STUDIES OF NATURE. VOL. IV. STUDIES OF NATURE, BY JAMES - HENRY- BERNARDIN DE SAINT -PIERRE. .MISERÏS SUCCURERE DISCO. TRANSLATED liY HENRY HUNTER, D. D. MINISTER OF THE SCOTS CHURCH, LONDON-WALL. IN FIFE rO LUMES, VOL. iV. EonDon : PRINTED FOR C. DILLY, IN THE POULTRY. MDCCXCVI, CONTENTS OF VOL. IV. SEQUEL OF Page STUDY XII. /^F the Sentiments of the Soul, and, V-/ firft, Of mental Affeeiions i Of the Sentiment of Innocence .i 5 Of Pity — 6 Of the Love of Country • 10 Of the Sentiment of Admiration ■ 1 3 Of the Marvellous ' _-^__ i^ The Pkafure of Myflery — — 17 The Pleafure of Ignorance 1 9 Of the Sentiment of Melancholy 24 The Pleafure of Ruin ■ — 28 The Pleafure of Tombs — — — 38 Ruins of Nature — — — 45 The Pleafure of Solitude ■ 47 Of the Sentiment of Love ^— ib. Of fome other Sentiments of Deity, and, among others, of that of Virtue — 75 STUDY XIII. Application of the Laws of Nature to the Diforders of Society — — 97 Of Paris i8r Of Nobility > 246 Of an Elyfium — — -. 25L Of the Clergy 288 STUDY XIV. Of Education — 297 National Schools — 326 Recapitulation ■■ — ■■ 371 9 O .n ,^.., STUDIES NATURE SE QUEL OF ST UD Y XII. OF THE SENTIMENTS OF THE SOUL. AND, FIRST, Of mental AjfeBions. SHALL fpeak of mental afTfiflions, chiefly in the vieu' of diftinguilhing them from the ien- ciments of the foul : they diifcr efTentialîy fr.oiii each other. For ex mi pie, the pleafure which co- medy beftows is widely different from that of which tragedy is the fource. The eir.otion which excites laughter is an affection of the mind, or of human reafon^ that which dilL.-lves us into tears is a fentireient of the foul. Not that 1 would make of the mind, and of the foul, two powers of a dif- ferent nature j but it feems to me, as his been already faid, that the one is to the odier, what fight is to the body; mind is a faculty, and foul is the principle of it : the foul is, if i may venture VOL. IV. B thus 2 STUDIES OF NATURE. thus to exprefs myfelf, the body of our intelîï- gence. 1 confider the mind, then, as an intellec- tual eye, to which may be referred the other facul- ties of the underftanding, as the mûginationj 'wh.ich apprehends things future ; memory, which contem- plates things that are paftj and Judgment, which difcerns their correfpondencies. The impreflion made upon us by thefe different adls of vifion, fometimes excites in us a fentiment which is de- nominated evidence ; and in that cafe, this laft per- ception belongs immediately to the foul ; of this we are made fenfible by the delicious emotion which it fuddenly excites in us ; but, raifed to that, it is no longer in the province of mind ; be- caufe, when we begin to feel, we ceafe to reafon; it is no longer vifion, it is enjoyment. As our education and our manners dired us to- ward our perfonal intereft, hence it comes to pafs, that the mind employs itfelf only about focial con- formities, and that reafon, after all, is nothing more than the intereft of our paffions ; but the foul, left to itfelf, is inceffantly purfuing the con- formities of Nature, and our fentiment is always the intereft of Mankind. Thus, I repeat it, mind is the perception of the Laws of Society, and fentiment is the perception of the Laws of Nature. Thofe who difplay to us the STUDY XII. 3 the conformities of Society, fuch as comic Writers, Satyrifts, Epigrammatifts, and even the greatefl: part of Moralifts, are men of wit : fuch were the Abbé de Choify^ La BruyerCy St. Evremont, and the like. Thofe who difcover to us the conformities of Na- ture, fuch as tragic, and other Poets of fenfibility, the Inventors of arts, great Philofophers, are men of genius : fuch were Shakefpeare, Corneille, Racine, Newton, Marcus Aurelius, Montefquieu, La Fontaine, Fenelon, J. J. Rotijfeaii. The firft clafs belong to one age, to one feafon, to one nation, to one junto; the others to pofterity and to Mankind. We (hall be flill more fenfiblc of the difference which fubfifts between mind and foul, by tracing their affeftions in oppofite progreffes. As often, for example, as the perceptions of the mind are carried up to evidence, they are exalted into a fource ofexquifite pleafure, independently of every particular relation of intereft ; becaufe, as has been faid, they awaken a feeling within us. But when we go about to analyze our feelings, and refer them to the examination of the mind, or reafoning power, the fublime emotions which they excited in us vanifli away ; for in this cafe, wç do not fail to refer them to fome accommodation of fociety, of fortune, of fyflem, or of fome other perfonal inte- reft, whereof our reafon is compofed. Thus, in B 2 the 4" STUDIES OF NATURE. the firft cafe, we change our copper into gold ; and m the fécond, our gold into copper. Again, nothing can be lefs adapted, at the long- run, to the ftudy of Naiure, than the reafjning powers of Man ; for though they may catch here and there fome natural conformities, they never purfue the chain to any great length : befides, there is a much o-reater number which the mind does not perceive, becaufe it always brings back every thing to itfelf, and to the little focial or fci- entific order within which it is circumfcribed. Thus, for example, if it takes a glitiipfe of the ce- leftial fpheres, it will refer the formation of them to the labour of a glafs-houfe ; and if it admits the exiflence of a creating Power, it will reprefent him as a mechanic out of employment, amufing himfelf with making globes, merely to have the pleafure of feeinsT them turn round. It will conclude, from it's own diforder, that there is no fuch thing as order in Nature ; from it's own immortality, that there is no mortality. As it refers every thing to it's own reafon, and feeing no reafjn for exifii- ence, when it fhall be no longer on the Earth, it thence concludes, that, in fad, it fliall not in that cafe exift. To be confident, it ought equally to conclude, on the fame principle, that it does not exift nows for it certainly can difcover, neither in itfelf, STUDY XII. 5 itfeif, nor in any thing around, an acliial realon for ix's exiiicnce. We arc convinced of our exiflence b}' a power greatly fuperior to our mind, which is fentiment, or intelledual feeling. We are going to carry this natural inftind: alono- with us into our re- fearclies refpeâ;ing the exidence of tlie Deity, and the immortality of the foul ; fnbjeds, on which our verfatile reafon has fo frequently en- gaged, fomecimes on this, fometimes on the other fide of the queftion. Though our infufficiency be too great to admit of launching far into this unbounded career, we prefume to hope, that our perceptions, nay, our very miflakes, may encou- rage men of genius to enter upon i,f. Thcfe fu- blime and eternal truths feem to us fo deeply im- printed on the human heart, as to appear them- felves the principles of our intelledual feeling, and to manifefl: themfelves in our m-fh oidinary .affedions, as in the wildeft excelles of our paffions. OF THE SENTIMENT OF INNOCENCE. The fentiment of innocence exalts us toward the Deity, and prompts us to virtuous deeds. The Greeks and Romans employed litHe children Cb fing in their religious feftivals, and to prefenc E 2 their b STUDIES OF NATURE. their offerings at the altar, in the view of rendering the Gods propitious to their Country, by the fpec- tacle of infant innocence. The fight of infancy calls men back to the fentiments of Nature. When CrJo of Utica had formed the refolution to put himfelf to death, his friends and fervants concealed his fword ; and upon his demanding it, with ex- preffions of violent indignation, they delivered it to him by the hand of a child : but the corrup- tion of the age in which he lived, had ftified in his heart the fentiment which innocence ought to have excited. Jesus Christ recommends to us to become as little children : We call them innocents, non no- centes^ becaufe they have never injured any one. But, notwithftanding the claims of their tender age, and the authority of the Chriliian Religion, to what barbarous education are they not aban- doned ? Of Pity. The fentiment of innocence s the'native fource of compaffion ; hence we are more deeply affefted by the fufferings of a child than by thofe of an old man. The reafon is not, as certain Philofophers pretend, becaufe the refources and hopes of the child are inferior; for they are, in truth, greater than STUDY XII. 7 than thofe of the old man, who is frequently in- firm, and haftening to diflblutioni whereas the child is entering into life; but the child has never offended ; he is innocent. This fentiment extends even to animals, which, in many cafes, excite our fympathy more than rational creatures do, from this very confideration, that they are harmlefs. This accounts for the idea of the good La Fon- taine^ in defcribing the Deluge, in his fable of Baucis and Philemon. Tout dlfparut fur l'heure. Les vieillards déploroient ces fevères deftins : Les animaux périr ! Car encor les humains, Tous avoient dû tomber fous les célèftes armes, Baucis en répandit en fecret quelques larmes. AU difappear'd in that tremendous hour. Age felt the weight of Heaven's infulted power : On guilty Man the ftroke with jullice fell, But harmlefs brutes i — the fiercenefs who can tell Of wrath divine ? — At thought of this, fome tears Stole down the cheeks of Baucis Thus the fentiment of innocence develops, in the heart of Man, a divine charaâier, which is that of generofity. It bears, not on the calamity ab- ftradedly confidered, but on a moral quality, which it difcerns in the unfortunate being who is the objeâ: of it. It derives increafe from the view of innocence, and fometimes ftill more from that of repentance. Man alone, of all animals, is fuf- B 4 ceptible o STUDIES OF KATURE, cepiible of it ; and this, not by a fecret retrofpect to himlcif, as (ome enemies of the Human Race have pretended : for, were that the cafe, on ftaiing a comparifon beiween a child and an old man, both of them unfortunate, we ought to be move aiFeCied by the mifery of the old man, confidering that we are removing from the wretch.cdneis oi chik'iiood, and drawins; nearer to thole ot old- age : the contrary, however, takes place, in virtue of the moral fcntiment which I have alleged. When an old man is virtuous, the moral Icnti- ment of his diftrefs is excited in us with redoubled force ; this is an evident proof, that pity in Man is by no means an animal affedion. The fight of a Belifariiis is, accordingly, a moft affecling objeCl. If you heighten it by the introducftion of a child holding out his little hand to receive the alms be- flowcd on that illullrious blind beggar, the imprefT fion of pity is ftill more powerful. But let me put a fcntlmental cafe. Suppofe you had fallen in with Belifarius foliciting charity, on the one hand, and on the other, an orphan child, blind and VvTetched, and that you had but one crown, with- out the podibiiity of dividing it, to which of the two would you have given it } If on reflection you (ind, that the eminent fer- vlces rendered by Belifarius to his iingraieful Coun- try, STUDY XII. 9 try, have inclined the balance of fentiment too decidedly in his favour, fuppofe the child over- whelmed with the woes of Belifarhis, and at the fame time poffeffing fome of his virtues, fiich as having his eyes put out by his parents, and, never- thelefs, continuing to beg alms for their relief* ; there would, in my opinion, be no room for hefi- tation, provided a man felt only : for if you rea- fon, the cafe is entirely altered; the talents, the victories, the renown of the Grecian General, would prefently abforb the calamities of an obfcure child. Reafon will recal you to the political intereft, to the / human. The fentiment of innocence is a ray of the Di- vinity. It invefls the unfortunate perfon with a celeftial radiance, which falls on the human heart, and recoils, kindling it into generofity, that other fiame of divine original. It alone renders us fen- fjble to the diftrefs of virtue, by reprefenting it to us as incapable of doing harm ; for othervvife, we might be induced to confider it as fufficient to it- felf. In this cafe it would excite rather admira- tion than pity. * The reélor of a country village, in the vicinity of Paris, not far from Dravet, underwent, in his infancy, a piece of inhu- manity not lefs barbarous, from the hands of his parents. He fufFered cailration from his own father, who was by profeffion a furgeon : he, neverthelefs, fupported that unnatural parent in bis old age. I believe both father and fon are flill in life. Of iÔ STUDIES OF NAtfRE. Of the Love of Country. This fentiment is, ftill farther, the fource of Jove of Country, becaufe it brings to our recollec- tion the gentle and pure affcftions of our earlier years. It increafes with extenfion, and expands with the progrefs of time, as a fentiment of a celef- tial and immortal nature. They have, in Switzer- land, an ancient mufical air, and extremely fimple, called the rans des vaches. This air produces an cffeâ: fo powerful, that it was found neceflary to prohibit the playing of it, in Holland and in France, before the Swifs foldiers, becaufe it fee them all a-deferting one after another. I imagine that the rans des vaches muft imitate the lowing and bleating of the cattle, the repercuffion of the echos, and other local aflbciations, which made the blood boil in the veins of thofe poor foldiers, by recalling to their memory the valleys, the lakes, the mountains of their Country *, and, at the fame time, * I have been told that Poutaverl^ the Indian of Taiti, who tvas fome years ago brought to Paris, on feeing, in the Royal Garden, the paper-mulberry tree, the bark of which is, in that ifland, manufaélured into cloth, the tear ftarted to his eye, and clafping it in his arms, he exclaimed : Ah ! tree of my country ! I could wifh it were put to the trial, whether, on prefenting ta a foreign bird, fay a paroquet, a fruit of it's country, which it had STUDY XII. Il time, the companions of their early life, their firfl; loves, the recolledion of their indulgent grand- fathers, and the like. The love of Country feems to ftrengthen in pro- portion as it is innocent and unhappy. For this reafon Savages are fonder of their Country than poliflied Nations are ; and thofe who inhabit re- gions rough and wild, fuch as mountaineers, than thofe who live in fertile countries and fine cli- mates. Never could the Court of Ruffia prevail upon a fingle Samoïcde to leave the fliores of the Frozen Ocean, and fettle at Peterfburg. Somp Greenlanders were brought, in the courfe of the laft century, to the Court of Copenhagen, where they were entertained with a profufion of kindnefs, but foon fretted themfelves to death. Several of them were drowned, in attempting to return to their Country in an open boat. They beheld all the magnificence of the Court of Denmark with extreme indifference ; but there was one, in par- had not feen for a confiderable time, it would exprefs fome ex- traordinary emotion. Though phyfical fenfations attach us llrongly to Country, moral fentiments alone can give them a vehement intenfity. Time, which bkints the former, gives only a keener edge to the latter. For this reafon it is, that veneration for a monument is always in proportion to it's antiquity, or to it's diflance ; this explains that expreffion of Tacitus: Major e longirtquo renjcrentia : diilaace increafes reverence. ticular, 12 STUDIES OF NATURE. ticular, whom they obferved to weep every time he law a woman with a child in her arms ; hence they conjectured that this unfortunate man was a father. The gentlenefs of domeftic education, undoubtedly, thus powerfully attaches thole poor people to the place of their birth. It was this which infpired the Greeks and Romans with (o much courage in the defence of their Country. The lentiment of innocence ftrengthens the love of it, becaufe it brings back all the affecftions of early life, pure, facred, and incorruptible. Virgil was well acquainted with the effeft of this fentiment, when he puts into the mouth of Nifns, who was diffuading Enryalns from undertaking a nodurnal expedition, fraught with danger, thofe affecting words : Te fuperefTe velim : tua vita dignior œtas. If thou furvive me, I fliall die content : Tliv tender ag[e deferves the lonoer life. But among Nations with whom infancy is ren- dered miferable, and is corrupted by irkfome, fe- rocious, and unnatural education, there is no more love ot Country than there is of innocence. This is one of the caufes which fends fo many Euro- peans a-raoibling over the World, and which ac- counts for our having fo few modern monuments in Europe, becaufe the next generation never fails to STUDY xiî. r; îû dellroy the monuments of that which preceded it. This is the rcaion that our books, our fa- ihions, our cuftoms, our ceremonies, and our lan- guages, become obfolete fo Toon, and arc entirely different this age from what they were in ihe l;al ; whereas all thefe particulars continue the lame among the fedcntary Nations of A fia, for a long feries of ao-c^ together ; becaufe children brouQ-lit: up in Afia, in the habitation of their parents, and treated with much gentlenefs, remain attached to the efLabliQiments of their anceftors, out of grati- tude to their memory, and to the places of their birth, from the recolleJilion of their happinefs and innocence. OF THE SENTIMENT OF ADMIRATION. The fentiment of admiration tranfports us im- mediately into the bofom of Deity. If it is ex- cited in us by an ob;e6l which infpires delight, we convey ourfelves thither as to the fource of joy ; if terror is roufed, we flee thither for refuge, in either cafe, Admiration exclaims in thefe words, Jb, my God I This is, we are told, the eftcél of education r.ierely, in the courfe of which frequent mention is made of the nantie of God ; but men- tion is flill more frequently made of our father, of the king, of a protector, of a celebrated literary charader. 14 STUDIES OF NATURE. charaâiei'. How comes it, then, that when we feel ourfelves ftanding in need of fupport, in fuch unexpefled concuffions, we never exclaim, Ah, my King I or, if Science were concerned, Ah, Newton! It is certain, that if the name of God be fre- quently mentioned to us, in the progrefs of our education, the idea of it is quickly effaced in the ufual train of the affairs of this World ; why then have we recourfe to it in extraordinary emergen- cies ? This fentiment of Nature is common to all Nations, many of whom give no theological in- ftruftion to their children. I have remarked it in the Negroes of the coaft of Guinea, of Madagaf- car, of Cafrerie, and Mofambique, among the Tartars, and the Indians of the Malabar coaft j in a word, among men of every quarter of the World. I never faw a lîngle one who, under the extraordinary emotions of furprize or of admira- tion, did not make, in his own language, the fame exclamation which we do, and who did not lift up his hands and his eyes to Heaven. Of the Marvellous. The fentiment of admiration is the fource of the inftinft which men have, in every age, difcovered for the marvellous. We are hunting after it con- tinuai! v. STUDY XII. 15 tinuaîly, and every where, and we difFufe it, prin- cipally, over the commencement and the clofe of human life : hence it is that the cradles and the tombs of fo great a part of Mankind have been enveloped in fidion. It is the perennial fource of our curiofity ; it difclofes itfelf from early in- fancy, and is long the companion of innocence. Whence could children derive the tafte for the marvellous ? They muft have Fairy-tales ; and men muft have epic poems and operas. It is the marvellous which conftitutes one of the grand charms of the antique ftatues of Greece and Rome, reprefenting heroes or gods, and which contri- butes, more than is generally imagined, to our de- light, in the perufal of the ancient Hiftory of thofe Countries. It is one of the natural reafons which may be produced to the Prefident Henault, who exprelies aftonifliment that we (hould be more enamoured of ancient Hiftory than of modern, efpecially that of our own country : the truth is, independantly of the patriotic fentiments, which ferve, at leaft, as a pretext to the intrigues of the great men of Greece and Rome, and which were fo entirely unknown to ours, that they frequently embroiled their country in maintaining the inte- refts of a particular houfe, and fometimes in aflert- ing the honour of piecedency, or of fitting on a joint-ftool; there is a marvellous in the religion of the Ancients v/hich confoles and elevates human na- ture, l6 STUDIES OF NATURE. ture, whereas that of the Gauls terrifies and debafes it. The gods of the Greeks and the Romans were patriots, hke their great men. Minerva had given them the oHve, Neptune the horfe. Thefe gods protefted the cities and the people. But thole of the ancient Gauls were tyrants, like their Barons ; they afforded protection only to the Druids. They muft be glutted with facrifices. In a word, this relig-ion was fo inhuman, that two fucceffive Roman Emperors, according to the teftimony of Suetonius and Pliny, commanded it to be abolidied. I fay nothing of the modern intereils of our Hif- tory ; but fure I am that the relations of our po- litics will never replace in it, to the heai t of Man, thofe of the Divinity. I muft obferve that, as admiration is an invo- luntary movement of the Soul toward Deity, and is, of coniequencefublime, lèverai modern Authors have ftrained to multiply this kind of beauty in their produ6lions, by an accumulation of fur- prizing incidents; but Nature employs them fpar- ingly in hers, becaufe Man is incapable of fre- quently undergoing conçu ffions fo violent. She difclofes to us, by little and little, the light of the Sun, the expanfion of flowers, the formation of fruits. She gradually introduces our enjoyments by a long feries of harmonies ; flie treats us as hu- man beings ; that is, as machines feeble and eafily deranged j STtJDY xii. if deranged ; flie veils Deity from our view, that we may be able to fupport his approach. T/je Pkafiire of Myjlcry, This is the reafon that myftery poflcfles fo many charms. Pidures placed in the full glare of light, avenues in ftraight lines, rofes fully blown, wo- men in gaudy apparel, are far from being the ob- jets which pleafe us moft. But fliady vallies, paths winding about through the forefls, flowers fcarcely half-opened, and timid fliepherdeffes, excite in us the fweeteft and the moft lafting emotions. The lovelinefsand refpeAability of objeâis are increafed by their myfcerioufnefs. Sometimes it is that ofan^ tiquity, which renders fo many monuments vene- rable in our eyes; fometimes it is that of diftance, which diffufes fo many charms over objeds in the Horizon ; fometimes it is that of names. Hence the Sciences which retain the Greek names, though they frequently denote only the moft ordinary things, have a more impofing air of refped: than thofe which have only modern names, though thefe may, in many cafes, be more ingenious and more ufeful. Hence, for example, the conftrudion of lliips, and the art of navigation, are more lightly prized by our modern Hieratic than feveral other phyfical fciences of the moft frivolous nature, but which are dignified by Greek names. Admira- voL. IV. G tien. l8 STUDIES OF NATURE. tion, accordingly, is not a relation of the under flanding, or a perception of our reafon ; but a fentiment of the foul, which arifes in us, from a certain undefcribable inftind of Deity, at fight of extraordinary objeds, and from the very myfte- rioufnefs in which they are involved. This is fo indubitably certain, that admiration is deftroyed by the fcience which enlightens us. If I exhibit to a favage an eolipile darting out a flream of in- flamed fpirit of wine, I throw him into an extafy of admiration ; he feels himfelf difpofed to fall down and worfhip the machine j he venerates me as the God of Fire, as long as he comprehends it not ; but no fooner do I explain to him the nature of the procefs, than his admiration ceafes, and he looks upon me as a cheat *. * For this reafon it is that we admire only that which is un- common. Were there to appear, over the Horizon of Paris, one of thofe parhelia which are fo common at Spitzbergen, the whole inhabitants of the city would be in the flreets to gaze at it, and wonder. It is nothing more, however, than a refleftion of the Sun's difk in the clouds j and no one (lands ftill to con- template the Sun himfelf, becaufe the Sun is an objed too well known to be admired. It is myftery which conftitutes one of the charms of Reli- gion. Thofe who infift upon a geometrical demonftration on this fubjeft, betray a profound ignorance, at once, of the Laws of Nature, and of the demands of the human heart. rhe STUDY XII. , 19 The Pleafures of Ignorance, From an effed of thofe ineffable fentiments, and of thofe univerfal inftinfts of Deity, it is, that ignorance is become the inexhauftible fource of delight to Man. We mull take care not to con- found, as all our Moralifls do, ignorance and er- ror. Ignorance is the work of Nature, and, in many cafes, a bleffing to Man ; whereas error is frequently the fruit of our pretended human Sci- ences, and is always an evil. Let our political Writers fay what they will, while they boaft of our wonderful progrefs in knowledge, and oppofe to it the barbarifm of paft ages, it was not ignorance which then fet all Europe on fire, and inundated it with blood, in fettling religious difputations. A race of ignorants would have kept themfelves quiet. The mifchief was done by perfons who were under the power of error, who, at that time, vaunted as much, perhaps, of their fuperior illu- mination, as we now-a-days do of ours, and into each of whom the European fpirit of education had inftilled this error of early infancy, Be the firfi^ How many evils does ignorance conceal from us, which we are doomed one day to encounter, in the courfe of human life, beyond the poflibility c 2 of 20 STUDIES OF NATURE. of efcaping ! the inconflancy of friends, the revo- lutions of fortune, calumnies, and the hour of death itfelf, fo tremendous to moft men. The knowledge of ills like thefe would mar all the comfort of living. How many bleflings does igno- rance render fublime ! the illufions of friendiliip, and thofe of love, the perfpedives of hope, and the very treafures which Science unfolds. The Sciences infpire deiight only when we enter upon the ftudy of them, at the period when the mind, in a ftare of ignorance, plunges into the great ca- reer. It is the point of contad between light and darknefs, which prefents to the eye the moft fa- vourable ftate of vifion : this is the harmonic point, which excites our admiration, when we are beginning to fee clearly ; but it lafts only a fingle inftant. It vanilhes together with ignorance. The elements of Geometry may have impaffioned young minds, but never the aged, unlefs in the cafe of certain illuftrious Mathematicians, who were pro- ceeding from difcovery to difcovery. Thofe fci- ences only, and thofe paflions, which are fubjeded to doubt and chance, form enthufiafts at every age of life, fuch as chemiftry, avarice, play, and love. For one plealure which Science bellows, and caufes to perilh in the bellowing, ignorance pre- fents us with a thoufand, which flatter us infinitely more. You demonftrate to me that the Sun is a fixed STUDY XII. 21 fixed globe, the attraftion of which gives to the planets one half of their movements. Had the}'-, who believed it to be conduced round the World by Apollo, an idea lefs fublime ? They imagined, at leaft, that the attention of a God pervaded the Earth, together with the rays of the Orb of Day. It is Science which has dragged down the chafte Diana from her noclurnal car : flie has banilhed the Hamadryads from the antique forefhs, and the gentle Naiads from the fountains. Ignorance had invited the Gods, to partake of it's joys and it's woes; to Man's wedding, and to his grave: Science difcerns nothing in either, except the elements merely. She has abandoned Man to his fellow, and thrown him upon the Earth as into a defert. Ah ! whatever may be the names which (he gives to the different kingdoms of Nature, celeftial fpi- rits, undoubtedly, regulate their combinations fo ingenious, fo varied, and fo uniform ; and Man, who could beftow nothing upon himfelf, is not the only being in the Univerfe who partakes of in- telligei'ice. It is not to the illumination of Science that the Deity communicates the mod profound fenti- ment of his attributes, but to our ignorance. Night conveys to the mind a much grander idea of infinity than all the glare of day. In the day- time, I fee but one Suq ; during the night I dif- c 3 cern %% STUDIES OF NATURE, cern thoùfands. Are thofe very ftars, fo varioufly coloured, really Suns ? Are thofe planets, which revolve around ours, adually inhabited, as ours is? From whence came the planet Cybele "*, dif- covered but yefterday, by a German of the name of Herjchel? It has been running it's race from the beginning of the Creation, and was, till of late, unknown to us. Whither go thofe uncer- tainly revolving comets, traverhng the regions of unbounded fpace ? Of what confifts that milky way which divides the firmament of Heaven ? What are thofe two dark clouds, placed toward the Antar6lic Pole, near the crofs of the South ? Can there be ftars which diffufe darknefs, con- formably to the belief of the Ancients ? Are there places in the firmament which the light never reaches ? The Sun difcovers to me only a terref- trial infinity, and the night difclofes an infinity al- together celeftial. O, myfterious ignorance, draw thy hallowed curtains over thofe enchanting fpec- tacles ! Permit not human Science to apply to them it's cheerlefs compafTes. Let not virtue be reduced, henceforth, to look for her reward from the juftice and the fenfibility of a Globe ! Permit her to think that there are in the Univerfe, defti- nies far different from thofe which fill up the mea- fure of woe upon this Earth. * The Englifh, in compliment to their Sovereign, George III. give it the name of Ceorgium Si Jus. Science STUDY XII. Science is continually fhewing us the boundary of our reafon, and ignorance is for ever removing it. I take care, in my folitary rambles, not to afk information refpeéling the name and quality of the perfon who owns the caftie which I perceive at a diflance. The hiftory of the mafter frequently disfigures that of the landfcape. It is not fo with the Hiftory of Nature j the more her Works are ftudied, the more is our admiration excited. There is one cafe only in which the knowledge of the works of men is agreeable to us, it is when the monument which we contemplate has been the abode of goodnefs. What little fpire is that which I perceive at Montfnorency ? It is that of Saint- Gratian, where Catinat lived the life of a fage, and under which his alhes are laid to reft. My foul, circumfcribed within the precindls of a fmall vil- lage, takes it's flight, and ranges over the capacious fphere of the age of Louis XIV. and haftens thence to expatiate through a fphere more fublime than that of the World, the fphere of virtue. When I am incapable of procuring for myfelf fuch per- fpedives as thefe, ignorance of places anfwers my purpofe much better than the knowledge of them could do. I have no occafion to be informed that fuch a foreft belongs to an Abbey or to a Dutchy, in order to feel how majeftic it is. It's ancient trees, it's profound glades, it's folemn, filent foli- tudes, are fufficient for me. The moment I ceafe c 4 to 24 STUDIES OF NATURE. to behold Man there, that moment I feel a prefent Deity. Let me give ever fo little fcopc to my fentiment, there is no landfcape but what I am able to ennoble. Thefe vaft meadows are meta- morphofed into Oceans ^ thefe mift-clad hills are iflands emerging above the Horizon ; that city below, is a city of Greece, dignified by the re- fidence of Socrates and of Xenophon. Thanks to my ignorance, I can give the reins to the inftin(?t of my foul. I plunge into infinity. I prolong the diftance of places by that of ages ; and, to com- plete the illufion, I niake that enchanted fpot the habitation of virtue. OF THE SENTIMENT OF MELANCHOLY. So beneficent is Nature, that flie converts all her phenomena into fo many fources of pleafure to Man ; and if we pay attention to her proce- dure, it will be found, that her moft common appearances are the moft agreeable. I enjoy pleafure, for example, when the rain defcends in torrents, when I fee the old mofly walls dripping, and when 1 hear the whiftling of the wind, min2;led with the clattering, of the Tain. Thefe melancholy founds, in the night- time, throw me into a foft and profound ileep. Neither STUDY XII. 25 Neither am I the only perfon fufceptible of fuch affeftions. Pliny tells us of a Roman Conful, ^N who, when it rained, had his couch fpread under the thick foliage of a tree, in order to hear the drops clatter as they fell, and to be lulled to lleep by the murmuring noife. I cannot tell to what phyfical Law Philofophers may refer the fenfations of melancholy. For my own part, I confider them as the moft voluptuous affeâiions of the foul. Melancholy, fays Michael Montaigne, is dainty. It proceeds, if I am not miftaken, from it's gratifying, at once, the two powers of which we are formed, the body and the foul ; the fentiment of our mifery, and that of our excellence. Thus, for example, in bad weather, the fentiinent of my human mifery is tranquillized, by my feeing i-t rain, while I am under cover; by my hearing the wind blow violently, while I am comfortably in bed. I, in this cafe, enjoy a negative felicity. With this are afterwards blended fome of thofe at- tributes of the Divinity, the perceptions of which communicate luch exquifite pleafure to the foul ; fuch as infinity of extenfion, trom the diftant mur- muring of the wind. This fentiment may be heightened from refleclion on the Laws of Nature, fuggefhing to me that this rain, which comes, for the Z6 STUDIES OF NATURE. the fake of fuppofition, from the Weft, has been raifed out of the bofom of the Ocean, and, per- haps, from the coafts of America; that it has been fent to fweep our great cities into cleanhnefs, to replenifh the refervoirs of our fountains ; to render our rivers navigable ; and whilft the clouds, which pour it down, are advancing eaftward, to convey fertility even to the vegetables of Tartarv, the grains and the garbage, which it carries down our rivers, are hurling away weftward, to precipi- tate themfelves into the Sea, to feed the fifhes of the Atlantic Ocean. Thefe excurfions of my un- derftanding convey to the foul an extenfion corre- fponding to it's nature, and appear to me fo much the more pleafing, that the body, which, for it's part loves repofe, is more tranquil, and more com- pletely proteded. If I am in a forrowful mood, and not difpofed to fend my foul on an excurfion fo extenfive, I flill feel much pleafure in giving way to the me- lancholy which the bad weather infpires. It looks as if Nature was then conforming to my fituation, like a fympathizing friend. She is, befides, at all times fo interefting, under whatever afped fhe ex- hibits herfelf, that when it rains, I think I fee a beautiful woman in tears. She feems to me more beautiful, the more that (lie wears the appearance of afflidion. In order to be imprefTed with thefe fentiments. STUDY XII. 27 fentiments, which I venture to call voluptuous, I muft have no projeft in hand of a pleafant walk, ofvifiting, of hunting, of journeying, which, in fuch circumftances, would put me into bad hu- mour, from being contradided. Much lefs ought our two component powers to crofs, or clafli againft each other, that is, to let the fentiment of infinity bear upon our mifery, by thinking that this rain will never have an end ; and that of our mi- fery to dwell on the phenomena of Nature, by complaining that the feafons are quite deranged, that order no longer reigns in the elements, and thus giving into all the peevilh, inconclufive reafonings, adopted by a man who is wet to the ikin. In order to the enjoyment of bad weather, our foul muft be travelling abroad, and the body at reft. From the harmony of thofe two powers of our conftitution it is, that the moft terrible revolutions of Nature frequently intereft us more than her gayeft fcenery. The volcano near Naples attradls more travellers to that city, than the delicious gar- dens which adorn her (hores ; the plains of Greece and Italy, overfpread with ruins, more than the richly cultivated lawns of England ; the pidure of a tempeft, more connoifleurs than that of a calm ; and the fall of a tower, more fpedators than it's conftruftion. the 2Î STUDIES OF NATURE. The Pleafiire of Ruin. I was for fome time imprefTcd with the belief, that Man had a certain unaccountable tafte for de- ilrudion. If the populace can lay their hands upon a monument, they are fure to deftroy it. I have feen at Drefden, in the gardens of the Count de Brithl, beautiful ftatues of females, which the Pruiïian foldiery had amufed themfclves with mu- tilating by mufket-fliot, when they got poffeffion of that city. Moft of the common people have a turn for ilander ; they take pleafure in levelling the reputation of all that is exalted. But this ma- levolent inftinâ; is not the production of Nature. It is infufed by the mifery of the individuals, whom education infpires with an ambition which is interdifted by Society, and which throv/s them into a negative ambition. Incapable of raifing any thing, they are impelled to lay every thing low. The tafte for ruin, in this cafe, is not natural, and is fimply the exercife of the power of the mife- rable. Man, in a lavage ftate, deftroys the monu- ments only of his enemies ; he preferves, with the moft affiduous care, thole of his own Nation ; and, what proves hiin to be naturally much better than Man in a ftate of Society, he never llanders his compatriots. Se STUDY XII. 29 Be it as it may, the paffive tafte for ruin is uni- Verfal. Our voluptuaries embellifli their gardens with artificial ruins ; favages take delight in a me- lancholy repofe by the brink of the Sea, efpecially during a ftorm, or in the vicinity of a cafcade fur- rounded by rocks. Magnificent defirudion pre- fents new piifturefque effedis ; and it was the cu- riofity of feeing this produced, combined with cruelty, which impelled Nero to fet Rome on fire, that he might enjoy the fpedacle of a vafi; confla- gration. The fentiment of humanity out of the queftion, thofe long ftreams of flame which, in the middle of the night, lick the Heavens, to make ufe of Firgirs expreflion, thofe torrents of red and black fmoke, thofe clouds of fparks of all colours, thofe fcarlet reverberations in the fl:reets, on the fummit of towers, along the furface of the waters, and on the difliant mountains, give us pleafureeven in pidtures and in defcriptions. This kind of affcAion, which is by no means connected with our phyfical wants, has induced certain Philofophers to allege, that our foul, being in a ftate of agitation, took pleafure in all extra- ordinary emotions. This is the reafon, fay they, that fuch crowds aflemble in the Place de Grève to fee the execution of criminals. In fpedacles of this fort, there is, in fad, no pidurefque effeâ: whatever. But they have advanced their axiom as flightly $0 STUDIES OF NATURE. nightly as fo many others, with which their Works abound, Firlt, our foul takes pieafure in reft as much as in commotion. It is a harmony very gentle, and very eafily difturbed by violent emo- tions J and granting it to be, in it's own nature, a movement, 1 do not fee that it ought to take piea- fure in thofe which threaten it with it's own de- ftruftion. Lucretius has, in my opinion, come much nearer to the truth, when he fays that taftes of this fort arife from the fentiment of our own fecurity, which is heightened by the fight of dan- ger to which we are not expofed. It is a pleafant thing, fays he, to contemplate a ftorm from the fhore. It is, undoubtedly, from this reference to felf, that the common people take delight in re- lating, by the fire-fide, colledted in a family way, during the Winter evenings, frightful ftories of ghofts, of men lofing themfelves by night in the woods, of highway robberies. From the fame fen- timent, likewife, it is, that the better fort take piea- fure in the reprefentation of tragedies, and in read- ing the defcription of battles, of (hipwrecks, and of the cra(h of empire. The fecurity of the fnug tradefman is increafed by the danger to which the foldier, the mariner, the courtier is expofed. Piea- fure of this kind arifes from the fentiment of our mifery, which is, as has been faid, one of the in- ftinds of our melancholy. But STUDY XII. 31 But there is in us, befides, a fentiment more fu- blime, which derives pleafure from ruin, indepcn- dantly of all pidurefque effed, and of every idea of perfonal fecurity ; it is that of Deity, which ever blends itfelf with our. melancholy affedions, and which conftitutes their principal charm. I (hall attempt to unfold fome of the charaders of it, by following the impreffions made upon us by ruins of different kinds. The fubjed is both rich and new ; but I poffefs neither leifure nor ability to beftow upon it a profound invefligation. I fhall, however, drop a fevv words upon it, by the way, in the view of exculpating and exalting human nature with what ability I have. The heart of man is fo naturally difpofed to be- nevolence, that the fpedacle of a ruin, which brings to our recolledion only the mifery of our fellow men, infpires us with horror, whatever may be the pidurefque elFed which it prefents. I hap- pened to be at Drefden, in the year 1765, which was feveral years after it had been bombarded. That fmall, but very beautiful and commercial city, more than half compofed of Httle palaces, charmingly arranged, the fronts of which were adorned externally with paintings, colonades, bal- conies, and pieces of fculpture, then prefented a pile of ruins. A confiderable part of the enemy*s bombs had been direded againfl: the Lutheran church. 32 STUDIES OF NATURE. church, called St. Peter's, built in form of à ra- tiindo, and arched over with fo much folidity*, that a greater number of thofe bombs ftruck the cupola, without being able to injure it, but re- bounded on the adjoining palaces, which they fet on fire, and partly confumed. Matters were ftill in the fame flate as at the conclufioii of the war, at the time of my arrival. They had only piled up, along fome of the ftreets, the (tones which encumbered them ; fo that they formed, on each lide, long parapets of blackened (lone. You might fee halves of palaces ftanding, laid open from the roof down to the cellars. It was eafy to diftin- guiili in them the extremity of ftair- cafes, painted cielings, little clofets lined with Chinefe papers, fragments of mirror glaffes, of marble cliimnies, of fmoked gildings. Of others, nothing remained, except maffy ftacks of chimneys rifing amidft the lubbifh, like long black and white pyramids. More than a third part of the city was reduced to this deplorable condition. You faw the inhabi- tants moving backward and forward, with a fettled gloom on their faces, formerly fo gay, that they were called the Frenchmen of Germany. Thofe ruins, which exhibited a multitude of accidents lingularly remarkable, from their forms, their co- lours, and their grouping, threw the mind into a deep melancholy ; for you faw nothing in them but the traces of the wrath of a King;, who had not levelled STUDY xiî, 33 kvelled his vengeance againfl the ponderous ram- parts of a warlike city, bqt againft the pleafant dwellings of an induftrious people. I obferved even more than one PriilTian deeply affecfled at the fight. I by no means felt, though a ftranger, that refledion of felf-fecurity which arifes in us on feeing a danger againft vvhiph we are flieîtered ; but, on the contrary, a voice of affliftion thrilled through my heart, faying to me, if this were thy Country ! It is not fo with ruins which are the efFetfl of time. Thefe give pleafure, by launching us into infinity ; they carry us feveral ages back^ and in- tereft us in proportion to their antiquity. This is the reafon that the ruins of Italy affed us more than thofe of our own country j the ruins of Greece moie than thofe of Italy , and the ruins of Ergypt more than thofe of Greece. The firft an- tique monument which I had ever feen was in the vicinity of Orange. It was a triumphal arch, which Marins Cfiufed to be eredled, to compiemoTatc his vidbory over the Cjrrjbri. |t ftands at a fmall dif- îançe from the city, ip the midft of fields. It is an oblong mafs, confifting of three arcades, fome- what refembling the gate of 5t. Denis. On get- ting near, I bepaifje all eye? to gaze at it. What! e)f claimed I, ^ \yox\i of the îincient Romans I an4 iniagipatipii inftantly hurried me away to Rome, VOL. IV. D and 34 STUDIES OF NATURE, and to the age of Marins. It would not be ealy for me to defcribe all the fucceffive emotions which were excited in my bread. In the firft place, this monument, though eredled over the fofFerings of Mankind, as all the triumphal arches in Europe are, gave me no pain, for I recollected that the Cimbri had come to invade Italy, like bands of Robbers. I remarked, that if this triumphal arch v/as a memorial of the viélories of the Romans over the Cimbri, it was likewife a monument of the triumph of Time over the Romans. I could di- dinguifh upon it, in the bafs-relief of the frize, which reprefents a battle, an enfign, containing rhefccharafters, clearly legible, S. P. Q^R. Senaius Popidus êlîie Romanns 'i and another infcribed with M. O the meaning of which I could not make out. As to the warriors, they were fo completely effaced, that neither their arms nor their features were diftinguifhable. Even the limbs of fome of them were worn our. The mafs of this mo- nument was, in other refpecls, in excellent pre- fervation, excepting one of the fquare pillars that Supported the arch, which a vicar in the neigh- bourhood had demolifhed, to repair his parfonage- houfe. This modern ruin fuggefted another train of refledion, refpefting the exquilite ikill of the Ancients, in the conQ-rudtion of their public mo- numents ; for, though the pillar which fupported ooe of the arches, on one fide, had been demo- lifhed STUDY XII. 35 lulled, as I have mentioned, neverthelefs, tbat part of the arch which refted upon it, hung un- lupported in the air, as if the pieces of the vault- ing had been olued to each other. Another idea îikewife ftruck me, namely, that the demolifhing parfon might, perhaps, have been a defcendant from the ancient Cimbri, as we modern French trace up onr defcent to the ancient Nations of the North, which invaded Italy. Thus, the demoUiion ex- cepted, of which I by no means approve, from the refpeIarius ; while the young people of the vi- cinity, who might come, perhaps, on their days of feftivity, to dance under the fliade of this trium- phal arch, fpent not a fingle thought about either the perfon who conftrufted, or the perfon who de- moliihed it. The ruins, in which Nature combats with hu- man Art, infpire a gentle m.elancholy. In thefe fhe difcovers to us the vanity of our labours, and the perpetuity of her own. As (he is always build- D 2 ins 36 STUDIES OF NATURE. ing up, evert when (lie deftroys, Hie calls foitii from the clefts of our monuments, the yellow gil- lyflower, the chîenopodium, graffes of various forts, wild cherry-trees, garlands of bramble, ftripes of mofs, and all the llvxatile plants, which, by their flowers and their attitudes, form the moft agree- able contrafts with the rocks, T ufed to flop formerly, with a high degree of pleafure, in the garden of the Luxembourg, at the extremity of the alley of the Carmelites, to contemplate a piece of architecture which ftands there, and had been originally intended to form a fountain. On one fide of the pediment which crowns it, is ftretched along an ancient River- god, on whofe face time has imprinted wrinkles inexpreffibly more venerable than thofe which have been traced by the chifel of the Sculptor : it has made on©; of the thighs to drop off, and has planted a mapk tree in it's place. Of the Na-kd who was oppofite, on the other fide of the pediment, nought remains except the lower part of the body. The head, the flioulders, the arms, have all difappeared. The hands are ûill fupport- ing an urn, out of which iffue, inftead of fluviatic plants, fome of thofe which thrive in the dried fituations, tufts of yellow gillyfiovvers, dandelions^ and long fbeaves of faxatile graffes. A fine STUDY XII, 37 A fîne flyle of Architecture always produces beautiful ruins. The plans of Art, in this cafe, form an alliance with the majefty of thofe of Na- ture. I know no obje6t which prefents a more im- pofingafped than the antique and W€ll-conftruâ:ed towers, which our Anceftors reared on the fummit of mountains, to difcover their enemies from afar, and out of the coping of which now (lioot out tall trees, with their tops waving majeftieally in the wind. I have feen others, the parapets and battle- ments of which, murderous in former times, were embellilhed with the lilach in flower, whofe (hades, of a bright and tender violet hue, formed enchant- ing oppofitions with the cavernous and embrowned ftone-vvork of the tower. The intereft of a ruin is greatly heightened, when fome moral fentiment is blended with it ; for ex- ample, v.fhcn thofc degraded towers are confidered ashavingbecn formerly the refidence of rapine. Such has been, in the Pais de Caux, an ancient fortifica- tion, called the caflle of Lillebonne. The lofty walls, which form it's precinâ;, are ruinous at the angles, and fo overgrown with ivy, that there are very few fpots where the layers of the ftones are perceptible. From the middle of the courts, into which 1 believe it mufb have bzsn no eafy matter to penetrate, arife lofty towers with battlements, out of the fummit of which fpring up great trees, D 3 appearing Ô s STUDIES OF NATURE. appearirg in the air like a head-drefs of thick and bufhy locks. You perceive here and there, through the manthng of the ivy which clothes the fides of the caille, Gothic windows, embiafures, and breaches which give a glimpfe of ftair-cafes, and refemble the entrance into a cavern. No bird is feen fl3^ing around this habitation of defolation, except the buzzard hovering over it in filence; and if the voice of any of the feathered race makes itfelf fometimes heard there, it is that of fome foli- tary owl which has retired hither to build her neft. This caftle is fituated on a rifing ground, in the middle of a narrow valley, formed by mountains crowned with forefts. When I recolleft, at fight of this m.anfion, that it was formerly the refidence of petty tyrants, who, before the royal authority was fufficiently eftabliflied over the kingdom, from thence cxercifed their felf- created right of pillage, over their miferable vaflals, and even over jnofîenfive paflengers who fell into their hands, I imagine to myfelf that I am contemplating the car- cafe, or the Ikeleton, of fome huge, ferocious beaft of prey. 'T^be Pleafure of Tombs. But there are no monuments more intereftlng than the tombs of men, and efpecially thofe of our own anceftors. It is remarkable, th^t every Na- tioHj STUDY XII. 39 {jon, i»! a Rate of Nature, and even the greatcft part of rhofe which are civilized, have made the tombs of their forefluhers, the centre of their de- votions, and an effential part of their religion. From thefe, however, muft be excepted the people whofe fathers rendered themfclves odious to their children by a gloomy and fevere education, I mean, the weftern and fouthern Nations of Europe. This religious melancholy is diflufed every where elfe. The tombs of progenitors are, all over China, among the principal embellirnments of the fuburbs of their cities, and of the hills in the country. They form" the moft powerful bonds of patriotic affedion among favage Nations. When the Europeans have fometimes propofed to thefe a change of territory, this was their reply : " Shall *' we fay to the bones of our Fathers, arife, and '" accompany .us to a foreign land ?" They always cpnfidcred this objeclicn as infurmountable. Tombs have furniflied, to the poetical talents of Toung and Gefner, imagery the moll enchanting. Our voluptuaries, who fometimes recur to the fen- timents of Nature, have faftitious monuments ereded in their gardens. Thefe are not, it muft be confeii'ed, the tombs of their parents. But whence could they have derived this fentiment of funereal melancholy, in , the very raidft of plea- fure ? Mufl it not have been from the perfuafion D 4 that 4^'' STUDIES OF NATURE. that fomethino; flill fubfills after we are gone ? Did a toiTib fugged to their imagination only the idea of what it is defigned to contain, that is, a corpfe merely, the fight of it would fhock rather than pleafe them. How afraid are moft of them at the thought of death ! To this phyficat idea, then, feme moral fentiment muft undoubtedly be united. The voluptuous melancholy rcfulting from it arife?, like every other attraftive fenfation, from the harmony of the two oppofite principles ; from the fentiment of our fleeting exiftence, and ot that of our immortality ; which unite on be- holding the lafh habitation of Mankind. A tomb is a monument ereded on the confines of the two Worlds. It firft prefen^s to us the end of the vain dif- quietudes of life, and the image of everlafling re- pofe : it afterwards awakens in us the confufed fentiment of a bleffed immortality, the probabili- ties of which grow ftronger and ftronger, in pro- portion as the perfon vvhofe memory is recalled was a virtuous charader. It is there fhat our ve- neration fixes. And this is fo unqueflionably true, that though there be- no difference between the dufl of Nero and that of Socrates ^ no one would grant a place in his grove to the remains of the Roman Emperor, were they depofited even in a filver urt^ ^ whereas every one would exhibit thofe of STUDY XII. 4f of the Philofopher in the mod honourable place of his bed apartment, wete they contained in only a vafe of clay. it is from this iiltellcflual ihflinff:, therefore, in favour of virtue, that the tombs of great men in- fpire us with a veneration fo affeifting. Frorh the fame fentiment loo it is, that thofe which contain objefls that have been lovely excite fo much fileaf- ing regret ; for, as we lliall make appear prefently, the attradions of love arife entirely out of the ap- pearances of virtue. Hence it is that we are moved at the fight of the little hillock which covers thé alliés of an amiable infant, from the recolletflioh of it's innocence; hence, again, it is, that we are melted into tendernefs on contemplating the tomb in which is laid to repofe a young female, the de- light and the hope of her family, by reafon of her virtues. In order to render fuch monuments in- terefting and refpe(5table, there is no need of bronzes, marbles, and gildings. The more fimple that they are, the more energy they comniunicate to the fentiment of melancholy. They produce a more powerful effeél:, when poor rather than rich, antique rather than modern^ with details of mis- fortune rather than with title's ëf hortofar^ with thé attributes of virtue rather than with thofe of power. It is in the country, principally, that their iimprefTion makes itfelf felt in a very lively manner. A fimple, âf, STUDIES OF NATURE. A fnnple, unornamented grave there, caufes morç tears to flow than the gaudy fplendor of a cathe- dral interment*. There it is that grief affiimes fublimity ; it afcends with the aged yews in the church-yard; it extends with the furrounding hills g,nd plains ; it allies itfelf with all the effects of Nature, with the dawning of the morning, the * Our Artifts fet flatues of marble a-vveeping round the tombs of the Great. It is very proper to make liatues weep, where men fhed no tears. I have been many a time prefent at the funeral obfequies of the rich ; but rarely have I feen any one fhedding a tear on fuch occafions, unlefs it were, now and then, an aged domeflic, who was, perhapv?, left defiitute. Some time ago, happening to pafs through a little-frequented ftreet of the Fauxbourg Saint-Marceau, I perceived a coffin at the door of a houfe of but mean appearance. Clofe by the coffin was a wo- man on her knees, in earhefi: praver to God, and who had all the appearance of being abforbed in grief. This poor woman having caught with her eye, at tlie farther end of the flreet, the priefts and their attendants coming to carry off the body, got upon her feet, and run off, putting her hands upon her eyes, and crying bitterly. The neighbours endeavoured to flop her, and to adminifter fome confolation ; but all to no purpofe. As flie paffed clofe by me, I took the liberty to alk if it was the lofs of a mother or of a daughter that fhe lamented fo piteoufly. "Alas ! *' Sir," faid fhe to me, the tears guihing down her cheeks, " I " am mournine the lofs of a good lady, who procured me the t' means of earning my poor livelihood ; flie kept me employed '^ from day to day." I informed myfelf in the neighbourhood refpefting the condition pf this beneficent lady : fhe was thç wife of a petty joiner. Ye people of wealth, what ufe then do you make of riches, during your life-time, feeing no tears are flied over your grave ! murmuring STUDY XII. 43 murm'iiring of the winds, the fetting of the Sun, and the darknefs of the night. Labour the mofl oppreffive, and humiliation the moft degrading, are incapable of extinguifhing the imprefTion of this fcniiment in the breads of even the moft miferable of Mankind. *' During the *' fpace of two years," fays Father du T'ertre^ *^ our " negro Dominick, after the death of his wife, *^ never failed, for a fingle day, as foon as he re- '* turned from the place of his employment, to *' take the little boy and girl which he had by her, " and to condu<5l them to the grave of the de- ** ceafed, over which he fobbed and wept before ** them, for more than half an hour together, " while the poor children frequently caught the ** infedion of his forrow *." What a funeral oration for a wife and a mother ! This man, how- ever, was nothing but a wretched flave. There farther refults, from the view of ruins, another fentiment, indépendant of all reflexion : it is that of heroifm. Great Generals have oftener than once employed their fublime efTedt, in order to exalt the courage of their foldiers. Alexander perfuaded his army, loaded with the fpoils of Per- iia, to burn their baggage ; and the moment that * Hiftory of the Antilles : Tr. viii. chap. i. feâ:, 4. thç 44 STUDIES OF NATURE. the fire was appliëdj they are on tiptoe to follow him all over the World. William^ Duke of Nor- mandy, as foon- as he had landed his troops on England, fet fire to his own (hips, and the con- queft of the kingdom was effeâied. But there are no ruins which excite in us fenti- ments fo fublime, as the ruins of Nature produce. They reprefent to us this vaft prifon of the Earth, in which we are immuredj, fubjeél itfelf to dellruc^ tion; and they detach us, at once, from ourpaffions and prejudices^ as from a momentary and frivolous theatrical exhibition. When Lifbon was deftroyed by an earthquake, it's inhabitants, on making their efcape from their houfes, embraced each other ; high and low, frietids and enemies, Jews and liiquifitors, known and unknown ; every one fliarêd his clothing and provifions with ihofe who had faved nothing. I have feen fomething fimilar to this take place on board a fhip, on the point of periOiing in a fl:orm. The firft efïeâ: of calamity, fays a celebrated Writer, is to flrengthen the foul, and the fécond is, to melt it down. It is becaufe the firft emotion in Man, under the prefiure of cala- mity, is to rife up toward the Deity ; and the fe^- Gond, to fall back into phyfical wants. This laft cfFetft is that of refledlion ; but the moral and fu- blime fentiment, almoft always, takes pofTeffion of the heartj a^ fight of a magnificent deftrudion. Ruvu STUDY XH. 45 Ruins of Nature. When the prédirions of the approaching diffb- lution of the World fpread over Europe, fome ages ago, a very great number of perfons divefted themfelves of their property j and there is no rea- fon to doubt, that the very fame thing would hap- pen at this day, fhould fimilar opinions be propa- gated with effed. But fuch fudden and total ruins are not to be apprehended in the infinitely fage plans of Nature : under them nothing is deftroyed, but what is by them repaired. The apparent ruins of the Globe, fuch as the rocks which roughen it's furface in fo many places, have their utility. Rocks have the appearance of ruins in our eyes, only becaufe they are neither fquare nor poliflied, like the ftones of our monu- ments ; but their anfraduofities are neceffary to the vegetables and animals which are deftined to find in them iiourifliment and (belter. It is only for beings vegetative and fenfitive, that Nature has created the foffil kingdom ; and as foon as Man has raifed ufelefs mafles out of it, to thefe objefts, on the furface of the Earth, fhe haftens to apply her chifel to them, in order to employ them in the general harmony. If 46 STUDftS OF NATURE. If we attend to the origin and the end of her Works, thofe of the moft renowned Nations will appear perfedly frivolous. It was not neceffary that mighty Potentates fhould rear fuch enormous maffes of ftone, in order, one day, to infpire me with refpecl, from their antiquity. A little flinty pebble, in one of our brooks, is more ancient than the pyramids of Egypt. A multitude of cities have been deftroyed fuice it was created. If I feel myfelf difpofed to blend fome moral fentiment with the monuments of Nature, I can fay to myfelf, on feeing a rock : " It was on this place, perhaps, " that the good Fenelon repofed, while meditating ** the plan of his divine Telemachtis ; perhaps the " day will come, when there fliall be engraved on " it, that he had produced a revolution in Europe, *' by inftrudling Kings, that their glory confided *' in rendering Mankind happy ; and that the ** happinefs of Mankind depends on the labours *' of agriculture : Pofterity will gaze with delight " on the very ftone on which my eyes are at this " moment fixed." It is thus that I embrace, at once the pad and the future, at fight of an infen- fible rock, and which, by confecrating it to virtue, by a fimple infcription, I render infinitely more venerable, than by decorating it with the five or- ders of Architedlure. Of SttDY xti, 47 Of the ricafure of Solitude. Once more, it is melancholy which renders foli"- tude lo attradive. Solirude flatters our animal in- fhinâ:, by inviting us to a retreat ^o much more tranquil, as the agitations of our life have been more reftlefs^ and it extends our divine inftinâr, by opening to us pcrfpedives, in which natural and moral beauties prefent themfelves with all the attradlion of fentiment. From the effect of thefe contrafts, and of this double harmony, it comes 4:0 pafs, that there is no folitude more foothing than that which is adjoining to a great city; and no popular feftivity more agreeable than that which ÎS enjoyed in the bofom of a folitude. OF THE SENTIMENT OF LOVE. Were love nothing fuperior to a phyfical fenfation, I would wifli for nothing more than to leave two lovers to reafon and to ad, conformably to the phyfical laws of the motion of iLe blood, of the filtration of the chyle, and of the other humours of the body, were it my objeâ; to give tjie groffeft libertine a difguft for it. It's principal ad: itfelf is 45 STUDIES OF NATURE. is accompanied with the fentirrient of fhame, in the men of all countries. No Nation permits public proftitution ; and though enlightened Navigators may have advanced, that the inhabitants of Taïti conformed to this infamous pracflice, obfervers mpre attentive have fince adduced proof, that, as to the ifland in queflion, it was cliargeable only on young women in the lowed rank of Society, but that the other claffes there preferved the fenfe of modelly common to all Mankind. I am incapable of difcovering, in Nature, any direâ: caufe of (hame. If it be alleged, that Man- is alhamed of the venereal aft, becaufe it renders him fimilar to the animal, the reafon will be found infufficient ; for fleep, drinking, and eating, bring him ftill more frequently to the limilitude of the animal, and yet no Ihame attaches to thefe. There is, in truth, a caufe of fhame in the phyfical aâ; : but whence proceeds that which occafions the mo- ral fentiment of it ? Not only is the aâ: carefully kept out of fight, but even the recolleftion of it. Woman confiders it as a proof of her weaknefs : (he oppofes long refiftance to the folicitations of Man. How comes it that Nature has planted this obftacle in her heart, which, in many cafes, ac- tually triumphs oyer the moft powerful of propen- sities, and the moft headftrong of paflions ? Indépendant!]^ StUDY XII. 4^ Independantly of the particular caufes of (hame, which are unknown to me, I think I difcern one in the two powers of which Man is conftituted. The fenfe of love being, if I may fo exprefs my- felf, the centre toward which all the phyfical fen- fations converge, as thofe of perfumes, of mufic, of agreeable colours, and forms, of the touch, of delicate temperatures and favours; there refults from thefc a very powerful oppofition to that other intelledlual power, from which are derived the fen- timents of divinity and immortality. Their con- traft is fo much the more collifive, that the adl of the firfl is in itfelf animal and blind, and that the moral fentiment, which ufually accompanies love, is more expanfive and more fublime. The lover, accordingly, in order to render his miftrefs pro*- pitious, never fails to make this take the lead, and to employ every effort to amalgamate it with the other fenfation. Thus, (hame arifes, in my opi- nion, from the combat of thefe two powers; and this is the reafon that children naturally have it not, becaufe the fenfe of love is not yet unfolded in them ; that young perfons have a great deal of it, becaufe thofc two powers are afling in them with all their energy ; and that moft old people have none at all, becaufe they are pad the fenfe of love, from a decay of Nature in them, or have loft it's moral fentiment, from the corruption of So- ciety ; or, which is a common cafe, from the effeâ: VOL. IV. E of ^ STUDIES OF NATURE. of both together, by the concurrence of thefe two caufes. As Nature has affigned to the province of this paflion, which is defigned to be tlie means of re- perpetuating human hfe, all the animal fenfationsj flie has likewife united in it all the fentiments of the foul i fo that love prefents to two lovers, not only the fentiments which blend with our wants, and with the inftind: of our mifery, fuch as thofc of proteftion, of afhftance, of confidence, of fup- port, ofrepofe, but all the fublime inftindls, be- fides, which elevate Man above humanity. In this fenfe it is that P/aio defined love to be, an inteir pofition of the Gods in behalf of young people *. Whoever *■ It was by means of the fublime influence of this paffion, that the Thebans formed a battalion of heroes, called the facred band ; they all fell together in the battle of Cheronea. They "were found extended on the ground, all in the fame flraight line, transfixed with ghaftly wounds before, and with their faces turned toward the enemy. This fpeélacle drew tears from the eyes of Philip himfelf, their conqueror. Lyciirgus had likewife em- ployed the power of love in the education of the Spartans, and rendered it one of the gr. at props of his republic. But, as the animal counterpoife of this celeftial fentiment was no longer found in the beloved objeft, it fometimes threw the Greeks into •certain irregularities, which have juftly been imputed to them as matter of reproach. Their Legiflators confidered women as the inftruments merely of procreating children ; they did not per- ceive that, by favouring love between men, they enfeebled that . . which STUDY XII. 51 Whoever would wifh to be acquainted with hu- man nature, has only to ftudy that of love; he would perceive fpringing out of it, all the fenti- ments which ought to unite the faxes, and that in attempting fo ftrengthen their political bands, they were burfting afunder thofe of Nature. The Republic of Lycurgus had, befides, other natural defeats j I mention only one, the flavery of the Helots. Thefe two par- ticulars, however, excepted, T confider him as the moft fublime genius that ever exifted : and even as to thefe he Hands, in fome meafure, excufeable, in confideration of the obftacles of every kind which he had to encounter in the eftablifhment of his Laws. There are, in the harmonies of the different ages of human life, relations fo delightful, of the weaknefs of children to the vi- gour of their parents ; of the courage and the love between young perfons of the two fexes to the virtue and the religion of unimpaffioned old people, that I am aftonifhed no attempt has been made to prefent a pifture, at leaft, of a human fociety thus in concord with all the wants of life, and with the Laws of Na- ture. There are, it is tl-ue, fome (ketches of this fort, in the Telemachus^ among others, in the manners of thé inhabitants of Bœtica ; but they are indicated merely. I am perfuaded that fuch a Society, thus cemented in all it's parts, would attain the higheft degree of fecial felicity, of which human nature is fuf- ceptible in this World, and would be able to bid defiance to all tlie ftorms of political agitation. So far from being expofed to the fear of danger, on the part of neighbouring States, it might make an eafy conqueft of them, without the ufe of arms, as an- cient China did, fimply by the fpeftacle of it's felicity, and by the influence of it's virtues. I once entertained a defign, on the fuggeftion of J. J. Roujfeau^ of extending this idea, by compofing E 2 the ^i STUDIES OF NATURE. ments of which I have fpoken, and a multitude of others, which I have neither time nor talents to unfold. We (hall remark, firft, that this natural affe(5tion difclofes, in every being, it's principal charadter, by giving it all the advantage of a com- plete extenfion. Thus, for example, it is in the feafon when each plant re-perpetuates itfelf by it's flowers and it's fruit, that it acquires all it's per« feflion, and the charafters which invariably deter- mine it. It is in the feafon of loves that the birds of fong redouble their melody, and that thofe which excel in the beauty of their colouring, ar- ray themfelves in their fineft plumage, the various fliades of which they delight to difplay, by fwcl- ling their throats, by rounding their tail into the form of a wheel, or by extending their wings along the ground. It is then that the lufty bull prefents his forehead, and threatens with the horn ; that the nimble courfer frifks along the plain ; that the ferocious animals fill the forefts with the dreadful noife of their roaring, and that the tigrefs, exhaling the odour of carnage, makes the folitudes of Africa to refound with her hideous yells, and appears the Hiftory of a Nation of Greece, well known to the Poets, be- caufe it lived conformably to Nature, and, for that very reafon, almoft altogether unknown to our political Writers; but time permitted me only to trace the outline of it, or, at moft, to finifh the (irft Book. clothed STUDY xii; s^ fiothed with every horrid, attra6live grace, in die eyes of her tremendous lover. It is, likewife, in the feafon of loving, that all the affedions, natural to the heart of Man, unfold themfelves. Then it is that innocence, candour, Sincerity, modefty, generofity, heroifm, holy faith, piety, exprefs themfelves, with grace ineffable, in the attitude and features of two young lovers. Love affumes, in their fouls, all the charadlers of religion and virtue. They betake themfelves to flight, far from the tumultuous aflemblies of the city, from the corruptive paths of ambition, in queft of fome fequeflered fpot, where, upon the rural altar, they may be at liberty to mingle and exchange the tender vows of everlafting affedlion. The fountains, the woods, the dawning Aurora, the conftellations of the night, receive by turns the facred depofit of the oath of Love. Loft, at times, in a religious intoxication, they confider each other as beings of a fuperior order. The miftrefs is a goddefs, the lover becomes an idola- ter. The grafs under their feet, the air which they breathe, the (hades under which they repofe, all, all appear confecrated in their eyes, from filling the fame atmofphere with them. In the widely extended Univerfe, they behold no other felicity but that of living and dying together, or, rather, |bey have loft all fight of death. Love tranfports E 3 them 54 STUDIES OF NATURE. them " into ages of infinite duration, and death feems to them only the tranfition to eternal union* But Ihould cruel deftiny feparate them from each other, neither the profpeds of fortune, nor the friendfhip of companions the mofl endeared, can afford confolation under the lofs. They had reached Heaven, they languifh on the earth, they are hurried, in their defpair, into the retirement of the cloifter, to employ the remaining dregs of life, in re-demanding of God the fehcity of which they enjoyed but one tranfient glimpfe. Nay, many an irkfome year after their feparationi when the cold Ji^nd of age has frozen up the current of fenfe > after having been diftrafled by a thoufand and a thoufand anxieties foreign to the heart, which io many times made them forget that they were hu- man, the bofom fliU palpitates at fight of the tomb which' contains the objed once fo tenderly beloved. They had parted with it in the World, they hope to fee it again in Heaven. Unfortunate Heloïfa ! what fublime emotions were kindled in thy foui by the albes of thy Abelard f . Such ceieftial emotions cannot poflibly be the effefts of a mere animal act. Love is not a flight convulfion, as the divine Marcus-Aurelius calls ,it. It is to the charms of virtue, and to the fentiment pf her divine attributes, that love is indebted foj ali STUDY XIÎ. ^5 all that enthufiaftlc energy. Vice itfelf, in order to pleafe, is under the neceflîty of borrowing it's looks and it's language. If theatrical female per- formers captivate fo many lovers, the feduftion is carried on by means of the illufions of innocence, of benevolence, and of magnanimity, difplayed in the charadlers of the (hepherdefles, of the heroines, and of the goddelTes, which they are accuftomed to reprefent. Their boafled graces are only the appearances of the virtues which they counterfeit. If fometimes, on the contrary, virtue becomes difpleafing, it is becaufe fhe exhibits herfelf in the difguife of harflinefs, caprice, peevilhnefs, or fome ©ther repulfive bad quality. Thus, beauty is the offspring of virtue, and ug- linefs that of vice ; and thefe characters frequently imprefs themfelves from the earlieft infancy by means of education. It will be objeded to me, that there are men handfome, yet vicious, and others homely, yet virtuous. Socrates and J/ci- biades have been adduced as noted inftances, in an- cient times. But thefe very examples confirm my pofition. Socrates was unhappy and vicious at the time of life when the phyfionomy affumes it's prin- cipal charaders, from infancy up to the age of fe- venteen years. He was born in a poor condition ; his father had determined, notwithftanding his de- clared reludance, to breed him to thç art of fculp-r E 4 ture. ^6 STUDIES OF NATURE. ture. Nothing lefs than the authority of an oracle could refcue him from this parental tyranny, Sa~ crates acknowledged, in conformity to the decifion of a Phyfiognomift, that he was addifted to women and wine, the vices into which men are ufually thrown by the preffure of calamity : at length, he became reformed, and nothing could be more beautiful than this Philofopher, when hedifcourfed about the Deity, As to the happy Akibiades, born in the very lap of fortune, the leflbns of So- craieSy and the love of his parents and fellow-citi- zens, expanded in him, at once, beauty of perfoti and of foul ; but having been, at laft, betrayed into irregular courfes, through the influence of evil communications, nothing remained but the bare phyfionomy of virtue. Whatever fedu6lion may be apparent in their firft afpeâ:, the uglinefs of vice foon difcovçrs itfelf on the faces of handfome men degraded into wickednefs. You can perceive, even under their fmiles, a certain marked trait of falfehood and perfidy. This diffbnance is commu- nicated even to the voice. Every thing about then:^ is maiked, like their face, I beg leave, farther, to obferve, that all the forms of organized beings exprefs intelledual fen- riments, not only to the eyes of Man, who ftudies Nature, but to thofe of animals, which are inftrud:- fd, at once, by their inftinft, in fuch particulars of knowledge^ STUDY Xïl. 57 jknowledge, as are, in many refpefts, fo obfcure to us. Thus, for example, every fpecies of animal has certain traits, which are expreffive of it's cha- racfler. From the fparkling and reftlefs eyes of the tiger, you may difcover his ferocity and per- fidy. The gluttony of the hog is announced by the vulgarity of his attitude, and the inchnation of his head toward the ground. All animals are per- fedlly well acquainted with thofe charadlers, for the Laws of Nature are univerfal. For inftance, though there be in the eyes of a man, iinlefs he is very attentive, an exceedingly flight exterior diffe- rence between a fox and a fpecies of dog which refembles him, the hen will never miftake the one for the other. She will take no alarm on the ap- proach of the dog, but will be feized with horror the in liant that the fox appears. It is, ftill farther, to be remarked, that every animal expreifes, in it's features, fome one ruling paffion, fuch as cruelty, fenfuality, cunning, ilu- pidity. But Man alone, unlefs he has been debafed by the vices of Society, bears upon his counte- nance the imprefs of a celeftial origin. There is no one trait of beauty but what may be referred 10 fome virtue : fuch an one belongs to innocence, fuch another to candour, thofe to generofity, to roodefly, to heroifm. It is to their influence that Man is indebted, in every country, for the refpeA and 58 STUDIES OF NATURE. and confidence with which he is honoured by the brute creation, unlefs they have been forced out of Kature by unrelenting perfecution on the part of Man, Whatever charms may appear in the harmony of the colours and forms of the human figure, there is no vifible reafon why it's phyfical effedt fhould exert an influence over animals, unlefs the imprefs of fome moral power were combined with it. The plumpnefs of form, or the freflmefs of colouring, ought rather to excite the appetite of ferocious animals, than their refpefl: or their love. Finally, as we are able to diftinguifh their impaf- fioned charafter, they, in like manner, can diftin- guifli ours, and are capable of forming a very ac- curate judgment as to our being cruel or pacific? The game-birds, which fly the fanguinary fowler, gather confidently around the harmlefs fliepheïd. It has been affirmed, that beauty is arbitrary in every Nation ; but this opinion has been already refuted by an appeal to matter of fadt. The muti-r lations of the Negroes, their incifions into the fkin, their flattened nofes, their compreflTed fore- heads; the flat, long, round, and pointed heads of the favages of North- America; the perforated lips of the Brafilians ; the large ears of the people of Laos, in Afia^ and of fome Nations of Guiana, are STUDY XÏI. 59 are the effeâ:s of fuperftition, or of a faulty educa- tion. The ferocious animals themfelves are ftruck at fight of thefe deformities. All travellers uraixir moully concur in their teftimony, that when lions or tygers are famiflied, which rarely happens, and thereby reduced to the neceffity of attacking cara- vans in the night time, they fall firft upon the beafts of burden, and next upon the Indians, or the black people. The European figure, with it's fimplicity, has a much more impofing efFedt upon them, than when disfigured by African or Afiatiç çharadlers. When it has not been degraded by the vices of Society, it's expreffion is fublime. A Neapolitan, of the name of John-Baptijle Porta, took it into his head to trace in it relations to the figures of the beafts. To this effedt, he has compofed a book, pmbelliflied with engravings, reprefenting the hu- man head under the forced refemblance of the head of a dog, of a horfe, of a fheep, of a hog, and of an ox. Hi? fyftem is fomewhat favourable to certain modern opinions, and forms a very tolerable alliance with the hideous changes which the paC- fions produce in the human form. But I (hould be glad to know after what animal Pigalk has co- pied that charming Mercury which I have feen at Berlin ; and after the paffions of what brutes the iQrecian Sculptors produced the Jupiter of the Ca- pitol, 6o STUDIES OF NATURE. pitol, the Venus pudica, and the Apollo of the Vai» tican ? In what animals have they ftudied thofe divine expreffions ? I am thoroughly perfuaded^, as I have faid al- ready, that there is not a fingle beautiful touch in a figure, but what may be allied to fome moral fentiment, relative to virtue and to Deity. The traits of uglinefs might be, in like manner, referred to fome vicious affedlion, fuch as jealoufy, avarice, gluttony, or rage. In order to demonftrate to our Philofophers, how far they are wide of the mark, when they attempt to make the pafTions the only moving principles of human life, I wiQi they could, be prefented with the expreflion of all the paflions, colleded in one fingle head; for example, the wanton and obfcene leer of a courtezan, with the deceitful and haughty air of an ambitious courtier; and accompanied with an infufion of fome touches of haired and envy, which are negative ambitions. A head which fliould unite them all would be more horrid than that of Aleditja ; it would be a, likcnefs of Nero. Every paffion has an animal charadcr, as John- Baptijle Porta excellently obferved. But every virtue, too, has it's animal charadler; and never is a phyfionomy more interefting than when you di- ftinguiûi in it a ceîeftial affedion confliéling with an STUDY XII. €l an anlnml paffion. Nay, 1 do not know whether it be poffible to exprefs a virtue otherwife than by a triumph of this kind. Hence it is that modefty appears fo lovely on the face of a young female, becaufe it is the conflid: of the moft powerful of animal pafîîons with a fublime fentiment. The expreffion of fenfibility, likewife. renders a face extremely interefting, becaufe the foul, in this cafe, (hews itfelf in a ftate of fufFering, and becaufe the (ight of this excites a virtue in ourfelves, namely, the fentiment of compaflion. If the fenfibility of the figure in queftion is aélive, that is, if it fprings, itfelf, out of the contemplation of the mifery of another, it ftrikes us ftill more, becaufe then it becomes the divine expreffion of generofity. I have a convidion, that the mofl celebrated fta- tues and piélures of Antiquity owe much of their high reputation entirely to the expreffion of this double charafler, that is, to the harmony arifing out of the two oppofite fentiments of paffion and virtue. This much is certain, that the moil juftly boafted mafter-pieces, in fculpture and painting, among the Ancients, all prefented this kind of contrail. Of this abundance of examples might be adduced from their ftatues, as the Fenus piidicay and the dying Gladiator, who preferves, even when fallen, refped; for his own glory, at the moment he is finking into the arms of death. Such, likewife, was 6i S'rUDIES OF NATURE. was that of Cifpid hurling the thunder after the in- fant Alcibiades^ which Pliny afcribes to Praxiteles, or to Scopas. An amiable child, launching from his little hand the dread thunderbolt of Jupitevi muft excite, at once, the fentiment of innocence, and that of terror. With the charader of the God was blended that of a man equally attraftive and formidable. I believe that the paintings of the Ancleftts ex=^ prelTed, ftill better, thofe harmonies of oppofite fentiments. PJiny^ who has preferved to us the memory of the moft noted of them, quotes, among others, a pidture by Athenion of Maronea, which reprefented the cautious and crafty Ulyjfes deted:-^ ing Achilles under the difguife of a young woman, by prefenting an aflbrtment of female trinkets, among which he had carelefsly, and without ap- pearance of art, introduced a fword. The lively emotion with which Achilles lays hold of that fword, muft have exhibited a charming contraft with the habit, and the compofed deportment of his nymph charader. There muft have refulted another, no lefs interefting, in the charader of UlyJJeSy with his air of referve, and the exprcffion of his fatisfadion, under the reftraint of prudence, fearful left, in difcovering Achilles, he (hould at the lame time betray himfelf. Anothef .'- -■ STUDY xn. 63 ' Another piece, flill more affeding, from the pencil of Jrijiides of Thebes, reprefented Biblis ianguifliing to death of the love which (he bare to her own brother. In it there muft have been di- ftinftly reprefented the fentiment of virtue, repel- ling the idea of a criminal paffion, and that of fra- ternal friendfliip, which recalled the heart to love, under the very appearances of virtue. Thefe cruel confonances ; defpair at the thought of being be- trayed by her own heart, the defire of dying, in order to conceal her (hame, the délire of life to en- joy the fight of the beloved objed, health wafling away under the prelTure of confli<5ls fo painful, muft have expreffed, amidft the languors of death knd of life, contrafts the raoft interefting, on the countenance of that ill-fated maid. In another pi(5lure, of the fame JriJiUes, was reprefented to admiration, a mother wounded in .the breaft, during the fiege of a city, giving fuck to her infant. She feemed afraid, fays Pliny, left it fhould draw in her blood, together with her milk. Alexander prized it fo highly, that he had it conveyed to Pella, the place of his birth. What emotions muft have been excited, in contemplating a triumph fo exalted as that of maternal affedion abforbing all fenfe of perfonal fuffering ! PouJJîn, as we have feen, has borrowed, from this virtue, the principal expreflion of his pidure of the Deluge. ^ Rubens 64 STUDIES OF NATURE. Rubens has employed it, in a moft wonderful manner, in giving expreffion to the face of his Mary de Medicis, in which you diftinguilh, at once, the anguifh and the joy of child-bearing. He farther heightens the violence of the phyfica! paflion, by the carelefs attitude into which the Queen is thrown, in an eafy-chair, and by her naked foot, which has (haken off the flipper; and, on the other hand, conveys the fublimity of the moral fentiment awakened in her, by the high def- tiny of her infant, who is prefented to her by a God, repofed in a cradle of bunches of grapes and ears of corn, fymbols of the felicity of his reign. It is thus that the great Matters, not fatisfied with oppofing mechanically groups of figures and vacuity, fhades and lights, children and old men^ feet and hands, purfue with unremitting care, thofe contrats of our internal powers which ex- prefs themfelves on '* the human face divine," in touches ineffable, and which mufb conflitute the eternal charm of their produdlions. The Works of Le Sueur abound in thefe contrafts of fentiment, and he places them in fuch perfeâ: harmony with, thofe of the elementary nature, that the refult from them is the fweetefl, and the moft profound me- lancholy. But it has been much ealier for his pen- cil to paint, than it is for my pen to defcribe, them, I flwll- STUDY XII. 65 i iliall adduce but one example more to my prefent purpofe, taken from Poujfin, an Artiil mod admirable for his fkill in graphic compofition) but Nvhofe colours have fuffered confiderably from the hand of time. The piece to which I refer is his pidure of the rape of the Sabine women. While the Roman foldiery are carrying off by force, in their arms, the terrified young women of the Sa- bines, there is a Roman officer, who is defirous of getting pofTeffion of one extremely beautiful as well as young. She has taken refuge in the arms of her mother. He dares not prefume to offer vio- lence to her, but feems to addrcfs the mother with all the ardour of love, tempered with refped; his countenance thus fpeaks : " She will be happy " with me ! Let me be indebted for her to love, *' and not to fear ! I am lefs eager to rob you of ^' a daughter, than to give you a fon." It is thus that, while he conforms himfelf, in dreffing his charaders, to the fimplicity of the age, which ren- dered all conditions nearly fimilar, he has diftin- guilhed the officer from the foldier, not by his garb, but by his manners. He has caught, as he ulually does, the moral charader of his fubjed, which produces a very different effed from that of mere cojîume, Ï (îiould have been extremely happy had we been favoured, from the pencil of the fame ingenious VOL. IV. F Artifr, 66 STUDIES OF NATURE* Artift, with a reprefentation of thefe fame female Sabines, after they had become wives and mo- thers, rufhing in between the two contending ar- mies of the Sabines and Romans, " Running,'* as Plutarch tells us, *' fome on this fide, others ** on that, in tears, fhrieking, exclaiming; thruft- '' ing themfelves through the clafliing of arms, " and heaps of the dead llrewed along the ground, *' like perfons frantic, or polTefled with a fpirit, ** carrying their fucking infants in their arms, *' with hair dilhevelled, appealing now to Romans, *' now to Sabines, by every tender adjuration that " can reach the heart of Man *." The moft powerful effefts of love, as has been faid, arife out of contradiflory feelings, melting into each other, juft as thofe of hatred, frequently, are produced from fimilar fentiments which hap- pen to clafli. Hence it is that no feeling can be more agreeable than to find a friend in a man whom we confidered as an enemy ; and no mortification fo poignant as meeting an enemy in the man whom we depended upon as a friend. Thefe harmonic effeds frequently render a flight and tranfient kindnefs more eftimable than a con- tinued feries of good offices ; and a momentary offence more outrageous than the declared enmity * Plutarch''^ Life of Romulus, of STUDY XII. 6^ bf a whole life-time ; becaufe, in the firft cafej feelings diametrically oppofite gracioully unite ; and, in the fécond, congenial feelings violently clalh. Hence too it is, that a fingle blemifh, amidft the valuable qualities of a man of worth, frequently appears more ofFenfive than all the vices " of a libertine, who difplays only a folitary virtue, becaufe, from the effed of contrail, thefe two qua- lities become more prominent, and eclipfe the others in the two oppofite charadters. It proceeds, likewife, from the weaknefs of the human mind, which, attaching itfelf always to a fingle point of the objeâ: which it contemplates, fixes on the moft prominent quality, in framing it's decifions. It is impoifible to enumerate the errors into which wc are every day falling, for want of ftudying thefe elementary principles of Nature. It would be pof- lible, undoubtedly, to extend them much farther; it is fufficient for my purpofe, if I have given a de- monftration of their exiftence, and infpired others with an inclination to apply them properly. Thefe harmonies acquire greater energy from the adjoining contrails which detach them, from the cbnfonances which repeat them, and from the ' other elementary Laws which have been indicated s but if with thefe are blended fome one of the mo- ral fentiments of which I have been prefenting a F 2 ^aint 68 STUDIES OF NATURE, faint fketch, in this cafe, the effeâ: refulting front the whole is inexpreiïibly delightfLil. Thus, fof example, a harmony becomes, in fome fort, celef- tial, when it contains a myftery, which always fup- pofes fomething marvellous and divine. I one day felt a mod agreeable effed, as I was looking over a colleâiion of old prints, which reprefented the hiftory of Adonis, remis had flolen the infant Adonis from Diana, and was educating him with her fon Cupid. Diana was determined to recover him, as being the fon of one of her nymphs» Fenusj then, having, on a certain day, alighted from her chariot, drawn by doves, was walking with the two boys in a valley of Cythera. Diana, at the head of her armed retinue, places herfelf in ambufli, in a foreft through which Venus was to pals. Fenus, as foon as flie perceived her adver- fary approaching, and incapable either to efcape, or to prevent the re-capture of Adonis, was in- ftantly ftruck with the thought of clapping wings on his flioulders, and prefenting Cupid and him to- gether to Diana, defired her to take either of the children which (he believed to be her property. Both being equally beautiful, both of the fame age, and both furnifhed with wings, the chafle Goddefs of the woods was deterred from choofing cither the one or the other, and refrained from taking Adonis, for fear of taking Cupid, Thl^ STUDY XIÏ. 69 This fable contains feveral fentimental beauties. I related it pne day to J. J. Rùiijfeau, who was highly delighted with it. " Nothing pleafes me *' fo much," faid he, "as an agreeable image, " which conveys a moral fentiment." We were at that time in the plain of Neuilly, near a park, in which we faw a group of Love and Friendship, undfr the forms of a young man and young wo- iT)an, of fifteen or fixteen years of age, embracing each other with mouth to mouth. Having looked at it, he faid to me, *' Here is an obfcene image " prefented, after a charming idea. Nothing " coul4 have been more agreeable, than a repre- *' fentation of the two figures in ïjieir natural ftate : ** Friendfhip, as a grown young woman carefîing ** an infant Cupide Being on that interefting fub- jeâ:, I repeated to him the conclu fion of that touching fable pf Philomela and Progné. Le défert eft-il fait pour des talens fi beaux ? Venez faire aux cités éclater leurs merveilles : Auffi bien, en voyant les bois, Sans cefTe il vous fouvient que Térée autrefois, JPArmi des demeures pareilles, Exerça fa fureur fur vos divins appas.— Et c'eft le fouvenir d'un fx cruel outrage, Qui fait, reprit fa fœur, que je ne vous fuis pas : En voyant les hommes, helas ! Il m'en fouvient bien davantage. F 3 Why ^O STUDIES OF NATURE. Why wafte fuch fweetnefs on the defert air ! Come, charm the city with thy tuneful note. Think too, in folitude, that form fo fair Felt violation : flee the horrid thought. Ah ! filler dear, fad Philomel replies, 'Tis this that makes me fhun the haunts of men : Terëus and Courts the anguifh'd heart allies, And haftes, for flielter, to the woods again. *' What a feries of ideas !" cried he, " how ** tenderly affeding it is !" His voice was ftifled, and the tears rufhed to his eyes. I perceived that he was farther moved by the fecret correfponden- cies between the talents and the deftiny of that bird, and his own fituation. It is obvious, then, in the two allegorical fubjeds of Diana and Jdonis, and of Love and Friendfliip, that there are really within us, two diftinft powers, the harmonies of which exalt the foul, when the phyfical image throws us into a moral fentiment, as in the firft example j and abafe it, on the con- trary, when a moral fentiment recals us to a phy- fical fenfation, as in the example of Love and, Friendlhip. The fupprefTed circumftances contribute farther to the moral expreffions, becaufethey are conform- able to the expanfive nature of the foul. They conduct STUDY XII. ^I conduâ: it over a vaft field of ideas. It is to thefc fuppreffions that the fable of the Nightingale is indebted for the powerful effedt which it produces. Add to thefe a multitude of other oppofitions, which I have not leifure to analyze. The farther that the phyfical image is removed from us, the greater extenfion is given to the mo- ral fentiment ; and the more circumfcribed the firft is, the more energetic the fentiment is ren- dered. It is this, undoubtedly, which communi- cates fo much force to our affecflions, when we re- gret the death of a friend. Grief, m this cafe, con- veys the foul from one World to the other, and from an objed: full of charms to a tomb. Hence it is, that the following paflage from Jeremiah con~ tains a ftrain of fublime melancholy : Fox in Rama audita eft ; ploratus y ululatus multus : Rachel plorans fiUos fuoSj y noluit confolari, quia non Junt. " A " voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and " bitter weeping ; Rachel weeping for her chil» *' dren, refufed to be comforted for her children, ^* becaufe they were not *." All the confolations which this World can adminifter, are dalhed to pieces againft this word of maternal anguifh, ,non funty * Jeremiah, chap. xxxi. ver. 15. F 4 The 72. STUDIES OF NATURE. The fingle jet d*eau of Saint-Cloud pleafes m© more than all it's cafcades. However, though the phj'fical image fhould not efcape, and lofe itfelf in infinity, it may convey forrow thither, when it re- flets the fame fentiment. I find, in Plutarchy a noble effed of this progreflive confonance. '* Bru- *' tus y' fays he, " giving all up for loft, and hav- *' ing refolved to withdraw from Italy, paffed by " land through Lucania, and came to Elea, which " is fituated on the fea-lide. Portia being to re- *' turn from thence to Rome, endeavoured to ** conceal the grief which opprefled her, in the " profpeét of their approaching feparation ; but,^ ** with all her refolution and magnanimity, fhe " betrayed the forrow which was preying on her " heart, on feeing a pifture which there acciden- ** tally caught her eye. The fubjed of the piece " was taken from the Iliad, and reprefented the " parting of Hedor and Andromache, when he was " preparing to take the field, and at the inftant " when he was delivering the infant Aflyanax into *' the arms of his mother, while her eyes remain " immoveably fixed on HeBar, The refemblance ** which the pidure bore to her own diftrefs made *' her burft into tears ; and feveral times a day the " reforted to the place where it hung, to gaze at " it, and to weep before it. This being obferve(^ " by Acilius, one of the friends of BrmnSy he re- peated STUDY XIÏ, 73 ^f peated the paflage from Homer, in which Andre- f * mache exprefles her inward emotion ; E;iTwp «Tap a-v (A.01 ea-at •na.r-Df y^xt votvix (Arimpf Yet while my He(fior ftill furvives, I fee My father, mother, kindred, all in thee, My wedded Lord ** Bruitis replied, with a fmile. But I mujl not an- ^^ fwer Portia in the words of Heâîor to Andromache t AXX' E/Î oiMv tSax, roc arxvrrn ïfyx xo/x/^e, Ifoy T v^xKCcrmv te, xxi çc[A.(pivé\oi triumphs over love of Country. Two virtues in oppofition ! Add to thefe the charaders of a wild nature, which blend fo well with human grief: profound folitude, the columns and the cupola of that antique temple, corroded by the keen air of the Sea, and marbled over with mofles, which give them the appearance of green bronze ; a fet- ting Sun, which gilds the fummit of it -, the hol- low murmurs of the Sea, at a diftance, breaking along the coaft of Lucania ; the towers of Elea perceptible, in the bofom of a valley, between two fteep mountains, and that forrow of Portia, which hurries us back to the age of Andromache. What a pidture, fuggefted by the contemplation of a pidure ! O, ye Artifts, could you but produce it, Portia would, in her turn, call forth many a tear. I could multiply, without end, proofs of the two powers by which we are governed. Enough has been faid on the fubjedt of a paflion, the in- ftinét of which is fo blind, to evince that we are atirafted to it, and aftuated by it, from Laws widely different from thofe of digeftion. Our af- fections demonftrate the immortality of the foul, becaufc STUDY XU. 75 becaufe they expand in all the circumflances, in which they feel the attributes of Deity, fuch as that pf infinity, and never dwell with delight on the Earth, except on the attrapions of virtue and in- nocence. PF SOME OTHER SENTIMENTS OF DEITY, AND AMONG OTHERS, OF THAT OF VIRTUE. There are, befides thefe, a great number of fen- timental Laws, which it has not been in my power, at prefent, to unfold : fuch are thofe which fug- geft pre-fentiments, omens, dreams, the reference of events, fortunate and unfortunate, to the fame epochs, and the like. Their efFeds are attefled among Nations, polifhed and favage, by Writers profane and facred, and by every man who pays at- tention to the Laws of Nature. Thefe communica- tions of the foul, with an order of things invifible, are rejeâied by the learned of modern times, be- caufe they come not within the province of their fyftems and of their almanacs j but how m.any things exift, which are not reducible to the plans of our reafon, and which have not been fo much as perceived by it ! There are particular laws which demonftrate the immediate adion of Providence on the Human Race, 76 STUDI]&S OF NATURE. Race, and which are oppofite to the general Laws of Phyfics. For example, the principles of reafon,, of paffion, and of fentiment, as well as the organs of fpeech and of hearing, are the fame in men of all countries j neverthelefs, the language of Nations, differs all the world over. How comes it that the art of fpeech is fo various among beings who all have the fame wants, and that it Ihould be con- ftantly changing in the tranfmiffion from father to fon, to fuch a degree, that we modern French no longer underftand the language of the Gauls, and that the day is coming, when our pofterity will be linable to comprehend ours ? The ox of Benga bellows like that of the Ukraine, and the nightin- gale pours out the fame melodious ftrains to this day, in our climates, as thofe which charmed the ear of the Bard of Mantua, by the banks of the Po, It is impoflible to maintain, though it has been alleged by certain Writers of high reputation, that languages are characterized by climates ; for, if they were fubjefled to influence of this kind, they would never vary in any country, in which the cli- mate is invariable. The language of the Romans was at firft barbarous, afterwards majeftic, and is become, at laft, foft and effeminate. They are not rough to the North, and foft to the South, as y. J. Roujfeau pretends, who, in treating this point, has given far too great extenfion to phyfical Laws. The STUD'i' xii. 77 The language of the Ruffias, in the North of Europe, is very fofr, being a dialeél of the Greek; and the jargon of the fouthern provinces of France is îiarlh and coarfe. The Laplanders, who inhabit the fliores of the Frozen Ocean, fpeâk a language that is very grateful to the ear; and the Hotten- tots, who inhabit the very temperate climate of the Cape of Good- Hope, cluck like India cocks. The language of the Indians of Peru is loaded with ftrong afpirations, and confonants of difficult pronunciation. Any one, without going out of his clofet, may diftinguifli the different charafters of the language of each Nation, by the names pre- fented on the geographical charts of the Country, and may fatisfy himfelf that their harlhnefs, or foftnefs, has no relation whatever to thofe of La- titude. Other obfervers have affcrted, that the languages of Nations have been determined and fixed by their great Writers. But the great Writers of the age of Augnjlus did not fecure the Latin language from corruption, previoufly to the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Thofe of the age of Lowi XIV. already begin to be antiquated among ourfelves. If pof- terity fixes the charader of a language to the age which was productive of great Writers, it is be- caufe, as they allege, it is then at it's greateft pu- i^ty ; for you find in them as many of thofe i-nvcr- fions 78 STUDtES OF NATURE. (ions of phrafeology, of thofe decompofitiohs of words, and of thofe embarraffed fyntaxes, which render the metaphyfical ftudy of all Grammar tire- fome and barbarous ; but it is becaufe the Writ- ings of thofe great men fparkle with maxims of virtue, and prefent us with a thoufand perfpedives of the Deity. I have no doubt that the fublime fentiments which infpire them, illuminate them ftill in the order and difpofition of their Works, feeing they are the fources of all harmony. From this, if I am not miftaken, tefults the unalterable charm which renders the perufal of them fo delicious, at all times, and to the men of all Nations. Hence it is that Plutarch has -eclipfed moft of the Writers of Greece, though he was of the age neither of Pericles^ nor of Alexander ; and that the tranllation of his Works into old French, by the good Amyoty will be more generally read by pollerity than moft of the original Works produced even in the age of Louis XIV. It is the moral goodnefs of a period which charafterizes a language, and which tranf- mits it unaltered to the generation following. This is the reafon that the languages, the cuftoms, and even the form of drefles arc, in Afia, tranfmitted inviolably from generation to generation, becaufe fathers, all over that Continent, make themfelves beloved by their children. But thefe reafons do not explain the div-erfity of language which fubfifts between one Nation and another. It muft ever appear STUDY xîi. 79 appear to me altogether fupernatural, that men who enjoy thfe (imie elements, and are fubjefted to the fame wants, fhould not employ the fame words in expreffing them. There is but one Sun to illuminate the whole Earth, and he bears a dif- ferent name in every different land. I beg leave to fuggeft a farther effed of a Law lo which little attention has been paid ; it is this, that there never arifes any one man eminently di- flinguiflied, in whatever line, but there appears, at the fame time, either in his own Country, or in lome neighbouring Nation, an antagonift, poflef- fing talents, and a reputation, in complete oppo- fition : fuch were Democritus and HeracliluSf Alex- ander and Diogenes, Defcartes and Newton, Corneille and Racine, Bojfiiet and Fenelon, Voltaire and J. J, RouJJeau. I had colleded, on the fubjed: of the two extraordinary men laft mentioned, who were contemporaries, and who died the fame year, a great number of ftriftures, which demonftrate that, through the whole courfe of life, they pre- fented a ftriking contrafl; in refpeft of talents, of manners, and of fortune : but I have relinquifhed this parallel, in order to devote my attention to & purfuit which I deemed much more ufeful. This balancing of illuftrious characters will not appear extraordinary, if we confider- that it is a confequence 80 Sti/blES OF NATURE. confequènce from the general Law of contrariée^ which governs the World, and from which all the harmonies of Nature refult : it muft, therefore^ particularly manifeft itfelf in the Human Race, which is the centre of the whole ; and it actually does difcover itfelf, in the wonderful equilibrium, conformably to which the two fexes are born in equal numbers. It does not fix on individuals, in particular, for we fee families confiding wholly of daughters, and others all fons ; but it embraces the aggregate of a whole city, and of a Nation, the male and female children of which are always produced very nearly equal in number. Whatever inequality of fex there may exift in the variety of births in families, the equality is confl:antly re- ilored in the aggregate of a people. But there is aiiother equilibrium no lefs wonder- ful, which has not, I believe, become an objeft of attention; As there are a great many men who perifh in War, in fea-voyages, and by painful and dangerous employments, it would thence follow, that, at the long run, the number of women would daily go on in an increafing proportion. On the fuppofition, that there periQies annually one tenth part more of men than of women, the balancing of the fexes muft become more and more un- equal. Social ruin muft increafe from the very regularity of the natural order^ This, however, does STUDY XII. 8l does not take place ; the two fexes are always, very nearly, equally numerons : their occupations are different ; but their deftiny is the fame. The women, who frequently impel men to engage in hazardous enterprizes to fupport their luxury, or who foment animofities, and even kindle wars among them, to gratify their vanity, are carried off, in the fecurity of pleafure and indulgence, by maladies to which men are not fubjed; j but which frequently refult from the moral, phyfical, and po- litical pains which the men undergo in confe- quence of them. Thus the equilibrium of birth between the fexes, is re-eftabliihed by the equili- brium of death. Nature has multiplied thofe harmonic contrails in all her Works, relatively to Man ; for the fruits which minifler to our neceffities, frequently pof- fefs, in themfelves, oppofite qualities, which ferve as a mutual compenfation, Thefe effedls, as has been elfewhere demon- ilrated, are not the mechanical refults of climate, to the qualities of which they are frequently in oppofition. All the Works of Nature have the wants of Man for their end ; as all the fentiments of Man have Deity for their principle. The final intentions of Nature have given to Man the know- ledge of all her Works, as it is the inltinâ: of VOL. iVc G Deity bZ STUDIES OF NATURE. Deity which has rendered Man fupcrior to the Laws of Nature. It is this inftinâ: which, diffe- rently modified by the paffions, engages the inha- bitants of Ruflia to bathe in the ices of the Neva, during the fevereft cold of Winter, as well as the Nations of Bengal in the waters of the Ganges; which, under the fame Latitudes, has rendered women flaves in the Philippine Iflands, and defpots in the Illand of Formofa; which makes men effe- minate in the Moluccas, and intrepid in Macalfar; and which forms, in the inhabitants of one and the fame city, tyrants, citizens, and flaves. The fentiment of Deity is the firft mover of the human heart. Examine a man in thofe unforefeen moments, when the fecret plans of attack and de- fence, with which focial man continually enclofes himfelf, are fupprelfed, not on the fight of a vaft ruin, which totally fubverts them, but fimply on feeing an extraordinary plant or animal : *' Ah, *' my God !" exclaims he, " how wonderful this " is !" and he invites the firft perfon who happens to pafs by, to partake of his aftonifliment. His firft emotion is a tranfport of delight Which raifes him to God ; and the fécond, a benevolent difpo- fition to communicate his difcovery to men; but the focial reafon quickly recals him to perfonal in- tereft. As foon as he fees a certain number of •fp^edators affembled round the objedl of his curi^ ofity. STUDY XII. 83 ©fity, ^* It was I," fays he, " who obferved it "^ firfl:." Then, if he happens to be a Scholar, he fails not to apply his fyftem to it. By and by he begins to calculate how much this difcovery will bring him in ; he throws in fome additional cir- cumftances, in order to heighten the appearance of the marvellous, and he employs the whole credit of his junto to puff it off, and to perfecute every one who prefumes to differ from him in opi- nion. Thus, every natural fentiment elevates us to God, till the weight of our pafïïons, and of human inftitutions, brings us back again to felf. y. y. RouJJeau was, accordingly, in the right, when he faid that Man was good, but that men were wicked. It was the inflinâ: of Deity which firfl affembled men together, and which became the bafis of the Religion and of the Laws whereby their union was to be cemented. On this it was that virtue found a fupport, in propofing to herfelf the imitation of the Divinity, not only by the exercife of the Arts and Sciences, which the ancient Greeks, for this efîeét, denominated the petty virtues ; but in the refult of the divine power and intelligence, which is beneficence. It conlifled in efforts made upon Gurfelves, for the good of Mankind, in the view of pleafing God only. It gave to Man the fentiment 6 2 of 84 STUDIES OF NATURE. of his own excellence, by infpiring liim with the contempt of terreftrial and tranfient enjoyments, and with a defire after things celeftial and immor- tal. It was this fublime atiradion which exalted courage to the rank of a virtue, and which made Man advance intrepidly to meet death, amidft fo many anxieties to preferve life. Gallant d'JJfas, what had you to hope for on the Earth, when you poured out your blood in the night, without a witnefs, in the plains of Klofterkam, for the falva- tion of the French army ? And you, generous E'i/ince de St. Pierre^ what recompence did you ex- peft from your Country, when you appeared be- fore her tyrants, with the halter about your neck, ready to meet an infamous death, in fiving your fellow-citizens ? Of what avail, to your infenfible afhes, were the ftatues and the elogiums which pofterity was one day to confecrate to your me- mory ? Could you fo much as hope for this re- ward, in return for facrifices either unknown, or loaded with opprobrioufnefs ? Could you be fiat- tered, in ages to come, with the empty homage of a world feparated from you by eternal barriers } And you, more glorious (till in the fight of God, obfcure citizens, vvho fink inglorioufiy into the grave; you, whofe virtues draw down upon your heads (hame, calumny, perfecution, poverty, con- tempt, even on the part of thofe who difpenfe the honour^ STUDY XII. 85 honours of a prefent flate, could you have forced your way through paths fo dreary and fo rude, had not a Hght from Heaven ilkiminated your eyes * ? Tt * It is itnpoffible for virtue to fubfift independantly of Reli- gion, t do not mean the theatrical virtues, wiiich attract public admiration, and that, many a time, by means fo contemptible, that they may be rather confidered as fo many vices. The very Pagans have turned them into ridicule. See what Marcus Aurclius has faid on the fubjefl. By virtue I underftand the good which we do to men, without expeftation of reward on their part, and, frequently, at the expence of fortune, nay, even of reputation. Analyze all thofe whofc traits have appeared to you the moft ftriking; there is no one of them but what points out Deity, nearer or more remote. I fliall quote one not generally known, and fingularly interefting from it's very obfcurity. In the laft war in Germany, a Captain of cavalry was ordered out on a foraging parfy. He put himfelf at the head of his troop, and marched to the quarter affigned him. It was a foli- tary valley, in which hardly any thing but woods could be feen. In the midft of it flood a little cottage ; on perceiving it, he went up, and knocked at the door ; out comes an ancient Her- jiouten, with a beard filvered by age. " Father," fays the officer, *' fliew me a field where I can fet my troopers a-foraging"... ... *' Prefently," replied the Hernouten. The good old man walked before, and conduced them out of the valley. After a quarter of an hour's march, they found a fine field of barley : " There *' is the very thing we want," fays the Captain " Have pa- *' tience for a ïtw minutes," replies his guide, ** you (liall be *' fatisfied." They went on, and, at the diftance of about a quarter of a league farther, they anive at another field of barley. The troop immediately difmounted, cut down the grain, truffed It up, and remounted. The officer, upon this, fays to his con- G 3 du(5tor, 36 HTUDIES OF NATURE, This refpeft for virtue, is the fource of that which we pay to ancient Nobility, and which has introduced, in procefs of time, unjuft and odious dyflor, " Father, you have given yourfelf and us unneceflaiy *' trouble; the firft field was much better than this'". " Very " true, Sir," replied the good old man, *' but it was not mine." This ftroke goes direéWy to the heart. I defy an atheifl to produce me any thing once to be compared with it. It may be proper to obferve, that the Hernoutens are a fpecies of Quakers, icattered over fome cantons of Germany. Certain Theologians have maintained, that heretics were incapable of virtue, and that their good aftions were utterly deftitute of merit. As I am no Theologian, I fhall not engage in this metaphyfical difcuflion, though I might oppofe to their opinion the fentiments of St. Jerome^ and even thofe of St. Pder^ with refpe6t to Pagans, when he fays to Cornelius the centurion : " Of a truth, I perceive that •"J Gou is no refpefter of perfons ; but in every Nation, he that' " feareth Him, and wQiketh righteoufnefs, is accepted with " Him f ." But I fliould be glad to know what thofe Theolo- gians think of the charity of the good Samaritan, who was a fchifmatic. Surely they will not venture tp ftart objecflions againfla decifion pronounced by Jesus Christ himfelf. As the iimplicity and depth of his divine refponfes, form an admirable contraft with the diflionefty and fubtilty of modern do£lors, I fliall tranfcribe the whole paflage from the Gofpel, word for ivord. " And behold, a certain lawyer flood up, and tempted him, *' faying, Mafter, what fliall I do to inherit eternal life ? " He faid unto him, What is written in the law ? how readeft « thou ? f Afis of the Apcftles, chap. x. ver, 34, 35. " And STUDY XI,I. %*/ ©dious differences among men, whereas, origi- nally, it was defigned to eftablifli among them, refpedable diftindions alone. The Afiatics, more equitable, " And he anfwering, faid, Thou (halt love the Lorp thy Goj> *' with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy *< llrength, and with all thy mind ; and thy neighbour 9S thy " felf. " And he faid unto him, Thou haft anfwered right: this do, *' and thou fhalt live. " But he willing to juftify himfelf, faid unto Jssus, And who •' is my neighbour ? -*' And Jesus anfwering, faid, A certain matt went dowa *♦ from Jerufalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which *' ftripped him of his raiment, and wounded /^/zw, and departed, •' leaving ^im half-dead. " And by chance there came down a certain prieft that way ; *' and when he faw him, he pafled by on the other fide. *' And likewife a Lévite, when he was at the place, came and " looked on him, and pafled by on the other fide. " But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he ** was ; and when he faw him, he had compaflion m him. *' And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil •* and wrne, and fet him on his own beaft, and brought him to *' an inn, and took care df him. " And on the morrow, when he departed, he took out two ^' pence, and gave them to the hoft, and faid unto him. Take *' care of him : and whatfoever thpu fpendeft more, when I come *' again, I will repay thee. •' Which now of thefe three, thinkeft thou, was neighbour «* unto him that fell among the thieves ? *' And he faid, He that Ihewed mercy on him. Then faid •** Jcî.vr. unto hiroj Go, and do thou likewife ^.'' X,e, chap. x. ver. 25—37. G 4 I Ihall fis STUDIES OF NATURE. equitable, attached nobility only to places ren- dered illuflrious by virtue. An aged tree, a well, a rock, objecfls of ftability, appeared to them as alone adapted to perpetuate the memory of what was worthy of being remembered. There is not, all over Afia, an acre of land, but what is digni- fied by a monument. The Greeks and Romans who ifliied out of it, as did all the other Nations of the World, and who did not remove far from it, imitated, in. part, the cuftoms of our firft Fa- thers. But the other Nations which fcattered themfetves ovej: the reft of Europe, where they I fliall be carefully on my guard againft adding any refle£lion$ of my own on this fubjeft, except this fimplc obfervation, that the adlion of the Samaritan is far fuperior to that of the Hernou- ten ; for, though the fécond makes a great facrifice, he is in fome fort determined to it by force : a field muft of neceffity have been fubjefled to forage. But the Samaritan entirely obeys the im- pulfe of humanity. His aélion is free, and his charity fponta- neous. This ilrifture, like all thofe of the Gofpel, contains, in a few words, a multitude of clear and forcible inftruftions, re- fpeding the duties inculcated in the fécond table of the Law. It would be impoflible to replace them by others, were imagination itfelf permitted to diftate them. Weigh all the circumftances of the reftlefs and perfevering charity of the Samaritan. He drefles the wounds of an unfortunate wretch, and places him on his own horfe ; he expofes his own life to danger, by flopping, and walking on foot, in a place frequented by thieves. He after- wards makes provifion, in the inn, for the future, as well as for the prefent, neceffities of the unhappy man, and continues his journey, without expelling any recompenfe whatever from the gratitude of the perfon whom he had fuccoured. were STUDY XII. S9 were long in an erratic flate, and who withdrew from thofe ancient monuments of virtue, chofe rather to look for them in the poflerity of their great men, and to fee the living images of them in their children. This is the reafon, in my opinion, that the Afiatics have no Noblefle, and the Euro- peans no monuments. This infhinft of Deity conftitutes the charm of the performances which we perufe with mofl de- light. The Writers to whom we always return with pleafure, are not the mofl fprightly, that is, thofe who abound the moft in the focial reafon which endures but for a moment, but thofe who render the adlion of Providence continually pre- fent to us. Hence it is that Homer, Firgil, Xeno- pboH, Phtarchy Fenelon, and moft of the ancient Writers, are immortal, and pleafe the men of all Nations. For the fame reafon it is, that books of travels, though, for the moft part, written very artlefsly, and though decried by multitudes, of various orders in Society, who difcern in them an indireâ: cenfure of their own conduét, are, never^ thelefs, the moft interefting part of modern read- ing ; not only becaufe they difclofe to us fome new benefits of Nature, in the fruits and the ani- mals of foreign countries, but becaufe of the dan- gers by land and by water which their authors have fsfcaped, frequently beyond all reafonable expeda- tion. $flr STUDIES OF NATURE. tion. Finally, it is becaufe the greateft part of our very learned produftions fludioufly (leer clear of this natural fentiment, thi\t the perufal of them is fo very dry and difgufling, and that pofterity will prefer Herodotus to David Hiwie, and the My- thology of the Greeks to all our treatifes on Phy- £cs; becanfe wre love (till more to hear the fic- tions of Deity blended with the Hillory of men, than to fee the reafon of men in the Hiflory of Deity. This fublime fentiment infpires Man with a tafte for the marvellous, who, from his natural weaknefs, muft have ever been crawling on the ground, of which he is formed. It balances in him the fentiment of his mifery, which attaches him to the pleafures of habit ; and it exalts his foul, by infufing into him continually the defire of novelty. It is the harmony of human life, and the fource of every thing delicious and enchanting that we meet with in the progrefs of it. With this it is that the illufions of love ever veil them- felves, ever reprefenting the beloved objeél as fomething divine. It is this which opens to am- bition perfpeclives v/ithout end. A peafant ap- pears deiirous of nothing in the World, but to be- come the church-warden of his village. Be not deceived in the man ! open to him a career with? out any impediment in his way ; hç is groom, he becomes STUDY XII. gi becomes highwayman, captain of the gang, a com- mander in chief of armies, a king, and never refts till he is worfhipped as a God, He Ihall be a Tamerlane or a Mahomet, An old rich tradefman, nailed to his eafy-chaij? by the gout, tells ns, that he has no higher ambi- tion than to die in peace. But he fees himfelf eter- nally renovating in his pofterity. He enjoys a fc- cret delight in beholding them mount, by the dint of his money, along all the afcending fteps of dignity and honour. He himfelf refleéts not that the moment approaches when he fhall have nothing in common with that pofterity, and that while he is congratulating himfelf on being the fource of their future glory, they are already employing the upftart glory which they have ac- quired, in drawing a veil over the meannefs of their original. The atheift himfelf, with his ne- gative wifdom, is carried along by the fame im- pulfe. To no purpofe does he demonftrate to himfelf the nothingnefs, and the fluduation of all things : his reafon is at variance with his heart. He flatters himfelf inwardly with the hope, that his book, or his monument, will one day attract the homage of pofterity ; or, perhaps, that the book, or the tomb, of his adverfary will ceaTe to be honoured. He miftakes the Deity, merely becaufe he puts himfelf in his place. With 92. STUDIES OF NATURE. With the fentiment of Deity, every thing is great, noble, beautiful, invincible, in the moft contrafted fphere of human life ; without it, all is feeble, difpleafing, and bitter, in the very lap of greatnefs. This it was which conferred empire on Rome and Sparta, by Ihevving to their poor and virtuous inhabitants the Gods as their protec- tors and fellow-citizens. It was the deftrucTtion of this fentiment which gave them up, when rich and vicious, to llavery ; when they no longer faw, in the Univerfe, any other Gods except gold and pleafure. To no purpofe does a man make a bul- wark around himfcif of the gifts of fortune j the moment this fentiment is excluded from his heart, languor takes pofleffion of it. If it's abfence is prolonged, he finks into fadnefs, afterwards into profound and fettled melancholy, and finally into defpair. If this ftate of anxiety becomes perma- nent, he lays violent hands on himfelf. Man is the only fenfible being which deftroys itfelf in a flate of liberty. Human life, with all it's pomp, and all it's delights, ceafes, to him, to have the ap- pearance of life, when it ceafes to appear to hira immortal and divine *, * Plutarch remarks, that Alexander did not abandon himfelf to thufe excelles, which fuUied the conclufion of his glorious ca- reer, tin he beUeved himfelf to be forfakcn of the Gods. No^ enly does this fentiment become a fource of mifery, when it fe- parates itfelf from our pleafures ; but when, from the effecft of our STUDY XÎI. 93 Whatever be the diforders of Society, this celef- tial inflind is ever amnfing itfelf with the children of men. It infpires the man of genius, by dif- clofing itfelf to him under eternal attributes. It prefents to the Geometrician, the inefïlible pro- greffions of infinity; to the Mufîcian, rapturous harmonies ; to the Hiftorian, the immortal Hiades cur paffions, or of our inftitiitions, which pervert the Laws of Nature, it prefles upon our miferies themfelves. Thus, for ex- ample, when after having given mechanical Laws to the opera- tions of the foul, we come to make the fentiment of infinity to bear upon our phyfical and tranfient evils; in this cafe, by a jufl" re-adion, our mifery becomes infupportable. I have pre- fented only a faint fketch of the two principles in Man ; but to whatever fenfation of pain, or of pleafure, they may be applied, the difference of their nature, and their perpetual re-aclion, will be felt.. On tbe fiibje have given fo much to a grown perfon ; but ** I would not tor the world take advantage of a " child." 1 knew a man of the name of Chriftal, in the rue de la Magdelaine^ whofe trade was to go about felling Auvergne- waters, and who fup ported for five months, gratis^ an upholfterer, of whom be had no knowledge, and whom a law-fuit had brought to Paris, becaufe, as he told me, that poor upholfterer, the whole length of the road, in a public carriage, had, from time to time, given an arm to his fick wife. That fame man had a fon eighteen years old, a paralytic and changeling from the womb, whom he maintained with the tendered attachment, without once contenting to his admiflion into the Hofpital of Incurables, though frequently folicited to that effed, by per- fons who had intereft fufRcient to procure it : *' God," faid he to me, " has given me the poor *' youth : it is my duty to take care of him." I have no doubt that he ftill continues to fupport him, though he is under the neceffity of feeding him with his own hands, and has the farther charge of a frequently ailing wife. 1 once J06 STUDIES OF NATURE. I once flopped, with admiration, to contem*- plate a poor mendicant, feated on a poft, in the rue Bergère, near the Boulevards. A great many well-drefled people pafTed by, without giving him any thing ; but there were very few fervant- girls, or women loaded with baflcets, who did not flop to beftow their charity. He wore a well-powdered peruque, with his hat under his arm, was dreffed in a furtout, his linen white and clean, and every article To trim, that you would have thought thefe poor people were receiving alms from him, and not giving them. It is impoffible, affuredly, to refer this fentiment of generofity in the common people to any fecret fuggeflion of felf-intereft, as the enemies of mankind allege, in taking upon them to explain the caufes of compaffion. No one of thofe poor benefaélrefles thought of putting herfelf in the place of the unfortunate mendicant, who, it was faid, had been a watchmaker, and had loft his eye-fight ; but they were moved by that fublime inftinft which intercfts us more in the di- ftreffes of the Great, than in thofe of other men ; becaufe we eftimate the m.agnitude of their fufFer- ings by the ftandard of their elevation, and of the fall from it. A blind watchmaker was a Bclifarius in the eyes of fervant- maids. 1 Ihould never have done, were Î to indulge my- felf in detailing anecdotes of this fort. They would be STUDY XIII. 107 be found worthy of the admiration of the rich, were they extraded from the Hiflory of Savages, or from that of the Roman Emperors; were they two thoufand years old, or had they taken place two thoufand leagues off. They would amufc their imagination, and tranquillize their avarice. Our own commonalty, undoubtedly, well deferves to be loved. I am able to demonftrate, that their moral goodnefs is the firmeft fupport of Govern- ment, and that, notwithftanding their own necef- lities, to them our foldiery is indebted for the fupplement to their miferable pittance of pay, and that to them the innumerable poor with whom the kingdom fwarms, owe a fubfiftence wrung from penury itfelf, Salus Populi suprema Lex esto, faid the Ancients : let the fafety of the People be the pa- ramount Law, becaufe their mifery is the general mifery. This axiom ought to be fo much the more facred in the eyes of Legiflators and Refor- mers, that no Law can be of long duration, and no plan of reform reduced into etfedt, unlefs the happinefs of the people is previoufly fecured. Out of their miferies abufes fpring, are kept up, and are renewed. It is from want of having reared the fabrick on this fure foundation, that fo many illuf- trious Reformers have feen their political edifice crumble into ruins, If Jgis and Cleomenes failed in lO^ STUDIES OF NATURE. in their attempts to reform Sparta, it was becanlc the wretched Helots obferved with indifference a fyflem of happinefs which extended not to them. If China has been conquered by the Tartars, it was becaufe the difcontented Chinefe were groan- ing under the tyranny of their Mandarins, while the Sovereign knew nothing of the matter. If Poland has, in our own days, been parcelled out by her neighbours, it was becaufe her enflaved peafantry, and her reduced gentry, did not fland up in her defence. If fo many efforts toward reform, on the fubjeâ: of the clergy, of the army, of finance, of our courts of juflice, of commerce, of concubinage, have proved abortive with us, it is becaufe the mifery of the people is continually re- producing the fame abufes. I have not feen, in the whole courfe of my tra- vels, a country more flourifhing than Holland. The capital is computed to contain, at lead, a hundred and four-fcore thoufand inhabitants. Aft immenfe commerce prefents, in that city, a thou- fand objeds of temptation, yet you never hear of a robbery committed. They do not even employ foldiers for mounting guard. I was there in 1762, and for eleven years previous to that period, no perfon had been punifhed capitally. The Laws, however, are very fevere in that Country ; but the people, who polTefs the means of eafily earning a livelihood. STUDY XIII. 109 livelihood, are under no temptation to infringe them. It is farther worthy of remark, that though they have gained millions by printing all our ex- travagances in morals, in politics, and in religion, neither their opinions nor their moral conduft have been affeded by it, becaufe the people are con- tented with their condition. Crimes fpring up only from the extremes of indigence and opulence. When I was at Mofcow, an aged Genevois, who had lived in that city from the days of Peter I. informed me, that from the time they had opened to the people various channels of fubfift- ence, by the eftabliOiments of manufaâiures and commerce, feditions, affaffinations, robberies, and wilful fires, had become much lefs frequent than they ufed to be. Had there not been at Rome multitudes of miferable wretches, no Catiline wovàà have ftarted up there. The police, I admit, pre- vents at Paris very alarming irregularities. Nay, it may be with truth affirmed, that fewer crinies are committed in that capital, than in the other cities of the kingdom, in proportion to their po- pulation ; but the tranquillity of the common people in Paris is to be accounted for, from their finding there readier means of fubfiftence, than in the other cities of the kingdom, becaufe the rich of all the provinces fix their refidence in the me- tropoli"?. After all, the expenfe of our police, in guards, ïld STUDIES OF NATURE. guards, in fpies, in houfes of correâiion, and in gaols, are a burthen to that very people, and be- comes an expenfe of punifhments, when they might be transformed into benefits. Befides, thefe methods are repercuffions merely, whereby the people are thrown into concealed irregularities, which are not the leaft dangerous. The firft ftep toward relieving the indigence of the commonalty, is to diminifli the exceflive opu- lence of the rich. It is not by them that the people live, as modern politicians pretend. To no purpofe do they inftitute calculations of the riches of a State, the mafs of them is undoubtedly limited ; and if it is entirely in the pofleflion of a fmail number of the citizens, it is no longer in the fervice of the multitude. As they always fee in detail men, for whom they care very little, and in overgrown capitals money, which they love very much, they infer, that it is more advantageous for the kingdom, that a revenue of a hundred thou- fand crowns Ihould be in the pofTeflion of a lingle perfon, rather than portioned out among a hun- dred families, becaufe, fay they, the proprietors of large capitals engage in great enterprizesj but here they fall into a moft pernicious error. The financier who polfefTes them, only maintains a few footmen more, and extends the reft of his fuper- fluity to objeds of luxury and corruption : more- over. STUDY xiir. lit over, every one being at liberty to enjoy in his own way, if he happens to be a mifer, this money- is aitogether loft to Society. But a hundred fa- milies of refpedable citizens could live comfortably on the fame revenue. They will rear a numerous progeny, and will furniOi the means of living to a multitude of other families of the commonalty, by arts that are really ufeful, and favourable to good morals. It would be neceffary, therefore, in order to check unbounded opulence, without, however, doing injuftice to the rich, to put an end to the venality of employments, which confers them all on that portion of Society which needs them the leaft, as the means of fubfiftence, for it gives them to thofe who have got money. It would be necef- fary to abolifli pluralities, by which two, three, four, or more offices, are accumulated on the head of one perfon j as well as reverfions, which perpetuate them in the fame families. This abolition would, un- doubtedly, deftroy that monied ariftocracy, which is extending farther and farther in the bofom of the the monarchy, and which, by interpofmg an infur- mountable barrier between the Prince and his fub- jecfls, becomes^ in procefs of time, the moft dan- gerous of all governments. The dignity of em- .ployments would thereby be greatly enhanced, as they muft, in this cafe, rife in eflimation, being CO a fide red 112 STUDIES OF NATiTRE. confidered as the reward of merit, and not the pur- chafe of money : that refpect for gold, which has corrupted every moral principle, would be dimi- niOied, and that which is due to virtue would be heightened i the career of public honour would be laid open to all the orders of the State, which, for more than a century paft, has been the patrimony of from four to five thoufand families, which have tranfmitted all the great offices from hand to hand, without communicating any fhare of them to the reft of the citizens, except in proportion as they ceafe to be fuch, that is, in proportion as they fell to them their liberty, their honour, and their con fcience. Our Princes have been taught to believe, that it was fafer for them to truft to the purfes, than to the probity of their fubje6ts. Htre we have the origin of venality in the civil ftate ; but this fo- phifm falls to the ground, the moment we refleâ: that it fubfifts not in either the ecclefiaftical or mi- litary order ; and that thefe great bodies ftill are, as to the individuals which coinpofe them, the bed ordered of any in the State, at leaft with relation to their police, and to their particular interefts. The Court employs frequent change of faQiions, in order to enable the poor to live on the fuper- fluity of the rich. This palliative is fo far good, though STUDY XIII. 113 though fubjed to dangerous abufe : it ought, at lead, to be converted, to it's full extent, to the profit of the poor, by a prohibition of the intro- duftion of every article of fore'gn luxury into France ; for it would be very inhuman in the rich, who engrofs all the money in the Nation, to fend out of it immenfe fums annually, to the In- dies and to China, for the purchafe of mullins, filks, and porcelains, which are all to be had within the kingdom. The trade to India and China is neceflary only to Nations which have neither mul- berry-trees nor filk worms, as the Englifh and Dutch. They, too, may indulge themfelves in the ufe of tea, becaufe their country produces no wine. But every piece of callico we import from Bengal, prevents an inhabitant of our own iflands from cultivating the plant which would have fur- nifhed the raw material, and a family in France from fpinning and weaving it into cloth. There is another political and moral obligation which ough to be enforced, that of giving back to the female fex the occupations which properly belong- to them, fuch as midwifery, millinery, the employ- ments of the needle, linen-drapery, trimming, and the like, which require only tafte and addrefs, and are adapted to a fedentary way of life ; in order to refcue great numbers of them from idlenefs, and from proftitution, in which fo many feek the means of fupporting a miferable exiftence. VOL. lY. I Again, ÏÏ4 STUDIES OF NATURE. Again, a vaft channel of fubfiflcnce to the people might be opened, by Tuppreffing the exclufive pri- vileges of commercial and manufafturing compa- nies. Thefe companies, we are told, provide a livelihood for a whole country. Their eftabliih- ments, I admit, on the firft glance, prefent an, impoiing appearance, efpecially in rural lituations. They difplay great avenues of trees, vaft édifices, courts within courts, palaces ; but while the un- dertakers are riding in their coaches, the reft of the village are walking in wooden (hoes. I never beheld a peafantry more wretched than in villages where privileged manufaftures are eftabliQied. Such exclufive privileges contribute more than is generally imagined, to check the induftry of a country. I fhall quote, on this occafion, the re- mark of an anonymous Englifh Author, highly re- fpectable for the foundnefs of his judgment, and for the ftriûnefs of his impartiality. *' I paffed," fays he, " through Montreuil, Abbeville, Pe- " quigni The fécond of thefe cities has, like- " wife, it's caftle : it's indigent inhabitants greatly *' cry up their broad-cloth manufacture : but it is " lefs confiderable than thofe of many villages of ** the county of York *." * Voyage to France, Italy, and the Iflands of the Archipelago, in 1750. Four fmaU volumes ia izmo. I could. STUDY xni. X15 Ï could likewife oppofe to the woollen manu- factures of the villages of the County of York, thofe of handkerchiefs, cotton-ftuffs, woollens, of the villages of the Pays de Caux, which are there in a veryflourhhing ftate, and where the peafantry are very rich, becaufe there are no exclufive privileges in that part of the country. The privileged un- dertaker having no competitor in a country, fettles the workman's wages at his own plcafure. They have a thoufand devices befides, to i educe the price of labour as low as it can go. Tney give them, for example, a trifie of money in advance, and having thereby inveigled them inio a Aate of infolvency, which may be done by a loan of a tew crowns, they have them thencef^brward at their mercy. I know a confiderable branch of the falt- water fifhery, almoft totally deftroyed, in cne of our Tea ports, by means of this underhand fpecies of monopoly. The tradefmen of that town, at firft, bought the filh of the fidiermen, to cure ic for fale. They afterwards were at the expenfe of building velTels proper for the trade: they pro- ceeded next to advance money to the fifiiermens* wives, during the abfencecf their hufbmds. Thefe were reduced, on their return, to the neceffity of becoming hired fervants to the merchant, in order to difcharge the debt. The m.erchant having thus become rnafter of the boats, of the fiflierman, and of the commiodity, regulated the conditions of the I a trade ri6 STUDIES CF NATURE. trade j Lift as he pleafed. Moft of the fifhermen, dilheartened by the fmallnefs of their profits, quit» ted the employment; and the fifhery, which was formerly a mine of wealth to the place, is no\y dwindled to almoft nothing. On the other hand, if I objeft to a monoply, which would engrofs the means of fubfiftence be- flowed by Nature on every order of Society, and on both fexes, much lefs would I confent to a mo- nopoly that fliould grafp at thofe which fhe has afijgned to every man in particular. For example, the Author of a book, of a machine, or of any in- vention, whether ufeful or agreeable, to which a man has devoted his time, his attention, in a word, his genius, ought to be, at leaft, as well fecured in a perpetual right over thofe who fell his book, or avail themfelves of his invention, as a feudal Lord is to exaâ: the rights of fines of alienation, from perfons who build on his grounds, and even from thofe who re-fell the property of fuchhoufes. This claim would appear to me ftill better founded, on the natural right, than that of fines of alienation. If the Public fuddenly lays hold of a ufeful inven- tion, the State becomes bound to indemnify the Author of it, to prevent the glory of his difcovery from proving a pecuniary detriment to him. Did a Law fo equitable exift, we fliould not fee a fcore of bookfellers wallowing in affluence at the ex- penfs STUDY XIII. 117 penfe of an Author who did not know, fometirnes, where to find a dinner. We fliould not have ften, for inliance, in our own days, the pofterity of Cor- neille and of La Fontaine reduced to fubfift on alms, while the bookfellers of Paris have been building palaces out of the fale of their Works. Immenfe landed property is ftill more injurious than thac of money and of employments, becaufe it deprives the other citizens, at once, of the focial and of the natural patriotifm. Befides, it comes, in procefs of time, into the poffeffion of thofe who have the employments and the money ; it reduces all the fubjeds of the State to dépendance upon them, and leaves them no refource for fubfiftence but the cruel alternative, of degrading rhemfelves by a bafe flattery of the paffions of thofe who have got all the power and weakh in their hands, or of going into exile. Thefe three caufes combined, the laft efpecially, precipitated the ruin of the Roman Empire, from the reign oï Trajan, as Pliny has very juflly remarked. They have already ba- niflied from France more fubjefts than the revo- cation of the Edld of Nantes did. When I was in Pruffia, in the year 1765, of the hundred and fifty thoufand regular troops which the King then main- tained, a full third was computed to confifl: of French deferters. I by no means confider that I 3 number IlS STUDIES OF NATURE. number as exaggerated, for I myfelf remarked, that all the foldiers on guard, wherever i paifed, were compofed, to a third at le^ftj ot Frenchmçn ; and fuch guards are to be found at the gates of all the cities, and in all the villages on the great read, efpecially toward the froniier. When I was in the Ruffian fervice, they reck- oned near three thoufand teacher^ of language of our nation in the city of Mofcow, among whom I knew a great many perfons of refpeclable f smilies, advocates, young ecclehafMcs, gentlemen, and. even officers. Germany is filled wiih our wretched compatriots. In the Courts of the Souih and of the North, what is to be feen but trench dancers and comedians? This we have in common, at this day, with the Italians, and this we had in common with the Greeks of the lower empire. In order to find the means of fubfiftencc, we hunt after a country different from that to which we owe our birth. We do not find the other nations of Eu- rope in this erratic ftate, except the S-.vifs, who trade in the human fpecies, but who ali return home, after having made their fortune. Our com- patriots never return ; becaufe the precarious em- ph yments which they jurfue do not admit of their amafiing the means of a reputable fubliftencej one day, in their native country. Meîj STUDY XIII. TÏ9 Men of letters, who were never out of their country, or who refle6t fuperficially, arc conftanily exclaiming againfl the revocation of the Edi(ft of Nantes. But if they imagine that the reftora- tion of that Ediâ: would bring back to France the pofterity of the French Refugees, they are greatly miftaken. Thofe, furely, who are rich, and com- fortably fettled in foreign countries, will never think of refigning their efiablidiments, and of re- turning to the country of their fathers : none but f)Oor Proteftants, therefore, would come back. But what Qiould they do there, when fo many na- tional Catholics are under the necefTity of emi- grating for want of fubfiftence ? I have b^en oftener than once aftoniflied at hearing our pretended po- liticians loudly re-demanding fo many citizens to religion, while, by their iilence, they abandon fuch numbers of them to the infaiiable avidity of our great proprietors. The truth ought to be told : they have written rather out of hatred lo priells, than from love to men. The fpirit of tolerance which they wifli to edablifh, is a vain pretext, with which they conceal their real aim ; for the Proteftants whom they are difpofed to recal, arejuft as intolerant as they accufe the Catholics of being; of which we had an inftance, a few years ago, in the very Land of Liberty, in England, where a Chapel was burnt down to the ground. Intolerance is a vice of European edu- I 4 cation. 122 STUDIES OF NATURE, cation, and which inanifefts itfelf in literature, in fyftems, and in puppet-Qiovvs. There is a fanner reafon to be affigned for thefe clamours : it is the fame reafon which fets them a-ta!king for the ag- grandizement of commerce, and filences them on the fubjeft of agriculture, which is, from it's very natnre, the moft noble of all occupations. It is, fmce we muftfpeak out,becaufe rich merchants, and great proprietors, give fplendid fuppers, which are at- tended by fine women, who build up and deflroy re- putations at their pleafure, whereas the tillers of the ground, and perfons ftarved into exile, give none. The table is now-a-days the main-fpring of the ari- ftocracy of the opulent. By means of this engine it is, that an opinion, which may fometimes in- volve the ruin of a State, acquires preponderanc)'". There, too, it is, that the honour of a foldier, oi a bidiop, of a magiftrate, of a man of letters, is frequently blafted by a woman who has forfeited her own. Modern politics have advanced another very grofs error, in alleging that riches always find their level in a ftate. When the indigent are once mul- tiplied in it to a certain point, a wretched emula- tion is produced among thofe poor people, who fhall give himfelf away the cheapeft. Whilft, on the one han 1, the rich man, teized by his famill^ed compatriots for employment, over-rates the value of STUDY XIII. 121 of his money, the poor, in order to obtain a pre- ference, let down the price of their labour, till, at length, it becomes inadequate to their fubfiftence* And then we behold, in the beft countries, agri- culture, manufadures, and commerce, all expire. Confiilt, for this purpofe, the accounts given us, of different diftrids of Italy, and, among orhers, what Mr. Brydone has advanced, in his very fen- fible Tour*, notwithftanding the fevere ftriftures of a canon of Palermo, refpeding the luxury and extreme opulence of the Sicilian nobility and clergy, and the abjeft mifery of the peafantry ; and you will perceive whether money has found it's level in that ifland or not. I have been in Malta, which is in no refped comparable, as to fertility of foil^ with Sicily ; for * I quote a great many books of travels, becaufe, of all lite- rary produélions, I love and efteem them the moft. I myfelf have travelled a great deal, and I can affirm, with truth, that I have almoft always found them agreed, refpecling the produc- tions and the manners of every country, unlefs when warped by national or party fpirit. We muft, however, except a fmall num- ber, whofe romantic tone ftrikes at firfi: fight. They are run down by every body, yet every body confults them. They af- ford a conftant fupply of information to Geographei's, Natu- ralifts, Navigators, Traders, Political Writers, Philofophers, Compilers on all fubje£ls,Hifl:orians of foreign Nations, and even thofe of our own Country, when they are deiirous of knowing the truth. it 122, STUDIES OF NATURE. it confifts entirely of one white rock ; but that rock is extremely rich in foreign wealth, from the perpetual revenue of the commanderies of the Or- der of St. John, the capitals of which are depofited in all the Catholic States of Europe, and from the reverfions, or fpoils, of the Knights who die in foreign countries, and which find their way thither every year. It might be rendered ftill more opu- lent by the commodioufnefs of it's harbour, which is fituated the moft advantageoufly of any in the Mediterranean : the peafant is there, never- thelefs, in a moft miferable condition. His whole clothing confifts of drawers, which defcend no lower than his knees, and of a fliirt without fleeves. He fometimes takes his ftand in the great fquare, his breaft, legs, and arms, quire naked, and fcorch- ed with the heat of the Sun, waiting for a fare, at the rate of one {hilling a day, with a carrlag..' ca- pable of holding four perfons, drawn by a horfe, from day- break till midnight; and, thus equipped, to attend travellers to any part of the ifland they think proper, without any obligation on their part, to give either him or his beaft fo much as a draught of water. He conducls hiscalafh, running always bare-footed over the rocks before his horfe, which he leads by the bridle, and before the lazy Knight, who hardly ever deigns to fpeak to him, unlefs it be to regale hun with the appellation of fcoundrel; whereas the guide never prefumes to make a reply but STUDY XIII. 125 but with cap in hand, and with the addrefs of. Your Moft llkiftrious Lorclfhip. The treafuiy of the Republic is filled with gold and filver, and the common people are never paid but in a fort of copper coin, called a piece of four tarins, equi- valent, in ideal value, to abour eightpence of our mony. and intrinfically worth tittle more than two farthings. It is ftamped with this device, no?i as, fedfidcs ; " nor value, but confidence." What a difference do exclufive poffeiïions, and gold, intro- duce between man and man 1 A grave porter, in = Holland demands of you mgoiitgueldt, that is, good money, for carrying your portmanteau the length of a ftreet, as much as the humble Maltefe Baftaze receives for carrying you and three of your friends, a whole day together, around the ifland. The Dutchman is well clothed, and has his pockets lined with good pieces of gold and filver. His coin pre- fents a very différent infcription from that of a Malta : you read thefe words on it : Concordia res farva crefcunt ; " through concord fmall things in- creafe." There is, in truth, as great a difference between the power and the felicity of one State and another, as between the infcriptions and the fub- llances of their coin. In Nature it is that we are to lock for the fub- fiftence of a people, and in their liberty, the chan- pel in which it is to flow. The fpirit of monopoly has 324 STUDIES OF NATURE. has deftroyed many of the branches of it among us, which are pouring in tides of wealth upon our neighbours; fuch are, among others, the whale, cod, and herring fillieries. I admit, at the fame time, on the prefent occafion, that there are enter- prizes which require the concurrence of a great number of hands, as well for their prefervation and proteétion, as in order to accelerate their opera- tions, fuch as the falt-water fifheries : but it is the bufinefs of the State to fee to the adminiflra- tion of them. No one of our companies has ever been actuated by the patriotic fpirit ; they have been aflbciated, if I may be allowed the expreffion, only for the purpofe of forming fmall particular States. It is not fo with the Dutch. For example, as they carry on the herring fifhery to the north- ward of Scotland, for this fifli is always better the farther North you go in queft of it, they have fhips of war to protect the filbery. They have others of very large burthen, called bufles, em- ployed night and day in catching them with the net : and others contrived to fail remarkably faft, which take them on board, and carry them quite freQi to Holland. Befides all this, they have pre- miums propofed to the veflel which firft brings her cargo of filTi to market at Amfterdam. The fifh of the firft barrel is paid at the Stadt-Houfe, at the rate of a golden ducat, or about nine (hil- lings and fixpence a- piece, and ikofe of the reft of STUDY XIÎI. Ï25 of the cargo, at the rate of a florin, or one fliiiling and tenpence each. This is a powerful inducement to the proprietors of the fifliing vefTels, to ftretch out to the North as far as poflible, in order to meet the fifii, which are there of a fize, and of a deHcacy of flavour far fuperior to thofe which are caught in the vicinity of our coafts. The Dutch 'erecfled a ftatue to the man who firft difcovered the method of fmokina:: them, and of making what they call red- herring. They thought, and they thought juftly, that the citizen who procures for his country a new fource of fubfiilence, and a new branch of commerce, de- ferves to rank with thofe who enlighten, or who defend it. From fuch attentions as thefe, we fee with what vigilance they v/atch over every thinf capable of contributing to public abundance. It is inconceivable to what good account they turn an infinite number of produdions, which we fuifer to run to wafte, and from a foil fandy, marfny, and naturally poor and ungrateful. I never knew a country in which there was fuch plenty of every thing. They have no vines in the country, and there are mere wines in their cellars than in thofe of Bordeaux : they have no forefts, and there is more fliip-building timber in their dock-yards than at the fources of the Meufe and of 12b STUDIES OF NATURE. of the Rhine, from which their oaks are tranfmit- ted. Holland contains lit lie or no arable ground, and her granaries contain more Polifh corn than that great kingdom referves for the fupport of it's own inhabitants. The fame thing holds true as to articles of luxury ; for, though they obfervc ex- treme fimplicity in drefs, furniture, and domeflic economy, there is more marble on fale in their magazines than lies cut in the quarries of Italy and of ihe Archipelago ; more diamonds and pearls in their calliets than in thofe of the jewellers of Portugal ; and more rofe-wood. Acajou, Sandal, and India canes than there are in all Europe be- fides, though their own country produces nothing but willows and linden-trees. The felicity of the inhabitants prefents a fpec- tacle ftill more interefting. I never faw, all over the country, fo much as one beggar, nor a houfe in which there was a fingle brick, or a fingle pane of glafs, deficient. But the 'Change of Amfter- dam is the great objed of admiration. It is a very large pile of building, of an architeélure abundantly fimple, the quadrangular court of which is furrounded by a colonade. Each of it's pillars, and they are very numerous, has it's cha- piter infcribed with the name of fome one of the principal cities of the World, as Conftantinople, Leghorn, Canton, Peterfburg, Batavia, and fo on; and STUDY XIII, 127 and Is, in propriety of fpeech, the centre of it's commerce in Europe. Of thefe are very few but what every day witneffes tranfa6lions to the amount of millions. Mod of the good people who there affemble are drtiied in brown, and without ruffles. This contraft appeared to me fo much the more ilriking, that only five days before, 1 happened to be upon the Palais Royal at Paris, at the fame hour of the day, which was then crowded with people dreffed in brilliant colours, vnûi gold and filver laces, and prating about nothings, the opera, literature, kept miflreffes, and fuch contemptible trifles, and who had not, the greateft part of them at leaft, a fmgle crown in their pocket which they could call their own. We had with us a young tradefman of Nantes, whofe affairs had been unfortunately deranged, and who had come to feek an afylum in Holland, where he did not know a fingle perfon. He dif- clofed his fituation to my travelling companion, a gentleman of the name of Le Breton. This Mr. Le Breton was a Swifs officer, in the Dutch fervice, half foldier, half merchant, one of the beft men living, who fiift gave him encouragement, and re- commended him, immediately on his arrival, to his own elder brother, a refpeftable trader, who boarded in the fame houfe where we had fixed. Mr. Le Breton the elder carried this unfortunate refugee 128 STL^DIES O? NATURE. refugee to the Exchange, and recommended hîm without ceremony, and without humihation, to a commercial agent, who fimply afked of the young Frenchman a fpecimen of his hand-writing; he then took down his name and addrefs in his pocket-bock, and defired him to return next day to the fame place at the fame hour. I did not fail to obferve the affignation in company with him and Mr. Le Brelon. The agent appeared, and pre* fented my compatriot with a hft of feven or eight fituaiions of clerk, in different counting-houfes, fome of which were worth better than thirty gui- neas a year, befide board and lodging ; others, abont fixty pounds without board. He was, ac- cordingly, fettled at once, without farther folici- tation. I afked the elder Mr. Le Breton whence came the aftive vigilance of this agent in favour of a ftranger, and one entirely unknown to him : He replied : " It is his trade ; he receives, as an *' acknowledgment, one mondi's falary of the per- *' fon for whom he provides. Do not be furprized *' at this," added he, " every thing here is turned '' to a commercial account, from an odd old (hoc " up to a fquadron of fliips.'* We muft not fufFer ourfelves to be dazzled, however, by the illuiions of a prodigious com- merce ; and here it is that our politics have fre- quently mifled us. Trade and man.ufadures, we are STUDY XIII. 129 are told, introduce millions into a State ; but the fine wools, the dye-ftufFs, the gold and filver, and the other preparatives imported from foreign coun- tries, are tributes which muft be paid back. The people would not have manufailured the lefs of the wools of the country on their own account; and if it's cloths had been of the loweft quality, they would have been, at leaft, converted to their ufe. The unlimited commerce of a country is adapted only to a people pofleffing an ungracious and contrafled territory, fuch as the Dutch ; they export, not their own fuperfluity, but that of other nations ; and they run no rifk of wanting neceflaries, an evil which frequently befals many territorial powers. What does it avail a people to clothe all Europe with their woollens, if they them- felves go naked ; to colleâ; the befl wines in the World, if they drink nothing but water; and to export the fined of flour, if they eat only bread made of bran ? Examples of fuch abufes might eafily be adduced from Poland, from Spain, and from other countries, which pafs for the mod re- gularly governed. It is in agriculture chiefly that France ought to look for the principal means of fubfiftence for her inhabitants. Befides, agriculture is the great fup- port of morals and religion. It renders marriages eafy, neceflary, and happy. It contributes toward VOL. IV. K r^^^i^g I^O STUDIES OF NATURE. ralfing a numerous progeny, which it employs, al» moll as loon as they are able to crawl, in collecting, the fruits of the earth, or in tending the flocks and herds J but it beftows thefe advantages only on fmall landed properties. We have already faid, and it cannot be repeated too frequently, that fmall pofleflions double and quadruple in a coun- try both crops, and the hands which gather them. Great eftates, on the contrary, in the hand of one man, transform a country into vaftfolitudes. They infpire the wealthy farmers with a relilli for city pride and luxury, and with a diflike of country employments. Hence they place their daughters in convents, that they may be bred as ladies, and fend their fons to academies, to prepare them for becoming advocates or abbes. They rob the chil- dren of the trades-people of their refources ; for if the inhabitants of the country are always preffing toward an eftablilhment in town, thofe of the great towns never look toward the plains, becaufe they are blighted by tallages and impofts. Great landed properties expofe the State to an- other dangerous inconvenience, to which I do not believe that much attention has hitherto been paid. The lands thus cultivated lie in fallow one year, at leaft, in three, and, in many cafes, once every other year. It muft happen, accordingly, as in every thing left to chance, that fometimes great quantities STUDY XIII. rji quantities of fuch land lie fallow at once, and at other times very little. In thofe years, undoubt- edly, when the greateft part of thofe lands is lying fallow, much lefs corn mud be reaped, over the kingdom at large, than in other years. This fource of diftrefs, which has never, as far as I know, as yet engaged the attention of Government, is one of the caufes of that dearth, orunforefeen fear- city of grain, which, from time to time, fall heavy not on France only, but on the different Nations of Europe. Nature has parcelled out the adminiftration of agriculture between Man and herfelf. To herfelf file has referved the management of the winds, the rain, the Sun, the expanfion of the plants ; and fhe is wonderfully exaâ: in adapting the elements con- formably to the feafons : but flie has left to Man, the adaptation of vegetables, of foils, the proportions which their culture oug-ht to have to the focieties to be maintained by them, and all the other cares and occupations which their prefervation, their di- ftribution, and their police demand. I confider this remark as of fufficient importance to evince the neceffity of appointing a particular Minifier of agriculture*. If it (hould be found impoffible for * There are many other reafons v/hich militate in favour of the appointment of a Minifter of Agriciiiture. The watering canals abfgrbed by the luxury of the great Lords, or by the com- K 2 merce t^2 STUDIES OF NATURE. Him to prevent chance-combinations in the larldât^ ■which might be in fallow all at once, he would have it, at leaft, in his power to prohibit the tranf- portation of the grain of the country, in thofe years when the greateft part of the land was in full crop, for it is clear, almoft to a denionftration, that the following year, the general produce will be {o much lefs, as a confiderable proportion of the lands will then, of courfe, be in fallow. Small farms are not fubje^led to fuch viciffi-' tudes; they are every year producflive, and almoft at all feafons. Compare, as I have already fug- gefled, the quantity of fruits, of roots, of pot- herbs, of grafs, and of grain annually reaped, and without intermiffion, on a track of ground in the vicinity of Paris, called the Pré Saint-Gervais, the extent of which is but moderate, fituated befides on a declivity, and expofed to the North, with the merce of the great Towns ; the puddles and Jayftalls which poifon the villages, and feed perpetual focufes of epidemic dif- eafe ; the fafety of the great roads, and the regulation of the inns upon them ; the militia-draughts and imports of the peafantry ; the injuftice to which they are in many cafes fubjefted, without daring fo much as to complain, thefe would prefent to him a multitude of ufeful eftablifliments which might be made, or of abufes which might be correded. I am aware that moft of thefe functions are apportioned into divers departments ; but it is ini- poffible they fliould harmonize, and etfedually co-operate, till the refponfibility attaches to a fingle individiiaU produdions STUDY xiir. .13,3 ,produ(5bions of an equal portion of ground, taken in the plains of the neighbourhood, and managed on the great fcale of agriculture ; and you will be fenfible of a prodigious difference. There is, likewifè, a difference equally ftriking in the num- ber, and in the moral charader of the labourinsi: poor who cultivate them. I have heard a refpedt- ,^ble Ecclefiaftic declare, that the former clafs went regularly to confeffion once a month, and that fre- quendy their confeffions contained nothing which called for abfolution. 1 fay nothing of the endlefs variety of delight which refults from their labours ; from their beds of pinks, of violets, of larks-heel; their fields of corn, of peafe, of pulfe ; their edgings of lilach, of vines, by which the fmall polTeffions are fub- divided : their ftripes of meadow-ground difplay- ing alternately, opening glades, clumps of willows and poplars difcovering through their moving um- brage, at the diftance of feveral leagues, either the mountains melting away into the Horizon, or un- known cailles, or the village-fpires in the plain, whofe rural chimes, from time to time, catch the ear. Here and there you fall in with a fountain of limpid water, the fource of which is covered with ^n arch enclofed, on every fide, with large flabs of ftone, which give it the appearance of an antique .^monument, I have, fometimes, read the following ic 3 innocent 1^4 STUDIES OF NATURE. innocent infcriptions traced on the ftones with â bit of charcoal : Colin and Colette, this Stb of March, Antoinette dt«^ Sebastian, ibh 6ih of May, And I have been infinitely more delighted with fuch infcriptions than with thofe of the Academy of Sciences. When the families which cultivate this enchanted fpot are fcattered about, parents and children, through it's glens, and along it's ridges, while the ear is ftruck with the diftant voice of a country lafs Tinging unperceived, or while the eye is caught by the figure of a lufty young fwain; mounted on an apple-tree, with his balket and ladder, looking this way and that way, and liften- ing to the fong, like another Fertumnus : Where is the park with it's ftatues, it's marbles, and it's bronzes, once to be compared with it ? O ye rich ! who wifli to encompafs yourfelves with elyfian fcenery, let your park-walls enclofe villages blefl with rural felicity. What deferted tracks of land, over the whole kingdom, might prefent the fame fpedacle ! I have feen Brittany, and other provinces, covered, as far as the eye could reach, with heath, and where nothing grew but a fpecies of prickly furze, black and yellowifh. Our agricultural companies, which there, to no purpofcj . STUDY. XIIÎ. 135 purpofe, employ their large ploughs of new con- fcrudion, have pronounced thole regions to be fmitten with perpetual fterility ; but thefe heaths difcover, by the ancient divifions of the fields, and by the ruins of old huts and fences, that they have been formerly in a ftate of cultivation. They are, at this day, furrounded by farms in a thriving condition, on the felf-iame foil. How many others would be ftiii more fruitful, fuch as thofe of Bor- deaux, which are covered over with great pines 1 A foil which produces a tall tree, is, furely, capable of bearing an ear of corn. In fpeaking of the vegetable order, we have în- with unprofitable luxury, with corruptive maxims, and licentious manners. Nothing of this kind was to be apprehended from our undebauched pea- fantr)^ Bodily labour foothes to reft the folici- tudes of the mind ; fixes it's natural reftleffnefs; and promotes among the people health, patriotifm, religion, and happinefs. But admitting that, in procefs of lime, thefe Colonies (hould be feparated. from France : Did Greece wafte herfelf in tears, when her flourifliing Colonies carried her laws and her renown over the coafts of Afia, and along the Ihores of the Euxine Sea, and of the Mediterra- nean ? Did flie take the alarm, when they became the flems out of which fprung powerful kingdoms and illuftrious republics ? Becaufe they feparated from her, were they transformed into her enemies; and was (he not, on the contrary, frequently pro- tedled by them ? What harm would have enfued, had Ihoots from the tree of France borne lilies in America, and ihaded the New World with their nmjeftic branches ? Let the truth be frankly acknowledged, Few men, admitted to the councils of Princes, take a lively intereft in the felicity of Mankind. When fight of this great objeél is loft, national profpe- rity, and the glory of the Sovereign, quickly dif- appear. Our Politicians, by keeping the Colonies in STUDY XIIÏ. 149 in a perpetual ftate of dépendance, of agitation and penury, have difcovered ignorance of the nature of Man, who attaches himfelf to the place which he inhabits, only by the ties of the felicity which he enjoys. By introducing into them the flavery of the Negroes, they have formed a connedlion be- tween them» and Africa, and have broken afunder that which ought to have united them to their poor fellow -citizens. They have, farther, difcovered ignorance of the European charader, which is con- tinually apprehenfive, under a warm climate, of feeing it's blood degraded, like that of it's Haves ; and whi(](j| fighs inceflantly after new alliances with, it's compatriots, for keeping up, in the veins of thofe little ones, the circulation of the clear and lively colour of the European blood, and the fen- timents of country, flill more interefting. By giving them perpetually new civil and military rulers, magiftrates entire ftrangers to them, who keep them under a fevere yoke ; men, in a word, eager to accumulate a fortune, they have betrayed ignorance of the French charader, which had no need of fuch barriers to reftrain it to the love of country, feeing it is univerfally regretting it's pro- ductions, it's honours, nay, it's very diforders. They have, accordingly, fucceeded, neither in forming colonifts for America, nor patriots for France ; and they have miftaken, at once, the in- h 3 terefts Î^O STUDIES OF NATURE. terefts of their Nation, and of their Sovereigns, whom they meant to ferve. I have dwelt the longer on the fubjeâ: of thefe abufes, that they are not yet beyond the power of remedy in various refpeds, and that there are ftill lands in the New Worlds, on which a change may be attempted in the nature of our eftablifliments. But this is neither the time nor the place for un- fold, ng the means of thefe. After having propofed fome remedies for the phyfical diforders of the Nation, let us now proceed to the moral irregula- rity which is the fource of theiTi. Thegprincipal caufe is the fpirit of divifion which prevads be- tween the different orders of the State. There are only two methods of cure; the firft, to extinguifli the motives to divifion ; the fécond, to multiply and increafe the motives to union. The greatefl part of our Writers make a boafl; of our national fpirit of fociety ; and foreigners, in reality, look upon it as the moft fociable in Europe. Foreigners are in the right, for the truth is, we receive and carefs them with ardor ; but our Writers are under a miftake. Shall I venture to expofe it ? We are thus fond of ftrangers, be- caufe we do not love our compatriots. For my own part, 1 have never met with this fpirit of union. STUDÎ XIII. 151 union, either in families, or in aflbciations, or in natives of the fame province ; I except only the inhabitants of a fingle province, which I mud not name ; who, as foon as they are got a little from home, exprefs the greatefl ardor of affedion for each other. But, as all the truth muft out, it is rather from antipathy to the other inhabitants of the kingdom, than from love to their compatriots, for, from time immemorial, that province has been celebrated for inteftine divifions. In general, the real fpirit of patriotifm, which is the firft fenti- ment of humanity, is very rare in Europe, and par- ticularly among ourfclves. Without carrying this reafoning any farther, let us look for the proofs of the fadt, which are level to every capacity. When we read certain relations of the cuftoms and manners of the Nations of Afia, we are touched with the fentiment of humanity, which, among them, attracfts men to each other, notwithftanding the phlegmatic taciturnity which reigns in their aflemblies. If, for example, an Afiatic, on a journey, flops to enjoy his repaft, his fervants and camel-driver collect around him, and place themfelves at his table. If a ftranger happens to pafs by, he too fits down with him, and, after having made an inclination of the head to the mafter of the family, and given God thanks, he rifes, and goes on his way, without L 4 being t^Z STUDIES OF N7VTITRE. being interrogated by any one, who he is, v/hence he cornes^ or vvhiiher he goes. This hofpitabie pradice is common to the Armenians, to the Georgians, to the Tuiks, to the Perlians, to the Siamefe, to the Blacks of Madagafcar, and to dif- ferent Nations of Africa and of America. In thofc countries Man is ftill dear to Man. At Paris, on the contrary, if you go into the dining-room of a Tavern, where there are a dozen tables fpread, (liould twelve perfons arrive, one after another, you fee each of them take his place apart, at a feparate table, without uttering a fyl- lable. If new guefts did not fucceffively come in, each of the firft twelve would eat his morfel alone, like a Carthufian monk. For fome time, a pro- fo-ijnd filence prevails, till fome thoughtlefs fellow, put into good humour by his dinner, and preffed by an inclination to talk, takes upon him to let the converfation a-going. Upon this, the eyes of the whole company are drawn tovsard the orator, and he is meafured, in a twinkling, from head to foot. If he has the air of a perfon of confequence, that is, rich, they give him the hearing. Nay, he finds perfons difpofed to flatter him, by confirming his intelligence, and applauding his literary opinion, or his loofe maxim, But if his appearance difplays no mark of extraordinary diftindlion, had he de- livered fentimcnts v/oithy of a SocrafeSj fcarce has he STUDY XIII. 153 he proceeded to the opening of his thefis, when fome one interrupts him with a flat contradidion» His opponents are contradifted in their turn, by other wits who think proper to enter the lifts; then the converfation becomes general and noify, Sarcafms, harfh names, perfidious infmuations, grofs abufc, ufually conclude the fitting ; and each of tlie guefts retires, perfedly well-pleafed with himfelf, and with a hearty contempt for the reft. You find the fame fcenes afted in our coffee- houfes, and on our public walks. Men go thither exprefsly to hunt for admiration, and to play the critic. It is not the fpirit of Society which allures us toward each other, but the fpirit of divifion. In what is called good company matters are ftill vvorfe managed. If you mean to be vvell received, you muft pay for your dinner at the expenfe of the family with whom you fupped the night before. Nay, you may think yourfelf very well off, if it cofts you only a few fcandalous anecdotes ; and if, in order to be well with the hulband, you are not obliged to bubble him, by making love to his wife 1 Tlie original fource of thefe divifions is to be traced up to our mode of education. We are taught, from carlieft infancy, to prefer our- felves to another, by continued fuggeftions to be the 154 STUDIES OF NATURE. the firfl: among our fchool-companions. As this unprofitable emulation prefents not, to far the greatefb part of the citizens, any career to be per- formed on the theatre of the World, each of them alTumes a preference from his province, his birth, his rank, his figure, his drefs, nay, the tutelary faint of his parifh. Hence proceed our focial ani- mofities ; and all the infulting nicknames given by the Norman to the Gafcogn, by the Parifian to the Champenois, by the man of family to the man of no family, by the Lawyer to the Ecclefiaftic, by the Janfenift to the Molinift, and fo on. The man aflerts his pre-eminence, efpecially, by oppofing his own good qualities to the faults of his neigh- bour. This is the reafon that flander is fo eafy, fo agreeable, and that it is, in general, the mafter- fpring of our converfations. A man of high quality one day faid to me, that there did not exift a man, however wretched, whom he did not find fuperior to himfelf, in re- fpedt of fome advantage whereby he furpaffes per- fons of our conditon, whether it be as to youth, health, talents, figure, or, in ihorr, fome one good quality or another, whatever our fuperiority in other refpeds may be. This is literally true ; but this manner of viewing the members of a Society belongs to the province of virtue, and that is not ours. The contrary maxim being equally true, our STUDY XIII. 155 our pride lays hold of that, and finds a determi- nation to it from the manners of the World, and from our very education, which from infancy fug- gefts the neceffity of this perfonal preference. Our public fpeâracles fnrther concur toward the incrcafe of the fpirit of divifion among us. Our mofl celebrated comedies ufuaily reprefent tutors cozened by their pupils, fathers by their children, hufbands by their wives, matters by their fervants. The (hows of the populace exhibit nearly the fame pi(5bures ; and, as if they were not already fufficiently difpofed to irregularity, they are prefented with fcenes of intoxication, of lewdnefs, of robbery, of conftables drubbed : thefe inftrud them to under- value, at once, morals and magiftrates. Speftacles draw together the bodies of the citizens, and alie- nate their minds. Comedy, we are told, cures vice by the power of ridicule ; cajiigat ridendo mores. This adage is equally falfe with many others, which are made the bafis of our morality. Comedy teaches us to laugh at another, and nothing more. No one fays, when the reprefentation is over, the portrait of this mifer has a ftrong refemblance of myfelf ; but every one, inftantly difcerns in it the image and likenefs of his neighbour. It is long fince Horace made this remark. But, on the fuppofition, that a man fliould 156 STUDIES OF NATURE. fliould perceive himfelf in the dramatic reprefenta- tion, I do nor perceive how the reformation of vice would enfue. How could it be imagined, that the way for a phyîician to cure his patient, would be to clap a mirror before his face, and then laugh at him ? If my vice is held up as aa objeâ; of ridicule, the laugh, fo far from giving me a difguft at it, plunges me in the deeper. I employ every effort to conceal it ; 1 become a hy- pocrite : without taking into the account, that the laugh is much more frequently levelled againfl: virtue than againft vice. It is not the faithlefs wife, or profligate (on who are held up to fcorn, but the good-natured hulband, or the indulgent father. In juftification of our own tafte, we refer to that of the Greeks j but we forget that their idle fpec- tacles direfted the public attention to the mod frivolous objects ; that their flage frequently turned into ridicule the virtue of the moft illuftrious citi- zens ; and that their fcenic exhibitions multiplied among them the averfions and the jealoufies which accelerated their ruin. Not that I would reprefent laughing as a crime, or that I believe, with Hobbes, it muft proceed from pride. Children laugh, but moft afluredly not from pride. They laugh at fight of a flower, at the found of a rattle. There is a laugh of joy, of fatisfadion, of compofure. But ridicule differs widely STUDY XIII. 157 widely from the fmile of Nature. It is not, like this laft, the ejflfed of fome agreeable harmony in OUT fenfations, or in our fentiments : but it is the refult of a harflb contraft between two objeds, of which the one is great, the otlier little j of which the one is powerful, and the other feeble. It is remarkably fingular, that ridicule is produced by the very Came oppofitions which produce terror ; with this difference, that in ridicule, the mind makes a tranfition from an object that is formi- dable, to one that is frivolous, and, in terror, from an objeft that is frivolous to one that is formidable. The afpic of Cleopatra^ in a baiket of fruit ; the fingers of the hand which wrote, amidft the mad- nefs of a feftivity, the doom of Beljloazzar ; the found of the bell which announces the death of Clarijja ; the foot of a (iwage imprinted, in a de- fert ifland, upon the fand, fcare the imagination infinitely more than all the horrid apparatus of battles, executions, maffacres and death. Accord- ingly, in order to imprefs an awful terror, a frivo- lous and unimportant objed: ought to be firft ex- hibited ; and in order to excite exceffive mirth, you ought to begin with a folemn idea. To this may be farther added fome other contraft, fuch as that of furpize, and fome one of thofe fentiments which plunge us into infinity, fuch as that of myftcry; in this cafe, the foul, having loft it's equilibrium, precipitates itfelf into terror, or into mirth, accord- ing to the arrangement which has been made for it. We I5S STUDIES OF NATURE. We frequently fee thefe contrary 'efFeds pro- duced by the fame means. For example, if the nurfe wants her child to laugh, flie (hrowds her head in her apron ; upon this the infant becomes ferious ; then, all at once, (he (hews her face, and he burfts into a fit of laughter. If (he means to terrify him, which is but too frequently the cafe, Ihe firfl fmiles upon the child, and he returns it : then, all at once, (he afTumes a ferious air, or con- ceals her face, and the child falls a-crying. I (hall not fay a word more refpeding thefe vio- lent oppofitions; but (hall only deduce this con- fequence from them, that it is the mod wretched part of Mankind which has the greateft propen(ity to ridicule. Terrified by political and moral phantoms, they endeavour, firft of all, to drown relpedt for them , and it is no difficult matter to fucceed in this ; for Nature, always at hand, to fuccour opprelfed humanity, has blended, in moft things of human inftitucion, the effulions of ridi- cule with thofe of terror. The only thing requi- fite is to invert the objefts of their comparifon. It was thus that Ariflophmies, by his comedy of The Clouds, fubverted the religion of his country. At- tend to the behaviour of lads at college ; the pre- fence of the mafter at firft fets them a-trembling ; what contrivance do they employ to familiarize themfelves to his idea ? They try to turn him into ridicule. STUDY XIII. 159 ridicule, an effort in which they commonly fuc- ceed to admiration. The love of ridicule in a people, is by no means, therefore, a proof of their happinefs, but, on the contrary, of their mifery. This accounts for the gravity of the ancient Ro- mans ; they were ferious, becaufe they were happy : but their defendants, who are, at this day, very miferable, are like wife famous for their pafqui- nades, and fupply all Europe with harlequins and buffoons, I do not deny that fpeftacles, fuch as tragedies, may have a tendency to unite the citizens. The Greeks frequently employed them to this effedt. But by adopting their dramas, we deviate from their intention. Their theatrical reprefentations did not exhibit the calamities of other Nations, but thofe which they themfelves had endured, and events borrowed from the Hiftory of their own country. Our tragedies excite a compaffion whofe objed is foreign to us. We lament the diftreffes of the family of Agamemnon, and we behold, with- out ihedding one tear, thofe who are in the depth of mifery at our very door. We do not fo much as perceive their diftreffes, becaufe they are not exhibited on a ftage. Our own heroes, neverthe- lefs, well reprefented in the theatre, would be fuffi- cient to carry the patriotifm of the people to the very height of enthufiafm. What crowds, of fpec- tators l60 STUDIES OF NATURE. tators have been attraéled, and what burfts of ap- plaufe excited, by the heroifm of Euftace Saint- PierrCj in the Siege of Cahiis ! The death of Joan cf Arc would produce efFeéts ftiil more povverful, if a man of genius had the courage to efface the ridi- cule which has been lavifhed on that refpedable and unfortunate young woman, to whofe name Greece would have confecrated altar upon altar. T will deliver my thoughts on the fubjeâ:, in a few words, if, perhaps, it may incite fome virtuous man to undertake it. I could wifh, then, without departing from the truth of Hiftory, to have her reprefented, at the moment when (lie is honoured with the favour of her Sovereign, the acclamations of the army, and at the very pinnacle of glory, de- liberating on her return to an obfcure hamlet, there to refume the employments of a fimple fliep- herdefs, unnoticed and unknown. Soliciied after- wards by Dunois, flie determines to brave new dangers in the fervice of her country. At laft, made prifoner in an engagement, fhe falls into the hands of the Englilh. Interrogated by inhuman judges, among whom are the Bilhops of her own Nation, the fimplicity and innocence of her replies render her triumphant over the iniidioiis queftions of her enemies. She is adjudged by them to per- petual imprifonment. I would have a reprefenta- tion of the dungeon in which (lie is doomed to pafs the STUDY XIII. l6l the remainder of her mlferable days, with it's long fpiracles, it's iron grates, it's maffy arches, the wretched truckle-bed provided for her repofe, the cruife of water atid the black bread, which are to ferve her for food. I would draw from her own lips the touchingly plaintive refledions, fnggefted by her condition, on the nothingnefs of human grandeur, her innocent expreffions of regret for the lofs of rural felicity : and then the gleams of hope, of being relieved by her Prince, extinguiQied by defpair, at fight of the fearful abyfs which has clofed over her head. I would then difplay the fnare laid for her, by her perfidious enemies, while flie was afleep, in placing by her fide the arms with which Ihe had com batted them. She perceives, on awakening, thefe monuments of her glory. Hurried away by the pafTion at once of a woman and of a hero, llie covers her head with the helmet, the plume of which had fhewn the difpirited French army the road to viftory ; (he grafps with her feeble hands that fword fo formJdable to the Englilb ; and, ac the inflant when the fentiment of her o'.vn glory is making her eyes to overflow with tears of exulta- tion, her daftardly foes fuddenly prefent them- felves, and unanimoufly condemn her to the mofl horrible of deaths. Then it is we (hould behold a fpedacle worthy the attention of Heaven itfelf, VOL. IV. M virtue 102 STUDIES OF NATURE. virtue confllcling with extreme mifery ; we fliould hear her bitter complaints of the indifference of her Sovereign, whom (lie had fo nobly ferved; we fhoul.d fee her perturbation, at the idea of the hor- lid punifliment prepared for her, and ftill more, at the apprehenfion of the calumny which is for ever to fully her reputation ; we (hould hear her, amidft conflids fo tremendous, calling in queftion the exiftence of a Providence, the protedlor of the innocent. To death at laft, however, walk out (he mud. At that moment it is, I could wifli to fee all her courage re-kindle. I would have her reprefented on the funeral- pile, where (he is going to termi- nate her days, looking down on the empty hopes with which the World amufes thofe who ferve it ; exulting at the thought of the everlafting infamy with which her death will clothe her enemies, and of the immortal glory which will for ever crow^n the place of her birth, and even that of her execu- tion. 1 could wifli that her laft words, animated by Religion, might be more fubHme than thofe of Vidoy when flie exclaims, on the fatal pile : — Exoriare aliquis nofiris ex ojfibiis idtor. '' Start up *' fome dire avenger from thefe bones." I could wiîli, in a word, that this fubjed. Created by a man of genius, after the manner of Shakefpçart STUDY XIII. 16;} Shake/pear *, which, undoubtedly, he would not have failed to do, had Joan of Arc been an Englifh- woman, might be wrought up into a patriotic Drama ; * The compliment here paid to Shake/pear is juftly merited ; and how well he could have managed the ftory of the Maid of Orleans, had he taken the incidents as St. -Pierre has ftated them, and written with the partiality of a Frenchman, may beafcer- tained by the mafterly touches which he a£lually has beftowed oa this diftinguifhed charafter, in his Firfi: Part of Hewy VI. It may afford fome amufement, to compare the above profe fketch, by our Author, with the poetical painting of our own immortal Bard, in the Drama now mentioned. I take the liberty to tranfcribe only the fcene in which the audience is prepared for her entrance, and that in which flie aftually makes her ap- pearance. For the reft, the Reader is referred to the Play itfelf. H. H. Efiter tbe Bast AKT) OF Orleans /o //^^ Dauphin, Alençon, am/ Reignier. Ba/l. Where's the Prince Dauphin? I have news for him. Dau. Baftard of Orleans, thrice welcome to us. Bajl. Methinks your looks are fad, your cheer appall'd ; Hath the late overthrow wrought this offence ? Be not difmay'd, for fuccour is at hand : A holy maid hither with me I bring, Which, by a vifion fent to her from Heaven, Ordained is to raife this tedious liege, And drive the Englifli forth the bounds of France. The fpirit of deep prophecy {he hath. Exceeding the nine Sibyls of old Rome ; What's paft, and what's to come, flie can defcry. Speak, fhall I call her in ? Believe my words, For they are certain and infallible. ^i z Dan. 164 STUDIES OF NATURE. Drama; in order that this illuftrious Hiepherdfers may become, with us, the patronefs of War, as Saint Genevieve is that of Peace 5 I would have the reprefentation Dûîi. Go, call her in : But firft, to try her (kill, Reignier, ftand thou as Dauphin in my place: Queftion her proudly, let thy looks be ftern ; By this means fliali wc found what ikill flie hath. Enter Joan la Pucelle. Rei^. Fair maid, is't thou will do thefè wond'rous feats? Puce!. Reignier, is't thou that thinkeft to beguile me? Where is the Dauphin ? — Come, come from behind ; I know thee well, though never kcw befoi'e. Be not amazed, there's nothing hid from me : In private will T talk with thee apart ; — Stand back, j ou Lords, and give us leave awhile. Reig. She takes upon her bravely at firft dafti. Pucfl. Dauphin, I am by birth a fliepherd't» daughter» My wit untrain'd in any kind of art. Heav'tn, and our Lady gracious, hath it pleas'd To (hine on my contemptible ellate : Lo, whilll: I waited on mv tender lambs, And to Sun's parching heat difplay'd my cheeks, God's IMother deigned to appear to me ; And, in a vifion full of maiefty, Will'd me to leave my bale vocation. And free my cojuitry from calamity : Mer aid ilie promised, and alTur'd fuccefs ; \n complete glory fhe reveal'd herfelf ; And, whereas I was black and fvvart before, With thofe clear rays which (he infus'd on me, That beauty am I blell with, which you fee. STUDY XIII. 165.; reprefentation of her tragedy referved for the peri- lous fitnations in which the Stare might happen to be involved, and ihtn exhibited to the people, as they difplay, in fimilar cafes, to the people of, Conflantinople, the fiandard oï Ala hornet ; and I have no doubt that, at fight of her innocence, of her fervices, of her misfortunes, of the cruelty of her enemies, and of the horrors of Jicr execution, our people, in a tranfport of fury, would exclaim : ** War, war with the EngliQi* I" Aft me what queflion thou can ft poffible. And I will anfwer unpremeditated : My courage try by combat, if thou dar'ft, And thou (liait find that I exceed my fex. Refolve on this : Thou flialt be fortunate If thou receive me for thv warlike mate. — Affign'd I am to be the E'lglifli fcnurge. This night the fiege alTuredly I'll raife : Expeft Saint Martin's Summer, hjiicyon days, Since I have enterd thus into thefe wars. Glory is like a circle in the water, Which never ceafes to enlarge itfelf, ^Till by broad fpreading it difperfe to nought. With Hcyn-ys death, the Englifli circle ends; Difperfed are the glories it included. Now am I like that proud infulting fliip, Which Co'/ar and his fortune bare at once. * Gou forbid T fhould mean to roufe a fpirit of animofity iix our people againft the Englifli, now fo woi^hy of all our efteem. But as their Writers, and even their Government, have, in more M 3 inftances l66 STUDIES OF NATURE. Such means as thefe, though more powerful than draughts for the militia, and than either prefling or tricking men into the fervice, are ftill infufh- cient to form real citizens. We are accuftomed by them to love virtue and our country, only when our heroes are applauded on the theatre. Hence it comes to pafs, that the greateft part even of perlons of the better fort, are incapable of ap- praifing an adion, till they fee it detailed in feme journal, or moulded into a drama. They do not form a judgment of it after their own heart, but after the opinion of another ; not as it is in reality, and in it's own place, but as clothed with imagery, and fitted to a frame. They delight in heroes when they are applauded, powdered and perfum* ed ; but were they to meet with one pouring out his blood in fome obfcure corner, and perilhing in unmerited ignominy, they would not acknow- ledge him to be a hero. Every one would wifli to be the Alexander of the opera, but no one the Alex-^ under in the city of the Mallians *, inftances than one, defcended to exhibit odious reprefentationa of us, on their ftage, I was willing to fhew them, how eafily we could make reprifals. Rather, may the genius of Fetielo», which they prize fo highly, that one of their moft amiable fine writers, Lord Liitleton, exalts it above that of Plato, one day unite our hearts and minds Î * See Plutarch's, Life of Ak.xamh; Patriotifm STUDY XIII. Ï67 Patriotifm ought not to be made too frequently the fubjed of fcenic reprefentation. A heroifm fhould be fuppofed to exift, which braves death, but which is never talked of. In order, therefore, to replace the people, in this refped, in the road of Nature and Virtue, they ihould be made to ferve as a fpedacle to themfelves. They ought to be prefented with realities, and not fidions; with foldiers, and not comedians ; and if it be impof- fible to exhibit to them the terrible fpedacle of a real engagement, let them fee, at leaft, a reprefen- tation of the evolutions and the vlciffitudes of one, jn military feftivals. The foldiery ought to be united more inti- mately with the Nation, and their condition ren- dered more happy. They are but too frequently the fubjeds of contention in the provinces through which ihey pafs. The fpirit of corps animates them to fuch a degree, that when two regiments happen to meet in the fame city, an infinite number of duels is generally the confequence. Such ferocious animofities are entirely unknown in Pruffian and Ruffian regiments, which I confider as, in many refpeds, the beft troops in Europe. The King of Pruffia has contrived to infpire his foldiers, not with the fpirit of corps, which divides them, but with the fpirit of country which unites them. This M 4 he l68 STUDIES OF NATURE. he has been enabled to accomplifh, by conferring on them moft of the civil employments in his kingdom, as the recompenfe of military fervices. Such are the political ties by which he attaches them to their country. The Ruffians eii^ploy only one, but it is ftill more powerful ; 1 mean Reli- gion. A Ruffian foldier believes, that to ferve his Sovereign is to ferve God. He marches into the fi-eld of battle, like a neophyte to martyrdom, in the full perfuafion, thar, if he falls in it, he goes di^ redly to Paradife, I have heard M. de Filkhois, Grand Mafler of the Ruffian artillery, relate, that the foldiets of his corps who ferved a battery, in the afîair of Zornedorfï\ having been moftly cut off, the few who remained feeing; the Piuffians advance, with bayonets fixed, unable to make any farther refift- ance, but determined not to fly, embraced their guns, and fulTered themfelves to be all maflacred, in order to preferve inviolate the oath which they are called upon to take, when received into the artillery, namely, never to abandon their cannon. A refiftance fo pertinacious ftripped the Pruffians of the vidory which they had gained, and made the King of Pruffia acknowledge, that it was eafiec to kill the Ruffians than to conquer them. This heroic intrepidity is the fruit of Religion. STUDY XIII. 169 It would be a very difficult matter to redore this power to it's proper elafticity among the French foldiery, who are formed, in part, of the diffolute youth of our great towns. The Ruffian and Pruf- fian foldiers are draughted from the clafs of the peafantry, and value themfelvesupon their condi- tion. With us, on the contrary, a peafant is terri- fied left his fon fhould be obliged to go for a fol- dier. Adminiftration, on it's part, contributes to- ward ihe increafe of this apprehenfion. If there be a fingle blackguard in a village, the deputy takes care that the black ball fliall fall upon him, as if a regiment were a galley for criminals. I once compofed, on this fubjeâ:, a memorial- which fuggefted propofals of a remedy for thefe difordcrs, and for the prevention of defertion among our foldiers ; but, like many other things of the fame fort, it came to nothing. The prin- cipal means of reform which I propofed, were a melioration of the condition of the foldiery, as in Pruffiia, by holding up the profped of civil em- ployments, which, with us, are infinite in number; and, in order to prevent the irregularities into which they are thrown by a life of celibacy, I pro- pofed to grant them permiffion to marry, as moft of the Ruffian and Pruffian foldiers do *. This * I could likewife wifli that the wives of failors might be per- lanitted tp go to fea with their huibands ; they would prevent, on fhip- I70 STUDIES OF NATURE. method, fo much adapted to the reformation of manners, would farther contribute toward conci- liating our provinces to each other, by the mar- riages which regiments would contradl, in their continual progrefs from place to place. They would ftrengthen the bands of national affedion from North to South ; and our peafantry would ceafe to be afraid of them, if they faw them march- ing through the country as hufbands and fathers. If the foldiery are fometimes guilty of irregulari- ties, to our military inftitutions the blame muft be imputed. I have feen others under better difci- pline, but I know of none more generous. fhip-board, more than one fpecies of irregularity. Befides, the\' might be ufefully engaged in a variety of employments fuitabte to their fex, fuch as dreffing the vifluals, wafliing the linen, mending the fails, and the like They might, in many cafes, co-operate in the labours of the fliip's crew. They are much lefs liable to be affected by thefcurvy, and by various other dif- orders, than men are. The projed of embarking women will, no doubt, appear ex- travagant to perfons who do not know that there are, at leaft, ten thoufand women who navigate the coafting veflels of Hol- land ; who affift, on deck, in working the fliip, and manage the helm as dexrroufly as any man. A handfome woman would, undoubtedly, prove the occafion of much mifchief on board a French fhip ; but women, fuch as J have been defcribing, hardy and laborious, are exceedingly proper, on the contrary, to pre- vent, or remedy, many kinds of mifchief, which are already but too prevalent in a fea life. I was STUDY XIII. lyi I was witnefs to a difplay of humanity on their partj of which I doubt whether any other foldiery in Europe would have been capable. It was in the year 1760, in a detachment of our army, then in Germany, and an enemy's country, encamped hard by an inconfiderable city, called Stadberg. I lodged in a miferable village, occupied by the head-quar- ters. There were in the poor cottage, where I and two of my comrades had our lodgings, five or fix women, and as many children, who liad taken re- fuge there, and who had nothing to eat, for our army had foraged their corn, and cut down their fruit-trees. We gave them fome of our provifions; but what we could fpare was a fmall matter in- deed, confidering both their numbers and their ne- ceffities. One of them was a young woman big with child, who had three or four children befide. I obferved her go out every morning, and return fome hours after, with her apron full of flices of brown bread. She flrung them on packthreads, and dried them in the chimney like mudirooms. I had her queftioned one day by a fervant of ours, who fpoke German and French, where fhe found that provifion, and why flie put it through that procefs. She replied, that (he went into the camp to folicit alms among the foldiers ; that each of them gave her a piece of his ammunition-bread, and that flie dried the iliccs in order to preferve them ; for (he did not know where to look for a fupply 172 STUDIES OF NATURE. fupply, after we were gone, the country being ut- terly defolated, A foldier's profeffion is a perpetual exercife of virtue, from the necefiity to which it conftantly fubjeéts the man, to fubmit to privations innume- rable, and frequently to expofe his life. It has Religion, therefore, for it's principal fupport. The Ruffians keep up the fpirit of it, in their national troops, by admitting among them not fo much as one foreign foldier. The King of Pruffia, on the contrary, has accompliflied the fame purpofe, by receiving into his, foldiers of every religion 3 but he obliges every one of them exaclly to obferve that which he has adopted. I have feen, both at, Berlin and at Potfdam, every Sunday morning, the officers muftering their men on the parade, about eleven o'clock, and then filing off with them in feparate detachments, Calvinifts, Lutherans, Ca- tholics, every one to his own church, to woriliip God in his own way. I could wifli to have aboliflied among us the other caufes of divifion, which lay one citizen un- der the temptation, that he may live himlelf, to wifh the hurt or the death of another. Our poli- ticians have multiplied, without end, thefe fources of hatred, nay, have rendered the State an accom- plice in fuch ungracious fentiments, by the efta- blillament STUDY XIII. Ï73 blifhment of lotteries, of tontines, and of annuities. ** So many perfons," fay they, *' have died this ** year ; the State has gained fo much." Should a peftilence come, and fweep off one half of the people, the State would be wonderfully enriched ! Man is nothing in their eyes ; gold is all in all. Their art conflits in reforming the vices of Society, •by violences offered to Nature : and, what is paf- iing ftrange, they pretend to ad after her example. ** It is her intention, they gravely tell you, that ** every fpecies of being (hould fubfift only by the '** ruin of other fpecies. Particular evil is general *' good." By fuch barbarous and erroneous maxims are Princes mifled. Thefe Laws have no exiftence in Nature, except between fpecies which are oppofite and inimical. They exift not in the fame fpecies of animals, which live together in a ftate of Society. The death of a bee, moft af- furedly, never tended to promote the profperity of the hive. Much lefs ftill can the calamity and death of a man be of advantage to his Nation, and to Mankind, the perfeét happinefs of which muft confift in a perfeâ: harmony between it's members. We have demonflrated in another place,, that it is impoffible the flightefl evil Qiould befal a fimple individual, without communicating the impreffion of it to the whole body politic. Our 174 STUDIES OF NATURE. Our rich people entertain no doubt that the good things of the lower orders will reach them, as they enjoy the productions of the arts which the poor cultivate ; but they participate equally in the ills which the poor fufFer, let them take what precau- tions they will to fecure themfelves. Not only do they become the viftims of their epidemical mala- dies, and of their pillage, but of their moral opi- nions, which are ever in a progrefs of depravation in the breafts of the wretched. They ftart up, like the plagues which iflued from the box of Pandora^ and, in defiance of armed guards, force their way through fortrefles and cadle-walls, and fix their refidence in the heart of tyrants. In vain do they dream of perfonal exemption, from the ills of the vulgar ; their neighbours catch the infec- tion, their fervants, their children, their wives, and impofe the neceflity of abRinence from every thing, in the very midft of their enjoyments. But when, in a Society, particular bodies are conftantly converting to their own profit the dif- treffes of others, they perpetuate thefe very dif- trefles, and multiply them to infinity. It is a faâ; eafily afcertained, that wherever advocates and phy- ficians peculiarly abound, law-fuits and difeafes there likewife are found in uncommon abundance, Though there be among them men of the beft dif- pofitions STUDY XIII. 17^ pofitions, and of the foundeft intellect, they do not fet their face agiinft irregularities which are beneficial to their corps. Thefe inconveniencics are by no means defpe- rate^ I am able to quote inftances to this effed:, which no fophiftry can invalidate. On my enter- ing into the fervice of Ruflia, the firft month's re- venue of my place was flopped, as a complete in- demnification for the expenfe attending the treat- ment of every kind of malady with which I might be attacked ; and this included, together widi my- felf, my fervants, and my family, if I fhould hap- pen to marry ; and extended to every poffible ex- penfe.of Phyfician, Surgeon, and Apothecary. There was farther flopped, for the fame objedl, a fmall fum, amounting to one, or one and a half, per cenRr of my appointnients ; this was to have been paid annually ; and every flep higher I might have rifen, I was to have given an additional month's pay of that fuperior rank. This is the complete amount of the tax upon officers, in confideration of which they and their families are entitled to every kind of medical advice and affiftance, under whatever indifpofition. The Phyficians and Surgeons of every corps have, at the fame time, a fufficiently ample reve- nue arillng from thefe payments. I recoiled: that the 176 STUDIES OF NATirRE*. the Phylician of the corps in which I fcrved, had an annual income of a thoufand roubles, or five thoufand livres (about two hundred guineas), and little or nothing to do for it 5 for, as our maladies brought him nothing, they were of very fliort du- ration. As to the foldiers, if my recolleftion is accurate, they are medically treated, without any defalcation of their pay. The grand Difpenfary belongs to the Emperor. It is in the city of Mof- cow, and confifts of a magnificent pile of building. The medicines are depofited in vafes of porcelaia, and are always of the very beft quality. They are thence diflributed over the reft of the Empire, at a moderate price, and the profit goes to the Crown. There is not the flighteft ground to apprehend im- pofition in the .condud of this bufmefs. The per- fons employed, in the preparation and dillribu- tlon, are men of ability, who have no kind of in- tereft in adulterating them, and who, as they rife in a regular progreflion of rank and falary, are ac- tuated with no emulation but that of difcharging their duty with fidelity *. * The infatiable ihirfl of gold and luxury might be allayed in the greatefl part of our citizens, by prefenting them with a great number of thefe political perfpecVives, They conflitute the charm of petty conditions, by difplaying to them the attraclions of infinity, the fentiment of which, as we have feen, is fo natural to the heart of Man. It is by means of thefe, that mechanics and fmall fhopkeepers are much more powerfully attached, by moderate profits, to their contracted fpheres, enlivened by hope, than STUDY XIII. 177 The example of Peter the Great challenges imita- tion ; and the order which he has eflablilhed among his troops, with refpeft to Phyficians and Apothe- caries, might be extended all over the kingdom, not only in the line of the medical profcffion, though even this would bring an immenfe increafe of revenue to the State, but might alfo be ufefully applied to the profeffion of the Law. It is greatly to be wiQied that Attorneys, Advocates, and Judges, were paid by the State, and fcattered over the whole kingdom, not for the purpofe of arguing caufes, but of fettling them by reference. Thefe arrangements might be extended to all defcriptions of profeffion, which fubfift on the diftrefs of the Public : then the whole bodv of the citizens, find- ing their repofe and their fortune in the happinefs than the rich and great are to lofty fituations, the term of which is before them. The procefs which pafîès in the head of the little, is fomething fimilar to the milk-maid's train of thought, in the fable. With the price of this milk I will buy eggs; eggs will give me chicks ; thofe chicks will grow up to hens ; I will fell my poultry, and buy a lamb, and fo on. The pleafure which, they enjoy, in purfuing thofe endlefs progreffions, is the fweet jllullon that carries them through their labours ; and it is fo real, that, when they happen to accumulate a fortune, and are able to live in eafe and affluence, their health gradually declines, and moft of them terminate their days in languor and melan- choly. Modern Politicians, revert then to Nature ! The fweeteft mufic is not emitted frons flutes made of gold, and filver, but iVom thofe which are conftru6ledof fimple reeds. VOL. IV, N pf lyS STUDIES OF NATURE. of the State, would exert themfelves, to the utter- moft, to maintain it. Thefe caufes, and many others, divide, among us, all the different claffes of the Nation. There is not a fingle province, city, village, but what di- ftinguifhes the province, city, village, next to it, by fome injurious and infulting epithet. The fame remark applies to the various ranks and conditions of Society. Divide & iwpera, Divide and govern, fay our modern Politicians. This maxim has ruined Italy, the country from whence it came. The oppolite maxim contains much more truth. The more united citizens are, the more powerful and happy is the Nation which they compofe. At Rome, at Sparta, at Athens, a citizen was at once advocate, fenator, pontiff, edile, hufbandman, war- rior, and even feaman. Obferve to what a height of power thofe republics advanced. Their citizens were, however, far inferior to us in refped of ge- neral knowledge, but they were inftrufted in two great Sciences, of which we are ignorant, namely, the love of the Gods, and of their Country. With thefe fubUme fentiments, they were prepared for every thing. Where they are wanting, Man is good for nothing. With all our encyclopedic li- terature, a great man with us, even in point of ta- lents, would be but the fourth part, at moft, of a Greek or a Roman. He would diflinguifh himfelf ' much STUDY XIII. 179 much more in fupporting the honour of his parti- cular profeffion, but very little in maintaining the honour of his country. It is our wretched political conftitution vvhicli produces in the State fo many different centres. There was a time when we talked of our being re- publicans. Verily, if we had not a King, we fliould live in perpetual difcord. Nay, how many Sovereigns do we make of one fmgle and lawful Monarch ! Every corps has it's own,, who is noc the Sovereign of the Nation. How many projeds are formed, and defeated, in the King's name! The King of the waters, and of the forefts, is at variance with the King of the bridges and highways. The King of the colonies fandions a plan of improve- ment, the King of the finances refufes to advance the money. Amidft thefe various conflids, of pa- ramount authority, nothing is executed. The real King, the King of the People, is not ferved. The fame fpirit of divifion prevails in the Reli- gion of Europe. What mifchief has not been prac- tifed in the name of God ! All acknowledge the One Supreme Being, who created the Heavens, and the Earth, and Man ; but each kingdom has it's own, who muil be worfliipped according to a certain ritual. To this God it is that each Na- tionj in particular, offers thankfgiving, on occafion N a of îSô STUDIES OF NATURE. of every battle. In his name it was that the poor Americans were exterminated. The God of Eu- rope is clothed with terror, and devoutly adored. But where are the altars of the God of Peace, of the Father of Mankind, of Him who proclaims the glad tidings of the Gofpel ? Let our modern Po- liticians trumpet their own applaufe, on the happy fruits of thofe divifions, and of an education dic- tated by ambition. Human life, fo fleeting and fo wretched, pafles away in this unremitting ftrife; and while the Hiftorians of every Nation, well paid for their trouble, are extolling to Heaven the vic- tories of their Kings and of their Pontiffs, the People are addrefllng themfelves, in tears, to the GoD of the Human Race, and afking of Him the way in which they ought to walk, in order to reach his habitation at length, and to live a life of virtue and happinefs upon the earth. The caufe of the ills which we endure, I repeat it, is to be found in our vain-glorious Education j and in the wretchednefs of the commonalty, which communicates a powerful influence to every new opinion, becaufe they are ever expedling from no- velty fome mitigation of the preflure of inveterate woes. But as foon as they perceive that their opi- nions become tyrannical, in their turn, they pre- fently renounce them : and this is the origin of their levity. Whenever they can find the means of sinjDY XIII. i8i of living in eafe and abundance, they will be no longer fubjeft to tliefe viciffitudes, as we havefeen in the inftance of the Dutch, who print and fell the theological, political, and literary controverfies of all Europe, without being themfelves, in the leaft, affedted, as to their civil and religious opi- nions ; and when our public education fliall be re- forrned, the people will enjoy the happy and unin- terrupted tranquility of the Nations of Afia. Before I proceed to fugged my ideas on this fubjeél:, I take the liberty to propofe fome other means of general union. 1 Ihall confider myfelf as amply recompenfed for the labour which my refearches have cod me, if fo much as a fingle one of my hints of reform fliall be adopted. OF PARIS. It has already been obferved, that few French- men are attached to the place of their birth. The greateft part of thofe who acquire fortune in fo- reign countries, on their return, fettle at Paris. This, upon the whole, is no great injury to the State. The flightar their attachment to their Coun- try, the eafier it is to fix them at Paris, One fmgle point of union is neceffary to a great Nation. Every country which has acquired celebrity by it's N 3 patriotifm. iSz STUDIES OF NATURE. patriotifni, has iikewife fixed the centre of it in their Capital, and frequently in fome particular monument of that Capital ; the Jews had theirs at Jerufalem, and it's Temple ; the Romans, theirs at Rome, and the Capitol ; the LacedemonianSj theirs at Sparta, and in citizenfhip. I am fond of Paris. Next to a rural fituation, and a rural fituation fuch as I like, I give Paris the preference to any thing I have ever feen in the World. 1 love that city, not only on account of it's happy fituation, becaufe all the accommoda- tions of human life are there colledcd, from it's being the centre of all the powers of the kingdom, and for the other reafons, which made Michael Montaigne delight in it, but becaufe it is the afy- lum and the refuge of the miferable. There it is that the provincial ambitions, prejudices, aver- fions, and tyrannies, are loft and annihilated. There a man may live in obfcurity and liberty. There, it is poffible to be poor without being de- fpifed. The afflicted perfon is there decoyed out of his mifery, by the public gaiety ; and the feeble there feels himfelf ftrong in the ftrength of the multitude. Time was when, on the faith of our political Writers, 1 looked upon*that city as too great. But I am now far from thinking that it is of fufficient extent, and fufEciently majeftic, to be the Capital of a kingdom fo flourifhing. I could STUDY XIII, 183 I could «vifh that, our fea-ports excepted, there were no city in France but Paris ; that our pro- vinces were covered only with hamlets, and vil- lages, and fub-divided into fmall farms; and that, as there is but one centre in the kingdom, there might likewife be but one Capital. Would to God it were that of all Europe, nay, of the whole Earth ; and that, as men of all Nations bring thi- ther their ;ni^uftry, their paffions, their wants, and their misfortunes, it (hould give them back, in for- tune, in enjoyment, in virtues, and in fublime confolations, the reward of that afylum which they there refort to feek ! Of a truth, our mind, illuminated as it is, at this day, with fuch various knowledge, wants the nobly comprehenlive grafp which didinguifhed our fore- fathers. Amidfl their fimple and Gothic manners, they entertained the idea, I believe, of rendering it the Capital of Europe. The traces of this defign are vifible in the names which mofh of their efta- bliOiments bear : the Scotiilh College, the Irifh, that of the Four Nations ; and in the foreign names of the Royal houfehold- troops. Behold that noble monument of antiquity, the church of Notre- Dame, built more than fix hundred years ago, at a time when Paris did not contain the fourth part of the inhabitants with which it is now peopled ; it is more vaft, and more majeftic than any thing N 4 of i04 STUDIES OF NATURE. of the kind which has been fince reared. I could \\'\(h that this fpivit of Phi/ip the Auguft, a Prince too httle known in our frivolous age, might ftill prefide over it's eQabliQiments, and extend the ufe of them to all Nations. Not but that men of every Nation are welcome there, for their money ; our enemies themfelves may live quietly there, in the very midft of war, provided they are rich ; but, above all, I could wiQi to render her good and propitious, to her own children. I do not know of any advantage which a Frenchman derives from having been born within her walls, unlefs it be, when reduced to beggary, that of having it in his power to die in one of her hofpitals. Rome be- llowed very different privileges on her citizens ; the moft wretched among them, there enjoyed pri- vileges and honours, more ample than were com- municated even to Kings, in alliance with the Re- public. Ir is pleafure which attrafls the greateft part of flrangers to Paris ; and if we trace thofe vain plea- fures up to their fource, we fliall find that they proceed from the mifery of the People, and front the eafy rate at which it is there pofTible to procure girls of the town, fpedacles, modifli finery, and the other produélions which miniller to luxury. Thefe means have been highly extolled by modern politicians. 1 do not deny that they occafion a confiderablc STUDY XIII. 185 confiderable influx of money into a country ; but, at the long run, neighbouring Nations imitate them J the money of ftrangers difappears, but their debauched morals remain. See what Venice has come to, with her mirrors, her pomatums, her courtezans, her mafquerades, and her carnival. The frivolous arts on which we now value our* felves, have been imported from Italy, whofe feeble- nefs and mifery they this day conftitute. The nobleft fpedacle which any Government can exhibit, is that of a people laborious, induf- trious, and content. We are taught to be well- read in books, in piftures, in algebra, in heraldry, and not in men. Connoifleurs are rapt with admi- ration at fight of a Savoyard's head, painted by Greuze; but the Savoyard himfelf is at the corner of the flreet, fpeaking, walking, almoft frozen to death, and no one minds him. That mother, with her children around her, forms a charming group; the pifture is invaluable : the originals are in a neighbouring garret, without a farthing whereupon to fubfift. Philofophers ! ye are tranfported with delight, and well you may, in contemplating the numerous families of birds, of fiQies, and of qua- drupeds, the inftincls of which are fo endlefsly va- ried, and to which one and the fame Sun commu-- nicates life. Examine the families of men, of which the inhabitants of the Capital confift, and you would l86 STUDIES OF NATURE. would be difpofed to fay, that each of them had borrowed it's manners, and it's indiiftry, from fome fpecies of animal; fo varied are their employ- ments. Walk out to yonder plain, at the entrance of the city J behold that general officer mounted on his prancing courfer : he is reviewing a body of troops : fee, the heads, the (houlders, and the feet, of his foldiers, arranged in the fame ftraight line ; the whole embodied corps has but one look, one movement. He makes a fign, and in an inftant a thoufand bayonets gleam in the air ; he makes another, and a thoufand fires ftart from that ram- part of iron. You would think, from their preci- fion, that a lingle fire had iifued from a fingle piece. He gallops round thofe fmoke-covered re- giments, at the found of drums and fifes, and you have the image of Jupiter's eagle, armed with the thunder, and hovering round Etna. A hundred paces from thence, there, is an infed: among men. Look at that puny chimney-fweeper, of the colour of foot, with his lantern, his cymbal, and his lea- thern greaves : he refembles a black-beetle. Like the one which, in Surinam, is called the lantern- bearer, he fhines in the night, and moves to the found of a cymbal. This child, thofe foldiers, and that general, are equally men ; and while birth, pride, and the demands of fecial life eftablifli in- finite STUDY XIII. 187 finite differences among them, Religion places them on a level : fhe humbles the head of the mighty, by (hewing them the vanity of their power ; and fhe raifes up the head of the unfor- tunate, by difclofmg to them the profpedts of im- mortality : (lie thus brings back all men to the equality which Nature had eftablilhed at tUeir birth, and which the order of Society had di- fturbed. Our Sybarites imagine they have exhaufted every pofTible mode of enjoyment. Our moping, melan- choly old men confîder themfelves as ufelefs to the World ; they no longer perceive any other per- fpedive before them, but death. Ah ! paradife and life are ftill upon the earth, for him who has the power of doing good. Had I been blefTed with but a moderate degree of fortune, I would have procured for myfelf an endlefs fuccefTion of new enjoyments. Paris (hould have become to me a fécond Memphis. It's im- menfe population is far from being known to us. I would have had one fmall apartment, in one of it's fuburbs, adjoining to the great road ; another at the oppofite extremity, on the banks of the Seine, in a houfe (haded vvith willows and pop- lars ; another in one of it's m oft frequented ftreets; a fourth in the manfion of a gardener, furrounded wkb ïSS STUDIES OF NATURE. with apricot-trees, figs, coleworts, and lettuces ; a^ fifth in the avenues of the city, in the heart of a vineyard, and fo on. It is an eafy matter, undoubtedly, to find, every where, lodgings of this defcription, and at an eafy rate; but it may not be fo eafy to find perfons of probity for hofts and neighbours. There is, it muft be admitted, much depravity among the lower orders ; but there are various methods which may be employed to find out fuch as are good and honeft : and with them I commence my refearches after pleafure. A new Diogenes^ 1 am fet out in learch of men. As I look only for the miferable, I have no occafion to ufe a lançern. I get up at d^y-break, and ftep, to partake of a firfi: mefs, into a church ftill but half illumined by the day- light : there I find poor mechanics come to im- plore God's bleffing on their day'$ labour. Piety, exalted above all refpedl to Man, is one alTured proof of probity : cheerful fubmiffion to labour is another. I perceive, in raw and rainy weather, a, whole family fquat on the ground, and weeding the plants of a garden*; here, again, are good. people, * Perfons eiTipioyed in the culture of vegetables are, in gene- ral, a better fort of people. Plants have their Theology im- prefled upon them. I one day, however, fell in with a hufband- nir.n who was an atheifl. It is true, he had npt picked up his opiniocss, STUDY XIII. 189 people. The night Itfelf cannot conceal virtue. Toward midnip,ht, the glimmering of a lamp an- nounces to me, through the aperture of a garret, fome poor widow prolonging her nodurnal induf- try, in order to bring up, by the fruits of ir, her little ones who are ileeping around her. Thefe lliall be my neighbours and my hofts. I announce myfelf to them as a wayfiiring man, as a ftranger, who wifhes to breathe a little in that vicinity. I befeech them to accommodate me with part of their habitation, or to look out for an apartment that will fuit me, in the neighboijrhood. I offer a good price, and am domefticated prefently. I am carefully on my guard, in the view of fe- cuting the attachment of thofe honed people, againft giving them money for nothing, or by way of alms ; I know of means much more honourable to gain their friendfliip. I order a greater quan- tity of provifion than is neceffary for my own ufe, and the overplus turns to account in the family; I reward the children for any little fervices which they opinions in the fields, but from books. He feemed to be exceed- ingly well fatisfied with his attainments in knowledge. I could not help faring to him at parting : " You have really gained a " mighty point, in employing the refearches of your under- *' (landing, to render yourfelf miferable !" In the hypothetical examples hereafter adduced, there isfcarcely any one article of invention merely, except the good which I did not do. render îgo STUDIES OF NATURE. render me : I carry the whole houfehold, of a ho- liday, into the country, and fit down with them to dinner upon the grafs ; the father and mother return to town in the evening, well refrefhed, and loaded with a fupply for the reft of the week. On the approach of Winter, I clothe the children with good woollen ftuffs, and their little warmed limbs blefs their benefador, becaufe my haughty, vain- glorious bounty, has not frozen their heart. It is the godfather of their little brother who has made them a prefent of the clothes. The lefs clofely you twift the bands of gratitude, the more firmly do they contra(5t of thcmfelves. I enjoy not only the pleafure of doing good, and of doing it in the beft manner 3 I have the farther pleafure of amufmg and inftruding myfelf. We admire in books the labours of the artifan, but books rob us of half our pleafure, and of the gra- titude which we owe them. They feparate us from the People, and they impofe upon us, by difplay- jng the arts with exceflive parade, and in falfe lights, as fubjeéls for the theatre, and for the ma- gic-lantern. Befides, there is more knowledge iq the head of an artifan than in his art, and more intelligence in his hands, than in the language of the Writer who tranflates him. Objeds carry their own expreffion upon them : Rem verba feqmmtur (words follow things). The man of the com- monalty STUDY XIII. 191 tnonalty has more than one way of obferving and of feeling, which is not a matter of indifference^ While the Philofopher rifes as high into the clouds as he poffibly can, the other keeps contentedly at the bottom of the valley, and beholds very diffe- rent perfpedives in the World. Calamity forms him at the length, as well as another man. His language purifies with years ; and I have frequently remarked, that there is very little difference, in point of accuracy, of peifpicuity, and of fimpli- city, between the expreffions of an aged peafant and of an old courtier. Time effaces from their feveral flyles of language, and from their manners, the ruflicity and the refinement, which Society had introduced. Old-age, like infancy, reduces all men to a level, and gives them back to Nature. In one of my encampments, I have a landlord who has made the tour of the Globe. He has been feaman, foldier, bucanier. He is fagacious as Ulyjfes^ but more fmcere. When I have placed him at table with me, and made him tafte my wine, he gives me a relation of his adventures. He knows a multitude of anecdotes. How many times was he on the very point of making fortune, but failed ! He is a fécond Ferdinand Mendez Pinto» The upfhot of all is, he has got a good wife, and lives contented. My 192 STUDIES OF NATURE, My landlord, in another of my ftations, ha« lived a very différent life ; he fcarcely ever was bej'-ond the walls of Paris, and but feldom beyond the precinct of his fliop. But though he has not travelled over the World, he has not miffed his Ihare of calamity, by flaying at home. He was very much at his eafe ; he had laid up, by means of his honeft favings, fifty good Louis d'or, when one night his wife and daughter thought proper to elope, carrying his treafure with them. He had almoft died with vexation. Now, he fays, he thinks no more about it ; and cries as he tells me the ftory. I compofe his mind, by talking kindly to him ; I give him employment ; he tries to dif- lipate his chagrin by labour ; his induftry is an amuiement to me : I fometimes pafs complete hours in looking at him, as he bores, ^d turns, pieces of oak as hard as ivory. Now and then I flop in the middle of the city before the fliop of a fmith ; and then I am trans- formed into the Lacedemonian LicbeSy at Tegeum, attending to the proceffes of forging and hammer- ing iron. The moment that the man perceives me attentive to his work, 1 will foon acquire his confidence. I am not, as Liches was, looking for the tomb of Oreftes * ; but 1 have occafion to * See Hcrodotu'^ book i. employ ^ STUDY XIII. 193 employ the art of a fmith : if not for myfelf, for the benefit of feme one elfe. I order this honeft fellow to manufadlure for me fome folid ufeful ar- ticles of houfehold furniture, which I intend to be- ftow, as a monument to preferve my memory in fome poor family. I wilh, befides, to purchafe the friendfliip of an artificer; I am perfecflly furc that the attention which he fees I pay to his work, will induce him to exert his utmofl fkill in exe- cuting it. I thus hit two marks with one ftone. A rich man, in (imilar circumftances, would give alms, and confer no obligation on any one. 7- 7' Roiijfeau told me a little anecdote of him- felf, relative to the fubjed in hand. " One-day," faid he, " I happened to be at a village- feftival, *' in a gentleman's country-feat, not far from Paris. *' After dinner, the company betook themfelves to '' walking up and down the fair, and amufed " themfelves with throwing pieces of fmall money " among the peafantry, to have the pleafure of " feeing them fcramble and fight, in picking them *^ up. For my own part, following the bent of my ** folitary humour, I walked apart in another dircc- " tion. I obferved a little girl felling apples, dif- *' played on a flat bafket, which Ihe carried before *' her. To no purpofe did fhe extol the excel- " lence of her goods; no cuftomer appeared to *' cheapen them. How much do you aik for all VOL. IV. o ** your 194 STUDIES OF NATURE. *' yonr apples, faid I to her ? — All my apples ? re- ** plied fhe, and at the fame time began to reckon "' with herfelf. — Threepence, Sir, faid (he. — I take '' them at that price, returned I, on condition you ** will go and diftribute them among thefe little ** Savoyards, whom you fee there below : this was •*' inftantly executed. The children were quite ** tranfported with delight at this unexpeded re- '' gale, as was likevvife the little merchant at *' bringing her wares to fo good a market. I ïhould ** have conferred much lefs pleafure on them had *' I given them the money. Every one was fatis- *' fied, and no one humbled." The great art of doing good confifts in doing it judicioufly. Re- ligion inftruds us in this important fecret, in re- commending to us to do to others what we widi ihould be done to us. I fometimes betake myfelf to the great road, like the ancient Patriarchs, to do the honours of the City to fhrangers who may happen to arrive^ I recoiled: the time when I myfelf was a ftranger in flrange lands, and the kind reception I met with when far from home. I have frequently heard the nobility of Poland and Germany complain of our grandees. They allege, that French travellers of diftinâiion are treated in thefe countries with un- bounded hofpitality and attention ; but that they, on viliting France, in their turn, are almoft en- tirely - STUDY XIII. 195 tirely neglected. They are invited to one dinner on their arrival, and to another when preparing to depart : and this is the whole amount of our hof- pitaiity. For my own part, incapable of acquit- ting the obligations of this kind which I lie under to the Great of foreign countries, I repay them to their commonalty. I perceive a German travelling on foot; I ac- coft him, I invite him to flop and take a little re- pofe at my habitation. A good fupper, and a glafs of good wine, difpofe him to communicate to me the occafion of his journey. He is an officer ; he has ferved in Pruffia and in Ruffia; he has been witnefs to the partition of Poland. I interrupt him to make my enquiries after Marefchal Count Mu- nichy the Generals de Fillebois and du Bofquet, the Count de Munchio, my friend M. de Taiibenheim, Prince Xatorinjki, Field Marefchal of the Polifli Confederation, whofe prifoner I once was. Moffc of them are dead, he tells me ; the reft are fuper- annuated, and retired from all public employment. Oh ! how melancholy it is, I exclaim, to travel from one's country, and to make acquaintance with eftimable men abroad, whom we are never to fee more ! Oh Î how rapid a career is human life ! Happy the man who has it in his power to employ it in doing good I My gueft favours me with a (hort detail of his adventures : to thefe I pp.y the o 2 ciofeft 196 STUDIES OF NATURE. clofeft attention, from their refemblance to my own. His leading objed was to deferve well' of his fellow creatures, and he has been rewarded by them with calumny and perfecution. He is under misfortunes ; he has come to France to put him- felf under the Queen's protedion, he hopes a great deal from her goodnefs. I confirm his hopes, by the idea which public opinion has conveyed to me of the charaéler of that Princefs, and by that which Nature has imprefled on her phyfionomy. I am pouring the balm of confolation, he tells me, into his heart. Full of emotion, he preffes my hand. My cordial reception of him is a happy prefage of the reft ; he could have met with nothing fo friendly even in his own country. Oh ! what pun- gent forrow may be foothed to reft by a fingle word, and by the feebleft mark of benevolence ! I remember that one day I found, not far from the iron- gate de Caillot, at the entrance into the Elyfian Fields, a young woman fitting with a child in her lap, on the brink of a ditch. She was hand- fome, if that epithet may be applied to a female overwhelmed in melancholy. 1 walked into the fequeftered alley where fhe had taken her ftation ; the moment that i\\Q perceived me, (lie looked the other way : her timidity and modefty fixed my eyes on her. I remarked that fhe was very de- cently drefled, and wore very white linen j but her STUDY XIII. 197 lief gown and neck handkerchief were fo com- pletely darned over, that you would have faid the fpiders \iad fpun the threads. I approached her with the refpeâ: which is due to the miferable ; I bowed to her, and (he returned my falute with an air of gentility, but with referve. I then endea- voured to engage her in converfation, by talking of the wind and the weather : her replies confided of monofyllables only. At length, I ventured to afk if (he had come abroad for the pleafure of en- joying a walk in the country : upon this (he began. to fob and weep, without uttering a (ingle word. I fat down by her, and infifted, with all po(îîble circumfpedlion, that (lie would difclofe to me the caufe of her diftrefs. She faid to me; ** Sir, my *' hufband has juft been involved in a bankruptcy *' at Paris, to the amount of five thoufand livres *' (;^.2o8 6s, Sd.) y I have been giving him a con- ** voy as far as Neuilly : he is gone, on foot, a •' journey of (ixty leagues hence, to try to recover *' a little money which is due to us. I have given '* him my rings, and all my other little trinkets, ** to defray the expenfe of his journey; and all ** that I have left in the world, to fupport myfelf •* and my child, is a (ingle fliilling piece." " What parifh do you belong to, Madam ?'* faid I.—" St. Euftache," replied (he.—" The Redor," I fubjoined, " palles for a very charitable, good " man." — " Yes, Sir," faid (he, " but you need 03 " not I9S STUDIES OF NATURE. ** not to be informed, that there is no charity in ** pariflies for us miferable Jews." At thefe words, her tears began to flow more copioufly, and (lie arofe to go on her way. I tendered her a fmall pittance toward her prefent relief, which I befought her to accept, at lead as a mark of my good-will. She received it, and returned me more reverences and thanks, and loaded me with more benedic- tions, than if I had re-eftabliflied her hufband's credit. How many delicious banquets might that man enjoy, who would thus lay out three or four hundred pounds a year ! , My different eftablilhments, fcattered over the Capital and the vicinity, variegate my life moft in- nocently and moft agreeably. In Winter, I take up my refidence in that which is expofed com- pletely to the noon-day Sun; in Summer, I re- move to that which has a northern afpeâ:, and hangs over the cooling ftream. At another time, I pitch my tent in the neighbourhood of the Rue d'Artois, among piles of hewn ftone, where I fee palaces rifing around me, pediments decorated with fphynxes, domes, kiofques. I take care never to enquire to whom they belong. Ignorance h the mother of pleafure and of admiration. I am in Egypt, at Babylon, in China. To-day I fup under an acacia, and am in America : to-morrow, I Ihall dine in the midft pf a kitchen-garden, under STUDY xni, 199 under an arbour fhaded with lilach ; and I fhall be in France. But, I Ihall be alked. Is there nothing to be feared in fuch a ftyle of living ? May I meet the final period of my days, while engaged in the practice of virtue ! I have heard many a hiftory of perfons who perifhed in hunting-matches, in par- ties of pleafure, while travelling by land and by. water; but never in performing afts of beneficence. Gold is a powerful commander of refpeft with the commonalty. I difplay wealth fufficient to fecure their attention, but not enough to tempt any one to plunder me. Befides, the police of Paris is in excellent order. I am very circumfpeâ: in the choice of my hods ; and if 1 perceive that I have been miftaken in my feledion, the rent of my lodgings is paid beforehand, and I return no more. On this plan of life, I have not the leaft occa-. fion for the encumbrances of furniture and fer- vants. With what tender folicitude am 1 ex- pected, in each of my habitations ! What fatis- faclion does my arrival infpire ! What attention and zeal do my entertainers exprefs to outrun my wi flies ! I enjoy among them the choiceft bleffings of Society, without feeling any of the inconve- niences. No one fits down at my table to back- bite his neighbour, and no one leaves it with a o 4 difpofition 200 STUDIES OF NATURE. difpofitlon to fpeak unkindly of me. I have no children ; but thofe of my landlady are more eager to pleafe me than their own parents. I have no wife : the moft fublime charm of love is to devife and ac- complifh the felicity of another. 1 affift in the forma- tion of happy marriages, or in promoting the hap- pinefs of thofe which are already formed. I thus difiipate my perfonal languor, I put my paffions upon the right fcent, by propofing to them the no- bleft attainments at which they can aim, upon the earth. I have drawn nigh to the miferable with an intention to comfort them, and from them, per- haps, I fliall derive confolation in my turn. In this manner it is in your power to live, O ye great ones of the earth ! and thus might you mul- tiply your fleeting days in the land through which you are merely travellers. Thus it is that you may learn to know men ,- and form no longer, with your own Nation, a foreign race, a race of conque- rors, living on the fpoils of the country you have fubdued. Thus it is, that, ilTuing from your pa- laces, encircled with a crowd of happy vafTals, who are loading you with benedidions, yon might prefent the image of the ancient Patricians, a name fo dear to the Roman people. You are every day looking out for fome new fpeclacle ; there is no one which poflefles fo much the charm of no- velty ^s the happinefs of Mankind. You wifli for objeds STUDY XIII. 201 objeâiS that are interefting : there is no one more interefling than the fight of the families of the poor peafantry, diffufing fruitfulnefs over your vaft and folitary domains, or fuperannuated fol- diers, who have deferved well of their country, feeking refuge under the fliadow of your wings. Your compatriots are furely much better than tra- gedy heroes, and more interefting than the fhep- herds of the comic opera. The indigence of the commonalty is the firft caufe of the phyfical and moral maladies of the rich. It is the bufinefs of adminiftration to pro- vide a remedy. As to the maladies of the foul rc- fulting from indigence, I could wifli fome pallia- tives, at leaft, might be found. For this purpofe, I would have formed, at Paris, fome eftablifhment fimilar to thofe which humane Phyficians and fage Law5'^ers have there inftituted, for remedying the ills of body and of fortune; I mean difpenfaries of confolation, to which an unfortunate wretch, fe- cure of fecrefy, nay, of remaining unknown, might refort to difclofe the caufe of his diftrefs. We have, I grant, confeffors and preachers, for whom the fublime fundlion of comforting the miferablefeems to be referved. But confeflbrs are not always of the fame difpofition with their penitents, efpecially when the penitent is poor, and not much known to them. Nay, there are many confeffors who have neither 202 STUDIES OF NATURE. neicher the talents nor the experience requilite to the comforter of the afflided. The point is not to pronounce abfolution to the man who confeffes liis fins, but to affift him in bearing up under thofe of another, which lie much heavier upon him. As to preachers, their fermons are ufually too vague, and too injudicioully applied to the various neceflities of their hearers. It would be of much more importance to the Public, if they would an- nounce the fubjecfl of their intended difcourfes, ra- ther than difplay the titles of their ecclefiaftical dignities. They will declaim againft avarice to a prodigal, or againft profufion to a mifer. They will expatiate on the dangers of ambition to a young man in love ; and on thofe of love to an ancient female devotee. They will inculcate the duly of giving alms on the perfons who receive them ; and the virtue of humility on a poor water- porter. There are fome who preach repentance to the unfortunate, who promife the joys of paradife to voluptuous courts, and who denounce the flames of hell againft ftarving villages. I have known, in the country, a poor female peafant driven to madnefs, by a fermon of this caft. She believed herfelf to be in a ftate of damnation, and lay along fpeechlefs and motionlefs. We have no fermons calculated to cure languor, forrow, fcru- puloufnefs STUDY XIII. 203 puloufnefs of confcience, melancholy, chagrin, and {o many other diftempers which prey upon the foul. Befides, how many circumftances change, to every particular auditor, the nature of the pain which he endures, and render totally ufelefs to him all the parade of a trim harangue. It is no eafy matter to find out, in a foul wounded, and opprefTed with timidity, the precife point of it's grief, and to apply the balm and the hand of the good Samaritan to the fore. This is an art known only to minds endowed with fenfibility, who have themfelves fufFered feverely, and which is not al- ways the attainment of thofe who are virtuous only. The people feel the want of this confolation ; and finding no man to whom they can make ap- plication for it, they addrefs themfelves to ftones. I have fometimes read, with an aching heart, in our churches, billets affixed by the wretched, to the corner of a pillar, in fome obfcure chapel. They reprefented the cafes of unhappy women abufed by their hufbands ; of young people la- bouring under embarraffment : they folicited not the money of the compaffionate, but their prayers. They were upon the point of finking into defpair. Their miferies were inconceivable. Ah ! if men who have themfelves been acquainted with grief, of all conditions, would unite in prefenting to the fons and daughters of afilidtion, their experience and 204 STUDIES OF NATURE. and their fenfibility, more than one illuilrloiis fiif- fcrer would come and draw from them thofe con- folations, which all the preachers, and books, and philofophy in the World, are incapable to admi- nifter. All that the poor man needs, in many- cafes, in order to foothe his woe, is a perfon into whofe ear he can pour out his complaint. A Society, compofed of men fuch as I have fondly imagined to myfelf, would undertake the important tafk of eradicating the vices and the pre- judices of the populace. They would endeavour, for example, to apply a remedy to the barbarity which impofes fuch oppreflive loads on the mi- ferable horfes, and cruelly abufes them in other re- fpefls, while every ftreet of the city rings with the horrible oaths of their drivers. They would like- wife employ their influence with the rich, to take pity, in their turn, upon the human race. You fee, in the midft of exceffive heats, the hewers of ftone expofed to the meridian Sun, and to the burning reverberation of the white fubftance on which they labour. Hence thefe poor people are frequently feized with ardent fevers, and with dif- orders in the eyes, which ifTue in blindnefs. At other times, they have to encounter the long rains, and pinching cold of Winter, which bring on rheums and confumptions. Would it be a very coflly precaution for a mafter-builder, poffelTed of humanity^ STUDY XIII. 205 humanity, to rear in his work-yard, a moveable fhed of matting or ftraw, fupportsd by poles, to ferve as a flicker to his labourers ? By means of a fabric fo fimple, they might be fpared various ma- ladies of body and of mind ; for moft of them, as I have obferved, are, in this refpeft, aâ;uated by a falfe point of honour ; and have not the courage to employ a fcreen againft the burning heat of the Sun, or againft rainy weather, for fear of incurring the ridicule of their companions. The people might farther be infpired with a re- lilli for morality, without the ufe of much expen- fivc cookery. Nay, every appearance of difguife renders truth fufpeâ:ed by them. 1 have many a time feen plain mechanics (hed tears at reading fome of our good romances, or at the reprefenta- tion of a tragedy. They afterwards demanded, if the ftory which had thus affeded them was really true ; and on being informed that it was imagi- nary, they valued it no longer j they were vexed to think that they had thrown away their tears. The rich muft have fàdion, in order to render mo- rality palatable, and morality is unable to render fjftion palata,ble to the poor; becaufe the poor man fhill expèfts his felicity from truth, and the jrlch hope for theirs, only from illufion. Tljt. 206 STUDIES OP NATURE. The rich, however, ftand in no lefs need than the populacCj of moral afFeâiions. Thefe are, as we have feen, the moving fprings of all the human paffions. To no purpofe do they pretend to refer the plan of their felicity to phyfical objeâis ; they foon lofe all tafte for their caftles, their pidures, their parks, when, inftead of fentiment, they pof- fefs merely the fenfations of them. This is fo in- dubitably true, that if, under the preflure of their languor, a ftranger happens to arrive to admire their luxury, all their powers of enjoyment are re- novated. They feem to have confecrated their life to an indefinite voluptuoufnefs ; but prefent to them a (ingle ray of glory, in the very bofom of death itfelf, and they are immediately on the wing to overtake it. Offer them regiments, and they poft away after immortality. It is the moral prin- ciple, therefore, which muft be purified and di- reiled in Man. It is not in vain, then, that Re- ligion prescribes to us the pradice of virtue, which is the moral fentiment by way of excellence, feeing it is the road to happinefs, both in this World, and in that which is to come. The fociety of which I have been fuggefting the idea, would farther extend it's attentions, into the retreats of virtue itfelf. I have remarked that, about the age of forty- five, a ftriking revolution takes STUDY XIII. 207 takes place in mofl; men, and, to acknowledge the truth, that it is then they degenerate, and become deflitiite of principle. At this period it is that women transform themfelves into men, according to the expreffion of a celebrated Writer, in other M'ords, that they become completely depraved- This fatal revolution is a confequence of the vices of our education, and of the manners of Society. Both of thefe prefent the profped: of human hap- pinefs, only toward the middle period of life, in the poffeffion of fortune and of honours. When we have painfully fcrambled up this fteep moun- tain, and reached it's fummir, about the middle of our courfe, we re-defcend with our eyes turned back toward youth, becaufe we have no perfpective before us but death. Thus the career of life is divided into two parts, the one confiding of hopes, the other of recolleclions j and we have laid hold of nothing, by the way, but Ululions. The firft, at lead, fupport us by feeding defire ; but the others overwhelm us, by infpiring regret only. This is the reafon that old men are lefs fufceptible of virtue than young people, though they talk much more about it, and that they are much more miclancholy among us than among fa- vage Nations. Had they been direded by Reli- gion and Nature, they muft have rejoiced in the approach of their latter end, as vefTsls juft ready to 208 STUDIES OF NATURE. to enter the harbour. How much more wretched are thofe who, having devoted their youth to vir- tue, reduced by that treacherous commerce with the World, look backward, and regret the plea- fures of youth, which they knew not how to prize ! The empty glare which encompalTes the wicked, dazzles their eyes ; they feel their faith ftaggering, and they are ready to exclaim with Brutus: — *' O Virtue ! thou art but an empty name." Where Ihall we find books and preachers capable of re- floring confidence to them in tempefls, which have fliaken even the Saints ? They transfix the foul with fecret wounds, and torment it with gnawing ulcers, which (hrink from difcovery. They are beyond all poffibility of relief, except from a fo- ciety of virtuous men, who have been themfelves tried through all the combinations of human woe, and who, in default of the ineffectual arguments of reafon, may bring them back to the fentiment •of virtue, at leafl by that of their friendOiip. There is in China, if I am not miflaken, an eflablidiment fimilar to that which I am propofing. At lead certain Travellers, and, among others, Ferdinand Mendez Pinïo, make mention of a houfe of Mercy, which takes up and pleads the caufe of the poor and the opprefled, and which, in an in- finite number of inftances, goes forth to meet the calls of the miferable, much farther than our cha- ritable STUDY XIII, 101) ritable Ladies do. The Emperor has beftowed the moft diftingiiiflied privileges on it's members ; and the Courts of Juftice pay the utmoft deference to their requefts. Such a fociety, employed in adiing well, would merit, among us, at leaft pre- rogatives as high as thofe vvhofe attention is re- ftricfled to fpeaking well ; and by drawing forward into view the virtues of our own obfcure citizens, would defcrve, at the leaft, as highly of their Coun- try, as thofe who do nothing but retail the fen- tences of the fages, or, what is not lefs common, the brilliant crimes, of Antiquity. Scrupulous care ought to be taken not to give to fuch an aflfociation, the form of an Academy or Fraternity. Thanks to our mode of education, and to our manners, every thing that is reduced to form among us, corps, congregation, feft, party, is generally ambitious and intolerant. If the men which compofe them draw nigh to a light, which they themfelves have not kindled, it is to extin- guilh it ; if they touch upon the virtue of another, it is to blight it. Not that the greateft part of the members of thofe bodies are deftitute of excellent qualities individually; but their incorporation is good for nothing, for this reafon fimply, that it prefents to them centres different from the com- mon centre of Country. What is it that has ren- dered the word fo dear to humanity, theatrical VOL. IV. p and 2IO STUDIES OF NATURE. and vain ? What fenfe is now-a-days affixed to the term charity, the Greek name of which, x«V;?, fignifies attraftion, grace, lovelinefs ? Can any thing be more humiliating than our parochial charities, and than the humanity of our Philo- fophers ? I leave this prqjeâ: to be unfolded and matured by fome good man, who loves God and his fel- low-ereatures, and who performs good adions, in the way that Religion prefcribes, withont letting his left hand know what his right hand doth. Is it then a matter of fo much difficulty to do good ? Let us purfue the oppofite fcent to that which is followed by the ambitious and the malignant. They employ fpies to furnifli them with all the fcandalous anecdotes of the day ; let us employ ours in difcovcring, and bringing to light, good works performed in fecret. They advance to meet men in elevated fituations, to range themfelves under their flandards, or to level them with the ground ; let us go forth in queft of virtuous men in obfcurity, that we may make them our models. They are furniQied with trumpets to proclaim their own aclions, and to decry thofe of others ; let us conceal our own, and be the heralds of other mens' goodnefs. There is fuch a thing as refine- ment in -vice ; let us carry virtue to perfedion* I am êTUDY XÎII. 211 1 am fenfible that T may be apt to ramble a little too far. Bur fhould I have been fo happy as to fuggeft a fingle good idea to one more enlight- ened than myfelf 5 fhould I have contributed to prevent, fome day in time to come, one poor wretch, in defpair, from going to drown himfelf, or, in a fit of rage, from knocking out his enemy's brains, or, in the lethargy of languor, from going to fquander his money and his health among loofe women ; I (hall not have fcribbled over a piece of paper in vain. Paris prefents many a retreat to the miferable, known by the name of hofpitals. May Heaven reward the charity of thofe who have founded them, and the ftill greater virtue of thofe perfons of both fexes who fuperintend them ! But firft, tvithout adopting the exaggerated ideas of the po- pulace, who are under the pcrfuafion that thefe houfes poffefs immenfe revenues, it is certain, that a perfon well known, and an adept in the fcience of public finance, having undertaken to furnidi the plan of a receptacle for the lick, found, on calculation, that the expenfe of each of them would not exceed eight-pence halfpenny a day : that they might be much better provided on thefe terms, and at an eafier rate, than in the hofpitals. For my own part, I am clearly of opinion, that thefe fame pence^ diflributed day by day, in the houfe p 2 q£ 212 STUDIES OF "NATURE. of a poor Tick man, would produce a ftill farmer faving, by contributing to the fupport of his wife and children. A fick perfon of the commonalty has hardly need of any thing more than good broths ; his family might partly fubfift on the meat of which they were made. But hofpitals are fubj^d to many other incon- veniencies. Maladies of a particular chafa6ler are there generated, frequently more dangerous than, thofe which the fick carry in with them. They are fufficiently known, fuch efpecially as are denomi- nated hofpital-fevers. Befides thefe, evils of a much more ferions nature, thofe which aiTed: mo- rals, are there communicated. A perfon of exten- five knowledge and experience has affured me, that mod of the criminals who terminate their days on a gibbet, or in the galleys, are the fpawn of hofpitals. This amounts to what has been already afl'erted, that a corps, of whatever defcription, is always depraved, efpecially a corps of beggars. I could wifh, therefore, that fo far from coUeding, and crowding together, the miferable, they might be provided for, under the infpedion of their own relations, or entrufted to poor families, who would take care of them. Pui^lic prifons are necefTary ; but it is furely de- firable that the unh.ippy creatures there immured, fliould STUDY XIII. 213 ftioLild be lefs miferable while under confinement. Juftice, undoubtedly, in depriving them of liberty, propofes not only to punifli, but to reform, their moral charafter, Excefs of mifery and evil com- munications can change it only from bad to worfe. Experience farther demonftrates, that there it is the wicked acquire the perfection of depravity. One who went in only feeble and culpable, comes out an accompliQied villain. As this fubjeét has been treated profoundly by a celebrated Writer, I fhall purfue it no farther. I fliall only beg leave to obferve, that there is no way but one to reform j(nen, and that is to render them happier. Ho\v many who were living a lifeof criminality in Europe, have recovered their charader in the Weft-India Iflands, to which they were tranfported ! They are become honeft men there, becaufe they have there found more liberty, and more happinefs, than they enjoyed in their native country. There is another clafs of Mankind ftill more worthy of compaffion, becaufe they are innocent : 1 mean perfons deprived of the ufe of reafon. They are Ibut up; and they feldom f.iil, of conie- quence,to become more infane than they were before. I fhall, on this occafion, remark, that I do not believe there is through the whole extent of Afia, China howeveij excepted, a fmgle place of confinement for perfons of this defcription. The Turks treat p ? them 414 STUDIES OF NATURE. them with Angular refpefl ; whether it be that Mahomet himfelf was occafionally fubjed: to mental derangement, or whether from a religious opinion they entertain, that as fcon as a madman fets his foot into a houfe, the bleffing of God enters it with him. They delay not a moment to fet food before him, and carefs him in the tendered man- ner. There is not an inflance known of their having injured any one. Our madmen, on the contrary, are mifchievous, becaufe they are mifer- able. As foon as one appears in the (Ireets, the children, themfelves already rendered miferable by their education, and delighted to find a human being, on whom they can vent their malignity with fafety, pelt him with ftones, and take pleafure in working him up into a rage. I mufi; farther obferve, that there are no madmen among favages; and that I could not wifli for a better proof that their political conftitution renders thein more happy than polillied Nations are, as mental de- rangement proceeds only from exceffive chagrin. The number of inlane peifons under confine- ment is, with us, enormouily great. There is not a provincial town, of any conhderable magnitude, but what contains an edifice deftined to this ufe. Their treatment in thefe is furely an object of commifcration, and loudly calls for the attention of Government, confidering that if after all they are no STUDY XIII. 215 no longer citizens, they are ftill men, and innocent men too. When I was purfuing my ftudies at Caen, I recoiled having feen, in the madman's ward, fome fhut up in dungeons, where they had not feen the light for fifteen years. I one evening ac-- companied into fome of thofe difmal caverns, the good Curé de S. Martin, whofe boarder I then was, and who had been called to perform the lad duties of his office to one of thofe poor wretches, on the point of breathing his laft. He wasobhged, as well as I, to flop his nofe all the time he was by the dying man ; but the vapour which exhaled from his dunghill v/as [o infedtious, that my clothes retained the fmell for more than two months, nay, my very linen, after having been repeatedly fent to the wafhing. I could quote traits of the mode of treatment of thofe miferablfc objects, which would excite horror. I fliall relate only one, which is flill frefh in my memory. Some years ago, happening to pafs through l'Aigle, a fmall town in Normandy, I flroUed out about fun-fcr, to enjoy a little frefli air. I per- ceived, on a riling ground, a convent mofl de- lightfully fituated. A monk, who flood porter, invited me in to fee thehoufe. He conduced me through an immenfe court, in which the firfl thing that flruck my eye, was a man of about forty years old, with half a hat on his head, who advanced di- T 4. redly 2l6 STUDIES OF NATURE. reftly upon me, laying, " Be fo good as flab me " to the heart; be fo good as ftab me to the heart." The monk, who was my guide, laid to me, " Sir, '' don't be alarmed ; he is a poor captain, v^ho lofb " his reafon, on account of an unmilitary prefer- " ence that palled upon him in his regiment." *' This houfe, then," faid I to him, " ferves as *' a receptacle for lunatics :" " Yes," replied he, ** I am Superior of it." He walked me from court to court, and conducted me into a fmall en- clofure, in which were feveral little cells of mafon work, and where we heard perfons talking with a good deal of earnelinefs. There we found a canon in his Qiirt, with his Qioulders quite expofed, con- verfing with a man of a fine figure, who was feated by a fmall table, in front of one of thofe little cells. The monk went up to the poor canon, and, with his full flrength, applied a blow of his fift to the wretch's naked flioulder, ordering him, at the fame time, to turn out. His comrade inftantly took up the monk, and emphatically fajd to him : *' Man of blood, you are guilty of a very cruel " aâ:ion. Do not you fee that this poor creature -** has loft his reafon ?" The monk, ftruck dumb for the moment, bit his lips, and threatened him with his eyes. But the other, without being dif- concerted, faid to him: " I know 1 am your vic- *' rim ; you may do with me whatever you pleafe." Then, STUDY XIII. 217 Then, addreffing himfelf to me, he fhewed me his two wriils, galled to the quick by the iron ma- nacles with which he had been confined. " You fee. Sir," faid he to me, " in what man- ** ner I am treated !" I turned to the monk, with an expreffion of indignation at a conduct fo bar- barous. He coolly replied : *' Oh ! I can put an " end to all his fine reafoning in a moment." I addrefl'ed, however, a few words of confolation to the unfortunate man, who, looking at me with an air of confidence, faid, *' I think, Sir, 1 have feen *' you at S. Hubert, at the houfe of M. the Mare- ** fchal de Broglio^ " You muft be miftaken, *' Sir," replied I, ** 1 never had the honour of *^ being at the Marefchal de Broglio's,.^' Upon that, he inftituted a procefs of recolledion, re- fpeding the different places where he thought he had feen me, with circumftances fo accurately de- tailed, and clothed with fiich appearances of pro- bability, that the monk, nettled at his well-me- rited reproaches, and at the good fenfe which he difplayed, thought proper to interrupt his conver- fation, by introducing a difcourfe about marriage, the purchafe of horfes, and fo on. The moment that the chord of his infanity was touched, his head was gone. On going out, the monk told me, that this poor lunatic was a man of very conliderablc birth. Some time afterward, I had the pleafure of being 2l8 STUDIES OF NATURE. being informed, that he had found means to efcapc from his prifon, and had recovered the ufe of his reafon. A great many phyfical remedies are employed for the cure of madnefs ; and it frequently proceeds fram a moral caufe, for it is produced by chagrin. Might there not be a polTibility to employ, for the reftoration of reafon to thofe difordered beings, means direflly oppofcd to thole which occafioned tlie lofs of reafon; I mean, mirth, pleafure, and, above all, the pleafures of mufic ? We fee, from the inftance of Saul, and many others of a fmiilar nature, what influence mufic poflefles for re-efta- blifliing the harmony of the foul. With this ought to be united treatment the mod gentle, and care to place the unhappy patients, when vifited with paroxyfms of rage, not under the reflraint of fet- ters, but in an apartment matted round, whero- they could do no mifchief, either to themfelves or others. I am perfuaded that, by employing fuch humane precautions, numbers might be re- ftored, efpecially if they were under the charge of perfons who had no intereft in perpetuating their derangement ; as is but too frequently the cafe, with refpedt to families who are enjoying their eftates, and hcufes of reflraint, where a good board is paid for their detention. It would likewife be proper, in my opinion, to commit the care of men difordered STUDY XIII. 219 difordered in their underftanding, to females, and that of females to men, on account of the mutual fympathy of the two fexes for each other. I would not wifli that there fliould be in the kingdom any one art, craft, or profeflion, but whofe final retreat and recompenfe fliould be at Paris. Among the different claffes of citizens who pradlife thefe, and of whom the greater part is little known in the capital, there is one, and that very numerous, which is not known at all there, though one of the moft miferable, and that to which, of all others, the rich are under the flrongeft obligations, I mean the feamen, Thefe hardy and unpoliflied beings are the men, who go in queft of fuel to tneir voluptuoufnefs to the very extremities of Afia, and who are continually expofing their lives upon our own coafts, in order to find a fup- 'ply of delicacies for their tables. Their converfa- tion is at lead as fprightly as that of our peafantry, and incomparably more interefting, from their manner of viewing objeâis, and from the fingularity of the countries which they have vifited in the courfe of their voyages. At the recital of their many-formed difafters, and of the rempefls which threatened them, while employed in conveying to you obje6\s of enjoyment, from every region of the Globe, ye happy ones of the earth ! your own repofe ïïiay be rendered more precious to you. By 22& STUDIES OF NATURE. By contrafls fuch as thefe, your felicity will be keightened. I know not whether it was for the purpofe of procuring for himfelf a pleafure of this nature, or to give an enlivening fea air to the park of Ver- failles, that Louis XIV. planted a colony of Venetian gondoliers on the great canal which fronts the pa- lace. Theirdefcendantsfubiifttheretothisday. This eflablifliment, under a better direftion, might have furnilhed a very defirable and ufeful retreat to our own feamen. But that great King, frequently mlf- led by evil counfellors, almoft always carried the fentiment of his own glory beyond his own people. What a contrail would thefe hardy fons of the waves, bedaubed with pitch, their wind and wea- ther-beaten faces, refembling fea-calves, arrived fome from Greenland, others from the coaft of Guinea, have prefented, with the marble ftatues, and verdant bowers of the park of Verfailles ! X^on'is XIV. would oftener than once have derived from thofe blunt, honeft fellows, more ufeful in- formation^ and more important truth, than either books, or even his marine officers of the higheft rank, could have given him; and, on the other hand, the novelty of their charaderiftic fingularity, and that of their refk;â:ions on his own greatnefs, would have provided for him fpedacles much more i)ighly amuimg than thofe which the wits* (if his Court 5TUÏ)Y XIII. 221 • Court devifed for him, at an enormous expenfe. Befides, what emulation would not the profpeft of fuch preferments have kindled among our failors ? I afcribe the perfedion of the Englifh Marine, in part at leafl, fimply to the influence of their Ca- pital, and from it's being inceflantly under the eye of the Court. Were Paris a fea-port, as London is, how many ingenious inventions, thrown away upon modes and operas, would be applied to the improvement of navigation ! Were failors feen there even as currently as foldiers, a paffion for the marine fervice would be more extenfively diffufed. The condition of the feaman, become more inte- refting to the Nation, and to it*s rulers, would be gradually meliorated ; and, at the fame time, this would have a happy tendency to mitigate the bru- tal defpotifm of thofe who frequently maintain their authority over them, merely by dint of fwearing and blows. It is a good, and an eafily pradlicable piece of policy, to enfeeble vice, by bringing men nearer to each other, and by render- ing them more happy. Our country gentlemen did not give over beating their hinds, till they faw that this ufeful part of Mankind had become inte- refting objeds in books, and on the theatre. ' Not that I wifli for our feamen, an eftablifhment fimihr to that of the Hotel des Invalides. I am charmed 222, STUDIES OF NATURE. charmed with the architedure of that monument, but I pity the condition of it's inhabitants. Moft of them are diffatisfied, and always murmuring, as any one may be convinced, who will take the trouble to converfe with them : 1 do not believe there is any foundation for this 5 but experience demonftrates, that men, formed into a corps, fooner or later, degenerate, and are always unhappy. It would be wifer to follow the Laws of Nature, and to affociate them by families. 1 could wifh that the pradlice of the Englidi were obferved and copied, by fettling our fuperannuated feamen on the ferries of rivers, on board all thofe little barges which traverfe Paris, and fcatter them along the Seine, like tritons, to adorn the plains : we Ihould fee them {lemming the tides of our rivers, in wherries under fmack-fails, luffing as they go ; and there they would introduce methods of Navigation more prompt, and more commodious, than thofe hi- therto known and pradifed. As to thofe whom age, or woUnds, may have to- tally difabled for fervice, they might be fuitably accommodated and provided for, in an edifice fimilar to that which the Englifli have reared at Greenwich, for the reception of their decayed fea* men. But, to acknowledge the truth, the State, 1 am perfuaded, would find it a much more eco- nomical plan, to allow them penfions, and that thefc STUDY XIII. 223 tbefe very feamen would be much better difpofed of in the bofom of their feveral families. This, however, need not prevent the raifing, at Paris, a majeftic and commodious monument, to ferve as a retreat for thofe brave veterans. The capital fets little value upon them, becaufe it knows them not ; but there are fomc among them who, by go- ing over to the enemy, are capable of conduding a defcent on our Colonies, and even upon our own coafts. Defertion is as common amongj our ma- liners as among our foldiers, and their defertion is a much greater lofs to the State, becaufe it requires more time to form them, and becaufe their local knowledge is of much higher importance to an enemy than that of our cavaliers, or of our foot- ibldiers. What I have now taken the liberty to fugged, on the fubjed: of our feamen, might be extended to all the other eftates of the kingdom, without exception. I could wifli that there were not a fmgle one but what had it's centre at Paris, and which might not find there a place of refuge, a retreat, a little chapel. All thefe monuments of the different claffes of citizens, which communicate life to the body politic, decorated with the attri- butes peculiar to each particular craft and profef- fion, would there figure with perfecfl propriety, and with moft powerful effedt. After C24 STUDIES OF NATURE. After having rendered the Capital a refort of happinefs, and of improvement, to our own Na- tion, I would allure to it the men of foreign Na- tions, from every corner of the Globe. O ! ye Women, who regulate our deftiny, how much ought you to contribute towards uniting Mankind, in a City where your empire is unbounded 1 In miniftring to your pleafures, do men employ them- felves over the face of the whole Earth. While you are engrofied wholly in enjoyment, the Lap* lander iflues forth, in the midft of ftorm and tem- peft, to pierce with his harpoon the enormous whale, whofe beard is to ferve for fhuffing to your robes: a man of China puts into the oven the porcelain out of which you fip your coffee, while an Arabian of Moka is bufied in gathering the berry for you : a young woman of Bengal, on the banks of the Ganges, is fpinning your mullin, while a Ruffian, amidft the forefts of Finland, is fellino; the tree which is to be converted into a maft for the velTel that is to bring it home to you. The glory of a great Capital is to affemble, within it's walls, the men of all Nations who con- tribute to it's pleafures. I (hould like to fee, at Paris, the Samoïèdes, with their coats of fea-calf- ikin, and their boots of fl:urgeon*s hide ; andrthe black lolofs, dreffed in their waift-attire, ftreaked with red and blue. Ï could widi to fee there the beard lefs STtTDY XIII. 225 beardlefs Indians of Peru, drefled in feathers from head to foot, ftroUing about undifmayed, in our pubHc fquares, around the flatues of our Kings, mingled with ftarely Spaniards, in whifkers, and fhort-cloaks. It would give me pleafure to fee the Dutch making a fettlement on the thirfty ridges of Montmartre ; and, following the bent of their hydraulic inchnation, like the beavers, find the means of there conftrufting canals filled with ■water; while the inhabitants of the banks of the Oroonoko (liould live comfortably dry, fufpended over the lands inundated by the Seine, amidft the foliage of willows and alder-trees. I could wifh that Paris were as large, and of â population as much diverfified as thofe ancient ci- ties of Afia, fuch as Nineveh and Saza, v/hofe ex- tent was fo vaft, that it required three days to make the tour of them, and in which /jhafuertis beheld two hundred Nations bending; before his throne. I could wilh that every people on the face of the Earth kept up a correfpondence with that ^ity, as the members with the heart in the human body. What fecrets did the Afiatics pof- fefs, to raife cities fo vafl: and fo populous ? They are, in all refpeds, our elder brothers. They per- mitted all Nations to fettle anions; them. Prefent men with liberty and happinefs, and you will a:- trad them from the ends of the Earth, VOL. IV. Q, It 226 STUDIJES OF NATURE. It would be much to the honour of his humanity, if fome great Prince would propofe this queilion to the difcuffion of Europe : Whether the happi- nefs of a People did not depend upon that of it's neighbours ? The affirmative, clearly demon- ftrated, would level with the duft the contrary maxim, that oï Machiavel, which has too long go- verned our European politics. It would be very cafy to prove, in the firft; place, that a good under- ftanding with her neighbours would enable her confidently to difband thofe land and naval forces, which are fo burdenfome to a Nation. It might be demonflrated, fecondly, that every people has been a partaker in the bleflings and the calamities of their neighbours, from the example of the Spa- niards, who made the difcovery of America, and have fcattered the advantages, and the evils of it, over all the reft of Europe. This truth may be iariher confirmed, from the profperity and great- nefs attained by thofe Nations, who were at pains to conciliate the good-will of their neighbours, as the Romans did, who extended farther and farther the privileges of citizenOiip, and thereby, in pro- cefs of time, confolidated all the Nations of Italy into one fmgle State. They would, undoubtedly, have formed but one (ingle People of the whole Human Race, had not their barbarous cuftom of exadling the fervice of foreign (laves, counteraded a policy fo humane- It might, finally, be made apparent, STUDY XIII. 227 apparent, how miferable thofe Governments were, which, however well conftituted internally, lived in a ftate of perpetual anxiety, always weak and divided, becaufe ihey did not extend humanity be- yond the bounds of their own territory. Such were the ancient Greeks : fuch is, in modern times, Perfia, which is funk into a flate of extreme weak- nefs, and into which it fell immediately after the brilliant reign oï Scba Abbas, \n\\oÏq political maxim it was to furround himfelf with deferts ; his own country has, at length, become one, like thofe of his neighbours. Other examples, to the fame pur- pofe, might be found among the Powers of Afia, who receive the Law from handfuls of Europeans. Henry IV. had formed the celeflial projed of en- gaging all Europe to live in peace ; but his pro- jeâ: was not fufficiently extcnfive to fupport itfelf : war muft have fallen upon Europe from the other quarters of the World. Our particular deftinies are conneded with thofe of mankind. This is an homage which the Chriftian Religion juftly chal- lenges, and which it alone merits. Nature fays to you, love thyfelf alone ; domeftic education fays, love your family; the national, love your country; but Religion fays, Love all Mankind, without ex- ception. She is better acquainted with our inte-: refts, than our natural inftind is, or our parentage, or our politics. Human focieties are not detached (i. 2 from 228 STUDIES OF NATURE. from each other, like thofe of animals. The bees of France are not in the leaft affeded by the de- ftruction of the hives in America. But the tears of Mankind, ihed in the New World, caufe flreams of blood to flow in the ancient Continent ; and the war-whoop of a favage, on the bank of a lake, has oftener than once re-echoed through Eu- rope, and difturbed the repofe of her Potentates. The Religion which condemns love of ourfelves, and which enjoins the love of Mankind, is not felf.conrradiâior}^ as certain fophifts have alleged; fhe exafts the facrifice of our paiTions only to di- rect them toward th^ general felicity; and by in- culcating upon us the obligation of loving all men, Ihe furnilhes us with the only real means of loving ourfelves. I could wifn, therefore, that our political rela-- tions with all the Nations of the World, might be direfted toward a gracious reception of their fub- jeds in the Capital of the kingdom. Were we to expend only a part of what we lay out on foreign communications, we fliould be no great lofers. The Nations of Afia fend no Confuls, nor Mini- flers, nor Ambaffadors, out of the Country, unlefs in very extraordinary cafes : and all the Nations of the Earth feek to them. It is not by fending Ambaffadors, in great flate, and at a vaft expenfe, to neighbouring Nations, that we conciliate, or fe- curs STUDY XIII. 229 cure their fiiendlliip. In many cafes, our oflen- tatious magnificence becomes a fecret fource of hatred and jealoufy among their grandees. The point is, to give a kind reception to their fubjeâis, properly fo called, the weak, the perfecuted, the miferable. Our French refugees were the men who conveyed part of our fkill, and of our power, to Prujfha, and to Holland. How many unfeen relations of commerce, and of national benevo- lence, have been formed upon the foundation of fucii gracioufnefs of reception ! An honeft Ger- man, who retires into Auftria, after having made a little fortune in France, is the means offending to VIS a hundred of his compatriots» and difpofes the whole canton, in which he fettles, to \vi(h us well. By bonds like thefe, national friend fiiips are con- trafted, much better than by diplomatic treaties; for the opinion of a Nation always determines that of the Prince. After having rendered the city of men wonder- fully happy, I .would direél my attention to the embellilhment and commodioufnefs of the city of ftones. I w^ould rear in it a muhitude of ufeful monuments : I would extend along the houfes, arcades as in Turin, and a raifed pavement as in London, for the accommodation of loot-palfen- gers ; in the ftreets, where it was practicable, trees •and canals, as in Holland, for the facility of car- Q„ 3 J^i^gc ; 230 STUDIES OF NATURE. riage ; in the fuburbs, caravanferics, as in the ci- ties of the Eaft, for the entertainment, at a mode- rate expenfe, of travellers from foreign lands ; to- ward the centre of the city, markets of vafl extent, and fiirrounded with houfes fix or feven flories high, for the reception of the poorer fort, who will foon be at a lofs for a place where to lay their head. I would introduce a great deal of variety into their plans and decorations. In the circular furrounding fpace, I would difpofe temples, halls of juftice, public fountains ; the principal ftreets fhould terminate in them. Thefe markets, fhaded with trees, and divided into great compartiments, fhould difplay, in the moft beautiful order, all the gifts of Flora, of Ceres, and of Pomona. I would ereA in the centre the ftatue of a good King ; for it is impoffible to place it in a fituation more ho- nourable to his memory, than in the midft of the abundance enjoyed by his fubjeds. I know of no one thing which conveys to me an idea more precife of the police of a city, and of the felicity of it's inhabitants, than the fight of it's markets. At Peterfburg, every market is parcelled out irito fub-divilions, deftined to the fale ot a fmgle fpecies of merchandife. This arrangement pleafes at firft glance, but foon fatigues the eye by it's uniformity. Peier the Firft wns fond of regu- lar formS; becaufe they are flivourable to defpotifm. For STUDY XIII. 231 For my own parr, I fliould like to fee the moft perfed harmony prevailing among our merchants, and the moft complete contrafts among their wares. By removing the rivalities which arife out of com- merce in the fame fort of goods, thofe jealoufies, which are produdive of fo many quarrels, would be prevented. It would give me pleafure to be- hold Abundance there, pouring out the treafure of all her horns, pell-mell; pheafants, frefh-cod, heath cocks, turbots, pot-herbs, piles of oyfters, oranges, wild-ducks, flowers, and fo on. Pcrmif- fion Ihould be granted to expofe to fale there, every fpecies of goods whatever; and this privilege alone would be fufficient to deilroy various fpecies of monopoly. I would ereâ: in the city but few temples ; thefe few, however, fliould be auguft, immenfe, with ga-lleries on the outfide and within, and capable of containing, on feftival days, the third part of the population of Paris. The more that temples arc multiplied in a State, the more is Religion en- feebled. This has the appearance of a paradox; but look at Greece and Italy, covered with church- towers, while Conftantinople is crowded with Greek and Italian renegadoes. Independently of the political, and even religious, caufes, which produce thelc national depravations, there is one 0^4 which 9 232, STUDIES OF NATURE. which is founded in Nature, the effecls of which we have already recognifed in the weaknefs of thé human mind. It is this, That afFecflion diminiflies, in proportion as it is divided among a variety of objeds. The Jews, fo aflonifliingly attached to iheir religion, had but one fingle temple, the re- collection of which excites their regret to this day. I would have amphitheatres conflrufled at Paris, like thofe at Rome, for the purpofe of aflembling the People, and of treating ihem, from time to time, with days of feftivity. What a fuperb fite for fuch an edifice is prefented in the rifing ground at the entrance into the Elyfjan Fields ! How eafy would it have been, to hollow it down to the level of the plain, in form of an afnphitheatre, difpofed into afcending rows ot feats, covered with green tui'fUmplj^j having it's ridge crowned with great trees, exalted on an elevation of more than four- fcore feet ! What a magnificent fpedlacle would it have been, to behold an immenfc people ranged round and round, like one great family, eating, drinking, and rejoicing in the contemplation of their own felicity ! All ihefe edifices fliould beconflrudced of fionc; iiot in petty-layers, according to our mode of building, but in huge blocks, iuch as the Ancients employed, STUDY XIII. 233 employed *, and as becomes a city that is to lad for eer. The ftreets, and the public fquares, (hould be planted with great trees of various forts. Trees ■* And fuch as Savages employ. Travellers are aftonilhed when they furvey, in Peinj, the monuments of the ancient Tncas, formed of vaft irregular ftones, perfedly fitted to each other. Their conlVuflion prefents, at firft fight, two great difficulties: How could the Indians have tranfported thofe huge maffes of flone ; and how did they contrive to adapt them fo exaélly to each other, notwithftanding their irregularity ? Our men of Science have firfl: fuppofed a machinery proper for the tranfportation of them ; as if there could be any machine more powerful than the arms of a whole people exerting themfelves in concert. They next tell us, that the Indians gave them thefe irregular forms by dint of labour and induftry. This is a downright infult to the common fenfe of Mankind. "Was it not much eafier to cut them into a regular, than into an irregular, fliape ? I myfelf was em- barrafled in attempting a folution of this problem. At length, having read in the Memoirs of Don Ulloa, and likewife in fomc other travellers, that there are found in many places of Peru, beds of Hone along the furface of the ground, feparated by clefts and crevices, I prefently comprehended the addrefs of the an- cient Peruvians. All they had to do was to remove, piece and piece, thofe horizontal layers of the quarries, and to place them in a perpendicular dire(5lion, by moving the detached pieces clofc to each other. Thus they had a wall ready made, which cofl them nothing in the hewing. The natural genius is pofiefTed of refources exceedingly fimple, but far fiiperior to thofe of our arts. For example, the Savages of Canada had no cooking pots of me- tal, previous to the arrival of the Europeans. They had, how- ever, found means to fupply this want, by hollowing the trunk of a tree with fire. But how did they contrive to fet it a boiling, fo ?-34 STUDIES OF NATURE. Trees are the real monuments of Nations. Time, which fpeedily impairs the Works of Man, onl/ increafes the beauty of thofe of Nature. It is to the trees, that our favourite walk, the Boulevards, is indebted for it's principal charm. They delight the eye by their verdure ; they elevate the foul to Heaven, by the loftinefs of their ftems ; they com- municate refpeâ: to the monuments which they fhade, by the majefty of their forms. They con- tribute, more than we are aware of, to rivet our attachment to the places which we have inhabited. Our memory fixes on them, as on points of union, which have lecret harmonies with the foul of Man. They poffefs a commanding influence over the events of our life, like thofe which rife by the fliore of the Sea, and which frequently ferve as a diredion to the pilot. I never fee the linden tree, but I feel myfeif tranfported into Holland ; nor the fir, without re- prefenting to my imagination the forefts of Rufïia. fo as to drefs a whole ox, which they frequently did ? I have ap- plied to more than one pretended man of genius for a folution of this difficulty, but to no purpofe. As to myfeif, I was long puz- zled, I acknowledge, in deviling a method by which water might be made to boil, in kettles made of wood, which were frequently large enough to contain lèverai hundred gallons. Nothing, how- ever, could be eafier to Savages: they heated pebbles and flints till they were red-hot, and call: them into the water in the pot, till it boiled. Confult Cbam'^lain. Trees STUDY XIII. 235 Trees frequently attach us to Country, when the other ties which united us to it are torn afiinder. I have known more than one exile who, in old- age, was brought back to his native village, by the recoUeftion of the elm, under the fhade of which he had danced when a boy. I have heard more than one inhabitant of the Ifle of France fighing after his Country, under the fhade of the banana, and who faid to me j "I fhould be perfeélly tran- *' quil where I am, could I but fee a violet.'* The trees of our natal foil have a farther, and moft powerful attradion, when they are blended, as was the cafe among the Ancients, with fome religious idea, or with the recolleftion of fome diftinguiflied perfonage. Whole Nations have attached their patriotifm to this objed:. With what veneration did the Greeks contemplate, at Athens, the olive- tree which Minerva had there caufed to fpring up, and, on Mount Olympus, the wild-olive with which Hercules had been crowned! Plutarch relates, that, when at Rome, the fig-tree, under which Romulus and Remus had been fuckled by a wolf, dif- covered figns of decay from a lack of moifture, the firft perfon who perceived it, exclaimed. Wa- ter ! water ! and all the people, in confternation, flew with pots and pails full of water to refrefh it. For my part, I am perfuaded that, though we have already far degenerated from Nature, we could not without emotion behold the cherry-tree of the fo- reft. ±2^ STUDIES OF NATURE. reft, into which our good King Henry IV. clani- bei^ed up, when he perceived the army of the Duke ot Alayenne filing oif to the bottom of the adjoining valley. A city, were it built completely of marble, would have to me a melancholy appearance, unlefs I faw in it trees and verdure * : on the other hand, a landfcape, were it Arcadia, were it along the banks * Trees air, from their duration, the real monuments of Na- tions ; and they are, farther,- their calendar, from the different feafons at which they fend forth their leaves, their flowers, and their fruks. Savages have no othei-, and our own peafantry make li'eqtlent ufe of it. I met one day, toward the end of Au- Wmn, a country girl all in tears, looking about for a handker- chief which flie had lofl upon the great road. " Was your hand- '• kerchief very pretty-?" faid I to her. "Sir," replied flie, " it was quite new ; I bought it laft bean-time." It has long been rîiy opinion, that if our hiftorical epochs, fo loudly trum- peted, wei-e dated by tholfe of Nature, nothing more would be wanting to mark their injuftice, and expofe them to ridicule. \Vere we fo read, for example, in our books of Hiftory, that a Prince had caufedpart of his fubieâs to be maiTacred, to render Heaven propitious to him, precifcly at the feafon when his king- dom v/as clothed with the plenty of harveft ; or were we to read the relations of bloady engagements, arjd of the bombardment of cities, dated with- the flowering of the violet, the firfi crtam- cheefe making, the flieep-marking feafon ; Would any other contraft be neceflary to lender the penifal of fuch hiftories de- tefrable } On the other hand, fuch dates would communicate im- mortal graces to the actions of good Princes, and would confound the bleflings which they bellowed, with thofe of Pleaven. of STUDY xiir. 237 of îhe AlphenSj or did it prefent the fwelling ridges of Mount Lyceum, would appear to me a wilder- nefs, if J did not fee in it, at leaft, one little cot- tage. The works of Nature, and thofe of Man^ cnutually embellifh each other. The fpirit of felf- iihnefs has deftroyed among us a tafte for Nature. Our peadmtry fee no beauty in our plains, but there where they fee the return of their labour. I o,ne day met, in the vicinity of the Abbey of la Trappe, on the flinty road of Notre Dame d'Apre, a countrywoman walking along, with two large loaves of bread under her arm. It was in the month of May ; and the weather inexpreffibly fine. '^ Vv'hat a charming feafon it is !" faid I to the good woman: " How beautiful are thofe apple *' trees in bloflbm! How fweetly thefe nightingales *' fing in the woods !"...." Ah!" replied (he, '' I " don't mind nofegays, nor thefe little fquallers ! " It is bread that we want." Indigence hardens the heart of the country people, and fliuts their eyes. But the good folk of the town have no greater re- lilli for Nature, becaufe the love of gold regulates all their other appetites. If fome of them ('Zi a value on the liberal arts, it is not becaufe thofe arts imitate natural objeds ; it is from the price to which the hand of great mailers raifes their pro- duftions. That man gives a thoufand crowns for a pidure of the country painted by Lorrain^ who would nor take the trouble to put his head gut of £h§ 238 STUDIES OF NATURE. the window to look at the real landfcape : and there is another, who oftentatioully exhibits the buft of Socrates in his ftudy, who would not re- ceive that Philofopher into his houfe, were he in life, and who, perhaps, would not fcruple to con- cur in adjudging him to death, were he under pro- fecution. The tafle of our Artifts has been corrupted by that of our trades-people. As they know that it is not Nature, but their own {kill, which is prized, their great aim is to difplay themfeives. Hence it is, that they introduce a profufion of rich accef- fories into mad of our monuments, while they fre- quently omit altogether the principal objefl. They produce, for inftance, as an embellifliment for gar- dens, vafes of marble, into which it is impoflible to put any vegetable ; for apartments, urns and pitchers, into which you cannot pour any fpecies of fluid; for our cities, colonnades without palaces, gates in places where there are no walls, public fquares fenced with barriers, to prevent the people from aflembling in them. It is, they tell us, that the grafs may be permitted to flioot. A fine pro- jed; truly ! One of the heavieft curfes which the Ancients pronounced againft their enemies was, that they might fee the grafs grow in their public places. If they willi to fee verdure in ours, why do they not plant trees in them, which would give i)ie ' SÏUDY Xîîî, "239 tÎTie people at once fliade and ûielter? There are iome who introduce into the trophies which orna- cnenr the town relidences of our grandees, bows, aiTows, catapuks ; and who have carried the fim- plîcity of the thing to fuch a height, as to plant on them Roman ftandards, infcribed with thefe charafters, S. P. Q. R. This may be feen in the Palace de Bourbon. Pofterity will be taught to believe, that the Romans were, in the eighteenth century, mafters of our country. And in what «iliraation do we mean, vain as we are, that our memory fliould be heid by them, if our monu- nients, our medals, our trophies, our dramas, our ânfcriptions, coniinually hol4 out to them, flrangers and antiquity ? The Greeks and Romatis were much more con- iiftent. Never did they dream of conftruifling ufc- iefs monuments. Their beautiful vafes of alabaRer and calcedony were employed, in feftivals, for holding wine, or perfumes^ their periftyles al- ways announced a palace; their public places were deftined only to the purpofe of alTembling the people. There they reared the ftatues of their great men, without enclofmg them in rails of iron, in order that their images might ftill be within reach of the miferabie, and be open to their invo- cation after death, as they themfelves had been while they were alive. Juvenal fpeaks of a ftarue Pf 1^.0 STUDIES OF NATURE. of bronze at Rome, the hands of which had been worn away by the kifles of the People. What glory to the memory of the perfon whom it repre- fented ! Did it ftill exift, that mutilation would render it more precious than the Fenus de Medicis, with it's fine proportions. Our populace, we are told, is deftitute of pa- triotifm. I can eafily believe it, for every thing is done, that can be done, to deflroy that principle in them. For example, on the pediment of the beau- tiful church which we are building in honour of Saint Genevieve-, but which is too fmall, as all our modern monuments are, an adoration of the crofs is reprefented. You fee, indeed, the Patronefs of Paris in bas-reliefs, under theperiftyle, in the midft of Cardinals ; but would it not have been more in charafter, to exhibit to the People their humble Patronefs in her habit of fliepherdefs, in a little jacket and cornet, wiih her fcrip, her crook, her dog, her fheep, her moulds for making cheefe, and all the peculiarities of her age, and of her con- dition, on the pedim.ent of the church dedicated to her memory ? To thefe might have been added a view of Paris, fuch as it was in her time. From the whole would have refulted contrafts, and ob- jets of comparifon of the moft agreeable kind. The People, at fight of this rural fcenery, would have called to memory the days of old. They v.'ould STUDY XIIT. 241 would have conceived efteem for the obfcure vir- tues which are neceffary to their happinefs, and would have been flimulated to tread in the rough paths of glory which their lowly patronefs trod be- fore them, whom it is now impoffible for them to diftinguifli in her Grecian robes, and furrounded by Prelates. Our Artifts, in fome cafes, deviate fo completely from the principal objeâ:, that they leave it out al- together. There was exhibited fome years ago, in one of the workQiops of the Louvre, a monu- ment in honour of the Dauphin and Dauphinefs, defigned for the cathedral of the city of Sens, Every body flocked to fee it, and came away in raptures of admiration. I went wiih the reft ; and the firft thing I looked for was the refemblance ot the Dauphin and Dauphinefs, to whofe memory the monument had been ereâied. There was no fuch thing there, n(࣠even in medallion?. You faw Time with his fcythe, Hymen with urns, and all the thread-bare ideas of allegory, which frequently is, by the way, the genius of thofe who have none. In order to complete the elucidation of the fub- jeâ:, there were on the panels of a fpecies of altar, placed in the midft of this group of fymbolical figures, long infcriptions in Latin, abundantly fo- reign to the memory of the great Prince who was ?he objed of ihcm. There, faid I to myfelf, there VOL. IV, B, is 242 STUDIES OF NATURE. is a fine national monument ! Latin infcriptions for French readers, and pagan fymbols for a ca- thedral ! Had the Artift, whofe chifel I in other refpeèls admired, meant to difplay only his own talents, he ought to have recommended to his fuc- ceffor, to leave imperfecfl a fmall part of the bafc of that monument, which death prevented himfelf from finifhing, and to engrave thefe words upon it : CousTOu moriens faciehat *. This confonance of fortune would have united him to the royal monument, and would have given a deep impref- fion to the refledions on the vanity of human things, which the fight of a tomb infpireSr Very few Artifts catch the moral objeft ; they aim only at the pidurefque, " Oh, what a fine " fubjed: for a Belifarius /" exclaim they, when the converfation happens to turn on one of our great men, reduced to diftrefs. Nev^rthelefs, the liberal arts are deftined only^o revive the memory of Virtue, and nor Virtue to give employment to the fine Arts. I acknowledge, that the cele- brity which they procure is a powerful incentive to prompt men to great aftions, though, after all, it is not the true one ; but though it may not in- fpire the fentiment, it fometimes produces the aéls. Now-a-days we go much farther. It is no longer * The work of Cok/Jou^ left xinfiniflied by death. the STUDY xiii; ^43 the glory of virtue which affociations and indivi- duals endeavour to merit; ii is the honour of dif- tributing it to others at which they aim. Heaven knows the ftrange confufion which refults from this ! Women of very fufpicious virtue, and kept- miftrefles, eftabliQi Rofe-feafls : they difpenfe pre- miums on virginity ! Opera-girls crown our viélo- rious Generals ! The Marefchal de Saxe, our Hif- torians tell us, was crowned with laurels on the na- tional theatre : as if the Nation had confifted of players, and as if it's Senate were a theatre ! For my own part, I look on Virtue as {o refpedable, that nothing more would be wanting, but a fingle fubjedt, in which it was eminently confpicuous, to overwhelm with ridicule thofe who dared to dif- penfe to it fuch vain and contemptible honours. What ftage-dancing girl, for example, durft have had the impudence to crown the auguft forehead of Turenne, or that of Fenelon. The French Academy would be much more fuccefsful, if it aimed at fixing, by the charms of eloquence, the attention of the Nation on our great men, did it attempt lefs, in the elogiums which it pronounces^ to panegyrize the dead, than to fatyrize the living. Befides, poHierity will rely as little on the language of praife, as on that of ccnfure. For, firil, the very term elogium is U^^- pefted of flattery : and farther, this fpecies of elo- R 2 quenc-e 244 STUiJfES op NAtURE. quence charaderizes nothing. In order to painf virtuCj it is neceflary to bring forward defedls and vices, that conflidl and triumph may be. rendered confpicuous. The ftyle employed in it is full of pomp and luxuriance. It is crowded with reflec- tions, and paintings, foreign, very frequently, to the principal objed:. It refembles a Spanifli horfe; it prances about wonderfully, but never gets for- ward. This kind of eloquence, vague and inde- cifive as it is, fuits no one great man in particular^ becaufe it may be applied, in general, to all thofe who have run the fame career. If you only change a few proper names in the elogium of a General, you may comprehend in it all Generals, paft and future. Befides, it's bombaft tone is fo little adapted to the fimple language of truth and virtue, that when a Writer means to introduce charafterif- tical traits of his hero, that we may know at lead of whom he is fpeaking, he is Under the neceffity of throwing them into notes, for fear of deranging his academical order. AiTuredly, had Plutarch w^mttn the elogium only of illuftrious men, he would have had as few readers at this day as the Panegyric of Trajan, whith coft the younger Pliny fo many years labour. You will never find an academical elogium in the hands of one of the common People. You might fee them, parhaps, turning over thofe oï Fontenelle, and STUDY XIII. 245 and a few others, if the perfons celebrated in them, had paid attention to the People while 'they lived. But the Nation takes pleafure in reading Hiftory. As I was walking fome time ago, toward the quarter of the Military School, I perceived at fome diftance, near a fand-pit, a thick column of fmoke. I bent my courfe that way, to fee what produced it, I found, in a very folitary place, a good deal refembling that which Sbakefpear makes the fcene where the three witches appear to Macbeth, a poor and aged woman fitting upon a ftone. She was deeply engaged in reading in an old book, clofe by a great pile of herbage, which flie had fet on fire. I firft afked her for what purpofe (he was burning thofe herbs? She replied, that it was for the fake of the alhes, which fhe gathered up and fold to the laundrefles ; that for this end Ihe bought of the gardeners the refufe plants of their grounds, and was waiting till they were en- tirely confumed, that flie might carry off the alhes, becaufe they were liable to be ftolen in her ab- fence. After having thus fatisfied my curiofity, fhe returned to her book, and read on with deep attention. Eagerly defirous to know what book it was with which (he (illed up her hours of lan- guor, I took the liberty to afk the title of it. *' It *' is the life of M. de Turenne,'' (he replied. *' Well, *' what do you think of him ?" faid I. ** Ah!" R 3 replied 246 STUDIES OF NATURE. replied Oie, with emotion, " he was a very brave *' man, who fuffered much uneafinefs from a Mi- *' nifter of State, while he was alive !" I withdrew, filled with increafed veneration for the memory of M. de Turenne, who ferved to confole a poor old woman in diftrefs. It is thus that the virtues of the lower clafles of fociety fupport themfelves on thofe of great men, as the feeble plants, which, to efcape being trampled under foot, cling to the trank of the oak. OF NOBILITY. The ancient Nations of Europe imagined, that the moft powerful ftimulus to the pradice of vir- tue, was to ennoble the defcendants of their virtu- ous citizens. They involved themfelves, by this, in very great inconveniencies. For, in rendering nobility hereditary, they precluded, to the reft of the citizens, the paths which lead to diftin6lion. As it is the pei*petual, exclufive, poffeffion of a cer- tain number of families, it ceafes to be a national recompenfe, otherwife, a whole Nation v/ould con- fift of Nobles at length; which would produce a lethargy fatal to arts and handicrafts ; and this is actually the cafe in Spain, and in part of Italy. Many other mifchiefs neceflarily refult from he- reditary nobleffe, the principal of which is, the formation. STUDY XIÎI. 247 formation, in a State, of two feveral Nations, which come, at laft, to have nothing in common between them ; patriotifm is annihilated, and both the one and the other haftens to a ftate of fubjeftion. Such has been, within our recolledion, the fate of Hungary, of Bohemia, of Poland, and even of part of the provinces of our own kingdom, fuch as Britanny, where a nobility, infufferably lofty, and multiplied beyond all bounds, formed a clafs abfolutely diftind from the reft of the citizens. It is well worthy of being remarked, that thefe coun- tries, though republican, though fo powerful, in the opinion of our political Writers, from the free- dom of their conftitution, have been very eafily fubjedled by defpotic Princes, who were the maf- ters,*they tell us, of flaves only. The reafon is, that the People, in every country, prefer one So- vereign to a thoufand tyrants, and that their fate always decides the fate of their lordly oppreflbrs. The Romans foftened the unjuft and odious di- ftindtions which exifted between Patricians and Plebeians, by granting to thefe laft, privileges and employments of the liigheft refpedability. Means, in my opinion, ftill more effectual, were employed by that People, to bring the two clafles of citizens to a ftate of clofer approximation ; par- ticularly the pradice of adoption. How many great men ftarted up out of the mafs of the People, toi R 4 merit 24» STUDIES OF NATURE. merit this kind of r^compenfe, as illuftiious as thofe which Country beftows, and ftill more ad- drefled to the heart ! Thus did the Catos and the Scipios di{lingui(h themfelves, in hope of being in- grafted into Patrician famiUes. Thus it was that the Plebeian Jgricola obtained in marriage the daughter of Aiignftus. I do not know, but, perhaps, I am only betraying my own ignorance, that adoption ever was in ufe among us, unlefs it were between cer- tain great Lords, who, from the failure of heirs of blood, were at a lofs how to difpofe of their vaft pofTefilons when they died. I confider adoption as much preferable to nobility conferred by the State. It might be the means of reviving ilkif- trious families, the defcendants of which are now languifhing in the miofl" abjeâ; poverty. It #ould endear the Nobility to the People, and the People Î0 the Nobility. It would be proper that the pri- vilege of beftowing the rights of adoption, (liould be rendered a fpecies of recompenfe to the No- blefle themfelves. Thus, for example, a poor man of family, who had diftinguilhed himfelf, might be empowered to adopt one of the commonalty, who Ihould acquire eminence. A man of birth would be on the look-out for viitue among the People ; and a virtuous man of the commonalty, would go in queft of a vyorthy nobleman as a pa- tron. Such political bonds of union appear to me more poweiful, and more honourable, than mer- cenarv STUDY XIII. 249 cenary matrimonial alliances, which, by uniting two individual citizens of different clafles, fre- quently alienate their families. Nobility, thus acquired, would appear ro me far preferable to that which public employments confer; forthefe, being entirely the purchafe of fo much money, from that very circumftance lofe their refpcftability, and, confequently, degrade the nobility attached to them. But, taking it at the befl, one d i fad vantage m u ft ever adhere to hereditary nobility, namely, the eventual exceffive multiplication of perfons of that defcription. A remedy for this has been attempted among us, by adjudging nobility to various pro- feffions, fuch as maritime commerce. Firft of all, it may be made a queftion. Whether the fpirit of commerce can be perfedly confiftent with the honour of a gentleman ? Befides, What commerce fhall he carry on, who has got nothing ! Muft not a premium be paid to the merchant for admitting a young man into his counting- houfe, to learn the lirft principles of trade ? And where Ihould fo many poor men, of noble birth, find the means, who have not wherewithal to clothe their chil- dren ? 1 have feen fome of them, in Britanny, the defcendants of the moft ancient families of the pro- vince, fo reduced, as to earn a livelihood by mow- ing down the hay of the peafantry for fo much a day. Would i^ which has robbed the People at once of their morality, and of their fub- fiftence, is in the venality of public employments. That of the beggary which, at this day, extends to feven millions of fubjeds, confifts in the enor« mous accumulation of landed and official • pro'- perty. That of female proftitution, is to be -imputed, on the one hand, to extreme indigence; ■y 3 and 2^4 STUDIES OF NATUÏtEa and on the other, to the celibacy of two millions of men. The unprofitable fuperabundance of the idle and cenforious burghers in our fécond artd third-rate cities, arifes from the impoils which de- grade the inhabitants of the country. The preju- dices of the nobility are kept alive by the refent- ments of thofe who want the advantage of birth j and all thefe evils, and others innumerable, phyfical and intelleftual, fpring up out of the mifery of the People. It is the indigence of the People which produces fuch fwarms of players, courtefans, highwaymen, incendiaries, licentious fcholars, ca- lumniators, flatterers, hypocrites, mendicants, kept- miftrefles, quacks of all conditions, and that infi- nite multitude of corrupted wretches, who, inca- pable of coming to any thing by their virtues, en- deavour to procure bread and confideration by their vices. In vain will yoii oppofe to thefe, plans of finance, projefts of equalization of taxes and tithes, of ordonnances of Police, of arrets of Parliament ; all your efforts will be froitlefs. The indigence of the People is a mighty river, which is, every year, colledling an increafe of ftrength, which is fweeping away before it every oppofmg mound, and which will ilfue in a total fubverfion of order and government. To this phyfical caufe, of our diflrelTes, mufl be added another, purely moral ,; I mean our educa- •'. . - . ., . tion. STUDY XIII. 295 tion. I fhall venture to fuggefl: a few reflexions on this fubjedt, though it far exceeds my higheft powers : but if it be the moft important of our abufes, it appears to me, on the other hand, the moft eafily fufceptible of reformation i and this reform appears to me fo abfolutely neceflary, that, without it, all the reft goes for nothing. w 4 STUPY STUDY XIV. 297 STUDY FOURTEENTH. OF EDUCATION. ' npO what higher objea," fays Plutarch'^, JL " could Numa have diredled his atten- * tion, than to the culture of early infancy, and ' to uniformity in the treatment of young per- * fons ; in the view of preventing the collifion of * different manners, and turbulency of fpirit arit- ' ing from diverfity of nurture ? Thus he pro- * pofed to harmonize the minds of men, in a flate ' of maturity, from their having been, in child- * hood, trained in the fame habits of order, and * caft into the fame mould of virtue. This, inde- ' pendent of other advantages, greatly contribut- * ed, likewife, to the fupport of the Laws of Ly- ' ciirgus ; for refpeâ: to the oath, by which the ' Spartans had bound themfelves, mufl have pro- ' duced a much more powerful effeâ:, from his having, by early inftruflion and nurture, died in the wool, if I may ufe the expreffion, the mo- * Comparifon of 'K^ma and Lycurgus, " rals îgS STUDIES OF NATURE. " rals of the young, and made them fuck in, with " the milk from their nurfe's breaft, the love of '* his Laws and Inftitutions." Here is a decifion, which completely condemns OLir mode of education, by pronouncing the elo- gium of that of Sparta. 1 do not hefitate a (ingle moment to afcribe to our modern education, the reftlefs, ambitious, fpiteful, pragmatical, and into- lerant fpirit of moft Europeans. The effefts of it: are vifible in the miferies of the Nations. It is re- markable, that thofe which have been moft agi- tated internally and externally, are precifely the Nations among which our boafted ftyle of educa- tion has flouriûied the moft. The truth of this may be afcertained, by ftepping from country to country, from age to age. Politicians have imar gined, that they could difcern the caufe of public misfortunes in the different forms of Government. But Turkey is quiet, and England is frequently in a ftate of agitation. All political forms are indif- ferent to the happinefs of a State, as has been faid, provided the People are happy. We might have added, and provided the children are fo like^ wife The Philofopher Lalouhre, Envoy from Louis XIV. to Siam, fays, in the account which he gives of his miffion, that the Afiatics laugh us to fcorn, when STUDY XIV, 299 when we boaft to them of the excellence of the Chriftian Religion, as contributing to the happi- nefs of States. They afk, on reading our Hiflories, How it is poffible that our Religion fliould be (o humane, while we wage war ten times more fre- quently than they do? What would they fay, then, did they fee among us our perpetual law-fuits, the malicious cenforiournefs and calumny of our (o' cieties, the jealoufy of corps, the quarrels of the populace, the duels of the better fort, and our ani- mofities of every kind, nothing fimilar to which is to be feen in Afia, in Africa, among the Tartars, or among Savages, on the teftimony of miffionaries themfelves ? For my own part, I difcern the caufe of all thefe particular and general diforders, in our ambitious education. When a man has drunk, from infancy upward, into the cup of ambition, the third of it cleaves to him all his life long, and it degenerates into a burning fever at the very feet of the altars. It is not Religion, afTuredly, which occafions this. I cannot explain how it comes to pafs, that kingdoms, calling themfelves Chriftian, fliould have adopted ambition as the bafis of public edu- cation. Independently of their political conftitu- tion, which forbids it to all thofe of their fubjeds who have not money, that is to the greateft part of them, there is no paffion fo uniformly con- demned $QO STUDIES OF NATURE. demned by Religion. We have obfervcd, that there are but two paffions in the heart of Man, love and ambition. Civil Laws denounce the fe- verefi; punifhment againft the excefles of the firft : they reprefs, as far as their power extends, the more violent emotions of it. Proflitution is brand- ed with infamous penalties ; and, in fome coun- tries, adultery is puniflied even with death. But thefe fame Laws meet the fécond more than half way; they, every where, propofe to it prizes, re- wards, and honours. Thefe opinions force their way, and exercife dominion, incloiflers themfelves. It is a grievous fcandal to a convent, if the amo- rous intrigues of a monk happen to take air ; but what elogiums are beftowed on thofe which pro- cure him a cardinal's hat ! What raillery, impre- cation, and malediélion, are the portion of impru- dent weaknefs ! What gentle and honourable epi- thets are applied to audacious crafc ! Noble emu- lation, love of glory, fpirit, intelligence, merit re- warded ; with how many glorious appellations do we palliate intrigue, flattery, fimony, perfidy, and all the vi( es which walk, in all States, in the train of the ambitious 1 This is the way in which the World forms it's judgments ; but Religion, ever conformable to Nature, pronounces a very different decilion on the charaders of thefe two pafiions. Jesus invites the communications STITDY XIV. 3OÏ communications of die frail Samaritan woman, he pardons the adultrefs, he abfolves the female of- fender who bathed his feet with her tears ; but hear how he inveighs againft the ambitious : — *' Woe unto you, fcribes and pharifees, for ye love " the uppermofl feats in the fynagogues, and the " chief places at feafls, and greetings in the mar- ** kets, and to be called of men, Rabbi ! Woe *' unto you, alfo, ye lawyers; for ye lade men with ** burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourfelves ** touch njt the burdens with one of your fingers! *■ Woe unto you, lawyers, for ye have taken away *' the key of knowledge : ye entered not in your- *' felves, and them that were entering in ye hin- *^ dercd 1 and fo on *." He declares to them that, notwithftanding their empty honours in this Woild, harlots Iliould go before them into the kingdom of God. He cautions us, in many places, to be on our guard againft them; and inti- mates that we (liould know them by their fruits. In pronouncing decifions fo different from ours. He judges our paffions according to their natural adaptations. He pardons proftitution, which is in itlelf a vice, but which, after all, is a frailty only, relatively to the order of Society; and He condemns, without mercy, the fm of ambition, as a crime which is contrary, at once, to the order of * Luke xi. 43, &-C. Society, 302 STUDIES OF NATURE. Society, and to that of Nature. The firCl involves the diftrefs of only two guilty perfons, but the fé- cond affefls the happincfs of Mankind. To this our doflors reply, that the only objeâ: purfued, in the education of children, is the in- fpiring them with a virtuous emulation. I do not believe there is fuch a thing in our Colleges, as cxercifes of virtue, unlefs it be to prefcribe to the iludents, on this fubjeâ;, certain themes, or ampli- fications. But a real ambition is taught, by en- gaging them to difpute the firft place in their fe« veral claffes, and to adopt a thoufand intolerant fyftems. Accordingly, when they have once got the key of knowledge in their pocket, they refo- lutely determine, like their matters, to let no one enter but by their door. Virtue and ambition are abfolutely incompa- tible. The glory of ambition is to mount, and that of virtue is to defcend. Obferve how Jesus Christ reprimands his difciples, when they afked him who fhould be the firft among them. He takes a little child, and places him in the midft : Not, furely, a child from oui" fchools. Ah ! when He recommends to us the humility fo fuitable to our frail and miferable condition, it is Ijecaufe He did not confider that povver, even fupreme, was capable of conllituting our happinefs in this World 5 STUDY XIV. 303 World ; and it is worthy of being remarked, that He did not confer the fuperiority over the reft on the difciple whom he loved the moft ; but as a reward to the love of him who had been faithful nnto death, He bequeathed to him, with his dying breath, his own mother as a legacy. This pretended emulation, inftilled into chil- dren, renders them, for life, intolerant, vain-glo- rious, tremblingly alive to the llighteft cenfure, or the meaneft token of applaufe from an unknown perfon. They are trained to ambition, we are told, for their good, in order to their profpering in the World ; but the cupidity natural to the human mind is more than fufficient for the attainment of that objeâ:. Have merchants, mechanics, and all the lucrative profeffions, in other words, all the conditions of Society ; have they need of any other ftimulus ? Were ambition to be inftilled into the mind of only one child, deftined, at length, to fill a ftation of high importance, this education, which is by no means exempted from inconveniencies, would be adapted, at leaft, to the career which the young man had in profpeft. But by infufing it into all, you give each individual as many opponents as he has .got companions ; you render the whole unhappy, by means of each other. Thofe who are incapable of riiing by their talents, endeavour to infmuate thcmfelves into the good graces 304 STUDIES OF NATURE. graces of their mafters by flattery, and to fupplant iheir equals by calumny. If thefe means fucceed not, they conceive an averfion for the objedts of their emulation, which, to their comrades, has all the value of applaufe, and becomes, to themfelves, a perpetual fource of depreffion, of chaftifement, and of tears. This is the reafon that fo many grown men, en- deavour to banifh from their memory, the times and the objeds of their early ftudles, though it be natural, to the heart of Man, to recolleft with dc' light the epochs of infancy. How many behold, in the maturity of life, the bowers of ofiers, and the ruftic canopies, which ferved for their infant lleeping and dining apartments, who could not look, without abhorrence, upon a Turfdlin^ or a Defpauter ! I have no doubt that thofe difgufts, of early education, extend a moft baleful influence to that love with which we ought to be animated to- ward Religion, becaufe it's elements, in like man- ner, are difplayed only through the medium of gloom, pride, and inhumanity. The plan of moft mafters confifts, above all, in compofing the exterior of their pupils. They form, on the fame model, a multitude of characters, which Nature had rendered effentially different. One will have his to be grave and ftately, as if they v.'ere fo STUDY XIV, " 305 {o many little prefidents ; others, and they are the moft numerous, wifli to make' theirs alert and lively. One of the great burdens of the leflbn is, an inceflfant fillip of: " Come on, makehafte, don'c " be lazy." To this impulfion fimply, I afcribe the general giddinefs of our youth, and of which the Nation is accufed. It is the impatience of the mafter which, in the firfi; inftance, produces the precipitancy of the fcholars. It, afterwards, ac« quires ftrength, in the commerce of the World, from the impatience of the women. But, through, the progrefs of human life, Is not refledion of much higher importance than promptitude? How many children are deftined to fill fituations which require ferioufnefs and folemnity ? Is not reflec- tion the bafis of prudence, of temperance, of wif- dom, and of moft of the other moral qualities ? For my own part, I have always feen honeft people abundantly tranquil, and rogues always alert. There is, in this refpe6t, a vefy perceptible dif- ference, between two children, the one of whom has been educated in his Father's houfe, and the other, at a public fchool. The firft is, beyond all contradiction, more polite, more ingenuous, lefs jealoufly difpofed ; and, from this fingle circum-. ftance, that he has been brought up without the defire of excelling any one, and ftill lefs of furpaf- ling himfelf, according to our great fafiiionabie VOL. IV. X phrafeology 3ô6 STUDIES OF KATURE. phrafeology, but as deftitute of common fenfe as many others of the kind. Is not a child, itiflu- cnced by the emulation of the fchools, under the necelfity of renouncing it, from the very firft ftep be makes in the World, if he means to be fup- portable to his equals, and to himfelf ? If he pro- pofes to himfelf no other objedt but his own ad- vancement, Will he not be afflided at the profpe- rity of another ? Will he not, in the courte of his progrefs, be liable to have his mind torn with the averfions, the jealoufies, and the defires, which muft deprave it, both phyfically and morally ? Do not Philofophy and Religion impofe on him the necef- lity, of exerting himfelf every day of his life, to eradicate thofe faults of education? The World itfelf obliges him to mafk their hideous afpecl. Here is a fine perfpedive opened to human life, in which we are conftrained to employ the half of our days, in deftroying, with a thoufand painful efforts, what had been raifing up in the other, with fo many tears, and fo much parade. We have borrowed thofe vices from the Greeks, without being aware, that they had contributed to their perpetual divifions, and to their final ruin. The greateft part, at leaft, of their exercifes, had the good of their Country, as the leading objeft. If there were propofed, among the Greeks, prizes for fiiperloriiy in \vrefi:ling, in boxing, in throwing the iH^DY XIV. 307 the quoit, in foot and chariot races, it was becaufe fuch exercifes had a reference to the art of war. If they had others eflabHlhed for the reward of fu- perior eloquence, it was becaufe that art ferved to maintain the interefts of Country, from city to city, or in the general Affemblies of Greece. But to what purpofe do we employ the tedious and painful ftudy of dead languages, and of cuftoms foreign to our Country ? Mod of our inftitutions, with relation to the Ancients, have a ftriking re- femblance to the paradife of the Savages of Ame- rica. Thofe good people imagine that, after death, the fouls of their compatriots migrate to a certain country, where they hunt down the fouls of bea- vers with the fouls of arrows, walking over the foul of fnow with the foul of rackets, and that they drefs the foul of their game in the foul of pots. We have, in like manner, the images of a Colif- eum, where no fpeâ;acles are exhibited ; images of periftyles and public fquares, in which we are not permitted to walk ; images of antique vafes, in which it is impoffible to put any liquor, but which contribute largely to our images of grandeur and patriotifm. The real Greeks, and the real Romans, would believe themfelves, among us, to be in the land of their (hades. Happy for us, had we bor- rowed from them vain images only, and not natu- ralized in our Country their real evils, by tranf- X a planting 308 STUDIES OF NATURE. planting thither the jealoufies, the hatreds, and the vain emulations which rendered them miierable. It was Charlemagne, we are told, who inflituted our courfe of ftudies ; and fome fay it was in the view of dividing his fubje<5ts, and of giving them employment. He has fucceeded in this to a mi- racle. Seven years devoted to humanity^ or clajjical learning, two to Philofnphy, three to Theology : twelve years of languor, of ambition, and of felf-conceitj without taking into the account the years which well-meaning parents double upon 'their children, to make fure work of it, as they allege. I afk whether, on emerging thence, a ftudent is, accord- ing to the denomination of thofe refpeftive branches of ftudy, more humane, more of a philofopher, and believes more in God, than an honefl peafant, who has not been taught to read ? What good purpofe, then, does all this anfvver to the greateft part of Mankind? What benefit do the majority derive, from this irkfome courfe, on mixing with the World, toward perfefting their own intelligence, and even toward purity of diftion. We have feen, that the claffical Authors themfelves have borrowed their illumination only from Nature, and that thofe of our own Nation who have diftinguiflied them- felves the moft, in literature and in the fciences, as Dcjcartes, Michael Montaigney J. J. RouJ feau. STUDY XIV. 309 feau, and others, have fucceeded only by deviating from the track which their models purfued, and frequently by purf^jing the diredly oppofite path. Thus it was that Defcartes attacked and fubverted the philofophy of Arijiotle : you would be tempted to fay, that Eloquence and the Sciences are com- pletely out of the province of our Gothic Infti- tutions. I acknowledge, at the fame time, that it is a for- tunate circumftance for many children, who have wicked parents, that there are colleges ; they are lefs miferable there than in the father's houfe. The faults of matters, being expofed to view, are in part repreffed by the fear of public cenfure ; but it is not fo, as to ihofe of their parents. For ex- ample, the pride of a man of letters is loquacious, and fometimes inftruélive ; that of an ecclefiaftic is clothed with diffimulation, but flattering; that of a man of family is lofty, but frank; that of a clown is infolent, but natural : but the pride of a warm trad efman is fullen and ftupid; it is pride at it's eafe, pride in a night-gown. As the cit is never contradiâied, except it be by his wife, they unite their efforts to render their children un- happy, without fo much as fufpeéting that they do fo. Is it credible that, in a fociety, the men of which all moralifts allow to be corrupted, in which the citizens maintain their ground only by the ter- X 3 ror $iO STUDIES 01* NATURE. ror of the Laws, or by the fear which they have oi each other, feeble and defencelefs children fliould not be abandoned to the difcretion of tyranny ? Nothing can be conceived fo ignorant, and fo conceited, as the greateft part of tradefmen ; among them it is that folly fhoots out fpreading and pro- found roots. You fee a great many of this clafs, both men and women, dying of apopledic fits, from a too fedentary mode of life ; from eating beef, and fwallowing ftrong broths, when they are out of order, without fufpeding for a moment that fuch a regimen was pernicious. Nothing can be more wholefome, fay they ; they have always feen their Aunts do fo. Hence it is that a multitude of falfe remedies, and of ridiculous fuperftitions, maintain a reputation among them, long after they have been exploded in the World. In their cup-boards is flill carefully treafured up the cajis, a fpecies of poifon, as if it were an univerfal panacea. The re- gimen of their unfortunate children, refemb.les that which they employ where their own health is con- cerned J they form them to melancholy habits ; all that they make them learn, up to the Gofpel itfelf, is with the rod over their head ; they fix them in a fedentary pofture all the day long, at an age vvhen Nature is prompting them to ftir about, for the purpofe of expanding their form. Be good children, is the perpetual injundion ; and this goodnefs conllils in never moving a limb. A wo- man STUDY XIV. 311 man of fpirit, who was fond of clilldren, took notice one day, at the houfe of a fliop-keeper, in St. Denis-flreet, of a little boy and girl, who had a very ferious air. *' Your children are very grave,'* faid (he to the mother...." Ah ! Madam," replied the fagacious fhop-dame, " it is not for want of " whipping, if ihey are not fo." Children rendered miferable in their fports, and in their (Indies, become hypocritical and referved before their fathers and mothers. At length, how- ever, they acquire ftature. One night, the daughter puts on her cloke, under pretence of going to evening-prayers, but it is to give her lover the meeting : by and by, her fhapes divulge the fe- cret ; fhe is driven from her father's houfe, and comes upon the town. Some fine morning, the fon enlifts for a foldier. The father and mother are ready to go didrafled. We fpared nothing, fay they, to procure them the beft of education : they had mafters of every kind : Fools ! you forgot the effential point ; you forgot to teach them to love you. They juftify their tyranny by that cruel adage : Children mujl be cor7-e6îed ; human nature is corrupted. They do not perceive that they themfelves, by t4ieir exceffive feverity, fland chargeable with the cor- X 4 ruj)tion. 312. STUDIES OF NATURE. riiptlon *, and that in every country where fathers are good, the children refemble them. I could * To certain fpecies of chailifement, I afcribe the phyfical and moral corruption, not only of children, and of feveral orders of monks, but of the Nation itfelf. You cannot move a ftep through the ftreets, without hearing nurfes and mothers me- nacing their little charge with, / fiall give you a flogging. I have never been in England, but I am perfuaded, that the fero- city imputed to the Englifh, mufl proceed from fome fuch caufe. I have indeed heard it affirmed, that punifliment by the rod was more cruel, and more frequent, among them, than with us. See what is faid on this fubjeft by the illuftrious Authors of the Spec- tator., a Work which has, beyond contradiction, greatly contri- buted to foften both their manners and ours. They reproach the Englifh Nobility, for permitting this charaéler of infamy to be imprefled on their children. Confult, particularly. No. CLVII. of that Colleélion, which concludes thus : " I would " not here be fuppofed to have faid, that our learned men of '* either robe, who have been whipped at fchool, are not ftill *' men of noble and liberal minds ; but I am fure they had been *' much more fo than they are, had they never fuffered that in- •' famy." Government ought to profcribe thfs kind of chaftifement, not only in the public fchools, as Ruffia has done, but in convents, on ihipboard, in private families, in boarding houfes : it cor- rupts, at once, fathers, mothers, preceptors, and children. I could quote terrible re-aftions of it, did modefty permit. Is it not very aftonifliing, that men, in other refpefts, of a ftaid and ferious exterior, fliould lay down, as the bafis of a Chriftian edu- cation, the obfervance of gentlenefs, humanity, chaftity ; and punilh timid and innocent children, with the moft barbarous, and the moil obfcene of all chaftifements ? Our men of letters, who STUDY XIV. 313 I could demonftrate, by a multitude of exam- ples, that the depravation of our moft notorious criminals, began with the cruelty of their educa- tion. who have been employed in reforming abufes, for more than a century part, have not attacked this, with the feverity which it deferves. They do not pay fufficient attention to the miferies of the rifing generation. It would be a queftion of right, the dif- cuffion of which were highly interefting and important, namely. Whether the State could permit the right of infliéling infamous punifliment, to perfons who have not the power of life and death ? It is certain, that the infamy of a citizen produces re- aftions more dangerous to Society, than his own death merely. It is nothing at all, we are told, they are but children; but for ' this very reafon, becaufe they are children, every generous fpiiit is bound to proteft them, and becaufe every miferable child be- comes a bad man. At the fame time, it is far from being my intention, in what I have faid refpefting mafters in general, to render the profeffion odious, I only mean to fuggeft to them, that thofe chaftife- ments, the praétice of which they have borrowed from the cor- rupted Greeks of the Lower Empire, exercife an influence much more powerful than they are aware of, on the hatred which is borne to them, as well as to the other miniflers of Religion, monks as well as the regular clergy, by a people more enlightened than in former times. After all, it muft be granted, that maf- ters treat their pupils as they themfelves were treated. One fet of miferable beings are employed in forming a new fet, fre- quently without fufpe6ling what they are doing. All I aim at prefent to eftablifli is this, That man has been committed to his own forefight; that all the ill which he does to his fellow- crea- tures, recoils, fooner or later, upon himfelf. This re-a£lion is the only counterpoife _^capable of bringing him back to huma- nity. 314 STUDIES OF NATURE. tion, from Guillery down to Defruçs. But, to take leave, once for all of this horrid perfpedive, I conclude with a fingle refledion : namely, if hu- man nature were corrupted, as is alleged by thofe who arrogate to themfelves the power of reforming it, children could not fail to add a new corruption, to that which they find already introduced into the World, upon their arrival in it. Human So- ciety would, accordingly, fpeedily reach the term of it's diflblution. But children, on the contrary, protradV, and put off that fatal period, by the in- troduction of new and untainted fouls. It requires a long apprenticefliip to infpire them with a tafte for our paflions and extravagancies. New gene- rations refemble the dews and the rains of Heaven, which refrcfh the waters of rivers, llackened in their courfe, and tending to corruption: change the fources of a river, and you will change it in the ftream ; change the education of a People, and you will change their charader and their manners. We fhall hazard a few ideas on a fubjeft of fo much importance, and fhall look for the indica- tions of them in Nature. On examining the neft of a bird, we find in it, not only the nutriments nity. All the Sciences are ftill in a ftate of infancy ; but that of rendering men happy lias not, as yet, fo much as feen the light, not even in China, whofe politics are fo far fuperior to •urs. which STUDY XIV. 3IS which are moft agreeable to the young, but, from the foftnefs of the downs with which it is Hned ; from it's fituation, whereby it is fheltered from the cold, from the rain, and from the wind ; and from a multitude of other precautions, it is eafy to difcern that thofe who conflruded it, collefted around their brood, all the intelligence, and all the benevolence, of which they were capable. The fa- ther, too, fings at a little diilance from their cradle, prompted rather, as I fuppofe," by the folicitudes of paternal afFeâ;ion, than by thofe of conjugal love ; for this laft fentiment expires, in moft, as foon as the procefs of hatching begins. If we were to examine, under the fame afpecfl, the fchools of. the young of the human fpecies, we fhould have a very indifferent idea of the afiedion of their pa- rents. Rods, whips, ftripes, cries, tears, are the firft leflbns given to human life : we have here and there, it is true, a glimpfe of reward, amidft fo many chaftifements ; but, fymbol of what awaits them in Society, the pain is real, and the pleafure only imaginary. It is worthy of being remarked that, of all the fpecies of fenfible beings, the human fpecies is the only one, whofe young are brought up, and in- ftruded, by dint of blows. I would not wifh for any other proof, of an original depravation of Mankind. The European brood, in this refpeft, furpafles 3l6 STUDIES OF NATURE. furpafTes all the Nations of the Globe ; as they like- wife do in wickednefs". We have already ob- ferved, on the teftimony of mifTionaries them- felves, with what gentlenefs Savages rear their chil- dren, and what affedion the children bear to their parents in return. The Arabs extend their humanity to the very horfes ; they never beat them ; they manage them by means of kin(3nefs and careffes, and render them fo docile, that there are no animals of the kind, in the whole World, once to be compared with them in beauty and in goodnefs. They do not fix them to a flake in the fields, but fuffer them to pafture at large around their habitation, to which they come running the moment that they hear the found of the mafter's voice. Thofe tradable ani- mals refort at night to their tents, and lie down in the midft of the children, without ever hurting them in the flighteft degree. If the rider happens to fall while a-courfing, his horfe ftands ftill in- ftantly, and never ftirs till he has mounted again. Thefe people, by means of the irrefiftible influence of a mild education, have acquired the art of ren- dering their horfes the firfl: courfers of the uni- verfe. It is impoffible to read, without being melted into tears, what is related on this fubjed, by the virtuous STUDY XIV. sn virtuous Conful d'Hervieux, in his journey to Mount Lebanon. The whole flock of a poor Arabian of the Defert confifted of a moft beautiful mare. The French Conful at Said offered to pur- chafe her, with an intention to fend her to his mafter Louis XIV. The Arab, prefled by want, hefitated a long time j but, at length confented, on condition of receiving a very confidsi'able fum, which he named. The Conful, not daring, with- out inftrudions, to give fo high a price, wrote to Verfailles for permiffion to clofe the bargain on the terms ftipulated. Louis XIV. gave orders to pay the money. The Conful immediately fent notice to the Arab, who foon after made his appearance, mounted on his magnificent courfer, and the gold which he had demanded was paid down to him. The Arab, covered with a miferable rug, dis- mounts, looks at the money ; then, turning his eyes to the mare, he lighs, and thus accofts her : " To whom am I going to yield thee up? To " Europeans, who will tie thee clofe, who will beat " thee, who will render thee miferable : return •* with me, my beauty, my darling, my jewel ! ** and rejoice the hearts" of my children !" As he pronounced thefe words, he fprung upon her back, and fcampered off toward the Defert. If, witfi us, fathers beat their children, it is be- caufe they love rhem not; if they fend them abroad to 5l8 STUDIES OF NATURE» to nurfe, as foon as they come into the World, it is becaufe they love them not ; if they place them, as foon as they have acquired a little growth, in boarding-fchools and colleges, it is becaufe they love them not ; if they procure for them fituations out of their State, out of their Province, it is be- caufe they love them not : if they keep them at a diftance from themfelves, at every epoch of life, it muft undoubtedly be, becaufe they look upon them as their heirs. I have been long enquiring into the caufe of this unnatural fentiment, but not in our books ; for the Authors of thefe, in the view of paying court to fathers, who buy their Works, infift only on the duties of children ; and if, fometimes, they bring forward thofe of fathers, the difcipline which they recommend to them, refpe(fling their chil- dren, is fo gloomy and fevere, that it looks as if they were furnifhing parents with new means of rendering themfelves hateful to their offspring. This parental apathy is to be imputed to the diforderly ftate of our manners, which has ftifled among us all the fentiments of Nature. Among the Ancients, and even among Savages, the per- fpedive of fecial life prcfented to them a feries of employments, from infancy up to old age, which, among them, was the era of the higher magiflra^ cies. StUDY XIV. 319 des, and of the priefthood. The hopes of their religion, at that period, interpofed to terminate an honourable career, and concluded with rendering the plan of their life conformable to that of Na- ture. Thus it was that they always kept up in the foul of their citizens, that perfpedive of infinity which is fo natural to the heart of Man. But ve- nality, and debauched manners, having fubverted, among us, the order of Nature, the only age of human exiftence which has preferved it's rights, is that of youth and love. This is the epoch to which all the citizens dire<5t their thoughts. Among the Ancients, the aged bare rule -, but with us, the young people aflume the government. The old are conftrained to retire from all public employ- ment. Their dear children then pay them back the fruits of the education v,hichthey had received from them. Hence, therefore, it comes to pafs, that a father and mother reftriding, with us, the epoch of their felicity to the middle period of life, cannot, with- out uneafinefs, behold their children approaching toward it, juft in proportion as they themfelves are withdrawing from it. As their faith is almoft, or altogether extinguiQied, Religion adminifters to them no confolation. They behold nothing but death clofing their perfpeftive. This point of view renders them fullen, harlh, and, frequently, crueh ■' ' This 320 ■ STUDIES OF NATURE. This is the reafon that, with us, parents do not love their children, and that our old people affed fo many frivolous taftes, to bring themfelves nearer to a generation which is repelling them. Another confequence of the fame ftate of man- ners is, that we have nothing of the fpirit of pa- triotifm among us. The Ancients, on the con- trary, had a great deal of it. They propofed to, themfelves a noble recompenfe in the prefent, but one ftill much more noble in the future. The Romans, for example, had oracles which promifed to their City that fhe fhould become the Capital of the World, and fhe a6lually became fo. Each citizen, in particular, flattered himfelf with the hope of exercifing an influence over her deftiny, and of preliding, one day, as a tutelary deity, over that of his own pofterity. Their highefb ambition was to fee their own age honoured and diftin- guiihed above every other age of the Republic. Thofe, among us, who have any ambition that re- gards futurity, reftriâ: it to the being themfelves di- flinguifhed by the age in which they live, for their knowledge or their philofophy. In this, nearly, terminates our natural ambition, direded, as it is,, by our mode of education. The Ancients employed their thoughts in prog- nofticating the charader and condition of their pofterity ; STUDY XIV. 321 pofterity ; and we revolve what our Anceflors were. They looked forward, and we look back- ward. We are, in the State, like paffengers em- barked, againft their will, onboard a veflel ; we look toward the poop, and not to the prow ; to the land from which we are taking our departure, and not to that on which we hope to arrive. We colleft, with avidity, Gothic manufcripts, monuments of chivalry, the medallions of Childeric ; we pick up, with ardour, all the worn out fragments of the an- cient fabric of our State veflel. We purfue them in a backward di region, as far as the eye can carry us. Nay, we extend this folicitude about Anti- quity, to monuments which are foreign to us ; to thofe of the Greeks and Romans. They are, like our own, the wrecks of their veflels, which have perilhed on the vaft Ocean of Time, without being able to get forward to us. They would have been, accompanying us, nay, they would have been out- failing us, had fkilful pilots always flood at the helm. It is dill poflible to didinguifli them from their fhattered fragments. From the fimplicity of her conftruétion, and the lightnefs of her frame, that mufl have been the Spartan Frigat. She was made to fwim eternally ; but fhe had no bottom; flie was overtaken by a dreadful tempeft; and the Helots were incapable of reftoring the equilibrium. From the loftinefs of her quarter-galleries, you there diftinguifli the remains of the mighty firft- voL. IV. Y rata 322 STUDIES OF NATURE'. rate of proud Rome. She was unable to fupport the weight of her unwieldy turrets ; her cumber- fome and ponderous upper-works overfet her. The following infcriptions might be engraved on the different rocks againft which they have made Ihip wreck ; LOVE OF CONQUEST. Accumulation of Property. Venality of Employments., AND, ABOVE ALL : CONTEMPT OF THE PEOPLE. The billows of Time ftill roar over their enor- mous wrecks, and feparate from them detached planks, which they fcatter among modern Nations, for their inftrudiion. Thofe ruins feem to addrefs them thus : '* We are the remains of the ancient " government of the Tufcans, of Dardanus, and '* of the grand-children of Numitor. The States *' which they have tranfmitted to their defcendants " ftill fupport Nations of Mankind; but they no '* longer have the fame languages, nor the fame *' religions, nor the fame civil dynafties. Divine " Providence, in order to five men from fhip- *' wreck, has drowned the pilots, and dalhed the *' (hips to pieces." We admire, on the contrary, in our frivolous Sciences, their conquefls, their vaft and ufelefs buildings. STUDY XIV* 32^ buildings, and all the monuments of their luxury, which are the veiy rocks on which they perifhed. See, to what our ftudies, and our patriotifm, are leading us. If pofterity is taken up with the Ancients, it is becaufe the Ancients laboured for pofterity : but if we do nothing for ours, alTur- edly they will pay no attention to us. They will talk inceflantly, as we do, about the Greeks and Romans, without wafting a lingle thought upon their fathers. Inftead of falling into rapture?, over Greek and" Roman Medallions, half devoured by the teeth of Time, would it not be fully as agreeable, and much more ufeful, to direft our views, and employ our conjecftures, on the fubjeâ: of our frelh, lively, plump children, and to try to difcover in their fe- veral inclinations, who are to be the future co-ope- rators in the fervice of their Country ^ Thofe who, in their childifh fports, are fond of building, will one day rear her monuments. Among thofe who take delight in managing their boyifli fkirmiflies, will be formed the Epaminondafes and the Scipios of future times, Thofe who are feated upon the grafs, the calm fpedators of the fports of their compa- nions, will, in due time, become excellent Magi- ftrates, and Philofophers, the complete mafters of their own paffions. Thof who, in their reftlefs courfe, love to withdraw from the reft, will be Y 2 noted 324 STUDIES OF NATURE. noted travellers, and founders of colonies, who fhall carry the manners, and the language, of France, to the Savages of America, or into the in- terior of Africa itfelf. If we are kind to our children, they will blefs our memory ; they will tranfmit, unaltered, our cuftoms, our faOiions, our education, our govern- ment, and every thing that awakens the recollec- tion of us, to the very lateft pofterity. We (hall be to them beneficent deities, who have wrought their deliverance from Gothk barbarifm. We fliould gratify the innate tafte of infinity, ftill bet- ter, by launching our thoughts into a futurity of two thoufand years, than into a retrofpeâ: of the fame diftance. This manner of viewing, more conformable to our divine nature, would fix our benevolence on fenfible objeâis which do exift, and which ftili are to exift *. We (hould fecure to ourfelves, * There is a fublime character in the Works of the Divi* NITV. They are not only perfecl in themfelves, but they are always in a progreffive ftate toward perfeftion. We have fug- gefted fome thoughts refpe^ling this Law, in fpeaking of the harmonies of plants. A young plant is of more value than the feed which produced it ; a tree bearing flowers and fruits ig more valuable than the young plant ; finally, a tree is never more beautiful than when, declined into years, it is furrounded with a foreft of young trees, fprouted up out of it's feeds. The fame thing holds good as to Man, The llat€ of an embryon is fuperior STUDY XIV. 325 ourfelves, as a fupport to an old age of fadnefs and negleft, the gratitude of the generation which is advancing to replace us j and, by providing for their happinefs and our own, we (liould combine all the means in our power, toward promoting the good of our Country. In order to contribute my little mite toward fo bleffed a révolution, I fliall hazard a few more hafty ideas. I proceed on the fuppofition, then, that I am empowered to employ iifefully a part of the twelve years, which our young people wade at fchools and colleges. I reduce the whole time of their edu- cation to three epochs, confiding of three years each. The firft (hould commence at the age of feven years, as among the Lacedemonians, and fuperior to that of a non-entity ; that of infancy to the embiyon ; adolefcence is preferable to infancy ; and youth, the feafon of loves, more important than adolefcence. Man, in a ftate of ma- turity, the head of a family, is preferable to a young man. The old age which encircles him with a numerous poiterity ; which, from it's experience, introduces him into the counfels of Na- tions j which fufpends in him the dominion of the pallions, only to give more energy to that of reafon : the old age which feems to rank him among fuperior beings, from the multiplied hopes which the practice of virtue, and the Laws of Providence,^ have bellowed upon him, is of more value, than all the other ages of life put together. I could wifli it were fo with the ma- turity of France, and that the age of Louis XVI. might furpafs all that have preseded it. y 3 even 326 STUDIES OF NATURE. even earlier : a child is fufceptible of a patriotic education, as foon as he is able to Ipeak, and to walk. The fécond (hall begin with the period of adolefcence j and the third end with it, toward the age of fixteen, an age when a young man may begin to be ufeful to his Country, and to affume a profeffion. I would begin with difpofing, in a central fitua- tion, in Paris, a magnificent edifice, confiruéled internally in form of a circular amphitheatre, di- vided into afcending rows. The mafters, to be en- trufted with the charge of the national education, fhould be ftationed below, in the centre ; and above, I would have feveral rows of galleries, in order to multiply places for the auditors. On the outfide, and quite round the building, I would have wide porticos, ftory above ftory, for the re- ception and accommodation of the People. On a pediment, over the grand entrance, theie words niight be infcribed : NATIONAL SCHOOLS, I have no need to mention, that as the children pafs three years in each epoch of their education, one of thefc edifices would be requifite for the in- ftruâiion of the generation of ^e year, which re- ftrias STUDY XIV. 327 îlridls to nine the number of monuments deftined to the general education of the Capital. Round each of thefe amphitheatres, there fliould foe a great park, ftored with the plants and trees of the Country, fcattered about without artificial ar- rangement, as in the fields and the woods. We fhould there behold the primrofe and the violet fhining around the root of the oak ; the apple and pear-tree blended with the elm and the beech. The bowers of innocence fhould be no lefs inte- refling than the tombs of virtue. If I have cxprefTed a wifli, to have monuments raifed to the glory of thofe by whom our climate has been enriched with exotic plants, it is not that I prefer thefe to the plants of our own Country, but it is in the view of rendering to the memory of thofe citizens, a part of the gratitude which we owe to Nature. Belides, the moll common plants in our plains, independent of their utility, are thofe which recal to us the moft agreeable fenfluions : they do not tranfport us beyond feas, as foreign plants do ; but recal us home, and reftore us to ourfelves. The feathered fphere of the dandelion brings to my recoUedlion the places where, feated on the grafs with children of my own age, we en- deavoured to fweep off, by one whiff of breath, ^U it's plumage, without leaving a fingle tuft be- Y 4 hind. 328 STUDIES OF NATURE. hind. ^Fortune, in like manner, has blown upon us, and has fcattered abroad our downy-pinioned circles over the face of the whole earth. I call to remembrance, on feeing certain gramineous plants in the ear, the happy age when we conjugated on their alternate ramifications, the different tenfes and moods of the verb aimer (to love). We trem- bled at hearing our companions finifh, after all the various inflexions, with, Je ne vous aime pluSy (I no longer love you). The finefl flowers are not always thofe for which we conceive the higheft afifeâiion. The moral fentiment determines^ at the long run, all our phyfical taftes. The plants which feem to me the moft unfortunate, are, at this day, thofe which awaken in me the moft lively intereft. I frequently fix my attention on a blade of grafs, at the top of an old wall, or on a fcabious, toffed about by the winds in the middle of a plain. Oftener than once, at fight, in a foreign land, of an apple-tree without flowers, and without fruit, have I exclaimed : " Ah ! why has Fortune de- ** nied to thee, as fhe has done to me, a little earth *' in thy native land ?" The plants of our Country, recal the idea of it to us, wherever we may be, in a manner flill more afFeding than it's monuments. I would fpare no coft, therefore, to coUeâ; them around the children of the Nation. I would make their fchool a fpot charming STUDY XIV. 329 charming as their tender age, that when the in- juftice of their patrons, of their friends, of their relations, of fortune, may have cruflied to pieces in their hearts all the ties of Country, the place in which their childhood had enjoyed felicity, might be ftill their Capitol. I would decorate it with piélures. Children, as well as the vulgar, prefer painting to fculpture, becaufe this laft prefents to them too many beau- ties of convention. They do not love figures completely white, but with ruddy cheeks and blue eyes, like their images in plafter. They are more ftruck with colours than with forms. I could wilh to exhibit to them the portraits of our infant Kings. Cyrus J brought up with the children of his own age, formed them into heroes i ours fhould be educated, at leaft, with the images of our So- vereigns. They would affume, at light of them, the firft fentiments of the attachment which they owe to the Fathers of their Country. I would prcfent them with pictures after reli- gious fubjedts; not fuch as are terrifying, and which are calculated to excite Man to repentance; but thofe which have a tendency to encourage in- nocence. Such would be that of the Virgin, hold- ing the infant Jesus in her arms. Such would be that of Jesus himfelf in the midft of children, dif- playing 35© STUDIES OF NATURE. playing in their attitudes, and in their features, the limplicity and the confidence of their age, and fuch as Le Sueur would have painted them. Be- neath, there might be infcribed thefe words of Jesus Christ himfelf; S'lnite parvulos ad me venire» SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME TO ME. Were it neceflary to reprefent, in this fchool, any ad of juftice, there might be a painting of the fruiilefs fig-tree withering away at his command. It would exhibit the leaves of that tree curling up, it's branches twilling, it's bark cracking, and the whole plant, flruck with terror-, perifhing under the maledidion of the Author of Nature. There might be inferted fome fimple and (hort infcription, from the Gofpel, fuch as this : LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Or this : COME UNTO ME, ALL YE THAT ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST. Aod STUDY XIV. 331 . And that maxim already neceflary to the infant mind : VIRTUE CONSISTS IN PREFERRING THE PUBLIC GOOD TO OUR OWN. And that other : IN ORDER TO BE VIRTUOUS, A MAN Muji rejtjl his Propenfities, his Inclinations^ his 'Tajlès^ AND MAINTAIN An incejjant ConJii£i with himfelf* But there are infcriptions to which hardly any attention is paid, and the meaning of which is of much higher importance to children ; thefe are their own names. Their names are infcriptions, which they carry with them wherever they go. It is impofîible to conceive the influence which they have upon their natural charadVer. Our name is the firft and the lad pofleffion which is at our own difpofal ; it determines, from the days of infancy, our inclinations ; it employs our attention through life, nay, tranfports us beyond the grave. I have flill a name left, is the refledion. It is a name that ennobles, or difhonours the earth. The rocks of Greece, and of Italy, are neither more ancient, nor more beautiful, than thofe of the other parts of 352 STUDIES OF NATURE. of the Worlds but we efteem them more, becaufe they are dignified by more beautiful names. A medal is nothing but a bit of copper, frequently eaten with ruft, but it acquires value from being decorated by an illuftrious name. I could vv'fli, therefore, to have children diftin- guifhed by interefting names. A lad fathers him- felf upon his name. If it inclines toward any vice, or if it furniflies matter for ridicule, as many of ours do, his mind takes a bias from it. Bayk remarks, that a certain Inquifitor, named Torre- Cremada, or the Burnt-Tower, had, in his life- time, condemned I know not how many heretics to the flames. A Cordelier, of the name of Feij- Ardent (Ardent- Flame) is faid to have done as much. There is a farther abfurdity, in giving children, deftined to peaceful occupations, turbu- lent and ambitious names, fuch as thofe of AieX' ander and Cefar. It is ftill more dangerous to give them ridiculous names. I have feen poor boys fo tormented, on this account, by their companions, and even by their own parents, from the (illy cir- cumftance of a baptifmal name, which implied fome idea of fimplicity and good-nature, that they infenfibly acquired from it an oppofite charafler of malignity and ferocioufnefs. Inftances of this are numerous. Two of our mod fatyrical Writers, in Theology and Poefy, were named, the one Blaise Pafcaly STUDY XI^. J33 Pafcal, and the other Colin Boileau. Cvlin implies aothing farcaftic, faid his father. That one word infufed the fpirit of farcafm into him. The auda- cious villainy 0Ï James Clement, took it's birth, perhaps, from fome jeft that pafled upon his name. Government, therefore, ought to interpofe in the bufinefs of giving names to children, as they have an influence fo tremendous on the charaders of the citizens. I could vvifli, likewife, that to their baptifmal name might be added a furname of fome family, rendered illuftrious by virtue, as the Romans did ; this fpecies of adoption would at-, tach the little to the great, and the great to the little. There were, at Rome, Scipios without num- ber, in Plebeian families. Wc might revive, in like manner, among our commonalty, the names of our illuftrious families, fuch as the Fenelons, the CaiinatSy the Montav/iers, and the like. I would not make ufe, in this fchool, of noify bells, to announce the different exercifes, but of the found of flutes, of hautboys, and of bag-pipes. Every thing they learned (hould be verfified, and fet to' mufic. The influence of thefe two arts united is beyond all conception. I fliall produce fome examples of it, taken from the Legiflation of A People, whofe police was the beft, perhaps, in the 334 STUDIES OF NATURE. the World ; I mean that of Sparta. Hear what Phtarch fays on the fubjeél, in his life of Lycurgus* " Lycurgus, then, having taken leave of his Coun- " try," (to efcape the calumnies which were the reward of his virtues) " direded his courfe, firft, *' towards Candia, where he ftudied the Cretan " laws and government, and made an acquaint- " ance with the principal men of the Country. " Some of their laws he much approved, and re- *' folved to make ufe of them in his own Country; '' others he rejeâied. Amongft the perfons there, *' the mod renowned for ability and wifdom, in *' political affairs, was Thaïes, whom Lycurgus, by *' repeated importunities, and aflurances of friend- " fliip, at lad perfuaded to go over to Lacedemon. ** When he came thither, though he profefled only " to be a lyric poet, in reality he performed the " part of the ablefl legillator. The very fongs *' which he compofed, were pathetic exhortations *' to obedience and concord ; and the fweetnefs *' of the mufic, and the cadence of the verfe, " had fo powerful, and fo pleafmg an effeâ:, *' upon the hearers, that they were infenfibly foft- *' ened and civilized; and, at laft, renouncing *' their mutual feuds and animolities, united in the ** love of humanity and good order. So that it *' may truly be faid, that Thaïes prepared the way " for Lycurgus, by difpofing the People to receive " his inftitutions.'* Lycurgus STUDY xiv. 335 Lycurgus farther introduced among them the ufe of mùfic, in various fpecies of exercife, and, among others, into the art of war*. *' When their army " was drawn up, and the enemy near, the King " facrificed a goat, commanded the foldiers to fet ** their garlands upon their heads, and the mufi- ** cians to play the tune of the Hymn to Cajior, and *' he himfelf advancing forwards, began the P^an, " which ferved for a fignal to fall on. It was at *' once a folemn and a terrible fight, to fee them *' march on to the combat, cheerfully and fedately, ** without any diforder in their ranks, or difcom- " pofure in their minds, meafuring their fleps by ** the mufic of their flutes. Men in this temper " were not likely to be poffeffed with fear, or " tranfported with fury ; but they proceeded with ** a deliberate valour, and confidence of fuccefs, ** as if fome divinity had fenfibly aflifted them." Thus, confidering the difference of modern Na- tions, mufic would ferve to reprefs their courage, rather than to excite it ; and they had no occafion, for that purpofe, of bears-fkin caps, nor of brandy, nor of drums. If mufic and poetry had fo much power at Sparta, to recal corrupted men to the pradlice of * Plutarch\ Life of Lycurgus, virtue. ^^6 STUDIES OF NATURE. virtue, and afterwards to govern them ; what in- fluence would they not have over our children in the age of innocence ? Who could ever forget the facred Laws of Morality, were they fet to mufic, and in verfes as enchanting as thofe of the Devin du Village P From fimiliar inflitutions, there might be produced, among us, Poets as fublime as the fage Thaïes, or as TyrtaiiSy who compofed the Hymn of Cafior. Thefe arrangements being made for our chil- dren, the firft branch of their education fhould be Religion. I would begin with talking to them about God, in the view of engaging them to fear and love Him, but to fear Him, without making Him an objeâ; of terror to them. Terrifying views of God generate fuperftition, and infpire horrible apprehenfions of priefts and of death. The firft precept of Religion is to love God. Love, and do zvhat you tvill, was the faying of a Saint. We are enjoined by Religion to love Him above all things. W^e are encouraged to addrefs onrfelves to Him as to a Father. If we are commanded to fear Him, k is only with a relation to the love which we owe Him ; becaufe we ought to be afraid of offending the perfon whom we are bound to love. Befides, I am very far from thinking, that a child is inca- pable of having any idea of God before fourteen years of age, as has been advanced by a Writer whom, STUDY XÎV. 337 whom, in other refpefts, I love. Do we not con- vey to the youngeft children, fentiments of fear, and of averfion, for metaphyfical objeâis, which have no exiftence ? Wherefore (hould they not be infpired with confidence and love for the Being who fills univerfal Nature with his bene- ficence ? Children have not the ideas of God fuch. as are taught by fyflems of Theology and Philo- fophy ; but they are perfeclly capable of having the fentiment of him, which, as we have feen, is the reafon of Nature. This very fentiment has been exalted among them, during the time of the Crufades, to fuch a height of fervor, as to induce multitudes of them to alTume the Crofs for the con- quefl of the Holy Land. Would to God I had preferved the fentiment of the exiftence of the Supreme Being, and of his principal attributes, as pure as I had it in my earlieft years ! It is the heart, ftill more than the underftanding, that Religion demands. And which heart, I befeech you, is mofl filled with the Deity, and the mofl agree- able in his fight ; that of the child who, elevated with the fentiment of Him, raifes his innocent hands to Heaven, as he ftammers out his prayer, or of the fchoolman, who pretends to explain His Nature. It is very eafy to communicate to children ideas of God, and of virtue. The daifies fpringing up VOL. IV. z among 5^8 STUDIES OF NATtTRE. among the grafs, the fruits fufpended on the trees of their enclofure, fliould be their firft leflbns in' Theology, and their firft exercifes of abftinence, and of obedience to the Laws. Their minds might be fixed on the principal objed; of Religion, by the pure and fimple recitation of the life of Jesus Christ in the Gofpel. They would learn in their Creed, all that they can know of the nature of God, and in the Pater-noJIer, every thing that tbey can aik of Him. It is worthy of remark, that of all the Sacred Books, there is no one which children take in with fo much facihty as the Gofpel. It would be proper to habituate them betimes, in a particular manner, to perform the aftrons which are there enjoined, without vain glory, and without any refpeil ta human obfervation or applauie. They ought to be trained ap, therefore, in the habit of preventing each other in ads of friendfhip, in mutual defe- rence, and in good offices of every kind. All the children of citizens fhould be admitted into this National School, without making a fingle exception. 1 would infift only on the mod perfedt cleanlinefs, were they, in other refpeds, drefled but in patches fewed together. There you might fee the child of a man of quality, attended by his governor, arrive in an equipage, and take his place Dv sTUDt xiv. 339 by the fide of a peafant's child, leaning on his little ftick, drefled in canvas, in the very middle of winter, and carryings in a fatchel, his little books, and his flice of brown bread, for the provifion of the whole day. Thus they would both learn to know each other, before they came to be feparated for ever. The child of the rich man would be in- fhrudted to impart of his fuperfluity, to him who is frequently deftined to fupport the affluent out of his own neceflary pittance. Thefe children, of all ranks, crowned with flowers, and diftributed into choirs, would affift in our public procefiions. Their age, their order, their fongs, and their in- nocence, would prefent, in thefe, a fpeftacle more auguft, than the lackeys of the Great bearing the coats of arms of their mafters palled to wax-tapers, and beyond all contradidion, much more affeâ:ing than the hedges of foldiers and bayonets with whit h, on fuch occalions, a God of Peace is en- compafled, Tn this fchool, children might be taught to read and to cipher. Ingenious men have, for this effedV, contrived boards, and methods fimple, prompt, and agreeable , but fchoolmaflers have been at great pains to render them uftlefs, becaufe they deftroyed their empire, and made education pro- ceed fafter tiian was conlîftent with their emolu- ment. If you wilh children to learn quickly to z 2 read. 34"^ STUDIES OF NATURE. read, put a fugar-plumb over each of their letters ; they will foon have their alphabet by heart ; and if you multiply or diminilh the number of them, they will foon become arithmeticians. However that may be, they fliall have profited wonderfully in this fchool of their Country, (liould they leave it without having learned to read, write, and ci- pher; but deeply penetrated with this one truth, that to read, write, and cipher, and all the Sciences in the World, are mere nothings ; but that to be fincere, good, obliging; to love God and Man, is- the only Science worthy of the human heart. At the fécond era of education, which 1 fuppofe to be about the age of from ten to twelve, when their intelledual powers reftlefsly ftir, and prefs forward, to the imitation of every thing that they fee done by others, 1 would have them inftruded in the means which men employ in making pro- vifion for the wants of Society. I would not pre- tend to teach them the five hundred and thirty arts and handicrafts which are carried on at Paris, but thofe only which are fubfervient to the firft neceffities of human life, fuch as agriculture, the different procefles employed in making bread, the arts which, in the pride of our hearts, we denomi- nate mechanical, fuch as thofe of fpinning flax and hemp, of weaving thefe into cloth, and that of building houfes. To thefe I would join the ele- ments STUDY XIV. 341 mcnts of the natural Sciences, in which thofe va- rious handicrafts orioinated, the elements of Geo- metry, and the experiments of Natural Philofophy, which have invented nothing in this refpeâ:, but which explain their proceffcs with much pomp and parade. I would, likewife, have them made acquainted with the liberal arts, fuch as thofe of drawing, of architedlure, of fortification, not in the view of making painters of them, or architedls, or engi- neers, but to fliew them in what manner their ha- bitation is conftruded, and how their Courttry is defended. I would make them obferve, as an anti- dote to the vanity which the Sciences infpire, that Man, amidft fuch a variety of arts and operations, has imagined no one thing; that he has imitated, in all his productions, either the fkill of the ani- mal creation, or the operations of Nature; that his induftry is a teftimony of the mifery to which he is condemned, whereby he is laid under the ne- cefFity of maintaining an inceflant confliâ: againft the elements, againft hunger and thirft, againft his fellow men, and, what is moft difficult of all, againft himfelf. I would make them fenfible of thefe re- lations of the truths of Religion, with thofe of Na- ture ; and I would thus difpofe them to love the clafs of ufeful men, who are continually providing for their wants. z c» I would 342- STUDIES OF NATURE. Î would alwaj's endeavour, in the courfe of this education, to make the exercifes of the body go hand in hand with thofe of the mind. Accord- ingl3% while they were acquiring the knowledge of the ufeful arts, I would have them taught Latin. I would not teach it them metaphyfically and gram- matically, as in our colleges, and which is forgot- ten much fafler than it was attained, but they fliould learn it pradically. Thus it is that the Po- lilh peafantry acquire it, who fpeak it fluently all their life-time, though they have never been at college. They fpeak it in a very intelligible man- ner, as I know by experience, having travelled through their Country. The ufe of that language has been, I imagine, propagated among them, by certain exiles from ancient Rome, perhaps Ovid, who was fent into banifhment among the Sarma- tians, their Anceftors, and for the memory of which Poet they flill preferve the higheft venera- tion. It is nor, fay our Liierati, the Latin of Cicero. But what is that to the purpofe ? It is not becaufe thefe peafants have not a competent know- ledge of the Latin tongue, that they are incapable of Ipeaking the language of Cicero; but becaufe, being ilaves, they do not underftand the language of liberty. Our French pcafants would not com- prehend the beft tranflations which could be made of that Author, v/ere they the production even of the Univerllty. But a Savage of Canada would take STUDY XIV. 343 cake them in perfedly, and better than many Pro- feffors of eloquence. It is the tone of foul of the perfon who liftens, which gives the comprehenfion of the language of him who fpeaks. A projeét was once formed, 1 think under Louis X\V. of building a city, in which no language but Latin was to iiave been fpoken. This muft have inconceivably facilitated the ftudy of that tongue ; but the Uni- verfity, undoubtedly, would not have found it's account in it. Whatever may be in this, I am well affured, that two years, at moft, are fufficienc for the children of the National School, to learn the Latin by practice, efpecially if, in the leflures which they attended, extracts were given from the lives of great men, French and Roman, written in good Latin, and afterwards well explained. In the third period of Education, nearly about the age when the paffions begin to take flight, I would flievv, to ingenuous youth, the pure and gentle language of them, in the Eclogues arid Georgics of Firgil; the philofophy of them, in feme of the Odes of Horace ; and pidiures of their corruption, taken from Tacitus and Sueloniîis. I would finifh the painting of the hideous excefTcs . into which they plunge Mankind, by exhibiting paiTages from fome Hiftorian of the Lower Em- pire. I would make them rcm^irk how talents,. z 4 taile. 344 STUDIES OF NATURE. - tafte, knowledge, and eloquence, funk at once among the Ancients, together with manners and virtue. I would be very careful not to fatigue my pupils with reading of this fort ; I would point out to them only the more poignant paffages, in order to excite in them a defire to know the reft. My aim fliould be, not to lead them through a courfe of Virgil, of Horace^ and of Tacitus, but a real courfe of claffical learning, by uniting in their ftudies whatever men of genius have .confidered as beft adapted to the perfeding of human nature. I would likewifehave them praflically inftrudled in the knowledge of the Greek tongue, which is on the point of going into total difufe among us, I would make them acquainted with Homer, prin- cipium Japienîia IE fons, (the original fource of Wif- dom) as Horace, with perfed propriety calls him ; with Herodotus, the father of Hiftory ; with fome maxims from the fublime book qÎ Marcus Aurelius, I would endeavour to make them fenfible how, at all times, talents, virtues, great men, and States, flouriQied together, with confidence in the Divine Providence. But, in order to communicate greater weight to thefe eternal truths, I would intermingle with them., the enchanting fludies of Nature, of ■which they had hitherto feen only fome faint fketches in the greateft Writers. I would STUDY XIV. 345 I would make them remark the difpofition of this Globe, fufpended, in a moft incomprehenlVble manner, upon nothing, with an infinite number of different Nations in motion over it's folid, and over it's liquid furface. I would point out to them, in each climate, the principal plants which are ufe- ful to human life; the animals which ftand re- lated to thofe plants, and to their foil, without ex- tending farther. I would then fhew them the hu- man race, who alone, of all fenfible beings, are univerfally difperfed, mutually to affift each other, and to gather, at once, all the produdions of Na- ture. I would let them fee, that the interefts of Princes are not different from thofe of other men ; and that thofe of every Nation are the fame with the interefts of their Princes. I would fpeak of the different Laws by which the Nations are go- verned ; I would lead them to an acquaintance with thofe of their own Country, of which moft of our citizens are entirely ignorant. I would give them an idea of the principal religions which divide the Earth; and I vi^ould demonftrate to them, how highly preferable Chriftianity is to all the political Laws, and to all the religions of the World, be- caufe it alone aims at the felicity of the whole hu- man race. I would make them fenfible, that it is the Chriftian Religion which prevents the different ranks of Society from dafliing themfelves to pieces by mutual collifion, and which gives them equal powers 34^ STUDIES OF NATURE. powers of bearing up under the preffure of un- equal weights. From thefe fubHme confiderations, the love of their Country would be kindled in thofe youthful hearts, and would acquire increafing ardor from the fpeétacle of her very calamities. I would intermix thefe afFefting fpeculations with exercifes, ufeful, agreeable, and adapted to the vivacity of their time of life. 1 would have them taught to fwim, not fo much by way of fe- curity from danger, in the event of fuffering (hip- wreck, as in the view of alTifting perfons, who may happen to be in that dreadful fituation. What-, ever particular advantage they might derive from their ftudies, I would never propofe to them any other end, but the good of their fellow-creature. They would make a mod wonderful progrefs in thefe, did they reap no other fruit except that of concord, and the love of Country. In the beautiful feafon of the year, when the corn is reaped, about the beginning of September, I would lead them out into the country, embodied under various ftandards. I would prefent them with the image of war. I would make them lie on the grafs, under the fliade of forefts : there, they iliould themfelves prepare their own vidluals; they Ihould learn to attack, and to defend a poll, to crofs a river by fwimming^ they fliould learn the ufe STUDY XIV. 347 ufe of fire-arms, and, at the fame time, to pradife the evolutions borrowed from the tactics of the Greeks, who are our mafters in every branch of knowledge. I would bring into difrepute, by means of thefe mihtary exercifes, the tafte for fencing, which renders the foldiery formidable only to citizens, an art ufelefs, and even hurtful in war, reprobated by all great Commanders, and deroga- tory to courage, as Philop^^men alleged. ** In my ■*' younger days," fays Michael Montaigne ^ *' the *' nobility difclaimed the praife of being ikilful *^ fencers, as injurious to their charadter, and *' learned that art by ftealth, as a matter of trick, ?' inconfidentwith real native valour*.'* This art, generated in the lame fociety, of the hatred of the lower clafles to the higher, who opprefs them, is an importation from Italy, where the military art exifts no longer. It is this which keeps up the {pirit of duelling among us. We have not derived that fpirit from the Nations of the North, as fo many Writers have taken upon them to afl'ert. Duels are hardly known in Ruffia and in Pruilia ; and altogether unknown to the Savages of the North. Italy is their narive foil, as may be ga- thered from the mofl celebrated treatifes on fenc- ing, and from the terms of that art, which are Italian, as tierce, quarte. It has been naturalized * Efiays q{ Michael Montaigne. Bt)ok ii. chap. 27. among 548 STUDIES OF NATURE. among us, through the weaknefs and corruption of many women, who are far from being difpleafed with having a bully for a lover. To thofe moral caufes, no doubt, we mult afciibe that flrange contradidion in our government, which prohibits duelling, and, at the fame time, permits the public exercife of an art, which pretends to teach nothing clfe but how to fight duels*. The pupils trained in the National Schools (hould be taught to entertain a very different idea of courage; and in the courfe of their ftudies, they fliould perform a courfe of human life, in which they fliould be inftruded in what manner they ought one day to demean thcm- felves toward a fellow-citizen, and toward an enemy. The feafon of youth would glide away agreeably and ufefuUy, amidft fuch a number of employ- ments. The mind and the body would expand * Fencing-mafters tell us that their art expands the body, and teaches to walk gracefully, Dancing-mafters fay the fame thing of theirs. As a proof that they are miftaken, both thefe clafTes of gentlemen are readily diftinguiflied by their afFci^ied manner of walking. A citizen ought to have neither the attitude nor the movements of a gladiator. But if the art of fencing be ne- ceiTarv, duelling ought to be permitted by public authority, in order to relieve perfons of charafter from the cruel alternative of equally diftionouring themfelves, by violating the Laws of the State and of Religion, or by obferving them. In truth, worth- lefs people are, among us, very much at their eafe. STUDY XÏV. 349 at one and the fame time. The natural talents, frequently unknown in moft men, would manifeft themfelves at fight of the different objeâ:s which might be prefented to them. More than one Achilles would feel his blood all on fire on behold- ing a fword : more than one FancanfoUy at the af-« peel of a piece of machinery, would begin to me- ditate on the means of organizing wood or brafs. . The attainment of all this various knowledge, I (hall be told, will require a very confiderable quantity of time : but, if we take into confidera- tion that which is fquandered away in our colleges, in the tirefome repetitions of lefTons; in the gram- matical decompofitions and explications of the Latin tongue, which âio not communicate to the fcholar fo much as facility in fpeaking it; and in the dangerous competitions of a vain ambition, it is impoffible not to admit that we have been pro- pofing to make a much better ufe of it. The fcholars, every day, fcribble over, in them, as much paper as fo many attorneys*, fo much the more * Ï am perfuaded, that if this plan of education, indigefted as it is, were to be adopted, one of the greatefl obfi:acIes to the uni- verfal renovation of our knowledge and morals would be, not Regents, not academical Inftitutions, not Univerfity Privileges, not the fquare caps of Doclors. It would come from the Paper Merchants, one of whofe principal branches of commerce would thereby 3i50 STtJDIES OF NATURE. more unprofitably, that, thanks to the printing of the books, the verfions, or themes, of which they copy, they have no occafioh for all this irkfome labour. But on what fliould the Regents them- felves employ their own time, if the pupils did not wade theirs > In the National Schools, every thing would gd on after the academic manner of the Greek Philo- fophers. The pupils (hould there purfue their ftudies, fometimes feated, fometimes flanding; fometimes in the fields, at other times in the am- phitheatre, or in the park which furrounded it. There would be no occafion for either pen, or pa- per, or ink j every one would bring with him only the claflical book which might contain the fubjed: of the lefTon. I have had frequent experience that we forget what we commit to writing. That which I have conveyed to paper, I difcharge from my memory, and very foon from my recolledtive fa- culty. I have become fenfible of this with refpedt to complete Works, which I had fairly tranfcribed, and which appeared to me afterward as ftrange, as if they had been the produ(5lion of a different hand from my own. This does not take place with re- thereby be reduced to almoft nothing. There might be devifed happy and glorious compenfations for the privileges of the Maf- ters : but a money objection, in this venal age, feems to me abfo- lutely unanfwerable, gard < STUDY XIV. 35t gard to the impreffions which the converfation of another leaves upon our mind, efpecially if it be accompanied with ftriking circumftances. The tone of voice, the gefture, the irefpea: due to the orator, the refleâiions of the company, concur in engraving on the memory the words of adifcourfe, much better than writing does, I fhall again quote, to this purpofe, the authority of Plutarch^ or rather that of Lycurgus» *' But it is carefully to be remarked, that Lycurgns * would never permit any one of his Laws to be * committed to writing; it is accordingly exprefsly ' enjoined by one of the fpecial ftatutes, which ' he calls p/^rpà; (oracular, paEla conventa^ Inftitutes) ' that none of his Inftitutes fhall be copied ; becaufe ' whatever is of peculiar force and efficacy toward * rendering a city happy and virtuous, it was his ' opinion, ought to be impreffed by habitual cul- * ture on the hearts and manners of men, in order '• to make the charadlers indelible. Good-will is ' more powerful than any other mode of conftraint ' to which men can be fubjefted, for by means of * it, every one becomes a Law unto himfelf *.'* The heads of ©ur young people fhould nor, then, be oppreffed, in the National Schools, with * Plutarch^ Life oi Lycurgus, an %^Z STtJDIES OF I7ATURE. an unprofitable and praltling Science. Sometimes they (hould defend, among themfelves, the caufe of a citizen ; fometimes they fhould deliver their opinion refpeding a public event. They fliould purfue the procefs of an art through it's whole: courfe. Their eloquence would be a real elo- quence, and their knowledge real knowledge* They fliould employ their minds on no abftrufe Science, in no ufelefs refcarch, which are ufually the fruit of pride. In the ftudies which I propofe, every thing fhould bring us back to Society, to Concord, to Religion, and to Nature. I have no need to fnggeft, that thefe feveral Schools fhould be decorated correfpondently to their ufe, and that the exterior of them all fliould ferve as walking places and afylums to the People, efpecially during the long and gloomy days of Winter. There they fliould every day behold fpedacles more proper to infpire them with vir- tuous fentiments, and with the love of their coun- try, I do not fay than thofe of the Boulevards, or than the dances of Vauxhall, but even than the tragedies of Corneille. There fhould be among thofe young people, no fuch thing as reward, nor puniQiment, nor emula- tion, and, confequently, ijp envy. The only pu- niihment there inflided fhould be, to banifli from the STUDY XiVé 3^3 the aflembly the perfon who (hould difturb it, and even that only for a time proportioned to the fault of the offender: and, withal, this fliould rather be an aâ: of juftice than a punifhment ; for I would have no manner of fhame to attach to that exile. But, if you wifh to form an idea of fuch an affem- bly, conceive, inftead of our young collegians, pale, penfive, jealous, trembling about the fate of their unfortunate comportions, a multitude of young perfons gay, content, attracted by pleafure to vaft circular halls, in which are ercdled, here and there, the ftatues of the illuftrious men of Antiquity, and of their own Country ; behold them all attentive to the matter's leffons, affifting each other in com- prehending them, in retaining them, and in re- plying to his unexpedled queftions. One tacitly fuggefts an anfwer to his neighbour : another makes an excufe for the negligence of his abfent comrade. Reprefent to yourfelf the rapid progrefs of ftu- dies elucidated by intelligent mafters, and drunk in by pupils who are mutually affifting each other in fixing the impreffion of them. Figure to your- felf Science fpreading among them, as the fiame in a pile, all the pieces of which are nicely adjufted, communicates from one to another, till the whole becomes one blaze. Obferve among them, in- ftead of a vain emulation, union, benevolence, VOL. IV. A a friendship. 354 STUDIES OF NATURE, friendfhip, for an anfwer feafonably fuggefted, for an apology made in behalf of one abfent by his comrades, and other little fervices rendered and repaid. The recolledion of thofe early intimacies will farther unite them in the World, notwith- flanding the prejudices of their various conditions. At this tender age it is that gratitude and refent- ment become engraved, for the reft of life, as in- delibly as the elements of Science and of Religion. It is not fo in our colleges, where every fcholar attempts to fupplant his neighbour. I recoiled: that one exercife day, I found myfelf very much embarrafled, from having forgotten a Latin Au- thor, out of which I had a page to tranflate. One of my neighbours obligingly offered to diftate to me the verfion which he had made from it. 1 ac- cepted his fervices, with many expreffions of ac- knowledgment. I accordingly copied his verfion, only changing a few words, that the Regent might not perceive it to be the fame with my compa- nion's; but that which he had given me was only a falfe copy of his own, and was filled with blun- ders fo extravagant, that the Regent was aftonifhed at it, and could not believe it, at firft, to be my production, for 1 was a tolerably good fcholar. I have not loft the recolleclion of that aâ: of perfidy, though, in truth, I have forgotten others much more cruel which I have encountered fince that pe- riod ; STUDY XIV. 355 riod; but the firft age of human life is the feafon of refentments, and of grateful feelings, which are never to be effaced. I recoiled: periods of time ftill more remote. When I went to fchool in frocks, I fometimes loft my books through heedlefTnefs. I had a nurfe named Mary Talbot, who bought me others with her own money, for fear of my being whipped at fchool. And, of a truth, the recoUeftion of thofe petty fervices has remained fo long, and fo deeply imprinted on my heart, that I can truly affirm, no perfon in the World, my mother excepted, poffef- fed my affedtion fo uniformly, and fo conftantly. That good and poor creature frequently took a cordial intereft in my ufelefs projedts for acquiring a fortune. I reckoned on repaying her with ufury, in her old age, when (he was in a manner defticute, the tender care which (he took of my infancy ; but fcarcely has it been in my power to give her fome trifling and inadequate tokens of my good- will. I relate thefe recollediions, traces of which every one of my Readers probably pofTefTes, fomewhat fimilar, and ftill more interefting, re- lating to himfelf, and to his own childhood, to prove to what a degree the early feafon of life would be naturally the era of virtue and of grati- tude, were it not frequently depraved among us, through the faultinefs of our inftitution^. A a 2 But^ 350 STUDIES OF NATURE, But, before we could pretend to eftablilh thefe National Schools, we mufl; have men formed to prefide in them. I would not have them chofen from among thofe who are moft powerfully recom- mended. The more recommendations they might have, the more would they be given to intrigue, and, confequently, the lefs would be their virtue. The enquiry made concerning them ought not to be, Is he a wit, a bright man, a Philofopher ? But, Is he fond of children ? Does he frequent the un- fortunate rather than the great ? Is he a man of fenfibility ? Does he poffefs virtue ? With perfons offucha charaéler, we fhould be furnifhed with mafhers proper for conducing the public educa- tion. Befides, I could wifh to change the appella- tion of Mafter and Dodor, as harfh and lofty. I would have their titles to import the friends of childhood, the fathers of the Country 5 and thefe I would have exprefled by beautiful Greek names, in order to unite to the refpeâ: due to their func- tions, the myfterioufnefs of their titles. Their con- dition, as being deftined to form citizens for the Nation, fhould be, at leaft, as noble, and as di- flinguilhtd, as that of the Squires who manage horles in the Courts cf Princes. A titled magi- ftrate fliould prefide every day in each fchool. It would be very becoming, that the magiPcrates fhould caufe to be trained up, under their own eyes, to juftice, and to the Laws, the children whom STUDY XIV. 357 whom they are one day to judge and to govern as men. Children, likewife, are citizens in mi- niature. A nobleman of the higheft rank, and of the moft eminent accomplifhments, fliould have the general fiiperintendance of thefe National Schools, more important, beyond all contradidion, than that of the ftuds of the kingdom ; and to the end that men of letters, given to low flattery, might not be tempted to infert in the public papers, the days on which he was to vouchjafe to make his vi- fits to them, this fublime duty Ihould have no re- venue annexed to it, and the only honour that could poffibly be claimed, (hould be that of pre- (idingo Would to God it were in my power to conci- liate the education of women to that of men, as at Sparta ! But our manners forbid it. I do not be- lieve, however, that there could be any great in- conveniency in aflbciating, in early life, the chil- dren of both fexes. Their fociety communicates mutual grace ; befides, the firft elements of civil life, of religion, and of virtue, are the fame for the one and for the other. This firft epoch excepted, young women fhould learn nothing of what' men ought to know ; not that they are to remain al- ways in ignorance of it, but that they may receive inftrudion with increafed pleafure, and one day find teachers in their lovers. There is this moral A a 3 difference. 358 STUDIES OF NATURE. difference between man and woman, that the man owes himfelf to his country, and the woman is de- voted to the fehcity of one man alone. A young woman will never attain this end, but by acquiring a relifh for the employments fuitable to her fex. To no purpofe would you give her a complete courfe of the Sciences, and make her a Theologian or a Philofopher : a hufband does not love to find either a rival or an inftriiftor in his wife. Books and mafters, with us, blight betimes in a young female, virgin ignorance, that flower of the foul, which a lover takes fuch delight in ga- thering. They rob a hufband of the moft delicious charm of their union, of thofe inter- communica- tions of amorous fcience, and native ignorance, fo proper for filling up the long days of married life. They deftroy thofe contrafts of charader which Nature has eftablilhed between the two fexes, in order to produce the mod lovely of harmonies. Thefe natural contrafts are fo neceflary to love, that there is not a fingle female celebrated for the attachment with which fhe infpired her lovers, or her hufband, who has been indebted for her em- pire to any other attraflions than thjs amufements or the occupations peculiar to her fex, from the age of Penelope down to the prefent. We have them of all ranks, and of all charaélers, but not one of them learned. Such of them as have me- rited STUDY XIV. 359 rited this defcription, have Hkewife been, almofl all of them, unfortunate in love, from Sappho down. to Chrijiina^ Queen of Sweden, and even ftill nearer to us. It fhould be, then, by the fide of her mo- ther, of her father, of her brothers and fifters, that a young woman ought to derive inftruflion re- fpedling her future duties of mother and wife. In her father's houfe it is that fhe ought to learn a multitude of domeftic arts, at this day unknown to our highly bred dames, I have oftener than once, in the courfe of this Work, fpoken in high terms of the felicity enjoyed in Holland ; however, as I only pafl'ed through that country, I have but a flight acquaintance with their domeftic manners. This much, never- thelefs, I know, that the women there are con- flantly employed in houfhold affairs, and that the mofl undifturbed concord reigns in families. But I enjoyed, at Berlin, an image of the charms which thofe manners, held in fuch contempt among us, are capable of diffufing over domçftic Hfe. A friend whom Providence raifed up for me in that city, where I was an entire ftranger, introduced me to a fociety of young ladies ; for, in Prufïïa, thefe alTemblies are held, not in the apartments of the married women, but of their daughters. This cuftom is kept up in all the families which have not been corrupted by the manners of our French A a 4 officers, 360 STUDIES OF NAtURE. officers, who were prifoners there in the laft war. It is cuftomary, then, for the young ladies of the fame fociety to invite each other, by turns, to af- femblies, which they call coffee parties. They are generally kept on Thurfdays. They go, accom- panied by their mothers, to the apartments of her who has given the invitation. She treats them with creamed coffee, and every kind of paftry and comfits, prepared by her own hand. She prefents them, in the very depth of Winter, with fruits of all forts, preferved in fugar, in colours, in verdure, and in perfume, apparently as frefli as if they were hanging on the tree. She receives from her com- panions thoufands of compliments, which (he re- pays with intereft. But, by and by, (he difplays other talents. Sometimes (he unrols a large piece of tapeftry, on which (he labours night and day, and exhibits fo- refts of willows, always green, which (he herfelf has planted, and rivulets of mohair, which (he has fet a-flowing with her needle. At other times, (he weds her voice to the founds of a harpiichord, and feems to have colledled into her chamber all the fongfters of the grove. She requefts her compa- nions to fing in their turn. Then it is you hear clogium upon elogium. The mothers, enraptured with delight, applaud themfelves in fecret, like Niobe^ on the praifes given to their daughters : Vertentant STUDY XIV. 361 Pertenîant guad'ta peBus : (the bofom glows with joy.) Some officers, booted, and in their uniform, having flipped away by ftealth from the exercifes of the parade, ftep in to enjoy, amidft this lovely circle, fome moments of delightful tranquility ; and while each of the young females hopes to find, in one of them her proteftor and her friend, each of the men fighs after the partner who is one day to foothe, by the charm of domeflic talents, the rigour of military labours. I never faw any coun- try, in which the youth of both fexes difcovered greater purity of manners, and in which marriages were more happy. There is no occafion, however, to have recourfe to ftrangers, for proofs of the power of love over fanfbity of manners. I afcribe the innocence of thofe of our own peafantry, and their fidelity in wedlock, to their being able, very early in life, to give themfelves up to this honourable fentiment. It is love which renders them content with their painful lot : it even fufpends the miferies of fla- very. I have frequently feen, in the Ifle of France, black people, after being exhaufted by the fatigues of the day, fet off, as the night approached, to vifit their miftrefles, at the diftance of three or four leagues. They keep their affignation in the midft of the woods, at the foot of a rock, where they kindle a fire ; they dance together a great part of the 362 STUDIES OF NATURE. the night, to the found of their tamtam^ and return to their labour before day-break, contented, full of vigour, and as frefh as thofe who have llept foundly all night long : fuch is the power pof- feffed by the moral afFedions, which combine with this fentiment, over the phyfical organization. The night of the lover diffufes a charm over the day of the Have. We have, in Scripture, a very remarkable in- flance to this effeâ: ; it is in the book of Genefis 5 ** Jacob,** it is there written, " ferved feven years " for Rachel-, and they feemed unto him but a few " days, for the love he had to her *.'* I am per- fedly aware that our politicians, who fet no value on any thing but gold and titles, have no concep- tion of all this ; but I am happy in being able to inform them, that no one ever better underftood the Laws of Nature than the Authors of the Sa- cred Books, and that on the Laws of Nature only, can thofe of happily ordered Societies be efta- bliHied. I could Vv^ifli, therefore, that our young people might have it in their power to cultivate the fenti- ment of love, in the midft of their labours, as Jacob did. No matter at what age; as foon as * Genefis, chap. xxix. ver. 20. we STUDY XIV. 363 we are capable of feeling, we are capable of loving. Honourable love fufpends pain, banilhes languor, faves from proftitution, from the errors and the reftlefsnefs of celibacy : it fills life with a thoufand delicious perfpeftives, by difplaying, in futurity, the moft defirable of unions : it augments, in the heart of two youthful lovers, a relifh for ftudy, and a tafte for domeflic employments. What pleafure muft it afford a young man, tranfported with the fcience which he has derived from his mafters, to repeat the lefTons of it to the fair one whom he loves ! What delight to a young and timid female, to fee herfelf diftinguifhed amidft her companions, and to hear the value, and the graces, of her little ikill and induflry, exalted by the tongue of her lover ! A young man, deftined one day to reprefs, on the tribunal, the injuftice of men, is enchanted, amidft the labyrinths of Law, to behold his mif- trefs embroidering for him, the flowers which are to decorate the afylum of their union, and to pre- fent him with an image of the beauties of Nature, of which the gloomy honours of his ftation are going to deprive him for life. Another, devoted to conduit the flame of war to the ends of the Earth, attaches himfelf to the gentle fpirit of his female friend, and flatters himfelf with the thought that the mifchief which he may do to mankind, fhall 364 STUDIES OF NATURE. fhall be repaired by the bleffings which (he bellows on the miferable. Friendlhips multiply in fami- lies ; of the friend to the brother who introduces him, and of the brother to the fifter. The kindred are mutually attrafted. The young folks form their manners j and the happy perfpeâiives which their union difclofes, cherifli in them the love of their feveral duties, and of virtue. Who knows but thofe unconftrained choices, thofe pure and tender ties, may fix that roving fpirit, which fome have fuppofed natural to women ? They would re- fpefl the bands which they themfelves had formed. If, having become wives, they aim at pleafing every body, it is, perhaps, becaufe when they were fingle, they were not permitted to be in love with one. If there is room to hope for a happy revolution in our Country, it is to be effedted only by calling back the women to domeftic manners. What- ever fatire may have been levelled againft: them, they are lefs culpable than the men. They are chargeable with hardly any vices, except thofe which they receive from us ; and we have a great many from which they are free. As to thofe which are peculiar to themfelves, it may be affirmed, that they have retarded our ruin, by balancing the vices of our political conllitmion. It is impoffible to imagine what mull have become of a ftate of Society STUDY XIV. 365 Society abandoned to all the abfurdities of our education, to all the prejudices of our various con- ditions, and to the ambitions of each contending party, had not the women crofled us upon the road. Our Hiftory prefents only the difputes of monks with monks, of doftors with doélors, of grandees with grandees, of nobles with the bafe- born ; while crafty politicians gradually lay hold of all our pofieffions. But for the women, all thefe parties would have made a defert of the State, and led the commonalty, to the very laft man, to the Slaughter, or to market, a piece of advice which was aélually given not many years ago. Ages have elapfed, in which we fhould all have been Cordeliers, born and dying encircled with the cord of St. Francis ; in others, all would have taken to the road in the character of knights-errant, ram- bling over hill and dale with lance in hand ; in others, all penitents, parading through the ftreets of our cities, in folemn procédions, and whipping ourfelves to fome purpofe ; in others, quifquis or quamquam of the Univerlity. The women, thrown out of their natural (late, by our unjuft manners, turn every thing upfide down, laugh at every thing, deftroy every thing, the great fortunes, the pretenfions of pride, and the prejudices of opinion. Women have only one paffion. 366 STUDIES OF NATURE. paffion, which is love, and this paffion has only one obje(5t ; whereas men refer every thing to am- bition, which has thoufands. Whatever be the ir- regularities of women, they are always nearer to Nature than we are, becaufe their ruling paffion is inceflantly impelling them in that diredion, whereas ours, on the contrary, is betraying us into endlefs deviations. A Provincial, and even a Pa- rifian, tradefman, hardly behaves with kindnefs to his children, when they are fomewhat grown up ; but he bends with profound reverence before thofe of ftrangers, provided thev are rich, or of high quality : his wife, on the contrary, is regulated in her behaviour to them by their figure. If they are homely, flie negleâis them ; but (he will carefs a peafant's child, if it is beautiful; fhe will pay more refpecfb to a low-born man with gray hairs, and a venerable head, than to a counfellor without a beard. Women attend only to the advantages which are the gift of Nature, and men only to thofe of fortune. Thus the women, amidft all their irregularities, ftill bring us back to Nature, while we, with our affedation of fuperior wifdom, are in a confiant tendency to deviation from her. I admit, at the fame time, that they have pre- vented the general calamity only by introducing among us an infinite number of particular evils. Alas! STUDY XIV. 367 Alas ! as well as ourfelves, they never will find happinefs except in the pradlice of virtue. In all countries where the empire of virtue is at an end, they are moft miferable. They were formerly exceedingly happy in the virtuous Republics of Greece and of Italy : there they decided the fate of States : at this day, reduced to the condition of flaves, in thofe very countries, the greateft part of them are under the neceffity of fubmitting to prof- titution for the fake of a livelihood. Ours ought not to defpair of us. They poflefs over Man an empire abfolutely inalienable * ; we know them only under the appellation of the fex, to which we have given the epithet of fair byway of excellence. * It deferves to be remarked, that moft of the names of the obje£ls of Nature, of morals, and of metaphyfics, are feminine, efpecially in the French language. It would afford matter of curious refearch, to enquire, whether mafculine names have been given by the women, and feminine names by the men, to objefts which are moft particularly fubfervient to the ufes of each fex ; or whether the firft have been made of the mafculine gender, becaufe they prefented charaders of energy and force, and the fécond of the feminine gender, becaufe they difplayed charafters of grace and lovelinefs. I am perfuaded, that the men having given names to the objefls of nature, in general, have laviflied feminine defignations upon them, from that fecret propenfity which attracts them toward the fex : this obfervation is fupported by the names affigned to the heavenly Conftellations, to the four quarters of the Globe, to by far the greateft part of rivers, kingdoms, fruits, trees, virtues, and fo on; But |68 STUDIES OF NATURE. But how many other defcriptive epithets, ftill more interefling, might be added to this, fuch as thofe of nutritive, confolatory ! They receive us on our entrance into life, and they clofe our eyes when we die. It is not to beauty, but to Religion, that our women are indebted for the greateft part of their influence ; the fame Frenchman who, in Paris, fighs at the feet of his miftrefs, holds her in fetters, and under the difcipHne of the whip, in St. Domingo. Our Religion alone of all, con- templates the conjugal union in the order of Nature ; it is the only Religion, on the face of the Earth, which prefents woman to man as a com- panion ; every other abandons her to him as a flave. To Religion alone do our women owe the liberty which they enjoy in Europe ; and from the liberty of the women it is that the liberty of Nations has flowed, accompanied with the profcrip- tion of a multitude of inhuman ufages, which have been diff'ufed over all the other parts of the World, fuch as flavery, feraglios, and eunuchs. O charm- ing fex ! it is in your virtue that your power confifts. — Save your Country, by recalling to the love of domeftic manners your lovers and your hufbands, from a difplay of your gentle occupa- tions : You would reftore Society at large to a fenfe of duty, if each of you brings back one fmgle man to the order of Nature. Envy not the other STUDY XIV. 369 Other fex their authority, their magiftracies, their talents, their vain-glory ; but in the midft of your weaknefs, furrounded with your wools and your filks, give thanks to the Author of Nature, for having conferred on you alone, the power of being always good and beneficent. VOL. IV. B b RECA. RECAPITULATION. 371 RECAPITULATION. I HAVE prefented, from the beginning of this Work, the different paths of Nature which I propofed to purfue, on purpofe to form to myfelf an idea of the order which governs the World. I brought forward, in the firft place, the objedlions which have, in all ages, been raifed againft a Pro- vidence ; I have exhibited them as applied to the feveral kingdoms of Nature, one after another; which furnifhed me with an opportunity, in re- futing them, of difplaying views entirely new, re- fpeding the difpofition, and the ufe, of the diffe- rent parts of this Globe : I have, accordingly, re- ferred the direction of the chains of Mountains, on the Continents, to the regular Winds which blow over the Ocean ; the pofition of Iflands, to the confluence of it's Current^, or of thofe of Rivers; the confiant fiipply of fuel to Volcanos, to the bituminous depofits on it's fliores ; the Cur- rents of the Sea, and th-e movements of the Tides, to the alternate eftufions of the Pouir Ices. B b 2 In 372 STUDIES OF NATURE. In the next place, I have refuted, in order, the other objedions raifed on the fubjeâ: of the vege- table and animal kingdoms, by demonftrating, that thefe kingdoms were no more governed by mechanical Laws than the foflîl kingdom is. J have farther demonftrated, that the greateft part of the ills which opprefs the human race, are to be afcribed to the defeds of our political Inftitutions, and not to thofe of Nature ; that Man is the only Being who is abandoned to his own Providence, as a punillmient for fome original tranfgreffion ; but that the fame Deity who had given him up to the diredion of his own intelligence, flill watch- ed over his deftination ; that he caufed to recoil on the Governors of the Nations the miferies with which they overwhelm the little and the weak ; and I have demonftrated the adion of a Divine Providence from the very calamities of the Human Race. Such is the fi^bjçd of my firft Part. In the opening of my fécond, I have attacked the principles of our Sciences, by evincing, that they miflead us, either by the boldnefs of thofe fame principles, from whence they would foar up to the nature of the elements which elude their grafp, or, by the infufficiency of their methods, which is capable of catching only one Law of Na- ture at once, becaufe of the weaknefs of our un- derftanding, and of the vanity infpired by our edu- cation. R£CAPITULATION* 373 cation, whereby we are betrayed into the belief, that the little paths in which we tread, are the only roads leading to knowledge. Thus it is that the natural Sciences, and even the political, which arc refults from them, having been, with us, feparated from each other, each one, in particular, has formed, if I may ufe the expreffion, a lane, without a thoroughfare, of the road by which it entered. Thus it is that the phyfical caufes have, at the long run, made us lofe light of intelleftual ends in the order of Nature, as financial caufes have ftripped us of the hopes of Religion, and of Virtue, in the focial order. I afterwards fet out in queft of a faculty better adapted to the difcovery of truth than our reafon, which, after all, is nothing but our perfonal inte- rest merely. I flatter myfelf I have found it in that fublime inftinâ; called fentimenty which is in us the expreffion of natural Laws, and which is invariable among all Nations. By means of it, I have obferved the Laws of Nature, not by tracing them up to their principles, which are known to God only, but by defcending into their refulte, which are deftined to the ufe of Man. I have had the felicity, in purfuance of this track, to perceive certain principles of the correfpondencies, and of the harmonies, which govern the World. E b 3 I cannot 374 STUDIES OF NATURE, I cannot entertain a Ihadow of doubt, that it was by proceeding in this fame track, the ancient Egyptians diftinguiOied themfelves fo highly for their attainments in natural knowledge, which they carried incomparably farther than we have done. They ftudied Nature in Nature herfelf, and not by piecemeal, and with machines. Hence they formed a moft wonderful Science, of juft celebrity all over the Globe, under the name of Magic. The ele- ments of this Science are now unknown ; the name of it alone is all that remains, and is, at this day, given to operations, the moft flupid in which the error and depravity of the human heart can be employed. This was not the charader of the Ma- gic of the ancient Egyptians, fo much celebrated by the moft refpedable Authors of Antiquity, and by the Sacred Books themfelves. Thefe were the principles of correfpondence and of harmony, which Pythagoras derived from their flores, which he im- ported into Europe, and which there became the iources of the various branches of Philofophy that appeared after his time, nay, the fource of the Arts likewife, which did not begin to flourifh there till that period ; for the Arts are only imitations of tlie procèdes of Nature. Though my incapacity is very great, thefe har- monic principles are fo luminous, that they have prefented to me, not only difpofitions of the Globe entirely RECAPITULATION. 375 entirely new ; but they have, befides, furniflied me with the means of diftinguifhing the charaders of plants on the firft infpeélion, fo as to be able to fay, at once, This is a native of the mountains. That is an inhabitant of the fhores. By them, I have demonflrated the ufe of the leaves of plants, and have determined by the nautical, or volatile forms of their grains, the relations which they have to the places where they are deftined to grow. I have obferved that the corolU of their flowers had relations, pofitive or negative, to the rays of the Sun, according to the difference of Latitude, and to the points of elevation at which they are to blow. I have afterwards remarked the charming contrails of their leaves, of their flowers, of their fruits, and of their fliems, with the foil and the fky in which they grow, and thofe which they form from genus to genus, being, if I may fay fo, grouped by pairs. Finally, I have indicated the relations in which they ftand to animals, and to Man J to fuch a degree, that, I am confident to affirm, I have demonflrated, there is not a (ingle ihade of colour imprefTed by chance, through the whole extent of Nature. By profecuting thefe views, I have fupplied the means of forming complete chapters of Natural Hiflory, from having evinced, that each plant was the centre of the exiftence of an infinite number of B b 4 animals, 37^ STUDIES Of NATURE. animals, which pofTefs correfpondëhcies with it, to us ftill unknown. Their harmonies might, un- doubtedly, be extended fntich farther ; for, many plants feem to have relations not only to the Sun, but to different confteliations. It is not always fuch an elevation of the Sun above the Horizon which elicits the vegetative powers of plants. Such a one flourilhes in the Spring, which would not put out the fmallefl; leaf in Autumn, though it might then undergo the fame degree of heat. The fame thing is obfervable with refpedt to their feeds, which germinate and fhoot at one feafon, and not at another, though the temperature may be the fame. Thefe celeftial relations were known to the an- cient Philofophy of the Egyptians, and of Pytha- goras. We find many obfervations on this fubjecft in Pliny ; when he fays, for example, that toward the rifing of the Pleiades, the olive-trees and vines conceive their fruit ; and, after Firgil, that wheat ought to be fown immediately on the retiring of this coiiftellation ; and lentils on that of Bootes; that reeds and willows fliould be planted, when the conftellation of the Lyre is fetting. It was afrer thefe relations, the caufes of which are un- known to us, that Limiaus formed, with the flowers of plants, a botanical almanac, of which P/iny fug- geiled the firfl idea to the hufbandmen of his time. RECAPITULATION. 37? time*. But we have indicated vegetable harmonies flill more interefting, by demonftrating, that the time of the expanfion of every plant, of it's flower- ing, and of the maturity of it's fruit, was conneded with the expanfions, and the neceffities, of the ani- mal creation, and efpecially with ihofe of Man. There is not a fingle one but what poflefles rela- tions of utility to us, dired or indireft : but this immenfe and myfterious part of the Hiftory of Man will, perhaps, never be known, except to the Angels. My third Part, prefents the application of thefe harmonic principles to the nature of Man himfelf. In it I have (hewn. That he is formed of two powers, the one phyfical, and the other intelle6lual, which afFe(ft him perpetually with two contrary fentiments, the one of which is that of his mifery, and the other that of his excellence. I have de- monflrated, that thefe two powers were moft hap- pily gratified in the different periods of the paf- fions, of the ages, and of the occupations to which Nature has deftined Man, fuch as agriculture, marriage, the fettlement of pofterity. Religion. I have dwelt, principally, on the affeftions of the intelleftual power, by rendering it apparent, * Confult his Natural Hiftory, Book xviii, chap. 28. that SjS STUDIES OF NATURE. that every thing which has the femblance of deli- cious and tranfpoiting in our pleafures, arofe from the fentiment of infinity, or of fome other attribute of Deity, which difcovered itfelf to us, as the termination of our perfpedive. 1 have demon- ftrated, on the contrary, that the fource of our mi- feries, and of our errors, might be traced up to this, That, in the focial ftate, we frequently crofs thofe natural fentiments, by the prejudices of edu- cation and of fociety : fo that, in many cafes, we make the fentiment of infinity to bear upon the tranfient objefts of this World, and that of our frailty and mifery, upon the immortal plans of Nature. I have only glanced at this rich and fu- blime fubjed ; but I affert with confidence, that by purfuing this track (imply, I have fufficiently proved the necelTity of virtue, and that I have in- dicated it*s real fource, not where our modern Philofophers feek for it, namely, in our political inftitutions, which are often diametrically oppofitc to it, but in the natural Itate of Man, and in his own heart. I have afterwards applied, with what ability I poffefs, the aftion of thefe two powers to the hap- pinefs of Society, by fliewing, firft, that mofl of the ills we endure are only focial re-adions, all of which have their grand origin, in overgrown pro- perty, in employments^ in honours, in money," and in RECAPITULATION. 579 in land. I have proved that thofe enormous pro- perties produce the phyfical and moral indigence of a Nation; that this indigence generated, in it's turn, fwarms of debauched men, who employed all the refources of craft and induftry to make the rich refund the portion which their neceffities de- mand ; that celibacy, and the difquietudes with which it is attended, were, in a great many citi- zens, the effects of that ftate of penury and an- guifh to which they found themfelves reduced ; and that their celibacy produced, by repercuffion, the proftitution of women of the town, becaufe every man who abftains from marriage, whether voluntarily or from neceffity, devotes a young wo- man to a fingle life, or to proftitution. This effe(5t neceflarily refults from one of the harmonic Laws of Nature, as every man comes into the World, and goes out of it, with his female, or, what amounts to the fame thing, the males and females of the human fpecies are born and die in equal numbers. From thefe principles I have deduced a variety of important confequences. T have, finally, demonftrated. That no incon- fiderable part of our phyfical and moral maladies proceeded from the chaftifemcnts, the rewards, and the vanity of our education. I have 380 STUDIES OF NATURE. I have hazarded fundry conjedures, in the vie^ of furnifliing to the People abundant means of fubfiftence and of population, and of re-animating in them the fpirit of Reiigion and of Patriotifm, by prefenting them with certain perfpeftives of in- finity, without which the fehcity of a Nation, like that of an individual, is negative, and quickly ex- haufted, were we to form plans, in other refpedis, the mod advantageous, of finance, of commerce, and of agriculture. Provilion muft be made, at once, for Man, as an animal, and as an intelligent being. I have terminated thofe différent projeéls, by prefenting the fketch of a National Education, without which it is impoffible to have any fpecies of Legillation, or of Patriotifm, that fliall be of long duration. 1 have endeavoured to unfold in it, at once, the two powers, phyfical and intellec- tual, of Man, and to dired them toward the love of Country and Religion. I muft, no doubt, have frequently gone aftray in purfuing paths fo new, and fo intricate. I muft have, many a time, funk far below my fubjed, from the conftruclion of my plans, from my inex- perience, from the very embarraffment of my ftyle; but, I repeat it, provided my ideas Oiall fuggeft fuperior conceptions to others, I am well fatisficd. At the fame time, if calamity be the road to Truth, I have RECAPITULATION. 381 1 have not been deditute of means to direâ: me toward her. The di (orders of which I have fre- quently been the witnefs, and the vidlim, have fugg-fted to me ideas of order. I have fometimes found upon my road, great perfonages of high re- pute, and men belonging to refpedlable bodies, who had the words Country and Humanity con- tinually in their mouth. I alTociated with them, in the view of deriving illumination from their in- telligence, and of putting myfelf under the protec- tion of their virtues ; but I difcovered them to be intriguers merely, who had no other objecfl in view but their perfonal fortune, and who began to per- fecute me the moment that they perceived I was not a proper perfon to be either the agent of their pleafures or the trumpeter of their ambition. I then went over to the fide of their enemies, pro- mifing myfelf to find among them the love of truth, and of the public good ; but however di- verfified our feds, our parties, and our corps, may be, I every where met the fame men, only clothed in different garbs. As foon as the one or the other found that I refufed to enlift as a partifan, he ca- lumniated me, after the perfidious manner of the age, that is, by pronouncing my panegyric. The times we live in are highly extolled ; but, if we have on the throne a Prince who emulates Alarcus AureliuSi the age rivals that of Tiberm. Were 382 STUDIES OF NATURE, Were I to publifh the memoirs of my own life*,' I could wifh for no ftronger proof of the contempt which the glory of this World merits, than to hold up * It would be, I acknowledge, after all, a matter of very fmall importance ; but however retired, at this day, my condi- tion of life may be, it has been interwoven with revolutions of high moment. I prefented, on the fubjeft of Poland, a veiy circumftantial memoir to the Office for Foreign Affairs, in which I prediéled it's partition by the neighbouring Powers, feveral years before it was aftually accomplifhed. The only miftake I committed was in going on the fuppofition, that the partitioning Powers would lay hold of it entirely ; and I am aftonifhed to this hour that they did not. This memoir, however, has been of no utility either to that country or to myfelf, though I had expofed myfelf to very great rifks in it, by throwing myfelf, when I quitted the Ruffian fervice, into the party of the Polifli Re- publicans, then under the protection of France and Auftria. I was there taken prifoner in 1 765, as I was going, with the approba- tion of the AmbafTador of the Empire, and of the French Mini- fter at Warfaw, to join the army commanded by Prince Radji'viL This misfortune befel me about three miles from Warfaw, through the indifcretion of my guide. I was carried back to that city, put in prifon, and threatened with being delivered up to the Ruffians, whofe fervice I had jufl quitted, unlefs I ac- knowledged that the AmbafTador of the Court of Vienna, and the Minifter of France, had concurred in recommending this ftep to me. Though I had every thing to fear on the part of Ruffia, and had it in my power to involve in my difgrace, two perfonages in illuflrious iituntions, and confequently, to render it more confpicuous, I perfiiled in taking the whole upon myfelf. I likewife did my utmofl to exculpate the guide, to whom I had given time to burn the difpatches with which he was entrufted, bv RECAPITULATION. 383 up to view the perfons who are the objefls of it. At the time when, unconfcious of having commit- ted the flighteft injury to any one, after an infinity of by keeping back, with my piftol in my hand, the Houlands, who had juft furprized us, by night, in the poft-houfe, where we made our firfl: encampment, in the midll of the woods. I never had the leaft fliadow of recompenfe for either of thefe two pieces of fervice, which coft me a great deal of both time and money. Nay, it is not very long fmce I was aftually in debt, for part of the expenfe of my journey, to my friend M. Hennin then Minifter of France at Warfaw, now Firfl Commiflary for Foreign Affairs at Verfailles, and who has given himfelf much fruitlefs trouble on the fubjeél. Undoubtedly, had M. the Count de Fergennes been at that time Minifler for Foreign Affairs, I fhould have been fuitabiy rewarded, as he has procured for mc fome flight gratuities. I fland, however, to this hour, indebted to the amount of more than four thoufand livres (;^i66 13;-. 4<^.) on that account, to different friends in Rufiia, Poland, and Germany. I have not been more fortunate in the Ifle of France, to which I was fent Captain-Engineer of the Colony ; for, in the firfl place, I was perfecuted by the ordinary Engineers, who were ftationed there, becaufe I did not belong to their corps. I had been difpatched to that Country, as to a fituation favourable to making a fortune, and I mufl have run confiderably in debt, had I not fubmitted to live on herbs. I pafs over in filence all the particular diflrefles I had there to undergo. I fliall only fay, that I endeavoured to difiipate the mortification which they coft me, by employing my mind on the fubjed: of the ills which op- prefTed the ifland in general. It was entirely in the view of re- medying thefe, that I publiflied, on my return from thence, in 1773, my Voyage to the Kle of France. I confidered mvfclf, 'firff, 384 STUDIES OF NATURE. of fruitlefs voyages, fervices, and labours, I was preparing, in folitude, thefe laft fruits of my expe- rience and application, my fecret enemies, that is, the men under whom I fcorned to enlift as a par- tifan, found means to intercept a gratuity which I annually received from the beneficence of my So- vereign. It was the only fource of fubfiftence to myfelf, and the only means I enjoyed of affifting my family. To this cataftrophe were added the lofs of health, and domeftic calamities, which baffle all the powers of defcription. I have haf- tened, therefore, to gather the fruit, though flill firft, as rendering an eflential fervice to my Country, by mak- ing it apparent, that this ifland, which is kept filled with troops, was, in no refpec^t, proper for being the flaple, or the citadel of our commerce with India, from which it is more than fifteen hundred leagues diltant. This I have even proved by the events of preceding wars, in which Pondicherry has always been taken from us, though the Ifle of France was crowded with foldiers. The late war has confirmed anew the truth of my obfervations. For thefe fervices, as well as for many others, I have received no other recoinpenfe fave indireft perfecutions, and calumnies, on the part of the inhabitants of that ifland, whom I repre- hended for their barbarity to their flaves. I have not even re- ceived an adequate indemnification for a fpecies of Ihipwreck I underwent, on my return, at the Ifland of Bourbon, nor for the fmallnefs of my appointments, which were not up to the half of thofe of the ordinary Engineers of my rank. I am well affured, that, under a Marine Minifler, as intelligent, and as equitable as M. the Marefchal de Cajlries, I fliould have reaped fome part of the fruit of my literary and military fervices. immature, RRCAPITULATION* 385 immature, of the tree which I had cultivated with fuch unwearied perfeverance, before it was torn up by the tempeft. But, I bear ho malice to any one of my perfecu- tors. If I am, one day, laid under the neceffity of expofing to the light their fecret pradices againft me, it Ihall only be in the view of juftifying my own condu6l. In other refpeds, I am under obli- gation to them. Their perfecution has proved the caufe of my repofe. To their difdainful ambition I am indebted for a liberty, which I prize far above their greatnefs. To them I owe the deli- cious ftudies to which I have devoted my attention. Providence has not abandoned me, though they have. It has raifed up friends, who have ferved me, as opportunity oifered, with my Prince; and others will arife to recommend me to his favour, when it may be neceffary. Had 1 repofed in God that confidence which I put in men, I fliould have always enjoyed undidurbed tranquillity : the proofs of his Providence, as affeding myfelf, in the pad", ought to fet my heart at reft about futurity. But, from a fault of education, the opinions of men ftill exercife too much dominion over me. By their fears, and not my own, is my mind didurbed. Neverthelefs, I fometimes fay to myfelf, Where- fore be embarraffed about what is to come ? Before you came into the World, were you difquieted VOL. IV. c c WlLh 386 STUDIES OF NATURE. with anxious thoughts about the manner in which your members were to be combined, and your nerves and your bones to expand ? When, in pro- cefs of time, you emerged into light, did you fludy optics, in order to know how you were to per- ceive objects ; and anatomy, in order to learn how to move about your body, and how to promote it's growth ? Thefe operations of Nature, far fu- perior to thofe of men, have taken place in you, without your knowledge, and without any inter- ference of your own. If you difqnieted not your- felf about being born. Wherefore fliould you, about living, and Wherefore, about dying ? Are you not always in the fame hand ? Other fentiments, however, natural to the mind of Man, have filled me with dejedlion. For ex- ample, Not to have acquired, after fo many pere- grinations and exertions, one little rural fpot, in which I could, in the bofom of repofe, have ar- ranged my obfervations on Nature, to me of all others the moft amiable and interefting under the Sun. I have another fource of regret, ftill more depreffmg, namely, the misfortune of not having attached to my lot a female mare, fimple, gentle, fenfible, and pious, who, much better than Philo- fophy, would havefoothed my folicitudes,and who, by bringing me children like herfelf, would have provided me with a pofterity, incomparably more dear RECAPITULATION. 387 dear than a vain reputation. I had found this re- treat, and this rare felicity, in Ruffia, in the midft of honourable employment ; but I renounced all thefe advantages, to go in queft, at the inftigation of Miniflers, of employment, in my native Coun- try, where I had nothing fimilar, after which to afpire. Neverthelefs, I am enabled to fay, that my particular ftudies have repaired the firft priva- tion, in procuring for me the enjoyment not only of a fmall fpot of ground, but of all the harmonies difFufed over the vaft garden of Nature. An efti- mable partner for life cannot be fo eafily replaced ; but if I have reafon to flatter myfelf that this Work is contributing to multiply marriages, to render them more happy, and to foften the educa- tion of children, I (hall confider my own family as perpetuated in them, and I fliall look on the wives and children of my Country, as, in fome fenfe, mine. Nothing is durable, virtue alone excepted. Per- fonal beauty pafles quickly away ; fortune infpires extravagant inclinations ; grandeur fatigues j re- putation is uncertain ; talents, nay, genius itfelf, are liable to be impaired : but virtue is ever beau- tiful, ever diverfified, ever equal, and ever vigo- rous, becaufe it is refigned to all events, to priva- tions as to enjoyments, to death as to life, c c 2 Happy 388 STUDIES OF NATURE. Happy then/ happy beyond conception, if I have been enabled to contribute one feeble effort toward redreffing fome of the evils which opprefs my Country, and to open to it fome new profpeft of felicity ! Happy, if I have been enabled to wipe away, on the one hand, the tears of fome unfor- tunate wretch, and to recal, on the other, men mifled by the i-ntoxication of pleafure, to the DiviNiT.Y, toward whom Nature, the times, our perfonal miferies, and our fecret affections, are at- tracting us with fo much impetuofity ! I have a prefentiment of fome favourable ap- proaching revolution. If it does take place, to the influence of literature we fhall be indebted for it. In modern times, learning produces little folid benefit to the perfons who cultivate it ; never- thelefs, it diredts every thing. I do not fpeak. of the influence which letters pofl^efs, all the Globe over, under the government of books. Afia is go- verned, by the maxims of Confucius, the Korans, the Beths, the Vidams, and the reft; but, in Eu- rope, Orpheus was the firft who aflbciated it's in- habitants, and allured them out of barbarifm by his divine poefy. The genius of Homer, after- wards, produced the legiflations and the religions of Greece. He anim^jted Alexander, and fent him forth on the conqueft of Afia. He exte'nded bis influence RECAPITULATION. 389 influence to the Romans, ^who traced upward, in his fublime poetical effufions, the genealogy of the founder, and of the fovereigns of their Empire, as the Greeks had found in him the rudiments of their Republics, and of their Laws. His auguft fhade ftill prefides over the poetry, the liberal Arts, the Academies, and the Monuments of Europe : fuch is the power over the human mind, exercifed by the perfpedives of Deity which he has pre- fented to it 1 Thus, the Word which created the World ftill governs it; but when it had defcended itfelf from Heaven, and had (hewn to Man the road to happinefs in Virtue alone, a light more pure than that which had flied a luftre over the iflands of Greece, illuminated the forefts of Gaul. The Savages, who inhabited them, would have been the happieft of Mankind, had they enjoyed liberty ; but they were fubjeéled to tyrants, and thofe ty- rants plunged them back into a facred barbarifm, by prefenting to them phantoms fo much the more tremendous, that the objeds of their confidence were transformed into thofe of their terror. The caufe of human felicity, and of Religion herfelf, was on the brink of defperation, when two men of letters, Rabelais, and Michael Cervantes, ^rofe, the one in France and the other in Spain, and fhook, at once, the foundations of monaftic c c 3 . power 390 STUDIES OF NATURE. power * and that of cavalry. In levelling thefe two Coloflufes to the ground, they employed no other weapons but ridicule, that natural contraft of human terror. I^ike to children, the Nations of Europe laughed, and refumed their courage : they no longer felt any other impuKions toward happinefs, but thofe which their Princes chofe to give them, if their Princes had then been capable of communicating fuch impulfion. The Telemachus made it's appearance, and that Baok brought Eu- rope back to the harmonies of Nature. It pro- duced a wonderful revolution in Politics. It re- called Nations and their Sovereigns to the ufeful arts, to commerce, to agriculture, and, above all, to the fentiment of Deity. That Work united, to the imagination of Homer the wifclom of Confucius. * God forbid thatlfhould be thought to infinuate an invec- tive againft perfons, or orders, trvily religious. Suppofing them to poffefs no higher merit in this life, than that of paffing it without doing mifchief, they would be refpeftable in the eyes of infidelity itfelf. The perfons here expo'fed are not men really pious, who have renounced the World, in order to cherifh, without interruption, the fpirit of Religion : but thofe who have aflumed a habit cdnfecrated by Religion, to procure for them- felves the riches and the honours of this World ; thofe againft whom St. Jerome thundered fo vehemently to no purpofe, and. who have verified his prediftion in Paleftine and in Egypt, in bringing Religion into difcredit, by the profligacy of their man- ners, by their avarice, and their ambition. It RECAPITULATION. 391 It was tranilated into all the languages of Europe. It was not in France that it excited the higheft ad- miration : there are whole Provinces in England, where it is ftill one of the books in which children are taught to read. When the Englilh entered the Cambraifis, with the allied army, they wifl-ied to carry the Author, who was living there in a ftate of retirement from "the Court, into their camp, to do him the honours of a military feftival ; but his modefty declined that triumph : he concealed him- felf. I fhall add but one trait to his elogium : he was the only man living of whom Louis XIV, was jealous : and he had reafon to be fo ; for while he was exerting himfelf to excite the terror, and pur- chafe the admiration of Europe, by his armies, his conquefts, his banquets, his buildings, and his magnificence, Fenelon was commanding the ado- ration of the whole World by a Book *. Many * It is abfurd to inftitute a comparifon between BoJJuet and Fenelon : I am Hot capable of appraifing their feveral merits, but I cannot help confidering the lecond as highly preferable to his rival. He fulfilled, in my apprehenfion, the two great pre- cepts of the Law .• He loved God and Men. The Reader will, perhaps, not be difpleafed at being told what J. J. Roujfeau thought of this great man. Having, one day, fet out with him on a walking excurfion to Mount Valerien, when we had reached the fummit of the mountain, it was refolved to alk a dinner of it's hermits, for payment. We arrived at their habitation a little before they fat down to tablcj and while they 004 Were 39^ STUDIES OF NATURE. Many learned men, infpired by his genius, have changed among us the fpirit of the Government, and the public manners. To their Writings we are indebted for the abolition of many barbarous cuftoms, fuch as that of punifhing capitally the pretended crime of witchcraft; the application of the rack to all criminals without diftindion ; the remains of feudal flavery ; the praftice of wearing fwords in the bofom of cities, in times of profound peace, were ftill at Church. J. J. Roujfeau propofed to me to ftep in, and otfer up cur devotions. The hermits were, at that time, re- citing the Litanies of Providence, which are remarkably beau- tiful. After we had addrefled pur prayer to God, in a little chapel, and as the hermits were proceeding toward their refec- tory, Rcujjeau faid to me, with his heart overflowing : •' At this *' moment I experience what is faid in the GofpeJ : Where tivo " or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midjl *' of them. There is here a fcntiment of peace and of felicity *' which penetrates the foul." I replied : " If Fenelon had lived, *' you would have been a Catholic." He exclaimed in an extafy, and with tears in his eyes : " O ! if Fenelon were in life, I would *' rtriiggle to get into his fervice as lackey, in hope of meriting '< the place of his valet de chambre." Having picked up, feme time ago, on the Pont-Neuf, one of thofe little urns which the Italians fell about the flreets for a itw halfpence a-piece, the idea ftruck me of converting it, as a deco- ration of my folitude, into a monument facred to the memory oîjchîi-james-xwà oï Fenelon., after the manner of thofe which the Chinefe fet up to the memory of Confucius. As there are two little fcutcheons on this urn, I wrote on the one thefe words, ].]. RoyssiiAU ; and on the other F. Fenelon. \ then RECAPITULATION. 393 peace, and many others. To them we owe the re- turn of the taftes, and of the duties, of Nviture, or, then placed it in an angle of my cabinet, about fix feet from the floor, and clofe by it, the following infcription- D. M. A la gloire durable & pure De ceux dont le génie éclaira les vertus. Combattit à la tois l'erreur & les abus, Et tenta d'amener le ficcle à la Nature. Aux Jean-Jacques Rousseaux, aux François FiiNELONS J'ai dédié ce monument d'argile Que j'ai coniacré par leur noms Plus auguftes que ceux de César & d'AcHiLLE, Ils ne font point fameux par nos malheurs : Ils n'ont point, pauvres laboureurs Ravi vos bœufs, ni vos javelles ; Bergères, vos amans ; nouriifons, vos mamelles ; Rois, les états où vous régnex : Mais vous les comblerez de gloire. Si vous donnez a leur mémoire Les pleurs qu'ils vous ont épargnés. Tp the pure and untading gloiy. Of the men whofe virtues were illumined by genius j Who fet their faces againft error and depravity. And laboured to bring Mankind back to Nature : To the RoussEAUS and the Fenelons of the Human Race, I dedicate this humble monument of clay. And infcribe it with their names. Far more auguft than thofe of Cesar and Achilles. TThey purchafed not fame by fpreadingdevattationj They did not, O ye poor hufbandmen. Seize your oxen, and plunder your bams ; Nor, fliepherdefTes, carry off your lovers, nor, fucklings, your teats ; Nor, Kings, did they ravage your domains ; But their glory will be complete. If on their memory you beftow Tlie tears which they have fpared you, at 394 STUDIES OF NATURE. at lead their images. They have reftored to manjr infants the breads of their mothers, and to the rich a relifli for the country, which induces them, now a-days, to quit the centre of cities, and to take up their habitation in the fuburbs. They have infpired the whole Nation with a tafte for agri- culture, which is degenerated, as ufual, into fana- ticifm, fmce it became a fpirit of corps. They have the honour of bringing back the noblefle to the commonalty, toward whom, it muft be con- feffed, they had already made fome fleps of ap- proximation, by their alliances with finance ; they have recalled that order to their peculiar duties by thofe of humanity. They have direfted all the powers of the State, the women themfelves not ex- cepted, toward patriotic objeds, by arraying them in attradive ornaments and flowers. O ye men of letters ! without you the rich man would have no manner of intelleftual enjoyment ; his opulence and his dignities would be a burthen to him. You alone reftore to us the rights of our nature, and of Deity. Wherever you appear, in the military, in the clergy, in the laws, and in the arts, the divine Intelligence unveils itfelf, and the human heart breathes a figh. You are at once the eyes and the light of the Nations. We fliould be-, perhaps, at this hour, much nearer to happinefs, if feveral of your number^ intent on pleafing the multitudes RECAPITULATION. 395 multitude, had not milled them by flattering their paffions, and by miftaking their deceitful voices for thofe of human nature. See how theie paflions have milled yourfelves, from your having come too clofely into contad with men ! It is in foHtude, and living together in unity, that your talents communicate mutual in- tellectual light. Call to remembrance the times when the La FontaineSy the Boileaus, the Racines^ the Molieres, lived with one another. What is, at this day, )'Our deftiny ? That World, whofe paf- lions you are flattering, arms you againft each other. It turns you out to a ftrife of glory, as the Romans expofed the wretched, to wild beafts. Your holy lifts are become the amphitheatres of gladiators. You are, without being confcious of it, the mere inftruments of the ambition of corps. It is by means of your talents that their leaders procure for themfelves dignities and riches, while you are fuffered to remain iri obfcurity and indi- gence. Think of the glory of men of letters, among the Nations who were emerging out of barbarifm ; they prefented virtue to Mankind, and were ex- alted into the rank of their Gods. Think of their degradation among Nations funk into corruption : they flattered their paffions, and became the vic- tims of them. In the decline of the Roman Em- pire, 396 STUDIES OF NATURE. pire, letters were no longer cultivated, except by a few enfranchifed Greeks. Suffer the herd to run at the heels of the rich and the voluptuous. What do you propofe to yourfelves in the facred career of letters, except to march on, under the protec- tion of Minerva ? What refpeft would the World fhew you, were you not covered by her immortal Egis ? It w^ould trample you under foot. Suffer it to be deceived by thofe who are mean enough to be it's worfliippers ; repofe your confidence in Heaven, whofe fupport will fearch and find you out wherever you may be. The vine, one day, complained to Heaven, with tears, of the feverity of her deftiny. She en- vied the condition of the reed. *' I am planted," faid fhe, " amidll parched rocks, and am obhged *' to produce fruits repleniflied with juice; whereas, *' in the bottom of that valley, the reed, which ** bears nothing but a dry (hag, grows at her " eafe by the brink of the waters." A voice from Heaven replied ; " Complain not, O vine 1 " at thy lot. Autumn is coming on, when the *' reed will perifli, without honour, on the border *' of the marfhes ; but the rain of the ikies will go *' in quett of thee in the mountain, and thy juices, " matured on the rock, fhall one day ferve to *' cheer the heart of God and Man." We RECAPITULATION. 397 We have, farther, a confiderable ground of hope of reformation, in the afFeâ:ion which we bear to our Kings. With us, the love of Country is one and the fame thing with the love of our Prince. This is the only bond which unites us, and which, oftener than once, has prevented our falling to pieces. On the other hand. Nations are the real monuments of Kings. All thofe monuments of ftone, by which fo many Princes have dreamt of immortalizing their names, frequently ferved only to render them deteftable. Pliny tells us, that the Egyptians of his time curfed the me- mory of the Kings of Egypt, who had built the pyramids; and, befides, their names had funk into oblivion. The modern Egyptians allege, that they were raifed by the Devil, undoubtedly from the fentiment of the diflrefs which rearing thofe edifices muft have coft Mankind. Our own People frequently afcribes the fame origin to our ancient bridges, and to the great roads cut through rocks, whofe fummits are loft in the clouds. To no purpofe are medals ftruck for their ufe; they underftand nothing about emblems and infcrip- tions. But it is the heart of Man, on which the imprefTion ought to be made, by means of benefits conferred ; the ftamp there imprinted is never to be effaced. The People have loft the memory of their Monarchs who prefided in councils, but they cherifli 398 STUDIES OF NATURE. cherifli, to this day, the remertlbrance of thofe of them who fupped with millers. The affedion of the People fixes on one fingle quality in their Prince J it is his popularity: for it is from this that all the virtues flow, of which they fland in need. A fingle aâ: of juftice, dif- pcnfed unexpectedly, and without oftentation, to a poor widow, to a collier, fills them with admira- tion and delight. They look upon their Prince as a God, whofe Providence is at all times, and in every place, upon the watch : and they are in the right; for a fingle interpofition of this nature, well-timed, has a tendency to keep every oppreflbr in awe, and enlivens all the oppreflied with hope. In our days, venality and pride have reared, be- tween the People and their Sovereign, a thoufand impenetrable walls of gold, of iron, and of lead. The People can no longer advance toward their Prince, but the Prince has it ftill in his power to defcend toward the People. Our Kings have been prepoflefled, on this fubjedt, with groundlefs fears and prejudices. It is fingularly remarkable, ne- verthelefs, that, among the great number of Princes of all Nations, who have fallen the vidims of dif- ferent fadlions, not a fingle one ever perilled, when employed in acls of goodnefs, walkirig about on foot, and incognito i but all of them, either riding in their coaches. RECAPITULATION. 399 coaches, or at table in the bofom of plcafure, or in their court, furrounded by their guards, and in the very centre of their power. We fee, at this hour, the Emperor and the King ofPruffia, in a carriage fimply, with one or two domeftics, and no guards, traverfing their fcattered dominions, though peopled in part with ftrangers and conquered Nations. The great men, and the mofl illuftrious Princes of Antiquity, fuch as .Sa- pio, Germanicus, Marcus Aureliiis^ travelled without any retinue, on horfeback, and frequently on foot. How many provinces of his kingdom, in an age of trouble and faftion, were thus travelled over by our great Henry IV ? A King, in his States, ought to be like the Sun over the Earth, on which there is not one fingle little plant but what receives, in it's turn, the influence of his rays. Of the knowledge of how many im- portant truths are our Kings deprived, by the pre- judices of courtiers ? What pleafures do they lofe from their fedentary mode of life ! I do not fpeak of thofe of grandeur, when they fee, on their ap- proach. Nations flocking together, in millions, along the highways ; the ramparts of cities fet on fire with the thunder of artillery, and fquadrons iflTuing out of their fea- ports, and covering the face of the Ocean with flags and flame. I believe they 40O STUDIES OF NATURE. they are weary of the pleafures of glory. But I can beheve them fenfible to thofe of humanity, of ■which they are perpetually deprived. They are for ever conftrained to be Kings, and never per- mitted to be Men. What delight might it not procure them to fpread a veil over their greatnefs^ like the Gods, and to make their appearance in the midft of a virtuous family, like Jupiter^ at the fire- fide of Philemon and Baucis ! How little would it coft them to make happy people every day of their lives 1 In many cafes, what they lavifh on a fmgle family of courtiers, would fupply the means of happinefs to a whole Province. On many occa- fions, their appearance merely, would overawe all the tyrants of the diftriâ:, and confole all the mi- ferable. They would be confidered as omnipre- fent, when they were not known as confined to a particular fpot. One confidential friend, a few hardy fervants, would be fufficient to bring within their reach all the pleafures of travelling from place to place, and to fcreen them from all the incon- veniencies of it. They have it in their power to vary the feafons as they will, without ftirring out of the kingdom, and to extend their pleafures to the utmoft extent of their authority. Inftead of inhabiting country- reiidences on the banks of the Seine, or amidft the rocks of Fontainbleau, they might have them on the STUDY XIV. 401 the fliores of the Ocean, and at the bottom of the Pyrenees. It depends altogether on themfelves, to pafs the burning heats of Summer, embofomed in the mountains of Dauphiné, and encompaffed with a horizon of fnowj the Winter in Provence, under oHve-trees and verdant oaks ; the Autumn, in the ever-green meadows, and amidft the apple orchards, of fertile Normandy. They would every day behold arriving on the fhores of France, the fea-faring men of all Nations, Britifli, Spanifh, Dutch, Italian, all exhibiting the peculiarities and the manners of their feveral countries. Our Kings have in their palaces, comedies, libraries, hot- houfes, cabinets of Natural Hiflory ; but all thefe colledions are only vain images of Men and of Nature. They polTefs no gardens more worthy of them than their kingdoms, and no libraries Co fraught with inflrudtion as their own fubjedts *. Ah! * Here, undoubtedly, the Volume ought to have clofed. It is no inconfiderable mortification to me, that my duty, as a Tranflator, permitted me not to retrench the piece of extravagance \vhich follows. In juflice to myfelf, however, I tranfmit it to the Britifh Public, with an explicit difavowalof it's fpirit, of it's ftyle, of it's fentiments, and of it's objeft. I can excufe the rapturous vanity of a Frenchman, when his Prince, or when his Republic is the theme ; I can not only excufe, but likewife commend, the effufions of a grateful heart, filled with the idea of a kingly bene- faftor ; I can excufe the felf-complacency 01 an Author contem- voL, ÎV. D d plating 402 STUDIES OF NATURE. Ah ! if it be pofllble for one fingle man to con- ftitute, on this earth, the hope of the Human Race, that Man is a King of France. He reigns over plating the probable fuccefs and influence of a good Book, his own produélion ; nay, I can make allowance for a good Catho- lic, exalting a Saint upon Earth into an Interceflbr in Heaven : But who can forbear fmiling, or rather weeping, at the airy vi- fions of a returning golden age, on the very eve of an explofion of the age of iron, clothed in every circumftance of horror ? Who but muft be kindled into indignation, at feeing genius degraded into a fervile minifter, of fulfome adulation, to the vileft of wo- men ? Who but muft deride the pretenfions fo frequently ad- vanced, by the wife and by the unwife, and as frequently expofed, to the gift of predicting future events. In Latin, the fame word, Vates^ denotes both Poet and Pro- phet ; and the two charaders are by no means incompatible. Our Author is no mean Poet, he is a firft-rate Naturalift, he is an eloquent Writer, and, what is above all, he is a good and efti- mable Man ; but events have demonftrated, that he is but a wretched Prophet, A few fnort years have fcattered his fond prognoftics " into air, thin air." He makes it one of the glo- ries of the reign of Louis XVI. that he " fupported the opprelîèd *« Americans." Whatever political fagacity might have dic- tated, or predided, at the time, refpeéling his interference in the difpute between Great-Britain and her American Colonies, the ifTue lias demonftrated, that this interference was injudicious and impolitic, as far as he v>'as perfonally concerned. The fupport which he gave to opprcjfcd America, laid an accumulated weight on opprcj/ed Yrdiwcc, and precipitated that Revolution, which, by progreffive fteps, abridged his power, annihilated his fplendor, hurled him from his throne, fubjecled his neck to the axe, and blafted STUDY XIV. 403 over his People by love, his People over the reft of Europe by manners, Europe over the reft of the Globe by power. Nothing prevents his doing good when he pleafes. It is in his power, not- withftanding the venality of employments, to humble haughty vice, and to exalt lowly virtue. It is, farther, in his power, to defcend toward his fubjedls, or to bid them rife toward him. Many Kings have repented that they had placed their confidence in treafures, in allies, in corps, and in grandees ; but no one that he had trufted in his People, and in God. Thus reigned the popular Charles V. and the St. Lonifes. Thus you ftiall one day have reigned, O Louis XVI ! You have, from your very firft advances to the throne, given laws for the re-eftablifliment of manners ; and, what was ftill more difficult, you have exhibited the example, in the midft of a French Court. You blafted the profpcifts of his Family. Here was one of the fearful re-aélions of a righteous Providence. The naufeous elogium pronounced on the charms and fenfihility of his augiiji Confort^ is fliU more intolerable. It is notorious to all Europe, that thelewdnefs, the pride, the prodigality, the am- bition, the refentments, of that bad woman, filled up the meafure of moral depravity among the higher orders in France, embroiled the two hemifpheres of the Globe in the horrors of war ; and ruined her Country, ruined her Hufband, ruined Herfelf, ruined her Pofterity. Another of the re-aélions of a righteous Pro- vidence ! H. H. D d 2. have 404 STUDIES OF NATURE. have deflroyed the remains of feudal flavery, mitigated the hardiliips endured b}?- unfortunate prifoners, as well as the feverity of civil and mi- litary puniQiments ; you have given to the inha- bitants of certain provinces the liberty of aflefling themfelves to the public impofts, remitted to the Nation the dues of your accefiion to the Crown, fecured 'to the poor feaman a part of the fruits of war, and reflored to men of letters the natural pri- vilege of reaping thofe of their labours. While, with one hand, you were affifting and relieving the wretched part of the Nation, with the other, you raifed ftatues to it's illuftrious men of ages pall, and you fupported the opprefled Americans. Certain wife men, who are about your perfon, and, what is ftill more potent than their wifdom, the charms and the fenfibility of your auguft Confort, have rendered the path of virtue eafy to yOu. O great King ! if you pro- ceed with conftancy in the rough paths of virtue, your name will one day be invoked by the mifer- able of all Nations. It will prefide over their def- tinies even during the life of their own Sovereigns. They will prefent it as a barrier to oppofe their ty- rants, and as a model to their good Kings. It will be revered from the rifing to the fetting of the Sun, like that of the Titufes^ and of the Antonimifes. When STUDY XIV. 405 When the Nations which now cover the Earth fliall be no more, your name fliall ftill live, and (hall flouriOi with a glory ever ncvv. The Majefty of ages (hail increafe it's vcnerability, and pofterity the moft remote, (hall envy us the felicity of hav- ing lived under your government. I, Sire, am nothing. I may have been the victim of public calamities, and remain ignorant of the caufes. I may have fpoken of the means of remedying them, without knowing the power and the refources of mighty Kings. But if you render us better and more happy, the Tacitufes of future times will ftudy, from you, the art of reforming and governing men in a difficult age. Other Fe- nelons will one day fpeak of France, under your reign, as of happy Egypt under that of Sefqftris, Whilft you are then receiving upon Earth, the in- variable homage of men, you will be their medi- ator with Deity, of whom you iliall have been among us, the moft lively image. Ah ! if it were po(rible that we ftiould lofe the fentiment of his exiftence from the corruption of thofe who ought to be our patterns, from the diforder of our paf- fions, from the wanderings of our own under- (landing, from the multiplied ills of humanity ; O King ! it would be ftill glorious for you to pre- ferve the love* of order in the midft of the general diforder. 4o6 STUDIES OF NATURE. diforder. Nations, abandoned to the will of law- lefs tyrants, would flock together for refuge to the foot of your throne, and would come to feek, in you, the God whom they no longer perceived in Nature. END OF THE FOURTH VOLUME. ERRATA. Page 4-, lines 6 and 7 from the bottom, for immortality and mortality read immorality and morality. 6, line 6 from the bottom, for j, read is, ■ 32, line 3, {or greater, rt^à great. .. 76, line 1 3, the / has dropped out of the word Bengal. .— 77, line 3, from the bottom, for it is, read it is not. —— ï28, line 15, for mefs, read mafs. ^ Y^l cJ!/liJOçl ri lVlUi)lOO?l y. CIOO V-IAO