infiltration which is charged with car- bonic acid by percolating the litter." Forest soil is deepened not only by decomposition from the underlying rock, but also by the accumulation of humus from above. Every forester should study the depth ^ and character of soils. A deep- rooting tree on a shallow soil cannot develop its root system properly and normally, but on a shallow soil with an outcropping rock such trees as aleppo, mountain, or Austrian pine possess root systems that penetrate the rock fissures and make the most of a sterile soil. A soil covered with tree growth is always more porous than the same soil denuded. It is not enough for a soil to receive the water necessary for tree growth; water must be stored or retained in such form Liat it is available for use when required by the tree during the vegetative period. On a bare though porous soil the run-off is excessive. Soil Preparation. — Soil preparation is often necessary in any kind of cutting, yet in France the sentiment is everywhere in favor of natural regeneration, preferably without the additional expense of artificial soil preparation. But the more the system departs from nature's method, the more the soil must be worked. With the shelterwood system there must be more soil preparation than with the selection method. The suc- cess of natural regeneration depends on the proper number and location of trees bearing seed, the right amount of light or shade for the develop- ment and existence of the young seedling, as well as upon proper texture of the ground free from weed cover. But it is only under the most favor- able conditions that some kind of soil preparation is not necessary for the successful regeneration of a species like spruce. In theory, the forest could wait until natural regeneration came in without assistance. In practice, the regeneration would often be incomplete; it would come in slowly and seed trees valuable for timber of the highest quality would decrease in value and become firewood. Even with very full seed crops some kind of assistance may have to be given natural regeneration usually for three reasons: (1) Because of a dense vegetable cover which prevents the seed coming in contact with the mineral soil ; (2) because of an exces- sive cover of undecomposed dead needles, or (3) because the surface of the soil itself is too compact. The vegetable cover is often too thick because, unfortunately, as trees mature their cover is less dense — especially with species hke oak or 3 Very shallow soil, less than 6 inches deep; shallow soil, less than 12 inches deep; slightly deep soil, less than 24 inches deep; deep soil, less than 3.28 feet deep; very deep soil, over 3.28 feet deep, — according to French classification. SOIL PREPARATION b9 Scotch pine — consequently weeds and shrubs take possession of the soil. Under such conditions it is an obhgatory rather than an optional expense to remove this cover. It js not always necessary to regularly cul- tivate the soil. On the contrary, it is usually better to keep the surface of the soil where the seed can reach it. It suffices, then, to tear up the vegetable cover. This work should be locahzed on those areas where there are seed trees and where there is suitable light for seedhngs. The opera- tion should be carried out only during the seed year, otherwise the vege- table cover will reinstate itself before any benefits have been received. In oak forests, where the regeneration is prevented by grass or herba- ceous growth (Jolyet, p. 362), the soil preparation must usually be carried out over the whole surface of the ground. The rake is the best imple- ment for this purpose. The seed crop cannot usually be determined accurately before the month of August, so that the work should not be- gin before this date, although it may be continued during and after the crop has fallen. In certain forests, it was the practice to drive hogs over the area to be seeded; this gave very fair results. The hogs ate up a large amount of seed no doubt, but in wounding the soil they gave a thorough soil preparation which cost nothing. In mature Scotch pine forests it is usual to find a cover of heather or shrubs which practicahy prevents regeneration. With a mattock or hoe it is usually possible to weed the area and encourage regeneration. The work is costly, no doubt, but it can be diminished by locahzing the soil preparation on parallel strips or in spots. The cultivated strips should have a width of 5 feet and should be separated by uncultivated areas of about 10 feet. This would cover about one-third of the entire ground. Spots are even more economical; they may be 5 feet square and 10 feet apart. This covers about one-ninth of the total area. In spruce stands similar meth- ods may be of value. The choice of implements to use is usually gov- erned by local conditions, although in Germany the so-called forest plow is favored. It has but one wheel and is hght enough so that one horse can pull it. It wounds the soil without actually turning it over, and is not sharp enough to cut the roots which it may cross. Where the leaf htter is too thick, as in certain pure stands where the dead leaves decompose very slowly, the roots of the seedhng cannot be- come established in mineral soil before the summer drought. The top layer and humus dry out and this results in the death of the seedling. With a good, strong iron rake, dead needles can be mixed with the humus on spots about 29 inches square and 5 feet apart. In some forests in France a regular harrow is used for this work. Where the soil surface is too compact it must be wounded if the regeneration is to be a success. This is especially true on compact soils, such as clays, where there has been grazing before the seed felling. 70 NATURAL REGENERATION FRENCH SILVICULTURAL METHODS Systems of Cutting. — French silviculture is especially simple. Where the German silviculturist may describe twenty or thirty different methods of cutting, French authors generally confine themselves to a comparatively few. Special methods of cutting, or variations from regulated systems, they leave to the individual silviculturist who uses his judgment in vary- ing standard methods so as to meet local conditions. These variations, as well as special emphasis on the object of cutting and method of attain- ing the end, are usually cited in the local working plan. The systems used in France are: (1) Clear cutting, (2) shelterwood (progressive cut- ting), (3) selection felhngs, (4) group fellings, (5) coppice, (6) coppice- under-standards, (7) conversions. A routine description of these stand- ard methods does not seem necessary, but instead the French method of application of silviculture to the more important species has been studied and cited. The illustrations are from original French working plans. The Market. — According to Huffel, forests have always played an important role in the national hfe. First, for hunting and food; then, until the Nineteenth Century, the forest furnished fuel, timber for houses and ships, tools and utensils, honey and wax, dead leaves for manure, nuts, various fruits, and resin. Grazing was important, and as late as 1560 the forest of Haguenau in Alsace was described by the number of hogs it would support. Additional products were strawberries, rasp- berries, mushrooms, moss, plants, twigs, cones, heather, and ferns, much of which were collected by the poor, since the French have always con- sidered that "the forest is the cloak of the poor." In the present century, although the tendency is decidedly toward the production of saw timber, three-fourths of the output is still firewood. In 1815 Paris consumed 0.50 cords per inhabitant; in 1865, 0.13, and in 1900, but 0.05 cords per inhabitant. Not only has the use of charcoal for cooking fallen off, but factories use coal to the almost total exclusion of wood or charcoal. The early writers, prior to the discovery of coal, often predicted a wood famine, and had not coal been discovered their predictions would have come true, because to supply the equivalent of the present coal consump- tion of France more than ten times the total forest area would be necessary. Fortunately for the timber resources the use of wood is becoming less and less. Iron was first used for shipbuilding in 1843; iron and cement have largely replaced wood for houses. The great demand to-day is for a good quality of boards, mine props, ties, paving blocks, wood pulp, tan bark, and cork, as well as for such products as turpentine, rosin, alcohol, etc. This rough summary of the decreasing use of wood products and the change in kind of material required is merely given as an illustration to show how necessary it is for the forester to study the future needs of the country. CLEAR CUTTING OAK 71 He must be far-sighted, since he cannot count on present demands. Gener- ally speaking the world's industry demands more and more high forests for timber and fewer coppice forests for fuel and minor products. HIGH FOREST SYSTEMS ^ Clear Cutting Oak. — In the valley of the Adour [70] above Dax the pedunculate oak grows in areas subject to inundations and where agri- culture is not feasible. It is practically pure, with rapid growth and a remarkable longevity. These forests are celebrated for the enormous quantity and quality of the oak wood which they produce and especially, in former years, for the ship timber which was used when wooden battle- ships were built. With such a warm climate the trees are prolific seed producers. Abundant crops of seed are borne every year. On the other hand, late frosts must be guarded against. These high forests are not treated by any regular system since the fertility of the soil, coupled with its depth and freshness, enables the trees to seed and the seedhng to live, notwithstanding the overstory of old trees and notwithstanding the underbrush; apparently the only danger is hog grazing, which does con- siderable damage, but in this wet region the growth of shrubs and vines is almost tropical in character and forms such a dense thicket that the young seedlings are in pai't protected against such injury. It is interest- ing to note that the seedlings, which in other parts of the country would be suppressed by the underbrush, shoot up through the entanglements, twisting their terminal shoots in the direction where there is most light. This results in the production of rather crooked trees. [74] These ped- unculate oak forests of the Adour are regenerated to-day very successfully by a simple system. Taking for granted that there are always acorns ready to germinate and that these will survive the cover of the old trees, the old trees are clear cut in one felling. At the same time all the briars, un- dergrowth, oak seedlings (damaged by exploitation or suppressed by the cover) are cut level with the ground. The shoots from these very young stumps have practically the same qualities as seedlings. Al- most invariably this clear cutting will be followed by the development of an incalculable number of young oaks which rapidly cover the soil with a complete stand which in time develops into an oak high forest. In the valley of the Adour the growth of the young oak is sufficiently rapid so that cleanings are rarely necessary. Thinnings, on the con- ^ Since the high forest systems are of paramount importance in the United States their apphcation to typical species has been given in detail. Note. — The bracketed numbers refer to page references in La Foret, by Boppe, the source of much of this material. 72 NATURAL REGENERATION trary, are very important in all the young stands. With clear cutting it is naturally necessary to regulate grazing. On account of the richness of the soil the grazing is quite valuable, and the communes even insist on the clearing out of the briars and underbrush which formerly protected the young oak. Under these conditions the grazing is prohibited two years before the clear cutting in order to enable the seedlings to establish them- selves to the very best advantage, and in addition the area cut over is closed for 12 years after felhng operations [75], making 14 years of closure. Clear Cutting Maritime Pine. — The maritime pine is essentially a hght-demanding tree, and while it can stand the average winter in the northeast of France it cannot withstand unusual cold. It furnishes an abundance of seed every year with remarkable regularity. It was for- merly treated by a sort of crude selection system. The great importance of the tree is on account of its resin production. Formerly it was tapped for resin and when a tree was dying it was cut. In these openings the young seedhngs came up but developed poorly because there was in- sufficient light. On account of the prolific seed production after clear cutting and because cones open under the effect of the sun's heat, after the trees are felled, it is essential that the species be clear cut. Scattered seed trees after felling are unnecessary. The young seedlings develop excellently in full sunhght and are neither damaged by the heat nor by the spring frosts. According to the working plan for the State forest of Carcans the following silvicultural operations are in force: "1. Successive regeneration by clear cutting preceded by tapping to death. "2. Thinning by tapping to death the superfluous stems of those which are of poor quahty after the trees reach 26 years of age. Tapping alive trees which have reached a diameter of 13 inches. "3. Thinnings in young stands in order to obviate the extremely slow growth of very dense stands." It should be noted that the maritime pine immediately bordering the ocean is never clear cut but is maintained as a protection belt against the sand dunes. Only dead and dying trees are cut from this shelter belt. As a matter of fact the trees, owing to the wind, are inferior in quality and stunted in growth. Clear Cutting Aleppo Pine. — On account of the dry soil conditions which are prevalent in aleppo pine or stone pine forests, clear cutting is rarely advisable (see pp. 88-89). The forester in charge of the impor- tant aleppo pine forests around Marseilles uses a conservative group- selection system, making it a point never to expose the soil. Spruce Strip Fellings. — Notwithstanding the development of various forms of strip felhngs in Germany and Switzerland, they have not been practiced to any extent in France. This is only another illustration of SEED FELLING 73 the simplicity of French silviculture and the absence of variations from the few standard systems of cutting which have been in use for centuries. The keynote to French practice is that the method of natural regenera- tion should closely approximate nature's method. "Strip cuttings," according to Jolyet, "are nothing more than a variation of clear cutting." In theory, at least, it should succeed with spruce, provided the strips are not too wide. They should be in the shape of long rectangles and should extend up and down the slope with their axis preferably at right angles to the prevailing wind. Since this method of cutting has not been de- veloped by French silviculture, the details will not be discussed here. Shelterwood Cuttings in Oak. — Some of the best high forests [81] of France are composed of sessile oak (with some beech in mixture) on sandy loam soil. These soils are often quite sandy in character and yet splendid forests, such as Perseigne, Berce, Blois, Senonches, Belleme, result. Thanks to the mild climate, the acorn crop is frequent but by no means annual, as in the valley of the Adour. In this region an acorn crop can be counted on every 6 to 8 years; besides the sandy soil is particularly favor- able to natural seeding. In former days hunting to hounds was ex- tremely popular, so that it was fortunately necessary to have high forests rather than coppice. The first regular method of cutting applied to these high forests was the so-called "tire et aire" — successive clear cutting with a reservation of eight seed trees per hectare (2.5 acres). Unfor- tunately the acorn crop did not always correspond with the year of re- generation felling and the soil was soon covered with weeds and heather. It is ordinarily sufficient, however, to have an acorn crop the year before felling, or at least within two or three years after. To-day these oak (beech) forests are treated by what the French call the method of progressive ^ fellings (shelterwood system), or "system of natural regeneration and thinnings." This method means felling not at one time by a clear cutting, but instead by a number of cuttings succeed- ing one another and removing progressively all the old trees. These cut- tings are called seed fellings, secondary felhngs, and final fellings which together constitute the regeneration fellings. Seed Felling. — Seed felling, as the term impHes, aims at starting regeneration. In order that the seedhngs may start two things are necessary : plenty of seed and a chance for development for the seedlings after they have germinated. Three steps comprise these seed fellings: (1) The crowns of a certain number of trees designated as seed trees are isolated. This gives light for the development of the seed trees as well as for the development of the existing seedlings. The isolation of these ^Also termed "regular method" for high forests. The French have never copied the German term "shelterwood." They prefer "progressive cutting" (coupes pro- gressives). 74 NATURAL REGENERATION crowns may vary. A so-called "dark" felling, according to Bagneris, is when the lateral branches of the crowns of the reserved trees touch when the wind is blowing. In an "open" or "hght" felhng the space between the crowns may be 7 to 16 or 20 feet. A "dark" felhng has this advan- tage, in that the seed trees are more numerous, the acorns are better scattered over the entire surface of the felling area, and the seedlings are better protected against the late frosts. The trees chosen for seed trees must be sound and must have well developed crowns. (2) All trees, other than seed trees, whose foliage extends to the ground and is therefore suppressing seedlings, are removed. Beech, or hornbeam, which often forms a valuable understory in order to preserve soil conditions up to the time of the seed felling, is cut. (3) If the soil is covered with weeds they are cut level with the ground, as are also oak advance growth unsuit- able for future regeneration. The soil, after a seed felling, must be cleared of all low growth. If necessary, the surface of the soil is loos- ened by wounding it. A successful seed felling is where there are one or two seedlings per square yard. Often there is practically a carpet of young oak. Secondary Fellings. — The next step is to gradually remove the seed trees and to gradually free the existing seedlings without causing too much damage. These secondary fellings in oak stands are usually two or three in number. Care should be taken not to expose the existing seedlings to late frosts, not to damage too many seedlings in the lumber- ing operations, and to retain enough seed trees in localities where seed- lings have failed. It is also essential not to remove the seed trees so rapidly that the gi'ound may run wild to weeds. The best time to mark secondary fellings is during the summer, since the state of the vegetation can be more accurately determined. The removal depends primarily on the condition of the ground. If the seed crop is poor it may be necessary to again cut back the weeds and to wound the soil. If, on the other hand, the seedling growth is very luxuriant, cutting can be much heavier. The result of the secondary felhng is to increase the growth and development of the seedling crop and to enable it to maintain possession of the ground. Final Felling. — As soon as the young crop is complete and the first seedlings have developed into saplings, it is time for the final felling, which is really a final secondary felling and which is generally termed final fell- ing. This felling merely removes the remainder of the seed trees at one stroke, since it is rarely advisable to hold over a few seed trees even where regeneration may be lacking in a few spots. When seed trees are held over it means that very valuable timber decreases in value, since as soon as these mature oaks are isolated, epicormic [92] branches develop, the crown deteriorates, large branches die, and there is great danger of rot or damage from insects. The regular high forest (shelter wood) aims at FINAL FELLING 75 the complete natural regeneration of the proper species of uniform age. It has the advantage of preserving the soil and of producing regularly- formed trees, but the disadvantage of possible damage from insects, snow, wind, and weeds unless the species are mixed. According to De Gail ^ the regular shelterwood system was adopted all over France during the last half of the last century. "The rotation was divided into a certain number of periods, generally of equal length, frequently four or five. For each one of these periods there was a corresponding periodic block on the ground. During each of the periods the corresponding block had to be regenerated while the others were run over by improvement cuttings. The volume to be removed each year in the regeneration fellings formed the chief yield and was the quotient of the existing volume in the periodic block in question, growth in- cluded, divided by the number of years forming the period. Improvement fellings were assigned by area at regular intervals, the volume to be reahzed remaining unfixed." The objection to this system was that it was good in theory but did not work out on the ground. Too many sacrifices had to be made for regu- larity, and damage resulted from fire, wind, and insects. Very fre- quently the whole scheme was disarranged by unforeseen damage, and yet the working-plan scheme depended for its success on orderly ar- rangement. Exactly the same yield was unnecessary each year, but great differences had a bad effect on the regulation, as, for example, after an enormous cut following an unforeseen windfall. In 1878 an endeavor was made to correct the weakness by first subtracting accidental yields from the major yield before the regular annual cut was prescribed. But even this was not entirely satisfactory, chiefly on account of windfall in such regions as the Jura and Vosges. The forest of Paridas working plan stated that during the regeneration of this oak forest it is usually necessary to fence to prevent damage from game. The old oak is growing close together and very heavy openings are made in this stand, since the luxuriant grass crop seems to assist the oak regeneration inasmuch as it freshens the soil. After regeneration cutting there are about 80 trees per acre with the openings often 100 feet across. Occasionally the cuttings are made lighter because of the danger of briars and weeds. There is very rapid growth and the rotation is 120 years. Where thickets of blackberries have come in they are removed at the first cleaning when the reproduction is 12 to 15 years old. If cut earher they spring up again. There has been some damage to the oak from the "sidium" disease, which must be sprayed with salt as a curative and pre- ventive, but there is danger of the salt hurting the roots. Where the oak stands are very dense there is much less seed, as is illustrated by condi- tions in the Paridas forest. The oak sometimes comes in even in dense heather but frequently it is necessary to cut strips in the heather to en- '^ Nouvelles Tendances et Methodes d'Amenagement, No. 2, 1907, S. F. deF. C. et B. 76 NATURAL REGENERATION courage regeneration. The regeneration period is 30 years. Light thin- nings are made every 10 years, and usually after 35 years the canopy of the crowns is complete. Shelterwood for Beech. — Beech forests are still important in France [130] on the Parisian Plateau, on the Plateaus of Lorraine, Bourgogne, Franche-Comte, on the lower mountain slopes of these regions, and on all the mountains in the fir zone. The regeneration of beech is always by the shelterwood method (progressive fellings), but regeneration by clear felling is absolutely impossible, since the beech seedlings are very susceptible to damage from late frosts and from drying out. While it is true that the mast is not more frequent than the acorn crop, yet it is easier to secure beech seedhngs, since on account of its tolerant quahty the advance growth is often existing at the time of the seed felling, even if the cover is considerable, whereas the oak seedhng must be freed from overhead cover. This step is not so necessary with the beech since it is so tolerant. There is less danger of the beech seedlings being damaged by weeds or briars than of the oak. The seed felling with the beech is always light, since the seedlings cannot stand a rapid opening up. When there is a thick carpet of undecomposed dead leaves on the ground wounding the soil is quite necessary in order to expose the humus. This is sometimes secured by driving hogs through the area just before the seed felling, in order to let them, without expense, dig up the weeds and wound the soil. Frequently it is sufficient to let in enough light to eat up the leaf cover. The secondary fellings are also "dark," and often it is necessary to hold over trees which should be felled, on account of the danger of making too large openings. This means that instead of two or three secondary fell- ings, as with the oak, it may be necessary with the beech to make three or four secondary felhngs. This has no drawbacks since the young beech seedlings can stand the shade of the seed trees. The final felling is made as soon as the seedlings have grown to the sapling stage and it should not be held over too long because of the damage which results to the saplings. The final felling always removes all the remaining trees. Shelterwood for Oak=Beech. — A feature of oak and beech naturally regenerated is the maintenance of the soil in good condition and a suit- able mixture of beech in the understory. The tolerant beech always has a tendency to take possession of the soil and therefore it is often necessary to favor the oak. This can be done by reserving more oak seed trees in the seed felling and by cutting the beech in the understory, by hastening the secondary felling and making it rather open wherever oak seedhngs have established themselves. Otherwise, they may be crowded by the tolerant beech. The seedling of the oak may be favored by wounding the soil. When the seedlings are freed, and in the thinning, the oak also may be favored. According to Inspecteur Badre it is very difficult to SHELTERWOOD FOR OAK-BEECH 77 maintain beech and oak in mixture, side by side, for the beech always dominates the oak unless it is progressively freed from the surrounding beech. The most practical solution is to grow the oak in small groups, which can often survive the struggle with similar groups of beech without assistance. The forest of Pare et St. Quentin has had working plans made in 1869, 1884, and 1905. As a result of experience a rotation for 120 years was found too short because of the large proportion of oak. It was, therefore, increased to 150 years. Where there is difficulty in regeneration, according to the following most recent working plan, the cuttings would be regulated according to seed crops rather than to the sequence of f elhngs as developed : "The density of the seed fellings will be regulated so as to allow for the requirements of the species — oak and beech — which should be forced into the proper mixture (about half and half). The existing understory must be completely removed above this size, and under no pretext whatever should it be allowed to form part of the future stand. The seed fellings will be followed by secondary and final fellings laid out ex- clusively according to the cultural needs. The improvement cuttings should aim at the establishment of a high forest with a suitable mixture of species and as fully stocked as possible; they will be carried out by the use of regular normal thinnings, the removals limited to trees already dead or almost wholly so. ... In the young stands the valuable species will be carefully freed and, in accordance with their needs, the softwoods and species of secondary value will be sacrificed." The working plan of the forest of Malmifait is as follows : "The regeneration fellings which remain to be carried out during the second period, consist solely of secondary and final fellings. The secondary fellings will be made care- fully according to the amount and vigor of the existing reproduction. Where considered advantageous, the natural seeding will be assisted by soil preparation during seed years, coupled with the dibbling of acorns and beech nuts if necessary; this will be supple- mented, if need be, by plantations which will be set out in systematic lines in order to make future clearings easier and cheaper. Seedlings and plants must always be pro- tected at the start against the briars and the grass, as well as sprouts of species of secon- dary value. The final felling will take place as soon as regeneration is secured, and with- out too much delay, in order to lessen the damage, always considerable, caused by the exploitation and removal of the trees. When the cutting area is completely cleared, all the damaged stems must be cut back. It will be carefully seen to that the game, espe- cially the wild boar and hares, do not increase to an excessive degree. Thanks to this precaution it will be unnecessary to build wire fences, which are very expensive and which usually give only mediocre results, around the compartments recently seeded; especially since the patrol force of the Malmifait forest is composed of a single employee who, without question, would find it difficult to maintain the fences in good order and to watch continually the rabbit holes. But in the areas where the mammals are most dangerous, it may be unsafe to start reforestation by means of plants, whose stems should be protected by wire netting fastened to stakes." An interesting example of field practice in marking ^ shelterwood fell- ings was studied in the oak-beech forest of Pare et St. Quentin. Before ^ In France the marking hammers are kept locked up by the forest assistant or in- spector, and when trees are marked they are stamped both on the roots and at breast- ^8 NATURAL REGENERATION beginning the inspector explained to the rangers the fine points of the marking. In the area marked he illustrated the need of favoring beech, especially trees with well-developed crowns, on account of the necessity for plenty of seed. The trees cut were calipered and every record checked by being repeated by the tallyman. All poor trees were cut, notwith- standing the need of beech in mixture on account of its being insufficient. The marking passed the long way with the cutting area, and in some places it was noticed that regeneration was protected against rabbits by wire netting. The marking was very carefully executed, and the first time the rangers went over the felling area they merely blazed the trees to be cut. As a protection they went over this same area a second time to see whether mistakes had been made. At this second trip they stamped and blazed the roots of the trees left, and in addition, because of their great value, talHed the number of large trees left standing. It was explained that seed felhngs were held up in 1911 and 1912 because of poor seed years. The local inspector favored seed fellings by area as well as improvement cuttings by area, since it would obviate extensive calcula- tions of yield. Shelterwood for Maritime Pine. — The shelterwoocl system should never be applied to maritime pine. Clear cutting is, and must be, the invariable rule except in protection belts along the dunes. Shelterwood for Scotch Pine. — The shelterwood system is sometimes apphed to Scotch pine. Here the seed felling is made very open, the secondary felhngs are delayed and are rarely more than one or two in number and the final felling comes early. It really takes on the aspect of clear cutting with the reservation of seed trees [160]. The forest of Ermenonville presents an interesting study in the treatment of Scotch pine in the Paris region.^ The soil in the fourth, fifth, and sixth working circles of this forest is quite sterile over some 3,672 acres and therefore unsuitable for broadleaves. The rotation is 80 years of eight periods and the regeneration is nominally by the shelterwood system, although the results thus far, without sufficient artificial assistance, are very imperfect. The forty to sixty seed trees per acre are chosen with care and distributed height. The trees marked for any cutting are usually tallied by five-centimeter classes (2 inches) . If any marked tree is blazed twice on the bole it means that it must be limbed and the top cut off before it is felled to prevent damage to existing reproduction. The forest guards check the cutting after it is finished and go to every stump to see if the tree was marked. If all right the stump is stamped on the top. The guards and rangers are always on the lookout for windfall and dead wood. When found the tree is numbered consecutively and the following data secured : serial number, circumference, and general location. It is a guard's special duty to look out for windfalls in spring so that they may be disposed of while they are still salable. 8 Traitement du pin sylvestre dans la region de Paris, par L. Parde, Nos. 19 and 20, March 1 and 15, 1905. Revue des Eaux et Forets. SHELTERWOOD FOR SCOTCH PINE 79 as uniformly as possible over the area. The soil is cleared of brush, cones, and needles, either in strips or in spots, and there is artificial sowing where young seed trees are available. According to Parde : "If necessary the regeneration will be completed by plantations at the time of the first improvement felling when the seed trees will be cut. For my part, I confess that I am now rather disposed to admit that, so far as the Scotch pine high forests aromid Paris are concerned, the regeneration by artificial means would be preferable to the shelterwood method actually followed." Various steps have been taken to assist regeneration, such as raking strips and spots during the seed years ; in addition the young seedhngs are sheltered by means of branches, which is apparently very favorable to their development. If the natural seeding fails the plantations must be made promptly before waiting for the first improvement cutting. Assisting regeneration in this locality has cost as much as $8.70 per acre, while restocking blanks costs about $12.19 (1905 labor prices). Not- withstanding the expense of $8.70 for soil preparation, the regeneration is in poor shape, due to local droughts. Even with a large number of seed trees retained, the cost in windfalls has been heavy. In the forest of Fontainebleau there are some 822 acres of Scotch pine. The regular rotation is 72 years and the same methods have been applied as in the forest of Ermenonville. Probably one-tenth of the surface has been naturally seeded, chiefly from advance growth rather than from the results of seed fellings. In the forest of Rambouillet, on 4,942 acres of Scotch pine, but 680 acres have been regenerated successfully. According to Parde: "In practice the preparation of the soil has consisted in a light harrowing which removes the very thick mat which covers the soil; this mat is piled up at the foot of the reserved trees. The harrowing is followed with broadcast seeding, 6.2 pounds per acre, when, in order to work the seed into the soil, it is again harrowed lightly and covered with branches." Even after soil preparation regeneration has not been successful, and it will be necessary to sow or plant artificially. Probably it will be nec- essary to abandon the seed trees and to cut clean and sow broadcast by the method described above. The conclusion reached, as a result of the attempt of natural regeneration of Scotch pine around Paris, is that the present shelterwood system will probably be abandoned, at least until further experiments determine upon a successful method. Appar- ently it is unnecessary to leave seed trees scattered over the area under regeneration, since these trees are damaged by windfall and their extrac- tion damages seedhngs, increases the area under fellings, and makes the protection against game more difficult. Experiments are recommended with the two following systems : 80 NATURAL REGENERATION 1. Cut clear strips at right angles to the wind and remove the stumps. Clear the ground cover and harrow. Sow artificially with protection of branches. If seeding does not take place within a few years plant at once before the ground cover comes back. Never wait more than five years. 2. Proceed as in the case of the system described above, but with the reservation of seed trees. Of the two methods, the one without seed trees is probably preferable. The product would sell better; there would be no windfall; insect damage would be lessened; with the surface completely cleared, temporary nur- series would be more conveniently estabhshed where planting was neces- sary; fencing would be less costly; there would be no damage to young stock in the final fellings. Shelterwood for Fir. — In order to secure fir regeneration it is necessary to have a deep fresh soil and a humid climate; the chemical composition is less important. In order that fir seedlings may develop properly it is neces- sary to preserve the shelter of the cover stand as a protection against dry- ing out and against spring frosts. It is also necessary to have a thick humus cover and a protection against summer drought and weeds. The seedlings establish themselves under the immediate shelter of the seed trees. In every case the young seedlings develop naturally during the first five to ten years under the cover of the mother stand. Therefore, any system of clear felhng is out of the question, but the shelterwood method may be successfully used. In fir stands advance gi'owth almost always exists, therefore the seed felling is really a light secondary felling, since its object is to allow this advance growth to develop. This first secondary felhng or seed felling is made very conservative so as to remove the cover gradu- ally and not to expose the seedlings to drjdng out or to permit weeds to take possession of the soil. Even if suppressed for a number of years, fir seedlings have the ability to develop into good trees after the cover has been removed. The other secondary felhngs which follow should also be "dark," since a gradual removal of the cover is essential. On the other hand, the final felling should always be complete on account of the danger from windfall and because of the damage which results to the old isolated trees from drying out. De Gail has shown (see p. 75) that because of windfall and the consequent irregularity of the stand (and derangement of working plans) the shelterwood system for fir is fast proving unsuccess- ful. An excellent illustration of the derangement of working plan yields by windfall is in the forest of Gerardmer (Vosges). On September 1, 1908, the inspector reported that, in the first, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth working circles, which had a prescribed annual yield of 11,971 cubic meters, on account of tremendous windfalls 46,378 cubic meters, or the yield for almost four years, had already been cut. As a result of the SHELTERWOOD FOR SPRUCE 81 windfalls of 1902 the conservator favored a return to an irregular selec- tion instead of the shelter wood system. The selection preferred is one regulated by volume and by area. In the fir forest of Noiremont (Jura) the seed felhng removes practically two-fifths of the volume, the two secondary felhngs one-fifth each, and the final felKngs one-fifth. After the final felhng in this forest there were openings 33 feet across where the parent trees had been cut. Here the openings were being planted up. The improvement fellings in this forest, regulated by area, remove the badly suppressed trees, badly formed trees, those dry topped, and the so- called "wolf" trees. But even under the favorable conditions existing the shelterwood system may be abandoned. In the forest of Risol they have a rule of cutting not more than 100 cubic meters per hectare at one time. According to the ranger's records: "Cultural operations should always be directed with the aim of developing as much as possible the growth of existing stands without sacrificing anything for regularization. The ripe trees should always be removed when encountered in the fellings, but on condi- tion that their retention is not considered necessary for reproduction." In the saphng stands the dominant beech is almost invariably cut. In the pole stands the suppressed and damaged trees are removed, and in the high pole stands quite heavy thinnings in the top story are begun. All beech not needed for reproduction is removed. Shelterwood for Spruce. — While the spruce is not essentially a tolerant species like the fir, yet it is not exactly a hght-demanding species Hke the oak; it does not grow while under direct cover, and while it will come in naturally on pastures, some side cover is desirable on account of its demanding fresh soil. It is deeper rooted than the fir and more difficult to secure. The seed of the fir is quite heavy, is of average size, and cannot be carried great distances. On the other hand, most of the cones are at the top of the tree; they open, not because of the heat, but because of the moisture at the end of the September rains. The spruce cones, to the contrary, are lower down on the tree and most of them are found at the ends of the branches; they open under the influence of heat, especially when the dry east wind is blowing, so that the seed may be carried some distance from the tree. Moreover, the spruce seed does not germinate well under the immediate cover of the mother tree nor do the seedlings germinate successfully on dry needles, therefore the best condi- tions for the germination of spruce seedhngs are openings in the mature stands, exposed to the full sunhght, and where the mineral soil is at least partially bared. In theory, at least, the shelterwood method of pro- gressive fellings is appHcable to this species, but unfortunately there are difficulties. The tree is subject to windfall on account of its superficial root system and the heavy foliage. It is therefore necessary to make the 82 NATUR.\L REGExNERATION seed fellings conservatively but, after the seedlings arc once established, to cut the mature stand very rapidly [193]. As with the fir, the shelter- wood system has not been wholly successful. Shelterwood for Fir and Spruce in Mixture. — Fir and spruce are very often found in mixture. From the economic viewpoint they have about the same value. It is silviculturally advisable to have them in mixture since, when mixed, insect and fungous damage is not so dangerous and the soil is better conserved. When in mixture advance growth of fir is quite common under the old stand. It is therefore necessary to fell old trees here and there in order to enable the spruce to profit by the light and establish itself in the center of the openings. While the advance growth of the fir has the advantage of age the spruce seedlings develop more rapidly and make an excellent mixture. The more you want to favor the spruce the larger the openings should be made. It is also advisable to favor it by wounding the soil. The mixture can be regulated in the clean- ings and thinnings that follow [202]. The Selection System in Broadleaf Stands (Beech). — In practice the [137] treatment by selection fellings is not systematically applied in France to broadleaves. The beech is an exception. Because of the irregularity of beech regeneration, even if treated by the method of pro- gi-essive felHngs, it may often assume the character of a selection forest. The beech may be treated under the selection system except in those forests where it is mixed with fir. In theory, at least, the selection system is very simple. In the working plan the exploitable or maximum size of trees is given and the amount, either in number of trees or in cubic meters, that should be cut each year. The entire forest is cut over, and trees above the stated diameter limit are removed to the amount of the estimated yield. In practice the forest is often divided into a number of compartments and, for the sake of economy in lumbering, the selection fellings are concentrated on a portion of the forest. Selection felhngs avoid the crisis of regeneration which other more regular methods pre- cipitate at the time of the seed fellings. Moreover, the classic selection felling is only suitable to shade-enduring species. Selection fellings mean irregularity as opposed to the regularity of clear cutting, shelter- wood (progressive fellings), etc., [213]. Practically speaking the classic selection felhngs of a few trees from the entire area under treatment is never applied in France except possibly in the sub-alpine forests where, in order to assist the forest in its struggle for existence against unfavor- able climate and soil conditions, a light selection (or improvement) fell- ing is usually employed. Clear cutting, even by strips or by the shelter- wood method, is extremely dangerous in the mountains, but in the sub- alpine forests, where the larch is one of the most important species, the simple selection felling becomes a group selection, since the larch (see FIR SELECTION FELLINGS 83 p. 89) is a light-demanding species and considerable openings in the stand must be made. With cembric pine, or mountain pine, the openings can be much smaller and the removal of a single tree is sufiEicient. With- out question the tendency in France, as in other European countries, is away from the original tree selection. Instead, especially with somewhat intolerant trees, the practice is now to cut in groups so that, preferably, there are clumps of even-aged trees ah over the forest which can be thinned. Fir Selection Fellings. — In theory, at least, the fir should be treated under selection fellings except for the difficulty of lumbering all over a forest and the danger on the other hand of compressing fellings into too small an area and thereby maldng too gi*eat openings. Consequently, in fir forests, selection fellings run over the same area on an average of every eight years, removing about 12\ per cent of the stand. For this reason, even in fir stands, the selection assumes the character of a group or hole selection system. At high altitudes, in theory, the per cent re- moved at one time should be small, but in practice as high as 18 or 20 per cent may be cut in order to make logging feasible. For example, in the communal forest of Cette-Eygun (p. 17 of the working plan) the method of exploitation is as follows: "These two working groups will be treated by the selection method; the high altitude, the severe climate, the danger of avalanches, the slowness of reproduction at the higher elevations, the control of water flow, the obligation in a country habitually and essen- tially pastoral to keep stands open for grazing so far as possible, necessitates maintaining a dense forest on all areas and slopes, and ratifies the choice of this selection method for all regulated mountainous forests." About 18 per cent of the stand is cut at one time. Mathey argues (Societe de Franche-Comte et Belfort) that to obtain the regeneration of spruce in the Alpine forests, the following are necessary: 1. Maintain shelter belts and groups of trees as a precaution. 2. Encourage the mixture of broadleaf trees and conifers so that the former comprise at least 12 per cent of the upper story and 13 per cent of the lower story, or 25 per cent in all. 3. Remove the sod in spots where it is desired to favor the develop- ment of seedhngs. 4. Cut conservatively. In the lower working gi'oup cut every 6 or 8 years over the same area. In the average working group (4,000 to 5,000 feet altitude) cut every 10 to 12 years, and in the upper working gi'Oup (5,000 to 6,000 feet altitude) cut only every 14 to 16 years. Areas above 6,000 feet should be considered zones of protection solely. It is abso- lutely essential to be conservative in the treatment of these forests. For the best management of a selection forest it is necessary for the 84 NATURAL REGENERATION forester to have in mind the normal or average local number of trees per acre for the different diameter classes; then by a comparison of the normal with the actual stand it can be determined whether the forest has too many or too few trees of the different size classes. Such data would be a guide to determine from what diameter classes in a selection forest trees should preferably be cut. The following table, compiled by Huffel, shows average figures per acre for fir in different regions. TABLE 7.— AVERAGE FIGURES PER ACRE FOR FIR Number of fir trees per acre Diameter, breast-high, Alpes Vosges Lorraine slope French Jura Mountains Pre-Alpes of Dauphine inches (average for toward Savoie) Low Average High 3,200 to 3,460 feet 6 « 12 0 8.4 12.0 8 3.2 9.4 10 2.1 6.0 32.0 6.4 2.3 7.0 12 1.6 4.3 26.8 5.6 1.9 5.1 14 1.2 3.1 21.2 4.2 1.5 3.6 16 10 2.2 17.8 3.5 1.2 2.6 18 0.8 1.6 12.9 2.6 0.9 1.7 20 0.6 1.1 9.2 1.8 0.6 1.0 22 0.5 0.8 6.1 1.2 0.5 0.6 24 0.4 0.6 3.4 0.7 0.4 0.4 26 0.4 2.4 1.4 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 28 30 32 34 Total 11.4 40.5 135.0 26^9 9T3 43.4 ° Smaller trees are not calipered. Schaeffer ^ gives the follow^ing formula for the management of a selection forest: "1. Establish a curve of a normal high forest, as has been indicated (see p. 214) according to the existing stand. "2. Calculate the jdeld by any method (if you wish, even by the number of trees), provided it is simple, taking care to adopt a figure less than the maximum yield which has been determined. . . . "3. First cut the over-stocked age classes. "4. Arrange for periodic stocktaking in order to revise the yield and to make sure that it approaches the type of forest desired." Spruce Selection Fellings. — Contrary to fir forests it is rare that ad- vance growth is found under the parent spruce stand. Therefore, selec- tion by groups or holes is always necessary, since it assures the regenera- 8 Un Type de Futaie Jardinee, S. F. de F. C. et B., A. S. Fig. 7 (a). — Natural regeneration of spruce in the openings where it has sufficient light. Under partial cover the seedlings have not as yet come in. (6). — Spruce stand in the Melezet Canton, communal forest of Villarodin-Bourget, running 146 trees per acre and 109 cubic meters (36,000 feet board measure). Here .selection fellings removed trees declining in vigor until openings have gradually been made. Since the soil became partially sodded and covered with spruce needles no regeneration has succeeded. Had the openings been made at once, instead of gradu- ally, the reproduction would have been secured. (c)-(d). — Natural regeneration of spruce in the Melezet Canton, communal forest of Villarodin-Bourget, at an altitude of 6,060 feet. No regeneration of spruce came in after ordinary selection cuttings, which removed only a tree here and there. After a windfall gave sufficient light (and wounded the soil) reproduction has succeeded in the following proportions : Spruce, six-tenths; larch, three-tenths; cembric pine, one-tenth. (85) 86 NATURAL REGENERATION tion a sufficient amount of light and at the same time it does not open up the forest enough to allow weeds to come in (see Fig. 7, A to D). The openings made are not quite so large as in the Scotch pine, because the spruce does not demand the same amount of hght. Frequently in spruce stands the felHng of one large tree makes an opening large enough to favor the introduction of spruce seedlings, although usually two, three, four, and even five trees may be cut [199]. A study of the spruce stand in the Savoie, by Thiolher (see Fig. 7), showed that, on the whole, regeneration is difficult. In a wet, mild climate, at lower altitudes, the spruce behaves much like the silver fir, but at higher altitudes the spruce must be differently handled. To secure spruce regeneration: (a) The seed must come in contact with fresh mineral soil, or soil covered with humus of another species. If, for example, the ground is covered with grass, or spruce litter, this must be worked and the soil bared. (6) Isolated spruce saplings suffer from the snow, so every effort should be made to secure clumps or gi'oups for regeneration. (c) To secure thrifty, well-developed crowns, early and frequent thin- nings are indispensable; but if too heavy the height growth is decreased, the cover is broken, and the trees become branchy; if too hght, or if begun too late, the growth is slow and the trees are never really merchantable for timber. (d) Since the spruce requires full sunlight for best development it is best grown in even-aged clumps or stands. But since it is so liable to windfall some form of selection fellings is desirable and necessary at these altitudes. This shows the vital necessity of not practicing a selection system by cutting single trees but rather groups of trees. These groups are then developed by successive cutting into fairly even-aged stands. Thiollier stated to the author personally that these three cultural rules should therefore be followed: "1. The young stands must always be kept dense; the thinnings should only remove trees without a future and free the crowns of the best stems without ever opening up the stand. "2. When a stand or a clump becomes of exploitable age, to regenerate it; make openings (or holes) whose size varies with the altitude, the kind of soil, exposure, to be made after an examination of existing blanks. "3. The soil cover (grass, brush, spruce litter) should be broken up by irregular seed spots so as to form flat areas in the holes or blanks where the seeding should take place. If regeneration fails, plant in the center (of openings) with at least five trees spaced 12 inches." In other words, Thiollier recognized the necessity of assisting natural regeneration, and that the ground must not be allowed to run wild. Since fir or beech is almost invariably mixed with spruce care must al- SELECTION FELLINGS FOR SCOTCH AND ALEPPO PINE 87 ways be taken to favor the spruce if this species is especially desired. But judging from results studied in France the practice of sacrificing a fair species hke fir for spruce (which brings a little better price) is poor technique, and there is danger of windfall. The spruce and fir regeneration in the forest of St. Martin d'Arc is favored by cleaning out the birch, aspen, and other less desirable species. In the case of pine a complete cleaning is made wherever groups require more light; with fir the cleaning is gradual and partial. In this particular forest the cutting period is 15 years with a separate rotation for each species, whereas in other parts of the Savoie the working plans officer usually establishes one rotation to cover all species. In the improvement cuttings undesirable trees are often left because if all undesirable ones were cut it would mean a too heavy felling. In the neighborhood of Thonon (Savoie), above the Drance River, the selection fellings take place every 12 to 14 years, according to the working plan, but, in practice, they cannot take place quite so often because the amount to be removed is limited and accidental fellings consume too much of the yield. On this rich soil the spruce comes in best in the openings. The protection zone covers a 30 per cent rocky slope where only windfall is removed. In the forest of Bonnevaux a selection cutting removed one tree from the center of a group of three — a diseased tree, one that was suppressed, and a stag-headed tree — as well as two trees which were suppressing fir repro- duction. An opening 66 by 98 feet was made at one place because of the removal of a large tree with a bad crown. The cut probably removed 25 per cent of the stand, the amount removed being necessitated by the poor condition of the trees. In the forest of Grande Chartreuse, cut over by selection fellings, weeds have come in in the openings which were made to favor the reproduction of spruce, since fir here reproduces under cover before the spruce can gain a foothold. In the forest of Chapelle d'Huin beech and a little oak are mixed with the fir. Beech is cut rather heavily, especially in cleanings, because firewood values have decreased to such an extent. There is too much beech coming in under the old stand of fir but, curiously enough, under the beech there is a good deal of fir. In this locality, for the value of cord wood removed, the peasants will cut the beech; thus the cleaning is made free of charge. Selection Fellings for Scotch and Aleppo Pine. — Ordinary selection felhng is not suitable for Scotch pine; gi'oup selection, when apphed to a hght-demanchng species, must produce two results — it must diminish the number of stems in the stand so as to open it up sufficiently and it must make openings large enough so that the seedlings will receive the necessary light, at least during the middle of the day. The size of these openings or holes depends on the height of the tree and distance from the seed trees. It is usually necessary to concentrate these fellings on, 88 NATURAL REGENERATION say, one-fifteenth of the forest. Under the same conditions it is pos- sible to make the openings 2 to 4 acres in area. The diameter of the opening is usually at least one-half the height of the neighboring trees. As soon as the regeneration starts it is necessary to open up around it in order to give it sufficient hght for development, always bearing in mind, however, that too wide openings, which become choked with brush, are consequently expensive to clear. This hole-selection method has been applied to aleppo pine, but until experiments in Algeria in the Oran Conservation are completed by Conservateur Laporte, no final decision can be reached as to the best method of treatment. It is very significant, however, that near Marseilles the working plan calls for the shelterwood system, that is, progressive feelings, but the local in- spector preferred the method as described in the following statement furnished the author personally : "The aleppo pine is the only coniferous species of the calcareous regions of the Medi- terranean Provence. Besides this species there is only the holm oak and the pedunculate oak treated under coppice and furnishing nothing but firewood. In the Department of Bouches-du-Rhone the aleppo pine ordinarily forms almost pure stands or mixed with a small per cent of oak (.0 to 15 per cent). "The forests of aleppo pine occupy the lower mountains where the altitude ranges from sea level to 2,600 feet. The calcareous soil is generally on steep slopes, which are usually rugged. There are numerous rock benches and stone slides with but little vegetation. The climate is characterized by hot and dry summers. The average annual rainfall is 20 inches at Marseilles to 28 inches at Areasque (in the center of the small mountainous forest situated to the northeast of Marseilles). The average number of rainy days is 85, chiefly in autumn and spring. During 1912 there was an almost complete drought for two months — July and August. "The aleppo pine is admirably adapted to these conditions, which any other indige- nous species would not be able to stand. It is essentially light-demanding, endures drought, and is vigorous. It has a very light foliage and is easily regenerated by natural means. But while it stands heat and prolonged droughts, its growth suffers neverthe- less, and its remarkable thrift when near water . . . shows it can thrive on fresh soil. The young seedlings suffer from drought if the roots are not well into the soil; they are often burned by the sun in the summer if it is especially hot and dry. On cer- tain rocky slopes where the stand is open it is difficult to get regeneration under the old trees; on the other hand, the soil should not be allowed to run wild, since it must be pro- tected against the heat of the sun; cuttings must be light. "The treatment by regular high forest (shelterwood) with a rotation of 60 years and with the division of the forest in three periodic blocks (each to be regenerated in turn within 20 years) has been followed in a number of forests for 50 years. But the looked- for regularity has not been obtained on the arid and rocky soil which one finds on most of the area under management. "Uniform stands have been obtained only on several areas where the soil was deeper and richer; these are the exception rather than the rule. In reality most areas treated by the shelterwood system have always remained in a transition stage. On the contrary the selection system is adapted to the regional conditions. Forests of more than 741 acres are divided into working groups whose area ordinarily does not exceed this. Each working group is divided into a certain number of felling areas, usually 10 to 16, which GROUP SELECTION FOR LARCH (AND OTHER METHODS) 89 are cut over each year successively (the area of each felHng area usually varies from 12 to 49 acres) . The number of the felling areas also fixes the periodicity of cutting over the same point, 10 to 16 years . . . and at each cut the trees which have attained exploitable size (12 to 14 inches in diameter) along with the badly shaped and over- mature trees are removed; at the same time the trees, where they are too thick, are thinned, thereby freeing the promising seedhngs. The yield is not fixed; the cut re- moves each time 15 to 20 per cent of the standing material. Seedlings ordinarily come in quickly where the stand has been opened; and if the neighboring trees shut off a portion of the sun's rays when it is low on the horizon the effect is not bad for the seed- lings, but on the contrary preserves them against the dangers of excessive heat and drought, due to the intensity of the light and the lightness of the cover. "The selection method gives in the end excellent results from the cultural viewpoint and is perfectly suited to the silvics of the aleppo pine, both as to the soil and climatic conditions. It assures the conservation of the stand, something that is essential in a region where the percentage of wooded areas is much too small (14.2). It yields short- stemmed trees, to be sure, but 36 feet of height growth is sufficient for very mediocre soil. Moreover, the length of the stem is of secondary importance, because at the saw- mill the aleppo pine is cut into small boards for shipping crates. From the economic viewpoint there is the objection of giving a very great latitude to the officer who does the marking, since there is no fixed yield, but it must be remembered that because of frequent fires ... it does not seem feasible to establish a precise working scheme which would have to be incessantly revised and whose provisions would be constantly re- versed." Group Selection for Fir or Spruce. — In high altitudes, or perhaps on rocky soil, the advance growth is rare and it may be impossible to wait for it to install itself. There are usually groups of advance gi-owth, however, and these may be gradually uncovered by removing the stand surrounding them. As these groups develop other trees are removed so that they become larger and larger until the ground is completely stocked. This method has given very good results and often is the only one that can be employed. If there are no groups of advance growth an old tree may be cut here and there in order to start seedling growth. If the openings are too large there is danger of weeds taking possession of the soil [174]. Spruce reproduces better with group selection than with selection by single trees. Group Selection for Larch (and Other Methods). — Near Briangon there are numerous interesting examples of the treatment of larch forests. (See Fig. 8.) In the communal forest of Villard St. Panerace the larch comprises an open park-like forest where cattle grazing is allowed. The cutting made is really an improvement felling, but the young growth is always freed even if a good tree has to be cut. On the other hand a good many poor trees are left rather than make large openings. According to the working plan it is a seed felling, but on the ground it was a selection felhng by groups. According to the working plan no sacrifices are to be made to regularize the stand and yet the inspector is not advised systematically to make a regular stand irregular. In 90 NATURAL REGENERATION another portion of the forest the marking illustrates the freedom and flexibility of French silviculture. Here the cutting was the removal of small groups of trees and the groups left were occasionally thinned. Trees were left along roads and around a small mountain swamp. The openings were rarely more than 33 to 49 feet in diameter and the groups Fig. 8. — Pure larcli at an altitude of .5,970 feet, in tlie communal forest of Tignes. The stand totals 49 trees per acre and 4,5 cubic meters (11,000 feet board measure). A selection felling has resulted in an open stand, because the ground (grass covered) was not worked to assist regeneration. left were preferably on rocky ground and very steep slopes. The cutting in one locality where conservatism was indicated by the steep slopes removed, in a hght selection system, about 20 per cent of the stand. An experiment was being tried out by cutting in strips running hori- zontally around the slopes. The strips cut were about 100 feet in width TREATMENT OF SCENIC FORESTS 91 and the uncut strip, which was thinned, was about 65 feet wide. In the same locality in the forest of Ban de Puy-Saint Pierre the selection system was used because it did not interrupt the local grazing. The local inspector stated that if there had been no provisions in the working plan (by Broilhard, December 31, 1855), he would have used the shelter- wood method on the lower gentle slopes and a conservative selection system higher up where the slopes were steep. According to page 13 of the original working plan the secondary fellings are not necessary. "The regeneration fellings fall into a seed felling and a final felling." The trees reserved after the seed felling should be at least twenty per acre. Grazing should be forbidden in each division when it comes to be regenerated, and the extraction of underbrush should be made at the time of seed felling. When the natural reseeding is less than half completed, say 7 years after the seed felling, the ground still un- stocked should be cultivated in horizontal strips 20 inches wide, spaced 3.3 feet. Moreover, any openings still remaining at the final felling should be planted. The final cutting will take place when the reseeding is completed, and the seed fellings shall not be started again until after the ground is fully stocked. The rotation is 200 years. Treatment of Scenic Forests. — Forests retained as semi-parks for recreation are always high forests and are usually free from working- plan regulation so far as the specific amount to be cut is concerned. A selection system is usually applied but in reality it is a light improvement cutting, removing only the dead and dying trees. The young stands are often thinned. For example, in the working plan for the forest of St. Antoine in the Vosges (for the years 1908-1939), special provi- sion is made for the scenic working group designed to protect a gorge with waterfalls and precipitous slopes. In the selection system used the fine, big trees are favored and are retained as long as possible for their natural beauty. According to the working plan: "The aim of this scenic working group is to form and to keep a stand of beautiful trees without striving for regularity and without a necessity for economic exploitation. Each year after having marked the windfall and dead trees and having subtracted their volume, the remainder of the yield should be cut from the entire compartment . . . by selection ... see to it not only that the stand is not opened up, but also that it is maintained sufficiently dense. In the young stands remove only the trees wholly dominated and the stems too dense which will certainly become valueless. In the high forest . . . remove only the overmature or wholly defective trees . . . the greatest prudence will always be the maxim. The selection fellings will be extended over a large area in order to cover the working group one and one-half times during the cutting period." In all forests under working plans famous trees are always reserved from cutting. 92 NATURAL REGENERATION COPPICE SYSTEMS General. — Economically and silviculturally the application of any coppice system over large areas is a grave error. Tassey estimated the loss in France, due to the large areas in coppice, at more than 60 million dollars per year. In fact all the best French authorities condemn cop- pice and especially short rotations, yet to-day we find four-fifths of the private forests in some form of coppice. Even in the State forests more than one-third of the producing forest area is in coppice (largely cop- pice-under-standards). Furthermore, nine-tenths of all coppice in France is managed on too short a rotation. In the past this type of stand was very profitable because of the high prices of tannin bark and firewood. But to-day, on account of the large decrease in these values, coppice is becoming less and less profit- able, and so far as economic and silvicultural conditions permit, these stands are being transformed to high forest. One of the main objections to conversions is that it is necessary to increase the growing stock, and communes dependent on local wood supphes cannot afford this economy. In some localities where tannin bark is the chief product, coppice rota- tions have been as short as 12 or 15 years. In other locaHties the coppice of sessile oak has been continued, but with a longer rotation so as to produce mine props and stulls. With this longer rotation (which often amounts to 30 or 40 years) it is necessary to thin coppice in order to give the best chance for development to those trees which will produce mine props 16 to 33 feet in length. The management of simple coppice is popular with private owners because it has frequently given a certain fixed income, it requires little or no skill, less money is tied up in grow- ing stock, and because there is Httle danger from insects or fungus. Except in very wet locaHties, however, it results in positive damage to the soil. According to Boppe: "There is grave danger from frost, especially to species like beech, and to have successful coppice stands for generations a mild chmate is essential." Furthermore it is necessary to study the sprouting longevity of the species in the coppice.^" For example, the sessile and pedunculate oaks in France sprout well up to 40 or 50 years of age, while other oak species, such as holm, do not sprout vigorously after 25 or 30 years. But as a matter of fact most private coppice in France should be cut on double its present rotation. Some species (oak, hornbeam, ash, maple, alder) reproduce vigorously from the stump, others (beech and birch) sprout poorly but make up for this deficiency by prohfic seeding; the aspen i°See "Le Traitement des Bois en France, "Broilliard, Nouvelle Edition, especially pp. 62-236. Since the coppice systems will not be widely used in the United States the French application to the various species has not been given in detail. SIMPLE COPPICE 93 does not sprout from the stump at all but produces root suckers in abundance. These qualities must always be considered. The chief species found in French coppice stands are locust, poplar, maple, oak, beech, ash, elm, alder, birch, and hornbeam. In a great many localities it is becoming very popular to introduce conifers into the coppice stand with the idea of converting them gradually into high forest and in order to have the conifers increase the production of timber. Maritime pine and aleppo pine are also being introduced in coppice stands in the south of France. The following official figures give an idea of the relative yield of timber and fuel from simple coppice, coppice-under-standards, and high forest : state and communal Simple coppice Coppice-under-standards . High forest Simple Coppice. — The important technique is to cut at the right season and to cut smooth, sloping stumps close to the ground. In France the season to cut oak is from March to May; for hornbeam, March to April; for birch, November to December. August is the most unfavorable month in which to cut coppice, and on fire hues it is often of value to cut in August so as to weaken and decrease the sprout- ing. It is of interest that there are two variations to the rule of cutting low stumps: (a) In holm-oak stands where the ground is dry and the climate hot, the stump may be cut 2 inches beloiv the ground to increase sprouting; (6) on wet ground, where there is often standing water (as in the Sologne) the stump may be cut 5 to 8 inches above the ground. This method would be followed with willow along the river beds. To maintain coppice in good condition the better species, such as oak, must be occasionally planted or sown in the blanks; these seedlings must be usually protected from suppression by the more rapidly growing sprouts. When the coppice rotation is 25 years or more one thinning, about 8 years before the end of the rotation, is necessary for the following reasons: The growth of the coppice will be increased; the first-year standards will endure isolation better; valuable species, and especially seedlings, can be assisted by cutting weed species which are competing with them; coppice suppressing the lower branches of valuable reserves, which would start rot, can be cut out; and short lived species can be removed before they die. 94 NATURAL REGENERATION Coppice with Field Crops. — " Sartage," the combination of coppice with field crops, has been largely condemned in France as poor silvi- culture, but Jolyet beheves in it "since the potash resulting from burn- ing the branches enriches the soil sufficiently to permit with some success the cultivation of grain." On the other hand Boppe [222] calls attention to the damage from fire, the decrease in the amount of oak, the washing away of soil foods on the slopes, and the difficulty of in- creasing the rotations. Selection Coppice (Beech). — While considerable difficulty has been experienced in treating beech under the simple coppice system, it can be worked in selection coppice (taillis furete), since the selection cuttings enable the retention of part of the stand which protects the shoots against the first autumn frosts. It is usually worked on a diameter- hmit basis and furnishes a great deal of charcoal for manufacturing purposes. Huffel, who likes this method, says [147] that "the treat- ment in selection coppice is really a methodical treatment and perfectly rational, justified by the silvics of the beech and the exceptional condi- tions of the coppice. . . . When employed correctly it gives good results." Correctly apphed, the selection coppice does protect the young beech from frost, but since the best sprouts are being cut continually the stand must in time deteriorate. In practice, with a 30-year rotation, one-third of the stand in each compartment would be cut every 10 years. Naturally it is difficult to cut the larger sprouts from a clump without damaging some of those that remain. Coppice-Under-Standards. — Coppice-under-standards is composed of two distinct elements: the lower story, the coppice, which is cut clean on a short rotation, and the upper story, or reserve,^^ which is usually managed on a rotation four to five times the length of the coppice. The object of this kind of management is to increase the proportion of timber. It is now generally admitted as being inferior to high forest without the advantages of coppice. The species composing the coppice in coppice-under-standards evidently should have splendid sprouting ability and should also be species that will endure some side shade. The hornbeam, the maple, and the linden are the chief species; heech and oak are less valu- able. The pyrenean oak is used as coppice a good deal in the west of France, birch is useful on sandy soils, and poplar on wet soils. The chief skill in managing a coppice-under-standards forest is the choice of the upper story, which should be chosen from species of a light foliage so as not to suppress the under story, and should be selected so far as possible from seedlings or root suckers as a second choice. The pedunculate and sessile oak are of the first importance as standards, although ash, elm, " See Jolyet, pp. 225, 250, 382, 431-439 for data on coppice-under-standards. COPPICE-UNDER-STANDARDS 95 and maple are good associates. Even with light fohaged oak three to six per cent of the coppice is lost through shading. The alder and linden are not so good on account of their thicker fohage, and beech can be used only in exceptional circumstances. The foliage of the hornbeam is too thin. Most stands of coppice-under-standards have been ruined through careless selection of the trees to be reserved. These reserved trees should be carefully distributed over the area so that the crowns can be isolated. According to Inspecteur Galmiche [233] the following space should be allowed for oak standards of the following ages: 50 years, 22 square yards; 100 years, 89 square yards; 150 years, 145 square yards. According to Jolyet two-thirds to one-third the grow- ing space should be reserved for the coppice and a normal number of reservesi2 are per acre: IR = 20, 2R = 12, 3R = 8, 4R = 4. Broil- hard prefers not to specify any exact number of reserves as an ideal, but advises the forester to mark as many as possible if good trees can be found. He cautions against stopping the reservation of standards simply because 20 to 25 or more have been secured. If good trees can be secured it is better to go ahead and mark them. In a coppice-under- standards forest near Oloron in the Pyi'enees the foresters are guard- ing against keeping too many standards. They argue that, with too much of a reserve, the coppice does not grow well in youth and the reserves do not develop so thriftily. As explained by the local inspector the Nancy Forest School teaches the value of retaining many standards for the simple reason that they yield a larger percentage of timber, but rather than adopt this practice the local inspector favored conversion to a high forest. The normal number per acre in this section is four 3R, twelve 2R, and twenty-four IR standards. It is claimed that with many reserves they cannot grow such good trees and the oak is pre- vented from coming in as thriftily as it otherwise might. Major Hirsch, the owner of the famous forest of Amboise, reserves all the standards he can secure and in view of eventual conversions this seems the best pohcy for those who can afford it. Badre believes in greatly increasing the number of standards to secure quick conversions, especially in Normandy where up 12 The French name their reserves as follows : French name Age, 30-year coppice rotation Key letter used by author Baliveau Moderne 30-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 IR standard 2R standard Ancienne, 2d class 3R standard Ancienne, 1st class Vieille Ecorce, 2d class FiTi ftnnrlnrrl 6R standard 96 NATURAL REGENERATION to 600 per acre are sometimes reserved. Thiollier ^^ gives four rules for the improvement of coppice-under-standards : (1) Lengthen coppice ro- tations; (2) increase the density of the reserves and thin when coppice is 20 years of age; (3) concentrate the oak on the soil best suited to it; (4) choose standards best suited to the soil. Gazin/* one of the best foresters in France, in private employ, has called attention to the bad effect of higher labor costs on coppice exploitations and the necessity for reserving more standards and planting. He advocates using 100-foot strips through the cutting area, cutting clean the coppice on half the strips and the ripe standards on all strips so as to (1) get mine props from the coppice held over; (2) crowd out the weed trees; (3) enrich the stand; (4) improve the soil by having uncut strips. Such procedure is mani- festly a compromise so as not to reduce the revenue too much during the process of increasing the growing stock. The following rules for the choice of standards have been developed in France: ^^ (1) All reserved trees (standards) must be of sufficient distance apart so that the branches of their crowns cannot join before the end of the rotation which is beginning. If they do join sufficient Hght will not be admitted to allow the coppice understory to develop. (2) It is not absolutely essential to have the reserves evenly distributed over the cutting area because to do this means to sacrifice the choice of species. For instance, it is better to have some grouping of the reserves if by so doing some good oak standards can be secured. (3) It is ad- vantageous to reserve a great number of standards near the forest boundaries to serve as a wind protection and to prevent the soil in the interior of the cutting areas from drying out too much. (4) It is also advantageous to have the reserves, so far as possible, situated near the logging roads and compartment hues, since it makes cutting cheaper and the product more valuable, at the same time giving the forest the appearance of richness. (5) A good, sound oak should always be favored as against other species for the reserve. (6) If two trees are oak of equal vigor the largest should be reserved if it will last until the next rotation. (7) If neither of the two trees is oak, reserve the next best species and the straightest, thriftiest tree. (8) The selection of first- year standards should be made personally by an experienced forester. Broilhard adheres to the rule: "It is always the vigor of a tree that should determine its retention, and those are the big trees which enrich the coppice." A good coppice-under-standards is impossible with a short rotation for the coppice, because the length of clear bole of the standards is determined by the height of the coppice. With a rotation 13 Taillis et Futaie Melanges, par E. Liouville (Thiollier cited). Besangon, 1911. " Coupes de Taillis sous Futaie par Bandes Alternes. Brochure, pp. 73-85. 15 Jolyet, pp. 235-239. COPPICE-UNDER-STANDARDS 97 of 15 to 20 years the coppice is necessarily short-boled. Broilliard there- fore concludes that the rotation for a coppice-under-standards should be 30 to 40 years or more unless the soil is very rich, but unless repeat- edly freed the oak shows a tendency to disappear. It is becoming more and more popular, with the decrease in fuel values, to plant conifers in coppice-under-standards, especially on rather thin soils and where there are considerable blanks. According to Jolyet, such species, to make their introduction a success, should have the following qualities: (1) Rapid gi'owth, especially during the initial years when there is competition with the rapidly growing coppice; (2) intolerance (or at least not tolerant); (3) light-foliaged crown; (4) hardiness (especially against late frosts); (5) must be windfirm. Not- withstanding these rules the species most frequently introduced are: (Locusts) Austrian pine, (birch) Scotch pine, white pine, alder, larch, and spruce. The spruce is clearly neither hght-foliaged nor wind- firm. In the third conservation the financial yield of the coppice-under- standards has been classified,!^ according to the soil, into six groups : TABLE COPPICE-UNDER-STANDARDS I. — "Calmatages' II. — Sandy clay . . . III. IV. V. VI. "Maris " Clay Calcareous marl. Rocky Rotation, years 20-25 40 32-38 32-36 32 Annual average net yield, per acre $4.63 3.01 2.54 3.09 0.85 Communal forests Rotation, years 20-26 20-27 20-29 20-30 24-36 Annual average net yield, per acre $2.54 up 3.01 1.62 0.93 0.46 Annual average net yield on 25-year rotation, per acre Coppice $2.54 2.16 1.38 0.93 0.70 0.39 The coppice-under-standards system is typical of France but is merely a weak compromise between the high forest (the forest of the future) and the coppice (the forest of the charcoal and cordwood age which is past). French writers, like Broilliard, show clearly that it pays to hold good trees over as reserves, by citing the value of a IR standard as 20 cents, a 2R standard as $2, a 3R standard as $8, and a 4R to 5R standard as $20, without taking into consideration the damage the standards do the coppice, for, as a rule, the better the stand- 1^ Traitement et Amenagement d'un Taillis sousFutaie, M. A. Mathey, 1909. S. F. 111. 98 NATURAL REGENERATION ards the poorer the coppice, except on the richest of soils. But from the American viewpoint the question must always arise: "If standards pay well, why not have high forest and be done with it?" In the ma- jority of cases the owner of the coppice-under-standards probably pre- fers this system, since he has not so much capital tied up as he would have in the high forest, and because he not only gets his returns oftener but gets besides some saw timber. A Substitute for Coppice-Under-Standards (Futaie Claire). — Accord- ing to Huffel (pp. 327-333, Vol. II), a new method of treatment must be adopted for the oak-beech stands in the northeast of France: "In a large part of France, and precisely that part where there are most public for- ests, the natural regeneration of broadleaf trees, where oak is the chief species, is at- tended by great difficulties. The seed crops are often very rare, separated by intervals of almost 2.5 years. (There were no complete crops in Lorraine from 1861 to 1888.) Furthermore, in this region, the oak grows on fresh (compact) clay . . . where weeds grow rapidly and prevent natural regeneration. These difficulties, and others . . . decided our predecessors to abandon the treatment of forests under regular high forest (futaie pleine) in the northeast of France. . . . They had pictured instead . . a coppice-under-standards. . . . But when fuel wood commenced to be menaced by coal . . . they looked for a substitute for the coppice-under-standards which would produce a minimum of fuel and a maximum of saw timber. Two solutions were adopted. In the State forests they generally undertook the conversion of the coppice-under-standards to regular high forest. ... It ended, in many forests, by their abandoning the conversions. . . . The attempts at conversion put a great many of our best stands in a state of disorder. . . . Then they thought best to substitute for the coppice-under-standards what they called 'high forest over coppice,' that is to say, by multiplying as many times as possible the number of standards in the compound coppice. . . . The coppice-under-standards became gradually, under the influence of exaggerated reserves, a sort of irregular high forest over a decrepit coppice, formed mostly of weed trees in which the oak had entirely dis- appeared. . . . Where the young standards were oak . . . the harm was not irreparable. A systematic felling of three-fourths the 2R standards . . . would reform the coppice. . . . But where these IR standards or superabundant 2R standards were beech the situation was very grave. . . . They will be forced after one or two rotations to complete the conversion to high forest. . . . The high forest over coppice, where you mark 200-300 standards from the coppice (aged 25 to 30 years) is nonsense and ends sooner or later in an 'impasse' from which it is difficult to get out. "It seems possible to form a type of forest, more easily secured in the northeast of France than the regular high forest, and more productive in saw timber than the cop- pice-under-standards. It is with this aim in view that we now sketch a kind of ex- ploitation which we call by the old term 'open high forest' (futaie claire) that our pre- decessors frequently used for discribing the isolated oaks which they grew above their coppice." Huffel accordingly proposes in effect a selection high forest with oak as the principal species with fellings on a 15-year cutting cycle regulated by area. With a 120-year rotation there would be trees in the first compartment 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 years old; SUBSTITUTE FOR COPPICE-UNDER-STANDARDS (FUTAIE CLAIRE) 99 and in the fifteenth compartment 1, 16, to 106 years, or in correspond- ing size classes, "These trees are so mixed up, that at every point there would be seed trees. . . . We would thus succeed in profiting by all partial seed crops. . . . Moreover these (seed) trees are isolated, that is to say, they would not form a continuous complete stand with one story. Between the largest (oldest) trees there would be openings, whose size would be determined by the tolerance of the species, and by the need of light for the seedlings. . . . Each age class must occupy equal areas in the forest. . . . If we had ten, then each would cover one-tenth of an hectare (2.5 acres). In the oak forests, for which we suggest this kind of a felling, it would be advisable, as a precaution, to leave a portion of the area unoccupied . . . so as to favor the germination and maintenance of seedlings which might come in, mixed with . . . weeds and sprouts. When the time for cutting arrives the less vigorous and less desirable trees in all size classes will be felled in excess of the normal number assigned to the size class. At the same time the young seedlings, poorly formed or lacking in vigor, would be cut back and the others freed." . . . This type of forest, Huffel claims, would have the following advantages over the coppice-under-standards : (1) Almost all seed would be used no matter where or when it is produced, (2) The systematic and frequent cutting over the same area would insure the maintenance of the seedlings by disengagement cuttings, (3) This frequent cutting would also make it possible to leave only small intervals between the large trees and the saw timber would therefore be increased over that obtained in coppice-under-standards. (4) The large trees would have longer boles, (5) The frequency of felling would allow the removal of defective trees and weed species, (6) The felling would be hghter and hence better for the stand, (7) The improvement felling so necessary in coppice-under-standards, though often omitted, would not be so vital because of the frequent regular fellings, (8) "The operation of marking the fellings (without being more difficult to make them correctly in the coppice-under-standards) will be in every case clearly and precisely regulated. They could not depend on the arbitrariness of some man who changes the method of treatment of the forest by unreasonable multiplication of IR standards of second- ary species, or of being ruined by the excessive felHng of large trees," As empirical figures, subject to variation, Huffel gives the "normal" number of trees for each diameter class. These data would be used as a guide and for the purpose of comparison with the actual stand when the fellings are made: 100 NATURAL REGENERATION D. B. H., Average number D. B. H., Average number inches of trees inches of trees 8 28 20 6.1 10 17.6 22 5.1 12 12.8 24 4.8 14 10 26 4.4 16 8 28 4 18 7 It is too early to give the results of this suggested departure from standard methods. The greatest danger appears to be from tolerant species which may usurp more than their share of the soil. Oak demands full sunlight for its regeneration. Will this be secured? Then, too, how would Huffel's "futaie claire" cUffer from a group selection system with a cutting cycle of 15 years? Conversions. — If we accept the arguments against the coppice and the coppice-under-standards systems these forests must be converted into high forest, and to-day there are 241,189 acres, one-fifth of the State forest area, in France being transformed into high forest.^^ This is easy in theory but difficult to execute satisfactorily except on rich soils with good conditions for natural seeding. The procedure ^^ for conversions varies with the quahty of the stand: (A) With rich coppice-under-standards: (1) Increase the rotation of the coppice to reduce sprouting; (2) increase the number of standards; (3) every 10 to 12 years thin out the coppice and favor the standards; (4) at the end of the new rotation make seed felUngs, secondary fellings, and a final felling as required by the silvicultural conditions; (5) fill in blanks with rapidly growing hght crowned species. (B) With a rundown coppice on poor soil rather than wait for the lengthening of the rotation or the gradual reservation of standards, it may be best to: (1) Make a heavy improvement cutting; (2) plant the blanks, and (3) protect the plantations by frequent cleanings and thin- nings. Between the extremes of (A) and (B) there may be many combina- tions and variations. In case (A) the coppice rotation may be increased 70 to 80 years, since aging the coppice increases the soil fertility and assists the future regeneration. The thinnings can realize the d3dng trees in the coppice, reduce the number of sprouts to each stump, while the cover will hinder sprouting. If the seed felhngs are Hght, beech and 17 According to Huffel (p. 328, Vol. II, footnote 2) : "From 1876-1892, 348,000 acres of State forest formerly under conversion were made into coppice-under-standards. The acres of coppice under conversion were 699,000 in 1868, 717,000 in 1876, and 368,000 in 1892." In 1912 the area was further reduced to 241,189 acres. 18 Jolyet, pp. 149, 252, 260. CONVERSIONS 101 other tolerant species will be favored against the more desirable oak. After the final felling great care should be taken to free the oak. Con- versions should begin only where the conditions are favorable and not all over the forest. Cuif/^ in charge of research at Nancy, favors conversions by group selection rather than by the shelterwood for the following reasons: (1) It is apphcable to large and small forests ahke; (2) forest capital is more evenly distributed; (3) the method approaches nature; (4) it profits by seed trees here and there; (5) mixtures are encouraged; (6) each species can be cut when ripe with coppice-under-standards. He favors the best stems and seedhngs, cutting sprouts level with the ground to pro- vide them with good root systems; he plants in the openings and cuts the coppice back to favor the best trees. Probably the best-known conversion ^o in France is that for the State forest of Amance undertaken by the Nancy Forest School. It was started by Lorenz in 1826 and the working plan was revised in 1856, 1877, 1888, 1901, and 1908. It offers the best chance in France for a detailed study of conversion methods as apphed to hardwoods. In the original working plan Cuif says: "The conversion of a coppice-under-standards to open high forest (futaie claire) does not seem to present very serious difficulties. It is even hkely that it would auto- matically follow the application to a coppice-under-standards of a rotation equal to the period of an open high forest. It would suffice then, in order to accomplish this, to add to the reserve every 15 years the oak and ash seedlings which would be found mixed with the young coppice shoots and to ehminate systematically from the high forest the beech, elm, and light woods which it actually includes. This method of procedure would surely lead to the final aim. But the conversion would be long, and it would require sacrifice even greater than the coppice, destined to disappear only gradually and only because of natural forces would furnish products without commercial value. In order to alleviate this inconvenience we propose to adopt the following rules in marking the conversion fellings which follow one another at 15-year intervals: "1. Preserve all the reserves of the oak and ash species except those which are defective or too weak to warrant the hope of seed. "2. Complete lopping of coppice around these reserves, this lopping being extended far enough so that the circumference of the crowns may l^e freed completely and bathed in sunlight. "3. Levying of a moderate yield among the trees 10 inches and above in diameter among the other species, the large beech with many by preference being eliminated. "4. In those localities where the cover of oak and ash reserves is lacking, form wath these trees (also small beech, elm, and hnden, or with coppice poles) an open stand ca- pable of serving as a nurse stand for the oak and ash. These plantations should be made in the same year as the felling; they should aim to introduce these two species in the parts where they are totally lacking. 1' Personal notes supplied the author in 1913. 20 Amcnagement de la Foret domaniale d' Amance (Meurthe et Moselle), 1908. Par Cuif. 102 NATURAL REGENERATION "5. Reserve all oak or ash wherever found, but take pains to free all seedlings and sapUngs. "These general principles being stated, the management of a conversion in open high forest requires: (1) Forest descriptions by divisions on the ground destined to form separate units; (2) the results of the stock-taking made in each of these divisions; (3) the regulation of felhng during the first period of 15 years with an indication of the yield and the approximate amount of annual planting; (4) a critical analysis of the products to be realized before and after the conversion." In the forest of Montargis conversion, according to the working plan, the following cultural rules are given : "Except on several areas which are quite open, natural regeneration of the old poles can readily be obtained, but we do not pretend that the regeneration mixed in the old pole stands will thrive. The sprouts are usually not to be feared as a general rule be- cause of their overmaturity and because of decaying stumps, but, on the other hand, there will be an insufficiency of seed coupled with a rapid deterioration of the soil and encroachment by the heather. Moreover, it is felt that it will often be advisable not to wait too long for a complete natural reproduction but, that it will be better to secure a second crop by artificial restocking. We are convinced that for these stands only resin- ous species are suitable." In this forest the coppice is held over to a rotation of 70 to 80 years in order to secure complete cover, good seed bearers, soil protection, and to protect the young seedhngs from the frost as well as to weaken the sprouts. It will also be necessary to free the seedlings during the first 20 years. In order to encourage seedhngs to come in the ground is worked, but only where there is a probability of an acorn crop. Soil wounding here costs from $1.15 to $1.50 per acre. The hornbeam and beech will be cut first because they form too vigorous stands, but in one place where the beech had come in after the seed felhng (because httle light was admitted) it will not be sacrificed; instead it will be retained. In another working group, where the coppice had been ruined, the ground was planted to Scotch pine which was first thinned after 15 years and afterwards every 10 years. An interesting plantation of Scotch pine had been made on the south side of a compartment along a road in order to protect the interior stand against the sun. In some worn-out blanks single Scotch pine had been planted in November and December, separated by at least two meters from the neighboring sprouts. In this conversion the chief factors were: lengthening the cop- pice rotation, securing all possible seedlings and root suckers for the reserve, filling up blanks with conifers, repeated cleanings to favor the reserve so that the coppice would be gradually shaded out and the forest trans- formed to a high forest. In the forest of Huit a coppice-under-standards forest is being con- verted into a conifer high forest. Spruce has been planted in rather a poor, open coppice-under-standards. At the age of from 10 to 15 years CONVERSIONS 103 quite a proportion of the spruce was suppressed by the sprouts, and in the 1912 felhng a great deal of damage was done. It is clear that the spruce should have been hberated some time ago. The 1912 cut removed all the poor material and kept all the best poles, although some of the older standards were cut in the openings; the coppice is still coming up strong, but where lots of standards have been reserved, it is fast dis- appearing and becoming suppressed. The Scotch pine introduced at Baccarat (Basses- Vosges) at an alti- tude of from 900 to 1,900 feet, is now 70 to 80 years of age. Most of the area was in coppice-under-standards. Nine pounds of Scotch pine per acre was sown in cultivated strips 24 inches wide and 5 feet apart on the areas ruined. The broadleaves on such poor soil yield each year about four cords and 62 cents per acre. The total cost spent on conversion amounted to about $12 per acre; this did not include the cost of cleanings at two years of age at $2.40 per acre; at 4 to 5, 6 to 8, and 8 to 10 years at costs of $1.54, $1.54 and 38 cents, a total cost of $5.86 per acre. Thinnings began at 10 to 15 years and paid for them- selves up to 15 years; at 26 years they netted 39 cents per cubic meter; at 35 years about $1.05 per cubic meter, and at 44 years a net yield of $1.44 per cubic meter (about 11 cents, 29 cents, and 40 cents cord net); owing to deterioration of the soil it was found necessary to underplant with fir and beech at 25 to 30 years at an additional cost of $9.60 per acre. This makes a total cost of $27.46 per acre on soil preparation, seed, sowing, cleanings, and underplanting. Counting the former broad- leaf forest yielding at 62 cents per acre per year, the Scotch pine at the end of 59 years has shown an annual yield of $2.01 per acre, or $1.39 more. Apparently this conversion will prove a sound business venture. Even with good technique it takes time to make conversions. In the communal forest of Vuillecin (near Pontailler, Doubs), the oak and beech comprise 0.6 of the stand and fir and spruce. According to the special fellings scheme: "In order to obtain a systematic conversion to conifer high forest and in order to accelerate the transformations with the aid of artificial restocking and local thinnings ... the compartments have been divided into two groups. In the first group we have assigned compartments . . . where the conversion to conifers is the least advanced and where, because of the poor condition of the coppice, the large number of old beech which still remain, and because of the plantations which have been lost, im- provement is needed at once. It will require about 30 years ... to complete the restocking which is required. . . . These compartments are to undergo transforma- tion cuttings at the start, being something like shelterwood fellings followed by planta- tions, then by thinnings whose renewal will depend on cultural requirements. "The second group will include the remaining compartments under improvement cuttings. "A. — Transformation cuttings. The compartments of the second group shall num- ber four; two with 5-year and two with 10-year intervals. Thus it will be possible to 104 NATURAL REGENERATION give, without undue delay, all necessary care to the existing plantations, to complete them where necessary, and make sure of the transformation of the compartments of the first group during the period (30 years). "B. — Improvement cuttings. The compartments of the second group shall be thinned twice during the period of 30 years, or once every 15 years. "1. — Transformation cuttings. The first two cuttings (transformation) shall aim to give to the existing plantation what is considered a sufficient number of trees to pro- tect the restocked areas, which shall be made after the cutting, provided that is neces- sary. "The second two cuttings shall remove the overmature material that remains stand- ing so that each compartment of the first group shall be completely converted into conifer high forest by 1939. "From 1910 to 1939 all the restocking shall be done exclusively in the compartments of the first group. Spruce should be used, as heretofore, for i)lanting since it has given excellent results; on the poorer soils, however, it might be well to try out Austrian pine and Scotch pine. "2. — hnprovement cuttings. These shall be carefully executed and shall consist of: (1) Extraction of fir most liable to rot and old oak or beech of poor quality that has become useless . . . general development of existing conifer poles; (2) thinnings in the poles where they are too thick, and cleanings in the thickets and saplings to assist the more valuable species, and to free them . . . removal of crooked stems and dead trees; (3) in the pole stands where the broadleaves dominate, the best beech should be resowed and, so far as possible, the conifers of all ages." The best-known example of a conversion attempted in the United States is found under the direction of the Yale Forest School. Accord- ing to a statement issued by the school: "The general plan of management for Maltby Park may be summarized as follows: It is handled in conjunction with other forest lands owned by the New Haven Water Company, the total area being in the neighborhood of 9,000 acres. The hardwood stands will be managed on some modification of the shelterwood method, such as the polewood coppice system, on a rotation between 60 and SO years. Several problems in connection with this method remain to be solved, such, for example, as the influence of sprouts which start after thinnings, on seedling reproduction which later on it is desired to secure. "Where conifers have been underplanted the hardwoods will eventually be removed, and a coniferous or mixed stand obtained. It is believed that, on account of the rela- tively slow growth and low yield per acre of the hardwood species, better financial re- sults could be obtained by converting all the hardwood stand to coniferous forest but, until approximately 2,000 acres of open land on other parts of the holdings are planted, this policy will not be adopted." Under the condition existing at Maltby Park probably even better silvicultural results would have been secured if the hardwoods had been cut more heavily and if more money had been spent in freeing the plantations suppressed by the coppice sprouts. The value of the land as watershed would not have suffered because the area under conversion comprised only a small per cent of the drainage area. INTERMEDIATE CUTTINGS 105 CARE OF THE STAND AFTER REGENERATION Intermediate Cuttings, — Especially with natural regeneration, clean- ings, thinnings, and improvement cuttings are particularly important.-^ With natural regeneration there are always weed trees to be cleaned out of the stand, and valuable seedlings and saplings to be protected and favored; the over-dense stands must be thinned to prevent undue competition; and later on the stand must be continually improved by the elimination of the poorer specimens. According to Bardrillart a cleaning "is a cutting designed to clean or 'purge,' as one might say, a forest of a part of the wood, briars, brush, weed trees that damage the growth, or trees that are dead or dying, or too numerous." It is very much like weeding a garden. As a rule, private owners in France over- look the necessity of weeding or cleaning their forests because there is a definite expense involved. The French employ the term "to free a stand" as synonymous with the term "to clean," with the shght differ- ence that they free a valuable species from crowding while they clean out a seed tree to avoid injurious competition. According to Jolyet "the chief aim of a thinning is always to favor the growth of the best trees . . . . to maintain a stand in the best vegetative condition, or a mixture in the desired proportions . . . and to increase the yield." It thus appears that thinnings also free and clean the stand, but at a later period in its development, and their main objective is to increase the growth by reducing unnecessary competition for light and growing species, and at the same time reahze merchantable timber. In France the term "improvement cutting" means, as the words imply, the improvement of the stand by thinnings, or fellings which yield money returns. There appears to be no clearcut distinction as to the age of the stand when improvement fellings are applied, as may be seen by the quotation from the Malmifait working plan (p. 112). From the standpoint of silviculture it is essential that intermediate cuttings be ordered, in current working plans, by area and not by volume. Forest valuation should never interfere, as it has in the past, with silvi- culture. If the forester aims at checking excessive cuts he should pre- scribe the area to be cut over each year with a maximum volume merely as a check. Too often in the past the French forester has marked an im- provement cutting in a compartment only to find that it could not be properly executed because the working plan prescribed a maximum cut of 80 cords, whereas the marking properly executed should remove 180 cords. Happily errors due to restraining the silviculturahst from 21 In France the marking, which requires real technique, is always done under the personal supervision of a forest assistant, assistant supervisor, or supervisor. Even district foresters take part in important marking conferences. 106 NATURAL REGENERATION really "purging" the stand are now well recognized in France and are avoided. Intermediate fellings should begin early, should be repeated as often as necessary, and should be governed only by good silvics. Cleaning (and Freeing) Young Stands.- — Jolyet describes cleanings as "the operation, which consists in retarding the development of secondary or too ambitious species, tending to improve the normal development of the future stand, consists in freeing these seedlings or 'degagements.' " Boppe says that "cleanings should aid the normal development of the best species, favor seedlings against sprouts, and should be started early, since they are only justified if in good time." They should be repeated as often as necessary to protect the more valu- able species. Schaeffer,-^ one of the foremost French conservators, recognized that cleanings referred especially to young stands. He wrote : "It is admitted today that a cleaning should only include small timber, and con- temporaneous authors reserve this term for the whole cultural assistance to be given young stands. However broad this definition may be, it appears to me to be still in- complete, for it lacks the idea of clearing brush from a soil under a mature stand. ' Clean' should signify: To make clean, clear; to relieve the soil of a forest of the weed growth (shrubs) means to many the very essence of cleaning; this aspect of the question should not be overlooked." But without doubt the most important aspect of cleaning is the cutting of small immature timber to improve the stand. Most important timber species, such as sessile oak, even when 10 to 15 years old, have a slow rate of growth as compared with the weeds or poorer species which surround them. Therefore it is necessary to free them and assist them in their competition with weeds and poorer species. It is not necessarily desired to entirely cut out interfering shrubs or species, but rather to favor only the valuable species in their fight for existence, provided the surrounding brush does not interfere with the growth of the terminal shoot. It is even an advantage to have it in mixture, since it promotes height growth and prevents snow breakage or other damage. All weeds cut in a clearance are valueless. To remove them would be expensive, to burn them often dangerous. Where they must be cut level with the ground it would be unwise to leave them, and the usual practice is to pile them around the base of the reserved trees which still occupy the felling area before the final cutting. The forest guards are the ones who should make the cleanings and it is essential that the same individual trees should always be favored in subsequent operations, since it is obviously poor policy to favor one 22 See Boppe, pp. 94, 134, 162, 200, 248, 254; and Jolyet, pp. 9.3, 114, 134, 154, 174, 186, 200, 239, 243, 248, 254, 385. 23 Du Nettoiement dans les Bois. Par A. Schaeffer, Besangon. CLEANING (AND FREEING) YOUNG STANDS 107 sapling at one clearance and a different one at another [94]. A shade- enduring species such as beech, of course, does not require freeing to the same extent as does a hght-demanding species such as oak [134]. Even the maritime pine, which is a rapidly growing species and a prolific seeder, requires assistance against the genista, with which it is often in mixture [154]. Scotch pine, until it has developed above the heather, must always be assisted [162]. The young spruce does not resist shrubs even as well as the fir, and notwithstanding its rapid growth at the start it may often remain dominated by weeds unless cleanings are practiced [200]. In coppice-under-standards, it is particularly essential to protect the best species and the best seedlings or sprouts against competition with inferior species and weeds [SJ^S]. In conversion [254] cleanings are also essential. One of the most important objects in freeing desirable species is to give them the preference over less desired species which may be more rapidly growing during youth. For example, in a mixed birch and Scotch pine stand, the birch might damage the Scotch pine, which is the more valuable, unless assistance were given it. According to Schaeffer cleanings in regular high forest should first of all destroy the weed trees, briars, and weeds which develop on rich soils, so as to conserve light, water, and food for the future commercial stand. But he cautions all foresters against the unnecessary cleaning of light-foliaged, short-lived trees that will do no material damage to the valuable species. He favors the Bagneris method of only topping competing unmerchantable weed trees instead of cutting them off at the stump. This method, which prevents sprouting, and though cheaper, it must be recognized, means more work because it must be done oftener; it should rarely be appHed in the United States. The best time to clean out weeds from young growth is in the late summer or autumn; but for cleanings in stands the spring is best because, if too heavy, the stand has time to recover before snows. In fir the period is less important, but the winter is best. In selection forests the procedure is somewhat different. There are two schools; one believes that the ground cannot be too densely covered, while the other, led by Gurnaud, believes in periodic cleanings in the understory. Probably the theory of at least partial cleanings in selection forests is correct, but care must be taken to study the soil conditions. Some soils may need every shrub or weed as a protective cover. But since most selection forests are in the mountains, moderate cleanings are usually advisable at the time of felling the saw timber. This cleaning removes small trees damaged by exploitation, weed trees, holly, and even beech which is not required for soil cover in the moun- tains. 108 NATURAL REGENERATION In coppice cleanings protect the seedlings. They must be started 4 or 5 years after cutting the coppice and continue for 15 or 20 years. They act as a thinning in increasing growth and in removing the briars and weeds, weed trees, and poor stems of more valuable species. The increased growth due to a cleaning may be 40 to 50 per cent or more. Where the coppice is grown under standards the cleaning is all the more essential, because the best standards are of seedhng origin, a class of tree especially protected by the cleaning. To give the best results cleanings, according to Schaeffer, must be made every 3 or 4 years. The growth of the standards is increased. Jolyet is satisfied with clean- ings at 5, 10, or 15 years. Thinnings. — Thinnings have three main objects: (1) To eliminate the least desirable specimens; (2) to increase the rate of height and diameter growth of the final stand by artificially removing a portion of it in order that the competition for existence need not weaken the best trees; (3) to improve the quality of the trees of the final stand. (See Fig. 9, a and h). It is erroneous to believe that a very dense stand means rapidity of height growth. To secure proper development trees must have sufficient growing space so that their crowns can increase in vigor. While thinnings do not always result in a greater final yield the quantity of large, good-quality timber is certainly increased and the intermediate plus the final yield of a thinned stand is always more than the final yield of an unthinned stand. Thinnings decrease insect and fungus loss as well as windfall and snow breakage. There is a general feeling among foresters that the French believe in making heavier thinnings than do the Germans. The old axiom of thinning early and often is actually practiced in the forest in France and is advocated in the text-books. The French believe in thinning the top story in order to decrease the struggle for existence among the dominant species. ^^ On the other hand, as in other divisions of French silviculture, the French methods are simple and direct. They have not classified the thinnings, as have the Germans, into a large number of grades. In coppice with long rotations the French believe in moderate thin- nings [111].^^ Most thinnings start in France when the stand is 20 years old and continue every 6 to 20 years. They are marked by the guards and rangers under the personal direction of the inspector, assist- ant inspector, or forest assistant [134]. With a species hke maritime -^ The bracketed page references are to Jolyet. 25 This naturally is not an ironclad rule. In the forests of Mouthe and Fuvelle (Jura fir) up to 50 to 60 years the thinnings were largely in the understory; only after the stand had closed were the thinnings in the top story. This is logical. After 60 to 70 years the thinnings in fir may remove up to one-fifth the stand. THINNINGS 109 pine it is invariably the practice to make heavy thinnings -^ in order that the crowns may be fully developed when tapping for resin begins. These start at 10 years of age and continue every 5 years until tapping to death begins at about 20 years. Jolyet says [155]: A B Fig. 9 (a). — Pole stand of spruce at an altitude (west exposure) of 4,590 feet in the communal forest of Beaufort. There are 364 trees per acre, yielding 117 cubic meters (23,000 feet board measure). The thinnings thus far have too much hght to permit crown development. (6). — Spruce and fir running 255 trees and 283 cubic meters (74,000 feet board measure) to the acre, in the Canton du Mont, communal forest of Thones-Ville, at an altitude of 3,120 feet on a west exposure. Thinnings have been insufficient to free the crowns of the most promising trees. 26 This is entirely proper with maritime pine but with spruce or fir, for example, care should be taken not to open up the stand too suddenly. The chief danger in the United States is of too heavy thinnings because of the need of a large cut at one time to reduce 110 NATURAL REGENERATION "At 15 years there is a second thinning (made with an axe), this coupled with a pruning of the remaining trees up to the maximum height the face wUl reach, that is to say up to 6.6 to 9.8 feet above the ground. At 20 years there is a third thinning, pre- ceded by the tapping of the trees destined to be felled. There is no reason to try to maintain the vigor of these trees; the essential is to realize as quickly as possible all the resin which they can yield; they are . . . tapped to death at 25 years, and at 30 years there is a fourth and a fifth thinning, always preceded by tapping to death. After the fifth thinning is cut out the stand becomes very open; it is hardly complete. This condition is, however, favorable to the growth of maritime pine, since the crown, when well thinned or in full sunhght, produces more rapidly the substances necessary for the formation of wood and resin. The pine trees which remain are now called pins de place and are tapped alive, that is to say they are worked with a moderate number of faces so as to obtain a reasonable amount of resin without compromising the vitality of the tree. This tapping will be continued, moreover, during the entire hfe of the tree (with 1 or 2 years of respite). In addition the thinnings (every 5 years) are continued in the stand until the time comes for regeneration by clear cutting; it should be imderstood that each thinning is preceded by the tapping to death of the trees marked for feUing." In Scotch pine it is often dangerous to wait until trees are large enough to yield mine props; it is better to start thinnings earher, say at 18 or 20 years, as purely cultural operations. After once starting they should be made every 7 to 8 years [163]. In mixed stands [182], such as beech and fir, the thinnings should favor the fir against the beech, since the latter is essentially adapted to an understory rather than to the major stand [182]. In even-aged stands it is the French practice to choose the trees which should form the future stand and then favor them in the thinnings. The mere removal of suppressed or intermediate trees is not countenanced, since the French beheve very firmly in thinning the upper story [200]. The chief aim in making thinnings in the coppice of a coppice-under-standards stand 8 to 10 years before the coppice is cut is to increase the diameter growth of the most vigorous trees which will make the best standards for the upper story during the succeeding rotations [245]. Another operation, in reahty a thinning or loosening (depressage) in seedhng stands, is very necessary in crowded maritime pine regenera- tion, and often in dense clumps of Scotch pine reproduction, to prevent damage by fungus through overcrowding. Jolyet -^ says of it : the cost of logging. Huff el says in the preface to Vol. II of Economie Forestiere: "Exaggerated thinnings are fatal to the health and finally to the very existence of forests. By breaking the cover and uncovering the soil, they diminish or destroy its productive- ness. The humus disappears; the soil dries out, packs and hardens. The forest is invaded by weeds, heather, and grass; the valuable species are gradually ehminated. If made too suddenly thinnings cause windfall. Too heavy thinnings are imeconomic since they increase the volume of branches and sapwood, yield short tapering boles. . . . They also decrease the quality of wood. . . ." 27 Influence des Eclaircies dans les Peuplements reguUers de Sapin. E. Cuif, 1905. IMPROVEMENT FELLINGS 111 "It is necessary to break up these thickets by cutting a certain number of seedHngs. The term ' depressage ' (hterally loosening) explains well enough the nature of the work which is done with a bill hook or pruning iron. To sum up, the 'depressage' is not a freeing (degagement), but more nearly a first thinning executed in very young stands." There can be no question but that thinnings are profitable when the trees to be cut can be sold. As a concrete example of increment the following is cited for a fir stand in France: Plot A, thinned Plot B, unthinned 1913 value of stand $889.13 667.01 $1,687.78 43 39 Sales since 1893 Totals $1,556.14 1,113.41 $442.73 3.76 1.37 $1,731.17 1 323 21 Price in 1893 Difference $407 96 Per cent of value increment 2 80 Increase in average price per cubic meter (per cent) . . .97 Thus thinnings, properly executed, mcrease average annual revenue and the unit of value of the final product. On account of the larger logs in another plot the price increment per meter was 17 cents. Cuif believes that good thinnings will enable the State to decrease the ro- tations. Huffel cites some authoritative figures for the growth per cent for a spruce forest thinned and unthinned. Starting with 20 years the growth per cent is 0.7 for both stands; at 50 years the unthinned stand was growing at the rate of 4.3 per cent and the thinned at 4.5 per cent, at 100 years the growth per cent for the unthinned stand was 2.6 and for the thinned 3 per cent. The losses througn poorly executed thinnings may be lasting. Schaeffer ^^ cited a case where a compartment was ruined for 30 years because the officer in charge of the marking did not study the stand curves in the working plan (see p. 216). He cited diameter Hmit mark- ing as abominable. Important marking, according to French behef, should always be executed under the direction of a trained officer. Improvement Fellings. — French text-books do not refer to " improve- ment fellings" as such. They describe freeings, cleanings, thinnings, and accompanying cultural operations. But in State forest and communal working plans there are always instructions under the head "Coupes d' amelioration," as distinct from regeneration fellings and freeings. In the forest of Argon according to the original working plan, when 28 Sylviculture Administrative. A. Schaeffer. Besangon, 1907. 112 NATURAL REGENERATION the stand is 50 to 60 years old there are careful thinnings in the poles and the removal of dry, suppressed trees and final felhngs with light thinnings in the pole stands and the gradual ehmination of the beech. According to the working plan : "1. In the spring, one shall carefully reconnoiter the windfall, dry trees, dead trees, or those declining in vigor; the volume shall be determined from the volume table. Under the head of defective wood should be included all trees seriously defective, such as rotten, fungus infected, or very crooked trees, or those exuding resin or showing cancer." This clean-up in the almost mature stands is in effect an improve- ment felling. In the forest of Malmifait, under the heading "Improve- ment Fellings," the working plan prescribed the following: "The cultural rules to apply will vary according to the working group. In the third group (the first to be regenerated so far as the mature reserves are concerned, which must be zealously kept to furnish most of the future seed trees), it is necessary that only dead and dying trees be cut and everywhere on those areas where it is impossible to find suitable seed trees in the poles; on those areas all the trees are defective or hollow. In the poles the young trees of desirable species, which must furnish the future seed trees, will be freed rather energetically and prepared for seeding purposes along with the mature reserves and especially when these reserves are lacking; moreover the thinnings will be very fight so as not to expose the soil; otherwise the seeding would be started (prema- turely) along with briars and grass which would form, later in the third period, an ob- stacle to natural reproduction. The same cultural rules will be applied in the fourth group, but with even greater moderation; it wiU be possible to sacrifice some of the old trees which are hollow or in mediocre condition in favor of good stems, stiU young, existing in the poles; but here, also, the thinning as a whole win be fight. . . . In the young growth of the fifth group, where old reserves are lacking or few in number, the oak must be freed, and the good beech as required; there should be no hesitation, in the areas where the oak is the dominant species and where the beech is insufficient, in sacrificing the former of these two species to assist the latter, so as always to make sure of a proper mixture of these two species. "Finally, in the compartments of the second group where it will be necessary to pass most often, the special cutting scheme provides for four fellings instead of two, for the other groups, during the last 26 years of the period; the improvement cutting will take the form of cleanings, liberation cuttings, or thinnings, according to the condition of the stands; besides it is necessary, wherever the regeneration does not take hold, to assist the seeding by means of wounding the soil and to complete it by plantations of oak and even beech where necessary. It is essential to continually see to it at the start that the seedlings and plants are not choked by the briars . . . and later on that the promising individuals of the good species should not be hindered in their growth by secondary species. These operations are especially delicate. So far as possible they will actually be done by the employees as betterments (improvement work). They must be carefully and progressively executed at short intervals on the same ground. Often, especially at the start, it would be better to cut out the weed trees gradually rather than to remove them all at the same time, which would uncover the seedlings too brusquely. . . . Often it will be preferable to kill the weed trees by girdling rather than to cut them level with the ground, which would favor the production of vigorous sprouts, able to very rapidly interfere with the young growth of valuable species." IMPROVEMENT FELLINGS 113 Judging from this quotation the term "improvement felhngs" in France is used rather as a general term to signify any kind of intermediate felling. It has been employed by some officers in a narrower sense to denote the improvement of mature stands prior to regeneration, where dead, dying, and diseased trees are cut out systematically to reahze profit on what would otherwise constitute a loss. CHAPTER VI 1 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION French Policy (p. 114). General, Choice between Sowing and Planting. Seed (p. 117). Cultural Value of Seed, Seed Testing, Rules for Seed Control. Nurseries (p. 122). Location of Nurseries, Nursery Practice, Two Sample Nurs- eries. Planting (p. 125). Cultivation and Spacing, Age of Plants, Time to Plant, Planta- tion by Holes, French Planting Technique, Cover and Protection, Species and Methods to Use, Chief Dangers. FiBLD Sowing (p. 132). Prepared and Unprepared Soil, Amount to Sow, Season for Sowing, Summary of Sowing Methods as Applied to Species and Regions. FRENCH POLICY General. — Notwithstanding the sentiment in France in favor of regeneration by natural means it is obvious that with only 18.7 per cent of the land under forest, considerable areas must be restocked artifi- cially if France is not to suffer for lack of wood (of the kinds needed). Thus far the Government has devoted the most time and revenue to the reclamation 'of the sand wastes in the Landes (see Chapter VIII) and to the reforestation of lands in the mountains (see Chapter VII), denuded through past improvident overcutting and overgrazing. Next in importance has been the planting and sowing in the Sologne and Champagne. Besides this restocking of barren areas there has been occasional sowing and planting to supplement natural regeneration when this has been a partial failure. There are always fail places in natural reproduction where nature must be assisted to maintain pro- duction and to keep the present stand from deterioration. For example, with more than three-fifths of the forest area in coppice or coppice- under-standards these stands must be continually sown to oak or under- planted (the usual practice) to prevent blanks. In conversion from these systems to high forest more desirable species than can be secured by natural seeding must be introduced. Too frequently, however, the private owner has allowed his forest to deteriorate because sowing or planting involved direct expenditures to-day, with returns deferred until the next generation. To practice good forestry is to save, so it is somewhat surprising that 1 Prof. J. W. Toumey, Dean of the School of Forestry, Yale University, and Lt.-Col. A. S. Peck kindly reviewed this chapter and made many valuable suggestions. 114 CHOICE BETWEEN SOWING AND PLANTING 115 to-day there is not a larger per cent of French territory under well- managed forest. The main reasons for this deficiency can be traced to the vicissitudes of families and of the nation, coupled with the selfish- ness of pleasure-loving nobles, kings, and pohticians. Yet, curiously enough, the search after pleasure, in the form of hunting and shooting, is responsible for some of the most famous high forests of France. Trees are sometimes planted as shelter-belts for the fields on the right of way along the railways. This apparently is a wise use of land otherwise unproductive, but it is very hard on the eyes of travelers. Where the railroad grade passes through cuts trees have been planted to hold the earth and prevent erosion. This is a practice which American railroad engineers might well follow. At Toulouse cypress trees are planted along canals to protect them against drying winds. Roadside tree planting is practiced very generally throughout France and results in endless rows of trees flanking the highways which is one of the characteristics of the French countryside that impresses itself most indelibly on the traveler. French writers ^ class (a) the forestation of the Landes and mountains as obligatory forestation and {h) the stocking of poor agricultural land or waste land, which has never been cultivated, as optional. From the standpoint of public economics no nation can afford to permit land suitable for growing crops of trees to lie idle. If the individual cannot afford the proper forestation the State must step in. There should be no waste land nor should its use for forestry be optional. It should be obligatory, but with the alternative of yielding ownership to the State under equitable conditions. With at least 300,000 acres partially or completely denuded by the recent war, France has a vital problem of reforestation to meet and must import a large portion of her seed or plants. It would certainly be a just settlement if the Germans were made to furnish much of the seed and plant material. No attempt will be made to treat the subject of artificial stocking systematically; instead only the most interesting and instructive phases of the problems will be covered in varying detail. Choice between Sowing and Planting. — According to such foresters as Lorentz and Parade field sowing is considered especially useful on a large scale, since it is alleged to be simpler and cheaper than plantations and because the result is more nearly like the natural forest. On the other hand, it is recognized that the plantation is surer and results in more regular stands. Therefore where the soil is dry, where it is de- nuded, and where it is eroding, as in the majority of cases in the Alps, planting is preferable to sowing. While no absolute rule can be formu- lated for the choice between sowing and planting, Demontzey, the 2 For example, see Jolyet, pp. 467-468. 116 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION father of mountain planting, believes that planting is usually preferable and that sowing should be done only in special cases, since the sowing, while sometimes less costly than planting, is less certain and often in- complete. Sowing is best, according to the French writers, on some kinds of rocky soil where plantations are made with diflficulty, where seed is very cheap, and where the soil need not be previously prepared. Otherwise it is usually more expensive. Planting was neglected for a long time in France, but Government forestation has given it an impetus and formally established its desira- bility under certain conditions. Planting makes possible the control of species, mixtures, and spacing, and is generally considered better on very rich soils where weeds abound, where there is damage from rodents or squirrels, and in hot and dry regions where the young trees cannot be protected but must resist the heat. For successful direct seeding, it has been found necessary that (1) there be no dense cover that will shut out the light, (2) the young plants should have a little protection against the snow, (3) the soil should not be too exposed to heaving by frost, but that it should have a moist surface, and (4) the slopes should not be too steep. Otherwise the plants will be eroded or covered by earth transported by flood water. There are other considerations. Certain seeds take more than a year to germinate so that they remain exposed for a long time to the different agencies of destruction. For example, cembric pine seeds and some species of ash belong to this class. Therefore, planting is to be preferred to sowing for these species. Not- withstanding this, however, cembric pine is sometimes sown because of the shortness of the favorable season at the high altitudes and the diffi- culty of handling labor in these out-of-the-way places. Of course, species which develop a long taproot at the start are better sown, as, for example, the holm oak and the maritime pine. In the case of the cypress it is better to plant because a certain number of seeds bear plants having a pyramidal form. In Savoie and in the Basses-Alpes sowing is often employed, in connection with planting, at high alti- tudes and on stable ground for the cembric pine, the mountain pine, and the larch; spruce is also sown in Savoie. In the Basses-Alpes, Drome, and Vaucluse acorns and aleppo pine seed are sown; beech nuts are also sown in the Basses-Alpes. Aleppo pine comes up well from sowing operations in the Maritime Alpes. Scotch pine, Corsican pine, and maritime pine are sown successfully in the northeastern part of the Gard department. Elsewhere in this department sowing is re- served for the summits and high altitudes where the wind is very strong. The sowing of Scotch pine on heather has been employed in the Central Plateau, in which region sowing and planting generally give about equivalent results. In the Ardeche the sowing of fir under the shelter CULTURAL V.AXUE OF SEED 117 of open stands of beech or pine often succeeds, as in other places where this species is suited to the cHmate. In the Lozere seeding is employed only for the pedunculate oak, chestnut, and Scotch pine. In the Aude and the Pyrenees-Orientales holm oak and maritime pine are sown. Pedunculate oak, chestnut, and aleppo pine in this region are both sown and planted, with a preference for sowing. SEED Cultural Value of Seed. — It is important for successful artificial forestation that the real cultural value of the seed to be used should be known in advance. Much attention has been given to this point. After comparing the results obtained at Paris and Barres with those at other experiment stations, Fron concludes that the average seed value of the principal tree species, bought in the open market, is as given below. This signifies that for larch 10 pounds must be used where the sowing plans call for 4 pounds. TABLE 9. — AVERAGE SEED VALUE Species Scotch pine. . . Mountain pine Austrian pine. Maritime pine. Aleppo pine. . . Spruce Larch Fir Average purity, per cent 95+ 95+ 95+ 95+ 95+ 95+ 80-85+ 88+ Average germinatioi per cent 75-80+ 70 75-80+ 75 80 75-80 45-50 20 Duration of test, days Average cultural value, per cent <* 70-75+ 66+ 70-75+ 70+ 75 70-75 40+ 16.6(Zurich) Obtained by dividing the product of germination and purity coefficients by 100. The experiments conducted also emphasized the fact, now so generally known, that forest tree seeds cannot be stored successfully without losing so much of their germinative per cent that storage becomes un- profitable, unless kept in air-tight retainers — not yet generally em- ployed by seed houses. Scotch pine, with a cultural value of 74 to 79 per cent, was reduced to 49 to 58 per cent the second year, 28 to 45 per cent the third year, and less than 5 per cent the sixth year. These are maximum losses. The cultural value of mountain pine and Austrian pine decreases as rapidly, but maritime pine stands storage much better, and even after 10 years' storage has a cultural value of 40 to 60 per cent. Spruce seed values decrease rapidly with storage; if 73 to 77 per cent the first year, they are 53 to 62 per cent the second, and but 26 to 44 per cent the third year. It might almost be said that larch seed 118 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION cannot be stored; if 39 to 44 per cent the first year, it is only 16 to 18 per cent the second, and 5 to 8 per cent the third year. Seed Testing. — As a result of these experiments a fixed procedure was adopted for official tests on tree seeds. It must be known ^ (1) whether seed can germinate and what the germination per cent will be; (2) per cent of impurities, since the germination per cent plus the purity per cent gives the cultural value of the seed, subject to practical field condi- tions which always modify the supposed cultural value. In addition to the above factors it is also necessary to know (3) germinative energy. In 1872 germinative seed tests were started at the secondary school for rangers and guards at Barres. An experimental seed-testing station at Paris was established in 1884.^ There were 117 analyses in 1895 and 2,201 in 1902-03. The object was to control and better the tree- seed market of France. This seed-testing laboratory enabled the State to purchase seed with a guaranteed germinative per cent, and the cumu- lative result of germinative tests at the various stations has made it possible that no one need purchase or sow tree seeds without knowing their germinative value. The first column following gives the gross amount of seed required for a complete test, and the second column the amount usually required in the laboratory for the actual test. TABLE 10. — SEED REQUIl lED Birch and analogous species Seed required, complete test Seed required, actual test Grams Troy ounces Grams Troy ounces Scotch pine, Corsican pine, aleppo pine Spruce, larch, alder, hornbeam, maple Cembric pine, fir, cedar, oak, beech Acacia, ash, linden, maritime pine 50 100 200 250 1.6 3.2 6.4 8 20 30 50 100 0.6 1.0 1,6 3.2 3 Analyse et Controle des Semences Forestieres, par A. Fron, Paris, 1906, pp. 1-128. Those interested in seed control should study this monograph. ^ So far as possible the French forest administration collects its own seed. Various local dry-kilns have been established as, for example, at Murat (Cantal), Puy-de- Dome, and Gap for Scotch pine; at Modane, Briangon, and Cavanasse for mountain pine, although some Scotch pine is produced at Cavanasse. At Salzman, Corsican pine seed is produced. At Montiers (Savoie) spruce; and aleppo pine at Font-de- rOrme (Vaucluse), d'Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhone). Maritime pine is secured from Lavandee, although a part is secured from permittees who have the right to collect cones in the dunes of Gascogne. Larch and cembric pine are purchased in the Hautes- Alpes and Basses-Alpes and distributed from Embrun and Barcelonette. It is in- teresting to note that the larch seed is collected by beating the trees when they are ready to shed, between January 1 and March 1. SEED TESTING 119 For determining the weight by volume one and one-half quarts are usually required. It goes without saying that the samples from each lot must be chosen with the utmost care. First, the shipment must be thoroughly mixed, then at least ten samples, selected from different places in the pile, are mixed and a final average lot selected. When the seed comes in sacks ^ samples can be extracted from each sack or from a certain proportion mixed together and sampled as given above. Where samples must be sent away for testing they must be labeled and sealed in air-tight bags, but if the water content of the sample is to be determined the shipment is made preferably in corked glass or air-tight metal boxes. It is of value to keep samples of seed known to be normal to use as a basis for comparson ; with reliable samples officers that are not experts can readily check species and, occasionally, varieties. The separation of the debris from the real seed can best be made by hand. The seeds are placed on a glass and separated from the wings, particles of cone, refuse, debris, wood, sand, and damaged or puny seed by the use of a penknife. The operation must be completed as soon as possible to guard against changes in weight due to drying. The absolute weight is determined by averaging the weight of two lots of 1,000 seeds each; with this figure the number of seeds to the pound can be decided by multiphcation. When the amount of seed per quart is to be secured a number of quarts must be averaged owing to the variations usually encountered. A reliable germination test must include four separate lots of 100 seeds each, or for acorns and nuts four of 50 seeds each; the choice of which seeds to use must be by lot to eliminate absolutely the personal element. After the tests on each lot the results ought not to vary more than 10 per cent for seed with high germination powers nor more than 15 per cent for seed germinating around 50 per cent. Before the germi- nation tests it is customary to soak conifer seeds in sterilized luke- warm water for from 6 to 15 hours. This time counts on the total length of time allowed for germination. For germination Fron recommends a heavy sterilized blotting paper or sand with a Schribaux stove, the humidity l^eing kept at 50 per cent to 60 per cent during the entire test. No chemicals are used. The temperature is maintained between 20° C. (68° F.) and 30° C. (86° F.); for conifers Fron recommends a temperature of 20° C. to 25° C. (68° F. to 77° F.) during 18 hours, and 25° C. to 30° C. (77° F. to 86° F.) during 6 hours, but Schwappach recommends 25° C. and 30° C. (68° F. to 86° F.), respectively. Mari- time pine can stand up to 35° C. (95° F.) for short intervals. Ordinarily no light is admitted, but alder and birch appear to germinate more 5 In Germany the sampler (Sonde) of Professor Noble, made by Mathes, of Tharandt, Saxony, has been used with success. 120 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION rapidly if they are exposed to daylight. The official duration for tests has been 30 days for Scotch pine, Corsican pine, spruce, larch and most conifers, willow, alder, elm, hornbeam, maple, oak, and beech, and 42 days for maritime pine, aleppo pine, mountain pine, fir, and white pine (P. strohus). After these tests are completed note is always made as to how many of the ungerminated seeds are still fresh, but these figures do not enter into the calculation of cultural value. To obtain the actual sowing value of any seed the product of the coefficient of purity and the germination per cent is divided by 100. The germinative energy is measured by the number of seeds which have germinated after a fixed period, which is usually 10 days for species germinated for 30 days in all and 14 days for those requiring 42 days to complete the normal tests. The following variations are allowed in deciding whether to accept purchases or not : For germination per cent, 5 per cent for species running 90 per cent and more ; 8 per cent for species less than 90 per cent ; purity, 2 per cent and 3 per cent; cultural or real value, 6 per cent and 9 per cent. As Fron remarks, "If the cultural value were guaranteed at 80 per cent but showed only 70 per cent or less, the seed could be accepted." For American conditions such percentages set too high a standard; they should be at least 10 to 20 per cent less. The water content of samples is found by taking 10 to 20 grams (0.3 to 0.6 ounces T.) and maintaining it for three days at a tempera- ture of 105° C. (221° F.). The loss in weight after being dried gives the desired per cent when divided by 100. The station record shows how the tests were made, the amount of seed received and actually used, date seed was shipped and received, how packed, and conditions after transport. Rules for Seed Control. — French foresters have tried to have all sales of tree seeds controlled by the State so that buying would be done on the basis of cultural value rather than on a gamble, but as yet no such regulation is in general force. The proposed rules to govern the analysis and control of forest tree seeds are as follows: "Article I. — Name of method of analysis and of control. A. The aim of the analysis and control of forest seeds is as follows: 1. To centralize everything touching on the study, analysis, and control of forest seed. 2. To contribute to the continuous improvement of collected forest seeds sold or utilized in France, based on the results of authentic samples of different kinds and by researches on the physiologic growth, selection, and variety with the aim of practical results. 3. To contribute to the study of exotic forest species by experiments carried out on the seeds locally and in arbor etums and experimental plots. RULES FOR SEED CONTROL 121 B. So far as the analysis and control of forest seeds is concerned the experiments will determine: 1. Correctness, so far as possible, of genus or species. 2. The purity. 3. Absolute weight. 4. The actual weight in case demand is made. 5. Germinative figure and germinative per cent. 6. Water content. The experiments must be carried out in conformity with exact technical methods. The experiments with knife without being proved by germination may suffice for the large seeds (cembric pine, oak, beech, etc.), but give only approximate results. The results given by the experimental service are obtained by experimenting with average specimens, that is to say that the advertisements of the analysis executed by the ex- perimental service cannot be utihzed by the vendor as exact data on the value of a given purchase. Article II. — Control of the sale of forest seeds. 1. Analysis of control. Contract houses (with the aim of controUing the sale of forest seeds) and experimental service can conclude contracts with seed merchants entitled contracts of control. The list of houses placed under the control of the experimental service can be mailed free to persons who demand it. It may be pubhshed. The conditions of these contracts are as follows : A. The house promises to observe the rules in every particular. B. The house engages to indicate on the bill the guarantees for the merchan- dise sold and dehvered to the purchasers under the conditions given in the certificates of control and to furnish, at the expense of the house, an analysis of control. C. The purchasers of seed from a controlled house acquire, if purchasing the minimum amount stipulated, without further formality and without special authorization, the right to have a free analysis by the experi- mental bureau of the material purchased. D. The controlled houses must agree that the analysis made by this bureau shall be final for the purposes of fixing the amount of the bill. If the results of the analysis do not correspond with the guarantee given, they promise to make it up to the purchaser. E. The houses controlled do not pay any annual charges to the testing bureau . . . since the expenses are borne by the Maison de Commerce. . . . F. The houses which do not guarantee to their purchasers free analysis or which do not even give a limited guarantee cannot be admitted as houses controlled by the bureau. G. The controlled houses are forbidden to furnish several certificates of free analysis for a single sale of the same sort of seed. Each certificate is valuable only for the special sale for which it has been delivered. H. It is forbidden to insert in the contracts of control any stipulations con- cerning the probable analysis cost. The analysis of this kind must be paid for according to the tariff." ^ ^ Such a system of general seed control is needed in the United States. Under present conditions a private purchaser of forest tree seeds has no guarantee of the real 122 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION NURSERIES Location of Nurseries. — Judging from visits to a number of nurseries (1) near areas under natural regeneration and (2) at regular forestation projects, France has not much to teach us in the minutiae of modern nursery practice. What there is to learn is chiefly along the lines of policy. For example, French foresters have demonstrated that in the forestation projects in the mountains it is important to have small local nurseries near the area to be forested, while the tendency in the United States has been to maintain large central nurseries from which stock can be shipped. On the National Forests in the United States, according to Greeley: "The policy has been pretty generally adopted of maintaining large nurseries rather than small ones, notwithstanding the shipping cost and the danger of the stock drying out in transit. A few years ago a large number of so-called ranger nurseries were es- tablished on almost every Forest, but this proved expensive and unsatisfactory. Many of the rangers wasted time .on their nursery work and it seriously interfered with their regular executive duties." At Barcelonnette, in the Basses-Alpes, they have tried three kinds of nurseries: (1) Permanent or central nurseries, (2) so-called "flying" nurseries, and (3) fixed local nurseries. Permanent or central nurseries are now rare. Small temporary or "flying" nurseries in or near the area to be sown are extremely popular. After they have produced once or twice and the nearby planting is completed they are abandoned. The small fixed local nurseries, often two or three in each working group, are placed conveniently near plant- ing sites where for a number of years material will be required. Departing somewhat from this practice. Dinner, an eminent author- ity on forestation, had very few temporary nurseries in the Maritime Alps because he believed in thorough irrigation, and it was often diffi- cult to secure a certain water supply near the planting site. Dinner used 1 to 3 year old untransplanted stock and developed a formula to govern the size of his nurseries. For 100 acres of planting site his nursery , ^ planting site area 100 -^t ■ ■< ^\ 4. u.\,- i j covered 1 acre or ' = -r— He said that this worked nursery area 1 out with remarkable accuracy, and cautioned against establishing nurs- eries at too high an altitude (where the climate is severe) because of the increased cost of working. The following general principles have been developed in France to govern the establishment of nurseries: cultural value. Other commodities, such as lumber, wool, or cotton are sold on the basis of grade or quality. If our export of tree seeds is to grow a definite scheme of seed control will be essential in order to protect foreign purchasers against fraud. NURSERY PRACTICE 123 It is advisable to locate nurseries near the land to be restocked to reduce the inconvenience and cost of transport, provided the climate is not too severe. They are usually established on a bench where the soil is sufficiently deep and fresh, near a brook or a spring, and near a forest house or camp. The higher the altitude the more the plants may suffer from frost, from throwing, or from the snow; therefore the nursery should not be established at an altitude higher than the average elevation at which the species are to be used; in the Alps and Pyrenees it is rarely advisable to establish nurseries at a higher elevation than 5,600 feet. It must be borne in mind that the growing season at high altitudes is very short, the growth is slow, and the dangers from snow, etc., considerable. Nurs- eries in the Cevennes or the Central Plateau are rarely higher than 4,600 feet. If it is necessary the plants can be transported and heeled in where they are to be used at high altitudes the autumn preceding field work; or they can be heeled in at the nursery itself in order to retard vegetation where nurseries are situated considerably below the planting area. One should not hold stock at the nursery for later shipment into higher altitudes if the nursery is much lower or on a warmer site. Ship earlier and heel in where they are to be planted. The usual nursery practice in regions where regular reforestation work is carried on is as follows: The soil is cultivated to a depth of 16 to 20 inches, leaving the humus near the surface, and the French pohcy is to use plenty of fertilizer — either manure or any standard chemical type of plant food. As much vegetable mould as possible is retained in the soil. It favors the seedling, the transplant, and all other forms of vegetation, and sometimes doubles the growth. Usually sowing is in strips 2.6 to 3.9 feet in width according to the slope; the sowing on the strips is usually in drills about 1.1 inches apart. Conifers are covered with about 0.4 inch of soil. To conserve the freshness of the soil the area sown is often covered with one layer of moss or pine needles. Some- times flat stones are placed between the drills to prevent throwing and to conserve the moisture. Before germination the seeds are protected against birds; weeding is done as required. As a protection against the sun in summer lath shade frames are used or else branches are stuck in the ground at each side of the strips and inchned toward the center. As a rule, the simplest possible methods are followed. Nursery Practice. — One moderate watering is favored and then only when the germination is being hindered by drought or the health and vigor of the plants require moisture. But much irrigation washes the soil, decreases its fertility, and exaggerates the growth of the plants, so that later they are all the more susceptible to drought. Irrigation 124 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION should l)e followed by cultivation. Yet it should be noted that Dinner departed from this policy in the Maritime Alps where the climate is especially dry. The object is to produce nursery stock which will have: ^ "1. A complete well-developed root system, with regular and numerous rootlets. "2. A straight regular stem, a well branched and vigorous crown with lateral branches proportionate to the age of the stock. "3. Fohage or buds complete and well-formed. "4. A healthy appearance, the stem and roots without any wound or suspicious scars." Two Sample Nurseries, — A model nursery representing the best of French nursery practice ^ is to be seen at the Barres Secondary School for Rangers. The seed here is carefully stored. It is left in sacks no longer than necessary and is frequently shifted so as to be thoroughly aerated. As a general rule, the scales and debris are kept with the seed, approximating the natural method of leaving the seed in the cones, which is recognized as the best. The nursery consists of twenty-seven plots, each 0.037 acre in extent, with two-thirds in cultivation and one- third in paths. The work is very systematically arranged. Every year one plot is sown, another transplanted, while the third furnishes the plants for shipment after a year in the transplant beds. Each plot con- sists of ten strips 33 feet long and 3.3 feet wide, separated by 2-foot paths. Each strip has six lines of plants, single or double, separated by 6.3 inches from axis to axis with a margin on the edge of 3 inches. The sowing for most species ^ is done as early in the spring as possible, beginning not later than March 15. An annual is usually sown and plowed in once every three years to enrich the soil. A very simple sowing board is used, V-shaped (double or single), and about 1 inch deep. This is merely pressed in the ground in a straight line and the seed distributed along the bottom of the de- pression thus made. The beds are protected against birds and rodents by small frames 4 inches high covered with 1-inch, or smaller, wire mesh. The frames are covered with a few branches for protection against the sun for six to eight weeks after the seed has germinated. Rodents have been suc- cessfully destroyed by strychnine which was mixed with flour, placed in a pan, and covered to protect it from the rain. Very little success has resulted from treating oak acorns; the general policy is to kill the rodents rather than to prepare the seed so that it will not be eaten. Stones are often placed between the transplant lines to hold the moisture in the 7 See Boppe, pp. 349-392. * From notes supplied by the director of the school. 8 A species like silver fir would be sown in the fall. CULTIVATION AND SPACING 125 soil and prevent throwing. As a general rule, untransplanted stock is recommended in big planting operations, 2 to 3 year-old conifer seed- lings being preferred. Transplanted stock, on the other hand, is used to complete natural regeneration. Here the cost is less important be- cause only a small percentage of the total area need be planted and better success is secured, since it is less likely to be crowded out. The plants are never pulled and are not watered before shipment because of the danger of heating while en route. Baskets or open boxes are generally used for shipping. It should be borne in mind that large nurseries, such as the one just described, are no longer numerous, many of them having been abandoned in favor of small local nurseries near the planting site. Much more typical is the small local nursery at Royat in the Central Plateau, which is situated in a narrow valley on a 6 per cent west slope. The main product here is 3-year-old spruce fir or Scotch pine seedlings. There is no transplanting, since it is considered too expensive. The fir is sown under lath frames 6.5 feet wide and placed 2.5 feet above the soil and the pine is sown in drills spaced 3 to 4 inches apart. Shade frames, 10 to 12 inches above the ground, are used for the Scotch pine also during the heat of the first year. PLANTING Cultivation and Spacing. — In planting, Jolyet says " cultivation should usually be considered indispensable — always advantageous." The great aim of planting is the use of the most economical local means to get the roots in touch with the humus and the soil. Complete culti- vation is, of course, never necessary and would only increase the danger of erosion. Planting trees in horizontal strips is often advantageous in dry regions, but the general preference of the forester should be for holes or spots. As a rule, the French favor much wider spacing in plantations than do the Germans. Bartet even suggests spacing spruce 6.5 feet apart owing to its superficial root system and in order to give the crown a chance for development. In Germany the average distance for spacing spruce is usually 4 feet and sometimes closer. The French rule is never less than 3.3 feet and never more than 10 feet. Intolerant species Hke maritime pine can be spaced wider apart than a tolerant species such as fir; and as a general rule, rapidly growing species can be spaced wider than species that are slow growing during the seedling and sapling stages. Ordinarily the spacing is 5 to 6.5 feet. It is cer- tainly apparent, without going into further detail, that the French system is more in accordance with American practice, namely, wide spacing and comparatively few trees per acre as contrasted with the close spacing in Germany. 126 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION Age of Plants. — ''In every conifer plantation aimed at restocking mountain slopes you should follow the principle of having the plants as young as possible." The ages indicated below vary according to the nature of the species, the altitude of the nursery, and according to whether the plants are transplanted or not: Cypress, 2 to 3 years; fir, 3 to 4; spruce, 3 to 4; larch, 2 to 4; cedar, 2 to 3; Scotch pine, mountain pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, and Cevennes pine, 2 years (occasionally 3) ; aleppo pine, preferably 1 year (sometimes 2); cembric pine 3 to 5; ash, 2 to 6; beech, 1 to 5; chestnut, 1 to 4; sessile oak, 1 to 4; other broadleaves, 2 to 6. Older plants, 4 to 5 years old, are used in certain limestone soils where the ground is badly heaved by the frost, on very steep slopes where snowslides are feared and where the plants may be torn out if they are not deep-rooted, and also on unstable shallow ground where there is danger that the young plants may be covered with debris already eroded. The natural larch stock secured from neighboring stands is usually ball-planted at 5 to 8 years of age. At Barcelonette (Basses-Alpes) the local rule still holds that the younger the plants the better the success. Austrian pine is ordinarily used at 2 to 3 years of age with 4 to 5 year plants on exceptionally diffi- cult and steep talus. Larch and mountain pine are used at 2 years of age and cembric pine at 3 to 5 years, the stock rarely being transplanted. (See also p. 165.) Time to Plant. — It has been found best to plant coniferous trees in the spring because the soil is then fresh and the plants will have one whole growing season for development before the severe autumn weather. If solidly rooted in the soil they can resist to better advantage the frost, erosion, sliding snow, and drought, as well as the wash of heavy rains. The autumn, however, is sometimes used for planting conifers at high altitudes because of the shortness of the working season. The deciduous species, which are habitually planted at lower altitudes, may be set out in the spring before the beginning of vegetation but ordinarily this is not done until the autumn. Soil and climate have weight in deciding upon the proper season. For example, in the Ardeche the autumn plantations alone give satisfactory results on limestone soils situated at low altitudes. Planting is preferably done also in the autumn in the Aude since frosts are rare at this season and because in the spring there are often prolonged rains which may completely wash out the soil from around the plants. Dinner stated that in the Maritime Alps, in the zone where it does not freeze hard in winter, he can plant in the fall, but higher up in the mountains he must plant entirely in the spring. At Marseilles in the forest of La Gardiole the best time for planting on FRENCH PLANTING TECHNIQUE 127 this limestone soil is in November, December, and January so as to benefit from the late autumn rain. At Barcelonette autumn planting, especially when done in September or in October, gives very good results in the high altitudes. Plantations in Holes (or Spots). —While to have a complete stand from the start 4,000 spots to the acre would be required, this number is largely reduced to an extent varying with the region and on the species in order to cut down the cost of forestation and thinning. Dense planta- tions are reserved for land which presents very difficult conditions on account of the soil or of the climate. The depth and length of the spots is ordinarily 16 to 12 inches, the size being reduced where the plants may be badly damaged by the frost or where the slope is very steep. On difficult slopes the conifers are often planted by the French i° in clumps of two to three seedhngs; the larch is usually planted single. With transplanted stock the single plants are used in the case of the broad leaves, except that beech is sometimes planted in pairs. Protec- tion is frequently afforded by overturned sod or by stones. According to Dinner, he is obliged by the Paris office to do some sowing, but would otherwise do all his reforestation by planting. The main feature of his planting technique is the size of the holes. The Paris authorities impose a size of 10 inches square, but Dinner uses 16-inch "spots" and even larger if the ground is bad. He feels that the secret of success is in large spots which hold the moisture, whereas small spots would be dried out. On large areas he plants strips of broadleaved trees as future fire belts. Where there are 1,600 to 2,000 plants per acre the whole expense is $10 to $12 per acre with labor at 70 to 80 cents a day. The average loss through his inspection is 25 per cent, some seasons being almost nothing, but other years 60 to 70 per cent. At Barcelonette the plant- ing in spots or in bunches (that is, three or four plants to the spot) is favored. They count 2,000 spots per acre and three plants per cluster. This cost (in 1912) $3.86 to $5.79 per acre without the cost of the stock. French Planting Technique. — The usual implements employed are the pick, mattock, and shovel. When digging a hole the grass is thrown to the right, the fine soil to the left, and the poor bottom soil in front. When the tree is planted the fine soil is placed immediately around the roots and the poorer bottom soil above. In this way the humus is left where it is most needed to enrich the root system. The French favor the use of stones to protect the planting spot from washing and to pro- tect the surface from drying out ; often in extensive planting operations, furrows are plowed to assist the hand work. 1° See French Forests and Forestry, already cited, especially pp. 41-43, 77-87. This planting of more than one seedling in a spot is distinctly French and would rarely be advisable in the United States. 128 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION Care is, of course, taken to keep the rootlets fresh and moist during the operation, a fundamental of successful planting. The usual method of planting is as follows: A few handsful of fine soil are placed next to the roots while the root collar is held close to the ground. With the right hand the planter fills in the loose soil after arranging the roots so as to lie naturally. The ground is pressed lightly with the hands after the soil is filled in. Soil is usually piled an inch above the root collar to allow for natural sinking. But the French are very careful not to plant too deep since this checks the roots, encourages false roots, and induces rot. On very dry ground, or sand, the planting is cheaper than on very compact moist soils where they rarely plant below the root collar. In very dry regions where rocks are not available, a mound 4 to 12 inches high is often built up on the south side of the plant for protective purposes. For really difficult planting the French favor ball planting with the ball of earth 3 to 4 inches in diameter. This conserves the moisture, but of course costs much more. It is always necessary that the ball of earth adhere to the surrounding soil, since if this contact is not made the soil will dry out and the beneficial results of ball planting be lost. De- montzey adopted a so-called bush or clump method of planting which is sometimes used in Algeria, in which three or four plants are placed together. This was alleged to be cheaper and surer. Apparently French foresters argued that there was no danger of too many plants and that there would always be one most vigorous plant that would survive in the competition for existence. This method is only used in the moun- tains. The disadvantage is that, if there are contagious diseases, all plants will be affected and succumb. In water-logged soil the French prefer ridge planting rather than mound planting. They call a stand planted by the mound method, where it is necessary to pile up 3 or 4 cubic yards of earth per thousand plants, a "plantation-de-luxe." The plowed ridges ordinarily used are much cheaper, since the work can be done on a large scale. Another special method used by the French is the so-called basket method. "The method consists in excavating a hole (like a cone upside down) 2 to 3 feet wide at the top and 10 to 14 inches in depth; all around the sides of this hole a series of short or average-sized stems (generally broadleaf) are placed 4 to 6 inches apart and placed so that the stems form the skeleton of a basket. Then the whole is filled with loose soil, mixed with humus, if that is possible." This results in a little green island of trees and is especially useful for planting in torrent beds or on thin soil. Occasionally it has been found possible to plant profitably on un- prepared soil by simply making a hole in the earth with a spade or stick, inserting the plant, and pressing down the soil with the foot. COVER AND PROTECTION 129 Of course this is an exceedingly cheap method. It has, however, the disadvantage of favoring a high percentage of loss. It is only desirable on exceedingly rich or fertile soil where the spade, dibble, or grub hoe can be used to advantage. With very compact clay the method is rarely successful, since the roots will not secure sufficient aeration. In the forest of La Gardiole, on exceptionally difficult ground, the seed- lings are raised in pots and set out directly without disturbing the root system. This system is very expensive. When 2-year-old aleppo pines are planted in pots the stock cost, prior to 1912, approximately $4.82 per thousand trees plus transport; to-day it would be at least $10 to $12. In the drier localities where sowing by the seed-spot method had been employed, the few surviving seedlings were under the shade of the stone which anchored the branches or under the shade of the stumps or the larger branches. Apparently even better results would have been secured if heavier protective cover had been used. The object of the reforestation project of La Gardiole was to serve as an example to the surrounding population and if possible to temper the hot climate of Marseilles. Cover and Protection. — On slopes or soils that are so unstable that forest trees cannot be planted at once it is first necessary to anchor the soil with grass or shrubs. The best shrubs to use are those of rapid growth, since they must be able to take possession of the soil and fight successfully against the effects of erosion. Usually the seed of French grass and rye-grass pure or in mixture is used. The sowing is done in the spring from the top down in order that the lower lines of sowing will not be covered with debris from the higher elevations. Since the seed is so small it is covered with an extremely thin layer of soil. Strips of sod are planted in order to stop the erosion of the surface soil and in order to make possible the growth of trees. These strips or benches of sod are planted horizontally on the slope. In very easily eroded soil, such as the glacial muds, it is often necessary to protect the Inrush or sod by fascines in horizontal strips. No general rule can be laid down as to when to apply sod and when to use brush, but it is true that shrubs resist erosion better and are often preferable to sod in maintaining certain kinds of unstable ground. The shrubs are sown or planted, layered, or suckered. The hazel may be sown or planted, while the cherry and the alder are planted. The willows and the poplars are usually layered but the aspen and the willow may be reproduced from slips. It is of interest to note that the seeding of some of these shrubs often takes place naturally after the bed of a stream has been fixed by means of correction works. It often happens, however, that the slopes are too steep to be stabiUzed by any vegetation. In such cases it is neces- 130 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION sary to wait until the talus can be terraced when it assumes a suffi- ciently gentle slope to permit this work. The natural talus frequently corresponds to a slope of 67 per cent while, with the use of terraces, the ground can be stabilized up to a 100 per cent slope. (See Chapter VII.) Species and Methods to Use. — Jolyet ^^ advocates the planting of coniferous stands since they furnish a larger percentage of timber. While he recognizes the force of. the argument in favor of mixed forests he favors a coniferous stand with some broadleaves to assist in the preservation of soil conditions and to make natural regeneration more convenient. He recommends the introduction of a very Jew species of exotics. As for conifers he recommends the planting of spruce and Scotch pine, and where there is a choice as to which of these to plant he prefers Norway spruce on account of its rapid growth and high yield. If for some reason or other so-called exotics have to be introduced Jolyet especially favors the Japanese larch and the Douglas fir. He cites an ideal plantation (made at Nancy by Cuif) spaced 5 by 5 feet, which contained the following species in the ratio indicated: As major species, spruce 44 per cent; Scotch pine, 31 per cent. As secondary species, Japanese larch, 6 per cent; Douglas fir, 13 per cent; "concolor" fir, 3 per cent; beech and sycamore (each one-half), 3 per cent. Total, 100 per cent. Dinner, head of the " Reboisement " at Nice (which includes the drier portions of the Southern Alps), uses aleppo pine on hmestone soil and maritime pine on sandy soil (only) up to 2,100 feet; for altitudes of 2,100 to 4,500 feet he has found Austrian pine (see p. 167) better than Scotch pine, his 20 years of experience having shown that it grows more rapidly and has fewer enemies; above 4,500 feet he prefers larch. For various soil conditions Jolyet recommends the following species and methods: TABLE 11.— FORESTATION METHODS FOR TYPICAL SOIL CONDITIONS IN FRANCE « recommended (1) Areable land For profit Scotch pine April-May. Broadcast 7 pounds per acre with oats. Cultivate (plow) in autumn, again in spring. Harrow, sow, and harrow in " Compiled and digested from Jolyet, pp. 468-520. 11 Quellos essences faut-il planter? Par Jolyet. Besangon, 1911, pp. 1-15. SPECIES AND METHODS TO USE 131 Objective Product Species recommended | (2) Light areable land Permanent har- dy forest with natural regen- eration Scotch pine often mixture with broadleaf, desirable (3) Heavy areable land Sow May 1 to 31 in plowed furrows, 2 to 3 inches deep and 5 feet apart, 480 pounds of acorns per acre (4) Brush and pastu Permanent forest Scotch pine ow as in (2) or as above in strips if ground cannot be plowed; strips should be east and west. If brush, short strips 12 inches wide; if light, brush double width. Strips 5 to 8 feet apart. Preferable to cultivate in autumn and in spring, sow April 15 to May 15, 4^ pounds per acre. If desir- able to economize sow on portions of strips. On rough ground use seed spots 14 inches square, 6j feet apart. Increase size if brush is thick and tall. Occasionally sowing 7 pounds per acre broadcast on heather has succeeded if sheep are grazed afterwards to work the seeds into the ground. Maritime pine, if in Laurentum (see p. 27) zone, can (a) broadcast 11 pounds per acre, (6) sow strips 7 pounds per acre, (c) seed spot 3 pounds per acre (5) Barren land {dry and hilly) ' Reclamation and soil cover Of secondary importance Few spruce or larch or Scotch pine, best sites with Aus- trian pine as major species. Sometimes Scotch pine can be used more freely. Use beech, maple, linden, horn- beam, willow, alder, etc. In mixture according to condi- tions. Plant 5 by 5 feet. Take advantage of favorable pockets of soil. Use grub hoe and work soil well 3 to 8 weeks or a season ahead of planting. Plant in autumn preferably. Must be finished before April 1. Holes should be at least 10 inches square. Fill in with humus. Dirt put under sod, then sod, and lastly the dirt from bottom of holes. Cover with flat stones. Plant on still day For example, see Jolyet, pp. 467-468 (6) Bogs and swamp land Reclamation and drainage Of secondary importance Alder, birch (white pine), mountain pine, Murray pine (Scotch pine where layer of alios) Mound planting (or perhaps plow 2 fur- rows and plant on upturned ridges of earth) 132 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION Objective | Product Species recommended | (7) Small scale {lots of less than 2j acres) on fresh soil) Hornbeam, acacia (or alder Broadcast with easy natural regeneration Chief Dangers. — The dangers to sown or planted seed arise mainly from drought, mammals, insects, and birds. For rabbits, a source of much damage in France, it is considered necessary to fence with wire mesh usually 3 feet high, the barrier leaning away from area protected, and sunk 8 to 12 inches under the ground. Mice and other small rodents are killed with poisoned oats or barley. For birds poison is used, or in the case of seed spots, a cover of wire mesh. To avoid damage from drought, deep, large, well-prepared holes are used in planting, and the young trees protected with flat stones; these holes or spots must often be protected under especially unfavorable conditions by a layer of brush. FIELD SOWING Prepared and Unprepared Soil. — When sowing is attempted soil preparation is usually necessary to give the young seedhngs a start against weeds and grass. The previous vegetation must often be re- moved and the soil cultivated. This cultivation enables the soil to absorb water, diminishes evaporation, and permits the rapid develop- ment of the root system and relieves the young plants of competition with weeds for water. Soil preparation, on the other hand, increases the danger of the young plants being frozen or thrown, and in light soils, especially on slopes, may result in erosion. Seed may be broadcasted, as in ordinary agricultural practice, after the surface of the ground is cleared. For broadcast sowing, cheap seed is a necessity. Sowing in patches is merely localized broadcast sowing. This method is a convenient means of supplementing partial failures in natural re- generation, and is especially useful in introducing more valuable species into a natural stand, which varies a great deal in quality, since it per- mits the choice of the best spots and the adaptation of the proper soil. Seed spots are considered economical, but there is always considerable danger from mammals and from weeds. Sowing in continuous or broken strips requires less seed than broadcasting, and there is less danger from the uncleared areas. The sown strips are 20 to 40 inches in width with 3 to 10 feet of uncultivated land between the strips. On level ground or gentle slopes, it is the custom to run the lines east and west, but always horizontally on slopes above 7 or 8 per cent. Where there is danger of water collecting, the lines must be broken, even on hori- zontal strips. There will then be 16 to 20 feet of sown strip separated by 5 to 10 feet of unsown strip. AMOUNT TO SOW 133 Where the sowing is on unprepared soil the ground must be loose, the seed must be cheap, and the growth of the species sown rapid, so that it can protect itself against the weeds. The best example of suc- cessful broadcast sowing on unprepared soil is the sowing of maritime pine seed on the sand dunes of the Landes and Gascogne. Another well-known example is on the Central Plateau where Scotch pine has been successfully sown without any advance soil preparation. Occa- sionally, the sowing has been followed by sheep grazing, in order that the sheep may eat out the heather and let the seeds get to the soil. The hoofs of the sheep cover the seed sufficiently, but failures following this method are even more frequent than successes. According to my original notes, "At Cleremont-Ferrand in the Central Plateau Scotch pine region one of my friends mentioned a former method used for the cheap artificial stocking of Scotch pine by broadcast sowing. The seed was sown plentifully in the fall and during the winter rains sheep were allowed to trample the seed into the sod. The results I saw were very good, but I found no one who had practiced it himself." Sowing without soil preparation outside the Landes is best justified on rocky soil in the mountains, at the foot of cliffs — in other words, where cultivation is impossible. If the soil is fresh and there is no fear of mice and grass, broadcast sowing is often successful after snowfall (see p. 136) or on the bare soil. One advantage is that it can be done when other work is impossible. When sowing on rocky ground the seed should be thrown up hill from below so that it will get some pro- tection under the rocks. Where there is danger of erosion, broad- casting should not be attempted. There are a number of short-cut sowing methods which find favor in France and which are well known in the United States, such as hoeing the soil and covering the seed; dibbling to complete regeneration; at high altitudes, where the ground is fresh and where regular cultivation is impossible or difficult, the dibbling or cane method of sowing (see p. 167) may be advisable. On the whole, these special broadcasting or planting methods are justified only where made necessary by peculiar conditions and rarely are as successful as really thorough soil preparation. Amount to Sow. — The amount of seed to use naturally varies with the soil, slope, and local climate, and also, of course, with the size of the seed, quality, method, and season of planting. The amount sown must be increased if there are droughts, frost, or mammals to allow for prospective losses. The sowing figures used by the French foresters are shown in the following table (after Boppe) : 134 ARTIFICIAL REFORESTATION ""^ (M CO "^ e 'c^-£i^4H' lO iC •* lO lO >o ) Tt< ^ cocofcocoo'*-* ■as 00»O(M-^(M OOO OOO ^ CO O -t< lO •* -rt* CO O C^ t^ I^ I II iicoiijoooit^ooaiOOii 11 '—iiMiOt^'OCOCOiO i-hOO O'l^ocicidco^^t^oodddddddoT'* (N tC CC M -j t*. >. >^ ^ o3 c3 o3 bT CD lO 4ench justify wide spacing even with intensive thinnings. 7. Q. — Just what tools and methods are used for field planting? A. — See pp. 127, 128. 8. Q. — -Is pine seed generally sowed broadcast or in drills in the seed beds, and why? A. — See p. 124. Cultivation is easier and it takes less seed. 9. Q. — Do they use much seedling stock or transplants in conifers? A. — Seed- ling stock is very much preferred because it is cheaper. 10. Q. — What spacing and arrangement of transplant rows is adopted? Do they irrigate transplants? A. — See pp. 123, 124. Since the officer who raised these questions had the supervision of a very large and important nursery it is desired to emphasize their importance by special page references. CHAPTER VII CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS French Policy and Summary of Reforestation (p. 140). Introduction, His- torical Summary of Legislation, Law of 1882, Statistics of Reforestation. The Damage (p. 147). Erosion and Precipitation, Rocks and Soils Easily Eroded, Definition of a Torrent, Formation of Torrent Gorges, Causes of Torrents in Mountain Forests, Damage Caused by Torrents. Corrective Measures (p. 15.3). Policy and Summary, Technique of Dams, Walls and Protection Against Avalanches, Rock Drains, Paving Channels, Tunnels and Aqueducts, Wattle Work (Garnissage), Forestation, with examples. Typical Reforestation Areas (p. 168). Regions. FRENCH POLICY AND SUMMARY OF REFORESTATION Introduction. — According to Daubree, the Minister of Agriculture: "The Waters and Forests agents charged with the application of the laws which affect to such a high degree the national safety and property will, in the performance of their duties, continue to use the most absolute devotion and wiU show, as in the past, that they are worthy servants of the repubhc." The Minister thus emphasized the responsibihty and efficiency of the officers on reforestation work because he reahzed the direct bearing of forestation in the mountains of France on the future prosperity of the rich valleys many miles from the watersheds now being forested. Moreover Huffel remarked: "The case of the forest is special because the abuse can continue a long time before the consequences become evident." According to an official report :i "The opinion of the (local) population is profoundly modified; confidence has taken the place of enmity. Communes, of whom a large number were formerly refractory, struck with the advantages of reforestation, assured, moreover, by the moderation and by the spirit of broad conciliation of the Forest Service, ask for the execution of work (in this locality) at home. This is an omen of happy augury which cannot but encour- age the administration to persevere in the way outlined in order to regenerate the moun- tains and assure the safety of the rich valleys." The necessity of forested mountains has always been recognized, states an official report. Bernard Palissy (1510-1590) advocated the protection of forests; he paved the way for Surell, Cezanne, Gras, Breton, ^The material on reforestation is taken mainly from " Restauration et Conserva- tion des Terrains en Montague," Volumes I and III, 1911, and from Demontzey's treatise on "Reboisement." 140 INTRODUCTION 141 Mathieu, Costa de Bastelica, and, finally, Demontzey, whose reforesta- tion work for France will never be forgotten. There is always greater rainfall in the mountains than in the plains; ^ this favors erosion on the one hand, but on the other is more favorable to tree growth. This greater rainfall is due to the well-known effect of the colder air on the moisture-laden atmosphere, as it is forced to rise on meeting a mountain range. But, when an altitude of about 6,500 feet is reached, the rainfall begins to decrease again, and only scattered trees or groups of trees are found. The distribution of this rainfall has an important bearing on the problem of reforestation. Up to 45° north latitude the rain is evenly distributed, whereas in the south there is Httle moisture in summer, the rainfall being evenly distributed between winter, spring, and autumn. But in the Alps the climate seems to have become drier, a fact due, as some authors say, " to the intervention of man" though others say it is because the air has really become drier through climatic changes. Possibly these two views can be reconciled. The Waters and Forests Service says: "The direct intervention makes itself felt in mountain regions by felling trees along the forest hmits, by unregulated grazing, and in certain places by too conservative forest feUings, as M. Thirion has indicated." In the mountains the forester must avoid leaving too many trees which would become overmature and at the next felling could not assure the perpetuation of the forest, because, if the stand has not been opened up while the trees are vigorous, it is certain that regeneration will not be complete; and if at the same time, as happens only too often, the forest has been opened to grazing, its ruin has been completed through having too few trees and trees of very mediocre quality. To this fact can be attributed the so-called receding of the forest growth in the high mountains. The stand not having been thinned when the trees were vigorous and healthy and grazing not having been forbidden, surfaces covered with old stands have not been able to reseed and the forest has been forced to disappear. M. Flahaut says: "In the lower mountains the passage of the plains climate to that of the heights is at first favorable to tree growth. As you rise, the pressure diminishes, the capacity of the air in water content is less, the rains are less frequent and less abundant, the heaviest winds increase the transpiration. These conditions are unfavorable to tree growth; when extreme they become fatal and completely prevent it; they are on the contrary favorable to herbaceous growth. Commencing at a certain altitude, which varies according to the geographic situation of the mountains, according to the cU- matic conditions, and even according to the topographic detail, the tree growth is then impossible." 2 A brief summary of the campaign for forestation in its broader sense will help to an understanding of French sensibihties on the deforestation caused by the Great War, The statement by the French Government has been followed, for it gives the oflBcial viewpoint. 142 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS Historical Summary of Legislation. — The first complete law on re- forestation dates from July 28, 1860.^ Up to that time methods of pre- venting flood damage had been tried out locally and sporadically, "most active when the catastrophies took place, weakening as the remembrance became effaced." The disastrous inundation of 1840 brought the problem to the front. In 1846 a proposed law "relative to the reforestation of the mountains and the conservation of forest soil" failed to pass the Chamber of Depu- ties. It was considered too drastic and provoked numerous objections because of economic questions, aiming especially at the grazing industry, which it aroused and antagonized. The bill was retired several months after it was presented, and for ten years a means of combatting inunda- tion was not considered further. A veritable cataclysm was necessary to bring up the question anew. In June, 1856, terrible floods ravaged the valleys of the Rhine, the Loire, the Rhone, Garonne, and the Seine, causing the loss of a great number of lives and doing damage amounting to more than $38,600,000. A law had been made in 1858 for the defense of towns against floods, but it was not until July 28, 1860, that the law on the reforestation of the mountains was passed. It was received with great disfavor by the grazing interests. "The reforestation," they said, "would do away with grazing; the forest would everywhere replace the pastures." Very vigorous objections were made, even to the extent of armed resistance. After the law of June 4, 1864, was passed, which authorized forestation, they learned very quickly that they were mis- taken. But the law of 1864 could not produce results. Grassing alone was not in itself sufficient to fix the sliding land where it was heavily eroded, land whose preservation affected the pubHc interest. Besides the law of 1864, which included the same principles as the law of 1860, also contained some faults — "a collection of defects, any one of which was enough to kill it." The appropriations were too small for the work to be accomplished, but the main defect of the law was that the com- munal lands could be taken over without pay7nent. The dispossession was only temporary, to be sure, but the conditions governing the return of the land were onerous and inequitable. "Since 1874 a devoted repre- sentative of the mountain population, Doctor Chevandier (of the Drome) was asking, if not the actual repeal of the legislation on reforestation, at least a very material modification of its provisions." In 1876 the Government proposed a law destined to replace the laws of 1860 and 1864. The Chamber passed it in 1877, but the Senate com- mittee opposed it with a counter project, which included the regulation of grazing. The Government withdrew the bill and sent to the Senate 2 " Restauration et Conservation des Terrains en Montagne," Premiere Partie, pp. 1-4. LAW OF 1882 143 in 1879 a new proposed law which, after having been modified in certain of its provisions, became the law of April 4, 1882, on the "Restoration and the Conservation of Mountain Lands." Law of 1882. — The law clearly recognized reforestation as obligatory public work. Local commissions examine the plans proposed by the Forest Service and finally the law itself (Art. 2), and not merely a decree, determines the boundaries within which the work must be executed — that it only applies to land actually damaged or in '' actual and present danger." Within the estabhshed boundaries the work is carried out on lands belonging to the State in fee simple, which acquires them either privately or by expropriation (Art. 4). Moreover, the private owners, the communes, or the public institutions can retain the ownership of their land if they reach an understanding with the State before the expropriation and if they engage to carry out, within the time allotted, the work of restoration under the conditions prescribed by the Waters and Forests Service administration and under its control. The State subsidizes this reforestation work because of its value to the public and in order to repay the owners for their sacrifices. The law also prescribes the *' reservation" (for a period not to exceed 10 years) of grazing grounds whose degradation is not far enough advanced to justify expropriation; and the boundaries are established by decree. The deficiencies (without doubt wilful in the provisions concerning grazing) have rendered the apphcation of the law extremely difficult. In the United States most of the additions to western National Forests can be made only by Congress, but a Presidential decree is sufficient for eliminations. The same dis- tinction is made in France, where reforestation boundaries are made by law and grazing betterment boundaries by decree. "From the considerations which precede, it results that parhament, guided by the dominating thought of reconciUng the pubhc interest with that of the mountain in- habitants, did not wish that the boundaries be excessively restricted. The original organic law did not foresee the inclusion of vast areas in order to regulate water courses; it only gave the administration the power to take the live sores, the lips eroded by tor- rents, where actual and present dangers presented themselves." The law of 1882 ordered the revision of the former boundaries, which were found much too extended. It follows that the law did not aim to create vast forests capable of yielding large revenue in the future, but rather the concentration, over limited area, of intensive work — dams, etc. — accompanied now and then by forestation. But if these lands yield nothing in money to the State, that does not mean that they are of no value to the local community, for they protect the villages, the roads, the railways, and the crops of rich valleys against torrents or avalanches. However, in certain regions, the problem has been considered somewhat differently. It has appeared (the damage 144 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS being small) that it was possible with the approval of the public to make the boundaries larger and to really reforest on a considerable scale. In the lower part of the Cevennes, including the departments of the Gard and Herault, a region which has neither large lakes nor glaciers to regulate the water flow, it has seemed best to create considerable forested areas. "The great forest which one dreams of forming in this region will act like an enor- mous spring; it would tend to retard the collection and then the runoff of water, by decreasing the volume and by storing most of it in order to give out released water, flowing with checked or diminished speed, to the tremendous profit of business and agriculture. . . ." The era of hesitation and doubt in regard to the execution of the reforestation work has passed; mistakes very rarely occur. The cer- tainty of the methods used for combating floods at their starting points, which finally consists only in a series of small, inexpensive measures, is to-day recognized. The facts estabhshed the value of French methods. The soil is stabilized, the aridity and barrenness of the slopes disappear as the forest and grass growth is re-established, and "the torrent muddy and menacing changes into a brook harmless and even beneficent"; this is what has happened in many localities through the application of the law of April 4, 1882. Everywhere the efficiency of the reforestation work is apparent. "The provisions of the law of 1882 relative to grazing, despite the efforts of the administration, have not been able always to give the results expected, because of the opposition of the mountain people. Must one fall back on force? Nothing should oblige too rapid a march, or the attempt to do everything at once; everything, on the contrary, induces one to advance cautiously and progressively in a way which the study of the past has shown full of difficulties and possible dangers. One feels that much more would be obtained by example rather than by force. Encourage, by liberal grants, the individual initiative; stimulate everywhere good will; make an appeal very skillfully to the intelligence and interest of communities and individuals." Such is the administration program adopted in order to bring the grazing population to a better comprehension of the value of the regula- tion of grazing land. The work of grazing betterment, which is in every way the necessary counterpart of reforestation, has been greatly extended, but there are still obstacles to be met. "Grazing betterment work has been criticised on the ground that it has only ephem- eral duration; the habits of the mountaineers are in poor keeping with the betterment of a common weal, and people have proposed different remedies. Some have recently asked, in order to smooth out the deficiencies of the law, to place the communal grazing under 'a grazing regime,' similar to the regime applicable to the administration of the communal forests." STATISTICS OF REFORESTATION 145 With this brief sketch (translated and digested from official sources) of the development of reforestation legislation it must be clear what a task it has been to secure the legislative authority for the reclamation of these devastated areas. Statistics of Reforestation. — The figures which follow show the ex- penditures and acreage as of January 1, 1909. The areas comprise the land within the boundaries of the projects acquired under the terms of the budget for reforestation and often include the remains of ruined forests which require improvement. Land of this nature has been in- cluded under the term "land restocked." The land impossible of forest- ation includes the rocky areas of shifting soils, or areas at too great an altitude. Land of the last two classes perhaps can some day be in part reforested. Discrepancies exist between the area of the land belonging to the State and the area reforested partly because the State has of its own volition decided not to expropriate land where the conditions have become more favorable, and partly because, in some places, the neces- sary nurseries and paths could not be constructed. Moreover where the compartments are of considerable extent the area to be forested is naturally Hmited by the local labor supply, for it appears to be good policy to employ the local mountaineers, so that they can receive in salaries an equivalent of the revenue which they lose through loss of grazing ground. This delay is not disadvantageous, for it gives the soil an excellent rest. The expense does not stop with the restoration work, for the maintenance cost is becoming greater from year to year, and a comparison of the re- sults on January 1, 1893, and on January 1, 1909, sixteen years later, is of interest. During 32 years — 1860 to 1891 — 248,863 acres were purchased and 16,951 acres were reforested. During the period from 1893 to 1909 — 16 years — the area purchased was 263,740 acres and the area forested was 194,236 acres. These figures show that during the latter period the work progressed twice as rapidly as at the start. The Alpes contain about 65| per cent of the eroded areas of France, with 23^ per cent in the Cevennes and Central Plateau and 11 per cent in the Pyrenees. In 1894 Demontzey reported that there were 1,462 distinct torrents in France, divided as follows: Alpes, 1,138; Cevennes and Central Plateau, 206; and Pyrenees, 118. Huffel says that "two-thirds of the torrents of Europe are in France." For the three main forestation divisions (1) the Alpes, (2) the Cevennes and the Central Plateau, and (3) the Pyrenees — the official summary of the work undertaken is given in Table 14. During the period from 1860 to 1909 the work executed by the com- munes (see Table 15) amounted to 21.6 per cent, by the departments 23.4 per cent, and by the State 54.9 per cent of the total expenditures of $1,433,994.59 to reforest 134,064 acres. The contribution of the 146 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS 3 J2 2 S -g PUBI JO 2J 5 ^ o suoi^ismboy 1 §; 2" pf 3 CO s -^ s OO 00 § c « g o 1 o 1 C~< CO -^ t^ H spnpi iiB JO >[ioAV n ". = ::- ::- § Sol M< 1 -3-_ t- O 1 N 1 S "' -18 n ir ' ^ ' pn^I JO " o § " snoi;Tsinbov 2 1 i 3 ^ " 1 8 o t^ r- , ^ 1 >- 03 T. 1^ 00 f -1 t^ OO Ttl ^ s o t- lO 0 0 -H mox 00 o; " o" = OD C-r - m u S Si H ^! M lO c 1 Sn08al3II9D8TJ^ g gj 1 1" 8 '^ fe 1 § J^f : § W g i!i i i Xji3iiixny O Tf - H iq «© M S c: CO C $ 00 cq a 5 2 U01108JJOQ 5o S.S ft -g CO 00 u- CO s "B eiqTssoduii i ""^ g S rt CO CO - 00 'V S8J0B s J 'pajsajojay; g" s"- i -. t^ OS c 03 sajDB S 11 S 'pajtnboB oo" 1 eqox s ss s >0 "-I ^ "^^I a ^ 3^ S "ij J, J ^ 4) "^ o 73 ^ 156 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS One of the first problems to arise — a prolDlem of great importance practically — was : How much ground should the work of restoration cover? According to Surrel and his followers it is necessary to include the entire receiving basin of a torrent and the slopes of the gorge. To-day it is still felt to be best to include as large an area as possible to take in the torrent basins and their slopes. The communes usually, with their nar- row self-interest, argue for withdrawing the minimum area; the Forest Ser- vice, on the other hand, realizes the technical requirements and desires to set aside the area already eroded and the area immediately threatened. The correction of the effects of a "torrent" comprises a number of operations, all closely related to their effect upon the surface of the slopes and the bed of the stream: Dams (barrages), walls, rock drains, protection against avalanches, the paving of channels, the building of tunnels and aqueducts, wattle work (garnissage), and the introduction of grass, shrubs, or trees. Concisely stated, a theoretical torrent above a rich village might be controlled somewhat as follows: Where a ledge of rock crosses a stream bed, and where there are good foundations, a base masonry dam is con- structed; at the same time dry stone dams are built higher up the main bed to prevent deeper erosion of the stream bottom. A slope in danger of sliding into the main bed is fixed by a masonry retaining wall. Small, incipient gullies are rocked over as drains to prevent further erosion and to act as permanent drains. Small ravines are held in place by wattle work and garnissage (p. 162). Beginning at the top of slopes that are liable to erosion selected areas are first sodded; then, as soon as the soil is stable enough, shrubs are planted on the slopes and in the stream beds. After shrubs are established and the soil is held in place trees are planted. Wattle work may be necessary here and there where the soil is crumbling away, and the main bed of the torrent perhaps must be paved to prevent further washing below the base dam. An illustration of the corrective methods employed (see also p. 168) in full swing is afforded by the torrent of St. Julien, in Savoie. Here the schist is easily eroded, for it is very friable. The torrent begins at an altitude of 9,186 feet, is 6.2 miles long, and covers some 4,942 acres of land, of which 1,866 acres belong to the State. The village of St. Julien had been damaged, parts of a railroad and wagon road had been washed away, and portions of Mont-Denis were gradually sliding and were being washed away by the torrent. The corrective measures employed were as follows : Where there was danger that the stream might undermine a promi- nent ridge, and to reduce the flow of water in the main channel, it was conducted 843 feet through a 32 per cent tunnel cut through solid rock. Where the stream passed the village it was paved to prevent further TECHNIQUE OF DAMS 157 erosion. In order to reduce the slope of the stream bed to approxi- mately a 5 per cent grade, where the erosion was most severe, it was necessary to construct twenty-six small and three large dams. Along one stretch there was one dam every 85 feet. The catchment basin is being grassed over and planted. In addition a very complete system of rock drains has been built on the most dangerous slopes. A drain 13 feet deep and 5 feet wide cost $2.31 per running yard; one 5 feet deep and 3.3 feet wide cost only 97 cents per yard. It was necessary to put in a holding wall at the foot of the slope, where erosion was particularly severe. The trees planted included alder, willow, Scotch pine, ash, oak, maple, and poplar. It is interesting to note that for planting Scotch pine, two-year seedlings are used in spots with two seedlings per spot. The spots are 12 to 20 inches square and number about 2,800 per acre. The cost of stopping the movement of the earth on Mont-Denis, together with the system of trails that it was necessary to build, was $30,494, and the improvements on this one torrent alone have cost, so far (1913), over $129,310. This example affords an excellent illustration of the difficulty of cor- recting erosion after it has once started, and shows the absolute necessity of not letting it get a start. Much of the difficulty has been caused by waiting too long l^efore beginning corrective measures. Technique of Dams. — The principal objects of dams are (1) to stop material transported by the water, (2) to diminish the speed of the water, (3) to prevent further erosion, (4) to prevent the, enlargement of the torrent bed and the erosion of the border talus, and (5) to hold up unstable slopes. Dams are constructed in torrents and ravines that are under active erosion. It is usually advisable to establish dams of about the same size, that they may be homogeneous, and to avoid the installation of secondary dams of doubtful stability. Of course, uni- formity of construction cannot always be maintained. The dams must be constructed to fit local conditions, and usually the torrents have a double character. Their slopes are eroding and the material eroded is carried along in the flood. In certain places it is sufficient to construct a stone step across the bed to prevent further erosion. As the construc- tion of these stone dams is entirely a work of engineering based on the stress which they must withstand, no details of construction are given. Above each dam it is customary to construct a rough paved area at the level of the dam, 2| to 5 feet in thickness. It is constructed with stones which cannot be used in the masonry work. These paved areas are made to diminish the drop upstream so as to decrease the pressure of the water collected behind the dam. But there can be no ironclad pro- cedure. So far as the work of correction is concerned, it is usually best to construct only absolutely necessary dams at the base of the torrent 158 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS until the small dams at the head have been built. The base dam must be faced upstream on a part of the stream bed which is absolutely stable. It is necessary to avoid building so-called ''suspended" dams, which must necessarily disappear as the stream erodes upward or downward. It often happens that a torrent is intersected by a rocky barrier. This barrier or le.dgc is an excellent point for the base dam. Many of the dams in the Alps are simple, some of them consisting of a single log staked in position across the bed of a ravine. The general tendency is to avoid building expensive masonry dams and to build simple stone dams without mortar. Formerly it was often the practice to curve the face of the dam, but now they are built straight, for ex- perience has proved that the curved dam is not necessary to withstand the average pressure. Walls and Protection Against Avalanches. — The main protective measures against avalanches are walls, benches, or steps with wattle work or high stumps. (See Fig. 11, a to c.) Avalanches are very frequent in the high mountains, and most of them follow the depres- sions or the lines of least resistance, where they do not cause a great deal of damage. But it is often necessary to prevent them, especially if they menace villages or carry great quantities of eroded material or if they damage forested areas. Walls (or benches) are usually built where the snow begins to slide. The walls are built of dry masonry and usually have a total height of 6| feet and a minimum length of 50 feet. The width at the top is from 24 to 31 inches, depending on the height. The depth of the foundation varies with the ground and is sometimes as much as 5 feet. So far as possible, large stones are used, preferably of the same width as the wall. Masonry is used when dry stone of the proper size and quantity is not available. On a slope that has a practi- cally uniform grade walls are run on the level at equal distances apart. Where the snow slides in regular runways, the walls are really dams, some with a clear height of 10 feet and a width of 31 inches at the top, with an increase of one in five inches to the base. In Savoie, where there is no resistant material at hand for such construction and where consequently it is not possible to build regular barriers, it is necessary to build benches, a bench being a flat pocket in the rock 3.3 feet wide and about 33 feet long. Where possible, this is inclosed with a small wall on the outside of the cut to collect debris. The benches constructed in the Pyrenees are of two different types: (1) Horizontal platforms about 6| feet wide, slopes slightly downward toward the mountain. The talus is held by a dry stone wall with a decrease in width of 1 in 5 toward the top. Its length is 16 to 49 feet, 33 feet being the average. These platforms are 26 to 33 feet apart horizontally and about 33 feet below one another. (2) The platform cut into the side of the mountain t.T>^'^ di I^HBk*-? jgtjSl^S^ ^^^^/ •' H^HHP^^ ^^^HH|fM --^ '^^W ^^^^^B/B^'i^ rf~~ ■i? ■'^MfSB ^ttlESI^B ^^H^HBf ^Mttm ^IHf' ' '^j ^S^^^M ^><'^- ^ l^j S Fig. 11 (a). — Retaining walls on a hillside that had been shpping down. (French oflBcial photograph.) (b). — Walls to prevent avalanches (at top) with an inspection trail in the fore- ground. (French official photograph.) (c). — Walls to prevent avalanches. (French official photograph.) 159 160 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS serves as a support for dry stone barricades that jut out about 6^ feet. If the walls or benches are in a forested region the plantations are made under their protection; here they are considered only temporary for when the trees take hold protection is no longer necessary. Sometimes it has been found advisable to establish ordinary snow walls to turn snow slides from their course; where pockets of snow are heaped up by the wind it is often necessary to build walls 3.3 to 5 feet high back of the drifts to prevent the snow from blowing over. Wooden snow fences and wind shields, so common in the western United States, are not used in France. The tendency in France is ever toward simplification in the protection against avalanches; sometimes chunks of earth are cut out of a steep slope 13 to 16 feet in length and 3.3 feet in width at the bottom. Stakes are then set at the lower limit of the cut and are bound together with branches. With a large number of these steps cut in the slope avalanches can often be prevented, for the pits or steps act as catchment areas for loose material that slides down. These pits are often placed 7.5 to 10 feet apart vertically and 6.5 feet apart horizontally. Where there is danger from shdes in partly forested areas, or where the timber has been killed by fire, dead and dying trees in improvement fellings are cut, and their stumps, 2 to 5 feet high, used to anchor the snow. Rock Drains. — Saturated soil loses all cohesion and flows on a steep slope; it even slides on underlying strata that are less permeable. These earth movements are due to the infiltration of water coming from pro- longed rains, from the melting of snows, from deep springs, and from irrigating canals that are not leak-proof. Such movements are combated by drainage, which makes the soil cohere and thus prevents slides. In order to accomplish this work canals or drains are built to conduct the water into the valley bottoms. (See Fig. 12.) Where considerable ground is in movement it is not possible to open trenches sufficiently deep for drainage, but by digging a large number of drains the soil can be dried up and a sufficiently resistant surface formed to prevent it from disintegrating. The average depth of such drains is 6.5, 5, and 3.3 feet. The deepest drains, called "collectors," ordinarily have a width at the bottom of 28 inches and an increase in width toward the top of 1 in 5. The best drains have a concave base, built on a radius of 10 or 20 per cent, and are so constructed as to form a canal of triangular construction. Above this base the ditch is filled with stones of all sizes, the largest being placed at the bottom. Drains 6.5 feet deep for the chief drainage and 3.3 feet deep for the lateral drainage generally suffice. The triangular section is sometimes replaced by a half-circular section or by a rectangular section, which is easier to construct. Second-class or third-class drains have a depth of 3.3 to 5 feet and a width at the bottom of 16 to 24 inches. ROCK DRAINS 161 The drains must be large enough to insure the prompt runoff of water. Under exceptional circumstances the French have managed to dry ground to a great depth, sometimes up to 10 to 13 feet, but the expense is much greater. First-class drains are generally built where the slope is steep, in order to assure rapid runoff. They are less Hkely to be dislocated by soil movements. At the head of drains little walls are constructed as props. Fig. 12. — Paved drains at Bastan (Hautes-Pyrenees). graph.) (French official photo- When the drainage water is abundant it is often united in a paved trench built in the valley bottom to carry the water under the dams. Where the soil movements are due to a leaky canal it is often better to stop the cause of the infiltration rather than to take up the expensive work of drainage. To prevent running water from eroding the soil it is often advisable to collect it in Httle canals, about 20 inches in depth, which follow the slope and which are filled with little stones or fascines. These canals can be replaced by paved drains if the earth is in movement. Trees are planted 162 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS as soon as the drainage has made the soil sufficiently stable. Drainage has always been satisfactory where it has been used to stop superficial slides over a small area or to dry up saturated soil. Where earth is sliding over a nonpermeable surface the timber still standing is almost invariably cut so as not to retain surplus water. Paving Channels. — The typical torrent is almost dry except during a period of storms. To prevent erosion, enlargement, and changes in the main channel bed it is necessary to pave the bed. This facilitates the passing of the detritus during floods, especially below the base dam. Tunnels and Aqueducts. — In a few places it is necessary to use tunnels or aqueducts to conduct excess water through ridges or over artificial obstacles, such as roads or railways. For example, near Thonon (Haute- Savoie), where the limestone soil is badly eroded, a road is protected by carrying the wash from a ravine over it on an aqueduct. Wattle Work (Gamissage). — On steep slopes (more than 60 per cent) and in small ravines wattle work is often necessary. (See Fig. 13, a and 6.) A common method is to stick willow shoots in the ground 1 to 3 feet apart and to weave willow branches in between the shoots to hold the rocks and shifting earth. The shoots take root and when established assist in holding the sod, when forestation becomes possible. Another system of building wattle work (now largely abandoned) was to lay the brush straight up and down the stream bed and pin it in position with cross pieces every 6.5 feet. The latest method is to lay the brush as formerly but to hold it in place with two stakes driven in the soil in the shape of a V, the head of the V pointing down stream. According to Demontzey: "The 'garnissage' correction of little dry ravines and the consolidation of unstable slopes is as follows: "In the dry ravines of the Alps 'garnissage' is often used in the bed of the stream; stems of branches are laid on the bottom so that the ends of the branches may be toward the top. By dry ravines is meant those that carry no water during normal times or those in which there is a very small trickle of water. The branches are so placed as to form a shghtly concave surface, and are held in place here and there by cross pieces fixed in place by stakes. The most common form of 'garnissage' employed during the past years has been to place brush on the bottom of the ravine and then to mat it down by interwoven branches. When completed, the branches form squares on top of the debris. Winter willow or poplar branches are used, and the ends are covered with earth, commencing from the top of the ravine and extending downward, so that they can take root and form a living protection. Most 'garnissage' eventually results in vegetation that forms a permanent protection against erosion. In the Maritime Alpes where branches cannot be had at a reasonable expense, the flow of water in the ravines is controlled by a series of little dams formed of balls of sod, used alone or combined with stone. When the water falls it is stopped at each dam so that it cannot attain sufficient velocity to be dangerous. The debris backs up behind each little dam and further lessens the velocity of water. . . . The dams must become larger and larger down stream in order to resist the floods . . . until these dams reach a height of 3.3 WATTLE WORK (GARNISSAGE) 163 CQ o r -« I a — a. 164 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS feet and a length of several yards. Where sod cannot be obtained layers of branches alternating with layers of stone are used. Sometimes also these ravines are held in place by small dry stone dams some 16 to 23 inches in height, solidly anchored. In the high mountains, in certain places, some of the ravines are filled with stones just as if they were small drainage canals. This method of cover has given good results on slopes situated at an altitude of 6,500 feet in the upper Verdon valley. In addition to fixing the ravine bottom, a necessary precaution to prevent erosion from extending farther up is to construct just below the summit a so-called consolidation wall about 20 inches in height, which if well anchored holds the ground. After this wall is built the soil around it can often be sodded over. The methods used for fixing unstable banks or slopes are extremely variable. If their instability is very pronounced they must be sustained at the bottom by transverse works very much like the wall that holds up the side of the ridge. Some slopes can be held up by a superficial cover of branches held in place by stakes or poles, such as are used in a ravine. Under the shelter of this cover natural vegetation can easily be developed. Little horizontal structures, wattle work 10 to 12 inches high, or fascines reinforced by layers of shoots between which are sown forage plants, are used everywhere. Where stones are abun- dant little walls of dry stone are built, topped with sod." Forestation, with Examples.^ — The purpose of dams, walls, drains, wattle work, and other artificial "dead works" is to stop the movement of the surface soil, because until that is anchored forestation is impossible, and before the final protective cover is planted the surface must often be held in place by grass or shrubs. It is clear from the French literature on reforestation that engineers have not always admitted or realized the importance of vegetative cover for permanent reclamation: "Some geologists have expressed the view that a torrent is a phenomenon whose development cannot be stopped. If this opinion is accepted there is nothing to do but to let the destruction of the mountain go on and try to defend the valleys against the results of torrents. Some feel that protection against torrents can be obtained in a certain measure (when the limit of slope erosion has approached) by instalhng a canal to conduct the eroded material from the foot of the mountains to the river. But the danger is not overcome. The detritus is merely transported from the torrential valley to the main valley. Others believe that it is impossible to slow up the torrent by these canals and use the water for commerce. They beHeve that a dam can be built high enough to retain the flood waters and that these waters, once stored, can be used for commerce or for agriculture, thus making the flood a benefit rather than a damage. Quite often this method is possible, provided the ground and the economic conditions permit, but it cannot be considered a general answer to the problem. Foresters take another point of view. We have already seen that the rapidity of erosion depends on the fluid mass, on the slope, on the river bed, and on the resistance of the ground. Is it not necessary, therefore, to try to retard the flow and diminish it and to retain the rocky debris which is shding on the slopes? This result can be obtained only by a forest cover on the soU in and between the existing ravines." Surrel (quoted by Huffel) concluded that: " (1) Forests stop the forma- tion of torrents; (2) deforestation delivers the soil as a prey to torrents; 5 The methods of forestation are described in Chapter V and the chief species used in French reforestation work are given in the Appendix, p. 407. FOREST ATION, WITH EXAMPLES 165 (3) the development of forests tends to stop torrents; (4) the fall of forests redoubles the violence of torrents and can even start them afresh." An interesting study^ that illustrates methods of reforestation is an area in the basin of the Ubaye (see Fig. 14, a) which comprises some 46,661 acres, 18 per cent of which was natural forest, now bearing only 34 per cent of a stand. The species growing naturally include larch, fir, spruce, mountain pine, beech, oak, alder, and willow. The species introduced artificially are Austrian pine, ash, locust, birch, green alder, and aspen. Of the species growing naturally the larch is the most valuable and is found at its optimum in the forest of St. Paul. Unfortunately the growth of Austrian pine slows up and the needles turn yellow when 15 to 25 years of age. Prior to this the tree makes good growth. In this region the hmit of stable soil is a slope of 45 per cent. Where the slope is less than this the ground can be planted immediately, but where it is more the ground must be first sodded before it can be planted to tree growth. Where the slope is 60 per cent or more grassing cannot be undertaken, for the instability of the soil is an absolute obstacle. In this event it is necessary to construct artificial dams or to wait until the accumulation of talus has abated. Two general methods have been used to grass over ground that has been eroded — sowing forage seed and planting sod. The first method was formerly used over large areas in this region but is now limited to un- stable soil. "Sainfoin" and "fenasse" (see p. 408) were used separately or mixed in the proportion of three to one. The seed was sowed in small trenches or in horizontal Hues at variable distances apart. On an average 18 pounds of seed (costing $9.65) was necessary to sow one acre of eroded ground. The labor amounted to $6.75, making a total cost of $16.40 per acre. But as a result of experience laying sod has proved to be the best method. Large tufts of Clamagrostis argentea were cut from near-by grass land and planted in rows 1| to 3 feet apart, or in quincunx. The sod costs $3.83 a thousand. Still another method that is often used to fix rapidly the slopes of mountains or ravines is to sow "bugrone arbrisseau" or to propagate hippophse rhamnoide, or willows, by suckers. Sowing was formerly employed in reforestation, but to-day the pref- erence is for planting. Cembric pine, larch, and mountain pine are sown at high altitudes, provided the slope is not more than 30 per cent to 40 per cent and there is enough vegetation or rock to protect the young seedlings against water and sun. Otherwise planting is considered necessary. The seed is sown in the spring, at these high altitudes about the end of May. Although the spring sowing is often burned out by the sun, if the sowing is delayed too late the germination is retarded and the 6 Etude sur les Forets et les Reboisements de la Vallee de I'Ubaye, par H. Vincent, 1909. Fig. 14 (a). — The Rata ravine at Ubaye (Basses-Alpes) after the reclamation work was finished. (French official photograph.) (6). — A mountain village in the Pyrenees menaced by erosion. (French official photograph.) (c). — Preventing further erosion by larch plantations in Ubaye area (Ba Alpes). (French official photograph.) 166 FORESTATION, WITH EXAMPLES 167 seed is more exposed to mice and to birds. The seed sown in the autumn is covered almost at once by snow, and in the high mountains the period from September 1 to October 30 is considered the best time. Excellent results were occasionally obtained in the past by sowing broad cast on the snow, especially by the notable sowing at Barcelonnette in the years 1842-1846. Now, however, an entirely different method is employed, known as the stick method (a la pointe du baton) (see p. 133). "The workman, who wears a little apron sack belted to his waist, holding 4 to 6 pounds of seed, is given a stick 1 to 1| inches in diameter and 12 to 16 inches in length. With this stick, one end of which is pointed, he makes little furrows in the soil at suit- able places. The depth of these furrows should not exceed 0.8 to 1.2 inches and the length should be between 8 inches and 3.3 feet. In this diminutive trench he places pinches of seed carefully spaced; one or two seed to each 0.4 inch is amply sufficient; as a rule the workmen tend to put in too much, and the seed is thus wasted. Exper- ience has shown that this "stick sowing" gives surer and better results than sowing by any other method. It is, moreover, quicker and cheaper. Its cost does not exceed $3.86 to $4.82 per acre. The amount of seed used per acre is variable, an average perhaps of 8.8 pounds for the larch and mountain pine and 22 pounds for cembric pine. Moreover, the seedlings obtained by this procedure have also the advantage of being ready for removal for fall planting if desired." This is a local method, however, which has not received wide official sanction. At Barcelonnette (see p. 136 for further discussion) consider- able success was attained by sowing larch seed on the snow in March or April, especially when it was sown on the grass immediately before snow fall. In this region the fir is both sown and planted, but apparently, according to the local inspector, the best results were obtained by sowing- seed spots. Spruce is usually planted. Planting is generally employed where the soil is bare. According to French practice transplants are not necessary. Here, in accordance with French practice, good-sized rocks were placed south of seedlings on south slopes in grass where there was danger from sun and drying. It is curious to find in the Barcelonnette region a considerable use of Austrian pine, although Scotch pine grew there naturally. According to the local inspector: "The foresters in France always like to change things. This apparently was the only reason for using an exotic when a local species would have given better results. In this locality, for planting on plateaus in grass, the hole is dug 12 by 12 by 12 inches with a grub hoe. The richest soil is placed next the roots and the sod is turned up- side down and replaced around the plant. On steep slopes the method is somewhat different. The hole is dug 10 to 12 inches deep, 4.5 to 6 inches wide, and 12 to 14 inches in length, and care is taken not to cut the sod below the hole, if there is any, in order to avoid erosion. A peculiar method of planting in grazing land, where pubUc interest demands grazing and yet some tree shelter is desired, is to plant a group of fifty trees and then another group about 160 feet away." One of the best examples of reforestation in the Alps is in the valley of the Drome above Valence, called the Luc working group. Corrective 168 CONTROL OF EROSION IN THE MOUNTAINS measures were begun in 1865, and on January 1, 1899, 1,547 acres had been reclaimed at a total expense of $67,656.15, or about $42 per acre. The species planted were chiefly Austrian pine and Scotch pine, but in- cluded various broadleaf trees. The Scotch pine is to-day doing very well. In another nearby project the cost was $40 per acre, divided as follows : Cost of soil purchase $9.10 Corrective works (dams, drains, etc.) 11 . 60 Plantations (grass, shrubs, trees) 19 . 30 Total $40.00 These costs would now be doubled or tripled, but today the difference in the present rate of exchange and the normal must be deducted to get the relative cost in dollars. A remarkable example of the control of a torrent which did a great deal of damage from 1832 to 1847 is to be found at La Grollaz. The correction work was started in 1880. To-day the torrent is a pretty brook with waterfalls over artificially constructed cement dams protected by an absolutely dense cover of alder, which holds the soil immediately along the brook. Further up from the stream Scotch pine has been planted, so that the result is a pretty New England trout stream bordered by trees 50 feet in height. This illustrates the two great principles in the control of erosion: first, to stop the earth from moving as a whole and, second, to cover it with shrubs, nurse trees, and forest. TYPICAL REFORESTATION AREAS Regions. — To give a picture of the conditions in the principal regions, important reforestation areas (see Fig. 14, c) in the Alpes, sub-Alpes, Cen- tral Plateau, Cevennes, and Pyrenees are described in considerable detail, the material being furnished in the official report, " Restauration et Con- servation cles Terrains en Montague." The routine and systematic descriptions (given in the Appendix, p. 422) of the conditions following erosion, and the tedious difficulty (see Fig. 14, c) of stopping the damage, emphasize the dangers and costs of overgrazing and deforestation. CHAPTER VIII FORESTRY IN THE LANDES The Dunes (p. 169). Introduction, Kinds of Dunes (Causes), Rate of Advance, Local Conditions. History of Reclaiming the Landes (p. 173). Periods of Work, Before Bremontier, The Bremontier Period, The Dune Commission, The Bridge and Road Service, Waters and Forests Service, Statistics. Fixing the Sand (p. 177). Construction of Coast Dunes, Forestation, Special Betterments in the Landes, Cost and Price Data. Management of Maritime Pine Forests (p. 186). Objects of Management (Protection Forests), Silvicultural Systems, Intermediate Fellings, Rotations, Felling Cycles, Working Groups, New Tapping Scheme, Tapping Other Species, Resin Sales, French Tools for Tapping and Their Use, French and American Methods Contrasted, Technique of Tapping, Effect of Tapping, Utihzation, Logging and Local Specifications, Yield of Maritime Pine, Protection. THE DUNES Introduction. — The reclamation and forestation of the sand wastes of the Landes and Gironde between Bayonne and the Garonne River (north of Bordeaux) is perhaps the best possible illustration of the bene- fits of forestry to the individual, to the community, and to the nation. The individual who pioneered in sowing these sands made a handsome profit, the communities were saved from obliteration by the encroach- ment of the sand dunes and, after being bankrupt, became rich, and lastly France found itself sovereign of departments producing handsome revenues instead of having to furnish them assistance. Before foresta- tion the Landes was populated with a shiftless class of "poor whites" eking out a livelihood. To-day it is one of the most progressive and per- haps the most -prosperous region in France, with good schools, splendid churches, and up-to-date communal buildings. Nor should the indirect benefits of this work be overlooked; a region formerly fever-stricken be- came healthy, and to-day places like Arcachon and Mimizan are health resorts both in summer and winter. Much of this land was sand, worth- less for agriculture and mediocre for grazing, but nevertheless an ideal soil for the rapidly growing, resin producing maritime pine. Bremontier, a great engineer and believer in forestry, was able to put the work of stabilizing the dunes and forestation on a sound basis during the years 1787 to 1817 and the problem was solved during his administration. He proved to the canny French that the work was sound financially. The 170 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES parallel between the so-called sand wastes of the southern United States and the great Landes region in southern France is most striking. What has been accomplished in the Landes? In place of virtually worthless fever-stricken land the French have a balance sheet of: (1) Revenue producing forests, protected from fire; (2) a protection for such important industries as agriculture; (3) a needed supply of timber/ mine props, and resin products; (4) a healthy land to live in and largely increased popu- lation. Is it to be wondered at that the French Chamber of Deputies has de- clared that producing forests are of paramount necessity to the nation and insist on their perpetuation, or that reforested land of this class should be exempted from taxation for thirty years? But it should be noted that the French Government itself took the initiative financially and technically in the reclamation and sowing of the Landes; it blazed the trail for the private owner. The Landes is a triangular area of some 1,977,000 acres ^ bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the three rivers, Garonne, Midouze, and Adour. Three-quarters of a century ago this was mostly an unhealthy sand waste of swamp land, ponds, brush, and limited scrubby stands of maritime pine and a scattering of oak with other broadleaves. There was no system of roads and the chief industry was sheep and goat graz- ing. As early as 1737 the reclamation of this waste land was under consideration, but only after Chambrelent and Bremontier had shown that drainage and forestation was practicable did the State secure the law of 1857 which provided for the (a) drainage of communal land and (6) the construction of a system of roads to feed the areas drained and forested. Without these betterments the continued forestation on a large scale would have been well-nigh impossible. The drainage was finished in 1865 and cost only $172,484 to drain 468,767 acres (which had been purchased from the communes), and by 1860 $1,238,095 had been spent on roads. The communes had forested 183,000 acres by 1891 (or three-fourths the waste area they owned) and the forestation of private land had not lagged behind. It should be emphasized that to-day the State and communal forests under working plans occupy the poorer sands on the dunes almost entirely on a strip within four miles of the ocean. They form protection belts for the richer private forests and agricultural land which is found on the better soils inland. The system of management described later in this chapter 1 The principal exploitations of the American Forest Engineers, A. E. F., were in the Landes south of Bordeaux. They cut 41.4 million board feet. Major Swift Berry, who was stationed in the Landes for two years, kindly reviewed this chapter and made many valuable suggestions which were incorporated in the text. 2 Huffel, Vol. I, pp. 177-184. KINDS OF DUNES (CAUSES) 171 applies to public forests under working plans. The distinction between public and private management is described on page 186. The State and communal forests thus lie mostly in the dunes and the private forests in the level Landes behind the dune region. Kinds of Dunes (Causes). — The maritime dunes of France are formed of sand usually drifted from the ocean or occasionally from the beds of rivers near the sea. The sand dries out on the beach or river bed at low tide and is blown inland. The normal dune is entirely a natural phenomenon, but its movement far inland is usually caused and accentu- ated by the destruction of bordering forests and soil cover. Huff el ^ says: Fig. 15. — Protection dune at Lacanau-Ocean in State forest of Lacanau (Gironde). The sand is held in place by planting maram grass on the wind-swept dunes. "Two kinds of dunes are found on the shores of Gascony: (1) Recent new dunes which were fixed during the last century; (2) very old (prehistoric) ones, known locally by the name of mountains, which are still covered to-day with very old forests of pine, live oak and cork oak. These mountains do not form (as the recent dunes do) chains of ridges separated by little ravines parallel to the shore; their confused grouping tends to show that they formed at a period when the shore line was not so remarkably straight, as it became in recent times, under the action of the north-south currents." These recent dunes * may be of three kinds: (1) High dunes; (2) flat 3 Huffel, Vol. I, p. 152. ^ Notes sur les Dunes de Gascogne, par J. Bert, 1900, which has been largely followed in tracing the history and development of the dune reclamation work. River sand in the dunes probably comes down into the Bay of Biscay from the streams of the Pyre- nees and is then, according to Major Berry's conclusions, thrown up on the beaches. 172 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES dunes; and (3) scattered dunes. Types (1) and (2) require no fm-ther elaboration. Type (3) are dunes where the sand had formed irregu- lar banks or mounds on adjacent level areas. Near the ocean the western slope (facing the sea) is 4 to 25 per cent and the eastern slope 7 to 75 per cent. Dunes are rarely more than 200 feet high, the maximum height being 292 feet in the forest of Biscarrosse. See figure 15. Rate of Advance. — The ends of a dune usually advance more rapidly than the center, but the ridges are about parallel to the beach and at right angles to the wind. They are irregular and form mounds of various shapes. The rate of advance inland has been estimated at from 33 to 164 feet per year, depending unquestionably on the wind and on the local topography. The average is probably 65 to 80 feet per year. There is another phenomenon connected with the dunes — the erosion of the shore line by the sea. According to my field notes : "At La Teste, during the period 1886 to 1912, the sea has eaten away 2,231 feet of shore dunes opposite the ranger house at Gaillouneys, and at the ranger station of La Sallie 623 feet has been eroded between 1886 and 1912 (86 and 24 feet per year)." It appears reasonably certain that the forest of Biscarrosse (partly logged by the American E. F. in 1918) extended to the ocean in the 13th century. Huffel ^ finds no reference to moving sand prior to 1580 when Montaigne wrote: "Along the ocean in Medoc my brother, le sieur d'Arzac, saw his land covered with sand that the sea vomited over it . . . the inhabitants say that for some time . . . they have lost four leagues of land." ^ A "lieve" of land was about 4.4 kilometers or 2.7 miles. If this is correct it might be argued that the destructive action of moving sand in France dates from about the year 1200 ij the land was covered for 4 leagues inland (17.7 kilometers or 11 miles) at the rate of 50 meters (164 feet) a year. But this is only conjecture. Local Conditions. — There are fresh water ponds between the dunes from the Gironde to the Adour. Only one of these (Arcachon) is con- nected with the sea so as to form a bay. The average elevation of these ponds varies from 39 to 59 feet (Hourtin and Lacanau) and from 6 to 19 feet (Soustons). These ponds are typical of the dune region and are responsible to a large extent for the unhealthy chmate of the region prior to the systematic drainage undertaken by the State. The water ^ Huffel, Vol. I, p. 153. 6 That the area from Biscarrosse north to the Etang of Cazeau has been forested for a long period is evidenced by ancient vested rights which permit residents of the community to cut trees for fuel and construction. It was originally one estate, but has since been divided through heirs into a multitude of holdings. The owners can take the resin but have no right to cut the trees. The portion logged by the A. E. F. was on the newer dunes planted by the French Government, and possibly a little farther south than the old forest. PERIODS OF WORK 173 hollows (lettes) between the dunes were also a source of fever. In former days there was considerable cattle, sheep, and goat grazing which did a great deal of damage. According to Bert: " After the execution of the first work, the water holes between the dunes furnished quite good drainage ground for some time. But because of the drying action of the pine, the grass production disappeared little by little; the grazing in the region of the dunes became practically of no value." This has had an important bearing on the attitude of the communes, since the restocking of the sand areas often meant the physical oblitera- tion of their grazing, and because grazing was often disastrous to the artificial forestation and had to be curtailed or forbidden altogether. Bert says: "One of the most important problems confronting the Dune Commission was the ownership of the land. The dunes were evidently regarded as belonging to the State and the forestation was certainly alluded to at that time as belonging to the Nation, to the republic, to the Government, and as royal property. If this private property, whether belonging to individuals or to communes, had been left to shift for itself it certainly would have been lost to the Nation. But possibly a great deal of trouble would have been avoided if the land, then worthless, had been exappropriated at its actual sale value instead of being merely sown or planted by the State after having been abandoned by its original owners. It is significant that one or two owners in after years had their lands returned to them upon payment, with interest, of the cost of forestation. On account of the damage done by grazing these private rights were gradually extinguished by purchase by the State." This is similar to the policy now followed in the Alps (see p. 143). The climatic conditions are favorable to the growth of maritime pine since the extremes of temperature are 3° and 23° C. (37.4° and 73.4° F.) for cold and heat, the average rainfall 31 inches, and the average number of rainy days 200. An unfavorable climatic factor, which is often dis- astrous but which can be alleviated by shelter belts, is the violent west winds so typical of the region (see p. 204, "Fire Protection ")• According to my field notes : "In the vicinity of the Lacanau Ocean (forest of Lacanau) the average tempera- ture throughout the year is 13° 54' C. (56.3° F.); in summer the average is 20° 48' C. (68 .9° F.), and in autumn 13° .32' C. (56.3° F.). There are 102 clear days annually, with a rainfall of 32 inches, coupled with frequent fogs. Violent west and southwest winds are very frequent." These violent winds made the fixation of the sand all the more cUfficult. The main dune area (see p. 177 for statistics) is between the Gironde and Adour rivers in a strip 3 to 4 miles wide and 145 miles in length, HISTORY OF RECLAIMING THE LANDES Periods of Work. — Five periods ^ are distinguished in the develop- ment and reclamation of the dunes : ^Bert, id. (seep. 171). 174 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES 1. The groping of those who preceded Bremontier, 1734-1786. 2. Bremontier himself, 1787-1793 (with interim). 3. The Dune Commission, 1801-1817. 4. Administration of the Bridge and Road Service, 1817-1862. 5. The Waters and Forest Service, 1862 on. (1) Before Bremontier. — Before Bremontier's time, a number of persons had suggested the possibiUty of reclaiming the dunes and pre- venting the disasters caused by the advancing sand. Following a dis- astrous fire in the forest of Teste in 1716 the forest was resown by its communal owners in 1717, although there is a possibility that the records are inaccurate and that the sowing was natural rather than artificial. De Ruat, a member of the Bordeaux Parhament, argued in 1776 that it was perfectly practicable to sow the dunes, and on March 23, 1779, a decree in council accorded him perpetual ownership of a concession in the Teste region if he would reforest the area and prevent the sand from further encroachment. He had to pay, as purchase price, two pounds of wheat for each acre. Desbiey, former receiver at Teste, on the 25th of August, 1774, presented a statement to the Academy of Sciences at Bordeaux arguing that the sowing of the dunes was entirely practicable. In 1779, De Villers wrote a special report on the possibility of fixing the Gascogne dunes. In 1778-1779 a commission studying the dune problem proposed interior plantations of trees, with plantations of genista and little bundles of straw held in place by stakes to hold the genista in place. According to Bert: "It therefore appears certain that the methods of sowing and fixing dunes were known before the first experiments of Bremontier. They had been appUed to a cer- tain extent by Peychan, taken account of by De Ruat, and described by De Villers." Tassin made some claims of originating the dune protective work but, apparently, in the words of Bremontier: " He told me positively that my sowing and plantation of the dunes would never have been considered except as a brilliant theory which it is impossible to make practical use of." Bremontier's « credit for this great reclamation work rests on his devotion, activity, persistence, and clearness of vision rather than on an origination of ideas or methods. He was the man "to put it across." 8 According to the Indian Forester, p. 415, Vol. 21, 1895, July 10, history has given Bremontier the credit for being the father of dune reclamation in France, but it is certain that there was considerable sowing on the dunes before Bremontier's time. In 1734 Alaire de Rust planted or sowed pine and oak on the dunes. In 1779 this work was continued by De Rust's grandson, but owing to fires the experiment was not suc- cessful. In 1773 the Comte de Mont Ausier presented a petition to the King to under- take dune reclamation, but at that time it was declared illegal. In 1777 Desbiey PERIODS OF WORK 175 (2) The Bremontier Period. — Following the study of drainage in the Landes, completed in 1773, the Controller General, by letter dated September 20, 1786, put at the disposition of the proper authorities "the sum of 50,000 livres (about $9,650) to be employed in works aimed at assuring the execution of a canal in the Landes and of finding efficacious means of fixing the dunes." This work was assigned to Bremontier who, in turn, appointed Pey- chan, of Teste, who had taken charge of the sowing of the water hollows between the dunes for De Ruat. The earliest important document signed "Bremontier" is dated September 28, 1781, wherein he calls attention to the necessity of having 90,000 livres (about $17,370) to assure the maintenance of local roads. According to the Memoir of De Villers dated 1779: "Work was commenced near the sea at a point above the high tides in order to stop the sand in the areas planted, protect these parts by layers of wattle work or fascines, scattering the pine seed evenly over the ground with acorns here and there and a quan- tity of bush and plant seeds in order to fix the sand in place. The furze, genista and maram grass appear especially suitable to accomplish this object." On the 21st of April, 1797, Bremontier sent Peychan, who was in charge of the experimental work at Teste, specific directions which did not mention the use of genista, furze, or maram grass seed recommended by De Villers, but, nevertheless, Peychan mixed the genista seed with that of the pine, and since then it has been recognized that the mixture was indispensable. The work began March 12, 1787, and in 1793 practically the whole amount appropriated had been spent. Peychan was succeeded by Dejean as Inspector of Works. (3) The Dune Commission. — The Dune Commission, 1801-1817, on the recommendation of Bremontier, was appointed August 5, 1801, after a lapse of some years following Bremontier's first experimental work. The commission was composed of the Prefect of the Gironde; Du Bois; Bremontier, Engineer-in-Chief ; Guyet-Laparde, Conservator of Forests; and three scientists from a Bordeaux society. Bremontier was the wrote a paper on the sowing of pine seed. In 1778 the engineer Baron de ViUers was sent by Louis XVI to study the question of dune reclamation with special reference to the harbor at Arcachon. He recommended in his report the sowing of pine seed and that the seed must be prevented from being blown away, and he solicited a trial of the system. In 1784 Bremontier was set to carry on this experiment, being aided by a private landowner named Peychan. This gentleman had previously made several successful attempts and he had covered the seed with branches to prevent it from being blown away. In 1787 Bremontier began the work of dune forestation, but the first experiments were failures, since he refused to use the Peychan method of covering the soil with branches to prevent damage by wind. In 1802 Bremontier's enterprise can really be said to have been successfully started and to be inaugurated as a success- ful project. 176 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES ruling genius of the commission until he was appointed Inspector General of Roads and Bridges at Paris. He claimed that the cost would not be more than 4,000,000 livres (about $772,000). In 1804 the new Inspector of Dune Work, Dejean, covered the sowing with branches with the ends stuck about 4 inches in the sand, using heather, genista, and furze, as well as tamerisk and pine branches. In the same year he was able to report that the trees sown in 1788 and 1789 at Teste (Gironde) produced 2,196 pounds of resin and that many trees had reached 12 inches in diameter at the end of 14 or 15 years, while in the Landes 30 years is necessary to reach the same size. On September 17, 1808, the first public auction was held by the Forest Service agents to sell resin and turpentine secured from reforested areas. The cost in 1807 was about $9.26 per acre but varied considerably (see p. 183). In 1810 locust, chestnut, poplar, and oak were planted with some success. (4) Bridge and Road Service. — The administration by the Bridge and Road Service, 1817-1862, followed the commission form of adminis- tration which had established the methods of sowing, regulated the pro- ductions of the sown areas, and had practically solved the question of ownership. The principle of an artificial dune was described by Bremontier as early as 1787, but the first work of this kind was under- taken some years later by the Forest Service which was able to suc- cessfully stop the sand. The permanent administration of these areas and the continuance of the work, however, required a stable organization, and the commission was therefore terminated in 1817, the work being turned over to the Bridge and Road Service. At that time the Forest Service was in bad odor and could not count on the liberality of appro- priations which the Bridge and Road Service could secure. (5) Waters and Forest Service. — As the stands began to mature it was increasingly difficult to keep distinct the work of the Forest Service and that of the Bridge and Road Service which, until 1862, had charge of the reclaimed areas. The engineering details of barrier dunes and drainage had been solved so the main problem was to protect and manage the forests. It was therefore entirely logical to turn the entire forestry work over to trained foresters, which was done in 1862. This organiza- tion is still in charge. Statistics. — Huffel ^ says there are the following maritime dunes in France : 9 Huffel, Vol. I, pp. 149-150. CONSTRUCTION OF COAST DUNES TABLE 18.— AREA OF FRENCH DUNES 177 Departments Area in acres Main ownership 30,147 3,954 33,606 1° 252,046 2,422 Two-thirds private, one-third State State One-half State, one-half private or communal Private Loire-Inf., Vendee, Charente-Inf. Gironde, Landes Departments on Mediterranean. . 322,175 One-half private, one-half State The dune areas in the Gironde and Landes are about equal. The maritime pine covers a large area outside the dunes. There is a total forest of 1,656,630 acres in the Lot-et-Garonne, Landes, and Gironde divided as follows : Oumership Acres Private and communal forest 1,510,549 Communal forest under State control 17,411 State forest 128,670 1,656,630 By 1899 there were 140 miles of artificial barrier dunes in the Landes and Gironde Departments alone, the first barrier dune having been constructed in 1833 (see p. 178). FIXING THE SAND Construction of Coast Dunes. — It has already been seen that the ocean sand, if unchecked, drifts inland and submerges everything of value in its path. The theory of fixing or stabihzing the sand is to secure and maintain the following conditions. Desired conditions Objective Gradual shelving beach ... To allow the waves to break their force without eroding or washing the dry sand. Barrier dune To dam the drifting sand. Grass or vegetable cover . . To maintain the sand in place on and around the barrier dune. (See Fig. 15.) Forest protection belt To help maintain the sand in place and to protect the merchantable stands from the effects of the wind. The underlying principle is as follows: ^^ "Every fixation system is founded on the following principle : In the mass of bare sand susceptible of being eroded by the wind, the transport takes place grain by grain. . . . 10 This is substantially the same area as was reported in 1822; in 1800 Bremontier had estimated it at 271,815 acres and at over 281,420 acres in 1803, while Villers had grossly overestimated the area in 1779 at 878,913 acres. " Boppe, pp. 478-481. 178 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES Therefore, if the displacement of the surface particles can be stopped there is nothing to fear regarding those underneath, and the entire mass is fixed. "The method consists in sowing the maritime pine under cover. It is to a land- owner at Teste, Pierre Peychan — often known as Maitre Pierre — • that we owe this method, both simple and practical, about which he advised Bremontier, and which we stiU use almost without modification. "To keep the seed from being buried by the sand a cover of brush is laid over the entire surface seeded. This precaution is necessary not only for holding the seed but also for protecting the young plants against the action of the moving sand; for the moving crest of particles, projected without and against the growing stems, wears them out to a point when they fall over; being no longer able to hold up their heads, most of them would thus die. In practice, bundles of fagots up to 1,000 per acre are scattered over the area to be forested. These fagots are 3.3 feet in circumference measured on the withe and 4.3 in length. For their manufacture the gorze (ajouc) is the species preferred; then comes the genista (genet), then the heather, tree heathers, the ronches (reed of fresh water marshes), and pine branches; but these latter have the disadvantage that too often under cover, cryptogamic diseases break out. The thorns, briars, ferns, and light woods do not protect the soil sufficiently. . . . "Immediately after the sowing of the seed the areas sown are covered over, or better still, the two operations are carried out at the same time. The brush is placed as you proceed toward the sea, the large ends facing (the sea) and the branches of each tier covering the base of those which proceed them. Then in order to keep this cover in place, the workmen put good sized (pelletees) sand on the portions where no seed has been sown and spread it on the outstretched branches, about 12 inches apart, measur- ing from the centers. The sole improvement made on the system of Pierre Peychan and Bremontier is that of fixing the cover in place by means of small poles placed across and held down by notched stakes driven into the sand." At the end of the day's work the last row is securely fixed so any wind storm will not wreck the work already done. "To sum up, it is really a dead cover which has been placed on the soil. But it would not last indefinitely, it is but the beginning to be followed by a living cover which will carry on its role." Otherwise the sand coming from the ocean would be blown landward and would continue to cover the areas which had been reforested. There- fore to start with: ". . . Therein was established above high tide at a distance of 100 to 165 feet a wattle work fence or palisade. As the new sand drifted in front of this obstacle a part passed through the spaces between the planks or the wattle work holes and banked up behind. Little by little the sand rose and covered the palisade which was then gradually raised until the dune was 33 or 49 feet above the the level of the sea." When the proper height was attained, the sand was planted to maram grass in order that it might be held in place. Once it was fixed in this manner it had to he maintained, since with every storm there were areas to be repaired. (See Fig. 15.) "In 1858 " there were 17 consecutive days of storm; the littoral fine was broken at several points and it was impossible to repair it with sufficient rapidity. More than f9,650 damage to sown areas was done in the Department of the Landes alone." 12 Les Landes et les Dunes de Gascogne, par. ch. Grandjean, Paris, 1897. 13 Boppe, pp. 471-481. CONSTRUCTION OF COAST DUNES 179 According to Grandjean: "In the Gironde the pahsade was estabhshed quite close to high tides . . . but in the Landes on the contrary it was 490 feet from high tide. This pahsade having been successively raised until the dune attained an elevation of 20 to 26 feet and the talus becoming too steep they established (5 feet to the west) a cordon of fagots at the foot of the talus." This lessened the steepness of the slope and was an excellent modifica- tion. The tendency has been to build the artificial dunes farther from the sea, up to 820 to 980 feet. In 1851 the artificial barrier or coast dune was constructed as follows: "At 165 to 260 feet from the high tide mark, parallel to the shore that is to-day per- pendicular to the direction of the wind, a palisade is built of joists 4.7 inches wide and 1.2 inches thick; these joists are deeply imbedded in the sand with a projection of 3.3 feet above the soil; they are spaced 0.8 to 1.2 inches from each other. After each storm the sand, driven by the wind, accumulates in front of the palisade and piles up on the other side through the spaces left between the joists; according to the size of the particles the equilibrium between the piles on the two sides is more or less readily established. This operation is repeated until the artificial dune is 33 to 39 feet high above high tide. The theory of this method is that the wind is harnessed by man to do his work. The slope is quite rapid on the talus facing the sea and the best grade or relief is always an important problem which must be studied locally. The surface is fixed with maram grass (gourbet, calam agrastis arenacea) secured by sowing or by root suckers. The maintenance work consists chiefly of repairing the breeches made by the sea or wind." To-day the profile of these artificial dunes is being reversed, and the slopes are gently inclining toward the sea and abrupt on the land side, since it has been found by experiment that this gives better results. "This new profile is secured by placing (parallel to the shore) successive lines of little hedges about 24 inches in height built of pine branches at the foot of which the sand accumulates. The skill consists, according to the form of the shore line and the prog- ress of the sand, in placing these obstacles at the desired point to assist the dune to form its ridge line at such a distance from the shore that the slope can extend on the most practical incline. These very cordons, coupled with the maram grass sowing without a branch cover, can stop and hold in check the ' whistle-wind ' and the ravines that the wind bores in the dune. . . . "Moreover, it is marvelous to see how experienced foresters know how to use the growth to model the dune sand, something so mobile and capricious; where the (de- sired) profile has been secured they use the maram grass to fix these points, or on the contrary, pull out or thin the plant when they wish the wind to remove the piles of sand or mounds which have become useless or troublesome. Frequently hedges parallel to the coast are flanked with dikes whose direction is perpendicular to them, when these can be further subdivided into crow's feet or reverse dikes. "When winding shores with sharp points are exposed to very violent wind, a care- ful study of the situation only can determine the places where defense work must be established, and what direction to give them. . . . Finally, on points where the sea in eroding its shores and breaks into waves without depositing sand the material be- comes scarce . . . the force of the waves is reduced by the erection of a forest of solid stakes driven into the sand and called break-water (brise-lame) . The tamerisk, with its long flexible branches, renders the greatest service in consolidating all these dead 180 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES works by a live growth. At the same time they try to replace the former profile out- lined by the caprice of the waves by a suital^le artificial beach with a grade as low as 5 or 6 per cent, so that the wave can roll in, losing its power of erosion. Moreover, each point demands a special solution. ... In fact the final dune profile is not yet discovered; perhaps it will never be." At Lacanau they began the artificial slope of the protective dune at 33 feet from high tide and extended it 148 feet to where the palisade originally stood. The protective dune was 52 feet high and 13 feet wide (across the top) with sand barriers at each side of the top. The dune then sloped gradually to a bench 164 feet farther back; perhaps about 65 feet farther on the lowest point was reached and the sand rose again to another dune where the protective pine zone began. At Lacanau there were four kinds of barriers against sand erosion: (1) To prevent the erosion of the tops of barrier dunes upright stakes were placed 1.6 feet apart, 1.3 feet in height, with interwoven branches and genista to prevent the sand from sifting through. Here the ordinary palisades had been abandoned because the natural method just described is considered cheaper to maintain when once the protective dune is raised to the proper height by use of the palisade method. Here the artificial dunes were 52 feet in height. (2) To protect the rear of the protective dune rows of genista 2.3 feet high were sunk 1.1 to 1.3 feet in the soil. This resulted in keeping the rear of the protective dune to the proper height. (3) To hold the sand branches were laid on the sand to prevent wind erosion. (4) To hold and build up areas where the sand had been excavated by the wind near the ocean clumps of genista 1.6 feet in circumference were planted in quincunx. The French specifica- tions for the "Fixation and Maintenance of Dunes" is given on page 429 of the Appendix. This gives a very minute and accurate account of the methods now in use. According to Lafond:^^ "The littoral dune is the best defense in the dune region. If it is abandoned or if its maintenance is not kept up, new natural dunes invariably form and, blown by the wind, cover successively not only the forests created at great expense but afterwards additional country." North of Bordeaux the protective dune seems to have assumed special importance. Parallel to the ocean and at a distance of about 656 feet from high tide a plank^^ palisade, formed of planks 8 inches wide and spaced 1.2 inches is sunk in the sand. As soon as the sand accumulates, as in other dune regions, the palisade is raised about 31 inches. After the dune has once been formed it is of course planted to maram grass. 1^ Fixation des Dunes, par M. A. Lafond, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1900. 15 Frequently ordinary wattle work made of sticks 6.5 feet long and 2.5 inches in diameter sunk 1.6 feet in the sand and 1.6 feet apart is used. These pieces are then woven with branches and shrubs to a point 1.6 feet above the sand level. CONSTRUCTION OF COAST DUNES 181 The height of the artificial dunes in this region is usually 33 feet. Lafond says: "If higher, they cost much more to estabUsh and are more difficult to maintain, and they give more of a lever to the winds, moreover, if they are built too high. Usually a lower height is sufficient." From Point Arvert to Point Coubre (Charente Inferieure Department) the height of the artificial dune is usually 23 feet. At Requin it is extremely variable, being from 6.5 to 65 feet, and at Volcan 43 feet. From the Tournegand Canal to Palmyre it is 16 feet in height and from there on to the Grande-Cote it is but 13 feet. This shows how the height of the artificial dune must vary with the local conditions. The destruction of these littoral dunes comes either from the wind or from the sea. The wind is the commonest danger but the sea the most difficult to combat. According to Lafond: " A littoral dune not too high and bordering a permanent beach is on the whole easy to maintain. It is sufficient to keep the maram grass plantation (executed at the time of construction) in good condition and to maintain its original density on the different parts of the dune surface; the beach sand blown by the wind slides along the dune where it is scattered as nourishment for the clumps of maram grass. The ex- cess amount passes behind the dune and is scattered in the littoral hollows (ledes). It does not cause any damage, however, because it is only a smaU amount and covers the soil so slowly that the brush or shrubs can grow as fast as the sand covers the soil and also keeps it fixed." It is not nearly so easy to maintain a high protective dune at Coubre. Here the sand accumulates at certain points and forms hummocks which must be fixed immediately. " The formation of hummocks is avoided by not allowing the maram grass bunches to grow too thick and by removing every obstacle on the dune." If hummocks of sand are formed their summit has to be broken so as to make the sand mobile and allow the winds to blow it away. If these irregularities can be avoided then, so far as the wind is concerned, the artificial dune can maintain itself. Lafond says a dune can always be kept in good condition by means of maram grass plantations judiciously placed so as to hold the sand in the depressions and let it blow over the humps so as to have nothing but regular slopes or long undulations. When the littoral dune is washed by the waves during storms it usually suffices to build barriers to retain the sand in place and permit it to re- sume its original shape. "If the breech is quite considerable, to smooth it over the sand is topped by means of fagots planted in quincunx; often these quincunx are placed in two barrier lines, the one completing the action of the other. Where the erosion by the water is caused by dangerous currents then it is a very serious undertaking and masonry or expensive cement work is often necessary." 182 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES Lafond describes in great detail special problems caused by the action of the ocean currents. Forestation.^^ — It has been seen that the first step is to make sure that the protection dunes are stable, and that the first essential is to sow or plant maram grass on the slopes toward the sea about 60 to 70 feet from high tide. It is usually planted in November to February since, if planted later after the rains have ceased, it is apt to die. It is dug up from maram bunches (which are too thick) and usually six to eight shoots are planted at one place. It is cut 8 inches below the soil when collected and is dibbled 12 inches deep in the sand; it is spaced 31 inches apart near the sea and farther back 20 inches. This wider spacing near the ocean is because it needs plenty of fresh sand in order to thrive, yet inversel}^ if it is covered with too much sand it dies out and must be replanted. The next step is to sow the maritime pine coming back to the barrier dune. According to a report published in 1834 the method of sowing was as follows : "Pine seed, mixed with genista, furze, or maram grass was used for sowing in the littoral zone. It was covered with branches of genista, furze, or pine according to the locaUty. . . . These branches were laid flat and placed as if they were ferns. . . . They were held in place on the soil with a httle sand (thrown broadcast)." The methods have remained about the same. According to the in- structions of May 16, 1888, 9 pounds of pine per acre with 8 pounds of genista or 9 pounds of maram grass pure were used; in either case it took 400 fagots of 44 pounds each for the covering. The present method of sowing takes about 18 pounds of seed ^^ per acre of maritime pine, 1.8 of genista, and 1.8 of maram grass. The tendency is to sow too densely. The correct method of sowing means scattering the seed, theoretically about 1 to 2 inches apart. The seed is then covered with branches held down by sand. The cover is abso- lutely essential so that the sand will not burn the seed and so that the surface will not blow. A second method is by holes 4 inches deep and 20 inches apart, covered with genista and held down mth sand. A third method now used is sowing in ditches 8 inches deep and 8 inches wide. These are then covered with sand and with a light brush cover. For dry localities the best time to sow is in October but for wet localities in March. When maritime pine is occasionally planted wild stock is used. According to Boppe (already cited) : IS The land tax on forested land on mountains, dunes, or waste land is exempt for thirty years; three-fourths the land tax is remitted on any cleared soil that is afterwards planted. 1' Maritime cones are collected from January 1 to March 1. Genista seed is collected in June and July and thrashed the end of July; maram grass is collected in August. COST AND PRICE DATA 183 "For this purpose, instead of using pure maritime pine seed, the following mixture is sown per acre: Maritime pine, 26 pounds; furze, 2.6 pounds; genista, 2.6 pounds; maram grass, 2.6 pounds; miscellaneous seed to attract birds, 2.6 pounds. This for- mula is used in the Coubre Dune. In the Landes practice the maritime pine is re- duced to 9 pounds per acre, while the genista is increased to 8 and the maram grass to 3.5 pounds. "The pine, the genista, and the furze come up simultaneously, and it is usually noted that the pines are better if the necessary seedlings are more numerous, moreover the cover rots where it hes and gives the soil its first supply of organic material. When the forestation is commenced at the very base of the dune the first stands established for a distance of 660 to 980 feet damaged by the ocean winds usually remain stunted and crooked; but under cover of this protective zone the stands which follow it de- velop normally; it is even stated that the pines on a dune yield more resin than those growing on (ordinary) ground." Special Betterments in the Landes. — Next to the fixation of the sand and the drainage work one of the greatest problems in the Landes has been road construction, since paved roads have proved extremely expen- sive. It is for this reason that narrow-gauge railroads are so popular when a large area is to be worked. A special kind of wagon road is built of wood blocks 14 by 4 inches laid vertically. The usual dune road is the so-called "paillage." Such roads are 8.8 to 6.5 feet in width and the sand is dug out to a depth of 4| inches and thrown to one side. Then twigs and branches are placed in the l)ottom and a cover of pine needles and moss placed on top. Roads of this type are confined largely to the dunes or pure sand areas. All main roads in the flat Landes are macadamized and the others are dirt roads, sometimes covered with needles. Cost and Price Data. — Bremontier's original estimate for the dune control and forestation was about $772,000 (see p. 170). The final cost^^ of reclaiming 195,212 acres totaled $1,854,344 or $9.50 per acre. In addition $656,200 was spent on maintenance of roads, forest houses, fire lines, and barrier dunes, making a grand total of 2^ million dollars. But just as Bremontier predicted, the annual revenue from this land, which would otherwise have been worthless, is more than the original amount spent. According to Huff el ^^ the total Dune and Landes pine forest (including State, communal, and private) comprised 1,611,121 acres which represents an investment of $10,331,290 on the following basis : 18 Huffel, Vol. I, p. 159. 13 Huffel, Vol. I, pp. 182-183. The average costs are low because of the partial use of natural regeneration after the original dune forestation had been completed; this explains the difference between $9.50, $10.75 and $4.25 per acre. 184 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES Totals 74,131.3 acres of dunes reforested by the State at a cost of $10.75+ per acre $926,400 1,536,989.3 acres of private and communal interior holdings forested at $4.25- per acre 6,602,530 1,611,121 acres of soil at a cost of $0.77+ per acre 1,258,360 $8,787,290 Road betterments 1,544,000 $10,331,290 This is equal to an average investment of only $6.41 per acre. A con- servative estimate of yield, before the war, was .$2.22 per acre per year. Thus if taxation is eliminated the original investment yields over 30 per cent as a national "speculation," but it must be noted that the real soil value was almost nothing at the time the investment was made. It is at least significant that prior to 1914 timber appraisals of young stands used an interest rate of 7 per cent for the calculations, which is unique in forest technique and is due to the high returns and to the risk from fire. Huff el estimates the average forest revenue in the Landes at $2,702,000 net per year, representing a new capitalization including timber of at least $86,850,000, or about $54 per acre. As a matter of fact State forests with growing stock have been sold for around $60 per acre and to-day average more than $93 per acre for land purchased at less than a dollar! The bare soil sold for $16 to $32 an acre prior to 1914 — in other words, it was capitahzed on the basis of what it could produce in resin and timber.'-" The artificial barrier dunes cost about $96 per mile. The forestation cost has been as high as $38.60 per acre in the Landes and in the Coubre dunes only $14.20. In 1817 a large area was sown at a cost of $15.05 per acre. In 1827 Dejean reported ~^ the cost per acre had been reduced 20 J. H. Ricard says that unpeeled mine props sold for 15 francs per English ton in 1903, and up to 18 francs in 1908: ties of various specifications 2 to 3.40 francs; squared timber 22 to 25 francs per ton. Regarding land values Ricard says that the bare land sold in 1835 at 8 to 15 francs per hectare as a minimum, with 30 to 40 francs as an average. In 1910 the values were 40 francs minimum, 100 francs ($7.72 per acre) average, and up to 300 francs maximum (.$23.16). 21 The details were as follows : Francs per hectare Cutting 1,400 fagots at 0.80 francs per 100 11 .20 Working them up at 0.80 francs per 100 11 . 20 Transport 1,500 to 2,000 meters at 4 francs per 100 56.00 Drying at 1 franc per 100 14.00 Miscellaneous fagot expense at 0.75 francs per 100 10.50 One-half hectoliter maritime pine seed 10.00 5 kilograms genista seed 2 . 50 Miscellaneous expense and repairs 4.60 Total 120.00 (or $9.26 per acre). COST AND PRICE DATA 185 Year Civil War! L_ f- ^ r, i i ! 1 i -W 1_ c - - - L - _ 1 1 L 1 1 "Ll-U-M- = _ -• L - - - - - 1 1 .^^-T-f-7- —^ ■* 1 1 w -r^ -==^ .^^ - «c^ •< =ri 1 j 1 ■ — 1 1 ! ^^^ =-• 1 = "• ^ — -P» «: ri" 1 1 — ■ — L^ •^i;-''^ 1 ^\ 1 1 \ «^H— ^~T*i >- 1__| 1 *==rT^ «c — — ■ — j-^ ^\ liH. <— ^ f- - ■s>* •r • <-T -^ ^ > =5 «^ ^ •i ^ «; "^ > S ^^ •«=: L- -~i \ V- — • ^ L-J ^ ^ > .^ J ^ =• •c- -^ »• ^ •J --^1 ^ s« ^ ? i^ , , J A _ 1 A — _ 1 Fig. 16. — Barrel price, in dollars, of turpentine at Bordeaux. 186 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES to $9.26. To-day there would be natural regeneration. The cost per acre for hoeing (to 8 inches deep) and clearing fire lines has been, accord- ing to Bert, about $6.50, or for a fire line 33 feet wide $26 per mile. The price of turpentine at Bordeaux from 1861 to 1911 is shown in Fig. 16. The extremely high price per barrel (340 liters or exactly 359 liquid quarts) in 1862 was because of the American civil war. According to Conservateur de Lapasse, writing from Bordeaux De- cember 16, 1919, the average prices per liter (1.05671 hquid quarts) of resin (resines ou gemmes) for the past 14 years were as follows: TABLE 19.— PRICE OF CRUDE RESIN Year Price per liter, dollars Year Price per liter, dollars 1906 0.050 1913 0.048 1907 0.052 1914 « 0.054 1914* 0.025 1908 0.052 1915 0.046 1909 0.058 1916 0.093 1910 0.071 1917^ 0.125 1911 0.079 1918 0.135 1912 0.071 1919 0.208 ° Price up to the war. * Price August 1 to October 1, 1914. '^ In 1917 the franc ran 5J to the dollar, in 1918 about 5| to 5f , and in 1919, 5f to 11|. The normal rate $0,193 to the franc has been used in conversions. MANAGEMENT OF MARITIME PINE FORESTS Objects of Management (Protection Forests). — The objects of State management are to protect the soil from drifting sand and to produce resin, lumber (short length), ties, mine props, paving blocks, and other special wood products. The aim of the Government has apparently been greater volume production, disregarding consideration of the sizes in which it is produced, while private owners look to resin pro- duction and to higher stumpage values involved in larger timber. This is natural, because the poorer soils where State timber grows could not produce tall, large saw timber. The State is now looking more to receipts from resin. But according to Barrington Moore: " The essential difference between Government and private management is that the former aims to produce a maximum volume of wood, whereas the latter aims to produce as much turpentine as possible and considers the wood as secondary. As might be expected, the Government must care for the needs of the community as well as for revenue. The Government foresters themselves admit that turpentine is more profitable than wood. . . . The silvicultural difference is, briefly, that the Government thins its forests hghtly in such a way as to keep a complete canopy in order to grow OBJECTS OF MANAGEMENT (PROTECTION FORESTS) 187 the trees tall and straight and keep a maximum number per acre, whereas private own- ers choose the best trees to leave and thin heavily around them to give each tree full sunlight and encourage a large crown development." Yet, as a matter of fact, the best timber is in private hands because the private forests usually occupy the richest soils, while the State forests are along the coast. In the Landes and Gironde most of the dune forests are in public hands and they are primarily held as a zone of defence against drifting sand. Of necessity they are heavily thinned relatively to allow the crown development so necessary to a light-demand- ing species. Moreover, so far as my own investigations show, even State forests outside protection working groups are now managed for resin rather than for lumber. Private forests are in less exposed situations and are managed solely for profit, and resin yields more than two-thirds the income. According to an unpublished official note it appears that protection working groups must be handled with great conservatism: " . . . The protection ^^ working group will then be treated with cuttings having a selection character; a physical exploitability will be applied, taking count, however, in a certain measure, of the special vegetative conditions of the maritime pine. Tap- ping without killing will be practiced, but with prudence, the yield in resin being first sacrificed in the interest of keeping the stand as fully stocked as possible in the essen- tial role of protection. Experience has shown that the faculty given executive agents by the special decisions governing exploitation of the coast working groups, of com- mencing the apphcation of tapping without killing pine measuring 12 inches and over in diameter (instead of 14 inches in the other working groups), has had unfortunate results on the increment and longevity of the trees faced. In the last marking we have really been obliged to let a considerable number of pine clearly over-worked remain idle in order to allow them to heal their scars which were too numerous and too wide. "Being selected for protection working groups the 'production in wood is only second- ary; on the other hand the production in resin can return an important revenue from these stands. But this production will not continue sustained unless it is not over- whelmed by a premature chipping of the trees exposed to the ocean winds, and con- sequently growing under less favorable conditions than the stands in the interior. Accordingly we beheve that the reverse of this has been carried out and under penalty of making mistakes it is essential that the pine of the coast working groups be treated conservatively and only tapped without kiUing when they reach a size which will en- able them to stand this operation. We are of the opinion that, as in the case of the exploitation working groups, the tapping without killing cannot be applied until the trees measure at least 14 inches in diameter. In the seventh working group the fellings will take place on the basis of special recommendations; the work done will follow the principles which have just been explained." 22 Cultural rules for protection working groups, unpublished note by De Lapasse, dated December 21, 1908: The general forest conditions of the Landes and Gironde have already been described (see p. 169) and also the silvical characteristics of the maritime pine (see p. 401). Mature stands 60 to 70 years old average 10,000 to 20,000 board feet to the acre; this high yield from small timber is because the soil is fully stocked. On private land mature timber runs 60 to 70 trees per acre and in State forests 100 or more. 188 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES On the Lacanau (Gironde) State Forest the dune protection strip, according to the current working plan, is 2,625 feet wide where only the dead and dying trees are cut. In the State Forest of Carcans (Gironde) the protective zone is classified into three distinct parts and the growth of the dune forests as you approach the ocean (east to west) is similar to the decrease in growth as you near the Hmit of tree growth in the mountains: (1) The littoral zone of mere shrubs which is 535 to 1,322 feet wide. (2) A zone of badly formed trees of no commercial value, of slow growth and open formation. (3) A third zone where the stand is sufficiently dense to be tapped but which is maintained without tapping as a protective barrier. It is very significant that these trees which are exposed in part to the rigors of the ocean winds are not tapped at all but are maintained exclusively as a protective zone. Silvicultural Systems. — Next to the protection working group (which is in the shape of a long strip five-eighths of a mile parallel to the ocean) additional working groups (in strips) are laid out from west to east. These are treated as high forests by the shelterwood compartment system with the usual seed fellings and secondary felhngs omitted, since regeneration is easy by clear cutting without the necessity of seed trees or the shelter of a portion of the mature stand. The seed is furnished by the tops of the felled trees. The normal compartment is 247 acres which may be leased for tapping or sold for cutting as a unit or in as many as four sub-units, especially if because of dunes or previous fires the character of the timber differs. Final cutting is clear for the unit. All tops are lopped out and left or scattered to lie flat on the ground to assist reseeding. Before felling all underbrush and seedfings are felled flat for the same purpose. The cover of moss, needles, limbs, and brush prevents any movement of the sand before the pine seed has a chance to sprout. Under this procedure natural reseeding nearly always occurs. On areas in which it fails solving is done. Because of sod, high- water table, etc., natural seeding is frequently not so successful in the private forests. Sowing there may be broadcast or in plowed strips. Planting is also done extensively, largely with seedlings collected from nearby stands. Grazing is not permitted for about four years after sowing or planting on private areas. Immediately around Arcachon the maritime pine is under the selection system and is kept entirely cleared of undergrowth, since it is maintained as a sort of pleasure park for tourists. In the nearby forest of La Teste some clear cutting was practiced entirely too near the sea and after two years the regeneration had only partially succeeded. It would have been much better to have left a protective zone of virgin timber for seed, since clear cutting close to the sea is always dangerous, especially with the current fire danger. INTERMEDIATE FELLINGS 189 Intermediate Fellings. — After the stand has been regenerated the sapling thickets are thinned by the so-called "depressage" (see p. 110), before they reach merchantable size, to avoid fungous damage, and cleanings are sometimes necessary to protect the pine against the heather. Under "Improvement Cutting" the Biscarrosse working plan pro- vides : "Cleanings and thinnings without tapping. Commence the cleanings in the re- generated 'periodic blocks' 5 years old; at the same time lop the lower whorls of the vigorous shoots and cut the weeds which suppress the pine. These (cultural) opera- tions should be made periodically every 5 years and wiU become thinnings at 10 to 15 years; thus the stand will be systematically thinned and when about 20 to 25 years old there should be about 200 stems per acre. Do not hesitate to cut back the weeds at each period, both broom and furze, with the double object of doing away with thickets which promote conflagrations and to give the pine the air and light so necessary for good growth. It is, in effect, absolutely proven in the Landes that the pineries on cleared soil grow much better than those with thick understory (of weeds) . In the older stands the thinnings (without tapping or with the axe) have almost entirely the char- acter of weedings; the advance seedlings of no value at the time of regeneration will then disappear under the cover of the dominant story." Pruning usually starts at 10 years of age. The typical 3-inch tree is naturally pruned up to 2 feet above the ground, while the typical tree of 6 inches is pruned artificially up to 10 to 12 feet above the ground. The branches, which are left as they fall, take about 5 years to rot. This pruning is done every 5 years. In order to protect stands from fire at the time of cleaning the genista is now cut. Stands artificially sown are usually mixed with a dense stand of genista 10 feet high; con- sequently the pine has to be freed. . The first thinning or cleaning is quite heavy and one stand was noted where there were 800 trees per acre before the thinning that showed only 480 per acre after the thinning. Regular thinnings ''with the axe" without tapping (see p. 110) are thus usually necessary before the trees are large enough to stand a face. At about 25 years, depending on the growth, the regular thinnings by tapping to death begin, often preceded by tapping to exhaustion (see quotation below). This merely means that instead of at once fell- ing a tree, which is superfluous or of poor quality, it is first heavily tapped for a period and then tapped to death and cut after four or more years of very intensive tapping. This type of thinning is continued every 5 to 10 years until the stand is mature and rather open (see p. 192). In the forest of Biscarrosse (Landes) thinnings by tapping alive are conducted as follows : -^ 23 Extract from the revised working plan for Biscarrosse (Landes) forest containing an inspection note from De Lapasse of December 21, 1908. Reference is made to page 193 where the new 4-year cycle (for thinnings and tapping) is fully explained. 190 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES "The thinnings made every 5 years will aim to open up the forest. This favors both the production of wood and resin in maritime pine. The thinnings will aim to maintain the timber in a good state of growth by placing it under the best conditions for increment; owing to the fact that the maritime pine is a light demanding species one should not forget that in the case of this species the underwood as well as the sup- pressed trees are valueless and that the upper story alone is of interest. This cul- tural rule seems much surer than that given in the working-plan report. "In the regenerated stands the thinnings with tapping wUl commence at about 25 years of age, or as soon as the timber shall have attained a sufficient size to enable it to stand a face. Except when the removal of a pine is more or less urgent tapping to death or 'tapping to exhaustion' will be followed. The 'tapping to exhaustion' will precede the application of tapping to death by at least the length of a period (5 years) ; it can then be accomphshed by one or by two faces according to the size of the trees. This method of tapping will be apphed to the entire stand of each periodic block during the period which precedes regeneration. The tapping without killing (gemmage a vie) will continue to be appHed to the pine 14 inches and over at breast height. Very vigorous trees measuring at least 16 inches in diameter can be intensively tapped without killing and receive two faces. This method of extracting the resin can be made general and will be justified chiefly during the three or four periods pre- ceding regeneration. "The application of 'exhaustive tapping' and of intensive tapping without kiUing (without injury to the stands) has been rendered possible by the decision of the Direc- tor General, dated March 23, 1908, who has authorized the Mont-de-Marsan inspection to reduce the sizes of the faces in height and in diameter." It should be particularly noted that so-called exhaustive tappings which precede the usual thinnings by tapping to death is a new feature of French practice aimed at the increase of resin production in State forests. This means that there is a good deal of marking expense. In 1905, in the inspection of Mont-de-Marsan, 15,180 acres had to be marked; the work lasted practically continuously from February, 1915, to July 8, and the marking removed on an average of almost exactly 40 trees per acre, or 612,455 trees. This illustrates the heavy thinnings followed in State forests — so necessary for maritime pine to develop good crowns. The first cleaning in private forests takes place at 4 years, and the first tapping to death for thinning at 15 years. By 30 years the stand is pretty well reduced to its final number and tapping of all trees alive begins. The "Landes" rule is that no permanent tree should be tapped until it is at least 13 inches in diameter. All private tapping is now being done 4 years to a face. Rotations. — The State forest rotations adopted in the past have been 70 years with fourteen periods of 5 years each, 72 years with twelve periods of 6 years each, 75 years with fifteen periods of 5 years each, and 80 years with sixteen periods of 5 years each. When the length of the period is six years the consecutive tapping is separated by one year of rest. In a large number of forests, however, the final rotation is preceded by a transitory rotation which usually differs for each working WORKING GROUPS 191 group. Rotations in private forests are usually shorter. The average is between 55 and 65 years and, where the production of mine props is the chief objective, the rotations can be reduced to about 40 to 50 years. With the new 4-year thinning cycle the present rotations may be slightly reduced. According to the working plan for the forest of Biscarrosse, revised January 7, 1910, the maritime pine has a 75-year rotation. The forest is divided into fifteen periodic blocks. The growth data available show that the maximum growth of the maritime pine is between 40 and 50 years; therefore a transitional rotation of 60 years has been recom- mended. It is almost certain that as the humus in the different maritime forests fertilizes the soil the growth will become more rapid, so that the proverbial 70 to 75 year rotations may be generally reduced to 55 to 65 years. According to this working plan "The yield is estabhshed by area; the surface of each periodic block is run over by a clear-cut regeneration felling, exploited during the period having the same numerical order as the periodic block. " Felling Cycles. — In the past the felling cycle was almost invariably 5 years, but sometimes 4 to 6 years. In the future it will usually be 4 years (see p. 193). In the past the trees were resined for 4 years and felled the fifth year. But in the forest of Carcans a 6-year period allowed 5 years for tapping and the usual 1 year for felling. "Working Groups. — According to De Lapasse the past method of management was as follows: "These forests are divided into working groups whose number varies from two to six, according to their importance and size; working groups are estabhshed in long strips parallel to the ocean, bounded by parallel fire lines, the first working group being placed on the east side of the forest. In each working group the periodic blocks are numbered in the order in which regeneration is fixed, from the north to the south. In each forest the working plans have estabhshed a group without predetermined treatment, to in- clude the dune and littoral zone, designed to form a shelter belt which protects the re- mainder of the stand against wind action and sand coming from the west. "The scheme is very simple. During each 5-year period each periodic block (except those to be regenerated and those including young growth) is run over by a thinning with turpentine operations. The trees which are to be removed are, before they are cut, tapped to death during a period of 4 years; simultaneously, the pines which have reached 14 inches in diameter and above are tapped alive for 5 years. The oldest periodic block in turn is regenerated by clear cuttings preceded by tapping to death all the trees. These are felled during the fifth (see 'New Tapping Scheme,' p. 193) and last year of the period. The periodic blocks of young growth are run over by or- dinary thinnings without tapping. At the beginning of each period (every 5 years) each working group is completely marked (and valued) to compute the material of the clearcut regeneration fellings (to be sold standing) and the trees to be tapped alive where the contractor receives only the resin." 192 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES With the new 4-year tapping cycle a working plan for a maritime pine forest having a 68-year rotation and 17 periods would normally be worked as follows : TABLE 20.— WORKING PLAN FOR A MARITIME PINE FOREST s 8 Tapping periods 1 1 J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 16 17 > 1921 1925 1929 1933 1937 1941 1945 1949 1953 1957 1961 1965 1969 1973 1977 1981 1985 > 5 M to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to s < 1924 1928 1932 19S6 1940 1944 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 I 64 R „ g g g g ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg I II 60 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 II III 56 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 III IV 52 G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge IV V 48 ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge V VI 44 ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge ge ge ge VI VII 40 ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge ge ge VII VIII 36 ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge ge VIII IX 32 ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge ge IX X 28 ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge ge X XI 24 ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e ge XI XII 20 ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e e XII XIII 16 e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e e XIII XIV 12 e e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e e XIV XV 8 e e e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " e XV XVI 4 e e e e ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R " XVI XVII 0 " e ® e ^ ge ge ge ge ge ge ge ge G3 G2 Gg R XVII Data furnished by Conservateur de Lapasse, April 7, 1920. Key to abbreviations used in above table : R — Regeneration fellings, by clear cutting after tapping to death during 4 years. The felling takes place at the end of the fourth year (winter up to January) of the period and during the first year (winter after January) of the next period. Gg — 1. Exhaustive general tapping (gemmage-epuisement general) during the period that precedes regeneration. All trees receive at least one face. 2. Continued tapping ahve. G2 — 1. Exhaustive tapping during the period which precedes Gg. All trees 10 inches and over in diameter are given one face. 2. Continued tapping alive. G3 — 1. Moderate exhaustive tapping during the period which precedes G2. All trees 11 inches and over in diameter are given one face. 2. Continued tapping alive. ge — 1. Rapid exhaustive tapping or tapping to death of all excess trees which must be quickly removed by thinnings. 2. Slow exhaustive tapping of trees which will be gradually removed in thinnings. 3. Tapping alive with one face of all trees at least 12 inches in diameter. Also the felling of damaged trees at the end of the fourth year of the period and during the first part of the first year of the next period. " — No cultural operations. e — Cultural operations without tapping. 1. In the young stands beginning with about 5 years: freeing of seedlings and clearing of brush heather. 2. In stands 10 to 20 years old: " depressages," and thinnings with gradual pruning of lower branches up to a height of 11.5 feet on the bole. The foregoing system (which slightly modifies the past procedure in state forests as can be seen from the text) is now (1920) to be standard for all forests under public forest management. NEW TAPPING SCHEME 193 New Tapping Scheme. — The French have abandoned the fifth year of tapping (see Fig. 17, a and b) because of the following objections: (1) Difficulty of chipping the face when it is over 9.8 feet in height; (2) this high face, which is often too deep because of the difficulty of accurate chipping, heals poorly or at least very slowly; (3) an important part of the bole is damaged by a high face. For these reasons the tapping period has been changed from 5 to 4 years. The dimensions for the faces now are: TABLE 21.— WIDTH AND HEIGHT OF FACES Year Width Height Centimeters Inches Centimeters Inches 1 2 3 4 Total 9 9 8 7 to 6 3.5 3.5 3.1 2.75 to 2.36 60 60 75 95 2.90 meters 23.6 23.6 29.5 37.4 9.5 feet With the former fifth year system in vogue the total height was 3.70 meters (12.1 feet) before 1904; 3.40 meters (11.1 feet) from 1904 to 1909; and 3.20 meters (10.4 feet) since 1910. A translation of the official tap- ping rules is given in the Appendix, p. 429. According to Cattin and Saint- J ours a period of rest of 1 or 2 years is not always necessary with strong, thrifty trees, although the annual growth is unquestionably increased if the rest is given. On the Florida National Forest in the United States there are 6 years of tapping followed by 3 years of rest ; with the French system of tapping such a period of rest is generally considered unnecessary. In the forest of La Teste trees but 7, 10, and 12 inches in diameter each (being tapped to death) had three faces the first year and later four to five. The trees tapped alive had one face only. Formerly, the faces began on the south side and went to the north, then to the west, and then to the east. Now the first face is placed on the east side of the tree (away from the ocean) where the growth is best, then to the west; the third and fourth faces being regulated by the contour of the tree. The best growth in this locality is always opposite the ocean and the prevailing winds. This reduction in the length of the tapping period, when applied to forests being worked on 5-year cycles, will mean the revision of working plans. The regeneration by clear cutting will be every 4 years instead of 5 years as formerly, and the cycle for thinnings will also be reduced from 5 to 4 years. In the future the cleanings will be made earfier after re- 194 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES generation, since experience has shown the inconvenience of waiting for 5, 6, or 7 years as was formerly done. Fig. 17 (o). — -Maritime pine 57 years old during improvement felling. The face on the first tree, which is being tapped aUve, has been worked only one week. (&). — Small tree being tapped to death prior to utihzation for mine props. Tapping Other Species. — According to unpubHshed notes loaned the writer by Cuif in 1912, he has concluded finally that the tapping of Austrian or Scotch pine will never be commercially practicable without a decided increase in present turpentine and rosin prices.^^ This agrees with the results in other forests which are not usually tapped for resin. For example, in Corsica, during the extremely high prices caused by the American Civil War, Corsican pine had been tapped for awhile and then abandoned ; the same was true of California yellow pine. 2^ Le Gemmage du pin nou- d'Autriche et du pin sylvestre en Meurthe-et-Moselle, par Cuif, 1912 (unpublished notes). RESIN SALES • 195 Resin Sales. — According to a digest of resin sales made at Mont-de- Marsan, October 5, 1909, for the period 1910 to 1914, inclusive, the policy of favoring the small operator is just as much in evidence as with ordinary timber sales in other parts of France. The payments which are made annually vary between $400 and $2,000 and, ordinarily are less than $1,500. If a large company, for example, desired to secure a considerable area for resin operations, it would be necessary for it to bid in a number of contiguous or nearly contiguous resin sales, some of which might be advantageously located for a small local operator. This clearly results in a better price and gives the small operator an excellent chance to secure areas convenient to his home. Each bidder is supplied with detailed data as to the stand and estimated products, boundaries, methods of removal, and charges, as in the case of ordinary timber sales. An example follows: "Article 1. — Forest of Biscarrosse — Fifth series. — Affectation 1 (p) Canton dune de Jaongue-Soule. First lot, area 91 acres. Clear-cut regeneration felling, with privileges of tapping to death for 4 years from 1910 to 1913, comprising the exploitation of 15,379 pines, to wit: D. B. H. inches = Poles 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15,379 pines = 235 3248 3938 3857 1898 841 707 486 118 30 13 6 2 Estimated products: Lumber 3,164 cubic meters; firewood, 1,186 stares; resin 1,762 hectoUters. Boundaries: N. fire hne boundary of the Gironde; E. fire line parallel No. 2; S. second lot; W. communal water hollow of Jaongue-Soule. Removal: By the Cugnes and Brofond roads. Accessory exploitation: Lopping understory. Products may be left as they lie. Charges: Repair of roads, $173.70. Fire tool box: The contractor shall install, either in a tapper's cabin or in a special locked box, in a place to be designated by the local forest officer, the following tools — 2 axes, 2 sickles, 2 shovels, and 2 rakes. The kind of tools will be selected by the head ranger; they will remain the property of the contractor who will keep them intact and in good condition; the depot will be ready by January 31 following the sale." The following special clauses were specified : "The extracting of resin will take place in the following manner instead of as specified in Art. 19 of the specifications (see Appendix, p. 429) : Of the trees to be tapped alive those so designated by the Forest Service may re- ceive two faces. If the period of tapping is 5 years, the face may be raised 23.6 inches during the first two years; 25.6 inches during the third and fourth years, and 27.5 inches during the fifth, provided the total height of the face does not exceed 10.5 feet. If this period is four years, the face may be raised 25.6 inches the first year, 27.5 inches during the second and third years, and 29.5 inches during the fourth, provided the total height of the face does not exceed 9.2 feet. In all cases the width of the face must not exceed the following dimensions: During the first year 3.5 inches, during the second 3.1 inches, during the third 2.8 inches, during the fourth 2.4 inches, during the fifth 2 inches. 196 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES The decrease in the width wUl be made gradually in such manner that the width at the end of each year will equal that of the next year. The faces will be made . . . so as to divide the circumference of the tree in three practically equal parts, the second face to be opened at the right (facing it) of the first. The faces shall be raised by following the grain of the wood. The other non-conflicting stipulation of Article 19 shall remain in force." The regular French specifications covering resin operations are given in full, as are those for the United States and for British India, in the Appendix. Each operator is informed that payment must be made annually for a period of five years, that in the thinnings the pines to be tapped to death are marked with two imprints of the State marking hatchets, one on the bole and one on the roots, while trees to be tapped permanently (gemmage a vie) with one face are stamped once on the bole; if two faces, two stamps on the bole, one below the other. Contractors who do not furnish the fire fighting tools (prescribed under "charges") must under- stand that they will be bought by the Waters and Forests Service and charged to their account. Foreign workmen can be hired only up to 10 per cent of the total number employed. A fixed price for the trans- portation of products from Federal forests is agreed upon with the local railways and the rates furnished the contractor. In some instances the Forest Service has built both narrow and broad gauge railways on State forests which are leased to the operator or to connecting lines. French Tools for Tapping and Their Use. — Fig. 18 ^^ shows the principal French tools used in tapping maritime pine to secure the resin for the manufacture of turpentine. The letters following correspond to those in the figure. (a) Barrasquit d'Espourga. — This tool is used to shave off the bark of trees to be tapped. This is a preliminary operation made at the beginning of each year; the workman shaves the bark vertically from top to bottom to remove the dry and hard superficial bark, so as to make the tapping easier. The area cleaned is 11.8 to 13.7 inches wider and 3.9 to 5.9 inches higher than the dimensions of the proposed face. It should be noted, however, that the shaving is usually done with an ordinary axe for the first year of tapping, because the face is low and easily reached; for the second year of tapping it is sometimes done with an axe or with the short-handled barrasquit. Before the third or fourth year, the cleaning is always done with the instrument shown in the figure. The "barrasquit de barrasque," a similar tool, is used to scrape the dry, solidified resin from the face at the end of the season. This 25 Adapted from Plate IX, Bulletin 229, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. The names of the instruments have been added in the legend under the figure and the description of use materially changed and corrected. FRENCH TOOLS FOR TAPPING AND THEIR USE 197 SCALE OF INCHES Fig 18. — French Turpentine Tools, (a) Barrasquit d'espourga; (6) Palette (or palinette); (c) Hapchot (new model is called bridon) ; (d) Rasclet; (e) Place-crampon (or pousse-crampon). 198 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES so-called scrape is collected in a bucket at each tree, or is allowed to fall on a piece of cloth spread around the base of the tree. (6) Palette (or Palinette). — A flat trowel, or scrape, for transferring the soft resin from the pots (attached to the trees) to the collection bucket. The short handle shown in the figure (6) is of wood, usually reinforced with an iron band. The wooden bucket, or "I'escouarte," usually holds 5.2 gallons. When the bucket is full the resin is trans- ferred to a barrel, used for transport to the turpentine still, or is stored temporarily in a "bare," a wooden tank sunk in the sand and protected with a wooden cover. A bare holds 60.7 to 92.4 gallons. (c) Hapchot {new model is called Bridon). — This is the special axe for clipping the face. The successive shavings are made from right to left, or from the top downward; the left hand is placed on top, resting against the iron of the axe; the right hand underneath grips the wooden handle (see Fig. 17b). Each shaving is cut clean and thin and starts the resin canals flowing again after they have become clogged up. The length of handle depends on the height of the incision above the ground; it is used for clipping faces of the first, second, and third year periods. If used for the fourth and fifth years (fifth year now generally abandoned) the workman must use a ladder, usually simply a notched pole. (d) Rasclet. — The curved cutting edge (at the right) is used for clipping the high faces of the fourth or fifth years of tapping. The tool has a long handle and is used like the hapchot, described above. The straight cutting edge (at the left) is used for making incisions to hold thin, flat pieces of wood which prevent the gum from dripping on the gi-ound and guide it into the pot. (e) Place-Crampon (or Pousse-Crampon) . — The place-crampon is used for inserting at the base of the face the zinc blade, or crampon, which finally guides the resin into the pot without any waste. The workman holds the place-crampon in his left hand with convex face (shown in Fig. 18) toward the soil, the edge on the lower part of the face where he wishes to insert the gutter. It is then tapped with a wooden mallet, held in the right hand, and an incision made about one-fifth of an inch into the wood of the tree. The place-crampon is then pulled out, the gutter tapped into place, and the pot is then hung below the gutter. The tin trays which hold the resin (in use at La Teste) were 2.3 by 6 inches; but usually earthenware pots are used of the same capacity.-^ 26 In 1836 (according to J. H. Ricard) H. Serres suggested terra cotta troughs in- stead of the wasteful "box" cut in the base of the tree. Hughes, in 1841, suggested a small earthenware pot but the improved methods were not adopted until about 1855 or later. Galvanized sheet-iron "cups" have been tried because they are lighter than the earthenware pots. The nail to hold the cup is a bad feature, since it might be left in the butt log and cause damage to saws at the mill. Probably the ideal "cup" TECHNIQUE OF TAPPING 199 French and American Methods Contrasted. — The main difference between tapping methods in France and the United States on National Forests seems to be in the width of the face and the annual rate of in- crease in its height, and the number of faces per tree. In the United States the first streak cannot begin higher than 10 inches above the ground. In France it can be anywhere above the root swelling. In the United States the maximum depth of streak is 0.5 inch; in France it is approximately 0.4 inch. In the United States in Federal tapping operations ^^ no tree less than 10 inches can be tapped, and trees 16 inches and over can have two faces, while trees 10 to 16 inches can have but one face. In France the minimum diameter of trees tapped alive on State forests (trees to be removed in thinnings can be tapped to death no matter how small) is 13 inches and the number of faces is specially designated by the local forest officer. In the United States the face can be 12 to 14 inches wide with no specified decrease in width as the face proceeds up the tree. In France it is 3.5 to 2.4 inches, decreasing each year as the distance above the ground increases. The maximum height increase per year in the United States is 16 inches, while in France the face can be lengthened 24 to 26 inches, and even up to 39 inches in case of 4-year tappings. Without exhaustive experiments the best methods to follow cannot be stated, but tentative results from the Florida Forest in the United States show the French method is not applicable to mature, large timber and that the yield in resin per square inch of face is slightly greater with the American (Government) method of wide faces. Technique of Tapping. — The trees (on State forests) for tapping alive are blazed on the bark and stamped " AF " at the base and at breast height. It is necessary ^^ for a good worker to be able to cut a thin, even slice of wood to increase face and to continue the face vertically following the grain of the wood. The sHver is about 3 inches wide, 5 to 7 inches long, and usually less than 0.4 inch deep. The first step is always to smooth the outer bark with the axe. The tendency is to bark too large rather than too small an area. In placing the gutters care should be taken not to cut into the tree with the place-crampon more than 0.2 inch; this is a sufficient depth, inasmuch as the gutter is glued by the sap as soon as it flows, and besides if the gutters are set too deep it is very difficult to remove them in the autumn. The gutter should, of course, be sHghtly inclined toward the ground so that the sap will run off into the cup. has not yet been invented. It must be easy to place, secure, easy to remove, and must not damage the tree. Ricard states that the yield of resin is greatest near the ocean, with thrifty, rapidly growing trees, with thin chipping at frequent intervals, and with hot weather. -'' It would be unwise to attempt to pass legislation limiting the size of trees that should be tapped. This is a technical problem to be solved for each forest. 28 Le Pin Maritime (Manuel Pratique) par R. Cattin et J. J. Saint-Jours. 200 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES There seems to be a good deal of variation in the frequency of tapping. Some chip once a week during the entire season, others every 5 days, while still others will only chip once every 12 to 15 days; this latter method decreases the resin flow. On the whole, it is better to chip at regular intervals, with the rule that the chipping would be more frequent during the hot weather in the summer than during the spring or autumn. A common rule followed in the Landes is to "chip once every 5 days from May 15 to September 15 and once a week during the remainder of the period." The cups are usually cleaned seven times a year and the rain is poured out after chipping. The trees are scraped once sometime between October and December. It is usually recommended to begin the first of March and continue until the end of October.-^ It is not only necessary to secure a quantity'^" of gum but also to secure a good quality. Therefore, it should not be allowed to deteriorate in the cups. Yet to collect too frequently means unnecessary expense. To dip ten times per season is hardly necessary, while seven or eight times is a good average. Five [collections a year, on the other hand, is not often enough. The difference between good, clean resin and that which is full of chips and other debris may be as much as a dollar per barrel. Effect of Tapping. — There is no question but that the turpentine operation decreases the rate of growth of maritime pine, but, on the other hand, it makes the wood harder and more durable and the im- pregnation even extends to the heartwood. The general opinion is that tapped trees are better for flooring, boards, ties, and planks, while untapped pine is better for telegraph poles, mine props, and box boards. Unquestionably the quality of the wood diminishes after 25 to 30 years of tapping alive, and is inferior to wood cut from trees tapped to death for only 3 to 4 years. 29 J. H. Ricard, writing in 1910, made the following conclusions: Tapping opera- tions are from March to October. The face should be chipped every 8 days in spring and fall and every 4 to 5 days in summer. The pot should be emptied every 2 to 3 weeks and there should be one barrel for storage per 1,000 trees tapped. There are about 40 chippings per season and the cut should be less rather than more than 0.3 inch; wide faces are unnecessary because the resin comes from the sides of the cut and "the return in resin has not been proportional to the surface of the face." After 4 years of tapping.trees should be given a rest of 2 to 3 years. Trees under 8 inches in diameter are rarely tapped unless they are to be removed in thinnings. A workman can chip 1,000 to 2,000 pine per day, according to the ground, and often tends about 4,000 trees. 30 The workmen received, before the war, one-half the resm for their pay and the operator or owner furnished the cups and gutters. The smoothing off of the bark begins the last of February and the scraping off of dried pitch is usually finished in early December. In the interim the resin tappers work at clearing underbrush and pruning young stands. UTILIZATION, LOGGING, AND LOCAL SPECIFICATIONS 201 Utilization, Logging, and Local Specifications. — The trees from early thinnings which range from about 6.5 to 12 feet in length and from 3 to 4 inches in diameter up are utilized for mine props. They are peeled when intended for use in the coal mines of France, and left with bark on for export to England. Props are also taken from the tops of mature trees cut for lumber. Later thinnings are utilized for props or sawlogs and so far as possible for telegraph poles. These poles range from 26 to 49 feet in length; first- class poles must have a diameter inside bark of 6 inches at 3.3 feet from the butt and 4.5 inches at the top; and the second-class poles, 10.5 inches 3.3 feet from the butt and 4.5 inches at the tops. All poles are peeled in the woods. In cutting saw timber the felling is done with saws, and the logs are immediately bucked into lengths of 6.5 to 13 feet; 9 feet is the usual length. These short lengths are to eliminate crooks and to make hand- ling easier. The logs are then peeled, since after seasoning they are far easier to handle. The bark left on the ground also serves to build up the soil. Logging is done with two-wheeled mule carts, the logs being lifted by hand into the carts, the tires of the wheels are wide enough to permit their use on sandy roads. Many of the sawmills are stationary and are located on the railroads. Logs are hauled to these sawmills for considerable distances on the met- alled roads with the same conveyances. However, because the coupes are usually small, the bulk of the lumber cut in the Landes is produced by small portable band mills that are set in the middle of the tract to be cut. The lumber is then hauled to the station in mule carts. These small band mills are quickly moved from one site to another, and their adaptation for use under similar conditions in America seems desirable. A large part of the production of such mills consists of sawed railroad ties. The following is a summary of the specifications of wood products cut from maritime pine: Telegraph poles. — 23 to 39 feet in length and up to 39 inches in diameter inside bark, 4 inches. Piling. — All lengths minimum diameter at the small end, 13 inches. Box boards. — 6.5 to 7.7 feet in length and 8 to 12 inches in width, 0.4 to 0.8 of an inch thick. Flooring. — Length variable, width 3.1 to 5.9 inches, and thickness 1.1 inches. Beams (Grosse Charpente). — Length from 13 feet up by 9.8 to 12.6 by 7.1 to 7.8 inches. Joists. — Length from 9.8 feet up and 7.1 to 7.8 inches by 3.9 to 4.3 square. Charcoal. — Usually sold in lO-barrel lots (barrel of 300 quarts). Ordinary fire wood. — Length 3.3 feet with sale unit a stack 3.3 feet long on the base by 4.4 high. Lath, etc. — Miscellaneous dimensions. 202 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES Bert is authority for the following data: "Two culjic meters (about 550 board feet) of maritime pine will furnish 1 ton of boards. For rough calculations the average volume of mine props is ... 20 mine props to' the ton. A cubic meter of fuel wood weighs 0.7 ton, expanding to 1| steres. The weight of a stere (0.227 cord) is 0.467 of a ton. A barrel of resin (Gironde) of 235 quarts weighs 0.2415 of a ton with a density of 1.05. A barrel of resin (Landes) of 340 quarts weighs 0.357 of a ton." A 235-quart barrel produces 110 pounds of turpentine and 352 pounds of dry material, chiefly resin. Yield of Maritime Pine. — In 1892 there were 105,763 acres of conifer State high forests in the Landes, and in addition, 22,625 acres, or between one-fourth and one-fifth as much as the productive area, had to be given up to protection. The production amounted to 30,072 cubic meters of timber (about 8,360,000 feet board measure or 80 feet per acre) and 4,161,- 960 pounds of resin. The yield of maritime pine stands ^^ in the Mont-de-Marsan Inspection for the year 1905 showed a total of 47.6 cubic meters per acre (on an area of 22.2 acres) for pine 40 to 50 years old. According to Lapasse: "The resinous products represent approximately one-fifteenth the total weight or 7 per cent of the yield in weight of a maritime pine felling; the proportion of the product realized then, in weight, is wood product fourteen-fifteenths or 93 per cent, resinous products one-fifteenth or 7 per cent. The production of resin is variable; it depends on the density of the stand, on the underwood, on the state of growth, the size of the trees, the age of the face, the distance from the ocean, and on the skill of the workman. The yield attains its maximum in open stands completely cleared of undergrowth, situated near the sea and during the second or third year of tapping. A humid and hot atmosphere favors the secretion of gum. The yield in resin is, on an average for 1,000 trees tapped alive, 640 quarts . . . per year, and in 5 years, the dura- tion of the tapping alive, 10,200 quarts. One might say that . . . 166 pines can yield annually a barrel of resin, but in order to collect 100 quarts it is necessary to have 50 pines tapped alive, each tree producing an average of two quarts. In the thinnings 1,000 trees tapped to death may yield (according to the size of the trees) from four to six barrels of 340 quarts each or an average of five barrels or 1,700 quarts per year and in the 4 years' duration of the tapping to death, 6,800 quarts. In this case, 200 pines . . . produce annually a barrel or 59 pines tapped to death are necessary to obtain 100 quarts of resin. In the regeneration fellings with pine 65 to 70 years old with four faces each, each face can produce 1^ quarts or 6 quarts per tree per year. One thousand pines tapped to death should produce 6,000 quarts or about 18 barrels per year, and 24,000 quarts in 4 years. An acre stocked on an average with 80 trees will yield about 480 quarts of resin per year and 1,920 in 4 years. To collect 100 quarts of resin it is necessary to have seventeen pines tapped to death per year." These figures are below rather than above the average. In the thin- nings marked during 1900 to 1905 on a total area of 57,847 acres in the 31 Rendement des Forets Domaniales de pin maritime dans les dunes landaises. Revue des Eaux et Forets, June 1906. To simplify the calculations the author has taken a liter as equal to 1 Uquid quart, whereas a liter is really 1.05671 quarts (liquid). PROTECTION 203 Inspection of Mont-de-Mars an, with the trees averaging 40 years in age, the average yields per acre were as follows: (1) Timber products, 22 pines removed, with a volume excluding branches of 3.6 cubic meters, about 1| cords (or roughly 750 board feet). (2) Resin products, total yield for the 5 years of tapping, including the pine tapped alive, 340 quarts. The average return per acre from the timber was $3.42 (average price 95 cents per cubic meter on the stump). During this period the value of resin varied from $10.61 to $17.37 a barrel (of 340 quarts). Exclud- ing 50 per cent of the value of the resin as the labor cost the net value of resin rights was $1.98 per 100 quarts, and the total average yield from thinnings was $10.15 per acre ($2.03 per year). Thus the yield from resin is twice that of timber. During the same period the clear-cut regeneration fellings yielded an average of 131 trees per acre (80 to 84 trees per acre is a fairer average), and the yield per acre was 48 cubic meters — 6,500 quarts of resin (about 10.9 thousand feet board measure) at a total net price of $116.76 per acre ^^ for land which, had it not been forested, would not only have been worthless to-day hut would even have constituted a menace. For the year 1905 the gross receipts from all the State forests in the Landes Department amounted to $111,788, with an expense for adminis- tration of $15,976, making a net revenue of $91,941 for 56,762 acres, or a net yield per acre per year of $1.67. In 1889 there was a deficit of $7,008 in the Landes. Eight years later, 1897, there was a net surplus of $5,793 while, after eight years more, the revenue had increased to almost $96,500. This increase in revenue was partly in producing capacity and partly in the increased value of the product. It is interesting to compare the yield in cubic meters, steres, and hectoliters (100 quarts) with the annual charge.^^ According to data furnished by De Lapasse in one locality 62,840 trees furnished a total of 14,640 cubic meters, 5,489 steres, and 7,900 hectoliters at a total annual charge of $9,090. On a unit basis per tree the yield is 0.28 cubic meter, 0.08 stere, 0.12 hectoliter at an annual cost to the operator of 13 cents. The rela- tive yield from thinnings is naturally very much less, since the trees are that much smaller. Protection. — When the dune reclamation work began, the commission (see p. 173) found it very necessary to have a permanent local force to prevent grazing trespass. This trespass was considered forest trespass and therefore forest guards were placed in charge, and as early as 1809 the Prefect of the Gironde decreed that " burning can under no circum- ^' Huff el cites the average net yield as $2.22 per acre per year, which agrees closely with Bert's estimate of $2.16. 33 Huffel, Vol. I, p. 183. 204 FORESTRY IN THE LANDES stances extend over more than one-sixth the land owned by each com- mune," and the local forest officer must be consulted. It is interesting that, dating from 1741, there was a law that there could be no grazing for 5 years following the burning of forest land. A similar law is now in force in Tunisia and Algeria to punish the natives for burning over grazing ground. Even when the tendency to set fire decreased, accidents tended to increase the fire danger in a region where the hazard was already very great. Notwithstanding the strict rules and fines against setting fire within 328 feet of forest, heather, or wood, fires have always done con- siderable damage in the maritime pine belt due to inflammable under- brush and regeneration, high winds, and drought. During the 10-year period, 1883-1892, only 254 acres were burned or 0.0002 of the area (protected by the State service) per year and 0.002 per year of the communal forest area. In the area not under Federal control the relationship between the area burned each year and the area not burned was as 0.78 is to 100. In other words, 11,621 acres were burned over each year out of a total area of about 1,482,626 acres. In the Landes the regulations are extremely strict against trespass and against the use of fire by contractors. The following is an example: "It is strictly forbidden: "1. To smoke, to light matches, or to carry a fire of any kind whatsoever in the forest or on forest soil. "2. To damage, move, or tear up any stakes, signs, poles, boundary notices, or notices of any kind whatsoever erected by administrative authority. "3. To remove sand, dry pine needles, sod, or any other product of the forest soil. Violations will be followed by prosecution." According to Bert: "The protection measures include; (1) Installation of tool caches in forest houses and in the cutting areas; (2) the establishment of telephone lines connecting certain forest houses with the nearest telegraph office; (3) the construction of watch towers in the Inspection of Mont-de-Marsan." Additional protective measures are: The establishment of charcoal pits is not allowed in the interior of pine forests (except in cleared open- ings at least 33 feet from the nearest tree); charcoal burning cannot be done before the first of October or after the first of April of each year (that is, during the fire season), and the charcoal could not be removed until nine days after the burning was finished; stacks of saw- mills had to be covered with spark arresters and the ground cleared. The conclusion was finally reached that fire fines were indispensable. Accordingly main fire lines at right angles to the direction of the wind, about 3,280 feet apart and 33 feet wide, were constructed; in addition PROTECTION 205 each forest was divided into compartments of 247 acres, separated by fire lines of 33 feet in width. The weeds, grass, and vegetable debris were all removed from the lines. As a rule these lines were used to back- fire fro7n, since they alone would not stop the average fire.^^ Another important item of protection in the State forests is against a root fungus, which greatly decreases growth and ultimately kills the trees. It is transmitted through the roots and is controlled by digging a trench about 2\ feet deep around infected areas. Such areas are detected by the fact that the reproduction within them starts to die. Owners claim that this disease usually appears where the roots of living trees are injured by fire. That is one reason for not permitting burning of charcoal among standing timber. A preventive measure is to thin the timber before it reaches the sapling stage.^^ There is some damage from caterpillars, and there was some good-sized areas in the State forests (near Lacanau) that appeared materially damaged in 1918. ^< See p. 275 for additional data on intensive fire protection. 55 See p. 110 for the details of early thinnings (depressage). CHAPTER IX GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS Mensuration in Working Plans (p. 206). Summary, Units of Measure, Volume Tables, Rule-of-Thumb Methods, Ocular Estimating, Calipering; Stands, Stand Graphics. Regulation of Cutting (p. 215). Broad Aims of French Regulation Policy, Application to United States, Abuses Led to Legislation, The Policy of "Reserves," Summary of Principles and Methods, Management Subdivisions, Rotations and Cutting Cycles, The Normal Forest, Regulation of Cut, Pure Area, Diameter Limit by Single Trees, Area and Age, Method of 1883, Area (Volume) Allotment by Periods, The Gurnaud Method. Working Plans (p. 243). General, The Working Plan Report, Chamonix Working Plan. MENSURATION IN WORKING PLANS Summary. — The greatest achievements of French mensuration are: (1) The recognition that mathematics and formulae are distinctly second- ary to silviculture and that exactness in forest mensuration, especially in yield data, is relatively unimportant if there is frequent stocktaking and good silviculture. (2) The use of graphics in depicting the stand instead of cumbrous, unintehigible tables. (3) The development of empirical data for selection forests. (4) Simple and workable methods unfettered by the application of theory. ''. . . it^ heads straight for the desired goal." Broilliard, a leader in French silviculture, said, in the preface to the second edition of his "Le Traitment des Bois en France" " . . . fearing to give too many figures to readers, persuaded, as I still am to-day, that mathematics leads silviculture into errors and that equations . . . never dis- close the secret of the living forest. The increasing weight of mathematics in forest studies is full of dangers, notably in Germany (where the experiment stations engage in calculations without end). Too often mathematics works on a false base; it leads to the idea of absolute conclusions, always different with the phenomena of nature; mathe- matics does not give, moreover, the solution of this simple problem: What is the future of a tree, of a stand? . . ." On the other hand there are weaknesses: (1) Confusion and variation in the use of the cubic meter and in squared log content formulae, and in the use of diameters or circumferences. There is a distinct lack of standardization. (2) The excessive use of short-cut methods. (3) The 1 Mensuration in France, by Donald Bruce, pp. 686-690, Journal of Forestry, No. 6, Vol. XVII. Donald Bruce and H. H. Chapman kindly reviewed Chapter IX. 206 UNITS OF MEASURE 207 lack of more accurate local volume tables which could have been easily and cheaply obtained. (4) Failure, through lack of funds, to keep abreast of scientific investigations and to contribute more to forest science. But the French viewpoint is of great value to the American forester even if the details of mensuration practice can rarely be used without modification. Units of Measure. — The unit of measure for logs, piling, poles, and props is the solid cubic meter- which contains 35.3 cubic feet or approxi- mately 285 board feet log scale. Contrary to the general belief in the United States it is agreed in France that there is much confusion because the cubic meter is not used in a uniform manner, and one writer said : ^ "I defy two Frenchmon, living 12.5 miles apart, to understand each other when they speak of cubic meters according to the usage of their locality even if they use the same tariff." This confusion, due largely to different methods of measurement and calculation, has led to the demand for a ''legal cubic meter" which a committee defined as follows: "The volume of a log shall be equal to the volume of a cylinder having the circum- ference of the log measured at its middle point to the nearest 2 centimeters (0.8 inch) and its length measured to the nearest 20 centimeters (8 inches). The measurement of the circumference shall be made with a melastic tape at right angles to the axes of the log. . . . The volume (thus obtained) shall be called a legal ^ cubic meter." But to be complete there must be standard rules for reductions on account of defect or irregularities. The following were proposed: (1) Measure between knots or swellings. (2) Where a log becomes irregular the purchaser can cut it off and remeasure. (3) Defect deductions to be made by joint scale. (4) Logs with checks or lightning marks clear to the heart can be rejected. (5) Logs must be at least 6.5 feet in length, Cordwood^ is measured by the stere, a stacked cubic meter, and is usually cut in 1 meter (3.3 foot) lengths, and in statistical work it is sufficiently accurate to count 1 solid cubic meter as yielding 1| steres of 2 For a discussion of converting factors see the Introduction. Those who have much converting to do should draw a converting-graph based on the best data obtainable for the conversion problem in hand. 3 Solide et Metre Cube, B., S . F . de F — C. et B., Sept. 7, 1908, J. Banchereau. ■* An interesting comparison between the new and old French measures is given on pages 14-19 of Carnet — Agenda du Forestier. Besangon, 1902. Paul Jacquin, Im- primeur. It should be noted that in France logs are measured ovtside bark, while in the United States log scaling is always wisw/e bark. ^ See also classes of cordwood and saw timber given under "Sale of Timber," page 307. 208 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS piled fuel. Cordwood is frequently sold by the ton; this is an excellent system. It compensates at once for species and for seasoning. For the measurements of log lengths the French prefer a melastic tape, and for diameter® an accurate adjustable caliper to take maximum and mini- mum diameters, or a diameter tape if only one measurement can be taken. The French policy is clearly to avoid unnecessary and costly ac- curacy when something less exact will serve just as well. Volume Tables. — Volume tables for estimating the cubic (metric) contents of standing timber are simpler and more standardized in France than in the United States. There are no volume tables in use which give the contents of trees in terms of the manufactured product. The fol- lowing classes of volume tables are used : (1) A "universal" table, based on diameter, total height, and taper of a tree (there are also tables giving contents of cylinders of given diameter and length which must be reduced by a form factor). (2) Merchantable log length table, especially designed for standards or for high forest trees, based on diameter and the merchantable length of the bole (to a top limit of 9.8 inches) classified by 2 or 4 meter lengths (6.5 to 13.1 feet). (3) Cordwood tables, based on the diameter of standards and whether (a) very branchy, (6) average, (c) mediocre, or (d) few branches. (4) Local volume tables for (a) total or (6) merchantable contents in cubic meters based on diameter alone are common and are usually based on the type (1) table and on local diameter and height measurements. It is customary to give the name of forest, working group, year table was made, author, soil, part of tree included, silvicultural system, species, altitude, and general quality. Cordwood from the top or from branches is estimated by using a ratio of the bole; this varies with the species, height of the tree, age, top cutting limit for saw timber, and silvicultural system. The results are naturally subject to wide variations. An average figure for oak high forest is 60 per cent to 75 per cent saw timber with 25 per cent to 40 per cent fuel (of this fuel one-third is fagots) ; for beech the figures for saw timber would be 10 per cent to 20 per cent less; for fir or spruce 80 per cent to 90 per cent saw timber and 20 per cent to 10 per cent fuel. But in statis- tical computations the French usually figure that 100 cubic meters gross yield of standing timber will give in (a) hardwoods, 80 cubic meters of timber and 20 cubic meters (equal to 30 stacked steres) of fuel; in (6) softwood, 90 cubic meters of timber and 10 cubic meters (15 steres) of fuel. 6 Huff el thinks there may be a 5 to 10 per cent difference between the measurements and vohime computation of a lot of large irregular logs even if great care is taken. Much of the data' which follows is from Huff el, Vol. II. VOLUME TABLES 209 It is clearly established that trees of the same (a) species, (6) diameter, (c) silvicultural system, and (d) height yield a greater volume as they increase in age but the variation is usually disregarded in ordinary valua- tion surveys, except so far as it is represented in local volume tables. The wide variation between local volume tables for the same species and diameter is merely a repetition of experience in all countries. But an- other complication arises in working plan revisions. It is desired to esti- mate the present stand accurately yet to-day's stand must be compared with the stand at the last revision because the original stand plus the cut, minus or plus the difference between the original stand and the present stand, gives an accurate line on growth. It is, therefore, necessary to compute the volumes to be compared by the same volume tables. In fact, with hundred per cent estimates, each compartment or working group is in reality a permanent sample plot which at each working plan revision gives fairly exact data on growth and yield. The sample volume table which follows is for spruce and fir in the Jura. To the figures given 10 per cent must be added if branches are included. The volume tables supplied the local officers also give the volume by cir- cumference and heights for one to nineteen trees (omitting the volumes for ten and twenty trees) to facilitate multiplication when figuring results of valuation surveys: 210 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS iCl^OOCl' t^ODClf-nfMCOiOOt^ClO Ot^(X)OOC<)CO'*LOI:^CCO • 00 I^ CO t- 00 < ■fOrt-OOa30(MfO'+iOt^C2 ■iMCO'^iOOt^QOOO' ■(Mro^ioocot^oO'-H(Mco'+;cr^ (NfO^-^iOCOt^OOClO- ■^(Mooco-^ioot^ooajO' (MOJCO^l^Ot^t^OOCiO-HlMTtHL'^ |(M(Mco^^»Cl:o^-ooc50'-l(M(^:l^ > CO (M OI^ > ■r^— i(M(MC<3CC'*i0C0t^00GCC:O'^M( ■t^OCOOO'*Ot^-^'-iCnN.iO'*(M'-iOC2CO , O rt rt' — i (M' CC CC rf< lO 'O CD 1>- X' O O ' 00-Hrt(MiMCOMiT:timb method given by Huffel (p. 120, Vol. II) for estimating mature (a) fir or (6) oak stands is to multiply the average merchantable length by from (a) 25 to (b) 30 the answer being cubic meters per hectare. This illustrates the bearing of height on volume in fully stocked stands. PRonnrr ubhaki 212 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS is often periodically measured by hand, through the use of ladders or by dimbing the tree. When stands must be cahpered, the following principles govern the valuation survey: (1) Diameter classes are 5 centimeters (or 1.97 inches).^ (2) It is not customary to note the height classes of all trees calipered except in very large valuable timber; instead, the merchantable height of a few normal trees of varying size is secured from felled trees or by measurement. The results are averaged graphically and a local volume table made for the compartment, cutting area, or working group. The height classes are usually 2 to 4 meters (6.5 to 13.1 feet). (3) In merchantable stands 100 per cent estimates are almost uniform; with cheap labor this is fully warranted. (4) In timber sales estimating is always done when trees are marked for cutting. The usual and necessary errors in estimating are considered 6 per cent of the true volume even under favorable conditions; in virgin or mature stands they count for possible errors up to 10 per cent to 13 per cent. But the French defend the volume table method of obtaining volume, even in experimental work, against the German and Swiss sample tree methods. In other words, they prefer volumes based on a local table of 40 to 50 trees rather than on 5 to 10 sample trees chosen by mathematical averages^" but selected on the basis of judgment. 9 The 1-inch diameter classes used by the U. S. Forest Service for its early working plans was an absurdity. The writer used 3-inch diameter classes for estimates in western yellow pine in Arizona and New Mexico. Captain Kittredge reported that 20 cm. cir- cumference classes (2J inch d. b. h. classes) were used in the Cote d'Or. In practice the French usually measure regular trees once; and irregular trees twice in order to secure the average diameter. 10 The valuation surveys in private forests bought by the A. E. F. were made as follows, according to a report by Dunning: Estimators are equipped with calipers and scribes or marking hammers. They proceed through the timber in parallel strips, mark each tree to be cut, taking the cir- cumference at lm30 from the ground, or in the fir of the Jura at lm50. The tally- man repeats each circumference announced to avoid mistakes. Trees from 20 to 30 cm. in circumference are recorded as poles. In hardwoods trees below 50 cm. are not usually marked. The estimators rate the height of each hardwood tree in meters usually to a top circumference of 60 cm.; if serious crooks, forks, or large hmbs occur the height is taken as far as a reasonably straight log can be obtained. In uniform stands of pine the chief of detachment or tally-man estimates the average height for each circumference class, the trees being tallied by 10 or 20 cm. classes, and the estimators announce onlj^ the circumferences. In open stands of old pine the height of each tree is taken. In the fir of the Vosges the circumference only is taken, heights being given by circumference classes in volume tables, to a top diameter of 20 cm. When the average height method is used allowance is made for exceptionally short CALIPERING STANDS 213 border trees or broken trees by diminishing the circumference. Average heights are obtained by eye estimates, by measuring sample felled trees, or by some simple method such as the use of two sticks of equal length. The chief of detachment or tally-man also determines for each stand the average middle circumference for each breast-height circumference class. This is usually done by eye or by determining the average taper per meter of length by measuring sample felled trees. In the large fir of the Jura it is impracticable to estimate the middle cir- cumference, and volume is taken from tables based on circumference at ImSO and curved heights. For felled trees the length and middle circumference outside bark is taken. Maritime, Scotch, and Austrian pine are talHed separately. In hardwoods, where occasional individuals of several species occur, these are tallied with the more numerous species which they most closely resemble, for example, poplars as birch, locust as oak, and hornbeam as beech. Sometimes larch is thus tallied as Scotch pine. Small trees which would be broken during felling operations are sometimes marked. Standing dead trees are tallied if sound. Cordwood. — In stands of pine the amount of fire-wood in steres is roughly taken as one-fifth of the number of cubic meters of saw timber, unless the chief of detachment considers the conditions unusual, when he estimates the variation accordingly. In the silver fir forest of Levier, Doubs, the number of steres of fire-wood was taken as one-tenth of the number of cubic meters of saw timber. For hardwoods the chief of detachment estimates for each stand according to condi- tions whether the number of steres of fire-wood is 1, I5, or 2 steres to the cubic meter of saw timber. Estimates of coppice are made in steres per hectare, according to species, age, density, etc., and depend much on the experience of the estimator. Reports on private forests consist of the tally (kept much the same as in America), the estimates of fire-wood and other products, and a description of the various factors of location which affect the value of the timber. Computation. — Using the middle circumference and height to a top circumference of 60 cm., the volume is taken from a table of contents of cyhnders. The same method is used for all species, except in the large fir timber of Doubs State Forests where the tally-man records the cubic contents of each tree directly in the field from a volume table. Although volume tables exist for the pines of the Landes, men of the C. F. E. say that no tree tables are used in that office. Accuracy. — The methods used are probably as nearly accurate as any in common use. For saw timber the principal factor affecting the estimate is height. Pine stands are usually uniform and the average height by circumference classes can be estimated closely. In the large fir timber in the selection forests of Doubs and Jura, separate volume tables are used for distinct site classes where the height growth varies greatly. For hardwoods the height of each tree is estimated and French foresters vary greatly in their height estimates. One chief of detachment may instruct the men to take heights only to the first large branch, fork, or serious crook, while another may insist that heights be taken to the top circumference limit as long as the trunk can be divided into straight log lengths to eliminate the effect of crook, etc. In hardwoods the height factor greatly affects the accuracy of the estimate. Cordwood estimates depend much on the experience of the estimator, and can be only approximate. Wherever possible measurement of the piled wood after cutting should be made. For saw timber under American methods of exploitation, check scales of logs after 214 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS Stand Graphics. — Under the leadership of Schaeffer," now conservator at Vesoul, the routine descriptions of selection forest stands (which "had to be done, were a great bore, and were never looked at") have been largely replaced by graphics based on the stock sheet for each compart- ment and for the forest. The objective is to picture the size classes of the stand so the marking will be guided accordingly. This, perhaps, is the feature of French mensuration and can be applied in the United States under intensive conditions. This method and its interpretation is illustrated by Figs. 19 (o) and 19 (6) (after Schaeffer) which depict the number of trees per hectare per (5 centimeter) two-inch diameter class at breast height in fir-spruce selection forests. Certainly these graphics would disclose inaccurate and untrustworthy valuation surveys. No. 1 represents a pure high forest of ten acres, where there is not a single tree less than 35 centimeters in diameter. It shows at once past regeneration has been a failure. No. 2 is for a younger stand, similar in character and where no trees less than 20 centimeters in diameter, breast-high, have been calipered. No. 3 represents a selection high forest, where the number of trees is approximately inversely proportional to the squares of the diameters. Consequently the curve approaches an hyperbola and the stand is more satisfactory to the forester. No. 4 shows at once that the stocktaking was carelessly done, for evi- dently those who were supposed to caliper did not scrupulously measure all trees, but estimated a good many with the eye. This accounts for the evident error in classifying more trees 20, 30, and 40 centimeters in diameter than trees 25 or 35. In any compartment, of course, certain diameter classes may predominate, but there would be no such irregu- larity like the teeth of a saw as is shown in No. 4. No. 5 represents a forest of 10,000 acres and consequently unevennesses have been eliminated but it is clear there are too few trees per acre, especially in the larger age-size classes. No. 6 is a young pole stand where the large number of stems less than 20 centimeters in diameter are coming into the merchantable class. The removal from the woods will nearly always fall short of the French estimates, especially in the large fir timber of the Jura, owing to defect and a certain amount of unavoidable breakage. Conclusions. — Methods used are as nearly accurate as practicable, when properly applied, for standing saw timber, felled trees, and counted material. Cordwood esti- mates are only approximate, depending on the experience of the estimator. The men are usually capable and experienced enough to apply the methods to advantage. " Interpretation des Graphiques de Peuplements. A. Schaeffer, B. S. F. de F.-C. et N., No. 6, 1912. Since the figures are merely to illustrate methods, no conversions to American units were made. BROAD AIMS OF FRENCH REGULATION POLICY 215 evolution of a regular stand from the pole stage to maturity is shown in graphic No. 10. No. 7 shows the progress of a forest toward the normal state. It is a forest which was formerly poor but which is becoming more valuable, owing to the conservative fellings. The curves show that presently it will be more nearly normal. At the first stocktaking the stand was open; trees of all diameters developed freely, but now the stand is well stocked and the young trees have ceased to increase in number, either (a) being eliminated or (6) after a successful struggle for existence have reached higher diameter classes. The curve of the third stocktaking is approach- ing the normal by a sort of wave movement very characteristic in a forest conservatively managed. No. 8 represents a forest in poor condition and where the yield is low. The old trees continue to accumulate and the density of this old excess growing stock is damaging the young growth, which is very deficient. No. 9 shows a compartment where, despite the conservative treatment and contrary to all prearranged plans, the volume has decreased from AtoB. REGULATION OF CUTTING Broad Aims of French Regulation Policy. — The aim and objective of practically all forest legislation during two or three centuries culmina- ting in the revised forest code of 1827 was to prevent the destruction, diminution, and impoverishment of French public forests in quantity and in quality. The success of this legislation depended largely on the press- ure for timber or for the capital it represented. The demand was natur- ally greatest (1) near the large towns, Hke Paris, which were the commercial timber centers, and (2) during times of stress, when families and govern- ments needed the raw product or money. Working plans,^^ or management plans as they are sometimes called, to enforce a wise use of forests, were finally required by law simply because it was found that systematic forest production with a sustained yield could not be obtained without them. Forest history has proved that even the trained forester cannot be trusted not to overcut unless he is systematically guided and controlled by a working plan that prescribes the maximum amount to be cut. And after centuries of practice the French consider a sustained yield for each forest and working group essential for the following reasons: '2 Huffel says (in a footnote, p. L5, Vol. Ill): "Out of 504 forests or working groups . . . in Meurthe-et-Moselle, there are 230 . . . antedating the forest code of 1827, 187 .. . prior to 1789, and 15 . . . prior to 1860, the oldest dating from 1726." 216 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS \ No. 2 SO 25 30 35 10 45 50 55 GO 10 15 20 25 20 25 30 35 10 15 50 55 GO 20 25 30 35 10 15 50 55 GO Inventory. Normal Material. No. 6 \ „. — BMret Inventory. \ — Second Inventory Normal Material. \ \ \ \ -^ ^^irinr- 35 10 15 50 55 GO 65 20 25 30 35 10 15 50 55 Fig. 19 (a). — Examples of Stand Graphics. BROAD AIMS OF FRENCH REGULATION POLICY 217 No. 7 I First Inventory. Second Inventory. Third Inventory. Normal Material. 20 25 30 35 10 45 50 55 60 No. 8 \ /- ""\ — 1 — 1 — ■-;-- 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 \ No. 9 \ sX<9 \ N \\ ^ :::?:;;;: - 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 00 r\ 15 20 25 35 40 45 50 55 60 Fig. 19 (6). —Examples of Stand Graphics. 218 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS 1. Local wood markets must be stabilized; and local needs, which can only be supplied from certain forests, must be met. 2. Lumberjacks, and other forest workmen who Hve in local villages, must be suppHed with work. 3. An annual revenue is necessary for the communes since it takes the place of income from taxes; it is not so necessary for the State owning forests all over France, but is considered a convenience. Working plans are necessary because it is difficult to distinguish be- tween the capital or growing stock, which is "property held in trust "^^ and the annual income or growth which constitutes the owner's returns. The main trouble with forest crops is that they become merchantable only after a long time. The yield is essentially periodic. There is a final yield at the end of the rotation, and only if thinnings are profitable or practicable is there in addition an intermediate yield. After a forest is once established, this disadvantage of deferred yield is obviated by hav- ing part of the crop mature every year and thus give a sustained annual yield, which, if necessary, may be periodic instead of annual. The longer the rotation the larger the growing stock and usually with long rotations the per cent earned by the capital invested is less than with short rotations. For example, a coppice on a rotation of 20 years, in theory at least, has less than one-fifth the growing stock when ripe of a high forest with a 100-year rotation. In practice, since the high forest soil yields more heavily, this disparity is even more marked. Due to the small interest returns from long rotations private owners frequently favor coppice with a short rotation, notwithstanding the consequent damage to the soil. On the other hand, the French State policy has been to grow the kind of wood most needed rather than that which would be most profitable. The beginnings of forest regulation in France make interesting reading because often we see conditions depicted which bear some resemblance to the conditions during the past decade in the western United States. The beginning of systematic cutting in the great Vosges^^ fir-spruce forests is of particular interest: "At the commencement of our era the Sylva Vosagus belonged to the imperial treasury. Later the great abbeys such as Remiremont, Senones, and Moyenmoutier divided the ownership of this immense domain with the Lorraine dukes, who inherited from the emperors. The Vosges fir stands thus belonged to a few very rich and power- ful owners who began a systematic improvement (of the stands) at an early date, an improvement not only of grazing and of wood usage but also of fellings for the supply of the trade. The method adopted by the Vosges foresters for this objective was the construction of sawmills. Set up on small streams which supplied the power . . . " d'Amenagement. Puton, pp. 1-18. " Huff el, Vol. Ill, pp. 108-110. APPLICATION TO UNITED STATES 219 they were pretty well over the whole region at the end of the 15th century. . . « The sawmills, which belonged to the dukes and abbeys who had built them, were leased with the stipulation that the number of trees that could be sawed would be furnished each year. These trees were cut in the watershed where the sawmill was located . . . or here and there. Thus there was a real selection felling, with the yield in number of trees, fixed not by the productive capacity of the forest, but according to the out- put of the sawmill . . . about 200 fir of average size per year. When the country tributary to a sawmill was exhausted the forest was closed and the felling was transferred to another area. Thus the Lorraine foresters obtained an exact idea of the relation between the area of the forest and the number of trees which it could annually yield without being depleted." Application. to United States. — The theoretical need of working plans has been recognized by the U. S. Forest Service for the last ten years but no systematic recording of management plans has yet been done except on a very few Forests. As a result, a number of National Forest divisions or working groups have possibly been overcut; later on this may mean hardship to the local interests. Obligatory working plans are needed to-day for all National Forest areas which are being intensively logged. It is not enough to refuse to make sales because of fear of over- cutting — there must be a definite scheme planned in advance. Other- wise the Forests will unquestionably suffer. Such is the lesson from France. And it is equally important to provide transportation to tap virgin timber where literally millions of dollars of raw product is going to waste every year, notwithstanding the timber famine which has been predicted. We must, of course, recognize that we are in a transition period, and when regulating virgin stands the excess growing stock must be reduced. Moreover the practical conditions often make it appear advisable to make very large sales so as to compete with offerings of private owners. There are forests, like the Plumas, where some over-cutting is probably necessary because the Forest Service owns but a small proportion of the timber, the bulk being in private hands. In such case the choice may be between (a) leaving islands of inaccessible uncut timber or (b) overcutting. In such case (b) may be the lesser evil. But even ad- mitting that our present rotations, cutting cycles (and even our silvicul- tural practice) are transitory, yet, even then, obligatory regulation is necessary for our public forests, for even the forester cannot be trusted to cut by rule-of-thumb. This is doubly true where many of our officers are not technically trained. Broad-gauge regulation does not signify at once tying to a mean annual growth nor a strict academic sustained annual yield — concessions must often be made to meet practical demands — but let us have our regulation down in "black and white," in orderly and systematic working plans. Such detailed plans are generally non- existant, and yet are needed. It is open to argument whether even large 220 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS virgin areas of timber, distant from transportation, should be heavily cut (as they may be) without first having a working plan to show how the removal of the over-mature timber will merge into the desired forest management. There is a striking analogy between the early crude regulation in the Vosges and the 1905-1918 "regulation" on some of our National Forests where the yield area unit or working group may correspond to the area required to supply one or more sawmills. In the Vosges "how- ever numerous were the sawmills, they touched only a small portion of the immense stand." The excess of supply over demand unquestion- ably saved these Vosges forests just as our early logging of only a small portion of the stand on private forests, because the rest was unmerchant- able, saved large areas from total destruction. But with a more in- tensive market these conditions have changed ; everything — even small trees — are merchantable, so we must look to the future. Until 1919 on our National Forests the great danger was that real mandatory (obligatory) regulation ^^ was not generally in effect. From 1905 until about 1918 the administrator has been more powerful than the working plan expert, because the expert has not formulated a practical plan — something exceedingly cUfficult because of changing conditions, unstabil- ized and unforeseen local demands, and economic factors which dictate the export of all good grades of lumber to far distant regions. Even with obligatory regulation recognized as a necessity there is danger in making sales for 8 to 10 years. With long-term sales and sales for enormous amounts to one company, as have been planned and made in a few instances, the tendency is to sell immense tracts and thus to bind the local forester to an economic lumberman's policy for years to come. Because of the frailty of human foresight, these contracts which bind the Forest Service to a long continued economic exploitation are prob- ably unwise. This means that an administration in 1910 may blindly bind the administration in 1930 to a policy of overcutting a locality in the West. The administrator of 1925 may want to build a privately- owned railroad as a separate enterprise and sell in small amounts. This he could not do because perhaps ten or fifteen townships in ques- tion had been sold to a great lumber corporation on a 20-year sale; once the investment is made can further sales be refused without hard- ship on the operator even if his plant has been amortised in the mean- time? Shall a local forest industry be wiped out? I believe such a situation is almost unique in the history of our Government. These big sales are justified by the necessity of selling overmature timber which 15 Since this was written it is understood that the Forest Service has begun the study of regulation in earnest and that long-term sales are to be largely confined to Alaska. It is hoped that the change in policy will be effective — but the lesson holds good. ABUSES LED TO LEGISLATION 221 is wasting — something commendable in itself — but they bind the future administrations of our Government to a policy which may not be wise at that time. Suppose the timber were required for local use by small isolated communities whose development was not foreseen when the long-term sale was made. The lumber company could not store the timber until needed. It must be exported where the demand for a large output is keen. It would be better to develop Government or private transportation as a separate business and then sell to small mills for short periods. The details of long-term sales have been wisely worked out but the broad-gauge policy is at fault. Would the present Forest Service administrator wilHngly sell the Kaibab Forest to one company to secure development? I believe not, because the sentiment has changed within the past year. How do large sales affect regulation? It means that to justify the very large cut, required for big sales, which removes one-half to two-thirds or more of the stand, the working groups are ex- tended to take in as much growing stock as is needed to yield the annual cut of the large sale. Under such conditions the real regulation for the benefit of the future local community may be impossible. There must be smaller working groups, smaller sales, and permanent road and railroad transportation, because the long-term sales such as have been sanctioned by the Secretary of Agriculture are merely compromises between destruc- tive lumbering and forestry. There is no need to make such compro- mises, and these sales should be abandoned. The intensive, energetic, and serious campaign for real regulation, which began in the fall of 1919 on all National Forests, based on silviculture, local economic require- ments, and yield should result in excellent management plans — needed but not 7jet in effect. Abuses Led to Legislation. — Anyone who doubts the folly of the present forest destruction in the United States, by the private owner who treats his forest as a mine instead of an annual crop, should read and study the forest history of overcutting in France. The campaigns against the use of forest capital for income did not always succeed; it took a national need for timber to make regulation possible and to stop abuse and overcutting. It was a succession of ups and downs for forest conservation, and much of the overcutting was in royal forests under trained foresters. The great conservationist Colbert showed clearly by his appointment of a special forest commission that he did not trust the foresters in charge because he had found that the tendency had been to overcut. Let us examine a few instances of the early vicissitudes of forest control. In 1596 an attempt was made to prescribe the amount of timber to be sold annually in royal forests. The plan was never followed and in 1612 was formally suppressed. In 1614 new restrictive rules were made especially for the Normandy forests but abuse and 222 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS overcutting continued. In 1661 royal forests were closed to cutting as a "reformation against forest abuse" and in 1662 Colbert started a reconnaissance and stocktaking. Colbert's^^ code of 1669, which above all was " an organic law and one of policing," was the first step that really counted because it became part of the recognized law of the country, and though it was evaded and was modified from time to time, it re- mained a bulwark against forest profligacy. In 1668 definite arrange- ments were made for working plans, which included a check and a map of the boundaries, estimates of timber, descriptions of the soil, species, merchantable sizes, local needs, rotations, and special data on timber suitable for ships. But certain abuses continued even after 1669; poor location of sales, high stumps, waste and failure to reserve sufficient standards. The Policy of "Reserves". — In French forest management the "re- serve" refers to the growing stock or timber capital held in excess of the stock which would normally be provided by the working plan. The need of reserving a nest egg of timber in communal forests (in excess of the normal growing stock), a policy continued to the present day, is clear when we look back at past improvidence. It was natural to "lean over backwards" and to retain excess growing stocks. And during the war it was fortunate for the allies that these reserves existed, for without them the war shortage would have been more acute. HuffeP^ thus summarizes the history of "reserves": "Commenced in the 16th century they then aimed solely at the general welfare," at the expense of the clergy and communes and were therefore ineffective. Reestablished in the 17th century, they aimed at the private and public interest. But during the 18th century, because of poor execution, the so-called reserves impoverished more forests than they enriched. In the 19th century the reserves were maintained for the communes and espe- cially for their finances. They were more effective as the administrative 1^ As a matter of fact the wood famine predicted by Colbert never arrived because he based his prediction on an increased demand for cord-wood whereas fuel wood has been replaced by coal, oil and electricity. It is not unlikely that a real world timher famine will never arrive because an acute shortage will bring pressure and lead to substitutes. But from the viewpoint of national efficiency and health forests will become more neces- sary as our civilization and settlement intensifies. It is interesting to compare the gross and net revenue (cited by Huffel, p. 256, Vol. Ill) before and after the Colbert reforms. In 1682 the area of the royal forests was 1,303,8.34 arpents (about 1.3 million acres). In the years 1660-69, the average gross revenue was 447,623 livres, the aver- age net revenue was 325,699 livres; 1680-89 the average gross revenue was 1,557,363 livres, the average net revenue was 1,110,773 livres. 1' Vol. Ill, pp. 84-85. The history of "fonds de reserve" is from Huffel w^ho is the best author on French forest economics. The French reserve to-day is usually separate from the working group being systematically cut over; it is held for emergencies and cut when required. THE POLICY OF "RESERVES" 223 control became firmer. The next development in the objective of the reserves was to stabilize revenue in case of an act of Providence or errors in management. Contrary to ordinary German usage, the French insist on carrying more than a "normal " growing stock. This, they argue, will stand them in good stead if there are windfalls, insect attacks, or wars. This question of a reserve in publicly owned forests is important, because we are about to begin the regulation of our National Forests. It is therefore of interest to examine how and why the policy of reserves was estabhshed in France. As early as 1549 it was ordered "that a third of the forests belonging to the communal citizens shall be reserved for growth in high forest." In 1561 this was extended to include royal forests but the reserve was reduced from one-third to one-fourth. In 1580 the order was cancelled by Henry III, but 17 years later, because of con- tinued forest destruction, the order of 1561 was reestablished and Col- bert's code of 1669 provided that one-fourth the communal and clerical^^ forests over 25 acres in area, conifers excepted, should be thrown into a reserve. From 1706 to 1730 the policy of reserves was suppressed in portions of France, but the principle was firmly established and was em- bodied in the working plans for communal broadleaf forests which were almost all completed by 1750. It was found best to have this "quarter in reserve" separated from the rest of the forest so that an inspector could determine on the ground whether a bona fide reserve had actually been made. And to-day these reserves are still considered advisable in communal forests, as provided by the revised code of 1827, because if the cutting in the regular working groups, for example, is stopped by having to clean up heavy windfall, then the reserved portion can be worked dur- ing the crisis. This furnishes employment for local laborers and safe- guards the continuance of a revenue from special fellings in the reserve. Where, as in some instances, the reserve was not separated out on the ground but merely banked by having an excess growing stock through cutting only three-fourths the estimated yield called "fonds de reserve a assiette mobile," the silvicultural results were less satisfactory, but the reserve supply of fine, large timber strengthened the special industries which depended on a local supply of high-class logs. Before the war the long rotations so prevalent in State forests constituted a strong reserve which war requirements largely reduced. As much as 15 to 18 annual yields were cut in 1917 1918 in some fir (Jura) forests. Judging by the experience of France, our public forests in the United States should not be cut up to their full capacity unless it is locally essential from the view- point of sound silvics. Under American conditions perhaps the best 18 The A. E. F. bought a part of the forest of Citeaux (Loire-et-Cher) so it is interest- ing to know that the Citeaux monks protested for over 50 years against the reserve re- quired by the law of 1669. 224 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS way to obtain a reserve is to use rotations somewhat longer than is indicated by the culmination of mean annual growth, or frankly to adopt a physical rotation and grow the large timber that the private owner can never afford to produce because of the lower financial returns. Summary of Principles and Methods. — French Government regula- tion ^^ of cuttmg shows "for a given period ^^ when, how, where, and how much should be cut in the forest." With more complicated silviculture, where the number of fellings must be increased to secure natural regulation, or with windfall or other accidents, regulation is naturally more difficult and requires modifica- tion oftener than with clear cutting. With simple coppice, regulation, once wisely established, will last indefinitely, provided the rotation remains unchanged. The management of a forest includes the (a) prehminary work upon which the working plan is based and (6) the regulation of felling which is based on the fundamental statistics collected under (a) . French writers recognize only four essential kinds of yield regulation : (1) By area, which is simple but entails sacrifices if parts of the forest are irregular and if too rigidly applied to secure an orderly sequence of age classes. (2) By number of trees, usually with a diameter limit system.^^ This gives a variable volume yield and has been abandoned, except for experimental purposes, with the exception of selection beech coppice (tallis furete). In India this method, really a crude volume method, is still extensively used possibly partly because of the fact that coolie labor is used to collect working plan valuation survey data. 15 The following management terms (French terms and American equivalents) are used by French writers: Reglement d'exploitation (cutting plan). Proces-verbal d'amenagement (working plan report). Possibilite (yield, amount forests can furnish without diminishing revenue). Serie (working group which forms a distinct economic unit). Rotation (cutting cycle). Revolution (rotation). Affectation periodique (periodic block, cut over during the period). Produits normaux (product or yield pre- scribed by permanent working plan). Produits normaux prevus (abnormal regenera- tion fellings). Produits extraordinaires (cutting of reserve, in communal forest). Produits principeaux (yield of mature timber, final regeneration fellings). Produits intermediares (thinnings). 20 Huff el, already cited. 2' Where all trees over a fixed diameter are cut by the so-called diameter limit method brought to the United States by Gifford Pinchot and first described by Lorenz in France in 1867, there is great danger of irregular yields and of overcutting virgin stands where age class normality is rarely found. Huff el says, "such a system can evidently be applied only to forests very nearly normal. In a fir stand rich in large trees, seedlings, and saplings, but poor in average sized trees, it would result in a rapid and ill-considered cutting of all the old timber in a short period of superabundance, which would be fol- lowed by a period of largely reduced fellings or even by a complete suspension of income." MANAGEMENT SUBDIVISIONS 225 (3) By volume, which is supple, difficult to calculate, requires short periods between working plan revisions and frequent inventories and is somewhat dangerous, since it is apt to lead to overcutting if the growth is largely overestimated. (4) By area and volume, a combination of (1) and (3). This is the modern method of regulation except for coppice stands which can usually be regulated correctly by area after making suitable allowances for soil quality (see page 232). Management Subdivisions. — The great lesson in a study of the details of European forest management is that in dealing with nature perfection is impossible. Regeneration is usually not complete; there are windfall and insect attacks to throw out yield calculations and create disorder silvically and financially. Until the forester learns this lesson he cannot create proper pictures of the future forest, especially if he follows the ideal of natural regeneration, which will usually be the rule in the United States for some years to come. In systematizing the cut or in regulating a forest there are two kinds of management work: (1) ''Preliminary work . . . the study of physical conditions, growth, and the economics of exploitation. (2) Essential work . . . the regulation of felhng." After deciding on the classes of product desired, based on the local or general industrial requirements (see "Rotation," page 226), and the system '-^2 ^f silviculture necessary to the objects of the State (see Chapter V) the first important step in the systematic management of a forest is to form so-called management ^^ subdivisions, for without these no yield regulation is possible. Management divisions rest fundamentally on two bases: (a) silvicultural systems and (b) economic units. A priori, simple coppice is not mixed with high forest but forms separate sections; these sections are then formed into working groups "destined to form distinct economic units with distinct cutting cycles and a sustained yield." Whether a section is divided into one or more working groups or whether the working group may comprise one or more sections de- pends on the size of the section and the economic conditions. Usually in France the section of high forest in State forests forms more than one working group and the section of coppice only one. This is immaterial to our consideration of the subject of French pubHc forest regulation. 22 In France there is always a presumption in favor of the former method of treat- ment which is the result of centuries of evolution. A change in treatment involves financial sacrifices and has usually been brought about by a change in market, which would justify a conversion from coppice to high forest, or an error in the original choice of treatment through failure to secure natural regeneration. 23 French administrative subdivisions built up from the beat, the forest, the canton, the inspection and the conservation are not treated in detail (see Chapter X, p. 273). 226 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS From the American viewpoint it is interesting to note that the areas covered by each working group in France are usually small — 1,000 to 1,300 acres — but it should be emphasized that this is due to the in- tensive economic conditions. In France a small valley may supply a lumber-jack village in the mountains with its sale of logs essential to the continuance of its waterpower sawmill. If this valley is 15 to 20 miles from a railroad, up a steep grade, the cost of obtaining the neces- sary local supply of lumber from a large producing center would be pro- hibitive. Without steady work during the winter months, when farm- ing is impossible, the laborers would have to migrate or give up their home life. These conditions often explain the small working groups, which cost more trouble and money to establish, but which hold the local population. For parts of New England it is the ideal which public forests should strive to imitate, but it must be admitted that the more working groups there are, the more difficult and complicated is the log- ging, since the sales must be smaller. According to the teaching at Nancy "the solid base of the whole management structure, the indispensable criterion of its precision, the incessant guide of administration, the necessary means of the control of operations and of the results obtained" is the compartment sub-division. Under intensive conditions this is usually between 15 and 40 acres in area and, unless soil quality varies greatly, the compartments in one forest do not vary greatly in area. An important exception is where the regulation is by area and where to obtain a nearly equal annual cut it is necessary to increase the size of compartments, where the poorer soil gives a smaller yield per acre. The main criticism of compart- ment boundaries, as found in French State forests, is that they are some- times too artificial. The soil, exposure, logging roads, ridges, valleys, canals, and railroads should all govern the shape and boundary of the compartment, but usually the boundaries in hilly country should be per- pendicular to the logging road to facilitate logging. The so-called "etoile," so common in level forest subdivisions, is more important from the scenic or shooting viewpoint than from the standpoint of logging. Rotations and Cutting Cycles. — The rotations are based on the object of the owner and are determined by technical, silvicultural, economic, or financial considerations as limited by silvicultural possibilities. Ac- cording to Fernow a rotation is "the time through which the crop is allowed to grow normally until cut and reproduced." The viewpoint in India as expressed by D'Arcy ^^ is contrary to the European conception of rotation, except in selection forests in France: "the exploitable age of a forest crop is the age at which the individual 2« D'Arcy, W. E. Preparation of Forest Plans in India. Calcutta, 1898, 3d edition. ROTATIONS AND CUTTING CYCLES 227 trees furnish the kind of produce most wanted." Endres says '^ that "by rotation period or rotation is meant that time which elapses under normal conditions between the planting and the utilization of a stand. In the case of the working group the rotation is the average time of grow- ing merchantable material which is the fundamental consideration in working plan calculations." Variations from the normal may be due to unusual silvicultural, financial, or economic conditions. Rotation is not to be confused with cutting-cycles ^^ in selection forests, which is the period elapsing between cuts on the same area. Obviously in selection forests the length of the cutting cycle has an important in- fluence on the amount removed, and the frequency of cut also has a 25 Endres, pp. 220-221. 26 There are strong arguments in favor of a long cutting period. The longer the time between cuts the more time will be allowed for eradicating damage caused by log- ging. When it is necessary to cut a amall amount per acre over a large area it neces- sarily increases the cost of logging. Some argue that the cutting cycle should not be less than the time which it will take the tree to pass from one diameter class to the follow- ing. On the other hand well-known writers, like M. Gazin, argue that the cutting cycle should be very short — 5 or 6 years — in order to secure the yield without opening up the stand too much and without the necessity for heavy cuttings. If, for example, the growth per cent is 4, a cutting cycle of 5 years means removing an amount equal to 20 per cent of the original volume; with a 10-year cutting cycle 40 per cent must be re- moved; and with 15 years, 60 per cent, which is certainly too much from a cultural point of view. A short cutting cycle, moreover, enables the removal of dead and dying trees which otherwise would lose a great deal in value. As a general rule, the more intensive the treatment the shorter the cutting cycle. With the recognized tendency to coniferous forests, intensive treatment becomes more and more necessary if the spruce, fir, or pine is to be favored in the cutting. Moreover, recent yield in- vestigations show that the growth of coniferous stands is much more than had been supposed. Schaeffer, a specialist in fir forests, advocates neither the very short nor the very long cutting cycle, but has called attention to the possibility of cutting over the same ground twice during one cycle. This double cut idea is only advocated, how- ever, for the rich compartments, since one cut per cycle would be sufficient for the areas where conditions of growth are less favorable. He says: "The cutting cycle of 16 years, usually followed under average conditions in the Savoie Alps, can be con- tinued with 8 years between the cut. In calculating the yield with conservatism it will result in certain compartments realizing every 16 years 30 per cent or more of the stand. This volume cannot be secured at one time without endangering the future of the stand." Two cuts, therefore, would be justified during the course of the formal felling cycle. However, it should be recognized that in exceptionally rich forests it would be possible to reduce the cutting cycle to 12 years and the interval between the two cuts to 6 years. On the other hand, in certain stands where the time necessary for trees to pass from one diameter class to another is 40 years, 20 years would be a better felling cycle, but instead of fixing the length of the cutting cycle arbitrarily Schaeffer advocates the determination of the number of years which it takes a tree to pass from one diameter class to another, and adopts this figure, provided during this cutting cycle each compartment will be cut over twice, but after the first cutting no new stocktaking need be made. (De la Duree de la Rotation dans les Futaies Jar- dinees. A. Schaeffer, 1907. B. de S. F. de F. — C. et B.) 228 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS direct l^earing on the amount that is lost through decay; consequently there is a tendency with intensive management to short cutting cycles of from 5 to 10 years. With extensive management longer cutting cycles are unavoidable. In Oregon (western yellow pine) a cutting cycle of 50 to 60 years has been tentatively adopted, obviously far too long when the market is established. In France, under most intensive conditions, the cutting cycle is 5 to 8 years; under less intensive conditions 9 to 18 years, and rarely more than this. The cutting cycle is usually a sub- multiple of the rotation; with a cutting cycle of 5 years it is presumed that 5 per cent of the stand will be cut every 5 years, with a cutting cycle of 10 years 10 per cent would be cut every 10 years, and with a cutting cycle of 20 years 20 per cent must be cut every 20 years. This has an important effect on practical logging, especially in the United States where a considerable cut is usually essential to justify logging investments. Short cutting cycles which are best for the cultural needs of the stand are only possible under intensive conditions. The tendency is to have too narrow an idea of what length of rotation means. For example, if 5-year-old transplants are used in a plantation, after clear cutting, which is allowed to grow 100 years, the rotation in this case would be 100 years rather than 105 years, since the age of the transplants at the time used would be omitted in the calculation. On the other hand it is recognized that the length of the rotation is shortened by the use of well-formed transplants simply because the stand matures sooner. Frequent and early thinnings are of the utmost importance in affecting the length of a rotation. With thinnings the stand will become mature earlier than if left unthinned. It must be borne in mind that while the forest as a whole may be managed according to specified rota- tions yet individual stands may be cut before or after the age fixed by the rotation because of accidents, market conditions, or numerous other considerations. Still another point worthy of emphasis is that it is usually sufficient if the rotation can be established to the nearest decade ; it is splitting hairs to figure to the exact year when computing the rotation. According to one writer: ^^ "It has often not been appreciated that the rotation actually employed is not that corresponding to the age of the smallest trees felled, but of the number of years in the felling cycles in excess of this." In India economic conditions necessitate an annual felling area, an average tree best suited to the objects of the manage- ment, sufficiently heavy fellings to insure regeneration, and, of less importance, a felling cycle which shall be a sub-multiple of the rota- tion. 27 Blascheck, A. D. "The True Selection System." Indian Forester, 1913, pp. 427-430. ROTATIONS AND CUTTING CYCLES 229 One of the chief difficulties in computing rotations, and especially financial rotations, is that the forester must use present statistics or the trend of present statistics for calculations which pretend to answer management problems on the basis of unknown or roughly approxi- mated conditions a half century or a century hence — obviously im- possible to fathom. But the proper regulation viewpoint is that the problem should be solved for the present on the basis of the best avail- able data on the assumption that when the working plan is systemati- cally revised these calculations will be recomputed and brought up to date. The fact that a revised and altered answer to the rotation prob- lem will be certain is no reason for not doing our best with available statistics. As a matter of policy it is safe to estimate future conditions based on the trend of economic conditions, rather than to follow blindly present stumpage prices, present cost values, present current interest rates, and market requirements for forest products. The best regulation imphes some attempt to fathom the future. We know from past history that forest conditions change; therefore to follow blindly present condi- tions we arrive at the least accurate predictions. There is a middle ground between following to-day's data on the one hand and on the other of making unwarranted guesses at the future. Moreover, we must realize that our calculations are at best approximations and therefore the minutia may often be omitted with profit and propriety. Efficient thinnings not only enable the forest to grow timber of a specified size in fewer years, but they increase seed production and promote earher seed crops, they decrease the date of the culmination of mean annual growth, and, as Endres puts it, "The greatest benefit is felt where the highest soil rent is maintained. It is recalled that large, early yields produce large soil rent and vice versa ... a stand that has been thinned up to the nth. year will have higher value than one that has not been thinned." In intensive regulation, as for example in parts of New England, the forester must, in theory, distinguish between the rotation for a particular stand and the rotation for a working group which is composed of a number of stands of varying quality, but in the West, in northern Arizona for example, a rough general average rotation for even an entire region will usually be a sufficiently close approximation for conditions preva- lent while National Forests are being organized. Even in a selection forest such as Chamonix (see p. 252) the French prescribe one technical rotation for Norway spruce and larch based on a rough proportion of the length of time it takes to grow the two species weighted according to the aggregate volume present. This rightly emphasized the futility of minute mathematical calculations for the solution of a problem which demands only an approximate answer. 230 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS No strictly financial rotations -^ have been established on public forests in France. The nearest approach to a high forest financial rotation is with maritime pine and Scotch pine, but even here the usual pubHc forest rotations are 10 to 30 years more than would probably be indicated by soil rent calculations. Even coppice rotations are usually 10 to 20 years longer than soil rent rotation, but are sometimes calcu- lated on the best gross money returns. Technical rotations in the United States are of more than mere histori- cal interest. Here a technical rotation, especially under conditions existing in the West, might be the final rotation chosen. Take the case of a watershed which is most suitable for producing railroad ties, because railroad ties alone could be floated down a drivable stream as on the Carson National Forest, Arizona. Here a technical rotation based on the length of time it took to grow ties of given dimensions is clearly indicated. The exact length, in this instance, would depend on the most suitable period for growing the quality of tie which yielded the largest net return on the investment, not taking into consideration compound interest charges (according to C. F. Korstian) unless the data for financial calcu- lations were available. In French Government selection forests technical rotations are usually chosen which will produce the kind of material most in demand by the public, so as to support local industries of value to the economic life of the locality. This kind of rotation, under the economic conditions existing in the Vosges, Jura, or Alps has been severely criticized by German foresters because of the financial losses usually involved. The German viewpoint as expressed by Endres -^ is: "Were we to apply the technical rotations to even aged high forests, producing mainly large timber, great financial losses would take place. However, the policy of bringing about a mixture of species in order to meet market requirements or demands is apparently correct . . . it is in keeping with sound forestry because it also maintains soil fertihty. . . . The technical rotation may also be used by the State for social and political reasons . . . but the technical rotation can only be recog- nized when production costs . . . are of no consequence to the owner." Undoubtedly there are some economic rotations on French State coppice forests where the objective is to get the maximum quantity of wood. The silvicultural rotation idea, based on the limitation of the species to reproduce or to resist decay, is always present but is never the chief factor — which is always physical — namely, the product most necessary for local or general French industry.^" Rotations may 2^ No references have been found in French working plans based on maximum soil rent or maximum forest rent. For statistical data on rotations see page 54. 29 Endres, pp. 243-244. ^ The rotation in France is ordinarily based on the length of time it takes a tree to grow to exploitable size; or, in other words, it is purely a technical rotation. For REGULATION OF CUT 231 be temporary where it is clearly recognized that the rotation adopted is a temporary expedient (see p. 191). The Normal Forest. — The normal forest with its normal distribution of age classes, normal increment, and normal growing stock is not used by the French Government in its regulation. Where the normal forest is used in working plans it is the empirically normal stand based on selected average local stand tables which show the volume in cubic meters and the number of trees by age classes. Schaeffer, in his de- velopment of working plans for selection fir stands in Savoie and Haute- Savoie, used this empirical normal stand as a basis of comparison, especially for marking the fellings prescribed by the working plan (see p. 256). Regulation of Cut. — The regulation of the cut comprises two dis- tinct operations: (1) The final fellings, regulated by area or volume or both, which naturally constitute the chief return. These are regulated by the working plan in general terms while much depends on the progress of regulation and accidents: "A more complete regulation is necessary for administration; year by year there must be prescribed the place, the kind, and the quantity of the fellings to make." (2) Intermediate fellings or thinnings, which are not regulated by volume but by area. This form of regulation is also applied to the cork-oak bark collections and to the resin crops from maritime pine. The essential regulation of French public forests may be classified as follows : ^^ example, in a slow growing forest, like Risoul, the rotation is 180 years, while in La Grande Cote, where the growth is much better, the rotation is reduced 30 years to L50 years. In the forest of La Joux, notwithstanding the rapid growth, the rotation is 150 years, because in this State forest very large wood was desired (Bois de Marines). The low returns from long technical rotations may be somewhat increased by the higher prices secured from large-sized timber. 31 Masson's method, like Von Mantel's, which consists in di\'iding the total growing stock of the forest by half the length of the rotation, is well known. In appljang this method there is realized each year a fraction of the stand represented by 2/R. This per cent of realization is not a function of the rotation. It will be 2 per cent for a rotation of 100 years, 1.43 per cent for 140 years, 1.12 per cent for 180 years, and 1 per cent for 200 years. It is necessary to have a normal stand or the cut is too high for an im- poverished forest and too low for a rich, well-stocked forest. In order to obviate this error Schaeffer worked out a correction figure based on a knowledge of the stand per acre. (No. 3, 1905, B. de S. F. de F. — C. et B.) The Masson formula was used extensively in the Vosges in the middle of the last century and gave fairly accurate results, simply because the fir rotation was usually 140 years, and by the formula the yield was thus 1 .4 per cent which happened to agree exactly with the average site of the Baden yield tables for silver fir. This method is no longer in use (see Appendix K (2)), because the fundamental assumptions, on which the formula is based, are in error. 232 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS Method of regulating the cut System of cutting Pure area Pure area Pure area Pure area Diameter limit by single trees Area and thickness of bark Area and age Method of 1883 Area — volume allotment by periods (rt) Coppice (clear cut) page 232. (b) Resin crops, page 232. ((■) Intermediate fellings, page 233. (f/) Selection high forest (solely for pro- tection), page 233. (e) Coppice (selection), page 233. (J) Cork bark, page 233. ig) Coppice-under-standards, page 234. (h) Selection high forest, page 234. (i) Even-aged high forest, page 239. Pure Area. — The underlying principle is to divide the area to be cut over into a number of equal cutting areas corresponding to the number of years in the rotation. (a) Coppice {clear cut). — If there are wide variations in soil quality, which would necessarily mean a variation in yield per acre, then the fixed area to be cut over each year can be increased or decreased so as to equahze the cut. Illustration. — If a coppice forest of 250 acres had a 20-year rotation with three-fifths the area producing 10 cords at the end of 20 years and two-fifths the area only producing 5 cords, then the area cut over would be 10 acres per year for 15 years, and 20 acres per year for 5 years when the poorer soil came to be logged. Certain principles govern the designa- tion of the cutting areas on the ground. If the forest is small, say 30 acres, it is better with a 30-year rotation to divide into fifteen or ten cutting areas, making a cut of 2 acres every other year, or 3 acres every three years. If possible similar types should be grouped into one cutting unit unless this interferes with the logging plan. Obviously it is poor policy to divide the coppice without seeing to its practicability as a logging unit. Broilliard favors rectangular cutting areas, say 1,500 by 600 feet. It is better to follow contours or logging roads in establishing coupe boundaries on hilly ground than to adhere rigidly to rectangles. The coppice cutting order should be against the prevailing storm direc- tion and it should be numbered in the order of cutting. When coppice rotations are lengthened or shortened the redivision of the cutting areas is usually an interesting puzzle which can be solved only after careful study on the ground. (6) Resin crops. — Both the final and intermediate yields are regu- lated by working over equal areas each year. No attempt is made to get a more exact yield by taking into account the soil productivity. For a detailed description of the system of working and an illustration of yield regulation see pages 191 and 192, Chapter VIII. The final yield of these maritime pine forests is also regulated by cutting equal DIAMETER LIMIT BY SINGLE TREES 233 areas each year. This is simple and works well, because regeneration immediately after clear cutting is practically certain. (c) Intermediate fellings. — These are regulated by cleaning, freeing, or thinning an equal area each year. It was found that where the volume to be removed by intermediate fellings, especially thinnings, was limited the forest suffered silviculturally, consequently no limitation of volume is considered advisable. (d) Selection high forests, usually maintained in the high mountains solely for protection purposes, are, however, cut over periodically on a cutting cycle of 12 to 20 years so as to remove the dead and dying trees which would otherwise be lost. With a protection working group of 120 years and a 12-year cutting cycle 10 acres would be cut over each year. At high altitudes where logging is difficult and expensive it is often considered more practicable to combine several years' operations, so under the conditions enumerated it would probably be better to cut 30 to 50 acres every 3 to 5 years rather than to log 10 acres, for the few trees it would yield, each year. There is no Hmitation of volume since the restriction of cut is secured by the silvicultural rule of cutting only dead, dying, and deteriorating trees. Diameter Limit by Single Trees. — The basis for this method is to cut all trees which have attained a certain diameter. This system, now largely abandoned, was first used in the Vosges in the middle ages where there was an excess of raw material and where only trees of a certain size and number were wanted at the local sawmills. (e) Coppice (selection). — The selection coppice forests of beech are found chiefly in the Pyrenees. When applied to high forest virgin stands where age class normality is rarely found, there would be grave danger of overcutting, for as Huffel says, ''Such a system can evidently only be applied to forests very nearly normal." No illustration of the method is necessary. (/) Cork bark. — The cork-oak bark yield ^^ is regulated by computing the number of trees which bear bark thick enough to be merchantable. In other words, there is the diameter limit idea applied to single trees but it is gauged by the thickness of the bark (not by the total diameter of the tree), and by the area to be harvested. (See also page 396.) Illustration. — The forest of I'Esterel is divided into two divisions each with three working groups. It takes 12 years for the cork to reach a thickness of 0.9 inch, the merchantable size, and it is collected on a cutting cycle of 2 years. The yield is obtained by dividing the number of trees (with salable bark on a working group) by 2 and multiplying by the average yield per tree. ^ For further details see Chapter III, French Forests and Forestry, by T. S. Woolsey, Jr. ■ John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1917. 234 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS Area and Age. — The regulation of (g) coppice-under-standards is based on clear cutting the coppice and felling the ripe or deteriorating standards (and thinning the IR standards where necessary) each time the coppice is clear cut. Therefore the cutting cycle is equal to the coppice rotation. The coppice cut is regulated by felling an equal area each year (see (a) page 232); the standards are cut when they reach maturity — say four coppice rotations — and sooner if they show signs of disease. In addition some of the immature standards are also re- moved at the time of the coppice felHng. An approximately equal annual cut in standards is obtained, since an approximately equal number of fresh standards are reserved when the coppice is cut. The natural loss of standards while they are growing to maturity is fairly uniform. Great freedom is allowed in leaving thrifty trees for added growth and in removing those at a standstill. Occasionally the amount of the cut in standards is gauged by applying an empirical growth per cent to the growing stock represented by the overwood or standards and then cutting just the amount of the growth. Since the standards are selected and reserved from the coppice stand the number secured is in theory fairly uniform and there is no danger in cutting on a growth per cent basis unless the new supply of IR standards falls short (see pp. 94-98). Method of 1883. — This method originated in France and will therefore be discussed in considerable detail, especially as Schaeffer has developed several refinements which have never been understood in the United States, and since this method could be applied to selection forests of spruce and fir in New England and elsewhere. This so-called method ^^ of 1883 as applied to (h) selection forests of tolerant species is as follows: After the inventory, by diameter classes, determine the rotation and the corresponding size of tree, then classify the stock in three classes: (1) Old wood, trees more than two-thirds the exploitable diameter; (2) average wood, less than two-thirds and more than one-third; (3) young wood, less than one-third (usually not calipered). Where there is a normal, or nearly normal, proportion of old and average wood the cut ^^ equals the volume of the old wood divided by a third of the rotation 33 Based on the original official instructions issued by the Secretary of Agriculture and on the Chamonix Working Plan, by A. S. Schaeffer. 34 The student should compare this method with the Hufnagl "diameter class method" described by Recknagle, pp. 100-105. The Hufnagl method (Variation 1) is: "Annual cut = Volume of trees or of diameter classes - years and over, plus increment thereof • r „ m - years. . . . Recknagle gives an interesting example of (Variation 2) where the trees have been grouped by 3-inch classes with the basis data (for each class) of volume per tree, average number of trees per acre, and years required to grow from one class to the next (and METHOD OF 1883 235 plus the growth on the old wood class while it is being cut. But in many former working plans the growth of the old wood class was not com- puted ; the result was therefore a slightly more conservative yield. The method was designated for selection high forests of tolerant species, where the regeneration could be secured in at least one-third the rotation, and where a sustained yield was important. It is based on the conception that a selection forest, normally constituted, is just like an even-aged forest (where, on equal areas, stands of all ages, up to the rotation age, are found), except that the various aged trees are intermingled. In the latter case an equal cut is secured by cutting each year areas of the same size and productivity. But in the selection forest the cutting must remove only ripe trees here and there over the entire area without any comparison of surface. Therefore in this case volume must be substituted for surface. The method is based on the assumption that the volume of the old wood is five-eighths and the volume of the average wood three-eighths the total merchantable volume, presuming that the young wood is un- merchantable. According to the French Secretary of Agriculture the data furnished by research on the mean annual rate of growth of high forests shows that this relationship is approximately as 5 is to 3. There- fore, whenever in a selection forest the volume of the old wood and the average wood is as 5 is to 3 it can be taken for granted that these two groups are similar to the first two periodic blocks of a high forest. To demonstrate that the volume covering the first two periodic blocks of a regular high forest (divided into three periodic blocks) is about as 5 is to 3, which represents their average age respectively, it suffices to note that the trees of the second periodic block are the average wood, which has arrived at a state where the annual growth is very uniform and just about equal to the average of the stand and at a period when it is safe to figure the future growth as equal to the past average. Sup- pose a high forest with a 150-year rotation were divided into three periods of 50 years each. The average age of the first (old wood) and second (average wood) periodic blocks will be 125 and 75 years and will be separated by a length of time equal to a period of 50 years. In admitting that the future growth will be equal to the average growth, the volume of the 125-year wood will be equal to that of the 75-year old wood increased by an amount equal to 50 times the annual growth. "average age of the average tree in each diameter class")- For each class the cut ,,. , . , ^, Number of trees per acre „, ,. ^ , , • i i * n IS = Volume of class X ^ : 7 — ^ , The summation of the yield for all Years to grow to next class classes is the cut per acre which can then be increased or decreased according to the surplus or deficit in the growing stock. According to Recknagle's example the surplus is reduced in one cutting cycle (which is made equal to the number of years to grow to the highest diameter class for the preceding class). 236 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS Then if we designate the volume of the 75-year-old wood as 3 the 125- year-old volume will be 3 S -\- yzX 50 = 3 + 2 or 5. This assumption of an equal mean annual growth of course is not exact, but according to French reasoning it is sufficiently accurate for an approximate formula which is being continu- ally revised at working plan revisions, when the standing timber is re- calipered. According to the original circular: "One can object to this method of classification (see definition, page 234) because the diameters are not exactly proportional to the ages, that they are not equal for the same species, or same age, inasmuch as the trees of a selection forest are very far from growing under the same conditions. But it is to be supposed that with a large number of trees ... a sufficient compensation will take place in order to even off the inaccuracies and render them negligible. Moreover, it is not essential, nor possible, to arrive at exact mathematical results. . . ." The language and the argument of the original French instructions are instructive in considering the method and in applying it. As originally promulgated, so as to be conservative, no increase was made in the cut for the growth which took place on the old wood while it was being harvested. But within recent years it is customary to figure growth. The method is simple when the proportion of the old wood to the young wood is as 5 to 3 or nearly so (see definition of method, page 234) but this normal ratio is not usually found. Instead there is (1) an excess of old wood, (2) an excess of average wood. In either (1) or (2) an approximately normal ratio is secured by transferring diameter classes from the old wood to the average wood or vice versa if it is safe silviculturally to hold over some of the older trees or if, where the average wood is too great, the large average wood sizes can be cut without too great a sacrifice. An important feature of the application of this method by the best French working plan officers is that they compare the actual growing stock, on the basis of number of trees per acre of different sizes, with an empirical "normal" stand (an adjusted average for the region). This is an essential and important part of the method as best applied but is not mentioned in the official instructions. Fig. 19 illustrates the method used, where the actual forest is progressing toward an em- pirically normal state. At the first stocktaking the stand was open; there was an improvement of the stand at the second measurement, and the curve of the third stocktaking is approaching the normal by a wave movement already referred to on page 215, A rough area check can be applied, if desired, by considering that the area cut over should be proportional to the volume removed. The original instructions stipulated that (1) the length of the felling period METHOD OF 1883 237 be a submultiple of a third of the rotation; (2) the number of compart- ments be about equal to the years in the period; (3) the local forester be free to allot the amount of the cut in each compartment according to local requirements at the time of cutting; (4) the yield be revised at the end of each felling period. Disadvantages. — (1) To be exact the number of years in each class should be varied in accordance with the number of years of growth actually consumed. (2) Unless there is some other check on the nor- mality of the old wood and average wood besides the proportion of 5 to 3 it is insufficient because an acre might contain 5 board feet of old wood and 3 board feet of average wood without being normally consti- tuted. There must be some conception of total volume. (3) Trees must be taUied down to one-third the rotation (exploitable size). The advantages are: (1) The yield is in accordance with the condition of the stand. (2) The tendency is to work toward normal diameter classes. (3) A sustained yield is secured and the growing stock is being continually built up. (4) The method has worked fairly well in practice. Illustration.^^ — The merchantable size is 24 inches corresponding to a rotation of 180 years. The old wood is 17 inches and over, the average wood 9 to 16 inches inclusive, and the young wood 1 to 8 inches. A sample inventory is shown on the following page. (A) According to the inventory the normal proportion exists, the average wood totaling 3,000 M and the old wood 5,000 M — therefore the cut is ' = 83 M per year or if the old wood were growing at the , , o . 5,000 X 0.02 X 60 ^ , , , , , , , , rate of 2 per cent per year — or 3 M would be added making the cut 86 M. (B) Suppose the volume of the old wood = 6,200 M and the volume of the average wood = 1,800 M. Here the old wood exceeds the normal proportion so the old wood diameter classes should be examined to see if they can be transferred to the average wood group and held over a period equal to 60 years — one-third the rotation. If there is no objec- tion to this transfer the trees in the 17 and 18-inch diameter classes, 35 An exact adaptation of an official French illustration of the method and as illus- trated by the Chamonix Working Plan, by A. Schaeffer. American units have been substituted. The art of French regulation under such an expert as Schaeffer rests chiefly on a thorough, intimate knowledge of the local conditions rather than on the organization of methods that differ fundamentally from what has already been accepted. Schaeffer knew the selection conifer forests of the Savoie region so well that he could probably estimate ocularly the growth per cent on any forest within one-half of 1 per cent by simply making a reconnaissance on foot. Such insight into the growth of a forest is similar to the knowledge of stands per section obtained in the West by seeing what the timber on sections of land (640 acres) looks like, and then learning what they cut out under given methods of logging. 238 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS which we will presume totals 800 M, will be deducted from the old wood. Thus 6,200 M _ 800 M = 5,400 M, ^^^ = 90 M per year, plus growth. (C) Suppose the volume of the old wood equals 3,300 M and the volume of the average wood equals 4,700 M. Here the average wood is in excess of the normal ratio, so it is determined where one or more of the largest average wood diameter classes can be transferred to the old wood for immediate cutting. If it were found that the 16-inch diameter class, which we will presume totals 600 M, can be added to the old wood, the volume will be 3,300 M plus 600 M which equals 3,900 M and the cut ' ' • equals 65 M, plus growth. Young wood Average wood Old wood Total Total Total D.B. H., Number volume, D. B. H., Number volume. D.B. H., Number volume, inches trees board feet inches trees board feet inches rees board feet 1 2 3 4 5 6 Not calipered nor computed 7 8 9 10 11 Completely 12 calipered 13 ■ and 14 computed 15 16 1 J 17 18 19 20 21 22 Completely calipered and computed 23 Totals.. . 3,000 M 5,000 M After studying the application of this method of 1883 for 25 years, Schaeffer ^^ decided that the results were very satisfactory; it has 36 Possibilite des Futaies Jardinees, A. Schaeffer, pp. 321-326. Revue des E. et F., 1908. AREA (VOLUME) ALLOTMENT BY PERIODS 239 enriched poor stands and in some eases has resulted in an excessive growing stock. But the excess of the timber capital is in accordance with the government policy of conservation. From the viewpoint of good silviculture, Schaeffer has formulated a rule for selection fir-spruce stands of always cutting at least two-thirds the actual increment each year. Otherwise the stand cannot be maintained in good condition because if less than two-thirds the increment is removed it means that some diseased or decrepit trees must be held over a cutting cycle. Such a rule has wide application to similar stands in the United States when a wave of forest saving shall finally lead us away from the current forest destruction. To practice too intensive economy in a stand means an increase in defective timber. Area (Volume) Allotment by Periods. — This method, called by French writers the ^^ "combined method," is as follows when applied to an (see i page 232) even aged high forest : The method is applied throughout France to the rich oak-beech high forests which are so noteworthy in the so-called Parisian zone of the Plains (see p. 30) where the regenera- tion is by the shelterwood system over a regeneration period of 20 to 30 years. Formerly great stress was laid on the necessity for an orderly sequence of fellings. Lately the tendency is to break away from any preconceived order of felling and instead to base the order and sequence of fellings on the conditions actually existing in the various compart- ments.^^ But protection against dangerous winds and the maintenance of protection belts of old timber is always sought after. In the spruce- fir forests great difficulty has been experienced in regularizing fellings (see p. 75). "After having fixed the length of the rotation, it is divided into equal periods, which should be long enough to permit the regeneration of a complete forest canton (during a period)." The period adopted is usually 20 to 30 years and rarely 40 years. The next step is to determine what compartments are to be cut during each period. ^^ See Huffel, Vol. Ill, "Methode combinee." To give an accurate picture of how the French apply this method, the text has been followed as closely as possible. 38 Where the shelterwood system was applied to fir-spruce stands it had been cus- tomary to divide the forests into four fixed periodic blocks corresponding to four periods, equal to one-fourth the rotation. This led, according to Huff el, to "excessive cutting of large timber on half the area (blocks I, IV, and sometimes III), absolutely deplor- able felling of average-sized timber on most of the forest (blocks I, IV, and often II), and during (the operations) the maintenance of overmature timber in the second periodic block no less deplorable. ... In the first period the revenue was too much, in the second about correct, in the third a deficiency, and in the fourth very deficient. . . . The " precomtages " invented in the last case to correct this de- ficiency rendered the yield calculation incoherent and illogical, without remedying the evil very much." 240 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS "Each periodic block must be formed of a single contiguous area, naturally de- limited, separated and distinguished in a permanent way from the bordering blocks so as to form a topographic mass in the forest. . . . The yield of chief fellings is calculated by volume, as in Cottas method. The immediate fellings (thinnings) have no fixed yield; it is enough to indicate the annual area they run over during the period. . . . The (exact) location of the principal fellings is not determined (in advance); they take place according to the needs of regeneration, at any point within the periodic block to be reahzed in turn." At the end of each period the yield is recalculated for the periodic block which will then be cut over. In theory the areas of periodic blocks should be equal, but owing to varying soil quality they may vary considerably. As already stated the period must be long enough so that regeneration can be secured, because "during a period of fixed length an entire periodic block of determined area will be cut." It is considered better to pre- scribe the cutting of 125 acres in 20 years rather than 250 acres in 40 years, because in the latter case it leads to irregularity and confusion. For example, with a rotation of 144 years, there would be a choice of (a) eight periods of 18 years, and with oak and a mild climate (a) would be preferred to the (6) or (c) alternatives which follow; (6) six periods of 24 years; (c) four periods of 36 years. The compartments are arranged in the order in which they require cutting, and they put in the first period all compartments most in need of cutting, in the order of urgency. If there is a lot of old overmature timber declining in vigor the French use the " precomptage, where they then subtract their volume from the yield of the normal maximum fellings , . . and by the same amount decrease the cut of the block when its turn comes to be cut." This is too artificial and often results in confusion. It is really borrow- ing from the future cuts to make a heavy present cut so as to get rid of overmature stands in need of regeneration. The main disadvantages of this method if applied too rigidly is that it is impossible to fix the order of cutting in advance even for one period, because the schemes are soon disarranged by nature, and contiguous blocks are impossible. If an ironclad order of cutting is maintained heavy sacrifices must be made, because stands are cut before or after they should be cut silvically. If there are subtractions and transfers, i.e., "precomptage," then the whole scheme of future management becomes disarranged (see p. 75). Variations in the commonly accepted periodic block method have been suggested by Huffel and others. Changeable periodic blocks which are not formed of contiguous compart- ments are advocated in preference to the fixed periodic block of the older working plans. This means that there is only one periodic block — the first — which at the end of each period is always being revised. A THE GURNAUD METHOD 241 similar scheme is where the forest is divided into a number of compart- ments equal to the number of years of the rotation. Then the period is based on the time it takes to get regeneration with a margin of a few years for safety. The compartments, equal in number to the years of the period, and most in need of cutting, are grouped into the periodic block to be cut during the period, and the yield is the total volume in this compartment divided by the years of the period. The Gurnaud Method.^^ — The Gurnaud method of yield regulation bases the cut upon the actual growth of the different size classes subject (a) to the condition of the stand and (&) to the judgment of the forester since, according to Jobez, "the interpretation of these figures (the growth) is entirely a personal matter and according to each individual case." The growth is secured by adding the present growing stock to the cut for the last cutting cycle; this total is subtracted from the original stand to give the apparent growth. To obtain the real growth the volume of the trees under the minimum size calipered, which grew into the merchantable size classes, is subtracted from the apparent growth. This last step is a new idea in American forest technique; it may be going to an extreme of refinement, and might be questioned. The growth per cent is then figured by dividing the original volume into the real growth. The method demands great technical skill and sound judgment in its application; any method can be made to serve under such circumstances but the Gurnaud formula is especially exacting in this respect. The method was designed for selection forests and where a forest had .the normal growing stock it could be readily applied as could any other formula method. The advantages of the method are: (1) It necessitates a frequent and detailed study of the stand by size classes, and allows the forester to use his judgment. (2) The growth is based on the increment of the whole stand and allows for the volume of trees which were too small to be calipered but which grew into merchantable size classes during the cutting period. This avoids the calculations of growth based on the increase in size of individual trees. (3) The trained forester realizes that growth and yield figures are, at best, an approximation.*" There- fore, the best way to avoid errors is to have frequent stocktaking. The disadvantages are: (1) It is not a real method of regulating the yield because correct results depend on the art of forestry rather than on definite clear-cut principles. (2) Instead of dividing the real growth by the original volume to get the growth per cent Gurnaud should have taken the mean of the first and second inventories. This error, 35 Based on the discussion by Huffel, Vol. Ill, Economic Forestiere. 40 Accroissement d'un Massif Jardine, S. F. de F. C. et B., No. 5, March, 1908, A. S. 242 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS which could easily be corrected, tends to make the growth per cent appear too high. (3) The method as originally designed requires fre- quent and accurate stocktaking and therefore is expensive and tedious. (4) The accuracy of the growth calculations depends on accurate inventories which might easily be in error by 5 to 10 per cent. There- fore if both the (a) first and (6) second inventories were (a) 10 per cent too much and (6) 10 per cent too little an error of 20 per cent would result in the yield. (5) Too much is left to the opinion and judg- ment of the forester. (6) Huff el advances another objection with which the writer is not wholly in sympathy, namely, that it is dangerous to examine too minutely the growth of trees of different sizes and ages because the stand should be regarded as a whole. The tendency to-day in the opinion of the writer is to use more judgment in treating selection stands and if possible to get rid of tree classes which show they are declining in vigor or annual growth. On the other hand the method would not work well with abnormal stands. Illustration. — Suppose a selection fir forest of 1,000 acres were divided into ten equal cutting areas, and that every 10 years, beginning in 1910, all trees over 12 inches in diameter were calipered and estimated by 2-inch diameter classes. Gurnaud would first calculate the growth for each cutting area as follows: Area of cutting 100 acres Trees Feet, board measure Stand in 1920 2,000 100 2,100 1,960 140 1,000,000 Cut 1910-1920 ... 50,000 Total 1,050,000 Stand in 1910 980,000 Apparent growth 70,000 To arrive at the true growth a deduction must be made for the 140 trees which grew into the merchantable size class: 140, 11-inch trees X 100 board feet, or 14,000 feet board measure; true growth for 10 years, 56,000 feet board measure; true growth for 1 year, 5,600 board feet. 5,600 .57 -|- per cent or better if the mean of the two inventories 5,600 980,000 were to be taken 1 ,000,000 + 980,000 = .56+ per cent. The stand 2 per acre would be 10,000 feet and the growth per acre per year 56 board feet. When it comes to an analysis of the stand separately for each size class the process is somewhat more complicated; those inter- ested in a further study of the method should study La Methode du GENERAL 243 Controle, P. Jacquin, Besangon, 1886, or La Methode du Controle, published in 1890 by the Exposition Universelle of 1889/^ WORKING PLANS General. — The working plan, or management plan, is merely the means of enforcing systematic, obligatory, mandatory regulation. It is "The plan or plans under which a given forest property is to be continu- ously managed." In France the government working plans in use to-day are the revised plans, good for only 15 to 30 years. In theory the work- ing plan revisions have to be made at the end of each period, but in Savoie, where the yield will be greatly increased after 20 years, it may be necessary to make revisions oftener. They are simple, concise, and must be followed by the local officer in charge. There is no differentia- tion into planting, protection, grazing, improvement, administration, or felling plans, such as have been attempted in the United States on our National Forests. The French working plan is essentially a timber felling plan for one or more small economic units (or working groups) of a distinct local forest. The ideal working plan should control and order the felhngs; but in addition there is a certain suppleness necessary owing to unforeseen accidents which may occur even in well-managed forests. To be suc- cessful, any working plan should be adaptable to local changes, for, without suppleness, a working plan is a failure and the tendency of any working plans officer without experience is to be too narrow and to in- sist on rigid methods appHcable to all forests. An excellent illustration of the derangement of working plan yields by windfall is in the forest of Gerardmer. On September 1, 1903, the inspector reported that in the first, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth working groups, which had a prescribed annual yield of 11,971 cubic meters, on account of tremendous windfalls, 46,378 cubic meters, or the yield for almost four years, had already been cut. In the United States fire will be the greatest cause of overturning working plans for years to come. The main difference between the working plans ^- of State and com- *i Before leaving the subject of regulation the writer should acknowledge that some of the ideas — and very fundamental and sound ones — have been absorbed from the regulation lecture notes of Professor H. H. Chapman of Yale University. Those who had the privilege of hearing Professor Chapman lecture may judge to what extent his technique has been followed. ^ The stocktaking of an average forest now costs aoout 1.5 francs per hectare, but on account of the increased cost of labor this will soon increase to 2 francs per hectare. No detailed system of cost keeping is kept for different phases of a working plan, but the'total cost per hectare, including office work, boundaries, and compartment bounda- ries, is about 3 francs per hectare (23 cents per acre). (1912 cost data.) 244 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS munal forests is that in communal forests the cut has to be divided up so that each village will not have too far to go. In other words, this is a potent reason for small sales. For example, in the forest of Dingy St. Clair, the annual cut has to be divided up so that there will be one sale near each village. The forest is on each side of a valley and it would be too costly to have one or two central sales, since the transport of the wood would have to be across the valley. This is an inconvenience to the working plans officer since it complicates the sales problem. Before attempting a new working plan it has been the French custom to have a frank discussion of the essential problems with the local force before the working plans officer makes his final decision. At this con- ference it is entirely feasible for the local officers in charge to emphasize exceptions from the general rule. Once formulated the plan must be accepted by a commune. Each ranger in charge of a district is furnished with a digest of the working plan.*^ The main points covered in this digest are the order, location and area of fellings during the period. The exact data in- cluded are rotation, yield and what should be charged against the annual felling budget; volume felHngs with the canton, compartment, area, total volume, and estimated amount to be cut designated for each separate felling; area fellings with year, canton, compartment, and area of felling classified by compartment. Under remarks is included the method of treatment, such as selection fellings, special instructions regarding the fellings, cultural rules given separately for volume and area cuttings. The data are precisely presented, and cover rather more than a double page. In past years the inventory frequently included only trees of consider- able size. To-day it usually includes trees down as small as 0.20 meter (7.9 inches) in diameter by 5-centimeter (2-inch) classes. In other words, all trees were measured in the valuation survey down to the estimated diameter which would be reached in one-third the years of the rotation. The general feeling is that this very complete inventory is exceedingly valuable for the sake of future comparisons. Schaeffer ^* has originated new methods of working plan description. In describing the fertility of the soil he argues that "figures are better than epithets." Recognizing the inaccuracy of describing soil quality, Schaeffer has established this simple rule: « The working plans in France are rarely typewritten but are copied by hand. Copy- ing costs 75 centimes per double foolscap page and one franc for tables, an ordinary map 5 francs per copy. Four copies must be made of each working plan — one copy for Paris, one for the conservator, one for the inspector, and one for the local ranger. « A. Schaeffer, S. F. de F. C. et B., No. 5. March. 1910, "Coefficients de Fertilite des Sols." GENERAL 245 "To obtain the coefficient of fertility of any stand in a selection (fir) forest, normally stocked (that is to say, complete and carrying trees of all ages properly spaced), divide the figure 40 by the average number of rings in the last centimeter of growth." This rule is explained by the following table: Number of rings in the last centimeter (average) Growth per cent Soil Tertility (key) Equivalent 2.0 5.64 20 Excellent 2.1 5.64 19 Excellent 2.2 5.64 18 Very good 2.4 5.64 17 Very good 2.5 5.64 16 Very good 2.6 5.64 15 Good 2.8 5.64 14 Good 3.0 3.76 13 Good 3.3 3.76 12 Quite good 3.6 3.76 11 Quite good 4.0 2.83 10 Quite good 4.5 2.83 9 Passable 5.0 2.26 8 Passable 6.0 1.88 7 Passable 7.0 1.61 6 Mediocre 8.0 1.41 5 Mediocre 10.0 1.13 4 Poor 13.0 0.87 3 Poor 20.0 0.57 2 Very poor 40.0 0.28 1 Very poor Another innovation in working plan description is the wide use of graphics which allow a comparison between the forest at different stages of its development and with average or normal conditions. An example of the latest forest description follows (see also p. 532) : 246 GOVERNMENT REGULATION AND WORKING PLANS I o o o o o o & Q S ^ OSS 008 o- " / " u inJ 9^0 -'~.--rcrorcD (N rjH~,-rr-r i§|||||gggi§§55ssssss H ,•' ^ y .,•"■ ' ,,-- ^ '.'-' atunioA Cvl .-I m ,r, t=ll - :i s ^- 1^- 1 CO J^lllll ;S -S S ^ ^ -3 ^ ^^-.^2.tsS .fe 1 U5 "o ^ m O 1 ■il il-- m * m w"^ § s CO i - ^ ■r^ gati i ^%tl - m f§ ■S 2 -§ b CI 6 1 s 1 o H 1 I I 1 •o 1 s 1 ri'^ - 481 s i II ■o 5 I o 1 3 i ^ in 1 1 S 1 eg - 1?^ - S. If m 2 1 in o 1 1 1 "a PC 1 1 . Selection forest, poor in old wood, but grow- ing fast. The former openings are now oc- cupied by coniferous saplings which domi- nate the birch and alder CHAMONIX WORKING PLAN 259 M. Schaeffer's argument based on these figures is given in full since it illustrates the judgment — or, if you like, guesswork — which enters into the final yield analysis and answer. "The 312 trees (bored) together take 6,742 years to pass from one (2-inch) diameter class to another or an average of ' , = 21.6. If one glances at the preceding table (see curve) it is evident that for the diameter classes between 8 and 28 inches the time it takes to pass is about constant. . . . One can conclude also that the length of the period fixed at 20 years by the working plan of 1890 should be considered as a minimum and that the rotation of 200 years adopted in the present study is not too high when it takes the average seedling 194 years to pass from a diameter of 6 inches to 24 (21.6 X 9 = 194). This conception of the average length of time (to pass from one class to another) establishes, in a way, an index of the forest. For the forest of Houches, where situated in a valley . . . the average time was 19.4 (Chamonix 21.6). This difference of two years shows that the forest of Chamonix is less favorably situated than its neighbor, and it might be said this inferiority amounts to 10 per cent. The rotation of the forest of Houches has been fixed at 180 years; that of Chamonix, therefore, ought to be normally 200 (as it is). "In evening off this growth per cent graphically (see curve; . . . several inter- esting deductions can be made. To start with it is noticeable that in the lower classes where the measurements were numerous, the evened off curve follows the actual curve. It might be stated also that beginning with 24-inch diameters the growth per cent falls normally below 1 per cent. This merits the conclusion that the reservation of trees of higher diameters should be the exception. If the evened off growth per cent is multiphed by the total volume (on the entire forest) as given in the recent stock- taking, the probable production of the forest as it stands is obtained: 2.54 X 30,437 -f 2. X 43,951, etc. (for each class), with the following total = — ' „ = 4.511 cubic meters. The average per cent would then be ' >.-- = 1.54 per cent. If it is possible to conclude that 1.54 is the maximum growth per cent under actual conditions, and given the yield reduced to 1.03 per cent then 0.51 per cent (of the growth) or about one-third will be saved each year. "There are other methods of valuing the probable production of the Chamonix forest. Taking for granted that the figure of 1,800 hectares represents the area actually 292 777 forested, it might be argued that the average stand is ' „ = 160 cubic meters roughly. By referring to the table (of average production for Savoie) ... it appears that when it takes 22 years (to pass from one diameter class to another) and the stand per hectare is 160 cubic meters then the growth is 2.5 cubic meters per hec- tare; the total growth then is 1,800 X 2.5 = 4,500 cu. m., a figure which exactly agrees with that obtained (by multiplying the volume by the growth per cent). It is, more- over, confirmed by the comparison of the compartments calipered twice; those 20 years ago had a volume of 218,980 cubic meters (calculated by the present volume table) and to-day 278,360. Since about 26,000 cubic meters (by same volume table) was cut, the production has been 278,360 + 26,000 - 218,980 = 85,380 or 4,269 per year, a figure which is also in accord with the preceding when it is considered it applies to only about 1,700 hectares (i.e., l:^^i><^«X^, ,, P (yield) = 200 ^ W)^ ^^^'"^^^ = ^'^^^' T a figure which is also near the others (already given above). This similarity, it is interesting to note, allows one to conclude that the production of the forest of Chamonix is in the neighborhood of 4,500 cubic meters and that in fixing the yield at 3,018 cubic meters there will be an annual saving of about 1,500 meters. This economy, which is really an enrichment of the stand, is fully justified and is in perfect accord with the wishes of the officials." The American professor of management could easily pick flaws in this working plan. To start with, he might argue that the same normal stand should not hold for all soils, species, mixtures, and altitudes; that Pressler's method is not exact; that the decrease in the number of trees is not fully known, and so on. But what impresses me most is the simplicity of the plan, its evident practicability, its freedom from ponderous descriptions which are replaced by tables and curves showing at a glance what the administrator must know. No two plans are exactly alike. Where there is a "Chief of Management" stationed in a district, they have no cut-and-dried air. Some of the methods are far too intensive for the United States, but it is believed the review contains suggestions which may be of value to the profession. There is practi- cally no difference in the important details between an original plan and a careful revision. As a matter of fact, the methods could be followed very closely in a forest where intensive management had to be applied such as on a small estate. It is no wonder that M. Schaeffer is recog- nized as the foremost working plan expert in France. CHAPTER X FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION ^ Brief Summary op Legislation (p. 261). General, Corsica, Maures and I'Esterel, Frontier Forests, Fishing and Shooting, Dunes and Landes, Mountain Landes, Clearing of Private Timber, References to Legislation. Administrative Organization and Education (p. 268). Early Organization, Re- organization of 1882, Salaries, Modern Organization, MUitary Rank, Education. Protection (p. 275). Introduction, Damage from Logging, Servitudes and Use of Minor Products, Excessive Pruning, Damage by Birds, Insect Damage, Damage by Game, Damage from Grazing, Fungous Damage, Windfall Damage, Damage by Frost, Damage by Sunscald and Drought, Snow Damage, Intensive Fire Damage, The Fire Problem in the Forest of I'Esterel (Var), Fire Insurance in France. Betterments (p. 290). Forest Houses, Roads and Trails, Boundaries, Maps. Sale of Timber (p. 293). General Sales Procedure, Estimate and Appraisal, Cutting and Logging Rules, Example of a Long-term Sale, Stumpage Prices. BRIEF SUMMARY OF LEGISLATION GeneraL — It is rather surprising to find a forest code and ordinance still in force, except for minor modifications, that was passed in 1827. Since that time there have been numerous special laws for Corsica'^ on account of the less intensive conditions and long-term logging con- tracts; for the Maures and I'Esterel, between Toulon and Cannes, on account of the dangerous fires; for frontier forests; for Algeria,^ Indo- China, Tunisia,^ and other colonies. There are also special laws for fishing and shooting, dunes and Landes, eroded slopes in the mountains, military organization of the Forest Service, pensions, taxes, public works, water (including log driving), and rural poHce. There are many who believe that the Forest Code of 1827 is out of date and therefore should be replaced by a new law more suited to changed conditions. On the other hand it is strict, it is well under- stood, and a change would be strongly opposed by many foresters be- cause of the disastrous effects of too lenient forest laws and the impossi- bility of passing a law as drawn up by the Forest Service owing to the probability of amendments by the legislative assembly. Those who wish to obtain an idea of the essential details covered by the code are referred to the translation of the Algerian Code of 1908 which follows 1 Major R. Y. Stuart kindly reviewed this chapter. 2 See Appendix of French Forests and Forestry (Tunisia, Algeria, and Corsica). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 261 262 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION closely, in part word for word, the French Code of 1827. The main difference is that the Algerian Code is more supple and less repressive. Corsica. — Since 1840 the Waters and Forest Service was given the right to make sales for periods up to 20 years after suitable public auction. This law provided that the transport improvements should revert to the State when the sale expired; that the State should have an option to purchase sawmills within 1.2 miles of the forest. The object of this law was to develop forests hitherto inaccessible under ordinary sales. The law of 1854 abolished grazing servitudes in Corsica but as a matter of fact even to-day grazing is practically unrestricted. Maures and I'Est^rel. — Owing to the excessive fire damage a special fire-protective scheme was legislated in 1870 and revised in 1893. The provisions of this law are discussed in this chapter under "Protection." Frontier Forests.^ — Trespass committed on a bordering State can be judged in France under French law if the State in question has passed a reciprocity law to the same effect. Fishing and Shooting. — Important and detailed laws have been enacted to govern the administration of fishing and shooting. It is inter- esting to note that the law of 1908 contains a list of the useful and harmful birds. Dunes and Landes. — The decree of April 29, 1862, placed the fixation, maintenance, conservation, and exploitation of the dunes under the Ministry of Finance (Director of Forests), but the Ministers of State, Finances, Agriculture, Commerce, and Public Works were all charged with the execution of the decree. The decree of December 14, 1810, provided for the fixation and forestation of the dunes. In the first place a map was required showing State, communal and private lands with a plan as to the best methods to follow. Where owners were unable to carry out the measures prescril^ed it was arranged that the work should be undertaken by the State and managed until the cost of the work was completely paid for with interest (since April 7, 1900, calculated at 4 per cent). The measures included: Forbidding the removal of weeds or plants from dune areas without special authorization, patrol and police force, and the State was given the right to remove brush from private land. The ordinance of February 5, 1817, provided that the work should be directed by the "Fonts et Chaussees" under the Minis- try of the Interior, with the provision that when the trees reached a certain age, to be determined later, they would be under the Waters and Forests Service. The ordinance of January 31, 1839, sanctioned the auction of resine on 18,632 acres of wooded dunes; both thinnings and final cuttings were mentioned and natural regeneration was to be 3 The basis for these data and what follows is: Code de la Legislation Forestiere, A. Puton et Ch. Guyot, Paris. CLEARING OF PRIVATE TIMBER 263 provided for. The ordinances of July 15, 1810, and May 2, 1810, pro- vided protective measures for the dunes in the Department of the Pas-de-Calais, no ditches or removal of sand within 200 fathoms of high water, no removal of grass or weeds, no grazing without special authorization. The law of June 10, 1857, provided for the drainage and sowing of communal lands at the expense of the communes, or if they were unable at the expense of the State, with reimbursement from the proceeds with principal and interest. Mountain Lands. — The law of July 28, 1860, which provided for the restoration of the eroded mountains, was superseded by the law of April 4, 1882. Before a reforestation area boundary is decided upon there is an open hearing in each of the communes interested, a meeting of the municipal councils, a recommendation of the Arrondissement Council, General Council, and Special Commission. The period of inquiry is 30 days and if a decision is made to set aside the area for reforestation then a law is passed setting aside the land required as shown by the approved reports, maps, and plans of forest officers. The work is carried out by the Waters and Forest Service at the expense of the State. The ownership of this land is governed as follows: Where institution, communal, or private land is being damaged by grazing it can be reserved from use after inquiry and consideration similar to that required before reforestation, but if, after 10 years, it is still necessary to reserve it, pubHc expropriation is necessary. The annual loss during the first 10 years of reservation is paid for from the municipal treasury. Work can be undertaken at the expense of the State to hasten restoration, and trespass will be prosecuted as if on a forest. Clearing of Private Timber. — The restrictions against clearing private forest land, even if for purposes of cultivation, are so stringent that the analysis of the law by Guyot is given in full. It is generally referred to as the law of June 18, 1859, put into effect December 19, of the same year.* Art 219 (Law of June 18, 1859). - No private owner has a right to grub up or to clear his timber without notifying the sous-pr6fecture at least 4 months m advance, during which time the administration may inform the owner of its opposition to the clearing. The declaration of the owner states choice of residence in the canton m which the timber is located. Before signifying opposition, and at least 8 days after advice is given to the party concerned, the inspecteur or the "sous-inspecteur," or one of the "gardes generaux of the circonscription, proceeds with the examination of the condition and location of the timber and makes out a detailed "proces-verbal" of which the party is given notice with the request that any objections be submitted. 4 Translated by R. C. Hall. 264 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION The prefet, "en conseil de prefecture," gives his opinion on this opposition. The forest agent of the department is notified of this opinion as well as the owner, and it is transmitted to the Minister of Finances who makes an administrative decision, after having consulted the financial section of the "conseil d'etat." If, within six months following the notification of opposition, the decision of the minister is not given and transmitted to the owner of the timber, the clearing may take place. Original Art. 219. — For 20 years from the date of promulgation of the present law, private owners have no right to grub up or to clear their timber, unless they notify the sous-prefet at least 6 months in advance, during which time the administration may inform the owner of its opposition to the clearing. Within the 6 months from this notification, the prefet has to decide the case subject to approval of the Minister of Finances. If within the 6 months following the notification of the opposition, the decision of the minister has not been given and transmitted the owner, then the clearing of timber may take place. Ordonnance of Aiigust 1, 1827, for the execution of the "Code Forestier." REGULATIONS REGARDING THE CLEARING OF TIMBER Art. 192. (Decree Nov. 22, 1859.) — The declarations prescribed in Art. 219 of the "Code Forestier" must indicate the name, the location, and the area of the timber which private owners desire to clear; furthermore they must mention the choice of a residence in the canton in which the timber is located; these declarations will be made in duplicate and deposited at the prefecture where they will be put on record. They will be signed by the sous-prefet who will give back one of the copies to the owner mak- ing out the declaration, and will immediately transmit the other to the "agent forestier superieur de I'arrondissement." Art. 193. (Decree of Nov. 22, 1859.) — Before proceeding with the investigation of the conditions and location of timber, and at least 8 months in advance, one of the agents designated by Article 219 of the "Code Forestier" will have to send the party concerned, at the residence selected by this party, a notice stating the day on which the said investigation will take place and inviting the party to assist or to be represented. Art. 194. (Decree of Nov. 22, 1859.) — The proces-verbal established by the for- estry agent will mention all data and information^ which may be of such a nature as to cause objection to the clearing on account of one of the reasons enumerated in Article 220 of the "Code Forestier"; furthermore, if the timber in question is located in part of the frontier zone, where the clearing cannot take place without authorization, this fact will simply be mentioned in the proces-verbal. Art. 195. (Decree of Nov. 22, 1859.) — The proces-verbal will be transmitted with all papers to the conservateur who, before reporting his opposition, will have a copy of it sent to the party concerned, inviting him to present his objections. Art. 196. (Decree of Nov. 22, 1859.) — If the conservateur thinks that the timber must not be cleared, he will transmit his opposition to the owner and he will immediately refer the case to the prefet, transmitting him all his papers with his objections. In a contrary case, the conservateur will refer without delay to the directeur g6n6ral des forets, who will report on the matter to the Minister of Finances. Art. 197. (Decree of Nov. 22, 1859.) — Within a month's time, the prefet, at the prefecture meeting, will give his opinion regarding the opposition with full details. Within 8 days following this opinion, the prefet will have it transmitted to the owner of the timber and to the conservateur and, if there is no conservateur in the REGULATIONS REGARDING THE CLEARING OF TIMBER 265 department, to the "agent forestier sup6rieur" who wiU decide the case after having consulted the financial section of the "conseil d'etat." The ministerial decision will be transmitted to the owner within 6 months from the date of notification of the oppo- sition. Art. 220. (Law of June 18, 1859.) — Opposition to the clearing can only be formu- lated for the timber preservation of which is recognized as being necessary : (1) For the maintenance of soil on mountains or slopes. (2) As a protection against soil erosion and silting up of creeks, rivers and torrents. (3) For the existence of springs and water courses. (4) For the protection of dunes and coasts against erosion by the sea and invasion of sand. (5) As a protection of territory in that part of the frontier zone which shall be deter- mined by regulation of public administration. (6) For public health. The previous Article 220 is now the new Article 221. Art. 221. (Law of June 18, 1859.) — In case of violation of Art. 219 the owner is fined the sum of $96.50 minimum and .$289.50 maximum per hectare {2\ acres) of cleared timber. Furthermore, he is compelled, if so ordered by the Minister of Finances, to replant places cleared with timber trees within a period which cannot exceed three years. "Code Forestier," 91, 159, 160, 165, 198, 199, 219, 223. Original Art. 221 . — In case of failure of the owner to do the planting or the sowing within the time prescribed by the judgment, the work will be done at his expense by the forestry administration upon authorization previously given by the prefet who will settle the voucher covering this work and will have it executed against the owner. Ordonnance of August 1, 1827. Art. 198. (Decree of Nov. 22, 18.59.) — When mayors and ad joints shall have made out proces-verbaux stating that clearing work has been effectuated in violation of Title 15 of the Forestry Code, they will be obliged, independently of the delivery they must make of them to our "procureurs," to send a certified copy to the local forestry agent. Art. 199. (Decree of Nov. 22, 1859.) — The conservateur will report to the directeur general des forets on the condemnations pronounced in the case provided for in Par. 1 of Article 221 of the Forestry Code, and will give his advice on the necessity of replant- ing the places with timber trees. The ministerial decision which will order replant- ing, will be transmitted to the party concerned through administrative channels. Art. 222. (Law of June 18, 1859.) — In case of failure of the owner to do the planting or sowing within the time prescribed by the ministerial decision, the work will be done at his expense by the forestry administration upon authorization previously given by the prefet who will settle the voucher covering this work and will have it executed against the owner. "Code Forestier," 15, 41, 140, 221. New Article 222 (Forestry Code) is only a reproduction of Article 221 of the same code, except for the substitution of the words "ministerial decision" for the word "judgment," as a consequence of the change brought by the law of June 18, 1859, to the wording of former Article 220. Art. 223. (Law of June 18, 1859.) — The disposition contained in the preceding four articles may be applied to the sowing and planting made for replacement of cleared timber pursuant to the ministerial decision. "Code Forestier," 219 s., 224. Article 223 (Forestry Code) modified by the Law of June 18, 1859, reads hke the old Article 222 of the same code, in which the word "judgment" has been replaced by the expression "ministerial decision" in order that this disposition may agree with the new wording of Article 221. 266 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION Art. 224. (Law of June 18, 1859.) — There are excepted from the regulations of Art. 219: (1) Young timber during the 20 years following its sowing or planting, except in case provided for in the preceding article. (2) Parks or fenced gardens, or gardens adjoining houses. (3) Open timber of less than 10 hectares area (24.7 acres) when not part of another forest, the whole of which aggregates an area of 10 hectares, or when not lo- cated on the top or on the slopes of a mountain. Forestry Code 219, 223. New Article 224 (Forestry Code) corresponds to the old Article 223. It only modi- fies it by: (1) Substituting the figure of 10 hectares for 4 hectares for the area of timber which may be cleared without fulfilling formalities determined by Article 219 (Forestry Code). (2) Substituting the expression "fenced gardens or gardens adjoining houses" for the words "fenced gardens and gardens adjoining houses," concerning trees forming part of parks or gardens exempted by the application of Article 219. Art. 225. (Law of June 18, 1859.) — Court actions concerning clearings made in violation with Article 219 are outlawed after lapse of two years from the date when the clearing took place. — ■ Forestry Code 185, 187, 221. New Article 225 is the reproduction of previous Article 224. Art. 226. (Law of June 18, 1859.) — The sowings and plantings of timber on the top or on the slopes of mountains, on dunes, or in the waste lands will be exempted from taxes for 30 years. — Forestry Code 194, 195, 219 s. New Article 226 reproduces the terms of Article 225, except two changes. Law of March 29, 1897. — Fixing the general budget of expenses and receipts of exercise, 1897 (Renueil Periodique Dallez, 97.4.33). Art. 3. Article 116 of the Law of the 3 Frimaire, an VII, regarding the repartition and the situation of the land-tax is modified as follows: "The revenue taxable on any cleared soil which shall be afterwards planted or sown with timber will be reduced by three-fourths during the first 30 years after planting or sowing, whatever may have been the state of cultivation of the soil prior to the clearing. 1. The ministerial decision which refuses an owner of timber the authorization of clearing is not limited in its duration; it is final and lasts with all its effects so long as unmodified or not recalled by the minister who rendered it. — Cr. c, March 15, 1884. D. P., 84.5.281. 2. The prohibition of clearing pronounced under these conditions has the character of a true legal servitude burdening directly the timber itself, and as long as this inter- dict has not been recalled, it keeps all its force in regard to the owner who has made the declaration requesting clearing as well as toward his assigns "a titre gratuit" or "a titre on^reux." Then, if the said owner or his assigns thinks proper to provoke a new investigation in order to be authorized to clear all or part of the timber on which the ministerial decision has been made, he should not proceed in accordance with the terms prescribed in Art. 219 (Forestry Code), but should address directly the minister who has made the decision in order to obtain from him the modification or cancellation of his decision. — Same decree. 3. Par. 2 of Article 214 (Forestry Code) which excepts from the prohibition of clearing "the parks or fenced gardens adjoining houses," must be understood in this sense, that the exception exists only in favor of parks or gardens which are actually both fenced and adjoining habitations. Riom, June 11, 1883, D. P., 84.5.283. 4. Especially one cannot consider as a park in the meaning of Article 224 (Forestry Code) a body of timber around a chateau but not fenced; it makes little difference if this timber combines certain conditions of management for the satisfaction and interest of the owner. — Same decree. REGULATIONS REGARDING THE CLEARING OF TIMBER 267 5. And the appellate judge cannot admit the proof of the enclosure of the timber when the lack of enclosure has not been established by a court which has had authority to deal with the subject. — Same decree. 6. The Par. 3 of Art. 224 (Forestry Code) freeing from the interdiction of clearing, timber not fenced, of less than 10 hectares (24.7 acres) area, provided it is not part of another forest which would make up an area of 10 hectares, does not establish any dis- tinction between timber belonging to the same owners or to different owners. Riom, June 11, 1883, D. P., 84.5.282. 7. The accused party has to prove that the timber cleared was of an area less than 10 hectares, and that it was not part of a body of timber of more than 10 hectares area. — Same decree. 8. And this proof cannot be accepted when the contrary is formally stated by a "proces-verbal" which must be trusted until shown false. — Same decree. 9. The exemption from all taxes during 30 years, established by Art. 226 (Forestry Code) in favor of sowings and plantings of timber on the tops or slopes of mountains is only apphcable to the "land-tax" and not to the registration taxes, especially to taxes for transfers due to death. — Req. July 7, 1885. D. P., 85.1.453.^ Certain features of land control (or acquisition) for combating drift- ing sand or erosion deserve emphasis if only to illustrate how demo- cratic the governmental methods are in France when the interests of the local inhabitants are concerned: (1) Where private owners are unwilling to repair damage injurious to the public interests the use of the land can be taken over by the State, the work done and the land only returned to the original owners when they pay the bill with legal interest, or when the costs are earned by the land itself; or in the mountains the land may be condemned, the necessary work done by the State when the owner could secure his 6 Speaking of French forest taxation, W. B. Greeley concludes: ". . . When land is planted which has lain fallow for a considerable time, the law provides that there shall be no increase in the assessed value, or rated income, of the ground for a like period. Aside from these exemptions, private forests in France are taxed on their current income, a method which dates back to the Revolutionary period. Under the law of 1907 a valuation commission periodically classifies the lands in all forms of culture, commune by commune, in accordance with their relative pro- ductivity. There may thus be three or four types of forest, as determined by their soil and timber species and the value of their products. A net yearly income is then ob- tained for average areas wthin each type. All forest properties shown on the official survey and plats of the commune are thus classified and a net income based upon the sample tracts studied is assigned to each. The periodic revenues customary in French forests, where nearly all properties harvest some products every few years, are, under this system, reduced to an annual basis which represents the net returns for stumpage after deducting costs of upkeep, fire protection, forest guards, thinnings, planting blanks, and other cultural measures. The tax is levied upon this net income and usually amounts to 8 or 10 per cent, about half of which goes to the central government. The rest comprises the departmental and communal taxes and levies for local roads. It is of interest to note that French forest owners are demanding a straight-out yield tax levied upon forest products when actually cut, the same principle which is generally regarded as the basis for forest tax reforms in the United States. . . . 268 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION land by repaying the State with interest; as an alternative the private owner could secure half his land by trading the other half to the State to cancel the costs of reparation. Similar methods were applied to communal lands which were really private lands owned in fee simple but with the various interests undivided. (2) Before mountain land can be reserved from use the scheme advo- cated by Government technical representatives had to be passed upon by the village, by the commune, by the arrondissement, by the depart- ment, by a technical and political commission, and by the Secretary of Agriculture who also had to have a decree by the House of Deputies before the actual work could be begun. These details are recited to illustrate the difficulty of securing legisla- tion in France, even if it aims at benefiting the public, if private inter- ests are on the defensive. Even during the Great War the requisition of private timber finally had to be passed upon by a local and a central commission before the requisition could be placed. And in France the adverse interests are always represented on the commissions. More- over these interests have representatives in the House of Deputies who can embarrass the ruling party if injustice is done. References to Legislation. — Special features of French forest legisla- tion are treated in the various studies of this volume; the references are given in the Index under "Legislation." ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION AND EDUCATION Early Organization. — The quality and efficiency of the French Waters and Forests Service has varied with the history of France. It is not surprising that, in the early days, there was a great deal of graft and incompetency. It was the order of the day. At a period when even the bishops and clergy lent themselves to corrupt methods of ad- ministration it was no wonder that the Forest Service suffered likewise. Beginning in 1554 positions in the Forest Service were sold by the King and from the 17th century employment in the royal forests was heredi- tary. The first mention of regular "conservations" was in 1791, when France was divided ® into 28 conservatorships with inspectors, assistant inspectors, guards, surveyors, and rangers as assistants. In 1817 the Forest Service was suppressed, but in 1820 it was reestablished. Real forestry might be said to have started in France December 1, 1824, with the founding of the Nancy Forest School, the first director being Bernard Lorentz, who had studied under Hartig in Germany. Such foresters as Parade, Nanquette, Bagneris, and Broilliard were the result of teaching by Lorentz. » See Huffel, Vol. I, pp. 308, 325. REORGANIZATION 269 Reorganization of 1882. — On August 1, 1882/ the forest department was reorganized. On that date the departmental estabhshment was simplified and was reorganized to include general inspectors, conservators, "> "You will find below the text of a Government order, dated August 1, 1882, which confirms the new organization of the Forest Department of which the foundations had been laid by the Minister of Agriculture on the 28th of April preceding. The publica- tions of M. Tassy, late Conservator of Forests, have made known to you the spirit and object of this much needed reform. "It was in fact necessary to put an end to the confusion of functions everj^where existing in our department; it was necessary to suppress divers grades corresponding to identical duties as superfluous; and lastly, it was necessary to stop the frequent trans- fers of forest officers, and to accelerate their chances of promotion to responsible posts. "Such are the results that we may be permitted to expect from these reforms. The departmental establishment is simplified. It is composed of general inspectors, of conservators, of inspectors, of general guards. It would seem useful to define sum- marily the attributes attaching to these several grades. "General Inspectors. — They represent the superior administration in their tours of inspection in the provinces. "Visiting the different forest regions every year, in frequent contact with the officers of all grades, and thus becoming acquainted with their capabilities, it is the mission of the general inspectors to secure unity of action in conformity with plans previously agreed upon. "In the intervals between their tours, as members of the administrative council under the presidency of the director general, they are enabled, from a complete local knowledge, to offer their opinions on the proposals made by forest officers. "Conservators. — The conservator's r61e is to transmit orders and to explain their spirit and object to the ofl^cers placed under his orders. His attributes are not altered, but the control of operations and works, which he used to exercise in concurrence with inspectors, now falls on him alone and will necessitate a greater activity on his part. "The efficacy of this control will besides be facilitated by the early formation of new forest circles. "Inspectors. — The inspector of forests has now become the chief executive officer of the department, and has the initiative and responsibility in all principal forest opera- tions. He prepares and executes plans and estimates of works. He directs fellings, whether principal or secondary, and remains responsible for those, the execution of which is intrusted in certain cases to his subordinates. He issues all executive orders and conducts all the correspondence. lender the new system he combines the former duties of an inspector with most of those which hitherto devolved on range oflficers (chefs de cantonment), that is, sub-inspector, general guard, or general guard 'adjoint.' "The execution of all those duties has been rendered possible by the Government order of August 1, last, which increases the number of inspectors from .160 to 240, and at the same time reduces the areas of their charges to about 30,000 acres. "The inspector will be assisted in his office work by a clerk, and in his other duties by a number of subordinates from the secondary forest schools. The latter will serve under his orders in charge of ranges with the title of general guard, and will be responsible to him. "General Guards. — The general guard is an ofl!icer whose duties are essentially active, who should be as often as possible lodged in a house belonging to the department, and should keep neither an office nor records. ... In the same spirit it is intended that in order to reward capable and zealous foresters, promotion to certain posts of 270 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION inspectors, and forest assistants.^ The general inspectors represented the administration at Paris and inspected the work throughout France. In the office they passed upon proposals submitted by forest officers. The conservator transmitted orders sent him from Paris and explained their spirit and object to the officers under his charge. The inspectors were made the chief executive officers and had the initiative and re- sponsibility for all important forest operations, such as executing plans and making estimates, supervision of fellings, correspondence, and such work as is now performed by forest supervisors in the United States. Under the inspectors the forest assistants performed field work, but were not responsible for administration. They assisted and supervised rangers and guards. The organization of 1882 did not last long, for in 1883 they returned to the system of "cantonments" managed by forest assistants and assistant inspectors. The general inspectors' positions which had been done away with in 1887 and replaced by administrators under the director at Paris were reestablished at the end of 1911, but the number was reduced to two. A resume of the suc- cessive organizations is shown in the table which follows: TABLE 23.— NUMBER OF OFFICERS IN EACH GRADE General inspectors Administrators Conservators Cnief of personnel Directors and professors Inspectors Assistant inspectors Forest assistants Inspector (assistant) in office Forest assistants, fourth and fifth classes. Forest assistants (office) 39 189 300 213 41 1 3 244 234 243 65 3 36 5 237 228 179 56 3 37 "5 235 223 202 46 etc Total supervisory force. Total subalterns 234 584 287 554 281 463 280 471 Totals. 818 851 744 751 general guard may be open to them, although they may not have undergone the tests of passing out from the secondary schools. "For the success of the reform, I rely on the zeal and good will of officers of all grades. They will find in the new organization better chances of promotion, and will be able to devote a part of the time hitherto spent in the office to out-door work. To these advantages I hope that increased pay may soon be added, and in this expectation I am encouraged by the benevolent intentions of which the Minister of Agriculture has already given us so many proofs. In any case I can announce that traveling allow- ances will shortly be better proportioned to the actual expenses incurred by officers." 8 For detailed data and names of officers see the Annuaire des Eaux et Forets, pub- lished annually by the Revue des Eaux et Forets. SALARIES 271 No change in 1912 in other grades.^ Reorganization under considera- tion. Salaries. — The yearly salary of a French forest officer is low^" and has 9 L' Administration Forestiere et des Transformations. By "P. F.," "R. E. and F.," pp._618-620. 1911. These data on organization were checked by Lt. Col. Parde, Director of the Barres Ranger School. " During the war they have received per diem allowances to compensate for the high cost of hving. As a matter of fact these were entirely inadequate and were only $1 to $2 a day. The amount depended on rank. On account of the increased cost of hving, the following new salary schedule (retro- active to July 1, 1919) was approved by Deschanel on March 13, 1920. The salaries are in dollars at the normal rate of exchange: Class General inspectors Conservators Inspectors Assistant inspectors Forest assistants Professors at school of Nancy "Agents compatable" at school 1 2 3 4 4,250 3,860 3,470 3,470 3,090 2,700 2,700 2,500 2,310 2,120 2,120 1,930 or 1,740 1,530 1,330 1,230 1 clerical c 1,140 students 770 3,090 2,900 luty 2,700 2,500 2,310 2,120 1,740 1,560 1,380 1,200 1,020 880 5 6 As a matter of fact these salaries at the current rate of exchange are about one-third the amounts hsted in dollars because to-day (May 15, 1920) it takes 15 francs to equal a dollar. It is interesting to compare the French salaries with those paid in British India in 1916, which are more than double those paid officers in the U. S. F. S.: Inspector general, $10,600 per year. Chief conservators, $8,600 per year. Conservators in three grades, $7,600, $6,800, and $6,000 per year. Deputy conservators and assistant conservators, $1,520 per year, rising by annual increments of $160 to a maximum salary of $2,800, when the annual increment becomes $200, until a maximum of $5,000 is reached in the twentieth year of service. (While drawing pay up to and including $2,160, officers are styled assistant conservators, and after this deputy conservators.) The provincial Forest Service, recruited from the native population, includes: Extra assistant conservators, $1,000 per year, and rising by annual increases of $80 to $2,200 in the sixteenth year of service. Extra deputy conservators, $2,300 per year, and ris- ing by annual increments of $100 to a maximum of $2,600. By special orders in each case an extra deputy conservator's pay may be raised to $2,800, $3,200, or $3,400, respectively. The subordinate force is paid as follows: Rangers, $200 to $800 per year. Deputy rangers and foresters, $60 to $160 per year. In Burma the pay ranges from $80 to $200 per year. For guards and other subordinates the pay varies, according to the standard of wages in the various provinces, from $28 to $60 per year. 272 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION always been considered too low when the nature of his work is compared with other branches where higher pay is received. The allowances for travel are on a per diem basis and increase with the higher rank. General inspector Conservator Inspector Assistant inspector Forest assistant National forest school student. .$2,509.00 2,316.00 1,302.75 916.75 636.90 "231.60 S2,123 1,930 1,206 820 550 •SI, 737. 00 1,090.45 723,75 $1,544.00 993.95 <* Per year during school attendance. If an agent, such as an inspector or assistant inspector, is attached solely for office duty he receives the regular pay of his rank. Frequently a forest assistant or an assistant inspector who is poor at field work may be given a position similar to that of chief clerk. The rate of pay per year for the subordinate force (prepos^s) was (1918): 1. Detailed as clerks: Special (oflfice assistant) 12 3 Rangers $.328.10 $308.80 $289.50 $270.20 Guards One class of $250.90 with free lodging. 2. In the forest with free lodging: Special 12 3 Rangers $308.80 $289.50 $270.20 $250.90 Guards 250.90 231.60 212.30 193.00 In addition to this schedule of pay every employee entitled to the forest honor medal for exceptionally meritorious work receives $9.65 a year extra. While a ranger is at the Barr^s Secondary School he receives the full salary attached to his rank. All officers and subordinates receive a pension. Modern Organization. — The modern organization of the French For- est Service (the result of the 1888 decree) is as follows: It is under the Department of Agriculture and is managed by a Direc- tor General who is a Conseiller d'fitat. The different bureaus at Paris are under three conservators (corresponding to branch chiefs in the U. S. F. S.). These bureaus are divided into sections as follows: Per- sonnel and organization, areas, forest instruction, grazing and game, management, exploitation, reforestation, betterments, and fish culture. The two general inspectors are charged with the inspection of the work in all departments outside Paris. MODERN ORGANIZATION 273 France proper is divided into thirty-two conservations. This includes Corsica ^^ which is listed as the thirtieth conservation. These thirty-two conservations are located at the following points : (1) Paris (Oise, Seine, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-et-Oise). (2) Rouen (Calvados, Eure, Eure-et-Loire, Manche, and Seine-Inf^r.). (3) Dijon (Cote-d'Or). (4) Nancy (Meurthe-et-M. Meuse p., Vosges p.). (5) Chambery (Mayenne, Savoie, Haute-Savoie). (6) Charleville (Ardennes, Aube p., Marne). (7) Amiens (Aisne, Nord, Oise p., Pas-de-Calais, Somme). (8) Troyes (Aube, Cote-d'Or p., Marne (Haute) p., Yonne). (9) fipinal (Meur-et-M. p., Vosges). (10) Gap, Alpes (Hautes). (11) Valence (Ardeche, Drome, Vaucluse). (12) Besangon (Doubs, Terr, de Belf.). (13) Lons-le-Saunier (Jura). (14) Grenoble (Isere, Loire, Rhone). (15) Alengon (C6tes-du-Nord, Finistere, lUe-et-Vilaine, Morbihan, Orne, Sarthe), (16) Bar-le-Duc (Ardennes p., Meuse). (17) Magon (Ain, Saone-et-Loire). (18) Toulouse (Ariege, Haute-Garonne, Gers p., Tarn-et-Gar) . (19) Tours (Indre-et-Loire, Loir-et-Cher, Loire-Infer., Loiret, Maine-et-Loire). (20) Bourges (Cher, Indre, Nievre). (21) Moulins (Ailier, Creuse, Puy-de-D6me, Haute-Vienne) . (22) Pau (Gers, Basses-Pyr6n6es, Haute-Pyr6n6es) . (23) Nice (Alpes-Marit, Var). (24) Niort (Charente, Charente-Infer., Vendue, Vienne). (25) Carcassonne (Aude, Pyr6n6es-Or., Tarn). (26) Aix (Basses- Alpes, Bouches-d.-Rh.). (27) Mmes (Gard, H6rault, Lozere). (28) Aurillac (Haute-Loire, Aveyron, Cantal, Correze, Lot). (29) Bordeaux (Dordogne, Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Gar). (30) Ajaccio (Corse). (31) Chaumont (Haute-Marne). (32) Vesoul (Haute-Saone). At the head of each conservation there is a conservator. Each con- servation is divided into "inspections," comprising a number of forests, administered by an inspector; each inspection includes two or three "cantonments" under assistant inspectors or forest assistants (gardes generaux). The protective force includes rangers and guards; these employees are usually housed by the State. As compared with the United States the Forest Service administration in Washington corre- sponds to the central administration in Paris, but in France there is less centralization. The districts of the United States Forest Service 11 See Chapter IV, French Forests and Forestry. There are now three new conserva- tions in the restored provinces (a) Metz (Moselle), (6) Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), (c) Colmar (Haut-Rhin). See appendix, page 495. 274 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION correspond to the conservations in France except that the conservations are really one-man positions and are consequently very much smaller than the seven large centralized districts in the United States. On the forests, the inspector corresponds to the supervisor, and the assistant inspector to the deputy supervisor or forest examiner, except that the assistant inspector may be in sole charge of a forest. The garde general corresponds to the forest assistant in the United States; the ranger and guard positions are the same except that in France these officers are in charge of definite areas rather than on special projects, such as large timber sales, as is often the case in the Western United States. In the central bureau at Paris the rank does not differ from the rank on the forests themselves. For example, a conservator or inspector may be in charge of a bureau or section, respectively, whereas in the United States a new position has been created, namely, that of assistant forester or forest inspector, when an officer is given special administrative work at the central bureau at Washington. In the Service des Eaux et Forets the responsibility is essentially personal for all lines of work; in the U. S. Forest Service there is a tendency to divide the work among a staff of specialists. In France forest operations are largely controlled by the working plan; at the time of writing there are no real working plans in operation on U. S. National Forests (see p. 219). There is no position in France corresponding to that of State Forester in the United States. Military Rank. — The corresponding military rank held by forest officers in time of war is as follows: Forest rank Military rank Guard f Private (first class) I Corporal Non-commissioned officer Lieutenant Ranger Forest assistant Assistant inspector Captain Commandant (battalion chief) The Forest Service uniform is theoretically retained in time of war, subject to changes made necessary by general changes in color or material to conform with the Regular Army standard. It is customary to assign the younger forest officers to line regiments (usually, if not always, to the infantry) and the older men to executive and administrative work of various kinds. ^^ Education. — The officers of the French Forest Service are recruited chiefly from Nancy, the official State forest school established Decem- 12 For a further discussion of administrative organization see French Forests and Forestry, especially pp. 18-21, 53, 101-105, 123-128. PROTECTION 275 ber 1, 1824.1^ It is a 2-year course with extensive field work in local forests followed by a tour of all important regions. The ranger force is educated at Barres (Loiret) where there is an extensive botanical garden of exotic species. An excellent forestry course is given at (a) the Institut Agronomique and at (6) the Ecole Poly technique; students enter Nancy after two years' study at (a) or (6). Guards are trained at Nogent-sur-Vernisson (Loire et Cher). As part of the forestry education and propaganda system there are a number of important societies ^* and associations which aim at protect- ing and popularizing French forests. These have been arranged in alphabetical order: (1) Acad^mie d'Agriculture de France, of Paris, is interested in all branches of agriculture and has a silviculture section which speciahzes in all general forestry ques- tions, such as physiology, development of trees and stands, wood utilization, manage- ment, reforestation, etc. It is interesting to see forestry made an integral part of agriculture. (2) Association Centrale Pour I'Am^nagement des Montagnes, of Bordeaux, special- izes in restoring mountain areas by improving grazing lands, in creating woodland on poor ground, and in reforesting mediocre grass land. (3) Club Alpin Frangais, of Paris, furthers the reforesting of denuded mountains. (4) Comit6 des Forets, of Paris, a syndicate of forest owners, has to do with the improvement of private forest property, and especially its administration and exploita- tion. (5) Soci4t6 des Agriculteurs de France, of Paris, entirely independent of the Govern- ment, is active in all branches of the theory or practice of agriculture and silviculture. (6) Soci6t6 Forestiere Frangais des Amis des Arbres, which has a section at Paris and affiliated sections in the departments, conducts propaganda for the improvement and the creation of forests, planting of fruit trees, and betterment of grazing lands. It also supplies seed and planting stock to its members. (7) The Soci6t6 Forestiere de Franche-Comte et Belfort, of Besangon, aims to im- prove technical methods and furthers reforestation on uncultivated land and grass land. (8) Soci6t6 Gay-Lussac, of Limoges, organizes a congress each year on "Trees and Water." (9) The Touring-Club de France, of Paris, has a section of "Land and Forests" which conducts an active campaign for preserving beautiful forests, reforestation, reclamation of eroded mountains, and general forest betterments. PROTECTION Introduction. — The prevention of damage of all kinds must depend on the practicability and cost of prevention. Logging operations result in unavoidable damage and in war-time logging much of the finesse of European methods had to be waived. But even in France most of the damage is by fire, although only in the Provenge (chiefly from the Italian border to Marseilles) and in the Landes and Gascogne is inten- " See Huffel, Vol. Ill, for further data. 1* This list was obtained for the writer by Captain Fresson. 276 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION sive fire protection necessary. In these localities the danger of fire is so great that even costly protection has frequently failed and large areas have been burned. Owing to the excessive fire damage in the Maures and I'Esterel (Var) a special fire protective scheme was first legislated in 1870 and revised in 1893. The main provisions of the law are : The use of fire in any form is forbidden during July, August, and September within 656 feet of forest or brush land, except upon special authorization; at other times charcoal kilns, and other dangerous use of fire, can only be located at the risk of the owner or contractor. Special police powers are accorded both private and public forest officers. Owners of forest or brush land which is not entirely cleared of undergrowth may be required by neighbors to open cleared fire lines 65 to 164 feet in width to be built half on each owner's land. Railroads are also required to clear and maintain fire lines 65 feet from the track; if not completed the work can be done under the direction of forest officers at the expense of the railroads. To encourage road building a subsidy of $932 per mile was granted for suitable roads built within the Maures and I'Esterel area. (See p. 285 for additional details.) In 1918 and 1919, however, there were disastrous fires in the Landes and in the Maures and I'Esterel regions because, owing to the war, the undergrowth could not be systematically cleared. The Engineer (for- estry) troops salvaged more than 120,000 cubic meters (about 30,000,000 feet board measure) of fire-killed timber in the Landes alone. The chief fire preventive measures in France ^^ have been fire notices, look- out posts connected with telephones, tool depots, fire lines (to fight from, since the French hold that ''one should never count on a fire line to stop a fire by itself") 33 to 66 feet wide, and secondary lines 3.3 to 6.6 feet wide, and, finally, cutting of inflammable undergrowth (an efficient means of fire prevention, but expensive). But unquestionably the fire prevention and fighting practice in the United States is on a greater scale and is farther advanced than in Europe; consequently the opportunity for developing forest-fire technique has been larger. Per- haps the greatest lesson to be derived from the intensive protection in France is that with dense and inflammable brush under a pine high forest no measures are reasonably certain unless the underbrush is kept cleared. ^^ Even intensive fire lines will not prevent or stop dangerous fires if there is underbrush and high winds during a drought. In France the protec- tive measures against birds, mammals, fungous diseases, dangers following windfall, or snow damage have not been so intensively developed as in other European countries. There are three main reasons for this. 16 Jolyet, pp. 581-586. IS See also French Forests and Forestry, T. S. Woolsey, Jr., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., for conclusions in Algerian and Tunisian fire protection. THE FOREST AND SPRINGS 373 it is there that nearly all springs are concentrated. Forests existing on mountains, notably on those whose aspect is perpendicular to those of moist winds, cause the pre- cipitation of the greatest quantity of aqueous vapor which they contain. It is enough to cast a glance at a hydrographic map to be convinced of this fact. Bare, denuded mountains have only a very feeble action in this respect; the countries bordering on the Adriatic as well as on a part of the Mediterranean, which are renowned for their dry- ness, show this in a very striking manner. Deprived of forests, these mountains lack the means of coohng the air and drawing to themselves in consequence the vaporous precipitations it contains. The denuded soil, which the sun penetrates with intense heat on those parts exposed to the west and the southwest, does not certainly possess this property." "A second distinction consists in the enormous diminution in the proportion of surface flow on wooded mountains, compared with the same slopes when they are denuded. . . . The water, instead of precipitating itself into the thalweg and caus- ing thereby sudden and dangerous inundations, penetrates slowly through the covering and into the soil which it soaks to a great depth. Therefore it is unquestionable, and we believe an uncontested fact, that mountain forests are favorable generally to the production of springs." There is a stronger reason stiU for this being the case when mountain forests grow in a hot climate where physical evaporation is considerable. The Influence of Forests on the Infiltration of Waters in the Plains. — The influence of the surface flow is complete in the case of forests in the plains. There the feeding of the subterranean sheet will depend only on physiological evaporation and on the permeability of the soil. Let us first examine the action of forests on this permeability of the soil. Forest soil in good condition is naturally light. The roots of trees penetrate deeply into it, sometimes to a depth of 10 and 13 feet and more; in swelling out they produce the effect of wedges which divide the soil mechanically. When the trees have been felled the roots decompose and their place is taken by a network of channels filled with hygroscopic matter, which directly conducts the water to considerable depth. Along the roots of trees under foot, especially near the stem between the soil and the bark, there exist empty spaces which are caused by the swaying of the tree when shaken by the wind; rain water, which has run along the stem, arrives directly, one might say instantaneously, by means of these at the soU. Lastly, forest vegetation is favorable to the division of the soil through the action of earthworms. In winter, the temperature of the forest soil is appreciably higher than that of the open ground. It often results from this that during the cold season the rainfall or melting snow acts upon a frozen surface, which has become impenetrable at the surface, in such a manner that all the water disappears in surface flow. In the forest, the soil which is less cold need not necessarily be frozen, and can therefore absorb the fallen water. According to all the evidence collected, physical evaporation of the water of the soil is less under trees than on an agricultural soil. The forest covers the ground with a double protective screen; first the covering of dead leaves, an eminently hygroscopic substance, and in consequence always cool, which, superimposed immediately on the ground, opposes evaporation with great energy. Higher up, the crown, often very dense, offers its maximum density in summer, at a period when evaporation is greatest. The temperature of the air is also lower under the trees than outside, especially in summer. This forms a powerful impediment to evaporation. The lowest temperature of the forest soil in summer acts again in the same way. Finally, evaporation is much favored in a flat country by the wind, which is con- tinually renewing the strata of the air, saturated by direct contact with the soil. 374 APPENDIX An attempt has been made to measiire the comparative importance of evaporation beneath the trees and outside of them by ascertaining the quantity of hquid lost from receptacles full of water placed under cover and in the open fields. Under these condi- tions two to five times, in certain cases eight times, but on an average three times, more water is evaporated in the open country than under the trees. But these experi- ments are of Uttle value even when the receptacles of water are replaced by impene- trable chests full of earth; the conditions under which the experiments are made being too far removed from natural conditions. '^ It remains for us now to compare the forest with land under cultivation from the point of view of the quantity of water drawn off from the soil by the vegetation. To tell the truth, we are absolutely ignorant of the quantity of water necessary to the production of agricultural or forest crops. One observer, Wollny,^^ undertook in 1879 and 1880 direct measurements of the quantities of water consumed by various plants (barley, oats, red clover, grass, rye, etc.) which he had sown in especially pre- pared boxes without drainage. At the beginning of the experiment he had ascertained the quantity of water contained in the soil of the boxes; by adding to this the same quantity of water as would be furnished under natural conditions lasting over a similar period of time, either by rain or by dew, and by removing from the bottom of the boxes all that filtered through the earth, and which he carefully collected, the amount of water consumed was obtained. In reality the quantities measured are superior to this consumption for they include, in addition, that which has been lost by evaporation from the soil, or by evaporation of the water remaining adherent to leaves and stalks. The experiments of WoUny were extended over 105 to 155 days of the season of growth. The consumption of water was on an average 38 million pounds to the acre, the maxi- mum figure being furnished by the clover which reached 47 miUion. These figures represent an average consumption per acre per day during the growing season of about 18 to 19 cubic yards. In 1870 and 1871 an older writer, Risler,^^ discovered that the average daily con- sumption per acre during the season of growth was 27 cubic yards for Luzern and fields generally, 23 for oats, 12 for rye, etc., and on an average 17 for cultivated vege- tables, while it would only be 4.2 cubic yards for the fir tree and 3.1[for the oak. It is much to be regretted that we have no means of judging of the value of these figures, as we do not know how they were obtained. M. Ney, by combining the figures of WoUny and of Risler, calculates ^^ that field vegetables in general consume 2,093 cubic yards of water per acre during the growing season. An Austrian experimenter, V. Hohnel, has directly measured the quantity of aqueous vapor emitted by the leaves of different trees from June 1 to October 1. During that period he found that the leaves of the several species emitted the following percentages of their own weight in aqueous vapor: Birch, 68 per cent; ash, 57; hornbeam, 56; beech, 47; oak, 28; spruce pine, 6; Scotch pine, 6; fir tree, 3. With these data for basis, M. Ney ^^ calculates that the consumption of water per 32 For the French experiments see M. de Bouville, op. cit., pp. 25 et seq. For those carried out in Switzerland consult the " Mitteilungen" of the Research Station of Zurich. For the German observations see the official accounts published by M. Muttrich on the work of the Research Stations; a resume of the results is to be found reproduced by M. Welaer in the " Encyclopedie Forestiere de Lorey." ^^ "Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Agricultur — Physik, Vol. XII, p. 27. ^* The experiments of Risler are only known by the quotations made by Wollny in the work mentioned previously, and we are ignorant of the methods pursued by this experimenter. 25 "Der Wald und die Quellen," p. 74. 36 Op. cit., p. 75. THE FOREST AND SPRINGS 375 acre during the season of growth would be 24,112,000 pounds for beech (5.6 yards per diem); 18,568,000 pounds for spruce pine (47 yards per diem); 6,424,000 pounds for Scotch pine (1.6 yards per diem). It is to be remarked that these quantities do not include the water incorporated in the tissues of the trees for the purposes of their growth, but only that emitted by evapora- tion from leaves." Other figures have been published by Th. Hartig, V. Hohnel and WoUny; they differ sometimes so much from those quoted above that one is necessarily very sceptical as to the value of the results obtained. As M. Henry remarks very justly: ^s "If it is easy to determine, by means of weighing, the evaporation on a sapHng in a pot, or of a square of young forest trees, of grass or corn; if one can calculate, strictly speaking, according to those results, without fear of too great discrepancies the evaporation on an acre covered with grass, with corn, or young forest trees of equal height, ^^ it is far too rash to apply the results obtained by experiments on an isolated sapling grown in a pot to a forest comprising many tangled and superimposed stages of growth, whose leaves giving more or less shade are doing their work with different degrees of intensity." In the present condition of science it is not therefore possible to determine by con- trast in a sufficiently precise manner the difference between the volume of water under the trees and in the open which goes to feed the subterranean sheets. In view of the great interest this question presents, and of the diversity of opinions on the subject, the greatest efforts have been made in an indirect manner to arrive at a clear idea of the action of clumps of trees on the feeding of the subterranean sheet. A primary series of researches has been undertaken with a view to determine com- paratively the quantity of water which filters through a stratum of earth enclosed in a box without drainage, its surface being covered with different kinds of plants. It has proved that the bare earth allows more water to pass than that which is covered with vegetation, dead leaves, moss, etc. This is almost the only definite result obtained, and even this is controvertible. We do not lay much stress on these experi- ments which, it would seem, can give us no definite information as to what occurs under natural conditions.'*'' An attempt has been made to measure directly the quantity of water contained in the soil under the trees and in the open at different depths. Experiments undertaken in Germany ^^ and in Russia have brought to hght the following facts which appear to be properly estabhshed : The humidity of forest soil is very great at the surface, but diminishes rapidly to a depth varying in degree which does not go beyond 31.5 inches under plantations of spruce pine, according to Ebermayer, and which reaches a depth of 10 or 13 feet, according to Russian experiments. Below this level the amount of water keeps on increasing with the depth. There exists in the ground, therefore, a dry zone more or ^' The quantity of water remaining annually in the tissues of trees may be estimated at 2,640 pounds per acre. 3s "Annales de la Science Agronomique," 2nd Series, 4th year, 1898, pp. 20 et seq. 3s It is doubtful if even this is admissible. *" For the measurements made in Switzerland see Bulletin IV of the "Mitteilungen" of the Research Station of Zurich; for the Bavarian works, see the various pubhcations of M. Ebermayer, etc. " "Einfluss des Waldes," etc., an article by M. Ebermayer which appeared in the January 1888 number of the "Allgemeine Forst und Jagd Zeitung." A good trans- lation has been published by M. Reuss in the first volume of the "Annales de la Science Agronomique," 1889. A complete resume of all the works published up till then is inserted in the account of the "Congres International de Sylviculture a Paris en 1900," pp. 328 et seq. (Communication by^M. Henry to this Congress). 376 APPENDIX less thick and more or less deep, lying between the humid region of the surface and the humid region below. One sees there, in a very clear fashion, the influence of the absorption of water by roots of plants in the region where they are active, or in that immediately below where the water can raise itself by capillary action after drying up the superior stratum.^^ This is a general fact for all ground covered with living plants; they present a dry stratum more or less removed from the surface, according to the depth of the root system of vegetation above. This depth being greater in the case of forest vegetation than in others, it is clearly to be seen that at a similar level, within certain limits, the soil of the forest will be poorer in water than an agricultural soil.^^ It has been con- cluded from this that the forest absorbed more water by its vegetation than other species of culture, and thus was harmful to the feeding of phreatic sheets of water. It must be admitted that there is no evident and necessary connection between the humidity of the soil in its superficial parts and the alimentation of the subterranean sheet. Other things being equal, the latter depends not so much on the degree of dampness of the soil as upon its permeability. A stratum of coarse sand will allow rain water to filter through rapidly, while a fine clay will keep it stagnant at the sur- face and give it over to evaporation. And, nevertheless, the sand will be dry, while the clay will always contain a quantity of hygroscopic water. An extremely interesting fact, which will perhaps throw some light on the relation of the wooded condition of the surface with the feeding of phreatic waters, has been quite recently brought forward. We think we ought to dwell on this with some detail, borrowing what follows from the last publications of our learned colleague, M. Henry .^'' The Imperial Free Economic Society of St. Petersburg undertook a series of re- searches into subterranean hydrology in the forests of the steppes of Russia, the director- ship of which was confided to M. Ototzky, curator of the Mineralogical Museum at St. Petersburg. From borings effected in the forest of Chipoff (province of Voronez) and in the Black ^ The depth of the system of our large tree species is much greater than has been generally supposed. The tempest of February 1, 1902, having torn up by their roots a multitude of fir trees of all ages in the Vosges, we took advantage of this opportunity to ascertain the depth to which the roots, thus rendered visible, had penetrated the Vosges sandstone formation. It varied from 5 to 11.5 feet. If one takes into account that the extremities of the roots were still remaining in the soil, one can realize that these trees were deriving nourishment from a stratum which must extend to a depth of 13 and perhaps of 16 feet. ^3 These researches of a very delicate nature only meet with reliable results when they are conducted simultaneously for a very long period of time under the trees and in the open. If one observes the soil after heavy rain one sees it saturated at the surface to a greater or lesser depth. The rain having ceased, the free surface water sinks down gradually into the soil under the action of its weight, saturating always a deeper and deeper zone, above which the ground has become dry, until it comes in contact with the phreatic sheet of water of which it raises the level. It is conceivable that very varying amounts of water in the soil, at one particular season and depth, have to be accounted for, according to the proximity and abundance of the latest rainfall, that is to say, according to fortuitous circumstances which, up till now, observers do not seem to have taken into account. ^ M. E. Henry, professor of the "Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forets," was the first to draw attention to the Russian borings, the results of which, up till then, had been unnoticed both in France and Germany. He gave an account of these in a series of articles, one after the other, from 1897 and February, 1898 (Annales de la Science Agronomique), until 1903. In his article of 1903 M. Henry narrates for the first time the complete result of his own researches undertaken in the forest of Moudon. The few pages which M. Ebermayer devotes to the subject in his publication dated 1900 (Einfluss der Walder auf das Gumdwasser) only reproduce, almost word for word, M. Henry's report of 1898. THE FOREST AND SPRINGS 377 Forest (province of Cherson), M. Ototzky was led, since 1897, to formulate this theory, that, all physico-geographical conditions being equal, the level of phreatic waters in the forests of the region of the steppes is lower than in neighboring open spaces. In support of these unexpected conclusions M. Ototzky published the results of a series of sound- ings, of which some it is true are open to objection as proof positive of his theories. ^^ In 1897 M. Ototzky was directed by the Imperial Society to undertake some new researches, but this time in the Province of St. Petersburg at 60° north latitude in a region whose rainfall is much greater than that of the steppes, where he had worked in 1895 (23.6 inches annual rainfall instead of 11.8). He proved again that, under the forests where observations were made, the phreatic sheet is depressed compared with what it is n neighboring cultivated regions. The difference of levels is rather shght, and varied from 19.7 to 44.5 inches. On July 1, 1899, M. Henry, professor at the "Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forets," at his own request, was authorized to undertake at the expense of the "Administration des Eaux et Forets" some soundings, with a view to verifying and completing the data furnished by the Russian experimenter. The forest of Moudon near Luneville (Aleurthe-et- Moselle) was chosen for these re- searches. It forms a large mass of woodland about 4,942 acres in extent (the altitude varies from 807 to 873 feet). The soil is composed of strata of sand, gravel, and flint, originating from the ancient alluvial beds of the Meurthe and the Vezouse, at the con- fluence of which rivers the forest is situated. The water-bearing strata are met at a slight depth, their upper level being given at depth of about 6.5 to 16.4 feet. A little lower, about 23 feet or more, one finds an impermeable clay against which the infiltra- tions are arrested. These different strata, and especially the last named, appear to be horizontal. The rainfall in the forest was 28 inches in 1900 and 35 in 1901. The mean annual temperature is 9° 4 C. (49° F.) with an average of + 1° 43 C. (345 F.) in winter and 17° 70 C. (64° F.) in summer. The forest is composed of oak, beech, and hornbeam ; it has been planted with storied coppice in a rotation of 35 years in the greater part of its extent. Some small parts are to be found covered with Scotch pine, the result of the replanting of ancient gaps in the forest. In the spring of 1900 ten holes of 2 inches in diameter were drilled by the aid of the Belgian geological borer, and these holes were lined with zinc tubes which had been pierced with small apertures and furnished at their lower end with a similarly perforated cone. Thus the earth was prevented from falling in and filling up the bottom of the well. The numerous small apertures in the metal allowed the water easily to find its own level. Five holes were bored in bare ground in parcels of ground which had been cleared for the use of the forest guardians, in the nursery gardens, and in the communal pasturage, but always on the borders of the forest, the farthest removed being about a hundred meters. Five others, destined to be compared with the preceding five, were made under the neigh- boring woodlands, as nearly approaching the same conditions as it was possible to give. « Evidently it is well to operate only in ground which lies horizontally at the surface, and which is of a homogeneous character to a great depth, so as to avoid the influence of an uneven surface, and that of the undulations of the upper levels of deep impermeable strata, whose projection may be very different from that of the surface. In stratified ground, with strata alternately more or less permeable, the course of the subterranean waters depends solely on the way these strata run, and can give us no notion of the influence of the superficial vegetation. Unfortunately the ground in which M. Ototzky first undertook his experiments appears to have been far from homogeneous, since he found there in less than 16 feet of depth, three different well-defined spring levels. Moreover the projection of the soil seems to have been taken very httle into account, notably in No. 3 boring in the forest of Chipoff. 378 APPENDIX There were, therefore, five pairs of borings. Observations were made once a month from May 4, 1900, to August 24, 1902. The levehng was done by the pupils of the "Ecole Forestiere" in May, 1900, and May, 1901, in taking for the initial point the altitude of the Station of Marainvilhers which is about 790.1 feet. One will find in the following table (page 379) all the measurements taken at Moudon; none have been omitted (abridged in translation) . We have been obliged, however, to omit the report of one of the five pairs, of which one bore was made in the fields of the farm of St. George and the other in the neighbor- ing coppice (third cutting in the third series of coppices) because the bore made in the field was destroyed by the plow in March, 1901. The figures of the table (page 379) give the immediate results of the measurements effected, without taking into account the difference in the altitude of the orifices of the borings. If all the measurements are reduced to the same horizontal level, one finds that the level of the water under the forest at all seasons is lower than that under bare ground: By 11.8 inches for the first couple, 7.9 for the second couple, 16.5 for the third couple, 12.2 for the fourth couple. It is certain that the difference of level is more accentuated than these figures would indicate, since one knows that in permealjle soils the phreatic sheet follows the varia- tions of the outline relief of the stratum, although with far less pronounced undulations. But let us accept the preceding figures as unquestionable minima whose average is 11.8 inches. We can affirm that, according to the measurements effected each month from May 4, 1900, to August 24, 1902, in eight borings made at random, sometimes under the wood- lands, sometimes under the bare ground near the forest of Moudon (Meurthe-et-Moselle) the level of subterranean waters at all seasons is at least 11.8 inches deeper under the woods than it is outside. The experiments of M. Henry, carried out regularly for a period of 28 months have further brought to light the following facts, which are absolutely new. The oscillations in the level of phreatic waters is less under the woods than in the open. The infiltration, too, is slower in the forest. The maxima and minima occur about a month later than those observed outside of the woods. One sees here that the forest plays the same role of regulator and stabihzer which one recognizes it to do with regard to the temperature. Some experiments made quite recently by M. Ototzky, an account of which has been pubhshed in Russian in the fourth number of 1902 of the Magazine "La Pedologie," and of which a French translation by M. A. de Lebedef, attache of the "Ministere de LTnterieur " at St. Petersburg, is in the press has still further confirmed these facts. M. Ototzky's experiments were made at the " ficole forestiere" of Staraia Rossa (province of Novgorod) at 58° N. latitude, near to the Lake of Ihnen. " One is obliged to conclude," says M. Ototzky at the end of his article, "that the level of subterranean water is lower in the forest than in the stratum exploited, in summer as well as in winter, and also that the oscillations are less }^ To sum up, we seem to have gained the information that in the forests of the plains in temperate or cold climates," whose soil is formed of homogeneous ^^ Quotation borrowed from M. Henry (Revue des Eaux et Forets, 1903, p. 197). ^^ In the tropical region of the globe where the heat is torrid, it is physical evaporation from the soil which plays the preponderating part, while physiological evaporation does not increase with the temperature. It may be, therefore, that in this case the level of the subterranean waters is even higher in the forest. M. Ribbentrop has vouched for this fact near Madras (Revue des Eaux et Forets, 1901). THE FOREST AND SPRINGS 379 DEPTH OF THE SUBSOIL WATER (IN FEET) IN THE FOUR COUPLES OF BORINGS IN THE STATE FOREST OF MOUDON.* ground Old coppice Bare nursery site Old coppice Bare ground Old coppice Bare pasture Scotch pine Altitude of station, in feet Average depth of water level, in feet Average depth of water level corrected for altitude, in feet Difference, in feet Maximum monthly varia- tions, in feet 802.42 12.11 845.37 9.25 849,31 14.57 14.57 + 1.38 811.87 8.10 +1.01 * Totals and averages only are given in translation, condensed and rearranged from results of field work extending over 28 months, May 4, 1900, to August 24, 1902. See page 22 for a confirmation of these conclusions. strata lying horizontally and in which in consequence the subterranean sheet is motionless : (1) The level of phreatic waters is lower under the forest at aU seasons, than outside of it. (2) The depression appears greater in regions where the rainfall is less, than where it rains a great deal. (3) The oscillations in the level are considerably reduced and lessened by the presence of the forest. Returning now to our subject, can we conclude from the foregoing that forests are injurious to the feeding of the subterranean sheet of water on level ground in temperate climates? This certainly seems probable. The intensity of physiological evaporation may be the explanation of this curious lowering of the subterranean sheet under the woods. This will be the lower, that is to say, the less thick (admitting that the impermeable stratum by which the infiltrated waters are arrested, is horizontal), because the forest abstracts more water from infiltration in its growth than does the neighboring ground. Nevertheless, there is one thing which may cause us to doubt the truth of these con- clusions. A careful examination of Table 6 shows us that the depression of the sheet beneath the forest is more marked during the season of repose in vegetation than during the summer. This fact is verified in the case of all the couples of borings, and for the whole length of time during which observations were made. One might conclude from this that it is not the vegetation of the trees that causes the lowering of level. Are we here perhaps in the presence of a fresh consequence of this fact that, under the forest, the region drained of water by roots, the dry zone in fact reaches to a lower level than under cultivated ground? However this may be, if the fact of the lowering of the level of subterranean waters under the woods appears certain, its interpretation is less so, and we are left in doubt as to the definite influence, all things taken into consideration of the woods upon the feeding of springs in level ground. This first study was in the press when we received notice (March, 1904) of the official 380 APPENDIX account of the fourth congress of the International Association of the "Stations de Recherches Forestieres," which assembled in Austria in September, 1903.^8 At this congress, M. Hartmann, an engineer of the Bavarian State, gave an account of the results of researches undertaken in collaboration with the Forest Service by the Royal Hydrotechnical Service with a view to the comparative study of the oscillations of the level of the subterranean water in wooded ground or in the open. Observations were taken at two points. The first, Mindelheim, at a height of 2,014 feet, is situated on almost perfectly horizontal ground at the surface (inclination six per thousand) composed of the alluvial deposits of the Mindel, a direct tributary of the right bank of the Danube. The forest is situated in a small piece of isolated ground composed of about 988 acres in the midst of landed estates, and is composed of oak, Scotch, and spruce pines, of about 9 years of age. The other station, Wendelstein, is in the neighborhood of Niirnberg. M. Hartmann thinks it can be concluded from his statements « that the forest exerts no influence on the level of the subterranean sheet. The latter is generally not stagnant (as has been known for a long time) but takes a more or less rapid course according to the inclination of the surface of the subsoil, the thickness of the subterranean sheet in motion, and the degree of permeability of the soil in which it moves. The considerable differences in the level of subterranean waters observed in Bavaria at points contiguous to a horizontal and homogeneous soil at the surface, can only be explained by the varia- tion in the projection of the subsoil stratum, and by the very variable depth and celerity of the subterranean sheet. At Mindelheim, in fact, the subterranean sheet is nearer the surface under the woods than in the open. M. Hartmann thinks that the forest counts for nothing, and that the reverse might just as equally hold good. Conclusions. — In the course of this long study on the influence of forests on the feeding of springs, we have particularly insisted on certain points which, recently brought to light, have hitherto only been dealt with in original memoranda, and are therefore inaccessibleto the greater number of readers. This chapter, now that its end has been reached, leads to one conclusion. (1) We have seen that the forest has the effect of increasing the abundance and the frequency of atmospheric precipitations. This action of the forest, proved by many experiments in France and abroad during 30 years, must be regarded as a well established fact, although certain authors, without absolutely denying it, have declared it negligible, or else of so slight a nature as not to be ascertained by ordinary rain gauges, since these instruments are lacking in absolute accuracy. The increase of water which the forest obtains, amounts to 23 per cent in an average of 33 years of observations taken at the "Station de Recherches" of Nancy. It seems however to increase with the altitude of the place where the forests are situated. (2) The forest retains a part of the fallen water by its adherence to the crowns and branches and this returns to the atmosphere by direct evaporation. On the other hand these same crowns and branches are always colder, and often to a very considerable ^^Vierte Versammlung des internationalen Verbandes forstlicher Versuchsanstaten, 1903. Mariabrun, 1904 (published by the "Station de recherches autrichienne"). ^s It seems to us that the conclusions of the Bavarian engineer are somewhat lacking in precision, at least in the text we have before our eyes. One might conclude, it would seem, especially from the accounts given by himself, that the two points chosen for the experiments were not at all suitable for the purpose, the subterranean sheet being far from immovable, and the subsoil not horizontal. In any case, we find nothing here of a nature to invalidate the very clear and well balanced results of the measurements taken at Moudon, as given us by M. Henry. PHYSICAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL 381 degree colder, than the surrounding air, and sometimes are the means of condensing enormous quantities of aqueous vapor, which they introduce to the soil in a liquid state. Moreover, it is not uncommon, especially in winter time, to see the soil which is immediately shaded by a tree, receive more water than a neighboring point in the forest where there is a gap in the shade. For the rest it would seem that the loss of water aris- ing from its retention by the crowns is inferior to the increase of water obtained by the presence of the forest itself. This fact has assuredly been established in the case of the broadleaved plantations in the neighborhood of Nancy; it would seem also certain in the case of the plantations of Scotch pines and larches, and it is probable even for those of spruce pine. One can therefore affirm that, in spite of the screen afforded by the treetops, generally speaking, the forest soil receives more water than does the neigh- boring soil under cultivation. (3) The forest causes an enormous diminution in physical evaporation, and prevents surface flow almost entirely. Moreover in numerous cases where one of these phe- nomena — and c fortiori when both simultaneously — play a preponderating part, as often happens in hot countries and on sloping ground, it is unreservedly admitted that the forest is favorable to the feeding of the subterranean sheet, and in consequence to that of springs. (4) So far as our researches have actually progressed, we cannot be sure that the forest is favorable or unfavorable to the feeding of subterranean waters in level ground or in cold or temperate climates. As a matter of fact we are ignorant as to whether its vegetation does not abstract more water from the soil than do agricultural vegetables, as the lowering in the level of the phreatic waters observed under the woodlands would seem to indicate. It may be that such an increase in the communication is compensated by the increase in the watering of the soil, and the reduction in physical evaporation when these two last factors are unimportant (as for example at low altitudes and in cold climates). For the rest, the facts noted are contradictory; cases of springs are quoted which have dried up in conse- quence of clearings as, on the other hand, superficial dryings up of the soil have been observed, where replanting has taken place. Doubt is therefore forced upon us in this special case; the action of the forest on the feeding of the springs remains uncertain, and it is probably variable according to circumstances which, as yet, remain unelucidated. (5) Nevertheless it must be observed that springs are only numerous and important in mountain regions, and there certainly the forests are favorable to them. In the plains the springs are infrequent, and have a feeble output. We are therefore justified in repeating, as our fathers declared, that the forest is the mother of the rivers; the labors of modern science have served only to establish the parentage, universally and at all times recognized, which connects the spring with the tree which shades it. APPENDIX B THE FOREST, FROM A PHYSICAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL VIEWPOINT i (By Jacquot) To-day there is strong sentiment in favor of forests. Newspapers defend. Congress discusses and prepares laws for them, associations organize for the protection of existing 1 La Foret, A. Jacquot, pp. 287-305. Digest and part translation made with a view to preserving Jacquot's picturesque language. According to scientific research Jacquot exaggerates, but it must be borne in mind that he is presenting the subject of forest influences from a popular viewpoint. 382 APPENDIX stands as well as for the forestation of uncultivated lands. The Touring Club of France should be cited as a special example. Numerous governments are instituting Arbor Days. In solemnly planting trees with their own hands, the kings of Spain, Italy and England, and high government officials in the United States are merely imitating an example given by our societies or by the ancestral custom, observed in certain com- munes of Alsace, of planting at least one tree at the birth of each child. There also, newly married couples plant two fir trees on the day of their marriage. . . . The tree which grows in humanity which is increasing. The instinctive cultivation and religious admiration of primitive peoples for the trees is based on science and reason. Physical Role of Forests. — Humidity. — Forests increase the degree of humidity in the air. Not only are the arid zones sheltered by forests . . . but furthermore, in the majority of cases, the presence of a vegetative mantle on the mountains is of importance in the yield of crops and favors life and populations. Here the forestation, true talisman of life, becomes a work of safety, and a question to be or not to be. All floods have their rise on the bare ground created by the destructive felling of timber which protects it. In these regions the forest disappears even though it is indispensable to agricultural crops, the foundation of human life. It is on account of aridity alone, and not for any other reason, that there have been terrible famines in Russia, in India, and in China. Deforestation dries up a country. Without water there can be no life, without humidity the ground will become as dead as the moon, and forests are necessary in order to have water. Since their deforestation . . . Columbia, the Islands of Maurice, of Reunion, and of Ascension, Sicily, Asia Minor and all other denuded regions have experienced terrible droughts. These droughts immediately stopped in localities where tree growth has been reestablished. In Porto Rico and in Jamaica, the phenome- non is doubly verified in recent times. The rains disappear with the trees but return with them. Above the forests there are light clouds, and after the shower the branches drip onto the soil. . . . During the night the trees water the heather as if the urns of the sky were thinking of the earth in order to fill up the divine springs. We have seen all that and have concluded that the forest is the mother of the waters. But figures will suffice to give an idea of the strength of the forest: an acre of high forest pumps every day into the soil 10,000 to 12,000 quarts of reserve water; its evaporation can be placed at 2,616 cubic yards per year representing a stream 20 inches high or almost three- fourths the total rainfall falling in France. The quantity of liquid emitted by the same area of water, mineral substance or vegetable substance are in the proportion of 1, 3, and 60. The forest is certainly a reservoir of humidity. It is also a regulator. While running water is often dangerous, its infiltration is desirable for the life of springs. This infiltration attains its maximum under forest stands. The cover of trees (doubled by a brush under story) largely reduces evaporation. Under the forest the soil is better irrigated than on bare soil. On the other hand, the snow falls more slowly, consequently the absorption of the forested land is perfect. The forest tends to make the temperature more uniform by reducing the extremes of heat or cold. It exercises the same action as does the sea at the seashore. On limestone soil, which forms the major part of our planet, the running water digs out the soil and is then hidden by these very fissures. Drought is accentuated, increasing the intensity of burning sands, the bare steppes, and the arid deserts. It is a war of thirst, which menaces the twenti- eth century. The forest alone by the shelter of its thick layer of humus is capable of making a successful fight against the bankruptcy of the waters. Hail. — The trees diminish the storms, lessening electric discharges and rendering less frequent and less dangerous the fall of hail, which in the deforested regions cuts and damages the crops. Numerous examples have been established. In eighteen departments, where the hail is usually the most damaging, fourteen are the least forested in France. PHYSICAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL 383 Frost. — Around the forest, but not in it, one finds the white frosts which are so common in dry dimates. The upper story protects the lower vegetation hke a tender blanket. It replaces, after a fashion, artificial shelter. "Wind. — Without the trees in numberless countries, the violence of the wind lays low the plants or dries them up. . . . The smallest shrub or the simple hedge of cypress of the Provence exercises a beneficial protective cover. In Russia, when the June vegetation of the steppes is in full bloom, the squares enclosed with planted hedges remain green, and furnish half again as much revenue. In Algeria, they say that nothing can resist the sirocco. Nevertheless, it has been conquered by the trees. Look at the delicate plants in the experimental gardens at Algiers and the rich plantations of the Mitidja. . . . Springs, Avalanches. — All the world to-day bears witness to the benefit of the vegetable cover for the maintenance and conservation of springs (see Appendix, p. 361). This is also true of the value of forests in protecting against avalanches. Floods. — The forest is the sovereign regulator of waterflow. On the denuded slope, the rain rushes along carrying the material eroded from the loose soil. This mass, increased by the mixture of debris, and with its increasing speed, communicates a tremendous live force to these thousands of little streams. It becomes a furious tor- rent which carries off the slopes, bears rocks along and even fields and houses. Gravel fills the bed of the rivers and hinders shipping. It covers the plain with blocks of stone and sterile sand. What would happen, on the other hand, with a wooded slope? A large proportion of the rain will have been stopped by the foliage and branches to be given back to the atmosphere. The remainder, broken up by the foHage, strikes the soil as if it had passed through a sieve. The layer of dead leaves and humus which carpets the forest floor is a soft sponge with an extraordinary capacity for absorption. It absorbs five, six, and even nine times its liquid weight before saturation, when it lets the water seep, drop by drop, to the surface and to the interior of the soil to feed subterranean streams which result in springs. The small surplus water, which is not retained, encounters in its flow innumerable obstacles, trunks, roots, moss, herbaceous flora, dead branches, dead leaves, and the inextricable lacework of roots. The flow is divided slowly up and does not erode the soil. It arrives at the foot of the slope slowly and in small quantities. . . . Against the heat of the sun and the drying winds of the south the branches serve as a screen. In the spring they diminish the damaging effect of warm rains on the snow and prevent too rapid melting. The regularity of the run-off is determined by the state and extent of the forests which cover the basin. Numerous experiments in valleys, some forested and others bare, have proved this. These comparisons have given rise to the adage: "He who wishes to master the waters, must first master the forests." Thus to the trees crowning the mountains the soil is held in place. The slopes are maintained and erosion ceases. Its action can thus be summarized : "The presence of forest stops the formation of torrents. Its development extin- guishes it. Its destruction delivers the soil as a prey to erosion. All the fundamental laws recognize the absolute necessity of reforestation. In the denuded countries, what ravages! The torrents attack the mountainsides like a 'pieuvre,' eat them out, dis- integrate and carry them piecemeal to the plain. High up the rock is bared, lower down they cause the fields to become barren and covered with debris. The roads are interrupted. The railway lines cut and the bridges demolished. One sees the opening up of abysses, the cut of railroad lines, and the engulfment of entire villages. Each year, in France, the floods cause an average damage of $5,790,000. With the expense, which has been caused by such floods during the 19th century, all Europe could have been reforested. These catastrophes have been the result of excessive deforesta- 384 APPENDIX tion — a veritable social crime. It is the ruination of the mountaineer. . . . More- over, the man that deforests assassinates the plain. The damage is far reaching. . . . The waterfall which directs our turbines and produces the power for heat and light may be done away with and rendered useless by deforestation. If you kill the forest, you kill the brook which is the friend of mechanics. Thanks to electricity. . . . water has become (as the ancients said) the most precious of gifts. ... By enor- mous dams, engineers have hoped to avoid the terrible results of deforestation. . . . How much inferior is this inert masonry, limited to a single valley, in comparison with the strength and value of forests, hving, supple, growing forever, which cover the valleys as they do the plain. . Free accumulator of water, ideal, green, cool, which man removes and cuts like grain! In every deforested basin, the difference between the low-water mark and the flood waters is formidable. For example, in the Loire, the Chehff, the Seybouze, the Vidourle, the Verdon, it is 900, 1,500, 6,600, 1,500, and 2,000,000 times the ordinary flow. The flow of the Ardeche is usually reduced to 6.5 cubic yards, whereas it sometimes amounts to 10,500, when it has the size of a Mississippi, or an Orinoco, or a Danube. The flood that comes with the rapidity of a galloping horse and throws into the Rhone such a volume of water that the flood level rises 16.4 feet. If there is no stand of trees to stop the erosion of storm floods, every deluge ravages slopes all the way to the plain. . . . The damage done by the Garonne means an annual loss of $1,544,000. This same amount spent only once, but properly applied, that is to say for reforestation in the Pyrenees, would permit the suppression of every cause of the damage. . . . One now commences to realize that the forest is a two- faced army to fight for or against water. The same water which is not stored by the forest may be transformed to mechanical energy or . . . may suddenly pre- cipitate itself in a formidable, devastating mass. The impoverishment of the world, erosion, the transport from the mountain to the sea, the frightful loss of water . . . the forest alone can stop it. . . . Deprived of their cover of wood or of, the slopes erode, waste away, and fall in ruins. On the forested slopes, on the contrary, everything remains. The roots fix the humus to the rocks. Everywhere the forested mountain changes a foolish water into a wise one. It renders the typhoon inoffensive by dividing up its floods and distributing its monstrous mass in miflions of drops which flow slowly over the old surface of the earth. We must then recognize that the water being everything and life being impossible without it, the tree which holds the water is everything itself. If the forest was held sacred by religion, it should be held stiU more sacred by reason of its social necessity. To plant a tree is to accomphsh a good deed, to create a forest is to enrich the country by a conquest which does not cause a tear or shed a drop of blood. " Economic Role — Utility of Wood. — From the beginning of the world wood has been a prime necessity. The prehistoric people lived in the forest and on the forest. Coal, gas, and electricity have modified the use of wood but without abolishing or diminishing the demand. Imagine the enormous volume used by the thousands of trades which must have wood products for the innumerable objects manufactured, from the great steamship to the little doll. Alone, paper miUs could devour all the forests of the world and only to assure the printing of 70,000 newspapers of 200 volumes which are published dafly. For France alone it represents the annual production of 1,235,000 acres of high forest. The coal mines use each year 24,000,000 cubic meters (about 5 miflion thousand feet board measure) in their galleries, about nine and a half times the volume of the greatest pyramid in Egypt. Finally the world uses more wood than it produces. The excess of use over normal increase is about 2,620,000 tons per year. The deficit is momentarily made up by the destruction of forests. It is an expedient of which the fallacy is clear. A dearth of timber menaces us. Our country PHYSICAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL 385 imports annually from 39.5 to 42.5 million dollars worth. Plant new stands with the utmost ardor, since the operation is profitable.^ The pineries, for example, yield 5 to 10 per cent. There does not exist any other more advantageous investment. Forestatipn enriches the planter and makes our country stronger. *' Social Role — -Climate. — Following excessive deforestation, the local climate be- comes worse. The prosperity of agriculture, the health of inhabitants, the pubhc fortune itself, depends upon normal proportion of forest. This per cent is itself an element to regulate the world's circulation of cloud, rain, snow, flood, and even the ocean. The denuded zones in the mountains must be restocked in order to re-establish order in nature, without which all economics are profoundly upset; it is partly due to the absence of forests that one must attribute the burning climate of the interior of Asia, Africa, and Australia. The destruction of stands has produced disastrous climatic changes in Greece, in Russia, ... in Asia Minor, and in certain regions of India. All history agrees on this point. It shows clearly the disastrous effects of great de- forestation on climate. Aristotle, Pliny, and Strabon predicted to their contemporaries the sterility which would follow deforestation . . . which, in lowering the humidity necessary for vegetation, . . . has brought on something more terrible than any war, namely, the decadence of the most powerful empires, . . . those great coun- tries which were the founders of the human race — Mesopotamia, Turkestan, Bactres, the splendor of the Greek civilization under Alexander the Great, Palestine, Syria, deprived of forests made the water, the vegetation, and the inhabitants disappear. Desert and sterile, the jaded country once so populous, deforestation has driven away life itself. Deforestation has even permitted the sea to recover land once cultivated — the Pomeranian shore, the Zuyder Zee. At the middle of the seventeenth century, the Chinese had transformed Tartary into a desert by removing the trees which protected it. Because of deforestation, the temperature of the winter season is even lower than it was in Norway. On the plateau of Iran, the temperature passes in several hours from 60° C. to 7° C. (140° to 44.6° F.). The air is so dry that nothing can withstand it. We must go back to the old tradition and reahze that it is a scientific fact that the ancient veneration for trees shown by our fathers is because the forest is completely indispensable to creation. " Hygiene. — Under the majority of cases, hygiene is intimately linked with forests. From the Roman times it has been recognized that the excessive felling of forests exerts an unfortunate effect upon the physical condition of the country and compromises the health of the inhal)itants. Swamp fevers follow deforestation everj^where in the subtropical zones. On the other hand, forestation accompanied by drainage dries up the marshes and diminishes sickness in fever regions such as the Roman Campagna certain steppes of Russia, Tuscan Maremme, in the Landes, in Poitou, and in other places less known. The difference between sickness and health, between prosperity and extreme misery, coincides with the appearance or disappearance of the arborescent mantle. Such are the contemporary facts. The Belgians celebrate by an official fiesta the social role of silviculture, proclaiming that the forests exercise the most healthy influence on chmate and public hygiene. It is not necessary to have great areas of forest to manifest its curative strength. A single eucalyptus tree may drain the excess water from one-quarter of an acre. In Algeria, a hedge several yards in length . . . may guarantee all the occupants of a house against swamp wet soils so conducive to malaria. Thousands of examples prove it. The marsh of Bonfarick, one of the un- healthiest localities in Algeria, has been transformed by planting into one of the health- iest colonies in France. In 30 years the pineries have made healthy, fertile, and rich 2 This, of course, is an exceptional instance of profitable private forestry. Here worth- less sand wastes were made to yield a handsome revenue (see p. 183). 386 APPENDIX the Sologne which exaggerated deforestation had reduced to a state of pestilential fever. Formerly unsalable, the Landes of Gascogne are now worth 193 million dollars or more. A region formerly unhealthy because of fever has to-day the name which is doubly merited of Cote d' Argent; formerly devastated by sickness, the population now hves in perfect health in what is actually a health resort. Forests are a potent obstacle to the spread of certain diseases. Not only is the air free from deleterious gas, but there is no dust or nocturnal dampness, but the acid of forest soil kills the germs of cholera, typhus, the bacilli of tetanus. . . . The forestation of watersheds gives a guarantee of purity. Often a sequence of deforestation is a decrease in population. It is some- thing that has happened in most of the Mediterranean islands, as well as in the Azores and in the Canaries. When the Venetians ruined the forests of Dalmatia, three-quarters of the inhabitants were compelled to leave. In France, the thirty departments where there is the most deforestation have a depopulation seven times as rapid as the fifty- seven departments where the forests are maintained. Not only does the birth rate diminish and the mortality increase in the deforested departments, but the inhabitants still emigrate. They go in search of a living. . . . Forests precede people, deserts succeed them. . . . Deforestation has transformed Turkestan into a desert, where it was formerly fertile. Deforestation has destroyed its equable climate, its former ferility, and, in consequence, its population. . . . Since the planting near Sologne, the local population has increased 2,250 per cent. The examples are too numerous to enumerate. A Servian proverb summarizes the problem: 'He who kills a tree kills a man.' ".Esthetic. — That is, the material side of the forest; but that is not the only question to consider. ... In the spring the forest is an enchantment for the eyes. One sees the bare forest clothe itself from branch to branch. . . . Nature is irre- sistible. Artists feel the seduction of the forest and found colonies in it as at Barbi- zon. . . . The first homage of man was addressed to the great forests, eternal and immovable, which cover all parts. . . . The forests, according to Chateaubriand, were the early temples. This rehgion was that of all the peoples of antiquity: The forest is sacred. . . It was worshipped by numberless tribes. . . . The disappearance of the forests on the plateau of Central Asia made it so uninhabitable that whole tribes and races who occupied it were forced to emigrate. . . . Manon had in his laws (the most ancient of the world) : ' Defend the forest against destruction. One finds in any of the old religions, the myth of the sacred tree, the gods assembled imder its shade. . . . The imagination of the Greeks and of the Romans was peopled with sylvan deities. . . . Almost always the temples were surrounded by sacred forests. It was often in the forests that the gods spoke through oracles. ... In Ceylon, in Spain and Persia, and in Manila, the trees are still worshipped. Saint Valery, fighting against paganism, turned his anger against the nymphs of the forest and the fountains. ... We know now that the disappearance of the forest de- stroys the equilibrium of natural forces and makes for disastrous chmatic changes, sub- stituting sterility for richness, the desert for abundance, death for hfe. As though crazy, mountaineers often say: 'After us the deluge,' without realizing that the forest means water and freshness so necessary for pasturage. . . . The existence of man is coupled with the existence of the forest, moreover the forest is the index of public welfare and the richness of a people. It is necessary, then, that each man become a friend of the trees and that our laws and our hearts protect this arborescent vegeta- tion without which our civilization would perish. Against the savage violence of the torrent or the deadly menace of the avalanche we must oppose the serene strength of our great benefactress — the forest. Child of Nature itself, it shields, with its pro- tective cover, children of humanity. The present children need it with its hving force IMPORTANT FOREST SPECIES 387 which maintains the activity of the entire world under the beneficence and splendor of its shade. "As the centuries roll by, let us unite in reflecting on the instinctive sentiment of the ancients for inviolable forests and the cultivation of the tree." APPENDIX C SILVICS OF IMPORTANT FOREST SPECIES. LISTS OF TREES, SHRUBS, AND PLANTS USED IN REFORESTATION IN THE MOUNTAINS FRENCH SILVICS OF PEDUNCULATE OAK (Quercus pedunculatay Size. — Quercus robur.^ Under this name Hooker, De Candolle, and other eminent authorities include Quercus pedunculata (peduncled oak) and Quercus sessihflora (English oak), the British representative of the species. Pedunculate oak is a species which reaches considerable dimensions. During youth, and up to 40 to 50 years of age, it has an irregular bole but later on the shaft becomes straight, cylindrical, sometimes with a clear length of 65 feet. This tree may reach a height of from 131 to 147 feet and even 190 feet in a few instances; thanks to its very great longevity it reaches large diameters. The Montravail oak, near Saintes (Charente Inferieure Department), is between 6.6 and 7.6 feet in diameter at breast height; its main branches have a diameter of 3.3 feet at their base; the total height is 65.6 feet, the crown width 131.7 feet, and it is estimated to be some 2,000 years old. Habit. — The crown of pedunculate oak is formed of a few irregularly bent and twisted main branches; the foliage is very unevenly distributed in tufts with wide and numerous openings. . . . The foliage is incomplete and less thick than that of sessile oak. Leaves. — Pedunculate oak leaves (more so than those of Quercus sessiliflora) dry up at the end of autumn and drop off immediately, except those of coppice shoots and suckers which are semi-persistent. Of a light green color, sometimes reddish or yellow- ish at the beginning of summer, the leaf is moderately shiny or quite dull; it is of a somewhat sea green (glaucous) hue; frequently it is undulated, more seldom flat. . . . If green and gathered during September, it has an average weight as compared to sessile oak leaves as 34 is to 40. (A. Mathieu.) When used dry as agricultural manure 300 to 350 pounds is equal to 100 pounds of straw. Pedunculate oak is . . . much less suitable than se.ssile oak for pure plantations, since it has a lighter foliage and yields less litter. This is why coppice-under-standards composed of pure sessile oak yields a fair stand while the same cannot be said to be true of pure pedunculate oak. This species seems eminently suitable for coppice-under-standards on clayey, moist soils and for high forests when mixed with tolerant species; sessile oak, however, should be preferred to it whenever . . . pure forestation is attempted. Seed Capacity. — Pedunculate oak bears acorns from 60 to 100 years of age, accord- ing to whether grown single or in close stand. Sprouts bear acorns as early as 20 years, and even before; but plentiful seed crops occur only 3 to 4 years and even 8 to 10 years according to whether the climate is more or less favorable. An absolute failure of acorns, such as happens with beech between crops, is rare; some few are always to be found on isolated or border trees. 1 Based on a free translation from French authors. 2 See also Chapter V. 388 APPENDIX Germination. — The germination of acorns is quick and takes place at a low tem- perature, from 3 to 4 degrees C. (37 degrees to 39 degrees F.) above zero; they are difficult to preserve even till spring. A bushel weighs about 40 pounds on an average and contains approximately from 8,000 to 9,300 seeds. Rooting. — The tap root of pedunculate oak is developed first; at one year of age it is often 12 inches in length. Only when about 6 to 8 j^ears old does it produce a few laterals; but at 60 to 70 years the laterals are dominant and the tap root becomes of secondary importance and seldom reaches below 3 to 5 feet. Stump and root wood, with 12-inch stumps, represents 14 per cent to 17 per cent of the total cubic volume. Shoots and Suckers. — Dormant buds keep alive a long time and retain great reproductive power to an advanced age; per contra, it means that standards are liable to have numerous root suckers after the coppice has been felled. Pedunculate oak is therefore more liable to have epicormic branches than its associate sessile oak. Adventitious buds are but rarely formed and only in very fertile soils; they produce poorly attached shoots which wind, snow, and hoarfrost easily cause to break. Stump shoots root but superficially and do not require deep soil. Bark. — The bark is smooth, shiny, and silver-gray up to 20 to 30 years . . . after that age, a brown bark with longitudinal flakes which becomes thicker and thicker. . . . Geographical Distribution. — The habitat of pedunculate oak is very extensive. It is found between east and west longitude 65 degrees, from the Ural Mountains and the coast of the Caspian Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Its southern limit is from southern Spain, at a point in the Sierra Morena, south of Sicily, Italy, Greece, thence through Minor Asia as far as the Eastern Caucasus. The northern limit starts from Scotland, goes to 63d latitude in Norway and thence southeastward through St. Petersburg to Orenburg, in the Ural. It thus extends through about 26 degrees of latitude. Location. — The pedunculate oak prefers the plains and the valley bottoms, but it is found in the hills and even reaches as high as 3,280 feet in the Eastern Pyrenees. Soil. — Pedunculate oak does not show any particular preference as regards the mineral nature of the soil provided it is sufficiently moist, and deep. Sandy-clay soils, even if occasionally flooded, suit it especially well; it is a serious error to drain them. Tolerance. — Pedunculate oak is a hght demanding species. In order to grow, it requires at least four months of uninterrupted vegetative activity with a mean tempera- ture of 12.25° C. (54° F.), provided no protracted drought intervenes; in order that acorns may mature a total temperature varying (south to north) from 28.75° to 20.20° C. (83.75° to 68.50° F.) is necessary. The maximum temperatures that it can stand are, in the south, 44° C. (111° F.); in the north, 37° C. (98° F.). When in vegetative ac- tivity, it is easily affected by cold; young shoots, leaves and flowers will usually die if, during spring, the thermometer falls below 0° C. (32° F.). Timber. — It yields primarily building timber. The sapwood is white and clearly defined; the more active the vegetation the wider is the sapwood. According to the Nancy Forest School collection the total thickness of sapwood is from 0.63 to 3.0 inches; the total number of annual rings 36 to 7. The density for timber completely air dried is from 0.647 (Forest of Haye, Nancy) to 0.906 (Adour oak), with average yearly incre- ments of 0.186 of an inch. Uses. — ... The wood is especially prized for ship building. Fuel Value. — Its fuel value (based on calorific power) averages, as compared with beech, 91/100, according to G. L. Hartig; 85/100, according to Worneck. The market value of firewood is below this because pedunculate oak crackles while burning, requires a strong draught, and the coals do not hold the fire well. There is a great difference as to quality in this respect. Bark from mature trees, on the other GENERAL SALES PROCEDURE 293 According to Article 19, forest boundary stones must be of good quality and for the outside boundary of the forest must be 31 inches high and 8.7 by 7.1 inches square. They extend 14 inches above the ground and are engraved with letters 3.1 inches high. Boundary pillars of felling areas are 24 inches high by 7.9 by 5.9 inches square. They extend 7.9 to 9.9 inches above the ground, and have numbers painted in black 2 to 2.4 inches high. Maps. — Separate maps, issued for each State forest, rarely give contours but include roads, trails, towns, villages, houses, telephone lines, ranger stations, fire lines, boundaries of forest, working groups and compartments, names of border forests, areas of compartments, alienations, ponds and streams. The usual scale is 1/20,000 or even larger.^^ SALE OF TIMBER General Sales Procedure. — There are five main steps necessary before French timber under forest management can be cut: (1) The working plan prescribes the area to be cut over in final fell- ings. Frequently the working plan also indicates, in the order of im- portance, when stands of timber should be cut, but considerable leeway is left to the local officer in charge, since a good deal depends upon seed years, the reproduction, weed growth, windfall, and other unforeseen accidents. (2) The trees on the area where the cutting is to be made are care- fully marked, usually under the supervision of an officer of the rank of deputy supervisor (assistant inspector) or forest supervisor (inspector). After the marking in any forest is completed the local inspector makes a formal report showing the number, size, and volume of the different species marked, and the approximate value. A tninimutn price is always established. (3) Announcement is made when an auction will be held and a detailed description of the timber to be sold is printed for general distribution. The data furnished include the location, the estimated products, bound- aries, method of removal, and assessed road charges, if any. (4) At the time appointed for the auction the bidders assemble and each lot or sale is auctioned off by calling the maximum possible price for the lot first and gradually reducing the price until a bidder calls "I take it." (5) After the sale is made and all charges paid in advance, cutting is al- lowed after certain formalities (see contract clauses) have been completed. The French sale on the stump is in reality a sale for a lump sum on the basis of the scale of the standing timber. The French consider that their method of selling timber standing is 35 For grazing, dune, and reforestation betterments see Chapters VI, VII, and VIII. 294 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION more economical and suits the timber purchaser better than the Ger- man method of selling in the log, since he can get the lengths that he prefers and, as he is in close touch with his local market, his judgment is hkely to be correct. (See Appendix, page 498.) SeUing the timber standing after the marking is completed is certainly cheaper, simpler, and better than to have the exploitation by day labor under State con- trol. The only disadvantage appears to be the danger of having some- what more damage done in the woods, since it is often difficult to supervise a large number of small operations going on at the same time. For this reason the contract clauses are very specific, particularly where they provide for damages in case sales methods are departed from (see also Chapter X, "Protection"). Upon the day and hour announced for the auction the proper officials assemlile and the presiding officer explains the conditions of the sale. If the price bid goes below the estimated value then the bidding is stopped and the lot auctioned at a later sale. In the auction at Pontarlier (held July 4, 1912), the prices for State timber were 2.45 per cent above their estimated value and the communal sales 12 per cent above. If the value of the timber is estimated at 7,000 francs the bidding will be started at, say 13,000 francs, the price being gradually decreased until one of the bidders exclaims "I take it." Where there is competition for timber the shouting often begins before the price is actually read, and where there is a tie the bidding is started over again, or the successful bidder may be chosen by drawing lots. Immediately after the public auction each bidder signs an agreement to purchase. The sureties are usually looked up and ex- amined as to solvency prior to the auction. This sale of $115,800 worth of timber in 102 lots at Pontarlier was conducted in less than an hour's time. Practically and theoretically this method of sale seems to pos- sess a great many advantages where the amounts sold are small, where there is keen competition, and where the utilization is intensive. Individual contracts, such as are used for large timber sales by the United States Forest Service, reciting in great detail the special felling rules for each individual sale, are unnecessary for the small French sales. The expense of repeating the rules and regulations would prove too great. Instead there are certain general rules which apply to the whole of France, with special clauses to cover necessary departures in each conservation. This is a simple and economical method which could be well copied to some extent in the United States after our sales methods are standardized for each locality. For small sales the French Forest Service has a printed form of contract which only requires the addition of routine data. Estimate and Appraisal. — In estimating a fair price for timber the government allows a 10 per cent contractor's profit under ordinary ESTIMATE AND APPRAISAL 295 conditions and up to 20 per cent where the risk is greatly increased. Although the sale is made by estimate and it is considered essential that very accurate estimates be made of the timber marked for cutting, based on a tree-to-tree count, yet, as a matter of fact, errors in estimat- ing occur. This does not necessarily mean a loss to the State, since bidders usually re-estimate lots they intend to bid on; a low estimate by the State merely means that the bid is that much higher per cubic meter or stere and the error in calculating the presumed products is thus discounted. All the State guarantees is that the number of trees in the size classes is accurate. Since the demand for timber is greater than the supply the competition for State and communal sales is suffi- cient to make the price depend upon competitive bid rather than on the minimum estimated price based on the costs of logging, transport, and allowed profits subtracted from the estimate sales price of the product.^^ With the exception of a few large sales in the Pyrenees, timber sales are in small lots usually with intensive market conditions. The location of sales has nothing to do with the demands of the purchaser but is planned in the working plan according to the needs of intermediate cuttings and regeneration. If the boundaries of sales do not correspond to compartments the lines are clearly marked with paint. When there are extensive windfalls or where there are insect attacks special fellings are authorized. In communal forests special sales are often allowed to provide mainly for special improvements, such as a school house or town hall. It is as if the forest were a communal bank, safe-guarding the reserve capital of the inhabitants. There are three main methods of selling timber: (1) By the lot on the stump ; such sales are the rule in France for saw timber sales and for cop- pice. (2) By unit of product; intermediate fellings are sometimes sold 2^ A sample appraisal follows : Francs Building material : 60 cubic meters at 45 francs 2,700 13 cubic meters at 35 francs 455 Building material (small size) : 300 cubic meters at 25 francs 7,500 119 cubic meters at 17 francs 2,023 Fire wood: 45 steres at 7 francs 315 297 steres at 5 francs 1,485 Charcoal : 126 steres at 3 francs 378 Total 14,856 From which must be deducted the following: Contractors' 15 per cent 2,228.40 Felling trees 732.00 Cutting of branches 412.50 Fuel and charcoal at 2 francs per stere 936.00 Special work 450.00 Fuel for local officers 108.00 Special registration fees 25.00 Total 4,891.90 Net value of timber (14,856.00 - 4,891.90) 9,964.10 Less 5 per cent for special costs 499.00 Net total value 9,465.10 296 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION on the basis of the material cut and stacked, since it is often difficult to estimate the product accurately in advance. (3) By unit of product after the timber has been exploited by the State; this method is rarely used. Before any timber sale is made it is customary to advertise the lots very widely, and there are strict laws against combinations or agree- ments to eliminate competition. The method of describing the lot to be sold differs somewhat in the different conservations, and according to the material to be disposed of, but as a rule the purchaser is given an exact and complete description of the product, the conditions he must work under, and his obligations for road repair or other charges.^^ Orders have been issued to make small sales, because if large only a few of the larger manufacturing companies can compete. The writer attended the sale of 102 lots (each a separate small timber sale) at 37 Two examples of the data furnished purchasers are given below: (1) In the Oloron inspection a sale of timber to be removed in thinning was described as follows: Thinning on 4.9-1 hectares, including the felling of stems designated or to be desig- nated. Estimated product — 1 cubic meter of building material, 8 cubic meters of small building material, 80 steres of cordwood, 150 fagots. Boundaries — Correspond to the compartment. Logging — - Existing roads. Estimated prices — 12 francs per cubic meter of building material, 6 francs per cubic meter of small building material, 1.50 francs per stere of firewood, 2 francs per 100 fagots. (2) In the Saint Die inspection even more data were given in the booklet describing a regeneration felling. Art. 49 — Forest of Moyenmoutier (first working group), Balthazard Canton, Compartment 13 (Lot No. 1), Beat of, etc. Regeneration felling, 98 trees and 16 poles, to wit : Diameters: 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 64 spruce: 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 5, 10, 9, 8, 7, 3, .3, 1 33 beech: 9, 2, 2, 4, 3, 9, 1, 3, 1 oak: 1 Estimated product — Fir, 261 meters of sawlogs, 39 steres of fuel; beech, 61 steres; oak and miscellaneous, 3 steres. Boundaries — North Com.partment 12, east, same, south, second lot, west, comnmnal forest of Raon-l'Etape. Sawmill — Use of the Federal sawmill Brisegenoux commencing with the day after the sale of December 31, 1910. Francs Charges — 1 . Maintenance of roads 250 2. Cutting back beech 10 3. Furnishing 16 steres of beech fuel for the forest house at Balthazard, making and transport being estimated at a value of 45 Total charges 305 Cleaning — Estimated at 5 steres of first-class fuel. Number of trees to limb before felling, 23. Etival railroad station, 6 kilometers. CUTTING AND LOGGING RULES 297 Pontarlier (Jura) July 4, 1912, composed of dry, diseased, and wind- fallen trees. At this auction the lot estimates averaged 253 cubic meters (about 60,000 feet board measure and 30 cords) and $1,099.33, with average charges for road upkeep, etc., of $41.69. In this case it is noted that the "charges" amounted to about one-twenty-sixth of the sale value; in other words, a tax of about J^. per cent to be added to the sale price; but the bid is, in theory, 4 per cent lower. This method of mak- ing a charge on the purchaser for the upkeep of roads, for the delivery of fuel, etc., is somewhat similar to the requirements made on the U. S. Forest Service purchasers for piling, scattering, or pulling brush on timber-sale areas; the difference is that in France the "charge" is on the purchaser, so he bids that much less, while in the United States the charge is figured in the appraisal. Out of 65 lots on other forests in the inspection of Pontarlier regular fellings the largest sale made was for 747 cubic meters — the minimum 89 cubic meters and the average 289 cubic meters. In the inspection of Saint Die the first 50 sales made on October 2, 1910, averaged 221 cubic meters, with the maximum at 370 and the minimum at 116. The material sold both at Pontarlier and at Saint Die was almost entirely fir. In the inspection of Oloron, with oak and beech as the chief species, in sales made in 1911 the average number of cubic meters in any one sale (there were 11 sales that only included cordwood) amounted to 157 cubic meters, with a maximum of 732 cubic meters and a minimum of 6 assigned from those sales where there was nothing but fuel cordwood. This shows clearly how the pohcy of small sales is encouraged in France where conditions make this method possible. Cutting and Logging Rules. — With the sale of timber on the stump it is essential that the purchaser be given very minute directions how the exploitation should be conducted. The central office at Paris accord- ingly issues, from time to time, a printed circular giving clauses and conditions that govern sales procedure and exploitation. The last revision was made May 11, 1912, following closely the issue of June 22, 1903, and May 27, 1909. Part III, "Exploitations," of this circular is of interest, and cutting on any timber sale must conform to these general conditions unless the local conservation in which the sale is made has issued ^^ modifications (see p. 298) to the general rules; the essentials are as follows: Payments must be made in advance of cutting; partial payments are only allowed on long-term sales. Before cutting begins the ranger must be shown the payment receipt. Estimates. — If the purchaser can show an error in the number of trees advertised he is given a pro-rata reduction. General conditions. — Timber cannot be piled outside the sales boundaries without special permission, nor is grazing allowed within the felling area. Sawdust and bark must be disposed of as directed. 5^ See also the different methods in long-term sales, p. 301. 298 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION Stumps must be cut with an axe in coppice fellings so that water cannot gather on the stump to cause rot, and in high forests the stumps must be sawed or chopped level with the ground. Where the stumps are removed the holes must be filled up. Surface of the ground. — D6bris must be removed or burned as directed and cord- wood stacked as the cutting proceeds. Areas occupied by buildings must be leveled and reforested. Damage to regeneration and to the stand. — Trees so designated must be topped and limbed before felling and must be thrown up hill so as to cause the least possible damage. In coppice stands old stumps and weed growth must be cut level with the ground. Peeling of timber while standing is not allowed nor can debris or wood be left or piled on regeneration or against standing timber, nor can standing timber be damaged in any way. Penalties. — If reserved trees are damaged or destroyed by the exploitation they can be replaced by similar trees marked for cutting, or the purchaser may be required to pay cash at the rate of 3 cents to 9 cents per inch of circumference for standards, or 3 cents to 11 cents for high forest trees, but the timber so paid for remains the property of the State or commune. SeasoJis of cutting. — Cutting must be completed by April 1 and corded by June 1; logging by April 15, except for trees peeled, which must be cut by July 1 and corded by July 15. Necessary extensions of time may, for a nominal charge, be granted. Protection of forest betterments. — Roads must be maintained and kept free from debris and manufactured products, and all damage to any forest betterment must be repaired or paid for. Protection of cutting area. — Buildings or betterments made necessary by the sale must be built only on approval of the forest officers, and spark arresters are always required on smokestacks, the purchasers being held responsible for damage. Logging restrictions. — Hauling must be over designated roads and timber cannot be skidded on roads, rolled or slid down slopes, nor should logs or squared timbers be skidded on the felling areas. Miscellaneous provisions. — Three days before the check of the felling area pur- chasers must place stakes near all trees felled to facilitate inspection, the "A. F.," imprint must show upon all stumps or roots. Foreign labor. — Only a specified percentage of foreign labor can be employed on government sales. In unit of product sales the same rules apply and in addition the product must be piled by the price classes agreed upon when a joint scale is made; removal is only after specific authorization. In case wood is removed illegally, double the stumpage price can be levied and in addition punitive damages assessed. Extensions of time for logging costs 1.6 per cent the purchase price of the material not logged for each ten days. Supplemental to these general rules each conservation issues special clauses or modifies general rules which cannot be applied locally. For example, in the ninth conservation, which includes the fir and spruce forests of the Vosges, the use of the saw is authorized for cutting coppice when the stump measures more than 59 inches in circumference. Con- tractors are not obliged to top and cut the branches from designated trees before felling if they are willing to pay all damage for trees injured in any way. Felling of cordwood may take place at any time during the year and for any species in the inspection of Saint Die, Fraize, Sen- ones, and Remiremont, and in these districts the time for the removal CUTTING AND LOGGING RULES 299 of the wood is extended to May 10, of the second year following the sale. The right to bark trees is granted in all fellings, but peeling trees stand- ing is tolerated only under special conditions. Firewood coming from felled trees must be made up within 48 hours after felling. Sliding logs can be authorized by the conservator under exceptional circumstances when it is necessary, but special care must be taken to protect the public and to assume responsibility in case of accident. The contractor is held responsible for all damage to unmarked timber. The fuel to be delivered to forest employees or to communes must be stacked by June 1 following the sale. Foreign laborers can be employed only up to a proportion of 20 per cent. When government saw mills are used special permit is necessary and the contractor must be responsible for the maintenance of the houses and for all equipment. Payments for the use of sawmills are made monthly and the contractor cannot claim any reduction in price because of fire or any other act of Providence. The contractor who, without special authorization, permits manu- factured material to remain more than 10 days around the sawmill will be fined 58 cents a day for each day thereafter. There is a good deal of similarity in the special clauses issued by each conservation, so these will not be repeated unless the wording is of special interest. In the twenty-second (Pau) conservation, which includes the western Pyrenees, the right to add windfalls or damaged trees to current sales is reserved, provided the total windfall does not exceed one-tenth the total original sale. If it does exceed 10 per cent the contractor can refuse to accept the windfall wholly or in part. In the high forest fellings it is provided that the trees marked for cutting can be barked standing. The sliding of the logs is permitted only in the felling areas designated as ''mountain felling." Proper precautions to avoid accidents or damage must be taken by the contractor. In the coppice fellings the beech shoots (see p. 94) shall be cut above the stump of the last felling. Contractors may bark coppice trees stand- ing provided they make a circular incision at the foot of each stem at least 4 inches above the root collar. Special provisions are also made for delaying the clean-up on the felling areas to suit local conditions. When sales are made by unit of product the contractor must have the material ready for scaling within 2 months after the feUing is completed. The fire wood for forest employees, mayors, schools, etc., will be piled by steres and by bunches of 50 fagots for scaling by the local ranger not later than Jun^e 1 of the year following the auction. The reforesta- tion of areas occupied by huts, workshops, and charcoal pits need not be carried out unless specially provided for in the auction announce- ment. This work will be done according to the methods suggested and at the time fixed by the local ranger and in the presence of the local 300 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION guard. Not more than 60 per cent of foreign workmen can be used in the mountain feUing (see p. 302) and not more than 10 per cent for the other feUings. In the thirty-second conservation, at Vesoul, the special clauses are even more minute. According to Article 2: "Peeling oak. — Permission to peel is granted in all oak fellings. Peeling standing is only permitted if a circular incision is first made around each stump 5 inches above the soil and provided that the felling keeps pace with the peehng. . . ." According to Article 3 : "Method of felling. — Fellings shall be made level with the ground except for clumps of beech stool shoots which must be cut in accordance with the direction of the local agent. The use of the saw is authorized in high forest fellings for all trees and in cop- pice fellings for trees measuring more than 59 inches in circumference at breast high. The local agent can authorize stump extraction in the reserve fellings on condition that the resulting excavations shall be carefully filled and leveled, that these areas shall be planted before the first of April . . . with the species suitable for the soil, at the rate of two per square yard, in accordance with the directions of the forest agents " According to Article 4: "Cleaning, extraction of weeds, arrangement of brush. — In the high forest fellings, the contractor must cut level with the ground not later than the first of November of the year following the sale ... in accordance with the demand of the local ranger all trees damaged, bent, or injured by feUing. . . . The branches from peeled oak may be scattered over the felling area between the stumps in accordance with the instructions from the local agents. In aU the felling areas, the heather and weeds (if there are any designated in the marking record) shall be hoed up before the fifteenth of April of the year following the auction, except in the selection fellings and thimiings." Special provision is made for the pruning of branches on the trunks of coppice standards, which must be done before May 15 of each year. Logs or trees can be dragged only in the interior of felling areas and not on roads paved or unpaved except with the express permission of the local ranger. Areas covered with huts or workshops must be leveled and planted at the expense of the contractor before April 1 of the year in which the sale is terminated. Not more than 20 per cent of foreign labor can be employed in the felling areas. Withes will be paid for at the rate of 58 cents per thousand. Very detailed directions are given for the classification of fuel to be delivered to the Federal and communal emploj^ees. "The fagots must be 4.36 feet in length and 32.5 inches in circumference. . . . Each fagot must be composed of 10 billets having a minimum diameter of 2 inches; fagots may be substituted by stacked billets having at least 8 inches circumference at the small end of beech, or hornbeam at the rate of 3 steres (3.6 steres — 1 cord) per 100 fagots. . . . In the twelfth conservation (Besangon), which includes part of the valuable Jura region, trees can be peeled standing and the contractor EXAMPLE OF A LONG-TERM SALE 301 "may leave standing parts of the felling area difficult to log" after designation by a forest officer. Unmerchantable debris is burned if in regeneration fellings, elsewhere it is scattered. In coppice stands "oak, beech, ash, and maple seedlings over 2.5 inches in diameter must be pro- tected." Here, bordering Switzerland, one-third foreign labor is allowed. Cleanings are Umited as follows: "Art. 15. — The cleanings specified by Art. 52 (see Appendix) of the general ex- ploitation rules only pertains to stems at least 8 inches in diameter on the stump; the products of these operations shall be removed, corded, and stacked without delay at the designated places; they shall be dehvered to the highest bidders at the price fixed by the contract, and in the absence of special stipulations at the price of 39 cents per stere and 58 cents per 100 fagots." Such minute and specific directions for all details of forest exploitation can of course be worked out only after years of experience. Specifica- tions are so well known by local contractors and lumber-jacks that it is hardly necessary for them to refer to written specifications which are part of their trade education. The utilization of timber sales naturally varies with the difficulty of transportation and with the local demand for by-products. In the Pyre- nees, on ground difficult to log and with an expensive haul, defective trees (such as would be logged in a government timber sale in the western United States) are merely girdled to make room for new growth, but may be left standing. Logs half or one-third merchantable are often left to rot. Even in the Landes where, during the war, saw timber stumpage prices rose to $16 to $30 per thousand feet board measure, the tops were usually left in the woods, since there was no local cordwood market and transport was impracticable; the same conditions prevailed during peace times. In most parts of France every portion of the tree has a market. For example (according to Captain Kittredge) in the Cote d'Or the market is intensive: "The trees over about 10 inches in diameter are cut into shingle logs, full length to a top diameter of 4 to 6 inches. The stems are hauled off the forest in this form. The material in the coppice and in the tops from 3 to 6 or 8 inches in diameter is cut usually into 52-inch lengths and piled for cordwood. The smaller stems and branches from three-fourths inch to 3 inches in diameter are cut into 26-inch length sand piled. Later this wood is usually converted into charcoal right on the ground or hauled to a nearby hardwood distillation plant. The twigs below three-fourths-inch diameter are bound into bundles with limber twigs and hauled away for local use as kindling." Example of a Long-term Sale. — The sale of 236,000 cubic meters (about 66,000,000 feet board measure) extending over a period of 14 years, made by the Inspection at Oloron in 1908, called for deviations from the regular sales methods of France. It is typical of methods used in Corsica in similar sales. Even before the timber was marked and more than two years before the bidding was called for, the local inspector ad- 302 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION dressed circular letters to possible purchasers in order to interest them in the details of the proposed sale. He called attention to the necessity for a personal study of the timber and explained that after the marking a detailed synopsis of the estimated volume would be furnished them, showing the proportion between sawlogs and cordwood.^^ After the esti- mate was made the material to be sold was divided into "lots" and the amount of beech and fir in cubic meters was listed separately. The stand in each lot was carefully analyzed as follows : Situation, altitude, area. — These forests occupy slopes and are on fairly level ground. The slope facihtates logging. The total area is estimated at 14,209 acres at an altitude between 1,640 and 4,921 feet. Sizes of the trees. — Ninety per cent of the trees included in this sale are more than 21.5 inches in diameter and 10 per cent from 12 to 21 inches. In the forest of Laune, there are very few fir that measure less than 2.5.5 inches in diameter and there are some as large as 63 inches. The height of the saw timber varies from 30 to 60 feet. Oivnership. — All of the forests are conmiunal. Rights of v:aij. — There are no rights of way which must be bought. The roads belong to the forests and all the bordering ground belongs to the communes. Logging. — The purchasers can establish such roads as they deem necessary under the direction and with the approval of the Forest Service. This approval will not be refused. The alignment of the roads v/ill be indicated by the Forest Service. More- over, the successful bidder can install necessary railroads but must negotiate with the communes for the right of way outside the forest. The sale. — The sale will be made by public auction. Contract conditions. — The contract will follow the general rules (see p. 297) of the Forest Administration sul^ject to certain modifications; special clauses will be drawn up to cover the sale. Pnce. — The estimated value of the timber is as follows: Lot No. 1, a maximum of 1.15 francs per cubic meter (about 78 cents per thousand board feet). Ijot No. 2, a maximum of 1.50 francs per cubic meter (about .SI. 01 per thousand board feet). Lot No. 3, a ma.ximum of 1.25 francs per cubic meter (about 83 cents per thousand board feet). Cost of logging. — Unfortunately lumber-jacks will have to be imported since there is no local labor available. It is estimated that the cost of felling will be about 19 cents per tree with an addition of 19 cents per stere for cordwood. Unfortunately fire wood is not in demand locally, but perhaps small quantities can be sold at 6.50 francs per stere delivered (about $4.50 per cord). Therefore the balance of the wood will have to be made into charcoal. Probalily sufRcient labor can be imported from Spain or from the Vosges. Cost of transportation. — Much of the transport in the forest can be by nmles, oxen, and cattle. The ox is better for road work and the cattle better for work in the forest itself. The exact cost of transportation will vary according to the distances, the roads, difficulties of ground, etc., so no further exact data can be given. A good cow suitable for logging purposes costs locally from $58 to $68, while a mule costs $77 to $87. Merchaiitahle material. — Fir is in great demand and brings good prices, since Ray- onne is only 87 miles from Oloron by railroad. At Oloron the local price is 50 francs 39 In this locality it was estimated that 100 cubic meters of fir would equal 86 cubic meters of building material and 21 steres of fuel; 100 cubic meters of beech would equal 82 cubic meters of building material and 27 steres of fuel. To reduce round timber to square timber purchasers were advised to multiply by 0.7854. It is likely that the policy of making large long-term sales will be abandoned by the French government. EXAMPLE OF A LONG-TERM SALE 303 per cubic meter au carree ($23 per thousand board feet). The beech, which is gener- ally used for ties, sells at Oloron or at Mauleon at 48 cents each or 25 francs per cubic meter for squared timber (SI 1.50 per thousand feet). There is a good export demand in Spain where the beech is usually sent to Barcelona, the center of the industry. De- tailed data can be secured at this point. Profits. — As already explained, the maximum price will probably be 1.15, 1.50, and 1.25 francs for the three lots, or an average of 1.28 francs per cubic meter (85 cents a thousand feet). The material being about two-fifths fir and three-fifths beech. Con- sidering 86 per cent of the fir and 82 per cent of the beech as building material, this means a net cost of 30 cents per cubic meter of saw timber or 38 cents for squared lumber which would bring at Oloron or Mauleon an average of about $6.76. These calculations upon which the estimated profit and stumpage price is based seem simple and primitive compared with the minute calcu- lations in the United States National Forest appraisals. Nothing is said of the cost of equipment, interest on the capital used, depreciation of equipment, nor cost of supervision. Rule-of -thumb methods are followed, and in the appraisal the contractor's profit was figured at 20 per cent. This sale was finally made in 1908, and it is interesting to note that the sale price was 19 cents per cubic meter (about 67 cents per thousand board feet) instead of the 25 cents (85 cents per thousand) estimated in the appraisal. According to the special contract conditions the sale, as finally made, covered 10,089 acres, comprising first-class merchantable material, but in part defective, damaged, diseased, or dying trees which were marked for removal for the improvement of the stand. These de- fective trees were partly girdled and partly felled in the actual operations, the choice being left to the purchaser. As in small sales in France, all the marking was completed prior to the formal auction. The sale was made in one lot, with provision for the division of the proceeds between the various communes interested, based on the volume of merchantable material marked in the forests owned by each, prorated according to the average rate received in each forest. At the auction the minimum pur- chase price was placed at $37,635 and was decreased by jumps of $193 until a bidder took it. The payment was made as follows : ' Within 10 days of the auction the successful bidder had to pay 10 per cent of the total purchase price and the remainder in twenty-four equal installments payable quarterly on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 30 of each year, beginning with September 30, 1908, and ending June 30, 1914, inclusive. A discount of 1^ per cent per year was provided for if payments were made in advance of their being called for. The final date for removal of the timber was fixed at December 31, 1922. The compartments could be cut over in the order desired by the con- tractor, and more than one compartment could be cut at one time. Three years were allowed for felling each compartment after cutting once began. If the imprint of the official marking hatchet shows a tendency to disappear toward the end of the sale the trees already marked will be 304 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION re-marked by the Forest Service in collaboration with the contractor or his representative. Special timber not included in the sale and used for logging was to be charged for at the sale rate of 19 cents per cubic meter (67 cents per thousand feet). No claim can be allowed for ground which proves impracticable to log. Wood used for improvement of the roads or any other logging purpose must be purchased at the regular price. The contractor must within 6 months after the expiration of the sale remove all machinery and furnishings; but houses, workshops, or permanent betterments will become the property of the communes upon whose ground they are situated. No allowances were to be made for windfalls or other damages which may occur during the duration of the sale. Special charges aggregating $6,214.60 were made for improvements and roads used by the contractor and he had to deliver about 18 cords of fuel per year to the local commune. There are certain features of this sale which should be emphasized: (1) The stumpage price of 67 cents per thousand is far less than the stumpage for similar timber in the western United States. (2) The methods of logging were wasteful; the French policy was that the timber had been sold and the purchaser could use it or waste it as he desired. Marked unmerchantable trees could l)e merely girdled. (3) Permanent improvements, after the sale is completed, become the property of the commune. (4) No attempt was made to adjust the stumpage price during the sale period of 14 years; the price of 67 cents held during the entire period. The French felt that rise in timber values would mean proportionately higher operating costs. (5) The contractor's profit allowed was 20 per cent as contrasted with 10 per cent in ordinary sales. Stumpage Prices.^" — The stumpage values in France under the intensive management that exists are of interest to the American forester because they give a rough indication of the prices that may be secured in this country after the supply of cheap virgin timber is exhausted. But « The prices paid for manufactured lumber by the French Woods Service during 1918-19 were approximately as follows: Species Class of product Francs per cubic meter Dollars " per thousand board feet Boards, etc 1S0± 160± 140± 79 701 Pine 6H " Exchange at 5.45 francs to $1. But to secure offerings at these low prices the product had to be requisitioned for STUMPAGE PRICES 305 in making the comparison it must be borne in mind that no one can pre- dict what the future conditions will be, and whether changes in building methods will materially modify the demand for lumber, wood products, and timber. Then, too, what will be our cost of production and carrjdng charges? It is most surprising to find French communes prior to 1912 selling good saw timber in the Pyrenees at 67 cents per thousand hoard feet, Army use. According to the French Forest Service the correct commercial prices in March, 1919, were as follows: Species Class of product Francs per cubic meter Current dollars <» per thousand board feet Fir-spruce Poplar Oak Beech Ash Elm Boards and dimension Boards and dimension Boards and dimension Boards and dimension Boards and dimension Boards and dimension 250-300 225 300-350 250 350-400 200-220 100-132 99 132-154 110 154-176 88-97 " Exchange at 5.45 francs to $1. These prices are excessive and are due to an acute shortage and to speculation, but in 1920 were still higher. The approximate prices a.sked by the American E. F. on the Hquidation of its stocks in France are as given in the table below. The main reasons for these comparative low prices, in the face of a large demand and acute shortage, were because of (1) need for quick sale, (2) difficulty of transportation, and (3) faulty manufacture as judged by French standards. Product Unit Price at railroad, francs per unit Approximate equivalent dollars " per thousand board feet Hardwood logs Spruce and fir logs, poles, and piles Spruce and fir boards Pine logs Pine lumber Pine props Standard-gauge hardwood ties.. Standard-gauge softwood ties... Hardwood fuel Softwood fuel Cubic meter Cubic meter Cubic meter Cubic meter Cubic meter Linear meter Each Each Stere Stere 82 75 160 55 130 0.90 10.40 6.50 25 15 52i 48 70 35 57 0.049per linear foot 57 36 16 per cord 10 per cord " Exchange at 5.45 francs to $1. In the final settlement these prices were reduced 10 to 20 per cent (or more for fuel), but even as they stand they are low even for very large wholesale operations. Until the market becomes stabilized by steady imports the f)rices will vary, owing to short- age of supply and to speculation. In France the stumpage price represents a larger proportion (often one-third to one-half) of the final market price than it does in the United States. See also " Private Forestry in France," page 320, for additional data on stumpage prices. 306 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION simply because the logging and transportation was difficult, when similar timber in the Vosges and Jura on accessible forests was, in 1912, worth $9 to $12 and more. Such a divergence in price seems extraordinary when one compares this price of 67 cents in the Pyrenees near a good market with the $2 to $3 received for accessible timber difficult to log in our western National Forests. Perhaps the American has solved the prob- lem of cheap large-scale railroad logging better than the French. As already emphasized in other chapters, cordwood values of two cen- turies ago have decreased and saw timber, especially softwoods and oak, has increased. During the war there was much speculation in timber- lands, labor was abnormally high, the value of the franc ^^ had deprecia- ted, and transportation was extremely difficult, there was no real compe- tition with import timber from foreign markets because it could not be transported; all tonnage was requisitioned by the Allies solely for war needs. Then, too, many French merchants wanted to have their capi- tal in timberlands rather than in currency or loans. Before reviewing average local prices it is well to emphasize some of the shortcomings and difficulties of giving average price figures. As in other countries there are "variables" which affect the price of all classes of timber — distance from market, cost and difficulty of logging, kind of cutting (clear cutting or light thinnings), cultural and betterments costs, other economic difficulties and expenses, species, size, quality, local and general demand as compared with the local and general supply, and cost of imported timber. Then, too, abnormal or unusual sales, such as occur after heavy windfall, bring less than regular sales. Quite frequently a local shortage, as in Haute-Savoie during the war, leads to unusual values ^^ because in France there are distinct local markets. This is surprising considering the small size of the country and the comparatively short hauls necessary to enter the general market. It is partly due to the effect of permanent forest production which protects and maintains small local industries and prevents the local market from being exhausted. Under normal conditions the price of French stumpage is the market price for the manufactured product less the cost of cutting, logging, transporta- tion, manufacture, and contractor's profit. In most sales the auction price must be increased by so-called charges for road repair and damage to other forest betterments and growing stock, which in the aggregate aver- ages 5 per cent of the stumpage cost. The French usually chstinguish three classes of product: (1) Fuel, (2) saw timber, and (3) miscellaneous products (such as bark). The price of cordwood depends on its size; the *i With a gold reserve of only 16 per cent the French paper currency is really promis- sory notes issued by the French Government with no date set for liquidation. ^ Spruce and fir timber on steep rocky slopes, difficult to log sold in 1918 for over 100 francs per cubic meter or over $63 per thousand feet board measure for the stump- age secured. STUMPAGE PRICES 307 standard length is now 1 meter (3.4 feet). While diameter classes may- differ in various parts of France the following is the usual classification: Class Size and specification Usual price ratio " on basis of stere Quartier Over 4.7 inches in diameter outside bark at small end. 100 Rondin * Charbonnette Fagots P>om 1.97 inches to 4.7 d.o.b. Round From 0.98 inches to 1.97 d.o.b. Round Less than 0.98 inches d.o.b. Small branches 66 33 Charcoal Made mostly from charbonnette " Subject to wide variation. * Sometimes two classes of rondin are distinguished (a) small rondin and (b) large rondin. The price of saw timber (bois d'oeuvre) also varies according to the classification of the product: Class Size and specification Usual price ratio on basis cu. m. Bois de Service or construction (See footnote 45) 00 (See footnote 45) 50 Bois chauffage (See preceding table) 15 The minimum diameter of saw timber varies considerably. Oak and beech is used to 9.8 inches for ties, softwoods to 5.9 for saw timber, and 2.7 to 3.1 inches for mine props. In the ''log" and lumber market prices are usually for round logs (grume or au reel) but may also be for: Squared timber with some wane (au carree) equal cubic volume of round^^ log X 0.7854. Squared timber normally without wane or sap (au ^ e deduit) equal cubic volume of round log X 0.5026. Squared timber without wane but with some sap (au ^ e deduit) equal cubic vol- ume of round log X 0.5454. Squared timber without wane but with all sap {k vive arete) equal cubic volume of round log X 0.6366. The ratios between the different methods of commercial sales are as follows : ^ ^2 "Volume grume" is the cubic volume of a round log based on a cylinder with the diameter equal to the middle circumference of the log; it is also called "au r^el" when referring to standing timber or stumpage. For further details see Cubage des Bois. R. Roullean., Paris, 1905. ^* Carnet — Agenda du Forestier, Besangon, 1902, p. 92. 308 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION From Au i sans deduction Au i sans deduit AuJ deduit Grume (logs) A vive arete Meter cube grume (round logs) . . . Meter cube grume au j sans deduit Meter cube grume au i deduit Meter cube grume au J deduit 0.7854 lAiob 1.5625 1.2337 0.5454 0.6944 'o'0851 0.8567 0.5027 0.6400 0.9216 0^7896 'l2732 1.8335 1,9895 1.5708 0.6366 0.8106 1 . 1672 1.2665 In other words 100 cubic meters of logs are equal to 78 cubic meters of logs squared according to the j rule, or 54 cubic meters by the | rule. Inspector Montrichard has invented a shde rule by which can be read the contents of a log (a) grume, (h) au |, (c) au ^, or (d) au I of known diameter or circumference and length. The principle of a comparison of log rules by the use of a slide rule has wide application in the United States. There are frequent misunderstandings, however, because in one lo- cality logs are sold round (or " au reel ") while elsewhere the prices quoted are for squared timber '^au carree," and because of different methods of measurements (see p. 207). Thus to speak of French stumpage rates in exact terms it would be necessary to give at least the data enumerated below; obviously in general averages such minute data are out of the question: (1) Region (and forest), (2) haul, (3) species, (4) kind of fell- ing (and area to be cut over), (5) charges, (6) size of trees, (7) per cent (a) saw timber and (b) cordwood. The forests of the Vosges, Jura, and Savoie are comparable to the coniferous forests of Vermont and northern New Hampshire except that (1) the road system in French forests is already constructed and logging is therefore that much cheaper, (2) the cutting removes a smaller per- centage of the stand, and (3) there is a better market and therefore more competition for the stumpage. To secure an exact line on French stump- age rates on timber in these fir-spruce forests logs were scaled on timber sales in 1912, resulting as follows: (a) In a good stand of silver fir (final felling) 1.1 miles haul to tramway and 10.5 miles from Pontarlier, ten logs averaging 16 inches d. i. b. and 13| feet in length sold for 28 francs per cubic meter; 6.6 cubic meters sold for $36; the scale of these logs by the Scribner Decimal C rule amounted to 1,350 board feet or $26 per thousand feet board measure on the stump. Adding 5 per cent for all charges the rate is $27.30 per thousand feet board measure. (b) In the forest of Gerardmer with a wagon haul of 3 to 4 miles to a broad-gauge station three-fourths spruce and one-fourth fir (intermediate fellings) brought only 18 francs per cubic meter. The sale of a representative mmiber of logs (averaging 6 to 11 inches d. i. b.) by the Scribner Decimal C rule netted $21.40 per thousand; which increased 5 per cent for charges is $22.47 per thousand feet board measure. In other STUM PAGE PRICES 309 sales in the same forest the rates (based on an actual scale of the logs) were (1) (average d. i. b. 4.4 to 15.6 inches) $22.17 per thousand feet board measure or $23.27 with 5 per cent added for charges; (2) (average d. i. b. 6.4 to 11.5 inches) $19.73 and with 5 per cent added $20.72. (c) In the rich fir forest of Noir^mont secondary fellings brought $21.62 per thou- sand feet, or $22.70 with the 5 per cent added. Here the haul was longer than in Gerardmer. (d) In the Jura (forest of Frivelle) small pulpwood on the stump from thinnings was $3.47 per cord. (e) In the forest of Risol (Jura) stumpage was about $19.30, or with 5 per cent added $20.26. (/) In the forest of Mouthe (Jura) fine timber near the road cut in final fellings brought $27.50 per thousand feet board measure, or with 5 per cent added $28.87. (g) In the forest of Chotel (with a 26-mile downhill haul for the lumber) the price for fir was $24 to $25.20 a thousand. This high price was due to competition between local mills. From the foregoing figures it is safe to say that in 1912 the best fir-spruce stumpage, easy to log, sold for $20 to $25 a thousand feet board measure or four to five times the then current price in northern New England which was between $4 and $8 per thousand feet board measure. Since the war stumpage prices in France have increased to a greater degree than in the United States. A comparison of stumpage rates *^ in the various regions, on the basis of average sales gives a lower price and is less exact but nevertheless of interest. In the table which follows the ratio between thousand feet board measure and cubic meters has been varied according to the estimated size of the timber; this explains why 60 francs per cubic meter of fir is less than 60 francs per cubic meter of oak and why 55 francs per cubic meter in the Cevennes is more than 55 francs in the war zone. Maritime pine which takes 4 cubic meters to the thousand board feet is relatively more expensive (per cubic meter) than fir which takes 3 cubic meters to the thousand. The same applies to small Scotch pine. ^« For statistical purposes it is presumed that in mature conifer stands cordwood will comprise 10 per cent of the yield (under French logging conditions) and in mature hard- wood forests 20 per cent; the amount of cordwood varies, but to simplify the calculations the average saw timber rates have been merely increased 10 per cent and 20 per cent; this provides for the loss in saw timber but allows nothing for the 10 per cent to 20 per cent of cordwood stumpage received by the purchaser in lieu of that much saw timber. The normal rate of exchange has been used. "Boise d'Oeuvre" or timber included: (1) "Bois de service or de construction" includes (a) "Charpente" or construction timber of considerable size, the exact dimen- sions varying with the different markets; (6) ties; (c) telegraph poles; mine props. (2) "Boise d'Industrie ou de Travail " may be (a) "sciages," boards, and scantlings of 310 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION TABLE 24. — COMPARISON OF PRE-WAR AND WAR STUMPAGE PRICES" FOR SAW TIMBER PAID BY THE A. E. F. Regi( Vosges .... Jura Central Plateau. Ivandes . . . C^vennes. Brittany. . Allier C^vennes. Brittany . . Allier.*... War Zone. Chief of species Conifer Spruce. Fir Fir Maritime pine. ^Scotch pine. . . Broadleaves — Oak — beech, Average pre-war prices, francs per cubic meter 15 30 to 45 Approximate dollars per thousand 14.00 12.75 11.45 9.30 12.70 24 to 36 Average war prices 1918-19 Francs per cubic meter Approximate dollars per thousand 34.75 37.00 23.50 24.00 28.00 28.70 25.50 47 to 32 "Based on data collected by the American Delegate, Interallied Timber Executive Committee, Paris, France. * Chiefly Haute-Marne, Meuse. In this connection see the stumpage rates given on p. 320, Chapter XL It is especially with hardwood logs that the price per cubic meter varying length, width, and thickness according to local species and market; (6) "Bois de fente" cooperage stock, etc. As an illustration of French lumber grades the following "Sciages du Jura" is given: French term Width, inches Thickness, inches 12.80 11.71 10.65 4.26- 7.48 4.26-12.80 4.26-12.80 8.74-12.80 4.26- 7.48 8.74-12.80 4.26- 7.48 0.98-1.08 0.98-1.08 0.98-1.08 Planches alignes, first class Planches alignes, second class . . . 0.98-1.08 0.98-1.08 Planches alignes, rejects Lambris alignes (renf.) first class Recette. . . Lambris alignes, second class (large etroite) . . liambris alignes (minces) first class Recette . . Lambris, second class (large 6troite) Lambris-rivages (bords non parallelles) 0.98-1.08 0.71 0.71 0.52 0.52 0.42-0.71 Planches brutes 1 08-1.60 Lambris brutes 0 52-0.71 Dauves de long de 2 pi (0.65) a 4 pi (1 .30) Lettes et liteaux Long 3a 12 pieds 3.1^ 5.32 0.71- 1.60 0.71-0.98 0 71-1.08 Types les plus usit^s: 8/18, 12/8, 12/12, 12/15, 12/18 etc 0.04- 0.07 0.71-1.08 STUMPAGE PRICES 311 varies widely with the size. For example the official price for oak in the Meuse department in October, 1918, was as follows: Diameter, breast height, inches Francs per cubic meter Approximate dollars per thousand 7^11 24 36 54 72 21 11-17 26 36 42 17-24 Over 24 These prices are about 30 per cent to 50 per cent over the pre-war rate. The price of beech is usually about two-thirds that of oak and the larger the size the more marked is the difference in price. Before the war cordwood was difficult to dispose of and all the small material (charbonnette) was made into charcoal before it could be moved from the forest. During the war the coal shortage doubled and tripled prices. In the Haute-Marne the averages for all State hardwood-fuel sales on the stump were as follows : 1914 1917 1918 Class of product Francs per stere Approx. dollars per cord Francs per stere dollars' per cord Francs per stere Approx. dollars per cord Quartier Rondin Charbonnette 5.30 3.10 0.35 3.70 2.10 0.24 7.80 5.70 1.20 5.40 4.00 0.83 15.00 11.00 5.00 10.40 7.60 3.50 These prices are typical of average conditions in France; most of the salable fuel comes from the tops of hardwood trees or from coppice. Softwood cordwood has but little value in the Landes or in the mountains. Near the large towns the prices in the above table may be largely ex- ceeded. The American E. F. settled most of its cordwood purchases from State or communal forests at 9 francs per stere for quartier, 6 francs for rondin, and 3 francs for charbonnette. A large purchase in the Cote d'Or was recommended for settlement at a flat rate of 5.50 francs per stere ($3.80 per cord). This was about double the 1914 rates.''^ There has been much speculation regarding future French prices. Unquestionably in the general market prices will fall to the level estab- lished by the cost of imports and will be below war rates, but much « It should be noted that the early 1919 exchange rate was 5.80 francs to one dollar; toward the end of 1919 it was 10 to 113^ francs to the dollar, but all conversions have been made on the normal value of the franc, 19.3 cents. 312 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION higher ^"^ than the 1912 price level because the demand for timber will exceed the supply for years to come. For the next few years the prices may go even higher because of the depreciation of the franc and because of unrestrained speculation. Additional original data on stum page prices during the past century has been supplied (March 27, 1920) by the Directeur General des Eaux et Forets, from the official archives at Paris, but M. Dabat states in his letter of transmittal: ". . . . I must call your attention to the fact that since the price of timber is not under official control, the figures below have only a relative value . . . they only indicate .... and are not exact data on the price variations during the long period examined." ^' According to data furnished by Colonel Sutherland, C.B.E., the average market price of pitwood, "ex ship Cardiff" has been as follows: Year Dollars per ton Year Dollars per ton 1910 4.70 1915 8.76 1911 5.31 1916 11.22 1912 5.39 1917 16.79 1913 5.49 1918 15.86 1914 5.56 1919 15.86 to 13.42 The dollar has been figured at the normal rate of $4.87 to 20 shillings. It is significant that the English coal mines are withholding their orders and are now re- fusing to pay the high war rates, and on January 1, 1920, report the market " glutted." A ton is equal to about one cubic meter; it takes 3.6 stacked cubic meters to make one cord. The relative imports (chiefly from France) from the " board of trade returns of imports of pitprops and pitwood " in million carloads are as follows: Year Million loads Year Million loads 1902 2.0 1911 2.9 1903 2.3 1912 2.9 1904 2.3 1913 3.45 1905 2.1 1914 2.5 1906 1915 2.1 1907 2.4 1916 2.0 1908 3.0 1917 1.0 1909 2.6 1918 0.7 1910 2.8 1919 1.5 STUMPAGE PRICES 313 (a) State Forest of Trongais (Allier), oak saw-timber stumpage prices: Francs per cubic Approx. dollars per meter 1,000 board feet 1820 34.00 26.00 1830 36.50 28.00 1840 43.00 33.00 1850 30.00 23.00 1860 51.00 39.00 1870 53.00 40.75 1880 32.00 24.50 1890 42.00 32.25 1900 60.00 46.00 1910 70.00 53.75 1920« 170.00 130.50 Estimated. (6) State Forest of Ban d'fitival (Vosges) fir saw-timber stumpage prices: Year Francs per cubic meter Approx. dollars per 1,000 board feet 1835-1870 1871-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 1910-1913 1918 10.00 13.50 15.00 20.00 22.00 60.00 7.00 9.50 10.50 14.00 15.50 42.25 (c) state Forest of Gerardmer (Vosges), fir saw-timber stumpage prices : Year Francs per cubic meter Approx. dollars per 1,000 board feet 1870-1879 1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909 1910-1913 1918 9.50 11.00 11.50 14.00 20.00 60.00 6.75 7.75 8.00 9.75 14.00 42.25 314 FEATURES OF FRENCH NATIONAL FOREST ADMINISTRATION (d) Gerardmer Region (Vosges), hardwood cordwood stumpage prices : Year Francs per stere Approx. dollars per cord 1830-1839 5.00 3.50 1840-1849 6.00 4.20 1850-1859 5.50 3.85 1860-1869 5.50 3.85 1870-1889 6.00 4.20 1890-1899 6.00 4.20 1900-1909 5.60 3.92 1918 16.00 11.20 (e) Port of Clamecy (Yonne), coppice cordwood ready to load on canal boats: Year Francs per stere Approx. dollars per cord 1817-1827 1837-1847 1857-1867 1877-1887 1897-1907 1913-1918 10.30-14.50 11.00- 8 00 10.00- 9.00 12.00-11.00 10.00-12.50 9.50-25.00 7.21-10.15 7.70- 5.60 7.00- 6.30 8.40- 7.70 7.00- 8.75 6.65-17.50 A study of these figures shows: (1) There have always been higher saw-timber stumpage prices during and after great wars; and that investors who placed their money in forests in 1914 would have been spared the losses due to the depreciation of French currency. (2) Stumpage values for saw timber during the past century have about doubled and since the war have been almost three times the pre-war value. (3) Stumpage values for cordwood have remained s^ont the same for the past 100 years, but during the war they almost tripled owing to the shortage of coal throughout France. (4) The prices charged the American E. F. by the French Government (see p. 310) were much less than the current commercial average rates. Some of the difference in price is due to the fact that the timber cut by the American E. F. took fewer cubic meters to the thousand board feet than that sold the average customer. CHAPTER XI PRIVATE FORESTRY IN FRANCE General Discussion (p. 315). Trend of Private Ownership, Areas and Systems of Management, Legislation Against Deforestation, Forestry as an Investment, Money Yields from Public Fir Forests (Jura-Doubs), Drawbacks and Advantages to Forest Investments, Indirect Benefits. Examples of the Best Private Forestry (,p. 323). Three Notable Forests, The Grand Domaine of Arc-et-Chateauvillain (Haute-Marne), Forest of Amboise (Indre- et-Loire), A Fir Forest (Vosges), Conclusions. GENERAL DISCUSSION Trend of Private Ownership. — In 1912, when the last statistics were compiled, seven-tenths of the forest area in France was privately owned and with the possible exception of the Landes and Gironde this forest area was largely in small holdings. Out of ten departments, taken at random, there were 97,710 owners, each with less than 25 acres of forest, the average holding being 3.2 acres. In the Puy-de-Dome department 101,510 acres were in the hands of 32,684 persons, and around Paris 31,085 owners divided 50,787 acres. In all France it is safe to say that there are less than 100 families that own more than 5,000 acres each. From the national and political standpoint this era of small forest holdings is beneficial. It has been stated that social upheavals will be prevented by this division of forest and agricultural land. But other things being equal forests divided into small ownerships benefit a nation but deterio- rate the stand. The reason is that the peasant cuts spasmodically to satisfy his needs in the village or farm, to realize on his capital, or to allow an estate to be settled. The large owner on the contrary can afford to employ a competent forester and can manage his forest as a permanent producing business, based on a sustained annual yield. Or, better than this, the rich landlord may increase his growing stock and improve a de- teriorated stand.i The kings and nobles formerly owned the best high forests in France and to-day the best of the private forests are unquestion- ably in the hands of the old nobility and the new industrial millionaire. 1 The Count de Grancey, the largest private owner in the Cote d'Or, had increased his coppice rotations and was increasing the number of standards. It was unfortunate that some of his best stands had to be requisitioned and cut for the A. E. F. fuel supply. 315 316 PRIVATE FORESTRY IN FRANCE But nevertheless many of the great forest properties are disappearing ^ because the higher cost of operation usually reduces the return to less than 3 per cent. Areas and Systems of Management. — No less than 15,988,857 acres of forest (out of a total of 24.4 million acres) are in private ownership. Of this 610,901 acres are unproductive; 4,856,214 acres in coppice; 5,856,947 acres in coppice-under-standards; 106,314 in conversion; and less than one-third, or 4,558,481 acres, in high forest. In other words more than two-thirds of the private forests are in coppice or coppice-under-standards, and in 1912 less than 1 acre in 100,000 was being converted to high forest. The individual clearly wants his forest to yield returns frequently and he desires but a small amount of capital tied up in growing stock. Therefore it is only when local conditions almost force the high forest on the private owner that he holds this class of stand. In the Landes and Gironde, in parts of the Sologne, in mining districts where there is a great demand for props, and in the mountains where coppice will not thrive, he must fall back on the high forest. In order to still further reduce the capital tied up in growing stock the private owner invariably chooses shorter rotations than does the technically trained State forester. It is not infrequent that private coppice is managed under a 6- to 18-year rotation, whereas the State forest coppice would be at least 25 to 40 years. For spruce or fir the public forest rotation would be 120 to 180 years and the private forest 30 to 120. A similar difference exists in pine stands, although this difference is less marked with maritime pine than with Scotch pine. Legislation Against Deforestation. — All through the later forest history of France the Government has always tried to restrain the private owner and force him to conserve his property. " The files of the Chamber of Deputies are full of projects that menace forest property," wrote Bonnevoy, the Rhone deputy, in commenting on proposed con- servation laws. Yet from 1815 to 1870 the State itself sold no less than 871,401 acres 3 of public forest for $59,251,000! With the necessity for restraining the private owner it is not sur- prising that there should be a stringent law against the "clearing of private timber" revised and reenacted in 1859 (see p. 263). The owner is given an opportunity to present his argument at a public hearing. It is my impression that the law is leniently apphed but in notable instances large properties have been held to be essential forest land and could not be clear cut. Most French laws benefit and protect the private owner, especially against theft, trespass, and fire. - The great forest of Eu-et-Aumale was sold in 1912 for $1,883,500 to a company which was preparing to clear cut. This tlie Government was unwilling to allow and was, there- fore, planning to purchase it as a State forest. 3 Du Retabhssement de Nos Fordts, par Ch. Broilliard. Besan9on, 1910. FORESTRY AS AN INVESTMENT 317 Where the owner of land has mismanaged it and allowed erosion or drifting sand to destroy its value, even then the State must buy the land before reclaiming it, notwithstanding the resulting common good for the community. If land is being damaged by overgrazing it can be reserved from further use, but during a 10-year period the value of the rental must be paid the owner, and if after that period forestation is deemed necessary, exappropriation, with payment, is obligatory. The dunes, as well as the mountain reforestation areas which have been restocked, are exempt from taxation for a period of 30 years. Other plantations are exempt for 20 years only and this applies also to the restocking of blanks which have existed for at least 10 years before the passage of the law.^ Even during the war, where the power of Army requisition had been extended to cover standing timber needed by the Allies as well as by the French people, the rights of the individual were fully protected. In fact an individual with political power could some- times evade the requisition. The conclusion is that the property rights of the individual are practically free from obnoxious State control, and that in fact every encouragement is given the private owner to practice forestry. Forestry as an Investment. — Many writers (even such an eminent authority as Broilliard) have argued that money in savings banks paying only 2| to 3 per cent interest ^ had better be invested in producing forests. In forest valuation it is customary to use low interest rates for calculations. Certainly one reason why this is done is because usually if rates of 4 per cent or more are adopted for the basic interest rate the forest investment shows a decided loss. Yet even here there are notable exceptions as in the Landes where it was estimated that by sowing sand wastes, soil formerly worth an average of 77 cents per acre is now selling at $54 to $93 per acre. We know that it cost some 10.3 million dollars ^ L'Impot sur le revenu des Forets, S. F., XI, 5, pp. 372-375. 5 The interest rates paid by the French Government have varied from a maximum of 8.6 per cent (in 1816) to a minimum of 3 per cent, the prevailing rate in 1901. Not- able variations in these rates, due to wars and revolutions, are shown in the following table (after Huff el) for 100 years: Year Per cent Year Per cent Year Per cent Year Per cent 1816 8.60 1832 5.06 1854 7,8H 1870/ 4.95 1818 7.52« 1841 3.13* 1855 4.61 1870 !? 7.42 1821 5.79 1845 3.95 1859 4.83 « 1871 6.23 1823 5.58 1847 3.88 1861 4.32 1886 3.75 1828 3.87 1848 5.00^ 1863 4.50 1901 3.00 1830 3.92 1868 4.32 1918 6.83 "and 7.45, *and 3.50, ^and 6.64, '^and 4.69, «and 4.00, ■'"Aug., ^Oct. 318 PRIVATE FORESTRY IN FRANCE to reforest 1.6 million acres, or about $6.41 per acre. As a national investment this has certainly paid. It has created enormous wealth in a region formerly poverty stricken and unhealthy. But from the stand- point of the individual to-day the investment is not so attractive, because, if the sale value is compared with the revenue it is seen that land worth (with its growing stock) perhaps $54 per acre nets year in and year out about $2.22, or about 4.1 per cent. According to HuffeP the average returns from private forests were, in 1892, 1.16 cubic meters (about two- thirds to three-fourths of this is fuel) worth 67 cents per acre per year (2.90 cubic meters and 16.80 francs per hectare). If we place a soil and growing stock value of only $30.88 per acre (400 francs per hectare) the net return is about 4 per cent. The return is probably less than this. According to French data the lower the soil values the better the forest investment but the higher the risk from fire, fungus, insects, and acts of Divine Providence. This seems logical because the risk in the manage- ment of maritime pine on Landes sand is unquestionably greater than in the thrifty coppice of the Cote d'Or on rich well watered soil. According to Huff el's definition the soil or "fonds" includes everything that remains in a forest after it is completely clear cut : the unmerchant- able part of the stumps, roots, seed, humus, dead leaves, boundaries, roads, management divisions, drainage ditches, fire lines, forest houses, and all other betterments. Any study of soil values shows the advantage of reforesting cheap, so-called waste land; proof is abundant in French forest history — -the Landes Sands (where values increased from 77 cents to as many dollars per acre), the uncultivated land in Champagne (which sold at $1.50 to $4.50 until planted to Austrian pine, when soil values increased to $10 or more, because it could produce $60 per acre from timber crops on a short rotation) ; similar advantages occurred to foresting cheap waste soils in the Central Plateau, Sologne, and elsewhere. But the State had to prove the way. Values are created; for before the for- estation the value of the soil is the local sale value, while after the pioneer has created the forest the value is based on what the soil can produce. It has been made revenue-producing, and the pioneer reaps the profit. A good illustration may be taken from the sale of stock. Let us as- sume that a Avire company sells its stock at par, or $100 a share, and pays 8 per cent (in accordance with 1920 rates). The concern prospers, earns and pays 12 per cent. Capital values have been created by its earning capacity and the stock sells at $150 a share instead of $100. The same increase in values occurs when barren soil is made to produce salable forests. *ficonomie Forestiere, Vol. I, p. 407. G. Huffel, 1904. Some craters claim a return of 6 to 7 per cent on timber investments in the Landes. See also Chapter VIII. FORESTRY AS AN INVESTMENT 319 French writers are apt to make excessive claims for forest investment returns, Risler/ director of the Institut Agronomique, claiming 5 to 10 per cent for conifer plantations. For a pine plantation near Selongey (Cote d'Or) a return of 5.7 per cent was claimed ^ for a 30-year rotation on soil worth $7.72 an acre (100 francs per hectare). For a larch stand at Boisy near Geneva, Barbey claimed a return of 6.30 per cent. And it was said that "a private owner in the Pyrenees spent 10,000 francs on reforesting uncultivatible slopes worth 20,000; forty-five years later he left to his children a property worth 270,000 francs." Cases such as this are numerous where the owner reaped good returns by reforesting ground which he would have held anyway. The following returns are cited for plantations of broadleaf species, such as chestnut: Soil Soil cost per acre Cost of plantation per acre Return at end of rotation Rotation Rate of return, per cent Mediocre $3.86 9.65 19.30 $7.72 9.65 11.58 $ 93 193 386 35 40 50 6 25 Quite good 6.00 Very favorable 5.12 For a fir stand in the Doubs on poor soil an average annual revenue of $8.96 per acre was secured (116 francs per hectare) but there are no exact data on the soil and growing stock values. Extraordinary yields a;re often cited for this region. Mangenot owned 9.1 acres which in 1868 were estimated to have 1,510 trees or 667 cubic meters worth 9,265 francs. From 1868 to 1890 he cut 498 trees or 604 cubic meters and sold at 9,650 francs; in 1890 he still had 1,600 trees estimated at 660 cubic meters and worth 9,165 francs. These exact data cited by Schaeffer ^ were equal to a net annual yield of about $9 per acre per year. The growing stock per acre was worth in round figures $199 and the soil at least $10, so this return of $9 per acre was only 4.3 per cent on the invested capital in a favorable forest region and with rapidly growing fir, spruce, and beech. But it should be noted that if this property had been held until 1918 and then clear cut down to a low diameter limit he would have doubled his money because of the high prices prevailing during 1918 and because the French currency had depreciated. But this introduces a new feature — a speculative one — which is present in all forest investments, namely, the sporadic increase in stumpage values with occasional very high levels. ^ Placements Financiers en Bois. A. Jacquot. 8 In the State forest of Levier the gross returns have been as high as $15.90 per acre, according to an engineer officer writing in American Forestry (p. 1537), 1919. 9 Quelques Conseils aux Sylviculteurs du Chablais. A. Schaeffer, Annecy, 1894. 320 PRIVATE FORESTRY IN FRANCE Much of this increase may be due to the decrease in the purchasing power of money in addition to an increasing shortage of supply. In the State and communal forests under the inspector at Lorient (Morbihan) the average price per cubic meter for commercial sales ^^ was as follows: Year Total sales, cubic meters Average price, francs per cubic meter Price per thousand feet board measure*^ 1890 12,749 10.99 $11.31 1900 16,932 13.34 13.73 1910 21,211 14.78 15.22 1912 41,338 8.58 8.83 1913 25,365 11.90 12.25 1914 18,586 10.70 11.02 1915 23,560 14.28 14.70 1916 25,822 14.69 14.86 1917 23,353 23.16 23.84 1918 25.032 29.54 30.41 « This is only approximate since these prices were averages including cordwood. To reduce to dollars per thousand, the average price figure has been increased 33| per cent and four cubic meters counted to the thousand board feet. These original data show how the private owner could have taken ad- vantage of the prevaiHng high prices in 1917 and 1918 and could have profitably reduced his growing stock. They also show a steady increase in price since 1890, with the probability of much higher prices even after the abnormal war conditions are passed. Under such conditions the new owner, who has bought at the higher price level, may be influenced to cut and sell at the new price level. The forest investment, even after stumpage values increase, is much the same because the capital values of the land and growing stocks have increased in the same proportion; but it is during such times that the incentive to liquidate the investment is greatest. Money Yield from Public Fir Forests (Jura-Doubs). — It is interesting to compare the returns from the private forests just reviewed with those from public forests which are perhaps more conservatively managed. Table 25 which follows" shows the basic data: Much can be learned from a study of the following table, for the past history of four important State and communal fir and spruce forests in the Jura Mountains can be accurately analyzed, (a) The average ro- tation is 150 years; in other words it takes 150 years to grow (Jura) fir and spruce 22.8 inches in diameter breast-high. (6) The average stand (mean 10 The low price in 1912 was due to windfall; the low price in 1914 was due to the un- settled conditions prevalent during the initial period of the war. " From original data prepared by Inspecteur Devarennes. Such detailed data on managed French forests have never before been made public in the United States. MONEY YIELD FROM PUBLIC FIR FORESTS 321 •^-1 ^ i 1 c< s £ 1 lii to ira "O — i lo o 05 ^ " a 1 « 5 TO ^- d 1 SSI c^ mnnmm CM -o TO- 10 d 1-1 S SSSgj?^ s s ?! E 1" fs 1 >o 00 5 00 X 0 3 . ^ W H ;o 3 "^1 TO. . ^ . O m to ^ o ooooo g 0 0 t3 00 IP c^ iraujioioio CO ■0 !2 (2g TOTOMTOTO CT rt' tM f§^ >. J 1 ^§3 TO t^iraiodto " ^ T3 1 1 o a d d d a k 2 2 2 2 2 c 1 V 2 fSl - ^O-Ht-O 0 - - - 1 SSS8S H 2 llsll 1 K S .2 ■S "" /4 T3 0 TO -i'TO'O^TO '^ ~ CO rt ^rt rt ^ 0 d o doodo — ^ ~" _c "o ^ -g § d -p ^ -tj ^ ^ 00 -. C-) — t- ^ •S.I S 3 3 § 3 § s s .2 l^s